Miami Gazette February 28, 1917 - January 30, 1918

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Sixty-Ninth Year

Tobacco Canvas at Hyman's. L. A Zimmerman was a vldi tor Thursday. l t stw ma fitLifll{ that I of all others , shou ld !}ay ~ pccial tribute to h ll t whoB body w~ luuay luy in its las t rt!~ tin){ place. 1"ll r years it has been my f)l'Ivileli e to mini~ter 10 Elizl1belh, a~ need luulle, und toge the r' we fought 1l'lIny a bllttle for lift! When the 1811t i11l1ess Heized her I rerninded he r of our many victories in the past, and she ex!}ressE'd the hope that again we miJ{hL win, bUL if we bilod, we would know her lime I·ad coml!. So far a~ life on earth i ~ concerned, this WIIS a losing fight, but !T.y firm beJi.-f Is that her vic tory was complete a'ld her entry int v th e be tter world was joyous lIJ1d triumpnant. Her faith was sublime, her trust absolute, her insiKht into things spiritual, marvelous She lived in God's very presence, unafraid, hopeful, kindly . happy in the knowledge that her Redeemer liveth, and because He livea; life was !liven unto her. It was my custom to step inLo her humble dwellillg on my way home· ward at nightttlme,. and the little talks wo had togclher were like a bene<iiction at the close of tI e day. ~ver was mv courage renewed. my faith s trl'ngthened, my trust made more s ure And never was ministry more richly rewarded, With all outward evidences of e.xLreme poverl\" ehe was indeed rjch - rich in the P08' &esSion of real trea~ures. Friends she had ill abundance and more than one clln testify to her beautitul char· acter ' We. who knew ber well, feel we have losl a hit hful friend, a wise counsellor. a comforter In tim~ of • trouble. . Though she could neither read liar write. she was eager to hellr the readinll of God 's word. One friend, a woman of cult.ure, who probably Willi the last to read the Sclriplures to her. realizing that thle' end might be near. selected 80me of the trio umphant pal'S8g!'s from the book of Revelation s a~ the mo.t appro priate, and it seem!' no w t hat s uch selection Willi in,pired. This fri.:md has oftlln said that these readings and Eliza beth's wonderfUl understandinp: !lnd interpre tationa were among the mO~1 powe rful spir,tual hel pg she ever ex perienced , olld we feel that he r prayers were indeed such as to be of that inc e n R~ before theThronp, which incense Is the pray'ers of saints. Mllry L . Cook .

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The basketball game Saturday Mr . and Mr3 . J . A. Funkey hl\d th eir ~ue ~ ts a t dinl (;' r Sunday night proved to be one of the fastest Mrs' S A. Stilwel l, of Col umbus: games played on the local floor this winter. The Wilmington boys did and Mr, L N Printz. not arrive until Quite late and the game started about 9 o'clock, ' The Mr and Mr~. J . E. Janney enter· local boys got on their toes to sturt tained at dinner Sund ay , Mi~H Irene with, and when the whistle blew for McClure, of pringboro. and Mr. W. the first half the Bcore stood 20 to 8 in favor' of Waynesvillll, After in· S. Drandt , of Cl)lumbus. termil8ion the Wilmlniton Ii ve started in with' hlooc:l In tfjeir eyes, Mr. alld Mrs . J. L. Hartsoc k, and it looked for a few minutea like Mr s. Cora Macy. of XenIa, and Miss t here might be a defeat as far as Ruth lI a rt ~o ck, were Su nday dinne r Waynesville was concerned , but our g uests of Mr. and Mrs . Bert Hart- boys' started to play fut ball and won the game by a good margin, sock, of Route I. toSt. The preliminary game was by the Mr and Mrs . Wilson Edwards en- youngsters, Stanley Pence'. team te rtained at dinner Sunday the fol and "Glass," Miller'e team. This lowinp: g uests: Mr and Mrs. G. W. created aireat deal of aDluse~ent Hawk e, Mr. and Mrs . E. V. Barn- for the crowd, and the game was hart, Mra . James McClure. Miss pretty .trenuous all thE' way throuih, Margare t Rusllum, of Day t un , and The youngsters went at It "hammerMr. Fred Hawke and-tonga" all the way through, and Stanley's team finally pulled the Several members of the Miami Val game out of the fire · by a very alo.. margln-I6 to 14. Carl McGlure ley Poultry Association went tu' the was referee. home of Mr and Mrs . H. H. Wads· This game was probably the last worth Sa~u rday evening, to spend an one of the !leaaon to be played on the e ve nin g with them, as they are local fioor. The boys have several mavina' to Dayton tlhis wetlek, The return games to play, before the evening was very p p.asan y spen t Muon closes. and rolfres'hmente were served at a lat'e hour. - - -...-- ••- - a~


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Dr. Dill, Osteopath 21 S. Droad way. Lebllnon, Ohio. Mrs Lina Devitt ill visiting rela· tives in Ci ncinnati. Mrs. Laura M o~ h e r is visiting with relatives in Morrow.


Mrs Mary L. Adams is the guest of friends in Wilmington. U. M. White's sale, Sat., March 3. Gordon Joy was a Cincinnati visitor Saturday and Sunday. Mi~s Margaret Russum, of Dayton, is the !tuest of relat ives here,

Tobacco Canvas at Hyman's. ' Elias Oglesbee and Frank Brad· dock were Lebanon visito rs Monday, Miss Irene McClure. of Spring· boro, is visiting with relatives here.



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Cubs s tart on t raini n g t rI p loday.-News Item.

ICoPl'l1 gh tl

If you want a good Range, our prices will suit your pocket book, d. E Earnhart:

The Five Point Local No, 24 of the Farmer's Educational and Co·opera· tive Union of America, had a Washington's Birthday party at the Five Point School House February 21, 1917. Quite a few were preeent and enjoyed 8 '6Oclal good time. A fish pond furnished by the social com- -mittee the source of much merri· At a meeting last Wednesday after- riment was f or one and all. Ice cream noon a Moth e rs ' Clu b was organized and were served and a 11;00d at the schoo l house. About thirty Bu m cake realized from the p roceeds. mOlhers were present, and lhemeet. - -ing w8senthu siastic. OAlcerselected were Mrs. Jam es Vandervoort, prea. ident; Mrs. J . E. Janney, vice.presl. dent ; MrR. W. E. O'N eall, secretary . Th e next meeting will be held Wed, nE'sday , Ma rch 7th, when it i~ hoped that every molher in the towns hi!) will be present. _ _ _. _ • _ __

ASSOCIATION ELECT OBIlUAIRY MI'8. S. L . Cartwright hM been aick but is much better at tbe esent Hen r y F., on of J .lh n and NEW OFFICERS Shutts, time. born in Vir'Ki ni a, pr

MillS Hel~n Marlatt spent the week. The Protective Bnd Detective As· end wHh Miss Edytha Macy, of near soclation met Saturday ond elected Lebanon. thei r officers for ' th e enbui ng year. Several members w re dropped on . The Famous Fairbank Scales at account of non, paYJllent of dues anti extremely low pri~e . You can Bee nine new members we re brough t them at H. E . Earnhart's. Into the association . BUl>ines!I of minor importance was transactt!d. The offir.erll elect .. d are : E. S. Mis9 Clara Hawke spent the week· end with friends iii' Leb~non and Baily, pre!iident; W. E Corn ell . vice president; P. E. ~ enric k . t r easll rer; Cincinnati. J . C Hawke, secr etnry ; Frank llrad· d ock , Albert Merritt and -Georg · Mrs. Stephen Stilwell Willi tht: Hartsock, trust es. week ·er.d guest of Mr. and Mrs, J . Mr Baily claim he will not accept A. Funkey, the presidency. hut th e m e mberd li re all anxious fur him to take the place, Mis8 Beatrice Ullum. of Le~anon, and it is thought he willia tel' accel>t, spent the week ·end with friends in as he made a fine presiding omeer for two years. Wayneavi.lle. '

Tobacco Canvas at Hyman's . A precious one from us hIlS iOne, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Chandler . A voice we loved is still. visitt'd with relatives at Trotwood A place is vacant In our home, last Sunday , That never can be filled.



See Wate rhouse f or Aulo Live ry . Harry Sherwood was in Mich , last wee k.

The J olly Ma tron amI thei r hus band s were ente r tain ed al the hOllle of Mrs. C. M . Robitze r Mond ayevening .




Anna \VIlS Octo· bet 30, J 7 and rlf'parted thi ~ life F'ebl'ua l'y J. 19 17 al the hom e of his daug hle r in Day ton. Ohio. aged 79 years, 3 months and 1 days. He ~as I~.~ar ri ~d l~ Nancy .A. Milh an III 11I(,,;,' 1hey lived happil.y to~et h e r for tifty·o ne yea rs wl1l'n IllS WI,l wus ca lled home March 31, W13. ro th('m ~\'e re born eleven children, thretl of woum ha ve pas ed to the Gr!'~ l Uryonl\' ~\ hen a y ung man he cam e t? <? 111(~ wh",· he y ent th e rest. of 1119 IIf III Wal'r ' ll Coun t y. Al th o ugl~ tl ot bC' longi'1g' to any church It t' was fI good Chriglian Ilnd wa~ loved by th "8e who knew hi m, He never compla inetl and was al\\,IlY ~ kind and pleasant to tho e around him

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"Safe in port. aye, ~a f'e l y anc hored , On that golden strand: Home at last in J esus presence A Warren ounty Wome n's Dry Ever more to stand." Fede ration will be held March 7th, I!' uneral services Wllre held at the , at 1:30 p. m. in t~e M. E , church at hom e of his "on Chas Shutt W d . Lebanon . Mrs, ~anme Drummond, nesday af lerno~r. con'd ucte:l by}{e la tat~ w~rker , wIll. be present . All R hM I' t .l ... v: OrirBDlZllllOns to whIch women belong As I have token the agency f or the ut urray , n erm e nt III .nlam) are asked to send a delegate and all "Milson" brand fertilizer, formerl y cEIlI('tery, interested ' in the movement are sold by Mr. ChBs . Frye, I wi ll be ARU OF TH AN KS urged to attend . iliad to quote prices on all brands. Lyman M. Silver •- • We wish to thank all who were so . kind a nd helpful in t1s::oititing us , at the time of our sad ber .IlV !I len.t . Salton cars eq uip ped with Savage tires g o the limit. 1 he Family, U M. Wbite's sale, Sat, March 3.



The N ~ IV Ct>n! u n ' l :Iuu 'nl t at the home of Mr:' . n;\r\ ".n Kelly. on Feb· ruary 23rd . '1'1,.. prcRiJent called the meeting to 01 del" und In memory of Wa9hingtol1's birthday we ssni "God ble&8 our nativO') land." Our president read a selection on "Tile Ideal City." The r oll was called with twenty·one ladies re8ponding with quotations from Isaiah: Aftef the rou tlne buslnesa our program consisted of beautiful musical aelections from Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Marks and the two papers for the day were I,Jrepared by Mrs. Farr and Mrs. Allen which wereJVeli \toritten and . were InstructivQ and intert'sting. During the social hour our hOlteas served refreshments. We were pleas~d to have with us a number of visitors, among who \Vere the Meil· dames Adams. Geo . Zell, W . Barnett, J. Marlatt. F. Zell, J . Chapman, Dr. Wright, Chas. ltobitzer, E . J. Ar· nold, S. A Stillwell, W P . SaUabury. 1). L. Crane and Miss Helen Hawke,

Dearest William; hcow we miss you B. H. Wadsworth and fllmilv are Since irom earth you paased away, moying today to their new home And our heart'l are achi:'g near Dayton. Aa",e think of you each day, Miss Elma Roberts. of Morrow, William Spencer Parker, son of Ohio, saw "Kentucky Belle" here Mr. and Mrs GeorKe and Elizabeth Tbursdayevenini. Parker was born near HarveYlburg, December 15, 1!l16, departed this life February 17, 1917. aged 1 inO. U . M. White's sale, Sat" March 3. 8nd 28 dSYIL. He came to be with ~ ~~ ..... them for only a IIhort while and then r--.....- ...•.- - . - - . - -.•••---.•.. ----.---.-.. - - - -.................- _..... - - : ' Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hawke, of God took him home; for he has said I . . . I In his word. suffer the little ones to Dayton, spent Sunday with Mr. and I . come unto me and forhid ,them not MI'8. J C. Hawke, . tor of such is the kingdom of Heav· en. May the going .uP of this little Wil80ff Edwards and' little daugh· _ life, be tile means of Boftenini the ter s'p ent several days with relatives hearts of father B'Ild grandfather in Dayton laat week . . tbat when Jesus knocks at the door of their hearts, they will not tell him . depart Lut open wide the door that Fore,t Graef, of the Pennsylv~nta JftUS may cleanse them and make system, at Morrow, wa, In town a Hungry Holler', 2, IIkiddoo. 17' 1they wooll. git out uv there & the cot in the eeUin room at Ant Marier's them white as anow. . ~ow hours last week. . Hon. SHall Plunkl,tt, E Q gals sed 'Illlrite & s tarted fur the house & the 01 kernel he cum in & , .kitchun & rUIl into t he 01 kernel t hot there wuzn't nobody there & he Squeedunk, Injiany , On Thursday, March 8th, Prof. S. Look at our CJal Oil Stoves, before Oeere fren Si. which wuz comin ill & nocked him eed a speech what he wuz goin to Bay You turn not away trom a friend at you buy elsewhere. They are fine your door, . I take my pen in ' hllnd to rite him down & used him pu rty rull' & to Isabelle an ax. her wood she marrle F Allen will be In Lebanon in regard you a fp.w lines to let you no thet I 1 Ant Mllrier she tol Isabelle to stay him & Maree she woke up & tol the to the fariners' Institutoll . to bl! held There's none like this Friend In onea. H, E. · Earnhar~. am well & hop thet you air the sam. the re & talk to the ke n 01& the Ker· old fool thet Kentucky Belle wuz in the county this coming year. If the land \ Say Si, me & the 01 woman we went 111'1 he axed Isabelle Wo, .-I she marrie agoin to win thet there race & lsabelle Waynesville wants an institute thiB He asks to come in to forever abide: Misses Cecilia Snook and M.ary Heed the knol'k of the nail pierced Sherwood. of Cincinnati. spent the down to Wanesville last nite to see him & Isabelle s he sed I It wuz l.\Dice wuz a~oin to marrie' the telyfone year the farmers ought to turn out a ehow what the ~ kule kIds giv fur day . & they heerd a Hl i IJI racket & fell er & he hed better say hie speech en masse and attend this meeting ~and . week· end here witb relatives. At the same time Prof, Johnson . Wllshinltton's Birthday & hit WL' Z II yap poked hiR hed in ! he door & to Ant Marier & ax her wood she Kentuckv Bell and me & the 01 wo o sed II feller had jest fell " iT the top marrle him & the Kernel sod he chief of the Agricultural Agentl' Some time, some day, our eyes shall ~upt. W, R .. Sprelgel and Principal man thot hit wuz good & hed a uv a tel yfone pole & cLl uld they wood, The next day Isabelle she depaltment will be at Lebanon, to see E,:J Arnold were in Cincinnati Sat· skrumptius time. 2 uv tl)e teech ers, bring him in th ere & Isab C'lIe sed yes fiDlllly got a a telYllram the l sed thet talk . o~er the matter of having a The tttce we loved so well; county agent for the county. Let Kome tlme.our hand shall preas In his, urday attendini a teacher's meeting. Mi88 Andrews & Miss McPherson. to bring him IIlnn~ & t hey cum a Kentucky Delle h"d wun thE! race & everybody who can go to Lebanon & the other 4 hi skule teecher~ dragin him ill & I shure thol he wuz the 01 Kernel & Ant Marier cum in & . and never Bay farewell. hed tol them kids what to do & the" d ed but he cum toc.. 1 ahelle sh sed they wuz again to git married & on this date and boost for everything HiB merry 'Iaugh no more we hear, Tobacco Canv~ at Byman's. dun hit j as good as yo~ ever seen took a grate' shine t o thet telyfone the young feller sed him &. Isabe ll e we can get. BiB voice we lOVed ie still' --....,. bunlch uv perfeshunelll do hit. feller ri le a\v ay & when the dr. tal wuz agoin t o git married & the coons a And all that Is left In this hfe tor us Is hia vrav~'on a distant hill. Wm. Wolcott and son. Chester, of They wuz a gal named Isabelle the nerse she ('ould go hvme he tol sed they wuz too & the door bell . A. E. A, Miami Con':1ty, were the week·end Douglas & she lived with her 01 made Isabell e to tak e keer IJ V him & malee r ang & the yuni' feller'~ maw a little of Mr. and ·Mra. Chas. Sat. ant which wuz ' Ant Marier & ant him behave his self & Rhe sed she sister hed c1lm to see him & he tal --.--,. Marier she wanted the gal to marrie wood & 1 day he wuz lay in on a cot Ant Marier thet he wuz rich & WUI II 01 fossel she called Kernel McMillan in the setlln room & she wuz a tryin jest a wurkln fur · the telyfOne' so as & the gal she didn't want to & they to reed a bo ok & he IIxed her what I>e ~(l\lld tell about hit in a book he O • . Cartwright was in Spring. wuz a havin a auful tim e & ant wuz she reedin & !lno sed she wuz wuz a ritin & Ant Marier sed thet Dr. Euclid B Rogers, the noted Thunday. vialUng the green Marier sed the Kernel wuz a cumin readi n about a fell el' nnmed Lord wuz all rite & she always noed he lecturer, will be at Harveysburll on In the interest of Miami see her- the gal 1 meen-& she Lockinvar thet went to a party & WUl a mity fine teller. & while the Monday evening, March 5th, and cemEltery must aay sbe.wood marrie the ~ernel stol a gal 'run otf\wit h her & they curtin wuz down tween acks, Miss give Ontl of his noted lectures. The & the gal lied she woodn't do hit & got .married . & t'fle feller he sed Canine, 1 uv ' t he ' teechers, she lecture is under the auspices of the your wa,hinw dIY. See the Ant Mal"ier ah!! sed she didn't want. fur why couldn't they do thet way. 2 thumped the pianer & Frank Car · C' vl'League Don't forge~ to at Fletcher Waeher Motor at H.' E . the gal to hev nuthin to do with a & Isabelle she sed she hed a mity' man-you remember Shorty- he tId . Earnhart's. then no. more backaches. naber gal which ·shc called Maree & fas t hoss which wuz Kentucky rattled the trap drums & hit sounded en. _ _ _ ._._.~-W. E . O'Neall IOld a porker to she wuzn't ·no good at alL & the Belle & . which wuz IIgoin to win a purty nise'. Say, I purtni fergot to C. B. Bentley' lalt week, and he WU gal sed Mlloreewuz a auful nice Ilal ·& big racE' & ef hi t won the race she tell you about sum singin they hed. Hb1pned to the J, W.. Ricbey firm at St'. Mary', Guild 'will meet with wuz auful ,mart .'<5 wuz- runnin a would marrie the tely.fone fell er & They wuz four of them there tely. Cinclrma\i. Thl, porker was one of Mrs. Harrla on Tbursday afternoon. show they wuz gitti" up & wuz a ef hit didn't she wOlld marrie the fone fellera :lUm in "'to aee the feller the lal'lfe8t' ever . .tI~ped to the Cln· The ladies will meet once a week Iloin to be a ocktress & she wood 'go kernel. They w~z a nigger llal hed what fell olf uv the top uv the pole cinnatl marketl. an weiabed 1080 durlnlr Lent to prerare a box for the & see Maree jest a9 mutch ez she bin .1oolill round all thet time & & he axed em wood they sing & th~y.· pounds. . Children's R08pita as has been their wsnted to & jest then t "e duor bell rnakin a general hOOSE!DC uv ner Belf sung My 0 d Kentucky Home & he . . hotr from Ita birth da.eloped custom for years. flUr'lll & ant Marier she sed hit wuz & her name wuz CindY & thert" wuz axed em wood they sing anothern & The undenllwnedthwlsb to exthen. d and Mr O'Neall dedded' to the Kernel & Maree & 6 other gals a coon called He nry cum to see her they sung Carry Me. Back to Old thllir thanka to e many w t • If he couldn'~ C W Adair of the Adair Furni• .cum over to show her' sum uv the & sed he hed swipild a w~ter melyun Virginny, only they eed Carry Me friends klnddneaa and many . aDd but II he • eo' • X' I d wh d ttul\tlwhat they wuzlroln to do at the & wood gl ... he r sum uv hit & he suni Back to ' Old ~entuoky . Sum uv deed, of co'!lfort an eh. ear to our mark ii, d. ture OL en a, a~ OIe.a a. show & ebe danced a lI~tle jill & tRe a B(·ng to her and then them coons. these days I'm agoln down to . Wan- beloved Friend. Mrs. .Elizabeth IGilaftreq.t4!,.,:::I~l= I:~;r!.d~~~ croud they liked hit 10 well that they got'to dancln & suoh 'hl steppin you etlville to see how they run Lhet there Wright, 4leceaeed. With rev.~, Fu It 'AIIO- mad ber do bit 811 over aain. & then never seen in all you , why I'll bet combynashun .8kule & mebbe I'll rite we think of the constant wo 0 "llll!,aln. at D.. w_~r. abe sunl' .sonll & them otber aals that coon steplltld then he ever & tell you all about bit. Well I mUlt (' cheer ancJ attenth'en"TI~~~' MaI'J' ""'" belped beralnll.'the kOJlus. dun sum did when hia ole tuk him out dos. aaser lOOn, Cook; Mrs, .




I .~ ,Kentucky Belle


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OBITUARY Mlrgaret M. . Dakln w~ born It Harveysburg, Ohio, March 2nd.lBlS• . wu married to J, E, Latchem Octo. ber 19th, 1887, and peacefully puaed away at the family home on Palm Bay, Tillman, Florida, after an ill· ness of nearlv one year, Mrs Latchem was the youngest child of Dr, and Mrs, H, E. Dakin, of Waynelvl\le, Obio, where Ihe IIpent hllr alrlhood days and until her marriage when her busband took her to a new home at Montezuma. Iowa, where tWQlyears were Rpent and then moved to Malcomb the eame etate. where the flUl1l1y reo malned until their ~moval to Florida. It W81 in February 1911 when the family came to Malbourne an4 U,ed here for about two years or until the pretty home on Palm Bay w-" complet.ld . She was a great admirer of Florida and loved her pretty' home, often reo marking that ahe knew of no mort delightful place to live. She never 8et1med happier than when sittini on the front parch, looking out over Palm Bay and the Indian River, across to the peninsula and Atla~tic eCllln, while listening to the aingmg of the many beautiful birds that made their home in the tropical trees ahrubbery near by. . Latchem with her husband ".".",nr..,. joined the Episcopal years ago. and the de-has been a faitbful membel erganization at Tillman sine. h,.,.th ...... and one .ister !lur· vive to mourn the lad loy with the' berea~ed husband and daullhter, two brothers and a Ii.ter bavini preceded this iOod wife and mother to the grave. Th~ llvinll are: Al· fred and Warren J. Dakin, of Hannibal, Missouri. Rev. W, E, Dlkln, of Clarksdale, Missi88lppi, and Mrs. G, W, Hawke, of WaynesVille, Ohio. The funeral servic88 were beld at the family borne Wednesday morn· ing, February 7th, and was largel, attended by her many near and dear friends. The aervlcea beinw can· ducted by Rev. W. H. Cr8l8On, of City Point. and Rev. g, Cary ·Elwe9, of Melbourne. Brief services were also conducted at the Melbourne cemetery where the remains were laid to rest,

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MASONIC NOTICE Regular cllmmuhication of Wav- r neavllle Lodie No, 1&3 F. & A, M., Tuesday evening, March 6. 1917. Visitors and IOjourning brethren at'B cordially Invited to be pre!Mlnt. A report from the trustees on the new ' Improvement. to be made, will be offered, and every member's presence Is desired. D. L. Crane, W. y, L. A, Zimmeaman. Sec'y.

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CARD OF THANKS Dr." P, D. Clagett and family wlah to expreee their appwclaUoD for the sympathy and kindn... showD them, by their maD1 friendaand oelKbbors In the 1088 of their IIttlle IOn and brother.

FARMERS, ATTENTION AcId 16 percent Acid



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I h ffi ,lflI' d lt fo J r tran" rer o f real e ~tu t.e r l~(.'~~~~~ ' t o u~n~l,btu d~~ddiinllt'i'\'i ' '. YI tl Cl ng OU, . 1' ~or" 10 t:)alom t ow u s blp ' II . Al ice M . • Mount an.d l O""ld J , ' Monu t ~/) Iydll Uodrtlogt o o. r ea l \l t~ e t :J:;~;'ltO J ~11~ hl'l \ I (' I '" UO lj t tL. iuSa)erut,U\VDs hll). $ t. lUi udl it t HII\I '\'-0 r,1I If'l lI 11\,r l\ ,,(\" C l y ti ' oddln jl l oD to J lln ol (lH m l~ h, " 'HIIIl ,-.,!I:' "''Id 'h ',\ II " '!t1l 1\:1\'> ti ll' h 'I ,,'p h c'lh' 1111t1 ti !1:dl~ . h v :1 l\!tppy {'I,d Uti t. It ,; ~h:\,\ b !l n 113 H t l) J' 4' 53 [Loroa t o Mul(llnl towDship, It /W" 'I! \\ ,.11 ill.' Iii ... fO'I' .. Iud I \\"11 1 .. , " l 'h 'Hh·t'. g-t)l lldld "t, oUlll!: ,1 .. h n"pl1:· ~ ney fru . l ' F Ber e Kw ft ud Ettt\ B" r oow t o ,1",1 II,,· H id.'" """'l" ,! ,.,. ,h." " \ \1 "'ru an ' )"" r 11I"""~ I" IL''Jh !"t'lol 1.. 1 SI,' 'I- t· \lII1 III~ I l£.8, ll ,,,,d. I" 'IDMlIl!oO,'I. II. ' ~r:III1 "" ' u_ \.• 1'1 ,. \\ III l\ ~\1111 l ' IHU II UIl (1 f1" f ).; .· J . GrH!t l\. m /Iu d w ife t /\ "\\'",,:,1 "'" IId,"J t. ' III'! III· """ 1 " 1I ~rl'. " Il. L'IH"'" '1 .. ,,1 I ",\ dl"!lII~~"" 1 On v 1(1 Kln Jl 30' . nllce" ' IUllf(' fp tl k tit, · 111.01,,·,. I, \I , ~I. "I ',' (", .1"111' 1 1I 11 n ~ 'Ml h 1' '''0 lhl' nl'~ll ~v lt 1""lt n', ,,01 • r, )\, Ll ~ b IP . $l ")I "I "" ~ Th. · 1'1 "'rII ,' 1",,:11 "1',11 "'" h l ... ·I'd ,ltl)!f"I!:.·I ' . 1', Hlll' l I I ·,: 11 I" Fr ll1k \\' " .' \ \'olItH Il1 l'llll tllV 0 0 an ,l w lt ll I II II Hlll~I.··I'\I'l:tl I I1I I1H ""'I""':\· tlll'I ,.!I"! ·' \\ h .\· dld tl ·r~t11ltt·II ,,\ htlqq·t"no..;1itlfl th ' l l It. 1.'11 ~,.r'.l I' ,.. 11 , \,4 ":dw u nl B III I .' u Ull ROU tH· ' M II1(l t 11,~ I ,'n I lIrl1:.."\'I'r h. !-;11I11' t: III d.·ll l'llli I Ih t' t'l dt' f (, ,,dil l"" '. tJi" • !:. H , . J I I'..... iii d r , I I t, in r;1I\u ll Pllrk , Olf 1,1111',.". ,. ' b,Inn. ~", p l'l~I'. ~11 ' r 'I,·'d I lil'·,111I rll.· " Pill ,, \W II ·" ~ 111110' 'l. ' I ' I " v .. .1 htt ::'1. Ihrj' tllt Il Unt 'o r n l o t::i8rul •• Hin k ll'

I"f'e8,testotrlve.r snnd t o l \rl n J!'nti tinu

d O ll"t1 f\c:.~ ,


" \ " t, .. I." " ,,'1,,· • dletll'l " "11 I,'t 11< kl ,, \\,'," " I ,, :" '': ''II,h, II i'!1 !. .·r .,u,1. U It hl'lll" mi' ,',,11\" '" h"p;' I" , :·,,1 thllt 1- II. ·... " r1<,d , h,' 1111:( f'"1\ 1.1'11. I ,,,1 , I.. \\II"" ytll1n l1 ,'Il;;!Ii"" 'I'. n," nl'l)! In (h,' "Ill, n l~ Io, 11'111 11, II ":lI,,,'II,, , Jr, \ ,. \\ ,\r; I .111,1 hUI'I" 'H'd t,) , lIS '\"'1 1 ·.I·~ II" ,···, t.I w. ' "·l llJI'-.< Ih., I'!l r 1 .. ,'III .. , :dd .1 "h' I- · ""'''' I'u llt"r 111 till' "Ilk,'. II.' M'l1 l fI ' ''". 1"'''''I" e ",.'!' 101- ,!,,'uld,·r. ".1'· 1 1, ·I"~\Il1 l1 1/1 ~"II Ilud II" 111':11'111;': fr/lll i rJlI ·f"f\:ln.I I " .'pl,·! III' I l· ... llIllIlIl.! I ' ... ~ I HI. dllpllnlt ...·d I nI l hp ur II th' t'. 1 \\11 .' 11'100,1 h" ll' " UII1 '" t:I II, ~ 1,,:!Cd :0 " " oft

UDe 1I0U loin t'-q\lnrtpr Int'II'I'" Ot 0\,ftecttonl No brldgc thll t \\, 11 _ CI\',' I' mnl lo could etand wllh n bl'n(t II ko thnt In the principal m mhl'r nf Its 1" 'l1I llrplleton chord, much I S SIl y,, ~t II ~I rll (,ture aa thnt whi ch w ns 10 ~p"l\ Ih e



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Saxon Six Li-very

GREEN BRIAR MO\'log 18 n ow b e t llsk Sil t b e r

~ Jl PRI CE:i~ RI(jHT)J ' fl'

~8 v e r II ID thl~ o olUllb rho oti .

Mr , nnel 1 rp . Bl'uy ::Ibn W li nd .on w 'harl s u tHI !:f u r r y, ,II' 11011 M r ~_ .lo hu Kllu w lind f" "lli ]y HIl " n l -U ntl 'l), with C ll e ~t e r Oil ,ll o re hi

Sole Agent For


Gordcn]••TI res


. I nrt 'W. M t~ . II ltl·\,/'.'" !3o r o Att. \\,111'1 v r (\~ l1l1t a t II " M 'll h ~r '~ l ' lo h ' 11'" :U j! I,, ~ I clost~dnndthcoJ1kf'.s nnd l llflstH(' h L' W .\,I- Mtl"y IO liti r " I' O rl ~' 1 1i tl x o. lI l:J nl shops onc1 ~tor(' . rt wns v(·r y ~II II In P hone \lO -;~ CuRW I ,01-110 ' 11111' tho haU nOd. tI J 'rcfn r "'.l1o lH':u·t! ~lt l;4 ' I' 11'1 1\· hl t.llk"l entf' rhlnrrl tfnctly th o thln f of the RIO f!' ll' p h'v HI'lr j dOIlI' IIl1d -=11'''1) I'X .,." ,1!."l \\11 1t 11111- Iw ll(;! It \\',I"l d I'lud 1Inlll ,II, > "it'!d M l II : ' ,Ft I'. ~I~.ll I. Ii 11<..':1" III . 'htucrold k: l ow u, bl • 1 \11' '' I' Ill. r' 1I" j ' lu !(,o r ~Ild Mr~ u in ser\' l co II>PI1 with flit ullu:-:l1n l 'rJl t' h . 1 ~ I'\ Id1 1'tI II:Hld.... ~. II I 11 HI'm ( ... 1I ' 1111 r' ,- HIlt" .. t 1~ · 1 Fndny tIlen the sounti of r Hpld flH)1:-:If' P':' 1I 1tl[1~ y " 1111~ .l ldw...,n n w u c; U<: IIi ... , \', I't :I": Itt' ;::I. ~ 1'1 11,,',1 . 1 1'~f~l\( ~~ ::''1rhh:~t tI, 1;: t It II~ ~lll IJ~I : ,':. • • Ii. t i t II ,ll'- t : \ llr"l II It fU ( "f h Itt t n ' t UU D. II \ {l k 11'. ~ I '. l< ,~j,. I' I nt' IIl1d Mr . PO ilU t h e corrl dcr (\ 8 0 f St'l!Ut,lO U(I fll l1 l1 Inl!". \\' Il~ prl1 llip t ;1111 I n ':!t I\'. II , \ \ :1 II ~I ' I ' ! I t ''' '' !'),1 (III dlr,,\.·t I }. h 'rs I I",HI1 114 rl': ' . ~lIlC ·'I'" I Il I·( '· .. rt'r ."' l:t O '~ U~O ' r l. ~ 1 Il. . . ' I 1:1 111' ''111 t1 , I" .. t tl l'un rlllS TII "Y StOPJl uA I h.'..I.o '" r(' t I I out!.' r l I Hor II r th l' \\In,III\\ ' pllt (l f \\ III t I1 I'I' <.: tll'l.I :" I I \'. ( hnill','; "'" 111 p. U III!<I" II ' u l' I' J" '11In ()" " ' utlT f :l 1tH ' r w l l·t"CJ. ' P' !t 11 '\ 11\(11 " I I' \ u U I I lil ' t! ... I , 1",.1' I '" · \\l'i1!'hl Il n til ' l) r ltl1!,',' , \ Iud 1"1\:111 w e I. ,\). I, " • 1 1.' r . I, ,r ll ',J I "Cll u·~ In ' Ie" f r".' k t ,."·n >('" -'. lit 0\11 . H oho l' t B".Ihogor · ~. t h e 8\1 Ite WIII Ch Il ore II IS Ull in ",. ]1' - W Ir I\ III ~ IlfH "Ii: t") --=- I tOn" II I b d t r Ik l tl l"·'" r •. , . , . , \ , 1 11'.11-_ l' .,1 M ...'\.,1,.." t(' Kcpvpr ~ll tl'\rtnlnpt1 l"ullcraJ Dirf'ctor hl stanly 0 Su s jl(lc te n lU (.h;o ... t ' lIgt' r tI w llrd th, ~ rn . .\ t"r U ClI I I" L! a llt ' I ' n lIu?" hlt t' r l1 u -:\.'<1 C olu n 1 11!lul.:\\orlh. UI UI r, r . J di saster. The llno r WIIS <>1',,",,01 . II", to f' I II, ' " 11",1' 1111111. ~I ' · I"I, · '''''I ,t t l,,' ~1I 1 "Telegrn ph Abbolt ut once." F I., n I, ~lt \l llr t l) L. lJ_ l:h i 1<I ~ . Il,',, ",- .-!'l·stl , und I"mlll' of C: " CWlt' ~mbalmer, S u n 1\ \1 . flce WDS cross d, u h u nd WII" 1111 ti l(' t ,l hi - h","· t " ," 1 h"1 11 III" III .. ,·.· 1\ "'<1- , "I It I t ;<.i~11 :' lI ib II,t 1,11 W"'j'u l'~ vll i t' . $l. Inn er door. He 6111111 I'"ck 1I 1"",.t ,, " " " '111. Il l' 111,1 nM k l<~ 11,,1' l",r"I'I' hI' , r t he IH hlge goes m~lIns ru n 0 '{'I" ''' I It 1[1 '111 < vll' inlt .I' II ri' 1m Waynesville. Ohio. b Ih l' ('(\ln l ,nll\' ,. snlll Ihe o (;lI l1t (·" ,.lt'e 1', 1-\. . ,·t"11 "" It!'!" L. !;I'I'I!II ' .1. A Hu nLe r 'Iud \V' fA t o O '''lrg'' p r 'lVlnll rll Jlld l.·_ 000 deud waiting UlC ~h "l·k. thl' Inw rl' l.'n" ·11 h,' r, ' I' h,' "'"111 110 " ,," ~'I""1111' pl· ~~ lll .' nl who wn s Ih e !tDlllle '11 M I "' 'U . -(IU Ilh ll I ( ', n" rllb" r t . ' .) 11010. III 1 ,' rau kl l u 11 m ~ l1l<1 n ~y ; " 1Il1 ' \l l IIlllld l 'r ~ ~ ~.,~ ~ "Fnther" exclrl1111 Pd the new~om~r. 1",, 1; lit hl tll 11'11" rlln'," I'Iloll!(h 1111,1 his I ' 11 I Id 11 I lllte.l' ~\. I lllWIl ~ hlp, ~2.4t}5, M \\") ! \ 11r u W \'''Kr o pr II " I fH tnt' ~\' We have nrrang-od wi lh an under· "You sot ~y t e ll'grnlD?" O\l'l\ n"(lrlt l ~ ;:Inll ',' rnlrl v ell \'l' h 'pc'" , leI' or Ill e rUllltlll \\' 10 COli ('n~ Y !c' '~ DI'''I' ltlID O Mr R.\y 1:1011. I ,t X,nd" l llk e r to /Cd 1It1 dU LO , Ilv wo will btl The other s il ently csbllJlt et.l tbe bl' r wll h " nn ti"", .1 "hn~n 11 L'lIul:-lwd J)ll rt.l ooed tor 11 nnlura l <')(1' 1; 'crHUon l:t: tlllli B \ ltl" I,,1 v - 1~ll w ,, (I WID. Mil rrlllfZc L1censell H llO t HY ab le 10 fut'tllsh eltilc i an auto or erumpledllllPerlnhl shnnd. lind lurn r () " " t il e IWO ~ Cl1l1rnl" (1. 1t under Ih e t errlbl e clt'cu mstHllc' ual. /Jlvuwu l.nd"hrnu nYill"bIIUIiI M r .. . NAI. ~ McKlllwpr Ro d SOil lturde draw n fUllertll. "Whnt Im vc you done'" WIIS Ih e "-1111 11\11 wllo r 'CO"CI' d II r "Yes, but If It gops wllh tho me n on . ,lruu)um l ~@. Al vtl .u d d tngt o n, of BlllDabeiller l ~ hll rlo ' w ~ re It, L ob 'ln o n l'tl l! 'I ~v . Uoth ~hull\lS in om 't' Elml Residence, ''It's II Ilolldny, d on 't you l;nnw? I )lol ~., <lu it'I't' r. It IIlCl1us-;;JullDSOn, ureyon a tel cgrnph . Probale Court "nel Alm~ Rh ea L J wry, u f \Vuy L Oll I.{ di ll tarl(:I!.No. toJ; Il o me ph o ne M r. I\ud M r~.- Borbf1r' Mllr '1lItb only got It tl tew moments ngo". Tlto "\\' IInt w.' re yllu slI y lng ul)t\1I1 our op.. rotor? .. I nellvlll<' , k~r . ~PO\l Ron<1 llv willi AtllS ~\'bl '.nlrtl r e brl llg' ?" brla~ ,,,IINI I ('lInll' Intn t he r1)0 11l1" ,'y . : si r , . . Tn t,b m .lI.'r u C tlla e 8111t e (\ 1 Arthur N . lil'Ol\tob o u ell nud ~ury !lnd r 0111y "Slf U stonds," All ' Ill ·Ctm . II nll M "l1dl! fully unll <'r~ tor)d Tnk e the k <,y, sl1lt1 th e col nn cl. TOVlll "(' d Ln n~, tl I'OI' HS()(J. J{ n~ !tIn ,VlIlle. or Lytle M I' ~ Vo rn Mc K eeve r s p e nt ~lIt , "Hut for hOlv long?" OI C HIl~II 1 hut IJt1ml ~llIkllble m"lIn~18 who. hllylng b een n soldier. th ollght , .1. n,h- II\ 'POIl, tI'( ",) 11 Illib ' r n to r. ! .I u hn Wllh" rt lo'nlmnr, of R\lll~. "I cnn't sny, Tile Mnrtl el's r esident In t h" rll'lln nil II--;'Il I' I rl l l ~('. Ind c'I- "l firM or tho m en. Bonli lh'l' •• IrJ. L ., .... " r, J W I \l u "" d 0 0 101 .. Mlule I!'IiD l! pa oll of Drrlo. .· evellilll( WI til hur 81~t r Mr ~ . 'til-I I-I e 'lth. engIneer Is mnd. 1 b 'ggcd. tltreul ened , W II" Iy l n~ dow n th is nrtl'rn un n. hilt ,Tohn (I ll snt Ilo \\' n at th tnhl e wlwre , ll lLt'l "nu l'll'r' _\" "' ~ II l')lul!l t UU I ~'r~;II"It) , ' M oO. N l:IuUlll t'1 0 ' p 81\ ]0 wns "",)1 I . I _I J d H I ImJllI,red 1 tri ed to get h im to s to p wh"I) 1 I\ wlllt l' n"ll n\ ~' 11111111 Illitl 1110 til e dlrecl w ir e run frllll1 t it · IJrl li t:'r' I ~ \I [l r l!l ' U ~ • t tl t I <1 1 m (\ Jl'l .. . . I t'1l 1111lll n • • uoes an e en ,tt " ,"1C'tll s · t ~· l llhy. \\ (lI'I,. to t.uke tlJe men 011' tho bridge. II 1"' 11 t )' IJllr url{ellt ('ull s for fillher." cOntpruIY 0 10 I~ <'l': r.lI' I IJ (' . I 1\ tit .. I)I"!I~" u t' Ii,.. ". 11/1 " (II Hll r rlij. o f \VIIYD e~v llle. to withdraw the trnvel'r. bu t he \\,on't 8 10 1' 1'1111 .. II. 1'I'llllzlllj! Ihlll ROllie lruuhl e rl!lIchl'd his 1'111111 ou t nn,1 " " 111 < , \\' 111".1 11 .-, I '·,.. " . ' l ·,,·,- e.. 1,, II t u \v r Oa 1 LJ ~ , Wb lt ," ~ ~ "I e 8nt . • !'.l ll rch :l . f' ullaal Ul t't!~tor" do It. 'Snld you dcslgn ed It, you kn il li'. 11I'I' \I ·tHI ,·ll IIlId s l'eldn!! to h l'lft her fin ger s 01\ Ilt u 1, 1'),. II I'fll1' he rllll l, 1 v, Ill .. ", "., I ' I" , ," "'o- ut ti lll!. M 1I ~~( I ' BI ~rt. ~ L bY /)[\, UO( -~---I ,,'us oDly 0 cub" lo\' l'r Ill' gi ving him Unll' "I kn llw \ gll' c (b r. falm e,st pl'e~sul'c 10 Ilw III ,','lI' \ f • I~ ., III Il I', 0 6 nn o n Wa yneS VIlle Ohio "ButtheCtlmb~r'1" 801l1lClhhl"" IlI nst b e w ron'" SI' T CIl Il1 (; nll' lI t, It " 1II I,I"l\ ly .cll clwll or II, , . \1\ 11 ' (!·'"'t"l , ! I, t"pp"I~:mt.! n 1 COlllmis~ioIlCr'S Procecdln£s ~ . ,..,. . ~ 1 I ' ',t" olJ ) ( _. , '. I HI: .'l\lt·t 1,., r,, \ WD "Be soJd. Til jock It Inlo line ngaln.' h.' ri'. 1 rlldn't pSI,ect lo " t'tI you . (II. mll ll,,". ]'-\'l'I'y ll"dy 111 110 1'1l"1J 1 . [<"., UII I 1\, ,I ), , : I' In ll'l ! II III un"" & 1'0,._!lopplltlr4 fo r Like every other ellgl ucer who sees a wh ut Is It?" s h e brok e 01'1'. " IIiIol pnl:O' 1 ""111, I:: •, 1 I q (' ,'\l r l A~(\ II "gru pher :5 . uO; l:itll r, UII _ - 1: 11' 11 1: 11big tbJng before hi m It looks to him os r cullzln" from Ul e mpu tu l Rlrn ln In her ,· It IR a m cs~II!o~ from \\' lId "n;;~. :h l'. '" ' ", ,.• " ,. I - , . ' " ~\I " ' . ' e rl t ~\I) pi . $42.;-;' 1 V"II y Toto,. I " . r f "l" l l·nIL C ·~UI I" , t. . , ,. If It would Inst t ore l'er. I tri ed to get ' lover's fnce. whleh Ih e ~ u,lden s lllht of chi !.'! of o ll ~ tru c tl,," nr"l1lJlIl ". I : .', IIU" '''' ·u . r p ul ~ $:j'i' -1 5 : L,,, ,,,IR Iir o A Alli n t: lIulpmclIl ),OD on the t 1 p hon e here Dod nt tlle l her hnd cnu'! d I,lrn to concelll for a J olinson pn wed III11 U l llenl.ll ~ III1 II1~I" E lid, '1;\1 .' l>;lp r, de' 'I~e'l. & I :Cl" lim o CI' tl1I1llt fr61 !# llt tltl n lil)n'C~ U ra'~ n blu ipment houae lnst night Ilnd tull d . I wired mOID ~nt, thn t 8C)methlng I<'rrlhl y serl- ti l rnpld c1Iclt-"f1 .e In l,' rtu!LI',lInl-" 1+ 1101 , (lgl·U II I I' t· ItrtlY,lg,\ $ 11".07; In r . tid I dr t Itl l nl-t, M .. . t b ill! un l\ lIrtlllll ~h ~ HO I'r y )'Ou. Then I jumped on th e wldDlght oa lllld ItUPlloncd, noll s h o turned a Ii 511hl lu nn Il l\' 's ll'uek wl)I~.iI . toJ 'It Jl'..n ,'; \' !]. ('l'nne, !\1'(,OH8 ,6 1- ; J . K. P I\Oef. brhlg 10111 h"1 1!:(1 , rd , U ' 1110 I t,u o . VISICIlII rul expreu ond-" IIttlo pnle JlerSlllt 11 8 sh e nslleel the It lint! ~ome I .,d. .If r' b 11l".H 'mt tlf IIUU1IIlt. trlitu 251.;,0; !:I' lfry H,l blll!lOU. t e rtlUz , r (\1' ." bll r (l III ( 'I'nl1r~ clIlV . L'ELEI'HON Il • DAY OR NIGHT "Wbatis to b e done?" asked the old qu sUen. not drel)U1lng ",hnt the 11", "ll eud It, m~n I nend It: te\r Ood's li lt,Q. luI' ' o ur II , os yr\.rd $'&, 50 ' 1'11(1 s lo k ti l' I.b " Elli ot l, l-! " rdw"r.mon. ewer woullll,le. snl;c' !" c rl dIlle 'hi C engl n cer, JIi: t!l l ll o r J\Utll> ~I . ' " u l1~()r . d e o\l n ... wi ll "" " ,Id ft , b.ukrtl\)'(\\ Meade, Br.. was tlJnnktul thnt tho "Helon." sn ld tlJe ;voung mnu . slep"'fh bridge Is 10 the rive!'," f nlterell oe.lbod F lu " (l ~ {1t. ti t oPl'rovtU, I ,.0\ .. Oil M" r It 11. "I~n .. 1Iw,IiI ' )'ounger muo hud not sold. ''I told you I ping toword her nud lukln s her hl/Od~ Jobn ~o n sloITI.v. w orr! Ill' \l'orrl. trnns, ail u wer1 uu, l (· lm e tl. II U! h Illt""1 ~ III I h . II " t u f t \,' II lie , I 10," as well he might. BDt renlly his ugnln, "we're In awflll troubl e," lilting the fearrlll IIW8 ~n !;e on tile w ire. Wlilin lJl J) ( 'Il f win u u11 li'l'e ti ~ .,t,I,I ,\! ' rfoo. Ot tf l lr- I' futher's condltlon was so pItiful "If It Is uny trouble I cnu ~hnre. "Allhott lIud olle hundre l) unll I1 r ty I11CI1 Btllrtsoo k . 'ldIU I O I~1 rll tll ll'. v~ JO!<!t!, .I .. ·~ 1-:I(1" llil II lIl ,Vl l jl Ul " '" I \Cl IO Barbed Wire 'Ibe 8trUOl!e~t r"C \,mUllllldatlllD the son hlld Dot tlJe henrt. 1,3ert," sold Ule girl. flu shIng nt hllll 'l\ with It," phine lJ "" hlL~ e \ l. Ur der grl\.n\l!d I1Y II rUole mtty reoel ve Ie JI. f,W(lr, Il f I\llli pr u >J ny lu , t I'It\lr~''Telegraph the Mllrtlet Bridge com- I 10 k whlcb set Ills pulses, boundlng-n t , 0 @I' ll r elll " .thle. <Ible word fr o m abe 0 8B r, It Is tbe paDY at oDce," he aoswered. I lvnst she was to be depeudctl OllCHAPTER VI. F rt\[\" M. f 'ox, admlDI lrato r, Y" re o'JllItntlnd<ltlon~ of \bolle wbo havo f 'III ey GrillI is wlriu l! t b el M, E_ eUA H:ll\1'F:F.D In 1" '1\1 wilhont le nv. "What I!hall we 8IIy1" asked tlJe old , "YOII know YOII eRn count on me." Fr!\DIi 11 . Yux et Ill. ~l\le oonfirm e Cl u sed It ,lllllt lJlak~8 Ch .. mb" rlllill·~ e ltu , l'll f ll r e l .. olrl o lI~hll , ill ~ 1\ I.JIC'IIJIPh, or 1IIn:s'EY HE:FUNDJ-:D. mnn, uncertnloly. "I know I cun," be exclnllD ctl gmt&The Failure. 1I0d ll eed li nd tllstr l b ntl o n Hrdored, l ;o l1 l( b Rf'ul tldv RO popul"r Mr~ . :-; p\' e rl\l r r<1 111 ha r t! Pt,tenll'd t ue 5(10 tll1d !!' 1.00 Biz 5 iur fre<! h wound"" The YOUDg man lihot 8 qulck tully, In spIte of hi mself Gild his con 6tl l?n ce In r e' es lul e o r ~ .. r n b B fl UIDS do AUJII ll d. Git rtl Hrt WKYll e~ fleld,()hi " fIJ . "k 'rl, I a l 1!;l h,>u ' ~('h o " l b Oil , 01 (1 ~ tlf('.· , Hor e b ncks nll, 1 ~hl)uld oreJ~[1 rna him, that qDestlOn evidenced the vio- l "_'ow t ell 1111'." In Ih., ul'ldge. Ahbott f'lt II Iltll- IIn- oell~ecl . TI,, ~ fIIUtiH CtHI1\1 (I n to b~ wrlt ~ ~, "U b.mborl Iln ' ~ Cnujtb R" lll F - ,I\II Y DiMllt auti bnlls l·s . :!' 6i 7.0 fur Ftlmily us , lence of the shock. Bls fatlJer WO!! "Tllo IU l<!rllutlonll1 hrlclgc Is "hou t to eJl ~y Ihe o ext mornIng, At IJott,)nt he I hUllnl ) 11 V' I I ~ ,JI1 11r A,lvlln I"- RII UI, ~ dv hflK "~elJ \l- ed In my fHwlly \) f)' COX'S PAINU:SS BUSTER I I I " f D lIy ~ 'lIl . VI ~ i tH I1 is im. n ,[I I lI r'lII l' ''' tll p~H "nIl "~l lI flIn t cd to cure old, broken. helplese, ·dependent, at fnll." 1111<1 1II0l'C rQ~ II\" '1 iur MI'lulc's le,:h- 1 It", T lt r!'. ' I'" ( '0 I t \V1l~ rlf".'tded <luti OLl ur twentv :VElar" ,,"d it 1\1,. III. ,' ~ , o r ~I I i; FnD DY M"r.llllll b " co ' l"I\' ill , li \l~b(lIlI',Ull rb , , 'w~'"Y Splint. last. • , • 'l'h l) color enme to h l!1' tnre ngilin. 111(:111 1: l\owl vd~:1' thnn he Im'l d l splll~" ll bP.l t lbe p ut' IInUt' r " :,,. n ot- 8 011 ,l ed p"vllr f"i1ed'o cn~e ' 8 onngh oroold." IIl ~t :4 n ndllY ' l'n f(~ , o r !)ny l' nlaflH' "I ~ nt 0 1 ~one or "Olve me the blnDk," he anslVcred, Wns Ihut 11111 rutil e Into hpr mImI. IIr f' H'1I ntl rnl lt "ll 1'1 1I!t".elf. '1'h l' t o r tli le f III ,', 1 1.•1'. Ubt."IDlSble ev ' ry wberll. Alll ltCl nv H In '' gha n d ulive r eLi bill WlllICll' , r III"11l'Y norll l\u l'd , J>rlce6Oc. 'Til wlre 'lo Jour name." Thnt \l'n~ se rl olls (!1lOugh. of eOllr~tl, ytl\lll !!<'r ell~ln". ·,.·" Il'1'r lO cel ,,!ttl·o\. h l~ I£il t n te l r orl' l ". ' r " 8loy. de- -- _0 _ ••- - - t o b M' OO Ililt, 'I\Ioe k , _ _ fOR SAI.E B't au t>RUQ~I.~ He repented the telegram that he bnt It wOlIlll n ot tIIllll e!' In th e long ul tl? r (OI'g iiul'lles q .,r lite nml:!nlll ,'s IJI' - , oe .. "ed . Fill,:! CI; UI1,H filed , I-'--"--'----~---=---- had sent to his fllther and added these run . H elen rNllIz"fl lite l1\\'full!r:iI'IIY, tw een (h em. III!! frn ntlc hut fuUle dt' holl. E rlmuns o n, who brill b e~o , words oe be signed the old mIlD's th e tl'rrlbl e se rl ou ~ nr~~. of lh e s ltun· t orts to telcpll(ln e, of \\'111 ('h tlte all' 1111 the 111 " I«' r t l·be tl 8~ftt e of Ilv l n l{ 00 ~b6 Mo rrl .. }o'l1 rm, u ort h of Oh, Mrs. Snooks I to It: tl o u of c tIl's e. Th e "rIdge tII l'HUI tIIer'h ern tor lold Abh(l tt Itl lI,e mornlnS'. h is ~ltco .\l . KI DI1· r, d t:c:u ,,~ d , Frook ' wn. w , II wO ' 6 u8S r 011 bu r .l ne,," . .,"Listen to Lhls, HlltIlda," so ld ?Iii-, Tu ~ .d~y. Put no more 108.4 on the bridge. Wlth- I h ' r ('''co Ie In Qu it ' n dln'<'I'Cll1 wny. hurried depurture tl) Ne\~ York, were, U. KIrI~ .. r 8p l" IIlI.'lI ucl mlDlstra.tor ,~---------drAW men and tra,veler, It waS lh oro h e lIud s U" cd Iwr fr IIIlhe tn soy tlJe I o s:t, l'omewllUt dlsquletln /!. B ODll $:i.lIOO. II . n r y .11lh nsoD.~ra.nk Soooke, 88 he nnfolded his s cIentific Itoy Wbl&Rore and wU e. of D~y- ." Fl'Om "",:;;e "I can't understaod wby we don't Il\\'ful t nll. It was t he re thot It hn ll milch more so thnn lui was, tuln to ad, ~c"OI z" r " nd H , A \Ju liD apPoloteu puper. "TIIIs article stnles thnt In too . vlelled bh fa.tber J tt, Whltsome of tbe old R dman prisons thllt bear." said the YOUDg, englDeer two told ller thn t h e 10vc<1 h r. Th e hrillge mit to himself. a PIJf'l i ti n •. boW'8 later, wnlklDg up Dnd down U,O might f nll, but It wn s as to rfln l us 11 r Although It Invol ved n 11nrrl nnel I n tbn mllttrr It !JII' g ltll r o !tlo!hlp !llIve b u unco rthed they fo nnd. tho ~ore !lDd family ber e IuD Bonday. Mra, Cbat. Brelatord and nle08 .room In his agitation, "Two telegrams nfl" Uon In h r nlCmory. 'l ' h Ir "n, som wllnt llnnger ous cll11lb (!ownwurl (I f N ioh ull1 H M. \.' lIr<1 )' o~ Iii , UJ ln o r . [lot.rlfl d r emnlns of the pri soner s," "Cruel u, Jnlll ~!" exclaimed. Mrs. Min Dorothy Sarnells vi ,1"8d rellland nOI\" we clln't get o .t elephone CODntld took Ilpwflrlls of II IlnU )l OIlr of hi s to Fiction McCall's ia Suprt:me," Sn ook~ . with n smile; "them's whnt . ,l,Vlleto Daytou 11108' Tbnrsday. nectloo. or nt leas t nny onswer at~llr vnlt10blC tim e, Ihe firs t thing tile crect- _~~_!,_ ~~~~~"-",!,~~~_~_,!,!,~~~~~,!!_'!!.~~ thp~· n ll ell hurd Dcd criminals, I exwrite. a New York lIublCl'iber. our relHlnted ca llS'. " Ing e tl /!In ',' r e1 lel In tile morlllng wns to pect." McCALL'S helps ''It's a holldny there liS well ns here." go !lOlI'll to tI, o pier h e nd ood tlInko 8 ovo r 1, 200 .000 IInld tbe older man. "There Is 00 one thorough lint! cn r p,ful ('xnt1llllntl on or .Atmolt· nll~rs~I (l n liS ro Hi lt ~" _..... ~ w omen d tC'ss in Coriander Seeds. In the office nt Mnrtlet." th e bllckle(l member. C-IO-n WH R. of of lhe bl·la;.:" hl,, 1 /: ,'0'1" II rO Il /:~r. Lln Corlnndor 8ed8. which ure twice meD- sty le a l small eX' .. p nsc. I\. r ecOIi:"rll try the telephone oguin, Som~ cnur~l', n pnrt of tho grent lowr r rhOI'd In~ It 011 1. r 1'"", lIm: t"-('I' It. r. " IIn;( 11 >1 Awful Possibility. tloned In the Dible, are the seedlike ni~oJ F a ti h ion of the hll l!e lll luni nd-~JlIlllt'll [I'US', r jg iellll'. I", til' " 1" ,1 Ih:ll , hl',(' \'1 tl (lilt " Hr l':1 I. ' II/: tirllllgh t th e re t ell n tor, fru its of COrlnndrum 8n t10UI1l . uo dOllbt. oDe wny come Ln ut nny tlUI!!." AuthorilY for 4S Be snt <1owo nt the d e I" nnd after which. with Itlt pnrnll I Risl y rec t owny i 1,.lIln H 1\1 ' 1'" til ilt. I'x ""rt! ,I. Of course I r('nt of rnln. nut! II cOlllltry gentl etuuo nnt! v to souther n Europe unll probya",s. five mlolltcs ot tel'erlsh olltl excI ted on the other s ide o( Ih e b"l rlgo nnll It s I th i:' 1 1I('!11 ~.~ ihat 1I(ll d : hr' \\'~"" IC';:Ctlt I' I CJhSCf\"'d 10 ' II' J ot n Hnmilton: "1'hI8 nbl y cscnlle{1 from gardens tlud run M c CALL PATwultlng he finally did get tho olllce or' tl\"O ol1lll)· ltos nc ro~!'I th e rl ve' r. HUP I or l- ",,,,,Ill 11:"" , 0 I lI k\' 111' U "I·,Ui,· II'C~. ! Is II 1I 1t1~ l (h' llg htfu l rulo: I IHlve It will wil LI In EgYI)t, P c rall1 _nnd In,1I 0. Tho l' ERNS lea d ill the IIIdl·tl e t Brl(lge comp ony. By a ed the whole t l'll ·tllI' . If on:\'t hln ;.: T "'!J' h" rI hl"'11 d '''~~t''' 11 fnt· Ihot )111r- t 11I'11I!! "11 Y "'yth ln~ out of tb grountl." u se of tile set>\l s In (his couutry hilS 5. y le, fit, s itnplichnppy - fortune It IIPPc lLred lhnt s omewe re II' fl)1I g. SI'rI ()t1Rly, Ir" rp:n'lIlJly 1101','. L ",:;, 1,1' 1" "'1'U~' hn dil l unt lind "lI y .1m' '. ~"' I " nld Sir J oh n. "J lIope bOt' t) n~ltrly 6lJun doned 10 fnl' or of tbe tty, c ", n Cl t'l1}' dnll Il\I mh r .old : one hnppened to COUlO loto tile oruce wron g. willi Ih e tIl l!lub'r nnrl It gll l'~ 1111:o'.!I'111; v, r~' 1,"),1I·111;:. :mLl "t'C" tI ~~ he , nflt: fol' I 1111 \'0 burled tlJr~e II'I\'e$."- ncnrly,re latad cot·awn)'. Mc:CALL'S .. t o 11 3 pal!p' a m onth1 y - 1e the ju tat thllt Dloment. WDY: the "'''Ol? tt'l\SS "'? tlld g(1. 'J'IIl: "" UI"11 to II .11 .\'(' \\'II,I! Il\' hl'lIe\' '(1. t h.:' LI) nO lll1 TIL-H its. . Fn.",h loH GuilJe QI11.1 H outllc kre"lne li e l" c r of OUter trllss. ',<)ulll In c\ltn bly f 110\\ , t hl"" \If c'n u- f I'lltl Ion Icfl JI lt! I' '1' h '"d _'_~:-_ _ __ ' ''This Is M ead'," b CJ;no ' We young m ore wornen. \ h uu Any other m."I:IIIl.nUtL.1bc mon, "the cOlls ull.lng_ engiDet'r or sult, nnll tbo ('II 'ltllev ~ 1" II'lI u l(J ItIl t1wd l- 11t1,1 (·!-t :nhr l·",l 11 11 t " II,,! fltll )r wil li wo r ld. All th 1!1 b ·'t . ' y l u eve ry m UII,h; .';lhu) d,..H.rh t(ul 'st orf eH; .,r ",cl n1 th!rHl rtn" nt!l --~Io~t~emutlonal Urldl;(!. " , II, at t o!naI e l.\' CoIIIlI1Re. Ahllol t 1·,'ull1.PtI lI ,nl, 11\0']<" di,fnl'lh' lI 11\ I'I~ 11" " 1'1 "'.In hl A I In c.ookh~, h o m e d r u" fll ol1dn~ , (",nc.y " 4,'T k. Worse Than Friend Supposed. nn d ..... a y !! t o t l "hllm IiOIII'lt'WM k And ' Bve tlJlrty this 11I0rnll1g J ~Cllt n t ' lcgl'lI1l1 ' of cOIII'He, 11'1 hI' clll" hpli I·ure·fllll.,' "".",,' 1,.,1 ~II' pr' IJ': 11111[,-'1,:1110" I \\ II IOl'" (wt'cl,lng )-"Ycs. pl)lI r Toto m on e)'. P ri ce' only Sc n COllY,.';()C " y ea. r. to Col on 01 Illln l'worLh nn t! on Itollr <lo\\'::! t'o th e pi e \' h 'li d 1I1I c1 s tot'd IJlI lit\' ,, !tjel, I II I ",, ' II 1111, "',- p""'n 1I111 k r , mCI wil li n hor r lh le d l.'uUI. n full SENO roUR tOe r-ft noy,W",k U""k later I seot onotber. Whnt' s tltut? shoe, fh .... f ~r 'ro,k'li 1""',j.-Ic l1ce. CENT S IN ",·ith39l-: mIJ rolclf"ryl..e .. on. And i l'''111 til" t1f r h -~ t ol'Y window aUlI w/)s STAftW5 32-p.uo McC. 1I Pall • • n B".k Both tcl egrams nro o u th o des k? GIve Abbott. n~ hc too,1 Ity th o nlcm hor IH, .l I, d I 01 1 I.. , ~1"·'1 . I F lllI e r Ea(nlta r l. : . . .• .. , . . _Mar, I In ~l' lIl tly kill ed." F rl cntl (RYll1 ll1llhl1.- & .".",. 41.1 11\FOR 'f !I ll. lI , ".l"3 ' I..... hl ' n .... ,,'lOln>i' • •·I.I .... me YEior nllme--Johll on-)' ou're one nnd 811r,,(~ycd' It tl".flug hullt II ~ Il'nJ.:l h . Th.· II Iii ,til' ,. '.ill t 1,l"wlllg f .. r 1he U. M. \ hilt! . . . " , . , , . , . March J lu gl) )- "1" '0 1'. Ilpflr! I It Ilv~ ~lbl It Hill" I ,... nlt t i liO I'd,- " ",, ' '" I h ,,...11,, " Ilt! t: •• I" ll ... I. ,'Jd,. I I)"rt III . of the clerks there? W ell . t elephone could en~lly eee (hilt It l llld l",r ld l'll. ,11- ( ' 11 '" lIlI """"" ilL "r ,. (I ) I, \11,,,11 I", go t J. C Carroll, ...•.••. , • .. ", Mar. 13 \\'!li:-< ns lind ti S tbnt ? Wh)'. I unti erTIlE M, CHL CO .• 2.ISW. 37,h S:.. II.wY. ,kCit~.N . Y. ColoDel lllluJ:worth nt hIs home-tbou gll the de"luli on wns s li ght, nlll)tl t lJltI: I, hi Iu' 1'1'11_.' n"OI·. l it' cnll l, l not s tl'< lll thn t bo only fe ll fr om n th ird, aCJNTJi, (J) C LUO· " AIS [IU \'fA)!110 'tV"".. "'~ t~ . . ."f'f1l:0 whntl Be Isn' t ot hom e ? Is the vice two Inch es lit Its mnxlmum In slxty hu t I·r fl ..,' !. II" I;'" .. ,"II I" 1I1l! " wul'ml ll:; st OI':O' wlullow."-St, Louis I'os t-Ols' -_ _ _ _ _-"-' II , , • ", ," I'l.! president thcre--the superlolcl1dent.teet. He brought wllh him n line nnel. ' nl l)lI!! Ihl' Ir ""',~ tn h (')!ln Ih,' lr UIIY'S A~ 111m gOlDg t o 8e1lllil my {lOuse- pnt ch. anybody? How fllr RI\'IIy ur~ they? wIth Inllnlte I'nre aud pnllis. he drew I \\'o rl;. t hat t ll o 1''''~lJlll\ ' " , lI lty f .. r their bo ltl g oods , I wll\ oft'lIr n\ Poblio '!IJ4U ~~ Twenty mllesl ',rhcr e's nu tt'leplione? It tout ncross the sli ght con ca vity like 1I 1'l's 111.1' \\'Ilh 111, 1. \\" .11. Ahhott "'liS Allct,I"" lO t my resldsooe 00 Mlnn Now, listen, J OhIlSOD, this Is whnt you Into the Room IlIln ton n bDw-strlog. Ere hll<1 estlmntNI the , It h i/: 1111111 III hl ~ wn;r, he I,a d nRS1111leil . t r e" t" or. ritust do. Get n cnr. th e stl'OlIJ,(!st nud Burst Colon.el cnmber, or lite dl stlillce hN"l'eTl tho r.f'",,,"n,iI,lIlil.,~ h,.'·"'·p nllt! waR P" ,'Salurday, March 3, 1917 fnstest you can r ent and the boldest gnrcol11 e nt, or 1" ~l r 1I111rt'lflIo(C, 1"1(1 been . center of the bow nud th e 511-1111;. lit , f e" Ii), w ill IIll! III rill '() Dl-'a lt1, hOl h f or B" gillu lol( ut I~ o'cl()Q1r 'Sb cHP ~be' chnuffeur, lind n couple of men 011 mnd e d Cllelldclit UI'IIII Ih e sile ·C. ~ rul one ood 0 bnlr In ches. As li e mncle 1 111"11 :llIti hi i "~I'. 'fI ,l' \lorl,tII n nt 1" ll n wto r,;: t:l o tl-fl hold G !1 "d~ 00\1 bot'!les too, aod s end u)l to thnt plnco compl e tlon of Ih t! 1', hl gt!. 'Vllnt of I more cnreful I11l'a~lIrcllll'l1ls, he ,lI ~cov- I n~1 1"" 1 11(, , 1I ~ \llrI O n s 01' p remonitions sts llng of Fu rul t ure, I::lto ye~, Rog~, wberel'er tiley lire, nod tcll (Jolonel Ih nt'/ Tho proYi ~o III ·a nt n" Lhlllg .to ered thnt It 1I'1lS . lIghlly ovcr nnl' I1 n.1 of d l~:t . I,' r. DI~h oA, elo .. ~Hrd .. n 1'001-, Hnro est! IllIDgworth timt h e must tell' phone me he r when she 10ol, cl] III th (' whll e-fnc cll l threc-quarter In ·hcs. 1D ~I!YI' n IIl1n\l' il e h lll ;:~. 1111' "hl"r ''1-,.efln r;( fo .. c- .. n(1 mallY o tll r uMsrul uftlol e~. nnd come to hl s ofll el! LIt oncc. Thcre uA'''" 17.e d mall t o ",11"111 ' 11 0 lin d ,,1\ '\1 dtecl ntld twcnly that wns scarcl' ly no- JJl II II. IlI".1\' "li" "1 Ihl ' l'lIl1l lw r. It IlIIe! 'l'(l I' U18Dl ~d ok llo\V n on dllV of &"Ie. nrc telegrnm8 th l' ro Ihll t DI ~n n life or h ' rs 'If. , ttc(!llhte, lind It dill not s e N II vcry tH" II"lh"" I'1 1 II "" . .\ - I,,· 1I I, prll!l Cll ed , U M. W'B1TE denth oDd the sur Iy of tll O hrld ge, "It Is "'rri"I\', or COIIl'HI?," ~II e "H lel much to Ahhot t. As III! "t noll (hp!'l! Ih,' t • .. ':.\ , h:" . ... " .... li ll !!'. . ( ', T . H{lw ke, Allo •. YOu UDdcrs tnnd? Go()d. n(' suys h O'lI ql1 l"II~·. "Lilli ~~u C'II" 01" "'Hhll1!!?" f eeling hllnsl'l,r 1111 11I ~' ~ nl.l~cn n t ~gl1f<} ~·Y ".I ·rl' (1111 '.11'0,. Ilr. Ahhllt t," sllln l \ . b . () ' N " HiI, Gl p rk . do It, futller, 'Ve 'ye d un\' 1111 \I' ll "Ir I 1:"11 111, .1 0 ~" '\I Ihhll; I'll I"l Ihe ' n lDlll thi s "rlilt lul e r\\I'\( II II l11 ~" oe ,I' li c Il'II~-. cnn." be adtlcd. Dc ])UlI g up the t~ brl u~o , UIHJ ~' IJ l1 , ~c) \ \ illlllllt - " I steel. flgnln th !" ~~ n s (' (I f Its s tr f' n ~t h " ' . l" ' t' l"'!1 11.\ 11 to xnpHnc - - -ceJver. 8J)rong to Ill s f eel. lool,pd nt 'Till riCil 10(,,1 11 ),( I>lUI Ih,' hrl"!!,· ... wus noll stnhlll !.1· (',"nc I<j hi li' 0\' 1' 1" ,Il' ('rl n£:- C H'!.... Th e' H,ll1 n] v f Eduont.iun u f Wavrll hl8 watch. "It's so Importnnl tllllt I'll h r qull'l; 1'l1d rl.'cl ~ I\·1' InI CI'r UIIII ,no I I)', so nJudl ~n th il t III' I nll ;: h ~t1 " '01,,1 ':il' " i'l.:" ' I i ;"·I\. 'I'Il W " ~ U'{l Hu rtt l 0 1i ,")1 I h ~ l. rlct w t ll &0 ~own tlJere myself. ] ClI O enii'l l Iho T Il 'Y IIII (] ""th [,,,·;:,,11 ,'tl Lh,' III' '8- 111 n rllth rl' ~r11l1 fn Hhln\l 0 1 th l' UIl'''1'1", 1 1'1, .. , ".-It ; I~ n" t h l,,~.n [II' '"II 11 y W II." 01 Puhl l ' Au ·d. w , I'n two o'clock traJn, and tbllt will ~r· t Ill e ('Ih" or Yllll1lf,! J"li n",II. whu \1'0.' lI 'lt '''\!ll e,1 n"l'v.o l1 ~ n. RII \\' hlch hll d Iw ~n II... ' ,; I" ,. 11'. I'." I; " cl Ihl ",,;.:h th,' 1.1 1,. I JI , " ,' i~ I". nil there 1D two hours. You s tay quI etly ol1l~' ')"cltl '11I.v IIncOI"r" I·lnh lt·, hili Il eR- , In!l ured In Ill S anlnll b~' ~f rn l"";; w<Ol·ol. 111',' '''~ 1,1'''' "., , ,101· 1I 1~IIIIH'r. " rr 5a(urcl0YI March 10, 1917 hore In the office' nnd wnlt ulltll r !;ct II 'l'lll ' ly nn)(l o UII. J Ie \\',, ~ nhOIlt lo and nc tl ou . w,· 1'l, tI a I, j ,. ,,, ' ,\I", h",·r· WI! Crlu l,l , rl f I II\) I I I\, In touch with those people_ I meun , I ~1 ..!Uk whc ,,: Into ti ll s 1I11·I ·llll.,- Ilrolwo I Rut hp wo s 0 cOlIscl<mlll)u!< mon , R() h, ".lllt, 1',, ' I':,rlll \\llh Ih" l ~l rllL " "u t ' ~ " ': 1,1WI?br 80 t' 11'11 ' III~B l1 ' II hi" In.\' ,. \1 ''1tl , ~ rll,·tll ' I' JI!I . • 1'0 I tl. t,lu . ItI , IIll II lto .. c bl:Jtlllll: ;H t!'Ioi 10 hBe)I UI -''1' wanttoknow"'herelCll~renchyou scene, CIIIl10 n U'ilh pl·lnll'I·I·Upll"o. 1 " Ie. ~If 'I"~ , r. III '.",t nl1l " t"";.(.I "'I I r"l1·0" kit l ilt)l M,' uul. llv.l"l:iJ 1l18h1otl1." '.rhCl·' 11'11 ' 1 rll" h ,I \\'lwf'I .' on l!te e dl11l1 Ci Ill' on Oil 0 t I' 1I1l! 11J /J r, . ,II I " 11 "'1" '\""1 ,1 ~"''' '' ' hlll r,llnl' . . t.. ' . ~ .t UI' I·O,lr ·tlf II nllJIO r , IV hI CI I \I.llS eusy en'lu J.:rl' b Y llIeaos of I·r.wl., Itll llt'. 1''' , lhl I, n 'tIItri , II ", I-h-,'Is ' . a( .l' 1 ().. OIIl II f11' ,ull H " I' In nv 'T11 I ta'" rlrrht here. my boy. Go (Irll'elV(]Y olll slCl ) ORI h# 0 • • . . , . d I I . . '. , r(\ ~~ ",0 nn , III ;j 11 o\ ~ c tt p . m t Sin'c e 1847, Ihe year Rogers Bros, originated electro-Inver and God bless ;rou." n otore M nde co uld I\n _\\,e l' lll.' " Iale- , th e crlss-crossc Jle OJ::. nod cnr f li ll y " '\ .. u ·" "rl.11 IIlI d l hll<\' wlll'r.' tlw fl,'s l ( . Ir WI O Koh o vl Tbl! B Ilr" P l li e" H plating,si lverware bearing ! he trade mark 1'00 ROOERS BROS.U ul!1ial 'Il'hl'D 10 a great hurry m nt, IntI) th e room hurst (' lOll I n· 1 losp ectell the Inclogs ut ilie center at I It 1",\1 '7 11111,1 1" IlIko " Il· Th l- 1l1'lrI~u I Will be ~ol() t o Ihe hl ~fifl t I itlrl p r ~ has been renowned for quality, wcarabililY and bea)lCY. · there were Dnexpected delaYH and tbe IInJ:\\'orth. He ",us covl'I't!d \\'lIh cI\ISt, I th a ron ~u \·1t~,. or sl ill'wls sprlnl(' rl'ulIl will !oillilid l"l1~ uf,, ·1' Y'" 1 IIl1d r IIml fu r Oftllh, For f\lr~her iofo o ll clock OD tile to,,' r bbove UIO big ·str.uc- Ills fuce \I'll \l'blte, hi s eyC! tliled wlLh , 0,,-, l'ig"l III it'. l' \ '1 r.l· nlll ll "n It h,, ' "lil t \\oyit for ~e e big bill!! tural ebop wall 8trlklng five wb en a I1Jl.Xlely. ' The clJllrn ter ot tlte .slIm- 1 H<l 110 i!Cl!(\ , lIy ' ge lling t.I0\\,11 OJ' h iS ', gUIl(!." E. V. BRrnhart, Clerk, rldle~ IltatiOn WllftOn. drown by an er- nions hud disqui eted him be)'ood m~nl!- fuce !lnd 8l1r'teylog the In cl1l/! bll"s N!l\v Wll eleln l;S wnR II mlln of experlQ. 'r, Bu wke, A uot _ busted horae, whIch bad been drh'en \Ire. Huck ot hIm lI 111e Severence. the closcly. II .Dum ber or fine hnll',lllle '. ene~e and Ilhi llry, IIn tl I~ Ahhott hl111 1mIPIU'ID81J, Grew \1p belore the otll~e vico llresldeot, ulld urtlss, IhQ cJllef cracks In tlJo pnlnt. surinc' Irnc erit·s : 1I1'll'll 'd nn y Mnllrmllt!c'n of h is o(,lnl"l1 It~mped on forks. spoons :and fancy erving pieces II • door. F1111llnc the mone)' at the I!l1ver. engln t'r. oppurently, r ll nnlng here unll t.h.cre ' till s ('nv"l t'R8 eXJlI'\'s~ IClIl would ' .h"1'e H living ~()Id my '"rm I wilt Afffl\, lIu~~tee beavies.~ platinl:, perfect work[JIarllhip aDd . v_ ... IIIlrall" dOWD from his eeat and ""tendo, ",!tnt or the bridge?" he from the rIvet hoI 8. The rh' el ~ Ih"III' l;\,'t·\·e'll. H e .1111.1 51' n.1 hIm nel'ORS tile tl rt pllt>lIo DUO 0,1. ,,~ mv ftlrm IX" exqulSlle desl.,t, assuring long and sati.fying service. AUf 6aIbt.4 up the nepe. He tbrew opeD burst out, wIth n .qlll('k nod to hlS l selYl'f! hud ru c\. n strltlned looK. ,1.111(' rh' I'I' te' .,.\:II111lno th e 'h olf- 'ol11pl ~lo(l tnll l1~, lIontb o f All! veysbnrg. article of ~ill'erware marked RNEIIS BB~" may be ~ aDd confronted Johnson, dltughlolr, ColODel Illlogworth hod Dot ot the ouLl.'r rivets scelD",1 !!lIj!hll)' C:I II til 1'\'('1. on the n\l,,' r hnnk upno .Ieeted wnhout further inveI\igation. "I>Id :rou ret blmr be erled. stollPed to bont~r ~ waysIde te]&- loose, whCl'ctl-or.k..J.w.!J hl'CD SII'pellll(Od '\'1'n ltTuesday, Mar~h Il, 1917 Sold by leading dcalers evel)'wbere lend lot ~ "BtIAn't here yet. I 8elJt an auto- phone, The automohl1~ drlveo mndl" beeu ti ght, thQ. memberll, IIka nil hl~' l'hl pm onl or . Ic~1. WlI chll1b"8mter I:! l'gt llnlDl1lt 10 o'oillok. 6 Bllnae , .. ~.I." .howiDi all patterns.' , aIObl\e alld tn mt!D OIl honilback reclllessly througb (be hili utld over I·other PUrLJI the brldge, hlul 11l" !O Tl'fltl rtr·t\ tl'at It ull rl!;ht, wbleb , a G ~tle, 8 Bnllll, 'armlDI lmple. ...... tbe rough roatl8, had brougbt blm dJ- carefully I at the shop 11IId 1\'lmt 1.0 Otlll'I'U'II. or Itourse, ond me lit. ~ biB bill. tor terml'l, oe..; (1 ....... - BUYer eo.. De . . . . . . 1M tIIIat . . . aC ftCrtt,v to the office III the Ihol'telt pcJIto anJ rivet. would c".... th ".Iflt> ",1,)1·,1 tn Ahhntt's confideoce. J. O. CARROLL llblt UIIaI. DIAlz ·llotlClO daere. But · '1o be 001ltlaec1 W~".. Waf, A~ nta.*De IIanlIOIDMlId











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,II?; .







-------- ..- -- -





s'i,,," "'" •

g'l i

~t,Silver Plate that" Wears"



I" l' it '


,1847 ROGERS BROS.T~P~~'

_U ·











.a.ID.. .."....1. 00..



... THE

MIAMI 1~.., \J E Il

/W8 RY

GAZE TTE .... W~; J) N ~~



' DA Y

D. I,. CI·' AN 1'-:, 1<:"t1 ilor nnd Publi 'he r


As Writt n by O u r Corps of

Able Correspo nden ts in th e Neighborhood

~ \ll!~ crj ot i, In Price, $ 1. 50 pe r year

--__________ " WEl.LMAN HIGKORYVlllE






I!II 7


- ==-...::-=-=-= = ==



M ~a nt


An TIHII'I"'lll l, ' w 'c hl'ill .., IH order to "11 1\,' It\!r ItIVI' fur I.. ·,. hu s h" 'ltl. llecl d~d

11l1I 1IC1" r Ii ,'" IHlsl" ,,"I ', , h lrl ~ . Sbe II' llll,I !',1 !Ill' 1I IIIIIIlHI !O f ><111 .. 1'1 .. Whpu / ho 1'('1110\',' cl 1111'1\1 1'''''111 I h,· 110(' abe cu uhJ u ' l .wt Il wlll !I1l"'lll; h th" b.nck d'ior. !' h' dlllu '! (·ry. I,u l seli t tlieU) tu a. luuulIry.- KolI 'U8 ' Ity Journlli.

Lewis VI. Livery



E.t~S Y -RID~G ~All





M Ig'h t Suggest Action. "While YOU u r I! uaklng 1)11110

tor my hll ud In murl'1 nge. Philip. I'll be ploy. Mr8. Au ol\. B'e ~Il D and dauahter lug OlUcthlllg li vely u u Ihe piuno." Floren !le s peut W e dn e~day aUer~ 811111 thl! sweet yuung thi ng. ."No. I 0 0011 w ith B oward G rah a m. \\'uul tl u'l du tllil t. J l·~~ l l'lI." replied the Mr; VVll b or H " wke epent Thure- )' f) UDf.l III Qn . " l 'uu know S ullhl p euple dll Y e venin g with Braoe O"rr, of cu n', 1; 1'\'11 lIll'lr t eo t stili when lIley BI\rVll ysb uri. hcur II \' ely llluslc."

WaYDuvUIe, Ob~

Phono 8J-S

'l' he ourn e rstoc o f nr our eleotr lo '1' 111' ~ , .. ti"r I' r '.l' II, I' \ h 11",1 wh h 1'cWeak,Nervous, l b in.Down W'Jmcn II ~ltt p l nn~w H 1" ld Frltlu.v , 11lId III :llr" b " f ,! " .r 1.l1n III \ 'I'u "d o . ·r.!I t) nOllr ful ure OU I' t UIVO wil l he '1'1,·, " P "W ' \\' r .. ·1"~(j"lIl p4 L en a • Ro. 'ullJ1Jt.' rl urul, 1\hl.- ·'Pm' · n long' II~h ted bV electriCIty , .. od W I' II n \ ' It r!l'i l! I; ug lt'- h v. Ad .1 ALL KINDS OF t lln,· 1 6urr" rcu from .. '"'n ou, hr~n l, . rElU g Oi:lO one " not-he r w hu ll WI' H'''' I''I ",I, n " I,h" rul(e, Au .. 'llLli uli KtI, EII[I ~ 't'r .lUI\' II . I coul d /lot l ' U t or s h·,'\, 'Inti \\'". w ee ' . '(V oc' t It be grund wlJen on c" r llt .. ud Mrs Lutbe r b~tlrr i B l1ud MI 8N 60 \I'~u k ] could hnrdl.\" w>l lk. :"1' !t w.. ~ I'flnd h ~n rd 1I1111\It \' i"ol ulI.1 !lot. 'm c t .. \ D ~ tu IJ ed ~ rr be lud les of ou r t O V;1I) llercill ,,'e& ly 88 visit or . Being a Siory Written by tlVe rlll trlen ds of Mr . !lnd !tin try it. • " '" I hu ,'c II g ood /l1'1",titl" bl1 ~e )vo tkod Llllit(oc t ly" I1 t tu ls th ~ t Four Members of Ihe Ccn- ~ Mr, }l ilY Wfl I fl', or IlIrks vllle Wll rren BOIlLOn OJmpl8tely lIurprlsucl t hey Illl l/bt be a llie to Heo \d l ll re "! 'l' P l!Oundly .. "'\ IIUI wl'11 IIn,1 blrnnl!. ;JII \I <'1 1 UII h is pa r e nt,s T burti day . lh ~w 1&8' Thorllclay e Vloln l.!'. ThR Icrvillii library AssociatIon. h Vl'r r nc rvo ufi. w(·nk, Tu u·down wnmull t r. fli r hu ~ bll D jij @poot t h eir e ve n lll gs. M I~~ Oplll T hom pso n ap ent ll 1.ur. ElYe oln g w a l! spenl 10 ~ nolB b l e 000. T r uc Grcatneas. si'oufd t ry \ i nnl. "-~ l r8. D. W. · l( lm ~s. Mrs. Bern " arr 1I11s be'l'n (lcHe d ay n nd ~o o dllY n ~ h OUl e . . 'i'lI rsa tio n wilen lit a ....sonllbI8 h oor lie I,; I rlll~' j!rf' lI1 Ihll l ,,, HUl a In 1,lm· \\'c guuruub,,.. \ ' 111 0 1 t o (' r~' llll! n Illok f or ~Bv e ra l dl\ ys bnt ie t b uu gh t l,c,.,Hhy " 1'1',,1ifR . Hid di ~, · "ti,, " " uri III r ~ . 'I" r on ce Mlohne l is oo ter r ~ fr\l s btl.1ent' iI wer e lllned OOa:118t lng ,, ·If, and Ihflt 111 II lw ", Du nccounl or t o be SO IllI! bett!' r I\ t th l! w r iti n g. ln l11 11 up wCII.I<1 rU II · ()IIWH WH IIH'1l (h:li. t.n inlug h or UI ther , l\lr ~ . HIJ "o ll . tl f of cand y. popooro, appl ea ~od " !l ~' IrPlll h t !lr honor•. -ThOIll" " ~litc ch il d ren 111ul {ccule ukl 1'.'\Jp l~. Our old friend, LeYI J OR"'I» , nt Wlil erle" . I o wn , bll llan"s. '1'hoel wh o eojoyed ~be \ . J;: PlIIpls . J. E. Janney. Drul{l{ist, Waynsvllle this t lDle la v e rr dlln ge r o uHly til , Mr~. H ll n n ~ h I;t loh lind Mles Inez eveni ng wert!: \Ir. " Dd Mrill . Wm , WaynelVille. O. wltb litt le Imoou r llgem ent of bls be. p)Jen t h' r ltl llY In ':h r ve~'e lJo r l: . Gilla m and 800 I!lrne8t, Mr. and Mn, Aloo at lending drur 81.,re III an Ohio to woo Ill g bett er CHAPT ER I MI s8 ] re ne U II,~I!l~h y vlsHed w it h B oward i::Iro blOm a nd f amil y. Mr, 0 ... 1".. ' 'Rae, J Bor u-To Mr . aod Mrs . Beo h fl r pur llDl s rro m FrlllllY ootl l Mon - .. nd Mn . Harold t)mltb a nd eon "Un u upon a f,lrue"Offill "-_17 - Bllw k e,a uoy . Ben IS sOllle orou d , d Rob sr ., \lr. and Borace Bogao " Ob, nUU LIP, Ie It g ol ll g to 00 a ay . And fll mil y, Mrs. Ulara Coon er. Mr, and Mr i<. W IlJillm L. Durv e • WolI, Donald oould drive a m o. oncll upe n·II.llme ~ t o r y ~ , 8 ~ld 1l t tl ~ MIHB Jlldl th Co ll ie r we ll t t o Pa r ' M I ~.ell E m lU t\, Leol1, Ved .. Bnd Irma tor oar hke tbe wlod . I1nd, 1111 ba i8 HHon de d .!be 'l·h os. l:1 ag ge rl y SIlI R, R " eal1E', laull , lou . t:>l1tn r dny t o v lsl, wltb EII'8, F l o ~en clI, Myra, Nlda and WANTED "Nu w you must n't int!'rrop t 8unt. .. b JrD D.lloh nclo, coold b~ ve a ve. y oeu. r Soulh Klo gm "n, 'l'u o rRdIlY. Mril Mil rinU n Cllr llonte r Is COD h er pl'ronts, M,r . Bnd Mrs \VOl Cule ton Bev lln . At a. lite hoor the I~, " ~ aid Brnou r e p~ o vlO g ly, sh lt l. @Iok llu~oU\ o bllll .1~Ll n g ap a Da tak Uollier. jl; Deets d epu. • .• d wi ll blnll Mr. and In ~ hi. o urly bro wn b eud as 1,Ie ing o oorillflllltmt Iu a lillie while. " fio e,l , t o b er a ume OU ~ cou un t of " 0 , h o, uutos d IJo't e'lll " cri ed dl cko eH8, M rA A. D T al ma gA a. n d son , ,J Mrll . H08ao m 'LDY m ore s uoh oeoa. gooll work bOrBs, wel,ht aboD' D~ J. MILLSR. s lna e r !lllIt e r . "lio 00, aonlle," h l;t . "Uon 'Ull ey th ou gh ? Walt. Lot; 0,111' d 'In Mr ll. J oh n T ilompson ~I oul. 1800 poonds. Robart 811O\e", SI1It!, tI .... wlnll'~1I 11 oualr olulIl'r '0 tbtl Broce III yoo g et one Bod ~ ee If tb ll v don' t Mre. ~a fflh Ri ch wil l, III th e n ellr "nd .ul nlh or ·codayaUe rnoon . Mesers. Cbllll. Elli s , Chas. Win. Corwin, Uhlo. 'ma f"lr, y onol! "Ollt who .wlled ~u ••• DENTIST••• botb 011 and :;080hno, aod' loti of fULure , Impro v.e h er p r opllrt.y uy Re v. 8e \l preuo h ed ~t [3elloh G rov e field !Iond Ch ll8. Sh er od aotolld to ploJllllimtly 00 him . ~nd plltttl d tb (l It. too" Hilid uuntl e, pll n " 10 1\ ocw nt, ROJ.te r 10 fr onk unrlll Y ru nrn n l!{ li nd evening. Wllmlogtoo Wednesday evening. ob obby baod. whlob r e ~ ;ed 'ooUI) Wby n ot m or e ao IIkowlso man ' 0 nlee 'ObBCOO on good OftIpe ba "I'll Ket m o 11 F ()rd; th oy dou'r. .. · on her knep. r ~. Geo, BO ~lI ll spont W edu lI8,fa y MI ~II Luollle Bevan Ipeo' Thura. No.1 olover .oli. 1I'01lnforma. t{.-,.rI1 a.Il BIq., WQDIII_O Mr. B L. Dllkln is ~ b o n l! bt to' bll wlM r epli ed !:Sruoe . lh hl'r d ILu ~h t El r . Mrs. ,Vm,DuDn day II veolo g wl l h Mu.,y W8bb. It wus ~ vary attroatlve plotnre tl on spply "i ihl. nffioe: f2tl '·;.v ell, al 8 oml\o t b y Allen saYlI, 80lO'" beUe r, b nt IItlil l em nl nll (Iulle 'bey mlt,le be ror e tbe opeo flrepla ce n etl r '1lv er Gr o ve Mlall R eIHl Hogan s pent Wedoes. ' we ve boou eplM odln' a wful-to roo poorly . tn 'be lu,llsttllng r oom t bll' Cbrls' . liut ,T!l ohsnn 1I 11d hmll y aUend . day wHIJ fr i.ndllin ClarkavlUe. e Mo ving hal! hego o . Wm . BII-rhln dlnlor room girl a' tbe B'rlelldtl mils eve. The SblldflS bad not beert aoom, and g o on," tjo Donald , nlo ed ed Iso n B omlltuu ' u"leo DFrl dllY' MlsR l,ulB Is s peodlug 'be Boma, ~1 drawn ... od I be gOlde n r"18 of Ule tbe Red Cr u81 and wont t o ]t' ranc. moved into to wn (r om t he rl1 r m. M I ~s V iol" J ordl\ n "peD' S unday week,e od wi t h b tl r lister Mre, R a . , E. BARtNHART. full m uon tihooa 10 the lurge wlo . \ 0 h elp wltb thll r B ~ l'ue work 10 th e We Wi sh for him a Bo oce8sIul Ollreer, wllh b l ~ brot be r. lo ,la w, GIO. 0llVl8 be t El b erldlln . Mr . 1I0d Mr.. Edwi n Sb id il. k e r " n d d o ws ; for t·b l} Doll' 1I&:l1t 10 t·he r uo lII dretldfol war tba t l' l(olor on ove r . 1!' rBn lt Be,." a and family are pre. Notary Public caDl e from ,he ICl0 w\lIC 1018 of th,' ~berl' . He beolOme a member of t bo son were g oell te ot Mra . l b ble Col. amI famil y . MONEY LOANED CuI Dotld o.nd tami ly spe nt !:lnn. paring t o oacupy their liew h J m e fire . A larj( A ti lll;t r Ollt IUld ' 8 fox ADl l' rl ol1 n Field Anobul~n ce service lett tlaturd ay n l gh~ . Dr. J . (~. MIIOY I~ spend ln 8 ~ OtJl6 d ill' ,.. It b Mr. Dnd Mrs . H aili e B at h. near BpI'ID g HilI. All ~IDda of Nota". Work, Willa 'errler d o" ,,\t' llt llm lo"bly tal/ e lb er uod II1 Mt June tbey - there are oue Mrs. H oraoe BurlJue oolled on on the ~ufL rUI(. O ut ~ Itl tI , "II W ,,/I hundr· dund ~we u ty.five men In 'hl l ,Ime In tba 1I0u t b e n j ying Ihe fnl. IIWII Y, aDd Deeda • IfpeCllal iT. ONEY LOANi:O OD \lYe Ilook Mr. :\ 11\:.1 BlIrt~oo lt vl. lted Mr. MrA. Ha.nnah MeGalon Wsdneeday SD OW 110d ice, "ud th o wind bowled I!ervloe. yoo know-were Bent to 8 1 an oe of the il o w e r~ . ohattels and seoood mort,.I", 6W"y ove r In the eastorn lIod &i re. Barl I:l a vey neat U tlOd I\f te ruooo . 10 ~be large pine treea lu ~h e YI&rd. Verdnn, pu, at Fraooe. 'l'he reillun tb e The M88onio Boild io g Is baolni NO\e8 bonrh&. Joho Hal blue, Jr .• Vutb tl r an.! .\dotber Grey haJj II Uti Mrs. Jenlile GnhBm WI8 .b opplo, Allen BuUdlnr, XeDla, Obl0. aSO 00 Mondoy. AmenOAP boy. werl:l sBnt over tb or p 11 new r oof put c o It . 10&0 lo wo 'OKt dllY on biliioeB8, Mid Mrs J el! Ie E I1I8 anel MI88 Veatll Iu Darveysburg Thur ~ day a['er. Vur I:jouday Soh ool M the M. Ii: 8 ,)etl ~ SlIt,ordny with Mr !lnd Mr. uoon. h .. d beeu detailled locge r tban Ihoy was, nul l'eoa uae \hey were br.ver tban the Freooh, bot b lO Il OSO tb ey oborob II stili progressing nloely ==========="~ Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honer. exp. oted . but b •. d telupboned that Ed wln ·Ma rllo . MrE\. Oll ie Hagemeyer nod laOS For Ooucha and OoIdao ahey woulll r uturo 11 8 s oon "e p OSHI. wr re alway!! rlrbt 00 time On oe wUh the Redll In tbe lead . FOR BALlO Mr Glenn Dav is oalled on F . A , oall ed On bom e folh last Tue8daY. Harveysburg K . of P Lodge N o blr!. R08.. Jie Ii'lf ton, Mrl Grey'lI wheD Dooald'lI laotlon was call ed Har t sook /:S o od .. y dt ern oon . Our vlolnlty wal well reprflen'ed oot uo expel' teJly 'hey reponed a, 51i7 Will hl1ve work 10 tbe Rau k of II. ter. and Ihe t.wo chlhlreo, Bro ol' Mr. J o bn Tbompson .pent 8&tnr a t tbll play Rive n'" the BarveYI. LOnd R 0811lie lire,', were al ooe on tbl' headquarter. so qu lokly tbe lenertll Pare rbursdn y n i'gh t, AlIlroh 8t h. day io Leb" n.Jo. burg Hall Frid"YlIVe~ln g . tboollht tbey hlld jost bl1J)poned t o N ellilbborlug lodges lo vlt ed. OW .ut IIl.:!boa .. t. 1004 oondl. f~rm. Now I he oIJ Udr,· werll 0\01111 tien. (Jan on Robert Beoke"j D"v ld WllliBms ba8 mond bnok RmmUt Benn was lIeen on our onme . • -Ii ell, Iilen,tle meo, ' he u.ld , Mrll. A. B. rl'ulmage and s on. Loe, orb" tor" atory-f ,r 10 t,hem Aonl Ollrwln, Ohio. mU II t·r ee ~1I on. day 1.lIt week. R UllO M uld n ll&I ., IIUrp' 1\ e I In ih" 'YOU bav. JUII' hllppened 10 m nst of n tl8t' bere, a ttended our Sunday t·o h la own l:Ioltle near Oregonia. ollPortuoely. I,bAd jOllt 'elephoned acllool, 8unday. L o uis Fir e. WMI 10 tbl!! o el gh bor - . Mr. and Mu. H o,aoe Burgi.. han ar' of "tnr.v.ten lng . Tbls dl88llll8 uoold be trea~ .. IOOD !ilr aDd Mrs . .Ed R easoD, of E lilt hood on e d ay lost week . ret ::. rned So their home In WlsooDlln LAR~E o.pple Gra, Mar., 5 yra 88 the ttrst I11lDItnrai lo<Meo_ ,of the "M ,lte h a nintimate IIlory," ' ou' W bill luok I' 'We know I ~, ' old. 800d worller, 1111 cheap. bowel!\ ap~. , ~ Sa done a plllllded HUle Ro.... lle. " Ytle . ab lllli 91lld 'he seotlon, 'we got yoor m es Main street, entertah.ed S und"y Mrs . G eo. liil iil~ and' MillS Vesta, oUer a faw da)'8 vl.U on hl8 farm A lI.yeat.old Bay Marl, ",elgM 116Q. single dose of Chamberhiln'a 00110, Ohol· and bere . we lire ' 'Oh, YOIl h f II .. Vlln"ld . " ieoontl ed Bru oe, ".nd aell ~ure AOlerloaos !' i ald 'be omoer, 'Yo u evening' a 0 owlcg ~ uests: ... e8· Mra. Roy El ite 'Hld Allee Mllbel M. herll . era good drlnr "nd worker . Inqnbe a' and Dlanhoea.Remedy wU1 .treet So ' U jU8t Iilte we dl,ln't' know blm a' saem to antlolpde ordor~ , Mill Ros.Ue Foley wall oalllnr 00 ~bll olBoe. dBllm~~ 0Jbl1 WelWob, Blrd Dilklo, Anno t end ed the 'unenll of Dr. U I~ge U'1 rore . Thle remedy can always be de· mU ali." l Minerva E. 100 00 Tu esd"y afl ~ro oou . Mrs. Hannah MoGoinn 1110" Tueeday "Indeed tbl . tl h d .UII', esse he~se, ptJoded upon even in thI mOO "'Fere and , 8 lame leo on a WUlon accompanied by their hua. "All rlrht," I&ld .notle r-1I1 : Bov er l1 l rr mUlls vicintly a t tend. "'fernoOD. . C88eII. an4 Ihllllld be kept at OLT- draft Colt. In. a&ljgl!roa. been almoet quarreled oyer, 'wo bands thl8 \).Iog In r ememb"aooe hand ready for fDIfIht 1II1II. NlITer JeIIn the \ll u.y. " AI Mor&ln'R Uoun,r, U, M. White '. sale I:!a' ., Maroh 3, quire of L ..'ar Su,'aol, R. " ,. l'wo ohlldren ball a OOUlln wbr lll bodies of French troopi wan.eel U 'of Mr~ Reuon I .:tnual mileston~ cd 'lome on a foamey withoullt. tUore," Klven by t he Lndle8 01vlo Waynl.vllle, Phone 22-3r. mU lIame wa. Dooald Grey, "o~ very lladly, SOO. Ref.e.hmlntl! wer~ lIerved and en: Lell g llf\ o f Hmrv oysburg ' on FrIday "fhoy alwllya have 'I ,g o ou,l. j oyed the ,uual oongratulatl ons " nd & turtJ "y ni g hts !lod roport a They len' him '0 a ooan'ry, 'bat III man, mile. away; ' heir I1lObulanco a, nlgbC. and oUeD were' offered aod the gU lls II! r a UTOWOBlLo!l for ..Ie. Oakland' @p len dl(\ \hull . FOR ABILIOUS ATTACK And Ihere be drlv88 "motow oaw be ~h ey are eo cloHa to 'he (:iermao linea torned &0 thoir ee"erlll ll a mas . (elgbt) oyllnder ha,.. ue4 math ~f Olltlll Ot hu"" IIOY IIgh' or u!s H oro e B u r g e~ s an d wIfe. of Mad . Wheo you bave a severe headaohe ohlDe 6 mon'hl. Maohine II ID per. yood 'lie r nlling fOllm. Mr. and Mr@. U. G , Whetsel la oo , \"\' Is , r et uro ed to tbelr hOlDo lIooompanled by a oOllted toogue . HATH.!.W AY .And gather. wouLded eo Idl ers 01' thelrlroroll 'Ibe ro , de are fol1 of faa' wunnlng order . N.w IIr. . .11 DB. IIhell holell , and they must drl'fe moved ,from U8 Mooday 10 Wayoes alle IlI tter part of t be weelt. loathing of toad , oonstlpatlon, torpid around with Gnn""p", and la~M thew .. fely hODl '" weaw. very ollfeflllly for fear of opoolng villI!. fhoy . will . 1>.e ml 8sed very Lea41na DlllUae 8 00ill l 'ente r WI18 wnll ,,\tanded liver , vomltlog of part ly dlge8ted 'Yhlao'\.'·lI u '··" "e :,;. W' II ~ 'lll VlrJ' "O,ol1n&le," breatbed hath obi! lIo w e ot ~be woond, 10 tho poor 101. greatly In tbls vlClolty. ~turdll Y nig h I~ nd nn In t crelltl0l food and then bile. yoo mey know r ealloDII I·I" III Ke:r. BIda, IIaID \ :.. \1111 l< h .o raotory. drec, h ·, ppil ... "Go on I" dlers. t;owetimsil the lIufforlng mOll ,Til a ent·ertalnmanb gi ven uod er program Wtl S lIet ftned to. t bat you have a severe bUtoul ... Lllbanoll , 0 111 '. , "Well, ,Donliid urey WIIS a ' very groll n dreadfully and then Donald the dh'fIOtloo of 'be Clv lo Lellgue Miss Berd ll Fefl,l yw lli be with Mr8 tllck. While vou may be ~ olte alok w"a a 8uooe 8 . b oth fl uBnololly un d Hl1 n Dlib MOGui o n ibis eUDlmer. nloo young mlltl, twen'y four yeArl! I" Imost oreeps along. ' ~bere Is mooh oonlolatlon In know Good 0 1\\ \ fn r s ,II'. .Appl, Ie old He had gradoated fr ont Prmce. "One dol' he was drlvlllif over Il In 'aleot.. 'l'horo were 8ever,,1 Oh llt'. 1I. BuruM, . D. t, Wa'.... Mrs. Mooney oalled on frlend8 In log thtlt relier may be had by 'aklnK '00 Oollego and hud b ~ e n a Rr e~ t pleoe of r oad the GermllUIL WAre Doters wh o were married In dl es llnd t his plllc'e !:Sntur d aY . m7 t~r e of Chamberlain 's Tablets. ville, Ohio, football h er o, Olle "('hankIRlvlog shelling, wheu the reu a~le 'of hi. the praise th ey Sllve t.belr bus blindH '1 hey are prompt I\.nCl eIJeotuIII. DoLY he broke tbe Yalll line , and •• mbolance broke. . Thsy brooght IVilS Imwense-th el r hllSbli nds ~a :r F r ank J ordan fe ll fr om II wlgon Obtalaable everywhel'e. trloe of WammOlh WIlli. Bol. IIweeploK it\l before blm, oa rrled &be blW anotber .. xla and he ohanglld It, ~Iftlllll:e neve r. WIlS koowo before, an d fr aot ored a bon e In hie neck , land Turtl,1 for .al.. I'or ID. ' - • ball aoroll8 the field and m Idp tb e lind, wo~lted ve ry fiu, for fear sowe rb e remedies they gave tor rb eulIla . n ear Ih ·h om e of his br oth er WlIoltel', formatloD 0.11 W, O. We\ob, Bar. &oucbuowo Ihll' won the game for of the II belhl would etrllr.. hla ol". tialD w ere f qo al t o the advertise. lI ud he r eturn ed t o H e h ome 'he Ondale 01 01110 Stale Unl""",, veYlburg,Oblo. m7 PrtnoetoD." . Be took the wbeel aod atarted 'he ' non' for 1'an11l0. Tbelr newe\lnller lo t ler Jilt ' of t,h o w eek . "Yes, and I Wal ~hllre,"sa\d Brooe, maoblne, and fouod thllt III hll hast e whloh tbey edited wus a newsy and Mr8 Hannoh Rl oh and grand . A Ml\1lnery S'orl. Graa. Lin . Oftlce at .....denae In F. B. 8her) eagerly," and 1 8&W them olifrv blm he h ad pat the d ljJere ntlallllo baok JUIOY IIhes t of Informatl <1n. Man y dtl llg ltter , Ju ez, we r e lihopplug In ooln SmUb, Wayoelvllle. OhIo. oft' the field on .heir IIhoulden ward, I1nd the engloe reversed In , uokn own bappeolngs \'t ere m en. Bllrveye burR on Bottl r d ~t, wood'. hOllM, Fourth Street.. U8 ob.arlng IlIle etrlrytblo·g ." ' at,ell'd of golnl forward . Be ooold &Iooed 10 tbelr 1001018 !,od their billolt. . Mr s, Mlobl1!!1 e~' te r tn ln ed her hUll Mr. alld Mrll. Waher BenRe were "Yoo mOlin', ' Inaerru ~ ' aontle " oat abIAnd on. hili load of woanded f"oll oomedlans were ,her e i n ba nd 'H mother " od 0 ~h e r8 from • Telephone 18 leoond.hand Bolokll . iuqulr. of tbe t:!ond",. Roelta of Idr Ilod Mn . • ald ROIIalle, vlw",lousl" "lio o~, men, aod the shells were coming full drees, wltla entirely ,ew j Res Ulnr k ~ vil\ e on Thu r!!dlIY . J, B. Ohapm"n, Waynel,.me. lieorlle 'faIt , aontle." oearer, t)o he Itood raolng th ~ anll silyings . Bnd J e rry 8 fl,U ~ a S O U ~ Wayne.vllle. Ohio • Ohio. ' 128 Mrs, B ll nollh ~I o UIOll . of Blok· body of &ba maohlne and worhd H eMl t led " Uule Blook R Oil!',''' whicb Mi88 1Iary Oaldwell wllln'uro to wlt,h hi li bands behind him I'l l' forDl 8hed the enoore, aud fi owerl:l lu ory v il le, I" ver y el oil M this wrltinl!'. b er bome Lo Detroit ~hlll week aUer drove the oar twenty miles g r eot quan tit ies re ll a t h er f eet , lit, B o wll r d Oollius III m oving wltb Iln ex\~ nded vl el~ w"h Mr. lIod Mrs, way, tile Frencb 60ldlerll laoahlol! tie dId ber u e l~ hb o r8 and fr iends ble b rot h e r@, 8 Mrry Il nd Woodro\v, A 0, Ellsl on. , Ilod cbeerhi g 1111 tb"y paned. Bol. thiok thnt mo ~ l o W 8 S io b r , " I. li nd Ed }lBU Ma t tlf w ill ooeupy tbe Mr and Mil. Eli Weodward and The readera' of tbis p'Hler will ' be De Rot hiS woonded Illtely home " I,h ollgh t he y f ea fltl r e n ooe h ad ever family wete the Suoda? of ba8. Ellis propor·ly . plr" ..,d to lellm l hallhere I. ~ llra.t ortr . She pIIDsed, and Bat leokl'r Into bf eo exposed M tbe nlr . 'l'he y onu g Mr. and Mn, William Uleveogew. ,Jose ph ClIlr oJl b as 80ld b i ll fum dreaded di~ase lhllt science hus been uble the fir !" whloh was dying down to meo tb"t g ave n lendl og band de. Mn. Fr"n088 ~ull, Ion anci daugh . to cure In .11 its sl ll ges and that isc:n lnrrh . oo~I~ . lle rve ~r e 8 t prllille in a !!M I 8ti n~ t o io Mr. B !~o k e aDd wl Jl h !} ve a 8ale t er w ere Gem olt, ylelton one day (To be oo'otl~oed) _ mak9 tbe " Coaotry I:!tOrtl," a Inocess III Ma rob aud ~r l ve p osaess lon ,,, lost Catnrrh being grratly inRu~n~od bv con· weflll: , - 1,. - - -- .tltullo.H1I c""dilions fC'quirc.s constitu· whl oh Lbey st. ' ohen fr eqoent. oooe . lional trealm~nt . Il o\l"s Catal rlt Medi· • _ ..._ _ _"" Mr aod Mr • . JOllBpb Miller .aud cine Is tak.en internally and aels Ihru Ihe Tbeir oostllmes ..vore.ln keepin!1, wl t b A nam b~ r of 0 111' oltlze08 10 this 'he pl,.y. not too ~xpenslve bllt j II vlll A~e .. ud vloi llil;, ha ve .. blrthdlly aoo visited triendl 10' Lebanon la.' Blood on MUCOU9 Surlaces "I Ihe S)'stem t)1I t u rd"y . thereby destloylng·the foundation 01 the SOMETHING GOOD eXpl1l181Ve eo oug b. '1'bo pIny w,, ~ th is U1 n Ih: MI I:s Viol" K JortlllD Mrs. Alber' B es'ou Will 'he glle8' dlseuae, giving Ihe patieut . t rellll th bl ~iven.Erld"y ao'\ t)llturdoy nlllhts on F abrll/l. ry l at h ; Geo. EIII~ , on tbe i'hose who hat e oDsty medl oin . 0111l 8l wee k, 1'0 h onees wbloh I\ bow ed l-lt h ; Stella Wbe lli8el, 17th; OAIIloy of ~118. Harvey Menliler one day lallt building UJllhe cIln.titnliou uud as. isting nature ill duinll it. work. The provrie.' 8l\()uld try Ohamberlolo 'S Tabl ~ t.• t.o tbem lin op'praolllUon of tbe lr ef. Uog le b.y, ~9tu ; Evely n O Ollll"lIb, w81lk, lor8 ha ve so much faith In the cumt h,. f or oonstlpatlon TbeyareplellBlint ' 'ort-u '1'00 muah canno t be slOid for "~CUb , Clarenoe GI'henl was hllnlaoUalil J ohn Wa ifI'. 21 I; 10 z a lob, powe,s 0 f Hnil's Ca turrh Medicine Ihal t • k d h ff ,II of them, lind 10 YARra to oom e 'lnd bUSlne8!! 10 Dlly~n. WedneRday . '. Lhey .fJer One Huudred Dollars ror anti o.a e an t ~Ir e eo~ Is 60 agrfe I k b I h '(\ IJ ~3 r d ; Vest a 1:1 Kill, 2H h . ca&e thal iI fails to cure. Send for list or "ble and s o nil Lorlll tb"t you wll' mny we 00 nOR w t prl B t o , e B. J Null was 'rollBIIontlnc \usl. Ru t h II n d {.,l len.nll Munnon have teatlllJohials. oot- rell·lilile ~bat It h"s been pro. ph,y by b owe I,alen t., en titled "AI ~h e w h ooplog OOUI!fh . oea~ 10 Miamisburg ooe dilY' IAll , Add ress F, J. CI. 8 N ev & CO., Toledo, dQo~d by a m edlolne. Obtllln"blll MRI"ln's Country t:>toro·" S toke ~ Perry I:!nell Is be Uc r n t t hl8 writ-. week . Ohio. , Sold by all Dru.ggists, 75c. everywhere. fllmily torulshed tbe musio Friday Wilbor Earnhart, of Merritts.., lO R. night and the Carru"n fl\mlly !:la t . spent dandoy with rel"tlve. urday night, whlob \\',, ~ muoh 8n Ed ith rl bbu]1 w .. !' , hopplDIJ In town, here , . joyed by all who beard them ' dnr v eYlburg 001l d .. ~· la"' weelt . lIrs Anns Miller and dau8Mew. W, W . W eloh, of tbe flrlO 01 Ed Bro wn ·w lli wor k for Uaorie .Veloh & D~klo, our eotorprlstng Ellis th is summe r and G \ly Brannoll RDi h, of DAyton, were the week.tlad guell ' S of Mr, anil Mre, Jamee Weld. hardware rnercilanll, nt·tende d tb e for W Ill Mooney . uer . Retail Bllfdwlue oonven&lon held M Bert Bognn , ·o'f Otilsll r 's Oreek Ura . Ed OoffeeD apent Frlday.i DLOytOD four daY8 1ast week, spent 8 u nd tl y with h ome fulks. le the gout of har 1118&er, 11.11. llU. M. Whit e's S'l :e Sat" Marob 3. 'Fri ellds of Lll v l .I esl op r egl'e ' to Ollrlls George Barkalow, and Saye ~n ~t1y Food. - - --, ...~-IBurn th l1t he I~ ve ry mUOh loc i •• Fred (frey, of Dayton, wall the posed week.end g0 31t of P . A. (:irobya.od No Cood is· more nulri'iollS or more a ppetizing than Mls ' lrfl lle lJ l.\ p, lee b y e ntertliined family . SEVERE COLD QUICKLY CURED'· Mi !l ~ Vesltl E IU. 'I" bore d ~ y deli cious h ome-baked bread"and all Ihe other l:ai.nties U M. White's sale Sat., Maroh 3, "Uo Deoem !'PI' tirst I bod II very ...... l1hnr l:1nwke hilI! a new bn ffgy you can ' make with OHTO·MADE FLOUR. The ------~ ~ ... sever.1l ooJd or "Uaok or t,b e grip o~ bot li ll dues Ilo t "'..-nt t,be Rid. ' 0 more home·baked thinrs you eat. the . m ore you save It. moy be, aot.! \VIlS n eer,l v (\OWU kn ow H. filjot 10 bed," w rites 0 . , Me~oa lf, Man'. Hanitlc.p, on nlcat, eggs, potato,es; etc.-food's thai cost mu ch Jam e~ MlllIen .",·ho baa been mall. WeMherby, Mo. "I boug h t two It' ll: h i. b nrbf\ w:llb Mr . aod I4n, Howald Is,n mon when life becomea more and have nothin~ like the same high food value, \J ottIes of ()1\tlmborl .. ID' ~ Oongh Rob rt IllrdGn hi thooght' '0 hlln 1\ b\ml e.o? When a womue IQses her . '. sbope rmd 1I1gestlon, sh e can nnli con. Remedy Ilod It WII S 'lUlY,1l fe w d" vl\ gon e to toe o ~ vy·. V.e Ohio-Mado Flour unWl \V HII o ,mphit ely r E'st or tl 'to W illinm I:! hude n wh o left his Soluti on In the' clnlm tlul.t she Is aboot Ilealtb. 1 thwly be}ipve 'that C h ~ m f",rDl und mGl ve·1 tu Brown Co uo'y tllo Ilest th ing In tbe world, but 1\ mon Ohio's mills make better flour. easier to ha ndle and berlalo's Cuugh R em edy 1M 00(1 of .. te w year s ug '\'f Ill move haok and cnn't (\0 It.- f!'rom lll. W. Howe'a . giving lighter, whiter and m ore appetizing b.aking. t he very bllst medl ciln ~e and w!11 ocoupy b le farm the let of Marob Monthly, lnow ",ba~ to do when I bave an. You can use OHIO-MADE FLOUR Cor brel\d, rolls, 101 rll. 'Iarenoe Mlohl\el Is en'er, other oold." Obtlllnflble ev~ry. e pies, cakes, Or any baking purpose, taln loR h er motber froUi Iowa' .where. Mu. Ma r Uo , MI'II: Jente Ellis and Breakage.. M1118 Ves t .. om lied on Mrs. Balgb. "Wl.tot was th"t t Qrrlble racket over wny n'nd Mr s fl'bball!, WedneldaJ'. at your . 1.t0l!-lIe this mondng, Mrs. Roundabout Conclullon. ~ Il'be MISRel Irenl u'nslesby and Slhlth?" "Nothing oot of the ordJoary. "Jt's on · eJltended corridor thnt b nK no ultimate ·tcnl.llnatlon," 'inulle<1 thi! Judltb Ooll ier &Ire bome &0 IIpeo'4 T1;te IIInId broke lome of our beet chili&, 8\1d rlly bu ~band ' broke ODe of the Com. abllent·mlo<lctl protc8S0r. 08 ho tlB· their .vaoa ~l o n tlent\y plodded llrouod tbe r evolvl ng I\1r8 M:utba Davll arrlvtd home ulUlldmCllts."~Ph1ladelphia Ledger. doorway.-Jack 0' Lantern. from t,be MopleUln hOlpl'.1 OD Th.!!rlday. muoh hnproved tn heal'b. W, B:-D' NealJ vlll&ecl tn.DII. 8eoond ThGuah" Write... Tha' hunt. "Every IIIIID WIlIlte. to llaTe his ea'r," and w.1,,'1 vel here OD WedD8Ida,.S Two 10rt. of wrlte1'll poncs, RO' Several ."elitl~l 'h. Bor,H' and remarked VDde IDben. "all' wilen • nJU.: t1101e wbo think, ~ 1II011e whe WllIon ..Ie 00 .:01-.,'.... . . II1a .., he'. nable to be IOI'J7 lie . , . al4 urtJdDa... . .11M 01ll. . ·to tbJlIk.~ Bowt. V, M, Wla1"~.

<!Cbristml1f) ~be


InSUR1IneE Walter Chandler

OI•••llIed Ada









,Diarrl\oea. mBll.,










w."·. omoe


Dr. J. ' A. McCoy, . Veterlnan'



$100 REWARD, .S100


We. want to close up a partnership by January 1, 1917. All parties knowing themselves in debt to the firm of

Eat Honic-Baked Bre~d

.. -

... -------


W. H'. Madden & ·-Co., 'C orWin, ·Ohio,

Pleaae call and,-settle not later thaD ' December 25, 19. 1~. , No account will ' be carried over in 'to 1917 except 'by parties livin; bankable note. . Note to be... interest at 6 per cent until paid. . ,


1 . . . .GIIEjii55iEJGJE.::::::::a'Ele·~IEle::::·=:l'as·::::J115i:1:::111::11555 551'~






Iu !\s,






So n atur, By each impu lse at any given t ime is FA R I.•ESS S E\'ER E IIpon mO\'iJlg parts

At last it has dall'ntd upon buyer in general that, striclly speaking, there is DO ri valry between B car of less tban six cylinde rs a nd Saxon '·Six."


il I!I

· ~I I'!'I




Why this is t rue is easily grasped, With less t han six cylinders propelling the car, there are bound to be slight in tervals between explosions. With six :>ylinders, as in Saxon "Six ," these intervals between impulses are elimiDated and the power·stream produced is of practically perfect contl·.n ul· ty. Necessarily. then , in the "less than six," with fewer impulses at any givea time, the force of each impulse must be MORIt SEVE RE upon all moving parts.

In Saxon" Six," for instance, as com par,

I'!'I .:.


A gra lunl awakening 10 the disadvan t ages of the "Iess than six" has incited buyers to a more careful inveSligat ion before p urchasing.

:stjf!~~~;e:: t:~:

. • ix cyliadec" cars of like price, there is

And .investigation has u su· ally terminated in the same lear· cu t conclusion - that Saxon "Six" is unma t ched by any less-than·siK·cylinde r Illotor of like price.

axon "Six," of ('ourse, has other vcry 111aterinl advan t ages. For o ne, it nccele rates with unusual rap id ity, going from standing start to 45 miles per hour in 23 seconds. That is 22 % faster th an the ti llle of the best "Iess·than ·six" we know of.

1'0 such an extent that 'P ro ~ duction has never proved quite great enough t o sa tisfy the demand . .

F or another is the t remen do'u s speed and power of axon "Six," a t b greater amoun t an you are ever likel y t o require. It is there, so tbat no set of road conditio ns ca n ever balk you And anolher is the economy of Saxon "Six" in the matter of repBir9 and gaso line~ too, 206 stock model Sax on "Sixes" in a 300- mile none-


it BIG TOUFUNG CA R FOR Fi VE PEOPLE 8axon Car Corporation, Detroit

Dearly 98% more im-

J. 8. CHAPMAN, Agent

.pubes per .minute at 20 mila per hour.


!~IJP a~~~ag~st~~liS;3~~

miles per· gallon of gasoline.

.f. o. b. Detroit.


I ~:m~Kcnlucl~y, ~;~d~~·il~~t\~~B~I~~i~ta~l~uur~~ti~



AUV! DealerWanted




0----- --- 'I




Mrs. 8 0 e SWes and daughte r, Miss Dora. were Xe nia visitors Sunday.

. Friday evening at 7:30, LitallY. Pen itentia l Olli eo !lnd address , Subject for the I.1'ri Iuy evenings in Lent, "The BiJ.Jl e:" R conrl unday in Lent, March 4" Sunday Schooll1t 9:3011. m .; eernion a nel Holy Communio n a t' 10:30 a . m; . ubj ect , .. e lfi~hness;" evening service and sermo11' at 7 o'clock, subject, "Right 'or Wroni at Last," the second ill t.he seri!!s on , What every man mu ~t know lind be· Iitlve. ii' he is to m ke the beat of both worlds. The pu bllc cordially invited to these services

Mrs , Sadie Z'lll and Mias Maria tout visited with ' relatives and fr iends in Leb.!non SaturdB),.



- - - - - - -- - - - .

Seed P9tatoes Buy now, Early Ohios, Cobblers, Triumpbs, Whi te Elephant, Rose, Woodrow Wilsons , Choice Eating Potatoes. till'. SOc Onion Sets, White and Yellow

Garden Seeds Some Seeds are goillg to be Be.a rce st) you had better buy early while you can get all you want. Bulk or Package. . t.1aplo Syrup Cans. N ew lot in.

Farmers - We carry a stock of t he Herschel Single and Uouble· t rees , Come and Bee them, H. E . Earnha rt.



-- - ' -


We Got You, Mad a m. H] If' li S .. ',) !'o11C'1I ,;rttll d word~ nllcl cia. ! gllllt IUII!(CIll t:"." ~II I LI M r~. lllllncl ~ I'hy j Or Il 1t'{' IUI'llt· . Itt' Iliit l l1t'u rtl; "ill' ~1I1I­ . rly Il' '/1·' ".\'I "'f1 hl ~ uudlellc ," -1I0S. IVll '.I.'rulI~crlpt .

New Idea In Thl .. Tlle Cll:('"I, "',\I'd rnr p""nte, pecu. Uo r, to mr 'clf, 1111/,.,IIlII-ll ~o the tjl01li:;ht ot Inter(!~l or UI1,1'hOcly else, Is our word for Illlot.-Wlltlul11 b o WItt Hyde,

Tree Th at Is Un ique. On Dll1l s Isl llll11. 111 Olne of tho lukes of l'llI i1rl1 t'Y, l r .. I,,"\l. Is n pin no treo which IlIlS the 1'\ljlllll1l1im ot being tho only tl' e ot Us klud In lrelaall.

Liquid Smoke- The B~t. The Last Oysters this week. Use Ch urn G old~lI s bette r and cheaper than Butter.


Optimistic Thought. I~ lin ",,"cllent weurlng




your · neighb about it. We have SOld over 800 bottles,

Ordinance ·No. 92 ,

Bring us your eggs,

Lettuce and Celery this week; Mr. and Mrs: H, H. Wadsworth Telephone your orders- The Ford and Mr . Bnd Mrs. L , F. Perkins vis. will get it to you in a hurry. ited with relatives near Lebanon ' , Monday, It pays to trade at



An Ordinance tq merge the duties ot the Clerk of the Buard of Public Affairs. and the Clerk 'of the Vill aile Council. allowlDg him such allditlonal assistants in performil1g 'Buch additional du ties as 'council inay deter· mine. G. p. Amended ana Soo. Be I, ortli lned by the OQuuell 0 1 tho VIIIIIgCt-

of W aynesvlllo BtllA! of Oh iO' Soo tlon I. Tha ~ to m~rgo Lhe d ul .et1 01 tbe Olerk o r til. DonN o f P 'lblle Alflll .. and cbo

Olerk or Iho ym.go Counell . 6110,,101 him 8ueh D(ldlllonal .... 18Lau t.8 In '/Hlr rormlu, .ucb ad(\l~loua l tl ut lee lIB C(lUDcll m ay deo.o rmlne. Buclion '2. ·rho·Ordlnr.nco .ball take .[flle' Hints for Houlewlvel, and be In for.'o from lad r.nlll' Iho .ulloa' To' el:lInl;uLSh ,ilnmcs from potre· period 1110,,0<1 by I~ w, , P_d Ibll G~h day, I n m, pOll I' 111111, 0" r til \D, nnel they or Fobruary 181 7. . (Meott)U, E. HATHAWAY, Mayor 1\'1\1 be put ouf'1l\lIu !llntely. tor tile milk forms nn emulsion with the all L, A. ZIIdUmRUAN. OIerk

Lost- Lost on Main s treet Tuesday March 4, ' 1917, Su n lay Schonl, evening. two five dollar bills. ' Find 9;15 a 111.; Preacking se rvic ~ , 'rheme: e r return to this office and receive ',' tren~: th in Weulmes8," 10:30 a . m. ; liberal reward, Pfeachillg ~ervice, Theme: "God 's - --,Puni ti v c~ Justice," 7:00 p. m. nnd prevents the fire ·from sprelfdlng. Rev. W, D. Cole , D.D, Spring. field, 0 ., the District Superintendent. will be rJresei1t and preach I!'riday 1??·? ?????????? Mr8. Tom Belt died B.1turd ny night March 2, 1917. Evil Alway. There. oveolog after ·!i few daYIl \lIne88 There Is evil In ·very bUlliRn )teart. 7 The'acrament of the Lord's Supwlt,h pU8umonl!l.. Rbe leaves a ha ~­ pe r will be observed S unday morn· wWcll nUlY remuln .Intent, pel:ltl1pa, A6A1"l1..,.. band Dod four small ohlldren. .1<'\1- ing, March 4. 1917, F rod L. Sheppy, 111> N. Halsted tllrough the whole at lire ; but CII'CUIII- ? yourself ? norDI 8ervlc8s were held Monday In !:llroet, ,Cblcago, 111., General Sales stances IDny arouse it to acUvlty,-1 DayloD. ? somenew ? Manage r of the largest concern of Its Hawt~orne. Mu, Jame! Peterson remalnB 'j' De4\1tUul Wall PAper ki nd In the world, wants three' or ------• boat the ume. fo ur men In thla county and several ? It "Won't be a bad. blow ? 'The ti. V. Spartans dsfeBted Bellme n In adjolillng counties. to work In tho Face of • FrIend, ~ - 5 E E - ME n),DAY-' ? brook 18 a ~otly oon~e~led ga me [or blm s pare time or all .the time, The llghtsomc .collntcnunce of n ~aturday night. Boore SG-211. H. H. BRITAIN ? lIe can use Only those \Vito have a (rleml giveth such un Inward deckIng ? Mr and Mr! J, R ~mlth h tlve Joel McGee, who f(,rm elly lived in rig or lIutO. Wor k la pleasant and to the house where. It lodgeth, as proud· ? WayneSVille, Ohto ~ Wayne Townshjp , died at the Miami DO previous selllng experience II cst palnces have calise ~o envy the gildm oved 'u Ne~ purhngton . A (lontes' .wl11 11e held be\ween Valley Hospital, in Dayton, Sunday necessary. Work, const,ats of leavln, mg.-Sir Philip Sidney, Caelllrcreek and Spring VaJley Hlgb ' morninw abou t5 o'clock, after a long Sobool, Maroh 8th . illness The body was brouiht to • Q wonderful now bousehold necessity Mr . Frank Evans bllS . returned Waynesville and t h.. funeral was In the homes on free trial. Tests at home after taklnl treatments for held at the ,Chapel Tuesday after- more tllQa thirty ot the leading Unlsever!l.l weekslD Xellia. ' noon at l 'o'cl 'ek, Rev. Jesse Haw· vorSltles and the Government Bureau Kre. ElJa ~tarbuok Is reooverlng kins ~ffic,iating, Interment wa~ made of Standards show this arUcle to lie after betng oonllned to ·ber home by In Miami cemetery. (o ur times as officlent aa article now \wo' weeks IIIne911. TELL THE ADVERTISER YOU SAW In general use In this section. Article HIS ADS IN THE MIAMI GAZE; TE Mr8. Mary . Middleton II spending ,William"Kenrick dil1d at· his home Is needed . Ia every rural home and severul we eki wtlh he r dll.n~hter In near Lytie, Tuesday 'evening about benellts every member ot the bouseWilmington 9 o'clock, a.f ter a , 'ear's illness. The hold, brlnging cheer, comfort and Mrf'. U8borab Loyd was oalled t.o funeral will be held at the Ch apel happiaess luto the home. Not neceltDayton by the serlone mnen of b er ThuJsday afternoon at ,2 o'clock, • sory to be awny trom home nights, Rev. J, 1", Cadwallader officiating, Paytrom $ 6.00 to $16 .00 PElf day aosister, Airs Hannah Alexl\ouer. Mr . (J, V. 81mB II' able to be l!.rUURd cording to abtltty aad number ot after leveral week. tUnesl. homes visited, Ip writing Mr. Shop-~ Mr •. F. M. Hiatt was a Daytob py, menUoa 'what townShips will' be shopper Satnrday. . most convenient Cor y,oU to work In; Mra. A, C. Mendenhall Is oonfine" what 'your regular o~cupat.loD · 18; ~o h.l bome with the measles . yo ur age; mll.rrled or slagle; how Several frow hera attend 3d the Rober:t Beckett hUll purchased the long YOU ha~e lived In the comNew Dishes, a piece ........ , , ,1Oe revlval meetlDg as New Burlin ~to D draylnlf business of n omer Carey mu nity; what klpd of a rll! or lIutO I... week. ' Glassware, . _' .' . _ . . ........ '... , .IOc and will .tllkecharge'fhursday . Mr. you have; whetber you wish to work Mr.. 81188 t;nmard Is Improving. Beckett desireg lhat all of Mr. Carey's , &pare time or steady; bow much time Vases. ;'. , . , .... , , . , , ...•..... IOc 'Patrons will stay with him , and he y'ou wtll have to devote to the work; ==~~~==~==~~~~ in turn will "try ~nd give them good 'whim you enn start, and about how , "Rapid Fire" Egg Beaters. , , ... 1Oe and good and q uick r eturns. O1I1I1Y llamas nre ' wllhln six miles of Hammers . ..... . ............. 10e } 10U In e\lch dIrection, This Itl Curtain Rods .. .. , .. . .... .... , .lOc splendid ,opportunit y for levernl meb In this county aod counties adjoinIng Curtain Scrim .. , . _...... '. .. .... lOc make good money, working steady g-quart Rinsing Pans', .... .... ',lOc FOR· RENT or sPata.Ume. Some of t\l.e lIeld men enrn $3 0 ~. 0_o. per month : one farmer :,.--n""Q/\~I~ ind Me(1 to me Cor earned $1.000.00 worklng.lpare Ume~- ---------':.-----..:....--------~~--stock fOt 1916 please. only. No Investment ilr bond Spjlclaillt.,. . UJI 8.1 !Ulllllun Ridge when due. 811l·Y. A tew lilles to lIIr. Sheppy &Ia wiD ftI\ ••••• Gao. 'I'. Lanter brial faU ~

----- - ..




- e .-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

and W:l$ bap ized by hel' f a tller. I10 t rUl'S f e rr ol d h er me11l· bers hip to the Midril c Run chureh by 0 - - - .... _ - - . letter June H, 1 80; s ince t.hllt she , has beelfl a f!lilhful und useful memTobacco CanvlUl at Hyman's, ber Havin~ a mind beyond t)le av rage, Wf' all felt we were safe in seeking COUll el fr m her. T Leed Hawke was a Dayton visitor How we will mi s her hea,rty grasp ue ay. • and churry 8mile, and today the Iit. 'I 1 11'u l) fI n d , "a -' u If h.:ter • tlc c h urch W I< Carl Schweibold. of Xenia, spenl son lind li ttlo !{ rund so n mourn the Sunday wi th friends here. loss of one whose place we fee l can never be fill ed , ' . Mr!l. M. W, Sil ver spent las t week CA RD OF 'I'll NK' wit h relatives in Col um bus, We de. ire to e:qJress our appreciation of Ihe maoy kindpesses shown Bee Waterhouse fCl r Auto Livery. to us duri ng our a ll1iction . 'and may God's bles illR r eo t. UlJon all of you . O. F, Sm ith and family. , . AI~ert Cleaver has taken 8 posi tlOn 111 the BT\lwn grocery at Corwin :


Feed is too 'h igh to he fed "without being ground. ,

The Waynesville MiHs




Which gives you a good profit in feeding Mill Feed to your stock. Do not let your supply get too low, as' it is hard to get feed for prompt shipment. We have just unloaded a car this week, and running mill every day, so buy when you can get it. , .


law Mr. Stokes south of Waynesville Mr. Bnd Mrs. Cleve Connor spent Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Os'c ar Sunday evening pleasantly at the Mower,Y moved on the George HII.r t· home of Mr, and Mrs . Albe rt D~ ake , ilock farm vac ~ted by the former, Mr, Cleve Connor and Miss Gl ena Mise Laura Hili is very poorly at Mrs, Frnnk Hess. of Dayton, was Hob\et stole a march on th oir man y tbis~riting. . the Sunday Ituest of Mhs Alice Chen· friends by slipping quietly a way to Mr. Ernest H ....tsock and family oweth. , LebanonlastThursday. February 22 , r where they were married by Rev . Mr. and Mrg , Frank Cook and Foater, The bride is Ii charmi ng moved to the home of bisrather-in· daughter, of Rc.ute 4, were ('ailing and talented young lady, only dau llh ::=::::=::::=====:=:===:=I on Mr. H , C, Dakin and family Sun· ter of Mr. and Mrs. Monte Hoblet, day afternoon. and the groom is B prosperous and Mrs. Emma Chenoweth yi~ ited highl y respected young fa rmer of fri ends and r elatives in thi~ vl~inity thts vicin ity . Congra tulations lind during the P&!It week. best wishes of a host of friends are ..,...._-"IL..a'• .eJ7-,to..... cltJ ud towtWlfp. E..,IIlI1.e Mr, a nd Mrs. George Pratt spent extinderl to this worthy you ng ' loft.... _lIlIl9..aolnt. larct nCUrD •• cOUllle. They will be at home to Wrt .. Or Oau .. _ 70ur'terrtlon. Sun~ay with Mr. Ed 1 war d Cook an d t heir friends afte r March 1st on .Miss Alice Chenoweth's farm in this family of Route 4. Mr. and Mrs, Will Gerard received vicinity, Mr. Albert Drake 'a nd famil y a message calling them fo Covingt?n, Kentucky, Monday, ,to the dym g fmoVed Monday t o their farm east of bedside of ~e fo~mer e brother, who Corwin : Mr. and Mrs, George BoblUl bElen an invalid for a number ot cock will occupy the Keys farm years, . vacated by them. We are sorry to IJI,XIFE~R - Word was receiv~d by relatives of Iuse these excellent. people fr om AUTO TRUCK the death of Mr. Joel McGee. a among u~ but what IS our lOBS · is $350 and" Ford former resident of this place Mr. others gam . Miss Al lee Chenoweth is r~over ing McGee has been in failing health for ..... 0_L. l,-hC.. ~. bett-aU. " b ad to .O~ 1"01'4 ' , h meas1es, nma.....oude.rfullJ ttAelentlowIIrl0e4truCk. many mont bs an d d eat h reI'leve d h'18 f rom a siege Wit o.pae\1J from 1,000 to 7.000 lbo. · Buffering Sunday at his home in . Scholars in this vi~inity are back In Xenia. Funeral was held Tuesday school again afte r undergoing the at 1 o'clock at the Mortuary Chapel above disp.ase, , IIllFEI AUTO TRUCK SALES CI. and interment in the Miami cema- -- -. __ - - m , lIjlo_, DIJlU, I.a. ~ry~ II' C-dlllU"

...,....,......"." ...,....

Hogs .h ave advanced 8

Runs every day.


1:] 10: ••




Saxon "Six" is$865.00

ElIi'ii==:J'S-I!===:l181l'===:111::1 IE'===:In::UE==:=I'EI'

While Mill Seed has advanced only 50 ' per cent cor'n has advanced from 70 flo 90 per cent, and


Boone County , Kv, April 22, 1 54 , ~ died Februa ry 9 , 1917, aged 62 years. !l monthd anti 17 d aYd. :htl was tht' foutl h ~'hi ld of Eld er Benjamin IIna ~'I' \. -' I '" Izu ue,,' ,amp t on, one b ro th ar an d lhree sis ters hav ing' prl:'ceded h ~ r to lhe Great Beyond . leaving o nly on' ~. brother brother. \3unj min Lampton, wh rc.,ides in New Mexico. On Odober 23, I 79 s he was united in marriage tu Frcell1 nn 'mith by ~Ider Wm, I{ upa ru , 1'0 this happy IInion we re hor n two hild ..en, Anna l!l l:3elle and Lam pt III ~ In early youlh «he e.~JJe rienced a



'I'r W

Thi. in t he face o f the fac t that each yea r has seeJl do ubl e th e num ber o f ::iax on "Sixes" built.

So that public prefe rence bas swung stron gly ~ward Saxon " Six" as the best car a t less than $1,200.

rc" nt



. a S trong. Phiu IC Be I·Ief Th ere IS In the Superiority of ' Saxon Six"



rnllll'lll'I;,,,n f fuw l \'111. IllI lIlt' I 1111 ',I ~llIt d IJo pnrtntt'nt of AI{I'lc uttUt l'arlllers' !'luI! llu II , I.I.:.!, pro\,," t!,\nclu~iI ,)Iy ·thll t II Il.I' (<lr II~ l'rl1d.l ('ls) ,)tf Ofri II b"tlci' fuod tOl'·lt'hlI 111 (l\ l\!Y , Ilnd li,l)r~ f \lurl for the ~1I1l1' 01<) e-y In IllRk· in)!' lh.e ';"IlI11al·iiun. 1.\",·nIY pUUllIlg 'f fl uu!' w",re U <!d 8" the ba" i~ uf C~ I tim,l! illV-. Ace'onlll\g- III I he r ,;ult" of I he l<'st, IIH'/ll' 1I<H1I1IJ. ll f 1I0ur c ~lillg I (l , ulIuul jn .IOI'J \'nlue the foll uwill,!!, quaulitl" ~ ·tunolllrd nr[!j t icl es of rli et: . 35 DOZ(,l1 '~~I(S (.. ·We c()~ ling .1-100 26 I bs . Po~k Lui n c,· 2&c" Ii rIO J I) fib u. POlatch?~I" $2:() " 4 J 7Ilc~ . • he ~e I,' :;t) 5.1\1 8!:! Ibs. Ued Si·rl.. ill I" 2 c " H 1111 1i3 C')t~, Milk I·.. c ., Ii 2·1 r.I The Ilrict! f t \\'en ly puu nd ' Qf nu ur Io:J tit l Oti ) ill fi gun,d fro lll Ii C()~l of ~ $1000 III r burr -I . Tho Oh io mill ,;.~ lire 1H1t'lIvoring 1 co OPC1Ut.! in ('\','ry \\ 11\' with lhe hllu!\c-wi fe ill ol'llo.· r ((I h~l p her kef>p dnw l1 Ih 'ill\.:' l~ Xlll'!lSe", lind by teach El In ll' the valli' ,I hume hakinR' they ~ enable h~r Iu eup ply her familY with ~~~~~V~~dl~~:'1 r~a8tti~factu rY fo od at ___ __ .. - _ _ r









.- ---- - ---







. CINNA,TI; , Phooe





.-!iII.----I!II-IIi---II!I. .-iII!'-----.........









Late Classified Ads.



HOme Phone .45.1.




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WARREN CnUNTY TEACHERS ASSN The Warren County Teachers As· sociation will meet al Lebanon, Rat urday, March 10, 1917ln the National Bank Buit(!irJg. F(>lIowing is the program: , 10 a m .-Music; Devotional. Rev. A. B. Cunningham; MUdie; "StorY, Tellint in the GradllS .. MillS Beulah Klndltlr; MUilic; Addre8/!, Mr. F. B. Pearsoll; State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Columbul. Ohio . 1:00 p. m.-Mullic; Miscellaneous Businesa; Musir: Addrel!8, Mr. Pear· aon Of tho 199 Teachers in Warren County, onlv 28 (l1itlsed the last Asso· ciation. Let us havo at least 90 per cent of the Teachers present at Lhis meeting. It's up to you! Music furnished by ·t he Lebanon Public Sehoola. W. R. Spriegel, Prealdent Mles Jessie Sibcy, Secretary

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NEW COUNTY PAPER HAS STARTED Vol , 1, ~o. 1. of the Morrow New, reached our desk lut ~eek 'l'tlt paper Is a continuation ot the . Mo\'· row Mirror, but bae changed thE' name to Morrow ~ews, fhe edit/" and proprilltor ia H J. Harris, and it fl unnoce8l!ary ' to say that Mr Barrla ia a 'printer, for the typo· araphlc.l part ot tbe paper eh,ow8 it very plainly. The Mirror had a hard time to .xllt for several years, but it look. now u thou~h tbll .'wheel would bE' manipulated by han\lll that :kno'A the Inl and outs or newlpaperdom Bere's hoping that the Newa will thrive.

[~";;ii:~:';:'; s;"~~,',nJ':'~' '~'

L:anvas at Hyman's.

GIV£tlS 1\ RlOE,

Lyman Silver WIl S a Cincinnati visitor on Monday .

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i~--------; lOVE


Mr and Mrs. ·:ll .:ll urt' (,n · tt'rt>,i nl:'d ut u rlilln,·: day the· I, fullowing' I;l'r lha ·trme· J :UlH:S


' \1


It is unfor tu nale that some ot the public expressions of our local c]er~y rio nut radiale beyond the bounds ot thei r O WII . cOl1g r e~ati ons. In our u Iplls are rAen ut capacity (Inti vi~io n . Their tho ugh ts a re worthy " f a wider liolt! of influence. We r- Irs. ~lllli lrJ a H o~ier elliC' rlaillet! arc fo rlun ate here in Waynesv ille Jeli~llI fully !II I; II dill' I, rJ i, " t·1' on in haying as eX I>ou!1de"s of not only WeJne.•dIlY €' \ l· nilll!. ~1 1';:j ~Iarl!ltt. the ~ospe l but interpreters of life, : Mrt!. Harri ~ . Mr '. Il .)si l'r and l,'rIlIH" '" men of superio r mental and spiritual .J annl'Y. 1111 ~e l , I/rat ~· I hl';" lo irthd"yn mold. on the 2~th of FebrlH,ry. und thi~ "'or instance. Rev. John F. Cadpleasanl event Wll 8 In hOTJor of thi s ",allad r, rector or St. Mary 's church , occa:;oion '1'h(· table W:lS I,euutifully not long since preached a sermon on dt'cllI'I.ted with I,i nl, l'<ll'llati un:;. wi tl, universal peace that cut aside all the pink t:Brnati () lI~ I s f uv ur ~ Th l! ~J1 urio u s a rJ,{uments of th il! European ~Ul11p t uU () ~ di nlll"I' wU:li't!rvcd in fo ur war and went to the CQre of the cour8Cll b,' ~'i ~ E hf'l. th daughtc r question. Mr. Cadwallader in a reof th e h o u ~e . assisted uy l\I rs. ~lIIer · view of hi!ltory pointed out how ~('11 Moson He id ' 5 the fl1 ur gU t1S tR elauorate pu ce pl,ans have failed . of hOllo r. 1r ~ . T. Hawl<c, Mrs J We have tried buildi ng vast fortiE. J allney . Mrll Fr» nk Ztlll and til rtl fications. g reat armiell and na~ ies . ~mmB l{et,'1l1 ick enjuyed thi ~ delight- In ot her we have gone to the limIt of . fu I occasion . preparedness but this seemingly has but invited war. We have formed alliances of all kinds, have had ' Monday. F lHua ' y 26th. b'ein~ the t reaties, have resorted to the sbrewd3rtl birthday of Mr, '1IQH E R(lgers, est dIplomacy, but conflict has enhia rcl:iLivl's and a fe ~ frilmds to the !lued , W ~ dllpendwd on the Hque number of 30 !lllther! d at hiR home tribu nal to carry us safely through near Cent ervill. Ohw , with well the peril s. bul this gigantic slaughter fillt.!d baskets til ~lJel1l 1 the day with IJroves how f utile it is. Now we a re advocating law backed hi m At the noon hOlIl' a most bou n· tif ul dinner wus served Ilnd from the by in ternational police ae a peace looi,s of the La ble it dirt not look project. mu ch like hil{h cost of livi ng as lhe Mr. Cadwallader dpclared that taule groan ed under it s loud of good permanent peace can only be based th ings to eat . Mr . 110gerll received on love. Back of all peopl9l, back numerous gift s uno carda of con- of all nations must be tbls spiritual g rat ulat i.ons . A guod surial time force. It must be reflected In huwas ~njoyet! by all until lime for all manity. In life's varioull relationto Jepart for their different homes ships love mus t be tbe ehief factor_ IAhen they wished Mr. Rogers many , There must be dominant in livery 0l8ny more happy birthdays. Those une', character a deeper and mor. present were Mr . l~ n08 El. Rogers, sincere love for mankind . Love disThe Grades will giVI' lJ.eir program Mr . and Mrs. Sherman Rogerl!, Mr. pels hate. jealouey, 8usplcicm, greed Mr. Charles Thoma F,lnd Miss Maty Friday afternoon bllitinning' prompt. For st-veral wlleks past fa r mers L. Parlette, both of i1~idgeville. 0 , Iy at t \\·o u'clock, 'fill: public is mnst who came into town Saturday nIghts, and Mr8. I~Jla l lli [oller!!. of Lyth,. and self-seeking. Whure love is were united in marria,re by Rev ,J. cordia lly invi ted. T hie program \Vas have complailll:'d of g roceries being Mr . and MJ'!I Elmer Rogers, ti f Way. supr(,1I1e we need no law. If all ot F. Cadwallade.r at St. Mary's Ch urch set two weeks late on account of taken out of their bugg ies, and of n e~ vi ll e, Mr. anrl Mrs. EI'ne8t Rogers us would read Henry Drummoncl's and baby. of Ferry. Mrs Julia Brown " Greatest Thing in the World" once rcdo r.v last Saturday f,vf'nin g. ~icknes~ of so many of t he stud ents such frequencies that the au thorities and da ug hter Uerlha, Mr. and M-s. B ml>nth for a year there would be a While not unexpecl,ed . the event Misse Heste r Ca nine and Vada had been no tified . and las t alurdllY No rman Brown. Mr. un d MrR. Ed- foundation for love laid tbat would W88 80 limed that it c.a me as a 8ur· McPher on took the teacher's exam· eveni ng lhe ma rshal caught Elon ward Brown and daughter Jeanette. keep tbe world fr om 8ailllni· prise at the last. Gray . who lives on Mill street, dead Mr. And Mrs. Henry Brown and Mr. Cadwallader In hie diicourse Accompanied by Misn Louisa Stoke!' ioation in Lebanon stu rduy. torighls. three rh ildren. Mr. and Mrs. Clur- asser ted that all of Uti in thia comand Mr. J ohn 1'. Lemmun. the); re Bernard Allen. who lives east of ence Berryhill and son Harold . Mr. munity have a mIssion to perform in The Warren Co un ty Teacher's Aspaired to ,the rectol'Y ' when at 8 ' n w1ll meet at Leban un Sat· town. had bought quite a large bill and Mrs Wilford I:.:lIiott, Mr . and this real peace movement. We are o'clock they took u pon themselves sociati urday, March 10th. State Supt. Pear· of groceries and put them in to his the vows th at made them one fo r 80n i5 the chief sp eaker. Th is will buggy. When he star ted for home 111 rs J oseph Williamson and son creators of pu blic opinion. We can One Who Was There, in our various relations to one anlife, Rev. Cadwallader useing the be one of the big meetings cf th u ab.)Ut· 9 o'clock, he examined th e Ellio tt. other, to our familiea, frlendl. bUli- . . full ehut ell marrialt'e oo l'~i ce , the year. ---+-bUigy and found the gro ~erie@ ness associates, competitors, town, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chandler, brIde beinl{ given awa'~ by Mr. Lem' missing . After n o tifyin~ the oln. community, state, nation or what Miss Elizabeth Carroll and Rev. J . mon o . Our boys brought home the laurels elals who by thi s t im e had their I3U S' not , radiate love. We can let in F. Cadwallader were Xenia visitors Th e only persons p'relent besid es from Ki ngman Friday nigh t. It pic ions, they started after the cu I· more of this II'reat pow.r of peace TuesdllY· those mtlnti oned abov'e were, Miss took lorood team wo rk on the part of pl it, and between 11 and 12 o'clock in our daily live3. Maria Stout, Mrs . Cadwall ader and the home team .IS the Bcore was 21 they went to Gray 's home with a Mr. Cadwallader, In our opinion, t o 20 in our .fa vor, . search warrant issued by Justi ce S. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Arehdeacon , Miss Clara Lil e. hae struck the real key note of the The bridtl of this occasion is well of I.ebanon, were. the Sunday Ijtuests C. J OY . and th ~ re found almost all hope to have some of our girls ltQIU' in the peace program. of Mrs Mary Caskey and Mrs. Hall' Ilnd favorably known in ' Waynepville. onWe . C.M.~ the trip to Washington next year. of the missing g roceri es .. . she being Ii former reaid.s llt of this Ilah Antram. Sunday mOMling Justice Joy held - -.....=. • •• ~ .. place A noble daughter and d evot The Domestic Art Girl s are going' court, fOllnd his man ~ul1 ty and in The Neopolltan Quartet. composed ed si9te r'. Ihe has fOll" B number of to COml)ete. default of the! PlI'Yment of his' fine, e-.tlrel.,. of colored people. will be a t Mrs RQasell Campbell, formerly years made a home ' or her father --------~ --IVas sent to the c'ounty jail until the School Hall, F ri day evening, March M8r~uerite Thompson. of Dayton, and brothers, aS8um;,ng the cares . first of May. is .pending tbe week with relatives and uncomplainingly discbargi r.g the J6th . They will be assIsted by a and friends in Waynes ... l11e. reader and a vi olini~t. duties incident to the same. - - -... - - The qualtet- J . M. BanI. J . B. Mr. Thoma is a pr()mising young Matthew!. Woodley Wells and W D. Don't feil to hear the Neopolil"n farme r hi~hly esteemed. Mr, an'd Brughton Bre students at Wilber· Qu'artet at School Hall, March 16. Mrs. Thoma will reside on a farm force. and they have Bung in all of near Ridgeville where the)' are at the lurge cIties in the United Stales Mi98 Eleanor Earnhart, of Route home to their mallY f/~l e n ds . Have you planned to seed mor" Mond ay they appeared Lefore Pres· 4, Is teaching school at Springboro hient Wilson, who praiseu them land to elover this spring? The c;r?p this week, taking Misl Sarah Bur· . very hi ghly for thei r .fine prOllram pays by making the land more fertile Go\', Cox hu. named Arbor Day nett's place, who is quite ill and their voiees. besid es' yielding a good hay crop. Friday, April 13th, and goes on in Grant Williams. tho viol inist. iB ~~or 17 ,'eare at the Ohio Exp.riment lIis proclamatio ' and says it is a sa· saiulo bl! very fi ne , while L. C. Rid ' tatlon' corn on unfertilized land Mbs Marjorie Turner yiaited her cred duty to protect bird life by ley , the readeI', has some very fine yielded 6.2 bushels more to. tbeacre parents in liellbrook Friday. On a~ ­ main tai ning forests . It ill well that Louis Ku ertz, game warden for press reports . in a three·year rotation of corn. count of her iIInesl Monday, Mioo. every citizen alld every chool should Southern Ohio. hus been dismissed This en ter tainment will be given wheat lind clover than In a flve·year Alice Carlly tauaht her claooel. plant a tree on this day. from the service f or insubordination undel' t he auspices of the M. E rotation of corn, oats, wheat, clover An idea ha ~ been mentioned that Mr. Kuertz and Dr. Kirgan, a memo h h " ,W I'11' c urc . an d t hea r l'18L!1 lllve a and ll·mothy. On manured land In it would be a goo rl lthin ~ for not only ber 0 f t h e ata t e boar d , h·av::;, be;:;e/;;.'~1 b 't·~eltl~Fe;lI-&N~'&f!_-Y_:..t-~l+-~~~~~ Tobacco Canvu at ~yman's . e ;;;; ' ~~L.QOJl during tble time Bomer Carey wisheR to thank all ~he sch oiars. hut te·e citlxE'ns aNwell. te r to .... ard each·othl'r for some Ime. hea r them . as they ar' exceedingly carll yielded 8 4 bushels more to the to meeet on this day and plallt a oree aCfe than in the five-year rotatioll Mr. and Mrs. Samu.1 Jones, who of his old cust"mers to r their kin d· on thenew sch·ool gnou nus. Whelher and the result was that Mr . Kuertz fin e. . Seats t or the entertainment will even though more mallure ·was ap· have been spending the past. month ness while he was d raying . Thei r thiil would meet with the approbation was "fired" Mr. Kuertz has been game warden be on ·s8le ai ,Janneys' drug store, plied in the latter rotati~ n. T~(! Exwith relatilles in Ohio, returned to relations in every irlst8n::e was atl of the board. however, would have ror Beveral years, and has made a Monday. March 12th . perimen t Station cred its thiS In · their hoine in Phiiadelphi:A Monday that l!ould be desired, and he is very to be de termined. gratetul for the support they guve name for himself as being Il crell ed yield of corn. largely to t~a him wl'lile workillll: for them. It is man, and going after all ca :es in a clover crop because It comes once 111 evenina. with some reiret that he gave up the gentleman ly mann er . He has made t hree instead of on ce In five years. several trips to WayneSVille and has Lost-Black BOW, weight about business, bu t other field3 called hi m - - - ... See Waterhouse for Auto Livery made many f riends in every insta nce . .350, tip off ~eft ear and slit In right: and he re3ponded to the call. las piga by this time. Finder call t43·1 y' Vall~y Phone orAl. ~)attertb· .vaite and receive reward. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~~ 09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


gucst~ : ~]i ".1

I mnn.

of · LebAllon: !-I .. ,· i Freel , Hawke. !Jean H I\'€I . HHymond I lJavi .. G. J 'alerh"lI';(· and Carl I\lcCl urc.






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Mlsll Jennie Cook. ot Leuanon, .iaughter of Mrs, Susan Cook, of this place, left this ' week for Dayton, -vhere ehe will enter Miami Valley in nursing. hOlpital and,take a courae • I



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Monday eve nin~. wiUI all present . ltoutine busin liS wali attended to, bills we re allowet! and paid Th!' representatives of the Dayton Powe r &. Li ght Co. were not present. as WQS rather expected . to make a repo rt as to buying lhe plant. After council hud ad iou rned thl:' Board of Public Affairs met and transacted consid erable _business. E. V. -Barnhart was mad e the tem · porary ·clerk of this board . - - - . - _.- - -


. .

Herman Marshall, son of Roy Mar'shall, who is at the borne of Stanle, Watkins, near Lebanon. lost three fingeril one day last week, by playing with a .tick of dynamite, the thumb . aild first two fingers beina' blown off and the hand badly lacerated. The boy had been warned to keep away from the shed in which the dynamite was stored, b\lt hjll curioaity got ·the better of him, and he attempted to pick o.i f the cap with a match, when It explod~d .

- - -...

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··rr·the -:1'.:rI:J r


CITY DADS .MET . MONDAY EVENING 80Y LOSES - .TWO 'FINGERS Council mel in rc)\, ular session

GU8tin'a L1vory.,..2 Autos, Hors.s and Buitgie& and Horse and Wagon tor mOVlna trunks to and from de· pot. We meet all tratn, and continue The generosity of the owne rs of the H atrris building on Ma in street has tmide it posto' take guntS to and from Hotel. sible for lhe Library Association to r ent their excellent corner room , With tnis admirable Will O. GUBtin. location a'ssure~, the library ' work is prog ressin i; witb confid~nce. A nu mber of public--:-Mrs. A ·C. White, who has been spirited citizens have 'not y et joine d the association, and it is hoped tha t those interested ipending several weeks with her son , will not wait to be asked. The s o licitors a re husy p eop le ai~d hay eno opportunit y to make . Mr. U M. White, left tor Wllii/imli' . f b' . . town, Ky .. where she will visit with a canvass 0 tbe ~owns lp. . . . ' . In order that tlie funds availa ble for purch aS Ing Qooks and penodlca ls may be ex. relati.ves for a ehort time before reo. , . . tu~ninll to her home in pweneboto. pended to the Qest possible ad vantage., we b elieve many of the old standard works could be supplied by donations. No libra r y could b e <7 ve n, started without Ande rson'!:!, Grimm ' s il . OaterlY,. the . Xenia Millif\e.r, 45 and Aesop's Fairy Tales; GuIriver ' s Travel ' , ArabiE\.n Nights, Swiss Family Robinson , Pil. Gr~!lstreet, }VIII hava her annual grim's Progress' or such treasu res as have come ' down from the pen of Scott Dickens The lease for the 'postoflice build; openm~ "arch 8, 9 and 10. She Is ' ' f ' f 11 WI " T " . .I b d t.l d 't 's re Frank Elbon arriv,d home W~d · showing aU tho latest creationa,.and .Thackeray; or t he poe m s 0 Long e ow, lit h er, e nnyson, . etc: Prohably , a lso, some tn~ WI; toonb' \0 en ~ b an I. I d needay from his Southern trl.p, 8nd it 'Yill.. be well worth ) our time to owners of valuable books of r efl:!re.q.cCo, or goodl curre nt fi ction, would be willing to loan or .~~~rpega~H:ce I~~:~~ewe I~~;~ve T~e "perf.ctly deliafllted wltb .It. He viSIt her ahop on these dates, and d t 1 Tl . t' 'II b id t . ... t d ' d ' b ?o k room ~ust . ' be n~ar t h 't f .pent two daylln Cuba., and would see her line ot the latest millinery. ona ~ ~)l~e or ~?re vo urnes. . Ie a~s9CI~ Ion ~l .e g a. ?<:; aqy s an ar iii cen er 0 bave proloni..d hIli vlaft there If it ' o.r periodical. ] he book cornnllltee IS bemg gUlded 111 th lr selection by recommend ahon.s the. bUBlDet.ssh por tlooon of the, to~VT't bad not been fo, the unrest 'amon~ .. f th St t L··.... . . . !lnu mus · ave !\q uare ..,ee 0 t ' " of Cbarles Woollard, of Alph~, Ohio, 0 e ~ e 1.",rary. .. . floor epaee, good daylight, ~tc. ~:~';::flll~I:J!a:!au!:t :~ntry is the guest of 'relatives ~ere for a It IS . to m ake a .purchase of boOtks.m t~le. near .future, and In order tha t no The fqrm . o( I!lase , blank~. etc, were vel'1lntereatinl[ and 10m. odd tew d!lYI. Mr. WooUard IS .Just re- unnecessary be spent please make your donations promptly. They may be left a t ma~ be seen at the postoffice. and .. hta witn Id b b t covennJr from a railroad aCCident of ffi e ' k Tb d ' • h k a d.agram of the room to be leased iae h\':trf, laat tall, and bu not been out .of the the 0 ~ of L.. 00 . e .onors Illame wall appc;ar an .eac boo accepted. will have be made and submitted In Flo: aDd : • .lated wi& hospital vel'J loni. Be auatamed a New hbrary IS costly, a.nd an otder that all possable funds be u sed for the pur- to the Feelera] goverhment. that Itate~ HIt vfait. to IIlutattonl, broken lew and arm and oilier Hvere chase of good , it is thought that for the present sl\ch furnishiilgs might be loaned • - - -~:= Injllriel. . or donated. If have anything suitable loan Dr give tbe association, please commu..... See W.~ ~ 4~to u •.., nate witb nmiata Pierce., Frien$' .. Subscribe for the Miami Gazetw.



l!~~!~!l 1~_. . . . . . . _PRO_UD_·!~N ~!_ 0.~~_=_~_ ET ____ :.:_:_:--t:IL~TY_:-~VENTSJ'- BE THE MOST

. - - - - - - -.. 1

The ~ ·rrow News has I he follo~ · . Miss Leah mith, of Cincin nati. is ing tribute tu 1<' . G. Hartsock. whl! IS visiting he r parent s. nuw the ca.- hier of the Waynes vlll ~ Nali unal bank: D.' 0 Afttl r serv ing for five yeRrs li b Dr. III, steopat h 2 S. BroH" c 'lshier of th e fir st National Bank way, Lebanon OblO. of this place, Mr. F. C. Hartsock left - yellterday for Waynesv ill e. Mr. and Mrs. L A. Zimmerman where he h8~ tlceepted a Ilo~i ti on a! are in Cinci nnati to da y. . cashier of the Wayneslli lle National Bank Mr . Orner W. Clark, who has Thos. Romine and Thos. Cla rk beell cushier of the Farmers Nationa l were Oay'ton visitors Frid ay. Bank. at <.iood !lope, Uhio, ac ('epted the positiuJI WI clI~bier of the The Neopolitan Quartet at ~ch \ 01 Firat National here. Hall , Frid a v evelli'l!:" March l G. In the departure of Mr. Ha rtsock. Morrow lind vicinity lo ~e one 'uf Mrs.' Jennie Roge rs. of Lebanon, their best IInCl most hi~hly respected families. As a C88hiu, fal'billhted. was the week end !lUestor MrB. Mary capable of puccessfullv dlspoainK of Caskey. the moat · intricate problema elln frontO!(! by bal,lls and bankers, d':al, Dr Thos Sherwood spent Sund ay ing with those in need in a manner and Monday with r e l at i ~eB in Cin· profitable to his bank, and eXlend.ina cinnati. every favor consisten t with good busineSl! principles, Mr. Hartsock stand s am on~ the fint in the blmking See Waterhouse for Auto Livery. business. For a {IlW years he was connected with the Fifth·Third Na· St. Mary 's Guild will meet wi t h tional UanJ[ at Cincinnati, and uy his Mrs. Will Graham on Thursday afaLrlr.t integrity end business quali· ternoon. fications, he was prepared to come to Morrow and make \loud. and in so The Misl\es Trillena amI Margaret doin~ a larger and mor'! profitable Edwards spent Saturday with rela· field t~. an our village prescnt.i itself tlves here. and he aceerots His businefs relati on~ here. aside . trom the bank, have been pleasant Tobacco Canvas at Hyman's. with all in whom he came in contact He III a Ilenerou!!, public·spirited Henry Woollard and nephew , J ohn man, always willing to put his Woollard made Ii b u s ine~8 trip to shoulder to the wheel and labor for Franklin IlllIt Thursday. the up bu'ilding of the fown ,!!ond for the II'Q ~d of \)Ie general pubhc. He, Mr. and Mrs. Ed . ROllers are MI'!!. Harblock arul their little daugh ter wiH not only be ~reatly mlslled moving to Lebanon, where they will from the commercial fields of Mor· make theil' fu t ure home. row', but society will keenly teel the 1081 of them. Morrow'd 101!8 is Way· Mrll, J. D. Marlatt, Mrs. C. M. nesvllle 's gain . Robitzer and Mrs. A. B. Sides were For a few weeks Mrll. Hartsock Dayton visitors Thursday. and . little Mildred will remain In Morrow, and we feel sure that it will be with Ii feeling akin to sadnesf The Neopolitan Quartet at School (~at they contient to leav» theit Hall, Friday evening, March 16. beautiful home, which only recelltls Mrs. Homer Carey Willi called tu was erected to the Hartsock likiml DayLon this mcrninl:l' on account of - - -... - - the eerious illneas of Miss Leafy Emley.

- - - ...

Whole Number 3412





Waynesville Blgh School basketball bOyS ;went to Kinllman Friday night and came home victorious. tb" score being 21 to 20. The pp'. throughollt was a hard one. neither side being able to do mU~ pal throwing. Hewever. It a cIeUI game tbrough0!1~ and more than ntllDed 1'hla II probabJ,y &b6


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To K .. r pMIce Awp.y. \ .. To 1((,':(111 Jl rk·, ,,,\- ny •. iJllC' tit 11.1 ..• ~lm~ I 01cRI ,mol IIl lh.· ~lI l1H' Un,t' IIII! I 1'i1'·C· .

i . ":.. TtlE ORE .I ,TEST

O .~ f 1h'I ' Jlh)~ ,~ I~ t., I':IIC(' lUll ' ,, · .11' " 11 111' " , I 11,' I - " ~I ]zILI,un (<I, Il ii II ,, ' 1. I f>'l t 10 ' I " III I' III Ih, ' , ' 11.11" r Cllltb UI\I'd lh~y III· I THEA1'RIf~AL \ I "11 "',, J:,lt t .) h" nr Ih r <'!<IWlI s lhI1 IIY." l10 " ~1' r'lml'ld , tt is t ,.•• nll.1I 10 o n-or ' (..lit. ' . I '" £.4\ ('rlo .. 1 Ih ~ ..1,,0.'1 J'lI ."Io . n .\l<'l ~·. " I I h' l' __ _ _ ' tt) till' n l ·10t-. N CIt 1\1 0 d u bs t il .. bl'll' , IN THE WORL,t> h i,' "n lth'-" (\ t at hll I·r I kn owl" ,I.:;o ttl[ f' t hu "l1B~1lED \'Ill , 'I. $•. 0" I'~ YEAI. . . ~ I . "~,\, I h·1\ Y·'lI." 1I1I1I1I!"I·(·,1 Ih., I CO)IIIIIOIi 1 J ';l~ ' OU rI :"" ~I~ t 1 niH rsl l), C I"':.c r A' ;I"I, .. O~i 11, D~UCCWTs, 61> ,,011' LiSTS, Y I ' II I1 ~( 'I' limn. "l,'"r I'll p rot'l ulm n i~' I ll uro hM " 11 c<Jr tl r uUlu· . In Hl rl; ()' . to ddlil " Que st ion. C O$ TU ME R , T I\ N F ,ER, C"'~ 1,,1< 1I ,, ~,n lI Oll l'nonl·hI('l a \\rll . 1I II JlI'd QII)' (u rUWII r " ~ I' ''n ' 111111),. 1' h.· ( ,n ilt I" 11.11 " HI) , VS S F: VICE CAI N PRO F\' ~UTt10R -t 'iRf CHALICE or COURAGr," , 1111 11 1' II ntl I'll 1'1I1'1I ~h I h.· rllrt from PIli: t:I. II to ' t .1 , II II I ,,1\ ' " . . tI I" ~ ., , I. Ih .· II'~ h. I'" 1'1('11 prUIl llrod 1I 1I(1.,r 11 ··11"'1' II I "I I~ -h ull l,J \I III', LI" " \I' IHC ITS' ~ D VE flT I$1NO Oo~U '" If" ""TH[ lX.ANO or Rr~DirRAT'fON;-- T \--Hl t tH' tllt' w lt1 hi l il(1 ' It l\l I':' .. ' t tl I k \ , " 111 tl', l l ';~ l In. ' lil f' ulr ~("tJOtl r !'l1' (' (· : llllS t S. ,..' (,l~(,' l o v(l . )h Il1U\' .• : t ') 11' \ hI'" hn ~1 11\1I1 1 \\ l UlU V . OPV FREF r C, " II',; 1"'111 1 WOUld!!'1 \l'lI nl 1(\1 111\'" 111 . r 1\1 II i I , , I' " ,'., ~f'l l will 1&,, '1" ' 11 "(\ [,(\:~lJla rly to all IIl(1tl1 nl,hvli )' 1.1 <, oI"" ~~~; l\ l v 'ilIO n X" ll'~. . .,....~ SAM PLE:: C AND . I I ,,~ w "' I'lt l( C L IPPER U'~ "r.Oin~T~r'\.TD RDA1\V nn II,,· ·IIII H·I,:I1I' C." ,,, ltl l',)I"I,,' 1 W ln!.:, 1 1I ~ I III P' II I) , . b.·r" I '("'~uoa l I'Ik !t. by 'rnpr" , enl ol ~. , ' ' ... v " .. . ~ ... , aJ JI ' " l'<lJ.L,..I-' UVWl \\,lI l·lll. .,'1 IJ \ 1 I ' 1'.1 I'·, r,! W '" , t ll "H IIr Ihlt A~l'i " \1 l1 I11'111 OoI1<'1;e b:x · - -- . CIVIL. fJfG/IfLER. "'I'll nllo QJ' R Jrrl.,nt . t n llll ~h ll"'t\l l "rull . 1' 1' 'lilt .t, ~ " lit r W ItI( t n ~I "\1 ~e rvl 'l\ w l\l be nt " de lo 'C hl~1 CCPfnIGIfT IIY n .'MlnGH.llrvnL CONPAIIT II kl; lhO Mllrth, t." ,11,.1\11.,1 I lII' Io ,r :;1' \"1 fll .· til II II It' ll • 1ft I' .' I' \I IIt·".IIU d U. l· lu~r lln!:G. til add ILion. the lub worl: -.Lno any " ' fi R n n UnU!fIllIIIY !l'::r : ~ •• lIrt.'w n nref\\n OrrOl'e rn~r n~/:mn I'" n' nc '. fu ru' w rn ,' . 'o ll "d Ir)l 1) 1" " Cl ll.l u A. grent · QUllnilly of " lru l' ttl rn l s t ('el lI J;h t tllt'lr IllpN.>, CiOR U1 Nr ((Ji ,1 l"IS "'~, 1 " T it.' tl bllonn r 10 ,\ me l'ICHn 1 1~l lI r .. r' J{ ldl~ r L II I I' Ih. , I" , .... 0 " " " ;0; 1" ' ( PRIC E~ RIGHT) thnt hn,l h('cn (I In~' CfI n nr! whl ~ h Imel pll'k · uJ). Ih,Ir "OI\,l nnll cll nnl'r I III II~. , II1 J:." ~l\ l d II rtl ~i:!. \ \' . lUlI t., ,, : . r , I ••1 /I, -\\ I ,' rt, Barbed Wire nnrl r l'. ullI e Ih('l r (,o o\' er~ nll& l n 11 8 Ih ,..y ) threl1tcl1(.'{1 to hold lip t l\l' work . n r rl" ~'" ",\1 11 1 III II w( ul 1... 1'\ CIt IIr,,," ('01.1' II " 0 11 "1' ),,1111 I 111" 1",, I " ,. l ~ l ll '1I\(' UI;' 11t <l r \'II III\II,V I l it\! U• ~ I , I IJ II - , &1 1& • that dny nud til e chlc·r o t Ml1 s l ructln n ;:tr,'lIf'(1 s h o r~. ' . 11 11\1,'11 lit o ,·0!(1/1t'1. wall busier thnn h e hlill e n~r hcen, H I' " l 1I~~HlII e t h"Ul lli l: ' protes ted Ihl Mll utJ I). I' ,, " .,' It , I,.. II . (, " b G ,\ HA:O\'l' ER D I.. I"' nl wilh out Icn,,' Sol..: Agent '\Vos d rlylllg Ih\) 1III' n wll h ru rlous Tt S.. "mell tn Ahhol t flult II ItllIl Il l',',' r ~'(lI \lU: "';011. ron'l n~ 1,1" II I'S to ~[Icn l,. hUI r. \1 , I , .! I , . I I t " . .. " Ing II bl,·Uli. h , QI' 1tt();l:Jo;Y j ' EFU"N.OJo:D . . I'Dergy. EHn und er tilt! b est contlltltlllA h ..,·/\ s'l. ~l1l'nt on Ih\! hrhlp' h ·(' Ir". 1I1t1l ''' I~ h Ih" cllnllllnll \, 1' I urill'lI ~t 'l I n I Ol \ · ...• , I 1',' tt , w' 1" 11 I' IU IUIl tl' U< k, :111(\ ~l.(X) ~ i Zt!g [.'r [r~ " h wounds, For the Gorden TI res ol d H"rt'~ 8U re bnt'k s !Lnll K" " I1 Ic It'r8.1.~uru 8 It woul t! be w e ll·nlgh IIl1Po~ lll lt:' 10 'l'h prt1 w ns n l m(lst nl\\"n ,\'~ It hr " 1.1' , rorth ~h i ' h ':~r'y nnU Stl lU t'r C"l h!si- l y 11n\1 (1 ~X Ci\ lJ l .. . I nnd bru iSt, . ~ . izo in r F nlllily U1:l I'Ompl<!lc Ul e brltlgl' on LIme. Abllntl SI)I\l\!t ll1l(,s 11 jro l('. hlo\\'ll1I: (I(m' n or tlJI , fllh' 10 ('rll ~ h hIm. 1 • ( n' " u i f., DR. COX'S PAINLESS BUSTER h ud I)rldo In Ctlrrrins (Jut tit CDlIlr!l et tho gorl!(' Ihl'ulI!!h wi li t'll I h., rh" 'r " It \\'tI ~ .'lIly 1\ m l ~ tll k ." Ilr" " 'SI<'II I is pnlll "'Rd :1 1111 J.[n:lrn llic'cd to ell re Rnd Itle 811nncllll Ilu es tl(\!l Wll~ '0 (·(1 n· Ollwt,.ll,"t I h Ill ut t.' rnO(1I1 1I.'t 11 hn ·"l h . if "" ' 11 1I1l1l J:w,'rlh. ,Irllwi llj! '1"" ,1' III ,\h,' Il. J ' I , r " . ' • 1 1111 I' h u r lJtl SpO\'i u,l{inl(u llllt' , 'IIrh, I'l\'(·UI.ly1 Splillt, sldernble one. Hlld It not h""11 fu r wllS s llrrlU j!. Iwr !tw .'r·s "1 (1.... nul wit h dll lkli ll y I'." it l.' !, " \ I 'J • " . ' to, ,' .. J' uffs lIr 11I1\' (' lI lnl'I!C'I!tc'lIt o t II no. or thnt, perlinpa, b e would hll\,o pnill tu M" Ahhoit found lltrn~"l r wnltlll g In I ~I slh,g II tClllptlltiu U to ciIl SI) JIIIJ I 111 1 1'1 ,1 , I . , ., I, . • I ,'M ~: , "m t N I mllijuk, n l' 1 '~ '" I\'Y rl' ill llll~ll. Price 600. I1 tt{'nlion to Me llll c's np[lenl. So b ~tt'l1 lu f'(t nnd 1I lt w o lltp d ~ lI " rW J1~t' f t lr h ~ r Ul'lns. \\ HI I.h 'c r l\'t I'. un l U lli ll JO ,\' ; Phon~ 90·a CORWIr , OHIO F OR " Al E BV " -. [\RUOGl5T" hurrle.l 0 0 th e work n t top !;PCNl. th e nl'xl ~ I.'r /lll d or t\l'o. h i. ('ycs IIx,'(1 "A 1I115t1l1", I" e..'(clulpJed IlI'r f lltil('r " ro... 1.1' . ',,' Ln te In the nfll'rllooo, wit II nut !ln~' · on t he lIl{'tn lll' r. Th' l(lllg \\'" r l1l I'tI ~' ~ ultl.' rl~· , I J " tH '1. t J ;l It I r \ ... " ' 1n l 'f ,ttu tlr - I Ing nn)' lhlng to \\, lI chln ~s. who hnd r t'- or nl (t n'fINII llI m $un 11 It 1111 I nil 1",1 It "l' ll" ~n ld yours l'l f." urJ:" ll llt c \\' 1111\ · III \ oI r ," • , It , , 81t0lC(\ his rogul nr work, or to nll~'ho!l;< cli'IIrly. rn t hll t S" (" 'II,l 1I1I1I\(', lIn t,'ly nn. tn rnlllg 10 Ihe ('hler ~ " g l nl'cr. "110:.1 A I • • , • I... \ 1'/ ,., l i lolnJ""' o In f oct, Abbott w e nt 11011'11 t o It.ok nt I W I(I I\' I II lit, f II r (o\\'o I I u wun I 1Ih' II I .'1' p ,u dltl n' l k n o w wh(' thc r Ih" . h' 8 1 ~ 1t ' the m ()mb~r a gliin. n e ellml",(1 !lown JF"n d Ill' ~n w II s ll tlcl r tl rl nL:h n .. nf h r,':I1\- wflu lLl work o ut th ut n (l h111 )~" l'n ul d H'''l r '- ,) t.1 1111 I t· d ' II :--- _\· II11 Il H~ . d e . " F r o rn a hundred fe t or rll.)r e to 111:1kc un. In ,t: stet"'!. L o w , hut vtf~J\ r t' 11111Jgh lit ti lt' IOlo W. b u t y o u w e re cou vl nceu t il II t l' t ' h l-- '* ! . l t II l..;. t tIl l · 101 11 . HI. Funeral Director \ oUler eltRm.lnotlon Ilt the {'SI' II ~C' of hl tl'n~e I1 coc~. he h{,lI ftl II \lI)I' JlI II~ I IIIPY \\'otll"." .1 \\. 1., ' I~ " I ' , rr1l' A . L tt Wls . and Embalmer, ~'''lII rl 11k th ""np of Il !:rt' nl tl llti,·I·. . "Wll lr," Inte rrupt('d tlto fnthe r. Il l" ' " " O; ~ I"· . II ' : ""1 . Th (' n Ih e 1"'ltili t gl 11111 IIr rl·.. ~ l l l y .. ~h . n tl ~ , tli ere Is ono COOS('(IU Cl1 CO YOU I , Ltlliu I.. I r k .~ ·l!nr l.' 1:l W . Way~esville. Ohio. to Ficti()n McCa\l's is Supreme," It!'nl, ,' n lII e ln l ' :o uj!hl Itl ~ .'s cll,·.l j!lnl ... I·. 1111 " (' got to b(,llr tilllt YOU' b llven' t I (J 11l~k. l )t I'C,I ('I ; ;! rt ,.~ It ~ 1 1· c l, . '1 he Inrln g II'n~ gl\' lll g WII ~·. ~1 ' · :l III.' \\,tl s ' Ihoull'lIt ot" writes Ii New Yorl, subscriber. rl ghl. 'I' he rn mhcr \\'ould j:1l \l'lI h 11 - 1 ""'hnt lJ~ yoU m enn1" ' , • I' rohal ~ Oll rl We have arranged w i Lh a n und er· McCALL'S help" ~! CAlf taker to g e t 811 aUlo. tlO we wi II btl UV{H 1 , 2 0 0 . 0 00 A Successf ul Corn Club Bo y a nd 011 '1' 111' OrRt pop or t\Yo Wfi R RU(' ,'er.l ecl hy "Do you think I 'd let my dnu"hte r I 1 tl • . nf 111 . II I )0: u IInl' rllttl n ~ or r('\'oll'('r Rh \l l ~ .. n If) 1lI1I_ (II I II f) e n )r OC . able to furni sh e ith c l an aulo o r Sa lllple of His Corn. 1 Wf1!n l' n d r~!"s i n I rnurry n Dlon wllo hnd ruIned ru , lin Unit. n il I I rn .. ~ r ...·d I" t il L' m Ol t . t n :'; 1)'1 (- a t K~l'ln ll ,'xh orde d rawn fun e ral. 1I 1'Ilrtl from n rtI Fl1fln('e. n l! Ihe Inrln ;;!! Illr olli petent eng loee r by hIs own cou. I tlU U $u r F l,pu l£' .'.} IIIIk" I ( :n l u llJ LI1~: w ill he 11nll 1I11~ " f' r :~ "ll : I s -p ,Pt' visill n t 'l' n : ll. A I c ~ng''' Both phones in Ollle!!' ami Residence. g!l\'e wny In Qui ck s ocees, lon. Abbolt \ t .. · s lon n-" ni l';'u sh i tl ll wus n mon with n po)wc rful voice lIod ',: '" .. I!:~ t ~tt> ut A lI <·" .,h .l l<' h ll ll, II 00 11 • of CUl lll t ) and tll o..; , rl t·t slIl lcarinli· nd l' u t.-" L o ng distance,N o. Hi H orne phon e or 10({ lInn l!'. n " \\ (, 11 rt!' 11)( a l cllI l . h "' u t! · be rnl R'd It t o Its li mit. . It Is just. I;nld Mende. I h ove ed . f III I IlC" f' t1u l 1l I,-rl. \ AlHh u ri t}" fu r 4S 14-2r. 'e nr~ , noth ing furlh er to do b ere, gelltlclIlen. ... . i J L' k h I e ra. . Th e Idle \Yorl' men ju ~ t he"lnnlng to t.. ", ~ { ~ h ' . •wn o .. t l " r l ll l1 n ll Deo , Not a Mer e Co t" , t. McC LL P AT. , . .. " I mus t go to my oUler. I " . 1 ' j' l d la ugh nod j est. h>!ord u b'Tent cry: liL'C "'1~ I ' l . ,~" , " IIC lUI(' UIII I l' . ,. E RN5 I nd ill '· hll ~ . 110.· .,' J ." I 111 Ih ,) ~ll1 h will ''.In tor oot." crIed Helen nUng· £ - t ul o ., f ' " 'u n \\'111 1 11 1\1 ~. jr.,d ... n o t lit ' 111' 1" Iy a (', a lt ' l )'0 t\\'{'t: n h()~ s t y le. nt, SiI11 p lh:"orr th e b ridge. for Oou's sltke!" worlh. "I cnn't nllow :rou to dI spose of c I~ P " ~·l l\ u l. ," ' t. ,U tl t " f 1I .l lI ll u l ity , 'Icn un m y anl1 l(l ra :toIf' 111 1)1 1' C' nrn . h l ~ t ~o n r oll !';p h ' l,' Two or thr e. omong thrill Wll eh· me In Ulnt wny, fother. It be Is a s 11'1 1( ' " ti lt I. nn mh (' r .il1. ! i n tf 'J " ll l i n H t \ 'P t'r I)r l! ('r \p. \ Vll b til e Inss. who hnpp n('d to Ill' wllhln II f w blnmnble ns h e SIlys ho Is. and os ynu Me AL I.'S- S4 tcJ 11 8 I'~ r. f''' ",on l hly- l. t h e I~~ t~ru >I I H 'IIl .,d l ~ i lll 0 ul ' ll1 , de' 11 1' 11' (o r Ilt p (',.1. e,' c' \If . \ ~ I'i"II I IUr l.' ul111 1:"" .. 11\(111 G U1(.Jc "'h i I~ ow , h ·rp ln.: Il rl l l ~r or f ect Clf thr Inncll~ nrd ' 1ll1. wllhollt un. : Sill' he Is. now Is UIO tlmo obovo n il (O" u« ct. l'- ••, Oil . ,,".'. HlI l!. ftl' lI (,) v ud , lit e ,,,'1" '11 1 (I::I ··.. r' . K II nu " mpt will be Illo r CWOlll f'H . h n n ~ l ll' Ul l lt f n ji' ~ l 6. i n \'! In t h e d e rS h, l lllllll ~ why, bllt IrIl i1e lll~d by th o olbe rs for tile womnn wllo loves him to wO l ld , ...... It t h e t il er t ·' lo· l p . ~ t'V f> I V r"' f1f1'I~ : ul 1o w t1l l "wi (, .. Id i , r.t. It . 11IH- ' ''' I I, l'.n"l:l ul ti H IH"'a rt y e ll-a!, r H· f\! a1> C' h ~ ht ru l ~ I nli , .. ," CI,t! J '!;' I"' f ' m n l .. o~oIlY . t he IlPPl'1J1. the hll r ror III lhe s tll n il by him." Funeral Dire~tor. i ll ,", 0 (1 111 0 8 . h UInt' Ilr - "' 11\ kU1 .~ . ' ''Inc ), Yo l.. . k . 11.:"I II !f' n f .1 . " , .. " H " (·r . i mh.'c ilt" lI nll " N W""" HI,.. lt l\ l ~ III M II' lnt; <'OITt· grt'ut sho ut 'o f the IUn, te r blli lclor. "Mi ss I1Un gworth. you d on't know 11I,d ""'· iI )' S \ 0 h W h l ~ u li o ' , f w .u k n tl llll vt;. n l l mH y prr' ~ \ Il~ m !-l . P i (·t!l~ s ol1 rl otll r . (l rt..:e: o nly SI,! a C U t y , 5(1 tl year. Ipnpr ll for Ih e ~horo . On th l' brhlgt:' , ",bn t you nrc sAylog." sil id M ud e. I n ' t-l n t l r y II I.d I I f ;"\1. II \ P lt l HIl·d . Waynesville ,_ Ohio !nSENo ne.t) V~ OU E>. cutt' (f I'HtJ l..l t d t u f U\tlll l ui ll u r };ru' ll l t1l1h 1"111.: wtll 1)1' f\,r nl l l~C'fl to r R \ tOe: f llflc " ..\Vnrk D04, k 11 ,plt Rome St.·lll"'" forward . so me rorcl ng him ('It lolo a cold formnltty CF IS 1_'" /,.,d1h :\9 bn hloi rt " "L .... :'on_ and t ll o t Y" fmlll LIlli" lO l ime wh e re pns s too,1 RIIII stnrillg , olh('rs p'''' r"d ,Iown, h o did not feel. "I nm di sgracer! . d "c' I! \(1 11t'(' Ullt •. 1 £: 1t',rt! lnu fl ll" 1 AMPS f OR J 2 , p ll tl" McC H '''.H u r u B oo" sill l ~'. \\' h C' rr- o tho r hoys-' ll nd ~I rls ' No t " .1 _, .t".... , u,.I' .. 'r.lh .... ' , II: 1I".'10~ '" "-'".111.1'1 ,, '" wllr,1. '1'ho gr 'IIt slx-ty·(oo t w ebs of Rhlllll (o{l. There Is oothlng In Ute tor b~ ~ \ Ll ttl f ,I " Il ~\'"' \ \?d f l uP('t\l1 sed . r' l1 h ~ u r lilt"' lI ni \' .... n Ih - n re f o rm d In -El'r UlWk lt;\.. ,,1•.1 « ' 0 0 1' ,.11.." ,I, f" , I . , lun ",tln, IIUi .l v. r~IIJ·' t.. l JJr. .)., /J,",'( , N s tl',,1 wovcred lik e rlbloons 10 tIle " 'Ind, ! mt'. My chosl'n profession-my r epu. T llIrllll COll u lI t fl i illt lltl . l . tll or fiI d, t h o ~ a m{\ cOIll Tll ull ll y' mo re en c rnl Auto Equipment TIl E M«:Al LCO .•~,. W. 37tb . 1.. ·, wV •• kul,.N. y, Tile brlc1go shook as It 10 no enrUI' tutlun~ve rythlng 18 gooe." E~ t tl lo of l~ " l1l l\ " ! 1~ 1t ~ 'l b ·t ll R tltlC'b sod 'il nfl'uir . will I I' no d. tJorge..Drawn Equipment .,,[lns . CLU.· . ., . .R. qURke. There wos a heuvy. 8huddertog, "The more need you hnve for me, d eo t\ l!Ad W«Kf[O f"J!!" ~ W'AN1&!O i'l lIl'l f ,\I " ', u IJ ~ o f AU III 10. 1n('lu']c,1 In Ihe li. l of ru1es oro tb ~ swnylng movement nod theu the 6()(). then." I' , IlI l rttt nr filod ·. to ll \\'I n/'r 1)..ov l ~ l o ll l\ ! . foot cuoUlevor arm plunged down. "It hi noble of 700. 1 shnll love yon ElI.r h mCllll lc r Is to t;rtI ~· at lenat 1 DAY OR N)GK1 flllLEPliO ' E 7 I wnrd. os n grent ship 'ol\s Inio the forever, but-" ·tu te T rnusfe rs I\.('r" of r or\l, He Made Ar\otller Careful Examlna· trough ot a mIghty sea. Shurp-kcyed Ho turned resolutely away an!! ,nch mcll,"n l' I ~ 10 dO 1\11 III wo"k tlon. \ sounds erac~ed out overh'tod as the wollled doggedly ontof the room. HellI'ruok M. F I X. " Ilml ll ls t.rntor, te conn l'Ctocl w\lh Ihe pre llnrnilo/l Or th e .mud! valuable time, for he hnd not truBS pnrted nt the apex, the ouhvRrd en TIllogworth modo n stop to follbw 'rh omsl' E. Unrnll u l't. I ,, ~ III ' prin g , ""rolln I ror 11 I n ll tI1l ~ . aa \\' 11 I\S .wlt·" (\\(\ pl:t ulln p n ud 'Il ltll'otlon of the bur () , $25(1. pal!8ed so busy n day ns that one s ince half InClining to .the wuter, the Inwnrd him. Itlle bridge b egrui. Everything wns ex- half sloklog straight down. "Heleo," Interposed her father, ,J; N. T" " u p r 11 11'\ w ifl' til (, e o rg~ r om . (lX(' 1'1 Ulal ",jllc' b may be doolD ' llctly 81 It bud been. Those hlllr.Une Shonts, oatlls, screams rose, heard cntchhlg h~r otm()st rou ghly b y tlle U. Kin >: , au lH'rl1~ III I CI fldd t o ,",,1J . ed l,p\ 0 111) h i" s l rell);! h. E;H h m (' ~\ h c r mu st k oep AD necu!cmcks had troQ,bled him a tittle despite faintly abovo the mIghty bell-ltke re- IIrlf! III hl ~ " fl get· n llt! res entmcn t. "If ~ hIIJ, $l rn t " r ~~ I'd or all hlhnl·. ('O"'t or s eo<l . .'VllchJng'lI r emork. Be studied th m a Qulem of grcnt Rlrd ers, struts aad ties you go 0 01 of thi S (It/or ufter thut IUUII. ' b Irl r!! F. R vo IIml !) til e r t o BeCOod time. They were just 8S th ey smiting other members and ringing In I'll never spenk to you oguin." W . C3 t1n l" h lll l WI' ., . r t'll\ fI t ul e in i Qrt lli" e!' II U rl 01h~ r " x " e n ~ e s InClllTet! In ' rowi ng IIn·1 h an c .t1 n ~ lho ncr e bad been, so tnr as he could t eU, DO tho ellrs of tile helpl ess men Uke doom. "1" Ilt1I~r. I lov e YClII. I'm SQrry for Wuvu Itlwu ... ltl p . $t. of cor n. larger, 00 more numerous.. Tbe IncLngs Th en, with a tearful crash, wltll a you. I wo uld tlo nnythlng for YOIf bUl 'W <t1rd un II lItl Iv if ~ to ,oV 'llter (' ur r(' nt prir('.. II s tated In til0 rang exnctly tbe 8I1me und~r hJB haw· mI ghty sblver, the landwa'rd holt col· tlll~ .. y"u h nl'e yo ur f rl cndR. 'rhll l .\I l1 r r a y . r t' ,d !· ~II.t in \V lly n ll tow o. r ll l l' ~. will I,!, rlmr ..: (1 tor 6 d, r ent. mer. . lapsed 00 Ule low shore, like a house of mll ll yonder h ll~ n oth lug. lIothl n!: Inlt ~ hl ll . $ 1 . 1:I I'or n llo! o(l\ll r 11 (' 111 < o C cns ! He climbed back to lhe floor of tile cards UpOl1 whIch hns beeo laId tho IIl e. I mll~t gO) tCl hi m." '! Onl tlV (' WII I(IIl !! hb v t il A1t.n o . Ma y Exh ibit Sa mples. Ibrldge Ilnd spent the next bnll hou'r In· welgbt of Il mn sslve IIl1nd. The river Slo t' 1111'111''' 111111 \"('111 nut of Ih., I '. I )"1110(1,,," " 1. I ,I I II " 'i u'lIl LaUd 11 011. y.;(1&'il nl! n,I' N ", III ha lc nn oppor, lPccting tbe progress or tllo wo~k. The section, cnrrylnz the grenter lond ot roorll \1'11 1111111 II 11111.'1, \1':11'1 1 Inok II" :o il' ~I . . tll ll ltr to h:I,1 Srll1\ l1 lea of rorn ilL n suspended span hod nlreat1J' been the top nnd torn rrom Itsbu~e, pluoged, ali"", 11'''1'11. 110 Oll l' ,1,'1 ,,1 11 1111-: Io,·r. No ll' ( bl! (" ( '1' T it ' · I I i'~. trJ \ (1 El wi n R. lornl o r COtl nly 1;1111,,' hel d a t the c lote IPusbed out tor beyond the end or Ihe 'lIke RO uv"llIlIclle of s tel.'l, 200 teet II hIlJlI" 'IlI' t1 lh :0 1 by hllrr~'I " 1! cl" I\'" Ih,' WUUolllll (1 WI,,' 1'( 111 J . t~ l )tl n U D , $1. 01 l ltrJ S a Pll I!. cantilever. Tbe work on tile othe r down . In to til e rh'c r, throwing t llr hili III lit .. ~ tllll " n "'" ):" " . ~ l ell, l c haol E nt'll 1Ilf'lIIn e-r mn wrile a story on tile rtver bad been stopped. All nbend or It, R8 (rmll 8 glont cntnpult. Ju s l '·1I1l1.:ilt n lilt'll I Imill. ",hi d l 1I111.h· " H l' w I Grcw My A 're or Corn." tJnques . and durability In a Wllrd in r th o prizes. lho' follow. IIOOn 118 thoy gat tile uspeodcd spon the traveler 01' the olliwaru eod of the c(l/In ecUOII s \\'lIh the It' '"''III ~ px p ... ..,~ Il l.! . , ' . J Il IJI " I', ou!nrod, exquisite design bolfwoy OI'CT tJll\f would traosfer the ~u~" I' "'h'lI ~pn o nnd n locomotlve on $0111' twonty 1II1 1!'s 11 \\,11 ." . lin d 11t·1e-1) II 11 (1 M I , ~lI llh ~ I . 1" . 11,', 11 . h.lth t I n ~ hnsis or owarrts will be II ser\. Yiel d. 30 poln 1.8 : pro fit. ao: ex h ibit. workmeo Rod tllllsb tJle QPposlte cantl· llo (' tI(lnt· " ('n ~nlh . Ill1n g'\\'ol'lh In 1H'r ('nr rPIII'llI'd Ih' s rn· L h a n , fl. H ,·v. 1 c. {I • •Io n tlq I~the highest ideals in plated· ware-are assured in 20: r ecord s Qll rl s t ory. 20. lever; Abbott calculnted that pe,r bnps I Wilchlllgs, ontl l he few Ole o "nCe nn tlon plnl1'(,rm jll ~ 1;J1I tlm(' 10 S e It tic" spoons, forb, and fancy serving pieces bearing !he l - 'I , r l ~ u(til .' .I! U~ , pU:lpl"," p (1 n t A re ore8e nltttl vo of t he OhIo Stnta In soother week they could get It out ' th e ~ h orl' . . to(ld trembli ng, ' Iooklng ut purt. She r eme l1lber'l'd lhnt t ell rn lll'~ renowned trade mark K ln~ '\1 1", " r. I/n'h /. " b , \I 01 1 . .. tid Iv[<rs lty will bo 10 cilo rge of t1: c if be drove the mell. He looked. lit bls th'e bur pi r h ad, nt the uw f ul luu· . Ut·rt)S ~ Ihe counlry IInoth er r nllr' II1 ,1 watch, gnl(lglngly observing that It glt'd Il1 I1 S~ f wreck llgo on the s hore rnu ",ttl If she tlrol' e hll rll ~he cIl,, " 1 ~ n lll l'. 1 U n, ' I KI( , . ~tlll~ . H ov . CDl llly ·e xh' hll. He will s lI pe T\'jl;e (It , jud/rl ll j': of t ho corn nn<i ' th l\ a.wnrd lng was almo's t flve o'clock. Th e men were betw€) II t il pi er nud tho bank i fl oor possibly catch a trlli n whl cll "'"II UI U. W . 1'111 IIi Jl ~ l' ltl v ~' C'llI I1!" r . l" r lll " T (\ nd {;ll fm n u o f lb ~ pr l1.l's. nothlog to Abbott. Tho bridge wns bcnm IInll s tl'lng r, girder nod s trut, 1111111 Ilt'r In .1 rAl'y ,lIy tl fow ITIlnll l ~' 1n (l1":!!.' r 10 take ndl'a nln I' ot lite everyUllng. 'l'JlOt Is not to '~ny hc WIlS bont. twl s tc d, bl'oken In ro ggell lind lwfol'o Ihe Irlll!! he r hlver clIllgh t. s he Illpd nrn. fJ h ilI , hul l! , f W tlnlClI vi li . I!1'O'l tes t OUl\1l>n t or th e Ins truc tio n, heartl ess, but the bridge and Its e~ec- hOI'rlbl e rUin. willie th e wuter, d 'eper toW tho chllutYl·o r, wh o 8cIlnlcd n ro· Re v H. B. I",)KI I' There are various makes of silverplated tableware tlon wero suprOllle In bls mind. thlln the chnsin It hnd cut. roll ed Its mlln eo om.! dr \'e ns h e hnd Ol'\'O1' lV'uII BrV HII I, tlIp l.1\' (II1 " t I{inR~ <'11110 /11 0)1\ '''r ~ tl r!! lo,rl te d to nroll a t onCI). In 'or mal lon on se ed corn test, 'which are claimed to be "just as good," but. like all Mll1t', LOO ?'1 t t llo Brvll tlt , h ot l h 01 Tho moterlsl wns nrrlvlng nnd every· \\,uves smoothly over We ogltntlons of Or"',,n befnre. hl ~, lh .' p m ll nrotlqp ot the so il and thlog WftB golns on with. such a swlog lli e greut pluuge beyood tile pl cr. They Th e gi rl cl1ught the ex prcRs nud ro(l • o n t h L h .. n ;11. I " v . It & f ,'~ tPl rn a., ,. ot her prol>lcms CODo ect ct\ wltb imitations, they lack the beauty and wearing quality, nod vi gor tho t he would fuln hnve kept tnred sl c ll nnd fulot lit tIIo t nngled, to the Uud . on Ic rml1lu l In lh cll ),. I ,e ('nrllc r worlt ot lll l' SNtsOU w111 be identified with !he original and genuine "1847 ROGERSBROS~; Co mm iss io ne r 's I'roce tJinl!s tIIcm lit work nu hour or two longer. ln1.e rwoven m uss ot s t eel, rlbuonlng In The newsboys Ol1 t he str ' t \\,p r ~ nl· Inl, po tip ut o nce. 1'0 chars will be ~are popularly knoYlna! "·Sil"er Plate that Wears. The meo themsch'es did not feel that ' (!\' ry OlrecUon-for III the muln tho reucly cl'l'l ng the I,,~ s of the h rltl ;.:". o ,\ .1 Ll1l'<',n\l!' l r 'I\ ~C I II I H I:2. ,' O: all ll cbed to c nrollmen t, po ml>hleLij. . Sold by leadmg dealers everywhere. Send for ~oy. Some or tho employees of tlJo rh'!'ls lI eld s o It wns not nny detect She sn w the tory tlI ~ plflyed In 11II' ld Gi. I ~· 11 flu -I ,.. , I 111"" .1 , ~ llI llll lllf fo r vl slt M or Sf1 e lo\l ~ l8, o r to nils werR at blgher grodes h nd go t the obsesslol1 of of ~ o llll · . but Iructllrol w enkness In red heatlllnC8 n8 '!th sprull g lu to the illlll Ul uH ,IfI au ; Ih l1 11 \ /l tiAy ft 8 qu c~ lI o l\ s in cO lloecl1o n w it h epeclal catalogue "C-L" sllowing all designs. the bridge, hut to Dl()st of them It wns UIC body of tile lIl em b~rs thrlt hnd tnxl nnll burle th o Itllultcllr hmry h m' Ili lul, ~ X I H"' ~ II ~ lI f \\' I,t hUlI. b UIl.lll 1 .'1' corr ea [Iond .mCB. MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO.. (,na•••~!~~:.~!~~v.1II c.o.. Meriden. Conn. the thing tII ey \\'o r~ed at, by wbl cb bl"oughl It d owil-Bud Iucloslng as In to the Uplift bulllllug d()\\'utown. 'flUl $2. ; ~ II I'. F o r 11 dCl lllled copy or the rill es .. ntt I " I... n , l v " r ti~ltl !( $6 i tlJey got Ulelr dully . brend-nothlng n l1 el mOllY bodies. thtlt a few secontlll bill s h 'hnllt]'lJ h Im In Itdvnnce 1II1Ul'0 ~l lh Ol i n ·t llt.H', It l. Il k" fo r I ll r k'~ enroll lll cul hla nk. wrU e 10 W, H. Pal· more. before lint! been Uvlng meo. blm r ecl, lc s-s ly breuk lhe s peed IIll1lt. '1m UIl ' Uj \. 11. I ,,' 1111 t l ~t " ") !>~ $G; me . 111.(0 L ~ n !l e r of 0 0)'" lind f1 lrl l{u m) ,, 11 • /II 1)1\ Il t' .·. (). Ih. o~ to. Ci'ubs. 01110 Stalo Uu i I'erslty, e Glunl' Those ~o worl(cd b y the dny were They Juid seen body nfter body hurled *. * • • • • Dlrenc)y IU)l1ng nslde their tools, n.od . through t.he nlr fro III til e outward end B ertram Mend e, S~., I1n(l not I rt tb .llI l!ilCJ n r 1/1" nO i .J ~l nlt\ ~ F ul 11o , ~H l u r y l IDS, OhIo. prepnring for their d pparture. '1'hey nod, 08 th ey gllzed f enrfully In borror omee durlllg lhe whol o lon g nftllrnnolJ. 11£1 j 'l ul t tl r $ \ IJ ; l 't' l\ lI M fl T tO ' l , Y;linr y always would get ren( t hnt ot ule he re and Ihcr e dUI'I( figures f10 nted to H e snt nlone. Quie tly wnlllll/; for th l'! "~jllo\ lor $1I11: (\ , 1\ T u ft ., bUrlH I o f Blgoal nil tIInt was left lO do wus to the s urfnce of the wnler. They cnught end. As tCl tb e t1r(1wnlng lite unrolls Ruch tl l F'rle lJll $,;;: W ,llth o n t(J Read the Mia~i Gazette now BtOP, The rivete rs, who wero llll ill by glhnps s of whit e, d end fne!!s ns the III rnp"l r p\·It!\\" so pl Clurt.'g of the p rt ~ I' Gt/m o nr , , Iwr llf ', " ,I(\ III 'lnll l l.l.llow. the piece, kept ot It Dlways to tho "cry mi ghty currellt roll ed thelll u n.ler nnd took form nnd shnp,~ In III H· mllld. II I' BOCA $802 ·W ; U. K I'{" l'wi( k. ~up -------.~- ------last minute. 1'\1' pt thl'lII on. And no s Ollnd cilmo r ccu ll clJ mnny f ullurcl'. No s ue ' S8 IR flitCH u r j<l I\II UII j llli tor" .tlii; J. F. Zilll tlle rllllln , I p pll l' M f Or j .. cilor Abbott hod b~e n stnndln!;\, n ~or th e from the hun.lrl'd nnd II fty \\'ho hsd unlntel'rupte d ulld unhrokl'lI. 1t I~ oDt er end ot tl1e cnnUleye r no u h o t;('nc dow u wllh Ole urld gl!. '1'he 200- Ihl'ollgh constrint blundering thnt w !) 41. t5 j ~' • .\1 U u cld '" 01\ , )'''11 /1 for B K nfmil n . turoed and wolk ed toward Ihe bunl.. foot filII would hove Idll ed them with· nl'l·lvc. H e hnd lenrned to uchl 1'0 IlY oo nrt. b ou s e !Ii i l The pl1eulllutlc rlvctl'rs Wl're rut.tll t· out lh e s lutl shl ng Illld bolterlng nnd flllling. ns e\'(,l'~' lJOUY cis Icn l·IlS. Rill Hnppltfl~ for c u ur~ h O Il ~ e un d j:,oHor ,I. C. Carroll .............. "'ar. 13 . tottfng on tbo rlvct hcnds wllh R p er· crII sltlng ot til e greut j::Ir!1ers Ihut hud fllll ll r.·s 1I0t! rnl !<ttlk ('~, which wel· ' ·pl"·· ~3.3 8 . 'l' lI ll oOll t ( i1(' ~ fo r th l) on'nst·r,uo tlon Henry Simpson .........•.. Mar 16 tectly dnrunnbl1! It enrtloo of Insist ent ' ftl il en upun t hem or C11'IH l1 lIlt' lIl from (I II""hl e In tll o l1e;;ltllllng o~ hi s Cllr(' ~r. lKlund. A confused bauel or voi ces, the lit e fl oor olld hurl ed them, crnshe(l and coul,1 not be condoned now: lltllse o f Ibll e Morro w tlot\ L a ulloo n pike datter of bnmmcrs, ringin g sounds of brol( ~ n " lnlo tlt e river. ~11"urt1 hllve tllllt;ht him. Be r co ll z('(l impr.l'l'e m e Dt- wu . OW ll rr! A!\ to J. K. Tbe Board or EduM"on of Wllyne BWlnglog Bteel grullng ogulnst steel, l\!cm rl e l\lld beeo ri ght. AhlJo lt h od too Illte Ilint his Illte r II chlovem;' ll t 1111(1 8peoOllr .. t 111 ~ hid )f . fi .OU(). 1'ow ll Rhip Rural 8011001 Dlstrla& wilJ clRnklng of tntck s, j,'I'lndlllg of wheels, Olll' swift lI[lsb ot Ilckuowl ctl glll'ut. oue 11I'got In .lI lm n 1,lnl1 of COl1VICllOlI of sell by WilY of PubJlo ..Auotlc,lD, on . the d eep brellllflng of 10coDlotlves, swift 1II 0 1T1 ut I'n cked wHh s uch ro- omnls ('INI CI', II hell cl lo hl 8 own IlI fRIII: I,hu premis es. on mlogled In nn unhurmoolous dlupuson grets us mI ght fill u llre lllOe-nn· , billty, bnd fO I' n mun. Bls prl(l had Saturday, March 10, 1917 of horrid sound. nl ty In u hell of rt'lIIorse-lJero re ),e, gone bernre. hn rei IIPOll (lPl1ronchmJ t he The following soboo\ bulldlng8 1II<e lhe rest, h llu goue down wIth the tllll. B o hu (1 beco s o s ure ot hims elf Abbott wos ri gh t oh ove t.he pier head with the lao d aUaohed: At 10 no,,,. He 100ke(1 'd ow n nt It lhrough bl'ldge I thot even wh~o th e POSAlhll lt y lhat he o'olock a m : ~bo Mount Bolly BQbeol the Itrnts ood floor bemus nnd broces. CHAPTER VII. mi gh t be ml tol((,11 hutl h~ rn pointed ,~ t 1 o ' c look p ro. the Barrnony faBtenlng Ills guze 00 th e Qu es tIon d out nnd e"cn nrg-lI l'.I, )11) hnr11 ltll l;h ('I II G rove Sohoo ', at 3 o'cloolI p. m . the ' to ijCOL·n. Bis ~O Il 'S IIrgutl1{'nt!l he hu(l (J'll'wiu Sobou!. The8e propa rt.ie8 :e:~%,e. i~~~~~:~~f~gSI~I;!~C~O~;::~. For the Son. ul'lu light ly fill II CColin t of hi s Y011th WIll be eold ' to t,he blghest bidders to walk out on the neare. t fl oor bl' nrn '1.I1e !li t! ~~!;;\l WUij recei ved 10 ghns t· 0I1l1' 1:0ml)(l roll\'0 Incxpr l'l l'lI c'-:"to his I filr oab. For furih e r informutloo \ to th'e extreme edse of the truss oud Iy Hllence. ~,o 011 ,8 POI(,C Cor a 1lI~llI el1.t, sarro'\\, he r cn ll zcli It. too Ill te. ~oe big bills look down nt It once mor e, Icn n lnJ: fur l' NOlie , 100\ud. olond Illingworth 8 Aglilil cn lll c \'lI nt s t rnnJ: . frdl ng 'o f E. V. Barnhart, Clerk. ()lit to ilee It better. H e coulu g~t a fn '>! WIIS, l1'~I'y red ., nC)~tralU Mende pl·We. the olll y thin g wklch could hI C. T. Bnwk 1 Auot . better \'lew of It wtth notblo g betw 'ell ' I\'II~ ",hUe r th nn 1I11~ a lh r ruUII ,Ill UIO ony way oll el'lntc lils mi se ry or lIt;hten











' (YR



,,,"1 . I '

.. ....


Saxon Six' Livery

































It,·" ]{,




---_. - ...---..


--- -- ..---


Just Orgar.lzu;i OJ Gollege of Agr u Irs. It a.ndl·lhlrtm:ht.It 6#t111 stood ltrr1UvCI);. h i~ ; rn:~~;:. ~~I wl~~~~~nk~~I;.or ~:~r !tit~~t~~~r ~~~I tI~~~~~;d ' ~~lt~~eh~o~~~~leSo~ ;"~~ INSTRUCT'QI Ll 'E G~VEN we- a g o" courst'. e W8 I II •. I . th t\ 0 " ' t.J '1 W that lie hod Dover IIlIld



word tlbout It niH I' young e ng ucer wuro e v .. outh more oUcn lun not dlsregnru! to anyone. Be did oot aee why he' (ould ) most .1 'eply tou cbetl, They were both the rounscl of age. In this case oge Dot reprd It wlth 'the IndlIT('rence tllllt l lU UgOIlY, hoUI III Ileed of he r. Vohcsl. bod mllde fIght of the wurnl1l ga 01 It merited.. A8 be stnred down nt It j tutlllgly .-he 5l 'I'llcd to the s ide of the youth: It wns a strflnge r c\'ersul, he Q

~~ : : .ed~lot the truss tile WblStle ~~~~~~~~ e~::'l~l~h~~~~~S:a~~ ~~: :~: :~:;!~[~ ~~~'~~r~~~~~I::::r ~ot~~~~b!l~:


q. or ew. f~rlng. . he h,ltl chosen. . ' EYery lIOuad qt . work ceosed nf~er "We nrc ruined" guslled tho 1'010the briefest ot lotervnls, except herti l nel, tugglug ut hl~ collar. "We could and there a tew rlveter8 drivIng home ~tuod lhe finnDclllt loss, but our reputn. a ilJlal . rivet kept at It tor D t ew tl op! Wc;" never get nl10ther con. ODd. bot on\7 for a tew seconds. T~en' l trnet. I pllgbt ns well close the work.8. fOr • moment a sUe~ce Uke dentli 'AIld It Is your tother's fuult. It's op to Ielt ln~en~ . It _ .m ed as if tbe hIm. Th~ blooO or tIIo e meo Is upon blowlnl Wind . had been momeo· j bll' hl'od. Well. sir, I'll let the wbole _ tanlT aUl1..t. '!'hat shriU ".. hlstle alld world koow b ow' grossly Incompeteut F-1;;;;--;~~:"'::'------~th'lHIOD_I1ItIIlIt~l!allltllon of the w he la. ·how-" alnp -.vcrybody the .-.. .. I " Bold ?or d t dl I 'II"a7 '!'beN was I vltabl IlDfII 10• r, young • ca e, B on n ~...,. Il"aae. ;'he co~tJoa be- v 1')' erect and wblter Ihun eyer, "the t tt. IHII aud It. auddeQ (Ilult III mIDI. I mnde tho calculation&. .... . . .. pwc that tJIe IHIl lao J cheeked ad reebt',Ck d them. No. . .......... botb' 001110 bow 1I'ltb ablolllte eertaIDo

sec-, ft· ,


.... tlnn

erG be Oontln.d

. _.

How They Seemed to Berve. No one at Peggy'8 house wears enr· rings. When tho collor who WOB weol" Lng them notIced Perlty'S curlou8 Interest she tooll tile little one on her !all 10 8he could' exnmlne the pearls mo~ closely. Atler pUZZIIOI': over them. a lit. Ue while Peggy soll cltODsly Inquired; "Does 00 11011 to blltton ,. "'"'s ODr

, _





I If

II _ _ _ __

po~s' xours , bring joy to the


BI~vlng 80ld my fl1~m [ wlll offer rt pOOllo lIuotl04 ftt mv farm 1,Y. mIlA~, south of Bar veysburg,

Tuesday, March 13, 1917 Spe cialists Will r ~c t' Me Lesson.. and Atte lld Mcc t in9S o f Club Members. Bflg lontng I!.t 10 o'olQok, ~ BorsslI Menlbe r hlp Li mit ed to Boy s Be· :\ lJattle, 8 Rogs, Farming ' Imple tween 10 and 18 YC;l I'S of Age-Pu\). men Ie. See big bills for term8. . J . C. CA.RROLt. . lite Schools W ill Co operate. , W! Lao),. Auet. ~Ioys' Corn c ln'hs a m lo be ergll.n· Iz O'~ this Y' u.r fOI' Lhe tlrs l tim e by Bavlog _l1old my falm, I will iell th e . O~ l n St.'l.le olverrill), olloge 01 !l.t lilY reRlde-nce 4 mile'! Boutbe".' of Agtr lc1! 1l11r. . Illb wor). 'os na w of· Uflo 'e rvIlJe, on for.tilr1 b y l io n hl ~ l ililtl ou lul! lIt(1cS COl'n Ftlday. March 16, 1917 growin g, 110101.0 grow'II£;. rl" rmsl ng, 1 0 olock 'be follow. pu(j ltry m :r lll t~ , k(>Cjl llI~ or d,llry'<:a.w tng propert,: 1 Hor~e, 4 CaUle, 3f} TE prt!~ . ). ..If \! ., i n~ · :1n . t e nnll !ll 'p. SLock BOBS. Farm !m1)I.meotll. CorD, Oat•• j u.J :) .ing a llt t lOIlH Jtlkfn .. . ~ee bill blllll for term •• \"Illo fh ,. Join . . BENRY ~IMPSON. n w (. ·nl ,I I work ",111 be A. A MoNell, AllOt . for nl! (. ,,1 ~hll> to every Uoy 1a oJ. ~ ·Him., Olerk


'b reakfast.table'l ·

North - East - South West-women solving the coffee problem. • ArmIes have solved it. "An army travels on its etomach" and of the army



mences with the fir~t cupor poor coffee. . . There is · a coffee which brings ' a million .men to • breakfast "in a hurry.K '

Today you ·can introduce

breakfast, ask any soldier its rich, fun Ravor in your what he would miss m~ honte. Serve Arbuckfea' for a week an~ notice bow much One ofthe·gre.teat Ameri- more his breakfast me8J18 to judges bas aId that un- . him. Bring joy to. your happiness in the home com- breakfast table.



Today than are wbol. town. wbere Arbucldq II p ..... tically tbe onl,. eoII'.. u •• d. In one. Stat. aton., In a year, 'DIU l!Ounda 0,1 Arbuckle.' Coffee " .. u~ ·1or ellery DIan, wollUln and cblld In Ibe 8tlite-roar tim. aa many JIOQIIdI of coIJH .. dI. populadoo of tile ......



G A Z E T T E.... I '~ lJI.W EVlmv \\ ED 81;.![)A Y ' I



. Well S upplied.


"TIII'TI ' 1:"' " Ihll t Itl;t n",,!u'I,,1 ~ I""'II· 1:t!ln', 0111 / h"w \ . " I,,· 1. " , 1.... Jl II·I..


( ·prtnlnl~f



.. I.. tl' AN E, Ellito r Qn d Il;lblis lJ e r

Wri tt~ n


W F: l\NI~S n A




by Our COlPS 01





A Ie Corr spondents in t h e




h \\ II . "

1LeWlS ·

1"YI'''', IIIH I I


VI• Livery



Ncig' hb ~)rho(}d

==-- -=-=-=-= -

illA l ' II

luddlhJ;:' h !

I" "r (Jtlll'" llo',,;,j, ·s."- l!ullitll!lr I Am 1'1t·1I1. 1\

fl ub cri l)ti bn P r ic , $ 1. 5() per .ve





,J. fit!~lIP


C lassi fied Ads



. . -1

E. W. WaynelVlIIe, RICKSOblo

Phone 83-5


Le vi Bt th is w r i ll ng Is \1 1'~ , .t n" 1)1l 1l~ IIMt,'1' w I~ t" kPD ' Th' ! h"s been a very ImBY week g oorl w om llD t o on ~'l llllCl OIlIite :::J Restored To Health By Vinol : th " u8ht to Il e at·r o n ger. ~ llIlil " (l l v 11.1 1" , t ~11I1l1,. , w l t.1I lI outs for I,he rn o~ or ij, Mr. und Mrs Carl h ~r b <)luf' wIth m e Mr I{ . . Wi utAr u g uln Jl ut In its ap peu r 10 '1'~I" .ll r· 1I Dodd, uf 'v\ !lY De8\'111e, ur e now 0 0· u eoolt l:I obl lt W" sll p.~vl!l e O ll io ~ ~ 1'i11~11'.V'\· l lIl', In,I.-" ! om n (:Ier k \II 0. . 1I0 0e and 18 (J ut l.lo g lu fu ll t.i lll t!. :\l.~ . .1, hu Ij rn · . Iln ,1 d,1u lI' lI I r oopy lng the J~s o n Sh eehan farm ; I I , m 21 ~ ~ 110 ' (" H lld wu tJ a ll rllll d(m"ll, n l) ('n rT..;,·. lj " ALL KINDS OF MI~ . 1),,,,,,1 II )' VI"I';> ~h (J \J lJ l oj( 111 Arthur A $,ki osoo and f"mlly bllve ~ U I III.\' I,Iol'd "'" . l'ulJ r 11 . .. 1 n,y f"co clJl'cr,;d ,. Dr . . W ri gb t , of WIlY lle~vlI1 (,.!l1nd6 ~ ~ with r iln pll'". I got I,n wea k' hRtI tn IW C th c lltl v lMIt t o onr Law n Ij.ltnr. Dustool • • t FrlI1Y . ru o ved t o th e BorlLoeBngliss farm " F h dU ll III ~l ll rr y B o ug h nd family of Bl1r. ,IrlU n n, )' I I' m."n . ~ Being a S.ory Wrillen by ~ !, lIt "I' .1I1 11\\' (11 1 II)!I 't t" k, " 'p lit "'!Irk. d ll ,V . Ml'S 1;1 ii, o f Ut'IlT Wa~bln ~ to n II. I G flod \Vu~t'~ 1\[1(1 ~t l'uclv J " lI IU ~ Four Members of lite Ccn- ~ J\ n"r l'~ki ll)! . !''''''1' " 11i,,r TI'UI,," i"8 with· !:Ioolet,y no\V~ f r om tlli a seo ti on Is M1118, l1l 'l vt' d i ,, ~ , bf!r pr nptlll yo n v eysb urg. are oco opylng t he SIIIll ng llt pn' ty . I'ho ll ll " ;l Ii i::I C . Ad. AssocI'o II'on, ~~ ollL ",.11 I ' ri I , \ ",,, I 1,11'; r:"tor, '" my hcnltll [' 11 11 1" '1lIillL a \ I Ills wrlt l ng. ltlllH faT m. reoeotlv vlloa$ od by I '" I ... , ' 11 VUI " , t h ' Itll \ t 11 ' '[' b aLi ~~ .erv,·II.·~ L lbrar'; 7 Jl n tl I!Itn·n:, nl.~ I-rJ! f)Y [' . Bum. _, I r It I ., I . ur. ny. \\'Il rre n Bog n lind fIlwlly wh o " 0 80n , n Uy nr'sv l e, O. Ill~"1 ~ ~ Fur "It flll",l'I\' n. ",,,nk, ncrvous Mr.. . f a r y l:Iur vey W IIS 11 D"y lon Mr . \U d Mrs . I!: 'H~e \' , 80 U. 11 ot htl V6 m oved ( 0 Ii !llllllll fllrm n e llr ~ cOllu iU",, ". II I,tlliug ''''I Ultl f. Vlnul, wh ich s hu IJper ISlIt '1'h u rsdL\y. town, Ill oved 00 tho ' P 'rll om F Mm Uln r ks \· illa . · gnocl w o rk h ono. woight nl)o ut ~ 1 9 u "' ~luhi l"""HI Of. t"~ ,m oot S u eCCijS · f,o ,' TIll fl'o lD h e re alton d elt th e n o r th of ~I) '.\'o , 11l~ _ Th llrHtl llY II nu M r~ . .Je nol e Grllha m ~pent, Thora. , .l:lOO p.o uOlJ~ . lto) u rt lieok"' t , ful Lo"'r~ LlJo\\'n. 'l ry .•1, VII uur gUllr· ~;~ rnh n l' t au l(!, Il e o.r Ly tl e , I06t Mr . "n d rur~ . UH r! ~m t tb mov ed 00 l Ull t' dllr wil b be r parenLs, Mr. aoel Mrs' i . orwlD, 10 . m ~ nntl'c. t he Il'M~ue o n {, r m WOHL o f to wn t Ue F l' hnk Beva,n _ ~ ~, ~ TburRcJ llY. ~1\l1l6 lillY. """,,, -;),,,, 'SSSSSSS""""""", -" J . E, Janney, Druj!gist, Waynsvllle (-,llliIlOY K in g IR beliutlfy tn K tbe Waynesville, O. W o r d WbS rEiceiv od lI e ro n la ~ If ~e Emm R E llis spent. Mnnduy "1 ,viall oOIl~lo DOlald w oald 001110 AIKO ~L I.llIII IIK drug 81•..., In all Ohio LOW "8 Illltl rl or of bls home wtlh paper . tl VI'~ n f I hI! ~ e rJ nu a 1II01l" d of .)(,n·" r. Ilf l" rnoo n wit h h r IIlste r, EVB Vii· MONEY LOANj!:D Over Poelolllee, J 1I.lD.lI; fllr CllrlHtm"H It wont !l0 "111 B . B. Wilke" ilo lJ, of Wu y nelvill e. !lon n " pIH, 'Jt l:Inrllu g t o11. 101 wu. I nr~. of ·priogtield . I\kn Uhril< t mlt 8 w l thou~ him." ~nid cu lled 00 h:a "i~t e r, Mr8. Pt!t,e r l:ory . Ofrtoe Pboaa 7 T . Ho_JPbOlle 11 Mrf'. I:I lI on ll ll Mc(J uion Ilnd MrA . Mid!' !>r!lOll It b orbltul{b h~~ 1ol '10 1) Bruoe. "Will '1 0 OOUlB 8 1001 " on e day Ian WoeK. nn " " p.t(entletl \' I~i' WILb r t!l lltlvf~ Cliff Buw k e ba\ tl beao on tbe sic k ONEY LANE ' ) 0 0 li v e stoc k "Ioaono$ t. ' II," ~Illd AUDt R o. ~, bre n@t Tho b 'od , ouvered wltb Dr. lJ. U . Rllnd"lJ 19 II very bue y n en r WI)l ll lllli ton, l i~ t t his week. cbatte ls (lnd sDoo nd m u rtg QlI:as. "the re I~ tIAlk of va"oe now, Lut o lo~e ()rapped d a rk bllir, wat> bille ; mlln, O~ be Ie 00 the g o b otb IlIght M rs E. :'\. B tllos, o e e :'ltoll l\ 1.1 i H Dor otlly Wy ~o u j;{ , of Clo.rl(8 wbetber H lD ell0 8 anythioR: remlll0 8 ~be Illi itllrY OLaP 10 hi8 lett bllna .. n d doy . ~ ote 8 b ooght. J o hn BI"bloe , Jr ., U d vi lle, b lu! heo l! '\' isl t ioj( Mrs . Ardinr A Ileo Buildlo g, Xeoia, Uhi o . 11 30 til b~ soeo. Toey are fI ~ hl.ill~ 11 ft b onl( at- hit ' ide. 'l'lle r"09 WIIS (J. B. Da vlp, the v e te ran grooery. oOIY u d , w ll o waH bo r o and r"l.fl 'At klo Bon th o ldtt e r pH rt o f Inst week, h ,.. d as ever thero e~"ln . W" ilwllrthy, bill p il le . aod hO Ad \v i,h Ullin, l_ bOllu1lfy i ng th o 10tor10. ut ~t thi s 1I10 0e . VI'I\ 8 bu rl od bue DR. J. W. MILLER. 11.d1lV o ft a rnollD She bad b eon C liff Bawke blls b eeDoalled t o the hav e n't hllIArd from Donald for II ftnfferhlg; the cJ"l'it eyos had a hoot. h is storo wl t b whlu pulot . hVID ::: 10 IJlIoyto u f()r the \l"'~' thr ee 11od 8ldo of Levl J ess op. wllo has '. IIOOl1 W b I1e . U e Ul i II h t h e woon d p d , ed, beaeeolllnlt lo ok. "'rl e nde of Mn, Ellell W IIS O\1 ra. ye llr" D ea~h W88 du o to OUDODr at bee n dangero nsly III a' ble b o m e 10 MI ~ 8 I:lllrtoa reHliz d at ooce tb'lt ~ ,•• DBNTIST••• FOR SALE Dod 'hen he 0001 d oo'ne b Olll e . But len,' he",rlng of ber neoliolng hOIl I\b. tbe Ii vel' t;ha Il'IlIve~ to mourn ber liorvtlY .lJur ~. I woo d ur W b (lrO! yuur f fl th er ftC d this wus 00 nlih~ rObber, or v"grltot Tbe ontert"lnm ent nlTen at T o wn l o8~ , b usbllod 'Illd lu tant eou aod ooe Chn~. E. ' EII!IJ Aod dnogllleril at - - -- - . I ,. I Ik trnmj) ~be hud n e ve r b efore SBen .. ·,· 1I... 0 m o tb" er are ? 1 uU 0 00.. ~ Btr log II Ullin who bud ronRbt 10 tbe tran·ob. !:lull by t,he Zion Baotlst oburch 'VIIS ~ 1 ~l\> r Mrs . WIlli. Blaok, or XQol~, 'ended Il hllnquel In Lebanon last lIet of spriog wag o n Selin, t en . . h B8, "IDho D~h I she h'ld reod mu ab ""ell va'rooillod and ~hoe9 who w or d vhi o. Thursday tl veulog glveo by tbe Jnst then tbe dbog ~prllog wore well sutl.lled 1I0d th e with p ole anti 8ha.fts oomplel,e. I tl to B . II' ab out tb em; but s bl! rea.Hzod I bu "reeent ... t:!om e ~blr'y or m ore boy~ and EllglE' LUIll:e . 1IIA', aD d b 8r "d .. a 8 qrp y. ,,0 broce dnur reoelpt. were lIallHlaotory . i 8nob aD one IItood re her DOW. I f glrl ~ ber , gave II newly manled As 1<'rllnk ~evlln and faml/y are Ready to lIu t b ody 00 . i'lrs 0 11188 orler!, "Ob, Mawa " oe a~ I 1\ 'I'll n Jmpulilively sbn 'hrew wide !.lIe Kev . Alfred W/jlker fill e d the pul. ooople a beilin, on W. Franklin 8' .. lelH i n~ " ur vlolnity tor their n ew anc1 obellp. \Valtar MoClure, WilY, d.ow ? " Tben they hlll1rd. slow, d oor lind orl ed, "Uh, oOllie In ou& of \lIt' at tllo _u. E obarcb '" "'ond u"y . liTs_ Ii'rld8} eveoln g . hnt IIhu-'he}, b Oll1e., farewell snrprlse party nnd nesville, Ohi o. m 2t h h BAIo(NHART, IteLal\by step! on t e p :l ro • the oold! Whd Ie it yon waot ?' I~ev. l'lalk" Is ooutempllitlog a *ont, Ru l 8 v e lY 0001 r ecopuoo nnd no dl1l1 CiI WII8 glveo tbem Tbur!lday have a g ood Lawo !:I,vlol! for Ae Rbe et-epped buok after ,beill me ntlng bere In th e ll llrly Bnmmer treut. eve nlog by 'heir friend. and rein. Notary PubJic lJHAP],ER II Ul'ordH I,he mao entered Hod Btood The sa le ot Ford Ocketels prOl{rees. W a'lv er 's SAW m lJlls ruoolog tull tl ves. A Inrge ~nmbe. WAil preAent . nle ' InC}ulr8 0t lilt II .&I. K eys, m 21 oellr tbe stoor, ' 81111 bolllioR hlB .clip Inl( flne, Rnd every OUB sold brlo g,1 bla Mi n 'w. wh o 8peot the eveoio g In Rnm,,~ 8nd Wayno,.,llle . Ohio. All kinds 01 Noto.ry Work. Willi (IlY 1. "'. K,) In his hlind, Inlllnnkio/lahbe littl e It near h ome, whlob enooura ges th e Mr. Qnd M, ~ . HenrY' Budgel dlln clng. Refre8hmeot8 belnl! serve d and Desd. a tlpeotaUy. Mis!! B,ntoo sprlllll( to hl'lr foot, groul> wltb .. d qUHell nlltojt ey·eB. oomwitt;>e . IU l')ved lot o the Blake propal"Y lllst lit B seasooable b onr. lot of Dew Napkins 00 huod~, the d ')1 conUnoao to b'lTli and growl 48 hl8 8111000e telt 00 HUle ROI"lIe Joal \l oGeI', we ll koow.o to mnn )' Fr irlllY Muster Luren B OArsUer IpenS 'I!~~ne Paper, Iv blte aod c olored, In a me080lng '" s hlon Then aftor he8tllrtad BlIghtl, lind looklngqnlck of our older 01tl:ll6nA. died 10 Da y t r lJ. rt is rUlD or ed th Bt tboro will be II t h ll lattor pan of !ast wook wi~h his Oiled Paper. and Wblte Boo k Paper a brief eilenoe, ~lier'e oame Il 10 w. Iy at Miss BlIorton. he said, "Yuo are S 'lt-urday nlgM Bnd W Ol bUrlf d In wOIddl tor sbelves. The Miami G llze tte. og ill o ur I OW L! @oo n 00u 81n, Wilbur Bllwke. h8llitlltlog "nook upon t)Je d oor Madlim Orny? III thot ),onr ohlld?" Mlrllnl lJe metery 'I' afte ro oon . m 21 MIss May 8url~n SPBOt o oe d~y ~tiss wbiQh ope"ed " urn tbe porob "No," Bald Mhs Bartoo. " ~he iB Ue hlld b oen warrled twi Je, hi. firl t Dr. Bell'sPine-Tar-Honar of Ibs' week with frleuds In Mlddfe . Bartoo s& .. rtea toward h, bnt her my .lsIM's obUd. Ber m)Ih e l'hl wife preolldloe blm sevehl 1 ellT~ for Cough. and Coldl. uw and II !:Ihoats 10 g ood oondl. . ' ' own nephew CIlOllld b" r IIrlll 1I0d olo ni( oot lit hom e jllB\ ~OW. Why do yoo ag o ; tbree y ears tlllO be 1'V88 mu. fl ClD Call on R oher' Beeke U, O ur "sohoollllurrn," Mise Ethel to I~, orylUg: "!Jurj't g o aontlel IIsk?" fled to Mrs Luura Galne~ , who Bnr ml4 Lamb Silent 'aturday and tlondllY Co rwlo, Ollio. That walo't cou81o Donald. It· Tbe 8traDjilBr did n ot reply li t vivee him. Bale .. vee a wido w, ODA With pllreo,s to Leblioon . wiloAn't I\oy Qne we know I" once but bellO fnmbllng III the. illlte r and. several u e phews nod ARGE Dapple GrllY Mare. I) yrs. " Wba\ earl of a face Wal II P" br68A of his OOHt WIUI blR left bood nleoes to m ourn his d e pllrturo. All Oliff Bq.wke wa. tranljaotlng busl. old, good work e r, 811 \1 ooeap. lIl,kert bl .. aunt. io (Jlarksville one day fast till olutohlog hie Ollp. With 8('01e who koew him have a plell8aot reMI"ses A u d r uy Tl) otnt>s oo alld nelj!l A I).year.ola Bay Mare, weIght 1160. "Oh, a wllite ho, I" salrl Bruoe. 111m oay he Rot bi~ ooat unbntton d membranc of blm 08 lle Wll" up. Vlolo J ordllo 8p eot, F riday In Lel1. week. 'rhis rliMIlBe sb ollld be trellted &8 lOOn "wlI.b "oared. lookIDB eyes I" IJ.Dd u hegrolllld I.or bll ILlslde p obk . right lIod jnlt 10 hll every day. life lIo on, C ba!. Villars and Mr. Shamerlow go cd dri"er "nd worker. Inqnl"e at 1111 til first unnlltural lOOl5cnCl8ll of the t h is omoll. mU "8ome one hI &rnoble, lind oom_ et be aald. IIllioolng 'a t BIIlse Urey, .donl a 'Jowels 1l11plll1TS. When thi8 U lI.rr y Boug h Bnd fnmlly now oc. oallec! on Chaa. Ellie Tbusdsy . Inj;; eo 08 tor bel" I We oannot tnrll with II f"lnt emile, "lmlsR the ~ oo d morolng. "il1l(lo do~oof Ohllrnberlain's Collo, CholIlllY the ~u ru Ellie (arm at Biokory_ him "w .. y on lJhrl8tUla8 E.,e I" orled rlgb' bund. 1M Uno' B01 '" Aft r OLT- S.YOllr.old draft Colt . 10. ~ r :~ /l nu DI!Il'rh~ Remedy will effect a Mrs . Olua OODner aod !!aoAbler. viII I'. . Mis8 &rtoo, again 8tluttnjt to tho u moments seutch be took out Ilnn quIre of Loste r Surtace, B. " enr . This remedy can alwaya l;Ie 41'· Etbel and 10D ' wele BhopplDg In Miss Gall U ll~l e ~bv wh o teaoh e8 . peud ·il lIpon even In tbo m08tlievere IIIld do" r. handed tu ber ....·.ter, savtnjt 118 h r, \V lIyn88vllle , Ph p u u 22 - 3r. 011-1 Harveyeburg la8' Toeeday. lnngtJ rollB caRee, and should be kept at. /:It 'IHIIBI Il Is at b OlUe slok with The children kElp' cloee at her did eo .. \from Monllenr Dooa Itl " hand rendy fnr Intrl;ant lIl!Il. Never lea. . tiprlo, brlngl\ DlI kinds Of we a, b ar III ell AI t! /j. Aunt· Roe~lie took tbe let·ter. enw heels, oll08ln~ to bur Hk l! At th,', ·CEDAR Ull.-8e v eral oo.ns of Inme on a iourney ,vitbout it. {;cHI Dod d . and wife nee Miss door Mil' 81101'1011 pauiled aod stoor! tb"t I, ..... "8 8llllre~ee d 10 her 111 8 ~ ll r , lind win (' oOllle 00ld8 and tbe r a qUllrt .Izes on hllod! at the lI~tel1log . Ber doar hila atc'Plled and hor ~olf,oud lurnlng on the 11 ~, ht, v!vll i of winter oooRhB Bml houso. 611ln ob e ~ ar n lo w b" ve m uved 00 GUBtte oflioe-only '50 per quart. b urklog "nd Wll8 Ulffiog nt the. bo t S'II d o wo 10 r~ad It, first \/l otlool ni De I . Dr. Be ll'!! Ploe.Tar.Elon ey the J usoa ' beeh o n fa r m . '1' b88" will oot Ius ' lon g . m<H torn at lbe floor A II Wtl ~ qu llll, o ut, b er vl,.l t <;> r t·o "sell& . Be b wed rll. will head off a new 'cold or IItOP tlltl · Mr~. Moo ney vl sl ed Mr. and \fr~ . Ur. King'. New Lite PllI. Will reo BId... fbere ('alne the lu w kil O k ~1' '' o Uully KIHI Slink wflllrily loto " old one, the SOOI.blol( blllsII1JI8 reo Li ~ \V h ers I in Wa y n es vIll e ooe day m o ve the aooumulated wasteB ot win. cbnu Ollll r the d oor. The ohildreo lIeve the 8 .re tbro~' and b eol t btl hl ~ t w 9l:' k. UTOMUBILE t o r 8ale. Oaklilod 8gll111 , BATRA.W.A ter from your inteethie8. 'the bur. (eight ) oylioder hllve aBed Ula· . "Who Ie It?" Ask e/l Aunt 'Ro ilp. -tJl.!l on e(1 t, b ~llIse l\'eB nea I' tllelr irrlt,ated tl sd uee. (J e ~ a bol.lle to. deo of tbe blood. GI!~ th"t eluggigh day aod et .. rt treatmont at oooe . Mrs . Wi lson, Illot be r o f 1I1r!!. OOfl1 ohloe 6 montl",. M~ o "infll~ 10 per. Tbe re WAS no IItlswur .. t Ii ..:'! Dunt., but Ke l)t th eir ey Ill! , ronnd Wa,YllfWrille'. LeadblllJ eprlna fa1'er teelini oot of vonr .ye. N,, 'N ti res all Thtln 1'H MItis B'Irt oo Btl Ks J alllu'pl v wl t.h w" nd tl r oDd ourlosllY, fixed A~ y our dru ggis t, 250. Formalll 0 0 Th oillpson Is Vt! I'Y sick lit thl8 writ. tim. brlabteu your eye, 01 ar your fecit ruo lli " l! fl r It " Office In ~ey. BldS, lIain S' the b01tle lo g. aronod wl·t h l' .. , t "II I' u" rd ~ " n rear. a . "ollllli Litr!'\) , "Wlw'8lb or e P" a lo w llplln tbpl r st,r'lIIg8 visit or. - --__ _ Ill ls@ E lsle E rte ll!peotWednesday oomplaJ:ion. Get thal vim !lnd White wi r e .. 1,,·,,1., . Will ~ " II very tlwhl voio~, \\'blob Dliltl h ell t ll .. . (To be oOlltlnuod) nl!!h t wlt ll h o m " fol ks 10 Leuanon . I!oap of trood purified heaUby blood. reas ooable ',, 11 li t ~h e lI'flotory, kn ock, answered wilb 1\ s\1gbtly fo r. I Dr . .Kin8's New Life Pills are'a 000. elgo 1I00ent. ,It III I, ruuduDl. Jeall 8 aIU Ellis sblpped 1\ floe buoob of g r lplog 18XIltlvl! that IIld, Datoro's LebBooo, Oil iJ. h og~ lo s t woek. . LaCore" . prooeep, tr.V them ~a Illghl, A$ all More Nec·essary. ·"1 clun 't knolV ~hA t n"m~ , no Good OOW l! for s ale. Apply to J. O. Curroll \\ III have a lale drllgglsts, 250. ~Jl 8~ L 'I1 I1 Asll\\' ' II I"n d to l e ll a tbAt VOI(l{'," ~~i'-' Aont 1'1." 8"', 'but I U. BarDS, R. D. 4, Wayoes. M'lrob 13th. anu w ill tb en 1110ve to .... am l!llng to np"," t h l'l d onr." nit !tQr~' "1:"llI~ l h rse lf. " (ten," she oncE' ville, Ohio, w7 BIlTveY8bu rg in I.b e Edwin Smith '{ . Veterlnary~ Inl( t,he 80&1 0 11 t o the \V nr,t, ' h" uo. nl\l. "I fl o 1I0 t muke lIIysplf c1t'nt'ly IlrO ll l' r~y wb ioh b e r eoe ntly pur Mll ry Fit ts spent Sunday with ob 'IRed bios of Mammoth White Hal. Graduate of Oblo StatE Unlvenll)' look .. d Alld I hrew It open ') 'h h n I'd \ly 1I 1 rl~'[rOU "s In t h,' IIl1l r, ' r".. child reo ~hr 'tl k l>e llll1(1 b El r, bU I mo te pnl'l s (If the tJI urer. OIH' olght born e fo lk ~ . laod TurkeY8 for 8ale For ID. .1.'1 0 R wl e igh 1Il!!.0 18 making blA f ormatl(lll 0,,11 W. O. Weloh, HlLr. pe(,ped 1;10' 0llrl1los ly nt tbe Ug url' ( SN'I\I to hnv bl'cO more th nu IHI' ti" mn el Whltterrnan wal a Way. oall! III u u r n ei!!hb urb od veyebarg,Oillo . . 007 ItundlnG on th o d ,ltlrDlut uSllll ll y IIHIl ~ (! II C l, ror fit the flrst In· o llllVllle vl ~ i to r Tl\e ~ day . Office at reeidenee In F, B. Sh.r J Uur n ell! b ho rl ng v !ll l1 ge Barveys; A plltll '1\0 fI ~ llre It WtllI A m,1 1I t rl' ul, wI> II nIl nttl'n<1unl w!llked up Mr . nn !'1 Mr~ P . K . Pen e enter wooe!'. hou.e~ Fourth Street. our', w il l Boon h ave t.b olr muuh with" wt'll.klllt 1110. 001/11 Ilg <\rl' nl' of th u 1:01I1;II'U)" ou t.h ' Rtnll s fl ul)r I.aln on u t rli Il uer ~ullday. ~~, and The LLldles Aid met wl\b 'he bo. gOJ d seed oat8. abont ,~O netlded o·)eot.l'l o IIg bts InSh.lIed. an .1 · qll~r fl ~hOI)1iler8 whl cb'droop -t! r.1'1111: 'Ope ra ~ I nsscs, opom glu$$('''!' Mrs. tflflrry b' ry IIntl rucnlly . preSident, Mrs Anoll WIl1t e r~oo. bn. Early R Ole potatoes . Ben Telephone 28 Art.l1ur At kl [1~ n n o w oooupies Thurs dny. A pletlsli.nt dlly !.Iud a 'mlth, R. L> . 1, WayoeBvll1e, Oblo. a little , 'fbe rl ~ ht ol1q l sl ~ evo . )lI t . a hilt ilion Hholl tcd trom the bock nr 8tfml tly . 'oo ll ~[l B nt Toe sday In Mia Clar k Hllr~AAS h ome I\oel. wll g ood a~te ndano u . ifullv IlWIJt,y, W,IS Illuoed 1I0~OR S t·h,· the 1111. 'OIlCTII Illn ~scs b e hnuged ! WBY Dll vill a Pllone HG-1 ,Y. . mB Waynesvllle. Ohio ' ,vork t 0r T ow McG u io u tbls som Brln ~ us sOllie cur trUmp ets." Mrs Effie Buffman Morman. 01 W nlt or R.o ge r R lO ~ rt e II busloess Dotrolt, M.l ob. will teboh yoor boy t rip Wayno8viJle 'l ·handIlY . M r~ . Bro wn c llll ad ou Mra, Free uud girl wu!lo. Try her, sbe II fioe. Mr. Mud Mr8, (Jeo rge Tllit ~pe n t hln cl F r ilJI\Y U f ~ ro nou Since of Ohi<>, Cll)' of Toledo, Miss Roth Jefferv IIpent the week. ' l'b nr. cl u)' a' Itldll tl vlJle, t,be jllla!l\8 Lucas County, ss. R o e r t D a. vis b us th e whoop. end thorne. Couldn't Fease Uncle SI. ot Mr . Hod ,1r8 H .1l'Vard Ett.rnhurt In ~Ll0t t 10 Fr.lnk J. Chell y make. ntlth tIm l h~ ugh , "So klle look your old ullcle. tra m l'be mllny friendB of ¥ltII Mildred Is selll"r purl lIer of Ille finn of F. J. N [. OOllrt.i1 m~de a bU8Ine. ~ J elferS', who h". .odergono 110 Chelle), & Co .• doing husiness in the · 'il Y Ve rmoJl t to ti m hlinflu ot las t nrght? trip to MiIlOlI ~ b\lr t( ::luturday. ---------~.~~ ----operUlon a~ Wllmlugton hOBpltal. of Toledo. ColI"ly Rlld Suite alu resaitl, DI,(ln 't tIl prnfl1~l o ll' or cutlcr~' I\t hl ~ Prot. 'ollios s p ant l)a ~urd!lY In alld tlml said firm will !'uy the SUTII 01 Illntu U o th ~ r h im?" ''It did lit first. lue expeoting her !lome BOOn . LebuDun o~n HUNDlHlD lJO LLAR::i for \!ach TlI II he gllv It lip, t1shcd his thrl'o' and every co~ of Catll" h til .. t "onllOI be forks n" ttlc. 1I1It! pl'ooodotl 'to eot with Mr '''111 M rR. ,l o:!BPh MIl16r tlDt e r. W. ofH tile. . H:lbI}D'-I.tI-'-U-GWa4iD!t-.....e&r'ft------;;~~-;--(::;;:;;;;:)~T · ud de n. obllnlg es o f to mporo$ore load cured by Ihe use or H1\I , I:S CATARRH Ili a knlte."-Bos(oo E\' .mlu~ Tran. . Gatued a' dillo l'> r, ~RiuTdI\Y . Mr lind ~ Oll un d,' .... vell r bl'h'j:! tI ,Jrlug oolcls rhe Nee~leorart Club will meet . _ ' MEtJ[C)Ng. FI{ANK J. OHENEY . scrIpt. . \irt!. BernArd Jon es . of Lytle. Mrs Sworn to beINe, lI1e 'Ind subscdbed In r:lllra Dill aud tlon, Ih rold, of with @ tll O'~ d o p' h 8f\d. sore tbrunt wlt·b ~l!ss Mary Settlemyre Satnrday ..y' prese ncc. Ihi. Oth do)' o( December, • nel ~ nil CIl I Ollld ".v !HIH.OillS , A afternoon • Wa.vnes·vlllo. A. D. 1880. A. W. GI. EA.SU , rlolle o r Dr. L{ l o ~ 'B N e w LJi800vorv Mr . and Mrs. Cbarlell Huffmau U ... CI,Arlee W a lll!, or Le bnnor , ~ 8u.e reli e f •• bt ~ hnPI)Y oornbll1lL (Seal) Notary Public. ,lTd M I'll Erne@t Grl/Y, or Rid ge vlllf , li on o f Ilntl.e p t. ill balsaw!! olear, ' us olllle<t on tbe former '. home tolkll Hail's Cu't anh Medlcille Is ~kell IlIlern· Bird Statistlcs. ~::- ~ Sunday, nlly aud ""IS Ih ro ngh lhe OIood 011 I he Tho flI~ of .iho Unlled Stutos tlc- vlel tetl relll ti ves bero Frida V. b,,,,d lIool,h es Ill" 'rrltnk d m mOrvall1nd Ellzabetb JohnaoD spen' Muc""s Surfncl:s 01 1 the System. Sclld pnrtmcnt of ngrlculture cootnlll mora Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fo x, or MlumlR brlltl Aa nod \Vb ~ t ' ml8bt h,.ve blliln for \t.JtiIDOllillls, free . . thon 1,000.000 enrols concernlllS' the di . barl!'. we r(l tb e ~\lndlty gua~ts of M r " lingering l'oltlllll brOll 80 up. Uo n't Snndsy wltb Oliver a.od Lell" Elboo. II . J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0 trlbution nntl mlgratloo or Nortb Aw e\,· Rosil ViU,lr8 ill enter~lIolnlng the .ul1 Mra. J . Iil. R ,) hi n800 . .top treat.meot wben rellaf 18 first &Ia by all drull~hI8, 75e: Icull blrdll. Fllllny Jalloey 18 o n the Biok l1_t. t al " liS" balf oll red 0011\ Is dRnger whooplo g oough. Hall', P:lmlly Pills ror cOllltipatlon. -------+.---~.~----Mr . Bnd Mrs Ernes t lirev !lnd OU8 Tllke Dr. Klog ', New Disoov. I"uglltel', of Rid l{ ville, w.e re ~he ery till y nar lold Is g " ' , ~. Odd Name Oddly Won. __ unClHY gUllet" of Mr . lind . Mre. ._"-' The lUll knOwn us the "Scune Yet," gd Nnll It Pres twIch. hilS Il curIaliS history Mr, lind Mr8 GlllOo BurdO)n ·enter. I\'hl h Mr. Hnck,,'ood relnlcs : "The ~Rlned M dinn er SuodllY Me srR Daily Thought. louse orIgInally bore: the 'Beveo Stnrs.' "od Me damoa P e rt'y Bordeo, U. C. F I' till! r~ \\'Urtl Is lIut 1'~ PQ ije, but ~flf oy Yt'al's IIgo It becnme oecessllry to Bordell Bod fllDllly . !re"h "'<wk. II hlrgl'r ~ ph e rc or useful. bo\'o Its fnrl l!d sign r epnlnled. When M,. TVlliteT Bpn gA Rod lion l1nd lC S IIIHl InIlU ll Il CP. 'l'h e commnnd· tho pulnl'r ' ns kcd tho Inndlord wbllt Miij~ BelvlI M Il()l\n r!1e ~ 1j1l ttelld etl t li o :cn cll ies IS give n to th e IlUllI wh ose e \\'8 8 to put on th o bORrd ha received Entrll N n n" Ulub nt the b OIllB of (l und Iwd grow n tn t.·u poullds ; tile the onswer. 'TIle sOlUe yet.' 'And ttie 111/l~ Mllry ->wri ln, nal'r ij,idg l> vllle :0 111 111 11 I\(I of 'he 'Ill es to th e 011\11 UlIl O look blm at his word."-LODdou Some flours are good only for bread, others orily ·for 1I,tt I"~t l 'hurMrl.y. ~' h us e tI"und hll 41 grown to five Nc\'I's, '. ' .' pastries-but the flour made-in Ohio's 'mill s can he ~OllC1d R. ~' I, c fn f ul ty- oE dotng good;-by used successfully in allY kind . of baking. OH10 10 etcrllill Ill\\" Is 1ll1llJipiled IIncl mug. FLOUR is ideal for the housewife because it frees ~111 /'(1 nfcordlug: t o th e \I . e whlch ' ls Another Use' fllr Straws. , . her from baking worries and makes her baking better. A tn th r wos c,x-ph\lnlllg to hI s ol(Iest ::~~~c oC It,-li'rederlck DenIson M,lO· snn ~h e lI1ennlng or a straw vote nod , Look for the Guarantee Label rhli torillre of rbe'om~ljlim, the 31\Id Ihe ·lxpresslo~. probl\bly origInated Ulltns /lnd Itohes th lt t m il ke 1l fa u ,,from the old slIylng "thllt .. trUVl'S show ~any of the best' OHIO· MADE FLOURS bear this b..arllble ato r e lieved \)J I::l lllBll 'S \I'bleh WRY the 1\'10(1 blows." Bls young· label as ' a guarantee . of Purity and Quality. Your Llf1lm"llt, " cle uo ol e,,~ \1 qul rt Ihut es~ 80n, no t being RS mucb Intote8ted grocer seUI at least· one flour so gJlarant-ccd . Try it-= Crowding Out. I~ ellsy to op"l,r Rod ' more I'ffeC' ti ve lIi presidential CJlndldutcs 08 In cu· get better results-and boost one of' Ohio's biggest O"<'I'Nll\'1IJ\~ C\'11 wit h ~oocl Is the th"n nlD~8,\" plnster!! or ointments IInnry mutters, sold: "Yes. and strows home indUltri~s. · beoolL I~ peU'6tratiht qaiokly w ith . Dt.ll.v \IIU ~' to o\'crcolO It nt ulL In sholV whether the cnka Is dooe or oot, . . " nlJ r O\\'n 1I,()III'ls CIIld lIV('8, lind In tJlI'l oot rg!J4Ing. · For lbe .mlllly paln ~ ·too." ~e ~ore at Home aod aoheafollowlDIC exposnrt>-. s'ulo!' lI'orltl 11 1'lluoli u: . UIC on I}, wnr to epralnl alld mt1eOleIlOrllne~~, I:ilo.1n ' gl't rId or whl't Is fuulty, Is to supLtnhlleot II promptly. elf\lotlv\l: A I Ili um tt with $o1Dlltblng better. The Truth. WIlYB bl've a boUle baDdy t'o~ gout.. bUd hohlt, the !llad custom. the bnr;! TrutJl Is a . clIn; to him WllO oDI)' lumbago, 'oo'hache, bookllohe, st.llr Influl'lI ce must be· croWded out b), one BtAnllR outside nil Is ,lurk. b1\t to hlm neok .alld ell altternD) p"lns. At UIIl t la good. I> who bolllly enters In A.o d looks out dl'ugglpttt. 250. Into tbe sunlight, nl:! Is olear.-Dnncau Macgregor•

~ ~ ({it rl.gtn1 ag' ~

~ Z










Walter. Chandler





= _===============-









---- -----






--- ------









DR. H.E.




- - -... -._- --


- --



Dr. J. A. McCoy, '









You,Can Bake .Anytliing with OtlIO.MADE FLOUR





DImond ,hil

Guaralltee Lobrl


EventueUY Got WI.e. Th('re are t!Dr meo who hnve ellCl\ped waking up eVllutuall,y to what a wonderful womau the, ha"lT had aJooa for • wU_Baltlllaol9 81m.




We want to clQse up a partnership by January 'l, 1917. ' .

All parties knowing themselves in debt .to the firm of

w. .


One DI .. dvllnlage of Wealth, to me." !IIIld Uncle }1bco, Good Manners Come FIrat. "dot 'Rth] 0' weallih brlqlo' bapplJleslI, To be a ICntlemlln doe. Dot depend to go to a bl'up o· upon tbe tallor or tha toilet. Goocl It. cOnlpels . partll'8 ain't • chance at IDllnnen eowit · tnr moZil tlulll Ko04 1m IQjOJlI1' daliwitJL" cl(Jlbllll,-=-Blahop Doaua. ''')'elll'>I




. .~..





B. Madden . . & ~o., CorWin, Qhio,

Please call and settle not later th"n December .2 5, 191.6. ' , No account will be carried. over into ' 1917. except by parties giving bankable note. . Note to bear' interest at 6 per cent , '~h until paid.


IIJ"'S"~IGii'Xi5551~e::·N::.=:J$1m:1i5:~ ' ~ii'e:1~''~[P]~S~~AL!E~Tio(l



I U.'



1· I til








~I i

' mm,

~I a






Saxon "Six" is $815 f. o. b. Detroit Specifications: " ell' body des ign, la rger bod y, ilev.;, fini s h, 12'" brakes . 41Y." fu ll can tileve r typ e rea r sp rtn g ,2 crankshaft , t ilted wi ndshiu ld , new lStyl e t o p \ ith Grecian rear bow, new s tee l f end e rs , i ns tru men ts mounted un cowl dash, chrome vanadium val ve sp r ings. new des ign ca rb ure tor. 112" wh eel· base, lig ht weight s ix ·cy linJe r hi g h s peed motor; 32 x3X Ures. demountable rims. tw o unit s t a rl ing and lig h t ing system, Timken ax leB, f u ll T imk en beari llgs, an d t wenty furtht:lr reo finements.




~rn 1. B. CHAPMAN Agi., Waynesville, O. ~~ t:l ==:1' a ==:1'1 l:Ie aa!:'==:1' atE'==:JII;) t:'



and Gardt.,


eE'ds now.

Dayton \'i!li to l


Price;; /t'fl' ad, q • •• ·llI~ l]n. 1 g'11Il1.1 , trK k Jo( tti"l -" H I:, · , bll) IIll " wh lll!: yun ~."Il ,!I..) t I ' t. ~ t.lU d ~ .

Till' Ilrl·;",.,t I t'


The Tri-State Absolutely and Unqualifiedly Guarantees Every Can of Cream Against Loss or Damage in Transit. The opportunity of dealing direct with the Tri·State is open to you. No middlemen make. a profit off your cream-all payments are direct to the patron. Over 20,000 cream patrons are sending their c ream direct to the Tri·State. No shipper ever lost Ii dollar deali ng with u s. Your Pay is Spot Cash . Ask any Tri·S tate shipper wbat he thinks of us.

TAG your cream to tGe Tri·State or write for Free Trial Cans which we gladly mail for 30 day. trial.

THE TRI-STATE BUTTER CO., Capital Stock $75,000








meetin~' -----Jono~

J. o.

Cart~right R epresenting

The Maynard. H. Murch Co. Telephone 85

- ... - ----



-----_ - --- - CHURCH ~ OllGES





. . , ,,.



While Mill Seed hal advanced only 50 ' per cent . corn ,has advanced from 70 ~o 90 per cent, and

YOUR grandfather knew th e name " FAIRB A NK S" stood for all t hat was best in scales. No f a Tm ShOll ld be without this "watch dog of weights."



- ...









Get.your eyrup label. printed at ~ the Miami Gazette office

-:;j)~antl '~xpan~inn

"n I olhh.pllll" in thl, bllct jlln n :tlel'lt!t1 by th · l1lurvtllo u ~ IlI'o wlh the.

Bnll nullity f Tl'i 'IUt e I3U\ 1PT CO. To · lh l W the wny til profits and S !l ti~· R. E. Dads was a ()~ytnn vi~i t oJ' r ct 'JIl by op'lIing UI a Farrners Tuesday . . Fruit!! and \ f I<l ~ I " ti~. [l l( Ill y "f /ll'lr)Wt 'I!lWUt the midulelll!lll', till! 1111 kinti q f r .. ;' I · h '.\' 1" " , ()q,(alliztlo in Ill' ,the T rl t at e in The Mothers' Club held 8 --l:) eV E'1l yea r~ haa rboen t th e Jead inl( 11111111 ' Syr u p \'.11' "III tl ("IV at the Sc hool H all t oda)·. . pi a in tho crOllmer}' busine ; lind tdt, b H e 1/',' 1 )41\; 1' ~ UJlpl y. loy o nii&ten lly fo ll ow ing t he id ea o f Luyinj:(' d irect from the pat ro n, ill Harry COO l e r . of. C ~licago . !;pent n IV tlte foremos t crellmery in ' the week· end hero with r elal lves Ame r ica . JII the b eli'inn inlt ou r !aeto ry was E. J ll nney , Eva ~ 111811 , bu t it WllS fo unded on the BIG anll \V m . Frame are II ttending th l' idea or e~ L 8b l i~ h ll1g a Reliable a nd Warren County Women's Dr)' ~~e d · 7&c. l' r 1111lnen L mar":et dcalh!g direct e r nt io n a t Lt!bnnon . today. with t.h tl p rl d~cer so &I t o give hj m hill due p l'ofit~; nnd e ve rything h as l:lrin~ u;. you r <')!'~' . h 'el\ towards t his end, A.t no ti m Matr im onial F elic ity. lills th e 'fri Siall! ClI}J rienced a hap· p l\) o; tIl i t , .. I , a t L U(,hY 1M the 111:1 11 who 1II : IIT i , \~ II hazard j{row lli , A t no time have gil l id ('tlok. !nr h., Jl U t ;\, {hit I th .\I h i..: pttl m i,;es vee ll m a de whi ch could not \\'11'.. I~ IIhl" to h" I'" I he k lll<l <Ie 1'\(" ue fulli lied , ' Ills ","tller tl'll'<.1 I" lIIuko. M uell nl ont'y has been a d va nced .. :lnu t'X I18Ildt·d t o pe rfect econo m ica l '11>'11118 of hllndl ing c rt'llm. both with ' he idell o f imp roving th e qua li ty of Bill ion Ye arly L ost In Bird s. l he bulter and to ill ~ur e careftt lne.s 1'l14' (hl~ll·lI( · t ill n uf tllrtl~ (,,'of.:ts lh l ~ , \11(1 exac t ne ~s in J",ali ll~ with the countr ,\' I ,llt" .OOO,\l\)() II' Yeu r. It Is cs· I I'll troll An el.j 'lvaule cOllfi d nee ti~ ~ ~ , ·1 1l10\lg I h e da iry f a rrn l! rs as well as t h.. bu Hllr cl1~ t U ll1 er8 has been es· tablished by th i ~ cum pany. \ 1\\. E. Advertisi n ~ and h ig h q uali ty goods Marcil 11 , 1 ~ 1 7 , S un,J 1\' School , IIV6 C(' l1s tunliv c reated ne w m a rk ets ~) :IG; Pr ell 'hi II ..; r,c ,', 1I1t'1l1 l': " All fot' the butter: RI th llt a co nti nu o us \ Amid ut<l r" r t hl' .,1 ,' mu I ' ~ of S in, " IIle l'ewe is n.llliufuctu ri ng fncili t ieH I 10::10 a III ; l'rL' u\' h i n~ '" rv lce , t he m p. " nd rrf' sm s upp ly to th eir p resent All perRons ind ebte d t o m El f or \ "The lI o ly ~I'!r iL .. ,' apllcity which is sti ll b('i n ~ cnla rR'ed . service of my s tock f o r 19 16 p l ea ~l' l'he phtlnO ill ent81 grow t h of the Tri Slat e is a 1110numl'nt to t he policy o f settle with Mahlon Ridge whe n d \lI! S r \1' I' \ ' .., t II ' CII Geo. T . Lan tl'r ~ QU ll r \) dealing in all business rela · Third : unu:\\, ill I.<.!, 1 1I1II rt h 11. ti om . '1'11 • Tri St'tI te iH pro u d of i ls reo ' IJnJ ,ty ~eholll ,I ~'., OJ a J1l ~l v rn · ' lng I' i :\} "r rH,d "\11' 011 n t 111::aJ. 'Our.!; um l our I'l'wllrd is a d o uble on E '~l11 n \! :"ll ! \ Ill' It, I "Ill '!l n t 7 [I. "' hle'll I... cn' l, m prod ueer HUYS he is III , > .Ji ,j" t . ": :', I. \ II 11- 1 li,' re o g'l l1 d he I~ ""liiIll(' to the Tri State . 111 \ ' 1 "" " I"", . \, . ':~ Ilt 7:30, and the o n ~ lIrncr i n ~ ists u pon hllvir,g Lillln\' . I'PI,i I ' I 'lIli," · l lI l l lI rtd r l' .i~ our bru ml b u t ter. Ali equ a l pl1r \ nH' in 11 mi~h ty inRtituti on l'Iub jt'cl , " 'i'IH' : 'It I' " f lI ,dy. ,; c ~i p F r ed L. Shep py. 170 N. Balsler. tun' ... 'I t> t> i u l. :, ' I ,h, Ih Ill vl ted which pays ntore th a n a milli on d ol· Str eet . C h icu ~ o , Ill., Gcoural Soh,· to Ihest> ,«' n ', ·,., l u r~ p~l' yt'lIr oI irel'l 10 t he pr odu ce r . 1Iian agc r of tlle la rgcst , cOIICflfO of I I~ Th e ch<JI r " 'IIII" " I~, ' " Ih l' (·ulIllila . The Hesponsi ble Sufe 'lInd Pe rman ent kind in th e world, wlln ts thre o o r ' " '1I1vH ry . ' · by ~"!I," "t! r , mid · nt, rkt!t of ove r :W,OOO dairy fa rme rs. fou r men In t his eo ulty und ' so \'cral ! Le nt 'u nd oy. ,\ 11",,11 lH, h. TIlIsca~· ----men to adjoi n ing COllll l lcs, to wor k ' ta ta jg 11 beau llful 'lil t'. amI the ch ) lr for him s pa re tim e or a ll tllO t llU o. i~ now roullJi n.; it iI siJn pu . l:I e ca n use Oll ly lhose who ha\'e u - ._ _ r ig or 8I1tO.· Work Is pleasant nod no prevIous seil ing ex pe rionce I~ n ecessary. Work conslHt a oC leaving 8 wonderful new ho usehold Ilecesslt')' In the homos on tr~e trl lli. Tes ts at more than thIrty of the leading Uul· versltles lIod the Governm ent Burellu T he F e br uary' meeting; of t he Woo at Standards show this article to. he man ' s Fo r~ i g n Missionary . society tour limes as elllelent li S arti cle now \Vas he ld a t the ple llsant home of [n ge oeral use In this section. Arti cle People who !J lil1 \'" in lH llo n si gns M ra. Hosier. T he attendance of Is needed In every ru ral bomo a udwere lightly di<up)1' 111 cd this yea r, mem rs IYIlS good. an d the atte nd · ben efits evsry wembe r of Lh o hou~ e- 89 th ere Will'\' t \,'O 1IIo1 l'e II I100 W:I t ha n imce of Iluests gav e evidence of a tlie old scheduleu , AI'CJ r.!JnIC I ~Id. bringing cheer, com fo rt lind . ign . that of II", 1I1,,"n lteln~so many very p le asant and profitable meet· happiness Into th e home. Not nec s· days otd whr')1 rI.. lit s t . IIOW falls , ing . T he folio ,ving prog ram was sory to bo a wny from home n ights. happened tillS ""u· I" L>" on the 19th rendered: j'IY111 n, " 0 Zio n Hus te," P a y tram $ 6.00. to $15 .0.0. I) ~ r, d ay ae· of the mo nt h , IhLr .. f", c W tl were to c r iptu r al Readi ng by M ra. Cad w allader, St J oh n 14th ch apter; prayer cording to abilit y and nu mbe r of have ninctW\ n "'IIIH'.'; , hut ol u wi nter by III rs. Beall , piano solo. Miss Hos ier \James visited. 10 writin g Mr. Shep- a nd the gnu II J r ",.{ l!ct:icled the y ·"A lI al f ' Cen tul'Y of Efli cieOl:.V ," py , ment'lon ' whnt towns hips wlJ1 be would til ruw 11 :1 (':<1 1a <' ne or two in Mr!\ , Ho ugh , "The f inal Cilade l," most con venient fo r you .to work Ill; for a g ood bHl'g ai li . Mrs Farr. " Wa tch men Tell Ua of w hn t yo ur r eglllnr occupa ti on Is ; Th e SIlOW wl ll.:h ~ tnr t E!c.J Saturday t he N igh t ," Mrs Wh it e and MillS your age ; mll rrled or si ngle; how and e nd l!d Mon ,ilty wa about OIlE' o f EI "un Dr Earnh~rt, "Why aJub ilee, " th e hea viest we ha \' e e xpe ri enced lon g you ha ve li ved In tho COUl - t hi, wi n t e r . ~ n o \\' f e ll all d ay Sun. Mrs . C ro ~s, "The Missionary ." Mrs . munlty; what h ind ot a ri g or a u n day and tho tVi'll! \\',,~ fu irly s trong. Duke The committee distributed yd u ha ve; wheth e r ) ' OU wis h to worl' m a kin l/: huge dr iilti in 1)la e~ . In 811 valentines on which were written passages of Scrip t ure which were spa r e tim e or stl"ady; ho \\' mu ch ti me over six inch es fel 'IT! l he level. read by those holding them. Meet· you wlll have to devote to tl1 0 work;. J:T ue nay an " rIll ll l he m ercury ing c losed with a piano duet by the whe n you can start, n nd abo ut 'llo w toad 10 a bove, Misses Ha zel Gus tin and Ethel Hosier. ma ny homes Bre wlUll n sb. miles of Mrs . Vandervoort Il8Slsted in enter· you In . each direction , This Is a ta ining ant!· during the social hour splendid opport uni ty [o r severnl men mos t appet iz ing r efres hments were In tMB counly alld counti es nd jolnlng served . Offorlng $6.85. to make good mon ey, working steILU)' --~.-----or Sllare time. Som e at til e fl eld men earn $3 00.0.0 per montll: one farm er earn ed $1,0.00 .00 wo rk ing s par e ti me olll y, No In vestmen t or bond necessar y. A rew IIn('s to Mr. Sheppy will brlnr; [ull particulars. AdJ). The regu lar 10 (·1 ill 'uf Ih 1IH'Imi Vall",y Poult ry A-~ ';IIC I ti on will bl" hel d Fl'lday J11 I) I1 ,i n ~ lit lhe To wn · dhip Ho use II t 11 ;:jO ,,' lock , T he an nuat ollie 'rd " III m I'I~cte d , a t th lA T-he first presentation of D, W. mee ting , and ther a reSt vera l things of im portan c~ to tl i ~ c u s , E very Griffith's g ig,mtic military sl>t!ctacle mem be r is u rgen tI v rEo!q u eated to bl' "T he Birth of a Nation" will be givl!n a t the Victoria Thea ter, Oayton, presen t . nn Frid ay ni g ht, March 16th. Foll owing this appearance there will be two performances daily in · :Iudini{ Sun day . The mati nees will ~rn l'l at i ::lO p . m a nd the night ver fO rDJan ce at 8: 15 o·clock. Owing t o I he extraordinary interest that cen terR in this engagem ent the manage · men t of the attrll ction hti8 completed ,Irrangem enhl with Manager MiIl.r of the Victoria Theatre, Dayton. to 'rhe pr ic t! ,.r pori< 1'l'llch ed th e pfly 's pecial attention to mail orde rtl highes t [l intin tl10 m a r k ts T U"R of p a t rons from ei t ies and t owns in day t h~4t WUd e ve l' kn o wn- $15 a t his section of the state. T he da ily matin ees will be a fea hu nd re d . P ... " i ~ VHY HC ar(:e now , amJ pe rlHIIIR \IIi,. Ilad a \! I'ent d eal t o t ure of d is tin cti ve intel est to visitors d o wi th th " IIl !:11 p ri<- (·s . This r eo to the ci ty . For t hese matinees the millCl ~ tJH f f i y f lOllo ~' il\g j ing le , pr ices will be 25 e ts, 60 eta, 75 cts . ligh tly rli:; t" I'l~, 1 hac we Icufll ed a nd $1.00. For the nights the ·prices will be 25 cts , 50 etl!, $1.00 and 11.60. y~ar B ugo;

Me!ldamc~ J .


~'. .

li t Hymatl·s.


A~ IH m iles per h u r " 11 high" Saxon I·Six" p ulls \vithout "bucking" or "jerk ing" . No "four" can duplicate such smooth pulling power at

slow , a pace,


('3 11\'811

Harvey liu t in is toJ ay .




Sceil Pot~ t 1. ,0 ion' t

If you have mon 'H to invC' ~t or fund - brin/in:] a low rai l of int ~"'51, I would Uk to explain our plan 10 YOJ4. Either call at my office in Coleman 's store, or I I phone 1/1(1 and [ will call 0 11 you. .

- - - ... --- ---




"If It's weighed onaFAIRSANKS

there'S no argument"because it has Steel to ' Steel Bearings, Arrow-tip Beam. \, Large PlatlonD,Wide Wheels.

$12.50 ,.ric.".'ze f. C. b. ChIOll,p

500 tb,



With Slight Reservation •• "J.oru," [)I'l1yei! the old-deacon. "keep DS from !:rl)wll ug ot the weuth(lr Prov1· dence B rtll s ; mnko ua re ll;\lcd to hot ~ l1 l1 cold. s torm lind s unshi ne. ; but It It's not IIs kln g too much. plclIse send as more r cn.·enn1>le w ather 'Iong about cnrnpmeetlll' tim e, f or liS It Is now, It's IIlmos t bot enough to 8 t tho river on llrel"-Allnnta COns UtuUon.

PromIse of Bright Future. "Mercy I" excla hnod Mrs. Diggs. "Thl! hahy Is ch owlng on your pocket 'edi tion of F.plctctus." "Indeed ." reo plll'll l'rn'C"ss ur Di ggs with II proutl and bllp"y Jonk. "Let til e child "1 011 . It Is sellio m that II mere Intont shows Qu cll Il p ron o un cd tns te tor the classlcs."-Blrmlnghllm Age-Herald ..

Must Be Properly Oultlvated.. Tim e, whe n \\' ell husbuuded, Is IIko 8 culth'uted fi eld , o[ whl eh n: fe w IIcres (1rodllco morc of what Is usefu l to lito tl lllll ('xt e n ~ lv e !ll'ovlnCes, even /?f tl1c rl r'llPst so".' whe n overrun with weeds nllLl hl'unlltles.-Do \'lll Hume.

Nighthawk Travel. Far• . The nlghthllwk pl'rfOtlJlB the longest mfgrnt!on jOlll'lley of any kind of land bird. Us trip Is 7.000 ·mlles, from the Y\lkon to ArgcnUnu.

Waynesville, Ohio

Late Classified Ads.' FOR RENT


good geoeral po rp:,)8e hone lind Il good turry tor &ale Inqnlre of Btlrvey Gustin, WaynflS. vllle, Ohio. m2l

Good Reason. Too. Ono renRon \\'11.\' wo 1II,!' to sce a WOlllUIl \\,I'Ut a t '\I' tine children Js beCRuse \\' 0 lroow th nt tlu! children keep her ~o busy tb llt sho hn n't tltn e to 1010 a society tor tJlo uppresslou of 60111e thlu!1.- 0 Incll>nlltl Iiloll\llrer.



? ? )'OUrself



?, somenew ? 1- Be4utUuJ Paper? ~ It 'Won't be a. bad blow ? '1 -SEE ME TODAX- ~ ? H. H. BRITA'IN ? ? Wayne.vllle. Ohio ?

. . .

??????~??????????7? :

Hogs have advanced 80 to 100%

, .

Which gives you ·a good profit in feeding Mill Feed to your stock. Do not let your supply get too low, as it is hard to get feed for prompt shipment.We havejust unloaded a car this week,.and running mill every day, so buy when you can get it. .. , ,


OUR FEED GRINDER .Run. every day. Feed is ·too high to be fed without being ground.

The Waynesville Mills

Ra in nw l ('~


rn .

-----_. - ...-----

eMn II w l, l'd htig .

110 T~ In il li\! tnu lley . 1)011't It'! Gee w hi ~!



Thought. " r l:mYl'r!! are Uned \ylth ObflU/iilllcl of dlllllta. Op t i m istIC




put In m 'll' • lUnrlt'.,+," - - I 'nrL(.



Endive and water cress, both uaed as substitutes for lettuce in the As I h u\' _ taken lh l'Ilotency f or the men u, are among the latest crops be. "Milson" b rul'c! fl' r t il i7: cr , forme rly ing tested for intensive cul ture duro so ld by M r. Chli~ . l~rye. [ will be ing winter in the II'reenhoulle8 of th. glad tQ q uot e prkes (ll\ nil b rands : Ohio Experimellt Station. Both crop. look promisina- for Buch pttr. Lyman M. Silver poses, the endive aelling for 25 a pound in Cleveland. Spinach and kohl rabi' Are also considered promisNo More Bank Acoount. :1tfQth"r-")' vII WIt! ,JOhli should inlf new crops to ·be grown under 3~n:rt righ t liy Ol!cnlng n ItLll c bank nc- glass in winter. oount." N wly lIJllrr)Nl Dtl lIJ;hter"No; J nhn \I R(' !I 10 h'I\'c (inc. bot I ru ~s It I.- lin IlWfli1 blit her lind the bn nk rl"U"H't IIJlI"""';alf' It lIny",,,,. He Illy" It \In. ('1)0111111'111.\' nft,'r hIm to


16percent Acid PhullPhate $17.P<l 14 percent Acid Phosphate $16.08 H. fI Wllkerion. WRneeville.Oblo VaJl81 Phon. III-I;

FIVE AND TEN . CENT New Dishes, a piece ...... .. , .. IOe Glassware ... ; ................ 10e Vases .. . . . ...... . " .. . . ...... IDe "Rapid Fire" Egg Beate,rs . ... ~ : . IOc ' Halnmers .............. , .. , ... 10c; Curtain Rods .... . ... ,' . .. .... . IDe Curtain Scrim, •... , ,'.. , ....... IDe 8-quart Rinsing Pans, . . ....... tOe ~1.lIst

In BarpJa.

- ,-



lij"HicH SCiiOOlflSi HEAVY TORNADO ,-------------.

Mr: and Mrs. J. Will White and See Waterhou se for A,uto Livery Mr and Mrs J E. Janney were joi1'1t hosts and hostesses of the Russell Bentley was a Xen ia visitor WaYlie -r own!hip Farmer's Club. at Sunday . / th!:l hospitable home of Mr, White, Mr Wilbur Evans Apent Monday ' on Thurddlty Murch 8, The members lind guests were received must in Dayton. cordil.lly by the hoste!l8es, and l he morning huurs p a~sed all trIO QJkkly Dr. Dill. Osteopath 21 S Broarl in 80cilt l converilalion. until th'll an · way, Lebanon , Ohio. nouncement lIf dinner. to which all di d ample j 1Jstice , At 2 o'clock the pr sidenl. Mr, Rurnett r-alleo! 111P The Neapolitan Quartet at Schoo l meeting to order We itllJ with U8 Hall. I"ridav eveIJi'1g'. March J(i, at lhid'meeting. Mr A. E , lirerlne, man. the Monl~omery County All' The MisSE'8 Alice Carey and Edna ricultural agl'nt. who gave us a mos t Co rnell were Lebanon visi torll Satur· in Ulrestinl(' and in~tructive talk on day . . "Cooperation." He spoke of mos t all phases of farm work, of buying Miss Ruth Harrip, of Dayton, i ~ and selling, snd wherein the county agent was helpful to the larmer in vi~itlng her grandmother, Mrs Alice 80 many ways. This WIU! a rare McKinsey . trellt, and we were sorry every club member. (or. in fact, every farmer Get t: M. ~utchin son. of L~bll' in Warren County) could not have non, OhIO, 10 Inlllall a Delco .LIght been pre8ent. To my mind. it seems , plant It your home. a pitv, that so good a counly as Warre'l 8houl~ be without so helpful a Mrs Mary Caskey attended the "factor" as a county agent The I funeral of her ul1cle. Mr, John Som cuprent events of the month we1. mers, in Darke County, last Fr iday . given by Mf'S Ca. I Duke and we1. ve ry,!nter~stinH ' The SpE"Ci~1 Topl. Mrs, Homer Carey and Mi8s LL\cy ! was FenCing. and was dls~uBBed Emley went to Dayton Sunday lo see by M. W. Rtlver, Alfred Swam and Miss Leafy Emley who is very ill at olhers Mrs Barton Kelly gave a h ' t I ' th t' . most beaulifulreadinll, "TwoGolden a OItPI a In a city. Days " Mrs Marks and Mrs , Kelly If you want a Coal Oil Stove that flivored us with some fine piano wiTI "ive you service. look Ilt our8. aelections The illvlted guests at thia meeting ~hey are fine. H . E Earnhart. , were Rev , and Mrs. Beall. Mr. and Mra Kelly and Mr and Mra Mark8, Mr. and Mrs J , S ThompFon. A rising vote of thanks waR tendered Mrs Hunkins and Mrll, Lou Stibbs, the boets and hostesses for their of, Lebanon, were spending a few most generous hospitality. hours with Waynllllville friel lda Fri.

The Juni ors and ' Seniors enter, :ain ed the high choo l and faculty at one of their de lig htful High School Socials. Af ter a pleas inl( program ;I»proprillt lun ch was served . The lu ncheon ffec r W08 in honor of St, Patr ick .


Wavnesville was weli represented at th e Warren County Teacher's As. ~oc ial ion at Lebanon Saturtlay. Mjsli Kindler gave an entertai ning balf hour of Story Telling. Spring i~ almost Irere. The boys are looking · longingly t oward the baseball. The little totS perfo rm ed before a large audience Friday. The Kings Mills and Waynesville basket ball teams hav e each won one game apiece this sea80n. and they have chall enged Waynesville to play t he third game on 8 neutral floor. The game will be play ed a t Lebanon Saturday eveni ng. This ought to be an "x citlng contest. and every rooter from WaYnEsville ought to go to Lllban ')n Saturday evening and help the boya win the game.


---.. - ...- - -



" ...



The friendliness of books is one of . ' the moat satisfying char a'; teriaties, Charles Elzey Is the Ruest of his A few well· thumbed volumea may ~a~her and brothel' her~. Mr. EI~y be as a song in the nillht and aslighl IS on hia way bal"k to hll old home In out of darkneBB to weary brain and Spokane. ~a"'h , •. after spending a heavy heart, The man who knows year or two In OhIO and lovell his books has secured t or 1 hImself abiding fri ends against the Come in and look over our Henchel day of trial .and loneliness , He goes Sin"le and J)ouble Trees. A large to theAe !rre!lds at. need IHld they never fat! hIm. He always .knows stock all hand. H. E, Earnhart. where to find them and he I S su re . . thllt they remain teadfast and tru e J. O. Cartwright W88 In Sandusky ' They are never weary of his conling !a8t Friday where he joir.ed the sell 'l and they bever wear y of him. for'. I!,g force o~ the May.nard H. Murch like Job's fritmds they llnow the val , l;ompany In an IDspection, trIp ue of timely ailence, When he bids through the planta of The Hinde & them come th ey speak l his dap p Dauch Paper CompallY. est and lruesllife. ami when his80ul is satisfied they retire and are con· See the ad and prices of thefamou9 lent. Whe~e else can you find s~ch Fairbank Scales. ::ice th( mat H , l!. constant,' sIncere. and self, eifaclllg" Earnhart's, fri elld~bip .

The lease for the post office build ing wLl 800n be endcod. and it is re Quired thtlt bids must be received at the pOlltoffice for a new lease. The room muat be near the center of the busineBB portion of the ' town. and must have 800 lIQuare feet of floor apace, good dayligl>t, etc. The form of lea.'!8, blanks, etc, m8Y be seen at the postoffice. and a diagram of the room to be leased will have to be made and submitted to' the Ferleral lCoveroment.

----- ..- - -


See Waterhou~e (or Auto Livery



~ S~XON ROADSfER ~I ~a·I ~ ~ A Car 'Completely Equ.·ppe"a to the Last Detail f or Leas Th an '$500 ', ~ ,










I:J '





" b '1 By all means see thl,s new series Saxon vantages 9 ver any other carburetor UI t. iii Roadster. You wi1lfiad it no ordinary car. I h b dt . We'think it , will win 'you on first light-on Salton ROlldster a so as t ree-spee rans· .its looks, on its ells,t ly ' 'car attractionr, o~ mission. A~ong high quality cars this is , the way it acts. ' the only type of traasmi~sion used. . Throughout the chassis it bas the famons There's plenty of ·'pepper" to its per~orm • . Hyatt qui!!t bearings-anotber costly car r:t anee, plenty of 8pe~d, pleDty of power" an,d attraction, And the body is of litream IiDe ... pleaty of snap to Its ~'pick.up." Tbere 8 , d-sl'gn. more room now tbanever beCore, The'seat .. is larger. the . body is ~igger, there's more The honeycomb radiator assures your 'motor of being kept cool. leg room, _ h' h . d d" ' r:t Look amoDg the 19 ·pnce cars) an you Saxon ROlldster has the Atwater· Kent igni. ... will find' Done which carries more modern tion system.,..-regarded as ODe of the best " featurea or better features. ~stems on the ma:rket. A Dew style body Now Saxon Roadater has one of the finesl! with Grecian rear bow adds to the attract- ' , iveness of this car's appearance. and mOlt efficient 2·ualt Itarting aQd light· , mc systems that can be built. It is of the In addition to these refinements there are lEI famous Wagner make. It allO has i1e- sueh attractions as electric hom, tir,e carrier ' mouatable rlmlj aDd 30x3" tires. ' at rear, speedometer, v-:ntilating windshield, ',' ' d' 1'1 Its motor ll.of the 4·eylinder, L·head, high- adjustable pedals, Vana lum stee cantl ever lpeed ~ Saxo~des;cn, built by me apring., and twenty more fine car develop· Coatinental Motor eompauy-tbe world'i Dleuts. II!I -rea,'tett mallerl of automobile moton. . .:. • The Saxon Roadster is $,.95; Saxon "Six'" It haa a ReI&eabllA!h carburetor of 't he ato- Touring Car, 1865,' Six Sedan, $1250, f. o. b. ,: ' miser type, wlUeh 'repres~ta tbe biggest ad.' Detroit. Canadian Prices-Six Cylinder


~ ~





liIm '

vance U. pIOline

csrburetion yet


po-.ealla live dlstlnd 'and delin,\e ad·




J. B.



Great Interest is being manlfeseed thruughout the State in the coming State Adult Bible Class Convention , to be held at Lancaster March '27th and 28th. Interestin~ features are being provided by the plogram com· mlttee. Mr. Watkin Davill of Phlla ST. MARY'S CHllRCH delphia, the liang leader, Is to play Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 18. o!d hymna on a one'8trln~ fiddle of Sunday School at 9 30 a . m Morn. hIS own manufacture. MIBB Margar· Prayer and se rmon at 10 30. et .L. Matheny. 9 years ,o!d, Is to Lenten Cantata, "The Story 'o f wh!ptle (or the Conyentron. ~he vary" will be given by St. Mary 's whIstles sacred tuneswlthrare~weet choir next Sunday at 3 o'clock. This ness and capti~ates her audlenc ~ . serviee will be inspiring and helpful Among the specIal leaders who have to all who aHend ' been secured are: Dr , John G. Ben, Friday evening, Litany, Penitential Bon. of Detroit. Mr, W. C., Pearce Office and address at 7 o'clock and Mr, B. S. Fa rsytht!. The public cordially invited to all 0!le day preparatory :allies for this t hese services . sectIon of the State WIll be held at , Xenia, Ohio, March 19,1917. Represen tatives to the one day Rallies will M. E, CHURCH please inform Chairman of Commit· Sunday, March 18. 1917-9:15 a. tee a t place of attendance by card of m , Sunday Scb601; 10:30 a. m . thllir purpose to attend. Preaching8ervic~. Theme. ;;The Mes· sage of. Matthew s Gospel. .. 7-p m. The NeolJoFlan Qua rtet at School Preach.. ~gservlce, Theme, The New Hall, Friday cvcnin;l', March 16. Heart.

-- -.I

1'l1e J olly Matromlclub was enter, tained Monday afternoon by Mrs. W. E . O'NealL

Mr and Mrs. Be rt Hartsock, of Rou te I. WE're th e Sunday g uests of Mr. J, L. H tl rtsQck and fllmily. _ _ _•• _ .. ~ ___

AVOUNG MAN I IS MISSING __ ' . Th e myste r10us disappearance of Waller C, Lewi, Wilmington boy



- - - - ...---

The storm which passed throwrb' the north and 10lSth portion of th .. State Sunday. proved a ditutroul orle , The tornado, as luch It proved itself to be, paBBed throueh thslOUtbern part of Indiana And Ohio. and, tb. toll of death and Injured W8ll something frightfuL At Cincinnati houses were swept away like playhouses. Bnd a number of people are dead and several injured. The northern portion at the Itate did not 8utl'er so badly, although the wind played havoc with lIroperty. and leveral Ii ves were 101t. The do wnpour at rain, abou t 7 o'clock in the evening, was almolt ' a waterapout here. Ak Lebanon, a big hail storm did considerable damage. and the creeks BOon overftowed. There was a bi&' washout near Ore· gonia. which delayed tral~s. The 7:45 train west did not arrive here until after 1 o'clock. At Brookville and Trotwood, In Montgomery county, and Bookwalter tytd several small towns in Fayette county, the wind did eonliderable damagc blowing hou8e!! down and injuring people, The wind storm waa about half Il mile wide, butitwasvery diaaatrou8. The heavy rain of Sunday night and practically all day Monday, and tbe heavy downfall in the middle of last night, has brought the Uttle Miami out of her banks, and thl' morning the water WIUJ over the avenue to the depth of about four inches. As it Is stili riling; It ml,Y go to about three inches hl,her.

,. - .

CLASS MEETING OF FRIENDS CHURCH The young people'. clua of the ' Friends' church , of HarveY1buri'. hsld their regular monthly. meetlni' at the home of Mill Veda Sumner.. March 6th. Miu Lamb and Mr, Watkins had prepared ali Inte ....tini' program. Those present were ~tta and Lida Kennedy. Veda Sumner, Velta Ellis, Martha Luken!!. Alma Lamb, Sidney WatklDIJ Bnd William Luken.. Refreshmenta were I8rvtd and after havinll a pleasant ev.ninll the class adjourned to meet April 7. -------.--,~.~----

See WaterhoWlefor Auto Livery.

____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=:~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- crea reat locatelj inle r.~sin t in that cihas ty, who ted has gbeen Detroit. and has led t o the prostration of the ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . ; - - - - - - . ; ; . . 'l:] young man's 'm other. Mrs. E, J .

~ I '

r~m~ ~-------~-~-r~


Detroit with whom Mr. Lewis roomed that he had s udde.l ly disappeared and that no trace of him rould be found, E:l Mr , and Mr~. ::imi t h lit once left ~ for Detroit and for a have used every effort to locate the young man, but without avail . A telegram to Mrs., Walter Snotlgress advises that they ha~e bet!n able to find no trace ' I"!'t of the man who 80 suddenly disap. ~ pea red , ~ Further information: is that Mrs. Smith has becom e prostrated with grief, and it be:!arne necessary to , su mm on her sister, who resides at Waynesville, to Detroit to care for t:l the mother whose IlOxiety had reo h~~iit in a breaking down of her

~ ~

Mr , Lewis is about 21 or 22 years of age and has a splendid reputation. As 11 boy about Wilmington he was very indl1 .~trioti~. and about t:1 yt:al'S agJ he left the city. having IIpent most of his tlm,s since in Chicago and Detroit. He was the city salesman for the F~irbanks Co., distributors of Gold Dust washing powdE!r. a responsible ~ position and stood very high with his ~ emoloyers, He did no collecting and there was no fear of foul play on ac· ,count of his happening to) have a large sum of m(lney, about him , r:'I The people with wlwm he roomed ~... stated that one evenin g about ten days ago he lItarted aWllY from the r~sidence, after dinner in the evening, leaving 110 word or giving no indica, tion that he expectetl to be away longflr thal1 a few hours , Not a [!J sing le trace . cjf him h as been found ~ Ilince He simply disappeared from the face of tbe earth apparently as ~f~.n~, can be found who has seen It is now feared. which fear is P':' growin~ into a certainty. that the ~ ')Ioung'man has met with f (l ul play, and it' is considered doubtful whl'!ther it wi II ever be learned oqhat his fate was. • The CI1Re has proven one of the [!J most' puzzlingever kno\VninDetroit, ar:rd so far vigorous efforts to unrav·' ~ el the mystery have proven entirely unsuccessfu L- Wilmington Journal. M r's C. John~, who was called to Detroit Jl~rived hOD1e Sunday even·, inK, bu.t there had been nothing E heard from the younlr man up to that ~ time Detedivea 'al'e hard at work on the case but not'hing has devel " oped so fa; to give them the least I ' h' h b cue. as to IS w erca, outa,






Tourlnr Car, $1175; Touring Sedan, $1675;

PClUr-CYWliadearynRnaedsstetvill' .S6GS.,



-=================================--=======':--: ":::::::J I -


+--.-.. -











•- .



f. 0, b. Toledo -

Subject to


without .notk:e

Sty I e-C '0 m f ·0 r t p 'ower Economy This new Overland Country Club Light Four is a distinctive and smart car in:the low priced car class . The rich gray body, with black fenders and trimmings -is set off to pleasing advantage by red wire wheels that give just the right flash of brilliant color., , The two comfortable front seats move forward or back, independently, and ' a spacious aisle between gives free passa~e to a roomy seat for two passengers iil the rear. , , For ,riding comfort, t1?-e Overland Country Club is a revelation. Long, cant,ilever rear spring~ give it the riding ease of a much heavier~ bigger car. • It , has ample power plus-and is economical of gasoline. ' An easy car to handlt:, ~nd 'completely equipped. An unusual demand for this model makes it necessary to place orders at once to secure spring delivery"




nm" ______

p~!:'~:~lle~$16.oe W Ohio






I l1VP'U' ~ '-II' .



"'T:Oib7l.T~FND C!.J J I 'TV J.,IVL

BRAnlV' 'I


roit1rM~r~lD nDA l\V I" nIVJ••,n CIVIL [JfGI1fUR.

, "" M.,1,\" •



t!;JI, bores 10 D i •• ppol "tCid. fl.IIO I \ '1II1hIP, ,1. "Dhl )'(\n hI"',· " !roll,1 tilnf' 1'1I"" 1)10I( 1'.,1,"1 ,,,1'0,,111, n ", /ltlM l'Il.~fl loony, Ill y .I,>I\I·?" " .. kl'.1 1I1r. 1"1,,1>111111. .\:ll""I' t\~ K I' ~d" IV r.r u~ t d l" 'll t uN!I, I rlld l,'l:' "UII'I'I'.I Ir. . 1"1\/\1,111 11. _ 1,,1 . \' III ~, 'I'~ iD. ~I rnllrlll lClOl'l I)' 11'11111 I 1"<11, 1"lIki ug Cor 11\ thp. ,"crs IIr t s torc."-J 11<11(0. 1\ ,- I


For t he Father. nnil ullI'·llIllr 11 .. 111"8 lntt' r /I ~rIlun rf 1111 1"11. "'IInl"I"I'l', cluster"rl , ot Ihr tln!) r ,I!' Ih.' {' ll lI ft bulldln!;. w.'r.' J\\arrl ogc license" I;lIh', IIIIn lfft, II)' IlII nl'rh'ol of 0 :III -1",,11. Onl (If It 10'11111'11 TIl'rl'roTII 1\1 (' II 1I11. 1£0.wns r,'t-'\)!IIIXt',1 In"·lllllv. COllin! I l'leo, Courl t· tile, J(Plunl , -rmer I\nrt t ' Jil rn I "YOll knllw ""<1ut lho Ilrl<h::.. . . ~ . M li"I"'~, I ~pl·iD~boro Hev. R M"utl,"" ,l sl!. '() I'll,' rt'r('llIi: hl~ \\'11 1' 1'0(." \~ ,1 ,, \111 \J 1'lIh 1'h"l 1111U f' '~I r . , th rilll!!h Ilw crowcl. \~'hkh hrnk Int ;1 I\t1l11 . III'! 'Il',1 un'! .. . t ItlCn11 tf' pll Y H"nrg£' W. 1:1••111, ' rn a hlni8~, of 8mld"11 clllluor or Questl onlll):. "fl " o,,1 ::0" I n, ~ II III ~t lid cu w ., (J,ly tO tl "'1u Mllrijlt(' I Pmlrl NIlIi . f . ~llIUI' I ~I , til " ~~ ill /l. 1.II. r o H BV. • K n e t 8 el y , . lI l,'nlh' UOlhlt."fL RI! r''''')~lIly ...(] tIll! Inttl,,,1 'HlIll . ' Stle"I,.;I', tIl!!l!' h"U"iI lL,e!., This \\'0" It I II 'f'h vttl ll ~ ~lu\'V~ , f \ . All Ktowrl r~ Cbllf le'l Tholllll, f r mer and MIITY I" " " ,,, 11 IllI ' '1 I' ld ll, nlf Pllr l fill, nt Rhlgev llJu Rov. J F 1 ,~ul1 " l'(1 1 \JI't l"!I' '' , "D 'HII J{ " t- r;"dwnlill der. , f.'1 rl h'JIIt tI fIOllt c1 )I lIlt LI 1111' li nd '1'bnllltoS I w.tift, oolol e d , farm er t1 . f~n(llllUt. 101I1I"'ny lu Iho MUtll of {If Luuunou,lIlld liornol ltl Ifllr ~ usoD, s,)(1,/ 16, H"rVll.r~borg. Rov . O. O.•) one~ . '1'l! fl Il P,I\IIftu 'Il[,, ' 1 ' \ rr o \\"Brl\"~ ~ 1\1\ (]ropuq' ~IJl' ." JT I S ,,, .. 111111,:<1 . . Commlssioncr·s Proclicdln2S I II th l' ''''Itt .. , " ~ ,J~,H' I linl'fllllill .1. L \:I t' o w n , llluudry for oou rt lit-I' I ,,,I ,m .' h ," nlltt· to 1 I\II\J~r $'J Ii;!; M. '. Dra.ka, de fB Dlh u~ I\dmlL wIn . ,) I'r,, " ", ,' bl' I-;IV'lll '" WI I hUI ~!J"mbly $UO; I:l E. Ollu . 1\1" ut kill. tnnh, III IIII:' & 0 11 body of Ob. dltl ll I Hln ,,, \' ~ (" '''' t-: " 7" I. 1 · \", Inl.: I" u 'tiS ' "nl,l Wl ' OeMij f e8 $1).75 ; Sam e , ~h o)\\' 1\ th ,lI, Il " t ,- nol ," I h" 1! dll illt cI I n rJll o~t 011 the bod y ot Wl lll n l\] , Ih .. .,,, ,,,,1111011 ~ .. I I h ' 01-~' f' 1 1( 1 II ~ ('n. ~11 "y $7.76; i5HtIJ , ID qnl'~ t on body , t(,lI re, 111 .. t h ",llu- ['\"' " 1l ~lug ,doO) ()f AI\)~rt I:louk $7?~ ; tur , b hulk H h,oJlc U(\ \"' '-' " .. ~. I l'11 ~1I ~ lwuo;l " lO I. '"nd 1"ln l ill): $17; MilS n t3I\W MIl l. Ret ",.hl" "'OI il, 1- Jr d .. roJ. thllt, 8all. lnlll her $O<l ~ 4 ; A.lbe rt D. Bond, lor!"C lol} ,_" r u" ,I Itrlo1 g" r0I'01I1\1 Iq Frnn kl lu tow n Mb l p III th 'l 11" 11'0" 1,1' th ,; 'lppIICltl l" ti 01 $~i; l!'rlln k ' ~oke'~ , bridgo repair s IIIb 111111, '" It, r ' l'l lOller, for a n Il onToroek tLJw ntlhl p ${ 0.50 ; d . J . ,Hl"l!I" n nl )1 "\\)1 ,'" f l> l' Illo;U\'IlU llOI M" I"oIPY, b rldlJe r" voi rll In 'rur t le or ' li l~. ilk" , I \'\I .;-~ I. .. Uo w cd . I rpek Llllvfrs hi p $ ' 3.90 ; J . W, Lingo l:iIlTdworel:o .. Gtlila An d bo\l8 $0 35; (:l111\00 Iroo Wo rk s & Manu rl1 otor. i'i II' :lIits I nl!; Go. , oo r r ug ated se wer 117.1 0; aCIi' 1'.-11 v~ ('d ' rKtl"t. ' I DiYorce~ Am 'S Uuok b ri dge lumber $ Hlil.97; I:i. W l'rovlJlo. bridge rel}llirs in l j(rOSM n'.II I ~C I I)f JUI v I Ph lll l ~ 1t'1!f ' 1 "" Fn' d 'rr Mlllpler . l:iumilton to w osh i p $30. 26; W . H M"n :; ; IthlU ll lL col" IUltlo.l .(;00 wHu 8.opplnll lo ks aod k eys for oourt, b (l u~o $4 ; So mo,. repaIrs '0' j !lll inti r£ ~t·" oil· 0.72; I:i E . 1)IIIItll ~ h. loqnee' aD "We Muat Wire Martlet." He Gasped Hll bp ,' A. Bk nLfI V" B<!r l V 81nl ll body ur Fmnk l:. Uuwmlol $7 ,7~ ; Out. P\lrtltl n u l I ~II I r'~ I·'HO ot III W . 1'< . Gmhllm , brldl(ll repairs In Wnyoe t o w DMhl1l $;18.76 ; Btllte VI! ma n OI DIe own u ~ o DUlIleQ nuulley, Probal ourt who hod been Mende's classmate nt " rue .. Gi ll, oos hl ' • .70. Cnmbrldge, hiS devoted . fri end th ereIn til ll liof , . o r I)u' will ,r ~lll t y after. Instend or nctl ve practll.'e, he E, 1\" I)I' rI 8, d 1'(\At't ·U. MllI'v E . H o~~ bnd chos n to become a wri tcr on Bcl· ~IlP' lHlI~U ' ".'(\ n(I·I/I;. BUlIj ~:l(;O . () entl/lc s ubj cta and wns there ns 0 ,: I::nlt. ~t! . 1) . :< Hlg~1r1 II lHl J a m e!! r eprcsentntl ve of th e E ngineerIng Foll!!11 " VI "ltlltt'll" pl'rl1l~l' r~. , ottn tI 1.lulrne nt q UIckly h j{e News. There were sympnlhy a nd a t· Jll t h .. w ,lI ler (It I Ill' F:L114 rllhlJl~bl\l !edloo In his voIce nn d look, nnd Ln 'Jf 1'[11,1111", L:tllrk. 1111",,1' A. j!' ~i. ( ho pOlin o u ~ of s trILtD8, epl'l1lo s , the grnsp of bls hand. OloutllO "JlIJ '"lteLl gn'H tiilln. Btl nd urulHOIi IIlld " II mn ol e Bore ness A 'le.lo , oleor liqUId e8 811y ~llpll e d , "}Jove you seen my fn th er, Ro<tney?" tfi OO Mende nsked. quickly moving to tho 111 I h e OJ 'I Ite r 01 the eR tn t e of W II. It qnlckly p~oet r Ue 8 w lt h o n~ rob . lJ l ll~ . ~ I OIl I\' d Lln\liIll nt do!!a n ot el~.vo tor, follow cd by nil the ,men. I:KIlI HI'I; lI t ll, dt-c'!:' ~'H\ b'ra n kho .f bl n tbe s k in o r 01011 'he p Jre8 like At the hous e tlwy s uld he wns not J Rioltlu d IIpp ,I II !',III JllIlUl~tr01I0r, l1Iu ~~y p lrtste r s o r ol t:itm e Dhl, For tbero, nnd bere at the omce we get no nns \\:er." I n til, 1Il ',tl ...· lit Ih o e "tnll! of J. nhTCI nlo rlt pulnn. io ltob l'S and p~ln8, I · As Meade turned be 8IIW hI S t n tl ler ' s (lMnd al)prul:l('llI Lllhu rl,l. " ll'tm A' l. Jllv onto ry U n l ,d !! I.. , !(O ll t Illld lumbago 1Ia vet ont fl lo> ll this wll ll.konwo re w ody . hand y . secretary coming alowly through the . entronce. "ShurUlff." h e called out. I n rl~ 1\ Il I"ttl'r I,t th o e,.t ~{ o of Fur tllt, pol ns ot g r ippe lind fo ll o w. Aom lo I"'~ , llP!'" .. r·d, Will tld rolt 109 ~tr nu ous work, i' gl'l'e8 qulok "My father?" reli e f At .J)! dr u gg l ~ t s . 25e. "1 lett bim In the offico two bours ' ad t .. IJrobl1te '1'\\'0





'~ CYRUC11


"Wbom tho ~o(ls .<lP"Ir(lY tnt'y llJ'lll milk mn(l." W!'lI, hI> hllrl h" I'n mild ~n o\)gh. 1t he hnd onl)' I\ ~tpn. ' rl to the ' 'non't sny th at. !Ilr. Y(>l1 huve ,wn, boy. · .And n IV th~re "'n~ I,nchlng . he f'llieli In un)'lhltlg. Tll"~ll mliMt III eould (10 but ",nit. " ' . , os 1111> lon~ oml' rIl£'nl1s." hoUJ'8 pnSSl'rlonrl the SlIn .1.','1 1111',1. nlHI ". lIurlllrT, yon ought I kiln", IIlt>r, the .VEolng npjlron~h ...d. th.'ro i<1I,lrlC'lI' Is nil power on enrtb oHlli ~'lI"e 111,11 Iy fl ashoo' upon 101111 th ut lI"'rt, \I'IO~ stil I ml'lnb('r. It·s only n qn 'SWIU Hf IInil Mmethlng h(' coutol ,10. 11,· hlltl ex· \\'hl'lI Ir wil l (nil." perlt'.Dced 1'0111 slmn!!e pb~·. lclll 81'n· The secr tRl'y lenn tl hock ngntrl"1 l ations dllrlllg th nt nfll'rIl non. UDrllse th o ll(lorJnlLlh, put Ills homl Ol'l' r hI, In hJ!! brellllt. e:ome "hurt, lUl lns nbnut (IICP, III1LI ~hOJ(lk Ilk .. II 1 ~lIt. 'J'h~ "Ill hI!!! hrnrt. He ror~o t th"1ll fnr jh(' mo· nIHil ('~' l'd hi 111. mont In the l<1en Ihnt hu,1 "'01111 1' j" h11Ol. "n",,'( tn!.: .. It so bonl ," It , said. :'11" ",ben the brl rlgo (I'll he Iy"ul d "",,'" Ho t :\,\1111' r'lll l t, you k uow," the ",hulo rospo o sl h lllt~', tllkl' lOll n w .. ~It·. l !{',lcll'," ·IHlr. ( Oll t IiiI' blnme. Fortt11lnt('ly 10r ht" l ll bln~. 101, 1111111, "YOIl clun't know ",hut It Ill CI,n~ !!On hnd rl'dll(','(1 to wrltln ~ his I'I<,w" on the comprl's~lo n III 1'111 l1O'r;;. whlrh t o me. A fli ll ure mYE If. r hnvc 1(10' riNI III ~·011. I-you h ,we heNl e l'CI'Y' had almost tlOl((' 11 the (,lrm r( protrst. thlllg 10 m(', sir. I con't !.llnll It." and thl.8 letter hn,1 hel'n hlOndcd to "I kllow," ~"Id Ml'nlle kill tlly. He hIs tntller. His /lrs t mind hlld h.,.' n to tear It u p nil er ho bn d r.'n,1 It on,l rose nnd wnlked over t o the mon, laid bnd overborne the ohjec!lons cnntn lll ~, 1 his Ilund on his shoulder, took his tberel o, bll t I'n s~colld th nllclot ho hnd oiher hu nd In bls own.. ''1t hurts morc, CIIrctolly fl ied It oll'ny with lilt' orlgl· pl'rhtlps, to lose your collfid~nce In me Dnl dra wings. It W,IS, ot co ur~l', In tile thnll !t would to lose the cOllfidence of t he " rorld,u • . Joooger Mcnd ll's own hn nllwrl tlng. "1 hnyen't lost ony eonfid ence, si r. He went to hl~ pr"·n.te snfe, ollened tbe drnwln A-s nud f Ollll() the letter nt· We 011 ma ke mlstnkes. I mnde one, tn ched to l he sheet ot c1rl1\\-IIl!! ' . Rp you know, aud you took me Ull." "It's too lul e for a nybody t(l tnl;c J)ut bnck Iho oth"r <lrn ll'lngs' nOll closed the sM!' without locking It. me u p. Men cou't 11Ioke mlstokes nt Then he went bnck to the dl'~k nnd my oge. No ruore o( th ut. We ho"" <'O nslc1er <1 Ihl' docnmt'nt. 1/ (1 hnd been still one thing to do, set Ule boy righ t bUnll. mn~. 1)1' Illld tile poper dowll b efore t h e \I'orl d." "But If I were yo ur SOli, sir, saId on his d sk and pu t bls h nnd to hI s th e seer et-ar y, "mther th un see you h.'lIrt. or course be woul d submit t hose p O' ruined I would tuke t he bloUJ e on mypers to tho pUbUc nt once. Wns th ere selt. B e con li ve It down." nnl·thlng else he could do? Ys. He - "nut he Is not to blome. On Ihe M t down at tbo d e~k nnd drew a she t contrn ry. ho "'n~ rlJ!ht, ond I Willi of loper before h im ond begnn to wrong. H('l'o, hurtlltl', Is Ws oll' n let· \l'rl~e. Slowly. trembllngly. h e perse- ' ter. You It; YO II SU II' h im give , 'fered. cnretully we\j;hlng h is word be- It to ·me. YOII hellrd the eonl'ersntlon, fore he tro~ed tbem on po pel'. H e had a od [ hnve wrllttln O.ut II littl e account not written very long before tte door expla ining It, stnting that 1 Wilde Ught of tbe DIlter oru ce open d and h e h ea rd ~.....-:-the IIOnnd ot soft footsteps entering I the room: Be recognized 't he new. \ c!omer. It WIIB old ShurUUf, a ma n , whO had been his prlvnte seere tory lago. He told me to-to-go nwny Bnd • and confidentlnl clerk tor many years. -Ieav~ him alone. I hnvo been wlln. Bel.topped writing nnd C11lled to him. 'dorlng aboot the ablceta." Shurtlltf Wal 00 old bncl1elor, grill!. OutsIde In the street the nowsboY1J thin, taU, retice nt. Be had ' but one were Nhrl eklng : passlo_M~nde, Sr. ; but one glOry"Erny I El:xtry ! All about the col. the reputation of tbe grent engtneer. . lnpse or the ln tcrnlltlonal bridge. Two Yea, and lIS there Is no gr4!at paElSlon buodred eoglneers nnd workmen lost." without Jealousy, Shurtll1f WIlS filled SllUrtlllr hnd one of the pllpllrs III With womnDly jenlousy ot Bertram ' ,hli hand. Mende tore It from him. " MQade becnuse hJ 9 til ther loved him f '''Vho Is n esl>onslble1" stored III hlro and WII8 proud of h1m. ShurUltr knew In big · red helldllnes. all about the private atl'lILrs of the two engineers. f ather Bnd son. B e knew "Oentl emen." snl d I\Ipnde, "I cnn all about the protest ot the younger answer tbn t llue",t1on"-h ' 1",ld Ull tbe pnper so th at 1111 migh t so~"the (I\Ult Keade. Tlto t ntber bad told him just ' ~tll e hlume--Is mine," wbat be Inl ~ ded to do with It. I "We'll !Jnve to soc your t uther. Sburtlltr ml gbt 11l1ve. been a great Berl," sn ld 1101I""y. man It lett to hhnself 01' to.reed to act : "He Is In Ulls building, we kn ow, for hlmsell. But pursuing a great pu. f Plltl h c'lI lie vcr lenl'e ' It wllhout r Ul1· Blon M long os he bod, lJe had merged nlng t he gnn tl et of us nil," cried \lU· himself In I he more aggresalve person· oU,er IImld 0 choruH of IIpp rovlll, alltJ ot his emplol'er and trlend, He MOllde renll zed tbere W !IS no escnpe. Jla'd :.ecelved • iGOd en&1neerlnl Mileatlon, but hnd got Into trouble over • L.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....::::.:::::....; Th y nil piled Into the eleyotor wllh him nnd Shurtli ff. T hey followed him a faJlure, Il rotb e ~ bod mIstake In bIB "Mr, Meade, What I. the Matter?" up the corridor. Fi e stopped b fUI'e early career, too ulg to be rectl1led, to De forglveo, or condoned. Tbe older of N il protests, ockno\'IIledglng thot he the door of Ute office. "I fo rbId you to OID~ In," he said. Mellde hod token' hIm uP•. bad been "WU rli:ht nod I wos wrong, takIng tb E kiod . to blm. hnd offered to tri to put I wbole blllIDl! upon myself. . He will bE "ThIs Is my f uLller's prl vllto-" "I1ove no t en r, B ert," so ld nodo y him on his t eet lIgnln, but bls bIg. tall· ba('k here toDlgbt. I nm sure. I intend· firml y. "We don 't In lend to breok In. ure had 'Increosed hl R no tu'ral timIdity, eel to give It to him." We understnnd how you feel• . We w ill 80 be stayed 00, Be bod ' become n l "0,., don't do that, Mr. Meode." wnlt h m'o until you suy lhe word, nnd part of UloId mn n's life. . 'tho t elepbQne bell ~ng. Young Men de hnll o eyer been nble "The brIdge I" clamored the inslstenl tlt en all we shull " 'lint will be a statemen t Crom yo ur fnther." to get yery fn r luto the persOnality of bell; . "Thunll yuu, old mnn. Come" Sburt· Sburtlll'l', but h e lII;oo him nnd r espect.. : Staggering almost llke a drnnken 11ft'," sulll Menlle, turnI ng hi s key III ed blm. Be renUzed t he mllo's deve- mnn, Bh~.ur lett hl8 plnce by the th e lock. Tbe two men entered nn t! tlOD to his tllt h er. li nd h e understood door, .reached bls thin hand out nnd nod odmlred !t Im. A. lde from thnt Utted up ~e telephone. Its bell vlbrnt· CIIrefulI y closed tile door behin d th em. Th e lloor WIlS scnrcely slmt when jealou sy th e olll 11111 n could oot but like ing, It seemed, with nngry, -venomoUll Belen Dlingwor Ul le'ft the alen lln r IIn,1 tho youn ' one. He wus too like his -persIs tence through the quiet room. came fU]ll dly up th e corridor. S ho llllt! foUl er for Shurtlilt to llis like hl/11. The I .Itt's 11 t el!lgrum," ~e whispered. l!ec.r etnry wished blm well' he wnnled "Yes. thIs Is Mr. Melldo s prlvllte s ec- culled nt Ul e olllee b fo re IInll hnd no need to ns k t he wny. Tho r por ters to ee him n great engi neer: Of course retaq. 00 on," he noswered Into the gathered nrountl t he door mOl' d to he could never be U,e eOb'lnCilr that moothplece ot the telepbone. give h er pussuge whtle they IItured nt his t nther W0 9. Thnt would Dot be In I There wos nnother moment o( ghosther with deep If resp ectful cu rIosity, the power of mon. ~ut s till, eveo If Iy sllenee while be took the measuge. Pllrdon tim, gcnt1cmen ~ '- l!hc-iregnn , he never ottalned that helgbt he eonld It was typlca 0 mrt B C Inrnc er "but I pm very unxlous to see the yet rlso'very 1I11l1l. Shurtliff ~vould not· Ithat .10 IIJ)lte ot the horrible ngitntlon younger Bertrum' Mende." , ndmlt that th ere IV08 anythIng on enrth that Oiled hlro, ,he put the lustrument "fle hilS just gon e Into t he oruce," to equnl Meade, Sr. 'dowo carefully on the desk, method· ooswered noduey res;)ccUully. The seeretmy wns grently surpri sed Icnlly hlmglng up the receiver bc!ore The girl rulsed b 'r hUIJI.I to knock. 88 he stopped beside hiS own desk to be turned to face the other mnn. Be "A moment, plellse ; p('rhnps you hnd bear his nllme coll d f rom the Inner .spoke deprecntlnglx· No woman could bettcr undcrstnnd the sltuutlon, The oHlce. H ~ recogo lzed bls employer'S ,excee4 .p'e tenderne!js he mnonged to Internll tional br\(\go-" voice, of COUl'l!~, yet there \VOS a lntalMl to his ordinarily dry, emotion· The girl cnme to a sudden d etennl· strange not 10 It which somehow gave less vo ce. notion. She could not declare hers~ 11 him 0 sense of Ul1Cllllln e811. . Be weot "The brldge ,Is ill the rIver, sIr." too soon or too publiCly. "ot course; any more." "My 'name 18 1l1lngwortb," she snl d, loto th e room nt once und s tQPped I ",Ab,bott_nd one hundred and ruty ' and IlS the lints of the s urprised ~e port· meo wIth· It." oghost. ers come oil', !ihe continued, "I nm th e "Good God, Mr. 1\leade I" be u' "Oh, my God I" enId the old mono clol med. He stagger.ed f orwllrd. Shurtliff doughter of the president of tbo Murt· Ordlnnrlly be WOII the quietest ond caught him ood helpl!d him down Illto let 11l'ltlgo COml13nr, which wns erect· . most ulldemolls trn UVI! of nle n. Tbere the bIg dialr b etore tlte desk. The Ing tile ! ntcrnutl onal." "Y es, MI s Illingworth," answered " 'os something soft IIlld Bubtle about Dews hlld. been di s counted In his mtnd, bill movements, An exclamutlon of still some kInd of hOl}e bud lingered Rodney, "ond dld y ou come b ere to r epresell t him?" thot kI nd M d bardly esclUled blm In 'there. Now It was over. "1 11m Mr. Bcrtrl,.ID Meade, Jr.'s, the thIrty years ot their association. "We must wire Mnrtlet," be gasped promIsed wi fe, nnd I u m hnre b~ctl USe B e checked . hlmsel! InstanU y, but out. Meade, Sr.. under st ood. '.rhe doy be"The telegrnph office ·snld the meg. It Is tb e plnce wh er e 1 OU!;l1t to be. fore ShurUHr Ilild lc!t hI III, ~ • hill e, [ enge WOll oddrcssed to you nnd Mnrt. When the mOll r love Is In trouble, [ bearty. vigorous s!lolewhllt rUildy n~lIn. let, 110 they hove got the news, sir." must be wltb him." Now he. found Ililn old, wblte, trem· 'Itt woo't be too Jnte tor tl,e Inst edl. Sbe rnlsed her blind ognln, but n llrl· bUng, stricken. Mende lQok cq lit :spurt· tlons of th e e l/enln g )lapers, eHher," Dey wos too (IUICk for her . . H o liUol:i;L~ 1 . lilt wIth a lnck·lu 'Ier eye und with u , sold the old mnn. , "ShurlUJr, [ wila lightly ' on the door, nod UWll strll e!c It heavily severnl tlm{18. '.rue sound faeo thnt was d nd while It wos yet alive. . t going to give tll cs() documents fO Ole rang hollowly throngh the corrIdOr, II ~ "Mr. Meade," begnn HIO seeretllry 01boy when he got hock, but I woot tbem It alwuys does .when the dOOt' o( nn second time. "whnt Is Uie ma tter?" to oppear slmul mneously wIth the empty ropm Is buu tcll u pon. Th er "The InteJ'Dntlonol bridge" an.l nEWS of the flltlure ot th e bridge. wiis no ODSlver tor t\ mo'mell t. "Ob, I must get tn," slIld the WOol· swered the other, nod the s cre~'Qry no- : Walt." Be seized ·the pen . and signed tleed the IItrnngcne8l! of hIs \'olce mor ' his name to the brief letter of exeul· an. Rodney knocked agnln, and ltlls time and more. ''It's about to C! IInl,se. per.j patlon, Slmrt1l tl" stoOt' hapa 11: hus tailed alrOAdy." I The wrIting tn tbe body or .the do~ the door wns open cd. lleade ptUlScd bla band over b lE l 1in!ept wos weok and fet!bl e, tbe Igon· In the woy. Bo b ut! beQn wlll,.o "11(1 brow nod then brougbt It down heavlls ture. s trong und bold. ' D e glltbered shnken before, hut n o \~ HO ungulshed and 11110cked wos hIs O p p ~lIl' lI n Ce O,a t \lIl We <1011k, \ tile ptll}el'l! UJl loos ely, ...... we alt b ere, maybe, It J8 t 01lleg," . : "Bere," b e snld. "J wnnt you to tnke everyhot!y sttlred. Shur(Utr molsten"d he ad<1e4 IIOmberly lu Il Bon or. dull , tbem to n n wspoper--tbe Gozett~ hlg lips and tried to · spenk. H e .could Imp4!r'9pal wa" . that will be certllln to Issue an extra oot utter a word, but he did mOJJ1lge Into the mind ot the secretar, cnnle It It 18 too Inte .tor the . los t ·edlUon. to oolqt toward the nrlvntti olU te: '1'0 be CoIlUned a tool1Jrb 'old line: ··London bridge I want . this l ett ~ r ' of his with mine to talllq down, folllng down I" He musl .. de by side \vlth the news. Tbere be mad QI' Meade mu t be mod. not be a moment of uncertnlot7



Thought. HfJTEl.l1, DRU OCms, SPECIALISTe, Is ImpwI·,d liy COSTUM ER S, T R AN8FER, CA ,lenr-Illn/-! nll, l r.,neclloll , pi .. "" 1\ f AND 'S US SER VI CE CAN PIIOFI' hOIlI1 )' li fe In trnnquuity of. ulluu.-- 8 V U.SINO ITS ADVE RTISIHO COI-UM ... Olct'!ro. SAMPLE COPY FREr Da lly

T hO' .. ,111 01 of

.. -....- - -

I ....... .. E W













""10 th o ~1I11~j er or tllII e tnto of G il . bert W homp~') n . li"e(·It~f.'d W (:Hlb nr1' Tr. 111 \1" " " "PJI " ln t.,.t! I,d mlb . i t'At, O~. B, !I\~I f.J , ~OO ~ V_ DIlUll, W ill 1 . I.. \VI" tlllil C h orh'll H, r oggy "PI'01111 1.•1111' ITIII.erA l u t h". n", ltl" r " I ti l" g o .rrlillns hi v Mlllliitl WlIlll i' lI II " nl l'IwII h tibita,,1 dfllnk ~ ,\. J,III " r ,t""o1 ~ed. 111 to1'" u .." l ur (,f I h" e~t , It'" 01 Ellrh",,' , I. '''', d.'C",, ' dl. I , vilutu r y 1111'1 uPllrllt ~I 01 .... l III " u. In t he m .1 " r 0 1 the es tate " t Dellnls r,h' I nll~n, tI o(\~~e d W. Ult .. ~[ r , 1..;,1", IIJlPfl llited !ldllllnl~: trll(f/r 01 (0<1 $'300(1. l uvAnlOr v (JIllI te,!. ~. rod Oil II \,. ",lll , 'ni ~ t "Lio r ~ . b' rAnl< U II1' n~r In nl. Pu l, lIl' " 110) u~provEld !lull o."oI lrrn ,·,1 ", 01 1I" ..j IJ rd"ri ,d

,..VII Y"'nc.. _

Barbed Wire


OUA itA ~T8ED to \opnl wi tl, onh I"nv· ' Ing u ",,,,, " i. h, tor 1\1 0 ' J~ Y ]«';1, NO.ED,-4 6()o !llld $1.00 siz('s r r ' resh II' ullds, Gorden Tires 01 <1 sorl'R e ,r() bnd,s IInll 611011111(' r8, burll5 and hrnikCll . :u,c size fur FSllIily Use. DR . ·COX'S PAl NLESS BLISTER Is 1' lIink~a lu"l gunrlllllN'd to cure Spodn , Hi" ~hl' II(,, Curb, SweellYI Splint, l'n(f~ , IJr I1I1V f'lllarJ!CIIH' lIt DC Done or muecll', 01' ,,"I1Ili'Y rl'(UD(1 tI. P rice 600. CORWIN, OHIO f OR SALE ay !ILL DRUGGISTS



Phone {)O·.1

II" IIR,~ I J'

_____. 1


~ ..~


Funeral Director


and Embalmer, Waynesville. Ohio.

to Fiction McCall's isSupreme," writes a New Y or k subscriber.

We have arranged with an und e r : I McCAI.L'S helps ' taker to g~l au a ula , s o we will bl! (')vt.! f l,lOO,noo

able to furni s h e ithel an au to or h orse drawn fun e ral. Both ph ores in Office amI Residence. Long dls tam:e, N o. 14; Home phon e





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~lt\' f o lit

smull "' 'C 1',lnsl' . f\. n.~c {)~­ niT"'" f"n Rhion

AUlh,)ri')' lor 45


Mc CA I. L PAT. II T E lmS lead in

I s:yle,

WALTfR McCLURE Funeral Director. WaynesvlIle I:. Ohio

fit , simpli c-

ity . economy anll numbe r bold. M ~C ~\I.I..'S - S4 tl) 118

1'3r,-·S m nntllly- lt t h e

Pn:th ,..,,, GUIde nml H l1uti ~k' ,winK HI!I'J"t'r or IUQr e women t hllu nn)' oth~r tn:1illll:lne t he


w o rld. All the I Ic s t I t} 1(' 9 e vC! ry month; '0\1 5 0 d .. lIl:h t fu\ 6 \ or l e~: _ I' ''C ttl del' , t una nlS 111 CUUl.hl(', home d't f.l.hl .\ ldl1tl , h,rll. Y wur k, li n d wu.,Y'" t" h~!hlen h U II'w nrk ntHl an ve

m oney. Prier : ,mil' Sc U CUll Y, !tic II y ea r.

SF-NO (,OUR \ 10c y.W ",k 0001.. ( £N1S HI

SiA~H'S I OR ~"' H11.1 .. 1 ",,,,

1\'10 ilh 39 r:-nb''fIid,·ryLc ..on - .nd 32'PAI:IC Mc:C-ali ).I.U " ..n Book

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NI. I"1"ho K"I. f> , .. w I,tllkJ,',h " \111,...- ,,,1 " " , .. tt" .. ~ III II IIIIt "' .. n.....

- lnTllEn-

Auto Equipment Horseu Vrawl1 Equipment

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rI." Y. r ~ Cil, .N.Y.


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Pou ch t.r e·~ b OI e fll , t ho qt ost d ~. t,rueli ve ltiH llotR in p"b.ob OrobllrdM of Ilh~ ttl r n ult ed Htlltes, bra beet O tl "tr ol l ~ d by wo rmln~ . o r ou ttlog til" gr tl uso ll t of ~bo lr burrow" \vilb '. so .. t p knl( ll io Inle fo1 fl8nd emrly spring . EntuulIllogldts t h o Uhlu I!:xfl" rirnllnt SlRrw n ~ay th Ol l ne ll rly till " lI rtl yB uu t! w osho~ , !IS \\'0 11 U8 IItI Ul ll bUllloll1 lIro 1eoto rs Hod bu r r le re , ·,rli 01 d.)obHul v .. lu o, 8o') 1U0 flO t P .y. i~eal E: lule Tra nsfers lnll for th o oost .,f th el ,' "11)111011 1100 Grnoe I B" nIH" t ,mol Alb ett H , uti u, her::r bl! lu g p o. I& lve ly In 8 8 1n Ht I Jl:1 )Z . Ih· It '. t ;(I.'(, lot In j r "Io u'. Da ring t h e wi llter he 1[I ~e ot live!! Mas 'D, $1 1ll'1\ Il\r\lll ID '~ d eep burro 'v un der . M ·H uti- n flf Il X , t,-, H ooTge th bark of t h e PtJ90b t ree a t e w Ml\fb 8\ , 10 1 In Muu lh l.'l h lln Ol n , $1. m c h ee ul' low \be 8011 level Wi~h ~'rtluJc Mo lr\l li lld \vl f" 10 l'hllmos th e "'lt r lll <10 VB at oa rty spring It (), htl ti P, H r O!ll.ITurtlecreek tel!(ls UpO Il t he te nder growlog tie towo~ bl P, $l"UIlS bUllentb ~ he bark, olttuHlng the ,I. U: ~litoh .. 1't to 1'l\ fl tn"l1 U. (,J hrls . ~r\je to b ~oow e ~h) kly nnd ullpro. 8nm. tIC (I~ II Or .. In 'l'unltJoreek to wn. ,Inotivtl Mid o lteu t o die If ship, $.l. iont nll," h8 r 0 1 b rers. Inle.. ' h. Tuoll'lo\~ (:llr l:;'io I\nd w ife 10 By tmrly t;om m er they oonslfooi .)III1l6S U, R lll h ' \rt1~ 110 .. ores i o T ur. ouooons, lind Itl abou t 111 dn.ys f'merg8 "sod nl ' m otb e . 'l'bese pllrenta tHB tl co r~ blt 10w o, I,III. iiI .llIhu Il. Cl)ob." " ,; nd w ife to oleitr wl tl ged and rese mble certain bl ne Wtl Sps . Allbough Ule ftlmale ' Annll .I\y lir~, I", III ~ It" ,, " , l II ve e o oly f onr or fived ..YII, ehe la'l" Mary ~; , I'!h ' lTl~ tu \viI~"'l A. Mil S. "b, nt 400 fe rtne egga 10 thIs , time. r s IIn ll wlfl' , la IlNol. III Frank lin \od f row t heee &be larvae batoh In W ship. $:! l j, l 2J ., t 10 day., or aboat July l ' So Luoy . Ij'llnp,; t " B . S_ Wil ke r. i\u g US& 30 .. 011. I ()~ In ~ rUl l' vill o, $1. '1'0 .. 111 the borerl, remove the AUOH '-)' IIIOU8 to N olYO U Ham ilton "Oil, "" he n n ot fr ozeu, trom abont I,h base of ~he tree8. Exndlng gqD1 lot In 1. bll ll OO, $L' Bor noll '. 't. ,10) n to LueUu R ing, ',ml "ellwduHt" will show tbe I"oa 9:J 1I0r l' ~ In Tur t l om~l, tow n il h ip, tl. ~i o n o f the .larvlle, !lnd thuM ' Shey u"n be out out with a sharp knife or 'bllrles UIl l;ll n anti o the rs to Ulnr. l>rob ed I-,.Ith 1& wire. 1' ho earth eo 0 DUglHI 000 Ilcr l! In IJ leu roreelt s b o uld t hen be replaoed arouod the tOWlIFh l p, $l t r eo fmd left uutll the mIddle of E~tb ..t' M, 1J0n e.vor to E oooh \V l-le ptember. 10 thab egga will not be ()onOI/~' r , lot in Mu ~o n , I. lai n agnln 10 the formerly infested Le vi A. HendorHon tv ~'ere nn. B. porllon . ' ' !vIU8, r oul ~htre in 'l'llrtleore ek A ~ llray of one galloo of oommer. oltllllme.I\hlphur to eight aanOD8 of tu"' o ~hlp , to !. ::; r Il i l B. I vi !:< to Boward · W. wl'.Ier, wl~h a ·pound of "rseoate of I Vi llI!, r elL! Nil" t I u 'J.'ll r tJeoree~ lelld Pllstll Ilnd a HUle Jlme added, Itns redooed thl! nu~ber of borerB t o woslltp, LeDa ::l. Mll!ltUfR 'Ill d W ilso n AI II'hllO eureruUy applied 10 ellrly June Mlts l,llr to ::l1 .. rlLf!>Y b"ruzM, 15 /lOr eR to tbe tree 'mnltl snd large bran. 'ph ee, aglilll lu mid. July lod later 10 In Ulea rc\f'oll k to\\'lJshi fl, $ 1. early August. Bowner, .& like LIllt ti "'o"ver 91 1(1 G eo r gI! C uthlU' apraye bOI not been a oom WIHH'er tQ P r"s dl V Ion Cole. l ot l' 1~t-e remedy In t'xperlmentahprayID FruII/diu, InK teste again.' 'h~. pelloh OD8mv .J ohu W. Wli on' to Geol g e Witt. lot In tiDlith 1'11 1!! , $75. hllrl elO M. AW,Ul to Cla r tl E. Aman . a u .huH Int,lIr a t in lotI! In Hard to Decide. Frll ll kli n, $1 l\[rs,N wcom- "nerore we were mal" E mmu. 1:1 . 1:1 IV or to Frll nk ::;pon· c r lindl C. U. ' pt u r, ~wo lots 10 rled )"flU ~o l d tlmt Illy 'sllghtest wish 3110111(1 110 YOUI' In)\'." Mr. Newcom<Iuth I. hu.u ,)u , $1. ,IE :;uClIl!, lilY love ; hut you ho"e so f~i\.!'ry t:.l ioll t,) lOl) rge K r e b ~. 29 nlll ny \'nrl ous lind 'wcll-developed · oc r S I ~I E1 ,\lul lt"fI t ')wn s bl p, $1. IVI ~Jlcs ·thut I 11m ns yet unllble to deE lm e r J!; Elltllh rr, nn d wife to cldo I\S to whl eh.' Is the ' sllghtest."l:io ...·bril 1:1 tl u l n",n, 58X " cr oa ln Pitt uUl'gb Pos t. UI'!:lI cr : ul; to ,' n"hlp, I. . -. JlT lU es J.., Itleh,l elll T,Q F'r Ank L. J\:ltlckey tl,ltI IVlfl-', 111 !\or cl1lu Turtleol e ek tUWlltllllP , ;j) t. HI, her 1)111 I' ll I I. lh D . Rosna,gle to !\l(ut:lr VIl d, .)llDa~, Jot.l n L8b.lDon






durability and exquisite design -the highest ideals in plated ware-are assured in Ispoons. forks. and fancy serving pieces bearing the repowned trade mark

'1847 ROGERS BROS.;~P~E There are various makes of silverplated tableware 'which ate claimed to be "just as good," but. like 'all imitations, they lack the beauty and wearing qualitr, identi6ed with the original and genuine "!.!!! ROGERSBROS. ' ~arepopularly kno:rvnas U S#"er Plate that Wears. I I - Sold by leadll\g dealers everywhere. Send for catalogue "C-L" showing all designs.

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- .- .


~l .





A . 811utb n Ao d w ife '0

ord lin M Lyullh, 4t',~ norlls in f.oW06hi p, $J Il r laltlUA A " ThoUlIJ~() U t B o arr1 BUI, lUlL In LOUIlI1 a , $1. WIIIIIIIIl L. 1"\\l e I lIiug, admlolst rat r , Jto) l1Jl1/('!1 (rl\lg, 50 'llores 10 S ul "m town ulp, t8260. '. ,I llse p,h FrflY to G Ofjltl -S. Bo~ 50 Ilore~, In ( ' II' r or ok SI.lW ll hlp $1 • ~ , " E .l Ik,)\ n I \Vl llh m \VIlIIJtl!tI IUf I.n tV > II r . 1 $3:,\1 ~ " l tl Ul


Henry Simpson ....... . ... .. !\tar .J6 Bov i Dg .. old my .farm, I wi1\ 8011 lit "'Y ret!ldenoe 4: mllll'! 10uthllAll' of UentervUJe, 00


rlday. Ma~h 16, 1911

Beginoing a' 1 0 olOQIl.bll follow.' Ing property: 1 Boree. , o."le, 311 l:I og~, Farm Implement_, CorJl, Oa... \!lee 'blll! bHlIl for term., HENRY t!JaIPSON A . A lIoNeil, Allot, • BonolD aael Leva Bllr&oD J ; It:. Him... Ol.IJl

', ;

l rull:t-___. ...,··..






Sole Agent For




Saxon Six Livery






'I J".







.Does y'ours· ~g joytoth~ . bre.akfast table? ~

· t

Nortb-~t"':" South- mencos with the first 'cup or West,women are solvina- poor coffee. the coffee problem. ' There is a cOffee which • Armies have ' solved it. brings a ' million men to "'An army travels on its breakfast "in a burry," Today you can " int~oduce stomach'" and of the .army. breakfast, ask any soldier its riCh, ~I1 fJavor in your 'what 'he would min ' moat.· home. Serire Arbuckles'lor a week and notice how much One of the greatest·Ameri- more .b is breakfast means to can Judges has said that un. him. • 2ring joy to ~¥OVI' happiness in' tbe borne com· breaiEailt table, Toda, .,.. wbol. towna ,,~,. A,buclcJn II p.-dcan, the onl7 c~ uaed. In on. Stet. alone, ,In .. ,..,. four poundl or ArIiDc1d..• Cofl'e. .... aeed lor nay IDaIIt _oman and cblld hI I'" State -lelar' tim.. II muy poglldl of ~ II tIM populadoQ 01 .... lwei I





.~ t h" P .wllle" a l \V ~ l' II Of!YIII~. (Jhlo, .... ~.(·O llU


la•• &faJ l Maller

D. L. CR AN E, Ed ito r a nd P ub lis her' Sub~c r iDtio n


·TBE------------~------------------------- ----As Wtltten by Our ~orps of Able Correspondent in the NeIghborhood

Price. $1.5'0 lIer year




) 9 17





l':ur l II, Hil I 'H" I tR Imly lI .. ve W h eo II pretty day Q mes the In F rllocOB Wileo n hilS Il ccopted 11 Women d UJItr loll B o ncs ot t h lll 00001)1 nnity IU "I"'(\ I I I rlto ~; : l\\ I l I: r\lw Il" ')' p Ol- Hl o In Tel pho n t! exobaoge lit Wilm lul/ton, hl o . Loul 8vl ll ~, Ky.- " [ wua 11 ,iern'U8 It!ot ver y impatien t aDd ,,.nut to g t \J I i.r . 'VTeck, a.nd in a weak, run ·down con· bO!!y. It 90 111 ull ' oome out in t,lIo ~ ''' ' (\ d " I) ·tll i , 1'(10' (' Ili ml- i !l )',l"r v Hill ~ ptln ' f'u uday wllh ber dition wll n 0. friond !lsked. nIU to t ry wfls h whon t.h o w8!lther !lets Wli r ul. MI 110111' ill n<la .v III IrIli ng IlWI b or E:sl he r 'omlltOD. I Vin n\. 1 did 80, 11 1111 118 a r esult I bnva Mr . Wm . (.Jor rlg'1O, of UI\lo l nD!I~1. TIIDOIl\, Mll rlil lt d e ltvorod II tino , H om er E:hill eR IIn (\ ~l llry be ll o Bu. gni lH.od in h ..AIllh I1I1tI IIt rcn~h . I th in k Il Ld Mr. J qb o Uo rrlglln, 01 1ft.. Ao · crop or to \)llroo tn I :"r WIII ~' rl rt u y. Our PIlIJM~, o or 1' lLlt' oounLry.p" Vinol is tile h~.t, medici nu 1\1 the world ne r li r e un Ihe 51 k /1 st, pe rij , Hee lL! Or" b Imd m is6 ru hly p rO. for a 1\C'n ·otlS, weak. run -flow n !System olen t, visited their Illneo l 8, ~Ir. I\lId Uoy Ch elll iw oth wa s a llln lf ,)n The EVl\ngali Mtl C m c tio gs b ave I Ed Uor rlJ:ll n, flf ooe teloph ooe Mrs. VlnC11i1 ~o IIl run l!BU; Yil t we wh o. nnl fllr c1d~r l y pcol'lc."-M r8. W. C. Mrs. Am ll" ,IIlCks.JU ll Utl tUUIll y o ne ol osed at :\ w Bur ling to n "fl a r co n: 1 o~ob bng , I:!lItu rd " l". r ead tbe m r eltel lu t heir IInM OJ{' CLAY'roN, Louievi lle, Ky. (jVC'DI lIl; th f~ wuok. (in IIi!'!: lor fiv e \\'eB k ~ . Th ure wero \' \twl, whioh CJOIl la iu 8 h<.'C f and cod "Boppy HooJl~ao '!" po pulur " h o w hW btlt In Uma t .. IU'r y u f li fe All d • lI1 r~. FIlY M O Ffo~ lln Ims re t u rn ed IiIUlos t 208 lit tb e Illtllr. Ilvcr r'· l'ton c8. ir on alld mnn{tBII 'so pIlr 'y gll v8 ' lin on tortn.l oulI'ot I n ,,\I IbeM. ~ u u o he~ nf ndnre m . ke mi pcptollllt"K, h r w e uft r IL wee k' s \' Islt wltb u lld gl.l'ccropb 08[)hatcs, Olive WilSa ll ~p B n t ~lI tnrdny nnd I wondrollt! IlI nd It is Ill e ooo lt t ry 18 guarflntcctl to OVt1rcomu ul rU Il· LebHo on to u paoked h o use Bllt or. Cburli e B e nd er 80n B1Ht f.llully. Au.tdllY w i th Ea genl" Whitacro of I n e wSll,I P r , brin g ing , ogotber Otlll y . down . w<'fl ll , dC\'ll,d izud conditions. dl1V n ight. ' I , lrM. ElJeu Murl flt·'t wll o IlllH bepu W" y nosvi lle th e t hr""oj,j of Ibe t OlYn's 111", well v· J. E. Janney, Druggist, Waynsville hlo, ve ry sl k i s n o r illlpro vin' "C'ry I IAt W. ~. Sra nt , o f (.Jar r ol\. W ~~ . B n~ a u oll l/ pd un £nos Wit 'u ~ th tl m iuto ~ o m ll ~blug r l h ,wd r ep reilOlI l,l og the U II t ra l Uhlo Bu il d . . Dixon W lltl 1'1 t\ wu s v Isitiol{ 10 SOO ~oudll Y Ii fl orulJoll. Hlr ull gp, lind RIlHln g tho p a tt e rn AI(I() a' lentllng drulI ID foil Ohio tO IVD8 In g IIlId L OHO A@sooln.tlOII , 0 1' UOlllfll . ,v uYlI cH villeF r'l d"y U we av e ~. dlrl'otiull tb e 100 Ul,IIod Wulter W,l sOlllt" IJOrohllsed tho bUH, b aM been iu this vi oluiby I- r '108· gl vln l< Ih e oloth It II oolor by m ' x lng _ Ilotlnl'( bUMluMH rooeo tl y. Mr~ . F um e 0111 nnd tl"ul,(llter Burmonv (3rnve sch ool lo r. Ib.e II veA of all th e people 10 He . Ellnll !I t te nd ,'d Iho >ob oo l oxe l ci sll S r'Uluol Wilw ll WIlS eiok I:lUl!d!IY FrAd M. I:;bnn e gOlve!lo dunco Mr. col or lJot-a 1(1 t his ooootry oew , Illm needed ao badly be re and loan !It WuyuoMvllle FrtdRY afle roooo. and c ot ab le t b o _ut. pnpe r th ll t re v"ul ~ os to ourB e ]\ e~ 00' run away fr o m my dnty. !Spo· at To wo 811 11 T bor Mda y niibt, an d W il liam Braddou\( ie s till ou the Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Robe rt MoMtlla.n th,,' keeps o u~ oountry bellrts qu lct and, beoau.e 'he poo r y oung fell ow a ver y p lells an t ev en log WI1S s pent . sick Ji~t . too k d lnno r w ~b l:lllrvey Illl wklns' I 'p~or . Watk l n8 lind } liu Ll.l n ra I\~d o nr ()ouolry mlndll o pdn llnu our wbo will brIng ~b19 Is 11 thon8lind I Mr~. OI1o:on \V/ll\rtnn .pent on o ~ouday. oouo t ry tulLb @tr.>nl/. limes m ore In need of tbe fnrlo ug b MoKln se y II ttendecl t b e 'l'enob er s l u. day this ~e8\( with !Mrs. Dert Bart. etltu'e at Le banon !tlS\ Sa ' ordIlY. --~ ~----When the IIlrl~ t t btlglove oounter .. nd tbe trip tba n lam. marries t he boy in the wbolollll16 " Bis nam!! i8 Jean LIlCore. B e 18 So veral of the MaBonR tro ut hllre 8(10k Mrs. Am o ~ Jl\ o k ~ o n h !l ~ been on b ou sl', th o n e ws of ~belr wedd ltlg ill a Freochmun by birth bot au Am er. IlUend.,d ' b e tnnenl of OE'orj!e ·Wil . good fOJ 110 tony line weddlug n otl ol'. 1011 0 by IIdll pMon . He was b ern lit ke rsoo, of UIArk8 vl lle , on .l:Il1turday . Ili A ~iok lI at bu t I ~ b euer a t t bls CLEAR YOUR SKIN IN SPRING aod .tbe forty line~ in t he OOlntr.v Montre"I, of Fre nch pnrent.. (I ' ow Mr~ , Emml1 Cli ne e ote rt ain Ad wrll,lnl{ . :Spr ing b onse cleaning mean~ I pap~r give tb em lolf.reApeet. When up tbere . worklnl{ 11 11 tl teams ter, nn· 'he Ladies Aid t o a t eo. Thunday ~1r~. Emma Ullon olv nth hilS been olellul ll g insido dnrl ontsl,\o. Du ll In dnt! onurljfl WI) kno w tbAt th tllr t il d 'be age of twonty·one or two aH ernoon . vl "iliJlg Mrs. Am " .J !1o ksoll til" pas t lJiwply s k i ll I~ o.n flfterollHb of win baby II lit t welve. p onodor . nRm od he o-ossed ove r into the U olted Miss Osee Anso n, ot Dt!yton. ~penl wt'e k . tor inaot.hl' \,. E'lu ~ il yuur Intes· Gro ver or Tbtlodure or Woodr IW, tltl1tea, Bod fioally worked hts Wo.v 8I\tor.lay and S nn da y ber t! wit,b ber E ~ t1 Ev,lne \)"8 pura1JnMd the t i nes wi I h , mild 1 ,IX~tly and olefin we bllove tbat ne Ighborly feelin g ~o W e stob ~ 8&er ooonty, wbere he D.. re o ts. .MNttie e..; Le VI p illct' . out th A (, ucllm!lluto was tos. eRI'Y to tba t breeds t.he relll d eUloorA OY got work on the tarm of II mllrk " t· Lp.8ter 0 111 . of tbi~ p looe, WIIS In tltk A. llley d o no t grlp n. Dr . KI U ~'I! Mr. aod Mrs Will MO(;Rr re n, nn rt When Wit redd of d eath In tha t b um .. gllrdooer WbO~ 6 prel'y dllollb ter b e N ew Lifo Pl111 will ole nr your oom· we oan mourn wIth th e m t bat, promplly fell 10 love ~ith alld m a r- Mr. aod Mrs . Ubnp. Gordon we re ~ l' l'lnK V a lie)' 'l'ltnl'~(l ".v ev"niog. ElmE'r I.t oye r Is Anllre r ing with np. lllu:lo l18ud brig hl,eu YllOreye. 'l'rv : Wben we Bee tbe m 1D 0vlnR ried. Ho beoame rtn Amerioan elt. S Iltnrdo.y vieito rs lit l b e UeIU C it y . m OurD Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills to nig h t . Mrs . W alwr J Mda o, of Wtll1mlln. 1l 6ndl oll"8 nl)"ar(1 In LIIO world, loto · a, Izen and lived I,here oonte nted notl! !lnd tbrow off tbe sluggish wi Dte r ca ll ed 00 her m ot be r , Mrs. Hauh ~Ii ~ " Mild red Morgun Is !:!u{1erio g all d on t tow .. rd tbe oountrv olub t his on l led wl\.r began . sll ell At druggints, ~ 50 . wi\.h Llle ton IlI tls nelghborb ood, we r lljol03 wUh th e m IlFrom tbe flrat he felb the oall of Hiob , t>lltnrday. - - - ... ~b ,t rpj 100. Therefor e , men an d hie moth or oonnt ry, bn' foo g bt Mr.llod Mrs. Edwi n Sm it h ond MH. Da vhl Lncas spent F r Iday bre,bren "'h tin yon are riding ag~lnst It for hll wife 's 8ake, wbo ' .. II\\ly bid for ew 11 t o our citl~ e n. w ith Mr~ . Amos .JAckson . 'hrollg b tblll Ville of I PIU! upon the bli({ged blm no& '0 go. He WIlS a aod will move to WilLDi D ~tou to (.l nite 8 good deal of Inov ing in Ca l1fo rnl a Lirul,ed, and by ollonoe oltl~en of tbe U~lted SIate" . h e B11ld, mllke It th eir fnt.ur e home, hn\'in g un rt OrrlnIH] o ur lleig h b or h ood th le pt 'k np th e 11101 Ie ounntry news paper Ilnd tbls couolry bad n o parl lu tb e sol:l H:llir p r o\le r t,y t,o ',1 0 8. ·lIrroll. we k . w ith It! mealre tele gr" pb se rvioe of dreftdful Wl\l', Bls fir s' d nty W8 ~ liB be has flo ld bls farm '·0 a Mr . Mrs M rlhn l:linghan waR colling tbree rU fonr ~b o o 8. od word ~-or at '0 bls wife and oblld. For b e r sa li e, !:Ianlrs. We are !lorry $ 0 lose the b p8t , fif&ee n o r t 1Vt: llty t b oullftod ; Jea.n tr illd 10 go qolilt ly on wlt b Ili s ~ milb., fOod ext.end In Mr, Cn rr oll on M r ~ . AIDOS J aokso n Satn rd.y Born t o Mr find Mrs Rnymond Welle r n ee R u tb Mill s nn e ig bt Fi re E)(t ing uisher. \Vb 0 y ou "ee He arra.y of oountry work and be ooot.ented wHh ble hap. our best wi s h es for Il bl\ppy ab ldiog nft er uoo n. pound 80n. A siphon or Bodn \\,lIter IIhou l ~ b l! al· Wll itor B a k~r blls b onlJht t.b e Mt , plaoe. Iide ite mll ; Its 10 1·ermlnable looe1 p.y bowe lite. BIl~ tbe blood of t h e Mlloy frIends of tills pl " co were (IV!lYs kept In I hc uursery, nil I t I ~ n storI Es ; ItR tlros ome edl .orl,,11I on MURuenots was in hla veins. tie Mr Ch u . Bor8 ler. o f NO l'wood . B olly 80ho ) 1 properly. 'he waterworluo tho loboole . the lov t d the United Shtell bat h ti vIsi ted b le ra.mll y who fire with M... Mr Dixon Whl1T!on wII80aili ng sbooked t,o 1l0l1r of ~he dllatb of Mrs. (ood fire m(Ungul~ h cr. Ureet railroad . the orop', and tbe 10vNl fraDoe moro and be felt tba t Burl!ilere fa t.h er, who If! qui le siok at 00 M n. l , T , Mar llltt I:!II$urday WID . Uuth~le f Dour Forr y Ille~Erj. dilY . olty prlDUnlf, d oo ', throw d o wn t.bf1 he mu.t 10 to ber 10 her e~t.remity. thle w riting . aftll ~nO I)D . ooo~emlltible HUlo rtlll wl·tb tbever. tlo he lets bll wife -.and little lIir1 Mr • . Ch... To okor Ilnd fl1mily J . T. Mnrhlt wa 101SprlDg V alley Mre Qbas. R yun wns a Day~on dlot tba' t b ere I. botblog in It WIth ber own peo.,le. ~oored bill llpe!lt Sat urday lI u d Honday.ln L~b. Saturday uf terno'On. !lhoppor lost· Sutu·rday . . BIl' know tbls , and know It well ; DIl. . po,t and carne over here to IIonoo, guests of Mrs . Tnoker 's moth. WlIlIoOr Mnrmy WAI! t Fllnsllotln lt hlr . Leo Mills li nd Wen dall B ook If yon lakft 'he OIRY f r em y our e ye ~ !lllb' f or his beloved Franoe. . er. bn~ln H s ~ . ln Duytoo aturduy . b ave r tnrned to Ada , Ohto, t o r eo "",.." "'..............................""',...,.,--..,.",""'---"" end r ad tb .. \1IMo pap e r a!! It Is " Belni atrong and wUlln/C, be W ~8 N essra . Frank S hlda k er a nd M(1 BO Mr. nnd NrH. J ohn Glbsoo , of f!umo t,helr .I,ldleR nft r Il fe lV days Wrl'~n. Ytln wonl(l flo .t all ot God 'e l eM at onoe to tbe 'root, and ror WANTED te n~Uul, (lrrowln l1, etrogltlln g, .ilt mont h. h 6 tougbt bravely and Bo~an tr811 lao'ed bu loess In Xenia Bel lbroo k, was vi sUinl{ thei r so n v isit baro. ~atllrda:v . . BIlly 61 baon and f.IIU lly I:la&ur d ay . Mr. E. Elu nha rt de li ver ed bll ' 0. a"plr1"8 world III It, "nd wb. r y ou well whllreve, he was sent Be Mrs.Frank Bb r spent Wed n6." ~lr. , Fllme Dill li n d d lll1g bter bnC",co a t Cente rvil le las ' Tbursd~:r . law wonld m il lie von tonob t.he II t,t ll' lIeBmed &0 lIollr ft oba.rml'd lite and AN TED- Several tOD' of g ood EdDa were OIIlIin g In ti p ring V!l Jley p"per wit.b rennn, hllnds.-WII rema ined nnhnrt tbrough -n tbe day witb Mrs P . D . () I(l g~et . Mr. aod Mre . Oasey nortb o r town alfalfa or ol o ver hay . H . Ill. Bo 11 .. 00 Allen Wlllto In Barper's M~g drttad ' ol b ombardme n ~,andtbeflJtb tertal n ed Mr. and MrA . W ill (3 U8. Mre. ' :barUy Harve y . I~ visltlo g ~11f,nrd/ly artllrnooo. b'tokee, R. D, 4, Waynes ville, Oblo. asIDe for Ma.1. Bnd dbeue and lIerVOU8 etrain of her s on and fuwll y, Harla n Harvey, Mrs R bacca Dill :re~ nrn ed bome ti n ond tw o child r eo of Wa y n es ville 00 2 , be \renohe •. ot o ear Dodd s. 8 u nd ny lifter Bpeudi og 1I1x weeks last Suo day . , .! hll'l met blm soon after be Ed ltb M cReYDo :rl~, of Cinoi nna t i. wi t·b her dn ll gb ter Mrs. J . B . J ooeE, Mrs. J . K Wblho ro nnd g rand g ood w oman t o oome and make OOl m e over ond learning ~hBt h e "'u. 18 viaiUo:; her sis ter, Mrs . 1£. C. of l.y Ue . . 8011, J ohn W h l t~or e, a re vi sitIn g h ar h '"I1(' \\'i l " nt A ...·1rs . Re. \'\5SSS\"\sssWSt>ss"SSs""'"'S"""""""'" , from our oouo·t y I wa&obed him 8Dd Smith. MlsseR Fl orAlloe ( .la m bUs and re la ti ves in Dny t oD. b eooll fl " I, I' I., \\,,,~ n",ovl!ll\ 1I ll o: I: • , • of •• " kilk ed wllh blm. lIe yearned Mr. E vo r~ E Vl1 n Shumake r; son o f Alta. Burd ~ n, of Xeoiu , tlpe n~ tb e Mrs. M. D. Smith h us gone t o Bur w~l . . for bls home Ilod his wife Ind ohild. Mr. aDd Mr ~. J , E. S bum a ker, r eo week.en d with Mrs U. W. Gor doo lIo"t,on, l owa, to v isit h er brotb er , nN boG be Dever t hou gbt of qultllng 'Ilrned borne fr om Florida Fr ldRY aurl fomll y . J eff R ape r, wh o Is ~e rl o u ~ ly Ill. Fllrm hnnt!, lIy Ihe m ooth. ~ l;J\ Ml;J\ f " T beo one dav ItlSt AUg U8t we Merl Scarfl'br ooghtsever nl peop le Tbe Elliott Bard waro e t ore wlll broog bt him In WIth bll 8honl de r n ight lif te r se ve ral wee k. ' IItay , G ood w nlles 8U rt ~t'J adv jub to I"~bt llod a rm @b~Uered by on eXlllodio g looking fille but is BtIllBo",w e r i o ~ to down aod nttended S unday Scb ool be sold a t pu ' 110 un otlon b er e next r ight pR.ty. I' h one : 6 B IJ. Ad· at t bis place . SuturdllY . M lloh 17 th. ~ j! ~ he lJ. It wa8 " dellperate ly bad roll oall as 0. sln g lo m ilD, II1 u800, WaYD esv llle, Ublo. m 21 Mi ~ !I P earl Oline, of Day ton, w a ~ Mr. lind Mrs . Jes Ie C bambllss of Ottill'. Tbe arm aod pll. t of tbo Being a Sto'r y Written by ~ s boolder had to be ampntated B e '" Bontlay Ru es t of be r m otb er , Mrs . X eni a, sp s n t Suud uy wil h O. 'w. good w ork horeB. weight abont (;l ord on Rnd fam il y. Four Members of the Cen- iI! 'lUll d e llrlouH for we~ks . Notb lng Emma \ lI.o e. 1800 po nnde. Rob ! rt Beokett, but blsl!trong pbyslque and . pl en Mrs. Bejamln Evans retnrn ed t o ,(VII h !\.ve anew \vrl te r In our IIt& le terville library ASSOCiation. 'orwin, Uhlo . wU STOP lEFT. OVER COUGHS iI! did vlt"USy poll" I blm tbr ong h be r b ome 8<1&urcby las l" and is n Qt Gnos who ? Dr. Bell 's Ploe.Tllr.Boney w ill j! • A II tbr onjCb his Il1nee~ he tollle<l III Im proved In health. S b o. h " 8 tho st op tha t baolliog oough th "t IID gen ma lt cOh8tlntly 01 bls home and lIy mpul·byof t·bose who k \lo \v b er . fro m Jaon!lry. 'fll e 800 t ilIng ploe ATAlE OF THE EUROPEAN WAR hiM family, aod wben he was ~nally " ell Bnd h e r sotferlug Is Int e n ~e MONEY LOANED b" I ~llm8 loose n tho phle~ lD, h ell is ; . d lscbuked from t be hospltul, Ilod Rev. Alfr d Wal ke r w ill 11.11 t hf' ~~~~~"~:mi5Sm~~~~i3Sim~' given booorn ble dl~obar ge ..1110 Iro'" pu illit at t he :\1 . E. Ohu rob 8uodny , BAD GOUGH? FEVERISH? GRIPPY1 tb e Irr ltoted tl1 C mlH~n , tho gl~o e r. &he army-fur ho is II he1ple8' orlp. Marcb J I!~h Try .and b M r hi m You u eeJ Dr . KlIlg't\ New Disoo \'. tn e reli~ ves the t,tlUde l' Ii ~ \l b", l' u u pIe no", wUb ahaUered ' n orvllll-hs Il r y to 8~UIJ that clJld. t ile soothing breathe eos or lI. ud conghing oe usos MONEY LOANE!l 00 IIvo stook oP. C. Carr oll 's Illl io was w(' 11 lit· J W188 ' Bl&rtolt broke Ihe letter 'H wu wild to go bROk to the m. c hll t te ls Ilnd seoond m ortgages Ingrediont h elll th e Irrlttt t cc1 0 0 0 't nejo1leot ", II nge rlo g co ugh , U .BIlI aod re~d a.& foll'<lW8: "It I" very d ltIlonl& to ge~ p8118llge aEloded, everyt biu g brlo~ln g lis mem bra n 1~ . sootbe t ile @o re tbroa t , Ie dllnge ron . Dr . Bell's PIne 'fur. I Not 58 ho ugh t. J o bn BUI hine, Jr .', ," Verdun, J'ranoll to I.he Unlt,ed St"te. now wltb aoy "or~b . B oney Illlnt\septio li n(\ pleR8lln t to Allen Buildin g, Xenia . Oblo . 1130 F \t.. Sbane Is still -mAkiog 1m the nuti8e ptlc q ulllltlel~ kill tho germ tllke, beDe ti ts ,'Vo ung and ol d , lIet It . "Deoe mber 7, 1910. I&S8urAoce of eatety. 80 I have !llv. ,md yo ur 0 Id is q ulokly rOlleveq. orove ments io bl s al r elld y beautl. "Red Cro.. Beadqu.a rtera Am. Am en Jea n my p .. H8I1ge. He oannot. tit yoor druggist ~o . doy. i!'ormulll Dr. K in g's Ne i.Jleoo very bU8 for bolanoe Corpe . belp bere And I can. lam not·need. fill 8tore on t be ltottltl. 260. ~ 8 yeu ra been t he Eitlluda rd r elu edy "My dear "uotles- ,iI Irnow ,'lO wlli ed a& home lIoud be il • ., FOR SALE The BluAs ft r e in tbe lead aod th e (o r olJngb a fin d oo Ids in t b OUH!l lld s be dl'appolnted to Bee .. bl. let Wi' 10: "He hllll DO' beard now for mllny Reds ure 0108e s econd Tbere was or hom es. (3 e t a bot t lti to d"y an d stead ~f my 0 Nn precious 00 mont·b s trow hi" fl\wlly eO I "'II IIIv 137 pre e Dt lit Snndav Bobool los l Chtlnm •• eve. tiUI y o" may \kDow Ing him ~btll letter to you Ii( OB8E' ~unday. Aa ~oon li S the b'Aebal1 ha ve It b no cly In YOllr medloi ne ob eet ha, ooIds , ero o p, IIrI(Jlle aod g ood lenora I purp'o le b orse 'b", y our dleapp, olnl·ment \'#111 be bl. ftqnlly bave 'nloved lI.way rir dltt. _ellson opens up, gll od bv Snndo ), ~follr oou/{ broD obi .. 1 IIll'e I,io nl!. At you r and a good lurl'Y for 8ale In. Dolblng oo,opart!d wlab wlne,l! Ihat .ppeaii>d. r though, yoo oonld ~oboo l with 1I0me of 'h'lm. u ru gglst , 600. q nlre or Harvey Gustio, Wayoell. will be IIIny .ooDlolatioo 'o,ou I(ive him t e mporary IIbelter and per -~ -----. m31 v ille , Ublo. Mr. Frank I:lbldllker ~old fiv e fIo e "I bad been "looklo. t()rward wllh haps belp blm to dod hll wite! and keen.,.,t p.l ea'lOre 10 ~peodtn* t~rtlt. 'child . Be lived enUrely with Frenob hOtseB laet w eek to Barry I!'urd', of 1!'lrs. Jaoe Bro wu was oallod '0 Klo g mon ~o Dn rso ber g r!\nd. d allgb. moe. at the old bO!Deet.ead thts,year. llpeak\UIJ people notll he weDt to Lottd oD, . and II. fine bay tett m t o 0 set ot 8prlni wagon gO ll re, I hall 08 ed for le.. ve ot "b.onoo aDd Ibe Uolt.d 8tatee I\od hill wlf"l 18 of oontraotor In Xenl". ter Dorotby Frtlelond wb o WU R q c lte . with pole and .ha fts oomplete . slok . 1t bAd bet'n IJ t unf,pd. Indeed, -billnj( B'reooh extraotion. 80 be 8peakl Eo Reudy to 8<1 t b ody on ; 'Firs', olll!:!' Mr. Benry Carpenter, of Celite r. au ·Am .. rloan ...nd " volunteer, loan allah with' dltIloohy Yille, ... iaHcd his mother , Mrs. MOTI. Mr&. JA mes Grav w as oai lln g on a nd oheap . ' Waller ,\lo Clure, Way. ,0 a. I\ny time. My l)a'.I)II~ on Ib" • (T" be ;)ootlnned) n e8villo, Ohio. m 21 eUI\. Carpenter, trie nds in t blH villuge T nosd ay. Amlri08n Huor8 ul)I", rrom Havre • _-<1._ . --.... Miss Marl t Rloh OI1Ule np from Mr . and lIt r s E . 0 RU ~ H e ll we re 11I .... k.8D, and DOW 1 am IIlvloa U ell have a Rood Ltlown !::i,yln\C for Ge m olt y vlsltor B one (hoy t h e Pl&8t t...ob!&oon on FritlRY lIud spent the ,op tor .wo reuons; i'1,rlt, boollouee Subscrilietor Ihe Miemi Gazett.e Allole ' Inq uire of Clau, E. Keys, week . e nd witb bom e folks . week . 'Propriety. m 21 M,S8 GIlII U Dg leab y bopea to go Waynellvlll" , Ublo . "Now, glrH o. shull I cut , our unme . Bn ber N ull m nde ;' IJl I ~l ne~ trip bnck to be r sohool 11 t Ot1rlll!le 6000. nnd m y 111l 111e h\ lhe burk " r'Ulls tree?" t·o Mi"misburg one dllY IlLst wBe.k lot of new Nupk l u~ on hllndM, Miss Vesta EIIIR very p1e"s8ntly "I """ PP')so I h "e wlt i be nothing to Be rt,h u I' t e pb on SoD, (:,1 I h e M18ml 'IIRsne Papor , white s od oolo red, crl tl cl7.c III Ihut," so ld the denr girl. V,i1ley b .lspitl.l l, . iRlt3d li u r m otbe r en ter tllined, the ,Juni or Pr1801ll!l80D "prOVided you nlso Cllt the nnme or lind oth e r rolatl VtlS ,be:re I ,.s~ we ek : Sa 'nr dll Y, Marc h 10. N ex' msetlng Oiled Paper, and Whi te Book PII per pltlce will be with Miss B:dna Death. .f or 8helves . Tile Mia m i G azet te. my chover m."-Scuttle Post·to telll. m 21 So r nll Bu rnett ' has boe D on tbe erage April 14 gencer. slolt lis t . Mrs. Olare uos Mlobael til on 'be OW and II l:)h oll U 10 g ood ooodi. Mrs . B e b er Throolt m or tou s;;;; ' .iolt Iillt. tie n Uall on l~o be.r ' Beoke tt, Mr!l. Berdl\. J ordnn anil Mrs. Lona With food prices higher than they have been in years, tbo wee k. end wltb relo,tl v6s nt 'DIlY. Corw io, Ohio . rn14 Har tsock wen ' t o Lebanon oil Wed . to o, • . hoUsewive. must meet the situation. It's a serious Valuable Rredlng. nesda.y to RU ond W . U. T. U. M r. and ~r8. 1'0~ le. Co fTeo n e n. problem . . R en d pnpUt·s nnd tlJugnil ncs ' that ARG E Dapple G r a y MMe. I) yrs . 'fb e lil d laa Pr.l@ollla Club wi ll meet rlcnl with your \\'01'1(. II nd then rend t r talD ad a t dln u FJ r ..iun dAY: Mr. wi th Ml't! Carr oll Uea\berago 011 old, good work er , s ",11 obeap. But there's an easy answer-Home·baking with lust IlS rnun l' AS' you ctin thut d 'Ill a ort Mrol. Ed Eyer "n d dli u g h ~e r, -T uesdll.Y of n ext week. A g.yea.r. old B"y Ma re, w eig ht 11 00, . wltJt al iter m ell' ~ wo rk. In tlin t \\'oy M.~ an d M~_. Will DUlgu n aDd 800. good dr iver "nd wo rker. luqn iJe at A lIumber' of 10Ublt people In .thl s onl y COli you g t 1\ broa d kn owledge m1 4 Mr. lind Mr s. Ohn. 'oDger ha ve' viol nfty aUe ndl)d a l!1rl'r,lle "lveul1t tbls offioe. OHIO.MADE FLOUR of \\'hat the world Is dolnl/. m oved to th el ~ h ome n (~ .. r Bille BIl II. tbo b o me ot Mr. a nd iI ~ •. Ed DOBt er Bake.your own bread", cakes: pies, roll!, etc., and save OLT- s .year.old draft ()()It, In. Mr s. J ose ph BrOWD, of D&ytJII fur Misi Etb81 Lamb on;Wednold .. v qnlre o'f Leste r l:)urflloe, R.', W IIS ,he weelt.e od ~uel!t or ter p (lr ! evellln,. .t least half. They will ·take th~ place of other food . e n ts. Mr. tiod Mrl! Ed Nnll ~ ot m nny. a t ~001 1\1 Cen t er Satur. Wa1nollville , Phontl '22 -3r. m 14 that costs from two to . ten times as mud1. HomeSl ~tc: of, eiLy o{ Toledo, dny nlgbt b tlt lin inlereeting pro. . ' Eli~1\ l'h nm pso n WAll sho pplDg. in I.ucns County, S5. baking is mor~ nutrl~iou!l and pleases every appetite. gram wallllsteo od to nevertbele8s. · CED AR UIL--I:!everl\l oanll ot F nlnk J. Cheney .mnkes onlh Ihn l he D.. y t o n T hur day quar" elzes on ' bands at tho Mrs, Berd" J o rd a n Wal el1,opptng .. &eniQ' partner of the firm of I' . J. Mise J:i.JIZ I BUtnbert h as nooep \ed n Btlrveysb urg 81\lurdoy af~rnoon. 'G "se~te olll o -only 85 0 par qU llft. Cbelley & Co., doing b llsioess io Ihe'ity lit !) sll ion In D\1 yton . . UI ~ l of Toledo. County and SIl,te nCu reSo', ,Do More a-~I ba YOur Owa Homo HOlvn rd McGnlnu and Wllbnr Thel!hl will no$ la8t long . apd tbat IfIlld finn 'will ' J,IlY the sum of Mr~ . )Soyd ,' r IH8 r e tnrn ed to' h e r Baw k e, of B Ie kury vUle attended ONB HUIH)RED OO LL ARS ror each bo me 10 Mor row a Uel' s.n odonde d ' U TUMUBI£..1D for lale. Oak land and every cu e of Catarrh thai cll np OI· be vt~t& wh h b'fl r rll>ll t,( bter, ·Mn. 0 , B. ~ oola l Ue n~r Sat.urd ay nlgbl. (eight) oyllndor have u8ed ma. cured hy the u se of HAI,L'S UATARRH Humbert Ilud tn-mil!. . . oblne 6 month.. Maohlne Is in per. · MEI?ICINI~. JlI(AMK J. C/iENEV. Sworn to bef Ore me flnd subscribed in Mr. and Mrf. Johu ~IOCurdy h a ve feol rUBning ordE'r. New 'irell all my, p.esence, tltii 61h day of I>e<lember, m'lved into 'h I. ·uew bom. whloh around witb Goodyear corda on rear. A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON , WII. tormerly tbe JJlaghmall prop. WhIch? . WbUe wire .. heele. Will \1811 very (SuI) Notary Public. el't y. "In our meotal U\'CII \\'0 enll eIt her reasonable ~1l!1 8boe Faolory. H.II', Catltrrh Medicine Is taken IntemMr. j\lod !lin. Bert. BrowD a04 keep hold of tho rudder and 10 de- iA'-fon, o~to. ally aDd ads throuklt the "Blood on the family have mo,v ecll'o Red LIOD ' t6l'lllille exactly wbot COur80 we tair." Surf'eeI of the SYllem. Send lira. AnDa Arohdea"ooJl. of ..ive..... -"at ..... ~'nta we t oue.. or tu&!manial .. free. ... or N.D tall •Mucous ba. ~ teacl oat.. aboa. 80 (1'. J. dlBN&Y & CO .• Toledo, O. Polnh,te vlaltlDI .t.ter. 111'1. to do WI, and foiling, we drItt, and b .. Bole po..toes BeD Demoted this IoId b~dIuraII\I, 16c. Jane lAq40n aDel r relaUfti ate blo,rn hUber and thither b7 IIV..., 8mlall, B. 1.>. I. WarD_viti.. Ohio. GttarQntff LAbll ~. l&lX. aU. ~'. 11, PllllIor CQllltlpaUoQ. bere . IUIIIII w.-."



Madden's Lumber Yard


Corwin, Ohio,

Where they keep a full line of

Lumber,Plaster, Lime, Cement, Brick, Fence Posts, Paints, Etc.


- _.- --



================ alasslHed Ads


L· eWls VI • Livery






E. W. RICKS . W~neIVllle. OhIo




m It"btl' fttm ' .:c::t.




---_.- . .-----


------ - - -


Walter Chandler Wayne8ville, O.

- ----..


_..- - -

Qyer POitoftloe, , j





DR. J. W. MILLER. ••• DBNTIST••• . omo. III

!ia&loDal Bfolall Biela.,

e. v.





--- -- - - --.--.







WaYDIlftUJe. 0


Notary Public; AIl.klnds of NO$Qry Wort. W'lll. and Deeds a !:Ipeolal&y .

Dr.Bell'sP.ine-Tar-Honey For CouKha and Coldao


Home-Baking Coab Less

Pblta. 11









Dlarrhoea. · Thl~ diseM8 should be treated M BOOn the lil'.t UUlllltUf!l1 loosenees of tbe bowels appelD's. Wbrm tbi.8 is done Ito ~inglo dose of Cbamherlaln's Colle, Chol· era amI Diarrhoea Remedy will ell'ect It. ('ure . T his r eUledy CAD olwl1Ys be de· peoded npon even in the most Bevere and ~ dl.UlgeronKCMOS, IUld sbould be .kept at han i! re/ldy fo r Instant UBO. Never lean 'lome au 11 jourooy without It. AS

DR. H.E. BATRAW A.Y : WaYIINvtlle'. LeadinJr DeD$1at .UlJloe. in Key. Bldg, IIaln sa

Ore J•. A. McCoy,. _ ' Vetar.nanD Oraduate ' or 01110 Statt lJahwIIfy Office at reaidel1C8 In F. B. _J wood'. boola. Fvurth 8tNK.

- ......... _--_ . . . . Don't expect your Chickens ·to lay eggs if Y9 U . do not feed them the . right kind . of feed •.

Makemlay Chicken Mash

Will do the work.

GUARANTEED Recommended by the State Board of Agriculture =

Start your young chickens right by using our

BEST GRADEDCRACKED CORN All impurities removed.

SONAL MENTION , DRY fEDERATION. - - ---~ . - ---~ . WAS ORGANIZED M. J . Ol'bllrrt \,,~ .'und ay .

Day tun \' l~ lt tlr


I I,\ ed ne!da y. l\larch 7 , IH~1 . ·lhe Ilh af t I' rwon session of t he mHI .y ur , fll"eLing of th e W. " I' .. of War re n COll!)ty he ld in th e M. E. ch urrh . . ' a t Leba non . 011io was g i-.:en over to U\l<wnru Jr IJI II 1 ~ . .. f IJ l1ytnn, \\:IIS the f llr m~ ti on of a" Dry F de rlltion " 11f he te mpe ran 'e women o f Ihe In t\l wn to I y. I counLY · O. \V . Hamillon ~ I) ' fit S UIII IlY wi th 1'11 ' fo ll owing' flicers wer e chosen; I r ' iU cll t . Mra. M\lry P. Wil son . hi. uhildn..n u't j l.1YlIlrl. Le\)a non; V. P reside nt . Mrs . A . V. &I Haines . of Kings lIIi llij. vil:l ited Snoo k, Lebunoll; ecrotary , Mrs h iS paren h r~ .'unuuy. Mamie Retall ir:k, Oreg onia; Treas· yphe rd, Hur vey::! · u rer. Mrs . 1m bur". EXf'c u tive Commi t tee-Mrs . Mi!;S lara Lile .. i,iL 01 wit h r e in· I~m ma Chapman. Springboro; Mrs . ti \":1 ill X.,lIj .. III- t W 'l' k (!!l d . A U.-Eluritige . F rankl in. M n!. Mt! l i ~~ 11 'onov r. Milson; Mrs . Dr. Moss . Mli fn ville a nd JI'lrs. J a mes Vande r· .'Ilis~ 1·:.f1lma Sdra ' .rn. n · lof..Cin dn vOllrt , Waynesville Irutl, r ~ ' 1 IU r ' 1\ It fl r 11\'1 \ ~ ,, 0 1 t'l. A chair mall WtlS chosen fo r each tl WII:lhip us f ollow; ClearcreekIIlr~ . Wi.!ll·r :\il'l:; uf't! has hc:cn on \ lo,lra. J ·ss i· . w r ig ht . ' prinJirb.o ro; th t: , IL·k I b( f .. r Ihl! pa~ t [ e .\· d y ~. I"r nklin - Jllrs. Chall . Th rrlu eld . I'rankll n; H arn ilton - Clfiss Mattie r.jh.~ \ 3,ia .•! ·I'i. ... r '· \. n ~ "l!l1L the 'rct!ly , Muinevi lle; Har lan - M!ss ,. ·d,· .:rhl \\ llil r"IOI,i l" In Wllminll' Il uz ' l Whll.lcro, PlesRant Plam ; lI)U. :\1 1l ~" it!- Mrs Han nah C r e~ \V.e ll. !"I a r \'I' y~ lou rg; ' 1I1" m- Mrs . Essle I· or k· 11<' 1' . Mo r ro\\'; TUft lccreek - Mrs, AI" M ;'~ .'lImh l i.. el. 11ft· \\';)~ tilt' Ilr ur Hos!. Leba mln ; Union- Mr>l. wed, er~III-t 'Jl'd nf ~.I I ". 1';:,[II <: r He r) · J o hn Hac kett , '::iou tlr Lebanon; Wash· dersun . ing to n-M r M. Leila Clark , Oregonia; DlJedi f' ld - M r~ . Rev. Hirshey. Ma· • l.. Mary ':! (; lI ilrJ \\ oil mce t wit h I ~o n; Wllync- M r!l. Ed ith Ha rr is, ,\1 rs . G~f)rl(e Ii ,Jr I,;' l'\, Ilil '['Irur ·J av W aYI1l::!l v i~I t! . Mamie Retallick, af t(' rnoon. " Secy.

J lie )~ lll'tc 111



A car of 'f resh PORTLAND CEMENT' just 1'ec.e ived

A re Yllu ."Illuilll( n gilD ra nge? We lflvll it at p ricl!~ til ~ Ult YIl U. H.


l·be Waynesville Mills


~.arnh a r t,

Mr~ I! fl rl'~ C')UPe r lin d dau ~hte r. of l'hr cllg'J. ar li, e ~1H'''I:l of he r mullie r . . rs II c, lt= f' 1:"lIl1 r~o n ,


Tne Fletcher 1';,\ y Wu her Mo tol' "" ,m t hing' ,\(lli wunt . 11m] wi ll

yl) ul' I KlI'f rliur l. fIl al;c

\\'.I" h


l!a~.V .

U. E

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I t illMr. Wid Ir~. Jill' Ev ans hRd as I i r lIUI'.'!>! !al' l.i!!h . i~ld e r - CHAIN LETTERS ~~l.';rI~I /:·~~~..i \1':~~.' Uit.C ~1~i~t~,n~f 42 CENTS--42 . I Dayton , -ARE " TABOOED I useT~lat b~ or ~irl the fun~ i~ it the Tri·State p rice for B u tter·fat for week ending !Ilarch 17t h , ful I\eep them t here , by



::; :U Il



Spot Cash.

F. M. 1 [utchinhon .


~b a11l> n ,

Oh io, We mention o ur price t o give yo u some idea of the Bu tler· fa t You have no d oubt r eceived fr olll t he Ucl c(\· LiA'hl slllcRmriJl. value. This Tri-State price backed by the reputa t ion of a Respon time t o time 50 called " Uhain Let . sible Safe and P er man ent concern to look arter your cream week ters " requ esting you to r emi t 1'0 0 1' Mr. IInll l\1r~. Il G ero,. arr ived aU,; week and mo nth after month makes it sa fe and profitab le t o 25 cents or perfo rm some ot her un· h ome fl' om j htli r Sou ther n l ri p 'flies; go into·the c ream . prod ucing business. . ' im portant f u nction in it elf, and in da y ev en itl ~ . 'I'h y h>ld Il fi n ti ro ~ - Read the messag e Gue o f o ur pat ron s gave us PCI mission t o ' ad d it ion prepare and ma il to a d esig · and enjoyed t hei r olllmg extr ·rt1l:iy . publish: nated number of your f riends ex act 'c opies of s uch le tte rs , wh o in lu rn The Grange will mee l Saturday Gelltl~men : • are req uested to d o like wise ill a af ttlrn on a t ~ o'c lock, ut t h ir ha ll. T here never' h nl been anytblrl g go tten u p t bat helpell tbe F ARM \V Ol\! A N rapidly increasing ratio limlte.d 90m e· The re will be wo r k ill t he lirs t and like lbe Tri,Slate B ulte r Co. . ti mes whe n it r ea ches a ce rtai n num· second d eg rees All ollic e r~ will W• • eed to cburn BlId sell (Jur butu,r b ut with yo ur hel p we lIon't do t ha t ber . A little calcutation wi ll con · please be presen t. DO .... vin ce , you that a f abu lous Eu m of I ca n' t bel p but lin~ praise for YOll. We ha ve no store bill t. pa y now. money may be t h Ud rai ~ e d. thoug h We a1wa YI blLve a little m a ne . ' each ind ividual su bscri p ti on may lJe At St. M ary' s chu r h Su nday 1 bave senl you leveral shippe n And have ne ve r hea rd anyo ne lay bUl f tl~ rn{ll n. Marl'l l lil . a l ;) o' ·Iock. whal tbey wrre salisfied . on ly a f ew cen ts . he cboir w ill r(Onote r Schnccke r 's ... We will ban Ii" aows sooo. We ure rllis ing n bu nch of pigs 0 0 Sl'Jl" m lor .. , ., Many s uch letters are. re fe r red LO . . milt aDd also b e ve four calves. tmaster ask ing If t l'\ere are cun lal II. ~ Ilfl S \H~ of Cal vary ," th Lon g ma y /yo ur Com pa ny sl nnd an~ P~~stal laws against th l1/le' EVllrybody Invited. BIIA'fRICE WELL E R " Chains" You are infor med th a t the re is no law au thori zing t ha .' M e.HM. Dt!an II ll \\'eli . Wm Pnm· • clu ~ion from the m ai ls of chain I ' t deqm t , G"orj.{e Wa'. l,! rhouse, He r · ters when they are inclosed in en man Conll r and O~cll r. Hm ith wer!! Capital S t ock $75,000.00 velopes or p ut under cove r, when in Cinci nna ti Su nil Y lind sow AI fully prepaid, for we have no means J olson at t he 'r<ln d CINCINNATI, OHIO (If knowing that t hey contain " Chai n A.k any patron or write for free Trial Cans sent parcel post. le Iters." But the Departmen t at F a r m rs . oItic; Arrange t o see Washington d oes not app rove ot cha in letters f or any purpose what · Ihe 0 Ico LiMh t delllOn;,lt ratl n t o be held on t hl.l . treet~ of Way n e~ v i lle . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - soe ver. Postal cards bearing cha in lette r Sat urday uft t! l'noo n and ev ning. prayers.-I! they include t hreatR LhaL Ma rch t7 , by ~'. rvL. Hu tc hin on, of Borne dire calam ity will be fall yo u Ll'banon , Ohio. should you break the ch ain, o r d o not write the req uired num ber of . will hold its T he W. C. '1'. copies and mail, ar e d eclared to he reg ular mon th ly mee ting at t he unmailable and will be t ake n ou o f horne o f Mr•. 1';l i?Hbeth Snouk on the mails and.destro)·ed .- Cincinna ti nex t Wed nc~ da'y after noon . at 2' O'C lllCk. A fu ll atlemia nce is desire d. Tim es·Star: , Fraternal orde rs are dis tri b u ti ng a chain p rayer to be slln t to n ine tlif· Gus ti n's L i v o l'Y - ' ~ Au LDS. H ors es feren t bre thren, and these. to o Il l' and Bugg ies lind j lor I' aIHI Wago n not to be t olerated . Members of for moving t nmk t t) and fl'om de· fraternal orders, ther efore, should We m(' t 1111 rainq and con tinue !!!!!~~!!!!~~~!!!i~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!,!!!!!2!!!J~~ not pay any atten tion to t he let ter. ·pot. to take gue 's to a nd fl' om Hotel. .8l" d dire calamity will, not over t lol ke Will O. G us tin. them any less t han in the natu I'll! order of things . The Woman 's A uxil iary of St. --M a ry' ~ ch u r'ch will give It Missiona ry Te a III t h e horne of M e~ d a f1l e~ Sa ra h nd L. A. ZimlrlCrman FridaYlI.fter. noo n. March !li Tho: lad ies of Way· nes ville a nd vi cin ity cord i~ lI y invited.


Get your syrup label. printed at the Miami GaZette offiee



Born, March 6, t o Mr. and Mrs . Vernon Hough, of Dayton, form erly of this place, a fine daughter . Mrs. Sarah McWhinery, of Ka la mazoo. Mich., is spendIng severa l weeke wIth relatives here. There are a number of cases of me llSles and whooping couirh in o ur village. Mr . and Mrs. By ron Kyne are th e proud parents of a d a ughte r who arri ved March 3. Mis s Frieda Holland is on the si ck Ii~ t. . Mr . and Mrs. Dewit t T hompson

_ ....Iz. $12.50


...It P,I_ Chl_

. . .Eve r-!l 'Farm Should Have One Because-' "H 'it's weighed on a FAIRBANKS there's· no ' argument" ,.. B~ ring - I\n \V·tip Beam. Large PJatform~W jde Wheels.

Steel . t o Ste e l

B.E.EARNHART Wayneaville, Ohio·

SPRING SHOOTING IS PROHIBITED The Uni t ed States Department of hUs received inquiries t rom m an) spor tsmcn in the Middle W st in reizard t o sp l'in g shootin g of waterfowl. I n rebponse the d epa r t· mcn t hfls made the f ollowing public ant ou ncem en t : .. dIJ r t he li'ede ral regu lat ions t lw re i ~ R closed sea son from Ft:bru · a ry 1 to 'epLembe r 6, incl usive. each year throughout the ' United States on wa terfowl and o the r mig ratory g amt: bIrds. The season for hunting i fu r th er r st ri cted In vari ous p " r L~ o f the count ry to perlod!t not ('xceed · in ' th r e and one· ha lf mon t hs . T he 0 1l 'U S t!IlS01l on \ aterfowl in t he 'tll t ~s of Ohio, Jndiana. ll linois. IOIva Ne braskll. ·l( a n ~ 1lS and Mil SI u r i is f ru m 'ep tem lJer 16 to Decembe r al. i n cl u ~iv . ami it i ~ un lawfu l to hun t I' kill wate rfow l in lhose t ate~ at ;lilY nthpr tim within three years aJ · ter all off .. ns 1:1 commht ed. .\g ri ~ u l ture



The Maynard H. Murch Co. Telephone 1 47

................................................... .


ITornado I

T he annual elect ion of oRir er s. of Mra mi Vall ey Poult ry A:;socill' 1ion , was held Friday morning, at t h ir regular meet inl!' . . T he office rs e lected were as follows : ·A. C. Torn · linson, pr eside nt ; Isaac Li ncoln . vi ce· pre ident j L, G. d t . Jo hn . secreta ry ; Mrs. E. . \.Jaily, assi ~tant secreta ry; l':dgll r Sim kin . t reasurer. The ex , ecutive comm ittee was not appointed at this meeting. T he re was considerable business br oug ht up t ha t will Iliad to the furt he r developme nt of the poultry bu ineas in Way ne Town~h i p , At the next m eetin g plans will p robably be p romul gated to further these in · ter esls. If the associ ation wil\' work out their plans as recommended, the to wns hip a nd. , in fa cl , the whole county wlll be benefited. But more of the plans will be made public at 8 lat e r d at e.

- - - .... ..- - ~

Absolute Protection


Can you alTord t o be w ithou l a polley?

w. ·D. CHANDLER ..................................................... Pho ne o. 77

Waynesv ille Oh io

Specials This Week Eating Potatoes, pk .. .. .. ...... 76c F ancy Navy Beans, Ib .. .. .. .. 15c Black Eye Beans, Ib .... .. .. 12X c lSrown S pans, Ib ...... .. ...... 12X c Baked Beans , can .. .. ....... .... Wc Big Gan P ie Peaches, can .. ... 10c P ink Salmon , ' 2 cans .... · .... .. 25c Wa lrus Salmon. can .......... .. 20c Cove Oys ters, oa n .. .. ..... .. .. .. 10c b ig Call Lye tiominy ... ..... 10e Big Can Golden Pu mpIHn ... 10e Ht!echlllil Catsup worth 200, only ...... ... .... .. .. . .. ... . ..... . ISc All Scra p Te baecos, 6 t or .. . 25c All 5c Chrars, 6 for .. .. ... ....... 250

All ki nds of Seed 1'0tatoesJ. Onion Sets, Bu lk and I-'kg. lisrden a nd now er seeds. COOK E D ROLLE D OATS A Big Can of Oats cooked ready to eat Reg ular price 10c , will se\1 f or 2 days on ly

4 Big Cans l for 25c It pay s to trad e at


Of the Cond lt ion of the Waynes· ville National Bank, at Waynes · vill e in I he !:itate of Ohio , at the close of bu si n~ , Mar. 6, 1917. 1.0111.18 1Ul<1


RE OlJ lI0 lt8. dlscoUUla "~ S. 200 . 08 IU ~LL' . . . . . . .... . . ..




( P~r,,~~flll~)S: ·bOud.~~: ~ ~ ~·.o.o.

O.her bUIlIlo l.0 8OCUro 1' 0

tal Sa v. 10110 .. . ... , ........ 6. 0 11 11. 00


'u r ltles 6 ther Ullin . S. !)ODd. (ooL Ilict uulDIl Ilocluol ownod uUlllodged .. ..... 1l7. 76 3.U 'J'oLnl tlOtlW . 8OCurlll." "t6 r.c. 8"->cl< • . ul,jler til lUI ~'L""W1l It....

1 n. T0 2 . ~~

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(Sr) """ lit 0 1 8 UlJIi<; rl !. IIIHI) " 11 110 o f banklog hou "" ( I un·

&.200. 0 0

ollcllurtx>ro<II ... .. . . 6.00 0.00 Net. IIJUOU" " ~tJtrom &I1{1 nlVCtJ. .... tlier\' ' agcut.& lu .No,," 'k urk, Uhl .. CUI!O IWd SL. Lou!» B.a~ ~. 70

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.• clttl'l . ..... • . . . . • , 9 ~ . C3 T. n .-r.c ll on ~ 1 curren Y. ul k.l. nll~ cenl'" ............ .. . . IS . lll Noc.os ot 01.1101' U ~U()Il.) b unk • • . La" ful I'IlIIOr~lI lu " " ult aou wllb I'OOertil Resorvo U ..nk . .. . . . . Ro le mpllouruudwlth U.B l ·rey.

Oaplln l Il.Ock p ..l~ In .. . . • . ' " •


102.196. 02 11 8. 19 200. 00

D'.GOLI1 r

U O O.~

Surplus t uu tl .. , . ..... .. ... , . Uodl viu"" III'OOt•. • • • r9.nO.u8 Lcw!8Jlpen!;Oll pard .. . l.OO.. ~ 4 Circulating noLeo oUl·n andlu8 . . DI~hlell d. unp a id .. .. .. • .. .. •

Iuollvluual dupellllol lubJocl to oheck . .. , ' .. . . . .• . . . . . . . . . Oor LlO C81eo 0 1 dOPQalt d uo to I_ I,b au 30 days ... . . .. .. . . . . . . Postal . avlngs d01l081tS.. ..... . 'f a .... dopo4lta . . • • 8 18.6 7.~6

' ~ O. OOO. OO 80. UO O, 00

' 18. 055.,. DO, OOU. OO

n .oo; "'<

30t .6". 61 1.&" .0 8 U~ ' .90

.. .. .. . - - -

The Junior Priscillas were enter · Total .. ... .. .. .. . 158 7.&24. 111 tained by Miss Vesta Ellis Mar~h STAT K OF OUIll. WAR R EN COU NTY,SS : roth The afternoon was spent 111 I, b'. O.<. Cuhlnr at Ihe abov e Damed bank . do oolOllloly Iwear tba' Ihe making"fancy work of all kinds. A above I tatem""L '" truo LO Lhe bMt 01 my dainty lunch was served . kuO" 1""80 e.ud boUot. 1" . O. H AHTSOO K. Oaahter. The following were present: MiSll' 8libtcrlbed Ull f' ."orn to bolore me t hl. ea Merle, Mabel and Faye Ellis , 1 21h da'/ at H IU'Cb. rU17. E. V. P UIlbut . Corroct A\Lcot : Notary Publlo. Helen Hartsock, Olive Wilson ; i!:u ' s. L E V. OART WKIO H 'f , genia·Whitaker. Marie Rich, FloraJ . w. WHITE . W. U . ALLEN, mond Reed, VedJI. Sumner and Viola Dlrec&o .... JordllD. ", . The next meeting will be with MIlS Edna I?eatheredll'e April 14th.


{?'?????? 1 .i'!!!!or~"" ? 1. ')Uurselt



'1 l3eautftul




~ Itw6n'tlbea.bad~ 11 --=----~,--.,.----- ' ? SEE . ME "TODAY _ ? HGlUrom Hatley 's' Barred' Ply· 7 H. N.· BRITAIN . ~" E moth Rooke. By the hondr~d W J or by 'he aetting from Majestio 7· ayneaville. , . O~1o '1 '

Bradley and Case ~tr8In . Prl04l8 7.1111'1.1117111.°. "1°"1 rea.80oable ~rs : E . 8 . B \ 1 l y 1 r "




No. 2220


'l'otal: . .. . ... . . . . ... . . . . . 16 81.426.I U \'LUl I LIT l e;S


---_.- .•- - -

All perRon s ind ebted to me f or ' servi ce of my s tock fOI' 19 16 please se llle wit h Ma hl on Itidlfe when due. Geo. 'r. Lanter

W'Oranclduetrom U .8 .'1' ~u rer






The Mi ~ses An na Vand er voort, Ma l ia ·Lout . Muri l' <:h UttR. Alma Wa terh ouse, II tm ricLta Mc Ki nsey, . £!e lJla h Kind le r. J ose lJ ~,j n e And rews, DO'rl,thy Geb auer. I-J l'st er Canine, Clara l,ile, a nd M . ra, W. H.. Sp relgel Glen J ohn8 !lnd E J . Ar nold a ttend· ed T eac he rs' A~~ocia ti o ll at L ebanon a t u rday .

Ins~rance I

Low rates and liberal contrac ts

l h t!


.....lIlI o_.--.......

J. O.

~ peclal fo r Friday aod Satu rday

T he thre e school housell sold at pu blic auction Saturday. In somc cases a spirited bidding was on, and in t he case of the Corwin school build· ing th e sale was quite interesting, At 10 o'clol! k the Mt. Holly buil<l · ing as put up lind Walter Baker wa. the success ful bidder, the price being f467 .60. The bell was sold for $3 Don't f ili i l< h a r the Neopoli ta n At 1 o'clock the Harmony Grove buil ding was on and it brought $205, Q unrtd at Schoo l fl uil , Ma rch 1G. Walter Wilsori being the successful bidder. The be ll brotight II. At 3 o' clock t.h er e was quite a crowd at Cor wi n when tho auctioneer began , The building and outbl1ildings were paren ts fina lly 80lrl to G· E. ' Roland for $648. Mrs. Sarah Funder burg an d Mr . , The bell did"not sell, liB the bidding· was t oo small. The acetylene plant ~~~~~8r~e;7eth . mar ried in Da~tun . was sold to Wm Frame. A n umber from here enj oyed a . ~--.. . chicken roast at the sugar camp, of Nathan Smith. Al ternate warm and seve re cold The contest betwe en Caesarscl'eek wintry weather h a'l been f pund by Bnd Spring Yalley HilCh will be held t he Ohio.· ~:Xperim ent Stll~i on to be Th ursday .evening, February 15. t he g reates t facto r in con troll ing Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Alexander a nd green s oldier p ugs , recently notice. Mr. Perry Alexande r returned SU!! . able in Ohio peach orchar ds. Mjfd , E mma, wife or Mr. Willi.a m Guth· oay from Miami, Fla. Mrs. 'Per ry .s teady weathe r is most favo rabl e f or Alexander and Miss Margaret will 't hem, and after such a win ter t hey rie. of nea r Fe rry died at the Miam I may caulle 8er iouB losse!! in pea ches. Vall ey hospital in Uay tonlate Friday remain until April. Mr . James Peterson is improving. A f ew war m d ays f oll owed by zer o e ven ing . The fun eral was held at Owens church Monday morning, and Mra. F. M. Hiatt w as a Dayton we:llther k ills them oft' in g reat n um. in t~r men t .w as . made at Bellbrc.ok; l'S. en tomolog ists ay . Spray ing be vil itor MODdav. orchards I\ga inst the pest hIlS been Mr. and Mrl!l. Wm . Reeveq and son U ll.ruc ces~tul. were Il'ueata Sunday of Lumber to'n Elizabeth McGohan, beloved wife r t! llltives. of Fr ank Keys , died a ( her h orne In Chicago, March 2, 19l7. Foxy J aok., Mary'. Alway. Popular. J!ldll h- "Oh, J nd, ~1l1 ' 1 n dozetL..glrlS Ail o\'er th e E n gU~ b·spenkln g world be 10l'ed Ill r' rn hef or<t II pr<ll)osed to ' M!"s . Elellnor Ma riatt died at her HaI'7 Is the m o~t commo n Cb rlllllon roq." Elth"l- " IV'.. n, Hlll l's a ll rIght. Dame. Out at every 1,000 F. ngll ~h When I s)'ll ktl of It hn told DlO Ule, lato home in Mt. Holly, Tuesday nhrht at 10:20. Funeral will be held people, 08 are nn rued Mar7. 00 . WII. r").r(oI!I1 IlI....1 steps In Ws pro- Sunday at 11 o'clock at tbe Mot. H oU, 1Iam, 62 101m. and 00 JlIlIIa. KnliSSH,n to hIa J,lr"" l ll ll~


If you have money /0 invest or fu nds bringirig a low rale of interest, I WOll'" like to axplaln our plan to YOLl. Either call lit my office ill Coleman's tore, or tel p/!one me am! I will call on you,


FIVE AND TEN CENT : STQRE Garden Seeds, all kinds . .. ' .' . .. 5e Seam Blnding .. ...... ... . . . .. .. 10e New line of Curta in Scrim . .. . . : 10c . New Stickerie ·Braid .. . . .,'. . . ; . . 10e Curtain Net, latest paltern . . . . . IOc . Children's Stockings....... 12c 10e Ladies' Hose .•.. . . . ..... ... .. IOc Men's-Hose:' .. : ....... . ....... 10c Subscription Agency. (Come in. Spx:laUIt In BarpIIII



Sixty-Nintb Year



STUDY TOGETHER .--- - - - - For the study of ellch · quarterly Temperance lellSOI1 during the past year, the Friends' Sabbath Schools have met together, 8iternating at ,t he two churchl!~, and have telt ben· efited by thull working in harmony Last 8abbath. a Rpecial feature of the serVices at the tted Brick, wall the presence of Mr. S. A. Propst, Anti ::)alolln League representative from Cincinnllti, who gavil an excel , lent talk. Among ot.her \Joints, be said that unless Ohio ihes dry, Ihe will be a dumpin, ground for the 8urround· ing dry terrl~o l y of We8t Virainia, Indillna and Michigan, - wlth Ken· tucky in line to iO dry In 1919. Politicians are beiinninll to ap· proach leadeu of the temperance forces with a plea that a dry victory would ruin many buslntlll8 men In the cities. At one time they arlued that the laek of ravenue to run the aovernment, would be the result if liQuor wu prohibited , Later they aald IJO many would be out ot emploYlI\ent. Now they empb8eizt! the ruin of buaineaa. He stated that tb" thouaand ,.Ioons In Cincinnati are the louree of more feeble minded and detective chlldrer l thlUl the city can car. for, thull eauainsr the public acb('ol to be bur dened with mental detectives be· yond the record of mOlt citiell Juda~ Hoffmllln, in addr <lIIIlnll a teachen' mertini told I hem that un lees they were willing to do more than their duly 88 teachera, these poor unfortunates w uld be un· trained. It wa~ claimed that two percent of -th~ populat ion bt'lonlC to the class of mental defectives. •••

- - -...


NOTHING IS 'HEARD ,.FRUM MISSING MAN MI'. and M~8. E. J. Smith, who went to Detroit recently in aearch of their son, whe was miuing, reo turned to WllminKlon 118t week . No trace of the young man haa bpen found to date, althouarh detectives ar& working on the case dally. When he lett hi. room that fateful nlaht, there WaR every ,"vidence that he Intended tit return lloon, as hi. pocketbook was found in bls room, u well III! a po..tal note for ,10. A letter from . the Fairbank! Co., the firm he wae employed by, hid Rent him a congratulatory letter on hl'lucee81 and as be did not handle any money for the firm, evel'}'thln" pointed to f"ul play from lome motive other than robbery.

.- ..

See Waterhouse fpr Auto Livery

Whole Number 8413


Nclse I\lcKl'ever Ilnrl familv wure Buy Tobacco Canvas at Hyman's. One day last week, as "S pud " entel'lllin ed lit a dinner ::>unduy uy • J . 0 Cartwrliht was in Xenia Haines, who drives , Zimm erma n's Mr. lind Mrs Carl 11 lIlh . Tuesday , auto truck, was lurlJinll the curner Mr . and l\'lrs. W., H Alle n ent er toward Corwin, he collided with · H I ~. Sat- another machine ca minl{ up th e hill. tuined lit. 'lIndllY dinne r Mrs. Mllry MiAS J osep hme ar an spe,... There was but litt le damage done , L, Ad!1ll1 ~ and Mi ~s Let.itia McKay. as both drivers stopped in ti me to u rday in Dayton. Mr . and Mrd, J, C. Ha wk guve a avoid a serious ac.:ident: Dr. Dill, Osteopath 21 S. Broud-, This is a nd will be one of f,lm ily dinn r Suilduy, in honor of way.. Lebanon . Ohio. the dangerous corners of the town ,\ lr Huwke's natal d y . Those who for uutos, if th e council do not geL enjoy ed their IltJ~ lJ il :lli t y we re tolr. Mrs U. G, Whetsel and ,daughter together and put a " safet y first" unrl MrM J ohn 1,'rom ll1 HnJ children, were Dayton villitors last week, P08t in lhe middle of lh e !>lr ect. I\1r and Mr~ . Karl lIuwke, Ml' Ruy 8very time a dri ver goep a l'ound t he Haw k lind SOli. 1111 of DUl'lOn , 1\1 r. corner he hugs the sidewli lk si de, ft alph Vance. flf 1orrow, and Mr. C: B, Bentley was a Cincinnati and some day there will be a smash. lInu Mr ~. L ·c Ilnwjte lind fUlD ily . vilJltor lut week. up and a damage !!lIit. Drive:s should be very careful al Mr. and Mrs W . S. H.u·tRock ga ve St. Mary's (;Ilild will meet with this place !lntl watch to see if t her e n dinn er ~lIo1llay and those wh o at· Miaa Emma Heighway on Thursday. is anything com in" btl fore attempt· el Ided \\'(ore l\1r~, Thos., 1\1 'oJlla~. ing to make thts Lurn. l\lr. !Ind Mrs Lud wi;.!' Koe nig. of Council ough t lO t ake aclion a l. Hi\' crvlcw, Neb . Mrs. Till i(l MOle John Liddy, of Dayton. is spending their next meeting 11IId put up th e und threo ('Jlildren , of l~ ranklin, MI'. a few days with his father, M C, signal and then makedrivers observe lind lvI rl< Stacy Lamb, uf Dayton, Liddy. it or elstlilive them a stiff tille. 1\1 r. and Mrs . Frank I.$ raddock and . •_ _ chi lclren, Mr . Rnd Mr . Cha rl es Brad GU8t1n Auto Livery, Phone No. duck IIlId SlI n , Mr . Hflbe r t. Brad dock , 125-8, al80 Honea and BUllldes and Mr. and Mra . Emer ~o n I\la80n. Carria¥es.

HOLDS A MEETING .--- - ------. Arropen meeti ng of the Woman'! Auxiliary was held on Mllrch 16th at .t~e home of the Mrs .. Zimmerman. 1 here were between sildy ancl se venty lad ies present to enjoy the interesting program given below . The meetin g. wa s opened by singing the hymn "The Morning Light is Breaking" Mrs. D. L. Crants cllnducled the devotional exerciseR In th e ab~ence of the President, Mrs. J . F. Cadwal lader. Scriptural quotati ons were g!\'en in response to r oll call . The fol lowing program was lhEn g iven: Pi ano Duet, The M i~~es Hulh Hart. ~ oclv and Kathryn HC'nderson: Read . ing , Mrs W. H . All en: V oe~ 1 S(Jlo. Mrs. A. T. Wright ; Paper. ·'Old Mis. · ions of California," Mr~ . Mary L. Ad · rnB; Piuno Solo , Kathryn Hen. ,Ierson; Reading, Mrs, E V. Barn. har t: Piano Solo, Mi ss Ru tti ck. After the program, a delightful social hour wea enjoy"d during which delicious refreslimants were served . An offering am ount ing to $:0 was for Mi!>Slons. _ _ _.. _ _ _ _ _


Mr. and Mrs. Carl Heath calltld on Mr. and Mrll. Tom Courtney last Monday evenlnlr.

Lucy Neal Lawson, WBII bom June LOYAL WOMEN'S 6, 1880 and departed thi s life Ma rch Mr. and Mra, Charles SherwolJd 1!H7 'i1t m" aged years, [) and daughter, Miss Ellen, were Cin · months and 9 days ' BIBLE GLASS ciDnati vi8itors Tuesday. Her mother died wh n she was 16,

5 p.



but two week8 old, Bnd her fath er

If you want a Coal Oil :Stove that nine years later. Her aunt took her

Mrs, Frank Wright Rnd Mrs. John Wrighlwcre hoste " es at the Loyal W men's Bible Cl u!s social. of the Ferry Bible School on Wednesday af te rnoon, of March 14th, at the horne of the former . The president called the meeting to order . The follow inll prOllum was, ~ong, "Standini on the Prom· iees" was sung by ' the e1asa. The president, Mrs. Roy HaLhflway. read the Scriplure lesson, after w)lich the Lord'lI Prayer was repeatf,d in unison 1'I1e members responded to roll call with Scripture Qllo tatiOntl. The Secretary and Treasurer both rave iood reports. Miss Mae Wright favored the ladies wilh a beautiful piano eolo, Mrs. D. H P al mer s ang a solo, "The City of Gold," Mrs Clnra Thomas gave a beautiful reading, MillS Mae lIg ain fa vored the ladies wilh another pianu solo . In the repo rts I!'iven we found we now hsve 67 acti ve and a~s oeint e lIlemb rR(Jf lhe Loy al Womell's clalS The p roceeds for the day amounting to $530 During the s ocial hour a dainty one course lOrll:h was served CARD SF THANKS by the. hoste~ses. Con'tests Ulere also !-mong; those who saw "Birth of a enjoyed and mlsple wax was a rare Nation" in Dayton Saturday were: We wish to thank the friends and trpat for all prel<:nt. Mre. Howell Pierce, tbe Misses neighbors who 80 kindly assisted us T he following- guests were l'rese'!t, Henrietta McKinsey, Marjorie Turn· ~th~our~dhour~bereavemenL Mn Jvan~~ey anddaugh~rVl~ (' r, Allee Care" ' Aliee and Col iDne Robert Beckett and Children, ginia, Mrs. Ernest Rogera and W.lch, Dr A T. Wright, Messrs. daughter Margllret, Mae Wright, Elliott Wright, Geora-e Waterboule, Nellie Riigs, Mrs. Tom Hunter, ~ Milia, Ethan Crane. Mrs. mit", Mrs. Frank Rogers, I Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mrs. Cornell, Mrs. Bolton, 'lsatterthwaite, of Route 2, Thursday, Mra Pearl Naomi W~ight , RHV. D. H Buy Tobacco Canvas at H yman e, March 15, 1917, twin boys. Palmer, Messr8 'Frank Snyder, Roy Hathaway. F. A. Wright, Ciolfi Thomas, Ramo Riggs, and Gcnette Brown, Frances Wright and Paul Wright. The next· meeting will be with Mrs. Clifford Ma.XWEIIl in April.

will give you service, look ttt ours, and raised her LO womanhood and at the age of 22 yens s he was unitpd they are fine. H. E . Earnhart .. in marriage to Robert Beckett. She was the mother of thrpe children, Mr•. Hardie Burak and chilJren, Mallie Bged 12, Denver ag~d 8 and of Muon, were the guests of Mra. Jam~8 aged 5, all 'of whqm survive Elizabeth Snook and family IlUIt. wet!k her, She wa9 a f ond mother and a good wife, kind and loving to all', Come in and look over our Herschel always lending a helping hand, even Sinlrle and Double Tre(>s. A large In times when she W88 not able to do atock on hand. H. E. Earnhart: so. She lived a life of unq uestlonable Ilharacler and was loved and re Mi. Ruth Harria returned to 'ler spected by all She united with the Me\hodiet home in Dayton last week, afte.r llpendlnilevcral weeks with relativea Church in childhood and hl'lld to that fa ith until death claimed her. Her here. poor health kept h4;lr from her church but she lived up to her fait., to the Mn, B H. Wlillamaon, who haS last . A little while before the end been wlntelinK In Florida, arrived came she tolcl one of her friends that home last week. Sbe enjoyed her she would like to live and raise her vi,it Immensel,. childretl but it the Lora willed she was ready t o go. She left to mourn her lOBi;! her ..Mill Clara Lile, who haa been quite III with tOhailiti., is .Iowly 1m· husband, three children, two step· pro~II1I1, Ind will be able to rHume children, one sister, three brothers, onshalf sister, one halt brother and her achool dutlea Monday, a host of frit'nds and relali.vea . ..-:...


fifth Sunday (PB8dlon ) in Lent March 25 Sunday School at 9:30 a . m" sermon and Holy Communion a t :0:30. Evening service and sermon at 7 p. m . Litany, Penite ,tial Office and address Friday at 7:30 p. m. "The SpIrit and the Bride (Church) ay come. And let him that hearcth come. And let him that is athirst come , And whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely." You are invited to these se rvices.

M, E. CHURCH Sunday, March 25, 191'7-9.16 a. m.. Sunday School. 10;30 a. m . Preaching Service, Theme, "Our Lord and Master." 7 p. m., Prellch· ing Service, Theme, "Conversion."


---..- ...- - -


. The Sixth, Seventh and EiKhth C rad es are preparing a delia-htfnl A meetll1a- of the Sh&nlIan·Sherplay co be given somet ime during the Idan Hlllhway was held at Wllmln&,first of AprIl. They are doinR good ton last T~ursday .ftemoon. This work anti deserve the sup,p ort of the highway will run through the .tate entire community. , from Wheeling to Cincinnati, and The Grafanola which the students Wllm!ngton 18 o~ the map to try a.,nd purchused with the procel!d. the have It comt! their way. If that cIty plays is doing good w!,rk. It It! should be f.ortunate enou~b to h~ye played every day. It i~ an IlIu8tra. It coml their w:ay, there II nothmlr tion of what can be done when all to prevent havlDg It oome through pull together . The school hae the Harveyli}1uri and Waynesvi,lle via very best records and will have no Lebanon, If the oltlzena of thll burg ot her. There is no place fur rail and Lebanon will only get bUllY. time in the school. The student. Mor~ow i8 hard at work on the can hear IInouih of it out of echool. propo~ltion, but Wayneavllle could The ir time is too valuable to dupli- get It If tbe proper ways and me~B cale the efforts made by others. :-vere re~orted to. A mee.lIng of Cit· The last number of the lecture IZlna will be. nllc~ary In order to course will be given Thursday, March accomDlIsh th,. proJe~t. By cominl(. 29. 'l' his will be Ii patriotic number this route the .road WIll pua throullh the subject of the lecture being The mor~ . prosperous farming comLarller Putriotism. Rev. Phillipe is mumtJes than It would on any other a real orator and you can expect the lin•. best from bim. If you are not pleased with gettlni your money's worth It will be .r efunded at the cl ORe or the lecture, Thos. that have tie"ets enter free, Tbls ill an extra number. The 8chool with the auilltance of the J uvanile Court ill trylnll to eliminate the smoking evil among all juveniles. Th. law Rays that any on~ under eillhteen yearl of agel. a A 'bullneaa meeting of the Library dehnqu~nt It he smokes or UIIOII to- Aaaoclation will be held In School b!l~co ~n any torm. Every good Hall on Saturday atternoon, March cItIzen II behind thillmove. 24th, at 2 o'clock. The reports of The Mill. Andrew., Canln~, Ge- the varlGue committees wlll be con. blluer '. and Turner Raw The Birth of siderl'd and luch other matten as A ~:TII~~s~li:toSh~~!~~1~:'mi8sed are ot ~peclal Inter~t at thl' time. very much by the school Everyone who has paid the member· _ _ _. . . . shIp fee of 81.00 Is a member of this , - • A8s0elatlon, and It II hoped that a goodly number will be present at






m.etin~ . •

_ •

A DOUO'LE·HEADER· 8pecial teature the newest SATURDAY NIGHT Hats each week.I. Mias Hardin, Gl&'e 1. 0 An extenllive offerinw o( the sllason' 8 most attraotlve hat.. A


O. F. Bldg" Lebanon, Ohio,




Mrs Robert Beckett diad at her The great threatened war question and Beveral other things of Import. home In Co rwin Thursday evenini of ance entered into the immediate set. last week. The funeral senlcN were held lit t.he Chapel Monday tl~ment of tbe great strike. morning at 10 o· ~I,,('k. the R~ v. C. S, - - -... Beall offi ciatillg I!lterment in Miami See Waterhouse for Auto Livery. cemetery .

- ...---

The lut bukatball pm. of th. season will be pIa,. . at the Hlllh School .Iourt. Saturdi, ...nlna-, There will be a double-h..der b.. tween Blillbrook and Wa,nllVllle, Laat year Bellbrook came bere with two strong taams, and they are anxious to defeat the home t.eam thll year. , This may be your lut chance to He. hard·fouiht IlBme ef basketban thla BeI.8On, and 10U ought to tum out and see theM Kamea.


!'our aeater


f. o. b. Tolodo Subject to ClUlnee

without notice

---_. ----,-

WELL PLEASED WITH OUTLOOK • Mr. H . N. Msbery, elected Secre· tal'Y and Treasurer of the Savalle

In every layer of fabriC. in every bit of rubber-perineatingtbe entire casing! No wonder Savage Tires average so much greater mileage.

Sawp T~ are buil~ to give ' mileage fi~t, then

road comfort and complete aatisfaction-tlley are not made to adl at a price. And yet Savages cost

no more than 0I'dinary casings. , . Sold tbrougb our ·Own distributors. We put the micIdleman's profit into extra quality-"Heap big 'mOeage ~ Watch for the,red savage sign. '~ " .

gil'll/tiE .TIRES

He.p Iiig mileags! J. B. Chapman Waynesville. Ohio

w. ·P . McCarren Ohio H.rvepbur.~

Tire Corporation, at a recent meet· ing at the Boara of Dirfctors, quoted some figures a fe w duys a~to that em phasized the ra pl d progre!>S the Sa v· age con~ern has madtl. According Lo Mr. Mabery, less than two years ago when he becam e identi fi ed wi th the Savug e Company, the maximum daily OU t put wall ap· proximlltelY 15 tires a day . At the present Lime, between 600 and 700 lires Rnd about the E.'1m number of Savage Grafi ni te tu beR are built every workinR' day . Sil vage Tires today are high qu ality Iir· 's and this higb standard h assured lJy the pres· ent p.fficient method~ of IProduction and Inspection employed Two'years ago 75 Savage Tires per day was abou t all that thEI trade de , manded. Now on account of the high etandard, quality and aati8facthn given, 700 tires per day will not supply the demand. The orders from the coast are greater than ·ever. and more than 1,000 distributorll in the Middle West are clamorlnl~ for Sav· a~e8.

Mr. Mabery states that this bli demanu will be liupplied. The fac· tory is now working lIixteen bours a day, empioying two shif!:!!, and according to Mr. Mabery, a third' ahlft will be put to w.>rk within the next sixty days, which will Increase the outpu,t at the Savage plant to more than 1000 tir es per day.



Arrangements hauejust beenniade for bringing Mr. Marion Lawrence General Secretary of thE' Intema· tional Sunday School association and Rev, W. H. Grlffltb-'fhomas, Toron· to, Ontario who is connucted with Wycliffe College and also one of the Il!aaon writerA for "The Sunda, School " to on Mon· day 2nd and Srd, m~~~l~~;~_~to be called



thecenDll:vto'D. the

8 t y I e-C"o III for t Power Economy This new Oy-erland Country Club Light Four is a dis· tinctive ~nd smart car in the low priced car class. The rich gray body, with black fenders and trimmings is set off to pleasing advantage by red wire wheels that give just the right Bash of brilliant color, The two comfortable front seats move forward or back, independently. and a spacious aisle between giv:es free passage to a roomy seat for ,two passengers in the'rear, For riding comfort, the Overland Coun~ry Club is a revelation. Long, cantilever rear springs give it the riding ease of a much heavief, bigger car" . It has ample power plus-and is economical "of gasoline. An easy car to handle, and completely equ.ipped. . An unusual demand for this model makes it necessary to place o,rders ~t once, t~ secure spring delivery. \



' ~~rr[L

_1_ _-

hl~~~;'~;·~::I;·:'l~·;;~:;:~;I·~I~lil':;,;:I~'~~ I~l~~



trnln l\nll hu,1 ".'IIIl' I.. • IV r,l'ullzill/l: "I "~"l' \\ h~h' Ii ~ Fo,. TU.T Da, /fIll, . l11lul!hl"r \Uu-t h,1\'" 1:' .n.'. "M~' flllh 'r I~ I\"all ." Ill d [l'nrl" fill Ill,· (10 Inr /Inri Ih,' "1II""I' ~ ut Ih,! II\\, ~ " IIlIlff"',1 1\1 ' I''''h' .. e (h" , leI PI"I1. ~7 'Th" ~(.n 'IU) ~ ·I·f1'...! fHl Illl \ lln· l,m 1 h\.I :\ J)U KY, OHIO tlV'D'U~ 'T;O~Tl.T~11'ND DA.'N n1d ('oh IH II "1" 1~lt I '1it"t~ lit t il, I :hl·'· 11 '''l'l'i cV,L. II 11<'111'1; Illy taUnt.·. 1 ,1 H !J 1WrnoR'oJ -wr OIALICr Of COURAGr." 1ll'Il I'r FI1~." . "'nIt I3LAND 01 JU:GI:Ii(RATlOI\" £Te, , "r 1I1I.1"l'"tn 111.1," ~~ 11\ II 11IJ.'w('Irl h. "R" ." A ND • . III fortllnllll'. 1 \1'011111 1'1I11,,'~ h ~l\' " 1"'01 Cumulative Preferred tock TT~ TOinTM~r'\.TD "D..DAT\V ,linn hlt\'(' . t't'll tlll~" rnn or minl' ul ,UCIJ 'lY l'C!J.l .•,l'~ .lJ1\BlJ 1 rorl'~11 10 ('011 ( " , '1'111111101 II1 l/IiII"'" \ ". I .,.' , " Free from ' all Ohio Taxes and from .the Normal Federa llncotne Tnl . CIVIL CtlGIIlt.fR. CO>YRJ(;tlTO'l'nC/1II1GH.nrv£LLC/Jt1F\Vf'r I,'ney Jlke YUill"!!." {''I. ,./II" I •• II . I, ... ,I . 1.."'" "Fn lhf' r."0 11111 tllC' .f!11' I" I . . . Ill • • 1. .I . Divid nri. payable Quart 'r1~', Feb rua r y, iI'£ay, A ug u st ancl No .'· Ill ber. Pre· -t'erhaPl 1 wouni b It~r "0 lIrst," 11 .. I 1 I" 'lII h I~I. n"", I' b , iI , ~... llU· hlf!(IU Hntl l'! JUlt""'I ~ n ,..'l1 a t' r I w lii s \\ 1t '11' \ U 1 J ;: ( , t I, 1f~ 1 "1tl ClIJ. fer red a to I III a~ ~p t s and di v i ell is . R edeem able as n whol e: or 111 part at a ny IIltd Rodney, 88 the s cr t:lryII:) st P1INI I ''&'11(' IWHnmn I Iwns wntrlltng II I1 ITO I bB-cll: ond Irove them pn. SU~ • Y IlIH \ ~Ipn n" to 111\ \\' \1 " "1')' own. "I ':lIn't l('nr you . '''' 11 It tll l~ \Ill.'" p lot I,',' . . di vidend pa yin g 'da le a l lc r olle year from t ltt: d al e of iss ue at 107 and acc ru ed S(lU \) (111 th' llh·rt. NothIng lI' n ,·s, unci r will not." 11 \\' I , ,'!II I', I ,. ~ I' t31HJ,(lP di vidends . Rel n D1lngworth tollow~d, nnd th~n <'Hl llnlT lwr nUtI ,he d"ICCII',1 In hl~ "1M YOU f!tl with him or do ,·ou oot?" \"" ' .. \ r I. C. " I. • th• res t. Y oung M eu d e Wlll\ ~1: , n"lnl: ~ J • • \ .I :"U,I '. 1,.1 /1, 1 \', I(6t '· "Ic~ .::n III'to uf Fhnrp nl urm nn ll Iln ~· · 1llunl'lnr ',l 1110 c·I>I"I\,·I. ')('• .uir . t1 , Capitalization a nd Earnings: . e,eet b, hIs tather's choir . 'rh~ IlT"'I! let)' II!'! It 110 ml"ht hllve 'nlO o",,~ I 11 wns M '",I.· \\ 11" II11S\\"'l'('d fur lwr. I 7 90 l'r(l(erred . (oc k . ~ ulh .. rlzed .... .. $ d'u( 'I \lndlll ~ , $1.350.000.00 bulk of the old euglneer wns S\ Ol1 hl'd lh ln" \l' hleh coulll iJe u ·,,11 to dl~cr .,111 ":-lhe I<0'H \11th Ylln. 1 hl\'e h"r ,ln,1 I, ." ' ,11I , 1t. t ,r vCommon ,' tuc k . l\U(hllrlzcd .... .... .... 3.000.000 .000u tstll nd ill ll, J ,SOO.OOO 00 b y d b ent O>er, 11 .. \" " '. ' ; . 1,< 1 1 lull ,I. ,d own. his o 1 S Ilen d lll~ u<H'I'II"u 1I0\\'. I'll lo\, S " "" hut I '\',JIl·t drill; lwr t\11 I' " - '" A\er:lgc ncr ('arlling" (or 7 Y(lllr8 ending May 31.1·)16 ...... ... ..... 3 2.1.500.0 0 on the desk. face downwnrd. One hI "I'hllp~ not In words hut In el lt t Ip d \\' \1 III my I·uln... 1 01' ,·ft'! • . '. ' • \ , I For the (, m os. period endln Q NOl'emb er 30. 191(,..... ....... .. ...... . 41,l .OOO.flO If"lflt arlU. his I rt, enendcd. shot thl ll!!", ~1J!:~" , llon . •" she flll~ \\,I'I'..,1 "[ om I:I:i,l 10 ~f'~ h n n 1' 111111 d rol',.nc, • H ll n ~ Ia\l ~", • ~ I "I )~ ' l ll':! HI Preferred D ivid end rcqu Ire m en! s \>n . $1,350,000 ....... .......... ... .. 94.5110.1)0 .trn.Igbt acrDB8 the des k. Rls ORt lIu ll'III·. " \ cnll't put my lIuml \I nllY nre I" y o u SIII I" .ultlll,o c"lllut:'l. ""\l'" \ " 'r l.·, b. 1,.'1"" "' I, loudllu tM NO BO DED OR OTHE:R MORTGACE I NDEBT ED ESS. TIlE COlll1'ANY 11" W8ll clenched. hIs right firm Itun g limp of Ih~lll. J ('011 hu nll), r""111\ lln~· lhinJ:. If you nre 1""o;nIlNl'III." -trow ll1,1.1 ' \ "t' l " I•• ' '. n ~ w"r II1ll1 b, hlllsldo. ' He was still. hut 1111' IlI1pr,'. Inn Ii; Ih'·I·, ·." "Jr ro u ~" Y """Il ... r wor,l to loIllI I <lr " I" "" vll t. rl" 'eI '. Net Profits /I'el Salu TlIere was BomethJng unm lstnl,nhly' M"nll,' .""IIINI ml scruhly .It her 11IId wil l n, '\'('I' ,,0 wllh ~''' 1I '''' I"n~ liS ) i ~ ''' J UI.''; .' h. I:<I ., .1 '''' ,lIl lil"b~ . $ :)!I;,.flO".I11) Y c~ r end illg lI L y:l l l !1 tO .... ........ ..... ...... ..................... ...... ... $ 2,1:lli.0'o0.00 terrIble In his motionless OSIl'C t. Thp)· n!!lll il h" I' s.'nrchlllg CY"S ddl'ct ,I rl~ I lh·,.... 1I ,,~III.d out 111'11'" III ln g worlh. \.'11 11 -" '01-' , -, I "!lI),,' ll n ·,·"I " oct 27ti.,)1 '.1111 '\'t' ;l r end in ~ Ma y :1 1: lUI 1.. ....... ........ .. : ............. ..... .... .......... 2.211l,I)lIO.(lO :.!\III.(ljIl).OI' had no need to nsk wbnt hlld hl1ll' 11,'( In hl... d ~ 'er\'(' 011 th1ltli e cnn sny. Yonr t."'~": p ' \' 11 \" . Y c~r ~ ndin ~ l\1;\)' a i, l!llt.................................................... ~ . M\III.1Il1(I .OII !l l .1I'llI.OO )" ..,. end ing lI la)' :\I 1!1\ :1. .............. .............. . !................... ... ~ . !1 7'i .(IlI() . tlll paned. A sharp exclomntlon rr m th "It Is YOllr IlfTj.'!'tion Ih ll t mnlH~~ ~' n u ill1ly Is wllh hiUl. Good.lIy." Salll :I:,H.OIIU.OO Ye-.. cnJing Mav :\1' 1!l1·1. .. ........ ... .. .................... ........ . .... .... :l.t7Ii.\IIIO.l)l1 womon " 'nB the only sound tll0t hroko snv thnt." lio slI hl. "nnd Il~ you Ulllnil 1IIende. , .. \\. _' U!I: :!:,!I,IJlIO.lJO YO:lr cli Ji ng ~Iai' ;\J' I!I\ :' ........... ....... .. .... .......................... .. ~.·I:!·I .UIIIl.l)I) tbe Silence, liS sbe stepped te) h er lov· t hO r() Is rl'III1y' nothi ng! "'lint I .lIld I "And J 811 1111 s~o Y"U (1),mlu 7" L' ·1i.!I.IIIl U.'"i y~~ r entli uR ~I nl' :I I'. IlliG ..... .. ............. ............. ............. .. ..... :1.O G:I.IlIlQ,11O 81"8 aldo. j u~t now I tru." " r cOllrs ' Now you IIII1 ~t go with ",I'C I I II, II tl \' ,,,'1' .,.~ 0\ r; :\J ., lI ullI 'l ·lIi~."llo.()() Six mon lhs to N'ovc mllcr 30, l UlU .. ...... ..... ................... ........ ~.21~. OOO. <w -You can't qucstlon my fn t hf'r now. It was mucll bo rd"r to . pellk Ih o .. I ~W Il " ~ l 'tH r; . " , 'Jar \'I1I1 !u, 'd ~'o llr ruUl l' r. f:J ~. II . I ~~. 7 t7.111)().W $20,ti8i ,OOO.ll!l eentlemen," said Meade ; "ho Is den d." li e to this cl a r·eyed womnn. \\'ho 10\',· I 11 'leu lUl ngworth turned 10 the coloIn the outer office tb ey b enrd • burt· hint. thnn II) lhe r{'porl!'r.. 1l<' ClIlI' " nel. ~;\,fll" 'I' II II "'1< I'. i l. ~~lIld \Il\th OFFICE ItS AND DIR ECTORS. IUr brokenly coiling the d octor on tha ~cnreely com plete h is Sl'n l"IIC . IIl1d lu a 'J, u rn . . . l1 l ... t l'lh\llIl ·d "I sholl 1<0 with yOu becou so h e bills \\'1:1 ' telephone and nskJng him to notl(y tI1 C tbo 1'11,1 so ught 1:0 look I\\\,HS. f I -,(j.?O WILLI Artl OAU CIl, Del phos, Ohi J. J. DAUCH,<nt, Sandu . ky . Ohio. me. not becn usc--" pollee. "Rt:' rtrllm JII ende." snltl Ih p ~·OlU n n. Uf 11,\ ril l 'It) .. n ..... fi n.!!! T II" HIJ I. ' 11 AIU.ES II. 1.0 KWOOD, Vice. P rrsid.nt, "Whnt.' l'cr the r enson." snld UIO 0111 j\·IAYNARD H. MU R C H , Clc,·.bnd , Ohio. "Did be-" b('gnn one, b esItatlngly. pulling 110111 her hl1nd UI)(II' Ill s sha ul. Sancl\l ~k y . Ohin. J'r« i<leul Slanda ..d LlC1~ ... :,,'U il !Jl\ f l it ,t 'ii ' lh IU \, ; u r ''' co "lie wns too l lg a milo to uo bh us('lf der. "1001, me In lho tll CO nnd tell me ~oltllo r. "you go." Be pous d 0 Ilhl' Llt~,,~h!~· t 101 (In' I, SIDNEY FROHMAN , T reas urer, Sautl"' ''r, CF.ORGE L ITTLE, X"nia, Ohill, Vicr· l'ru· ony burt, 1 kuow," nnsw"red Mcnele fh ll t Y('u 11/11'0 s pllkcn Iho Iruth 111111 mellt. loollillg from Ihe d ltd mlln to Ohi " . ident franklin Pape r '0. , Frauklin, Ohiu. AIt~x B, \I' j , X ,,'I .. ' ' , \':, lH'l l j .... the li ving one. "~l eo de," he e ..'~cIClIIIII!(\ proudly, a8 h e divined tJ10 flU ' ·tlon. thllt tLt o IlJl.lluo Is yours." WIl. LlAM F. HARDREClIT, Sand"sk)" '!'lIn t· , (; ,p·t II J f ', f I ,1pu\ \' ,U tU , at 11lst •. "I nm sorry tor your fnt ht. r. I "'l'he Ilutopsy ,vlJl t ell. nut I UID sur M('ndo triM his best to r cturn 1w r R . K. RAIIHiE Y, Sa"dusky, Ohi". Ohio . (tI, \e1 - 'J . : ,l fUI. Il t'la lllj " li 8.:SOU ,that the {a ll ure of tho bridge bos glnnce, but those' hlue cyes l)lilll" .. ,1 lI l1I sorry for you. C oo,l·by, ontl I \,l' ll -L (,t , - I ... Il evcr wnnt ·to sce you or h Cllr ot you " Te r ecommend this issue as a desirable p referred s tock invcstnlt'l1 t. broken hts h eart." through him like stc I blml cs. Jlo ,lid agnla. Come. Helollo" ' h ."" .•... 1', v .. 1 " '(I II" '" 11(1 1' " And wo can't Ox tho rl'Fllonslblllty not dr nm In thei r sortncMs could he Tbe woman stretclled out b l'r JlnDlI ' 1' 1" II I ". '.' I U·, II Price: 103, plus accrued dividend, s ubject to change without notico. n ow," BIlld R odney. who tor hi s frlend's d e" clopcd such fire. lie was s peech. L I. ii : d, ' \ _ \ Il I '\\· h . SIll,e WB8 glad ot this consequence ot I s. Art r n mom ent he looked "lI'oy. toward Iler lover 08 h er tnl hl'r 1",,1, ; " .' tI 1,\ ' . " , ,th e old man's denth. H e s bu t Ill s Ups firmly. Eo coultl nol ber by the arm. Mende 1001; d tit lll'r u 'I, I \ ,. \. ", t . \ Ii ru\\ , . "Yes, you ean," aald the young man. susta in h er glunce. but nolhl ns co uld moment and th en turned n wny d ~lth· . , " ,'r " Be leaned forward and laid hIs right make 111m r ctrnc t o r unsny h is wonls. crn tel, DB If to lI!ork tbe finul seycr· 111\' I I ooce. Cleveland, Ohio "1 hnve slllu It." h e IDllunged to get Ilond on his dead tatber's s boulder. With bent hend and heaUng henrt, ! Prol mlt· Co lr l IR len IDlngworth hnd ~osseSS ed her· out h Ollrs 'Iy. J. O. CARTWRIGHT. ,\Vay nesvillc, O. IS It of hrs left hand. Sbe lifted It o.nd "It'$ bm \'0 of YOll. Ws spl ndld of sh e tollowed her futb er out ot the Representa tive in thil Terrilory room. There be hod to fi ght ofT the In lh " Hili I 1"" oIf Ill ,· ,\I I o f Fnlu. h old It to h er heart The engineer I yo u." ~Il(! sn ld. "I won·t heti'ny you. I ' III IlC' 1 r po rtera. He dcnJ ed .tbut hI s dnUgh' I" "~ I':. U,I \\: ," "" ,,,, -'! . .-eemed uneonsclons ot the nctlon. and dOIl·t hll\,o to." r ill p /'I 'i.J I i. IItlU It was the greatest thing h e had "WllIlt do you menn?" IIsl(' d the tel' wos going to marry you og M 'ud ..,. Sbo strove to spenk and he struve to I I II til' Ill 'l fI" r Ilt I ll" r ll~ t t'rl' llt ("rI ] , experJeneed. Meade spoke Blowly m nu. 'and with the mos t w lG'h ty detlbeJ'n, Hut tho womon hod n ow turned to force her to be Quiet. In tbe end she , II, t h,' " III ..f .1 , 0 , t! 11 t ,'IlU t. r!: l'r . I l ee ",IP" ,1 It,,,,· \ .. 1::,1111 II /Ill\) ' ~h't1 Uon In an obvious end avor to give ~I s Shurtlill'. In hi s turn she nl ~o s ized bod her way. "At Mr. Mende's own rcqll (l~t," sbe I trll - Id" I t '''I ~ 1"':' 1 8t1ltement tnlcb clea r d eflnlten ess tbat him III her emotion ond sb e hook blm no one could mlatllke It. I almost ' engerly. snl d ftD~ I~uouren~gemcnt hns bcr n / I ~ I llu 1.,,1 1.1' "i Il, u U.l~ , . ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Here In the presence ot my dead "You. you lonow thllt It Is not true. broken olt. P ersonally I consider Uly· 1'0' l'o<'lJ.1 , .on ' .. l\ " C 1>, .1 i 'H'lm. selt ns much bound os ever, but In to r y I1 11 U "ppr ll >1" 1 ,lOr f11" t1 ,father," be began. "I !lQlemnly declare Speak I" Ali oe B. Evers un aud ho . b ~ 1I11 to 1" tlle llIhtt • vi t,l,e eij t uta of .1: a. Chut OD . oolh- Jel. 0 uore ~ 10 ll ull r, that I ~one am responsible for the d~ But she llad not the power over tbe dotc~e n~,e to his wishes ond to my ro· tll itl 1t.1 r 'J r., • d"l' Ifto~l IJl Vllntor y iiI Jd t () wn~hip, $1 I1gn of the m l)mber. tJ)1I.t toiled. My oWer mnn thnt 8bo bod over tile. young. th~~ & r ...... Rove you sold enough 7" ~oared the 'UJul Pt'd ~ \'I11t'flL 1I"d. · . • "~er '1"'s ICtl1ng "long In yonrs. He er. The secr ctnr., torced hlms cl t to look Jlll"'Olld Ault to WllliaDl I itHIP, colonel\ losIng nil control ot h imself lit " I oJeft II creat part qf 010 work to me. De at ber. Be cllred nothing tor Miss n. ln st. "No, I will n ot be questIoned (\f . ll:,,,IU I 01 hi " .t".\, C"WRII, rl lle" lis d I ~;j,){ uoros 10 TUI tico r lle k t ~w o~bil) ) WANTED ___ Graduate of . Oblo SIIII. Univ~...I':y pointed out what he tbought WIlS 0. llngworth, but he hod a posslon fo r Interrupted anotber minute. CoIUe." FlIllI.l rl ll" IUt .. 1 lIdllll .1 ~'rlll. ), .tlINl. $1. • Btructural weakness In tbe trusses, but tbe older Mende that mntched bers tor - E.stu ''' ' I Alhr rl " tl, 13 ' llHI. IIlln or. Edi th M. E:lll rri s At nl to Wu Ite r ,:.J; o~re hie objections. I .alone nm the younger. II(' ohnost (lrngged th o girl fr III th" tiee' nll 'I(' II m ol· .. t ;! ll lnli'llI lip. l£'I\' .r Hnd w :!'e, lo tll iu WaYD es \'i Jlo, A NTE D- ~eve rl\l to o s o f gond Office at r CilidtH, in F. ' USher to b11lDle:. The Mnrtlet Bridge compony ''He has told the truth." h e crlod al. room . prllV ,,,11,.\,' ,1,,1. 110 11 fi' i!l· d. U .(lOO. IItra lfB or OIIlV r b .. ;\, . 1:1 . E. wood's house, Fourth !;treet. Wi thin th prlvnte ofOce ill(' il h • employed 1lB both. Tbey said they most lI1te a baited nnlmnl. "No one Is ~'::~IotII " f At! '''til lI ' I1'. uJlno r. ·t.o kes, R. O. -!. Wl1ynesvllle, Oblo. l\1,lrv E. Burske t o WIIIl~D1 Blln IWUlted the benefit of my futher's long goI ng to ruIn the reputation of tbtl slcllll1 &ulll tilllle.'·l!I·)' lhllll; polnl erl III II [o'tr.,~ 000' U1Jf. 1, 1 """ rel !:,,. tilud . m2 dr io k ~ . lut 10.1 M.. so n • .IL Telephonl' 28 aperJence and my later training Ilnd man I have served ond to whom I hnve helll't IeI'll n. b ut on ly un IlIl lt'PS.I· wulllt! 1l: t .. te of Edw ,l1 d M Bor n., mlDllr. IVK" U B ' hurts t o W illiam B en. '1WieIlrch." given my lite wltbout protest trom m e. nb. 'Jilll('l y d c t~rmlu o It. 1.1...:\l1\\,hll,· lh e good womnn to oorno Bnd make Waynesvilleo elrtcks, lot iu MII IIOP, $1. ' OhIO "Do you realize, Mende," enId Rod, It's bls tnult, his. his. hIs I" he cried. Inw \\'('uld hllye 10 t ll l(o ch:lC!:O of the Fl ilid IlCcu tlut lIi ~lIUrtll '''J 1l 1iltl h ' r b o m e wl t b me. Mrs Rr. E:~ 1 8Ie ot .It 410 U u rs~t' , II e used P " ter M\l le r, jr .• to All ron . and IDey. a8 the pencils ot tbe r eporters hIli voIce rising wIth very r epetition IIt)tly IC111llornrlly. It \I'llS 1:l11! II ( night b eooli B o b ht'l Wl1soe~' 11 o. Ob,o . W. ~'mllk R IIRHII, 6 0~ !lores In 'l'tlr. ,1I.ew aerosa their pods, "that In O88Um· ot the pronoun OS h e pOinted nt MCll ell'. Iwf"r' lltol'll'lllll AI .Illo lI11 ll old ,'h l1rl · Fill I II C.1U, fil m 21 1l"o r eek t o .v nshi p , $1. . III'(,fll lly s"elll>: Il:! tltlll 01 l u 1"11 ~lllJ " r , Belen nJlnS'Worth turn ed to ber lover lifT w,' rt' Idl lIiI,"n. line ~. reepon8lblllt'y whIch. your tao llJltt ri O Clll e Wll .~ p l'p~eo l fll tll C R\ll tp li'iuII 1 IIOOll lol il t Ulm.l tber being dend, cannot b-"' IIgaJn. She wos quieter now. J. F. McOllln llh"n to Geo rge R FILrm b li nd. by tbe m ont,h. "l know thnt n either ~t you Is t elling of ('Imel' l\f ~n d c 1111'11",1 10 . hUl'llifl'. , "Ilmow It means the end of my ea· I II th 111 Ll HI . or t uo tlFtn t P of 'h u.pmu Q lind wile, 102 no r es In l:It1 r. Good wIiges !lnd ste adv j llb to HG(·t Jill' lhn t tn' ~IIHJr·nn,llIlll I wrolo MOlrlR • 'b,llI<l r, c1roo."ud reer." said Mellde, forcing hlDl!! elt to the truth" she snld. "LyIng tor B .Ii·lrst ne- lli o til vnll hlp, $l (PRICES RIQHT) r ig b t paTtr Phone 83 6 B C . Ad. - ~ "147 father'. ,rep.UlatiOD " greot cou~e. lying "In splendid selt'SIle- to Ill y futh er. Yo" I,,,ow wh ero he kep t count Illed . kl oson, Wllynosvll le, Ublo. m21 ' It." h\n rrillge LIcense!! dearer. to me thon anything on enrtb.- rI1lce. You are ruinIng 10urself fOI In III In'Ll t,' r of 111e ()~tl1te of "Yes, s ir . s!'pIlrul 1'l'nm tllo olh!'l' 1'lllD e!! Elm oI' MU ! l1t>,r r(' , imoacll l'. '---~ '.Even- than 11" whlllpered tho IInp ~r ('oll c(> l'IIlog I lip l ll lcl'llotionu l. III Barry L e wis .. n'd Elizabeth Fis h e r, 1W0mlln. YOIi I' rll ll ll'l" S IIlIme nllll hI' I ~ ulortllng. 8tl un'd lIoo,;onl ,, / 1" 1'11'11\11 11 flIed . Sole Agent or Le hanon. " 'Ob, ·my God I" burst out tbo man. WII)' ? 11 .. dn·t IOllke .uny 1II1Y"I'eut'" to th a thlr,l comp"rl""' lIt." lI u Wl'lu·c\ 'I II t t. to t t l't ot I llll ~~ td o f .10. MONEY LOANED '8~ then be cheeked b1mself nnd con· 111111 now. But It IOlll, e.'! u gl'hll .,"11'1'1" III lol l: Rllfe tI"IIe sl"",I.,·. '.1'11' I hll" , LO\\' is M. Sur lls .. od G o r gt Gl r. lIel'h l1 KllY~, lI' C",.. rJ . I:lOClIlI O 110 For the Gorden Tires tlnued with the BlUDo ,monotoIlous de- n"" In Ill..,. UUV() YIJU U",u l:hl u[ lhul1 COIll)IUI'ttucnt wu s {.lUJ)lty. "'It 's gnne." 001l Il! { If'll t l)l!. of 'o o t b LebtLnoo, ,liberation 08 before, and With even l' UI "nl ll ~ to murl'Y you ully\\,UY. Ollly 114~ ~ /lld. Ed wlu F lUlay Gowdy. of Xen! .. I II tI l Illil1t pr ', f 10 c)Olnln or R n. MClld \\'en t to tbn ~nr '. n Rll1lllJ ou(', 'more emphu, Is, "I can allow no other tell rill.! the lruill. B ert. By our lu\'o 1 "" M" lIe l M. 'h whan. of Lebltnon' MONEY LOANE') on live stook hH 'I" F. 'J rlt1i'b. ,I · t " I~ " ' 1. ' Vul t I tDterest 10 lite 110wever great. to pre- os k y,)u. If you wnnt me to ·keel) y~ ur Dud oXllmlocc! It cil L'efully :111'\ (l'ulll('85' ohattels I1nd seoond m o rtgages . vent me from dOIng m)' full duty to m), sccrct 1')1 do It. But it you won't tell Iy. His Jetter \\' 08 not th ~l'e with liI(, Grlf'(ilh II Iii . ji ll 11',\ !Ie U1lUi~~ru~ r. Notes bou ght~ Joun BlLlblne , Jr ., COnlmiS6ione r's Proceedinlts Hlilld $2.i,110. " I..) Eu llJ ~~ , P. V. . tather." Dl l 'U get tilnt evidence. 1 will fln~ otb l' ilullers,. wh ' ro It should hn v" AJleu Building. Xenia. Ohle1. a30 1 ry E Unra ke, bu rlol of ElU uel _ He hnd been tully resolved to pro- ~ ont Lho t ru th. nntl th eu I shnll p~"~b beeu II It w re In xis t llCO. 1t WU 5 BOHa, t IIU W ill H LI!'\I~ II PII dote,1 Pbone 90-3 CORWIN, OHIO not Iluywherc. ILPfl r !li~or~. rllll lUpAUlI $70 ; 1:1 nry Re!d . supplies """'I==;;'=============teet hts old fatller's fame hlld the ta. , It to tho wholo wo rld nnd tbe uG '001' 'tl ~ 0 II":. u r.1mi Il1M ' lI t o r 1,1' j lU lt ll r $ 1 ; t; Fred lJo . • e llpplles "Futhel' tolll ril o ho WII S gOin g to Il e/ther survived tlie shoCk. The oppeal "Anil you woOld morry me th en 7" FOR SALE Ilrt lJou~e I) l 14 ; .johu A . Jot the dead moo was even more power- ns ltCd Menlle, swept owu:\! by this Ilro- stroy It. LllI t I 1 '!lI'l ~ r IhlllllJ ht Ii' wtl ~ v p ' HI'I lill ~ .ct)I·' ! l't Id . J!:l ln"r. 1111' koeplog \t to nn \'e ~')111 f ilii \\'Ith III' ~h ~ 6tp. " "~" \l l, lIII lt ' u(\ " NIL r ti BI' lif. ~ Upplill (o r j .. II 4 5 oe nts: ttul than If be ho d II\'ed. Meade could f ound pI ndlng. Dot glance down at th nt crushed, " I \\'111 lUorr y you now, Instantl y, fIt wh ell the bridge wns cOlll pl ct d." hI' EUl'nharl :l PP"IIIL,.d ul lllr.IHcr~. Or. ~'r " Dk B. ·" r oy . 0100R for r eoord e rs d or grull .i'a It) ,,<liI r l~,tl eorate ~ 1 1 . ' Ili ' U 20 ; X enlB CHy Work IbrokeD, Impotent figure ond tall to r(to ony time." Ilns wered the girl. "indced said Ilt hIRt•. (JT 'l'ObBOOO Stioks f-or ~!lle, gOOQ . 1I \," ~O, for lI,e p 1U~ prlsuuers $111 60 ; "Yes. !'Ir, llint \\'I1 S hi s IlI tc ntl on. 111 prtv u l l1 I'ulu epond. It 'Was not 80 mucn love-never YOII ne d mo. Guilty or Innocent, I nm one~, moatly shaved hlokory. I tt t bli rIIul l" r uf lltfl (' ~t n t (I f . I ~ h ll Iroo s , brJdgo r e paIrs In Tunle. toet. I know hc did lI ot destroy It III hod he loved Helen DlIngworth so yours nnd you are mine." Inqulre of () S . Rlohe, R , D. 3, Funeral Dire~tor .. lacnb 1:1111'11('1', 'IlCtUH" d . • J\j bill o l' l!e kl U \yn~hlli$52 70; F. W. 'I'homptlrst. H e tOlll 'Ino to file It Wi lh (lH' much as tben-ns It Willi hODor. The "r.lstc~. " p rotested t he englucer, Wll7nesvlIle, Ohl.;,. a4 d . 8 ,lI) & ::lOll replllr • etc., $103; ~tate mu st IIfiYC de b' Y lI\ It obligation Diust be met tbough his "1I01hlnl; will eve r r elieve mo ot the . plll ns. E Waynesville Ohio henrt broke \Ike hIs tather's; even If It blume. of tl, o s hnml', ot the di sgrace of luter. I hll \'on't lool,cd 10 this C(lm· E,~thte of ~l1f II A. ' l'~ t, d ec ~, ed t _s R be~~ 'rllYlor . COS I'8 $4 .70 ; lJ. B. EGGS-Stiver C~mpln. Eggs for ll'lu ld Me.l uut ,)1 Ull W1UI t r ut Ir tUca. I) ~ uhllnt, POK tU &1l ~ ; L. M. Prlnoe:. liII'ohln" . 15 for $100. T C)U1 killed him. too. tills. But I nm n man. I lIove youth po rlm ent ( or weeks.'" -tl . 60 " "1')1 nevor forg t the II c you folll 10 And the womlln I HoW' 11' It k1l1 ed s WI. ond streogth nnd Ins piration. Un· ,I . E •la IJIlI1Y. lIu..rd! n v :.! E'iI'vtlrd .1l)JI'I\~B fo r ' r e o rde r8 ofJioe Ohio 84 - E 1TIlEI t " Brielge 00.• b t Id ge rep"irs P!'oroe ~, Wa,ne.vllie, . h er? He could not tblnk of that. He' tU I eon hold up my hend amollS' lIlen bllck me li p. Shul·UIf1'. I CUll S e you E ,laODOv t .ul... O rctllf Kru o t ou t ) O r "oni " Auto Equipment ell rlml e Illte . ~a8 7 74; Mel"on Saw Mill. brldge 1')t'ahim us much os I." lovell could th10k of nothIng but OL' that In· 111m oothlng to you nud you are trcc." itilllber 10S. tlO i W . ·H . ~oGrHth. EHGB-trmn Balley'llBllorrecl ':':'; Horse-Drawn Equlp~ent "No one will e\'er kbow 1'110 tTuth ert body nnd Its damno\!. re' wns 11 tlnlllll:Y In hIs tone Itll t h~ Dllltlt,r of Ifl'~n k ·C un ll e,. bridge .lumber $ 175 5; Star adver. mo&h Rook8. By the hundred "Have you no witnesses. no evioence whl'l1 th e wOlllan r ecognized. She from me. si r. You sltyed YOUt· rutber 's f'Jullllm lAI, 'It r t' ~ ·d . Va il I'." FuV tl~inK $ 77.25 ; L'rntltees of Publlo Ar. ,r by 'he settIng from Mllje8.t lc numl! 11 Il tl fnm o." to substantiate your extrnorulnoJ'Y l:I !llIllnl e~ 'l lJPUln le,l u ,l 'lIlu l.<t r flt rlx. f u l l'S, e illotrlo Ifg htB for oonrt hou.e Bradley aod Caae t:ltratn . PrloBe Ti:LEPHONE 7 .DAY OR NIGHt.. elatemenU" asked Rodney. IIJ tllll1k we ""d helt r sen rcb tb o Bou d • lOtiO . ; ~H'htl H . AudrreuD, "lid .i.ll "&9.40; John Law & 80n, reasonahle. IIdra. E. S. Bally "I con substantIate it," suld Shurt· ofllce now. J "'"IIII\II' t hlll'o Ih llt IlUlIet· .\ C U. hllrt "'Hl L . W. Smith !lop: u u to hire for tlnueyor 16 i M. H. Illf. comIng Into t he room. Imvl_g lill' come to Ilro (fi r tllli worlll." SI1 I1I ]\[1'1111 • poin t "d OI')lrl.tStll·rl Ow'·1I1d. burial of Lydia M.. Tnrner good 'Reneral purp'J8e borse fsbed his tel ephonIn g. "The doctor and S hurtli ff WII H I.h lIl, , ~ t t,,·,t. 'rl), nf Lo tho UluMfIr 1)( I,hl! est.ll t of $75; F . 8. Bimp80D. bridge roprllrs ALL KINDS OF Bnd a g ood lurry for stile In. the police wilt' bo here Itnm edlotely, men. T he enre of III ' 01<1 ,mgi n "1". l?mnk t' p IlLl\ ~ 1 UII . " lI "~lld hub '!cl le. 10 l:Ialem ,owntiblp $57.18; E t:! quire of Barvey GustIn, Wayn es. but before they eoille-" 1llld b e drew POll rs IllId ot h r "1'rllU l: ' menls lind I! p. AI'[l ll1'I\III 'O f'. r PLI iut'lu!)nt, of tllddo m , alslstlnlC In surveyor's ville, Ohio. m 21 himself up ond {need the r epor tofs VOh"1d ullon him. T h l! ~c lIl'ch \l'n SOOLl " u'llrdl l\ O ~ d. . oOice 117.60;J B Bunter. eervloes boldly. "Gentlemen. I cnn testify thnt completed. .E·\t~te ,. : 1/' " ' 1,,,1'1· 11 . l il le r, de. lid ohllplBln I\t ~e InfirmBry $:17. 60 i set of spring wag on geara . everyUllng that 1I1r. Bertram Meude "I g\less he must hnYe d c. Iroye,l 1[," eUB' d . f' lulI l C. ll' Ull l m ild G Iii. Mo'unta given aD wISh pole Ilud IIhafts oompier,e. bas sa'ld Is truo. I ·hnppened to bo hore snld th e young Dlun. "bnt to he su re 1 allowllnOe ot $500 per year for olerk Rel1dy to IItlt body on. Fin'; 011188 when my dend trl end and employer got will cxculline hi s 111'lvIILo p/1\lC' l'~ o t i~cul Estate ' Tr ll.l1s fers ·bl r e. and oheap. Walter \ioClure, WilY. ·t he telegrom announcing tbe failure of bome. GoOd nll;ht. You will be gol ug neavllle, Ohio. m21 the bridge nnd, . nlthough he knew It yourselU" lIlllll f~,,\ l' Ar til e 'h ,,, I'.' U. ~I mp, 'WIIS hili son's tault, he brnvely .offered "'n n' few mlirntes, Rlr." ROl! . l lll i f; III1\h L ' h .11" 1). $1. 10' of Dew Napklo8 on hand ... to Dasume tbo r espous lhlll ty Dnd Ite " Come to me In tb" 1I1ol'llln~ II rt " 1' . l \ i' il llum 1\. :-- lIr ll.l'l· l· I)(l J o h'[J Oot.. 'flR8oe PBper, while and ooloreQ. told me to go to tbe newspupCIS ond the aut o,,~y o nd we will nl'l'lI n)!o ff) r I"tll i to ~ ll " .. a ')'" . ' 111 • 90 Il cr,!s In Oiled Paper, and' White Book Paper tell them that It WIiS Itls tanlt nnd thut t he tun cl'nl," nltl tho , YOlIll gc r 111:tn II~ ' I II rc. 0':'1: t llw t .~hl p • •} I. U nlltlDa l. work, bendln, and lIU. for shelves. ' The Miami Gl1zeUa. his SOil hod protested In vaIn nguins h e left Ule oUlce. Qwer Poetolflce, . C'n ~ '~~lglIlI" Of Al h~r t C til l; or streno o ull exerolse Is a ~ "'aln m21 his deslgn." Office Pbo Qe 71 Rhul'tllll' wultcd un t il hl fl tootMf'[l1' . (j''' r rJ Y"", ': ~J., "'"'' \I, W '\, It' lllo( t,'n 0. , thtl III nso l tl~. they beoome sore lIollH ;Pbotle Il "Wh, 'dldn't you do It?" asked one dIed flWIl Y In th h:lll. fie wnlted lin· Low"'~ I 'lfl ,... 11 ~ .'. In urnon nlld Sllff, y o u Rr e orlpplell llnd In CEDAR OI[,-~eveul cane of of the reporters. ' til he heard the clnllll n( th l.' el t'\,lItlll' LOWIl;lhl lJ, \:3 ,,'II(J utl ln. ~IOlln '8 LlolUlSllt brlnIC8 you qnorl Il1zu8 'on hl1ndA at the "I couldn't, sir," faltered ' the old gnt~. E " pn thp.n h \"11$1 Ili lt SIlL'I'. n r Fr'fi .. tliin P 'lilC' y flII '1 Wlh' t o J q ui ck rellflf e ~ y til op plV, It peDe· GII,etroll ot1io~-o~IY 850 per q,ul1rt man. "It wasn't true. .T bo sop tber e got lip nOli In hi s 'nllllcc \I'll)' or..... lI~el r 3 l" I . ~ e wltb oll t. rnbbl ng /lnd drlvos l'be9~ will no' last long. mlll ,'WIIS to blllDle." t ho cloor of ihe 0111', fi rld " 1'1 '1',,,1 ,I'I\"n . . (JliUlllh:JlI ',II. ,·'t. .... . [, l1 ore~ III o u t tho SOr on eql! . A olen r liquid. 'J Be sank down In his sent and cov· This lliseBSe shonlel be treated as 800n the 1111 11. It ",us Clllf'1l),. H I, ~Iootl III Frnnk llll .oj' It· blp . $ 1 c \ou.nt'r t ll ILn mussy v l lls t er s -or otM I~~~=~=~~~~~~~~~= os the fi r st IInDlltnral 10000eness of the ered hlB tn~ with hi s lloods nnd brolt ' the door w'nltlng, wh ll~ th\) nll!llt ~Ic. (;l ~' ll r-I'.I " h ·lt, ~I ul ') \ Cli nnt ,· y- u lI"Hw .. i' l1 m!! uot l!t.l iu t~6 sklo or ')Owels nppeara. · When thI.e ill donI) a tnto 4r1,borrlb}e sobs. It was Dot ensy I votor mud a severnl 1I'lp::! IIp ll uli down IU lln, I tre ll" I I r $ tle re k IO \\'U - ulllg IIIf' P ' llS Alway. h~ve II. bot. \ingIe dose of Chamberl~in's Colic, Cho!· for him either, thIs shlttl ng of r espollsl· : wl (h'!Ut pll uslng lit lhut II 'or. D ~a t ~ blp ' tl " hfllldy lor tbe p a.lo:l aohcs of ILnd Dla.rrhoea R emedy will elrect a bllttT. . " L.:!:..;"~-.::!=IL--!!...4L._ _- - I l' I tlrll dow II nt the (]I'lld mllll 's d ~~ lr. ]?rnlll hl~ P e r m h.1 V \ Ilu /T a G . t,. ~ll)r. rlh' u m fl. thuu, guut, Iumba~o , gri ppI', l·l1r e . This remedy can always be de· "You aee," Inld young Mende, "I · "He Will Pol!)t Out Somo Way"""" br u i· tlil "tllrne~lI, b ..olmoh e Qnel, ~1I pocket ite drclV t ortb n IlIlckct at po- r i.stJ l1l, lu I \0.' . HU " $L. . ps nlled upon even In the mOlt l!evcre and .V ay ileA fillEt's Lea.dlnll' Del1,1I1& pea that lIettles the matter . Now you ~ Itmg' rottll CMes, IUld should be k1wt at pers. . J , "Q Ki lldbl t o b~ ~fjlltt C K1IHl er. IlXltl L'oill " .. In. A' yonrdruggls.t, 2uo, han nothing more to do here." , could lIS well brenk It down ns bnlter Offioe in Keys Bldg. Maln B& 11 md ready for Instant nee. 'Na1'81'leave 4o 8 r !l Ifl Jt' rl n~lt ~ \l wnl\ hIJl. $ 1. • _ • "Nothing." said Rodney at lost, "not , 0 Slone wnll with her DuLted flst~ Sbe \I Ime on a journey without It.. 'l'o be Oontln.d W ' ~ a,hn .. t, .. '11 trl.,. ·E. Elltou, In thIa om~ at l east. We must walt j .1 00lC l!d at h.1Jn 0 10DS' tim . lo r-Ill Frtl l) ldln . ' \ tor the doctOI but we ean do thnt out. "Very well," sbe suld at "unless aIde." ' . I shnll be your wife r sh nll Lte the wlte <Jlaurl'l@11:. )I: .HIIl 0 H n td tlh New. O~e b, ooe the men fll~ out, leov. 1 or 110 mnn. r shall wll it confiden t In .DQllt \) , lut In IilAnk III. '$l. lJII tile dead engloeer with hIs son the 1 th e It ,pc thll t I'here Is 1\ just GOd, ond . Uharl ft V. [l1l 1' ntl ~~ I1n d wife to 8eC!l'eta1'1. and the WOlDnn In th ~ r~om, ' 01/1 t b wi II pOint Ollt sonle wuy." Bal'bed Win JOMUII)h lLoAell. 40 ILor BS I.n Mu.ssie RaviOli deolded to qnU ·teamlng, .Punera.1 Director "Bert." said the woman, Jay1ng her I Bowel regularity i" til e 8P('re t of tU W IJI~blp,"11. ,[ ,'Will sell a' Pab\lo Au~loll at rnv and Embalm~r, CHAPTER IX. bud OD hi. moulder, "why or hO'1' gO()!i bealt,h, bri g bt eyell, ol Aar 0 01. UlllLd ,I j ;,mo er .. t d' wltA to .reilideDce In WlLyuenllle, Obh,ou leellt I eannot teu. but I kIlow In my \ GUARANTEED to helll wltbon.l. .~ pll'.xlons, Bnct IJr. Ki ng 's N ew lA te .HI,'1 U. DlllUlunl (I ud 96x.' Saturday, March 31 , 1911 Waynesville. Ohio. b.ut that 70u are doing thllI .tor your T~e Unaccepted' RenuncIation. Pilla ue a. mild und flenLlo l n~"ttvo (loraHI io Duudl lei Il)wu~hlp. #1, Inga blemish, or MONEY REFUNDED. tatllft'. Ake. that what you aald WBS ' T ho doclor nnd t he. offie.e rs ot the thlLl re"ula tes 'he bowels fI nu roBeglllnlDS at 1 o'oloolr .be folio". liOo ana '1.00 sizes for freeb woundl" l' bl "rl o~ III Mitton ood 'wife to Ing propel'y to.wU: 2 DOt 'JlIInp lOU lIa1'e anld to Ilt ll' ~ nt ercd Ih o outl'r ofllc ~ In spite II eve" I,he oongested Intes tl nsal,y Borsel. We have arranied with an under, old SOlCS, sore backll an~tlhooldenJ»urnl . I .)r tho IJra \'e worcl, rh ,It hlld been rpm ovinr the aco 1mulat!ld Waite!! Alice B. E"ers l:I , lot III M" ~~n, Farming Implemeotll, Barnea~. 21'- taker to a-et an auto. 80 we will be and bnrlses. 260 81M for Fan'dIJ yae. . ~-------'----...!:~",.. I eYer 1111 8lI1thIog t~ you." "\loken by tile wo mon, the man could wltbon\ II1'lplllll. Tn lie a p!l1 hefo re 'hiUI E'M Bilt ~ !lud wire &0 flora • bu ~ bell Uorn, lome . Baled ij'raw. able to furnish elthel an auto or DR, PADU.ES8 IILIftER Is palnleae and paranteed to GUN ..... II_de In lIe~ alarm, whlle Quly 800 II. 10llg purtlng anti au uncer· re'lrlng anG tbll\ hea, '1 bead, th ,lt 8r ·IL'lI. 7) ~ ILores I~ u oerlleld town, hone drawn funeral. 'farml mada knowD OD d -'1 or 81lle• artIdf etartad to apeak but dlecil:e4 t al n future. He reaUsed it the more duIJ 'pring fevsr fellltDI{ o·llIsppei\r~. 18bl ,It Curb, 8ween)'~.. Botb phones in OtJlce and Residence. ~avin, RinKbo=ne • J ••, FRAzrER. Whell old Colonel DUnSWOrth eotered Gst Dr. Klng's New Life ' Pills at or -.n)' of or .1 ·&hnrds Bpr ton '0 Tbad l.ontr dlstanoe.No. 14; Home phone l'ilffa. .............. ,... tID WIIIt &IIat W. til. Sear., Aun' 1IIUC1e. or mo~ decl. Pls.1IQJ. 14-2r, . . . . . . . . . kIIJ&II?' the · ruom III the wake of tile ""ot1tMs. 1011r 2&0. lo~ iD W.,lUllvUlo, '1. W. D. v1aandler, Clerk. I


'-I" 0

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I , '"rlc,




I 1I11~ ' I'I"II(,




$1~350,OOO .OO



« DAVe"

THE H NOE 'it;o



.JI1X \





I "[


The Maynard H. Murch Company







Olassifled Ada

Dr. J. A. McCoy, Veterlnarv~



Saxon Six Livery














... -



Walter Chandler








• • •

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• •









_ 1.INIMEN:r.





.................... ft'

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PONt oIlk" nt Wn yn""'i1lc, Ohln, nl


l' III ~' Mull MUtor

D_ L. CI~ AN E , Ed ito r aud Publisher



2 1,



Correspund~ nts

he Tri-State Absolutelv and Unqualifiedly Guarante . Every Can of Cream Aga' ns ~ Loss or Damage in Transit.

in tl .t.:

l-.Jeig hborhOou L-~


WrHt n by Our COl P"


. I::ub crintion Prl(: , $1.50 per year








J.11 7




'l'he tl Jl po rtuoi ty ~f tlea lillg direct with the Tri ,Slale is open :-':0 m iddlemen !nukes a pro lit 01T yo ur cream-a1l pay.





~o y o u .

u leols are dire'c t to tbe patron. '


Over 20,000 cleam p atron ~ are sending their cream direct to the Tri-Stnte. 10 sb ipper eve r lost a' dollar dealiu g witb us. St. Pdrlok' s 'OIlY f onnd seye ral (I f ! WI IIIII III ' II r lit II d ij JM . III POl'O . \'Oll1' l 'ay is Spot asb. Ask all Y T ri Slate shipper what he thinks VinolReatored lItr, Martin'aStreDgth oa r gafll eue r plB0 111l1; JJP IIII I', P~, I WIlII l!W m Onl,l ll'n hiM h Olllo f!li~1 of IOWIl . o f LIS . ~' I " A,!,( ill kl ll "-:t. IU 10 ' li ""e Kill r.lJlou ~ f'la } 111 h"" 111'('11 closod . whl oh I,b Y ""lIov" w ill hplp to) II I rLI: ,l ::00 " r'.·.ll1111 u f l>" .. Jcot t l vpr. Wapakolldn, Ohio.-·"[ nm 'n furruct' dooe th e h igh 00 t of livin g . by e><;cupn ti" n, nlld t.IlC Grippe Idt tnll rAG your cream to t he 'rri ·Sla.te or write for Free Trial lI'ithalllLdcolIg hlllllllll 1). 1I0r,I'01l8, II'IlILk, R av Altrod Wul ke r jlr e'r.b~d In t ~ \ I' X Il lT ,u f .l , " r ~lt H ul y, W ~ B Ml· ~. I' , M . J ,) ne~ I" vll t lLlR r 11iCans which we gladly ma.iI for 3() days trial. run·dowlI co nditi<JII, lUlU [ could nob IInJIlY lit Ih e M , '~;. churr ll 10 II v l~,l tinJ air . ' \\'"II"r l3 l!flJ'lrl1 linti ' tt v.. ~ io KhllrldsD, Ind . ProF. LunnmO f! ~lletJ~ tb weele . You Ollll t. .. 11t ,.tmot y ll r Cu ngreSIl. sl'cmt.ogctuuythiug tutiomoauy good "e rynlnllhlu tore9~ed l u ngr ua l l n fll mllyt1 tl... }' ll l' ,t b l.fJ ~st o rlhowoo k. until r t ook VillOl, which built mo lip, M ~' d ' l I f I m en, Ilond my cuugl, lind nerVOU8nC8S are all rl!, ro wuo JlII< II r I:lO\'orrt ,I . B 1:"'U C(1 \Vii In \Y" y oo.\,llle enrl Ilt Ilu. llo nlll io 'o JlIlllbu . 1::11' A o ' ~ u n " ' n r H ond ~ u('h gone, alld 1 can trulr, BBy Vinol is all dllYs b lon u dcr t,lI u our o of u Tlt lHri lu 'y Iifl e l l) IIJIJ WO Il I1CO) ul p"lIlo d uy . Il,,~ Loi ~ Capital Stock $75,000 O .. h,,.I .. · d '.'IWIl t' Wu~ItID'tnn thnt is eh.imed for it. '-JAlLES MAIITI N. pl1YSICIIIID. ull l at I,lll ~ WTltI P ~ ill EIII I{'r \t J I'8'r lit ai lle) I n lJe ou b Wltit,Rlt er Whl, W ll~ tho g nesb 1n " w~'y t·u h,mt I,h e DutCh, Vinal i8 II constitutional remedy for th oug h t t o lie IUlpr O VI\l~. 109/lI n . ;\Ii~~ ,h's. fe LOllrRn r,.' , " CINCINNATI, OHIO Wllvill' Ibli r .. rm~ wi (I in ~he ulr , nil ",!'o k, 111',,' 011" olld rllD·down condi. Mr . Chll~ . El~wlird ~, Il r nell r IlI.!r/). Mr. fill .1 l\I r 1';Il~ w" rth t: llIllh J'lln l l ... floJl n Il nlhl I" ,,, , f.\ll nUJ A 1111 ~ tn rn 1-11 ,,' IlO til ' fl .(\rI I h ' r 0 blul /<h .too k 1' ... 1 In t lte III <:h ~c h olll tio" MIIf m "II, " :..,nll''' !lnd chillln'n, 1l'." 1 Irnu"!lol~t.1 bU8lue.s In Ltl Uun un N"I 111 11 \ (110I! Il' r , . 'I I f t, II a y too lir e 'I' But I II" ]l laoli wh ore things l(itH 8et. Jor CU roll;" coug u. , colds Dud lironchltl8. lIr UII Y· . vl~ lIl11 " M r ,l oh 11 ]' . vl IIm1 fUl1Jlh' lI ur nll lll"'lr Ilt I '~'111n'11I9 . II tnr tlfl)' tied i~ J •E• Janney , Dru""ist, Waynsville 1 Mr LRvl J O~M ll jJ ' who h o~ h P-O 0 J . 'I'"'' I ' I IlnU• L ~1S 'l! e r II nl- l' uft ornoun li n,] 1).\', '11 1"1: .... ,... • W ur 'l, DRown to the Hllrne.e StC'rs. Also at Icauln g drug .~"rc 10 all Ohio IOW 08 gro<t suffe re r {r; 1' ((l1 ltElII 100Ig Wh ll .. , Elll o r. o ll !Jill Iltt ll nll ..,1 th" J r fl , l . l\lr~ . .l :'~hll /l I n w!Jot1 Wn~ th e' 1 ~ NlDSl(lo r ed ve ry tI.lI'c el o ll ~ ly ~11 k A . M , lr:IJgu of ~ :JfIlJ fl V-ull uy 'rllur~- g U~ijl (l~ b ,J , I nw,) ,;11 "Ut! Jll lllII ,l' We ral,h er tbllre 'tn O@ ~ ever:v U1 ~ bt wilh littl e 110pe~ ftlr bl s r ooo vnry , UII V n ight.. I b ~t we!' I., When nil the wurk Ie throngb A worn 10 till whlJ h n ld tl 08 0tk a ll Misij V" ltll!' lII ul'l nlt. of LobulJon . lIIr . 0, .J, :\ '11:10: 10 18 IH tho b'"lle DR. J. W. MILLER. An ' ~oTter gl"OOI) the kllotryo'er. BARNHART, J ea n torned as thev enlerl'd, and Ib o Forrl outo m oli tl" belug o Jf'O r~d WAR v i ~itlng 1t !'1' I"Hen' ~ , Mr, IIml l of h ~ r d nnlth ll' r .'h l~g ll t u r :'Irri WIU. 'rll~ Ill' n blo'd ·M ·evo view .. I hiM eve8 fell upoo tb e little oDe, by t.h e K. of P. Loc]ge of t!JI H e l.y Mr R ,I . '1', Mnrlllt,t .';t\tllr<lny bD d L8U rlJ lI ~, I) Pllr 'x ,' nll' or poillolC8, diplom;,oy, Notary Public ... DENTIST••• be spranR forward wltb II low ory we wIll SIIY that on acoouot, or lllallY t:loo da v A g uud 1ll!1I11' ot (l IU 11,10111 10 h n ve I HMligloll , orop~ llOd 80a r ' 1 . R I O II II I .. Iie,'n Mtl'nulug I'{w lT,t1 8el \'Ic(!~ ul boldlDg hook .. Bnd o ot rep ortln g .. s To l-1.trlotlo h eigh'8-You bet 1All IIID.da of NoLary Work. : Willi t d I I I ' d tl I .. r~ . !I'OCIl I CII (11 o n 1U rs ' -, OffiL'" In refjues e I , lasvro oll ge . IU oo~. IVI II IBmB ru uuo,' Frl ulIYtl He ro 0 11 , O tt'!lIn , l lw .voorl;( nll'n'" I'lu ~ qo f Nl llunlIU.ok SltJor. , Waynesville, 0 Ouown to tb\l I::IIHOOSI! Store and Deeds a Idpeolaliy. CHAPTER III InK op of rhe tltlle of t lokets Dul' . . Ib A Jj',. i" II(I ~ '; unu"r Sr hdol ul lprlr\pu oolloe will be I(lve n Htllt.iOg tho ~Ir ... H JU Ji:!lrlJ,h llrt li n d (\ nngb tC'r. III II bull y , Mon ullY n!l:ht When RU881" Kit!! I' IBOtl8 fresh. (IIY R. J, n.) night th ~ t It will bo gIve n ",wny Oelrl t h ~' w,'rll HU ll d~:v !,:U U5ttl ll t J . M 1M , Or /!:"IIIu.o d t1lrOWd /1 lHOff, As Ulany 08 oli n be pn'slIu t It I.hnv 1'. ~hriKH flUt] fumil y. rl' R~.I I r~. JA~ H HI\VikID ~ e uget immediate relief from Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey In tbe mUllntimc, wbat o f Donald! . Or (Jollnllny sil no t Koff, Bome more tOI 1< 0 1 u o n "uotluy 'J'r rv r C Un. _ I F r,"1I3aTllll r r\lIo I1 HI~ eer, Ad a were L1 oc " nod fnmily. lind IIIr "lid Mr~ Be, wh o bnd uever ~pun' a (:;hrI8t. ch uo~e. , It I ~ an1 hus u O!l n the I ll· R .I·,,!ia&loo ,Hofl'; .l Dr. !hOOD'S Maile OlnlmeD4. For Coughs and Colda. . mils "way from hie loved ones, 1I10,.e 81re ot ~b(J cODllllltr,ee t o ti ro", II t o In MI. Jj .. II.1' H:J.lnrdll }, ll nll ;';uu lln ),. I. A Il"rl nilln IIf W1\ml nBtr)[t Or 'l'nrEay h olLlll ber finger' to Born ,1f'lIes 1I 1IU fli ntily SJl ll lli OU . ' . the Uhrll\mull be bKd \JOllO hrougilt, 1\ oloye and r especUlllly r l' l) n e~ ~ !:I e r lIunbby, turn ' UI' no~o, TII11 bur ln l II f ()lltlney 'l'h l" n!l~, o f a donbly.orphaned cblld, fivOl ye ,rs 1111101 you be pattent wnlJ ns 1L Is Il tlllV \Vltb H .. h~ cl!~ Dil l. WI~lClln' I,h om In tbe dlre~(lou blo thlDl(, nluob lar,'er thao Y Oll th e Zour IJ' oI 'lJ borh ood, oaco rr ed 10 old, to the bowe of hie llrandtaib er, would ,., NnwR liT" nTe \ 1111,16 spu r ce thIs •'h e cew~ ! 1' 1 .1' e lls t o f· tow n ..,uLur • <I ay. Yer Unol d 'l8myel gmoexpeot, BO try ..ODd be prt'll'eo l, "nd been glvlIll Into the e~p eo\!.1 w e k Itl t,hfl \' 111 11 1(11 . W u en'mly Mkes tbe mltUe r up, t,he night It IA glveu ~w"y und bav e ollre, of bll Allo' R nsulle. only rbree PTAp.>rel1 te r peltoo 'r war; no eoj oyable time. 000" lIIeer muob wbl ob, wheo.,tl year8 bls lenior, and wbo 'bad been I. N. Miller was a week end I!0e ~ t La blm, slnoe that tIme, soot, lister Kits riled. and m otcer. D o nald. wbo, bod, of hill 80n. Bllrley and ("wIly , of Down to tbe !:Iarnedl I:Itorp. DON'T LET YOUR COUGH HANG ON FOR YOUR CHilO'S COUGH "" generoosly aDd 808elflt!h)y. glv nel1r Lebaoon. A f)oo g h tbpt r/\c k . and WCR ket's tiere 's Ii plenHuD\ eougl.l Iy rup Ira !:Iyferd, mFlnul(er of tile BuSOIll .t1me8 ('u. arllyml !l t8 g.ow bot, en to aootber ble opllorl·unl':, t o SH· oape from 'be dreadful carnage, of vey s burll Ferllllzpr, 1M out nl(lllrl is d"n~Ar"n ", it un lloJ'lDin oa you r tha t eve r y oh Ilei likes to III ke, O f. 1\0 [)oeklo browo rlJlII ou~ days ' oonfinem e nl hen It b nnd th rlv e~ on lI o,:: leot., Re l3e ll'M PlDe 'i'ur-liODOV. If " o ur ohild A good old 008S wurd, like 1.001 d8rn wblob be wae 10 baartlllok, and, by litter several Ilfl VS It Qf o n ~ With Or Kln g 'R Ne w l",~" ue!')) bat'ktol; congh"llllt \VOI' oau.ed by qolnsy. whlcb, 10 Iplte of hi8 AwerlOBn en . 'Whn$ '1! H"ly "bou~ '" OIR "O\'l'r' , Tltl~ sou t ll lnl( ha l!!l UI rillS you Kiv hiw Dr l3 el l'd Pine , thu81alm, be was lomewbat d18'fhe 111. E attndny Sohool Is hnvlll \: Then Gr"npop White jumps from r OIlHlI ly hf'RI tile throtl t·, 100Re n" Ioh. l"H. !:Iuno,v, The ,",oolh lo A vi no Iml cooraged. . ~ large n.UeodlionoA ev or y tioD Jay, hiB oheer tltn c ,' nK b . I Q(J 81'n~ tlto Aller eeelng ,Je"o I..a Con. late ly La Is a b or fle r .oe nnd wb en Ih Jlhl ~ !( m , Its IInl is"pt i p rO>Jlerll oe ki ll I1RTn ~ r .. An' grabllllo·ole Bxe belve, the toeerlll nn d I he oold i8 qu lokly ph leg m a Dd h l'lt! H th e irr itu t ed till· aboard tbe AlUltrlol\o hner, Laoool8 , fioillb oomes oeitber ~ide will b"ve "By "om I" be squeBlll., "&ba"8 whal ~U HB <Jt't I ~ t lll ltl ~ I Q. du y Itt y on r lit Havre, Donald allowed him&ell '1looh r oom for orltlCls m a8 gr Aut hr okl' O up, Child ron nn cl g rowo- drn ggl~t aud Alul't treutmoot at ' we dooo 0ll ~ a llk " li nd DI'. K ing ~ Now DIs. 'W.y b"olt In I£ll{bt 'lin-twelve I" Ibe plealnre of an hoor's res ulte in loteres~ bal! bee n s h own, nn cl It I ~ ooven.· tll e ~~Dn tu t ld!e liS w e Has ono . 2:,0, You oan bu' le ve lhe , Parll where t,h" brll(ht eyes ond to be boped th ,. t wh e n It Is ove r n od "fl'cotlvt'_ [:iu,' O 11 hottle bRody In ewltoblog lace of a 'yooDg DletHat,r bllseball sell80D o pe ns tohflt u,1l 0 He o dAn' Oilloonll Orlls hBn' roor. yonr m di olno c hest for g rip po, When we're MU lin' mlgbty quea. wbo bad COme tr om the l::Iomelanrl , iug DOW wtll stlok 11 ke ~ poetage croup nnd Illl bronohlal Il fl'eotiun~. wllh 'be lame hOllp .... 1 nnlt 81 blmeba lOp to a le\ter. ' Moni Atd roll BI IH, nOll, 80lf, had beau IL 10de.sto De and III /I Do'wn to the e flTOatll Store. Oor Infiuentlal men lue lenvlna mealllre reoooolled him &0 the 108s no nones on t uropd In trsl ng tu -Bllr~r" MII(lAzloe. of bil holldllY trip pel'l~lld e 'he )JrO>)l r Auth o rh1 6t1 ot Sbe Wll8 ae dellgbted to 88e bin the ~IlBrml111.8h e rldun Hi gbWtty to III! be was ber, and their loogues ad opt this roote th r ongl bllr e t roul Tho f nne rul of Jilmes P~pp er ~ l lI ~~~~~~~!i0'§,,'5~~~~i.iSl~~ 'tlBw tallt narrating lo 880b other Wilmington to Leba n on, nod 10 U. hel(l lit. tile h ome 0 , h Is HOU Tbe tJ'" 'heir experleoool, dore P al'fJ.or I ~ t f5undllY altel'nOOn IS looks llUoHOlible. 'fhey t eel e ll · AI they were etroll ng around tbe oourlllled Bnd orll gO IDlC t o keep U !$ Hnd " Illrge (' ro wd "!te oded it,. 1:111 hOlpllal ,",oundl, OOl1tHd Wal! nl. uotll told t" s top , The n a ru~, of "fr. (\011 MrA . F. M. Uleta were wa ~ Inicl to rest ill tho l3e lllJt'oo k tr.oled h1 a IU8e fine-looking Eo- thess gen'lemen Ilre ' Me@se rs ~'rt\nk DIt vto u vi 8it or,i 'l'hursdI1Y . ceme le T'S B e lellves to Dl Ullrtl hli alhlbmlln, whom he n o'loe!1 lIiHlol{ 8bldaker. Frank' L . Bl1rri~, Chu~, O. A nom ba r fr om hflre IlHeod"d Ul e I 'J ~d HU Inv,ll id "Ite, oDe Ulloghtllr . In the oonvaln08u, ward. MI1I8 Cl)olt, Ed B, Oa k in, G, E. 1..0 vioy, 'lI llllrlll " o o,IIIY or Mrll . i!:lIen MAr .M r e. ~~ronk R tl rt~ C1o'k, of n p!l.r W II • Batfield remarted OIIsually. "tbat he JOB . A. Davis, I. N, Miller nnd J B IILutltMt ll o11y, n B ~ville, lind t urol! ~ DiI, Etl wflrd , of wal a member of Prlo09811 }>at '~ BORao, If y ou olln give Ble nd in g 0 .. nOD, Chllr l r~ of no r " " h.. noll, Little LelilL Ll!lt e r is IiI with coo. reglmeDt of CIIDad1808, lIod b ,.d Ioet baud d o It, we are ell titled to evoryuud Theod') re. o f hl~ pluoe, un tl It Being a Sl0fy ' Written by i e~ t· l o n v f t·he I llu~@ . a. arm aDd leg at. Yprol, and WU I lblng tblit 18 just aod ri gbt 11. is n Four Members of the CcnMr. '. GOf\vlll la re co vering fr OID number of g rtu,do hild roll . ouly "'1I1\.IOg DUW ~o bl' tH~d with Orn GUStlY, of Duyto o, visit ed hill j . tervllIt Library AlIOCllition. ~ artlfiolal onea. before IOllvlui 'be dne loenlo ruote , 80we~b log IlIle r. til recent IIln es8. pllrents nortb o f towu i1.~t SundllY eRling 10 be ser n 1111 along, wlliofi • Mr Wm. Fltoh Il oonfined to bla bo~pl'al and tbe a"my ~ will attr~ ot atteotlon . FrleDds we re sb ooked t o b el. r of b owo with *he grippe. , lJ II! II II Illd story," ~he ad Jed. ~ the deub Jt Mr8. }>hoe be Co uner Ilt ' Mr • . BURan EY:1ns dIed ti'rldl1Y (To be oontlnned) afternoon atter 10Dg lufferlng 8prillIJ Yalley won 10 all pointy r.he h ome of h e r Hon Cba rl es, III OilY Sbe leavel h f' r husband. one dRugb. exctl pt th o plt<lIo sol o In the oO.ntest ~oc last Sllnc!IIY m orning while s lt~ I ---Ie on s d maoy friends who TbllrsdllY DI~llt wIth UallsfHI Creek tlo/( lit tb e breltkfapt ,t!lbll!l. B e r &"",SS5s\\Sm';"i\»Sfu",»""s,,~ w~'1 m~ss ~ne:.n Our syrr.plHhy !l oel/ 8Igh ~oh ooJ. .,buebund , Willlull1 :Onoer wa s burle d Oally Thought. out to the berelivod filwlly. Borllli Mr. Cb urley M ~ l one r eturned just SAveo well " og. ~'uD eT!l 1 !Je r' l "lam lure yoo wtll weloome him He Is t'tie most powerful who hn~ at Miami Cemetery Monday. b nme alorday e Vlln lng having VIOOB \'iere be ld In tbe M. E. chur ob for my IIl\lIe alJd belp blm tt yoo IImsel! I.n power.-SeneCll. he re Tuesday III 1 :30 o'o lock;- Burl .. 1 Messer s Frauk tlhidl1ker, }4'rank ~ pe ut, tllo wint er 10 Fl orid . O·ln. tor .myself, 1 am well and in Roll brook oem ete ry . L . barri" ami E . B. Da.kln, bll s in es~ Mr Gnd Mrs, Rrty Krag were louDd, .od there I, 80 mucb work 'lIen of our city, IraUlmr ~ lld bU 8lne ~8 week ,eod goe Is of Knol" relatt'v ee; SA,mu el 8im~ , ''I'bo liv e!! eust. 01 Ilere for me to do, tba' 1 do oo~ In Wllr.nlngton . 'rbotsdoy (if \IISI. Miss Fried .. Hollaod ls 810w ly 1m. town is 9 rl ou~ ly ill and Is ve ry low know when I' will 00 me bome. There Ht this wr\tin g, I wllck. pr oving. " Ie nn hope of peaO' thle winter: tbat Ali .p Oo r ol IJ t' B a rn llss baa bee o Edwlo Smitb's eale of h008 0ho iei . r , JnDl I\~ Mol.)a fl' rey WlI S &lI.keu I o.n let!. In lhe m el\DUme thla uo. oonfinerl t o Inir h l' me for th ll jlll Rt Ipe .. kable war goes 00 I Several YvUDIl talks ot tbll! vloln. gOOd8, will on too k plnoe 8l1turdu~ su rld e nl~' ill Snn'd&y but \s mnoh two IVoek9 with I lulJlI l« "f:jow 10PIr, oh Loro, how IC'og' ltv IlUended 8 Darty at $ho town hnll dtern ~on , W~lI w ell a tte Dd ed lilld' r nt \ bie K. "Your ~treotlonllte oepbew, tbe prioes were perfec t,)y 8at\sfoo. Miss 'l'belmll ~0 1J ra wn. n weekFriday nlgbt glveD bT the J , G . "Donald." end 1l0118 t, IJ f Dlt yt.nn rIlII\UV8S. Mr . and Mrs , Berbtirt (Joeter hI) ye tory. Tbe enilloe for tllll eleotrio ligll t A numbe r from be r B wfl nt t o Ye l. Miss Barton looked ;.p aner read · a now dlughter, Mary Edith. iJ instl\ll ed ucd th ~ work ie beiu g Inw ' \lrin gw SaHlrdl.y \0 Bee tbe lng 'bill 10Dg lener. to dod her vllBert Boga~ spent 8uoday at home. pU8bed t o Its utm ost , hl1~ k etbl1 11 tlburn 9TU (llH Uor .tarlnlJ 81ldly Ilt the dre wIth from thle plaoe atteDded ' S llmelhlnR very uuusu o \ io our _ _ __ _ _._ __ a look ot p".leot 1!0iferlnl\ 00 bls EdSeveral win MmUh 's Bale Bator,iay after- olty ood hlt~ been notlooble for ove r la08. Be ,glanoed UP ' I8 ehe ... Id, noon. .R·year. Dnrio g t,be wurlO month s Mrs Mllrthfl J ones Is RD ~ o(] l ng 0 "Will ' you 1000 IlliM to join Mrs. ~lIh Oavli llpen. Friday Ibe 80me 8e 'be oold m oo th\!. ·we tew da.ys w it h frJ eo d9. ln Jo d il108 . your' family. Of will yoa ' remain with bel' motber. Mrll. BO~8n . buve Fr os t, h e rll every dliY Bnd onr here nolll merDlolJ?" I ,'ornl fr o lU .hll! pl noo Il tte nd ed The dee pall' iD bill dark IIfel! deep(jail Uogle.,by III ap60dmg a few pbysloal 'C"ndlt lo ne tHe u t Impl\lr ed oleotlng 01. 0 den Sn n<1IlY l1i~ht 10 the lMet by It. but rr.ther benl' , loed AI b .. IDlwered ; "1 OaUDO' dad day w'.b ,Mre.-t.u'le Merrihew, ' Born-To> Mr. nod ~h9 , B ~o ry Bot. 'hem m"dainollelte, tbey al"e gooe I" Mr. nod Mr~ . \ '1Il1er Be uge have $er lh\\'al\.e. l\.IAruh t GM], tW in boys. Mrs. Geo BJllIt .and MI81! Vtlata flted. 00. Ittrmers 01111 up ov .. r Ibe "(Jooe l"orled AU8., B~rtoD, "Why, vlalted MrR, Martlo Frtd,y. phone and e"1 is tbi8 li'roll? Y o", m ovod 00 Lila OriJor oo hrll1 east of Ri c h ard BDd lk li(lrt. :Ilr. Come out 1 bilve 8lQkuess tOlV n. wbere?" Mr. Wal'er Tibb'118 .. od family, Seyerol In the oommunlty bllve' She wa. In'terrupted tV" a Rreat Mrll Cla1'eoce Mlohael, 'aod Mr. and "mong mv I!took aed In a little whth MrM, P. EI. Mul o.\', of frnnkllu, Itamplng and oomm otloo on the Mrs, Loddlngton now oooupy tbelr !frost III In Ihe oountry So you oun Wll f\ l h e lIue.1 of Mr, flud Mr~. p , K boe n a ll tbo ~iolt lt ~t h e jltls t we ek , Mrs .J osln h 0 vi I ~ 8tlll irupro \-. ~ee II'r08t la no detriment '0 !.he porcb. Thl8 tIme tb" dOl( barked new homes oountry, evell it 'bey h"ve growing P enol' Hull M re , Id" hri Ftophe r" ing j",rully a. be reooRnlzed hi. 108. o o upJe ofd,,)'~ l a~ ll, we~k , Josepb Ollrroll'lI &alA was well at. orops. &er'a 8tep eod voloe. 'fbe door fiew Mis s EMtller S ham hlltlg h WIl8 In Mr. Bnd Mrs. Will I:Inmbe rt s pen' K auil\ s b opp ul! ~' rid.y nftero ooo . ~peD and Mr. and Mrs. Grey en tended and Ilverytt.iog. 80Id well 'fhe drl* time In many OJ onth s Sabin MeDonald, ot BarvoYlLburg, rlUr fire bell Willi beftrd $e11lnll; of ~ !lave rnl dll YS lust, weok in Lobanon ',ered, tbe former oal'lvlD'g a Oqlld Mr. find Mrs . Ziruri a.ines were yOUR grandfather in bl8 "rmB wbose dark beRd lay paued throulth bere one day rAollnt tire wbloh was loon ted at Mr8 Mllotlo t·h e gntls t.s of hI T. untl Mrs. E"r! in )Le ni ll shOPllil1~ S'dduy R fto rn ao o, knew the name Eoton '8 bOO~9, the root hnvlug Morritt, apparentl V htelllll8 upon bl~ breast, Iy, M• . nod M'-M. Zimrl Baloes we I' ., FAIRBANKS" Ura . E~rl HobiDson . of O"yton, cltoght fire from a sparll; but th e In W{.y Deaville 00 bosloess Wednell stood for all that was fire Will! extlDgo!sbed without. 'he s pElfJt 90vor lll r\~.,\,8 1. ,, 1 wee k witb duy. best in scales. No relu tiv e~ lte l l'. ~Id of the fire deputment 'rile 'fhe funeral of Mre, Blair ooonrred farm should be damnge was small and (uJly oovered . Mrs CJerflrd, of L . huooo, bit! without this "watch by In~urallce, beeL; vlSiLing Mr . uud Mra Geo. Suoday AU 11 o'oloo k from th's house. InSerment at Port William oeUlett>ry . dog of weights." .--~.~----Tal f.,'· Rev nlld Mrs. Kueisle y Bud dau8b~ ter w ?re Iho 'l'u esdny dlDD or gUClsls The Harvest. 'there Cfl n 111' 1'(' 1' II.' II ell scouru!:c- n f Mr. unci Mrs J , 'f... yl o l'. Mr . noel Mr ~. PUlll Ohrnurt, of meri t whh'h nlll)' ""t he mnd!' to l'leld Ohio-made flour is the finest in the world 'for flavor, 'som c fruI t of .Ir"ugth.-.T. n. Millet', Sprlrig tielrl, nDd Mi dS Lililau W!l.t er ~, or Millrui bu rg, we ro Ihe . S on d ay D. D. food value, and general baking qualities. Its superigoests of Mr, nod Mr/<, J. W. Hadority is rec<;,gni1:ed everywhere. loty . Ge rli!e R ORnng1e bns reollotly 00 Therefore" use OhiO-made flour in all your baking. oe p ~ed fI p ('~i Uoo li8 tll l1l\ oarrler 00 Optimistic Thought. 0 00 of tbe F I an "Wn routes. BIITdy fiowerlull IIhrubs grouped He O\' erco m ~~ n slont enemy thn t AIl¥ Ohio·made flour that 1)ears the "Better Flour" Mr. ocd ·Mrs. 'fom Hurst enter. in IrreRllluf olumpi and masses Il ud lVorcomes bls own IIngqr. label is better to use, beaause, to be so gUaranteed, the t lllu ed Ilt, dillner SondHY the f ollow- /<~e"&ly ~o tbe attru:ot·1yonel. of th e . flour must coqform to the Ohio. Millers State Associa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , lngl> uc R s , Mr. and ~ra. E",rISmltb, lawn, lIood reqllire but IIl1ght oor e or D" y t on, Mr. no:l Mra, F o rest 'I'ay. tbe fin. year . ,Th re I~ smAll tion standards of Purity and Q~alily. IDitlal 008t, nnd wl1118 leo me h oelll!t , lor find A lIieon 'rllylor. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Mu_ Frnn ces Noll Is vlRlttnK ,her Is neoeYl!lIory &he first yoar or two m. Lucas COllnly, ~s. ,Ie ..tectlon will be reqoired att(lr ~ Your grocer sells. some' Ohio' flour guar... "r,,"K j. Ch~n<y ,m llkes oath thn~ he dlln ~, bter, ,I r.B. F~ W . · ROloagle. 01 ward IIxC!!lpt So prone the dhruU8 "If It's weighed anteed under this label. b~sist that M is sellior pnrlner of the finn of I' . J. V .. odall", lh is wel~k, 81100 ytar. • Chene), & Co., doing business in the City \ir. Ilnd Mrs' , B u mbert bad iii oDaFAlRBANK8 se,w you flour so ,narkea. J!'or suob pluntlD~ tbe Ohlu IIllCof Toledo, COllllty l!nd ' Stu te nfore s.~;d, ~h e lr go SIB EIouuday , M.r, "od Mr5, there's and thut "lid firm will pay the SIIIIl of Wlll~ e r BODlb e r~ Ul\d Bon, aod MilS pflritlleot "dian reoommends 'h e foHawloi liS 8atls(aotory: ~plrta OND HUNDIUID J) I.LAR S for ea ch Hllzel i3.uUlbart, tlf Oayt.on, v~o HouUel, bydr~Dg eD panlool"'t1 and every cUSC! of Co turrh Iha 1 canllol be BOfO MlI,reh til to Mr. and lirll. ifllDdlfiora, JIlPfl.O spowba ll, rn/r 0s", cured by Ihe Ulie of HALt'S CATARRH If. W. R08nllgle. ( llee Reba Noll) at MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHEN EY. r08e, lIIao! Lady Stanley althea, bu~1a it Sworn 10 belllre me und uhscdbed in their b OUle 111 Y!l.tldl.lIa: 110 dauiMer. boceV9uollle Yorrowl, 1;harbe r g '/j my presence:, thil 61h day uf December, 'e llnda 6rl - .~t , of Fraoklln, lpoot barberry, ThoDborg 'lI Iplrea and to Steel Bearings, ' A. D.I886. · A. W. GLEASON, th e w e k.end , WI ~h MI@s Uyntb{a AD. splrf''' Anthony Waterer The fi ret (Seal) Notary Public. seven ar""-mlldlum t!llzed to l"rg6 Arrow·tip Rail's Catarrh Medicine Is taken Intern· trllm MI81 Mlldrlld Careon lpen' 'he Ilhrllhl aad Ih 1Dld etl\od 1&' lelu t tile ally lUllS ~,:t. throuflt tfJe Blood on the Large Platform.Wide Mucous !lurlaeel 0 tbe ~Yllem. Send wllek.end with hi" pareD'a a' Leb · te" apar" la tlie masa, The IllI t three Ire .maUar. ealtable u a b or. lor tadmonlall, free. anon. D"noltd tAU del'to 01 01 'he preoeedln!!, onll8 '.~CIlBNBV a: CO .• Toledo, O. Mr •. PauIOhml,r' 1•• peI14io&lev. (;IIC11'O"'" 1014 III dNl\dIll, 76e. '. aDd ahaalel be lpaoecl tbroe tile' erAl 4&1' wt~ pann" . . . .1fiI'. , 1"l1li r~ COIIItIfatJon. apart.



Ilr :~!J





eI ,.,·












- - -------



- - - -----




~ qrbri~tma'


"Madden's LumberYard


Corwin, Ohio, .


----- ..

Where they keep a full line of


Lumber,Plaster, Lime, Cement,lBrick, Fence Posts, Paints, Etc.'








Ohio-Made floUr I. Beat





no argument"-


has Steel





~mI •




~ S AXON ' · Ri)ADSJ'~~__ ACARCoMPLiFfELYQl_l':l~IW ~rTl~_EIH.ln itODER:-J-":·EA~ ~!




Mr,: W ,i'<lr II 1•. •) f \ ' f " will. I'i·iln r . lUll: .' "!I·n$(.



a ..

Roadster.· You will find it no ordinary car. We think it will win you on 6rst sigh t-on it! lookl, aD its cvstly car atlractions, on the way it acts.

There's plenty of "pepper" to it5 performance, plenty of speed. plenty of power, and plenty of snap to its "pick-up." There's more room now than ever before. The seat is larger, the body is bigger, there's more leg room.



Look among the high·pri ced cars, and you will 6nd none which carries more modern features or better features. Now SaxoD Roadster has one' o! the fi nest and most e fficient 2.unit starting and light. ing sYltems that can be built. It is of the famous Wagner make. It also has de· mountable rims, and 30x3" ti res. Ita motor is of .the 4'cylinder, L·head, high . lpeed lpedal Saxon design, built by tne Continental Motor Company-the world's greatest makers of automobile ·moton.


~ a~ ~a I:]

It bas & Reicbenbat'b carburetor of the a to muer type. which repre1!eJJts the biggest ad· vance in gasoline carburetion yet recorded ...:...~ five distinct and definite ad-

Saxon Roadste r also has tb ree .spt'ed tran s. miSSion. Among high quality cars t his i5 the only type ' of transmi,sion used.


~ ~I ~

. J· B· CHAPMAN, Agt., Waynesvl°11e, OhO. 10 m aG'==5]'1:] 'E==:J' aIl'===' aIl'==="31:===' mr:c===, ==::JI[!J t:[£==~


h;l I h . I rIng ,'. ,p h('




Have you tried our Never Harden Salt? If you cannot Qse a full barrel, we can supply you with 100-pounc;l sacks. Watch for our special price next week on Calf Meal. We keep a full line of Chicken Feed. Bran, Beef Scrap, Middlings, Fine and Coarse-graded Cracked Corn, with impurities removed, Chick ~tl'1: Feed, Scratch Feed, Chicken Chowder and our Guaranteed Makemlay Chicken Mash, Oyster " Grits, Oyster Shell and three grades of Pearl Grits_ .

r . anrl Mra \\' If lhn ,iddi., and Mrs,. Jtl l'OlJ :-\trn I~ wt< n? i) UY' on I'i ~i U I'S Fr i, hy .



r . ond . \ I'~


tnll . " I' <n : t' I"

II l1d



ton l· l·" h. "f } 1;\1' ·

'·l,,·I, 1·,, 1 Wi lh , Ir .



. ' Il'h.


• I

1>1 r. and Mrs. i/ :1 rl' Y li t! Ii I "I) und fam ily. of Dill t" fI. , p C(,1 tIll' wI'aK· llnd lit t he hOllw 'I t 1\1 r n n ·1 \ 1r8 .



Georlle Hllntiltoll .




M n. Thomll ,I r, lIud Mr. IInr! Mrs Cu wi\( I\ oe nl) . o f Hivtl reirie. Nf'h. lire lit )lUE's ts of Mr. ann NI·s. W. I1l1. rl~ o dL


The Waynesville Mills


Arc you wnn li nj( a ",,()(I' fling'!? We hu\' italpric "l (I : \lit y lIU. H. I:.::J ' E, Earnha r t.

IMury Mr. a ld l\l r~ D. H. i.bury


l\ t! ll y R11d

M i~


ho pr IIlg' In In th· Dve· I nin ~ th ey ~ 1I.v f( . ) I ·ill~(l , I 'rll ·,'lI'. Jr ,. r. ' and wer" \II ch tlt' 11 ' hied vi t lI it. 1


I Ch~ i n n H t t

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"t' !'e

IOd t

~r i l lay.






iJ 'ld :>'1 1' J . () C'oIr tw r il! ht and C " III1t! '." -r ,' " 1' ·inJ,tI \,,.Jd vl-l to rR I . III r llt! , . li nd t r ICh·} rhe JIl l,n at· l en d e d 1;(1 III " P , · !i . 111 'l i\ ud .. ew, Lr,J g,' F. ,.· A , ! . 11Y eve n· I I Ig'

1 • iI . L.


lier . hull ~r . Ir 81 d Mr. , Bur nl.arl wt'ru Dl\yton isi· to Til Mouday. Mrs. Chand ll'!' re r:'1 rurn4clu hon I! wi t h lhen,. a tt"r ~ P Ul\O ' .,;.a ing s\!vl' ral tl ll~ ri .1 i1 h r dl!llil'es in

MI'. \

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- - - - ---=--:--::-O.-s· nit Fi sh, New

rhce e, New

'Ilbbagc, . veeis, Onion8. Ap. T he F red l'(J J,(1'1l1·i ll u. lv rt·q ues ts . pI . L p lllon ~ Oran j(ei. Cream· YOU to att"ll lIH, ir A",luIII pring I ery Hutter. Churn Gold . Ope ning on t tl \lV ll ill ~ o f 'I'hul' day. I March 211. al d all d ny I,'ridll.\o 8~d ,' . Big ::lou r J icldes. • ali ves !:ialu I'lIIlY. 11 lil'ch :';1 un,1 ~l. MUSIC IInu tl owo r ~ Bologn a, V einers, Frankfurters Liquid ::sm oke.

When Fr ed llart!!ucll arri Vl, in Wtlyn t<>ivill 1II 0nd JlY morni n\( he had II brllaJ 1{rin on his fllce. and i The No'opolitan Quartet at Schoo l IJpon illlju ir y. h .. uid a lil1 hile boy ;Hall Friday evening. were greeted lJy ttr riv ed at hlg Inme ill ~lv rrolV ~l\n· Ii fairly II'Qod hou se, and pruvt'd Jay mumlnil. themselves to be very good enter ta in Dissatis;action-But why take a chance? Let me en. The qua rtet sang several Iwl er· The F'lell:hcl' E !lY ''''.asher ~r olor tions of the old time negro melodi ,,", give you an estimate on your Painting and were encored repeatedly. Th., i liu lll cth ll1l\' yo u wll llt , auLi will . or your Paper Hanging vlollnlat played one selection, and .th t! mllke yo u r Wlbh day ea;:y . H. E. reader gave a very good rea lin Earnhart. from Macbeth, whioh was hea rtily encored. Several members of thll D. Heetel'. ho WM here Illst companY al80 gave humorous r elld - wCl!k auditin g lh~ lIillagtl. ~ (lwlIshlp ing", and altogether the entertai n · aud s~hoo l book . fi11l~h d hi!'. work . PAINTER AND WAYNESVILLe .ment was one .thatgenerally plea ·cd. 'atu rdlJlY eV\llling .. and fcl und e.very .t hing in th dtfT",r li t in tilutio n ~ PAPEIt HANOe~ OHIO ri g ht up to dute, ~oQQ~oaoaoooooaoooooooooooooooo l See Wat~rhouse for Auto Li very

A Durable and Attractive Painted House

FOI mnny }'~ar$ \'icc - J're ~ idf:n t of the Stand.lrd Oi l Ull ll';tn)' fir Ohio. IOII N A . Kt.tN(;~ Vi t· e. l'm ;. .Ienl. Diret'I!,' I· ir. t Na,irllla l )1;111'-.; Dircf' tfJr C,fardi:m S:.v · iug'! & " rnl "; 1 Co . M. H. MLJItCtt, iCe-Pr.,id·,, 1 :",<1 -:l1a"" l!'ing Di ...· IN. A . \V Il EN N. Tr= ur er. "C · friar y :antl °rrc:uurc r Nalion:ll At'me l\1anuracturillJr C(\r11P""Y.


Don't f orget we sell Moore' S GIi!oline.




W:ty n c~vi ll e, Ohio ·

f{cprt ent:ltivc iI" this Di stri<"t




All perllons indebted to me for J6percent Acid PhlJsphate .... 17~ 'The cantata, " Story of Calvary" service of my stock for 1916 please 14 percent Acid Phosphate $160& hich WIIS given by St. Mary's ChoIr settle with Mnhlon Ridge when due. H. EI . Wilkerson, Waynesville, Ohio Geo. T. Lanter lunda)' afternoDn in 'Bplte 01 the in· Valley Phol1e 121-2. 'l(;tUtlnt weather was well attended. T he chuir \vu!! well balanr.ed and he ch l'us work W8:l particularly Tho .J r 0 1.i A /vi IVI1~ c wil i 40od . The elioir is now startin" on the ir lilt! ta t lh eil' hall l"rirlny ElI't'ninj,l' There is irt1jlortnn t hll~ l\\e8" on hand Easl er work, nnd will ren(ler h fine )rogrllm Easter morning. flOd eVt'ry me mll' r is eaTllllf tl y requested ro b l! lilerc . . W. H [)ihwiddie . Secy. For Sale .

,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .

Tornad.o Insurance

IXED Bay:"'lnquire of J . B. The Mieses Dorothv Gpbauer , Jo· JlI.I., Wa1oenjlle, Uhlo. rjep hine Andrew;:). BeUlah !';i ndlel', '1{ , R. Ulll~pru 2. ail Hester Canine. Elmu Ih ol'rts. Hen rietta McK i n~ey, Mar jo L'ie 'ru~ner anrl Me:!sr W. R. 'p reilZ'el and ' Glenn J ohns were in D<sy ton Tuesday eveniml'. ut tending t he Sympho ny • cO!leert"


Low rates and liberai 'contracts . ...4.

Absolute Protection


'O ll'aJl a t H)·man's.

Buy Tobacc

__ __ _ _ _





- -•

~lr .· 'Al ~ lollr' T(dl I'; re 'o e nnll' '!l' k If 'l ~ Ir' ll ll:l<lslt's • • ~)O , ·s: ll' ucl ;.\e ~·l·l'Illl and f'lm ily ~"I Ll D h t'

[l'l111\ I!



Pur.unllt to t ho co mmand of IW order of • ~Q ld. luut:tl (('(\111 t.ho Court. li t Common


at I :ao p. m ..





! . Mr. altlu Mrs George Boeock 81'e


P'ODl~ con~"l'e<1 1.0 VIn· lorpor by d".,d trOm M. An.~O llJlI ,L da.tOO J.n. U •••• 1UOO, and. rocon.tod Ju Vo\., 81 PaRe HS. Doetl ItoconllOr Wuren Coun'y. «altl 01 Oblo. hid p .... aDJorataoc.t ., ForLy·four (H ' uoll ..... per · G...• ... Id b rd 1I 8ald J!rolU~ to ... eo J 0 cr 0 I '. Ooon ofComluon l'iIu or OWl< \Joun~y. Ohlu, U~ ~l.


. ' . f ~o... .... I en lertallnng t h&. ..,0r:mElr ' !I ~OU8ll1. \)llytOrt at the time of t.hls wrltrnlr· I . • , Mr. l~rnetlt Dakin I~ the pOB8e80r of a ne\l( F'ord Automouile. ~~ ~1~lIp~~O,'~:~'Tu!:be~eo::a:s:w. I ~ll'l!. ltlzey Scott and children 1\ a'\~::.~rraie: 0II1II or ODe tblrd. cuh, vi Itlng her parents, Mt-. and Mr.. Q'1e &bIrd In on. ,.Iar. uti Olle UUnI;1II two J . A . Allen and family. ~:i-=f:~-:,J-.J:*'~..':L ~~ n Mr. aM Mrs. Oscar frem MowelT are 8111. paJ'IUIA" '" J llrelatlv. Dayton ~~, olian,



&bia writiDa.

Phone No. 77


Waynesville Ohio


the p;lml.ll6· ne .... Wa,n . ..

v.Uo. Wbrl'(j U WIlU')". 0 1,10 tbe loll0,,1D1!dollJcd prom It",. lo· wIL: The I tlllu wh,lI Real t;. lbIC ••ILUht(>d 10Lh. County 0 1 Wanea. :iLaLe; 0 1 Uitlu. " "<1.11> 1·11 Vlrgllll • .MIlltar, rul'' OY ""I rI...ulhell lUI follow.: :!ur\o.ncl cy oo\lmlO<l No 771. l.Ioglllllilll( ut llapl. and Lwo B~ h06 "oru e. to l:Ilraru AlIOD In(1 All· norson lllller·. 11 In<, th ....ce N. 10 <iegroo. U min, !!,.. w. U O.~ 1'010)1 ' to D 81.OnO corner t o Alt •• ham I.IOWI\'LU. Lbon~e s • .n d"ll'rtICS 30 mlll\l\.l... W. I a H pol.. to" ocone ""ruer to ... b ....\law UO'l'IlI&Il . ItacllOl Ilatloo·. t.nd J O'~\lh Lu k in', II I.., Lhence S. 10 ue.r_ E. 140.6 \1<'1 101 W ClnoOU C<U'uor t.O S.I .. ,lIlol Ln· ·kin '. II lIS: Lhanco , • 7~ degl'tlie Jl 11lIDU_ E !l6)'; 110100"" (bo boltrlOUlb, . Contalnl_!; 10 1 ere 1 rood ...a 2" poleo, be LitO ."lIIe /j('...

v .. ,n onr IIY to I aU" er y fl1rm :nu-tlt nf Way n wi ll . • 00,) ChO Pllln llll art) the order of I'" t th e pres· · t h e (I 'Y In our v t:lllIlY a en t tlm!l. , '. . h d Mr . lEAla rwm :18 returoe to her homu in [ nvton afrot· pend In g . I • •,r· A.·I·Ice 'Ch eno mor. (lr )osa. I. a f w weekI! , Ilu "J I. S Jj~luf t ho onn.., T)1

Can you afford to be without a policy?

./~~Ii ;:~~W~UEI"O~·N'I\ErS~Dh'·Al~yIU,ri.L"Mi\(A~y~82~,tl~9Jl·r710~~d •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••




L.~ban"n, .Obi~

C leveland, O hi"


'I: ou are IIl llsl conlially and earnest· Iy invi lE'd tu tlcnd the A Tln ual Sprin j.\ Openi oH und ::;t~;Jt! Show of t.he S b'red ~ll ')11 Ihl! ev,"nillg of'rlm rs th y. , 101 rc n 2:1, Illl a il dil l' j\b re h SO llnd 31. i 1u Ie and tl \\'~rli .

This will be the initial presentation of the Spring I9i7 styles in Men's' and Ladies' Cloaks and Suits and all' their modish accessories. In prejJ<tring our store for this event we have no t overlooked our Shoe department, where you will find all the very latest a nd most admired footwear for both Men and Women. Our Furniture department on the secol~d floor contains a line of Merchandise that will meet with your .a.pproval.

Thu~ldar Evening, March 29, and .AIl Day Fri~ay , ' and Saturday, March 30 and 31 .

National COlllmercoi:l1 R:tnlq Vi cc~ P rel Ci ti1CIl' S ;lVi l lg'1 & Tn,s' Co. A. S. C III SIIOLM . Directo,", The &nk of C ommerce. N. A . I D ireC-fOJ Cilizcnl !;avjni'. &. Thi S. Cn.

The Maynard H. Murch Co:



F . PRENT ISS. Director Guardian Sa\'ing~:\' '"1"111 11 Co. ; Directo r l...:Ikr Shltre Ualli:inR' ,<l Trul Co . . \VM. G.' lit ATH ER. l'residenl

Scc relary-S. L. MeC UN t:

It pay to tracle at

Mee8!'S. Chat les Burnolt, Jaco b Strouse , umu ~ 1 'm ' t h Dnd J. lIawke went to .'pring 'o r<> tu rda y ~ 'oning to Ilttlllld a mell ting uf tb t' I. O. 0 . ' nt rhal pluce. There w re ten candidatt'll ini tiated and the boys h d a tine viijit , with pl"mty to ellt.

Spring Opening and Style Show '

To ev.ery one ' we extend a most cordial invitation to come ,and enjoy the loveliness of Springtime during tl ;cse OPening days. Music and flowers.


COlJn,rI - SlJlIire. Sande" & ncmp s .~

Wan led-Chicken!, wiil pay 19c in Lrad e or 1 c eash fOf Hens delivered at store up to· Friday mnrning. 1111 us up


It is with great pleasure that we announce our 'A nnual Spr~ng Opening and Style Show on the evening of Thursday, March 29, and all day Friday and Saturday, March 30 and 31.

D IR ECTORS in th e manal!ement of the Company

f . R . SQUI R E, P,uidcnt.

. Meat 8ack s_

Bring us your E~ gs . 240 per doz.




'l'ANLAC - 'l'he Greatest Medicine Made, ask youI' neillhbl,rs abouUt.

Cheap Paint and Inexperl-ence


Our secu rities are o'ffered to investor onJy after the mo~t stringent e 'aminati()n into 'their merits. They are pnrcha cd .o utright with our oIVn funds after the c:lrefu] selection of our Board of Dire to rs among whom are some of the best known bankers and business men in the state.

S 'ed l'ota toes Onion Sets



To Careful Investors-







M rH o r llll ' \\', !.1 ',,, ,1 ,hr" e ... hil rlrcn. r' r,,, ,,1'1 . ~ . !' :-' ur.,(I · ut th ,, 11I'I' ,·u':\I t. \'· ~ .J:. I " k :rnc\ rllntliy.





l' 1,,~

, <-r th ' tid li nd [' i,' l·.' ,~' 11£' f!1 l. "' U~ r ll il' uanil -;~li ' l'R . ~ (I 11 , '" :J\ 11 J.:. f':!lr nhart ·s.


The Saxon Roadster is $495; Saxon " i x" Touring Car, . 65; Six Sedan , $125[), f. o . b . Detroit . Canadian J'rices-8ix Cylinder Tourini Car, $1175; Touring Sedan, $107,1>; Four·Cylinder Roadster, $065 .


:'IJr "n.\ i\ I'd HIl ' l ll ' :lfe\'t'Cl\ b splmt 1) '1 day II i'lt ,ll r . I '11 Whltllc ro lIud unJ lly. .


Saxon Roadster has the Atwater· Ken't ignition system- rega rded alone of the best systems on the market . A new st yle body with Grecian rea r bow adds to the attract· iveness of this car's appearance. I n addition to these re fi nements there a re su ch attrac tions as electric ho rn, tire carrier at rear, speedometer, ventilating windshield, adjustable pedals, "anadium s teel cantilever springs . and twenty more fi ne car develop · ments.

Good Paint and Reliable Painter

1' 1 \ ' a ll ' I'


.:hurc h e~



h...' I H liill ll('r


f\ 11' Il~k~ III' an

ley, that th fo r a tllJ1e.

The honeycomb radiator assures your motor of being kept cool.

.,oooo~OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo QUARTET

I :'

,~l\tt1 rday .

Throughout the chassis it has the famons Hyatt quiet bearings-another costly car attraction. And the _body is of ~tream line design .


~ ·ht .'

r • . [\1 ,

111, ,1 oI liU

~ ~m ~aI A Car Completely Equipped ~ By ::"'t:~h~::'~ ~ri:~a:~onfo:'n::::" :~:t:, ~,:~~" ""'I, ~ ~


II·Il""" .,1

1' l1y-T I!l:I"t'l C 11\"\"'d

1 .\/jl l t









Garden Seeds, kinds . . ,.... . 5c Seam Binding .. , . , ..... ...... ,IOe . New line of Curtain Scrim ... , . . IOc 'New Stickerie Braid .. ":'-. . ~ ..... lOc Curtain Net, latest ·p attern ... .. 10e Children'S Stockings, ' .' . .. I2c IOe · , H ose ....... . Lad les ...' .. . . ... 1Oc Men's Hose .... , .... ~ ...... , .. IOe Subscription Agency, Come in. Specialist ia

.. 'FO &."., H. F'l DR


1~_.;=::. .:~I\IU::1A:.;,~~IU\::;:.;._::.



-.,... Sixty-Ninth Year



.--------~=' --,---.~----------, ART WO RK AT THE FRONT

jTEiiLiEiTiij!PROfESSOR PE~P . iWILl DRilL fOR *- --------



See Waterhouse for Auto Livery




See Wa terhouse for Auto Livery

PRESENT SCHOOL I WITH A fLAG Dr. Emily Wtli'h t. of Sprinllboro, The public is cordially. invited to was the week end euest of Dr. A, T . attend the presentation of the Amer- GAVE A CONCERl Wright and family. Ican Flag to the Wayne Townsip --------------------Public Schllols by Prof. Mayselles on WITH ORCHESTROLA Speclalehowingof Elaater Millinery behalf of the J . O. U A. M., at their Saturday, March 3lat. EverybOdy Hall. Friday night, March 30, at. 8 Grace Lincoln Smith. invited . o·clock. I HI) ' . OBITUJ\RY Prof. Mayselles is a sll eaker of ER r . uelte, or ayton, came In,., ' II .

I \' n' [j d~



~ lIld l l 'I'


Mrs, Hawke . assisted Iw Mrs, .'ilver, entertain ~d the ' Wom an ' ~ Foreign Mis.~ i o n a ry Soci('ly on Marc h I·jth , The meeting opened by sing· ing "Help Somebody T day." afte r which the president read the 4Gl h I'"alm and led ill pra.ver. On ac , cn unt of ill health. Mis Lul u Vande r· voort resigned as lead e r of the Sta rlda nl Bearers This clime as II s ur· prise and WBR not at:ted upon. but la id over for Hnother mlJe tin )( The progra m was opened hy 1\ v(! ry pre tty piano 80\ 0 by Mi ss pal Gray. Mrs Hawk e read "A ' tory that was T olc! Me; " Mrs· LIl May ~ Il n l! "Consider the Lilli e!>;" 1\1rs f a "r gave a read illg Oll " Ti thi!l~;" Reading by Miss Ste wa r t; Piano dll et . MfR. LaMay and Miss Helen lIawke. By request Mrs . L aMay jlBve us another beautiful solo lltlring the social hour ice cre:ml and lady fing were served by the host e,;~ es , Ofl'ering $6.

I li t' IJI ·III Ll't III' til e

nl ' I 'd~

r n'(IlHml


r l'·

II " " 111. I Il P I "In' or I l h ' pollU Fl 1!'4 h£'l'e ... ... 'Ji 1I:t \ I II.£: h i..; 11" ad pl cc l UIit'l If'U UII II~' U 1','I II I'.I1 Ii'.,.

Mr. and Mrs Walter Stanhn, of MlamlvUle. Ohio, were guests of Mr. and Mrs Harvey GUBtin and family last week,

TWO fARMS" Joseph Hawke, of Bellefontaine, CHANGE ,HANDS who' hal been visitinR' with relatives h ere and at Harveysburll, left Mon·

ou r ofil ce Monday and ga~e us 8,0' 1" conc!'!t on th e Orches lrc,I ~ . ] 1'1., machtne 1?lays aU mak es of eli se .r,'.' ords and \0 th e c ncert . to be g lve!1 here ' aturdllY there Will be played Ed ison . Victor. Rpx lind ot her )"" ," ord s all on the same ins tru ment The Orch estrola is a fine inRtrum .nt music. and produces _ __ !rood _• _ e


day for his home.

Will Burge sold his farm soulh of There will be a t ownship mee ti o ~ .. . . _ town last week to Mril. R. H. Young, ! Friday evening. March 30. at 7:3U, The pubhc I~ cordl,:lIy inVited to of Oregonia, R. R. 2, , at the Township House forth e. pur attend the public .me.:lll'!ll ot th~ J G, W. Robertson south of town pose of ,forming an or){a!1l zat'on 01 O. U. A M. meeltng Frld~y evening' sold his farm yesterday, tl> H , K. the Dry forres. Dr. S , A Pr o sf to. wItness the presentatIon of ·the I F08ter, of G.llipolis, 0.. who will wi ll be prese!ll to help us f~ rmul ~ I (' tlag to the public school.. [take possession about May 1st. and , plans fora vlg!>rou s campaign Al l make this his future home The sales \ are cordIally mVlted . By. or~er ( J , See Waterhouse (or A uto Livery. were made by W. N . Se~rs , Cb8irrpan of County Organlzat!on , ,




• .l••• -




Men Who Love Smart Clotbes find Them Here






----AJ M~E~N'S


F'rom $10.00 up ' to' $20.00

BOYS' SlTITS ••. From $2.98 up to $6.50...

LION BRAND WORK SHOES Is the Best Line of Work Shoes We H,ve Evet· Shown • . We would like to bave you look at tbem and you will be convinced that what we L-________c_ _ _ _..; . said is right,


The rellular communication of Waynesvi lle Lodie No. 163 F . & A M" will be held Tuesday evening. April 3. 1917, at 7 o' clock , All memhera are reCj uested to be pr p,'('ill 'I . ·, i l · r~ 11:,11 ·, .jollrn · in g bret hr. II >I, ,' .. ,, ' d ilo il .• ir'·Jited. i ]1 L (·U II!'.W . 1\1. L t\ 1',II11 m'muan, Sec·y.

MnJ, Verna Kelly, of Sprlnafield. Mis, Ida Githens and MI. Lelia Githens, of Dayton, Yr. and Mrs, Ellis Bradstreet, of Xenia, alld Yr. Fred Caskey, of Marietta. wereoailed here Sunday on account of the serious iIIneiS of Mrs, Hannah Antram. '

r:==31 r.:==::J - r::==:1E r.===::J r:S5E:J' a ===:1'1:1 I!===:I'm



A bi g to uring car for five people


~m ~a ~

I ~ ~


Saxon ."Six" is $815 f.



La ...



Mrs. Mary Leah Adamlteft Monday evening for her home In Kansas City, alter 8pendinlf the winter her4lt with Rev. J, F_ Oadwallader and family. Ths members of the J. O. U. A. M. are expected to be at their ball Friday evening. to vartiotpate the presentation of the flSll to the schooll.


Mr, and Mrll. L , A.. Zimmerman : Mrs, A. T, Wright. Millllea Ruth Hartsock and Ethel Hosier were Dayton viaitorsl'uesd.y.

owe th()se rdy pio- [iJ "i==:l1':'1 r:, gneers ra ti tude wbo we conquerecl the AtU wilderness '. ' ~ 'i ·It; I CI lo ' ' I; I I!J ' 'i Ii and made possible our modern civiii- ~ zation. About 1850 she walll united in marri age to J ohn William Marlatt and shortly afler they took up their res · iclenee in what is known liS the old EI Marlatt H<!mest ead at Mt Holly , ~ wbere s he ha! lived for n early 62 year" To this unl() n were born t welve child ren . eig h t" sons and tou r dau gb't ers , He r hu _bnnd. t wo SO ll8 and two da ug hters preceded her in dea th EI , leav ing t o mourn her loss _Ill sons, ~ Ti mothy. J osevh. 'eor~e and Herbert of Mt. Ha ll),. J drllrson of WaynesIt is to be expected that in pulling power on hills and ville. and Orrie of nellr S l)rin~ Val· ley . Two d [ughlers . Mrs. Eva Earn· in heavy go ing , in high-gear work, ' in freedom..l.from hart of nell r Rid"ev i lie. Ilnd Mrs Gl [ii , Fl orvn ce Ba rnard. wi1\) fo r 1I num • gear-shifting, and in acceleration, that because of its bel' of y~ars has rel!i~ed wi th her ~ Saxon-Continen tal -st~~ffltier.......,mcJtur--saiXGItr4)ixU-------~-' t he r car ing for her 111 her old aie. Besides oth ' I" r elat illed she leaves would give far better performance than any "four" 42 grand child r e ll und 3~ grea t grand· child ren in its class. And it does_ Durin!!" t he p a5 Lo r llto of Rev, J . A, l3 iii Whi te, she with ,lllers of the fam ily. ~ united with t he Meth o(list Chureh of Mt. Holly, and thou gh for years she was pTevented fr om heing a rellular aUendant, ·yet 'Ille (! ve r professed her faith in the Saviour , In her last C:l hou rs she callerl her child ren to her til one by one and hi d t he m good. bye, ~ expres~ ing words of love and advice, and elt horting them to trust in her Saviour. [iI About six years ago ~I (! was strick· en with paralysis whic:h left her an c:J invalid and "rou~ht her 8 great deal, of Buffe ring. but through It all sht! ~ was ever kind, lJutient and cheerful, alwayS manifesting ~ great Interest in those ot her nC(tuain tance. Even lEI ih the IlllIt 36 hoo ra of her life when u1fering seemed very great .he was ~ ever cheerful warmly greeting her ~ fri ends who cam e to see her. Death came on the 13th day of March. 1917 in the 86th ye.llr of he r age. 1'hus has passed from us ·one lEI of the old and much loved residents of t.h is· communi t y. r::J She was of \l kind and loving dls- ~ . 0 .• position, not given. to speaking ill . of GJ a nyonfl A grellt 10VEtt of home and her children; whose Ilreat.est tri.bute to he r me!11ory has bIen given In .. these words so full of mean Ina'. "rt l:J ever there was a mother, she WfU Specifications: New body desig n,larger body, new ~nish. l~ -in. ~rake" 41,Y.-in. full cantilever type rear s ) ring :.l-in crank -shaft, tilted WindshIeld, new Ityle 10M ." CARD OF THANKS top with Grecian rear bow, ~e\V style, instnit;Ilents mo~nted 00 cowl dash, chrome vanadium valvc springs, new des~gD c~r~ur~tor, 11 2-.10. wheelb.ue, We desi re to express our thanks light weight six-cylindt;.r high speed mot.~~; 32-m .x3 y' tn.tlres.. d,emounta.ble to all our friends an(l neighbb1ll, fu" two unit starting and lighting sys tem, llool!;en a"Xles, full TlmA.en beaflllgs, an their kind help and sympathy'durinR' l:J " . .I,k.", ,., , or,", ~ twenty further refiuements.








At the parsona g of lev . Schri v I' . a t New Burlington ISlit Wedn . clRY l'lliss Lena McKay WII!'! unit eol in ma rriage to Mr . U.lI1a ld Cumming . I m mediately af te r the r e rernon y thl;' young couple wenl til Xf'nia . whl!rc: t hey were guests of theil' a unt. M r'l Cora Maey. toge ther wilh several lJ f their relativea . Af te r a short wc-dding trip they will return to mak'e th eir home in t he Maple Corner <Ii trbt, Mr. Cummings is a son of Mr, and Mrs . T. E , Cummings. and is well known in Waynesville , he having vi ited with his grandmothe r, Mrs. c'annot alford to milS Rev, W. Ma ry Ann Wise,and other relatives. A. You I hillip ~ ' lecture 0 11 "The Greater Patriotism ," He is an impiring '1 ak ' 1' fll1d you \ViII Ile well paid if you heur hilll . AlSchoo l Hall Thursday evenilll:'. March 2!)~ h.

r':lellnor 1\la rg'are L nu ckles was th ·~ dau g hter of J ohn and Eli zabeth les. pioneer resident s of this 10 ca lity. who came her ,e fr om Pennayl vuni a anrl lorated not far from th o presenl home of Mr FI'Jlnk Smitb on lh e Id Stale Road . He re Elenn r or r~lIen a~ ~h e IV s fam il ia rl y known, lVa~ born on Dljcernber 16. 1881 She wa one of a large family who inherited s tl'ong constitutions. Near-, Iy a ll of lhem hving beyond the allotted ti me of t hr e s!ore an d Len , II (! r yuu th was nstul'ally filled with many experiences flf thoso early Pia, n eerday~ which in Int.e r lifl! reru aiued clear in me mory and were often lisLe n d to wiLh in te r'.!st by younger ji(e nerati onR, She of t en s Jloke of her fathe r t a~ ing her when a smKl1 child til M t . Holly to see a large comps'ny of Indiil r'I 8 passing thluug l\ , She The Dorcas Society will hold th eir alsu fr equen t Iy menlioneu seei nl! the lir L train that waHrun ove r the Lit· E~ster Mllrket on Saturday mornin g, lIl! M ialll i i{. R and e mph ~s ized pa r· April 7th. at 9:30 at .the Township Licu lal"iy the strange fee ling of awe House. They will also have on hand tl and wOllder wi th which this was wit a collection of fanc y articles, Apron.;. nessed by til{! people, We Hre made Caps . etc, Wesolicityonrpatronagll to think of the va st changes t hat for both MllI"ket and Bazaar. took place during her lon g life , and aKain we are reminded of the debt of

New Furnishings, Underwear an4 Hosiery, Hats, Caps, ,Shirts and Neckwear.

Live Model Corset' . 0;" ,:.u, : Jroal

There is a wonderful walnut tree Miss Henrietta McKinsey b~ been 50nt ewhe l"e u p· st rt' UII1 fro m 'incinIIa li, J ust wh 're iL is. !10 mun !l€cms havinsr tho measles. to know It \Cets it ,; nu ts into t he Ohio Pi er lind tlley lVa ~ h down to Meet me at lhe Orchestrola C~n· , 1\ certliin II lace. lind lodge aga ins t cert - Saturday, II cer ta in dam near CinClllnat i, That i~ ull we kn JIV IlI.JIl ut the location. d but I cerla inl" wish we ' knew more.' W, 0 Raper spont Sunday an for they an' \\ or1lJ 'l'ful nuts, per . Monday In CincinnatI. haps the Le>it in AllIerk u. T he shup(! of.the em lit y ,;11 II ~ Fe tt.s tl, indica te Walter McClure was a busines. thaI lhe k('rrpl l'()JOl'S out wl,u le ai- visitor in Dayton Monday. !!lIlSt. II ' 1 ~ llgli ~ h walnut ke rnels d ,'ome une mU st know Iha t tr p Mrs, Ral ph Smith spent last weelc Who iH lie~ \\, 11 ' I'c' ,h:~ h.. li v e~ with her mother in Wilmington. I 'e rhal '~ It., realls this "a J> ~ r, fur t hi ~ locality is JrHincti L.v th e st ream that Mr, and "rd. Myer Hyman and c«rries th e~ 'lilY t c ri ll ll ~ nuts, A Cin cirmati lawYl' r with a tree CI'UP huu- dau g hter villted In Middletown Sunby. is HO much intlll"e~ted in the Rlar t· day. ing of a new indufl t ry tllllt hI! is 11 ( ' fe ring *5.UO te. any Oil!, who can tell A good laugh at "Prof. Pe\lp" Sat. him where this tree g'l'O W!\ , urday evening, See It and be con . It m ny he of great imp rtance to vinced. the cuuntry. for an orcha rd of g rllfl· ed black wu lnut trees of t he Lost St_ Marv'lI Guild will meet with st ra in wuul d ue a splen d id piece of Miss Letitia McKay on Thursday Ilroperty . The N orthern Nut Grow afternoon. e rB Associati on iR workin g to bring su h t hings to pa s~, A ny one havi ng Mr. and Mra. Sldn~y Bloch, of a !lood ell'e as to thi s l ree should wtile or send samp les oCnu ts to Mr Cincinnati, were gU8IIta of Mr. and Henry R, Webbt'r . Gerke Buil,ling Mrs: Myer Hyman Thursday, 'incinnuti, or to Dr, W. C. \) ' ming. 'ec·}' .• Norlhe rn Nut C; r o wer~ A so New Spring millinery ecrrect in c iati on, Geor gclown. Co nn, Bott! ,every detail for Saturday, March o r there ge!"\ti t!J1Hm are expe rts and !llst. Grace L. Smith . wil l g ive an opi ni on as to the value 1I f sam pI ~ sell l. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Bert HartRock. of Route I, Thursday. March U , 1 ~17, a daughter. Betty Virilnia.







-~-- -

Of THE OHIO ! - - - .. -


note and the public of Wilynesville Frederick Robitzer, who has been and vicinity are fortunate in having IlpendinR' the winter at Barnesville. the opportunity of hearing him at Ohi". ie home this week for a vaca this time . tio·n. • _ 0





-- . A' three-act Rip Roarinll Farce Clinto'l county oil waR exhibited a t I Comedy portraying 'everything thllt the meeting of bu iness men im l'r, I Meet me at the Orchestrola Can- is funny and humorous in our c ')llege estt'd in promoting lhe oil Hnd g"" ce rl-Saturday , life of to-day. will be produced Sat- indu stry of this te rritory whld'! W 'I urday night, March 31st, I!H7. in held Tuesday \light, Il is stated II\' U M, White visl tell with relatives School Hall at 8 p m .. by the Oak those can ;erll ed in th /J ew proj,. " t in lJean Sunday. wood Tennis Cillb. of Davlon. among 1tha t prospects here 1001, a~ good i1~ whom will be Warren Keys, a Illcal an ywhere in lh e s Late wlwre oil flaH Dr. Dill. 08teopath 2 1 S. Broad - favorite . It is such a laugh pru been struck Several leases w "r, ~ way, Lebanon Ohio , duclng lIhow that the troupe have tlll,en at th e mee Ling Tu e~day. input it on a number of timell in Day cludin" land own ed by William F, f .. ton and at Gent ol rville and various James Fife. A A, Linton, F rt ') M ra W , H Allen was a Cincinnati oth~r town8. Dr. Keever claims this Stu ltz and other~ Those tak inlr is the best comedy play they have lellsellarAZ, Under .... ood. Ii: I~ 'f.' ". visitor Thureday. ever had at Centerville. l)on't for- rell. J. VI', Lawhead and Dr, J II Attend "Dry" organization meet- gl!t that there will be two hours of. McKenzie. It i" hoped that th e m' I · ing al Township House, Friday niiht. fun at ,school Hall Saturday night ter of secu ring leas(!8 may be ,,:\. Admi8lion 25 cents Tickets reserved peciiled!o as to enable th e on,an i ~,. ·, • Warren Keys will be with "Prot, at J , E Janneye Drug Store Give n to begin dril ling early this spring The men barking th e proposil i"r , Pepp" at School Jlall Saturday even- under auspice. of the Friendl} Group. wish to confine it to home peop l,·, ing. - -- - _ . \ keeping thl! s lockh old er s within thi , county , J t is intend ed to orgalli ZI' II Rumor .au that one of our con· company within the near futu c,· fl rmed cild bachelors will be married The matter is expected to be Sill , soon , miLled t.o the Com mercial Cl ub wi'll the desi re that th e officers of ( h' Icompany be named by theclu b.-TI1 ' Kenneth and Forrest Ridge, of . CllntQn' COUDty Democrat. Dayton, 8pRnt Sunday here wilh rel- - -.0 . - ...- - atives.


Whole Number 3420

Y MAR eH 23, 1917

Outfitters for

tbe Wbole





~;h~ACCOUNi~~~~~;~ 1J.

! I


h. Detroit


Be .CHAPMAN, Agt., Waynesville, ~ Ohio.


~ !{



WEB:;,'J5TIrL !~~I~f.;:i: fi ;~i;~:;:~;~ ~;~i~ :lE~RO~}Et~~~



rsEAf~R SMUl



Good· Pa'int and Reli hIe Painter A Durabl and • it,. clive Painted House

111) If) thl' 11:tllh' lit rlyPI'- n.. w ,I. I 11I('I'I'l1y Ih l·"IlJ.!h IIw -Im,-" , \1'1'''11 II I (1V"p'U~ T,Oit.l11.T~1I"ND 1 I ,fl\~'I\\" 'd III IlII, 111111 .. 1' Ih,' 11"'1\1' '"' 1""",'1 :'UlltJ110'1 I>len~ L:;'\Irl \,.11' 0 l' 'n' nOL '1'l\lJl 1'''_ \\ 1",,, Ih, ' 1'"'1'"",,, lit 1I1~ III MV " ' \II' ')WTHOR oJ iHr O1Allcr Of COURAG ', r ll'l(l' t Win' lI ntl lit" '1l iiI" < II" I III 11 , i·, I ,r. II , '1' I\' 1('\ I '! II I:\ 1 llu ll C' II, ' ,' I' , 'e'''" ,nll,'I', t I Dissatisfaction- But Il III . take a chmlCe? Let me -rntIJl.f.NDorREtiDl£AATI""''' r 11 t rh" 11(1111' IIf ft ndln'" 1 1". ",,,11> 1\'" 1.1'),"'" ""I .' 1 1'"11 ' ' ' II"'". CI' , ,11',11 ' 11'1(' ' ' . 1 It, h Il IU .. lIl' l vtt.· AN D ~~ C., I ol-~r Ilir Ill n llJ tI II III <, hill Ih" I'''' It " nil ' IJul .. ·.t I I 41, . I 'UI' • , : 'r", "" : t I ' ; ,"', '\ t lot III' r" $ gille YOII an estimate 011 !lour J'lI illi'IIY TTC 'aDA. n rh e ol lll'r (Of 111,. 111"-1\ 11:,,1 1"'1' , n "'1\ ,,,II ' I I " • III I !'''"11, I ,(' , .. " 1\ ," ". "I,. \",., tit". "1 or your Paper f. allying , ,UCIJ 'Yll.'C!J.L.J' fOltn!11 ofll' r n.h"I·I'· .. lIJlI'III"r"PrJI.,."h.,'· I .. "h' r 'I" ~, t! . , ' "" 1 ""1'1, .,,1 ' l" tl (JlI~t l"l~ , CVII. ENGIN!ER.. . Ik"hl ll r otll <\ i\nd .. I'v till' 1I i1 .. , 1111 , L1\ull,. ,~1. ~- lJ' ", .t .. n, I' '''il u l 1"'1 1· tI· .. · tll .. \I" \: I,:. t WilY t " I", I CONRIGllTrrrnTI1I/IGJt.RrvtlLIXlNAIJIT rJl I·lne.ltll(lrW I I~ 11:1111" f r"1II 111 1111"' 1111. uj., 'I f l elll ' .41"' ,; (1,)l1tIt" n,'t! ''',tI~, ,. YH \ r,~; 111I1If; r 'ol llw I, hlll . Tltero were no legnl Jlrocr dlo~s, nl- {If.('llrill~~, In" 1I1""rill" If"'~h , r " I' : .. br,101( fill' " 1'lI' n In II H JII,,'r,)\, - 1111 < lIIa l (I'H"\ nll t! ,- C Illll loJl ,ruI'.-ell. ",t ilt. ' "ht;r~I~.\· I~ III pour tlwul Utough there wero IlIflny Inque~ls nt Sho h url hoped Ihnt ~h'J1d<! ml)!ltt ~wy kllll(\'n II ' thu "I -' Inn r 1I11i'~"'" It O ". L' I ' I; " Ilt ' If ' " l'louln 1J .o r J1hcl ~[)rtJlk dge. TbA A ' I I . I tiC ' " '" 1U" ' 1 ,.' I C ..' I U II "n \" 1)1 d 1<1 11,, '111 I " rl)1 ,,111 1' •. l' tU II "Ill II . " . ~nllse 0 f II Ie fnllnre II ft cr II I t II r II' Ilt lll,,1 un\\, thllt i I' , o ! II' 1':11 1'11'111 I'IIn u f1 ,(I!' rlll' loe 101' lJ ,u n~Lt\1>; ht , e ll, ' I' d 'hl' ,,1'1' ,.. ' ~, I "II the bri u WIll! eleer, It wns r ecognl z d by ever),- II'IIS nl <llle s he C:lln!! t o him. lIe IlIld nlld III IJ lck·t \\, 11''' W illi I'rt . ti ll vlr- lIud ,11',\ 111 lell • tlltHl .' 1 'tc J Ih., Ic.lrltl"I Il' 1( I·t OUI ' \lu UIIIl IIr plilt , ( PAI NTER AN D .' VA VNESV I Ll E one, Whose opInion Wli wortb c,'nsl,,- h I' II llntl upon hi arm, U ) tlll·ltt)d nllll l!ln 10 the ""Sll\lll ~ of nlllJt. Jlut th' MI\o Hr>,,1 Re',IIJ I.d, \r' fo r huo b 1.. 1 n" 'I'ltyrt' 11111.1 .10 Rall 'u~ Jf ' PAP ER ' HANGER erlng, that the c1lsast I' burl resulted look tJ nt Iwr. dny clime wh ' lI It Ill" I)oI IPCI or IIR Jll!riud 111 n ll. nll "'1' pro \\'1l1,'I' , II Will rl!lll1ln' OHIO t\'OlU II JlIlstnke whIch anr cn,:n neer "II t1 w thll l you would 110 h" I'C." hlth rIo lOll/! Innll l,, /!. In - min e " g 1l"U (If t he lit r could have nlade. As II mutter ot fnct snili. Il n,'('lu'e. ,h"tJl~ <)1' " ,,'n, r r'\(' ·1111: or L [ • . -1 t lou;!. AI " I OJtt~ fh .r th 01\ ~ n rc th ere WII I "[ III ~.ou sne nl n?" 'II U I • ,. nr ~ ,,(!rIlI '11 II'. t Ll r (111' Ih '''''"l(loIy rnni"' '' "r'lI . tllf' .hoult! s no exp r nee to guJde Ole ~ ~ \\ I P , tl'fllllplllll! IIf h M <l'~ grr' :IJI II I" v '1'1 \ . 11 f >; 11 l . ' F l' ' <I I... SlJeplIY , 17() N . " alsted \ d etlgnc1'8. Ther e n ever hnd b een 6U 'b "I (' It YOllr pr '<"It('l':: orr wh (" 16, \\'nr'II,'~< hili p,·"r.'<I~ O p IIllJrrl'1'~ Ie I iiI( 't' , J U "ln n n I... I,,' Q1l'lI n nrl ,), vAred wllh ~O(J l lS u1' & bridge .... '0 n __ I I I " I'" ,/ "II .. " " r rU ll'I h lu" k", 10 1' 1.111' ur four II ,ur! or SlrL'<ot. ' llicu l:'~. "I .. Geu eru l Sules HATH A WAY """ reo ""dn n elements of "L\~ I .. n." . nhl Ih ' wIlnt nn, "" "II lire 0 ' ('11818 of Inll'll f'1J IIl lncll·t1 II Ih Ihe ' I ' ." . , . p fI'I" of Ih .. 1\t'1 " " II III) II -; III' d.I' ')1," ,11'" , lJl lt \\ hit .. I ' I' hh;UI 1l1 ,'Y Illi>Y thl'n Ill' :'.Iullng·r of th lar ges t COIlCe rtl or Ils emplrlclBm hRd to cntcr Into .th elr cnl- wrl' 1,ln g plun flltlll', A mllll hilS n rl;,!li l 10 nllmlr t}, 'J'h,' whl slle u( ,'/I"" ". 1111 1\ IInl. !; Ih t 11<'0, ' rI , 11I ) ,ltll: li u u S t \'IiI."t! "In il1ft II thlu I" y ,r "lid lllutl III tho 11'01'111, wallis three or WR,)·lIe.nllle·B LetLdinr Den'I.& C;nlaUone.. Th y hod mode lifter the lr best Jn tlglllllnt nnll It hud UO wllh 01\'11 11(,' \\'1,"11", wil l. 1'1I t, Ih e r oa r Ol f'tf'nm 11111,,1 Ih!' I:llI>,y, r.1 :,r'Jh :' 1 .l l'Il'd. III' nil o,,"\' H, '!' I'e- fou r mou 10 t1ti ~ co uotl a nd Be vem l Offioa in Keys Bldg. MlLln Bt foiled. They 11 ",'''1'''''' IIn.1 11'1",,, hu d('r th e .. Jt o r 1"ll ph ,',"( ,I 1. . , 11 \ 1,,' , t \11\I ... CIJ Ihflll r p\l"1J111I l" IU 111" u fthau b ourM "'116ed th could hI) i1l ul11 <I ' e\,I'1I Wlll' lI II' . ' '1, h lt c/, I "Hll .' l 'I,. I ~ll'M . Il111'''1' ~ Ill'Itl Vl' tlle 15 lIeed I@ mU D in IIdjolnlcl; cou uties, to wo rk .. lUI weret 10 I.hl' llfeMs '' ' ' ' " 'II ' lit .. r LJ II n l Ii 10 I • I . . fo r h im Hlmru limo or ull 1Iio lIUle. that W8S th ey_.... .~ . , hilt Ih us lultl hI" '" lind " h,' I 'JI~ /l1t'l'lt hllll mOIlf111t 01 c'nrlh Ilr(l~(' lI CI'"'''' II~ nll l'- 11\ , (I' -nUl' 1 ;0 " . .. \ I" , " \ , 1I ' "'lli r elI. If t '· lHIV rU B e ""'len of Ull'lr punis h. ,(Or IIl'n l't, IJI, I It ",·,.r· ,,,,,' 111' 10 Y" II r')I1'('8 pllrl', Jt ,'ur('<1 II ~ II"1I1"I·r. or . , . ' : " "-. ~" I\" I h .. ,I;. \, tiltllr tlea t.;ug, 'It ,.,.111 He clln use only th ose who hU"e a meut. . t111lt"II\' ltJl cWrf'cks 'I I" lI fl' !"' II'I'I',' I(s ~~ur, ot the nw~n rl'III 'hl':;: \\".' lI l\'·ll. \ \ 1' ... ," I'~" I>J \')' .\.'r l " n h r ' ('" ,~ nr\; II) ~I't, the drlll toll(Jw I'll; or 811\0. Work Is p leaSILut ond The bitte r w.e lght or ceos ure f ell e n, li .. r~. ntld 11IIR h,' II rigl't I" 1I'1'f','k I,,'r ]\; 0 tIIore, hlluld th e ,III' r 1'1 "'., 1 \\ ir,' "t Ill. " '1 _ 1'1 .. I,'r 1'1,, 1_, 1111 111 Iho I r I'.' ItJ" fl' l'~(' k~ Ll; Ibo uor e tllltu 00 prll VlOllS selling u.~perie o ce 18 tirel), upon Bertrnm Mende, Bi s ruIn li re for nnynn .. Is!! ?" tl nt~ u m'cxcd on It s W II)' It> I k l' :"", 1. ]1 ~l, \lI ' f,, ·.. 11<' ,I .. II ('I'''" I1! of l ues wollen oon, neccssllry. Work consl st ~ or leu vlng FuneraJ Director u on engineer WOB Immedlnte null nb"O h, my God." Rul, 1 ~1 ~lIde, "Ihl If WUS 10 he dammed, I I <II'! ' J> " I I,UI' ,,"I" . If tbey ur e r o· n wondcrfu l new hou ho ld nec .sslly and Embalmer, All Ihot Ihe hu t:<', h nt III ,'rna or II. uiL, ,,\,';. "" ' hl', ,," II~ h o ultl hfl\'6lll'fltl l80lute. HewlIsth' scupegont. ' oon!! more tlJnn 1 cnn b nr." had nn, good to sny o thlrn e.,{I'(!pt Rod"I Ilon't wnnt (,) ror ce '1'011 to 11 0 onv. hllked plnln, wh"ro ~"ge l' rIJ,1I 11U11 A , • Hoi i l l i I" "" I·, h " r ~l1 ·''''1 I, I n I ,,~ ""11~ SOl u tion Drills In I he holtH' s on fr rc Irlal. 'I'cs t s ot Waynesville. Ohio. .ney • who fou ght vnlluntly tor his fr lcnd thlll!; ~'o u ,Ion·t wont I ~ do lind y~u butl'ulo s;rnss olon., gru ll'. III ,,1,·,1 I" ' . I 111 1' "l,~ , '.', ,,"", c: t ", - II ~_ ." ,,', '01 n 1-" "I I,u r on..: b IV'sp l'i uldl:ld more Ihull lhlrty oC Ih., le,ull ns Uul,. r s lll o~ "ud lli o Oovf'I'nm e ul lJuron u ' lind elllssmllte. lit lenst BtrlYlng t IHI' nOl III 1110",1 10 <li ~I'u ~~ Ih. ·~c moke It bllrgeon wllh wl",,,t " 1111 ,'11\" t· , Il ,I ", I' .'.111, ,J, ..... /1"". of StarHlnrd s nltow t1J! ~ art! Ie to lie W e h av(l ar r a nge'! with nn unrl e r · Itnltlgate the cens ure !}y pointin g Otll \l lllIg~," ~h (' sn ltJ In' qui d, I"'HI\lU~"I{lo, WIlB woter. 1' he II II I!) l' kl",t W i n ', \\. (\ , '.. '. 1"1' 1 1 ___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ taker to gilt ali au to, ~r, w e wil l bu fo ltr limes us eCJiclullt at; article now the quick nud r e ndy " :::, lllIC! duy will CO\lle hUl' k 10 IJI r." which hlld nt C':lndCI',' ,l nll ll . '.. 1It lot the error whlell mi ght hllve beell He Sln'l hed ou t his 'h unds towurll nnd cha ltered on nt its own ;>l\'\,,, t Idll ", I"', I"'" /I I i ' - - - - - III gene rlll use 'In \Ll ls seclion. Article able t o furni sh eitl1l'1 a n auto or h o r se uruwn futlerili. ascribed to tlie dead mllll without tenr (ll' r Ih l! grllvt!. wns now to be h eld un lll II 11111-11 II 'fl ' Is need ed lu e ve r y rural hom e lI od of cootradlctlon. " rI don't know," h o cri ed. "I dn re gr at lakellke r('s<' r\'ol r In I he hili. I " "." " , , r> , ,', ' I' \' til til benoll is every member of th e hou se- Both ph on es in Office und H.esiJience. N_ . b k • , -, . 11. 1,'1'"1 "I'" ',OJ I L on g distance, No_ 14; Hom e phone , A.n eu.urt WOll mndo hy competito rs not IOpC." ac Ol t he n ell' ('" rtll ,1:1111. 'l'h.·" •. , ," hold , brlnglog cheer. comfort Dod 14-2r. lind stock speculolors to r ul o Ul e Mart"With 10\" like our. ," sho IlDswered, througb s ld ll fully 10CII I ('( I 11'1'1'1111 ,>" Pruhll ' l.O ll rt HO:\W l'HOPEH TY OF NATHAN hU IJplness Inl o the home. Not neces· let Bridge compllny. By throwing In to "<111 t hlnt.:" IIrc p<J<1~lhl <!." d ltcbes the wu( er "'OR ff) hI' j:11'l' 1l I.• , E. I. ['TUN, DECEASED,]N sa ry to be nway fr om hom e flights. the gap their private f ortUn es to Illc "I nll't hInd ~'Oll , You mu s t be rrce." th e milli ons of hutl ~r 1I 111!' \l'h '·"II..t~ l " Ib, "10 Tt " ". Iii ,' , III ' Jt Iln rll' ray t rom $6 .00 10 $J 5. 00 pe r day nilWAYNESV]LLE, OHIO and cornl els wbl cb would cllllJlor ror II ' /- "11"\11 101 . dt · .. ft" " 1 \ \ III ,, 11" fI ,d Inst doll ar and by bcrculeo n work Otl h 'n!!1 slowly, turnll1!; II IH II nu. eortllng to nbillty an d number 01 th' pnrt 01 tll clr trlcOIIs. th e dlr('ctors "1't11l ore hrcnllng my heart. but I drink. Th e Oert'C s un lI'a~ no I"n~er to I, ,r " r, ,1t ,t" ,1l0\'ed the Mortlet company, IIUb ugh shull live lIud flgl lt on f or love and work Its tlntllwnrtl'd will In IImln r: r I I : I~ 111,,11(1' " til" I '~ t .t·o 0 1 I II I IUr.flUUH; C of uu urder trom t he (jourl u f 1I0mes \'Islted. Ia writing Mr , ShepVeterinary; . up the prairIe. "'11(''' \i. ({l" ,Io 'I', Ill: " f '/-( . 1" vI)Jl ' \' IHIltIUU , ' lcOd o r \\ Mrrtll (.;o llUl. y. Obiu, thu py. mention wha t towD sh lps will be ,Its IOSlles were tre mendou s .nnd a lm ost you." t1U t.htr. IK ¥tIll n Sn\ urllay. the most conl'ealeflt for you to work In; ,ln suJlPortable. not only In mOlley, but " Gnd hl e.·s ~·ou." With th e promise of \\'ut ~ r nn fb e t·ur. tUli I "l'pni l.. lII 1'n l Il h·lI, whnt yo ur r eguln r o~c upntlon Is; Oraduate of Obio ~Ial . Unlverll'l III prestige lind r eputation. Oolone l "\·ou nrc g uln g tlwnn" sh nsked nt plnln b~yu nd, Coronnuo " 1"':lIlJ,: Inl t il tI,.. 1J",tt.(lr n f II> ."t "luu f IV II . :llllllJIWorth came out ot th e strugglo 1:1 t. ne wer nnd more \,I !':orous lire, In UIl' It, '" h "; It r. tI"I'I' ,,,"01, )'our lIgo; married or single; how U· \. .\'0 0 c. 1•.>ck I'. M _. •u!ttr t or .,10 III JHlh lh: :Old I' 8nd l\'1'tlyer thltn eyer. The t errific "1 IIIU . t. hreul, with c'I'l'r yU ,lug. Ill ngua gc of Ule We~t It "boo lll('lI." '1·i1 .., l'j' H Ii "~. ..col< r ·· I "ui.1 101lg you h tH'O lived In the com· Office at rCi!ioellce in F. U ~her ., lllLL1 U:l'_H l l ilo V" Ulll'V_, lUll ll u utu lJ fulJtJl'· "Y "C I I I~ l "-t v _ Ullll.lU I~, LUllr oll , 10 \\ a~ Ul!s· combat bod lett him almost brokco t or ml\~ 1 ,,11'0 YOII your cli n nc() of fr e- l'tlilroud bnd beeo 'n t orloru hl'ulI'II .. ,<1 ... muolty; whnt kind or n rIg or nuto vllJll, tJIlII', bIJdth I I.lJ v lltllo ~urt.hd3ii "UY~U U Lb woorl 's house. Fo urth St reet. LC;~tl\h! tt l 'lr h, 1,1'\ · I i , \ . r ll ":1 c l nl. ') 1,.1'" I'l ~jll ,I 11101 .' .. ru~ \\u :u iJ)' Lhd ceuwr IIUD you bave ; whe t her you wIsh to \I'ork la time. and his dllughter SIIW tllnt It do til. " runu lng up In to Ihe m "Jl Ill .>iIl>l IIIIt! hi l,I II .1 :,JLr l!I'l, uu tllu du uth uuAL b y Ule f ll\a l t'''' lfi\"j", . , t l r '" a 'f~ rl. was not possible ev/!a to meotlon B ert"\' ry \\'cll," snltl th o w om :ln. " Now ending nowhere. Its tlrst lJuJl~"I'S Iltlol Lut~<1111111 a : IIJ \\ 0.,) lIe» vW. , l ' ,ku., t liuru l fUI( spnre lime o r s tell d y: how much time Telephonp 28 ram Uead.e to hIm. Ulen. hell r mI'. Y \I ' 1I1J·t go sn fur (>1I tills beeo Il aunted by tllflicllltl f'S nn,1 la'i I,: tl:tl' IIr E I 11 ,' It -; 1 :d , rnlJl(lr 'hl h ,I~I~ l :"JuUllJ \ \ .':II o r !'! ti!ll Vrclll l&U."l • .sIUU you will hllve to de vote to th o work ; ~lId-.! t. mu ru lJtl ft it.: ulllr l), doscrlbo I 11. The fuDeral of the grent engi necr 1Il'l h or hldo ~'utlrsc lf II wn r ~o cu n- of money, but ns soon US lilt} grcut dam b"'nth ,1i~C' Ill)1 : J.,:1l It 11 11\ fi lt~ t , up 1l11.!. l ulbJ\\e \\' hon you enn Slor t , und about !tow Waynesvl/ll'. bad been ,strictly prlvn t e. Only h Is nlngly hut thnt 1 clln 111111 rou nnd WIIS I·roJected, wllich would OP"II ·sev· p r ~ I "~1.11 Klk Wt' 1 II t '1 t. II I nl d bt" I ;... IIlI uurl h I lllrL o r .EuW'lish S(1U o.ra J" , . 1,t at,.,«. {It.' IIlIl u~ ut. 11 eit-unu llHl H" .. l ~a llY hom es Are within s ix m iles or , confreres, men who stood h lgll In ruaybe follow you. AliI! 1 11'111, Now. crn l hundred tl lOus~ud ueres for ult!l!; I'IIL, .. I U '1',"' I' ll ,,,II I., ("ural"{ t" . . . . " 1 I')' I Ilru, t.ho CU rUlJ u Ju w: l bt l you la eoch dlreclloa. ThIs Is a =-=====~======== !J,1t)lI tt I'll; \\ It.rit "CIlIt ur l bu Lc: JJtl UUU i·, L..1 . lCIentule circles., certaIn 'people tor I mus t go, 1 l('ft lilY cn l' d()lyn Ihe vlltloo and ser"e as lin Insplrnllon 10 JU'I",; n. !flr" I • ,. lll" I\ kl1 .1., ' ~ d l" Wf tl,;3 \ ', J -.J .' IJAilul lO ,,_CUuu lhl ' sp lendid oJlPortun.lty for lever ol mon wbom he bad made great and l.ltCCeSS- , rood yond er. Will .1'011 gn with rtt 1" Itl! ("octJcal r esults to otlw r s lmlhlr ro,lA "\lrI '''I ' ut " Iii , ,ivf("_r luI : llin' Ct! I ~uu J I II t llP II U' r ! I' In thIs OOUDty and countleB udJolnlng IX tal del!Jans, a tew otbers who 'e ti es t TIle muD. s hook hi s h ud !lml 1m It n ttemptll, peapl!! elllue BWlIl'mlng III to Au tJ I ('"llt/!", oi l I' , " lUll ..: 'liu IHI" 01' II ~... lIlu UJ "J U ~1. \ d Uu r ~u 111.1 t,~ II !'tt.rIlJh u n IUd u".L . hln "t lIuru to 01111<0 good mon ey, wo r king s teady w_ peNOnal; bnd becn Invite d to Ule down h(' fol'e her RuOdcnly Olld caugh t Ole cotlntr,y; buyIng up the ll1ml, tit ,.,11"t"-l , ,.~ h 'ut \\, G.AO t.!h "' lu:,~! lh..'l:I 'IJI1)llnl llt "X r Ir (PRII.:ES RIGHT) ( !Ill' '"oM. Cd l\) ,Ittlt ..l tJd vi laM blr1'vl . J ' or SPllfO tlCl e. Some ot tho ll eld men houle for the Se1{\' lces. Tile In terment h er skirt III hi s b'1'UlIP· HI n:rllls 5W()pt prIce fotl acreage steadily 1II0untlng, !t t , ~ , ~~ ~i O'l' 41 I d l ·~HI .., ,0, mhHl~ j ... J, dJ 'nb.It'.IM" 1. I b wu In the Uttlil Connecticut town ot nroualt her kll~ea. She yl eltled one The rntll'ood nccor,Un gly found It " PI/ ,Jl II 'lfl "!' (J r .l " r .. . IN u"'rlfl II(l r Ulr\lf 1I.tld tfuun. ru: \ l1ulI\'U l U h) ea rn $300 .00 per m onth: one former illUIt nil -SOil\U .Ilil,): ot ::tOlit h belt\! \ '3 ~b Mllford, In wbleh the older M nde h od lI opd to the pr~ssur(! ot hIs Lips and worth while t o tuke up t he long-nhnllenrn e d $1,000.00 working Slln ro time In 11H' n,attt' r ur l~l"\ II I It., r .. ; ld r , 1 1.!~ i'\.\'''' t'~ 1) , . tI \' !io lll" h I the pial'\.! o( l,.,·~t ll been born. ond from wbleh be hnd gone laid the olher upoa !tIs head, d oncd constructi on work ot lUollollng 1II 11 ~L ".),,1 .. 111111. 1\Y.) (.!) h ~ rus 11 11(1 f" r"'') - 1.,41 lu n .D. ~ii w.,·,l r l 11,,(, '1\ , . I U ' I ':""~ A : '\lI n 11"1', UI l j i · l~ lt~ i) t hl! lU: r l,.· , t..~ I flu :o ll UI c.' only, No In" slrnent or bond necesSol~ Agent forth u a. boy to conquer tho world. "Go now," be wblspered, "tor Ood '8 the rnnge and croSlllug It. ~ren \1 11sn ry. A few lIces to Mr. She ppy will ,uor,.. I ~r I. ,i. "Sb11l11lJt," snld the 70ung eng1neer, snkc, U I look at yOu I must follow ," denly observed thnt It wus tb shol't- ~u \"v er ',!tp i I' lr It 1I,u llilil lrl\t\lr. A ht, til t- tuHOWIIi Ifp.I,'riul."d lrac t . sltu~ tt!U !Jon d $ ~ () 0, b r ing full portlculars. Adu. For III tUl' l.J '1II 1J ur \.\ II) LJt"l HId"" au Sl4ld t:UU ll l) ,I' efter the monnd bad been heaped u est dl s tunce between two cnrtllnn l Gorden \Vbrl'uU rihU h 14lo u J )lllu. Jt, belli" b.1 IhUl l u th lllllftttl'r o f tl.lI· ~ lIlfdlllll~h ll' lnu and covered with SOllB ODd strewn WI~ CHAPTER X. poluts, nud on e of lhe grent tl'!lIlsconlIt.L tdrd llt.'t:t I)'i ~ lHH.\,. 0 tho ul hJ· tlnentnl railways bought It nud bega~ or Chur h)8 ro~ I l.r , ('hu"11 mlllo r J IU ~,t /J ~ l tt lHr\~ut Ilw l ti:uK U.h :htUard. u,j Howers and the workmen hatl gone, "I I baye lett evet'l'thlog I (IOSlleSll In yonI' I :he New Rodman. improving I t to replnce Its orlb'lDlll R oy 'ob ue ll tlpp ill lol] ~'\l!\ rdUl n : th~~~~~ll1.~:!~l'iI~~~~rl!~idu[()~~.~h SU'UtI' ttuJ B nd $UllO, 'I'" . 000 >0 ll""crlllUd prun,~. \lelutr Ih. chal'le. You have a power of tt I There nl e no more beautlfol vnlle,s rather unsatlsfactory Ilne. sa Die M Yo dro t!u U\~l \'-U uy "'UI"l'UC\J d 'J ' t h)r~ But He Dldn't LInger. )0 tlte tJ1 att r o r Ilt tl l! lt o rdll\\I 8hip W ..' " B tul I~. L Ll lIuJU lJy d uw Of NcuNJ I U BIl7 to receive and pny out an mo~e 0;' anywhe re thnn UIOS!: C!I t by the waters Th e long WOOlle n tn'Ntlr ",hI ('11 Trnm l)-" on Y'lU ll RSls t me nl ong V" IUllIO Y., page 14, o r tho UuOd UocorJs tit tQ 'deposlt, IDveBt, and cnrry on my ~: 01 prImeval !loads throu:;h tlte 100thlll s crossed lhe brol"l. sn ndy II 'PI" '~' I" n lu u f F rtlnk Hp f-ill I,UII lt ll " >LI~1I irubpo!I !', W ....'r tiu I,;o uu ly. UhIIJ. CORWIN, OHIO the ron d, lUum7" L udy of Ihe Rou t'th.... llJ~ .. uO c~JlU ug frum "he ~bo\'~ Utl thers estate. The office 1s 'to be CI08~ 01 the great s lIow·cm'ered llocky mOlin- front or the towo. tll h tl (If th,' 1111 ' I~ \V iiS dee lll ed n 0 1"118 [\ r y t UIl ~ H iCl'"lUU« l)fd "tU' ty Ltu,\. purt t1\ o r~f hor o\ ur" ,"u "l'c rsonlllly 1 conn t; but 1 will \In~\J n Td lJlll be ,\l IP l otl'd . and the house Is to be sold. Aly wlU talns. T he eroRl ons nnd \\"n~hl ng~ of cle nt rh'cr, t1Jrollg h whIch Ihe f' !<'kpt a';uhJ U) \.ho ~uh l ~uthbU t:: L UI, l u li Iv H , 11, :h ll in my dog, ond r know be wUI be E Mtnto of Et ory Di l!l t u s b . dt' - ~ utlrw ooU Qua J , \\' llur L.uu by iJ(MXt d .. lud Ia whleh everything to MISll untold ceoturl es bnye /lull gout III tront Wire 11 011 tu r th r Ilowu Il nllllwnt, Jli l.! r ]0, 1UU , &.uc.l nK!vrdva 1n VOl , lJ7. most plensed to do so I" UDtrWOrth, is In 70ur hands• . You IU'8 of the gruD\te rnmports of ~ n cce.,sloll J\jcl(l lJ~ Horse. fl owcd hlJJl'Ilil y IJlI,1 l' R ~B c1 Third 11 0 ollnt ot I\Clrul lll ~­ bcpl,unl" Ih'",O I ~ ' or t h o .lJ ei:l J(ct.!c.mJtI ot Whrr,'u ~Hlu tl' , l l!llo &u ,l U(\iC.MUuU ail folioWI, t.t ) - ~ 1\. empowered to drow trom the r eveaue of 10\\'cr elevlltlons like tho bastions at ruod 8tl.l'. wn s bellJ~ r p lur "~ by II Ir.t r 01 ... 1I l"'\ lt o , o fv " " Ill e 1'1n il ( ' o ns!! t bl I'. I m Wu), U· IIl11I,·rt or .u;UgIIllU ~\ In ~ lIu I.U "U I or tile .. tate 70ur present solnr,. so n f ortress, At first 8CO rc Iy t o De :lIs- greut vlJlll u~t of s teel. l' Ul' liP tl ll' ,,.,,, llIo,lIar. n U U ~)' ,Vh 'U"u~\l"UU II " , .Jonc ·u you Uve. It nDytbJnlr hllppens Uogul sbe d from th o nt.nltl runge In gor!;t} lJDl;t tlle OUI('I' I'i<l l' of till' ··Pfill- bOLlI le I::il xHI " '0 nn t u f gUflrd ll.n "" "'"l ,, i l>;t<1 I" 10Ilu".: El ,'lIl nnIJlg ... . til <.t. ' IUI)I luc"'. hUWII ",,'1. 111 lUO We.t.lln" II I liJ. to me you wlU h4ve the will probated , h eIght ,!nd ru gged ness tb ese ra,'cll l)s Isb Me a nnOlhe r hlJ!ltcJ' Ii' W ti hlil l ul· t.:'ln ... wou t J a.u ~ 1Jja l 'l ~u l'o rUur tu J .t«.IU FUl)eraJ -Dire·'tor~ An i The re He Stopped. u , I1n,u: t'lCUt:-u run With SIUJUh ol-O' .. In., and be governed Ilccorc1lagly." and esc.orpmenf s gl'ftd-l~eereJlS\! In r em! I!l!U "l'Cpt~ 11.1' Il ~1I17'T1 d lrl \V \) t"Pl=--C,- uri I.,111n iu t <il tr \ f r yc"• .,:,In?t.'H' ~ U4 dt.fll(:<!' J U tnlllULcS \\. 1 111 tt . ' DO «.I u_ ' 'TI lufTl'm pM l' nl! n humlcr, doesn't "Mr. Meade," . Bald the .o1d moo and nltltude nud s ize until tllCY turn Into steel tlreh. · A slllhl' h:" I' Iw,'11 lnllll 8.\ \VIU Fl. l.. nn ~""I·" .. " I I td\. t (,J urH !It'( 111 ~~ teUl..'o l)tJli L au [,ho h. ol. t lJ.twk ;:. Ohio ~r, uillj) J \.I II: tlwl1CO tt~ rl . lit. h UNI ill be ?" "Well , y~s ; . he's ."lwnYB enel'- WayneSVille be somehow found hlmselt transte'rrlog 8 ~erles of more or less d lscoTlnected, neo r the TlIvllle, (l . Jlu lh nllJ(l~ t t h ' K.1"llU( d r l ' MIl'", 1 ro .. r ti t ~il ,-. 1 h' ..... Bib) 1\ ••1... uagr~>&l lO t.u IUU l d~ e gt}tlc In r enchl ng n conclUSi on Ihnt &lie aJrec:t10D wll1ch be bad thoufOht ha4 BOWl' rounded hJlls, li ke. uulllnlll: t o t of th' m ~u , nnd 11/'I'JlII~"nH' n t~ .1.1 H , :''' oll(l-.. U.,'h( h t. ~Ue l~ KI.HJ j)tlr I.Uc.!1 ",ah o l'Jl l'll,wnrks, lln nJly merging theuiselve" ' .,!I.Uu!JU •.UI.' lIa t;:). ~.j t, l'trf\!t18 Ju mlilL ""to K J jJ lomethlng ougb t to be done.'''-Doston i~cal E:!<ll e Trllubfen; I t ~Ihl u lu. t II irOll JllllllCUr l ile t.J Ul h ~ast been buried beneoth Ul e s od on that hy grOUUIII s lopes looo the dls lant w ere being m nde to rUIl tI I IC:d tm ln - lUTBItHcudu t"'ttr),IJrtlo r.·l" lnOI L rt..lf"X; IUUfU:1I1 1 • a.. rrooscrlpt. long mound before ]lIm, to 't be younger u p frolll Ihe t own wh ell a ll wos c tn.'IUlW " R ·hlt II I " It'''H ':-(' (~ C~rt "' /\ 0;') m luu(tJM, ')d Il. oui..! 4 Ill , tIJ \HJO t h · Auto Equipment man. Be hnd loved aod scrve(] tl plnlllS o vtirl ool;ed bs tb e grcnt pea kS pl e le(1 to give lhe p~o l,le Oil oJ)por- Khl~ , r e I! "Iu t 111 l lt. . 1'11,,1 11 IOW II . t' r IruU p.lI, t.II,OUI-'U a t fi ght IIKi .s, :)U,tlUgNU. ~ ~ mlltutt-8 u: ob f l , to M. (1 u lIuJr I rou pili 1.11 Lha HorlJeo>Drawn Equipment Ueade nil "I ~ lite tl nd b e bl)gnn to see ot the mOtlnt.ulus. tunlty to r il le up the got';;!) Ilnd sct} th e sti li). $1, l'lrt.l.ltlw ull.u l1ucJrwtllf 11m.! .." n' lt 11ITLIjuko' that he coultl not stop now, nor could ~'lJ e Cl'lnotony ot tltese pIne-clod, great pil e of r ock, Oll whl ('l1 I!nterprl s .J \V, I,h"lld \\ttJil h , w l 1 llllU ulelll(1, lUrn p Uhj , PrEl ~~ lf' .v 1'11 1'< 1111(1 Wl rll to ~~II~ : i!l·ll(;.."'1 ;SU m i ll lllUS \' 1'1 0 '51. U't Lht! ooglu ..· he lavish whn t he 'md to .glve 1IIerely Wllld,swclit s lnfl cs Is brokeD eveo In \Vns nlr ndy vlu\tnlng UJe i1oseerlltlon Mho r .., In' In fo' r',n lil hl , $1 TELEPHONE 7 DAY OR NIGH1 on a r ememhrnnce, "Mr. l\[enu e," be the low hill s by out-thrus tlllgs or stone, ot II S UIIlJlJ r hotel, HIe bl ns pll('ICIY of ;:,ul'l r('! IlVil141U h ll' hocn m glLl arl y 8.llpr uJMKl What Good Old It Do? ,Jnlt n H . Jl: r I ""~ ~,J F'r ,I AIl t1l~ l:1i..-llw _U It) ut ~j~IJ" u.ud ",-ill HoL 00 Au ld lor said.. "wllel'!) [Ire you going nud wbut 80tlwtllue9 Ih c hurd Igneous rock, UJe nn omuscmeut pa rk! The Wtoo\\,-"Thcsc lawyer hodl es It,!.:ib t .. ,lIl l\1U -\ hh lt1 ur II kl l l lll)praI.lSW\J "" Iuol Imrl ~' If. tr,"'! III Ilut IIIl ~ ( 'w rh hl J) . do. you In\.,,"d to d o?" groc lte of the mountnlns , more freUp the \'oll ~y of th e Plckct 'Wlr no i l 'I I )). III Halt\ ii-r \,/ uo·th l.rl1 t:~h. lluc--t lJlrd frae EdInburgh nre near drlvtn' me :(;J. . Ju (w, j ·uur a m ! U llO· lllll'U I u LWO yc u.ra, U~ ''1 don't lwow where 1 sit nll go, or quenlly the softer red snnds tone of n morni ng In enrly fn ll como' n y IIII !; It rn'\ l JJ t ) I1IclilS tu b t= b l,;\; UreU rJ y Urrlt mutt. antt 'wrnnglln' oboot this bIt o' propAll KINDS OF WlIIIUIJI, E II-rlll ll I" UiTlIllt IIno ~ .~I' U ~. ' U ~h u l)r I UlHs .,,11I ft"UU to bolU' lu* whot 1 shll ll uml rtake'vl'nlUlllly " p eriod Inter. yet Inell'ably old. Th ese mnn roughly dressed like th e Il verngo ~ rty an' thnt, till I wIsh Bnnders bad L S<l lfl P ltl1'!', t",;!! hc rp:j In \l ! us~J j · t Qt L'CIl u. ~ ll1u r tAllJ ot hi POl' CtiliL per anauru · Bald Ule muu. "J'm going to leu~e clllTs, buttes, hills and means hove ..,r li. es )lurcH u r 111 11)' h.,,'., Ib,\) priyHego 0 ; ~evcr deed " t a· ... t ~vn .l11 r' , $l . lilt,) Hlg ",H ,, ~, H l h: In,\. . ever y tll Iu'g lJ 'h ind now and try to get 0 been wenth ered Into' strange nnd fanllU ll'AJtO W. IVINS " tAll lw fl ~'l'II'!r "It,1 wi " G:l uo r e ~ little rest ut first." tasUc SltU[ICS which dlverRl fy tit e IlIndA<.lmllli Irnl.o;r with tlla .. Ill ...0 • • 0<1 in DOl'lll ,,),1 t o .I'n hip :f.1. . vr ,It ~ E~l .~.ur "'nlh U 1-.: . I,up, ou, doee_d. "And you will keep me Ildvlsed ot senpe IIl1d udd chorm to t he C/)ll utry. t-1 .I , \ "lltt o"r lll l "Mu l< 'al"eft- .1~lra u ~II " hlua," Iwro6Ys. your wh eroubou tll ?" The norrow ~anon.s In wbleh the Ifi ll ncr" In [)"nrll"l d Ie wlJ <l1lp . $ 1) "Perlla]J!l-1 don't kuow, One In Rt snow-bed strenms tuk!! tbelr ri se 'ITnd· .... ...,.., InJunction: you oro not to tell anyone uolly widen ns tile \Vnter follows Itl! W. . 1I.1 I> r rl l1 UTI, 1 \'il~' t o WI Hlt.m the troth." tortuou s course d own t he mounlalns " Ood torbld," s ald Shurlll rt, "w~ thrOll gh ~blJ , Sl ,.' •, WANTED htlve .Il lld to preserve the h ooor 01111 among the fo(>thill~ to the Buudy, ndd, Rll o\ ..;\ t\ . J'.I tl, Gf· Ol'/.{" I!:r I.e, Waynesville, O. otwne ot him we 10vI'd who IJ es ll ere. " wLndy I'IOlo s beyonll , At the entrnuce :j:3~ ~ 1\I'r l;'" 111 t-j"lIlillOTl tOWlI -h IP. , I, IN PARTITION "Don.t render our perjurl t}s of non- of Doe of th c lovcli(!s t of tlwso brood !:illl'b ,'1 A E " I,}I in (3",) rg l' J£rtfjl , . ANTED-Beveral tODS of good Qger Poetolfb. etrect." and \'erllnnt vllll eys. II s horl dls lunce .~.. uCr('d 1n 11 11 11 (\lJn o w tlh ip , I l 'Hl'dU IHl t t.o "be command ot IUl order of , -tl4~· l alf.ltlJo or olover hay. H. E, "I will not. sir, I haven't fO~DlI thol nbove Its confl uence with n nnrrower HOIl •• PIa()U II 'P . oalt \ '~4"U rn llll loh" (Jourt of Oommon Pleu Stolles, R. D, ~, Wayaesvllle, Oblo; Ortl!le Pbo a.e 71 paper. I guess It was destroyetl," more rUS'l!ed rnvlne lhl'ough the hillS: ",,\fa b "\. P ,' plll,' to Lome E ul f l'llU'h I..u ulltr· Vitia. an d 10 madlroclAld and m28 . ' t l It ' I ul,, "ruu. j ,\"11 o trllt.a~ l'ubUo Auc'loD on "I ·presume so. And now , good-by." lo y the thrlvlcg litUe t own of Corotnl I. U 10 . hJII,::; 1 ' "Aren't you ('omlng with llIe?" nado. B" IHY 1(,C'nb, r" , loI'gnret E "I wnnt to s t ny h e re 0 little whil e by Some twenty mil es bo ck trom the \Vo JF, Ill' 1 0 ~'.t:.'ll .llltll, ~ I. ' myselt." town at 0 p lnce where .the ,'o ll ey ",us n' I' 3D p . m .. Oil th6 llramllllll nl\Al' Wayn_ MONEY LOANED n il •. I urrea CUIIIIW, VhJo. toUowin, d .... MIH I~ . \ " If 1111 I 1 11l.~ 1J nil to .0,,11.,,] '.l'bl!! dIsell8e should be treated 'as soon Shurtlllt t urn ed ond \Yolked IIWO Y. narrowed to a qunr(c r ot n mile, lI ud I>tel1ll • • lo-wlL: '1''''' lullowlna Ueal ns the Urat unnatural loo H~C88 of tho \lr -. l/n l~ 10 \Villi 111011 ill 'L'n rt le- !;;ttlutu. ~ILUli tutJ III the CoUll">, o j \Varren 'Vben he rencht}d the 1'01111. down whlch separating It from lh o p nrn ll c llll J,; ruIlIO or UIIIO . UII,llu lIlO Virginia UiIILar), 8U": ~welB appears. When thl8 Is done " Iln ,ll k t !lIVn. 111:. S 1 he must go, he s toppcd nnd fn ecd nbout vine, TOSe n huge sunu ston l! r ock ca ll ell \'c)' . nud b(.l hndud and doaertbaJ .. follow. ' ONEY LOANEI) on live stook qlng le c10ae of Ch4mberloln'e Cone, CholSpani sh lIesn. Its top, Rome huntlreds ~unuy No 17 1. Ubtrlnnlt'it'" aAla!>l. and ~ I,l, ·t"r l . 1':1, ", lmi l\l~ t. r>l tflr, abattels lind seoond lDortga8ee. crll and Diarrhoea Remedy will eJfect a t wo I'" ch •• ~o rnor to Ulram Allen and Anot f eet higher thon Ih e trce-clull bosc to H '.rl 'l g L{tl1\. i,; tl'r" ~ tu f :loll r . dc..,,,,,, ~U lle r·. !Ielr.; thonce N. Iii d~ Notes tfongb~. JObn , Balblne, Jr .• cure. ' T1Us r emedy CIUl alwt.&ya be deof the hill s, wn s mllinly level. I~ r orn j " ,,,,,,, \lea W , Ug.~ · llOle. .1;0 a atono corner ur c uk l"",tI~ lil h ;,j, t ti l , pended uPO/l even 1n the moat levore and !" .1~rah ~m UOlfmlln, ,benCll 8. n d...- Allen Building, Xenia. Obio, It 30 its high elevntlon tho cOtltllry could be dan~rou8 CMes, and Ilhou1d be kept at ,j,! r!Jh (!"I'r '" .111 1 \'.' 1" 10 I ' I 1Y{)~ d an "WH" • w" tl H I pOlea 10 ... toua coruet seea for JlIony mil e. , ntouutulns on OD e ' u AlJr .... nm 90,.., .. all . Uacltel llatlou'. and and ready fer inBtant nse, Never leave ... II ,.,. '/-, \H/ ,.e t "II III ~ I " ~ I o t-J wn. ., e,'ph ,-"kIll " holr,: IolJonce S, 10 d....- m, 10me on a 'ourney withont it. hond. plllins on Ih e otll e r. It stood 111/ ,5 Jk ~ I C /:f liJ I .. I-ono Cf)ruer to StJ.Uliel Lu ... ~ lll il , $ 1. lik e li n Islullll 10 0 S'II of \' ~ I'llure. LitklU ,. h()ll'lt; Lhonce N. 13 delrece all minu~M FOR SALE tlar r y . Chr"i to ('h\l·u. () Luoe, Ii: 'lI U', ~10 1 1!II 1 l> II" \lelllolll"'l. <Joutalulug tle I!purs nnd rldl:es rllll frnm It. '1'0l UI acr"" I r voll . IIU ~1 ()Ule.. be ~ho slllIla Dress. d. I t illl.,'bllJnlJ , l: l. m or"t) or h~ sa, . wnrd t he rttDge It descended Dnd con~: .t JI r d 1'1 ·1 1,1 'I.. , r lOA ~c b e ll II 10K , ftc "A'" .»rl'lnlo.o COJlveyed to Vlntrn ct d Into 0 narrolV ntl tll e, "ul gorly co\\"pullchN' f rom II", 1'I1111!11,,< tnrtll ' r na .\1. It toll' VUI' h y JOt.ld rl"1UU ) j , ~\ Dltaco lliU 11 11 wlt'e. r.~ I ., ..Irt' 10 0 ·" rlh' jrl ,·r 01.. ,Ial I J. u. 2 1s ' , 1900: nUll recordud In known D.' a "hog-hock," w hel'e tll ll orth. H I' molt! \\'1 '11 , ~'~ r wi lli (I eel'I!JRSICY (Jo w and some lum ber . g ran ite of tile l1J llIllltlns WII~ hltl rlpn tnl u'lltteoti rlll t o cl l'l :l11 I"ul a II J"" r\l' ~S t o VB It ip. $1 ~';~;"I~'~ "I~~~~ 1 ~lt ~ . lid nocor~. 01 Warren Frank Miller, W8ynelvUle, O. . 1111 "' 1111111 F, h:11 31'" lh 1\111 1 IV l rll tn . "hf I'rt~m l "l" ,,~pI·al .. u .t Forl,y-Iour ( H ) untl I' a dcc!) co" crln/.: or ~1'O~ s-g I'OW ll thut betm)'c<l hlln I .. Ih" l'I'a l I·,'",g liTH. CUAT.ST • IHW acrl'. 'enrtb, which f orrn '0 th e, o lll y .III·18I.on rId er ot Olll mu ge. j us t H.; Ii ", <" 'l l \(>~ ~ ' Il lu\ 1 ' 0 11(1'1f .j~ III T"" til J::I lu uil . \Jullnrtl ~I\h l (l rf\ nl l)icr:; to bo svld by order or t he h a w o r e, nil hl)l1j~h f It t \~' WPI'" 11. 0)'. t l,l l O\'.,, \'Ll p . " l. (A1urr f) tt Al lr~l1hin \11(.111 - on.lIt\rh. VtJUHLy , Ohio, bet ween t he vull oy ond the I!O l'gc or IX Window 8~lIh !lDd one lIeo)lld In ~.u.s o tJ. :t Ld2U, Wherein (ltlC)r~e .uurrar. rnv ln c, berore til t} In nll, wl(}cnlng. r ose d lll :try Illl lr'll1llo's 'utlll, \It'r~ W')I' U IN TH. WORLD h"nd door. Iuqoire of ,I , U, . v' hl llrv p ll\llIvlfr:z" I,.llid u. Jlzuhl1th L t1LlUU Xo tu, I~ lu r r.illl:C U 'ellse>! '. II) u little illlT"I'cot ,WII Y (h ut 11 f!'\ 11 I hf'un'iJI:rt."ucl unu. IUlO the n l'xt hili. Marlatt,. Waynesvl\lp, Ublo. aU I'ImLISHED WEEnY. 1'!D 'J"lr lU~ ( , ('~~h o r 0 110 t h ird uUlSh ne look In to thr· fnc!! C K .rl lJ: ti llll h II·g:'C. n F D ~y !(fn UI'IJ tJllr(1 lu nue Yf'l1r, ,lIld V IlU t h Ird i u \.\f0 'I'he· p ~"D l e c[lme fl'om miles ol'l'nv trn~'I' 11 111m. /tOTIL., DRUCo.m, ."ICIIAL.IS", . t ""y .\1(J! lltlv lllil ) 1 8N, 'J dt! rr. ~\1 1-1arrnnOts to Ut) so.:fl rCtl by to see tlilit InlereStlng Hno ClII'lou's the IilUIl , nlb,' lt 1, IIi D1us ln he oncl 1,('llrll "1l 11 /1 ,'1,,1\ C' . O(>D-A. lot of 811LM, 00.' In 18- CO STU M I.S, T. A.S ., . . . 0 A~ JlI I't ~t.: o u prupftrl y pur chWltJd , 'Utslurrt:d n}(>~n. mu cll more s frll. ln g III Its op- h id th e r c\'elillog outllnl's (>f lIlou th ' Or ~ ]~m Lnfll I H 11 "1':," 13, tb'.. I, pU,)' IIIOU1 :t to IJII(H ti ~~ lottJroat, pU Yl,L' E\ Qunu ~ ,.IID . . us S.Ry)e. OAII P.O .. I7' lnoh I " n~thll. IoqnirA of the nnd chin, s ulliced to sh,)w (hut here aUy . J ,\ ~I t.; 1" WI; SIl~rHr IJU(I H .)Wt'flll I \,j~ ~ ,..tJ Mu rrow. pcnl'Jlnce tbll n Dllldwin's k[wlJ. lire lust , !I" USIItO ITS ADV••nSIIIG OOLU.Ma , ·Io.rl< Co unty. Uh·IO. Corwin saw mill for prloe!!, eto, \VUS 00 orillno ry .cow-pullch!!l'. 11" 1'011 footlLlIl b lo \v It. ~' J'Ilns('(J lIlIllj! nl l1 l C~3 l!I ~Ol'Tflrt " L10ro6Y, 1\ 18 VltI' llnTl J' I,llh l)·q.' r , "r 10r ro\v all SAMPLE COPY FREF tra \'01 r s ev !l brok~ jOllJ'n ry to \'Islt boldly cnough nmong th rocks of ih Iln (i Adll W"l1.~ ('I ·,· lit Ir'I Hcr . _ _ _ .... YOU OU•• I. ' I t. Tho town prosp!'.,reo II ccord I1t!:1 v trn II 0 ntl ulollg the rough wn,l, \\'111 h L' hflrle~ M, Il .." nr H. ud 1Iln"v L. UI' TobllOO O FlttORS f.of 1:;" le, 1J004 ~Ud been mnlle by the whe Is r Ih o , espe 11I Ily os It was IIrlml rnbly Sl hlu t~d 1,,111 <1,.1, nf RI ,I' fI'·I'I, ', . n neR. mostly "blLved hickory. as n plnce of d epn r iur · tl,r hunters. !)X- wn gons nnd hoofs of lh e h ur~cs . 'I'hero loq nl re o f B. Rlohe, R., D . a, pl or r~. pro p cter. Ilnd ' olll'l! nllJr(' r ~ , wn. about him some of lI", 1IIIIet con. Commlsllion 'r's Proceedin £ s WUYDf'8vllle • .Obl • a4 ",Jill Hought whut . th ey crtwed In Olll flll ' lie ' bt'got of o t·h l';~· olU "n t. 'OIJlO oC 1.'hl.l Coln l~l b \l8 n l LCI< B OI,k MIlUU, I wild. hills. 'J' hl,ro were 'one or two good tlw power whi ch kno\\ Jr'd c hrll'KS lind fao/,ut1 nll Co., bl t\ nk~ fO T probate wIl l h ~ ucceNS emphu kl u's, .VI't L1lCl a G~- 'll'ver CBmpine Eggs for .. Want to Illy Here a Llttlo Whll. 1 hot('l~ for (Ilurl ts, unus ually exleus lve ~ Bar"ed Hu.ving decid ed to QI1I' teamIng OOUTt, 7. i'6 i ~ I,!tr : Ji ,l v!l1'tlllicg I\nd u. ,obl l,l j( 15 for $t 0 0, 'T ' IDl I'" g(>n llrnl stores of tile b~tter clnss, wern ull n/'rtnlnt~' IIlIlI bC!lltuU(ln, t oo, ~nlJ\11 Po! to r C,1lt1tDI)Q pit H8 on urt. I wl Jlselllit Publlo Auotlon Ilt (UV b M Pierce. WAyne!lvllle, Ohio, a' . Y Y.. " wit ere huntlllg find prOMl'ectlng pnrtl es nR If nil bud no t bee n I,hdo flal tlng ull . :!4. II i U tlJ U Bu ~plt ll l Itlr te pl l "Mo.' re~ ld6 aoe In W .. ytl8$vtJle, .0111» , On -.ala. Meade WIl.II 8tondlng where he eOllld be ouUltl ed, "ltd the blgh-lIvlng bls COlll'se. GUA olo~hlDg f r iDU1n~~!4, IUH 05; U, 0: Saturday, M--.rch JI, . 19]7 '1'0 he Con fno d had been. The old man took olr bls extrovagnnt cottle .run 'hers could HGS from Hatley II Barred Ply. "'UD'UIUl, Deobo n t , p llstliKe. $30 i L , G. A.n. llet .. Nft!'tnt farewelL I "'hilt Utey demnnded . ....Jksldes 1111 mo\h R»k. By &he baDdred BeMtnDlog at 1 o'olook tlill follow.~ (I f KIJD8 ~lns, bridge lumhflr, oldl!ores, X.d. not lett &lODe. Beyond tlt(, e th 're Wl're 1M modest homel! ot M. B. Oswliln & !lOll. bUrlalfol IDg property t()- wU: lJ Erorees, or b,. .' be setttag from and bruises• ..... IIIQII4e "beN lib 'aUier bad tietm I the 10"ers ot the rough but exhilarating to:Jj",~ ADII Bat ley, t7h i V"lIey Tiile Ff\rmln" ImplemeDte, Bamsle. 25 Bradley aa4 0UfI ~RalD. PrIOllI She Kn ew. reuolI&ble 1lrI, Il. 8, Bally . . . . I v . a clamp of trees. BUlh" ' and bealtb·gJvlng life of the Rocky Ilhene ('0", r~Dt-! "nil ',,\1B, 186.80: baJtbtll1 C o rD, aome Bale4 S'rllw., He (cxplalnlDIl' nhuut Itoc!ks)_"'l" ....r,.... ... ,",IIIIlD--ellonld mountll1Da. Of course there were DII- biow TarRl!l made knowa un of ale. in full nf O(ll>lrllo\ wb t • fill 1' 1 "1'1"" wltIIoat WOIIIiiii teare! meroua 88\0008 ond IDmbUDr haUl, Ih_"Oh a margin ,IS. don't Ylm '!" tl7:t. Jll~ t fin.pU.I, J. aa. ,7es. Thnt s the mont'y fllU ol,,\. • bI. .... Atl~ .J.l ~ ooua" Ia ~;~:j;;;;;-;:: tMln WlIlUIIIo aDa the town WDe the hauot Of CIIW'- tat UJl Rnd loM.""-lI01tc1a ~rI (.l1l.Dd~ Qled. ,~ ... bon. Il~CfI.I, i!IIIfno IlUI4 , lit. ilia.... _ ,• .a'u. ~ v~

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Cheap ' Paint land Inexperience














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D u: H. E.


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Publl'cSaleo RealEstate

Dr. J. A .. M .Coy,


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Gla_tHad A"cIs , ...............



Walter Chandler



















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... THE


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IS ... UlW Ii:VERY WEDNESDAY f..llerurt

at ,h. P

D. L.


Wayn.aville. Ohio.

en AN g,

~ ub8ei' i o tlo n


tlCOnd l'I... Moll Motler

Editor and P ublisher

As Wrftten by Ou r Corps ()f Able Corresp01;ldents in .the cighborho d

Price , $l.50 per year

WEDNEl:l llAY ,




ATALE OF THE EUROPEAN WAR Bnt Don .. ld bad other t.oplt'll, more Inter ll~tlnu tban EOllilah 1I0ldier. aod ~helr bfflltr8, to wlk of JURI. theD, aod the IDotter wlla kOOO I o r~otlen. MI ~M HI1If!dld told him, sboexllsct

8 I to lijave Purle, for h ome soon , ... d lJem llld u H ~ tH c d ber b e wonld uut b\.l ln ebe UoU"d 8t.ates , IOUK , !Jofn r e he wlluld Itluk her oot. ThaI BIght tODud bl" b(\ tl k .. gl1ln with 'b .. Ame rlu&u Arobull1lloe secUoo . a ' 'th tl Verduu fruu ~,. ",here blR title. t lno 3 h" d dra.wn I btl mu~t d. m oul! d .,tail of 'all-a roadtul uf ellell bole. an'd .he ll Mhowerll, Just b"fore th e dllwo of Lb tl nl'xa day th tl ~eotloll Ibrted 00 & f or ths nlght '~ orop of woonded, at II lur embrll8ure. All throUlCh II e wood II, 'he great " UD~ were ro,rID" l oude .. aod louder, be loh log forth MhrlllJnel whlob I t' 'he d~rk n t'a~ , 100kuc1l1ke gred Mteel firefl Ietl All Doullld : wi th hie hOlld oraned forword "od hla h AU.1 Dn Lbe brlllte, nllllrod (\ oorne r whloh wae .. I way. droaded by tbe tleo'ion. wHh I lood wbiat llug aull .. lerrlfio PXpi Ollou , a abel l bunt j ost over blm. ,outer. Ing Rb r d\lOeJ, wrl'olung bl .. oar IIlld, al Lbe une who rl'! Oued him (':I. preasHd It, "D" J1l1ld In 'be baol!:." Btl Co re lOany dOYI Dona ld fouo d hlm ~e lr 10 r.he h Oll ptwl In Pa'rle, ,be proud IHl\l8111110r of Ibefren c h "I IHury Medti! for Vh)O aDd" tt rful jUlro til the ElY' 15 0 1 AlIIII HlttO" I,1 IIno "hI! othe r nur~e • . He Wl18 .. IUlnl( oue day. longl oJt for Aun' RO~llllUd tbe ot.b er hom. folk , "" h An b tl' al\ w oottll ng hal tl n(fly ' ow"rd him. the ~u @ JIt.h U"nadlBD

,u' "

o,ine4 16 Poundl By Taking Vinol Norfolk. "a.-"I . @ufrrrcd from nero



th in. Notl,ing I took ...-em,"" to help rna until onc day a frl,·nd told me about Vinol. 1 hove now taken .ix bot UClI and ho.\·c fnincd IIfteen rotlnda; have a J!(lOd npprtlt.. nnd Call cat anything."-MAT· Tn: D EN /UNO, Norfolk, Va. Vlnol i8 n conatltutlonal r~edy with Ita formul a 00 every bottle. '111 Crt'fttCB an appeti te, aida digestloo aacl makc8 pur~, hllAltby hlood. l'r1 l_ l1li our guaralltee,

J •. E, Janney. Dru)tl,!ist, Waynsvllle .~ leading dr", 'tl,,. ID aU Ohio toWDI


8 prln~ Is

here wltb its song bl r d ~ Ilod la we loomed by e ver, r tl hle ut of I, bl ~ dls trlot. Miss MlJd'red J efre ry Is nt h ome doing nloely . Mr. Ed .l eff r y IIOel f umi ly onllt'd on 1£ A J eifery nud tamlly HuudllY uUero oon. Mr. Bow r nutl faUllly n ro uow 00 oUl'yiog the MoUoy (!l rm Th e ralll Frlduy Rvrept f·he ravines cleBr 'I f t,ra Rb 110\1 n ood. glites. MIIIII No'ti, l4ufIls lind brot her en· tArtl1ll1 od MI.i! II:tb e l , Smlt.b. Mr . O ·lvl.'r Elh an und elater, to d inner



, J

'\Ir IIml Ulr~ . [10 vanl ~r"lIom ' ome people In .lnr violnlty took Be Clillle dlreotlv, t o D,lOIlIJ lt o,1 In ti O,1 IllOld ly .1''''.\ :-. un rlu' wlt·1I Ir . ndVlloMge of tb o fio e weather we tr odlloe,l blmse lf, Q~ 'Qptalo Mo r ton 600 Ib. ,III li' illi 11 11' . lI1 Ibe " M rf. lIHry hlld thi s week and oleaned 'heir r.nd ~poke very klndlv &nd grutf' fu ·. Uru!!., ,,. Yllrdtl aod ma de garden. $12.50 Iy of the wot;k Dono ld .. nd bls fel· The voltor} !:leourltJ' In\·sstDHlUt · Mrs. !llllls Roland was In Way ne •• lo w t\ m a rio~n8 ilIAd bee n doltl lt. 'ompn ny, of 'nnt,lD, Ob it). bA"e "l1le'1' hu r edayaftern oon . Cboy loon b e o~moqoltegt)od rrl ~ oll ~ _neured ~btJ BerlTloo!' of Fraok WII. I Mr~. F"me DlIt at;ld dILua hter were a nd in .. oonfldeutlotl 01000 be told son fo ~ , th o outh rn dlstrlot of in S pri ng V&lley one a a y ~btl 'Nos,k. Dooald b ls ~lIod 8tory. Obln . I bel r 111'0Po!,ition 18 irGwl nlC Mra. Dav id LUCBI'I oa lled 00 Mra . 80th Pri .... 1,( WU" tbe 10uo "e8t of t our :;onij qmte pop olllr UtlJ OOIf peOpl1 wlshlog Am oa JII OJuOU one af ternoon 'hla ',0.1. ChlOOIG o f Lord IJ'I1ve l'Sbllll'l , of Mort ondnlll, .. g ood s tlfe Iu ve~ tm' ot wft ftk . \I.ln ll lnnd," he 8ltI0 .. "fj"m r y " r" ~ .. lillO, whe n 1 Vi a'a 11 \i eute nuo t In til l' Prof. Rn lpb D, Ton epent 8aturdny .1. 1'. MarlAtt, :W8R a Lebanon danud ' uu dltY w\t.h b le parenti io Klog 's O l1ll.l' d, 1 m Jt In L od ou u o.; itor Wednesday. I:tl l(h lllnd l 'oun,y . o f y our fai r oo untry worn e n iD Jltr@. 8tt1oy Uralg Rnd motber were '9hoOl I booome d~ o ply Inttlres te tl; Mr L n I .J essllp r<tll l r e ma in oHllIo g on Mrl. Nanoy Dodd Tnee. but. you koow. tlJl\ YOUOl(o.t eOl1, poorly with very tl tUe ImprolTcmoo'day. with nOlhlDg but hl8 com miSSi on in ~u DdU1 . LA I\'c!'k tbor e WUM mnah pro. Tho wILny f r iends of Mr . Bobert. Mrs. F8me Dill e nter'alned 'he 'he arm y, hal n oi mucb ot 0. fo t u re grl"~ !U~de t owll rd s ios tolliog our MI·. B()lI y Aid Boole',. Wednelda1 to oft'er a woman, 'Mo I 1I0id my FerrIS are eony to b ear be bas wet elpctrio \ll:hl . afternoon oomwtl!8lon and went to C"nada wl t.h an accident. It 8eems to be Mrs MILr y LeBh A. d ~m p , of Karl . wb ere 1 Ip.oored a tract of wheat n ot blog aerious, however 'l'imotby Marlatt aDd J . ·B. Penoe Orval J"hnlon oa lled on Earl 811a City, lil a. ILnd Mra Alloe MaKin . ·.... 8re t rnn eactlng buslnesA10 Le ha. lan d in A IberIa . SIlY, of Co rw in. w ~ r e vlsH o r~ at Mr . "For two yelirsI worked early and 8am s Snnd ay afternoon . n on Tbnredl j . and Mr~ W . W. Weloh on Wedn el!. lI1te . I wla W&ItIDg 'good ' and looked !M rs . Ear' Be rnard oalled' on Mrs . l ohn Cbenowetb II oon~empldlllg d'lV of IO At week . forw ard to lhe time when I coold Tbl'! J o nR O! Ruo Bap~llI t Mla. loo nry Dixo n Wharton ooe el'ening th lH seek my Iweetheart a nd offer I home bulldlog "new b ·, rn. we ek . lIr. , Freenltln wus a Clarksv ille oclft.V m et t~t tho born o of 1141'0 . worthy of her. But .~ble oruel oee· Wnlter Murray wal In Dayton Hn rhh R io h Wedue ijday. Tile d ny viEltor tlatorday. Ie.! war Oamll 00 ntid my ·couotry w&~ be1. u Ltrul Ilod " ve r ~\ wore In ~tl urduy . needed me, ood I j oined Prlnoes8' Mr. and Mn, E . L . t:!mlth ep"n' IHr eo elatlc)". A vorl' In lBre6 tin g Mr. lind MrA . Frell Wilsoo, 01 Pat's reglmeot. alld hele 1 aID a ~onday with 'heir dllught\lr, "Mrs. UTallrnrn \V IIS oOlr rl e,1 out !lOll o nto of Xenia" collorl o n tholl r grandmothe r, Steel to Sleel Bearings- Arrow·tip BeaJq;' m~loned and orlppled man. Wbl&er Blliley . Large Platfonn- Wide Wheels. tbe most sn j nVIlble f elil u res W88 th e Mrs . Dixo n Wh&rt.OD Saturday. "Bot this Is not .. \I the W!\r hili lu nch done tor mil It bal tlkeu 'rom me 1111 fltber and. brot be rB III killed In The Bll me MIIPiIJO M.Y' ·oeiet.y met banle aod my mot b er , wll o d ied of I1t Mrl'l. 11'11 Myferd ' ~ b orne Tbursdny 11ft r ooon. 'fbI) atte nolauoe Will! " broklln heari. Aod I ILm left olouo. " am waiting h e re, a t the: b D"pltlil before al ilelng In New Y ork, walt . good .. od ev e r y thlu ,~ WAS donI! to uolll (beoome Ico u ~ '01D eci to thee o Ing for 1\ pnasage to Fran De, to jolo Ultlke th e mee&l og inteustlng a DC Dr. Kiog·s New Lite Pilla wUl reo I}UjOYH ble . •Htifiolal limbe, (with wbloh I·hose tbe Ambulanoe Car us. Where, In th e world , did yon Dome move the aooumulUed waltee 01 win. Belglaol have 80 ouuniogly and suoThe I:lnndllY t'oh oo l Contest Rt tbe ter from yonr IntelUnee, the bur. oeufolly tisted me, lind ILleo hun. f rom ~ "sl1id Unnlild. " , F r om New Y nrk, " !lnd In ex!>ln . M. II; c burch , whi ch blls b~ en on den of the blood . Get t hlOt ,'uUlgh droos of otbers), then J will bs Inva. Ml r lce ,' "Il ud r '! t ,I II n An r l Dg n.. olose .Ided and I{O 00' al one, with all t h e n,, 'ioD they t old blm . I h e y were wltb tile Ulnes 1f1 tile le"d The ut dllrlng fev er feellni ont of your lye· weallh and POS\t.IOD ",bioh 1 oever tw e nt.v.ell(h~ hour s fr om New York; t nntlllDc e hn uP"n 8" hi g h .... 232 tl'm, brighten your eye, olear ,our fll[PHoted to bavp, and n o one to ' h at they bod oome over wlt.b eigh t. tlud !\fl ll r UI .l 0' utA t 1$ wil l be" oomplexlo n . O et that ... Im and o lben in a n .vln!!· mA ohln e wllieh or owd If th e re u rH ;i~ . ~ n"p of good purified hetlUby blood. . hare I' wnh me ." Dr. KlDg'l! New Life PI! l Ilre a DOD. " But, why no' offer it., now , t o th e was mllkiol' bel' m "ld eo trip. 'rbell!(l,tniflJo$ F r ill uy played h &voo !:p iplng lax"tlv e Ibot "Ide ndure's c ro be oon tluued ) woman for whom you '" e re work. 8a , t ry them to night. A' all With tho t ,,1 "hooes ~i n ,hI v lol n lty Ina'" eald Dooald , "Ob, n o I wbat ~nd \h el r t ro ub'e m on wef e obliged n.""...... '... 250. woman, eveD If ehp loved me, and 1 I to won all Su nd'~y, know Lollt IIhe ~Id, would be Will. Mr . and Mrll. Chu Pyle, of Wey. Inl to lIbUe ber life with mine ? nes ville, ptl"slld t h ro\lRh here en Bui 1 be. your pardon I l"b .. ve n o F achlon In Thought. Low rates and liberal contracts right w burdee youRltb my ~ ~ery,' • ' Ve nrl' III II;:hl I'll ehllh,' 0111' minds, route for UI.rlcnl\le Sat nrd"y. MIl!. E8Tne~t Harri ll, of North "nd he relapsed I.lo the typloal r~­ as we (\0 Ollr boll I R. IIfler thl) fU Rhloo ~e rvfld BrUlab omoer. In vogu e : nnol It IR Recount ed fa n· Dlikoh, is v isiting her tither, J08, &u\ Donllld'8tnt.. reat wae aroDsed tl1811ell l, or sOluethlu g worst!, not to Canon And he reoalled 'be fHol that, four :10 so.-Lock°. Cho,s. Bnrs t ler, of CinCinnati, well wlt·h bi ~ family b e re ijunrtay. years a,o, Aunt Rou b"d Ipen ' tb" Leater 00n1l8r , of Blne Ball, vtllted lell.on In London, a'u d bad oom e Can 'You afford to be without 'a policy? Mr. aud Mrs Eme raoo Vander. fr ieode nea r hers ~ nnday, 110me. oh.nlled from a h.ppy li ght. vo or ~ Ilnd falDlly wer'e Suudar atte r· Several frolll here sthndft<! 'he h OlllllC1 81rl, lo a quiet, oh arUllng 0 00 0 visitors o f Mra. Lu Ue Vrtudor danoe a. Fran\clln Saturday evening. womao, .. nd her lamily ha d oe ve r ·SllI le.of Oh io, City of Toledo, Wayoea"ilIe Phone No. voa r t ~ fl rryh e w, on Ibe II vtl nu e . Mrs ( ~e ll e" WI .. Ihopptnl been .. bls to underlltand what had Lut'as Counly; ss. Ohio 77 Mi~ s I£m rn li Jl1nlJ \V nrti, d6n g btAr In Daytou 'fbuuday . oaoled 'he Srensformat\on. By Fran k J. Chent)' m u k es .... tli thlll 11. >I f \lr. nod !\IrQ ~1I U1ll p l \\'o rd, diet! II lIlr. Ind AIln, Walter Bnmber' moaU8 of Mntlonl, deltoo te qDe8~lou. is senior pllrl "e ' uf the finn of I'. J. ::iLl ltllduy Ul oru inl(, Th e fuoerAI IDg Donald knew th&t Rbe wn8 In . Cheney & C"., dlO ilig bllsiness In I he Cil y and ~ on wer e Llbano. vial'ors Fri. d~ed the "f"tr D o on~ry wom.m" III of Toledo, COOl II' Y and Slule o furc~n id, WitH i.Jc ld ZIt DO il Y; Ill ttrment lit dl1Y. ~prlt) ~ t1 M ld ob l1l·ol1 . q uestlou , lind determin ed th" t If " lid tha t .a id firm will pay lhe ~lIm of Mr@, Rllful Rlll8ag l ll an,\ Ion 0:\ \1 11 ND HI(U I)U LL AHS for cact, MI~~ VIO la .1,1 rdOll @Pfl Dt Sunday Locust Probably ExtInct. pol8.ble ebe Ihollid be allowed tl~n 1I 11d eve,)' cal;(' 'lf Cll lnr rh tha I ('11 nil " bt- t h o J.:u'·st nf ber g r Rnd m othe r, Mrll. ppen\ Weanelday ut Va ndalla, the BARNHART. obanoe '0 deoldll wheth er Capt llll cured hy the l!>eO r HA I. I.' ' ATAI{ R H There has not her n n serlons genaraI lI:ueltl of Mr. and Mre, F . W, ROI. ' !LrnlJ 1 leh. nngll. . ~10 .' r: n, now Lord Fave reh a w , MED ICINE. F I{A NK J. CII Li:>l I~ \·. Dutbrenk nt Ih" It''cky lUou nlntn 10Notary Public: 11I,'uld ept'nd hi. fnt.ure life "lon e . , ' W() rt1 to bdnre Ille li nd su lJsedl cd in 1\l rs . l '. ~ . Randall called on h or .' I Mr. and lItr • . JOlevh Miller were eust sloeu IS80, nII tl thIs purUculllr Twod" y" before Obrl, Don. Ilt)' "re ~ ' lIec, Ihis vIto d RY of ilc<cmbcr, Irlt od M I ~8 I~ ul ll PhilllJls, of L ab vi siting r lllaH vu ot W~yn ..v11l1 grasshopper lin8 <'eLi Retl to be a peat Alllllnda of Nota'7 Work. aid, wh o by t his time was ' Rble to A. D.1SSG . A. W. GL.I ~ASI)IoI , 8uon, wh" is se ri o u sly III, of lUly greai--It uportnu ce. one day thia week. aDd Deedl a HpealaltJ, move a.ronnd lome and who WILli (Senl) NOlnry Puhl ic . ·Mr. borl Mrs . W L. 'B arvey have Mri Mary Fred, of Daylon, h .. longing for b ome ~Uh "n almos' Hall'sCutorrh Med ,cine is taken ill tern' purch. 4sod /I nelV '[ntelrstol te at Rev. been villl'mit trle nds and nldlvell h ear t breakIng dealre wa. alllal;" d nU)' lind n,·' s through the, Dlood on the Alf red Wo lk er . It I ~ Ii boo o\y . 'b h It I ' ~llIc otls SUlfaces of the Sys.em. Seod here, .. to "fie COlO IDR "own te ol l" o for te't imollials, free . Mr. a nd Mr/l,' Mar tin ~ ou8h .peut . Anna Mary Null vilited Iter Ilsler Thl. MlY Help, DR. J. W. MILLBR. holl, Albll rt, Bolme~ An" B to race Wt\. (t. T. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Hundn;\' with Mr, I\nd !lin, W. A. To remove tho IIm cIl at fresh palot, Me!. r . W. Roenlale, a' Vandalia lon, t .. o.Prl n<ltl too o lol!l!ma tl's w!J om Bold by all drull glsts, 7Sc.. • M~rrlt t. put a pall at cold water to tha room ••• DENTIST••• he hlld 1isu d fro'll a ni" a Ilt w UIlY II Hall', Family Pill' for l'OlI!l.pation. Isuno KellY, of WIL~rnls ville, IIp eut • everal da YII la.~ week . IDd chonle It every three houn. Mrl. Ubarle. Chllpm8n III very III 'oodltY with Mr . un.d Mrs . Frank ... her home nor t h or 'OWD, bid"ker Miss Celinda Grlea. ball returned .Dr. ll nd Mr8. P. D Clagett wa re lo b e r b ome In Franklin atM' an • Worth While Quotltlon . a l1f1 u 11 t Mr II nd Mr8. li" rlllik Bbl. I:lte nded vi sit b er f' , Egotists cnnoot converse: they tl1lk daker 's ' u lldliY Il ft er IllOO [) .. Lucile (j or.ucb was a LtI!Ja non ;0 tbemselves only,-A. Bronaon AI· Dr. Bell's Pi ne-Tar-Honey MiRS AIOl!l Lomb s ll rl her IIls '.er visitor 008 d a y thl. weak . 10tt. Por Coua;h. and Coldl. SPOilt Hunduy In Lebn.oo n with th eir IlIr. and Mrll . Ir wtn Blinn were pur eu t Dayton Ih oppen FrIday . hl r~. Ett" Cnllett I ~ vl ~ ltl ll g ber IlIr. and tlrl'. OhlLl. Grabam and Slln Morr iS nnd wife, of Ne w Yo rk I\8ugb\e r, EVD, of Rldae ...Ule, lipan' City , Frldtiy evening with Mr. and Mrl. Mr !lnel Mr M. Il'\oy~ Aode raoo nnd md Collee n . • no ,'"r\toll I1Utl M!lltl!ie Anliln. of Mi ss Luella Gilpin, of Oolumbue, Xe nia, w e re ~ utld el Y lIoes'. o! n_•..1-_ _ __-..:._ _ ---:==<~~ Ie viRlatnK her l'aren te,Mr . and M_ rri rod s h 1'0. A. Gllplo and family . Mr. Aod Mra. Il'rank r~. Burls aod \lr. !lnd Mrs. ll' rltDk ~bld8kel wero "Heap bic mileage" at no greater cost Day t on gue8t8 W.dDelda., a ftlr. thm fmordinarY. low-mileage tireSOO UD. that's the Savage idea of value. Mr, ILod Mrs A . {•. King treo ~lIctnd beal ollS io WIlroln8eoLl And tber~'s no guesswork about t~e Wedoesda.y. I:luddeo ohaol88 of tempere'are price-yOu always ~ that you will lind und erw eAr bring Iprlng ooldl pay the same for Savages anywhere- . '''Itb sto ffe d up heRd, 80re throat I1nd ge neral oold eym ptoma. · A E"ery Savage dealer ha• . the same dOBo of Dr . Klog 's New Ullooverv Standard Price List. is eore r eliet , ~hi 8 hliPPY oomblua rh e tor t ur e of rh e um ll ti~m, tlie tolon of antlMepHo bal8a~1I olean thl Higb mileage, low ~t per. mile-tire \lalo ~ and lI ob es th llt '1I11 ke life uo. he&d. Boothes the Irrl'at~d mun· ' satisfactiOn. Sold from factory to you bearll bl e aro relievt'il by I:llol\n '8 branefl anti whd mlgh' b.'fe bean '. Linim en t. a olean ole II r .' qui ll t bat II Iin!erlng oold 18 brolteD up, Uon't is ellsy to IlP IJly And to, 1 eH'eotlve stop ker.tmen' when relief tl fl.nt tbtln mussy . lllllst er!l Il r oin t ment. felt. a. a half ollrell oold Ie danger becau se It penotrates q O'!1ltly wl&h. OU8. Take Dr. Klng'lI foj-ow 011001'. oot robhlng. For tbe. Dhllly pBlb~ ery till YOllr oold til gons , Rnd Aohe8tollo\vlng e1t po~ ur tl , straln@ ....:spraine and muaolel'oreoel!8, ~IO.lD '8 Linimen t Is promptly effeoL!ve. AI WIlYS have 00 bottle handy for g o u ~, lumbago, toothaobe, baol!:aohe, .till Dook and till exte rnal pains, At d ruggiete. 250.

'Farm Have One .B'i.'-"'-Jl"'--"·i~.

"If it's weighed on a FAIRBANKS there's no argument" .

- - -

.. - ..---

B. E. 'E ARNHART Wayneaville, Ohio



----0."- ...- ---

---_0- •.---

Tornado Insurance


Absolute Protection


VIRGINIA GIRL vouanC1lI, hRd DO uppctiw a nd



wll O!lI he had n otloed wben he hlld vl ~i 'ted Mtos l:Jattield the week be fore

Being a Slory Written by ~ Four Members of the Cen- ~ tervi lle library Association. ~


••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ! ••• E. v.

, ,





---.0--- •.---



jj{fjl/E TIRES

Heap liig'mileag.1

'J. B. CHAPMAN Waynesville. . , , Ohio

W. ·P.McCARREN Harvey.burg. Ohio


." ,


~.'~r .......~...~






- - -... ....._---

Ideal Alone Whol'o Truth. Th o" IR Dot the truth. It Is tb e pnl·t Qr the truth thnt hns been a ttn In!" '!. Th e lolenl .. th& truththe whole.ttllth.- G. Stnnl.,. Lee,




I .

Ground limaetoDa .8IIe1'\"" 'hit oe.eldlration or th'JII ;wbo oontempla'e lImlns'he IOU, . AiDatnral produot, Ii oan be alad lD1 a., quantity wtShou' danler of IDjury '0 'he loll, Iidperlm.DQ ba1'.'~oWD Substi tute fo r Llruleed 011. (lll "loll1lnO:l1 f "(l1Il seeds ot Drnzllitlu 'hat two toni of IImeelooe ' .r.... "ul ,I"'I' t,·,,~s hUll IIl't:'D tound /Ill nc- emoleo' alone ioo 01 qu1okU• • pro. "'I'I:lhll' nh~ tllllto for Hnseed 011 hy vided the lormer. II flnel,·· pound, Llme.ton. II oon.ld,rad bel,. :d.lbh pnln t lJutJ wr~. l(Iouod, wbe. 1111 perae,,' o' " wtll pa.. tbroogh __ Itne b&;"o, 100 .rDIII'

BAD COLDS FROM SUDDEN CHAJlGES :~~e:.t:'!!1 :':h1,o





Ohio, .

Where they keep a full line of

Lu'n iber,Plaster, 1 die, ':::o-:.::s'::4 Cement, Brick, Fence Posts, 'P alats, Ete.

epread OD the IOU ai aD &quI or leal 008' tbaa ODe to. of qulokllm. or 1,850 poa.cIa of bJdra..a lime. fohe IlmMtoDuh01l1C beilled. Lime. e'oDe.lirMa,1 IOmeUIDN CIa be ... baleaml reo ,."bDqb ..'b81 ooanl. and beal 'be 'bere" ID. a bottle to. _, to


ladden's Lumber Yard

,. '11- -


\ PER 0 Al

fE B

+ __ _ _ ..


I." \J,

dll) "ll


Feed is advancing every , day so buy now as you will pay 'more next week. Our stock limited at this price.

Special Price on Calf MeaUhis week Regular Price before the War, 25 pounds for $1.00. Our price now . ._. . . . ._._. . . . . . . . . . _. ...._. · "'-' _......._. . -......... _-. 90c Supply limited. , . .

"I I

h-\ rol


II I'h~

i\" II


-- ~



la, \ '


I' r ic ... Effe ct iv e . pr "

"J un .. ~


iJW'IIH' '.

l s I. 1917


'f bis 'oll slitut s lrue a ll nu t01l1obile.

'Tnll rin l( . ............ .. : ... :H\}l.~ \{U8ll!<k t· ................. $I:"U C<.u 11 t ry 'I u b.... ... ..... $7·'5 BIG I,I(J l\', TOlirill1or .... .. .......... $f<iO . Hoad tor .. .... ....... · ... $H:;; C(}upe ................ . ... $l:!!'iU '('[Ian ..... . .. ...... ... .. $1·1;;0 I.IGH T ,' I.·E' Tou rinl! . .., ........ . !1 >1 ~, I tnml ~tl'r .... .......... . $\170 ' nU\ll' . ....... .. .... --, .. ... 1:\~5 Sedan ... ............ .. ... ' I ;,1-;'

F. F. i:,·I .•" ·!· . nf' ,''' '''n. Ohil' . ~,!, is th l' ).:u ('~ f \Ir \ I l\ IIl't'''l' a nd i Illily



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! illl(. J l i,\ (·ryill'.r,~ Ij Mr. I·;\·! J " I"'~ '. '11" i n .'ll t h'lIboro [j

The Waynesville Mills

IT u ~du v v i~ilill J( M'" C. mun , II h) I. ~ '" iot ' I~ II I. ,

Mr. W. N. S.'or;; nnll



A /I cars held it! sto("k in L ebanon will be sold at the old price.

t tl Cl..' r ..

reel .\1"', r( i<.. m li t. apf1ear· in)! ill '''·Ii!,lz in.·s ci n'ulliting I Ii ," ",' h ul t he lII unth of Api'l l All I'l'il'<!:! f o. b. To ledo :-'111 i-' ~I t o change with out nu tic . "~llld~ in U. S. A."

FRED I-IA\iVI{E S ALES l\1 AN Telephone 19

are protected by large assets and earning power together with the most carefully drawn legal restrictions In the interes t of the investor. ~n additipn, being T ax Free in Ohio, their income 1S not curtailed by bUTdensome taxes.

r' t'fry .

D. H. \

mr~OI1 .

g:~e~t.nT~~::~~K·B~~~{~e yl:.~~~~:

~j}~~::~~~~~::~;:::1h;u£ s:,,~~:::~:,~:1!:\\~o,!~~::h:~i~',~~ I~O~IE~_- EVE~~t

The Maynard H. Murch Co.


tJ. Il P·

Mrs W . T it of Muni to ll ! , pri n~ ~ , (' 0 1 " lh.· R'u ·'~ l o f ~ l r. a nd Mr. and Mrs . Lew \Vo!.e we re c,IIl. ! ~ ,~. W. E. Cor ncillillt! Camily. ! ing on thei r parents h~I" Sunr:"y , i afternoon in th eir new BU Ick . Mr ,1 111 ~ ro. H ""DI 'r (-Ipr, of Mi88 Mable tarr . of Hal'vey bur l(, 1'1 ,p t'Clllr,{,,' City. Uhi!!. WN',· ,weel! s pent the week's end with H ~l l;'n I' mi ~ u(' , tH or l\'lr ulI,l ~lr:l , (,eor gll Hart.'1ock . Mu rl( ~. Mr. and Mrs . Lud ing t on visit.'ll the latter', paren ls Mr. 'antl M r~ • cc "PI',)( elJ p" Ill,. hno l Hall I Lowry. 01 near WaYllesv illo ·SunJ ay. 'lI wrdw venil1j( Mrs. Sarah Ri ch s p nt a l ur d ,lY with her dau g hter Mrs. J ordan . ' ~1r..Q nrHI :vi '!'I W IIp. h ~ndl r. The Ma tron P ri ci1la met wi I h ~h . !I nil ~l ro; \ A l:f:II4<ckl' and Mrs Deatherag e rru esday of J Il~t ~Ji ~s E,h.,llJt' :1I Ca rroll II'l< te llayton week . T hose p r 8!1ent we r e l\ h·S: vi~iturB Mondll), .

The 7% 'Preferred J sues which ", e offer

lbe p urchase of

if you wan t a oal Oil Stov e that wi ll )(iv t~ ~' nu ~I' )'\·i ~(. , h\,)k I,t UUI'S. I lh~) III'U illt!. J.I Jo; i:.::lll1hurt. '


Investment Values


Jm il y s pent .

~ u ntluy a flcl'lI" " n w 'th r:.e v.

Palm er and runi il ' ,

t oo ltitf'


orne in a nd see how milch car $ ' 50 will bu y in . th e Overla ml Big FO llr or $985 {II the Overland L ig-hL S ix.


T"lI~illg ... ...... I I: ;:I~ l·,," p t:' ............. SI(j~,il

,u'("lIun l


Each has sha red in the eco nomies of our great e r production - each is. we believe, the domina nt . value a mong cars of its ki 1l d. •

j.·o llr ~ ' · r1a l1 ........ · ... . ·$I!J;IO F" ur LiIllPu"inc .... . " Ill:,il Eight r"U I il\~ ....... ; 1V" iJ Ad \'an('~·il1 i'rll'~ , Hi r F"ur and I.i ·h\ S'x ~l l) dd " . l\l ay I ~ tlll"( t dd~ rr, d \I111illhat

., \

'lllI 1!l ~'

- - - - - -- - - ,

B ut the car in the \Vill ys-Ove rla nd lille bes t suited to your need a lld you r 111 al1S is th car fo r yo u t o buy with an eye to t ru e e ono my.

.... .. .. .... .. · fl ·I:!;;

WILLY. ' IZ . j'""ur



T here is in legr ity of vaiue in ev r y one of the cars in the W iU ys-Overla,nd line,- the tn ost comprehensive lil1e of cars ever bu il t by a n yone p roducer.

~ IX

TO ll rin,~

:'II N lIymall :1I1r1 I! II ,' .. \1 .'" lit' d l " 'R III I'·

I" ,·C·., II ,1.1 Y' 11.

),a l. · I' ., '



1\1 I II.· 1111 '" 11 I . 1:< II " l' .


'1 0 e lltnt car which will hest se r\'e 'our neerls w ith in our In cutls.




- -- - - - - --


!J r. Mu, ;, wil l 1,1' III :-,)1 illl{ 'alley nlithb ;l rd,:II J Jail .• bu l l! next wn':.




.II-.Ilild Mrs C. M . H.,· J..!enl lh" 1~T1('1- (, ~ I d IllI h re lau \\~~ at ·!lr .. (lin in.









:'-lr ""J .1 :.~ .I I; I .IH.,:y I hvll'I)' i iw r " f- " t ,J nl ;,,_

! I

Cleveland, Ohio

lilt: III I \ll'



- - - - - - - -.- - - .- - - - - - --


f'fR6ER'S HORSE fEED fOR $2.50 PER CWT•.



'ert - ~:l\ 11111 .y.

The kind you ,should fe~d' is the kind you .t / the best r~sults out .o f every dollar 'a nd makes your horse able to do a better day's work. Corn 'and oats are too high to feed when you :can get

-- -

+ - - - - - - -i l lAST






l';~ i.~lI Ednll J I1n.ey. ~f Toledo M ' M y Ad a ms was ente r t ainlJd 8rt'v~d hOIll I' !, ,,tUJd ~ y nl 'lrlllng. r . ar A I' McKinse i B "Ollu ~e o rd ina ry plowlnjt ~o a lind wi tl ~pend ht>f ~PI'lI1;C .vacation I sa ttldlO h'fmeuof Mr. t e Y Two t arne cam e b er e fr om Be ll- dl' lI th of ' X I noh tl8 boa re'urued I with h r P' r : II S. . lr. and Mrs J . E. un ay vr Inne r . brook ~at'Jrday evenin g t o pl ay b lis· . lIuout the ~lI.lOe or Clp y is lda and I. [JntJ11eY 81 II t rl mil. --_ . k ctbull w ith the home team . The much c he" per, h e O hl &xporlmen' The Joll y Matron s club was enter· ti r!lt J:alDe was b etween the youn g · rHll tt.I O d lJl!lLDot re.oommen!\, & deep. Tile F' I.. cher J::a~y IVa~ ht!r Motor t ai ned at the home of Mr R L A. slf'rs of .both t9 wns a nd B.ell brook· t.tll\o g o r a 8u bsoll pl ow "l'b~ ex.I [ni 19' y I W' I t and will Zim me rman Mund y afternoon . .was not In the gllme t or a mlO ule.a ll l p~ u B ive ope rll.tloo o f plowlDg 15 . P erry -Gray. wife anu ~oll all,1 1\1 r l iS 0 11 I . ' he I , " the WRY t hrou g h. as the w ayn eSYllIe \ IUOb BS "eap with It 8p:.ldiDg dee n.. a nd Mrs . Albert Gm y aml Merle mal!c )' lIue \Va:; day easy. H. E. --I .. .... were S unday guest~ of lh eir par n Ls Ea rnhart b oya threw goal just when t ley ,iIling plo lV h ilI! r e.urued lea8 'han wantt!d to. The score was a bush el of ooro i\Dd QubSOlllol ouly he re. The senior · game was easily cap· tw o bush e ll! more thao ordloary Mr. and Mr s. Geo Davis we re in Hear Prof . May ellf!, a no led t ured by Be llbrook. It was -alm ost l ploWIU IC 68 au "vtJ r~ g e for.i% yeup, U. A M hall im possiblf! for t he Waynesville boys 0,1 ts f ollowI ng oorn 1t'\£1 retarued Ha r veys burg F l'iday afternoon. MI'S l:lp(>lIltc r at the J t o t hrow g alII, and thr ugh t hill 31{ bQ sh a l1l m or e 00 Iltud pl owed &0 Mr. and Mrs. Woodro w Warner Davis'mll ny f ri ends are g lad sh e i ~' riday IJvfin illg . He is a !lood ente r tained Mr . Roy HuH •.of X en ia. abl e to be ou t again . spell k ' r, mtl _the OCCIl , inn f1 lan uught inability they were defeated. Tbe onJinary depth t b" u t o 151Dobel For 1 Your an d Mr, a nd Mrs Marvin Hay S unMrs. Geo . Bog an spent Satu rd w to b ri n~r ou l a 'u()d crow d . score was aud \ Y. bQsbela morll than OD ltond day . Bakina '- Use night and S unday ' with he r i ~ ter •- • wbertlll8Qbsoit plow W "M Oded. The See th . arllln '! pr ict!? IIr t hp iam ou. ground for oats hoa b~ell dllktd ID Mr. and Mrs . Thomas Courtney, Mrs Wolfe ne llr Silver G rove . Mrs. R obert Ballinger and daughter ~-- - - , f aI r bank ,·cales. " ~( th ' m al H . E . .T he practice of certai e.lle IVSlla pe~8 "Subscribe tor the Miami Gazette. eaob Ollile. and Mr. Lafe Doane were Lcbanon Etl r nhll n ' s. in parad i ng t he Am tJTl can n,,1C III ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! visitors Saturd ay. th eir col umns in red . w hi le an d bl ue .= T rue El oq uence. Mr. and Mrs Prnnk ZI:'! I. Mr. a n I or in more mod e~ t blaqk Ink recei v~d Mrs. Joe Greig. of Morrow spent There sh(lul<l iJe III el nq ll ~n " e tll nt jolt her e wh en the Iowa d " ~8!t ment Thursday and Friday with Mrs . " 'lI k h I~ "Ie",.,r",! 0,"1 tllflt wh ich Is Mrs . J . L. H art 'o ck 1\1111 dllug htel B reu l; b ll t tll n ! whl II Is pl(!IISlllg s h ou ld Mi , r~ uth. 11' and I rd. .1 . I Mar· IIf ,ju. l ice g ave out an opinion that ' !'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ Barry Shaw . latt and Mi " 1\ I('n Ma rl" ltaltende oillc h papers are violating the fede ral -----..• - -.....---~'AiI. Carl Heath and wife spent Sunda y ItseIr be rl'ul.- l'llsw l. t he funerul of Mrs Hanll ah AI X lu lY. with Nellie Mc Keever . The statute on wh ich th e opinion a od(;r, a t SI,r ing Vall"y Monda} islthe 'l'ri·State:price for Butter-fat for \~e.e~ ending I,larch 17th, Mr Cris S~lIman and family e.ntera ftern pon. lV a~ b a~ cd provides t bat no fiag or Spot Cash. ' . <: . , Isined Charles Sellman and family of . Tr uly i\ W rt h M rep resentati on Of a flag sh.a ll Jxo ~- . We mention pur price to give you some idea of the Butter-fat In •••..,. .,..,.. oil, .D~ toWDJlalp. Xzola.l. . Springbo ro. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. DI 1 t . <I ~ . Y .An . . . n rinted or tamp ed on any a rticl e 01 N.ncr ••mallln_.n\.I..... ..,\urD•• d aug ht C th ess, S t i C' .11 .111 1\ lin, 11:\\ Ill" Dun't forr'l.: t "On'" meetlll g al mercll a ndi ~e . value. This Tri-State price backed by the reputation of a Respony B n.e t tthan d ft H t r olll " 11 111' tll"~ 1',[)\\n,'n II'II)' rLio,·,n · "'rl· J U.. y 111' .''hl . • rll. or ..u a' _ J'oar Ienlton. er&jrve ne ea Ilurd e mea ernooner, a - 10thlo I l: to'1 sn)T. 1 . IIh <IHlns r eo ~ , U ~". ,. . . The opinion \\Ii1S ha~ed on a f ,'eI'mg sible, Saf~ aDd Permanent concern. to look after your cream week • . lI'on y e\ ' CII CO 0 III· f llct.-G,'"I':C Ma rch all . lha tncwsnaperliwhich dtlcorale their after week and month after mODtll makes it safe aDd profitable to Mr Asa W11ltakerand family spent I Billot. . fr ont paltcs day lJy d a y with repre 'go into the cream producing business. . Sund~y with Eugene EVllns near 'cn Lations of the fi ag' are doing 110 • Re«d the message .ne of our patrons gave us permission to Lebanon. wil hout an y special patriot ic motive publish: Man hood's ' Work. Gcntlemen:- ' • Enell mno IIn.~ Ills nppol nteu rln I " k h d Thete never hubeen anythin g gotten liP tbllt helped tbe FARM WOMAN burg. 11Iort IID.d Irrelln l'nbl c Is th o bri ef lI'f(: l.lI tor ney g(~!lel'lll ea es t e groun . like the Tri·State Dutter Co. tha t lhl! fed era l statute applies. Mr. an d Mrs . N e Ise M c K eever an d ~ t n II ; Ii ut to ext n(J our fllm n I,,' 11\' .:;'We uled to churn and sell "ur but~er bul with Y~!lr halp we don't do that T. MAU Y' C:! lIRCtl ..... MAXFER AUTO TRUCK lion Charles ' were calling on friends :leeds. tills IS ma nh oou's WOfk-~·lrJ:iI . · DOW. . l ' can't help but .inll praise for YOIl. We' .llave no store bill t. pay IIOW.· in .L eballon Sunrlay evening. $350 and a .Ford Si xlh .'u r\lla.l' ( Pa lm ) in L~'nl . Ap r il We always ba ve a little mone y. . This vicinity was well represented ----,..-- . l tit . S'" nu ay ~ch l , "1 t l 9:;10 ~ m I hllve sent you eeverai shippen and have never beard an70ne lillY but Innnn. 1l.hlAltt. be t--&uacbe4 to aDJ' Pcm1 Murn ing I' r .ly (>r a m i .""1111111 nt 10:30 h maUl. wondnlul IJ . melon, low prloe4ln101l. at Clarence Sherwootls sale last what they "ere satisfied . . ' Co,,"I.,. from 1.000 '" 71»J IbI. Ev cflin g' s, ·,·v ict' Bl1 d 'crnh lll a t 7 I)' Tuesday. ....,We will ban lill .GO"! soon. We are raising a bunch of pigs on separator ' WIt• •'ODGe or c~l1. mille and alSQ hR ve four cllves. m ~' I' i da\' , Litany" Pellilcn tial OfHc . ' Mr. Nesbitt Murray. of Helma was Long may yonr Company 'ltand and a 1d re~ ilt 7 ::lO. calling on friends in this neighbor· IIlXFER AUTO TRUCK SALES Cl DEiATRICE WELLBR II 'OLY II'f.'FI' After a long and useful life, ~arhood last Tuesday_ III c-llII. ~, - '" th a A . Fallis died at her home, Col· No w is the l ime t o buy' y our Ser vice eve I'. e rni n ll at 7 o'clock o m bu ~ Ave . , Lebanon. Ohio, Saturexc('p L ; nt urt!,y . ."arur ny. Easter i d ny. March 24 in the 87th year of her Seed Potatoes Capital Stock $75,000.00 EVIl I\ , ~ er v icc a lld H'llv l.l >\pti~m at 4 i a j.!e . Her funeral w lls ,held .at Leb Onion Sets o·clock . TIll' p ub lic cordially inv ited allon Tuesday afte rn oon at 2 o 'cl ock. CINCINN'ATI, OHIO to all til so -, erv i' s .' th e Rev . J [0'. Cadw a lla der offi cia· Garden Seeds ' ti ng . i nter men t in Mi amiccmeter y. Ask any patron or write for free Trial Cans sent p~rcel 'post.

J. o.

CARTWRIGHT, W ay nCSl'illc, O~i o Representative in this D imict


- Mr. IInti Mrs Glenn Dads and sun Rober t and Mr . li nd Mrs. 81' 111'81 Mannon spen t Sunday (llte rnoon ill Ha rvey bu rg. Mr and Mrs . "Iamlo I3l'al1 l1 on spen t th e week e nd III XClii a visillllg' Mr . and Mrs. H a rnt':i,;' ·





Chio'-Made Flour





ALive Dealer Wanted

\I: I


- --.. ---

da~~rfh ~~t~ Sh~~~~!r8PH~~!~~:


GU On!JPH ' TIGEe il .

:::~ fOI~\~ rl~Urr~~I. ~~~~e~~~a~rdin~I~"~he






-- -- DON'T .MISS

Specials Th is "Vet'k

Thursday.-Friday•• Saturday . March. 29·-30-·31


Hio (.;ofl".!(! 17('. :3 I)f)UIH1~ ..... 50c Good J a p R ice. POllllJl oll ly.. f:i ' I<' a ncy A pr icot~ . pe r pl)u ml, ~ O~ J um bo i!:vp. P eu('iles. pound Jin! bigCan FllncySpina,:h I ·~l!·for::l:j B!own Hean • fi llo cook rs 1 2~" Pmk Salmon. 2 Cfln S fo r ... ... 2.i~ Wa lrus. almon. only .... ... ... 2lk A ll P an . like r:lou rs. Clnlv .... life S hre(\ed I/f heat BISl' uild '2 for i!;)~ . Post Toaet ies . a b'lX '4' fu r ... 2;,.! J ello- AII fl avors;S I;,):\ c~ fur 2.1 ' VllnCam p' ~ Soups. can ........ 10'




J. E. Steed

Main and North Streets

Chick I·Ieed. Scratch I'~' d P eu d G rit. Crack ed Corn, Oyst er ~he ll. S pecial p rices b,' t he hag Don't forget we lell Tanlac. Brina


H. E. Huette


your Eigll.

Paying 2,jc

1t pay s to e at


1'\1. E. Cl ilJ l~C I'1 • IIl1 d i~Y. Apr il I , 1\l 17- !):l ii a . m. SUlld n) S"h o " JiI.~O " rn .. Prea ch 1111{ ~(:,I \' il' It,·. H . r) ;oll ins wil l pr (>a~h thl' • ('rll1lll1 . 7 II 111 • Preac h· inl' SI!!·vjr". t ,· tll{,: ''' Th" S upremacy of Cliri s t." .



Ar mv Elmore died at a hospital in CinclIlne ti la st ed nesdoy af ternoon . T he hcid y was bmught h er .. Fr iday al,d servic ~ weH! held a t lhe Chape\. Rev. J es~e Ha wki ns officiating. In· t erment was made In Miami cemete ry. .


I . Mrs Phoebe Goodm died at her h ome in Dayton T uesday afterno on at :/:30 o'clock ~ervice8 will b held at her late borne in ' Dayton at 1o'clock I!' rld y afternoon . and the I , body w\ll be brought here for into:· ! A 1.1 ,ld ~ r lltt~ sEled Illl x ~ure COD nlent in Miami cemete.ry. There Will ~ l l!hl of ·t he follrHvlDg: Hlne grael'! be a sbort service at the grave. GO lle ro,~n' and equl&.] put!! of fauoy red t ill', Rbode Ieli'Dd beD' and wblte 010 ver . Ina.lBoch lit lIlull ,ran toDd olo vel' 'wlll 00 ' .row 8uaoaaf~y OD lIoi ~ IIOU. lime sbould be applIiinr



---_ .. ---

ae0l!ll8lllry .


All pel'llOna indebted to rna for eerviee of my Itock for 1916 pleaaa IItttl.with MlIhlOD Ridpwben du.. Geo.T.LaDtv

FIVE AND TEN CENT STORE 'See Our Easler Novelties, 20c, 15c, lOe, 5c Flowers for Your New Hat ...... .' ... _. iOc Crochet Books . . ~ .... ; . .. . . ....... - . .. lOe Fa ce Cloths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c :Ba by Sets, Bootees, Ca~s, ~ ibs, all fo~. " . 25c Bath Tow els, for embloldenng .. , . . . . .. 25c Box Paper, all .the latest novel ties ..... , lOc Candy. Peanut;s . ......... . . . .... " . . .. 15c Subscriptions, come in and see about it.Q SpKlldllt In





!~.:=:~.~;:;:~; ~;;a









. (-~- -. ----~







'. .






M k insey \'a. a Mrs. Wil '. 11 E'I-


'\',d was D~eSe 'lt a t ~he I' .r I, ~ I':" . \ . 1 ball l" nday cv('nlllg'

-.~ 1111 \ jlll" O~ hC' IJrC'8('nta ion of t he . l r . a Id Mr ~ . Th ud Zi IIm,·II,l:. I. \ ,. rI·· UI I '1:", tn lll" Itubli; schoui s. enter tain'd al lIinnc l' Salill'll:!y tl.e 1.1. j ' 11-1.\"1" prlo;itl Ua l the meeling. 1I1i;;ses Beulah Kindle r . Do ruthy (; "., 'Ill:' in tr<t,ll.,'~· 1 the speaker, Prof. ~ I I •• ,'··lI"g Thl! proresdor is supe rbu uer; a nd HeM te r Galline. i1l" II !"1It \If 'il,· Mlmtgoroery COUllty , ,,.fln,,I,. " n,] pr.. ved to be a f1 uont Mr: find Mrs., 8. \ . I1nrnh nrt "Il- , t I'~"'r tl'l' talll eu a t a SUIl UtlY dl~ lIe r . Mr. [' ,,, 1' ~lfI )"el\l '~. durin ~ his t al k. ij n ~ Mrs. W. H. A I I .~". Ml o;~ P.<nma III' I•.• "In" 111 1" , II r~e~ t i(Jn9. and his lI e' gh way a nd Mr U. 1\1. WllIll' 1'lIl1rl' IHllt w ;\; on he schools. t he ---iJe~ t way j", \I' ''''H·rnml'nt. what they ou)!ht 101,,1\ . ·1I1· 1 vhul they oug ht ~l r . am] Mr~ R n·il d lI awke had III)[ tl, havc '11 , lh' ~chl)ols to ma ke a fa milv llin l1 ct· ';u lJ(\ay !lL t1ll'J r ll1 III etlicienl 'I hOll1e or, the Xenia pik",.· Th.)~p II hll III windinl! liP hiR rema rks he gaVEl enjoYE'l.1 t heir hOSllil.liity were .\ Ir . o;rlll1e iJ..,a (l[ what t he J unio r 0 rde r a mi Mrs G W. Jl awke. ;\11' and ~ lI"d ( .. r. lind muny wcr-e impressed I Mr!-l W i l ~o.n Edwa rd s . lIlt.! fll,nily I I iliJ he principl s of t he Orde r. ·In nnu Mr . Fred H uwk e. :J Iwat • (leech '1') l hen fo r mally pr e;1,11 L·t! thL! Ihl!. :;upt, Sprp ig ,I re~pon ded in his ' Mrs. B. H. Kelly 's Sunday·Schoo l cla,;s e nte rtained t h 'ir h u~b fl d~ neat . eharac( ,'ri . l ic munner. and BCa nd gentlemen fr ie nds in t he base- et' I,1 'rl the f11 g' in t he n ame of the ment of t he M. E. chu rch Inllt · Tu es· War lile' l'1'\vII<lii p 'chouls. Tit ' flag- is 0. vP I'Y pretty one. 5x8. d ay evening . The eveni ng was pent in ),fames anti conversat ion ami a gen · and iM l110unt pol 1)11 a staff . It wil l I) llI uulul: futuro el'a l goud time was enjoyed by all be used nJLI" tly for marching 1>urpresent . A nice lunch was served poses.


r on IlJull Opt'rnt Ions.

·)l uu!'g . Lh u


of Ucrruuuy lIud Vou

Lud ~l,dor(f

tllullylug mUllS of tile worlll II IHl

"The day has come when America is priviledged. to spend her blood and her might for the principles that gave her birth and happiness and the peace which she has treasured." .·.From President Wilson in his message to Congress, Monday, Apr 2nd.

MillS Co rrine Welch pl e a ~ an t l r en · ter tained the High Sch oo l basket· ball team . wi t h t heir lady fr i 'nils a t h('r home on t he Hnrvey. burg pi ke. Jo'riday eveni ng. The cvon inj:! w as fj]J p.nt in conversa ti on a nd ~I\ m es and a well ·appointed lunch was served . T hose p r sent were th e Mi,;scs lI el n Marlatt. Alice Carey. Mab I Salis· bur y. Elsie Gustin. Reva Hormell and Edna Cornell ; Messrs . Howard Gust in. Clliott Wrig ht . Rtlscoe Fu r · nas. Ethan Cra ne. Ca rl McClure Bnd Ir ving Welch.

Tobacco Canvas at Hyman's.



\Varu s ~atllr d a .


Mrs Artie AlbertRon. who has been visiting here with fri end s for several weeks. left Saturday f or Os; born . Ohio. where she will spend several months.

Wb 1 Number 3421

_ _ _ _ _ _w_ __ _


Tobacco Canvas a t Hyma n's.

. Council met in regu lRr se io n Mondayevening The regul a r rO'I' MIss MUrla S to ut WRS III Leban on tine of business was lI11end ed to and Salurduy . bills were paid W. H ' Dinw iddie was appoin ted st ree t commissioner C ha~ Brown wa,; in Dayt on on In place of Orant Lewi,;. re~ ign t! d . business Friday . The council then t alked at length over the general 'welfare of the vi i· , Buy your Bas te r suit a t Hyman ·s. lal(6. and Mr . A Ridley. reprellen- ' tatlve from the Skinner Eng ine Co • . made Il talk In rpl!ard to a ne w W . A. Dellecke wa.~ III Le ban'Jn engine. ex plaining the fa ults of our Saturday on bu:!inesR . present plant. and where it can be , Improved upon . Council then ad. , K V. Barnh art made a business journed until next Mondayevening tri p to Leban on Saturuuy. On this evening the meeting will , . be an open one. an~ the (·il.izen ~ und o !Juy your c.hild an I':nste r Bonne t ut tax-payers are cordIally !nvlled to be Hyman·s. prt'sent, BR representati ves of Ih e . Dayton Power and r..ight Co . • will be .. on hand to submit a proposition from March went o u.t 111 ~he mantheir compan; in regard to pur. ncr as she came In - like a lion . ; chll8ing the local plant . H. O. Bruning. a representative ' J . O. Cartwrig ht wn~ 10 Je vcland from the Ohio Pavin g Mll n ut act ur e r ~ ' three days lu~ l w~ ck on u busill!!.;:> Asaociatlon. will be here and talll tri p. . . pavini of Main atreet t o the hlxpayers. Mr: Br,uninll h a~ be.e,) he re l Yes . we have plenty of RUg8. Uxl;! before, an.d m hIS tal~8 to rndlv.ldunls . 1375 and up a t Hyma'l 's. . haa made It very plllln that thIS pro · I positioJl will not cost near ns nluch I r as people think it will. !>1 James Benham and. ~ aughle r. We have talked of paving through MISS LIlia. were UaY10n v,sltors Sat these colums for several yeurd, but u rday . the average tax· payer has said it l F. C. Carey is moving intc. his would bft too expensive to put down. but when we stop to cOllsider the ,n ewly purchased p ro perty on N ort h roposition how much nicpr the pav· street. ng would be than the mud rondll in front of busine88 hou ~ea. Then. in I' L' 1 H . cue a public highway should see fit JUY your 1110 eum at yman 8. to come through our village we would be ready for them . Mr. Arthur Zell. of Cincinnati. Let every tax· paver como ou t to spent Sunu ay wi t h hiB parents. Mr. the meeting Mond ny ovening You and Mrs. J ohn Zell. . pay the taxes. and are, therefore . entitled to hear what your taxes are Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Zell, Mrs. B. paid out for- whether It brings the lafll'est benefit t() you in eve ry in ~. Kelly and MI~ Hazel Riley were Dayton visitors Saturday. Itance.

. -.


~Ii ss Hellri ·t ta f!ue~t of ~ I r . Ilnt!




HOLD OPEN MEETING l~~!t~.E~!ION 1 - --

WAYNLSV1LLE, WEDNEBDAY AP1,lIL 4,__1!H7 _ _ _ _BIO, _ _ _ __ _____ • ____ _____ ______





T ho akwovd Tennis Club; of Day ton. p r~ p l1lc d .. Prof. Pepp." a three act t art'e at Scllool Ha ll Sa tu rday.ev en ing . unde r the auspices of the Friendly Group. The play proved to b • a good OIlU. and a good sized - - -..0-_- - huti ience was ll resent. The leading chliracLerfl wer e very g ood. and Warrell 1\ (IY5. as u8ual. took hia George Robert son has purchased part lik a vel ran . The proceeds the Carl Sherwood farm nort h of for the e ntertai nment were ve ry sat· to wn and will move to it May 1st. isfactory . Th is sa le was mad e by W. N. Sears and made fOllf farm s sold by him in less than ten days tim e. Sec Wa te rhouse for Auto Livery

- --

P rof. PlinY' A. John~on. of Day· The blank, (heroto for e known as ton. villi ted our .schoolll WednliSday Service, Wednesday. Thursday assessor's blanks ) m_IiY be mai ledthe~~ ~~:is.:e~~r~h~~ffi~~:n~yer~f~~I~andGoodFridayat7P·Pl. SaturRev.~. A- Beall had the mis forlax payer. or sent hIm by s~me. oth ,:r system. He deli vered an inspirin d~y. Easter Even . ~t 4 0 clock eertune to lorain his nnkle llist ThursMr. and M I·S . . B. H. K e ll~\ Mrs. method. The tll..xpaye r \\1111 IIs.t hIS talk before th~ high school. g vice and Holy Baptism. day. He climb.!d over a f GnC8 at his EASTER DAY bome and alighting on a piece of Walter McClure. Mre George Hawke property and th en return the hst to l~ridav the entire Eltudent body of Hoi Communion a t 7 S tile, whkh threw his foot in such s Mi s Hazel Riley. Mr. and Mrs. t he Auditor. bu t not until he has T ax Day is rapidly approaching, and we J ames McClure and Mr Harry Mer "subRcriberJ and mad e oath" tv Its the New Building w~)rked ei~h~r on day S%hool at 9:30. servi~~ ms~r;~~ position as to sprain it bad Iy . dith attenrl ed the Lecture Course recomm end for your consideration the cor:ec tl~ess It IlI IiY be returneu by the g~~un ds o ~ c1eaOln!t the wm(iows and Holy Communion at 10"30 Jeese Thomas. while workinlr at in Lebanon f riday eveni{lg . The mall OJ 10 person on or befo re May etc . . Ihere stIli remainS Borne work The followin ' . I' . thE! home of F. C Carey. al~o'sprained att aJ.: Fre Preferred Issues whlch we offer T raction was the Waikikl Hawaiian lst. ~Ililure to properly list (at atrue a!l~ it will be.done bl~ publi~ s~irited will be rllnderel at:~~~r:ervfro.iram hil foot. and he is limping around valuatIon) or faIlu re to fil e the cor· CItIzens. It IS truly g ratlfYln1r t o . ceo town like a three·!egliled d Ol(. He sin ger ~ and players. for investment. rect list by th e pr per date will de know that we have a g reat many cit- Prehitie-Allegretto Pasto rale .. Liszt Itepped on a stone which turned priv.e the la. x paye r of th ~ exemption izens who are willinlr to help In any ProcessionalCome ye Faithful. with him See Wate rhouse for Auto Livery he may be a llowed by law . good enuse . Raise the Strain .... ......... .. Sullivan They are subject neither to Ohio Taxes The audil<,> r w.i ll ~.l(3mi ne the re It will SOOD be time t o set out trees. Chri~t Our .Passover .... .. ...... Cramer nor to the normal Federal Income Tax. tur,~a fil ed WI t h hlln and mak e cor- Any person dllSiring to perpetuate GlorIa Patrl ........... ..... .. ..... .:Danks HYMAN'S rectlons thereof ~nd may go over the tbe memory of a former teacher or Te Deum ....... ....... ... _... Dt:ldle}! Buck same together. wtth . the . a~ellSor of classmate can do so by giving a tree Jubilate ....... ..; ..... .. . .; ... ... ~h e some . t axmg subdlVisl .n. a!,d 10 be planted in his memory . . This Hy"!n-T~e Strife IS 0 e r .. Palestrrna If they beheve any prope r ~y IS omlt- can be done by givir\ l~ t he purchase Kvne E!"'!son .. ... .. ...... .......... Fortay ted fro lT~ t ilt; ret urns. or that ~ he price of a tree to J . O. CartwrIght. Gloria T,bl .......... ; ....... ..,' ... ... Paxton value Is mcorrec t . the ~~sso r sliall Your tree can .be muked and named Hymn- J esus Chrlstls RI'sen Today ... : ...... ... :.... .... .... ........ ... Worgan call upon actual vle~v . II~ t and assess a8 you see fit: Cleveland , O hio such property at Its true value In T d . . . GloflS Patrl ........................ :. Clvey money." . he gra ~8 Will Iglve theIr play Offertory- Christ is Risen ... ..Simper We have ju's t received a full line of 191 The lister of property may apply F~lday. April 13th. ~ The a~m18ll10n Sursl1m Corda .... ... .. ............. Gower J. O . CARTWRI G HT, W ayn m ·iUc. Ohio to an "assessor. assiRtant asse sor. will be 10 and 16c. Seats Will not be Sanctu8 ....... .. ....................... Gower RcprcscnL1ti\'c in thi, District county auditor. deputy auditor, reaerved. This wi!l be the bilrieat Agn'ell Dei .. ..... .. .. ............... _Gilber t mayor. justice of the peace. tow n thing ever put on .by the grades In Gloria 'In Excelsis .. ...... .. ...... Zeuner ~hi p clerk or a notary public',' for the Waynesville. ~ee It and' encouralre Fourfold Amen ... .... ...... .. Neukomm admi nistration of the oath as. to the the boys and g lrle. Nunc Dimitti8 ... .... .. ..... ... _..... Gower :s correctness of hi s Iis.t . ~u t. it must be The Juniors Order presented a flalt Recessional-Ali Hail the Po wer rem embe~ed . rhat It IS mcumben t to the school last Friday evening. of Jesus Name .. -... ... ... .. .. .. Holden Supt. Maysilles spoke. It WI!S an Postlude-Unfold. Ye Portal·~Il~ .. ~··.~..,ooJ~f1~.:W~~ upon the mdlvldual tal( payer t.o nt· IIH-UIl:U;.I-PI.lJ'sol)ally to the enUre b~smellS impressive cerem Jny' but the attend..................................... lei ~f IIst!ng hIS property and .filrng the ance'was Rurprisina-I'Y small, This i. Misa Ruth Hartsock . Organist. Everybody invited to these . aerIl3t With. thl' l;oUn~y Audltor- anrl too negligent \.n the jlaft of those who vices. woe to hIm who tries to evade the should have been the!re law! In case of a flii se oat.h as to . thtl correctness of the listed property. • , both as 10 amount and vallie. the la w provides the Pro!!ecuti ng Attorney shall pro<;eed a.~ in other case/! of perjur~ . Provision is made for annual val · uation of real estate . but we carlDot OUR grandfather _-=--=,..=_ cover the subj ect in this artiele.-J . knew the name ~- M. M. in the Western Star: "FAIRBANKS" Buy your child an Easter Bonnet at HYman·t!.


Tax Free-



The Maynard H. Murch Co.


.- .

These Rugs are 9x12, in Brussels. Axmins~er and all ~he newest patterns from .,

$13.75 and up Come in and)ee them:and make .a selection , . are fine.


••••MyER HyMAN••••

Insur.ance Low rates and liberal .contracts

Can you afford. to be without a polig? PboDeNo.



Waynes'fille Ohio


-----_ ..- - -




stood for all that was

The Dorcas Society will bold their -Easter Market on Saturday morning. best in scales. No tt f t ' "0 I I f April 7th. at 9:30 at the Townshi p farm should be A comm I ee 0 L~ lle .r y orces House. They will also have on hands without this "watch met ~t the Townph~IP Houee FrIday a collection of fancy articles, Aprond, dog of weights." evenmg and organme~ for the cam· Caps. etc. Wesolicityollr patronage paign to be wag~d thiS year In the tor both Market and Bazaar. eft'ort to vote OhIO dry. . _ ....._ __ J. E. Janney was elected prealdent of the township organization. Frank Elbon. vice president; J . 'f. Program f or Wayne TO'vnship EIlI •• secretary; Fred Harteock.lreasMothers' club at Srhool Hall. Friday urer. This year will Witllless the ireateat afternoon. April 6th at 2 o'clock: Music; ' Opening ex.ercide; Business; struggle ever made to vote Ohio dry,. Int.ermi~8ion for dues and member· liS are nearly all the states surround· ' ship; Music ; ~ Paper, Dr. Mary Co~k; Ing. Let everv citile,n .put on their Discusaioni "Story Telling,'.' by MISS The grain elevator of F . F. Benecke fighting clotbes and be ready to uKindler;_Music. . __ _0 4 __ 0 - -& Son was aold this week to Younce siat in the bloodless battle. Brol .. who will take charge at once. The Younce Bros .• come from Brookville here and have been In the ele· vator businesa for years. The firm "If It's weighed will contlDu8 " tp handle iraln of all kin~s. and besides tbe tile bu~lne•• onaFAIRBANKS will bandle a full line of Stock and Dairy Feed, Seed, and Flour. 0_ there's • The Benecke elevator. which was no argument"Mr. W. O. Raper was married to operated by W. A. Benecke. done Miss Emma Schatzman at the home a good buaineu all the' time they As a precaution a!')' measure in of t he bride in Cincinnati. Tultlday were hi operation, and the new ftrm .. because it has Steel these times of great stress Company aUernoon at 2 o·clock. Rev. C. S. will find a well· ..tabllahed line of . to Steel Bearings, H. of Cincinnati. commanded by Grauser. o( PIqua • .ohio. performini bwdn. . to Itar~ with_ . CaptainThomas Morrow, has been thee.remony . Mr and Mre. Raper WhU.thebulmne men ofWaynesArrow·tip Beam. a~tloned at Kin~1 MIIII. Ohio. where '.,i11 make a ahort trip to relattv_1n yll1. and CorWin a~ loath to see M.r. tb. Kln&,-Powder Company and the Indiana, afterwbich they 'wlll retum Beucke lave lien, yet the, WIll LargePlatfonn,Wide Petere cartridge Companr are locat- to Wayn•• ~d tak. up their welcome th. new firm, u they come ed - Tb. company pitched tentll home in the lP'oom'l r8lldeac. on NCOIDIlUIDd-'. · . Wheels. Tulld., evenln« and will remain on north Main Their III&DT • _ ••- - pard ilull. until ordered aWQ ~ friead. wish for a bapPJ Ad ~olllcon, ~ llfe. . B.lbmllubl'tlu-JIiuai G"uttQ



---_. -,-._-'--'-

MiliTIA AT '.






WEB:;/. -/ J





,I Ii Irn \\ III "I

f I' • \'.11

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.' ,I , ~ U I II \' • • :)lln'


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omllIo 1 PI!!.. C IIr(


-AUTHOR.t "TJjr O1Al1Cr Of COURAG£;." "nit 1JUNj) Of RtGEHfRATION,:' fTC,



R eal rubber-none of tllat puttyfied. near-rubber look to Savage Tires. The' tough, grips-the-road tread - the resilient, shoc.k-absorbing cushion - the ~trong. yet flexi' ble, aever-crack sidewallEvery rubber part of SavageTires is made of live rubber. the fines t for the purpose that money can buy, Stock always fresh. Sold from factory to you through our own distributors-the middleman's profit put into hig her qunlity.

CIVIL. [NGlllf£R.

To be the r esident engineer Ch!lrJ:CO with th construction ot 0 grent IIn b 11 k that ncross tbo l'lckl'l W in '. r eql1 lres knowledge ot n gr'.'Ilt 'lIlIny things beside the tecbnl 'oIlU"s of lhl' cal Estill.:: I f ll ~fc S Pl'9tesslon, chlet omoO Il Ih em h"ll1/; II knowledge ot meo, A lho tI "'co nll'r AIf~q ~1 \" ' i;thl r,,:1 "I ' t.;:, " I. threw blli leg over tll e ~llIhlll!'h nr[\. ' 0 .\ ." 'fI , ~ I stepped lightly to the ground , I dn)p' .ItH U t'h ~; Ilu p t .. .JqJnl." <1 1\ . FI I J' ll , ping the reins ot hi s pony to the soil at 1n 1 1l ~ r11l~ 1 ''' 1' I, ~1, the III1me ttme, Vllod venter, tho (,11, J) 'l l'oth. , PI t., 1 I . U, II r" "'I', glnecr In ques tion, looked lit him wllh irA 11\ ~ l fI 'I\' , d . " approvAl. Some s ubtlo rccoglllti nn of ,l l.!: l ~jll,l k t ; 1 '1'" A , (" , ::;. :, (1 the man's quality come loto hi s mimi. Il l ' l ll"" I ii lq,qll, 1. 1.,,\ l i I P ,:-;: 1 one who seelned (\1 ~t1nr t1)' H ere wort}-. while, one who stoOll out IIhn\'f' b:":',t '''\ 1 r 'vi , ~ , I', I I. . t-f nt ", ul'k the ordJnnry nppU cnnt for j obs whn ' d I..:; ", 1')( 1n \.\ loll ... '11 11'. :-;;1 . came In contoct with VoodCl'enh' r, II~ l' till l Ilf F l"~ It " (I f \ 'I '", n n CHAPTER XI. 't he big mesa r ose above the fool hlli. "r ... l!lptl . ",I': H t !"~. n 1u l , . . 'ulc· . However. the chlet k ept tlll'sC (hln!;" 11\ , 1&v,l • r, ,w ,- 11 ~ I', .. ~, I The Vallty o f Decision. !to blmsell tiS b l! stood look ln!: UUlI W, II,.I \, 1-' , :" '!\I ( , .. t , ri " III " :II j ~flld\ \\ 1I() ' r IIUlI rtln ttIP!.' " th o ,waiting tor the oth!'r muD to bl'!!ln: New Suits " ,1hi Ii t 111 ' ; h(tdU!'o,! ,! 1U I,',u n k hll, "Are yon .be r esld!'nt engln£'er?" hl'loI):," .. I' III,' "'II'ld IIlhl In l'l,Io' "ll1l1y n ,',.1' I hI) \ ·r.'('k !.f the I !!tc rnH li rmu l, FirmRL K\D ~ V~ G r " zl " J\1U j;". 1)1. !IIsked the o ewcomer 'lui til'. YN t1h' r,· v or re; ~r o~ c ••gI Aot . .1 ,li , \\' II' n l·,' " "I '\ ,·, f,· III \Y . was a certain nervous note III h i . ,·01r,·. Tllf>l)lIkley <lonl nn ll!!'"",1 ('0 . V~ ! \\ , H"".· ... :,. '. ' .l · I II jo', uu ld lll which the nl ert nnd ObSI!I'\,llllt englnrl'r C. L FIA l d~. M,)II(;.v; I!luo no! rl,li lll W\'.II >. \r l P l found blmselt wondering nt, SII h II a d ~j;308, ',1 lind to.,"~~~t. I ro: . '1' I; rl lll L ' L.;ul,; V :-; " '1 (l~Il. 1 '8trnln ru. m"ht come wh en u mnn Is tilln ll1 (!1 POll ilt n y~ '1'h" l'I')\,l!llln'l . l :l ·,,!r(' , " ),,,, ,1\1 ';1 I . n. IoI!'. l'1. :about to ente l' upon a cOllrso of uellon. !to take a Btrnnge or pe rllous strp, slIc h C ltl ol oh llti . "'b l " I!U uncl d~ L o n ~ j 1'"11 ,,, IJ r"'.... \.o,.>'\(l r ." t o Z"c k R tlilway Co. Mo oey ; amount ('Iulul. c, kl.'. lUI IU ,l slne v UI ... ::; 1. . la Uttle Bbl"e r 10 hi s speech us u nuk e,1 Inion mIght f eel 10 hl.s body before Iw . , eo i a,O()O I lin" r l:" IJ \1111" ru I,' rnn" Ll. L:'lr('~' jplunged Into the Icy wmers o'r th e I f.illtlry. If r{'d, B ,' rLIOY lind u ~ r f.!I' , Ill I I It r ll ~ ~\' ) II,' , · 1 Iwlntry sea. UII n b r ook ,. The 1'lElV 1111111, ' Jr . 1" 1',.11 l' .. II,{'k 10> " n un '~n,l1!tl "I OlD," olun"t ' , l'LtI('!'lw Rnd t-\L I..I" UI~ K'II I. ~ " . L1 1. f) ,) I,' L·,· ~ \ "I l'ra ll k , "I'd lLke a Job." WilY '0 . 1\10ll"y ul)'; lHllJUu l lin , 1.. 1 I n l-' r wJ. hn, H . "'Ve bave no use for cO\"'punchers OllllrllflU . 750 . ,\, U. 1\ f tll ' " '10 1 H. J . ,' ii'''''' on this dam," l:!1~ory lIe nhroc k t,t 'II Y8 Tho h ' ll I f \\ ult.• " "5, U,,"', I ~ iu L ll l . "I'm not exactly a cow·puncher, sir," CI ,eland. ' InClllll tl ll , '1IlOIl ~U 111111 '10 ' ''1 ~ l. ""'hat are you 1" tn. Loa lsllilll wIIY:" hl . lUL'~ ('ub ; II I' (.I I t i t n "Look here," sn.ld the mnn. sm iling UU101111b oia l nl ed $7' fIO. " \ r,'n .. 1 1l1 ll H r P i t) It.l " 1~. )lHl l "J·t, l ' I:I':, ur L. .., h ,u\ " o o li ttle, "I'"e been out hi till s country t1Mlry Ull tlo, :I, N 111 ,.~ r \ ',I'''!!'' ,·h .. " I III, I , It· I:;' ,.c( e ~ III 10llg eooogh to Icnrn thnt nil. thnl It Is (1I Av elnud . l'tnmnn Hl1, ;h ' II }!IJ tan d I ,., .. h'-, · r'~!i II "",,<l ll'lf l, ' I l!\l fI neceSSfiry to know nbout a mun Is 'WI\I tlt. LOlli :> H rt l J \\' ".I·I.··1 ~1 JlI P.\' ,, " II; S J. 1l " lI 11l ,, '" ., II" \I) L111' , he make good?' Let us Sfi)' tllOt I nm '"W IUIH CI~1fI1 cJ $1 . Uf)o oothlog and let It go Ilt that," \\' ') r ll lol l("'I" ,,( r ~ \\"n L lL.!n ~ tL :; :~~ h: . 'IIrrlt!:-:lwir11,~U ' lr"j"n,,~:-;, . i 1'",.1 \\ ~ YIJ' \ ,1 1,·. I.n IrI \\'IIY "Out ot n othing, ooUling comes," I Dy('. j n j llDOIlUll, CII II CUlJ illi . u .. f nl!~ ,11" , toughed the eoglneer, gODuLoely Il!lIhl'. le, lLOluaed. ' . ,I. t . rT h ll d t'I.I<)"· ,,h , 111 0 Y llUd Some men would hnve been ooSTY, .... i ll ·, lut IU l:U ....t'lll . $ iIltJO. Probate Court but Vaodeventer rath er enjoyed this, C IIllmi sloll~r'~ Jlrtl.: ccd lll~S I II th Il 111/\ I r 01 t h o l'~h. t,ll (\1 "1 didn't say I WllS good tor noth, B'rll'u k J3uoltn lnl, ('l coe>\!' d lllven. Ing," anawered the other man, s miling ~I , I II y:! j,II.1 11I lIn,\1!.i " ' 1 ' lUll" U t,o ry and IIpproi!'l>tl'IQn~ III It 1n turn, though be was evidently serlo fIU.;,O; L I I'HI 0 • . u I'V :ln" fo r GUS enough In hls application. ' He Debated W ith Himself Wh et h ~r It E olut linn l .. AUlIlter.,ltob ·oil .. .\1 ,'\"" ,·r :I h . ; l b . \01 1 b' , b e r "Well, what can you do? Are you on Would Not Be Better to End It B' jnn l UCOOIlO~ of gUllr,li"o fi led ml"l i ' 11 1 · ,'1\I,.,., If) P" IM,JlW r 1; Dr. engineer?" Than to Live. EstllLo of A l:nllUdll M ' oilell, 11,·, E. (' f iltH!} ,,: J1 , H url( ll ltl tn~tl tlJlfJu l "We'll paRS over the los t questloo, OR I~ed. Nlor·h ol'ooon t o f l' x uco l LlT t o 'l'l t-Ol'l'T ,, ;'; (). ,fA . ,I IU'''', rl1. too, it ybu plense. I think .r could Since thut bitter fnre"'ell between tiled . V~lI I U ~ «.' l l lC~k "4 \ I ',('In t I h l ll ~ t) $ J riO; carr, a rod it I hp.d a cbnnce aod thet'Q Bertram M ende and Bolen lJIlngworth l' ha I \ ( ' l~O'l ( )11 , t ; . , l 1"" I U f t'o t tLi l t t o ,' H .lIE r HOI ERTY Ol~ NATHAN 111 the Ill ntf.~ r of tho e ,ut' .,[ Ho· wns a vllcancy." over the grnve of the old englo cr, LI 'e~ K L 1'1'0" . UECE A 1m, IN jail ~ ; .J A " 1I(! 1'l [ I '"I', r,' plLl rin g "Umph," Mid Vandevente r, "you had sepmcd to hold absolutol y oolh· b '0" C'lu y pool, d uoeu i>o tl. Buu "I r .vpP~WllIt1r (J Ut '; "; t LI t' VfoI H o b t1 r t V,\Y:\, ESYl LLE, OHW $Ui,lO fil ed b y lltimim trlli ll r . think you could'" . In\l1or M ende >IN he knelt hy thut 11.,w 1 ' ILY In r , l' d tri .1 ; 1]; L.11 J.1U ttl t W, ' h ~ SI r Mllpl e li e: ml111 I rlLl pr Hn<l"tuj. o r,· t"p . ~ , ,, , \\'" n 'un C ,Hl I1. "'fes, sir, Give me a trln1." mound lind wlltch ed Ihe WOITIUD wnlk Ju Jl rS II II Ill,'" Cl f n u r d cr Ifu m l1l0 ('UI:rr o f "All right, toke that rod o\,er ther!) slowly n~"fI¥, \\'lIh mlllly n IJllckwu l'd 01 tbe • Itl le f 1) nlll~ ~ ' MuIfLII . I )' 10 m 1l I <, " , !j;~ • r.\) ; Ii " "III II !(t,oll TY!1 • t'\.tlll l1llll1 I h·u 't " I , ', ~ rt't '1I CU l llIl .. t Iwu. t 1I u aod go out 00 tbe edge of the dam glonce, \I lUI ~nnny 11 pllns", oh\'l(>u~ly d e en ad V ~ Iltll ri u,' B. n I.. I1 t 1I I \"r' ,"r \ to .. "'l1p ,1l 1"1 n,cJ t., li H\:\' ,' n t· ' Ulill ut IJ...H UU "HI U II .:: u tlU"t/ Ia.\, thu IJr(\~ r II fLI II tU(1 to ",-II r ,,, 1 ;' " .11' '' . where that stake shows, and I'll take a r lu ttllnt. ll~ l'I'uJI1.('u UltlL,tllc lIflln!: Ul'l) "h" fl' juri,.,·" U1 I1 ' IJl III' ,fil!! liU; 81gbt on It." o f u b U1ll1 ",ould hll\"e cnlll'ol hc,' bud(, .] >Hn ll~ F lI lI ~" . B. B. '; I fl ~ tttl II nli 1'. ~. • f U OJ llll l~ dul I I "I i l ll t'VI C r' :" AV V . Bu nu II I'Jl IlItuti /lllllr ''''''' r" ~ lp .. ,.·Ut l lP ~ 1~'!Ilt"'I' ,,1 ..!/ltHh-iu $ , 00 ; ilL l \\11 It ,+, 1' , \l , Ulrl,' r fu r n,alu 01 IJU lJlh' Now there are two ways-o. hundre d How hllrll It WIlS ror hllll to I'cn ll,ln I<:,t u I e of l~1I I h (-l' lil t' K(Jh I, , ~. J , ..'\, 11 r li n t-,' tH l'Y ,.fL. ~ Ifllt ", $~ U ; au c ~\O,u \11 ",,, 11 , h I, l )r ' · II' I~ t;., . t il" II" nl U Prv P\. I'perbap1t-()t hbldlng a rod' one rl h t qlll ot: uml. 1I1I :., lly, hcfor'e s hu oll" IIP' I" r n 1),1"1.11 'JI 1\' Od f I ;;1 1; ~~II~ ' ~;i;. ! ~~~ I\~"l : ~i.7::t ~~ ~1\~..Ut~:tl.::.~'t I~\ 1~~~~';1; way Bod all the otller8 wro~g. A n!w. pellrod nll \1 10,' 101'0 ~he , took he r Inst F 'llOIIICll tl llO i, li t "tl mllll,1 ,·"tnr IlIfl'l. ,\ \il'll1' l101;I.I ' ,l l , " ' . 1111 .. • 7 f. ; :;,-r\ "1 l ' lI 11&" !"I." I'~II·~"' ·OI I,! t il ",.·ult.\r Itlh, - - 'comer Invarlnbly - grasps It tight) I look /It hllll, 10 111m hi s . ~Il ck "c'so lutt'ly E~ tnt e of ,\I ' nll Hll<\whnu, II, "lHl u •• la l I))' 1 1l ~ If,tl V '" j . Hl t ,1 '"1U i or J ill, 1 ~~ , \d , C,ll bit.! hi. 1I.t Bod jams It dowo, concel~lo~ 8 8 It to lIIurk lh o t(" 'IU' Holion ot Ihe cfltJ~el l. li'm lo lllcc,lnni of •..~. ·ul. " . I U lllf~loi ~"\dt" t,ch ~II'm n u J \\ u, ) U \ 111, 1.',1'' '', tilure lJl'W .... ~ l ,'ti \ . . t' l l 11 , l4 )·i ' .~' '~ I ~ t.' ;) ;1 ~ ; UII blh" ~vlll J"yt.;l)" \. 1 " tlIU IlrCU'b ~', Ul~ 1 IIJ1 IJr<lvl'd, all u l\' u 11110 I' .JI , lll'lll ~ d . that the only' woy to get It plumb and sltllRtloll, ""1J1tp '\'-1 \\~ \ t I Ill ' 14'I'Jrl ' l 0 I~r .. run 1 \,;:Jt.d ' 'b Ii ... , \; LI;\ rli cUh,i')' uuacr l 0u :.1:'\ hold It steady, The experIenced mnll Fatber, fume, l'l'llUI:l tiun, 10\'0, tokCIl ~:,t"re o f J eu llllf'ttp Fru "'11k I" ohl tOJl U ht'l, \I,.,. 1' \\11\1 ,,( , h \Jlff"; l.1 'l· UI Jftll vu.r u f L':II.,I(:;II ol l u.r u I , ecoutl .wo l llllt urt·x, (' 11 , ,f 1 ~:. lJ: . . , strIves to balnnce It erect on Its owu ownY:1) Oil" lind llIe qnm(' lII (')I1"" \! A rI CAII.Bd. tltt l11 Ilh'eC" jJq .:illulllt{ tHo h l\.HI 1 Uu ou H (. '''r ' 't 1 l\t Ii' ; <o-t I I \ .. r ; d l H f I (.' ~ C"rUl'r " I b ull ~{l tt.....'\L II, u ,u rtili ld Uil ( ' ''' I base Bod bolds It" with the tips ot his \\' '1I 1wt lIlarl IIlI ,::hll1:W C>s.nH Ill,' \(I ("I· tors I1I <,d. \)0 ,1"" .' _, ( f ll ,I:,; ~ .' v' Uo llI ''' ou.: l a' \H lfl I'o1oJ tiN 1..t-i) ;un,U 1' 1it., ::, .fingers on either side 10 an uprlght,po- 1011' . . III II,,· u',lubl <1 \lays afl.·r Ih.· E... til til nf Dono III .J. Bnlflllld (Oln 1lr . ltlt'''' Zl ~, l~ l"4ir" ~ , I .I; r- rl. y tl 1 " \' J.';,. UI'- ~ rt!u." \\ . J ,!) J CHuh... o t u l~ :, luuu ll1 .t\o l. \'11 1 Io rr u l \\ 111 , H Hg\Sr IlJ\.' th lI\~U t :tud ) sitton, swaying It very slightly bnck. fnll I)f th e hrld1'(c, 1)ls fathl'r'.· <I,·)\ ,iI, Hpoo ull I1Coouot of I;U 'lI'rll nll 1IJ1 ~ 1 \\1I1)l(\ C.J~ L' :5 .~~.; -I ,r \', It ,I.J 1' 1 u.lvll l.t lIw IlUu u f ~I I(' "UIIIU u nti U ll Hd f u r word nod forward, Be does It uncoo. / th e luqUl·lIls. h ili t ~II'II" "Y lind ",'1· prf)ved ll Uo wad on'1 o<l utirm d . 'S I ll. ": h t " :, W ,II.. un 1I H:~ cUpl blOU "r Till r ,) }o r, .CO. t ~ j, l(. flO ; :- I ,,11,\ VH !;ill rr S' 3OU Slrt.' l ;o.. Ilt\ll t l ~r~ t.l d \\ . tJ,4!~ c:t',1ti IR; t" bUnt sctous ly. too. II lie!' r,·,·.. I~' g'" ·n. n!lt] t lllll I'" rI I II':. /C~'ute of J "llle~ \V Ir, dt'c e"~ll Hrowo, Cll~t)j ' 1 70; t" f--,t e Vd fi'l't<tl "dl'IO uhH1glHtt l ' ,~t HuN ur ~alcJ ~Il'u-\:L<. ,t".! Vaodevente r hnd been stROlling by II K 111" 1111111> like (I ... piliI' hn\l 1i\Il'll IIii' I'llIrd ,,,;oo not of ~x o 'lto r upproved . M l{1lI ~ht," ~( " 170. tJ\I ~It, W ; 11 IU U lUL.\'G c... J, tC' c n l1UUf to a btlill lo ll' IIll rLh l'\lr ltU r I) ' 'I" tl tilj u t1r~; Lht.u.ll:i,I l "ti ,} .level already set up wben tile nc\v. ! ~'11I1U1; l'Il!:lnl' l')"~ he'lI l't. ~_Ife hl'lli 1I ,)l iI, A Uowed lind oonflrmol], . "lliI l.; t ll\.l ~ "lI lh til ' h.!\I ' ~ U 'II II l' IUt.:, :-, ... tI ,comer IIl'l'lved lIlirl the rod wns lyin g In g. HI' Ll 'hall' lI \"llh h' lII sl'i f 11'1"')1\ ' I' U \I ;; I'''C ' L. Ij ) 11 'I a lllif I V t.h ",I h\. \t or IJ l'ij W ' fn th u l:u nMer 0 1 Ihe will of J ohu 1"11 "', l' I,H it utlll\t: l \h J { :! , a l!1\!ti .. ud r'II: \ )' lour on the grouod beside It. Tile lOI ter It \\'I~l ld noL lll~ hcL t,,1' to Cllfl It ll,,, n B enry · .Phllh[l ~ ,· t.ll'OeIl8otl, Will 0 1 hUUtl r l 'Hti l' t H l UU, v f u.u u c rl'. loU tho MU ll picked It u p without a wc:>rd, wnlked lO 1\," It. II,\ ('1l\,ll·t! hi s [nlh,,1' his fered for pro 1lllte . Ul~I,,'.jllll;.~~~'IIU \' ( li t[ tlcscrl , lotJ tr!1c1.l, s ll U6l0cl rllpldly- to t1Hl tIIl(e, looscn d the'lIlr' lll'"kell 11" 11)'1. SIIIg:III IU'ly "1I""g:II. Ih ,! 10 l l1l'l ll 'o'!1 Ilf \\Il )I\Ui \lIlu , in toould ('uUllty 01 EtHt\teo f B'auDl.b IWz bel.\I llonpl.I Yuu 1J"",,1 11,·. l\:lll~ , • ti l\' I) I~O v. W lI. r l'cu IUl , 1 ~Iull' u l )Iuu. I t hlll16 n il 111 1\ 1 get, alld buhlDced the ro(1 upou !lIe 1 Lh ill'; thu L Il1l1d" II I',,' lit It' '' ~ l ":I IU ~ d ecBlIsed , 1:5 oo nd lIooo unl o f I' X" CIl pnr t IJr 'l 1l 1J'tl .:Hrcc L 1)'1 I ~ h CI \\f\ll,1 1111.1 IIIH!' IIt1)ke. As SO(JII ns VnndcveDlcr oil, \\'a~ t h e Ihillg: thal I(,' p Iii ", [I'om tor 1\J.l ~ r o y e d, u Ihllyed nod oonUrlU C'( 1. ~ r . W ~ up lll.r " llJ tbo '0 II l.1in l! uH! IIf t-uju ':; trUl!l Ulld l'~ugl bh ::' t p m fO , IWII 1),,blll,,,1U I , roti!"ul bi't1 I h Irl'l ~u t' f1 d LW t!l'LI tllU flOut 11 \\l~:i l 1Ilip of :-4U1Hn :"Ili'l'Cl ,ullI served thnt h is new Beeker nfter work th r"WIrII,; It 1I\\'11,-- lho W{>I\1I1 I1. In the IDItMer o'r the gnurtlil\n ~ bl \l IlI CIllh rllll ~, .... )thu l h " o re tb r u t, Lhu ~\, HLh ~ \H. L I l h u \Jt Iitlllll lJW IJ . held the r od 10 Ihe ri ght way, lie did tr'I\'ltI~ t o ",",Iyzc tI\l' 'om 1'1 .x T llt1 U.1)ll VU d e,"'l'rlbt.:cI l'tulIIls..~ii !Juint(' LIlli not trollble to tolte tll e sight. Bo emolln/l lhllt- P'lIl ' )' ,(I "hu nt hl ~ I ~, l'S of lj"l'llllk 1:>1> Ide l , Imbeolle. t:u r rle thu ullt.l"flptlc'1u .1 111 " if ill t If) t,:ll rm liUIIlU as w I"tJ CtJlI\U) by J' llIrtU lC .\. 1 hO fiJU Spe idel npPo io teil Ko l'rdlan. BUild to _'a ttl DU to, l JIUllJ l1 I,)' dc","d u l rcco l,\1 l u IBeI )· om· . ,\. ·1,\ I .. q" ; :,11' rolle vEl U, threw his hend backWa rd nod raised 1111 wu s for '('d to IIrlmlt. ullhollgh It OIUillu UJ. IItI:.(u 1 •. o r thu U t; H t'urds ur Dr K IlI'1I w J.,)1r·" \,IlI'Y h,,!\ fo r Wa.m'H 'ouut ) , O ll"', bls hand, beckot\logly. ~. III'd a IlIJ:n or \\' alaI '~S. lhtlt .Iove 12, 00 ' OlH IOM d Ull \\Cl ""HI~ lrtlm tilO li b vo dO'EstlHe o f J oho Eyer . d"Cell~ f1 (1. -it y . "r IJI.l.m 11ll' 1;11,01 ,,[1 1 r .lllJe y "It so happens." be begnn, "thut I of \\'o mlln \\'/18 gr Itl r tllull I "0 ot tierll,,:...1 P N l:)U r l), 111" " l"l r&! 1J1urt..'Vr h IJrutM fofO can give you a job. The rodmnn nclt t film, lh ll t In the iJul n'le OIW gi l'l ut· B'onrtb flcco ant I~ Pllr ovet1 , 'I1\UWI d for (I .nl<l11l< 11 111\ ' " I d~ II, th f'U,t'lb d's ,.ol\J !J ., IhO HIU, I ' il l li ll Uh Lupt It lull , M, .<It h nUI " ti. . , !, II h' ) ~ l· l \U d " ,Y aou Sh r WHul ll\lIll J , W, Ullr(4)u IJY tfUt:t l Udtoo In llQe of promotion has beeo glveo tbe w eighed 1" 'ltlg lind fnthr r . 'I'hnt lIle . ~od oonfirm ed UI Itt.: I1ILJ r :,w, I tl l ~ , llut1 l'bCorJl1d iu \'ul. U7, Eritnt,e uf Mllry ,1 El11s. irnh 011 0 llil ve It 1.I ·, n ' I~· II) \ " u r II '" I IC ' U'llJh l!~1 P llloC'tJ I b I u f till" JJ l'thJ H U":' JrtJlf of Wa rrtlu level. One ot the mcn went Eust lu st r Olllanl: \\'I\S 1I.It'tl \\,II~ what mudc 'UU I1I )' U luu ItIlU C'rllJcti Uti rulltf WS, t o·wh, ( O l' (HJ u:.(b :t, ...!(} hJ ~ , l' I~.. ) ,..I , 1' J p l) orlll night. ' You can hove the joll, which II ru Insu ppnl'llllllc. YI't t h • fltln t, ~' OI:UC ll'IO.l.lll COOIl Ut, of ~ u llrdinu fillld. UUI UK llolrt of t:. 1I ~ll l:) h ( IUll f'V to lh l Owu or II hruoohl ,d I\{I~o[1 0:< AL yo ur \V b,' 11l;t;\ ,lIu, " 1~n _ ' I I I 'ouu~: , lJh fu it.lllllJouml 1_" 1" 0 8. Ihlllly Ulnt It. TIIIJ!h t h re 'IImNI I~ Eatat tl o f Adolph, A~t, decalls II . ut.l nile! ,J".!.I·rl b "..d Ua f, Jll v\\:i: Iht.,t ."d1U: bol, a ru ~l:o' t . ,jUe , "I don't core nnytillng nbollt the d e- Ii cn llitl I1 l1d ~Oll'll' WilY 10 ~h ow Ills B'lolllllooo unt fil ed . hU''';l' l tll'lh l ( \.l I,i'l) Ii' IU· lhu \ \ "".,sl. liilu u C l ho t'i Ui' III U,,11 :1111 ,\ , ''',I I',ko l'O I'Jll' r 10 JII!'lUU .talls," said the mnn quickly and glullly. wUl'lhlt, (·,'s WIIS "' "lI l IIII,lI' 11 1111 cllll!: In the. IDlltt('r o r th o g.nnrdi u08h lp S I I\ t41 uIH '""J; L t I,'" I'un \\ t h ::, h l 'l tl :~n'H Uno "It's the work I wont." t o It. .\ '-d II ., I'C·:" d llll'"n Ht'S W, I. tllt., uHlI G ill, 10 11 111" lIt' r l a j.{ I (, 'w'o lJI.J, L ull lht; l": a 'iL vallk "Well, . you'll get whut Ole r est d o," Of Cl) lIr ~1' hc ('l)u l<I Iwn' Khn\\,!'11 o! 4. I,UIP HU ll , llu:IH'u u L (I ilL tlu!; lu~ wit h








Heap. big miJeiJlj2! J. B. CHAPMAN


Waynesvi Ie, Ohio



HarveY6burg, Ohio




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OF APRll, lSi7

"IJ.· ..



Ro vl o!! I'o ld m y fll r m. I will ~rll !It P llb]w An li llO,




IVIl.yneAvtll o 'I' 1,(\IIctlnl' Denst"

r ... ,d" lI o" Offioo ID KOYB Bld~

the \ V,IYII" vI II, oml F" rr v r n rl ~ 1I11\,·S L1" r ~ b o f \\I 1I\'lIu""III" 11.)\1 t ulIl (Jij ~" ll t. h or F " rr,, ' nil Thursdoy, April I Z. 19 17 1)"ll lnntD >" n t, 10 " 'cl ,, c~ 11If' r" lI o '" llr I1 1 1 1 .r~ v


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'1I1 r nl'lj~ . (j ) " u ~, fO !e. In ~ 11 •• \(1 \ know n I I Il rl lf\· of tlt11t- . GARL ~tlE:R\\'O D,

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Alwa ys Present,

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!'ouru ulJroRtl?

Iu" I ' ~f\oll III'S hy thy sill'. !ll y ·h' urn '" ci,lch l lIf pplnl'~" fo r Imp· pin ,~s Is 1.)1' (. hy you,-ooelhe.

S I'P,

("uneral Oirf>c tor and Embalmer • Waynesville. Ohio.

not pollte out·bere to Inquire too c losely Into 0 moo's autecede llts and I ho"e learned to r csp ect local customs, Ilut we mu s t bove some namo Ily wb lCh to JdenUfy you, moke out your pay chec k, IIDd-" "Do you POl' In check!! ?" "No, but you.hll"el to s ign II check." "Well, collIDe Smith." Vo.ndcycnter Ihrew bock hi s ·1I .nd ond laughed. Th e olher Dln u tUI'D II 11 little red. The chief ClIg1ncer observed the gUnt 10 Ilia new fri e nd's cyl.'. "rm not exactly lough ill /lll t ),(,u." h ~ explaIned, "lIut nt th e slog: ul ll " h,eI; ()f

Ilgreellble to Jooes, or DrOll' n, 0)' - " hi' 11\',m'uls IIr "c'l'lIlI-J hIIJl,l' 11",1 Iw ......e have num b~rs ot oil of tIIOS~, h ad /lOl 1'('011 >;"" 1'111-1.\' 1] 11.· .. \1 ,' 11 ,·,1 ~." I II I"'t'l) II. li t' li n II I ~ft n,-,tl oill~ I!I "' ~" " I . •'Reall"," 01 SOld the ronn h s ltnlin'"I .. ', l uill, 'j' ll l' l'(! \\'11'" 11011111 ;! ('oll f'Plll,', !. "'t. haven't given tll e subJccL Oil), lil' 11:1<1 illh,'rll"u lI "f""I"'''''Il'' fm rn III I':<1 Ia· I·. J l \\us·. I\II I""I I 111111 II " ' 101' " tb--t." "What about some of your fatDlly l hlln I,p (II' 1I1I\' U1I(' 1111.1 ~pm · I!· '1. lIf' "'







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Elt·u nt· 1' ) l nrl , tl. ,1 ·.WI'l1lS\·1 1. • ti l Ie,' IS III 'n'll) L:1\ ,'u tllILl J, I), Pc 11ft.! I IH~'" 1)" '-11 0101;, 1111 ,1 I lHe.' I . II lIa l,l\t',1 U ~ .\d· m l lllli! r ol lur u ( lilt.' I"; ~I ' h: !,a gll',m If \ l.ltJiilLI lal u t l~ \\' lIrrtHl \;U Illt.}' j I., I 1 I! c , '~";{:.1. ulI.lo,l tt.. ~ o) ull, UIl Y !If ' I ('11 1UI, . \ 1.'1 \ I ": l ' I II ." ", ~ ;Ju I ' of ! ' Hl h,tl l.1 ' ourl.

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___ .__



1u h" I' or ('llIlIJIl Unl- u( 't •.u-k




Dr. J. A. McCoy,


r\)l'I{: l h o ucu N, a v fl , U.1Il1 t iu, lO IUJoth-

Worth T rying, Anyhow. Stn l't, SO nl 1(lnli word nn Its tmvels, 11111 '10 It IIn\\, : III e l't! Is no Lt~ lIJlI g ~· I )[, IIIIlIl·. /100111 It will II ccolUplliib "UJ l l l)f\.-S~.l.ec1ed.

Graduate of Oblo Shtt . lJnlvenl l ) Office at. residence in

ClssslBed Ads


( PRI~E5




Solt> Agent LOANEI) on live 8took MONEY and seoond m ortgages .





Phone 90.:3



. )lUIV AHD \Y. I"INS Adm llll trt1lu ( · w ft.h tho will (LnOOllOO or t lln V1tIQl u'ur ~,Llllil.1I ~ , Lupton , doceaseli, Urutld u n ~' h In:, . . \ t.l oruoYd.


t.cruSt l\ l.l hu nat u of rilA IjOr cunt par li.nrmm ; o r t..llt: r, l) rc IHL6dl' may hiLve lu e vriv lleK6 of paYl nl:j DoH " "o il it l,h.:I:)Il'flU . _


COLT~-ooe 3 yr .• oJdoolt., broke . and one yel\l"Ung oolt, bo t.u g O<l ,} 0 0"" Inqllire of Et.l Ibuby, R. D. 0, Wayne, "ille. OhIo. al B

EVER I\L S. C. Wb.tte Orplng ton Cookerels. good on09, llud II~ ~ reasonable prloe IDqlllre of W. A. 8ur(1I08, R. D. 6, WlIyneli. ville, Ohio: 1118


Cow and Borne Inm b or. J ERSEY Frank Miller. Waynesvillo. 0,


WALTER M~CLURf Funeral .W aynesvi lie






Window SIXblind door .


7, .




UHU'o t V l';.' IJu riln en t




Walter Chandler





• •


. ".....rJIIart-l wblU'V

be euulll be III'11C:UcallY



I ' .lICk UllaDtl, "btu.

Iro be CollUDe d






Auto EquIpment Horse-Drawn Equipment

all til., ,111.' or "('I'lal" ,...·.· u rili. '~ (nl' 111< ' ''',"I''L1 1','\1 ·:;,1 III l'IlIll I'rlcl.:,·, 11:1(1 ~III\ I ., ~',M U IIhl ') dllllntld IlIll rl tre.tarl , , I ·)' l'~"' tt ". ·. · ·I~. 'I'h.· 1·, ·II ,a h"I",· 1111 "'" \\ "',r sh","1.\' alll ' r g":IIIl If linn. Ut! I. . W ' r h ('''fllph I l 11"11 II )\ur y Itlh.J a d :.1 1 'j 11111 , ~tl In j:; 1I1J1'llir,..~ ,'''1',· "1Il1 f f' W 'I . II hl g: .::cW., 1'n'lI'h II ill·s fI'O)." 0 ",oru O f hJ••. , ' ' u ,In' , llll ·h el~· UlC)r .. c'o rn t o tbn uortl 10 GI.:l;;-~lIJver Otlm\litlB E~gs for . II. .I!,, . . . U DII Ih 81"" p1'(l1ll1o;(\ ·.,,'YQYIllI I!H )' ~ 1If1l'!' 11", rlUl"'·" 1. 10", 1111( ~"'lll' r1 1.,IIr'II\,111I II ~nllllg R"UlhWl'l:llCru ~ tll t- ' I "a ~I . 1,"1'jl~r hyn" <.I tr'''" M, 1\lIBI.nco 1·L111 IU I~ Ih ·lo I"nrl qIUlllu rl .V. t f IIt tllL.b.I1t. l:illlohiolt 16 for $1 011. ' TnOl ~ \: ~I'Ylhl hg IIl,,,~II, ",.), ,, I..ul; u lI'ttl ll fu r I \\'l nu ' r.~ Ilk~ \ttl· olher Ull' mbcl' r UI( ' H ( .d .. ,Iul ,,~ .. u, 4IHI . l~ " J. ",If' r~, ·or<.ll~lln D" !" lila ch :t ln ,·cJ \ lle'lJ Illllfl\1t'u sol I VI'). }I. t rnlttn tiS , U oU j( 1JI"dlli tit War ruu '" Pleroe, W li ,n8evllle, 01.110. \111' \\','"t. . I youlhful I.rlllll1l'l)·ut • n'"lney, wtlS II I('l.U .t", " r .rI,lo. . 'V '" I< "14"n n il 11InrAf\ o· .. 3·j -10 t>lJ~b ehl ~'h,' " :h,,I<! ". ,,:1,1 \\"," I" 'f,,,' 1\1111, buclILlI,,,·. l/ I' ('"ul ll I ro nh 'uhlll' ly II ll' i""lIIlols IIPI''''''''''' ot Forw, t""r cH I If , 1' 1) 1""' W lI H r lIZ ·.l 1\1\ .. I 1.e, ",'ro} " E(~H 8 fr OOl ~!~lIIlV 'I Bllrre d Plv. Waynesville, "We abou t tlCO' Jobns. Every :111.1 I,, · ''''" lII"I.-nl"1I I.' I alllillll )' wlih p()IHl l'ti UpOII. U I' 1.. 011 01 Lon III'!:g 'd I ...."IlJI,,". '" "U . .. ,hi ).y 0 ...1 r ot L111'. I ,.. I I In eil n'" I [ " lH' ~ I' bAtrort1 , h R lc . 'B b b . ... ....... _ to have been boru III'III\' """II"n~' II' II 11 " ("w ld htl"Q . l\I ct, d(' to 1'1 It Ifl lll The ('11;:ln cCl 1, .f. """.'lIl'lollil of"r~rl, < O""L~ 1)11)0 "h ,v, Ol n.uurH 1 lun d n llt I 1'1.1 1l",1 Dlot, >0. V t 11 tltHlreti • Id I ' /', ... ' <)41 .'. "'h"'oll! , . ~or~"~ra~ F l" I " . " r bv the .ett1ng from Muj Alittl) Over i'oetolfiet, .... _ _¥ - ' D ,.... I lolll'''·,1 1<111"\" 1 III ('fl,·"r·,·,. · wny co r· wou ,0 It IInw. He I~ nrw )Ylntcl'fJ will!•. und I:JIUn"., h L.. tlu o~ IILUI t V.'( \' u fo ,t. h" VII 'I!- ! . " , ~ratllt!lv a nd Vlltlll ~f.r8In E'rIOIt~ OffiDe PbII<Mi 71 -....: :rou arraQJre Itr' 8 ked the 'H'r, or rur l·oUIlI1·I. ·", III 11''' "1-:'' 1"III J1~ ~ woul<l rl"'prt'( hi s mood s, thnt hI' w(l lIld 1'""11 ." OI.n ,1.lnl cull d r~1n u:~ ::-1,,1 ..d r., 1m bel .. 1II0le rl')\80DQ.ble M g 8 B WIlla cIIu'lIla fn.'edom, f or a rocl, \I. 'n". .1'11( .... ,. " .. ,,~\I.\III1'·' ,ti,1 DOL nt· l et him St"'l' I'!'ly ulonl.', tilnt he c01l1t1 ,\.• r uuo " 100 thl~,J III two per .,orn t ll.o III rlrulI]lld Illll ri l'e' l ", . . !illy .... DOt IDter CQIIvenaUon 00 . Irll"! hi,,,. 11 (' \\:\ul<·.l I" I!I'L IIwi.y get on n l\(Ir... lIml rhlu Into tlte hllla '" 1."u~;:~:::"~:1~'~~' I~,""ll:~~ ce ll·lut( Ih ~ I m <ll r ~" tn\flD' Blaoll: _ _ 11_ willa tile chief eJI (n'lIl. "ut "r t!llu'h willI. IIw llre ht'llnd I and do whAt hI.! \11"u. ' d, thl!lk o u t bls )"'j ,,' " •• , I';' ''''''ru"L )'.Y4bh' llllU' .. ) " '!l.,," >1,·.1 r : 1 \11~ n r, lv"r a lly Mt~~D 8ar wIng <lIre 10f J B. -"",. ,. - - . . . . • I d n •• \\1~1"'rJ to I!O to BOIIlO thoujl;hts uudJsUlrbecL ~I) J \"1 .. ,, f,. ,> I, ,I "" r.ft' I" • Uu ••• u. I ..... ~e '"oil "xpllr', 18 pma~, 41Qe vi III, Obit), "That "'ves me an Men." sn ld tile , ... . n_eomer, who decided to us hi s mother's name, "you enn coil me. RoL. erta,"._A I ..... ~'ppose 'J obo for the Ilrnf'-?" A&IU ... U. "Jotua will do 118 'wellll8 any, I UIU


NO' 9S hought •.•lobo BlUblne, Jr ., Alleo Bnlldiog, Xeoj~. Obio. 1130

Bl1sh' and ooe SBO )od r o p yi Alc1 ! ttl Y be increased I nquIre of .J, U. tUlft1 0l tl ut ly by (.I h tl rnlu tlg" 10 dOli\! M~rlaU, W&yo ~8 vIlJ tl , Uhlo. . all I It IJat.llrtl Iy wtill drillllf1u t.o pay (or Illll oot\ t o f t llluq wl t bio a abort OOD-A 10\ of 8111b8, ool III I • tlll ltl. i1000 l'tli n g t o t he (Juj o Illxperl . Inoh Ilmgths. Inquir e of the tO eut. l::!~R\lon . At tue Olermon' . K. " .CorwlD Raw mlll for prlge~, tlto .

J nSUl1h L uk j u 'tI h olr,.: tIlOIl \O:-il J Utl.,grf·l~ 14U . 6 u,. ,luri to U Sl l,Il0 C rd~r I() • "fU l lHcl l..Iu · I,,,,', II ".. : Iheu", . ' 72 < o\lro Jlrnluurus g 1 li ,l~ {lfllOn (..(1 t.lte h~JKt llh i hK" (;h.rlt.nlullik UI n."". I "fl u,1 ,UI 2j 1..'1 ·... bu ltte ti ~Ulo


Saxon Six





".·,,1t'"tu l l~ JI ,UII ~J~II U rogulurly npIlrlilsod


~ 2'


wood's house, Fourth 'lreet.

Telephone 28

h l l1l1 IJt ~ '" O t' h ll(1 wt ll not, Ile fOQ l(I ror I tJ1j~ I hllli r \\ I I ~ lIl ir. l !\ vr "uhJ UJ> Pl'IliSOO value'j'e "l w J .. r tooulU 1\1 U onl,,· Llllrd ellS!! olJe· t.birt1 III Ulill .\ M Ili itl (,'1.m-t 111 ['\.1 iu \' Wll' ytjllrs, ftJl'I l."d IN) Ul CII \ ~ lu hit sl!clI r cu n y Unt. murtg ~g lj UIJIJ U tJlU p roflt l,;(!ti til litl ami to hoar t n -

MAY q 1911 .


('k " 101(11':.1, H:Jlllh" I' ()lnf'filUlito Hlul

': lI fll ~ ul

~. '


JJ u hllt: Au c , luJI, un

Ih(, t hud f •• ll en )l('[ \"I'I'U Il:""tc . • I""ale<.l III . lto C"unry or \\ ~rreu. lI lI'llI >11. ,,11<1 ","L h,· 1>1'01'0'11 ('''e u flO,., ('») LaLo() I Vld{O. u,ul/u ·t),o\lr"llIia)I<I '" 'r)' sur, lind IJ ulldeJ l11111 d~ I'Ibed Ul't fllllo\\'fj, e,'C,'r lll'i< ' ~S :111<1 1111111Ah, ~" ' S, ho un') 0 ' 77 \. B"III1I1I1I1){'" ,,)1 6)11" ."d c o u ld WIt"N ' I' I lIn' Ih"f"·h.~MC~)ru.ur td tilli.. m All 0 1IH(1 AII. W fl .\ ' to t"o ll1nlL'Lo Ul flt "I\\'U "",nn .\ltlll·,·. d "lr.: ~lll'ncu N. 10 (\e~<"<l<1. "unl ,', ' 111101 '''"11'' "I nest. lout petlr llps ' U lU lu,,'us W. I ~ <J. O IkJlij. " , I' HLouO corller ULI"I' " " '1·111" I.,. I"I,Tllt , to A \)ru.!",m 1IO\\II."u • • 1... ' .... S. 7~ Jegree. r • 1 30 HII"'II"" W. II) ~ )1011:8 (0 U OlOtlo co m pr J I,' 1",, ·\,. eXII{' II) \\'11,"',' II \\'.lIIlfl go. to A"rubuIIl I m""un. I(I... h~1 ,H ..,IooII '. ou<.l '

Uh flJ" "' Inti

gct'b J JJI''''II\I

Th e " i l~ur, '

h Ih, 14..1 U " ' .j U pI LI u c br l liu S,)U t. U8aSit

tlg r, ,;. JU Il l i lH II ~ I'. ~HI t;1 ir u ll V.lI : Ll I"I""" u. 1 f'i~ ut. UI1Bl o.:;, audogrcu s .ijl tlHllllt'c,. 11.. .. 1.1( . tu U,HI . tlo r fron p iu lut ho \\( .-1 t lU ~ utll \l· ~ ' I I ,, ", u tlll lml J.x () u lQ.lll rll l) lk e; 1.11 I n . ; ~'Illt LIIl.! 'o' t ,~L 1I11U or aal" t.uro vlk~ ; , ::Sit d l ",rut!:, :1l1 JU I UU ll' ~ \ , " , M) (II. to Lliu b egin-

11,t. l :3f) 11; m .. un ' rio p rt m blos I}tlllr \\' oy n f' H~ vlll~, WUrl'(tll C Ollll t.y, Ohiu. thu rhllo w lnl{ doIt t o- wit: "~' I u fu llo \\illf$ H ell I

\\ Irlt ht' I' Ill' Inld goOll l ' III' wh(.' J'I! 110 W08 elftl H !lI l t "OIllIlIll'nh ' tll(" wi t h h1lJl,

t'lI l '

JV H1PIUt.Ud '&

1.,;1 1 IIJLy , 111I1u . ulI~1 I I , rII l1 d tn u'lotlhllU

II h l' l' i n n ll ~~ W:l~', ] WOllld , dolh'or l.!d , j Will ul rj.! r a\. 11,,1 <,,"' 11 M"'!; I" 'r I" h~': '" ,,1""lt h el' . WEO NE~ OAY Bud ur f 'lI lIl'~ l' 11 ." ~htl \\(mJd lIo t knuw ,\J , (: lIt"

I l , WI

unu Il r I, ' I' r y 1,,1 6 1.1

a t li m

1"111'1' h, ·,· 1It.,,,11I 1.1\· IIU l ronl<<Il'lt-lJ. lie f KaJU, I'flr~""nt '0 tllo co,"mn,,'" ,!t un or' Ie,' or • . h,hlWd rrunl ( l it) ()" Llrt. .'If C:UllllllUll 1"l ans

I 1- I i

:,=- hi! w .:l ...

".J \h'grovs

l • t.h. Ul'l.' 1\ 1 ri d \. -1'1151& 1)n rll ll ol wlUI ' lIc(o :j;d l r- 11,.(.1 , ,-,,1 I h: ~rtit! d ~J I1I luut..:s Lt. J ~ .,

fortu nn te' hut luO oh\'lnu~-lhllt til e h I. fulur L'. to t ,·y II) <1"\'lse n II H'IIUR f(1 1' frlg:htfuL nllll f nlll i "1'1'11 1' III Ih ,' d l' ~IJ; U I r '11:1 1011111111"\1. If It 11'1.'1" ll o~~lhl('. 1£0 ' \,11 . n nt hi s Iwd Ihllt I,,· IIn<l 1"·'II .. sI,·(1 cllul ,l II" Ih al jll,;t.;lS \\','11, pe l'hun:; IJ '1· ngnl u t Ih ' n"" cpl",1 pl nll. If ,"1.1' I,e I ,'. III AIIlOl'lcll lil:ln III II tlY pl ne(' I' I;<,!. II MJ fOUII!1 Llw 1('ll"I' II d ,I )" '~;;NI 10 h i I 11<1 11,,·1' \\'n~ 1I1 11,Ih'lr n''' ~ 'lII t hllt rll I h" I'. But Ih lll Ih' "',"11 ,1 " ,,\",'1' df) 1 1,..t ,1 111m 10 hi s 1I111l\'c IlIn' 1. 11 " \\'I.>ul<l nn ll 11, h '\I I' h all " li t 1.... ·11 ,·lb .... \'l·)··II ' ~111t 1)" 'lId lhl' '1111'<) 1'''". irr""lhn Ih n ·U ll rIl'IIY. II ' tlliJ unt 1'\"'11 r,·~)'~ t Ihe I ~IIII1 C' "It·. wi II 111 \' \\,fll ll nll. Il l' lli d ll ut buld f" I ~"hn"d h(' h,,,1 lIIIo"','d "I' tI", I t1~"I)'" t .... Pllt " ,'!1 M IwLII"cn IlIt'l ,. p)'n '11c,, 1 SUhO l' lIali') ll ,,( 11")'.1 '11')' M i l ., -,,'(,re 1\, hi m'" r (hnt III" .:1'('(...... \\' h l ~ I , III'. huil IWI' II ;!lf lll)' ill .lra \\'i llJ.; ,]""' I,,· !IIId " ·11" '1',,,1 1... 1'. Ih,,1 h,' 1,, " 1 III' l' u L IIml lIf'cI'plln!( IItHJ ('lIIp h,," lzllII: d .·.' d r" I'< ·.. d " I"'" I" ,,· "'''' i1 l1n!: ,,,,, I rf'· • i::i.h ul'lllrC" Ll"litnu ny. .!I',·(ill:': II. ,h",,11I I" , lIO " II IJ ' I ~' Ihiug: '0

r icll n, \ VC bove at leost thirty Sml lhs out o f Iwo f



bOlt oucl t. he 1t"·,·, ti ;;,, lhlll lulo lil e wllerc Ile COllIn lIa\,(' Illn to '[,·cun',· en use of Ih e fu llul'O or Ill e brhl~l~un· hi s HulKl" to lhl o l; Ih l u l!~ out. to plllll

'. fluJI'(,! ]lIId he -t il n() 1n()1II ·.:: I' onJr h lc.; ffl\l,N"~ (\<o n,h. T I,,' :>"'''1''.1 ]1:,,\ hundred m en on our pn y r Oll , nnd It I s ~ I IUW(lf l ('lPttl"ly lll':l rt f nilll l't ,. 1ft' l ill d a bit contu s ing. 'Vou ld SO U wtnd S l '- IH it 111 "'11 " OIIlIIl·l ll'd tn ~II "II 1111' \\'1 1 Ut·... 'i . lectln.g some other noni 1" ~111 11<1 )!n~1 11, ,,1, ',· 1",,1· '\< III 1"" 1. .\!. Ulf It's 0.11 the. some to ~~ll\l." u n- 1h01u; ll , If PlIIl 11:11 1 h""lI dI'II1H I HII 'd, 11( ' : , Jlounced the n wco mer illUU ~('l1 l y- thl\ llill s t ltP l' d !" han " J!0I11" t hr(,u g h \ \ 1111 i I, ' chief's laughter \-vos lufc('tl u So-,ll"m h lll"'I f'(l 'fO{l P)'(lI lIpl It llt! p lddk Illul I I(,P H ·inventiveness

Sh h ,,' lIh ' l II 111 1\ ..\.





We h ay!' nr r an!(e,1 with an under· take r to gd a n auLO, tir, we will b~ able t o furni ~ h e il h~1 an auto or hOl'ge d raw n fune ml. Moth phones in Ollice ,anrl itesidence; Long distllncll, No, 14 ; Home phone 14,l!r


) l(;n tmcnt



, j

Bald Vandeventer. hNow, llS you just- witJl vut ll1u ch (jIm · ul t ~· and bl1yon ti - - - - - - - - - - - - ly remorked, I have found that It Is Ilc":ld\'Cnlurc ut Ih, ' 11I'IIII" t 1)"" 1' Ah·


" II




! "" .. :I 1 •







ISSU ED EVC:RY W ED NE~ DA Y Elllered " I Ihe I'., "" lIIeo

~L WU)' ne8\'lIIo,

vllio . •• Second CI ...

~I QIl ~J.lle r





wILra Or l Wll I'" .• ~ ! IIW,I V, ,II M~, B ~r h ,rt Gib~ on a nd daulh I@ h fJl.1(1 "1 \\ ~ I I'H .t fI' II I'r If b" "ulI)di u ~pen' Monday wIth A~ ~Y Our C'o~p olf Ahll: 'orr' pondent in the hoU [\\n H 01 hI" rl Ir 'lIl>le 1111 h"r ai~ 1 r MI II Pe arl Bl1rrlll, Neighborh ood t1av e~ IL wif ."11,1 lx Ohlldl';, n , Lllcretia Jannay vi tilted r ela"Y8e S ubsc ri otion P r ice. $1.50 pe r year HI' lI u l dnYI! 11181 week " IQu.rn hill jll ' . ,- - MI ~8 ~Ior eo(' ~ .\h·M .. t'IIt!lrIOI "111 Mr. !tad M' . Oh lla. Early, or MU. be L. l . L II~ h t Ih':l11l lo· t I-lIlur. ) clle town . ' \1 out 'l'lle@day bere tb e W ED N]~SDAY, APR IL 4. 1917 d ay uU "n oun . , j,lll ~t8 uf Mt. and ~I re. N: L. Deartb. • Mrs. MIUY 811rvorstlCk IS ou I he \1 r~. Betsy Ra ndall Is v leltln g lliok Iiijt . frl~ lIl\s aod lelUl vOIi .. 8 Dayton 'hl e bod y Wilt! orlDat rn oted of wo.)d Bud MI MI! Car oline Blirm on . "f lin trIll, "f'ek . Illu llJ ln lllll built wl\ter.tIKh b, .. nd Tu e orgll n a t t·h e M. l!:. cbu roh I Mr s . Elme r n e r ~W11 8 C'LlltUI{ on I~ ab who forwerl y It yed hur", I" Mr. Eli'l.a hntb EvaDe 18 v letttn g Mra. F . A. BarMook . Alan and II hn,ped so II ~ to I)e rfor m thIS f anc. ffl " nd ~ In Duyton' thls week , Bele:1 Bllr tsoo k spent Sunday wl t.ll. af le r Ollln Y' yea rs of servioe, has Mrs, J. T, Mflr lllt TllOr81l1~y ufter. erl ou Iy Ill. 1,lon of .. boat. be n pnt o n th,e p en~ l on. lI ~ i lind 0000 , , Ch1l8. Bmwu unrl flllllllv, ot' CIJr'. Mr. Routt of b'rankll n hilS been Un I.. lld t h e mnohl oe oonl d be pro. 8. U. [i ,lr yoy ond famil y DOlii' Utioll" 1\ pi llefl In n. pri vlIse h ome Bud Mrtl. C. W Gordoo /lod daugbbor, ! wlo, v lsl tec l relo ti veH bOTe I ~ Iolou: vIMltiog his dI10811' el', Mra, Merrln g i ven llS Mltrle R loh , wh o bas b eeD . Mi pelled 0 0 run oon b nilt ondero e'lth , Bruok . tt It wu ~ flfty·fee t lo n g, t wo buo. aptlD otn g h e r Aprlng' v lloatlon with Ita pillce ie tilled w-!tb nn Lprlgut E" el yo, woo,; oalli,,!!! iu o ut' violnity \Iay, I Mrs. lilll Anstln's tl pnt h or:onrrarl Mr. !l Ull Mr~ Geo. Ml1roh and III'. d r ed fee' wi de, t hl rty. fl ve f ee t h ig h ber \l l1 r eDt~ h li " e r e'urne<i t o Lebll . pinno which oom e8 to ~b (o ohuToh Thu r sdllyoft or n oon . w ith a good re pu~dioD, I t s prcft. Miss De\t l h~ Marl/lH speot o nll Il t hor h o m o nellr tb e ' . P. oh llro I ILlld Mrll , F red Pauly or LebaDon "fir] welllh!)d a bout, t wo tbn ot! llod 0 00 t:! on d4Y evenin g. Being a Slory W ritlen by Illtj ~ ";I\turc l" \' were Bp rlo gbero vi SitOr! Bunday , Mra, J , A. Lowry and 80 0 of Detlr eooe' will be lippreolated. Unme out evening tbls week with Iildre d : o ctal' 1:10a ve rtown pouods und oould IIcoommod,, 'e mo ro lng, of Inog fover Hnrlnl WIll LeooMoo l:I onell ll was the week. Four Members of the Cen- ~ twent,y plt88o oge rs . Bu, Dunllid and Wliynenille apen' S nlld a y wl\h Mr . " n d anllt In th e rnmlo aDd will IIleo Morgtlo . sho w yonr appreclu tlon of tlls" 00 Mre. Florl'ooo' Bernllrd nod Mrs . tUt Dlade bore 'l'u8sdu y tlftern o u !ln lll ' H!ij~ of bll r slyter. Mrs. Ralph tcrville library Association. ~ .JIipt/ll u Mor to n we r e to bo th e only a nd Mrl'. Alva Lndlng ,on, CbartflY al'wle ~ , wh Imij h p.I'In 'l'll orupw on or Hed 1~lon . ~ 1I1L8sElDger>l o n t h e r et urn t r i p and MI ss Opal 'J'hom p80 n, of Day ton , work \vhl oh 18 golog a ll Ilmoll il til e H erber t MllrI" U cu llll\l 00 :\l cB. Vi 1I1II W Bradtloc ll ont! eve llin g th is ~ eri o u .ly il l is n ow Iyiog ut tho , Mr~, Fran?os Null hu re'urn ed ~ Ibll nt 1 o 'olook o f the 23 rQ of De. s pe nt th e we ek . ood with h er ll"re nl lS h ue, lIo ll]lldles at tho oh ur oh . Rev. AIrr eu W a lker filled tbe pul wook . ' lIo l nt of d ea th with ruherouloel!!. hnmo 11ft r II two woe ts visit with ATALE OF THE EUROPEAN WAR ' oo mber th ey too k th ei r pllloetl III t htl be r e , ~ ,"lichlDe .. od a m id th fl l oug II COllilOlti pit h ere ~nodIlo Y . Mrs, Ellrl BernArd ~pen" FridiLy C. M. Au~ii n , 800tb of tVI\II, hll~ h,o r oliugllter, Mrs. F. W. R08nagle Mrs , Emrna Wolfe called 00 Mrs . p u rcha~ofll) now SClld obuker IlU~U. ut Vo.ndll lill . Mr s , <J IB rlL Co n ne r, litter Revera l aft fl rOOOQ with fill" . Dnnu'l u. .~~~~~~~~~~~~ " t the frleo de. who had K"ther6d t o Rose Carr F rid a y aftero oo n. '''''''''''''S:;;~'''''''''''''' ,," "'". " ""~ "" ,vl tih thew, "bon vOYllliie, :' t be mam fl n t li s 8(ljourn on her tl\rm noay Mr.l\,nd Mrs. J . '1'. Mo r luH were mobilE' , Min B08810 Kirk, at Seatt le, W aph. MIs8eB M ~bl !' , Merle oud FRye obloe r08e proudly in tbe air, sailed h e rt', i ~ I Kain fl citi zen ' of our ' owo . Leb" n)U "i sltorEO ~n nd[\y, ' • MIMsu My rtl o Whitll{lrD, Mottli logboll , hlis been vlalblnlJ Min Ne llle Doo ~ ld 0 n lld no t be h eve t,hem ll nt ove r P url ti , the beautiful fi eld ti Ellis R pen~ W edn esdllY ufte ro oon Mrp. ldlL Bowe Rod eon, Bllrr y, Mr. 811wuel J ~CkH ' " W IlS lhe co es t , /l nd Nllnnle Mil !!, IIn (l I'nruh nh o r. ~'ltt8 , bor th tl}' u ~ti ur lld biro it Willi tru , ~ ud' for08ta ot Branoe and rlipldly with Vi ola J o rdan . MI'. tlud Mra . Ueo. 8011 h .. ve Ilre In .Jpffenoo vil.le wHh ber ~1~ler. of lll~ 1)" relltst-iabnrd!IY .. nel Huuda "'. !:/ll1l!b we re Ill! DII)'tJO ~lloPlJor8 and tbat to o w "obine WII ' t o Hla rl " PllrcJaobed the I)cello. All nlgb t Mrs. Ueo. EI1I~ snd da ughter vif_, Mrs Lewl" Sesrs , wh o I~ _ ' . " I turd,,\' . , ' MIIor t In ' 0 11 th ou ght t o be ve ry He r louRly ill. L 6stt'l r nn dE mo r" [] DJ II ",pro 10 m o ved 00 B ',um n ea r Ce n te r Ville. _ _ ____ _ _ _ un her r et.u r n tr ill, In \w o h oor _, tl8 I bny aOlired ove r ,the gJa!llY wa&er8 It ed Y r . li Od M rs . Ed win t:lprlng Vul lo)' OOll evellinto: t his wllel:. Mi Mse~ Olive nn u U rnae Beoll we re Mh e WIIB undor bood t o IUllke th e of t he ooean , brlllll1nt i n tb e brlgbt W ertne ~ day. .. . Mo,, ·rs. J. H. BOIga n , W. L . l:J or. t D t I It round tr\pln n ot m or " t,lllln six ty 10011 nl)"ht. wit h th e twlnk lio g Itar! R e v , Re ll w tll be at Beeou 1' 0'1'" vey . W. A. Mo rrlH, E' r flnk WII Rt n IJoC'lIe M 'Hlllt.t "'n ~ ro Illn/: nn h l' r r ecen tiS' on v II o n . b oun A' onoe Don uld beK,n to !o dlreo$ th em 10 tll Bi r oo urtie, unday mo roi o u: Ro d ove ning , f\ud "" ug h ter, MIH~ Lno ise. w pr e lit!\ e frlond Anna It uhln d '!lt ur ,ln y r;;:rl AINS AND STRAINS RELIEVED David MulloD(!ore of Middletown JUMt at day br8ak, Rooald 'il quiok pilln '0 return to No w Yo r). In t he C lin' ,J ... kson and tlimUy a ttend. vl@ltor s of tue G em ' lty lu s t Thurl1 , 11ft roOOll . Wl\ 8 n I'lpr logboro visitor laveral m Luhlue. 1:118 friuods interoedeo d ill' notloed ~hlH tb e eogioe Wli~ ed l he fuo eml of ~1r!l. O llie ~ In gle day. Mil te r 'o rl O Wll tl H of Xf' nln "'pi' nt • lon n'" Ltllimont. ' P11 kly tllk 08 duys tb lN week. for hun aod Ule r.rrangem ent8 we re 11 0' pe rforming it'J work properly to o Si mmil a t Spri ngfield ohul'oh WilliullI Robleon 8n j wife moved his lI \lr ltig Vflu" tl fl ll wlill bi ~ ,~p·"oll . lue 1".111 OU~ of s t rll lns, S Prtl IIlS , Mr. 110el Mrs. Abe Cook Ilnd 80 n "Oon mudfl fOI', tb e y 1I .. ld. "you Oyr . Yo ung Ry e~ t ed' wh o, hi1ll 801f, was :Suuday. fr oUl our mid"' lllst week , taklllg m other. MrH Dixson Whn r lOIl . l' rul ~(\B 110<1 1\11 IIIU -ci ll ~r) "'Il"S~ werel:/ m oltv v leltorR, l:Ia'ordey. tal'lly lQo k "It tb o ugla y ou olted oporutiog the mliobin e , detec red It Mr. lin d Mrt\, Thos. IUch, a nd Ml,," op th 'llr b orne III WU;I"nBBvllle. Mr. Mr. Gny 'h e now~th Elll fl I-l lloq~n \ dOGo , oll'llr il 'lolEl IIPI,lIe"l, Mrs.l:/eo. Urah a lll a ud ohtldren , bome.nul·610g." " t \he 811me Inst,an t, and at once l:Ie hun ted up Uop tftln Morton a.Dt~ broogM 'be D1 llohine d o wn like a MllI'ie were sh Ol)piol! In Day too R llbl_oo wi ll bo DlI~ 8t'0 he ro M he Burseo were In our vl] II",r' .'ILtnr,l uy I' qnlok~y p~netr!l' ~ Wlt hrJ\l !, r llU· ot Lyr,le. s pent S un day with MI'. \'I'IIH a ver y kind nor! Ohlt " IO'" Ullin e"eniog . " I '" o.g. 1::'1 01111 II Llnlm t'n r· rl .J('S nor Rnd Mr8 <.l lllIS. Thompson. t old hit .. Jf h it! inteotlons Rnd lo vlt. ~ ril oe ful IIWIlU to the b oeflm of the 8aturd ay. .. . . , ~ tHlD Lha skin or oloU \ll o LJ nos like H ewIl8t h l~ vlllllgellr8.fmIlO Cblls Cornell WRe In Mt.1:l 0J\ Y I 'I\ U!l8Y PI ~Bt r a or olntlll nt , For M llx GilpIn. or Wee' (.Jan01l&00 Mr . Ed Bog ftD and wife,of Cael!llr .. to .1I ed him to Accompllny hI m, and vlll ir ooean. Dooald we nt forward t o Sil turdoy nrter noo n , ('b r Onlc rh cu m ati o ftOh(ll\ IIno \I Iii 1111 . s pen t $be week.e DII with hll parents bill fri e nd8 .. nd re mllin n n til be Wil B ~ee lt he co old b e o f ,.IlY &IIals '"noe Uroek and Mrll til eon £la vis an o ,to r a lon g t ime , It Ie ro m o re d ~b .. t, we "re lIoon to Mr~. Martba Cliogam to n k dlonor lI~urtllgl lt, ~o u t and IUllllmgo hllve h er e . fully reoclVe red , Cllptliln Morto n , fwd theysooo had theproperadjuBt. s on I\pen~ TuesdlloY ~Ith G eo, Boglin eagerl y .. ocop ted t,bei r Invita ti on I\ n o !DenU made. hllove "D other mellt mark et, wh ich wltll Mra. Am os JRokso n 'fbo r sdIlY. Ih ls well.llDown , ro medy h ondy. Ilnd wlte. they we re I 110 lie n to t be pa rk whe r H AI ,hey were about to arlle (lnd Mn. 0, R U nglesby 8pen' p " rl ruoy b e ll> t o ont d n wD the h igh oost 1.' h l.. vl ci nl~y WII S well r f'))r Hen t.. ' Fo r ~he pRins of !,:rlppo IIlltl follow. the maohlne Wil li uw,.ttin l! t hem , resume their journey they werp of the wee I in Lebll non. of mOll t 10 ,hlB vlclolty Ild With gr en bunters uud Usber. lnR ~1, relluouA worl., it gl \"cB quiok BA~NHART, 'fhor s I·boy fo oud t h e v er y 1,,'eMI starUed by a loud otlll fr oro the (Jap. MJ8 . J oho 8elgb way 08 11ed on Mls8 Vtol .. J ord on, nf Wel lmon . moc this w e~ k. rolief. A' a ll drugfllft t~. :l5e. he nvler.than.alr Hyi ng wR obl oe, tb l" taln , They hastened to him anc! he Mrs. Ella Wilson ot ll rdBy a f . ernooo. Wll8 ". g n ~ftt nf g rliodlnot,her Rloh Not ary Publl~ In V(lnf,.on o · a y OUllg 8werte, Ingo. pointed to the right and there, rts. Lt e r e au t:!uod"y , mar Ryea'edt , o f Oa y ton, Ohto lUg oot of the d"p'h of tbe Hell, lite :\1r, o nd Mrs . R obert Cllrr IIpE'nt All ods ot Notary Work, ~ WillI It ' ; U equtpped witb lit \ tolC pro. IL hUKe leviatb .. n, wal Il m ons trou8 Rn t,urdu; th " ~ne t of thAlr so n, E ll Da ll y Thought. , find Deeds a ~peolalty. C LEAR YOU R SKIN IN S PRIN G O ther Th ings Needed. peller~, wh lO u enllbl ed It Ie, hlllue· Mhip, wbloh they at onoc r f!oognizod Bud r"1111Jy, uf Flnutlt K ingman. It I ~ 11 11 ,.1 1,ht to I('o m to do OIlU Rprin H h " tl~e c leaul u l( w e!ln~ E,' ,.y evil ' Is 1' •• <11.\' cI·ushr.1 lit I" diate ly 111\ Itself Anti 'eallz ~ .. o III "s ~he G erm " o undenea b u" t . 'b e h1r Fl'ed M , Sho n e 1'~ c8ived w oro' )ll'l h: wh t·n I-'nn' . 11 IIh l, It g'1 ' fll'rnlly th Ing' Wt~ll. hllt .1l1 n't n "l~ lIm ~ Ihnt!"lu h I,,"ul Il l( i n ~ i(]e /I ad (l nt shle. Dul1 8\aut IlLUU It ood two m ot orr<. on tt •• DeQlchil.nd. " DR. J. W. MILLER. tor driv\o~ Ilnd ooe fo r IIfflng, with 'fbere tb oy st o(}l\ In mld. ooean, lmu'n lll!: j · IU II }ll'ls l' t:j: · U Jlbel"lll el1ucnt!')n. III';' 8.turd"y tllftt hi Unole ,lurn68 'pimply ~kl n I~ uu "rtll rm ulh o f win. ) 1~ C0I1H.!S IUOJ'U "ll :-; tlull( l.--Cl c roo ::lb nO B, of ~' "ur J uUle~t O\'l' O, bud dl ~rl ll1 r Inno t lo l ly . Flu b y our intes. a trlin ~ roil!el o o sy.le Ul, 80 Ihll" If tbe8t! two m_rvelous Invsotl01l8 of - Atchl 011 .;to!.<a. ve ry ~lldd o!lly . Tlte fDooral SOT· ti lltlll with 1\ mild Iuxlltivo and clean ont! eugllle " f ollUle dI s abled th e oth. looomotion of the twentieth oflntury, ..• DE~TIST.~. vloel we re from hl8 1l\te home Mon . out th e IIcot'l mullLtod wast !I, ea8Y to or oooid oury tbe Lorden of t he It would be ImpoHlllble t o ~ay whl oh d:t.]. t .lk£l. they do not g rip e. Dr. 'KIll!!' fiying weight T oe torpedo'8hllped wae tbe more lurprlaed to see the ) Omoe 111 W8)'D'" UI 0 Mr : n ov 80\)"or' of W tl winll l(JQ i aw Lift. ['11\'1 Will olea r y ouI' OIll U , NuloDal IIlLQk Bldl,. r 1CATARRHAL DEAFNESS BE CURED tltt enduri . 6luoday .~chool here Sno plexlnn nt'ld hrlghton y nnr eye. 'rry and .hun procel!ded ou tb .. h, s upllr. by 10"111" PI.lice.liOIl" o. Ihey Cltnnol ~a e b day. Mr . do" "er W!lS for m erly Or Kltl ll' New Life PIJl~ 10 Dt ~ h litO wAye. It-ooald and h ia pa r ty t he di ~ IIS1'd portion of the cD r. Therc.js (r0111 <J)a r ll!vllls nlD(\ fIn R lo n g t>ll\I lI 1\l1d thr 'J\v on' 1.11(1 "I n ~!< ll:Ih win tor l1ew Japldly th. rOllrb the olalir 1111', \ only one \\:(1)' 10 \lU!C c~ltl~rha l dealneu Wll8 s U1.JlIrl ctend'e llt of tbe M, E Sl!611 At drtl ggil; Is. 250. or.06alooIlIly luelug IeI' below 'hem " lid tha t IS by 11 \101I~II{U 1l01l .1 leme~ ) 1 ' u od ay.Soh ool 0{ t bl1t pillce, 110 (1 For All YoW" TIIi~ rli ~eni!o shoulll be treated as BOOn • I I Ca tarrhal Deafue 5 15 mused by un UI' ""hile h ere he 8a irl we s u ro l y h"d Finds' Healt h In Our Vinol an OOCIlD Iteamer oreep nr a 008 fla med 'collditiun 01 the mucoua lini n!: of th e bed a ttendanc:e he eve r laW io "" I h<' /i,.st uDnoturtil loosene88 of th .. B akina - Us e '.n w, ·I~ IlPlteIlI'H . When tills is daDe a Collin svillQ 1\I.- " I 8ulreroo from a '1' he "rterocon begll n '0 wear awav I h. RU5!ach ia li T ube . When th is lube I. "1ll~le tloReof Chamber lain's Colic. Chol· nervous II rcaruio\\'n nnd terrible 1""1d· ,ud they looked li tl xlous ]y f or eLgo A infinmed )''''' have a rumblt ng sound or abo IlImB.sizod vi olulty . "m amI Din.l'Thoea Rem 1y will effect a T h e M E , uoday oont eRt whl f)b II cl' ~8 nnd wus t irrll nil owr, totlL lly of h.nd lind at ]1111\, "bont four o 'olook iml)(' rfect' bea ring, auri :whcu it is ent irely f t\f(\. This r omedy cun always be de· wor", out arid di sc,)uragct.l, lm t. 1\8 I had Ihey oould lIee III the dlllt.llnoe 'he r1 ostd . 1)~ofIlC/iS 19lhe res,,11. Ullle.s thc b ill been m " de- m eot i ' n of in luh pl'n,lt'ClullOn even in t he most severe and a Inrge fa mily I IlIld to work d 8ViW my ~ 'atue of Libe rty i n New Y ork hal'. illfi nnlll tiull ca n be reduced and Ihis l u~ pa)lAr, hn ~ been b l'ough, t o 'n 01 .. (l 11:nII,'el·o\l. CliMes, and should be kept lit Guarantged UndQr This Lablll ~u trer i ]ll:. 1 BO W V inol ndve rt ilwd a nd u.>r, reslo red to ils nOIIll,,1 condit ion . hearing Il nd t he Bl ullH wtlre the wlnu er@. . Mr . Itnd Mrs. 8a r vey Burn et I,riel hll Utl l'l'mly for i nstunt USB. Ne" er leave decidlod to try it, a nd with ilL two w ·k s will be destroyed fo rever. Many casu 01 I'h e Reds l ook t,hei r d efeat In n (T o be ooot.\uued ) ., 11 m I)D '< ;oo ro ~ v w ithout it. 1 ]lotil,,,,l 'n dccid d improvement, II l1d dell(lIeSi are caused oy calarrh, "hich is goo(1 n lL tur ed WilY. and tlle s u pppr dau g hte r, CIl lhurlDe. wera VIsiting n ow I am 0. well womun.H-Mrs. ANA a ll intlamed ('oud il ioll of the muco us WIll bot g ive n lind enjoy ed , It Is th e 10 Iclp rlugj;)or o l:>un dll Y. Mr . lind Mrs, Lea to r Emupbrey su rfaces. Hall' • .ca la rrh Medicine acts Dw KEB. l hru the blood 0 0 Ih. mucoul surl. ces 01 InteDtion of the sobool to contll1ue ueBr Utlol1 wer e oullln g on Yr, Ed. We guarantee Vinol, Oll r non ·~cerct to oo ntes't un til J n lle t he firs ', it wI ll tonic, to 8lr~llgth 'n and build up ·t he sys lem . Reede r and family ':lllnuay after Repa rtee. weak, run-tlelW11, ovt!rwu r kcd muther s, We will giv e Ooe Hund red Ollll. rs lor oo t look well t o the people ontelde n .'I II)! clever ot rl)Jlll rtee consists of any case 01 Ca tarrhal Dcolness tha t cnll' ,ror t he R adII ~o get b8!\t BKliin 111 d noon. delicate children IInci fe 'ul ' old people. Mr . AOa Mr8. Wm Tar lor a nd IUl \,lllg Il t ~' OIH' tonguu'g cnd the words no t b. cur~ d ~1 B,.ll's C., lorrh Medicine. ~ 11 t ha' I. necA881.ry to do III to lit. J, E. Janney, Drul!J!:ist, Waynsville wlli ell ~O11l0 to o lb ~ r 8 an hour Ifilcl·.- Circulars free, All d nal !!I, ", i Sc. teod . tlo m o of onr Red me m bers MJn R, W il li a m Bnd B l rll lll ou ll ed au A Durable and A ttractive Painted House F. J. CH aN EY & Co. , Tol~do, O. A'-tI ai leadlDg drUB ot...'O ID all Ohio toWD' Llr~ . ne lute rBMtod in b o ll dlo g oour ' . ~ e l iie MoKeaver laB t We dnesd llY a rt~tnoo n . ahtps, w Clr k ln K ov ertime; they Mls8 B ee~ le Warne r Is visiti ng I videoUv have bee,n r eadlog of $he pOII~lb l my of "'ar e.nd In the event ber sillter, I4 r8. Ma r vin B IloY. wo uld Deed ab·lps. Trulltln g t he re Mr8. Tom Conr t ney a tt ead ed tb e will be no u phe lLVa l ID 'bl a oount r y W . C. '1'. U. roeellng IL$ Mra. J oho Dissatisfaction- B ut why take a chance?' Let me lind 'hat an R ads "Ill 8t1ok olose to G odd II rd '8 nes r 011,,& Brlinoh la 8 ~ give you an estimate on your Painting $he idelL of wlnDhl, and they will Frld lLY u rte ro oon. J or ,your Paper Hanging come on' 'vlo torIQ n~ . Rem ember, Mr . Warner W Ai in Xenia Sunday. be pre80Dt every I:!uuday to anllwel' Mr. aud Mrs . Nalao Mc Keever and to lOll.oali . 100, Geo r ge li nd Mr . Carl Hel t h a'· '1'he Ladles of t be Vlvlo Leagu e ten deo II. moeting given flt ' ,b o Choose that car which will best s'erve your needs en t ertained tbel r h U8band . ftn d J . 0 , U , A . M. hil ll la5\ F rid a y within your means. Prices Effective April families, allo th e onsll thd so will. e voQlng. PAINTER AND lat, 1917 WAYNESVILLE log ly allsi ~ ted In. t be pla y Kl ven a Gor don Ba lli nge r, Rtlym ond Wbit. tew weflkl ago . After a lumpt n ou8 Rc re a n d J ohu )luu ln so u ,Ir , :w h o ' This constitutes true economy in the purchase%of PAPER HANGER OHIO LIGHT FOURS me~1 wa. pu\ to 1llg1H, ~be gossIp an automobile. ha ve be e o slok are repo r ~u d ba Ue r. <X)0()4>O<C>OO<:><X>O<:>OOO<X><X>O<t)·OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 000 a a a n 00 0l;)00000' Touring .. ........... A..... J695 begun aud It 1011105 t old t o me by one Mr, an d Mrs . Hllr ry Shaw 110 11 Roads ter ... . .. ............ $6~0 . of the huabllnde U8 b eing l omet hln c There is integrity t!)f value in everyone of the cars Country Club .. ....... .. .. $795 tel'rlbl<l and t rue to nlme. If a'n y. fam il y spen' 8 nnclay w ith Ulleatar in the Willys-Overland line,- the most compreone j ft 'hll vicinity; eeoaped it waR G il moo r n llar Mo rrow. BIG FOURS Mra . Herbor' Mereditd s pen t Ell . 00' Inte ntional uld they lak ror . hensive line of cars ever built by anyone pro· Touring ........: ......... $850 glvene .. aud will t r v and uo b et t~ r day af.te r noon ~Uh h er m other. Roadster ................. 1835 ducer. the next time , .A n er IlIlt wal on e Mrll, Asa W hita k e r. Coupe .... .. .......... ..... $1250 of those gatherlogs made up of Sedan ...................... $1450 But the car in the ·WilIys·Over1and line best suituelgbbora lind th eir n e lghbor8 LIGHT SIXES aelg hb)r8 where love and affec tion ed to y,our needs and your means is the car for STOP LEFT OVER COUGHS reign supre me. Touring ............. ..... '$985 . y~u to buy with an eye to true economy. Dr. B61l 'S l'lne.Ta r.Rooey w ill Roadsler ;..... ......... . ' $970 It tlnl well ther Iremn Ine rood f or Coupe .................. .. . $1385 tbe oex' (e w daYI Mr. MoOarron stop th ll' baoklng cou gh th !\t lI n ge r lf Each has shared in the economies of our greater Sedan ...... .. ....... ...... $1585 will hlive tbe IllCh ~ plunt Inf;tlll\od fr om J a u ua r y. 'l'ho aoo~biog pl no production-each is, we believe, the dominant and our town Itt:h ted, whloh will balM IDII 1008en tbo ph leglJl . h eals WLLLYS·SIX "ppear very 8woan ge. We have bee o th e Ir r lf,Rt ed m eml>r,.oe, lhe glyoo r. value among cars of its kind. Touring .................. f1425 In darkness but wo bove been t old Ino r eliev es t be te nd e r tlssnell, you to h ellevillind we w ould lI::h' brea th e ea81 eL' ~n (i ooo sb ing oell8e8 WILLYS·KNIGHTS Come in and see bow much car $850 will buy in Don ' b n eRleot a linge ring oou g h, Ia Four Touring ......... $1395 • 18 dunie rous. D~. B ell 'e Pi ne 'fill': the Overland Big Four or $985 in the Overland ~'our Coupe . ............ Sl650 B on ey is antlseptlo an d 1)lell88n t to Light Sbe. Four Sedan .. .. .. .. ...... $1950 t l1ke, b en fits Tou og an d old; get It Four Limousine .. .... $J950 lit yo ur d rultg ist. ,o. day . lI'o rmQla. Eight Touring ... : .: .. $J950 All cars held in stock in Lebanon will be sold at ou t ile bobtle, 250. the old price. Advance in price, Big Four and Light Six Modt!I.i. May 1sl next-deferl' d unli! that dete account too late to cor· rect advertist'men1.8 appear· ing in magazines circulating Corn yield", b a.170 r egul'\rl y been tbl'oughout the month of locreaaed f or 14 y oa re f rom 12 to 16 . April. ' bushels per &or e Il n nua lly from II m ~ ooellng .. bo n t $5 one" in Ii ve yellr8 , All prices f. 0, b. To iedo at t he Experim en t; i:! t l\ tl on far m Ae Subject to change without W-oo.te r, O;h er or ops, p~r tl oula rl y notice. For seoLlou8 wh ore early potBtoe@ olo ver , ho.e tlh o wn like lo ors!lee Mu oceeO, the Oh io Exper im ent I:!ta. "Made in U. S. A." " from lhe u se of \I tu e, $he a vern ge t lon r eoom IDeod8 qi l8 or op .1\8 .one of WA YNESVILLE, OHIO 'Telephone 1.9 " a ln for bll plot s in t h e fi vo. ye l1l' r oo t h e 1> at '0 preoad e altlilla , Blnoe ' he tlltloO or oorn, OAt~, w bea', olove r land I. lIs tll1l1y well rllrUltzed .. n d Ilnu tlm otb y bel Ilg $ LfI 47 An a cre, 01 ' manured . tin d fr equent oultlvatloo a net prolh 6f :,l29 ~eroen. above the 1r\118 n ear l y (111 woeds before alfBlflt oost of thl Hme. i8 tepdell . The p o. M oell olln be bllor Lime I• .a ppIted 1u 'he 8prinK at~e r veJt ed f"r II1t8 J uly &ndea,rly Aup:ult 'he land 18 pl uwed for oorn . E rom alfnlfa leed.Io{!tI, nnd It good aeed lie/! ODe to .wo ~onl of Iro uod IImest ' ne OilD' be}Jrepnred merely by t!llklng II uled psr acre, Thll Expel'lmon' Ind harrowio p: . •ndlen epeoiali8ts • • ,. 'ha~ lime Field pelill h a vc ell o b een found .hould De Jer be mixed "Ub manure 8aU.fao~ ory Wh8D out for bar 01 a or fel'UUzerl or 'be plowed under . prepara.tolY oro p tor ./flilfu, Buoh It may OIlU'" 101l u b, potdoe8 lf ap- mld, utUlO&r l eedlnRH ot altalre have plied to thi s orop. b een fonnd by the Ezperltuent Stu. lion wore s&tiefl otory 'han .prl ng -.--~~ 8eedlnl\I In oaf.1 or barley . Molt IIlt.lfa failQre. are attrlbnted to Uncle Eben. , "Jllgh price . ClIl1 't spoil t bnolcRgl v· oompe'IUoD with weed I enrl to In'." suld Lncle J~hco . "Do roore do nurte Or0l111 th", provide 'ezocllivd , to rkl'Y ~(lsl R de IIl1Jro thllnk ful you .hade and lea ve too hUle m olR'nre and pllnt fo od for 'be youog alfalf • . ought to II" dll t YOt kin a/rord It."

... W ritte n

D. L. CH A N E, Ed ito r and P u b lisher






e. v.


~~::\t::rt ~~';~!r:~:.,ea:r~:~j~~~







----.. - ...----



Ohio-Made Flour

Good Paint and' Reliable


Cheap Paint and Inexperience








Madden'sLumber Yard Corwin, Ohio,

Where they' keep a 'full line of.

-------- ..



. Hoard Not, Waite Not. To be thrltty (lo('~ not m~n ta be IUnshlno and 1tIn1lY. It meaDII tIIklng IOOd care not mUl t do lit. waste or mlupeD4 Wllat 0D6 1Iae.plcn~.-o~~tIan. 1Ierald. 1IIlwau. JoamaI.


'L umber, Plaster, :t.itne,· II Cement, Brick, Fence Post~, Paints,· Etc•.

EASTER ~ATS P[i===:JI t:] \ a:..





ml· .






E'-...... . starting and lighting sys tem. tu'oJ.t:!L,nc unit type, built by Wagner Demountable rims 30 inch by 3 inch tires R eichenbach carburetor


",,<1 ,.,"

Q;JHE big thing to «member auout Saxon n ondst" is Ie; completeness. P eople today want a ('ar 1hnt P( .s~c:;sc IIll the necessary features which make for cas)" . (,O lll fn rt ct\,J1l: ddving. No automobile is complete without a starLin ):; a nd lighti ng- " y s tern. People are educa ted to ils lise :\II L1 would 11 0 II1 0 rc tllillk o f using a hand crank than u s in g a in l1b('e u f d cd ric il . ' . D cmountable rims have taken the ire out f lire l'hnn~ e , Allin a ll, there is no improvement which would wo rk out fo r lJIon: com fo rt

~ ~.


opecotiou tlm t """ I", ",hled to

llist 'SLup " \oa 1s t r ,

all d

l·o n ~ id(,'.·


axon l<oadste<:

\' al:1

r('presc ut ed

As ~om-


ax 11


t ha n ~,'j O () wlli 'll has th e

)1.' 0 5

S/r,'amlilll' body J/ ()1l1'yc() lIlh radiator /. . . . \ ,'1: '( (er- t enl IYl1ltio n h.\ l l '<l I()/'~I valladium /"il'r t.{JI'(!

steel $prings, canti-


I·'rllnk II





('<lll(iil l ' I •• I S ti li,..II' ~,., :l U \ III h .,

lit Hom¢

fl(JUjlll"' r ),(Ut: ~t { OU .

1 'f'



l\ 1 ~:~ r:-l


in th Y


wtlt' l) I:I~

It is lho wish of Aud ilor MUlIlIlS that Lht.' local penplll will'se : I ·c l a placI l! r ur hi ll)I LO' meet I .Lhe peo t 1': , in un e r t u PX P aln l I e new a x [::J li ~Ling of pl'''l'erl v r"i~ will Ill' U ~ 1(.1' a l ae 'ulllod aL lon to Mr Moullt!;, II he will t h us ut' ab le to ser ve more peopl e tli a n ill uny "Iher way.


0 _

i~ very Il

License No. 42






ezwI .. _ _ _



Buy your Linoleum at Hyman' s. L . A , Zimmerman was in Cincin.

- - -- -



I l

gu ests: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rye and Mrs . Amanda Smith, of Way nC!lv iIle, Nathan Austin. of th i~ vlcinll y a nd Mrs. Clifforu Prug h, of near Beavertown. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Allen we re calling on home fo lks he re labt Monday evening. Mrs. Chas. Braddock aod Mrs. Rebecka McComas spe nt F riday al the home of Measrs l and Rob ert Lashley. Mrs , Clifford P r ug h, of · n I'r Beavertown. is spending Ii few dayq' with her father Nat ha n Austin, of this place . Mr, and Mrs. Will Curtis, of n ()ll ), Red Lion, were the r ece nt gu ests uf M d M J A All r , an rs . . . en, Mr. and Mrs. Chus. Braduock ~1 J1 · ter ta in~d at r!inn e r .'r!l,ur6 ~ay , Mr: and MI S, ,Will ,H ar tsock. !\lrs. R.e becka McComas and Messrs. Wil l and 110bert Lashl ey . Meeting was he ld at Midd le R un last Satul'rlay 'anJ Sunday . '




AprillO-Springboro . April II-Oregonia . . April 'II-Harveysburg . April. II-Waynelville • .Aprill'l-Lytle Apri113-Washington Township House

2:30 p. m. 1:00 p. m • 2:30 p.,m. 5:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m • I:O~

p. m.





.i ' • :





Auditor . ,


i '1 i

Miss Edytha Maey. of Lebanon, visited t he sc hoo ls here Friday and spent tbe weE'k·end with her siSler. Mrs. Bert Hartsock. of Route 1.


Mr. Bnd Mrs. L , V , Thomson. of The firs t cas e of drown ing ill the Kokomo, Ind ." have been vi~itin g at county ' ha ppened ' Monduy week, the home of Mr. and Mrs , J. S when 'Earl M y~ rs went to his deat.h Thomso n, of the WaynesVille and in the big Minmi at Frankli n . He. Lebanon pike. Ivit h t'lrI~e cr, mpaniol1s, went out in a ranoe, which till ed , with water und '· Lost-Baby's sweater. between capsized. H i~ companion!' reached Carey's residence and E J. Arnold 's sufety but as the vouu!;!' man was a residence Saturday evening. Finder r PfOIOt,rLSE'ViomlTpl Ille p:1e1:t UOW Il. , please leave at this office or at Mr. Arnold's relndencc.

I ,

Frede rick Robi tzer, after spending his vaca tion he rt! wit h hi ~ pare nt s, r elu rned to l:larnesville Friday.

fn lhis lillic of illt 'l'lIaliu nal d is· Elu y your Easter suit at Hyman's. tu rbllllc(' Lht· V t:C~lIl lui a nd back· SO liI' d p;Il rtl t-1i IIfr, \('ment mu ~t be Mr and Mrs . Chas , Pyle and g- i VC ll P f' Ul11l1r p I ll! ; \ I·tlt~ with uther dUlIi{ht er. ·of Houte 4, were guests II wn :\ u n-!~ of p Tu t ~ I.: il ) 11 of t,;l urllsvi lie relalives l a~t wet:ok. G UVf'I'II Ul' ,J '111('_ .\ l' .x ill a proclal ll ll li" " t,) tile Ill" 'llll! .. t Lho Sllll' 1\1 r. and Mrs, Sherman Shonk. of ~ay: " VIlOrl ~lIppli"o (!;t ll' be ~r uwn un VH C 8 11 1 1 ,,! ~ . .::~ ) d'!I~ j:all ue LlIf'Iled Day l n, were week·end gu es.t sof Mr. and Mrs. J , S. Thompson, of Route 4. Into us c a.n u til ' d C,V h" t:i' tlIl'J t, r defenso se r " I~l' l'n " IJ" nf tlisLi lll:t vahle by sim pIt.! 11Il,loulHI y In li e Miss Lellfy Emley, wh o has been sam e prollorlillll I JUlt a rhlll ily CfJ lI· ve ry ill ut a hospital in Dayton , was l r ih ul e~ til i !~ t'W Il J,(e t'4,itil!s it will broug ht home Wedn esday evening, be. 1.. r ving t) , ~ naLilln " and is re coveri ng slowly. The vacant I t rlll,j b:.cky ard gar· dene r's hantl v 'gu irll'." eij:! ht puges. A new line of 9xt2 Rug~. $1 3 ,75 il lust rated. has Ll!'-n isslled uy The Ohio tale U niver;lity \\Ill will have and up , at"Hyrnan's, a large so pp ly th ,~ firs t of tile wut'k, a nd can ~ u pply t hem to nll Y one !1.9k· J. H , Snri t h, the barber, Is back itlg' for t h m. They nrc fr ee', aga In t his old stand, in the Men. de nhall Building, and will be glad to --~welcome hi ~ old patrons.






J . P. Jones, Fiel{,i SecretarY of the

OhIO Me'thOlliRt Homp-, at Wort hing· .1 h S d ton, Ohio, preacheu ere un ay mOI·ning. . B all was . to have tilled lin town pulpit but owing to hill was ur,able til do 80, : Mr J an able man, and ..~~~~.......44~~~......~~~~................................... p~ched ~OP.

.c. s.

~ 1 1 lc.J S

awl cl r il's thu 6\u mm init PlI l't ot·, t h en yu u Will he :, ~ lJh;:\':wci t v o ...... n tI

U. s. ~mr AIlATOIl a . I am duce them.

La lorro·

After 1 sllOw you, sec if you ca n find any othe r s,'paralor St) san· It nr y, ' If yo u cannot - Ihen huy a P. S,- the ' Vmhl '/I Record etas\.! skimmiul{ se purntor.

ELMER ROGERS Waynesville, (Ihlo

- - --



~'l lI n u"er

I) . L.. ne . WaYlIetlvlllo. Ohio; Iwu l'ublhihur. O. L . Urtiuo. W a1m,...

Hanna'. Luatro-Finish you too win say "how easyl'~

The ease wi th whicn you can-apply it, and get good re- . suIts, will really surpnse you.

Mr. and Mrs. r'rank LeMay, of Middl etow n, wer e g uests of Mr . and Mrs. C. T. H aWII~ Sunday.

....,...........,.,........................................................ .. ' . 'i . NOTICE' TO TAX PAY,ERS i MET DEATH· IN' FOR THE PURPOSE OF GIVI'NG WHATEVER II FORMATiON I CAN IN THE M).TTER OF I,.ISTING OF PERSON Al .. PR01?ERTY, FOR THE YEAR 1917, I WILL BE AT THE FOLLO\\ lNG PLACES AT THE TIME MENTIONED ; ,

(Juicld y t hc nU.'OIli1l1ica l w a~h'J r p.(' m hs,

When once you have tried refinishing your floors, woodwork or furniture with


The Waynesville Mills U.'.



Program for Wal'n l1 Township .liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilil nt Sclio,. 1 Hall. Frlrlay !!!_~~~~~~~~~~~~~ af le rnLl olI, April 6 at2 o'cl ock: Mu ic Opell ing I!x~ rci sl! ; liu ~ ille~~ ; In ler STATEMENT mission fo r dues and me m ber~hlp; Mu~i c; Papl'r, Dr. Mllry Cook, Dis· Stnt" mcn L o r · u, o o\\,u.rshlp bnd mlUlag .... c t' ~f ioJ)' "Stury TeIIime." by Miss ", n L III t,ho Miami Lin. MAl, l)ublJllttod ~t . , . ' WA),IIIl/1\' lIlo. lUll", "" I'\l<julrcd by Ih e .\ c l ur K ·III d ler'M ; U ~IC AlI~fI" H , 191 2,

v ille and Lebanon . Dredg e Pil'tI!men . l ~ra ntli! lll en and A new lin e of 9)( 12 Rugs , $13.75 engineers a I''' !l" co\('rJ III I.he. depart, ment of pu blic wor k s, Ja nitors foq anu up, at Hyman's. slate depllr tment~ . . ff\r lll lll a nagl! rS I Miss Jeanne Ferg'uson, of Da yton. b,y the a gricultural "xper~ tU l'n l Ata· twn . unll ",Hmy ()lh~r 1!(l~ ltIO IJS both was th c week.enr! g uest of Mr . and of a te.chn lcal Ilm] I~lall\ chu l'a~te r. Mu, J, W, White , a ccordlllj{ to t he ollw la l hu lIetlll of the S t nte Civil Ser\').c Commi oion Mas te r Charles Gr8u~er, of Piqua , f.o r Aprll whl<!h has Ju~t b ~en pu b.! Ohi o. s pt:onl the week,end wi~ h Mr. hsh~~ . All lInus u"lnunrbe l of good dill.. Chllrles Hough . , p{l~1I1 0I1S a r l.' LO b" nller! through \ an s, competi ti ve pXllln ina ti'JI) t be conduc ted dllri ")1 Lhe c'lCni ng m nth Mr . Iin(l Mrs .J H. Col eman and Complete 1lll n iL' ularH regf,rdi ng all Mr . and Mrs ~~. g , He nderson we re thes e xal11 in!l t ioll~ . t og ~t her with Dllyton vi itors Thursday. the dates an d, \lh, ' (!. ill whi ch t hey "'111 be held , and g' J hjec l~ of exum · Dr, Dill . Osteopa th 21 S , Broad. inati oll , are g ivl!n in th e Lull ctill way, Le banon Ohi o. r Ivhic h will be ma iled f rlle Lo any pel'. on upon rPfI LH·. t. Add!' IS 8 Th Mrs, Walter McCl ure, Mrs, George 'tate ' ivil SC rI'ICt' Cornrn i~~i on, ' 01. Hawke. Mr, an (I Mrs. J ames McClu re umbus, Ohio . were in Dayto n SaturdllY ,

Always Demand the Label

---_._ ......- - -

U.s, SI':i'i\II ,\ TOR . wil h Il. unequalled reou\otion for cle.n nliness. Y"1I will let' nJo t!h (lw you ho w mu ch I' ,n;!!" it 1!1 to k(."(·p t he 11. S . SliP· AkA f 01~ c l ~:m a nd r ust l('ss: i'l!ddu nnd out t ha n other Minl ihu' (I \· ~icp.s . - how

M ~)l h e r ~' cl ub

HE WANTED laslI enwerykKiwith ng, of London , Ind , sp l'nl ' ol utives III Way nes-

.... W. E , Bagan aDd fa mil, ",.n 111 Wtlmlnl$oD OD bDiIDllI1 JiI-'F. lin. W.h.r WIlIOD hall bHD Oil. \be atN 1I11e e.1'&h Bradford vlllltlld Mrs. WUbu Ruddnok a.inl-day .lgM, MIM Laura Hill is out again afte r IIr. aDd IIr. , J . 15. LearnIng and quite a siege of il lne~s , IIr. "lph IAamln, and family Wm . Z. Chenoweth is c onfine~ to ~(lre o.y'<>n .hopper. Yonday. his home suffering f rom a complica1M• •al from an'oed to OJ!{. tion of di seases , de. Basada, Ill,hi to at'end ihe reMr• . Rebecka McComBS, of Valley vlYal ..r'Vloee 'bera, oOllduoted by View, Nebraska. t'nj <l)'od t he weekIIUU. lAG, , end at tha home ot her broth<>r Chas. 'I'll. prayer mae'tug Friday nigh' Braddock and fsmily, Mrs. Me. •• W, ~ BotaDI well a'tended. , Comaa expects to make ~n ex tcnded BeY. Willi. O'N ••I prllaohld at visi t with relatives in t hl8 section of 'hili ohareb 8uuda.t HIli servioes Ohio. , . ~In blahl)" a.ppr80la.&ed by all M!~I Alice Chenoweth ente rtall'!ed IAn. a.lellh BOlan II .alll d Or· at dmner on Sunuay the fo llowlIIg

ih l'8 o f lJ ulI l! r COli usuall y IX! 11 acetilo ' I11ru~ rir 'Ily c1~a nt'<l !C1)l1ra lO rS!- lh ~Y W ..l Id f ul ("vt!n 8tm louder or th e


St, Mary's Guild will meet with Mrs. , urah l';imme rmnn on Thursday aflernoo n,


den, Ohio, belping in t ho meollng , Tbe many frlonds of Mabel Rlo.n. lev are IJll\d '0 know she lB Impro v. 1111 Irom h "r reoent, \lIness.


' :-;lIn cl ay he [,,111\\ illl: t,.lS Mr. and nali Wednesuay . r here Should Be a LimI t Som eWhere, \iltlf\·'· I';~~!I: . An uio ~Dd Ala~e DrowlJ;"' D. L. [J uB I; Ilmck l..,,I" " f n"a I' Lyll e, ' ran e, Less "n" II\' " " nl " o l,', 1 w l r ~' n h 1111." RlI l LI lIo ntihohllJr motLgag08. Bull ot.harsecurtLy , ~l r ~ , Hl'lll'rk u ·, IcCc) lIl1L~ . Mr. and I\Ir!<, 'arah DIl\' i ~vi9ited her da ugh. l 'I1('!t· Elwn . ",il u' flO t"S e ll S(l f. ,11 not IhJ~'!~l~~D U~IO Bnd AUUsc rl bcll hetoro me &hLa Mrs Ch fl~. Bratt .,'c . .\lr , and Mrs. ter in Lebanon Pri Utly , ""1 11 11' In ~It ,I t! lIlortgll!;6 olr'n 1l,"291h day 0 1 Nov.tnl,"r, 1 9 1~. p u. Lu ulV ig !Ina MI'. Erlh::,t Uradd ock . . , E , V. l1amb .. rl Nol.IU'Y ub o. \\'nshlnr;l lIn Star. MI' , and 1\11"8 Geurg P ratt and d uuv: hter M t'H Edl\fLrd Cook att end. O. W. Hamilton spent Sunday I'd t he fune' ul f U I 'Inti ,'e at ~pr ing 'ith re l:ltives in Uayton . Valley las W!~dl,,' ~d ,IY. Mr, a nd l\) rt>. J ,t:;\lua Cheno \y th. Tobacco nnvas at Hyman's, of Lyt le, Wll l'e rCCI:IL lIy the ~ u es Ul of Thum ml La c and , a mily, MisR Josephine Andre ws attended - - -- - ..:.--'II w~ek e nd hOllse party at Milford, Obio.

Are ,both. guaranteed label flours.


UO) (,)r

I i'.1 r"

Starlight Patent and Albino Flollr

Always buy Ohio ftlade Flour

un St.m ,rill onu\rc



-lo- - - - - _·__ e


d.lrymnn·d wlfu cnuld vote

.• 1I, S, C,(E ,\~1 5£P fl ,\ · TOil w oulll a l\Vuytt. W ill, lUlndltJ down. rrt he creamery l111n:l \tf' r tS knew' t he J un " 'lIlIt,r." C nt.h tio n of llIany sep. ur;Jt ur~wt l i · h $!n· ~ ll u.· 1 11.- t hC'y woul d bt! p vc-n mor t.! lIf1k f 'l for lh~ UIfU of U. S, SEPARATORS, t he buyers or crc., mcry products knew th rn t he poof· kl'(·PIl1d, quu l.



I enl (' rLllined at IL '1I111 p!u uUS d in nl' r

And 'r educe the high cost of living, and enjoy that splendid home-made Bread. Ask your grocer for home~made Flour.

l'f r't'('lin n.

rv orv

(;J Mrs. Emma l)altill, of Sll rinlo( fieIJ " ~ Ohio. is vit;iting relalivt!s lIe rll fora l f t!w day ~ . . C G, Wi ; lif\nI ~(l n. o!1 Daytoll, pnid hi~ 'n'~pect~ t u s 'venll \\'a),nesvi lle [!I fl' iclld g TU I;!>;daY .

Will LI\,,:hley


~ ~

III r s, Ida Lokes was call er! Lo Wil I Monday on acco un t of il l- I


" "•• Il ,) "H'k h v' LI lt' lvIU II'I"~ CO Ud lll 'Of

r1k IHJ\\'ct h I. po(,r1\ atA h~fI:"ll1 I hi <lwrill)l~ , •

T ~~~~~lon III

_=1[:]1--'-:""8 1:1:::=lI EE'~' 8 '~'lh\lul


To uaceo Cnnva' at Uymun's,


y esville, Ohio

EJIii'===:J'Ele'~'Ele'~n:Je::::==lI:JE'===:J'ElE'~'SEI~II O C-18 lEl====.l3C:



'rIll' l e is 1J(l (,t it r 'a r 1l1~l tI(' for r ccogll iicd " attlre S of lh i. (', I i'.

I'J"9 ' h" /. 1/ 11 .'I uful' -. PCI'd ,SaXOII ( ') ( 11 //le') I ','J-Spt'ed t nm.'imissio)1 Dry platc clutch Hyatt Ouiet be(JriIl9,~



ill all. therc· i ~ lit) illl pr(i\IC fUCIl L wh idJ I I ' ule! w rk for m o l' f rl a lld c a se o f op ra t icllI llt.1t .. Ill 1)(: added LO 'axoll Hoadster . I\ " t h ' car -;lall d ' , i L is t il ' ':t" i'~'::, l car to o perale for the least

1)1<1ll l.' Y.

~ Thi~



Completeness ,o f Saxon

In InrI{ hUl ~ , Slnllli hat ~ lind tail· orl'c\ hnls. 18 a pNI<,l!I,..1 in vi tn ti on to you to visit ntlr 111illi l1l'I'Y l;lnr e I\l i ~: Hardin : I. O. n. I~. IJ ldg ., Lt,!',"'''n, Ohi n

Mr , and Mrs. R. S , Howell arri ved home Sunday evening, after spending t hree monthR at their ranch in AIllbama. They ara lookini' well and enjoyed thei~ outing very much. Miss Annie Brown was called .to Centerville last week on account of the-sertuos i1I uess of her I:ou@ in, Squire Brown, and made a flyIng trip to WaynetlviIle Frida~, reo t h hid I turning 0 ar 81: 00 ut ea In, enla s.,turday mIJming.

J. E. JANNEY,.-WaynesvilJe, Ohio'

STICK TO FIRST PRINCIPLES Don't forget your fight against the middleolan and his toll. You never could gct a good price for your country butter beca use there a re too many IIllddlemen takini a . pro flt~ and now sincemos t of the producers have gune to seIling cream they appear in the guise of cream buyers or station men who make a commission on the ('ream they buy which comes out of tbe producers pocket.

Sell your Cream direct to the Tri-SfafeButter Company, Cincinnati; Ohio. The Time _Tested Market of over 20,000 Producers. Your lIloney is S UR E -your shipment SAFE. No shipper ever l06ta dollar·dealing with the T ri·State, aDd every caD is guaranteed against,loss or damage in transit. . .' Ask any Tti·State patron what he thinks of us, or let us send yuu Free Trial cans if you have no cans of your own.


co,~ ,

Capital Stock $75,OUO





FIVE AND TEN CENT STORE See Our Easter Novelties, 20c, I5c, IOc, Flowers for Your New Hat ..... '.. , .... Crochet Books:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Face,Cloths ... , . ..... ... ...... . ..... , Baby. Sets, Bootees, CgPS, Bibs, all for., Bath Towels, for embroidering, . ••.... , BoxPaperl aU the latest novelties. . . . . . Cand y, Peanu,t s . , , . .. . . .. .. .... , . . . .. 'S ubscriptions, come in and see about it.


Speclal.l lt In



5c IOc IOc




lOe I&:




I Tjlaehers

~ -~~ HAVE ANSWERED' ' .

L~~~D!_ ~E~!I~l ' ,'. COU~TRY'S ~All

-/* - - - ... - -



Wat~rbouse Cor

As. )



'L1V ry

bolts of, W.ayne TownShip a great de. eire \.0 answer their ::ountry's call . B 'S Bowell WIIS a bU'Jine s vIs. AlltJough the call hilS b~~n answered itor in Cincinnlltj Thursday. by several. · ye there ~'re a (lrea~ " , . many who have not paid any' 01l:el1 ' IIWJ'_., '~I.", "\lPt, -~'fII'tlresl;on • .. Mr. and Mrd . How~1I ' Pl erce .a~d t.ion ' to . kit, lind tretl~ tbe yth&!e matter ~ "";1 • El' b h O I F as a l O e. • • . ' I ..~ ss Iza et spen rl ay .There al'a .8ev\,ral who have pre. &:~~rJi~~'~~I;'~ " S,'hnnl En'ter.. in Sprinj(f\eld. ; o ' sentell themselves. and in' se ..etslln' ~! 'Mrs. ! · . " tltanees have been accept,jid. Among M~~ic" -J: T tldrly, of Dayton, was callM tho. \'tho have been aceepted ar the Id here Sunday on account of the,deal!. Ernest Harlan ami (Jhe3ter Sno·Ok. . two boys went to: Cincipnal:I fof -his filthe)- . M.•€.'. Liddy ~ ~ • These Monday lind took · tbe. examination R II II I the ' navy, ,and were arcepted ' U8 ILe'banon, .,Mrs. US8e a!l~ an d so~....,? f are reaving today for l\lewport visited with Mr. and lVIi'll. H h h' .. d P ' r.~.. ~J .. mes,. li.ll.fnflS' at Cor\Yi~, Friday. .' ~enneth' ottK as Jome • r . infantry. and' will' leave as s06n :~~~~~......"+.....;..~. , '" alt the. call comes. r . , - t 'Mr. and MI1I , Fled ,or. yrawfQrd, • I/. eat many <>f the .yoltnl!' men ' (jf'To~on~o, ·Can., spen se'v~ral days. r the Township, ould ·rather waH here lut week wltti' .. Mr, and MIS for a.. draft iThe men of , Wayn e t>.- F. ·Orawforo. ·· '. ~ " Township did not wait'for a draft in '61. bllt the front &8 fast a8 Mrs, J. W. Edwa~ds and dllugb · thev were acce{l.ted. Are the men ~e . MI~esTrlllena , . M.a r- of '17 golnll to lag hehind lind l;Iot 1~~S~~~~~iI!: ptionels"u8 h ... an garet. of Dayton. spent the W6<BK.·,enoIA follow In the ?Oi)tsttPS of their fore. time !!tb Mr.- antl' Mrs. 0, J .. E?wards. ' , .... meeU.IIIl will be he.ld in M~9 Elizabeth Ch~nd.ler" who is . evenin&" and iL Uro~V"Llt:. stUdent allhe'Ohio State the ·.mt!n-,to go ~i~:=~~~~:J~~:~~ haa b~n.8p.endinl her Spring 'soo:h0w }ll}trlotio tliay lr' tlon WiUi~lle't.par.nts. Mr: and.M~. ,. :"--~ Ed. Chari. le\,. , .~ • . ..''f<'''''' -:. .., - - : J

'., ' '






was eovercd .

Tbe most e laborate observanee of the day took plac~ a1 St. MarV'B chur('.h which was beautifully dec·. orated: The vases on the altar were filled ' with lili es and carnaliol)S, while the croBBlng beM many pot . plante and cut flows", .


•Bart60ck Il'ood muaical pre. · Rev. J. F. ~~::I~~~tj~i~:~~l~~. flne &e.rmQn wu which t ...., ....... '......n

cel.Dr·atll~n Afterf


~Cl~ID.!'~· Yhllt~t.\••~\





4te°I~:~i:'HP~b~~j h~~~.f!i~;,~' WA-YN' SVllt'E8' AN'O

rQI!i(itenc:e. moved ,

. tbls wee~. take_ tbe hou!e




ol)e visitor for each pupir.too;I¥1l\ak~ the pu hYe .Interested " enough tbla record? It has been -done In

::~~i~~~%.~~r~t~~lmi _

o#ter tommunitles ars not equal to ours; Jt is up that to 'you as an In·

met last week· and enjoyed a good prOl{ram. It Is doing good w~rk In assisting !'Orne of tbe wortby children who are In need Have you jelned? 1l not, why? ·




Rolan4;. ,.

Get your tieket at the

, - •









able to Then ali II



IIJldDU at,t)1i are '1Jll1illl'tf·W >h ~Q? its BUcc4tl!l. Are you olle ot, em If no~ wby n.otT . ~ an ,'~~lIlIlt to ': '. answer mil'. not"you . Will ~eco'fne a booster. ~ia o!nnisatioR ~oQI~ .



- ,

includ\lan tbe me?1n ~I' J·otm~ . . 8hlp who ~eail" mem~ p b..~. . galng to . WbP UIIIJR'~ ~ . '.IIa" 0te mOVJ a - ,. 11 . 'S."ll.' W. "

SEASON ·· •.,......... wit

The membe,. ot the .w.a:fne8vilhl Band hllnted 'Up thelr .l l"atJ;ument.B lsat. Mop,daY" eve~lng and p,oceooed to serenaWi tben fo{mer basa.drum· mer IIOc!. ' ~ia newly acquired wife. Mr. a:ld Mrs. W. O~ Raper,. After




• __r

i; '


playing two or .three , selections OD the corner. the boys were called Into the home und the evenillR Will! very pleasantly spent in conversation and mulic. Mr. and Mrs. Rapef.llslaiBted til" MilS Louella ' Janney, serveo dBinty refreshments of ice cream. candy lind cigars: The band

To the people iJf Wayne ToWnship: , We ' have .at aside the week be-

lriDliinz April 16th for. G~too~~1 WeeIi; ia our' deelre fQ have the the to~p acquainted


wbich theY8up: be (Johe b, lltaylIitening.,to wbat ~to wbo hsa eehool room'

<tn,. at1~!l.!Uit

: Home


Initiate.the .mllveJMelnt Wayn8S,vllJe are' . . iteu lUI anywhere. J ralk , It the pubJle could only ae~ the of Waynesville,l on<the atreet ' and Inner workings o( what is beingAone whenever a fewmBn.gat1)~t6«etbel'. fOJ'tb .. boys , aty) girls it wou.ld be It"'il. rA'~t ,u~ in, the attJ,tUde fqrtha, nec~ry to p~t in-extra seata ~·ae·; ca}!.'~ There are,. ,f~ mell. no~ "wlio commQdI1ot:e tile:,vlsito~pexL wee~. · ~~ atl~Q"J ,~,!' hay~ ,.8uph ~~ tJ,.~~,

• . •

evening's entertainment. Come see them. They will do their beat to a' fuJI house'. Vacant seat are not encouraging. The 's~a t s lire 15c for adu lts and lOa f o r ch ildren under 12,

tb dlvidual. . " 0 the e The Motber's Club

to. L;olmnlUnllon ol1'.~rl[11Z'

I •

,The boys BOld Jlirls; are . g teres ted and promi se II

Holy At 7 o..cloek munion a ce.lebraUon tOok place and of -the 1'1118 .Go to school som(! time ne)(t week by a large congregation . if for no longer than ten' minutes. Jj(,I;ell)J)lI :80. service the church Register as a visitor for a \~~::~!JI~U~~~~~~~ full vested choir child. It Istdeaired to bave it




Some of ou; boys are joini ng the .. colors. J1hey will not do 80 in voi n ~T. MARY S CflURCH as full credit will b e given t hem in Euter day wa.s observed at the their subjects at school. . . . . different churches Sunda~ in a .fitting I , manner. A cold east · wmd us hered Fhe last tOllch e9 are being put in the day. and it began to anow the play to be g iven by the 1] about o'clockJ and at noon .the grades at th e School Ha)l .



. N-I'r

.AT THE CHURCHES ,.___ SC..."_OO_l_,._O_,_E_S:",_e

The rs call to tbe colors has I~. in, the hearts ot the patripUc

.' ' . '

the L~banal\ R ' G Crosa" was a Columbus vlai " ~;:~=:'j!;;~~r~!~i(~'i -1:.E:banpn. tor Satu.rday. • ~ . 0'



was "'''.~~_,_ a8 'Io"ng as

permit. made her her dauKhter, 'Mrs" J. O. CUlltellbordel', of· Dayton.' for the laat At<U:e.'age of 85 she h~ th~ . tune to SlIil and,.break her hlp,wblch .confined ber' to her b"ld, 8h8'w88-,~, ~~'.m'...... patient.sufferer and a waY9 greeto::<. everyone.wlth 0 smile. She was tell· derlY and lovingly cared lor ~by her aauihter, Mfll · ~. O. CUltenoorder, at \\Ihose home the fUner:ar aervices were', conducted by tbe &v. 'Leeltlib el'. 'Tbe l'em9ine were laid in Miami cemetery, beside the' husband and daughter. 'lbe high esteem in whleb

sbe was held . was. demonstrated ~ by.

••••MYER ·~

the elegant floral ofI'erings. Could we ask her back,to sufI'er, To toil; to love, to mourn; No she has pus'd H~.ven·1I golden

portal., .

.. .

Safely houaed in ClU r Father'a horne.

-,.;."- -- -~ ,- - ,

WHS-Spring ho"'~;,g jl< "I'

' .'a't : b~S'inniU:t to reat'ize tl;ia~' add ,mueh to the c~,,~~y.t~~~~~~ Our se"Cond flo~r has ~i complete \i~,~~~~;~~~~~~l,1~~ 'jn the newest patterns;-'Also, L,futll~ll~;;J:'~~~.i~~tI a:~dWindow Shades: Come and. elsewhere. You will save ·tp()ney "b~ o~:~~Ig..-JlFt;~i.:>i




Stray~,A. YOUDg



S.bepherd .. dog.

baa wbite coloped Deck and IeP and dark ,llack... Owner can ... t-the'ume by ·eal~oe.,on o1ollD Bach, ~. D. 2,

, Clothing, Shoes pry Goods

HOUlE,Will GO . EAST ·OF·US 'F~e"' 6J~ure ,pro~~ct$ar~ ~ood' ~~F~-.·'A-i'PJiIil~J

, onfa..m, ptodu~t.·,

'produce ,it. 'utQlost w~y4han DIU.·. .'

'ana" yo~ ,:'~lioulcl. ~el~.·<y.I~r;iq thi.~year, and~

there 's,

. - ', .

Swiss .r B~gh..Grade _

". '



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. ,r.,.,.,



Bake flt






And reduce the high cost of living, and enjov that I' splendid home-made Bread. Ask your grocer for I home-made Flour. IIII ~.

Starlight Patent and Albino Flour Are both guaranteed label flours.


!., " "


I II : ..




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i-::l,t l'Y , wh o ha s bnp n : hn:;pilal in l lay t o n , \~ a~ I

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·' a,·h ·

,IP, Ul


I ! YIll 'W'S .

Sd! y{)ur Cream direct to the Tri,S/ate Butie,. Company, Cillcilllwli. Uhio. T he Time Tested Market · uf over 2{), (}(){) Producers. .

eVen lH": ,


\' (I ll r l!lo ney is S \.; R I'.-yo ur SiriPllICllt SA FE,


.J. II .'"d l h. t he barber . IH bfJL'k :q.:ai ll ', 1 hi ~ Il ld ~ t:l nd. in t he 1>1 'n "

, "


<. .~



Til.! ii I' ~ (', " ,," d" \ I ' il' ~ t ilt' C" l1Il t \· 1~,l)I"""': .'I'I, h '.' we(·". \\'111'11 1':,,1' ,1 \ " ... \\,,·pl .. h' ; d~' a II in tlw h il' \i,r,,,"i .• : .' ""ki'll 11,'. with tlll'\'P • ,':1.', f,jIJ I ! •• , ' \\'C ' " , lit) ill, n ':llInl' , \\'h .·', :". I " ,' I, \, ,iI L'r anrl c' p. iZl·d I! '~ ..". 01 1',10111" II' l'iwd . ~ai~ t y I,.ut II ~ tltl! \ ·1I 11.! man wa~ a • POO l' ~Wt!l1Il "'1 l\(] I., r.t tit 1'.'11. .

,\ k an y '['ri ·Slate patron wh a t he thinks o[ liS, or let us send calls if you ba \'e Ill) cans of your own.



AT M .~~'


~ lV t:ll t (;! !',


b t ween '

rt:. i,icllcc a nd I:: J . A m ulti s r <"idell ce. 'nturday evening. Find er pl" ,",.. I"a\,('n t Lll iK ollice o r at 1\11'. \

C HIl'.I ·S



1:"HI(.h!nec ,


R. S Ho well arri ved ,

b tl.l llt' SUII &!I IY ~'ellil1 '. after R p~!l d, l·i1W hi-I" rn (l nth~ at th ir ranc h In



:\ I" i",1)1II '1'11 ·:-; a re look ing well a li I l'll jl)yctl h"ir oll l m" v ~ ry mu ~ h ., I 1

~11 ~

:\nlli .. Brown wa 'call ed


I,"", II f th" I I 't'1l 1 'rville Il1s.1 e·k lln account u f .1. I' . ,I ,1\" . I,':,' 1 " t II 'Ii n' ',\ ,'r l hmg- ' til<' '1:r i'hmt- ll1l1E' ~~ o f h er COll ·l n, , '\11 ". j' l·,,,·~ ~t1l1dll\, : 11:11\,(' Hrt l\\." , lin.! ma~~ It ll y. ' II ~~ tri P to W I1Yllcw llle I , 'I \\ . tI , I () I·'''c 1a 1 . h I I d . I' rIday. . v r e·· ,,,,Ipli l,', Ilw inl! ' t.UI·hlll!.! to er ~c lUU utles lit ....Cllla 1 dI d I 1.;.11, Sa. llr41.lY tn . trn lll}.i,

F;: ~;" @:::'' :




and ,




I ." 1- lJa h) 's

,\1 r . an d



THE TRI-STATE BUTTER CO., Capital Stock ' $7;),Ouu

~I 1' . 'Inri ~1 1':, .' L V Th (l lll~nn, of I h"I, pllI '" 1111.1 .. hll .ve bee n vioitin j.( <II t il ,: hO!11\! o f Mr. and · l\Ir~ J . S I "!'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!"'~~~~~ Tt:" Il);,('i1, of the Way nesv ille and I c;: L l ,I' '' Il UIl p ik.: . · , 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


i r[I LLEO 'P.'ILPll

No Sl.l lpper

C\'er los t a. rioll a r ·deal ,llg with the T ri ·Stale. and every can is guar' tI.lllecd agaiust loss (lr da l1la;Se iu lrall si t.

y,,11 Free Trial

J l i". ; Edy tl;n MH CY. of L eban on . ,I 111,111., h ~ n' and' ")I" I t! Lhe w l ,.'K· ~ is l l.' r • .\ I I~ . H,'I·t l{ouLe


[urgct yo ur ft g llt again st the middleman and his t o ll .

\ ' ( JII n eve r w uiti tie t a ti0UU pri<.: C for yo ur c o uutry bUlter be · ':dtl Se t lle (e ilrc t oo man y lIliddlcm en tu.k l!l ~ a IHO I,t, and now since l11()H 0 1 U,(! prlidu<.: cr s lIa\' c /: lI u e to ~ clling cream th ey a ppear in the !llIisC oi <.: rcalll u llye l . or stat ion 1I!<.: 1I wh l) make a commiss ion on the c'rea lll liley IJIIY wliidl c o me s 'ollt of the pruducers pocket.

\ n,·'·' [i,w lIt' !\ .~ : 2 I{ u~ q , ~'l: I'-;;' 1

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:-;h(:rll ,all

E I"j I. \ i'ltl'Ulit(" Friday "u wilil her Harl sock. of 1. BIG rtHAMI RIVER



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tI , 1,lIal! lllll idlll g-. anu wi ll be g lad t ', \\' I ' lc 'l1n ~ hi ~ oi d patrons . '1


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J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, Ohio

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L.. Mrl, WILI'sr WI1 800 has beeu OD' . lJ , Mr~ . ' Gila· I.lratlrl " ck and 1\1 " '. Jot >1,;. I d 'he .ioll II... I\ eu ~c k:l l\J.:1:" n,,"~ 1'::' t h·i .):I." . , 111 .M • , ' Mi.. Sinh Bradford ,,1~lted Mr s. h~ hum ... u l ~l< ~s rs ~\ Ii , and I,o u,,: \' " I '.', Wllbu Rudduok tlaturd&v nl gbt . l\1iss Lau ra lI il l is (," a -ai n ai l"r Lu"hle>' . ,. ,.,. , , Mr;; ('lill'.'I' <I I'rn:",. " f n, :'" Mr. aDd Mrll J, ~. Learning II III I q ui l l! a sielC " It f I!n", . .' HI'I\\' er l u w ll . i;' spen d llh.; 11 fell' da ' ':'" ,'" th. Ralph Leamlnll and f filUtly i Wm 'I. . ' 'hennll'" I, i'l ",'n firll'd II) WIt h 1ll'1' fath e r :\at l,a ll i\ I,t ill, " ", .. ,. ",e re Day'on sb o ppers Monday . ' h is irolll l' ~ulr~ r l ll il ",111 a C" "ll p !ku - t hi, pinel? .', _.• I "nlral fr om ber tl sutucd to I)I!( . l iu n ,, [ d i~"l1,e" '\lr and ~ l r~. W ill ( ' U l'l li', \I f I ' "," I ' deD 811nd~y Ulgh' t·o &.ttsod th e r oo IIl rs . I{fb\'cka ~I d·" nlll ~. " f Vall!')' I{" d Linl\ , we re th e "l'e!:1I 1 1.:11 1;5( " I"~" 'I"', :11 v\ .,.alnrvlce s t he re, co u duot ed by , ' ie w, ~ el.J1' ll 'ka , •• ( " .' •. ,j tl,, ' "' ...·h· ,\Ir . anti Mr,. . ,1. A . ,\ 11<- 11 . i "1 ' " MUlie lAlIllbell~. end lit t he h ,)m l; It! 11'1' 1,,'( ,1 h,' r I h" ". \ I \1 I I' I I k ... '.' !'"' _ The pr&yer meeting Frldl\Y olll: ht- llrlltltlcl ck li nd ["I II'l\,. \1,,, :-Ok ' ,I I'. f ill ' .' l' H . I I:~ • . , .. I' :! ":~' i . I,' '. at W . 11:. B ogaD8 W1\8 well fl'rell ll ed . ' CnnHli t',,!'el'l.; '" 'II:'",' lI"" ', ", d,oI ~ " rltu~J:.'~l :~~" 'III\Il"' 1 ., I .\~ur\ I ·: ~' '1 ' " I" I ' . Re.,. Willi, O 'Neal presoherl At vi:!i t w i llI r elllli " ' · ' n L11~ ~~ .. t!'11 1 d( 'l ltl' l ' 1, IIrl " )',\' . I H. \ \'.,. .1', ,I" Ht I s Ul 'o . " ',' ,>1 . C - ' tllH~ a nJ ., "'~ ' r.. . " .1 1\ . . . • , ' ,.' thl I 0'b nroh 8 un d BV II serv c e ., II.' . . ' . ' 11, ,, 1 I: 01, ' 1'1 1.!I ~ hll)\' '\Vere h1llbty appreoitHed by nIl \ 1\1.188 Aitce C!ll'l\v\\'"th ·n~ ",rtHII.' '<I !\ I, 'l'ling- lI'a ~ liPid a l 1II id til e It ,11 !"' ,'I' · II <II, Mn. Baillih B OillD II· stillllt Og - III dI nne r on :-un,luy tl,e j lt IU\\' 1IIg la. '. :',;1 \;1'<1,,) an ti :-: (l lIlh,) . . 1111I.-lrll1, ,I ,

I MllNJlU~: l~~ll;~~~;;;> ~uditor

Hanna's Lustro-Finish

\I 'hl l' r l·}, :trl ... , (; n' u.-(· ~ . n f [' i'lI1 ,I . "'nt tIlt.! \I,,,,·t: k end \. .·ith ~lr , all.1 '.1I " (· l larl".- I l ull"I,

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THIS} A~'rXf'n;ROF l\ll 'u r<rA~: I ': '1'0 I~\·I ·: I {\ ' i.· :\. ' -P,\ \ ' I·,I{ . Al\DALl.SHOl 1.,1J ARR .\1\CF; j'(IBEY1'. \\' IIICIIC \ I~I' , )]''1' 111', .\Il) ';."

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OF C 1\,1 :\(; ,\\' If \ ' rl~ \T I ~ 1: ·. FI)\O r:\ THl~ 1 CAN l N TI'lE J!:\TTJ,: R OF U 'Tl J\G U F f'EI.( ~)~ \ 1. . 1'I {u l)I~I<T \· . F \,m THE YEAR 1\) 17 , I \\,]J~L BE AT 'J'.U Lo: F Uf. L< J\\·L (, l'I . XlI ·; : AT Tlll~ TIME MEN 'l'JU:t\l.W: '.



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I 1\lr. and :III'S. UernanJ t\I h'l1 SPRING BRAN I"' H I~I;,I~~I~Y ~~~l'n l~~~'.1U ful kd I'L're

When once you have tried refini shing your floors, woodwork or f urniture with


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,d "


11.:\ ': ... l


April .IO-Springboro April II - Oregonia April 11 -' Harveysburg . April1'1 - Waynelville April 11 - Ly~le April 13--Washing ton Township House

illi' 1111\ .'1 "\

Ill'.W tax



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AIWiJYS hll }' Ohio " Ialle Flour

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dri'· in~ .

E lectric slarting and li5lhl illY unit type, built by II 'd~/l/( ' r DemountaMI! rim ,. 30 inch by 3 inch tire" R eichenbach car/1fI rdor

: \,' J I [.ll



Roads er

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FIVE AND TEN CENT STORE ;See Our Easter Novelties, 20c, 15c, IDe, Se Flowers for Your 1\cw Hat.. . . . . . . . . .. lOe Crochet Books .. .. . .... , . . . . . . . l i'ace Clo ths .. .. ', '. . .. . .. .. . . ........ . , Bahy Sets, Bootees, Cap~, Bibs, all for .. no lh Towels, for e ll1bro irl rillg- . , .,. . . .. Box P a per, all til 'latcst l\OV !ties ......


5c 25e 25e lOe Candy, Peanuts . ... .. '. . . . . . . . , ...... ISc S ubscriptions, c me ill a nd see about it.,J '-





Set! Waterhotlse for Atl~J.iver.r . . . . . . . . . ._ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. ,




8i.xty-Nin th Y or


--------~ 'HAVE ANSWERED

UE~~NAl~TI~~t' '*


: tit) Watorhouse fc.. .. Au to r.ivt!ry The Warren Coun ty Teacher~ As. 1 socialion will be helu al th l! Ltlbllno'l Ii Cr(l~ was a 'ulamhus d si National Bunk BUi.ding . L~ balloll. tor Satu rday . Ohio. &ltur4av. April 14 • 1917 . 10:0() 11 m - Music. In v()CaLiOIl. Mu · [j . S Illlwell wn~ II hu 'i lle 's vis. sic, "SUIll., Mis~llk ell." J !<' McPI1 I" itu r in Cilld nJluli Thul'::lday. Ia n. · Clll'lisle. Ohio:· Music. ":; he ,. .I:Lil Done What he Cou ldn't,' M. ' " PI' Stlawke,Y . Stilte Supt. CllI~ l'I est()II , .M r a.nel l\11'd ,!low ' II I II- rc:! an ti ~W Va MI ~~ 1~ l l za IJl:th CllrJ'()1 s pe ll t l' flda l' . ·1:00 1lJ. !.... Music. " Schllo l I!:nte r· in 8prinICfi olU. I i talp!Ji.mts. Cond and !:Jad." M ~s l ~ I !:uclle B Berry . Leballoll ; MU~lc . J . T Liddy. of Dayton. was culh.d Some New Pro blems fo r th e Old her e ~unday 011 u 'c"u nl uf l ht: dentll of hi:! f a th er. M. C. Liddy Scbnol ." Mr. Shawkey Our ~ocia tin n m\!etlngs have been , Mr::l. l{ u ~Rl!l1 lI ain R a nd sn ll , of h ighly lIuc;cess ful th u ~ far . Lilt us maJce ti!e hlllto ne the b~8t ofall, Lebflnon , visit eo Wilh Mr . and Mrs R · j essie " WS I:bcy, Lpn M 188 "ecy .gel, Pres. .. I J bnH~S H!l.illes , at Corwi n. I"ddal'.






Mr . an d 1I11-s. Fred T. Crawford . sev(- ra l da y,;

ot Toronto . Call . • s pent

NOTICE ' TO TAXPAYERS t~rF.IC~a:!e~~~ .wiLh

Mr , nnd Mr s

Mrs. J . W. l~d\Vards and d~ugh : 'A~ditor' C. S: Mo un ts honed us ' ters, the Mis Cll Tr:t11'11f1 11I1d Mar· the ot)ler <lay that tax puy~rs had an g~ret. of Day ton. spent lh~ vel'k·enu ' ..,. irDpr8!liion that the, had a long time WIth Mr . anti Mrs . O . J . Edwa rd!!. \ ill "Ncil to getlheir taxing li!l ts in . wb;en the fact is the blanks mUMt be Miss Elizabeth Chandler. woo IS R ib by A"rll24th: . The' law provides student at the Ohio ' tate Un iversity . for this feature of the ta)(111I< li st 110 h as been·spendlng her Sp J'ln g vacs )'011 had better hurry your 61ank into tion wi t h h et parents. Mr . and Mrs. the lluditoT . Bd . Chanalcr.









/<:d i{ol f\ nd . who h as be(>11 fitting Mr. and Mrs. James MoClu re. Mrs. up Ihe Corwi n Kchool h use for II Waltet McClure and Mrs W. E. r e~i d ence, moved in t o it Ihis week. O'Neall were Cincinnati visitor!! l~t Alhert Glell.vt:'r will take the house "

Wednetday .

lalely vacated by Mr. Rnlunr!.

..................................................... The colors are a tasteful harmony. of

sand and brown. Come in and see this model. ========~==~-

I. O. O. F. Bldg.,


! :


i i



The m mbers o f th ,wayn esvilJ ' Uand hunted up th Ir instruments last Munday evening and p roceedetl to serenadJ) lhen former bass drum' mer And hi~ newly acqu ired wife , Mr . a '1d ·I rs . W. O . Hape r. Aftel' pill ying' t"'(, or t hree seleclions 011 Ihe co r n!.'r. Ihe boys were callerl int c' th !! ho ml' und th e evellinJ:( waR ve r)' pleasunll y ~ I'ent in eon\'e r a tio n. an d music 1\1r . on I .~1 r Ruper. li:!slsled hy M i~' L,ueJla Jann ~y. ~e l v t" . da inty rdrl'~h JJ1i'nts uf Ice crea lJl , "Elke candy and cigar s . . T h , bfll1d dep,j'rteJ III H Illt~ hOI! ':.,."wi ~h ~~ M r and 1IIr l{lIve r a 10111.:. hap py an ti iJr"' IJt! r u u ~ marri ed life 'fhl'mem ' b 1"8 o f th e L. ~nd PI' . 'ent were: Fran /; I·'a rr, I,'r an k Bradduck. Oflk ll'Y ltidg t' . 1I 0ward Gustin. Lo uis Pri nt z, Ton. P.ier.:e. GI'ol'ge !'>lurks. B. SHowel l, LOlJiil Fi reH, G rife Waterh ouse. Dean Howell 'alld Fran k Ca rm an.

i .




. When



Home Demonstrations






Model M 280.9 Mahogany

or Oak . Price

$15.00 " Phonograph' for Y~1Ir Borne --Compare Vah,les th~' Orchestrola with

Free Demonstration

Rny mak e of the' marloet and you must udmi t t>i,,·....... t value in the phonogruph fil" ld . -uJllcnme1lbove for ins tan ce. ir jg 413 inches wide and l!-l inch es dee p. It has a mpRrtment. a 12··inch t~ rnl ~~ l e . r"'l!'lJI,nlJr and indicator Rnd t one m l rhtier. I double spring mOl nr. that will '''~~!~!!C~~r~~~ on one ~llding~ And remcmber :". makes of dt~c .iecords. The equa l of ·...:t .rOO .machine. our pr-)<:e 175



'S15 to $150


The reason we can give ' s u ch big be· . pUle theee machines are made complete I~I our own factory, includlnlr motor. tone-arm and Bound · b.ixee. We invite you to inspect' our plant. Hee .~"",,, •• _. just1iow tile Orcbestrola is made. _


Eve ry Thu m lay. Frill~y Ilnd Sa lurday of each w·c ck. we will be at our store ro tn . Co r Main and N orth otre't. D"mnnstra liol1s give n aft rnoons a nd evening s. Y:ou are co rdi ull y ill Y,i teu to a ttenrl. to hear all the lale!\t and be;;t music r ende red on the Orchestl'oll\. Bring II fri end. and s pend a plea8ant eveni ng , Horn e Dem onsll'alions cheerfully given . . If yO\! \Yi~h, w.e w ill 'be g lad to demonstrate the OrchtBtrola right in your' ~W ll hotne . J ust le t IlB 'know wh'ell to CllII •







Re,~~~,.::~~,t:CJl'~~th::e Thomas Manufactnring Co., of. the Orchootrola

· OH



. d e- can ' see ST. MA In s r l1\ ' lh 'lI Ifweloo .aroul! ueWetrortto Ea~ter day '17as obse n-ed III the t l1el r 5ultjec :l UI ,..", '.. ~lelj una ed !Dla cOh.cert~ t h . _ . ' I l(.s ter good l e i ows IP an 't e-.,/tAil dit·! rent churchesS untluy in a fi tling' The llBt l"ul;II "4'a r,' 1"'1:11: P It on eru,1 ,!"elfa re of the c07!.t'UJlll~ · d 1llanner . A c .. ld cas win d uohereti in lh t' day . alld i.t begall to Hno\\' th~ phir tu ill: ,,1\,·,. !,~ llip IPPCl r \, l·-Ir~:o us. cree'dll are 'k~r ablJu t ~ o'cluck. and a t n OOI1 th o ~rad ... s lit t I", ' . 'h"u l Ila :1 Fri ll)' ~~e~ ~O!l tICS htl'B no B.~,!l~klr ~Mor'" l! 1'('und wa ~ Clive rI'd I he hoys n ~" KlrI~ flr,' )(r"ul!y It!· dl tllIc tion. Lebanon,. -;rlllliv Men', The mOti cl ah, )r ate nhgerVR IICe of t "res t ~d alii I 1'1',,111 1''' ' f1 01 (·/1 ' ht fu ll 1'0 1\' and Loveland 1~,r;':\ lf ;"\' All th p day took pi llet:' Rt St. MH I' \, 'R e "e ni l : K'~ ·l1!l'rl:lIlJlIlc' nl. ('f1 I11t! t o Clubs. Why not a e ,. ('hu r(' h ", tl 'rch W!lS 11O"ltltifllllv JI'(" j "Nl t heill. Tlw)· wi'I " , t!, ·il' 1J, ·~ttu of the active men or the l.J)V 9 COm• . . ' . . .. t t tated tl""rv r'Ilv. A'I'1 Ia- an d «ral ed . The vn~ I '!l on the sltlll' we re H ru ll lt C/ II ·c. \ Ilm ll ! 'l'at~ are nul mUllltles mee a s k li \l,' u wi th l ili e~ an U cnrnatiull!l. I:' n cour:J.~in", TI l!' '" /1 ' , hr,l I ;.~ 1'(: r liR tei1 tu a gopd o.u,t.of. t'~~~lrpe&.~~ ",hile th l-' c;rol'~ il\ll' held Iflan y pot ~ oi \l ll s nlld III,' fo, • I.l' dn ·1I II lld'"r Il .. r he nl talent. Ihey Y VIII ? Ge t )'OU I' ti"kl'! a l t ill' ./""1'. '{ iJa Jlquet .. Why n~t I .a~rlAn e plan 15 and cut flow el" At 'j n ri o k a celebration of Ih e . . !·~ve.ry lluest1,?n of ~It,al 1m - it""-I~ Ii r,ly C'o lll rnull iu n look plnce and WHOl . Go to sl'lJ()ol SO IlH! t l!lH: n e x~ week I ~ U I~c u!sed .1 1.' a f riend filc~P~othln altcnded II" u lar~e congrcg ul iun I r for no Inl111 r I han tl'l\ IJlIl1utes. dl<velups a CIVIC 'pride w ~ __ . •• Ie At the 11) '30 servic t hp ('hurch r{(' l{iri t ~r II ~ Jl \' i~ i t"r flfl' a c rtain cis;, cUll 10. It IS t~e o1)ly or~Uja­ was full u~d Ihc full " ~Hted ' choi r ch ild .. . It i~" 8in~d I I) IHt\: • at least tion in the corn~luOlty In ,Wbl~' all, rendered II ~e ry llood musical une V1 sItu r fo r each 1'111111. Is the !lillY meot 011 a common grouD. "" prog ra m. Miss Ruth Har tsock pre· pu blic Intere ted ~lI ou).!'h to rnllke What is ':l~cesAary fo~ SU'Ich n to:' ~ .' BIding at the ' organ Rev. J . F . thi s record? !t has bl;e n (Ion In gani zstlon 11) Waynesville . n,. . _ ~ Cadwalladet: preached a n ne sermon olh er eomlll ll;lIlll'H that Ill'!.' nut ('(11~ul first 1>lace we must tot'getlta~y on the .Re8llurrcction . which was to ,?urs . It IS lJ tu yon all an In· ".re~ that may: h~ve r~su t~ attentively listened tn. Af te r the dlv1duBJ. SImIlar orllalll~atlon S m e8~d h~ sermon th e second celt-bralion of the We mllst lay uslde selfishnesil ill Holy Communion was held The Mother' s Club met la~t week :lhle to Bce a Greater:Waynesv e. The Easter offering will amount ancJ enjUy tla good prOlfrnm. It is r hen slllhat Is needed IS a cslllil f rntln to over . ... 00 Joing good work in a <~is ti llll ~Ulll~ of a g roup of men who are w _ l nlf 0 .. the wnrth}' chi ldren who ure in need inil iate the movement . 'fhe men ~f M . E. CHURCH Have you jo inted'! If nnt, why~ Wnynesville are just as public sp lril ed a.' anywher e . Talk "The Men Easter was fittingly observed at 'It th e puhllc could only see th{' Jl f Waynesville" on t he street a nd the M, E. Cburch. At the Sunday in ne r workings of wh at i uei n~Ldone whell 'ver a few men g ather together. School eervi'ce. each member ws~ f <, ' the boys unsi I!irb it wou ltlh ' It will' get u,; in th attitude for th o presen ted with a carna tion in r e n reRslIry to put in extra ,;eals t.n ac· call. The re Rre a few men now who membrance of th e dA y. Rey. H . G cummudate lh e vi~i to r next we~k. are lInllious to have such an organColl ins. of SlJring Valley, occu pied iZ(ltion and are will ing to work for, th e pul pit at the regular m ornin ); its BUCCe!lS . Are you one of them . ~ervice and preach d a sl.llendid If not why not1 In a n at tempt t o lin weI' why not you \v ill become a I!:aster sermon, The Holy Commu n· ion was observed at thi s ser vice. boosle r. This ~rganizatlon ehoul d The special musical program Indud include nil the men In Wayne Town~hip who desi re member8hip. Are ed ~he offertory solo. "Hail! Jovous we going to stand stili when otbera Morn, " !ung by MrR. B H. Kelly. an anthem. " Hark . TriumphantVoicare moving forw ard ? S. R. W• e ;" by the choir. Bnd a ladies' Quurtet, "Joyous East r Bells." by Mes· dames Kelly and Elzey and the Mi Bses Mary al'd Mab~1 'alisbury. The bllse ball Reason op en ~ today Rev. Jnhn McMillan. of tho Orth o at Cincinllati. The t eam l her e i. ST. MARV'S CHURCH f ·dox Friellds Chu rch . p reached a m ost sai,1 to be in good condit inn . and the eJ(ceJlent sermo~ at the e vening ser· fan s Bre ripe for the game. Several F'irst . l:Inday after Easter. Sunvice. Tne special mURlcal humber s auto loads from pr inl>fl 'ld nnd Xenia day School at 9:30 a . m.; Morning "We 10\'O!d her . yes we loved her a t this service InCludes ladies' quar- llasseu lhrough luwn thh. Jllf,rning Prayer and sermon a t 10:30. The Ilu t Jesui! loved her more. te t .... Christ Is Risen ...· by Mesdames enroute to Cincinnati t o ec th e open - public cordially invited to these , serAnti He has Bwooctly called her To yonder sh:inlng 'shore. Kell y and W hite and t he Misses ing game. vices. Salis bury . a nd an Easter anthem. Ph ~be A. I3r elslord was bom at "Lift up Your Head s. Oh Ye Gates ." Lytle. Wnr r en County. Ohio. by the choir. 16. 1 :W. and departed this life. .., l\'la rch ~- . 1 17, agtKI88 years and Ll

Th t' fir ~ tl'all 10 Ihe ,"o lors hilS in· ~i ll 'rj 111 (Ill' hea r t· o( the pa trioti l' boy::! of Wayne Townshi p u g-I'eatll '. ~ irt:' l(j un wer I Ii " il' ~"u ntr v '!I Cal l. ! Altho ug h Ih!! rull has been answered hy ~l! verll.l. y.[. I herc ar c a ~rn' al Illllny who hllve no t Ji'uu any altc n 'l Uon 1(, it, .and lreut Lh~ whole matter , l i S s jn k (' . I I'll r .. IIro) !If-verAI wh o IHl\'e prp· ~e nk:d th ~ lI1 ~elv('d , and ill :'I '~e r !ll in ' slunl'ep hav e he"11 n('f'ep tl'd Amon \! Ilw:MJ who huv(' been accep t ed li n ' ~rJW Sl H al'l:1lI all CIiC' ;I ' r :-;n(1f1I<.' TileR\! twu hoy s ..... cn l III Cill ' iJl I1U I" , Muntlay lind t lH, I< the ('xa l1liIlUri ol, Fnr rill: na vy. un, l we'e fJ('cl'f1leti I Th y are It'avinl{ loduy [01' N l' Wpll rl I Nl'W ~. Kenll Ih II 'lllgh hus j oirlP oi Ihe infll.ntry. anti will leave a ti SOO IJ n l he cull c' '1llC!!. t\ g-rcnt many .)f the you nil me ll in t.h e 'J'o wn~ hip would rather wai t for a d rufl Th e' me n of Wayn " Townsh ir diu not ,,' ail fur a dr aft in '() I, but went to the fr ont as fas t a:l thev wer e accf:pte<i. Are t he Ille n of ' 17 goinK' to IIlK hehind and nOI ll l'CIII!IIIL1ou of un A \\'omun follow in the foot teps of their for e · ~~ u l l ' I 'Jr I III~ CIJ m e (rom th e goverllfa the rs? A p atriotic meeling will be h eld ill wellt or \" ·lll'7.tlPln. lIlr... Solly Jrunea [,ebanun Tlfureday evening. and il FJl1'IlhfllIJ uf N ew Y ork ) hu!! receIved n beh tlo v s tlJe young m en to go anti ' ·,lIl1l11 b_ 11I1I (rol1l the ~lIt u Alllerlc.Bn hear and S(' ho w pat.riotic lhey can ~UYl' I' Hl ll t'nl rtl moko n "turue or Si mon Jlollmr. ttl " lib ·rntor. III I'Qllcstrl nn be. turn ,. Illfi t I~ In be P~" s [li e d to th e city uf !\UIV York by ill' V'lIcr.uel nn 1:"'·P I'I1I1"' J(J uS II wk en (.r rJ'l e O~l s hlp nnd 1I,lmll·u ll on. Twent'y-U"e thousand .1 .. lIal'<' I- l' l I, spent '( or rhe work. . ~rr~ . Fnrllll" lu I~ r espotlsllll e tor the 1>,.,"1111111 '11.'z() on the I:'nn· Am rieoD hl1l1, 1i111' 111 \\·u s hlngtOlIl. D . C.. COin: nt\!III"I'II1I I1): Ihe Ill sCll vlfty ot America, It wus " ': tlrSI big succoss.


LEBANON, .OHIO: . .....................................................

OHIO, WEDNESDAY APRIL IJ ) 1917 . -. --- --,.


--- •





OIne of 'Jll l' I".y .• ar,· jllillilJlI lh{' cu lo r~. Ti lt·\, \l' dl I".t <I ...,,, III ;lIn a;; [u llcr r.,Jll \','1' b" 1-;1 1\!nl UCl llJl l


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She was the daughter of John and Elizabeth I:lrelsfol'd , and the last of a [ami!} of nin e (:hildren. five broth· cr~ . and three sis ters On the 18th d~y of ~eJ1lemb (?r. 1 ii, she was u lljt~d in lIlarria~re t o Thos . .It. Good il l. . 1'0 This ullio n were born seven child ren . ijix of whom 8urvive. Mrs. icllUls. alld Mrs. Elswor th J " hn Io uster. both of harpes. Fla; WII· liam Goodill . of Detroit. Mich .; Mrs . Pl:! rry KO! nrick. Waynesville, Ohi ·; Mrs. Edd Bahl 8l1d Mrs . J . O. Cus ten border. bo th o,f Dayton. Obi n; and 10 gralldchild ren, and.S g reat grand· chiidr en . She WIIS widowed 36 ytJars ago and one daugh ler diet! sho rtly after the husband . In earl y life sh e united with th e Methodist church at Ly t le. Ohio. and was always a faith· ful at tendant as long us hea lth would permit. Sh e mad e hur hume with her dau ghter. TIIrs ..J. O . 'ustenbOTder of Day tun. fur the last ~ 5 years. At i l.1! age o f 8r " he hud the mi ~for­ tun to ~ ai l anti l:!r~ a k her hip, which confined h 'r t o h ' J' bed . ~he was a pa tient sulre re r alld alw :\), greeter! everyone \\'Ilil a ·lIli le . ::lile wa ~ len dl: rly 11111 l()vill b(ly 'ared for by her dau),!hter , M r~ J . C U .ll ellbor~e r, at wh u~e hnll1 e t I", fune ral se rvIces w!'re cI}lldu(!led by th e Kev . Leeklih er. Th e re11l1iJ1 s wel'e laid in Miumi cc'm eter v ues id e ' tlw hu~b :U1d . an d du ught,:ir: 'fh<: hij.{h teem in which she was hel d WIIS rI 'Jl1flll< traled by th e elegant fl o ral olT ·ril1~~.

·G010:SCHOU( -WEE K .TO BE OBSERVED To the people of ·Wayne Township: We ha ve set as ide t he week beginniog Apr il 16th for Go· to·school Week . It is our des ire to have the people of the township acquainted with the institution whirh they s up . port : This can not be ['Iolle by staying at home and Ilstening to what the neighbor has to say who has ' probably n ot been in a sch nol room for twelve years. There will be no special e.frort tn entertain The work will gu un as usual_ Do not kn ock on the door but open it and wa lk in. You will fi nd a COl dial receptinn. I)n you know how your children work in sc hool? If nnt. why not? E"ery parent an d t axpayer should be in' formed by first hand Information. Our slogan is "A Visitor in every Room fo r each Ch ild ." A r ecord will be kept and Ihe child for wh om YOJ are a visitor. See to it that there is no chil d in the district that mus t fee l that flO o ne cares enough t o be his visitor. Come to School if you can not stay but ten minutes. The Children Want Ynu. 'fhe Teachers NE'ed You . Sincerely . Wm. R. Sprieg(>l.

Could we ask her back.t o sutfe r . To t oil. to love. lu I'IJ t) urn: No s he hm; pa3s'd I l e llv~n' 8 go lden portal s, Stray-A young Shepherd doi, Safely houseJ in our Father's home. has white colored neck and legs and dark back .- Owner can get the same by ca:Jlng on John Beach. R. D. 2.

- --_.'- ...---

- ------ - -

ROUTE WilL GO . EAST Of US At a meelinJ:( of th e gove rn or!! of tho pro posed Sherman·Sheridan high. way a t Cincinnati laR t week. l.he route hss been mapped out from CIIlc1nnati t o Washi Ilgton C H. Rl ong the Wooste r piKe .. and will take in Mil f ord. Gos hen. But l<:rville . Cla~k8. ville , Wilmi ng loll. Su bmll . Washll1g" ton C. H .. CircleYille and Lan cas~ er. There wi II be a loop ninde startln" from Milford •. and will take in the t owns of Efeanor, Belfa st. Newton· ville. Fayettevi llE!. Hillsboro, Green· field and Wasb.iargton. wher41 the roads will join. . When completed the Sh4lrmanSheri(lan HigbwliY will co,,!nect .w lth the Di xie High.way at Clncmnatl lAnd join at Wbeeling road. . Thl, will open a splendid sy tem of nation· al and state foau s through t~e


.- .




<p"n. hoo, e clc.n'ng is at hand· and to rea lm! that a new rug would, ~~ add mud to the :1 rrearance of your home" ~r ~ecolld fI or has a co mplete line of Rugs , 9x12, ~


lJt'g in nill ~

COIDI:! aud see before buying \" Oil will sa \'e tUone'y by buying here •..

a nd W .indolV !"lt ades.

. elsewhere.




HyMAN•••• ,


Clothin g-. nry Goods





Swiss The future prospects are good for high pr.i~~ . ". . on farm products, and you shoul~ hel~ your 1~'»4,~. r . produce its utmost this year, and there IS ~o be~~';tti'_ way' than using . . . . . \.



Fertilize ,

of ' S~ia.: We have in stock.' four brands .. .- . _ Fertilizer. •

-The Waynesville


~e.t> .t-,,,' . ~ ,




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BRADW 'nl'C!.JJ..J."1

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To Wloters. the refOre. M Ilno gort ~. ( ...."'t , n lr ll' I HI :l. Be bad an Idea th 1\t his t u t u re w o ulu· 1 I '

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28TH DAY OF APRIL,1917 II I tM u o'c llJck P . ,\ 1., u lr r tur 'Id o . .. ImbUe

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1eIl~ In tha dining ear, hiS dlnn or ~H en"OD ~e table. to go out find In· , JIle."brldge ed;HdurlDg 1the holf·h our t, Imlt lay Id e. Th e 0 x l

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I A I l -"u • ...,ne, 8tee IInu concretl!. l e~ l gns an" plans and uoderluklng nud IICCO ID· ilUllbment 10 the world? Beeu us It ,wu Uie Ing thnt b e m us l a bflod ou , ...d -put out ot 1\18 mind, cugloce rln g . tle.l!med the only tblng lie - cared Cor. 'I'ber e would be DO eos In crln g 011 lhfl l .rancb DO the slopE.'fl of th e rflnse, HI) 4!OIlld "tt1e tbe quest! n tbere. Wlntel'll Willi Kind 10 6~ hIm. A e nn d :Jlodney onrl Meade bod b ee ~. til e wn rm· . . . .0


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F l our


Plltr; c k. Fre noll ,\I (') tor (' , Il' "I v ." . log jurors to .. z .rllIo Il', $n. 1> ; C W. U ngl AFh y, bnrit.! ot "~IIZ 'l h ~ l, lJ G[ ('\luel', $;;; VO; 8 I1 r l.t ll r t 's d r n l!!~ l l)r,'

Alb r t B en lt, cto u efl ~tld . ]uv OD ~ o ry !io ti t o x in' $ 1.!iU. aD d a p p ml 'ew e ot liI.,d lu g upon b er , A sllm'V vno g of· jcolouay l Ul he Ulat.lor ot t h., ,,-b leof F1·lltl. hot through h llu at th llt, Illtll o u g ll h e ces E. DII "'"(' 11 , d "' "~tl!llld . l£d::i. knew lh I' WOS 00 r II '0 0. D 'or ol d Uonk lin , b' IIlLChe r flu kl' lIod I!' tl\ok Roll ncy I U e c oul d s eo b ls grl\\-O (Dec, tit tt l~ppOl n!t II II PPfIl I su r d, DON'TLET YOUR COUGH HANG ON his til 'lIPpr o,'ln!: wflo n ' r, h it! uh' or li nI n I h o II It,tlt r " f 11Ju e t ~ ttl ( I f A on II l;h t b u I, ru ,Its linn wp n kOI' 8 b '\l e!. II ' he hOl d take n do \\'n M "lltlO'H Mury ~;, ·U u!J.,I't ., (,I N' (Ou "t111 . luvon . iH lib Ill( ll rOne •• t un rhJrm!llfJs y"iu words In lile otlleo tll rH t ru:.:lc illlY. heu !I.1l lind t, ll rl ve~ u n DI'!ii lpcf. R .. or COIII's e, D el eu lI11 njrworlh \VII S not .tQry lI u ll " p pr , i~ l! Dl C Dt lil od. E . t'lll e .. f EI" lI y ' H, CrllnB, d . 1I13\' '' i t II~ oll oe Will) Ur I{IUg ~ N HW n r re lu s e nii' he WOR. Ahe mln l(leti In CtJlll!ll d . .l<' l r ~ t UOOU ll ll t or "dlllio i • Ultl lo v e ry. Th is 80v t.blug b u h u lII ~od (' I .'· . ~lJ,! t onk 1111 ll re \\'lI h i tll tI ,,· nm nds. She enter!',1 IlI lu li s IIl" lIslI r ..,. Iruto r n ppro" uCl, Il li u w e rl I1n\! 0 0 0. ;ell~!l cl.l' henlR tb u thtolt t-, IU08" 1It! Ih f ph l.. " m , ,t nuM A ptio p r..>·iJ~ rl.i e 8 kil l II n ll { uln lh' " ItR t1" tll~~. 1 1l' \I' IIS j"/1. a rm e o . E ·t lt! e o f Ih n oo il Au 0 Br u " ' D , dt'- fil e ' prUl nod th .. oo lt! II! qUl o k I 10\lg uf c "c ryone whll ml l!ht ,'o me In 'llIltlr'tu II n f! g row". contn ct w iLh 11I' r , !Jut he 1m"", lIlo Ol'!" ell. filII.] .l:,C 1I 0 t of !lduliol s. br k e n up. np~ .d i ke tlo d UI:. Rl ug 3 N e \y ° '8. l'ntll l' file"l . tlIlill eij of n uno except ltollney. .I!; I III' of AIIT,lII B. 'haotll er , d e. on v r v plel1 ~l\n t t 'J t uk e . n- Wl" 1\ ,, " A o'lI th 'y wero suspi cio us of his Heu,mtl lican n ut uf bdtlJ llli l!· I'll' Otl ve. H u v e " hl). tj e \lu orl \' HI a\'owIII I T hnt "'fiS bnJ m t o his sou l. IltlMsed y ool' Ul l!dl oJ ne ch" ... t fnr g r i p lIl!, or cours ' H eleo IllllIg-wor ll\ WIlS ous · trn to r Illtld. o r llUp ROel "II I' rot lloh lul affeo t · , tI ~ . pl d ou • !Jilt why s hOUld llodn ey d ou b t - l u t b lJ IIlllttt'r o f 'th e t~to . (J t ffil e· hi nssulIJptloo of the lil nme ? And lio o r Mll r !t, U , d t:)lJl"ntl all , J , B P foCIC B A t d rn g &II! I ~ , (; 0 ' . (h ey we re workJng to esta b li s h bIs to" Il pp olu 'fOU ud u ' lu l ~ t rn,t I' B Iud 500 I oconce. ~'Ile thoug ht dis quiet ed hlm W l\I lnm fJ Corwlli tlIn:1 1r c d U ... rt. lest they should dIscover the tl'UUl 1n s oc k , BO"" l!j t rllt.,)!'~ , \' ~ J ,).a·l bln e O'lI11C wny. AII, I It I! nvp blnt joy nl80. U Whi l e t n l, 0 ",llln el dl s i r i ba. Tlwy"'\" llulll \\'0 1'1; tI" 'plt" lillY ('e m IlIl S' tlOD ord r~cl trun cI" f ro nt h im. II" UWlI!!h l " f Ihn t I n Ih o r\),d t r f tb e es l" t o o f ~II· p l'( lI ~~ r ru hi ,,; ful h l'r nlwll Ys wllh un · be rt "V. 'l'h IlWP"'" ', II tlO ~" ~,j d I n. I'Il S l ll e ~s. If h o cu ull Ill y l 'II"" f ,)\llll i v tl oto r y 1\ '1 ul'l,r ... I ~ t: ru n t l1Ie d It IIn ll d est roy d It hlm"elf ho wllu!.1 E~ tt. te '> f }{,, \J I'CCIl " .Qtl loy, d l'. Mr . Ilud 11 1'11 . \ II I I ,hin" ' lu ,11,,1 hll" Q !J{!(Ol) hUll p le r . - COlll,I ·11 b .. III ,'x, e used. Dl bt r< II I\V" !loeo o nt fi le d . b'lI b ' , ,,1 l li.y l,I '" ,V' ol tt1l1t h " r ul'rn e r · 1s t li e!! 1>0lll uwhHe ? 1\\ lIIl1.l It lu rn up ? IJllI' f' Ut8 th e w,,,, k. 'n il E t u ttl tlf ,11111" 111.1 B. Froooh. de Wo ul il III Y Ull 1l 1'l h It '/ W'Il,) '" h n'I M,~ E Vil I ' U1', llh'l l ,1\11 1 ~, ,, ' j, , ti l ~' r hl\l!- l lII, w," ,' h ,' \\, tI"~ • • 111 )/ 0 ' .. 1 dono h ls hr.s t1'orh IRful lll'r, y'l h e \I ns ceul<ed . ~1!Jl1rr. h aO ~ u llnt fli ed g lnl l Ih n.l~ \\\'0 1I1 boll V d nnd WC"'" .n:~ ~ 'I I·e of Jou n Ji: I ' f ,' UI,o!!".ed , IIf 1\ .. , iJ. " IJ I · ~, II , . ",,(I l\J" . C ,.~ wOI'llI n", f IJ I' 111m. !f i u ld lilld. 1" lrJl lllil \'i ;1l1UI II J\L .fL."I · 1') 1 ""I'~U". . M 'IIII ,' 11.111 Iw en th (O Ulo~ t britl lfl ll t, E~ t f1l.u 1/ J lh u H, III Y P Ili III ll. , J '11 01 " K ; III , ~IIJ1 . ill I>' ' I"", '~I '" WII ,H' r!; lilt' 1lI ()~ l Indl lTl' r(o(.t. H " ,ln l!Y (\t; CllIl S" " l. W ill lil hll ttlbU t , p ru. · I I,.' \ ~ .. b._ ' I d ·.iI 11, 11 , ,,' 'JI ~ th e Jl10~ 1 I " ,'S!!" '1'111" , of llie lr l'l II I co) · bu I • , 1;U I VioJ R. l' '111 1111~ . II II lilJ lU ttl' l ~, . fI I, It I(, ',, ~ , ,', ',I " , I" I V II • I gc, u ,! n 'llI ·IUlll! I·t')(1 I hll t IV 'II. J1 1~ \lxlle u l " r. 'r "' I' u t. tlh' \o\ t l' " h~~'"h ltt" " eo t -l. I ~ , fir s t lh Oll l-;IIt wus 10 fo r!Jl (l It'Hlul!Y lu R a J [stute T ra nsferS l i lt, lt~H "~ \ . ru IJ I. Meade Without Com ment.

luckeye State.

lilt. . . . . . carderuo. r.nd UI carT)' out the Inten' ., . . . . . . II gAp ,~ SIll n.nd to BlI'lclllllhlrl\J pre par!ldnese, the ~ ~ ~.,...c,. ~ poss lblo . ervlce t~rolllrb Intorma.tlon ................ a- ...... {If WOiIMra ill tile 8Crlcl&ltural enension aorv·



o;;.... -.;Iiiiiiiiit ..:o.----~ Ia ~bl)' III aywJlI)atl\7 with the back 1&rd ......l·...........ea. ... Mar1I1J' " " " " ef the aatioll of e1ty oft1oSal8 and of 0-.,""" • _ .. ~ 10-. ..... tumlst.t.c atreot .W'Oe~s a.1 a ' " . ", 1'Iowtaa ... ~.. _ ....t problem. with many women &Dd


.....,.. wtIo an or .....,.. '" . .de n. SuGh ......ta.Ilce wW . no doubt '"" "P'F tM _ 1 t J ' doIt," 1&1'1 ai. ptelldlll1t. T"O\IeANOI 01' "QUtoas" OFF£RRD. KI::tidI .... a.0\Iair.nd. of copt_ et "'file V Lot and Backyard O&!'> ~~.. ~dy Chtd6,M IlIUtr&led, are beln~ dlAtrlbuled In IJ1 efton to salls !)' ~ ...-.ou dOllJ&ll4. u tAe preaa. _ ' oonUnu& to tl1m out the pnmpblets

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nnYlh l llg fUl'lh er , ul t ho W' h h llw fll" I

'Jl"~1T" l.\J ):.


s- h.rill l ,'.· ru · ,t '

hI s f rl ' llll \\' u \l l o.!l'l'"JI~ct hl ~ wI 8h "S I" Alo DZ I I\1IH"lrul'IIlI ..n Eil 10 Mf' 1 '" 1\"1\; \110 ,,, _, . , • " " p ' k '. , e nid UIII 1" It , A ny wlI Y. he tl ill 1I')t v ln ' 'ur'l l lIl llU 1'101 10 ll l·do k h n . 1 ' , I I I II I I v 0 • • dl u t " " I l \l ti • ,\1 r"l I V , ·1 11 , . ~:i±=~~~:::;:~::a;:tl::zjw:uiii!~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~~~~~ 1,·"u 11/1'1' to I l! '1 1 e mlll1 l1Ltt! r, l't'nllSC I ' L ew i K f;kI1l0 ~ r t ii I to ,\ Il'tpd ., .• ld n llt " ".\' It '1'01'(1 10 h i m, To ~'kino fl r, ~ iI,' J " r ~d ' 0 l:Iu rlfln I OWO. Mr. " o cl M r~. ,Jtl Ul "~ \\" ' 11 1, ' . ~ CITY IN4RPL'1Y, ~iJrr 11'11 '" nl l" "'l'" W i lli 1' 8 t o w r ll l;! w,lu " l h ' 1l! 1 h"'~ IIl'II·n.I' "I Ill S wll 'l·el1hoHts. l:1 c ~ IP ,,,; . , , w",." L~ lJa ll Ou v l.ltur s v UO d l1Y I "~ I faat ~ QIlantitiea of these ",11\ be mal\ed without- cos l to publlo ffi cln lB, \l' 1I ~ 1l \' 1 1I~ wllJI WI " I(' r ' 1I111.1 '\' nn OR. Mar y E . L iu ll b t.p Erc,Y K e , ran d WlI I' k , . pabllo aplritecl. penon. or organlzallo08 who will see that 'th ey lire I,roperly ~ IIIl1 ," 1 " lillie "r c,,~r~ c. H e l",tI h n (\ Mo ud lr. K e rr, 10 1· io II b~ u u o, $t . M r~. I:Jo w u ril Ar ch tl euc"o . ,)1' 1..I'l, elIatrllNte4. . 81n.le copies may be had tAe at the office ot tbe county agrlcul· li lR h ull' 'til tl ilTor ell lly [lnll h '1I1 1( 1'. '11''' Job n R . U fl n (lr t Ali ce & 0 8· " " II , [ !lw t I,h ~tlk .; ud wllU lilll 'iiraJ ac-at tn eaeh C'OUllt¥ ",bere e~ch a ma.o II employed, or by "ll'lllog-to the 11 I" '''''d 11 11,1 1l1l1 'I ' l~ lI c . H " · lh,, II j:ht It nl1 g lv, lo t In ldpriD!.!lJor o, fl [lllr enLS IIn(l ot h or r ),,1." ' <)3 .u t-r o, 0lI10 Stata Uml,'l'enity. Columbus. Oblo. 11'0111<1 I,ll" e I lIk.:n n I; ' ,'II .. \'(' IlI i l., 'fl 10 W I JlHu lll L I{ (I V l' t o Wilbur and Mr, uot} M f ij. J:il1rluu !iiroltlD~, The pamgblet oontalnB directlons for th. production of aU of tlI e comlDon l li ll' !"! \'~t'ng lJl ~"11 1,I m ~' i lh tll~" Be u Ju b K e ever, S O Il orn to U OIOO of frl err it.I,Rt WII" ~ (l "t' 1'l1l1rSd ll . . . . . . eI'OPi ~d e&IT1.. ·the &ccomp&n}'in4r dla.aram .bowloS a suggested IU'- ch a ng e:;. towo !.lip, $ 1, fln cl ~'rld" y w ' t h Mr. liud Mrf! . Wu ll,-,,' _ a t Or cropa ·...s the apace UI be devotell to eaoh 10' the averaie 8lz ed In Ill ' nd b e bnml ,1 tllr I ' II ~I' IJn cl( Ii'10 rtlIJa t:\~ellhe u ~oo t,o Wlllh~tlJ L , · Huwbort. eIIr or 'l'Il1ace ~e~ Amonc the detal18 of tbe l obleot !Dclller I\J'. the coo. 10 Wlnl ers, cmly eh ul' j:lng 111111 Ihn l If K lltlVOI, l o L In MI, 0 0 , $ L U .,o r ge T" lt spe n t t h e p npt. \Vn . k .... tnabaent ct. • • •,.ada, fertlttl ef', varietie s,' pllWting, cultivation, lrrlga.. h " \\'1'11'" tl H 'l!JI ' Y li e '"\hl 11111 I '\'II'II Y W!lliu ln L . .b: e'vor .t F lo r ell ll \Vi t o Ml. I1nct Mrs, Lell t or KU I ti ~a' 01 Ih ~ tu,·t I lIn t ~Io, ,, tle wu s \\ ilh h hll. lLu li tl'lJlJ e u D .aud hUEhllU d, l u ts 10 M lrJ lll cio wo ..... tltJlpn", ...... oUL. tQplca 01 Importance UI the . gardener, hau 1,1" nlr ( ,f tl lll \,I) t l ll n i' ""1 '" 1111l M n Oil , ~ l. M r . ~~ 1I (l,l r .. III ~d1tIoa ~ .......... epecUlc personal Queetlona on Ke.rdenlnll' wiU be s lt UlUi 'Ll. 11 ' Q,' ci u'd fi llnlt y .1,," ,0 , , . amnr.- .". . ....1...... 01 the coUe.e at a~ture utanslOD avvlce at 10llg Il l; he l lllu 111'\'1\ b orn 1111 (,1I!;i ll " (' " Mu lll " It . to o.o fl j,\ t o t:i'Lfa h AD n rl fl , g '-ICt", o C 'aml \1'lIllll',j a nll <;,<In alell t:l~ lII l en · I P" fI'II W, llJt~ III ;loJa~'llI, $ L !",,,"l u}> ~lll'~I' MOMa 8TUDY COURSES, "l lIe" r li n ",ou lo.! h n\!' t u lill u U11l Ill " 1'," It !!' W . COUu ' Il r I\ u'd F . nu k M, ~ ul\' · ) '. . - - d-1r1Dc UI maka a maN ext.aslve atud, ot p.nienj,ng maY 'enron ('1111 or Ihe I'll:l pt,' r . . li t' ",ollit l ):0 nu t \;orlO v,'r t.ff U I "O Of)V Or , 20 a cre . Lnc r a t i lin d E " rm ie JII ll tl . y v i . . . ..~....n!l"""" oouraeln v-et&ble gart1enLng of tho colleg. O! D"nculturA ' n l1ll ~" L'I; \1' 1) 1'1" 1I 0 t SI\(' h \I' QI'k us h is l~ ~'fI' Hllllu tl)w O~ \lI Jl, .$ 1, it ~, 1 Ilitl ir bt'ulh ,)I' I_Iud fll UJll y. o f _ ..... .., ,- .... v • \ " II \V I' wt-..t'..t ..4 wteboat entranoe reQl&ircmeo t . Thla ce\U'se takes \WI the 1IlI,IltlY o ll ,I I!X p'rt.: 1l 'C ', Ih lt 1I1l11e r SU II I ~ , , II ,!I'" . "1\\' / ,( r IJ n II q t h 'O,'A' t 0 LIII - tau Llt u wllek.. ,,,,(1. ....... _ • _ '''-Ufo .-t U t-"I It • all ... d II RS IiJIl tl n u,,,c h wuull! b,';.;lu lit th l) G eo r g" H. I)l' I I ll,· . :.t . c rtlH III Ve"r l\lrR ,I II [I r l l\~\l, (1 , D f . t llO, ,·i~it· _---... . .._. . . ...on, "" s co ure o. ...e comlllOn gu en I 1 " ) t ,. 0 1\ 0 J 11 I 11~ I . ........ . . . . elIa uu.a • and Ina~ ta 'Th t d t b'- .. ' ry li ('l,;lnn lng, a t t lle joot uf tl c 1" ,1· fi " III ttrl'l' lI ~ I I I p . "', l . II I IIlr IJw n \l ~ ul1ru 1: - _ . sea pes. . • \I en v-r.a.. ~ (ll'f li S II 1'0,111111 11, If It, '()ul"; "0<1 W , D. 'o " WI/I II .H1 ,\<' o. BII,' t80'ok, W'lt'l . ! ~ .. be ID4a U _ _d II Dol requlr*l to keep .p wlUl .IJ1J olan. HIUI • . Ih ,'n h WQUa! 1\'0 1'1. 00 ' lu i .tly, f ol tl.· a dD,il!ll trlltor~ , tu A . G Cl1rpl)n~er - -- - - - - - . . . . .. ..... ..,....... u well u cltJ and TIlI~e IIU'~D8Q are a'l'allLnc I f "Il.,·, o l> ~c uJ'e ls , l)rll~' I II~ fOI' his c h"nee. &u d W. A . 1:'11 )'" " lilt)/, llor e 9 I n a_1..... CJJa ..-tc.. uul aa am,le lUt-ply of 1_0lIl hu been prepared It CIl III O h!' WQulil SI1'l v e to b e c q u llI 1:!"leDl 1·0 ~(] .. b l il, :; U'i~l . I ...............~ demeod. TIle 1e&1oDa ..... oorrected b, epeelll.u.b 10 tl~ ci OIJP(lrLUul ty; If It lIld not Ilt lens t U. W. H IIt jl l! j" " <I u t " I t c> A 'fr/.ld· .... aD4 ~ problem. OIl tke lt1ldellta: . J, ' w o uld b enJ;flg 'd III bOllcst work 10 :; kl ~tJ l1r 1" ( Oll.'e:l Iu 1:1, rl n t OWD. 110 h on est ",nv. . 1 .• ua. CAR. IN KUe:rING CROP.. dhip, $ 1 ' '" . . II Ik . . ~ 1IMt7W ...... tile pr4~ . . . .llata OIl the ull1vlll'rro b" ContIne d 8I1r ll'.>, ( ' . 9 0m p h r llye e~ III to A ' . . . ____ ~ & ......011 M m&4 .. ~ at thOI" nopa " • --fr !,,~ ~ lt IU [I ~ , ,lax !lore t! 10 Bllrluo ,..... ........ _l1li ......t ... rr.q.entlJ muoh'land t.s dnoted to the ~u ~ n philJ, :ji l, . . Ma y J to 17 hUll been the m ost. wD tM ..... tllat ~ ove1'llup~, II crnted which l.ulll nr N . t1kln nlll'Qo\l Cur l Gnt· pt Rtnble dutft du.lug 1 y ellr .. f or • _ . . '- _ _ It . . t,e r.v t11' A Jl c(,d Hk lrmer, ~ a% aorOH 10 phlll 'i ng oorD",~ lhe Ohio .Ijlxpe'rl. _ . . , . Bowel regul~rlty I f< I),e !lllor o t o f I::;I Ul'l b.j. tow lI~h lp, IDIJU' StaMon Itt Wooster, Yielda' It _ .-.rt ~ . . att.atIciG to the imPQrtIl1l08 of the cw4Im !!lo.-ent, goqd hen It b , brlgbt. ey(J~ , c \r'iu 00111. 1 . Da v e beaD g reater f rom ooru pllln t.e!1 .............. ~ to - r pPbc oectal. m"DtlOl)Jnc the ISJeIlI&l off_ of plexionl!, a nd ,)r, l{i n~ 'H N ',\ Lil CO inlliiSSioncr's Pr~in2S In t,hlll lleriod tlJQO from ' planlloge . . . . . . . . '. ~ III dill u.. aDd empbuilllllC \he 'f~ porUoD ril ls .. re " mild Ulld g ' ·lI lh. J·\l . made eltber earlier or later ' 'l'be ~=: DPtI.1I caa be II'OWIl ell " ' _ , IItIo tbbt re~nJlllefl tbe bow .. l; n nd 1'''' I w, l:i lI l11Jp\DII:. ellond f~ oourt earl:! 0' tbe oorn have ________~~~-;~;:=·~;~~:'~I:'=I:........ bate - . ..0 UiIlH who O&DIIet Nader . . . . . li~vefl tbe Q'lDlffls t Cc\ in t u ~thll's b.v ' b olt~e, 1)11 " [); Jo hn Bill, 6l\rvI 088 0.1 lIen.euUly been I!malt and Immature. ~".~"~ .'''.IC''''''''''''''''''''- hulbudrr 1II~. _ rem oving tbe IIco" rmllntpll W" st .. " :l(1m IDls~1 D, $R 00; W, S, AKronomllt8 "t the Exp~rlmen' 11,. to ...... _ _ .au. It u _ n. _ .. . without ~rillllJ~ . 'r .L1ui" 1)1ll he f"ttl , :obl n ~ oo, , ', m" , l l 00 ; J, B. Wood. 8talloD ad.I,.e 'armen IIvlDIJ Dortb - - retiring "od , h 'lt 1'0 _. h llll ll, Ib ll t Wl\'tll , fl. lIl l'. $1.1)0 ; rill e VI!, Robert Wooa'or to add ooe week to thea. aLI. _.a:_ and get a of ,tT'h I T ..,. L dull l<prln~ fev er fpl'hull ,haapl'",U a. W,\r w ,., .... ~ . $,1 in ; III'e . VI! ' d&'e. fo.eaoh 100 mllea nor&b, lind IlIIIlUl'l'~ U-J.'G 6, e I"a......n 0 Ge$Dr. KIDg's XllW Ll'l o f ll l!l llt. "' r \'d cu·r~ , $5 0: W. O. ~hOlie.ou.tdllaubsr.o' .. ",al)"lrJ,1l ~' UAlf!. free. ,OUf clragtat, 260. ooal fo. oou~t hO\llfl, 7'J. '~ j iIIen d.terfor e&Ob 100 1Il,1•• t.1l1ill,




. - .




\V u,I' le li l.·uuu !.)' . ,1111 0. tJh \' l lI lC ..lUll " X(''' I)tlU~

fl'o l1l llitt " bur t.lo· iC rllJ .tl Vro P,,' I'''Y lh ~ l vu rt lhoroo f lI unsl o fo ru ~u l u 0 ... tIIU bb\II .\ u lb uu l!. ~ uPt U Il lu It , M. hurw L~, ll tl m l J . \\, U lIrU)II uy dl.<cId , '1.. ~OO 1JL tl ll l Y. r :lv. 1 91~ , .uu ru..: u n lOlI l u \ 0 1. ~ 1. PI~ ~" I ~ I Hi tAle lJ w :l Itlll.!' l nlN 0 1 "' arrou v UlI l )l. O h io IlwJ 'I OA ,~r U)olIl1S 'uUu W8. ltJ: wt t. th.: ll ljr; " Ur\. o r ~Ulf"{"1 ~II UU "Jj}l.uw l~ "" u u W a,)'ul!ri\ HI ;\VnrN ll 0Otl111.f:"'"t.HIIU . llini UO- uc.t o)J lL luJ u ua;crtlJ.ctl U.i tuilU \\ d : Lh::Klllu UltJ bl • lurteo 10 ' U&'" fuu cu pUll" Iu I,liu \\ Ulit. lUl U 0 1 Ul nl'l ull ilt.1 uu u X "ula 1'1h. 1J c;u r uUI' LU ~ a:kJU ~ht:t:II I1U 'd I IUd; I.Ilo·l I eu r UIi \\ 1111 ~h\)UhlLl1 • IIU. .0,: :" ,h-grL't!ti IU Wl u Ut WII \\ . , 711 tt ., blHJ ill. w U.Uo t h r ill KU t OUl.!v I.}!)JoIl u u t ho l·.~.t. b u uk " t ' ''' 11 11' "un , l h..,l u'.U ti t fI hI. .. It)(I Cri whh :'lIooJuu\ Ii Jlu p x , J;J dt!~ ruu.. dU IIII UI .l eal E . J U f L.: I ilOJU: lJ tt l r l.HIt U Ug h ' b tH .U p llrullul ",i ~h S lH.ou luatl 'li 11 1lC l). b .... UUa.lI'l! t' " oS U lU IU Ul.C1i bo, ,~a Il. IU lll IJ I U, l O . U I N Il 11111 nutar ~ ltd '" u, lJttu\o u n o u f 11 vlo!r )' HArtlU r" lUe ll t ruc.J\ . 1II1Ill d l' , J ..


. ....


Hr\! :.1\.1 ru l /luu)& I!. Ota I II 1l1l\1 .. I" , Lv l'lJul U· U'll ll V'II. \.I . nee a l l"ia,:li\ QII"I~~ , ;' oJ d~ r"\.·U . 6 U I1IIU LlI(!a b Gcir ". loU u, It V ll llllf Ir ,I O" Ul ltll b O


\\' t'dlit Ut• ..,f ,"I Wl l llci uu Lt.t i UHU . ' nh.. \Yr 'Il'IhU:

tltdflCe-w h ll U I~ .... Qb L &IIIU ,) f h l Lu r UlJ1Io. u , . JU l lt't rut..Ji .w mlulIl t.!b \ " , U h, L ~ 1I\1 t)(lJ;It, ·

1 1I 1~~:hJ rtHlI US lnt u IUI..'lI 1Jt!t"u rtJf( u lar ly u lJll ru. llII oo IU l litt ... lI lli "I ~ .IiH.l U l1.ud ~ il l 1I0 t l ,,· l u lll lOr 1~a..5 lil 1111 l \\u·Lll in lb U I " Hh l u.v,/ r l\IJI , \' .l u tJ 'ft,r 1U8 u l bul u u r o lIlII·· lI u r d \.1I. .. h , HIIO-'Ilird I u UIIO )' en r UI, .. l "HI O' IIIII'I I 11.1 " \\,, )UU. .... \lU" rerred I'tt.) IU tJll ld 1,." Uu ;:-., ': u rt)tl ,,)' IIr." Ulu r L-

,-," (.(0 ullu n l hu IlftHIII :'ICb fJI) 1i1 u ll tu boaar 111· tt' I'US L ,u . I.IU.i ru lu ul ';1:\ IJ'u' I.!t h ll. ~r MoUUUIU ;


!.lt t!

vu rcl1 Wtu r UlU)' hu\'u I flu " rlvll IJKO or

nil cuh it u ~ 'n~\~\' t\ I 'D W, I VINS l\ rlm lnl l r ltJ r WI!.h til" " III 8 nuc~0IJ o f Lh o Eltlll c ..,' r\ Llill U c... I.\lflloll, d uc e.uo<l . llIly l nil

Uruu Jou io\t. 1vinal, ,\ Ilo ruul '.,









•• •••". "-I!"W


Theg are




MONuhllnE 'i.. l!!LOA l\u tl

~ j l on ~eo .. ud



lO,ntglllt( I! Nu L1tj b " llght. ,II1 IJI1 ttn.' bind. ,I r, tl. lleo BtlIld lng, X dola. Ohio . 11;10

Pursuon. W lloe command 0 1





'o"'ar of

Illlo . I~ U uJ ( N Ul LiliD Uuurt, ., t . Ov OUlIOU I·.eaa o f t:lnrk 0tJUu,"y . Uulo . and to UIO lhruct.u..uti oeln'oAAl, , Wi ll ul f($r at, Public Auc , Iau. On

WEDNESDAY. MAY 2, 1917 al I :GO ". 'u" U<I .to.. '''.ml.... u..,. Wa)'..,. .. .. Uu . lVarl'llu CUUUI),. u lno, Lho luUowluil d" IICf& l)UO pruwlflUll w-~'J, : '1!1I0 tualo.. .1\eal


'm u~


5ta... ,,/ vwu, ",,<Ilu lllO VI.t¥I"la &\,I"a' Y Iur0011 botlull~ allll UlWW'llHoll U lollowo: ~ U"'IIY No 1 11. UetJlllulull & • • ~\ople ao<l


I~GLE COMB R. 1 R, ·El(g8 760 llAr !~uh\" i ... I ~u .. lew Roostlll" 1\1" bll r g.ln Mn. (.lllu' ROti~, Way.


hlo ,

U,'8 VI!\ e ,



COLl'.:s-oue 3 vr.-old oolt. broke Ilod one ye"rlioK 001" b o Cb!C u 'tl 0I 11 u8 luqulre of Ed Un.uby. R . D . 5, Wayne ~ vtllll, Ohio , a18 .



U t.~ l ed

coruo r W JJ Ir ...m .AlIl'u kUu Au·

dal'8O u Mlll ur'l \J .lr. : U,UIlC<> .' . '0 <legnJell I wlo'; ."" IV, "U.O VOl •• "" a ltollO coroer


to ..\lmL hl1U1 UOW.lIUi,U, Llleucu ::i. 11 t16fJroea ~t) ,"Inul,,*, W .

JHll etl IoU a IIWne C\Jru~

to ..\l.Ir... lHUll Uq W.IDIU1. I( sc h(jl llatUJu'. and JutlU!lh l. u kiu ' lI IJtHr. : t hu tH~ ~ , l U 11f:'~ K . 1-& U. '" 1)0108 t-u Il. .t(Joe C' ,ruer to Sat.t nlu! Lu·

kl u 'li h ul n; : lIhl UC\l ;\,11 Ougl'\.'eI J ~ IlHuu\M

'"I11 Uh pol". 1110 oog,uo.lIl . lIl" . "mo premllieJl 11K1 Vln· a, Uelug M. UQrper Uy Iro w 11. AlIOlIl"... Hut •• al.. daltlll JIU. II • .• lO ua, 'ao« """"rulKl 10 b: .

tlo n ,al.ul~


oct .. I ruoo "lId . 21 (>VI Ol. be In • • un. m o re o r Ie II. ' ,. ~~.

Vol. 81 Pig"

U~ ~


CO li"


I\ecoru.ol WUtwl

ual~, .Ul<l o r Uld • . l1V8 R 1\ L -i. C. White Orplog UOtoalo preOlI808 appra ised at FOrlY"our ( u ) t ou Coo ke rels,' ~ood onei, and tlollara ptlr ae ro. Said l_ to be oold by order 01 tbe ,f· I~ l ef\sm m lJlu prloe Ioqulre of Oourt oiprom llo mlllu n ! ' Ieu u r UI&rk t..!OUIU·>:l Ublo, W. A . ' urllloll, K , D. Ii, .W ayoel. Iu \)1IlfC) No'. ~u 31 0. ",I.orelo 0001'll0 .or.Urr'117


IJ: L{ ' EY C ow 1~ (11011

al i f0 p.alu, ltr. , and ",l lu be.1I LOlluOX 8ul are d oft!ll1.h lU La. '1''''011 0 1 lIalo: Cruh or Ouo third cub'




a nd 80Ule lumber . Wuynll~v lll e ;

Mill a r ,


1111 Wind o w 8"8h f\nd ou e leomd SIXIHull dour luqnlre of J, V . ~arllllt,

Wllynss\,lllt-, U hlo.

Uue !'Iurd l u o n6 ),oar, u l uj U IIO \-hfrd 10 '" "0

EU I-l

I " b", ont 10 1 . l uqul'ct~ or IU. " w m il l t or . prl U"~ , uto .. 11

ir ','11


"I" v • B tr l' d P h ·

'u JUl b u, )U~ .. 'B ! Ih,; li u ULlI' I' , , r lJ ' . Hld 'Htlllg I j ou) M, j ~ II ' ' fJl d le v lIU l! Cjj ~ " I " n l ll l:'. 10 ' to ,·u",uUJ,hl " Mr~. E ~ B ·dt .\'

Saxon Six Livery




bo ..,,-:ured by

pa),IDOIlUf tu

Ulo rtKaK6 0U prol)6rty p urcuuuu. IIU YUlu u b

aJl7 .



pay,ble annuJ AMJ::S L, \VAL t1. IIblltla .

ll6&r G l~ O l UI(J rust.

\)Iu" Co UUIY. ullJo, alII

Cll .... SlAt ....... A'toru.y.

Notice of Appointment

D-A lelt uf W o \IlUlJ I" u~~b". '~lIrW I Il

E ol" ' Oo f Eleanor Marl n't decol8cd

Nutlcu I. hureby sh'en th'" J , U.' ' Peuce Itf'" bul '" duly . '>(101,,' .11 "JIll "uaHlIlId.... A~ llIill llt.rlL td r o r tho r~ a.t"LU o f Klual10 r M.rlaL~ . uf WDrron Uouru y . 0.110. tJ6CCU8(J. VoI",1 Ll,l. 3Ut h d ay o f 11lrCll 19\1 , .\ LTU~ .... UUO WN • J Ut.' ~ e u t Pru b~tq.t;ourt.

I ll.L


8TA ;'; LK~~ ,·~{~l~/OUU'l"rUhIO,



Sole Agerit

Funeral Director. WayneSVIlle Ohio \"





- E tTH EIt-

Auto Equipment .Horse-Drawn EquIpment



DR. J.





onlce ID



..• DENTIST••• . 'il'dlooal UaD" BI<I& •





\ aYDen lIIe, 0




_.1. . __ ......

i Ul11tJ n.d \\ IJro ":UU\'U) cU u .)' t'l u roucu 1\ . '1 horpe ,"0 l\ ti \ IHlll t:. . Lu" ,O u llr du(!t.1 ~ f n \("O N 1111 , ' !J IUIll O U I. IJU~U H , t.hO U eud U 'u r dll 0




...-.u ......


Oh io-Made

oetll E. 0 11. \'1'...:111 deo~n~l\d . Wil l IV\ DIlt.ted to' pr obll t e It'run l!: Br'lodoD Il pp oln l,od XBc utu r . B Del Wof50 , I D t h e m ntter of I b ('ijtl1 ~ e of Wlntere Pal.ed tho Letter Over t o

.. r.,.... to - . . . l


---.----. LES

1>61111 tho

Classified Ads'


.... ----,-------=;;. .:=--j..



l ll~hl~U!~~ ~\II~~rl~il~Jr~~~'l~~


aldD Ita.. hlwc4t, I, Offering Every Possible ServIce T......... , IIfn Alftlstanoe From It, Staff .. 71 .......... tile AgrIcultural Extensive


d lLUlll Uti

"1'1 II \If \\ ",)'uui \ 1110 . I" . ... Itl CU UIlL)' uf ,\-' " rrul1 \.. 111 1 ti tu t u ul vh lO. U Ottlllg u.1l lhA\. vu.n ti t " l lInl ,,11'cut l y i K Iwt l\'OOI1 ttlu nlhJ · ,1Iu l.t "tlHJ o lr 'ut $lull ~ II K ll lt h thlUlU'1J , aOu UU· , t, \\ ,"'O n \ l!tJ . UUI h · .... HUll IJ t t'iO ulil :jtruut. ..

, n Lltu I v

For All Your - Us e /






ur 'rhlN

1 1Il~~hl~I~lll':'i~j llU\~I Utl t.l 6IJc.ri OO41 l rllc li.

, '11 Oh' a ynesvl e • .

. -. - --



Sold by


U .. vJd lJur

u l \o hu $a.W U LU111

N O; b}. lh' ~ rOUtl W. t: . ~ :J clUal1l8; thuuCtl

\ J r tJ) u}uutt t he tltu;lo tUl h ) o r tu~ld Sthle".N tn .U.!ij rtll.!' ~ I,J Ul i ll u , ,,,, 1:.. J.~a c liaina 1-0 .. .,Lullu d iU Hurl. 1I .,;ufll ur 1Io.l d ~<tu"ro: t.h~nco (cut) .lhJllY: (II" ~ u ULU tildu or :;vut.h til.rutl\ ij , OH • tl'gI'Uu.i IC, Lt, 10 c htll lUI Ul t,ll" plac 01 ~ft1. 11111);, (\J uI UUl liti LWu t ~) llCre» tim.l turt.y· (u ur Il Ulld{ll\1t lid l·H 1VU) u l """ a c r ,,', UO "hu IU1ll0



~ l Nl! t

Pr;n led Fo r m u l a O n Eve ry P llckage • \. 1''',111<' ~ I ('a d l' n tlclll 1111\,,"' , 'Olllt' tu .\II U. I 1' III III rhll n· 't· 1!1 , .. r W1 Il li t ;d.d If u blllrldng ou,'. l ·III11,·IU llal"')·. h ,,~ . hllll' 1,lm Il. ~_ 1,'11"1' I.,.; hl.iI J,n," K . H'. t" " ,'I ' ,~. d. ( '" ur i '1."., "" ~.., ,.1 \" 1••,,'1'," " ·I'.~ f" r"",1 III n," 10 I (. II US llctrUllltaU)·l"uc. I tl I " (ln tl ... , h",v!t., '" " 1 I \ IXf·,\! r '\ 11 TH.I ii~~!5i~~~!i~~i I; II l,,\1 ,.,,)((,. tI" ~n~l!,,~II11n " IInll' 1('" I 'l'lnl(Or.' 1''''"''11 II", I ,'IIN' o\' I' r 1" pl,.rI· ,lir • • " ' . d.'I, ,. , •. ,"UII'" III !". ) Inlr . Tht' ''''I r~(' I Illi h .'"1\ l '" I ,' I'" ,) 111" 1 ~ I ello.!c \llth" Ul CIlII""""!. Th ,' ,.n., pr ")) 11 , c ' 11' r (HI, II \\'IIuh l IJ · " 1111':1 1·,11 .,· IV 11') I,. gl 'll't'r r ' nd It 11'1111 pn " I""lllc I'IIC, "'· "n .. I •. ~ II'lIf - ", 'l' 11f \ 'II! ('in tl~l i \~ III1I1J;t! It " Ow. I nd" l'U II 1I" 'lI ltl h,\\' D I 10 1 U t'~ " l' 11I"~ry f or lill Y Dl'II'S (0 ( Lelm n ol3 II nc l '" 0 1 t h Ill' II B ,II ,I , IJIlIU • • , lll'l'n h lll lus~th l e \\'lI h lh,· ill.II)1lJ ·n r· , 1J ,,~n I Il l! ug'.\·or tl 1. 11 01 hley \\'os en II . f.l~ny. '1' ~ "r'y d \~ ~ 11\ nt ~ J \11 .. lu I III1I'P llr till' wrllt eo Pl'ul<'"IS nnu 1I() 1 t' ~' 1 - ~_ _ ~....~'"!"~~~~_ __ _ ""'!~~""'!_;.~~~~_~~~~~~~ ;;i~~~~~~;;;;~~~:1i;r;r-l t 11' to n Ul l 1111 i h • ll1l l11 , . · E "cn If ~ 111J1' 11l 1T h ail Ih'"n ,,111111).:, II,) I .' l fl, ',i""!l ~ 'l l o l'; )flll" Ul .\.· \ .. s · 'I'h p ') Il~ \\"'Ilh ll l:"'~ bc' tll' " tI n l"'I" ~"'1l 1',', 1 ' I r n('l loII " lIil ('x l, lnnn ll " !I , II nll ~ h l1rcll(r I :~=======----=1 \\'fly u e"vi .1,· \ ·,,,)n. II <, Co ,I lidg . wou lt\ nul h lll'l' h eCn wll llllg )l cllul! !II eul. 1' 0 1' " l !L tr,tll\' I"c I Uv 1:1 I\' II km·\\,. N ~ It h ' I' for t lln I 11111 l! ,'I' !l llvillll ~ " l oI "' Y [ " rII • • l will ~ ,'11 New ~ lIit wos M l'lI d,' hi m elf. 11 ,' \\, II~ f: ln tl ,h n l I ~ 1. hh" A 111'11 011. It t Ill ' rfH l l l f' fl C t Fl r n , 1(, ,'u v,; AI "i I I{'l r n th n lTlllr hll d bl"' n S ·\It. 'fl n"l \\'olu l,1 III lllt.~ \V uvntt -,, ' I... n flt l ~·. ' rr ,~' f " Mc1 U I \ 'u r \'.· j pr l l » IH'rll('I lInt ('11"lIg It 1)\" ' 11 lI O\\' 1I)\,";:h \\, 111' 2 "'I l<' ~ ,"ll l h of \\' 11 ' lI f ~v il I 6 1",,1 ~ I"rs' rIJJl l;II, "l1d· 1' nll y (lr " 'lIl11l lo ll uf II ltl.· .. "~ l u l h Itt H', rr \. 0 11 . (; " 1.1,,, K \ \ ~'"I, 1, 1 \'~ .I ,,~(\ ph Baki n ~ UII! !'lIl1n tlon t11 ~ qul ' I d hlill . 'I K, -"r tt k l· r :..1.1 , l Hll1t " H l u t r l..~ rli 0 :01 " Thllrsday, Allr il U , 1917 Wl ut 'l's. who SII \\' Jw w greatly OY r~ I" t U B n!\' :tl i ,,' "t I U " 'll(' rh n t tl h ~ \\' Iwrought lind uos trung bls !rle ed \\'IIS, I t' . Jh'u ",'l,(\! S: ~'\ln \ ... l b~ ~~ t.~) l t Y 11' ~ J II '111 rt.\ I i ' .\\' t: :1 I } llf ... ' "'I r. leODtented blmself :with the r.ssert.\oo. tt lllt..rCI ;'tult ulltf' IHirU f ' \'t'.. '.i "': ',,",,' . ' 4 1\ ,.1 r I I I f Lt" I H".~ , l ed l L ;-O ~ ', Wl\ !1 11.1111"" , H r" " ll .... \1.'. lt UP ~lq tl t I1tlol . HU T .. ... " /, Guarantead UndQI' This taho] . 'rite tj \)'tnl ~Ir jI~tlrH' ItHHl of ~'rll n k ll', "~ !, l' '1I~ 1 r\' , H \lIl.,11h uh l (.f \JuO"" t'" t ~. lin • Ih>nl 11',1 t' v.. '1' 1r" 1l "nYll t ' 1\' 1111 tll u d ,' \.In ., \\"u·1I 1I d 1 \ ' lit !'I IIJ,. H: nC,Hl!ln r,f l ""'\lwo,,11 MOI.I , 01 D is l ·J\lt l. :-: ll EH \'lHI [). trrC't. ,ko,'); tll U lill t ohll Ul ed \ \ ' . ;-\ ';I-'flr~ , A 11 ,, 1 8 W Ith l"l,'I('Hi ,I . P lu u lt ,·" l I,' r k. Tb !' l' IUDl b tll:! 1$lhl> B Cto \; M ~ I u · Proll.Hc Court fa cl url o g C .• u l lin 8 fOr !JToh.. I{o judotU ' fl l,ffi 11 , $:i 7:' ; 1:1 . 111 " "1(0 In i h o m :. tt r qi tb !ltl\ le ' ot & (.'0" \Pt?UU "" ,1I'rtlll(;' for Il ll ,l ltu r, Trllm u u \rll " I d')\!,m."" I, ');'10,,1.10. $100 0 ; !:Sa I, · ad , ell l·ll1111 11 0 0 en". couu t ti1ed tru ,' t 5110, $7S; IV ti . ti n hl" n, Ull h I . . ... ... ow ... ..... ...... ' 10 tl.1 ,~ n ll.l tte r o f t ill! stat o f FmD. · e~t.h\\I1t t! 0 0 otJ n t ruol· GI U, ,' J.J I) ; K li [I

I '01,.-


o.L IOIlH "lie lin

-,Q II ' S li ll u tu ~ tHO UU UU t hu (Jk1Il.

your property is well fitted to ' withstand the de~trur tive for<:(>s of severe v,reather and changeahle temperature, Moisture, if it can get at the wood , is certain to t'u't decay, b ut by the use of Hanna's ' J'ec n~ 'eal Pail\t your property is ~ompletely protected.


I;hl lr !t.. ~ .~ llhl . .... 1.1. ,,1 ieI' [11,,111 111 I 1 ::,1, ,,'. I. ' I, r (.· I0:( (' n:"11 ~ 1' 1 I •.1 4 \ .. 4.

u.. s t L'\J rtl o r

Hanna's Green Seal Paint

,, 1,.,

",' 11

,,. hH1K tl lU ,,"eli t ..1.,J" or t.h tt l,.colulun Jllku::J . ,10 .. lit "n",'t!~ W. il . bS ,· hb lu . h J 8 li tuno t4d ur \r n l . l<.UK"fti lu i : \ohotlCU \~U ll)


. \\ lth " 'ry (H itlt 1'l"\''''jll t I'" t I" • tin'.· ... .: .,f! lit "11. rll ... 'rlu'!"'-'; ~II"' I' 11'1'111.11,\. ':1 < II, ) ' .... ~ L IJ !h 1\\1 It \, I! . rr ~ l<illl': (II· II !. IIhout It. 1 hU\ t' l1IUu ;:ht l! l/ll J ~. ;I.rlh (h el"l'l ,. I L ,,',! II II rll . \th.' .

,,'11, " " 'Ifl ,' r ,"1 " 1 It " , ,\1',, 1 II' IL I I ' " 11 1111'. Ill' hart 111" " ,\11 illl'''), l!l ,1I n.II.) " I"

enormOU8 1rrtgntlon w ork s

ern NebraSka 80 oogro. sed hI s : I!:~~~on and aroused bls Inte rcs t thn l ::T I'" IIPlte ot 1 blmselt tl he stoppctl ol'er ~ , ~ tra 08 to eee l e m, And these . ftlona were typical. Yet after evcry 'one or th cse excur· ell/nl back lnto hle own aeld, his coo· _al .... _ -ate blm Was he ne\'er to , '""t,.,...~- ~. -.. till ... I ? \V , . t &'11'111 .. um II en .. ,neer og aR ~~ olbln .. elBe tor blm but brl-" ~- n _ ""' ..

In.I!!!'I I)' lI11rl JlI\I '1rI.' III II",' L 1,'IIIo,l "II ' I I I II I 1\1: . \ I I " U;':' I I ... J I ' , ' : " "lIl1 t\l\\W" I I I I)' 1I:.11 (' r ' III ' \I I 4I,' t ('lI l' , 'I , Itlra ll'l :\ t ••nt!11· ..... " !.I \:I! ,' ... ,".('I. wr y . l 1. \1'11\'\'t ;\4"'1\ uhlt. I" III'W\I~ II~ n, ! Ilt'r I!P'~ ~ I ," lIti' ""·,, ... 11. I I, ,,," 1\, II. ,I< I ',,1 . '!tll''': ",I .... \\' t' l ·aU· 1 :, ' " Jl' t . , I I I, 0 \\11 1 1'''' 1 lIul " y. I \1' t,, 1t "",'; [lit! tllJ!I 'l lu.'l' III t .... t,dlll ... h 11.,. 11"1 1'1, hil i

hll,' h" 11 )11'1'" "1",,·,, rllll.'

\Ill' Iwh h-II" " "f h i . ~f'II' ""f·rlll.· ... ~ 'I'll.. . Ch 'IU··h l':lIlt' ,l, lll'n('lipn l '''·Inlt·r", 1'"1 It

tile train was dcl nyed nod tll l ~

for h ntf an b our ju t n s It na~Che4 , OIl) Ml88lsSlppl river. H e left _





fU I~~~~~


11 " li t III :t II I'a I'l l th " I rUl li, 10, · l'l"m."j

01. 1' the 81.'"

VI\ fll c ulo.rl)' d uucrlbu

l·uU.1 U.LIlLU i s 1I1uru

I ugl rl I u d I '1 11111 1,'1t 1("11, ,,· ,· III Inll h "" 'H' ·,nll. 1 ")J.o:llk 1,,1' ttl-"I'I"·II,.,,,I : I IIlul>'l y," fl:I :, '. ''I t°th bnte~t hug\· In ('l' Ie nf hl ~ 1l"\\':' II: ' ;"'1' "Pll llhIii ,n<. Il\n 'h,' \\ ,',,1 " ): ",lIi,·) III ,t., ,"e. "1:' , '11 :\II,~ CIHlIIt'~ I:. It. 1,..- \ .• "'I 1I 1'l lIe~ Ug ha4 4~,Put at .obl °l d s Cd l o. scm t)1ro-t \ (t.' '1; t.·l l li ll ll ll\· £VOOJ I. 8 · 11 ••, 1 II 1''''.'101 11 11 ,1 \\'"ulol J lltu~\'\'t'l '.111 \\hllll\ III" \\1\ ... rt'l'l'rl,'d D '\" llrc' P)!l pt" ~ ,l ' l{ t 11' on 0: m n an _ \ ur , n h'lt 'Yill l " I'~ l \lId.. ' 1' a~~tll':ltll'\\ 1'( I1t ... j,· · I I I II I leaston 10 he fancied. y (l' ) dl ' ·!I ... II:!l'd ~!I,d 1 1, ,1111 \\ 111111 1:1 " , \ ":1 ,.( Adn, Lu. t.u III \'~ Att·n l l"tld IJ UU D. ... 8 1 ~ O n g nn IlIl" H '(' I·,"· " . F II " 1111,. th l"~ 1114' 'I;: I ' I 1«l. ·!'oNnoon to OhlclI!:O w aiti n g f or ' '" "JI-t. " l!ltI~-. -, )., ~ '" ','H" ",,[ ",,,\\' [),,' • C' \.: 1 ,! , 10',\ ,I "Il l 11' II I1U rll~t"r . ,_ ' \\ Ih: rl.·j) I '1"Iut..;. I Ir ' Itill '"'" Yl d l '.'U \ en t, ) hl\ r I Ut,l,!, t lhlf u t , Ad l .-,,\VI Jl e j Ul. (leparture 0 f tb• w CRtern trnln, b o . 'nttll' 1I11l 1l 1",, \ h lllnUI' 1','111><" I,' ,'1'1<111 I1.~ ~. d hl--·'t Irreat.... bI drawn t 1 1I1 ~ f"Io'Jl(l'~ 111"1 -1 ""'1",, ,1.. ; ""d. II I"',, III 11Il' 1'11) ... 1- hi, " IIU'" " n "" , Ih" 1 ~f" r.


I/'( llyUe.J vine 'e LeadlDar Deatt •• offioe lD KeJ'8 Bldg, Millo s~

Walter Chandler Waynesville, o. /'

OYer PuatOfflce, ()f(lae f'lIoae 71





This dlllea8e ah01ild be tre!lted as ftoon lUI the tinrt uD.D 8tnral lOOIIBDesa or the Notary PublJQ howel. appeal'll,. Wben this ia done 8 IIlngle dOC!ll of OhamberJain's Qolio. Ohol .era aud DIarrhoea Remedy win effect 8 All kInde of NotafJ' Work • .;; ThIs remedy can ruways be dp· aDd Deeda • Hpeoial". I!'I'8D in the mOlltaeverellDd ...11 Rhould he Ir~







GAZETTE ..:.' •

1 8~UF,~J I';V I~ HV E n tOrtl d nl fll(1 l' oktonlr" n.t


Wll) ' IU'N\· fll(,'.

D . L. . CI A' E, li ll iLor

C'Ju~!'I ~JlIll :'Ill1ll;or

" )lIIH, ngo SU1(111U



~ub criolion Price , $1,;0 per





As Written by Our Corps of Able Correspondents in the Neighborhood




==7===========~== "~'SS"SS"'''S''''"''~ Ve)' lItl '1\ I,ll tuk e hlru Oltt 10 hi~ bome I. ~ r" tt ohllrl Ili A f r ont "lite just In time ,," NIlt'\ hll:ll\l1 It! l'fl ~ ~ Ihu I' 1'011 0011 .,n ttl r thl! hUlldO, ollrr.Yio~ II oll iliJ io llis ~rUl~ . " ( 1' 0 bo orlnttllneri) , -




. Mr. Bnd .MrII, J . lEiamllton BOlaD I Tbe people I. oar vlolDlty bnn" lu'e en te rtalolng Mn. Bogan 'II ann' any exoose to rl'aylng a' home now Miss Pearl (JUDe" 01 D&y600, ao ' Il' we havellll auto jl'ne1 pa ..injf 500 lb. size oornpanletl by ber f r iend, MiSt! Mur. t hrougb IAveral.lmB. dal lv to Xenia $12.50 pb y, ep ua !:Iuod.y with, Pearl' II I::!p rlog Valley and Waynelvl11e. Ulothe r . SIIIII Rolalld hae been tooo tlned to Mr. lind Mre . rra A , Hart!!ook, of h is home with \ helag r lppo. I Being a Story Wrillen by DIL)"ton, epent, tlunday with Mrs, Mn Amo! Jaok800 apen\ TUllld,.y I Four 1\1embcrs of the CenElllrr,Roc k'l! mo~h e r , Mrs. MLlrgutl' wlth 'Mrll. J , T , Marlata a nd lamliy. Both Prle. . terville Library ASSOCiation. L6vlcy , • Mre , Elmer Royer oa lled on Mrs. ' ".O.B. Cblo.,o Na Doy Dodd Toelda, Il(ternooo , M r. lin d M r s , W . L . B a r vey , Mre . Lnum Bll rl li n !lod Mr . ,.1, H . Shld. Mra, Rebecca DlIl oalled on Mrll. uk er m ot ored to W llmin /( ~ oD on WIIIIIIID Braddook one afternoon SLlturd llY, re turoio~t In tho e ven lo g, 'hili weelr. Walter Morray wall in .Ieola. one MI,! Ahn .. LIlWb, one ol'he faonl. ty o f our lJulIlio IIcboo l, ~peo' Batur- day 'bill week , . day 10 I,be oouatry wltb ber sister. Mrs, Fam e, Dill .nd d&nghte,r la a 'rloe they bttd P 8I1S'lti over II and olrcling .. rollnd I,be 01 tv Ry e Miss Laura MoKl o!.y, wbo II a were In Sprlo. VaHey Wednll8day IIOUO hrllU lc(ht his mlloll llltl te .. c!Jer In QlU sohool, l! peDt Sat orMrll , Berber. Marlatt oalled OR down In the field III Alll orlOIl fr om d BY Bud 1:>ullua1 .1, her , borne In Cor. Rebeooa Dill oue eve.lng thle week;. whloh he h.d IIWlrted to Pllr l ~, j ust· Oran,a Rhodell W&l io oar ~ll1age wlo. . tluy.ell!lll hour~ h",ture. How Ih tt Wednelday. . A parey of fie hermen with 110 good oro",d wblob bdd been so linxlous ly Misl Velllla MulaU, of Lebanon, reputatioo liS tlMhelmeo were \he o.wlIlUOIl 'he OOO1lnl{ of Ibe fUllolll nu flfllt t o bOllln thll !IIaloo'l\ over\nre.• !!pen' 'he weet.end "Ub home folb " Bome eltpeo~IOIf H alld otber ' willinil Mn . 1,bUle Levi, 14~8. Amol Jack. Their nlll\l el lire as followl: Mn to be, IIDJ amount of Dlonoy I!bd Mnry Motte .., MI1I8 Nei lle Bura'ler, 100 anl1 !in. J . T . Ma,la" ca1le4 on oould DO' m"lIe tbe trill 10 tile allnt. Me8ter Lee Bur8t1elr, and Mrs. A . K, Mrs William Braddook Frld.y ted 'Ime, If a' .ll,-oheored .. nil :1 . rgon l. Flshlol ~V&. never beUer evenlnll. gatherlllil near, ollogb t yuune Ry e. blthoult h there WIL8 n ono Illloght but Steel to Steel Bcarings-Arrow·tip Beam~ I4rs,Orl' Mar)I"'t wae oalllD(!; ID .cedC IlP o.rrviDi blu.1 !lrouod In t,hey mllde themll,,1veA believe they our village Friday. LarRe P latform - Wide Wheels, trlnmpb , Tbe enthuslaslO Inoluded we re catob ln , t,b "m and It h"d the she Cwo p.lllen"er8 It.lJd t hey were BalDu ~l JaolrJon Ilpen~ Eallter wUh deHlred effeot. This orowd of y oung hll! p&rellt. Mr. and Mre. Amol Hlv.n • more oordlal weloom e wben paoilia will In tbe netar fotn~e, mlLke Jdokson . 1$ beaume known tbat tbey hOld .0 ao otber effort Co excel abe sport of )"tely oome arom Ibe fi/(bhnl( line llr Amoa JaotaoD and famU,. entbe laHt eveut, wberl eaOb hlt.d dooe hl8 p.r~ 80 bo. tert.ioed 'be followln. gues'l at rOlc",Uy. Bot Donald , no w Ib .. e hti Mr~ . Annll StOOPII R a ndbll wllleell a sumptooue EaetBr dinner : , Mr , was II' 'aas on Am brloo;'n 8011, oould the hoo8ehold gooda nf the tl,ooPI and loin Wilham JODel of Xaola j ~ardlJ r eltraln bIt! iu p.. &lunoe 10 bnme to ' he blg b4'et bluder on !,lat. David Luoal and family. Walter , " . ,'t. l'.... ... .... J.1' ~, • t....... ,... ' • r ellub b ume. Afte r _e e ID~ hll1 frl eo d urdllY. April 14th. 1'bla III the Murr"y, SlImu,,1 Jao&lon &nd David Cnpsaln, MortoD, wbo b ..d poshl ve l:t., broil king up of another home, hav_ Luon Jr. and family . r llluaed to .00omplll,y him to b it tn Ji: dl~p olled of the property. Carl Oakl ... . Spring Brunoh, ann"1 ., lbl8 '11lle, oOlllror ' ably 10 ~ lln dRY WI\8 Ilenowy Ellster whloh IIpeot BatordilY with ble irandmotboaLed a' the Wllldorf.A~l or l ... h t' disRppoioted maoy of n t from wear- er, Mrs, Dlxsoo W harton. hllstened to the 8UUllII "lId bn'" rd · lo g our lIew barn esa. Nrs Ada Dailin oalled In our vl- Funeral Director .d a train tor MlllOrd , sho rllil roull l:.Veterlnam Mr. lind Mrs, Wllllildl Carr, 0.0- olnl\y Bondllo1.. aHernoon. l a wn neare.t bl8 bOUle. I:h arrived .and Embalmer, Graduate Oblo State Unlvenl'y EILB'er wae & belle, winter day oompan led by Mr. Carr's IIllter. "r!!. ,hele a' nlne.tblrt y, t ired ',nd al. Uorll Barris, were Clnolnnatl vllll\. ,ban" '11'81 for 'be ladle8 to wear m al' exh .. ull ted and lIeoorlng a OJn : Waynesville. Ohio. 'belr fi6l1ter boon""' , are two days lut week . C IJo me ~o thlf box 800lnl nnd 800l al CATARRH DEAFNESS CANH OfIlce at residence In F. Bo' Sher Emereon aD'd [.eater DI1l wae 10 \Imo at I\'e l\um, Hall 001 Sutu rday Al OJ BE UREO Mr. Cb lli. Broetler, of OIDOlnnlltl, We arranged with an underwood'll house. Fourtl\8trMt.. eYenlnl7, April l'4th. h)' IO.lIl l1 llplicnlluIIs, as they cannot reach IllpeOt und"y here with his family Xenia Saturday afternoon. taker to .ret an aULo, 80 we will be Several 01 onr poplls ,bave bllen ' MI'II. Geo BI)"'lO, Mrl'. Glen n DR- tht! dltoe"5tU I"'Hlon of t he car. Thtru j, ret ll rolng In t be eveolng'. ' able to tqrnlsh either an auto or Telephone Z8 out of lohoot OQ aoooont ot tile ll vllllilld 11 0 , Ii oher', oalled on MTB. \OIlIY 011 ' \~IlY 10 cure "!,"L;rh,,1 dC:llfness, horse·drawn tuneral. Mr ~. A. C. I5ft r eell \ reoently reo meael 11 .. John Buglio, uellr tlprinjilhi ll. I~"d , lhnt IS \)Y 0 COII~\llII IlOllal remeq r ... Both phone! In Office and Residence. Waynesville. Cu tanhn l Deafne.s IS caused hy a n III· t urned home fr oUl a w eeK~e vlalt Ohio T eUBow TheyRegainedSt l'ength Long dlstanC'e,No, 14; Home phone Mr, W. H , O 'Neall l>rt;uobed at 1I0ll1c,I conditioll ." t he mucous liulll g Of \vll,h relatlTes 10 ClnolnMtl and It-2r. , . and Vigor Beech (lrove ~u lld .. y m orni ng. \!he 1~l1slachi"n Tube. Whe n th is tuhe i~ ~· t. Th omas. Stcuben~ll1c, Ohio.-" My lIu8100 nll Mrll Eva WVlong. of Spring V"l ~II t\ U IllCU Y"" !".ve" TUmbl"yg , so und <or Mr. aod MrB . In E'. t:3yferl1 and stopperl In 2D mlDut.. II 70 F... r8 old .11<11.1111 711 Y It rs of ngo loy spe llt seve ra l daYI wi th b " r 11l1llC oi ct hea rll1 ~ , Qn(t~whc n It 11.,,,tHCly MUSCLE SORENESS RELIEVED Btue wilh D r. ahootft's and we own oll.r good hCILllh t., l' jll"I, Ilet'er. Mrs. J (lho Wolre ('Iu"rd. l!eafne'S ls Ihe resIIlt. nh:ss the Bon, Jphn were t:!undlt.V goes\!! of Uonllu&l wOl'II, heodln, and IIt.get Immediate reUd rrom \ tb ~ greatest lIt~c nb<th crcnt.Of IInll . InAII OIa tIUn c n be red uced and thIS lube Mr . ISvlerd'a m oth ar 10 Sabina. tog or 8treDuoU8 eXBrotle I. & strai n medicine thcre ia. \\'hen eith er enp. ~ov e ra' from here IItMnded ; (l ran~ e reslorrd to its nOlln •• 1 condition, heari n!; Dr• ShOOD'S Ma~'t Nn ,om'llu~,!!: 101 Olntm.~ -II..., tor...... A ..... and ploaslngs~ Mr ~ . 81lrah Rloh spent Sunday on the mU8ole., they b eoome lore of UI get into a weakened, Tun.dowr. In HarveY80urg r:>HturdBY ev n11l8 . will l>c destroyed lorever. MallY c" ~eIl ,?f w ith her d'l OlChter, Mrs , W&lter and I t lff, yoo are orlppled and In l!O~d1tlon, Vlnol haB ucv,'r failrd to Mr an~ Mr!l A. B Talma ge en. I deaf.',,"ss iHe cau.e~ .by cB ta rrh, wlllch Is palo. t:!loan'l! Linlmelli brln,,1 you blJlld UB up and restore strenb-th. \\'0 tertlllnel1 Mr. W. H . U ' Nefl l nod ,all lI1t\nllled ~olld! t "", of t h~ ,mucous ,Iordan, of V'l e\l mall. I E B an t d surfllces. Hall s tH tarrh Medlclnc nCl s l,ave often Mid wo would not be The Sundar-school OODW., of the qulcll relief, ellllY to applv, It pene_ ino1." ~r"~l ~oo, VRU °i 0 Inoer : Ihru llle.blood 00 Ihe mucous surlBttsuf M. E Churoh OR,me \0 lin eoel, aod \rMell, w!tbou' rubbIng an4 drlvos Jivinll IIOW' were . It>' not ior ....MAlly A. ua. " \ on flY . , Ilhe syslem. out tbe IOreOe8l; A. olear liquid , " e@dtlm Il8 Ev, W.l'soni fl o rl Emma l We wi ll give One Hundred Dollars fro l on '1'ues(lay ni ght 'he Red_ enter- oleaner • We guaraDt.~ Vinol to crca.te 'han mussy plaatera Dr oint tfl rtnloeQ t he Blu8l! In a very hOB' Wolfe olillad 00 Mra Ma r&llll,O vis allY ,'usc of iJ larrh,.I, U~lIfncss thnt . c~ ", IItrcogth 'or foeblo old PCOI,I', ~rhe meno was mente. "doei liot 1I&.1ln 'he'lllln or y 0 I t W y life \Vedne8da y nf'erno 'n IIot b. "un'd by HII II ~ Catarrh Mcdl~ III", IJil,.. ble mO Dner ., J J .... anne, rU~1t 8 , a !1SV , • Clr ulnrs free. All drllg ~ i s ts , iht: . (omplet& In every ile'all; the ton.lo olog the pales AlwaYI have & bot. A Durable and Attractive Painted House AllIO a' 1881l1n8 drug 01<,..., 10 all Ohio IOWDS Oon t ( )r ge\ I b~ b,1x 800llli F. J. CH lIN EY '& Co., Toledo, O. by t he , :lark8cI1l41 orobestra WIIil tle bandy for tbe palos aohee higlJ Iy tlppreolat.ed'~ several epdre rheuma\lsm, gout, !umbaJi:0, grippe, ia lo" rest.iog pi eces, the female and bruises, "'Ufneps, baollllobe and III I male VOlOe8 were tbelr be"' ; the external pain. A' your drogelat, 250 ----. 1:' EJ LE::::::J [::J ~t acid rells nt weloome WaB approprllLte. Rev. Walker being 110 Blue Will ILl. Dissatisfaction-But why take a chance? Let Iowed \0 wake .. 'alII whloh WIIoII , give you an estimate on your PainJinf} mooh eo joyed. DnrlnR the ten or your Paper Hanging I:] / Snndaye 'I:ere were 1373 prelenl. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coortoey 00· tertlliOAd Mrs . Cora Baker Ilnd dllll~ h terB of WIlUlipgton, Oou He. witt, of Bluuohea ler, Coo!oluellll Bill . lIuge r , JIln Ida I::!tokee Ilooll Lafe Doalle to" dinner I::!u nday. - - -- " Howu rd nnd Euge!lin Whlt&k l) f C'lock Struck Onl!. Hnrrlrl n il... " I 1'1 ,, ' hI' un ulllrm ellw "The Birth of & Nation " Sat. clndc''' 1'1 'C 'l,I' U11'1- " [ 1'~llrC' Ily oue. urdaY nl g hl, iu Dllyton , Thl.'I"" II goes !lOW r' -~J udgc. rolr, ontl . Hu r vey B_rnetto ud dIl.Uj\i:l I I! r 'utbllrlne ~p n , SU OU II ' .with ~' rlln I)18 ROdOUale of 8 ~r ju g. hor o. FOR YOUR CHILO'S COUGH \:l era'~ II plUl\s'lUt OO U ~II Ry r llp lIlr -. Mlilvin Boy spent W edn n~ , t im!, IJvllry ohl!d lik ed til tllke. D, . clay 11 0 (1 'l'hu r ~d!lY wilD her plireu, 1:i"Il'dPlue TliT . Uou ev , lfy onrobllll Mr alld Mrll . Wood r ow W"rcer. tillS Ii de II bli oklng oough t bat wo r_ Mr . !lnll MrH ( Brl H e.~ h wt'r11 rl ee 'you Ic(ive blw Ur Bo\l 's P ine ' c9 l1inK on Woodrow Warner .. od L'Ilr.\ioo ey, thtl HlJothinj( pin e b l~ 1 fam ily Frldtty" te rn o~n . _rIUl S r,\lI eve the ouugb. lo ~s(\Il" t,he tteorge McK tI Vbr wllaln Lebunoll ph leg m /lod b AII I.. the Irrltutud liB· utnrrtuy Ilvenllllo\ , HURtI (let /I uottle Go,du Y Ilt yon r , Ilr oll:gls r !lnd ~tert tro~l, mon't 'lit, C laude I::!troud lind Dorward Vi lle, on00, 250. or l.yMe, ~plmt Frlrl .. y with Mr, a ud M rI•• '1'0111 'ourtn'lY , Mr , and MrR Ua rl Heath 'pen' I:\lloday with tile IMter 'a paren t l1r. !lDd Mra N I) I~e MoKeever ' Hllrry t; III!.W lind family enter lained at r. aod Mrs, Che.\er GIl lU uor LInd family, oC Morrow, ~u n )h , Thoe ,J~m9s, f~ nm o elll L el'duy . lilli, SPBot !:Iat,u rdlLY wl(,ll bls 81 ter, Rny H ull s pen. ~unday with Mrs. J ohu Helllhwl1Y , Mr. Wm. LudIngton and Ind y Woodr o .... Nllrner flod '" m lly. - -fri end 01 · near Lebanon , and Mr. r op. Lowry were I,bo t;u ndn y guests or Mr liDd Mra, Alva Lud ington. What "Peeves" a Juryman. t.ilstl EI.lle l Mannoo, of Tlpp CD noe ,V t\ hlt\"l S f' I'\'l'd Ull ~'I pral jurl{lA. Uit.V s pont sovernl d&ye witll hlu brolh e r, Ero ellt MaDDoD flod fumlly. nn.1 (lllr C'XIlI'I'io-II('C' h ll~ \)e'l\ 1,I1ftt wl lL' o Mr. B e r~ BOlllm Rnd Rev ~ e ll 1114.' \\'ltlj4\ :'''' t\~ 1I111I1t' .foOiti of \1 S we InwYE'r~ ~ p en t l'Iundny with (;ieo, Dllo vle and i'll r.· It t'u I1111), ; 1,"1 \\'11 1'11 Ih 1:'" l ip til 1' \1\0 It In \l'llh rhe flnnl lIr· tllmlly . /lI n. Rurnh Rloh vis ited he r (ln n" h. 1:1I1111'U I S. IJllly III 1\' :11' "f II co nt em"t ter, Mn. V~. '1', J u.dao 8a t u rday IIl1 e k"\l1' II ~ frolll " "I IIl: tIIunlcr rl!;ht Ih cl't·.- Kall:;a , '10' 'tu r. Iln d "nnday. Mis" MarIe Rloh @peDt E:u't r wi t h ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ her IJIlrll ut8 he ro


- -----




Evet1t arm houJd Have neBeca ____

"If it's weighed on a FAIRBANKS there's no argurnent"



.. ------

Waynesville, Ohio



Dr. J. A.




.- .


CROU PW~u~ilt:.:':~pro::

Good Paint and Reliable, Painter


Sil'===:1' a


~ ~

===:1' '1::-===:11

81::'===::1' ===:11131:'===:111:11:'===:11[:1






A big tou ring car for fi ve p e op Ie




Car with




hese Costly Features

Cheap Paint and Inexperience



vllla,e ror maoy yellf8 It e ver bel ore. May the eame enthnalalm eml exiliC now ae before. Mr. aod Mr!!. JOllllltban Morrll, of I:] Tiffin and Mr. J. 'fV . Kibler. of New • Wlltlhlnglon, "'anlaaoted bOlllnela bere two da,e I&lt '"eek. M. t:hae. O. !'urDU, plano tuner for the J . O. Maraln Plaoo Oo~ of Dayton, was In tblll seotlon ""0 daY8 I:] last week tuolng planoll. Mre, Amo. EIIIII wa!! 10 Xenia ·a turd .. y and bund .. y vlelMn, Mr. aod Mrs. Floyd Anl1eraon. Dr . a'r,d Mrs. Jamell War4 and the dooto r'~ lister, MI'! ,' Vandoren arrived bottl e Tllursde,v mornlnll, 'arter I! pendlD~ mos t of the winter ln S'lorIda . We wel come Ibem ' baolr, Mr,1£ B. DakIn , of the firm of r."I Welch &. DnktD, trnuMooted bUIII~eI8 &,;,I In Colombus Fiday,



The ProRr..ll.e and. WI/Hnll Worker Sunday t!ohool 01110'11'8 heldtbel, regul.r monthly bUIIIDIIIII f PAINTER AN D \VA YNESV,LLE mae&IDgl tbe paa\ ..teek, PAPER HANQE~ OHIO On aocount of the bad Weather abe Ladhll Aid postponed tbelr m"et- ~KK~~~OO~~KK~~OO~DODOOOOOOODOD In,. Mr, and Mrl . Fred Campbell, of nllar P)elllant PlaiD were VilUln8 Mrs. Cadlpbell'lI pare:!", Mr, and Mr., Jamel L , Bam., liunday, Mr, Ulyde Bam., of near Plealan' Plalo, wal .llllIng hili uoole and. annt Bonday. Mr, fl. V. War'll'loil and daogh ter, Nellie, Mr. and Mrll. C. B. War",10k and obUdren Erma and Doward motored over froth Lebanon Sunday mornlnll and .Uendll1 Suoday &hool Mr. and JIr!!. UharUe lLod flmlly of Lebanon spen' Sunday with bla paren". Qnlte II number of 'be neighbors tooll 41nller wUh J . U, Villari Sund.y, IIr. .nd Urll. B'l'IIonlr 1:1am••n4 ,I:] 'ImU, vlslaed lIIr, and Mn . damee Sarna Bondal'. 'rbe many f-'leDd:-Of Mrll. J , 0 M• . E, 0, Jeffery havlDg oome to Baloee will be iliad '0 lea.n lhlt Ibe ble fn"y-Ila,h mlle I'one on Eae'er is reooverloR nl06ly ' trom an ope ••- l:Iuoday, hll miD,. friend I and rela. lIou for goitre" & bospltal aa Co!- \lvee made n a day lonl 10 be renmbll.. membated b, ta.lnll dlnDer and ~ Ww. Barlan ie at howe from lpendlnl .he day wllb him . Thoee Oollelf e f o! a week'i vaoa- preeen' ",ere: Mr. B . V, Warwlok and Nettie, Yr. 'I;ld I4rll Charle . Mil!! Anua Reevt'8 very pleasan'ly Warwlolr, Boward and Blrma, of eutertained tbe .Y. p, B. I'rl4a1 r..ehanon; loIr , B'rank Sberwood, U,h lell Lillian WllkerloD,BlI)en tlbor· I:] evening , wood ' .o,d Mr. Howard !:Iberwood, ~ Mr'. ,A, W, Reevl18 WII8 h08teie '0 Waynenllle; Mr. !\ud Mn. WIll the AidFrlda,v Soole&1 ot t~1I Friendll Kerle, and ohlldren. John, Joe, oburoh afternoon. II:velyn and Wmartl, of Ore,oDi. j , The U. E. enjoye(i a lloolal at 'he Mr. and loire. Oharle~ Huffmlln and bome of Mr, aDd MIre . B, 11, Compton two IIODII, New'oD' and' Obarlee Sarrill, Mr. Newton WlIkereoo, Mr, and , e~eDlnl.' , ~ J. 0, Balnell, 0 , Ji l UoKa." Wm. 1oIr!. Waldo Mull and Bon. Ralpb, ReeVIIII. Wm Fletoher, Elmer Oorry 8erth& Olevenler" cif ~prlatr BtU; and T"9~or O. Haydook are drlvl.g Mr, and Mrl, B, W . Ollne and Wlue'on, Mr. and ..... Barry Set. Dew ~'ord8, MfI, lJ. F. Vlol:ere aDd family tlemyre and ohlldrlD, Robert, Mary" . ! Joha, Alio. 'anI! Ruth, Mr. and Mr., I'!'I Ipen' Ian week In Dayton . ' .:.. Ed RutaD, of ne." Delaware, w .. Wat\er Bailey,· Mr. and loin . Joe 1buey! I4r, aDd Mra. LI;lOlu.l'.uier. ~ tbe gueet ot hie , 1,l lt,r Mrl. B . O. InlQ Mr,. \VIII Elbon, LeUa aod Wbllllker 8atnr4a]l. alr . .ad Mrs., Jelle Bawkln., OUver, loIr. and MrI, lI:' A. Jetlery ohlldren. Will. ElI,le, The.:ldore, Trevor O"Baydooll; .nd.famtly and and Maarloe and Le",I., M,r. .ranvll Vernon MoOray IIp.en. 8nllda, wub Mr.•nd Un. Ar&le Oampbell, 1:1, Iilr Rod,Mre. J: A " Bartman, near Jerri!!, ILnd uarve" IIr. ail4 Mrl. John ~ WtI I t R,an and 1alr &'Od MH. Rober' AD. .\ . ~lIo~~rand f.lmlly. of Oedar. drewlail4SalADoa and Marl Ane'te ville, were Ann4.,. Inelt! of John of Oil.,. Bralloh. BIIla.nd famU" Prof, lAwHnoe "pen'SaaQrc1a, .,




m m EJ

ill. 1ill


I J m

, P:lThis new series Saxon ... Roadster is completely equipped with every modem motor car fea' ture, It has a 2 - ullit electric · s.tarting and lighting system built by finest that W aaner-tlle ,.,


added seat space and leg length.

And then see how this With thought of furth e r Saxon . Roa dste r per• comfort for , you , de- , . forms on the road. Note mountable rims and 30, how smoothly the moinch b y -3 inch tires have tor pulls "on high" or been made part of the .'In ' 1ow, " up 111' 1 1 '1n S or

can be purchased. So equipment. So in event there's ' no cranking to . of some tire mishap a be done• • SilPply press change is readily made, . a button convenient for , . A new style top with y~ur heel and your mo. Grecia n rear . bow en~or is fUtining. And you ar.e always certain ha.nces the outward ataxoIII f f II h" h , tractiv ene ss of Roadster. And a mong o U -s tntng Ig ts. the further conveniences


Next among the added attractions is its' newstyle body. - The design is·of'the newest , mod~, The body is larger with gr'ea~er room!ness and

ber top and top cover.


of equipment is an electric horn ; eX"tra tire car. , e' edo""'eter' ven ner; Sp LU , tilating windshield; adjustable pedals; storm curtains; one-man rub-

toughest going. Note how quickly and lightly it responds to the wheel. N l ' ote tIe lIlstant powerr es ponse when you .touch the accelerator. And b e yond all this, Saxon Roadster has the adde d advantage of being the world's lowcost car to drive, It gives the most miles of salisfactory service at the least expense,

J. B. CHAPMAN, ., Waynesville;- OhiOe






Madden's LumberY.~~~


Corwin, .OhiO• .



Where they keep' a full line ofi

~umber,Pla~ter, ~i~


. -.


bl~:ID:'~DI'~~~":i'he I'.lencll ohoroh will DIIZ' "a.dAy

oord\allJ lAYlM4,


TIle . . . . . . . . . alWQI wlna III tile Snrroae .. _ 1'lID-1II'Q'''r lD a walkt-YOIltll.. 0Impud&

publlo ....toe


Cement, Brick, Posts, Paints, Ete


Thil Ful .Size Can



- -- -...

o-- ~ -




~p Wale rhouse for Auto Liv r y .

J . 0 ('a r t wrilrld TuC'sday.

FREE Will you accept one o f our Regula r 20c Cans of ChiN a m e I Varnish Free. and test its easy application, beaut y a nd its brilliancy ou your F u rn iture F loors and \\roodwork.






iSllood fo r on e ~Oc ca n Chi .'\ 'a m I Va." lI ish upon t h e p urchase lJf 01H! IIt'W 10c br ush (m e r ~ly to inpu r e a ruir trial ) durinK our CHI . N A~EL D E MON ST RAT ION , April I ~ anu 1<1 If larger can 1.9 deillred , Coupon will a pply us 20c again t pur· chueprlce.

G \\' I.lawke 'l'ul'sdIlY.


W a3

in Leban n L'ua llc n ,


n r. Dil l. O ~ t ('(l p iHIl ~ lIio .





I ·ny . L..,hllnoll .

AI 'l' 1l.lkil1. of I 1I·.lon. spenl 11 A)' liC I ' wilh r "lad\'c~

W A ilo !'

1~" Il ('l'k.'

l~ cv.ry d, lrymo n's wife could vOL e J w h 'n CUl,'n SUP 1rntlJ r ~ arc U"l (or li on,U. S. CRI'.A~l S IWA R •



T OR wo uld olways win, band Ie down. t he c re.amCTY mlnnfcra knew t he


\\.:\. a 1m il1(,~!oi v i ~ '


111 l.l'h:,Il l'11 Tu e ~dIoY.

~ I r ~'

II . j.;

v It moru ur 11ent f or U\O WMt of U. S. SEPARATORS. t ho buyero or creamery p roduCllI knew that the poor·kCOP ln' q mll· Itl"" or bulLer cnn ~'Wl Il Y Ikl t rneed Lo


MI". n. H. Kelly i.~ ·i' I(1I11." d r ellitil'('s in N"II'ar\i , Ol.i ...

11 1'. IInri


h .

~riut~t~~\r i~l~l~liTf~~~~g;ti;;tt;~~

U.S. SEPARATOR. with iU! WlC<luoUod

lI alhaw !IY ,

reputation fur cleanliness.

wen' Ll· ballco n ~isit, .r ~ Tue:iday .

JNJI. wi!l let tn. 8110W how much IJ c~!i e r it i:i to kt."C~ t he U. S . SEP· ARATO RclU: ln nnd r tC:ls inliidonlld J'O ll

\Jr . /I. . T \ r i).:h t \\'IIS ill SllrinlO' field on luglll bu~in('~s T ue dny.

out t ln n other ISlmibr

Chi-Namel Demonstration at



t hen YOU will be :IS plea sed t el own 0

U. S. SEI'ARt\ TOR • • I

Mr . anrl Mr. Hu llett akin, of K inK~ ~ I ill . Sl,cnt Ihe \\'~ e l end Ill'r(' with rela t ives .

ducc th~m.


to Intro-

Afte r 1 show you. see if you can lind any otll r separator su .an· ita ry. If you ca nnot- then buy '

Mr. harles WilllUS lind Cam i' y, and siste r. Miss Ma ry , we re in to wn S unday ca lli n ~ on friends .

j ~1 !.llb·


a U. S. - the 'Vorld's Record close skimming 8cpnrnlo r.

~ II IJ ll lnd lil'

I I . II' I" \t' t w llt O nl,.d thlll I \I' J! II 110 \\ 11 tl) iIlV t·",lIl!a ll'.


111'111 - 11 dJ",

Miss Gwe nilo leon Me rritt. of Mid· I d~ ww n, ~~n t t lil' E~ t ~ r YUCHt ull ~~~~-

Friday and Saturday, April 13 and 14. Wi~::~~rR~~~r:~~~t~~~~:t::I~:I,:~ . C?n the above dates a fac tory demonstra to r will exhlblt and apply these exquisitely colored self leveling Chinese Oil Finishes in our store. ' . Come in and see the magnificent efTects produced at pm-monay cost.

d ~vi c~.~

Quick ly the llIC<"hn n icnl washc.r acruu•• aids and dr" t h l:tlkhmninlllJurt~. ­

NUne .... ..... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ....... .... ..... ...... ................. .. . Addreee ....... .. ....... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ...... .............. . .... .. .. ......... ........ .

Clean 'Proposition

ELMER ROGERS Waynesville, L hlo

~~~--~~~~--~~--~~--~-~--~-~---~~--~ .==~~~ ~-




Mrs. Lyd ia Hatfield !'.u.ffe red a ' The Jul!) ?-1-1 r .. li lh their hus· T h lifl of donor Qf t rees for 1he I A . I I ' '11 b . IIt r ok e or pllralysis Sunday. and ip ill blll'oIs. \·.er, 1!1 ,t.·rlflltl rl .. t th hOlD f' Orlllpd oo ro b .. ~ "Iven hl"ber . !!1ll'CIU e!! t!O~l .\v 1 e call ed In a seri olJ ~ contlition . She i~ sta yinj( .f \I!' . 111.\ .: ,.,.. E. Barnhllr g ruun J " of lhe n,,'" school th e r wi t h th o person f,'r wh m ' Leumw/I on April _\J un de r the [lelll yields t bnn thl." plllntl'd 1n bl\1I1, lha ' w it h re lut ivesnea r eenten-lIle. '1 \l l' ~d HY e l t' . '''~ . p la nted if! as fo I101\1 s : . I law t o dl·tl:1 m ille whel her tile sal oons sIlm e UUlount of Reect bei ng a.n I per . wi ll HI uy r g o. Leba non ha R had a tlor e. In f'x lJ@rlmenf8 eoadanted W. II All e n, l:rllC J lI . I).,.\d , t,,··;t rs ' t rial und the conr ensus of ~h e Ull in F.xllflrlw .. nt. tilli~lon For Mr. nnd Mrs . L E:. McMa ken. of \1 1'- all d ~ J i. 1,'1' . k £<;11 " nt t!r· J . (). 'anwl'llo(hl , 1',., )( l'~ te r 'el Illp inion i ~ Ihut I he 0 1) 1\ ; ~ a l()o n will oo ro pllinted 10 ' htlls t,hrllil plaate De troit. ., spen t sever al dHve t,," 1t~d 1\ I."..~.,. (",mp ,IlY r ltll r~du~ I hu ve to A'Cl . lilld wh ut i~ belte r, will per bill \,1"10 been m ost /lll tlllrRotory. las t week With Mrs . McMakell' ~ r I i;\lllrn' ·iI .. III IX Y ,.Ul::;\~ WI I lar-; W hile ddll tlo OMn y ield ed .. b(la& J I-! Jann 'y, I'rnf. \V :\1 li ar f.Il'. 1 w' to ><1111' . this tim· . the State Legisla tu re in 1912. T he atives, Mr. and Mra . F. . Car 'yo p r~sl' t Dr.d,. I'll" l Ull 'hl"l!l W.IIi ~l' rvt!d L' lira M"8hel'. 1'!'l,E W .1 L pOlk In I!Jl.; Ih ... \I'd won o u t by a v'!ry th r ee bu ph e18 lII orn per "ore &b .. n . funeral was held from h is la te resi· - - .- - - - W. O . Ruper, l' rur. G. J )..:ruhlllll '111'1 1 majll r il }', li nd a little la te l' at t il "" p ll\ n! ,d 10 hili ... it W"tI fODad ~ence I.ast Th1\rsd~y la f te rnoon . He I Dr . a nd Mrs. J . M . Wllrd a rrived ~T r and ·:OI rs ., 11 ,>1.1 Kl hl ,. 'ntpr· J. \\' . White, P rot'S. A . ilwel the stale elecLion it went d ry by a lII or n d lffi oult to OIlI'lvate aad &0 home f rom th eir winter vacation in t r l)lcu at a fa llilly tnllot!r , 011 gas te r • ' 18 Burvlved by a .wlfe a nd one son . S. D. Henk le, Walte r flcnklc '-!\I(.d maj'lr ity. {I( num ber of tho~e h"rveft hy 1111 nl\ F . r m Rch lnl! ou'EImiI AIIdenon. of CotumbuB, died . . . . . . t he South Fr iday m or ning . T hey, Bulltlny . . Mr. ill',! . r,. ,Jj,lm ~)egale . Edith I. Harrl~ . I~lizll Hun t ing ~ ho vo ted w t in 1915, have ex· Il nl( (11 \lI ed oorn 18 prpferred at bJa hom. In that rlty lut Monday . M, C. Liddy died a t IllS resid ence a re hoth looking as if t he s unny and f am Ily. of r LZzuci tI,,; Mr. and P lft ll Ullil foor Ot , five terllelllD ·l J. M. White. ' tella hire l're8~t'd thei r in leTltio n of vo t ing 'DIIe~ wu broueht bere last on Main street S unday a ft ernoon Icli mate of the south had ren ewed MI'''. Rulph Hv .:i lL.n, llr ~lJrln~ VIII· [{uth Ja nne y and duughl crs, J . E. tir'Y this tillll! . afte r seeing the te. bl ll ~ ~ <! 1001."1\ "part ellDb way hal VI and Interred In Miami about 2 0'c(ock, a lte r a s ho rt iUne . th ei r youth ley; Mr. an,j Ir~ uy Kiblc. of J anlley Isult~ of t he upen saloo n. Let lhe I·Pl'lllt.nd In JarlJe r ., Ieldll thaD ' wben ctm.tery. Mr. Andel'8OD was a rel- Mr. Liddy has been In \II heall'h f or i ' Leban n; Mr. nd i\lr . 'has l' yl ol' on ly thr ee t eroel8 ' '\VerI.' plaDkOd. ).!ood wo r!, go on . ur a EIIi~ . J~ lIa titch II atlvf! of the late Gu. Williams. the past three or f ou r ye a rs. bu t h is ' and lit tle H.Ul h · lind j.'1(lt~n e ' he rl:i oWf1 ver. t·bf1 amiD 11811 been tlilllhtJ, EI~ie Car tw r ight, Hhel\ Rvgc rs _ ...--'_ _ death came as a s hock to th e "nti r e Mrs . And re ws . of Connea ut , Oh io. wood , of olulTI! Ul:l. and 1 81111 Inrnrl o r \\ b Il D pI lilted .110 t.hlokl~, R ut h Ba r tRoclc J . F. ndwallad r Mn Sarah Scott d'ed t b . community. Th e fun e ra l w as held wh o has been s pe nd ing the win ter M ra . Clar ellc ' J·!t lwa rd •. of th io pl /lce . Rnd thref' pIa Dt, t o a btll u t her"D . L. Cran e . 1) 1' W Sweet deace ~_r T t1 ~l/esl' Tuesdlly a fte rnoon at 2 o'cl ock from liin the Sou t h s topped on he r w ay --- - -for n rlio lmDlelld ed fOI 'p lRotlnll onrn W. D <..:hand lel· . Mar illllll' Ch llodll'r mlst lc T hought. _..> ur lOr 8C 00 ouae St. Mary'S c hurch , H.ev. J . F. Cad - home f or a f ew days visit with h e r . 'I'he r Ohl)M at I flwye r~ are Uned wllh under oUma 110 "od lOti ooudiliool AlItIIl C Ell is . ~1 at t ie ~ cnda ll I~ Tbeol...... d aa eVllnln g. Tldhe fun eFr&:i wallade r officiati ng. He-Ieliv es one daughter. Miss J ose phi ne Andrews . The Big P ou r jZR e {\ Pllrty a t t he !ll mllar t o &hoee Wooater. ,'__ ht d t h' To wn Hall in Hut' l,,V:!uurg. Oh io, t ' b er at . res ence rl · d F. W. HathawllY , Mi nnie Ha tha. / b e oil. tl ntlcy or rU enta. cJ., .0mIDlfatlOo'elook, Mrs. Mur. !Ios;:g e r a n wo sons to motlrn IS Ap r il 5. 19 17 The eVE'n i n~ was way Le Gra nde l'Qofliclatlnq. Interment was mad e . _ _ _ .. _ Mrs . B· S. Howell was clIlled t o s pent with ,g ames and mu~i c. At a C. B. M. Lew Cll r tw ig ht J ohn In Miami cemetery. ' Cinci nnati s atu rd ay vn acco un t of lale ho ur th e gue~ts d ep'Irted say ing is . rOli ve, Le w i ~ W. J one i Late Classified Ad Column th e illn ess of her sister. Mrs J . E t hey hall a till t' time. 011 Ilt'co u nt o t Mrs. Cole mlln a nd l\1 rs . C ra ne . C. I ....._ E ' Lin t on . wh o is t a ki ng t rea t ment In ti Le wea t hE-I' not vcry In ny wer e D. Woolley I uwmu • Hoover died at his that cjty . Mrs Li nton t au g ht m usic Ulere . r lll iRe who did bl'llve t h e I'ain B ~' . Howell , Prof. H .- D. Ke ll iso n l ~deDC8 Dear SpriDg'boro Mond ay FOR SAL E In the schools her e for seve ra l ye a l's, w re: Mi ... es ~I t!rl ...tll ,1 I·'ay Ellis. E. V. Ba rn har t H. E l1i uge ~-, v.ry .uddenly, his death re- I - - - - - - - -- - - - - - an d he r many f rient! BrEI hop ing !lhe Martlu, Lllkell3. Jelli1 lt! Lawson, Sel~' t so me for me r school mat ; I .. ~rom a stroke of apoPlexf ' / 1 Cypher '6 Broode r with Hove r . will ' soon b e a ble to r eturn l o her Leila and V~d a Ell ill, Alnlll Lamb , sOmt! pu blic spirited ci tizen; a t eul'h er ; ,. vez:wlll ~e remembered by OIlVBolly &b ou . 100 c b.loks . I n- home In Cla rksvil le . Lfl UI'I.1 ~)cKlr,> !Y . (;Iatitlill !:leur and' wh om yo u wou ld . like to ho rr or or : FOR BUTTER FAT THIS WEEK a 0It~~!!.~~~8 In Wavnesville. as qalre of E . B . Ball y , Wllv.n e s vlll ll, V '<Ill, Ul1l1H:I'. ~1e~ rs Lou!» Fi rE'S pla nt olle fu r you r ' b. _ H - . - , . Count¥--\nOhl . 11".. 5 See W aterh ou se fo r Aulo Liv ry IJ eel"'1 a IIlllg e . R .) II 'I I .llwson, 'IIlI r Iey' and Itlave your 'a'rl w r igh t. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " ntldu ~VIII,,1<e '»mr, ana Levi Wa Lu~tliiens. _. ____ .__ ' vt:r It k. :;h'Jm ::,.litlney n~ The t re('! wi ll no t eostover f l. nnd a mmy H ~ ar. \ Don't your fi g'h t against the midd leman and ' his toll '





eek h


•• 4se~nts••

---_.- ..---

TRUE ECONOMY Pricel Effective April

lit. 1917 . LIGHT FOURS

Tourinlt ...... ........ .. .. .. $695 Roadster .. .... ............ $6 0 Country Clu b .. ...........$795 BIG FOURS Touring ......... .... ..... $1\50 Roadster ..... , ....... $835 Coupe ..... . . .. .. .... .. ... . $1250 Sedan ......... ....... ...... $1450 M..

LIGHT SIXES Touring ......... .. .. .. ... $985 Road.ler .... .. .... .. .. .. $970 Coupe .. " ..... .... ..... .. . $13S5 Sedan ....... .... .... .... .. $1585

WILLYS-SIX Touring ............... : .. '1425

WILLYS·KNIGHTS Four Touring ... ....... $1895 Four COupe ..... .. ... ... $1650 Four Sedan .... .......... $1950 Four Limousine . ..... $1950 Eiaht Touring ........ $1950 Advance in price, Big Four and Lig ht Six Model3. May lit next- deferred until .that date Ilccount t oo late to correct ad ve rtisE'me nta appearInK in magaz ines circulating throughout the mo nth of

April. All prices f . o. b. Toledo Subjecl to change wi thout notice. "Made in U . S. A."

Choose that car ;"'bich- will best serve your needs within your m eans. • This constitutes true economy in the purchase of an automobile. . T here is integrity of value in every one of the cars in the Willys-Overland line,-the most comprehensive line of cars ever built by a nyone producer. But t he car in the \'Vill ys-Overland line best suit• ed t o your needs and- your means is tije car for you to buy with an eye to tn.te .economy. E ach has sbared in the economies of our greater product ion- each is, we believe, the dominant value a mong cars of its kind. Corne in and see bow much car $850 will buy in t he Overland Big F our or $985 in the Overland Light Six .

A ll cars held in stock in L~banon will be sold at

the old price.


Telephone 19


l iss V e~ta 1~!I i II tt! rtllineJ t be "Friends" ..:1, cS OI( the Friend lib · b th School ill Up.npy, hlll')C, Ohio ' The yotln~ p.:otJ le Wt:11t utl l in ~ big J wagon. 111 .. lllt!etltllf OPl'lIter! ~"" I t h a Bon g ; Readi ng. The Old Birch Gad by Vurla " unllle r; 1 sL rum e nta l: Vesta 1~ lh~; .J ol<t'~ Ma I'tha Lu kens ; I n st ru m enli~1. Li (ht K" nnedy, 'ral k o n How t o K!)e p Young Puople in SL'ndllY 'chool . ' idlley Wa tkin!' . T he s pecia l mee tin g o f council was Gllrnes w I' \J lay d ulld dulieiou s held Mo nd ay e Vtl ning, bu t II great r d :resirmen t9 were ~erv e'! co n ~ i ~ tin g d isa p pointment W ll ~ fe lt whe n the of Ice cre am and ' ·Ilke. r huse pre Dayto n Powe r & Li g ht Co , failed to scm \ ere lIli ~~es hl lt l'llm Luk ens send 'tlWi r r ur enlatives to report. Alma and fo~ ' 110.'1 Lumb . Llda r ennt:dY They claim t hey have not "omvleted a nd Veda .'umnel', l\lt!~,; r!l ' Bd wi n thei r reDor . ' Ra nd all, Wim un! :l.Ild Le\' i Lul<ena. H U Bru ni ng was presen t , a:l a d arold Gill am Ilml ::;iLln >. Wallrins. r ep r e ntAlive I f the OhIO Pav ing Ma nufacturer 's A s~(\c iati o n . a nd ex· pla in ·d In rJutaii t he adva ntages of I>avi ng Mai n ~ tl'ee t , giving a g reat dea l lof infor ma ti on as t o th e p·r o · ~edure o f Lhe cost9. hDllua. the di f· fe rent me t hods or floating th em. the cos t per fo t [ Ii: pav ing aud M l clll~el :: Liddy. S. U1 o f J ohn lind oth r items H is t al k WlIS lls te ned Mary Erwi n Li d/])' WHll \O "n in \ ,un· ttt atte nti vely . and it rn ay be.possiblfl t y Clar, rr"l an d. 1,,:1 1. l l i~rl in that the cou ncil will ta ke thc m a tte r w,avnesville , bio,. pril d, 11117 aged up durin)!' the n xt month or two a nd b years. Sf' wha t ca n be dO ll e with th e prop· H is pare nts IHIV in<r Ili,,'], Itt th e o:;i t iOI . ag e of ten ~' .:a rs he r nIt! Lo America Til .! pav ing Dropt)siti on h as been milking t ho, t rip alone. I I.... I.lII d >, j the rireani of II grea t muny of the In Ne w Yo r k gtft l e , rc"iJeJ for nwhilc re ~ ide!lts of Waynesvil le fo r sever a l wit h a n au n.t . years . M r. Bru ning' t h ink s th e liP' He af telrwurd cilm e w st and proxi ma t ' ccst uf Ilaving Main s t reet located a t Read in g . Ohi'o. whe re h e fron, the I'ower House to t he North s pon t hi!'. y.,ung m<lllhllod unlil t he end wou ld be ab out $30,000 . Ac· beg in ni ng oj' the Civil . Wal·. . cord ing t o the proposition it wo u ld He n listed IlRa sold ier, Nove m be r '!l ot m ean a ve r y large cost to ·t he in · 7 . .186 1 Co A . 75th ·0 · V. I HI' rliv id UlI1 proper ly owne rs, ' II n ci tile 8 rved ' th roq,~hou t the WOI' d uri ng vlllue w.ou ld be - beyo ncl meas ure t o wh ich ti me he WIIS t lll I'n IJri ~o n e r t lie to \Vn . It would mean , s toPPing Rnd for some rnoll~hs WUA c(l nfi lled of the annua l ex pellse. f or a good ir. a r 'bel prit\ll n. 1n 1 67 l1e wa. brick or wood paw-ment wo uld mean mar ried t o Mary A. 81m\! und to -this II life of f rom twcnty to thir tv yea l·s. u nion were bor ll t ',VI) 80ns. Joh n whcn the roa d wo u ld be ahso lu te ly Li ndy, no ~" re!iidon'tof I ayto n. Ohi o f r C from a ll Y expe n e whatsoeve r . and Ellsworth Liddy, ue LOI'lhllJurg: .- M.. I{ohi·t zC'r Lenc1er d b i~ r e Ne w),lex ico , J{e apent ,t he laRt 4 ;;lg nat ion to t a ke ctr(,c\' imm ed iately, y ell r ~ of h is life in \I II nCll vil P, Ohi o. wh ich \V a IlCCEUlted . A mo tion WIIS made t o have t he He \'Il~ cI voted tq "i~ fll mily , .Ioy· III ( 0 h is fri ellds. and int,'n!'ely patri. m a yo r clIlI t he men of Wayn eaville o t ic in his Ipve fC) r his ad'l pt eci r oun· tOR' t he r in o rder to promo te a n or· try , f or tb. perpe tu ation of whic h gll nizlltion fo r t he iJeneO t of tile he fou ght SIO long and wel l ~wn . . . The cou nci l took up 11 collectio n eARO OF' TUA. ' K and will or de r a flag to be p ut on . We desir e 0 Lhnnk the h i nd wb o tn e ou t~ id e of t he cou ncil chamber we r e [00 l<i1'!id to -U 8 Guri ng t he sick· in t he ' Mason ic buildin g . This ness 81hl d(,a ~ h o f (lur fa ther. a nd be do ne as 900n as th e flag can be mllY H avell1'~ bleflding rps t IIPOn y o u pUI·chased.· .....- - Th e Family .



Yo u never co uld ge t a good pr ice. for your country butter be-. cause there ure t oo many m idd lemen t ak inK a pro :i t. and now since mos t of th e p rod uce rs have gone t o selling cream they appear in the g u i e of cream buyers or station men who make a commission on the c rcarn t h ey buy w hich comes out of the producers pncktt.

Self your Cream dired to the Tri-State Butter Company, Cincinnati, Ohio., The Time Tested Market of over 20,000 Producers. Y o ur money is S U R E -your shipment SAFE. No shipper ever los t a dollar· dealing with the 'rri-State. and every can is guaranteed ILt,'6ins t loss or damage in .transit. . Ask a n y Tri·State 'patron what be thinks of us. or let us send

Yl.o u }t ree Trial cans if you have no cans of your own.

THE TRI·STATE BUTTER CO., Capital Stock $75,000




---- ,..~



- --...


. Had Courage of HI, Convictions. Fttt ll cls Un COil. who WIIS born la LOnd()1I .Tnnnury 22, 1560. hnd on II er· sInn for Ll lt,·llng. It practice prevol ent In E nglnnt1 In his <ln y, otJ~crVll8 R "'rl.t· er'-tn t he W II"h llll:loo Post. He lived trlJm-llltlO to l O!!6. 'Fhe I:'rent e"~ n yI R t mnlle nn nrltlreM~ n ~nlll ~t dueling. in stnr t homhpr "cs~lon In ')Jrol'l.'r illng'J a gnlnHt two lItl'n-one tor writing tlnd sendI ng n chnliE'Dge. the other t or dellVf.'rlng It. Bacon Will tb_ klDta at-

tomv ......

Responsible • Safe.




ITornado Insnrance ,if i:

Low' .r ates and liberal contracts-

Absolute· Protection Can you afford to bc without a policy?


.......................... Phon,; No.




THE Sc, . ·JOc AND 25c New Flowers, for your Hat. .. . ........ lOe Dresser Scarfs, extra long. . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c Crochet Books, wha,t the beginner needs lOe . New Supply of Mop Sticks. . . . . . . . . . . .15c Flour Sifters .... ', .... . .. . ..... .. ... ...... I5c Table Oil Cloth, per yard ........•.... 20c Hat ~James, only a 'few left, ... , ....... ; lOe CurtaIn poles" ..... ·.... . .. .._.... . .... IOc Curtain Goods, per yard. . . . • • • . . • . . .. IOc




"., ........ r "

APRIL 18, 1917


I suciEl{ -EVENTS-1


SCHOOL HAll !,~ -- ---- - - • - -

Buy your 9x12 Mr Clifford Ma-,; well and Mrs. Minnie Thomas were hostesses at tile Loyal Womell 's Class M(.oeting of ~e ~~e rry Bible School at the home of Ethan Crane SJI n t Satu rday with Mrs. Max wen, on F riday relatives in i;llbanon, April '18th, In the absence of president the mee ti ng was called t o order . by the vice presiden t. Mrs MiBl Ruth Hartoock 8Dent Lhe Mllxwell. The meetillg was o p ~ned wtek·end with friendS in Day ton. by' a song. ," What A Prien.l We \l ave in J esus;" as a Scripture r e dW. H, Madden and Chas. Joy w~re ing the class repeated the 23rd Paalm in Olncinnati Monday on in concert; song. "Blest De t.he '1'ie;" the Lord ,lI Pray er wal! repeateu in ... . 2R H ,unison. The ladies r esJlondeu to DUY your 9x1 ugs at· yman s • .roll call with Scripture quotations. Atter the businellll session - the M~. ~o~neeHuddte,.()f Madison· followIng program was rendered: ville, 'spent the week·end here with R('ading, '''fhe Raisin g of Rosalitl ," frlendl/ Mrs . Palmer; r evitation . Eva Thomas; paper. "Speed up the Church." Mrs. Mrl, Sherman Dyke an'cidaughter. Lulu So ideI'. This W8.!l a most ex· Rliea, of Dayton. spent the week·end cellc)lt paper, . witb relatives,here. Adjournment was next in order ... and during the socilll hour conte8tl! ' and' a good Boclal time was enjoyed W d J e889' P ren d ergaat were, by all present. The hostesses served i~ C!ne!nr~atl FrIday and saw the fefreshments, consisting of pop corn CniClnnatl·St. LouIs game. 'balls and apoles. The offerina for •. lh " day was.• 7, . .. ~ . But'yonr 9x12 Ruga at Hyman's. The guests Ij)resent were: MI8gea ; Josie SuHth. Rena Smith, Milry Mrs. James 'Stoops, who visited Kelchner, EVa Hartsock. Mrs. Lester here tor a short tilne. retarned to Kenrick, Mrs. Frank Rogers, ~ TS . V W I k Raymond Wade" and son. Mrs. Earl h er horne m an ert ast wee. DuVall and ROil. M'r.s Maurice Hun~r " and son. Mrs.' Iv ap ~ackey and Frank Elbon and B. S. Howell"are -daughter, Mrs, Minnie Hartsock. attellding to their duties on the Mrs , Jake Meredith. Mrs. SWllin GrlJld Jury at !lebanon this week Penewi t and son. Messrs., Horace Lackey. Earl DuVall. Clifford Max· See Wate~bQ,UBet(jr Auto , Livery well. • _ • '"

Mr!!. Samuel Butt.rwortb llpent 'a coupl, of days ,at week at tile home ot idilt;on Key•• at ~Dtervillo. on ~ccount of slcknetill.


The heil's of the late Emma ·" Itr. and Mr.. T:~ R, Smith and two McLaughlin, of Springfield. whO daulbterst BrookvWe, spent Sat· urday ana Sunday at the home of tried to break th e wIll. were defent· ed in their purpose. Lhe court having W. C. Barnett and .family, sustained the will . In her will the Friend s Rome WIIS sub tantilllly remembered. everal of our citizens were in p ringfl eld last week as wUnesses of t he t rial. Gebauer. ' - - - --


B~~~~e~~n::f: LEVEL SCHOOL G





W. Alhm )Nas a in CiJlcinnllti Friday.

pro Dill.

Osteopal l 2 1 S. ll road way. Lebanon. Ohio. -Vr. A , l' Wrig h t , as a business in Lebanon Tmlsda) ,

v i ~ itor


Mias b':vllila rton, c#. Dean. Ohi(), spent Monuay wi1l¥ friends in Wllyne~vill: ,


J esse Burton sperA ThJrsday in Cinci nnati, and suw he Cincin nat iSt. Lo uis game. ) I

Mr. and Mrs. Sa..mlll!l Butterworth an<,i Mrll. E mma Rl!lt.allick. atte nded the funeral of Mrs , '~'Ii zabeth Mon· fort , .at Lebanon, Mo' ."y. . See Waterhouse fQQ Au to Livery

Last Thunday Clarence Menden. hall and (;arl McClure went to Cin ci nnatl and 'were examined for the navy imd were passed. These boys left Monday mornIng for Cincinnati and from 'there they will go to Nor· folk. Va" where they will immed i· a Lely start in traini ng . Kenneth Hough, who WIIS report. ed to have h ined the army. an ac· count of which was published in the Gazette, said last week that it is all a mistake. He can h\lrdly be sparer! from the farm. as farmers will have a hard time this summe.r getting men to work on the farm, J was in Cincinnati took the examination . He was pa9!!ed with n<n·,.. t'~ n"~"'.nt, and will go as a leaves Mond'ay for Cin, does not know where he ass'igned . mll.etinlr at Lebanon 'Fhursday Ioev'@n:lna was well attended. and deal of patrlotiam was man.

. .....------



--- - - . -.

Mr. and Mrs Perry Kenrjck and daughter. Miss Bertha. s pent last Tuesday the guesw of Rev'. and MrS'. Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. W. N, Sellrs and family were dinner guests at the home of Mr. Allie Holo and family. of ~ear Lytle, Sunday, Min Helen Marlatt and the MasElre L. N. Printz and Chas . Bu ell were entertained at dinner at the home of Mr. amI Mrs. Burton Earnhart Sun· day.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snider tor their guests Sunday, Rev. Mrs . ' Palmer and family, Mr. Mrs. F. A. Wright and family, and Mrs. Sherman Rogers, Mr. Mrs. Earl DuVall and little son.

had Ilnd and Mr. and

·Mr. and Mrs. Perry E. Wado were tendered a verv pleasant >lurprise S~nday; when ~bout thirty· five reI· ateves and frlende i'a~herpd with wall ftlled 'baskets at their ~ome west of Ly~le. Those who enJoyed the OCCll810n were, Mr. and MrII. Frank Burnett, Mr~ and Mrs. Charles Wade. Mr. aod Mra. Oscar Wade, Mr. and

and • . to and gardens that every avail is placed under mer In m~ny 18J~~J;~~;=~~ are offer(!d free tOll <:J;I;t..,-;:;~ to cultivat e them .

TREES fOR .THE Marv Susan Hawkln ) Mr. like The mIl1n~:~~!~tJi:~;~e~j~ Mrs.Mrs, Raymond and Chas, Wad~ DaVIS.and Mr,bahy. and,Mrs this is to daughter of John and\Mary Hawkins SCHOOL ,GROUNDS John Sheets, Mr . nnd Mrs. '-' rank fellowshi p and was born in Burbi • County. Ky, '1\

Evan9 ~!1ee


17, 18?8 8' d~parted this lite March 16. 1917, a~ Harveysburg, Ohio, aged 411 years. 5' months anrl 29 days, She was marL'ied to Benjamin Evans Ju ly 29. 1 815) at LeesburR', Ky" in the A. M. R. church. To this union were bom ih re,e children Mary Elizabeth. who .<!ied in infancy and Alice Roberta anti Charles Wi\: liam. She with hor,' husband and childJlerl Inoved to Ohio in 1895 aod for several years livEKi l1<3ar the Jonas Run church but of te years 'bad lived in HarveysburlfMrs. Evans when 8 11 a child saw the need of leaninlr and l trusting apon tbe strong. arm of JesUIi and was converted a.nd . united herself reh, of LeeB· with the ,A, M, E , burg, but t o Ohio she connecter! her belief at been a fa ith fu and was at

The donation for the trees for the new &lthool grounds are coming in ra pidl~ The pInt hsa not all been taken. 8"~ donors can send in at aoy time. Following are the names of doners, ani\who planted for, since last 'Vedne~y; W. E. &; MI tha O'Neall, D. A. ~'erree. ~ , ;3 , D., Kukla, P. B. Lukens. ' Helen rcarlatt, C. A. Braner. Mary L. C, Adsnl"l, Tw~ trees. Irma O'~eall, MI~' C. Dodson. Keziah Merritt, ...Ra~ef; Keys and Hannah · Ro~ers, J. O. ~rtwriabti . Class ot 1917 . , ~nna Cadwallader. S. L. Cartwrl~ht, ' I\m,:,Ua White. Emma Dakin and Frank F ~ r, Farr. Mr. and• Mrs. A~ · L.

Mrs.Smith Ernest Mr Marsh. Marsh, Mr. andMr Mraand . Brice ..and Mrs. Ernest B~tterworth. Mi sses Flora. Clara, Besaleand Vaden Wad e. Glenna a~d Ruth March, Ina and Reva DaVIS. Messrs. Hobar t March, Burnett Butterworth, Ured Wade and J818e Mowrle. •• ' .


nesvlll e toThe~;;~~:~i~~~i~~1i confi ned W t he whole Tow tense importance that will benefit and when bershil) it cent"age of present and membel's. ~ and a bigger -----.~~..J!rjIij~~~

Mr. William Hazel Mullen Saturday evenin.g, were quietly ,m'.rr,.m Rev. Moon, bOth -popular Lytle. and th~lr ' conlM'tltulating them.






~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~vv~·~~~tf~r:~T~h;e~bOyaofthahighS~C~h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m~e~n~a5n~dtw:i~o~ ~:~J,i~'!. ~ ~I ~,~~J!~~~~~::~~~~~~~nn'1~~::~~~~i:~~~~~:jii~~!!i!~~ilr.l1I

all day Thu in. the - " '" t' leveling andrsday "au ling dirt. to flee frem paths. of .evil and has made,the sehool yard one uoite tnemselve8 in the good cause MJl'Jter ~erett Sears is 8pendina hundred percent better than it.did. that leaJs to eternal happiness; and. a couple of W~8 with iiii! ~rand. e ven on her dying bed. ~as still parents In Darke CQunty. ' ~~~=':~~=;:=e==:::;===:;=~=~===.=~=:::;:====:=~=======~====_lwarning men and w(jmento f\ee from " the wrath to come. " She said. 'Ol\e ,: ":;"';';'~';;"';;':~_ _ _~~~~_ _ _ _~;""_":"~~~:-~~~~~-----;;'-----, especial reguest I want to leave with i you is. to live the life' and do the right and then we'll meet again, for • ,. 10; I'll be waiting for you at the gate. all 'my friends that I'll be,waiting for them; and to those who are out of Ohrist, dtm!t rlln from the blesSed Savior bult turn and this "'Dhe Lc.rd is my light and Choose that car which'\vill best s~fv.e your needs IIIAIVII1IIUII. wl1000 shall 1 fear; th'e . within your means. the strength of my' life. ot , ' shall I be afraid. For In This constitutes true economy in the purchase of tro'uble he ·.hall hide m.e in the aecret of hlB an automobile. • ' t, ... LIIu'"u"";'l'shall he hide me, he,sball me upon a rock." . 'Xh~re is,integrity-of value in every one of the cars Sbe Will conscioli.s to the laet in the--Willys.Overland line,-the most compre· knew everyone thllt [oom-, called them . hensive. line of carS ever hullt by anyone pro· s poke a word, of ':UIIl"U'''.'uu d"cer. ~ . Slie 'repeatedly,cllllt:4 tor 'I." .. • .finally at .noon whim he , '"' any · other car ;l ." ,price-class. . But the' in ~e·'WiUys.'Ove.r1and line best 's uit... given 'Up pope ... of silid don't k e~p me any , 'ed ,to .yQurn~ds..anQ. your ~eElDS ' i!l the car for greater , si;r~gtht : greater 'solidity l1!:t·.i:er'~,duIWii~ me go, nnd. for a .little while was • you. to !juy with 'an eye t~, tru't . e~nomy, still but she reVived at once when . ' t 1" • and, is far·Safer... Cha~he cain e and talked to himaa -Ea~1i in the eConomies .pf greater only a mother can. and then aank r,:I peacefully Into res,t . . ~ . _ ' pr()du~tiOn-e~ch js ,we' ~eJ.ieve, T~he dQminabt .It's a w'6 nderful thing-a , mother, . ,.- ~a1u~ among cars'o~ ltS4kl~d': -' _ . other folks Clln love you but only a mother understands; she works 'f or ~I COme itt and. ~ee 'I\dw ucil~ar.'$850 will buy' in you looks after you. loves you, ,for· .. !~~ Qve!Jand.Big Po':!r'.or ~~g5 . ~rt ~he . OverJand Itlv~ you any thin" you may do understands you, aud then the Llght SlX. '! " • . :', • J.o. ... • • thing bad she evelr does to you die and leave you . "God grant Ali: cars In in ~banoi1 be $ eternal rest," Ihe old price. .:. ' ,- , '... ' 'Mrs Evans was a 8plf'ndid tim~ ~f sickness and during hel' ness. God saw to 'it that she did not suiter for anything. ' . G1 'Slle' selected thl~ sooge to be sung ~ 'at her fun'erlll; th~ pastor who~ !lh~ ';. wanted to officiate; the one t~ direct , the singing; selected her burial out· , fil' named her pallbearers and 2nd Timothy 4th chapter. from 4th to [;J ~~;:,ers~ from ~hiCh to take the ~.






haS 'shareri

iMd' sfOcls;




MrS, Evans le'aves to mourn , . • 'Ioss'a devoted'and loviIlg; one daughter' lmd one son. da~ghter. in.l~w. and tbree coildren, four Sisters, two. uro,tDe'lSl and an aged father who III now fl)eble health, a~ld a, h.ost. of other ~ relatlvei lind ftillnds . \. . A. Ellzaoeth Adams





~~I:~i:d: in our




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Chi-Name} Demonstration at


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Friday and Saturday, April 13 and 14.



t,;c:. il ,', I ' hi- .., I

. qn the above da te: U facto r y dC'I\ IO;I ~ tr. l tur wil l exhibit 8,m l a ppl y th ese exqtl i;; ilelv. colnrcJ ~ I'II knliIlg Chinese Oil Finis hes in our s t on~ . ' , Come in and see th e II1ngnifil'l:lIt (' :Tccb produ ccd :It pin-Illoney cos t .




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:l :->t' r1 Ill..

\! r :1"! Ithe Sta~ 8 J.egi ,l nt ' lrf' ill 1912. T i. ' funeral wn~ hel .! fl' illI\ i,',; lu t · r(>" I


M. : Lidd )' d ied III I." r'·.<I.)"1 (.n Mnln ~ t)' t'l SlInday nf L, "tJu,,1. a bou t 2 ll'cliJck , a ftl'r a 5hort iJJrIl'r' Mr, Lidl ly has he 11 in III he II h [ . l' Ilhe p(l ~ t three or 'ou r ) 'ars. hll t hl'i d eath ('runt! n$ n .-huck ·t" til · " l1 l lr ' Mrs. Sarah S tt e1'ed t h .. ' ~? null ll l1lty. T he f'llIll r'H I II' U" 1t" I, 1 eo I 6 er resl IlIe..II", \· Il f terw"'11 nt ~ "'d,,,' k [r""1 e! enee near T urtleereek school h Oll~e ~t ,I 'Ir"11 t! ,,\ I r I···J lut Tuesday evening . Th e f UIl,'-al II J 'i ' . .I was held at her l al9 Ie! F ' \I A Ii' 4'r ... (' !:Jilll \!. 11 " 1<'.1\','4 "I davmo I ' tlO ' Ireks J\e nct:!'1 ri ' d l!llg"t~flll\d: \\"~" I'''I' n l"U I'I II.·, , • r.n r:'1r a 0 c OC. 1 rs . " ur · 'Ic, ,~ ray OnICIBIIllIf . Interment \l'1I~ mud in Miami cell1f'tery . Latt: (: J a~siiicd 1\(/ Co/ um n I






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Thorn •• E . HooI'er died al hi~ r eeidence nt:ar S prin~lJ o r u Mu nday FlI l{ ~ . \I.I ', ill Ihf> "(' h'I"I" h r,· i 1 r •.... " ra l v "al'~ week, very sudden ly . hi~ dlMh reand 11(l r' nU:l. ny fr iPlld ~ :'1'11 ! ) ;lli ;t~ .... , ..' sultlnll from 8 s tr oke v f a)),II ,I"x. l ' ypllLlr '" I lr,,,,, I"r w it" II n,, "r . \\ ill . "nn hI' Hlth' f tl r, ~l lrJl \q I Pf Mr. Hoove~ will be r om e Ill" '''11 ''" '11 \' ., " 'Ill I ii\' ,· llI ck . Joo . 11'111H! illl 'lark~\' dl' a host ot frI ends. In WI\V nf';l\' Ii I". 1\3 '(Ioin' ,I f E ' U l' I" \\"" ' 0,.,." '11 1 h. represin ted Wurren Co u nt y \ II ()l ll1l , cI , I.

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Enni. And,c8on, of Columbus ..died at hi. home In that t'ity las t Monday The body was br ough t here last WedneAday and Interred In Miami cemetery. Mr. And e rson WM a r elsUva of the late Gus Williams.



durlng ·.our l>1I :-\ .\~I EL l)~. "I ' '' ''II(.\T I '' ,\ .. \ 1" iI 1'1,'.01'1' If larger can IS dCIII!'<"!. . (\,uI'"n \\ld :11'1'.' ;' . w .• : chase 11 r1 "l'.



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rpERSONAL~ItNTli{f, BOYS START GOOD .ENTERTAINM [NT ;rPEASONAl-M [~Tlif IlOYALWOiIIEN'S fOR THE GlASS_MEfTING.:-:~ ~,:~::" ~ ~~ AT SCHOO l HAll l·~":,:"~ ,~~::- "~ ::,~: ~

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f rom th aOl ul1 . . , ,11'1 ,1 . la .. ' I Last Thursda y Clarencr Men,J n ' I!I.a ll!('ht r . Mid ' I.l" rt ll'l .. all d . ..\ I:' }'II' IlwhaWHY culJ edam eut'. "il , . , und ,11 ;',1', \1;" I 'I .'.·ii:1 n r' \! n('i ' : . welll rc llI cl' . . . I II I a nd Carl \l uf Waync:;ville Tue!:! . .• I :\ 11 "1 11', .1,' The ,ent ' rt lli ll llll'llt l!iven in :;Ch"o l l ).!' u f l h,' Ilc,rl . 'rl ll rr tall' . " elll ... '" 11 I ,"\\ lir \ IIII I,,,· IIr " III .,<,, 'I nnllli and wer e " KlI llli ned f'''r t he : 1'lIlmer . l ', c\l' dl If al the Townsh.i n Hous(!, Hall Friday e n 'lling' I,y Ihf' "II1 !'UIi I I"id ay . 'III \ i, , 11 ,h [ ,, " IW r ell.< Ill " \\ 1 :1 1.'1), . hll)' TllI "e and we re 1. .1\' WIIS a ' ,·el a tiv.. ill lJayt .,II , t owh seventh and Ii.e Ir U1ll ' of . ',:,.,,, I. a,,, 1 .\1 'II t 1l "r ly Inen frOl1! 1:I' r r . W. N a n,l rl ."I ulld ay !n or ni n>: fo r ('il nil,"a l! 1 ' very credi ub iI' one. Th e '1 ,.:11 1 "' 11" . 1'111 II' I ,n, U 11.,. ' und c" llI llrr , Tl.1 pond .... rl to t he cull. nll r f:" a n,,,,.\' l nr,N l tii ,ti re ,II. we "" lil ily \ fam \11'-. r_ 'l Ir ,' :--; " l" · .!, 11I!{<l I." 1\ ', ,01 1,· ' ' r n,· the ·ra om ll fr il l r·:tli " ' and " l:r".11 waB made tentw/II'e llreet U hy a ol fal ll .I . . 1 1;, 11 1. I, I, ,· ,,t . ,.! •.. , :) f ' It " 1\ ; ", I ' k. \ '11 , . when· t h.. , \li ll 111 11 11 .. 01 1. h' JllwofM r. :\ :li" 11,)II'un th ..i d''' ' I''' "ll1 an and . .u p l. '''' /i 1< ,' \1,... : t , '.\',.1 • •,· , ·; ,1. 0: : '! "" "· ,;,.,., ',,, l" t l 'II !''' ulldal, ; " , · . i"' . rLyll,., :.J .... :I f " . llll!. lll I ,,· ,. Iy !!rll rt lll lr :.l 1" 1'. ", r" r~ - I.,' re lary. mU lclc8ch er, . . ""oil' I' I,:. I!." I I,', ,,·,· -, 1,·,, 1. \1,'" l, enl1t:th li o ugh . \\ hu w ~, re purt . of ;\1en \" .t .' ; a I' I-i ",: he t f o b:,11 I\'rl r';IIn. I : \ .\n.l<. i r w,,, k . Ii \! ri'I, I ,·,1 "" "I a" .: " 11' .. ",,· serve milch IJrai!le (,I'lhei '1'1..' -P":ri , I"" \I ,~.\',·II. Iv hit "" ) , ille,l I I"" urnI)' . I1 n lie. ' Twelve mi~8"8 s lart Cl1 Lhe ell u' r · ~I is~ '1: lIlh Il nn """I; I"la.I·I', " l' ,. 11 1'1' ·, 01.1 ;, . maul! I" a ~· "W . " \': :.1 \ I', ",,01 I.' II . 1.,.1 "11 1" '1. . h". 1 , lI'a , I I' WIII tai nment b),. a very lill(' caiMlth cniC' wt ck" 'lld wi l il f l " 'IId - II I U[ t ," " top r ucet,.l. ing'iluw nill ' .c:\,, k 1., , " r, "\" ,,, 1:",.1: ·l·' .I ,' ·" tzand .. ill a· I'r ,:. !\. .,, " .. I .1 · ' 1 "" 1" t II ISIIIi , whi ch I1 w '" 1.. ,",,, . ,,, . (,' 1" 'Ml. 1'1'1', I Ze lt e. sldd la:'t Wl' l lJ a exe rcise with Intlinn I t, ,,· roll' .,. I" , I h,. h 'W' " f (: ,' ,,)., ,' I" "Ie . u( :,uch a n organ iza . W. I! . Madd('ll al,d l ·llIh . .J 'y ,'r,· :r ,"i, tak ... II ('al , h', rol ly i.t1" I,ar" d unter tui n"d at d innl.! r u1',lIrrdlitr 11l .; ,01 1 ' ,, 1,. I', \II who was .' !" " .>1 '. I , '1'. ,,, t l :-" ;' :: 'I. 1' ",1 ' I., " II , '·" lll·t'rI . "" I,g'. in Cill cillllll l i l\1 olldllY UII I, .,m Ih"ffl l'lIl, Ih f a r lll" r, \\i ll ha\'" day. "I' lhl.! ~'1 r:1l IIr Mo rruw, :o r"-ll, flower drill .. ,," I"'" ,;" ,·, " ,·/, I:.· 1·r. .s. d l l." gelling I"': ,er I III ""Il th'i, lll<' li I,urtl " :I . _ II " .. ; .. . 11, '<1 I,o w t he t,rganl zatl un "·1.,." l' ' The real e nLe rtainme nt Lellan Buy yo'u r !h l:! IU !(B a t · IIY I1l3 1 "~. UI".';lI n. I I,," .liI" ",'- r ..IJ 1,, ' 1' ''11 lu \1'I,I' k " n I I". filrl ll . . howeve r. with a very I" tty li llie "1 :',1 1,,1,, 1,1 1 ," '1'1" .: 1', .\ I.lT rull'. liT!' r II' :.]" CI ; :'11 :-' oli l.l WI rai F il Cil , r~ ~l 11,1 and 1I1r. i nnnt n"i Ci ill S II II' i~ i . I ,':,~e L('w was had ope retta. called " The Me rry Cu m ' l 'lil,'" ilttl.: ,· 1:," , "! '1 " '11 : II i.Jr~oI ~y '" .·und ay. 1:,.\'. h'''! Afle r th e' IHI"" 'I~" -," .- 1,,11 h, Ih', eXII Illi na liort 1fnrt heir ' I" 'III' ,' , . •• 11 < ' , 1'.' I,,, · l. II,· ,,, ,,, ." I· ·. I" ndll), and t ,,,,I, wus PIny ," The mus ic of th e operett a a l,d "I I,,:' l i,,'S(\ 1<lIlLi , '1 Utlot lO llii asktd r. ~I . l\, \I a" llli ". fa n,, and I,ro!! I'almer lIllwl1Ig. f., Mrs I1' th i"" wi ud ed R fM tl . pn le dtl llu e li llce \·Y. Flore Mrs . h ,· t hc 0111 Iistake nfroml lomel>f the Lcflto perOB rnadu a nd c.arried 11 ··.·, .- ' I ., J' ~ 'lI n· . )1<' 1'\ ' 1\lt h I:('ad ill g. "T lli' l i :II'il '~ ,.! 1:,,,<1 rti. 1". A. \V rig-ht nne! .fam l l y , :11 r . ' all d II 1" " \ I" n a " '!ffel' l jI"rcenl , Ullt! will ).( 0 a, a and W88 verylun efulllnt l pretty . Th ~ vil ltl . s penl t he wed i·<: nd rl sock to select 1\ Ila "l ,, 'i' 'I 1 ,Ii: 1',\'" 11.':' "1"1 -. . .. I II ' 11" and 1','1' r. '" ll} , '''.I I rd. 1 \ . n Sherma H e 11'lI ves M 'JIldu)' f ()t Cin . IIn<l plans for a l' II , rlllulut~ [ utll'rw'l l: Ilild ,.Oj u work of the leadillJZ characl ers w as f ri"n'us . "'H,,,"i nd fl . . lin .\Ir ' 'a lilt nd a . ull ' 11\·II 1 1i I ar/lJu\ 11.l' /-: . r . ho Mrs JlII I' ' 1" • . Mr. Hurt.. . n unlzatio ((l' t '. ' Ii.:!( II t, IId " d ,·i" ll1lti. l,ut d tlC8 nOl k no w whe r~ I) t IU ' IIl II '·. . 'rllr:II11" N :\I 11" ,d ;Ii ",(. 1 , . U III general ly good, amllh ch oru s WIL8 was" .; i h I . r ie ll ;o,n lu lI Mrs . Shel'ma n Ilyl(/' an d da u ghl el'. I. J·',Pln ~I'!II_ " il l he aH~il(ned . te r . . la r~ ng ~1 f li neeti l ' ra ll' .11111 " tlll ,· 1 w.1 1' ll "",: particu larly pleDsing . The pu plbnr~ . . ·r ,, p"I Jlel~t e " lI' t:c·k ·" n Tht' mee ting- at Leban on Thu rsday fast learning the rudime nts of sing. Rh ell, of Dayton, HJtelll the A l', II' !11 I (: ,' wns a pr,oinl ed. con . ,\ ,tJ' Ju rn rn l'nt \l'a ~ 1H·~ t rn IInl el l<1 r:, a l L ·1':.I II<ln , ~l'JI1d,)y. Mr. and Mrs. l'erry I: \\' 11 Ie I\','r" "flIng "as well a tt nn od. tlnd "1 ing, and in tw o or three years mure . with relalivc ~ here. ~ t i t.,. l: .,blill).! <If ~1 '! " ' r." Cu ru..!l . Hobltzll r l·v <,' l'ri lI " ,,, 1 Ie 'J ur ''''c il". lea'lal' t p \' rlnl!. u v'r d a lit! a red e tend llIan WIlS sm patrioti )t reUl deal of can put on an opera Lhat wil l be very l'I'J')~ cd .'5,!!! \\ :\" 'rh,'i I',' fd r '\ 'I tll I. il 'ry IIl["sted _ I" \'I - it t he uack yanl ~ ' tl ,'11,,1 .\ ll e'll, I 1'.;1 tl IiI'" ~ t t hirty d f "' bou , ~'Ill'n l' Sunday Wm . and .Jes~p. l' rl'nd l.' rga:' l w!'rc a lit! >lg"ood sIIt'la l .l rrl1l' wa" . . creditab le. " lI r .\" 1l9 nr. ,u nd to wn, and s ell 1 11, 11 , WI ter,.., rtll 'ed : " .. Sen en n (,~t,,~,e Ir an ire ~ l I Ive t. . a tl I pre"ell l II " II d b I< - - _ __ .. _ _ _ ill Cincinn ali Fritluy anti tlaw tI,e by nil r" fr88lwl 'lIi ~ , l'O ll :' ISl illl{ Itf . ,Jil l! I: ...r n h :r I" lU ll '" Wl'dl liral ", pn a\'IIilaJ,le niece of ground we 11 e as e S II Ci ncin nati.~t. Luuls' "arne . this 8u m lor " Iaeed 'u lltlel' cul aivatloo who enj uyed tl'" "Il ler ha ll:; al1d Il pll le:; The of Lylle. ., 111 II n II)' t'l wns plo tRo Eg roun dH I'- rani, we re . Mr UIl J ·t lt .. day was , 7. t" nny one wan ting The ll' U(·,,14 pre"l'n t \\,('re : Burnett , Mr. a lld :'Ilrd L'h " r le~ Wad.! . frr .. ,, 1 ,' r.d r n '" . Buy )'ou r !IJC] l{u g's at Ily ma n' ' Mr. a d 111 1'S. Oticar \Y I,dl!. ~Ir . .11 ,01 10 c'Ji l il':u ". tlll'lIl SllIi t lo , H" nll ~ lI il h, ,\I i, r) ,,~i(· J , 1I!;,IIl 1,1'.h' l.o f a norga,:, izatiop Mrs. J an lCs ::' to" "s , who v i ~ ited 1\ I'lc h 11 1.' 1'. Ev,I II :,n ";u('I;. \ Irs LV"' pr 1\1r . Ra YIl1(lI1d Wade a nd I.JlrI ,,·. ~I r ' lk"[" "II,,,,, (" IJi llllj IILouta greate r a ll./ .\' r" . r ~I .\ Lin' :, '!:"II' 1':""11, Illl'l! l1 uw kin. ) ~, I l' llli herli for a HllO rl 1I1lI1·. H' lun,,:d tu I\ (·nr i.. k. ~ I r " I-rallk 1("M~r .•• .\ Ir:, Cha:. Mrs'. and lr n lllld ~I a ry lf awl; ind ,' Ihl Illake a g reater Way . il' ,.\,,, f,:I!' d. I·ra, her hUlna ill \'nn W ·rt la:lt we..!, . ;\11''; 1111·1 l~ i' \'lllllIIi I Wad \! <1111 · ~ II Il . ~ l r,; . I : l rl dH II~ h" !r llf.J ll 1:'''' 11' \ J 'lh n hy . " IS n o t nty. I t! r :; IliP ·ou ' 11 1,, Il ll:IUU ",l! '" 1 ' : 1' ,, L 1,,, '~'I II I. ' ", " 1' \lal·-' 1' 1 1' '" 'il'< " ':r 1 ;. r ~l an,1 . Mr "," h, lIrI lI arA l ll \ , 11 1I\I 'a - ' lleril' lllo alonll but t u \\';)) III .01 "'1, I 1 ,, "' 1' 1- I ' atl t I ! ' t.l P :·U' lt.'l I l IJh 11 . IJ. P ' Ir \ l1 . l l I ~t' II n "i ' ~, I ) ' ( i I Brice .~H: l l Mrs d 1 \ an, . . ~I' . I' I III , , J 1J ~1 ,H I I, . The Berean class of the M E Sun· Ilarl -. ", k. 11 1,· ~L, ·,·h j( •• I : I ~ " II I II· I' ve l ,hu rg'.., !·IIr . \1 .. , ,·, ' I". ;,.1: 01 ,' f ll " .. ~III I' ;\O lBtters of in. frank F:lh nrt lind H. S. lI owel l nre ~ la lJ>:I1t '·r . \1 1'''; jlill ")"11k,. . '11. ,11 , r" i '. II !! "" ·1:' I ,·:or,. ;; 11" '1111" ;lId ~~I 1 he d Ullallnll fil I' I he I n'e~ f.or th e Ern est Bu. t or\I''' flay School mot III the home of the . .110 IU!" " \\'ad~. I"i" " 1''' 1",r l'cll"t' \\ ill be bro ugh t u p rL": \ 1' ~1 and ,' JI< .J ne~Hle I'" i('~ 011 the .\ 1 ll lli n, "': ~l:ho .. 1 g rll lllll l, nrc " 0 11111)).( In / 1' lora . Clara, ,lI j"llj I il""" ~ : ' Ii" 1I .1 "' , Secrela ry, Miss EthQI Hoslttr Salur. atlelldi ng t il lh l'lr fi lII 1 . \.' ' : "1 " I" ! r~ (·'. . 111 ,1 <lI HI, Iha' ;,., .. "" I"'! , I tho neighpo rhood , " ,;,, ·h. 1 II "1l I his wcek 1 '~Il"11 i 1."1, pla t huq IH,l 111 1 IHl en C; lenna and But h M·II·i day at 2 p. m. and held thei r rcg uhr (;rand J II ry at Lcb~ 1'11 ~!: . x· I·.. . 1. - ,11l!y :'; :', 1 ' .J. at J.~I ·~I,u r\! . rn,' ld ly. The l' - e:t ll 'end in a t an y Reva IJa v l~ . Mps"rs 11" " <11 ' \1:11','11. and ..•.. ,.,,1 1. .. ~"ll cumei formem " 111 ' I II, " \ lJu II'I L . I;L·~' 1.11,· clll88 meeting . I n the' absence of 1\\ . i ll t!,(' .\ , ~l. L cJ,u rcil T" tal. en, and d In.. I h ii, '(.led l ha t a larg6".pe rll ' J.., 11"1'<1.. ,, See Wilte rh ou ' e Cr, r Au lu Liv ' r y well. f'olJowillg ar \.' th e n a rne~ 'Jf llurnA tt lJutter ll'on h. Fret! \\ the preside nt tbe class teacher. Mr~. Iii" 1'0wn hip will IV ' r" II ,m 1hr'~ "hi !d r cil ti ll ,e. . ·1 uf ' lIni Ii., . ,'elllag, . MOlVrie Je@se and Barton Kelly act ed as pl"c!!idin g om IIr , wlru !it'd in i"t'ul1r'Y ,J " " ers, and \\' ho plunt"d f ur, !'ince ll" la 1-:1 I''''v ', i pl Psent find en l'oll t hele- - - - - - - .- Mril. Sa mu el Butterwo rt h spent u cer. Minutes uf th e pref!edinll mee t . 'h a rleM\\,ilaurl rrj",n lwr.;. L d u'! wor k for .a better 1 UII,J hl.! t. and at tary k wee secre t lhe lus A. by D. t111"~ , read ll of cou pie ing were \Y . E. & Martha U'Nell w' th h" r J.l1~I 'and and .;llt, li:1I11 lp. II hi){ger Wuyn Townsb is ilk', sal rl' and thtl Ccnt\' to at d Keys. arrange home o r Milton all business _ _ _._ _ _ III 'W ,d t" IJlr i" in 1.':1:; and I· .... childr"11 D. Hankie, P. B. Lukens . , ree. taction of the da:<s 011 accoun t of s ickne:!S. fil l' ~"I' '''' :r, v ear~ liv ed n 'Ul' t hl' J {)IlfI ~ !lele n M!lrlalt , C. A . Brun~r. A num b r of membe r r spnnd ed li ull cl, ul cit' ilut of IUl e yea rs had . lary L. C. Ada ms, T wo trees. ur~ , .l ey n· II I in to roll call and n delil!'hlful uflernoon Ellll'lU e! l fi Ih,' f II It !=;l1litha nLi tw o Th h.. i r~ Mr. and Mr i nu u U' Neall, Mi nn ie C. Dod on . \\' a ~ ild ch i :1 "li "11 0 1 ".1' -1 1 '.1.11 1 ... l ~ was enjoyed bv a ll. 1 1, 11 \\ ld, " !i ;: ill ;' 1' :-' ','f ! : ~ zi ah Me rrit t. Hach e l Keys llnd da ugh tcrR, of I1r(lllkvi ll e. s [1e nt .'al - ~k l.a ' l g h li n . in)!, lrtbl 1 l,, a n~ rr: ~a I Mr. William M , DyJco nnd l\1 i.~q . ( ,, d , n" I"" t, l,f'a t\ l'ret/ lI . ,' . J. O. Ca rtwrigh t. !fazel Mu lle n .\\· ttnt tl, .L\m tervi lln I urduya nd SUllday II I t h hOI I1~lI l ! l n,·d " k ,'ah ,",·w Rogerij rnah lh' I alii J,'''u" l1~.d Hrr I',,"g ~\ II" " 'JI", .I~ i1a\l lIrt (,., ", i1 .;-oc. UI II . PUl'jI 7th lI· lI' ill,l April . It'U c\'ellln,lr . llY ly urd mi fa Sa' nd a t I la~s of 1917 W. C. Barnel ,'Ii J., 1"' 1" WI ll lIlt' I", "" 1 \ ';r , .. d flllrl \1I 11led I"' " ' 11-1 ;111" t/ 1.0 WI .I lREA~UD[R llCW t we refilli e ( l y m ~ rried ut thl:! hvllle ur I .\ nna Cudwa llade r. S. L . e Itr. '.1 Ill. tl... .\ \ 1 I: ~h · , r.·h . " f I. '~Ii· I\il n[ I," II~' ' lllt1 " ilL' 1" ~ " '.' ;11' II '1,,1" /or I I" , HI·V . l\Joun. 1 h YOUIJ g' cfJ up le a r e Brl!:!ht en .\ 'ou r rO' 111 w ith n I un InPfl lt IC' :P' I .... t· ,· .·rt . , nll r \'lt1 i', " . h~rl! . i'll l " i 'll't , IJl u \' illJ,r tu ( )/ii fl:-: H: w l i L:'h t . Oakln Anti hoth I)Op ula r Ytl un){ (it'olole a round a Emm ~, e Whil melin \ u!' l"t'h d~lI e til ilh \\' ·11 _, 1';,. 1." 1 " d'.' . , .. ! I:t~t w,'c'\': a· \1.. 1" III =' :,, " nu,; ure : !lxl ~. lit !lYllla ,, ·s. ,.1,01 hJ; F -a nk Farr Mr. an il 1\1 ri!. A. L . Lytl e. and their many fr ie , I li. n " ,I .. I· :. ,. " , cJ '_.' I . !,.. , I rer , ,,, \I! ' " ,.',' It will soon b", Cl)unty Treaau I" .,,:: t., : 1.1 all ri 'wlo nl <: \\'.,h "r. F " r. cong'rat u latinl{ the m. t: '/'IIII ,' r . , . nham to· Re ¥d. n ll Li . MUler. aw Owing t o a staleof warn owcxi 41. Th ~ M I. ~ed f) <1 rulhl'l Frank . . Hatha~ E. I I. Charl es Brant I ";, .' ,II li !l1t' - \\ illi ll l" al!'I - - - - - .. P. Clark, W . Ie 9pr ic l{e l. "se)Jhrrl l' Anrirew" It"u ,dl l' l" d',' r . r esign last week on aect/un t of>havln~ ,,;. 1.'. I !', L,"~ ,~~ :, .',..1 ;:; l,,,," """ lh ..,I . IV. Inll it i5 imperut ive thllt all citl 7.P IlS ,J ll'eeR. (l I TW ~ , el 1., eg prr S 111'11.:1 11" H. t , ~ l"sol.' l'hc Mc . ~'ln \, , " I I ".!_"' " I , I loJ will be loyal enollg h to hal'" tilCi~ , l' rn :,,}', ~llI rJn l'le _ , U held t he O tllC il four veara , ~cJ~~;. . _ '1." 1' 11"1' . 1;", 1:t iiQ~ ~L~''Pil'r'tfi'&rr.t1 M"8:"M 7.d" -I' ,,:lr:-.. back yard~ clean ed lind put 1111 1 a l h't:~ ~~~~... v oin ted 10 h,.~ek . • ~' .' . _, ,'11 "'lJPI "~ rt li ns p .~ " . " . ~ I, ,, • .... . ' P(Fiill! I u~ K...t1 .... _ . t1 L I il h ~ ~ . ~ , " ' ,, I'rtl,' :' : \ \ '~"I'" J.: ~I h~rs ant!.Inlm " ;-"'".1 J... 'l'I.I:t~ no, l rl itJl thi~e istjoar(l . J[I'Lh " c:Y.1 ti v\!lil')) . . ,._ Btat~of w,,eWIS. a aI's .,_ Jw O . wus ~ ·. c~ l ll IIllI ...-, • the fi rst day of ~e'p~mber. ' . " , .",~ lace p " . the 1111 . stofMa '\(.'I,llil eth('l ~beror " 1 <1' 0 ked ' ~' ntt c- lId II,,· 'I'll ,' I IIl\, ,, ril1t' 111'' "·I'I]~, . '·'I,, _ _ _ ____ ffi. ·li l,e.; AD ril MI' I1rant will g o illto the office..! bf Health wi ll ;.rohabIY vi~it YII I!. Thllrs da y conct:. .. 111 ,I w <l . ,., L I' adl i' 1I1).; " " UI'I! m en an d Wf11l1 n 1 te!r. ;'''' Eas after ay II 1",,11I)" il Sund T nd <fav Soco nil n~ IJci II' CLl u ll JU " l' ( II a nd / Attend to th is mall e r at one" and, h(' Sy l11ph,'n 22. • unday School at (1:30 a. III / 1\ lay 1s t. ' 1t'\'eli;l ~ a nd '"III ' j<, ,, d l!'t . T ht' \\'olf l, ". 'iVl' I r~l lI, t he, pat hs IIf l'\ CHII , t' health of t he cn mmu nity will be in II t he HuI IJ I ~t. I Ir \! go)otl III ,'" \ 1 ' " ll at IIII' ' ng on 111111 serm p.pendi 'nl' i~ , and 1""k SearR .J Prayer M g I I . Everett Mornin !'l'h, Iw \ Iaqter ha ~ Illild h" JlPltI!!s:' ; lind . il .d id. llr ilt ie 'ri d , I .. The public cord iall y invil tl to 'ee \V llte rh ou:le rur Aula L iVe r"J I hUl1d rl' d p .. rcl'll t !.,. leI' '\L'lI ti n h,' r t1. Irl){ j.~d . \\' a, bllll II "" L1 ple of weel<g ..... ilh . hid granu'1a"or . ' far better conditif)n _ The g ood old summ er ti me rn<.R\.....r_" pa rentd in LJllrke OUnly these se r vice.'!. Dr. H. E . lIathaw ay , 11 J \\ arn il : ~I1l"' 1 and "'\) Ilk li lo il c f rolll th' , \I ralh , ' co lne. :-ih r. "a id. II l1 e I''' pedal r e' JlI ,'"1 I "'H il t tu Ipa\'c wi th r:l ~I=a=~1 c:J [I: : : : 11EJ [!:=a=~I:J r., r:, I,; r: L: elo. tll(' L: f e and t ho Ii a; li\'(' wc'll fUI' ' 'II i~,andto llll'!l Y !l ).! nill l1Icet rig'itt I ' ll uc wa it inK fu r you u the l! nl e. ~ 'l'ellall 111 1' f riend s tl llll I' ll be wailing f or thO 1)1; !lIltl It) those wlru !Ire Utl l of \ : lr r i~ t, d on ' r run Croll) th e h l l'.~sl' d " f" i,jl'L ut , ur n a nd come . .TIlE" Lurd i .. Iny lrg- hl a nd 0 .' eed Il Ilr i~ way. ur yo 'c scn l ~ )c l will which r ca t a th e Choos Ill ' sa l\'(cli " n , ", lrulll ~Ir ;tll I (,'a l ; Ih ' within your ll1 C:ltl S . i.'-'I·t/ i ~ l li~ ~ tr () " l! 11r l,f 11 11' li fIJ . of Prices Effectiv e April 1st. 11117 "'h " 1ll shUl l I 1)(' IIfl'si d F" r in lhl' . t illl u uf 1'·L.u ull' he s ha ll Iridllll ll:! ill This on tittltcs tru e C'l'Oll Ill y ill th > l'urc ll :J. ~ L' o f LIGHT FOUnS 1,1" p:I \' iII IOII . ill tilu s,·,· r <' t uf his LlIi au to!llobilc. Touring ... .. ..... ....... .. . $69G t " b e rn ~ d ", hall hI' Illde 11\ '. he shull 8 Roadste r ......... .. .. .. ... $li 0 111 ' Ul,on n rot'l\. " -cl 'i f n ' c it l f C Oti ry ' 'L C\ in value of 'therc is intcgr ity Country Club .. ....... . .. $795 Wf\ :l C,ln.' CI '"~ l" the l a ~t a nd ~ Shc.l anrl lillc .- tl, e In o L '11111] 1('(: -Overl Willys the in ry " nt' [lIH t ('aim' into t he el'c n0W k BIG FO U RS PI'IIrl t h ~1 1I bl' n:ltn " and "Iii.' :, n cHlle a 1\1 hy 0 t buil r e e" s a.r c of lille ive llells Touri ng .... .. ....... ..... $ 50 I:t: " ","rd of C(II1<,;l at loll lo a ll .. ,' It is true that Saxon "SlX:" has a. h eavier frame than t.luccr. Roadste r .. .... ......... .. $i!35 I ~ I,,' r' ·l't'.,·"dl y "a 'l ,,11 fOI' he r so n Rl1d Coupe ..... .... .... .. ... ... $ 1250 I'" d! \ a l 1I ·,,·n I ·h (' n . ht? had olll1 o,;l [] any other car m Its price-c lass. So S 'i." ~ lI "S ix" ua Sedan ....... ...... ... ...... $14f>O But lhe car In the Willys -O\C.' rbnd lill t' I I L>~ l ~ Il i t­ " 11 11 1> J '1' \' ,r l'~·inj.! hi ll i. ~h .. ~ >:,. , ', I d ,· ,' ,'1 I.", ' .;". n ll y l" n;; l'1' le t LIGHT SIX ES cd to your needs and yo ur ,.n co n 15 the C:l r r' ll' greate r strength, greate r solidi ty , greate r endura nce 111 w a~ 1}l0 L'll . :11 111. f q' u. lil ! 11"\' Lil i' < . Ilty CCOllO true to Touri ng .. .. ........... ". $9, 5 eye n a you to buy with ' H H' e whun 1' 1 \ T d ·d it ' ..;1 1 t. Itill ~I. . Roadste r .... .. ..... . ... . $970 a lld i:;; far safer. ,I!·....' 1 t I l Ili ,JI ll ~ \ " 1,\ \,, 1" I l I n.' al. I Coupe ........... .. .. ... ... $ 1385 tvr t < rL' he econom i c:; .of o ur gt in ed r sha :iank has. hl'H : Each I ll 1111 1' Ii ' 11' 1' 'I1.! 1' l ' dll , h Sedan .... .. ..... ......... . $15t<ii 8 · P t\; ;, '(.j f u: : ~ ltll'! n ·· t., produc tioll- ea ch is , we believ e , t ht: dOltJin :lllL ~ WILLY S·SIX her, lill Il ;t g' hlll l 1 u rf it, II 11'11 a '", II . va lue among c ars of its ki nd Touring ..... ... . .. ....... ~1425 " th t' r 1',.1 1; - r a n 1.. \" Y'JII lll lt " nil' II 1ll" l h,'r t1 11r!" r~lall d ~ ; ~ h e world fll r WILLY::;·KNJGHTS Come ill and see how much car S~50 will huy in ~ ,, " , lo"J.,s a fll·r you . 1111 ' s \' 0 ,fur. Four Touring . .. ...... $1395 ve rland Big F our or S9 ' oj ill th e "crbll t! I!ln :H \, II lI :tll\·th in)( YII U lIIay do, O the Four Coupe. ···· · .. · .. ··1i1650 IIll d " r slt , " d ~ \, U II , a l,d tlw n thl! oll ly [::J Six. Light FourSe dan····· · ···· .. ·.1i1950 t hinl! ba d " h ~ ,'vc r d,\('- IL' yuu is to ~ Four Lilli ou~inc ...... $ 1 ~1 50 at l,· >t "d 1",11'" Y" U. " l, ,,r! l.(rant iJ r ~ d sold All cars held ill stock in LenanOIl lI·ill be "\ Eight Touring .... .... $1950 c l"rnal r C'~ L " the old price. ~1 r~ , !-: \'a ll s \\';1-1 :I ~ " I , ·" dicl hel p in \ Advanc e in price, Big Four lilllc (,f ti ie k n "~" alld d," ·il. g- he r ill and Light Six M o dlll~. May llt'~< l; "d ~:I \\' t ,) il Ih.1t , he d id nOL lst next- deferred unlil thut B ~lI l rcr (II I a li I th in l{ date account tno late lo co r· SI l<' , c Iv l' t,'d Ihl' s')ng,; to u ~ SlIn![ ~ rec advertis pment.. appearal 1,,·1' fUII, 'ml; II", JI' " ,r w it' Jl ll , he - ,till' in magazi nes circullll ing I'flll l"d til" 1i ,' HIII' : 1.1" (Inc to " "' ~' c l tlirough (lut the month of \ tl,,· ""11;'1I1 \!: ..;,-1('(' \ 'r! I" 'r hurr a l ,) It · April. ' til : 11 :11111'01 1ll'1' i' all " e ar> ' r ~ a nd :!nd All I?rices f . o: b , Toledo \ 1'11, " <1 11\" IIh I'i " '1 ' kr. I r,,111 ·11 1, I II SubJoct to change wi thout notice. "Made in U. S. A."

:\I ~. .

~';>'I lr . ~ ~ighth j'.!rlld e~. ~ch(lluI :; I gllllclIHJ u~l'. hc l n"utiv" .i 1lI LeL:II,. '" ,s,withl ~tUtcher !;ofthe eC lCrnd Mi 8R Mcl'ltcr ~lI",dl'



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I:,~ Wedlle~ day :

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nIlIJ nr.\1I

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===:JH::J ==::il' ===:JU!J ===::111::] (,===::11


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A hiS! tour ing car for five peo ple'




Telephone 19

. IVA YNES~ iLLE, OJ 110

;i :~ ~~ ;~:I:;:;; ~~;~:';:;:i;:. ' i l:. ~1 ~:1 :;~: 1~:1\~1:;~ I~131 '


nile daul(ht rll l1d , . ;1 ' ~" I1 . ~" 11 a nrl . d : ltl!d l l~ r ill Ja il' and l hn.!c ~ ra n cl · .. h ll,j l",·n. fn ul' ~ I ~ t l' r, . l 1\,(1 . brotb r ~ [::J ull" ln ~ . 1"11<111 11 ug-ed h llwr wb" I~ ll ot hl! r fl.',·ul, · hea lt h, and 11 hO:il. IIf re la tIves 1Il ld rll' lId .. A. Elizabe th Ada m!:! I

I 1


I'AIW II rl " ;\ l'i Ii.!i


~ ~


Sax on "Six"


$81 5: f. o. h . .Detr oit

in.. b:ak~9 , 41' ~·in . Speci Ocation! : N ew body design , !argc r b dy, r~e\V 0n isll , I ~ 1dd. nelV style full cau tile ver type rear ~ ,ring , 2·m . crank ·shal t, ltl ted wrnclsh ~ nt ed o n cpwl ll1tJ t~ lrtlll1cn S in rs, de fen style nelv bow, rear to p with G recian wir (·dbase , 11:1-111. r, lo urc riJ c\ design ncw springs, da 'h chrome vanadiu m va lve d,cmoun lB.ble nm.s, Ii ht'weig ht six·cyli nder high speed motor, ~:!·ill x:i ' , in. t i r~,.' bearrng s, and two uuit starting and lighting system, . Tllnken axles, ful\ ' llrll.cen

twenty further refinements.

J. B. CHAPMAN, Agent, Waynesville,

GLEANED f:AOM COURT HOUSE \\"l\" II .. HI 1'11 1111, · II lit

lC ''!fIi1a '''01'1 lIUmOlellrogl'UIU. \lut lit 'U ''P~l!lng or berolc IIr rall1nnu, ~"It a DeC\onlng. He wOllld worlt on ud walt. Tbey aay thnt IIIl IhlnJl>l eoDIe' to wbo wnlt1l. Thut I only ~ tr1Ie. Some things r{lme t.o him 'WIIO 'W'al~ eometlmos. Thot IS lUor lli!arlr .eeurate. ' Vell. be coulrl think e'!'l10 tittter )lInn. So be bode Wlo~~y, . swearIng him nglllo to ''Until be should 11ft tho bOil ~D'lt 'lJ)e'och . and rode AWIIY. " "him to the little vlllnge on tho Wire below the dn!).1 h e ~)~p~. a long time gnElng 01 the long VIAdu t. ot stoelthat wu s rr· the old wood ~n trcslle IInl l


retlmiiDJt th mllrond from lhe hills thll.el!st\\'o.n lovcr the rll'l~r. aucb Oil und rlaklng II!! Internntlonnl. stili It WIIS In· fteli'MitI,i,Il. englneerlllg conStruclintt. It that would b Inren~ Iy COil' wht't:h he wos drown nlmos t 'tI~~WJlbl:,., "et be ma' no ..etl 10 hold .~ # " e 'vcI'e The ·lU' ·nrtlet nr.opl .' . , "e ond tb~" lind brld Iteel " ' -J ~lIllled the arch up l"od ~r the A well·known constructl{ln om· . ~ .... buJldlng the grellt enrlh dUIII ~ ~e PIcket Wire In the ,'o lley. '.~e.) . engJneerlng lite had been ......t _.'~I,. out ot the Uolted StOtl~s. ~ ,r:;r-~

~~ li ·I.· '

(l ih

r ui. ,,1,,1.,

28Jfl DAY OF APRIL.'l911 , 1\'

ILL ~wo ,,'cillcle 1'. M.. 'Olfor tor .alo ptlull c "uc~\(m UIIQII ~hl' pr~olls", . U'6 hvmll prtopor·

~)' o f ,,11" ILlU~ ."'lUlU -", LUlJIO U.}D WI)1Ul! ,. \1110. Vlliu. bJu ut.l~!I un Lho /'iorU.uliJILby SUiull tlt rcOI.Oll UIU Nurl hw ••1 by thu celJI ~r I,Ub


!Jer wllrk j:! rH Ill l·Ll.

IL LIl("Y F., bo [w f\

(,;. 11


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(',,1. 1

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n b(\ r ' H. Mill tll" r ,~j' rv ' UUll r ~ t'l \ . 1I1llt IIlJf\I~I'T It Irl . Al l.." " Arlrt r s nn "l'llOlnlo I ~nl'I'JtlllJ fo r mluor il eT~ wlI ,u lt!. . E llt l'l [~ \\ i".II,1I \'~ (·:rtwu r d W iu' s tall . (),,'orr" I.IIU .ltUirtoy o f

U vuw rI. nut IIpon re nC('uon Fne ~11 IV it wnuld h n"o IIUIIOYNI lif'!' rnlll I' bu· yond o."q)r!!ssloo. It wu ul ll nnt hn\" h~lpcd hh'llIlp ony IIntl It might hum· I llcr h ~r In l\ l'r worl;. . he r 0117.1',1 tho t " ht' hRfI n odll Y I(l thul\k for Ih l ' olllis 'IOll ulIll n(ttlr ·It Ito d lInt' 10

Iccl h



PI 'as COllrt


O?""RIGIIT IIY nrnulG ... AfV!I.L <CnAVIT

Public Sale ofReal Etate


0 1 'fb lrd &L.'*II. IAlb ~II()1I


vp'"ge (If



:Have you ever noticed holV some houses

sll,! IlSkl'cl h l lll It) '1111 II I Ull

."J.ala~ ,ne'er been coooeeted with the ~ and Ita ClUplo)'el!Il ulltll he hlld core 'been ItIIOClllted with hIs rath er '00 the JD~UoD81. He could lin\' gonc fllPll'l ~em with llttle dnng r oC li n· edlate dlllCOvery, slpce most oC the _ b .known lind gone down with

ver~.• much.



t1nrterstllnd . I

"Yon 1111'011 h r ~houl (\ h ove f o res(' ('11 It IInl! lilliul~d It OUt?" . "I thInk he d iet but It he dlc1 for eseo It ond point I't lit. lIe ~h(lli i /l li n t , hUI'c nllowell ihe olllel· mlln I" 0 \' rIIWC him or fo rce hIm to a ccept ",hilt' he he· II cl'E'd to b~ ~Iruclurolly Ilnsl)lIl1l1 .. 1 Iloll't kllfl.V ",h e UI r he r us.)lIe!1 It out. I doo·t tllinl. he hnd Urne I', ll r~1I 0 t h ' cn~(). tile shoel. WIIS so swift :11111 ~1I(1 · den. !Jilt 0 Fu nll as he dill seo th e ~ltll' utlnn hp ili ~('(I\, c c d t hot you w Ne ' l os t Iln rwo~'. xc pt of UI c1ltlrlty ot )'tl ur ll1l'ecll!lo. which be ~ould n ot nce Ill. 1111\1 tllllt h CQuid pove ilIA fUlller. ThIs Illlly nil be tlle wlltle t AP c1,If1 Wm. lit thl~ Is tlte woy .It presents Hscl! to

mny us well be fronk wIth you. My futher. ot course. Is bItterly not ngonlstic 10 Mr. Mentl e. He 'Woo't C\'en 811 hI bUd • ow 8 name to 0 mCII olle " "Ooe call llOrdly blame him tor thnt. ~. lMIi1Je. but . he decided not to do :Ml ss I1l1ngwortJl. '1'he 1111lu/'c of t ha .. 'tile work 00 the dom would be .. . . . . . aDtl he would ho,'e less oppor. brltlge seriously crullltr l'Ussl'd U lll JlI nrt~tJ1Iy hlmselt nnd It would let Brldgo COWPIiUY. UIll) It Is n gred . 111m more chance to work liP 10 0 handlcnp Cor t hew to o\'ercomo In s eek~Jlllble' aJld reesonnble WilY. BcstdeR. In~ any further conlrucls." /1tQ,1-r IlJlQPortb on to In. Bnt I did oot summon you here to ~~"'~~~!~~:~;:~ aI he wou'ld llrobnbly discuss tbe nI!nlrs or the 1r1urU t I:' have to leav() before Bridge comp!UlY," 8111d R elc n, "Inler· The dJlm would be 8Ill'er, j eatlllg tllougb tbey UIUY be. but to spe ever thInk ot looklog fo~ ' it by working tog tiler tlI ere \lI1l'" not And DO one would ever \ some wilY b)1 wlilell we could \lrovo 10 the roush.bearded work- thot Bertrom Menllo hos ossUlced UIO IllO." . deeJ'oCut. IIIDcoth-fac:ed young blll'1l o to SOIlO tho honor and tame ot "At111 to me." anld Relcn, "bot It fOrt'" ·~N~18l' of other 4117& his Cather." wo l: :Illl' further. 1 ,t me uy 1 sllonld clam wu twenty mlles up tho " You IIcUevo that. MIss nUng-worth?" ruthe r be hiS wife than eoJoy IIUY other r ... he would 'be l ess opt to be "1 0m sure ot It." fortnn e," ~~==::a workl there t nn on the " So nln I." I!Itld Rodoey qn}cl;ly. "Thllt Is the kind of nn-cctlo n hIs Yet reean~ that rl. "Thnnk Ood." cried tile gIrl a UtUe (Juull ll('s merit nnd would cvnke In and that It ml hi come th~re ' hysterlcolly. sllrprlsed Dud nlinost Ul ml1ll1 r n dl~c 'r nlng w omnn." . .11l~a!. thot sh e :1 ht be on It: S\V pt orr h r f:et by UIls prompt "Thon k YO ll. Will you go on. now ?" 1' glt· h d i d nvow tll by one wlto. though young. wu~ "or ourse you know tIltlt whnt wo even 08 U elil/e b i the vluduct then bUlld- II Ir II( Iy nn nUl IlorIty I n t e IIteroturo have sf1l d d I ' not ev cnce. I t Is n II IISI ered t the tnml1l ot cnglD I! ring. "Why do you sny thot? sUlnptl oo, perltups presumptloD." v . 0 tJ I t IIr Whnt evidence hove YOU 1" "It'e os t ruo ns gospel." suld lbo gi rl e lloeumn e r \'e e rs "UntortllnnI I'ly," nnswered Rodn ey. enroestly:


appmi!!erp. lit I bn 10a H Rr

fir 6 . t.UtO or Btl.rl·Y '. :io mh,Hu . deuou ed. 10ve il Iry IlU d IIP/J r n l ~tlruen t. fl· Itl d .

Ln t h t" u) tt rt Al I'I f ~h o o~tllie ot M .. ry E Blinn. deco au. Will filed f ur I)lrohlltl'. . E~! ,te o f \-Ylllto1Jl C. RWllrlz. rtp_ ol'us 3d. Flonl !lce uut of "dllll nlstr nlo'r filed . ,. F<nlinand M DII I: I\II, rI "se d. Fin n' II co u nt lippr nved, allowed IInrt c o nti r ul tlll. E~ I' IIt,e

or JIlWP ~ E lmer

d eqelltset.l . eonn dilln allp10 yotl .



UOOUllllt ot !lnorIlowed liud OOD-


and ill harmonious colors.

Up n fur ther

Inqu',-y you will also. 'find in .a .majority of the cases that the pamt used IS

'11~~~_~ ;tl)tu.u:~1I0\YIUK


U€!6Urlbod truet., 11t.Ul\l-tid

10 ,tlO LOWu 0 1 WB)' UtJ'\'lliu, lu d~lt1 coun,,)' or \\'llrrtju auu.l ~u.le 01 oluo. 1" l>eiu" ~I thllt. I'&r~ ol "'UlrtJ .; ....,,,~ . l yl" K bo~"'OOll Ille ullll. tlO "r .1Il1l I:Il""'lllllU t:u",IL.h tlllulLro. anU Uu· t woon IIOULII- " ' t:8 ' 1IIIg uJ tWUl.h ~lNe1. .nO


t il'"

t:ioUlttJ~ WC8" lu~o

o. , aid tOw .. .

'l 'ha (100 .. 0 uwcrllJcd prullIliOI bt!1ul Lh~ IltllUU as WU,N) OODYO)'uU by " ' Iu r une A. '! ' borpe lU 1.'~ L huu ~. LUlIlUU by cJtWd Of rot..'Oni IU V'uIUIUU U". lJUj{U 14. LhO 1JctKl U-tK,orda o f



Wllrre ll l!o UUlj' , Ohl" .

~ u.vlllt( .I ud o.xCOJ)t.1nll (rom

Lllo noove LIe· riCrl uud vroPCrIo), tha.t. purl. tJl ttroo ' horol.u(ure u.)! \ljlj sut,t l'\uthtlU I:!: l ~ulJtun 1.0 U . M r ' lIfJrwood u n d J . W. J.SurlOll by OMU uo&t.uo uIJhHl IU, r :lU. llH'l . .uuO r ~ooldoo In VOl . ttl. "~" IS, 01 ~1I0 UUCltl I(ucunl' oC Warrou vll un,,}" ..uti lIlWCrll.1oU U fulluw_ , w-wH., UcillY: pu.rt. o r 11: .. " lhl11 SQUl1N 1u tllu LeWU ut Wuyucav iUu, "'.rrun l.)OU UL),. Ohio, and, bound Oil Bnllll..Crlbe<l as roll"w.: UC~IDUlU" at .. lurgu IOCU¥\o ' e llce ,lOK" JU Hu,J \\ UI' Unu vf ~ho UauclD.Ulall auu .,,\:uuJu. l llkb curlier t o J asoo ;:fhoouan'l!I Un,, : tll6JJ<..'t) run willi .:ilioob.n'. liu. ,,/ 6 , Ut}grooK :sO miuUlM \\' , 1 1~ ,e.. &.lid 6 lu, 100 lUIUL.IUJI' I" , HO tulleu pust uu l hd ~"f, b&nK. or Uamp Hun ; Lhttm.:u at. rull t. .u.tile» wUb h~"'"IUI ·. f/. ~) tl~.....,. ao .OluU'OI E. ltl fL . : UIOOt'tl •• rlKII~ oUIII ... aud PIIr .. llol "' I~ heo lauu'SIlUttC;. ub¥r ua UIJm.uU&.e8 K. lU Ct.. tLllU t.I Iti. lU ~ n Iron pin ue.r UtO J:k)U \ UtUUI" on\.! uf .. vury Jargtt l.'titucUL ruck ; I h ULII.:e N. 3 U 11t!l{r ootl all miulllos t; ~ij h .. lUlU 410 t.<J aQOlllor lroll p in : "lloLieu If, r ltJ;htl Ulillt..,. s , 6" d06Jtcle. JU miuulos.b: . li ft.. to tlUu\uur 'NU pJ.lllU t he \Vtj!U lIuuorLh ul'luclnmlllaudXurulo L-uruJ)lk.e:


Sold By

J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, Ohio


the po rt h pan 01 £U1l1l8b S'IUanl In


these houses 'are always kept well painted ,

I "{


~oI UH

. . hi "ttlulib. Uegillulur COL .. 'WItO cno ".IL curu r,o f K!Lld ::;q uu,rv : Lllull..'t1 rWlUln..c ( l ilt) ~l oti K Lila wost •• ua or tho Lobo.uUD l'lku Il. d~ tJt' lIr .... ell.lo. lU . . . YlO" lho UlUU, (.'Orutjr ur W ru, Hoguril luI.: "beucu ,:'ml) lUlJlIg Lohe lin" ot Lllo ._rne - aud U .. Jd U ur !IO U'" Hno ,to 11 HlOUU on \hu uu.a;.L ailue o r frh lN ~t r~ ... .i''! Oil» l1 ~t; rt!tm w. tJ.l!) uluu lI' : (.lI"nce :J ell) u.lullg UIU tUUn , slutt ur said Ht.ruct 1\ a 'l , u cgrooi ~1I miUUlt!8 t!. . tU, a e l l ua l o "n"'linthu lliu UurLll coruu r of .ail.l ijllU Ul"C 1 LohwCb (4Ih) u lung &ollu SUu\oh . felu ur ::SUULU titrvoil d \lEi llo¥ ........ ~ . ti. o cll .. lu. lo tllo plllllO 0 1 oo,,(n· ulu,," couc.nlUlul LWu ('l) Betel bu(1 furt ), · fuU r HuuliretJLhli \ ,U-IUU ) t.u Ion bo thu . IUII O

always bave a way of looking better and mOl' attra ·tive than any of the others near th e\n? Analyzo this difforence, and many t.imes you will find it is due to the fact that


h ur. nc~ \\'n~ very glllt]' ttl ~O IUI!. • TI I" m~ ~ I ' W E- lolt v~ 'l'ba Fe'S "I scont for yo u, Mr. n dn()~'. 0 0 nC' 1 :/(l lt ll(IIlhu Ilt ".\lII\f ( ' u APlI N11 II)' COUllt of ?rIr. Hcr trlllll ?r\ Nlci c." l<h 1)('.. J o t eu<lll ll t , gou. ofter thlm kl ng hI m f or II I~. COll rR u b.I' V il li Hi Jl~ r nn ol !''IIl rll J ll n lnn t t'Sy lowlIl'd ' It r tho tillY th II'lI'r 'l v!\ l·lt llrlc .. [l Ill'tllil.1I II> C,·.·. E 'l lll ?rJllllClc ,II ' (I Illld thcrcllrtcr. "I wlln l Do No Wrong." , lOll ,I , tl ltl'! you 10 h elll III _" I tI",Llre WIJUl n nll\ •• 'I""l! :'".\1 111111: nil W lllltl nl C. Til IlI P' oI U \' ~ F rll nol" "I sh nll b Clclll:llt~d to do s o fo r 1 enrt b 10 ~:I \' l' lib f:l1l1"r. ,.,." ,11 II,,' ~l ilt,wl lI"h ullIl Alton If. Ur •\\I tl , your own slike. [ kn ow h w tlc~J1l y I .llcrltlco or hi s tnlll ' ·lIrel'r. 11111 1 ,1 111 1' I Mllll Y "'II ; 1I1II ') lln t " l ll lllHld :P OO lnl rI'·~ted you nr e III AIcll.l e·s l'"hlllJ llI- hOI' scen YOII I 11111 ..",,11,1' It,,\\, JlI,\\" 1'0'11It In l ru.t. Ultlllo." I erful these 1Il! ' III" '~ "'lis t IInn. 'It',·II." AnI(": l n ll l loI VI" \'It .I,lIlI tl8 Dllvis "lIlr. Hod nl'r." r e lurn d th(' wOlllnn' l nodn y s nltl I hl~ flit"!! slllll'l)'. II" I t I 01 H rr co : g r u ~ lI .·/{le,· t.. . 1lll sh tllg n IIl t lc. "roil kllow ot courso 1 It wure n Illu(wr lI f ' ·lIlI r~ ' ·. fIIlh l'I' 11111 11 I Wl l h ll nl I, n "I\ WI1 ,, ~ ~Il r ll h P pf. Olu t we w er c e n~ngcd. lie CilllSldl'rs I n cOluplllJlf'nt. ond 1,l lI l llIy II'; h,· 1 1I1 ~ h t rlno e t 111. P " r"II .. " li f r elll e~tute OIC ellgllgem~t brok e n... . , 1101'0 slIld It to n fl'l lid II IHI ","um"". t .... Ot. () . l'l<ln .. ~ I" .I"n Olo V lr"i nln "I TI I' \ " ,s uPPoso so. lUt would he lIl,c I lInll llc!(m Jlllu g1l'on h und r loc'll 1I11 e1 RR IIlf.'~. DI .. orr~l': o ll ultllry . 111m,' BuIll. nol!Il~)1 grnve ly. "Iucle'cd WUB grateful. .'1 i H ' 1 I <-' I D' tIe cou ld tlo no leliM.•• I "n hn s brim n /!l'lc f to mo tlmt I '" ~h lO e B \' ri I• o ~I r "r " I '" lI es. 1as a O1l1n OL• I lou or .' "Y on nre nI I n tIke. .. sold t he WlJIll- I W Igbi'<1 ~f) Ultl . c III cU Ill[lllrl ~ ')D ." t< hl' vore" : b"'ro~ 1l P.~ ()O 0 ull l y . nn n little bitterly. "Your n otions 111'0' soltl slruply. Pfl)bale Court supreme_ You ruuy sncrltlce love onll shouldn't put It tbot wny eXllct· [0 th o lt1'1tltlr of .tbe estate of your bes t trleml 80 10llg I\S you prl}- Iy." oh"pn 'p <l It,." ",.~, ~1l1·..I·"lIy. "Yn" serve Inos9 uotlon s at lIooor 10WCl." s ec \?\'!m If It cl1Illrl he I\hOll'1l Ihlll It MrL'Y C. K et\v ll l'. dllo /lsed. G F . Browo flP Pollltorl IH\rul ulstrlltor. "A d It • I n ~et we weren t looombl th E' fll,1 11111 "'S ( 11 111t i'nur Iy tho Bood ~ooo b'muk Tu huo tel'. 8 men yuu wouldn't core Cor u s at IllL" yo ullg onc \\'0111 ,1 stili hnye to shllro I..r. ~'rye nnd Hll~ eek e l' uJlPoloted "Yes. I suppose thllt's It. Wcll. I do SOIl.lC of the bIJlll1 f'." .


roal OfIlal.e 10100"" particulllrly dOllCrlttoo' u

UlOfl' n rt llu"'lllrll llted !lle '1 II1I1U ·iI I n q ~·tJ I"


00 Ibo t!OUlb"....

"DU Wu.yoeayJUe 1'llto, were

'") . l"""~ Il\)OlhWOiIL ol .~l1 -PnlUllilll.

pre:;ellL llItoluruble sltutltlou .. m oog

111 11 110 UII

,1 1I 11IHUlI .. 1&U uupceci'd tlottlU UX llfU,SIUO of org ~" ! ZIlU ulI~lUu,,1 ""0 l ~u"ll-vOlli. i U l\Pru o llofll th ougb suoh Id6,,1 6 MI~s ~ntlro v Ci(III Ya r. !) f l.(, \)K n o ll. ""'Y ~""'U, "Xp"rltll .Ce n~ ~ ~IIUKIl\. s p eut tlit! \Vo~ k . ood \\1111 11 r ll uuL Ch ilL Id"ul" o.. u be retth:uet1 II W b M r ~ . W. T .•ll) r lhll1 : Il"yo tUlIb to Ilru CllOtl uuw w b ,,\ all Mr . tlud Mrd . .l u<I U" vis . Dor n h, 1I. /:i 1l bUll" f u r I" I>Illl fn turo. Tht! LhtJu cu WILh U 1U ""uiiCl Ill lt) of 8h l\.1 Luru&>lku :to IIOU 'r~ill ltl D"v,.:' . M r '\111 1 II l re • A 111.,.1,:11 11 NnttOll. liS B w Ul e \.Ier- JU "oG"''''' ~O mluu ..... IV. dU.f ~. ~o ~he ll<lltuI ut.·,1l1l\. jleut lllJIo ,n o t "'I .. te~ , .. ~ tI lilA I LillI! Er De~ l. MHDU ' "' nlld I ll1~h "1~'f.·lt.I roal ...tato h .... boon """ula rly apprt.'-I Ml\llO 'JU wo , " t h " Hun d II ] ~ U " 8t ~ "f tl(\L u/ r uC,' II. ,.., u. l'e(JcHf tlU vl llLUr aL tllu .lIm "r ,~OUu 'UlU will u,,~ lie 101<1 I"r thull two-Illird. 01 .alll ap~rallIW nluo Ueo . On \'I ~ ,m el r,' l1lt l·. IlT l l'Jltb 1)I'IIIJ" ,)JIlH \lI OVtlU IlI'IIO ll eul ,... 'rerlD. o f " " to Inj OJlu--lhlnJ c .... h. oll&-tblrd Mr. Il [\(l Mr • J ~~ (:Ir,,,, . \l ('I.t 1"1111. I IJI III,, ; hu ,1I1 0 1 !r"n " rosIIY tl nd P" fn out) ),Cllt' &lutJ OUQ· lhIN h l LWO yeal'l", d&r rNli "Ito) Ul\1Ut.d l.u bu tM!CurtKi f!)' on&. ,"or&.<in.y w I I.ll Ill ulr till I:'.,r r y " ~II r ~" kill. lIolJ Cr . 'l'ltr o.ll1llb UOl WIlOY VIlIII!! ul SlIlIll U\NU IUO IInl1t1 ,,"" t111111 "ntl w bo&I' lu\Ir. tiOIl,- Mr. Alv'l L o.! IIl '1 11 11 II I1IiV " lI l ur ou ~ b,· lilll IU l it .. l,;h r lh- Loruat. "" .. IUU ra.W ul 611 parcuut per -"Dum; I.; , [1111'1 Ilflllulp l of bUlll'HI ltrotller- or 1.116 uurc hasur' uu..y IhlVU U16 prlvllege o f "peo t ~n ll dll .V Wi t h lit . for m e,H'" ' Il uu u lU,' 'uc lu ly UI Frltl uJa bllllti6t111 IIOYU'I all olio/II It lJ~fl~"' ARD W. IV 1N8 Admlnl· ~ra tvr ""Itll LII .. IU .. 1l0hoU pllreDt~ n eu r B luno lto~lor. I ' b Irtu lll lJII o f gUud-wlll tu 011 01 ~1I0 E.UllIlol NMII ~u 11:. LUPhIU. " ' l•\lrID Mr. R :ll' .TI ,, 01 f 0 li nd CI~ ml I l' (!II II 10 .. .,1 hllUi ti u Ortr<lti . Ur&.lo!Jull &. I Vll11 • .I\,LLOtUtl)' •• . on Mt. Itud Mrs. ,l uhn W;ul le /'il n- \ '1Lui I' u tlllls ul "very loud are Al. r day ,,!toru on. l. ugl u!\ lut the tune wb. u Iuve tbnH




Mr l'. Geo. BC)!1l.1 u ""ud ' rs Ulenn oUllq .. er b .. ,,,. wll n oUllperu ilun lIUlt "uo ~\lt!ut ' I'horsdny aud h'~1 1 1\ pluol< oOllfllOt, whitu WIH C. t;lolltbttrd. deoon.od .• Wldo,.; FrldllY wltb MrS. Wol Donn n eB r 111111 Lo UO mure !'11I!! ~lme Will el Ot l! to [Ilke "nda r tb tl will. Silve r Urove OUille ooly wlleu t.he peuple or SOUlt! 10 I.b e m lltter o r tbe!l true of T he Dr. 1I0d Mrs. R . E . Bntton otl ll fd grJut D~Il ' 1I1 liure t v IIbulldon 'he IN PARTITION '\!lorro w R oller Milld Co . inso lvents. on F. A Ihrt~ ook nud tl\U1~!y ~nn. u o t wor o trlldlHvlU1 uf IU Ltlro l. 1 dedI. Tros~ee8 b ond r dooed to $B.CiOO day af ern oun . lUll .. lid ~o il Lu ke "II upuo pel.lllte o t PUNlIan~ W tile Ctlmmlnd of an onler ot Ednte or l:Iuruh U . T r imble. deMr /lnd Mr!! 'liot J .l okRl'ln Ilod :(uod.wlll . .ail0. I"UOO (tom lile (Jour" o. Co mmon J-leaa Oetl800. EIllllLh aooou nt of tl;ostee f AID II'Y epen t·· 1111 rl III' in "'u."rn cyWe lir", Ih e nl1 Hun .. nd• OO\V IS th e "I .~ , CI&r" l!ouUly. Uilio . aod YI 1I1roct.ed aud fil o d . ville wit. h r ullltl vo... . IIIllU. 1 ~ 1l! IS Ameflo .. d t!u prema <I.lhe""". 1 "W oll'er a~ jlubUIl Aue.lon. 00. 10 r t' 0 't u t' of Anotl M GrAod io. Tb e Lllul es AI .' ouOh'f.V n1 ~ t IVI b up~l'rlu ul ~Y u U ,,{l1uolllng "OOd.Wlll, 0 0 lelll! tba'l " llnr/lll1o au-bo tz d to 0 I,· Im belD, U • r II Mf'sd"mt's MtLrtba nou E -II~1I D!lv 1d W~ I, duru lUll!! " OuU I llgt!. p,ltrl U~ : ~ lD 11 Ij Mr t 11 lock pure e " I tI . • W tldll el'dIlY . . IILd ~ult ." llll.todiwell r ul I,btl naiob. 1J,j I I~;- - otlh. ble Pl>~fo hun; oh~ 1:~~t1j~~~~~~~i~~~:;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~"";;~'Ik. + 'e'''n' -r'&". no it"I T~m" l11h (!, "SQS. ';i; ever. but I ko ow De rt ~......... lI f oLio ns f ow conLlllu~cl. er (!tu t 1I 1pnd M . EIl1I'h~ (tlt tlruu"u I O I! .M lIur uo\)!! .ty. people 1m ow him. !ll ls8 Illingworth, anti [ werc la\lcl ng jtls t lIef!l!," I" , w.' llt 0 ,, 111 11. \1 Th ll ~ l l e~a .. (rom ., uI! le!\by flll il Fl' l uu(1~' NlI$iU lltt l Pall os \Jom mltt-ef'. her even from a dl s tonce. Jlerhnps not even )'0 " " ho \\' n t Olt In to DlIrlllU l hree Yl' II I'S n;:," :t l'lfllt n 1\1' 1\' ,;l MarH. ItloiJ \vu c., homo IlVtl ~l:lUU<lIIY. the. dllm 'thnt b est snlted his I spite 'flr h ' r Ult HT)!)I, ;' " ' IIILt " lg()r~lI~ h l/ol, by II G"I'ullln 1111' "1,11 SI'LIII)lllt · J!;rl w .. rd II' r,.no I IUlIl Wife t o Cecile tiHv e ml fr o ll) h ro \V or lit th e Jr. he turned awoy trolD tbo Jlrot s t nt thot "I >i t stntemt'nt. us " he ('1I"llIlIllz. Itt wh ich "crlaln 1I1<: lh,)\ls of ,,\'I 'k UlIO WIIII"'tt u vic", lot io PrI "rol In e llib Nt MI ~ ~dol\ t)e~ lh. rod e up t.he vnJley: There 8hl'lok Ilt'r ItP II C) lIT1t1 S lh11 I'c) tit h im. cnlolllllUlIlIS \I'l' re ".·.J]J" ~", I f OI' Ilt l' <I . ero !?t. ."ttlnrl!lIj <l fl.IlI· OOUO. In fnllJng loto n po· "Anti tlll' r IIrC' St'I" 'rlll IIIt1 e r ire llln- s ll!'11 "r 1".d 1lgs. Y"11 I,ll"\\' It \I'II~ Ih .. b' n"ld ll) t er 'U Ill\,. $1. ~~t1\1h M. lillfn" f' t. II I to F . F MI 1.. 111 J rd Au lIullnllerl t be a., haa beeo Bet forth. stunces Ulnt IJlllk 1110 rt)cl tlll[t he In 'III Jls of I'"l' oC Ihe olll preH." lon B J Ql' ( k e. AII\ 9 II 1 r o '\In \ uyoe to wn. O IlOL .J O A 980olu.t10 of Bllpclsts 111 .,. 101 1 we_ could not bu\'c ~ en 10 IlIIIIllP. ) \'t,,'c rueluh('l's e,f t il e 1':lIIlll e \·cr . thal I:IIV more or I.,... :thip, 81noohe ter WtlUD(lSdH Y. JlOU OilY' ground for your <;.olryld ltl1l 7· ' WilY." Uelnll ~It. 1!lDl. IIrmnllM coov87ed 100 VloWA~n;ED -TO RENT H owurd W I vins Ilud Williom W, Mrs A lv " Ludln~ton SP()ot FrlliAY ua M. lJarl)8l' bY Cle"tJ lrom ". ADaUICI> lilU "Prohably even Ie s thn n you lul\-o "Well U l'adc ond J Irot Into n hot Ills· ~L tU .. dntllll Jan. ~ I" .• 1900. aull redmlod 1u .,Nlllllina tJie EvIdence. lind y t I. too. know 11110." n ~h' lI fI- cusRlou over sOllle fir S chlllldt· h e lll· 'b Ul' ~ 10 (I. B. Uhlld l'l rl! nud wi re. a wlt.lI ber ,,"reu~~ n l)"r Wtlcyue&vl ll • • Vol. 81 p&IIe 8~I "'~ RoooM 0' Warrell and Ugbt. • • ~ate 01 ubID. Tht 1':1001 I ut \'Vellll.1"n Bchool Ungworlh looked luto the ploln. home- nlLZ's forlo lll ns. l 'lllulntlltl1<'l1 lhllt they Dor8l:! \u B a mll l\ Lu wmlll i p It .SOD. OLT hl-ln good r ep" lr. "D(\ a~ l;oun~)· \lllIu pNmUea aplIralJJell a' .II'ort7·(ollr tU ) Murg r et ffi. IIIlQr ~o P e t e r Mille r • aturJttY ('ye pi g W il li wel l'lttSllri ed ~~~:::~1~~~1~ wal dowered with )y, but s trong. r ellnbl e f llce of the were wrong. H o tool< the opp081te uuoe. Wuui'd lIke ,"lls 1m. ~ and a I!9wertul wUl. mlln nnd dIsmissed ony though t of rl}- "lew. Be was 1·lg ht. Be wns so In· 11 4 "eres In 'r rtl e or eelt towolll1lp, '\ od twentY.DtIle ltoxe8 ,v ere MId 1lI ,,,! pUll8e~slO n . loqulre ILt 'bl~ tJo~:1J too 1M> IOId b, onler 0« COUtlo ofl.J<JwlIlOO t'le... Dr Vlark Uollnt7.,phIo. Rhe llill~ed. lind sbe aerve from h er mlod. tl)l'(JSted In the l1lutt or thnt ofter we $1. w~ In CUll tio_ ~uuo. wberel.n ' (;I. . . . . . .iltra)' rile fo r\u \:.e t al hlf "Mlld 'lme .Lao. lUu.. e~ tU are pl ~ ln lll'•• aml hU... be~b lAWlol( e~&l 4:1~:Q~!~ro:m~b~eginnlnlt tbings "Let u s pIne ." she hegll o. "Ule Hillo sepllruted he wTote me 0 letter nbout 'burlu Z Mlke:! I'1I to Ma,r y \!'rlln- otta " ( ILrl!. D:lrll Go ono l, at Bo.ton, ~ll-AtRtllJrI 0 She wos can- clrcum stnnces upon which our Int11L- It, odding some new llrg unlcnlS to re- oes 00801 Mike 11. r ettl edLute In Mass ) WllP qoHe II rlrnwlD g oo rd . ~·=~~raie: outi or Ono third auh n ot told the ttons ore bosed. ·11 Intuitions IIro evcr ellforce hIs content\l,u. The othcr dol' Que ~blnl 10 000 you. auu On" "1Irtl1rl '''0 ~10NEY LOANED B'rtlukllu t o wlIIihip. $1. Mr. J C'!llpb 0llrrol ll lll1 dllugllter. yea ... doforrud paymftDla 10 be _UNIl by declaration In his based ou aoyt hlng tnn!:lble, to!lc lher. I mode II careful seurch among my Plt: worll{&&o on prol",rty lIurell........ VeIlirnKl Edwin I:l 1111 r to Willlllw 8,,0.: n \lr ~ . 10U11 1.\11300 Ulll.l .\Jre, \J" r ril' S4~ .rtiapected hIm for Perhaps lha Bum of 'ItCIII mol' ylold pers-lind by hll ppy chnnce [ fou nd th e paYllIou,. 100 bear II % lnLi'tl'tll~ J)II.yablo U1D1ilot in I!' CUII lIu, ~ l. [:lKrr l~ oulltHl on t r i!. J o lin W.,l1 .· lllIy. JA.IIlEli L. \ 1I:l,;~U, dbclrlll. to lIhleld bIs fath er'8 oame something." _ Clark Oouo»,. tlhIo. letter. 1 WIIS hlllf·convinecd by hi s IJNio:V LUAN& Ion JlV8 alooll Louidfl, [) Ito 1.1 n !luo ,J.1I lG \V !:l nntl ll Y IIhuru.,l'lo. even lit the expeose of his Cbue SIAI"an.. ALt<lrJlQ'. a18 "Tbe s uggestIon Is nelmlrnhle." ns- r o sonlllg thell. olthou!lh th e l1lotter Bllrkll lo \ , .nll II r ~tl In Frllo kli ll • 1 OllULWls .. nu tlOuud lIl urtgllle8. aihelt she wonld not hove Berled Rodn ey. "un.1 us 1 Im ew hIm wos ell·opped. 1 om nltogpthe r con'-;u L I:I b "' l1~b l. . J un n tillltJlnlt. Jr, It she had n ot resented first nnd l oug SI I wi ll begIn. P rbnps vlneed lIoi\'. Bls Ilrgulllcnt Is " cry t uw n hlp. ~:8.l " li. ,\111111 tlulllllug. X Ullla.. Ob lo. a30 Ol gn. . rI9WIJI (1 till bO Rb . nd to' that In 80 doing be lIad sncrl- It would bo well. 100. to tuke Dotes 80 clenr. I hn"c e.xn n\ln ed 61It e Ulen tbe hSIlPiness 811 wen as bls own. thllt we OlOy cOllslder them ot leis ure, pIon nnd ketchcs for lhnt bridge. The A . l~ B,>u rb h . 1:",,1 1l8tllf 10 t:In rlun Notice of Appointment ' udutlo oh.. ugt1~ or ttl/i' peru ~Llr questlon wbeth~r Meade. Jr.. getti ng 00 ere view ns well os lin elll' cnl c ul a tloos ellll not IIgI'ee with thosll township. I. 110 I uo d urwonr bring 8 ,rlug III II!, FOR SALE tlJe more responelble Or -even re- ylew of them." Edwur.l .1. el e r flnd wife tn of S 'hmjdt- helllllitz. His met.hOds epowble at all W811 more.. or; less ·"Now, In the first plnce." he b eWlo, were Dot used. lI1ende COllIe! llOt Jl!1VO' Jo~hu .. MI t Ih )llI tlel wife. 201{ Hares wah "toffed u(J h t!dd , I! ru t.I,l I'UI! I :I' "pI·o ms . ..eademlc to Oolonel IJ.llngwol'th. Be wrlUng und s pl'nklng nt tile stlmu time • . forgotten thl! llluttet·. I mn mortlny 1:1 Wll sbiug toln to"' <1 81110. $1 . . Hud g"'l oru l u,llcl d OOle II f Dr. l{IU K'd NolW Uhltl" " (H~ U.vpbt!r'd Brooder wHb liover. :would have had uothlng further to do 'poInt olle Is MCllr·lc·R nh 'O lu tllly Ull- certn'lo UIU he niudo 0 protest to Itls .Judltb fl . Dum b .. cb ll r li nd bUIIuj.llI.ui[y !l b j llG 100 obluli8, Inlirtth either of them If both 'were lIvlnr; ounded (\O\'oU u LO his fu the l·. 'rhe futll el" pl'ollllhly In wrltlog. then' nl- ha n d to " Il llflltl A. • 011 . oua bttlf I" "II '" r~1t ei , tIll hh ll V.v OtllJlillll" I IUO IIf IIU." " Vfio b"I." UJd ollJ"r h.· qUire or K Ij . Ijully. W"Votl8vllle, ~d certaloly not wl!b the yoonger surold lIlOIl wos n t nlwa)'s rl ~ht. Thc low ed hi mself to bo pe rsuuel ed by hl·s in'orost III 1 ~Il bOrllij 10 Ule ... ror ek h tJ lld 8U Ib II t·he Irrl ~tl t 'e! l i t nt· lllo . . 025 ;.:ft:.,or, He tried to belleve that . It tt boy wus liS cl ur ns u bell 011 mos t futher's reuso lling. As 0 mntter of IUW0611 1P. $ft.lJ7G.2j brtt.u ilA II od 1o\'h.t tnlglll h '1ye b",,, , ...4 C!Ome to a finnl cbolce the dauah- thlIits. hull r eenll 'lhnt he woulrl moln- tact. I SIIPPOSO Ulnt B ertrnl'll Meode, Alliin '],'. W a lling t o Clllra W . U 1I1J !(e rlll!f ('o lrt IS bru l(eo liP, Up u I I:-I'U LE l:OMB R. 1 R Ellia 7Sl , . • • III aplte Gt 'Jae fact that sw:h Is hIli rnth "f'S prut)osIUr1ns t~nn- Sr.• WAS n grent~r o uU.orlly 0 /1 steel Ralldl ett., l ot to Fmnklln ,' II. "tu p Ireutmen' whtlo r e h et 1 ~ fir.1 pftr d"ulug; ,,18U II. 'few Ruoster ... habit of women IIl· tbe e..'tllerlcllce ,&Iou.illy, determln edls. Inng flrter eve ry- hl'ldge !le. I ~ lling lhon even Sc1ll'u.Jdt· W. W. Hllnolt to Loreoz 8 1b " pler, fel ' U b 1\ h .. 1f ourad oold Is daD~ er. .,btl burg"Ir. . Mrtl, UlioS R osa. Way . ~or. ute, would riot hove given up nge b od/. perllllPs c v~ o the old mon blm- Cbemnltz. Well. sometimes, tho sllIllll- 32 >~ aores .iu Fruuklio tow""biP. ous. TlikB Dr. Klug't\ NtlW DI~ouv . utltivllh" O hio . a25 • " fUd her father for youth and ber lover. eeIt; b ud been convinced or Ulelr fu lery till your ;old is gon B. $~ ,OUO. IJDdMcl ebe was too genuloely delloted 1ac!1. EDglncurlng Is In MeDllc'S blood. er mOil t" rl ghl. We Icnow now, ond UOLl'ld-one 3 yr.-Old ool~, broke ll!l e~ L. (:iul<Id pt "I to Mary B. to ber 'father to do that except 8S a Be Is the flftb or his !III\1I1 Y to grndu. Bcrtram M"IIl1 '. r.. woul d n<1~'1t I t It era.De. a.nd one yellrhog Dol', bolh good ·1 2 !lOre!) in TurUeoreek towot hree '" hI . " 1 he were llllvo. (hl! t Schmidt· hemnltz Jut neon. . a t e at Bnrvord lind vues . Inq uire of Eli tilWby, ·R. D. . OL a. or- . I 1t d' k " good s h ilP, beors were en~ltlee rs. his gTnlldttlther 1\ os r g I • on " e CIIU mn e I 8be cherished th.e hope first. th~t Funeral Dlre"toro 5. WaYllo . vllle, Ohio . a18 ,fohn W. Wllsun ()t 1\1 to S M, lla4e C!Ould re-establlsh hlmselt-6lle Doted nnd Ills ruther 'vorld. tomolla. Ho gu ess thot l'Ollllg M '"l1? dlcJ not let It Blutls, l ot~ Itl :::loutb Lebanoo, EV 8 Rf\L .~. C. Wblte Orplng Wa~n'e8vUle llad too .weeplng a confidence In btl falrl;, Idolized h is futller . The Itree- I IlIlSS with out 0 protes t. 1=, Olfto $8,000. "Mr. (totlnos, 1t'1I wOll derful." ~uD lJookerels. good OU8a. and cIlaraeteP and capaclt,. to doubt that- tlon lIet ween tlte m wnH dCII~hlrUI~ Tbe __ J 0[19 'htLn Morris and wife to F rank ""'" n. 'hllt'R. not nil. 'J,1l 'I'C wns n~t n.t U. I eatloDllble prloe lll q utre of 'eDt! Ieeood, that It could . b~ shown Jdlil could do no wrong. lIIcnde 1'0 Our Fellow 01 tir.ous: W. A . t:lurflloe; R . D. 5, WlLyne8. tllat be be.d not been responsIble for Qulckr"tem pered lind oot very receptive a lillie . bIt of h<,sltntlon In MUlldo 9 WIIS'ln, lot In fiarveyllbor g, $ tlS . -Jr:ITHER-;In t hiS time of OrllllS wlien our all Oe the bridge. She was to criticism. but he would toke tbe se- nssumpUoll of the' blnme. not n pel'so ll coun try's ulMhetit good 11:1 tile 0001· vUle. Ohio. Commlssloner's Proceed/nits 'Auto verest stricture from the old mon wl t h\y ho lIC itI'd It clouhted It. IIPpnrcltlly convlnced that biB 815w on tllm of 11 11 , w e v oice t his d eop But 1 wus the first mall to seo tho older blaD;le .hod be.e o die- out a murmur." ~'o· r. j ob work. $59 10 ; III B . oon v i o~ lun of plLtrlotlo d.utS · "Here we hllve." sol ll !be wOllla ll, 1.1(,II(\ c ('xc"pt his SOli nnll ::;!tm·tlItr." h1gheet ot moti vel. and Thirkh.ll. betl 9 fo r fntirwilry. $5'1.2; W e rtlj 'Jlotl thllt e ven I\ t ~hlB timo. "Oh. Shurllll! I" n fit subject for Ci)n· who bad listened wIth strulned ottenW. H . Sttl \lll g f\&ClI .. oltber!lttlmpa .. w (lrlli I ufllze<1 by WII'. >1 \, TELEnIONE 7 "W<f ll · como to hl lli prc,,,'n t ly. It for n ndltors office. $0. 5: .l oll n haw wI"", th _ll'dCIJpJlUltloo, be merited ad- UOI1, "an. earl)' devotlon to a perBOll men Ill' judg ing ~vur' by U1\) r. Wit 0111'10119 thut th "Ill/·r !I1~lIdo hur1 IIpplause•. She hoped wIth e.nd nn uoboulldNI r SPClct for hIs ot& , 'n n, a Ul 0 h i Tf! , . i<!J,O.. O. S. Mounts .. llI ut! spirll,ulIl .tl~lld 'l ld !! . ll nd bJ (P RICE~ RIQHT) lobee ll \\'1'1IIng. I llorl't Itrlow wh'L1lcr "'XUBOSe!l b ~ ror e 1,IlX o.lfu!DI~R I OO. '4; Id ei..l ~ of SUIlI·l lle . 1'ht! C.. U 11K I',)f ~.~=::~wlt to prove thLs event· taloments. Go on ." the olber s llQtlec{l (t, but It Is 1\.1, blt 1-' ., I) lb spIte ' of her lover,. Wn ltt!! Ltlrrl ~\k, frel[lbt .. od dray wblo h . m ao l1 \r hli-ll b flY, j'lSUOtl "Th o next point ~ . Mencle wns In· oells to toke In even Inconsldocllhlc I\eeba. aPJlUed herself al' ordloutely ",=<!, ~ 3 ; H ]!l W a.rwtok . s npplies lind P ilOO- - 1I rt; Dalila alld l)lI r l ~til.n proud of \lIs fnmlly r~llutn- tullS. Th e lion WII S s'lIlI \.telw 'e n his f or' j.d l, (,7.r. O; H. E Ollutn b . 10- OIm 8 ~ B . b ut the Ul"tllo I of wl~ r ' i~ eq1'flS the priibl.em. .' tlon, espectnlly 10 til e engIne ring fin gers, Rls hand \\'ns co~strlc"!cl nnl! Sole' Agent ,..,.......... at ber reqncst. callie Bod- field. Of the two of. the line who w ere the pen hnd 1I0t droppcd out-In fn ct. q ne st- MI h o(l .y IIf .El~rl My e rR, &9.; ou olld t1ltD n oct IlI'lDl rlll ur ItW t3 (:irtlbIHll. ooil tr .ot l:l 55J.5fi3. rBli\lrte'n had dealt 'ferF not engineers, one wnll II ,01l1ler noa II I myselt took it out ood I nld' It on StlJ r Vl.oll!" ~18 III w, J us~lc u . IIbllrty lIud Gorden Tires $Ui3 50 ;' 1... ' U . Guttery. brtdgtllolO' P 11.00. tile very ehu8 fCl'r wbl0b alopu Helen I1llngworth. Th87 dl8\:1np1shed one. bul his Cl\.1·C r hnd the desk." ber, ,141..4 ; W III 0 ob .. nt , r eaon_eot ot the eo- little rot~ t or M ende. 1 hn.l·e 1 ~1 1I'(1 I\!! tr. gio oost mlllht \]t, jn ' iI'fisd . "ms lost conselon s net WIIS to writ e phlr!'! l\I1d ' gUllrd tllil lit Frl\nltUn, Fortber. tb" we\bod ot WI liT iH 10 .' .I 1.....~t ,c)r. of Its brealdng at bet ta. blm ' lIn; that "there " " u tell Iy. $5.l.10; L. G, Anderson & olls,lom. elJ Cli v e tll· ~ne8tl ond, MIg h t , OOfl~ ... _nat.... request. There Wilt! no upword movement In b . fllmll~·. t!tnt "'j,)met1:ILoI~. tb refore?" J "Yea; for conflrmntlon I ascertaIned B:r !Iud PQ8t "S2 J() '; WI1\lnmEI- Hut dl.olde the right, Ideal D!Jlonot brilllfll8 her Into the hod r epcbed Ita cuhllinn 011 III lt iR fathot there were ink·statns 00 his . flo- boo, rond work In W .. ~hllll!ton t IWIJ_ be mal n~.uned h.Y furoo, . oor 0 '''' althou,b It would haore sblp. 1i55 6); C. G . ~1ar vin , drn!lfl eVIl OVtlrooUJs !'vll, T rUt< olitloult Pllone 90-3 an~lu,ci' tonch to . thelr oar- thor, Be hoped to bo 8 , lood. nseful gers." ~ did he ri te nnd 1;0 wb,Qm?" .. od 8uppllfll! $11 <U; 1' 116 B 'bbe Mer- huuo r III 1\ nil tiu!!'" owu in ttlgfl ty been to engineer. bnt he n ever dr;etlm d rfll 00.. I., w bO/lire 50 ; Oregonl$ ILnd QDl\lI llI.eb. servlofl ' Gnly on. log any hIgher or even TIf be' Oontln .. d Brld,J,8 00, el<tllll!lt/jli 00 cio~traot8, 8wllr~ing hont!lIty ILnd 8elf-ooDtrql the altitude ot the other ..mao." . ,~ ,,2 O.:to; . B Deob(lnt, postBge. $ ~. mtalotliln h. Rights; 'he rlgbts o~ "It wae a IIQrt ot .fetlth wlib hIm. then. WR80·t It?" 1\ ked the woman ' 118 al~ arfl leotlrely defeDded be',!86n DattoD8 all b etwean Indlvic;lurrhl by Fllneral love JUutoa1 Q,()Dfidenoe, not tlllIIplOiou; h.V 'and 8liJllNIIllfier, nolvilleal ClOr>pera'lon..lln1i nu& tor the men. h\8 admirntlOl1 tor the t)pr1n8 brillgR all IrtndH of weMber . vate IIrmed derence. eD61neer, whlcb lIomettml!ll bllndecl and w1\n it- COlli., Qolde "'lid ~ll e r.6 111m. Il\ld his pride In lIlR tntller's <:lIreer v·1VIII Df ' wlnter conjrll8 and 1foar88re:,~~fa;~!r~~11.,rn war III D~t tn. w U U&he 118 b'Jllf.l'..\.aa _ biB !umlly. was un- oels. Dr. Bell's Plne- Tar-Bonny 8O~III'rlloth'9 power llounded." will h ead off new oold or .'uP !:htl "You baTe etltabUshcd a 1110 e tor 014 OOIl, ,be ,,\,othlDI( feOJ IIIICfUleei loy" ~ pride'" lie"8 'ba lIore. hrDR'


In tbe matter of tho ~ III of Bo.rr y Dtlvl~








Olassified Ada





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I .... VElD EVERY WIWN E-IDA Y D. IJ. CH A E, Editor and "ubscrintlon Pri ·C.



Wl<l DNF. DAY.


l. 5O ,Per


l B,

As Writtt:n by Our Corps of Able Correspondents in the Neighborh ood








" Mn vbe it:! f l'oUl 'dal1dY '':',!sihee~----~===:-------t---"'''' ~ IL uro\\\'o r cl (I'I i 01.1\' , It m O Ult!l1~ luter. I W ()h t I I MI'. f\Mr n~ II! rl!. Roy, ROflrler eotet'. "r. OhaB. Boer.-Iel'. of Cln olll~u <o.fI . enowe h eUI r llm alnl lo yOUR grandfather k. fl" p Iug I1111' f tl Ct! 1ur up (\ " wuy t l1 I••• t ..lnilli ~ . R O U Mrs. A . 1'. Vander. UJ ~ ~t I m. 0 IUiltl knew th e name· 0),1 11 w igh t uut ~on hAr tlXproB. 8peot S unda y wltb b le family here . •er O UI 0 on . ,~ ·I,he Mr !lDd Mrll marl B ooke.. and Mis,. Alloe Cheooweth entertaloed .. FAIR BAN KS" illn . ;:'''' h"u 1 lu blln,l , t hey hur. Vtlllrt and duugbtor of Clnr ksy ille ~ ' t wo d . ughte re: Mr. a nll Mre. Peroy a t d inner tlunday MI'. Oharley stood for all that ,vas ~ rjl'd dow n to "he h x, go t the I.. tte r , Suot:n,y . Mr, I1n l\ Mr\! . BI\.I'vey Burnet and a l s80n li nd eoo, ot Deal' Wa vneevi lle Bo"bse an d fa.mll y, of Brookville! best in scales. No ~ clnd hltstened h" k t o tllo 110\180 , 3tl IHie IJ re .. lllng tbll 110111 "I! Rhe rlln. dan 'lite r Cllth 'lrioe spentt)unda, In "pe n 'Sooda, wlt b t hllir pareot" Elder RanolltI' , of Indiana .. farm s h Oll I d be ~ I ell ted on the oouob, wit h hu r IIrm Ue nt r9illo Mr a nd Mr.. Ed Reason . Mr. ebBI. Braddoo. lind ta mil, without th is " watch Being a Slory ' Written by ~ ~t r /tod Mrs . R obert B:l Jl inger Mr. Lev i ,181sop sll ll remalos very e nh"laln ed 11.11' , LudwIg K eonlg dog of weights." Fou r hll'mbcrs of Ihe (;;cn. ~ 'Iruuud !Jor h .. by, ij ll e utJlHlerl l,ho laft r wilh hlll\ dH thllt. trelllb led ~o 111),1 Mnl Bur r y 8 bll'v IlHonded a dangeroos ly III Monda,.. len'ille library Associa tion. ~~ -h e eOhld bn r clly bold It. lind r lid UH'Ablug 1[1 Oregonia I~riday lifter. F F d MlsSIII Beslle Sm \$h ao d Lenll lIOOIl . • Mr. ~n n k ornehell ao lion. of Cooner apen' tlnnd n.y a fternoon ~ lUll fOJlOlVlDg, t.lood 1.0 tho obUrl ; ~ ~ AOO III , \\ eJlIspor re 8und~y Rael "'o' dl e Oonne r . "Roo1 O I'OSH J:I')d pltnl , Mr. rlnlI 't .. rli '" uilrv V Munger un d auli Mrs Meroer . ta of Mr. 'bl'h .. , "IS8 ... U' ATALE OF THE EUROPEAN WAR ~~ Mr and Mr' . P. B Clel ,er are Mra B. O. Dak in aCeOm l)anled " Vard uu, Jj' r(Ul!1e. Mr/'. Au~t. ln wereclI Iling on Htuvey "OeD moor 1, l UlU. Bur no' uOll fa mi ly !ionouy venl ol\'. waking " rraugemeo'ls '0 mo ve In' by iler elater , Mrs George Dukl o, of sr.~,,, "DalH Mhd tl ll1 Luol)ll -"We sond Mr. n lid 11\ r~. \1 r" 1'1101J1"8 Court. WIly088vllle enj o.ved' the week.enll " t ili" eJJieLle to notify vou tltut yon r ney CalltHI l)[l Uh urle y Uu gerruye r L~lelr newl y Il UrrChased property, In ut t ho pleasant home of the !Il.tter 's U I R ' " fl crllUOlI. t Ie v ry Dl'nr otu re. 1100, U"eorg~gD" " kln Jr. uod f"llllly of Aller J e .. n LUOOU'8 depR r ~u r E! til hIlH b" ud ••J0 .. 0 L uoon , I it uwo ng th e ",IlIII Dr. Rowl ne , "n8~ lIeveru l mo nahs OilY too . ~l ra. I{olle rt Bullin g r \' i~l tl)'l ll t aid b l8 b ,,~o v lld ]4'ra noe t he tllt ber woonuefl In our Ullre Iler e ; W b I Ie Ab . and Mrs . W illie Allen ate w ' oll&d brnely ~ n wlt b the ve ry de UrlouRn t p reso nt hH ve overy Fred Wod worth's Ill . t Thured ay lIojoum In 1he South, retur ned home lust 'NOell "Dd report ij Il ve ry eoj ¥. !Du klDg a n ext-ended visit wltb the help ot hiM wlf ~ !lud dAu ghter, MKrlo, rea ~o n to heltove tbn t be will r eeov. uf lernoon . Mr lA nd Mrs. All on Kiblo r, of u. hl e time. IIIt8e re relntlvea u' Beaver town and &0 8upply hill 01l8toDlilril wi t b t b ", er nloely; If ptl88n~ e oou ld be ar. R"IVh Brooke hae had his Buber n ear ](enlo. . nloal amount of g"rden ' pl'oduoe ; ru nged fo»and mOlley seo tfor W .. yneBvllle. Stl ont !:in nd"v with GOMlne ovorhtlu led e nd put 10 first Mr. Imd Mrs. Ernee' Bartsook a nd bD. he Boon f onud tbd he sorely b8t oould retur n b urne Ile eoon liS Uba rley Kibler an d family . N e~blt t Mur r ay . of Selm a , speot 0lae8 ord er, Ilnd hns p-aroha8ed II. new daugMer were calling 10 'hi' vloln. mlltl8C1 the effiolent work of J en n ph Ylllotl lly /l ble, all he ellunot ser ve b N I M K RU8~ell eepar&tor, and will 10 to the ity Sunda.. eveo\n'" . here ou aoco un t of hili m ill. 80 aner '-muoh dellooratlon , t hey longer ror t one. iWllpcolfulJy yo urs. TUIlSdll)" night wit J: II se c eever fa rmers with a d rat.olal a o~tflt . • .. decided \0 lea89 ano t trtlot Of "Dr. U . ...... Mol vo,uux. and fu.mlly . tleveral fr om here, atteDdecl the Mr. Robert !Alhlev wal call1oll land : mooh nearer t o lb o railroad "If It's w eighed, '"I:)urgeon of Ward No 12, Mr. !lod Mrs. Ed wa rd Reede r anel Sunday Bobool o-:ln venUon of 'hll on Mr . Obu. Braddook and famlly a'lld, Inoldenlly' mnob neRre r to th ,' "Red (lr oes Boeplt" l. ' nm lly I pe ot HuO d"y with Leeter Baptist ohuroh held a' Blanohest er Snnda,afternooo. onaFAIRBANKS "(:Iro, " h o w e~ tea d . Thu~, h .. . laU week , a nd r( porsed • eplendld Mr. and IIr•• Georle aartlook Umphrey near U~iea. Shoogb', , .) InO.ealo bls out·put oy Lookin g a t t h e date un t,he en vel. M R h A goo ~ '1 10 0 . 06lled 00 friend. 10 'hll ..,loln"7 there's ops, Mllrle SIlW t but It bad beDn de. Mr. a od Mr s. ar t ous an., (l ""er railroad fae \lUlee . t:landa1 belOR a flDe day, t he anto Bunda., . OD &hll preaen , Uhrillmll8 Eve, h I! I"y od IfO'lle daY8 bepau8e of thei r re daughter Lola, of Barveyeburg, no argument"IIr. Will Gerrard II wOl'klnl for aad bll falthfnl wife, both we nl oen\ Oh llD g~ of ndd r ees. 8be hutt. speot t:!ood8Y wUh Ha rTY S haw and Ista were out tn gr.a' nnmbera and amon~ t hem lome verr oOitly unes. Mr. Perry Ba.rhook nea.r LyUa tble 1D&o 'he olSy ' Q aHle nd 'he e vening Iy ' bru~t ~ b tl leU-or In her bosom family . because it has Steel Mi 8 Coutlsella BAllinger attended Mre. LaUI'll Barla), entertained wee •• marlle', whloh I. 80 very Im po r ~ao l posseMsed DOW of tbtl one Ide_, t·o tbe ntght before Chrlst,wBII. They Kta rt a t oooe to beili n prooeedl ngs to n party glveo by P ea rJie R eeder t be Ladled Aid at tall. ·.1'huflday a f. WhooplDg cough I, prevlllUng In to Steel Bearings, leU JAarle, and t he h ~ tle grand. Slot her beloved h ullba nd home ooce .tlul nrd\.lY Ilftornoon. tem ocn. our vlolol'y '" the 'Ime of thll wrU. claollh .." a ohlld ut fonr yean . mo re Sb o rnOlI o vo r in h~ r m ind Mrs . e llr! Beat h spent WednesdlY 'I'hEl papar halller! and plllnteri . In". Arrow·tip Beam. wlda ma ny mlsgl vlo gs, Ilrowl8ln~ t h e va rlous wuy" to proooed, wben aftllfD.Jl)D wIt h bel' m oth er Mr. are vory b1l9Y. HooleoleaDlnlllln I lIel!'t1og wal held a.t )llddle Ruo ,to re'nrn on tb e n OOD 'rain ou t h t! suddeDI ? 8be tbou!! h t of th e Red Ne lee Mo'Keever . 8ty le, 011 wantIn g Ie done at 0008. AaturdRY and ~Clnd&y oonduoted by Large Platform ,Wide morrow. DroPH bdll dql1ll rte ra In N d W York A8R Whitaker li nd soo RAy , MI.. Vloln Jorda n, of WellmaD, EUder Radollffe, of Wayn esville. Ohlo l Wheels. Af&er thelr departnre, l4"rle, Nbo L.:lty, II R t ho tIloat auth en tio Bonroe m a ud IIpflnt T oe!ldny wi th h er WIIS a !:iunday gue.t of 111'1. tlarah ... wa. nearly dlS&ract ed Itt tl Dl e~ of InlormntloD. "We must hUlrY d,. ug bter Mrll E:ier bort MeredUh . Rloh. .bee. a.e of the IIU8P8086 of '" ' !tin l( dArli ng,", sBld Mul e, ent Jur eup per Mr. ",od Mr s. l1ar vln dllY spe ot • ... .. . . . ~". ., ' ;,.c ., ~ lor Dew8, an d r at dreading to reoelve pHok n few n~ oe.suy a rt loles 10 on r ::!l1nduy with the Iat-ter's pare ntB T bos. Jonell a ddrl!ssed tbe Jljp. YOU NEED AlSPRING LAXATIVE aa" ba. led he rael f w it u a dozef\ b_g, wa lk \·0 town , Bnd luke ~he 10 M ud Mrs. Wood eO,"" War ne r . wo r t h Lel1gue bel'e Snoday nllhl nt 1'." the M. E, ohnroh. olelNl ttlBkl to hide her Bnxiet.v o'olook tuio fo r New York Wo Dr. King 's New Life Pilla will reo Mr. o~d Mrs . N e1.o Mc Keever Re v. Alfred W alk.r preaobedbere m ove t he acc owalated waltee of will. frum 'be ey. of t he ao xloull ohild , 000 the n r eturo In tbe mor oln g a nd nd make ' he l ime S88ttl .horter for sorprlse g rand mother and a raed. were oa1ling on Mr. lind Mre. d'nn k Sun day . ter fro ro y onr IlIte. tlnea. the bor. .... W. MI ...a...Q .... bera.lf Mlnt,z of Lehuoo.D Sunday. Mr. lind Mrl: JiId. MoFarlan, of den at t be blood. Get 'bllt Ilnnlgh f" tlle r with 'Ollf news. " "Oh, look m amma," exolalmed 'Phe eh1Jd, t llloklDg t111a a t r ent. Mr . Imet Mrs Her bort Moredith Wllm1Ds'on, ",.re 8olndaYl1l81~1 of IIprlng fe'l8r feeling ont of yo.r IY.· Veterinary 0 8 NifIST••• the browD-8ved ba by, j.u mt)l ng in bun ted IO.bout, askl.o8 Qllel\\lone, lI od apeDt ~undll Y wltb Asn. Whitaker Mr. "ad Mra . ,Jell' Olnr • . tern, brliMeD your eye olear rour • ber 11118. "Sbe' po~t man 'e waROII is aiding pre Plu atloDs] er.nd 8 o'OIOCII , al1d family . Mn. Ame Daklo "nd dan.bler, oomp lexlon. Gel that Tim . ~ud Graduate or Oblo State Unlver"'~ Olllce III .Iopped at ODr b olt and I IIIl W bl m fo ond tbem ready to start (or the Mrs . N ellie Freocb , of tAblno., soap of lood porlfiecJ beaUhy blood ~ N Mfoll1l B aal< Blela.1 , ':lit y on too~, II distauc9 of 80w e two f II d II B L. Dr. King'. Ne", LIfe Pll1l1al'8 a DOD. Ill'. a lettet In " .. , Subscribe for'the. Miami Gazette, were guu tlo r . efD r\.. . grlplDg laxat ive t-ha' ald, na'ore 's Office at residence In F. B. Sher Mlrle .'ood atilt for a momont, m tl ee Daki .l 00 ~ onday . Poo r Mll rlo- t,be I\XO l ~e rueot b aa~ deadly pille, wIl tln R for ' h er h eart prooelB, ' ry ,bem to Dt"h.. A' a ll wood's house, Fourth Street. Mr. and Mra. Nathan Gray &nd druggl8", 21)0 . to.,oeaee Ita rapid 1)8&t\ ng, 80 fb a tloted 98U powerfnl sllmnltlo' to her Mr. dod MrB. UHM GI'ay were enjoy . DR. HATHAlrwAY • be oollid oomma nd breuth enoug b overwrought, n e"VOIl8IiS teUl OD08 Telephone 28 $0 ani weI' tbe eblld : d the E55 I'A"NOT BECURED log ~ helr De w Overla nd OD Snnday. fd h r ~::p~r I~~~~ 1!~6 ~ll!d ~1~1S i<1el1 I:~f\~ CATARRHAL DEAF.~ II " lJlyde E . Levloy bAlI poroba.ed Ohi WS.Ylle.. ville '. LeadtnJ( Be.... Waynesville. flnrl t be wind . b Irll llnd oold . " 1<l'1Ih'l'I.lic;, liotls, us they <.UIllOt rertcb ODe gf 'he mOl' moilern Overland o {lffioe in Keys Bldg. ~ S, Tile suspe ns O! ~OU (' , un cHged no. t he <.I1:!euscd llU rtio1l of Ihe I:nr. There is automobiles. ture . btog l u~ t t,d,e hllr toll TbB only one " By 10 eli te c.. \arrhal d~lIlile5S, Mr. Fred ~b e rbe rt has pnrohalld b I lind thal is uy Il constiluliollsl ternedy h · ,8 v rllttle "OmR f "4ClUIIi clio art ar 1.I1l ~ CHlnrrhRI De afness i. c"u~~d by no Ill .... l:"ud6bl~ker a UIO. is'BfU1 ("rthe r uw" unlilit 0 a~es entire. tlamed condili ... n 01 lite DHlC('"S liuin g of Mr . and Mre, R owl.oe Bhnmaller, Mr. Ollarle. Roovel', of CoburibQl, OOOOOOOOOOOO<>oO<>OOOOOo<>o<>-oo<><>-<x><xx>oooo-oo-ooo . - 00000 t7 • Ifnj my 'OI! and Well By V inol Iy, "nd 1111 it' 'SI 10m t for her Ih e E\I~l uctoi 111 T ube. Whell \ his lUbe i! ol W ll ml n g~on, ol1l1 od on 'betr par . "'a. 'ran8ll0'lnlr bnalnelll and oRIl· . ".. .. .. .. ill llll lllrd )'1J1l hllve II rllmblll ' sound or ent ' Mr .. nd Mrs J E . Sbum.ker Inl 00 frleoda hare Frtda,. r IlDd Il HJW:'"" It built mo b-I'~ was nll run o1o\l' n ( 'ontln ued N ex~ \V eek ) ilTwerfccl h~u rill~~ 9nrt",whc n il is entirely o nDdIlY, ' . . , The maDl fri.ndB of Mn. J. L. Iamahlo t(hl1chill~ 6u it wu~ do~<.I . I knfnc~s lst hc resul t. ule6S the Dalby 1'1\1 be Borry to lea.rn 'ha." d not dono lor 1 bu.1 puiu£ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ illth lll"liuu ~ n be reduced li nt} Ihis l ube • A Durable- and Attractive Palnte4 House bal baeD oeOllllary fol' her to leave taking Vlnol."..:....Mre. ~sily . . A rcslorod \ 0 iLS 110111101 condilion . heMllIg Wayol!lIboro, Pa. • \Id, and \\ ill IJe de uoyeel ·fo r~ver. Many case& of for AIIhevllle, N. U. OD aoiloun' / f Vinal crmt.ell on 8Jl,,~t1t.e, il':~1l Sensi t ive I nstitution. dcnf.llr~s IIr~ t:nu~~~l i~;' c;:a;~'e' ::~~~I.iJl SLOAN'S. LINIMENT FOR RHEUMATISM Ul heal'b. tion, makes puro blood I • 'HI.d '(,. ' 'l'hc st' l 1I\l/j:I'lIl'h 1\ jJ, I·geto.wn,- D ... .... • . ___ _ !t\ra. Ell:iabe. h Evanl I, lpendlDg nml(th. Your UloocJ' IUclc it It Jar. IS ·SO SI.'\l RI Li\,' Ulill It will 'Icurly sUlf.,ces. HaW . alurrh Medicine n c ts r h e t ortu re of rh'e nmatIBm, " be 'he wee II In Uay'oD the lIueat of • Eo Janney, Dru~ltlst, Way nsvllle Jl n Sligh I 'urlllQlIllk In (ur. Ihln ",e bluuJ 0 11 Ihe m ucous sur("ceso( bRl oe a Dd lIohea 'ha t mall. life un. Mr. and Mrs . iiolles Fred and otller Dissatisfactio11-But why take a ' cbwtce? L et me User....... but UIII \V York the ~y"t : m.. '. l.ea rllhle a re raUeved by t:;loan'l trlllnd. . ' , l~'e . ne Hundred for 1 1'lnimen~ give you an estimate on yout Painting ~==:===~======::====:====:======:==::::::::==~'~\'I~II~"..O nil 'to .Ill C~ anyWeell\\,1))"fR CIl (nrrhnl ikufu 55001lllr5 tbal cao· . • a olean Olfllll' liquid 'bat N.polaon JOhDIOO, of Car1l81e, ' 2m 'lltlllA' lhllt \lever ""t b. ~ urcd by H aU's Cntarrh Medicine. h ellSY to ap IJ1y and mOI'l effectlv. vlsUed friend I and relaHvea her. or your Paper Hanging . '-Boslol\ A<.I vor· ClrcuIRrs"frce. All dntiglsls, 70c. tv an mU8sy plu' en 01' oIDtmen'. IOTaral day. la.. weill . ') 11. J. e ll UN II V & Co., Toledo, O . becaOt18 it peDeSra"l qal.kl, with. out 1'0bblDg. For tllte many paloe . Mr . and Mrll. Abe Oook have par. and aobee followlog e:ltpotlnrtl, I'ratnl ohaaed tbe Boove, farm 8&S' of spralne and mosole al)rene~. , 810.. n 'lI town. M.onroe 0110. In4 famUy left la.t Liniment II promptly effeotlve. Al PAINTE~ AND WAYNESVILLE ' week fa, lDdlaDa wher e they wlll ' waYIl bavo a bottle bandy tor PAPER, HANO E~ OHIO ' IUlll bA gO. ~oolhao be, blloltaohe, rna make their fu t nre bome. Wm.Clark and eoo, lif Mlddletnwn neoK and a ll extern al .p" loe. At d rogglste. 250. were h ere on bnstne88 lu' Tbllu. day . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~ Mrs. Vera Zimmerman , of &'ral1k. liu, WIIS a 100111 vll i'or one d&y last week . • Mre. JOleph Brown (nee Mar, .N ull\ leU last week fo, Ohloago If you could disaect a SAVAGE • • whe re Ibe will t oln ber huaband. big mileage" is 'bullt into it d i ~ou d rea.lize that "Heap' - - -Tbe y \vtll make uheir tutu.. h OlDe ~inufacture. . unng every rninute.onta'--ll--~ we . flotl Mr8. 'l'iUlOtb y Mllrla" to t ba t olty. ~ighest ",d~rubber and f b . . A1I 88~0 0 ~hoppera on o dill' 'bll! M r • .And Mr ~ . A . Morgan, of Bel. 'I~, most careful wor~h~\~rf~IY balan~ deVuliei v j8l l ~ moo ' , h,ave moved In'o th~ M.eri'm II toUCIl road ri In p, u Size. ebte rs was a 8prlDg proper y. . Mr. 1<' lie... nor 10 Ii~tt ~~ ;::~-nCithc, 10 hcaVYlltoProduce Itilt DII1 htl BV lil Ch"IV . Mra . Joho BUno hal 'et llmed ~lIUon of hl,h·,rlde rClili.:::U,::~nt J!"olc<tion 10 tile UI'Q..:' a few d~~ gone to J..'ld Rebllooa from I041alla where ehe wal aal1ed ewaU. ahaped 10 cfjllrib:;;1Il.~'be t he 'Old lhocb,. '\ to lpend by ahe death 01 a rela'ive. B. And tile carca~nttt s.. 1 I ellJn,-wiU not erac.. 'Hted. built up layer bv lay" , .and Cotton. lon, fib~. toUCh tri I na~' Faille DllIliod dld'gt. kr. and I4rl, O. B. Bnmber. eD. : be made. J tr Into tilt Itron,ut carcua that ~ . t"~IIJI~d °dn Mr. Laoy ()r~ll'~d •. "'rblDed a nombe. 01 friend. at . OD ay.t"'rllooD. · 'dinner Bnndav .. . Hi&b miJq~. low coat per mIle . .1011.1 Bert ba anil LuoU u _ _ _.....__~ ••_ __ wa. at 8prlDIJ VaIJe,;~.t e JIIIarlau inS. . Qrd ay lYeD.






Dr. J.• A. McCoy,






I DR~ !







Good Paint and Reliable Painter

Cheap Paint and- Inexperience-







Mre. Lee Dnnoan -Jled J . T. MlrlaU 'Wedllr. de, 011 I(rl. , lb• . Nano" Dodd Dd Sao, ~r.I' Wlir. lu WaYIIl VIlle Wed nail. ilr. 0ba~11!1 8019'101 whol. death .y IIlOlnlDg. OOOQrred at hie late homl I.. , lion. EdMra. F"me D411 nd cJaOSht.r dllY 19''' burled Wedolliday ' arter were 8hOPP1Dr:tD DnytOD oo~ In Bellhrook 08metor1\ Be d Il,D., I·hta weak lenea It wife three ohlldrell and b Ber!Je;, -Alar H "a4 family mOlher mourn bll lon . ' b:(d:' tbdel, gllel~1I t blll weo .. 'be Mr. traDk Jamel il Ter,. til a' hI" ford l~ aro0D!. Mr, aod )lrl. titan. bome on Wei' J'rllnltllo tleree&. ~ I nn, ot Kella. The brl lie . Marrled a. th. home ot 'he brllle', ~:~:r~lde", daugbtfitlr of ,Toho Shoe. parell'" Hr .an4 Mri. Tbeoclore VIOIQi'~. who 'ormerll, lived iD oor Pepper. )II.. El.le Pepper .n~ ~r1 J ReDDing, of I>aySon, 'l'he,. will reo . i .... William aide with tbe ,room '. p Dill ID Am61 , .DaylOD.


tEE::!:'i.. l e r n~T1IlEB . . o~ Pla~r... rl 1M


~e to~earhim.·


Let Pro! .



'. .

~g m~,eBg~. .... .,' uJ'rJt;,....:m1'l Au..

,h. ·I1,·

Mrs. Caskey even,ng.

Rev. J . F. Cadwallader, W. H Allen and E V. Barnbart are aUend· inll the Suuthern Ohio Diosocen Con vention ot tb e Episcopal church at Dean Howeil, who joined the navy Dayton thiawee k • , Thul'IIday, Ascena[on Day: Holy • coaple of Weekll 8g0, has been 88 to .the U. S. S, off Mrs. W. A. Benecke and cbildreq Communipn at ~ :30 a ..m . NOrfolk. where he Ie playIng the left Tuesda,y morning for .Defiance, :sunday afte r AscensioQ, Sunday band R.l1I many friendl here Obio. Mr. Benecke will join them Sehool at 9:30 a . m ; Mornlng Prayer that it would ' not be. bard --"--" In a we€lkr and. they will then go serroon at 10:30 . the pub~~q for him to pt tb. poeltloll ~"elr new Ilome In Toledo.' iovited, to these tl8rvices



OIIeof tJae belt

tma~ .

W.,....w. ever bad. • - •




• - •

Ia comlna to Phillip'.

tent. Monda,





. '- -. HAPM'AN


Madden's LumberYawd.. .

PublicSaleofReal Istate



Cumn 011 P I ~II $ COllrt \T I II" II '01,, 1 ~; \I'f." l)() lh

I'MIIII " .. r r<IIIII~I '; I'


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COI'YRI~ I!Y rvMl/IG '" ArYI:U. CX)N1lVff

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'Vert numnle progmlU. n ut _ ..U Ing or heroIc or rOlllnlltk. Juet a e;tnnlng. H e would work on and "..alt. They say tbnt 1111 lhlnJ:~ t!Ome td'ltilm who wllltli. Thut Is 'lilly ~t true. SOlDe things come to blm ~ 'tral~ ' aometim es. Tbat Is lUOr\! ~ ~te. 'Veil, h e could think Cit DO better' 1IlM. So he bnde Win· t~ iOOdoti1, swenrlng him ngnln to , ~ 'lIIltu he shoulll 11ft the bnn '. ~lJIIt~; and rode n'vny. When .:lae' ~t, to the little villAge on the Plt-tet '. Wire below the dnm ho il!o'p~ a', long time gndng nt th~ long

br:s~i orvlnduct,ofsteelth ntwn8re-

eiN l ttie old wooden trestle lind rnllrnnd from the htll s jb»~e ~a8t"'nrd o\'er tbe dYer. ' It . . . not soch nn undertnklng fiS ~~~tIDternltttonlll, still It w ns 10. engloeerlng construction. It ,,-auld be Intensely con· h e was drawn nlmost he mAnaO'ed to hold ., T~e Martlet people w(>rl' 8t Aei bridge nnd tllAy hod

~Il th







8iI~lell the arch tip uUller thl! ~:;-n;r,"ril. construction com· &rent enrth dom 10 the vllfl~y. ~~~~ ...elllg\ IIle bad uepn .... ot the Unitedn'ltb Stntes. t il e been coonected .. · (ItII:uUet ,.l~d Its employees until he }Hld SIIOCIated wIth bls fnther on the care very much, .os J'OU nllclerstnod. 1 mny ns w ell be frnnk with y u. My --ttonal. He could hnve gone f tb t I bItt I s H er y flU t ngoll I88JPC!DC a...._. with little dnoger ot 110- tIa ter, M0 course, "1 I ~. C 0 .r ... "'Rl e. e won't even el.....te cUacovery, ..Ince most of th e J ~ h ' ~d koown liod gon\! down wllh ow hi s nllme to be me ntioned." ' a..~, bot . be d ~clded not to do "ODe cnn IIllrdly blnme blm for OInt, -.... 'th d ld b Miss nllngwortJl. 'J'lte failure of tJle . . .,-- ;wor.. on . e om wou e brlclge sArlously IIIIJur,·o ". ,' tI t.llll' l nrt. ·,...alIlPI~--""h ~ colllpauJ',· aud- It ~ lu a '" - - e wouldh nve Iess oppor· let Bridge grent ~tra1 himself nud It would bandlcnp for them to over om~ 10 se k. . chance to work up In n I!!~~'!.!:.~t~ r'll8I!lOnable way, Besides, 1.o!'BauYIturther con t racts ." I~ came .on to In· nt did uot 8wumon you here to he would probably discuss the n.lTnlr. of tile Mnrtlct «'f~!IJI~~~I!fi::~;:!t~ Lave to }anve before BrIdge compn.oy." so ld H elen, "Ioteru ~ be safer. es tI 118 th ougb tlley -,&JIll)' b e, b ut to s.ce dam would , 1I"_. ·~lrOlold tlllnk ot looking tor U by workl'lg tQgeUler there Wll8 not And 00 one ould everl some ¥oy by which we could I)rovo ,- the roush.beard"''' wo"k· thnt Bertram Mende has assumed tho ... "" ~ IIIIJ-..... ·taeed "onnd blame to suve. the honor 8Jld brue ot d -~I1t. ~.-.. vv... .. ...... . NIDIMIl' of other c1a1s. ~ his father." wu twen'" ml18 ..... tho "You boUcve that, Miss Illlngworth 1" .~ ~" "I am suro of It.' wlll'lr:lr"',.°U;:::: 1::nap!ntOt:: "So nm J:" ~.'cl Rodne), qulckly. as he reee.l1ed that prl"Thank God, cried Ule gIrl a little that It lnIgh( come ther I hysterlcnlly, surprIsed nod almost hi . ' 8W pt 011' b er feet by this prompt e e m ght be Ion It. 0" 0"'01 by oue wlio, Ulo ugb youog, was even 08 It had eOIt d l alrendY un' In tbe literature the "'educt tben. build· of englucerlllg. " Why. tio you sny that? yo QuiverOO to the familiar • . :\Vbtlt evldcnce huve you 1" tho pneumatic rl "Untortunutely," Dns wered RodIl OY,

MIll "tTb, :r

• t1Bllr ~ e

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1\J II hlll \Jrrg\or I't ,d.

I " I'd , Au -


on IIIjJ lllI ltHll.! ~




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l1l~nn h" sholl1u hllva torese~ n

use trr. ·-andErrect

E Ilt~ 1 Il \\ in"fI'lI I' ~ r.:rlwu r d Wi nI stell . DI Y\It\'A j. nt.i glllnDoy of ~ per w eek t,!TllllleJ. Luu,\' ffi (J,1I yell \. T ho \'I ll ns e of r..I' iluO(lll a t III VlIf .. nllllll l f:rflu ted 1\,IIYtl 1(1 0 1, IltlltllHlu it lIn \I·U I·.



'1'h()l11l\~ ( .

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tlcll" Idot Btl, , IUl::


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H libl' Y nn lliP'T ~no\ L'l lI rll J 'lI'dn n v~ Ch~ rl". 1) I l'l oItI, 1' 1 , I"" . )0;'1 111 11Ihl,· lto) lI' l Wlll llllU ..... T I1o' ''' p''' U \'~ Frtl '1m" \\ lI,uAll tll1l bl 1l1 AII,l/I Ir. Ur,wlI. Mon . only; H 111 '11111 1 dlliulI' d $500 wl lh l ilt r ,~t. ,\ nJ.!": Ill" I hHI,. I'~ .1 II III tiS DI~vis OIl'o r C't) ; sru .11 f{l t!l' t . Wllll r, ln L B rown ~ .. tln r u1} PAr. rl no et '11. (J,.rlll h ,)\ uf r e al e",l;bte fl oe 0 , H I"n(l~ \ ~ .111UOIO 'Vlr"iflitt .. I{ulneH. DI m rCl(l ' orl ultl1ry. .' ) I I~ ' I' I 1'1 l ' "',~ e ",ID e " H , nS""r ld 3 lies. hIflOt 0 1y . vorce " ,. "r083 n o'" n " Probale COllrt t.lm rn~tler o r .th e · estal e o f M.. ry C. K ee\' or, ,Ieoe~se d, G F, "ro"'n "PI'.)"'IJtecl nrll',\ uIstrn'or. ., ~ Bon d ~~OOO Fruuk 'Todh unte r, B L I... &'r e .. n d (Jns ~etl .. er uppotnted

1l1)llrDiHI~ rp.


tor ..10

II~ pllbllc


ou. t. h", .Northw


by "ho

(:eUler Il uO

~~ Ut ilI''''''' IV. 3.n chalno W u sto •• tlto ewU. (..~rut:r or Will, J<.u" erli lu" ; thUliOO \l1uJ ) u,luug loho Uno oJ \.ho 8llOlU and Uavlll liur 1I00 'ii Une to & ,I n o on Un, (laM" .dllo or 'r-tlin1


~ lttfoUL.N

G~J. dt.grot1li 1J. :4:' u.lJ.lilUII : "hlllJc~ \ ani ) nltlcg WIO " .... siU. 01 • • Id \ ~Lruu' N lll·H"rot.~ ~t# m IUUU!8 Il,. . O. tits CI I Il uJi nrtt.... " '"'O Ii O lilU UOtl.ll ct.lruer ot ao.ltl Mq uun.l ; UlCIlC.~ (Hh)

a .uug ~lJc UUtIl;;e.a te .


-file 01 :lUIII,1t tI~r... ~ l:! • 6U nhah~!j t.Q tllU ' pl"o o f Uttl' hl·

:!uutil ij.

ulUiC. COUU11 1JIUI (, Wo IlUUlInx.JtJlli



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10 "'Its towu ul Wa),IJUI\'llle, i o 8ulu ooUll\.)' or IVlil'r•• lu,d :I~ .lO 01 .... hlu. H IJclu" all IUt

reen Seal

IJll.l"L (J r 'liU1N :.:H~e lo , bh 'K buLW('i)U ~. he mhJ .... , lIu (It ••1Il M\re.J~ ami !l!u~UIilI t!\julU'O. anil ~o· •wueu IIle oo utb· ~ Ildt lIu ~ 0 1 SOuth l:! 1.... t .. uu t hu t:WUlib· wcsc.llho olda.it1lU",,·U. 'I'he .bu,o ~"'!lJ'llJcd \i,. I11I- 1,,!lul! lhe ~IHUU u woro COD\'UYuU 1>)' t~ lontllCe A. 'J:uorpe !,.O t\U tJUIJi l!J . Lu Ptou bY tJ ctJd or recoru 111 "<l'UUIO U., "UKU U, ut 1110 J'"OO IltlCOrtI. or \Vlirr"" (.\J UUI)' , Ohio. l:! . v ln~ uud exce pting I,um tho .I/Ovo do· ocrUJUd (Jtopeft)' ~tHU.• pu r" Lhorloot IlurdWruro , ,,It! IJy lho OBi't l\"lhuu Ii l,ullIou 10 II . M. dll.rwood ollli J . , . lIurlOU b)l t1~lt><l "\ilum1>, r ~U , ID' ~. lOud roll.'tIrdoa Iu Vol. ~7, P{1W:lI t ti 6 of Lho l)Uo!J ttt)c UrUj or WarrtJu \Joun&.)' Uhlo MDU \l~rlljOO u roUuw., w-wl\>. lJelllll lion 01 1>U\lIIOI1 S\Ju~ru III Lito LIlWll ul Wal,lJllllvlUU. Wt.rnwCOUUl)' . Uhjo. aolJ bOund \XI "uLl lI,,"crll,le<1 &8 10110""' U'SIDulull aL a JOCWft. fe u cu lJOS t In the \\ eli' Hut) ut tbo 1J1nci DlI",Ll D_OU .xunlu. J'lkd curut\l' to J UOD :i lJ~IUlU" HJ1u ; "Utmcaruu WILh t6liuclJ .. n '. lIu.


Sold By

J. E. JANNEY, Waynesvill.e, Ohio




P. .




~L, "Olrer

01 'l'bll'd :ill·t~', OD tbo t!oulh ...n 1!1 1Il6 Leu .nou " au WI)'OIl8 VWO 1'11<.0, t.h ere lJ()'UIl nil ~l rtot duu, hWIlOiL or .alLi .pre.OI..,.. II,"J ",.1 Il8l"t.eI. ,Dora p .... Ucularly d llllcrIOO" u IUI~U.f,~~ Lh" uorlb pat'l. 01 EUIIUah· 1I'luaro 10 ••ld '"Il\l1U. lJeglnulllll"~" IluliO 1118 "u~ Ctlrucrot " "Id ~uuro : t.btt l (..'tt rWluw,c lhU oluug,"e " "'" ..tuo ur tho I... IJlWun J'lk~ 8.

Itave you ever noticed how so me houses always have a way of looking better and mol' attractive tban any of the others near them? Analyzo this difference, and many t im s you will find it is due to the fa('~ that these' houses 'are always kept well painted, and in harmonious colors. Up n further inqu'ry you will al 0 find in a majority of thll ~u;es that the paint used is

ew Suits

locI< 1'.

u"u~loli UIJ\lU ~hu P .... h1I -.... ~h6 hom.. Ilropl\.· LY 01 LI,O 1010 N .LlI." ~, l,.ul/lOu.11l IYa1ul..,\'lilli , uhlu, lJouulleu on Lltul\orlh6\.111lb)· ~ou ,!,


t1 1'lf~ 1I , l buts _

lipa n rNh)('lIon . lie SIl'" It II'tluh] 1I ,l\'e 'lI~lloy<'t1 hpt' (alher btl· I yond pres, hlU, It would hn ,." helll ~I lkntlll 'IllY 11n,1 It mlgt.t 1111111' 1 p er her In h r wnrk . She renll7.~d thu t 8h e hilI! R,)dlll' Y ", thnnk fur Ilt l' omls lOll lIod uf,c,. she had 11 111 ' lu ,·,,1 · ' I I 11t'1'8~1f ~ hc IIsk.'t1 him t,) <'11 11 UpOIl h er. Ill' \l'IIS " ery glua 10 cOHle. ' ; "J 5('01 rnr you, Mr. n odn('y, ou nC- 'j count ot Mr. )Sertr/un M IIdl!," sb hI" gun. n ft~r t h[Hlklng him (or his ~ll1l1't e~y townnl l h r the UIl)' UI U old,'r " The Kino Could Do No Wrcn"." Mcull e '\l eu 111 11 1 tbcl'euflcr, " I Willi I U you tu llelp me." LlllIl II' WOII ' II CHII.' 11"1'" 1111 .11 11111<:. 11 11 "1 shall be deU!;llt Ii to do so f or ('unh to SII " " hI" flllitl"-,"" " 1 "t ,I ... y our o\\' n auke. I how d cC'ply I sncrllkll of his O'n, "1'" 'l'r. IIl1d .1",'''' I 10lNe t d you nre 10 1\1 'o rJ,,'s I'ChlllJlI l- ho>' o seen YOII 1 "1111 r "tll7.' h.,,.. ]1"11'tntl on." . I erCu l thcsc 1U 0lin's IIluSlllll n! 1",.,11." '·lIfr. nodner," l' tllrn'(] th' wOlUall. 1 R()(lu Y Mi d litl. '1nll(' illlply, II" It fiu ~hlng n little, "1'OU kuow of cour e l it wer Il )111111 I' (If ('Olll'~l', l'all,,'r Ihu n tllnl \\'0. \\'C re efl" "'cd 11. e COl IsIdera a cO lll plllll!'n t, Ill\(\ loI llIlIly II~ II, 1I,I fi ht "II,,'. th e ellgllgeUl~t broil en," I h nl'e sold It t o Il fl·!t' llli nllll c·!l lIIrnoi . "I TI t Id I Ilk ) d suppose 80. In wou )0 (' nnu n elan [I1!ttg\\,orth. Ulldcl·SlII01 1111 him," &l Id Rotlll e;\, grovcly. "rO(ll'oll wns grateful. ns a man of bonor be coulLl do no l es~." "It h ilS lIc~n n !!,rlcf to m thnt I "" .. au nro a II a Ilk" e, !;Il Id t b e wom· ~'clgbl'u RO II ttic In compllrl~l)ll , " ~ h (! on Il IltUe bitterly. "Your no tions 111'0'1 suit! almilly. supreme. You muy socrlflce 10\'e ouu "1 sh ou llln't pul It Iho t WilY exnctyour !Jest frI end so long as you pru- , ly." oilsC'rl'l't1 R",I" f'Y l'lIr~full.,'. "Y Ol1 serve tbose ootlons of honor IllI.JlCt." s'ee ('\'(' n If It ronlol hi! 1<lIo\\'u Ih llt It ... . t 11 WI! wercn ' t hooom b Ie "'liS Ihp "Iu lII tln'S f nllit entl rcly the ..n d ye uldn't t IL" men you wo cnre or us nt n young onp \\'oulrl still bll\,c to s hure "Yes, I suppose thot's It. 'Vell, I do SOIU C of the biOni c." t\\'lIW II.



preseut in to lurrtble sit,uatlou .. m ooll I lJ lltlo u .. ll " muortll an uourectJdtln&tlu luxprtt.,,'oo of o rgttl" ,z el1 1l8~lOllttl I ., II I ~U"u-WI . I U4PrlI Olioll) til ,u gh 8.0011 Idettl8 MI ~~ A udrey GI~Il"e r, o f !.pbn n(lu·, "'"y """" .. , uXtl~ I'llllJOe ntl" ,aul!Cllt I k d I tI b L u SP I.'I O\ t WO t! ·uc II I ttr /l UU ·l t lJlI1 Idttuld Ouu lJe r ellhllo It w· .u • ' V'}' I 1 b ' 11 wr.. . . " Ir, ,tu . Illuve (tilt h ' U IHIICtlCU UUIV W ... a I i )d vi!l, [) !I :; ' Ult,u bop" I "" I .J • 'IIt, t 0 t ure. 'l'he Mr. Lt lld Mr . ".,' 010, lIuLl YlTgiUl ()" VI~, M r M r~ : Anll 111'" II N ••1I ou, us II m o re perErDo~t M.. no ll l1 uud ,( nth 1I1I11 l3 11'!'lIt1 tt,ot lIUl un 01 ~ l lI to~, tiS It tnA~tlng Ml\b !l ll ll \V o" , tit,. Snn ItlY !iU~SL u f 'l lll1t u t r."CI!W , tid II rllll~tttl.. t VUlLUI


Ulluu ..... IV . 11Y f~ . utd 6 lu, uu "he 1£.." oank Hue ; t.httnctt Ill. tI JilL aUM119I wll b till ' N. 3) tloS""" 3D Illluu\eoI E.

D< tl 68r ..... 5U

i.o aUOUlur I.&r ~e I dUt-'O UlU. '


'lm v

",ltooh.,, ·s

3tl h .: " ..tilll'\) ftL tiNitL atl \ll.. aud Ptlrallel wltb "'lmob.lI ·s llued. D' ""II'ru.... aUmlnUIU!G, lao!

ft. u.Lul tl In , l<O .U tron pin IIlnlt tlJe tk>ulbo&ti' l u th 'll m"tt(lr tile e'tll'e (I f ullll of a v~r)' huve ctU.lI eUL r ock ; UJcuCCI N. 311) It 1111"(1 pOllllt ed It outT U ,'6.:r.... l~ m i llu",," I:: ~ ~ r~. allU. "',1<.1 aDOlb· B"~I' ''' '~. " oll'bt'T(l, d nceusod. Ill. t3r U U ll p m; "llttllCu at. riJl h (' IUlCtOil S. 0" oawretJ. "1 tllllll' lI D dIll, Ilut I~ he (11(\ for e'" J ~, " ". ~ ' , ~ v" u t.o r y ul ld o \JIJrnl" e ru e nt. fil e"'. au Ulluulft bo . -ou II,. w r.uou.ltlr irou vlu IU toe ."., a It nlld poin t It out, lIe ~"IIO'llrl )11) c " 0 U WUML lIuI> o l 'h"Clucln"~tl aua .oXou1"LUrlllllke : L II.ueu wlLh Lb. w,",' lI11tl ot ...111 ,urlll/ille l. hltv nllow d Ih e old~r m il o Itl ov eruwe 10 Ih" mit t r,u of t·h!' e~t(l'e of J. Je,·""", ao mluu,o. IV, ti U,h. La Lhl> Il<lalllhim or rorco him to nccel,t ",hot'll he- !dury J!; Bo nrt, (lecea~e d. 'WIlIllled U h~~jd r.... 1tlSlalObllot boou rtllrularly appralled lI · reu to be s lrucl'urnlly 1tnSO ll ll U, I tor prnhut" . . I1L .ho .um 01 ,auu nml wltl IIUL 00 IlUld lor E .. V ' I (' 8 1"'0 tI •• u t\\'o · ~hl"'l. 01 .a1~ .. ppnol...... v.lue don'tknoww hcUlcrb rellSltl1ctlltOllt. ~ .,tl l nf\'l linm .. . wllrl z, df'. lJe ll ,IH"~nodfllulI l, Itr 'I\) ~u)J "lJot! ,J1'H'IJluvl)dl l )' 1I6I1CIII F 'I·.rlJl. 0,. ...1. a.... OIl ... ~l.tlrd CUll. ouo-Lull'd I don't thInk ho Mel tlme,!fJ n rgll the ORII ~d ;"1 "I ou \ tlC(1n uut of tid IIJ1018. Mr. lI ud Mr~, J tI~ Urn ,\' Mp n l ~ \l0 . t tlt' III \ ~ .'I~ ul gon raSH y unu pll 10 uno y our aud ollo-LIII", 10 twO yura, dOlern" "") nt.uur Lo 00 _uno<! ,~~ III'' ' JIIOr .... ens , th hoc k wns Sj) s' 1ft 11'11(1 sud- trll t or UI e", d~y \\' 1 Il tIJOII'.HIlI !:'nr r v n~' ... P,.k lll ou l ,Ct!. llJ r<J ugbou);' IUUU ,v y ean ul ~uj(e tl ill/ll Lilo prenilAtlOj .,11l allllLu boU lud en, bllt as eOflO n .h<i dtd l'C OW silli' E .. tll~(I o r Fertlinond . 1 nugllo, -, . ~III1Llv"Ul ur u u~ b ... J~e l lLi ILJ " L;brl~- (~tW" ,~,tU) rate of SIX. ,,,,r (XUI\. per awUUlD; anon he ui NeD" red til at you wrre lost t1 Ril ed . FII1 ~ 1 1l1! uunt l1I>pru v ed , \Ir , f~n lJ,. r.Jr~ Alvl> J" Il,JIIItI '!,1I IIlIn prill I~' I " ot buwllu bro~ber- o r Lhe purebn"",1' muy l,uYo 1110 pnvh"lre ot aD)'WUY, exe pt of UI 'hflrlty f your allowed .Ul(1 IInft" u J . speD t UI! fI.V \ Ih'J t or l,l tH :! I ll uod 1111 t:lol:luby uj ji' ''''lDds b"lIlIe"n t)ay,.ug 1011 ·""It U lIi11i~wAnD W. lVIN8 Allo,lnl-lra".. r will, LIIO WIM aUGued nfTecU<)R, ",l1le b b ('ould nce Pt, J "'1 M I Il&r lI t<i U6. r Bhwo h alll'·. l.ltO ' IriulII (J lJ uf gU lld.will In 1111 o r cha lh l"lu,,' , alII 11K. l..UIlLuO, ~~. E\I~lIte of ,' eollll 11I.Uf'~ '"tI~'Cmer ~.Vro, JIIf', R··,' Iy ('11)11.(1 j t UI III J . h lllll l\ O orl"IM lind tllllt he could "live IUs fu1lIer, T h1s <;IlIoellllod \lut ct D!lUlU. " , WIul fo Juml fl1 m If/) H I ' ,. ~ IIrauUuu .It J"II"" AUOrl1&Y", , moy nil bo tho wil dest ~I1¢ClllnWlll, bllt <lInn IIlIllfovad, II l1 uwail Qod 0ClU. 00 MI'. /tud ~ r . ol1u ' u 11\ \10 . 'l'h.i p onplcil ut OJ ary lUDd IIrll ~~ tli l Is the woy It preseDts Itself to firmed . day dbe,ruoon. , 1011 11' 1)1\ t ur tbo li'Ulll \Vh n 10\1e .b~11 llIe." . Mrs. Geo. BOftu o Iltl\1 Mrll Gleo n oUllq .IIlt b tU, ,,11 n oop~radun , In rh,s Il.llLttor ot tun w ill of Bnrry d fi ,. "And to Ul ,"'sold acl eu, ''\lut llcfor . 0 , ) d eooll8ed ., W Ido>'l' Dllvl BUt!. ~o o &IIUU 'l'horsdll Y n D 1; 1\1 ' I lplllOd COil IO~ Wu Il w~r 'outb '\T(. II wc go IIny further, l et rue sny I sh ould elElcts to IRlte lln d or the w(lI, Il'rlduy with MrS. Wm Dnno n ear ~lJ,'lI t)lj uu lUure l'uts tiUll' WI rnUuir be Ills wlte tlllln enjoy any other Stiver Grove oUUle OJJly wben lbe peuple u nl> for tun e," 10 t,b l3 m a tter or tho otltn'e ot The Dr . and Mrs, R , E . BlittOD a 'l1! flf! g r ""t UI1 ~\ U I1 liurO 10 tlblUllJ uu .n IN PARTITION "Thot Is th o kInd of nfi:cctlon Ills \1orr09l' R oller Mil l Co , iutlOlventti . 00 F. A H tl rt~oolc nod t"DI~!y ~uo. o u t wurn trllunlODtl of 10LCI'Ulll dedI . I'lImll l! merit nnd woultl "(ll; o 1.0 Trustee bond r ed uoet! t o $6,500 day of ernou n . IUK "ud to s l .. ke 1111 upon pe ralsteot lh e mInd of 0 ulscerolug womllll," E stnte or "rtth (.:I , Trimble , de. Mr. end Mrs. 'llut Ja o/;sn n Bnd l( o,o.ct, . Wll1 be n tl D And n o w is PUriUa.OL 10 LIiO L'Ommand or Ul oni ... or 1010, , .. ued IJ'Ow 'lie U"url 0 1 Oommol1 !'I'" "T honk y u. Will you go on, lIow1" oellBed . EllIhtb Ao'coDnt of ttU8tee family epent ' uncl" ,- In GllI'rn y_ 'ye uro II U 01 Clark VOUULY, 1)1110, 1J1d to me 01"",1*1 and "Of QfJ\II'SC yo n kn IV tll nt Whitt we fll nd. ville w itfl r lu tll' ~. Ullin. rUld t8 amerlo .. '1I supreme L1oil"orutJ, ! ~' ill Oael a~ !'ubUc AUCIIOl1, 011 hnve sol u Is not evid ence, It Is IIl1lls, III r (l ostlll!' o f Anoa M Graudio , ' vppLtr lU"ay Tbe Lilules AIlI Suoi"~I' Ill ij t WIth U IJ U100 bl og goou-wl .t 11 • DO IeSM.'b Q'I sUl11p\lon, perbaps presumption." Imbeoile. t:lu Or (lIu D lIutllorlZtld to MI' d ll IDf'8 Mllrtll" IlOU l!;,1I t h D(Lv'~ WIU, llUDl Ul(ld OL) urtlge, p ~ t r I ut ,l~w "It's " t ruo nl'l gOSI1CI," suld tbe gIrl purclhse nl.'rtltlD ! ~Ck. enl'Dcstly, ,~r~~~~~~=:~~~I~::!=~~~::~~~~W~tlu~:;I\,e~dIlY' -~£IlIJ'ldIUleut u I. toh . "1Ji.~ldiiijli£'lIr'Jl!rrre~;jfijtr~fi--m~~~'"h,~~"Ti,",7;;~::':;]\f';;:::i;;-;;;;,;;;;r:::~~ ~ , "!I. Tt;rt UI.I ~tl'9 . I;JtrIl~ fhl~ othol 1" pO\'lgro bUllr 0 0 \~ ever, but I know B\! r t Menue liS f IV cOllclllUetl, "1 r<'Dlt'lI1 hor Ihll t ~I'mlle M. E!lJrh_ _ _ uv Iln rll UI ll1 len j!('s o nr O ll t ' ~. . p ople . know }IIUl, MI sR 1II1I1gi\'orth, lInti I wc",! Illllilug j ns t h ( 0 " (' hi' '\"I' nt D lew. il !!r('!i lu T h u' MI ~~eri [rel} ,) tl il l Rby. nnd Ii'ri uuCl lt' NI1~lOtllll1:'etios Gommlttel'_ perhnps pot evcn ~ II ," h e went n, In to Durlllil Ihl'('u y [\ ,·s Il)tolll,u " t n lI ew ;Jil Mtlrlo n,)oh W I' ll h m e I1vurSuD It'Y . spltc of Iwr un "JlI.k(On, but vlgorolls n Gr l',"un ",,,:,,'11 "d"')I '~~ to; Iwtt nl }o'r l'n oll Illl li WIfe to Oecllfl 8ev rul fr om lJer wer ...t41l J:;""-k!!!!!!!!~~~~i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ protest lit t hu t Ius "lItel11l'n, \ " vlck IH.ll \ Vllli '"1l II io lr, lot in Prl ~CI I.. U,u b .t ~11 ~s Ellnn V"lt t.h . shonk her It l'lId lind ~ mll ~cl lit hIm. CnllJlII :t (\ II IIR W C"I" I'1't))II",'1I fol' Il, e oJ '. ffll'Jk tl u town '''' Il, $1. . "Aod tiler ur" ,,"I't' rol lilli e rlrPIlIn' !:\I!!U III' 1,,<'Iullf<. Y' HI I" ",\\, Il \\'IIS Ih ,' e rll~ .-01\1urd.y "rhnnou u. ~ 1r.(!Uh 1\1. H"rrl ~ c. I, a] \0 Il'. F M IS ' VI " I ,Jor d &11 '\luen • (!lIri h e Bl.nnces UlIlt inn !" " " re~ 1 11111 1 11 I II ' ill~S o! oiil' IIC Ih\! c""'jlrc:..~ I\)n • ................. ... B · nook l,lllIlll!1 tro r t tD Way netown. 'CI'b ! s 1;\'• l conld 1101. hll"a bellD to L11I1I1!'_ Ji ll " III ,"IWI'S ot til ,,",t1I"l'cr Iltal t;1ll'e ~ ., I \o n "• 80 olatl' o I of B w~ p";s •• ' ·you noy gronud for your coul'kllon'" wuy," Mill» , If,l. Billnofle ter W lltlne sdtty . W AN~'ED -TO RENT "\VeIl Meaue nnu I J;ot Into nltot tll ij· H OWtIo r d \\. 1 vlns !lod WiIIlnDl ·W. Mrs A)vl\ L.ud\o~ ton 8P I! n'~ Frldny "I>rohubly ovcn ]CH$ tllun ;\IIlU 1111\'13 nnd yet r, too. knolV hlll1." L1 'I1", II· cusslou ove r SOIli of Selllul(\t·Chem· hurM '1 0 [I. B, OlllldE\rt\ Dud wlte, 3 wUb h ' r pllr U\R ll tl,.f WI\YOO!lVI II" llngworth looked Int o the p1nlo, home- oltz's furmuluS, I 'm uln tnl n 'd Uu,t t hey norea In B IlDlIl Oil lJ lp (;t ,300, Th (1 UOI I ld '\YeiIOlllD 80hoo ' OU ' Il:- Iu g ood rllp"lr, ttO'\ at !y, but strong, r ellulJle fn I) of tIle II" re wrong, H e took the opposite Mo.rg r .. I, E. il lm' Peter MIlle r 8atur dll.y eVtlnlrlg Will" wellllttonri lld ol1oe. Wuu!'d like to 'ttlltt 1m. JIlno uud ulsmlsscu !lny iliought of re- "lew. He wns right, Bo wny 80 In- t14 uu.m1! in . '£urtlf!or t.l k to wD'!hlp, Jod tw~oty .nlDtl bllXI.'I8 were Bold m ull l ilt;, liosselisloD. luqOlre at thiti lerve from ber mLlla. tCl'lJste(l Lo the muller that oiter we $l. l'be fo r~nLe ' ellot· .. Ml\dliwe Lon. LI1hlll m2 "Let us plnce," ShD b egno, "the 1IttlD seplLmted h e wl'ote me n J ~ tter obout 'btl.rh)s Z Mike oil to Mluy li'rltn. 85t.e " (Iirs. Don OODnOI, of BOAto n, CIrcumstances upon which our Intul· .it, nddlug sOlDe lI e w nrgumoo ts to r e- 0~8 OuB!)1 M i ~f18 II, r eal e~\ ote tn Mlt8s) W41\ qoUe [\ druwlo ll oH rd. tloo's uro bllsed,.,lf Intui t ions ure eyer enforce hIs cootellll ,)o. The othcr dny B'rllllkll ll t o wu ~hip, $1. Mr. J (' (\e})h C~ rr ol rwd dHu MlJter MONEY LOANED based on nnythlng tunglble, tOl;ether. I mude n cnrefol sCllrell IlInong my lin! gdwiu 13. MiHt)r to Wi1ltIiDl Blic.:n Mrs, ,.\ (01) ,.illson IUILl Mrs. \.:~ rrlu Perbllps the sum or tl, em m uy yield perSrllnu by hnp py ellRnce I COlma tile lo ~ lu ~'n. n lIu, ~ l. ' dll-rr iB olt1l1l 11 on .l re, J o lI n W 'Jlr ,· sOlIlethiug." leiter. I WIIS hnl f-co o \'lne'd by hi s Ln lll ~a. n RolJioso .o J II b: \V , nn ,llLY "fttlrllllOB, I ) H:Y L OAN!!: Ion live atook ' "Tbe suggestloo Is uumlruble," liS' r euso nlog then, ulth ou gh tb e mntter Blirkul o \\', .I!U nOI'I'~ In FruuaJiD Oil t l tll~ "uu tluouDd m urtgalles. serted Rodn ey, "'111,1 Il!l I knew hIm was rJl·oppetl. I urn alt ogc thcr con- t n snip • • 8,1 jU,tlfl . ~IlL~ Il.JugIH, JUDD tililblDtI, Jr, first nn d longest 1 wl11 begin, Perhaps vlnced oow, TIts Ill'lru ment Is very d d dj lQII IiUIII.IIU~, XIlDll\ . Oblo. ",SO . OIo'lL h n ~ lJ" n to It would be wcll, t oo, to tnke notes 80 clellr. I ha\'e cx[lll\lned since then III ., 8. Ur"~ '.'I'o ld u" DANGEROUS A. [. un ... " h , r;utl l est" t, 11) i:Il\ rlao that we may consider tbem at leisure, plnn nnrl s l.etch s for th ut bridge, The "" Noti~e of Appointmen. o den Qbu n/,ltlt! o r ll:ll'lle r'Hur p getUng nn eye ylew ns well n8 nu ear cnlOlll ntlon~ did not ng ree With those t owosblp, *1. ~D 1 UnU tlr W Ill' III tng II I'lug 111(1 . FOR SALE view at them," ot , chmld t.QheOlnl tz. His motb ds .I!lilWttT'1 ,J, o' cer \\oDd wife t.o with t uffed up b el' l, t!l,r t! t,b r o 1\ " ' ow, 10 tho first pineo," he b ega n, were Dot us d. ~l eude COUld not bllVO I\l lb 11 111\0(\ w Ue, 20~ hores nod lJe ll l)rll l oo ld !I~" qn o tll • 'Writing nod speaking at the same tilDe, forgott.en th e mutter, 1 11IU 1lI0rully-H1rrlil\l,1~tiBf*I,HUC t<I W-"l!j.IHU, $1. d 080 lOr Dr . KIII!( '::1 N.. w UiilO war ' Uy ]>h tl r'.. Brooder with Hover, one Is M entl o's ahsolutely U[I· cerlaln Ihn t b e l1inde a protest to lIla Judi t h A. ' Dumbuobtlr !lod bu •• ld ~ lI r' l r ~l ltlr, tJll i "" PP)' Onmbl1H ()" j,lIAO lty tlbJ ut 100 obluh~ 10. 'lioun,d (\(l tlevoU olI to hi s fut hcl·. ';rhe tllthcl', pl'Ohl1hly In wrltlns, theo 01· buud to Wllllllm' A . Null , 01:18 b"U q lro or K ii . Blllly, W~ynllllville, mnll ",ns not nlways right. The lo\\'eu hllJlself to bc p er sl1'lIl cd by Ills In \e r!;lt In l ;Jtl ti or II In Ul e"ro r~ ek tlOO tlf l\1It.1~ pli O bu lsll'u ol""n 11 tit! tiuoLbe~ t h e Irrl b'lt -d In UI. 1.Il\l . a25 boy wns n8 cl eur .os n bell 011 mos t fllth er's r en soolng. A s 0 DlIltter of t uw o @h l p, $6.076.2;; bruu QI< lind wb t ml ~\l~ l ll, vtl bl1uII thl 8, bllt I r ecull thnt he \\'oulll mnln· tact, I suppose lilllt Bertram Mende, Alvin 1'. Wnlling t o Clurn W, II J(uge rllll! (· nld ,t! br u ... eo up, V t) l! I l~IJLE (JOMB R. I R. Ejlgs 75~ talli hIs fath er's proposi tions lenn· Sr., wns n grenter Il uthorlty on s teel R.a ndlott" l o t 1!lII'rL~ nkl1n, II. "tup tre .. tm llut wh uu r hilt I.. fli·,,1 .!Jur ""Uillg j "I~\) I> 'few Ru08'.er~ . . bablt of WOol eo Ip' the ext1erleoce.&lo Iy, de lermll:1cdly, long Ili ler e,·cry· bridge de.lgnlng tholt m·c o . ScllruJutW, Banok to' L ore oz S 1h o pler, I' l.I II b ... lf o urtlt l oold 18 dangor Rr Ute, would Dot hAve given up nge bod;: Ilerhnps eHn the old mon hlm- ObemoJtz. Well, s~Dletimes, tho swull· 32X 0.0.e8 10 FW ll klin towuship, 0.08. Toke Dr. }IllIg'lI N e w Ol~ouv. ,. tll burgl1 ir.. MrII,UIID\ ROil., Way. UIl~V ll1tl , Ohlu . .25 ber.father tor youlh nod ber lover, IIelt, hOd been com'lnce!l of their t.ol· ery till y our Jold Is gonA. er mlln IR rl gllt. We lmow now, 1I0d $3,000 . ,,;<llllClleea abe wall too geoulnely devoted lU7. Engineering 1>1 In Mende.'s blood. t;OLTI:i-one 3 yr.-Old ooH, broil" D'rlrlll1l MCll dl!, ' r., would ndmlt It If Inea L . l2ullrd Pt al to Mary B. .lIer lather to do thnt except as B Be Is the fifth of hi s rnmlly to grndu· and one yellrllos oolC, bo,b good .... neort. . ate at Hnrvnrd· lIud three ot hIs for- he were nlll'c, I.hut Sclllnldl·Chemoltz CrAne, 4ll Qcre in Turtlecreek town • \Jues. Iuqulre of Ed , Hauby, R. D. was right, nnd ' we cu n mnke .~ good !biPI U . I BIle cberlahed the hope first, that bears werc englncl!rs, bls grnn!Unther Funeral DI-·~tnr. 5, W.tyue . ville, Ohld . alS thnt young Menlle dld not let It ,l o hn W, Wll so o et III to S M, ·.. . .de enold re-estabUah himSelf_he Dotl!Id nnu bls fnUler world·tultlous. Bo without a prot st." Bnrklla, lott! in ~ o ll~b Lebanoo, too lweeplQl a confldeoce In btl fair\) Idolized his foth er. The ofl'ec- pass EV~~Rl\L .:;, c. Wblte Orpinll "MI'. llouney, It'R 1V0nd ertnl:" $3,0 00 .. dlarac:ter and c:apaclty to doubt that- tlon between them WaR deli gh tful. The lun \.:tJollerels, goud oue8, -and "\Ve'lI, 111:1t'l< not 011. 'therc wns not JOl'lfltha!l Mo r'rlstlod wltetoFrlink aDd aeeon4. that It could be _bown ~ could do no wrong. Mende wits .. ~ I~ I eaSO[,1I blo prIce Inqllire 01 To Our Fellow Ci~i't.(IIlB : 11 Ullle , lilt of bl sltution In Mentl e's Wllsnt', lot In [)arve. V llburg, $,,11. dlat II. bad' DOt been resPeu.lble tor qUlck.o.tempered find not very receptive -II:ITIlII:RIn tbl8 tim" .of orl ~ 19 waen our W. A. tiortuoll, R. D. 5, WlLyno8, . . ' faU~ the bridge. Sbe to crl6clsm, but be 'would take the se- assumption of the !JI ame, not 1\ p rsoo all country'R IIlltbeab gootl It! the 0001- vill e, Ohiu. \\'ho heRrd I t doubted It, nppnrclltly Cornmlsaloncr' s Procecdlnis 'Auto Equlpmerlt ut convinced that bls 'verMt stricture trom the old mnn wlthmoa 111m of all, we v oloe t bls d eev But J wlis tll e firs t mlln to ";eo I he olde r _ _loa tile blame bud beeo Out a murmur." . ~Ho...Dr.wn EQuID'meill'..... t:ltar. j o b work, $0910 i J!: B. oonv lo tton uf Vllt rlotlo duty ' "Here we hllve," snld the womon. lIII'IIuC 'xc lIt hIs son lIud Shu l·tlll!." bl.lhel!t of motlve8 . 8Dd hkial I, beds f o r Infirtnllry, Sia'~\l; W e Tej r)iotl Lh .. t li ven M t,hls timll, "Oil, Shurt liff I" II fit subject tor cen· who had IIsteoed with straloed attenW. B. Stall. gil & (;0" rubber tltll~IPS wb~1) Lbll tV 11'11.1 18 orttze<l by WilT, ~\I ~~ll.~18tlon, be merited UOD, "an earl), devotion to a persOil "W," II ' com e to h im JlreRrntly, It for auditOr! office, $0. Ii; ,lohn Law wl>n TELEPHONE 7 y mon u t'e jU Qgiu~ wllr' by lO o r. ,"pplaue•.She hoped wltll aod no unbound rd res[.~ct for !tIs nt- non!! 0\)1'10118 thnt th e oldl'r ~I '111.10 hud & i3tm, 8 Ul re , t::.l:3. 50,. <J, S. Mounts ,.1 and spiJ'ltllld 8L!wQ ,nulI, t~(ld b y . (PRIl.:e5 ~IOHT) . bcr n wrillng. 1 uoll'l Imo\\' wb c i1le~ " x llooldes btlf o r a \-11 K (J()LOwlslllOO, '4 i L~:~:::wlt to prove tl,ls eveot- talnmeot8. Go uo." lr' UI' others flQl1 cetl It, hut tt 1M my bust- W"ltt r Lllrrl 1£, h ;eidlt ~Dd dray Ide'ult! of t1101'1tl ' e , '1 bo O tl U S"~ l,Jr 11 In eplte ' of bel' lover, "The next point ~!!, 1I10nl)e \~ IlR to- De All" KINDS OF ~o tfl kc 10 evcn IIl C() D~ ld crnble de- 'u~e 1 llB; Fl' E W urwjoli., s upplies wht ul.1 U1eu fl ~ Lrt<-!ibe ri.y, j u tlo" Ibe applied herself a. ordlnatel), proud or hI s fu mlly .. cpu tntnlls, Thp. pen ,"116 st1l1 bel WCf' fI hIs for j" Il, '7.60 I 1:1. E, mll t u b, In- tlod p tsuotJ- II'r ll uollie tlOU Ubl'l thou ~~~:t,.~~~~..".-: . ~.l1I9_'1 't'o lI01'fe the problem. . tloo, especially In 0111 englll e"lng oaU8dll. Buu the watborl 9f wllr II! fingors, Hla hllDU W3R couRtrlcl d ll 1td q u est .)(1 III(\Y .ur E Irl My JI!, t9; · Sole Age~t at ber request. cnme Rod- field. Of the two ot Ule 1.loe who were War I ~ . 1 • e peu bud not droppeLi o UI"-ln (nct, W ~ l-+rll I1ID , Ol lltr lOtI! 552-5613, Duoll rlstltLD "oct ho m o l'll l tIM reporters hod' dealt .,e." Dot eoglneers, one wo~ II "0111101' nnd n tb I myselt took It out an\l luid It on :liteJa 50 ;' L'. () , G uJ-tery, b ridl!!e IlltD· self VIOI ..' t18 llIoW, JDtitloll, Ifb""ty lI ud For Tires the BeleD .nUnlr\Vortb, ThC!7 c1Jstlnl1lltibed one, but his c;n r ~r h011 ptllioe : ttie very ertlltl· tor. whl o h 010 e bel', ~L!Il.4 ; W E Dechttot, re- it@tr~lIlo oost ml.,;bh \)to JIl titled . 110 &Il~ent of the _ , little {nt~ .for Mende. I hn" e l~nrc1 the desk," Farther, tbA we\btlil of "ar 1M In ~."lIIt ~r of JU brealllng at ber fa. blm say that there bad. bacn n sten ill', • "HIs last cnnsc\ons net W.IlS to wrl te plt lr IHld ., guard rull ut FrAoklln, . $ 5 ~.10; L. G. A:uderson & t;oo8.lnm. effeotlve to "bose end. MJg!1t o'!eil ._'""_, requeet. 'Ilhere W8I DO upwnrd movement In b ~ fnlllll~' , thnt @omethlng, tll er efo re?" "Yes; for conllrmRtlou I ascertnlned bel' lind poet.. ,.52 16; Wllllllm EI. brtllglna bel' Into the hnd reached Its culmlnatlun III h is fndt ol~e tbe rIght, ideo'!! OIInDot that there were Ink·stnlns 00 ~18 fio· bon, rood 'll'prk in Wft~btoR'on tlWO. be mtilutllioed b~ toroo, Do r o.. rt aitholllb It would he.,. . ship, 555 O~; U. G . Marvin , dro!,s ev 11 ()vtlrobo,e" VII. 'i'rUH D.. tlomol gel'8.~' < to "their 11&1" WRWIN, l>eea to ~t did he wrtte and t9" .. nd s'upplleli $5 4~; Tpe.8 ' bbll Mer. buno r III ' a ' uosl,lOn'1:! own 10WI!rlty rlJl Qe,., I", w bQokll, "SS 60; 'Oregoola and on8*d4sb lIervio6 . Only un. Tn be Oontlnft d Bl'ld!l'~ 00., eAt\rolltell on oont~aot1l, !WerviDI hones', Ilnil' 8el f·oontrol -------..-.~.~--~.~,2BO.:tO j Q.B Decba.nt, postage, $6. malntliin it, Rights. the rl~b'!I o~ '. ..... all.. arA. yonrely defeoded be,~eeD D.CloDS .e btl'W~8D lodlvldu.til by mala.. 1Qt)ofldeaoe, Dot lIolptOlou ; hJ










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As Writtt:n by Ou r Corps of Able Correspondents in the Neighborhood

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~ \lb3 Crintio~ Prk e..~ 1.50 per year

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Beil1g a Story '; Wen.- bY ,I Four Members of the Cen- ~ lervlJ/e library Assuciation. ~ ~



~ ~



AUer Jean L.uoon 's depa rture tu aid bls bl!!oved Frllooe the ta~lle r In.Jaw '0111111 brl1vely 'Qn wltb t he help of bill ""If ~ Ilud daughter. Mtlrlo, to supply bill cealomere! with tb Ulnal amount of Illuden produoe; bU5 be loon 'nuud that he sorely miliften ahe effiotent work ot J elln 80 aUer muon dellueraUon, IbeJ decided '0 lE!8!le aDntbor traot ot land, muob oe&rer to the rallrouLi and,lnoldllntlY' l!lUob nellrer to th.· "(,Jrey" b.otDtl8~ljftd 'r hu/!, hu thought, t ·) InO felUO bls Out.p~t by beUar railroad facilitlee . Oa 'hi. pre8ent Chrlll/mllS Eye, h e . and bla fa"hrul wife, bul,h Wl1nl tnto abe ala,. '0 aUt6nd 'be evoDlnl! market, wbloh I. 80 very Importao I the nlllh& before Cbrlstmllll. They leU "ute, and the JIUle grand. 4aullb\er, a oblld IIf four year8. wl&la milluy misgivIngs, promlsln lC to reaarn 00 tbe n oon 'rllin OU 'b l\ morrow. Af&llr tbelr departure, MKrte, Rbo ••, nearly dlBlracted at tim es boo.ule of the Buspe086 of .. ,I tin/,! for newe, "od ret dreadlng t·o receIve an", bUlled hereelt whll a dozol\ u,elell .t tllre to hldo hor Iloxlet.v trom 'he eyes or the anxloull oblld, nd make 'he 'Ime 8eem "borter for lIeneJf "Ob, loolr mamma.," exol.lmod t)le brown.end bl1\)Y, jumping In he, ,lee, "'he' po_t maD'a '\Ymgon III .topped &~ onr box and I 8liW blm IU' a leUer lD I~ .. Marie .tood 'till for a moment, 4ead1, p.le; ",altlnR for her hear t aocceaAe I ... ""pld beating, 80 that, ehe oonld oommand br'eul.h enough anlwer tbe oblld :

18, 191'7

GREEN· BRIAR "M nvbe il H f'r om 'dallcty ", Bbe 'Ul~wer.,d qUlot,I\' , tL nl(llllen ~ Itlt.t~r, klll'piol! h." , fll oe lur nl'd tlWI1Y UI'lt I bD hl ld r," g11 t Out SIlA her e!.:»rIlH. . ioll . ~'" bUild io 11 a oI1, they hu r. rj"d UOW U tu t he IJ x. go~ tbe It-Ha r, .ud h ll Rltmad hll.'k to th e hoose, M(l rio hrlltllung I,bo lIenl lltl8he r mn. 'Sil ted Oil th tl ouuoll. with btlr /lr ill ,H u u nd ha r b .. by, ~b(l olHmed tb e lei,tA r with hund8 th"t, trelll bltlll .. o - he cOllld hnl'llIy hold It , and rel'ld Uttl foll o lvlog, Illond to 'Illu obilrl ; "Rar! e ros:! l:\uspitul, "V erduu, b'rlln lle •. " Oeoo mbor t. 19 1(;. "Doltr M~d"U1 Lnoon-"We 80nd thlll epl@tle tu notify vou UHLt yon r hUMbtlOU. JUKU Luoon, ii! IlmonK the woundtlrl In our OOrtl bere; wbl le v~ry d (l lirl on~ 11 t presBn t hll ve.every reaiOO to helleve tbu' be will reeo v· er nloely; It pt18Btl(le oOllld bEl ar. nuiged fo. tIood money seo t for aame he oould ret·urn hume os soon bS phY8lo!llly "ble, 118 be canuot serve longer hure on oooount of bis mls. fortnne. ..~ss.e~t~~l~~~::~. "t:!urKeon of Ward No 12, "Red Crosl! BOlpllu1.

' M,I'. I> n d Mr8. Roy RAIlr1 0r eDtar.

tI11n ~ , 1 Mr~ O D d Mrs: A. '1' . V ander. d d hI f Olill k III Vllor t tln .1Ug Ilr 0 r /I V II 8 llncay . Mr, UI1(\ Mrs. Barv ey Burnet lind dllnglltor u~b " rln e apen, uuday 10 0 ntervllle Mr .lnd Mr!! . Robert BJ IIlngor IIOU Ml's ' Bl1rr.\' haw BHtl uded II. w "fltiug in Jrl'gonln j~rld/)y ufLe r. 110 un . Mr.!\.Ilu Mr~ Burvey Monlle r Il nd Mr~. Au~tln weroon1iiog 00 HU lvey Burne s Ilu(1 fa mily '\1 I1(IIlY Il ve nlnl(. bir o nurI I\tr~ . \lr8 'l'hULLlu~ Go nrt. ne y on Ii ell (.>1\ ' hl1rl oy Uu g'erillyer ~un llay .. fternuo ll . ilirs, Itol.JIlr t Stillin ge r " IAltllll nt (i'red Wadsworth 's \UM t Thurl'd ay ufl ern oon . Mr .. nd Mrs. Allon Hibler, of W"ynellvllle. spent :::;Ll lldIiV . with ChArley Ki bler und family. Nesbitt Murray, of zielma, spent Tuesday night with N els e McKeever and fumtly . Mr, and Mrs. Edward Reeder an" '"mlly Ipent Hunday with Lester Umphrey Dellr Utica. Mr. and M"s. Mart R oo sh an" daollbter Lolll , of BarveYlburg, spent SundRY wlih Hiluy Shaw and family. Mlt!s Couosella BAllln ger a~tend~ 1\ purty given by PellrJie Reeder t:!tltnrday BUernoon . . Mrs. Oarl Baath spent Wednesda, a.ftaro a on with her motbar Mn Nel e Mo"Keeve r. Mrs. AI!III Wbltllker lind son Ra,. OlOUU epent TUE!8d'LY wltb ber d"u gh ter Mri! fierber' Meradhh . Mr. and Mrs, }larvln tillY spent S d tth the Int.te r'!! parente no 8y w Mr. und Mrs. Wood ro~ Wllrner. Mr, Dud Ure. Nelse Mc Keever were oalUuf( 0 0 Mr. and M rll. ~' rank Minus or L-eb!1non' 8u;\day . Mr. and M'rB Herbert Meredi tb spent ~onday wll,h .AJ!a Whltaker ond family . _ __ _• - -0- --


HARVEYSBURG J, Mr. Obas. Boerfltler, of Olnolnnatl. speot Sllnday wlih hie family here. Mr. aDd Mrs. Earl Booke" and two d . ugh tors, Mr . an/! Mrs. Peril,. ala80n nud son, ot near Wayneeville Hpenl S9nda,. with tbo!lr paren", Mr lind Mre. Ed Rellsoa . Mr. Lev i Jusop stili remains very dange r ously III Mr. Fu nk Fornshell aDd Bon, of Xellla, were tiunday Frueats of Mr. lUlU Mrs JIl8per Meroe r. Mr aDd Mr ' . p, B Ole I fer are In!loklng .. rraugements eo move 10 tb Ir newl y purchased property, tn lhe v ry 11 Ar fu t ur e.

Wm . Chenoweth IItll\ remalnl10 yOUR grandfather knew the name lerlooll ooll.d"lon . Mis" AlIce 'Cbeooweth entertatned .iFAIRB ANI S" at dlnDer t:!uuday Mr. Obarley stood for aU that was 8ughae and famlly, . of Brookville, best in . scales. No Elder Radollff, of Indiana , farm sh ould be Mr. Cha•. Bradd ook and fllmll" without this "walch eDlel"ained Mr. Ludwig Keoulg dog of weights." Monday. MtsBel BeBIle Sm"h II.nd Lenll. (;oooer 'pen' tlDnd" y IIofternoon with "Iss Go 'd le OO Doer. Mn B. C. Dakin acoompanl ed by her elster, Mrs Geor ge Dakin, of W" yneavllle enj oyed the wes le.en n 11\ the pl easant home of ih e latter's I Ilon, Ueorge Da kin Jr. and fawlly of OI1,yton. M, . and Mra . Willie Allen Bro milkIng an ex~ended visit wl.tb · 'htl latters rellltlves at Beavertown and near Xeoio. Mr. and Mrs . Erne.' Barteoolr and daughter were calling In 'ble vIQln. It .. d I y ",un ay even DI· Mr. Robe,.t· IAsblev Wal oalllna "If It's weighed 0011, . eh... B~addook and famUy SUDdar ane'DooD. onaFAIRBANKS Mr. and ..... Georle Bart.ook there's OIolJed on friend. In 'hll "Iotnlty no argLiment " Bnnda.,. IIr. Will Gerrard II wo.lIlnl for Mr, Perry BarUook Ilear LyUe ~h1B because it has Steel week. Whooplal oougb II prevalllniin to Steel Beatings, ODr vtoln"1 a' 'he Ume of thts writ.

Dr. Romin e, "her everlll m ont b s Hojonrn In I he ::louth , roturned home Ill st weell nn d reports '1 very enjo,. IIbl e tim e. R .. lph Brooke hae bad his Bubel' enl(lue overhauled and pu' In first olass order, and hilS ~Irobued a new RU M~el\ separator, aDd will 10 tbe (nrwe'rll wltb a lI.n'.o!llls ontfh . Several from herll attended 'he Sunday Bohool O)nvf..nUon of the Baptist ohuroh held I,t Blanohester laat week, and rcpor',e d • aplilDdld Looking 8t th e dllte 011 the envel. gooa &lme, ops Marie 8UW thut It had beon de. I.. y:,d some davs beca uBe or their re ~anday beloR a fiDa da,., the auto lall! were ou, tn ,r•• ' Dumbere aud oent oonga of address. She h"ltl. amonlt tbem eome ver1 oOIUy one.. ly ,brus\ 'htl lettnr In her bosom pos eliB d now of tile one IdeM, to Mrs. Laura B8rla!. en\erlatn.e d I!~art at on oe to be!:ln IlrOOeo.:1 lnBI to t he Ladtell Aid at tlla 'l'huncillyaf. terDoon. glit her be loved hUHband home once IDore 'h e runs over in her mind Arrow·tip Beam. The paper inC. ~b6 vartous ways to proooed, when ue very bllsy . Me~"Dg wal beld at Middle RUD • LargePlatform,Wide tluddenlv sbe ~h oulrht uf the Red style, all wllnting It don8 at onoe, RatDrds, and liaoday oondua$OO by Waynesville, Ohlol U ro~8 b aadqnl\rters In NdllY' York MI .. Viola Jordan" of Wellman. !Dlder Radollffe, of Indiana. . Wheels. \Jlty, IIi! tho 01081 au t hentl o 80llroe \\'118 a t:!unday guelt Oof lin. t:!arllh • - • of 1~IOr?,l ntIOU. "We ruu~t hairy Rloh. • J .. . _ ....,:., • \. • ' :110" 4.:~ 10"," • r ;, . darling, . Hilid Marie, eat HIZ supper, T hoa. J onel addreued the lip. p'lok Ii tew n.ecelsay artlolesln onr YOU NEED A1SPRING LAXATIVE w()rt,b League be,e SUDday nlgb' lit b~K, walk 10 town, and take lhe 10 o'al oak: tralu for Ne w York 'Va the M. E.ohuroh. Dr. King'lI New Life Pilli will reo olln then ret nrn In tbe Pl orulng and Rev. Alfred Waller preaohed here move the aooumulll.'ed Wlutes of WiDDR. J. W • • urprtllo grandmotber and irand. a.r from your latel"ne., the bur. Bunday. "',hf, r WIt h our 08WS." Mr. aDd lin. Ed. MoFallsD, of den or the blood. Get .hllt 11usrlgh 'rh oblld, tMnktn8 thts 6 tre8~ Wilmlng'on, were 8unciay,u8II" of I!prlng lever fselln" au' of yoar IyaVeterlnarv ••• DENTIST••• • brl,bten your eye. olear rour burrle4 I1bout" asking qoe~'lon~, tllId Mr. "Dd 11,., Jen Vlarll. aiding l)reptulltlons, Ilnd Il o'ol oo k, Mre. Ame Daklu lind dIDlh'er, oomplexlon. 6e' that vim and Oraduate 01 Oblo Sfflt ~ Unlver" l~ found them ready to s tart for the MfII. Nellie Frenoh, of Lebanoa, snll.p of' lood purified heaUhy blood. Dr. Ktng'l New Life Pllla.are a DOD· ~Ity on foot, Il dlstauoe of 80me two were gout. of IIr .•.Dd Mr\. S, L . grlplog laxltive that aldl nature 's Office at residence In F. B. She r .mile! Subscribe f or ·the Miami Gazette, Oalll;.) on I::lunda,. .' Poor Marie- the exo \emant bllA process, try 'bem to nl"h1. Aa all wood'a house, Fourth Street. Mr. and M,.. Nathll.D 6ra,. ~nd drugglats, 250, floted 88 Il powerful 8~lmu l tlo' to ber DR. HATHAW~Y Mr. IlDd Mrs. OIiM (Jr.y were enjoy· overw ro llght, U O.. V 0I1 8 'S ten) Oooe Telephone 2S ing thatr aew Overland 00 Sunday. ~::p~fr ~~0~8 ~~~ h(l~ ~~I: il:~: it ~~Il~ CATARRHALOEAF.HESS CANNOT BE CURED l:Jyde E. Lnloy ba.. puroh..ed Ohi l ay ne.! ville'l LeadlDat ~JltlJt Waynesville. o . Oilloo in KeY8 Bldg, Matn 8$ aoll the wlua - UIf\.l lllld oold . I,y \,,,,nl :& f'I,lIcnLiol1s , ns Lhey O,lnllot rcncb ono of the mOl' modera Overland T ile R u ~ pe n 8" go ne, a u rnged Dp· LI.e <hsell~~ d 1''''Llou of the ca r. There is a otomobilE!8. ture bl'glll to tl1ke h"t t oll T he only una "Ily I ...ure c.llfl , rbu l deuruess , Mr. Fred t;harbert bas purohBlad ohlla 'K tlroule @Bllroll fartb or aorl :!UtI tl!!l l is by 11 conslituliollAI ,emedy 11 t:!tu do haker &1110 . .. lul,\ nealness is "nused loy nn inCa in, r.. rther liW'Y u nti l It c ~!les ent I r eo "ume,iconditi .. n of the IU UCtlllS lining of Mr. aod Mrs. Rowline Bhumllker, Mr. Ch.rlel Boover, of Colambu, , I \rQ1ig 1\D,d Well By Vinol ~y, I1nd ~lIl e sl l..lInt fOf.. b r lI 't! EUSlnchl"n ·rulle. Whell t his lllhe i! at Wlfm lngton, oalled 00 l hetr par. wu 'I&n8ao'in, buslnel8 IUld oall. . _~,,:,,;J-.'" ~ ~ ~ ;'1I1.,llIcd ),011 \"" '0 U rumbh llJ; Sou",.1 o r ent , Mr. aud Mrs. J. E . Bhumllker, In, on .rlendl here Friday. WaY1lCeboro, PR._rtf ..... 1\8 .1\)1 "In. down N 'IV II im llcrl" I It "ri llll: ft ll't~wlwn it is ~nlircly d uo d llY. Tbe maP;l1 'rlendl ot Mn. J. L. toftel' " Illlid 11',·1\ oC Iorollc\lItl8 BO) .t wu@ (Continued ~ ext . ee ) d o~d. I 'ell fn~ss is Ihc resull . U nle~s tbe Dalby wl\1 be lorr,.-to learn tha' ,t ------~.-h&rd (or 1110 to kC"'I' "hout. i hu" l,ain, _ __ ___ - - .ufhUlll liu ll L'1:' " lJe reduced " lid Ihis lube A Durable- and Attractive Pain~ House bal been Deonaary tor ber to leave In my chl!l!t nllli took L'O ld ( 811),. . A reslor d to its nmotul condil ion. hea ring tor Aahevllle, N. 0. OD MlOount / ' tri .".1 00\.:00 m Lo tr;' il,o l. I did, olld \\'ill I~ d. lroyed 'fof(! . Many caSC9 of III heahb. it built mo up sO) 1 11m olru"g n <I w~lI Sensitive Institution. dcnrnr sS ar~ l~,uscd l>y catarrh. which Is Illm ahle to ,10 my bou work whicb The sl'lslIlOS'rnl,h ilt G ~'UrSl' lo\\' u, D. nil inHalued rOl,d itioll of the roucou. SLOAN'S .[LINIMENT FOR RHEUMAflSM ~re. ElliIII'belb Rvalll III llpendillr ad not dun ' for thr months ""'ort .0.. Is SO s~n"itl l'c th:tt It 11'111 l<!nrly surfac~., Il nl!'. Catarrh Medicine acts rho torture of rhonmattam, . ahe \be weet In Oayton tbe gueet of taking inol,'·-lI{ra. Y. I t. R OUliOUGll r cord n sll'lIt 1'1I1.t hQllllk e hi . fur. Lh tu lh~ loud II Ihe mucous of balne B.nd Ilohell 'hat make life no· Mr. and Mrs , Hoaea Fred aDd otller Dissatisfaction-But why take a cbance? Let me WO'~ll' boro, FB. . . ..ty Uo I t tl N' " k t he sy stem. Vinal cr awe nn Dpp~Ule, Did. (liges v . rn ~o, 111 , ~w ... or I We will give One Hundred Oollor&for Leara ble are raiteved by tlloan '. trlendll. give you an estimate on you" Painting . tion, makes pure hioOlI nU.d . "'''~ 'I Siock 1lI11\'\.:e t \\'111 go nil I'u 1'IuCes a ny " use of Cn tBrrhnl Deafness tha t can. IIIDimeDC. a olean olell.r liquid til as Napoleon JobDlon, of Carlisle, j,~gI.h. Your monuy bBek lf It !rulil In 110 h ur m'er some lhl ng thut never n'lt b. cur~d by Fla ll '~ Ca tarrh MediC'lne. h eallY to aplll, and more effeotlve ...illted bien de &lid releUvell bere . or your .Paper Hanging 'van mllllsy plUM" or olntmeDM 88\'eral "ay, lall week, • Eo Janney, Drultltist, Way.n svllle hall\) ' h .~, nnYII'lulrc !-ll t(J1I Atlvcr- ClrculnrsJr e. All druUists, 75<:. because" p&aetra\al qaletJI wltb. Uscr. F. J. CHON EV &.Co., Toledo, O. Yr. IDd Mre. Abe Coot bave pur• .&lIO .~ Iead1nIl drUI '! 'I'O In aJ I 01110 towo. out rubbing . For ithe many paSDI ohaled the Boover farm east of ,~,~~!!~~~~======::::;=========~===================== aDd aoh6lltollowlDg el~poeu"'.I'ratnl ~ apralnll and mnaale 8elreoelll, 810 .. n', towa. , Alonroe 0110k and t.mlly leU 'aat LtnlmeDt I, promptly effeo&lve. Al PAINTER AND WAYNESVILLE week 10. lodla08 ' WhlllEl tbey will bave .. bo"le bandy for OHIO ' PAPER HANOE~ luwbllgo, 'oo'haohe, blSoltaohe, _tlff mate tbelr future home, Wm. Clark and 80n, c.t Middletown neok and all ex:terllal paIne. At were here on bnslnesl I.. ' Thura. d rugglstl. 250. day • Mrs. Vera Zimmerman, 01 Franklin , wal a looal vlli'or ODe day 1all' week. Mre. JOleph Brown (nee Mary toIull) left last week fa. , Ohloago where Ihe will 'oln her ' bllsband . They \vill mllke.haif- <-.. ,....".- ......'"""Lt--- - - - - - - --==,_ Mr. ann Mrs, Tlwotby Marla" tn that ol&y. were Dayton ~ boPJlerl one dAY ,ble Mr. and Mre. A . Morgan, of Bel. lr. you could diucct a SAVAGE you'd realize that "Heap week. moo', have movedlnao the Merri" big mileage" ia built int'O it during every minute of ita M18~ Ularo. DaughloT8 WBea Bprlng property. manuflcture. ' Vn\le.r visitor l°rlday , Un. Jobn BUnn hal retarned Higheat cradc, rubbc~ and faboe, ~ec:tly balanced deMre. ~'av MorKfln Rud Rebeooa from Indiana where ahe waa oal1ed sign, moat careful workmanship. full size. . OUl ha ve gODe tl> Pay tOil '0 lpead by 'he dea'h 01 B. relative. a few dILl'S, It touch road-cripping tread~eilherlo hcavyalloproduccatlrr. Mr, aod Mu. O. B. Humber. 'eD. IICU, nor 10 \jaht at to give InI\IlIici~nt I!rol~cdon to the CU'C&'" \artained a nnmber of frleD4I .t Mrll. 0111 6nd daugh\e~, Cuabloft of bleh·C'.de r •• ment I1Ihber..... b.orbt the road abOCu. na, called on Mr, Laoy Urals .nd dtnner Sund.". ~ewaJl., .p~daJly ahaped te> dittribute f\exlnc-will ft()C cracll. fllml1;r Bundayafternoon. And ~.carca.~ntll Su hl.nd cotton.lon, 6b~, t~u,h, tripie Min Ber.hB and Luolle Marla" 'tluct. bu1It 'up. \ayer by layer into tbe ".onetal clRUl tbal CIA was at Spring V.lle;,. tllturday nOD· 1IeDll!de. . Ing. • Hlcb atllu"" low COlt peT mile. Sold from factory to y01l M,.. Lee DunDIn called 011 AIr •• J. 'r. IhrlaU Wednesday . . Mil. Naoo, Dodd.• nil '~a' $1 ... 4 IIr. Obl¥:illI Bowl~ wholl deatb UrlllS were III w .. ,.mesv1Il e WedDle •. ooourred.~ hisl/lte home I... Moa. day worDlag. . da, Wloll ~urled Wednllllday a!'ter Mn. Fame Dm and dauwh'er, nOOD ta eUbrook OIIme\ary, 8e Edna, were ehopp'loS 10 Oay'oll one leav911 a 1.' three ohlldrea aad day ~blll wee.. mother '~1I10UrD b~ lou. lire. Berber' MarlaU Aael tamil, Mr. lir.,- Jamelll "erylUdhle blld a. their IUNt<!!'. tbtl week 'he home OD ~e8' FrankllD Iillree'• . bride and &room. Mlr. and lira. t;tau· Marrl*,a' the home or 'he bride', fOl'd Jlloklon, 0 (' X:~nla. The bride pa,eD!k.:lfr and Mr.. Tbeojore III ,h'e .Idllll' 4&!1gb~r of John Shoe. P.pti8r: Hili EI.le Pepper aDet lIltrl ~, ' ~f\ller, who foru1l~rl, lived In our B~nI;!' of Dayton. 'l'hey wllt reo v1o~aUy·. . ald\ ",'h the iro~m" . 11" tD II". WlUlam 0.1\0' . :r,,,r""""iI:!"'"~~.... ~~ , lifter a ~60rirlln-e!!II ''''''''.~·i W8I held Saturday afternoon and E V. Barnhart are the Suuthern Ohio Diosocen Con venti on of. the Epiacopal church at Dayton' this week. .



Dr. J,. A. ,McCoy, l

------., ....------






Good Paint and Reliable· Painter

Cheap, Paint -. and I experience




.... .


------..--- ..------

. . . ~ ltjiiliiiii~· ~--+"!o...~TIllES



APMAN , ..i:lacJ.... ...



Madden1s Lumber Yard


S NOTE OOl rS~ -.--. ...-... --..-..------......




The Mchoot


srrc~'1ul1d!l lu'e b gin nirfp:\

tf! IOllk all It 1III'y wuuld J.>e u resl ,

11Ul'k In the futtl!'!!. "'he 00)'9 havo l Ilh'V('d (lVp.r on e hllnclrll I HflY IV/lj{on rids Ill!' ns r '1I1 /nun 1lond' !'If lli r , , unl lalllll' , Il ave ylll1 Ail',,'n II Irtlo 118 I,\\, \~ Ihe lin1t!. Til t') witll,.e yel? Ll l1lonllllwnl If) the .IO l\"r~ in the I ve ry Jl par fill UI tl tia" y 1I \'I~ ifPd the sch oll Is this , w ,!ek: 'I'h j;; i. (",To ,S 'h 01 Wt!t' k If you luwe no ch ildnm ih se h )ul go a nrl vi. it sa ine 01 he r p e r~ on's chill:! , The st udellts 31'0 anxi ous lo have

Ther will, pr"ba Iy be iI ehorlllge of ugar. in th e l lnitecl States in thl'

!lear future and lhero will be a 11 1;'(>1 1 for all th hon ey thnt ('an be IJrO c\uced, Pro 'peets 11 OW indicnte II g ud crop f ar this y il r ano lluu1«'1 conditl, 'ns sellm to illd icaltl that there will be no de rease ill pric s, 1 t behoove s every beekeep er , a II ])attiot.l c -duty. to rio his part In putLing hi 8viary in conditio n t a l the biggest produc-tiol1 possibl ',

Where coloni~ have perishe d, du rin/.( the winter. cntrnnc e to s uch hl vc~ should be clo-ed at once to llre~' nl robbing nnd the p ssible dissem inu lion of disease. Wea k colo ni es shvlIl" be combin ed, materia ls rind uppli should be ready 1I1lc\ prl'pare d and every necessa ry thing be clone to be ready for hOllcy flows . The Departm ent of Agricul ture uf Ohio Ihrough Its f orce of apiary inspector s is ready t o Jend beekeep tm. every assistan ce possible , and \\'ill curtail regular In!\pect ien duti es in order to gi ve d8ml)nst ~tions, render advice and lend such other 8l!8istn nc(! within its vower ,

, IU


CJr u

~"Xv l1 ClrUlY e""11 •

~ulln'rt " ll


a 1" '~l'i b l "11.1 III lodllg occlipleO by til., \\"uuIIII,,1I

1jQ.~l..\<vU.' ~ brf ~1I0


Tbe W. O. T . 11. nf t·his III co a~ teoded tl. oOnvon tion at Cbe ta r ,

Bu y Ti re s -Pricas 'Ford Sizls


this Week Breaker"




Mrs. Lydia C. HlIlfield , who was IItri 'ken with paralys is one dllY last week. died a turd ay a (ternoo n abo ut 2 o'clock. The funeral wa ~ h Id ~fonrlay m rning at 10::.10 o'clock from the h ome o f her niece, Mrs. Clarenr e Wi!. on. o f n ar en tcrvi lle . Rev . D. H Palme r oOiciati ng , In· termen t was madein Miami cemeter y .

GR AI N If ) ou have a ny grain to one'r, remem ber wea re' pen every wor king da y. It makes no ciiffeli nce how small or larg;e the amouu t may 'be, we are bere to pay the hi hest cash price po ·sible. CaU ·in and see us.

Wien you are rea d y to do. that buildi ng don't forget to use "Universal"

Portla nd Ceme nt. We have a . fr h supply on hands now . • .Get our prices .

e- - _ .. - - - -

Lydiu C. Ha lli ('ld , rlaught er of David tind Hulh Young" was born nellr Fe r ry, Oh1(1, August l7, 1836, and depw.rled thi:! lifo ollly 11 shor distance from Ole place of her birth. April 13, l! tI7. ailed EO years, 7 mon th and "7 dllY:!, 'he wa mllrri d April 22, 18GS, to Isauc N. Hnltielc\. His death oc eu rred over si x ycars 0&'0. In earlv life she united with the hllrch of hrist at Ferry. "'or Il number ,o f yea rs her membe rship has been with the Wayn esville chu rch She, WIIS a strong atlv cilte of the rel!lorat ion of primitiv e christianity and longed 10 see the church at work , Recentl y she spoke of 'saying and dlling 80 many thlngR she ought not say and do , of being so glad the Heavenl y Father knew her heart and her desires, and of ·thinkin g her time- here was not long but she should be at h r post of duty watch·

Sugar, buy SUllar now before the' tax is put on and save mone,

y~ur Otils alread';-Cooked,'a: bi" Cans ...... .......... ....... 25': ' •.


aOl~ buy bulk Soda pound only ........... .......... - 6c

Sava money

Plenty of Scratch aud Obick Feed Cracked Corn , Oyster ~ht!lland

Grit. Robltze r's alld iiin Dried<J4eal.

Miss Lizzie Clark died at her Il(1mo in hladiHo nville last Tuesday , after The a short illneSs of pneumo n ia fun eral was held from the church at Madi~onvilte. Thursda y, nnd in,t e r. rnent was made in Milford , The de· ' ce!1sed was a niece of Mrs Mahl on RidJ:e. lind mado her homo with nor lind IIttende d schoo l herA for two i nl{ and praying .' yeaTS in 1876·78 and wliile here mjld At th e beglllni ng of her laBt ill· !msllY f ri ends . who will be shocked nes.Q , which \\'a~ of abuut four weeks death. her to hear of Ilu l'uli an, she Lhouyht she would not r covel'. CahnJy and with evident Mr.. Elli7.9b(\t h Monfor t. wife of pleasure, ~he made her lInal BTraDlCe· Lhe Ilite Peter 'Monfort, who lived mellls fO\' leaving- tho! things of th~ : for yeara abou t two miles wellt of world. It was her prhrilege to pend the town , died at the h(JllIe of ber son in Lebanon Friday morning . after a la ·t two weeks of her"b e horne lonll.' illness. The fllneral was held of her nIece, Mrs. Clarence WIlson. at t he late home Monday afterno on \\ here she w88l1hown all· t he tender at 2 o' clock Int erment Wag made care and though tful attentjo n ihat Ii lovin" daugh ter could give toa faith in Lebanon cemeter y. rul moth~r . For thelle many kindnes@es. he '.11811 mo t appreci ative, was ily 1 ici!' v and ville Waynes l'xpre!s in)l he r gratitud e in words aa shocked beyond memmr e this mDrn IQng Q.9 she COUld. speak. . Frank of ing whe n news of lfle c\eath Of Ilea r relativ e, she leaves two J . herwoo d was announ ced. The brother s and two sisters; ay decease d wa... ob ut town yesterd p resuma blY" in the bes t of health "l can not always see the way that !!e W8i! taken Buddenl y sick i'n the leads to he ig hts above: evening , and died abuut 1 o'clock I sometim es qllite fo rget He leads the ing be lexy apop , g mornin this me on with 'hllnd of Io,ve: cause uf his death. No arrange , Bu t yet I know t be path mttSt-Ie ad r· e fun he t for mllde ments have been mt'to fmmanu el's land. alu pto l his hour, but due n otice And when I reach life's !umrnl t 1 will be given all the postoffice bulle· shall know and underst and ."


Younce Bros. Grain Co in. 0,,10 '-_,___-""1"'------....: C,or~

EX" ra Special 'on Pot~ Choice Eating Potatoes, plI. ;!55.o This pri ce for a limited time as this price is le88 than whole; ' sale t o·dIiY.






a'" "Record

~eechnut B~k ed

--- ~-----

A ' Ce l'" In II Frrolch \ l lh,g,' l'il urch th ll t h"S La- 'II




Choice Rio Coffee 17c. alb" Slf.!ol ut Coffee, pound oul), 2Oi: .n~ d-Clenn Efisy 0:11, 6 cltk ~ ~ ,; ~ II c:"bl~ol~~~ Beechriu t <':lllsutr>,H

Cruik,;h anks Ua ed cana ... We '" ! LOt,; & Schram l:Jakecll:! eans lOc " Oig Can Pum in, on ly .. .... 10c V. CIl1l1PS, pOllnd HClm lny 10c ' you. Pink,Sa lmon, 0 ... .. 1/ic Flllicy Many of the Wa~' nesville Teacher s Cpve 'OyP,jOJ ,call opl ........ 10c '8 Tt!3chez the I Lebulion wore ill Fan'cy' Suglll Corll, can only 12c A ii~oci a lion SlIturda y. Mo ther 'II Oatil, 'plur. 1 8WI ~:... 10c . An other one of our boys has Shreded Wlieat"Bi8~~ 2 pka 26c uri al'H we red the clIlilo th e CI lor~ . Fllncy Lima Beans, p~bnd ... J6c 26c: McClur e le ft Monday , Olhe~8 tHat Brown Ilellns, 2 poun 8 · . I Bbick Bellll ~ lIe lb 1 lbs. $1.00' can not go will A('rVe nt hom . ommen cemcnt will be Wednes day : Urac;ked Rice. pouud .... ::. •. ~ 5c i .Big Heud Rice, 35pOllnda. -,.". .. 26c May 23rd.

married i'rld~y . Mr. Herber t Britain Tuesda y to Miss , Beuie Stansb ury, Joseph Bl'l\ r, who hilS been 10 11I at Lebano n by the Rev . Watl!on. b e~\t Ii for a 10011 'Ime 18 now Buffer. The young couple will make their ln ll f l om pneumo nia llnd 16 10 a home in Wayneavllle, arId their very orlMcal oondltlOn. friends wIsh for them a great dt'al of Dr. Wbltll.\ter nnd family spont . Gazette , happine ss. SU llll",y 1:1 Meobnn losborl( . ,.. O. Haydoo ll 'and wlte e uter. ililned on l:IondllY, Mrs. Sa rah Blir. JflD , Mr. Bnd Mrs. John Bilydoo k. Trevor O. allydoo k aDd family, J/lll, B . aaydoc k flOd flimlly, ' Ill. Bay. dook IIoll furolly llnd E. O. Dldaker and hDllly . Tbe OCOI1S\OP. " l)lI' 'RDMr . Haydoo k's 70t h birth . versary nl s Price Our ,'1111 You C.t. Mis, Lswheo \l and Mrs.' Btbd& were t n o~a r"e of the l!eEvl08s at be ll'rlands ohllroh ' nnday morn I.,!. wero takeu Ab oo~ SO new wemba r In. Dlnnor WUoI lIervod In tho base. , (G~rant~cd ' 3S00 Miles) R od, men,. Gre)" Tu~ Tube 'Smooth MisS Ellther Sbn.mbBUab, AIRn and Alm& MenlieI lhall and Erma $2.30 $2.05 '~ ••••••. $ 9.25 Mendeublll1 are III with' mellsle •. 2.85 2.55 Cliu'on Commo n. hnd daugbt er, on o th er a t New Parlll, were SundBY gu,!l8t" ot Air find Mrs. Jobn M. Hill. Jobn SmHb oontiou es very IU ~, bome In 80uCh Burliog ton. ls b Home 2210 :Joyl aDjoyed a vlai~ froul b'l Lee OHIO N, DAYTO m other Is!t wdek Dte rtnlne4 Ine Olyde Ewing Youug Meo 'li 01118S at the Friend . t:!8ndtly 8cboo l ·h~U 'l'llatsd ay 8v~n . . IuS· l)ards are 6at fo r t ile wllddioJ{ of Mr. Am08'C ompton nnti, Mlss EllzlI.. betb Hurley. R obor\ Smitb is quuran tined with sou le' fever, it'is not known h ow h e COD ruct l'd tbe dls81\se nod every preoaull on ball IlDBU tall all to llrl'v ont 11011 sp rou lllnl' .








f ,'r II limited lime Food Prl. tJucts tire 8dvunci llil evel)' d: 1 Wn hllve many tirticles bvullht b~t r~ I he advll llrC.'~. SD ale ·n ming 80me very attraclh e"

tin board ..






"School anon afterno on. ~~~~~~. .~ by addrell8 a1I~~~:.~ New Problem His masterl y discusal on' T~hI8~!1j~;;~~; tbinlls. he is doing wIll Ipng the county not only for what be

~ __ • Mr. !lnd Mrs. W. I~. Bogl1o nnd + - - - - _I~_'" Come In t he Gazette offiee and get Mr. and Mrp. d ~ uKbtor Lolnb, COpy of "The Vacant 'Lot and Ii B. here . W Laurenc e Sherwood arrived aallilgh Bogon find Hov. 's. Hyman at m Linolell rd"Gardener's Handy Guide" YOllr Buy Backya l3ood"y . bvllle r O'Neill autoen to lJla from PennsyJ vania this 11Iorning They a r.e free , It is a thoroug h lit tie the to . and 8pen' tho dRY ' wHh WlIlIl\w sel·vice~ h\~ red offe Mll-hlon Ridge attende d the fllneral He has pamphl et lind can give 'you 80me especially for ~1~~i~r~.~I::!!l~~ Dnnn and family. probtlbllity good a man who. racldUalte8 Li <!zle Clark at Madison ville gqvl' rnment, and In allsoml! pointer s. Miss ot etatiun bad g ~o Leamln rred H. wIll be ~ramrl',: Mr. and Mrl. of. la'St Thursd ay. 88 -----~eeded be will Ices Mrs serv and where hiS 118 t heir g ucst8Bu nday Mr . a chemist. ' . Joha is.lone a nd Mr and Mrs. tlam _ . \ _ _ ._ . IlIliilhed n Lebano at The gl'nnd Jury lIel Sklmml oll8 1111 of WlhniuB~on , .' ' / thll and . evening ~dllY Tu work lhtlir 'Jd I\ Dllvie LQyd Mr, and Mr8. . ed. ' little Ion Ceoil, or Dn.y\on vl81ted jurors were dismiss • Dally Tll0Ugh t. • Mrs, ubd ab, 'DlI.vls' puente Mr. caD who one Is sec t'l woot we Wbst ' allY uit s to 9x12 Rugs J OI!lah Davis o vo~ I:)unuuy ; Ml'. !lnd - We have breast Into tile worltl, dQ a WUD 'S worlt Mrs J , D Burle:v end Mr · and Mrs. room at Hyman 's , amI stili »reserve his first amI pure , ' " Howard Burley ~pent &undllY afler. enJoyment ot exIsteoc e.-Stevcosou. , noon with Mr. O!>vis' al o• . C. K Soci"l at the FrIE'nds Church I' Woma n's Auxilia ry of St. •~• Friday everiing, April 20th. · Alii Miss Franotlll Wilson. of WH01In " . Mil p',Y 's chut'ch \\'ill rrtu~t with Mrl;! terested parties are invited, bDth too attendeo ~he W. E. M. 1:1. entor. CnillVall:!dar li'J'iday afterno oh at 2 ' and ~oung. On·behalf of Commi lalomen t at N e w Burling ton ohllrch o'clock . !:Innday evening . M ' ',' J. ~ M CI M ' ~ Miss Esther Shllmb~n~h is oon. rs, ames cure. TS, 1'.. an fined to ber hoUlo with the ll1 e u ~ l e~. Wilson wards ant;! Mrs . E V. ' today. Mrs. '1. ' OnUln l cJow~ trees epolls the liIra. Lydia Bill Is vlsltiug uer IlarnhilTi:-n e in Dayton operati on beauI, of 'be ' landeoa pe 1 would an o m other E~~ber Uompto o thi ~ \Voe lt-. McClur e w II unde~g not like '0 live wb.ere there IVere no , · t, r th .the of lloo oM4 i\l Rober' lb. aod Mrs. 'ree . ... rin l! i5p Q& RnJly III Ii " ended 'hI' e. 2 'l'b6FIl ..ri' t e w "birds wbere up ~am'e n Lebano of ter; W Dan, T a lley Sunday I1fternO OIl. no ' ree8. They bave no ,bere grp,ndhis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"CI. took Horaoe Oomp'o n ~' bad as their Monday to l'oiilg' and plaoe &0 wake their home. home , WoolI~y sa &r'Lolli , mothel: Effie . ¥rH -r'e~1r: 1!~! Y tl.'O~0 er,"' 'h .. wav the Iree8 tllke. s. Takln; withhil1'} i1'. ~n Inde1\nlte Visit, Mrs "d M18~ 0{ b EIII1 O~p'o n , of R xaQuR~ ...... 'T:,.f'f ....ol e~an apd Mrs. D. L . Crane lon tram our tender , proteot spent the awa, t e lb. aod M·.. J llIUes ' MoIntlr e . alao, went 1tlth- -ehem and ' irees. trull ' , vls\ted her mot1:er ~re, MeDJIl a. ,dIlY, trees abe no ue abere Where " ' J amestow n I:lunday a fternooo . , O rapidly ; 100 011' i and me!' 8DO". . her~ who ' attende d th ..: . MIS . R. E. J DO\! v.iJito(l her Aolnt .. The re .haa llionld alnk Into 1D0isio 'he ~ Lebano t a tion AaSocia j rs' Teache . evening y f Ma,,,ar et BorneU 8ll.'lrtn illlOds, ape 10. y awa ~rrled llolI)1 lhe voort Vander Mi8B\!s ' r "illitod ber SatlJL'dsy ~ere: Miss FloSl!le ri. ,B.BoRuse oor f ores'lI are 'liken tiuDday Stout,' Geualler, 'McKiosey. Canine, fr iend MIH8 !:laruh B Can you ~ord to a"RY we have severe druogh ts every Oarman Tur,ner son r McPhe. r, Kindle eV ~ D lng. ' who has Lile ana M~ssrs. Spl'~gel, Arnold and year . , . Mi ss M'Hvbolle G. One full growa elm I,ree gives " 6 1181ell, JoJtns, Phone No . .been kO]J\ fr om f m018~Qr.e io .00& fifteen toni 1" Is much better . n an, ~ larfle<. A honrs. four twepty. B uy yo~ Linoleu m a t'~man's. Is 'home lister , G~o t ge Hu 91 plot" three off Rives plant ..1lower . '. .. oopl ng 80bool with water In otis (lfl,Y. ~Tbe..,t~.t.!s give 118 lu ber, fUIII '. a~: effeoll ve to 'bill!Je ends. -(MIg t dot\~ " $G~~ln;~ L G~ An ~rllon ~ "Yes; tor confirmntlnn J escertnlned I:~ r wad I/I)R·L,',. $2 I G; WII\lAU l EI. Uut u rioicle ' th'l rlghl,. Ideo,. Oolnllo t lIn- bon, rond wo rk in WtH bID~t()!l t .wo. thnt there were luk· Inl os. on his be wlll u tl1 lUed bv forco. nor O',1l ' g~r8." ' Mhlp. '55 6~ ; .~. Marvin , druOlII e Vil lI VtorOfiUl Il ~v IL {l'ru. UUL IO"'I Phone 90-~ COl(W1N, OHIO , e,O. ''WIiilt did he' write 'otld t D "'b.'om?" "l,)d ~llpp llfl/; $5 jl!l,; The B Qbs Mer. bun or ill 1\ lI ~tl oll'~ OWl! hitegun y esviU Wayn rill U() .. how b{lOlre, .38 50; Oregon ia .lid Iln811 ltisb 81lrvioH (jniy u~. 1'0 bo Oon tln" (I Brld!l,o 0(1, ef<t\ro .. tetl on oootrao ts swervin g b onesty .nd "elf-oon tro) • -- ...- ---,-. '~,2 U.:to; Q. B Daoba nt, posi~ge, i 5~ mllin tti in n. Rlgb tll" tbe ' rl~hte of all, /ltrl lIeeurel y defende d be\weeD natlOD8 aa bl!tw 8Bn Indlvl~u.hj hy BAD ~OLDS FROM SUDDEN CHANGES motulll q"lnfide noll, Dot t.<ufjplolO ll ; b y H unlvlltl lli oo->pe rlltl on. and la w, Dol prlnll brings 1111 klndt! uf wonthe r by pl'lvate tlrmed defellce. re t.lle Rod and ,wltn it 'COlliI' (J"hle aIld h o rA·e_ ~e 111lernl1 ,nj to, war III not Itl. vivt.,1 o f 'wlntur oonj!bR nOBS, Dr. 8.; II'~ Pine-To r.Bu" DfW all "1ty ap4i ooward lce. It f. the Ible aDd ®n.trll otive power will heud I)~ a new cold or .. lllll f;be reo True JIft'rlotl.tIl ~I!l a,M , the P, othinjC of • tbe III)\,O ')18 !!Me. tllron' O/IIII.'DQI~(Jlr.Arewl" to. lrrltlito d tlll8l1elf> ~e' 1&


. Vi . money is lURE -your shipme nt SAFE. No snIpper ner lost. dolJar-desling with. tbe Tri-Sta te, and every can is·guar. , _teed against loss or damage in transit. Alk any Tri·Sta te pt\tron' ~hat he tbinks of us, or let us send . Free Trial ~ if you have' no cans of your OWD.




..---- ..------








Tool Box 'Special a Tool 'B ox? For one week, b eginnin g .ella regular $2.50 tool ~ox at SlAS, !8 .~ S~i~l pri~:



.. l'il'll'''tua~ J:. ..... ..ry • •~ ,~.I"..;~o<IJ:...,.••::.;>'Ol.d"!ID"i..~l'f ttE!rJ.;a: " n "~NI blld. thece that soy hhu no WIUI There IWIo.~'ber Into the upwRrd ' rum'em cnt in II ' r'l m ll~·. t



'ulmlulltillU ill hi. foto be a good. u ~rul I never drenm d ne ~ or e\'cn R)'Iprllll chlns

althoogb It would have hnd reached Us . cb .to tl!elr IlIlf\o ther. Be honed anUl!llti C tOU , but be ;=;;;;;;;;;;h;a;d;;b;een;;;to engineer Ing n.ny higher the Illtltm,e Dr the other mnu ." . "It WRS II 80rt ot t~tl8b, wltll 111m 'tiINI, WRsn't It'" I\skell the ",omnn II~


st'Oppcd aIJllIII. ''You ha"e hit It el!nctly. ills love

R O!jncy

tor the mll n, his IIdmlrnUon for the ,engineer, which 80m time!; iJllnded ~11Il, IIl1d bls IJrltlt' In ),ts fnther's "arc~r t),plf.)·ln g his fUlully. WIlS ua· n bOIIDded."

"You have eHtallUshcd II motive for iDT, .crUI~: loye. respe~ prille r' "That. the 11'117"It preflODlB ltBelf







Walt~r ~lia~~er ' ......-..


Sixty-Nin~h Year

- - " ---



DISASTROUS lli~~~~I ~=========================================:;:::::~~~~=====~I I}OC~~--tv-]!T-li FIRE UTrr- RLY DESTRUYS TWO COUNTR HOMES

- - -

"T he Fla g Go es By "

See Waterh ouse for Auto Live ry Howard Gustin was in Daylon Saturda y.

---- ---- -


M,r. and M,rs. Frank Carman dined COMM ITTEE 15 NAMED FOf\ MEN with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jones OF WAYNESVILLB Sunday .

W. H. Allen was in the Quee" CAUSES ARE UNKNOWN CityMrs.'fhursdl l),.

Mr.dinner and Mrs. W. Sunday O. Raper hadand as lheir guests , Mr, Mrs. A. Maffit.

By H. H. Benne lf

Miss Mabel ry was a Xenis Were Fou,ht By Neighbo rs and visitor ThursdSalisbu ay. Friends But Efforts Were In Vain Rev. and Mrs. S. A. oa.\' ton viHitors Friday. Beall wcre

Whole Nmnber 3427.


Mr. and Mrs. ' Chauncey Bunuell and sister entertai ned at Sunday For the Good and Welfare of Their dinner Mr. Robert Braddoc k, Mr . Own Comm unity-O ther and Mrs. Frank Braddoc k and family Notet and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murray and Raymon d Conn or .

IIa ts ofT!

ba s of plen t y and years of peace; Hat'ry Schwar tz, of Lebano n, WIlS Saturda y about noon word was Alon g the street there 'comes -'[arch of a stron g la nd's swift inphoned to town that the house be a bu'siness visitor here TUeEday . A bla re o f bugles, a rum e of drums, longillg to Charles Cornllll , known a~ The officers of the Men of Waynes crease ; Misses Martha Burnett and Emma ville met Friday eV8ninil and select· A the Archer home, on the Waynesville fl us h color bcnea t h the s ky; Cartwr ight entertai ned at Mr. and Mra . W. H Alltm spent Sunday Equal justice , righ t and law, and Spring Valley pike, was on f1rIl, Sunday with Ir'iends in dinner the followin g gue!ts: Mr. ed an exeouti ve commit tee. which Hats ofT! Frankli u. ' tately honor and revere nd awe; l)everal men in autos slarted irnme and Mrs. S . L . Cartwri ght, Misll Kiz- looks like a live bunch of booster a, The flag is pass ing by ~ dlately for the place, and a good zie Merritt , Mrs. Rachel Keys and The commit tee appoint ed were: Altha Palmer, of Ferry, is 'onfined Burton Earnha rt, Frank Zell, Frank working force was SOO:1 on the Rhea Jeanne tte Cartwr igbt. ing of a nation , g reat and strong to her home with i>rench m e a~led. Braddoc k. P. D. Clagett , J. O. Cartground s. Blue a nd crimso n an d while it shines To ward her peopl e from forei gn wright, Wilbur Clark and .Bert Stacy. The house wa.s occupied by Mr. and Over The Frtlshm the steel-l ipped , order ed lilles. en and Sophom ores en· The entire corps at otficer,s met Mrs Emerso n Earnha rt, and they Mr. and Mrs. J O. Ca rtwrigh t wron g: tertaine d the High School and facili- Sat urday evening , and have been therll onlY a short time . were Cincinn ati vieitors last ThursHals oft ! Pricle und glory a nd honor , a ll ty Saturda y Ilveninll at a unique func· for lhe boostin g of the made plans They made a lire in one of thl;! rooms day . organiz ation, The colors before liS fl y; . tion. · Thev went to the grove of etc. They decided Live in the co lors to s tand or S"turda y and It is thought that a fa ll. to bold the meet· C. B. Lewis But!l1 and there re th an made the a huge fl ag is passill inlifs tbe second Tllesday of eacb g by: .park from the chimney BeL Lhe roof Mr. and Mrs. Frank z..11 and Mrs. fire and prepare d their rllfresh menls month. The next meeting on fire. The hOUSB was burned to Mary Caskey , therefo re Ha ts ofT ! wer which e Dayton consiste visitors d of "weine rs" and will be Tuesday evening , June 12th. the ground , but a shed adjoinin g thtl Sea-fi gh ts and la nd-fi gh ts , grim and A lon g tile stree t there comes rue~ day. rolls. The whole alTair was well con There will be a lunch, " bouae was saved by heroic wor~. ducted and or courso everyo ne had probabl Hty there w.11I beand In all grea t; The Earnhar l'U saved almost all of A blare of bugles, a rulne of drums : a speaker a jolly time. Walter Elzey was a suITsrer from from oUblide of Waynesville. their household goods, with the ex Fough t to make and to sa ve the Sta le And loyal hearts a re beatin g high ~ A commit tee was appoInt ed rela· ception of one bedroom 8uit". The meWileslast weel<, but ill able to be Weary march es and sinkin g ships; Hats off ! tlve to a !flee club tor the club, can· houae and gooda were covered by in· out again. Cheers of vic tory on dying lips ; sisting of D. L. Crane, Frank Brad· The flag is passin g by! lurance . , dock and Clarenc e Younc • . Mr. Cornell will start to rebuild Mrs. Harvey Guslin and daugh ter, Each membe r of the club oUllht to rillht away on the ~me spot. MiS8 Haz ~ l. visited frien ds in Spri ngteel that it Ie hll speelal duty The home of Frank Pel erson on the boro Saturda y. to try and Ilnilst some one to. become Bellbro ok pike jUllt one mile from a m~mber and it Ie hoped that by the Spring Valley, was rotally destro) eo Mrs. Belinda Rogers. who was next meetinl l there will be a 200 . by fire about 8 o'clock Sundsy morn member ship. If this can be accom· Ing. The conflag ration is suppose d quite sick last week is some bett e! at . plished. by the July mattlnl l thera to have atarled from a defectiv e fur- the present time. John Bogan. who reaidea near oLlllht to beat least 300. Dace in which the Pelerso ns had just HarveYJlburg, was arrested Monday MiilS Dora Ellis, of'Woli ster, Ohio, mad. a fire. An orr.niza tlon of thl. kind ought by a State game warden , for having to be ab e to aceomp The fire seemed to start from tile is visiting at the home of Mr. J 8. lish Ifreat thlnp ~ In his poiseasion a fieq trap. He was for tbe commu nity, and attic and the whole second story was Janney alld family. ., It II {\ litUe.JfL~ lin .. taken to Lebano n, before Squire Intende d f~r tbe enti~ In flamlll! before much furnitu re townah ip, could be' &aved. Most of tbe furni · Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawke ture down stalrl was gotten out be· family spent the week· end and with fore daIllage d, howeve r . . relative s in Dayton. to stop the illegal catchin g of fiab, Volunte er fire fighters from ail the ' -~.--lIurroun din8 country , Includin g the' and arll taking every precaut ion to Thp new tel ephone rates Dr. Thos. went into Sherwo od has been in Mo ther's Day was very fittingly do it. If you haooen to have volunte er departm ent from Spring effect yesterd ay- t he 15th . If vou observe d at the Ferry Christia n line on hand you h~d better '!- trot Valley went to the scene at once but Spring'field this week attendin~ the wanl to stnp the talk to anyon e outside of Bibl e Schc.ol on May 13th. The hooks, for you are they were unable to !ave the struc· Ohio Me.dical Conven tion. to b~ caulfht. the local exchang e , it will cost you 5c women had full cbarge upon that If yo~ do not w~h hable ture, It was modern ly furnishe d to ~e heaVily tined. a talk Officials of the Cincinn ati Speed- day. There was a woman teacher you Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rogers spent Mi am . Manage r 'l' hompso'J, of the with an acetyle ne lighting syetem had better get rId of that ~sh i Va lley Tel phone way Co, nre h more than gratifie for every d wi class, t h the 3unday with their children , Mr. and just returne a woman tor super. net. or any kind of Illegal fish deVice and a furnace . d (rom a visit to the early response from p ro pecti v(O start· inteude nt. a woman The bouaehold Cunlitu re belonlli ng Mrs . Earnest Rogers, near Ferry. for choriste r. you haOplin ough.t to be Utilities Commis sion lit Columb ers in us, th" Second Annusl ln ternalio n- A couple of women '-hers met. the destroy ed, fortotbehave to Paul Peterso n, a IOn, who is now warden a wlllilurely with permiss ion to put on th al e Sweeps extra takes race, to be decided at memb~rs. and guestS of the Bible find working away from here, was s~ored you out. Kennet h Ross, of Mason, who fee . the Sharonv ille cou ~rse on Decorat Mra. Will Coleman and Mra. FraIIk with a number of weddin g pre.sents, formerl y lived School and gave everyo ne a fiowtlr - - -- . - -- - The Lebanon Grange flome time Day ,.May 30, witb several oLher ion Snyder were host88881 to the Loyal in· in honor of mother. ailverw are and otber valuabl es in II bours bere with liere, spent several ago, went friends ove r Saturda y. th e books at the terestin g events on the day's Women 'l cl ... meeting of the Ferr., room on the the second floor and was lnvitati ons of Mother 's Day Cards compan y, and th ey found thal ~he gram. · elas k, to be run pro Bible Sebool Wedn6ildIY afterno on, at a complet ely deslrov ed The IOB9 to May 9th at the bome of the former. Mrs. Allie E. Weller and family Lelephone com puny WS:l makrng distance of 250 mil,es f or a purse of the house will exceeti 1:3000 leI'S than a off their phones at the ola $25,000 . had a list of 15 entries thref> The m~ting was called to ()rd,r balf of which ill covered by the $1500 were shoppin g in Wavn es'v ille, Friday money of mother s respond ed to the invitaralt.! . They proteste d the ad vam:e, w!'eks before the date set for the by tbe preside nt, Mrs. Roy Ha~­ i~8urance carried. For the present evening In a new S.t udebak er auto, but protests didn't amount to much race-a n unu sual conditio n in view wa,. Thl m~etinll was opened wiTh~ the family will live with their sen. in their case. of · the un certaint i es that seem to special prO!fram was rendere the BOnll, "Be l.eadeth M.... • e John Peterso n, who occupie s an ad Dr. J. T : Ellis was in Dayton Mon· d at the The are up on their toes confron t the racing game in certain preside nt read the first Paalm, after joinlng ,farm. They will rebuild at day evening attendir lg a meeting of aboul laity closinll part of the Bilile School by the malter, and a number of locali ties. which the Lorcl's Prayer ~. rethe motherll and daughte rB and a once. the Dayton Homeop athic AS8ocia- tl}em threate n to lake their peated in unison, 19. membe r r .. phones Following is lho lis t of entrant - -- ~--.,--tion. out. The Re rvice over these lines bas already regis tered, with new namtss talk by the ministe r. Council met in extra 8888ion Tuea- Bpondlnll to roll call With IICrlptu re nev er been so fi ne that it warran ted coming in daily: Ralph De Palma, d !. . ay even Ing, and a fte r a grea t deal q uotation Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wellin\fton, a holding up of higher price. If you PSl:kard Soecial; Eddie Hearn e, DueAfter .the secreta ry', report the of diiCussion the¥ decided to employ business sIIaslon was held, of Chicago; are the g uests of Mrs. try lo get any t()Wfl beside your own senberg; Pete Hender son, Mercer; It being a consult ing enginee r. It win be his the day to elect (Officerl. Mary Satterth waite and other rela· it means a wait ot several minutes , Walter Haynes, Mer·cer.; Joe Thomas , Th . . .~e duty to look into the local officers were elected tor another III.X which is a great annoyan ce when the Mc!cer; Louis lo' ontaine , Merced e tlves . make a survey and number le.. plant, ; business is urgent. tblnas necessa ry to the maintenother Omar Toft . Omar. S Ostemg , Osance months: Mrs. Roy Hathaw ay, preal• d ' te wig SpecIal; Ralph Mulford , Hud· h dent; Mrs. Clifford Miss Clara Hawke went ·to Cincin· l, vice· of the plant, an wiiId a vise t e president,' Mrs. F . A. Maxwel Wright , aecre!lon Special; Ira Vail , Hudson Special; nati Monday afterno on to attend the council 811 to the best mode t;>f proh cedure 'in regal'd to the disposin g of tary; Mrs. John Wrl!f t, J ules Deviltne, DeLljlge; Jack LeCain. commen cement of the Ohio Eclectic treaaur er. the Jllant, or whethe r to maintai n it The preside nt then appoint D L:tge; two Dues{\nberg pecials. Fatber' s· Day will be fittingly ob· Medical College . ed the May 20Blble School 9:80 a . m. themsel vea. entered This bv matter (? S DUE!sen berg , drivers Mornin will be at. following commit tees:'" Flower, Sick, aerved in the Christia n Bible school g services 10:30 Special peace tended not to nlimed, as soon as an enginee r can Membe rship, Social and Devotio nal. and one car, unname d, at Ferry on t)ext Lord's . day, May . All F' d Miss Rowena Wright , who has ed b It wu deelded that the 01888 would en tered by the De Palma Manufa ct- serVIce s. rlenservlctls s .urg 20th. Bible School will convene at been spendin g several weeks with to m. e be secured . present . Evening hold an open --alon at 8 p. tbe church _ _ __a _ ..._ __ uring Compa llY. ....11:30. and the men will have full relative s in the ElL1t, returne d hUOle a t which J. Edwin Jay, Preside nt of some time In charge o'ftqe pro~ratn upon that day. Wednesday evening . June and Invite the Wilmin gton College l¥iIl speak on blie. After tbe bush~eBII Beaslon There·will be a man teacher for eVery Frien ds Peace Policy and Relief WOlrr~kkt\llf!lm\f'll-ilffH-n-----_f,~~~II41~~~~~~a ~~~:~ c1aas and a man for superin tendent to War Suffere rs . . Everyb oay ';~ The talk everyw here is of Har· and the special prOllram will be in mount's Big Uncle vited, The Wayne To wnship · S . S. Con· T om's Cabin Adjour nment was next in order and charge:of the men Let' every fath- Show at Phillip' under a big tent, vention will be held at the Lytle 111. the Boclal hour was spent In pleasan t er and 80n not in Bible school any· Monday evenings, May E: church Sunday afternoo n, May 20, 21. convers ation and contests . The where please be in attenda nce upon at 2:15 . hostesses served dainty refrellb msnts next Lord's day in honor of Father. The program will be a Rood one. consistI ng of ice cream and three Mr and Mrs. B. S. Howell spent The main ----~~ ~-- ----- for the afterno on "I am delighte d to see kinds of cake. Ninetee n membe rs' Sund~y with Mr Ilnd Mrs. John Lin will be by address said Rev ,' R, C. Moon. There the father of lhe colluge you," and 21 guests were prceent . The ttln at Clarksville. They report will be stud to . several good tailes and pi mtv th e profe sor. "My son took ent algeguests were Mra. Albert Stacy, Mrs South Lebano n _voted Mrs Linton 89me" hat improved. of good music.' bra from YO\l last year, you ~now .' · Beallaw recently, and it under the The Friends Quarter ly Meetlnll Malvina Stscy. Mrs. Bern Jones, went wet held here last Saturda Lytle Sunday Scbool will be held y ~hd Sund!lY "I bell' your pal'don ," ~aid the'\ by a majorit y of 65 . This Mrs. Walter Kenrick . Mra. Clanma Mrs. J. D. Marlatt and daught er at l:aO. professor. "he was exposed to i~'l very good sbowin g for is not a WBIa larllely attende d. Several VIS, Smith, Mrs. Charlie Clark, Mrs.ll Warren Itor from out of town added much Helen autoed to Lebano n Friday to but he did not take it."- Ex, --. County. to the Interest of t~e meeting , .and Wilbur Clark, Mrl. Walter Clark and attcnd the field· meel, held by the many q ueatlOns were decldP.d dauipte r Wanda. Mra . .Raymon d . PUllils of Warren County Schools. Wade and aon Cbarles . Mn. Ernest VIsitors were Rollera and daughte... Marp~t. M.n . ~\C:nnl0I110, Sprinllfield, Mrs Lydia Cban~ler, wbo has bee,n Earl DuVall anti aon Frank, Mr. Will Green Plains Coleman, Mr. Ed Brown, Mr . Homo Dr, Charles W. Blodge tt, E;x. making· her home In Blanche ster. 1.8 Riggi, Cora Miller and J ean~tt. Departm ent Comma r.der of OhIO. now at · New Vi enna. h~ ving been and a very promin ent Method ist called there on account o'f sicknestl, Brown. The fellular June meetlDg will be with Mrs. Sherma n RolleN. Jlrellcher', of Cincinn ati, will be the The proceeda for tbe day were ~. 70. ~er on Memori al Day. Dr Wm Dinwiddie, Raymon d Conner , ~odlelt is. &aId to be one of the be~l J. C Hawlee and J. C. Hilley ~!lnt to The fish car arrived .;.aker s amonll the Civil War veler Dayton Friday for the to VISIt lola first time this season here on tbe platform . Let everyon e lodge, and seeeveninll on ~'riday . that famous Five can~ of large fi h were consign ed a~le to bear him. Program nt.:xt work . to WUYl1 flvi llean(lt hreeto Har~evs­ w~. . burg There were 6000 fish put into Mrs. Mary Caskey was called to thll little . Miami that day . There L>ayton Sunday on . ac ~ount of ·the were bass, catfish, o4!rch arid sun flsh, Ex Govern or J. B. Foraker , Ohlo'8 operalio n of Mn. Verna Caskey and all were good sized Lake Erie distiniu iahed politicia n, died at his Kelly. Mrs . Caskey returne d home fish . . home In Cindnn ati T.bursday mornMunday evening . , '. . Ing, after 11 short illness. The funer. More than one-fou rth of the coun· al was beld 8aturda y afterno on, and ties of Ohio have underta ken a~. Rev . J . Cadwal lader, W. H 'men of importa nce from all over the cultural agent . work, whlcb i8 orsaAllen and E V. Barnha rt are attend· U. S. attende d tbe funeral . The reo nized t~rough the eo-oparatlon of the inll the Suuther n Ohio Dio ocen Con maina wt're laid to rest in Sprin&, AgriCUltural Coll8lle EXtensi on Bar· ventlon of the Episcopal church at Grove eemete ry. vic\!: Tlie Ohio State Unlversl~. an" Dean Howell, who joined tbe navy Dsyton this week. • _ • the United Stat81 departm ent of q, .il Couple of weeks ago, has been as Thursda y, ABc.lnsion Day; Holy ricultur e. The most rec:ent to or· .wned to tbe U, S. S .. Richmo nd, o~ Mrs. W. A. Benecke and children Commu nion at 9:30 a . m . Il8nlze the work 8re Aahtabu la. Lucaa NOrfolk. where he Is playing In the left Tuesday ~unday after Ascensi on. SUilday ' mornin g ~or .I?efian ce, and WOod Clountles, 'lb. otber 19 band HIlS many friends here knew Ohio . Mr. Benecke Will Jom them Sehooi' at 9:30 a . m ; Mornin g Prayef countie s that either have apnt.~I" that It would not be a hard matter In a .wt'ek and !!ermon at 10:80 Tne public and they will then go to Ire about to eee~ their emplOlm. .t . ~ him to lIet the . polltion 8S be is cordiall y invited to these service s. CohsmblUIII, - •. . . of tIi- beat lDa~ drumm era their new ~ome in Toledo. ..... Ham· eger had. Big Uncle Tom's coming to Phlllip' l Monda1 evenln" . re-




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AT fERRY CHURCH ~~~l:i~::t~~~!2:::i~:=:~ E:~~::~F.~~eC~bn:~~ Ua~~;o~ . LOYAL WOMEN'S CLASS MEE1'NG

~~m~~e,~ c~~ a~~t bfar;~~u~6:~

WILL EMPLOY A ~~h~~l, I3:':0~e:; !~~ i~6 t~e:ib~ CONSULTING ENGINEER










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51 MARY'S CHURCH ---- -._...---






-::! :.... ,qnJ l', l·nl"""~'V. "","'1\',,,." lIu.1 ""rl'igI1Pr:: nllk,'. '1:Ih')' 11,,111111 II n" l II I')' nlili n lr~llglll tOlr nnnilwr mlllUl, ', Ih...\, ",,)j't'. 01lIh'I'II'8 to tnc fnct , . th ll t .lll t II R <;')"0 IlS It W('lIL It \\IOu11l I I go \\ WI n rUI'h. ' 1110.> !'lo('lw rll' W!'Ultl Ill' wrJ't nwa y , ~ I llr",. 1l111llhl'y w,Jll l, 1 ~(\ willI II. Wh UI ~7'.. or Ihnt? ~' h (l 1lI1'n lm 'k or It 11lnl 'li~lr Common P leas C~url 1iQit&71T~[ND nRAD~ t1H'h' brtllll1Y nl'rI}S '1~1I111 t min oml J, nvDJT~ Elh 11 Hrllwll l.ltlJ er \'S ' WlllloUl '-I "",U ~".ndJ JJ r1 w.lnd, (be I'uwI'rs or II ltlli Il ~ lin t 111(1 ~.'''TI([' orALlC[ Or COURAGr.·· pow er~ uf Oftll. hilt II( t IlIOI'l Illlfl)'. 11 Mc lnl . 11 Brown. I,)rd ur g rfluted to . _UUHoor RE.citHwnOf!,"rrC, Is Ilprhups d,'uhtrlll It lll!'y r IIlIzetl [Jlutlrilio rtlUl cS lnl,ll. AND "'hill II, y (lid. II \\'118 l ustloct, h ublr, U u \\' ... ~,J \V I vil1~, udmlDistrlltor, 1"'Y'DT1'~ TOnTJd~rla.m nD! 1\V hll ",1 dl'''pcrn tlllll now. It th 111m y "8 U. \ . U , K ~t1vo r ot Ill. Dl6trluul1(!J1..,l"V J.)J.\lUI1 wull fnll 'll IlIlIl ' ~ tIll' I 'rrlflc w., t ' r ~I au U l ~(i,~ . 0\111. OfGIlfLcR. CCf>'t'RIGHT IIY PU/1111ti H,Rtvcu CP'f~ prl'~~ur(', tll ~y w,fluld!>.! hurl 'II II II 11th New Suils TIIelr fraU pallande l>nclillllf wns nOI oUl ~ r gll llg 10 r ~lIrurC'~ Ilil:! 1111111;1'1 I~e~t lilt'·n., r:I(!1 sl"I'" oC OIl! tlnnl, _.IIa:I~ ~pleted. It must be r uinI ng polul nnll bilu I( dlw 't"d l h II' 1I'0rl,. JUT e . n I III .... ' 'r s ,,~ It 1I':I'i SI\'l'pr W III I,nl1 E. hI kuru V8 Lily R l g. ', eMiiewhot:e, tor the wllter WIIS till Nt'W It tnl;I'R tim for wllt" r to r Ise O\t'nf. Cllught up If Ihl'~' I I)' 11I1 ~' CIIlIlIl!1! ansob uts l't al. Pllrt ltlo u o f rOil} e~1II0wlY rtalngl II: wnll lI\'c. ond II hnlf fly" fl'rt. en'U In II cloudhurst or 1I survived ?, nntl hU I'h'lI. II ml;!!1I nnd ' tll t e. . teet now tram the cr st. It WII~ hopl'- UC' 'cxslon of Ih pUl. 'l' h l' ra in CfollSlllllt. ilottl'rl'{), do II' II tIl~ 1'1111 'Y III Tb l! t ltu b: IIl g v~ 1.. (l t~lo King. DI. IS- If another mill tcll, anil the rnln Iy ,'(!<'llIt)d 10 IlIel·e.I!;;> li S 1\". 11' 111.1 rU 1(' /loo l (hut would U ue. Wllut v J t ~. " r Ub:i mwlt a t 01 eJut,y' . ! M '" ,lId· th ('y knoll' ,,!tOllt Ihllt, or I<nowlu)!. ..".. ~IB.,. 'llbere wns un oddll\l cJ.1I\ tiro\' It nil . ' "ml " '~ n t(' r kll"lV lhnt wbnt did th~y '!n n'. u~ lil .r 8trll I0('11 . b!lIlm. F . lllng r \'I.' l:i~rvey J . ;ta tbfe ~ air 01': tbo vulley as Ul0 Ihe dum II'li S ,Iol'm.,u, Ihllt Ihe Rluke III tJlO wn\'l' I'lng 'tlmber \\'1I 11? Anll t:lul u Lrf .a t ,,\. ~I l>no ...1I 111110rocl os. Sa1lages ate "keyed" by means of serial num- ' , Orioldrove down upon them. A few nntl lhc hul r·fl nlshtlcl s/Jlli ,my "OUl· ~tlil they held ns th (> rnln pour d down o ru; nUJ " UU ! Ol lllJUf ,! :;;ltH ullllintur. bers. And are distributed by our own orga niza. ~ the fainter henrt8 flulIg down pick blo 'd elluhl dl~t'll n rl:e only .1 s lII all PIIl't Oil til m, 80uklng IhrOlllth lll('\ r SOI:>:.I'1 est. tion, ~ !,old to middlemen .in huge quantities . and .bovel Ilnd fiX nnd stood cmven. ot the flow, hut he lilI II' thlll h~ \\,'; Il!~ clot hcs, the coldN' OU tll l'i r ('x hll ll <I\!t! '1'11 1' 1!:lhlnge r 1Shoe M'll1nfBctnrinl! O..,tlt CUJ1!eII, blows e"eo, from those hnve l\\'o hOUl'S nt le ns t to ",,,rk h, '· hod les fnr the Itn('n Wilid tlllit blell' L'o V~ 'rilfJ lJll\ul uo lili L" uuu \' LI au d and carried in stock sometimes for a year ot the taver sort sbnlOed tlu'm Into (ore. tllO 11'1I ( 'r 011,11 pu ~~ I.)It' ct'f'SI, II ';;:~ ttlI'm. , N ol rth" cn HuilwlIY Co Muu ey o nlv ; more. wor~ II n. TheRe brllvc IIlltl rts ond \tnuN'mlnc, nnll blltt er dClwo tIlt, pu l! · ~ I J IHU tl · t true lnlgbt be RWCllt nwny 'wlth Ut e !llde nnd bc~lu II> 11'1 ~k l o 0\"'1'. .In. ' Wcll, UI y .h na don ~ CI·c r.\'llIllIg th rr ttUl unn 0 allll ~ 1111 In er .. ~t . We know just whe re a casing is and how long dm II It gn"e wny, hut tbl,'y would os 800n liS It Ilia roll O\'er Ihc till), cOIlItI. V 0 I111 1'" n tl'r JllIll lWd d01l' 1l lind M .. r "~ Mulfo rli. x uc nrrtx vs Mllriu it has been there. The minute a tire reaches the not give uP. ond no mon working with unl~ s th ey could fllol) It, th e wh ole I ll' ~s cI Wrusc If nga III" t tl '" II ""est Mu lfo rlll't.d 'l'utl' ll rtlul 'estu te t o thEI doubtful age, the point beyond which there them shonld dee his tn.Rk or sblrk hi s thing was b"One. F or those two h Il Ul'~ umhe; with til nl Cl. lint! "'''lt l'd. sl hmt. Pl\y tl ~!) r p. duty. By the ' lhing Ood, wbose sport the 8uperm 1\ Inhored lInrcrnllllugly III Be bud Ileve r 6ustui llCd s uch n pr\!s.l!JvCIr on H I! VllllT I'i< B ,J ward E is possibility of deterioration, it is replaced by a andlllarthlng they seemed to be. they the downpour with It p ersiste nt untl It.,: Bure 10 all hI s \If" Like Alios, h.. H ll l h ll "'"y !llIJ u " w" r I W. Ivi ns, new casing, '\ Jt: and 80 wenk ond strong. rolc courog thot sllould have be~n reo relt as It ho w('r 1I01 11ln>: liP n wodd. nOlUlnlMt rn tor IIlClllL'Y lInd eq "l tdblu You are a lways sure of getting live tires, fuU boI4 and .Umld labored on-despcr- corded In song Iltlll story but wllich And tho mocking Ullng auout It nil rol wj' ' ilte; ftIIOlyed, godlike 1n their COUl'- was not. It WIlS remembered ufl "r \Vila ILls teeling, ony hIs l'~ll llzn tl oa, E"~ r tLl u UIIV II r Vii 'l:iUWIUU E. of " pep" and miles. when you buy in.ll PersIstence. tl while by nono allvc tl t w. To Ihe [hnt be WIlS 1I0t rcully ho1cll ng au y- dlllU IIWliY c t Il l. Monoy und ~'lui. '!-1t~. cloud. wcre movl!,~ swiftly mnny It WIlS only "1lI1 In the dny's tILing, thllt It t be pallRllIll'S fulled, h is tabla now, To the e~8t It bnd bcco elcn r. worl, I" pr ssure, bls reslstuDce and tIltlt ot nil Probate Court ·bit ~ it WIlli 0180 bl nek, nnd then The \mderslulco In the side ~C Ihe tho other men am ouoted to nolhlng. ,~fti e.:- r'roar greater even than dum whIch wOllld later serve liS iu:md. }'et he beld on, ond tbey, too-tlernlI n th(l Ill '" t r o f th o (,8tU to of ./U UI C& Burollw, da oellsutl. \Vililld, ,~ thou. net tbundeN!IIIPS, the wind g/lto tor Ule cnnnl had been In tended gods. . muted t o p lo lillte. ' torrctOWnl the rdounb\tos, through the 'to pass UIO sl1lulier 1Iooos whleb might CHAPTER XVI, ;;"';~"':;;:~'-!h :....,:.:.".,.__--'·,~W'J canyoD@,lotoUlevolleys,occurdurlogthcoostruclion ood h ud · In t.h e lU utt or of t h e ,"il l of Mini!. ~~'kIDi ID the pi nes, ond tell upon been open sinco the ral n begu 0 It till ,I. ::ilwlLb . tl('c e ll s~d . Will IIdThe AncIent Art of Fa selnatlon. I"~'" iln'd , bnrled them down oM cllrrled 01T n W- ot volume of w~ter witt II to I·dco rd . much ot the Inst wild b\lrrlcone lliruShea them back. And ufter the but hopelessly lIltle In compnrl son wltb ofAnd in Ih e rn Ite r of Ihe esillto of work took unllcr th e obserm,rID4;. fl!e rail!' A drop or two struck the flood. Foot by foot In the torren' liUb M . l'hom)Json, ueoeosed. Will tion of 8 I V~nc\\!ven ~r'8 cheek; IlnoUler, Rnolh- tlul downpour the wuter rose. Kt holt tetl. t , probnte lIl1U J. Merril l ~om ot the big III II thore nt;lmit . a~ ~~en 'f tle flood. He lUted oIter ergbt It rl!hched the level ot the BOlle llPI'IO lntod .. dmin! trll.l or. Bond of tlle new r esel'I'olr, ~ l :l.ill'O B . F. Browo, I:i W. ! em '~'e"tt4 .~ jr!nr'!il ~nd shook Ills 1I11t nt splllwny an<1 conliDenced to rush Side for bnck Into e nl lll,\ li:d. I::i. Gon l;lln UJll'olllletl "p. ~e~~k1 'a~~ ttirned to the- hnmau te~ thrQugh In e l'er-lncrcRs lng volume, bDt. In 8])lte or I'rnl ~r r .. . ~_ , 1te , ~mmnnded. the f101V IDto the r ese.rvoir WIlS tur lind tllo ' ~l 0110 caM'1 Oil, boys," be cl'leO, grcnter thllD the plllwuy's eIlIU"!I"". Wayne&vllle, Ohio In lbe molt r of the tlstt\te of stood QlI;. lIIlrIe~bc t.o be h~ above the thunSUll the sight ot tile Hllrn~OI1l B. R l!es, d eoens d - E d lW dirr.veelBJ "we'U beat)t yet." Ilncoufl\ged ilie men. Even...... A WI I\laIllS utJP Inl ed IIxeoul rlx hflir Il'OI!e about him and wnl! them. telt thjlt If, the held the • Chllr!en Mooot-. Btrllm MODnt "Dd . ea1IIb&.<1iP and rnn 8long the top of discharge would be Increasetl euough (; 11D ~ Mit hell (\PtJoi D{e~ apPrBI6er s Harveysburg, Ohio ~hllUll. '.£tIe balt-IDaqll\CIIl yeJ,1 to stop the rlllC, but et present the efIn t,he mlltt er of lh e e!<tu tl'l or neb a cry. u . men might give feet wus small_ ,B y nIne o'cloek It was .I obn '. ,Pierson , de00ll8t! d. Charle8 .m' !)otUe, PIe ex- wltllln a toot of tbe to'p: '1'hey began K e lly a ppoI nted Ild mlnl r. Aontl GRIflFINIT£ TUBES .'~~~~.~~~~~ and thEm they to mCIl8llre Itl rllll) by Inches. AlIllongl\ !it10, ,A ppr,'! e rs J!:. C. Dnnlllt.Dl The: onl, tube. that hawc ,r'aphlte wI(I.,,(ud Into the .uriat~ ,, " , Ijplorant, the dam had been cnr~~IIy; kept lovel prt.Yt-nti dettrioration, .hckina, friction and hutlnt. Maku e.' B. VII.nllllrvoort .. uel P. 8. Ony. to, Pit OM unccc ....ry. LCPlthtn. the HIt o' the lUM .. ......IIte, ot.,ftilt; f~leblle.n'etIII of· Uie pall· .. It Wll~ built, ilie triU'nple ot horees 1!l~'llt\l' of Robeo Mnll, deceased. um,"" " ... the present digging and pnIl. tlOOoUllt ftllld , rey.ett\ng had c;atl,ed little In tUl' matter of estute of WlI!illm IiClI!pr'ess,II'DI'" Now the .. ater rose to B. Ptllmoer. Gomml U,lld 't o the :::!~ate Here and there It bepn to hosplla l lit GlIl li polis tor t r OOGm ent , e overl , Barry Frv nnd wife to Jolin B. Why Not Swat Him? In I,he 'mat tFl r of tbe ellt.llte of WII. The min coming down trom the Aoolli cr form of the douhlHlBUlled lIaOl KI3nrick, d ec II . ed. WI~rte r Rh Ulldl's 3 nc res In Clearoreek townl,D0uot.aJn tops \Vall u cold .. fee, yet • essence cJr. pest whos frllJJlcwork above i!anric.k appOinte d nUOllul~trato r . sblp, $1. the men were In 0 tever of excitement. Walte r 0 Chandler et Bl to Wil his Nboultlcrs Is composed ot re-enBond $1 ,0 U. They had got th eir secood wInd. Thoy Funeral Director Estntll of Alfred R. N dw ell, de- lI S. 6rllh .. m, lot in Wayne . vill". for cd cOllcrete, I til ' omnIpresent were toci enthused, fao desperate, to $l. lIulsn n!'o who Insists upoo breas lug ceusl'd. Fir d~ nCO ll llot Glall. feel theIr wellrlness. They hnd Dot A B U"DOY lIud wire to Lizzie tile current or pedestrian trnfllc of a WayneSVille Ohio E ~tll~e of ul'oh A, Wes l" d eoeoaed . 'Worked before Oli · tllIIY did then. It N'llnner, 'Iots I'u ~l\ln ev\ll e. $ 1 cruwll ed streot on the wropg aide of Finn I O 'CI)OUDt IIP1)rovad, allowed Bud ,'was -tho lust posslble nervous outb urs t th e plIVNnl!ot. (Jor" C. by eX{!ll otor, to o onlinlll!d , with most ot them. They could keep -EITUERE~ tt~ Le of Trumoo Bo IIDe8, de- Lizzie Nunner, 21Y. aores In B.mll t.t up a little longer-till til y dropped ) nsed E'in ul ''',oo unt !llIo~e d , up. too township, $[336. dead. As tbe mad thor ugbbred flll ill Auto Equlpnient '. ,I .)~ ph U. Bar ger to R ena Berge r, pr oved ~m d oonfirmed . In hIe stride on the track, pushed beHorltewDrawn Equipment yond his power ot endurooce, a lj even E , tllt of A ll rOu B . Ohtlndle r, de. t08y' !lc rea \'0 l'urtleoreek towDllhilJ, the cQmmon corthorso can be mode to coased . ' 8 eound IIcoo unt ullcwed $\do rton L Stahl to Ellz, R ltte- "' .......•....-....-...·"'·,.;'Q<l""'............... ·,.""""""' """';...u........_"""·..w...,w""w""w"'....... TELEPHONE 7 go until he drop , 0 these mon, whlto, approved 'lnd co ufirmorl. DAY OR NIGHT !mggllrd, nervous , tlrllwn-faced, "went MONEY LOANED In the 0111 tOOr or I,he will ot Levi non r. lot in Milson. Sl. mlugUog with the'mln on. !belr ~odden George G. P er rlue to Lol!l Keebner Je sop, deoelt~ rl. W,ll offered for r bodies; would' go till they broke. They 3 a c res In Doerl1eld ' k>wnehijl probate . hnd not Qui t\! rell~hed 'thot point yet. Betti ': A. Vuntlr .to Walter D. IMOOlEY 101l0'a d on live stoolt ohat In th matter of tbe estllte of JAne ALL KINDS OF There were some five hundred h IlI'Y 'olt! nnd ,!'oond m o rtgllge ~ . K , Buffmon, d eoeosed Barry 0 , Varu er et ai, 37 aores in Masllie town. cemen~ bags whlcb had bl!cn fill ed' with . . ' . Notes b ough ' . ,I oho llarblnB, Jr., BnlfmB ll appolnt'ed exeou to r. In- ahlp. U. sand lind pJlcd up on Ule ronl!wuy n t veutor y dispensed witb, Georlle W. R opertson lind Emma' Alien BIlUd\ok, XtJulu, Ohio. m2 cOJlvenl ent points, As u forlom hope. III tb(l mll ~le r of th e will of Bum_ os Il lllst trY, Voud cyentcr cull U IIIl t~0~:!~8:I~nt~oH~o~I~~i'tr. 4Y. "ores Ilton . \"'i'hltenllok, deoeased. WIJI file 'dIggerS nnd dltcbers, ond hewers filed fo~ problltu, FOR SALE ; -And .8hqok the ' Sky. nnd drivers, ond bode them taCkle til e , In the, mu tte r Of the will of Lydill' Comn:tlS81oner:8 Prcx:eedlnis The tlniber wall UlUt rose - ' ~ei more knowing Indlirerent to sandbogs, 0 , B ut field, ·deaenEled. Will filed for John Kell Poat allowance for to tour or five feet Ivns now pncl,ed to Helen Illingwor\h Stood Exposed to frll8b Jersey O') w and calr. U'or I~ '~~ 'o~~ ~e :lot;, ,alIke realized p r obate a heIght ot three with on unequn! wnll Bot h Attaoks. Memorial day, '-25; M. B Hymao. IDfol'walion call J. t!. Vlloder. ~ ~~ ditty t~ flgbt on, t4.answer ot eartb. E s tate of BAnnah Anti Brnwn, doclothing forprllOnel'8, $7 64 ;Ueorge v oort. pbone 3.i.3, Wavnesvllle, tb8' ~pejll to th'elr ,maDllood; ' to 're~se thelll tllnt Mende was blameless. But Waynesville, CO actinlt defeot even wben life tram. PJ:he WBVes were beginnIng to roll tlle mos t Ils:'lduous effort ' wllh the c Ollsed . FlUo.! OOOollnt all ·) w ed. ap_ Ootier, In foil of oontract 586, $160 i Ohlp , m 30 proved ond oonfi rmed , • Warren Connty Appeal, t4J: pa yers bled"ln 'thc balnnce, ' agaInst the rnmport, olthQugh their hea rtlcst wlll In the world IIUtl the E tilt!' Of ,J osepll B Fren oh, de. notice, "1.50; Bflfrllt' Bro<l. , blllolut .• ..,40 uee tbe ancient elmlle ngaln. torce itS yet W08 bToken hy full brllsh- promptIngs of i!cvotion ond uffcic lioo tie's of v.h oels t"r Baokoye Pivot Over PostolClce, for ~ncfHor, $2.~O· Gral, vl\le ThurM. th~ ~ountalnt! of the great deep were wood. Vandeventer jllmped liP 00 the ollid not inalte 11 ctlse ont of t\lese ce ~ ed. Foorth 1I000uot filed . . Axle (,ul~\yator,l\180 J"D 08V tJ\~ Office Pboae 71 E!ltnte of WillllU1 Ill. Hwa rlz, de- ton PO;!t, allvwanne for MeD!ortlil 01 0 UlIft.lvntor, good tiS new. 0,,11 byOken oPen. Whot bad be!lll~n tbe!D pnll sode nellr the- c nter. Th re weTe snggesUon's nnd Ih Ir loferences thllt Wore wlla nothing to this. Tho Mr<1 some large logs there wbere he cou ld would hold wn ter. ~' h IlY could not es- cellsell . Flo"l "coount allOWEd, IIp- dllov. 125; Frllnkltn Ullron iolll , Ildver. lIorrili 8 f ()\V n,' ~D.terville, Bome tlHloJl: for andito;, 'S; B. 1iJ. Wut_ phone :lUtl. • ~ o,t tht, ,J1lgbt seemed trifling co~- stou\l, ood whence he could get ns tubllsh 't\lclr cOll tentloo beyond llernd· proved aud Mntlr med , ' m 23" E s tRte of' Luoetta A. Sldl"B, d e- wlOk, brooms f or oourt b~8e and ~ to t~l' ovolancbe of,water• . Tble clour n view 01 the wholo top of the ,'cnture In 1:IIe lnce or Meade's dlr cct ec nd nQCoun~ allowed, SOIlP fo~ jail, 'S.71i i Cb ~ rles J. WIll(Yae, !L ' dOUdb\l1'8t Indeed. And to dum us was possible t\1l'Ough tile drl v- ntIml 6slon lind ShurLU IT's corroboJ'll- c ell ell ~ ALBiD BAY I{one t, expenseii' 118,abllrl1f und bOll rd ~e jlt. worse, to make ~elr tas!' Ing min. ' . tlon. '.riley could not ~tnbll sh It In the IIppro veu Ilnu ()oufi nued" at preSeDt , I ng for pri scnere, ,335;;7; IV. B. ~tlI'.~to reoder tbelr e1Torts WI'''''''~'I "There," ~houted the cngln 'e r, point· )lullllc mlud. by IllJ~' cI'Jdcnce nt oil If Notary Public E· lo t e of RIlymond M Bennett., Elbo n, rOlld work In Wllllhington' lUQ 01 rEI of 0 B. U mier woo,i, BBl. ~, ~b_ wJod rporln(; down th'\ valley Ing to a red trickle-It seented ,to hIm Ml'llde nod Shul'{\1f'C r mn ulo ed slient. min o r. Flrll. 'looooOt qf gna(dlao towns h ip, $131 i P. P. Miller, assl8t. yey .. bnrg, Ohio, phooe 23~a, m23 pUed tile water up and drove It 10 like blood, Its hId eous hu ' 11 either one or the otller of UIC two ll11owetl, opproved and oonfirmed, tog c ounty sorveyor, $4.90; C, A AlI.lnde of Notary Work . tbtP.ld~Uf .. ~uJtlng waves ,from the r ed cluy of tbe bunks-when· consplrntors could be ul'ou J:ht to teU WO 8U.vS !lnd Pigs, one week E 9tllte ot Luoy L. GnUery,,· de , J:Uz .r, in rnll fot oontr,lo, 576, '2411; and Deed!! a Mpeolal&,.. the creat mouod ot earth on lbe wnter bnd found a low spot ond the tru t~ M rnc1~ cou ld be restor'd, nt 01(1. Also,.one 800d work men 1ItrIqrf~ and labore4 W08 wushlng ocross the top ond l eBst suOlcl"nlly so for the purlluRe ot o otled, Fiolli uCoOan' of admipiB ' .f. W . Rid ge, lIame, conhac' 523, Lt. E. t:!IIlJklns. WaYDllII.v We, R, R 3. tr .. tor filed . $lIJU; W . O. Booth, SlIttle, oontrllot VandI!Yeuter, lIbovel In hand-he trlckl1l1g tl.rough the new 'all ond argument; tb e ul'b-ument thnt H eleu . ' m1G E!\tate 'Of Oharley ,OllJDpbell, de 559, $36.50 i i'raokhn News, adver. not dAre to throw It down, lest bl~ down on Ule other s ide. JllVen lUI he Illingworth !looner or InLer Illllst muke oeOled . Firat aooount of ..dmIDi8. tilling for "ndltol', t10ll be from poin ted, thf! trickle ~,e a'. slrenm to her fullier. It \\'o s thnt to whi ch sho good Sing er Sewing Maohlne, Tbe accounts of tile two d e posito. to . ond the' streom bulle flt1r ·to be a. fiood. gavo the most though t, .It wns foi- tliot t~u tnr tiled , Gobd 'IlS new. lnqnlre of-M·rs. In tbo matter of the estu.te of rles fohe f,ebllnon and Citizen hanks Men rnn Dod dropped ' 8lIDdbllgS over she plllnnoil nnd 1i)l1ged. Nltl) K urrlck, Wilynedville. mlU Mary.ill, Koberts, deoeos\ld. S~le were'lI.udlted and found o!)rroot .' Barbed Wire ''!l~~:::~ !~~~..'laitdf:P\t!J:~..Jtii!lil!fingI1n front ot the pUIlsade, rIght where 'rwo v~op le cu nnot resol\'e, oven b y ' Fln"ncl,,1 stalements of 'he audl. .~ maLli.,nlll'l itl the ,ou~ bad occurred. Otl,cr men mutual c;uuse nt'to dis miss' frum theIr IIopprove!1 1(0.)(1 AntI) (;lermoot .Rllnge, In III tbo ,mll.tter of the estate of tor lind tre Isorer ebowfng the blll_ ·• •atI:1db::a~~~\I:~~~~'~e:~:I~eaped up the.' eartil beblnd tbo wlIll. dllOy thought nnd conversnUon nny g'lod ooodltloD. Call IU Mar." seekIng to smother It lind stop It. Tbe subject wblltRocl'er wlth'out Introduc- Mhitlm U. Vlln Oump, deoe/l8ed. a~oe In Ilacb fund were compared' ~h~ O'Neall'!! reside ooe, Third 8tre~t, GUARANTEED to b'e al withont lea"" Jog ~ blemish,or MONEY REFUNDED' aDd placed, on file. ];,,:~~~:r'_~J water checked there, tbey w\!f'c fOl'c'd ing 10 plueo ot It a cer ,nln cons t'rnlnt. Sale oonfirmeu. WayneSVille, and.iooir at It. wlG 600' IUld $1'.00 Bizes fur fresb wouna.: to do tbe some thlog ut ullotll ~r It Is ns flltue La utternpt to di smiss -------..--~.----~old80re~, BO.te b~ck~ and Bhoilidert burua ti~eal Estatc Tran~fers Desj)e),o tely' they dropped tIlt!lr s und- anyUllog nbsoilltcly frOID lho hUlIlIIll , and brl1\8et!, 25c elze for Family Ule. rtnbber'lre Rnnabcl1~t· and a s "t bogs, 8turdlly they piled their sho\'els mind os Is tbe oCt·suggested cUl'e tor The Ultimate Con.umer. or H.rD88B, all In good cODdl- . DR. cors PAIMLESS BLIS'I'ER Elbert ROij~ell '11 0(\ ' wlfe to John In the mud; ecm/nbllng ond ycllJog, rheumntlsm - doin g certoln tlllnl(8 Frleda-"What IH nn ultimate con. 1,100 , For information . c~l\ ., t bl. Is painless and guoranU!ed to cn~ Cook , lot tn Springboro. $1 they rnn from lenk to lenk. They 11ft· without thInking of tile dlsellso sougb t /lumcr?" lI'ather-'''l'he ultlml\te con- omc~. all 8pnvln,ltingbone, Curb, Sweeny 8pllJ1~ Ueor g>! ·i~. Gertin, ex.ecu tor,. to ed the henvy bllgs of Bund ns If tbey to be cured I SUDler, dear, 18 SOlO cone who ulUmatefuff8\' or any enlargement ·of bOH SlI i!! Smith , flO Il. ores In Barlou 11' CUll urnes bl~ lust ponny In kecplng "!!'!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! muac e, or money nl£unded. PrIOe IOD. bad been loaves ·of brend und JlImmcd Oolonel I11lngwol·th li nd d is mIssed t o wosblp, $ 1. fOil IlAU BY au DIIti....,. . them' down. Tbey 811'Ull g pick and Mende trom !tIs min d because h ' lUI ted body nnd soul togllthoz:."-Phck. w,. 1., FllidB ond . wife to Everett like to)'8, tllthou ~b the m lu him. ---~....~----Belen Illlngwol'tb I' frnJll ed Pl el'so n, lote ln Mllinevllie. $'00, . mode 011 the eurtil ,tlclcy mud ant! from talking abo ut 111m to IlCr futhe r the work all th e : llOrd er. Tho water bccuuse slle loved hIm. So they wero 6eors:" P. (Jrane to Marthtl ' D. Ready for Anyth)ng. wlls clelll' over tbe t.oP ot the tlll m now, never 111 ellch ocher's prcsonce wi tllOUt (Jmne lIlt In MIlSon, 11. The right 80rt ot a · conrageoull and iltreumlng' t\miugh the reve lmellt 1lIlnklng. ot the man. This was 0. , '~d\V hl E . 8tuvun8 atld wife to B er young man con Whip btld luck to a Funeral ot brnah ond surging ognlnst tbe }lilll- source ot grellt·\('r1tnllon to f·he fnt hcr: bert Ro()~l\. ",nd wHe, 10 "or6S Ram- finIsh ev(!Q' . mornlDg. before ' break. ,.a nd Embalmer, . This di!l8lllle sh6u\d ' be treated all ~ BIlile. 'Wh ere It ' did not let the \Vuter . , tut. On occasion lI e almost fOtlnll hlmsel! ilton (~Wn8hlp, $1' ns the IIrst tmDatnraI. JooeeDtl8l .oI tile Ulrough. the Une or stukes wos beglnGetorg!' B. Over'hol ~er nDa wtfe to ut the point of ~hootlug nt Ills dit.ugbliowe1s "'Ppe&r8. When thia II done .. Wayne.Yill~~ OhiO",'. DIng to bend backword. single dose of Ohamberlaln's CoJlo Chol. B. S mith und wlfo, .102 Ro,ea In Sater to talk ObODt him. And Ulat s llu so The Dlen who hud expend d th eir c.lully ol'olded the subject nod O:s lem town~blJl f $1'. era and I?~hoea lWmedy will a' aandbllgll nnd "ould set no Iuure, In tbe avoidance wil a so ob\,loll Iy In lieOtU'll'. 'TIiiI l'emedy can a1WIIYI be deNotice Appoiri' t ment J [\mes Burton to ,Tobu B. Rhoaflat< pended upon even in the mOl1i eewre IIDd one lionl effort rlln to ui e paU~lld e, !lug cord.Ulce wLth hIs own wJ ~ IJ, lIie rea aorasln (,Jellrcrllell t ownsblp, '9(10, alloDgeJ'Oue CMell, and should be bpi; as n* fOi their bcelll madly In the wet, ·lImy. strnlut IrritAted him the Dlore. The bood ~ for wtimt ntpe. .1firYw .... .. Ubal'l l~8 Cufferty et .ll 10 John" £1. pla~" ' nod put theIr shou~ders nguln~t tnct thut they bOtll sought 80 cnrefully ~ODl8 0/1 .. ~1U'IIeJ' wtUuiut t~ . '"-_ ..... .' ~~ , the beodlng IltllkC8 118 It to 1I0id tllcm to malutllln t\le old· relations hip made Rboadell Ii 0'01'08 in Clearoreek t"wn. ~hlp,SL. • ...u _vIII wi up by muln strength. 1'hJn streomll It ' more ImposSlbie. For 'relltt1onsWpa ;~;.~~;;;;;!;~~!!! were Ilqwln,1f here llud.;'tIIIire, noll' un- which ure pTlmarlly fountilld on • ~~~!'!"!!~~~~~~~~~~~ h ~ded. ObeCiced nnd'l.1dhJ'ln.ono kpot, COl;lIot be mllhll nln ed by constttl int ." Ule wllter broke through ot uno llt ur. wLlhout t b .weuk nlng ot the great mlO Xhe spill WilY could not control tbe force u pon whlcb thclr tcuur!) hlld prertBe. ~ vlOIl Iy dl!Jlcnded. Til ra Is nothing uSbi!'1t goni:. she's gone I" gaslled lIlm conl'Plllmeut to Impnlr and weeki . " Vande\'onter ullder his brenth, flo hod en n fi e uul e~s It be a bnnl ProhLhl. V.t.rlna~ , ' . 11 good lI!(ht. He could do n\> flnh. f"Arplv n,.ohlhlt. " 0W0 SC'I~ ........, Thefe were no more bop !)t· Tn ,,~ Oonttn." Ba1'etpr tlu! men stroln1n', IIi: bore 'lUld there sod IIyeQ'• ...... al Je(t noQtlng but to /I!J,.' A.iJ









'" ' 'U«1


,---:-------, I




:t. i

eye - ~ ~

r- ,







Heap big mileagB!








-Classltl.d Ads

,1. I

. - .\


InSUR1IneE Waller Chandler o.

















A. MAFFIT' Director,




Notiee of APPOintment

.-- .


JEW.Y1I1DlPP1 TllEA:iICAlTap' .,.





ISWED EVERY WEDNE.. DAY Ent,red at ~he P 'Iollllle at W~yu"."llIo. Uhlo ... Second

D. I... CI ANE. Editor and Subscriotion Price. $l.0



As Written ' by Our Corps of Able Correspondents in the Neighbo:r hood


G'~~~':~~~d" ~ Th. w;.~,T:, ~ ~:'~ "...

16. 1917



.nd Rag.. ' NO,thlp g Is ItnIU'Ov -d by linger, uri. lell It be the arcll of a CII I '~ !turk. A ' IDIII with his haell ' U( 18 ~ PI' III II~ his ftgure. People loo k nUll III. hund. 801DIll' for being I'ell Itt lh fllcc. It takes a greut d,,"1 OUI of IIIUIl to get Into 0 tow erlug rUIlO; Ills uloonst us qphenllhy us hllvlng u ilL und tlmo bOB beon Ihllt Itt 'll huvo IIctunlly - ,choked Ib mselvf'S with Pit alon. nnd died on the SPOl. Whut vcr wrong I 8uII'0I·. It Cllnn ot dO'llle hull ~o much hurt liS b ~lng aogry about It; for pos. silln shorteDS liCe and pOisons peuce:Spurgeon. '

---_.- ..- - -

What Reveal. the Man,



ubli.ber per


I..~ Mall Mallor

Flro Caused Snow. It. sooll',;l ol'Ill h,,~ I"','n known betoro

now lu Hlurt II fin'. A rUI'JUN living lu 0 rurn I pllrt "r Helgiltlll IJlu ('(',1 it quanqly of qu ld,IIJ11 ' JI\'J\r It sll,'d on hlij turlll. lind I(lfl h liter ult nlllitt. In Ihe ,!lurs!! of U,,' night snow fell onlo Ihe IIlDt'. IInll Ih t, hent lIlUS I!C' vclop"t! bpt'lIll1o so g" "lIl IIIJI~ It Rt't UI U sllet! flU flr'(', (:\lIIII,klely d CSlr<l)'lng It 0 11<.1 lis conl,'nil;, Cuttlefish Used as Food. Th,n still·,lrled ClIl.llcUsll fit· e]c\'U tlsh !If Ihe OJ' 'ult cnJlst with Rtl 'kers lul/l ct looks 11k u football. '1'11 ' Rhrcd. de,1 I.n"t Is Ulore t 'llJpUng tblln the tClitucl('s.

The \\'orlll docs 1I0t IIIwaY8 8elf'ct the belt mun. It Is uruwn to the · Prlm it lvene.s In Turkish Arme nia. ol;)e whose npp ~I"'IIUCi" Olltl cOllduct Tite "llIol;!! III 'J'''r kl~ h Arlll cnin re. reflects Its Ideul. It furgels Ihut ort 'n "<')11 1.11.'8 It collecll(1I1 or lurgf' lint hllls, tbo best man Is fur uhlJvu It._ convcn. IIUt! In winter I s II lmost Imrlcd lu tlonlll noti Ons. II\ ~ Id"nlij ure so (uri snow• . In advOnce they ,"'e cotllltcll crrnllc on,l vlslonury. II I! t" elll' ~ the populnr commonllillces with SlIprClIJo dls luter. estedncs ' !tnd 111(, ulllhlllking crowd Fred i... Shepp)" 170 N , Halsled ftnd Ilttl In him. Subsequ'lltly his. Street, Cblcago, Ill., Cenernl Snlcs torl rcveuls th" hll; 1111111. Manngar at the In J'l;cst co nc rJl of Ita klud In the wor-Id. wn nts I hree or lOllr men In this co unty und severa l men In ndjolnlng counties, to work Demoralizing In"uence. It people co uld only on e rl'ullze tho for him apa re lime or a ll lhe time. demorall zl ug luOu nco ot hohlln" the He cun llI!O only tho~e who lra\'o a Ilckly hlcnl. UIC (nllure IdclIl, lu t he rig br aulo. Worll Is pi nandt nnd mJnd uutll th e stuJldurds ofx!!("1 n c no pro\'louB sOl\ing experi ence Is are nil rITl' g"<' ,1 down to tile I '\'el or necessary. Work cooslsls of leaving mediocri ty or COI~1I110nU(!SS, Ihey would a wonderful UOIV househo ld necessity never '/l guln b p COttll'Jl t to dwell In th In the homos on tree trial. Tes ts nt yalley ot fullure, III IIvo III Iho lin ~. moro litan lhlrty or til lading Unl· ments ot llIl'lr IIves.-{)rlson Swett verslties altd Ihe GO.vernrneut Bureau -Marden. of Stondards s ho w tbls a rticle to be tour tim es n8 efficient aij article no w In general use In t his section. Artlclli! Not In V.ln, Did YOU ever heor ot a man who 18 needed In every rural bome an d llad striVeD oil blS lite folthtull y ond benefits every membor of tho 110 use· alnl17 toword nn" object nnll In no hold. bringi ng ollellT, comfo rt nnd me.8UI'e obtained It? If o.mon con· fiapplnes8 lola tho hOlPe. "iot necos.tantl, a!lpl\'C8, III he noi ' elevuted? sa~y to bo awn)' from home nlgbts. Did liver .8 mun try heroism, mag. Pny trom $6.00 to $16,00 per dar aC)Danlmlty, trnth, Alncerlty, and 1Iml cording to ' ability n d number ot tbot there wos DO IIdvuntnge In· them homes visited . In writing Mr. Shep-that It wus 0 volli endeavor'1- py, menUou whnt townsh ips will be most convenient tor YOIl to work In; wbat your regulnr oQcupnl1on .Is; ,,,our age; lDarrled or s ingle; how loog 10U have ll\'od In the eorn· munlty; what kind of a rig or auto Made Strong By Delicious ViDol . you ~ave,; ·~bether you wish to work Lakeport, N. H.-"Our little girl 8 spare time 01' sleady; how much tlmo 1M of age WILlI In a debillt.ated, run· YOU wUl haTe to devote to the work; down condition and had a Btubborn \I' hon YOIJ ean atart, nnd' about bow cough 10 abe was weak and ailing all tbe tim..: Notlling hulpcd her until many Ifomes aro wUbln sIx m iles of we tried Vl nol.Then her appetite )'OU . In each dl ectlon. Tbls Is a lacn.oucd and .ho 18 .trool{ and well, and apJeodld opportunity for aeveral men J wl.h other panntll of weak, dcllcat In this county and countle~ ndJolnlng chlldr4,'n w0I!Id try Inol,"-Gm. to lDake good money. 'l'orkLng stea.dY COUJl'fs. Thl~ ie b_lI80 Vinol cantlllnH boel or spnre Ume. Some of the fi eld m en and cod liVd Il<!ptoues, Iron anel earn $300.00 per monlh: one fnrmer mangnn~"'" I"'IJtonateB and gITC!UO' earned $1,000.00 working .pare time pho.l'hatce which &411 lIl'Cdctl. only. No Investment or bond neceeJ. E. Janney, DrUHlst, Waynsvllle \aarY ' A fow linea to Mr. Sheppy will &JIo .. ~ lira, to .U OhIo tow.... bring full parUculars. ....dII.




. ,

When once you have tried refinishing your floors, woodwork or furniture with

Hanna'. Lu.tio·Finiah .~ you too will say "how , easyI'~

The ease, with which you can apply it, and get .good re- . ,8ults~ will Nally ~nse you. o'



Fo" t·h e bon('llt of th o rebde.r8 of M". Q.. H•• I. tile Gllzettu wo wl81l 1,0 6UY Ihll t t he t erly a H30gur Run l::3u ttl I'· tIe 111 re n we If Lhe woather warm od ravi Lell~ u o, .wbi ob Is Cnnl llOtlod of d"y. up this week but It r fl Ul a ln!l nh ut. hn. tlill g lIud e nerg o t, io ' 1 6tJte~ of thlB The Ladlos Alu So oletY' me'.wlUl tbe slime but wUl r eport Jl ' foli o ... 8, nlaulOlpul1tv, paid fOt" tbe eleOl rlO Mrs. Lelll\ liartMock Wed n elday Mr. and Mrs. Etlrl BernJud hllu Ull J light wl r eln ~ '(If t!J e 'r o wu l:! II. This ILtt£'rnoon, their gn6st one dll.Y InMt Wllf k tho ~TIlnd o rgnll !7,a l,IOD dese rv e" grellt Mr. "Dd Mra. Alva Lud~nl on Intter's motber and !listor fr om Vir. prel H - think of the m llny Improvr.. Silent tlJ e ,,"ollk.ond with relatives' glllia. 1II nt.e wlJlJJh I·hey b"YB Ilnnnol;d . it nl'ur L e ullu ou. _. Mr~. Geo rge Bratt-on tLOd 80D, WILK tllr ouHh I.beir enterpri si ng s plr IL t.hllt we II I1V13 tbe ligbt w biob IB ., irs. J ouu l:!olgh "'~,y , Mr~ . ~ n. l ter Bines, of Dayto n, spen~ oaturuo;.,. bou nd to mil ko our t own fIiUI OU!! ; it Uhbnls And oIII I ren speo t Sunday tlod !:lunda,\" wltb Mr Willll&ID Smd. , do 'k a Dd f umlly, ' IJrinllS llllu pl e in 10 trllue beo"use ",It,h 1'1I 0~ , Jlllllfla , nO"'f Lebanon. Geo Bognn und \\;Ho visited tbelr Mrs, WilHam Jon es, of Xenlll' I he y Orln ~pe to got in lind a lI t uf town . Ull d tho onterp~I~log mell dao~btar Mrs. Ww. liJunll anci fllUI. spont tho we k.end w ith lier Ul J tlb. 1 • er , Mrs. Amos JlI.o llllon. tll,t e m pl ed to do wbllt b llt! Luen dllne Ily Sunduy. by Ule lull leA, luey would hllve bet:1l ,Mra. B IJ. Dnnh Rl oh spent tbe I.1r. RBboc 1\ Dill nDd :'.irs Filma 00 Idol'eil insune Bud wOlllil he~v e w ok.end wltb her sl: lot Mn. !:ltlcnb Dill werll Xenia shoppel'l one da,' " peo ordorell lukon uofo l'o PrtJh~tll Ri ch in Harvey sb urg. thl@ weok . . Jutl!;e Brown. We b uve cltl7.6n r.Ju J". A I:h rtsook Bnd Mis t' Mrs (Jonrge Brl\tt.on and Mi ss , I hilt ur e glnci tu Sf'e Im\lrov ment u 8 t' 1011 Ilttenu tJ d Frlllnds Meetin g IIf OIl1rllo Dau~!lter8 we re lsitlng In I IJn~ uti It d OCH IHJL Oil L bl' ln u red W .. yoo .. "tlle l::llltnrdIlY. Wtlynosville HlliurclllY attenoofl , ollnl. MIlIl . wtlk tlp to th e fuot· tll , ~ Mr. [lml MrM Pe rry fh~~· nn4 ' on Mr . A, rl Dllk l u , ofSllrlag Brao<,b , von IIrtl!,t ,ttlug ollrro w uud lilLI'" ·t. p nl Thor~dl\ y with .Io.e. Umy IlU p~n t Friday with bU, I . foll1 8 ot II 1 fwd HOllu " r or hiler yo u will h!t. Vfl tbl~ p luoe. " to bu Ol)tll .lUld un 80 wi ll nol 1I'IrO E rn e t MJ!JlDO I) htl., fI, n ew Ford Mrs, o. W. Gordon nd dlloll'b ter s t1'll uKIo to death. Exbiuit 8011100t that wIJlngn~~1I to llIul; t h l'! OOlll. our thllt.tflk es qultel a bit of h is Evlyn, our vl$lnlq. b'rlduv: J1lun i \y lJ t tllr thut VOD Inherited thUG Jl t pr 8eo $. ladra Roland eniertl\i ned a fe w I f ro m your pllr nnts. In lhe dllYs of MI 8 M.II ie Rloh ,s peDt Sunday of ber 'frlends one evinlng this week our parents, lovo Will lJn rUl rplY wi 1·11 h e r pnreut8. The Mlllses Vlia ',n Ethe l DUDOOO reig ned 1'1lprOm~, b n t In day we a r e Mr. 11011 Mrs. Glenn Davis onter. called on Mlu Bert Marlatt one too envlo ns. When frlllndtlhip Shall talD ed Bort Bogan on ~undny, "Hameo n tbl s warm til tl,.hRO rt o f mao then we CII U Mr. ond Mrs , Ja~ . Ur~y "tlooded Mr ana Mrs. F lD Earnbn r t .~o n o f"o lt 10 our Delg!Juor. If you I,b l' f u ueral uf B reldivo In Clarks. hlld the ml afor t Clu havin g u de. bave 110 Impro vf!mell l 10 wlo tl leI· vll1el:luotltly. strn6tlve firo afternoon . LUB Vlvlo L 3ng ne Indies know It nud - - --They have Gf tbelr U wlll be d orie . , • friend. 81'1 a large oghout MI'. lind Mrs . W, L. 8arvey and ~be eoUr Mr. and Mra Robt Cli rr vlwlted Mr. M ,. und Mrs BtlDry Murpby, of Frank· lted Coleman. \lp, on SnturdllY last. You oeed Or. K ing's New Dleoov. Bu"" " Frank !:lhiduker trllllsflo t. ed bn i. ery tn stop thut (tOld, be 800thlni ba l ~ "m ingredients beal tbe Irrltllted p 068S 10 ·Xe niu atl turdllY, T he s IId 'intelll @enoe r eaohlld tho mom bran 'e, soothe tbe Bore ,broa friends of Mr an d Mr~ . ,Ie'ssie Har. tb e Jtntlseptlo q1l1\1It1e8lr11l the ge.~. r elieved , vey of the 8udden d(;ll t il of Mrs, ,lOd .\'oor oold Is qoick Baney ,)n ' lItur(lllY morning of Dr Ring's New Disoovery hIlS tor 4 years ~e en the sta.ndard rewedy lIellr ~1)rlul\l1eld .churob. for oo u~hs and 'o olds iD tbo,",lluds ) Mrs, f... uclle Boe T~tl llll and oblld, I) of homos. G e t a bott le 'n daY~lIlf r etm'ned 1,0 tllelr homAln Norwood have h hflndv 10 yon~ IJ1rj<iIlY morning, after silvera I ror 00lJ ~ h8, 00ld8, croa ' r t t t ' 1 ' r -.. I. ,." m OIlI,bs spen t w it h bef purl'nts, J11l bronohllLl afteotl()n~ . . I _ ~~&.lr fI musQle SCfi'!!1l"ilS8 du r ing i ho lIiokuess Ilnd deal.h of C1rugglst, 600. , ol~r liquid etl6!ly applied, ber 'uther _ __ .... _ .... _ __ it. l]llioltly penetrl\tos without rob. 'Mrs. Rebeco/\ S'o ro gy, ao ngell bi g . 810an's Liniment does n ot lady, und ruotltel' of Mr . CbM. SO IO ~. stulo 'he sliln or oloa tbe p :>res li ke gy and M rl! , Bnrry B ou~b, Is at \ hlll lUOBSY pl&Sle1'8 or olntmentli, For wrillng v elY dll n ~(\qlU 1y IU. ohrOnlo rhooDla\io aches and P1t11l8. ueurtllgls, gout aDd lumbago have Mt'. I\nd Mrs W . W. Weloh And this 1'Iell·lrDown reinedy handy. Mrs Lydl" Ha r vey atte od d Qunr. ' el'ly Meeting at Unesllrs Greek Vbln, Crist, of Dt\3'ton, i8 spond. For ibe I>I&1 n8 of gt:ippe and follow. Frllmdl$· ohlll oh · tt nrday. inIJ n week ~Bh his slator. Mrs. lo g s trenuous work, it'glv es quiok relief, At B l! dragglsts, ~5c. . ~. A Car on, of Dilyton, IIpent An na Janney.

,L D


.50 $4

Poplar Far!


The weH-k·.' Sag a t J I


• •






Madden's umber Yard c





DR. J .. W. M1LLER. ••• DENTIST••• Wayne


twad"'yeln thiS violnity Inst week

'Born to Mr. Ilna M1'll. W m . Rav'

In the Interest of hi Company , enaugb at, t~e b ome o'r aofns R oa. Mra. t)'a rah Rloh WIl S til ken guile nag~e, ft girl, MflY (l j,h .

serlou Iy sick l::luodllY m orni n g Rnu Mrs. Elm or . Spahr and 80n of rl$ thlll writing i8 $bonMbt to be im P8ul~in l(, Oblo, lire spe nding t h o proving. week wi t h Mrs . J: oe !::Iadley. , M!s's El izabeth R llIidllll still reo MI1I8 Mabe l Sou tb and Mrs , Willis mlilnS very p oorly. ~flst.ors were Frllukllll vl81'ors Silt. Frank 'hl du ker and hi s son Bllr. IlrdllY. ry, w r o vi H un o f the Qllllen City Dlslrlot l:leoretafY la nd Bta.te or. on SundhY I1l8t. . g8tjlzor, MIss Nellie Fitts left today Ruv. Jill' , Ples ldent of the Wil. fur ijprlDl(lleJd to U 't end the Post mlngton Colloge, will proaoh as 'hS / Mn!!Wlr'S 'onvent.lon ., Frlenda ohllrc\l Sund~y ni g ht, Mnv Miss G1l1dY,e BrowlI, of Darton, 20th A.rro nge to be ,t here. woe the Ilue t of Mra. Baye. Leaoh MJtherli D"y waS obssrved' at the lind other f~lends !:lnnd_y, ' M. E. oquf oli Sunday. Tllelr pro. Wo rd was reoelved hore SatortIa), 1J~llm was jo.J:eellenti lind nloely ron. Ihat Miss LAurll Laul bert a former dered. MIs8 Bellen ebolLrd SilO!! re lelena at tbls pllS co hlld r etarn ed • ~ong In her uatnal mttDUer for h ome atter a Siege c.t six wlleka at whll'h 8he Ie de~ervtn~ g reat prol,,\!. the b 08 pitlll at, Dilytori and Is report~ Alfred Walkel! WIlS ~rtSBU I Hond ed dOlOK nloely. ' , .. d M WEI 1 A aSlllst:en In rendering tbo progrll.m, . "I an rl! . ru. In: y arr veIl - - -- . - --- - - her" Mondav Elfte r 1\ p lell8aD\ winter p n~ their h ome In Wabasso. 6'111. _ • Sprlo gboro Bigil sohool Alumni Dr. 8 011" l'lne.'l'"r.ti noy will will be b Id Jll 'be K. Clf P. HolL Fri. IItOP thut baolllDI cougb ttut lingers day night, May 251h. fr om Janoary. a'bo soothing ' pine Olydo p .moe, of Tefl'l! Elan t.e, Ind . IDS l oo lie~ 'be phlt'lIm, he$ls ~he iff!llltCd Ul6mbrllne. tbe glyoElr. spon~ BnniIo with b is pruonta, Mr , rr~n i'enl e. Ine ·rell ooves Lha ten'd er tl 80es, y ou ~ ud Mr" . MlijJl Lbzle ' Fu n who brea&he ea81e,' and ougiling oo"ses I)on 't ,n egleo, a IlngOl'lDg ouugh, it m nny yeatd as , tbe !lom la danllerOUij, Ur., Ht:lIl '8 Pille 'ftl'r . ' . Aunt'<JeDBth" 'fllylol', is Boney 18 6n"8ep(\0 and plellsllut t o log bel\' b ome witb be, ' ~a.te, benefits voung a Dd old, I!et, It Je~ 8 WrlglH. 'l~ YOllr ' droggi,s t to.dny. 1<'ormolu • J OEl Badley, of" Richmond, Ind, on the boUIt!. 21io. . speot !:Iouday- th h ome folk!!, - -,._ --:::-Mrs. JIlJI'II 10 Grlffiq, ()f Ftpringfield , M.ls8 ijelen Flem ing, or ·Ureenv.ille, nnd , &'hs, 81111\e Bell BPeni Wed be8 da), ",Itll Mr. EVfl BOlrmell, Mr. Rnd MrR . .EtJ"vIlrd For., of I\llttUlis borg, and Mr. E: ~ rl Robl!ls0ll, of Dllyt tn, were ~nnd,uy vis \tore at MJsI' .Rn&h P pper ga,,!Cl / a paroal t b t! John R obinson horn!! . ' - - -.... ---1hower for her 81 ~l' Mre Eurl Benning, ne.., Elefe ' P epper, . 188& MLurd .. y evening, The re were twent.y fi ve ' gu Ilt~ . "Sp"ed the Partlng."Tbe Dl'pnrtlng Oue t-''J: bope 0)7 Wm , H o'd tte t!Je grooer Is no w going bn or!llohell Ilt! b et WllS bort two we 1111' sta here wi lli you hllsn't proved , a Illg IIddlti nlll expense to wblle onlolidinK a ollr of 00,,1 Mrl'. Rhlnekln g, of B w vertown, you." ~trs. In\\;J'ons-''Oh, 110 I Geo rgo II l~I'tl d ber dlltlgbter Mrl'. Ch1l8. on-d I bllvo wll ll t we CIlll 0 'Cotuslro)ha Fund' tllut wc've Ilnved tor lust Ryan bere Illst li'r,d&y. such Qluerr;cn<;leS," - Ncw ):Qrl, 'l'lmea. Tne 'l'ownllhlp 'l'rn!ltees are having - - ' - -•• - f-" - - - - . the road!! graCled. 1 F. W(!&Vel' L ad Bo~ are dolp~ the work. , " ,





,w. . .

--- _.




Mrs. Mary Lllmmtl has re&nrned al ter ·a. week's vlelt wltb her IIlater Mrs ., Kate Wise, of Andrews, 10 .dlanllo. Btlr.l\nd Mrs. Cha ~ . Breleford en. lerlalned at tbe~r . b ome, for hltr tat1?er, Mr .. 1 Jj . Weaver, wbolle, blUhdll.Y WDIt &tul'dn" with a IlOP. l'he following gaellts were Mr. aDd Mr,MCI!. and Barty Mrs, J. We~ver. D. Bar oel,'aDIl thre8 .,hildren, Uoro'b.Y. 8'loy4 and Mayme. Mias IIIYJ;t)e Wblttlor., Jell! We.. ~er and JOhD



- ...---

SPRING VALLEY . lrnlsbed by the

Abonb lIeve nty,fhe a.Uended the .. ana Eplscllpal annuol b fiDquet Baturday evening , ..etton of Mi. of t.ho 6. V. 1:1. S , AlnmIlI. t the appoint. dnalng of the The IDencemeDt exercllS6a l'frmament" whlott were beld tD 'he M, E. ob arob . ..t..;';:"- ,-,,''!'~ by the l'hurSl1ay eveDioll 'were well Bt. tended. There were ele ven irad. nlltee. . '.1'he farm resldenoe of Mr. and Mrs. Frllnk Peter8un, 1 mHe north. WOII' of t own burned '0 the grQund . boo' II o'clock Sunday morning, W , W. r Ie c oollned to average prites for keros (;m'~ an bill h ome wl~h rheumt.tlSID . g,l S lillc, l.Cf?S" l1C c ngioe~ s~V: Mrs. P ar ry W e \l!\r r eool \' (;d their OWlll;rs .· bout J . I c, pef horse power I nows SlLlurday after noo n of death of ber mother Mrs. hour 0 cr g:tSolinc cnp;i'l~: , who IIve8 nOBr Dayton. Figuroil this way, Un: 1 S·jll ·I.'!':C nginc the sa. Mrs. Lawrenoe ing is 8. 'c. an hour f, c, in. : . 70·1!IlUC day, ~tl in I to ber home wi til ankle. days of work, 'IY t IL t i.; n il . ('1lU' c116inc does ip ·Mr8. ... ..081Jorne dIed Mondll.!' year. . " . b er bome at Rlv(fr 8he WRS broug b t t~o:..J-_.",~Irt~\l'fv0,;di7;CiFo~t+"iii;~;if-lifi-"rff'(\:12"v,' ,10 of ber pB,r ents Mr. an D,'ltV. Anahee. Burlnlln Sprio g Vulley. , Mr . and Mr~ Philip Bflwke' nnil oblldren were I5llnduy gueats of parente ,


ny but a

~ 'ngine?


- --...


Such It WaR. T lI'lllve balel h!'u".:,1 meD were jurQrI In Ii Jl£1l8SIlCIIUSCtlR hu lr-restorer cnsa. "Is Ihls Justice?" 1 l-~ I Ct) d the Brook\1D Eagle. ''It IDny be r ulrlbuUve jusUce," sug,t!stll tI'e Albllny Argus. Let'll eau it dC8Uuy.- Dufl'nIo. 'l'lmea; Gu ided by Tho.e Gone Before~ IkOl)w not ",but profit there mllY be In tlle tudy of. history, what valuo III the sayi ngs of. wise men, or In the reeOrd~ experience 'o f the [lust ft It be not to II1Ilde oml InRtruct us)n the prcscnt.-BeoJnmln Dlsl'Uell. . , ------~-~ .~~-----

Hard PositIon. Damons tor ' , (II !tor the spill)...,.. "How cnn I explain to Mm · thllt It waBn't the Inuit of tho cor wlillo he II CharacteristIcs of Fllmoua .Men, quito senst!ress. Mtct that It will bo When 1 t a [umolU,s man I .note too lute." tltllt lilt be hn s Is Q. IItf lo' sel;ll:;c, n lit. 11e polltenelJS nnd a 'dlsposltloll to look after things. )lOllY 11L1l1Q.D8 mon are Not Una.elated. very ordinary, e:cccpt thut the, lire Un. "A. mlln," snld Uricle Eben, ' lIsunl III t1.e rCspllctS ' .noted.-E. W. mnke m.mey all by hlssett. BUt mone), )lowe's Monthly can't mllke a man .011 ,b:r Itselt," •



- --_. ...----

====::::==========~ Cillarrh 'in tb~ ' aectlOn Oilier dlleRaCa

Weater. . Mra. ~beco& Weber ~ aD tbe .1011._. __~~:~~~:~~~:::;Ij~:f~dll --.-_. .

Saxon Six (PRICE:; RIGHT)

lIalow.... up·


lao1t:ett aad f4miiy 8n'.r.

,rom DaY'OD

Sole Agent

the' Oorden

Jnternatio'nal I~rves!·.H Comp&.r.y of Amer"c~ ' (l.u(orp"nted)


'SILVER OF "IQUALITY AND " "BEAUTY ;Unques tioned durability and ,

exquisite des:isn !-the highe~t ideals' spoons, forks.


renowned trar. mark;:

~ 1847" OGE S.:

,J\{alHng , , I?oes tQ6 money nialdl1~ Asr t of reed~ng .1l~m(.o(1. hne t'O YO\1r hogs apppJil to, y.ou? We believe thpt. a consideratiofi of. tbe SEed 1 .£ce\ling qua ati ': ,Ho~ , lin~ '-~i!l . con~mt.c ::,ou.oI , its v~lu~ for- p"og feedlt) "quahb~ of Boin~oUm> 'will Cl'lll~rin e.) i.l of its. ~~~'f~ \ hog f '~ing lIDd sh~)w . ' 0 11 how you ~a.-n ~~:~ tilor money . Hom 01 11 C is the It t of. .~e com kernel. separated with~lIt t.I~~ USe .-0f ¢he l:)ltc~ls or oth er SICnstanees , Il ontain the minerals needed for bu il d ihg bonc, all'1\. \I1ml. anc~ of. prOtoin to ill meHesh pmd ll cliol1, : 'utl


sufficient fat" and corlohydrate.s to slll ply hea t , aUf! ,e nergy. AIl tiJe!! clement' of fDO ti a ~ .1..'011·. ~IIj~. il1'~~'lDO:si readllY~lges!lble and assimilable form, entir ly su i l e d for Ci Lh r ' o! W...e~111ng" or ofdl!r hog: F :-,Ieed in g lit ~o w, it cnufH,i ,~4'Vl"I"'U'lUJIC lS the s~ccessfu l feed fro ni ,)jlr t h ' lIl:lt~ the time of <;'11('; " "



our patrons.



:; 'i,'~~Jolm~~1u" .,...\,I.O.;) a fer~ilit!r ~alu~ of $32,00 per ton. I~1 ;1 Idilion t I a hig h l'l' n;c f1t)UlIC<l,IIl:le 1~ Rch 1I1 .potash and ;phosph ori c :mlt yl II i.Je 1' m a k ill!?; it r I>..t

(i li •• " ..

The WaynesviUe Nationaf'-Bank


.',--,:~'!iR=U -'~"'~ '>·~~'~

Hpmcoline-and 'get a double "profit from the d c;II .: n L:i uf anill1, I'food ~ c:j·Jltil4MtP.e :elements of p hint,food. I •





.",- '



.. 1l, I

"2'IMMERMAN'S P Jenty of Good Thing s t o E~t This Week Fem ·.I' Slnolwber:·ja:< , r'ipenpple ', UrnURe,; JOe th ,z. IlIJ, Jumbo

' I3


' ew'

P<>ta LO,'9,

&-.-. •


- - , , - .. -

W ate rh o~



a (or Au lo

After the Minnow Comes the WhaJe



~iv!l r.v

Chas. Moore, .. f Wsshinjtton •.D, C. Is t he gues t o~ relative:! here.


l'll bbag ,e, Let tu 'e , Hadishell, Gr en ~eana, New Texas n · iOIlS, F'mlC)' A illes. Sweet Po· til

f p[RSONALMEiriij Dr, Dill , ieopath 2L S, 'Broad· way. Leban9h. ' hio.

l'es, New !J!ornalot!s,


Monday Evening, May Zl, \.

tha Burne lt nnd gUests" of Mrs. Alice • anon' today.

' The recQras of Ute hig h se

transcribed ' t o a permahcn t , This' applies ro th~ ' former students 1\8 well as , tlc~ool now. Th rt;co nl ~ I' wlth Mr. McLaughli n src , Qut the ones PT6ViOUlij ace very incomplete any records at h ome-grari(' elc - 8eud them to 1 r, I lind he will cause thorn to entered on a r ecorJ t1 M w ill b tll kept 'as it should be , Do not put t h i~ off as records ate impor ts'llt, You may need them. some tj rue , At any rate the work whiCh you have " dorh! should be k ept nn ' l:he' p~ r m an ellt reco"rds of the ellooL.·-~·

's UXi1isfY of Sk, Ma' will meet with M'r ~ S. b , VGlhwlYl'i.lrht Fl'id~y aft er~ooll al 2 ''Mra ~M.e1i~3a Red fern a nd J ason [{etll'ern are pl anning to !jtert Boon OP!l\.. Wyo . to spend the sum · wl\h Mr a1.d Mrs Vigo' Mlll er, their ran~h;-Xenla Gaze: te, .... "" -.' , 'The J,r.'O, d. A M: pl-esented f.ieblU)on scho<}l with a flag, and

~R raised ,qjth-' ap propriate hOMrs on, the ~ch,do) llrounrls Thu rsday

afternoon ,. seve ra l orders l aking part in the e?,ercises.


'The Bac- ala'uT ute Samot) will be pl'eac hell ih the • choo! fraU',next Sund ay ov niilg lle "inni~lI~ at 7:30 . Bt'tl lI WjJ[ i be ahsiated by tlie ot ber m inisl ers of the town , .



Miss Mnrthfl • colt r1ie9 the home of her mstt!r . Mrs L n el t, She wa calJed ,io' t:l11 rnc!'!! t he.aTi ng no allswe r th ey weIll room where they found her be,d . The cause wa up· \losedl!d 'a Ol)!('xy. Tile tUnerul WIIS 10 tht! Chapel Monday afte rnoolJ.l . Rev S .'\ , ..B1:!l11l omCla v/as madll in Miam i .

Charles t lo\\' , who died ' ~ :)1ls home b t w ee n , l-!arv(,!)' uurg Ih l

Ne\V Burll nll'ttll1 M01U i3y II ok , wu ~ h uri d Ilt Cllesar's Crct:!; ce metery last 'l'hur-Btl!lY. S ~ r vic s were held lit t h e Caesll r' s ,CrC'ek church, FriclI\1 Ed Bugan oHicialing.



-SCHOOL WILL ~~. ' :"~~/, HOLO"AREUNION ." _.~JI"'""'-

S,e co~d' Apnual'Reunio n of



the School. will ' be heir! in J . H. Gro ve Sunciny . May 20. Plen·

ty ofbrin ~oodj:(' aspeaking anrlenj nlloy lHie.the (]orne and basket and av .

house , l be 111~~~~~t.~t~i;;:;::~~~;~;;;';~~;;l llUtica l c;l~esl:llOol of raill it wil


. ~H. TR·~":.$TA,""E · PATR .....~ ..... , -• .- ' ~~I~BO~HOOD '

~:-~~a;~~:~~,Roberts?" ,: :,:;'~,' ' -''""'P'be ~co 00'." I~n:e t~ you -and the p~ot1~ Of~ellin~ yell ed, nbl :. t' ,the noise atorm, • , , '\ . j ""lle~nd two men ho ve gone, slrTER COMp A /NY, _ ' "GoDe'" Vandeventer. cut 4'9', . ~ of the


to r"

" ,~ ~ at wbaf he tltoul;ht was 0 1~11 OHIO , -; d~QIL "Well." ho shouted, r nllz. 8<" " , .:,. InC tbere 'WIIa nothlni he <:ould do then ' ever lQst a dollar d-ealihg with '.... t,bat ale' ~,.d nelth r breuOl nor ~ . t\TE will make more money to ....te, "thero's more n e~ d tOI ' " ,Of' as to tll.k.e tlleLr ploces," .i s\J\{lmen fter be puts on The man or ' . or night. 'T TEl·STATE guaran. 01' i~ ansit, and our SPOT " ' (ft!d tiulls or I!o~mi~ions patron a man IItfho appr~iates the a f{esponsible. Safe' and ' ~ermanent





ht:!ld in t ill:

~,. j.



. ThUll, Conk lin l~ drivin~ a' nel Brown llnd Cl)as, I«'eyp.s Q Ford The dchool entcrbli nrnent in H IP M. b, chul'ch 1\1 /\Oj lay evellillg was

well ren E! red It consbted ot ' cantata ami fan'e , _, How ard. only so~ of Mr an~ Mzi~.

Joseph Shum'\)a l)gh wbo has been>u.1

Of e urernia is i,m pn'vng ,

... ,Wilham Llardnn, of E!l'rlh slll"SD l)'t the w ~ek'lmu at hi~ hume here. ' Our comml:lluty was ~hocked I.i)l: the liea\Jl Gha~,.l:Iowewho e h ~tne. Wru! 8outh of town . ff« had tl,uft'cred an attack.. of mealllbs and deat h re Bulted trom a cerebral hem orthalll!. Mrs. Mary Mooflls reeovetlng (rom a painful alta.c luJf acute indi~on . 'Mra T. C. H is ~h. ClleJt relatives in : •




See Waterhouse for A'uto L i ve ry

- -------OPERATED ON :,~' AT HDSP~Al ---,


l.. . . .




Verna Kelly, o(Sp~ingfi~)d,

. .rl~rall"ta~ten to Miami Vaney hOQlital. Ali ' EJlI.'~thln. ]I ridav and. ~iill_ operated,

She atO'od, the O~t.

. 800n

and it Is thousrht be allieito ieturn

to llJet',boimeln SptingOeld, ,," ' , . . ... . : . , . . . , , : - _. . .







,Under a Big Teat

Sixt. -N inth Ylal'


Whole Number

EDt\ESDAY 1\IAY 23, 1917 · i.

j-----------jl LlC-J[':H '..


S:Jt~EI= 3181




ro li E OIHi '\ ti l /,E D L\ WA IW I:N CUU, 'I \ ' Hnw 'lI Pc- iree \' is i LOr TU I:~o.lay .

waR a Cil1l:innllti

OffiCERS ARE CHOSEN And Ihe Wurl<u f O~g nl1 iw lio n Is Ta ken up- Mlls t HalO: :150 ,' killbas to b,d l IIrnlll,h

Th e oflic:e rs fo l' the Warr,'n Co unt ) Red C l' o~~ Chu pll'r \\' ero: cl eCk" lit II m t:e ti nlo{ ill L... bllll " n 1;I:; l weo:k alill are Il~ fu ll oll'~ ; Ju Li.:e W. J . W r;~ h t , c~airmllll; HUIL!h I"JI' II ~ , (o'r ullklifl. vlce· ~ hair rnlln; W , II. AIIO:II. WilY ' nesv ill e, trca ~ ur e r : 1\1 i ~ ~ A ~ n c~ Ht!eve, Vl'an kli fl. 8~(·rClury . r hl: uir ~e tur s j'(Jf \-.... a yJll' TlIwlI ~ hip al'~ W. 1I. Allen ull d ~1 r ~ , I';, \'. I ~arn · harl . Th e abo"o u tlkers ulld direct or, me t at lhe · iti1. ell~ NuJ.iu nul HU ll k , Leban on, on lu ~ l Su ndllY Ufl Cl'I llIOJ. to Iisl en 10 th e ~lana ~ ' 1' of I he M 'Ill bership Call1paig'f1 Cum m itt 'C 01 Cinciflnati Chu pt l-r , ti ll' , A . M. I'res lon . l'hi ~ y t'lItl c mali Io{UV" a d 'ta iled accu u nt uf Iho wo rk in t.l1l' (lu 'cJ, City und , in clu ~ in~ , Haid Wu rn:ro C<) unty wo u ld lJe I lJu k ~ d t u f ur 50ULJ m e'm bers . At th(' c10sc of h i ~ talk, the choirman, Ju ul!e Wi lla rd Jur el Wrig ht, ~lIid, th at ul t hu thl' by-Iu w', of th e Warr ~n Co unty ch ,q te l' goav" him authurity to l.I)Jpuilltul ·uml' aig n Manage r, he pr<=i'c rred t hut Ih. board shou ld !!xprc&; a n o pinion as tu whom it s hould lJe. ,Judge ' J. A . Runyan th en no minat d J ohn Mar ahall Mu lfo rd f or th e positio n, und upon a aUllielition by County Auditor C, S. Mounts. he. inclulled ill hb m otion that Mr Mulforu hOllld al so be ill charge of the puulicity cllm · pllil(ll. A commi ttee of ten, one from earh of the t llll tOWII hips prese nt, WIIS appointed to c l! n ~ide r I he praclic ability of 13 r an~/.('8 o f th e Count I Chaple r Afte r d uo conoiuc rurioil the cOlOmit lee 111 lid , il ~ rep) rt lid vi ~ ing th at fivt! Imll1ch ol'l{llllizllliom be possible in Warre ll Co unty . said brallco,es bE'comill l( 'uvuiiable when ever 2rl0 m e mbe r ' lire ~(' c ur ed wilh i the tf!rrit u ry as" IjJ;neli tu the pll rti cu lar bran ch, ull d f or t he purpose ot I\xing I he t erritoria l boulldaries of each 8ranch, fu rthe r reporled a.~ follow s: Lehanon llr:a nc h, T urt lec reek a nd Un; on T ow nsh ips: Fnlllidill Branch . F ran khn and I' k" tr (' r t'ek Tow ns h ips; Kingd Mill~ Branch . Dee rfield 11110 Hamilto il TUII'II;; i1ip: Waynl'"v ill e Branch . Wayne "lid Ma." ie T OWIl ships; Morru w Ilran .:h . ~a lt' nr, Wash · ington Ilnd Har la ll 1'UII'I1 h i p ~ . The re llo rt nf l he committee wa~ unani mous ly ad op t.ed, Thc ," 'all to CCll ors' dtl}', Ju ne 5. as d es ignated by Pr t!sid!:n t Woodrow Wilson has been se l by t h' hairmR n of· the Carnpllil,(l1 CO l1ll1litte- U~ lh ~ day tor. en~ o lling th e I{,~.J ('ro~~ m embe r~h ip Ilf Warre ll Co untv In th e meant ime town s hip cOl11 nli ltel! u pon or ganization wi ll be fll>POinled aundav, June ~l , wil l tind :;p!:ak e rs I.It e very chur ch a nd ::; u nday Sr.ho I in the co unty , Jo'ralt'rnllio r g l.ln izal i('n, allover th e coun ty !Ire enli8ti nj.t in the wurk o f SI!C U rinJ.:' me rnl, (> rs, 8n 'I It looks to tIll? "lIiee rs !llld direcLu r ~ asif th e rn em lwrs hil will go beyund the 5000 III II I' I\. It i valry fo r th e largest local rn e l11b l' r~hi p has a lrt'udy IIhlTl eci betw·'!IJ cerlai n et:1iUIiS o f the county Nuw is th e tim!) to I.Ict. Look up Ihe di rec to r n oarest 'yo u llnd ask what y<>l1 can do. EvelY mnn , w l) n1un and ,c hild ca n "d o hi s bit" in thi s work fnr humanity .

II!! I

l\1 t'~~r R. Franll E:lt,,)I) n nd II ll l'ry " I Fal'lllHlI'lll'cl''' IJ~ ' LOll \'i , lt (l l'~ 1\1oJ{l l!.I d uy. . iJ

l\liss Emlilu i\'lll ud y, " f Ila \' ( ))t , b th · I,:U,',t "f l\1 r. " lid :'III'S . 1-:. \ , BU~l1ltall.

tl1 r~ 1>l ury Bllrns SIIl'n t Friday ti t Kin ~~

~I 0

l'Ili ll:!, \'i:lllln~ j11'. Lind :Vlr~. I!J J ohn Leonard 0

1\1 r. Bnd Mrs, F. II . -;h e r wood an d fami ly w(:re W I! ·k· end vi ~ il ol'd wl lh Or . T . ~ht!I'\\'utld


~ll' 1I1 r i;l l Sl'r\' ic S I' ill' pl :wC' u t til' ('('IIIC ll'ry <.i t :! 0\: 10 k 011 " ·(·drt( ",da .' , :\ Iay :-:0. 1\"'; lt !tc' r l 'l'r t1ltl t ill ~ . If t lie wcat h e r is t oo in leltl Cllt tIl > 'xt: r c is ,'s will 1)(· 1i ('l d at ~;~' hu ( ol I l a ll al tli l: s all1C' h01lL 1,cLl'\'!:'r y u lIl.: \\'lio 11:1 0; ilo\\'l'rs n IIll'ntlJl'r l' lllit:I ' trtkl: tltCllI (J r s end tlt e.: 1l! to the Tow lI !tip I I()u ~ ~ a s (':1 1- ,y , I"; pc,~si IJ h; \\' ('il lI(>5(1:I), llI o rnitl g, whc re.: a COIIl11 1111< 'c \\'ill I ll' III r c ra L!lI ll"'s t o t akt: cllan:'l' of them . Let li S a ll work t o;,;cIIIl'r t o "li()1\' th a t \- :I\' tl' ~I ille and I' il' ilt i t y is ullited in wis hin g' t o Ii" e.:\ vr.\' II'Jl l r til II('r 111'1'(1(' ... 1,(1\ II (k ,1(1 :111,) li,·i n " . I. l us pro\' (' to Ollr l ira\'(' III)Y" II'II\) lial l: all u ld y 1' ('" pOll .1 ('01 nlld will r cs p'JI1d La th e "nlll of tlrc l 'C ,JIJI' , ," lIl al lil ll.1.! dill '" II[lt, /li lll l il il: ~Sl" 1 OUI l.. \'(~, loya lLy audre ' p ee l I I,r :1 1! \\il". glJ aL II K I': ('''lllt tr ), ca ll to, 11 :.; llt IIIHiL' r til ' ~ t a r s a n d s tl~p es, _ lOIIIIlIIIIl: t: _ 0.11 1'1 " I US - .\I r s. J:I' all ~ , (' Ii ,lirrn :lIl ; .\Irs, ~ tiJ ('<;. ~ [ r::i. \\ oolley, .\lr ~ . UI I ~ . \b .. I \ " ~ l' r ' , .\11'0; . I': \' :l I " !lc"' , ;"11'5. ~i1 rn h Z i lll lllel'IIl a ll , \lts . :\hillt. ,\11 , I !:l tlt.l\\' I \, alt d t ill' ' :\1 i, c~ _\ Iice ([lr . \. illul ) I ~ :tli sI Jll f\' , E llid I I ()..;i er :\ild l. oucl la 1:1 II I I!:\' - , (lIll'lll l iLt('C (,\I l it-( 'm ' I I i, It , .t' . ol lil'[ "; ':\ !nn l lill Ilt - _\ lr · . •a t , C1l:lIr. Ill:l ll : \1 1" . Cnl " , .\11' .' , :I !L lu!'e :11101 :.; 1"; . I,: . \ . l:,lIltllarl. (t 11I111il Lt c 011 :l'ralh)l(JII .!1 i\l ll - ]'L l llk I.l'Il, chai rm an ; Frank Elhon Ill'. Cl: l t:!'tl, '. T , 11:1ll' kc .llld C. Ili"l' \ '. . I (UlIlllli tLl'C O il CIHl ir s -- \':.tIL :[' Ca:-. t, 'cliai rll1 an : \\ -alt e r :\TcClure a nd


:\ . . I ani t. C0I1111 titleC' 011 ::'I l u c;i c - .\lrs. D.

l:und - J3, S. llowd l, It'ade r.


Cr a ne, d i rcl· trc..;s of :t la rge l' h Orlls.

' ·e l e f ,t ll '" arc r eqt te:.ted t o lI1eL·t :ll l it e s t u r e of ]. I L Col c ill a n_


1--- ---~~-.

~ l~~"~~~~~fl



en~!~tarr~~1 ~~1ill~'~r CSu~~r:~' at;I;~ AN ATTRA"TIVE PROGRAM U


Doro thy 'ann Il es Has Been ArranKrd and th e Memt er Canine were f!' \Iest~ nt a s lllll1h er he rs hi p Is Expected to Reac h purt.y Rt tha home .of ~1 r . and;\1 rs . the 200 Ma rl< Fr.:d Gons MLmday ,,'·ening.

tained Mias Vada Mel'herson at din · 1 ner Sunday .


[!] count. r y home of , M r, and ~[rs. Eir l{ uss pli. o't Yflnk ee Slre!.'t.



;\1 ~sE's

Th e


JOIIY~1atrons, wltl,J their hus wt!r e ent e rtHlneri li t I he home

, " I . '" , fhe M n o~ \\ ayne "ri le f ,\ lr alld :'III'S. \\' il~on EdwBl'Ils !nK on Ju ne Lth shou ld surpass In l!I ' Mond ay " \' nin l[ A~ ll ~ual II ver y lilt -rest an.d allcndanct! the wondurli nt! ~lIpper \VA" se r\' 'd , Hnd the Ma ! Cui (.(nth(:) r ll1l{ (I f lI1 ell on Ma y th, [!] trnll ~ und h u~llfln d (' nj ' ,yetl tli e cve n- at ~ III ~ h r:n.eetl~g the ~Iub ,,:a~ <;I rillg very lfIuch. glllllzed 1 he c, u~ alld Its actiVities are nuw In full sWlll g , anu the mem ,--- - - - - bersb ip i~ f a~ t a pprQachlng lhe 200 Mr ~, D. It ·ali,.hu r y e nterlain ed mark , in honor of th" I,rid " ;\li ~~ Luuisa :r he reports o f the varlOllH COIll r.'1 Stokes , at a kitchen Rhower fh ursrhy m ittel'S un Quct!tl ons of VItal 10cIII ~ aftern oon. Afte r 8ev ral conte ts affairs will be second in in terest to were enj oyed light refre~hment we re th e speaker o f th e evenin g , f o r the se r ved , Severul lI ~ Bful gi ft d were club has been f o rtunato eno ugh to r ece ived b y t he brid e. I ~e cure as o ur guest a ndspeak&r, Mr , S. S . Ti bbals , of F ranklin ,. O" who Mr . and Mrs , J. W . Wh ite cele- w ill talk on ' -Preparedness," EI h r a t"d elr 40th weddill\{ anlli ve r ' It fresh ments will be se rved and it sarv TueMullY by gi vi ng a famil y di n- i~ deFl red tha t a ll members be presn" r . T hose wh u e njoy lid their h o~- cn t , anti a ll ot he r s whu arll Interest , ' pitality weru Mr . a nd Mr d, Frank ed in the dub and desi re to become l Taft, Mr . and Mrs , Hl.l rry Vaugoh . membe rs. I Mr. Robert Taft, of Daytull . and ~'lr . See allY me mber of the executive d M F H F com mIttee fo r membership card s , [:J an n . . . arr . sign u p and be olle o f the club right away . If you are not a lre ad.'i enrolled . Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Earnhart a nd The e xec utive committ&e for memo Miss Eleanor Earnhart ant.e r tailled bership ca rds, and wh o will be glad at the home of ths f o rmor in hono r to e nroll you, if you are not already o f Miss Louisa Stokes and Mr . J ohll a member. are F. H . Hartsock, Pres . I!l Le mmon on Satu rd ay evening, May 9am'1. Meredi th, Vice Pres., B. H. , 12. 1917 at a miscellaneous sh ow -r . Kelly. Secy . , E. V. Barnhart, Treas, The evenln" lVall spent h music and J~urton Ea rnhar t , Fran~ Brad~ock, playing K'lmes . At a tlea~on able I . D. Clagett , Frank Zell, Wilbur hour delicious r ef(eshm ents w\!re C\~rk , Bllr t Stacy and J _ 0_ Cartserved . Afle r looking at the p rel ly Wright. r::J gifts all d eparted . - -- - - - - -- -

111 f 1band ~,

II ' I

~ ~



~I ~

H , II. Williamso n le ft Monday fo r days' visit w ith Ill S " un un d family In Cleveland, Uhlu.

H. ~evera l


Mr. W . H . All e n awl Mr . and MrH. K V. Barn hart weI' L cballl'll \' i~itor~ S unda y afte rnuo n. Mr , and Mr, . F, W . Hathall'ay li nd Mi s Emma H ig hll"ay s pellt Frid ay wi't h r el a l ives at \\ ellman. Mrs · J ue Tinney is selli ng the Fur· na lee Cr ea m . AIllha t wa nt I{oud C( t!lIm g o to l'lIln ey 'ij at ·or win,Ohiu . Uil: r ed uctiun ill room · si ~c ){ug'; a t lI ylll an '". Mr, a no.l Mrs . II 13. Side" . MI' . RIIlI Ml'g. J, C, Ha\ ke a lld l\ liss Clara lI aw k ~ vis ited w it h Vayton r .:luti\'!:~ -undIlY . l\1 i ~~

lI enrietta tll cl\ IIIS(I\', till'. I\I1l1 ~ I ,~ J.) L , Crane an.J 'M r J . B. Pen 'e wl'l'e L 'ballon " is ito rs Salurel·c nill g.

1- -

- --

Huck c tt IIl1ll family. Big r edu c ti on in r oo m -s ize Hu gs a l Hyman 's .


-- - - - -


It oTbehe comm n cemen t e xercises are held t hi s eveninR Bt chool H all.

There will be a IlIrge audience by the 8ale .o f sea t3 The m embe rs o f the class a re as f ollows: J e a nnettt! JflllIH.!Y . I\ l inn ie Oa vi.'!. Il na May Cum~t"II, Euge nia Wh iLIlIk e r . Van Hetalli ck . Hr,s('oe Furna", ; Ken neth Killion , Clilford Wins ton. I-: Ii F'urna~ . Bernard Ue bhart I.1I1U Howard Gust in. . The No rm a l will ll radua t e Bess ' mith, Edna Co rn e ll, Effie M. H oI· ; Iinll;;worth , Alice Carey, H e le n Coo k, . . : \ Louella J anne. y , Pa uline Marlatt a w l ".' Howard ;ust in . . li..:l=:1IOI:!lIlUS~ I t is a I' mark ab le occu rrence th at l her e will btl m o re boys Lhan girl s (:.", :IIl pn 'frr -IIJ,"p IIJl h, ' I-" ',' l\Ch l inthel[ r adunting cl ~ t1i e 19 \'111"""" ''''''III,t'' il I,)' .11f · l" ,h,'I" " rllrr('~ ' tll'I'S 1'.,0 un llRUll If u r g r am' l' ua t mg YI ar 'oj . c ass Ilrl' IlIlt lll':,)1,\ Ii ,'"'Il'i lll t" 1111' 11I1011!Jt ': in our 8ch oo ls here

Ip resenl. as indicated !


See Wllte rhouse fo r A lito Live ry



l\l i, s Mil,ll'ed !cPh c r Oll,~ { Wil ming toll. is s p c n oin ~~ II fl~W days with hCJ' aunt, MiR ~ \'udu M c l-'he rs~ I\, at T he f oliowinJZ' 111'1) ·,,1 hn:; been ~ en the I"riends I-lo lll e . IIlll by the S~' Cl'l!tury o f I\ ~ ri !u ltul'L' alld tlitl 'ecrc tllry of l'lIll1l1le rCe t () M r ~ II . l{itle r . \\'ho 8pent a coupl c til fUl'm e rs to p lu m Illorc sweet 'o rn of \\'e ' k~ with h r s iste r, Mrs L A thi" yell r: Zimm ' rman, lef t Frillll)' Illuming f or (', ) til e Farm'r : Th'l t they ~"opel'ate g(·I1l'rnl l.v w it h he r hume in Clevcland , Ohio . th,' cunncr~ (If t he ('1'lI Il I I'I' ill 11)(.: ell' rt to )1I' r mi t no fa lli liloC 011' ill acr\;' l\1 egS l s. (;e() l'ge Wat el'hou~I', Bry o n ;tIC'! I III tl;' I Ciln IWI'Y cro)l~ , and I 'rendl!rga~l. Mnr ~h all ll ll i ne~ . ,IIII1 H'>' Illa t Iii,,} "l'(" '11,:,' f llily Itl<' \'a ~ Uavi s ·and L N I'nnt£. weI' altl,c 11 \1111 1 ." I'" )lIlJl\lI:lti llll of till Speedway ~undl\Y tift mool1 . U l1 it" \1 :>u. I" : 11 .1 o f thl! w"l'ld h nt 1,'1 e lk'C{J Il1 C d l! IWIIl \enl (' II thl' f"uo.l Mr. and Mrs. G,lil r'llS~ UI1l . l\lr . . . 1I1>Jl ly cons(' r vl'd ~ .'u r ly ill tin COIl ' Wm Husti um anJ , 1\1 iRS MlIJ'~ar e t lH II ,.. r 1. 1 Lann ing ('"mpil Til l' \\,,, : ). , .l{u8suI1l, o f Dav-ton_ E.1lenL!:i.u.ud.a~ atl ernoun with Mrs. Mary Edwurd s n., · call h nd l" 1,J.!a ,.Y lOll a, res 111"1'(' I. f ~ w,'et ell : n. UII U u ' lhis i~ \lIlI.' ,)f and dll u),(ht e r. 110,· be. t pay ifl ).! c rop., to t be f!l llll()!, Mr. a nd Mrs. . J . Tow nsend, of il beh"ovl'~ him to jJ!;\lll mo l',· 8\\' (','1 Bos ton , !\IlIgS . , who have bee n Hpend ~ 1) r11 thi~ )ear, It "ill (1 <1." h I Se/o' ing tI,e wfn t('r at )r1ulldo, Flor ida, ~ ' Iut , S nnJ)\( und cod .. r wiLh him a~ >' )le nt a pa rt o f l a~t wee k with D. H . to lhe acn,ag !' and 8 ~ ed ,

- - ---+ - --

Mr , lind Mrs. Frank Carman and Hay mo nd Davis w e nt to New Ca r1i~le Thur8r!tly to IltLend Cu mm e nceme nt IIl1d l"i e ld Duy at the sch oo ls Mi s:! c.;rn~e Carman re turn ed h orne with them: The local G. A. It. PIl ~t will go t n t ~ l arY ' H chlll'~h ' un<1 ay , May ~7t h. ",lwl th' Re v . .1. F , Cad wallar! () r . will PI' Hch the M 11I0riai Serlll o n A m ' 111 ue r ~ lIf the I'us t. · all ex so l d ieJ'~ ami th e ~cnel'al public ore invit el! tu be p resent a t thi,; service


t ltn t "i.

.. -----


Ii· ...

1,l ld t p;.!l';1 p l l

~ l lo\\\' '''

II 11W ,

t il '':/

!I', at. ,1 Ih ·· ,d a f': u '1!:-; r t' l'l"n . illf'lrl,t:: II 6Jil' t'( ' !t ),\' \" (111 JkthllllII\ Jl - ll dll\\' f"g .

---~ -> - - -

'STATEMENT ST. MAH!~CHUHGH . A MIS Whl.l ·lInu ay , ( l'enlecoslJ_the b irth-

so me qll 3rl .:rs. We have been inform ed by th e CU(lunilteeU1un fr OIll t hlA town sh ip t at the e lccti oll will take lilllc\! Tu(>srlay, June 5th . WI' nrc po~ ith'e t ha t every loy ul mnll will como t orwllrd at this lime a mI r egis te r If Ill' does no t h i~ !111m ' '' ill be hall(lcu . ' 10 l he electlt)IJ b')>lrd I~ny way . We art! not a yet IIlfQrlllcd as lo Ihe m<!.n.ner o f voting bu t in ali pnl~abllJ.ty the rc)( ular manner f \'(lLmg will he obse r v(, d . - - - - - - - -"


of the New Yor!t Naval Militia. He III c1aaed III a thlrd-cla81 electrlclaa aad Ilttadled to the aeronautical CllylllOD ~ tile ~

INTERESTING MEETING ~;e~'i~:c~io~P~?C~i:! Varia Mcl'hQrson , and at the alJPointWOMAN 'S AUXILIARY,Ied~~~ir~eosfu~ld~r h our during the si nging o f the

hymn, "The Spa cious Fi rmament" Th e regular l11e9l ing of the Wom- tfhe Ig radll lltcs 8?co mpanicd by the an ' s A iliary \ held at tI e l ome . ~cu ty, ami the .hlgh school marched UX, vas. I 1 ., In 81111 lOok t heir places. o f Mrs S . L. Cartwl'J !{ht" on F rIRe v. M Mi lla n offered the invoca~ay afternoo n, l\lIIv I tl,1. Ihe me~ t - lion follo wed by th e ,Scripture les. lIlg was o)Jone.d by mU RIC on th e VI C- so n by [{ev . Cad wa llader, After trola. Mrs, e l.ldll/lllla(ler read a p erl hi ' I h i' R f th \' 1 I' d R v J F C d - allot er He ect~on )y t o e 100r ev. o e S II m , an e; . " a I-Itlllll look liS h l~ text f o r I he sermon, wal.l ader co nducted t he d.c vo t lonsl e x- " Co me unto me all y e that labo ur and e rClses, AlJother ~e l ed,',u,n of hYllln:; a rt! heavy lade n a nd I will give you was tll,:!n pl.ayed on t he \ Idro!a , Af- r est ." Rev, lIeall was at h is best ill t ~r which S, r1p~ ural q U~ t~lIO IlS we re the sermun and It! ft ma ny pl easant IPv e~ 111 re, p<,)I1~e t o roll call. thoughts for the class and his audiMlll u tes u t th e l ast,~lt!c tlng .were ence to d well u pon . . I.le lesso n fu r An othe r Relect lon by the choir . r ead and appro v~~ t he day Y;'8~ on . !,Io w Our Church was f ollowed by 'Am e rlca" after ~am~ to Cah~ornla .and was espec- which t he benedictio n wlla gi ven. lally In teresling . When It WBS over Mrs. Crane read an oLhe r articl e 0 11 the Cl111reR In Califa rRia after w hietd---------------------~ the meeting adj ou rn ed and a p lea~ · anI social hour fvllow r:d.

---.. -----


Wo want Lo puulicly t hanle everyTOWNSHIP SUNOAY bod y w ho ca rno our r esc ue no · bly duri nR our la te firo The town coun try fo lks we re very kind and SCHOOL CONVEN1ION and wo rl<ec! hard t o save our etl'ec t s_ Aga in thank ing one and all we are, 10


~c~~~1 C~na:e~~ioJ'~l~~~~~ipLY~I~n~~~:


SIncerely., Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Earnhart_

---_.- ...---



--- .. - ...- --




- - - --


Not F'raduct of Nature_ \ Sallluel 'J ones, who, with h i. wife • ' 1 'rh ,' IIIII UI'III I'r" I!lH·ts Jt Iha Ara bi· The Alumni meeting w(J1 be held wt! re' recent v is itor>laL the ho me of lin 01,·,,·1'1" IIlltl ,'1 h" l' nrl"fllUt r "~ lons , Fr'ida evening at School Hall. A Dr. T . ~herwood, was t alcen s udd en"hk ll ""lI r Ihe II""'" or mnlln" hllve I fine p~og~am has been arraDlred and' !y ill ~hil on.hi, way to his office The County m eet;ng of all K . ,of r "'" Ilh~ (!'~'tll, tI"" III Ih e ·"Wl/flU of the , it looks as thou&,h there will be a ID Philadelphia last T.hursday. He Lodiea of Warren County Will be Whit· \I !ollh b r:ll'll t tt'(i ullon for I large crowd 'present Several from , was taken to the ho~pltal wher~ he I held at Harveysburg on 'fhurway, . 40 Y 'II r~ !III.'Y ~ot tho new corn l out of town comi~If' and thla faot il beine prepared for an operatlon, ! May 24. 1917, at 7 p m. All Knights o~ the cunnnn, The U1nnaa of \ will add much to the atr,lr Mr. Jones mad~ . many frieads dur- of P~lhlaa should attend this meetlng _ .the D111), be regarded u O.>n't fori t to pay ,o~r dlle II. I IDi ,hla lut. vlB1~ h.r., who will be , L!lDCh will be "&'yell by the Pythiao wbolly nnd Dot III &DT feonokata for oan bl pr 0Plaved to bear ,of bi.....loul iUn.,... Siatere, IpOCL II or DutUNt Il~d Ii; ~ V t,\':,ll&r,'utoJt'a,


WlIIllIln G_ McAdoo, BOO or the ~ecretary of the tressul'Y, In tho uniform

Commencement week started out auspicious ly Sunday evening with the baccalaureate sermon , prellched by Rev. S. A. Beall. at Sc houl Hall. At an early h<lur th e~ peop l e began to g o lind lit 7:30 the ha ll was tilled to its capaci ty . The mu~ic was furni >lhed by the

day afte l'noon, with n large at Le nd alice, There was qu ite Ii volume of See Waterhouse for Auto Livery d I I I !'vi business attended t o during the ses .~yoftleclurcl, , ay ~Ilh , HolYI Theco rre~pondenttotheFranklin sia n, Rev. Moo n had a fine addres8 ""====-~=:-::======== \-(1 111 mU lli on. III .1:0.0. a , 111 ;. Sunciay , News fr om Sprin"'boro ha th f I S d S h 1 I A' d I - - - - ---- - - !-ichuol at 8::3U. Sen' Ice and ~e rl11o n low ing to say of M-r. Georg~ G~eeon, N~~~s:~ ay C 00: ts Ims an ta fill' I h.~ local memiJ!!rs of the ( .. . A, H, who hils bee n elected superintendent Reports of the different S unday MAY WED MRS, VANDERBILT at iU: "U . ' f I . b . ' o f our schools for the coming year: Schools were read, and it was grali· IA bca.,u ll,lI S.lvIP., 'rl or B.n n er.SI I.II., "Prof . ('r'een who wl' ll leave Ilere L S II I I t ~l J\11 s soon u fy lng to know that they are ~ rowing . . . . ag~ g, t I U, '. ,r) t o take cbarge of a school a t vesr by year. County President (;hur h by 1,l r . ulo d ~1 r~ . ~ . L Ca rt- Waynesville was tendered a recep- Alex Bo xwell was present , and gave \v 1:I~ht \\,111 IJe C~lrr hl(! HI th e pro- lion Wtldne~dBY evening at the hom e the convention a talk. ce~s \(.)I1a l fM t h ·hl'sl tIIn e , n nd pre· of Mr and Mr" "hrl'Dt Hllmbe t b ' ~ 'meII (I n lJ C'h If o f t he d l b ' •. u . , r y The fo llowing officers were elect .C • II U IO rs y fri ends am) member. of the M E 'ed fo r the comln a year: Mrs. Carl MI" , J. \J , fII:twr! gh t uno acce,p,l:ed church. A large crowd was I~ at: Duke. presldent;"Mrs B. H. Kelly , hy Ihe r ct,o r on beh ili f Of. the ,parrsh . ,t endal)ce and a gene ral good tl' nle Ih sho p l{et!Rt" al thtlln t Gener II 0 11 vice ·president; Davis Furnas, treas " . .. , .' . • - was enjoyed by all. 'fhe Professo r urer: Katbeline Prendergast, 8ecreVCI\ I.I OIl sa Hl: \>l1tI'lOI I;;111 III wo r th has been with f t d lIuthinj! unless con~ecrated I y re lig. '11 b tl u9 .or yearll an" tary, inu " mot ive_ _ One niellm o f objec t- WI e g rea y mlsse d '/ everyone . i iv 'I y ha llowing ou r ' patrioti s m, Is t o PUl theflal{lll t he chancel, 8nusom e j tim es let it {J llow the crO~8 up Lhe BI"le to This is t he "eneral practice in the [)i"cl~se o f Snu t hern 'Uhi(l 'I'li(, public (:o rdillily invltll.t 10 till the~c del' ' Ice". J

11 I . d cj' 'IroUR 1 a Inls un e rs tan Ing we pr inted a n o t ice re lativ e t o 8 ~pcci l\l "I d ioll ' of regi3t rati on La be hcld la~t SaturdllY. We a re ve ry so rry thal th e mistullc wu~ ImllJ e , flS it cau8ed a I[ rt'ut tical ot cunf us ion in

1\11'. IIlJd Mr>l J ,a r tw r ig ht, Mr , and Mrs. A. Mumt. Dr and Mrs J. 1'. E II,i s, Mr. ami MI'~ J 8 . Jann tiy , 01' . lUI Mrs Ward, Mr. unll I\1r . L. A Zimmermun. Mr. anrl Mrs. C. M. I{ubi lzer.· Mi NH He n ri ett ll McK insey, Mr . .I . U P ene' . and H . A. Co rn ell attended the b ig bllnqu et ohhe Scottish [~ i te Mason!'!. a~ J.)ayton Thursday evelllng .



Mr . 1111(1 ~Irs , C , R . E"an~ a n d d ll ug-ht e r, of Xenia, Mrs. J , M, Alexund e r a nu Mrs. M . V. Luce, of Sprin~ Vall ey, w e re gues ts S un day of Mr . W. 1. 'alis llury and f am il y .





tn, ."'l1lor


The Harmount "Uncle Tom's Cabin Co." plQyed here Monliay evening to a crowded tent. The company is above the Bverage, and the audience enjoyed the whole show. This company travel In Ford trucks, having leven_ This mode of' travelina I, far better than by the old horae route. They carr, a much larger rOlllpnny 0llel'llllo, the oomplllY by this means, and are la Nl'w York. wbo, ....refore better eqllippeci to giv. the 18 to marry lira.

PQblla a better Ibow, / ,

"'doW or




Sixty-Ninth Year

Whole Number 3428


[~~S~~Al!ENTiiI ~" Iv1~~~~ri~r='I: : : : JD~[E: : : :1y'U~r-=,r~~ge:::1~r;.'lE5'm==:J"~'[ ~o~~~J~~I i




WA R~ I::N


Howell P irce was OffiCERS



visitor Tuesday. [:l Mabel Salisbury spent the week·ellll ~ with relati v~s in Xenil\.


v i~i tor at Morrow Monday.


Miss Hazel. G u~tjn has been qu ite ~, ..:J meeting in lA!banon l u~ t week, and ill with an attack of mea~les.· are as fo ll ows: Judge W. J . WriRht, Mr. allll Mra S. W. Craw ford ~ chairman; Hul"h Pell·ks. Franklin, vl'sited with frie nds in Mason~unday . I vice·chairman; W. H. Allen. Way · neaville, treasurer : Mi s~ Agnes Reeve. Franklin. secreLary , l'he M e~ rB. I' rank Elbon nnd Harry directors for Wayne Townshi p art' b:arnhart were Dayton visi tors.Mon· W. H . Allen and Mrs. E . V. ~arn . day. Gl hart. . ~ Miss Emma Moody. of DaylJn, is The above officers and directors met at the Cilizens Ntllionul Hank. t he gUl!st of Mr. alld JI1 rs. E. V. Lebanon. on IlllIt l:iulll.IIIY afternoofl to listen to the Mannier of lhe Mem· Ba!'nhatt. berahip Campaign Committee of .... F 'd ~ Cincinnati Chapter. Mr. A. M. Pres· Mrs. Ma ry Durns spen t ' r1 oyat ..:.J Kinl{s Mills. vi ilinll Mr. and Mrs. ... ~~~u;~h~Sfirh!le':oarl/Cil~~~ed~~i~~~ J ohn Leonard City and. in closing. said Warren ~ County would be looked to for 5000 Mr. and Mrs. F. 13. Sherwood and membere. At the close of his talk. family we re week· end vidilor;! with the chairman. JudR'e Willard Jurey Dr. T. Sherwood , Wright. said. that altho t he by . law ~ of the Warren Coun ty chap ter gave him authority to alJPoint a ClImpaign Mr. Willl'eacock and Miss Emma I!J Manager. he prefer reu tha t thE' Peacock . of Daylon, were Way nes· t:::l board 8hould express an opinion as to ville visitors S u n d a y . ' whom it should be. Judge J. A. ftunyan then nominated J ohn Mar· H'. H. Williamson left Monday for lhaU Mulford for the position; and a several days' visit with his soo and upon a IUlrlet5lion by Ctlunty Auditor family in Cleveland, Ohio. C. S. Mounts. he included in his motion that Mr. ~ulford 'B hou ld also d M d I!l be in charge of the pubUcilv calli' Mr. W. H. Allen an Lerb' an ~ ~ Mrs. lil V. Barnhart were am'lI pat~~mmitteeof ten. onefro~ earh visitors 'undayafternoon. of the ten townshi ps present, was appointed to consider the practic Mr. and Ml'll. F. W. Hathaway abillLy of BrancI.ea of the County and Mi'!s Emma Heighway spent t:J Chapte r After due consid erarion Friday wilh rel al ivesat Well man. ~





'. \~ ~. \~

a. Cincinnati

And the Work:of Organization Is TnMr. and Mrs. W. H Allen were ken up- Mus' Have 250 Melllin 'pringlielu Thur~day. Gl bers 10 Em:1I Bran<;11 Walter Chandler was a bus iness ~



Big red uction in room Bize Rugs at ~ Hyman's.



~ .

TOWllSlli p House as early a s possible W e d n esda.y morning, whe r e a comm ittee will be in read incss to t ake charge of them. Let u s a ll work t oge the r to s h o w th a t W UY ll esv ille and vic illity is united in wishing to d o ever y h o n o r to her heme. lJoth dead a nd li \ io g . L e t us prove to our brave b O)'5 wlio have alread y res pon de I a nd will r eS I)o nd t o the "call of the eo lor:; ," tha t li lIle docs tlol dim or lessen our love , 10 yalt y and respect for a ll who go at the ir country 's call to fi g h t unde r the s tars and stripes. " Comm ittee on l~lowC'fs -M rs . Eva n s, c h ai rma n ; M rs , S tiles, Mrs. \Voolley.. Mrs . l...llis. ::\lr5. Roge rs, :\lr:;. Eva Jones , Mrs. Sara h Zi mmeri\l '.1 IrL ~I 1I tl d I !II' AI ' C '1 b I ma n , 1's , . a I • . rs. a la way an t Ie Isses Ice arey, n a e Salisb ury, E th el Hos ier alld Louella Jall l1 ey . Committee on Decorat ion of C.~olclie rs Monu ment-Mr s . Cast., chairman; i\l r . C r oss, ;\Irs. I cC lure a nd. Irs .. E. \ . BarnharL.






en~~t~i;! ~rdin~~r CSu~d:: a~~h~ AN ATIRAraTIVE PROGRAM U


Misses Derothy Gebauer and Hes . Has Been Arrang€d and the Memter Canine were g uests at a slumber bership Is Expected to Reach party at thu home of Mr. and Mrs. the 200 "\ark Fred Gonii Monday evening.


Th e Jolly Matrons, with their hUB bands. were entertaln~d at the ho~e of Mrayevenlng . and .~lrs. As Wilson ds Mond usualEdwal a very P-'I fi ne au pper was se rv ed. and t he Ma &:J tron~ and hu bands enjoyed the e ven· ~ Ing very much


I .'

Mrs. D. R. Salisbury ent~ rtain ed In honor of the bride Miss Louisa r:" Stokes, at a kitchen Rhowe rThursday .,;" afternoon. After several con~sts ~ were enjoyed light refreshments were served . Several useful gi t ts were received by the bride.


hi I Mr. and M re . J. W . . W te ce e·

brated~ thelr (Oth .w.eddlng annlv~r·

~ earv Tuesday by a family dm·

If. Co l e mail.





nero Those who enJoyud their hos· pltality were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taft. Mr. and Mrs. Har~y Vaugh, Mr. Robert Taft, of Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs . F. H . Farr.

' .

~r. and Mrs. AlVin Earnhart ~nd

The " Men of Waynesville" meet. ing on June 12th should surpass in . t a~ d a tten dance th e wonder. Interes th ful g~lh e rmg ?f men 0 ~ay 8or' at y: hlch ~eetmg the c: u wasil· gamzed . The cl u~ and Ita actlv t es arenowlnfullswmg,andthemem· bersbi p is fast approaching the 200 mark . The nporta of the various com. mi tteea on qUQstlons of vital local affairll will be second in Interellt to the apllaker of the 'evening, for the club has been fortunate enough to secure as our guust and speaker, Mr. S. S. Tibbala. of Franklin,O" who will talk on ··Preparedness." Refreshments will be served and it is de@ lred that all members be present, and aU others who !lrd Inter9lt'l ed in the club and desire to become embers m See any member of the executive committee for membership cards, sign up and be one of the club right away. If you are not alreadyeorolled . The executive committee for mem· bership cards, and who will be lilad to enroll you. if you are not already a member. are F. H . Hartsock, Prea. Sam'J. Meredith. Vice Pres., B. H , Kelly. Secy .• E. V. Barnhart. Treas ,


ett y urg ... . .... Ha rry Mere dith Band - ICTenting Tonight"

MIll» Eleanor Earnhart .n~ertaliled at the home of the former In honor of Mlsa Louisa Stokes and ¥r. John I!J Lemmon on Saturday evenlD~. May I I d The ~venln" waa Bpent :l mus c an P. D. Clagett, Frank ZeIJ. Wilbur plaYlDg g~mes. At a seasonable Clark Bert Stacy and J. O. Carthour dellclouB refreshments .wllre wright served . After looking at the pretty ._ _ _......__•_ __ P-'I, gift. all departed. .,;" _ _ _ _ __ _ . MENT ~ .Last Thu rsday evening Mls8 CI~ra LJle was hosteSli at a very charmlllg

Mrs · J oe Tinney is sell ing the Fur· A Girls While little g irls strew flowers on nas Ice Cream, All that want good monument Memori a l .Address . . D r. C. W. B lodgett branc'1es becomin" available when cream IrO to Tinney'8at Corwi n. Ohio. ) Chorus-" Our Heroes" ever 250 members areaecured within P':' (Pas t Commander of O hio the territory atlSigned to the parlicu Big reduction ill room. size Rugs at L;.I Cborus -"S tar Spangled Banner" Taps sQunde:d by M r. Howell lar bral)ch, and for the purpose 01 H • fixing the territorial boundaries of yman 8. Tattoo' . . ... . . .. . .. ... .. B. S. Howell: 13enedictioIl-:-Dr. C. W. Blodgett each Branch. fu rther reported as follows: Mr. and Mrs . A. B. Sides. Mr . and 1:==3t:==3Et:==3et:==::JI::J~a:===555Jal:=== I , ' •, ,_• ., I' - , ,• i Lebanon Branch. Turtlecreek and Mra. J • C. Haw ke an d M·ISS CIara.,;". .. • " . -ir:'l, L:.I.

a e Ig U evenmg was ~ rectory. the home of Miss Lile. The ~ guesblwere Misses Vada McPherson, JOlephlne Andrews, Beulah Kindler. Dorothy Gebauer, Esther Canine and Commencement week lltarted out May Wright. auspiciously Sunday eveninlrwith the baccalaureate lIermon, preached by Rev.S. A. Beall. at School Hall. At 1r:'1 .&;1 an early hour the people began to go


~~:nC:~h~~l~: rr:~~hi~g~~~!ti:~S be . n"''''ibI6 in Warren Countv• said t'V-




nerSunda_ .


Com 111 iltee o n Trans porta lion-Fran k 6e lI, cha irman ; Frank El bon, D r. C lage ll, . T. Hawke', ncl C . J. H ise y . C ' CL ' \'1 It C t I . \Va I t er .v. 1.'1cure CI d o mm It tee 0 n lla l rs - 'va e r a s , c lamnan ; an A . i\ laHit. . Committee on Music-M rs. D. L·. C ra n e , directress of a la rge c horu s.


Mr . and Mrs. Ed Thomas enter· FOR. THE MEN OF WAYNESVILLE JUNE ,\1EETING tained Mias Vada McPherson at din·

country home of Mr. and Mrs. Ell ~ Russell , of Yankee Stree t.

T moria l se r v ices wi ll t ake place at th e cemet e ry a t 2 o' clock on Wed n sd ay , i\l ay 30, w a th e r permittin g . . If tue weather is too in clement the xcrcises wi ll be h e ld at Sch oo l Ha ll at the .same hour. Let every o lle who h as flowers r m e m be r e ither take the m or send them to th e

B and- B . S. How e ll. leader. Ve te r a n s are r eques t ed to meet a t the sto re of


I R 0 GR . M . I~ B II P r esidtng lccr- '\.ev. ea Co lor Bearer -\V. O. Lippincott '



v e t erans · and

. b B d llSIC Y an Invoca tio n .. . . R ev . J. F. Ca dwallader

I' I ttt e girls march to the monument, led hy band . Liricoln's Memorial Address at G

Tr~~:t~ ~~ g~~r~fag ~'.~~~~~~~~'




Union Townshi ps; Franklin HalVke visited wilh Day ton relati ves Franklin and Clearcreek TowBranch. nshi psi Sunday. Kings ·Milla Branch . Deerfield ana

--- -



~:~~~nw!;~V~IS~~~g; M!,~!nT~v~l~e M~,i 8sDH~.r~~~~I~c:r:dse~r~J.aB~

PLANT MORE SWEET t'ence IVcre Lebanon visitors Satur· evening. CORN THIS . .SEASON . h - f W'I Mies Mildred McP erson. 0 Iminglon. is spending 'a few doys wilh her aunt. Miss Vada McPherson, at The follo wing Bpptlal has been sent the ("riends Home. out by the Secrl)tary of Ag'ri~ ulturc nnd the Secretary of Commerce to Mrs £1. Ritter. who spent a couple all farmers to plant more sweet corn of wl!eks with her siste r. Mrs L. A this year: Zimmerman. lefl Friday morning for To the Farmers: . her home in Cleveland, Ohio. T./tat they cooperate gt:nerally with the can ners of the cuu ntry ill Ih e Messrs. George WaterhousE'. Bryon t:lfort to permit no falling off in acre J al(e planted' to clmnery crOI)S. and Prendergast, Marshall Haines, ames Lhat they re I' nize f ulls' th<! vast Davis and L. N Printz were at the numll, r . .1 llil: population of the ::ipeedway ~unday afternoon. United Stil l'. lind of the world tha t have b comt: uependent 'on the fuod Mr. and Mrs. Gail Russum. Mr.. supply conserved yearly in tin con· Wm . 'Ru B:ium and Miss Margaret lai ller3 . Russum, of Davton. ~pent Sund Thll "'!Ii n ,{\ .1. Cann ing Com pa atternoon with Mrs. Mary Edwards ny can halld lt: I,early 100 acres more and daughter. of sweet corn . and as this is one of . the best paying crop8 to the far mer Mr. and Mrs. S. J . Townsend, of it behooves him to plant more sweel Boston. Mass .• who have been spend ~I) rll thiR l·ear. It \ ill pay to see 'd ll pt. Snook lind d coderd with him as ing lhe winter at 0 r Ian d o. .F Iorio, spent a part of last week with D. H. to the acreayp an see . - - --- - _.••-"--See Waterhouse for . Auto Livery Hocke tt and famiiy.

shipS; Morrow Branch. 'alem, Wash· rownships. Ington and Harlan The report of the committee wa~ unanimously adopted, . The " Call to Colors" da.y , June 5. as d~8ignated by President Woodrow Wilson bas been set by the"Chairman of the CamplSign Committe 118 the day for enrolling the Red OroS!! membership of Warren Cou nty In the meantime towns hip com mittee upon organizBtion will be appoi nted . Sunday, June 3, will find s})e~ers at every church and l:iund ay School in the county. Fraternalorlranizations all over the county are enlisti ng in the work of securin~ mem bers. and It looks to the officers and directors aaif the membersh ip will go beyond the 5000 mark . Rivalry for the . larlrest local membership has alrE'ad y lltarted between cerlain sections of the county: Now is the time to act. Look up the director nr.arestyo u and uk what. you can do. Every man, woman and child can "do his bit" in this work for humanity. . - - - __ . - --




Big reduction in room·sb:e Ru~ at Hyman's. Mr . and C. R: Evans ano daughter, of Xenia, Mrs . .J. M. Alexander and Mrs. M. V . Luce. of Spring Valley. were guesto Sunday of Mr. W. P. Salisbury and f~mily. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carman and Baymond Davis went to New Carlisle Thursday to attend Commence· ment and Field Day at the schools Miss Grace Carman returned home with them. . 1'he local G. A. R. Post will go to St l\1ary's church Sunday. May 27th. whell the Rev. J . F . . Cadwalhid et' will preach the Memorial sermon All mem ber!'! of the Post. all ex sol diers and the general public are invi tell to be 'present at . this . service. Mr. and Mrs J . O. C~rtwright. M·r . and Mrs. A. Maffit. Dr and Mrs J. T, Ellis. Mr. and Mrs J E. Jarmey, Or. and Mts Ward. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. C. ·M. Ro~itzer. Miss Hen· rietta McKinsey. Mr. J . B Pence and H. A. Cornell ' attended the hilr \'bimQuet lif the Scottish Rite l4asoM Thursday evening~




r.1 '


COMMENCE . di~~!r ~:~~ :;o~~~. IJ~ spentatthe D.1.i~~l~~~ WEEK BEGAN SUN'DAY d I' htf I .


- - - -- - - - - -


W '










-----_ ..---



these tle_rVic_eil.__.._ . MEETING Of





VMa MCPllurson, and at the appoint· ed hour"The during thu slnlring of the hymn, Spacious Firmament" the g raduates accompanied by the faculty. ami the high achool marched in and took their placei. Rev. McMillan offered t\ie invoca. tion followed by the Scripture les. son by Rev. Cadwallader. After another selection by the choir Rev. 8eall toak sa his text for the sermon, "Come unto me all ye that labour and arll heavy laden and 1 will give you rest." Rev. Beall WBB at his beat In the sermon and Il!ft many pleasant thougnts for the claes and his audio ence to dwell upon, Another selection by the choir. was fo\lowed by • Amerl~a" after which t he b1lnedictlon waagiven . • ___• _ __

Wo want to publicly thank everybody who camo to our resoue ao no · bly during our late fire . The town and coun try folks weru very kind and SCH,OOl CONVENTION worked hard to save our effec:ts. Again thanking one and all we are, Slncerel,.· ". Mr. and Mia. Eme~n Earnhart. The Wayne Township Sunday· School Convention met at Lytle Sun· day aftemoon. with a larlre attend ance. There was quite II. volume of See Waterhouse for Auto Livery business attended to during the ses aion. Rev. Moon had a fine address =============~ ori " Sunda, School: Its Aima and 1ta Needs." Reports of the different Sunday Schools were read, and it was grati· fylng to know that they are (! rowing vear by year. County President Alex Boxwell was present, and Irave the convention a talk. The fo-lIowlnlr officers were elect ed for the comln.. year: Mrs. Carl Duke. prealdent; .Mrs B. H. Kelly,. vice· president; Davia Furnas. treas urar; Katbul ine Prendergast. lecre·

- .Whitsunday. ( Pentecost, ) the birthday of th.e churt:h. May 27th. Holy The corl't!l! the Fnmklin Through a misunderstanding we Comm union at 7:00. a. m; Sunday \ NelVs from Sprinll'boro h..- the fol printed a notice relative to a special School at 9:30. Service and sermon lowing to say of Mr. George Green, election of 'regi~tration to be held for the local members of the G. A. R. who has been elec:ted 8uperintendent last Saturday. We are very sorry at 10:30. . . . . of our schools for the coming year: that the mistake Wli9 made. as it A ,beautiful s.u perlor ba.nner all~. "Prof. Green .who will leave here caused a great deal of confusion in U. S. Flag, given to ,St, Mary 8 soon to take charge of aacbool at some qua rters. c11l~rch br Mr. and ~rB ..S. L, Cart· WayneSVille was t8ndered. a recep" We have been informed b~' the \Vn~ht Will be carried m thl! pro- tion Wedn~day evenilllr at the home committeeman from this township CfJ8SlOnal ·fo r th4~ first tlme. and pre- of Mr. and Mra. Ohrlst Humbert by t hat the election will take place sen ted 0 11 behalf of the donors by friends and members of the 64. E: Tuesday. June 5th. We are positive Mr. J. 0 Oartwrlght and acce~ted church. A large cro:wd WBII In at. that every loyal man will come tor· b~ the rector on bebalf of the pariah. tendance and a Ireneral good time ward at this time and register . 1f Blsh~1> Re~8e at. ~he IB;8t general Con· was eojoyed by aU. The Profeaaor he does not.his name will be handed ven tl.on said: Patriotism Is worth has been with UI for two ,MfI and tary. to the election board '!ny way. !Iothmg ~ !ll ess consecrated by r~IiQ'- will be greatly mlued by everyone." We are not as yet mformed as to IOU5 mollv... One mean. of object· .. the manner of voting but in alii ively hallowing our patriotislD, is to - - • probability (he rel{ular manner of put the flllg in th.chancel. and some voLinK will he observed . times let it f Dllow the oroSI up the - - - aillle." Thia is the in the DioDtlse of general Southurnpractice Ohio. ALUMNI MEETING The public cordially Invited to all '


hall waa. filled to its rhe musIc was furnl~hed by the

. . rhe re.g.ular meetmg of the Wom· an I AUXIliary was hel~ at the home of Mrs S. L. Cartwright on Fri· day afternoon. Mav 18th. The meet· Ing was opened by musi c on the Vic· trola. Mrs. Cadwallader read aperl of the Psalm I. and Rev . J ..F. Cad · wallader conducted thed.evotlOnal ex· erolses. Allother selectl.on of hymns was th~n play~d on the Vlctr.ola. which Scriptural quotatIOns were give~ in response to roll cal! . Minutes of the last meetmg were read and approv~ . The les80n for the day ~~ on. ~ow Our Church Came to Ualifornla and. was espec· ially interesting. When It w~s over Mrs. Crane . read another article on the ·Church In Calif 01 Ilia bftel wllic-\t"r-- · -- - - -the meeting adjourned 'and Ii. pleas· ant social hour followed. - - -... - - - - CARD Of THANKS

The commencement exerclsell are Ito be held this evening at School . Hall . There will be a large audience present, as Indicated by the ule of seats. The members of the class are as follo ws: Jeannette Janney. Mi nnie Davis. Ina May Compton, Eugenia Whltaker. Van Retallick. Roscoe Furnas, Kenneth Kilbo n. Clifford Winston . Eli Furnas. Bernard Gebhart and Howard Gustin . The Normal will graduate Bess Smith, Edna Corne\l. Effie M. HoI. Iinlrsworth. Alice Carey, Helen Cook. Louella' Janney. Pauline Mar a t and Howard Gustin. [t is a remarkable occurrence that there will btl more boys than girls .<'1'1 11 111} postel:" plII' UI' til ~he. Pr('nch in the I(raduating class this year"llInges occupl d uy. Ih Iwll<i!r s forces this is unusual for graduating classes nrc nntmnlly d l8ln~lef ll l to t ho luhll.ul· in our schools here fnnts. '1'111 , plwlrogl'llpll . h OW8 bow tllt'! y trcnlt'(\ HI 1)1I1Cnrd rCllI'olJllciug TOWNSHIP SUNDAY U 8peech hy VOIl fi uthLlHlun·'f[ollweg.


caanpdaacl~t7y:.30 .the

AUXllIARYI ~~~I:~h~fu~~!r~e~'i:u"c~io~P~rM'l:


- - --





· WE

Ml.t\MI GAZET'rE~ ~ AYNESVlLLE, IHllI' "Will' "


B~d)i[r[L II 111TJw1,1 ;"1'1'1; \'Ollll~nUl






\\'H\l U'1 n l', ' pr lN~ .


tHall Id s", ..Ulllll!tI WII ~'Ih·"tll,C)\\' n, 1\IIrcult I",


.11 ' !lUII'd. It hi' 1t1'hL rrl \ ,~ h" 111 t ' "I~ht 1oI',·"k . (OHliu l

\\lIu lt l hi '. hut Jh ' ,,, pult l


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ntill'r IUll n n~hllnq' tlJ,!aln L h l~ ('. 10 ""11 II~ '~' 1Ul1~l 'nl \\llI11)1)" bf".

Common Pleas Co u rt

:O;011 1.1I u' .. '" IUIIJdu;! Itt tht" 1l'1~4'rr in t hp .,ht II I: l\'l'\ f af'l ' «ur (HI h i .. "fI~lll 11(lUlU'" iJ i, ' h" urt \\'rtlto hi s ~Ut: n·l). 11<'1"11 IlIlnc ,,,"rth ,·lq wl'l.'I1C d {,Olll'

T h e Vlllu ~e Ctf Lollll tl l1J1 , 1Je lllurr e r ovf)t . r ll ied Pluiotl lI l(iv eLl 2ij t.! .. y~ t n fnrtll l.l r pl clId t lUutludetlllntlwor or IlUH; lId Jl lItlt ·tbll1H or ('1/"",,''''11\'(' of !a li T ~'\\ 11,1 1.01' p llt itio u, \\ lildl ~ h, ' 1011,1 ttl. B", h,, ')' In ,1~'lJlull I t IIf lIj l H ~ r " IIUri ", ":pl', Thl! t thl(' ~' ''t\If1J.! Will \tULI L. Brnwn VII 80 rllh P e r . 11 1:1 1\ 11 111 11' 1"'1011.11 r' l11y tilt' "' Oll llll1'S L I\ \'i lll1 Ii . D dd~, Mliry r iLlO t ul f, \ , . IIUI': ~ :l tll l 1I I1 dl'l' ,t' lnd, h"r 1\ Pf n 0.:,,11_ t M . Owen s, ,J:" J . G ulJAber, n 111 ~Ihll t h'.:, UII41 hi .; 1'.lIupn' !h·h ..:! o n \\'IIN n thlili h o r r(\, ~ G,,\lilll a r lIorl Fl o r ~ u o.. . ' St1U ther remulncll n (l eep onn nulll' Th' l 1l 1111111!'\'(l rlll Wfl.9 f1 .~tl llnt: Tor ,.:r":lt ('.l l1l rnrt HI 1,1\1', Ill " I1f'Otlf'Ht!' ,\{ l 13 1111nller' mnd ll p rtlet! dafauduut . log afrectlon belwecn fnl h~r nnd th~ rl1l'l1ll\1t HIl uf 1hra lllli ll 'lI l' lu,\ ,d 111" I tl 11,'r' l' \ I 'n '. ~ lrl('c It WU3 ml y tllte VOl 'uu r loH !>-toltneidef , Jur.v dlulbter and th()y monoged sonll'how llud fUI' 11«1' 11\\ 1\ h!lPllilll ''':o' , HIIll :--la,' tllrq\1;!h ~h1tr'lIn' lh ll t tI ll' ll"utb ("fluid o f guilty and f eta rll lld \Te rdl ot to get a lonl outwn r,Uy mu.:h ns hl for", Wll ri r,\~i\l"(.~ l til I1Pj,;:lt"' r Ilil I lilt ul tn t ht' 111" ,'''1 ,, 1111 .. 111'1 1, !-Ih,\ IIIIl~t not 1a li ' I' 'ollu in I' I!l'nt ou c(, d I til " SllI to Itideed Coloo el fllln glYortb \\lI8 lIIor,' fjllllHl, :--i lu' }I ll 1"11 II II" t :l It l ul· ... 1" 1 II": '~lII'\' h ll r J'I·,1,.rt HI r f ili I' tlltl) rt ' n'flilti hl \ Ro[ " rlll r. l llry tit· MIlLl8th' ld . kJDd and coos ldernle Ihon e\'o r to hi' af ht"r fllll lt · I' · ~ "Jl P ll dl~. hut ~h · ' add · IIH'~ll1~ 10 ~:Ill\ h l~ wlwl' COllnl.h ~ n" 4 1 1 Mlldl Z,'II tllla a r go Zel\. P I.. ln daughter. and sbe r<'l)uld him with em to h l~ ~ uIlH'" lu ll hlnnt lin d m ill· :\1\11 lOal,,' l ill l1 s(lI 'u k . I t WO!'o1, liner ·tilf gnll~ t "ll tli vo l CPo than 118unl cure otld d ~\'otlon, Ull'~' w nr Ilt dull ll! Ihln!!':o' 11t,I ' lnlhll : I' till, Ql n1 l,I," it 'lllt H,fll lft of wlll"lhl' l' tho engines run on ~croscn~. J . I~ Euvoy \~ Ednll E"v y Nioll , ' The VI)17 fact J,hnt she seem tl 10 hlW!! tn c t llr W,')lIul l1, ::fl llIlll lltl't1 tty n J!TI1W' I!. lfllt* \'as \\ (1r lll tll\' t'm ltlh'. ll nw ht'st accepted the 81tuntion oml obeyed th l! in }!. on' r"llt ' lmit lJ,: ch ·\,ut i.m rfl itt'r nil. hu ll d IIIP,\' I ' XJl t'~ '-' n r 1l;;lIt n d L'l',·it '/ I o l~ Il " Ill. 811 10 u t r01l1 Olltli t O 0 0 1lAver~p;e co t of gasollllc so far this year, law he had lold d own gave hllll SOU\!' l"(>nt 111\"1 '1' , Silt..' l'IlI ,,' blr ,·tl Illn t f."IIIIt!4' i\I Hl 1hnl 1hp ,11 ' ~' i' p Jo n "'liS r,'w 11 n( ,1,1 0 firlll .,d, . 16.9 cents per gallon. eampuncUons ot con ~cl e n ce. On t1Jnt tor bim In JlI1Y (l r ' Ul untl ", Itll d 11 :1\,1 l 't1r' p l l ~\ ' JlIHI t ' l ~1· n· l· .11 laul1nulc l ' lltl in WllliulI\ E. Ri c ltnrd V /l LilY BoAver~q:~e cost of kerosene 7,7 cents per gallon . . . a~unt. perhnps , h e h od b (On the mol' ~e!l!<llll\" ", Uurlllll ll MII Bt llr!:l, EI I ~ 'I ' d nn e 80 but Ihl wll4l1 \ .' lITlHliI ,)J\ \\ U!ooo !'oil Ilnl 1 1l11 .ld~ e,f lhu ,tccciY("' rs tllLl nut I WUIIDK to accede to h nr r qU l'st t n tnke chnrs: 'd with 1lI) ~t 0 I'Y unll Mil' '11 :111-'" ,1 u\i,' r th ll t (c,·t. IU'tll Hlclulrd, Antill Hio ku rd, " 1011 • th S Gasoline costs over 100 per c.ent ~ore than,keroSburtJItr Into his e.llplll)'. )" tIrO "'HY II'l th n,mutH'.' th u t It 1!Il101 .... th e 1lI""t "V tllI 111'(' Il oln:.: n o ll11ng In Ih lpust He le n Ill ingworth ~tO~d on e tepa Apl(lIr, EU M Urt' eua , (;uy lJ u i;ill nud sene. G asoline is going up steadily. Ke!ose~e 15 not. wns Shurtllf'l' rt's('Ions lbl e t !\r Ih (O !/lI1. p owe rful and slll,lU I3 LIII !: uppeu l I" n, ' ~,"'" ,1I " hl\n(\['ulol l'. ~U ~ ~ 111111):\I'urlll." ~'lI l1nl e l'I C k lll'd III ,da I)U rt. l ~ tI defen of the P.r va e Car. ore or Uw brid ge or fo r 1111)' 1II 1~ t nk(' At prese nt fllel prices Titan engines, uSing kero,iL,o t • I ~nlol It,fllI,,'y , rt'n~~UI'lul(ly. "\\'nlllnn'~ {lld j ,h, Tt 1lI1 !;1I1 h<' In }\ nH'rl('n , I1ml In the cul cul nllons or tho M"IIt\,,_, /\till her. sene, save th ei r owners about 1-. 1 cents per horse power S lllt e V~ l:llllUnol .luok 80n V'Ir. She lI\'ed to \'ln llll'lIt" :l1"lIu!' n .. ,l \\ ", .~ hll\,o h lll' U !Jer Wl':l IIUIll:! s lu ca l it 1111:,:"1 lt " nllt I h,"' c lit ('01'0111111", 01' Shurtll1r wos nil In vnlunl11e nwn, Dot e b~nt ,-pry fT"r l lI 'lI'lI nl Ihut "n ' l. till' 8111n' Age." It flll t-;ht ", In SIIII I" AIlII'dcn, Europe, dlot u t ~Ililty lind til 8t ... nd fo r mllln10 017 101' an eaglneer but f,\I' I he pr" ~ I­ sh • per hour. . I "he e1 il1 lIot O\'l'nlo II . I cltlwr. 1,'1",,1· tl1llt\n ce o f c hild in Ibe SUIJI of U fiU. "11111 1 tlo f ('0 I compun c IIons 0 t cou' A~l n llr--" ,deot ot tho Mtlrtlnt Drldg comp,tn y. Are \ ' 0 11 nll1nin ~ a gasolinc e n ginc ? " That l~orse pow r IS tn Iy, II he hll1lselt COIl \ nu cu l pl'P~P sel"lIee occn slon[lUy." "I 'wlInd ' I' If 11'<' enn't ,l1n,l Ollt nn tho R ,d ,8 \'~ ElUllrt B o lly, B .. iI fix tld Be was tSDltullr ",lUI the s uhje cts it? Fig ure wh at y ()n '(~ 1.11" sa~' i l1,g !f ),011 had a :It~n trOS~k~ the subjl!ct upon hC~, ~ 'Il' lilt"I' ,] lit' ~1' ('"l'l'rsonn1ly I th lnl, ynu 111'0 n!Junl- 1 ngl n['I'rlll): wOJ'I: tl lll t Is I "'III~ clU 'H' III ut $%0. that Colonel DUngworUI dl sclI!'.o"d nnu cret c l1 l!'inc. R at lwl'slIfj,rt,;Itl\.!: Is n t )t ~ H ow lOll!! \\ O,U ~ It/OJ. to Shlll'lIll1' or " er I ~ " t ill til tit" . untly ju. tlfll'cJ " tlr ~ 'u n",llI t,y. ti ll' \I'OI'ld lind ~ " II'I reprcsl' utnl"'!';; to ' wrote about. He 1"118 'Int rll lgent nnd youlIl:'l'r ' ~I ('n d (', ItC'r Sllrmw t Ilil t IIe IIll'I Probute Co url ' ' , . I tha t savill ~ t o I'll)' for a Titan c n ~ lIlc o[ tile sallle size "y ~, to t' IlIbll S,h the \I'lIth , to ~I \'e \ tlel'l, hi m," "LIlt! U cl e ll Illingwurt i. nU.bte to the Inst degree, hili rt'IlUIfI - ;'1ad' :ou ch a ucelar:\ll on, nnd her dt~· 1 I n t h e llI HH l' r {If th e es t·ut n o f th e mll ll 1 101'0 h Is go U 1l1l1l10 \l'Oll ld n odnl:Y IlIlI gll4'll. Uon for etendlnet!8 nod discr e tion lin, j us Ury moro Ihon tIlls ," sile r('pll l'll, "'1'0 h unt Ih !ll WilY wou1l1 b e li ke ~'rl,nk \V Th o lnI'K"l1. d eo" " ~etl InCluest1ooecl, oDd 1u~ wos 111111'1' lously ()f(\ncorporaltd) ,«delit In his suborcHnote ('Ios lll ~ o . Th e ~~i;~:f.rmr " nnd yc t"-5ho !'Tolled tllintly-"mr hu nting n n0 "I\I ,' III II h,,)·"t,u:k. ] Clln- ve nt o ry lind I1ppr"I~~ lll e nt, [J1~d . conscicn c-e (} O\!S h nrt me n lit !lc. Tb nll t hit! )'ltll '1<1"" t hili he Is thl" 'e ; tn In the lJ1utl e r ,)f tbe estllto of WII, "~ooel, .bavlng.1lW tried h im ou t, hnd I old mUll Is 111'l:lnu tllg t o 1,)\'e 1110." flll't. 1 tllinl: It I~ ,",,"t uIlIik"Iy thllt lil\m Z ' bl' n a WEllh, u eco n:.od . W ill .dnneed blm mpldly nfter Il'nmlng Titan leoro.en e .. nmine. are .old by "Thllt's flH! ren 80n It h1ll'Is you," sold hI' \1'11 11,1 hI! 1111)' 1,11I"c II I'n " ",IH'ro tllo Ildmltt ell to Ilr ll b"te worth_ He \\'IIS now hi s prl\'nl n od ney, "When ho loycs ) '011 e nnugb ~I I1I,th ' L Jh'''l'lc li re liP ' rutll1!;, but N(!fC~ry. Sburlllff being nn olt! bn('h, u th e !limite r ,If Ih o es tpt.e o f 1m. -:~ h e \\'111 uo anythIng you wllnt, ns 1 th"I""~ l\ I'h;lIICl', , ' \' ,' 1\ If oilly the falut- L' eno Mi clllld. 0 8ceu. pd elOt' without kith or kin, nnd n ot orlgB nd M wou1d--" I 1',1 ,III"':" lIIaU" tood of women, tound himself ' igo u r ~pp(\lnlud n umll1lstru t rlx. Tbe young lIin n lopped, 10r>1;1'1110ng \\",,11 , II " "\1'11'- ", 'n rt~ cun, ~ullt.! n Bond , 500 lIud4eoly 10 touch 'wlth ono or the Iweetesi and kindest, liS I\'ell os tho nt he r, l1ud lh e n tu rLl cd UlI'l1Y wllh n lit. ):1·,'1ll I\ .. ,tI '~) 1\ ~:lill ~ d;"nc~j, 1 hey;r~ le ' o f On r:>linfl A. G"Il~her, Wom en's Hobbles. tle gestnrc o f-wns It UPI {'II I 'or ra- Ctll cul ,\lI',1 o r Il! or 0"1\ ope. II ),oungest aod most beuutlful or II sex (l ee aMocl O r der !!I rluted to Boll \\'m lll'l\ llri' I , "~ ): il'('" 10 til' purabOut which b e Imew nothIng. nllncl nU on? TI e '\VIIS to !nYl1l ' to Ills -0 110·10 n 1 IH n(! "'''I'I h· ~t () o,1 nn Ihe "lI'p~ bani; "t"ok . s u It (I E h" hl"I'" th lm 11l(,11- . Wh en VeterinarY mil new posltlon nnturn lly brougtlt Crl 'nel to s pcn k, but he coull1not con- I " r tilt' I"'i''' 'l' " :"' !I ~ it r"It~1 1 IIC,I'OS' Bllr ry D. MoVtlY, l\t1mlnl ptrll to . thp\, (10 tll l:c up n "fnll." h,\II"'I'er, It trol everything. Th e tone ot his vo ice, Ih ,' l t1i lo " I "l r~ II'II- I""'ury I,,.I,I)!!' lIt ( " ro' VB Alice' -'\r t bur at 0 1 Aj>praitie- Is ilkl' l)' t,1 h,' 1111 IIlhl 1111" . • I-'''r In- Graduate ot Obill !l l at Unlvenl \ blm Into clole touch with the col~ne1. 0).11 mlln t1'8osnctl'd II good denl the look In bls eyes, IiIs quick ow,i ll- I 11:111,). "", I ~ ('llII l t'll 1111' w",.knwl1 meot. 8}lpr O\'ed. Bo u d ~ IG. (,OO stIU"' , ', fili I.' w"1I1I II Y ChlC'ago WOIIIIlIl o~ ~ business In h lB own house. once of h er, told th e \\'Ollllln n lI ttlo """' 11,,"1 " II "III' ,1, 1" "r ,I ll' Ir:wk. tlh' ll' I n tbe of tbe cH t llle o r hH ~ for yt'l\ I'S lH.'I ·u 4' o ll ~II'tiuJ..: Cllrt O(l il S 8b.~iI ,WIIS frequently lh ' re. Under story. Tli Y h ocJ b een very IO!l!!ly 118- wnl'l, ~ 1I < 1' 1' '''it,,, r"I' n "''''''''l1t 11.11 ' lilt' 'Orllh M. Tl.l omj>80o, decel\p ed . In, unl l t:H t'I,'atlll'I'S ,Ir "lim'I,' :>"111." ~ ht' OF F I .I·: : 80cl II lcd, U1cse two, Rollu ey ul so .11f1d Il'IIln Il lil!h t 1'''''' "II I h, ' \\''' ''II,'n I r,·~ ' 9~l![<.l~~lnllcas H len Tilingworth ba fo; WilBY I h O\l:-:lll\fl ~ nf t IWIII nlltl fit ve nto r y nnd. lI]lprnl elD Pn\ fil ed o rn er Main and Mill Streets tWoll,\ll have t;rellted bim with thllt fiuo not h nd hillch nd\'antogc or womnn'a IlInl!. III 1I"[,e thllt ,,11 ' "lIul,1 s<'C In In t.llIl mlllte r or tbe will o f G" or ~e tlln '$ h n: 11'{lIl IlI\, It ,,'plnl'; UII wit h lhe aJIfl ~dOUS ~urte/lY ",hi 'h s lJ e exRodely. c t·tolnl. not of 11 womnn like Olll' 'If Ih"III 1\." Illlltl ,Ill' 1,""',1 nll.1 T elephone 28 8 o lzlln , ~r., deootll!ed. WlII ffe .a!l oulnllt. AHl1 th ~ r \l'1J1lI1I1l- il Vn 8RIlr '~d1!4 ,to everyone with whom tibe he 11nd g! \'en hlll1 ~ "l1 l(ht . "" 1t,,,III" )' , 1..",1 ,,~, 11".· shit', H len Ill ingwor th, l'rnf('sMt Of U1uthlllllU IIC's- r (!ci>n \ly fo r pro btl te, ~ eont!ler but s h o would not her tu ll ell Ilqn e In th(> ILltllnncy, 1' 1111 I\y IUI I" ·I'MII'''. ~"lIr 'hlu g tho crowl\ Ohio bOIl!;ht II 1<1111111 1)1111 ' In th' Mhlne Waynesville. In t,he lIlf\t,te r o f the cAlflt,e of haYfl ~1\Y Into fe!l~1 h 'f8l'lt In H e "'us- n}v . TIe lov('t1 like otllt'rs. with I ,I~ glntll·l'. "I 'I. w ood!! II lId (lillie Il hOIl: o cotlnly h ertIIJL She would n Qt ba,'c Ulnde him Sh \Vn..'! foO fonil ot hI III, too greut, 'J'\II'rI' 1\'1\>1 Unlillll!! In thl' towll 10 lit' Wlllilllu Z OhonolVetb, d COli S d sclf. of the 4eUcate attcntlon and too trll n wmunn to pr teod. trlwl . lI ,'l,·n ou1 'If nil.' 'hO . hU ll I!l. V, Burllhort dPJhJlnt·ed c xe ol or - - . , . -... "Mr. n O(JnI'Y," satd th o I\I rl, loy log \' 1 ~1l ,' , 1 \\'" St ullil ~(llIth\\'('''t. mOil), Bo nd $l!OI.lO. .y~ b{m the ' earofnl conslde rntlon In t he m n t,te r of I,he oatil ta ·Jf h er hoou ou WS arm as though to r e- 1It\l ~ S . (',,\<,,1<'1 1II1 n;': lI'nrth. wll h Hull · wbleb 'Would bave completely turned I uvl'n . Pee vish Pedag ogue, strnln "111m. " thnt "'tty rtll1llt1 9 111'.... 11\.')" Hn ll ',I'I ·" ,"\ IV11' . I IIPI" I f l the trtlh\. Tlorriet B. Ree ,decen@ed the head 01 • younger and more BUllTII ~ I'e II I' £! 8,01111' ~u rIlHln~H which Jllr "M I~ ~ l iliu/t\\'orth." SII III rt, ,,ln"~', ~1I " f< 1111111(\1 ' 'rth ,I(\ ·lti (l ll I I,(Il 1111\1 th,' too r y Ilnd lI\lprlll sc m c llt tiled . . eeptlble mall. The Old Man 'Got to ThinkIng of Her Estate o f C har l i1~ Furd, decellsed. on 11,,' RlIsr 'I'tll'llItI"~ I,f rlllrl ~L~. A tllt'll lnl; lind f n ' ln!; her, hi s lips Orm' 11111.; 1111(1 In·t :1 \\' :1 )' f l'(l1lI till' ori,l on ll There lIad been a proJodlc;e In Shurt· •• a Oallghter. 11\'1111'" ."I nlns. ,\ ~" lIl1g hll\1 III'('n b uil t Fl nB I Stl ttl elllll nt, filed. story Is 1(1111 of nil Oxf,).ru d Oli whl}, afly CUllllll' ';o;~ou , hIli YCI S s h itll l1~ . " 1'111 F.uneral Director. 'lUra IDIn~ against women In ge.n ~ ral, ' "'1 11' tl '~ ~ 11'~ 1 "", '1 \ 11111\('1' Ow sl"p\! uf t e r h ellrln:: ih ' ,,1\' ,1 \' ,) 'n of on .uoIn te Ct'tnto o f William" BOon. termination to wnlt tor hlm. She Wall li '''!lI ed t .) R' rt Mentle nnd to )'011"and Helen Ullngworth III particular. lb t' Jlill (I '! ttl \\,Ul 'II lIlt' 11l1!!,' nl(,-'!'!Il .stllhl a , d _ 0f\~81'(1. C lolln ugalus l' as- d er!!"" ,llIulc n:llncll Uttl er, thUN u,l · Ohio Waynesville "I JIa ~ 1l0 1~1, .rcaJ\m thIlt sbe above olways careful to co'd every conversn- he IIft l't.! h er " u1111 fl'\ ;.11 hlR lI l'llI ","I nr,, ~I', \\'llhlo t wo mll,'~ of 1h" t.!Ull!. dressed him: "lItr. Uttll' r , yonr On'ek .u ~ IuId the Ireatest .Interest tlon by snylng thut she knew her out- ki ssed It - ""IIII 1'111 Iwln g to do every- :ln,1 the cur WII" t ,) Ir plll rl' d Ihcl·C. lote f o r $1 9, ~ 111Iow ed pro"c' Is dl ~!: lI s t Ill):, :l'4'tll' l.atln prose III In re estllte o f Mtlry E VOll st-llbl e, _ ~vLOg l{llflde'S SUltemeot nod l ook Wtl~ perfectly I;\opeless and U1ut Ih lnl' rOl' ~'lI nr hl1 l'l, lnl'Q .... Tile 1111'11 lI'ft lI elll ll,1 \\,,111111 liS ' Ill e prldl ~!:u ·tllI):, )'IIlIr I run8111tlon Is t.!1 'g llstrt a')oa ~e" . Ol .. im ng hinijt th c at ate Ll I'III'\! ",,,,,,I:; 01111 he ~lIl d III ' 01 11101'0 -Kl1'lI " 11IIW OWII and In Inylng the blame for she eQul1l expoct n othing exccpt 80r· lug 111 HI YOlir IIllIII' la UllgrtnlllUutlcllL" " :lI!' l'OI' IIf 1I11~ t.! i\' I~l o n ~ n""I'IIIt"II"ent Ue failure of the bridge where It be- row until the younger Mende ",us r e- !J,·II,·;'ly. Aulo Equip,mcnt of Ihe 1'I,lI rClIIU \\h ~ u th ey h nu cuued fo r ~9 7 3-:- ull u we el. " I IIU I1l'r~tllnu :" ~nl cl t h womon, 1I1l'it' ·,'\',!r:ll I tI ~ l: . aD tho shoulders at Ole plltron hnblUtlltcd, She so contrived mntters, . HorsewDrawn Equipment Marriage License" had,been the bnblt ot his, whll c constuntly nntrmlng h er rcollllg ""1111 1 hon(Il' y() \J rOi' )' IlIr 1 ~~' lIlty to I t hnrl h.' II r,dl1l"~ I1I s t11I1 I1)' durin!; ° "101" of Razor., Tb "'N,fOl~e the old seeretllry wns tor )lcur1!!, n: to let Shnr-tlllY loter yuur fl'i cml nu ll Yll llr 111'\',)114111 W me. Ihl' l\rl ~ rlh ' o" , nnt! 'whl'n th" ClIr \I' ''S Ell TI D, Ur os thwDil e , of ~ baron ­ II \\'us not uII lI l th e curly pnrt of the 10lt be be thot s he 1\'118 'on,'lllced thnt he had LIlYlllty Is 1I0t IIll1'n~' S UI~ ellsl'st Ilc lll ('III' 1 n nd ~ 1~ 1I 1' 11I' I 10 Ih e s lt!lng vII I", land Virgin I... Bell RIiY, or DAY OR NIGHT olsh tcl'nt h ~ ntnry -I'htr f1Zul ~ r-ELEPHONE 7 been elllllg the truth In what h e had Lhln): on 1'III·th, I Iwoll'." lI"d I 'ft up III II I,' hill ~ F(1IHll t ll'enly King s Milll!. lIullle of steel bln" es. 'X he meu In tho . "Y ou mnke It clIsy for lIle !Jecllusc 111111-. fl',,11\ th l' t(lwn, It \\'os 100 wet be used to d18cred1t the said. J. Ertrl Oox .. nd Ireoe Moody, of 1IIIlIclie (','ulurl l's I'CRorted 10 Huml co anll Couvlct the tWo con· Arter n time she deWy nppcnllll' to you IInd" I'stulll!.'· :lllti III W,lIIlr, rwlrl t' to h'lI\'(' II. DIs, Mu soll . . s l on~, willi whIch. to UNIl tllP- ,fol'lis of ~tor& ' hIm to know If b cuul] n ot help her ' 0 Llw f nn I1ll11 wln tor w er e 1111,,(\ r l·;:ard lu,.: th l' dt" '1l t H Hr, IH1\V I,' r , u r · U ll ff" rd C, Vmmer, o f Ede ll ton, Mr, l'e p~' s, they \\" ,,,t tI.rolll:l1 Ule 1)1'00ALL KINDS OF . '~ut Belen Dllo,.gworth WIl8 tar too discover U,e trut ll s he tactfully mnlu- wllh l ot 'rust to U lell lllln gwonh :Ilia II ,". ",IIV hn !1 (' nu' III' wllh II , nllll\!' ess of "tl'lIl1l11ll1l; tllel r skins," ~fIff,i to alloW IlD,7 Inkllol 01 BUcb a tRIDed even In tuce of tit ev ldencc that '111 ('1' II'II S In her UIl ) ' S no In cli "r hnll '. o "l"'Y en I' ful Ill\, !;(\goLio n of th lIud ,J. Vera Adame, of Level 04e11p to apPB\U'. Not ', the remotest Bhurtll1'f hnd gl"cn. And ,,11' did thi s. Ev ry 'Il tllrd uy II> n,me l's tJU1t ~I l!," 1 0 ol1lp ll.'t d hl·leI;.:l.'. wh Ic h llIMl' th nn Real Estate Transfers iIIlu,t qf &pcb a purpo8e did abe b~tray. 10 8uch un ndrolt woy thll t S huriJlt'f . lUlU Ill'I'll llgeel fo.· spok ' wUl'lls oC llive .UI·PO~S ·e1 h l~ e,x(1cr.;n lllJns tn jts np'8ha, 4eU~ra\eq., lII!t about to, will tbe hecome convInced thnt h e (lid 11 t con- to hru' 111111 budohpr lint forget, nl- Iwn "u nc fIf s lt ll'(ly t-;rn cc, tt~ woll ns tlnm D. B e okle lind wife to Chinle I.' -o14 .~. ~CUrd , _od respect a.nd pel'- nect him wltb ony wll llll l de a ptl llll, th ough thllt \I'll" lIt!IUoultlon Slr ll clld In th e ""hlcIICPS (If cnrcflll \l'orlaunn· B. Do.vis Bnd wHe JI} aores 10 Cletir • .!laps ~velit11a1lY bI...~1rectlon. She had Dnd thllt ah bell ved LllU t h e WI\.' <Ie- 1I0L n ·eu. tihlll III Itl< ,' r('ell · ll. . or eek town~hI Jl, ~1. the orderlug Qt ber tath~8 household. luded h lmH If nnd occ llpi d til posl~'hn t was th e only nt ssu!;e lh:1t ~ h(l Tbat CI' '!l lo,; Llle !'!loclnl engine Howard W , ivins, admloilltrator, z . Chonow6th . docoMeCt. 'Of, ~ , Tha~ wP," matter In which tloo of 1111 Innoce.lJt ull 'ttor. And hurt· r C~h'NI [I'O IU Iwr lo\'el', llll hllll 1))1~1h'11 11.(' 0111 111' prll'n t ClI r tiP fl' lInt Hlveu thllt It. V. lIarllt.o 8 F . tJ:lb ~n , lot tn Waynesville. ~I'\lOl n liO!I ~ud ' IU.UUed Itb, colonel concerned' Jilin8.el1 not nt Ill'f, In hI s SIr!UI(;C, old, self,contll ined dl'l.Il)I,(.'(l Ollt uC Hllo: ht Olllpletc)Y. Tiley the \'It1I~y , 111'1111:1111; tho I) 'opl' \\'ho I E ••• ,o o r William 't. . lJllolI!l50. ri..'it":"'""tur ..u 10 long u thlnp w.ent Imoothly. wny, tlnully I-lr ' W to 1I\i :Od ell 1111n ,- cn II. I'l l !i" nl'ch Lo II' 1IHll io fur h llll. hilt! hl 81Il'(' t ~1i i h ' 1]I'1I1!; ', A fo\\' mOl' S.Edwa WUlan lioUllt)'. Ohio, claco_d. rd Barre " and wife to U ' the, ,alway, dld." He WBII a uttle wOl'th exec 'dln~ly, lntl ced h I;) s tnrtcd -uu~ht U" I ng~ or 111111 In 0\' 'I'Y 1'0. sib le \\'('(:I;s ,,"o ult.! "'unpl,)te th e groa t \,111' 1 0tb !la~tfd~~)'V~9;\IioWN utoulIhed at her ~tment of Shurt· in hi s W I'll with onttlml ontn~nlli sm Wil Y, bllt In 1'111 11. U'~l' h ClI rt illll105t ,1ttl·t. ],\';'I')' t h In!! \I':\s. 1>1'oce",11 II g In ,J obn W, Apgar sud Wife, 128 Ilo~et! Ju!lllu of thu ProbBle Ca ll" \V arren ':oll1l,y. Ollio ,lilt. bnt ,the :old secreta~ WM a.t bellrt to Col olle l IlII ul!worlh, olul wlletl he bl'Ol; ~'"n{'tlnt ' S at tll e scpn rntloll. She I he mo;;t ~a tl' ftl ·t,)!·y \\'0)' lITHl l .. lellllll lu t!lIlem an4 W"shiugtoD townsblp, wao Over Poetolflce, $1. , 1& pntlcman. and there was ,no r eason sellsed, ns he \' 'ry SOO Il ((hi , tll .11£- hll!1 ,'''nile etl'·" eno\lg h In Ile r I,uwi'r IlIlnl(lI'(1 l'tll \l'a I'~ry much clot I) o\'oi GEorge W. Singleton Ilnd Wife to HOUM Pbolle 11 Office PlIo .. 71 'wll:J, Sf Belen chOll&-to locludo_ bI~ f e rence lhot h udllrls 11 lJetwl!OI1 -Curhl!r o\' r him, [11111 In h ~r WOIllII Il'S wit, to Ih,' ~ll tI" l i (\fl . IaDlOII8 her 1rlenh anll InvIte him to on,1 d(I uJ;htcr , li e espous 1I til e CII US' ot f .., I "lilt tr f<110 h,1(1 ouly IIn,)l lIcr 011"~\' h(> \\'1)uIU hn '-o th o"~ I.'t," h e snld Fred tling le t ou, 10 le In L ebanon . 51. 14inDer and otherwise mllke blm wel- the IoU 'r. H e wns Ih o Illnd of 11 IUOtl 1) rlllullY ~II~ wlj!lIt Icu \'U Lhll t rn lll, os they Rol dOWl1 to t1lnll cr In, Ih Carl ShecwoJd lind wife George oCOme In the holJ88, she abould not do who hntl to (l eyute hllll S'I! to some-. f(' I' 'oiL n"ilLI him , Il tl 8t l'lliu him to tell IJrl).:htly li!!ht"u ol>.~c r v IIUon Robertson , 4UX lIorM 10 Wllyne _ , ADd In hi • .d.ry. precllll! way Shurt- botly. lIe h 1:1111 tl> W ncler If tb ere . It. bccu usc s ho l ()\' 'I I h im I "t hnt It ",(,uld I'l1 ln 111 till S coun try III t o wos hlp, Ella!.e 01 1.,111.0, lIalnolll. docooliOll. IlUr _ rather likable. Be Wall touched WII!! nny Wtt y to sue ur ' the gl l'I'M lUll}' BARNHART. " Pearl M, I:lcb lehl1 of and wIfe t o thl;. sr,, ~n l1 " C t h ' y or?" NoliCtlIB h ereby 81"011 to.1 Auall ~I, Nutt laud a,ttered by her IrlndneBB, and 10 (1111 85 wllhout betruylrll; the cIder CHAPTER XVII. "It will p l'oll n hly bll o\'or hy tOlUor· G. F. Brow,n,7,ll1or!lS In Bamil'oD hUll boon <llll), all)lOlnled DUd <llIaURe<I ,uhiri'!I;;·+----N',..,...ii&i"Di~ ....-_ __ minll'.r"L:rtXwlth t.ho wlU tLUOOMSO o l "tl \illite of hi_ .. usplclollll, which gradu- M ~n<.le. 1'011' l11"rulnc:." hRe l'v'(l Hntln ey. tow n llblp . :£ L. tatc 0 1 L.ydla Il . I181Ue141 l .. tII or Worren Once More U nto the Work. ia\lJ crew lesa, by ' the way, be exerted be eompnsscil Ih e Rccrl'tn ry. who "l E' It ('ontimlt:1! long eooug1l 01111 W. B, Cllmmllok aDd wife to CoUllt)'. Ohl '" doccaiW<I. ilatmeelf to IIhow his apprecllltlon nod wus, of cours o, old enough tn lie h l:. The ~11l "I' LlI ' t lIrl llgo COUll)lIIIY hllll rnln ed h n r<1 ~ n""!!h. Ihat iluIU woul t! G e orge W, Marlhllll, lot In ' Bonth ))1110<111110 mIL ~")~fT\0aJ' J~IJilOWN AlIl.:lnds of N otary Work , WlIla JulJ". \If tho I'robato \JoUlt . Ito be;ar. hImself seemlngiy In Ws n ew flltll l'r, wllh sweet obsCI'\'llllcCS nnd he tinnily I\' 'n th,' l'l'u th O s tOl'IU, tllthl)u!!" hlll'c to b e 10l,Iieu alt I'. We' ll go O\' C! Le b~non ! $1. and Deeds Q. ~peolalty, Warren Quuuty, Oblo We. · , found It IlIcrcllillogly 1mI'd to l;ccp lI'n\! It Wtl ~ , of ~""1' e, \l ot Illt ru s tell with un,l RN) It tultl orrow," snld Ul e colo.]('1 lIraJl~ou .II; I V11l9. Atty',. mau Alhert K ooh to RIlfu8 MoVonoell ttl!' nc \\' 10te\p, \lIOnal ilrlll.:;e which II';.\S ~ WJpK'lfortb' ~od no l uspl·· to his ful selloou. Now s h e \Vu S CIl Pci1c I'fully. loll n McOo nnell, II)' In South Leba"W hut would h llpllen ~ it gon lelon." "JiatlOever that there hod beeo nble 01 fllSciulItlog bi gger pcrso l1nlltl ~s "IHJut to 11, . nllH UClle 'd, When 11 ' I" n on, $1 raD:J ' conspIracy to Bnppresa the truth thon Shurtllfr, n lthough s he cUl'ed IIt- trulIl )ot,llltle t' lo uO or Ul e n ew unu crlnk· wn y'/" asl. 'u h is IlnughtCl·. C llllf.les William!' nod wlle to "It ",otiltl tlr>od th o .,11 11 ry, sweer lUll! Ih1ft the blame. True, bIB dou gh· tie tor thnt power nnt.! TlIl'!!ly exercised I n~, Il li t I,illl t o the h Cll rt. '.rhIR Anoll K e ll er, l ot 10 Kings Mills, $1. Ola.alfl~d tel' bid protes,ted on that fatol day It. Ttlll old mUll ucLunlly got to thlnl!- 'tllIIC t hN' " 'u ul ll h e 110 lll lstnl;c. 1u nWIIY tho t (l",n, IInil-" be pnusc-d, .......... ...,.... ~t abe dill not believe Meade ond log of her n s n dnughl er. SOlUolimes t he n "I'l' ~s lty of rl'coupl ns Its fnr lltn e~ , "Well, ! lIl hc l'?" Barbe.. Wire ComrnlS8loner's Proceedlnlts 8h~ but that was 1n the excIte- when they hud nn h uur tOj;ctJl cr lI e th e !<Iunl('t Brllll!l) compn llY cllf('rcd "RulL1 th e Ill'ldgl'." WANTED "We ct1n't affortl to hove nnothor ,meDt of the moment aod uoderstand- found him. elf seconding h er 'ntgumeot8 upon 1111 e,,~ n WIII!!I' cnrcc r. The Lllreclabl. In Vew ot her plighted troth . tor th e Innoce nce of the youngor \p1'S tUille C,)U lI'IIt:IS which th ey hu d r.llltl n~ 'art'r Ul e IlItCl'llnU onn l," slIld . RorreU BrOil .. blaoks for c le rk GUARANTEED to heal without leav· t 7,O&; 'l'be O.. ,ton BIQok Book & IHelen ' lIiad peur., Bcussed Omt with Mende, tor sh e l)ud progressed tllnt fnr 1illhel'ttl dl sl\nln,;t1 hecuuse th ~y w are !;,l\'m'''''''''. Il blemish, or MONEY REFUNDED. Printing 00, r eoord for rsco rder. Mldd le-I\ged woman tl) m " ko Ing I_.~ u.e 'VIII'1 ~anlli of the eogl- by now, with IIttle ' deWls which his COOlIIIIl'atln,ly IInlmf/ortnnt, nnd th 'y '1'0 be Oootlnerl 600 nnd $1,00 8izes for fresh wound., $30; Remtogton TypE'- WrIter Vo. , ber home wltb mil . Mr". Re. oJclsorcs, sore boc.k s !lnd Bbouldcr.~~urna 11l~,b1lPl!A B\le was sUeo,t. Sbe knowledge Dnd experie nce of t.he two bill on opern t IlIllS \\' hl ch they' b ud -~--8UI)p1\e8 for !Daohlnes tor prohate beDOtl l:Iolllltt. Waynllsville, Ohio, l..... ' wile enouch not to try to worry mea coulc'i lIupply. ')'rl ll.lng' In U1CIU- htUle rto 11'1't to cUUlp eLlt"r". 'They werc IWd bruiscs, 250 siz o for Famlly use, jua·ge, $1. 60: Xenia OIt.y W o rk B.ouilA j6 bullt.!llIg th e lirt 'at ~ic I " Intluct hy -the . . bother her father with argumentS selves its were these contrl!JutiOos, ns DR. COX'S PAINLESS' BLISTER kae l)ing prisoners !or ~prll, $3 60; .towo of CUI'OU""" " " I,)w th o t.! 11 111, 11111 1 that pOint" to whleb. of course, b e nodn y poillled out wh ell s he repeated Maki ng Hom o Comfortable. Is p ninless Ilnd gnnrantced to cure Auogst Brol! & tiprong; oo al for thl!,!' IIlll1 ajreudy huHt th e SIJl el1dld ',,",uI4 not have \letened In lUly event. them ,to him, th ey nevertheless ndt.!ed. Spavin, lUn Rbo ne . Ourb. Sweenyz Splint. An Ell s tcrn 11'011111 11 I ~ctllt e r Otl Intert hUUSll, $82.23 ; 'Tru8teel Publl o PuUs\ or rulY e nlargement of DODe '01' . .t.ccorc1lDgi , the conterenccs with somcthln g to t!le cUl1lnlntl,'e force of s teel· IIrch lilu t ~ pn ntll!rl th e . ru"lne, rior 11cl;ornlion f>flYS thttt Imltn tl oo oou MONEY LOANED Affairs, light for oonrt house Qnd muse e , or Dloney refunded. Price 6Oc. i~!It.~d. !l.ever been brought to h is th e urgUl1 lCll t 80 lllborlously bullt till 1",1'1' ollli"s t n SUl'ge, In the "IIII('y of Ince cll r tnlll S llI' e In hllli tust e nnd 111,$484 ; Stllte V8 Ed ' Emley,oost~, .OR &ALa .v au DIlUGGIS1S . IDOttoe; . 'iia.Ue vu no use Itlrrlng up by th ~ fri end ond \Vollinn. And th ' y Lhll ],I ck lll g ll"l'se to the CII HtWtH't.! of rocking chairs s hould !Jc (lim e nwny j. 9,45; B, L. Do kin; servloes barllll Itrouble aad strite. There WIlS 00 n eces- werc d cltled ly 1IIII\ cnUve of n growIng tho !JII; III ()SII, wit h, SI, e ~o lJnd s 1I111l 0 "'OlUnD who'd oommi t tee, $1; J. ~ Morri e, rec{lrd OoN EY loaned 00 live stook OhAt A fL r 'hl'lstll1n9, (' ..Iollel llllns w, .·th Um) \I' her hu lUUlIl's curpet' s llflpers I,", evea' to dIlCU88 It with h er tnther mentnl contlltJon on tbe . port ot Shlll'tlind Ilupplietl f or r e oorder, $ul M{j; t e lR 1\ nd 81'oond m (JTtgoge8. ' WltIl at hall found more proot. So 1Il'r. trom whi ch llIueb IlIll!bt lie bOll~d d ecle l 'II to mllke u[\l, l he r of h is loJUI'~ of nwny nnel! mnke 111111 SIII OIIC It I" pipe on Stur nd v erl.iRlng aad p r iMing; ,87 75 Notes b uught. .l obn llilrblne, Jr., insp('c tlon, mId as Hd e[l' wa s 1I0t luok· UII? kitchen !lorch.- Detrolt ~r 'o Pr ess. i"e at least ba4 no lueplcloos as .to h er ontl cxpectctl. G F. Brown, prlJ tllium on, h and , Allen Building, Xeula, Ohio. ~2 'treatmellt of SbartlUf. He could n ot nut .S hurtlll't coul d neit bring him. iug pUI't\cll lllJ'ly w~ 1I rro m th' s l r!tl n '9{j.:l4: Lewis Bro~. & Va .• {lrliYllge . H81lDJ eI¥l to be ~Ined aod therefore sclf to com e out bolelly nod cOQfess, li nt.! r which slle 11'11 8 Illhnrlng', ho ofg raMS MBed ~rid oOlll .82 33 i Stllt,e V8 .=-::: ~-- - ~-- ' '1'hls Ilim>1ISe should be t rel\ted I18l1OOn he jampe4 to the concluslou tllnt there !lull hiS flLllure to do thllt IIlncJe' blm fered to tlLkc hl!1' wilh " 1111, ('s }\,'cllIlly Fr e d ,!'horp. oost!! $16.70 i 8tl\'8 VII 11 ~ he 'nl ~ goln): to t he (f,l' Sonlhw t, liS the ti I'st unnatnral looBoolllll! of the FOR SALE ' .Are Real Neighbors. ;,a. nODe". m or e ' uo d more IlIlolerL~hlo . . At /lrst Ills .JosBI)h Bayoe ooste, $12.70; Sttite 'Is nppew-e. When this la done lit '. lD CIOIII'I6 CIt time, &s Miss nUog- conscience bud been en ti rely cI 'nr. He who." th l! WCll lh f' r w ,lul d be mIlt! nod Th o.·p nre Jl 'Ople who s imply en- ·vs .. Joli o (Jou~rlltll , OOllta, ".70: BIlly ~llI glll t1o~e of Ohamberllun's CoHo, Ohol~ referred to Meade !n the hnd vlewcd hts couduct In tbll lI !;ht ot ))I CllslI nt , tI) t'n ~p~ et th c growing vln- twin e th ell' hCllrt s wlth.ollr 11\'118. They BiDer Post, ~1Jow"oco Me mor ia l da y . TRam of youn g luules, See era lind Dlarrboea Reme(ly will effect .. ~. preAaC8, aU Ill' .mlstrust a o~ble sllcl'Uice for tbe greut mon. duct III'" th e (""l1plel"u ol'c.h. She ass um e our 1I11nlenR. SUllrc oqr cnres, ij21i ; 8 \11 Ste+enl! POllt, Sllme, $25; Ralph 'V . ttmlt'D, R" 0 4. clIre . This reme<ly clln olwaYI be de· , -41. . . .'!'14. FlnaIly he. even brought Now he lIe gun to (I\l Q~t1oll: \VILS It glndl y 1I1'IIIIcd IH' I~~ 'If of the l.crn,ls- l\ ~) Itl\n oltr :;11)1)111, cl~ rry o'u r, mes- Jullo W . J on e s, making rond 81gn8, ponde<lupou oven in the most IIBvers &lid jO - ...... ~Jeet 'f Mesde'8 whereubouts right to hillst Ule tu ture of the lI"lo g s l,)Il. 'j'h 'I'll I\'US ul wuya n 110"~ tlJlllty, RI1 I;I' , ~(I I hnt, '1~I" ' lIll1n s on til ru o~ t 77: I!ht\rles Bill, o ol vert ,repRIrs in Wa ~' ll tl8v i\le , Oblo. tlangerou8 CallOB, aod shonliL be kept at h lmd r eady for iDlltant U8e • . Nevel-leaw OWD modon. A1thougb t he girl for ti le soke of tile f[lUie <if th e l]PUll? 11 lh el~ 11 III Il:t r ' illute Olll!, Ihll t she on n r(ttl or II Ntafl', \\' ~ It, t to r equire Def' di-llll to wo~bIP. $ .60; W. B . fr es h J e rsey c) W nnd (J"lf. Ifor nowl\ on .. journey without It. . , .... falrIF wUd to talk and ask Qu es· ]'cobubly he would Iltlve IIUos Uon ~ I1II ~ht h l;nr or MI' 11I1 . 'J'hllt It IIlI):h t lie th elll, "'''thin k , ns ~plrl t\lo l If n ot .,t/)nll~(' & Co., IIUI)plies for aoditor, Inf"rm"tlon oall J. t!, Vbnder. itIoaI ' .... bad wit alld re80luUoo, thut oventun ll y without regnrd to w 'l1 to Inl'lI 0 II l"pr~scuLnU\'C: C The pb :li~iCJII \lnppor!.-Zlon's D eruld. $3 GO'; V e ller Tele~hone 00., rente Wavneav\llll, ' - - " to eballl" the .ubJect wben It . Helen J1Il ngworUI, !Jut :when lie !Jegnll l;n):ln <'I)I'11I1; N ' \\'a, t o wit, Jl odn y, to for MIlY. $30; Tbe S. Fred CO,,80P·' voort, phooe 3J.3, mSO ~' ,,- ant broacbed and tor man~ to grow fouel of the \vOlUlln Ilnd wlll'o n ",I!IIpllny Wow, so tllnt Lb e rcnlly pliea for jail, $16.79; Dr, Bobert M. OhIo. h e r.cnllzl'll, ns she unml st.lll;nhly dIs- s pl t'o t\i ll work the ],InrLl ct cOlU lwuy BI~ir medioaillervloe~ to prlaonert!, Had IF eit LIke DoIng the Same. Closed ' lt to 111m, thnt her wn IlfIppl- II',IS 11( 111): mIght 1)(, ' nutl11l Wltll ly $17,60 ; Inqnest ·00 body. of O~vid Bets 0 Cnlt\vBtor, ""beel. fllr nlso BUOkoye P i'v o & Allie Jllnenllle "Whnt WIlS tho gunpowt)er plot?" D ok , '7..~5. ni!sB \\'I1 S tlllgug,eel unt! (llut h ' \\'1I!! not Imown. The' 110 1'1.\' c"lIsl ~ t 'II Iii t h flLlh c r IIII\) dlln~h rl· I·. ·lI rll .. , 11 \ c1110t Diso (JuIUva'nr, g ood!\8 new. Call . "Some ElJlglI~hrucn \I'll nt ed to blow tiP ouly ruining t he CD'I'~l'r of a Illhll hilt 3<tnrrlll Brown, Centerville, Bame .TIt. OIlUTU1' ... wr '('kIng tb e lire and ('rll ' hlllg the cn~ln (' r. D o 'lnr St~""e l·(Hl cC. th t vh'~ their " ' holo I ' !tI ~ IIIOvo bOlly." "Well. h~urt ot 110 1J0UrclS Irmn ('~ nl WOlntl.D, Iin'sld ut u llll Utll lldul IlItlU, UllrJ n ud· I COIl1c1n,lt go t hllt fur. St ill, 1 underphone 3111. m 2H ' stnnd thplr point ot ,'Iew."-Loulsville Trolllte. he bl1d-1L£' Iu~tl!nt JHlltl e royal \\'!t~ u ey. !'IOlY 'H('l en U1ln~vl1l'th 1in(1 nnt the Courl(!r·JfournnJ. bhmw lt · to 'PUI' ue bls cour~e IlDd t o 'TroUlte. wblch III R very common ALED BAY. clear timothy. aOd \ III 'hI&-WOIILD .... IMst rcn llUIl. In til \\'orld to NIIS()Cct keep !lent. ;;~ . .c oostltueat or 1IIeteorites, lB leneral\Y I'GIIUSImI 'WBLT. SUO 1'!l1Ul , a' present '17 a toD aUhl barn, considered to be the ahopla Bulphlc!a ot Inqolre of 0 B. Underwood, .Bar. ' . . . . . . . i \ 'et lIuch 18 the character of n . tem- tltnt Bertnlm 'll l'llde ",us 10 OilY \\'ur Irun, though the emct chomlcal eam· v.YIllar" Ohlo. plloDa 28.3. m3S ; pt'rlllll{'lIt like thnt of Shlll·llIfT. nur- conn l ~tC\! 1\'1 th tllll' cUJ..1ne('rlll~ wnJ, 00. Model Shopper. d bt Thl I "_I I rowed and eontrach'tl hy 0 sltll:lo Pll - ed, t1IJt Jl!lllnl'y Iulll pointed out and Asltltitunt-"What a ~ position Isla ou. II 11II1lII.... n bud IlDbuC\! lll'r WUlI hill own bl'UI'r !IV Blon of 1I1e nad 1& 'klole the breadth cujli tOtDer that woman I .." Bee- the form of Iloclul~ or ~ . bleb eam 'from IntcrC!01lI'118 wltb th,Bt BOODer or luter, wbeD 11 Ilda "'OB tooncl, be W(luld be euppci la ~I. • •,~J-WI!~ tIlatJllII eolll~ICtlOI!ll!


~ C~lr:Vf\11




Are You Wasting The Price Of a Titan Engine?











International HarVester Company of America ·


Waynesville, Ohio

A.. B. SIDES .


Dr. J.





.... obJect.

- -----



====~ , - l lnSUR1l,nl~E Notice of Appointment

Walter Chandler






Notice of Appointment

e. v.










.- .









- ---


---- ......----



._--... ...----










MIAMI D. I .. (I' A




E. Edito r nnd j ' l\bli~bl'r

SubRcrinli l1n I'rk p. $ 1.50 per y






f fI"


Able Correspondents In the



l !l 17

IJt U(' U\'fI~ In {J I\~ 1


As . '" rilt.trn I]y Our Corps of




I GAZETT£ .... ·~~~~~~~~~i~·~~~~~~~

Il t

Idlll to




Wll1'llI l' r hI' {t'l' r (t Jt ,:-;ttpJ.! " 1' ~ .. nkllH! , ,:" "illll-tl .v. nl sl'o Yl!r lf1l~ tll(O In tt l'l" to t" I hl' l ' U~f', ",lal' II n":Wt'I, ,-t! f!"flUldy. "rf"'~ .

Mr.' lIod Mrs . A. B Talmage on I Mrs, rame 0111 and dal1gbter Edna ,J . A , Long 0, of O: olon City, lod, utlve p90ed UIlI4 IItatlon .for tertrtlried on I:!uo dny , Rev, . e tl, Mr, were Xenia vlsltora ooe da, tbl. cr eam. R, W, Kll rlor is the l1~eut Ilnd Mr s. Harry A t k losoo, Mr. flod wllsk, "Irro l 0 atl!erago l4ud Mh ~ Mrs J . T. MarIaH spen t 'ooe dllY I ,Idlll, 1 U111 '~llll lr l-irt 1l'1I""' r';J SIJU i l't AI'b e rt, ArtHm ~ "t~eoded tbe fun ur. ~!r h~ Leb(l.oon tbl. w oek . 1' 1' Ih,," I 11111 IIn.\'llill l ~ ,' I ~.,. 1 1\111 ~U h al of Itt oouslo It vlop; in T roy I.. s ' Mllor tbil Ue th e rog . Mr~, H"noah Rloh r e 'urolld Iloma II Ilttl ... l1"oIl'l'~l zl',1 """1:" week, Mlu Fannie Oijboru, o f Davton, 1"1\ ·11 me hfHli's l h r wlln t \"1)\1 1111 nk .1nl ,\' l is 11". lIltl .. Ilx od tn r Ib ~ Mr , Frank L. Barri s fl.ud s a o' Suodny nfter !lpeol1loll several dllYs W88 t be gneet of Mrs, Amoe Jaok. open lu~ of the U M. miut tor th .. II f Ih .. 'IJ,' "~I' '\11Ii;~lflC{'''I.' ,: Aorold, were l:3un(lIlY vl sitore In wHh h e r 81s l er Mrs . 8n:rah Rloh who lion Wedueeday , hllY been quit o ~ I ok . Wo are glud to " l l lJllt·st·tn.l!" ndl1j\~S. ur jUl't n~ n Dt!W mloor 0 111UII ge. Th e " l'W hul! Ouytoo. Mrs. Orle MIlrI" tt WIIS 10 onr vii r eport r.ll" ~ . Ri ) b wal liIble to spen\! d'1111lf w ill Olltl y <in ' tb fl fO CH II lu ll \\"" rl\:1ll~ gi rl would Hilt II I"n 11 ,\' !f'H l"wr Ur , "od )lrs. U. G Ra odall at. ~un lltly \~Ilb b el' dUllghter Mrs, Jags Tuesday . l o ngth titll tne "f Lil. ~ rt.v With til ,' 1111 ... s \\ hilt ",l ll' th tllll! ht. Ill' WIHllt.'d l w r te oded · l lJe M tldi olll AsgucilLtlon 11\ Mrs. C. W. Gor do n "od .Mr.. Dix. Jordl1o . 11"11 1\8 a background . On Iht! roo 10 1,,1\ hlo,,1" :-:tpl'iogfi Id two dlloys itiS' week . 1& ' 1IIlHl's t. to. ~(lIlIln('~fo.l, · " 13rndSflll Miss Mflhlo ti tnrr speot" fe w da r8 AOO W IlIH~OO were olAlItog to Xeola " verse ~Idll wil l he Mho,vn IIU e~j;( I 'l M I' nnd Mu. Frllnk ~ hidllker fit. wltb Mrs li'. A , H»rts ock th o pall' Frlul\Y. v e roh ed on 1\ lU o l1lltll in .orllg 'l' h .. qUII ( 1'11 S Ill I II II ,:!. Leudec1 thl! {uoerlll of LeRo y Walker, woe k. Mrs . R ~hecoo 0111 Is v isiting her 'w eol,y.nVtl "o nL PIOOOM Wilt Rh ll W ,1. '''n~' gfl RI "'oI jllyoIIRly IIR If 1I 11111,,· Liberty blJprollO h lllg I,ho OfJ u u lry'ri dl 'I ' allh ~ d - III' 0I'PIII'tlll dly hl\il ( 'otllt', of Wtlmln ~~on , on ~ uodlloy Mrs . E tllth DIlvl9 And Bon speot dllngl!ter Mrs. Joh n Zlnlmurmall, al and Mr. ILll~ Mrs • . \Y. L. H a rv ey, ~~ , Tllureduy wllb Mr s , U130. Bogan, D .. ytoo . j{1i'eway btlllrl n~ .0 UIHlllsod ~hlllld. " (; I \lltly ," !4IlP hj'~l\n , "Thl !-l Is whnl I In right hund il! gruspfI() ' un ullvtl Ihl llk: I lhlllk I hut '1 IfJ USIl Mn gnlflcent' L !:Jarrl >! Rnd E, W ils II tr"nsHoted Mr . An d Mrs, BIltl8ford J8ok~on irwin 1'II y lo r nud fllmily spont the brl\oob. The r evor~o will show i1U Is I h ' worRt II u 1111 II ). you hUI"l' "Ill. II bU Bl n ess In l\1 \luolo. lnd " 00 Mooday w ee k.eud wlt b Mr . (I,ud Mrs J OH. and Mable Shoomak er of Xe nia, were 8atu r d \1 lIo d ~onI1I1Y ' guoUs of Ber. eagle in fl ight 'InLl Ilf ouull till' edgo '- 'li l t; up motwy, tl1k N~ 111) t'H(lJ!l nntl find 'l"ul!sday . Or,IY . Mr. ond Mr~ . R obt, U~ rr lire mak. bert Marllltt Ittnd hmlly 'he 10sor lp ~l on , "Unl l ed Htlllnl! of lori ll l:R III n Olh lr,g, i"lIrl ', II hr lll g~ p t'''' WIJI. Mc rr le BJlll o t Snoday wltb ilme rlclI, " aou"ll: I' lurlbnl! o um. " Idp tn tl U' Slurp , h11t IIW!-11' pt 'Opl" IIII~' ing 80me Im pr pve lUllnts ou th ei r Mrs. FlAme Dill 1I0d daughter GI'O, DII "I~ iwd fUUltlv. Bo'h 00101 will b o" r the \Jhrll sll "10 11 11 !tIl' lr fUl'llltur,! III Ih" E'"PUI'IUI1l ," home at, tbe cu r n!}[ of Cillrks /l ve ouo Eri nll were In Bpriug Valley ~utur­ • M r , find Mr ... Al"l1 LDdln ~to n aud dllY IIfter n oon. God Wo Trus t" 00 tile d lllle "\\'c'II , whllt w o ull l YIIU ti l) ulJout ond Mop le t! tr efl ~. sietel' MI Ns 13 olll,rl oe L1J(!ID~I O Il, o f pieces Llber\y will b e sbow n welif It 1" Hrlltl ~( on lJ ~ kc c l III P{'llly, Mrft Mory ILdwllrcle, who s till re .A mOB J aoboo was a. Lebanon Blllo o be~t e r, vi.lted J. A. Lo wry and tng 'be wi ogell ('U P IV hi Ie \.lit) reVtl rR O "I'd ~1'll(l u ul l~' p u t Ihe "lef't'R III mlllTl S qll ite poorl\', It! bei n g tender. flllllil y ueDr W 'lyoesville ~UO(\ILY , nlldey , aide will tillow a hu no le of r ods ulld ~ I" ''k. u nol I h.·u 1'(1 ~ tul't S""h' l hi n~ Iy 'arN.I for by b6r t.wo d",rs ht~r~, MI ss Mllry (;lIghmao III very lJiolt a battle alt, \hl1 formllr syIII ullllcnl "Is.,. '1 ,llIfllI!!IJ It nil In '" Y 1II1 11d- 11 ~lr6 RlIle CUl'rol, MrM Allee !:Jllnev Mr~. ,I u bn W o lfe RP Il O t a few duy s of uoHy, tbe Idtor d e fe o slve wIIIII,1 be II sl!t of HlIlnll (lU IS "I' C" l ' nn<:l ~ o o , Il (.o rgCl M Edwll rd e. ",1111 hor "I!>tor Mrs. E'~ I I Wy~ o ug 10 a~ I,hls writing, Idre . Adll Ua kl o Wfl.S 0 Hooday Itreng'h l uges-olle for thl'CD r()OIU ~, on e fllr RHIV h Broo k Is r\lnolog a fiDe RprlnK Vu l:ey . Mr. Bnd lIlrs . J o bu Tb olll p!' on, gucs' .)f her gr ',n ~ mo,her 1I0d also rour 1I1l1 1 0 11 for 81x or 8 " 0'0 rClO l11 •. Buiok an tomobU fl . I t wlglH IDdl otlle Mi ~8 Au rl r ey Tb ompson nUll Mr. called on Mrs. J . T , MllorJatt In tbe Th.,y wllullln't tuko II I} IIny lIl a re r OCJIII mlltrirn uny . Al bo r t Horrell wero shopping 10 IIfterncon. IllItll Ihi! '1I 0 U80 MI1 ,,"IIlCl'lIl' 111Il'S. WllI"rd Martlo, of D~yt ')n, repre. Wllbor lind Alber' Marlat*, of io.:l"l'r r lhlng In Ibose (l,lYi" olps- Ihllt ~en tlllg Fuirb~nk ~ , Mo no & Uo ., Dllyt.on MondAY. Spring Valley oalled In oor vloinlt, I,; ",llIIt I wOll ld cull t1, I' IlI- \\, o\lld h i' 1ra.1J ~flo ted buslncKs In this vl oloity 'l')ffin F oolaod and r mUy, of ncnr Kln!(lJIon, p()l.Int Hnudoy wall Mr. 8l1n ,l ay IIftero ooD. e ll mwn ht'CHuse It WI}::I I r1(~ S IJCn!; 1 " ('. Illst we eSt. MlslI B erlhll. MnrlllU onlled on ao d Mr ll. I!;d Bro wo. 1I11t1 I.'.erythlnl; would b murl,ell Mr. Edlvln 'tlnso n hi at, bome Mis 4 LenR W lllton, of l:lp rlng Vlttlley pllllnl)·... t;oilo(ll 010811r1 Tbursday with a Rft!"r soveral moolhs "bseo ce on A qllnrtpr of nil hoor lul ;>r, \l'llI'n suroess fnl plollio I),tld progrllm, l:ll\hlld ny Il.Hernoon . 8• .r .. nll)' 'hllc\ finlRh NI de SCl' lhll1j! h,' r huslne Muc h prRlse IA givelll Mll!a Elsie Chris tian Eodeav o r hpld 1\ frien d. S f'lll'lOf\ Hrrul!'ion (h! t fiID~<l h er', rtl for /lor y enr's ;work . Iv 8~. M n am onl: th01Uselv es !:Idur. 'l'hc IIPllle or till' I'Y" IIr .1. '1', 1I1'IUI, h"l d lfl J; Ollt his hnll<l to her, Mi~8e8 Iroo e I 081 ,a'by lind 1IIarie duy nlglH at T n wo Hill!, son, juulor pllr11l cr nr til e " 111'111 of " :SU\1\10~O \I'{! n,uk" It t\l'I'n ly· fl \'{) (101· FOR YOUR CHilO'S \COUGH ftt cb slll1nt Stltorday aod onnday lit Mrll R obecoa 'orog~; sttll r omnln6 Brtlt1~" 11 & Slln'~ rllrilll lll'" SIIII'(', \\"0 " luI'S IIIRtl'I") of t\l'pl \'e d olilir. ," II(' . nltl. Hero 'l! u pleauot oOURU .yrnp q olte ~erlnn9Iy' III, ..... Ith liltlu 1l01lt'S tb elr h OUl e !, U "Hl)IIS' M II~llllie{,IlI . " '1'hi H 11'11 8 10 ' A nd so rlw 110V('('llttls Wt\ r' I Be r t Bogan vlslteu at hie Ilome thAt, every cblld lilies to 'liite, Dr, cored nn Ihe f(lll rl h lI oor of Ih ' cS IIlI,· 1111'1 .f,' nny hll li chllr~~ 01 till' ll1, nnd Cor ber I ecollery . h ere Sunday. . Bell's PlDe Tar.Bonev. If your ohUd Mrs . Elleo Barris nod Mr •. rlllbeo1\8hlll lit lind 1 ''' "' I '''I ~l'd IIh'"11 Cll;h l lh lll~' UNII IIR lrut~d 1111' p .. "~I\)l lItJ c~ of Mrs Mllude Cleaver', of Lebaoon, hilS Il dee p blloklog oot1lh 'baa wor· r oorllS, In whi ch II'cr' clu ~ I(' I'I ' t l, III 11I1' XI) ' 1l ~1 \" tll'lI stl e hum' ~11' ro r l\llll ll ca Merritt "ro oocupyiog t,h o dwell speut t:!uodny with W. T, J ordaD riell yoa give him D • . BeU 'II Plne. whnt Imrl'Ortlltl t.c) he II ",,,II ·rIlI'llIHh 'II 10 Ih ' hundr{'c\t; ot h ou~ewtv w ho \"I s· iog owoed by Mrs . Muy J!i 11 is , '1'u. Boney, the 800\blnll 1 munsll,n, " ml)U"y 1:1, 11 ,,'11,111 (,F hl j.( h· 1\(,,1 1111'111. Mrs, Mll.ry Levlor Davis sod two aod fllmity . IIfl.DJS r'llleve tbe ooagb, lQbti the Book \ p~IC"d Cumltor!!. To I hi' C'l ty wh"rl' It daogpt, 1'8 uro vl~ltlng Mu. Dlivid' Vor "'('t'l,ll BrllllKl'n Iml' hc~n t C) SA THAW A Y phl egm and heale abe 9 tlll. You ('ould m ulto )',)ur own book- ends DR. WU!I 10clltE''' It wlI~ "n ~ "r Ih ~ MiI::hts tel', Mrl! . DalBY B,uteook, or Uay. I lIn ' Y to f Cl'1 111l~' t hili" hilt th ~ellB' sues. Get 11 bohle to· day Joar by jolulo&: two IH 'cs ot IIIdn l or for \\'(1I 1I\' n l'omll'llr (",,,,, 1110 (,Ill ' ntry t hilt bll«1I1 ,,11; 1111(1 heclI blllllnllll;, ho,)m· teo, Vi rtl1 ' Le-.u- ,n.., ... .. drllgsl&t and IItllr' beatment a' 'll'ood and tb~n coveting It with n cover for II duy's Nhollplng. '1\. II vp,·~· f. I' In.: liS no olht,r nll'rr llntll \ ntt' l"pl'l s mad e of greeo linen h envUy emarDell ell ...................' J . E. Shumaker 18 beautify lug ulto oooe , :150. ~ON'T LET YOUR COUiGH HANG ON Brud/ollln's "lIollse Mognl1ic ...nt" wus III th ' city h u(1 b OOllh!L1 for 111UllY n home witb plIlnt, broIdered in A coovenll~ODl design. In Key. Bldg. K&ln 8$ th e bY'\\'lIrol for 1111 (hut ",us IlIhnr· YC'IlI·, A oou~1l tbll' raoks and 'll'el111ens G, B. Dllvls 18 pnttlog In 110 ourb mOlll oll s lind PI'(!\t'lIl10Il S In h()II ~ ('holli Ou L1,IY II 11 111: I"r d u t the s lx·room a o d gutter on tho weat side of bls Is dllolleroo., It I1ndl3rmloes your Interiors. health aod t brhes on neRleo~. ,He. rIOI' (lcol e with J ~ lIny. pro perty . But Brnd on W(,lIt (lI"! fmlll .V"I" til "I nm RO bu!<)" [\(Jl\'lIdIlY I cnn 't gel I In 'l'h nraday night, M(l.y 2~t, o, Ileve U "' once witb Dr. King '! New )'CP I' \\'1\11 hi s r ill h1l ~ 1 1l ~ m fur I h,' IH'lmc. It's II lonl( \\,IIY 10 1-10, Il nywuy, FTed L . Shepp)' , 170 N. Hilisted I t,hore will b ~i ven away 8 five . plls. Dis Jovery. This sOlJl'blog balsam "Ronsc MlIgllllltlO'nt " lilll lillie ,lIrnll1l'ti I \\,IIS wand rllll; If I c(lul<l no l. lIa\' :len ger l!~o rd Ilutom obile by the K of romedy heals t b e tbr'oat, loosens the Street, Chicago, Ill. , Geoero.,! Sales --CVCIl ",tum fl'olll r t'p')l't s t r(lln hl ~ one or th ese d o\' eM S ~hut t. 1T froll1 P 'I! o f o ur v llI llge The r e will be phle!!w, It an~18eplto prop erties !rill Manager of th e largest concern ot Its (PRICE'S RlllH!) hook];Ctlpl llg d \1llrlllll' l1t h" ('ollid "e" t Ill' olh ra-IlIllI hllY It 10 11\' In good m oos lo and til luoah will bo bhe germ oDd the oold is qulokly klo d 10 the wor ld, WIlOts lhree or Ulut " ery few 1II'c,'.- III I he pillce \\' 1'1' rl ghl h e r wlle ll 1 11m 50 I URY. \V lervod by Ihe Pyt,lllllO s IHf. : rs Ell. bro ken UJ>. Children oud grown . tour meo In this collnty aod several e \'er or(lll r~l , It' \\'11 8 !'1I11 II tl ru\I'll1J! '1'011111 mnke other ,In\"{' co l e~ to mnk~ er y kni g ht roadlug this II' kindly opa DlIke find Dr. K~og 'e New Dis. mel1 lu adjoining counties, 10 work The cos, of a .obmllrlDe torpedo ..... s ard, II 1'0111;0111'11 til hll"" l'l r. 111' for It-w need sC" crll l Illorr." Isked t meet with thew Ilt tbelr ooverv pleasant to tl1ke as well a8 for him spnre time or a ll the lime. Sole Agent effeotl ve. Bllv e a tr.ottle hllnd io. depends mainly opon tbe .IZ8 , The ~ Tbl'1l cllm~ JI'IlIlY Dorr. ,J I'nl1~' n IJfl' ".I' Yl' bf'e n wl)ll(\erLng I hn t. 10n:' A b ~ 1I 'fhe drtLwiolf will hko pInon wns 0 i1l1le, r 1· lwll·(' II, frl' I'Rl e,l, " lIuh. 1011l,,h 1'<''' 1\0'11 Ihr(.hgll tIl(' (linn), 1.1111\\ 10 froo t of lIl o(;a rreo 'lI MIlrHgO and y o ur m edlolne cheijt for grippe, l argest \orpedoes lire ooatlog about He can use ooly tho so who hll\' c a -c. fnced Illrl who w n R i'll1ploYl't1 fill' .,11 f'·l',·klt' ". "Wer e YOII pllllll1ll1l; IU 1I,·c averythlDj:l will be doue t,o mllko thiN or oup and ~ 11 br oooh ial alIeotloo~. $7000 enob 'l'hey vary frOID U to rig or auto. Wnrk Is pl ca snllt and For the Gorden Tires 19 feet In lElDlttb, and from 14 to 19 DO JlrevlOU s Re ili ng QX JlOr lellC6 Is ;a a w eek 10 copy 811 1N ' rre, "'lls 111 III he r e u t0l1(' ?" do time thllt wl1y l ung he remem, At dro geis t!', GOo. grimy, dlll~Y [l.ort ll1ll of th,' filIII'I 11 1I 0l1)1' luclles In diame'llr. '!'he weight II J!eccssa ry. Work COil slat s ot leaving "N CI' pr u bit," cnme h," ' I, fmlll nl'lld · tarod llUd pro tJllbl.v o Ollor dup lio .. ted . from 6.0.0 t o 1.0.00 pounds, Tprpedoel a woodertul new household nocosslty just bt'lIll,,1 Ih o "I rrlll ~(' ~JII~nlfl(' I' 1l1 ," SO li , uillllwo sl rong nl"1u ~ "'CI'l' h..!d (JUl Prooura y o ur tloll et while. yot] oao lire IH~le submarlnel, each bavlnll 10 the hom es 00 ' Croe Ir illi. T es ts a t J enu)' wn~ '\I 'll III) 111111 gIrt ! h" to .Jenny. liS lhe time is i l'owlng u enr whon Ita own eogine and "eerlug appar· moro thao thirty- of tho lon d lug-{J'u octullJly Pllt c ne h flgllrr ~l fI \\, 1I III I h "T,. Ih,\t ·hon e t·to·goollllrl<s?" ~ho yo u will noed it If yon Wdnt I,ho atus Int.eoded to keep" Baing In a versltles and the Gov ernmeol Bureau Pbooe IK}.3 big books thnt strl'lI'llcd (lilt I ('rnrr .QII ('rlo',l. CORWIN, OHlo m aobloe. . straight lioe. lDI!!lle II paoked hom her 8S I! s he IUld n n Int erest III th t' "lo:'\· ... ry hH." hI' sn l(l. "Anll w e'll be Mr.ll l1d Mrs , F , M , Shllno, owo · of Slaodards sbow thIs a~ticle to be 100 to [j.oC pouoda of lome bigh ex performance. u lot h l1 l'l'l o'r th un WI' \\'oull vel' be ers at oue of ou r te g r oceries. ploslve , whloh explode. when tbe rour time s a s efficleot as a rticl e DOW "Th('r e Is somcthlnj! nutt y nlJ(lut lhlll In n hnll~e nlll J!nlnC'Nlt, t. 0." have ox'eoued the electrlo ourrelll, Messrs , Ad um Bridge aod Arthnr r ed·h nlred IIlrl tht' rl' ," cOll1llll'nl Ii thl' ( o1')' rlgll l. 1917. by lh~ !ll c(, luro Newsp.... 1I0d hllN O tho most oomplete Itgbted l'lIylO[ of Fuuklln w e re bU81uel8 forward eod oomea In can tao. wUh In geoeral use 10 th Is seclio o. Ar.Ucle p~ r SYIllJlcl1te.) . a ship's hull. Is needed 10 every ·rura l home aOd DR. J. W. MILLER. b ead bookkeepcr tn h! s elllllioser onc b osloe88 room in our city. I t ball vlHllor; h e r ll 1\looda'y bene fits evory member or the hous&doy. blleo sllld, 'he b ee thllt wakes the ' . hold , brloKlog cbeer, comfort aod bon e y never loatl! around tile hive; " Mltl8 Emma HllrrI8, ~ of Ifrlttllltltn, "S'Dlolte r w ith her?" ' h ICle ood with t hla ·firm . bas Ilooopted a P08it,'IOU as teaoher Bu,lnua Head. hapJ) lness Inlo tb e home. Not DOces••• DENTIST••• "ShC'8 ulwny~ lookln,; nt tilC' 1"lnl; " tb 18 0 g In tbe ~p rin ghoro I!abool. ColIl'nsteln (10 luwyer)-"My ",lte al! If th ey W(lr flt,)r), h OI)I,~, lIull III sary to be away from hom e nights. Mr, Chu8, Wlofle ld ha! pnrohlls od . lunch·t hne she sn('ok 8 IlIt(l thllt '1I 11 U51.' JUIIIIleil III fr lit of u rnllroud traIn lin OVl'Irll1nd tonrlo, oar 110d Is ill MIs9 B ert~1L St~Vtm811n 1I0d Mr . WayatlhiUe.O Pay from $6 ,00 to $15 .00 per d llY IIC- If 01",. oOlI a pollcema o pnlled her orr dcr i . f s me No Iqoubt It "urt Mrs. NlClJolll!l nu d fawlly, of MOjfnlf\cellt' Ilnd wolke 111'0111111." cording to ablltty nnd number at. . O "0'111," com m l'ntl'rl the j 1lllir,r jll1 rt· trllck. COUld 1 sue del' cHy tor dom· 11018181ess ko u ll 1 au~ hl~ frloods bnpp". D"yton, speut ~\lnduy wltb MEII. homes vlelled. 10 writing Mr. Shep· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! w ma 0 I 0 " .10 0 stl'lvenson, . ncr. "Send tier 10 m~' o Jll ~e tb Ors l uges1" py, meot'loll what t owos hlplI will be Mra. LlIltrll MoGee, of Ull ytOll, Is thlllg In th o mornllljf." I itl b m other Mrs Milry Ben. Mr. I\nd Mrs. Chris, Bambert 108~ mos l con .eolenl for you to work in; v 8 Dg .e~. , . n floe driving h o rse TlJorBd tlY, tbe "Oood l11(lrnlng. 1.1" • .T. T. llrndRon , whal l'our r e'g ular n~cupatlon Is; n eU, of \jju~ t· eoo nd strtIBl. lIoimB I d r lng of ocate lo dlges tl oo. JunIor," "'liN tI,e jfr('rtl njf of ti l(' ~ nuh · Wblle or09slog 8 olty ..reat Itt )'our age; marr ied or singl e ; how Chll~ U ll ' Il ll", of OilY ton, t rao s· ; , There is l1Iore Cnlorrh in th ia RI:tion fn cl!<l, r ed·hll ir d J en ny D,)rr I ho 1I ~'{ t .. \ onr city Mondll Y. Mrs: ,W. ~legfl'led le lt here farmer wn e knooked dowD by 8n loo g you bave lived in the com· ~ ooduy Ilnu will pend II. wee k ",I ~ h morning. "I expect )'OU wllnt 10 let ol ll,e counlry t han 1111 other diseases lIo t,e d u , ' 10 Ilu'omobtle. tsefore be could ge' Funeral Director: Jlut tngelher, .lId for ye llr@ I t \\'89 .up · me ~o. I Ilm sorry." - -. be r dUllKbtor Ilt Nelsonvil le before out of t·be witty be WittS knocked munlty; wbat kind ot a rig or auto posed 10 be in c urabl~ , Ca!tllrh is Il 10' and Embalmer, r Oil have ; whether you w is h to wo.rk "Sit down--nnt In \I.nt chiliI' by th cal returolng to ber home. d own agRln by a motoroyole wbloh disease , greully influe nced by COlls'i· door, H er c In Ihe h l~ choir "1'1'11,11" spare time or steady; bow much time Mr . Ilnd Mre . W H. fileirrled oame rnsbing Ittloog behlod. , lona llreoll1lent. Bull'se.tarrh Med· -.'1'[ ~C! D[LIEYEO me, where 1 Clln look III yuu . llo\\' "I,I lul icine, ululwfru·.ttred by F J...,........,""'''-'''-l-- -Iu.u...wl.''-.....-4. LhL...ill. I'ls Hed wllh tbeir eon aod family lit A friend of hie ' 00 She Ilde",al Kf~lll....:IU1L.11..IUJl1...I.Ct.I....!lw.x;WJlLIJIU!w...)l'.IlUl.;+--1I"";lJ-m"~JU,.......'nIU • Co .. T lJledo, Ohio, is a constilia'lIIl rem· . ore l'OU'" yelled to him; " Why dido'l ),ou whon you can start, aod about bow Unu;.u of I' ul'h, t ,mdlog aud 11 ft . frnok llu l:luod ,IY. edY', is taken inl e rn nil y and acta.thru the "Eighteen ~ome tI ('xt '''Hll mcr.'' m ILny homes oro wltbln s ix miles of Ml ssos . Lo rAt.tu Hathllwuy, 011v l get on' of tbe way ~" Ulood on Ibe Mucous Surfaces of the log o r strU0l1011d e x. , rolse Is II ~tmt n "How mlH:h do rOil I;('I.?" "Bow In t,he world did I know I' you In each dlrectloo. Til Is Is a Ilud u r!lr.e Beoll:, and Miss Nor e 04 tile runll ' I e~, they b eoom e so r e SYslem. Qlle hundred 1.)0lhll9 rcword i. "Six dollllrs II we('k," 'liod sti ff, yon nre orlpplod lIood In 8eok, of Clovelllnd, visited ut Mlam " hKd a coU!" W8S 'he aogry reo spleodld opportunity tor severn I men Either Auto or Horse drawn service. "WI'II, just to s llnw Y01l Ihn t r nm offered for any cllse t hat Hull'. Calnrrh ooln, l:;I Oll n ' ~ Llnlmeot brl n ~1! y ou VOIllny Hospl tlll "t OilY too Moud .. y. &P0080 . No extra charge for auto service, Medicine fa il s to cure. Send for circulars In tbls county and coun lies adJ ololng not firing )'ou, 1 ",III I I' Ii YOII Iloul YOII alld les limollb ls qUIck 'relt e f , easy to IIpplV , it peue· Both pholles In Office and Residence. Mr . Ilnd Mrs . \'07. V. Or ew lIod to make good mooey, workIng steady lire to get twelvc frOIll ntlW OI1-IIII1Y' F. J. CFI Er;<EV & CO., Tolerl o, Ohio: trll~eB w lt,bout rnbbiog aud drll7o~ family oolled I\t the homl" of Mr,lInd No. 14. or spare time. Soms of the fi eld men be more Inter. Y 1/1'1'8 0 SIl1~rt kid, &lId by Dru ~ gist~, 75c. out the so r eues~ , A olenf liquid, Mrs , iii Ii Siegfri ed Su nd ay . o aro $300 .00' per mooth : oue former Hall's fl. ltltly Pills for cOlIslilm llnn • aren't YOII'" Pollc!! Wireless Statlon~ ololl o er thuo mUSKY pltlsters o r oln\ A llison 1'1l~'lo r, of near Five Point, Wlih lin eyo toward making her e llrned $1,000 ,00 working spore time Olents, It rfoel o o~ st,dn .the skiu or ~[leot III~t week wi ~h hiS son l"o r e~t , (loI ICC system more efficient, the city only. No ,investment or bood oecesolog th e POlIlS AlwllYI! lli1ve A bot. lin d 111'\111. of New York hil S l u~lo l\cd 11 wirelesS sa!,)", A few lines to Mr. Shep py will 01". Bell's Pine-Tar-Ho'n ey lIe h undy for tb e pRios Robes ' f'f Mrll. M. J. Fan IUld Mr~, U. W. system lit police heu<lqullrtcr s. Tbe brill! tull particulars. For Oou~h. and Col" rh e uUlatlsm, gout" lum bago, grlpps, Adlf. brnl.eB .. t1all ll~S, tJll c \(a~ll(\ and 1111 Slel:l frl e ci ~Jleu t' ':3alurduy with Mrs. ap(lurutull hn s " rullge ot fj()() mUefJ. ., In lhe nonr future, e\"nry pollee llta· ext(Jro lllllflln, At yonI' d ru ggl t ,.250 Th om"s MtlI tlr. MrR. M o~o Fred, o f OilY ton, and tlon In tbe city wlil bnve Its owo wlr&Mr s Oll lu ge r, of R od Li nn, vl8ite<l leti~ Mi s UO OO I~ llruscu[l' Frllli1Y, Pap ~ r ' From Bark of Tree.' Mr. a Dd Mrs Oh118. B ,' c k anu Tho ,,,,,lives III snllle pllrlH of Jnll o· fllll1l\y w e ro Dl>ytoco shoppor8 Sat. Benzol From Coat, Chlufl "IIlpillY \,urll)us nbCI'll In Ih l? n t · or(l"y . The amount or hcnzol recovered from t ' lI\1t \() Hllilply Ihel r own pUI,,'r. 'rho 111' Ilod Mrs l~IlY Cros~ uod "Illuge tllIO PIlIJl er , II ~lI hlll·h · l1f 11 1U101. d UlIghtllr Slleot HundllY with Mr. one tOil of COll i amounts to two lIod OweR \1l< nUIII!! til !lle' f,lct I h ilt IIII1~t of Ilud lIlrs. Hobort O\lmoro neur Mor. ollc·hulf gollons. III 1915, 14,000,000 Ilulillns ot bcozol were mllde' In the It~ :!,t)Ou 01' :\,\100 Inlluhltlllli s lloutH' r ow, Uni l ed 'Iu l ~s. 11 Is cstlulatecl thnt pilI! 'I' fr oll1 the lInl'l, (Jf II 8111Ull " "toper lIIr" Wrn . 'rll no .. nd dAl1ghter the oulput' In 11)10 hll8 b een on less tr ~ ','. II t;J1el!II'S of 1II11lhufrr, f\llllld on Edlt,b, o f l'e kiu. wo[,e sbop plng h ere tluon 22,000,000 gul\ons. tho BIllc l; river In I'llcr '! ' ullkill. Mllnd ny .

Lumber and Building Material Poplar Farm Gates

$3.50 $4

The well-known Cant Sag Gates •..


• •



- ..----

Madden's Lumber Yard Corwin, Ohio,

mifF." Irt\t

. -.


H. E.


- ISaxon


Six Livery




.- .

---_.- ..----


' l



-----. - ..- -- -



---.- -----

'" Silver ~ Plate that Wears"

----.... - _.- --The Egg Ar'gument.



Huna's GreeD Seal PaiJit your property is well fitted to withstand

the destructive forces of severe weather and changeable temperature. Moisture, can get at the wood, is ce~­ tam to start decay, but by toe ~ of Hanna s Green Seal Pai~\ your property IS completely protected. • '. Prlntacl F _ _ On E~ Packap.



1)11I1I1') II ~ , "~I hnve

- ------.,---


p r Ol'C'(\ h~' thl~ I"g/C thn t 11\~ \\'orlll Ie Bowel r ego lRrlty 18 tile eecret of round." "Hill It \\'llr l{~ bOlh Will'S," good b e llll,b , brlgbt eyes, cle'~r OOUl· replied I hc lling <Iollhtflllly: "A bOiled ph,xlons, nod u r, Itlng'l! New Life' Cjf!:~ Sh (l\\'s

tlln I I hOI wor"l Is round, Pill s lire a mild Rud geD't1e laxaMve t h ., r ~uJPlte8 the bowels aDd CII· lIeve ~ the OouKII,,~ed 10teftUoell by n es thnt t he world Is lInt." rf!ln vvlnK tile (\00 lmolated wlis t es wt1.bol)t grlplo" . 'rRke 0 pill b ef ore re blriog "Oil 6hdo' bell\ y h ead, thllt doll a prlog fever feelin g dluppellrl', ' Uot Dr. Kiog's New Life Pills I\t Looked a. If There Might Be. "Th' 'I'll 11.1 ti o r<1~'nl I' 'ntl t(l I""rnlog,,, yonr drnggiR t'l 25e. snhl th \VIR f~lI Y. "r dfl\l'l know obout lhQt," 9111<1 til ' !\lUl l. "01<1 you evt'r uoll('c Illu nUII1J){'r of IIve rl d equlPIlj:e8 Ihnt WillI o.UI Ide ot n prl· Curloua and Useful Plant Family. vute school In n tll ~hlonllble dlatrlct nround flattlng-out Uwe?"-Butrnlo Ex· 'Xhe ulghttlhlldo fDmUy, Solmuoocod, prelL Is a most curious alit! useful ooe, tor --~---.~ .-88lde from the to, potato nnd too bac:c:o Beot1ou, of the planta Qedea . .

But If It \l't're 1lI1lll e In lo omelet n \l'ml"l dClll o llRll"Ill e \l'llh 110 Ie 8 clcar·




- -----.;.. _--

Sliver In Early Time •. In very eo r ly tillles sllv or WIIS used fnr ornaments. Spuln uppel\rs t() hove h~e n t he chid sourCe frOID whlcb Sliver \VIIS obtnll1cd by the IIl1c l i!Ots. It Is U;ulIght the hUl s ot l'ales tlne way have rorn l~ b ed Borne supply of tbls metal,


.,- --


,Everglade Independence. The ·wny '. to gel " bead Is to edfe nheud by 00 Inch aud bold on tn tbut loeh until YOo cnn edge 10 DUOt!, 'f. The mao wbo IS a dollor ahead of hI. debts Is an lodejiendeot crltter,-TIIl'pon SprlllWl Leader,


Siace 1847. the year Rogers BI'Ol. oririnated

etecno-slJyw. ' platiog"ilverwar~ beariog the trade mark "119 ROSERS 18",,,:. Iw been renowned for quality. wcarability and ~UCJ.,;

,(841 ROGERS BROS~~~ilE, ltamP,ed on forb, lpooIIS and fancy .~I piecel 11WUI1e8 of heavielt plaMIt · perfect workmuahip

aDII ".""

I'" -.- mar ....

.,waite d.ii1\ usurinaloaalJld ..titrJina"nice. article of .ilverware marked • JIt7

II •

_ectecl without furtbH iAYlitiptioa. --


Sold by lead mit dealen eYeJ7Wu. . lead for~ ,II ~~L· abowina all pattenII.



MISS CORA THOMAS On fhe Upper Springboro Pille





i·..·,.....·...··..···..···..···..·. ···········..·· .........! ..................

•- - ---------, THESPEEllWAY

If you are in the rtlarket (or a rna hine why not as Miss Thomas did ? Let us deliver. a m achine to your bo rne on ap pro-

val, and have the dealer that handl es an y other m ake machine do the same--theu .p lay them a ll rig ht in your home , aod keep the one that p leases y ou most, WE WILL NOT BOTHER YOU OR TRY TO SELL YOU THE SONORA because we know the machine w ill sell


BIG ENTRAN1S:i A Money Malting Hog


i" reducti 11 in room i'l.9 I ug at ~ Bynulll's A Pflsi h'e IIva fI'lr (' of l'l)trie~ II . Does the money making aspect of fee.d in g Homco. arf'n ~I upon I he ollit'il\JfI Olr I he \. 'i n· linc to yo ur h ogs appeal t a ll ? We believe that Dr. Dill, steopalh ~ 1 ' . IIroad· cdinn !.'P!'fP' ~w:IY (h11lr' IR tll l('I~H~ 1 th"'" . way, Lebllnoll, Ohio. flY • • J\hll _ lll ll' t " pr ( i '11011 t at • :l considerat io n o f th s pe ial feeding qualitie s of thl.! Ii 'IJ \\ hleh will facu th illig on • Homco li he wi).} conv inc e a u of its value for hog D,'~ rnl ilm !Jay, 1uy ao. In the ec· : Miss Mary Wilgu , of Xeni . spent ond Annual Inl",rn ati unal Swt!\lP ' • fcedin g q u a lities of Homcolillc will convince yo':1 ' Monday with friends here. S l,nke~ r;l'~e . will h a largE' oml clll sv f its value for hog fe e d ing and show you how you l\~ Ilny tha l,,·ill s lllrt in l\ champion. : . an m a k e m o re money. H o m olile is the heart . • .Fred Hart!<ock WIl51 n business \'is ~llIp race thi" y,'n r o r bt"rer m of t he corn k e rne l, s pa ra ted without the itor in 'illcinnati l'u esdllY. To da b~ ;l lotal of thirty Cllrs ha ve • beon ('n oll',,11 in Lhi! raot!, w ith d riv· ! u s o f cll rllical:3 o r o th e r s u bs tances. It con ta ms C ·M, · Hobitzcr \\'R~ a bu. int s~ r na m",;! ft·r a lIreR mlljority of ' the mi nerals neede d for buildin g bon~, a n abundvisitor in Cincinnati Tu e day. th m. t If tho btl l ttlr Imown speed. 1 • WBY 5 !' who IIlread y lire on th I ance of pro.tei n to ins ure fles h production, and gr und IIl1d uri\'ing th ir machines s u flic ient fat alld carbohydra t es to supply heat Harry Leona rtl hag joiner! Ihe in· around thE' IlVo·mile COllrse daily ar . a nd en r gy. All these e le m e nts of food a re conCant ry and will go t o Forl ,[hul11lIs. Hi ll\' Taylo r, lhl"nl'Y Inn hl, b nl l \ 'UO{)l!", l"l I ~ t.... 1\ !litll', ,\ ntiv Hurt, t ained in the mo s t r eadily dig e stible aud a ssimil a ble fo rm, e ntirely s uitedJor either Mr . and Mr ~ lIymanallrJdBu~htl'r 1).1 ' L ' II,. I' JII,h 11 ~'I' , dll1". I ra l you n g pi gs at the tim e of w (wing, or o ld r h ogs . For fced iJl g th s ow, it cannot sptml Sunday with rclal!\'es ill ClI]', lb lph Ilil!'.. nl. E;!di,~ ileMII!' , be excelle d. Homcol ine is the s uccess ful fecd fr o m b irth un til the time of sale. I'(!, ,' lI ellol,' I"fl ll •. Joll'Tholll<l><. Wul tl''' I cinnati.





Why Not Get the Best?



judges at the

Pana m a

Pacific Exposit ion

awarded th~ highe st score f o r tone q uality to


the Sonora.

These m en who m a d e

sion are musical experts. It do esn' t t ake to observe



th is

d ec i-

tra in ed e ar

decided superiority o f Sonora, howe\'er.

You have simply to hear it.






11:ll'w~ . \ \n 'lIl' T. , ~· t .

L'''JI < Chf' \' r !et . I .

;l "l),l' ':\1 .. ,, .Ia~ ~' 1.l!( ·~ il1 . .lUll'''' Miss Elrna HobertH, l,r l\hll'r<Ow, t11(· V i ~ne' . I It t" L, i .,y. J \. . Hi Iy ( ' !tlill I attended service at 'clwul lIull ::iUIl ' dfl- r :llltlllocuv"r·p.lpll lur EJdlu Itick I LillY e\'enin~, ~" b~lche r. fll ere b l!1·el'.\' reaSlln to ', belic\'e thut th, li st ufdrivers and Mr . and Mra. Owell Hurnell ~penl l:!lrs will be augme nted beforll next ' Satutd Y. "hen the lrial races. call· . Saiurday Bnd umJay with r elutin'. ing for a mini mum 1 eed of ~o mile' , in !\orwood , Ohio. all hou r will tllke place . I _ _--01'. A . T. Wright attended Ohio StaLe Medicul Association al Springfi eld last week.



Me!'!!rs . ('urI Schw eibnlrl lind Fleming Rudinller. of Xellla , spen t Sunday wilh fri ends hllre.


a fe rtilize r v a lu c of ., :~2.00 p e r tOll .

ill add itio n

to a

high p e rcentage

hig h as


fertili zer m a t e rial.

Feed your hogs IIomcoline and . g L a dOllble profit froUl the e lements of a nim a l food and the e lemen ts of p1a"llt fad.

I G=~e=it= atr= i al. ~~~~~~~~~=


fl7ft. High...t Cia" Talking \lfachin. i ll 'h. World."

IIomcolin e has

o f nitroge n, Homco lille is ric h in p o t a s h - and I)liospll o ric a nh ydr ide , making it rank






Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Earnhart spent Su nd ay wi th Mr. und M ra. The PreBicle-n-t-ha-tix('d June 5, ChBs . Gray and daug ht r . of th~ features "hi.h made tltHIJ T R UllADOUR, Sj5, M 5 'be 1917. as t he day for registration or : cbarnnlerutlc I:elden Sclllora Lone tbe Sonon>. pre·eminent are, the citizens :wail hie for Mili tary duty • Mrs . H. H . William on has lI een and liti!; registrntion \\'ili be tn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . correctly designed r o und box wh ic h n nd tbe le cords are pla yed wiL h & disIluc tJlu., nrcurocy "lid expression quild ill tor th e past tw.o days, but does not deteriorate .. Ith; Ibe I ha I will m al<c yo u rn o~ 1 c l1l il usia SI io duc~dhy~e~~~orD pu~S~~ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ is bel ter at lhe present tIme. Supervism's of Elections . .. scientifically e..curate born "bicb pre· over tbls rtmarkable instrumen t. . In ord r that W.arl'cn CounlY may . _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ • ftntlsouod " ave dlstrotion or "mud· The equip menl includes Ihe TOile Mrs . Susan Sheehan and Mis~ Mary Ille a p rf(' ,t card md ex of the names Mudifier, dy" Dole,; the Swl,,·made molor Pine, of Centervill e. visited l a~t week rell:i. tr. r(ld th ey 011'0 asldng all sten· S appb ire Needl e , which ruo. almolt t "Ice as long per with Mr . and Mrll, J . L . heahan. ogrnphelrs in the ounty to dona te Need le Cups, Multi Playing He. dle, wiA.1a& as doe. any otber; the cx· rIc. onu day t o thi work And a sis t th e 1' 1 .,," all lllBkes of disc reoolds t'Ie't'Lion otliciul~ ILt '11eh precinc t in • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • tremely graeduJ cabinel design; Ibe v<:rfcctly: E ve ry Sonora is gua rellMrs , J . R. Coleman, Mr~ . L~ A .• • plwdid workmarubip, eto. teed for olle yea r. • Zimm ~rman and ~1 r. and ~I r ~ . ~. B. lilling Ollt the l'('gi tt"al ion ca l·ds. They on [he day of registration The busiClit week of all the Bchool Hend · rson were in Day ton Tu esday. reque t that each stenographer who year is now on in full fo rce. The Ten Splendid Modell 'is willi ng 10 rellder this voluntary exams are over and the teachers are Th ' F riendly g roup meelinJ,r f.or $45 .60 175 1100 1150 g-rut uitous service to send their q uite busv trying to unravel the 11 b OJtlloned un til F'ridllY, n Illes to lhe clerk of the board. Mr. mysteriesot the youthful mind. 1175 1190 1225 1350 11000 1'1 'account of the Al u mni ChBS. '1'. CrosR, at Leb·anon. hio. to York, Boston, Atlantic If. YOlJ de!Jire t serve in thi Next year all grade books save the E~ pClllm.n' if d sir,d City and other Resorts in the capaci ty sen d in your nllme by Sat· reader~ will be purchased by the students. Free t ext books hav e not The Protective and Detective As· u rday, May 26. ]917. .Come in and hear these wonderful phoo~graphs East, direct or via Washington By order of the Board of Depu ty been received with all tho courlesy sociation will meet in reg ular sel!sion due them . The children and some 'ilt the townsh ip house Saturday af ter · Stllte Su pen'isors of elections. Cha T. O ro,,~. lerk . parents do not take as much care 'of noon at 2 o'clock. All memberS' are them as if they were theirs. The earnestly req1lested toatlend. Board wil l ell the books to the students Il l'actically at cost. Mr. and Mrs . Frank Smead, Mr. Studle8 In Sacrtflce. and Mrs. Albert Flura. Mr. and Mrs. also to Resorts in North Michigan, ';Do 'llU Iillnl: "'tlnlt' n IHIj.(llt to tnke The baccalaureate sermon was woll Benton Holbrook and Mr and Mr~. IlD ' nctlv'~ pll rt In phllttrs7" "Yes," rl!Wisconsin and the Northwest, Shumaker autoed from Day ton . Sun pll erl f;; ('II"I()r "QI';(IUIIIl. "Dut )'10 attended . Rev , Ueall was assisted Colorado and the West by the other ministers of the town. day IIfternoon and were guests of n frnltl Iilnt a gll'l w ilo sncrHlc s h er Hi sermon was very suggestive. Mr. and Mrs. Chas . Gray and daugh- lI fo:o w pollllCS I ;(Ilt ll~ to hil I'" orne· Liberal Stopovers and Return limits ter~ Opal. Mr. and Mrs . Alfred tlllll!; III(c elle cllstom ary exp~rle ll cc ot The mu sic furn ished by thl.' combined choirs of · the town was excellent, It CoMuJllM4I TW<d Ag•• b fa , parli<./..,.. Of' 0<Id,.. J ones were also presen t . n g\ rl wbo marrle. 1\ ll1un 10 r efo rm was under the direc lion of Miss C, C. HAI.VES . ht m." Dldr;rl 1'0 ' mil" A lit"' McPht!lson. / >.1 ITO .V. OJ) JIJ Just think ! 40 CAnts per pou nd for butterfat at the 'rRI·STATEthis Commencement begins lilomptly week. No commissions-No middl e· at o'clock Wcdnesd llY evening . If men to accommodate? The farmers yo u ate not 011 time ' it wi ll start most valuable product full y ]Oe hi g h ----------------~-------- without you . er I han Ilny pteced illg year. See the advertisement in this paper of lhe TRl.STAT E BUTTl!.RC . , CINCI NNATI, OHIO. Tomato and Cabbage Plants The effects of the late M. C. Liddy See Waterhouse for Au to Livery will be offered tor sale on 'alul'day, I want to buy your We will have in this week 2000 May 26. Un7, at 1 o'clock, at his late home on Main street The sale will Plan ts , and our prices will be Wool and will pay consist of houselwld goods, etc. low. Special prices on ig Terms will be made known on day of you the highest lot!> . Don't buy until YOU-I sale. J . T. Liddy . see us. . . Market Price ••. Th\l Wayne Township Farmers Club met at the pleasant count!'y "Imperial" 1100 P lenty of New and Id Potatoes home of Mr . and Mrs. Alfred Swain, Wa~ch out for a froat tonight . N ew ~abbage, New ,Onions Thursday·. May 10th. The morning was spent iii the Strawberries, Pine Apples u ~ ual manner by exchangtl of ideas At the Coun ty Athlt!lic Meet nt . ' ,... and vi iting, until the Iloon hour To Stop • Toothache. Lebanon Friday week Lebllnon made All k.inds of Bcans at wholesale A smllll portion ot ululO bulled with 18 new reco rds, Franklin 2 and Way· arrived, when all WerB Realed and ~'7 prices. pactook of a bountiful r epast which ~ milk und used to rhl6e Ule rnouth wlll nes ville 1. The grammar school I efTl'ctuully put a stall to uu ucltlng events were won by Lebanon. th'f Y none other than the Swains know HWIIA do aII uklllLd ~ oflon.e .HorSse Waynesville, Ohio Every·thing good to cat. Giv e better how to provid e. After the tooth. but do Dot swullow til e liquid. . scoring ]25 p[)i n t ~; Wayn esville u .you r orde r and savio! From 60 to 75 more acres of Sweet dinner waa served we were enter· second, with 39 poin ts; Kings Mill s mOlley. . Valley-Phone 135 tained by music on the Victrula un.t il third, wilh 37 poinls; Hurt schoql CnnL P.,. ,13 per ton and seed fumUbed free. the busine88 hour arrived. We were fou rth, ' wi th 29 points; Franklin It pays to trade at Wayneeville Canning Co. called to . 9rcier by the president of Anll pay you the highest price for with 22 poinLs; and Mason sixth Late Classified Ad Columu fifth, witti 5 points; Waynesvi lle, thirr! . the club, and the regular program JUNK . Give him a call. Leave or- Get the M'tamt' Gazette Now fo r the day was carried out. dera at White' s Grocerv. with 5 points, ami Kings·Mills fourth , Among the invited guesti were with 4 points. Mr. and Mrs. J. "-ill Whi te, Mis8 !!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~'!!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!' }'ORSALE 'I'here was a sllInll showing from Marie Benham, 'of Lebanon Farmers oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo<x>oooodoooooooooooaoooo Waynesville high school. only tw o Club and Mi ss Htllen I"leming. of contt!stants going into t,he high L. Roaenerims, Dentist, Cow and Calt, and a 8 0w aDd echoo l even tR, Greenville, who gave a short talk on Pigs for 81l1e . Inqolre of J. 'f. Lhe pre historic race-the 'Mound hal moved hia office to Lebanon Na· ---- :...~ .... Bul1de.1'!!I. .: t\ODal Bank Bllildlnli. Phone 332, Marla". R. D. 1, WaYIIIlBvlllo. Ohio. .jO After a few well chos!!n remarks 1AbuIoD. Ohio. A Durable and Attractive Painted HQuse on the subject, How to use your neig hbor that he will think betler of YOU, by Mr. White, t he meeling aj· journed t o meet In June at the home of Mr. and Mr.s. S D. Hinkle.





Waynesville, Ohio



Tourist Tickets at Low Round Trip Fares Daily





123 E. FIFTH ST.






----.- .



Call ·Me by Phone






---.. - ----



B • B entI






Good Paint and Reliable Painter



lor Butter Fat at the TRI-STA TE BUTTER CO. week beginning May 21st.




. _

lA, him explain hiB

dlrect to the


to you and the profit of selling


The fifty-fourth annual convention of the Warren County ASlociation will be held at Maineville Thursday and Friday, June 7 and 8; 1917 at. the M. E. Church . 'l!he l)rinci palapeaker for the con· vention will be Rev, Edward J . Mear.hem of Cincinnati, editor of " l 'he Looko ut," Standard Publishing Co . . There will beother fin e speflke(s fronl the county, and a fine time is IOQked fb~ward to .



a. will tell you that no

shipper ever lost a dollar dealing with aa, _ hle exp..nencels that the TRl·STATl!~ will make more money ,.. tM-»roducer than any other creamery. . ae dOllD't worry aboJt hi. shipment after he puts it on the 1nlD-n0 matter what d., or night . T ne TRI·STATf!1 guaran· .... the Ihipment ~D8t loea or damage in transit•. "nd our SPOT ·CAtlII J!&1 cheek permltl DO middleman's deductions or !lomml8l!ions. You wtil find the TRI·STATE patron a man who appreciates the ......__ and profit in choOeing a Responsible. Safe and Permanent ~ and .Uckin&, to it. " . NI him to order caD8 for 1.~ on dayB trial. ~r ~rite direct to .~---~~--------





~~~~r.ruJ~. LARGES~ OYer 29.000 c:tearD ~troDB t·· CREAIIERY IN ~fr!....:t!".»l'IoallON'.


Cheap 'Paint - and Inexperience

DEATHS .~ Clean Proposition U "very dalryman's wlr. cou ld vote

elec;'i~.~~'1J~S~~R~~~i S'EPAJA~

TOR would a lwayS win, uown. r.t'l ha cre..mary mpnol1cr9 knew tbe J u f)l:lnha ry condition of' mnoy sep ..


nrati)rsw)lichscf'l\l(Hhetn.- th~ywould

be ev~ moro urAnnt for the use ot U. S, !\EPARATORS. 1.t'1w, buyel'll of crcnm _ y product. J I'!lew tIUt the p oor·kccplnq qual· tti~

o f butter c:an u.tUnlly ~ t ra


~t.:~~t1 ~li;~1tiij'~~~"Jg;Ml;' t1:~~

U.S. SEPARA TOll., wlrh Its unequaUed Icput8lion for cle:lo1illess. !l'liuwtll IctlllCMOW yClihowmucb "13 ler It Is to keep thu U. S. SEp· ARA TORcl cn n nn~ r"511e",ln~ldeQ nd Ollt t han other 8'h.,Un r deviCt.~.-ho\V quickly Ih. m b,nlc., 1wnshar tlCrubs, """Ids a nd dricatha8~lmmlnA pn rr ~ .­





- - - --

Rush Stokes eldest son of th'e late Dr Stokes. whO resided near · Lytle, died st his horne in Covington, Ohio, l'bur~day The lIervices were held at his late home and thp. remains were brought to Miami cemetery Monday afternoon, and interred on the family lot. .


J nm to inlroo

I S/JOIV you, st'e If you can

find. any other scparatot 110 snn· itary. 'I f you ca nnot- then Ii UI. S. -the D •••"~.;t-illl clo.lkl skilllmlllg separator.



John Gusti n died at the home Of Mrs. Alethia Alexander at her home l PAINTER A:ND WAYNESVILLB in Dayton, Ohio, Sunday afternoon, after a long illness. The funeral is PAPER HANGER OHIO being held this afternoon. Rev. J F, ~OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD Cadwallader officiating. Interment at Middletown. ,

t,hun you will Ix! ns t'lleaQQd 1.0 ow n a

due.. UlClD.

Dissatisfaction-But' why take a chance? lAt me give you an estimate on your Painting or your Paper Hang;~g



It i8 in all due reapect and eiatlon to the ladit'll who pared the Memorial 9arvia.lUI Dl'ClllrrlllJD and


THE 5e,

roc AND


Flag Buttons. just the thing ... . . .. ... . . Tatting Thread, f9ur colors; ..••.••.. .. Straw Hats, Men, Children •.•••.••••.• Embroidery, new line, per yard .•••.•.• . Black aDd White Sho~ Polish ......... , Zinc Binding for Oil Cloth .•.....••.••• Carpet Tacks .... ........ , ............. .

Ie lie


100c IOc


Slicks .•............... ~ ........ . 15c Pearl Buttons, beautieS; per doz ....• : • Ie .


. , Sixty-N int h Year




~ ....

COMMENCEME_NT WEEK ~ ~ ru l:::J a m

Fes t iVities Wer e T horo ug hly En joy· ed li nd We re of Hi \:h Class Order

New spaper E fltt rp,"lso A sso clallon.

. In eeve ral citie a t he W o m e n 'a C lub li n d Orgn-niz3 tiol1s ore c:trryinl! on a camp nil1 n amon g th e ir members to buy a Unite d S tlltes Liberty Bond fo r baby. it 's a most 1!1i 'dlen l plun anti c:t n be adoptee! in (Ov e ry c it y a nd town in Oh io.

- ,"


.:=..:::::" - .:::--






Frank Wil Bon, of Ha rveYSbUrg , 1 See Wat erh ou e.fvr Auto Livery . , I alurday .afte rnoo n and eve ni ng make some ex per t dri ver . Last ) Mleli. Edna K elsey. of Oxford . we re. very stormy . Earlv ill the week h e showed himse lf an adel?t , s pellL Sun day With 11IJm e f olks . even ing t he re \\'11;\ a slig ht hail at the wheel, and eKemplified what I ~torll1 . the hail bein~ LlTlu~II ,t!ly large. eould be done by kno~illg exactl y ~ I ~ Kalh]een H a ll1 c~ . of l,n.c ln Nurl h lI!l ti ea~ l ~f \\ a~ nes viiJe th e how to handle the machine. H e . n atl. was a ::su ndllY gu est o f re laltves ha il fell til i'r'ofu ~ lIm , an.! was ve r y wlaln t.h e aet of backing his IIlbchin e , he re. dis8s~rous LO g'ard en crolJ~ and he d escribed a perfect arc once . . " .AboUL 7 9·clu ck. thel'c was. an elec · and then in his hurry ran into the Mias Gwendolyn Merritt. of Mid- t nca l s tor!ll . . Ia.stmg fo~ a couple of lutter and up t o Mrs. Ri ch 's fron t d le lown. w as lhe wee k·end gue.s t of hours . LI~htmn g was IDcessant, Ed door. and almolt into the parl or Miss Kizzie Merri tt. ~, of M l. 1I 0. ly, being lhe onl y He finully go t t he steering gea r . "~ C llill heard from . Lightnillg st r uck manipul!ltcd to his a~v antag e, an o Ott and Mr II . E. H athawlj.yat !lIS ol~ bartl and completely d ~stroyed he exploll\lld to the b elYlldcred crowd: t ended th e AI um lll xerciaes at It wlLh t~le. l'onte!lts, . wlllCh was that he Wall ottempttllg t o d em on ' pring-boro at urday tlV fli ng mostly all Ins farmll1~ Im p lemen ts; Itrate exactly' ius t how far he could . th e re were apoul 200 bal es of tra w 10 with vu t en te r injo( t fJe hou e. Of consumed. s. ver~ l hog~ wer e in the COUI'II8 h is explanation WIlS laken fol' Mr . nnci Mr:!. Georg Hnrts ock barn. and four pigs were burned . Ilranted but he hilS failed to satisf y a utoeJ t o Arcanum, Ohio. where 'rhe baIn Ilndl'ontents were part ially tbo~ wl~o SIIW him dn hi Bg reat stunt t hi!Y spent t he wee k-end with rela· cov red uv insuran ce The r ai n - - -- - .. - ' ti ves. fell in tor.,. .. nl~ eluring th e storm. S unday veili ng another e lect r ical l)r Thos. Sher wood left Frid ay stNm vi s it ~c1 t his 1,lcaIiLy. a nd rain evening to attend t he f une r a l fell profusely . JOD es , woo died al a hos pital at . - - -_ _ _ _ __ Ph iladel phia . Mrs. Allam S too ps. whi le prepa r ;-----~-------.., Inll dinner Thursday, tripped ove r a Messrs J . A. McCoy , WlIlter and " The Star Span gl~d Banpiece of linoleum and fell. breaking e has. Burnett, Ralph Dyke, W . A ner Aoats m ore p rou dly over a bone in her leg Sh e h ll8 been suf Graham and C. B. Bentl ey went to ferinl .froID the effects of lhe injury. Leesb u rg. Obio. Thursrlav. to see the 'every ho m e t hat b uys a but her rnallY friends hope that ahe horses work OD t. Mr G raham hll ~ a United Sta tes Liberty B ond. wiII'l!oon recover. fast one being wor ked o ut over there.· ' -_ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _~

has a ne w auto, and he is g oing to





01 1



I' rancea Williard .... f na May Compton Gleanings f rom ' 17 History ......... .. : ........ ...... .............. Roscoe Furnas Ru la: De moc racy ... K (' nneth Kil bon Mu sic- Orchest ra ' Forestry ...... ..".... ..... ....... EI i Fu rnas Vicllcicht- Per haps. P rophecy ... ... ... .. ....... .... .. ... Be rna rd R. 'Gebhart National Parks ..... I~uRen i a Whi take r Mus ic-Amer ica-O rchestra J apa n and Ame rica Howard S Gust in Ua ra Barton .. .. ...... .. Minn ii! S . Davis I{ecent Discoveries in Sc ience.: ... ... .... .... . ..... ..... .. Clift'ord B. Wi nsto n . Music-O rchesl ra Government Owm:r sh ip of Rail· roads ......... ....... Va n B. Retull ick The Ll u nch ing of th e ~ h il>-·Val e· dictory ..... ·........ Jeannelle J anney The Rise of Woman.- No r ma l Class ......... ......... ... ... ... .. .... Be9s Smith Music-SLar ~pa nglod Banner Cou n ty Supt. Hawke (hen present. ed the diplumas t o t h'e Normal class in a very neat manne r, Su pt . Spreig el also pr!:!sen ted t he cl ass of ' 17 with th ei r d iplom as, and a lso e xpressed hi s relrr et a t hav'illl~ tn. cl 8e his con· nection with t he schools here. At this junctu re Pr e~ ident of Board J. O. Gar t\vright a Bked to ,make a f ew rem ar ks, and on behalf of the School Boa rd th anked Supt . preigel for the mlln ne r in which he cond uct ed the schools wh ile he rer and hoped tha t his futu re work mig ht be pleasan t as it he,d Lee n du ring the past t wo yea rs. Su pt Sp, eige l hus endeared him self. no t only t o the pup ils of th e .chool . b UI t o th · e n ti re to wnshi p H is a ffab le and cou r teous treatmen t or the peo jJle has Kllined for him t hei r love and t c:spect, an I when he leaveWaYliesvilie he will leave behind llIany friend s II he wish fo r him u p rosperous I u lU reo Aft er · benedic t ion the a ud ien ce weill to their bomes well satisfi ed that t he clas~ uf '17 had shown that th ei r work in ~c h oo l li f e hud been of t he very bl!s l .





Hear the ca of· 'Leb' , I erty. , . Shall freedo", perish from the earth? In this h~ur, in the greatest crisis of centuries, America Is the hop'e of the world. Our n a tion - cradle of liberty, and now ita last rock and refuge - is called upon, that mankind Ihall be free. To each one of us co~es the call~ Sh!\.ll we an8~'er like' men? Shall the eml?attled farmers of Concord and L exington .. or Wmattox and Gettysburg have died i,n v~in? Or s~all we, out.of our abWldance, caUse the bells of LIberty to nng tbe "odd around. DeoiJ. now. The Govemment asks for no Ajft~. But it will borrow your money ($50' o~ more) and· de.liver to you

. United States Li~erty Bonds. paylDc you 3~ per ' cent interest (tax free). Backed by the uever·broken faith and credit and by tpe entire resour~es of tbe UnIted States, richest of ~ nations. these bonds ate the

'ffOllW. weal investment .

Prien4,..let it not be said that you were des r to mankind', dire Deed. If you love liberty and peace, don't go to bed to· · Diahtuatilyoabaveaeenyour banker'and ordered your Liberty 1Ioeda. Your baakcr' wiU bancl1e. ~e o{dcr and live detailed blformatioa.

Dos; .



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, Join the American Red Cross


Do "Your Dit" -'ever y one who isn' t a 'old ier- by joining the Warren County Chap ter of the Arnericall R ed Cross. Warren COlluty sho uld


fum ish 10,000 m, mb",. Get <cady fo< lh m,mheo;hip ,ommit tee. Meet them with a sm ile and an open pocke tbook. "Call to Colors Day" shoul d fi nd Everybody wearing a R ed Cross Bu~lo ll. We cannot .all be S oldiers but we Can A ll j oin the Ned Cross.




:-::-- : ' - - - - - : - - : - - - - : : - - - -_ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _




GlE==ISC __3 Sr:,=31[:]~i =:3 11!J1'L::!'"=31 [!]r!1 I': L::


Anothe r r ornmer. cem nt has ndlled new nlcmbel'!! tIl the r oll of /.:rudu a t t!~ fr In Ilhc Waynesville IJ i!:h :Schoo!!.. Thi NiR he Ii rsLclilsl:I to /.t r""luate under the new regime of school life,·unt.! from henceforth they will be r eco/.tnizeu a ~ J(rnduu tcs from Ihe Wa~ nc Townsh ip Schools. Com illence inent lI ig ht. wa!:! cold lind Htormy. b ut by t he time Stokes ' ll rch e~' l.ra !lturted the firs t num ber of Lhe p rogra m , the hall was filled t o il capacity. A s the curtain r olled Up. on th stal!e we re scated th e claKs o f ' 17, :even buys and bur girls, with the cla~s of N ormal s. 'on sis ting of eight, and th e faculty, making a ve ry pl easinl,! si).{h t to lhe audience . The IIpp lause showeu til(' app recial ion in which th ey we re he ld. After the invocul itm by Rev. Cad. wallad er. lhe real issue of th e even inJ< b e ~an, when '"ach olle o f t he class had o rations ( ) f fr om eight t o ~ f'n minutes each . . We cnnnut go Into d e la il~ as to neh oration, bu t tIH)Y \\"re all g oo(l, ~ h ow ing that ('onsiderable time and wor k had been E'xpendet.! on their ' subjects The prol(ram is a s follows : e l ~l'en

Whole Numb r 3,120

=='1::] =='











A ve ry private but b eautiful wed· din g occurr ed at the coulltr.v ho me of Mr . and MrH. Hllrry S t oke~ in Wa yne t o w n ~h i p , ~a t urday af terrho YOlltlg' pimple 's hear ts we re nooll . May 2ti , ] !J 17, when t hei r ) Warren L. H art~o ck , .~t.·.crc ta1 Y I· g la,Jdcm·,j Friday, it being t he las t you ngest daughte r. Louisa. became n It. B r.l: nan , I{cnen~1 fr I ~h u \<!elll 'J..\, of . dill')!. The t eache rs . also ape the wife o f J ohn F. Lemmon. T he ~f th.e 1.l.lg Four: RalI TlJ!ld ~:. mLllIIlY. hou se was beautif ull y decorated m lhls City. r eceived word I hur~da)' g-l;iJ or I he l'cspite, and long for a ' th' b II d d h I f rom James A. Devine. in,; pcct or o f ~ h:II'~W fr om the hu mdrum of school WI snow a S an roses a n t e e ec B 'Id' )) .. . rll) ltl .i tr ic lig hts gave a brilliancy t o t he UI IIlIr nm "l,an AS;;UCIIlIItJI'!< . wllh 'Ii'I', I . h f I H' h S I I head q u a r ters at Colu mbus that he I I ' tellc' erij 0 t 10 I ~ C 100 sc~e3'30 P tIle R A K S had been RlJpuinted tlJ llll' I",;>itillll "f ~ ~ ' 1' :.Ir 'i1,ly loft f or the ir respect :. . f H m ., u T e d 'th' a r assistan t examine r ill lIlC 1I" IIArllll 'IIt I\ ' l! 1!lJnll'~ Mis:l ~ ada . Mc P herson I{t en l' o BrtVeYSt utrl~ ' el e hcon 'l of Bu i ldill~ and LO'ln i\ ::Isuc illti!llt ~ I,· rl . al unluy morning fo r her h ome r af Ing P'lJ les.t I Ie . II ta r. were Mr H artsock wi'lI ~II el' uI I/IIl' hi" in lVilml!l~tLlI\. Th patro ns ()t the ~hr or a eaudll IU lrln lrd cerrlern ~fn y new ~ o rk at C) lumb u ~ Oil JU lie I' 6chllol r ClJr~l Mi s~ Mc Pher son 's leav. a ~ l U~ lan ~n \~I e. I Vo r the las l five 'and '1 h·',1f \"'~r ~ ~J r ,i 1lJ:r IIH she Illlld.~ a,groat many fri ends 'rh y we r~ e cyeln IC urlse Wllt anf ehegan. r - i Il ar tsocl( has heen' w'ilh' thl: 'Hi,; whi le h eft· . IIll1l umi er be r etH . cie nt \la~l ani t t(! era r ur e 0 t l! I'lllr to I . '1 I I .1 t "d var t ~ unknown l'our, fiveyear:!ofwhl chhcila:;lJ" c ll llM ' t1 ~~I IOOS laV.(lmau~g rea w ' .1 l ' I secre t ary t il Mr Brcnllil I \'ancc~ III vocal musIc. MISS H ester ,r') IIn an u .OUlSB were c a.s smatc l'·· I I t't t rd ay m or nl' llg Mr. Hartsock IS a son of [.c·roy L. ,lIl1 nc a 0 e. II ~ . in th o Wayn esv ille Hi srh school wh er e 'h' . t ac h .t b d I . Ha r B ck who has be n Wilh I'i e r e Inl' h.. r hOl11e In illinOI S. She was '. I 11 d . men e~an. at'! . las BI.nce and com'pany f~r y 31'S Ulld i~ a Inut un' applicant for the position b ut npen e mto a m ost p r omising un lOn · .1 f h W 'II" II ' l;lhe will bu mi sed Both are intell igent earnest and a l. g r au uate 0 t e l ISS U S II\C~~. . ' d I f S f I ' t'h If' f thO univel's.i ty . Hiss ucce~'lo r at the Bi~ MISS Josephme An rewa e t u n'd IS F' ffi I b .1 ti ny morni ng for her home In Conr ea y success u m e a arra 0 progressive age and their many ' ou r 0 co las not el)n name" aa . h' "h '11 t t hO . h yet - l:!printrfi Id News rt ellut . 10. '" e WI r e urI. Iii f n•e nd B WIS and predic t !or t~em: a ' " . fl.\l !. Miss l)orolhy Gebaur le ft Sat . happy fut~re . They WIll hve In - - -- urday veiling for K entucky, b ut Dayton. OhIO. w ill return wh en 8 ~hool opens tllis T he g u ests were Mr . and Mrs. f ull . Mi$ Beulah Kind ler also left Hartsock and ~aughter, Mr. a.nd 'atunlay tilorniLlg f(l r he r home in Mrs. Dunham, sIster and brother 111. Cos hocton, Ohio ~u pt. Spr eigel will law Lo th e brid e , Mrs and Lee Lem· I p robably lea ve this week to XeRume m onoand Rev. A . K .. Sargent . hi:! tutlies for the summer, and will· . Midst the festi ve JOYS of the occa· U la l(<) lip hiS u uti e~ in Ma r LIn's Fer rv. . Qhio. thl~ fall . M r . Sp reigel will not s!on , ther~ was also a touch, of e mo· tl on as thiS la~t and beloved dau gh. l only llIi ed ill t he school but in l he tel' went out from the g rand old .".Yo u bet the fi Rh will suiTer ne:-:t !cornm unity as well, us he h ad a comhome and ~ro m.fond bearts to make we <> k ." Th is remark was heart! l11u nity pi rit of a large calibe r , The a place of JOY and comfort for her- your reporter laRt week and on in- ' patron:! or the school, as well as the self and her husband. v8>Jti g ati on fou nd thM a m erry c r wd peo ple of the community wish fo r of people intend ed to j!O to Rus.iell ' s I him the g rea test prosperity in his Point f or a ten ' days ' fi>lhi ng trip . lnew work. Those who will go arc MeSdallllls l _ __ + _ . Mrs. ~alte r Stanton, of Miami · Frank Carey. Wa lte r McCl u re , has . v,i II e. OhiO, was the guest of her Rye. Minn ie Thomas and the Mi g!les ~ Is ter. Mrs. Harvey Gustin and fam· Stell a Daughe r tyand Alma Wa tor· Mrs. J . A. Funkey and Mrs. B, H. Ily. two days of last week. h ouse. Kelly wl! r c in Le banon , Monday.








,., ,. .

'. '


nUl nONE





Howell Peiltce Friend!f Home, Telephone 9 6




is an authorized subscription representa~ive of The Ladies' Home Jour.nal, J'he Saturday Evening Post and

. ·'-1

The Alumni


L_... _~.._.....-- -.___J

On Friday ev<.>ninlr th e t h irty : f ourth a nn ua l bl1l11.Ju l)t;uf th e Waynes· \Iil le A lum ni was held a t School Hall. There we re 144 per OilS p resent and e ver y one the re w e re hlg hlV ente r· tained with the excellent prog ram . The president notifi ed thl) vi ce·p res· iden t early in the :year of hi s inability to bo p resent at th e meeting. and George Wat erh otJ~e, with his able assistan t; Miss Ellen S he rwood. had to ta ke u p t he wo rk, which thev I)erform!!d in a ve'ry c reditaple m an· ner Afte r a musical progra m ren der ed by the ho me o rchestra, Mr. Water house sounded the g avel and afte r t he invocation h ll d eli vered hi s address, wpich W IllS very gratifyinr, and full of excell ent things . Miss Sherw ood read t he minutes of the preceding year lind then called the roll. Ourillg th E' roll call letters of congratulation WElre read f rom C, M. Cartwright, H. ~' . (Dave) Warw ick ' and R .. A Spahr., a E. Davis in a neat speerh. weI · comed tho class of ' 17, Bnd was reo s pondecl t o by llown t d Gustin, in a few well chosen re ma rJ(s. Memoirs .' we re read f or Howard Missildine and Maggie Dakin Latchem by Mrs Lou Barnhart and Miss May Wright respectively. John Oummings in his affable and cultured manner, s\loke and wa9 soundly ap·

. Put th~ price of a ' few l10urs of farm labor into a subscription for the national farm weekly, and save yourself many hours of labor and money and worry for a year to come. Every crop, every ki,nd of farm question is coyered by The Country Gentleman. Practical .farmers, .stockmen, dairymen, orchardists, write

for it. It has correspond~ ents in every state. How to get back out of y o ur .land the money y o u p ut in it is the big idea behind The Countty Gentl'eman. It de al.s . with selli~g farm crops 'as well ' as. growing them. 300,000 farmers bought it wh~n it was $1.50 a year. . Now it is $1 a year--: S2 issues-every weeL

.THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COM.,ANY Iodepeodeoce Square, Philadelphia





· WE


B!Yc~rr[L· ~::~I~ :::.£tl~~I::~~1~:;', ;::!~~lUl~:U I:~~: II . 0 1fH·~'.



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tuhlc, n bll!' ron Il'r 1111111 ('(1 Whll,·r. r enIl1.ln!!, hl)IV l\I'l\r Ill' 11111 1 """1ll In ! fTc IIIIuI I-<t hn,.' ,1 III r. II i' 1",lk ... 11 froln t OL1ljJt .of conrt. t e t fo r h ea ring whom Rf){)I1~Y hnd met 10 the 1')1\'" bl'lrn., ·lnt: hl~ f ri,' ml's ",,"Il,ll'n,·,'. 11 1111 f Iwr til till' (I"rl,-fllc,·t!. <I1''''rllll tlf'~1 Hod· I Ma y 2~th anll ha,l Inlrolluc~t1 10 Colon,,1 111111,,' t~llIn!; of ]l1I' IH1<'·. IIw n ,td '"I~,I .. n thlll Iley. III firg-. " "w,·rflli . IIllltot " llItHS. , Mloolo 11 r bl1t " s ABl'ry 'be rbe t. worth. Tho Intter l!II d Im'lleci hllll.1I b l' hlll i ~llitl wb nl Ilt' lIud I" H'I'" 1111' W IlS th l~ n t r"p? \l' I·'·'~. t~II''''' C'ol l\~ to I Cuthcrln" Sbprbet mnde pnr t,y de. dinner and to sl,Qy th o tll"ht In IllI tn mc IltHl honor "r Ih" fUlh, ·r. tl'\' III t nn'\) him I" ~1'1' 1I1' 1 I h~ \" 11'1 II f I u~ extra sleeper, and " -Inl ers. who hntl ""'t!Il, III 'XI':" II k,'1 1 n llt!",·)·, " ;11 \ '0 "'1111. 1<1. l'httrllllT. hili hlH lt~llrt , eut a '. parUculnr rCU60llS for w"nUns 10 tolh n nd crSlllmlln!l ns ,ti .l Il,'h'n JII III;:' Iwa l n lIltll' fll 11'1' 11 ~ h fll 'nd tltl' m. II'W SUils with Rodney oud to meet l\II ~5 tiling worth h('r~I'lf Illl! r~n"' \IIJIIII' h,",II'" U ' \\'o s oult" 1tI11"I"r I.f hl lll~l'I r. I 1101.1(0 8hl\( II"I. Y ri U .. rry Rll etbo t worth, bad a~ept!d. tlon, 1111(1 n'~ p''1' lI n ~ II. nhl",u~1I 1111' I tIII\U ~h, eM I. \,':Itd ful , tlrt rlllIIlNI : "You con count on It~ stoppIng," h r' u nll\'oldnllio In (,'rc ilco gtH'e J,'r lrr<' nt In 1" 'yes rutllcr IlIlmlt'ulJ lu th ll n ' ~ II I. ["Hl ltl" lI o f rP IIi "lIt,, \ r . oUI 'r\\'l$ '. lIald ot la8t. "My rnn~1I Is II. h und rl!G jo),. ,I. n. l"llrl' !I \'~ 1(',\ "'IHti :-;" fI(eul. I)lllcs to the nor tb oC here. I 1h'IIf(i " III' IIl1ng nrnuniJ til" fIIlll'lt ftl r II "Th o lim o I.lls ('OntO fnr y"u to toll ~l t'II(\Y ; 1~1II, ,,".1 I·I .. llIll " Ii li. Dodney " 'OS with YOllr Pllrty. ·lIml U > nllllllh nr ~1107 lYe('k~ 10 ;: 'I hl l< \lUIIl Il'·' ·. US tI,o t l'lll h." 111');11 11 lItltln,')' em!'hllt. be wos lin olr:! clll~'iI1tnt oC mln,~11I II" wns prNty IllIdl)' IJr nkf.'1I lip. 1"," t.:nll y. "r UII 1",,1\\' Ihat Ih,. \\' htllt. P ro bate Cou r t tact. my bes t frl enll Ilf Bnn'ord II I""~ n OllclH'lor 1t1~"'I'.rr 110(1 dn,,'t Io" ,,\\" I l lnn1l' olld rl'~I""I.'lh ItIIY f "r Ihe CII II10 tbt' lUutt £' r o r tllt.l will of J ose ph 'Witb Ber t Mende" - nnd 1111' lIl"nt l"" III muc h nhout tho.'", th.lIl J(~. hut I 1'/1 " lIr,' or th" I nII'I'IIIIII I\II(\ 1 111'1,lg<:- I~ the forhldopn nil III B CIIUl','t! tlU Ic~ ~ny thllt hcl ove<l you. Mis' I1 l1n!-'wortlt, 10nlll',1 on wrtl"l( man. )' tlU Ilno\\' Bngg, deoet\ ~ed. W ill o n'e r ad for ~.uwee. to be PIlllS d Ilronnd lh lU\.oi<' llIorl! lhlln liCe tts .. lf." thnt you l,el·mltle,l. mill C" (' 11 11111 110 probR tll. bU . t raIsed no comml'oi-"Iht,ll'itnncc 01 "lint not In rc tlilln tho 1'('pul nU "" (.f plls~ lbl('. th e ~l1crl(k~ of th" r('l'utnLlo n In the matter o f I' tl\t,o o f William 88IlIng hIm brought me dow ". h~r('. J his rnthl'r," File salll wllh a IItLle lin" o( th o R,)n f ill' th" snke of til ' fomo Z . ' h llno w l'tb. ilO Jf' 890d . 8. V ltD ow the \t. otller II I"ng. Ih.s whole ot bit ternC8S. of tho fnthe r. You knoll' (1I1l t this HnrnbBrt Bl'po nted ad lnlnl strnt or . 'eecUon ot the coun try : It's ih~ dry"., "\Veil, ] toke It h o looked nt lhnt liS I girl h ere Is IJreal"n!; h ' r Ill'lIrt. ltl nt E~\n l of Guth erlne K lhb"y, d e place on etIrth. nnd I would almost 0(' n mntter of honor. l OU know n mHO'S MCOlle's lifo I rulll 'd, nutl ~' oll'l'e tn oe ll1!ed, l1'it,,, I ,,ooou n t fl l@d. ter to Iwollow allthll rnill ' thllt .~\'1I1 got to koep his Il1eols of houor." blom e. Now t h tlmo hilS cOlI\e 101' HtJlte vs Ueorg e t:\b ortll'. Bo.n d tall atter this storm spenz.\s -Itsl'lt. "E,'en nt Ihe CXj1l'DSO oC 11 w omll[\'", y ou to SI)"nl{. W e knnw ns well ns given In the dOIl\ ot $1(;0 ·Well, thl\l's good," sold urtis. , "lie- benTt 1" saltl tbc girl. ~' ou thut yo ung . ~1 ~ lloc Is Innoel'nt. 10 t·'bo ID"Uer of the o,tate of cable I've bellrd tbut tI!C dum Incl15 "It so unds bord. but I gue. s " . 'veo H ero's our e\'ldl'u ce." tUtllilto n WbHe nlick, d eOllllsed '!'err little of completiOn. ~ut tbut th got to n,lmlt thot. nut thllt's n \the r TIe drew a hnnMu l ot pnpers from Will a,dm ltt ed to prolJllto. 'fllden IIpHl woy bas beeu delayed. II re nor ther t'." he conll ull d. glllling , hi ht~ I'lc Im' lIs t ptl cket und I!!look W Ulte l~lIo k IlP l'o l ot ud Illt cutor. M. "You'll find thnt ,~he storm hns bro· over tho s uuj('ct. " the I)oln t Is I found , them In \h fll ce oC tho olll 1.!1II0. WhH G IIIIIOY, A. ,I t!l1nn180 lind W . B. ):en In tbe mornIng, Mid WInters con, that It hod to ti ght It out IIlms If. nlHl htld shrunk IJIlek IIJ,:lIll1 s t III Iol tlc or 1:'" ge n ppoln ted n ppm I~orl! . fldentty. . I mulnly let hlUl 01 nut'. I gnve bl m n \ the cnr lind ~l"l,d ~llIrlllA". whit ·[neell. (n ' he m tiHn r at tbe esC.lto of Atter dinner Colooel 1I11ng\\,orth , d c- hor e " lid gun IIIHl turn ed him loose III t hl n·II1'1' (I, clllse' llI uLltl!ll. IrlC)O:flrnhly Lydltl U. Bntfie ltl, deooB ed. Annn Blrons ot tIllklng I?u Iness, cull ed Ih th 6 wild. Best plnce 011 earlh tor a 'r 'ol\' d s till. M Nnlf ttppuint d udrullllstrMrlx. "Henri th t.'Ill." conlloued n ll,lnl'Y, B~ud l~lUOD. \ . Ii . Allen, J , Wi ll men of the party, except R odn ey nnd mnn lu his couoltl on. Mtss I1l1ngworlh. Wlntel'll, back lnto the obser\'atlon You can go ou t Illto the wll~ m ess nnd "I'll odmlt to you t111Lt- th, wbnl l' I hltl~ Wbite II.nd J E. JaIIn ey l1PllotD~ed roolD of the other cnr, lenvlng tho two get !lCnT r to God ' there thon IIny would not be wurlh tho pllp t' r II'S apprai se rs . 'men with Belen. plnce I knoll' at. Hc cnmo baCk tinn ily, writ teo on In n court oC Illw. 01' C"1'l1 ' In t;b e Dl ntle r of the estate o f · ''Hr. Shurtlltr," Mid B elen, os the turn el In hi s gun. borrowed the horse. In 1I !lewspllpcr repo r t. but It's c n'men atjlpped ' out on the plnUorm, the bod me good·by. ond sn ld b e was go- vlneln g to us, nntl you clln m!lko tt l811111b M. ~llerb e t. d eoonEed , Min. aecretapr toUowhig, since his employer InJ: out to mnke n n ew stnrt." coovlnclng to e,' erybody. 1:"ou·,·& got n le ' Sherbet nlJp olnted IIdmlni8tratrlx Bond $ ~,O O O "WIlero ~td he go ? Whl cb WilY?" to s pellk." ,bad tntimated bls services might b e Estnt e o f Albert .Bouk, deoeased. 'Deeded. "I! you can, I wish you would ''Be 1\'0 8 bended sout when I so w "Do \·ou thlnlr, sir, tbnt there's nnl' lqome back here /l8 800n os P08811) Ie." hIm lust, lind uti th is lny III his WilY," po,,:ur -In your stretclletl,ollt IlrltJ. or 'lile bill Oled I n tille ID l\ttOt of the '\Viii of Amanda "Certainly, MII!8 nUngworth." snld "Ynu melln-?" erl 0 the wom.ln. In your rll(1 voice or In your threntKHlg deoells etl \'V1Il admitted t() the secretary, "immediately. It your "Jle ru ny be hero7" slIld Hodney. onlng ge. turc to mnke !l'o s ~nk?" lather aDdl tbat be docs Dot n cd me." Wi[)ters notl tlct1. "By th e Lord." exclaimed Winters, I)rob~te. , B obe rt A. J{\nlo! up pointed "Bod," eald WInters wben they were "1 hn"e thougbt so. It's only II sudd cnly whippi ng out n 01t's.45 I.'xeontor . U. E Gtt811111 , J o hn W. ,aloIIe, 'Til CO a loog way to sce you, gnt>ss, of cours e, nud probably 0 poor from the h olster at bl s b clt-be "'09 Wil so n and N, Rlohr.oond appolnte.d Ab1lt I IIdght .. well be trank:. I did I on~. But wben I rend In tho popers dr Retl just ttl! he had b cn I'I'hClD ho apprniserll. 10 t,be ma \ter of the \vlll of Min or aot come down thelle hundred miles, tllOt Colollcl IllIngworth was coming rotle awoy froIII th o runeh- Uout West WIll 11I1:mlUell J..YlQ my ranch III the dead' of winter wn've got wuys for Ilersuuillllg rot' ll to C. MI llY , deOOl1lled to I)ro,bllte. ltQzi n M loy tlppoln~e(1 .tua ..I· ItI poll8lbllltiell of mishap to spcnk. nnt1 thi s Is 0110 of them." tile cattle, limply to see yOll, or even WIIII'crs \\·us 0 lllgger mon Ul nn RO ll- exoontor . fl ond 121100 A ppulsers ~ nUDlWorth here, altbougb she Is uey. HI IIC hnd been wild IIlld I·ouch. J hn 'F,'M e loy , "'. K. ~tep be n OD and ' -worth It." be went on with the tronk Illid hi s lIltlltl1<!r 11'11 n htl wllnl ..d \I' HS Willl"rn B ll.stlullll. blobleaa 01 II. western mlln. accordlng. lie would fnlll utld l,h)'slcnl E ~ t'llte o f N 0 8h B. Mille r , de"'Of eoUI'lte you didn't," sold Rodney, cOllipulslou 1IIlIle r Ihrl'flt of denth to cOllsed 1finI11acoonn~ fil ed . -SUng. "I know rm not 0 sofficJent rtoc\oey's lIlellLnl Insist lice. E s t,~te o f t:lBI .. t hle l [,. e, deoBI) ed attraction." "J. ~ :I do yuu thluk, s ir, 1I1llt rm Filml IlOOOU1lC filo d . . "'I came to talk about Melide." n/ruld of IIU Y lethal ,\'('upon y ou COil EMtlte of AlltUllIaDZ King, d e"'Hr. Wlnlers," saId H elen. clasping )1roduc 01' 'J,'c n ll~e. lillY 1lI" I'!! t hon I oe6st~ d. Scono" acoouut approv e d. ber bends over b er knees ond leon· 11m ot Mr. nodne.v's words?" The 01<) u llowe d tlnCl oon firm e :!. tn, forward, "'It you know noythlng IIllln'S eYl!s fillShC'd, IllHI Ills knees 'E>ltnttl ,)f 811m b Ann Mull , deabont Mm, wher e lie Is, what h e Is shook, but b e hod all tho spi rIt or cosllell . Firlil l 1I000UOt approved, doln" how b e fares, Is he well, does n ~olflle r Il~ b lool,ed In to Winters ' ,,110 wl:!!l Ii OIl coufirmed . tie thlnk of-I beg you to tell me." Rt rn fuce. fult of threat ond Dleno c, Estlitoof r:oubbo ~. BlII, d ocea@ed. "Miss nUogworth, there Is notblng FIls tbln \'oleo took OU n cel·tllin 11111111 would refuse to tell you I! I.t rested Ity of eournge. It "eo rnng n little. ~' Intll app roved , nJl owtJ d IInu con With me." His cou mge wos molnly mOrnl, bnt Ilrmetl Eij t·"to of Wil lilt III A. King, dll" "1 don't mind ~on1eaalng to' you, you chero wus some accomponylng pbrs lcn l are IDch old frleods, you and Mr. Rod· hnr<1Ihood. t hat wns unc1oubtC'll. "You cet! \lli. }<' Iua l Itocount approved, De.,., and 80 devoted to Bert, thot I 11m can bent Ole,. you enn evon kill me. u: .. Ho wod tiu,l oofir ut ed . ES~iittl of l:hrry Bro wn, minor ,,~" YOIl wish, but you cDn't moke me soy "You oeed say nothing moro, Mise n word I doo't wnn t to sny of my Thi r d ncaonn ~ or g lllird ln.n Ilppro ved. DUnportb. · J kIIow all about the altuown tree will," ho cried out lit lo.~t, his a llo we d and ooo[irrn d . atlon. Rodney wrote me and-" y olce str nn"cly rlslo g. Estllt.e of Plio be B . S h etw nd. "0 ull 'men ; J:enllcmcn," s nld rrl!h~ de cea ed ,' Flllo l nc u nnt IIpproved, "Well, tbeD, JOu understand IiI7 IUIX· le~, my reason tor asktni'l" TIIIIIJ;wo rtll, r Isln ond swIftly loter, tl.l\o wtJd lind confirwed. .' "'1 do." posing between Ule secrtnl'Y lind lIle E -tnte of Ur elg h~ o n Milt on Bowe, -.And lOU wW tell 11.11" tWD ongry men. he renllz (1 tlmt the deoaa ,ed. ~'ln.\ llI ooo uot fil ed . " He Wouldn't Be • &6ked Common Work· "nffoJr hu. d to"000 far cnougll. und Olat "I -'Ih to b eoven I COUld." W Id He?" the Girl [u the Ul'ltte r of the e~tuto of min, ou " • she mllst Inte rl'ene. 'J'h y hrul certn ln- Nllncy Lnue, deceased. Or,'or "Can't you teU us aoytblng'" t w tt1llcd lamentubly, almost ludicrous"Well, yes, 1 can," here, nnd that · you were along, ond .., g ra te u to sell Toai eslA teo "'WbaU" MIss Dllngworth, I thoUSht I'd jURt Iy . "Y O\! nrc w\'ong t o thrent n Mr. "It may be II. breach ot confidence: take a run down h ere uod see What .: h 111'11111'. II ' I ' uld e nough to be ilie r Real Estate Transfers "I'd take the risk," I8Id the .girl, could be oono." lutlll'r IIf (l1(her of you . . o rot) your 11Ioeom beavlng. "Wullhe at last "Oh, I'm so glad you hove come." S n sn n A . Boll, by IIhe rlff t o J . E. 'JJrIll, M ~. Holi ... I'Y. Put till Ihut pi stol, "Btl's not workln!; OD the brIdge," Mr. WI IHe l· . Mr. hurUltT," nld tho IDliv y , I b 10 l:iorvovllbtlrg, $55U. . 'I to IIMr from her lover! "Know where he Is, old mao'" uke(! said Rodney. girl qui ck ly. "ns I ,un In 0 certu lns cnse J . E. El\vy to R. B . 'ur Bnd "How do you know, nod?" ' BOOney. your ho tess. IInrl fiS you n~o In Il cer- wife lot III Bntvaystlorg, $10 "I thlnlt: IS&-not sure, but-" "1 examloed aU the PBY rolls, nnil ,tulu ~e o ~e my gU(!st here, I npologlzc Lulu 8. Rn;yd er t o Frouk S nyd f' r, "Whero,"-'trom the woman, none ot them b.ea rs ht ~ nume." to 3'OU for th o Improper nnd Impulsive 55 1I0ros In U1elOroreek t owo Mhlp, $1 1lees11. "Be wouldo't work uuder hie O\VD Wnrren Lodgo No . H, 1. O. 0, F., "I dldn't agree to tell JOu that." nnme to th e Mur tlet Brtdge. compony," of Fuoklln , t o t:!BDluel WliruelJ , "What tben'" Bald tbe womnn. lots I"n Fr 'luklln, U "AliI can 80y Is that atter t~e denth "Certainly not. Thut wns only my Geo q{e B CJerkeand wife, t o Mr ... l ot hIl tather be turned up Ilt my ronch first stell. 1 weut nround am oog the .hoe Brehm, l ot io Franklin, $2 ..150 j one day some five months ago ond told workmen, too. IUld I got n loo k ut every ·1 me bls story." one ot them. rID !lure he's not there." Frtl.nk Binkl ey nnd wife to Jobn Hnmes, 2 2 uor es In Frt1Dklin t own, "What I" exclaimed Rodney. "Old "Bo wouldn't be n common wflrlt:lhlp, $1. moo, ,,"ollid he?" II k ed the b'irl. more 'be tell ,ou lie waB InnocenU" "Not at Orst. Be told me btl WOB di sappointed thnn she <:oulll 'l'PI'P"s. Flo. -V. StROY to Denton " nd A Hola Ma son, r; notell 10 Franklin t o wn1rIlI1U':' "Ce r mlol y Oll t. 11 (·u \.0 0 IIl'Ulllng "But you didn't believe him, did trnck ot mllterlul. or ruo nlng a tl'lIl1 'It, ship 61,17001" asked the womllQ impulsIvely. ' or acting 08 a gll ug" fOrl' lluln. Mt ~t ot Oon'on Ma 0 0 nnd wife to J e nule "I etrtaInly did not." the workmen UfO (or\! lgllcr , "Ithough Gray , 5 aores 10 Fmollll D townSUlp, "Wh7 Dotr' I'the brIdge erectors orc AtIlcrlcn ns." "Weu~ I don't know why. I just "You're sure thnt hc's not 11 l'e 1" Charles Neely I\Dd wife, to J. W . dldn't, that'll all .1 know Meode. I r "Absolutely." Snook, l ot In Deerflttld, II. . "Tbere's tIle dum;" sold Win tors. kIlo'!\' him well. 1 know bls mnke-up. Luoy A. Stoddllld to Edwin Ship. W acc\l8tomed to sIzIng up a "Wo'll try th llt In tile morning:' leY-, lo t In Le~~non, U ' I11III" actlODS out West h ere, nnd it "What good Is It ' going to do \l8, BOI8S\O DougbDlao to MOllow Feed lllldn't take me longer thon It took Dick?" asked Dodney n Iittla Irrltnbly. "nd S upply (;0., lot In Pleaeant 1blm to 1el1 the 1ItorJ' to JmOW thnt it "Even It, we do- find . hlm, WO Clln', PlaIn It. II !WIIID't' true." . make bIm speak." Milton Mounts an4 wife $0 Joh~ .1 . "Oh, thanIt: YO~ for that," said the "I don't koow," noswercd Ule womnn MeKlnney and wlfo, ont) aore In 'WOman. slowly. "But It 'I could ju st see 111m Barlao towns hip, $1. "BDt our beUets are not evidence, onco again, Mr. Rbuncy"-sbe spol,o Dick." Interposed Rodney. wi thout hesl tntJon or rcs~rvc, oml boUI Frank Monr oe to Lena Monro ~, "We' . dIil't prove It and that's the men felt deeply for l;ler-"If I could 4 X Bores In Turtleor'eelt 'own~hip, POint. i .told hlm," CQntlnued WlnterB, just spenk to him, It he wou ld only-" $1. • "that It wa. ' a da~arned Ile-.-I beg "I believe you cnn persunde hIm," Commlsaloner's 'Proceedln&:5 ' · ~our )l8.r'don, KIIII! nUngworth. 1 meon said Winters. "Out West We've Got Ways for Per. "Yes, Ilcrhllps, but I wllnt Slmrtllrr &ua~lng Men to Sp,ak." . I . I told ~ \hilt It wliB .not true nnd tbot W . H. t::Itl\nag a & Co, . blank8 ~ $45 ; be a fool tor .tlcklng to It. .ond- to spank first, then we can IlPprollch conduct of Ul eso young m en. They '. III eI'--II __ dmltted-l~r,'.' fioundered our frlend blmself with Dlore conll- love llertrllm Mcntlo dellrly, liS I do: Vu l hl Y Telephone Co , tolle, '8.50; Wlnt.". ~a4en~ mUzlng that ho deuce,'" Bald Itodney. Let tlillt be t1. clr excuse. lIIellowlllle, Vhlol Bospitcll for EplJeptlol .burlal of JelJu Moore .. :iii; WI lJlllIn L,Suem_ . . . _ "tile ~e of a breeeb of confithey w llI npOloglze to you h ere IIntl ening defendllig Charl ell ~obnelder . deDC» ' \:la~, III_I! just In CHAPTER XVIII. now, 10m. Ul' t:'. " $50; John A. Ulalr, hardware BUP tim.. "In taet, ·the anbject wu painful Tbere wos n momerit of sllllllce. Hodvltes, $3 DO i T he Johnson & ~lltBon to 1IlJD, and I let hlm alone, which Is Brute Force or Finesse. . oey oDd Wlntel's stnl'ed ot encl) other, (Jo" tax b lllnks for a~dltorl '4.75 i In. wbat . . ~eraU)' .do to a man who " ~"hat do you want Ole to SIIY, Mr. und both looked ot Ule girl, contront- qoost 0 0 b dy of Martha F. ,8001*, "'-'t...nat Ills a1ra1n tnqnlred Into Rodney?" nsked Shurtllrr, (!omlng Ing them so co nfltlCOlly In h er superb $7.75 i Frlloklln Ohronlllle, bound reo !;l through the ,doo r, h.ty lng ClIUgltt Holl- nnd bClllIUfu l WlIl·. ' Wtnt('1'1i s miled n celpt,II, $10 i Joh n Walt, In fnll for ney 's use of 1I1s nOlile. littl e shum enCI. d·ly 'ns ho shoved his contlrllot 517, '132 i J. F. Zimmer. hurtllfl'-" bcgn n n~dll >. guu IIl1 t k Into It~ h ols ter. 11ls bnd In- WilD, Auppllea for I ~ ultor, $1 .30, "Oh. Bomcwb " t eUlbnrrusscl) tit bn"lng \.o(,llIl tIe (\ UQ n tll sr Ittor ()fC IIS0. E(lrht~rt ' . dru g 8'0 co, antloxln, $47 , overlleord: . "lIlr. Wlh tcl's, Mr. Dodn 'y," su ld tho M. (lswold & 80n, ollk offioe "Whllt do you " 'lint mo to spenk girl 111HI~t"I)Uy. stool. U 26; W. N. '1'bom\Js.,n, ba.l. about?" cflntiuul:od Ihe 0111 IIInn ~UB"Oil, 1 1I11Itu;::lv.e. I BUIlTlOse It wns /'n~' e'ln MoKlnney fuo\l, $Ia 17 : Irue! ~.,..-' r .,Idously" not giving th e YOUl!SI'r lIlon wropg to lIlI'ell t ' n him," lIuld Dodlle.Y & t!npply. Vo, coal for oourt bouee, thll p. to flnh"h. " ud "hut 'friend cun dl""" 'n.II~ $ 16 50 0 K · Browll, premi:. m on you then opprooclz, I'<lr?" (Co n~lnutd no pago ' ) Inll~.r~nce, sail 7 ; 'i'be Oregonia "I'll tclJ yon what .l \~nt," suld • _ • Brld~e Uo ,eat·lma&e OD contraot 594, \ Roll 0 ey. S3000 O. B Del,lhaD&, pOltage, SCi; He> quickly camo to n dl'dslon_ ~la Manufaoturln,Oo., lI1l l'plies Stuul1lng "up nnd tuclog the oltl mun, Thln,,8 Thst Humanlly. for jDdle, Ill. GIl. he Btaked eVl'rytblng on one bold Love, hope, !cnr. faIth; tile. c' mate ca4wal1ader WM &1. throw. Gratrplnlf tbe llltuatlon, Belen btunanltt, Ilnd these nre ItI! tdllB an4 ,111 In4 Hte.aId ikoWD JI1.Innoortll held hI¥' breatll. Will. . . . . antl cbaracler.-BrownJnlf.



more. We know just where a 'c asing is and how long it has been there. The minute a tire reaches the the doubtful age, the point beyond which there is possibility of deterioration, it is replaced by a new casing. You are always sure of getting live tires. fuU of .. pep" and miles. when you buy








HI/VillE ~ TIRES Heap big·mileage! J. B. CHAPMAN Waynesville, Ohio

W. P. -McCARREN HarveY$burg. Ohio SaVaGE GIfIlFINITE TUBES Th. onl~ t !Jbe. lb •• h.aftJUPbhc vu)canu C'd Into ~. IUrf~~~ Pr~.e-n1l duerioralion. I dunl . friction u.d h,. t.~tU\l~... loapstone . . . .....,-y. LcllltbCIII lb, IU, 0 t.QC tu ..


for Ilind appr oprIated for road pu:










- - - -- : : ObJection. "W II, 1. l<lllI cs. 1 h""r n nice 8nlllul: , , VontrAot WOS ontered into wltb party IS lu lhe wind. A 1111 Yllll' r go· J t;I.. . aI ehe OreRoDlIl I:Iridge 00 f or extra tng." " \\'o doo·t wnnt to 11'1'1." "Well • .r uner oonorete work aUbe vulo"nlte bridl!e thnt's qn ee r. ' Vhr nnt '!" "Not In In Fran kiln f or $112. tho I wlntl. I IIclI l'd P"II SII Y It \\'118 £olng to bo a Sl'lioklug hreeze." POS CS ,

.. -..----

- --

Dirrctor: and Embalmer.


Abuse of Pen,ton System. ''''llS(' oe th' l H.on~loo ~ystelD Is II· lustrll tcrl uy thl' Rnstonln n who e\lscO" ered, Io 11 dlstu nt New I;;nglnud towu . II Corlll or townslUU Il nod policeman 10 1\ new uniform, wnlklng a bent. "1-\O\v Is this?" asked th e visitor. "I t htlu ght YOll were on tile PONtoo force." "Oh," exclnlmed the trnne. pllln te" pollcC'l1Inn, "you sell I'm pells lone,1 ty Bos tnn. so 1 moved. Now 1'111 IVol'klng here."


His Evide nt hJrpolt_ _ Out In ('IIIlIh' 'Ii :ut th l'Y clnlm to Either Auto or Horse draw n H~rV!Ce. hn \'0 ,Ul'l·(;'·l' rr t.\ n (our-rrC'd frog. NI) extra charge for auto sr.rvlce, Mus t hn \'11 IJ PI'1l bl\llt tor Ih' lIurllose Both phon~ in Office and RllBldence. . or liu,' lgutl llg a roud h old III 1~lvor No. 14. ___ by 111010 1'1 ts . · .


- -- ---



otice of ApPOintment


E.1.ato or WlllltuJI Chenowoth. deco_I. - No.leu III l1eroo), gh 'Ot! LhA. E. V. 1llll'1I' h/U'L II ... biI~1J duly apooln t.«! Ilttll \luallUIIll She Wasn't to Be Caught. IJI Ex",'u[o< or t Ile .E1t~to or Wlillalll Z. OhellMr. Lllwhelld- "Why do you treat o,,"oth l~to o t Warron OoIl"~Y. Ohio. dClCOlllled. me 50 coltlly? Wlty didn't you unBwer D.""t1 till.. 10111 tJ.)'fM~W ..,~DJIio WN the note I wrote )·ou last Thursz.\n)' ?" JucJgo ot Iho Prollalo Oou rt _ Wartoll IlOUllly . 01110 Miss Drushley-"Slr, I don't wish to m30 . ba ve nnythln g more to soy to ),on. You begun your uote by Buylng you 'thought ynu \\'ould (\~op llIe a line.' ) Notice of Appointment 'Wont you to understand that 1'111 not a fish."

---_.- ..


Saxon Six Livery 'l (PRICE5 RIOH



Sole Agent For







Ei llLl.e of Ly,lI ~ O. 1181001!1. ,looollSOd . Not h..'9 hi. hcrelJy g h "o n UUIII A lin a. M. N uU/ Contented and DI,contented. II .. bOOn duly apllOlul,...1 anti 'IlIollOod IU ' ,I· nliols r Jx Wllh tho will 8U110(8(1 or tho E . .. The 1Iinn wllo Is discontented merely tOle trat 01 Lr,dhL I'. 1I.~fi.ltI la\o at Warrell HATBAW AY finds fuult with ' tWngs a8 tlley are. OoUUL)l. n ll "" do~uod . Daled tid. HU, dalJ.'l!T'l:.~· J~lriitoWN The mlln who lil not contented Is ch eel'Judge Qt tb'e P/'Oul118 (J,mrt. fully de tenliined to Illllke thlng~ betW"1tlNrille'e Leadtnll Dell*tlt Warroo Oouu~y . Oblo ter thlln they ore.-Youtb's 'Compnn()tnoe til Ken Bldl. ,Mlln Brandon ~ h lna'. Atty'.. m BO Ion.

Du. H.E.



Calm After the Storm. bnldll codcd . mlln onl y worries about It wWle the bore spot Is 01 lorge ns n dollar. Wh en It rr.llcbe8 th e slzo at n. pon('uko be c 'uscs to Oraduate CIII'C and Is happy ognln.

Dr. · J. A. McCoy,




Oblo Slat, Unlverli \





ala.alHad Ada w __ w ....

Corner Main and Mill Streets Telephone 28

w ...........




DR. COX·S Barbed Wire


GUARANTEED to beal wlthou' 18nIng a blemillh, or 1t(ONEY REFUNDED. GOo nnd $1.00 tor fresh wounda, old sor s, sore backs ondshoulders~!>nrD8 and bruiscs. 250 aize (or Family Vte. DR. COX'S PAJMLESS BLIStER ie pninlc88 Ilnd gllarnnteed . to oure Spavin, Ringbone, Curb, SweenYJ SpUn." Puff8 t or . OilY enlarl!etneot of oeme or mU80le, or monoy reluDded. PrIce Il00. rOil SALK av "U DlWQQIS1S

Middle-liged woman to make bor bome wl\b mo. Mrs. Rebeeoa' Boblitt, Wllyne8vllle, Ohio, j6


WALTER McCLURE JEWIOBIGUPPER Director. . Funeral Waynesville.


M . telA

THl C.I~tu;r



ON EY loaned on live stook obat.

and IlAOood mortgages . Note8 bought. John Oarhlne, Jr. , Allen Building, XeIII", Ohio. mlil

THEATRICAL PAPER rtJBt1SIIED .- m 1!Al "enll.'•. .

III ."HIl wo.~

WiliLY. $UiO

. ' -EITHER-

Auto Equipment

HoreewDrawn Equipment

D'IlUaClaTl, •• ICIALI..,.. OOITUM •• I, T.AII • ., .... OA .. .IID "UI U.VIO. 0". 1tIlO~ H UliMa ITt ADVIIlTlellia COI.UMH




..,... ... wou

OLlPP•• ..... y __ .. y.

_of young lUnles, See' A. .Team Ralpb W. Smith, R. D .i, Waynenllle, 9hlo.


frOllh Jerll6Y C?w and calf. ' ~'or information nlll J, S. Vtinder. voort-, phone a~ . 3, Wavnesvllll'l, Obio. mao


Bab., Buggy, .1 good a8 new, ior information, inquire at the GllzeUO olBoe. m:lO

A' -Cow and Calf. and. 80w and fill fIJr ali., laqlllre of J. T.




Walt~ Chandler WlI)'Ileni1le. O.

Marla", a; D. 1, W.JDlnWe, Ohio, ~I

. . . . . . . . 1\

. Diarrhoea. Tbls dlee8llO abonld be treated .. IMJOD • • R8 tbe tirst nnl1&tu.r al looeeDellll ~ bowels appe8ol'8. When UIIs tB daDe • l!ingle dose of Ohamb8rlalp'~ CoHo, Ohol. era aod l>Iarrhoea RemeQ. will ehlt • . cure. . TlWi remedy caD at..,.:r- be &!oi panded upon even 1n the most; 8IftnI daogerol;l8 cuee; and sbQal4 be, baD4 rMdy far blatant....



1t0me01la~ M~'"





tho 1'".lolllc~ u Wnyn~.Yfllf', Vhlu.


BN'Mld t·l ... &1011 ~'"l1er

____ OOD 'NEWS


D. 1.. CR AN E, Edilor and »ublisher


" I i'l 1t1l by Our ·Corps (llf Able Correspondents In the Neighborhood

Suhseriotion Price. $\.iiO per ye"r I











(lny Clny. nne f e llOW Il~ ue IS.

MI@8 l ~t!l rr Ie " lei bing Ill , Mrs, ,'. A. Aliell Is Improvlbg IIf. I MIBI' Ollve WIlSOD wtIJ en$ortaln ~.*-=*==*~~~*~~ t wl"1I 1 hud ' 80m " dJUuce to get III lhl" g Ullll' a nd muke l uy~ ·,lt worthy ot Ctroll.lvl\lo f ur f\ few dnyp. tel' n sevsle 11InI'lSI!. . wltb I> paro I shower batnrdoy af. I til" two of you. h,t nlone Lbe " dy.'" )11~s JUlllt,!J ollior, o r P o rtlan d . Mrs . Frank B 51! anli danl!bt r , t eroo on in h onor 01 Mra . Edyth

Web of Steel

By C,rus Townsend . Brady Au/It.r.!

"Tltl Cllal;" ,[ C.urallt, .. .. Tit, Illa_" if Rtg"",."/;,,,, .. 1/(., " " "

Cyrus Townsend Brady, Ir. CIYJ£ I.IiG/IiIlI. ..

ODPTr\Pl bT I'lomiac B. aOfoU 00",_

"Bung It,'" stun \vIIU c.r !'(, u.. \\ '"U' ('''

forgetful of ~'()n\'elltl{jll s. "II WIISII'L th' thing to dn In II ... ,,,, " g Ull 1111 "lilli e old mno t nntl


1'111 t;lIr.'y

1 lIid Ir."

now thnt \\"O"\,u npol, ll-:l zl',I"


It wa s a rnl'e co ufhlonce t.lmt Uoduey , hocl vourhsufl'f1 to hi s frien d. IIlltl like (','ory othur Al1glo'~llxon ,-lJU ' Ing said hi s , Ill'. ho did 1101 wish to discuss It ·fur thel·. "Do you IUlOIV," h o beglln, cbn ngtD& ; the slIlIJI' t nhrnplly, "I think tllings hnve lurlll'O nut pretty w\!ll In Rllite of our foollR lmefls n while II go. I beI IIp\'o If thpr ~' A n ~pnrlc at hULUOO grnU. . Indu In ShllrllllT's t\(,lIrt~ Ule girl's In· I I'I'PI'"l1l ol1 \\'h(,11 \'(lU lInli I wCre Il1l'Cllt· : ,ollillg' hllll, IIno 'hl'I' l'e[uslll ttl Illlow hltll to Ill' q\ll' ~ ltvlI"cl 1,,[(,1', wIll flln It ' 11111 l\rune. AIIl! I I,IIVU 1111 \(l Ull HlUt \\,11('11 III' Ihl lll; It or I' he'll IJ' nLout I'emly to ll'lI," "A ,.... you sure bo hilS anylhlng to


t ('II'I"

"C"rtnln." "11'1'11 , I j..'ll(,~~ ve'lI'n' rl"ht. elf ( 'tIll SIlIt's rut' f ; H' I-:UII . Willillill 1I ,l lll-:

lUI \'111;

It If)n.

It sort

(lI'lIw l1 my Alld If hu

you'll toll U~ Ih \! trulh. WOU't )'ou'/" I~II" In tllt' 1I1',,'nllll; IH'1I1 wo fiu~1 :.lulld ... IIlIkM Rodney Nwlftly. Mlh 11[1 IIlIlIrc- (' \"'l'~'lhhll-: will ill) )('" 'Iy."

cI~,blo chollgo or Illlllllll'r,

"Fur ney.

e\'e l'

'!loll ' but Ole" snhl nod.

Ycs, we b,,!: It nllw, IIl1mlJl)'," j j , chimed In Wlnl ers. willi ouylhlng but ''I'll 1\'11 you '\'hllt old mnn wb 'n on humble nlr or voice. . ' , , "I wo ·t I 111 Sl tI Ihl s ll1ll1/:'8 11\'\' 1' . YI,u'n; cOln lll!! lit to p nled ::, n~I\~'~ Sfl~'I ' ?I;:~~ ~~I "'\::'~I IIP- ~ 1"'lId the rcst of th e \\'llIler \\'Il h me " , l Ill: \ Orl11. /111 til' rlluc'h, U'I! Iho greut .. ~ 1 ploc{' You hnve 11lreut"1\ d hlll1 lind you . " . 0 0 t~llrl h for II mtln 10 buck up. r bore 8 hnve apolo -Ized. WIIt' I" I' "(' f G ." " orgl \ CM n o Wtllnllll within tlfll' mil 'S." you or oot Is tor him to d('cl<le. hut hc /lo<lut'Y Inugh ed n Ii tlle grimly sboll not be worried, or qucStlouetl, or "I'll " I III • Insulted aoy more." go YOIl , Ie so . "Tbook you, Miss rllIn!rworth. ) Il'o be Oonttn,d came tor thur book 00 th e <Il'slc; your father WDots It," snhl Shurlllff grimly, bowing slightly to ber. He stepped a little Irembllogly-the ~e hud becn uunen ' lng-post thlJ ·young men, Dl ckt.'i1 up tbe hook, howed ognln formully nud uDml tukahly to 1I11s1l DlIngworlh nl ooe, nnd WCllt out ot the car. The honors at tbo encoun. ter were certolnly his. "Well, Miss Illingworth." BlLIIi Win. ters. "I don't know wh ether you mndo When the new Iboots of alf"lfa al • mlstnke or not. [thlok 1 could hove IIC8red It out of him with tblll' Uttle tbe orown of plant are fr om one two Inebes higb, tbe orop Is ready penunder or mln~" He tnllped the l" be out for bay, t il 'he advloe "i'ven butt of tbe Dilltol. "You couldn't hll\,o don e It It yon by speolal1l'l! of the Oblo Agrloul. bad k\tled him," snld tbe womon, wbo turlll Expe.lmenUnatlon. Tile oom. bad r eod the olt! secretory correctly. mon ru", that the orop must not be "He Iso't wbut I call' 0 tlnrlug milO. 00' ontll • ten'h In bloom d oel not but bc blls cournge thut would take ~ lw"Y Il hold, these experts olaim, for blm to the stako rother Ihun ",oke Hen thellmoll ~hOOt8 a\ H,e base of him give way, tbe couruge of endur- \he pllAn\ get eo large before 'his ance rotber than or action. When he uerlod of bloom th", tbey are Injured at harve t, lIlleak8. tf lie ever docs. It will be of Prompt oottlng ald.8 tbe seooad Ills own ~ will." or p, anel the qaallty of tbe bay "Or hecause ~ u may persuod e him," declln811 when It standI too loni eald Rodney. "By jove. when I thlllk berore onttlog When the oaHer It over, It Willi Ule tlnest thlog you YOt' bar is odJu8ted 80 thAt about t"\'o did." Inobes 01 stUbble hI IsH, the ynnD~ "Dert Meodo's a lucky fellow," 8nlc1 Rhootll will nol be allpreola lily In. Winters. "You're tbe klud of 0 s lrl jured. that ougbt to mllrry Ollt West. whore --.,.-we try to breed wen tb ot will mllieh up." Belen DUnSwQrtb loughed 0 littl e. New Vlll'n' .... a.lthough . she felt no Inct\nntion to A nc>\V "urul ~ h whlt-h, whQn npplled merriment. '~bot's 0 tine compliment," she snld. to nll'tnl. gives It a crystalli zed e!Tect, "Well, this hOI! ruther phflken 1110, ond II uow on tbe ml\rkCl, lind Is kn (OIl'o n~ I'm going to osk you geotlemen to ex· cry::ttulll zlnl( InN]I,,' r. It Is liS yet to be hnd only III llinck nnd In n .trons· C1l8e me." "We'll eee If he Is working on lhe pl,lrcnt yurnl sh Ih"t gives th e etTl)ct or fros ted g l l\~s c.xc!'pt that the \lpslgn dam tomorrow." I "You will ' stay all night, Mr. Wln· 18 not !>lCl rogulnr. Bat ornllments, belt buckl '8, hutlons o.nd all ~(l rt8 at I ten'" . nrtlcl l's 1I1"~' he CO(ltC\l with It with J "Your fother Invited rile to toke 8 .Ibunk In his Cal', ond, to bo pnr1ectly excellent re 'nits. fl'aOk with you, I'd sloep out In tbe open l'IIln' _l'IIther. thon nllss 0 chalice ,Of being in on tbe end of a gOIDO like There is nlore Cnlorrh ill this se,:tion ,thiS." of Ihe rOlllllry thall all olber diseases Tbe girl bowed nnd lett thelD. "DIck," eald Rodney elowly at last, put togetfte r, "lid for yeM! It waS sup· pused to be incllrnblr. ealnrrh is II 10.. the two sat smoking together In the cBI discusc, greatly 'nfluenced by cOllsli. IIflence .of romplete untl, rstll nrl lug' and llll'onnilrealmellt. Hall'sCU ltlrrh Med· pod ronlrad~lp, wl¥ch requIres no icine, mOll uf'lt:tured hy P . J. hr ncy & expretlllion In talk, "you're not the only 1.:0 .. Tilleda, Ohio, is .. con5utiolllli rem· :man who tblnka thot girl wonld be 0 ~dy, I. tllken inlerunlly alld nct. ' thru Ihe Hiaod 011 tile Mucous Surfuces of the pod wife to a man." "All," sold WloteT!!, "sits tho wind Svsl,,·W. Qlle hundred Dullars reward is gifc'TII:d (or nIl)' case Ililt. H"n'lI Cat.urb in that Quorter, Rod '" , M~diciIle fails to cure. Send for circulars "Yes,' a~8wered the other, ""ut riD Rnd ' le s lim o lli~ ls 'aghtlOr thls thing throul;h for Melu]I)." F. J. (:IHlN nv & CO., Toledo, Ohio] Sold by Drllggisl.~, 15<:. "Well. by Georg~," sold Ihe big Hall's Fllmlly Pill. (or conslilllllloo, .....luull. "You're 08 !root! R mA n a_







--.,--... ...



I ! I



lnll , bus be n employed as on e of l be tellohen In our publ lo 1I0hool. :'IIc8 were bnpll ztid at lbe J oons Roo Baptis t ob urob t:!unday roOrD. iog. '{'be Ulvlo League met at Mrs. Y"fY Bayu es r;uturduy a ftern oo n and tile g fl norllo\ routin e of busin8s11 Wil l! carried OUI, Rev. A K . 8ltrgeut "fJi cl~tod I~t th e Lemmon nnd I::lt ukes wed(liuK III tbe han 0 of ).Hlr futher, Harry ' tokes o n ::3lltllrc1uy . The i'ytllluo ' Is ters h eld tlHlir "nDnlll Mem orl!lll!OrvloeR In Pytbl .. n Cas t le 8un(\ IIY IiflL' rn oon Rev. A. J . WI\lker ailed the pnlp lt " t f.lJe M. E , churoll I::illntillY ,,(teT. u oo n . ·!JIII'. C, Bogllr hdS puroh!lsed 11 new Overlnnrl au trJtnoblle, He ~IlY ~ Ill) got it fur the CO II\' e ni e nc) of IlIK pn ren l8-IIII\ Y b.e thu t Is so, Unrold U Hr rlB bR8 secnre1l1 gOCltl po~ltion In Dnyton HU,! for him we WI Bh 1'0 1!leS8. The Zion Baptist obllrob beld t heir lIunulll bllpt.lzlnl( In JOIl!lS Run olin. d lloY, lulta 0 numher lll1ve tflken tile o hllga'ion find wi.11 leod a diff tl~nt life. .Josepb Osbol'D Is enjo y ing a five pa~senger DI)dge ButO , Mrs. Louisil Josso p trlLDsooted bnsl ness 1:1 Lebnnon 000 d~y Jaa' wee k. J!'rl\nk ~hidaker Is tlUvlng a goon Olo ny fine borses lIod fiods r eady snlo for tbew . Frl1nk Borvey, or neal' Lebanon, vIAl ted among relllotl vea and fri e nds here on Mnndny ,

- - -...

- ...

'-- -

SLOAN'S LINIMENT FOR RHEUMATISM rill) torture of rheumatism, tbe balns and Ilohes thu.' make }tfEl onLsftfable are relieved by ~loan'8 Islnlment, a olean olelll' liquid ,bflt, h 81l8Y to ap l'ly ond more effeotlve tplln mussy plllst.oril 01' olutmeats beCA use It penetratee qaiokly with. out rnbblng. For the mllny palnR snd aohesfo ll owlng exposurlj, straln~ 81>ralnB and mnsole "'o rene~\!, 810.ln 's Liniment Is promptly elTeotive. AI wnys bl\ve 1\ bottl e hllndy fo r gout , IUlD bflg o, toolbaobe, baakacbe, stll! neok and 01\ external pOl108. At druggists. 250,

I til Itn(1 ~1tHR Alloe

Graoe Ilre the gaests 0 '( Cbunoweth nt tho time or thl~ writlo g. Mr!'. FllD ni e Ho nk returned eo ber ho me 10 N ewport, Ky" 'l'oesilny e ve olng dter a fe v d\l. 8 vlf<lt. wit,h bor brot b e r, Mr. William G errard . Mr . !\tId M'R , Gef'l l 0 PrtLU spent the \v eek. putl th a ll·lle~t of t.Ila lilt. ter's ~i8ter, AIrs A.rm str ong MoCray ao d family Of L>aytoo , Mr . ood Mr~ . Willie Allen apent Rntnrdoy n lrd lt nnd 8ulll'lny tb", ~uest of Mr. Ru fus Droke (I ocl fnm. II;\' . Mr . un,l ;\.1'8. A bsolom EVIIDS and (llL ughlc r , of Uen ~e tv lJl e were tbe r ecen t ~ l1C StB of Mr, tI. C. Unkln uu d (ilm il ' . M e~8 r S ,VI11 anrl R obe rt La~hl y nr drlvio g 'R fi ne o w Ch ovre let aUIO 1\1rll, AkiJ nry HIli h os been llt thp lJeGsluu of b e r tMber wh o is florloll! Iy III nt hi~ home near U:lll tor tile pns t 8ovoffll doys . N o h ope Ie e n \ertained for his rooo"'~ry , Miss Nora EllilJ Is en~Ar t, alnlng 1\ f ri oDd li t I,he thnEI of this wrlt·l ng. Mr, Willic Drtlh:('I I'IJOot H,lturdllY lind ~ uudllY WIl!J !JiB eo h oolmates, Bllrry IInu CIi'rl Uonoor . Mr. rUld Mr8, Cl e v o Connor II tend. ed the !llumoi 'I'b orad"y nlgbt, Mrs ConDor WtlS II tormer bsgb sohool g rorlu l1te

SPRING COLDS ARE DANGEROUS I::iuddan c hanges of temperature und un Oer wo l\r bring . prl ng ooIds \Vlth stofferl up head, sor e thruut I\nd general oold symptoms. A do e of Dr. Ktng'!! New Vleooverv Is lIure relief, t his happy oomblnl\ tion of ant illep.ic btllsuIDs ole~rll .b8 beod, soothes the Irrl,a;ted mfm. b .. I1ne8 anll wbd mlgb' haye been a lingerIng cold jll broken up. Von't IItOP tre ..tmen' wheD relief Is first felt. all a balf OUl'flL1 oold is danger 0\18. Take nr. King's New Disoov. ery llll your ':lold Is gone. ----.~-


MrR. F .. me DlII and dnugbter Ednt1 vl@ited' flt Sprlug V.. lley one dt1Y tbls week. Mr,8, J, 'I', Morl !l,tt oalled on Mrs , Lee VODClln FrldflY afternoon, We are glad 10 report Il.t this wrIting thut Mi ss Marv Cllng .. m wbo baa been verJp siok, isimpro.ving Mr. lind Mrs. Charles Ell8ton and very muob . SO[1, of ~'rtiuklln. were tile guoasa of Mrs, Fuy Mo~g"n left this week rela~ive~ bere Wedne dilY. ItorSllgl.nllw, .011011. D, F , Doylo, or Wilmington, WIIS Mis@ell ,Dhla ~nd Ethel Dunoan Ol\lIIno> ou f rhmda h ere Friday. were I\t ClIIT k VIlle o ne day tbls .. week . Mr. OD(l Mrs. W. V. Cr e w nDd f mlly of Dayton wero tile undllv Mr , Fnme D ill And dauchtor g~este 'Of Mr. and Mrs. w, H Iilleg- Edna wer un~IIV gUOMB of Orlo fried . ' MarlBttflnd f"mlly. Mr. find ~1r!\ Ellrl R obinson, oJf , MillS Velma Mllrlott, of LebanoD, Do:v~on were the week.end guesls II vIs iting her pareuts Mr , and Mrs. of '\11'. ~lId Mr ... J. E. R obInson, and J, '1' Mllrl ntt family, Mrs. ,J. T. Marlatt Is visiting the \,Vll b\1r BnH Glon na CraBB, Mllr. week.en With Mr. tlnd Mra Den !!t orot t..nichty IlUd the 1:IurrOU!l ba E~ rn hart Bod fl\mlly, boytl IlII,VI1 the mellsles. . MI!ld B rttHI !Jlllrlott ollllAd on . MI~~ .:w '\ ~ ~ l\rrl8, ' \If Frnnklln. Mrs, R oyor l::Iut·uTliay oftl.'rnoon. Is VII ' IUi! har Rister, Mi t's Pearl • - -- - - BarriS Mrp. MI1fY Fred , of Dayton. hil l' be,," V IP!t li t I· "' Ihls nud re la.tlv htiro. Spring hl'lll g ~ ull kindS of wea~hor 'l'ge Gr'u h m anCl Mr. u III Me . I1nd WI t,n ~t 001110 'oldtt Ilnd tbe refamily , of LytJ , w Ire tho woek ·oQ(] gneats of t,he }Mtar' \lllre nls lind vi VIII of wintL' r ()l) /l bs on.d h onrso. Dr. II II'H Piril1-l'or.B oney atttllldOd tile acnlverurv at Ihe !Jasti, wi \1 h Olld 011' a Dew oo ld or sbop ~he JQnlor Lodge. Id oue . tho ,",out-b inI{ bfl,hlaOll! reMr. nud Mrs , Joseph Loiohty and lIovu tb o s o ra tllrl It t and Iloll l.the fllmll y pont ~ntn:rdnv wi~lI relt~ urit!l ted tisfn s. Ueo a bot l,ie 10. tlves fit FrlInklin . day aud stllrt t,rel.tmont at oooe . Mise Uyn~bla Antrim hOR reo At yuur drngglltl, 250. Il'ormala on tnrn d b ome from a visl t wltb Mr. tbe buttle and MfS. Tom Fox ot Mllunlsbn,Jg. , Deoorlllion servloe will bo held lu ~he D. ·B. ohurcb. ,Rev. !:loul flud Rev. Kneisley 10 ohar"" of the ser. vice, Mr ..aDd Mrp. Goo. Beolrnnddtlugh. . ter were Dl)ytoo' visitors Mondl~Y. Mr ftlJd 'drs. F . W . ROIlDllgle anrl dan~llter, of Vandul"l, were the Sanday gue8~8 of Mrs. ti'rHpcls Nu)1 and family. .. Although pJ,Ln~lng ao rn toar Inoh. Mra. Rl1lpb RoblDeon is on tb !! @Iok list. MIl'S Ada Balnss I" visiting in AgrloultuTlII Experiment Stallon Da.yton reoommonds spaolng the plllnts 10 ... .... Inoh8tl apart beanu.e oJ t:!rel>ter oon 'venlence In hllndlinK the orop. As II five-year averllge tbe foor.lnch 8p,,0In\:J has yle ldl. d about two ton8 {Jf green oorn per Illcrll more thaD 'be thinner. planting. uut the s~Blke are of\on eo slt'ndor 'hIl t. tlley full ellsily ,In "torms and lI re dlffioalt to hnrvest wben 80 , orowtled.

---_0_ •.____






I:InlD e ~,

who was mllrrled latl$

Mr. tlnd Mrs. ,T , 8 . Leamlnlt and Mr. and Mr~. Ulllpb Leam ing and a utoed to Do.yton Sunday. Sever al trom h ere attended tbo CbeBter Uonnty BandllY Sohool oonve nti oD a. ow Burlington l:!uridllY flfte r Dolln. Jucl~e Boxwell, of Franl!. Iiu , gllve the Ilddreti~. Mrs. Lulu King from Oklahoma IR vl ~ ltlng h e r frl elld , Mra. Glenna , WII o n tor 0. row IIIoY8. Mr. IlndMrs. Ita lelgh Gognn and Miss fnu COlJlpton wore Day too s bo ppers Monuay, Aunt E s th er Ce mp ton vlsUed u. J obn Bi ll ' "uuday RIl~. W a ldo MoorlV Ilnn Mp RIlY, of Wilm io g t on \"Is lted oar ohnroll I ~Qnduv.




- ------



Have you ever 'noticed how some houses ' alwaya have a way of looking better and more attractive than anl of the others near them? Anal~ this difference. and many times you will find it Is due to the fac~ that these' houae8 are alway!! · kept wen pamted, and in harmonious colors; Upon. f~rther Inquiry you .will also find in a mllJonty of ' the caaea that the paint used Is


Green Seal Solcl8r


Two hllndrt'd' feel \9 'be otmoe' limit for the 8nbmarlne~ now In com· ml~8Ioo. A~ any "rellter depth 'h~y might be oraehed by tbe pree~l1i'e. UIWllly 'hey keep a fe w, fee' below the lIorfaoe. 80 that tbe porisoope 18 above water. lu·future, Bobmarln". mt.y be hallt ,trODIJ eooogh to wl'b. etanu tbe pre,slIre at greater deptbl,


HI"dlOme .Serlnlty. "Georae Wllshlngton was ne", 1Uilt7 of deeepdon." "Maybe n~ J cIOD't beUeY. be ever looked11ke btl Dleturu CD poita.., Bampl. But. oC






u ilding I.

Poplar Farm Gates I ,

3.50 und$4

The well-known Cant Sag Gates . . . .

• •


W. E. Bog uns had ne tbelr gOBst Sonday. Mr , a nd Mrs. Cbarley War. wi c k aod fnllllly , of Lllbanon, Mr' l Bnd Mr s R. L, Ib glln . . Mr. aocI Mrl! . HBrtlel1l Peterson wo r ~ s!J opping in Xelllill Btorday • _ ••~_ _

I YOU NEEO~A SPRING LAXATIVE Or. Klng'S Ne w Life Pille will reo m o ve I,he aooumu lilted waites of win. ter from y our inteslinee, the bur. don ot the blood . Get- \hHt slugglgh s pring fev e r feellug ont of your .y •. tem, brl!jbten your eye, olear Jour oomplexlon. U e t that vim and Ilnap of good purified hellltby blood. Dr. King '!! New Life Pl!Is are a non. griping la xative Iblll aid I nll'ure's prOCess, try tbem 'o.Dlghl. At all druggi sts, 250.

.. -----



Madden's Lumber Yard Corwin, Ohio,



PLANT fOOD It tllkes nearly" year to grow and mobtllze a orot) of foodatoll's , It Mkes a few minutes to destroy qOflnHties of a by fire. With brldg. eSllnd other pabl\o utili Ilea golluded, It 18 the belief of fire Insoranoe men aud t,he Ohio Branoh of the Connoll of ~ati')nal D fBnse 'hll' proper pro. tHotton should be afforded tbe toad s opply, Reg ular InspeatloDII of Ohio mills, elevators aod warebOl1l1eB will tberefore be made from now on by Insuranoe Oleo for the ptlrpose of oheoklDFJ the tire bllz nd, Ownen And operatorll of Inch planlll will obo be enoouraged to keep them aa· equately 8uuded, Fire rooord ~ Indloa \e 'bll~ the J088. es ot foor\etnffa 00 farms rival in omoun ~ t,bose wllere large quantUles are kopt . Benoe, grel1'e" preo/lo. tl ons on farms, U Is deolar.e('\, will !lot only be Il !Datter of good bnsl. ness bu~ a patrlotlo daty.


Staple p r odoots that oan be pie. servpd @bould be given tlrst oonsld. e rr tlon In phlDtlnlf now. AD over. supply of p erislul ble orops may 00. anr fr om ' io ~rea.eed plantlngll In email gnrdens , Be!tl!)e potatoes, onlone and beans, whioh CliO be ~'ored or exported, sweet oarn IlDd vegetables th"' are easily ollnned or ~rled will heip to solve the probl e m of feedlnlf the pea. pie of this oountr, and foreign na tlnnl', find little will 80 to was'e. Sweet oorn plnnted lato in Jnne will matore before f l111 froats oome, Country GentlemAn and S,owell '. Evergreen ore given by 'he Ohio ..Igrioultul'a} EJ:!le~lrue nt Stn~lon as ultu ble vlnla tl es for drying

, --- -

:~v:~Ut;:el~~~:te~o;i:I~:, S~I::eot~~~





.' Notary Public

••• DENTIST•.•

All kInd of Notary Wodi:. Wills lind Deeds a t:lpealaUy.


__ I

Can You Afford Any but a Titan .Kerosene Engine?

AT present a








------.--_.. ------


Lnird we~k .


er:1ge prices for kerosene and gasolin e, Titan lwros cn. ngines save their owners a bout r. r c. vcr horse puwer per hour over g:1soJine engin es. " Figure it t his wa)'. n .111 s ·lt (lJ'~C cn,vinc the say· ing is 8.8c. an h llr, SSe. in a J o·lwur d 1.Y, ,:'8~ in 100 days of work. S ay t1lat iJ all you - ell ,inc d oe:; in a year.

It would cost you $88 more t!mn you ei!d to pay. to run an 8-horsc f,;a.sol ine cn ::,( inc 0110 yeaI'. That is moro than a third o f th e p ri e o( 1 he rn gi nc. ';tll yo u ;tffor d t o throwaway $ a )If-a d . Ca n y Q Il ,H"ft1 "'ceo to thin k of .buyjng a c-asoline n ~i n, \~ he n) "II l..:q ~(: a Titan that uses keros I1C? . cc the Tit n ,ka 1 '1' r'.Dcl talk this over. He has SOl11e intcrcs tin ~ li bur..:s b !,),uW )'\) 11.

Intematio.nal Harvester Company of America (Intorp... 1 d)

Titan k e ro,.,ne en trine. arc . old bV



Waynesville, Ohi

" Silver -Plate that Wears}'


A good spray for po'ato hngs can. slst8 of Il mixture of hvo oanoe8 of I\r enllLe of lead to OD8 I ..llon of woLeI', aooording to tbe C.:lllege of Ag. rlcul tllre. The arsenate of lead should be weU dls80lved In a small Quuntity of watel' beforl' bein~ dl. lilted, . E~ough of the solu"o,n to spray two tblrd. 1)f'lIn aore olin he mnde from alx pounds of ILrsell~te of ,lead "'~'d 50 gallons of water. This sp ray sUcks to tbe plants bet, Well, Wlh at It. A ncwspnlll'r ' nccount of ' II fight be· ter than Puis grllj3n ' ~nd doell not tween t he pollce ond n mob of strlk· burn tbemal! Parle ireeu sometlmel ers, III nllQnlng ' lhnt there ' were ml1l1Y does. • • ,WOlDen omong tbll rioters, SAid tlJlI t oDe AlOnzon "slink: her teeth In 1\ )'10JlC(lIUILII'S , wrl. t." The ' Item foil ed to Welllnll\on·. Slip. , stote "'hettier they were nrtltlclill nud Tbe unsllltlod slote ot Irish affairs Itnyed sunk, Or n'lItura! ami cowe to n sUp made by the Duke reminds the 8Urrnce. of Wellington' durin. a ho1l.lle of lordg , ----.-.,.~~----debato on Irelllnd. In the coul'l1e ot Shameful Secret. hili Bpeeeb be menUoned that two "Who 18 thot IlelluUful rlrl over deromen bad been mlU'dered In Irethere'" "She's tile dnughter ot • laneL A noble lord on the other BIde corporation JaW)'er. But kooplt trom of the h011l!e rose at OIlee .to ~t ber,old'mllD. She til sel1Sltlve. 'a nd hila JIIm. . "No, no: oal7 ODe.- "OIlI7 ODe 7" beea broulilt 'lIP Iporanc. of tile -.JoIned the dUe. -W.... ., I am au-

..-- ..-------






_ ,.

Since 1847, rhe year Rog~r, Bro~. o~iginated electro-silver ~ plating,silverware bearin'" the lrade mark~1H1 ROGERS 8RO~· . baa been renowned for quality, wearability and beaul101.:

·1847 ROGERS·BROS.T~P~{' ltampe<l on fo rks, spoons and fancy serving ' pieces it a RUllantee of ,heaViest plating, perf~t workmllnahip an4. exquisile design, ,,"ssuring long and satisfying service. ~ . article of silverware mIltkl<l N J1!7 Rl'8ERS BROa." may lie .l~ed without furthe r inveslign lion. ' Sold by leading dealers everywhere. • C:-L" Ihowing aU .patterns. .IRIDIII BRIT'."'A

ao.......... 0 _

. (l_tl.".II',InrCV.Su_" .

rsociiiY--'Eml_, ..

. . . =====================.====~.=::II,. . ..-----~ --- ~ ~. E. EARNHART l!!~~A!_~~~~NJ

RIAL fLAG I SCHO~L ~ TO 81 MARYS1·~-------:---· ' th <lt .;xaaeherm ple.. Sup"xL. Spr iI.!'slin IJroved ". . •. a very all

See Whle r ho lJse fo!_ Ali ta Li l'e ry

W. N.Sears


I ll. Jun lOrs,of .the High Schoo l en- scien t ific ma nne r , showinIC by the 'l'h pulFntions of a In i~h.ty post t ~rtilin ed Ih Se,uulr!s and ~h ~factJlt~. ,analysis thal th sohoo ls flou ri~h beA .... Dill , Os teop a l h 21 . I.I road.· co lnrouhing through Am'r icun ! ,hursdll'v e v nang to a plCOIC p~r.Ll ' unrle r the rl roIJer management, wi lh We a re H(!adClunr tl?rs fo r WilY , Leba~on, Ohio. v !II~ with the r lltllrri of e ery .M~m . 1 [ h 'Y, went 0 ~h~. 1t~llVe ,nl'~ r fill ~IS~ good nnil eflicien t Ie. eb rs . OTla\ 1)n,y. . hury II un t !1O )i t-nla \lIke , wi} re The election of o fllce rll fo r HH8 r c,; Mr. a nd Mrs.' ~e Hawke werb J iso ti tne of slld uul sacre memo th eycn lart alnod t hem hIgh ly" rh e ulted as fGII ws: .Prtlsiri ent, l~ rt!d Dayton visitors und ay, ori.. ~ , 1,\ hen 1111 loynl hCjlrl.$ II rc lir(!(l ey ~ ni l)g \VII S plea!clantly pent , II yu- C!I~key ; Vice· l' rE!illd ell I , Law rence by holy r ecoil CI ion!', a irnu when nOlll\ WilY. , and t hey served a fma I' u r na ; S cr tary, Mi s Grace \Ja r • Mi. E lhly n J Olle!! arr ived home rev r.~nc and ble s the immortal lun h. ___ _____ man; Trcosurer , E. V. Barnh art We Br Headq uarters for Mond ay oyenin M' r.. 11l Mela, mora . d >rld , . lA O 1" ' I Thus closed a ve r y enlertlli nin g T ho: day this YClir hUll for Ul~ "'II !itS \lzzie Me rril t en tertaine! a t e ve'lill gand ut l er a pi e"!! lit ha lH r • aT Ask My Patrons II rene wed mean ing' und 1I~ I'edIl8!ld, all ellc'gant Go'clock d inn er ·ut,u rd!lY II wing old ucquaintnncesthe Alumni Miss I na HlImiltun, o H ,(lllcg Hil l. for the wor ld i agaill abluz -wi th eve ninl!'. Th ' iu vited g ue ls uci n~ rnce ti ng for 1!J17 closeu . wils llle gue t f Miss . 'orn Elli. last war, and our nati oll 's llurt ill l he Mr . a nti Mrs, 8. L. Ca l' LwI·rght , Mr. 'l'h e ou l of · 1 wn m e mbers I)relcnt I week, wa r 18 ttvicl,'rlC suJli cie nt t hat t hi a nd MI':I. J . O. II rL wr ight and were Mr lind Mrs F. B. Sherwood, We are Heild uarte rs for most pathl,t ic lind beauLifu l of all d tlu )(hters Rhea J e!lnnetre anfl Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs • Haymond I Geo rge Lan te r , of K ' llt ucky. spent our n lll.iolll\1 holhln !l s llall be !>er· E!v 'Iy n, Mrs . Ha l1 nah Roge rs, Mrs. Hartsocli , Loll clunc1. :supt. · E. C R~nge8 un· I uchel K ys and Ih e MiH!'e' Gwen· Gree n, l:> prin ~h ro; Miss Leah Smi l h. veral lIaY9 h -re Illst w k wi lh p ttl8led fo r year to come .J uy , ~'I IIY ~71h was lite day for d Il\n Merri tt, Emma ' a rLwright in l'innati ; Mr. aod M r~ Frank I f ri cndl:l. the 1\1 " tori1"1 Hllvke nI oJ ~e rll1"n. and Mar LlIll Bu rn et t. Le May , Midd le t ow n; Mrs ·Hay Smith , We are Headq liar ters (or Brookvill e' Dr . a nd Mrs . :stll hl' l Fa rms a Specially Mr . and M rs . D. A , Ferre. f ,' t. Marv' 'h lHl!h Willi I Ill' \.llnet' T h e eng al(C'mt'nt of Mis.q Clara Frank lin; ' Mr. I1m l Mr~ . ' herman el 'onville , Ohio , are th e gll sts of dh.~'~11 Il,i y!'u r fur I h~ cl'vice The 'lacr~.1 ,·J&lic,' , til- l y,\ pll'lbinlt, lI u1.e l Huwke and Mr , , Hlli ph Vance, Sh onk . M is~ GI ·c tl e~s. Dayton ; M i~ Dr. a nd Mrs . Ward , wn~ m lldc 111 , 11'.' b"uu liiul ,,)th /I un.! uf 10rrow . was a nnou nced last r-;dytha Mucy, L.,tJIJano n. . t1",'ufaliulI\, nnd 1l1lliulIU' "ul" r~ lasle, rh u r~IlY at a Ij 0' ' Iock d in llll r , g iven - - -... - - - -D r . and MrR. Witham. of Kin)"!A fully arnll \>:e<l hy loya l h"I1J UIJ by, 1\1 rs . J . P. Fromm , of Day to n , We are headq uarters for Mi lls, we r e und llY vi~ i tors at tho Glory waS un ~pieu" us in th • .:I1I\1Ic.;1 "i ler of the briJ e elect . assisted uy home of Mr . Ada m StoOllS. Rilli .~nlwined lhe pu lp it Miss Mury Hawke, of L.;banon, a l The churrh W,HI well filled wil h u th e hOll) e of Mr. J . lIaw ke. A pin k a nd whitecolorsch ... me W U8 Mr. a nd Mrs Frank LeMay , of r eve rent line! nplJre 'iulive cl!ngrel(ll' Middl etolV n. were wtwk· enrl guest.~ ti n, but Ihe " llIlIiI n umhr r o'f vd r , ca rri Ii oul in t he tahlc d~Cllrll l i o lll!. l:#-r O( all kinds an~ ill allendullcl" g ave pathel ic the ff\Vor~ at each 1)lu.:e lJclng da in ty o f Mr , and Mrs. L:. T. Hllwke. We a re Headq uar ters f or ' vltl ence oCthe lhin llill.( o r lilt' rllnk!! pink r oses. On examini ng them I ht! Mr. and Mrs. ,James ,'loops lind of lh~ gallant 1)(IY~ who wtml to tl1l' g u e~ ts fOllnd t ucked ill am H1 g" th E! ... ... ............... w ... Bon , H olmes . of Va n W('rt, l'pe nl frollt in Ihe dBya of the war 'bl't ween petnls , a liule while h. or , wh ich Earl Conne r , wh n works a t th p (U ~closetl Ihe wOlld erfu l Rc.;aet tha l Sun d ay with M r. and MI'~. Adllm the Illates . Way nesvill e Mills. had Ih e misfor A pleusilll,f feature of Ule ~er\lice the wedding would tal, pille' 1,\1 SLOOpS . was th .; Hag pre:'enluLion by Mr alurduy, J unlc' J6 . A dainty three· l une I' r id ily m orning , to .cru sh t.hree We a re Headquarters fo r , Offloe lingers on hi ~ r ight ha nd while he M'isR BeB~ie Bu rne tt , ot Minnll- J . . ar lw right on b" half of , h i~ cour e dinnt:r \\Ia. t hen served . II'IlS w rking. Ht: \VaS tend in g to Mr . and Mrs . S. L Carl, T he il1 l'i l d g ucSt8 we re Miss lara Plll'E!OtS. Over the Postofflce ville , Fla., is s pend ing t he 9ulllll}Cr corn meal gr ind ll r ~nd he I\t uck with relativf1l ill and Ill'ound WUy- Wr il{ht, whl! gave t?e flag til the Hawke, Mrs. Lee Ha wl;;~ Mrs, the his hand in th e ho!) per to test t hE' dlu lrch as t1. mem onal Lo harles ,Ja mes E. Mc lure , Mi ~s Hel en nesvUle. ~wall .Merratt , a hrother of Mr9':'" H.uwlte. Miss A lma Wutnrh ouse. Mrs lI1ea l, and ill some ma nner one of hi~ Car t Wright. , . J . Wi lso n Ed wards , M rs~ C. M. Ito, fing ers go Lca ug ht in Lhe cogs, and Supt. W. R. Sprieg el. t he Mis.~es rl ~1'1'I f? ht ull~nys pi cas· bitze r, Mr s. C A. Br une r. of Leb· "'.'0 . r a pidly dra wing th A otherR ill M r, J . (~ Telephone S I -2 ac 3 Clara Lile, El m1!. Robe r ts an d Vada In g and Iltl ectlYe III hi public addrC8~' ano n, MisR E llen :: he r wood, Miss By he r oic ocl it.n he managed lo frel' McPherson are spending a cou ple oJ es. W~8 tl ,,~er more so tha n on thiS Lau r a McK insey , Miss Et hel Hosie r. his hnnd , Wilh lh e res ult t hal t hree day ~ in Chillico t he. fi naers are pr etty bad ly cr ushed DeCI1. Ion, WII h lIS we lt cho:len Ilnd f orc:etlll words of pre entali911 , T he On last Thursday after noon Mrs. Mr and Mrs, S. L. Cartwright flag: was r eceived 0 11 behal f of the were 'ln Dayton Monday att ending chu rch . by lhe re cl or. dedicated and George Ma rks ente r tain ed a few the luneral of Lieu tenant M,il ler , an plac din theimnctlla ry of the church triends ve ry p rett ily al he r hom e. Of CourGe It Wouldn't. old f r iend to the Cartwri g ht H.! Rev; J. F. 'adwnllader preached " H tm rlij " rhe new word g llm e, was 'O('(lrge Hn mtl il . Il ur lul: 0 11 ' of bls the Me mo ria l s rm on fro m the wo rds the di version of the a fte rn oon, and hor_ullll 'l, rtll.,. III Lll k.· Plw!lcl. r llm Mr . and Mrs . Isaac St ou t and son , 'of J esus. .t. Luke 13:34, " Hu t ye afTl)rdecl no end of aTlluseme nt.. A l ne rOH U I!OllIarl' old InaD, who, seat· of Lebanon . a nd MiilllFTunces Thayer, would not." Theme: Will' 8 f;c our gc tho cl1)90 of the games a dainty two· Satu rday eveni ng at 7:45 at t hE ed III t he door",ny (I f hll< (,Ilbt n, II'O~ lid· of Pasad na , 'ai , we r t he week· "nd 10 d r i em n to God, who ref used t o cou rse lu ncheo n was Iler ved . Onlhe g ues ls of M rs . EsLher Stout nnd be won t o Him by His mo!;t lovin)!' pilltes we re f ound smull pink bags reclory , Rev. J . I". Cadwallader cl lln g uwu y for Ilel'l' li fe, QuIte regard· daug bter, Miss Ma ria . inv itation. The lIl us ic W tlS C lhe and upon opening th ese bag s the OIarri d Mr . Walt er Pa l le lte , son of It)~ or linch trilli ng co nvenU o D n llU e ~ uSlilal high order , with the choi r ver y g ue Is fo und ti ny ca b!, whic h, when ~ l r . and Mr . Wm . Pa rlette, l o Miss Il~ 'tim \! nUll lUllC'. Hllln lln listened The T ri-State Butter Co . is off er· efr4~ctivt' in the Proce sional, Onwa rti t ake n out , " Let the cat out of th e Berth a Earnhart, dau g hte r o f Mr. ow hll e 10 the cucopllOuy In nIDUSIlIng t his week the h ighest p tice ever Ghll'isUan l:;oldi rs and vera I plltri· bag," told of t he approac hIng mar and Mrs, Lon Eli r t hart , All lJartie nwnt IIlIet t1wu Inqol red CR8UIlll y, paid f or b u tter f a t. 44e l 'hey buy Otil~ II umbers, tar Spangled Ban ne l', r iage of Miss C r llce a r mun t o Mr . \ ere from Rid geville. The m urr ia(le " it OII' tIn ynn t unC' y our vIolin'" The Ra mond Davis , the wedding t o b WfiS wi t nesserl1Jv the r eel or 's ( a mil) roply ('111110 wllh ro tfe~ hlll g Ingenuousd irect from the f armer thus saving AtI)erir.a, etc, and M~ , and Mr . T holllll\ Illao of n es~ : "1 do n't luDe ll- It d n't liaRd It was a sellvice full of ballo well an event of June 23. the middleman's p~i ee. Read ~helr to New York, Boston, Atlantic 'fhese II 0 pe ople are e ry popular Ridgevill e . memor ies. cheri hed uy the hear t<! rIght If I______ do," ad. on another page .4 ... ----.-~--of 10yal,Christia n puo ple, who love Waynesville folk s and th e ir marri age City and other Resorts in the is being looked f or ward to, by t he Dr . T. Sherwood recei ved a tele alld honor the memories f t hose East, direct or via Washington g ram Friday morning announ cing who died that the Union might be younge r set. The Jaanlne. After a season of con g ra tula lions the d ea t h of Som l J ones, death r eo pr erved !lnd civtl and religious li b· JII mInes b elong to the snm e tomll1 the g uests depa rted all havi ng hod a 8ul ti ng trom a seve re operalion. A orll y m ight live, 18 th oli ve nn d numlJ(lr lIt lenst 200 sple"d id t ime . Th ose p resent we l'e: . s pec l e~. of whi ch ono-t nlh, or 20 Ipesta t ed in last week '1~ Gazette Mr. _,~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~~ Misses Grace Ca rman . HUlh lI a r t CIl'H, IIr ro r Hnle In th e United States. Jones spent sever s l weeks very p leas, ,so:k , Hazel Gu t in, Min Ol > Davis, 'rho gem of We fumll y Is the primrose ant ly here during lhe fu l!.. and h i~ Regular communication of Haze l Riley. E thel H Ollier, Helen death will be a shock to hiS man y Wa ynesville L9dge No. 163 1nsmlne, or jllsmlnulU JlrtlmUllnllID, Hu wke , J anet Shaffe r . of t.:a rlisle, alto to Resort. in North Michig~ . fri ends : . 1<' . & A. M .. Tuesday ev(' n whl d l Ilowcrs dnr lng , UI C wloter Me 3d me::! J a mes McCl u re, U. H. Wisconsin and the Nq,r!hweat. ojournin g brethren mont bs W IUI blossoms lurger Ihno an1 K eill', E C. Rogers, L. A. Zimmer· i llg , J une 5t h. Colorado and the West oilier species. Carl Hartsock , 80n of Mr. lin d Mrs and v isitor!! a re we lcome. ll n and the host ss Mrs. Geo m ... Fa ncy Stra w berri es Marks. . D . L. Crane, W. M. . J olin S . Hartsock. of Sp l'in!(fi eld , hus Uheral Stopovers and Return Limits a cce pted a position with til Birge Orangell ........ ...... .. 12c d oz . UIJ L . A. Zimme rman, Sec'y. The eh.lne.e. o.-I'LooaI A_ "F""~·"'Dr""d_ Wall Paper Co ., of Chicngo. one of Hipe Toma toe . N ew ab bage, ,----1I1nrquls O'fi uruu SRSlS; "Indlvldllal· nA t he largest conce rns in the country, New Pota toes , Nel\< Sweet Po· Iy tho hlncse nrc bone t nn d eOl. Mis.q Glee Hess, of Day lon. a t· a t a sala ry of $1800 per year. Ca rl tatoes; Apples , Uananas, Le m clonl : but collectively th.. y nre n<. tended-Aiu m ni-an.l-was-the week end has been tra vel ing f or th e Pi er l'e 0118 nlll y' uuul.o lt! tu IIrgu n": ' wllh sk tll. but Wall Pape r Co., and ma rie Waynes · gu est Mr . and Mrs . HairY Murray Cabbage a nd Toma lo Plan ts there II r " ru),sl erlou8 l ellks of fundI ville a yea rl y visit. We congratulate Lcav your orilerll-price ve ry oad shltUng of respooslblltUcll. t he yo ung ' m ao on his p romotion. ~ . low . 94~~~~MH~~~~~~"""'''''' Any information concer ning a Pure Pads Grt:!en-Paris Green See Waterhouse for· Aut~ Livery white kitten tha t disappeared the _ _ _... _ __ .l--is very s carce t his aeason, lIO day of t he fire w ould be thankfully b uy your 9upply now w hile received . T o know that it had a yuu can get it . good hom e wo uld be a g reat relief. Stella and .Addie Martin, 'Ch ick and Scratch Feed , F ine Waynesville, Qhio. anrt oa rse Cra cked Corn, Oys- -te r hell and Pear l Gri t. I want to buy your Last ThursdB ~ night, May 24, R a r· [Jig Sou r P ickl es, Li t tle ~ weet Gar ds have been r eceivt:d he re veysburg Lodg e K . of P . No. 557, Pick leij . Wafer Slic ed Drip.d du r1 ng the w ek announ cing t he Wool and will pay celebrated the ir 25th , a nni vereary in B ee f , N ew Cheese. wedding of Mr Herber t Janney Long their Hall, wi th Dis trict Deputy you the highest son of Mr . and Mrs , F rank Long, t o The fi nes t RS30 r t men t o f Dried Grand 'Chancel ¥lr Ch as. Waggone r Miss Elizabeth Louise Pug h , on SatH. L' , Rosencrans, Dentist, Peaches, E vp . Apr icots,Prunes in t he ch,air. The rules of business Market Price • • . urday. May 26th. Rt the.h ome of t he .we re suspended and the re presen , has mo\'cd his office t o L ebanon Na· Rn isins e ver shown in town I bride's fath er in Colu mbus. The tat ives of t ile lodg es p resent were t lona l Bank ' Building , . Phone 332, prices rea onable . many friend s of t he young couple ailed u pon snd In trod uctld for a I,.ebanon, Oh io. wis h for t hem a ha p py married life. Moore$ Gas~line. Moores Good few words. The District "Depu ty , - ...- - Oil 'l' his is t h' k ind tbat will >lu re ly kntlw who to call on to speak b urn in any store . The ora tory which W09 displayed was II Reat FrIend, unkQo wn t o a great many. Bring us you r Butte r lind Eg~B . "Pn, wll ut Is a t rleoc1?" "One who It was the largest .g athering of • I We.·pay ash or 'r rade. Knights lhat we eve r had the pleas kn ows yon w ell ond yet doesn' t tip Waynesville, Ohio It pays to trade at u re of welcoming into our ,city, and It o rr t o 01\ the ngt'llls In town thnt all we re busy trying to make e very you nrc thinkI ng IIf .tn klng {lut " thouValley Phone 135 Th e Mllrtins d esite to thank t heir Knight f eel that his presance was sund dollars' worth of ure In&UrIlDce." many fri ends and n ei g hbo r~ fo r their ap precia ted , Lod g e wa s closed and kindness d urin g t he fire. Everyone notice was g iven tha t the Ford a '! TELL T.H E ADVERTISER YOU SAW wurked ha rrl to save o llr effec ts, and. machine woul d be give n away on the , we a re truly t hankful t o each and ~.:uIS ADS IN THE MIAMI GAZEITE SI reet in front of McCa rren 's g arag E' everyone . MiSll He len DepoBrd, 9 yea rs o ld . Sa rah Ma rti n and Dau g h te rSl. Jrew t he luck¥ numbe r 4365, which ......- -was held by Karl Buck, a young man in t he employ of Eal'Y & Co , of A Durable a~d A'ltractive Painted .House Xenillt, which he appreciated as it was impossible f r hi m to buy one, he had many 'offers for it bil t he being an of his afflicted moth er, who is an Invalid, and eve r thou g ht· f ul of he.r pleasure. he will j('!ep it DissatisfaCtion-But why take a chance? Let Bnd will try and mlloke it beneficial to .her health , He reqlJ ested that the give you an estimate on your Painting , \ Lodge receive h i~ thanks and that he . or your Paper Hanging . for Butter Fat at the TRI-STA TE BUTTER CO. week would have a cozy corn er in hi~ heart for the meinbers of 'No . 567. beginning May 28th. . Bro, Wag g oner then gave not ice the re waS in waiting for them 1\ bou!J teous r epast in the bariqu el I TALK TO THE TRI-STATE PATRON IN room.. The sli pper was served by ~ --~~-----dBI~ym"n'" wife could vote WAINTER. AND WAYNESVILLE , YOUR NEICHBORHOOD ' If'evetil , the Pythian Sisters, which is one of when cren m sc[tarntorft are up (ot 'C!1l'ftion.- n tJ. S. CRI>AM SEPARAPAPER HANOE~ t heir many virtues. About 150 . OHIO TuR would always win, handle down. Born tei Mr. and Mrs Frank Leshe r filled to ove rflowi ng, the las t put not . ~ him exPlain bis experience to YoU anet the profit of selling t be cr•• mery mnnage," knew tho ~ooooooooooa~aaaaaDCI DODOOopt 4 May 26, daughte r. cniatn ulreet to the . . the leas t wRll the C larkRvillc Orches· unsan ll.n' condition of m.ny tlCp, omtora wh lch ~rvh I hc~.-lhoy would tra, which fu r nished the musie. Miss .E 'lIt h Og lesbee , ot Lumber IT. asfu>'X'l{H'bt'~t " lbe use of botb in quality and quantity . . t on, is th e'g ues t of hi'lr <;ousin, Miss . T his me£'tinll had been 1001<erl Sarah Haines . ih. 'buyo", of creamery products I1. k new that tho ooor·kCCJ)lnll Qual· for ward t o, for \10m!! t,iflle , bu t ' owing A . W. Reeves ill d 'rivin g II new CINCINNATI, OHIO l(ies ot buttcrcan usua lly be traced to to the Ileal'ci ty of lc' o rd machines i l: Ford. ~~ut~rcgw ~~gnf1l.~~m,"pI~~~r~;t~~~ was· .1 ferr ed to a t ime when the , He wUl'teli )'.ou that no IIhipper, ever lost a dollar dealing wi t h --~~------~--------L . L . McNeil is confined to his U.S. S"PARN I'OR. wil hlla unequalled machine could be secured . This oc• ... and bla expoIrleoce 18 tbat the TRI·STA'JJE will make more money reputation for cleanliness; , home by illness . caslon will not he fO ~llo t ten rig ht for th..jlroducer than any other creamery. \V1lJ 1Ct mCNhoW' w? ll h ow rndcl, Flag Buttons, ,j ust the thing: .. , . .. , , . , Ie E C. Lemar lIa b een la id liP for If~Il ""a1~r it I, t o' keep ihe U. S. SEI'· away . The oommittee in charge had ae cloeim"t worry aboJt his shipment afte r he p uts it on lbe seve ARATORc lean nnd I'UStlculrialdon ncJ ral d ays by an inju red an kle. Tatting Thread, four color~ , . ' ..... , .. . Sc put ~orth g reat anxiety 'that their .kaiIl-:-oo matter wbat train, day or night. The TIlI·STATE g uaran . out Ih:lo othe r IIlmlln r devlCC$, - h ~w Quickly Ihq ",l'C h~n icn l washet' l!eTuba, Miss E mma Lopez , a native Cuban effo rts would not be wasted, at ld now C. the 8blpment qai~t lOllS (lr ,damage in t ransit , a nd ou r SPOT ' Straw Hats, Men, Children, . . _. , , , ... . lOe lICalda and ~ricS I".$imm inlt pn<ts, ~ t hey feel that thq hav£' adiled several CASH 1IQ cheek pernllta no middlema'l's deductions or commiSllions·. addressed t he congr egation a t t he Embroidery, new ' line" per yard .. . .... . lOc!f&lp'rrlA ~&1 'l.i[~n tfo °l~rr~ Friends' ch u rch Sunday mornillg. ' stal'~ to tbeir cr"wn . ~ goodly sum You will find ~e TRl·STA 1'E Patrofl. a man who a ppreciates the ducelhcm. Black1 and White Shoe Polish ....... , . . lOe ' was mad e and now Btllnds ora the ~ __ aod profit an choOling a .Responslble, Safe and Perni anent W. H . l cenhow r, of : Washing t on, credit side of their whicb After I show you, see if you can ~~ aDd IIUckiDa' to it. C. H . was the gues t uf hIs pa rents Zinc Binding for Oil Cloth .. . , .. , • ; , , , . lOe find any other lIep:mitor SO san· they were In need lo the him to order cans for you on 30 days trial, or write direct to last week. Carpet ' Taeks ........ ,'..... • ....... , . ' Sc ltary. J[ you cannot - then buy E'xpense for sickness Township S. Convent ion a U. S. -t he \Vorld's R ecord Mop Sti'cks ......... '. , . , .. . . ..•..... , . 15c had sil1cc their Lodge was In~LI~I~l~1{l was held in the Friends ehutch SIlO' elOte sklmminK IIOparator. . To all who 80 generously Pearl Buttons, beauties, per doz, .....• lQc day afternoon. A . very helpful and 'In makinJr this a flnanclal success inspiring prog ram was rendered. OI'N OINNATI, OHIO they wish to thank, and now it I, i Very little damage w u d ori e by thing ot tbe put, but it is a tllOt In C-!.;...~ 'ID t~e hall st orm Saturday evening Waynesville, Ohio '~I:\J~~~~r~r:' Over 29,000 mMIdI-"Pltrons W this cue that their teachlnltl were ....-.r LARGEST CRm.ulJi:RY IN althoul(h lhe stones were of remarkprodlllC8J'. able aize, ODe meamrinJ( ·7U inch. qempllfteclaDd will_while Friend·

'Fairbanks Oil and Gas Engines





Fairbanks . Platform ' Scales


Clairmont Stoves 'and




Oil' Stoves and Garden Tools General Hardware of all kinds


Oili and Greases of all kinds


Binder Twine,Carden HOle, etc

Waynesville, 0. '













Tourist Tickets at Low Round 'Trip Fares Daily






Notice to Tax' Payers




-- ..


--- -----

•••••• '''••'''''•••

.- ---



We are now ready to receive June tues. Come early and ayoid the rush.


CaU Me by "Phone

. -.

e. B. ' B~ntl¢y


Good Paint and Reliable Painter



Cheap Paint and Inexperience





. A Clean Proposition






THE .5c, "10e AND 2Sc. STORE







ebfP ..... ~.heait of

8.' PUR

~~.~;;;11;;";'~=~':~.J ~

" "


Sixty-Ninth Year



JUNE 6, 1917


-MENiiij ' .----.--..... _---.




L . A. Zimmerman was in Ci ncinnuti Thu rstlllY ·

M·rs. Matilda Hoaier entertained at dinner Sunday. Miss Agnes Hornick. of Xenia. Miss Mary Salisbury and Mr. Don Shirl ey, of West Carro llton .

Men of WnynesviJ1e, Tuesday evcn· ing , June l ~t h .



, MilS Ethelyn Jones entertained' at dinner Saturdav Mi ss Ag nea Hornick, of Xenia, and Miss Ethel Hosier . .

. Oreatest and Safest of All Invest'arl Sarv is was a business vitlitor ment!; Be a Shrewd in Lebanon Monday. Money ~Iakcr J o~ . Hawl,e, of Bellefontaine. spent Decorlltion Duy hel e.







8UY A U. ·S. 80 N0

Fourth Federal Bank District Has High Hopes on Selling Mr. and Mrs. W. ~. Clark en tortained at a 6 o'clock dinner Fridav U. S. Uberty Bonds evening May 18th the f ol1owing Il'uast!l: Mr . Wm . R. Spriege l, Mr, and Mrs . E. J. , Arnold , Mi ~~e8 Dllrot.hy Gebauer. Beulah Kindler , He Pre, ldont Wllaon, tbe cabInet alld i ter Canine, J o~ ephlne Andrews, Vad a congros" !!oro keonl7 awaiting new• . McPherson, Anna Vand erv oor t and or lllo lIublorlptlona tor Llborty bonds" Alma Waterhouse. ,.,.hic b tbe go .. ernment baa Lal ued to . • hel p ....... rh o war. i Tile aaLe baa boon arr&n,ed throUh . Mr. and Mr.a. H. E. Eamhart en· tertained Thul1\day evening in honor tbo fed_I reser.-e baukll and aacordIng to tbelr dJIlrloli. Our dlatrlct the of Supt. W. R. Spreigel. A fine 6 fourth, Inolud05 Ptttsburgll and ~ •• t.1 o'clock dinner was served to Mr. em Peonnsylnala.. WbeolltJg alld part, Bnd Mrs. B, H. Kelly. Mr. and Mra. 01 Weat, LezlAaton and ...t- , Geo rge Mark s. M i H Amanda Hearn"; ' of Lebanon. Misl\ Grace Carman anti orn- KtMltu,"ky. IIlId the IlItira etat. ofl Th e capital at tbe r8ll0"81 Messrs. W. R. Spretgel, Hsymond Olllo. bUDka In tills dlstrlot Ie the th1rd larg-i Davis and Ernest Earnhart. eel In Amerl".., bolas ozooeded onI' l b)' the New York and ChIet11rO dl.trlob. Mr . al)d MrH. S. L Car t wright, Tbe fourt h diltrlot II, therefore, oae: entertained Saturday to a 6 o'c1?ck of lhe riohcst nnd mOlt JII'OIperoM .. dinner in honor of thelt: granddaugh- Alllerloa. wt'cl1 meana In tile world. tllr. F.vel)'n's fourth birthday , Th e It hae man, splendid and pro.puou: Invited guestl were: Mr. and Mrs. cIties, !!:Toa l oeuters of DI&n'elo\ll In· J. O. Cartwright and daullhlers. dustrloM, and, wldo flold. 0( ' .lIeota1Mesdames Hannah Rogers, Rach el b ed IUCCeSB6II. Buoll III tobACCQ. oll, E. Keye, Lawrence CartwrilZht, of and 0001. Clevel&a4 ~ depoaiUi InDavton. Doris and Boyd Henderson cteBllod ncarly '100,1100,000 In tlM Iu\ Misses Emma Cartwright. M arth~ U mooths. Tile poople 01 Ohlo Uoae driTe nearly a Quan.r 0( a ml!lt_ au. Burnett and Kizzle Merritt. tomoblle.. Throqllo\lt tba ...un . . trlet tho people ar. proll)lll'Ol&a uul Miss Kathryn Clark delightfully happy. Accordt.Vly W8.Ilhl!lgten 'It'IlI M entertelned a party of young people at her home weat of Lytle. on th e gNatl, dlaapp01Dted uniOi. lite Il'eat' evening of June 1st, in honor of her district "!,88t ot tile AII.IIl.... andj friend Mias Leona McGinnis. who eRst of Indlua ranks at' leut third III left the following day to 8pend the the .olumo or Ita purahu611 of Liberty Pltl'lbur,h. WlleelllllJ, Ole"... summer in Detroit. The evening bOD4.. wu apent in various gamell, contests 181Id, OlnolDDati. Colton bUll, Toledo,' and mUlic, and at a seasonable hour Lexlnston, Da)'tOll aD4 Sprl.D8t.141 the gue~h werl led Into a room fea- bankers ban e.en blsher bop.. ThIT tooned with Inowy cobwebs, after ","ould not be IlUrprlaeil If tha fourth unraveling which, those whole strings dIstrIct ranlted 8000114 ODly to ~ met enjoyed supper together. Those New York dlstrlot. Dut o.e/T man. WODlIUl &lid CIhlldi present were: Misses lAona McGinnla, Corinne Welch. Alice Care~ must participate. Bondi lieU .. loW' Helen Marlatt, Mabel and Hazel as $50 lUld as hlih aa '100.000. Salisbury. Lillian Wilkerson. Mil- . I\b.ko the 1far 101Ul the aIlIef IIIIbJeet dred Smith, Edna Cornell. Hazel of tllsou.slOll 1n your bome. Mue Iva 'n niley, Adria Cornell, Rhea, 7,elma that each member of YOUl" famUy and Eata Stacy Ruth Coon Anna seeR bla or ber dut, and oPOQttu.D.l~, Smith Reba Ea;nhart Velma'Smith elee.rly_ Make up your mind today. Doa'li Edna Smith, Mildred.' Margaret IlnJ Kathryn Clark and the Messrs Ber- let It he said that 70U .wlthheld YOlJl' nard Gebhart, 'Elliott Wright, Irving holp In time of your coantrJ!. n .... Wllch Hltrman Gebhart Carl Frye -----Van Retallick. Harry' Meredi~h: Madison Earnhart Ernest Earnhart RUIIItII Burnett, R~lph Johns, Le81i~ Earnhart Herman Smith Melvin Brackney: Earl Clark. Al1~n S'mith and Everett Clark. .. _ ....._ - --

Did you ever own a. bond' Harry Carey, of. pringfi eld, made JI I. lhe (IT..,,(,," t lind ""IMt or nil his fri ends here a cull last I"riduy , In"estwen\JI. 'rh e shrl'wdo. l 1U0n ey wllkers are bond buyer... 'flle luoIII clU'clul Invoslors ure hond buyt-rK. Born- To Mr. 'Inu MrR Honalrl When you bll Y stock,lbt; monoy you Hawk e. ~'riday, Ju ne 1. J!J 17. a on. pay for It lu I:une lorov",·. What yuu Mr. nr.u Mrs n. S Howell vi sited buy II only a right 1.0 ah"re In dl vidouds, provldln, IllUre should b" nuy. wilh relatives lit Pul·t William Sunilut a bond I. dltrerent. '1'bl! mono, day . JOU pay lor n bOlld III roturnpd to you III full al tho end or a . \.ated II rlod. Mr. and Mrs. James PrendeTlrast You know by rendIng lho bond l18ol1 on sptlnt ~unday with relatives at Orepredaety wbal date you ... 111 get b'ICk gonia . princIPal. 'fbeo. In810ad 01 won· derln, 1I'helher you 1I'lU let Inlerest M re. Bess Whitt) lilld two children. 1- )1111. \\,1111 11 111 Tl III'('l:l ~' Pnl·H""Q. w ll " hul ll th o New r uO'I! ~ 111 "':Jr, ( ' of Ih ,"'~I'H',' r nfllC l'rs Ihnt will (;0 to or dlyldenda on yoar money, you alao know by rend In!!: your bond exactly of DI,yton. visited with relaliv s here Fl'tln l"> :!- \ ·n ll, ·,· :-;111 110111 "r .'rIl Hhln>:lu u \1'1111. Olll\l).\ h (lnl y flfu'cn Yl' II 1'. 01 h tll tl.~ " f\r~l-dll' s \l' IO'c l l'ss Ol'erllltor's II r,'n,e. a- ( 'I,n.'m ' II ,,~ "1'11' UI 111'1'1'11"1, · 1'",' II\l' oOlccr~ ' t rulnl n~ CIlIllP !fir Fort Mye T, \' u. 4- 1'u rmcr Hussllln wllat rate' of Interosl you ... 111 1M> paid List week. ('x III,. IIh Oll1 1(, ('11 ,1011 1'1, ,, SlI n F r:lIl1'l ~r{) fl r Ilwlr 1I1l1ll'c 10 1111.. and 00 whllt dut a the paYlllent. will be made to you. Mrs. J , f . Cadwallader was the In.uraoc. companies, coJl ..ges. trust week.end g uest of Miss Marne Urown, funds and conservallvo Individual In- vf Columbus. vestor. buy bondH bCCI\\ISe tbey AT" the 8afeut kInd of Inve.tnlent. DOI\(IIO Mr. and Mrs . Sherman Dyk e and _llIIIued by tbe UnIted !:Itat 8 govern- family, of Dayton, were visiting here ment are the mo~t )laluable 01 Al1 Oecorntion Day, bondl. Our goveTnment nover falll to pa,: UIUtll1y Ita bonda Boll .bove par Mr. and Mrs J . O. Cartwright and heau .. thOY are alwUI "8.1 good 88 DAY WAS FITTI GLY OBSEW~D .old." Tho mao or woman who bolda ''lmily visited with Middletown fi ends Wednesday. U~Ite4 8tAtee bond a 18- free from 'fhe Wayne, Townsllip Sunday WE DNESDAY With one exception. which was ~orrrl the 1Il0n8, tbo, 008t 'Will oomo ;)chool Convention held it a regular · unavoidable, every bank, both na back In tun. and ev"ry coot ot IDtereat tronal and IItate. wal repr~nted at Dr and MTs, Swhl, of Frankli,s, meeting at the Lytle M. E. eh,urah, ..,111 b, pald on the appointed dI\YI. wer-4l c!lllera on Mr. and M rB. W. H. 'Sqnday afternoon, May ~O.1917, a meilling held In the Cltizenl Nationai Bank of Lebanon on last '1'he sessiou was opened by mURic, Libert, boDdB, Il8ullfl 11, the Allen Sunday afternoon. after which Rev. R C. Moon. read ~'ri day nillht. The purpose of the 8tatea aonralDent In ord.r to. win the war aDd -r_tablleh peace on earth. 15 verses fl'om 2nd Timothy. This meeting was to consider plans where. f I d' ' ,' K will loon bo ready for aale. You can Inr~~~ ~h:gU~~g:'fo Mr~ ~~apM.::: was followed by a prayel by Mrs . --by the banks could the beller assist lublCrlbe now. Thele bondl ape In d. Walter Elzey and family. James VandervoC'rt. Mrs. Barton Was Gi vcn by Ur .. B1odgctt~d the the government in the more general nomlnattons of ,~O. $100. $l!oo. 11,000. Kelly sang a beautiful solo, which disposition of t he Liberty Bondll. was quite an inrentive to the meet · Entire Program Wi Mr. John McKinsey of the Tillotson, flO.OOO, '60,000 and '100.000. You can Vcry Good Wolcott & Co .. bond house. Cinclnbuy one or Hevera\' Interest Ie at S.,. Mr . and Mrs. S. D. Everly, of Inl{. per cent, payable June Hi and DBc. 15 Dayton, attended the exerclHell at 'rhesuperintendents of tho differ nati was present alld told tht! bankers eYery year. If at 1\ later dnte the gov- Miami cemetery Wednesday. ent departmt!n ts gave their reportll, --.; of the work being done in that city. ernment .bould Isoue bondl al 4, • '>it. While not quite so good as lasL year fi rh~ American Hankers Association is ti I C . Wednesday afternoon wa Wng 6 or IDY other hlgber per cen.t of IDI)win~ to so much sickness, all felt t ime for the peOlll() of U vicin it.y asSIS ng tIe ounty ~rllantzatlontl Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Warwick and terel\' you can III one exchange your encourllged: all over the cou ntry, In order that Rev. R. C. Moon. the Lytle p3 tor to gather together and ~erve one people may be the beUer educated per cent bonds tor tbose of the Bon, of Col umbus, spent a few hours bllheet rale. ThUll you are prot eo\- with fr iends here Wednesday, delivered the mllin address' of the af- of .lhe greatest dal/s WI,e :1'own. upon the subject , and also to make ternoon. He spoke on what the ship hall ~ver had. The Y WIlS fine it possible for almost anyone to eel AI to the tuture. Furthermore, tbe"l LIberty bond a aro tall tree; henee Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sellers, of Sunday School represents and its alth?ugh cloudy, ~T1d th~ole coun purchase a small bond, af least. No Jour lacome from thom III net, not Lebanon. visited Mrs. Ali r.e ReYR needs. He said its aim was to win tryslde gathered m the Lernoon at one need hesitate to go to any bank lubect to an, deduetlon b, ~e city. and daulrhter MondllY evening_ ind ividuals to Christ. if it were not the cem~tery t o do hon.~°h'~~ah~ f?r 88sistance 88 it will be cheE'rt!llly .county. ltale or nation, . for th e Sunday Schools the church roes of 6L;"Cls well as jl g gIven . .The government Is alUtlOUB soon cease to exist. ' We de t~ t~bs~lIwh~ ~rle r~rePn~!{ }~re~~~ t~at ,this be a potlular loan and not I Enl7 man. woman. or cblld .. ho Mr. and .Mrs . H. ·· V. Walte r, of would ' SImplY held In the handll of the ab l11. a Llherty bond ""1\1 be ,IYen a Lebanon. spent Sunday afternoon vlorl'd the far.t that only one 'out of t . e a e e t.s 0 four was in the Sunday School. Rev. rI~i~ts of ru raam tY·ti .. efl'orts of wealthy.-who. it may be said here, 1buttoa to .. ear. That button wl\l Indl· with Mr. aild Mra. D. L . Crane. Moon advised each Scllool to have M rE:t~~ HIe .un : Miss Kiz ie are nnxlous t.o get the bonds tor they . cate two tbllll.: rs . . I, arrls ai r ';! II' Z are th .. best and satellt invastmenc subsl ilute tea che rs. Every teacher L-Tbat ItII 'wenrer belloTeR In the Mrs . Etta Printz. Miss Luella hould be what lh~y wanted their MerrItt. 0 Just as offered the American people. In .tn••tment, "alue of govornment scheduled Early I. Ie afternoo.n addition to all this, It il a patriutic Hilgeman and Mr. J'Os. Printz 'spent $cholars to become. \bolldl; After the nddress Ernest Earnhart vehloles an~ pedestrl,ry wen ded theIr duty of our !!itizenship to help fight Wednesday with relatives here. Waynedville. Ohio. Yay 30, 1.17. , I.-That tho wenrer baa done 110m. sang a beautiful solo which was way to tlliaml cem , and at 2 the war by as large a subscription as /thine to help the UnIted States Will To the Patrons and ·F riendsofWayn.,.. · . o' clock th ere was of\)f the largest possible. . greatly IIPprtlciated. Ralph Pence, of Dayton, has been [the war. That button will be a badge ville Schools: Mrs. J. W. Ward spoke a f E-IV crowds of pee~le er 88sembled A permanent organization In War. taking a var.aLion the past week, and lor bonor 10 all the days to. como. Kindly permit me to take -thl• . graded work in the un th~,r~n Mel~ol'1al y. . ren Co unty, was mlld e. and the folrQinutes on Wh, not buy at least one Libert, was visiting with relatives here. n181lnllof thanking you both Indlvidday School. She has gi\'en thi s a bit 1 he app~ll'!ted !,mh1!ttee~ . all lowing omeera elected: J . Warren !bond for enl')' member of 70ur tamualiy and colleotively for the 8881~t­ of study and heartily apllroves of wor.ked untlrln.gllo' kt elr varl0!ls Wood, chairman. P. V. Bone, vice 1I1I7r DecIde now. Subscription. close J ohn Franey, of Columbus. visited this work. resulted In chairman and C. C. Eulass, secretary. . dull es, and lhelr ance you have given me In making ,,Jun. 16 at the latOllt. but the 101'Orn' relatives here Wedne!!d&y lind atJudge Boxwell, the county super Ir(lod, as w~ silO' y .th e, success . More than one hal! of the sugThe Xenia Gazette of last week our school a success. You have made PIlant r •••rYe. tho rllht to close eaJlo tended the Memorial Day · ex·ercises. intendent \VIIS prtset1t and made atew of the ex" rCI~es. ~ noLable feat.u re geste'rl allotment to Warren County says that an attempt w~s matla to my work exceedingly pl.,88ant. , 1\11.. If It prefers. Give Mr. Green the sam!! loyal asremark ? aft '2 r which th nominating tlf th e day was tranSDol tat~,m . - 6 percent of the total assets of the blow up the Spring Valley Packing Ed H~thaway. of Columbus Grove. commi Ltel:l UI {II.' the following repeTt AlIlhose laking t in the exercIses banks- has already been Bubscrlbtld Co o's piant recently . Similar at- sistance that you have given .m e and Ohio. visited . his parents, Mr. and President. Mrs. Carl Duke: Vice l\llrl a ho~t ~f (:ens were trans but there is a determination to sho~ tempts' have been made at Xenia and you will continue to prosper. He is . ' Mrs. F, W. Hathaway. a few days President. Mrs. Barton Kelly; l.'reas. por ted. and In I manner a gre~t the patriotism of our people by going Lebanon. and the authorities all over thoroughly cotnvet«l.,nt to lead thO' urer Mr . Da\ds F urnas; ecretary, many went to tFell1clery h who, III above the allotment as far as possible. this section ot the country are tuking schools to a 8uccessful finish. last week. Again thanking you tor the many Mies Kntlwri\l'~ I' l elld er 8St ; up t olher years, h,J stay at orne. Evtlryone who has subscribed to the matter Into their hands and are crvicc' Cemctery bonds outside of Warren County going to see that these packing kindnesses shown me during the past Mr. and Mrs. James Zell and of Elementury De pt. Mrs . Claren" two years , Lam always . ." . , cem eter Hev S Ailoul,d write Seal' C. C. Eulass of hou8e8 are protected. daughter. of Yellow Springs, were Smith; Supt. of lilt I med iate Dept., Sincerely. Flour mills are allo on the list. and Mrs. Charl es Hough :· SQPl. ' pt Adult · A ABll~:~~t~ he Il resid1~g onice; t he Lebanon Nntl.onal Ban.k ~tstln~ guests of Mr. and Mrs . Frank Zen Wm. R. SpriegeL Dept .. Mrs. Marianna Uogan; upt. . ~ a ae e I t . f h the amount of hIS subscrIption so statistics Ihow that at least one flQjlr Wednfsday. of Mi~!lionary Dept., Mrs. Silas Ho ot the day, a: . m~ Sltlc row t ~ Ihat proper credit may be sec~red mill a day la being destroyed In the 1) l band Rev, d. ' .a. we a er 0 ere for the county. The banks will U. S. It III said that the German f '1' Lost- Between Waynesville. and I~~sd.; SJ~DL MeMe~~~:ltnc~UI)tep of Ihe invocat" I h'd latg'c ch ?rus rtlport subscriptions at the end of agents are doing the work In ordes: , Council met in regular 8esslon Mt. Holly Sunday evening Nickel Teacher' sTraining. Miss Maria tou t, lang " Amel an~ twelye httle bUliness all each l~riday night to cripple the buslnesa of taking care Monday eveninll' at council chamber. Rim (off headlight of automobIle. Delegates to the C(.unty Conven girl s gave v llre tttiy a tribute to Now that Warren County i~ thor- of food during tbe coming season for After routine business had bl!en dia, Reward. Leav~ at Gazette Oltice. Lion. Mr. Ernest Earnhtnt; Mrs the flllCf!:· >.iodget.t made a splen- o.u ghiy organize~ let the subscrip· the Alliea. posed of they took up several import· Dr. . 'Vii h ' f1 tlOns proceed rapIdly. It Is a aplenReba Furnas, and Miss Ina Cumpton The treas urer r eported a balance d idaddre_~ as e Is.a uenttalker did way to do "our bit" We have ant matte"'. Him S. S Tibbals. who speaks L. A. Zimmerman reaigned as betore the Men ot Waynesville meet of $2 68. r~rt aOfvi~~rli~:::~. hID~~dBi~:e~~ nevllr yet. fail ed in. pa'triotlc work elerk and R. E. Davis was appointed ing, Tuesday evening! is olle of th.e The' ~ession closed with music by \VB5 alBa ~ ier. and his eulogy ~o Rnd we will not In thIS. in hie place to scrve the bltlance of fin~t speakers ' In Oh\9. Don·t fall the congrelol'alil)n. d ' tl .. - . - -hi. time. . O·N eall. Sec'y. nis old I'd es In arm s was a mtr. Martha L: TheThlrd Reaimant mad a toUl'" ably dot jl e I ~ :e lsb n paJ t comMr. Pollard, who was employed to to hear bim. of fift.y miles laat.-week, anl'l tliey .... ... make a survey of the i\leetric lilth t w~e 111 Lotbanon Tuesday evenlhi'. m:mder the G. A. R l ostti of IY5tem. wu to have attended coun· 'Thoma~ Calvert and wife. and The heavY .rain of early Tuesday The boys made quite an ' in'rpr8118lon. Blodgett's add reBs the ' ' til. butwu unable to be there. It is Margaret· Warner. of Selma. spent morning raised the river to 'aueh an judginll from the large crowd which chorus og "The Star Spangled undentood that he w88 not really to Sunday at the Friends Home. Mrs. extent that the water over ran the visited them on Runyan field, They Mary Shute returned to . Selma with. S - make a report , . banks, and in many fields corn will were' accompanied by the band, and them Sunday evening. Council took up the matter of a have to be replanted. The river fell an excellent concert was enjoyed by . I U the \irtlrl~ ma.r ched to the monFourth ot July celebration. and after III rapidly as It rose, and it is almollt the large concourse of people. They eonsiderable discussion the matter Frederick Itobltzer, who has spent left for Springboro Wedneeday. normal again , u"he~Meredith Ireclted Lineoln.'s The Knights of Pythias. I.' O. O. IWU left until after the meeting of the 'psst school year at Barnesville. the Men of Waynesville. Council Ohio. bme home lISt week. and, will a source of much g rlllificatio Me.~~ati~t:c~~r a~~~t:~.Bbwti~~ F. and Junior Order fr1lternities will aranted • however. in case of a cele spend the sumlIJer here. He , was toIttl-teis patrolls of the Wayne Tow II hIS(} pI ye I "1f' nt' g Tonight" observe their Decoration Day Sunbratlon, North street for a hill climb accompanied by his aunt. Mn. J . H. sbip know that the orm thef .. a I (. dIn • day, June 10. There will be a good Williame. who will visit . here tor a dep nrtmen t Willi?!) k!:Pt here "!'loth .the'ra tJ~~ l t!;:e ha3~~~~ "Our speaker . and music. The members lng con teat. '. Tbe :roll8inga on Main street were shorf time. year and thllt MISS Beulah Kindle d d d of the dlff'erent lodges are earnestly ordered to be fixed. also the road~ the ~ffici.ent teach~r of that · depal ·l:1r iiealrn r~~~m~:de t1~~ubee : requested to turn out and make this put in bet.ter condition . ~ d hP . ' r h ne a day long to bl! remembered. Mesdames A. Maffi·tt. Sarah Zim· ment. WII\ be retstned . After a dlsculSion on ~everal other merman •. Mver Hymln. O. M Ridge. At the cl ose of school the quotdl on an t e ellelClsea or t e day The Junior Order and I . O. O. F. 'minor thinga council adjourned. for the Normal had not been mad'" e e n d . . lodges will meet at the K. P. Hall at Ida Hock'et~ lI!ld Mr.Ral M!lIs .a ttended inspectton of New Burlington u but the atate depa~tmept WI any floral olfermgs ~ad been 2 o'clock, and marcb to the cemetery. • _ • Eastern Star Lodge Thuraday even· V~;y much I(rlttified with the woP I ed on the graves ,by lovtng hands Here ia how to b", a $10 Liberty bond In IDatallmen~ .. inlt . . Everybody had a good time of the Bcbool and sent word to t 8 never has the . cemetarr looked rmal £re beautiful. . preeCribed by tile lovemmeat. . with plenty of chicken to eat and b oar d t !I cun fmue 'the "t L~O , bere was no ac(:ident to mar the other good things in proportion. ~ ~ depc*t .. required wben ih~ offidal .ppli~tioa the ~~mtng year.. b y. although auliOi were there in TillS dllpartment .Id kept up ~ lilenty as well as all kinds of vehicles blank II lip" aad fU.ecl witlll the Vederal Reserve bJDk or otlMr ' . H. S. Warwick. of Columbus. hili state and tho pupils are adm . pthoriaed .pncy. " . ' been appointed eupe!'intendent of free. ' Belides this. they have a • I Jww the pwnunent wiU &ive notlficatioll wheth. the the eolumbu8 Rea!ty Co.• on~ of the portllnity of ac~al -work in scl' bond -la.. been aUotted. If DOt.the depoUt wiU be returned. ' largest companres in Columbus. He which is very he.lp_fu.1 to 1hem. ' J\llle 18 pay '.. tIuOUlh the agency whete tb• •ppUcadoG will take charge of bls new work It 'l'Ulman Barton. who lives on the aboul lhe 10th. We c.o n,ratulate , Prof. and Mrs. A. G. Steele and . was filed. July $30 pay $10. Au&1ist 11 pay $15. AUCUst 10 rei til. Kenrick farm. about a mile froD) this young man on his advancement. STR~· two children spent Saturday evening .. , 14tl., had the misfortune to lose hi' 'W ben the eec:ond payment ,. made an official c.tificate wID bam and tQ~ abed b.v fire about We want to expr'ess our thanks to end Su,!day with Walter . Kenrick 8:10 lIonday,mornin,. and Mn. Frank Zell. Dr. and the neighbors and friends who re- and tamlly at Lytle. Prot. Steele Ie be "Yen. When all paymant. bave been made ~e boact wBI INa Th. orisinof the fire II unknown. Ward. Mr. and Mra. Chu. Iponded to the c8ll1 at our late dll- of the State Unlvenlty at Morpn· dellnnd. ' .. ,'l'bere wallOme f . in tlie anel lira. W. O. ~per. uteI' when our burn burned to the town. W. Va.• and huaeeeptec;t a ~~ TIM SIO bOnc!a have coupon. which call 101' the '''m. ucl practical all of bit f..-m SllInctile 1\i1ey, MIIIl'8. Cha. tOIl. Will .trick.n with "'round. -:-They ha'ie our thanks and sltion a~ Minot. N. D.. and WIth bie aN total (JOr:I~tMI. ~rnha,t and K. few daya last iii. IdIlCi III b faadl, are maIdtIa the trip overland tUIIn..,....1'. half 011 JUDe 1. anUIie . ,Dec. ~~z:: ImplemeDta. a to PiCI.... SUndQ that h.1a ' D88I wever e ,emem· in automobile. lin. Steele II the na _10 ,...... thq • •, be re....od .... :all C.' 11. Qn\1l8f althGlJfrb ~!l:'~:!~~~~w:. ~recI br ';~ IllS Soup dauatater of the late lira. S. S. _ eobIlilioD. . ' , • AdUII.. __ of JAn. S. B. BaIDM. "'oo.I!!'!i!o!~iIIIII!"-"!'--"'-~!!!!I!!'!~I!!!!"!!!'!IIIII!!!!I~_









i-soclEn- -EVENTS -i - - -. =-

ARE THE SAFf.H AND MONEY R G Cr<)Ss WIIS a Cincinnati visitor PAID 'IN FULL AT Friday .


Whole Nwnber ·3421'







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n ~~\~~c;.J~~!~d ili: v:~~:!t~~ a~a

1. ..

,... 'tt









How to Buy $50 Liberty Loan Bond' of U. S.· in InstallmentS










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TO 81. MARY 8



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Clairmont Stoves and We are HeadQtlarters for

Oil Stoves and Garden T 0015 We are h eadquarters fo r [

General Hardware of all kinds We are Headquar ters for


Oil, and Greases of all kinds We are Headquarters for

Binder Twine,Garden Hose, etc

W. N. Sears



t aeh r. Supl. prove<! The ,Juni Ol'aof th e Hi"h 'chool en. th u e~!lmlJle, "X Y--Z': In It. very , . , . '" sdentlhc mUllTler . t1howll,g by tI'l:! ~ l S. Broad. ' rho (lul~nt iOI) of u trl IRhty post , t. r lamed, th~ !Se.nt urannrl .th ~ facu~t~ . .•"n;,lysls Lhot tho sch ()o l~ fl ou ri sh iJe.;t Dr. (Jill. O!<teopath ~o th r blolnt{ t r ouJ(h AnterIClll1 ~ :.hl~ . dR~ e\ e nm g to o p,cn,c P~l ~) " ' wndertheprop I' mllnagem nt.wi lh WilY, Lebanon. hlo. vellls with thv re~urn of ev 1')1 Ml.:m. I h .Y, w nt to (h , g~n e .11I'rl r t:;a' IH.! go" d nnd Hiciell t t tl cher orlnl Day bu ry a on t!lll XOOla ., \ I:,'re '1' h e lect ion of omcera for 191 ne Hawk werl! I i a ti ll e of d bnlsl1cred mcm- :ltlly .enl rtalll'd nhem highly .. rhe suited DR f",1l 0 W ~: Presid ent, [<'reo Mr . and Mrs Dayton "i s ltor~ ' unday . orlf:9. \,/tc n ali i yul hejlrts 11f!! fi red ~ ellltlg WIlS pleasantly s penttn ·vU· Caskey; \ ice-Pre:iident. Lawrenct! by holy n '(·ollection ~ . a Li m" when f~~u~, ways , and t ~ey serv eu a fioe (, urnas; ecr et!l ry . Mi~s Grace Cu Mi: Ethlyn Jones ar rived hallie reve rene an LJI ~'~ th Q immQrta l . _. _ _ ____ m ll n; Treasurer, E. V. Barnhart 1\1 01)d1lY evening from t utnmora , d 1111 . Th us closed II very enlertalning Mi s!; I<izzie ,Merrit t.enter~ai necl al evc'lingand uft er a plen sant hour n· T he clay this. yelLr h!l8 f or. U N Ask My Patrons n renewed m tLntrlg Bnd SIL'c r tlUne:!3, an el g ant.G 0 C.lllC~ dInn e r atur(!I\~ llcwing nld acqua intllnces the Alu mni MIs.. Ina U(LllI iltOll . nf ~ull,,~c Hill. for lhe world i~ agaiu uL.luze -with evuning . fh e IIIvlted gu e~t l! LJernj{ I OJ .eling [0 1' 19 17 lu ed . was the g ue:· t of Miss !\:orll E!1i 8 la~L war. !lnu IIur natiull's parl in tl\() Mr. ano Mr:l. S. L. Cartwl·!ght. Mr. The out of· town members IHe3ent week. wur Is eV1I1 'n ee su flic ient tha t thi ~ 'and Mrs. J . O. artwrlght and were Mr and l\'lni F. B. ' ·herwood. 1 nlOst pathdi' and LJelluli ful o f ull dau )(nters Rhea J eann ette Bud l.ebanon · Mr. und Mrs ' Raymond I Geo rge Lnnt r, of K e ntucky, s p('nt our naLiullII1 holiuays ~ hlLll be per- evelyn . Mrs. Hllllnab ROl!l:!r s. Mrs, Ha rtsock , Luvulnnd . Supt. E. C .'un- Ruchel I( t'ys. and ~he MI ~ s G'yen- Green. Sprin ~boro; III iss Leah Smith. <"vernl dflye here Illst 'II ek witl; l)(,luat('d .fij I' Y'IlI'S t o com ,lot)' , :vIa), ::!7th \\'a~ tftu driy fur dolen MerrIll. Emm a Car twrlj!ht 'ilwinnBli; Mr. and Mr!! Frank fri end>! . ' th l' ~ l e n1 11 ri1tl ~clvkt' al d ~e rm .. n. an d Marlha llurnett. LeM ay Mid ll elowll' Mrs Ray Smi lh, . '1 ' I . e; Or . and . Ill\' l' ~IC{' Brookvill Mrs. StUhl' :rFarms a Specialty Mr. and .Mrs. D . 1\ . Ferree . u f SI . " :trv ~. chur.:h "'a \'h" ~'?11 1111:1 Y"Ul" fllr thl:' s ..,t\' !C CJ Th ~ engul{emc' nt of Mi s lara I"l'Imklin; Mr. and Mr ~ . Sherman :-.:lei on ville, Ohio. are I he ~U ('~ ll:l of Til e slIerc II'Ullk('. all\' Y,' pleu' in~, lI ~zel Huwkc and Mr. Halph Vanct:'. Shonk. Miss UI ~c tl e~~. Dayton; MillS Dr. and Mrs. WUrLl. W i\.! l11 il1} ,· 101,,1'(' heaLlllfu! \\lIh IInnli o f Mo rrow. WIIS BlIlloullced Ifl ~ 1 8uytha Mli CY. LdJanon . d, "u ratiullh und n:ltilllm' colt. r~ 1 ;l~1 '. rhll l',day at a G o' clo k uiane \". " iven -' - - -+-- - Dr. onll MrR. Witham. of l~il1gs fuliy arrull~l· tI IIY 1(1),111 h H lld ~ ultl by Ir~ J . P. ["1'011\01 . of Dayton , Mills . w ere unuay vi~iLOr:l at t he Glory Will! con allCUUll" III lh~ chullc'l s i, t'r of the IJ ri ue elect . Ulll istud LJy horne of III r . Aua m Stoops, and II lwincd the pul pit 'I ias Ma ry HIl", I(e. o f Lt! banoll , at TI1l' chur It wn ~ ""II lill d wilh a Lire hOllie uf Mr J . C lIawke. A pink IInti whil e color ~chc rne wll8 Mr. lind Mrs Frank LeMay. of r eve rt'nt <lnd Ilppr '<'i alivt! conll: re~II' illiddl etow n. were wet'k·enti guests ti n . but the ' 1111111 !l urnh '\' uf vt'ter carri eu nUl in tht! taul\! dt!c" r a t i()p~, l-f)l- Of all kinds all;; ill ut tcllLillllCl! g al'!'! Iltlthet ic th e favorl:l at ('ach pl uee IJ ' inl! dainty of Mr, tlnd Mrs. C. T . lI aw kt1. ',,!llcnce uf lit", thi nl1in~ o f the milk" pink rose~. On ex um ininlt th em Ihe Mr . and Mrs.•l a mes SIf)opR a nel o f thE ~al l allt I1<1Y" who Wtlllt to the ~.(Uests fuund tu cktld iIi anwn)! the son, Holmes. of Van WNt. s pe nt frunt in the day of t he wu r bt'twtlen petals . a li ttle white h( ar t. wh ich l;;a rl Conne r, who wnrks at t hp d,j9c108 rl the wonu erful secr el thll t SunuRY with Mr. and Mr. . Aclum the SUlles. Wayne~ville Mill s. hurl the misfo l' A pleu!llllg' feat ur e Clf the ervice the weddin g wnuld take place on SlO O~ S. WtlS the flug' Ill' ,enl.nlion hy fliT Salurduy. June 16 . A dainty three . tune Frid"y mor nin g, LU .crush three Office Ilngers on hi~ right hand while he MisR Bell ie Burne tt. of Miami- J . O. t;<Irtwril.(ht on bdlllif of hill coarse dinnlJr waR th en served . wua workin g . He WIlS tending Lo (ml' ntll, ~II· . (Jnd fl l rtl. '. L C 1'( The invi: d g uests were Miss Clara Over the Postofflce v ille. Fla ., i ~ spending th e SUIlHI).c r Lee H awke', Mrs . t he corn meal grinder ~nd he IItuck 'with rel ative in and aru und Way- wright, wl.o guve lhe (Jug to th e Hawke Mrs C!IU reh as d. III 'moriul to Ch ari s James ' E. ~1 Cl u reo 1\1 i_s Hel en his hs nd in the ho~ per to t<lst thf' nesville. E;wan .Merrtlt . a hrother of MI'~ Haw ke, Miss Alma Wut('rhouse. Mrs meal, and in s ome lllanner one of his C rtvm,:ht. . . J . Wilson Edlvards, Mrs . C . M, Ito· finger s gaL caught in the cogs. and Supt . W. R. Spri gel . th e MlsRe~ 1I1r. J . 0 Cn l't~m li\'htul\':ILYs p lea -, Mrs. C A. Brun 1', of Lb· w'as rapidly drawing th A othcrR in . Telephone e 1-2 -" 3 Clara Lile Elma IloLJerts und Vaun Ing and <:trcctlve In In pu Llt c addrc~- anon , Mis.q Ell n ": he rwood . Miss By heroic aetil,n he managed to frel' M c Pherso ~ are s pending a co uple of es . IV~~ ll t:'y r n~ore so t ha n on thi S Laura McKinsey M iss Ethel Hosie r. his hand, with the res ult th at three days in Chillicothe . o 'l:aSIOn, wllh hI;) well chosen and ' tinKers are pr elty badly· crush ed - - - - - -fll rc lui wordstlf pre E'ptatiQII . The Mr. and Mrs. S. L . C artwri ~ht flag wns r ecpivl'd on behalf of the On last Thursday afternoon Mrs. were In Dayton Monday atlenulllg chun:h. by the r ector . dedicated and Geo rge Marks enterlained a f ew the funeral of Li eutenant W le r. an plaCEt! in lhes i<lJc l u,LI'_ of Ihe church fr ie nds velY p rettily Ilt her home. old friend to the Cartwright 's.! Of Cou rGe It Woutdn't. Hev. ,J. lo. ' adwall ade r preached "H ear t!!" th e new word ga me. was -Gvorgo HII 11111 n. clurlng "lit! at bls lhe Memorial S rmon fro m the \\lord ' tIre diversion of the afternoon. and hor~<,hllcl( rltl('s II I I.ukl, 1'11i£1tl, cmll e Mr. and Mrs . Isaac Stout and son, of J esus , ::;1. Luk e l a : ~ , "!:Iut ye afforded no end of alTlusem ent At ncross t1 sollhtry old mun, who. Belltot Ltlbanon, and Miss F r anc s Thayer. would not." Theme: War a sc ur \l"c tb close of th e gam es a dainty two· Saturday evening at 7:4 - ot th E ed In t l) , tloorwuy "r hts cubtn. W"'" lid· of Pasadena, ai, were the week-end to d r ive men to ;'0<1, wh rl:!fuseu to course luncheon wasl!erved . On th e Cadwallader dlln" tllVny for d"lIr lifo. quite regan!· guests of Mre. Esthe r Stout and lJe won t o Him by ll is must loving plales were f ound smllil pink bags rectory. Rev . J . invi talion. The lllu:!ic wns ,)t t.he and UIJUn opening th ese bags th e married Mr . Walter Pat lette, son 01 less of SUC'l1 lrltlluJ; con\'ootlonnlltles daughter. Miss Maria, us ual high ol'd('r, with the choir ve r y g uests found tiny cal:!. which, when Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parlette, lv Mis~ "s .tlm e 11,"1 tUII~. HlltIllIlI !tstened The Tri·State Butter Co , is offer· ell'active ill [he P rocessio nal. Onward taken out. "Let the cat out of the Be rth a En ·nhart. daughter of Mr. uwhlle to tlte en :ophony 10 amuseIng this week th e highest price ever 'h rislilllo :-5oldiers and a ve ral patri· ball'," told of the apl)roacilrng mar and M ra. Lon Earnhart , All parti !- Ihcnt Itlill Uleu IIIQulred easutllly, paid for butter fat, 44e They buy otic Il um be rs . St a r Spangled Banner, riu ge of Mi s Gruce urman lo MI'. were from, Hidll'eville . The mar rialrf' "How do YOII tu n~ ynur violin?" The Raymond Davis, (he wedding to be was witnessed 'by the rector's tamib reply' (:1I 1t10 with roCrt\lIhhll Ingenuousdirect from the farm er thus sawing Amel'i r.a, etc. snd Mr. alld Mrii. Thoma, IIlso of nllIlK: "J dUI1' t tuao It- It dOD't lIoDd It was a service full of hallowed un event I June 28. the middleman'S price. nead lheir memories, ch erished by Lhe htlart 'l'hese two people are very p opular P idg ville .. Ight It 1 do." ad. on another page of loyal Christian people, who love WClynesvillE' rol~ aud their ma rriage and hQnol' the m emories of thost' is being looked forward to, by the Dr. T. Sherwood receiv d 8 tele The J ••mlne. gram Friday morning ann ouncing who r1 i~ld t hat the Union riright be younger Set. prese rv'ed !lnu civil and reli~i o u9 li b· After a season of cong r atu lations Josmlnes b 'Iullg to ttl snme tllml1y the death of Sam! J ones, d ea th r eo erty miKht li \"e. th e gues ts departed LIlt having had a ' 'l8 the olivo alld number ot leost 200 Bulting from a severe operation. As splen.did l ime. Those present were: sp.\cle9. of whIch one-tenth, Dr 20 spestated in last week' E Gazette Mr. Misses Grace Carman. Ru th Hart cl 8, fire for Hul e In the UnIted Statell. Jones s pent several weeks very 1) lea . . so~ k, Hazel Gu st in. Minn ie Davi , antl y here during the f al l. and hl ~ Reg ulsr communication of The gem or tile family Is the primrose Hazel Riley . Ethel l:I o,,;e r, Helen death will be a s hock lo his ma ny Waynes ville Lodge No. 163 jasmine, or jasmlnum premuUnum, Hawke . Janet ::>haffer. of Ca rlisle,' fri ends . F. & A. M., Tuesday even which flowers during tho winter Me3d meH J ames McClure. B. H. l eU ,·, E C. Hogers, L. A. Zi mme r- i fl ~ . June -th o Sojo\lrning bre thren monUls WIUI blossoms lurger than anJ other spectes. Carl Har lsock. son of Mr . Bnd Mrs man Fancy Strawberr ies Marks.and the hostess Mr~ . Geo and vi9itor ~D.areL. welcome, . J ohn S. Hartsock . of 'pringfi eld •. has Crane, W. M. accepted a position with the I3 lrge L. A . Zimmerman, Sec·y . Oranges ..... .... .. ..... 12c doz . up Tile ChineN. Wall Paper Co .. of Chicago. one of Hip e T omaloes. N ew Ca LJ bajte, ----~-.---.-----Mnrqul s O'1(UI11I1 says: "Individual· the largest concerns in the co untry. New Potat,)es. New Sweet PoIy the Chtnese are bou('st and eflllt at a sala ry of $1 00 par year. Carl Mi s~ Glee Hess. of Day{on. a t· t aloes: Apples, Hananas, Lem 011.:.9_ _ _ _ _ _ __ ctt'nt; but col1ecUvclY they are nf .' ha$ been traveling f or th e Pi err'e ·tended Alumni and was th e week end only irualJle to organize willi sktll. but guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hal ry Murray Wall PaJjer Co .. and marle Wa}'lIes Cabbag e and Tomalo Plants there nre nty~terlou" l enks of fund. ville a yetlrly visit. We cong r atulate Leav your oraerM- price vt!ry uud shltuug or responslbllltlu . the young mao on his promotion. low . . Any information concerning a Pure Paris Green-Paris Green See Waterhouse for Auto Livery white kitten that disappeared tbe is very scarce this aeason, RO day of the fire would be than kfully - - - ~---buy y our s upply now whill:! received. To know that it had a ~u can getjt. _ _ _ _ __ good home would be a great relief. Stella and Addie Martin, Chick a nd cratch Feed , Fine . Waynesville, Qhio_ a nd ' oarse ' Cracked Corn, Oys· te l' Shell and Pea rl Grit. I to buy your Last Thursda~ night, May 24. Har· Big Rour P iekles .. LiLtie Sweet Cards have been receivtld her e veysburg Lodge K. of P . No. 557. P ickl e~ . Wafer Sliced Dried du rIng the week snnouncing t he Wool and will pay relebrated their 25th annivert!itry in Bet!f. New CheeSe). wedd ing of Mr HerbertJanney Long their Hall, with Dist rict Depuly you the highest son of Mr . and Mrs . Icrank Long. to The fin est rlmen t of Dried Grand ChBncellPr Chas. Waggoner Miss Eli zabeth Louise Pugh. on Sat· H. L. Rosencrans, Dentist, Market Price . . • P eaches, Evp . A prico ls. P runeR ill the chair. The rules of business urday. May 26th. at the.home of the R ai ins ever bown in tuwn, .II\'e re suspended and the represen . has moved hie office to Lebano n Na· bride's f ather .in Columbu s. The p ~ ices r easonable . tatives of the lodges present were tlonal Batik .Building, ' Phone 332, many friend s of the young couple called upon and introductld for a Lebanon. OhiO. ' wish for th em a I,a ppy married life. Moores Gasoli n e, M.oo rcs Good few words. The District Dt'put}' - - - ... OiL This is th til kind that will :;urely knew who to call on to speak lJurn in an y store. The oratory which was dis played was A Real FrIend. . unklJowli to a great many. Bri ngus your Butter and Eggs. "Pa, wbnt Is n frtenln" "One who It was the largest gathering of We'pay Cash or :rr3de. Knights that Wll ever had the pleas knows. you w ell oncl ye t doe~n·t tip Waynesville, Ohio It pavs to trade at ure of welcoming into our city, and It orr to nJl the "g(.'tIts 10 town that all were busy trying to mllke every you ore thinking of to king ont n thou· Valley Phone 135 The Martins desi re to thank thei I' Knight feel that his prestlnce was sand dollars' worth ot life Inliurunce." many' friends and neighbofll for their appreciated . Lodge was closed and kindness du ring the fire . Eve ry one no ticA was given that the I"ord worked h arr! to save ou r effects. and machine would be given away 011 the we are truly ' thankful to each anu street in front of McCarren'sgaragEl everyone. Miss Hejen Deboard, 9 years old. Sarah Martin and Daugh ters. drew the lucky number 4365. which w a s held by Karl Buck, a young man in th e employ of Eavy & Co , of A f)urable a~d Attractive Painted House Xenia, which he appreciated as i t was impossible Ilr him to buy one, he had many offers for it but he being an adm irer of his afflicted mother wlro is an Invalid. and ever thou ght: ful of .he.r pleasu're,' h~' will ~ O!ep it Trinitv Sunday . June 3rd. S un · Dissatisfaction-Bilt why take a chance? Let me and WIll try and make It beneficial to day School, !J: HO a In : Hol y Co m give you an estimate on your Painting her health . He requested that the munlon Bnd ~erlllon 10:30. EveryLodgt! receive his thanks and that he body invited to these services . . or your Paper Hanging would have Ii cozy corn er in hi~hea r l ---.~ . for the. members of No. 657. Bro. Waggoner t hen gave notice there \~. ns' in waiting for them a ~ bounteous repast in the ballq uet room. The supper was served by l fevc.ry doirymnn'. wife cou1d vote [ PAINTE R AND WAYNESYILLE t be Pythian Sisters, which Is one of ~,(!Cti:;.~~c-u~~tW~~i SEPA~A~ PAPER HANGE~ their many virtu~s. About 160 were OHIO T OR would "I\v.fa wiri,lmadlc down- . Born to Mr. and Mrs Frank Lesher 'filled to oller flowing, the last but not 7.l'the creamery tn an 3 ~er B kne\v tho May 26, dau g hter. the l ea.~t WBll the Clark~villc Orcbe.~­ .IJ unsa nitary condil ion of mnny ftoepnrlltors whkhscrvo I hcm,- they would tra, which 1urnished . the musicMiss Edith ·O glesbee, of Lu mber tm Qven mQrf! urA(lont f¥ t he usa of both in qualitv and quantit.y. . U. S. SEPARA TOHS. ton . is the guest of he r cousin, Miss This meetinac had been lo01lerl Sarah Haines. . buyors of crllll"'.,y pronu':ls lrJ.t'tho know til.! 'ho poor·keep!,,!! quol· f orward: to ~or aome lime, 1>.u t owi ng A. W. Reeves is driving a new .111.. of butl.Cr can u.""lIy be traC<!d 10 tu the fJCHI"C lty of Ford machines it lmpc.rfectl r cleaned 6Cllartlt orli,.- they Ford . would enl eve n still louder ror the wns' ~ I eferred to a time when the U.S. SI5I'A RATOR ,w ith Ita uRCQuaUl'<i L . L. McNeil is confined to his, machine could be secured . This oc. ~ rcputDtJoll for cleanliness. home by illness . casion will not be forgotten rig ht T~~llwin t et "'~Ahow .\·nu how much Flag Buttons, just the thing. . . . . . . . . . . Ie E . C. Lemar has been laid up for ~ .,.,.ier It I. to keep the U. S. SEp· away. The committee In charge had ARATOR , I.",n and ruslll::osiri.ldoo nd several days by an injured nnkle. Tatting Thread, four colors. . . . . . . . . . .. 5c put forth great anxie ty that their o ut t ha n oth~r silnililr devices. - hQw Quickly th o nH~:b :mi cn l w~ l ~h cr scruba, Miss Emma Lop ez, a native Cub an efforts wou Id not be wasted, arId now Straw Hats, Men, Children . . ..... ~ .... ' 1Oe ~1d3lJnd drili,!S thcSkimmin3 pnrt!\,addressed the congregation at the they feel that thg have added several Embroidery, new'line, per yard ...... _. ' lOe ~.•g. YIf,M.iiU'Mf{ ~i'I~/,~ lfo°i~~O: star!! to their crown A goodly Bum Friends' church Sunda. morning. ducc tbcm. Black land White Shoe Polish. . . . . . . . . . tOe was made and now stands 011 the W. H . Icen hower, of : Washington , credit side of their minute!!, whi ch After 1 S!WIV you, see if you cnn C. H . wall the guest of hIs parents Z~e Binding for Oil Cloth ........ , , .. , tOe find any qthcr separator so san· they were in need of. owing to t he 'Iast week. Carpet Tacks ... .. .. , ..... . ..... ... '. • 5c Itary. If you cannot - Ulen buy E'xpe~se for sickness which t hey have Chesler Township S S. Convention a U. S.- the \Vorld'8 R.,cord Mop Sticks .. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15e had since their Lodge was insti~uttid . was held in the Frient)s church Slln· clo:te skimmIng acparator. J o all .who Se) gener~lUsly assisted Pearl Buttons, beauties, p~r' d~~: 1ge day afternoon. , A very helptu I' and In maklhR' this a financial 8UCCess inspiring program wal rendered. t.hey wish to thank. and now it II • Very little damage was done bv thing· of the put. but it is a fact In ~l1e hall storm Saturday evening Waynesville, Ohio W this cue that their teachinp were Spelda~ In F~IDR althou&'h the stones were of remark • able .!ze, ODe mllMUrins 7){ Inch.. and will bewhUo Friend·

See Walerhouse for ' . uto Livery















Tourist Tickets al Low Round Trip Fares Daily to New York, Boston, Atlantic .City and other Resorts in the East, direct or via Washington

PENNSYLVANIA . LINES also to Resorts in North Michigan. Wisconsin and the Nqr!hwest, Colorado and the W est

liberal Stopovers and Retum ~

Local Tid:d AQnlI.Ifor JNlrticKlar. '" add..... C. C . II AIN1!.S


D;"lJ;:V~!{~b'll f&'~1




............................ .


Notice to Tax Payers



We are now ready to receive June Come early and ayoid the

taXes. rush.


.- ..---

WAtHE-o~ . -

- ---------











.- .

Tre&s. · .....................................................




-Call Me by Phone








for Butter Fat at the TRI-STATE BUrTER CO. week . beginning May 28th.



Let him explain his experience to you and the profit of selling

e~ direct

to the

TRI-STATE BUTTER' COMPANY CINCINNATI, OHIO H. wm' tell you that no shipper ever lost a dollar . dealing w ith

u; IIIId hi. expotrience is that the TRI·STATE will make more money

for the producer than any other creamery. '. . He doean't worry abo.1t his shi p ment after h e puts it on the


-no matter wbaUrain, day or night. The TRI·STATE g uaran· the Iblpment ~~t 10118 or damage in t ransit, and o'ur SPOT Hjlay cheek ler,m lll! no middleman's deductions or commislIions . You will fin tile TRl ·STATE patron a man who app reciates t he ~~ftDtqe aod profit in choOling a Responsible, Safe and Permanent aod .Ucldn&, to it. . . T I hlm to order cans for you on 30 days trial, or wrile direct to



OINOINNATI. OHI.O ver 29,090 cream patrons CSI'r:t'Jr'X;.~~~' LARO GEST OREAMERY IN

_ _ ............. &....._ 'II~ &nHII

..... _




Good Paint and Reliable Painter


.Cheap Paint · and Inexperience




Clean Proposition

_ TH ~,E _ 5_ c, '1O__c~ A.:... N_ D_ 25_c_'_S_ TO. . . :. R.= =. : : E ·





eblp Warmltbe heart of UJIQ"






~ix-ty-Ninth ' Year


Whole Number 34'21 l


iiiiL - il· .-----_.-.-MENTION ..... . ---..



ARE THE SAFRST AND MONEY Ft G Cros.~ was a Cincinnati visitol' PAID IN FUl.L AT Friday .


Oreatest and 'Safl:st of All Invest' . arl ."arvis waR a business v i~ ilor ments; . Be a Shrewd in Lebanon Monday. "toney ~'akcr J o~. Hawlle, oCBellefontoine, spen.t Decoration Duy hel e .



Mrs, Matilda Hosier entertained at dinner Sunday, Miss Ag nell Hor· nick, of Xenia. Miss Mary Salis bury and Mr. Don Shirley, of West Carroll· ton.

e ~e n ·

Did you e"cr own n bond! Hllrry Carey, of Sprin~(jeld, made 1t I. the gl'ClllcH I IUld "ufeel of nll his fr icml s h ra <I call last I"riuay . Inyestllleut)l. Tilt! 6bl" wdosl mOlley makers are bond buyel·lI. The IUOd l Rorn- 1''l Mr. Ilnd MrR Honalfl carorul Investors are bond buy 'n o Whl!n you bllY stock, tbo mon y you Hawke, I,' rlduy, Jun e 1, 1!l17, a son. pay for It Is gone forav t·. Wbat rO il buy Ii only a rlghl to share In dlvl· Mr. nrod Mrs II. S Howell visited denda, "rovldln, Ilwril should be any. with relatives at Port William Sun· But a bond 1M different. 'rho manoy day. )'au pall tor 1\ bond Ia 1'01urnlld to you In' rull at tho ond of a slated period. Mr. and Mra. James Prenderllost You IInow by readIng tho bOlld \taolt on precl.el, what date you .,.111 i t'l l bllc k sptlnt ~Ullday with relatives at Ore)'our principal. Tbon, In»tead of won' gonia. dwlnll whet her you will lIet Interost Mrs . Bess Whittl llnd .two children, or dlvldeoda on yoar monllY, you also know by reading your bond cncttr or Dayt.on, visited with relatives here .. hat rlL\e of IntorQst )'ou will be pall! 14st week . and on wbat da.tol the payments will be made to you. Mrs. J . f. Cndwalladf! r was the In~urance- companies, eollrges. trust week·end guest of Miss Mame llrown, fUndi a.nd eonservatl vo Individual In· uf Columbus. vestore buy bonds beca\lse tboy IITt! tbe 80feat kind 01 InvlIstOlont. Bonds Mr . and Mrs . Sherman Dy'!<e and Islued by the U oiled States gov rnmont are tbo mo~t valuable or AI, family, of Dayton, were visiting ,here banda. Our lovornwont n ~ ver fnll. to D e~oration Day. pay: ueua.lly Its bondB sell above pllJ' beeau .. they artl always "as ' good ae Mr_ and Mrs J . O. Cartwright and .olel." Tbo man or womnn who bold. ~'\mily visited with Middletown United Statee bonda I tree trom f iends Wednesday. WOl'17: , the mone, th"y _t wtll oome baak In iuO, and evert oeot or lntereat Dr and Mrs . Stahl, of Franklin, ",m be pUd on tho appo1Jltel\ daya. were callers on Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ubert7 boDd .. Ilau8!1 by the Ulllt~ Allen Sunday afternoon, 8tatea ,0YflI1lmfllll, In. order to ..In tbe war &D4 r_tabUeb peaoe on earlll, Mrs. N. A King, of Indlallapoli~, ,,1\1 .oon be ready ror &ale. You CIIn eublCrlbe now. Theea boBd. 'are In d. Ind , ill the guest l.f Mr . and Mrs, nominations or 1&0, UOO, 1&00. 'l.~O, Walter Elzey and family. 'to.~O. '60,000 and '100,000. "You C&Il buy one or eeveral. lilt. r~t Ie at S". Mr. and Mrs. S. D, Everly, 01 .per cent, p&)'abI8 June 15 and Dec. 1t1 Dayton, attended the exerclseu at e...ery year. It at B later date the IIOV· MiamI cemetery Wednesday. emment ahould Iftsue bond. at 4, ."., ~ or an)' other hlgber per cent or In· Mr. and Mrs, B. S. Warwiek and tllreet. you can at once exch8nge ),our a". per cent bonda lor thoeo ot the 80n. of Columbus, spent Q few hours IItllhe.t r8te. Thue you are proteo\.. with friends hare Wednesday. ed u to the tuture. Furthermore, t l}ea8 Llberty bond a are l8.ll free ; hence Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sellers. of )'our Income trom .them Is net, not Lebanon, visited Mrs . Alke Key/! IUbeat to aoy deduction b)' .t he cit" and daughter Monday evening. COWIt.)', tatate or nation. l EYery man, womlon or child ..lio Mr. and Mrs. H . V. Walter, of ~buY8 a Uberty bond ..... ILI he ,1~ n " 1but1oa to wear. That button .. lU lDdl· Lebanon, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. arid Mra. U. L. Crane. _ cate t.,o thlnle : 1.-That ILa wcarer belie ...ea to the Mrs. Etta Printz, Miss Luella 10.eatlDent, \'alue or lIo veroment ~bonil.; ," . Hageman and Mr. J'Os. Printz spent I I .-Tbat tbo wenrer bAS done eom. Wednesday with re\aatives here, ItbtDl to belp the United Stat.eR win ,the war. Tbat button will bo a badge Ralph Pence, of Dayton, has been )of honor In all Lbo daye to aome· n .A H Ina a vocal ion the past week, and Wh, not buy at leut one Libert, was with relatives here. 'bond for every member of your ram· i'tI)" Decide now. Subscrlptlone cloe. John (t'raney, of cOlUI~bus, visited '!Jnne 1& at the lloteet. but the lIoyorn· relatives here Wedne!!day and at. puent r.aenea tbo rllht to c10ee ear- tended the Memorial Day exercises. 111_ if It prefers.


Miss Ethelyn Jones enter ta ined at dinner Saturday Miss Allnel1 Hornick, ot Xenia, and Miss Ethel Hosier.

L. A. Zimm erman was in Cincinnati Thur!l\Jay. Men of Wny nesville , 'l'ueNday ing, June I:.!th.


1- lIInJ. \\" l lI b." I\"r('lny I' lIrF{) n ~, whll hutlt th(' N ew \'01'1; . U bI\'lI~', Ollr of Iill' ' Il~in r<' r .. mccm thnt \\'1\1 go to 2- \ 'n ll"I' ~ liI ' lu\l .. r " 'ushllll;lnn wll ... 111I'"gh oll ly lIn ecn YI' IlI' 01'1. 1",lds n tlr~l-cln R~ \\'Ir I 88 uperu tor's II ""," st'. :~-f ·" n 'I I'I ,.. lf li ;( ",'11 f<'11 I linl'l', u'k R rl) I' JI ll' il Uic ' j'S' lmllling I:nnlp "cllr Furl My'r, \'u. 4-11'ol'luer U\l SSIoUI cxll"s .. bollt tn "II,I'III'Ie :l "'"I 1" I'~lwl~r'(I for tlIC' II' Iln tI I' lund.




Fourth Federal Dank District Has High Hopes on Selling Mr. and Mrs. W. F . Clark enter· tained at a 6 o'clock dinn er Frldav U, S. Liberty Bonds evening- May 18th the following guest s; Mr. Wm. R. Spriegel, Mr. and Mrs . E. J. Arnolu, Mi ~iles Dar· othy Gebauer, Deulah Kindl er, HesPre l l d ~nl Wllaon, the Cl.II.btnet Iondl ter Canine, Jo~ephlne Andrews , Vada congre88 are lIeanl)' aW81t1ng ne",a ; l\'i cPhereon, Anna Vandervoort an d of tlJe BubacrlpUol18 tor LIbert, honda. , Alm a Waterhouse. " 'bleh lhe lIOyernmont II... ialu,d to, • help will tho war. i Tile sale baa boon 1IJT&Jlleel thro-..h , Mr. and Mril. H . E. Ea rnhart en· tertained Thursday evening in honor the federal rllJlene ballh and aooord· of Supt. W. R. Spreige\. A fin e 6 Ing to tbelr dJIlrlota. Our district tbe , Includoa Plttsburgb and ';'.at..1 o'clock dinner was served to Mr. fourth and Mrs . 8 . H. Kelly, Mr. and Mra. em Pennsyhenla, Wbu olllfg and part, West Virginia, Lexkl&ton and _utGeo rge Marks, Mi s.~ Amandll Uoarrll'J' of of Lebanon, Miss Urace Carman an ern KMtu"ky. lIad the <lDUre !tlot. ofl Mes8rs. W. R. Sprelgel, Raym ond Obi\). Tb o capital al tbe reeentl i banu In lble district III th. thlrd larg.; Davis and Ernest Earnhart. ellt in ADl orloa, boln&, 8SAloeded only! by tho N ew York anel ChI.,.., dtatrto~ . Mr. and MrA. S. L Cartwright, Tbe fourth dJetrlot la, therefore, 0 • •. entertained Saturday to a 6 o'cbck or tbe Nllest lionel mo,t ....PIll'OIla ta dinner in honor of their g randdaugh· Am orlon. w1:~b moolUl In Ute 1I"O'I'ld. ter. Evelyn's fourth birthday, The It has m BIl1 Bpleudld &Dd proap81eWl' Invited guesti were : Mr. and Mrs. Cttl06, great oentera at Dluyelou. In· J. O. Cartwright and daullhters , dU8lrlOl!, ·and. wide fletd. of ' .pect.J. Mesdames Hannah Rogers. Rachel lIod 8ucceesee, 8uell sa tobacco, all, E. Keys, Lawrence Cartwrillht, of alld 000.1. Olevei&&ld bIuIIl depoillt8 tn· Davton, Doris and Boyd Henderson, erollaed ncarly UOO,OOO,OOO In tlM lu't Misses Emma Cartwright, Martha 12 montbs. Tllo poopl_ at Ohio . . . drt .... nearl, a Qual1er 0( • mWJoa allBurnett and Klzzle Merritt. tomobllea. tile MlUN elMlrlet the peopl. are' Pl'ollD'lrOlll .... Miss Kathryn Clark delightfully bapp,. AccordlVly Waehhlgtoll WIll M entertained a party of young people at her home west ot Lytle, on the greatly dlllappolDt&4 unl .....e I1'eU' evening of June 1st, in 'hone>r of her district weet of tbe Allellileal.. &1141 friend MillS Leona McGinnis, who eRst at tildtaaa ~anluJ at I ...t third ta, lett the fo.llowing day to spend the tbe ...ol\lmo of Ita puroh_ 01 Llbeny summer In Detroit, The evening bonita, Pltl!\bllJ'gh, ~eI"'" Ole..... waa spent in various gamell, contests land, CtnoilUlatl, Coll&mbllll, 'roledo. and mUljc, and at a seasonable hour Loxlnllton. DaytOll a.4 811rtndektl the I'Utl1ltll were led Into a room fea· bankers' h~v. eTen bl«bel' bop.., Tb~ tooned with snowy cobwebs. after · would not be .urprlle4 U the foV\ho unraveling which, thos8 who8e Btrlngs dlstrlet ranked sec0D4 wIT to Uwl met enjoyed supper together. Those New York district. present were : Misses Leona McGin· Dut eYO!7 man. ""omu and oJt.Il41 nia, Corinne Welch. Alice Carel.. muat particIpate. Bonde aen .. 1011"1 Helen Marlatt, Mabel and Hazel as t50 and ILl biB!! .. noo,ooo. Make tbo .. ar lDall the abler ealbjeGt Sa1isbur,. Lillian Wilkerson, Mil· dred Smith, Edna Cornell, Hazel or dlaaul8lon In your home. lIake .ve Riley, Adria Cornell, Rhea, Zelma tbat ellch member of yonr famO)" and Eata Stacy, Ruth Coon, Anna 8 es his or bor dul, and opeartwrl~. ' Smith. Reba Earnhart, Velma Smith, clearly. Milko UD your mind toda,. Doa~ Edna Smith, Mildred, Margaret aml Kathryn Clark, and the Messrs Ber. let It be said that ,OU .""tthhekl )"WI' nard Gebhart, Elliott Wright, Irving bolp In Umo of ,Ollf coanlrTli I1Ha ' Welch, Hirman Gebhart, Carl Frye, . Van Retallick', Harry Meredi,h, Madison Earnhart, Ernest Earnhart. RUIII6I Burnett, Ralph Johns, Leslie Earnhart, Herman Smith, 'Melvln Brackney, Earl Clark, Allen Smith and Everett ClaJ k. • _ •




Townsltip Sunday WEDNBSDAY With one excelltioD, which was held its reg ular ____ unavoidable, every bank, both na ", at the Lytle M. church. lional and state, w,as repreaented at afternoon, M£\y20 ... 1917. a lIIetlllng held In the Citlzenl Na· sess\o\l was opened by music, tlonal Bank of Lebanon on last ter which Rev . R C, Moon read FridllY nillht. The purpose of the 15 verses t rom 2nd Timothy, This meeting was to consider plans wherewas foll owed by 8 prayel by Mrs . ---by the banks could the better assist James VandervoMI. Mrs. Barton Was Given by Dr.• Blodgett and the the government in the more general disposition of . the Liberty Bondll, Kelly SlIng a beauliful solo, which was quite an inl'entive to the meet· Entire Program Was Mr. John McKinsey of the Tillotson, Inl(: Very Good Wolcott & Co. , bond house, Cinclnnati was present BI.d told the bankers 1'he superintendents of tho di ffe r ant departments gave their repo rts. ..... of the work being done in that city. rhe American Bankers Association is While not quite so gooJ as last year owin« to so much sickness, all felt . Wednesd ay afternoon was a ~~t i!,g assisting the County otlrsnizations time for the people of thl~ VICtnl~Y all over the country ill order that encouraged. Rev. ){, C. Moon, lhe Lytle pasto r to gather t ogeth er and observ,t! olte people may be the better educated delivered the mllin address' of the af· of. the greatest days Wayne 'lown · upon the subject, and also to make ternoon, He slloke on what the shIp h~s t;,ve r had. The .day was fine it possiblo for almost anyone to Sunday ch ool represents and its allh~ugh cloudy. ~nd the wholecoun purchase a small bond, af least, No needs. He satd its aim was to win thr)'slde gathercddlll the afternoon at one need hesitate to go to any bank individuals tu t;hrist, If it were not t e cem~tery to 0 honor to the he· for assistance as It will be ch8('rfully for the Sunday Schools ~he church roes of 61;-o.s well as to .do ·h omage given . The Jj'o .... ernment Is anxious would soon cease t o exist. ' We de to those who. are prep~ nng to enter that this be a popular loan and not plurNl the fact that only one out of L~e. · battle fi eills to tig ht for the simp!y held In the handa of the four was in t he Sunduy School. Rev. rights of humam ty. . wealthy-who, It may be said here, Moon advised each Scliool to have Tbroull h t11e ~ntlr lt1g ~fl'o rt~ ~f are anxious to get the bonds for they substilutt! teachers. Every teacher Mrs ..Edlth Harr!s and MISS ~(IZZte are th_ best and satest investment should be what th~y wanted their MerrItt, everythmg po sed off Just as offered the American people. In scheduled Early ,ip the afternoo.n addition to all this, It II a patrIotic scholars lo become. After the address Ernest Ellrnha rt vehiales an~ pedestrllins wend ed their .duty of our citizenship to help fight Wayne:lville, Ohio, Hay SO, 1117. sang a beautiful solo which was way to MUlInl c 'metery, and at 2 the war by as large a subsllription aa To the Patrons and FrlendaofWaynagreatlyapprtlciated . o'clock there was one of the largest possIble. ville Schools: A permanent organization In War. Mrs. J. W. Ward sp.oke a few crowds of peop'IE~ ever aasembled iIIinu tes on graded work in the Sun t.h~,r~n Me~orlal Day. . Kindly permit me ' to take ihl. ren County, was mad e, and the 101· day chool. Slle has gi\'en this II bi t Ihc app~II'!ted cOll1m~ltees . all lowing ofiicers elected: J . Warren OIeanl01 thanking you both ·indlvid-· of study and heartily approves of woz:ked untlrm.gly at their varto~s Wood, chairman, P . V. Bone, vice uaHv and collectively for the IUIIIlst· this work. d utIes, and tllelr work resulted In chairman and C. C. Eulass. secretary. IInce you have given me In making Judge Box well, t.he cou nty super good , a.~ wa~ shown by the sucr.ess -More than one hal! of the sugThe Xenia Gazette of laat week our school a success . You bavemade intendent \\ a prese t and made arew of the ex ~ rclses . One notable feat.ure gesteci allotment to Warren County says that an attempt was m'aue to my work exceedingly pleaeant, Give Mr. Green the same loyal asremarb, afl Ll r which the nominating of tho d llY ~a.s the ~ranst?0l tat!\'" ' - 6 percent of the total BSSets of the blow up the Spring Valley Packing • :a: • Ed B~thaway, of Columbus Grove, commi Lt e 1\1 de the following rep6rt All lhose takmg p~rt In the exerc Ises banks- has already been subscrlbtld, Co.'s plant recently . Similar at. sistance that you have given me and Ohio. visited his parents, . Mr. and PrG:!ident , Mrs. ' arl Duke; ice an ti a host ~f clt.~zens were trans· but there is a determination to show tempts' have been made at Xenia and you will continue to prosper. Be is Mrs. F. W. Hat.haway, ·a few days President, Mrs. Ilal·toll Kelly ; Treas· ported, and m th.IS manner a gre';lt the patriotism of our people by goinJl Lebanon, and the authorities all over thoroughly compet!tnt to lead tbe last wet!k, uror Mr, Davis Furnas; ··ecretary, many went to tbe cem,eter y who, In aoove the allotment as far a6 possible. thO , f h tak· schools to a successful finish. . Again thanking you for the many Miss K[li hE'd ne i'l'clldcrgosl; up t . uther years, had l.O stay at h?me. Everyone who has subscribed to tb~S :::i~~ I~t! th~i:nht!~da::nd ~r~ lIfr. and Mrs. JameQ Zell and of Element <l ry ' I.t . Mrs. Iflrence Services at Cemetery bonda outsIde of Warren County going- to see that these packing kindnesses shown me during the paat two years, 1 am always . daughter, of Yellow Spring~, were Smith; Supt. of lnt r rnediale Dept.. . A . _. . h t R S should write Sec>,. C. C. Eulass of houtlell are protected!!.._.."......,.,..~ Sin~erely, gueat8 of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell Mrs. Charles El ough ;· Supl. 'p! Adult A Jrlvllll1gtadt t ct hceme ~dr~, efv: . t he Lebanon NatIOnal Bank Italln, Flour mills are allo on test and I WIO. R. Sprieget Wednesday. . Dept" Mrs . Mai-ian na Bogan; up\. i h ead ae e e pres~ I~g 0 l~~r the amount of his subscription, so statistics Ihow that at least one flQ,llr of Missionary Dept., Mrs. 'ilas 110 °b tde ay ,~nF: a, ,,(Cdr mlul .f rotnfl de t hat proper credit may be secured mill a day i8 beln" destroyed in the t r T tJ e U t un R ev. oJ. - 'ua wa aver 0 ere f th t - Th b k WI'11 .. . Lost- Between Waynesville and Ian d', Sti J PL' OM "e mh e lrl~ncS te p r- I he invocation. The lUI ge chorull ~r t e bCoulY 6 than s d f U. S, It ii !'6ld that the German f Council ~et in rellular session Mt. ; ' ..en~. !Jn. II. .up, 0 Jlln g "America" 8ml twelve little r~p~r eu scrlpLlon.s a t . e en 0 agents are domg the work In order Sunday ' evening Nickel Mrs. Monda, eveninJ{ at council chamber. Rim off headlight of automobile. reacher sTramlng, MISS Marla Sto ut, . I , 'tt'l t ' b t t bu.mess on each Fn~ay mght. to cripple the busln88B of taking care Delegates to the Cl·un ty Convon· ~hr fl~a\e very pre I V a rl U e 0 Now that Warren County is tQor- of food during tbe coming BeRson for After routine business had bt!en dis· Rew rd . Leav~ at Gazette Office; ·oughly oraanb.ed let the subserip. the Allies' lion, Mr. Erne~t Earnhar t; Mrs ~ 8 ag. poted of they took up several impOrt. Dr. C. W. Blodget~ made a splen· tions proctled rapidly. It Is a splen· • . Reba l' urnas , and Miss Ina Compton ant mattal'l\. Hon S. S Tibbals, who speaks .'l'he treasurer rcported Ii balance addr~_s, and as he IS. a i1llenttalker did way to do "our hit. " We have • - • L . A. ' Zimmer-man resigned as . \I Wid e trav~l.el', hlB address was nevtlr yet failed in palrloUc work - clerk and R. E . Davis W88 appointed before the Men of W.ynesville meet of .$268 , The session closed with music by of ~oDd ~hll1iS . Dr . Blodgett and we will not in this. in hi. place to serve the balance of ing Tuesday evening, is one of the "nen speakers In Ohio. Don·t fail the congregation. w.aR also a soldier. and his eulogy ~o __ .. - _ _ bll tlme, -" Martha L. O'Neall. See'y, hIS old ~om rades l,n firms was aumlr-, Mr, Pollard, who was employed to to hear him. The Third Re~ tnt mad a tou!" ably done. He 'Is elst> a past com· maWs a survey of the ' eleetric light o! fifty miles laet-:week, and ~fley .... mancler of the G. A. R. Poste of Thomas Calvert and 'wife, and "Item, was t() have at't ended coun , were ~n Uibanon '1;ueaday evenhu[: Oh io. dl, but wu unable to be there. It ia Margaret Warner. of Selma, spent The heavy rain of early 'fuesday 'l1he boys made quite an' irripreaalon, After Dr. llIodgett's address the morning raised the river to such an judginll' from the large crowd 1Vhleb understood that he was not ready to Sunday aUhe Friends Home. Mrs, chorus Sling "The Star Spangled Mary Shute returned to Selma with extent that the water over ran the villi ted them on Runyan field , They make a repott. . Banller." Tattoo was sounded by _Council took up the matter of a them Sunday evening. ' banks. and in many fields corn will were accompanied' by the 'band, abd B. S. Upwell ,' and the veterans aod Fourth of July celebration, and after have to be replan~ed . ThG river fell an excellent concert wlis enjoyed bythe li ttle girld marched to the mon81 rapidly 88 it rose, and it is almost the IUl'e concourse of people. ' They considerable discuasion the matter Frederick Robltzer, who has spent umellt. . left for Springboro Wedneaday. normal again. 'wu left until after the' meeting o.f the past school year at Barnesville, Harr~ Meredith recited Lineoln.'s The Knights of Pytblas. I. O. O. th. ~en of ~ayn!l!!vlJle. CounCIl Ohio, ame home l\\St week, and will !,lorial ~ddress at Get tysbur.l[ In F, and Junior Orderfraternitles will MC It is a source of much grntificatio!1 aranted, however, m case ~f a ~ele spend thE! summer here. He wos h Igh ly sal1sract~rr .m~nn~r. Whl!~ observe tbelr Decora~lon Day Sun. bratlon, North street fO.r 1& hili climb accompanied by his aunt, Mrs. J . H. to tlJe patrons of the Wayne Town· Rthe ~and p~ayerl l entmg ronlght, day, June 10. There will be a good log CqDte8t. . WilIiam~, }Vho will visit here for a ship School.t6 know that the No rmal the little gll'ls strewed i1owers. , speaker and music. The members department will be kept here another T~e :rolllllnlJl! on Main street were . short time. of the different lodges are earnestly Arte r the chorus had sung year, and that Miss Beulab Kindler , ordered to ba ftxed, also the roads . . • ,t ' 1requested to turn out and make this the efficient teacl\er of that · depart· Herooil," and tatls were sou put in better ·condltion. . Mesdames A, Maffitt, Sarah Zim· R;el': Ueall pronoun.ced the . a day long to bll remembered. ment, will be retained. . After M discussion on several other merman, .Mver Hyman, O. M Ridge, The Junior Oreier and I. O. O. F. At the close of school the Iquota diction and the exerclsea for the minor things council adjourned, Ida Hbcket~ and Mr. Ral Mills at- for the Normal had not been made were at an end. . ' lodges will meet at the K. P. Hall at ' ______.. 4_. · __- - - - tended inspection ot New Burlington up. but the state .d epartl\lent was ~any flo ral otfermgs ~ad been 2 o'clock, and march to 'the cemetery, ...__• _____ Eastern Star Ludge Thursday even · very mucb Il'rll.ti fied with the work placed on the gl'BveS by lovmg hands inll. Everybody had a good time of the sohool and sent word to the anO nevsr has the ceme~ry looked Here. hbw to b~ ~ taO Liberty bond In IaatalliDeftU;; _ with plenty of chicken to est and board- ttl continue the Normal for more beau tiful. p ... ecribecl by the lovemment. . . \ othe,r lIood things 'in proportion~ the coming yesr. . ' There was 110 aecident to mar the ~_ dollar clepc*t .. required wheu the oftic!aJ appUcadoa Thill depal'tment ia kept up by ~he day although , IlUtOll were there in weil all all kinds, of vehiele~. blank .. ilpe4 aa4 wltk the PedoraJ Reserve bank 01' QtMr H, S, Warwick, of Columbus, has 8tat~ and th(\ pupil! are. admi tted pl~ty, as ____ __0- -IUtbpiUed aleDGY. . . ' , ;'. been appointed 8uperintendent of free. Belides ~i8. they have an opthe Columbu. Realty Co., one Qf the portunity. of actual -work in sChools,. J .... 11 tIM govemmont 1itU &lve notifi"tioll whether die ' . larirest companfee in Columbus, He which is very helpflll to them. boad .... been allotted. . If not,the deposit wiD be returned. will take char{le of bla new work ••• Juise 18 pay" tiafotllh the agency whett! the appJlci~ livOJ' on' the about the 16th. We congratulate Prof. and, Mra. A. G. Steele and was mecl. -. a mile .frc;ll:n this youn&' OD his advancement. miiafOl'turl1l to 1088 hi. • two children spent Saturday livening July 130 pay $10. Aualist 11 pay '15, 'Auluft 10 pat . . ., Wb be d t I made an ofticl _ 1 _.-....1..__..... _ _ sl1d Sunday with Walter KenrIck tobaac:o fire about We ~ant to e,l(prCSII. our t han k8 to and family at LJtle, Prof. ' Steele I. en t HeOD pay,men I ... - - - - the nelgbbors lnd friends who re· . of.the Unlvlrslty at Mornnbe linn. WJsen all .payments have been awl. tbe boacl wBI," ilponded to the call at our late db· town ~epted a podeUftnd. ' . .. .. II ~"':"';':-"~ uter our bam burned to t h e ' and wltb hla TIle teO boacIa have COUponl which call 101' the . Wayne

~ _,a'D~i •• "Convention




------.. ..------






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HQWloauy $50-Liberty.Loan,..:,'

Bond of .U.






s. -in Installments



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IWf OIl Juael. an4 ~ r-.t.l)e;. for 10 ~ tJaouP ~ • ., be ~. . . .

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A 'NESVlLLB, omo.

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1ItImtClK~"'TJfr CHAUCC OF COURAG~" "'1UIlO 01 ~£HfAATIOt'\" ere.,

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RtC'p p1ttt-;

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I:ll l\tll.fllllltl d(III'! l'~lrl'

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NED ' 'EMBATTLED AMERICAN flO COURT""USE fARMER OF YEAR 1911 TIm•• ollan~e. In the ReTolotiollnry 'War It .....Ill! tlle " em batU tlc1 farman" l 'Who flr&d the allol beard round UU! , Common Pleas Cou rt 'World. Mn r y ,!'ollle Uharl e t,. DooToda, the Americiln farmer II IlI\ln ter, (In wot,lo o lenve \8 glilut d dolug Bornelblo" lha~ will btl becud round the world, but In • durerent plolnUIf to fil e roply . Tile lJiru 0 ' wlnll Mt\ohlue 0 VN ' l' b e S . .I<~ r (1d '(I. Let! U l:J1 Vllll . Tbe 'World II ,.:lIt1ns on the A.mel' lcu far mt'r fer IL8 lood. Itf! hopo II In ptl\llItltI til fl i reilly . H ~.h Cl!l hi m 1I00el ..,.tber and '. C. E ulllBS VI! W, . ThCl O1Jl ou Ifu., al>uodll.llt crO Ll.. and It wID 1'&7 him et El i. Ualls~ ' otUecl !l·ud t:11~llIiB8e d ,


I 1111; ~<"r " [\ ni Ilk Ih, ' .. II I') II' "II I III' ltl:: t "I n11 ls (If (,f( ' lIlfU1\ ' hi ltd 1,,,\1' tl 16' fUl' lnlls th l t "lI H~inu; I'I'H r I I ' ' lw • tllll1l\ ,' r. eMl. UfG//fUR. ' \1111 \I 111,1 ",111", 1 I I~ ' lt ll,la ,, ' Ih,' \1.' 11\c u r nll n OR(. ,' (' r Ulan \V'nle~ Uu .. 01l Slrujluil ·lI f IUlllU"ul til 'I: . Itl ul nuw I ;~ '''''11, III r lllllplnnn n otlce,I tll ll t Mh tlH) ruin fol"'~' th'uI'IWd '1\' 'II t!t,>nt In CHAPTER XI"'. lonl (.t\ worn llnd $ trntm~cl liS h e ll e\p l'tl "PPIII' 'lOU ,V sol " I s hc"ts" or course Probate Court Tha Bittle From Above. Ilrr out of Illl' co r fo r , thul r t rnl1l cluud,. rill Illl\. b urst. • u,' 11 th ill/! I ~ The MIlo bad st.oI'P\'1l by morning, tl(' r08~ th .. m{l!'11 to t he dll m. sci(>nuncrl lly n nel n... l or" ,delllty IIn ln l,bl'llO ll1t e r oft h wltl o f ' lInlue l 'to tbe gl'\!ot r ellel 01 Colouel Jlllog· .. ~. II kllow," he fill ht w llh roU~II" I,, "~II ,I" , Il1It 1I1t~'n ll" wllo ,I< (" '~r ". 'j 'onov r, tl c II d[\[~ , Will 1I0ulitte d 'Worth. Severeocll lind OurU ,lIod th e ontI' rl'utl y ~SIll I)nlhY, "we lln \' 11'1 thll 1"'1'1"111'",1 th e -"II,I(lt-1I11 ~"I\ " fill'" nllll l I I' proh 'll O. ~) , (-/ (.(1IJ~\' r nppoln t e tl .. Ullfactlon ot Hruen. Th rG was little leu t nSlSurllnr thnt M ~ttll ~ Is tlwr£', , ",,' ll;hl nr 11 w.'st,'t" ,]"ltl !! 111 .1 n,II·· ~XI!Cllt, 'r. iJ,,). l o n ~ rwo, .l u l1n





w~L Tbo t arDlm- ,,-lU b el p w in battlC!8 that ho will 0 vcr ese. 'i'or our boya at lb e Cronl will b e .... Il fed ud OO\1r!\'

l' l

aun to dr),' the big. nm S8nJ~toll e m e!'n, 11t8 HIdes seamed Int o fnnln s Uc ~ h Il PC8, wWcb rose grl\ndly h ~llY ccn tit· VII I, l1ey of tbo Picket " ' Iro lIud tit rtl,'lllo ~t the Rlck1ng Horse, fi nd whicll tlU) )'ouIIg ~om no Intended 1,0 cro s Ln hrI 'walk toward the dum witb Uoc]ne.y lind 'Wloters. Tbe sldlog n ear the s 1eel· arcb bridge \\'68 close to the rock WIIU of the rll\'lne. which h ere bod been so ~ured out ot the rocl!y sIde ot th ,mesa by torrents ot other daya tllRt ,st could flllrly be cnlled a gorge. Cou'eequently the bank ot clouds above the ..~Izon to tbe norlbwest 'l\'as h Id be.bind the bIg butte from Ule occupnnts cl. the two private cars. Alth ouSh tbe :day did not promIse to b e fnlr . lhey !had DO Idea ot the furth er thrent of "torm pretlllged b,. the black mllsscs to Ithe northwest. ', In sandy. poroua Bolls, such os hrre "re,-alled. the rain Is absorb d quickly, tt'IIq could trav6se the trails cn r))el ' ted WIth the n eedles of centllrlcs Lh ut ~ throoah the drIppIng ploes. wit h· 10lIt ,etting muddy. aod wIth nothing <D\ore to tear than a wetting. Col onel lIUngwoi'tb, Severence lind urtl ss 1I1lGODDeOO their IntentJ oo of golog bnck ,t o tbe tori to continue tbelr coosull:t'UOD8 a nd observatlon8 concerni ng th o iJll'(!CI'l!a: of work the bridge. SllUrt, ~ft'; wbo went about hIa busl ncss srllvew , __ _ J-'-_~ .... gldlv IJ , ~, ~. J cold and sfil'~on ~ . ~. tatit~ hail work to do at hIs desk , !TJHj woman d the tw g , _for the ::m. 0 ;vonn meo


= =

~1~ _~17 ,breakfast, ther efor e. 'lIIlWIld '-_ carI waa undftpled, and the '"1 , ne ....etea It down arOund oloe "" metltl

the "adoct twen~ mUes below. U u4 Wlbtel'l I,lrepared to go 1w\ua;i.U. lID~ortli,acro88 the woO(Joe4 111@~' wtUi tta creatine of stono, ~ to' ~ that lfi:r between the rll, "'ne aid', !he valley. The conductor iOt -~ ~~ a local emplOyee the • ~ tOld them that ihortl!l!t • ~ 1ru &ree£t, over the mesa. Tile ,,'tae~ or w'blch Wa , hugo mound ') 1 ...p!lDai~ com~ blul ~e.n broken



It·s onl S' a ChIlIlC'. nllll probably II lon l! I1lIIl1y (I ['~' ",,"I 1\'1 11

~I n lli l lh r T t wiJh>1( r

,I WIIllllI 1I ' lIl1ll"Y 011 '." 1"1'111. 'I'll" wi 11,1 S\I" 'I)l u\ ' Ill!' 1110' IlPlh, IIIt lld ' II 1ljlrt I (l r~ "1 8hn l1 Il~\'c r rest ulltlllll ~ ,! ('It I " I . t I'll II , '1'111 '1'1' II I", ", f ... ,(· ('"" ',,, Ill(~ \I 111 tb,a Uluttor of I hc will o [ ,l n lH ~8 nh~o lut Iy u nCI ",uYlor th e ol1l,'r, " ~fll ' l hll[,l'll'IIlIl' ; Ih,' r"lIJ ,'1111 •• ' ,I"W II In Bur c n,,", tJ,'o"U " f1I f. ~ llJ l h 1.1, U" r , the \\'owun. " "' ~""S 11111':<1"'11 11.1', 1.'11111 n ,,' IT CYf'~ , CAW up]l,"nltj(1 I X ~ ' llLrix J , L('" "' Veil, l'm not mu ch of n w nlk('r:' h,' ... , ",'" Hl','II"I ,)\ ,lI' <I In II. 'h,' flllling 'l'h nlllll~lO lI . E U, Mo trl Rll Jl IIIHI '\ V s nlcl IIIl' (,lI llI"l1Inn . "I 1l'~Il~l'tl1ly prj'- \\" 111 I' I< lntt.'d 'I\l t ,I" , InnIIHl'II\"'. T . !,;o larlla o u\l\lo lot d opprni sers. [cr to get OYl'r the b'fOu nd Il ~trill' of n 'l'hl' "'''"111 11 \\'II~ hurl,I,1 lI )!"al ll, t th, Inven1Cl r ;p a nd npprtlisemeu t filed. tl ron 'ho, but 1 gt]('SS ' J CIIlI k,'"p' 1111 1 ~lt lt II f IItp h"I\ ~~' I,y II ,\: ~ud I, 11 .".n' I E IlIot·e o t J o m es III 6 orrlen, u e. with the pnrfy tor two mll,·s. Ir tIml's vl oiL'nt 1I'I'lIul "I tl,' burrlt"'IU" ' I h,' 001l ed, Flnullloooo uUi led , the dl sta llce." fWo lIt'>1I huH 'Ira ~~ I',I , hltlf " •.rr,."I III' r W Ouesta r 1I1o.ple, IIdmlu l ' t rnto r, It was d nrk nn tI domp (Inti \\'~ I u nti ... r j lLrOUlHl 10 till' I" ,· ~Itlc or lilt ""hl n, VB !,;hrlstlne 131~n t", d eoeusetl tlnle t he pines. J\1t houg h the IWIl '11, ' 11 'I' ht· rnnf ,.•r til\' hut h (1I1 gh',,, WilY ,If r ell l Bstttte co ofirmed . cl nrl'd IhO . wn.y for her , h oltll J' !; hNt) und tll."I''', fln, 1 within Il \\'Q ~ sQon 10 the m liUer'of the wi ll of ,Io sopb hrnn r hcs bo rk ond s hlll:ln " t he wnte r 1Ioo,ll'd, " hprl! Llwy s loor! , how o"\' l>r , BrA gg, droE'lu' ed . Will MIlDllted t,Q ot! lIIe dr ooping Itough ~, It \\,119 hy c1J1tn (,c 1",pp,'tlNI 10 h e Iho sol1",r·~ t vr obutll. WIIl!rllll N. Drngg op. lIslen WIIS protcc t >d from tlt e w ('\. port "r th e ""~rlll1ng of the r oof, 1111(1 poiotedl exec ut o r , She ' han trolllilcd hills Dud nHlullt ulu~ I lhCY " 'Nu In ~,)lIIC d Ob'fCO protl'dr,l, E ~tf\lie of ''l'bolH~8 )11 b d llIu ny n t1 J11~. limp 1I11t.! tor.e st \I'N to- thllt. !s. trnll l I!' (> 11In' . t vlolenc(> ,Of 1,1.ll ' arp . y, 0millo r to he r. he \\' nr c n sbort- do\\nl,onr. ~ It Y '\cre. or coulse, oMBed, Orde r gl'llOl d IHlmiois l,ra. sklrled d r s.~ sto UL boots nnel leg. dr('ncht!d In a fe w Inlnutes In spi te 01 ho r to 81e ll ce rUllo bn nd •• g lngs. nnd u ;'~lIuw weste rn sl1cker, thei r mln,'onts, Wl1h ono mElO on 1'1, E taUe of Curl A Gregg. deoeased T ho excrtlou oC the npword '11mb, ther Ride of h er to g h'o her ns 1IlIII' h Fiuule e 'oont all owed , !11l1JfOved nnd lil liit'



W('1I 1

s tl\!llull UI; O\"l'r Ltrok n IJntncltes [Inll uproot d IIml {l,)Underlug IhrOll gh bOl[gy, plll c '8 011 the trnll, bronght n toucb ot co lol' to ber tace. unil t hollgh dump, th e alr aw el nod .frngra nt, c) .nn nnd pure, r ef resh d IWd pleased h er srt!atly: th e Ill(![l. too. It wns II hnrel pull, nnd s be was out of breu th Wbell he r t'llched the brokeo cOlllee, or ravine, which 1 d to tile top of the bIg r('~ sandstone platenu. "I'm terribly out ot ))racUce." S1Ie snid to the h,'o m en, "but I don't be-

Heve I'm in any worse smte than you lire. Mr, WInters." "I told you I waso't any gooll on f 00. t n all Id 'VI 10" , , nt ers, Wb 0 was bl ow.. 11k e D grllmpu8. R OullCY " Iaug· hed a t th e ".n"0 0 f them • "Look lit me." be sold. "I' m 8S fresh as ",beD I begun." "Well, You're u sed to wnlklng." returned Wlnt~r8. "It's this I'lliggiull nloDg this broken trol) Ihnt hu s knocked us out. The rich, th ey ride on-broncJ\Os, you knolY." "When we get on t op of tile m cSll we wlll find It eMler golog," suld }{odn y cnCOllrnglngly. "Let us start," sold the gIrl. snddenl)' s~rlou s. 8 8 she thought whut

l)roteetlon fi S p,)~"l blt', tbe wo", ,,n I"nn ·d ngnlll ~t th,> SLOne wull nn e stllred tbr ugh th" min !.Iown tbe Till l ~y, S' klllg In ~ e til Cllllll , Il rh ull~ 0 mile nnd II hnl f uwny. Of courlle tllf mnxl mum of III .Iow npour cold u ol In st nilS' lIIor' Ihun th l' 1111\ ImutII 01 tb !;"fIlc. Ilu t th ~ d ,-III!,: WII N succecded b~ n hell\,Y, drh' lng r ulu sU Il wcpt on bJ n str II); II'lod , 1'el "w th" ro~sn tJI O Inke IVO! ",JIII'IW(\ Into f01l1U h" " til hcat of thl rnln alld r olled In to wn\'os hy Ihe US soult or Ih e \\'Ind , Al l threc of t11i' 1 ~ kn l!w w hnt th is cI lUI;C portenilrd. Till downpour would T111.e I he I \' I f thl Ink e 110 thnt It would 0\' rnnw tht tlhtn, whl r h w.IUIII I'I! weil l Ilwn", thl vnlley would h(j hllluda[ct l by. Ii "nuod li ke n tliln l w ln' e. lit hlcCllllplrt II "III,


tJla olu to bla Induatr,. and

I I \


trl oll~ m ,

Nor Is tho Carmer'. pnrt In this world W!\r - In thts &TOaleat Clltau· lrCOl'be h ist ory lIas "Tet bad to record _ IIll1 ll t't.! to prod u Ing fo od. He baa bla purL to pI ny before orops are roady Cor hlU'Yeijt , For . rlllht no .... , tho nalton npeds the farmer' •• up port III a dl(· fer n t way. It needs bl, co-operatloo on Uberty bondi , Th ese bonda aIe lI!luad to oQulp our Boldler boYI with averyth tng th oy will II e<1 for their safely, com Cort nnd . II jrbUII& strength., The goveromenl "Will pay ov ery bond buy er 3 ~ ppr c nl In lerest. free from all tal1 e3, nnd will r:etllm to blm the enUre prloclp"1. LlbM't7 bond a lire auto, .ure, prollt·

I 1o)~11H0

coo firmed . of J ona b Grogg , deoe&. en ,

Final lII()oo un~ flI ed , . In tllt3 Ullltt r of tbo .'11\ of halnh M l:ihllrbl t. d ecellsod , Minn ie Hher lletl'flllolll te ;l ndm lolstrlltrl ][. J Qhn M l, on'~, Z, 0, W or ley aod J . tl. tiu te r y oppomtecl "pprllhers. In the rllllttor of cst lite of Minor t. Me ,<oy, deceased. Inventory and ~ ppr(li,;;ew ellt filed , In th e mllt/er of th e Will of G eo rge B o lzlIll, deotlnse d, Will "dmltt lld to pro bll te, lu the 1Utltter of estA t e of B am i! ton Whlten ao k, ,deoe!lsed In ven", $ory !l:nd IlIl11r~) I amen fi l eOA I n tb InllMer of t,be eetn'e o f A. rnlludl1 KIng, deoolll!lld '., IO'Vllbtory "nd tlPll ralO llle'l It fi led.

Rca1 Estate Tranders T lI e Kl og P owd er Uo , to '1'llE' p , 0, U, a u d! t . L , [tIl l I way Co , !:IUlaIJ

trao t 10 !franklin to\Vush t ,), $ 1. W . J . Nioh uls t il CIIl "1\ E . 'freOD·, SUl~1l ,roo!. In Ff!1li"klln t o woshlp ,


Warr eo R oss 10 Flora Be ll R OSIl, ,and ~terrate,d on aU BIdes by ce lot in . F r a nklin, $1. ~,., of eroBlon aod welltherlng, nnll ltIMn were practlcoble asceotf! Ilud de~lI t' A n tbe to' Fred Anthe. one teee1Ita at both elide, TIle n enrest asccnt mI ght be ot Ule enil or tbe j our ney. !lore 1111 l:la. ml\t.on t o wnsblp, $l. ,:wtllat,the ,Ide of the ble tablelnnd dl"nefore we go any fu r the r," sa id La-vlna Uo dds e ~ al to 0 , onr Bishop lreell)' oppoBlte which tile car wna Wlnt r , slarlng up lhe rIIvlnc at the HI ncres In 1'urt leoteek , tow o"blp, \IIlaced. sky wIll It .howed nbo ut It. "just tuke $1. ' a. look at t h ut." f!l'be tran. tJifonfh 'the 1)lnes wWch WR iter O. T llylo r to 'A l mira Boyd, covereCI ~the. bJl\ up to the very toot He )),l lnted to the hlnck clouds rup5 l y' UOt6S io liumilton tow n s hip • 10f the bl, butte were unfreque nted Idl y rIs ing. opparently a gnlnst tile til. land In blid repaIr. but prBctknble If WIOI!, wh ich Bw uyed rnther ,v io lent!, Frnu\r W ilson. to J. S. Ri cbardson 'tbe traveler wall prepared for n wet- tb e tops ot the tall ust pInes. nlt hougb ti nct wile, l o~ In l!'rnnb.lIu. $1, Itlna. ~' , tIborteet Ind on the whole they were protect (\ and In cQmpnru· Ithe ealteet wa, tb the dam would be t l ve quiet wbere t.bey slood In tho ra· Andrew F . Me e ker to l:lerbert E. GI bson. lot lu Frl1o)lll o. 11, to mate their wa)' the' foot of the vIne. 'ID~ c:Umb it through the bIg ravine "It looks ns If tllere were more rulD A,n clrew B, C rle ' to A. F. Meeker, .aJIit It to thalower end, ,less than thero." said Rodney. lot In FlIlnlt ll u. $"1. mUca wberethe~e 1Vna an "U's iocredlble." ao swer ed Winters. MalrY C urr y to MinnIe Meeks, 11 1i1!8117 descent to the dam. "nfle r whnt w o've hnd." aores ill Wlhlhlngton towollblp, 'I. • "ADd If 7011 get callght In the raIn." "But It certnLn ly Is cOlOl ng down v Uld the conductor. ,I'whlch ain't Ukely. ognlo, !lod It I 'm ouy judge. It \\'111 be Marriage LIcense!' StarinG Down at thll . Dam H el en II· . tfor already mIned more in the los t uootlJer cl lJU(l ~urat." Banoy Pallll e r and Belle GabIingworth Took the Giasl From Rod· 'tw~t1.four boul'll than" In the laa t "'I'e rhnllB wo'd b tt er go bo clr ," sllgbllrd. of Frall ll1ln t ney. ftWeilb-tour yeanJ. It seems to me, gcsted WluteJ's to ?tllss llUngworUl. ftJMre', a bot, balf stooe lind baIt tlm- "Go bllck I" e1Cclul mlld the ,Blrl. duct wou ld bc ru lucd, tho t own would Roy B , "'ra~io r nn d .\larle E. P a r teU . o f Fruukdln . . Iber. Up on the ' mesa that campera "W hen 1'111 as neur' IlS thI s?" be o\,erwllelmcd. the 10 of lICe IUld '!tIT rd W, 'l'uorllpson Qod B essie ~_etlaii!llDalul use of when the), wont "But It's only a possibility. you property ,,'oultl be appuli log. 'to _ th .. Bun rlSB, whIch III a mlg bty kllOw," '''J:h e s pill wa y ougbt to tnko II.' D Olr. of Frauk lln , ba elpt from there. I~ wns 10 pretty "Posslbl1lty or n ot. It would t nke shouted Wlnt rs. knowing ",htH \Vns W illter R. Pa rle tt and ' Berth& J. fair ehape when I visited It lost yeor, 11 d l uge In lilY poth to s top me. In the minds of tile other two by Wbll l Ellrn bll rt. of Rhl~ e v llle. .. A _ . . It th Come." &lld yoo can gOU, .... e er ere. It's , wns in his own. Atl ee 1..:. NlXOD . of Lebanon. aDd j at the b1ghest point on the mesa. You It wns no entlrel)' ,Prnctn:ablc cl Imb, "It's not flul beu," roa rer] Rodocy, Bernloe 00][, of ~O t1I, b 1<60ano11. eui 1106 .. 1!NI' WilY liP the gulch there, bu t ruther n bR rd one on tlle wet . Wloter$ th" ew up Ills hands. and a longer way down and up the crumbLI ng r ocks. It did oot tllk e ' tbe "Will the dalll Iioid It 1" crIed th !! 'Pletet WIre valley. Above tho dam It three young people lon g to su rmount 'Womnn. und erstandIng. used to sllow a level, fertile streIch tbe dlffi culU es, h oweTcr, n'n d nfter a Roch arge Your Batte ries. "Uotll thc wuter rises a bove it. J us t between the b1l1a, but It·, a.U • . lake f ew mInutes th ey stood 00 top of the us soon ns It begins to wnah over, It II' you dou't f el ,'111hu hustle get up' 1l0W:' , mesu. It was bare o'r ,'egetnti on. !lnve will go, UIIU the CllllCkcr ' for tllese and rub Ill) ngu loSt 'O llll! fell ow wllo Siinrtllft'. ot course. decLIned Miss 10 scattered li ttle enrlh pock ts. gro Bs, wo vea," l1!\s wc l'cd Rotlne)' at the top docs. llecilll rgc you,' hu lleri ·s, nod do tDllngworth', InVitation to' Ilccompany covered, where dwnrfed pinus grew. of Ius voice. the herd thing 11 ,; it \\'11\ s tlmulnte .the party on plea ot urgent duUea and stuu ted tr c1 centuri es old, , "Aod thc brll1ge a od the town." )'our ncrve.-l cd 5COl'lIol'C/' Important papers to prepare. He had Nenr at hund wns the but of whl cb acrcnmed the w ow an. lapoken DO WOrdll to Rodney or Winters. 1be conductor hod spokcn. It Sto,;,,:! ur,Ch cy, too." and tha.e ,entlemen made no effort up n n little ri se a bove tJ.!e geoeral "A mI ruther ?" to eJliaCe him 10 conversaUon. Tbey leyel. nnd from It oue could see fllr In "He' ll b e 1111 ri ght; tIley',-e h nd wnrn· ~ lIl 'truth; a little asbnmed of theIr eVOI-Y ulrecllon. Be tw een the bil ls !tnd In'g. 'l'b e nglu<!ers 00 til dnm mus t ,.~ODI Of the nl gbt before. Tbey were over tbe l ower crest of Bllld\\1n's know the tlnng,' r now. 'rhey'r e work· .. :ueeecllJilly anxlou8 08 to wbethuthelr knob they could e~ eo sec dimly I the Ing 11](0 ml) ~l." th as to the po881ble effect of fnr·off plulnlJ, a LI tu.e slcJl:ly Yellow 'He hnd hl'nll ght a s mall Hl x-power ,• '. action would he las- li ght still lIugeriDg ijlere before the fte ldglllss wi til him nnd he was '8trlllnTile UnIt ed 8tBtllB lelldl the world 'tlAid. the~ c;prefully avoided tho odva nc e of the t!ton,n', In tbo protlllQtton ot ~taI7, lett1ni the leaven work If It The but was mnde of stone nnd logs. Inl bls eY'8 I hr" ugh Il Tho viol en!!f Sli ver Coal , " "0,"4. To th~r c1lIaPPObitm!IDt. It TIley hnd . not uny more thun rencbed of rulll !IIl d Wl ll lt I IIIlI sc1tl'lhly ubuted. Corn P etroleum Aluminum ' nlth\lll gb It \I'll ~ lltl r'omliJ" dow" In WhE,at illl.' ~ lip ~ Ute or actloa. ' It before the storm bcgnn. Clnps ot ZllIc . Pig Iron 'torreJ1ts. W ith hIs knllwlt>dgt! of whn l Oabl ~ 01 t)aef{m'IDOItlntereaJea In Meade; thunder, fiu sh es of IIghtulns uoder Collon 6tl'61 CUllle would prohlluly h · Itttell1l't('d, ltmln ,y WlDten WU' the on\7 ' one who had wblcb the army on the dum were fi ght, Tobacco COPPClr wos ab le to see throu gh hl ~ gloss ! 1Onn417 that Dlebl. BodDeT Willi Ing. were beurd nnd seen with t enfold thin g' ot '~h !lt" wus bcJng tlonc. cyeu a l W. have more t.ban !lve lim es as ~too lDuch in lo.e wtth the womali ever elenrness b), tho little group on t be much rallwoy mll~a,e 3.11 th o country thllt dlslnnce. •1tO iIOlIDdlJ qa,l~ be thougbt- huge upland: .aecond In rl.l1k, Ru ssia, Our ulIcirlB , certaInl7 not untIlber foture had been I t waa Ii. slgb t to nwe tbe " ery soul , '''l'hcy'rc bUilding [mll s oll cs on to~ " ailttlid her reJatlone to Meade of bumanlty. Miles aod miles down 'at tho du.m. nnd buck lng'It wi th an iaD8D1.determln ed. Bburtlllf'a feellnp the mouhtnln sIde nnd ntnong tbe hill s cw rth mouocl. See, lIuiy are drop plrlQ .,.... Jalatu1ln the atreme. Torn b&- tbe whirling bnttalloos of clouds rolled 'sandboS8 over ," lie ~t nled, b uodlng tlJe .--.~j.t;ww_ ~ old. IIablt ,of atrectlon tor nnd tUlIlbled nnd tossed nnd clnshed gltlS>! to the lith e r Wlln, "By heal' ,n," sh oul d \ VlnIOr s, '1M .... ilia UJ)lt 9t dect10D like aerial arlllies. TllO ligh t nIng, " " ..Iille It was not LIl lIheeta, wlla prac- " 'th,~y' l'e illltklng , a mngnlllceot flgh t." , . ate '- ' IIII' oft-re~rr1ng com' " In his exclll)ll1e ut he lett Ule sh e', ter puDdI;A;6i'edn.~ence.' tils fmmedlate ttcolly continuous, ,tln~h /lllc ceedlllg of tht! hut uml s ialked through tbe ~'Of &he treatment ot the two flush In uocountuble und blimLlug 5UCrai n townl'd tJle edge of til e lIlesu,' ~ a~o~edlment of the Ilpl~- cession. Agoln tJ1UY lloUced n le s trauge wb e re he cQuld hnv It bolt;,,\, ood \l en r· ~a tledoa of tile womaD. bill suspl· coruscutlng, burs ting effect 08 bolt er view. In Slll-tc of Rodtl PY's r ei llon· ",_." bla ~tr aa to itow the .lifte r bolt Bp»nreoUy ·tru t\( Home J;Tnn'Qs, even thou gb bucked hy b ls ~ M:ile Would take It If be Ite ledge nlla wur:; theu thl'o\\'o liad. in 8troll outstret 'h uli linn, the WO UII\U 'i'oll owed, COl4 ,U.e trudl ,.he alept not at all, splinters of fire. Tbe henvy. u",tol r oll all tliree. Indiffer ent t il t he Into 1iW.a "!tUIlrWOrtb'lI mInd al so of the thuoder Willi couUnuoUl! !tod ter- Prescotly b 'nt (If the rntu lind Iho nssnult ot the " ... ~taItIaoUcII. to her trecllt b9 It rUle. wlnel. stood ",old,!u g tlll"! l;I"ttle on the "eI, DOt unUI alle had retired and had Tiley s t(lod starlog Ihrough ~oor nnd dnto. It WUg nlullJn;r Ntl lI lI\t1re. tOI'lll' or'l.....1Ilt . . . bel' aet!'OD In the U&IIl of ,wlodow8 iu , sil e nce, 1I1cIl de flo d their nlltely, or else Ule), co utd 8cuI'Cl'ly hu v(. that P'l'hapa lIer len- quest forgot In t he np(laIHug t ern8ustnln ed tbe I\U,,'ck of UUlt w lud una -=-~~~:.!:~~~~ ill behalf of Sburt- Pt!~t b)' otf elt:c~pt the \Volllun. It was ruIn 0 9 1' cOlllrl Ul ey hll ve scon u t 011, 1'1" .... tltude anel that 8~ e who recu.l! ed t1lcm. 90uelllillfe ber the belp "Let '1111 bnsten on:' sbe anld, nnd she even witb thut !; In ~s . StarIng dow n ul lite <lnm 11ft r n moeertala than ever- had almost to scream to IlJllke her self She waa glad henrd in tile wild tumult. "II'. mill:' ment. n el 11 1I1111~vo rth took th o gl,, ~s from 110<lney. he foensed It rnplrl ly a ..........t . . . . to her that s he nlftccot, wonderfnl, but-" 10okec1 !It 'mdlly tIlrI)u,:rh It. She ':::I!I~D:etthe face I As. Dlntter: of fnct. all the mllnl· and that It tloos of nnture nt Its ,r8ndCllt knew w!tut sbe was seeking (Ill ~I\£' .dlon, would not ha\'e II1Jfficed to turn her s tood IIteudy lng ber8elt 'mth RtlIl'lIdld n erre lind resolution and Rw"pt the =~=:.:~:~;~ could h ead aW117 her lo,er'1 face tf abe leDlth ot the dOla back nnd t<,rth, have from Been him. "I don·t lIBe hIm. Ue'" Dot thl're," "Y0lI can't 10 &he ~d at lIlt, handing the cllL8lJ \JIIek ~ ltil oWJ)er.


I" em. .WllJ. It',










The wen-known Canl Sag Gates. • •


• •


Madden's LumberYard

P t.trlotlc blinkers Ilntt- broke." th e nation over a re Dl tli1og. It easy for cTery body to buy United Stat es LIbert y War DOlld", The fact that )'ou b a .. e not fill abl\nrlance of ready mon ey need ll8t p re vent ,.our bel pin g your governmont b y ordering Unltl'd S t.ates LIberty bonds , See your b8uk· er or broker today a.nd ask tum about

Corwin, Ohio,

eaay terma. eE FIRST TO , WEAR A BUTTON. Plant Tree •. rtl/I I nrlsll'll'rnts (If III vegetable Irln ~oI,,'t11 IIr,' tnl! ~, fl)r If ttllll1l1 mun y Y"u,,!! !III I !IIuch cor,> \0 " ro,ill e go¢ t r e, ·~, l ' h r f .. I·~ I:r I\' II IllII clt' lIcy of gond O Il ~S. Pl Ant Iht!OI now. t.h(lY "'Ill be grow ing 'wltllu )'uu res t Dml

D. the 1IrRt to wear a button. Don't delay uotU frIend, IUId n olghbol'l! Question your patriotism. Enry buler or Llber.,. bonds, 18' . P r h»pI ,our b oy, your brother, Iued to support th e war. wl11 'receive your IIwe eth ellrt, I!Qme olle )'OU bold from the Un iled States lfov6l'nment a d ellr to your beart, ",111 bo call ,·d Inl:o bUilon to be ,.orn at all tlmOll nnd the war zona to rl8k b llS lire for treGplaoes. This I7utton ShOW 8 tbat )'OU dOlO, for liberty. ·for Am erI ca, We.r baTe an swered Y0l11 c\U on'l IIrst call. t. no IIlcole. DO holiday romp; It Is n ~lIB where you staod, It apeaks terribly sari.ou8 bustncl8. Vlotorla. loader tban anllblna you can S8Y. are a lmollt nerer "Won by unfed, D&ked. Plaoe ,.our order for LIberty bondl to- dl abe.rt ened troopl, J8 It rour wlah that our boye IIba II bllve th e tood, the da, an!! be IIrst to wear a butlAln. cloth In" the arma. the ammunttlon. .AmerIca II free. H er people IlH !be l!a telrUards to reduce their !Sanger tbe mlnlmUDI. to Itrellctben theIr me. You are - free to buy or not to to buy UnIted Stltea LIberty Bocds, Dut IPirits , to encour.... them to "Ictory 1 you areD't i'l'ee to wear a UnIted Tben r emomber that )'OU clln h elp, To Btatell Liberty Dond button nnles. you m olota ln and aatelJ.lard yolir boy at ' own at lellat OBe UDlted Stata. LI~ the trout takee mono,.. OW' a:;overn-





A. MAFFIT Funeral Dirt-dorl

and Embalmer I

Waynesville. Ohio.

.n)' DOli"

Eilher Auto or H orse drawn eervicII, No extra charge for auto service, Bolh phones in Ofiice and Reeiderlci'. No. 14.

'What 'Would (Jeors;o Waablncton 01' 4br.&bam Ll ocoln think ot the Amerl· oan who failed to buY UnJu.d Sta1w

LlbwtJr Bondst Tbe U. B. A. can make two ODd onehalf cann on for every onB tho Kal8er build., H oi!> build thoae oannon "b)' buyln« Unite!! States Liberty ~ondL See your banker or your bl'o-1'er toda~.

Sal(.on Six Livery (PRIC~";


Make your .woetheart a prelent that ' milan. proflt and patrlotllm. euy h.r a Un!ted state. Liberty Bond.

Sole Agent

GOT. Cox haa bougbt UnIted Statee Llmert,. BOD~. Have youl


Your n eighbor bas bougbt United State" LIberty Donds. Have ,.ou 1

When democracy goes to war democracy fights that war and payil for it. That's ' what the Liberty bond. _re for. Will you buy your bond today?

unl' tls Ihnt mone y no...... To ratlle Il Qui kly. to tunke vielor, Clure, to Bhorton lhe wu. to 8ave your boy and ,our nelgbbor·. boy. t be ,orernment aaka YOII to buy on. or more Liberti boo d. , TheBo bonds CAn )10 bou ,bt for '60. $~OO, '6 00, ,I ,ObO. Thoy pay IDtereRt, lb.oy arn fr ee from tuee, and ,ou w ill get back t bo entire Ilrlnclpal. Don't lUJl t sit II.r ound ~nd wl ab for vic· tory. [I nco and tb. aafe return of the ono YQU lovo, nuy as mnny Lib rt, bon(]s A8 ' yOU can an~ belp to make your wlsbes come true. '




80 It Goe.. If we d\JII't 'brldlo our tongues we are Olll .to be Hud dled with trouhles.Kallsns ~Ity JourlJill.

OlassiBed Ads


WANTED ------~-----

Middle-aged wow"n to m~ke he .... horne with me. Mrs. Re_ becoa BobllU; Wayne8vllle, Outo. j6



Du. H.E.'HA.TnA. W AY ~a.Ylle,lVll1e·. Le&dln. Dellsla' OIBce in Ke,.. Bldg, 'M&1n 8.

--- -.-----

---.- - ..- ---


DR.COX·S , Barbed Wire .


und 89conl1 mortgal(etl J ohn llllrblne, Jr.• AlJen BUilding, Xelll". Ohio, m:l

Notes bougbt.


GUARANTEED to h eal wiiJicmt leavIng ~ blelllish, or M.ONEY REFUlfl)ED, 600 ond $1.00 lIi%ea for freab ,'wo"nde, old Rores, 80re baoks aud sbonlden~!,nr1ll and bruisee. 2bc sile for Family \JR.


Is p ain\c88 nnd' gnaMlllteed to cure

Spavin, Ringbon e; Curb, SWIltlDYI Splin., Oennan)'. Europe, tbo worlt!, II Pn,u s\ or any !!nlargemeB~ of DOll. or . mllllC I) , or money refunded • • Price 100. ,;atchlni the Un.lted StatM rt,ht FOil _SALa IIY au DltUtlla •.,.. -mora tboo ever betore - a,.lltlnc ne";s on tbe. ..Ie ot: L\berty bondl. Un· Ie.. thll bond ISlue Is 81'eatly oval' .ublerlbed by Anlerlcen m.en and womBl1 before Juna 16. German)' 'WtIl .UBer at all our hleb .• oundln, word~ about freedom, 'ustloe and the rl.bta ot maultlnd, In h er eytll! the a1mt&ht,. dolll\l' will be our Idol. and all ' patrIotism will be brlUlded u 'hollow

" For nearly , lhrea 7eRJ'B our Dew.

ON Ell loaned on live stook ohat



PreBld ent Wl1~on bas bougbt Unltea Slntea Liberty Bon!!a. Hue 70ul

, talk.




e rSubscribe for the Miami Gazette




Sing "My Country 'tla e' Thoe~ on your way to the bank to g.t (Jnlted atatoa Liberty Bond•.



$3.50 $4

Poplar Farm Gates

o ble lovest me nt. . It Is the )Ip))e of PresIdent WII Rnn thal not a alnale fnrmer In tbo couot ry ... 111 b e scen without a Liberty bond bultoo In b ls button hoi a.



Lumber and Building Material


TN. C.IIATaT ' I ' ~. ,





papen, stateam e n. IIrellcberM and edu· cator s 'l)av8 conllantly declared thlll ItOTIh.e, 8P1aAU.,... America bos ~Igb lileall, that we aO.TuM .... T." ....... aA~ 8.11'11011 PlIO..''"; ltand for Ub erty. that we Inti mau, ""0 .., UliMa ITa "DV ••Tla'NC OOLUM ...

kInd. ' tbat w.· bate tyrannJ. that ..e are elow to wrath. , but mlcbt)' wheD aroused. Well, the time baa come to ... , prove whether these be ..,-Inp .... FOR SAW true, , Our &owernment n!lW' puta UI to the tellt We are tn "the war. War takel Borae to trade Cow, tl'or infOrm.tlon 0611 0 , mODey. IUId th. -"vernme.t proposel Ito ralle mODI, bJ Hlllq LlbvtJ Way.neevUle, Ohio. j20 lionISe to tha AmerlOlll JeOple. The of ,0UIlI ..101M• . See 01' rOIL as 1IWII1D0ft I. IUIW to You W. Imllh, R, D ". IIV eaa IIoIld .. JOtI ...n boadI .... a miUI8II"UlI. Oblo. j8

- -------_.-



SAMPLE COPY FREr . . . . . . . . . yo.a OI.IPP.R

. --"--' "Y.



.... :




=~~=~" III_~



THE MlAMI Publ"bed Wookly' "

GAZETTE \\' ..ynClo~1U



D. I.. CkAN~, Editor and M,anag6l'



J UN E 6, 1917

'J It J o-W\I,I tlY~ lq 110 :> 'IIUO WII III il Dill JOJ PUOI{ .()Ji) "11'1 se1 u l S P. ll Un U .(1I[1 '0 11U 8 ',AI{" q atH JOI 1I00S Illl UW




\\ I

i f1 ( 111 by Our Cor ps of

Able Correspond en ts 'in the

Neigh borhood




MlijR R u.tb 'M y , of Wllmlng oU, Mrs, _1\1116 Dtlkln and d l\ u ghte r , Mr and Mrs. W illi am 0 000, of fri e nd8 hera tb e l u, U~r p ~r t Nellie F renob, were Deoora tloll Ouy D" y ~ o n , vIsited hla m oth e r , A4r of Ih e week. ) vl t!itors of MI'. un d Mrs . .I!' r ltok ~ bl ­ N UIlC'Y Dodd Deooratlo n da.y . Mr , R . E. J oncs Il n t.or tnln od tho 1(I " lI er . Mrs , DILVIIl LuoBs aon clL ll d r e n Mrs Klite Folnv , t wo @l t t Ms an d 8P ll ne B'rldl1Y wltb M r~ . A lIl OI ,11)011:. foll owl ol{ l: ll O~t8 . ,) dllln M 'n oun y: Ir , und \\r~ . n'\l ll ~ l d P t. rilo D " od Mrt!. Th (,I' , Fe/lIllY we r e vi sitor of HOD . f'\lUl ly .. od MI I!!oI EI,he l (;otll pton Mr , an d & r a. J oh n Foaley 11111\ wee\[ , Mill. Leoll Mfl rl l<tt s pe nt ' I\ turda y Mr W. E.. Hog" " , Rev. W H . Mr8 IJflr ttl 'LD B tirvey, Ilf.te r<] ll it o om' t:t llDduy with O r\ Mllrlutt IIDU What It II Ind How It'l Bovght- In. O' Ne ulJ Mr u[HI Me H. Rtileill b HIl- tl vi~it lI !no ng rallitheil, IS wh h MeR . f IIIl1y , of t:!p r iog Vall ey. fo rma tion fo r Purchuer. of gll n . Ev~n B ",a n lI od Ifu.y LoniHe Miley lllu worOR fn r o \llod ~ tlD ite tlwe. MI ~s Erl nlHnd L (l~ t(l r 0 11 1 Il~ t e o<l ­ Wn rw lok, we re In Ih e Eva ogelistlo Mr . Er~ uk Elbon, Mr . Bod Mril. ed t be weddi ng o r 'tU98 E IMle Z on er . LIbert)' LOin BondL Au to Jl llr t.y tlundn y tbll t mlldo n t ou r Ru rry E uruh ll rt I\ nrl iltlell A hblu Ulli n 111, D ~ yt'm W edntiRd fi Y. rhrollg ll Oll oto.D oou o t y. Gr"h lltll , of Wuy ne ville, were Mr. IIDll Mrs. Lew I3t epht' n 8 III' r A , A eummary or th o United Statol Miss tlltr n Brlldfnrd viRltel1. lit r gu na(1! r Mr , Mury i.:l rnb nDl ::;UO. lit .Jam e~t()wn 00 0 ci llY b lH weeR. ] ILlberty Loan Of 191 7 fol olws : . ~l ster f\t Sout,h Gb' Lr lest on !::luturll ny d tlY IL : t, m .ooo, Mr. Wtllter Bero u d l)Dd fa m il y I AUTHORIZED. $5.000.000,000. ~l l:l ht and !::lu nday, ' Mr nnd lI1r~ . Ed 1\1 F~ rltin, of spent Worlnedd tlY wl't lL io.;K rl Be rnn r d I PRESENT ISSUE, ' 2,000.000,000. ( MrR R. E , J a ne!! entertnlne<1 he r Wllml nllton, we r o culle r s o n Mr. of Lhls plnco . DATED Juoa 10, 1917. Duo. Juno 15, f rie ncls, Mrll. LOll P rame r, of X nlll, nod Mr\l. J e~ 1 Clti ~k 00 l::Inod llt. Mr. Tbomas Crew, of ID dIIl DII. lun. a llli Mr~. Lnurll Roll ,' of 'lo Oi onl1 ti , Mr n ntI II\Ts. Cbas. H'Hts 'l1k llnd hUB be an ' v lsitJn!f Ills s ISle r , Mrs . R~DEE MABLE lit the governm ent'. lus t, wea k , famil y 11 \' 1111: n OM bore, ' \Vll re t:: n n Mu We O. Lev\. M n d Mr s . Tus ltih Du\'ls were dllY uUeTllooa ORller R on Mr. an d loptlon attar June 16, 1932, 'Pa ynbl e LD gold colu I . n . • M r J . D Psnoo, o f thla vllls~I!,j s ... :.. oall lo!! Il t t h e b ('" la of he r 1'1 t e r, Mra. F rlmk Su\tlokor, of Muple 8 11 u r~ID g some In hie n e w Bul ok . . I:Hreot. INTEtU!lST 8% per Clenl, pnynbl Mru Loo G ugo Ruucl .. y uft orn lJo ll, Mrs. F r6pk Dak i n Ilod fllw ll y , h I "'" \'.,. I b ,June 16 and Bec. 1&, E XEMPT both as to prlnclllnl a nd M II:I~ ErIl ooofl Wll eon Wb i! ome Mr. un c tll rs . . . to Tl g t, uf s pe n l one dllY tills week In oor vi ,Intereat from aU tnnUon. el<Csllt fr om Wi\ wl ogt on !;/l t urulIV nIg h t , Wilmln g t uo , call dOll Mr<:l . WrI !;ht's olni t y. al tate or Ibberlta nce tlUCIIS Mr, (I ud Mn Luther B ulu es WI ll re lflt lv "," b e r e l:l uu d t1Y , Mr. Wa l&er Murru'!, was 10 XeD I h lldr8n '8 O~y \V iti b e obee r'veu I:llL t u rdllV uttorn oou . BONDS COMllln two to~.. coupon vIa ll he r \luren Is Bt Ul1mdoo, ULlo, Of' re,lltered. Coupon bonda have 'h is weok. lit tile M E. obur ab ~ uo [\ILY Mtor . M r lind Mr a. J . T , Ma r latt nnd e,a Ttlr? tt bl b M F nk Mill w ns fl dlnu In ~ n'o oo , J n ne 17, Be prese n t nn d 00IPTInc I pa I an d In eres paya e to ear· r. fIl .. oo u rn"8 ~b e ob lld r oo In tbs lr elfln ls. oh \ldre n onll ed o n Mr. a Dd Mrs. Lue ,or. Rectl lered bOlldl ba ve the owner'. Ford S UndA Y. " Do nean Sunda y IIHe rno on . In this bollT. in t he greatest crisis of' centuries, America UlUD. ~I"tered "Ith tb e. 10V rn· 1 Mr. li nd Mrp. B wo rd Hu r lElY and Barry Wllltore and B B Dl1kln, Mr. nnd Mrs . Tim o thy Mnrl utt eo Is the hope of the work!. Our n a tio n -- crad le of liberty, till ment : InteT6It Ie payable by check ' MIs8 Burnett took dlone r wltb Mr of L banoo , we re vlsUor s In our tertnlo ed the t oll olV ln R goos ts tr OID now its la st rock and w uge-is mDed upon, th at manlciud maU6(\ direct I'I'om Washin gton, Form [II Od- Mrs, Joe DRvil! S und ny. · . oltvon undn y l ust . Day t on to Ii S -_ lU p~U O uS dl nDer SUDshall be free. dellr ed la opUonal wltb the purch 8 ~er. ' Mr. Rn d Mrll . J ohn Beao b olllleO Mr. nDd MTI Floyd And e n on , of day: Mr, Rnd Mrs. Rand olpb, Mrs. COUl'ON bonda are In denomlna: 00 BorH oe Comptoo. u odlloY Ilfte r. X n ili. w ore ElundboY gue~ t8 or Mr . Otto Mar la", MIRs [,II II au Mull , Mr . To each one of. t18 com es t he calt. Shall we answer like 'tlonl of '110, I1 ~O, ~ 6 00, 51 ,00 0. Re,I&- Doon . . tLo d Mrs . ADl 08 EILIH. men? Shall the embattled fa nners o f Con cord ond Lexington, J ohu Rye ,ml ff\mlly , of I:lpri ng Vit I. tered bonda are In denomlnaUons of Mrs, R. E. J on o~ lIod Mon, Dl'r.11\ 8 S PeRrI Oll n l'l, of Dllyto u spent ley nDd -J. B. nnd F rank Pe nce Miss or Appomat tox and Gettyaburg have d ied in vain? Or sha ll '100, '500. 11.000 '6.000, '10,000, '60,I ited f leod 8 uon l Beecll Ru nds y wit h h er mO lher, Mra M,lry Ullog ll oDl , o r ~h lto pl nce , we , out of our abandance, cause the b ells of L iberty t o ring 000 and '100.000. mon , v S I Em mR Ollne. the world around. Mr . Am os Jnokson wa s a Leba no n ''''Y SUBSEQUENT aerloll of Grnvo Il fa w da ys Illst weElk. II' ..... C. I b f h tt d Mr. an d Mrs . Bora ee Coll e t t and Decia. "ow. The Government asks f OT 110 gift&. Bu t it >bondl (not Includln, ebort ferm ob,~u to .. DUOl r ! om ere 1\ ,e n - d""g b te r (\nd Mr. an d MrR. J um es vIsi t or S l1lldny . Mr s E ,l wll rd rew ca lled on Mrs lI,atlo.. ) Ie ISl u6(\ by the Unit ed ed t he annl ve rllar1: olth e W E, M. ~- UolJe t' li nd lion, of near NIl IV Bar. will , borrow yow' mOney ($50 or more) end d eliver t o y ou Statu, burin, a blgber Interest rate ~hlOh was beld t h e b om o of IInKton . we r o S unday vlsiton of Mutllo Lev I Sun dflY afte rn oon. than I~ per cent. before Ute eod 01 tl h lU . Mendellhall I!'ric.lll y IIlltht , Mr, Ilnd M I'~ . Wm , Ba Ines. Mis~,<j l enn a BaI ley Ie vlsllln& h e r the "aT, the holl\ re or Ute present I&Mia. Deb ora b Loyd and Mrs. J ohn u ~o le, Uaor ga P rat \, or i:!vrln g eue . "lU ban the prlv1lep or oon- Wa l to n s pon , tbo d MY a t Henry &tMra Mary Ell ls and son . Wli iter, Bunoh tbls week . paJiai you 3J{ per cent int erest (tax free)_ B acked by the '\'Brtlnl, par for par, 1I1to the new te r tb wlIi'el l!'r ld El Y. BDd g r a n dson , Bebt.r, we re In Wil Mrs. \!llme r Royer ""a8 oa lllng on • nevu -brotea f'alth and aedit a nd b y the entire resources of bonda. Little Fa y Lonl e --.var wlok. of mlnll ~on I:lllta rdoy , • Mrll. Leo Dunetlo o ne aft ernoon thts 'tM Ullited States. richest of all na tions , these bonds are the TERMS 01 payment. ,APplication Lab 1D 0n, h viMltl nlJ b or aunt ~r Mrs. R ebecca oroggy, li n aged week. WGdd'. MI•• , inyeatment. mllat be mille on OJ' before June 16, N , E Bogun this week , ladya.nd a oltlzen of our tow n fo r Mr8. Herbe r. t.illlll,, " and Olarn UIT, Ulouab tho l eClretary or tbo mllny y ellr8. died lit t he h ome of her ~riend, let it DOt be .aid that, you were deaf to manltind'a trMIUry can olOlle the book! before dllu gh ter. Mra, Hurry B.Otlllb , of OllDg h ters weru v llll'''n8 In W aYliel. dire need ~ If you love Uberty and peace, don't go to bed toville one day t h l8 w' . )ek. that date at hlB dlaoraUon. Payment ueu h er e F r iday . Fune r al ·ser vloes niahtuntilyo.~velOel1 your banker and ordered your Liberty . ------~~.~,-----for the bonds IJI11lt be u tol. NEVER "EGLECT ACOLO Moudo y nftern oon, Interment · 8t bonds. Your lMmker will handle the o rder and .give detailed lows: I per cent wtth appllcrtton, the 11 Mia mi oeru e~ery. information. j balanaa In four lnstallments on speclA ohlll after bathtnlf, · coo ling off B eol Y Cnr pentel', of (Jen len!)I., U. S. LIBERTY LOAN COMMl'ITEE !led dates. the lut date Aug. 110. Other 8uddenly alte r exe rols e and dtRBs, br ougbt. bill moth er to ber h om e SLOAN'S LINIMENT FOR RHEUMATISM 4th FecleNl R....... Dlltrict t erIDA of pannllnt Clan be !l"anged for, Kl ve ' he oo ld Ip rIDs a foot. h old tb~t ber e on Sun duy. I\fte r se veral weeb T h o paIn goes s o q u lokly aUllr y o u &Dchldln, down ,paymellt III filII , marlead '0 8cm ,thlDg WOrBe. Bafe, .1,lt BOlong r elaUv es. f1pp lr SIMn 's Ltnlmon\ for rhe uINTIlRU( certlftcal es will be Il18ue4 t,. reqol1"'l'l8 srly helliment. K l'ep R elt.l eUa\e Is on ang ln g han ds In ""Ith tile lecond la. tallment !)ayment. Or. Kin g 'lI New Dlsoovery OD blind Lbls l JOllltty, there Is no b e l Le r pluoe 010 1,10 l)aln8, ' DeufCll gla , t oothach e, lam bailo, s pr.loll aD d Its 8 0 OIlSV t o Dell.ery 01 the boode themillvel will rhl l! pleaean t balsam r emed y allay s \0 buy a fa r m t,h &o here . USB. It q ulokly p a n etra's!! and b'" made U Il0011 as pracUcable after lofia mmaU on . Bootbe. Ihe coo gh an d Pa per han ger s ar e "bove pa r-too sooth oll wl'boat rub bIng and Is far JUDII t8 to purcbuere "bo bave made r epalrll the tll sUE-f. .B "~tor be Rllfe m uoh wo r k l o r th e am eun t of oleaoB, ao d m or e en" J MvUhllt mu8All KINDS OF fun paymeot. tl &0 80rry. Break n p ~lI B oold WI, b meobanlos and 't h ey are only p a r t BY pl(\ ~ ter8 or oln'mente. Kee p II Or Ki og 's N ew Disoovery befor e 1\ tIm e m e n. There Ie a g ood op ening bOUle In tb o h ooae land ge t pro mllt Ie t<>o h i e. At yoor dru gg is t , liOo. here lor" pllln tor a nd pa per h on ger relief, n ot onlv frollil all De rve. paln. Veterlnarv &1. 00. .vhe Is wlJllnl 10 po. In fnll Ume . but from brul , ell, Eltralns , spralDs . About Hlrdwood Floor, • - ••- - Mr, aoc1 Mra. Frank t;hldaker were over- exerolso and aU exte rna l fII ohes, U herd~'ood floors Ilrc bndly llpotterl Ilrll. M arthu Bonnell was III DIlYGraduate of Oblo Slate Unlverd'y A. y our dru"glst, 2&0. 500, ~ l , 00. ou t vlsUlng frl e ndij !;landoy. and cUrt" the best way to clenn them ton aD businG! ! ono day 'bla weell: . 18 wiping up )I'lth gnslIlIllc. !\Iols t ,11 Mr. and Mr8, Le wle Sellrll and l on, Mr. a Dd Mrs. FOI&er 0011'eeo a eleno piece cf hCCl'cClotb wit h g080· Boward, of J effer lon vi ll e, w e r e 01' 1'1 '1£: weloome~ Into th eir home May U a line and rub tbo 8urfllce of Ihe fl oor I"tle da o g h t er. rhe grandparents Sun rl" y g nes,ts of Mra. Ida B o we Corner 111 alII Streets Ylgorously 1\1th th Ul Ol 8lcn~d 10111. a re all IIID lies. lI ud son, Bo.rry , who r eturned h om o chonglng It U8 800n ns It bl,comcp Telephone 28 with h is uo ole. . Marl ~\ta Pngh Is vlBttlDI rela\lve8 . WaynesviUe, O. mnch 801100. . Alt'. a Dd 14r8 Fraok W ilson Rnd aDd frle ndl in Clnoloo .. " and Ger· Ohio ' When, your b&llll .. or your broke!' 'd a oKllter , LOUise , visited Mrs, Wil. ------~.~ ' ~-Wayn esvil le. maDtown , encour&, II you to bu, Unlt"d Btat.. 800'1\ 81s l er, Alra. Jonaa Lesh, or 'Arth n r Dav is, postmallter at 0... POItolItce, R e v. COIliDI!, of Sprln, Valier, .Blrthrlght of H'pplno... IJlberty Bonds, dOll't make tbll IDIIIHOUR Phone II de li ve r ed tho aad reils a' ,be oeme- J aokson Oen tsr . Oblo, call ed on au omo. I'bDtM 71 U 8 mon '18 unhllllllY, remember tho t talte of thlnlc.ln, th at lie bu In, eet- 8C1 blnR, on Wednesday afte rnoon. T h e w ri ter a l wa y. wa Dts t o pro. tory 00 Deoora t lOlll 0 (11, and th e loollipostmlstress, Mil S N ellie E h tl , IlIIi unhnp'\llness Is hIs owu f oult, foJ' llsh lIlol\ veS. 'I'be fa.ot II that h . doel 177() " MODd IlY. God made all mlln to be bnppy.- not m"li.e any coJ'llIDI • • lon ",b.tner ,.ent tbe br lgb~ sldll of onr. b eouW u l play ll nthled " Tbe B ys 0 , m Bunn ell lIoc1 OUoto D Gilpin JDplctetos. by Belll ng th ee. wor bonda_ On the vUI u. gc, I\nd , n ot expos a t h e de. lVae g lvllo 10 t b e 1',Jwn bal In the contrll ry, All t1le work that & bAnker ba uohery shoul d any axh." Bo' t he e ve nlug . T hore we,a 1\ large a tten - we r e t b e :; undllY guests o f fr iends DR. J. W. MILLE R. 10 Le b14t1u o. ·or a brok er nndortakel 10 oonnllcllon time w ill oom e when lIn CX P08 11 70 dane!'. ", III ba In koeilin g. an I n o floe will Leo Mills gruO u tLt,eO R ~ Ada La w . lolr, Rod M r8. ',n.r l B I~ o k lord an d wltb U Illted Statu Liberty Bontb ls bs t o hlnme b u' oDe bl ms If lIob ool lae' week nnd ie 1l 0 W h ome , f .. mlly . o f Ceo terville , we re tbe ... DENTIST ... CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED at hll ow n expeJ1I.. ' . Fun~al Director. J ohn Hurley !Lnd ,MIss ~ar.Y Tate, und"y guestll of relatlve. he r e . with LUCAI. Ar r I.1 CA TI ONS. as th~.I' Seldom hlUl Iny OlaSI of bUllDes . l'hill \V I ii a pply to oitlzens fr om caunot reavb tl14! srat of th~ dlstnse, Ca t- mpn shown Aller patr lotllm t1um that llt he r t IV " ". IInyooe r el\dlntJ thlij clauKhter of J Uhn' 'rota Dort h of Ohio Mr. aud Mrs. W. B . I:!leKfrl ed a r E! NMlon~~ia~BM r _ W a ynetvlllc,o '\ Wa Y,lesvllle 1:1 lown we re m ~ rc l e4 l ~st T burl day 10 Oolum bu e ~b i a woek 6ttondlOg tarrb fl n local di SC!lUII, ~ rta tl )' I lI e. htblh.d In re cent weokl by U.I 1tanlt- will kn , .~ r. - v l fielr g ulII. by collllttutional CC)ndluollr '. BDd in ord~ r, era Bnd brokers. T he feaaral ,onrnMrp , rl lll \.u m UTt lind Ha n DOlLn, e ve nIng In )(1.lD111, 'r iley w ill li ve the we d din~ of t,b i r HO D, Ern ~ . , t o ---to cure It y.. u mull ta k. ~ Inttrolal rem · Dlont I, und er ITOat obllgatlone to f Uloohlll ~~1 WBr B gnesls of Mrs. wllb the g rOJ Ill 'B pareots, so u t h east Miss Mary Orn.w fofll , of t bn' oUy , ,-----lllrll\!'llcd)'. H"n's Cata rrh M~d icln. It takel1 1.,- th Am for th .. 'hIgh 1"lrlt or pullilo dut, AI!lrN BBloes lilli ' waek. f tO lV n. Mr. and Mrs _ Ed -Kesling , 'M r . a u d teroally ID4 .eta \h ru lite hlood 011 t 1,e "t' Auto Equipment MI' Iro ~.' r, «1 lind so n , ,JolL o, Mr. IL nd M r M. R aymood W olle r Mn , Wnl!e r Tay lo r s pont Sund"y '_-r.l mucous lurla~. of the I y.tem. Hnll' s th ey bu-. IhOWll, for .f entl~I)lII:~m Hor c~Drnwn ctjuipment Catarrb Mci:Ilc1ne w.. prese,lbed by Oll~ tb"" hll.... e ~o Dlfettto d n aw . ar s n, "or e I II , . b ill ' I I~ ctl rntion Day . od 80n vi Ited heir parBnls O. E . UerrlUs' o·wn, t h e g n esta at Mr. a nd of lhe besl phyalcian. III th is countrr (or ~tb e public WJUI Un It tI Btatel LI·berty MI . and Mrs. Ifrllnk en,I, of WH. '\h\ls Ilod WIfe bere 11l8' t:lDnda" MrI!. P erry Ji]cu nha l't , 1"1'1. It Is c:omptt""d ' of lome' II tht Bondi and· III en ~ouractn' peCl»!e to mlngloD, wer " gue~ ~8 of Mr~ . Ourl 's T he lu fanl or Mr. 1Io0d Mra, Billie Mr. AloOOY and Mr . Shanlt, of . beat tonic. klle"n, cllmbill.d whh some buy. [l,\Y on N IGHT 1'ELBI'HONE j If ,ou have 11et yet order ed 1'1111' mottler, Aira . Van do ren . o ( I~a t Stiles of sou th of 'o w n, ls va.y low Dayton , w ere trnn 8aOtlng buuness of the b.. t blood purl lie~ , 'I'be loerrtc t Malo ~.ree l , on 4.)llcora~io n Day , wi lli. brllin re vlI!:'. bere tho I" .. of t h e w eek, TH E ONL. Y comlllnlltion of 'he ingredients iu Hull', UnIted S lAtBl Liberty Bondi , 8011 )'our Mn, Elis a Peoe wit on Sout h J onathan Mor ris, of '!'iffio , O hio, '~ tarrh ~I.,dlclne is what )Hod uces. ~uch b a.nk er or your bro kor tod"y. And ·reMIlS Aaoes W oodword spen'the wonderful le~ul\. '.ln cnt nrrbul coudlll.n.. member that In handllns your order WII 8 t ransaotlng business b ere the ~u ple St r e(\ ~, f all aud bro ka h er blp weell:-end with Mr. and Mrs. William ' IIJ.II' T burld fto 7 ovelllnil. Dr, Va n. CIl'Oven ger . T d 0 b o Ie working un llelftshly tor Amerl· first of ,be week. Send •• r leatlmonlal. free. P. J. CHSN!lV & CO., P rops., ole 0, • oan honor &Ild tor the peJ1l1Menc. of The K , of P. Lodge will d cor a tll J lman Ilnd Dr . McOl ellaD, of Xebh~, BAI-{NHART , B. D . Long, I on a nd daugh tors KElPS FLESH I N TO E All Urug,ilta, ,[Sc. I,helr cleOlillsel mem bert\ \lraves on were otillod and set HaU'I' Familv Pill. ror c:onllipalloo. liberty on earth. and m o'her Olo~ored to OlermoD' FROM 'SKlrt T O SON • uuday Juue 10th, Brolhers br Ing Mr. and Mrs. Gono PllnGwlt al)d oonD'Y this week a nd v lslted frlenc1s N otary Pu blIc B eal81l}verythlng llBll lablu. .lI u r09, _ .:''', DoIJI"Sores, Ule rB, I'ilC¥.lt E I'ze m6, tlo wer s , dao l(11Iet vi i i ted b er L/lloren'& fl.t and relu tlves tor a fe w day.. Cuta,Coma, :Wouuds anll Drui s~8. NBl1er J:jl1 vers was quito anerol y. ~'erry I~B~ l:)\lnd&7 . . \vms AJl lktnds of .' ~&ary Wo't 34r8 , li S , Doarth 111'111 tbe 8d.. 'ATII''''~ OR MO N EY e AC K. UUI t , whllo breakillg It y oung a nd Dorothy Co'terlDfln Is vlslUDI be_ ot Dr, nnd Mrs . Lon Bally, ' of Dar· Sl80AT ALL DRUC C ISTS. a nd Deeds It I:!peoltt.lty . 'L/lrUed horae. mot her lu Vlnolnod\. ton, ~u e day Ie. .! t wee k, W, J . Sbe rwo04, ot Wa yn08vllle, - -wIla 001110" OD old · frloDel8 bere 1.1uesdllY 6UernOOn. Mr . and MrP, ,J" lDea Stoop, and THE EVILS OF CONSTIPATION ~on , B olmel!, of VIln W er', were ~ ue8t,s 'l' ncsdRY ot 01'. and Mr!!. C. Oon s tlp t\tlon Is , one of the main J . Rli uduU retL80US wh v t ile In~ r llge humlln life l3everal fr om h ere a t tondod th e Ie belo w 40 fe ~r8 . Lellvlog was te WOodwork Rut om o blle r tioe~ 4t I:' h a ron viUe " D [uMarial In t he bod y, POlS008 t h e RYB, em lIud blood .m d meke8 Uti lIaDeooratlon Da7. lIou't , et lClared "ben Ul)'bod), ea,.. Mr. lind Mr • ,108. W . BllIoy . of bl &to 81011: h eadllohes , blJlousnel ~ , "bonda.HOne l'ellAOn "by moet n' e r vo U8neall aO, d mtlddy IIklu. When pie ,know nry little about' bonda I. Da y toD, wer e goos t.1I ot Mr, 1:1I8I1Y ''; Here ,le the cleansing and beautifying agent iet or , Mrs. Mory Flnob , on Deoora. yo u oote tb lllle 8ympto ms, try llr that us ually they COlt around ,1,000 I(ln ,,'8 New Life 1?llll!. Tbey gi ve each, Ind you and I don't bu, U,ooO ni n DtiY. universalprompt r elief, a r o lulld, noo. grlilln g thin.. everyday. But our United ---')n j\1l1:too, tldd ~one, '0 your .yste01 States . III DOW IlInlntr Unl'-d StAtee aud cle" r the oompl,exlon , A' ;your Llblrty Boade that COlt al low ill ,60, drnggl8', 2Go, and It'8 blrb time 110" to learn tbat a '. CROUP, WHOOPINS·COUUH RELIEVED bond I. the aafeU-tn... estnJent on earth. - .,...-. "Unquestioned On tha UnUed s tatee Liberty Bond Vblldrel1 '" dlsea.s es demand pre~ ,,,,t lI~ per canl Int.r..t. payable paredn e8!! Whon tbe ahlld w .. kes durability and ..ery June 16 and DeCl. 111, and allo The Rluler. _ .. s nl!fM, g,~ plnl and al raol-' , has some need or other exquisite design. . , Blessed nbove. 11 11 others Is he tor , JOII , et your entire prlJialpa! bacL for brHt h , ho", t hankful you Ualled Statetl Libert, Bondi! are _ -the highest ideals In plated ware-are assured In Hanna's Lustro-Finish, and beet ~f all everybOdy to b !\vo Dr . Be ll's Plue-Tar_HoD_ ",bom the kingdom of · elC-Respect reOf at haud. 'l'hls effoctlve !remedy molDs to buve lind to hold. For thero talu to ,become U Dumeroua In the I,poons, forks. and rancy .erving piec~s bearing tho ,can use it. , Child, man or woman, 'all alike, can 10llSen!! t be muounutld p ermit8 free be " Iways rul es frOlll -nn uuchnllellged UnUed Statal as !!Old ·plao... 'I'bll1 rCllowned ,trade mark: and nllt unl breathIn g Htl l ooth. throne. Across Its be ni gn bnund nrlel! ""III bove a 91de and read, Iale. An1 lOOn l~arn how to apply this time yoU need mone1, 10\1 CIIUI take log balsam, hell l the lrtlt&tod mem o no Im'tlli ing force cnp ever cro!lll. Unluperior flnlah to things about br",,,e .nd " rre~ tl IIl1ther Inflawma: threotenOO nnd ullllt rl1l d, he III ever· ,our bond to the bank and ,et t.t. ~Ioo\ Pleasant to .take, K eop Ur. more tho IIIDster un;1 t he mnl{ar cf dcs· There i , n't a r8l\1 .tate claal... ..,. the bouse make them whllre, or IUl automoblle maker, or a Bell'a }>, h, the h0118e tlnlel! eternal ond n\lldl ng. IJ'OCllr who "ooldn't be jUlt U PI4 to ... beautiful and Dew. for ~11 ooldll and bronohlal troubles, There are various make! of silverplated tablew~' take a United Stat. lJbert( Boa4 .. A& 1001' deuggls., 260. .. are claimed to be "just good," bu~. like all he 1fOQ\d to reael.,. ,old ooln. ---:-If 7011 ba,,8II't alrMd, ordered JOIII' Pure AII\ , they lack. the beauty and wearinlt 1~ Pal'll nlr Is blue. bec!'a1lH, al Ne,,· UalttHI Blat.. lJlIerty bdl, a.. JOV ' i deDtified withthe original and genuine " ROGERS IbaUar .. J"CIU"' I IrokW todaT. ton teUs UI, thlt m~leeu1.. ot the all! l W lQtpopuWlybownas"SilverPlat8tllatW.rar,.laue the thIclmea to re1Ieet ...... ~ding dealers everywhere. Sead ",-, blue raJl, WheD not per-, blae the lIIencltll v l ~lfed



Hear the c~. . . . Liberty.

Shall freedom perish from the


United States Liberty Bonds


Dr. J. A. McCoy,



.- .


Walter Chandler






n' ,,.._______ . . . , ,._ ....

BU·C Arnlea •


HE AJ.. '1


-----_. - ..- ---

E. V.

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pee- I

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Hanna·s lustro-Finish Eve~body, eve~here

----- -"..






--- -




_-_..- --

'winch imitations.



.-- SOld by

==~ 'He_II .h0rMIJ all designs.







Money mak & the war go, c; you botlght you r

VERY"SAlISf. GlORY\L.-bO_"d?:~_----, 1'h(' r(,~I~l rnthl1\ r ue ,11\\' VII 1\ ' VI!ry slIl i-;fn rtn n ' olwill \\ P) ~'u~'n ship . Prn irally nil I " I i .,1 tilt' I)I'o pE'r nlrtl rCj.{i!l en tl. !Il1d tit.' wo k WB' nil d(\ w by 6 0 '<'Illck 111 • bQ ~ ve· ninl! . The IltT 9t or nel \ll~ II 1.(' I Irjl 'I' cil ie~ bcf cll' re g-istl'lllilll1 had ' I h etre. l l) f III lting fI ' ){i tm inn Inn ,11 ' u ~i , \ r . "'HI (l ll lII "II m'c' IIntH the 1'l'jtb 1lHIlII11 \\'(1)\ 1"'cu ll1p li<I, ~ d \' cr~ sal ih fHt'lllrily , There w,'r ' IU I I{it; ratwlls \.lolled in the I' UIaj!(', li!) in the \~ e ~ t pre· cinct a nd ;IU in lhe l' a~llll' 'l' rn Cl. As fllr n~ known, l'\' e r ~' elid ble man vol('d, ~n thero \\'ill II(' 11<1 lroll ul ' from "Iackl'rs. Thom \\'(' re I 36 r ('~T i ~ l rn ti ons in Warren Coullty. FnllllWill){ is 1I Ii sl (I f the nam cs of those who registered :





I~.' T

\V I.,>vi IJ A :-:irhtll~ l-: F i-:a rnh "rt

ift _

PH E ' I ~ . T S .II J 11('\, ":011 A (; I,'rllz,'l'


H. E. EARNHART Fairbanks Oil and Gas Engin~s





Dr. \) JII, O:llco l'tlll way , Lc balhlll, OJ ill.

iBUYILS LIBERTY .BONOS IS IU ACT OF CHlDlTY M lin r _ lOT . ~='~~t,I?~~. :::: '. ::..'.'.'.'.',:: :::: REOEIPTS Burial ... .... ... Lol • . ..... ... .. ... .. ..... . . .. . ...• . ,. ..' .. "

,ft ..,


Ora ,'e RIght• .... . .• •. •.. . . , . . . .

, 'Whee Uatted Statas LIb- [l1t!"...D.. .. .. .. .. ... ... .... .. .. eft, War BoD4a ,ou are not gh1ng ~~~u..;; ;";,ii: : .': ....... : :':. : '''. '.:'..... la ....., tIIl~. Ywr act of purcbaa- Romo val. .. . .... .. .... .. ...... .

' Iq .. not an !lOt of

chartt,. What. Labor ·.. .... .. .... .. . .. ..... , ..

' • .,.. _ . , 10Il b ..... 7'OU po.._

be- O/'llln •• " . • • • . . ...• . . . , . " .. , .

d WT~""edthln B~IU\CO Juno ...e atortOlllhaU:~'~d"'ed8 ... _ ta"t e8, ""a, e' 'I GII-


i 'mdte4 8\a\.. Ileedl!' !'Mdy mone, to . .IP 1I1Ii Ole \0 provide tood, e)otIalq &lid trauportaUon tor our Mldler 80 OIl!' goyernment lay. to )'011: '''LoaD WI ,110 or f100, or what,. ' ~t 1011 lilr.e, and ..... will paT . J'OIII" pw cent alUlul Interest (pa,' lD_ta ~eJ'1' Juo 15 and Dec. 111), and .. ad4tU_ to that we will paT you

I'...... I



.......-_.' .nU .Al

It tIIe "lIlt

..,.. liP, .'

we wlU

lI1 Ary',; Guild will "wei wilh ~ Irs ( 'tl~ll('}' 1m '!'ilul':,cilY aflCmU\II I at ~ o'cl ode

Mr . anu M n . Fr eQ Bnrna rd 8 n I fondly, o f Alpha, Ohio, w eI" isiting frhmds her o Sundav.

To'al .. . . ... . .. . ... , . .. ... , .. DIBBuRstMENTS Labor .. . .. ... . .. .. , ....... , . • ,.

liupplllll . ..... ,' . ... . .... . ..... .

8uporloGOndel1 t . . .Jary ......... . Tre.aur",·. oala,)' .. .. , • . .... .. . . ,

of Miss Anna Mel'l, dith. Mr. a nd Mrd. Joseph ElJright , of Duyt n, viHiLcd with l' eillt ivc ~ hcr' n cou l>le of days last week .

Mr. und 111 1'S. Wolter Owen nnd Mr. and MI'.', Lawrence J ones , f Xenia. Wl' re 'uml" ... g'u('sts of Mr. and Mrs. J , W. H i~cy , of Houle :3 Parti es ind ebted La me f or a uto at once or accou nt will lie collected ncco rdinJ< 10 law protecting liverym en. ' .... ill O. Gu::!tin .





Iro...... .. , ............. . .... ..

Piau", &lid tree • . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .

8 7B 00 60.00 170. 00 ~ aB .


0 . 00 100. ga

IUIlOWlt you lent II'. loau'aoCll • .• • •. . . . , .• ,. , . , . .. . ,

6. 00 100. 00 1.10 28 H , 60

01'll'AO , •. • , • • • , • •• , ••.• • • • .• • • ,

t rate on our bondl! It'~~nici;'~ your Interest Te lephoDo rent Q.lld &0111 ..... , .. .


'reo::: ::::: ::::::: :::


~ x p,.,.. . ..

. ... . , .... . . .. .. ... . .



tw, square propi)e1Uon,

1 o. t.go . . .... . .. . •. . . '" . . ... . .

aJ' The Unlt!ld Stat611 lIaL:~ce' june' T

a-: tr Fa rms a Specialty

W A YN JiBVILLEl ()O RPOnATlON Ralpb Pen Je W ft . Sprl egel 1$. 0 P rend ergast WlII tl no,) k Ma nhal\ Blllnell Oaol\r Smith Funk R obln ~o n Eor e t R idge Cnrrln qton Ellis ira ·tno.berr y








- ........

W "'"""






Elderfer's circus visited llur village Saturday evening, and as usual had a !fOod crowd, although their adver- . Ulinlr car wu In town onl, a few days, Th".. who vllited the drca ",ere well . repaid for. It "'.. veq pod.

Clean Proposition


rrcvc'(Y dairyman'. wife could vote J when crenm scp;untors nrc up for cICClion,- ~ U. S. CREAM SEPARA. TOR would always win, handle down. IIth() crcBmcrY 'rha nn ~crs knew 'the

n rat~~;:a~~~~~~cr~~~g!C:;:.~ll~~~n~~rd

be eve n more ur 4c.nt for- tbe use of

U. S . SEPARATOI?S, rl'thcl buyers of creamcry /)foducte J kn"w that the poor· keep nl! QU3I· IU"" of butter ClIn lilunlly be lraced to IlnPorf.Cct ly clenned 8Cpara t o .....- lhey


would call evch . Iill

l o u~cr

lor Ih.

U.S. Sf~I'ARA1'OR. w ilh ils uDCQunU. d reputnilion (o r cleanliness. J':'!JIOII willie! ;"0 Bhow yo u how much 61 ",,,,la, it i . to keep the U. S. SSP. ARAT,OR clu." ond ru. " l!t\ Inolde and out (bl;to o\her td:milar duvicl!8.- how Quickly tho m echDniCll I wow r lICl'ubl, tlCalda ~ od drles th" sklmming pnrts,then you will be " " pleased In own a

U. S. S EPARATOR QI ·I ,JI m to introduce ttlClll. •'

After I show you, 1!(.'C if you can tind any other IICparatnr 80 !Ian· Itllry. If you cannot- then buy a U. S.- tlla Wo~ld'lI Record cloee akimmlulC aeporator.

RQGERS 01110

t o nd

the " dim

Ul,Il , fow

The ann ual Basket Meeting will be

tlwell COlli A .s lUull bltl! of gUID rIlmphol' Ilroppcd int o tbe bowl of the laUlp wlll

COIliPlotllly cbuugo 1111 this. .





I will offer at publ ic sale at my I 'want to buy your resid ence on Third street, ' next to t he EpiscoPll1 church, on Wool and will pay Thursday, JURe 14, 1917 you the highest Beginning at 1 p. m., tho follow· Market Price • .. . ing: 1 general purpose borse 1 sur· rey, a lot of household and Hltchen Mrs. Rebecca Scroggy. aaed 84 fu rniture . Terms made known on years, died at the'home of her daugh· uay of sale. ter, near Hickpryvllle, Friday, June Mrs. Levi Gustin. Ind. The funeral was heid Moilday afte rl)oon at 1 O'clock; conducted by Rev. J. F. Cadwallader. Interment 'n Certain CaRe •. in Miami cemetery. "On Jl('"rl a n W1I11 t "I'R 1, "You 11c t waynesv~OH 0 I h ey do when l'OU clot\' t get y our wlft) Jos, A . Msnnington died at his Iii strl~g of 'om ahe's fj t her h el1rt . Valley Phone 135 . home In Dayton last Wednesdav on." evening,' The funeral was held at his late home Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Int.erment was made in Woodlawn cemet ery, of thlit city . Mr . Mannington wa~ the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Luke Mannington, and IIpent almost all of his boyhood days in and around Wanyesvillp. a!ld his death came 88 a shock to his A Durable and Attractive Painted House mnny fri ~n(ls here.




Can Me 'by' Phone •

Good Paint and Reli'able Painter







Mr. and Mrs. Raymond William· ne xt Sunday, Junel0th. The pastor, l son, of Cleveland, Uhio, are the Elder C. W. Radcliff, with "other gu ests of their parentR, Mr and Mrs. ministers are l'xpected to be there: ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!'! H . H. Williamson and family .




. .. .

·11e, 0 •


$23 U. 41




BASKET MEETING of I MnnyTo Ollgul••nrothe 011 8m.lI. MIDDLE RUN CHURCH ·~;;r~.disIlgreeob1e :~~~:~r::~:~:::l:tl:::~~~~i!a!~~~~ or oli. h eld-llHh trM iddllMi'Utt£ap~:chu.rch

Mr. Bnd Mrs. Morris Sh erwood spent Sunday and Monday with their children in Columbus. Mrs . Sher· ",ood remaIned in Columbus for a few days'. further visit.. . ,



The coming 1917 assembly July 27th to Aug ust 18th, has an unusuallj , TOll CIIIII't 1010, iilH:'::: :: :::::: I G38. n encouraging start. The program IS . .Iped ,011 let what you ban, and It beirig fully arranged and promises in .. both patrlotl.m ud &Ood b1l8lne.1 *':;"~'.'.'....: .'.......'.':: ::.'.: ::::.::: mV,g _ T01ll' part to loan the gOTernmaat ACCOIlD"' •. • ..• • • •. , . .. . . . . . ... 82 5. 00 every respect to equal th e form er ~f- ' MlII.e or ,our mone),. now. Order Ttl . 1 801 8,U forts ot thi' popular re30rt and .w lth . UaJW Btat.. Llborty Bond. from 0 • ... ..• • •. • . , • • ••• , •• • • • • tbe many new 'featuro's boo ked ·and -- . -..... in preparation, It is hoped will sur· JOIIl' banker or J'l)ur broker. Do it Wu. Subscribe for the Miami Gazette, pass all previous records. • . A partinl list of the 'spl endid attractions bboked will give an idea of the excellence of the ehtire program which will be issued shortly: The . TALK TO THE TRI-STATE PATRON IN Kiltles Band. Geo. R Stuart, S lvanee River Quartet, Gay Zenola McLaren, 'lOUR NEICHBORHOOD Hon Frederic Landis , Dr. Len Broughton, Hruby Bohemian Orches· Let him e.x plain his experience to you and the profit of selJing tra. Congressman Meeker,' Hawaiians erMm direct to the Wayne B. Wheeler, Dayton Day~ Henry the Magician, Mallory Players, Y . M. C. A. Dav, W. J . Bryan, James A. nurne, Ralph Parlette, Sid· . CINCINNATI, OHiO Dr . G, W . Bunton, ney Jul NaYllhe, Chicago Male . . H. will tell YOll that no Bhipper ever lost a dollar deaiing with . S, D, Fess, Clinton N . ... aDd ble exp.Irlence Ia that tbe TRl·STATE will make more money oUe Reeves ('onover, lor ~j)roducer than any otber creamery. . Hillis, 'Bishop W. M. He doesn't worry abo.Jt hi. shipment after he puta It on the and Dry Debate, nand triaIIi-no matter what train, da1 or night. The TRl·STATE guaran· t.e. the lbip'ment a&'&lDat 1'088 ur damage in transit, and our SPOT I'Ccmclerts Daily. --- ~----CAaJH~ ebeek permits no middleman's deductions or commiBilions. You will find the TRI STATE patron a man who appreciates the ....tIII' ~d profit in ehooling a Responsible, . Safe and Permanent CNuMI'J and stickina to it. • TeD him to order cana for yoU on 30 days trial, or write direct to


Don't miss the Men of Waynes ville mee ting Tuesday e vening. There will be plenty going II oall tile time.


for it. It has correspondents in every state. How to get back out of your land the money you put in it is the big idea behind The Country Gentleman. ] t deals with selling fariD crops as well as growing them. . 300,000 farmers bought it when it was $1.50 a year. Now it is $1 a year52 issues-eveiy week. '

THE CURTIS PUBLISHING ' COMPANY lodepeodell<:o Square • . Philadelphia

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Emley at tend· ed the funeral of J . A Mannington at Dayton Thursday

:.u-Ask My Patrons


20 I. f 8

Every crop, every kind of farm Question is covered by The Country Gentleman. Practical farmers, stockmen, dairy-. men, orchardists, w..rite

li~' e ry Ill ea~e ~ cttlc


I lU~ . 0 3

,Put the price of a few hours of farm labor into a subscription for the national farm weekly, and save yourself many hours of labor and · I!l0ney and worry for a year ~o come.

Mrs. ,J. U. Cl\rtwril!ht is spendinga f ew d UYR in Ci ncinna ti , the A' uest



Mi~ 1l Ag nes II rnick , f Xenia, wng l h,' wcek·end gues t of 1\1 i~6 Elhel Hosier , .

. alrOf all kinds lhed B~wke Leo Lfl lll IDon Rflym ond Davis Ed Woollt.rd L F . l'erk tna Hugh Ridge .............. ... Elerberl Edwa r.ll e $1221 . 00 Ralph Sruml &26 . 70 Ben PUl'kB Jtllnel MoCluf3 28B. 39 Waller 011 th H OUler Cl\rey 19G •• ' n o.oo E"rlOonn er Will Prendergllst Office 299.D O Barry EllrDbart Ollie Ponoe oo. o ~ H . OO BarriS Mosher Dr . J. A. MoCoy OVE,r the Postoffice 10.0 0 a.oo JeSRe Prender!lllllt Geor ge G reen ~.OO B. B. Sherwood Hliymou d Uonner t3 1!5.0D Charleb (Jook l:ieorgA Mtl.r k_s_ _· -H---!~uneSVJ 8 38. 'G I-\\7'R11h>'P'-R-ttnfln ' J Arjlold U 963.64 J 'Jbn l:!tfln ~ b 'nry J£llI R L on g Telephone 61-2 ,. 3 Alvin E llrnburt R. C. Younoe

...0"61 . ... .. . . ..... .. . ... . . . . .. ~~l~~; ·DoPO'Ii.· D'o'" .': .'.' : : : .' .'.' : : :

to tile hl,heRt rato." .

I, IQIG ••• • , • • , ., ..



Oil. and Greases of all kinds

Try th. G8Z.~~ .Want AdB once . Annual Report Treasurer of Mlam It Cemetery Association '

is an authorized subscription representative of , The Ladies' Home Journal, The Saturday Evening Post , and

lallt wl,,,k

-Cenera} Hardware of all kinds


Hllrry Sh r wootl rollll illcs in !llan-


OhiQ '



11'9 , IIr:<k m,dc hiitli ,'II , o f Masnn, \\ . ' I·p j.!'1H"~ I ,;t1 f 1,lr " 1':l izulil' l h ~l1l1lJ l,

".' ~r'!"

Home, Telephone 96


' Ih .

Mr . and M~ . ~p 'li t SlIntiHY wil h rl lP~ t 'I' .

Oil Stove. and Garden ' Tool.



1\ \.;l'ricl'cl spent Thursday \\ il h \\' . F. (lurk a ml {amily, .·upt.


Clairmont Stoves and Ranges


- ... -

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ '$

I....------------+ PERSO Al MENTION \

Gra ham l'yle II A Smith Ililwr I'yl(, Tho. F rench nlong the wes tenl fr,,"t hll\' \! d" \' l s~ tI :1 t'h' \" r IIh, th "" " r J{ M Hough r> \ j.: t::llrly !keeplng the French people In the tl'rrlll,r y c ll l'l"r ~t1 lJy Ih ~ ;" .1"111:11'. In C"I' II " ," 1. M Sims 'CIt the prOgTeSli ot the wnr, 'rhe French lI ~ r o ll u ul kll l "'1'1.",,; IIH ' . I he """,11 ~lIrl Hprna rd Il t' lHY Walkins II.. Uoons shown In the picture for th is pllrpose. ~"\\' ~Jl II I)\'rs " 1111 p n " II , lth ' l~ H IN Gib'on A R Hartsock C II 'rI\wfunl 'are tled to Ule boll oo n ~, which nre prll!'llrlllly IIII'I " 1I11<l. III n 1:"" ll t h ~lJ,:ht. J) Il Vi.:e A r: 'raw'(ord ~ \\ N Blackburn Hen '1l1lth E T I larreli ~t M Hllwke W W Foulks C A Pick erimr Lyman Day RavmonJ Gebhart ==================~ W 0 Be rna rd f ' il 8a YHIl'e [{ T Graham E K Dill Herbe rt Me redith 11 L Grllham Max Barnard J]{ Gibbons CD Lewis H 1-1 .milh 1I L Chenoweth F H l;raham R 1:: Dunhlllll 'J'h o mu ~ Turner D H alisbury It I:; Dyk e L L Salisbu ry H 0 Burnett We are Headq ua rters for F L Russell II IN Smi t h Frank L:hllrlton U M \lu rn tt M S Grahllm W /.; Stroud J W lrawn ehl1" ZilTt nl Cll'man I F Kea rns E l\l ichencr Frank McCa rren ' If CO rll !!11 We are Head q uarters for E IJ Baily A II J ones ' I:: Eel wllnls E E Hartsock J W Allen A 0 Tri.'lkey F H Silv r C L Hassell J K 'ibcy L M Sliver L G Brock A N Gr aliHlIlde We are Headquarters tor EE F ou lks • E AST PRECINCT J n avis F urnas R H Wilson W H Orndorf We are Headquarters for Fires W E Thompson t: H McKeever G E Reeder • Clarence Fields Ralph Bi/oCgs Ernest Shepherd S S Ellis L E Hockett R L Haines We arl! headquarters for (; J Wate rhouse P L Fletche r Walter Stanley 11 P Learning J EScott Csrl Heath . H H Harner G L Chenoweth Walter Scolt L W Fu rnas F D Hoberson I'; W R OBS We are Headquarters for Laurf'nce SlmpsonP L Heuson 'A mith B H Roberson J:; 0 Bogan Robert F urnas W 0 Mc Mi llan Howard Stanley H A SatterlhwaiteEnnis Thompson H F J ones A B Ilr te r We are HeadQuarters for Mark Mc Millan H L Ti nney -1~Ultnle!iT''WrilR~C~IU'lIeifllHOlie~efC'I-1t1?,~~~! G rd! EH H Edwa Orndorf J V Klein It A Simpson R N Wern lz H F Mill!! . R L Bogan a m Me redith, Jr.A B Cleave r




All partiel! who have allowed trash and garbage to accumulateupon tlieir premi~t<s are requested to get rid of the ~ ame by June 12, 1917. After this date council will remove It and collect the cost trom said parties, H, E. Hathaway, Mayor, ----.~---.-----

Cheap 'Paint and Inexperience Dissatisfaction-But why (ake a chance? Let me give you an estimate on your Painting Jl1" your Paper Hanging





ST. MARY'S CHURCH First Sunday after Trinity, June 10th, Sun'day School at 9.30 '8. m ; Morning Prayer ant! Bermon at 10:30. The public cordially invited to these services.

Energy 'of Tide..

. The net electric energy ·to be derived from· the Drl tlflh Udell Is placed

by Prot. Dnvld RobertsoD fit about 10,000 kllo:wottll per 89uare mUe tor R dpuble tlde ot SUi feet oad IiOO kUowatts tor it tide of 7 teet. 1'1ac;,es off'cffiri a large Inclosed area wIlli a comparat1vely sbort dam are the promllln, ones for tidal utiUsaUoa tUld tbe Srlt1ah chaanel aeema by far the mOlt ad'f8lltqeoua lUaUOIl III the Brlu.h s-., ""til ... I'JJtIl at

...-ti ..

. .........:, ,:

""~-,!- ..,....~

THE 5e, tOe AND 25e WHIZ PRODUCTS Glass 'Polish-the thiog to 'oIea,o Wiodow~, Windshields, Glass· ware, Bathtubs, Paint, 'Marble, etc. ~rystal Soiloff-Removes all stains from ,the bands. Ro~dside H ~1elU1er-Liquid form, the thing for autolst.• Stove Polish-Both· Uqu~ aod paste:

All these Products ........... , ...... toe




Sixty- Nintl '


jTEioiLitiTIOfI-j TELEPHONE .--_ ....-----....----.

Whole Number 3422

13, 1917



CASP. TRIED· I) . FORE UTILITIES Hoy henowetli was a Daylun ' vis· COi\H\l S510N ito r Sund ay.

Misi Clara Lil e spent Monday with Xenia relative.

Victor l .Qhr. o f Lohanon . was in tuwn \Jnd ay

Miss Mary Salisbury spent Sunday with Xeniu relatives.

" M. Brown was in Dayl on OIl uU binel'S 1'·l'irll1¥ .

P. I). ' Iagett spent several daV Rin Chicago last week on bu ~ iness.


Allhough II Is HOlled Ihe C.ommis· Ur . Uill . lMeopath :'.1 S. Uroad sion Will NOI Grant the way. L llUllun. Ohio. Company's Demands J essc Thomas und Paul Brow n were Gincinnatl visitors Su nday. The ' U lilitit's Commhlsion at C" I· umbus heatd lhe evidence ill the Mi. Ha rv ey Sndlelt and s isler. of near ami Valley '1\!IejJhll,j(' C8:!e 'ful:'~day l:lellbrouk. allended Uccoration ::)un· There wel'e several from WlIyne and day. MatlSie Townships present at th t hearing. Dr. Macy will he al Har v.,yshurg The commiBf,ion . RevlJral we('k s ago. allowed the lelejJholle com pany thi s week und Spring Valley next • t.o put 11 rate or /ivl:l cen ts for tulk · week . ing I hrough another ~ x ch l\lIl{e . and . this has caused a lOBS of trilde all o"er U. S. Howeli wn!; wli en suddenly the county where the comJJany ope r "II I · -t Thursday but III al,le to be ales. There have been severalllhullts I ll. d • taken out on this account. and if lhe aroun now. commi8l!ion I{rante furlher privileg "l1 Mr. ,and Mrs. J. S. Vandervoort of this sort. t here will be a general amt son wero guests of Morrow rei· exodus of phones to the junk pile. Lebanon lradesl1len have been put atives Sunday. to a larger expense than probably any Mrs. p. D. Clagett'and daughter other user~ of the plion~ in the coun· ty . Thill has not only affected Leb spellt several days la~t week at the anon. however. but the business men !<' rie11\ls Home. of Waynesville have sutfered to a great ~l{tent. MIS. Lydia Chundler. of New Vi· . 'l'h~ Lebar.on Grange. who brought on the proceedings at Columbull. is enna. is spe~ding U cuulJle of days reprellented by Corwin Drake and here with friend II. th~ businest men of the county by Judge Clark. Mr. and Mrs . C. W: Haines. ot The report from the Ulilities Dayton, were Sunday Kuests of Mr. Commission after the hearing al and Mrs. Gordon Joy . Columbus was to the effect that th Commission gave the company sixty Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Zell, of dll)'8 (.0 return an inventory of thci( property to the commission. wht!n Newal'k'. spent the week· clld with they will decIde whether the com· Mr. and Mrs. John Zell. pany is Justified In a!kin" the in· Mesdames Ida Hockett . · Sarah crease. In the meantime the sub· scriber will have to pay pis five cent~ Zimmerman and O. M. Ridge were . tax for talking thrQugh another ex Dayton visitors Thursday. change. -------.~~.-----Mrs. John Davis and ,daughter. Winnifred. of Dayton. B.pent Lhe week· end with relatives here.






Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamilton, of I)ayton. spent the week end with Mr, and George Hamilton.

M. Yh·llI lIl. M ll r sl ll.1 P hilad elph ia.


1I1lt! lh e ullle.· UI ~ . u llcl·s uf l ltu't"i'cHeli \\'lIr COllll1l lSsllll1 "rr!l' lng n l l UUCpt!,"1cHce hull,


WARREN GO. 1M. E, CHURGH THE fRATERNAL S, S. CONVENTION MUSICAL SERVICE UROERS OECORA1E The fraterna l orde rs. The K of P • The fi fty ·fourth annu al convention I. O. -0. p , ancl the Junio r Order. of the Warren Connty Sunday schoo l held decorat.lon services in Miami A ss~ciation was held .lIt Mai~ ev ille The I.ast 'rhe at ce metery unday afternnon,. Y nd fhursday c as and Fnday. I d th dllv was fin e lind It large crowd was 'pl~ ,.I.I~·e w vel. arge !In e presenllto 'witness the exercise!!. ro"r m.was one 0 unusua l III t erest. AL two o~elock. the several ordera. . A silecial f~atur~ o·f t~e eonven· about 80 in number headed by the tl on was a ch ildren s l!8SSlon . of the Lumberton chedfrorntow n teenage .. conducted by. Mrs. C: S. to Miami Cemetery. Upon thei r ar· Meloy, fhere was qU1l~ a larg:e rival. the men formed a circle around alte!ldance of boys and glrl~ at thIS the entranee ",ound. and afte r music Sess l~11 from all over the county:. by the band. '/lnd the singing of Dr. E. ~. ' MA~ch~m. e~ ltor of The "America. " by St. Mary's choir. the ~od~ou~. ofI CIOCm n81tl. wkss an ex · chairman. L , Nicholson announced e mit y p e":8 an t ~pea er an d the program . ln vocation by Rev. created enthusla~~ WIth his talks . Beal l An(lther selection by t he choir t:ieveral other mmlsters and laymen and Mr. Ni ~lIolson introduced Rev. ~~re p~esf7~ and add~~ much to the S A. Beallasthe s peakeroftheday . n,~res 0 econvlln Ion. He 'talked at lE'nl.\th on th e beauties 1 hose. whoaltended from .Wayne of Ihe different orders. alld what Town shIp were: M~s . . Ehzabeth they stool1 for . his talk the Snook. Mr. and Mrs. DaVIS Furn1!.s l clwlr liang another 5 lection. alll) the Mrs. Wm. Frame. Mr. and Mrs. benediction was pronounced. and I Law r~nce Furnas. Mm J!lmcs Pr en . the several orders went about th eir·der~a t., Mrs. q rst: e Misses La k of beautifying the graves Of J Mar.11l ~tout • . Sal! le .Snuth. Mary their departed brethren with flowers . Atklllson. Katherlno Prendergast. E verything worked in harmony on Lucy ~mley. Martha Cook and Mr. thi. occasioll. even the wcather join. F. S. Elbon. . mg Ill. • _ •




• . Of FranklIn Was the Speaker of Chas Reynolds. of Spring Valley. the Evening, and His. Talk Wall s pent Sunday here with fri ends. Thoroughly Enjoyed Sherman Dyke and fam ily. of Day, ton. ~ p ent Sunday here with relatives. The Moo of Waynesville held their Mrs. W. H . Allen and Miss Olive second meeting at Sohool Hall Tues· Allen we re Cin ci nnati visiturs.Tu es. day evening. There were 155 prea· rlay ent and a number of visitors were . Lhe ~e from the Men'a Cluba of Frank· lin. Morrow and Lebanon. h President Harlllock called t e Mrs t·'ll rnk Tay lor . of New Yll rk ·ity. is the gU<!8t of her mother. meeting to order and several import· Mrs. EJith.,Harris. ant matterll were discusae<i. chief among them being the Red Cro•• Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hopk ins. of Fourth of July and the next meetinll' nay ton. spent Sunday with Mrs. place. After the buslneaa leaslon the pr8llident announced that the Alice Keys and famil¥. "Jolly Matrons" would aerve the W. N. Sears and family left Sun. members with Ice cream • .atrawber. day for a four daYd' visit with rela. ries and cake. The matrollBeectvel'Yf Uvea in Darke County. generously donated the proc ,I 0 the lunch to the Red Crose. The Men of Waynes,ilIe Illee club Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Arnold and son. made their fil'lt appearance at thIII Eugene. are home from a delightful meeting and their mil sic was much visit with Wilmington relatives. enjoyed by everyone present. Hs then announced the speaker, Hon. J Bs..'!8ett Wtllard of Franklin S. S. Tibbals. Warren County'llrlft. W8~ in town Saturday' tn the inter: ed orator, who spoke on "Prepared· este of the Franklin Chautauqua. nels." The. tal~ was very Inwreat· ing and time Will not permit us to enter Into details, but from the ex· Thomaa Prendergast. ac~ompanied prC3slons heard on every aide. Mr. by his neics. Min Katherine Pren· Tibbals will have the opportunity of dergaat. epent Sunday near Orslronia . again talking before the club. He · spoke chlotfly of. the work of the ~ Mrs. Omar Lewis and Mrs. Charles Cross .nd of the young man d011W Braddock and son Ernest spent the his part in the great WOl'k before u'h' week·end with relatives in Dayton. After the close of his I!peet! President Hartsock called on POIIt· Mr. and Mrs. Arch Hartsock. of master McCarthy. of ~ranklln. a:td reelde F' Dayton, were Sunday aftsrnoon the Men o~ Morrow 8 visitors of J. L. Hartsock and family. John J. Tramer and th~ v. J. • Cadwalladsr. All of the Ifentltmen rellponded and made fine remarks. Mrs. G .. L . K'n~ld and Ion. Brice. The me~Ung then closed, IJId ev· of Sardtnla. OhIO. were week·end eryone present WIIS more than 18t1aguasti of Mesara. R. A . aDd R. G. fied that they had taken the time Cross. to come out and hear the prollftm , In a\1 probability the J 01), meetillg Misa Henrietta McKinsey left .will be held at Lytle . • Monday morning for a six· weeki • - • course at Oxford University summer school.

Program of the Mllsical at the Methodist Episcopal Church June 17. 19l7. at 7:30 p . m. . V I un t ary- CI' arme t SII I0 .. ........... . ............................. George Marks Hymn 107 ..... Congreglltional Singing Prayer followed by reading of Scrip. t.'Ure Anthem -"Nearer My God to Th to A hf J Ch . H~:tor-; a~d lrpp'~~i"b;'P~tor olr Hymn 315 ... .. COnl{regational Smging Anthem-"Stand Up For Jesus" Schnecker ..... .. .. .. ........... ..... Choir Hist(lry and Appeal by Pastor Hvmn 3S6 ..... COngregational Singing Anthem- "Crown Him Lord of AII "-Lorenz ............. ..... ..... Cholr History and Appeal by Pastor Hymn l SO-Miles' Lane ...... Con. gregational Singing ' Offertory- Violin Solo G race Carman Vocal Solo - " 'fhe Plains of Pcace" Mr. and Mrs. Jamel McClure. Mrs. M B H ({ lIy Walter McClure and Mrs. Wilson .............. ·B ~~·~dicti~~ ' . e Edwards were Dayton vtsitors Sat· A silver offering is asked for at urday. . the evening service. Mr. Earnest · Earnhart will sing a 11010 at the Ethan Crane left Sunday for To· morning service. The Pastor will 1000, where he will spend the .lIum· h h d P preac t eseeon sermon on ray· mer a&.!If8tt~g Ethan Coleman In hts er" on the theme "Prayer ss Com· photo studIO. munion with God." 'Sunday School J ohn A. Sommermler and ~augh. at 9:15 a. m . A~I.!r! invited. ter. MiSS'Mary. of WeatwoQd. Ohio. were week·end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. CrosB.


















81 MARY'S r.:==51




'1:)I:'===:l't:Jt:'==3 1:) [- =nl:li:


Will Celebrate .the Fourth

I' 1


.- .









1 II











A beautiful June wedding was solemnized. on Tuesday evenin" when Mra. 'Huldah iJurnett. Messrs. Mil!8 Lillian ti. Mull VlighteJ her Cliff and l.has. Bornett and Dr. Mil· troth to Otto J. Marlatt. of SouLh ler.were Dayton visitors Monday. Bend. Ind. 'fhe ceremor,y was per· formed by Dr. George Bunton in the Mi ~s Olive Allen 8rrived home Cynthia Bell Bolin was bom fn preael.•ce of 100 invited guests at the ·home ul the bride's mother. Mrs Crom Mt. Holyoke Collplrc Saturday Ross County. Ohio. Mill 25. 1860. and departed this life Yay 26. 1917, John Mull. on Cotlulre Grove avenue afternoon tor the summer vacation. on Tuet1day eveninll at 10.30 p. m. While the guests B8l!embled. Stan· Her home was near Waynelvllle ley Dunkleberger at the piano ployoo W. H . AlIIen and F. C. Hartsock and she WIIS in Xenia on. vialt with a program of music. and immediately attended the Warren Co unty Bank· preceding the bridal chorus from ers' meeting at Lebanon Saturday her daughters. when she waa taken Lohengrin Mrs . I!:lizabeth Munck ~vening. suddenly III, and In .a abort time passed away. She had beetulluffeNr aanll "Gold~n Days," Tile service was 'r ead in the Iivin~ from heart trouble for a number of Mrs. Mary Lewis.· of Dayton. and room before the fireplace. an impro Mrs. B. F. ~ell. of ' pringfield, wer, years, but tinally aedema of the vised altar being formed of huck Ie Sundav . guests of Mr . and Mrs. lunis overtook ber. berry branches and palms and the Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Graaf and She "'88 united In marrillle to Frank Zell . Illumination was or candte light. Tall 1\1 i~s Beulah Kindle r. whose home Mr. and Mrs. John Trainor and Robert L. Mou1I8r,of Fa,etteCounty. Itandardlt filled with large fluffy daughter. of Morrow. called on Marcb21, 1877: To this union were JU9~ as we "0 to pre!!!! we are in is iii Ci rclev ill e. Ohio . in n letter to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. O'N eali and f?rmed ·that B . Hoy_'ell ha~ sold Mrs. I1nwell Peirce said there had peonies outlined a path to the eltar friends here Sunday afternoon. born eleven children. slx dau,hters Bert. Mrs. Lindley Mendenhall. hI S Bruck o f m e\'chllndl ~ alill leased been severnl hard rains in their and five sons. nine of wbom are from tho stairs which wl!ro outlined Mi88 Martha O' Neall are visitins: his building to Myer n:.imnn. Th e . Iocali t\'. which uve r(111 w€11 a creek . livll)g, and two eons. Robert Ro1l8. in greenery. The ;ower rooms were tran (ef will he mad e as soon os , the watl'rs I\ootli nl! t h ~ ir pa rt uf garlanded in the .huckleberry in Michigan. Mrs. McAdoo. wife of Secretary The band concerts·startod m Leb· aged two yearll and ten montha, and bl'anches and peonies. lhe st,1ck Cli '. ue invoic U. IIlr Ilow· \the town. She sa id allhoug h the of Treasuay McAdoo. at Cincinnati anon Saturday evening. The Har· Raymond alled six weeka. havln~ . I h mon HIlII band is to furnish the passed to the Great Beyond. • Mts. Lawrence Bell, the bride's W. C. T. U. meeting ' Wednesday ell h'l been a It'uuing busine. mall water was not as hi8"h as it was in Ileter. was matron or honor. MisseR afternoon. JUlie 20th, at 2 '0'cI6ck at in WaYJ)csvill.e for almost t~pn l y 1 ~ 1 3 , yet their yard ' W3S II regular at tI. e present lime. Bug-gestee t at music thl1l8ummer for thtlir concerts. She leaves to mourn her 10lIl- a church bells. fire bells and factory dear husband. Mrs. Cora Dean, Mn. Ruth Service and Mary inll. the home of Mrs. Eva J ones . Eyery· years I'nll unlver"al r('g ret WIll be rlYer. and the cellar W IlS fi lled com whistles sound warnings throughout Mdt b (l[ , 'le family leaving. II lely. The poopla il1 that 'l ocality felt hecause bridesmaids. -Marguerite body cordially Invited: Ohio for three days at 9 o'clock to . Sheriff Waggoner and A. B. Kauff· Lea BOuckGles. Mlsa aHu e. aMo~::' .maid ·of·honor. Ma.lter Lyle Shipman. Mr H Y11l1n i' i live wtre and with weru all · 8car~d . lind !lome of th em noUfy tho citizens that only three man. oLLehan6n. passed through rvtrs. ra egner. Mr. arry r· a larg e r.!ill.l:!Lw ilJ make for this com· tbought of mov in .. oul.. . rinll bearer. days more remained for the pur. here Sunday evenln~ enroute '0 Mrs. uth AtklnlOn, Aus no' M\, _ .----The bride was given in marriage "Chal!. Duke. of-Ga~ton, was here munHy a stor of which we may chase of Liberty bonds. Accordtllgly Cedar Point to attend the Grand and Homer. at home, and one brot f by her uncle. Charles Traebing. of Sunday assillting the Lumberton well be proud. bells and ·whistles were sounded Lodao K of P', er. Mr. H, E. Bolin. and a hOlt °h brass band . He saw many of bis . . friends. She was united In Churc Both men have the best wishes of Robinson. 1lI. She msde a beautiful durini his short stay. old friend1\ here Monday ni gh t. a' William's Chapel In 1893 and lived plctureln her wedding robes of white Tuesday Ili~ht the alarm was two. Ernest Rogerl wss taken suddenly a devoted life witb her Lord and the Gazette. satin embroidered in pearls. A lona and tonight on ly one. This was a ill at Dayton Saturday. He was tao MlISter but .owlng to her poor health Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fe~. (\f • <;Gurt train huQIl from her shoulders ve ry pretty tdeH. and aim st evt!ry ken to a hORpital. and hts folks were was not able to IIttend church 811 ,be over which shimmered the veil of Clarksburg. Ind .• and Mts:! Ann Kel· notified. He was brought home would have liked .. She 'waa a dear, town in the ~tnte observed it . tulle confined with orange bloBRoms. Iy. of Cincinnati; visited their broth· Some feetl s which al'e sati!!factory - - - -- - ... ----Tuesday and II much better. lovIng and dutiful wife and mother. Her flowers were a shower of brides' er' Mr. B. H . Kelly and wife last for feed in g to olh(lr classfs o~ always raady to make friends and of week. roses and valle,P liIlies. animals are not suitable for feeding Thomas Trumbo. of Kansas City. Friends of Dean Howell relleived a cheerfUl disposition. cbicks . Amo ng su~h feeds may be L. A. Zimmerman lert Monday for officiated 811 best inan. Miss Mary Hawke. of Lebanon. S~cond Sllnday nfter Trinity June menti oned tankage and cotton seed Cedar Point. whe rli ho KO~S as ths peatal cards from him last week say· Some sweet morn a' day will open. Following congratulations, a din Dr. Roger Atchley. of Cincinnati, 17. Sund ay School at 9:~O a . m. meal. The use of a lu "ge amount of representative of Crown Lodge. K. Ing that he is now located at his new Never more to close In night; Iler wu served. 'rhe bridal table and Dr. Ralph Vance. of Morr.,w. Morning Pr!lyer and sermon at 1~:30 gluten in the ration is frequently of P. to attend the Grand Lodge at ~Ollt .t Pensacola. Fla, and is en· We shall hall the early.JMen had for its centerpi~e a large cap· we.e .Sunday guests of Miss CIsra Everybody IIlvited to these servIces followed by digestive disorders. that Dhlc~ Tuesday and Wednesday, Joying the change very much. Of its everl88 lilfit;< del.bra wreathed in smil~ and sur HaJ'ke. roundtld by five small baskets fitled We want to Bell you your Shoes On..tbatbrillht and p ..c8ful ' m~m, with apring blOl8oms. Those seated and save you money on every pair, Pilarltnfl rest. their joume1' r at the table with the bride' and groom our special sale on our ~==:J Remember 1 n~JI; I ::7:==n::J~~===:Jlm YOilshould come and look through Hunger. thlnt and death and • . were: The members of thb ' bridal larg;utock.of Overalls; Work ~hirta. lin row . ~ our large stock and be convinced. party and the Misaea Helen anrl and the large aSortment of Shoes. ~ John A. Funkey We ab~ll know and fear no mor&' Elolle Lehman. Elizabeth Munch, No ono can afford to stay away. John . AlloeTraeblng, Mr. and Mrs. Charley A. Funkey; Robinson, Mr. and Mra. P. J. Reillv. · The ladles of St. Mary's Guild will ,Stanl" Dunkelberller and the Rev. Lost-A pocketbook. containing hold their Quarterly Social at the and M re. GeorJiIiC Bunton. several receipts and a registration' c:J ~. home of Mr•. J. F. Oadwallader Followlnlf a wedding trip west Mr. card Finder will pleaae return to ~ Thursday afternoon. This will be a and Mrs. Marlatt will reside in l:i'outh Milton-Thompson. as he is anxious to patriotic social. .Evervbody Invited. Bend.lnd .. where .Mr. Marlatt holds receive thE! card. . THE DRnlNG PARK ASSOCIA'frON, THE MEN OF WAY• re8pon~ible position with the Stude· . baker corporation. Tho bride is There are still several small pox NESVILI,E AND COUNCIL HAVE UNITED AND WILL 'O'IVE 'A Mrs. Price. .of Wilmington. was traveling in a stunning suit of dark cases at Xenia. although it Is ,said ~ the guest of'Mr. and Mrs. Ralph blue tricot with hat to match. they .are having it in a mild fotm . FOURTH OF 'JULY CELEBRATION AT OAKDALE PARK. .THERE r.'I. Smith Sunday. Her little daughter, . . Vera. who haa been spendIng leveral Floyd Daughters, of Corwin, Among the out·of·town g'ue,ts In Every "precaution hail been taken to • ttendance were Mr. apd Mrs. P. J . eradIcate the disease. WILL BE THE USUA . L FESTIVITIHS, SUCH AS RACING, AUrO here with ber sister. : return" brought In · this office Saturda.v • I::J daYfl home with her. mammoth Minorca ega· The hen ReIlIJ. of Pittsburg; Mr. and Mrs. that laid thle eJll \a llim, _~me '. Charlea Traeblng. of Robinson. III.; Do you wailt special baraains in I!I EVENTS, BASE BALL AND VARIOUS. OTHER THINGS TO OC" hen." He said that abe belo~ ,to ' Mr. and Mre. L. H :' Sljipman. of CUP,\,: 'I'HE A'rTT<'N"".rOI'T ON THI~ DAY. I' N .T' HE MORNING,. Elliott Wright left Thursday for Marion Henderson, of Corwta. &ad Trol; M.... Katherine, Shannon. of Ovoralls? We are closing 190 pairs ~. SSe, worth $1.25. These were ~ .1.'1 -' Centerville to join Dr. and Mrs. that ahe bad been In the habit Of Troy; Henry Mill, tbe Mi8SeI ~uni~e. before the large advancl!. Keever. and they will drive throulih laying twe eggs one w 'and tbeitI Cleomine and Miriam M ulland It' reida comeht and 8~e. ~n m,any other' lines THERE . WILL BE A HILL CLIMBING CONTEST, WHICH WILL to Georlfe School • . Pa.• . to attend laying off a day. She ' baa k~t tIda Jameaon. of. Lebanon; Mr. Thomas BE VERY IN'I'ED DS1'ING-. Sr.'TTERAL AUT VE commencement.t that ichool. AI. record up since sorlris. The .... bit Trumbo, of Kanll88 City. Kall.· Mr· we can lIive y'Ou big money. John ~ J.-u:. , £tv . 0 CLUBS HA SIGN Ifred WrI,ht and WJnn Keever will bllOughtlnwu8,%incb.aro1IDdtbe and Mrs: :rlmothy M.rlatt. ot Way. A . Funkey. nesville; MIIB Mary Cllnlrman. the ... FlED '.fHEIR INTENTION OF BEING PRESENT AND CONTEST-Jil'I'aduate ~t this time. 110tn~_~~reean~colmin;lbee ••_ thantdah~ M.,.... John and Frank Pence and Several of the teachers ot the n.u u. I' John Rye. of Wain_ville. Wayne'fownlhipachoolsarepre\>4r. ING IN- THIS EVENT. DON'T MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO GO MI.SaraSellers.dauahtllrofMr. yelkl. ThlaI. .uN!7.blclld....... !nil to enter some achool this 8um· and Mrs. Staale, Sellen. of J:Abanon, ment tor Mino~ aad tIW ---'-mer. The Miaaee Be~lab KiJ;1dler, AWAY ON THE FOURTH" BUT STAY AT HOMt' AND INVITE formercitizeDa,lllIIlatlnJSecretary owner of this hell hid c.r ..... Marjorie Tumer and Henrietta ~ of Aaril:ulture David F. HUlton, hercoopcloeel,... taocieJwwUlbe.,a Too Much Competltton. IIcKinaeywillattendSwornerScbool YOUR FRIENDS TO COME TO Tm~· CE~EBRATION. uponthe food problem tbatlacon· tow~t auob aD abDonaal ........ Miami University. at Oxford, tronttn. the Amerfcan paGnle today. •- • "Now. wbere ' do Jon WilDt 7OU1' DorothJ Gebauer UId Mr. Mi.lWlera .... heeD In New York IPeeeb to _ r "Put me OD before tbe eeJel'J .. .~. Two hundl:e4 tor the PM.two yean. and bu people _ _ ee1~ 1I1IhOG mab 8\oUt u made MIft dIaa - . - . ~~~~ ~ ~~ a name for beIIelf. a U~ ltwq- ..... ~





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Common PlcasCourl

II, hi" hurry 10 I,t's t r 0 :- P etorson V!I 0. M, Ro,' IO)!nlll"l lit" 1'".'1, • ~111'11I'ry nnll bll ? or 0 nl, 'D(lfendnntA demurrer , , I,n\( 'u II 111 \'I'I!.',I In I h,'1 11"111'11'10:' raIn, v r r lll II to wllioh d fendants ex, ~Tt ronT'lT~[ND QD,l.T\V I" IoliO 'II' 'l h,l t tl ,,' "01" "'llII'III" , ut ~'I ' t LlIl,l Ihl r ty Ii l' ~ clvan to tile ~ Every Savage mileage maker gets full credit for good '-II\W llC!J JJl\tUI I I hU, h n 11111 \ <'lIld 1,(" 1 h' ,II\ulIl "lIlo- r till war , Watc:h lor work becauSl! all work is "keyed" to the serial numbers CIVIL [NGINUR. /lIII'L '~~ III h\I,,~,'lf, }I' IItr,,; Ihl' h, 1t Philip ~ IU); I VB Fred frampler, CO'YIIIGffT' OY I'unlllG II. IIL'VJ:U CXlI'IPIJI'f I l' red Saliop np on ih ~ tires We know in every case jUS\ who is r cs)Xl n· ~tt Il h " I ' ) I "'11II 1I""1~ I J\ I, •• " oo"I't'I, IIl1' "II1'1,,£tu~llllet't1 1 tlud d l UlI ~ 80d w!thou' o were t cre. YOI1II SI'Q IIOIU nO. "P' or Ill" \l1~ltl II 11 I II n 1 uonl sible o r " Il eal' big mil eag e." rI,bt," IIItld Wlnt ('r8 ('nt hll oln,tl""lh' lilt'> 1,,'1111 1 111'1 I'n~,",ly JH'ur In In :!! I I I' '1 IIIIU,', , I' t, . , ' ' Th[s plan c reales a strong S~I'l S(' of personal responsibil. "bllC'oURO l,o'd be In thll thick u( t1;~ tU1111111 n' !Wll lr,', X u , . oi i'i's W'OIl hl l ; Jl( 1/";'" ".1 lh,' ol~'I I ;'II'llI' IIII!:, In his Ethe l U, Wlnetoll \ ' 8 Edwa rd Wlu Iry and pride among our workmen, and lhere is 'keenest 1I&'ht." "lin)" Ih l','ll/Cf; nll\' ~UI'!I mill nlld wi lld 11111, II, ,,/011101 I" 101 hi. f t' hllllll t o @toll. Ile feod .. found guilty o f J ivalr 10 see who call prod ucC' nios! mileage per tire, "I doubt If 'OU I'n u r N'O"I, I',' "11" " TIo,'~' '\0 '1'0' I"" 1'1\ 1.'" 1 0 11 Ih,'lr Plll h~ JlI'lJI,'rt 1"111"0'1 (, "" UII , lhc 1"01,, "'('t' U I co, utemp~ 01 oonrl, uud 116Dtenoed t o I' _ "" " ClU'!'II'1 l h " LlII' nih' I ' 11 f ' ooe. eYeD through the gIn,", III .u('h n IIlhl 0111 wh ll l Ih .. ~, 1",,1 In ,It, to hllllt T Il{' III" , tr II 1'1\, II J" or teu d a}'p "u,1 to PIlY ou te , I You can help us to pro lice even grea\er mllcage for yo u til 11111 '11 11 Iwtok his 1'l'11I1 ns 'lOll t o pll y plaiDtllT ' 20 oAsh io llllnd ; dl sta ncfO" Ba ld Rudoc" fif,rr h,' hnrl III 1\\"11 I'd, 'r ller r"uIOI1 "ll Ih,' ~h,'ul((cr I If you will send us full delails of a ll Savages t hat run tOC\l~ d .'1t ood luk.,\]·~ I"ok lllll,ol'lf lOr 'II,,' 111"'a 111111 ' d l ~lIl'jleurl!<.I In Ule I H ' Ihll"'} th e I' III', pnrnlJ n~, lJ u hilI" I oth e r OO@~ii $9, aud $25 t o \ II li" 0, \ ove r 7000 miles ' ' 1 IIl'IIl'1I ll> h ' Olt I)( the cXl'luSIv~ il'l' ... Me 0 0011 hi lUI Ii tt o rn \T feBR, Th e "Yet It ' bo were there bo ~rluln I; III ill'S u r li S ( "'I , Vi .... lI< lure to ,Iv. Serial Number, , I.. 01 II,., dal t 01 pur• ,, 'J'J ' thust) who~C' (Iuty It , ., t j 11 't . d ,. would be 10 the thick ot It, 1I~'" thlll II' lbr,'c ,Oll tlt e 1\ II 10.lkp\J lit NIl'll I " . Ill .... , ho II Pl' n e n~B \~ Sllspel 0 ... 8,) long . c. halt. name of dealer . l)nd actua1 number of miles run kllld. You 1 0k. Di ck," lliher, 'lrl~l ~og, I n hi Jll'fl r tlcn l \\'Ily Ill' liIll'\\" HS tho i'll tl ,' ''lI t I' ~ ),~. ~ I,p r Wf'e T o hrlp thow. our apprrciatlon for thl l co#optrati on. we wll1 t enet '''I can't s('e 111111" ~s lo1' Wl nl ' r< In "Thp d UlU sli ll Iwldq " snlol TI n' ln, '" n gr,"t d II I IIll0Ul lho.l I,rolwr\lc< 111111 1\ 0 I flf ral u .. (l <1 m tbi' II ~ o f 1UI " " ' 1 an Iftner lUbe pilch Ire. 01 thar~. 10 aU who r.po rl , "Heap Sil ,. , " ,', llOsHILJ1ll1l s at U't f I r I IC I I I' Mile. ge · t nro. "Bul wh nt R fi ght thn ,Iro lIl nk. ~l1lte u lI~ lI '\1('~lIl1g whllt \I' ll In II", " , ~'II lI ess n t 1 01) lI lI ' a nl; Iqu , ' r~ ' h W to sn ,'c tlml dill l'I'" 1I"'lllill1'" hl'1I1'1. lilli,', lIh'n,lc S i,tlrp,)SC II' US "iJ ,'IOIUN, ~. Or (lIlO(' K TO , . An' n Kt1rn .....' "1' Il t 1>\ I " ' , "WI1lIt hold1" n~I;,',1 th" \\ Ollln n, E"O'Il li S Io~ lIPoke, ll ~ll'n IIIl nl:\\'o)l'll1 IJ II nrpIY, \\ho \VIIS' "Illy II III' Ot \" I'n 1e Il hO\(\I1 \l1~i nt l tr, nn (\ r e" "Imposslblo," 1III,Id nOdlll'~', IUrtI,' ll II\\'IIY. 'ho run Ill'l1l'lIy III h '1' ~r~r. tl lOlI!,:h wh TO h ' pr"I''',I'\1 t I ~t o r('rt I,) hol r 1I1" I(h' D tl ~ III II l!'lorence : "I glve tt ono hour: ' 8111 d \~' Inlt'rs, sod ll ~11 gnrlll ~llts II10ng thll brol;<'11 "~~k ,lIlllUH!1' Bl UlI hud lilly 1111 ' 11 III nil, I ' Dill r , hendlng o\"or I.hc gin 's, nwslI tOil ... n~t th o h ou 'l) III lho IIpp~r I I> !In llltr II IlO w(oI'k In 21s II' "Ih u," Di'c 0 , Rill es V8 J~nnl o Vlrglnl .. " Not mor th on thnt," nsso'ntMI th i' t!,1 C. '1'hel'l' I II' Ill\\, h. r Wer p tlw t!JI',"O sn~,r1]O 11 11111'0 h llpr\' '~I\' 'Iy. Rain es, DIvo rce guntud pllllD'lfl' I other, ofter ooolher look, ", '6 tor ml'll JU Rt !' lIwrl:l llg frolll UI O f l'lngo oC PrO)buIJly not," II11R\\'crNl ~l rl1'l . A be iiI ' Dr ill &1 VB Anlll\ T} 0 youreel!, Mtss nnngworth," tn'C5. Houmllllg Ihe c lld of th o til S8, ~~;rYII:!; bls ,prOl1 nrnll ODS, " bu t It·s our I Pllllnl ilT JUli et'! tll .. , olla se b~ ~:: , From where thpy stood, ll lg,h ,up 00 they hnd ut lust truck Ilrmer G'rounll. .,Y lunco. 1 1ll1~sed wlt.ll o uC 1Ir('judlce 1o a (u'are the root ot the world, tb('y w('re "Pee- H('lo.lll 1IIInl;worU1 could ~co tl\ l' m GIve III ze cops," urI; d tlte 11111· 1I0llon. Lillie Clurk V 8 Cha rles W ' tatol'9 ot a grl'nt bottl e, wlln"s~es of UlrouG'11 the pin s on lbe 0111 trnll. The l!t~, ll"nllnnUy. • terri , ble contl'~t. In whlrh hl'rculeRn golug WIlN blld llough il ut It \\'n~ nO lh. No,ces nldo ,take 0 1 '.ed p IIl Int lu ' ''' , , Clnrk . ' I 1 ' • I "It g b" th." \' orCe guo e tror t , d espemte rourn!!','. hUllllln \\'111. og cOllllmre. 10 whut Ib y hnd pas ,'II n cr. I I III exerted to th e limit. fln nllv de- over nnd PTl'S lltly they burst out uf Ie5, but caine Oil," cenerot!!d loto blind, merhn nlrnl 'hnblt tho w(Jolis nOlI ruo OloBg th e greasy. Mellde, wo lIng no more wortl.. New Sult8 ot contlo)lous lind :frenzied fOndrll\'or, wcll·rounlll'l1 hogtlnck thnt dll'llI cd the Sprllng nt whut wus Ic,n of the lrllll" Th S I ' 'Tbe spIrit or reckless CODtlOUllIIC hllll vull oy trom tho ru vlue. nnd tho two 111(' 11 I;l1 l1nnll o; (1)11 0\1'('11 0 te r log Pllper Co., va The lfOi IDlo them nnd moved th!!", 10 the Th womon hnd no ille R wh;t wns I him. Tho hogbnck lit \\'hl~h h o "'liS o~~n~lIn ,Contecl Pttper :~' Money 'lm~lI8Ibla. As men In 0 bnlll chnrgl' towurd. whut \\'IIS their l'urpol'c. ' ho nlltllng wu JWrbnl's II Iltll ~ 1Il0l'C th un ,",' 80lJUOt claimed $~ - I, ,10 q~ eveD wllh wouods pnough to kJII could ooly slure ond !SllIl'e ut UIO fIIl)- , Iwo mil es frolll th (' <lalll, Ou the orlll· I ,Elt zil bet b Cllllrltoo V8 J.f rllnk tl!,elJlln ordloary c1rcumstnoces, OR aI, Idly movlog tur·of! II gnrc lullulllltllLJly , lIl1ry trnll .Iud VTo 'flll l'l'd rOIl' tLte rU ll, I Charlton, Dlvoroe: kI~ros8 n egleot Idi~fI at:Wlnchellter, though shot In tbo' In Ule i II ll, und tb~ othcrs tullowlug I h '11111d hu,'c 111111111~cd It In tlltel' ll uod oruelty, 'b~, achlally struggled otter hcrl- atter. Ther WIDlers j olncd h 'r I l11lnlltl's : li S It II"OI S, I hc~' muu!! It In J!;. l RoseUwtlld & Bro, VR Anua dati IInUI. tlI~y t ell, or even n~ II com"Rodn y I; nt mc to look oCt 'r ·you; lhl~I Y. The I'xll'l'fII0 possibility or rhl' 'rhorpe, ~? ~e y only: nOloun' mon bOl'ge may 80 be Imhued with he f c Is lhllt he mus t stuy "oc,k lIud ur( ot tho datu 8""II1 ('d to llll'Il\lo not olalmed ' ,130 /0 Rnd Inte rest. ,bU d Intensity or delennlnntloo thnt wolch the dom for his pUJlcr," lUll 'h ,,'Tcnler, 11 e wqlt 10 Ibo Il'nll, J . fr . Moberly V 8 Josepb Buer RerI~, e~OP8 OD until b e drops d 'o~ , "Look." saId lJel n, 11 Inting fu r alii! by 111 ~ direc ti on the olllcrli IIl!Jlt Ul Bler , Mooey; nmount olalmed ,110 t"R'" me9 gnve theIr nllin lInnHlt ch- dOWII, The meo hulted lit tho v(' ry ~0::J(~ <.I I llmco llehl nd h im, $ ' 23,34 , able ~l8teDee, IIl1rrow('st pnrt ot th e hoghllck. Til y l~,1 fllll lind xplo,lo ti,ls dYlIumlt , Pr.obllle Court ! ~er Ii better getotr tlIat dnln ," enid Will'O clUsle ri'1I t(ogl'lh~r. The Illig IllY 1111' 1'08 110 IJI!I'tl or 1111 \ hl"'O e liS bl.'IRod~~ "When It oDce talls 11'11 /::0 on Ole gl'oouud buhhul them. One Ullin lug "lUII'll uP." h o h:!d sliloI, nllil It WII S In t ho tnlLUer o f the g uordlanshlp I~ a 'ru$ Aod Ol en It'll be too late," beot o\'<Jr It, ovlll nlly op Illng It. 110 r encct!on 0[1 the,lr 'ourn!:'o Ih nt they of D o r o~hy 'M , t:ltrnloy ti t al. Law. , ..oo~ lit, them. Tltcy'r.o not !:olog Another IlInn sw'u og Ih l! s hovel vlclou!!- compl lcu WiUl hIs <.Iirectlon, renoe E, LeVu \l oy IIp(lolnted '!uar. :to "",t[ otr." 8jIJd Winters. "TheY're Iy, Illc thlrr! grubbe<J lhe Pick. WIIlIn lll'l'd n s t!'r11 commond wus IlI'Celi' dillo , Bond $4,000. ~~ dawn wllh It. Fools, Got1 bless t rs hnd been too tur r emoved frotll CII' 8nl'~' 10 k I' P tile two men buelt, ~'''''Y In tbo mf\tter of th e ostnte of . 1 he shouted, throwing liP hIs gin erlllg even yet to IIgllro out whnt hot! eo nght something ot th g'll ll ll ll t Ly(ll a C, Ba tfield. d6'Jea8 d , Order artll'l. 10 exulta,tlon over manhood ond \\'08 tOll'llrd. Tiley could oDly wntch spirit of tho ngln o r, 1111,1 tlt t! hl g grllnted to sell prope rty a. prl vute IC!01lr~ lind determlooUon. a nd 'Wonder. Irlshll1l1n I\lId Ih e IItlle Jtnlllln w re ns ~1I1 . eng r liS be, ilplped by u fc\\' lln ~iv , "~e~ yon bad better go bllck ID the mnUer of 'be eltate o'f ,M1l!8 11l1Dgworth," IIIlld Rodney, thlnll: CHAPTER XX, wortls 119 they run, til y lind illltlL t:lRUlllel M , Or nlg,' d\loellsed. Final IQK.ot the horror abe mlpt w.ltness at them 1 nrned whnt b would hc nt. II oount frIed. ~ ~ent. The Victor.. '.nil y both rcollzEld thllt UI Y wern 11le 10 the IDaUer' of the est-de of "(, wouldj1't be ~1IIl"he~ tor the Mende knew thllt tbE1Y woro f1g11Ung forlorn bone, QUit It. th ey cOIIII! nnt J..evl Jessop , deoe&~od. Louisa J e8, Comml!lllioner's Proceedinu {:'red L. Sheppy. 170 N. Halsted ",ol'f~" -14 the brave girl, white but 1\ 10slDg bnttle. Every ono ot 'till) enve the dom DOhMy nnd 1101111111: exeoutrlx. Bond Str~et, Chicago, lll, : GeDeral Sales I1Vlt.ll 1I.rm U~he WII8 mllde of the higher grode men 1m IV It 0.1 so. Tho oOll1tl. And 1:l1ero WIIS n truc of Ille op IIppillD.ted Jobn T.. aw & SOD. auLo servloe $2.000 .11 the lighting men, It sptllway "'Oil enti rely loudequote, but ngo-Iong rlvo lry betll'cen lh e ell nnll for aurveyor $20,~0; Columbus Maoager ' of the largest concern ot Ita ~ eyen It. he were there. fight. It Buddeoly fln sbod Into his mlnd, wI t h the ltlllllnll. 'l'hc scIon of tit I('gl, nllry In t b e Dluttp r o f estate o f William Blank B on k M ,~ n fnctllrillg Uo, kInd ID the world. wnots tbree or Fu I Dir.-ctorl _ ·tlIat, l1'I!a.t battle, I shoUld wolt to that co08clousDess or the hopelessness nnd th e son of t h e borlmrlull ", ht) hud ' Kenrl ok , deoenlled, Wilber F, Oltlrk. ~llpplleM for s h erlf'r nnd prubute fOll r men In tills co unty nnd aeveral nera ... tile eo4;" ot the struggle, tlmt p rhnps there was U. Willltlm Cox a nd Robert Friend j ndge $lG ,61 ;, W. f;I, StllDnge & Cu., lIIeo In adjolniog counllos, to work and Embalmer, ' "'Wflre DOt the only people In thle aDother way to dlschnrge the flood. appointed aPllfRlBerS, blauk s fnr 8berifT 110 i LebllDoll tor him spnre time or aU the time, ~deftl_ Look yonder I" ~rled WIn. Tltll SOlnO Iden mI ght hnve come to lhtllle o f Mar~ho. E, Longaore. ~. No ~Iontll bODk. ra nt for 8afety b ox He can usa on I)" lhose who have t. Waynesville. Ohio. _.. any other ot tho more tnt IlIgellt at the oe&eed , Final 8000un' fli ed $1\; IN R. Hoel P<.lst, ltll owllnoe for' rig or Buto, Work Is pleasant and Eatllte of RobArt King at Ill, MamorlRI dill' $2r.: tltllkll\t" Man. 00 previous seillog experlonOtl, 11 He ~Inted dOWll throngb th'e cense- lDen !rOID Vundevcoter down It they mInors Flret ArooUht oppr oved, u ' lIIc lDriot g 00, 8ll pplles tor oqunt1 'Jeu rain toward· the lower edge ot the hod tnken n mom ent for r efi ectlon, U n ecessary, Work cODslsts ot leavlDg Illlowed and ooofi rm ed. mesa. TIl ere. far below him, were they bud DlJt been 80 frnotlcnlly, so ,~ n; p, A. Mor too , ti,L111 ry bB Either Aulo or Horse Jrawn' l!ervice. E stute of Reubllo Mull. deOB8l'ed, j IOll o r ~GO; JOIl) B" F oll on, HR nHl a wonderfu l ne" house hold n ocosslty three IIOddeo lIgurel!. Tbe wuter In the trIghttully engross(!(\ In Illeir presco t No extra charge l or auto aervice. SeoJl,d Il ce otln t approved , allowed $ 10; ' rherUlorll. CII(lIII'Jl.II"d llr oo m. 10 the hom es 00 tree trial. Tests nt lake ~ ftoodejl the slope ot the hllJ puny but gollont efCorls to SO"1l tllO Both phones in Office and Residence, more Ihan llllrt)' of the lendlDg Unidnm, tIley certolol,. wOllld hllve remem. !lind ,co nfir med. pt'U!!8 tloo f ur lon(l $ 15 ; titewllrd pd ~n! ~t .aldO 4t lappIng th~ No. 14 . ' That tIlo POSSibility enID Il to Bro\vn , oo mpen @atlon fo r laud $40; versI ti es 11011 tho Gonrnment Bureou hili! ot 1 die ,clIft', TIle tra.J1 bnd, of bered. Meade mther thnn to any of the others EBtuto of Luoy , L, Guttery, de. SIokes.Ii; Grabllltl, in fnll of uon. ot ,Staudards allOW' this article tei be eoane. been C9vered, aDd there was no W.IIB perhnps dUll to the filet thut ho oeRse(l. !'lnlll Ilooount &pproVed, 'ra ol 6tH, $659 50 four times as efflelen't as ortlele now ",ay 01 progres! except by taldog ad. ll110wed IIlld ' contirmed. , 'ntage ot the broken rock at tho toot bnd noted the sltuntl(lo Jater nod hnd ID generul use ID thIs section. Art1Cli" studied the condlUolls more rcc ('ltlly. Eslilte of (jharley e, Campbell, 'Ie cUI!, whIch here .nd thero still Is needed ID overy rural hom e aDd deces!lBd, Firat acoo~nt of Rdmln. , old above the' water. It WlUI a place Those solltory ramhl S ol his, tlIollll beoofits c,'ory member at th e hOllsecnrelul lospectlons of ' the termlll or · ~trll tor approved, IlHowect .lid OODDON :where men ('QuId only PHIl by cnretully the vulley, hnd IJ mllde IonIt nft~r firm ed, IT NEGLECT THE 5UM}I1ER COLD hold. briDgI ng cheer, comfort aud (PRICE; RIQHT) ~ ~ tlIelr way IUId ealculaUng the the orlg1nol survuys unrl the rrl'ulls nt. Es tllte o f T, BentoD Soott, de· We "ca lch cold" In wllrm .eath Irnpploess 10 to tile h ome, Net Docea&.'tan~e' ot the next poInt toward observatIons \Vere sUII treRh IQ Ills coas d. Fina l uocount of Bdminis· er becn u so ooids are germ ,dlsoa8P8 sary to bo a,way from home nlghto, Wlddl 'to leap. 'nleee three were move his trator file(l. aDd our vitality Ie too low to roslst Puy from $6,QO to $15,00 per day aomJ.nd. . IDr Ilke madmen. Ipluhlng through Tho water wns rl gl ng so nlpl,ny ~he m. To kill tho~ e oold gA rD:l8. tile cording to ubllity and number ot the ' water, burllnr them8elves froni Sole Agent the c10udhurst lind he suw tho Rell,l EstaCe Tran8fers a ' tlee ptto plneo·tar of Dr. Bell's PIne. homos visited. In wrIting Mr. Sbep· ,¥ to rock. tailing against the wall ,sInce Inevllllbl cncss of the tnllu re so elellrly 'l'llr.B oney Is f3rl' ouely fOfI', be. py, mention wbat tow.nshfps wilt b~ For dlltchlng '8 tree or Blir.ub, /Il1pplng InU; the Gorden Tires Slnnley d, Willoughby to F r'ank s ide B hel ,llng to rellove tbe tlgh\" most cOllveuloDt tor YOIl to work In; the lake, sllvl,n g themael1'es from thllt he dId , not clure to wllste tim ' to look up Vundeventer, tell hI m h l ~ 111011, L, Ml1rlllllr, lote In Bo nth LeblLnon, ohe~t li nd In vlgo rnte the 'iS80OS, what your regular oceupatlon Is' dro~r a'ppar~'\tly qnlJ by the ea. llnel g~t his Il~rllll ~sl on , Every second $1. 1'be honey Ilnd expeotorant In'jtredl. your lige; marrIed ·or si ngle : ho"'; pi1C!e , ot CODlplaeeot lortune whIch WII 8 at tJH~ u tmust ,'" III I!, When tlt e Charlee E rte l to L. -J. Hardwiok, ent s !Jeal the I,hr ont alld Boothe the long yoU haTe lived tn the com. tho , l were tr)'ln, to the Utrb~t llmlt. IlIOUght Clime, h e IIcl,'d InstAn tly. Be lot In Maillevlllpt $l , ~URb, Al wllV' have a boUle of Dr oq~ IDIUI ~ed a miner's pIck, a mUDlty; what kind of a rtg or auto wns In 1110 pO$l1lon lOt Ih. clOmmn nd cr LOllra A. V , O ' NIlRIl nnd .10sepb 3 ell '. PII1~rar.Bo.neYlnYQurhome: .~e and a 811r.ve1or's ratige pole, tlIe you bove: whethor you wtsh to work PhoDe 90-3 CORWIN. OHIO ot a smnll force to whom Is Slid lenil' HI. Soul Was RisIng alld HI. HeartW , O'Neall '0 W. F. Eltzrotb, lot lo bo a' y our druilsi s b. ' either auoth~ 8~de IUId two long spore tlmo or steady; how much Ume the ~nre pIORslblllty of wrel'tWas BeatIngLehno on, $ 1. • • prcscnler! ~~ which ~ked Uke the Ilepamte you will bave to devote to the work; victory trom d efen t "y sOIDe sJ)lenIII .. Y t B I M -Ieee of II trI~ The ,bareheaded man, log dldly daring mid unfor\! een ull(1 'rlnk- :fought togeWer III tho down of hlst(,)ry , ury.1 , eager , 0 enn e 0, whon you can start, lind about how ,- _ _0..;::::. -......- ... wile had tJu:ol!D 'hili l'Ilbber coat down In g. And he wns th o 1111111 to S IZIl ~ uch vlca with ench other UlCn, Agulo nod Gordy, lot In Lebanon, $~,500. , mnny llomoll are wIthin s Ix miles of III th~ ~aH-11!lIow water, carrIed a a possibility nnd mllko the most at It. IIguln Mende hod to ol'dllr thcm bal'k, L . J, Bardwlok to Charles Ertel" you 10 Mob direction. Tltls la a HATH A WAY ~ . pUIkin bit(. He wos the Be hud e0l1cnred him olt to /lOllle of He WOR ki! nIl' ~cn8lhle or hls dungl'r, lot I u Ma Ineville. $ t OO, sp leodld opportunity for aeverai men I. . . . 11IrI'Itd of the three. He rail t1le men and Ille re~pcct In wille]! hu ne kuew thnt If he fell , It the tlynu. 81luri e Ho. Sollermer to L , A ID tbla county nnd coulitles ndJolnlng . .e lllltUee /-JL front ot the othel'll. was held by Vond Cl'enter wos slulred mtte struck the ground vtoleotly, It eikor, lot tn Lebllnon , $1,000. WtlyueoHLlIe'8 Lea.dID. Dealt.. to moko good money, working 8U~ady ~tl~ II,?", earetully he tIOugbt OIJWe, io Keys Bldg, Main sa by tbe otl,ers, Whl'n h e cnlled two Illl!(llt (' ~ I'I IlIIC'. TIe 1 ,;11',," th nt tI,c lln. Oecar D , A pple to Blauob~ W . JJ ore Is a' list of 25 of tbe world', or spore Ume, Some ot tho field moo !'IO prdt~ til. bl,. lW beq be eUpped 1IH'I'CU I'y III Ow Apille. lot In F rullklin, *tlOO most useful and ,1'nluuble commodltl_, !lorn $300 ,00 per month: ' one farmer !~ '"'Reid &bout to t.lI, he' alwa,. ot the most capnble or the wor,lemen. ",'I,"),Ie fuh lllllll lCO n stout little pft I etnllit!,OI" IlIl ght,;o oil' lit n l1\'" tllIl eW , O. l .ewls I~ It; frantfcillJy aw01 from the a bIg, burly, Irlshmon nlld ' I II t I to T, M. KIDIl,121 ' 8howlnl wbat country lead. and wb&t oarned $1,000,00 working sparo time ltall aD, to t 0II ow hi m, ,t!l ey did It ~r 111M In "'"' 111(1 g l' (';)I (,I' (\n o)!,'rII'OrEl8 in T'lt~ noreell towb ~ blp, $1, I roc~ ,WWI outltr8khed ann.' ' wtthout' a mom ent's h csltntlon. bu t It" llf' I'(' r I'h l' ),,,,1 his puce 01' lIesl· ~, N, o n d T , S , MoWllliaws to W, counlry ranks ,ocood III produclpll only, No Investmeot or bond nocOII, 1ftat tIM three men would be at or Bnr y, A (ew lines to Mr. Sheppy will "The rest or you keep 00 bere," hc tllt C'] In n 1('111' or ",,,,);ht IU' l' asy w uy I;', Ellzroth, 2 lo\s I,,, Lebano n , $1. them: 1e0uft8 110 OIle, hew. It wu obvious brlDI tull J)lutlc:ulars. Adv. 8houted as be lett the ~nng, "Murpby fo r n sl'e'ol](,1. His 8011 1 \\'u~ rI sing tII,lIl EVil Imd Monvllle O~born to Lc.dlll' Second Itbat ·tMT _ In' . desperate bu", Barbed Wire 0011 Funoro, como wltli rue. Keep It hI s JII'I~ rt \\"ns hl'ntlng ns Ih l'y hilt! Frlluk 8 Murpby lot In Booth }.eb, CommodIty COUlltrJ' Country I.... ttllat the thlDg tn the bac must be ' , Wh oat .... U. S. A. RUlila • .caralVl17 earrlec1 Naturally the watell- up; I think I koow n wny to help," he :I~\,C; l'l Sl' lI or Ih'ClltCII In hi s Ilfl', AIIII / il n on , $ 1. yelled back tllrough tho raiD os he Il ICHrts or Is mell bell t with hl~ Ob 1 p ' B 11 ' t I ~ W Coni .• , .• , u. ii, A. 'Argen tina ers eonllected '~e men with the dam eerambled olr thc dnlO u'p Ille rocks to 0\\'0, I4r es , nrnwe e a . Oats ...... U. B, A. Ru.ala GUARANTEED ,to heal without I.~v. bu.lld81'11. They were drel!8ed u the the spillway. It "~ns not Ills fllult th ot' no kIl l' \\', (If t'otlr~!', If. the \Jilin weD I If, EI~roth; lotl:l lu bobanoD , II. :),0 ., ... .. Rllsela ~erillftnY dl The Boy I, the F~thor of the Man. Ing 0 bJi1In ls ll, or ,MONEY REFUNDED , DleI;l MlI'1I.ed In nch labor would be Tho .llr.'ctor or cllucnUoo In Ll vllr60c tmd $1.00 R'ize8 for fresh woun~': thOY could ,not bellr ODd could not no. 'Ollt thfO I'll II roll tl. Lho hl'l(lgr. tI'" t01\'1l ArchIe C , V(l.~hlnder to C. W. Ice .. .. .. Cblna rIU.hIDt. b Drl ~ 'l'be pick. the 81)&4" 1U14 t.U dertltand, PQoI ItOIj jllst Dlnd n greot lIod hupor. old sores, sore b&oks nrid shoulders buftll Ill!! c\lI?t',ns, Ute \\'(lln n 1111<1 Chlllll'CO.' lJngle~tly, ,lot In E r llD klln , $1. CTobtilleco •• U, S, ~ R U lnct~ ' I W at e .••. U. S. 0 tnnt dl scovcry whll'h tuture genera. aDd bruises. 26c size lor F&lDily ij~. ' Jam es .. elsb, by , sherlt!'. to Sllgnr. , . " Cuba Ruaata ~ out tlIat cODclu· The water w~ rusWng tbrougb the lIud (I \'PI',I'rhlng 111111 cvorY\)'Jfly w<)\l l ~ t10nll of e,lucntl ls :will doubtless DR: COX'S PAINLESS' BLISTER go. If. 1111 con lll suvo !'IICIi I. hIs ne( thruwn t.\1oor,!', 101 nore81n ,Salem Tea ... : .. Cbloa Drltl"b Indl& regnrd liS epoch'lUilkiog 08 the first Is p~Jlll e~8 and gtrllranteed to eu", In , thl b." ," asked the 1JIl1l1woy about k~ee deep, uuel lhe m.l gllt be ~(,t oft' nguillst tho I O~8 of tit townsblp, $-1006 75 , Cotreo .• . . Brazil VOIlllr.uela 8. 1 tltree men Illuollng tonYol'd throu gh l nleJ'llntlollll l. But wl,,' lher lhnt \\" ~I'e vpyoge III Ohrl stopher Oolumbus. He ~IfVlO, Ringbone, Curb. SW!lOny, SpllDt. Levi J essop to LouI A~ J esllop, 100 Cocoa ..• "Gold Cout DraatJ ~ ontea It .. thODg~ it mIght 'tt. bad dUllculty ID keepIng tllelr !01~1· trn 8ays thnt "hoys h ilVO , a pertect PIIS: 1D~\o~~ra~o:~i~~~~~ ofp30D~r 'o r 1101, whole ,'cr the 011 c- "OTi' 1i In Massie 'ownsblp, $l. ~;~fn. ::::Y~~tr!ila !~,:~t!!"1a roJd or dlamonda," said Wlaters. tng on the broken, rocky boltom, ''llces to him, h ' wa s bOlluu to SII VO SIOD ot \\'lItchlng ruen lit work." Stronge ' 1'011 uu .W W DR' ce • LeVI J el!sop to L Qnlsu Jessop, 8 SIlk •• , •.. Chlnt. J&P;'. to sny, \\'c hove nQttced the wille UQQIS1S • 'B6c1iM7 IIhook his bead, Suddenly Wh en tlIe:y: rench ed tho' oth er sldu, th em. Tlte WdGht of el'er), lUun, Olll /lares In Mtl8Sle townsblp, $1, Coal , .. , •. U, 8, A. Unlt.d X',4'm ' •• 411'1De4 tIIe~o tor the extreme Men\1e shouted nbove tho stOl'lo: p~(Ju oruc ll o n wllh IIIl1ny men. wl'lglit ot' every \\,Oll1Un, tho wel!;ht ot W, W Hauok and wife _0 OIanohe Petrol eum, U . S, A. Ruasla eare WIth whlcll the bog was carrIed. "Murphy, brlDg your pl clt nnll s ho\'o eVnJ'y child 111 th o VII 1\ cy. the \\'c,lght NugoDt, 12 &ores in l!'raoklln ,town. PIg' Iron "., U, S, A. Germnn,. ~ men we.... ' lmDIediulely below the ~I; take thnt Iron rnn ge-pille, too, or nil the hn~ lncS9 enterprises of tllO hlp, $1 ,' Steel ..... U. S, A. Gerlllany tbree watdlep1llOW. Be could make Here, ll'ullllro; yoq ~e your shovel Duvld F()x and wife 10 John Fox ~~~~~~.;;:g:::!: ~~~~~ town, the \\,l'll:llt ot th e greut \'1I\(1\1cl )oat PI'ett7 w8i1:wbat wu ,the 81~ and' lind these." , A Sible Phlla.opher. , " ot slecl. lh o II'clj;ht or t ho hU j!C Iinm to a crefllu 'l'urtleoreek ~own8hlp "1' ZiBc ...... U. 8, A, Oerm1U1,. pt" ~I objecta that bulged the ~8 he spoke he r1\n Into tlte Office It Mclr, WIIS on his I'ltl,llld ra ns h.: rlln, ' , Tin •• , .... M'I'y Stat8lBollylt. Well dqes de GoOt! Book sny dot yoo r , ~ ;haa. shock aud wrecked a truuslt tripod, lle ('lIrl'I,'!1 t111~ hlll'(lc n lI;:hlly, II R Atills Albert C, \l'ull toO W a lson Wlllke , Rubber .. . Brazil , CoDIO TM' , OR&AT••T ~ lIDS "never lIeen de U1ghtcolls :forsnk. ; ~ lUll • ~'ta. lIIo!lt~ "DynamIte I" ruthlessl! sepurllllng the legs tro U! on, 0 'Illlglit h"" o u\lI" )I'1 I( ' Ih \\'0 1'\(1 wlllt lot In Franlklln, $l. GOld ...... Transvaal U, 8. A. en," IIU' I knows rer 81lrtuiD dut de "WbA 'torr-: ' , lInother by main force Qud pitching Inught<'r, Ff'l', (Ii'. 'plte h l~ <\('t rmlnnCharles 11ll, Donman to Vermtlllon SII1'8r ••••. U. 8. Jo., llexleo food trost never will torsoke him ell , ' BodJa417 lIlooit bla head again. Tbe two ot them IDtO tile little Illlllllu's II nn, nu,1 1111" 1'" h ,: 11 :1(1 in his Ilt'nrt 1111' 801 ~Ol i n a ln d Younety ~Ol8mtln, 79 I"· TN. ,WOl'1.I) , ThIs summary IboWI the number of long ez It ktn glt IInotller good dollar IDII;Il ~ tz:ont ..... tn plain view, ' He 1ou~tretehed arms, , gr\'Ht JIOy llinl l'IIIllf'.q wh('11 mr o lit . !lores In DEIE'rllold town811lp, $1. produots' ln which each countq' leada : out er bls pocket. ' , I'IIBIlSIIEJ) WEl!ILT. na lUI :we. 'a tan ft~ hll face wall heavily I Wllhout n qu estion, both mell com, tl' llIpt 1(1'111111\.1' 1II1!! dlll'!! J:!'J"11 I Iy fOOl' U ,,~trL.. DIt~QOiIii. • ... 1\".arrIage IICtll&eJ( nlled ........ Stoles: 14, Cuba........ ~ . FroID tile aJiCle at l'o'blch \ pUed wIth hi s ClreeUons. 10 Il Ilugc th"II' I I f ellow' III"II. If, he 'oul,'1 f'lIly hy Ohlna 3 Gold Coast... 11 OO.TUM.R., Tit" . . . . . . . ~_" bUb It "'''' lmposslble 'to ree- cre"lce, olmost a smull cove, 10 the 1111' ).1' HOC hl ~ hop'cs jlJ ~ tllJcd by suc. BrMll ..... .... 2 lIlala), Statel, ,1 "tiD RVIO. OA.. NOnT" ~ 111m. nor " . J1e III l1li frantic , spur of the mcsn wblch overhung the Uluio ITa ADV'IlTII"IO OOJ,.VMM (ll'ts. hlR hlltlOlr)ellS wo_ull! be cOI\lplete: E , Don&ld Proballoo, fllrmer 'ot RIIISI..... ,.. 1 TranB1'I\al •••• 1 ~ .,...mln. the ' ueua1 'attitude east eud ot tbe dam the cxplos lves 'f''' !lit O<>ntlned CUOn, lind Lul~ Bev.n, ot 'Ollu:kI. A:uu&Ua •••• 1 All others .... ' 0 8'AMPLE CO,PY FREF. ", ~ IDt,n under ordtna~y were store<!. The dynamIte was k\lUl ____... _ _ .111e. Rev'. .JII88e Havey, • _ ••_ __ _ . . . . . . . . . . YO •• cu .....1t • ~~ ~cll,' IOlDet!mee betray l In oJlIi~ID bags, tile detoDuttng cops 10 II_V...... y. Guy 'fhompHoD, oleo'rlMI engl. ~ ~ ~ wile !mow btm well. Nor wnterproof booccy. T here were six· MONEY LOANED neer, and Mildred lone WllllatnF, IDDiIIW Boil. ·IUtarwortb ' 1I1th - her teell sticka or curtrldges In euch bug, . Ble8led Smiles. bdth of Lebanon. Spider Know. the 81l1nL a J>"", . . . toca th.1la1lll, ",b1ch I Eueh sUck WUS B,n Incb and a halt In Tl;Ie ,good-Dllturud Illnn Is hot only 'II Olnenoe Iloon Mehl. 'paper maksr, Thc s pIder Is on excellent guide to .., ~ froIII DodD", before the ItrDI" dllltn\lter ,lind eight Inches long. One blessing to h1U)sell, but to ull wi til of ,Middleto,wD, aud' Erlltb LIIII.n the wrnl[her. Not only II lie elltremcly 'M Ol>! EY loaned 00 llve ~'OC!); obat .... ~ IwI JlUItCI; .od ;'et bagful should be umllle. Indeed, it ' tels Ilnd 1lll00n(1 mortgagee. . . . . . . . ~I", ID tIM licure be- thut \lid DOt do tbe work, the attempt wholD hI! comes In \'all tll ~ t, .B(1 1Illlkes Nlokel, of E'ranklln. Rev , J. A. Dell. aeDsltlve to the stllte of the ' ut· Notell bonght. Joba BarblDe, Jr, • Ilte Beem pOlisJble when tlte su n oundmOlipliere, but lie takes a keell Interest Th~ dJl!eaae should be ~at.ed .. IOOIl . . . '. .' . . . . bar ~ bMt teater. would 11/.11. _ Ate! L. Ellis, aboemtl\rer of Leb• Allen BulldlDg, Xeul •• Oblo. ml logs IIro thick with glrlOUI ' utld dlBllp811 the flrBt nnnatural looeeDeeia 01 .... . . ~' _ IIIIDd to tile wet ..... 1 The meD Waited " 'hUe ~(ende select· polntmeDts.. He cnases 'Sunshloe nnd IIDon, and &ial'lha Hmlth, In the h!lblte of tlylog In8ectS. Ho bowels appears. When tbII Ie ac- • know. tllnt these do not come out In ,. , . .....tart IUId ItIlred. BIItJ. ed a bBIF ot dynomlw, a box at detooo· cheol'.to e uter 1nw th!; drCnl'Y druilgery of Untlervllile , dDgle dOMloI Obamberlalo',OoJIo 0b0I. .... ..... h'- 'hIlCII _4 I tora, and. package of tUBes. It was a of everyday trlat. lind dlmculU s U S&,"nley Kelley, fanner of Evelyo. tbe wet. When, theretorc, ,be Is "fll!lt. lOa SAtB . ora and Diarrhoea-Rem~wtll in.," )uu mDy be (lertala thllt he , Is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , lOp oUL WJQtere ~rdJo.l rule that dyonmlte cartrld168 " cure. ThIa remeclY-ean . .,. be . . he III the haud ot tit" {Irm he gets ~ore KeDtooky. and louoy NeWID~lD, expecllng rnln. Put sbould be be bnllY ~ .......... DtI_ rtb .od detoll.tln. caps sllould be from his meo wllb 11 sutlle OIIIn be KIJI'g, Mille, ,Rev. R. B FoaMr. 5=o~pOD'" fa tbemoee ...... . B U. (J()mbtl, powder maker, eooatrDcUnl a new Web, It 18 a alp would With a grou ch. .ne knoWs tlIat OOD Wor_ SGruto ,,,.dl l,o r a ~C:\.:~eb0aJ4 be .... .. that he I, looking tonvnrd to • nne three by the lawe person:lllcreued beHUJII ..... lve or earrled the eGmbtDDUoo 80 rrea~ of .... d 111'1. Buele II. beplq lOOd·ooturlld keepa WID OD tile , 09'" tAforau'loa O&U 0, Iulme-.~,".:al"''''' a1lell-&Dtllul18 ~ ~ ~~~~! rJak car Dl'elllature GDl. . . IIIIIa DId....'. .}'01l8l. of "-~ lt'l! II"" 11',111" h,' \\'1"


" AHP fRAT/OIl: rrc."













I ". .

Heap big mileage!










'.... 't1!!f'





Saxon SIX· 'L.·very






D u. H.E.








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01""1.,... 0""



Olaaailled. Ada,






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lS': l~[J I'~ Imy WEDN&:SUA Y D. L. CI~ AN E, Ed itor amI I ublishcr




191 7



(J WH.'l"t


scc u o




A large car of Fine Shing lea A fresh car of Cern,ent A new car of Brick, suitable for Chimneys and Outside Walls.




As WrItten by, Our Corps of' Able Correapoqdents in the Neighborihood

Subscriotion Prire. $ 1.iiO per yeRr




"'o;,e ull·

Mr. In d M~~ . lI'rliolt L. Hnrrle an d Mrs. Hebecoo DIll h as r etu rned ~o I Mles aes@le Bnroett, or MIMluf, hldak er d b el' b mne Ilftflr tin e:ltend'lrl viSit El nrldll I ~ visltf ug be r 'IIUDt Mrs ~ " . .' tend d the plonlo nnder tb o lIusl1loe wI t h b e r dnn gbt er . Mre. J oh n ZI DI - F. A. BMtsook. of ',he L oranger oJ ub 00 'l' bundny m erm ll D. of Dayton. Mr. and Mrl. J ose ph Olivl8 and In • Mr . nnd Mr . 'l'lm othy Mllrlllt.t al_ daughterp Dorothy and Vlraln ln of Prof. R"lph D. T oll . o( Buford, t~nded tbelt son 's w od ~tn g wht h Bll r VeY8b~rg . . atld Mr aDd M'rN . fll gbltmd oounty, Wil S a visit r b ere too k pltleo Tue~da.y eve olng at Dny- Er lleA' Matlnon Ilo d rluullhters Rutb Inai weel!.. ton . and U lonnlLspent Suoday wah G eo Mrs MutMe 0 Levi wall B Lebanon Davia and fumit y. • Mr. Hurold Elllrrls, of OilY t on , 8p nt SundllY with bie parenta. Bud visltor'l'bursdIlY· Mr. Ennis WIard and famil y of .. hlle h ere m otor ed to hi s I!'rRlld _ Mrs. Earl Bernard. Lon" Marlatt U rbana, and Mr. lIod Mr •. G re~ne paroolB, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bnuls, and Edu & Otll oldlod 00 Mr s . Le" of oellr ltue rneyvlJte, were 'b~ ~ooo mplUll el'l bv Mr. nnd Irs . F. L OUDOaD and dllogh'erR one after. Suodny ' goellts of MI' . and Mrs BIII'~18 anu Mlu Ooro Squires, Vlln to n J Il oks on . . n Olln ~b18 week. Mr. and Mrs. William Dlx(l n were Mr~. J ohn Morga n R.nd family are Mr. 1I0d Mrs. L08ter BnrtHee lind Sund .. y Mueste of Mr. and Mrll. Lew- mov in g to Saglo . ..v, Mlob .. tbls week famllv lIpeot SllodllY wltb Mrs. Is W eloh . Mr. nnd Mr . Dlx8'lDi Whanon are Hannah R loh . Sorvloes wero held ot the Zion RpelldlU g' th e week.end In ' Xe nl", Mrs. G !O D ~un IIpent pllr' of BmpUII \ oh urob bere !:lunday . hit weak with Mr8 (lht1 UllOev Bno wllh rel ll lh·os . ',l'be fa rme rs In tbls loca lit,y 18 II1rs. Orrle Mll r)aU I~nd ob lldr rm. ell oellr New Barll ugton. very onltl nu!! thllt the rllio will 0llllo81) of til,.108 Villtey, 8pent Frillay wltb Mrs: A -8. 'I'ullU llge lLod ROD, Lee .0 thay oao taka oare of bbelr grow Mrs . Thos. Dill Dnd family . Mrs . !" . A . tlllf~800 lt. Missol B elen' lOgorop9. Mr. Il nd l\1r p, ElIswoll'tllSmlth aod B~rtao ok , Belsle Bu r uett lind Inez Mre. Laofll. harlan Is atten dill g d~ul'lhter, of Dayton, ILle vlaltlng RIOb, Mr aod Mrs . Thos. Hlell Ilnd ibe Gra nd Lodgo of t be Py l.h loul Mn . J obn Levi. ~r. And Elrnest Mllnn on were 110' tile slate.s belpg h eld In I::lllntlusky this Mrs. O. W, Gordon and dBn gb ter ~~~~!~a Oonven\ion 1\ Maloevllie we k. Evel y n and Ber'b u Mt~rIIlUa.te [lde d ., Y. FrBnk L Barril III Eepresentlng the 0ddtel\ows Deooratton ' at WBYIll'lro wlll be prenchlng nt Beech BBrveJ ~ burg I..odllo No Grl7 K of P o esvtJl o Suod"y anf' rnlloo. Grove SundllY. nt 8aodueky this week otLend luir lara Mr. aod Mrs. AlVA Lud lo8ton Mra. R ebuoOl1 Dil l ond the Grand lodge . Oanghtera oal1ed on MIl'S J, T . Ml,l r . spent Bn odllY with t llelr pareots )if!. Mamie Butterworth Fruzeo latl 8lltu rd .. y evening. nellr Blanob est er. Mr. I_udlngton 's Is tllklng o,ue of Mu. Miry Ed. Mn ThoOlBII Dill oU eoded tbfl D alster, MIs8 Ruth returned wltb them wardll, who remoln. q llUe poorly. ot A'a. moetlng lit I:!prlog Va l)ey. for a shor e vlel\. Rev. Alh ed Walker fiUed the pol. b'rldayevenlog . nay Wolfe and fomllv "pent !:Iunday wlLh Mr. fl nd Mra. J ohn Wolte. pll ot the M.• E. ohuroh on Sonduy. ... Oy rll ~ Gray Ilod family and Lou Mr. and MrR , Romine l:lhumaker, Lnnlnr Ilod wlro were tllEi S nnday of Ulnolooa\l, we re I::l und oy gllI!H$1! s of Mr. lind bIrR. Jill. Uray. of tlle!r parents , Mr. aod Mrs. J . E. CHASE THE ACHE, KILL THE PAIN gaBS ijbumllker. MrP. Geo. Ellis /lod M!S8 Ves 'a eat b osy. A )t DOW. Usol:lloltO', 81l1!1It We Ineeday witb Edwin MarMr, Bnd Mil . }l;d Carr Ilnel Ro n RHltJ, hwh e u y') U tt1lllbl ~ll. un d cH rr ll~tl Llnlmen,' for y or r.hellmlltlo PSl0 8, ti n Bod Wife. . P'U illto '1'r"lIIl1ll1e'>I ,11''''' 'lug ruom were Sunday guell18 of Mr. and Mrs. too thH ohe. DeunlglR, Boro lDu8oles, olob met with '1'he . 1 un ior P rl c\ll& fl"ltr lh~ dou r until LII 'y gilt th e 11m· Robt. (Jarr. stltl' i In ts , spraios aud straln8 . Tbe Loraoger Booster olob of Better tblL n BUY thing you e ver. trlfd Mite Violll Jordan on tluturdoy bllllfncl'. ~I d he bll.lll' y uu tip uboul Oblo h eld their Bnnunl Ill 0nlJ nt to Molhe burts, ralluoo RwelllOg and Tbose prellen' were the MI88e8 M • . "tllll,llllg In lhe entl'lt llce'/" . "Oil. I gu"s>! I llc ' rv d It, nil right," BIIr~F Nloke rson8, of neur New IDflBulltllHlon. Ulea Der ihan olot. hie, Iller III end Ifay e EWe, Rnth and BnrJ\nl(~on. on J.·honday, June nh. mentl or plasters, IlS it dOllS not ~8 t, b 8 r I£d ward ~ , Ed,na and Martba j'(')llled Dlul/c, llllllLlentiy. Yet s he WIiS not suqll'lsed "'ben the There were 6 pre8en', and .. n en- ('loll' tbe por !s or 8&aln ' tbe .kln. Oenotberage, M!Lrle ILnd Inflz RIOh, ' Ther hud b ~e n Bove n weeks o! Sufficient. Itilluly rchcllrSIII)f. Dl nno 1111<1 grolt'n next IUtJrnlng t1l!!re orrlvl' by meso jovable time Was blld. lIlaBY to apply , It panetl'lltea wlthon~ Billen Hartsook, B.~ llo BurneU ug r u lurge Ilot of wh1le hyucillths. Mr. and Mre. Flllnk ShldAker anCl rnbt> ng Always bnove a bo"le of Vesta EUie, Mabe l Stl1rr and Veda There III a ch rty tree, In our baok to 11111.0 the v 'Q ' l!llih t uf II slUll1l door ~nmner. yard. Lallt sUlDmer Donald WO R up In b foro th IIJ}Clllull nIght or ";'l'Inl- 011 " cUl'd HI nil envclopo WI1S wl'lIten: It'andanllh<ter, Bessie, were In Xeolll Sloan 's Liniment In yonr medtllinll Veterlnarv '£bere wal a good a'tendan08_' tbe tree picking cllcrrles, whl h IV ro "UeR t t luck to Il plucky HUh) IIlrl, 1lbUtlldAY nlgM, raUl·li.lo 0" yot HJ.H} lind wnli u(l ror Jl(>U·.· chea~ . At your drogglat, 260,500, WelfRre LeaRu~ ~tU:rday evening. BCflrcc nnd u ooo too ripe, and throw, Oraduate of Oblo Slate Unlvel'll'.Y Mr, and Mrs . win. O.. n were In $1.00. Iy II )' '~Ir (ill' tbls I,)IWnlnll wedl! lu hoI' ",Iun Burtly," It WII Lbllt nrternoon when tho nUMIe W\1mloR,on I:!aturday . Ing them down to Buster. Buster bud •chbJ:!1l1l pnlflllll!loll. Nobolly Itnew .'x-~-about twetlty cherries In his hltt wilen cept herseJ( of t he U\I 'ensl,,\: 1)J'1I·1\· told her tllnt sho bod a ,·Isltor. t!8veral from hore Bttended tb e Donald coiled down: "'Bout 1111 1 clln t10JIII 11n\1 II It'l!ocrltlcl! Im'llived, yet 'bluu 's h IIrt lJ u t f ustor. As the door Ooun'y lS~d~y Sobool conventi on OF F I C ~~ : reacb, Btl8Ler." To which Duster reo Sl1l1 111HI u.lwuys wrltll'lI home hwt lli. ollenetl, she gilloced up, .fully CII' ct· beld In Muloevllle Illit w.ellk. SAFETY FIRST WITH COUGH AND COLD .pUed: Corner Main and Mill Streets "All right; come down. We Iy, telling '1nly 1110 best thn t hupnen ,I Ing to soe 1IlLrdy, but, IU 81~ud, I'll "re "Oh, jUlt .. oough" to day may be Mr. aod Mrl! . Boward Lee, of got enough tor a stomach acbe." Telephone 28 til hllr. l'crhu l\~ e " ~ 11 Hhl! lI\l\'cr ft!ul· . ~oi>tl ' II Itt. hlg nnd pugnuclous, thor· Clllrkllborg, lnd. , aod Mr8 . Lee'! oome ,rlppe or poeumooia mor17.cll Ihur It WU R Illlt fur lIle suk' ot uughly r oused over her pUght. row, Thon@ands dIe froOl negleol. al8iar, Ann KellY, of CioQlonatl , "We ll, 1 hope you'"o bud enougb of were ollllera In onr olty 8llturday. tho! fllllllly !<llc did til),t, bllt so Ih('y Waynesville. Ohio Rev . alld Mrs. U . W . Bnllton and ed 00!d8. rake Dr. Klnll'lI New Die. "'Quid tull lint Lovojoy how wonder- It OOW. nod ure coming hllUle wltll oovery before yotlr . oough beoomel Mr. lind Mre. W. L. Hluvey And B on and Kias Myrtil. Wlokll, of 81mllar TuteL (ally she WIIS 8l1ccecOing. Ther h lill 1110, MlIlIlI," h· 8uld. "I como to town Mrl. Laura Barlan were! Wllming. O...vton, Wbre the Suuclay gU8IIM of obronlo. A few 008el oheok ~he A French llldy recently mnrrled beooly Iwen 0 IlIclt f'n)(IIcrt1lcnt. lit Il'u"t to l! whnt you were li ke on !.be runl ton visitors ont! da y IBSt weeIr. oold by kllliog tba germ.. 'The Mre. Francll Nollind famlly. 011 01UIIII'8 ,,!tIe. Jr. 'IIn l hud II . "uIlINI ~tll·'P. nnd th!'y tolll ,me QI'er at the he!l)log ballalDs soothe the throat, tause or Ihe brl(!I'grilO tn'S tllste nnd Mr. lind Mrp. W. B . I:!legfri ed looseD the phleglD and olear tbe air DlOf e thon ~l l o III 1)11 Ill. Rh ' telt It 11'1111 til lit 'r I'd fhul you Iw",. I guoss lhls'" crR were slmllur. " l doo't cl!re "ery CLUR~ dpeot 150nday eveolng wi\b Dr. ond p'aR8!1,01l of seoretions whloh pro. hmn ' h lor 111m nn.1 h ~ Iloesn't cu re "cry . not her (nult. De hnd never Ittlpn"'I't1 IJ ll II 1 '8 ~on 10 yo u. I'll go right down· Mrs. Walter Slogfrled, of Franklin. milch tor me," sbc l!Xpllllllcd.-Lonllon ot h 'I' longl Ill( rn r lh stu gc nny 1II \lM! Btults' to tllo oOlce nod mnke nrrongevoke ooogblnl(, Containa mildly ruerUs 10 g·t you ont" CONSTIPATION CAUSES ' SERIOUS ILLS Ur . aod Mrs. John Illilton aod laJUtlve 1ngredlents wblob remove OpiniOn. thun hI' (lid oC her C1l1l1l1;1 n1; her nl1m Funeral DJrector. Olo n 's' blue yes snllppcd wlUI In· ~-----.~---.~----troll) ?flllle Edworrls I~ DI(\lle Lester. "Lflt a: e see your tODgoe" Is tbe daugbter, of Sprln.fluId, Mr. and the waite tblt aggravatel the oold . NeverUI I 'ss Hhe hnd como to the dll;nutlon at his monner or outJlOrlty dootor's first question. Whon tbe M"" Uhlls. Esston and lIon,ot I!'rana At yonr druggl8t, 600, $1.00. WaynesvJJle' 1:1 Ohio .. toull oe Is oo"tAd It means Ilugglsb lin, Mr. lind Mr•. Perry EastOli and elty with the two hundred dollors 'O\'l'r her. , Sound. Deceptlve. "You'lI d.o nothl,ng ot tbe sort, II lit." bowels, and y ou iovi&e not only tamlly were the gne~ts of Mr. and Ornndlla Powell b"tl Jpft hcr. Then Someooe ha.s esUmn ted tlm t there Sho sot up In bea In spite of. Ole beadaobos, IndIgestion bul aerlone Mr • . A. p. Eaeton la!,' Wednesday. after weeks or hll uutlllg og 'net s lind lire 1l0.OOO,OOO COlB In tb l ~ c'ouatry, ,-n:ll'nERMr, To m Wood, of Springfield , IIndlng her h nrlrll:(R t111'lItrl cll lly It r wr,' ncll of l,oln It "Iva hoI'. "rill not 11I_beaJl.h, Avoid tbolle don gets by InaslDuch as n f ew co ts DlUY souud )'outh nnd rM'Rh Chllrlll hl\d ClJ \1ght Ihe "Qlng hallie. I'll btl f)u t of hl!l'c III U IlIkla" Ur. King's New Lire PiIIs' l Mre. Belle W ood and daagbierl, Aulo Equipment like 101111008 at certnln uncntlll Y bourl Iltillutlon or ohl '(hurnlus n~ 11 ' I)D sed ':<lUIlI of oW kg, 00(1 I'm golog bo 'k t o 1;he:y are soq&r ooated, hIghly em. Mae lind Belen, olll1.e d on )lr. and H orse-Drawn Equipment at night, we dewlWd a count.-Plttlo UWlL ter." Clint lett III nng"r to tile olen\, vet mild Ilud easy In aotlon, llrl. Clyde Moun' BuodBY. througio lIle 11'llllitlg ' room of Un rbler burgh Poat. Brothers. on his WIlY 10 his prlvllt~ of· take UII; Iwo o'clock truln tor hVlOe. plea... n, to ~lLke by young, aged or Mr . and MrH. WaUe,r Benge and leor uuotll ' r we I, Olnne bngged her delicate. Sold rOI yelrl at your MIs8 Bel vno MoO&ndlels made Il bn. · I\ce. Thus It 110PI)I'lI e,1 thot aillile heDAY OR NIGIl7 TELEPHONE 7 Ine811 trip to Lebllnon .~·Ir ld&y . Cllmtl DIODe. un Arllllinn clonecr In tho IJlleer IIltlc romll uce of hor own mok- dragglet, :/60. lily<>r,Y clllY, ller Ing lu 'h er hl·llrt. BeOBuse of the eoonomy and OOD . , Mr. Gnd Mrs. Pefry B:lrCleD lire lmrllc told lIer. ~Ir. Rurtly hnd cnlled vlSltl 0lf reh tlvee oear. U rlJau& 'bl. venlenoe 10 feeding al)lIge, more ell08 ALL KIN~S OF LIP to Inqulr·o tor ller. Aml the fourth sre being billie every leason. ThIs week. SUlldny, 11'111'11 she wos ullowed to sll E. V. BA~NHARTt year will likely Hoe a lnorger uuolber . Mr, aod Mrs. Barilln SImpkIns. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED up In tho solorlum, be cnllcd to see ereoted t.o "oan" I.he OurD or op . Merrittstown , w re tbe SUDday Notary Public.. . whh I.OCAI. APPUCATIONS, as thev hl"r. 8eveD~eeD percent more m\J)t and g ue,ts Ilf Mr, and ' Mra. Wright caunot reach the lI"R t of the d.iscose. CallOr IOI'ell the hYllcluths," sbo tolll 28 peroent more butterfa1 .was proBiokley. larrb ill a IIX'1l1distoSlt, l! rentl Y influenced htlll. Alllkinds of NotBry Work, WUW duoell by dairy cows fed largely . Mr. !lod Mr,. Loa.mtos elltertaloed Mr. and ~rs . Wnlter Benge /lnd by constitutlon.1 oonditiollr I. and In order lOT Id you 1" his eyeS looked nt b el' o.nd Deeds a ~peol&lay . to cUn! It yuu mllst t.ake lilt Inlernal rem· engl'rll'. "l tll1l11't know just \vbnt to .lh. nDtI Mr". Wlte, o( Xenltl, t.o on , Mill Bolva Mol)an dle88 ond Mr. l\lllge titan by o'bera ted malnl.,. a gralo ratioo In a teodlDg test oon edy. Hall'S Catllrrh Medicine Is Illken 111dinner ~ un ll y . . Le~tflr .l{orflsl~, of Ridge Bod Mre. dooted at the Ohio Agrlcnl'ural Ex ternally .. lid ' OclS tlltu l he blood on lhr ~(> nd. ],[ost girls like roses. I !lUPP08e Mr . auo, Mrs. W,tLlter Wilaon Bod ,'1lIE', were t he guests or Mr, and Mrs. Ilerlmtlnt St.tlon. 'rbe sUAge ru'lon mucous surfllceS of the 'Y5t~Ul. Hnll' s l'ou're . 1I1 collrng d now. lind orc It()- It[r !lnd Mrs. RlIoymond WII ~o n . took George Talt Sunday , • l,rodnoed botterfat at 13 oeDta a Catarrh "I ~dicille WIIS pre6Crl1.Jed by one Ing bllek h IJIlIC to yoor people'" dluntlr with 1-1"01 Wilson's S· o nduy. II;. Knalsly Ual! retnrn.e 4 to his J.lonnd, and the grain ratloD a' U of tbe 'bell physiclalls In thb COlllltr, for Waynesville, O. Dlnntl s1wok her h nd. B oru M l ' nl-I-! m, B omer Balo ll~ boml! In New Lotl don, e~fter se,·ur ..1 oen'~. Two llauna. or dry maUer yean. It Is cllmposed of !lOme a tbe "r hn yeu'.t gl,'cn up ~et. I'm combut tonin known, rombilled willi sonle Ing hllel, 10 the Hleoter next week tor lind lua • mpt Du altend d \he War. rllLYs ' viill~ wlt.\1 his 80n, Rov, E. ca n bo produoed In tbe form of ellige Over POitoUb. of the llfoSI blood purifiers, The 11 IfeN gool1." . ren COUI) ty . S . con ven 1·lon not \(n Btsh y fltld fl.Hully. ut 11l@8 .00S\ than one pouud io sllgarOffloa PIIoIIa 71 HOIIH Pboae 1I combln"tion of Ihe illgr.dielllll in Jiull', M"loevllla la 8~ week. Mr. oud )4.te . Perry Ellrn bare and be.te. other teatl! have showo . TH E O NLY EN ULNE "I'll bet It won't bo for good," he Catarrb Medicine Is whot I'lIlducu. such Mr. and, Joe D1Vis bod 1\8 olon!', 01' Merrittst own, sp'o n, W ednes, wo'nderful .esull& in ','ntnrrhal condltl.n,. snltl. (Copyright. 1017, by Ule Me lura Newspl\- ~belr goeata SondAY 1\J r. ti n d Mrs. lIt1Y with Mr. Ilud Mrs. Ed Kesllog . Send I.r teslimonials frce. 1101' Syudtclllo.) Bonon Earnhart, Mr, V ao co GII[(e. ~iSB .F lor en ce G robv ! Jlll nt tbe tH UN KV '~ CO., Props., Toledo, O. Mfa. !;tuth Fnlkerson and daugMer Pll8t weak wi\h Mr . Ind Mr8. Carl KEEPS FLESH IN TONE II l>rullgisU. 75c . . -- -~DR. J. W. MILLER. a rSubscribe for the Mia~i ~tp:ette Esther, Mnud uage and Mr. Duke, of Lytle. HaU'. ('"milv Pills fnr consIII'G(loa. FROM SKIN TO £lONE. 1:101118 Everything B cnlflbla. Burns, dd Mrs. Alvin Earnllart and· bllby. ------.~-.~---I I DENTiST ...· I Doils, Sorea. Uicors,l'ileBt E czema, E~tbe t Uompton's had as ~h:e lr Cuts, COrDS, W ounds nnd Drulses, Oarlton l:imlth II home from Del· guel tll:lOllduy Mr. al)d Mrs. John IAT,.FIES ', OR MONEY BACK. aware, for abe Mnmmer vaoatlon. · filII !Iud ramlly, Mr. lind Mr@, ElmoI' NMIoo2VOltta. WaynolVllle,O Reo AT ALL DRuce18T8. 1l0m)Jton and Jot.n ComptoQ. A Red Oro.. aUJtllluy il beiug or · ganl zed here. Mi', /Lnd Mra. Rl\leli!!h Bogan en· · te rt~lned bll O nole Uhnrley Wllr. ltev. O. M. Sellar I aDd wife, of wlok and flL ullI , , of Lchunon, atld New OarUJe, IlpBn' 110 Plut of luI E. Boglln lind family, !Llso hll we ok with rel .. th es here. . , grILndfnthor Mr. Willie O 'Neali Dr. Whitaker Ilnd family and Mr. tionday. . ArthUr 'l'.uDe. aDd obildreD were Ddr, alld Mra R " E. J Ones bad !LS OuUln g tho fint orop 01 olover In weelt-eod Ruestl of relo.'lvea In Oartheir Knost.!! 't be past week Mr . and aarly JOlle In 811re~ a ae~d orop later dlngton, Oblo. Mrs. Frank MoClellllD, or DaytoD. free from ths olover aoed midge. The Aid .ooietiel of 'bll olroult Lutller Haine! au'oed to O.. mden Tbe fir st broorl of 108eotll is tbu8 w ar e en'ertailled by tbe Lumber'on Friday Imil returDod Sundoy. Be prevooted frvln maturing, !lnd t.he 8001.'y 'l'hnU~6y afietnoon ot lal' roogbt his wife home with bim. second olover, or lilll8 Dot serlou81y week, 'dbe was oolled to h er h ome On ao. attlloked by the July I~od Aogns' ThE! Y. p, B. WII very pleasantly coont of 'h" IJi ll e!!8 of' her m other brood. Mr!!.' Cl\rrJe Laird. . . '1'ho first br.ood of olovelr seed midge entartalned at the home ot Mr. and 'M d M "b B II Illltlllllrs about the mlddlo of June. Mra, Lester I:!tanBeld Tbarllday r , ao rs. '" "nucey anno 'l'he lu.rv ..e a re email reddish IIIU« 8venlnl. "nd ~onimla spent a few days In got.. thAt ,teed In the flower aDd The Jlttle lion of Mr. !Iond Mr• . ", Indlaoa lln bosineallltis' week. CallSO 'allur. to JDllture a ,' OrOI) of Roy Reen'luffered a severo ottaok 'Unqueationed' Garfield Pe'erBon'e entertained '0 8sed. Taklnl off t~e firllt' orop jaa' of aou'e indlgeetlon, Wedoe~day 81lpper Frld"1 Mr. aDd Mrs Frank beroro the in8eot8 appoar remove8 eveliing. and til 8'111111 from 'b.e af. (durahility and MoClellan and lirs, ~ar'ha .lopee. _II 'blol80m8 in wbloh tbey O!\n feed feot. of It. iuquisite design , . ' • Jobn Wllaon apd family OIlo\)ed 00 _nd mdllre, aoourdlng to entolUolo L. L . MoNell III still oonfined to hiahest l~eala m plated ware-are allured m Jesse Btilnel Sllnd .. y afternoon. glRta of tile Oblo Agrioultural Ex · hll bome byl11neltl . lPOOns. forb, and fancy aerving pieces hearing aha perlmeo' 81,,'lon, PIII,urlng olover . • _ • MI_ Clll'a Varnes, of Day too, iii JOU need take nothing for granted-the exact formula field a np to 'be mIddle of June il ·v ltlltlog frl',n cl, bere, ·)renowne<l. trade mark ' 18 printed .on the back of every package. This foranolhet "'''Y to dodlle tbe e1!eo .. of Qalte a good daal of !%OiteDlBnl When We Grow . WI,er. . 'he mldla ' ' mula is the result of 28 years of painataklng ex.,. We USlen .,,,Jtll willing pleasore to A !8Cond brood .. ppeal'lnll 1n .Tilly wall oaaaed byao lutomoblle aoolJM!l:ien'ce, ~tly eXperiments, and 'it is matbematlthe Clltalogoe ot oor rlghtR, but we and Angnlt damages the leld orop dent, whloh ooourred j llllt sootb of ally correct. . are often . ~ome\\'llDt dent til tho dec- of clover u'nlel~ ibe fire' orop II 011' 10WD I:!atllrd&ye gen1nl. Jeele a_lnes laNltloll ot our duties, We !'ear lest early 10 prnept lhe davulopmeal of • al drl'Vinar In hom bil tum iD hill This formula discloses that · Hanna's Green Se"aI There are ~~. makes of ~ilverplated table~· . Ford aDd oollIded wl\h a SI04"ard 8Orucooe wrong US, bot ae we grow Iha Bra' brood of midge. alnt is eODip(leed of a predominance of pure White • ~cb ere claimed to be "just as goOd," but. 'like aU ooUpe! drlva/! by Hr. Mloklee; of Day wlaer wa tVllr le,t we \'lron, 8OIDoLead with Just enough zinc to temper or harden it • Ion. No 00. 'WU hurt blli tha can ODe. ·iaaitaIioa they kck• • the beauty • andII wea~'~• to prevent chalking quickly. ' I. • ... ware'badly damAIJed, ,'uud d,," ' ·

. ] I" r "hit"


bri er. i\ whi rling Illt 4 Ilf I. h llllllls~· ·w hi'" II mImic . "n(l ~ t or ll1 To the Soourger over thfl SOli 1'1l!:",1 " tl1 ~I (i ~ III' s · ule LPnt ulld the With yonr ongloas tllllt ~Hlnlt I.m tl '\I'I'h"~ l nl \Il1l y,·,1 "Aul lm·s. l/lIn c,'." Ililt 1I,.y :<11Il 1",','0111 11'1110 II ~ I.rlln!;~ surt of slll vYon'll "top, Air, NOW It y ou please, "I'III ~ ulIl Il'ipu lion. ' Wrul,p" d In h~ r For I hav6 a wllrd t o Ray cl' lII l; '1r brllllllllt eol,II'H , wl1h yords ot I've fOOAM for my B'.rA R8 AND \'l'lIl u!! /<lI'lIlh('11 IIhollt h r IIlhe 11)::11 1'0. 1:!1'RIPEB. I sill' 11'1111 101 . IlIlId cU~" r1y nt th I1r~ t ,'II' Aod P ~: AOE la my F AV OR ITE t 1'1111,'1' 11')'1111{ t,) II'lIlch L1, ' 1'1'. t or th e OHILD. 11I'1·(III·UHlII(·... Anti It 11'11'; hrrc th llt I'm I Ion or-a-gun ot a PATJENT Iln nly lI"tI ('~lI Il er flrst. fi e IlIltl topp ell ooe, tu Ihe II tI II' s\\'lll'hlJollrd ubov,' 111)1' Bol I'M BELL Ir :you get m e hen,1 to T('l;ul ntc SClI1I of the IIl(hts. RILEU I " Il'" t e r I:l·t lmck tL little, kid," ho . >;:l ld pll·lIsUlll ly. My SOD8 Daver ITCH t or figbt, . !JIIIII . 1I111 uot lIellr him even. She BIl' you musn't ImlilJ:luo t b em 1I'1l~ II'lI t"'lllIl; 'clllll'lllnhl Slen l til " loared ! "lglIl> t l'lng flVIll 11m' HI' ping B1JU u ~e. 'rhey wal' '11\1 tbey KNOW tbey "\let out uC thi s 1'1Itmnce IUILl k p are right, n lll. . Duu't 'yuu know betLer tl1611 Then Ihey DO as no ' otbers bave lhllt?" dared I. • till slUmhl !'(1 to her t c t nnd Iled I hOllor my Stan BDd ~trlp~s 1)(>(ul'o tlte hlok In hi s y eS. She wus And I \ry to be f .. llhtul ILod mild, 1 "'l'I'ull~ 111111 liltl n"l ~l'O 1\ cl ' lIt boll I'm a lion 0' a-Run of " Plllieut onl'. III the 11 0111' lIllll hlill just I)e 'II pll1l:'d BIl,I'M BELLIf youge,we rlleu! th l'I'" for U Hot III c,' In the fI lUt 8CIlII~. Wh f' n she Cll llle to, ~ h' IVII lu 1111 UIII' 1 'Weep when the war olood s dar' hulnm'o run ll,lIng thrOllgh th e night 10 Tbelr deathly rod I)OUnOOS 01 Ihme U II 1'1/1I:I'g('l/cy 1"'"1111 Ill. 11011 with 'he motbers wbo port IlJ st~nd ul 1I1l1/c1 l1g to "Ani trn's .From the 80n~ they bore In MY DIIIIC" " tbl'Ollgh endl ~~s 'nlglJts ot "'0 11Dame . 'nt , uuLl orluntol glulnour. ahe I'm «uudlng my Idtarll ~nd t'hlpes tlerm r'IUIIU h l!~'>le lr on u CO t 111 a prlvu(o That God gAVe m e, UNDEI!' JLEO . rU OIII lit Il big ho·'pllol. I'm .. aoo ot ... gun of no PII1.len~ OD6. ~ h e L1ld lI ut WlIllt to nlo rrn her tumBa' 1'61 BELL if you lIet me riled ! Ill' lit h""le, 80 ~ h e wrotc Duthlng about -ElIobllnge. bel' uccltleul. Ono of the glrlR In tile \'11111111111), \' 1 ' 1l ~ 1I her und tfllLl h r thnt HUI'Ily nskcII ..l ter her every duy. "1] 0 I \ll'~ ." you up, y u kn oll'," she 11'11


Mr. rind Mrs. IfrBn"

Is hard to get at any price, but our stock is complete. Come in and talk over your needs with us at ·


. -.

Madden"s Lumber Yard Corwin, .Ohio.

Dr. J. A. McCoy,











InSURlIneE Walter Chandler





-_.- --:-



kl n's' Arnie . alve






BEAUTY (--the

'1841 ROGERS BROS.~~p~(

Hanna', Green SeiI "Th. Mad. to Wear PaID"~

.. - ...- - -


Add Querulou. Querl'"

WIll' II Jt that I DlIIl will Ina1at 1IP"


ic,lwified withiheo~1 and genwne 00 HI • ~warellOlJUlarly bowna...·Si/PITPlateilUit W 6ml. I I

'1 SOld by.1eading dealers everywhere. Sead tor" .


.araIotue "C.-L- .bowing all desigos.

· ~_.L_VIII-'





MI"I. C, At . Rouit zl'r C'nt(' rtain II on JunlJ 6th at 2 o'clock f\lr Mi> ' Clara Hawke. nnJ R we rll llnB~crl to each guest wi I h the req llCrll. ( U write 80me llood ad v1!le for the brill A china 8hower was gi ven her . A most eppoUzl ng two·course lunch was I8rved·.


MI Helen Hawke ami s lt\ ter; Mr ' I Frank LeMay, of Middletown , gavI' . • lovely 6 o'cl ,ek tell on May J i st in honor of 1.1188 'lara HI\wke, brhlc tu· be, CoVilS wcre laid f r twelve. Those prest'n t enjoyed a delightful , eveninlr. An apron sho wer was aivln at this time , - - -


June 3

~ ~ - '~: '


-- -




I "










elJ:ew::m~I~~h~L~I~e e~'te;btin~d IEASTERN STAR :~ :'~E~n~::tp~~~:; I.t~ge I~~':r~ HAVE INSPECTION


.tlnli program followed the business HIIIIon, after which a two course ,JI' rr~' I -:Il ll i~ , prnl Sunl lay wil h rei· luncheon Will served, The members aliI es ill i\lo r rn\\, . adjourned to meet at the home of Miami Chllpter O. E S. No. 1m. 141"1. Bert Bunnel In July. held their annual in spection Monda y ~l r . ara l ill 1":; . J . 11 \ 'and erVllort evening at th e Musonic T~m " ll!. :\pl!lIt Sunday in ~l r)r!',)\\'. About nin ty were r egistered vi~i· Thursda.y evening Mrs . James McClure was hostess at a miscells· t ors being present from I3Inn ches ler, ~ li~~ Ada ,\I it' he",'r 11II H rt'llIrn~d neoUIl .hower iriven in honor of Mis. Daytlln, Lebanon, Mo rro w, ll a r vcy~· h01l 1 . J'1'11il1 ~I I 1I " lyuke ,·"II I'g-£! . burg, Wilmington and several o l her Claro Hawke, who. Jun o 16th, is to become tbe bride of Dr . Ralph Vance, places. Work wa s confe rred U lIon Mr s lI ol'.' <'III 'dn' ," \Ieut th e weekof Cincinnati. An elegant three two candidates, Bnd WIiS Imt all in a end with r ,·lat' 'I'S in ::-iu lith Cburlt!scourse supper was served and a highly satisfactory manner. After the work they repaired to d uwn . pleasant evening was spent listening the dining hllll, whe re a sumptu ous to mullc on the victrola. repast was la id, such as the E1Llltern Migs ~ lill" r vlI llllda n whn hliHb en Star ladies know how to put up . altenl! ing . ' 1101l 1 al Dela ware ar · Mrs . Ernest Rogers entertained After lunch there wl::re several ~ood I' iv ~d hUIII' '<lturd ay eve ning. for-the bride elect Miss Grace Car· talks made by visiling brethren. Mrs. m_ at a linen shower last Friday Dr . Conrad, of Blanchester, was the The . W O Ola n '~ Auxiliary (I f St . afternoon. The first part of the Inspect re s. MuI'Y ' ~ ch u rch will III ·t!t wi t h Mr~. afternoon was spent in taking pic. ~ K V. Uarn hu rt Friday after noon at tu .... ' and plavlnir games. After :.:! o·clock. this the company were led to the ,dl!lina room where 'he bride to·be opoed ber packalres. She received IIl rs . My r tle . Nt!t'dlcs Mille r alld Iitlltl da ugh l er, of Chicago, who II I' .. Qlan7 beautiful presents. Delicious visi ting r eillli vell in Spring Valley , refreshments were served after Till ' Jh ' ''''' "\ lI t I " ('!t il H ~d t 'ro "':J blil lt.1ill g In ""Il shlngl .)l l UNUCUH'd tl H~ were in town Sun day. whIch the party broke up, the guests (. : tI 'r" d llY :l lld :1 I I;ll'( or Ih., j ' xl, .. dses Wnl-l ( li p jlnrlt llp or l ,l)()() W(\rlh1n III nl'd returninar to town in machines. ( f I~S lIul llll'lll" \, II:t 'h \ " ... I"t',1t'\\"('fl Ily Ih, ' Jln·~'IL1t·lIt. 'l'hl ~ p Jl l'ud u I~ show n ThOl8_presentwereMrs. B. H . Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Kelly and Dr. 'I t Ill ' III't. I' J !fl !Il' I I' " ill ll ... lr ;t l b lll . H ,·It1" l!oi It L!TH UJlllf "~It .sLlu g 'ulJ socl~ [y Mn, Frank Carman, Ethel Hosier, 1I1ary Cook aLlended the g ruJulltion \' 11" '11 \r! ) j< \"I " lit'. II 1:"ld lJlult Il~ IIh l tll r umbu l nuce drh"crs. HueJ and Elsie Gustin. Ruth Harl· There will be a meeting of the con· at the J owjij h Hospita l in c.;incinnati BOck, Marjorie Turner, Hazel Hil ey, scripied youllg m en Friday eveni ng la t Wedne day ev'ning . lin. Georlle Markll, Mrs. James Mc at the Masonic Banquet Room at Clure. HeJen Hawke, Mrs, James o'clock . Capt. Earl McCreary, of The Misses Edith Peirson and Neva Mullen and Grace Carman. Iftbanon, will he there to talk the howalter Rnd the Mellsrs. 'hE!llter matter over with them of joining .Poller and Art h ur F rye. of Ilsyton, the army. He will not ask or force 'M I. Ruth Hartaoek was hostess anyone l:Ipellt undlly with Mr. an d Mrs .. to join, but he is anxious to 140nd., afternoon at a porch . party meet the boys and explain several . Geo rge Marks. alV8llin honor of Miss Grace Car· that haM not been made clear man. The lr8ftIe of "Hearts" was things to them . . Come in, boys, and henr Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Thompson, the entertainment provided , Each Mrs. Susie 'l'bomas and Mr. Cbs, . one wu aiven an envelope addressed what Capt. McCreary has to say. ....... -~ T housands of gallons of skim milk An Innovation in connection with Thomp@ on, of Grant County. Ind. , to MrI. R. E, Davis and requested to a r e daily poured into the sewers in the publicit y wo r k of th e Mia mi Val· ,I have been visiting their uncle, Wei wrlle a Jetter to be read b, her on bi g cities because the re is no demand ley ' ha utauqua , and a "get in touch lingto n Co rnell , of Lytle. and otHp.r her honeymoon, Several beautiful plecee of china were presented to for it in the f orin of cottage cheeSe, wi th the people," plun throu~h t ill! reiatives in Warren coun ty. the prOllpective bride and delieiou l I a nd because the cost of shi pping to Cene ral Manag er Ilccom panYlllg th e I tefreahments Wire served by the fa r ms fiorhhoghs,is too g~fat. Cotlagde p.ubti cfit Y ,lirect?trf over 811!lrhge por Mr, and Mt s. J . E. Janney and boat. ., Those present were Mes· c l1 e~e B Ig In prot em oohtent an tlOI! U t IIe Ci rellI ro m w l lC com e~ fa mily Dr and ~lrs J T EIII M dam.. Geo. Marks, Jas, McClure. B. Dr . Brock, of Lytle, while driving makes an ex~ellent s ubstitute f or \ much of t he,Patronage. hS9 not on ly and M~s. Robert r~w: M~ . an3'M/: H. Kelly. MlsIes Hazel and Elsie along Main street Tuesday evenin"" meut, accord mg to R. U. to lt'l of be~n 8 pp ~ecl ated by th~ pe ople, bu t Harry Murray M r and Mrs Ii Gu.tin. Minnie DavIa. Hazel Riley, struck a piece of fr esh gJ:llvel and \ th ~ C~lIe~e o~ ~gricul tur~ .. COlIsid· has put hlln ':"1ge to theIr lVa.nls and Hartsock and' f am ily. Mi sse~ H ~l e~ Oli'''' Allen, Ethel Hoeier, Helen his car swerved and ran into F. C. erlllK I t~ nu tritIve value , It I S a mo t al so t.o the fact. lh~t ~here IS ,mor Marlatt, Tacy c.;lagelt and Howard Hawie. Gnee Carman. Carey's harness shop, bad ly damsK· economIcal food, A grt!ater lise of ge.nUl~e en t ilulllasl lc Interest In the GUBtin attended th l! Loranger picnic inll' the doors. His Henry was not co tage cheese would conserve the MiamI Vall ey Chautauqua assembly , at t he home of H, :NI ckerson, Ilear -----.~~ hur~ In the least and a8 soon as he food 8upply. scheduilld for July 27th to .A ug ust New Burlington, Thursday . . Iii /let in the clear he sailed away - - -- __ .. 13th . than has been manifest HI ye ala. The al<rglar'a VI,It. h e COU From every 110urce comes the word - - -... hl "Don't MOOt, deur. He'. blken noth- for s am , of prospective great attendance, and Ing but the wedding presents we dldn't the Miami Vall ey peoplein particular, • ConsIdered Incident Blld Omen. wnnt a.nYWIl7."-Puck. " Y stcnlny," n ' lIIII I'ked th Old eem enthusiastic as they have not Scout, "I lind lun '111.'0 11 willi ·III Y (re 'h been fOI~ year9. young nep bew. At tho close of ' Lb o _ • ID '01 I!o orderccl 11 pllckugc ot whnt I, ., being un old·fllsWoned InilIl, cnll 'COOlIl o l1 l1s ,' oud jllsl li S he did SQ n b lIbo3' • To Clea n Hea.rthsto ne. When whltl'nl,ng fI hellrlh or step Mr . and Mrs. S. L .'Cartwrlght and ~ent thro~gh tbe dining roum puglll.g, Miss Rhea Janet Cartwright left IBllt W ~tcr Sl ilkes, Mis ter Splk s I' I dip the cl llrl\ III 11 drOll of milk and A notable gathering occurred in Thursday for Chk'll&'o, for a vlRit l()olc~~ upon It liS 1111 owon ot bud rub Ol'f' r oft'r IIppl~' llI g thll /lcnrlh· Yellow prings last week 'at th e stOIlO: ~ bls prevlllllS Lbo whlto fro ln hDllle wlth .Mr . and Mrs. C. M. Cartwright luck. R on, S. D. Fess, when cOllllng alY; and family . - -- ... - ..abo ut . 150 of their friends gllthered I want to buy your there proba bly QS the last time. Th e yearly r eceptions to the etudents ot' Believe In Tomorrow. Anti och College at the Fess home Wool and will pay Th e esse nce of optimism Is 'o belle! will be Q thing of the past, as Dr. . Happy In Sobriquets. 1n tOlLlorl' Ow. If ~'uu believe In to., you the highest FI'8:l has resigned fr om the presi The En~I1 S h l1I'e ulwnys hnpJlY 11I ,!lIorroll', yon ",III Dut hurry to get d~n cy of this college, hi'i duties in their cholcCl DC sobriquets. '.rhey tor· things clone, but will n C~O llll1ludutn Market Price • . ' . Washington making it impossi bie to merIY !!IlII Cd. t ho ellllmbermnl<l Ablgull j !your urdor Lo tJle pll ce ot UI O dcllbe.'r. att~nd to his college duties. a man servoot. a flunky: a solll1or II lito uul "ursc. Aud If you ,10 not lJelobster, b 'cause ot his red can t. Th ey IlIe"e In lunlo!'I'''\\', why hnstcu to gilt t 140Round 'I'rltl rrOD) now call Ule soldler TOlllmy. The nam things done ? 1-'or It tllere Is to be no W a yne s ville 'l'holJlus ' Is a til vorl to oue In lrelnnd, ' torno. rr,).\\' wbnt yuu do umounts to ami In the old urnlY mnny soldiers Inothlog. ' were at thut country.-Le Crl de Pllrl s. • - • LIN E S

, w<!



I l e acl q u , lrl e r ~


Sc.ales Fairbanks· Platform -----_. We a r

Heallquarte rs for

Clairmont Stoves and



June 30.



WI! are HcaJquart<\rij fo r

Oil Stoves and .Garden Tools We IIrt: headlluarters for

General Hardware of all kinds





---_. ..---UENRY SllLL GOES n





I $

Call Me by. Phone Waynesville, Ohio Valley Phone lali



L~S8 Gossi p Then. Spec ial It J,,'('p~ wi n " I'" busy rr'",hllng T.Ile Iris. thin g'S 1\ 0\' Ule Inner 11111 0 ns It Ii 11'~ hus· The Iris Is sd'J,po~,· d to be th e flcur· fo ll nols In rroy lilll1 f! thl n hR for IIH' rou l er de-lis, 1I0wcr·uc·1uce of the I,' reach WII11I:11l. - Cl u cin nHII TIJlI~ - ' t :ll'. coat ot arms, Ilut reu lly hll R nOLhlng to do wlt.h the <l's l ~n , thi s being of cent uppllcuU ou. '1'JlO orlglu of Iho design Is not Im"\\,I1, but I t Is gener· I


re' l

nlly believed t o rQIJrcsent the b end ot a spellr j by otllers the flower 01 a lily, the flornl embleni .ot France.

- ..


/It. Convenience. It 18 otten necessary to keep n hnt box 00 U htgh shele. In that CUBe tits

.,...,. dairyman'. wife could vote II , _ . . cream _arator. are up for

eIoctIoa.-. U. S. CRBAM SEPARA·

TOil would always win. bandle down. creamery m.nag..... knew the

11m. •...=.m1e~~~~~.~t~:.Ii;~1'ci lr. i.1Jb.mTb1m.t for tbe or t'"-1Iunrs of creamery products li" that the _ '_lun4 qual·



can uauaUy be trac.ed to ·



ARAq;aa.wlthltaUDeQuaUed forcbDU_ .



AIlATOa~rualJeaaloaldUod otbIr r deric:a.- bow




E!..... •



I wuber _ubi,

m. aId_lnl parU,-

be ., pleated to 0"" • TOIL .. I am to intro-

Aa-l • • yoU, lee If you can W.., other aep&rator .a nn·•. B you caDllOt-

then buy

,v. B.-the Woctd'. Record

. . . . . . . . .' ........tpr.

tollowlng method Is tonnll convenient. 8l1t the two upright edges 01 on e sldo ot th.: box 80 tho t when the cover Is I'II1sed thls side wUl drop down 08 It on hlngos. Thl!j, ot course, OllOW8 tho hnt to be· removed wltllOut tllklng tho box trom the shelf.

--- -...




Putting It In Another way• The muld bus II sweeUlelrrt• . onu someUmes WOIUIUU Sill'S to her : "l~ your beuu comlog tonight?" Mo ster Hllrry, henrlog It. Is Insiliretl tile uext evening to osk the snmo question , but os ho Is Dot very clellr as to ",lint u benu lDuy be. nsks, "Is your rlbboa coming tonlght1" .~

Frngnll ty 18 good, It liberality b\l 30lneli with It. The first Is leaving olt , superOuous ~XpODSes, the lollt b stowlog thulO to tbe heneOt of olllors thnt Deed. The first' wi thout the Illst begets eovet\lu nell~: tbe lust wlthoot the first be&ets prodlpllty.-WI111aD1 I'l!nn.

. _.----

How to ae MI..raIIll, "If )'ou want to be mJlIe1'IIble•.thlDk about youl'Mlf IIDd what people thIDIr 01 I.OUo" Rzchenp. .

Binder Twine,Garden HQle, etc




TALK TO THE TRI-STATE PATRON IN YOUR NEICHBORHOOD Let him explain his eXll e rien~e to you and the proHt ot selling cream direct to the- . - --- - -




He doesn't worry aboJt hia shipment after he puts it on the train - no matter wha t train, day or night. The T~( . STAl'~ guaran · teel\ the ship me nt ag.ain~t loss or damage in tr'anlllt, and our SPOT CASH pay check permits no middleman's deduc tions or commiSillons. You will find the l'RI·Sl'ATE patron a man who appreciates the . advantage and profit. in choosing a Respons ible, Safe and Permanent Creamery and st ic king to it, • Tell him to order cans for you on 30 days trial, or write direct to

THE TRI-STATE BUTTER CO., OINOINNATI, OHIO We will g iadly mail cans prepaid. Over 29,000 Cr!!Bm patrons are selling to the TIU·STA'rJj':, THE LA.RGE:H t.:REAMERY IN AM E R[CA buying direct from the producer.

Lewis Hathaway, a brother of F. W. Hathaway. di ed at his home in

- --....

C. W, Henderson movl1s' his fam· ily to Lobanon this week . where he will ,have his headquarters. He bas be"n promoted to Rutlerintendent of the Kilpatrick . French Motor Co , and will Oversee the firm's differet:tt lI'a rages at Lebanon, Waynesville, Mit· 110n, Morrllw and Blanchester, This new positson will bring an inr.rel\Se in pay and 8n advancement ' in his work. We congratulate him on his


W ·. N. SE·ARS Ohio






exp~ ri ell ce


Round Trip Sprin gfielJ Thurs day evening . dis death was very sudden. The funeral was held F,riday afternoon at his late homo and Interment was madE' in Y?tlow Springe. Mr, Hathawa y lived here for a num.ber of years . and his many .friends will be shocked to hear of his dealh . . '1'hoS8 who attended the funerlll from here and Lebanon were F. W. HathliwlIY, Lou St. John , Will St. John, DJan Nixon, Forest Hatb· away and George ·Brown. '

..- --

Dally ThoUllht.

We are Headquarters for

Train Leaves 9:35 8. m'


aClean PropOSition


JUne 17


c. ·fl. fl~ntl~y

Oils and Greases "of all kind.

TRI-STATE BUTTER COMPANY RECEPTION fOR OINCINNATI. OHIO He will tell you that no shipper ever 109.t a dollar dealing with us, and his is that the 'l'RI ·STATI!: will make more money THE LAST TIME for the productlc than any other creamery,



We lire Headqtlarters fo r


GLASS JAR SUBSTITUTES Croc~that Is provided with IId8 lor seallngis entirely satisfactory lor the canninl( of lruita and V8irU·





T~, the (lazetta'. Wallt Acb once

'Good Paint and Reliable Pain.ter A Durable and Attractive Painted House

Cheap Paint and . Inexperience Dissatisfaction-But why take a chance? Let me give you an estima(e~ on your Painting or your PaPer Hanging





THE 'Se, 10e AND 25c .STORE WHIZ "'PRODUCTS Glass Foliah-the thing to clean Windows, W:iudsbields. Glass· wllre. Bathtub•• Paint, .Mar~Je, etc. . Krystal Soiloff-Removes all.taios from the handa. Roadside Hanel. Cleaner-Liquid form, the tHing for autoist.,

Stove Poli.h~Dotb liq~id and paste.

All thele Products,., ... , .... , , , . , , ,IOC SpecIalist In

--, ,





Sixty-Ninth Y ar

OBITUARY Am os Harlan, sa n of Nid lOllls an d Ma ry June Harlan. wa lJorn' in MIl.SlIie To'wnship Warr n uunl ;. OhIO. Novemb r 25. 1 50 and died at th e bome of bi s brolh er Will in Har. veysburg Wedn sd ay IIft ernoOIl. Ju ne 13. 1917. aged 6 1 years 7 mo nlh 3 and 18 day.s lIis nt ire life hl1\'.i llg' been sl?cnt HI a~d llrt~ und the place of hi s bll·th. B p lfIg' the eld est of three boys he Apenl bis early youth and manhood in hellling hill fli t her IInct mother mak e h\.me and rem' th e ·family He was a hard worker loved his home lind fbmilv t ies took a great interest in hOTses' lInd stocle and in hill quiet wily WIUl a good judge of Ih'o! s tock and a g ood ob· ser.ver of ag riculture in all its phases His earnest desire to be of assistance to his paren ts and his Ind ustrious habits while ve ry young seemingly eaused an early break down in hit> helilth and f or 36 years with only intervals of relief he suffered greall) from nervous prostration and mqny times he expressed himself 8 M ready and willing for death to reli<!ve hi m of further suffering yet throug h il all when pOlIsihle ne never shirk er! a duty to any \lne of the' family. a neighbor or friend. and seemed to take pleasu re ill sBcrificng hia own feelingll to share the best he had with them The family were all lovers of music and. Amos probabl y enjoyed the little family orchestra as much 8S anything that came int o his life That 0118 who loved music and nature as he did that had as we know no Q,etlirc to be a burden on his fellow man and who seemingly had all the attributes of a grand and noble character. should suffe r so long and so severely is one of the a8 yet unexplained myste ries of human existence God ir, His infinite wi dom only knows and God in His infini te love and mercy will renew lhis life . and awaken the Hleep that has fall en 01) It, to all the JOYs and peaCe and comfort unkhtlwn to him here.




.. - - ----

BIG DEAL CLOSED ·IN WAYNESVILLE The large stock of merehandiEe of B. S. Howell : who through ill health was forced to reLire, has bet>n purehased by Hyman & Co. (known as M. B. Uyman. of Lebanon, and Myer Hyman. of Waynesville) The room formerlv occupied by Mr. Ho\\ell. haa ~Il leased by Myer Hy· man. who hb alreadv made quite a lIuccess in Waynesville as a live and progressIve mercbant. This increased apace will afford the nec!!:I8ary room for his ever· increasing bu~ inet\ll and at the same time it willllive Waynes vll\l\ a store that would be a credit to a much laf'ICer town It Is now necessary to dispose of tbe entire Btock quickly 80 that the room may be turned Oller to the con· tractors for. immediate improve· ments. This means that the Biggest Closing Out Saleof Hlg~. Grade Mer cbandise of t.ho season will soon com· mence. Watch papers for the ,xact date of what will be the Largest-tlille in Waynesville's history . ...- --





It may be of intt:rest to the friends of Mrs. L>elphine Zell McClelland to know that her S\'" Zell. who visi ted here. about two Yl'ars ago. sailed for France in the ellrly part of May a~ one of what is known a8 the Harvard . Unit. officially knowll In the army as Base Hoapital No . 5. This unit is made up of Boston men and women part of the men being from Harvard Colles:e of which Z\!II WliS one.. The 6th of Maya magnificent service \vB S held In the Boston St. Paul Episcopal Cathedral for the people making up tbls unit and for the dedication of the flag which was to be the first to be carried officially intp France. 'Mrs, McCI..,lIand has another !!On, Carl, wailin" to ~e called from a unit made up of sludent. from Washington University. ------.~.-.


YOUNG. MAN ACCEPTS, .NAVAL POSITION We are in receipt of a letter from C. A, Brown, of Eugene, Oreg., also a pro{; ram of the Univer~ity .of·Ote· ,gon, of the forty. first annual com· mctl1cemen~. Among the namet we 1M 'EYler Br.own. ~n of Mr. and Mrs ,e. A. Brown, who · graduated In the Bachelorlof Ar.ts in Architec· ~re department. This young man ~ wu born in Wayne Town~hip and ' . 'attend8li aehool here until he reached \the HISh scihuol when his parent. \~oved to OfelrOn. Tbe day he {JrI'IIdueted be took a poeltion in the Naval Conltruetlon Department of ,f &lie U. S. NaV1 Yard at Bremerton,



iiRSONuNTiilI .---------_---....-- -. Dr . Dill . ~tenpalh 21 S. Brolrt'l· way . LclJu llon. hio. C W. Yo un t:e spent relat ives in Hrc..okv ilie.

un<lay wi h

Georg Walerh ouse was ill An n Arbor. Mich .• Illllt w ~ el(. Wh en YO ll are in need of .J welry . call on M. Kohlhagell. Lebono n. Hon. Chase Stewa r t. of Sp r ing· fi t-lei. Oh io, in tow n Monday. Mrs. Caroli ne Rogers. of Lebanon . was Lhe g uest of Mrs. Mary Caskey Friday. '

Mr , and Mrs. W. O. Rapcr spent :>unday with relati vcs at Macon, Adams County. M. Kohlhagen. Lebs non. is an ex· pert repair workman on Wlllche!). Give him a call. Born - To Mr. and Mra Albe rt McKsy. of Dayton, T uesday. June5. 1917. a uaughter. . Miss Charlotte Antram is spend · ing seve ral days at the home of Mr. and Mra. George Hartl!ock. Miss Clemence McCollum . of Illinois. is the gu,·el of Mr. and Mrs . W. H . Allen and Miss Olive Allen. ·W. N. Sears, and familv arrived home from & VIsit with relatives in Dar~e County Wednesday evening. Mr: and Mrs. J . H. Coleman ~r. rived horne Saturday evening from a delightful visit with relatives . in Norwood. . Mrs. W. W. Smltb and 80ns . of Dayton. were the 5[Ueilts ot Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright several days laat week. Mr. and I'w1rs. S. L . Cartwright and granddaughter. Rhea Janet Cart. wright arrived home from Chicago Su!'dav evening. Miss Margaret Simpson is vigiling with relatives in Cincinl1uti. She also attended the Uug las School picnic at the Zoo,

.' Mr. and Mrs . Ray Smith and daughtl'rl!. of Brookville, spent Sun day r.ight at thu home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barnett. The two girls will remain here for a few days' visit. Herbert Edwards arrived here from Denver. Col., Friday ~ venjng. where he will spend several weeks of his summer vacation at the home of hia parents, Mr. and Mrs: 0 : J ~wards.

Mr. Arthur Truman and daughter. of Montana. accompanieil by hi brother • . E. L. T\,urOan. of Spring Valley. and Mr. ·and Mrs. Ed Me· .Furland, of Wilmington, spent Sun· day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. A. Maflit. . Mrs. A. C. ShweJle (Ethel Wright) and husband Mr. A. C.' Shwellc. of Columbus. visited' Mrs. Mildred Ealrle and Or. Macy. of Harveysburg last week. · This being Ethel's home in ·childhood and, where she has many friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. Msffit. · Mrs Sarab Zimmerman, Mrs. Susan Ar· 'noILl, Mrs. -0. M. Ridlle, Mrs. Ida Hockett, Mrs. J. E. Janney, Mi_ Alma Waterhouse •. Laura McKinsey and Mr' Ray Mills attended an in. spection of HarveY9burg O. E. S. last Wednesday evening.,




C;~;:;;,;.:;~:;:;~~i;"o~~~:: THE INFANTRyl":'"Y:':::,~":;:,':~:; .






. .

',AS A



On Thursday. Jun,~ 14th a merry crowd of girls autoed to CHfton and spent the day . The g irls all took well· HUed baskets uDd a fter enj oying a fille dinne r of chicken. cak e and strawberries and all t hat goes wi th it . the afternoon was spent in sill: ht seeing and taking pictures. Those who enjoyed the day were: Martba Lukens. Ves ta Ellis. J ud ith Collier Mabel.:ltnrr, Mabel. Merle and Fay~ Ellis a nd Ve~ a Su mner.

On Sunday. June17 . Mr. and Mrs. Cla rence Edwa rd ~ were tende red a very p leasant surrlrise at their coun· try home sotltheast of town it being lhe 'third aoniver~ary of thei r ma r· rillge . After the company asscm· bled . tables wero SprE!ati under t he shade trees IIml soon every one WIIS ea ting of the many good things Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Cla rence Edwards. Mr. and Mrs Ed T he tnJuflidency of F ame. • Etlwards. Mr . and Mrs,. Allen Kibl er. Robert L illi !.' t (" 'II Sn ll \\'a ~ 1I0t t h ~ • Mr. a nd Mra. Charley Edwards ' and on ly cfl"ht"lt~· \r ho ], 11" fuulI" [1111111 I fam ily. Mr. and ¥ r!l. ~alph Hous rnlh r tllItn ur. u' ~IIl \lttn l :lchlo" '!'111 ot' t?n, Mr .. and Mrs. Guy KI Ul er . Mrs. "I \\'ollltl :I ~I·" ... " 1141 ",co .I I'. " thill (lind. j bllphethla Hough. Mr . and Mrs. R tol ll (l wn ~ th n1l[hol' LOf IIIV ,i'o) l' lt ~ [or ' harles Shutts and famil y . Mrs. n good l n·wil ~I'I,ro IH'r' fll;tt th t· rol np Christi McKinsey and daug hte r . to liC' l\ Il on. r Iml"" " Ilttt l' lI\)out Lall ra. Mr lin tl Mrs. Albert Sl-tut ts fll l1ll' now i Il '~ IlIt 1:000.1 COlIlll'nr ... lI to n and fam ily an'll\lr . and Mrs. F ran k yudlt." . \ Shult s.


----... - ...- ---

Mrs. Hanna h Hun ting ton, of Col· umbus. spent several days with her I ru ther. Howell Peirce. of the Friends 1Iume.


Mr . and Mrs, Cli ffo rd Ridge and . Mi!'S Ruth Harts ck will present Mrs . Wa lter Reed. of Cine! nnati, a~· a fe w of her pupils in a two piano r e- lended the funeral of MISS SophIe cital Fr iday nig·ht, June 22 nt ':Hi Kea rney Saturday. o'clock, a l Schoo l Hall She will be. 1I1r. and Mrs. W. H. Allen. Miss aRsistcd by Mi s Etlytha Miley reade r. Those interested in music are COt'· Leticia Mc Kay. Miss Geo rg ia Hadden di ally invited. Later on M i ;;.~ Ha r t and Mi s Lizzie:; le war t wer e Day· . sock wi ll present another class in r eo to n -l;.i~ihCue8 d ay , cital. Al l kinds of sports on t he 4th. The hill clim b last year a ttracted ma ny [:lrSubscri be for thc Miam i Gazette strangcrs. but there will be nHiny more entries this year.

A. M. McKay. of Dayton. strIpped \,;.Ii,'-===?J : ::ac:n-===::J1I!H=::=U:Jtr.:==:ElU:Jlr~==31[:)1:-===:1'E'==318r::1===:JI~I' off hereenroute for Lellanon. las l Thursd ay and paid his ~e~ lJects lo

~I. Comparison of Asse's sor's Work

a.ville. •




The following table is a comparison of the years 1016 amI. 1917 of the work usually done by the Assessors. No ac 'oun t of the reports of assessments of P~""lic ,... Utilities ·or. of new buildings enter into the tahle belo.w : • TWI)9. and C~rps.

Cost of Assessors Assessed Value 1\)16 19J 7 19W 1917 · .... .... ........... c!'I' 160 "3 2(" • 555170 • 670620' CI ear Cree k T owns hlP " , . " . , 45 122(;!.l0 119910 Sprih}{boro Township ............ ,. ..... . Frllnklin Township ...... ". .... ... ........ 175 5 1750 Ii J690 · Franklm Corp'oration .. .... ...... ... ...... 17l 15(i 50 380790 430750 160 53 io 39 630 522480 Deerfield Township .. ..... .. " .... .. ... ... r::J Mason Corporation ................... ... .. . 48 31 40 1518QO 176710 rn~t~·b~~~~·· C ~~·~~~~t;~~·:::.:.:·:.:·: ·::::~· . 1~8 21 40 l~~g 2i~!~ " 815 GO 75 r:I T urtle Creek Townsh,ip·.......... ......... 228 0 7 4.70 11 80520 1&0 122 869720 1O~5 1S0 .... Lebanon Corporation ...... ". ......... ... . Wsyne TO.WIlShi P ......... ........ ....... .... 172 31 50 4901 40 5 7480 •• 1 ' . waynesville. Corporation ... .............. 69 :~ 20 250260 ~1l30 Corwin Curporation ............... " ....... 15 23 GO 19310 18740 104 :!.J 160270 199140 Salem Township .. ............. .............. Morrow Corooration ......... ......... ..... 63 25 50 l02640 136010 t:l Bamilton Townsbip ...:..... ......... ...... 156 42 30 284630 306620 Maineville Corporation .......... .... .. .. 24 9 22...0 24070 Loveland COtP9ration .. " .. ............. 6 1610 1160 Washington Township ......... .... .... .. 112 29 70 234210 289360 Massie Tbwnshlp ... ............... ;..... ... 96 21 60 221850 ?70140 Harveysburg COrporatioll...... ........ 24 23 64860 71450 Harlan Township ............... ...... ..... 120 . 3S 208600 246900 Pleasant Plain .. .... ...... .... ........ .. .... 18 24800 USBO Butie"lIIe.. .................. ...... ......... 15 17030 24450 StationarY, Poatage. and help in' Auditor's office over 1916 ,...... .. 519 05





~ ~I

--- $6169950 --- $7577190 ---

52288, 11335 65

bu our COPlrhtlr~QJIOII hill . . . ..

.......... ..---



~s.ttl•. 'fbe JOI1Q maD



A very bellutiful wedding was wit· nessed by a number' of friends and ~I r~ . Alic l' lIa\~ ke. of LebaMn ,' relatives at the home of Mr. and MM!. vi.i led h;rtl Monday. J . C. Hawke Saturday evening. when t heir daughter, Clara Hs£el. became ~ I is~ B lie I~ ulass is spending the lhe wife of Dr. Ralph H. Vance, ot " Hunlllicr with relstiv s near Dayton . Ci ncinnat i. At th e appointed hour Mist Ethel Hosier played the wedding march, . I\li s Helen Hawke is visiting her Lohengrm. as the bridal party took! r. nlrs Frallk LeMay, of Mid· t.heir places at the alt ar whieh was dt<'lolVn . bnn ked with palm s and ferns, the flowe rs being peonies. and roses. L i~en 8e lap:. No. The wedding procession was led by will plen_e lea ve at Hev. C. S. Grauser;. next came the flrlWe r girl s. Katherine Fromm!foIld 81sie Hawke. nieces of the bride. . li s~ 1a ri Hartsock . of Center· oarrying baskets of roses and strewvill~ . i~ vi~il ing ~I r . and Mrs. Carl ing rO~1l leaves and making a path flJ r the bri de; t hen came Miss Mary 'her\\,OOd. , Hawke . cousin of tht! bride. with "II'''I' II llssiuII 10 I"I~ ""\lillI''' arrl\cIJ "1l1 "LI " un,l Is 1'1"'-" I,u'"' .J 111" :"':!'o' 1'1 I 'l'1IW" · 1I1 P 111 111 r:"i In tll (' III JtIlI)"~ . 1 JI g (Ill. Mr. Will Itickey, best man. friend of Mrll. George Beach. of Clevela nd. us tlull ),1 nr~. It' f t l o. l'l .,: lll; AI\' I:-:l' Hl"u gHdl nl IIf III 1I 't\ ns llnrlllllllll lll'JlU"tltU.'lll: (; "(1(\ 1'11 1 ( ;U' "I!" IW' 1 I IIl ll flar ~ bi o. Hpen l Monday with Mr . and lhe groom Mailter Kenneth Fromm, IIt, lll ·Ii .. ; I]0.,,1'1,'" Arl"lllI. 11I1111 <tl'l' or " IIII'illr,, ' 111111' l'I11111'II V tru'''llrll'lntl''l1 IJI " ull' '1 1111 II . tI r ~ I ' . l nephew of the bride, Cllrried a little \' 111 • " t,',l u l I ~ \'hltl lll l"::-'IIIII' M r ~ . J arlles 1\ crrick. fir 1l1l1lUtl' • l'(' pn '!-i !'lIUnj! lh e UII\' y, t:, J- unld or the tl t' pul'llil CUl of h\t1l1 ~ tl'~' OIiU ~nll1lJ1l! r ('\.' olHl UI:~t' l n (: white sati n basket with the rings; 1 'I)Ju~Ul1n' .. lin II[ lit e' n;.:rll'lIl1ll1 UI o.1 c p n l'tmclIt. • . foil wer! by the g room; and tbe bride ow .... MI' . nnd Mrs. J ohn Price. of X niij , upOh the arm of her father who ----:--:-:~--------_:_:_-...;..---------------____ ____ ..:........__=_ "spent MondflY with Mr . and M r~. ga ~e he r away. Afler th e bridal party assembled nt the altar the double ring ceremo· ny was used and Miss Hawke and Dr. Vance were made man and wife by lhe solemn service read by Rev, Grauser. The bride :ooked very charmlna in MI. of s L1ress. 01 crepe meteor trimmed --Mr . anLl Mrs. Frank Zell enter. hnusehold gooda n Salurday. Ju ne with pearl!! tmd ~rrying white brides Th e r egular meeti ng of the WOo wined at dinne r tvelay in hOllor of :IOth Wilt h for the bills . roses. The maid of honor w .. :very • Captain r~a rl McCreary. wilh se v· man's Allx iliary was held 'a t t he Mr . and 'I rs. Nalhan Jan e' (15t h sweet in pink crepe de chine and car: •• I.· V I:l I F Id ' . eral enlisted !Joys. of Cu. E . 1st regi. I10[ll('O f n.ra. .:. . . urn ta rt ' ridllv wee IIlg annlv e r~ llry . 1I1r. J nnes is m nl. nlllde Wnyn esvi lle a call Ftiday . Masters ,Leo.n ard and J oseph rled pink roses. The oolor aeheme of tern60n. June 15th. The meeting al.;o celebra ti ng his S(i th birthday . evening. Ilnd gave a nice t!1lk tt) Shellot.. of Feorla. 111.. a re t.he g uest s was pin" and white throughout all was op ned by Mrs. Cadwll'ilader about 24 regi ~tered lloy There of Mr. and Mr>l. Mye l" Hyman. the rooms and softly lIghtltd by can· reading a part of the sixth chapter dIes. . of Ephesia'ns, af tt>r which He\,. Cad. Af ler choir practi e at the M. E. \VIlS a sillall percentage of the I·egi s. While Mis! Hosier played softly wlil iader conduct ed the devot ional church Thursday eveni ng. Rev. S. A. tered bOYR on hand .to h ar him. bUl Mrs . Hal ph Smith . who spent and sweetly the conllratulatlon. were exercises. Ueall called the choir into. his hnme all who ca me we re lnipressed by the several days with her mother ' at received after which the brida and . Scr iptural quotations were givfn when : Lhey we re royally entertnin~ talk he gavc. Wilmilll{wn arri ved home last week groom led the way to the bridal III respo nse to roll call and mi nute" by Mr. and Mrs . Bealli. 'r he eveni ng fAtlt lhhc conc lusiholldOf hi S tallk s e v e n ' . table where places were laid for I of the Illilt meetill&' were read <Ind was pleasantly spen t in music and 0 1e oys marc e to t 1e (esk and Mrs. J as. Eline an d sons . E lton twelve A buffet luncheon wu ' . ap[)I'oved conver3U t Ion and de I'l CIOU8 r efresh· enlisted. t I~ d They I' ddw<!re k J esse .Prender· a nd Kenne tl1 0 f 0 ayton spent t he served to the rest of the gUlllts num · MiBl'., ""alhryn Il enderson lllen men ts were ser ve d . M gas , George . re , r a Waterbouye. oc . Milton Thump ' Mrs. Luella . Pence. bering about sixty. n [" : r B. H, Kel· son. i!klwa rd woe k·en d with fav ored the ladie!l with a piano selec· Iy and Mr. and Mrs. George Marks Lewis, Tod d Low rv and Forrest After the wedding Bupper Dr. and Lion, after whit'll lhe lesson " How were t he invited guests. l{id"'e. . Mr . and Mrs Hyman and dau..,h. Mrs. Vllnce left for a &hort lrlp after Our .. which they wlll return to th,lr fg· k Chur ch Came to Missour i" w a s " Capt ain McCr ear y will !fleet with ter a nd Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cralle the boys as;raln Mond ay evening at spenl Wednesday Qvenirog in Lebanon. ture home ifl Cincinnati. Many u . . ta en up. An ar ticle lelling of the life and wo rk of Bishop Kemp er WIIS 'Mesd ames Thad Zimr)ler man and lhe Masonic Hall. He would like to !ul and handsome presents wer. re· reessadonb.y Mrs . Ha rnh a~t dUI ing t he Emma Relalli ck entertained at a have every registehd boy to meel T he net proceedu will go to tbe ceived. I Sun day dinne r at th(l home of Mrs. ' th h' th Red Crost Society on t he 4th . Be 'fhe ladies adj ourned to meet in Zimmerman the following 'gueSlij: WI 1m · (In. . pat riotic and help t his g reat cause 'eptember with l\-Jrs. Zimmer man. Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson; Mr . - -- - - ...- -along. who'n the study of The Early Church and Mrs. Robt. Crew, Mrs. Mat ilda will be continued Mrs. Louise Hosier, Mr. and Mrs . 'Walter McClure Woolley. Mrs. Edwards, Miss Trillena Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gray. Mr. and Ed wards and Miss KaLhryn Hender· Mrs. Chas, Zimmerman. Mr. and lion were g uests a t this meeling . Mrs. Ernest ROllers and daughter and Mr. Phineas ook. '

Mrt!. Myrtle Needles Miller and daughter. of Chicago. have bee:t the A very pretlY musical service was guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mur· ren dered at the M. E . church last ray the past week. undav evening. Tbe ant hems were well sung . and the large choir was Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zimme rmah well bill anced. A violin solo by Miss and daug:1ler. arrived home MonJay Grace CarmalJ and a clarinet solo by evening •.after spending severa l days M!'- George ~1ark s : au gmented the with relat ives at Port Cliuton . Ohio. service very much. The cboir is un· der lhe direct.ion of Mrs. B. H. Kel · Iy who sang' a very plea ing solo. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hiutt. of I{ev. Beall gavo the hislory and Spring Valley. and Mr. and Mrs. epl)eal of each hymn Bung . A large Isulah Myers, of Lumberton. spent. congregation WIIS presen t Sunday I\fternoon wilh . relatives here. Mrs. W. W. Blaskshaw, of Su perior, Wisconsin was called to her old home at Harveysburg. by the illness and death of ber·mother. Mr•. Hettie Varner.


&t----..-.. .-...-...-.....-.. ~


Don't forget to get your friends to corne here on the 4th . II will be a big day.

Whole Number 3423


Net pln .••••••


" . :••••••

Gain 1!l17 $ 11'1450

LOlL'! 1917 2780

99940 49960 123850 24910

many of hi ~ old friend s in Way lies·

" Mr. and M~s. P. G. Hoger. Mr . and Mrs. Robt Croswell and da ugh. ter. Lucille, and Mr. J os. Eline mo· tored from Dayton Sunday und sp ellt • the day with Mra. Luella Pence. ,.




. 38 70 33370 21990 1680


65150 48290 . 6090 32300 6920




Mrs."Ma17 A. Pugh wife of. the lale H ~nry Pugh, died aL her home in West Orange. N. J .. last Tuesday, and tl1e r<'maine were sent to Cincin· nati f or interment. Mrs. Pugh will be remem bered by r 0111 d.ti~ns, !IS she used to at " .the ,ol.hool reunions held h .~ lntermeJIt Willi m . in Spring Grove cemetery, . clnnatl, Friday.



burg Thursday, The ,funeral was held Saturday' afternoon conducteJ by Amos Cook, 'and interment"u made in Allami cell1etery.


Harmon Scott d'ied al hla hOme near Dodds Sunday afternoon. The funeral w~ held at-the Chapel day afternoon at 2 o'clook, Rev, 8., A. Beall ufficlating, Intermenl In • Miami cemetery. .

Hampshire called lin Miss Mel ritt anel MiRs Georgia Hadden last Thursday . . Mr. Sargent, a son I"!'I flf .Mr. Geo. Sargent, who sOme fifty .:. . 'd t W ~ years ago was a re81 ent 0 aynes ville. was horn In the house at the ex treme end of North sfreet now oc cupied by Mrs. Sl'1.1 it~ and his abject h t ' 't th I 1 h' ere waR 0 VISI e pace 0 IS I"!'I, birLh.



t:l 120


Mrs. Hettie Varner died ,a t the m Mrs. Oavid of I FonMr.duand Lac, Wis., enroute to New home of her daus:bter neM Harveys· .



AmOli W. Harlan died at hll NIlMr. and Mrs. Chas. Rye, Misses d~nce near Harveysburg last WedNettie Earnhart and Alma Water nesday. The funer~l wu held Frihouse, MeBRrs Clarence and Harvey day afternoon and intermllnt was Rye Sunday guesls ofson, Mr.Carl. and made in ~iami cemetery. Edward Harlsockand


405050 175410 97340 , 40 70



The ladill8 of St. Ma17'. Guild held a Patriotic Boclal at the Rectory on Thursday afternoon. June 14th. The house was tastefully 'd ecorated with flags and bunting. The program was 88 follows: MUBie on the Vietrola. Medlcy of National Ain; Head· lng, The Red CrOll8. Mi. Clara Lile; .Musie, The Star Spangled BamMtr; Heading. Old Glory. Mrs. AIleD; Music. Columbill the Gem 01· the Ocean. Reading. What 1l1li a Woman Can Do. Mrs. Barnhart. . During the social hour lb. ladi. were given email envelopee contalDing small letters and aued to put them together and ,et the moa~ articles found in a work basket. This furnished much amusement. Ice cream. strawberrllll and cakes were served by the committee lUlSi.ted by Mrs. J ames McClur8~ Miss Olive ~llen . Mi98 Ltuth Hartaock and MI. Kathryn Henderson. The ladl .. departed at a late hour feeling Flag Day. 1917. bad been observed In&> most pleasant manner. This will be the last regular .meeting of St. Mary'j Guild until september. when the lad ies will meet ano take up their work for another year.





HE SI fRED'S MAMMOTH· SALE Tbe mammoth sale ot the s: Fred ·II~.....I J ' . WI "",,,"n une SO.and continue In.teen day.. Tbl8 ute will be u they are gOiDII' loods mll8t be out of the workmen lla1't



Miss Sophie Kearney, daulbter.of the late Patl'ickandSopbie K~, died In Cincinnati ThliradaJ. Bequeim mass waswd at St, ADdnw'. church, Saturday morninir. aad lb. , body was brought to W8¥DllTiUeaDd interred in the famil, lot. TIle ' Kearney• .Jfere otd·Ume awIdlllt. of Waynesville. and lbe d " ' - ...~ alister, lin. 1la!79wee&......brot.b· er Jam. Kearn., , ' .. r



, 11


Ji~ I'

,I ';I:I:J~'~'~II:~ 1""' 11 r<w 1hu

NEWS GLEANED I fROM COURT HOUSE Common PlensCourt " Y ({Inf:! VI! Lo tio King Plnin. tiff Bilo w d \ 0 I1lIll..o eerylde by I

Good Paint and Reliable Painter Durab/e · and Attractive Painted House

$ I OU.



Hoor\Il91 0 V8 Raymo nd Good. Will. Dlvo roa; gruss n egle ot of dllty. M'Lr y Mc Der mott VB Fronk M. Bugb os nud i"rnnK Brlln d on, ox<:cu. &oro, Moil!'Y: 'UllO\lut olnlmed " 520.

Probate Court



Dissafl.~raclion -But

why take a chance? Let me give you an estimate Oil !Jour Painting . or your Paper Hanging

I.lU l l"O~ti,) O

(.) , II rga F J(llIIao va 'rhe U L noil ' N . I(Mhvu:v '. l1'loTIl Lon gl:!treul Is rnut die!. vo t o Ili a 'Ins,vor tlnCl oro~ " 1)(' tl tl OU. IHte Vi' F ran lc Dorn e n . uil fix ed ilL $200. .J ,1 111l I.. t::lto utoubllrough vB Kath e ri HIl A. I,) .. , Dboro ullb . Plu lnt ,l! 111811118908 aot,l on lit his own OOSI,9. M"rtln A. JlimOSOIl. IJt , V B Wit. linl u Bntterworth et Ill. <.Jonrt Itp provos luveslmAnt 0' $~!'iO In 1.1 bert)' 10lln bo nds by 0. 011 r (:.. 111 . t ru stoe for Ali ce Ann fl nO ll G rondin . EI.lIel Bro wn Llndor V B William Mc Kinl ey Aro wn "lIdo oonfi rm ed u nd de ed IInll lll s trt.buti o n ordererl Mllry E . Hile y lind Uli t btlrioe H!l olY Vlt 'rhe Am ori oa n W nUuA Pnl'!!r 00. Leave ' gr ltnt ed de fen. dllotd t o fil e an8wor t or thwlth. EI ~ l e Hln e8. vs J OBl'ph Rin es. 01. vor ce grnn tetl Illaliltltl. J . \V Le wl., vs <Ja rr le A . I~a w II'. Clln~{j dii.mlssed at oas Is of pllllo tlll' 'rbe L o ve lu nd ul oual I:lllnk VB lie rge tl . FaldllUUl\lllud liuel" Feld. Ka mp . MO lloy; nll\Ollut olnlmod









fa; W. !:I l-l op pl ng. on r l)(lutl'r wurk $1 fj('; ,l o~l" h I:Inlhr o k. i<eo piul( oJl "' ~ II I1lt l i nd e x $126 10 ; I l)qu e8 ~ OD h url y or Funk Bofl'1I19r, 'J ut!t ... R.40; tlt.litO VII Fill Wld lli o" . I ,'~t" $;j,.j r,; M.HOIt Br l)~. 11 11{ to r onrf. n UllS" $:30; The Ainmlnurn LJookluf.( U ttlu llilM Un. s UJlplt.JB f r Infirmory $r.t:! :l5; Ohio l:'tl nlteo,illry tn"ttrp!l~es for co uul,ry infirllllUY f 3 1G ~O: Hure lt Br ull. blnnlla fo r <htlr II $ 4.:,U ; 1:1 E; Wllrwlok ~Clhl lu ~ ~ fur j .dl $:! ,T,; Ghnrl ey Hill , roat! \York $U.f>U ; l~tM e ' ,'v, G I'IlIlRm. IU full of olllltrRot [, Ii;!, . $ 4:l 4; R" i. helm'" Q ourio8 CO" O l\l ~ htl l t stona

IW II1 mil tAl'

£~ H.-1 a ;

I nqulIBt ')D h .ldy o f ,rol:leph

M. (iregR', Outll S $; .li5 ; .1 oiln 1.0 W <13 tioo, aut o hire $a ~ fl O;.1. K. Sp"lloer. Ill:ltlrnflf.e o n M 11 r ow lUlU ....obnofln pike $225 ; Mtltldtll Br()~, beel nlot l1· 10K fo r i nfirnlllrv 1 111.57; Xenl" Work bon Il, kl' opiug IlrlsOl'terll for ~by $ I G.1l 2 ; J R. Bno'er" se r vloe!! ItS ol1"1'I .. iu ut oooTlt.y Infirmary


clec;rc~~.I~C~Cr,~ls~~~raA~~ 'S'i'lr~~~A~

TOR wOllld alwar_ win. handle down. U thc creamery mtlnngcfit knew tho


be even nlOr"e lIr ~(!nt fOf lho ute or U.S. SEPARATORS. r.l'lbe bltyera of c"",mot')' produeta

$37 110


tho poor·k

P1l\g Qu~l ·

wo uld ca l cy('n st ill l oudl!r or thtlU.S. SEPARAT OR. withilij uneqWllled r epI.llutiQIl (or



JlOu wil l let m, show )'OU hov"'mueh e"aler I. 10 k,,<p Ihe U. S. SEp·


ARATORc cnnnnd rusl I.... In idennd out tlmn other similar dC\lIce:s.- h()w Quickl y t he m ceh nnicn I w a.~h~r ectUU1l. Heald!' a nd dti(': Ihcelunllllill6\ port .... then yuu w iU he ns vlen s,-·fl to own u U. S. S5PARATOR os I UIII 10 Intr,D-

fi ied.


duecthem, Arter I sltow you, sec if you can find any oth,1r scpara lll r 80 sa n· it ary. If yo u cann ol - Ilten buy a (J, S. - \.he ' Vorld's .Record close 8klmming 8llpnrntor.

In !lplte of his nnwl e ldy ' Flze li nd appar ently In Olive ea r , t h e ulellhnl. ' Is Ii gre ..t lover of mn ~ l o N t only d oes he learn to step lo time bot lie b f! boen known to IIcoomp"ny I.he d.,.uDI IUIII flllllY whb e rtul \1 luar &l o

ELMER ROGERS Waynesville, Ohio

nl.te 800net Bu (fOD ooce made

aer ies of ex· pori Ulfln tB to nscllrtllin lh o mlJ~lo,, 1 'ute of nil e lephllnt III the Jardin des Pltlotes . !:l1l~lple mel odies, played 00 tb e vl olill sellmed to III VEl the beK st g re"t p!e!l8nrO, where... vllrilltioDII mJ\de, apparently, DO hnprc88lon , out wben a hom pl ayer plll},lId A po pnlar tune the elepbllnt beOAm!) mooh oxcltoo, advanoed -and mad e n.u effort IO ~8COOmpi\ny the music


In. t


it iu of butter enn usuBll y b l) traced to Imperfectly clea ned se,lI .. iIlO"'I- th CY

---10- _---


Clean Proposition

U cvcry d Ai r yma n's w ifu coilld yote

In the m~tter of tilt> estate of Th'o ont rO (lt for re.lntoroocl oou. Sarah M. Mill r. deo8llsed. Will ore te b ll X: c u l vort weB' of U nl (lD otfered f or pr obnte, s Jb OOI h <lo a In D erll old ~owo h ip E8 tl ~ te of Frullk lind Clifford Bioks \'1 '18 Ilwnrderl \ 0 ' t okes {I[, GruhuUl 01lnor1. FI r8t.lloouuut filed. lit tbelr b id of f:l35 . E i' ~6 te of .'al1J ~ Uoo k': deceRRed . Irourth 1l0Cllnot uf tld mlnls traLor E state of Mn r y E. Bnn'd, d eool\~Bd , Iflnu l 8000U(1t of IIcimlol8trlltor fl ied. E ta 'e of Rny E . ElIHk.rl~der et aI, min o r~. J ohn P. Eld r kr" d e r, g n.,. 'dlIHI fil ed his fina l uooo uot as t o J oao pb Bu.rk r ~d.e r , In the m lltttl r of tbe esll\te of OaroUno G"Uaber, deotltlsed . Final tloooont of eKOOO t,or 8 Hied. Il:~tl\te of Joseph PolnseU, (10. celised. Flual aaconnt filod . In the nltl tter of tbe estdA of Tbomas M.urphy., deoeased. Flnlll aCQount flIeil . Ueor ,:e LIl De, admlnie tntor, ve Annu Sheet a at Ill, Order grant od '0 8ell r enl e8 tate. In tbe oolltter of osla$e of M lnthll V. Byerp,deoellse(l. Uoo rge W . ·By, e r~ Rppolllted Ildmlnilltra'o r . Bond $100. 10 tbe t1l1l~t e r of '·b e eetate of Mar In VnnTnvl, decellsed. Geor ge W. Itllpointed iUlmloi81rlltor Bye rs B nd $100 ., EstRte o f Wil liam" RIOkud, de. ceased. Firllt ooooon t flied




- ----- - - - - - - - --

A. MAFFIT Funeral Dirrctor' and Embalmer,


Waynesville. Ohio.

AI last h o pnt blA trnnk Into tbe ope D e nd of the IDltrnmen~, 1t8 If tl draw out '·he tOusie 'Usolf, and tben O llro~!locl 'be pillyer mos' tenderly to Eitber Auto or Horse ..lrawn eervice, how him No extra charge f or auto service. Real Estale Transfera Both phones in Omee and Residence, No. 14 . . Mary E. A , Terry to Emma C. r " TBksr, i3Y. nc res Iu Barllm ' own· ship, $1 . Obnrles J. Waggoner, 8herlff, to J, D. Anel E, J. Mlrtooborger. 12 ~% u.~r eB in F r a nklin townsbljl, '\}. ~Il '.6a. When Earl Godwin W,,8 'raveling ( PRICE~ RIOHT)! ObarleR J, Wligguner , sberlff to Elizabetb A. Maple, 10' In IAbllnon, ,hrou!!'h 't'{e8t Vlr,lnla, dnrlng tho lalt presldent.lal oampalgn, for ,b~ *2,",,05 . . Bamnel M. Hodson and wlfo ,to purpoee of wrltloa Ilr'lolea on polit. illtTl tlhorts. loi In BOUUl Lebanon , loal oondltloue lu aha' State, ho ,Sole Agent dropped 011' at a promlllnil town and $210. ' . "enl to call 00 t.hs poItmas'er, Samuel B. Rudsoo and wife to t:iOOll after the oon~erel\tlou began For the Gorden Tires (Jarl B. I:)bortl!, lot 10 Soo.b Lebanon a bill man ros hed III and IIhooted: $50. . .. ~I\l J OD 08 wllntl 11 vo dollarll for J ohn Wloatell &0 Luhi Wirth , lot bill \late I" In Morrow, $1. "'rollt'a an outrtlge!" yelled thtl WIlIIIUD W. Ohambars to Law . pon m aster , "We never . paid him rence Holiloger. 10& In Maple Park . more than tb ree dollars beforo In all PhoGe 9().3 CORWIN, OHIO (Jur lives, However, oompromlle $1. 6eorge Mushal to J . W. FrOllt, jr. wl\h him four dollars," Oon't t be 0Pllolltlon over eend do· ots In !:lo a ·tb Lob~non , $1. F rank ti penoer to J080phme E. ,ootl ves d ow u hero to gel onto 'he HR. BATHA.WAY Sommer, 87 IIcrel! In U ulon toWD. wily. y ou fell ow8 buy Vl)leM ~" Ilsked tbe alllo ze,\ 6 6dwln . sb lp, $1. . Waille... vllle'll Leadloll Dell"" "Yes," said the offlolal ", hoy Marle Boyle to J .. me!l W. Boyle s en t six dotectlve. dOWD here lut Office III Keye Bldlr. Mllln 8' I"t In Avalon Heights, $1. election day ... & 111 0 MoNeal io Loul~ N. Baoh "Whut did ~hey do?"inqolred Ood. !Dnn, 2S aor9ll10 [bmil'on townsblp, win . ' $1. "Ob," said tbe postmaeter In a bored manner, "tbey Kot arrestlld I\tarrlqe LicenseR for oarrylnll ooncealod WAIi[JOns." Barbed Wire Barry O.Oombs. p owder maker, - Tbl'! Umpire. 01 Mlddle'own 'aod Mrll, Henle M. Janet!, of Bouth Leblinon . . GUARANTEED to heal without leavdogh W. Magee, mlnls'er of ing" blemisb, or MONEY REFUNDED I:{artford, N . y" and Poarl Oynthia 60c nnd $1.00 ei1.cs for fres h WObD~ Bill, of Maaop . . Rev. BershllY. old eOTea, Bore llncka nod shOll Ider& burna Aroblbllld, Tllf", laborer and Lu. and bruises, 200 size for Family U~ . olle. O. Onrry, both of· Kings Mille, DR, COX'S PAINLESS BUSTER Rev. Bogb Watson, LIZ1- Wilen yer J(oln' ter 8it m in. Ie pnlnleaa and gunranteed to allre Spnvin, Ringbone, Curb, Sweeny SpUn., <.Jinronca W, Sher.wood, t~rmel' rled, Polly, my dear? . PUU8 or lilly enlargement of ~e or P oIIV-,N ever. • and Lena A, Wlld.worth, of O~e. j e, or money refunded. , Pllo8 600. IDU8C Llzll-Why ? .. gonia. Rev. ,I, R. Kina. FOR SAU .V 4LL DIIVQQISTS Polly- Well. yer see, I won't mll,r. ry BlIl w'lIn '€I aln" sober, an' 'e Commlsaloner's Proceedlnis won" marry me w 'en '8 II."

- --------

ACURE fOR EVERY ILL Saxon Six.' Livery


YOU'll lOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER Rid yourself of on t lpntlon tlu d be a n w UlIIU or worunn Tn ke Dr. Kin g 's New Ute Pills nnd expel th e poisons tIll'" w81lke n your system, foul y o ur bloud nnd mllke you old bef o r ~ yoor Mme. Oue or t:;vo ...t olRht wUI olear your oomplexlon, brighte n your eYB8 nnd gl ve bao k lbe 8prlu(o{v step of youtb. For health aud hRppln!38B let Dr. King's Now Lifo Pille d o lor .y,ou wb;tt ~bey llll.vo dono tOJ tboUllnnd~. 250.






.... .



Glaa.IBed Ada

...... .,






. lftllSIIm. wmn, $4,00 m lUI

mlddle.alled womRn to GIRl.learnor 'ho tel,phooe business, ~Qqt1lre

as tbe Eaobanlr'"


~IL" DltUCClay.. aPICIAIiI8T8t CO.TUM ..... TItA ........ CA ..



, ._v....


MONEY WANED loaned on live .'ook ohat M Ot<l'lt'Y &818 _Del ltloood modl_gM. NolM bo'llgb',

JObD Barbine, Jr.,

Allen SiUldlnar. Xenia, Oblo.

I'OIt 8AL8 '






As W,r itten


t i

, 1





' nt' nun


U't'f' IU £' U






fl'\\, hnl\l·~. fU I' In lh ' t1rs t hen of h r "'ruth s h I hllLl forl:"I"'1\ h"t Inlo'lHlel1 I ~ hr'[Jrlnl2:. Ao hllll i' or t wo m ore or F ini sh oVA r yd/\ysDrl hedo ne witb I "~s \l'f'lIlll1't In!\tICI', nnet ~h' wou ld U, ' Y ou bl1ve dllne whitt r UII uuuld 1:,'1 the ('Ill lill Y 111111' beforc sll:. wh nn Sorne blun der!! 11 00l Il lJsll rlll tiBd, no !lol,"" ~"nl(f hOIlI(>. ' duubt orep~ In ; for gf:!t I,h om IUI800n ""' tt II'n" 'Illit e flv!' 0'('10('1, II'I\(' n lUI y ou Olin. ' l'um orrllw 18 .11 n ow 1\0' ,11'''I'P lI Jl In 'It r own ~ lII'b lind lei dllY ; b gi n 1\ w II lind He r e only ,l nd h,'rR.'lf Ilitfl till' I"'II~ '. wlLh I·u,) hi j(h II ~plrlt ~ I h,) 0111 . 1 \,11 III "'JlN "II ( III (h" Rlln pn rlM. berod wi t h you 'r old tl Otl ll"ne 'I'his I ll lI\'lng hll rl 11" 11I1I,·h. I", hll,1 1:'"11) f,I\" d iL'; 1I11l11 I,hat I~ gno,l I\ll rl It i "dll::. 1<11 AI1':;I'111 hlllll''''I ,III II ' 111'. HUI I, too d ellr wHit a s h OI'\l HIUld UH lllr· I III III" hllll ~\,'R pllulry ~ho II '!Ir,'ll ynlf'~ . t IOD.. , I,n wURte 1\ m nlll ll ll t 11))1111 Ilia ,·" "d ll/,; r.. ""i Ih l! I<ltch n. TL wn yes~eruay ~ Illmer 011 I ri~h: - " 1I11IV mOll Y nrl' ~'nu lnyl ng plncos . I 1" fol', 'l:hlli lln s. Ilt the pur Y , •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••#:••••~... "Mrs. ellrlN' l olLl lIle It R ............................................ '+:\ 'II tl'll,I Norn. "l· r ' n" n ·P!l IIIl l!hly huru 11 111 II nil 11gB un to ,, "


by Our Corps of

Able Col'respondents in the Neighborhood

Pri\·c, $ 1.50 per year





D. - I, . ;':1' AN E. E dito r alld )JuLJlisher . ~ uu sc r iolion


GAZ~rTE .... I'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

•..•THE ' ~IA~I ls~m:[)

!Ito. .




I '

A large car of Fine Shing lei · A fresh car of Cement A new car of Brick, suitable for Chimneys and Outside Walla.

Buy Hall Insurl\nco of W. N. Sel1r1'. Bny Bul( lu~uran ooo f W. N . Sell.f8. Mr8. Itebt>C)o/\ Lilli lI.od (lrund. MrS. JIlW OR. of Daylon, vIsited j daughter Mia Etln a re vlsltln" b ll r sistor.l n.lllw, Mrs . Johu J:iel9 h Mrll. J . 1:1. ,l onoH, of [,ytle. , WilY, fi nd otl1er r elMlvos b ere the ' .lohn n ye tlnd fam ily wora !:3uudalV pn~t week. . gueM ti! of 'l'lnlOtby 1\,1 IlrlaU 's . 1I1r. nnd Mrs. John W olfe spo nt Mrl1. 1'ho~. Dill '1111 d Mrs . O rio the week.e Dd witb Lew Wo lfe and ' l Mnrlntt wore In ~Vnroe8vllla one wIfe, neu. Wllml~ .. ton . doy thlll· week. Loe Talmage s pen t Buoday witb Mr on ll Mr8. LOll Dunoan onlled Ahw BarttlOok OTJ J . T . M'lrl ntt an d fllmily Snnd~y Mrs, liarah Wch vIs ited her slste. l 'j L ui~l\ ,1oMH'n Jl . . ou (\ brou~ llt, willi th em a froezer of Mrs. BIlDunh L·Uch flnd d llulJhter, ! M \II \ 'IV Ich II1r iCf:! orllR LU , ~t,T!lwherdOH and a fluo, Mr~. ~V, '1'. J or dan, tb e Pllit week , Mr unll ~' r~. 1" It '\. ~r'1I 0~ 'Ilq~o (Ilkll. 'O U' I! li ne ou tin g ond a . I M~, and M~s. Ed Bogan flod 80n, II ntl M r8. ~.dwln 1D801l, d ' tt d nood tiUle WlIS eoj oy ell by all pres. EVllo, spent Sun day wHh 0(0' 1 Cook and g randKo n, t1 o\~'~lrl 11 ll ll - ~n t Bouanand wlte. ed co mm ' ncement of .. DHngto n . .. l i l t 'eek . ' . L ol and BOllel Dnkln bllve bOAn E. U on and family and Mrs. 1 00 e ~e 118 VI • \'18I1io" I bt"lr <>rIlOl'puen t " Mr lind 000 . D-vls wore II"11 W. "Inmi oeme'ery M E e· 'l.r "nrl'ou ., ,... .. ~ " Mr . lIod r6 mm ,. _c"', . Mrs . Oiol{so n Wha rt on. Suod"y after u JO O . _ or uear Hprln g Bill, we r o on Mr s William Braud ooll Is ijiok Ilt '1 ,•• II hnusp." "Tltnl It lsi TIU' wh,,1 ilusl ness I, rriuuds b r e HundllY m o rlllllg . . tbi : j' '1'he Missos MablA, Morle an d Fuyo , ~. ' y , . " B \" r . IO ij. ~ III B, Vesea ElliR, Veda tlu lllnsr and 'll !'!l 1CIII \',"·! \:11'1'1" tit· IHI"·t: bllll' I::S Pt·~lrI SrICl)"~~I; , Mr. onrl Mr@. W,I IJU rH udd lo un d J o hnLuea8 wuIl Xe Di/\vlsltor Mllrtlm [,llkeTJti spent ThurEdlL), a~ , ..' hllllse lh .. 111 1I11 (' 1"1 " ree ch, ldren of L D CII ~ ter, w r e 'rf Y BY LOUISE OLIVER. , ~: Tl ll' n ~l llIlt's ,10'11' '"ld II's tlll~ pl·"t· Ib d t of ~rs Hullal '8 Hid. Saturday. I 'on , I!eaf allo w ~ll rlngfl, Ohio. -~.•.~ ......... -... ~ .......................... ............... ~ II Rt IJlrll, rln" enl' o I eV(' I' tUl'Iled oll t" ' un "y g ueK ~ Wil Mrll t:Slla'R R ola.n d nnd d~ullhter Mr H. Ueo. Bogal] , Mrs Q le oo -:.:-<.:.:«1••••:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. c.AII~clll tl plll'" ~ _ 1'011 I • \VI In"t lI!! It ,Iii te r , Mr~ . ~'rull k sou . A.null ~'ere vlHlLlniJ Mr . Leo Dno. Da vlH an d 80n speut 'fbursdlLY with d1 1 . M W 0 AII ~ehl hnd hnll It IIll1Ht l e /'rllk Ih:ht '""1111'/ N'II",t't " III'h' I" ~ en"l, IIml "lit · Mr s. H oLl ie Yurn er , 1111 ag e B( y enn Friday Ilftern oon , tS . m. ODD . with Bnll lty, nn,l Il ~ II reKult 11l\l' ke,1 lip 1,'1' III h,'\' 11lIIISU I AII, III hl r lhda y 1''' 1'' of ihiM vl ololt,y , di Ad lellvtl1g ~w o 111 r 8 Rntb!l.nna Now lllUrl , of Lees· Mr~ . Ludi ng t on a n d d& nlJh ter. 01 1111 of her · ~"""'I:I IIJ;~. IlIdlldllll! the I\' ! Whuse hll'(hdIlY Willi It? T heil It do ngbt ors, one so n, gl'llndo~\Id rou IlUrg, Is v Is it;lnR h " r son WiJlhlll\ nea r BlullcheAte r. 8ptlnl 'l' huredl\Y . , w itb Mr . and Mre. Alva Ludin gton . I",nrl;. he hll,1 I:lv"1I h, '1' fUI' ( :III'ls lIlI lI<, lill shC"l1 on Iter suddenly thut It WIl H nDd f r iend ,," by t.h e lnl,er. H"l ey and family . uml df'lOIIrl l'd !Il r llis tnllt. wh" I'C) SYI II ' Jlu"t.~.·",. . rn n t , lit Ml um l oelll e t e r~ l:iutu r dny \Volte r Ba r na rd lind fllmlly, of lll1tbetle rel"UVl's wo ulll l .. HlII·... I" ,',lit .'0 n ubby hnd lI e",,, ... d 10 ec!ehrnl'e m orning Lytle, we re In oup I\' l\h.~e 8 UDd IlY. nubby UIIII' CS tltnt \\'011 It I N\lot hu h e l' III hr r nhRPnCl' nut! to cull III hl.. AUl O~ Hu rl a n pa8s,ed "wny at hi s Emersoo nnd Lee t er Dill w ere in IIIJllred t eellllf!M. frl 'nds to help him out. Sudll nly sbe br o lllti r ' s b m O, ,1D ~!lst M"ID st.r ee ., t:!pr ltl~ Va lley 8lltu rdilY evening. The ~~(lk 111~lIll hr nrtl tlh e rtlmllll.IS, IInr\ h"lInl l'Oil'l'S ('C)lIIlnt,l from Ule IIbrllry after n Iioge rln g IlIne~e . I n,termBllt Mrs . Bansford Jaoll~on 8ud Mubel Ii f X I, I I It I 111 sel'lng mrs. >0 ,loy IJIlt:' ( hll il go \, ' 0 no· IIIllI she hn ' tlly relr~lI tt!d Into n tf'le· III. .MloU11 ceUletel Y II'rlduy a ter noon. A lice. '1'hI 8 gU\'e tlce 1'lIe III tI ... 1I11 ,,'\'s. I,h",,' ch'~l'l IlIIltI'r Ihe ~ l l\ll's ng Ih c~' 1 . ,' B H lion ~'e rn Ildu lj~t" a . ellr , °b ~~ :" I" V I ' S ug r . fmlll Su/II ..., li te UI' ~III"'H /,;11'1. tt) .\dlllll. Mr ant w r ~ . ornoe " '" Jln I' r s. e r e l . u.ll r U 1I 1l1)rollt'l, cu. Nllndtc IIrLpr Il'rsl'l l III t b o lJneoll City IIt tendi n g t be _ _ _ __ .~ _ _ _ tI, o chllutr 'UI', sn Illl'Y 1111 I 'ft llll(: nllll " II!I AII11 •., Fors"llIl' , ro wh III 111" 1111u t '£b I Buy Bnll Ins uran ce of W. N. Reare. ' t:h gh I:Ic1l 00 1oo mlue noem e n . er • IJ nl(guge. 1111,1 wllll( fl uillty wn ~ Lo cl " hecn tulkln~ In the 'oloninl ! ulI1l"ht ' r , Cltlre, was aDO of th" Mrs. Morris Pcmew lt pRssed II way wh II he I'IIII\!' hUIIl!! Ihut nl ght- hu l " \\'1'11, It wlIsn't III~' Idon," Mr~. On r' .. at her h OUle on !:;outh Maple etree' 1•III ge III nl': nI1"" d n t tII ,\', IM y. ter WIlS [lrll i e:lll ng. " Dick's wllnl cd to ".,r nduatoB. ltu~ I:l/lturdoy e w olug . 'rh" gl' II" rn l lOx l 1lhl. hnt! lllkl'n plllc hal'c 'Notllcthlng 0 11 Huully's IJlrtlldllS Mr . lind Mrs. Ullrl Vanclervou rt , A8 Ilvar y oo u g b or sueeze rllstrlb Mr. flnel Mrs. !:larry WeBver, of 1[1 thl! mornIng. Angc'lo, " till ' 11rlnU H :.11 ol ong. 'I'huy \\'(ore 81wuys frll'Ott. ot Co vlDgloo, K:v, were v i!!lto r~ ot B m\ll io ns of g e r Dl ~, we only n eed Va y toD, vie \ted r e l.. "ve8 h ere last ovel' lhe WilY thlnl:H hue! t urlh'd IIU\ IIlItll 1.I,,"b)· Ilud Allg III were llIurrlecl, t hi s weoll o f rol~tiveB , - sIL O 111111 PXJl,'CLl'u lIobhy to g il' " III II" you kn ow." Mr. Willlnm Sbldll ker ba8 pnr a draft, ob lll or htl ~:ne to lo wer tbe S an doy. b ody's resl81anoe and tart a oold, Barney K oker flnd wife 8nter. b ~ uSll ully li t! un,1 come " 11 wtl h Ih" "Bill It doesn't seem ri ght wit h Ao· chased Rn OV,erlllutl t 01lring car. At t he fir s \slgu, takE' Dr. Be ll's Pine. tnlned r e la .. ves from UlnoinnaU prle' nf two II I\' ,'v(Jnlng flr,'s~~8. geln ltun \l reds of 11111 S lI\I'ny hy till s 'l'ur. Etoney and don "t let tl " s ommer last Sonday. · 1\1'(' d- A nil''' III SIIII Ilm~. It's ulmost "hnstly If s he dool Mr. J:iaLrY' Cleaver, of Xeuia fln whi ch SIIC l lid not d del .. '''lIllCS bU 'k." bls fathe r , of ()1a rk evt\le, uUon ~, eI oold ',' beoome de E' p seated. The . furi ous, hnll ~ot ns f Rr liS t lI e G rull d us s~h' 11"8 nnt! nO'''I' a Mrs. Mande Wl\rner, Benton, J " n ~cn l slntlon .1J,·tor~ s he Iht1u~ht il •L " It, dotl't tool your!!"lf. I tolc! Dlcll t llU " fUnerli 1 of Amot! I1rl Rn on .. r • pl elll!f,nt ba lsam quulltle. In Dr. Ko, 18 vialtln" ber f'a ther. Rolla Be ll's Pi ne. 'l'ar.Ro n B Y cut the Dnle hel'e. ,fo il BI, Iler llpt l'c' r~lfln ('li t, I)rnhnhly \\'Ilat sh u's told you nut} he just 1IO\\'I d. dliY tilt. pbie,m,. relieveR oongestlon alld al. Yeterlnaty n I ~ ]I at thut 111 Ill'Ut , In Lho 8UII IInr- "hlt'\I be bOl!k In two dnys,' he sotd. Mr sua· Mrs lsan'o ,Ev in S , of lay trlll.. mmation. Ghlld ren illIG J oeeph DanlJbertyaud family vii' lor. . 'Uo\)\)y Is too goud 0 thLtl~ to ld 110.' .x.eni~, were week.pnd gUllSrs of Mr it, used with In008811 by IIlngere Bod I\od hl8 bro tbel' oear Centorvllle Oraduale .. ~ -!ble Ua.....,y /. lIUle strllnquirlDI of her moth. Bobby had n eVl'r III, d cots, nn!! Wily, h c's glyeu 11 r cveryliling In thll dna Mrs. frank Hhlda ker. 1>~blio speakelll. 250 at y our drng las' Sund ay. er where 'wlnl oame from, wa. _old with tJ1C ,,>1rls 'l'1'IIC Lbo p or thing world. LOok lit till s bou 0 1 I'd glv~ Alva Ktlnnedy, Ira F, Syte rd nud gill'. Charley Petellon and wlte, ot thM God made tbem ; as they w!llked wlluld Iltarl'\!. Sh ' ItIU,Rt gil bock 1m· III)' front teeth nud leo of my lite Cyrus De t/ oord motored to \Vestboro WElt Virginia, vl,Hed bll pAI'e ntll, n.long 'hey bappened lo p1l8t1 an el OFFICE: m('(lIately. II i h u 1'1IcI'ked her belon/:· tor II ." Frldn y a nd spent lbddn v flahing! IIno J . M. Pet.rson BDd wife las. Bun. derly laGy of kbout SolO poundB Del, Comer Main and Mill Stneta Ings onel took It tnKl cllh, but, r ll ftecU lI g The voices died nwuy In tbe direction the \l80all uOk Wtl8 ~halrB. dav. . oatman,. the Uttle girl became In. thnt 11Indl~tl In 1\ hntel would be Af tho dlnln " roolD. Ang Iu. B ethlng T......... Anthony Yan ogb8 n 11011 his fUm 'eresM!4 i fllfte, wa~hlnlr tbe bIg girl "ruehed to her own rOO\D. Mr. und . Mrs. WUl. Allen, of milch more 11 tt rnet I\ '0 th 1\ II Inile11 n· " wit h wrnth, weB' of ' own to 'he Freeb Air farm. ol1l of Ilgbt, Ibo turned '0 her Ing CIIr, Mhe d"avu tel the C-olllnlol. "I'll show Illem If I'll eve.r come llllck I" Wayne s vlllo, were In oor olty Friday Wayneavllie. O~lo John RlI.maey lOB' Il ValllBble horB. mlma and exolalmed. TI lere. OR !lIe I I'Xl )PC t CCI, 1111,' I nlor Ihllll she stOl'II\\!Il, "I 'm going Ilwny fo rever." evening IId mlrlng o ur e leet rlo Iigbtf . ODe day JIlBt week, "Mama did you lee 'b... big flit ! • hnlr Ilope·d. ~It " mel u. ,,'W IM!"11I,' sho , But sb locked tile door of her bou. Vh08. UlIlllugb , of Dayt.f'n, trans. Rev, Webe r , who hall been "I.U. lady ?" Bny Ball Ins nran 08 of W . N . Befllra kn lV- niSI) Amll! I,'orf<yl ho. to WhOlD \loll' and threw herself fuco down on n lIoted buslnes8 hora 00 Monday. "Yes I" ~ she told I'verylhlng. Angc11l crtlllcd COUell. Tiro pa ed slowly. She heArd !:levera l fr olll b ere aUended t b e Mlu Ellzil betb Fur ba8 retnr.ed Ing hie daughter, In Owlllbt, Ill., f or " (jod mnsl !aflve mellon' her for 80me lime returned home last Tues8l'mnfllh y! I'olees Rlld lau&ltter llol1'nstlllrs, lind Uti litlllH Com missio n m ee t,log aI, to tbe howe of h er alst er , Mrs. J eSHO day. . twins. Ind .for go' '0 on' her In h'o," _ "I thlni( It's II sha me," (]('Clllr d ~~. froOl tb ' dnrime s ot her OWD room Uol umbu 9, one day Ifls' week, Wrlgb', after a two weekll' visit , ela, "thot s:lrls give nfl . their I· s ho he/ll'a Bobby's door op n utld close Walter Ed l'Va rdll, of Dayton, vis' with relatIves a. Wuynosv llle , ited' Mr. nnd Mrs, F rank Thomal' crL,)' nncl ti e UU' lilNE'I\'OS down tn one li nd ' U\I)n ./llB 'nolsh'JlB In t ho hull. The Eu~ tern ~ t l1 r lodge Initiated Laura R osllagla hos pur MlslI c"w ndl'd"tes" "nd cmte rtained laHt Bundlly,. Puneral Director. m lRnll l n t,'ll'' n hn\' to gnt ~ dO'I'n on Suddellly sIlO spru ng up nnd lluiV to 'hree ' " ~ ohased a basdsome Ile w piano, their bllUllt'it kll l'(,R fo r flwry li ttle lit· Iler own floor, flingIng It open, vlsi~or8 fr oUl WaYDesvllle and New Mrl, Dallo. Palllln)s h as be eo e n tcn tloo. It more \1'O ITl('1l 11 [\(1 n 111.11 "BulJby I" ,Blie ulinos t whispered, Now Bur Ilogt.on, and the bllnqoet Ohio Wayne8vll~~ te r~ a lnlolf her III ter and 411ugh ters. spiri t tbere wOlIlII he mol' ~ u II III'y was hlBh ly spoken·of. , "Forgl\,o m e I" .. of Mrs. P hillips ' nleoes 10 \.hIs worlll 11.111 "''' II wouldo't rid e ne turne on -took her In hIs IIrms. Mr. and Mr8 B t:lnry Murphy and will remain wl~ h b e li for tbe IUW· 1 ~PRAINS, ~JOINTS Physlolaa- WeJl, bnllf your lit· ,, (-KITH.aover lh 10 roughshod," . "DllIIr love I" was nil h e said. a s he t wo dllll &bters , of rrankll n, m otored 1D<\r while their pu nes are 10 . he Yo u oan almost feel I:IIO&n'8 Liol . \(e pig won ' t grow big and fat you "lint," Jlroh'.·led .I.\ nn c. "we olway s trok d her. 11u11', to otn oit,y 'l'lInrsd&y n ight, r etorno we&' for the bilnefit· of tbelr mother 'a . Auto Equ/~t meot pene'rate the lore apo,s, drfLw mast go the ve • . thought n obby wn s rtl l'her !:ten rou (Copy rl6rht. 1917. by th o McCIllI'o Newspa.• log b OUIt! FrldllY mo rni ng, BoOum. beallh. Woman (who haa brought her pel Hone-Drawn EquIpment infiflmmation from 'be wrenohed thnt 18-" II!' dhlu' t finIs h. for ther e p ru- Syndicate,) ,lan led by tb eb pilrent!l, Mr. Ilnd Ednn Buntfl Is !lmong thoSG who knee or ank)e l and eoo'he your pig '0 the doo~or) -Oh, doowr. I ba va '1'11 6 ",nr 'ln Ang,'ln's oye. . Mrs. R.obt . Olur . bruised aohlng musolE'8. 810an'I uo confidenoe In blm, he'l 10 .hln "We.II- he 1811'1," abo IIsseverated. Family Jar. th l' bl\ ve ~h e mel\sles. Tm.EPHON.7 Mrs. Sflr u b Nu ll Rnd ~o n apeD' LinimeDt II more qoioklyeffeotlve. himself. "Dou't think II I" "I mlgllt hal'o <lono better thllO to RBY !:3mlth. r epreaentlug · Thor wI'r ... 81\1110 thlnge she "'nntcd . m'arr,)' you!' "Well. den' t bin me me Weste rn Ob fo Vrea me ry Comp'lny , rbUr o ily ,,,it h fdr . ~nd Mrs. Ueo. oleaoer and easier \6 apply tban to '!ret ofte.r Innch. Slto ~il9 ~Ind no\V (or your lock at busl ncS8 nelltDen, In· of ( r ee nevi lle, transaot ed bl1l!l n es~ l:lull at 11lsir hOlufl neur Ce nte rvllle. plaatofll or olotmenls, I, neUber s l eln) o f nec l,tlnll Lho Il,·~ t olf'r thtlt In ou r vi ol nl ty ono dllY J~st week . Mu. Annll A r ohd eAoon , of Five ologs 'he pore. nor s&lliol the skin, ALL 'KINDS OF cnnt o olon g. yntl sho ull1 hl\\'o udvCl'Wl\\iem Lovan h!l8 purohn ad n Poi n t , I1l1s b een visiting h er sliter and needs no rubbing. Ge' fl bottle V. BARNHART, now for aobes or rbeuml\tt ~ m. Deu tilled tor sen lecl hlds ontl proposals." ro~d8ter uf ·the Uverla nd agoncy, of MrB. June ·Langdon . rllig la, 10illbago ae well as nil I'X · C~NMOT Mrs. JaD e Lllngdo'b aDd Mr@. Anna 'ernal pains, At your drllggl!!b, aCio .. - • Wllmiot,:ton·. Notary Publl~ . with LOCAL APl'l.ICATIONS, 89 they A. r c hdeaoon Ilpent ~bo we!! k:- ond 500 lind $ 1.00 U. E . Levloy baS purohased BU· Ctlllllot rencb the S, "t or .tlte disc~sc . Cat· E ..y to ItemIze. Alllktn411 of Nota..,. Wcwk. WUlIf otbe r O ve rland tQuring ca r . lIe Is wi~h relll t ivos In Oayton. tarrh is " Io.:al disctl.,. . ~ reQU y InAuellced Pntl ent-"One th ousolld flollore I a ve ry ~ uco " 'll ftil aoto stllee mn.n . D r . Emily WriRht wade a bos l by constitutionol cOIl!iiUonr" and III order uu1Deeda a ~~. 06S3 t rip to Go lum bu s Obe 11I.8t of t be to cure It Y"u DllISt, lake all lIIter",,1 relll' Would you mInd Iteml""l!; the b1l17" We b!l ve II I onr olty a, t e nt IIbow weel!: . ed HlIlI's Cat urrh Medicine Is ttlkell I,, · Doctor-" rtnl nly not ; twenty·tI\'e le!~11 aud acta thru tile blood on t1!e dollnrs tor tbo oJ)orllti On Itself, fl v., t hat will exltllll' t or o ne wDel!: . Our R ev. ~Iogley visi ted fri ends 10 muco~ surfaces uf the system. Rail 5 hundrc!/l for my rt'pllloll()n Dtld tho ~OWD It! noted for b eiog tl. good ' .h ow Day to n one day 16st WOOR. CaLatrb Medicine was prescrilJed by one relllllinder becllusB YOll hllve qll! mon' tOWIl and n Oll I,ut t he ve ry btlst at Elinn Tb o mps on spont t he week. lemp t t eat"I' l ur Rute;. of the oot phyaicilll1. in thi", . ou.!trr for el'."-j;I~t~e.~_ _ .=~==-_ Waynesville, 0 eo d with frlood In )j'raokllo . 111. It b (ompo~d of som~ 0 Ibe • - • Mr . and Mra . Horloe Oomplon Mr. Fred 8liu ne, /Jllr populnr gro. tonic. ImowlI, combh,cd ~.. th 1Ici,llie _ Miss Etb ol UlbsOD, of Bellefon · tertllla.d 50 lIuPIJer Bahuday e v,lD. oerym .. n, i ~ <luite siok a t tb ls writor the bloat blood purlfie r~, 1 ~c l)Crre~ 1 Lel'. Draw lhe Veil. toln e nnd Miss Faul Bauls left In (li Mr Jelse Hill, 01 New Burling. OOf"f~ Whco 11 wornnu decla res for puhll- Ing comJliulltion of the ingcedICnts III H ,II • Tue~ d .. y fo r Lotonla, K y .. to IlUend too and hili lady friend, MIla Leola duc (~lllrrh Medicine Is whut I't<l ~uch ClItion t hnt s he cu n tuke 11 IIIlUI nud Mr , li'r'>Dk Barris r eturn ed b l'lm f.\ the wedding of tbe I,. ttor 's blo'hel, A, Klol{, of Fa irmooot, lod , ___ ':!!~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wonderflll I t~U1t S .in ca lnrrhu l CO" Itl!)II'. dress for n 11I\rty In 13 mlnutoR It Is troID th e (ha nd l od~e beld tlt SilO. Mr. '1', E . Bllnis to Mis! Ewiog. Mr. R, E. J OD!:!. ' bad 118 'heir : ler tC'lwnotllllls free. I I I hIt I CHaN IlY & CO., Props .; Toledo, O. Ilssu med thnt S Ie se t e r Rlor n d USK Y !lnu r ep orted il very enjoya. · Send F Mr. 'a':;d Mrs. Will ]J:as~on and son, guel\.ts t!anday Mr. Bnd Mra, W . E . · 'lil DrllgglslI, 700. . the buill or clotbes, or botb.-Kllbonrn ble. time, Norman of Lansdown, PII, are (Jompton and Mr. And Mra. Am08 DR. J. W. MILLER. Hall'. Fnqlilv Plits eM cOllul pll!lOn. Evenls. visiting 'tbe former"tI pareotl Mr, Compton , of New Burlington. IIDd Mre. A, D. EastolG, llr. Zlmrl BBitlos' e ntertained Mr. Mr. &od Mta. John Wagner and and I\1rs. Robert MoMmaD and Mr . daughter spant tbe first of Ihe week Luther Warren ,nd hI. friend Bun. . , with p , A, G roby ao,1 taDlil,. '. day . !f~BlfIa. J. W . Hadley s peo'D the week. end W . Fl, BOlllln and family aooom· !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!i!!~!!!!~!i!~~~ p!l1Jted bv his lather' lind 1D0lher ,! Mre . A. E1 . Hllrlan Is 'tbe gne~' of with home folk s. Mr. fIlnd Mr•. l~ eo, Bogan au'oed to - - - ~- - - her daugbte r, Mr!.', .J. C . Plokin, of Springfield cemetery Sua.d.• , after. Dayton. noon , 'I'be trlends of Rsy Barvey teo. Mles Mar, Compton, of Day to D de red hIm . " 8urprlse t:!undllY, It STOP THAT SUMMER COUGH ie visltlnl a~ ~orlloe Co~p&O's aod belog h l ~ birthday unniv 8 rsa~y . Wo lI8ve ooogbe aod IrlpJlY feel . V, T. Barnel's thts wee., Member8 ·J f . t.he E~ste rn 8t/\r of Ing8 In warru welith e r becaase oolda Horaoe Compton aad famUy Bnd t'hts plnoe ' atten<\ed ludg" In !:tor. a rb germ dl8el18e8 T~a". why we ~eyebur l\ Wednesdt>y nlg bt of las t sho uld bll' e Dr. Klo'Er 8 N ew D1800 V. Mr. and Mrs. Rlilelah BOIrRn. Miss week . ery h .. ndy. I t's antlsoptlo IDgre. Leola Kin g a~d MIM~ Mary Uompton dinner at Job!) Bill '" Bnodal'. e E . MoIntlre Is drivin g n ne w die nts fiRht tbe grow \tl of germa tooll: MI9S l..eIah Bogan Is able to be 0'0. a Dd 1008en t h eir h{JI ~I . h'8 Inxatlve ford. ' . agl\in afte!: beloR oonfiDed lo ber Wm. Barla n wag a m e mber of qualltleli IIlIpel th8~e germs and bome wl~ b Il alvere cold . this yel\r'lj grDdua'Iog cla88 of Ellrl. olelSnSfI tpe ' sYltem, You t:I&n fee l He pleasant balsallns Bootbe tbe Mr. and Mrs. Robert .S'aoley and bam Vollege . Infitlmma'ion , h eal tiR80es 8&rslne3 t!lmily vllll'ed his pllrenM Mr, lind 'Miss Erma MeDdenb r.I1 , of t h e by oo tlgbing and prl)mo'e res' Bod Mre. !i'ranll Stanley SuudllY . ~raduattog olase . of Wilmington sleep . Millions'of bot'tle~ sold . 500 J . B. Leaming hlld a bill! a"aok oollege Is bome for the 8QUlIDer. $1 00 a~ your druggis' Used for with hlB h ear' Friday, but he III Miss ' Edna Voyle Ie a t ttlnding nearly 50 ye&t., . alow lY'1wpro vlng. 8UII'mer AOhool at Wilmington. The two home beautifi¢rs~ Mr an'd 14·1'11. J:Dllah Davis vlsl'ted . Mis. Leola King, of Fairmoun', tbeir dauKhter MH. Howard Hurle, ~o. .n,&nd 10d' l Is ihe guest of frieD de hero. one day llil' wee1r: 'Tbe C. E . beld " bUlline•• meetlog Mean • .Open C:ourtyard. th, Bnd Mr.. Benry Crew aUeDded and 800111 1 at tha home ot Mrs. Tbe worfl "mnngrr" occurs onlr In the (unHal of an auat -' Barny •• EII'er Comp'on Wednesday eveninl', ~onn ec tlon with the birth of Ohrlst ntlfl burg I:!alurd",... 'Dr . aDd Mra , Whitaker, Mise Jen. 18 1n the second chnptrr of Luke. The Qoile II merrl party of yoon8 , Flo,n!rs about the home Dever fail to lend a charm, nle Reeves, Mill. Sbrl:ver and Mra word In ·classlctll Greok ~e.008 a crIb peopie 'pena a pJeaun' tlme a~ aDd make the home more attractive,--and in the same l ' re\v or 0, Ehydook .'tended Ii meet. or teedl ng, trougb. M~ern aathorltlee Boraoe Compton'tl Sa'urda-y even. lUI' of lhe GreeD Ooanty Red Vroes bold tbot Its RlgDlftCllnce 10 the New Inl, n was \n 'he n.laN 01. aurway.the UIe ot. Hanna'. Green Seal Paint brlghteDa \0 Xenia Wecln8lday evening. Kd~e T Clltament 18 tho opea courtJ'ard ol an prtlNltor Mlu Klo,. of l'ajrmoDu', aDd beautiflea. Chao allUy' .q1eipberll have beeD Io~ 'Or IIlulD. . Ind ,who . a ' ,,1.I'lIi, lhere orer Wher.ver this paint Is used dirt ~d dingiDe88 I80IUed for a branoh here. I:!OOd4J, must dilappear, deeay and deterioration of property Is . L, L. MoNell 1I able &0 be out -------.-~ ~ and a much more attractive home Is always . .ala th.~.wt. . Th. fUDlral of Clarlnoe .WhltloD ..........p _ _ plaoe 110m &b. ... 111. olluroll, I ~~~:=r.~~I~':1le cit Jill 80f,.D II lA tilrl:r ..

~ r··_. -··. _

···. ···. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. _·__.


Buy aR I! )n @nrnnoeOf W . N. BOBri. Mr . 'iUd Mrs. IWjll h 'nm)lo Ill , of Will1l lngt,uD, wore t:;unduy g nes t@of Mr . alld Mr~ . Adllm (J,mlpbell. blldre D'M D y WOR o bserved bero on u oday nt th M. E. ond Frlelld" e huroh . T il e progmm wu" ",,,II Ollr rl edout tlnd \'er y rnuch en j oyod . MII@~ers Lore n anrl Loe BOHr:<tlpr. of N (,r wl1oll. nro 8(leUlI Ing t,lio !lUlU me r ,~ILll th lr grLl odm ollHll', Mr~.



~"l ltug



Is hard to get at any price, but our stock is complete. Come in and talk over your need. with us at


Madden's Lumber Yard I


Corwin, Ohio.


Dr. J. A.


M~y, .

. .(








.- .













InSUR1IneE Walter Chandler



- - - --.--NEW 'BURLINGTON

... ...




.. ...- --

HaDDa's Green Sea). Paint





r. ~',






f·1 ( .. · ann ' a m @ -

trnuo,rql Sf • MARY'S

Quite Li ke ly. '


AI \ A l'1701 i1llolt\U .1.';ul,tI hI \l 11 It Hsn\lIli~. Illlf tlo <11I liuC'k un n . u'\wh II B U lll'h ,lit hl!'o'ltJ,:. IlL' I~ ~.,I

~ ,.

P ,



Ih'I' 111111 \\b,'" IIIlh' , lI1.u


",' II<-r" I<1

:06 A.



l J111' II I Il.



lJI, Jl)l'UIH frum ~1~ I~U1 tl l\ billt rd.

A Rcal Croo k.

"J1 ~

",liS nlll'lt Y~ "roul<('(\:' rl'T11l1 rk",1 Old 1','(\111. ~Jll'Ilkl n l: (If tH' of hl ~

t he ('n,'mll's. ",\ , n lilly I,,' W,\~ !'Il,l'rnol''',1 j l hot be u ~rd I 1'\11 trlepbl1n(' !;hl !;~ III I. hi S 0\\, 11 fU " ln ;;~ hunl(."

Tril', June 24' $1 11'010Round Wavne 'f llle

SpecIAl Train Leave

AIl,I. Ill>


_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - .



;":nlivlty Suint John [nptt, L JU'IlC' ~ L ~lI nd y School at 1)::\0 1\ m: Mornillg l'raser anti ('rln on at 10:30 In t h ' 9vl' nin ll t .:;30 thort' will b a 8 rvi 'e in the I dge rOl1m at till' Milson T~ml'lr cOlllmem <.oral !"" of the day. 'L'h~ rertor . W h ll i ~ al~o the ch. plain of t tJe h d~c. a nd the choir '1f St. lary 's Church wi ll , ha " ('h a r~e o fthe ,'n·ice. Tn this S CI'· ,'jeu 1111 1lrc inviteJ, W0 I1 ,,' 11 119 \\'(>11 as men , EVeryiJody invil ·J lu 1111 lh l!SC !;len-icc".

Idea 0 1 An cien t O ri o ir•. A ll ," ' I)t,ll'S In 1111 1lfn l :-O 11:1 \ \' ~t'r' n j on Infl mflio ('H n lh'~' l1 l1 n 1" l u\.' ,'n Ilhl

Is the policy of the

! moon It l lll

TRI-ST ATE BUTTER COMPANY CINCINNATI, OHIO , Ove!' 20.000 farmers in Ohio. Kentucky a nd Ind iana a re ell· Inll' us Sour Cream, averaging them over 40 cents per poull d fo r Bu t· ter fat during May . No shipper ever lost a Dollar d ealing witl1 u s . Ask any TRI· STATE patron wha t he thinks of lhe TRI · ~TAT E or let us send yo u FREE TRIAL CANS PREPAID for thirty days t ri a l. Yo u can ship on any train- day or night and every shipmen t is g ua ranteed against lou or damage in transit and paid for Spot Cash .



CINCINNATI, . OHIO RESPONS.I B L'E,":SA F E, PER MAN EN T Sell us your Sour Cream and let us churn the butter.


:\I\i lllltl

I nut! v 'Il,'lnhl<.

"E, ,·.. 111 111 ." "IIY~ L1H' f\" W ·uI' k.l It.'tli eu l .' Hurll ". " til l' ( IU ' t nns \vhl c'h ("P llh' 111 ( . \11' dl,' Il1tt1"k4 " OW\.., UIt',r t 1 x( 'l.'Ilt '11I'I' r ~ ti lt: f n I II H'r'~ I ('u re-ru t ('ttnJlllwli d ll ( If I.) Jl ll ll u ~ l i me wllh tl .,· jI "lI~ l' ,f Ilr l' '''''' '''.'' :O; UI' Ir h U\'l\

l1 nl'OI uH ' jIlU-; 11 11 1111 .... 11 11 IH' I ,~ ,-"' rvl's

th'l ' U

}o>l l


t 11111

l d j'lI !i Jl Illit',

U lli \ ' t'I''':l 1


Ullom: th f.lI J.:; h 11tH JI1i1 gll ll" Hl II !: I.\' Hl.' urll t h ~ 1II

LIS ut., unl .

The E Asily S at isfi ed . I nrll'NI It cI (" ·~ 1111, . ' ,,11 .. I "d ~ .r. pro·. I'l l' to ",nk,' n \\'01'101 . " 1' ,' \'1 ' 1\ tloI,' g'n l ' (len R»o t nf It r'.I· Ihllt 111:0 110'1. nnll oc cnsl " "lIlly In 11111' dul ly 11 ,, 1\, II·•• . '·UII neru s " I",r "" of 110, ' 0 '1'" li lt .. 1\·(>1 th nt ho hil S II .. t 111','01 I" " :1 111 II'Ir " n rot l'rr.'cI to III l!r.' i,,, ,,,:r 11>\ II l'~.o llllll~n t society mll n.-Olrlo Stotl' .11111111111,


fl'R ED'S

Big Store

rl'lI i lfll l lh ·"<.

Mea' r o .•1. O. CRrtwri llht. . Mal· ti t. C. I\\. Hnuit.zr r . F. H. ·Furr. J. II. Pene ', J , 1'. Ellis und H . A. or· Il cll II' nl. Lo L ' !lImon 1 nrJay I'V l' n· i ll !!, lo uttend U Ill , .. ting o f . · c otli ~ h Hltc ,1ubooH' A ii i \l iiUIlI I('r \ ~ . cr\'cu at 7 (I ·clock . nftpr which lhe " hjcct of' th e 1lIt:!<' tin~ \\' fl~ named • 'vernl 111 ' mber .. of· Lh e Oh iu COl1sis ton ' {rulli Cillcillllali \\' {'I'll presenl .llhi mad e rhl t' tll l k~: The (lhjed uf tllll mcoti n\{ IVns t o form a ·!tlb of , co tti ~ h ltite mt:mbers in Wllrr 11 Co unty. and to tills ntl a t emporary u rganization wag form ed . ::i. 1\\. -'ellers . of Lebanon. was made prcs idcnl. and ,I . O . ' ortwrip: ht s cretflrv of I hl' or~"lli 7. ati on . TllI' Y will 11I!'('t ~ ' lIlll III1lI nUlk ' 1\ vr rlll n nt orh'u nt zal ion .





Prof. .Jl\m ~s r~ RioI'. III clHHlle 0 1 vooltry II OsbtllHlry \1 t 'or nol I U ul vtlr~ltv, wlil S IJUU k lit tbo ~eoO)nd till · 'lUR I n llid day of Ih e ( lill) ['ou ltry B ' . A p~o c IInlOO ' •v U b e h " Id R l ' rElO(, IUII I tile bi o Exper lmeu t Htnt.i D. 'Voos tor J UO B 2l Me!,!lOtl8 uf 8o l ~cti o l! ro '~ls Il~d ~roDdi"g t OI' egg prod uc . Iiou will be JiSCllHscd by t b ls ew 'X nrk expe rt.. Experiments 10 eltg produ otion tlnd ohi ck f eedIDg of lote rest t o 1J')O ltrYIlIeu aro oow un d er WilY nt. t ile Agrtool t urtll Experl mell t ttltiO Il Tbe mo r e Iml'ortt\nt resolis thu~ 'far obta in d will be potn t.e<I ou l t o vis· I'or s. Everyolle iutorested lu puul . HV is In vltfl t! to !lttoud th is ga t h er. Ini; . '( In tl.te c1 uy fo ll owing it\ tll e " " 011111 \Y btl.!t fl eld Mcetlog 8 & the ~xt10rlment tBl,lou.


the changes we are about to make an~ the need of cash to pay for the Incoming goods, make It imperative for us to make the sale .at this .t lme, although our goods are worth more at wholesale than we .re seiling at retail. In t week's issue we will give prices. on a small part of our stock only, as 'Will be impossible to enumerate every item, opportunity for the people of Warren County to buy for This will be a " 'their present and future' use and save m9ney. The good will of the thousands who wUl participate in this sale w ill more than compensat e us for our loss in legitimate

profits. :


Cedar Stamps will be given during this sale as usual; but st 1mp books cannot . However we' will pay $2.50 cash for every stamp book turned in during this sale and when the sale is over the books will be worth $3.00 in merchandise. as usual.

be turned in for merchandise during this sale.

'NOTICE- 2 per cent of the cash sales of the mammoth sale

will be given for War Purposes, to be divided Into three parts.

·On. port,l on will be tendered to a ~orthy Institution whose regulatIon. will notipermlt us to state the name, one portion to the Ladles' Auxiliary Company E, O. N. c., and 'one portion to com' plufy' E. O. ". C.,'to· be carried out on the following plan.


Every cash ' sale slip during this

Mammoth Sale should be given by custo mers to either the Ladies' Auxiliary Company E, or to the members of Company E . We wUl ~ve a per cent 9f the gross amount to be divi,d ed as above stated.


t;cb ool ti t 9 :15 11, m : Murnlll l{ WOfbh lp 11 \ 10 :ao. Th e pastor will preoob 'lI ~ p ec itll ~ e r lU o n on "Patrlotls Ul " Rev. Beall \s oon or the lD os t loquen t pr eacht' r I\n d deep, logica l tOln ker s wh o hllV Il ever ocotlj.ll ed t llid pn, pU. Yo u wi ll !ulss II rtlre tr ou t If y ou fall to h ellr t o ll! ee rmo[l . T he /l[lU UIII Cblld re n '8 Day I'x er. 0 1 8"~ will lHi held I1 t 7 :;)0 pm . YOU nnd 0\1 , our f riead!' nre m Oll t oordl"lIy Invited t o ~tte [)d oil til se 8e rvl ce~ .

--- _.- ..- - -


(tn.. 'rllen, n ' I'ul t, he II '1 cd

1\11(1 ~u

IIU N hltl~ 1'\11111\1 Oil "11 '

111111 h ow ruuny ('fU·tl·l<lgI'S h e lin d 10 iris rille. Qukk;H! Ihoug h t ClltIIl! 'the St . John' s Day will be observed n 'llly: "'~c"cu In t ' tlu cnu aud o ue Sunday. June 24th. by Waynesville up I ' :PI)ut. _ "__ e _ _- --

Lod g e No . . 168. F. & A. M. atthe tem ple at 7:30 p . m . Chaplain J . F Cadwallader will have charge or the service. Tbis service is intended for the public and they are cordially in· vited to be present. St. J ohn is a pal ron saint of the Masons. and every Mason with his family o ught t o come ou t in honor of the day , Mr. Harrv Breen. of Le banon . will be the soluis t for Lhis occasion. Mr. Breen is a n oted so prano soloist. and is ve r y fi ne and .everybody ought to hear him. His acCOml)anist WIll be Mrs F . B. Sherw.ood~

Dante Used Few Superlatlvel. A r .. nfrlhlll"l· 10 th~ Hnllnn rev I w. IIII n(·....... with tltlll' t~ spu re, Ira!' Illude I II COlln t


"Uh~ I' " lth'c" l\ lI(l

mljc 'lI vc

, In th e Il'n rl,s of Virgil. Dilute and LeonardI. Tn th ... 5 I'olu l book <If Ule A c uhl . wh ich con",lns the lrll l! 'of Troy: Ihere 11 1' (> 1.(\:17 nOllns untl 589 u,lj cc t!I" ' s. Tn n , ~ n t ,, 'R "Dlvlnn Com· ~dln." ( lilt nf tho 0.215 adj ecti ves whi ch It ,' ontn lns. onl y 17 IIrc In th e

--_.- ---

8\1)lcrl utin"

_--_e:=".__ ...___





¥I.I !1;);),lJa R ,~ U h\ ln .tJJlh II • I 11 lOCj • J O;) n SU S l . I 'AII ~I S. III 11.J1n(l

-;)Jd Tl

JOJ ~lm l!il~Xa .I ·lIll l!! HIIIl SII ~pUIII ...I 1I:l1 1t.\\ '1ll,IIIJ)1Ild l J;lauo:) mil 110 lP(l.11 ~ 111 ollln . •IJ O} Olqll no 'II ~" ,'I illl 11l11l' ll nS{>J • III l llloll I ';)08 I' I (U~.J ",.l'llllll.IL till SU SUIO/)J l'flllIlU Chas . Sears has Bold his farm at .;).1 IlInOl(lJpfl '''II JO Oli O III qof II no )( (10'\ aau'! 1'1.' Ri ll • IIIS('I'I JO ~ 1I ferry t o Frank Rudduck. 01 Har.• -\lUI) III mlh\ 0 '1.11 .11'11. I 11.110 \1)\' 11'1.1\ V • veys burg. This is one of the bes t fa rms in 'UOlld wn s uo:> SlU 3 MJd DU l6 uIS that section and Mr. Rudduck is to • be conR'ratulated on his purchase. ~ -=.......::-:===== W. N . Sear!l Waynesville's au·c· ti oneer and real· estate man, made the sale, ' u Oll (ltnn$lItl~



---... ...---

Watermelons Strawberries


P inea·llples. Oranges . Apples , L em ons , New Tomatoes. N ew Cabbage . White Fish, N e w Crc.a m Cheese,

Wm . C . Mills. of the State Museum. made several of our citizens a call Thursda y . Mr. Mills was a friend of the lat(\ To; J, Brown, and the}, .made frequent vi ~its in this locality to places of interest to archeologists Mr. Milia has made a fine collection of thtl state mu's eum in almost all of its branches .

Cukes. Fl9lcy New Potatoes. P u re Paris Grllcn-Special price .on large qul\lltities. Fancy Prunes, Apricots . Peaches Big So.ur Pickles . 8weet Pickles , Baked Beans, s ll k inds and sizes


this week-Big fllncy Rice, worth 12,Y.c, Spe, cial 5 pounds for 50c.


7Ie MammolJa. Sale ...... &llilrii;,,}une





S. fRED COMPANY Leban~D, Ohio

The Mammoth 8,ale begins SaturdayJune 30, ends Saturt/Qy, July 21.

Real Estate'





11~ I1 E

busilless I ha ve prod ltl'ed should prove my ahi lil ' t o g t yo u til ' hes t restdls. ~\; ,'! . If you It a \' a fnr~1I to sell, ()J' thit,k of mak .'.' ing a publ ic sak, cO lli e iu and talk it over wit h me. 1 h u\'e mudc 'tb esc li nes a sp cial study for some t ime, k cp posled on the ma rkets , and havc a large acqua in tn n('c--th is gets) a u lhe pric ._



H es~d

Natura l Aristocracy. ('lclIl uut 11\ m od rn I~ "nd ullll tedly 'gulnlug 10 ! t l'P.lI glh ey el';' ~'''' ''I '' lind th ere' Is no goo(\ I'cnS'1II ffll ' I rlm ontl ng Its udvnn co. BlI t It 1,'111 11, ·, '(, 1' tift nwny ' wl t h the nll ~" .. rr l l l ris t O" " II/'Y ,;'hlch hilS !tuld\! kill In I he r tll lt lllt'l , r bu siness th e en· dowment 0 1' 11, (' rr cq ul slllon of n few. rhe wCII I(ll~~" of co·nllern t\ve produc, tlon thu s rn l' I",s lr ~ ('I' Its' und er ·

Th e Jod d.\'

Tin Cans ,. Glass Jars. Sealinll Wa:x . Heavy Jar Rubbers, Tin LIds . Parowax . We have the goods . Let u.s have your order s.

It pavs to trad'e at


Ih' IUCoC I':l IIe

vnlun!lon "r Ihe II1l1nngcr.-Nlcllolas Poille Gilman.


OOL WANTED I want to 'buy your Wool and will pay you ~be highest M:ar~et Price • . .

C'all Me by PhQne




KOHLHAGEl'\ is an expert ]wekr and Opticia n . He has worked in ma n y large .. shops in Switzerland and tlle Unit U' ' tat~s , a nd is amply pre ptw~ d to rCRair yOllr Walch or Clock or fit your ey s . Come in and see his large line of fine Jewelry and Novelties.

Mulberry St.

-:- : Lebanon, O.




H. E.

We are Headq uarters for

Oils and Greases of all kind.


We a re Headquarters for


We are Headquarters for

. Fairbanks'Oil and Ga. Engine. Fairbanks




• We nrc Headqu!lrters for

Clairmont Stoves and Ranges We are Hendquarters for

Oil Stoves a~d GardenT001.



Select. a Big One. Almost OIWIlYS, /when ooe of our tending- orators or promloent prlvllte cOllvl!rsutloollllsts ' utinouncc~ thot be Is going 10 state somothlng In a nut· shell. he proceeds to select one II t least liS big us n coconut to 'do It In. ---~.-

Our 'store will be close all day Friday, June ' 29, to ·.m ark down our merchandise.

All kinds of

Ruod ~y

th,'IlI th" 11 11 111,· ' of all tlte port. nud ttlell' U ~ I·~ . t I.., 1 1l1l1{1I~1tl<' . I h ' boli. IJI(! llt(II'I;. IIr



A ll His Wor k W.sted. A mll :;!;,'I I'Y IIIMlrl!:'lo r III tire norlh l,r \0:111;1"11,1 h'lI l HIH'1I1 II \lall"lIt hour wllh II ~(]1I111 1 r n·'·l'lIItH. CX'1l11l 11l11l1l nil "Ioout a rill!'. 11,' 1",,1 It''III't'~~(!ot upon


$100,000 WORTH OF . MERCHANDISE AT SACRIFICE P RICES ONSISTING OF ABOUT '22,500 WORTH OF MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTH I NG AND FURNISHING' GOODS : ABOUT. 20,000 WOR1'H OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S, BOYS' .AND GIRLS' SHOES AND O_' FORDS; A BOUT .. 37,500 . '! wORTH OF CLOAKS, SUITS, DRESSES, KIRTS, WAISTS; · \Vo ~mN'S , ~ISSESt AND GIRLS' HATS AND FURNISHI NG G OOD~ ; DRY COODS, NOTIONS, SHADES, CURTAiNS AND CURTAIN GOODS, CHINAWARE AND HOUSt FURNISHINGS; ABOUT $20,000 WORTH OF ' F RNIT URE, .. . ~---"~~~~~~~:--~,_: . PAPER, OIL, GASOLINE AND COAL STOVES ing in the store wi]) be ?old at reduced prices (excepti ng only contract goods). Notwithstanding the unprecedented market cC?nditions and the unheard of advance on every item in our store, we are forced to make the sacrifices in prices for the following reasons : Owing to the continued advances on every article ill our store, we have ao_tit:ipated our wants for Spring, Summer and Fal\, 19J 7, and have bought liberally, .but the unsettled conditions owing to the war, .the depres. ing long winter with its high cost of everything and the unseasonable spring weather have cut our business ill half. And, while the merchandise on our shelves is worth today from 25 to 50 per cent mole, we need tb,e cash to pay for the goods which are now arriv,ing daily for the Fall 1917. Another difficulty is confronting us-tbe Village of Lebanon bas already let the contract and work will soon begin on the paving of Mul berry ap.d Mechanic Streets which will blockade traffic on both of the streets in front of our stores and • bound to affect our business for the next four months . , We have-also recently leased the room now occupied by .A·pking's Dal>ery adjoining our present clothing a nd shoe rooms and as soon as we get . possession, which will be in about 1wo or three months, the entire buildin g will be remodeled. The brick walls between, the buildings will be taken ou~, the roof, ceiling a nd walls , l'8ised, which will necessitate the moving of at least one half of our sto ck auu' erowd us. for room and will expose our entire stock to the dust and dirt. . Dull business, the paving of the streets In front of our stores,

EIlp:liah Fr i e n rJ~ have appeal d to 'A m"rican P'ri 'n rI~ for aid to . a ny 011 tit work thl."Y h ave been doing lite pa~t th re years in beha l r of ~ u ( reri llJ{ humflnity ill Eu rOlle . 1'l ,iI lwo Fri end, ' Ch urehe~ of W3ynesv illl~ ,have tlppointed cOIil millol's and l h e~e hava organ ized II 1:1 jOhlL committee to sc,\klt fun ds 1111l(l 1l ~ th ei r l\I e tnbe l' ~ I ' lp . This work Itu. t l " ~Ul 'Li ('n or tltv liO ertllncn t. wlti ·h ~ i\l<!~ U. Fri<!lIds lho pr i"i lege of !lending the fi r s' \tcco nst l' uclion l nit to F ranI' . Thi~ Unit wil l be . COml)O~ e d of one hundred voung l1Ien w ho a rt! mem o bers of the Soci ty and w ill be linaneed by the Ame r ica n Fricnds They wil l work unde r t he Civil ian Hrnnch of t ho Hed Cross, wh ich is not s ubject 10 mil il a ry a uth ori ty. thU R o(lllning' II lill' o f wor k con isL" nt with I he pcace atti t ude !,'ricnJ s h lw e alwav llIuin tain ed . Any on e ill Ryinllllt hy with t his work i ' Illvitl'r\ to ('olltribll f e. Tho loenl cotnmitl '0 ha~ \)Ian l,s which mIL.v be filled l1ut by IIny une w ishing to join nit No. I . to u\!gi n l rll ini ll \S July 1st u t Have rford College. I'a .


The Real Danger. "Father, ~ould yoa advise me to' mllrfY a girl for her mOlley?" "I 'Wouldn't, DIY boy; -~ut If you've made up your mind to do It I would ad,tae JOU Dot to let ber find It out."

------.. ...-----~

We are Headquarters for

Binder Twine,Gardeh Hose, etc


~==============~=J )tHE Sc, tOc AND 25c S'fORE WHIZ PRODUCTS GJas~ Polish-the thing to clean Windows, W indshields, GJ.Slr ware, BathtuQI, Paint, l\1arble, etc, Krystal SoilaH-Removes all staios from the hands. Roadside Haod Cleaner-Liquid form, t~~ thing for Butoists, Stove Polilh-Botbliquld aod paste.

All these' Products .................. Ioe:


6 Pages

6 Pagel

Remember t he 4th

Remem~er the 4th

4 - -------------------~-----WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY Jl NE 27, 1917

Sixty-Ninth Y ar

A mad d og W IU! on our sh'ellt s SuturdllY aolol{ sOUle dUl u"Il(' Bod oreallo" qoHe a ~ care . T be dog WII~ k i lltld liod au. Vt;ltllllflrllHl m"L1 e II pOll t. morlulD und IITonono ced It rob. les. Fred M. ~ hliu e stili r eD1~l n " very C!augerl).lsly alok, but 18 Improvin g vsry slowly. UI~ IOll ny trl 8 n d~ h QIJ" for him Il ~p a e d y r eoove ry . 1:118 s\ot'e la bel n g lookl'd lifter by F. L. Bllrrl8 Ilnd A. T Mole r. ' tleveral of oor yoong Ill\Ople nttended" d~noll tI\ !:lprln g Vlllle y ~'rl' dllY nlgbt. ~ Btlrn\l'~ & Bull ey's 0lrou 9 be ld Itt Dayton drew t be 0 8 u~1 number 0 1 Beeken nf '\ntelllg ll uoe "nd "II reo portell" fin" tlwe. MIs8 Puul,lne Boddie I ft for b el' home FrldllY aft,,,r !p3nding IL we" k whb hef oousln, Misil Loui se N WIlIOD. MI88 ElIlI"beth HandaU Ie board . Ing Ilt the Friends Howe. A bllnd of ou~Il\w, OI\Ule s trollin g In'o our quiet little olty on "' rldoy, and trIed to tuke pO@llo8slon ot every. thing ID I4lgbt, blH they wor~ o8bertld 00 throogh ODr tuwn to Intest tlJe farmers "IODg tholr r out e Bod Will . I:5hldaker WIIS tbelr vlotlm stealing (rom him and 'he \'9OIl1'on tllklng p OM8e~lIl o li of tbe b onae but IAt, 11Int time Mr~. Bhidaker apl'etLrel'l upon ihe Boene with Il rolllug pIn and no dODbt from b r looks aDd aotione they could aeo "prep"redn eRs" "nd 'hey went In,o ollmp On f!atarday morning they broke oamp Ilnd 8tart. ed for Olarllsvlllll, bnt a m Ie bird delivered the IDtelltgenoe $0 the ,C.1.rbvllle authoritlo8. and when ,he outlaw8 reaohed the oovered brid,e tbelr mar8ball, a Ull D of iroD nerve, Inr ,roled lbem to ~ove on and DO' .'op. Tbl. was done ncoordiog to ordArli. May every mU. n1oill"II'y pattern aftsr them . and tbey ' will no' be allowed tJ IIlIght Mr. ~1I •• Jndy, of BaD Ant,onlo; Tex., .pent '" oouple or dllo18 'be I(UNt of Mr. and Mre. Frank I:5hlda ker. Juue"" Murphy of pear Leba. nOD, 18 she Mllea~ relatIve. for a fonDlgb'. \ . The uewl ot Mr Cbu Bbidall:er's marriage '0 a Mrs. l:Iay.llt, ot Lob. aDon, reached 'Os, aod 1'90 wlsb for Sbem both a 1'r08pSr0'l1' and slife voy.,p " The • Bowers Comedy oompany ___ afkr one week'. IIDCOl8Sful work, Ie" fnr Wllytreivt\le to 60llgh\en shem ID Sbe Way<! I)f tbe world. GUT aD.d Serber. Carr 8re speu"IDg thelt' .nmmel' vac,,\I on WIth "ma aDd pa d(lWD OD Sbe tum. ,. Mr and Mrll Emmett MoCarron and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MoCllrroll vlsUed frlendl! 10 Brown ed'On'y on BUnda,. Mr. and Mrll. E lnu ColHer and Mr. aod Mt'II. Clln& Sberman l! pent· So udal' In Cincinnati aod wblle tbpre vl.Usd tbe Z o. . Rarry Lindsey, of Cioolnnatl, was a 8uel' of Will Rliinell I tI~t week. MI1I8 Grace Smllr'. of L'iooluDB\I, ta VI,WDg wl&b her relll'lvea bere for a wblle . Mr. and ' OcI.ra. Milo lble, of Clln '011 COQaty, wore KDeats of Mr. lind IIr8. B L, DaltlD 'l'bunday. Mr. W. A. Met"rltt, "ocompllooled by hla tW J daullhters !lnd grao3s ou, ara '" ,hla wrlUnll vlslSlng rela'I,v(18 ~S Tlp'on, Ind. .





Whole Number 3424

lInl'm ~m J . Scott , thcson of Jam e lind barily 'Scott, was uUfn lin liar · rison Cou nty . I entuc\(y , Augu st 3~ , I 39 Bnd di d at. th hom e o f his (l aughter , Mrs, John Ilil l, near Way nesvi ll '. Ohio , Jun e 17. 1 ~ 1 7 aged 77 years , \-) months and 18 cl ays. On J uric 2 I ,,9 h> WliS marriclI to S usan J. \{obertHallll tu this u ni rm fiftee n e hllcll'en we re ' Unrn . On March 2. I !;!7 the wife Bn (1 molhul' was clille ci t o h I' heavenl y ho me t o juin th five children thllt hllrl preceded he r the re . Mr . Scott was the n left to fill the place of fllther lind Inuther til tell little ones, wh om he raiseci to manh uod and wom ~ n ­ hood; tw o d!lughters have since died lellvirig eig h, c.!ev tecl children'·to mo ur.n tbe loss of II fath er who~n lIge did not make c hildish, b ut Ju st a tru e child , He had un it ed wit h til ' Mt. Pleas· an t Me th odist Chu rc h in 1867 anc.! his (!li lh grew s tronger and s t ronJo(cr as I he yea rs came upon h im and died ad 8n aged Christi an 'with the sno\\' oJ t im e upon hi Ahead. He came to Ohio IUAt Oclober in ord er that he mig ht spend his la~ t daYH wi th his children and their 0 ('11"1'11 1 8('('11 1' lit thc' " hlpyur'l~ of Ih e CI"ull f'Y ',," "t l'll " llool1 :JIIII 'l'ulI'llI" I'ompnn,' nt ,,- otl k Ln Til • d I ~· r I I I II " • . . II , . 1 S ~ ur S families. As he ga thered them Ow• .I' 1r"",·s 11 I ~:. (,nUlltl'), C." .'11,1 ( (·Xdllsh·,' I.v "oo"Li " n ,. '9--1_. Thl' ~"ur- lI1nst d 5chol>nCI·S. wllh cnrrylllg capnela round him in bis last sickneR~ , th ey tl' " (If 1.000 III _.flOII t."" . .• re h U\\ 1I IIJ Ihe prU~L~S or CVlIstl·UCl lO.Il. 'llwy will bo n(] ;le<l lO tbe A.m ericn n mer chan t were m ad e to reali~c that "U ld age 1I1 l11' IIiC j 11 n fl 'w \\ c( .), . is n lJles~t'd time. It gives us lei. UI e to p ut off our ea rthly garme nls one by one and dreSll ourselves Cor heaven." The hill and vallevs of time are paAsed, th e golde n " Sometime" in which he had all his futur e possellsions hla ' come to him, "For in heaven, If never here, the Mr . lIod MI·s.- E·r/l nk B CVtlll !l.lld A lber t B es t o n !l nd Mrs. hopes we cherish, fllDllly, of t:!prlog 1:1111 spu nt, tl ondn y C btlrl e~ Gllpl o , Arthur G illJln and I Will live again." with Ho ward Gl'tlbLlIll Iln d fllmily. Verne Boath .. re viotims of the Mr. und Mrij. WllllLlIll 'i\llUll e nThe National Cor poration Reporter m en les. . &erttlin ct! oomp"» y !:!otlday., of ChicaA'o , publishes a sketch of one" Mr . !lnd Mrs B o wa rd Arohdeaoon, Mr. and Mrs . B ill-old !:lUlUh ttnd of t he leadin!!: m embers of the Chica. ot Lobap oD . .. re visitiog Mr. aod 80n 8ve nt t:!IH urdlloY evenin g with th go bar , Mor ton L. Hobel· ts. born Mr ~ . ·J osepb Miller. I .. Lter's mother M'rl!. Ullua Uonnor, near Waynesv ille on the old Hoberts Mr. ILOd Mr9. UllJlord Ela.rnhart of Ihrv ey~burl:J. farm below Ioown . His Cather, J ohn Ilnd dlluII"hter were D... vton vi!1ltors Will Taylor and ta mll~... Qf "II. A. G. RolJeds. \Va fo~ many ye~r one t>he PllSt weolf: tblnllton, ' ollk ~hnc.lBY dinner wltb a lead ing member of ~llIs communtly Mr. aud Mrs. N . L . Dearth 8nll '1'. F. MoGut on . but later. went to ChIcago wh I'e he doughI er ~JlIlO ' unday at Cente r. OhBl!. Ellte aod dllougbte r8 s pent was cashter ?f the Adams Expres8 vlllo,: clie gne~ ts of Mr ~nd Mrs. A IG·page war food prese rvation Company: Jo or m~ny rears three C1omon\ Denrth. ' guide has been issued by tlie Ohio l'nesullY ovenlng in Leban un. WayneSVille boys li ved In the same Mr . Dad Mu. Wilson Bennet and block Branch, Council of National Defense. on Ashland Ave., Rave nswllod , Mr. and Mr~, W. Ros nagle find The best practical meLhods of can- ' omily spent t:!uudl1Y with the lilt. Chicago , they being Mr. Hoherts, ~au g h'er, or Vaodall(\., :"ore the !ling, p~eserv ing and drying of fruit ter 's parsnts Mr. aud Mrs. A1- Moler. W. J . Irwi n and William H endley. Suotluy guests oUlle lllUer e motber, IS explained, all well as the preser· of B"~veY8horg. The National Corpor ation Reporter Mrs . Frllonoes N ull and family . vatlon of eggs. The bulletin was Mr . und Mrs Will EBe'on and (Ion Miss B.erda FeElly wile tbe go est says: ptepar~ bv the DeplI:tt~ent of ~ome 0 1 . her sIster MtlfY Sblrdeo IQst Morton L. Roberta, who waC) elect- ha ve retnrned " 0 'heir home In N. EconomIcs of the OhIO State Umv~r ed commande r of the Veterum Corps, J .• after 8everal weeks' visit ",i i h si tv College of Alrriculture. Cople!! Wedno8dii1. MItis EdUI! Wudlow. 01 Waynef- IIIinoi8 National Guard, f or the en. the former'. parentI!. may lie had witl)out cost on applica· Mrs. Cllllord IilllrnharllIond daugb. tion to tho Council at the State ville, spen t tbe wtlell..end wlt.h ber suing year, was born March 19, 1868 , iliter Blanohe Dodd. in Waynesville, Ohio. He received tsr. Fanny, vilited fri e nds at RldgeHouse Columbul ' • Mrs. l\hrlettll l).lr pe nter ape nt his early education in Ohio and Ken· ville, one day llist week. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• __ ____ _ Sonday wU'b t.:htt K .tIlls "nil dku g h . tuckv. Mr. Robt:rtsgrad ua.ted from Mj ~s Nellie FiHIl lIpe n' sevorn l ters . the Chicago .Co llege of Lay., If! 1 no clays loet wook In Dl\ytun. • Mrll. BllDll~h Ureewell celebr/l1ed . Ed 0 star (lud Cnrnl l}" spent l)uo- and was. ~dmltlctl .to p ractlce .m the N"to l:Iun h of Tusk egoe. Ala., Is her birthday onSuuday. "rllo gnests dllY with William <1i tln lll il ud fllulily. 1~a m e yea I. H e sel vod several years vlslti n l\' Mrt! Aona Folk and Miss In the au trac t depllrl mt:n t of the L ' ' were Mrl. Mary Ellis, MI'. aDcl Mrs. lite elde.r s on of Mr. fmd MI ~ . Chicago Title Dml Trust Company y(1I1l Wood. John Brown and (I/lughter, of nea r Rohe rt I:!lurdep bus b oon very III fo ur years as' house attorn ey f or th~ Mr . li nd Ml'8. Ohas . N ull and Lebanon, Mr . and Mrl. Wlllter EI,\i @ ~b" PIlSt weo k. We tern Trust & :'lIvings Bank and famil y, of Bothany, visiter! re!~tlve s and 80n. Ln.wrenoe Bo ng h s pent /:londay for the last t en vcars- has been en- bere one day 'be pllet waek. Mr. and Mr/!. Frank Rn llduck e voolng In Bar veYJburg . g aged in general practice with ofiiJ1 r and Mrs Ea rl Merritt, ot vuroha89d a farm ,.md In ,he near bae . E llis and dllughter Mrs. cers al 18:34 Fi rst Nal iomll Bank Le banon, visited relatives here one fnture t lley will move upon It. Oarpeoter took nnday d in ner with building Mr. Robe rL~ is prominent day lost wee k '£bslr a oiog j8 Hgaiu8t Ill! Ilnd In fa. wit h Mr. &Dd Mn. Cblls VIltIHS, of in ROYl\1 Arcanum ci rcles. u(!il1g PII~t Foster Coffee n Ilnd Brosoo p Sllth . vor Qf 'he Ferry neighborhood. • regent of Lake View Coutlcll No . away Ulnde a bllslness trip to 1)IlYo pring 8111. Mr J ohn Wllrd "nd al@ter, Laura . l!I oward Grllh ll ru BI)O nt IllSt Wec!o 694. He ~u s m~ slered ou t of mili· ton Inst Friday . lire be"utlfylog 'h Ir h omo wi'b. nesdny e ve oln g wltb fri ands iD ' t a ry serVI ce, nlnetel!n years BIN, .1. E. R oblujlon 81)eU' 1:Suoday ut (Jilin t. I:IlIrveysbllrg. w,hel: d ~f~ctl ve eyeSIght rend red tbe 'oldl ers' B om D" yton . hIm lIIeilglble f or duty In the Span ' Mre: Mo.ry Barbaau find two In. i8h wal'. The Veteran Cor ps, as t he Il Mrll, Bnllnah DOl1rth visi t ed Mr . terc'Jtlnll 80nll, are s pend ing tb l' na me implies, is composed r.of .ax-mem . nd Mrs. Ben Abg,e r, at Rhlgevllhl. ~Iltnmer montha ' wilh Mr. Btlr. hers of the First Infantry. It was one day la s t weok. be,u8 parentiJ, Mr . and Mrs. F . E. CROUP, WHOOPING·COUGH RELIEVED orl<llnized in 1 ' 2, its oujecl being to Mr. Oball . W ri ght, and 80n. Jr .. of \l.ill8. 0l.lI l1l rell·" d l, 111109 S demlmd pre· f o~ t er public interest' in and to Cfjre Onqu Hoe, P 'L , I~r e vl8 ttln ~ hiM per. Mr. and Mrs R. W. Kaylor onter. pnretlnet!R W tll'n the ohild wllk e~ for the welfa re of the sc ~i ve memo en til . Mr . aod Mrs .I e~so Wright . , '"ined MIS , Kaylor's ,'lIorentll for - - -... dhinor on 'Suod"y. It belDi tbe fir.t you lit n lKh t. gas pin" nud st rang. bers of t he regiment. Or'di nl'ri ly ' 1tmelo many months ·f or Mr. !:lneh ling for breat ll, b o\v thu nkCul you too li ttle is know n of this very rle lp· are to b l1 ve Dr Re ll 'R PlU o.Tar. Hon . CuI adjunct to th e National Guard , lO be able to oome to ·town. THE EVILS OF CONSTIPATION ey UL hflnd. ' l'i !l ~ (·O'tlot-i va r ortlod y but III times li lee the present it comes We are soon to bave a\lotber show lo o ~ e o e Ib " lIlU IlliJ llnd permltll fr ee inl~rominence and iL'i usefu lness 'on stl{liltion Is one of the m"in Tbi8 II 'he bell' one. I\od nlltnrIi Lbr f1u tlJiD~ . Its sooth- is recognhr.ed. Mr. Roberl!! is mar- reliSOUS why tbe lIveruge homan li fe Oarltoo Anderson, of Xenia. is tb. Ing blllsnnis hen l the irlitll.t,od Ill om . ri l:! I amI li ves at 4117 No rth Paulina I ~ below 40 1el\r9. Le ~vlng waste gue.' of hIs unol e snd aout, MI'. brane un(l arre~t~ f'\f~t er lullllllllOu. s treet . materIal In tb e body, poIsons tbe !lnd Mrs. Amos Ellie. . tion . Plell ~ ftnt. t o ~ake . K op Ur . --~Yfltem !lnd blood IIoOel makes u lia. Oilloll . our streets, putting In ceo Bell's Plne.Tar. B o!ley In tho b on8c' bl 9 to 810k helICiRohell, hltl nlll\ nORR . men' ourbs, pahtlng (ltI ~1 ~hlt(!­ llcrVOUSU01!S !lnd UJuddy ~k l ll . WIlIIn for 11 11 ooId s nod t)I'OIlO hinl t rou blos. -PRIMAR~ES wtlshlng III nddlng muob to th~ At your.t1tllgglst, 250. yo o Dot e the ~e SY Ill)l t OIUH, t ry Ur , looks ot our town. Kln g 's N'o w LICe PIIIR. They give promp t reliot, a re mild , lion-griping Mr. and Mrs . Lew Riley and gran~. In a 'Jtl on , ndd too e t o y oor syste m dlloghtor aod Mr. and Mrl'. J OII. n nel OI C H t h e oompl x lo n . A' your WllIiaws aud 80n, ot Blaoohoste r . dl'uggis t , 200. wo re !SundllY ",ues ts of Mr. and .w;l' ~. F. L. Bbidaker: '"\ Mr . Luster Buokley.. ot Wilming. I U nder the new law there will be ton, i~ 8pendlng eeverill day!! wtth Regular comrrmnica'tion of Way- no primaries in Wayn e Township ill Free ,MedIcal Advice. Everett tlbnmllker, ot Mople street. nesville Lodge N o. 193 F. & AM, Augost . On ly corporation!! of 2600 "Don't I,erll your hllncls In yoor Mr. /lnd Mrs : Romine 8,b.u,,:u lker Tu estisy evenin g , July 3, 1017. So. inhabitan ts will hold primaries, there· were the gUIlBts of Mr. 'lnd Mre. journing and vi slt'ng bre thren are fore, L\!baoon and l<~rauklin will be po ck ets." S ill'S nr. C. m. I'ngo of BosUle only towns in the county to hold ton. "KN!Jl s\\' llIll'tnll' "111'11\ a8 you .1. E. t:!hnmttll:er 'ho Il\st of Illst wee k. cordially welcome . 0. L. Crane, W, M . primnrics , The names for camli- wnlk. 'I'll Is Is ll ':c.'Rsllry to oblalo Huold ihrrlR, ot Dayton. villi t ed L. A. Y.i mrn e r man, Se("y . dates will be placed on the ballot in o 'e.J('cl .lInd (!SRCIIIIIII . eXl'rclsu whon ble JlMentR, Mr. Bnd Mrs. F . L. Uar. \Vnll;lIi~. Don't ijhll(lty walk on your the Novem ber election . ris . on SundflY . -----.~.--~ . ----h i nd Il' g~, bnt k eep li lt fonr In somo --80rt or Illotton us nnture Intended 700 Lots of fun at Oakdale on the • , . Fourth. r Sub~cribe for Lhe MiamI Gaze tte ehould do."







l I



I want to buy your Wool an~ will pay yOU . the highest Market Price. . .

Call Me by Phone

Waynesville, Ohio Valley Phone 135'



BELLBROOK Mrs . ABa MoClilin aud lIOn 'Joshua Uagl o" of Ell P ilSO, 'rexB8 1 have urived t o spend tbe Bumme r with her parents, Mr. and Mr8. LeWi8 R rlper. Jesse W..,... and Leo Mills Bpent laet Frld~y . and SlIotorda.y at 'be Lewistown on a fishl1ig trip . MrA. Clem Penew" and daul!:hter Dorothy visited relativel·ln 9a,ton lalt weAk. Mrll. Oeo. I::ihaw, whose dell'h 00ourred 108' Tuesaay 'WIlS bnrled In the Bellbrook oemetery Ills\ Thursdl\Y aUernOOD. Mrs. Cad I!Imltb, welt of town, was "ken to 'he MoUleUl\n B08pltal at Xenia to be operated on for throat 'ro)1ble last Saturday mornlDg. /frank Weaver Ilnll son Hury Weaver. of Dayt-on, and Cluu. Brel8for.d ... Ii aUend ed theluneral of 'heir unole J . B. nmmlogIJ at Maple Uorner la8t Monday . , The Berry hill Trook delivered a tipe load ot bogs at tTie stook ya rda for JlIome8 Or owl last SlIoturd,\y . Mra. VhBS. Mills 18 vlsUing lJer daughter Mrs. Raymond Weller ,oo'h of town . Mr •. Barney Kok e r 18 vlsltlog her daoghter8 In Dayton JOIe(lh Btack, of OilY ton, visited hie daoghter Mrs. Bowlatt bere Il\s' ~unday .

Miss Mo ble Starr, of flarveyaburll', "Ile nt pare of *bo' week wlt'h MilS H ulen fllutso ok . Mr , Ilnd Mrs. Geo. Davis epenS ~on d llY "ftJlr nuon with t heir son J oe . a ud fam ily In Sarvey.bDrK. Mis~ l';ert,rode Wolfo, of Clarka. villa. visited ber grllondparenes Mr. find Mrs .•Iobo Wolfe tor a week, ' J obn Bogan oDd wife, of ~prlnll Uililmd Ber. BOII'1Io0, ot near New Bu rlin g t on , "pen' I:!ucday wUh M.I'. Ull1\ Mr,... Ueo. Bogan. M i~8 Oll"l 1:homp80n SpeD' ;,bo ",oe k.end at h ome. . F. A. B a r tBo ~ k aDd family and ~. L. JjurnoU Rnd family speD' l:5unda, with Mr, find Mrs H. U. H"rv~y ne ur Utlo u. Miss Doris Barvey re_ tur ned With t,h III t o spend a few d.lYs wltb rell1 ~ ve~. Mrs . IdB Man Don and daughter MiRS Ethel arrived Erld"y to [''pend the summ er with Ernest M~nnon lind (ttrolly. h1r. dnd Mrs. AblJllb Collier, Rlob. "rd Bnd Jndlth Oolller were the 80nday goosts of Elvin Fires and family . J obn Wolfe and wife vlliled thel. son Ray 00 ~ undIlY. Mrs. Clara Duon and daoghter. of 8tJveJ' Grove. and Mre, Bldilh Dllvls .Il-nil ",on speD' B'r1l1ay ,.."h tbelr p,nents Gao. SOKlln' and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Gray ylal'ed In Vla rk ll l1l\le on Sunday. Th08. Rlob and family IJI80' 8uo. day wl tb Mrs. Rlob'e parente. Mr. and Mrl!. Otle Irons, near Lebanon. Mrs . J llne Wardlow aod MIN Edltb visited relatlve8 aDd friends here tbo Illst of tbe weell. Wm . Llldlnlton aod friend QI oear Lebllonou were tho . Sunda" lIuests of the fermer'. brother AI.. ' LadlDg'on und wife . : J Mls8B11 8ealle Buroe.. and BeleD Bllr',ook ate v,jeltlnll , ~D. MrR. B. C. Baryey. " MI !ses Mary "argare.' aDd Evel,D U nRleaby Ipent tbe week.end ID Lebanon.wlth tbelr 118'el' 11111 Irane. Rev. Sell will pr,eaoh at Blcoh Oro ve ~unday morning andev6nlnll. ' . Robert Wfl.rwlok II yill"nB ble ~lDole John 'l'bomp.eo and famtl,... r

A. B. Talmage and Ion Lee and Oeo. Dllvl" lind Ion Glsnn aUen4ed S'. Joho'li Day lenloea a' the Masoolo l'emple In Wa,l1el\VlIle Sunday evening . • - ...- - )

SLOAN'S LINIMENT FOR RHEUMATISM The paIn g08S so qulokly' aiaer Y911 apply SIoao'l LInIment tor rbe... uuulo 11aln8, neJlralgla, toothaobe, lombago, spraIns and IN 10 eu,. ,k» use. h q ulokly pen6".t811 an4 Boothes wUhoo& robbing and far oleaner and more etJeJttv.'h.S mbJ. 8y pladers or oln'meo". Keejt-_ bottle In the bouee aod le6 prompt rellet, oot only from all Derv~palrl. but trom brnltes, s'ral~a, epralna. over.exerolae and all oseernal aoliel. At YOllr druggl8', 260, 6001 ,1.00.


NEVER NEGLECT A COLD A ohln after b!'tblolt, ooollng off Iloddeu ly after exerol8e and d rafts, give the oold germe " t oot. hold t hllt may lead \0 eOl:uetlling worso . i:!afe. ty reqllires Cllflv treatment.. Keep Dr. Klog's New Dlsoover y 0 0 hllod '1'hla plell8llnt balslltn r emedy 611&Y8 hlll"mmllotioo,lIoothasthe oougb bnd repairs tbe MRllu R BeUer be 8afe t ban Brellle op tbe cold wHb Is '00 laCe. 11.00.


Arthur Hamilton end L. N. Biln· nell , of ~banon, have been . elected by food controller Herbert E. Hcov~ e r as representatives from Ohio to the National Council of Defense 10 the U. S. This council i9 from the and they will look to the liOo, co nservation of canned goods for the coming setlSon:

At your druggl."



.. - ..---

Is the policr, of the

- -------- ~



Over 20,000 farmers in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana are sell· Ing as Sour Cream, aVeralling them over 40 cents per pound for Butter fat during May . , No shipper ever lost a Dollar dealing with us. Ask any TRISTATE 1)Atron what he thinks jlf th~ TRI·~TATE or let us send you FREE TRIAL' CANS PREPAIJ) for thirty daya trial. You can ship on' fllY train-day or night and every shipment Is guaranteed al!ralnet I.,. or damaae in t1'8n8it and paid for Spot Cash. . .


RE8PO:N IBLlE,'SAFE, PERMANENT Itt at cb1lfti the




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soar Cram' W


Mr . William Bl'uddock Buil'ol'ed IIgbt s troke of ptlrnlysl@ thia weele. Mr. !lnd Mrs. Lee 110nol111 e nt er · tllined rI'IIIll\'el! f ro m 'l" rk ~"i lJ e nndlty. t.Jr ~. Th o! Dill was In :Xo nll1 onll day 'b t.; weok. Mr. !lnd Mrs. Timothy MurluU IIno J . 1:1 P,H,ce oulled 0 0 Mr. ,Iohn ILye ,.. nd fAlu ll y Suoda y ut f. llrn onn . Mr, J ohn Ulal r WRS 0 HIlIllIIIY g l1cs t of Mr. Lnll Murra y. Mrs. UUll Mort; fLn Itnd cb lldren Visited In our vl olni ty Rn ndllY. Uarl P rlltt, of Xenia , ha hepn ViR. il lng hl~ g rll ndwolu er th e jlllst weelt. Mr, LO'l J uu ~ Fpent threB dllYR with t\lrs . Alll us .IQ uks on t lll::! w>la k . Mrs. M"t~le ,. LovluLHl clliug h te r, Hel en tlnd Bertll a Mn rl n t s pe nt Hiloday evpnlng w l'th M r~ . Lee Dun. oon Hod fllm l ly O ur vlolnlty was well Infested wltb g ypsies this week . Mrs. E!lrl Berll a rd Ilud chiltlren h 6 ve gone to spend Ii week with Mr. Walter Bsrnllrd aud family Ilt Ly&le , Ohio. Mines Mildred and Up&1 Morgan spent (J. few dllJs las t week with their friend s, E lHe find Lol .. Berpard. Mr • . U. W . Gorden IIDd d .. ngb to r ~~ve lyn called In our vltlttge Bunday n enlng. . Mr , Alb9rb Ma rlatt. of BI>rlng VIIlley, wus ln Mt. Bolly, Tbureda,. even lna . 11


._- - - -







m m~·1

~ You Afford Any but a Ti~ . Kerosene Engine?'

AT pre~ent, av~rn~e prices, for kerosene arid. ,




gasolme, Titan kerosene engines save their owners -about I.Ie. per' horse power per hour over gasoline engines. '.

Figure it this .way • On an 8·horse engi:ne the ·sav. ing is 8.8c, an hour, SSe. ill a lo-hour day, " 88 in 100 . days of 'York. &ay that is aU your engine does in a yea~.


. ..

It would cost you $88 more 'than you need to pay. tet run an 8-horse gasoline engine one year. T.hat IS m,ore than a third of the price of the engine. Can YOIl alford tCl .~ throwaway $88 a year1 Can you alford even to think of • liuying a gasoline eoginel..!Vhen you can get, a' T"~ that , uses kerosene! See the lltan dealer and talk thIS over. ,- ' He has some interesting figures to show YOIA. / ' ~.

IalerutiouIllmester CDlDpaDY of AIMdca



Give Liberally to the American Red Cross. Warre n County has magn ificently shown her natric)ti!;m by oversubscribing fo r the Liberty Bonds . Let's Oversubscribe our Red Cross allotment


Our stores will be Closed all day Friday, June 29, to

mark down goods. Sale starts Saturday, J une 30, and ends Swturday, July 2 1. J9 great sale days.


MeD's Suits, Trousers, Hats and Furnishings

Ladies' Coals, Suits, Skirts, Waisls and Hats

Men· d Young Mcn's Sui ts. pl ai n an d fanrr stripe. blue $18 75 .er,es a nd novelti.$. lUO value!, Sale Price. . . . . . . o' • Men'. and You ng Men 's uits in serlles and fta nnels. Pinch b~ ks $16 7 5 and SI~ples. )11 25 " allles • Sale Price . ....... . .. .. . M ell·. and Young Men's uits in nil colo", and mare ria ls. );20 $14 75 and $22.50 values, Sale Price . • ... . . . •.. .. . . . .. •

L :u.lic:s· Suits. all wOol :iic rgci' in n:t\· ,·

Men's and Young Men's $9 75 Su!u. SI S valu .., Sal~ • Pnc:e . . •.. . ..• .. . .. .. .... Pal m Beach a nd Kool Kloth Suiu in ti n and Bray mix- $7 4 5 t ures. J IO valUe!, Sale Prire • Men'. R ain Coats, all size. $4 9 5 J7.50 values. Sale Price. . . . . • . •• . . . . . . . . . . . • Blue Serae and Lustre 95 Summer eoau. 117.50 ",I" '" SaI.e Price. . . . . . . . . . . . • . MeD'. and Young Me n's $5 4 5 . T rolllers. S7.50 vulue, Sale Price . ... . . . . . .. .. ... • T rollletS .cgwar $6.00 va lues, Sale Price .. . •....... . Troul ers reg ular lIS.OO values, Sale Price .. . . .. ..... . Trouser. reJular $4.00 vn lues, Sale Pnce . ... . . ... . . . Trou.era ~ul. r $3.00 val Uel, S. le Pnce . . . . .... . .. . . TrOUJetJ r~u tar $2.50 val. _ ,Sale Pnce .. .. . . •.. .. T rolUUl regular lI1 .00 val· ues, Sale Price ... . . • . . : . . . T.touIUS fep!tar $1.50 volu... Sale Pme . . ... ... ... . TIOII8Cn ~u l.r SI.25 val. Uel, Sale P n ce . •. . . . . .. ..•


$4.25 S3.69 $2.95 S2.39 SI.89 SIA5 SI.I9


lea'. Uaderwear Men'. Union Suits, bleach. $1 3 5 eel ribbed. Val ue $1.75 to $2.00. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . • Men'l Union Suits ribbed g bl ... ehed and cream cofor. $ 1.25 and lIl .S0 values. Sale Price •.. .. Men', ri bbed nainsook and por-S5 as knit Union S uits. 1! 1.00 and 111.25 valu..., Sale Price . . .•.. . . Me n'. ribbed Union Suiu . Viti- 5 9 ue 75c. Sale Price•. •. • . . • . •. . " .• . . •• . Ma'. NainJODk Union Suitl . A0_ 6S!,_ and 7Sc. values.. Sale 'tO(; Pn c:r .•.•. •.. .. . • . • . .. .. •. . .. Men', balg,iUI JI a nd por09 knit48 shirts a nd d rawcrs. 65c. and 7Sc. values, Sale Pri ce . • • .. . . .• .. . . BoY" Poras ·Knit Union suiU 4 8 c 6S~. a nd 7Sc. , val ues,. Sale Pnce ..... . ....... . .. . . . . _. . . BoJI' ribbed and a thletic u nion35 SUits. SOc. ·value. Sale Price ... . . . .. ... . . . . . .. . . Ma', ~ H _ 100 doz, MeD', Sox in black•. tl n, ara" nav y, palm 121 Beach and White. 2Oc. value Sale Price •• .. • • . . _•. • . .. . . . MeD'1 25c. a Dd 35c:. Glrten '19 and a oubk ariP, Sale Pn ce ... ... . .. ........ .... . .. . SOC. 6Sc. a nd 75c. Tiel in .four-4 2 in.hand bo..... Sale Price . ... .... . . . . . . . . . . .. .

o_ oc; C C






~~'!i .~.e~:~ ~.h!~~ ~~~~~~~~~i.e~ 4e Knickerb ocker Suit. in all wool pl llin I nd fancy ,erges, fa ncy no vel~i es In pinch bachtylcs. Sizes 6 to l B. St UlO values, Sale Price . . •. .. . •17. 05 $ 10 .00 valuCl, Sale Price ..• .... . $6 . 75 $7.50 valuea, Sale Price .. . . , . . . . 15. 45 $6.00 valUeR, Sale P ri ce . . . .. . .... . · 45 $5.00 values, Sale Price ......•. . 13 · 75 $• •00 .valu .., Sale Price .. .. . .. .. Ia . OS Boy.' Knee P anta AU .... 001 seriC' $2 50 value, Sale Boy.' Knee Panta $2 00 "alues, Sale Price •. •. •. . .. Boys' Kn';' Panta $1 50 values, Stile Price • . ••••. . . 8d,.' Knee Pa nta;' SI 25 vaWea, Sale Price.. ... . . .. ... . Bo,,' Knee Pant. $1 00 vaJua, Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$1.69· $1.39 $1.15 9Se 79c r~';";~~~ .~~~~ .. ~ ~~ ..v.a.I~~~ 57C Boy'. W u h Suits} 2~ to 8 $1 95 ,ean $2 50 values, Sale • BoY" Wuh. Suits, $200 $148 values, Sale Price . .. • . • . . . • ..... ... _ TraveliDg lags Ladica' Leather HandJ;ags, ne w9 8 .tylca for vacation a nd shoppi... ' 1.50 .. alue, Sale Price . . ... Black HaDdbap. 27 59c:. vallia, . Sale Prioe ... ..... . ... . .. . .. . .



.blue nnJ blnck. s!~: lc s .

~l 5 " ;1 lu('s,



Ltlciies' Lawn .lnu \' nile \\':til."r ' 6 '9 in ~ Iripl'~ :l n ~i 6l[ur~d m.tH·ri:d ~ .

~ 1.00


, elIIi C. " :tle I'tlCc. .. . .... One lut L..di", · \ \·.,i'h ,li g h" 3 9 h soiled, .111 '"~ . . ; ~ J. (}O \' ,dllt.:



B O:;;(fJl1i.lI l T .l n lIo d


Flors heirn T an ",,,I 131:"k () ~ on!. ~r, " ullle, Sule

La dies'

, 1Iit ~


\~ tlol



se rges anu funcr wc "ves' $ 1 2 7 5 Good )120 va ues, S"le l ' ri cc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


l lnusuAJ lv £ I rl l~ h S ui ts in nil t he la, e, ! st yles nn '\ $ 15 9 5 coloring . :r;2 v;duc?s, Sale . Price . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ui!s.


L:l.dic:s' COll tS in varie t \' 0( $ 6

colors an d stv ks .

:; 12. 00

vnlucs t Sale Pr1cc . , . .. , . , .


.. .

\lid\!lL'\ '48 C

1.:I\·lie ... · lIu d !\I , .... ,.'~· f l ! 11 ..!1I :~ n d ~iJ 111 I L t l~l· . v.lhle. Sal~ P rl ~· l' .. . .. '.' .....


U ne I, .t .. I ,011<-01 .\1 ,tid,,",. i,c29

! .lnL! q~t. \ .tiUL :"! ,

S.tlt: P rice .,

i d.lrk 1.. ldie'



Il ot. II'. I ,~ ht ""tI $ 2 1'(~ l r') r.,. !'$l.UO .. . . .






L adies' all-wool Sweaters in $ a U new fane s hades, \'alue 5 3 9 u p to 157.50, ~I e Price . . •. • • L ~ di e, ' T wo-piece cOHo n po plin aport suiu in . I ~n wit h rO$C and 3 8 green l"p,ngs. liS values, ':J SRie Pnce... .. .. ... .. . . .. • Ladies: ond Misses' Dresses in taffeta, tncssalin e an d silk popUa till the new ahodes & stylesin. $ 9 9 5 lI 16.50 values, Sa'! . Price. . • •


Ladies' Silk Poplin Dresses in na vy blu e~ bl nck .& srecn. $ 5_9 5 $10 values., !iule Pnce .. .. . La dies' Wash Dresses ' in voiles, organdies nnd sport st ripes . $ 7 9 5 $12.50 vltlu es, Sale P rice .. .. . .. .. . ...• . . • Ladies' Was h DreGses in th~ $ 6 tw <>-picce sport s t yles. ~ I 0 value." Sate Pri ce . . . . . . . . . • Ladies' W ash Dresses ill voile. and cotton poplinsl · nil sizes $ 4 ond styles. ~ /. ·O values. Sale Pnce. . . ... . ........ . • Misses' straight nnd plen ted Dresse.

75 95

~~i:~~ ~~~ ~:~I~~~,~ ~. ~~~$2.95

L adies' Wash Dresses in la wns :tnd voiles . Assorted st yl.,. $1 79 $3.00 vnlues, Sale Price ... .. . ... .. .. '.' • One lot of L.dies· Hou.. nnd Street Dresses in gi ng ha ms nnd per- 95 cnles. , .lI1.25 :tnd )11.50 ynlut;s. Sale I tl ce .. . ... . . . . ........ . . Ladies' Bungaiow Aprons. wi th 69 large coll nrs. ud t~d :It waist. 89c. values, Sale Price ..... ... . Ladi",,' all· wool Skirts in r ose. green, chartre use, capell und gold $ 7 9 5 lI I2 vnlues, . S"le P rice.. .... .. ... . .. .. • Ladies' Silk Poplin a nd T nffeta Ski rts_ Snapp y models i n sport fi g. $ 5 9 5 ures "n.d s tripe•. $ \0 va luts • Sale Pro ce ... ........ .... . Ladies' Wool Ski rts in s t ripes and pl nids, also nav r blue and black, large poclccts and gathered backs $ 4 9 5 )17.50, ~" I ues, • alt I fl ce ... . .... .. . . .. . . Ladics' Palm Beach ·kirts $ 4 8 9 in p l~ iJ\ a nd .ran ( ~ .'tri l cs. • ~6 . ,0 values. Snlc I Tl ce .. . . Ladies' 1>011111' ll cOlch Skirts, gitt hercd backs, la~ge pocke,s, ta n $ 3 9 5 o n ~ y. )1>.00 ,'nlu e., SOlie • Pnce . . ....... .. . . . ... . .. . L adies' W".h Skirt s in !lnuerdines wh ite and colors. 98 ua lld.oolinens, and lI5.00 v ulues , Price . . . . . . . . .. .. ...... . • Ladics' White ~ n d Gaberdine Skirts, gathered backs nnd large $ 2 3 9 ~:'i~)fi~~~~.t ~ ~3:~? ~~I.u.e: • Ladies' Wash Skirts in white ga ber. dincs and spor t $1 4 9 ,tripel • . $2.50fancy and $2.00 valuel. Sale P rice. . . . . . . . . • Ladies' Wh ite Wash Ski rts plain and belted models. l! 1.50 and lI I.25 values., Sale Price .. . . . .. . L adi .. • Georllett e /nnd Crepe de Chi ne waists embro,d ery a nd bead $ 4· 95 trimmed , $7.50 va lues. Sale P rice . .. . .. . •.... . .. , . • Ladies' Crepe de Chi ne aDd SPOrt Silk Blo uses i n whi te and $ 3 9 5 all colors. lI5.00 val ues, Sale Price . . .... . . ...•. ... • Ladics" White J ap Silk 9 ·S Waists, large .collars. $J.~ • value. Sale Pflce . . ..• . .. . . Ladie,' Lingerie Waists in wlii te voiles and organdie all $1 9 5 sizes. )13.00 values,s, Sale • Price . .. ... . . . . . .. . . .. ... •








!'.dc P ril'c . .

SOli e l'rhC . . .. . . ...... . .. . .. . . .


IJri c . .•.. , , .. ' .. , . ... , ., . ..

l il:!ns lI" it ll 29

L:tll1 -u·s hantcr crown),. 50l.. llld

75c . va 1ucs, ~ (tIc Price . . .. , .... Children ', l!in~h :trll uresse~ u.ges. 4 8 2 ro 14. 7,c. vallie . S"le I'rice . . . .. . ...... : . ..... . .. . . Children ' s fancy gingha m :l nrl white D rCSSc.!i in one 11IH.I lwo.piece Sl ' Ies, nges 6 to 14. il l. 50 va lue. ale Price .. ........ .. , .


89 C

53 C .


lI uck

Towd' i l


V,tlue ~1lJ() ~h ol.":;: ,

'I\'n nls (jUI..'


.due l



H.I_tl. , I'rh:L'


ll ~:! to 2 ';dr: Pr ice

Sale Pri~c .... ... . . , . . ,.. . Educaw .. . White I'll 1111'S.

." ~

75 $2 45 $2 $1 95

1'.lte"t, ~ 2

~J;O \·nltu..' , t.P . . . .. , . . , .

EJura ,or •• 1I 1:~~k I'atcn,. S!" !U I I bJ 00 ,·., Iuc, Sale Prite . . EJuca,ul >. Whitc 1'11 1111'" I I ~2 tu 2 ilJ 00 , :duc, to I I


50 yuluc .

' hee rs 67

·"Ic Pri c ...... ........ . . . . . Cotton T uwding. lolen~ h cd .nd 6 unuleac hed ~" v.oIlie, Sa le



S U I! C .b \.· ~ .Ith.l



~l.dlll l!;I1\\· ~ IU

Sale · Pn ~ l.'


B .Il!.' .


('.l .. t · ... . lIhl

H . IL!~ .


C :' ~ l'S

I\ .I~"I

Rugq . tlx12 t n~ da(, ,'" Iuc ~ i.;.UO. S"lt· l~rH· c . . .. . ... ' . .. .. . VelVl' t


t\ :\ lH ini~tcr S Cllm lC'~!>?x I ~

tod ;I)'s v.tlue ~.! 7.

25 $2 75 $2 45

~ alc:

Etlllra tlJr , 1':II Cllt :Inti (;UII $3 :\ [", .• 1. I (I ~ to 2 )(·I OU

Price . .. ..

(J xidill..' d


1{ 1I ~3. r/ x 12 tutl" r's ," "Iu e. ~ H).OO. S"le Price . .. . ....... . .

Irl'~:-', ~ou

~Iat -

$2.98 $JO.95

d qu;d ir y t kk . ;-\ 15 ":i1 uc, :-i:de " ri t:~ . . .. .


Rou nd lind S'lunrc: tOP l.ihrA rr " rahlt~: :-; 16,-;0 \,·~1!1Ir:.\ S.lle I' ri\·C' ... .. $n 95 ~ 1.1 . >0 ""Iuc, S,,1e I' ri." ...... 19 1)0 :\; valu e. ·ale I' rice ...... .. . 53 7S


4 2 in Pord, S~\· il1~ . FUI1lt'11 Ouk. :\.UlO ,· .• Iu,·, ~.tle

..\ x tn l!1is t cr

45 Ill. TuR tu Felt

$319' 5 ,

9. 12 , ad .• ,". v.llll e. l\ 40 .00. S"le l'riee . . . . . . .


~o Ih, C ot H," ' t 0 l' Tl l.l!tn· .... rolkd ,edge . !"o4. ';0 " a! Ul: , SaiL.: i'ril\.', ... . ... '. . . , ... .


t\ xmit1is rc r St';lIlH:: ,l :tn l! Snlml~.. ~ l{ lI~ s

, . . ..... -


)'r1cc .. , . .. ,.. . .. , . . .

1·. n:tllll·1 \\'"dd

\·.&lUL·, . 7.S0 \'.11111.' , :-\al t: !'rin· . ~IO ';.tlo $ l l.5 ll v.due' ,

\'d "ct n"I;' i)x 12 ",. d.,(. v:tlu e. !'.J7. >O. S.d,·

Childre n's. Shoes \'"hh,~ , Sale P ri~c ..

~1 :IIl Ils in

U . IIo.

\\'ilro l1 \ 'el"'![ R uLts '),, 12 ' .; v :iluc:,

Childre n's Oxfords

.de P rier.! . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .

Gnud 'j,,:tlit), Mu slin

~u i t l ' ,I'ol'" lind nlu~ .

\ \' ilton \'c h'er I { u ~:o- , th l !

o r.. ( S.d e

...... .. . . . : ...... .


nr c~ t"rS n n lt rillcc SS I lr t"~ ',\.· r~ . Guldl'1l O.I~, \ 'n llll" P ri~· ,,·

I . $3.95 $10.95 )1; 1':; . S.d\." .. I \ \, ..... 1, . I 50 \ GuJ\1c 1i S.d,' $3.4 5 S6.95 :i t , \ ..lllt. · .. , $2.45 Beds Gnlde n qu ,lrlt'rn l -;'J. 50 $1.9 5 I~1.:·I'~·i·,. ~~~:':'.L . ~·~dl~ ...~ I ~.' S12.95 "'.t IL 1'('1 \ Suit .In .1 II I ;0 \·:tl uc. S.tle I'n<e $1.19 Iron Beds in Vern ice Martin Furniture, Rugs and Linoleum I I· ini .. h; :;6 S.t1t.: Pri,,:l.· . " .$4 45 " .. lily's va ll"· . )1 ;;.00. $42.7 $5 .65 5 Sale P rice. : ..... , . \'.tI",·. I' ri«·. . $7 35 S:l k PriL'e .. S8 95 toda~ ,,:;o.uo, $37.50 t-'all! )'ricc: . ,. . . . . . .. , . \\' hac


. ..••....... , , •

tl U:lill y J J ri ( ~ ,

;0 $2.75

r ll l! , • .

~ l cH's

Towels" Sheets, Etc.




P ll el· . . . ........ .. . ,..... . . .



\' ~tlu c .


I ' c ,,!tIm:, S.lle Prl t·c ..





~ alc

Pri,:,,·. . .. . .

:\\\l1ifl g ~ rri pl:' i ll all new (ulur.. 39 (»)\" \ .&lu ..·,

ill 48C

Child ren', II "!> in

~ .all.·

\ ·.tlue

13h.k I hfur,('

\\· llit",· t,;utrull Cr,·l'c ... tliralllt: OIh"' l'i l:~ c drt.,~", ,,,,

\\ .list'i arid 1 7 ' ~..: v:t1 Ut· .

$ 3 . 25

S.dc . IJn cl.:

SI.95 • Extra qLlnlity Tuwf ling. linc n II $21.95 Ua k.ill . H .'OSwing, va lue v.dtl e. C ,!e S3.25 IIJU.Oll, . 9·8C 5,,1. Pr'ce.17 ........ I\tet:tl • . ; S . Price . . . . .. . ...... . ... . \lU ynillc , ........ ... . Sale Prlcc ... . ........ . . ale l' rict.: . . .. . , . . . . . . . . . . • Wa. h rngs in pink "nl (;,() in. I'Meh Swin" . i\u.OO 6c S3•95 plaids \·.Iuc. Sal" Pri c.:. . .. . ..... Polish c vnl ue, les" I to.lnj""s Sn le Price .... ••. .... . . . . $19.15 i~ric~ . ~ .. Ladies' Underwear White . or 'rnn 10c kc eh.<I., ,·. 11\(', S27 50 .. : . ....... . .. . . , . , . 7c '1";' 1'.' '')' IIrlJss.I. fl u!!s S"I.; LAdies' )ll.2nio n White . ~l'alll<d or T il!) ?x 12 25< ,.,t!. . S13.95 Icc Ch.~t Suits ... ... ... .. . . ... .. . . " .,. 98c Sh~s and Olfords. · , 1\.; 0 I·nlue. uc )110 . 00. Suli: I'"ce . ' .. ~ 22 15 16c Ladies' 7Sc . Munsing nion '"i .. 590 nlc l'ri'~ .. ... . . ... _.. . .. .) • White ki d tal', black a nd Wool til",! .Russ 9,x 12 Lndie • 3ge. Union "i ts . . ... ... . .. val ue tan v"mp ' Vulue g lOOO Toilet )1 Articles 10.00 nnd li I 2.00. :;,,1< I ftc e. le< ' hests, )125 vnlue. SI9 85 Ln lie,,' 35c. Knit Drawers ... .... . . Sale !'rice . . . . . ... . . . .... . $7.45 .. . , . ... . ...... : Laclies' 15c. Ve ts·... .. .... ·.... . . . . $7,95 and $8.95 Mi D"irl l\' Talc um Powder. 7Grover's Kit! Butt" n \'0 1Ice Che Ladics' 20c. Vests . . . . . .... ..... lOco v~luc, ' )l IH vu lue. SI2 • 75 oe 00, . 2C Lorger nnd sizes in "rol'ort.ion. PriCt: .... , , . , , . , , , . , . .. G5c . i nslin Gowns . . . .. .. .. .' ... . . 48c Sale Price .... .. . .. . ... . . . $5,95 Snle Prt ce ..... . . . ... . . . ... . . . Crex nnd Deltol Jergcn's T al um Powder, lar\:o II 9x 12 plni n nil I ItC Chests. )112 value. S8 95 Sl.75 fine quulity I\l usl in $ 1 1 9 Kid and Patl! nt c'y . Snle I'rice ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . Sc . to-d:lY vll lu e 10.00 C 1ifnn12.00, • Gowns. Ince :In. t crn broid- ' V" lue )i6 00. Sule Price . .... .. . .. .. . ..... . . Sule Priet, cr y (rimmed, ':1k Pricc_ . . . Ice CheMs. ~ I O vnlue. S:de Price ..... ... . . . .... . $4.95 • S145 Colgate's OClltal Crc:,m . 25r' 18 S.le P rice ........ ........ • $7.75 and $&.95 F.lnc\' Covers. value, ·S7 llot h Kid C sty les. ~ml nlodd~ . 75c. Larger Sale Pr K :11,,1 i.:e i~ch . ..... stnnll e n, <;,: a C er ........ bincl silt, s. in );10 .. proporti( ... . Value )\5 00, SI4•75 \n. va lue. Sale I n ee. . . . . . . . Sale I nee . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . .. Ille Price . . . .. . ........ . . $3.95 T oot h C

l.Jr ll.: c ..... , .... ".. , , .... , . . , ..


blu c:l!u r , I'uten t ulld Gun Met:!l . '.~ 10 II h 1S3 50 v :,lut."I ' (l it.' Pri ce . ,. . .... . . Ed t.h.:n t o rs, P :lt e nr anJ Gun




T ,lpes try B r u~~d.s I{ u ~s Selt l1l lc"os 4) ~ 1 2

bcst qu :llir r rud .ty ') \·n l.


!'ril'C ... ... , .• ... , . .

! ~dal"s

·u l ~ ' P ri ce





l l !~ O

smll l\er


ca ns. 1















~ ritdH.:d !lud I~ct: tri ll1l1ll.'d. 2·c.

v:ducs. ale Pri ce ... . . , , . , . . , .

L ,,;:lies' heavy Silk Gldvc-" hla ck and white. Bes t . ilk fal.ric s. ~1.2 5 9 8 :lIlU )1 1.50 y"lues . Sale


J.Jrice •. . . . .. .. . , , . .... . , . .. . .

Ladies' white nnd black Si lk 53 Gloves. 75c. va lue. Sale

J.1 r iCl· ....• .• .• .' •..... ... , ... .

Lauics' Hlln dkerchic fs in cluin t " co lo rs and p la in w hite. tSl:. value ', S;llc P rice . . . ... , . .. .. .

l. es· 1-1 "ndkerc hiefs, Unusu· . 1 \I,[lues a t a special aie P ricr.! ... . .. .. . .. . ... . •.. ....




Embroideries and Laces

9 h AII-llvcr ·E lII broitl· $1 4· • $ 3.00 va lues, Sale [ n ee . . .. -l5 inch Voile, Lawn and Orsan0 73 o ie . Flouncin g. lS I. 00 value. Sale I'rice ....... . .... . . . .... . .1 8 inc h ClI mi old_ace s a nd £ 01-2 9 hroiucri es. r .nlut 45<., Sale Price . ... .. .. . ... . . .... . . . .. . cries i n n v3ri~ t y ()~ ~atLerl1s



Wash toods Plnin .nd sa ti" striped Voiles in rose, g.reen, . g r ~y, c?pe n ".."d nnvY4 4 blue. 40 tn. wtde. 6 C. value. Sale Pr ice .. .. .. . .. . . .. . . . ... . Whit e Voile. a nd Org nnrlieS'3 9 ood q u.llty. SOc. vR lu e. Sale 1 •



! r ice. '.' . .... .... .. .... .. ' .' , .

Tissue Gi ng hams nnd Voiles in14 dainty s tri p,e~ a nd plaids. 250. value. Sale 1 f1 ce .. . . . . . .. . : . . .




2 9C

J.ndies· white a nd black ilk9 8 Hose. l\ 1. 25 va lue Snle·Price . . ... .... " ... . .. .. . !.adies· Silk Host, bl~ ck nn d 73 'yhit<, .a ll siz.s. $ 1.00 y"luc$ S" le Prlet>.... . .... . . . .. ' .' .. . . L. ~ ies' Fancy White \'l osc, 35C'23 V;tlut: Sale Ilrite ....... . . . . ... . e • ••• hill rt n's ·wh il e ano ·blnck HOSC23 s i~ es to 9 J.';. special 30c. v. 1t,e. Sale Price .... .. , .... . ....... . l "adics' (,oo t , o!? tibre silk ~-1 os e ' 39 l!xcellcl1t we.rtrll! quali ties. all colors an.1 size ~. °Oc. v~lu e!. L adies' fan r y hoo t Wi', Silk4 8 ~,I~ePrii'~ ~'.'~I. ~~~~r~: ..7.5.c: .~:~I.Ll.e: Au to Yeil., .c0lll plete rall gc of8 9 <;010r8; . liJ.25 v" luc, Su i. r r, ce .... .. . . .. . . .. . .... . Au to Veils. Th e best uf mnter-4 8 iul s ~~d colurs. 75<.· vlllue. ale 1 rlce ........ . . .... ..... . L"u ies' ail.. r co ll.lrs. I lem' 13

F un.,~·d

vllhtd $2,'-. ti l L!


\Hllck, v UJ:\R' , Snic l'ri(.·c ., ........ .. .

ery n.nd lace rrimrn~d . J·c, va lue, Sale P rict: ..... , , , . . . . . .

Purl' l~


Tnl,e~ trr B ru s.~cl s Se:IIIl!i~ 1{ 1I~S

Bl u~k Sal~ I'ti ~e

l>il usli n' Co .. e, Covers, entb,Oid'4 8 cr y nnd Ince ' rimmed . 65c. VA lue, o le Pric(' . , .... , . ... , . , M u.s lin Corset Covers, cmbroid- 23

. .. . , ... .


bh, ~

Mun~in B

si lk CorSet

Pri ce. ,... ...


n ot h Kid, ~ I .tol

P at~nt

a nd Gu n

I.) ricc .. ....... , . , .. . . ' .. .

Grover " nd Quee n Qunli,y HrnwlI Kit! Pum ps anrl Oxfords Vnlue $7, SIlle Price. Qu ce n Qu.llity Black Kid Pu mps Value)\6 00, Sale t"lrice ..... , . .. , , . , .. , ... ,

Kid r

two st raps

Y"lue g·l 00, nle P rk e ... . , ........ .. . ll osto n Favorite Kid Pumps Value :H 00, Sale I'rico .: ........ .. .... . Grover

P atent



s'rll p Pu mps Vnlue ~o 50. .' :tIc I'rice ........ .. . .. .. .

I{ u~s




vtl lm:!


Whit e PIIIlIPS "nd Oxfords Valu. ~ 3 50, ,tI c Price .. . ... .. ... . ... ~ $2.45 Whi'e Pu mp' ant.! Oxfords ,""Iue )\3 .ilO, . alc !'rice .. . . . . ... . . ... . . $2.25 Ladies' Tennis. 1st qUillity.

Va lue SSe

6Sc Sale Price . . ........ . . ... . Men's ta n nnd Gu n Metal $5 75 I,I,~~~S.. . . ~.n~~~ . ~: "O~' . .S.a.l ~ • Men'. tnn nnd Gmi Metal $4.95 hoes Ya lue lI600, Snle Price ... .. , . . .. .. . .. : .•..

Brushes 11 2Oc . Yalue, "" all' l.)ri.:c: . . . . • . . , , ...... .... .

$2·.45 Men's $5.45 54,45 $2l95 $2.95 $4.45· $3,45 $2.95 $2.65

Grover Patent and Kid P uml's all d Oxfords V.lllo lI5 00, . ale Price ........ . . G..,v er Kid StTUp· Vnl ll e ~~ 00. Sille Price ....... .. .. ... . . Pate nt and Kid Pum p" V"lue )13 50. Sale !'ri ·e ... . .. : .. ...... . Patent " it! alld Gun Metnl Pumps V"I"e lIJ 00. Sale $2.35 ]J ri cc . , .. : . . , . , .. . .. . .


. ..

O ~v " nl' orts ,


lIp huts tt: rcd , t ;"ld..: n and.

Davenpo rt, genu ine

Men's Shirts, 33 00 vnluc S"le Pricc.... . . ..... . . .



I\lon's Shirts, l\2 50 vnlue $ 1 Sale Price ... . . . . . .... . . •


7ge Work Shirts, 750 valu e Sn lePricc ........ . . ... . ... . 57e M ~n's

Men's Work Shirts. 65c valu e'4 8 S;de l'ri ce... .. . .. .. .. . .. . .... C Boy ·s W"ists. ~ I 00 val ue P ri c• . .. .. . . . . .... . .. ..

85e tt:'...... , , S8e

Hoy's Waists . 7Sc ,·alu. ,

Srllc P ricc . . , ... , . .

)loy's W,d sts. SOc value, Sale P r i c~., ... . . . .. . . : .. .. .


Suit Cases and Bags Lent her Casc5.lS9 00 vnlue$ 7 4 5 Sale Price... . . . . . . . . . . . . • Leather Cases. liB 00 value $ 6 4 5 Sa le Price . . . . . . . . . . .. ... • . Boys' Wash Suits. $ 1 50 values . Sale Price·. . . . . . . . . • Bo)'s' Wash Suits $1 25 0 values, S:tle Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men's l'nna m. Hats, S6 00



48 in Buffet in Golden nnd Fumed Ollk. ~40 va lue. , I'ricc•. . ....


45 in. Huff"t in Goltle n quartered Oak.. Vn lue )130. Sal<: Pri e ..... .. . .




Golde n Quartered Onk Dressers nnd !'ri ncess Uress« •. Ya lu e $47.50, nle I' ri ce ........ . . ... .



Men 's Shirts, )I I 00 v ;tl u~ , Sale I' ri ce .... . .. ........ . . .

• ~ in . Buffet . Golde n quarte.rcJ Oak. g50 va lu e' . nlc Price . .. . . . . . . . . . . .

Dresser s

Mell's, Shi rt s. lI l 7j vn luc, $ 1 3 9 Sale r ri ce. . . . . . . . . . . • .. • l\'l e,,'s ·hirts.lIl 2' valli e, . ale Pri .. . ... . ........ .... .

$49,10 5


$2 , 3 9

Me n's Shirrs, lS2 00 vnlue' $ 1 Sale Pri ce .... .. ..... . .. •

I .eat her uphol-

:ii h.·rcl l. ( ,o ld"'1\ qu:,ru.' rl',1 Uak frnme, full ,izc. ")17; vill uc. Salt.! Pri... c ..... , ..

len'. Shirts, )I ; 00 valu e $ 3 9 5 , n l ~ P rice . . .. . . . . . . . . . . •

D.vcnp'l rt . ge," .ine bes t g rade Chnsc len ther, Golden 'Iu nrtcred Ollk frnme. W:tdroLe back. Full size. lIc.D vnlli e, Sale l' rice . .. . . . . . . . . • D"I'c no , Spanish ·Iul ~ ' ki n up hols ter. '. cd. Go lde n Oi.k framt, S6S va(u e, Sale Pr, ce ...... ..... . . . Dnveno. Spnni'h Mule. Ski n ul'h o·s ter. ed . Fum ed a nd Gul.len ,! u ar j~~,"1 Oak. )150 " nlu e Sale I roce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

S39 75



Dining Tables 54-in Round Dini ng T ab le. 8 ft. long. Golden lI nrl Qu arte red Oak planked to p. Larger l 'edestill. ·

m vahl~.


Ki tchell -.loi,,,",,. )125 v,n!tle. ttll co mpl ete. Sale I ri ce .. . . . ..... ..... .. . Ki t. ben C:. bi "ct.> lin .50 vnlu e. all • mplc t<. $ul,'


valu e, Sa le I' ri(,a ... . , ...

s;r;·~.r~~~~ts: . l\6.50 \'n.I~'~ $4.95

Men', Shirts, )I~ 00 vn lue >$ 3 Sule Price ...... .... . ... . •

Hinck and Spa nish Ch nse

!'" lI med Oa k frnrnc. )140

Madras and Percale Shirts

S39 90

Sale PTl ce ... ... . .. . : . . . • 4B-in Round Din ing T a ule. 10 ft . Ion!!. Gol den qu art ercrl pla nko:.d O ~~ top. )140 valu e, Sale I n cc . . .. . ' ..... .. . H .in. n Ollnd Di nin g n oom T ables in "II lengt h. 6 to 12 ft. yn lue ~27.50. 6 ft. len gth Sale Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45. in Solid Golde n Oak in round a nti · .quare T;. n l ~s in 6 to 12 fl. l e !,g t h ~,. ~ S.6 vil lue $ 1B. Snlel n cc . .. ... . . . .. 2 in. by (, ft. square Ta bles. Gold en tu rned Ouk, ~1 2 . 50 val-

J'rict . . .... . .. . .. , . . . ... .

$19.95 S24,75 S29.75 S5 •45

Kir cllt'nlCn hinets ~.I7. 5 n v;a! ue. nn cO llll'lt tc, S31e 1 fl CC • •••• • ••••••.• • • •• Sun iUt ry Co uch"", Valu e )(7.50. . Sale Price . .. " . . . . . . . . . . . Detroit Vapor S to ve.. Oi l a nd ga. o . line, 4 burner ranges. V. lu e l!38.OU. Snle Price ... .. . . . . . . . . . • Detroit 3 burner oi l or gusoline S tove. T od ny's value 1I12.50, Snle Price .. T h'ret Burn er Oil Wi ck Stoves, )\12.50 v:tlues , Sale Price .. . .. . . ... . , . . ... .. . Two Burner gasoline Stoves l\5.00 valu e, Sa\c Pricc ... ... . . . ... .. . . Three Burner Gusoline S.t'?'·cs. $6.00 value, S"le 1 rIce ..... .... . . . ... . . . . ,

52150 S14.75 S9.75 S2.95 .S3.85

House Furnishings Star Tin Ca ns. Value 65c. ~a l ~ Price., Pcr Doz ... . . . ... . Mason Fruit J ars. Pi nts ~ Valnt: W e. Sale Pr ice. Per Doz .. ... . Mason Ji ruir Jo ... Qu a rt ~ . Vurue

49c 4Bc 65c. Sn Ie Price, 53c· Glass T o p Fuirt J ars . Pint•. I'i nts. V <,Iue 750. Sale I'ri <e·. Pcr Uoz . .. ........ . .. . . . .. . . 59c T op Frui t J ars. Qll lt rts. Yulue 9Oe. Snle I'ricc , . 64c Pt.r D07. . ........ .. . . ... : .. .. . RS~,~:r l'!i~~ . ~ i:,.g.R: . ~?c . .~~I.I~~ 5c Ce~~'I~ ~~\c~~~~: .. :.5.c: . 19c Mason J ar Caps, Porcelnin 17c lined. 25c. villue. Snle Price .. . LaS:tj/~~k~~~'. ~~~~~ ~~: . ~ . . .. S3.95 ~6JO (aw n mowers, . 54 95 . Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , )57.50 lawn mowers, S5 •95 Sala Price . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 lawn mowers, Sil le Price .. ..... . ..... . . . . $'7•45 Per

1)0"1., . ,.

$115 529.75 98c S19.50 54.45 $3.75 $12.95 Bargains in ChiDaware, Cooking 52.7·5 Utensils, Granite ud Enamelware $2 25 I~~......... ... ... $7.95 D ·' g thO 1 $1 45 p~iC~~ Dressers " ~ d Prin cess Dressers . GoldUrln IS sa e 33511'&nercd oak. Yalue . $24 75 our store will be ~'. ~? >.~i l.~t.' 98c Sole·Pric e . . • . ~. .. .... . . • open until 9 p. m. S2 45 Dresse rs and Princess Dressers, Golden Oak $ 18 SI475 every UI.Etr1ht• to lS27 v.lue, Sale Pric e. . , ..

Men's tun "nd Gun Metal $4 25 pl:~c: :.n~~I~ ~~ .~' S.~I~ • , Men's ton und Gun. Menl $3 2 5 ~h~es V:uue l!4 00, S" I. . • I, riCe . .... . . . .. ... ... . .•. v nl.ue, Sulc I)ric(S. .. . .. ,. : .. Men's ta n nnd Gun Met al $2 4 5 Men's Panama HutS liS hots Vnllle lIJ 00, nle value. Sale Price . .. ... . . . Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Men's Panama nnd Leij1I'len's Work Shoe·s All Lea th er Sta r Brand )16 op $4 75 horn H a ts $4 00 val ue, value, Snle P rice . : .. , . . . . . . • Men's Panama nnrl LegMen's Work Shoes Air $3 • 4 5 hor n Hats )lJ 00 value,. .Leather ta r .Brand lS~ 50 • Men's 1-IIlts, S2 00. value. v" l u ~, Sale Pn ee . . . . . . . . . . S. le Price ...... . . .. . . . . ... • Men' s Work Shoes All $2 6 9 Lent h e ~ Star .Brnnd $350 value, Sale Puce". .... .. . .. .• ... . • Flor~h.i ln T a n an d Black $6 75 · \\:len·s .fur ·H.ts All color; OJ(fords, $B 50 vnlue, nnd st yles, 33 00 to )13 50 Snle Price. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • VAlues, Sille P rice. . . . . . . . • •


Sa l ~



P ll t~nt

V .. lue M OO. Sale

G rO\fCr tan




carried out on the following plan: ~very cash sale slip during this Mammoth Sale, June 30 to July 21, should be given either to memb ers of Company E or the Ladies Auxiliary to Company E' we will give two percent of the amount so received by them, said two percent to be divided a~ above stated. -

UberaIlJ. to the ~erican Red Cross. '

Cedar Stamp . on caa h purch aaes .

~ J DU \ .tllIl·, ~ .I k I 'II~' C:

\, ,,111,, X·I 00

il L" k O,(ur,ls

17c furl 1C

V. dlll' t

1',,101 Bench Skirting$ in w"ir~


La ui ..· antS in the 1II0st pl ea illg 010 Ids in rose. !l re.n and $13 · 9 5 fan.:)' plaids. S15 Vlllu"s, Sale Pri cc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Ladies ' Silk Fibre Swe:tl crs in c0l'~n , green, Ijold. rose nnd purple $ 6 9 5 wit h u,lo r colla rs.c uff .nd sashes. );I Ov nll1" . Sale I'ric" • .

this sale .

!\lI il t ·,\ . . l··; ,tlld B.l u"" ~'OO \ .t1lh' . !'lll ... 1', It l'

V, dUl "

\\' hit c: ~ tripl.." .1Ill! ti ~lH.:d <:rc:pc


1..3dies oa rs in ili a"'" diA'· $ 9 75 . I..ndil'~\ S rwrr H :II :t, pl t :ll!li ng: :I n d pr nr.'H ,S.' f les , g 17 ..50 \:nlues, lie:,l shapch fo r dte au to lind \::\- 4 9 • S" le [ncc . . ...... . ..... . . 1':lrion rril" 75c. V l1 !UC , ~ a l ~

. .. . . "

lII ur k 0 ,I"rd8 Sal ..: PricL'

I f(.l "LtC~S in p,iislq' desig ns :11111 pl.lill whit~ .lIhi 1.\0 ;0;1 13 \' 111Uc, S,alt: P rice .... , , . . , ...... , .


I ..


I' rll.:l'" . ..

Lll die' H at~ in ~Ii bn' and $ 1 95 11 r: l1lp~. ~ I IHJilth ~ t )'Ic: !.. )i1.00 v.tilles. Sale I'ft (c .. • l.a ,li c.· ~",j ~I i. '" 1l.1t" :;1.00 9 5 ~nd ~!:,(j v.IIlIe,. tlc I r1"~ •. . .. . . . . . • . . • .. L.ulil,·s ~\ u ll -~~i,1 Au tu I bt:s 1.111 :11,,1 stripe s . ;3(. v.1luc, S:tlc Pri c . .... .. . . .... . . . .

Lndies' C IIts in conl uroy and Shep herd's l,(,id, S7 ..;0 $ 3 95 •· I'rilt.'. . . ,

:-i jl!c P ril.: ( . . ,

Ladics' Suits . Th e Inost $ 1 9 75 u1' to rl;ttc !irylc: :,:llld (uh. ries . $30V:aillcs, Salt Pri ct: • to S IO \t.tlu e:" ' a e l'n ce" . .


~ .tlt:

I'rll. "(' ....... '

s..d l' P rin.'.,. . . . . . Ladies' uits in all wOlll st:r~es ,ltl,1 \\' o~'l . an .1 silk poplins in gOlld $ 9 9 5 1.,l,lh...; un,l \ l i, ...,·.. ~l llld\(,'~ ill \\ /1Ill' , stv lcs an d "Iors. 11 1(,.50 1 1:111 .'Ifld .hl~ll. I.l n: . vn!u c:" ';I I ~ Price.·.. . ... .. • . I s~ ~ 1t: ~ . !'I. '\ U " .duc, I n~t ',dhd 95

$5.75 $5.25


$7 ; 0 \ allll~ ,


Two percent of the cash sales of this Mammoth sale will be given for war purposes, to be divided' into three parts·: One portion will be tender ed to a worthy institution whose regulations will not permit us to state the name i one portion to the Ladie s' A~ to Company E, O. N. G.; and one portion to Company E, O. N. G.; to be


tumcd in during tills sale, but at these sacrifice prices we cannot redeem books in· mercha ndise during

- - - - - - - - - --_. _- ----


I rll,:e , . . . .. , ..... . .... . . .

O ur stores w ill r emain open until 9 p. m. eve ry 'night durin g this Mamm oth Sa le.

Lulie, \\ hi,< \\' .11" " iii, elll· 9S · vft.'d c{)ll..r :In ,1 ,-·~ltf:., ,.1 ... 0 hp,n t I 1''' erns . : 1. :;0 valu e. S .• k prlt c

De... iruJ.le $ 7 9 5'

ta mps will be given dur-

ing this sale as usual. We will (\:1.1' $2. 50 ~'Ii fol' every stamp b ~ol(

. . . "In last week 's iscuc of the Miami Gaz ,tt we annOlinccd th circum stan 'cs that fqrccd us to tn:1ke this sa :rfice sale. Vv.e ar abl to giv price on only a S111 :1 1\ portio n o f our imm 'ri but a small p re·' nl .of th l' tho usan is f mti Ie on this sal e. Th ey i-iC stock . T h ' few items mentioned ~1~ l o w are \v ill giY e all idea of th ~ I :Jrg~li ns .1 w :J ltln g ~· o u.

REME MBER- Ninete en Great Sale Days, Begin ning J une 30 , Endin g J uly 21.

Men'. a nd YounS Msn's Sui u. lIL 8. and )120 val- $12• 75 Utt, Sale PrIce . . .... .. . .




Warre n County hils magaifiGently sho~ by o.!ersubscr ib~

fer:...e Liberty Bonds.

Le~. O_b salb . our Red Cross allotment.




,. . . . ,. . . . . .19 n. J~fC!.JqF[L -1 e -




· I

All <b:;;~~t;'~;"~d WI.

the Nlr 111111 1111<1 g '1I1(' til' ,. .. to Ihn mcpa to l<l k' llr th Inla' <HIt! th., l'ULll't. In· d '~d th., 1\ 'llt.... \I' ll '! rIlnrlllll down h enlmO, till' HIt'!'1 IlN'h hrlll!!I'. filling ror th flr ~1 tllll 1/1 J!1' nl'r'llloll ~ til ball' nel of th Kleltln!\' 1I 0r ~e. l~o rlunHte­ Iy Jl clluhl Uow lhll l. 11' 1l~' without ll 'l jl' gor to ti ll' \ (111"1) (II' thl' Vlllflulll below. ~ ' lte colon('1 1e',1 hi s (1IIII!,:ht r to a chnlr und tlWIl lurllf'd ~o " ' Inlers. "You Wl'f' th u r~?" 1:1 0 beguD.



Celebration at Waynelville, 9hio, at

Oakdale Driving Park


me Oh"U( II." "Dying I \\'11I're?" 1, l"Upll \(;lI l1 y lho hi!; cnW . rnncher "Tio WII S to pi ceB by the told tlo o "l" ,'y or lII t'II ,le'>! mud ru_1t III 1117 college days," Buld !lodnoy. lust dYDluulte explosion. We bro~ 0\"' \ 1' t h,· n l("lo~ \\"11 It 1I1 ~ two (' Onnlllll"Au4 thue waa never "realer need hllp hero." 10llN, 0( .tlol· lI" S Il"l'1I tl' nS""l1lt on. tile h OJ!·h'II'k, "r t 10 0 ~ Ul'e" SR tim L hnd U1l!t of haste tban DOW." suld Winters."] "W r() YOu th er 'r' wleh 1 bad a horae here." "Wo BIl\"1l fro III th top ot tbo mesn. tltelr "ITortl< tu "l'l'n till' IUlprovlsed "1,lIlwny, ulld tllen the /lonl dlsasler. l "Don't ilve up. 111188 Illingworth." Ob, t!on't tulk BUY I OIl~l!r." . "Sevorr.n c," Huld IlllngworUI, with T hn recll,,1 lost noll.ll n!,; In his grnphlc ,C!Ontinued Rodney. as he Btarled to/Ward the door. "He'8 alive yolo" llrowlJt d\!I!ISIOn, "you hll en't forgot. r e lutioJl . "It \\'lO" 11111" It wus l1Iuglllflcent." Jut then. op!>Ortunely enough, ten oil your olt! melll en i slelli. This hoi iroundlng tho IBst 'curve before the arcb your Job. Onc of you JnlUJ1 on lho on. MltI th o colun,,!. pnltlog hi s du ughter's ""rldp, tbey law the end ot the oUler glue ond brlug u pill' 'Idull up nnd- " shuultler. "When! ure the two who ur I'8pldJy approaching them. Bnd "I'm going," sold . Rodney. "Who's wcut with hi III 1" "'rhoy're OUIslt!o there," sulci \'{In· ·they not been 80 exclted they could tho beat doctor lu townT lbave heard tbe furious pumng of the "Doctor Fruser. Hc's a you,?g mUll, ters. 'rhe old colonel wpo t to the tloor Ilt 'enlrlne os It drove ' the cur at grent but very skillful," nn~wercd 000 of tI,e tho cur nod cnlleli llto two "'en Into th e '.peed up the heavy grade. locul bridge men. "nrtng our own Doclor Dulley up cn'~in the bonk down In orono do "Walt." anld the conductor. "we ClIn • end the en.nne down tor .til doctor, hero frOID our hospital Wllh him, flnd lhem's u th ou.llI"l 1I0llnrs of rulue for That'll be the colonel's cor." tell that engine drtver to get dowo II r h of dldn't you," ho suld proml' y. In a few mlnutos the car 8topped on to tho town ud bock Just 09 quickly teo "\Ve do It fur IJlOney, SOl', " the eldlng. Out of It come olooel us be can go. Cheer uP. Rel~n," 811hl enid th e big Irlshmll n. "although 'twill iJll1ogworth. Doctor Severence, OUrll"9, the colooel. "1 know thot n mun Is be weicomo enougll , but bow Is Mr. and lOme ot the officials ot th o Brhlge not going to r ehllbllltate lIlmsolt toy Uobert s ?" C!Ompanyln town. They were 1111 grenl· such on IICtlOO and hove the evidence "You meun lhul mun who blew up I), excited. The colouel did not stop to ot bls Innocence brougbt out ut such B t tl thor lbo hog· hoc!, 1" " put on hl8 hot. e run 0 10 0 a moment Just to die." "SI, sli:t!or e. n grcuto mnn ho ees, 'ear .nd c!Umbed aboard. "Will you give me tllose papers, colo- sold tho little ltullnll. "The dam'a golnK." he shouted: "The nel T' said Rodney. "You'll wunt this "I wl Rh ] enuld say ho WII S nil right, brid,e and the town will be flool1ed . written up and-" but Uum,,'s n doctor with hI m und we ouroke thenl." sold the c:olonel. hovo sent tor th e hest physlclall In :We got word aD hour ugO by a llIess n· .er plloplnr down. The te\('l!hollo "Wlll yon come nlong wlUI me, Mr. town. li e's horr\l ,: y hurt." "nut pl nlsc Gotl, he mll Y{lUll through, w!ree .re down, I ran Ule cor UI' horo Shurt1llT? After I see the doctors I'll .. tbe Quickest woy to get over to the waot your affidnvlt." sor. The Holy Virgin nn' the Slllnts ''Yes. sir. anything," said ShurUur, presn l'YO hllu ," sold tho Irl shmoo. lUuk. reeervoir and the thlm. Somo of you who know the way eome wlIh me." "It WfiS tine of yon," sold 'Vloters. log tb e sll,.'O Of the cross. And til his o\\'n IUllgunge Uttle Fun. By thl8 time the observation room "to try to 8hleld your employer aod ot ths car was IDled with men. the mun you loved, but tbank Got!, you nro breulh cd u similar prllyer and with . "You lleed not worry about tho dum," spoke ont betore It wus too lato. I'm his grimy, toll.s(ulncd bund ho mullo old Rodney. sorry 1 pnlled that gull on you; you'ro tho SIIIIlO gesture. "What do-10U mean?" a man. 011 right, oven It you don't look "MUrphy," shouled a voice from the "A man blew up the hog·back, mndo It," ho udded to hlmBolf a s SburUlt!' pines on the side ot tbq, hill between tile cnr ond the mcs\,. • eplll·way, the water ruBhed out bowed nod toll owed Rodney. -throOgh It Into the ravine. you cau Winters stood at tho door ot tho pns- - "Thut'l1 bo 1I1r. Vnndeventer, tbe . . It below ther4s. rellevlog the pres· sagewny loudlng to the stateroom while I I'eSldl'lIt ogl neer," snld Mui-pby, -' trIIN on the dam at once. Blnce It hns Helen Illlngworth nnd Sel'erence, wbo Colonel llllngworth' turned' to the laeleJ liP till DOW it wlU bold tor goot!." had been educated as a physlclun, aod dl'or ngulo, "Thank Ood I" med the colonel, sink- the old colonel, who knew a grent deul "Where's !loberts?" cried Vandeven. fDa down Into a chllir aud Willing tho about wounds and accidents from bls tor, IItumhllng down the hlll. He WOII neat off hla brow, "The hrldge wlll war experience, entered tho.stutoroom. hllSj;'lIrt.l ond w orn ond weary to Ole lie late then. By Oeorge," he aasped, A new spirit bad come tnto tho rela- point ot elJhnllBtlon, but os soon ns lie "tile 1la111at colDpany could linrdly tlOOI! ~etween father aDd daughter and hod been OJ; urpcl or t ho suf ty of the !Ian IIttlod auother 1088 like that. both wore Illld. ,Tl\ora was no quell- dum-und b fo re he I t tho watcr Wtl8 iWho'. the man who blew It upr' tlOD now about the future. Thero vl~lblY .I'Ilcodlug-ho hod stortcd out to "lila name 18 Meade." aald Rodno1' should be no opposition trOID Ool~ocl seek the englueer wbom he hnd, In his ~lIIet17.. DUngworth. Within an hour the po- U1lnd In tho excitement ot the momeut, "'lfot-r per. would have the story of how one nccilsed or de ertlO[). man hnd .aaved a great dam, tho via. "Hc's here In my car, sir," sold Colowu • lone paU8e. EverY' duct. the towu, and Its people, and n Illllngworth. mall there knew at the taUure of the they would have at the Bame time the . "And who nre you, mny I ask?" said InterDatlona1 and In whllt estimation etorY' of who was rl'flponslble tor the Vllud " coter, crossing tile track anll the old C!Olonel helll the OBlDe at Meade tall ot the Internntionul brIdge. They swinging hlrusel! U1)On th e platform ot '-~ of. that. , , woulel have the story ot the attempted the cor. "Well, It wu • Glle thing," saId the ielt·sacrt1lce ot the 100 to save the "1 001 Colonol DlIngwortb, presIdent eolooel; "it mates up tor hi. blunder- tather. They would have tho story ot ot the Mortl t Brldgo compony," ... wort on the brlqe." . the old man'fl splendid nod magoanlm· "Bllt ltoberts1" "Bee pardon,l1r." eald ShurUut, who 0118 avowal ot responsibility before he "l:Ils name Is not Roberts. It's laadltOod wid~1OO alld white and suf- died. !rhe United Stutes. tho world, Mende." tenne III allellee ever alnee the enlrl- would ring with tho Ilrumatlc tule. "What ? Tho International man?" Deer bad beell brongbt to the car,"C It W8S...all much to tell thot slory 10 "Yes." ".. Dot bla blnnd!ll'." hIs own W8y 11.8 to summon medical "I knew he wos nn engineer. Well, "Wh7, ,.00 AId 10 ,.ounelt," , moo aId that Rodney hud gone tor tho doc- he'fl lIIade up for bls follure there." the ~ODeI. - .tor. And 10 the tather held the dllugh· "Be did not tall there any more tbalI "I Ueel." admitted the IIIICl'8tarJ'. ter clasped 'to his 81de lI'hllo both beot he tolled hero." snld the colonel. ., QuJdI: u • 1laab Rodnel bad his over the ittll UDcouscl9U8 mOD, whom "\Vbere Is be1" notebook out. Here wu the proof at Doctor Severence qulckl)' and carelul· "It's 0 loog tory." laIt. Iy and witb wonderfnl sklll. consider"It con Will!," snld Vnodeventer , "W!I7'" Ing hIli lone wltbdrawal trolD practice. brusquely. "1 wont to thonk him for ' "To san the reputation at the DWl eDJDlned.. savIng the dam ond tjlO Uves ot tho 11on4-" < "What Is It'" asked the colonel os men on It, nod UH) town, .and the rnu. ".lad how c!o I know 10U are not the vice president lookec1 up presently. rou!I, runt the bridge." 1Jtq. tor th1JI man oowf' ,ukeel the "My daughter la engoged to be marrIed "I don't know whether you can thank eoI01lel harahl:r. to hlm"-and he \Vali rewnrdod by the hllD or nolo" flald the colonel. "'l'beae wiD pron It," saId ShurtlU!,. thrill and Clnlver thnt ahot through hla "You don't mean-" at cU me Paller'l he drew out ot daulhter'a belog wlllch he felt os be .IHe WIlS terribly burt by the Inst exhie he bad placed thelD .preued her to his slde-"we can't lot ploslon anil they brought him hore." tbat momlD, haIt loteucUn, to teU hlm die now." "Oan I see blm?" "Be's In Ood's honds." an9wered F ' C I I IlI1n th Belm DIlDaworijl the truth at lut. "~veren"""'vely. "He'll been terribly or answer 0 one pO.r "What theeer the colonel alked"" .g ... pOInted to the ,door. . are . ' pounded everywhere. . IDII breastbone "Thls' la my dougbter, Your nome Is lltarilll at ShurtU1r, who stood erect be- 18 shattered lOme of hls ribs are broke Vandeventer, Is It noll Helen. thia Is to"! .them. su.talned more by hi. will eo. I don't know," the engineer 'who Ifl building the dnm. thaillUl7thlne hie kaeel1et we::e "Tbnt...awful cut on his forebendT' Be hOIl lhattn, 8Ild·hlaetae. bocb'tor qlllYerlng; oOrhat nothln..... . come to nsk after his mR.J;l."

"If. an eJown·grade and thero's a

outttboJ Ju 'Y

itera bud dlscr olly wllbt.lrnwn trolD


pod roadbed and I WIlS SOlDO sprinter


1'..... · "'There



wu ,lad Idter all.. more happy than he "And the Oth~ bruises?" "They count but little but the blow lIad tholllht be could be. In making the reYel.U01l, III VlDdl~tln, the Innocent. on the chest"-he ShOOk'hls gray head III "Yin, that ea~ataetlon t~ Belen sndly, omtnollsl1. ~IIIP~, tat'd7,even ~~ late, thouKb "Do '3'OU tblnk IID3'tlllng 11M peDett 'aqllt be,trnte4 hIs lungar' naked Helen DUng. "LetteN, air. You will 1Iod there a worth. a8 she poInted to b'e r lover's blueprlDt ot the delllp at the comprea- Ups, to a Ilttie blOOdy troth that came l10a memberl," aD8'11'ered 8hurtmf therefrom. ' DlonotonoU811 u If he haeJ forced h18 The old man nooeJed. -,_ .. to • certain .ctlon and It W88 ..Derhapa" "e ~~'d. ........ ~ he ....,..... "Oh, can't die, be can't, he ClIIl'tJ" workIDI autolDatlcalI;r. .'W{~ It '!-a letter from Bertl'8lD Meade to hi. fa- ",nlIA" thA womnft, "-"'-g down on her .".b" vthe bed. ...UIULI •... er - - ' " ' n . that the Jadn.. were ..-~ UI ._~w_ too 11tbt and ealUllI attention to the ''Not It any P9wer on eartb can keep . ,lDft,.oA formnla of Schmldt-ChelDD1ts '" at hili arrulDeot. On the III .... prciOf: of that letter Mr. BertralD Meade, IIr.. made . . lnda,.elDent-),Oll know Ida llandtrittllil and C8ll Identity u-SOld nnW brldr9 18 GnI8hed 'u Cl then 1IY1 baet to the boJ. We'll abow hIlD tbat .YID Sehmldt-ChelDnlta lloeen't bow "fU'JtIIlolo'"· . . OoloIaelDUIIIWOI'tb tumed the papet' ~r. There wu the IlldorlemOllt. . · "Wen.· ~,. hea_I" h. bepn. "There'. allother 1J8pef In an ennl· ope addl' to lh. ecUtor ot the New . Yon oUette. WID:IOU read It aloud, alrr ' :-. . .. ot1te4 AlmOlit .. If he bad been bnm (Joloo" DJIJIiw'orib tooll: trom the an· tvel0P.l the brieF He read It: '. J .... aal I'IiIPOndbJe tor the error till tile OIlllD of the'Internationai brldae. .... "nI1I1te4 In thle tvrlbl. 4'- . i-wlllob· that my "0, an eftort to •· I · k1IOw.-.., ....In. -nll"l1It., :.hl1l4 w...of_ tact........ _,.. ~ • -ilia," he had prev.I,..OUlI.," palnte4 'out what be be1l....s to be atruo· ·taNl ~ but t retu..o to hee4 hie . enrbont J1q ,tto.. 'l'IIe faIIItSA« 18 8IItJrel, ehar ...objeobl. to 1'I'b-. Ie DO ~bJe uplaUoa tor Dq'. '111_ _, 'I'M ....t I 0&Il ao Ie to au Itile . . . . .1IIU17. 'l'ha blame Je min.. I.\!~L--_..i.' ________-' MIlA". -to................. "Certalnl,. My De.r Girl.... Bald the B •.. •• 't ..---.BJDaTaAK • - - . . _.... ......... v... .,.. ,. VI- P~·'cI.nt. ... eompIe.·- anc1 . ... _ . --- It, .... d' - - ·"'1", " _ ... the • • -" A _ _... ... ...... &lV1U .-, ........... ,.., -.... labIolate."· II. bqua .-taneoul1. eolOliel tellllerl1. beD<JI.n( oyer her. amld·. . . .tIil_l11cc:e. "'I'hI pl'OOtII -Seod me tile porter 01 tile CU," ,are .c1Iquatl. o;na., WOQI4, eetabll8h AId Seyenmce, "and tate MIn IJIIqo ~ ~ III BIll oourc worth '11'11)' 1 'WlDt to I'IIt 1lIID.. 111 .......... ~ta bet I ban cJoae , . . . :..~ . . . . . . ~- I am ~ to aD . "Xou will back tile IIIIJnde . . . . ." llOIIuDue4 the eoIOIl8I. • r ~ ... --'''6 ,.011· ... talIdDa'" ... I . . CCIIII8 c1ear ....,- . . . . . .

... - "






'~ . - d~""";'Uon -.w.

..... [1 '.. 7__ •



Of the day will be the Hill-ClimI:ing. C~ntelt in the morning on North Street. Don miss It. The Horse Races in the afterpoon. · A large number of entries are alsured. Don't miss it. Other events will be pulled off assuring lots of fun. Don't miss it. See billa for attractions and entries. Don't milS it.




15 cents


O. W lJ oglesby , N. A. BllmlltoD 'Iud B . W, td eellor nppolnted "p. pral8ers. .!!1 t).la lllAtter or 'h e es t·lltO of William L. ~ npQk . d ooeaee(l. Ad. mlnlstrator OIed In ver: ;t)ry nnd ny. pralset lent.


Pass the Cake. Please. - . Ono \I'ould honllr Inok for lIlucb ex· Brown Linder to lit'lnley C. Wlllougbby, 10' 10 Soatb Lobanoll, cltl'lIlent In 0 well ·r ..glllnt,,11 l<ltchen, Sl , bllt we've \\'\1 n (' ~~ e,l ;;O tl) O 8 (\ rrlng William T. VanDervee ~o The BC nes In one.-Exchnu gll. Mlllwl Valley Chnutauqua, quIt olilim to 1I0res in Fronklln t own. sblp. $1. W.llter Cral~ to OllaTles E. Meare, 12 aorel tn Franklin t()wollhl'P. $1. W , H . t:lonraok lind wltD t o WIl 110m Arbogast and wlfo 32 ;X aores tn W8IIhington townlhlp, $1, Edna alld Alice 1I10Mullen to T. E. Keelor, \0' III Leb.non. $1(111.67 . Ohesttlr Campbell \0 Fraok Fair ohlld aDd wife, 65 aore .• In tlft.lem townsblp; $1. George W, Byers et al to Chulea E. Mears, 12 .aoros In Franklin 'owo~llip, $10,000.


P. K, Urton VII Alloe L. Gregg, Judgment for plaintiff In tbe BUDI of $500 and Inienst, J. W .' Lewle v80arrle A. LeWII, CauBe dhlmlssed. WllIll1ttl E , Itlokarcl vs· Lilly Bo gensohutz et ai, Leave gl,\!eo ·de. fondant Jlagdellne Rioka'r d and FredRlcll:ard to 11le answer. Or,d er or partltloD granted, Wlllhlm.O. Tbomploo ve Francia M. Bamllton et al. Motion to re qnlre' plaiutllI to m"lr.e petition more definUe aDd oer'&ln over.ruled. . FlrmAD King ve Gracia Kiag. Dlvoroe gunted plaintlii . Hbward Beed vs FlrmaD King. Demurrer , Rachel Urandll1 .. aaohel Eut_ mall 1411111110 Ord.. for pa. tltioo grall'ad. Emma F . OIlD't~er VII Barvey J. Bnlbert et al . Oaul16 settled and dieml!lsed at the oost of plalo$!ff'. Ruby VaD Riper an,d Laura Jor. don V B Oharlel D. RI3ald, .'rns'ee et al. Waltar B. Kldd'Br aDd A. 11', Broom ball, exeoutore at the ee'a te of WIJII"m M. Sayner, dece.sed, are file IlnllWSr and gr!1nted leave oron petition. Thomas O. Welob VII JOhD Jaoob JenDlngs et a1. MaUerll having be eo adjusled,oompromlsed and lIettled, oause III dlsmlslOd at a.f.nd.n&8. 8$&&s VI Rola.nd Hopklos. BODd 1l%ed at $200. Oharls. J : WaggClOe. wal ap poillted trustee of '8711.55 belonglDI to ·Wllliam MoKlnley Browll pro· eeeds from .ale of fIIal e,t.'e. G.Jorge Foreman va 'I'h. O. L. and N. RaHway Co, Cau8e seUled alld dismissed a' oosb of defendall's.




Real Estate Transfer.

Common Pleas Court



ALL KINDS OF Terrestrial Magnctlbm Blamed. I In tll ~ 1'IIIIIIon of u FI' nch ~C h 'lI ust. 1 the SWIIl ~IIlJ; 111"II"n t\tnt oft u IJrl'lIks InSUR1ln~E electt'le trn nslIlls"lun lin 'R I ~ t!uo ns , "" much I" l ~ rrcsrr lol mngneUsllI (I S It 18 to wlull.


Walter Chandl. Wafnei~-,o. ._.-....


"'arrlale LIcenses Vlrill E. Mullenix, of Oll\fksville, and Uebeo.a J , O,"~wollad8r. of BlaDollester, R.lph B. Vance, of Morrow, and Olara Bozel t:fllwke, of WaYlletlville , -William 8 , Roof aud BIlUle Uham. b.rlaln, of i'ranklln .


Clean Proposition



A-UMAFFr~ Funeral Direetor ... and .b ..mlmer, Waynesville. Ohio. Either Auto or Horse drawn I!ervice. No extra charge for auto. IICrvice. Both pbolle8 In Office Uld Re&idence. No. 14. .

dairyman·, wile could voto ~J when crenm SCn;,rnlorR are up (or clcclion.- A U. S. CI/Ei\M SilI'i\i{t\· T OR would alway. win, handlQdown. r~cvc.ry

.L ivery

mann~crs knew the

Ulbo creamery



be even morc urltent for tile use oJ


buyl!1'tl 01 creamcrv produCUI /f the knew th.lIt the poor·kecpanll qual·

Commissioner's Proceedlns.

ities or butter can usunlly be l mced to

UOiler ~f. 00., repalrlnll .a'. III ~d~~{~~~r ~~nn~irr~~~~~:81;tt:~~ 'rea.urer's offioo, 118,50; M . A. U.S. SEPARATOR. wilhillUD"lUalted reDuration for cr""n111lCM. Bnrke. plumblnc at jail, $2iI ,l5; JlOU will let ",«sbow JIll" howmucb .lobn aactt''', ellpanso8 011 'be 801. ... i.r It t. 10 keep t ile U. S. SSP. dl.ra reUet oommlsslon. I1U; W, S. ARATORcien n nnd ,,,.U,,.. insldonnd oLit th.-'l.u other .dmilur·dev ices.- how, .ame, $10; B . M. t..ever, Quickly the Inechnnlcn).wnl he r scrub •• lame, $10; P. K Penoe, Ilame, 110; &ealds a nd drics theekimmln lt parts.the a you will be as plea&eei to own U Benry ReId, Bame, $10; William It, U. S. 5B" ARATOR 88 I Don to InleORobinson, ."ma, $10 ; Mahlon Ridge, due. th""" flame, $10; John 0. Troylllo, IIlIme, After ( sf/ow you. " CO If you can $10; B. F. Tufts, same, $10 ; D. B. find any other separolor so san· Welton, .ame, IW; [nC}u6s' un body It.ary. If you cannot- then buy of lit M. Moran, co.," $840; Ps~er , a U. S.- the \'{orld's Record D. Ba'filld, .ervloes on burial oom, close skimmll1l: 8epnrator, New Suits ml.sioo, $G; A\lnSI' Br08 . lind 8pre1l8, ooal. for oonr' hOUle, $18.50; ELMER ROGERS e W . MoElfresb Vel Mary Wood, Tile Lebanon Lumber 00., louust ·'I've dODO everytblng I enn tor him." Money only ; ~mo un. claimed f ollIS, posts, $8.78; Stokell and Graham, In Waynesv1l1e, Ohio sold _ Severence. comIng out ot the full of oontraot 1i68, ISI4 70; RIIII. Probate Court stateroolD, toll owed by tho porter, helmer Quarries Co., orusbed etooe Vandeveoter shook hands with the girl. 10 the mllUor of 11118 estlite of for Tur.leoreek 'owllsblp, "Ho:.s..stlll nncon.sc1oUs,. but seems to Olam W . Kirby, deC'Blilled. B. W , JOleph, Lelcblef,.road work In oreek township, 801. breathe a little cosier." hlnll, exeoutor, allow,ed '$GOO. l'he 'a,ucJ"or w.lIl\jreoted.o ma.k e W MILLED Into the little room tho woman and In tbe matter of the, iuardlaolhlp D~. J . . '". the tour men crowded. Vnndeventer, of BewlU P. Mnlford at aI, winors. a 'rallifer of ,CiOO tram the audUor'. nccomponled by Murphy ood Funaro, Barry Ill. Oo",an appoloted guar. fie (und to 'he oounty fuod : followed tbe colonel. Neither ot the dlRn. BODd $ 00, ••• DENTIST... workmen would bo lett onto Thero lay , ._ f D In tbe maUer of 'he DB a.., 0 • tho engineer, hIs toce ns white as the C, doob. d&oeaaad. Will admitted Loo!<Ing.Ahcad. Waynenllle.O linen ot tho pllJow or the bandllge B I'd Little 1\[ory, ngf'Ct tCIl, guze!1 nt!lIllr' which lID db eeo d 0f t IY tied oroun d hI s' '0 probllote, Emma BoobDAappo n e d ell:eontrlx. WIl.oo . • _rger an hend. Olle hnnd, still grlmy and mud· A. O. Vail lillrt Jaoob Wantz appoln. Ingly lit tile 1I11uuOlill rings glittering all the tlullcrs of her grondlllothcr. "Whcn 8talned, loy on the 8hee~ .H elen n. . I lII urr~' ," sold tho Child, "] SUllPOSC I •.,-~-"" .. It all d ted appraisers, . Jln",'orth kneIt down an d ...... lo.ld her head on the bed. In the matter of 'he el!tat.· of will gct th cse' rlngR us n "'eddJ'lk pres, To be OOIl~hied Mary L, Mulford, deoeased.. F,lnal ent." Up spoke h ~ r brolher Dob, aged Bevon. "Not Oil your Rweet life;" 8al~ •_ • acoouoS of admlnl.tra'\ or filed. , tatatt 0' Rober'. Griffith, de- be. "You get OliO of tbem I the oUler Fu~eral Director. ol••ed. I'llIal.ooouD\ of admlnl•• goes to my wife." Rubber Clo... .the 8kull. $la' or flIed. Wayne8vHle Ohio For closing n '~ole In th4t skull Dr. C. Estate of ' Oa'berltl' Kibby, d. WlII Pow .... 8condotu . ot Nuples U8e8 rubber oeased, Final 1l00<!UU' of tru.he No one likes the <Iend·eyed man sponge. . He repurts to LII Rlformu filed, r-BlITHBRMeIllco thut he tried It 00 II rabbIt Bnll Eet.t. of Anlla II, Gr.udln, Imbe. whose fllce shows that ho hilS taBted ,Auto , Equipment the dr gs In the 'hotlolll of the !!UP of a dog, whlcb he killed utter nine ontl oil. . Nloth .0JOun' 01 gu.rdlall experience, hut 'WIllIII m Muxwell. wrIt· Horto-Drawn Eqt,llpment elx montbs Ilnd tl,uod that excopt tor flhjd. , In.. Colller's, RllYS th ere Is liD at· Ing 8Ught loose U(lheslon to tbe durn. the Es'a$e of Noall B. MIII.r, do. troctlon ·In the lepl ey !l of the mall rubber ~pollge ",lis unehanged. It hnd oe8led . Flllal 8OO0uot 111M. who hns eecn the dregs and pushed the TE-EPUONIll 7 DAY OR NIGKt C!8used no troublo aod tile onlmals .had E,late of Orlllhto'D Bowe, d .. cup ~w~y: 'bshn'Ved northolly, eealled. 1I'lr" aoooam,' approved, ~--~ --~.~----• .. • ailow"" .Ild oonfirDutd . JI:a",u. of Jams! E . Borden, dlllea••d. Final The Ide.1 Ar,my. BARNHART, aooouot ap'proved allow.d alld OOD. , Inftuence of MoonliGht. Some men think last, and then act I firmed. . othnrfl IIct nnd think atterwnrd, l! at Notary Public, Doctor "'adger of 'VIenna cites casea f ••• t "-r 0 " I the maUer a d ........ a 0....Sloo1l: 1' • all Ooe typo the other ot 'somnambullsto who "under n the In: d M.ry y 18 de'lberotlve, , lIneuce ot moonllgbt ore ealled to ~lme8 '3tookton. eoeale . . ' . Impulsive. The army ot collI.beaded .A.U-"md. of Nota.,. Work. Willi and !leenes ot active clrl1di~h' wlshe& lon appolnt.d admiol.'ra!rl_ , officers and bot.heud~>d soldiers make. an4 ~ .• ~a1"', mhe &-'18 thAm to In tbe maner dof . 'ho_..will0 ofp 'DeD. .., moon ""-' ,. In deep olcep ~ at .a mngolftceot mllitury. macblno.act out ,dream wlshcs." The Mellical Otl Carnahao, Il08l11<,... a Y, Amerlcon Magozloe. Jouroal suggeets that the key to slcep.. will admU'ed to rlOON. • .. • walkill lP and other ldndred disorders ·W · alter B, 14etrUI. ndmlll1atra:.or, e • I , 1 0 r der of childhood Md late lite may be·tound .. Ohftoo W. ·M.lrrll ell.. . I . 'rall.-" '0 •• 11 rtal,""",.,., ' Her. Ladyahtp. Veterinary III mooll' o~. • - • .... .. , 1 P' d t . . .,. ot JobllJ:marlOn, d.oe...l1. . "So ell!'18 grown up aD go lDar- 0--'.-": 01 "'&... Vnlwnl'Jl'I .. I cooa.t died. ' rled'! What a romantlc .ehlld lI,\e '11'88 • _ _. . . , . . " Da a . .. f aad how ebe uled to talt about LDorl'1N ' B _, .11 ,~. ma".r of Ul... , . : 11lIr a title." "Well, sh. dId." "YOD 0.. or u .. n.... Lydia . .,u.rUlwalte,' deo. .e. dOll't mean Itt What I. the DOW, • ")[J'II. Sharpe I. a womim of wooder- Ord.r .....nted &0 oompouD_ II. . «)untMI or a duchll88f' "Neither; OFFICII: fUl17 lI:een IIltulUoo. Im't .beT' "AId pera" olJlms abe... eoal-buoD..... , CorDer Main and Mill S~ts lin. Oabb7. "Oh. rellUlrbbly 10,.... lD 1JIOII4td .1Ir'I. 0abDett. "WhJ'. 1aer 1In1... WIU III1111aDd ..,.. lb. C!aD IC!eDt a llal'"ltWlalltte4 probate. .tab) W. .........-v _ .. pia .1. three 128,. . . . . . .& . . . . '.Plpo!Ia.. ........ · ...100 9'"_


Sole Agent For







DB.H.E.HAT.HAWAY WaYDN nne'. LeadlDll DeJattd III Eel' Blda. Kaba Be


h==============1C---1DR. D COX'S


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. .,.. . . . . . . . . , too aIaIDIW _ . .



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Ttltb.G:a&8tte·~\VlIlt A~





. Oldo

Barbed Wire L'I''UIM'EB'U'II. U" ,I;eI-' a.

GUARANTEED to heal without lea.,. hlg B blomiBh,or MONEY REFUNDED. liOc and $1.00 sizes for fresb "ound.. old Bores, 80re baoks and .hould....&Pnrna and bruisll8. 25c size (or Famlly lIl•• OR. COX'S PAlftLE8S IILISTEJt Is painless and gnu.nwed to Otl~ Spavin, Ringbone, Ourb, 8w8eny~1Jn., PUflS or IIny elilargemen' of . , o~ mullCi e, or money refi:Qol.ded. Not 101.

ro.. MU n 'au. ..u~.


TH. a.IAT. .T· ,



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h" thUl.h.:h t flO til TlUlllHrullrt



" \ ' II V, I\"II 11 1111I1I11Ir),!" h " ·UllPI" l. I '-That ;,11\11 " ,u k 111,' fll r n ·ooufoir.lI'nIO . "'flo Is roMIlI'" 1I4'ro nrulln d. Th y IIl1v

GOOD LESSON FOR MICHAEL Ie!!i!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!il!iii!!!

t tllO hluhlenl. un·

til (H)ver of lu I' rofnllnd' Iwwlldorw< lit I'" ~lII r d.. A D Ilkln t<l1oticgsly I " 'hlla urn 11Jl'llt, 11 n ntb Willi n I heUl' of d1\lnt>' OlMt SWl(l w\r.hpB. I I<lyt'r of INlu!'!' IPIII"'R, II lId th ero n eRo lied ~ Sql'flr() ot plo nudging hllrmonl. "ualv u. tb lnk Hlh'!! Iff ru l lu ako. ' M y ur)/lluul lu nch .Ill us t h" ,·o spilled o ut, a ud tlU'I<O Iw ml~()hlol'ous lutls In 11 ~tmKm 1'( "on.dllon mUll t. huv<, r~cov 'l'll(] Ibe 11nll ntld had IL I' flll d a l hll me," r Ull bulw d Al vin . . " lI nlll oh: Nottl" wh"I'o III tl,ls tu wn Iher I~ a (UIllOUH c I> "Il ' ~I y fll\' ul'lIo ua IIlty, '1· h ., u liS hll ,llIlIlI'r Ilall,


Dlaobllglng Ooachman Go t a Mcr ~ted Rebuke From Hla Though t. ful Empleye •.


chlnr\ltorm"11 .\ (\ H6 1'rlpp nod flr I 'ot- - _ By FRANK FILSON. In!; Ih It , nH('! I mll"t lIN !" nnd h" B UGU TU GOODRICH SHER'I'he IRlc ;\fro 11. n. Illni n \\"ho OARlwrl UJI ttl(, ' - H l P!;. '[,hQ ReT"')n duor • ' , I' h ap",.".) I W!lS hnokl' d on tb 11I61d . Mr. L)\lII~WIN. was 0 11 o f III .gr Ilt nwrt:hanbl of (I'ul' YO Ii;t' l. 1111\, 'l I,' ~;;mnll) . -__ _ _ tho 1;1$1 gcl1(\rut.IOIl , Ill' d ll)1' mllny LlcululHlUt "utl lI eLZ(lW lind Ollly "Now do thoae two e rmndl! rlgbt. I 110",11, 1111'" It (1 1)" 11 wllh II. wron h. )'cllr~ t1.L Kill'!llbridl1f' , OU' uf It,,· ~ lIb11 r Marvi n," dlr L d 1",0111 Trl)ll' 10 hur I durttld acr' .:!! Ow tlNll' to tl () Iftle- I (C"'P.'·I I ~ ht 01. I". ' . C (,h.l,pn"",) ut tU tI QfIl til coT 0 IIUI brotb r, "and I " ti l &1\' you UU' jI l' h nU! nnrl J ok II!, lil l' To ('II'I' r " II turn 10 t hl' '1 I'lt'lT. " s'poko AlvIn ul' b of ~\lW .,York.n I t wall hi~ wbim !thine sh l1l8 dII'hl111 hchllllh:nlly hlH \'UIIIIIIIII1,1I1I1; . otbor cookl wbllll you ·,'L II, 11." " , IIlml: " Il~ s!IOII II'II ," lid til pO . · l'r'l.~cutl. Hil t! If t'lo. pr"~"IO\1 rcnose 10 louI'e ('I! ' h 1lI01'lli ll Ipfll)'(J br l'lIk- hnd ~I Y . 1l hhu when htl lvoll Ills tlulJ. "Yll 'm, I'll II It." nlllTublud youlh·· Iico at UII \I' I ~ rr . 'I'rlllll' lI · ll omo. tl l bl>! (aco tI','L louk",1 str:ll1,guly out ot . ~ " d I'IIJ I ntl'ln. hlb muuth fu ll of II. rUon Is trohttl .b Urgr.U' IZ ' dl" hll ndd ctl. ll.' tl:,l' ! I' IUCU [ur onu 0 Yl>UOil nud bnnd. fll ,t ~'"il; of '"It lll'ul n fr .,,11 iro m umrln (lut ut 'uxhul' U. NOIV ,. filII· o( III /lUVOn \l8)'DlQIlt. I edl y, ~Ot11o. Ii prtllg Ill'tl r 1110 lIuu o. lug It, lt o tu lt his bouy grow rigid "You will I ave this Pit ka g!l jlt Theu with n dlsl rnl' l d 100 11 III ttl!' It "':1 8 hull l' tl ll tt un. n'~olve on,1 grim· One Vl' l'Y fll1ny !l1o rn ing tlll! with . lie hOl'ror. look 1\ IIl II 'r fru m lilt! Vllckel11001<11 ','Ith MI·iI. llul\f;. o mbl) l\tld 8ny I h 11'It'~~ l.l' nll ltl, h" rill> ul n bns .hull l " ijll cr1l1lhln"oJ nll ugil L of r 'lIrel: 110 tno-ral~in h rr' nd! " . pit t:h r II'lI s n oL in itri llHlIIti plll('e, one wh ich hnd Ilf'rlv lld fr om ;~lIIe l'l ca I III" gr Il l' ob1l1Hld. Tllun run do~m I ehlh 1J"1rlllJ!lng III lllrl' ln ~ l l\ llIlflll; liP I hUlllic'rt bllck 11 it' ll'>r. jU "t ""ill' pr tl 'I'll toull' BO fll"UC'SR of Iho UII poet· lind h ' lI~ kl'd. th o II'tlitr 'SS why it WII l' la Hall' ou ly 111'0 \I' 0 118 Il fo ro. It to 101 "8, 1'l!lIl'I 'S and lell U!sll to come,/ In I~ cnr'"' r of thl" roolU, s('11.11d Il RIIII by Ihp " ..slrn1ln 1\1111 Il[OlJgh t 10 hlt o I'd T I'RSl llnger,,,I III<1' a fl I' frll gmJlco WRS from MI ~H Lucy IInlnltrld!;o ot liP t() th hou. toniGht abol1t ' I'I~I"l m n out on Ih porl'll. b)' Ih l) . I"""tll)· 10111<1 uf lh(' lilli'll. r n To'l FP. ru; hn I'II S A(,,: ,h oi Il pnt wh!'ro mi~Ri ng. Clnclnnntl. O . MIHs Ilnlnllridgo was )'OU tolks IIro 011 go ing to n ul hi. !'n ll hnrl - hl' n hl'al'(l . II" cln~s bonrdl nw hnll>ll. the fnre alHI el lij· lhn (,1I1 ~~ tr"1111 1! o f Ill£' ,lInl1 or PllII hn el ' Why l\[ r. Ijlnill," ~hl' sn i,!. 'it just nn ordlnnry Amcrlcnn s lrl, but ,0'Clock, be away Irom home, and we \\' 111 hu,'" nU led 0, rn k 'l nil ot Rom,' on · comlnll . oroll'r or wh ic h cunsllluted ont! or tho· trllf1slllr!'d. 1\I \' ln ) , Ull nuv lIr boforo w:~ ruin iJlg' so hnr<l Imd i' FO tho onl y 01\0 In IIf,' for on !lotzow. 'a nle ~ong chnt. 11 Lettie 18 not down ttl sLalrl'. 1'1\ II n ~ hnrp wh ls· t11 mlylulrt! erOti'(.s ho was li nt ",Il l'el " "t iCI'd tlh) ~rl l'llll I..."uty of tho Ilt llo that I "'tiS nIm lll if ] W, ' lIt I1fl ' l' 11 0 bud dod dt!!1 I h l~ wh en th ey tUet III thero, I v word with hor molbor." lIo, ' nn d two Nllnkl og f rms Ul ild f(>T to ill nr. ~"tl" gc M Il\n lli ll ~ ~lI(' k (rom (b r ulld I N ' w On~shl \'ork. rl \\'hll WIIH to "Ycs'm, J'II do tbul." III dsod dar· Ihe s treol Ilnel dlsal'pt r d n n.ld tho "I 1I'0n't bronk I WOJ1 'l gh'o In : " IIm lll 11 n" 8l lit !.(rl'l' n"ry nn,1 lowe rs. t hl) Will r 1 HIIIIUlti I,,' 1,)1) soil ... tl ttl the at ~lit ho ' vl~ llIugattuclle Gormnu .In, lInd etarl d forUI 10 good fulth tu nIght shod ows. h(' suitl bul\\l!l'n ' h is se t t<'I'th ." " I I·' "r tho ll r"l tllllo. Ino. ho nhs rvud II"ll it 011 t1w wLI . . 1 1I~I' l'" Jl il'IaIlPI .. ; ntldh ll ~dII Nwl'ittc ~ 1,lIcy. execul hla mission. All th thou 'hl~ of R 'l\'erend Mr. won't tru ckl o. l;fd ' oll IUuk 111Id hlij II I\'rlt t~n nr.J n a il d 10 Iho fence 10 get it f o1' nw. uut It , sui,1 il wus S'llllulro,, elull~urlillou. tl- nrto wull.r long lhut H wnll telilug oft n bls fing ers th e l)unscom bo wl! ro l o r L '01110 nuw. 110 t!,,11 Irs- lhnt !" li nd Ito 811app d bl.. \losl. IL T,'ad : "ra n a ccomUlodato his busincs to look MfI~r till' horsc-" s he waHu' t Burp. bllt s he wus co mlug ~aln polnt8 01 his errand, wheo, lurn· re turned to th e 11 rO(lm. T h re wu~ fill !! ra nlrl l)·. ''1'11 en rn my own 1I \, lu/: on or two bourcl~rs." • I ' I I I ' 10 Eu " lllfl" . "1111 pOH~I \) ly s it l) wo ul d " If 111 . 'fond Ih ~y dl ~pp n se I. lUl y. !I III CU r l'Jllgl'S, lIll t' 1'1111 ~ rrun L A. eo u ... Ing a corner, alas I a boy 00 th o run n d e ad toln L ot ch lorofo rm In III IIII'. lin '" wo rk my -oWn wny . Thank.," ho Oro\>() h'lm dl recUy off bls tn t, lin· H e Ib rew li P a ll lho Willd ow~. II ntJrle d. nrlH ln ); lu I"III'U (or his dully thi ng lik e II'ba( 1 I;o t lodny." rumlnnted "Olt I' suid ~II'. Cl ldl in Iholl gllt- ~~~. o;forC~~r~~,O lli;"~e W:,':d b,:y~undi Ir red forn elther apology no~ cxpillon· dMhed Inlo the kitch fl n nnd rN urn nd Itls lt lind tll kln); UI ' (ho Oil ed ..linn r Al yill . "I cun't do bl· tl l'r tbnn make Cully. " P('l'itlll" hI' i:! ri~hl , Fila. nlltlonce durlo Jo( Ihls drcadru l war . .. tlon, RUd, JlOor MarvIn wont headlon g with n woltorl Law n!. lie pi,, !, d It pull broug ht to him by th o kltchon th .. ehA1I ge." 1'1<'ase tell hilll 1 Wl1 ul Ihc victoria!' Lloutenrl ul \'on Ilulzow looked Bt Into th ditch. H e arose wrnthful IIJId ncross th o brow of (10 0 Ins(lnslbl ,;Irl. ijllll'ey. Whl h AII'ln prlloc('dod to do the 'I'en minll tes Int,'r, with mil h tbo. IIM of dh llIM 'oK I)eot d In n rl1l8h (Uaorderod, bls wIts all nSlrllY. Thoro ·Sho m OI'('d. 81"hod fulntly IIn,l He 6\\'un~ d01l'1I th a streel not ono 1I(O~t dal'. The comto rt and cozl neHs t l' fIr I I . r ~v6t r8 during th Wil k lh at lill Wa9 was little wUUngness or sys tcm as to brcnth ed lIIoro fr c(· I)'. 11 0 hOI,prcd whit ns ham d of '" rryl ng Ihe bll,lgo or lhn pineo rlclll;:ht rl him . Thero was r.amp mg 0 I 0 H a lt( c Inmp lng 0 to be nbse nc 11 0 \\'os to torpedo aB th frame ot wind wltb wlilch bo blun· nboul he r. nnxiollS lIud dls tress." L at tho a rtl ~un. It wns n pre lt)' big fall ti ll II tltl ed ~h"rm. He round that the bits, the !'fl l'I'iug' drew lip nt the man y at th eso flS pOSBlblo. lying 00 4ered through bIB double errnnd ; Sooo someono wou ld com', be fel) fru m th IU XlIrloll" Ih"" ry uf ,,"g illeol' Wid ow wh o ml nert th e house hlld a .lOOT with M ichul' 1 on tli Lox ill lLi th e bollom ot th o B II b twoen ex. homeward bound got Inlerestod In a sure, In r s ponso 10 his mossuge or lu g, 10 b ,,10 lit thu IlOltom to leurn tlnull ht r who lI !'1sutlll'd tho du Ics of I'ul.lh I' con t nlHl hut rovI'r. g ame of mlU'bl os Wllb somo playmates a larm. Ah! IJ,cs,' \V ero pr<,clolls mo· lite I)rnetl cnl cud o( fl' Ol'fHUllcs. 1'\\'0 ' houtc»s In fI way thnt mnlio blm reel • VlullS, to /:lI ln lim nnd r Ul a ln In d f I IInrs II duy IOll !; rI H,enn a.ld IItLIe at bome. " 'OOlC, ]m u," F1Litl :lI r. luflin, Hufo at tb Iton'ad which of the Mias list an argo t to . even e Ia 1m tb a t a th e r me n t 8 . TI10 t Iavo Iy f.Ice l Irow I.I In, ." t W(\8 ty; the And Marlflu1UO, Il'l Day \\'ns tl bcaullful gi rl. She 'get you r pilc h or;" "n.l Inki ng hor cooltle· from his pretly sisle r. 'l'b D nca r r- nea rer. II ~ could not bel li) It ! Lo th e r c 'n l Prusl' ctlve heir to a fa ", late r be and his par nt8 drovo ovcr t o Tho t mpUn!; II I'. were HO closol 11 0 IUIl C. The wo rst of It WIlS that the wns mU Klenl nnd so WRS Alvin. Two by t hc UTilI, hc wal k 'c! do wn the llnlnbrldgo WIIS til sail. .... neighboring lown lO vlsllo. r e lntlv. DrCSS don o fon,pnL ki ss UI'O U th um. fa ctory tow n tl ld nOl IJCllIs L a dec nt pillosnnt Il l'('nln gs fltl rron nd ed by r OIl I fron t .<1° " nllll' 1t1'11)'''1 Iwr 1'111 0 t h" His Inslr u ttOfl 8 IV ro explicit ones. and LeonIe, lett Blono In tho bouse. and th en drew hack nghnsl nL his ho· boarding \tall SO. Tho cbnr"e wnH tr l ' nd llt)f;!S8 lind culturo gnve Alvio a . k 1 ,, ~, ~ He was to tOTlI do e l'ery inerc hnnt t '" now n \I' Sl>I, r In lifo. Il1'1'1 Hhlll sight IIgbted II~ evening Io,mpllnd sat dewn l)u lMll'e t morlty - his couticloneu cbea f1. th o Taro Ilbomlullilio. Even "~ a,r:e. I ' ) I ' . I I 'lJ ' E ll 1\ I I wllhln b ' t ofHhis soc tlon t of thlthok ~ nwlllt tho comlog or borpnrtioulnr nnm ed It "treach ery." Alv in mado A s light grll11nce and tbeo TlJe third oVI' nIIlS a s ho snt down • II' ,ft C', ~llIl It' • rl\'o ~ R to I r t 8 Beacons . e WIlS 0 b u girl t.flend and coulhlalll, L til Bond. Thoro wns n kn oc k ut th e door, nOll r slgnodly shrugg(!d his shoulde rs liS to su pper th r A wns ntlsl ll breod. He the spring und blU'k, so he Cl1 l1 ge t notbln g of the IIv Il of thoso la oab'd d' N ' Th en m e SOllIe \\, l1tcr wI. . a co ul d no l hi C Jl ' "uut prn IsO It. lhout l:lud dy "'g IHe wus b d tohI dIveI 8SII 800n 11 nasItsIedead. ow, two sll'Rnge clrcumslnnces bnt! there ho con/ron to,1 Lallie Dond. ga z· , ltI'own out pf tb eplsodo of tho doubl e Ing 10 wltb wond l? r·Olled yes. Ihlll JltIlu rnll y In bls USUIi I good·natured bel'Rclf" nllnc 8 m ss e po I mOllaage Marvin hall got m ix d up. sh seen tbnt (ende r car KS ? Ob, h ' way Alvin reclt d th o eplsodo ot th e ' . Iy pnth. aud to wlthdrnw, leav ng Whon he arrived at th e home or Mr. hoped not ! Aod Ihe n he stum blingly dlRIl f1pellrlnH )!!T'_,~:; , in',!!,... 'l'Ie co m. l . E " cr alw r ~ l lchn('1 u ~ca to ~n th e th o luckless \laSS ngors and crew to Dun.combo, the n II' blichelor mlnls· e xplaIned th e sit uallon. monde" ~~t3' worthy r estllutlon made 'pltch r on rnlUY 11l0rDl ugs wlthout perl eh. ter, be round that gentleman nway " I reeehoed so me books b longing to 1 iJy the two mi ff hi vOIlQ boys. CI' n wailing 1,0 llI' nsked. The lIfa rlDmno was due to arrive from bome. So he delivered word to you from Loonle," /mId Lellle, "au II "W)IY ," sudd on'ly spollo up Mrs. DIll', air the Sollly COast In Il tew haul'll. hili 1I0ullOkeeper tn th18 amazing tash· came over to find ou t wha t It ro ellDt. " N Un mlllio th e m r lurn tho t\lnner I l:.leutenant von Hebow, elandlng at ton: Now 1 eee--o. mlstako on th e paiL" MISUNDERSTOOD "1I{:p atater Leonie says to tell Mr. little M~:~~" __ . ~ . -" ' " Mother:" waroed Nettn, flu shin g -police arri ved Ju st IU! Leoul o do ply. Duntlaombe that be IB to come up to "V(l~, nnd It was Nelln wbo fi ll ed thB hone tonlaht about elgh~,~;:100k, had roused her .dear fri end from h I' ,. Insensi bili ty. . Then Il wns di scovered I th e dllln('r pnll ," prOCl! ded ]\(rs. Day. that th e little bag given by the bu r· ; "Ils orlglnlll COIlL TIlS hnd go no Into tb e rll' r. She mndo tho ~oys recover glar to Mr, Dunseombe huld all tbo family jewelry. th o dInner pnll ." ' AII' 11l g la nc d . grul fully at Netta. "You-you won't tell!" he flu shed and flQunde r ·d, os be walked bomo A mid hor cuntus lon she seemed lovewIth LettIe. lIer thnll ver to him. "I surely ,...1111 " fla8l\ed fo/lth the One vonlng, LWO months later, com· I tng home froJJl work, AlvIn wns eon· mlsoblevou8 youug . ludy dellauUy> "And 1>o0nle ~11l be IIlndl" sldernbly surprise d 10 meel hIs unclo, "Oh, 1 bOIlO so!" ntllr mQred Rev. EI. 01<1 ' on LHliko. m er Dun~combo eagerly and- L eonIe ., h, 1 have fou nd hIm nt ltlst. dear ,wlIIIl ' .' .b oy !" exclaimed Ul e old mlln effu' s ively. "Hullted yo u up, to suggest Lbat bygones s hould be bygones. 1<lIss HOW 'BRASS PINS ARE MADE Eulalle Berton- " "Regordln g that estimable young Prooe .. I• • n Intrlc.te Qne, but the "Too bad about Jook. My huslady," InteITu)l!ecl Alvin' for Cibly, "that Work I. All Done by M .. , devoted hope o r yours Is farther away band said he W!lS always 8 f ricnd in 01:1 1"111')'. than ever." n ced ." "Oood !" erled Uncle Gideon. "['ve To ma ke 0. pin In Iln IntrIcate pro· "Yc~, al ways." tound her out-a merceoary match· cess, bUt It Is all done by mIlCh In· maker," ery. A apool of brass wi,re runuln g HERE'S PROBLEM IN SAVINO, " You sec." ~olltlnu od Alvin, "I am on stoel posts Is fed Into jaws whi ch Illte oU the length of the pin. A 81110.11 '" ,Can't Do Better Than Maks the 'cn gaged to unotll r.... Ono d olla r at jive pcr cent com· "Not lho rrrelly gIrl I just saw at length Is le tt to make I.he head, ,"vhlcb cnang';." tbe cottngo yonder ?" pound interest fot' ] ,000 yeal'S would 'The Mertamnll We. Now Claarly In Is torm ~d ,by \.broe rapid bioWR of a "The ea DI e," nodd ed Alvin proualy. 'amount to 104 quintillion, 69 quad. View, hammer · wblch movos lorward ooe· he tbol\gh t ot the dinner hour and Its "Lucky fe llow ! " comment,!d Unole t:..l~I++vo_.w;AAM~ Incb al enoh blow, Tho u8unl concom lt nJJl s~r y hrend trllg· rillion, 620 trHlioll, 017 billion, the wheel, felt tbe sweat pour down I'in th n drops to lln locllne In wlllch ments. n stRle rORst, pi e, with n soak ed Gldeoo. " [ would teel It nn. hpnor to thou tlttnd, . 892' d ollars hie face. Ho 8larod Ollt miserably mnke h r joint inheritor with your- million, 'a r grooVQ8 deep enough to ndmlt the cru s t. "By n.Il IIIcans I must find a n ew solf of th e forttlne 1 80 meao ly denlsd $104,069,G'W,!.l17,985,083,392 ). This acrois the waters, shank, . but not lhe head. Aa tb e pIn is the r ult obtained by Edwin To send the woman he 'Ioved to boardi ng bouse/ Al vi n soUloqultcd. yo u.1f moves ' down lis po 1m comes In con· Thla StUfr and Keep .. elOlla 'th N rt death amoog theBe wavea seemed the "[ can't attord tbe hotel. Tbere must And l hen Alv In Invited his e n· S I . L,ooko·ut." tact with II, cylinder "Wltb II. fil e·llko ou e, n f rcsIliD an III e wpo act of a devil. Yot that was hlB duty, lIurfoce, whloh causes tho pIn to tum be some \llalio whe l'1l 1 Call get olenn, t hus ll1sUc relatil'e to t ell, und Netta's u · we fOllul are all going to be away round BO that It Is s harpened on all whol esome tood. even I t It Is n't 8Tan~ I rai81u cuke made lite old tellow ';I'ore 'hi gh school, says a UnrysviUe (Po.) and be must carry Il out or-return from homo, nud tbey can hllve a mce sides. )t n xt drQPs Into 0. rece ptacle, lind varIed." . In love tlton evel' with tbat charming di spatch to the Philadelphia North with hie to.ek unaccompliabed. to face 'AJ11erican. dl~ and ruin. IoDg chat... . where a layor of pillS Is plllCed. and , Then bls thoughts reverted to t be young Indy. He 1st In wal~ juet out ot vlow of Assisla nt Princi pal G. W. ·. U ,&tn. tlond's, Mnrvln found. o.1so then a layer of IInelY·ground tin until letter b-e had just ordered returned . Lettie absent, but he delivered the the pnn Is ~l1ed. Hent and a chcml- to Its wrltor. Well ho know 'CrolJl ~e PROPER WAY TO PLANT POST of the schooJ wlIgered young Soule tbe Sellltes, dippIng, riSing. again, or lIoating almost 8ubmerged, wIth perl· packago or boo\ls to her moLber, say- cal solution coat the pIns wIth tlti. handwrltlng It bOre that his Ullcle, _ _ __ that the could n ot solve the p.r oblem, soope above the watera; searcblng 'for tuB I:eOnle had scot them nad was Tb llY are t.hen polished In a bnlTel Oldeoo Dlake, wos tho corres ponden t. . much 'obUged. Tbey were two vol· r evolving mllidly. They oro placed Silt month!! previously he. hnd Quar· Workers Have Found It Makea Much Soule worked u ntil miwlight one uu, doo,med »118senger voslel. Sbe DIfference all to Which End la nig ht, consuming two tablets and . WI\S due ~o sIght the Bcnltes at about umes on the subject Of womao's clubs, hi tbe pap or by 0. machille, whloh reled wltli tbat sell-willed relative. Mr. In th ,~ Ground. whlcb the young dIvine had lonned tA> s eizcs the pnper and crl mps It Into Blnke wish ed him ' to murry 0. certain f ' 1 IT l'ecC' vcd rus dollar . . tour In the afternoon, 1Ulc! precIsely c I at tour be Baw the line o( smoke .upon o ur pelle l S. .Leonie. divIsIons os wIde as th o Icngth of th e Eulalle ~1erton. Aga ins t Ihls Al vI n Tbe av erage porson 10 planting a the horizon, nnd, through hIs glasses. ... Revere~O DunBcombe, 8by and ra, pins. The bottom of the box Is mad e r o.belled. 10 the llrst J>luce he had ANTISTRENUOU8. the two tunnels ot tbs Aberdromby . tiring, 'lIatened IIgapo to tho message 01 square stcel bars , whIch o.lIow th e not Yilt learned what love wennt. In post Is very likely to pl nce It so tbo.t line. ciommunlcated to him by his hOIlBe- shaoks, but not tile heada of the pInK th e next bl) kuow Eulnlie Merlen to ibe upper ti nd Is 10 tbe ground: Tbls A sk itt.-I Slly, ola mnD, now did he do os 011 the b ypoth esls that mols· He shouted down tbe engine tube kee\le~ , . to PIlS S Ulrough. Th e bllrs are In mo· be ontur lllly a flirt, nnd by proclivIty ture will rouo w Ule' lIame courSe In you happen to marry a widow P' IlIld ran awash loward the ship. No "Remarkablel" be brenlhed to him· Uon, thua shaking dowll the pln a un· n goad deal of an ad ven turess. Easyun-Wcll} YOlt sec, I Ilid my other cratt WIlS upon Ule sea: every aalt,. "ExtraordIJlI\TY!" ho bUl'llt forth, til (I. row Is form ed. whell they are , "r do not waot. your mooey," Alvin the pos t th al SaIl' pursued In the tree once alone In bls room. "Oh. tbero's clamped In )llnce b)' tb e hars. A Mid hnd said. "I clln earu my oW11l1vln&," from which th e vost waS taken. In courting us I do evotything else- one had scurried Inlo security, lD (ear point of fnct. wn.ter lIows elUlor WIlY of the raids. lOme m1ataklYl,i . ot puper Is pushed up IIguinst the m nnd llOW bo wna doing It. along t ho Iino of ICilst. resi.stance. · The Marlamne was now clearly • Firat. because, he reasooed, Leonie all!) IlF I!8Bed Inte pillce. 'PhIs Is Te: . Hot bQllan-cnlaulatllu; possible pl'og- tbrough ' the porons ot dend wood so In vIew, )laUng Ii little l1li she rolled w'u ' the moiitinodesl, .though char~, peatcd until th e "Ililer Is full, when ao· ress In bls 8l,here of e mployment io thnt, n il far WI the trans missIon of WHERE ~ATCHE6 ARE M~DE, In the troughs. Evidently the pres'lng, YOIlDI lady '18 tbe world. Next, other takes Its pluce. , It ull 80unds In, keep fro iiI feeling lonely, for be to and moi8ture Is concerned, It does DO.t . ence ot tho submnrtne was entirely un· fo,( the rouon that bo doubt od It she trlcnte, bu't, being don by mnchl nery, little congenial comllnnlonsblp III th e maller ,vhloh e nd of a ' post Is In the 'reacher-Ethel, can you tell me suspected by her 81 Bhe made hsr carod enoogh for bl" sooloty to endure It Is rapid and chea)), else wo could hnTd·workb,g, 810w·golng to wn.. HIs gl'Ouud. bill duU company t.hrough a long eve- 'not have tbo billions of pillS that we shoe became unlaceel as he was crOIlB' , A hutlllre,l a nd tw enty-five posu set Whl' TC Illost of tho IlllltchcBll1'C mallei' way slowly teward the CornIsh coast. nlD~ E UI I- I m llot sure, but I guess It was the bitterness of 'death tor Ing 0. ru sllc . bridge spaunln g 0. ravIne 20 Ye.,af's ago hav e just been carefully waste. . Von Retzow. DurinI' the few ·minutes It was truo he bnd called on hor nenr tb e dver. Alvlo seehls dinner e:\llm lu lld for Information on this very it's (TcrmuIlY, 'weden ' o r heaven, In whIch the periscope erept up tol)o lnt. E lghty:slx q·t lhem were placed aevoral tlmo8, had loaned hcr books, .Oldeat WeIll, Melody. pall 011 tbe ra l\. III the ground top up, anll 89 top down. wlll'd the Marlarnne he IIvetS over and Ilt the' Sunday 8cbool picnic she The Welsb Guards bavo a flll e Cruck!-he glllcred up qUi ckly, In LO"Gle. again those days In .Amerlca, wheli be hac! been very gracious tQwards him. marching song, In "Land ot My Fa:. li me to see hi dinn er pall gO !lyiog or til " tormer, 1'6 01' . 17 per eent;' had begun to realize his love for Lucy, When he comPared bls Quiet, sedate ere," This, nccordlng to Sir B from li s IIlnc , roiling dOW11 0. slcep we re decayed, as aga.\nst 13, or 30 per Helcl~-'ruI'n. down the light, Bop, her dawning love tor hIm. , Duty had '. >makeu\l w1th 80me of the brllllllJlt viI· th ' Olarke, Is th!! old est Welsb melody ' Incpne alld striking the ri ve r, He no- c er.t, at the lattllr. 'fbe ' observer very 10glcaliT con· and then 'we cnn talk nbout love. earrled blm away, but he had wrltton la'ge beaux, ~Clw. r Elmer Duos· e,xlAnt. bo.l'ln~ been composed In 79.5. tl c~ lWO boys ru shIn g throu gb th e Bo\>--.But, my dCM, we will then to .her at las t, uoable .to postpone colqbe ,fell that be ~. ·IO a decided "After many hundrod years ' Evsn yard of 0. vlne:embow ered coltnge noar clu \les th at the dllrllctlon of tbe flow ' Iearnlng of his tate . . He believed she enslUvely had tried to Jnmes, im obscure schoolmaster, by. One carried 0. sllng·sbot. T boy of moIsture through the posts had b " n H tl k nbout it.-Judge . mlnorjtT. e 1 1e 81' • eared tor him ; be had felt sure that amourer the buddlng love that .~,j.ote 80me words ~o It. which . hav,e mllldly got bey'ond pursuit. AI·vIA little or nothing to do wIth theIr con·' She was coming to Europe In the ell" t ~~~ -root hi b18 ~8JLrt.. ·. . , come to be adopted as the Welsb na· tried La mall.e out where hla noond ny dIU" u . • In n.I1 InstllJ\ces tbe greatest A FITTING REA89N. peotatloll of meeting him. , ' .ttli all bla analysl. ot tlle p~esent tional antbllm: At a mass meeting III lunch and Its r oceptncle had lund ed, . decay wl\s Ilt the g~uod line, and, He had wrItten to 'her oace: "I . IJbiatioililie oould Dot get LeonIe and Wales to celebrate tile end of the tnll ed, and ,pI'oceeded toward. tbe o aturally enougb , the posts In' which "Why do Ulcy call tlle national would give my the IIm'llliest dl ~m ete r8 wore at this' for you. Your lire ~ .~p InvJt.&tlQn out at bl8 mind. Souih African war very (ev..· k'oow plaot hair n mile farther 00. card game ~oker?" I. ever sacred to m&-wUl ever be." PeJtlapa Uttle lIarvln had said more 'God Save 'the' King,' hut 'Land Of My "I ahall't mourn mucb," be bumor- line bnd suffer ed the most . The qonclu810n arrived at 18, there"Po sibly because the winner shovAnd now. like a eowardly murderer, tlwLlIe lW! . ~ tolc! to say. ' At ' all Fathers' was rendered with Immense ously told himself. '''A r eslnuTllnt meal foro, that It posta are to eodure to els in the cash!' be was creeping up on the traok of "ellt., • . fe", mlDUtes before elgh t e ntbuslosm." will be n l)leasaot vurluUon." the vessel tbat carried her, resolved ,'clock- that enning Mr, ' DuD8combe It must havo been two bours litter thelr Umlt .the), must be 110 set tbat to sInk her, murder his aweetheart atrolkMl In the direction of the Tripp LIM Il'AT IOfi,S, wben tbo timekeepe r QC tbe plunt came their largost d'lslIIeter Is at the ground Not Worth Solving. . Une, Tho question as to whloh end eoldly, deliberately. There couid b6 A:a Irrealstlbla loadstone . to him. . l I o carrlcd a Un dlun ~r pall "I have llO"c\crad nil my 11fe ,'· . slIYs III up Is of no practical' Importanee. . . B . P . Wtllker, "on wh ich wn8 more 1m· wIth a dent In 000 side. • lieeme4 to puB h.lm ·along. . '~A 'stutesman i8 supposed to be no ehance of r esoue out ot the trough of the Atlantlc ··blllbws. '" Tbell the U~ron young man trem· portnlJtln Lbls world, brultt ~ l?r money. "Th.l s you~ ?" he InQnlred. "I fancy familiar with all public' questions." "The torpedo I. In the launclling -illed qjI~" he noticed a light tn the ' [{Ill when I 100 1, Ilround Ilnd' Ii e \ \OW so, for your In!tlnls are soratched on . MuCh M'orll Literal, "Yes," replied Miss CaycllDe, "but tube; slrl" called up his aide trom "eU of 'the Jl!:Iue. wlie~ B,ated in an DI:ItI~· gel uIOJl!; 011 little or oith t>r , I the cover. "Just 8S I eOlllr'ed tbe tbeater laet . '. , , . ~ ~ ".. Leonie. Sbodd he· ven· conolude I nm WtlSI,11l1l my Um e l Q jng "Why, yes," r eplied AlvIn, Inspect· nIght," said Mln,srv", " I heard some- not' ~ecessnrily witl\ nil the anJIwers." beloW'. Von Retzow trembled; he coulc! Dot \'.-.0, J"IDaJly be ·m ustered to s olve tile Ques tlou."-KuUlltis Ity Ing his 'mlsslng dinn er pull. "Wbere oue sny: 'Now tor the dirty work.'" gDther voIce to \UlBw'Ir. He was not eoance .u,mc~ent .. to open tbe ' gate. Slar. VAGUE MEANING, . "A'nd Iben 1 supposo 'the villain oardid yon get It ?'" .' more than balf a mHe from the Rfl beut beatJDI mightily, he started "Tw~ ' boys brought tt, said It f>e- n ed olt the girl,." ventured bro.tber anilaDd ' lor the a14e entamce · to !"Did·· your husuand like our ·bn. loiartamne DOW;' ahe was almost longed to a man working bere. aod ..Beo. • " broadside on, and the .ubmarlne had descrIbed you. ' Then they scooted ''No,'' re~lIed Minerva, 'a comedIan ~ Optlmlstlo Rhought. maneuversd herself 80 that her noee ... Itooc1 ID th, ahadow near the . was on th e stage and wben he 'sald ported WlI;\&P More people aro ~Inln by suppen a~ay as lr SCAred Into a' huny." "He W8e just full of it when he pointed due alOng the OOUI'tl8 &hat ~. -....; hbatlq With bI_1t u to the tbU by the Iwo~d . "Remorse or genuine good·hearted· that he starled till blllCk up hla tace 111 ~ame home,OJ> )', I "" · " ~ ,,,,, .,Wll. }I torpedo muat take to atrlke. . nes.,"· B.miled AlvIn. "Thanks," and tull ~Iew of ~he Iludlence," ~ r ......t.I~ wtIcJoIII .,r a call' He aoul4· 8ee lll. ....., Iace·or tile IOn., pi In the arm cJWr ..". LIonle wu IIIIleep. Her_.weat . . . .reIiIIa4ad >Idm of • ~autlN1 ro~. IkIt!DP4 Ul_ droOplna e1e' ~




















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eYou a'Reader?

V..U Ht'taow hIlHltlih,tJ. TbOlu I". l,oul'd bill vololl Klvo tlta;, coml\llWu to Dro. ThrrlUtlh tho l)()riQCOI'O Von Retzowl Hu\\' th o wllll o t.rn~k Of Il,e tOI'llOdc.j UHf ugh th waves as l ho r elonsed Ell,.. bn l> hlC£l cnm to tho s Urface. Then, Ill'flnRL Inl1ll1ldlAl(lly, lhore CRme Ih ~ ' dull ho!'m 01 til e Ilt rlklng torp do. " on RcWl,oW sholltei' the eomman(l 10 1·1t10. The sub marine came up, tln" II I l it o bow, th n al the etorn. Am i , UII hI \; IIll t luter. the Wllter WUII, . II hll)IIOII White with 1.lungln g Ohell Tilt) ~ ublllurlno , "Iel'c d througb un thr .ugh by 80me uuseen a8lallant, salll' like U Btone. Von n tzow had been standing) ulono upon tho brldgo. Tbe waves! I\\lQod by Lhe dC8t!lIct1on of the little'


~~~I~~ksWo~~t ~~m e~~~o ~~~O~hl~s t~~ brok n 1IJnbora ot tbo torpedoed .omftJ and n now [Jrlt1ah torpedo-boat dGstraye r, wtth guns trained, maklnlJl briskly towllrd blm. 0 0 was oeen ; a bont was lowered. nnd, nlwllBt al the snme time that tb o lust ot tbo wrecked ship sank bon enth the wav es, Von Retzow wna haul ed, struggllug fittully tor breath, uboard tho rescuing boat by tbe crew •. A few minutes Inter he stood bofore th e commonder of tbe lItUe torped() bont. "I am sorry, si r. The (ortune war, you know," 8El1d the young 01fi cer, .rathor sboeplshl)', stretchIng out bls haud to Von nohoW: " W ill you como Into my oabln ?" be add ed, loading tbe way. "You IIru. ot course, parolod durIng the .hor~ voya ge to E nglnlld: I believe we call make you oomrortable-dry, at any\ Tnte," he Bnld. 10 tbo cnblo Von Hotzow sUlllooked! fix odly at lhe otber. "Are you not goIng to hang me?" he as ked, The I3rlUsh o,"oor protested feebly. "Llslen," s aid Von Rotzow. "I will t ell yOU something, to sbow you what duly means to us Oermo:ii oIDcera. The wowan I love and Oll])oct to marry wu e ubonrd th e Marlamne. I WDSI ordorod to sInk ber-and I Dank her. Iiccordlng to my Instruetlonl. But I lell you that It will hnunt me for the reat ot my dnys." To hIs amuement the, yoUllS English oIDeer, who bud been reaardlnll him wIth an OJI])resslon deoldodl)l' quizzical, Intorposed laugblng17: "I mny a8 well relieve your mind, Blr," he said. "Tbe Marlamna WM aware ot your amiable 10tentioDlI anll slipped In by another foute yesterday_ Tbe old tramp th~t 1'011 IDrpedo~ WIIS a decoy Marlamne, She hadn't a soul aboard, and-well, we wel'$ lyIng In w~tt tor you upop har laawartl side. So, I'm glad to say that ),OUI' toar8 wero groUJIdless, and I.f aJiyt~c can be done to make you 'colDfortabla-" Von ' R~tB()w wrung hi, han~ and! daDoed like a cruy man, up and down In the cabin. • "Y8II," he ahouted, "Take ma to ElnslantS ill quick as you can. I-J've got to find out whether the Kar~ amne bna let qft her pass~ ,et."


YEARNING FOR THE HILLS Influenoe of .arty Environment I. fol' Eaoh 0' Ua the Iron RIIIQ of ' " Deatlny. I

. _~w muoh of the InDuence of earlll environment, of the habltu~ retooI tlons whloh oomprlse for eaob or ua the ,iron ' rlng of bill da! Uuy. there Ie ,In eTen our· deeper attJtude towar4 the external world--toward w~ ~. oall Nature! Not .Iong 1 lpent man)( weeks In tbe pralrle oountry ot tbe West, a lenBe of oppr...1oa oon· BlAntly increasIng In walght ul/OI!. '10)" spIrit. Those endlass, Javel pla1DII/ Those roallB that It.retChed WIthout a ' break to lnllplty I A hou8e, a grQup or bllJ'lls, a trolt o~oba~, IUId ' then a clump ot hardw\>OdB, alone broks the endles., flat monotony of anow-oov- ' ered lIellis- oo, nol lIeltl., but lnftnl. tud08 whore a slnllie turrow ' could put a girdle about an enUre town,hlp ' ln my hOlne land! My soul hunserllll tor a hill ; my heart craved, wIth a dull lenglng, the sIght , of a nakec! bircb tree flung aloft agajnst .pul' winter 111,; . Back tbrough tlie endltiss plafnl or 1I11nolll tbe train crawled, !!oway 'tram the Betting sun. Dut tl;le nellt dsyllght disclosed the genUe, rOiling eioPII8 ot the 1\10hllwk valley, and borore many hOUTS bad passed tbe Derklhlre bill. were all about U§, like (amllw thing.. rllcovered. Tbe camel·hump ot Grey. lock to tbe north was saPphire-blue and beckonIng. The nearer . moun. t!llne wore tbelr reOdtall ' mantlM, prloked wIth groen, above the anin" lutervale, and laid thai!: \l,P'~rad outlines stark against the 1k1, Shad. owy rllvlnee let Into their llaDka, 111lf' gestlve o( roorlng broolla and the my&tflry of the wllderaesB, : TIle. cloutle. trailed pur)llo IIhadow·anobors; ,the , sun flashed fr.o m the ice 'on ' th~ sCllrred' ledges. AntS. W~8hi; aeeine'd, suddenly lIfted from my .pIHt. ~ warde ot the anelene Plalmlafl'ociDiea to m,, ' lips UDconloloUBly: • "I 'wutl 11ft up mtne eyea unto the bllt.: i'rom t whence cometh my helD';' M)' help eometb from Qod:'~Walter Prtobar4i EatlUl In Harper's loiagaline. -----0--_..." , ," HarklnlJ aack. "You Bay YOU have been golnS' wtthl MIIiII Fllbba a ~ong tlmeri ' . "Elver. Iince the' )'ear II B. T. 0," "What doa. ,that ~B. T • .0 ,' atan41 for'" ." , .. I "Before ' the Tango Crue."








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'SUbscrib~ -Righf



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J:lnan'cla' 8trlne-noy. · . • Dlxmyth-I I~t '60,000 in ,lell ·than; half a mllluul'1ast nlshl . . HoJax-W~at'. the explanaUon' Dlxmyth-I propeaed. to MIll iJot,. rex and aha Aid "No,!' \' . I'


. Employer--=.HaYe y<nno UCIIII8 to I dar for IUcb la&iDeII, . Hired KaD-I ha'Jlll't ..",. tIIa~

~ work.~1U1p~~.e!!



••.TH E



GA ZE TT E .... .,

IWE]lY WE lJ iC::;lJAY


M1 Ml GAZE.:M'R• .W ~~Vn.'AE. om




wHarness Shop

One of t ho pret tie t IIf June \ved- • --• .----. dil1~8 t\;lok place on lasL a t un",y I • eVI'.t1lng wh()n M is~ . ra(:e Ca rmall , At 1'. arid Mrs. IIIUIE' ~ .' SU,bscri.DLion Price . $U iO pe r year only (laulI'hte r of MI". and Mra. F ronk Mi ne il ' unduy It lti un Mr, filii < t'll r . Carman ' hccllmc t ho hr ido of Mr' i hna Watel"h uu nne! Ntill' • fl '~"s Haymon,l E. [)avis. hecc r\' mrmy he- J'hart, !lnll i\l oa r . f-Ia l'vcy ·!til1 1';1\1"/1 , 811<1 ('I ing pe rformed fI th home of lhe filet) Ry t'. W EDN ES IIA 'I. J NJo: 27, 1 1 I brirllJ . -7 ./ _ _ _ _. _ Fifteen minu tes a rtQr ~ veil M rs. f{ v, Illlt! Mr~. I). H . 1'ulll ur I'll Ocorp:e Mllrks b o all thc wedd inl( ter tained a t Su nduy dinner the music with MrR. Bllrton Kelly us 0 - ' follow i n~ Kues ls: Mrs. Lily 10iRt:. Th e vn'a l R",Il;'cli 1\;; wtlro, , Mr EilnE!r HlllOP. l\1 r:l. Jalncs li ntul', Tnll" Y "lleca use ," " 1 Lov 'lUll T r Uly." ollli >ll'llH a nd ' :0 I'e rfea l Lovo.l." All the a,, · Payr llll. I hrry nllu IJcvr I;!. "lllIf . pointcd h ur du )\\' near til ~wect , Dorn -To Dr and Mrs J . A. ' Mi s Flo r nee Lacy is vi blli ng strain:! he r of t he Lo l len~ rl ll wcd din~ McCoy, JUl ,e 26, 1917, a da ughter. I,. all I Mr:l. Nayml1l11! J lll"!.l nt·sister Mrs. I- rlln k Cook, ' march heralde d the a ppruoch of t he rivl" !" iI,'me ~lnnd!lY {:vening tI crowd wt!t1di nll We ha"e evt'rythinlf In lhe Hard Mrs. W. H. Drake vis ited with Cadwllllad proc ·lI~ i o n . !lIlV. J . F. I f Il ch:-hilors nnd fl" l('Ilds ~>lthcrc ware line, See U:l fo r pr ices. H . E. Mr. er , the uflici atin g min i!!a t l ll l·ir homo wi th hClrnH, UI' Il:!, Pili !:! and Mrs Albert Drak e ~ unday te r came ti r. t f" E arnhart . llowed by lh e g room I etc. and gavl' Ihem ol d fa sh lo lwti aft t! r noo n . Rud Mr. Glen J ohns who acted as h'lIinll'. '1'he \'nUI1!: I'In cOllt,le cordially Mr. and Mrs Geo rge Marks IIthllsl man. T hen came tbc l wo br id e,,· im'l t d Lhe C()l1Il)any Inlo th" hlluqc tended a family re'union at Droo k of Tobacco Planls for s ai ll. 1r.Quiro mni,!!!, MisH Haze l Uus tin ollli Mi~~ a mI flPt 'aHu'lt half h, 1l1 r WH~ spen t . Wa lter Whi taker. It. n. I , Wuynes ville S und ~y. Minni e DaviH whfJ wllre t1re~se d vill e, Ohio. III sheo r while d resseR t rimm ed with Mr, and II1r~ . W. II Dra k ent l' rThe .ho rse racing a t O.. kd a le on the Mr. and M r~. Clifford Himes spen t pink , and cur ri ed Iurj{e pinl, ros,!, I talncd a t Lhl'ir hOl11o on the Frankli n Fourth is goin g to "bll somc." Su nday lit the home or Mr, Mi s~ Marjor ie Tu rne r , as m.w l of I rll nt! WE'dn,,~dflY (Oven i!!1{ a nd Mrs, Mr . .\ rlil ul· Don't miss it . honol' , foll owed und 100ll c,I charll1 T homas a nd ~ i s tt!r Jason Bheehan. M i~s 'O l 'a . III r. illg in a whi te s ilk ne t , dress wiLh I und Mrs. Lymap Oayam l childr n: Last Friday waa Ule longest day 1' he Ries have co me. See Ul' for pi1 k sas h and bows. .Sh e woru u I Mr . a nd lil TS. ~'rfln k Cool! Ilnu of the yea r , and from now on the you r Scree n Door 'and Screen la rge white picl ure hat and ca rri ed ol aul{hter . TIll' eveni ng \\Ia, S]11' I Wire days will be shorten ing, H. E. Earnha rt, ft. n a rmful Of . ]( itl u. rn y. r{Jsc h lll.l.s in "I ayin~ 11I1I ~ic on t he SOll Ont and Ju st preclluUlg t he br ide eame li t eating ice cro.'a m . The weather is hot, come , Evelyn Cart wri lo( hr who IllIILle t he in lind Miss Kllthry ___ n . Dak in will presen l get an Oil Btove before they are all s ~\'eetes her pu t of pils li t in llll. a rillJ! viano bcu recitnl ~crK .. Ti, l' at ::;chool i\lr und 1'I l rs. (~ . II aone , H. E, Earnhu rt , rln gll we r':! Ci~r!l er\ un 11 silve l t ra y lIilll,l l\t BWlday di m I ' .r Ell is ent ur- i Hall, Munday eveni ng. lhe (ollow ad,~rned ~ Ilh hhe~. Mill! Edytha Macy. who is a tte nd• n. "'a~ illl{ )Cu es ls: !Ill'. and Mrs. Wi ll iam Mr. and Mrs Carl She rwood and lhe bride entel d alon~ a I " . l~cl{Jn. Mr. and ~I rii. J ohn 1 Ing sC!hool at Leballon , was the Sun.J\ ni u IlL. Mr. and Mrll. Mor ris her wood wcr e bouu t!full y ){o'.l'" ed In a j:(l&! lsh frllck Haymond nnd LUQilio day gueat o f friends here. McK nig-h r. IIf Uay ton vis itors S unday. o!whlle ne t t qm med . wlt h r ow:! ior New Hur lingltJll , Mr . and Inspe ct tl nr rll r~es a~ld 1\ ,~ 'rd le o.f ~\I: Ie ler M cKn i~ht. o f Wilm IIl rs. Wal Mr. Ed Haines and fri eno . of ingto n, [lr Seve ral o f t he uoya who enlisted sa t m . Sire W,IB e n- eloped Clve us III Ou a ~ll r Coo ds f l \\If'S! lind flllllily 'I f Bcllb r uk ~Ir Kinas Mills. spent the week-en d wi t h In CO lllpany E from here we re in tu tle veil wh ich \vas ll cd \~t~ lind 1I1rR. A Call Mr! and Mra. E noch Haines. . J fI!'Hs(· lIr li~ , ~l r. anrl 'M rH: Le banon l:)undllY dr iHtng. a la rae butter ll y bow \\IlII ur~ e )/;) r Carr inglon l~lIi~ . Mr . omd IIl rs. C.h~·s- I , ~: blossom s and hung 10 t11 ~ ed ~ .t, le r Whit",. M i 'ses E~ () r and f;encvi! I . Don't fall to come t(l Way nesv ille . Messrs . Arthur Thomas . on the morninl r of the Fuurth and Th omas and W. H . Drake , F rank h~ dre~. H~r "owe~ .~cwh ! ~ C url~ lImI L~ I ~rCur t~. visited th~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eRe the Auto Hill· Climbin g · contesl. av iat ion fle ld Sunday ~~~~~~~ afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Mills and Rev . 1 Misses Tnea B ale and Edna Gray, McMille n attende d a Friends ' <.;on· fvrvnce at Leesbu rg, one day last of Cla rk ~v ill tj. are visiting wiLh Mr . erettecl 1n the living ·roum . 'fall Good srJII of j) yLon, M i ~s Maria week. and Mra. Walte r Elzey and fa mily. palms with s tanda rds of while Illi " . 'im pson alld urot her La u rence en formed the backg round. The im- le rtain (~ a t a lawn. pa rty on 'IlLur ' l '~m Car r , who lives so uth of ]-fa r Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Malher. of Mrs. B. B . Hayes and dau g hler , pressive dou bl e ri ng ser vice was uaeu J Hy e.\"clI lI:ll" MUMIC and .ga mes I~ e re veysb url{ , broul-!n ST. MARY'S CHlIRCH t 0 <l U I' oflke SatThe Mayor has received a request Burling ton, Kan ., wer e called here Mi ss Lena, o.f· Cincinn at i, we re Sun- and at its conclus ion, M end e I B~o hl1' " Ih c(ltver~ l onR of th eevenll lg . D~ llI ly 'f " F'ourth S un?y J I (rom the Btate ,"Ire Maraha ll urging on accoun t of the death ot Mr, e hBS. da y g uesls of Mra. Beli nd a Rogers. wedd ing march burst f orth which re freshme nts w ~ ro ser.ved . 1 hoRe un lllY H relic t hll l tal<eR us hack to d f a te r rl.Dl ty. U y him to iuue ·a proclam ation for , l{eVI,lu! iOl1a ry t m '3. Last ~p ring". was t he sig nal for congra tu lation present ~ve !e M I~~es. Go?dson Mather . , a!l,11a~ h\; was Im'a\( il ,,.: up Ru me g r<J und l Rl . Sund ay S\!hool a t ~. 30 a. m .• 4th f J ly r uestlll$l 8Yeryon e to and feli ci talions. lI se agu rrTlolI e, Geneva and Mr. Holy and Mrs. Frank Zell , Mrs. C u r t ls~ Commu nIon at l O:30, ura C:.II I~ , in what i~ known 11 5 th . old Clemen ts l:1u bJ cct . . . Fragme ea~utlon'n usln'" fire works - 'Mr. IlJId Mrs. B_ S. Howell, Mra. Sadie Zeu nts Not to Be use ~ ... r . .. and Miss Lola Zel! spenl to T he bride and groom led the 1Yay M~. ra Lauren ce .. IJ lxoll, PIlI lI.lp I lIl illlfJ t.l lf' plo wed li p t he re lic, wh ich Wasted ." Mr M. L. Parshall and Miss Elsie Hawke Sund ay afterno He t ho rbert brida Hoover l L a ble , Ivhicb U. S. W and as celebra decortlnJlt Uh alllO, inatead M'Il ~ r. RU BSlll Auslm , Les le r Cu r l1s . pr"vell (0 1)(' a n !lId lli nl.lock mu on with r illa ti ves in ske t . Pood 'ommiBs ioner h aa re q ucllted of b~ylog firework a ated in pink and wh ite , the bljd e LeWIS Brc).wn, of pay~;on lpent Sunday with relative s In Dayton. and other ~~ , The musket i in a fairly good Clarksv ille. colors, a nd had as the cen te rpIece Mrs. Carrrng ton Ellis, Mr. Mr. a nd lind Mrs ~ tage of prelle r vatioll. Tho 1V00d on t he.cle rgy to preach on Food Conser- Pld8Ivfd::n:oJ:u:,~g!:~18the II la rge snowy weddinl l cake . AL Chejt ~~ White vallOn Qn S unday, J uly 19t, hence t he ~~d ~ II Mrs. RQ Smith, of Brookvi lle, . Mr. and Mra. Walter P ine, of Cin- the table wer eileated Mr. and Mrs. J onn SImpson . and Mr. and Mrs: t he stock iH worn down q uite a bit; t he me fo r next Sunday . it is of bUl'lad walfl \lt and on th e ro~_ E. Hathaw ay, Mayor, joined her children here last w ~k cincinn ati, were the guests of Jason R, E Davis, Miss Marjptl e Turne r, stock t ~ a ple<!e of hraBs wi h the tor a tew day.a ' atay with Mr. War- heehan and f-amily Sunday and MI'. Olenn J ohns, Rev. a nd Mrs Monday .J . '1'he neighbo rs and M. E. CHURCtl of Dav- Ilame R. Morgall ellllr~ved on it . I n r en &rn'ett and family_ F Cadwall ader .. Miss !lazel C us tin , id Pll pe reminde d hilnfr'ienda he hl\d reached, another place on the lock i3 the name The Mi88 i;'asto Minnie r will preach tho third Davis, Mrs. ·S. H. 1<el anol her mile stune in li fe. by Mrs; Ethan Colema n and two chil- Iy, Grice and lho date, either l 562 or ermon of the series There will be a catled meeting of Mrs, George Marks, Mis~ Th~l.m a lIim a surprise on Monuay evgiving on P rayer, dren, ot Toledo, ning . 1762. The lig ures Ilre a ll very pla in Sunday morni ng; Evening Ohio, are the g uests Wildasin, of Uayton, and the J . O. U. ·A M.1o'dd ay evening . Mlss £ 1I7.a- About SO \Vere pro ent.. The even. but the S ond (lne . T hl! barrel is usual ho ur . Official Boardservice at Buainese ot importa nce , and eve ry of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Colema n a nd belh Chandle r. . ing was s pent other relati ves here , a joll y social way an ex tre mely long one . ·a nd but for TUeliday night 7:30 p . m, meeting , membe r urged to como. During t he evenlnp: Mr . and Mrs . and lig ht refres in hm en ts of ice cream Ihe rust wou ld be in a ~ 1)lendid Davis left f or a short we dd ing t ri p and cake con. were se r ved. Those who d ition. Mr. and Mra. Cyrus Cr.ppick and Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers, of to Cincinn ati and Kentu cky. afte r enj oyed the evening Havlnl ••Id OIU 8tor. and "nted we re: Messrs . dauaht41r. Winnifr ed, of J onesbor o, Altoona , Pa., who ara visi ting Who oW!led t his relic or how it our flat. we wlllofte r for Iale on rela· which thev will be at home to their Charlie Watkin s and fa mily. Henry Ind .. were tbe week guests ot Mr. ljves in this locality . spent Sunday hap pened to be ther e will probabl y many fr iends in their coz~ furnis~ ed Watkins a nd family . Edward Saturda y, JUDe 30, 1917 Tho rn ne ve r' be lmo wn . Howeve r it is su rand Mrs. 18880 WildOn. of Route 2. with Mr. ann Mrs. E lmer "Roger B. hume on T hird street . . rhe brld~ as and family , David Thomas Bo,laDl ng a' 12 :10 P . M, tbe fol. and mi.sed that some person who car rl i.d t raveled in a pearl g ray l llf'feta ~U lt tamily , r. Bishop a nd fami ly, Lyma n thls old. lo wlnll BOUlllhold and KUohen .11rMila Edna Janney arrived home m.u ske~ . mus~ Mr. W. ·C. Phillips and family wi1.h hst and shoes to match. lind Frank Silve rs, .Mrs. Foulks·, I life whIle In a fig h t WIthha ve Iqs.t h iS ulture ooolll,t lD, 01 'Uarpe ta,1 Bq. Irom Tuledo Frid~ evening , and IUld lhe [ndl ans. Misl T he hig h esteem In which these Miss · Syl via l)onarw o . Pratt nnd sieter, ,.ill epend the holiday s with her Miss hrot her , perhaps wh en 'yVay ne . made his I offe r m y ' pen of full blood stock 1 Maho.a n7 Parlnr 8ult., Oak Sacs· . Lily . we r.e In D&,1 0n last WOO- young people are held was sho wn by Mr . W. C. Phil lips a ndand paren18, Mr. and ~rs. J. E. Janney. nesday f amily fo and r sale a t $1 each or '17 for pen of room lIuUe, Uhlfton ler, Boolloa ae. mat'eh t hro ug h t hIS J oc'~I It~ . . t h" elaboral e display of wedd in", Mr. a nd Mrs. Pope . and attendt d :the big show. 1 ma le and 16 f emal~8 . They are Llbrar, 'fable, Parlor Btaad,O baln, . The mu ~ot Is on exhlbi!l on at tbl. g if ls they received . .'~ Mr. and Mrs. Johu Werner , of oince. and is well wo rth an lI1snec tlon. firs t and second genera tion out of Range, Drasa Bed, 8priDp aacI Maa. " Mrs. Davis is a very ta lented Mr. young F red 'Schwar tz and fami :y. of Dayton , Mr. and Mrs. M. D. SnJilh 're ...., Gar len 1'0011 and oth.r ar. • Mr. Carr sa ys he can r .?me mbe r at Ch icago Wi nners . S. A. Beall. woma n having taug ht in t he Car· Last Friday eveni ng Miss Alice least 50 years ·back. and to and Mra. Mahala Ames, of Bellbro ok, Columb us , were in town Monday f or lisle schools 'Iolel too uamero lll to meatioD . his r know--'. .... -.,the past winter_ 8 She short is Carey WaS pleasan tly s ur prised by ledge th is is the fi rs t lime ti me. Th ~y wer.fl e nroute were Sunday auests of Mr. and Mra. Terml made 11D0"n on day of .Iale. Ihe mill lot . from Cincinn ati to their homa in also a vory capable m u~ i c i Bn. /I n umber of her f rie nds . The even- wl;ls W. O. Raper. eve r plowed . B. . 8. BOWE LL. Mr . DaVIS is a very promising inlC was spent in games and Columb us. music . C. T. Hawke, -'.DO'. young m all being- connect ed wit h the after ' which deliciou s r efreshm i" ents Mr.. Loui8& Woolley t e celved a j . O . Carhl'r lgbl, Ulerll. Wavnesville National ba nk. . S~ I ved. At a lale hour l hey Re v. and Mm. J. ij. Palme r and notice thia week of the death of her The guests -Iaw, Mra:' Charles Holhmd . Mr. Earl Palme r, of Alba ny, Ind om 1\ cli!lta nce r l' depa r ted wishing Alie lllan~ more Mr . and Mrs fr Harry Weil ingtfJnwe I wUl oller •• Pabllo .Bal. OD and happy birthda ys. Those present were The funeral ill beina held this after and Mr. Arthur Pal mer, of Chicago . daughte . Born to AIr. and Mrs. W. Q . premlie l of the Ia.. ,Wllliam tber r, . Mabel. of Chicago , lit, HllZll l Hiley, Edna Cornell , o rinne Z_ were the g uests of Rev. D. B . P almer Mr. and Mrs. noon at Spring Valley. , Relives Juae :20, " daugh&er, Raah ("'benow etb, deoe.le d, OD the road 'Harry We lling ton Jr. We lch , Lillion Wilke rsun, Mildred and family last week. ~ W llmlnB. and aon, of Chicago . Ill., Mr. and ' m ith , Adria Corn 11, J ealll;' known al Ohenow eth '. LaDe ID ..l: tle J an We,ask our readers to kindly Bend lios Ruth Harlsoc kpresen tedfollf F Captain McCrea ry, of Com pany E, Mrs. J e8Se Compton and daughte r, ney. Loul!lIa J aoney. Kathryn Clark. of her pupils in a two.pi an~ recital t.he lower 141811100 wlla observe dlD WaJDa TOWll8hlp, WaneD Coaat" . In Weir newe on Monday , as we a re MaT-Y, U8 0ll Ohlo,OD of t m Dayton .. oner ' , by Mrs Maxwe ll . of Anna li li rnrll, Iteva H or mell , Mabel the W . O. T. aoing to observe the " 'ourth, and with ~everal of the Lebano n boys. Carding ton, Ohio. Miss Jimet ~haffer , Suliabu ry, Hu rry M<lred ith, Irving a L 'chool Hal l. F rll.IlY. evelllng" to a U ot thi~ 1)la08 . . Thursday, July 12, 1917 want to get 1.he paper out on Tues- wllre her e Mo nday evening . and large anti a pprecu\ lJ\'c au diel)ce Ww . the lS moathll old 1100 of three more enlisted fr om t hjs place. of Carli Ie, Ohio, Miss Thelma Wilda- Wl!kh , Van /{etallic k, Alf red Wright The n umuers were all spl nJ ldly day ot tbe I!ominll week. Be,lllol u ••' 10 • . m, 'be follow. ~They were F red Leonard , Ray mond son of Da t on , and Miss Rulh Miller I!: verel t Clar k, Curl. Fr ye . i\h~ ison eXticuted and lhll \In!.I.( rlln~ was Mr , Bnd l'Ilr" . Uht&e . Ioeohow er had illg de.orlb ed ob ....l.: li Bolfglea , lJl ~ Itl/! broken one dav of lMt Centerv week. ille, Ohio. ~;arnhal We are clotlng out the Paint busi. Gephar t and Ernest Lotz. t , Elliot Wrig ht. Allen Smith I( roa tlv sugmen l~" hy ~I!~:I Id:. d Y~I;~ Wagon, 'I'obacoo Plow, BOU8ehold - - -... - ••- - Alias Lois W hita ker has returoe d good., Roscoe 1-'U 1"l)IIS. I::mcst Ea rnha r L, !\Ohey reade r who recclV 1. neal. See UI while the price is riaht. CarpeD ter aDd Blao.m llth \ \1: I It t i A Howard Gustin. H. E. Earnhll rt. ~l~ri Tooll; ate. t~d appl a~se. Owin R" l o an a eci- fr OI!ll1 vlellllsn a v 8 w t.1 MilS He nriet ta Pritcha rd. who has . 1 r eD .. 1 - -Terms knowD on dav of ..Ie. .lnlL M I~s Lelah Bogan w as not aule l1 t LfUlllog ton, Ohio. been attendin g school In the East. . E. V. SARNB A-RT, heoo,g l ,'. ca rry ou t he r part of the progra m I Mn . ' hrlver is enjoyiDIl MIllS Anna Meredi th .' who teaches aDd ' waa e nroute t(, her home. ac· a villit .A ~~rty \\"a." g iven by t he J ull y nl," Miss Ha rtsock was very for t.u W. N. Seara, Auot. . In the Cmcinn atl IIChoQls, finished her compan ied by Dr. and' Mrs. T . • 1. nate froUl 11 r m.otber . • GIrlS a t thu H I\.rveysLIU I'~ Hull l a~L . )ro()urin g 1\11 s Luis J . B. Ch.pma n, Clerk. ,, Ga rtrcll a 1ar'l WOrk there last -week, . and Way. were g Uest4 of Mrs. J . W. Mas ooll fr om 'the I luge here atWed ~e~ lay t!\'elllllg . • J ~ I1 '_ ~Olh. T he :~~IJntl'l l young- soprnno. of Sljri n~ t oded t. J ohn '. ser vlcea came homtl. She will probabl y a t- Ed ward. and tamily the fi rs t of IlIiIt lo :Kenln, ~yell!ng I~ as ,W ilt 10 l!"am e!l I\~d \ 'lIlI ey a lthough Miss Gur t ~ell is /lnly week . Miss Pri tchard Is lhe (laugh tend lOme ,uJllme r Ichoo!. SUrldlly ufterno on. Mrs. Sher man o ~erli, Mrs. How. dUll ClIl g. f hllse who pa r tl Ipaled In t he . c \" en i n~ Itlll \V iOre : .M i~ses ~l teen yea rs f age ,!;he dhas a vnic tilr of Mr • . Fannie Way Pritcho rd , ard Woods IInrl ~l R . t , ri:\. tin nie Hartsoc 1 ho r muo InR of P hoe be W a Iker . ' Walter Cut attende d the Nationa l who made a I:Ilellsllnt vIsit h ere lasl were h,)ste_ 'es II t t he Loyal WOol n'kb ::>arah Sa~t(lrl hwuil e . (;It'lJllU fll ucsh, j of wonil !,rf ul powe r an . s weu Il~RS MoMillu Lena Vetla I rllla i"llis Mart hfl Hw l thoroug hl y calltlvllte~ l hr IUUDley o, n. fllI' l ve of ttll" o(lm. Conven tion ot Cemete ry Superin - tall with many old friend s. Biule c l a ~s 'of the Ferr y albl&Sch ool , Lu .--. hrough t $ 0 Wilmln gtoD k e~s J e~l;i c amI" Ali~() McCurr.en . 1I\I\1ienc e by h.e r eas¥ and ectet to r b nri\vere tendant . held at ~t. Louis two days Wednes dsy after noon, J une 20t h. :It IJ:Isie ll t llls t week . for w~ny Osborne . Lu la "'·only. g t;'lacJ diu ~f last wNk. There was a large 11\ nne I': T he IlUP1 1R takln WANT ED the ' home of Mrs. Rol(ers. T he lI pa r t y ea rs s he hl1d bee n Olty 14188100l1ry eai r \.;Iatlys Harl' n. HC:'!lie Shld a · \V t!re MISS.. HeJe n Ma att.enda nce, and the 8eaaions were rl utt . l •nv e ~ll~ of Mlull Oft Uoll s nnd' was lIeld 10 presldt: nt called t ho meeti ng to orele l kIll" 'l'>lu li I 1t.! Hll~lall nll d Hehm very profitab le to those who attende d. I ly ke a nd Ka l hryn He,nd ersfon. ,I~ hig bo. t es tee m by .11 who by sing ing "Ble. t Be the 'fie." Th , kn e w her. by Miss Ethe l Ho ler U ormc1' Sc ri pture le9son willi rea d by Mrs Uruham ; Mess rs. 1) nald Ue llavcll . sio' te(1 IRl. or mlclc1le.aled womaD to I M' Geor in' Whe tsel. MtSij Na nnle 8 h nmbanl rh Is OCBurling lon, Cltlllll~nt Hllrner , IJ ~UPII , a nfd Mrs. Fred Caskey and daught er, . Roy H a thaway , prayer by Mrs. J. H . of cw learn 'he lS8 ' I.' y l{ed "'rea t auil t U<1 tD · g L .9um Iler I 8ohooll L ld . r ' o " WllmlnlC- leq utre n' 'he telepho ne bUIIDe8s. I per or mer d ~p u '" l{usstJ I, darry anI Jane, of Mariett a, Ohio, arrivoo her t: Pal mer. of Alban)' . Ind , t cs 1<.1 ·~a t tel.t h- ' ·.!le Ezohaugt!. t jul/, d reflecte d much credit on the on _ Sunday evening , Mrs, Caskey ra Th e membe rs respond ed to roll waiLe; Oeorg~ Warn~r. 8 8rl D~~ th- ~ ~eRI:ed y ou ng t eacher. Mr. and Mn, Luther Barllsh Watermelons rage, er, of Lee turning to her home Monday buL 'l almllj:(c . Louis 1, lres, II n call with script ure quOLllti ns . Th e Da y 'oo. were weelt.e n4 gues ls ot little Mias Jane will spend a couple mlnutea of last. meel in ~ were read Hobart A1ar h. Bur b?au By ron . F~~d -.. MONEY LOANE D 11'0. Sarogs , anel wite . Cante lo' u pes of weeks with her grandm other, 'Mra, al1d approved, business was disposed Uraddoc k. has. Vones, Haro lu GIiMr•. Mellie Maun, of P090deo fl , M~ry Caskey. of and ' p rogram f ollowed . Hecita- la~. Chns. . Rllddu~ . New Peaches , New Tomato es" Ho ~artl Me· tion, Eva Thomas; Song, .. He Lead · Uumn, Sarr!my !:lealr,k, Chus. Oal. , tl vlltalag friend s and r el.. ~ive8 I3oge r: 0!>l EY loaned OD ok Obat; here. Qranges, Leinons , 'Banana s, ' IIr; and Mn. David Russel Niver. e th Owenfl Me;" a.rrls, Read Laure~c ing , Mru. 6 II l)ug Clara h , LeVI 'ell ~nd aaooDd' mort. . . . Apples, New.Pe as, New Cab . Mra 'Ar bel ColvIn 18 vary 111 Chicaao , 111.,. announ ce the mar Thomas; Read ing , Mrs. Minni e Lu kens and Harry hld nker on(! sC'n ~OMl8 bough~. John BarblDe , .Jr., _ -Uh't balle, 'New ' Potatoe s, Texas II. b' WaYl)e; Mr and M ra. W il llum Me· lIbl . riaa"e of tPeir niece, Miss Elizabe th Thomas . . W Ii oml\o Allea BaU41Dg, XeDla, Oblo. aI ! " 1'0 e. Onions. . . L, Abbott to Mr. H.tlnry E . Garber, eeil Adj ournme nt was ned in · order Ca rren and Mr. Ilnd Mrs. 1' here was Il gang . of gypsies in Rn. IIlqOallle,., of Xenia. da Chnml ing. Jr ., of Hillinis , Mont. Mill Abbott the social hour being spent in conlown F riday , and t hey came . nenr livered a mos. · Interes& Kiln Dried Corn Meal, · Chick lllg and la- - - _ - ..- - made miny trlends here when she tests and ploBSallt convers ation. The caTry ing away the Illace, . until or~\Od Hen Feed , addres. the membe rs of roa ·8.tLIl • w.. the peet of Mr. and Mrs. S. L . hostessetl served deliciou s r ef resh· de red out of town. Fou r or five of OrolB, F r ldllY evening . .Cartwr libt. · mllnty of strawbe rries _ and cake . th em would g o Into a store and New Cream Cheese, Brick and toIJ8wln g oflloers wero eleoted : There were se vent y membe rs and Limper ger Cheese. while one was beinlt waited OD, Pre ., Wrs. W. E. Shriver i Vloe eeooDd-llan4 MoOorm lok blacler, The Warren' County Times in its guests present . Mrs. J 1:1 , Palmer, t he others would app ropriate any- P rell.: Mn. Trevor 0 Baydoo k i ebea\). laqolre 01 JObD 8e&oh, laat illlue, say'lI that County -TreM Bulk Pean~t Butter. Big Sour of Albany , 1nd., b eill~ one of ,the t hing they could ge t t he ir han~l s on. Seo" Will . B lullm; 'r.8Il8., E . 0 , R. D. 2, W.YDe evlne, Ohio. urer elect ·F .,B. SherwoOd ,h as chosen •~' Pickles. ju T hey became so much of a nUisance \.emu. Memher of g uests . 'rhe procee ~s we re ~ve~ 46 . Ureoo J2harl . H. Youna aa hll a81iiltl!ont In The July meeting WIll b e a PICIlI C in Childre n 's Day ser vices were con· t ha t finall y Mayor Hathaw ay had V.:mut,y BOlI.rd · Ur. B . O. 'he Whitak er. Lima, Marrow , Navy, Red, Pink" the tr8aaur er'a office, next Septem . .EIIlD BUOKYVSIA-T, 11111 orop, the grove by Rev J. H . Palme r 's. dueted Sunduy night a t the Mlltho them vamoos e. l'iIioon, wl.h Mrs. W. C. PInto, Granbe rry and Hlack bert Mr. Young Is. Wayne Town. good lleed, for ..Ie. Ioqaln at T he gypsies a re gelling to ~e Slb tt~ and W. H. Re&vel dist E I>is copal church , A short and OODlm u'e W . T . J·ord.aD'1 Grooel' 1, 1r.Uma D, - -- ... Eye Beans. Slime Beans and .hl~ boy. 8I\tt he b~ been among the varied prog ram w ~ r end(!red . The " some pe"ple, " as they travel III t ho board of dluotor l, lIur p.rices are right. leading teacher s of the countv for Ohio. :ong regation was II!-rge and appre- Forcls, Jall and ; car ry a bunch lieveral yean, and will be an able people ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 with t hem ciative_ men, womenof and es ~ Pure Paris Green. Now is the I181atan, to Mr. Sherwo od. pecially child ren . --~ --time to buy your season's aup . ply. ' .... D. I,. CHA N II , Euitor and J' ub lishe r ~


r-, .

We h &ve j ust purc hase d the Har ness busi ness inclu ding stoc k, tools , etc., of F. C. Care y, and hav e. mov;ed the sa me to our stor e.

Personal Happenings Around the CommiInity


Wo r sh op


Is in the hand s. of O. W. Ham ilton , and ever ybod y kno ws his abili ty as a harn ess man . We are prep ared to mak e new goo d. and to do repa iring at the lowe st poss ible pric es. . W e have on h ands a t pres ent a goo d stoc k of WO RK AND BUGGY HARNESS, COLLARS, HAMES, PADS, NETS, COV ERS A ND BUGGY WH IPS







;~I~i~~:~~o~~~~~hf}~ef:~:}~:~ f'1~J ~~o~~~u~:~a~n~~~i!I~~~tl:r~d IOLDRELIC PLOWEO UP





... - ..






... -'









Ola s.IR ad Ad.











- - - ---


S&\!d Potatoe s, a tmlall quantit y of extra aood seed potatOe s to offer this week. Moore's Hasolin e.-It will burn in ally stove, Moore's Oil, it won't smoke. Brioa us your Eggs. Bu~r and Cbieken s. Hlgb.t prices paid, cash or trade Come to Waynea ville tha .. th, make OUl' atore 10ur head·

qllUter a,


It PllYi to trade at

The Nativl ~y of St. John B aptist, patron. esint of the MasOlUl, was fit· tin Illy celebra ted at the lodge 100m Sun,day evening . Rev. J. F. Cadwallade r, chaplai n of the lo.dge conducte<;! .the service and made a splendid addret!l , his subject beini l'A divine rule : of life; do jU>l tly, love mercy and walk humbly wi t h God ." Precedi ng theproc eaaiona l bymn ~Iss Ruth Hartsoc k play~d a beauttfu l organ volunta ry. St, Mary's Clholr llulI"m,an ted by Mra. 10' . B. Sherwo od, Breen, (If Lebano n. aMW'OIlriate muali. 1Ir.

.. - .....




Cha rles, son of the late Mr . and Mrs. Benj. Mather , died at his hdme on the Wllynel ville and Le ban on pike. WednOildl1Y afterno on at 30·cloc k. The fun e ra l was beld at his lute l10me Saturda y afterno on at 2 o'clock. Rev J Ii' Cadwal lader Mliciati ng . Inltl'rni ent wsa made In Miami cemetery. The decease d' lea ves t wo sis. tera and two brother s.

Last Frid~y several patrioti c cit· izens, wi th their machin es and as· s i8tants, took a canvas of the Town· ship fo r donatio ns fo r The Red CroBS. 'rhe gentlem en all worked hard , and the result WBS vary satillfactory to the Red Ct OllS brancl) here, The amount of money to be raised in Wavne Townllhlp waa about 12800 and the amount raised on the u pedltlol l Will over " 2200. SInce that thne... howeve r, the am(lunt baa ~ railed to 12400, • do-

nation fl'om thia Iocalltl .

THE Sc, 10e



WtflZ PRODUCTS Glass Polilh -tbe thing to clean Window s. Wmdahie1ds, GluI· . ware, Batbtu bl, Paint, Marble, etc. . " Krystal SoilofJ -Remo vei aU.tain s from the baadl. R~ad.ide HaD~ Cleane r-Liqui d fonn, the thing for autoiat L St9ve Polish -Both liquid and pute.

-A1I 'these Predu cts ...... ...•. .....'.• Ioe Spedail lt III




. ...... ~~


Sta Qwing to ill-health, Mr. . s. His ·entire stock has be Co., who will offer the people tunity. of Ja ·ng in a s

_give up his 'business · ay~esvillee cas and building lea c y HYlnan & . e ~nd vicinity the unprece ,n'l:ted opporresent and future needs of .

s., \

a.)e-" E~cm:e knows of the ~h

andise handled by Mr. Howell. This is no sale of Odd. ~d ends, but an absol e pe~ci O fferin of_the entire ~t9ck, at such extremelx low prices, that woul~, even ~ o~nary times, co~and. the atte?tio? of .all Ihr,w ~ buyers. R.lemember ng t n IS. a me when everything IS advancing In price and jult at the time you~~ need the goods. 'T ese conditions make this sale of unusual , m~t: to all. "No one ~' n afford to m · it/' This ,. ale is made necessarY in ord-e r 1

tf;)' ·

contr.a~tors to;,make mat:J.y neeae~dimprovements~

bined in one. ~ emely


Immediate dis

al of mUch of the stock is the cnly'" oJuti(}n, hence ' low prices. 'prevail hie wiD insur~ a quick disposal of ·st.o ck to ' ·the peCuniary of ,,all concerned: MEN'S FANCY LISLE HOSE-AU lbadea, up to Sk value. Sale Price .....•.•..•......... 19c MEN'S SOc FINE SILK SOX-All abaci. and . slces. Sale ·P rice ......•••..•.•••••.•••.... 37 e MEN'S PAD GARTER-Sale Price ..••...•... 1Oe MEN'S 25e AND SOc PARIS GARTER-Sale Price .. , .. .....•...•..• . .••..•.•. ; ........ 19c MEN'S 31c LISLE SUSPICNDER~al. Price .. 23e MEN'S FINB 500 AND 60c SUiPRNDERSStU. Price .....••• I •••••• • ' .' •••••••••••• .'. 43e ODDS AND ENDS SUSPENDERS-Up to 2Se ' value, S.l. PMco ...•.........•....•...•. . .' lOe MEN'S. 3Se TECK Tl;E8-S!l1e Price .• ~ .•.•..... 19c MEN'S FINK .sOc and 7Sc FOUR.1N·HANDS• Sale Pdce .. . ...•..•••••...••.•............ 30c ODDS AN'n ENDS SILK TIES-Up to ZSc . value.. Sale Price ..•.....•••....••.... : . .. IOe 300 YDS. PLAIN AND FANCY SIL~Up to

90':8' .K.N~~it~:tc!8. ~~~~.~~.~~~~ :$.~.~S1M i. " :" ~~i·1.~~D~!~ic~~ ~~.~i~~~" ~~~ .~~ .21k BO • ~K and DOUBLE BR£M' TED l',}J'INB $1.00 ANI) ,1..50 DRESS SHiRTs-.AD


•. J)l1'S-$7,50 value. Sale Prico ., .. .. . ,. , .•.OS . ;, aLae..~. Prke "" " - , . , ..... , ... ....... 71k W"FINEST ALL.WO'd t. IEROE SUITS j 'jBli1ST ' l5c LION COLLA R8-9c Each or IS lor SOC . ~--8tyUah; $9.00 value. Sale PrMe ......... j -~~ r.mN'8 · AND BOYS' FINE DRESS AND . " BOYS' KNEll; PANT8-75c value. Sal. '! WORK SHORS-All sises; values up to . Price " : . ........... _.. _. . _... , ...••• '" .• 450 . \ sa.OO. Sale Price .......... . . . , . . ........ $1.79 IIBN'S HATS......Wool and Fur; worth up to . ~, KEN·S PLAIN TOE WORK SH QE-$3.00 to 12,.00. Sale Price .......................... 49cl ; . $3.50 grade.. Bal. Prlll~ .. .. ...... , ....... $2.351 I'I'ItAW J{A,1:S-Choice of.ny up to $1.50 value. MEN'S MULK SKIN OUTING SH OE-All ~ Prlce . .. . ..... ...... .................... 2k , ' Ilnl; $2.50 value. Sale Price .... . .. ......... 51.751 OVKRAI:LS - Bib and plaill; .1.00 value. Sal. i I'ION'S WORK SHOES-Up to $4.50 valun. ,Price ' .. . ... , ................ ... . . ......... 79(: , , · Sale Price ..... . ... ............. ... ...... $1.98 STRIPE, EXTRA QUALITY OVERALLSr~ IlEN'S FINE DRESS SHOES-Latest lasts, all ,r.50 grade. Sale ~nce .......... , .. . ...... 05c , I' I sizes; up to $S.OO v.lues. Sale P.r\ce ...... . $2.98 BALBRiGGAN SIJ.IRTS AND DRAWERSWOMEN'S CANVAS OXFORDS-$1.50 values.


wo~t~~ ~~~:~i~6oii~pi~i~' ~~. f~~~y' .19c colora; 3Sc to $l.SD values. Sale Price .. 15c to SILKOLINE AND DRAPERY-From 15c to 25c quulty. Sale Price ......... : . ... 10c to CURTAIN SCR~MS-1Oe to 2Sc grades. .Sale Price ................................ Sc to WHITE AND COLORED SUMME~ DRESS GOODS-15c tp 10e valuM. Sal. Price .. 9c to

pRi:tlltt-e:~f~;f~dA:·~;ir~';fS· AN'D' ..... :25c: .', VWO~~N~Sric~IGii' CUT' PU'MPS' 'AND' '6x-' .,79c DllAW£R~.5c

&r_de. Sate Price .... , . •.. 4Sc 1.;' FORDS-All sizes i $3.00 to $3.S0 values. . . Sale Price ..... .. . , .. . . : . . ... " ... ...... . ,$1.98 ~ SSe: , ' OLD LADIES' COMFORT. SHOES-All sizes; PO T UNIO'N SUITS-AU size.; $ 1.2S : $3.00 and sa.50 value&. Snle Price . . .. . . , .. ,$2.39" ftlu. s.Ie Price . ... ... ..... .... .. . . _.. .. 7ge :~ RED ' CROSS SHOES""':Up to $5~OO values, Sale B. V. D. SHIRTS AND DRA WRRS-65c grade. . Price . .... ... . . . ..... . ... .. . .... ; , . . , .. .. $2.08 Bah Price ........... . , .. ........ .. , ..... .. S9c ; CHILDREN'S BAR E F OOT SANDALS-8gc .. V. D. ~ION SUITS-,-All sizes; $1.25 grade. vllue. Sale Price . , .. , .. , ... . . . . ... I • • ' • • , , .59c It Pdt•. _..... . _.. " .. . ... . , .... .... . , .. 7S1c MISSES' WHITE SA ND ALS-$1.50 grade. IDCII" AND BOVS CAPS-Worth up to 7Sc. Sale Price .. : .. . - . ... .. .. ' l • • , • • , • • • , ' " .$1.15 Price .. ... .. ..... , ...... , ..... ........... 19~1 MEN'S HEAVY ROCKFORD SO'X- lSc value. II£N'~ "U 19.N ~UITS"-7Scvalue; aU.weI.

.. .."," :..... ... ... ........ .. ,...



!!I! =~ Ii:: ~;~~:le~~~~...~ .... 45c ~



are fa be com-


IIEH"S FINE tailored, ,pod I n'.' laDWS FINEST $a.s0 to $5.00 TROUSERSpatt4ti'nl; '18 to $2S valUetL a'ale Price ... . $U.,.. , Sale Pric. . ...... . : _.. . . .. . ......... ..... $2.98 KKN'. FrN~ WOOL SUITS-N..t woratedaj l BEST WORK SHIRTS-Worth 60c to 7.5cI all '12' to '16.S0 values. Sac Price •. ' .. , . .. .. f8.N liz.. Sale Price., . . .. . ,., . .... , ... . ..•... sac KBN'S SUITS-All liz"'j good models; worth ' .,DRESS SHIRTS-Nic. patterna; 75c quality. $8.00. Sllle Pric:'o .•..•. . .. .'•• .t••. .. , .... .$4;41 • Bale Priee : . .... . • , ' , ..... , _.. .. '" . ...••.. 48c


Two stocks

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0'" • • •


, ;

ME:,~eBT~~K' AN'D' ~ANc~' LisLE ·sox~· .~c

R.wu 15c value. Sal. Pnce .... .. .......... "'=

9Sc 15c

10c 37c

LAY IN YOUR SUPPLY OF TABLE LINENS, TOWELINGS, ETC., DURINO THIS SALEPRICRS LESS THA~ WHOLESALE. CALICO-Best made, Amercan, etc. ••••...•.. 7 ~ c APRON GINGHAMS-Amoskiag and ~an­ caster. Sale Price .........•...•.......... 9 ~ c BEST' CHEVIOT SHIRTINGS-Checks and atripCll. Sale Price ................ ; .•... 10c up UNBLEACHED MUSLIN-Yard wide; best . ,

Holl:a~L~~JE~eMUSLiN:':'Y~d '';'i~~ i'-l'S'c' .10c ' ,rad~.


P~ce ••••••••••••••••••••••. 12 ~ e


NEVER SUCH A TIME TO BUY YOUR MUSLINS, PERCALES, SHEETINGS. ETC., AND SUCH A CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY AS THIS SALE OFFERS YOU. ONE LOT RIBBONS, LACES, EMBROID· ERIES, ETC.-Sale Price ....... '" . . le per yd LAQIES FINE SILK WAISTS-$5.00 ~al~cill. .in Crepes. 'Crepe de Chene, etc. Sale Price $2.98 LADIES TOP SILK WAISTS-Values to $3.S0. Sale Price .. ., . . , ........ , . . , .... , ........ $1.98 ODDS AND ENDS SH~RT WAISTS-Up to $1.50 values. Sale Price .... ... . .....••••..• 81k $1.50 HOUSE ·DRESSES-Li'gh.t and dark colors j $1.50 values'_ Sale Price .. , .......• 98c BUNGALOW APRONS-7St to $1.00 value•. Sale Price . .. , . . . .. : ... . " . ... " .....•.. 39c 'to 69c AMERICAN BEAUTY. WARNER BROS. CORSETS-$1.00 to $2.00 . valuell. · Sale Price . . .. , .... .. .. , .. " .... . ..•..• 79c to $1.49 ~Oc AND 7Sc CORSETS-Sale Price ........... 39c CORSETS-Broken lots, up to $1.00 value. Sale . Price .... , .............. . ..... ; ...••.••••• 1ge LADIES UNION SUITS-SOc to $1.50 valu.. ' Sale Price ...... ' , ...... , ... . __ . _. , ... 3ge to 79c LADIES VESTS AND PANTS-1Se , to 3Se grades . . Sale Price, .. .. .. . .. . .......... ge to 18c ~URSON HOSE-A real 35e quality. Sale Pric.e , . . .. . , . ... ... _. .. .. ..... . '.' .•..•. ; .24c LADIES FAST ·BLACK HOSE-Up to 20e . value .... Sale Price . ' ' j • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IOe LADIES' SILK HOSE:-:AIl shades; sold for 35c to 60e. Sale Price . . . .. . .... - . . . . . .. . 24c·to S9c ONE LOT CHILDREN'S ODD HOSE-Whito . and COIOfS . Sale Price ... . ,.; .: ...... : ..••••• 5c 200 DOZEN LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFSSamples. worth lSc to SOc. Sale Price.,8~c to 19c AXMINSTER AND MATTING RUGS-All . sizes; Bold up to $5.00. Sale Price _... 6ge to '3.98 . EXTREME LOW PRICES GIVEN ON LIND~E'UMS. SHAD~S, MATTI NOS, ETC. .


Sixty-Ninth Year



Whole Number 3425






DlREGTOR fOOD SUPPLY Herbert Hoover !lcqucsttd thc Minislerll to Preach on this Important Subject.


At the request of E erbert Hoover. Director of I"ood Sup ply, in almost every church in lIle Union a tlerlnon was preached Sunday , on Food Conservation. A letter Wil t! sent to every ministe r. lind in almost every cllse they respondecl . A,::;t Mllry 's ch urch Hev J . F. Cadwallader PI each~1 0 11 th iH ~ ub ject, and he look his text from 't John 6, XII : " Gut her up the fr hg· menta that remain that nothi ng bc lost." Following are a few extracts from hili sermon: "The world is in want at food The wheat ClOP of HIl6 was sho rt. The .crop of 19 17 will be short r still , while .the demands of armies and the waste of war requ ire enlarged con 8umption, Thu8 with increased need and diminished ~ upplv, the world stock at food has reached a point lower lhan was ever known before in modern times. "I,'rom Canada and the UniteJ States the Allies are asking five hun· dred lind fifty million bushels 01 - wheat this year; yet unless apecial mellsu rt:s are tak en the prospect is that both tOj{et her will be able to aive them only Untie hundred mil · lion Hut if wl~e and sufficient mea8ure8 are ado pted, and then bl&Ck~ up by th" patriotic good wi ll of our people. tha re will be food enough f r ourselves and for o u ~ Allil!llas wt.11. "In America, nevertheless, lh ~ eltuation Is very serious. The duty 18 laid upon us to raise not only fO(ld enough for uUllielvea, but so much mure to send abroRcI that in spite of the 8ubmarines ellou Mh may reach France and F~ nlrlamd to keep them lupplied . Unl e~ we can feell bot h our own people and the men whoarl fllrhtmg for us aero the' water, lhl Rleat cause which we have joined will be l08t , To meet the needs of the war and of the ~orld, we must produce generously , Kive fr eely to our Allies, ourselve'l eat as much bilt no more than we need. lind especially save the waste, "The waste in' food amounts al Jeaat to fitty dol lllrs a year for ever)' family in America. The waste of a einKle ounce of food eae h day in every home meuns a yt;'arly waste 01 nearly 60('.000.000 pounds of food The' waste of a Ringle slice of brelld euch day in eVtlry home meahs the daily waste of a milli on loaves 01 bread The thousand million dollalr!! of needless wl1ste- which thus take. plaee yearly III the households of America can and 'should be stopped "The ways of thrifty living are not new. In order to prllc Ice them we need do little mOI'e than return to the frugal habi18 oC earlier doys To purchase wisely; to lose nothing tor lack of proper carll; to serve no more than hun"er demand,,; to serve apln the unused portion; to pre .rve in time of plenty againat the , lean montha ahead; to save wheat tor Franee and England by eatinlf more com ounelves, becaullfl they . do' not bake at home. and corn bread II unknown; theae are 80me of thl' meanll of helping to 88ve the waste arid win the war," The musical service wae patrloti ~ tbrouj{hout and Mr!l A, T, Wright un&, the offertorJ SOl9, nfW


Th Red Crulls Tn ntbers of the WIly ne and Massie TownRhip Chapter nu't ut the Srhool . House F riday ~. \ !'fling . t 0 form a permanent orI('lInizal ioll . The following · ollie rs w re elected: Chairm an , . J . O. (jnl' linight. Wavne Townshi p; vire·chairmHn, Dr. C G, .Rand yll, · Mas~le; sec retarv, til r~. E. V Barnhart , Wayne; tread ure r, W. H. Madden, Wayne. After the election Rev. Sargent, of tlhlKsie. gave a good talk on the l{ed 'ross order. A mass meeting is being arran ged for , when Mi~s Reeves will be present and g ive a talk and exp lain the work mllre fully. - ---0 _ _ - - ' - -

Miss f'uth Ilarts rk 5pen t lhe fir l Uorn - To Mr . and Mrs. Elzie Scott, of the we k with rel ative!! in LJaylun. on JUlie 23, !I' daughter. , 1"red's Big Sal e LJ July 2 \. 13orn- To Mr. find Mrs. ( has. C H)'k, Thursday, J une :!~ , i\H7, a lion.

Mrs. Litla Smith and MillS Clura Key!; spont Saturday in Lebanon . Fred'~ n ig Sale to J uly 21.

Mr . a nd Mr!' B H. Kelly vi ~ it ed Mrs . Hulda Burnett, of Houte G, rt'latives in Wi lmi ngton Sundayaf. spent lIevera l Juy:! in Day tu n lust tcrn oon, week.



WAYNESVILLE PUBLIC ' LIBRARY Our Public Library Ie being patron lzed an extent far b(lyond our highest expe<ltRtion9. On Tue!!day, Thursday and Saturdav afternoons, al,o ~aturda)i evening, t~e LIbrarian III In cbarge and booka may bll with drawn during tbeae' hours, Each eVt'ning the ~brary i8 open a8 a readlnlr room, and access may be bad' to any booka on the sh,elves, also the following interesting periodicals: Harper'8. Scribner'" WOrld's Work. Collier', Weekly', The ·Amdr· Ican Uoy. The Pathftnder, Popular Meehanlce. Popular Science Monthl\', McClure'B. Collmopolitan, Woman's Home Companion, System, ' Geo sraphic. Amerlcan'Magazine, Youth's Companion, National Stockman lind Farmer, 01.10 Farmer. Christian JieraJd.



Hurn to Mr. And Mrs flndrew Grant LewiR is wo rk i n ~ a t the ll\'ia· Kunl z, on ,l illie 2:; , a (lflU~: hl ' r , ti oll field al Duyton,

, Alb 'rt FergU S'lll, of L rJarv ill.;, i ~ Mrs J . I" .Janney and daughter , the l£lIcsl of MI'. W. H Dinwiddie Mi R9 Frnn ce~ , \Vcr )lay Lon visil ors and fa mi ly, . Durinrr Jilly and Augusl Dr, Maty ' aLurday. L Cook wil , not htl in her otli ce un tlli~ ~ Mum rp "" olJl'lrufT , of Lvhallon . Tu esday and Friday evening!!, exclJpt Mr . Hoher t W~lt on of Day tOll , who wa~ the gueal of Mi,!!!; Ka lhcri n. hy ap pointlll cnt. was a gu est at the hOll1e of J . L Pn'ndcrl!'ast, has ret u rued to her Hurtoock Su nday. homu , Mrs . ' 13 'l'hompsoll . of Seneca, Kan. , lIlet Wll h an accident sever 01 Mrs. Frank Lrmg, of Coillmbll ~ , WliR the week·pnrl gu esL of hOlr sister , Mi sses F:Lhel Hosi er and Kat hryn weeks ago. when she fell and hurt i1 u~ en ~ S. Hartsock, ~o n oC Leroy ~ rs. H. H . Wi ll iamson. I-Ienrtersf,n ~p eTll d'uys last her fo ot badly, and is unable towalk. Hartsock, has be!'n 81>lloi nt -d secre wepk with fri(>nds in OilY ton, unci at· Karl Hawke , of Dayton, was laken Mrs. LouiRe Woolley atteIHl ed th t e nTl ~d a piano re'ital on Thursday lary to B R Brenan. ~eneral fr e igh t to the hospital S,md ay l<J be ope raterl ag 'nt of the Big Four railroad, funeral of Mrs Gha. Holland in\ eVenlll g . on for ulcers of the wlomach. He is ~ ccordi ng to snllouncement mad e SlJl'inl{ Valley last week . W, dnesday morning He tak s the ' Ir. anr! Mr:3. Gorge Ha rl sock, rl!portco tu have sustain ed the ope r · Mr. and MrA Ja m('s 'McC lure and I Mr ~ , Ma ry Cask y. Mrs. Han nah An· ulion well, IInri id r e~t in g as well ali place of his brother, Warren L. Harl· $oc k. wh o basac.cepted the 1)0 ition Mr and MrH. Wllller M ;) lu r e ·wer tram , Mrs Margaret Thomn and can be expected .' of IIssitttont state examintl r of build· I:!ellbrook vi iLors Su nday afLernoo n. 1two daughter!' .. of Arcan um. the inse and loan associations, with head : Mi sseR Hena ann Leml Mil ler. of Mrs. Amanda Il ay;rlit Rncl Mr. qUluterli at Columbus, Fred 's Big- Sale to July 21. • prin~fit!ld, Cha rlotte Antranl and Char les Hhidaker, of Lelmnllrl, Wtlre Warren Hartsock leaves for 01· Mr Chas. tlatterthwaite Rltended qu iet ly married by Rev. Ueorge umb uBThursday, and will beg in upon Seve ral auto loads left Waynesville a family rpunion at Schont7,' g ro ve Philips at hi g home on Cincinnati his new duties Frida~' morni ng . Monday afLernoon, accompanied hy Sunday. Th e reunion was given in Avenue, Wedne;rdRY evening , It i~ expected that othl'r ehan gp.!I the band, and millie a tour of the ad · honor uf lh eanni~e rsa ry' c1 I1Y of Mrs , 20 Mr. ancl Mrs Shidake r a re in t he Bile Four fr eight oflice will Le jacent towns, adve rt ising the llig eel. Margaret Thomlls Ilnd Cy nthia An· maki ng their· home on South Cherry IlIInounced soo n.-Sprill g~eld Nt!ws . .. b'llti n Lo llegiven hpre th e Fou rt h·' l t raru. . 't,

---_.- ..- - -

Lllu Whiteman, of Xenia, was in W N. SeR r and fam ily were Daytown Mondny. . ton viSitors Friday.

A couple of joy rlden came to Mr. and Mrs . Milton SheOlhan , ot griet near the S. D. Henkle tar m Centelville, were in tow n Friday. Monday tlvening , The man W fiS F red's l3ill' ale to J uly 21. driving an~ driving eight·cylinder Cadilrate lac ca r and wa at a high of speed . What occasioned the acciJerry Ennis left Tuesday for Fort Wayne. , lnd " t o spend a week with dent will never be known, but the car skidded Qui t e a distance before rel atives. it toppled ov~r. The car was com · Miss Mame Brown, of ' Columbns, pletely demoli shed. A mnn coming. the road discovered them and along spenL Su nd av here with her siBter Mi~s Annie 13rown. ' brought them to town, where medical atl ention was given them . The lady was found to have a broken leg and Fred's Dig Sa le to July 21. a badly spraine,1 wriRt. The man J. E Jllnney ano family spent a was dazed 80 murh' that his mi nd c ,uple of clays at t hei r cottllge Ht lhe was almost a blank An ambulance Chautlluqua ~ r ou n rl8at Franklin IIiRt too k the lady to Dayton and the WE'lllc man's fr iends came aftEr him .





The Nj[Ular ,atran.. meetln, wll )Je held Satard"" July 7th, aUo clock The telephone qu.tion ill to be eet· tIed a\ thle time ...-d a fullattend&llce of membenhlp Ie deafNd, . LJ~ SlIver••uter. EvaJon•• Se!:',.

•• •

Dr, Dnr. Oateopatb 21 8. Broad'ftI, lMulo... Oblo. · . ,





Bath Tubs Come Hjah ThCle Daya . , • , . Wheo Tr.eated to



Judgin'g by the way the ' people carried away the K90ds the first three days, it won't ta.k e much l.o nger to .coniplete the job. Never such' an opportunity for supplying your needs as now. ,r rhe chance m.a y never presen~ itself ~gain. 'People Clime for' miles and found .~verything exactly as advertised. ,




~ntire Stock of B. S. Howell must be sold·






'J '


. '. , ~,


.. - ..- - -



Mig Kath!'1n Dakin preeented her pupils in an 'evening of mulc" at . the IChool auditorium, Monday even. ing. MIBB Dakin' w.. ueletN b, .Yn .. B. B . Kelly 8Ild Mr. Em.t Earn· bart. vocallitl, Mrs, KeIIJ. alw.,. a favorite; waa at ber belt. Mr. Earnhart has a pl_ns tenor voice and hie numbers were wtlll received. The pupils, Mi8B88Franc.Jannq. Mabel Sal\4bu!'1. lillian \VilkeraoD and Opal Gra7 acquitted th~l... ve" creditablY. and MlaeDaIdn Ie to be ' congratulated on the IU~ ber work,' ;










Quite a bit of excitement wu created Friday afternoon In Wayn•• ville, Spring Valley and Centerville. Three smooth 8windlen attempUd to play the old "oath tub" swindle - - - _.,- - on Wm. Hartsock, of this pla:e, and Earl Williamilon, otnear Centerville, So well did they succ88d that they held about f6000 ~orth of not. 011 the two men, and it Is alleged that of the notes WBa sold to a Cen New ton H . HeywoQd of the Dayton one terville man, the " note beinlr for local police department has been about. $750, The men were old offered the position of chief at polic o hands at the buslnt!lll, knowlnlr of the department in Colorad o actly what to do in every emergency. SprIngs, Col. and has lett tor that Friday morning two of the men city. Heywood hilS had charge of took Mr. Eartlock In their machine the police schoe ll instruction since Its and went to Xenia. In a ~ve near establishment he re six months ago. that city they go, out and entertained him for quite a while. The, presented him with a &,ood eI~, and after smoking part at It he bej[an to feel tunny. so he aaserted, and when he had lini.hed It they had notee to the amount of t3100. signed by him, At Lebanon ..July 3, 1917, the mar· They finall., got in the' aiachlne and riage of Mi s~ Florence Arlderson , returned to Spring Valley, Mr. ( I f Albert AnderllOn to Dr Hartllock wae taken to the botel and E Harold Wr i~ ht , of Warren, Ohio . one of the men went to the bank and Rev. J. 1". Cadwallader performed tried to cash one pf the notal. Mr, the ceremony . Whltltker. the cashier wu somewhat sUlplcloul of the man, and the meA told him that Jerry Hlmee, of Cell• • • • tervlUe, had oashed one of the no_, also Whitaker refuaed to cash the • note and told the man he would have to be identified before he could do 80. In the meantime h. te1ephoned to Cent.rvUl., 8Ild th. man hurriedly I." the bank. lOt Hart· Bock and came on to W a,yn~iIle . . Tha men th.n came to th. Willa.· vllle National bank and attempted to llub a oheck on IIr. Wllliamaon, The bank officlale here: lusplcioned80metblni wu wronlr. and nfllHCl to cub the note. Th" men bacomin.r thoroughly alaTmed p •• Mr. Hartsock the notes h., had lilmed. and left for Miamillbur.,. The cue wu reported to the D, 4: p, Aaaociation. &lid Frld., 8VlDing word came to them that th.y were holdlnlr one of the men in Centerville. Sev~ral of the members weat to Centerville with Gordon J01. and they brought the man back wIth them. At a preUminaf'J beariq Hartloekclaimed he wunottheman with him, and the offlclale claimed they could not hold him, 8Ild accord. ingly 'he was rele~ . The man wu the one that attended to the William. son case. It is alleged, and u WiI· lIam.on wu not a member ot the a" sociation they had no r:llrht to bold him. . However, the officlall of the 8110clation went to Miaml.bur&, earl, Saturday mornlnlr to arret!t the men but they bad paid their bllla In MI· amisburg and bad flown to part. un· known to attempt the 8ame thlolr on some one elle, . Two of the men bad been around town for the past &everal da,., and had been solleitlnlr . for "bath tube" in many private hou_ln the vill. .e. The, were probably doing tbIa to locate their victims. The mea who were here drove a Ford, but the -hnnmrIrTnll" who operated at Centerville a Paige . . The officials are trying to locate · them, but up to the preaent time they have no trace of the men.

'than ble lp tile first three day of our sale. But we are now better prepared to take care of you. ' Still.a large .stock of good merchandise in every department- ·to be sold. If .you would benefit ~rom th.e ,extremely low prices, you must ac~ at once, as .time of sale is li...ited. --'---I'IM"'~e-e"s-tomers


The Jonatball Cook farm OIl Route 2. wu BOld lut week bJ Tom ·A.... J, drewe. of CedamlleJ,. to HamUtoa . k' Carter. of SabIna. 'I'D. OOIIIidera. c lion wu'U6.u acre. I'


, lou... All ........ 1I)rtte, Wbo ,... In uw-ata alked ber JOIIIIIW . . . . If

"bat a ndaDIIe ....

IT." ................

.. .



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IcmI$ ro~ND BRADY "'1Ulfe

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Of ItIGOIVlATlotf' rrc.,



, MHO',IB to b~ my llu,I)1I0d IC b 1I1'C~,' IIbe saId SIOlply. ..~ D1lU1 l1l1 d 110 Cllgln 'r he Is," whls, per~d Va ndcI'(!Dtcr. "1 m is judged you. Ml!tld~, " snld til col ollol s roY. 8p~llkll1g os 1t th!! UII· conscious Uln n coul d h .~l r. " 1 COli' d emned you. I Ish 10 heoven you roul jl b eor me make am ods unw," "BclfOIl." Whl SP N" (I Murph~', ",Oll't! ought to s eo 111m rull wId Ihe dlulIlI' mite." I Tile volcl) of ·t he Jl tllIu o lIlurmllr0,I worels which th y . k ll,'w W,' I'" Ilrll.\'Cl's ;lIod th " ugh lll eJi ('lIn)(~ fmlll IllIUlllle ' li ps t1wy brou!!b t r ail f to nil. Th,,)' lenter ddt' ply loto ~('Ieo 1IIin);w'H'lh's b Cll rt 11 0(1 ml ll l!"'d with hl'r , 1\1' 11 pell· :t!onll, trunli('. tt!rl'(!Dt. IUlIll'rlllh·e. nl· tlloulb s be otrW'ed th ItI to Altlll)::" ty Ood 1111 from 11 W01ll1l1l br llkl'l1. P res· eotl:y thc.Y nil fit d ou t of I he room , l.envlng n elcn IllIn 'worlh tllone wlLb 'wbot wa s lett of li te In the crushed body of th e rutin abe b od uel'e r loved 110 much before. In thn ob e n 'olion room Vnnd ' I'enl er told tIl em of th e fi ght fo r \lIe d nm lind t.ow they hael r enched lh Ir mosJmm. power of r el!lSttlDce IUId mO I·e. null liIol the rell ~ r cOlfle In Ih e ver y n ll'k of tim e. , Menn lVhlJe Ul e (,lIgitle (11'1 "l'r bod burned uplh c lrR ck golllg nn.1 '(\lU· lug and i n less th lln un hour he 11'118 buck wlfll two Ilrgoon R n ncl n t m lnell nurse. WaR It their skllt I1ml cnre nod wutcbtulne s Ihot ftll'i ll ~ brought Meud ' back to co u e!ou sn pl5s, or wus Il tbe pDmonate, consum ing Inl l'u Ity of w ill Dnd pUrp080 o t tIle 1V0 mlln II'lIo toved' blm, ",110 could scnrecly he drl v· en from hilt Ride? W pII . wh ntcn !r the reason. lifter !Dony dnys he po. sed trom deafll tnto life nnd (,DlDe buck agn ln: B e '1"118 COllSC\OIlS ot Jlelcn's pre~· eDce an'd Illy' Ql1letJ y enve loped ·ln her love betpre he could tulk 'oh erenUy 01' Que8ti?n. Indeed. ",11II Rodn y anll Wlntl!ra,' und old Sllurt lUT. wbo s wor e to hlmsej't thot he would nc ver forgive blmlJ!!~ It Mende dtd n~t · recover. not! the coIoil,ij, and Vnnde vellier, nnd uU the men o(the torc~ who Ul!ed to ~lrOV o"e~ Jltlqr 'bour aDd just ~It o~ UI9 BIde ~ tM ~'* and. stue nt thp cu r wbere .the '~ wh~ pod /lovell them WBJI ~tlt1~1 tor lit8 )~t" ull de PUl'tl~ ell' D8 thOJ[ ,h "d loUJJht , to lilly Lhe d m, Mea<\e ~s 8urJiOyn~tld bl 8UCP an at· mosP¥re o~ 8wplrntJI'n qnd de\'otl o ~ All mlll!~ fla \I st!ly~ d tqe b!,nd ot dcnth it8elt,. ,:!:bl!l'e came a dnl when tho Jlhl81c,t}ID aa1d .be could talk a Ilttle, "I IIIlW 101;1,': Bolen ",hI per 11. "I



" l 'ur!!"'p In, .. lIIr. l\Iellde." "lIltl -'IUrI. 1 ( lilY, " ' lilt It \l'n. Yl,"r 1) .... 1'1) (,Id fnUI 'r's 1'.\1\11."

enl'lne1. "W" I ne w II 1111 till' l hu .... • stlill nOr!. np)·. "nut lIIr.. hu'rllltT hruI'cly 1l""O u. Ihp 11 11111 llro ,,,r," ""ld \\, 11l1~r", "'I'h""I' l'UIll' rs'/" suld :ll \·IIlI~. Il"rtllff 11\1\""" 1. " "",I yuur fllt h l' I "~ own 1""l"r thll t hCl wrll/(' th" 1"IIll'rs 1I"(lIro h l ~ II l'III'1 " ruk ..... 1<,,111 ' ]tudn,'y ; "1'11 renll It III yuu \ll'f·s,·nlly." "WI lY ,lit! you 11cI It, 'hllr ' lI rr~" "T" rlgh l u ~I'('nt w rons, si r . 1 ~n w thftl we w,' ro nll"llk,'n tl) try to spanl I he ,ll'lId o t Lb~ "''''P~nse et the 1I I'ln;:, t o "'I'e k YClur life und Ih f ll lure, lin I lh e llll pplllL'>'8 oC Miss fIl lngworth , od bles" hel" tor bl!r kind ness t o 0 lone ly o ld mnll. Anll . s o w heu you ",er" broug hl b er e d end I tn ld th III th o tru th om! 1::" vo them til pll pe rs." "0 ,[( tlemen ," Imld M endt'. mnklug a lust l r ~.. "I Is u seless to t\ pn y It c ow, but for til s nko ot Illy fnUl r 's t tlme yO\l won' t let uuyn nc k l,1 0W"r "0111 mnn ," s ll ltl n olln ey, "It WIIS on the wIres fLU b oul' o!terwartl null tbe wh l)l" \: n ll~'1 • l~h' kuow It noll'. Y OU I' ful h" .· 1011l,1\! lim rnl~C!lk ; lll~ 1(, ll e r IlIl lnltt ' d It l.iruI'c1y. T h · 11'01'111 h onors hi 111. It hooors Y'IU." " ](O(lner." ~nll1 ~I('ndc. "I wish you bu d ll't d Illl It." "It 1\' II S for Miss IIlln)tw or lh'~ ll,ljlpl· n c~~ fintl yours lbnt ' l did It ." Nltlrl Ha ll· ney. " Alit! h Q'" nmcl l t h llt Cust ute." he n Iii I'll. th(> onf('ss.lrm 1",ln):: Wl'Il1lS f r oU! h illl, I'un nuu CU lt ~ " l"' I' know." lie tllrued nn ll lell tlw room. \\'Iu ler" foll owc(1 Jllul fu ll of ~,\"I" \I" Ihy uuLl COW III·chcus iou. "L('l rue go out III011 • old wun." ~ai d Hodney. " I'll be \Iu (:k pre cutly, This Is Ill\! Ins! Il ghl 1'1' 'gut lO Illukl'." Wlut Cr )"n lcllod hIm fl"ODl tho 8 lep~ of ule tll r 1\. li e ul~nJ)jle" r II In th' p ine U'pc~ n 1'OUI ' til UIC meso to fi gh l It out ul\d r t ile OJll)II s ky tllone. '}Iii oth ra lutt tbll room III '0, III I of 1111 "Y flU !Ofl.'("," SIl1d l h l'"


was ltandlng on the blgh hili watching, looking down upon you just be• fore-" ~ "But I shall look up to YOlLnll the , ~t ot 1I!1· l\te.. ~ aold the wan. na 1ho , powsn nelt, 118 wo.s h er wont. by BIde ot tho bed. She kiss ed hi s hnnd, thlD, wasted. but whi t e nnd cien n uow. "No. I to you." sho murmuI·cd. as sbe pressed be r Ups to hIs fingers. · "Look up a ilrile higher. then." whls. pered Mendo w1th 8Qm~ of the old hn, wor. I " "Yoll meant" \ Tbe v~.~ IIltIS move lUent of hi s lips told bel' !:be story. Sho 'rul d herself eod kissed the lll li ghtly. ' ~'I baven' t dared to us k t1uu \.)efore." Mid tho 11/00. closi ng hi s I!l'u.~. "I wosn:t !!troug euo~&h to slond th o!.. .. · "But 10u're going to get s trollg ; YOU must.: .l'd l\k~ to IIlss you fore ve r." s aId tbe woman .w lth pitying Icoller· o ess alid pea. joy. . "It'. Jleavenl7now, but I s hnll have to 10 awaJ' agaIo when 1 lUll uble Il.nd-" "We are Dever &oiug to be ported agaIn." "I C8ILDOt1et you marry n discreillted

mao, a

~11re." .


"~'t 10n

'know,· 8a1d the womon. rtalDf, "that the whole United Stn tell rtnp WIth .,our· eXploIt, thllt tJle splebdJCI lulile of the dam hU8 (~ugh t the fancy of thE! people al It d ese rves and lo0a are p b.~ ever.vwhere nnd to ev-




-But the lIIternatJollBl brtdge ju~d ItII failure'" , · Untiibowit to the two tIul rolonel ud ~~ tile doonr...: "We lpIow the truth DOW. my boy." . .4 tile old maD, cOmlD" IDto tile room. .-n ... 7.0111' fatller'" fault, not 3"ouI'II," , It ... clluuterlatlll ot Meade'8 tem.,... . . . taDperalQent .that hIs w blte IIpI dGlIId ,1 0 . lit~t Une 'at We. • "WlIere'a BhU1'tllIU" b e allied• .atter • .u.t COIDIDllDiq wltJa.awu.elt. '!tie .old IIUUl bad eome 10 lID" out of I'DOIII Uk • bs. ,llow ~

die ucretaq.


iIWItJ7 bn

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PROCESS OF MAKING HATS Elaborate Mach inery arid ..Much Hu: man Labor Necessary for th e Manufacture of Headgear,



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~l B!."~~~~~;.~~.~~.u.~:~.~:_~t~ I t.:..:·:·:·:·:,:,:-,:,:·:·:,,:·:,::.:,:.:.:.:.,:,.:. :.:.:.:e ~

It \1:11" t h l'll l l~1I "'"111111 fl'l 'lids 'UUl l

Soo tt . L Ilt! V.i!. RU80 L IM)o, dl yor(1(1. LuUr l'tH n "ulle u v~. LlllIll 'olltllt, dh"lTl'(l. Oiruoll . I ' 1{Iul ",y Nu.I\l!Y "t! Dille ~OJe l u y divo rl'll tid lilt " r:\, . 1.0111'1111 H" y \' ~ . Mll r y l {o \I ~ r, Dl u nes o nly; IlIlIOll1l1 ' I", mud, ~l(lOO,

l'hUrlutto evnwn· ~l'l'UI'(lci t~'lHpH1"ttr-)1 l jll~<,'",tuo o( Ih~' lIllY C('llllgl' ull LIIIIIl

lslllllli. 'l'oIlY UII1.7.I. who 1,,«1 1I\111t It a lltl IlI'L'll ,,1 01 It' III It UIII.lllft hl~ hi 'k '''~ lu.d J\"" 'I'I' ~~ Il lI d . IIlleli o lT "" Ihl' th·~t t rul" I'IU'1 "111)1 111111 IIl1 d IIOCl III h urlou~ 11'111'11 I III I ,I' "IIII"',~ 1 (h' Wll r. 'l'OIl," "" IIl'(\ IHII (lltly 111 :1 t illY hUlIlC! IIud slI~hlly 1'I'II(lnell\'o gllnlen 111111


Are You Wasting The Price , Of a Titan Engine?



engines run on kerosene. Average cost of gasoline so far this

Marria ge Li CC ll sell


WilU"tn ' . HOl". (lctr hcto r Bn rl bulluer nud i\lr •. i:Jtltfle M. 'hIm. M i amI V~lI e)l Chautauq ua C ampe rs hu rlln. b u t b of ~' l'nukl1 u, H. v, Will. W ill Get to S e e (; a det s l'l1l~ t lu . In T ra ining. Ul8uuo B . Broo k ~, i' loot-dotlO n of n .. til 11 I nnd ('/lr n " ['l1llrl dil lY, of Pr po ration s are 'lIn1pl Cl 10 n('com· ~1 i1~()11 n " v I{, B Fustu r . m oante th o mllilary cnmp whl b will }hYUloml I!: , DII Y ' ~. hoo kke e ppr be occ upied by lb 1Iliaru i 1I1i1ltury In· s tltute. or Germantown, O",'un Grnfr ti ll \4 rIlUE, N . u r m'lU l)" t h o r \'9"y. Drow n. Ilr081<1 nt. with the IIU olll1anco uBlwolle, a ll Y ,J B'. 'uti Wlt lI ad Il l' , ell" r "" W. ~hi,llIll" r , s llt ds mBn. or Iho focullY Ilnd n hug ootlngcO'L at cnd Is. 111 dnlly guard mount, drill, ~od ~ I r~: AWRll tl ...1. l:i uys ll t . b o t h R.,y. ('; 'lo rlle W . Pb E. dr 811 pnrnll c nn tl Ulon uver . off'rlug I' 1.ll iJal lon gr I\t IlIl11lnry Instruc' l lo n as we ll as I\ I'~ m Bt fascinAting plonsuro. bllIlLRIl' Leou ' rd K uettel. umpl o ye d fit '1uo dot ~ 01'0 July 27lh to Augn s l 13th. 1(1111( MillY , li nd Mrs. '111m K ootl I. Ull d r th l rees, bu nd COliC' rts 0."0 If 1.II \.mllo u R v Hugo E I ~e nl o br seh'dulod t ,,·o or th reo LImes" dnr. H m' U I ~ v e lnll d Wlllltl m M, telltu t or and Il t lh o rl\'or be eh lIurlng sw im· IIUt! Mr~. b; 1 ~ 1f1 ~I no re, b " I,1o of 1{wK m lng lessons. wh Ich u re fro e., ~l lll~ , }{.tlV It Ii F os t e r .

. Avera ge cost of kerosene 7.7 cents per gallon. Gasoline costs over lOOper cent more than kerosene. G asoline is (Yoin ~ up steadily. Kerosene is not. At present fuel prices Titan engines, using kero· sene , save their owners about I. I cents per horse power per hour. .

Real Estate Transfers


Mu sica l Miami

T rea t


V a lley Ch aut a uqua

For The ir Pa trons ,


C:::~:ln ~~n~~:n::U6~h:f


Commons. A good s tory Is tol d conc 'rulng Cnllon Ctl rneglc. th e lleW c!luplll l n o t the bou se of commons. It r elntes to th e IllDO wil en h e \\·os working us u c urnte 10 th e Ens t nO o~ Londou. H e WtlS preuchlng t n ongrcgo tioll Io.rg Iy composed 0 fll r liS t he lD en were co nc l'u 'lI of wotel'sld labor I'S. IUld his s ubjcct \ 1' 1\$ fn Stlng. "Of course." h o snld. " muny of you men corning your lI ylog us you do \.)y bard work . c nnnot be tl-'tpec tod to deny yourself food. nut YOll cun fust ,n another WilY. nn ll 1 do urge J'ou to .'\ 0) thl8-spnre yourself the u sc Of s lrool '; In nguu ge," A.fter the sermon Mr. Cllro cgla ,V'll! pllRsln ' out ot til e .Cbul·ell wb eu lie ove rb ullrd one of h is Ju te congrCI,;Il'J.:o1l r tuarl; : "TlllIt was n - - goo" tiel" , LOOO t he - - pursou pl'encaeil, illll. · "- - good." \VII S BIII's too empb.ll;c r ejoinde r.

---'"--- - - - - -

D rop at II Ti me Saves Dime. In Ule WOllllln' ~ H um' ol1 l))ro nl on n write r SIIJ'S : " In Il tiring . ))(,rox ld c fr om Ih e bottle on 11 s mull cut. or RCrllte h. I noticed !ltnt II grClll dr ul at It wn s l1!<nnll y spll tt'(I- n ot ulwII Ys on lbe In j ured mell1be r. Sin ce II sln g II. me dl cll1 e drop[l1'1' J h nve hilt! no trouble III IIlJl'! ylng It In lite rl !;ht ]lIO 'u. liven \\'IUI thu Il'ft hnn d. Thl ~ Is n v 'ry new 'Uud ' of IIl lue, 80 Il h lUill' t done It ~' 'I, u ut It Is golDg (0 S H e mo h ~l! . n bultl e of I)eroxlde."

- ..- ---



Wm . Mo linrnoy U9 E xtr. '0 1!~ l o r e n ce U Brown , p a r ~ () f a 10 /, o n 'ou t h Mec h lln to !-iI, I L e bl1llo n , $ 350 Bn l1 r tl of )!;<l nollt\ o n . 1011re r Bek rown Hh lp Hurllot 8o b ool D I~ tr,i c t to \J;m lU l1 't'. Ey r , u bon t o n e lI'er e in 'Ie u or ee lt t o\v n l!b i p $ O. l:illWtl r<l ' Doll 10 W . If. Monnt l o t l O. Ul ln \1ople P luk Subdivis io n t u Killgs ~Ill lla, F rtld erl(l k 8 " lI e y t o Al h e d Batley tw o trfl o' n 10 tbrutito u t w n llb lp, $(oUO . BIRn ohe P . Rap e r ~o Ur. W . F . MOBS seve ra l lot8 in Mainevllle l II. Ma r g arel t F, Mon ger t o Dar r y U. Burns lo t on Orohllrd Avenu e. Leb. mn o DI $ 1.


- - - ..----


W e IlIIve O~lf~ hH and g rippy fee l 'I ngs In wurou w e'~t h " r beonues ooids fl rl:! g e rm dl sBI\~e8 Thal,'s wby w . b o nld 1I IH e Dr. KinS'" N w D1800 \l. e ry ba n dy . It' ~ .. n tls epllo in g r a dle n.8 fi rcb t the Rr owhl o f g e rms nd l oo~en \helr hold. h 'l\ laxn tive (llIlli Hiell f' xpe L thes e ~cr lD8 ond (. Ie anse til" 8y t.ow . You c ••n l oe l it ll plclI BR'nt " Blllam .. ~ootbe th e I n tl~ mmll tlon , h e u l tlS8ueS strllln ei by uo Dg hlng .. nd promote rest and s leep Mil,llo nll o r b ottles ""Id . 500 $1 00 at. yo ur druggiet Used fo r o c .. rly 50 lr e BrB - - - - ••- - - 1"1 rst Eight.Hou r D~y Demand. Til e 11 'Ulfll1d t.hnl t ll ~ dill' b dh'ld ed in to threo Cfl llII l parts, n Dllrt tor Inbor. n pa rt fo r HI , P II l1d n pllrt for' rc~ r n· li on. result ed In ' fI Iol~ s lr\lte In Lon· don III 1 53, T h ~ !'Irll( 'r8 lost. Th e n x t y II r In fnl" lI way AlI s trllllll work·· c rll In i\( Ibourull illl itell to CCllre the elght· llIlur \lilY lind won. 0 for liS t.he r e ords gq thl WIlS thc lII'st tltil e Lbe '\Jrln('\ple \l url beclI e nfo rcetl e ither by stO lu tO 01' th rough tho clrorts o~ organized ~'I'orkt! ~s. -~ -- ---

elllh·t! i'tl l'noli,,'. "1': \" '11 dlld'('I1S


~ II .\ 1\ ).:

'hdwect :IS




wllh his ,'I ,:;ht he ll S.

C'hlll"loll,' Il I Tllnl.{t'~ 1 10 t nlu~ t h e ,'I)t..

tuuu ;lIul 1'\.\ lIll'lll'tl tn lnw il tu Pilei" h ,'" llIellj!e r !J~ l lIlIgloll' ~ . II ,'!" Acwhll' 11 111' dlille III1 U II jll, w"l'Il \.1I110Ul lfllll{ 1" ,1" " If HS U S t \IlIIi S ll'C:-OS ' Wt' r c Illlltln,; • he Illost I 11lpOriHIl t I)f Ill.'r l"':-:Sl·s:sltllls. She ,oull 'lpulllll I;l'l'IIt cou tl'n l lll~1I1 SI'wllll' r,'r \'llItI;:l' \l'Il/ll.'n anu tl'lIu ing t h tillY !lllrllOIl lIud til' chick llS \.) e· t l\'l"'11 ~ lIt c".'~. , nre slUnklllg pl'0;:1'08 ,.1 sl II' ly. 1011 1 'h Ht"IHlI l' "" S fll.l ~n1'l'Y. h crn u~c 81l" bc~rlltl~cd <'wry m' "IH'n l lh ut ~ I ,,'

SI,,'nt wll hln Iloill's. Afl a ruwu rd (Il l' hel' ,' xc ' II t' llt '11I'e hc r Il l' n ~ prod ueNI 111 0 r~

l ' J,!';!' /i

I h u ll :-: IH' ('(Hlltl


Hh e

got six IlIld ~ (' Y!' II a .Itly 11 n(1 Oll t' ~ lhough IH' r llci)thhll r sII 11l It. wns w,'Sl tID us un l-shll hll d ('IJ,: lI t "t:~S from t'lght hens . Hut slot! 1I 1'('rn;:",1 Il l" II (hlY Ihl'OlIl,;" thl' 111 ll) Iti l. S he wn~ II . li ght d to rCIIII7.l· thll t thlfj n ll lllh<)1' \I'oulrt 'IIIlhl' l,,'r ttl '" II tWll I(,z ' /I a II' ' k IIlI d \lIUS mllkc 11 r .he n5 Self'SIIII' porlillg. He r 1ll'l ghbo~ told hor of 0 £lIl1IlIy III till' "lIh'S(! !lllIt wtlul d lIll Y II()r 00 'nll! 1\ tluzon, hu t It. WII;; IItlt u u tll she uc('\l lIlly liuger NI th' $1 bill UII l'II ~' IlIC llt I hn t " he cou ld h .'11 !yp It was I rile. N vur hnd ~ h e ('01' 11 ,tt 1Il0ll flY ·so e ll Ill'. A tew lin ), hll 'r sh e wen t t o h er nclgllbor with n t urrow between h el' Qy '~S.

.. li e or my 1I11norco9 set s oml s ets und s<!ts 1111 \I ll Y olld kind of growls when 1 touch her. Wllot sholl I d o wllh ~ er 1" s he (I U estl o ll ~ (1 In dl muy. lie r nell,11bor h1u 'I",d IllUusedly. "Broo\l y-( hut's 1111 ." h l! 8111d. " Rroouy 1" hul'l utte's eyes . ques· ti on'(\ s tili. " ur e!" luughl'tl t h ~ IUnn. "Put 1hlr· t'''11 C!!I'· III th e nest unllc r h er. Twen ty·ono d il l'S Inler Y\l U will hnv ~ lillie chick s In ten d of Ule eggs. Jt'g ber . mollterly Ins tlnot-she W\llltS 11 1t1mlly to boss;'- - horlolte blushed softly und slglu:d In r ell et. H er nelgbbor \VIiS kind enough to offer t o belp h er set Ul e h roorly one p roperly. This wus vnly the beglunlng. ot the llolchlng SClllwn. (lon Clwrl ottc wu ~ kept more tJlIl ll bu ~'y ",lUi her ben ' lInd their pCI'j1Ctulllly urrll'lug cblckl'. To· geth er WIU, thl work cume or l1ors tur t1ressmnk lng tbo t comple tely fill cd Obnrlottc's , duys. And lhen the In· evltllble hnppelled. T ouy wr6te t o soy UIUt he wus returning. 11u hn d lost 0 foot somewh er e OU Lbo lIold of bll ttl e lind hud bee n 10 lh e ho IJlltll tor weeks. As soon us his cllrk fo ot . wus s!lf'ely (( pnrt of hi", he would be able to travel. "We ll,'" Chorlotte thougbt o.tter rcnd· tng T ony's lette r . "[ bnve done my IIltle bit In es tnbllshlng a'buslness tor on o mulmed 'h ero," Tony's soft Holln n eyes. sbaded with recent s uffering. lit up wben be snw his cottnge uud bjlnrd the cockle ot haoOY h (!lI~.

Insp ired by a Dream. 11,,\·,· hee o Inspired by Frcd L. Sh'eppy, 170 N . Halsted Ir" :lIIOf;. II Ul IlIlt .. II hy HO tm'rlfylog a Slreet . C\.)lcugo. 111.. Oene rnl Sales 11'1':1111 IlS 110 ,, 1 wlol!'l l cnm,) tei Gul eppl Manager of the largest concern o'r Its r ll/' Iilll, lit" 1/ 11'.111 11 cOlllPOSl'r. w ho kind in til e world. WllIltS. three or th u lI ~ht th e 1'\'11 (1111' ell 'lIe to hllll lind COUl IlCll 'l1 1111 1/ III III IIY th e vIOlin. Be "Tour m en In thIs county Ilnd several IlWll ite hOITi /i('II, til tllId Ule ' 1011'01 liS h e w e n 10 udjoln lng co unties. to work had lweI) "IIl,"llIg 10 his drenm sUlI for him spare lime or all the time. r ln!;I,, !! III III" "II I'S. lio Hilt d owu nnd He can use only tboso wbo have a ~Oll ll nifl .. cI tllI" " to puper. ond tb us rig or .IlU tO. Work Is pleasnnt und \I' ll' wrl tll'/A lll e 1'1l110IlS pleco k((own no p revI ous seiling experIence Is liS "Th e D,l\'Il 's SOIlI\tu." ne cessary . Wor.k consIsts of leaving a wonderful new house\.)old. necessity In the bomes on free trIo\. T ests at Curio us to Know. more than thirty of tho l eading Unl· Sn,'s 1I1I Idl\' III Slo llh to th e J ewell versitles und tho Government Bureau n epuhll cllu : "The re nrc t wo things I . of Standards sbow tbts article to be ho ve II lwII V_ be"ll curious to know: Whu t II IlIIsl!r !hlnl's wh en he stllr\lcs tour times 'as efficIent os article. now him self 10 su it down wore money. lind In general use In tbla section . Artl~le whnt n bulky horse tllinks when b e Is needed tn every rural home and ' wlll [like Ilny kl n,l of p unis hme nt benellts e"ery member of tbe housernll. er thun Wltlk off Quiet ly with a hold. brInging cheer. comfort and bugg.v."-I' ,ln sfl S Ity Stllr. bapplilliss , Into the borne. Not necessary to bo . away from home nights. Pay from $6,00 to US .OO per day according' to abtllty and n'Umber of Sandpllper In the Kitchen.' AlwllYs k(!ep n piece of fio e sun<lpo- 'bomes vIs ited. In writing Mr. Slillp, Pllr lu the \' llClleu. If l:our cu Ico or py, mention whllt townsblps will be bruull should browu u bi t too much you most convewent for you to work 1n; cun rub It orr more smoothly thuu It what your re,gulur ovcupatlon Is; 11 grllt'r Is 'Usetl. If ouyUllog sticks your age; marrJed or sIngle; how or burus 00 p"ns tbe fine snndpnper long you have lived In tbe "comc1euns more cus lly !lUlU anytblng else. munlty; what kind of a rIg' or auto .... YOU have; whetber you wIsh to 'work 8p ~ re time or steady ; .bow mucb time Worldly Spirit. • 'Xh al' ~ Is, s ucb u tili ng us a- worldly you will hav~ to dovote to tbe work; spiri t, lind Ulero Is Bucb Ii thIng ns no wbon you CIIn start. and about bow unworldly SI)lrlt; ond. ac/!ordlng as we muny homes are wltb.ln , all; miles of pnrtllke of o '~ e or the o~her. the suvor , you In each direction. This ts a of the sncrlflce of our Uvea Is or- splendId opportunIty for several men dlnnry. comnDonplll ce. poor. ond bose. In tbls cQunt3" and counties adjoining or elevotillg. lovlgorutlng. usetul. noble to make good monll,.. working steady uod holy.-Deun Stu nley. . or spare Ume. Bome of tbe field men earn $300.'Oo-ver month: onll farmer earned $1.000.00 worklJlg apare Ume Nor Ute Dreaml_ Kind. not alW1lJ'1 Blplft· onl,. No InV8lltmeDt or bond De.,.... i\T \' ~\(O It I Il ~

--- - ...----

----- - ..----

--- - ---. -.

ot a1eep.

Arc yo n runnii l::! r\ ~so\in c cn ~in c ? \\ hat h orse powe'r IS it? 1- iK u.r c what Yl11! ' t! Ill! savi n ~ if ro u had a Titan k t: ~ose ne e n g in e. H.a th ersurpr i i n~. is n ' t it? H o w lo n l,( wo uld I t take that saving to pny f or a Titan engine of th e same size ?

fell that s Ill' wn~ IHUI,ln,.: nl \IIP l'ltu'p

$11,' , ,1;s l'I'\"\'d tIll' flo,· Ol'l,lngtlJll




16.9 cellts per gallon.





eh lc'lHIII!'Oi ' lil t h~4 n1sn uw ul'd au It uttl-

The monurn ctur~ of hlll H 1'1 on ' (, 1 Ule most Int e r e~ lIll g \If W:IIl ll fu ,'l lI r lll;: processes lind few \\' CU I'l'r ~ or tll l~ 1/11· portllnt purt of th ' ./llul l) w unlt'olHJ woul<l r ecogniz e lu lit grl'u t ba le' ')f robblt. bure. mu kmt. ot Ic ,' II U(\ uUl ur Skins thllt co me to th ' Donhm'Y fll r" fnetorl's the 1Il1ltcrll\l ! nllll wh il'\l Ihd r (fur) felt huts 111'0 milli e. ~' l:e \)l'Ht skin!:! nut! by [or Ihe lurgeRt [>, /1' 111111 o,'u You May ReJOice. Imported lind Ilrrlve 'In g r<:n l 1)11 I ,'~ ('(I II· A colonlll i t111111c r tOlil e contnlll(,11 11 lulnlng from 2.000 t o 4,000 H I ( III ~. Mlilly roost tUl'key nt one ~ ud o f the t nb le, proCe~ses ure gUllo th.rllugh II) the fur II r Ollst pig at th c ot her li nd ./1 s l7.ellblc fuctory before the fur IS reudy for lhe brutetl linIn In the nilildl e. nu t l'I l ~c r hnt mnnufo clurcr. wh o. uttei' put t ing uP. BUYS the Lonl s I'lll e aUI'I ' r ..)o ur. it th.rougb b low er8, wlli eh cle nn UIC fur nul, y ou kick e r nt the hi gh c os t o( livfrom foreign s ubs tuuc ·s uutl hulr, Slurl Ing. 'l'he dinner gu es ls Il'nd to pll y $1 the actual making of n hnt by WIlI!:h· eacl! ' fol" um.Dlunltlun \\'Ith wlli ch to Ing ·out ju. t enough ru~ to nUl k ' " fight oft tho Indluns au the \l'uy to the giv en slze unt! weight of soft tl r s UO fenst. . b l!jld!;cn'r. The fu r is fe d Into liD lu· clo~ed . m ochLIIe In whi ch is n rll l'oll' hl~' copper con e. p rtorlll '(I IIncl wet. loeDllIIgeroU8. neuUI will ell Is u r"llI()Jy r c voh'illg s lIe· li'rl e url-"So you ull owed thn t conllon (nn whIch creates 'I 1I0wllwlir I ulr rluc~o r on ono of y our own Cllrs to current. Til result Is thu t 11 () 1I I,; hI jos tl e ~ nd lulk bllck to you 1111 he' Weight fur is swirl rJ uhuu,t uoNI It 111 ell sed ! ' Yhy dldo't you t ell him who n i' pllllr~ ' III'c II '1IIIIlIUIUI'e SIIt)I\' sto rm YOt1 WCI'C ? Tlmt wnu ld hllY\! Ii"ttler) , IUld gruduully Dud evtlrt ly seltl s 'on UI ~ hl!t'." Pl' e ~ld e n t ot Trllctlon Co mpo ny cone. ' Wh '0 ull th a t ur t or one hIlt , ~ -"Yes : n nd it would h(we s e ttl ed me. thlul fed 101 0 tli e form r IlIIt! III d l![los, Ele mlgbt hOve told tb e other lIossen. ited 00 Ihe cone. tb e !UlI cllln ' IS gers."-P.nck. , oPened, the oporul or wmp.· u Clo \.ll fibout th e COU l! wI th l is 'I'1I111y U('PVH' It'ed COI'('I'I I1 ' of (UI·. l'e/lIt)V('" 11ll! c'llI e Egyptl/ln Wheal. uud .-lII'S o f( I he IIrs ( fo rm of I he llllt . E l:'ypt In Ihe mo·t Ill1rl oot tim s wns lt s to b • a 1" ul '11 I, \\,e t U U(). tie l· leute obJ ec t; but Is 'Iulckly IlII m r ed celehrnted tor Its wbout. The best In wurm wlll olr: whlUh Inercoses the quull ty W1\S oll b p.n rll ed, Th wh nt holding lIuullty ot tilU (ur s o tlun 1lI1l wa8put Into the grot1nd In wlnt r Il nll "~odl Cfl" ' . cun loe s u(eJy hUlldl cll some time ottcr th e burley. I n the through the succe~~ 'y e pmccss. ot Egyptln ... plug u(!s at hnll th ~ IllIr ley .sbrlnklng to lx,v" SIZUll, dyel ng for dl.... suffercd , but Ihe wheal hod not Olr aIred ('Olor~ Ullo,! t1rylng. nil 01 whlcb lIepred. ood 80 eSCUllcll Injury. 18 nece88ury l.,,~ fore the rough bO(}l l'~ begin their truwls tbrough Ihe flond ' of various .Bkllled worklO'l!l1 who s bupe DIrection In Japa n. and bloek and trim. ,,;11 h Ibe II1d Qf al. Japanese do not lillY northenst and most ' bumaa mecbuolcnl aliI., Ule soutb est. but eut·nortb -aild wIIC-

. . DIIII'- tIodI.. IAto IIdahed

• • :A ...... . . . .

Probu [c Court "whll ... wllll-h hI' I'tlll li S " IlIx l fr'llII In t h e III Lt "r o f t h OS \lItO 0 1 Ihe lu IH 'tl I' h~' l·Stnl c~. II I' 'I'u .dny ,,(ternoon. August 2, wh l) Ehz1 h ,,! h 1\ , ftl Otlf n rt, tlAOPIIII~ d ' P ' IIwt n il Indlls lind h.1I1 " IIIIII! hlUl Sl·lf I) on . .rReoh 10:. M,'oker. 01l!;"T H!<ma n. ll . ,\1 nlo r t i~ "POUIIHf'UIIH 1It1ll1iOi~' I' 111(11'0 or h 's~ lit II III'("'",I I,\' t .) . nll!". from !:Il. I. o u i~, Mo .. lllltl W:\\'1I 0 O. trtlLor 1I111ld :l:,OU. UIlIf.V i'\\u \;"~, h" "lh'~, Ih · h'ft Ih,. ,'url'tllklll;: o1f his \\'Ill' ·l r, NUlic;nul ('n lln e ll f;'r Ih~ b'rll nlc Tfl o m!l~ IIIHI 1i>1 "Urfll I) "rtl ('11 It II 1'" In Ih,' nIHil willi hllli tllk" 11 his Aml,SIIloon Leagu ' . will ros s ~ \\'orlls 11[J I Hn lll etlll pprlll~l1r.. tllxl "'1'111-1' f,'"", Idlll., o n lhi K grcllt I'rosc ul (lny qu 'Hlinn . 111 11.1/' mlltttlr II f Iho (' " llItll 1;/ l 'h"I""lt" 'I'!I\"' ~' hllll JIl'\'('r Nc"n 'rlli. w UI be ~O CUT A:>;O 1)1 r"i 1>:O ~("Iln (l l \, "UVUl'. d'-C l'''.emcl,· Loven. '1'0I 1 ~' 1IIIt' hllt l sl w 111'111"1 1 o f 111111 lllltli AP1,' A IIl, hilt'" C ll two " ru hlbl l ln nl. ' a, ,' r y uu<.l nJlIJI'IIIHtllll nt li r e tUu.l. ~III' It·" .... " " Ihlll hb II"y ·"IIII;.!" \\':l S bu t II bnulo roro l bl'lwo n I\\'O llI e ll i n t ht llltttll'r "f r ho f't-4t~" t e or 11\:lIllIIJh'• .A s 11 t h 'l'S.'; lI l l1 l \ i'I" ' s U S~ I S l" w ho cO lllond In (lorlle '( for U, It, ,'011, H ill. sill' h ll d l-onn·d :- llllk ll'll t IIIUIH'Y It) " I C l lo ll ~, IUl,1 IhEl da)' p" o/UI ~ '~ lO l'll llJh l>, l>lllllllllll'.lUllIor. L IlitH A. III'>' IItl "hil •• ~I ,, ' ",I IIIl Il - h('1I h.'r, "'1' Uu nllt\ ()" I~ n)JI ",i ll !l.(1 "l1~ rdi .. n . oqunl. If 1I0t S llrjlUS8 In ItIl 'r(' ~ t and 11 :-. 1I \ ' il htb'll ~t'II II1 ~ l n ' ."'~. hilt It IIIU ~ l nlton ll oOl'e , I b e grent meet.lng IIIHI tI . I:l nd J;:tUO 1l1 ' I',I~ I ll' II "l'r,\' liuy l"uttugl HIHl It 1u th o lJIatt r of ~he e t •• te of J11inlllllllll o f \.·~1't'1I !:'L' lhat she cuuld hata o f hlst Yl!or knolVn us Ib e ox· Anmndll KID!.! , ') 'I CC"Hed. Pn v .. t e under1 alit', . ' Vltlls Dobote. ·mlu u f p o r~o ll" I Il ru pc ny o rd r<,d . \\"hl ' l1 ~ III. · !>ill\\' 1111-" I 'ott ll~l' C h arlot11l


n\l li me OUl tills wuy. 1'111 ~o rrs n ot only IJI.~ U~ of your s ull'crlng. hilt {OJ' oil",/, 1'l'USVIIS - Itmllley fo r (Il1 e. II ~It's rob b nt! ! 1t wa s nllt n eCeSSf/l'Y f or you to ge l y ou noelt ul most klll l'd III wlp .m e. J m ean. to r wh e rever li nd wh e ll l'Ver J tound you I \1'11 .'l!so" ·cd to Ill u rry you, wlll y·nllly." "And Is It Iru thu t poo r old R od 'hnd grown 10 'Ilr '1" h ~ II kell, Ilu ttlu); by Ih l: UCll o,! l.'lolc dl ~c uS8l on. The IVO lllllU Ilodd t!d. "I'm vcry sorry. r cnn' t he lp It. ' Ve wer e alwll y. toge th er. tulkJug Il bout YOII," sh e s uld. • And li e co ulu /1' 1 lll'lp It. either," Rn hJ M~ude. "8tHU ' how I h\! 11 ve bo \\' IIS lhl' bet Le r IIlI,U fo l' you to h,w e tIIk ' Ll." DUl h (~ I uk cu nt II r wl slfully n ull IIm:loUij!Y 1I ~ ho ~ll11k '. "I WOu' t 111'(;11 ' wll h you." soid Oll' gh·l. \.l endl ug cl,, ·o til h im . "I'll olll y oy tblll I k Uuw I hll \'!! th e best Ulll U In 011 the \\'orl tl. hu t If he w el'e th e wors t,. X wollld rejoice to hav e h im ju~t the SIllllC." . ( TIlE E ND.)

"I saw You," Hel,n Whl,pered.


WfII furnish I\. musl cn1 uUrMlloD QUill, It 1I0t gronler, tilnn IIny haard r (101111)" n. l bls IN IHI (IT!;iml7.utlon or SJlUrlUff. ull usual TIlol'l l. roc.ogllized a,. one ot t ho " ' ou forglyu me. Mellde. 1'1'0 b co fi n st Sco.tlsh Bnntls 111 Ih world. It throu gh 11 'JI H s If," S11lrl th e QIII UI II U, c r eated a furor In E nglan d, nn d S o rerl "III th ose lost s ix l!J ontllti." h igh a t t h Am e rl cnn Wo rhl '" Pair. "Io' rcely," !lnld Mende, Choulnuqua da tes th is yoa r a re Jul y ADd ShurtlllT we nt nwn y with n 27 to Au gust 13. li ghter 11 urt tlum h e hod borne f or mllny n luug dll~· . Tbe t wo 10l'ers were ulone uga l((. "XOD see." s uld E eleu, "Iher e's uotll· lug CIUl keep us npor t UU IIT." WHAT CANON CARNEGIE HEARD .. 'Othl llg, UlIIllk God ," w h lsp~ r ed thO

1II~~lIt 1 u m sorry that It


Coillmon PJea s Cou'r t ew Suils



II ~. ..•• ~ ~-.-+ . ..• ••••• • ........... ••• ~.+,~ ............~".~ .... .. ....



Tilan keroleno engine. ate lold b,


Waynesville, Ohio


·It..r. r l,)u c r~lIlIz\lt! lJ I: r 'lit se ll ~ of InWllrd li<'lI;:h t wh"11 ~ h ' ;:1111' hi s ~ ur· prise. Wh .'n shl) ~h'I,'k ' hi li " " l'll s h felt Ihut ~ hl' 1I'1l!:' !!1"'l' lIuj.[ II h" ru lint! her eyes ,,'l' I'e w .llI.k .. f llll )' l' XIII·e!,sIVt'. Tnny Wll 8 11",('11 by Ih t! JOY thlll r elurn n O'ol'll '.1 him. 110 I" li e rlll ~cd II IlrOIIlHt· "1I11t II IIlI: hOIl (1 \\' h /I r lltl l'1"l t , ncqullhll,'<l h im wll h r"l' t ~ lIu d pl lllls for hllll s"lt . "1 /JllIlnl till' ' It I It Is you who hl\\' , done It 11 11 ," An d 1/1 th mid st of hi s lIr~um9 . II'hll e hurlnl I c , stood won(1 ' rln:.,- 111:11 In Jus t why I.'ulo hlld ,:rll'c u hilr Mil 1.1 os· nnt u [lll l'( 10 pluy. tile nolghb or ol'er til r 'nee tllll ·.1 tlu t : • "Sll~, Y'll lwo-my Wlft) wllJll YIlU hoth u.ur . S II ~'M fir 'pllr('.1 thl) tJlI ~Mt (Il ~h of S 1111j!b Itl ou lRhl e lit Itllt y. lind we've opcned Il bOlllo of rell Ink to cplehl'lltl.' t h ~ h')IlICCIIIllIII!,[ Ilf our h un." 110 dill not wull (or nil Il11SII'Cr, n or dill .lIe hnl'e to . T OllY I1m1 'hllrlotte gluuced slI'ltUy nt eu ch olh er und sl ow SlJIII s dll wlleu In tho hellTt of cllCIt of \llern . Tbe big r"l lIgtoB cock cro wed lus tIly. Evlllenil y It a. 100, thought duwu ,,"us som wllc'r e ve ry ncar . (Copyrigh t, 1917. by Iho lI' "Cluro No,,'spll. p ~ r Sy n dl ~n ! e.)


'1nsu D •

--- _..---._..- ---

Bo t~ Are Bad.

Iln"ln ~ too mu ch thnu)::ht ot th e Inrrow Is j us t "" hnd 08 1111,,10); too iltle.-Alb'!!lY ,lonrnnl.


" 1111.. Ph" n. I I

A.i~MAFFIT Funeral Dir..ctor and Embalmer, Waynesville. Ohio. Ei th e r Aulo or Horse drawn :&ervi~. No extra charge f(, r IIlltO 8.-rvice .

No. 14 ,



xon Six Livery Sole Agent


. \\ aynepllle.





Phooe 90-3



D I'. H. E~ HATRA W A,t I'VIl,Y ue",lUe'a Leadinll Dell"." 1)1Boe in B;lne8 ' BId", Main sa,

DR" COX'S Barbed Wire LINIMENT. to

... DENTIST••• 0


GUARANTEED h t'al without 18av. ing B blemish, o r )!ONEY REFIJ.NDED_ 600 Ilnd $1.00 s izes lor fre!lh wounde, old Bores. soro bocks ond sbolllder8L~nrna IWd bruises. 2.'ic si1.0 lor Family we. DR• .COX'S RAINLESS BUSTER Is pnlnless mId guoranteed to cure Spaviu. Ringbolle . Cntb, Swoony, 8plin&. P uff8! or OilY e nlargem,e li\ of DODe or mUSCle, or'm onoy refunded. GOo. fOil SALE .V








' -EITIl&R-

THI Oltl,uaar

Auto · Equipment Hor~Drawn EquIpment



Over P o.'ot(1tt



Walter Ch andl er'

O lfl~ f>h"". 11


MI'8. A.-"Don·t YO\l think you lose patience wltll your husbllnd on ruther slight proyo('uUon?" ftlrs. B.-"1 havo to p rovoke him sometimes ail thut ho will 10813 !lIs temper nnd then give lU e aoytlling 1 IYont ~o U9 to ntone for the wny he hns Acted."




No Use 'For Them. nl ch nrd , n,:rrd rllnr. ,lc('()w[lnnled by his mOl hf' r, \\'11" \\'n I.l'hlnl-,' n regiment (1r ~oltl l,'rp. h,'llIh ,.1 hr I t~ hll lUl, IUllr(!h· IlIg hy. "~ II\II'lIl :l ." Iw I1s ketl, 1'",hlll 'S thO lise· of ,,11 11"'111 ~o ltll ers Ibnt 1I0n't 1llllke llIu ~ l e1"


0'-' E



om~ ID , ""Ioaal auk Bldc.


."., •

Both ph9nes in OffiCI;! anti ResIdence,

Am ply Provided. Hllrry- JllI s h ' nn y !hlll~ toward hla " "Il' I 'III!!t~ ./ Jlm - tlh. J ' {'!;, h t· II" ~ !h (" Wh lte necie· tJ e tl((11 1:11(' " \\'11 II 11 full tIr ,~ s uIt.




Notary Public A.1l klncla of N ota ry Work .

IN TNa WOIIL.D ~ WEEnY. 1!Al "OTI.... DIIUOciiiQ. • ...OIALI.,.., OOITU M 111., ,TII~""" ••• O"~ AND . . VI IltltVICI OA. ".0'1':'

St.oo na



SAMPLE COpy FREF liaw YO 11K CU ..... II "'_ v...-. .....


ood Deeds a I:!peoIllll;,. .


Dr. J. A , . T his dl~eaee Bhould be treated IIIlIOOD tbe nnnatur,,} JOOI!flUe88 of the McCoy, 118bowels appelU'll. When this is ' done • Ii~~t

VeterinarY Graduate of QbI'I ~ 11I1 , UnlwnJ"

MI,ngle clO11e ()t Ohamberlaln·. CoUc. Choter~ RIId Dlarrboea Remedl" will elrect a cure. This remed,y can alwa,l be iJe. l18nded npon even In the meet d dangerous Cllllell. and should be '"


h8lld ready tor Instant 11811. ReriIr

/lome on ~ ioarney Wltbogt It.



CorDer Main and MilI ' Streets

Telep'OM 18

W .... ,_a_vU",

A tewlbl.. to Mr. 8b8pPJ WlU

fD:U ~ '-

International Ha"esier Company of America

BELL'S ANTI.pAIN O.~I..~ DR. .............. Edt. . . ~ ~


...T ,H E





, ~ n t~hJ, t .ok.'

~------------------~~~--------~------~ 1

ut WI1)'l1fl'l"JlI(I, Ullio, Uf( ~it " 'HlcJ ( 'W,." MlI l r ~tll ll' r

1I1l.,/I'. hll1k


Able Correspondents in the Neighborhood

~ lIu~crilltin n Pri eD, $ 1. 50 per yeliT



A s W ritten by Our Corps of

II , I.. (I ' A N I,;, I':ll ito r alld Pu b li sher


W lm N I!:S I1A Y,







Mr . lit'! l-t Ungle 'by, Mr . I Ve' u r e li t! g olo g t o Wny o eij vill e Mrs 'I' h IJ~ l{lull IlIId Mr. an d 00 til 411l . 'l 'h ey lir e fu ll o f " l1ep" ill t " . A B. "I',"m"l!~ Il t le ml ll d P o- ove r Lha!'\) !Jnlll E f Ou d o u o t go you W/l(11J (,rllull e (It. Mu on ~l l, nfd " y. will r eg ret it 1 um t 1I1nt; you fill' Mr. find Mr~. Hu rry A~ k ln a n n ncl y our OIVn goou . cJn n ghlt'r~ /Inri R i,v, ond M r ... oe )] Mr . F reu l>hu n e s\i \1 r eml\ins " or y Gnd Ro n WOrll ~ b l\ lS\1Iulay HoaMts o f sio ll. H Ili m o n y f rieotis hope fo r hUll II fll)ll orly r e oo v a r~·. U oo On \'1", Il nll rlllllllv, E. (J MnflllollllnCl rHIl .ily, M r~. ldll Mr . H nrry Bll r be llu r et,mon e I to Mllnn o n utili MI ~ ~ ElollOl uttf;\ ndll(l fI, Idd tWlIle io New por t. ({y., li ftef 11 t Aunl o n .. t indop nd lit Soh eo l wo k ' ~ vi si t with h l8 !Ilmily. . M r . un d Mra. 1:1. A , Ull r soo , of UO'\ II), . Mi~ .. In ez Hillh r otornet! 110mB [)llyton, /i o toed t hro n g h h e r eTbu rs Irr il}IlY u ft e r a JlleasA n t v l ~ l t with dn.y eo r oute 10 r aluUve~ nou W iIr p"itt ve~ o aur I.aha n on ml o gto n . ~l r ~ . UI!Ir IL Merri tt ond grtl nd lOO n, M r ~ . l\'lH r y Mli llu on und d'lIl1~hte~ . MOlt ·li o l' . Mr s H. W . Kay lo r , M/i H. AI'ont T llur~l1 ll Y w it h Mr. I>cd Mrs t ur Owen I:lll rrl ~, Mrs lLl" f:l 11\vel1ncl G Ol D(l~,ris Kun, Hll r ry u lld MIS" L Ull itlo Wils o n, C lin t n .1 u(lkeOIlIl\1(\ fll m ity PP ll ut, nre tn klll~ fI week '!! /)n t ln~, t h e Sllntl ll Y 1\1 H ll r veYN b ur g . • 10(0 ,," 1>1.,1 th e I)(Lb l·CaLUvhull "X<) llf . ~IOII. M rl'. l-l flO. ROl(l\ n , MrA Ul e n n Unvl~ IInlt W ill ~JlOflt two rlllYM or M r . florl ~ Ir ... A. '. 'ollott " ro fln· IA~t wAPk wI t h rll"l tiv e ~ nl'lIr New .i " Ylllg a OIlW Ollk lRIl(l ,tI1I 1('lU olJlle. 1:i00·lIn gtnn. IIlr . H Y. l,;,,\ll' l t 11 11. IIU rc hI\8 ~<1

M i~~ An n 'l 8rn o np Alitert In tl Ilt (Ito ll ( r ~lI tur dl\Y uv , nlo~ Lh 'fo l·. lowin t! !( lh" <l H : Mr . AII II I,. .. 1111 r rl ~ CO lli e r , "Oil "Ilil Ll Aog ht or tlf Ph i l n'I AI"h ill , l\1 r Ho C"II n 8 " , 11 .. W II .I ' /I n,1 ~ () n . I:Ir l1 ~O U I) , "uII Mr. l't . n . .K (lll . ,If ~lI[i ,.ui VIl r[,(, Mr ~ . W. B . Mei t ri ed ~oell t. BAvr r1.1 d tly ~ l u~t Wlltl k w nll It . r ClU ll g htClr , MrH W . V Crew ond famil y i u Uu y t on . Mr... 1'0 111 Bu rst Is ont,nr tu ioi nl{ h a rIl ClI'h e ..... fr o m ~' rllnk ll n t h l ~ w eek . .Iu ok "n d ,J"tIl, \~ i::lel jJfrled, of Ir mnkHn, '\Fe " IH il l "~ tbe lr K TllIII). p. r ~ lIl,H . !\lr. Illll] M rs. W . · a !:\eig. rr r 11 . MI;~" r fl ' Wilhnr " '111 L o~ l e v F.~rnh n rt. o f M' , rI' l t.t.~to\V u, ~ \lent l<' rlrl ay

Ilop" k o f t Jill U ,00 11'cl . S'fI It's Ill' VII I 'uu.. u t ut A ~r !4Hl lt) 1I r.1 oonL"HI ~ r " )J " rI, ~ fnJUI l Ull Cl IJf" I N ,1 bun."u~ .. ",I (Uvl ~l lPl' " tlll U ,, " .', r~ J.lreptlrc 11 u,' tlltHr .. pecltl l " \0; 'ut .. 11 0 OUIlIPIlllllld by SUItH bl u 1I11l ~t m Ij u lI" of luler/I@t nud Itt ~ t, rll O I \fl n 1,1,) tilt! Icorwtlu uf Ill " oOllutry It I\ls u Ill. o'uues ~h\l f e p ort, lit th e l:\ ~ or fl Mr y (I t AjJrioulturu nnd II Itlme r,,1 rt'po rt I,) t tbe Ol1r rlllolonli of ~b ll Ilev"rl.II"1I1t for "lflll1fo rlUut·h ,u o f tllo pu b llo RI, IPlrge 'l'h,· 1 Ul 6 euill"D Llr 'Iltl lJllu k ollnl.luH 7!:!:1 p"lIeH un (l UO lIIuHrll'ions. ' ;OVIS8 0"11 btl ~ ouroe] fr C',' or obl1rl-:u hv "Vpl.vlll l: t il CO nKrllij". mil/I tI. n . Fe~~, H"uSIJ nf H ' '1 J r .,~ u n . tatl ves , W,\.b lngt ' u , D. ' wl\.h Mr. Rll d Mrp'. E:d . K Hs lln ll': Nat,o Uunt h .... r l1 t.u ru e cl t o hi. h Ollle In Tu~ k"j:("e . Alt•. . "ft ef " t"'., .WOOkM vlijit wif.ll . Mi@>i L.y dlll W oo d 'ril e Han inr r r l~(llll" I)lnlo " w t w ith linel MrR. AmI" b·() lk . :\1i ~" 1:I .. lIo ll h J Ol'rl llI1 ,Iunl IP. A Natural DeductIon. Mr. 'lnt! Mr~ . Hu rri ij Co m e r , lion \' n r .v " l e " ~Pln t ttft or!,!o nn WIlB 8 1l 0 nt "Pupu . 1 k no w w hll t rn ll l" ·~ :oIotne p eopl t' Itlu ):h In Ih(' lr . I"f"·""." ~III ,1 li t· an (lll Pl llllh tN , lef t Mono n y fo r 'b 'llr w\t,h fLl ney wor k u nd " ole r tnl ncu e Dt tie Rulph. ~ 'W ~ II. IIIr ""11. \\' hlll ,"ul«(>s Il<I lIIll In Phllnde lllh la' IIrt llr I1t:! ell: Df' liOlnu~ wll t e~:nt' l on Wfl a 8 r ved by Ih um?" 118k"11 t hll fll lll l' r. .. '('Il IlSe teo d llrt vi ~ 1t wHh 0111 ond RPill'h th o llos tel!R. 1ll 08e prAsent we r o Mf'Htillrnes MAry ~lil nno n , T.e n" tllRt's wlll'ro thl'lr ( II nil)' 1.. 1I11' I N.'' WU S Gumel' . " I l:br tlloO k . I!:dlt.h DIIVIR, EIlII F errl~ , the repl y. . Mr "ntl Mr~ ~Jrl Coffee n, Mr. an(l M,Lr v W II K(III, Ad .. Dell tbernl-:o , (,\I v MI~. Fu~ttl r oll eo u nnd 80n I! l1eu t . Vltl fl r ~ AIrs W in ne r no d Mr~ '; onl ilLY II t .Fr llOk li ll til o gll o 8~8 of Mr. W,,'llIe; . '11" \ ttlr" 1'.:<1 l:irlldy . ' We o lTe r 0 11e Hundr ed Ool1 ~ rs I(~ "' nrd ~nt [.nrhn gtn n tl n d l\1I~~ Etb lll MI 8 ,l e nnie Ba ntlL SI)e nt He ve r,,1 fu r lilly Wile o( Cu I""" Ihu l CIlIIIIO I ix, <!" YM wi t b Irltl nrl" "Dd r e ltLtlves In S ptlll ap n' !'I.n u lh y wi t h Al v u L Ull cu.ed b" Holl's C.. "" ,h ~ I.di ci"c. L,ehlln o n . lI.s ' w ee k. I I J~to n fi n d wif e. H .. II', Cu l[l/rh M, dlci llc h n~ Lt-cII ta keIJ , 'I I ( '\ It ' by Cal""h 8utrrre rs (ur Ihe po sl t hirt y. MrB ,I W . ltalHe y is 8pending (I ' Mr. IIoml MI'P. Le w n A, -' r. BY five yea rs, 8 .. lI has become ~ n" w li liS I lot I)on ple 0 1' w lle ka wllh h tl r 1111l1ghte p • Wo lre I\nll s ,n spe n t tiun d ,, )' WI t h DlUst fl!lIable lemedy lo r Culs "h. H. ll' s Clltarrh ~Ie.llcill e [l CI S Ih,U the Uluuli llfl Mrs. Pllol Uhm"rt , u f ti prln!!lIe ld .Iob n W ilife Iln d wifo. hir R. U Kell . of MI ~ nll. Fi ll.. MIIIH Vi nl " .J or rhn I\ tt e n (le, 1 th o Ihe Mucous luduces, tJ P I' "111 ~ Ihe I'o,so ll fro", I he Dloutl und he" I"' ~ I h" <liseB seu Itl ft M.,na " y lif te r 0 two W fl"~tI v isit ' t llt e {;hrlsr.ifHT" ~~od t!llvo r l:onVlm. _p"rll( \115. with h e r I, ... ren ts ILnd o~ ho r r e la ti ve. I·io n .lt l:IL1m llto n th o pn.t wee k . After -YOII have tn ke ll H nl1' . CII I<IIr h h e re Mr, timl Mn•. J r !! Urny Spli n t, t hl' Uedicine for 11 .h" rl time Y UI1 will see " tb .llr so n ~ o e.r ,reat improvemel1t III yuu'l(c nt",1 he.lth ' R ov. F.. .f{noi ~ 1 y lort 1'u Mdtl y f or 'va k .enll ''I'ith Slall tllkl,,!: fl al1' s Cut " ... h ~ leLiicilie li t I"D , () ; ",b e r o h.l will Bt,t end tb e D o dll ~ . once aud lie l rid of cn lllrrh. Se lld f.r -Itllh! uodllY 801l00 1 ' onv e u t ion Il testllllol1ill l ~ . free. II d"I BlClIlte from Wlirron (Jo unty. F. J.. CIII! IW III 0 , To ledo, Ohio. MrM Amv l'tuke r, of !Jllyto o , h '!!1 &Id by ull Drug\:1S19. :oue. YOU'll LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER hoon visitin g ro lll LIVllij h e r o Lhe ptaHt . Rid your solf o f ona tlpnuqn Ilod wo e l! . be 8 n e w IlIIIU o r w,nllnn 'fllk e Or. Kin g'H N e w 1..lf e PIlle nnd ex vel the Jl OI ~O n 8 I,h at wlllI'kt3n your dy .. t l'm, fo u l yo ur i>l oud "nd Ull1ko you o ld Tacl In Conver&atlon. uo for e y o'u r t ime . lie or t wo At TU f t I ~ Il ll IlIIllllrlll nt fjtl tl llty In , con· . II I I I rc rs"",,,,. 1'hls ~ ulo \t e Instin ct 1M not nllCh t w i 0 ear y our OOIllP ex qn , POM" 'ss" II hy 1\\'1'I·y('" e. I t IIIII y I/C IIt- brll!hten yo ur ~y ed nud gl ve bl1 o11. the @ prln ~ Y s l e v of y o utb. For t1111l~U- \jy I1l1l r l< judg menl nnd Int elll· heolth .LOd b"Pvln 88s let Dr. King ' lI I want to_ buy your genec. by oh~l' n' l n!! the ml~tlll<C8 or Nnw Lite Pill s d o fo r on wh i t t b e oth er nnd pl·" f1tlnl; hy th em. hy Seeing, hav o cl o oe fo r t ll ou s nti'dl', 250 y pay Wool and smull ,'hnn): 'S of m:lllne r. or th ' P "SB' Ing )r<'M~I" n , r fllCI'. II t ells one - --. - - - ••- - - you the what tsuhj l'I'I!I will hI' Uj( I·'."'lIb lll nml l wltnt IIJU ~t. t- Jlv.,hh,,~t.- ~~~ch lln g:e . Eucalyptu. Not Shade Tree. Eu 'nlp lus 11<'" ' ~\I'r /: I' I' 'ns w h iCh sh d th d r hn rk h il t tH,l their Icn,' cs ; \jut tb,IY un ' not ~h ll i lp tt'i"llll. 1'hu {('uves Virtue. 'Iro pl lll"'11 III "' l'lI n" I1 rll thllr thllO In ';1 I'lInn ot 11l1\ 1 ~(' n fU jlltl \'r IIn ll IInrlZ'1IIta t po ' 1IIolI~ IIncl Ih l' p l\tt~lIgo ot I'lols tcrecl .,·Irlll l', utll' xprcisc',1 nll il u n' l lI ~ h t I ~ hut lillie n1)M rtl cl II. For t illS .. " ".tllt',l . 'h ilt II I' \' l'" ~ lllll ,'~ nllt m,d \ rctlson sn."llt'O' I r('('s '"lll . bUAht'S' und ! e", hl'r nl" ' QI'I'llry. hu t "lIl1 k~ " ti t or ~ru~~ ).'l'Ow un,le"'lI l'lIl h. nlld 110 (' woods Waynesville, Ohio IlI r rll r.c whi'r" thlH 1llIlllnr'lnl j1l1 r l:UHl In 111 11"" lI HR11III I' Ihl' II I J1 ~'nrnuc of n Is to he rnn fo r. 11 M without Il n ' t :1U11 jun,;1 ( !'11m whlel l ,1I'lse t il towering Valley Phone 135 h .. ut."- J ohn Milt on. / shllrts of trees.


- - -.... --..----

WO·OL WANTED will highest Market Price • . .

Call Me by Phone'

, ,e. B.



~ .......

_ _w _


HICKORYVILLE Air . E:i ow u r d t:\ rllh"n1 un d d !l u g h. te rs @p ont Tbur6d.IY w ith Laura B I\ r1 n.u uu d tIlil t h r . " Mi~p Em. co " E Ili M spe nt th o w eek . end with h~r ~j te r M r.s. f:t..IlI.I VI I. l ur~ of t;p r in llr HIli . M r ~ . t.:h fT H a w ko WIl S s h o ppi ng io Cln r ks v ille Ilu!t 'I'hur Rrln:r !l Il l\ a lso io W ll mil1gt n 0 ,1 FrlrtllY . Miss My ra. B,' vlln spoot 'L few d~ys wit h .Jeun la Gra h llUl Ilo d d R tl ghttJ r ~. l'b ODlAS MoGhll\ e, Ch lis . Elli s, Rnlph B rdb k s . [tobt Garne r ao d Ve rn le Cr eslvell m o lo r ed ttl L e btl n ou I .. ~ t Werlnes d,~y a t te r no o n. MIRR Mll r gR J'et St.!lrr, o f Elllrvey s . bu rl; ~ pe n t 'l'll ur sduy evenIn g wl t b l r l1l l\ Ellili. /-J o wll rd M C(~ ll lu n h"s ]Jllr nhused II IInODn w \)o"g y . ", ow. girls who II WI ll be fir st." Mise Itf! O ~ ,lol.: /Lfl ~po ot LI fn '" dllV! wl l,1l b or hrotbor 1:1 ra ul! n nd fl\U\liy I lU rlt \vuek. 'h UB ~~ 11 1 8'llnd 1'. Ii', MoG ui nn n t - i tll n,h1ll .. Ofl l;t. le ~lI le ft t C lu!- ksvi ll e IIIMt ThnrsdllY. • Gllrl Uorl d l1,d famil y e n te r t fLIn ed oo m pll ny!:l und a y. ' HowRr(\ Mcl.1ulnn to o lt 8 UD O (l~ d inne r wl~ h Wtll Tilyl o r a ud fnmUy of Wlhn l n ~ t () o , W e lrl .,n H e ll er Dn d fnmlly, o f Wfl o'in l('t,Ofl , W II S Heen in our v iolnity Hnmlny n f/ e rno on

,,11 11




II Is hard

, ch~.'. name of de.ler. and actual numbel 01 ml1es fun . 'To help .how our .pprtciation for thil co.-opera t ion. w.~ willlC'~d .n .nn.r tube patch II'. of charg. to .U who "port. H.ap BIC





----_ ..----

As evor y oo u gb or 8netlZO dl slrih Il t6S Inll\loo ~ of g e rm~, w e only n (lod " TII f ~, c llIll or fl1t1~oe t o lower th e ----------r.h~ ,'dy ·8 re KI~ tanou and s tn rt II oold . At "h e fi r. t !!l>: n , t ak o Or. B tl l1 '~ Plno. 'I'Hr- b u uIW .Hl d don' t le I, II "SUDlme r ould" 1.1I'(:llIl.l e d e pp ~(; ,".ed 'l'bo lll o,, ~ ",nt bul slIOl ql\lIhth '~ io Dr. He)]'K I:'ln e.'r"r-l:! uu ey · cu, th e plll ogDl , reli e veR oo n jlcsti o n end alI,IY iul1 .. ultlllltIQu . Childre n lik e It, \1~ ed with IInCCe" ~ by Rlug er s IUlti publlo speakers. \luo 8~ YOllr drulf g iRt. .

~ it t' (' llVt or

nn urcn or -1+1 Rli 1111 !'I' III"" ~ . I) r 1111' pro xlrllnl(' ly ·Js·t.O(ln 1 1I'1'I'~, Il l< ('XII I'r 1J0 ullelllrh '~ Itll\'l lll( hl'l'li flx"I' "" III ' aOIl y cnrs .lI go hy u c· llal'l l'l' r l~n l1 .hl' tJl lln kin g of Splll lI. \\'hn ):" Vl' II II' In"tI tn fl OIJl!'! co loll l~ l s

fl' nlll

(,,, ~ lih '.

~~~~e lI~,~~h~~~~tYI -I~f:

"You SIIY t llrlng ('r om

sever e


silo k?

Whll t ('n\l ~utl It.' ·" "Wh)', s he's b ee ~ olllllll lnl; thnt slll"S o nt~· Iw ('nty·etg ht renrs 0111 Ilnd ttl I'll "OIllt'i;,lllly, tOllnt} h c~ I)IIIII<! I!, ~JtIC of th OSe HO·l cors ~o columus In th e nC'Y.·pnp · ra." .

- -- - ...

1 w ill offer at Publlo 1:l"le o n th e premiseI' of tile lilte WllI\uw Z . Mr. Frank Bause · remains in (Jhe u owe~b, de08118ed, on th ll r Oll d "bout· the Slime oODdltion 88 reported known a8 Cbenoweth '9 Lnn o t o trool time to time 10 this IS8ue Wllyno Townsh ip, Wr.rren Gou n t,y, Mr. Adbnry Bill and tllllllly, IIond Uhl o, on Mr, !lnd Mrs. Berntlrd All e n were Thursday, July 12, 1917 t he ounday g u ests of Mr. Ilnd Mrs B egtnnlng Il t 10 a m . th e fo ll owJ A . :Allen . iog d soribed cbattels : 2 Bl1g g ill~ , MI R~ Ruth Gline, of Spring V"lIey, Wllgo n, T o bClQo<J Plo 'I' , 1:i 0Ul:!l ilOlri Mr. and Mrs Mont Hobht, MessrR. ~OCcl8 , Oarpont-er uod Hl ue k msltll Fur est Hoblit aDd (Jart Gonner were Tools, eto . th l' tlundllY guests of Mr. aod Mrll. T e rm .. m~d o kn own o n d Rv of ~'l l o. Ullve Oonner . E . V . BAR N HAHT, i!:x:ucu lo r Mias Alloe {;beoo weth and Mrs W. N. !:!oars, Auo t, Am"nda I:!ml t h aUeoded meeting J , B . Cb llllUlIlD, ' Iork . Middl e Run c burch tlaturdB·Y IIlnd l:IundllY . Mr. F . ll. Dakin nnd fnmlly, Mr, lind Mrs TOUl Llloy , Mr. Walter l) .. kin "nd family .Mi ijses ~' Ioren oe Ilnd Edoll LR cy and Messrs Barry Lao y Bnd Edward COOII: w e re ~ he WANTED S und a,y gue ~ ts of Mr and Mfl!. I!'rank {;oo k and d a u a h l er of Route"!. MrH. J o hn Som ~ .. nd ~r '''I <I 'l-o n !i.HtL Of midcll e.otged WOUlIlIl to ter. MI SS Mildred Me Bo, ·, oil U" " v,·.. . l earn Ute tele pho ue lIU 8 111 0RS. jllJ town, spe nt a pllrt of lou week w ith lo q olre at the Exc b llD ge. tbA former'l\ dRug hte r, ~rs . Willie Allen Ilond bueu ll nd of tbls III II oe . Mrs . Ubarles Bra4dock wa R t·he MONEY LOAN ED SundBY guest of Mr . Bnd Mr s Ed H o pkins ot tb e lr h o me in Bellbr ook The IID'blte sale of effeots of \b e U.NEY lo"ned o n live ~t o k ohn late Willlnm Z Chenoweth will be tel!! ILnd 8l'00U(\ til r~gu).! oll beld on tbe premises of the deoellsed No tes .l ohn ilIlr hi ll e , Jr " TnnrsdlLY, July 12th. Allen Mis!! !liorlL Eilts s pent Snn d ay witb friends tn Lebanon returnlDg bome Monday. FOR SALE Miss Fl o renoe [ .. a oy is ~pood i ng 11 few dl1Ys at the h .:Jcoe of h e r Ai atAr , -~--'-Mrs : Frnnk C o ok .ul d t u wlly Of Reoond. bnnd MoCo rm lok b ln d,' r, R u ute " ohoap. It;'lllire of .l ohn \3.". II. Mis" G e neva {;urt,iij ~ 1I " llt !::lund"y R, D. ~, Wavno~vllI ~, O h iu . ju the gues t cif Ollyt.on rellltlve8. Mr "nd Mrs , l.1ludrJlIlD Ellis, Mr. ELE.RY Plants, 250 pe r hnn (lr NI Rnci Mrs Carrin g t o n Ellis and MillS Inqnlre o f ' htl!'. ti t " " IHW, H. 1.1. Do ra Ellia 8[lent tia ~urdllY e ventng 6, .W uyno8vllle , Oblo. j U; with Or. W o~ t and fowlly, of near BRllbr,)o k.



alas silled Ads



ell'C~r~;.I~c~~rJ~\~:c11~K1 rg~p~J~~

TOR would always win, Il.1nt11c dow n.1 l th ' cr1"t;:Jmprv mnn ~aMS kn w th e


u~at~~~"hl~'l~~~~'l;~~~l.~~w::,~~rd I~

eVen m(Jro IIJ'fH:nt


"' n,,~Y'

lor tho use of

U. S. SEP,\llA TOTlS. t h I.! bUl,cre of c.roomcry product! I 1 ~l t tilt.: l>oor·kccpll1 g QU3.1·

"r />uti.,. eft " ,,,,, .. ,Iy-be-trnccd rtr ~~~.~~~f~~~f ~~~~)c;!:iTt"1)~~~l~rNl~'~g~


U.S. SE I'AR \ 1'011. willo iL. uUI!QWlIIL-d

r epu lOt Ion ror clua oliIJL'Ss.

l~ Y>" wlllirt ",e . how f.0 llhOW much J t .,.;i," It i. 10 h,'I> I • U. S. SEp· Ani\l·(JJ~dc.' n ""drUl!' "uo lllsldca nd OUl ll" " olber slll'''o, d~vlcea.- b<lW'


Quickly tho. mccll " icll l wu:shW' scrubs. &e:tlcJi nnd dries the ski mmln)! pnr18.-· then )'011 will be us pl en~ to o wn ~ U. S. S[;PAR1\ TOR u I um 10 Itmo-

ducd lhcm.

After r S/lfllU YOIl, see if you. can find any othcr scpa ralo r sO san· i lu ry. .Tf you cannot- the n ouy a . S.- Ihe Worl,1'5 R ecord clos!! " kimml ul\' sep"rnt r . .



Wayncsv1l1c 1 Ohio

For A Your Bakina Use w

I Ohio-Made Flour UndllrThi3

-----. - ..- ---

Dreams of Riches. One tnlln '" .lr'·11 11 1 ()f l'lclt l'R 18 a IJtelun .I'll cht. II ~t rln/! l\f thoroughbrrtlR fllld n u,C'lIt·U ~ I' . " AJltCtrh cr Innn'R vl"I ,," Is "bUlly In tl1llm,·i, II br ukfn at tllhh' upou n hn s lR lO r /III 0 ' lIl l! hrl'okf Ast hn con YOU wltut.- LOIilsvlll .. Couric!T· ,JIIU I'nll I.


"Silver Plate that' Wears JJ .

Wllrned. "nohert," sulll his tencher, stf'rnly. "ynu nro Incorrll:!lhle. ( shllit Certl\l~ly hflve til o ~k your filth r t n COlli !! .lInd Bce me." "l3eitQr not do thllt t ell e)ler," re ponelell th e. Il octor's 8UI~; "pop chnrlles two ,)(,l1ars II vllllt." ' • _ ••_ _ __


1847, the year Rogers Bros. originated elect~silver pla~ing,silverware bealing the trade ma rk "119 ROGERS BROS." hu been renowned for quality', .wearability bea~ty. :

Since The Joy. of V.catlon. Pnrent- "No. I tlln't Dill I AIIII Ihe chillies IIln't hUI'1I .. It,l:ln ' IIl1d YOII IIln't ·gOOIlIl ~ut flO ei ght o·('ln~ k. J '''l turn· hie I'ut. lind glt drCli~ 'd lind c ut Ihat klndllD' w()Od In tim shed uforc nooo." ~.:.---

Unique Method. Tbot western mnn who advertlJed that be woUld Dot be responsible for .IIIIY debt. contracted bl himself or aDfOD8 e1aa eertalDlJ bu btt upon. uDlqne metb04 o! reduclq tile coR 0If

1I'tIq. .



1841 ROGERS BROS.T~P~t'-

ltamped on· forks._ .poous . and fancy serving pie~ ia • au~n.tee of. heavles~ platlDg, perftlct IVorkmillWhip and exlJulllle d-:aIKtlt assur-qlg long and sat isfying service. AQf anid. of ~11,erwant markM II ng RlI8ERS BRos." ma, lie

.lacted wnhout funher inVdti gulion. .. Sold by leadinll dealers eVeJywhere. ~1, .. Ihowiq.U pattema. · •••IDII


-- ----- ---

.- .


For MenUI Dillestion. "Lady. let rue soil yon a J)nckoge of OerGbcllUlDhlllklts," Mid the grocer. ''You will find thew UDlurpn811ed as a b..a1U nourtBher. In foetI I ,~n truthfulll rec:ommend them ... for ,Iboqbt.~


~ Clean Proposition Jf ove.rv dnlrym:tn'& wife eould vote



~h ll ll



Unklndest Cut of All. now 'glve Ollt thr e ffect of dl slnIlC~." he s uld to he r. ond he snn" HO low. nt! 1.0 ba sc nrccly h' nrd.·. "A IIttI furtl H'r, 1)le08e," sh e !llIld cruelly, ond he fli cked up hl a vol eo und went -Orlln!;/) Peel. IIWOY wIth It loto the chilly night. ____ e _'-





Ill .


Corwin, Ohio.

~ P ,\t~ .

in n fl tntD Mio n fr o Ol th o wre nohed kn oe 'J r 'lDkle , and soo the YOOr hrul Red II c bin g tn OMOlp8. 810an 'a IJllllme ot, IS m o re f}n lo kly eff eot! ve, c lenn e r "tid flas ie r t,o .. pply tl)"n pl B~ te r 8 o r oiut m e nl R. It u e l ~ her Indian Red Dye. o logll th e l,or AS nor s tllin8 th e skin, D I)~wnoi! WitH tlu' tim trt'.· uf f h(l dTn ... a nd need s n o rub b ing . Ge' a b oUle d tnn rt'eI " wi t h whlrh t h" wII,· ,·I<l r." Ilt n o'" tQ r noh llB o r rhe uo) Ilt.1 8ID . neu 0111' "I'rl(lIl (1),,,,1 t lW lr ('n)ll r' f" lI lhl'I'8 l'lIl glll. lnlnheg o ,,8 well Ill! nil "nil hm'kl'ltl n I'lot h ~!I' "'h ~)' prll('ur d I,e r nlll pAins. A t your drugl!ist-, 2Go 600uod $ I. OO ' \hl! ely f rOID til roots 01 tll ' tr '0.


th e' LOIlIl ,)!t ''fdt 'J!'I':l l lll .


Madden's Lumber Yard


World'" Largest City In Mexico. Numlqul ll ll. In III(' Slfl1(' c,r ('hlllllllhUll. M e xl~o. h .. " th e 1lI ~ 1I 1t"' 1" " cot lJe· Ing th e IIIl'l;ost d ly III 110,; \\'0 1'111 . My ~

,Heap big !IIileagel

to get at any price, but ,?ur stock is complet e. . Come in and talk over your needs' with us at

----- ...----


Y li n r llll "lIl1 o~ t f II I ~ I o n 11 '1'1 Llni ,,"d IIIHo t p e oo tt/tte Ih e'80 m draw


Every Savage mileage maker ge~ full cre~it for good work because all work is "keyed" to the setlal numbe~ . on the tires. We know in every case just who is respon· aiblr lor "Heap big mileage." . . Thi. ptan creates a strong sense of personal ~e.sponsibl1" It)' and pride among our workmen . an? Ihere IS k.eenest rivalry 10 see wtio can produce most mtl~a ge per ure. You can help us to produce even greater mileage for you if you wllr send us full details of all Savages that rim over 7000 miles Pl •••• be lur. to ,Iv. S.riAI Num~r • • 1• • or IIr • • dat< of pur·



"l" .~ oylllld o r l:I ul ·k. Mr l.1 oo. 1:i Dll vl s ohfl per ll llllll Mr. li n d Mril J . H ,ull ilto n BOl;j'l\ u un d ( r)ur I nt e r eHtl o ~ b OYII Pi n d Mr llu Ll Mr ~. W . L . H .. r vey lI r " o n " trip to t h e Lewl~t. o n r esorvol r Ilnd w ill iJe go n e HAve r a l c1uys. l\lr lind Mr s. ~'tnok W ilson and 111lught r. Loulde , lIut olld t il Day t ull u nd llY u o d ~ Pf ot t il du.y with ~r. unci Mrtl l:I u rr y E . Wl\ ijon .

Mr . "nd Mr" Ed wi n I:l hldtJ.k er tlnd Mon, Mr. 'HJ (I MrF P Ull l P " t or s ,1O, of p r lug VII\lO.V, wer e 'u n duy g llOijl~ of t lw l r p .. r e nt . ;Ir , lIun Mrs !"ro nk I., Hunis. Mr unci M rs. Wl1Tra n I:I l1f lao 8011 . R le burd , tl f CUhll, Pife s panllin t; 1\ s h o r t tim e wit h ' h ol r m ot b e r, Hlifl1h B lIrl l.l u an d uun t, Mr~. Lyd l'\ I:l"r vtly . W ln h m 'to o p ~ on e It o ur life. lool! o lt lz ~ n 8 unl,il t ile Itlst f e 'v m Oll t h s. whloh h e 8pe n t in a h o pita I b o plng to he be n llHted thore. by. dlm:l F ridflY, lelivi n g a ile broth e r , Adilln S IoOP8, o f W " y nul~ vill e Be I Il V88 ml1uy Iloq ualntlln oes nOd fri e ndl. Mrs . Alloe W .. rd Adal'll s , (\ blind co lor ed w c m nn ot o nr to w I W 'I ~ f ",lUd n nd .. y m o rning cold In death. tih e lell ves ooe sl~ te r "oli b er tlg e d moth er t o mourn DH gOhlg, Mla8 Ruby Vestol, of PIRlofiold, lnll i ~ visiting ber first o,ousln, Mra, 01.11\ Welob for a few days , Mr. and Mra. Horaoe Kirby, of Rldgvllle, !pe nt tbe wee:lI.end wltb Met. Mary Gruham . Tbe Whetse l fllm!li es and J OIl Da vi s and fA m ily IIpeot l>unda y ufternoo n witb Mario n V~ntreS 8, at hi s:llrandllnght.e r t!, n ear X enlfl, MislI Collier 8p8nt 1\ few days last we e k wHh her granamo~ber, Mrs . VanDoren . lI4r. Harlin IhrveY Rnd fomily !!I1 Bnt 8und"y wUh Mr and Mrs. Tom MoGlade . MeS B . r l!, E veret . tlbum,lllLer and Les lie Buokle y spent, l>nnduy lOt tb ~ Reservoir. . Mrs Anoio VllnDor en celebruted be r lJirtbtil1Y !'Iun d ll Y by having h oI' c hil d ren "nd brother ,nd s Is ter " pend tbe daY With lll'r Mr. and Mrs . F H. t:3llidlloller en . t er ttnned Mr. nnd . Mr~. ,·Joe 011 vis ,m d obildre n IIond Mrs . Levioy FrllillY. Mr ~ . Lu t le Me rrihew W!l S a gues t ~uoduy of Or, a nd Mrs, B . ]oJ. Hllt-


hi A large ca:r: o{ 'Cem.ent A fresh car A new car of ' Br Ock, suitable' for Chimneys and Outsi e Walls. - - - -.....-





[:~~:i'~:;~~~~i:i.fu;'~;'~~~:;:: [


I EVENTS 11NEW LAW IN :[PERs~~A~ ~~E~~~~ hfCi" U(h"dlntf'nt ' I·-~----REGARD TO. LIGHTS,


We All know Them. "I know n 101 lO r II 'upll'," 8th the I'h ll uHop h,' r "t F olly , "wllo ore tlo reU".1(,u N tf Ult tf,,'.v illite ull~'I"ltl y thllt bOo 1111I\:8 I,)

lil lY .'hurl'll hut 'h ~l rH."--<Jl eve·

1111111 l'lul u Denier. . Mie' M\,;·titl l ;reel\ . . f ,1l1 rklowllll'. : 111)." 111Ili u . dlll Seferal from our vicini tYIl tt>n cl d 1 ~ l h{' f!'u c;st of the MIS e Ji ll IUlti • lI i~ l'Ol'PIl~O! Is f u llill~d in mnn~' P rell 's Hi" Sale 10 J uly 21. &hI! faneral ot Miss ~redil\ tt l,l lanti. 1£1 01 r unClIlI . wavo;: 1T . antI Mr'f\, J , W, Whit eu ter · - - .. of Sprinlf Vall oy 'rUI!II.jay . ' M r. /lnrl M rl!. Orie Mr-I'rl at t sp"nt T Ilt" cir;·[j nll V(,lIr~ in,ItIR t riou, Iy Rp en IlIlned at AUPllel' nnd ny v 'ntn~' The new law r egard ing ' ~dimmers" Mr . and Mrs , (:. E . Handa ll ~Ilcnt Mr. and Mr!!. J : T. Marlatt wt'r ~lInriny nfl ernoon wit h MrS. 'rh OllHl" ~('fl rr.· · , !" l- f n 'm . l1lll n it wo r d (f l Mf . Ilnd Mrs. G. . p ' ntlall . of th;lY: on a utomobiles ~!\ys: tb 'I,' ek :Ill hore , th " J;t uestli of lAbanon vfsitol'll one' dn lria w('l·k »ill and famil·. fce hl · prni·p. I ton . and Mr . .und Mrs . J . K Janney. " Any p rsoll gu ilty. o~ such u nln w. j Mr . and Mrs. J . W. Whit e . 1\{1_ Adria rn e ll nnd LI?IUI M r~. Ben Earnhart (md ·da Ul!'ht (' r . . .' _'_ -.-ful '!Ic , U\llm conVictIO n ther eof' l ' H E'II IC . ,d l\ tJ g hll1r of RC1l,el'l E. M 1M " N te r- hall be fin en n ot mor e than ' 25 for I MI ss Dor othy Dak in, 01 Hanmbal, ) !/Ir laU clllled on Miss l~dnll Dill DOi othy . ur ' vI.itini:' t hi week wit h It e r brother tv! r J '1' Mltllat t a nd lI ettl\! ' he lle - re"" . wn~ bom i t ' r Rt;cd · .1'S . • I' ~ Rrl~o n ~t of the fir t oll'ense aII'd not leBI:! t h EI11 Mo . i!l viaitinll h tlr g randmo ther. Wtldnlld., evenlnll· J uly 4th Week Specials ·Mrs. J . T. Marlatt and Mt'S. Thos . MiR." ·Veh~a . l\,ia;la t~ of L !b~non i n Halldol ph Count y, Indian a , li n J UI (\ J81hn 8.1 Alnllr:erl~ UITll (t' lin" th eir f rIO n or mo ra than $1 0 for t he sec· Mrs. Am and a Wr iSthl. for a few . , • _ . • 10 I '35 n d pn""Ad oul JU lie 1.1. \' 11 nn" f.n, ,(, e. 1!!1Il&, d I" " k I" spt>nd lllg H f IV day» Wllh her 1111' 7 • d ') d f I btr lhday Those p r,>sen t wer e J ohn on 0, li S • , . w e s. 12c paren t,;. Mr . J . 1'. Marl att n~d fam· " ,\I'h aSte < ~ !t!ar!! 1l1'1' } ."llII r , ay :! Hole anti f am il" o. f D ay ton. and '1'h "u a d l ine ' III w hich dim mer d 26c " . mus t II a pplied i~ !levell hundr~ I{ev, and Mrs . J . F. ad walla . e r . e n tL \ ',' , )' ~ rn ll C 11 I ~ l1(' r (' Riu Co ffe , 3 pounds .. ,........ 50c No. 2220 Ily . . llIewed t o Ohio wiLh her IlflrtJll I ~ ami AlI el1 HoI a nd tam ll y. uf LytlCl. feet , and the dema nd ot t he law· wen t to Ltlbnmm Tuesday llIorrHn g Le nox $Ollp. bar. only.. .. .... 5c L\POR1' Mr. a1ld . 1\,1;~. T im othy MarJu Lt ~)Il! sed her chilli hood nn, 1 yout h n I m alte rs is Ihllt a t two h undred fee t t o atll?nd the wedd in g o f M il!~ lean En y 'oap. bar, onlY/. 5c .:. wcre ll t ~ ' 1111\ ~ hUrilduy . , th c far m now occ up it:d by Ma rl in O r. and Mirs I'. D. ' 1IIgeLt a lll.! the lig hts m ust n ot !.Je hillhe r than F lore nctl And r son . 5 Ius I"ancy Head Ri ce. only SOc Mrs . ll10l!. D ill Bnd daullh t r. Edn,u Rou h . . . . •. I daughte r. ~ 1 i Ta 'v . ent er tained. at three Bnd one.half feet f r om t he Of the Condition of the WaynesPost 'J' · ' II ~ties . box, on ly .. .. .. lOc T hough h!lll t ed. In h r opportumtlt's c\inner Mond l\Y evenil:1{ the followlllll lot' rou nd . a nd "Ill U 8 ~ remai n so ,? ntil Mrs. 1". H. I?arr le ft Saturday for ville Na tional [lallk, 1\ t Wa~' n es were nl p rlllg Vnll ey on e do y Ihls , Pint o lIPllns, pound. on;y .. ... Hie l; . by,th ag e III wh lcb she g re w un sh ' gu B ~ : ~I r. Ma r t In G Olla, J. A the app roa ching vehicle p!lllges. he r old h ome at Lebanon . Ind .. to wee ville in I he Stat e of Ohio. 8 t lhe BeI\t N avy Bp.a ns. Ib , on ly .. . 20c Th e wording of th e la w is " olfl er attend the WI; Id inl!' of her ~is ter Mrs . Wi ll ia m Braduock s till r ll nev rthe less becam e · a n in lell i ~erlt l ons ll nd family . t ' ha!l, I IRr t!ock Rnd close of busill . Juno 20, 1 ~Jl7 . Ar j(o Slarch , big 7c pkl!'. \Inly 6e mains vel' poorly . chula r Iw d a n ea ge r r ea tler o f gOCid I fam ily, IIl r . end Mrs El i R O,R' lcsb 1:'. autom obile or vehicle" in fron t o[ which will occ ur t hi s we!)k RE80Ull KS. Matches reg 7c b o xl? ~ , onl y 5c Mi ' l li ia Olin nn nller! on' Mi~~ b ok an d pap rg . Mr . Hl1d MrR_ D/l\li~ Furna .. Mr. and wh ic h t he d riv er l f an a Ulomobile E;vp . Milk , CUll , only .......... 6c Loaua r.ud dlKouuu . ... . ... . . U S1.U~~ I~ Bertha Mur la tt Thtl r da v a fte r noon 11 Au g us t 2-1 . 1 54. sit e was !DO '. \' ~I rs FreJ G (lnS aud Ho n Hob rt. mu ~t dim his ligh ls on m ee tin g any Fred 's Big Sale t o Jul y 2 L ~ xtra Heavy J a r Rubbers. 2)~.(, • r ied to at hani el M. arneJ , Wh fl sort of vehic les on the streets o~ ~:'~~=~~cii-CuJ.ijci'; doz. onl y .... .. ... .. .. .... · .. .... lOe CPU n luo) .... : .... , .. .. .. 6 0. 000. 00 passed out October ] 0. ] , 9~ . T o -- . 28 I h roads Mr . and Mrs L . A. Zi m mer man 1100111 other tban U. S, bouw th em we re born nin e children, t h r e~' 9" Th ursd:ay m,,~t ,Iu ,:, ·. t 1 I e It is stu t ed t hat at the p resent and Mi Sll Ma n' Salisbury le ft Monda y Moth e r ' I\Ou t~ . box, only .... .. IDe pledpd r.o _ ure poel,,1 ~.v· Ingo depoel tl . , • • •. . 0.000.00 I Mios es M('rl ' Ilnd I' aye I~ II \ I{lI ve a tim e a very small pe r cent o! mao fo r To ledn. w'h.:r e t.h ey wi ll join the Thi ~ w ~ l' k we have Wa te rmelons . of wh om a r e livi ng. lloouritleo 01..111.'1' ~h r.u U. 8. bo u ~ , In dis posi tiun s he was hri;ch t 111\" 1·~I·t y -.t o ~e v c r:~ 1 n~ t h II' y,:> ung chines on t he r Olld nre eq UI pped touristll of t h Dahl ·Cam pbell excur· 11101 IJIclud1na .I,ocko) owuoo p f'liches. Oranlles. Apples, Wllllodlltld .. ..... 110. ti U1 .0 e cheerf ll l. social ancl e nte r ta ini ng ' f rh.!I1 ~s A fl ·r h> ttlll ~ 1l1{ l O, IIIU~ I CtOhll with dimmers and it is. ap pa ren t sion to t ake 1\ t r ip on the )(,I'ea t lakes. T OlaJ BondA. _urllloe.OlC. 11 0. Ol. U) Lem ons . Ne w Cabbage. Tex as She waR e ver d evote,l t o th o n e d:l tho ptunoln 1~ I~d ,PlaY IIl I{ ):Ilme~ , thnt there w ill' be a rush fo r a ppli T hey will Ilrollub ly be Kune abo ut s t.ocJu. Olher t ban FedcroU II . On ions . of he r fumily and led a liCe of in ulI>! 1g uests were 1I1\' Il tI til the Ih nml.:' a nces fo r th e pur p Re wi t hin t he t en dBYIi. IIr.o~~,'lr~~~4:e.Mir·vo· U"I~ d.m.Uu t r y lmd u sefu l ness. r oum IYhil l'll. ca rds w ' rc placed at next t wo days . The la w r4;lacls: - - - - - ...- -Ge t uur pri ce on pu re Paris Green v~~ '3=: ~~~~~~I?~! ~:~~g: gg The Boy Sco u t..q gave a , oc ia l in h ' possessed 1\ wonde rfu l memo ry ~n ch platll w1th m~l11c u f c!leh ~ ~ st . The r eg uintillll of t he s pot. hg h t. the M. E. church last Sa turday lleumotl, d"efrom"Pllrovedreof his lu ry an d pers on!!1 relni nisce n~c t fhe , U P JJ lll' c o n ~l~le'l o~ . d eh clo u ~ used in meet ing veh i cl e~, is also p r oBr ing us your young Chick en8. Mr'Vu &tmt.l n New l ork. hi· _ r.ud 8t. Loull 1 . IO~ . 'j evening. and a vast f und () f interes ling 11m c , c~\ ke, st r~wlJ r rl t;ti IIn,I,. Il:e cr~,a Il,1 vi rleel for in the new tatu t e , the ti e H en~ . Btl tter Ilnd Eggs High 11 t aDIOWlI duo trom "Plll'O,'ed Mrs Minnie Mclai n and son J oshu ll dote . A lways her ey eS W're6 \lell l t:lI ~s t!jw ( rt> M~b ('l , :\!cI I und lla~ e mnndllfthe law b('i ngthat its r ays est pricf'!! pllirl , Ca~h or T rade . . . - . . "Olltlln Olb r r'OIIOi"" " IUN • • .•...• • .•• , 6,U6 UI 5. 2 71.90 . ag ll'Y. of EI Paso. TexBR. ancl Mr. to the b eauty of nat u r e untl h l' l' r. . III~, V,~sL? 8 lhs. C' ltl l. U ltg !':;~r · be projected d irectly U p~JIl t he hi g!l' I t Illi V:I tl. t rade li t OIl=: ~~~. ~.~. ~~~e~ o~~l and Mrs . L w is Rap er s pent last he art t o the a ppea ls of IftJ rnanit y . J l!d ,t h Coille r . Anne Un: ter . Ma Ie way " not xceetl iug sixty f eet III t"l'adlOIlIJ curt'8llcy. nlekela r.ud unda y wit h Wm . Io' ulkerso n and All tha L life holds of j oy und sorr ow' l R~ ch . ~.l urt?u Lu k!'IIS, Farl Death· front of the vehicle. 1 offe r my p en of f ull bl ood '1 tock ceotl .... , .. ........ . 100.12 1 ~ ! g.g ~ f ami ly a~ Sp rin g Valley , Var ious me t hod s may be p rov id ed f or sa le a t $ 1 each o r $ 17 for pen of vlta'lure an d pllin hail been hms , anrl l!'lIg~ , WIIlIlIln D""ter : t:a rl J ;nkllls , ~:M!:"U;:~:':~-:~~ili Mrs CaTol Ha vens an d son cil ah e pass d ou t full of yea rs a nd g ood Wll r~~n~ Luk,tl~S, Le , r al n,ag i" ~I:r~i for complinnce w ith the law, whic h l mal e IIml ](1 i enl ale!\. T hey nre n:.=to=J:,N~8 ·Tre". 53, m .S1 a~ ~ d au ghte r Mabel. of Day ton . wo rks leavi ng u8 10ne ly in t he hOU ~1l old GIlli a m. 1\ Ilfr c uss m . ~. u . orders that t he lig hts " shall be fi rst and second It'e ne ration ou t of ~Uldc1\111trom U .B.Tl'OutlrQl' ~ ,OOO . OO vlsll ed he r parellts Mr . nnu Mrs. hl:'ld p'laces that.lon ~ had kn (;w lI he r l cC; uinn, Al la n H ar ts')ck. l'a u l Rtcb d imm ed' controll ed . d efl ected or so hicag o Wi n nors. S. A. Beall . U U (1 7 11 E SQm Ea rn har t last SUlid ay . prese nce a~ d h e r cure. L . V. H, and La wr em:c Huug h. adjust ed" us to br ing .ab,?u t th e To.-' - - - ....~-- ... -..... .. . .. ..... . .. .. . " Mrs, J osephine Sebri ng, of DIlY· AnD O t~ T HA NKS - - - - -desired effect of not bllndlng the l.l.A.llrl.I'NK8 . ton . IS visi tin p: Mrs . Co r nelia Thorne . d ri ver o f t he othe r mac hine or ve Oaplaal . Lock p.o.Id In... ... ... . 100, 000. 00 R alp h Hopkins bas t he contract desi re to A incerel y t hank all hicle . . We IIUurD·Dl~A.!)wc1pro· lI·~: .' .' •• •. .; '· .·7·.·9·. ·. ·1 1I0. OUO. OO • Only to T rust. Cor bUIlding II. new !.Jarn for Har ry th ose wh o w er e so kin d to us in Oll r OPTOMERIST Thil< n ew law was su pposed t o 2'0 x- u~ plJ d . .. 3. 70" a lo •~... ~9 U o ,. a030 Lam m e . Onl \' to Ir u ~ t, IIn, 1 ,ill Inlr II st. li nd recen ~ laSH. Fo r th e u plift ing word" int o ffect Ju ne 30. Qut owing to the Olr~ DO'"'- out.aa04Inir . . • E yes tested free ""':lr '1\ ~1lI! \fnJ: II f ll" e n~ nlll)' II for DlvldeDdII UD~ld . . . . . . .. .. . . ij l .OO Ha rry Turn.r is a ble to be down an d he lp ful aSSlslance, f ur thl' m u"i c' inabililY of Lhe d eale rs to get the .. I her l1ud ur ch ·('s.-R (lIICft L ouls lD=~ . ~~~ ~~~~e:c.~ ~ 396. OU.U to th e g rocery a fte r several weeks and flowers we are t r uly ,R'rnl etu l. n ew li g hts t he time has been ex CertUlaatea 01 depoe!' due In 1_ illness. 'l 'he Furn ily . tended for fi ftfen da,Vfl . ~ So m e .deal· " t,·\·cnsoll. _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ ers claim that it will be exte nded to 'To~'::,c::n.POii~" 8'c'0:. i i ..aOO,6 2 Mrs. Wm Delaney and children , l'oetlll MTlnP depoel ... . ,. . .. . 409. 40 of n ear Bea vertown , visited her Aug ust 1st, bu t auto own ers oug ht Totll U·. 8. (lepo.11e De ' .ublec' moth er Mra. J osephine Ta t e ' last t 100 a-trTe .. ... .. ,.. ' u 40 F 'd Among the man v g r ea t d nys. o f o get b usy El nd pu t the m on IsS soon ~ • , r1 ay. the I hig d HVs , of the Mi am i Vall ey as they can get th e m , Totll ... ... ... .. . ... . .. . 'BU.H 1.n Misses Mau d Avey and Myr t le Chau t ... uqua J u ly 27 l o Au g uRt 13. nA.TB OF OHIO, WARREN OO UNTY ,8S: Whi tac re we r e . Davto n ah p pers T Ul?sday , Aug ust 7. Sund ay School II~~' ~~\emo:r: l~....~ t~:,~;;: yest e rday. . Dey promises to be one of the big · , bo•• .a&emeD' Ia true 100 'he bee, 01 my J ohn Ryan and family , of Beaver· ST. MARY'S CHliRCli ~e:; t days of th e assembly. Th e bow\edp IIId belief. . t o\\on , visited his b,roth er harley 8u'-IbM ~0.:o~~~fc;r!'-::e~w. Ryan and . fam il ~ htl re las.t Su nda y. Fifth S unday afte r Trinity. Ju ly Cou n ty ASIIociations of sev eral near 2 th u , of JWIe. IIIU. 1:. V.Bunba.r1 Rube Webbl ls suffer mg with a th , ::sunday School nt ~):30 am .; bY' co un ties have en th usiasticall y in (> ~ .ll_: HoW)' PUblic. felon on hIs fin ger Mo rning Praye r amI sermon at 10:30 . do r ed lhe p lan t hat has been ou to. B. 8. PBN~!... 8CARS. E Imer 1):dWards s pent Sunday 1n . Th e pub lic . cord lally invlle . d tu t Ilese lined un der the u pe r vision of Mr . J. W. L . Cr idhm d. wh o will a lso have O. T. H AW.ou;. IDlnCfOn Columbus. ser vices . charg e of the S uu day chool work of th e ha,uta uqua . l nter eHL is not J ohn H osler. 40. Assistant Dog confi ned to ' un day chaol me mbers ' ulan ... as pal3tors , and chu rc h people Catche r was shot lllld k il led by James from all part's of Oh io a re maki ng Cru zen. 77. a he rmi t living in a sha ck i nQuiri e~ , BInd nski ng f o r info r ma- in a fie ld. east of South ' Co lumbus ti on bearin~r 011 othe r days . tha t street abou t 6:30 Wedn esday even· pa rties may b e for med . to come Il nd ing , when Hosier a ttempt ed to kill s pe nd se.v ernl daY9, and in ma ny in · t hree vicious d ogs which were .the stanc€s, the en ti r e pession . The p ro· p roper ty of Cruzen . The ~lled m ~ r­ gram for Sunday Sc honl d a y is bei ng de r er used a s hot gun. HOSIer r eceivarrang ed . b ut enoug h has bee n ing th e fu ll charll:e d ir ect ly in his sch edul ed t o Rhow a fi ne progra m. left I!ho u lde r. at a di. tance of f ou r Dr . Clippinger will ad dress t he meet- f eet, the s hot tearin j( a gaping wou nd in the tl Cllh . The br achial s r ing . t ery was severed by t he shot and B o. it'r died i rom loss ot blood ~ f ew Is at band, a nd we are ready to handle it. minu t es Inte r. T he sh oot In g occurred in t he presWe w ill pay ' the highest mark t prices. , Our ence of Aust in Hosie r. son of t he murdered man , and A.lfred Dillard . house wil e" J1$1Lsix days a week. We also -~'a nd t he Ilitter 's small brother. J ames Dillard. w ho accompanied the City furnisli storage on wheat for flour. Officer . T he dogs whl ~ h t hey were sent t o kill a r e especiall y vicio u ~ and are here for Come in and see us. ha d been at tack ing chi ldr en in the Ntlve r in the history of Way n es n eighbor hood T he immed iate ac· honest bus iness ' and as a serving .station for ville has the re been s uch. a sale in tion of the offi cer was taken followd ry goods as W I) ex per itillced last ing a n a tta ~k by one of the d ogs upon week at H ym an Bros .' Clearance sale . Harry Dillard n ine vea l' old son. o f the fa rmers. the etor e was packed Thursday. " 'ri · J oh n Dillar d of J e fferson 8treet. d ay and Satul'day, an d peo ple ha d which occurr ed abou t two o'clock a lmost to wait on th emselves. Fou r- Wed n esday a fternoon , T he lad was teen rle rks were not a ble to attend tnr'i bly bitten by t he a nimal. his pri~es. to t he wan t s (If the people f or these ri g ht leg being b ru t ally to rn and th e thre e days. a nd t hey are st.iII flock ing flesh g Olig ed out in big chunks His to t he s tor e ba ck wa ~ se ve re ly mutilated by the Th e e nti re stock of B. S . Howe ll fallg s of t he dog. . hall u ~e n sa cr ificed and the sale will .... continue a s ho rt time long er. T ba re are s till (ine ba rgains lef t , and the pub lic had better a va il themselves of ~ this OPI ortullity t o get t he goods bef ore they are all gone. ... ...... ",.. .. ...... w."w ... • •



















. ".



Lebanon -:- Ohio




- - ---- - ---

i i





-A New -Harness Shop


We h& ve' just purchased the Harness business including' stock, tools, etc., of F. C. 'Carey, and have moved the -lame to-our-store.- - - -'



Our Workshop Department Is in the hand. of o. W. 'Hamilton, and' every-


body knows his ability ' as a harness man , We are prepared to make new goods and to do . repairing at the lowest possible . We .have on .hands at' present a good stock of


---_.- ---




H. E. EARNHART aEl'a_nas






Pe ril s of Mod,e rn' Life. B e t I e--!II-l«!11 I' M rs. Apple , W o rm's life ' Is (l ~s i'a lred 'of." I\I Is 8 ,Tu lJe n ug-"Yc8. PO!)I' d C(l r I She con-

Cjye us

A Call

='= I =:JIl:Jl5


=='mG'= ='&::11:'::::;::='8

J mG '


~ Goods, i:! ;ur~::!!ng~t S~:':8, t~~:a~~d~;'! whole· ' ~ sale prices.




EI '



,i,e Cedar ~tamps with a'lI calh purchases, and 2 per c:ent of tht? cash .ale for war purpo.e., during tbis Mammoth Sale. ' We

~ '1'HE




b uckwheat acrealre is

Is th e policy of t h e now at hand t o plan t tbe cr op Jul y seeding in Ohio is pref e r red because the r ipening period must come in cool weather of Septem ber CINCINNATI, OHIO for best development of t he g r ain Ordinary land and preparation of " Over 20.000 f a rmers in O~io. Kentucky and Indiana are sell· soil a re need ed for this crop . The ing u s S ou r Cream . averalring them ove r 40 cents per pound for Buto!,\ly f ertili ze n recomm!!nd ed by t~~ t er fa~ du ring May . ' a bio Experime nt Sta t ion are aCI? N o s hipper ever lost a Dollar de aling With as. Ask any T~­ phosphate ana steamed bonemu) thIS STATE patron ' what he thinks of thl) TRI·STATE ,.o r let U8 send yoa year. Raw phosphate rock may alFREE T RIA.L CANS PREPAID for thirty daY8 tr.lal. 'You ean ship· so be ap plied i t used with m anure. o n a ny train- day or night and every 8~il>ment hi guaranteed allain!t Tbe Japanese variety is m ost .fr e· loss or damage:in t ~ansit and paid tor Spot Cash. quentlv g rown · T he Gray and Silver Hull are al80 common. F,t-om three ' to five pecks is seed ed to the a cre. Drilling generally g ives larler yleld8 CINCINNATI, .O"'I~ t han b roadcast seedi ng.











Started with a rush June 30; ends Saturd.ay, ra July 31---.1'9 Big Sale Days. . . 01 " .


W aynesville,

t I'n!'tod doubl e pn eumonIa when tile,. urged th is year by agr icul t ural ex· perts in flrd er t o meet the shortage WI' I'e 11 vl ug In co ld sto l'uge." --!udge_ In ",beat prod u ction ~ The tune is

Thousands of Customers 'a t




Lebanon, Ohio

---_. - .,---

RESPONSIBLE, SAFE. PER~'ANENT Sell U9 your Sour Crea m "nd let UII churn the ' butter.

DEATHS William Stoops died a t t he hospital at Galli polis Friday, a f ter alon'lt ill· ness ; He a br other of Ad am St oops. of . this town . The f une ral was h eld Monday . Int erment In Mia mi cemetery . .. F . M. Shane. of Harveysburg , d ied at his home Mond,Bv e vening, after a long IIIne88. . The f uneral will be held Thursday morning at 10:80 o' clock a t the house; IJlterment at ~ew BurlingtOn·cemetety • .


. I rreconcll. ble. Tllei IUIc! Just ' lIut.hed thetl' 8rBt qulllTel. 80bBequ ent to the hOnllJ mOOD, and ehe ",.s In teo~ "It." lIhe BObbed, "It 700 had had the tlnlelt ~ of

J01'e fOl' 11Ie 700 would IInu ba1'e IIJUo I'" lied


_ ._


l ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~."""-.-."---I'!"!!1~!It-

TH=E:. :. .5c . :. .~~_l_O_c_A _ _ND _ ' 2_5-i~-:--:'=ST _O _R ~ E. Fruit Jar Fillers .. . . . . . .. , .. . . , .. : .. ~ Fruit Presses. ' .. .. . .... .. .' . . . . . . . . . . . Crystal sealing Wax, p~r pOund .... . . : .. Extra Heavy Mason Rigs, per dozen '. . .. Jelly Glas~, per ~ dozen .... ' , . . ... . . Dippers, TID or Enameled ,W are .... . .. Spoons, tin, 6c; Heavy Tin, enameled •. Knobs for Kettles, Cover, etc., J1 dozen, Lemon ~ueezers ·. ·. . ....... .. , • ... . . • .. Fly Fly Paper ; Swatters ; each . . .



Speclaillt 10


.. .


lOe U)C lOe


10e lOe


lOco lOe .



.)-. Sixty-Ninth Year


lI~~~iE~ 4th .Of -JULY-~ CELeBRATION ! I~~!E~~~I


At IIbout 6 o'c lock this mornirisr the ciLll~en~ of Wllynesville !lere electritied when the news flaBbed tl'Om mouth to mguth, that Post mBBt~r F. C. Carey had committed sujcide by st\ooting Ilimself with a revolve r 'rhe bullet went in .at the right ear and lodll\ld near tbe left eYF"or more thall ' a year past Mr. Carey had Dllt been in his ll ~ ual bealth, and jllst a year \igo he at· tempted to do the 8ame act, but wae prevented by relatives. Mr. Carey got up at his u9ual hour this morning, but. he was not himself, which fact the family recolrtlizP.d, but w.ent to open the posroffice 8 S W811 hlB ueual wont. He then cam e home, went illto hill bed·room and fired the latalehut . He Jived fo r lin hOllr and then plIssed oway withou t rcgainin~ conscioulnet!ll. He came to Wavneaville several years ago and purchased thtl harness shop. From the very first he made friends and before loog had built up a large trade in hill business. rwo years ago he waa appointed post· msster. and it seems II!! though tht' worry of the position he held and his other business proyed upon his mind. and Irom 'this fact his ~eneral health was being impaired. The postoffice department were immedilltely notified . as WIlS Miss Mary Salisbury, his 8.8Slstallt. who is visiting with relar.ive_ lit Xenia. - The funeral of Mr Carey will be beld Friday afternoon lit 1 o'clork al hi!! late homtl. Interment at Spring . Valley cemetery

---_.- - -.....


Insu re tobacco against ba il.-Scars J . O. Cart wright was in South Charleston Friday,

Gra~e Patton hils been visiting reilitives in Xenia .

Dr. Dill. Osteopath 21 S. l.lroad· way, Lebanon. Ohio : Mis8 Elsie Gu t in is the guest of rl'l atives at Miamiville. Mr. and Mrs . J C. Haw ke were in Dayton Sunday t o vIsit relatives. Mri. Harvey Gustin spent last week with relatives at Blanch.e ster Mrs. Lucy Beckett and family are In i{E.' ntucky on an extended visit. A. C White, of Owensboro, Ky., spen l the Fourth with his SOil . U . M. White . C. W. Younce. made a business trip to 0 2good. Oh io. Monday and Tuasdav, Mr . and Mrs. J (le 'rh (lmpson, of Nnrwood, were week·end gue8ts of relati.ves here . Mrs. Horace Cleaver, of Xenia, spent ThursdllY with her siste r, Mrs. C. B. Bentley, Mr. and Mrs, HU~8ell Haines and family, of Lebanon, spent Monday with relatives here . Mr. and Mrs. Leater Gord on, of Morrow, were Fourth guests of Mr. alld Mrs . Ii. H. WilkerRon. Mr. and Mrs. SIanye, of Dayton. spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Matka. Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway Mra Cynthia Evane aDd Mrs, J . H' Smith autoed to Cincinnati Monday:

JOB Brown. of Indianapolis, Ind ., was calling (In friends here Saturday, 'lbe marriage of Miss Hope Pearl enroute to Wilmington, to visit relPierce and Mr Ezra Bunnnll. oc· atives. curred at the home of Rev. W. P. Mr and Mrs. Charles Sherwood McKenzie, in ~banon, Ind., T\leB day aftemoon, July 3ro, that minia "nd Mr . and Mrs. Charlel Edwards Ilnd family motored ro CinciDnllti ttr ofJiciatinll. The bride lsa aiater of Mra. F. H. Sunday. Fan IUId Tom Piercf', ot this place, Mra. Sarah Roberts, of Chevy and hu made many friends while Chast', D C.. arrived here Saturday vlsitlna telatlvee bere. [or the p~nt Mr. and Mra. morning for a visit wIth friend s and BUlinell will l1'lake their home at 520 relatives. S. But Itreet. Lebanon, Ind. If you bave mor., preserving jars --~ than you can flU. lend them to a neiJrhbor who wlll-make them work for the Nation.

---.. - ..



Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Krill. son and daughter, of Ed~erron, Ohio , spent . Fred M., IOn of William ,and Re- all of last week at tbe home of Rev. . becoa Middleton Shane, W811 born C. A, Bt!all and tam ily. · May 15, 1!18O and died July :.l, 1917, alJ~ yearll, 1 month and 17 days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carman and Be wu uni~ed In marrialle to MittS Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Davis spent IDa I!;, Thomll!l. February 8, '1908'. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. with whom be Jived happily until Gilmore. at Roachester. deatb eeparat.ed them. 8eei1.les Ilis faithful wife. who Ilav. him ' lluch Insure robaccoagalnathaU.-Seara IrOOd ~re In ht. lut siclrn'es8, he leaves a moth.r, ol1e brother, John. Mr. and Mrs John Trainer and and two alltera. Slella and Mn daughter, and Miss Margatet Wund , Eleie lones, all ot tbe vicinity of of Morrow, were in tow.n the' Fourtb Jamestown, to mourn his p88Bing and called on several old acquaint· away.. . ances, H. wu of a jolly disposition ·and numbered bis friends by the score. KBTI Hawke, who was operated on who will mi. hia cheerl greeting at ~ Dayton hospital last week for and pleaaant amile. He was alwQI ulceratod stomach, is doing fine, and ready and willing to aasilt any frjend hi. mariy fri end. hope to·se. him ollt or neighbor In time of need . He again soon.


crr!~!h~fCn~e~~~~tu:t~~l,it~"f~~ Hugh Ridge, who bas pee tII.lut two years he bad lived in 'Ini' in Akron, Ohio, came

Insure tobacco i~ajnllt baH.-'-Seara

Proved to 3p. An Artistic as v.,rell as a Financial Succe.s... fi- ,..( mmittees Are to be Congratulated .

HILL CLIMB AN)]- HORSE' bRACING ATTRACTIVE The Field Events Crca~ed Interest and a Great Deal of Merriment- A large Crowd Was Present a nd Men of Waynesville and Driving Park Association

Will Derive Considerable Benefit Therefrom





. .,

1 16


[LE' GTrrutDfSIDENT . *~e:;;~lobilC .Po~v;: rn PUB'LIe LIBRARY

:~ ~.~ ::~


. '

' The horse racing WBI one of the main attractions ot the, day. Shar Iff Chili. Waggoner, I)f Lebanon, branched out 811 official starter, and, judging. from hla work IOt1as& y.oeek, he bids talr ro become. ~)fficlal IItart· er of . the grand cirCUIt ere long. Ct.u. BUrpl!tt and Frank Shldaker, Judges, with U. M'. Wbllte ~retary. The result'ls aa follows: . . F' l! ' All P 4220" ree lor . ~ uc:>e tIP Robt E-Carr ....................... 2 2 2 Annetta Bu~n.-SatterUlwalte,.3 8 " CI~ . mua-Marlatt I .......... ......... 4 " 3 Wilkie Eldell-8entley ............. l 1 1

WANT TO THANK DONE"R5 ' Beat2: 30tlbl.-l:05X. . Trot-$20 Purse

Friends of Mrs. 41com wbo wu ' matron of the Frl8lldi Home bere, will rejoice to hear that ber daubter MiBa Ruth bu alJDoet _.' ~relJo reCoyered from an attack of . InfaftUle lin. Alcom II 01. . No. '1 of tha Wayn.vJ1le matroD o( a FrIendS Home at No.... II. E, ~:School Willi to tUuk ~. Ih. aDd ...... Walter K..rIak for


Miss Dora Stiles W811 shopplnll In Tbe men of Wioyneevllle held their regular meeting at 1.1tle Tueeda,. Lebanon one day last week. ev.ning. About 125 were preeent, Don' t have an empty preservlnlr about thlrtv .. mllGhlnes ,olng from jar in your nehlhborbood next fall, town. The &JtI. m.mbera of the club made every' one w.lcome, and Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Emeit at 7:16 the membera flied Into the Dakin, Friday, July 9, 1917, a son. Lytle hall, where the women had well· appointed tabla Btt to recoin Some neighbor surely clln eat or them put up aurplu il products from your After a bounteous dinner of aU the place. good things that these womsn were b H b noted for. Prelldent Hartsock called . n r. Macy Will e at arveys urg the meeflng to order. and after rOil. this week and Sprinll VallllY next tine buslnesa wu dlal1Daed ot. he In. week. troduced the Ipeaker of the evenlnll', Mr . and Mrs. A. L. SIdes, of Judg;e ~. W. Baagott. of Dayron. Route 4. w",re visitors In Springfield It II Impol8lble to tell all that Tuesday Judge BIlgaott laid. but und.rlylnll' . his wlttloisms there wu a vein of Born-To Mr . and Mrs. Hallie thought that will live I!I t.he m.mory Hathaway, Saturday, July 7, 19l7, of those who heard hIm. He t. &c . a daughter knowledged to be one of tb. belt . after dinner talkers In Ohio, and hi' W. S. Salisbury, D. R. Salisbury talk lut nlgbt lunly left a d ..p 1m· lind Ronald Hawke were In Cine In- pression. ~_I_ t natl Sundll,. Th. musical .nte wu varied . The Home orch.tra wa. Mr. and Mrs . W. H. Allen and pr8lentandfurnlahedmualcthrouabMisa Olive Allen wert Cincinnati viI- out the dinner. Mrs. B. H. Kelly itora Monday. Btng two Bolos-one of them belnll' a topical song, and h.r "tak•• otr" Gladdls Reddick, of ClnelnnaU, on dlf!erent member. of the club · has been spendinll leveral day. with W811 very catching. The Cou ..r male Minerva Harlan. quartet, of Lytle, cODslsting oUather , and three.sona; ang three beautiful Mr . Parry Cook and aliter, MIIII numbers. The Men of Wayn..vllle Mary, Ipent the week·end with rela· Glee Club added two numbera to the tives in OILY ton . oec8ll10n. Taklnlr the meetlnlr all In all, It Miss VIola Paulsgrove, of Frank· lurel, wu a humm.r.. Prllldent fort, Ky., ia the guest o! Mr. and Hartlock called on leyeraJ membera Mrs. Ralph Smith. 'of the club all of them rBIPOndlna and addlnll' much to the prOlftlD, • _ • Bo rn-T0 Mr . and Mrs. Wa lte r La(\riok, Lebanon, Wedneeday, June 27, 1917, ~ daught.r.





J osephine Harlan spent last w~k in Day t on .


lIOn. plonti'of all "Inda have been IeMr. and Mrs•. Barry Hamilton an' d "erely infea~ "lth plant lice. '1\ number Of people In different part.i' (amilY,.of Dayton, Mr .. and Ml'I!. of Ohio bave rePQrted 'tbem u being F"ank A"drews and famIly, of Wa· • on ' potatoea and: tomatoee In ,Iarg.e pakonel!l, were Sunday guests of numbers. Thia' ill8eCt call be 'con_ Mr. and Mra. George l:.lan:ulton. . . trolled by usll1e a ,pray of. "Black :' . '.:.. Leaf 40," whl .. h mav be obtaIned' ·Mrs. M. A. Pier~; of Lebanon, from ' Ik!ed .tores. In ·.praying for Ind ;, wss calle4 here lut Wfe" on llce,we mu~t be talf.n that the in account of t,b e eeri(lus illness of Mfjl. The,Mas,?nlc lodge .Itallted Tu~. actually hit or the work will Belinda ROJrers. She will; probably .day ~o erect an addltjo~. to . th~lr lie of., no avail Simply aprayinll spend most of the Bummer here .lo<lIre loom. The new Bdliltion WIll the le~v.. and expecting the lice to ",Ith her da.ughter, Mrs. F. H Farr ' be a kitchen. whiCh hili been 80 bad lla affected will do no lood . Diree· . . If I). e6d~ for a number of yeare. It Dr. Thoa. Sherwood, who ",~a will be .entirely of -conerete, and . tIona tor dilution of the "Black Leaf 40" will be found on the contain,!r. called to Philadelphia over·flve "eeks w\len flmshed wll\ ,add mu~h' to the . • _ '. . a«o on account of tbe d~ath of hiB lodge 'property, It will be fumlahed brother· In law. arrived home Tuea: up to the·mln.ute by the ~tem Star . da~ evenlnll' ot last week. The doc- lodp, and w.U1 ~e o~ great ben.ftt tor met hla aon, Lawrel!ce, In the to tbem, &\80. Eaat, and. .,pent a week wltb blr,n, • • . ". , . lira. B.llnda Rocera. wbo baa been ill for the Pelt two montba. 'dItcI at her b. . Oft Third Itreat 8un~QI IbOrttr aftao12o'olock. Thel1l1leral ~ MId tbla aft.rnOoD at theil, E. OlVeb at 1:10 o'..oct. ..... a. A.






A not her Fourth of J ul y h as come and g on e . T h e u s ual good time was had at \\ aynesville, a nd histo ry was m a de in the good old town aga in. It h as always been a noteworthy fact t hat when Waynesville p ulled otT any s tunt like. the one of last week, it h as always proved a winner. The 1en of Waynesv ille can pat themselves on the back for the mann e r in which they engineered the program, for the resul t was that their effort& excelled an y previous affa ir of t he kind . The wealher man made the day all that was n ecessary for s u ch an .e vent , as the mornin g was an exceed ingly. p leasant on , and the a fternoon was just hot enou g h t o make everybody feel in a h appy mood. Not 'a n accident of any kind marred the day, and every event, from the hill climbing contest of the morning to the la s t ,vent of th e d a y was watched with interest by everybody. There was a smalle r crowd this year thalll usual, perhaps o~ a ccount of the beavy farm work. occasioned by harvesting, but foarmers by t\1e scor e left their work a nd came to enjoy the day wlth their nei g hbor s . Mr. Albert Cleaver and wife spent The first event of the da y was the hill-climbing contest. The committee had the hill the Fourth with Harry Cleaver and made as fast as possihle J and the time was a great d eal better on an average than l a st year. family, at KinKS Milla. There were a greater number of cars entered than last year. The score is as follows : . Mr. and Mra. My.r Hyman and Sweet IImpllclty mlfked tbe wed· daught4!f vlelted relatives at Blan. dlnll of Mile FranceeGalllher, daulJb~ Ca r s Costing O ver $ 1000 cheater Wedn.IId.". tenf IIr. and tin. Frank Gallaher, and Georp "Happy" MeJor. "bleb (One·half mile) A quart of canned peach. or to· wu sol.mnlzed at 8:00 0 810ek Car Driver Time mato.. on th. abelf I. worth a bUlb.1 Wednesday .yenlna at the bom. of 1 Premier Jones 4.5 2·5 sec roUing on the ground. the brld.'. PU'CIta 011 North BrotJd •• ' 2 Oldsmobile Joslin 47 1·5 sec . way,Lebanon. RaY. Geo,.e PbIlIPl 3 Jeffery Davis 49 3·5 Bec Rev. and Mrs. C. S. Granier, of performed thelmp"'iVldoublerl~ )4 Oldsmobile Joslin 60 2·5 sec . Piqua, were the Sunday IrUBIW 0' ceremony In the pNMDCe of tw8lltJ· i 5 Buick Sherwood 51 sec Mr: and M.n. W. 0 ; Raper. five of'thelr mOlt Intimate friend •• Smith 52 4·5 HC The foll owiull' beautiful editorial The happy couple len earl,y Thu..... The Slokes Reunion was h~ ld at .6 National 53 1·5 sec was taken from the Springfield (Ohio) Mr, and Mra. Saml Smith. and d..,. mol'Dlitlr for a two week'e trip the home of Joel Stokes" and lYite' j7 Hupm obile Jones near Waynesville, July 4th. About . . Daily NewI : family, of Route 6, llpent Sunday throullh the Eut aad upon their .... turn to lAbaDon ~II make that, slxty·five w~re present to enj~y the~ cars Costmg Less Than $1000 I Waynesville is a beautiful little with relatlvealn Sprln,ifield. bounteou8 dmner and the hospitality (One.half mile) town In Warren county. It had . hom. wltb the bride. parent.• ext~nded by the host and hOMtesB at . ' . hor~e races, automobile races, swIm. Mra. Allc. Hawk. wu takln .ud · • _. • their comfortable country home. At Car Driver Time mingo contests and other thrilling denlv sick lut week- at her home In 2:S0·t!ie assembly wa!t called to orc!er \ l Chevrolet Perkins 45 8·5 sec " events" on the Gloriou8 Fourth. Lebanon, with heart trouble. by Presid ent Monrue Stokes al,d LOu- 2 Dodge Davis 50 sec Noticeable upon a building fronting . ella Sm ith, secretary pro t ern. The 13 Overland Hawke 51 4.5 sec the p rincipal street of Waynesville Mr. and Mra. Walter Chandler same offict'lrs were re-elected for an 'l 4- Saxon 6 Mills 55 3·5 sec there is abanner which bears this In. were guesta of Mr. and Mra. Othe other year. Several . impromptu I , acription:. · Carroll, of Trotwood, Sunday. talks were gi ven In which the ances: Ford Cars "HiRtory i&now golnll on In Way· tors. Wm. $tokes snd his illustrious (One· half mile) nesville." Steven Patton, of Roaebuel, Tex.. .family were deservingly eUlosrizlld . Car Driver TIme Who can doubt it? History Is now has be.n visiting biJ daughter. Grac:., The follQwing were present from a going on in many places. In tact, at the homll of Mrs, Stiles, Th M [ T ' nabl 9 d distance: Jeff Stokes nnd family. 1 Ford Ser vis 523·5 see history is J;(oing on almost evpry. ' . . au e ow p un..,.WVI Stokes and family and Mr. and 2 l"ord . Walerllouse59 sec where. It I~ customary flIT hi~lCll'y Mrs. Christie IIcKll\IIyand daugh. 9chool Convention will be held at F 1 en Mrs. Benjamin. ofT'3rre Haute, Ind. , 3 Ford Ellis 60 lec t o go on. People so metimes forget ter spentthe week·end with Mr. and J ~hu"h 8;~' pat~oond Mr. and Hergerty, of Indian· . this They think, if they think at Mrs. Earl Swain, of near Lebanon. \ ' t f 'lAb r. '11 b ~ , and apolis, Ind., Monroe Stokes lind Free For All all, that history, like certain people, 0' ers,o anon: WI e ere, an wUl daughter . Irene, of Jacksonbu rg 1 (One.half mile) certain towns and certain in8tltutioni Mr. and Mra. B. S. Howell and ~porta °AfllState Conv·ln~~o!l ted Ohio; Worth Stokes and wife. J ess can ,tand still But history keeps Mr and Mrs J E Linton of Clark• • ,ven. peraona n ..rea n Kal s;!y, Mrs. Russell. Will Devore Car Driver Time everlll8tlngly at it, and in that re ville apent 'the Fourth ~t Oakdal. Sunday.5icbool;;:.k s:ould ~ Preland wife, Mrs. Will Smith and sons 1 Premier J ones 44 2·& sec apect is worthy of emulation. Tbere park ' ent. a naon. ea!!" and John Lemmon and. wi fe. of Day · 2 Chevrolet Perkins 45 2 5 sec Can be no prOllress where history Is • Martha Davll,.--.y. ton. 3 Oldsmobile J oslin 46 ~ /) sec not "Iloing on." Mrs. Vernon Tillman and dauJh. • • • 4 Dodge DaVIS 46 2·5 sec • ter, of Sprlniboro, are spending 5 National SherwolJd 47 2·5 sec f~~~/Ime with J, H. Curtt. and ~UPERINIENOENTS

home [ [U 8 Overland ' Hawkir 502·5 sec and near HarveysbuTIJ, Warren Wednesday . H~ Immediate!y went \! Saxon Mills 51 4·5 sec COunty. ' .' . . to Leb~non where he enh5ted In B. waa a J:IIember of t.he New Company E, . , , Burlington fo' rlenda Church and the J.O. U . A ~,otSprin~Vall~. He Mrs. Walter McClure left ThuraHorse Show .. day for Beml'dJ'I', MI'nn' '.' to attend . leaves In memory many .frle' n ... C. M. Car t wright has been elected the wedding of a nephew: She will" 'd t 'of tl e Evanston Publl'C Stallion- Russell Murray . C 'RD OF THA"'KS .. " .probably spend 1I0me time vieiting "reSI en 1 . Suckling Draft Colt-Joe Evans,' 1 desire ro thank 1111 th~ who relatives there . ' Library at Evanston. I II. The Evan · Draft Colt under 1 - Dl1lmmond were 80 kind ' during. the IIln p,BB and ' ston ~elYs- lndex st.ates tha'~ Mr Draft Colt under 2-Jloe Evans. death ot my buaband, tor (be word Mrs O. S. Elmore and Mj~m Kath. C~rt.wrlght hlL\\ served . the lIbrary Draft Colt under 3:..-t~rank Shutts -of consolatlo.n and helpful assistance H fA d I C' ~ . for thcee years as c!lstrman.of the Drllft Mare 'or Geld 4 and overSlid for the slnglna and fto,wers. ~~d M~ICe~~~es vM~r~:;n.I~~IN:~: '~rr~~~r:O~n'di t~e;ri~~ t~he bltb:a.~: .FB~l' ~a'!.~~s Team-J~EI Evan;. • _ ;na E . Shane . port, Ky; spent the Fourth with year Just closed he h~ belln chaIr· Best Brood Mare with Colt by side Mrs. J. M. Thompson. man of th~ bO'1k com~l.ttee. Dur1n g -JOIl Evans. ' , that perlod hIS commIttee has pur· lJest 4 Farm Mares or Geldinlf IIny ..' '. Mrs. f', H. Farr, who went to chIlYf.\~. and put In j:irculatjon D,~OO age Shown by one man- .Jue'Evans. , Indiana last week to attend the wed· flew b~oks 8,,!d has Increased the.hb· . Best Milre or r.el.Jing suitable for ding of her sister, w~ called · back rary CIrculat ion over 11000 Y' home on account of the serious ill. . , . arm)'~A. L. Kmg. . p' ' r _Ant Il-wlnlr eean·9liof Mrs Belinda Rog'el8 -. . Relit Roadster-1 st A. L. King 2nd Du"rln"the • """" ,.. ~ ".. ' Ed Lukens .


Whole Number 3426



C-O k . 2 1 1 en , e ..... · ..• ........... Samantha-Sattertbwalte .....6 dr »0111. P-Luk.n.................. B a 8 ».ytoo Flood-DUl....... .. 2 , Orma II-MCCOy ...... , 2

BealJ.ofIoIatIDI· Ia. . . .U... lliaaU . . \ha, ...., UIIeral doaaUta • Uat s.tUme-l:10 . . I'•.,. . .' . • 1DIiIN;.........1IIIL ~ ,., (CoDtilallecl oa



Mrs. Lemley Curtil, sop an4daugh· ter, of WJlmlngton, retumed bome "Superintendent's DIAY" will be after spending a week with Mr. J. observed at the M. E. Sunday School . Mi~s Bessie Warner. a graduate of H. Curtla and family. . next Bund&}' momlng. July 15th. In the CI f'16 w a 'ed t Ro honor ofthe efficlMt8uperlntendent, V H BBI13 01 " ' ask m rrl I 01 Y Prof, G. J. Graham, of Xenia, \VII Mrs. Isadu.ra Ward. The maiD ob-' . . u as. wee very qu et y at I t Tuesd b I P f Leb M H UII I tI d aug ht n own ayon U8 n~ . ro . ject of the day is to have as larlle an I Manon. d Mrs. W sd Ie W er Graham Is traveling In th" II1terestll attendance as poul'ble aa a ·~tl. 0 r . an r8. 00 row arner, of the Dodd. Granite Co. monial of appreciatIon of · of Hickoryvllle. and is a ch.armi~g young lariy and has many frlenda 111 Ward', servIces. Sohool conv.nee at Wayneilville. Mr. Hull la lhe 80n ot Rev . and Mn C. S. Grouler and 9:15 a. m .. and if you are not a mem- ~ G, W Hull, Ilnd is a youn~ business son, Chari., are spending a week at ber of another Sunday School, you m~ ~~~~J~~~. [lull s pent week at '~:r:,o:'~e~~ fa~~e~~~u:r~" J. W, are earn.stly u~~ ~ be preeen'. . French LIck .Sprlnga, ~nd are DOW, at I home to their many friends In Xenia, FriendR 'of Wallace SIdes will be ~here Mr. HU.II hlllj opened a garage pained to hear of his iIInesa. H• .waa and a taxi bU8111.SS. • stricken with piralyalalut week, but - -- __ • fa 8Ome·better at the present time•. '. . Ralph Smith, who hu IMIen clerk· g The many f~lend. o~ MIlS Mar • • InlJ at, Hawke'. JfOC4II')' for arroeert ..nral f etta,rack.r VIlli be pamed ~ hear 0 , ...... hu purchutd . that





Several membel'l . of the old band met Monday evening and Otllanized a new band. The band will be ailed The Men of - Wayt:Ies~~lIe band, and wlll comprlee mOllt of the plalera of the old organlation. A few ne.,.. playera will 1M! added, and the band at prtleent conslata of ten membera. 'Howard Gustin hu been made ' lead. er. It 18 the.intenUon lo give weekly concerts beginning about the ftrs~ of August, . • .-

. ,.


• ' a.ldentaon ROute 4,ID th. HOUih 1 n.eiJrhborhOod, bave Dotleed In th. put few ...,. a tork., buzsard ftJ. IIlIl aroani1 tbat bu a alel.b MIl at" tacbed it. It II probabli tbattbt. 2 buaard - . at~. tim.. beIDa.,. 8 taNI.Iud the bell . . . plaolcl OD Ita


~,WbeteltcameflOmllalDJ8o _.'


ber 11I~eas MI.~ Packer I. at ,ber and Intend. to keep on .w fth the. father s mountain hom. at 9r.-o, bU81n. . at the lUll. old stand: Mr. 'pa. . _,' Smith t. on.. of'Wa.rn.vllle'. yoatW. . t bufu '- d h beta • Word came to town Saturday that • - men, an aa • num Charles. Comell w.. taken v.ry \II bl. fri.ndl by tbe 1C0re, b. will mak.· . wbUe vlsltlnain Dayton, and hll \II a SUCC811 of hIli ne. bUlln... 11818 waa sticb that h. W81 taken to • - • a h08Pltal there. . , . . H. A. Pauly, editor.of the Miami Union, and an old Warren County boy, wlio haa been in trainiDIr at Ft. Benjamin HarrillOn, Wy bonorably dlsc~arlJed lut week on account of .ST. MARY'S CHlIRCH the condition -of h1a .,.. . ' I ...", S d at T ...nt.... J t_ , . S.......I an ay tar ~ y , a~ Mr. and·tin. J.O~CartwrlRhtand 16th, Sunday School at a. m , flmflJ, .. r. and Mra. C. M. Robltnr ~:ol:far:~~.r.:CTt!3 IUId famlly. ,Mr. anel tIra. P. D, .... Clagett and am",. Mra. Alice lie. .. .


9:':t . 'to=:'

vi:.. .


~lIIta. s.m.


M. E. Anna Meredl" Blanche RII., and Patriotic at the 'II E .' M..,.. BalI B. ~.... ucl8uod~~~ Goo_ _ _ .....Loul - - Iln_ _ ..... 11· . ., aa_ to VAwna -- ~•~ _.. . ~t the with . . . Henrietta a. m. You . . Ia~ . . 1IcKJr-r •. Tber alh..JOJed a plmID ~ " .... ~ dlnaer 011 IIIamI U -s· • III aad Iaad a ftoe time. - '

!:..... a..r.

........"----•..J'W-a.. · yoa_~.•~~Hd.iMl;;1 ---...-,




InS UR fln CE

FROM COURT HOUSE Common Pleas Collrl tmo'on 1I0Pher llon VII PeRrI Mc>, Ph.,.on , UhOr06 8r~nted 1I1I, lu t·1l1' Tbe Draoe SewIng Mnoblll A' u, v~ Tbo tj, "red Co, 0"118" settled uu d dl.trilne d, J, D, a ,uroU "" Edward HIHJrOllt" (JanIe dllltnlll8 ed wttbou t J)r(' j ul\iou a' 001$1 of pll\ln'llT, Tbe Lovelan d NfI,\lonl\1 Bunk Y8 Gear,lI S , Joldknm p et.1 ()l\u ~e leUlod anddtllm lsaod wlthoo t pr.-jn dloo ,




n ),.)u t Ih lrt v. wn:o; Ilu ., h.'d wi ltl nl\

" Yn u thll1k 1 " I\~ wr() l1~ 1I~'Cn tl Hj" ~' " ~~ II,H i fli lly ~rn~ rl Ih ' ('Ircullls lilli 'C:< , ~ h, ~lIl d nl I II~I , "YOII kuow Um l I




hil I'.' hr, lk"1I III,\' I'llllllj! ' IlW!\l, Of wh llt I ~'( I 10 th nt u" l'I~ lo n ,you hUI'e uot lh tt ,


(ul n t~l"t unll l' r~ll1 n dl n~.·'

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SavC'lg es are "keyed " by mean of s rial numbers, And arc distribu ted by ou r own organiu ltjon, not sold to mIddle m en in hugo qua ntities and (:ar:ried in s tOck someti mes fo r a y ~ or

'fI'\I cuhl-

fOr\\: llrtl

JL "'ti N III UW h " " ~\1 .of " lIIutlllll frl"lll l III tl", "Il,l' I hil t ~II ,,' 1.",111 lUI" " ulltl MI', Arlhur llrnl" '~ w(' r ' Inll'uWaynesville. \lm'I'IL M ls~ HiI" 'R "'II ~ Ih ~ ,llIu ): hlOr Qf t h ~ \VI(lull' Ill""" "f 11", 11II""lr hn" ,,'. th. tJver Poet lfire Lllre h c~, tI'I\I'" L"II t: Is lllnd II'Ur, 1I1It! Qllice I'h,,~~ n 110,,0* Ph" • II 1\Ir, (:rtlvcy WII M !'III JlI O),l'd In n IJllllk _ _....,._ _ _ _-=:_-~:--~ In th,' dt ~' , -'l'hcl'" ",,, " tullt lI C thl ~ nllllllill l, Ilnt! ~ It IInlilly lUI'II".1 Ull thu COII"U'Y, lIlI,1 •~ , • Mr_ 111'111' N "~l'l'rssr d II II'ls h th llt h' mi ght 110 Ollt ""'''"I> t h" "'''''liN Uil il Funer al Dlr..ctor 1II1,,, ( tO I\' ~ , JL ' full oll'ell Ihlll hy ~1I )'lnl: Ihllt It w,'u l I h~ tI ul'llj{ht t{1 '<I'e tI ll' and, Emba lmer, '1111111 "'lIling ronn.I II III I rOlIl Il!1 In j.!'1'IH'I' fn l II I~ ht s, /lllll Ih(, ehllllllunk" Sl'l'it'I> Wayn esvill e. Ohio . In,:; frlJlIl \I'ell tu trco, ~' h \! W I\ln\\' fll VI! hll,1 occupl II lhc'



'lo ll \ll-

U,III , hu 1',,'l illy II'iI'l! to hhl."


The Rudolp h lforlll zer 0, vs G, SilL 1JoD;lllges In 'he snm 01 $100, , and replevin . ru~bllrd Gatt1l:Ins vs Mary E. R oss enontrl x. Money ooly ; , "wount olalmed $6OQ ' Jobn 8 , Wheele r V8 Myrtle Wb eel Ir. D1vor;)8 ; grosa nogle9l , W, G. Thomps on ,,~ Boward Eo Ba'haw ay, Mabel 0, l:l8lbl\\v ny find Boward W. hln8, admtnl stratcf uf Ibe 81"$e 01' Nathan E, Lupton , de· 011184. Money and , -equltl\h lo ro lief. Amoun t olalmed $:127,011 aDd In$eNII I'.nd on.'., Edith Willne r va Wllllam WasMr. DlvorJI I; grolille gleot, In ~b. mlUer 0' tbe gUlfdl& nsblp of WliblU H, Sawke. mlnor, Cliff Hawke app'ollI ted guardia n, DODd 11,1101, EI&ate 01 .rab 0 (Jowan, deOItLHd, EUll B, Cowan appoint ed a4mtnt"ra~r. Bond $600. Jllnl ee A , &llIeHj "oha MoKln. IlY lind O. X. Bro.n appoln\ ed apprais ers Ee,..te or Jam . . D3r08w , deoea80 d 1'I0al aoooaD I of exeoilw r flied, U. d, Oonove r, .x~ont,or ve S, He"1e OoDo••r et a1. Order granted


'O U!'l (',.nt\lIIJl l.

f (tU$J

New Sulls

)Va Iter ~handler

1'h,' twn , 'pm,' n ~1ttl nl:! h p ({ ' rl~ lhr UPP1\ lin' r p)."nnletl la dl o.h(\1"' . h";'\tlily. 1n lh e 1' :\' ,'''' llf "11,· Ilh"'rp t:lltHW 1\ ,'\1rl.

on II

J:'W' th l' tin,' n p"k lhllt s~ ut tlio Lu!'t' lu' fo,l fur (li gh t m o uth s n ycu r f or t\ ';I11~~ u p Ihc l'hillllll' r , four Y"" I'~, nll \l y .. t .. he co ulll nllt 1.'11 Either Aulo or Horse more, drawn Mervict!. "Y"H ('11111\1 11 r('nllz(', li S I do , Ihe II rllllbi t " '''''' II 1'11 1. No exlrll chllrge f o r auto B rviee, 'Ol llr,,1'l IIf ti d"," "he 'uhl Irr ''' ' vlln t t~' , W e know just where a casing is and how long MI «s .... nl l II'lI s n 1I\llr 111 0 1'1' C llrloll ~ Both phones in Otllce uliLi ll.e!!hJen ce. II mldtll!: Inl\'llI'tI til t! 1J11I1J lI ),( I'}j!t!. " I ntlll t.'nl. ' I'IH' i=---illJ; tll n n I .... IIlotll l· r. In it has been there, The m inute a tire reache s the ''''I'PI' , hll llgllt 10 s"e Huch n fir .. u ,~II IIl, lillI< ' shl' 11'111'11",111111 1 II I\UIIII II'n~ 1I0t II No. 14 , the d oubtful age, the point beyond which there Olltl It S it Ill nV $f. HIUtl , 1 I\l! \ ' , ' r \ \ ' .l.I,:S as l' l"u\\' , 1I11tl Ihut H d li p lIluul" wus nu t n '!!!!!!'!'!!!!!' !'!!!!!~!!!"'-~~-'!!!!!!"._~~___ _=~ ncurly i l'(lz,,'n til illY life I\ ~ III Ih 11'1 111' is ~,sibility of deterio ration, it is replace d by a rnbhlt. Il'~, 1 dn u"l Ilk.1 to Ih lnk "r lli n l W hu n youn g ~II', f:,'n\'.'s "",,1((' IIf Ih C new casing, ~ix t! me-YI'I th,' III l'lI1l'ry Is IIIWIIY8 II' llh (IU nll s slIllIuj! I'\lUIIIIIIII,1 r Hllml IIll d III e • You are a lways sure of getting live tires, ful! mc. When I "'lIl1ed for t.:g~' (J l II y,'ar ,'hll'llllll lk s "JlI'IIIJ,( IIIj; fl'lIlII tr" .. tu In'!' ( PRiL:E~ RIGHT ) : Ilgn It WI,S with th e uu c.'rlnll1 Ihough! 1 he II'IlS II ll'l with: of "pep" and milos, when you buy , thut 1 mi ght ('ont lllllO Ihe Irl p UI'I1 UIlO " h , IIl1t you 'oulo.l nel','r IllIve Il\' ~ t he worl,l, und ,,'hen I r"nr hl'll Cu lm III lite <':(l lIutl'~'," 1 hnd tully deter mln d nn Ih!' IIlIII:.; r "AlHl why WIt 1" h o J\!"}{Ptl. jouru y, 1 rClulIl" d In E g ~' pt Inll g "Bl'rn usc ' 1)1111 118 n~' !<Lral iZht II hCIl!"1 Sole Agen t enough to nhso rb lhe iuyst~ry u f ' ,Ih' IIlIOl beCIlUl!ll chl plllunks OOIl't 'Ih uh tI' C~s:r country ; th ' ll I took PU "S Il~I' C"i' Ihe j For the Gurde n Tares fur Il,ns t 1 k~ Jlt 11 0 lrnck of th!' tl ll yq, T hllt cl!l e,l the cOll versHi lon " 11 HlltIIml hi story, lIut neIther one WIIS (Illite I just sut III 1Il ~' HI ~nm e r dill I r IIIHI Wl1lChed Ihe pely glo, l!rOlI'tI. Ol'l"It; I,)IIsu tl sll 'd, 1111y I Sill\" 1\ IUUII, fill AIII H ll'lI lI , \\ I... , SOIlIO weeks Iliter, wh ell 1I1 iss ('I' nll - WUS 118 Inl or Sled 11 6p cllllor liS L bul we ll t bOlli', ~ he dnwo ovor to the "'Iflilce neve r broug hl hltn IWIIl' lilY Willow Roge rs, who 11",,,1 (\ nllI ~ 11\\'111, Phone 90-;~ CURW IN, OHIO AileI' th ' l:1'cNIIIJ.(S til ' wIdow Rnld: cornor. "'I'usn 't It IIwtUl?" "Out! uJ ght wo were ('nught III tli o "Why, whnt 1" tull of Il IYllhoon, It must h,1\" IIrl"en us "The upon robllury , Didn't your t[lntny U hidden rcct, for Ihe r(' WIIS II ~ .e11 r ..l e.&ate, tcl l NU uhout It?" hQfI'lblc jnr; th n t bo hurryi ng or feet li., A THA WAY UNo t It wHril \\'hcre wu s II?" ilud screams . E Vt'rylJlin g " liS (l u rk. Probate Court "Why, my ud pled son Arthur, wh ~ m but III Inst 1 got IUlo lilY c10l h '~ , s(~ "fly Ile",vtlle 's L,,"dlng Dennll you hll\'e n n il' t,n el, w CIiI to th,' CII,YI' ll\lloo In U .. lnes ~Idl( III till ma'tel' of the elltate of cu red my mo ney lI,nd lell <'I' or ('r (,ellt, , I'4llln 1:1& lind lellrned th e hnn nnd, l(ln): Rlllitchlu lIu 'llIes", Illl g UII 1\ Wrn l), stl\llIhl l'\I lIaud Aohter maa, deoeaaft d. Oarl II few dn ys to 111:0 til\! u('ck , Th 'ra wn~ no one In h' opl?lll'd n hllllk ut A, Aohler man ' appoln hd admlnle . ' h ~s t r with 820.000, slgbt, but I heard II mnn /lilY: I co ntrlbute tl traw •• 'I Bolld $3,600. hilit the money," "'Sh\!'s 81111,101' fu s t. W IIIU ~ t get III , .he, p1atte~. of WIJ1\a~ Jour~ee, out ot DR. J. W. MILL ER. "Alld h o ftlll ed 1" t.hl~, ~'h .,rC'8 u ~ ln lill bout th llt .l.dju4~ ~ uaane and ordered to the St.7V QG£ GRfJF INIT£ TUBE S "Xo, d Cll r, n t he ni ght (I f tlw blls be ' n overlook utl t hut we clln mo nS&ase Bpep".. The o nl, lube . mit have ,nlphite vul c:anizcd Into the s urilto. Day,ton (or area'. nge ope nIng dny It WII S robbed or every between us.' PUYeIIl I. dcltnorlt lOD, IUflllOl, fdct lon and h~ atiJ\& . Muu , .. DENT IST... min.. " " dulln r, It comes IlIml IOlr m Ic> l o~u " I_pi\o ne unnuuur y. L~nlthenJ lhlt Ill. or the tube .. "B e wns nl rcnul' outsIde nn ll, cutch...... of., ,- .'" J. BoJoro ft, de. Ing ruo by inS s hnre, but Arl hur Is jl1st hen rl(Jill"" 10 the Ili1Ods, ,;\\,lIn g ut e out IL~'.~.....:&.--:=..:::~ oeal8tS, Flnal.o oGun' filed. IJro lt~lI, HIl Is without II dolhir:' ond downwu rd, H e hu() h ook d bls legs If"oll~ 8U1l., aldl • On renchlilg 10 'hi matter of the eltlte of nbout tbe I'nlls nnd , ICllOlng ovpr, he home after hor enll Jl ~s T_ nu nsked or tho gll'r(\oocr's li S ' EUaabi,' MGDtor t, ,td~'ed. 10. dropped lIle luto tht! Ilout. T ho telllU- _ _ _ _. • _. _ __ ~'------------------------~ -----I --------~-~~-=~~~~~~~ sl ~tn nt : TeD'or , and "~m. er wns slnldng so t ust It WIIS not Il flit "Boy, whell qUlIll (Ire scured 11(1 how Inte rllat lIeat 0"1 Planets. Tho Origin .f "Fil ib uster," B.rry D. MoV.ay, admlnll h<a'or drop, but It wns sulHcI Ilt to knock tbo 'I'he I:H I' 1'!'Ilrl'"'' ''' 1."1\",, 11 ',, .1I « 'lwWh nt Is th., "'I ~ h\ (If th .. wLlr,t "flll- do thcy fly?" de bolIie noD VI AI~ ArthUr et at br nth out at me. ery thllt ~ ,\ltl l'li d,II " WIt rClllIll"n~ ,)1\' "The-y go IIWfl Y WIUI Il bl1zz-z-z·z I" Bale of real 8I!t~te ', .pprove d aqd ]lul:' ter?" hlll'l ~ " ()ls 1I 1l11 ntlll'rl! do· "When J eume to my senses he v, ns pl '('c, btl l h ll' " "'lII f" " 1I ''00 'they fly hi gh or lOW?" oonfirm ed. riv e It trom Iho {1O"Clll'othm nr n crlll s' 1 I lIyl'I'~, n ,III1I , 'rOwIng with aU Ills strengUl , Ing r,, ~,,' r ,', 1111111," ~ U~~I'''I "Not over len reel high, nud not very er In n "/llIbote," or "VI~'-b ol~, " fir 't 111 .\hft ~a,"~ of ,tie · eatate nf I'How long we were on the water I of til olll('r 1111'):" pili '''''"~ thlll ~'''IIU Fune ral Uire~'ur inllS hllv" u ~cd on th o Itl ver Vly, III H olhlnd, An- for, L<>ll1me show )' 0 11," Bo ber. Vf. kortoo , deoeatte d. tpend ,do not kilO\\" It see med flO etcrcJty tho .n OlU "t 1'1 1>'1 III'", Opposit AI< e the IlO Lllrches llltl',1 'lit WIlS Il 01'1\1 or other llu thorlt y lells A. MOJ~ IIPpolns e:d admlol .trator , betore we found ourselve s upon Il strip by 1' I"Jf('"~ u ~ lhut It WIlS Wayn esvill e : Ohio II' ' -PI'Y, t h (l'kllClIl or IIIYglv II to the folll'l\'"r8 fir DominIq ue wh eut belongIn g to it furm er, Th e hoy Bond ,1;CKlO, '. ' . , ' , of bellcb, wltb pU:lruS twisting nOll CI'1l of ,lI n'c n ' l .... I,'el tl ,', "'II \I Ie I " " " Sprayin g aUlIle Srees with arsen. do Co ur~" ~s, who pIck (\ I1P II stono Ilml wlIlk d nero l\ \ , ~1I 11 ~\I {rom F'l ulsbending 10 n wind the llke of which 1. e rule ]1<'11 1. 111111 Ihll" a'e of leed fr om ,Jtlly to A o g n8t 16' terr-', 'lr 1'" tIl(! rOlld nnd gIl"c It II tIlllg, It fell l'l'lllnl ll]lhu ~ l er , In l' I'IlIlC(" on the hud ' ll~ver known belore nnd hope log ,111"'" "e \1 w pIUlldH Itl!' r"III- dependi n g 011 Lbe R~ ~Je Transf~ <.I-JJ: ITllf: lt InOllllly, \\'111 pre- tum oll A e.'< pedllloll ugnlns l Fort Qlro- Ilm ng th e wh unt n hunllrall teet IIl\'ny, ,-i'kkhll!\C never tD know ngolo. ' AmerI can, vent wo rm y " pple8 on ll!lod bv t be \lu u III 1507, U1l\l lus tllntly th ere nrose n fl ock r L\ LeDa Betwer ~ Norma Uree\y, Auto ,Equipment I t \\' 11 8 IOllg current In "I Clln give yon bllt tho bllrest out- - --. - - - - seco n d brood ofood h n ll m o t h, Tbree SpllDI ~h \I{1Z II qunll which flew straIght nwuy 108,X' ao. . 1G Tarlleo reek ",wnsh lp, line, Ellzllhe tb-our exbal1sU 11 8 "!IUhus l r" h tor' Its HortlCoo()rawll biulplll eni on, tiS we 1J0un !1a o f f\UeDl1te of IMd I,lolste (o r ai, Illld 0 '" low, , ndupl ullo lay ou tbat ICtlglh of 8und ; Uleo, \\'\:Ien bf\Jf 0 8 III nob powder ) iu 00 1I111l 0 n ~ Cbronlc n lulo I~ n gll sh. - Loudon Behlud lit house was n 'bIt of woollJohn WIIII'e l kl rrauk S , Wlastel , 'strength returned , our senrch for fooll lc, Very He;trlecs , of wn te r WIll destroy the IU 8eo ~8 lund, uud the girl wos , oon there Ilnd fSLEPH ONE 7 amall .. III Salem townlb. lp,' $1. 110d wnter. For a Ume we IIve\l upon DAY OR NIGHT On(' uft crno" l1 Itlll' F,'",l's mnt her Cod hn g wQrrns e nter tbe trni~ Bented lind r II tree nud wntchln g out coconut s; Oora "wi'. kl, Charlea necessit y tought 111m sent how to hl", I " Ih,' Jln ~ l " fII ,», Itll l IIII' lit , throllgh the o ps o in gs mllc\e 10 the Uarl-tt for tho lI1'el), IItlle c1llpmuoks, As soon all4 wife. 80rea ta Fr~klln 'own. tnlp dSIl, We bullt some sort of shcl, tl e h oy , n ' lt Wnf1ttll~ tn dll Oil' ,' rl"awl, s ide, It Is Impo rt uot t bot euoh /lp , ns the noise of her IIrrh'ol hnd been EducatIo n, ter, 'but It wus no protection f rom th o lolte n 'd nl\lll i! the WII,\ ' , I1 t~ III .blp, ntli,' r, pI e b A ,e d wi til s(lray , ma'erlo l It Is, no doubt, II '\'I.'r r 11\1Idllhl0 cf- succeede d by s ilence two chlpmUn~! V, BARN HART . -~..eDl7 JallHeu end ' .lfe to Wil. storms thllt swept the atOll from tilDe who 'nl ~ !-tlftinl! 111 Ow ,\'JlI'II wit h )1(' 1' 10){!I1 the IDlseot w b en it st~rt8 on fort. In 'modern ten chlng. to ren,ler os be~lIn cboslllg !melt other IIcross thu ' lIam Sha" and wife. 80 aorel In to time ood thllt muo, wh se nume, 1 littl e dllll l:hl I' , ~l' l'iI \ C th a t I,,' \\'11 " no t Its first m ent Tho Illst two \\'eeIl 9 n\ ll ~ h os !l(lsslble of leuves, nnd th!'y plllyed for ten mInwhnt th e ~' o unK Hamilt on aDd Wanen 00110' 81.' Sl did not know, took mo Into Ills arms gOing dirt' 'tl y 10 h ) W Il , ('lI l1 p t! t o h im In Joly I~ th o o sn,,1 period ro r play- lire r equired to I 'urn eusy Notar y Publi c nml Interest· utes betore fllsnppen r lng In n , hollow to IIlII'I'Y, 'PIle 1I1:1");il 'l "" ti llL: " slfli:' ing to Houth orn U hlo ; t h fir st wee k lng, Dut 'wile n tltl prinCiple ' WlUlam J. G urilo~ ~ · 0" ,"4 ... and 8bel.t~red me trow Ule wind, Is )lI1ShC(1 "My one effort wna to keep hetw(l, u h er 61('1ul1 li p IInti ~I\I" "l lIph:otleu Oumml nll, lot hi ITanllll n: $GO, lly ; In AU ~ l1 :H, · fnr lh e oentrtJ,1 Vll rt, and 10 tbe length of not r equIrIng th em to 10,,!\s sh e wnlked over to the log tlJe aU.nnd s of N018ry Work U BUcl~ tormoUt,)' as would , bave be'm II'Ve Il , JU tUllfllJl, 1,'1'('111 ito ",I Ih lll l· h'~S." n week 1I1ter In tbe north ern Ullrd I('n ru nnsthlnS' !Jut whft! Laol ~ WaJ~'li bns beeu mnue chipmun ks mn on t, bot she knelt down and Deeds a I::ipoot 1\ I I:tirah .1... Ed. natural under dlffereo t clreulDstnnCEls, at the ~ Il te, easy 111101 Illterc~t ln ll, olle of Ute chie f to hnve II look, 'I'he hollo\v In the log .arde, 'l~V. aoree In Pa'fJan lowo. It seemed to me tbe ooly menns of su\,~p,al. ~ wns stollped . Up wltb somethi ng Ilnd objects of ol!ucnUo n Is socrIUce \l,' I lug tbo sltuatiou , John Stuart 111111. she put In her hnnd and pulled Ol1t Il I "Be wns n brilliant talker. versotlle , sml1l1le lliher Sfltchct Locates Well Trouble , -.J. • witty, tlnd he seconded my el1'orts to Wh r n (\ 1,1llO·for t well III n west"ThIs Is funllY I" she " excllllmed., Ro, Olnetal ld WIlliam B and Elste I1vold the p ersollal, lout 0 8 time pn!!s(,d ern tnwlI WlIS l'h!\ill "Well, I'll take ll!-; It ItlJ borne lllIr ~ ",u lcr, aDd hnve It llooN, otKln•• 14U1~: Veter inary b6 become laHS uHsurud uni:l tbe OIlU ~ ot Ul e s upcI'lnl lid lit of opcned." Nat\Jrall y. the Wil l r \\'nrl(R Ch.rle. Bpmer ~ewoomor. of It fell upon me, ~Ile erve , dlgnll;Y woodl're d bow he I'llll lollocnte thl! trou.No key could be 10l1nd to fit the Oraduate of Obln :'181 , Unlvera l Dcll vcrlng nil uddrcs ~ ut n SundllY t\ Wadl.o r'h, and rraDoe l Belen dressed In one rugged gnrrucllt LIII~t blc, Fl llnlly h o dccl\Je,l to school r cc nlly, 11 visi tor spoke on tbe sntcllel, ond tho locli hnd to bo broke II, IOWN II 'l'hI"le, of Frankli n. ·cou1<1 not hldo lOY nuk edness I And I cluster of electric lI J:h mornl 1]~vel (llnnoot of children . "'l'here When It WIIS hcld liP nntl shnken, out l Into tll ll Wil li, William E, Mattox and Do' I4l\rte w ns nfrnld-u fruld when be left me, on(l t o f ollow th pIIl hy nIl! ni t! or ,l Is (\ boy I\(~r e, " lIe Mn ld , "nod n girl tumbJed tOUI' pucknge s of greenbn cks, - -, OFFICE: afraid when J wns ,~lt.ll him, 0' I'ral\k lill : ''Tell thousn nll 1101\0rs I" gnspe<! Miss the rc, Whot w ill tlley h 'COlllO when fieldgln s, Tbe troub le W fi S Inellleu Trinit y Ubllre)'! Is the greE\tes ' Corner Main and MiUStre~ta "We bud 10 t oil truce ot tllue WhE'I! lit II <llll'th of n o tN't th Lenll. ey grow liS Ro,' V, Bull"of XeDla, alld Belsle slle up?" looked 1[1 ot 0 loud whiSPer the t1gurt!1I on , ""hero loose ' 1lInd lord iu N e w York City, It Is wo fir~ t caught slgllt of smoke llgulu!st pn king permllte d surf" _ J:ua1la Wat-IIer , of Waynes,vllle, ce Willer to i pr o b~ lil y the ti ollotlt OlHlloh In tbe one of t he scholnr!!, turnlllg to bls thl! hoods, Telepho ne 28 tbe borlzon, Sucll il tloy little smu!l):l ~ ! euter, tenel "Slly"mo ler, supplled lln Ilnswer .-"Swee t· ther," flIlId the dnughte r nit· aellrl O. Kroerp' er, of MlamBb urg, But ufter ' w or ld, Its Illod b old iog,. I\re wortb n IItlle It grew clenrer, heorts er I" IIlg· n moment 's thought, "tbe Cbester Wayn esvill e. - - -- - - - - ' . .d ha Wblten 8Ok, of 1I0rrow , , ffiultlpl ual1 m illi on'll ot d OlinI'll, Ohio ,ger. He stood besid e me, Ws, Mnd bonk IVtlS robbed ot just this sum. I ITruv pllu g ou t ho Wellt t:;lde of lower , Edwill ~d Wright , Warrln , grlllping my shOulder I1nUI It hurt, sboll drIve bock to Mrs. Roger's wltb INaw York Uity, ono ll URS 8 tllrougb and Nellie oreaot Audera on, of. 1!l~k"lng nt me, D,!t at the npproac hlng tile ,uoney," sold !lIss Lenll. "You The Modern Baby, "b o \1~ \L mUll o f dl s lllol. di~ty dwell. steomer . At tho timo 1 thought It \VIIS , ' Imow the ,bonk WRS strlrted b), Iler Now lin oClIlIst hill! \l1 ~co l'e rNl Ihnt I n g~ Dill f n ~hl (1 o c d offioe A Loat Range of Mountalnahulldlng B the borrlble f ellr tbat tbe stenmllr baby's whil e rlllllll'ril , A grcnt r nllge of monntol ns ooce cx- ndopted SOil IlUlI berself." ' Comm "'oaer' , Prooeed lnzl ' would not sec our slllll1l1 thnt Illllolle I ilion, Thcy'\,e l okl'n IlIlur " hlR \' 1- 1"0,1 Ollily, f o u l @ta biel! , N ea rly "II tcnd c() fl'OlD flWIIS hlR crn ulo tli (lse 11 re the pro pe r ty or Trinit y th' co s tern olld of Luke , The pony cart was brougbt oround Barhe d Wire " him regard me 80 strnngely, Aflerwn nl und his olrl-,lIme r l' Superio r soutbwe st to lIeyond the M18- nnd tlto drive WIl S mnele, As tbe ou ttlt tnr'(\I cs :Intl bl s IDqueaa oD body o( B. ~herman I rememb ered !JIs eyes rnh In Dll>Ue rlO of c ommnn lty nnll ku ew, It fnlry s torIe,s, onrl now th l';V \\'!l nt t o l c,~h\l ome lonnlitlL S [l nu l4ont, lJ ilttieRs and sourl r iver, Jr, plnccs they w re a dr IV up nt the gat.11 tim wIdow nnd 11 17,oo.t .a7.35: C.8. W11lts wDs fare~velL ~ pillch hIs snowy plnll rorc,- Ic,' clnod IIJ Btt e rlll e ut , Trinity brl~le lumber , $5,7 8,81; J , J, Reid, Ghuroh stiods mil e lllgh, Went her find \'olcllnlc Ill!- youllg man climc !lown frOID the h Q~ GUARA,NTEED to,heal witbol1t J"a~ "He left the vessel ut Slnguporl~ Pl nl11 D nler, In t hn WilY o f p r Olt reR9. Un .be lion wore th em down, the SOil c overed The SOil wus tb e young Mr. Grlwes \ng n bJoll!iab, or MONEY UEE'UNDED. tablea fer ~oilrmary 4.211 50; SCate Oor pnrting ' wos conl'cnllonllL ,6. • -them tbe olld glr today l 'blLd ' m 600 thl!y til t 10 r nod' U,OO sizes for freth.wo oud .. tire b" Ule od, ,.. Rober~ ~aYlor, oOlt. $1i.'Ii. protrl~. city I Trinity Ghuroh IIponds tOl1cll ' of the hond, 11 eourteou s wlah "DId YOII forget somethIng \"'heu you old sores, sore backs Illld sbouldertlijbarnt lU or e m c coy for " reIl810t1 ~ w ork" Till a~I1I1'1 0' the " ',0 d,pcsl- for n plellsuo t journey IIU ft 'Ie wos tIJId brni8c8~ 250 sl~e ' for FemUr 18. torlee th, LebaDo n and C"lzsn' lI gane, Illy , soul wos left here ?" IIskrtl lIfrs. Rogers, . \t h" n Iluy ~ b e r huroh In Am erloD" too ~corch a by Impatience, DR. coX's PAIMLESS BUS1'E K ____ ____..._ _ __ "Olt, no, I Clllrl O !Jllck on nn crrnnd, .N.'lo~1 &nkl were audited and memory to wlsb It otberwl sc, Bewllre of th e 1I 1'~t Inl pntlont "'llI'd, Is pllinlC88 ond ' guarante ed &0 cure Mr, Graves, your found oorreot. IJllnJc PreparIn nt Chester g for Immorta W08 lity • "Thnt was three monlhs IIg0, 1 wos likely to r ouse r sent lllent, Spnvln,l Ungboll e, Curb, SweenyI 8plIn1, bu t tuke , "There Is only one wtiy to get rondy robbed 0 fllW weeks ago?" , Tho floanola l ltateme n'. of 'be to bllve been mnrrled In , PUffs l or any enlargem ent of DODe or "Yes," Ite ullilost for Immortn grouued llty, , audlklr and 'realur er 8ho"ing 'he thought oU,er tlmn the Junc, I hlill no esp 'elnl heed t till! secoml , one, for Ilnd Afte r the Case, t-hllt Is to love ' musclo, or money refunde d. l'IiOiIlOo. fulUmog of my IIfto,r Il llIomeut nf, s~cond t hought, .. auld YOI1 Id eutlfy the money?" th1s lit!' lind live 08 brnvely nnd- cheerA ilion balallO l III eaob fund and a ooouo\ l)rolOlse. Then cnme ro .. ~.v ~ OltUCMisTa Il re\'ulslon ot \lt Is the more llltcly to xlIspern te the , II'nl H '11'110 Illnlntnl nf; thnt ho Is log- fully one1 falth.full "Yes, It the puckuge s hnt! oot been IUY be only obstinu te,-Atchl80U y IlS we cnn,"-H en• , tll,l olqee . ~f ~.l8In~" June 30, teeling, I could not go on with It, 1)0 heMer, by Its uUl'cn ~ollnbl e[lcss, broltOn. l'y Vlln Dyke• i !t ,h,., ..,ere o'.>mJIIPIH4 alld plaoad o~ file , tor us possible I told Ohllrles whllt J "I thInk thIs belongs to you 1" she On _0"011 .b8foll o.lai'ra nsferll llovC! told you, But he ' conI!! not U!liQuietly SlIld us sho hnnded over tbe ---- - - - - ..,e"m alle: From theaudt tor'lIfe e derstand . He became sntche\. , Ilnd told f~ndtG$heq~D'~fllOd'~OOO;&rea •• mewhl loIcllD letom),angry sensesl conld "Upon my sOI1I,!" Ile gnsped 08 be arer'. fee.tuo d &G &he oounty fund, ' send tor blm, ' , , IPS , SIlW the monoy, "nut how-w ben$100; pro.... J11dle'l rte 'llDd to '. "That wlll never be. I told you the wber~ld yoU find It?" , &he oouDt, 'fund TN. CltUTI .T IndIan ocenn hnd bUI'llcd all feeUng "Mr. Groves, you and I , blld a dis10 abe .......r ,of lbe olallD of thl ont of me. ' Thot wus not true, but ,I pute In r{ew York some lime ago obout Bome ~a.p1Ull 00. for , dama"e e buUeved It true until todn)" Thl" Ilf· qualls nnd chll1mooks. I want you to ':" IN TNI WO"I.D ."lbe «I~ay 1A1lrm ul weB .ettled ternoOn I saw hIm on the nvimue -n roll at the Lllrche.~ lind let me prove to tiIB1JSIO!D ~T. ~,OO l'El lor i' big, broud-sh ouldered , ' Ilthletlc.look1nl~ YOI1 thnt quails fly low anti straight ' • - -, IIMne ; D"UDD II,.., .PICIA TUan, wltb ~tendy eyes and u pOl'pOseUlft. uhend, ond thnt clllpDlunks prefe r 'hfJI- DOeTU MIItI, TItA . . . . . . . CA~ tul fn ca. J do not, even yet, know Ill~ low logs to atulldl!}g trees," ,.ND ·au. .1.vICI CAN •• O,r., iiuch 'Of Tree W••ted. ' name, In lhl1t h&has the odvlllltllge o:r And wben sh hnd proctlClllly demo ay UIIMO 1ft ADVIl.T IIINO CO~UMII. About 12 ~ ot o~~ volume of rue, for J u k'd hlill t o cnll thIs eveonstrate d hl!r liS oi'tloll" ho Ilcgo n CnllSAMPLE COPY FREF die O~11l&l"l' ~ I 'Ing e\'ery few dill'S lo tieg her prudon, _ 8n~ ' little ning." , ..I . YOllll CLIPP'~ , _ haii beretqfo M ', ! mIlde of, bark (Copyrig ht, lllJ7, by lh ~ McClure Newspaond It looks (\f< If ~h ' woulll hllve to por 8yn<l l to,) , ~-" acept .. a lOurce ot tannIng extract. wed hIm before be cnu t eeJ'thlit he ltiis Beceut Invelltlgo.tlon8 fiisulted In , the been tOrg! ven, Mnny 0 ",ouln n's comple:ElOIl , ~'lopD1eot 'o f a p~ by which mer~ly II rll ~lt\ ll - , (Copyright, 1917. by ' ,ha MrC luro New"pa , per Syndlcuto,l ....t tanbar~ can be (l1'O.1Ito,,11 ulled In pae 1Dan1lfa~ure o't n ~ph.l,t , abln· II... thereby matel18 11, lucrealli ng the v.b.. cal tbII bart, Wedding Presents In Hungary . , This d~ should be treated as 800n ' . W e\J(IIIlJ,: < J II"'~l 'lIt~ In l:illlll:ury nre IUl tho lI,st ullnatur al 100sune811 ot the bowblll, When this Is dene a liven , u,nl,v tl> P"')l' e"U I)"'~' tn hulp Difficult to Tr.nll.t e. A correspo ndent Henus ' mo nllotiler HIngle dnile of Chambe rlaln'. COUC, Ohol, tbelt) HI l:" t tltdl', h"lJIll t(ll;','tllef'o '010 Ne PlealU ... In n.t. story of the dlmcnltlCA ottentUn g tho' era and Diarrho ea Remedy wUJ effect a prl frl,-a il ' , ..t th" bl'lllLl sl"),,, IItten"DuIlnI." be 7'I!d, "tile linD II 10- tlon , y nlll\;11I1: trnnslatl on of Dlhllcnl metapho nJ In,t o cnre, ThIll rem~:v CM a1wa)" be deot "urIQulI , pended npon even in tho moat IIimIre IIDtI ... to It DIe a 111 per ce"t rat., to &Iodl! 10 hu JNIl'IIII;~CUkll1l the EsklmQ 1I\l1l(11l\l:e, "A mlsslonn ry dangef01 lll CB88II, &lid should be ~ -' .... _ to IDNt tile ~eral rtM tn d1DIr fOfl~t, 'l'hlll'\'! Iii 1Inoot ut Ihe 'wedtDJklne to his convcrt'e -tO-be hlld oeca h&nd r tmtant DBe. Himii' flaw weddllll: cllke, '!' tI()'b," .... n\Pl1ed. "It ...... a. we'rotl Blon to 1t!fer to tile '(lverlall ~ome on a Jotl1'DeY,ntbout It. tlnr crown lnd 11 , bllt ""eh jNilst . . to . . It ... till!, 'll'llat>a tile of glory.' The longuIll!e did not per-.ce1\,1'8 0 kind of sw" t ('ilkI' of tile fit , ..., -wn't mit ~of the precise renderin g, eo the Ia M4I It IUbst"lt'-~' "e .. r.I~lm,' 1 1,1 L'Cltl< Illude In tblap ,..1Ia'ft lll't ' - . .tlle form ot I, rln" "bout t ~ u ', loches 10 phraae W08 turned It, tbe Interpre ter Into tile 'beaatlfa J old bat ",bleh wtU DR. BELL 'S ANT I.pAI ~_r.,....,."" ,~. N


Sax on

Live ry


~'eap big mileage!

H_,E , II



Way nesv ille





'flJ8tJ, • ,






--- -






':v ,





A' McCoy,


Le" .







Ma k·Ing M h e,r c ant W ar ,She








t. __



,,-- ..,



------- -- ..-------

DeHr weer

OId."-Loadoa 0IIItIn &

Dia rrh oea .

...... ...... ...._2 ....... .....


~~--...THE MIAMI GAZETTE_.. ~-~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~ I-------~* _ _ -c$




WU:uNE~\)A\, -

EnI8r~~ "",~:I~,'::H~:'::~~I,:~' ~;',: ;~ '~: !;;:~" ;': lb';is; 'I:rt/o" ~ m.ll








A fresh car of Cem.ent

1',;'-" ======.""------=--",~ =-"..,..:.-:-='"'- -; . . . W8DNE. UAY, ~-- -



_- -----




JUS~ A large car of Fine Shingles


----I-\----W-r-i-t-t-e-n--~-y-o-u-r-c-o-t-vs--O-f--'A-b-le--Co--r-r-e-s-p-o~n;~n-t-5 ~-n--th-e----- I

'.1>0 , .. y~, --='.- -=====









A new car of Brick, suita hie for Chimneys and Outside Walla.


(lor Itlep'J.l~ \ IIIL aooompau led tho ~ev9rlil from our vlolnlty IlUeudMr. flnd Mrs . .Joalllh Davis had 9B Dnhl. 'IlUll[l'/)o{1 li BI'!JI.1Ioh on thulr tr ip ed the ra0 08 lIt \VlIlynon llle the the ir IInoHts tb\! 1>08' wook, Mrs to v ll r i"o~ pI Illt'll o f lut,erest. rtlFuurth . Surll Otlvl~ lind th r eo dBlI g llt er a.o t Wb llU th" IlVR Ul O' . bud" .. 18 111 1110' "WhO'R t he st ra, D ~ r, . mother deur? f.nrn d hu we 1:!f411'1 lay (Du uh . "lIl e , MI~8 Anne D os \er w os ~bopplng X eDill; Mr . und Mrs. I.lloy d Dllvi" 00 t llb Rlldin' nt thl1 tillY Lf)n k ! bllltl1ow~ Uo, IIln"t be queer !" tltl't1 n uli hll"" Vi .n<l ~ , ~f prllise for in l:iar l'eys burg llleG 'I'ueedILY morn. tlod BOil. Uecilllnd (J} o nQ J<~dWILt(] P, Aod It roll"w I'~~II! f,,"m Il,bor, "Hu~h Illy o wn, d Ub ' l, &Bll< 110 wild; UIO ~o mp'lIny' hOI '1. b"llty . lilg . of Dayt oD. Obio. ~Iollk h,' lit hi. pipll o · II IIIY, /;/e', your flltlul r " fl ,ire,,' ohlld." 'fll rb'H IlfHhln' ,I"es hi ... ~o ll1uoli Our Iitt.ln pi ty and " I Inlt·N WIlS Misses N ,,1110 MoGulnD, of Kiln. Mr. lind Mrs . Wl\lter Wileon, Mr "Hil'~ 1lI1' rlltber~ No SlIob 'bing! Kood. he rOTtau!' 11]1 nr d OlV n. w ul1-1' pl'cSenl.' ld o·t' 'W ~sn .. villa 0 8 11 . CIty It nd Vlrgln.ia. 'l'llylor , of oud Mr~. Ha vmo nd Wil ~o n 8ud ~'lIt"!lr .d ierl II W".V IA~t ~lJ rtn ~. " 1>11 tbe IIttI I\Mu,,'ry plllJllr frilill hl~ "~-u! " or dldn·t· die. you' r1ob ! t·III·Fo urtb . O',neotou/.'ul\1 1.0tlSWGB W/t m lng't o.D waro the g ll e~ t 80r l'. dll n gbter RI'U~t Hondny wHit Je8sB old how" t OWD . oh'll! n jud l:e t(l dellllll 'o wb o hl\ll tlle F. MJGolnn'Rod family IIl8t weel< Dnino!!! and fllmily, ot New Bur. Fu tb er j oloed 1\ ~Ql flng ol nb w ln nlol( b o rl!'e Mr. R o, Cam p spoot!l few dBYS lillg ton. 1I ,,,ln ' &1\ tbi'llr of bM Uty, Im'lt's Bttt tbey ' ve ol IJserl t ile olu b, BO hn Mi sses P o ullne lim ] Ul , of Xllnia, wHll Chlls. Ell is and d ll ughtere I.. st Mr. Otis Prl\mer, :M r. (Jo n well H~s n o plnoe ~o gu, you ~ee .prin' bin', alwclYIi oll\lI'n . Ilod E:i ll le n i:I ,wit , of l:i l'r1D~ V .ti oy, week, ond M • . tond MrR Park lind so n, of Bn' It ~lral"lllonH ont bl~ t emper No pllloe left fo r blm to r OIlIntLI' e ~plmdll\ g th1tt wo ek wHh th e Ir Miss Len l1 Ellie s[> lnt the F onrth X e llla, BtI·onded meeting lit (JROlltlr~ 'rbat Is wh y b e'" oom ln g b orne . ~ .when " (1lIler'II teelin' m illin, Creek ouud llY . -J& tak ea tb e wrlllkills off h is f .. OIl, KI ~s blm, be w,' n ' t bIte you, Child, Iln Ie, Willi I1I1l hidfll. Br l\nl! fUl.Dlly. In Le blmon .,Ith t,bo Misses hahel ehns W'lo Ue ld WI 8 m rrled tu .. nil Almu Lilmb. All tbem golfiug II look wild. " The MI/l8el Lel"h Bogll n And and brushes off tbe fr ow n, - Bookt liy Ted. M r~. l'rloe, ·of Wll mlna Ion, on TnursQuite I!. nurnMr from tbls plncfl FrAoo"B Wil ~on Ilnd Wt!ld on WII ~on Th", lihl e oo unl,y p'lIllr fl'orn hh <lily iJlghll b y R , ~t" gent. nt,tc nd ed 'he (unerol of Mr. Fre,d tInd BAvlln .Tenkin8. of WII'.l,lugton, old h ow e towo. !lotoed to Clifton tl oodllY . 'l'l:l n PY~: hin[l ·lat. Ir B at M ap lo t:!bulle h'8~ woalr. It tells of .,11 the Pll rLles fin ' the T ' ntple ... e~.t to liln.rlu vill e ·..tnrd",. Mr~ :E~bel ~D1ith and snn, Robort, Mrs . J osiah Davis a~t, cndod the blllls of Pnwpklu Ruw. night to .. u laf I II nl' 3 ioltillti on of 'Were ~lllllnR Iu Harvoyshu!'g 'o/3un. fOD rill of ber oousln. Will Uo rry, of Mhunis bnrj\, T ue dRY . 'Bout who Silent ISuoduy with hiH sevel'al olludldflt. \8. tJl\.v ..ftoruo oll. girl, "od h ow 'h e ofl ivs' 1i Krow ; Mr. au" MfR. W El. BOlllln . Mr. T. F. At '(1 ulnn and fa mil .v (roter MI'. Fr .. nll Sb I(\u)(, ~ r Slll'Int t.wo Bow 1& keepli "fellow 1I0HI ell 'ltoul Ilnel Mrs R L . BogAn. li:vun Bogun da ." s laBS weok lu LOll U')". Ohio.,llfl<\ oo mllllllY on thu Four!.h . who'lI up lU1I1 whu 18 dowu, Mr. M!<url(le 'I ',ll al,Q Iwd w ife. of _ __ _ _ nn u W. B. O'Nellll worn goes t fl of Tbllli' II ulo ouolltry 1"1 1,ur frulU hi .. ChIl.B. Warw lok PlD(l fumt ~ y. ot Leb. Now York , nr" V l ~ltlJ1K r4~ tRli\'ol'4 old b OOl8 to WD . bere . Ru o n, Handil Y. Mr8 Osee ( !IOIiVI Ir of X·oull,. anI] J I:furner Bnd fomil y, of nOBr C h'orlsb t by Pllring". 'Now, I like '0 r el!d th e dnllios , AU ' Xenlu , olll1ad 00 n. E J ouos . aod Mr s. B Beutl oy . ,;[ WI1~'neBvill('. W II Hto o n~, wlLnt not . the 8tory pape r 's '00, famil y 8 unduy oitt'rnoo n. Tho high oostor Jiving Is tbe whine were goosLS or t . \ el r 81 t,er, Mr~ . And a' Ume. the Jllll er DavelRlin' FreDk B'o rn sbell, I~ I t l'h. urs(lBy of lite. Elijllh Compton, of ullyton. @pent 80me o\ber lralh,..::..don·, y ou ? Mr . J OMe ph J es~o 1) of Xeo l.. , was to t he wlvee Is: "Em. Tuesday with BOrll.oe CJmptou lind Bot WhOD 1 WilDt lIome r au dln' OIOAll tword " caillng OD frlon!lij b h'G Tl lursdllY. Ulat'lI brnlb away the trown Mr. nnu 1\(1'8. Geo Ollvl" and family. If tb e s boe fllll keep 00 wearing it. Mrf\ . Enrry 'b l d l liter h l\s been on m ot her. lib!'. Mary Catberlne O/l.'VIS. I w"n~ littlo paper fr o lll my Mrs R. L . Bogl!ln hl\d all her B t sa r 00 garbl1ll11 oan t haD Ii foll t,ne 61011: h~t tbe Tl~ It w~k:, . old howe 'own. .. Mr . und M rs . (,ilenn Ollvl~ and aOo, ~tle~tB MoodilY IIfterooon Urs. W. o no. Mr. Ilocl Mrs Fr ml: ' llf.doJter (In- Rober t, Mr and Mrl'. Elvin FIres E . Bogan lind daugh ter. Mrs . Eva - f be PenllloSII (Kdn ,) 'rlm08, It's a wise ratber that ,rOWI hl~ t e rlnlneLl at Hoppel ·TuP.Sd.ny ItvUDI llg und fallllly were the Sunday gueste Wd.rwiok aod danKhter , Fuy Lonlse, ---.~ ......- - owo or op, of JI1S' week, Dr. {".10m. Idmlth, ana of Ernest MIlDnon and family. ot Llbs,DOD. Belluty Is lOIS thlln ~ kln deop-III fAw ll y, of 0.., t on, Ilr. Ai "itl .fianBY Mre . Bl&ool111 RI ' \h Is v isiting belP a putatu. Mr . and Mr8. Howard Burley IIDd flimily aod .11s8 Belsle and 80n, Frnuk Ilnd fl&lU lly, In Lebanon . Broad sOIlI·t e r ed from t h e bnoIE Mader WilY ne 81J .la111re.a-, 41psot Sunday with b e r pnrents, . Mr. Mis8 Bert bl\ Warwiok. of nellr d on r, Is t he obuff of li fe. IUld Mrs. J oslu b DIIVI8. Rev. Wn]ker fj l1edthe pulple &$ Utloa, I. visiting b er uunt, ,Mrs. ErLt to live; tbere 19 no vir tu e In &r.reru l from this pll\oe I& tteml ed thll Mo . E ohn ro b . iLlnolly .. ,,!1eruo(ln. Al vu Lu(li'lgL l)o. living I 0 en~ . Ihe jlfjrvloe BnnddY lit New Burlrng- IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . . " Ca n lluterest vou In Iln attlloh_ William. Lov'.tb' -wue Rllen n poh When p rOs llerlLy nI ell I n at tho Alr Wm . Donn lind fllm ll y, of IOU whl ~ h WIIS In oharlle of t he m unt 'or 'YIJ6Wrlttl r ?, 118ked wlnd J w. glu bage shps out at tbe o ur 8\I'OU.8 S Ul'dllY with his new oeur till ver lirove spe'tJt ~plldl1J at. Rllilrollod Ue D, of X.nia.• Uhlo. Oountr. Club 14 u t IIJ mobile, (jorue thln g fornoon wHit (jeo. Bogan lind wl~tl. 'b6 agent, 111'1 he e ut el tld Ihe oruot! door. Uha uo oey B unn oll autoed to Cin "Nu (lbllnoe," rl! plled Mr. lIrooch, A rOllorif.'d purse ollnno. live in ,hit' is very n1 fl;y . Miss Audrey' Cleaver, of Lebano n , (Jinnuti !:!und~y. "I'm 8 1tJl P11l'iJ'lI ali.nony on tb u h llrmo ny with Ii fuU f(llrbage pllil, i r om tlmo • 0 Un 19 tb& .,knookers 18 ",penel lng her ..'umarer viloation 'THE WORlD'S RIroRI> CLOSE Th o Only Ch ance. -------.~ -• 'reog~b 'he IHtaollment I bud -Florid a Extension Hervloe . are beurd tiXJ:l resalll B thOm.l3 l vetl r e- with. relatives bbre, lfrs. :fobuson- "How does ro' teel 'or my 1..lIt 'ypewrl tllr." IJllrdlJl g our 11gb ts. Tbey are like ~~.~----,dill Inllwnlo·. Joe'" Mr. JohnRnn-"I MisII tfeleD Bartll.'lok splint sevbe autJOIU (~bi Ie-the y bave oome to ernl doys of 11I8t week ht Wllynelll f"cl s hnd-mlghty lind I I wish <lut ,STAT~ ' ' . Elijah Up to IOate. '".V. and ~()'(l mlRbt 68 waU W Ike vllJe. I'ro\'ldcuc would have IllIlSRY on mil , CREAM B enny WU M I loklng lit n picLift.. Ut' your 'Illtnd8 to "b.. t eO ec~. A We ulJ~r Oue ·Hllfld,('d Olllllul Re,l\'ard Several from ber e e~elJ' the Fourth ture or EUjoh going te II u\'en III IL ou' tllke me." lIfrs. Johnson- 'HOlV go IL to t\ snd In CIID ron Ilxpec' It to e.t YOII WOlI't tAke io Wl\yueevllle . . for ""Y ease of Cullurh Ihlll "~lIInot be ~hlrty tl\,\mlles be OelU ,f,ell · -who are cllurl ut of Brc. l"ui lltinlt to the hAlo de doc tor's meLllclnl""-l'ucll. ~u",d by H.II's Calal'rh lIIrdlrillc. the b008tOJ'8 fUld 'Who ,lire the . ·Mr . and MI~. Bl\lIte IBflttbawl\Y ftlt()ut th e llropb t's h and. H'IHI e)(HaU', (;ulaurh M, dlcine h"s ''''cfl'akcli kn 0oRer8. 10 B very :fow 'Cn st.nnoell a re r "j ololng " ver the t;r rl val of 1\ clllimcd : "S·. 11111 IUIllU , IItj'13 Cll.C-s,Y· by Calafl L. slIllerers ror the PU SI I hlrt y"Wh,' 18 thd wom a n on Il 80R\) we find. ... "hlls-baen ' booster: • bot It. baby dllngbter, atnr'\I!Y, .July 7th Inc 1111 cxtm' tire." five Yl'('fO . Ulht hilS l\crome k ll., WU us t he btlll talltlnR "bout ?" Social Arblten. It! to be d onbted thllt htl eve" Wtl811 moat rcllabl" rtofUed y lOr ull urr h. Hall's An loe o r e~m 80011\1 w ill ' be given "~h9 liaY8 sbe wanta a v ote ." bOD eer. 1'8 ' Dnce • • >oos ter Ilt Wellmlln lIohool hou e, 't.I,mrday ·llis . DlIsher-"No. deor; you·mustn·t Call1rrir Medicille nC l s thru the .alood on "Well,l 'm In (nor of leStlng bor agllnulu. Ih" Mucous IU.CUl'C!S. upelllllg the Polson bave Il, Sbe 100_8 as if s he haR lway... booste.... Invlt the Funnlngs nod the J eromes eveoil1g, July Uth. You ..,e Ig_ Cram Ihe Blood ulld heoling th. dlstased tor t.b ·.....ame evening. T be tlVO rum· \ Un,. lng Wbll8.ll. m al~ Dg pl o w. ~I ted to aHend. I Royalty's TolllnQ Bell. Dever bad aoything hi 1\11 ber 1Ife ponlun,. lUes doo:t spenk." Dosher-"Foll Ollt I nil corn, lobllCOQ fl od POtRtC'4 ~ are Mrs Geo. Ollvle "Uended P .«I1lllln ' Or Tom. the . chh·t bell or st- over ·the chll4reo. I presume." Mrs. After you bove talten Holl's Ca ta rrh Ihat I'he waoted. "-Bal&lwole Su u, beh'l( l_dul lled hiby OIU IndQS1 Irlooa BI8ter lodge nt C lllrk ~vlJ1 e Satl 'Ir.i\~ l PAlIl'~ cathedrnl. L ooLlon. Englnnd. ,,, ~ Ueclldne' for a Iho rt time YOII will lee u Dnahcr..-':No; ..~clr cooks Ilullrrcled." fn rmere tbroug.ll,ont t llillIlleotlC>1 ',lind ey.nlng K'e8tlmprovC!ml'Jlt ill )'our gcnem l heallh ' on l y tolled 0)1 th'> dellth nOlI thl' fll -LIfe. e,<n' d.lrym.n'. wlfo could vote It 10 011111 at thla wrltiog' ,,(to Vf they Siurt laki,lg Hall's CaIQ«b Medicine 1I t Mr and Mr~ )ohu Wolfe @p "-'fl u ernl of uuy or the roy III fnmtl y. of 'When cream seoarators ore up ror _re going to be paid 'f or 'bolr rU8l1rlay with th'8l r POll. Ray. a -aId ·thoe hi hnl' ot Loot] a n. tho denn ot St. once and I,(et rid of catarrh . ::;e lld Cor clection.- a U. S. CREAM SEPARA· effort-a , reSlimooia l , free. TOR would atways win. handle down, falUlly. noor tJlarksvllle . I mJl"s. or the lord mnyor. -- fl. J. CH8NIIV 8: CO, Toledo. OhIo. lhc creamery manRgers knew ihe The Chlcl Leuffue wfll meelh a' the ... Reading on the f'um. unsanitary cond ition of mnm"eep4 Vioill J o rdl1!l "pent two day'" Bold by ull Dmgg •• tl, 7Sc. home at MIll!. M.l\l'tb B I.oje n!ll, tillt. of Mls8 orators which serve ltIern.- they would Upon' most morlern fu.rm s mill' be jast week wUb MI8S Idav Barlan • . be even more unhmt (ar the WIle of nrdl\Y uftEJrooon, July lltl at 2 tou nrl !""t",r'es t I nl( h(lol!!!. U. S. SEl'ARATORS. Mother-Wlllle,oome here. o·o)ocl!;. AlJ mern b erB U 'OTE' ~g ested nUlir Biokoryvllle . iC!p ly One Cure for 8el",hne ... . ond lbc dlrtly pllp!'r. wh,' re In th" pOllt Willie-No, I "on'" to he }lr eson~, Mr." . Walter Tibbals jl~ quite 8101( 1~lwe8s Is Il Ilisense, uDll, ot the nn.l'lent 1I1mnnnc nll(l n f e w othcr M o~he r.- O me, ilarltng. DIIolhal th iS writing . c '<I1rS(!: io Is nUeode!1 with poili. It III marl' or 1(' .q' lIIUll tt'restlng books were el'" give yoq a n apple If you'lI let Miss Glenna Ii: III Ion Is vlsltlulII n, V . u'\I" or th o mind wblell bus Its b U~d. . he r WIlIIJ YOU.-BORtOQ MIss B t le n tfnrtsoolr. , \Iuul ( e1reet on tho body. And r CPlJto uon Tue Ju ni or Prl!'cilla 01 0 11 meetll Its Cl ~ Is j thO dcllbernte prnctlce JIO" will leI ",,, . how JY.l1I how mucll /J e.lltler wl$h the MIRslla Rut b lind Esther -or Its f-ipposft,e. . It j,.,I;o keep tho U. S . SSP· ARA 'l'ORclcnn Dndrwnl.... IDlldeand Edwllrds.l:'luturdll.V', Joly IHb. _ ___~...__ ••~_ _ Oltls~dfl8ci



Is hard to get at a ny price, but our


stock is complete. Come in and talk over your need. with us at



Madden's Lumber Yard


-Corwin, Ohio.






UNITED ......



Uranger 0110


.- .

---- .. -----





WOOL WANTfD I want to buy your











Born to Dr. !llld Mrs . • ca. n T d OD, IIIII~ SnndllY. a duuglr.cor_ Wool and will pay For I ~Ity ' 8ea\l,t lful. Mr, 8nd Mrf!_ Clifford ti:kl ' lbart -'Vhy (lid ~ ")'D gin} tltnt .u W/lll·lookyou the highest Walter, tbis kolfe I~ blunt, and enter tained t he former's ll' a ther , Ing tromp a ill ~ 7" "Oh •. UI~r .. l:v BS a the lI&ellk hI like le!l'her." ' from Wayoetivlill I , :iunday. Market Price • • . small cnntl'lhu, "on J(lwu.r'l~ , o: l t~ Im"t:low'd It do to sCrop tbe knife Buber' Nu]) and l tJhester W d~er. provement. He ".. nb?d !t .tt,lC, ':1I 1'11\m on the 8teak, slr? "- BOII~On TraDIll Ollin l'n .. de /l' buali leSIi trip. to Ltfbtl. Born to Mr. 8nd Mrs. 1!'rILnk Muft to the n ext towu. 'f non Mond'"" . hUI), II. six. vonnd girl. ......-.. P . K. Pence 80ud D. ::lrllldl1 8pellt Mrs. &y Whltlloro Roel daughter, Wm;lnelldllY In L.,'oflno D. OoriS. of Oaytou, tlt'e visiting Mr. His Ambition. Rev. Lyrely. oil Mt, PI(\. iallnt, vlt _ and Mrs. J . R . Whltaore. , That Wu Lonl' EnauQ,~. nOD "1'11 '1. l;lntl ",11('n I Io;et Itl/: nnugh I~ed friends h llre a ooupl e of day 8 w~ ~~ to I\'n~h my' own flll·(.. .. Rlll(1 Ilt tlo IUl'lt w eek. Rev. LYfely 11'1\ pa!!./) r MIHS Mayme l:J, uro ess. visiting HI7!lJ'y. aced flv!'. h"ld Wen I!l'Ot " ~ her l1nule uod. u uot, Mr. a.nd Mill. n illthy. III! his moll'!'r nnl~h".1 the o)lerof the 1I.'rman Rflformerl oh urch 0 I tlllny Weaver , In DllytOD, for 1\ o slorle to llllrcbu81! n p,l1.Ir ot f>tocldngs: Waynesville, Ohio nllnn. "Why 80. lil',ir?" shl' A!lkcd. 'h;s plA08 for'" DOllll'Jer o{ YIltI r8, "Ho\\' lon~ do yuu \\,n nt: thcm 7" flllkcd week, tho clerk. '".[ don't wlt.nt to botllOw '" 'lise thlln 1 WOIl 't ""I!'h It,', he reVaUeyPhoDe ] 35 Mr.s . hnDcdllJ N u].l,I!O O "del doogb )1l1C!L Mrp K )berl, G IY!ln and, four sonl', tllt'Ill." r pll c~\ Hl'nr)' . "l . wllnt ' t r Rod MI 69 AIi~ . t:!u r e spens 'ht ,If DFl yton. nre vi B ItLn ~ r elatives keep." I \ ,. Foort,b.· of ,lu ll' at V~naalla, f h l here. .' g0 6 "t, ~ of Mr. "n~ .Mr • ,. \v. ltot l\1 Rt'bpo Q Wober t1IUl returoed nagln ..lId OIlUII' Il tnr • . h n l1l (l fro rn /I II ve W Oil: 's visit with M:r". Ed Mf)U 1 ~omary <If F' t l!ln li: _ ro!allV U8 In Cl uctnuflil. Fred L. Sbeppy, 170 N. · Halete4! 1iD ,~pe n & S lllUttlaYwlfth Al'n, JllSBV) Mrs loin ", tltuutousbeDller enter. Street, ChiC<l&'o. III.. C'o n ora l Sales Leloh~y . tlliued IH)r I'>rutber, t:jid Lamb !loG 'M anngor of tbe In rge~c COIlco rn 01 Its M"IIY lfit~8 , 0 tb Minn \1 V ullo; ~ .vi I • at I.ytlo. las t ' uudllY. killd In tho world. WII(ltEi thrc or Btlilpi AI ~['6nt SUnall) wlt,b pal .. Mr. Rod MrH Chlls B le ls t ord and t ou r men In this co n nty nnd sovornl ent~ h er a. . Mr un(l Mrs . . !:tarry W.eaver, Of m c n In adJolo lng cou nUoll, to work Mu. J o"eph Ruue ll IlO ' \ eon , of O"ytoo,.motored to \Vu.YDIjBvllle a.nd tnr him spare time or a ll the time. no".. 'entel'ville. IV, r o 01 Illlng 'on attenoed the Fourtb of Joly oelebn He ClIn u so oilly tbos~ who have a frlen d~ here FrldllY. Lion tber e h,st \Vednesria ,r, rIg or anto. Work Is lliensnnt Illld BRl'VI'IY Mong or 1£If . per ~llg Ute Mrs. Curl Hmlth h~B retnrDAd w(lsk wltb ti l 8 8011 101be W e!!t: h om o from tb e MoCIe.llll'D hospital QO prevtnu8 SO ilin g exp erlonce 18 MIAS ll.rl;)bel Gilplu has Ileen eo- whero 811 0 uD~etwent flU ~pen"<;II' . oeC08SIU'Y. ~ork CODsU;ts of len vJne a wondereul 'Dew h ouseltold necessity ' ertrllol ug 1\ girl friend tro lt t C olum- for IlI>pe ndloUl8 two wee ~lI ago. .' bo~ , A sou 01 E a rl Burneul!. of nenl' ID the bomcs 00 fr oe trill!. Teats at ~1~8es Re ua aDI' Leoll J UlJler, of Middle RnD. hall bee n unde r the morq thim tblrty of the leading UnlI:'Iprlngfield. wore orilllng on rind ot Or. Vani mtln, of thi8 plaop" versltl1:8 o.nd the Government Bureau · M1'I:I. TbomllS son . at Stoodlll'de sho~ this article to be S Ullday but Is DOW iI\owlv IUlprovln8" aUernooo. four times efficleot a8 article now - - -... ... . !.Jr, O,D(\ Mra. KIDg Bod do In general use in this section. Artier", Sllhter , ; or Utloa, ~ lleDt So ndllY wi til Mr. , Is neede. In every rural bome and Bod Mr~. Cbllrlell Ban Found Not Wanting. 11 , beiredts every member of tile hOllseM.r. and ·Mrs. W. B. BII Wlrled l Hn!lc~. so lhey Sill', \. 111t,v cd :'Wlth hold, brin ging cheer, ' comfort Qod spent the 'iitb lit [)lIyto o, t.he euests ' good 1I)lonl.l on9. )U \:llil\ntly thcse huve happinees into the bome. Not neces,present average prices fo~ kerqsene and of .Mr. liDd Mis. W. V . Cre " aod ll'rov d to 1)0 II. ~l1tp()rlor ~O l·t at lUllt~ sary to be aWIIY tram home nigllts. rlt[ullv. rlul tor IIIWIIl!; purposes, flS ,It WQuldn t Pay from $6 .00 to $15.00 pe~ day 110: kerosene engines save gasoline, ... IIDt ' «lo; ~'ou koow, to hll" Q the streets of lllillA TrotwMIln, of DllytrlU ,. cording to abtuty and number of their owners ' al?out I.Ic~ ·per horse power per p ..1) tthut place tOI'll Ull ull Ole tlwl!. -ExSfI,urday the gueet of M~~tI .m wllnD bomes visited. :In Wl'ltlDg Mr. ShipBrnlOU p. , ..£hllDge, nour over gasoline engines. . . ) P)', meotloll wbat towl1sllIps will , be ------~.~---.~--Brullonp Hathawoy eft lalO I 'Week Figure it this way. On an 8-horse engine the savmost coo venient tor yoU to work in; tor 8prin gBeid Rf t-~'t "iI ex "'oeled wbat your regular ocoupatloo Is; ing is 8.8c. an houri ' 88e. in a lo-hour d ay, :!i88 in IO<) ' vltol t with hie Ilubf.~ )lls8 u~m aiSrns l your' age; ma'r rled or single; how oup . The Bonehead Contest.. days. of work. Say that aU your engine "Cioes in a , My cntry tllr the bllllulu."ud cbamp- loog you have Uved In the comyear. . . , • {,usl,lp Is the y,fllng geut wbo holds munity; what kind ot a rig or Guto It would cost you $8$ m~re than you nee~ to pay, to " ,. .; : t h e olrug ~Ior(\ phOll1l for 00 minuteS. )'ou bave; wbetber yoU wlsb to work Demand ~r Shorter Hours run an 8-horse I:'asoline engine o ne y~ar. 1 hat IS more r -~'elllng sweet nothings tutu the Cllr of spare time or steady; how much time ThQ (I!llllun(l ~ r IIh()rl er work tllaa'a third 'Of the price of the ell ~ine. Gan you afford to ' (lIuJ'1! ; tils Indy love. whtl 17 NII:Il II\J' W CIl ;rou will bave to dev~te to the work: "n tes, hnck . lnll1 th(l ('I;::hI CL;nth C, throw. away $8S a ·year? CfI,n you afford even t think o( ' utUIl-;r : 're wlll tio): to .lI se the ID!ltrUWQ~t,-: wheo you l!IlD start. and about hcnr In Jl:nglnllli, IIn,l l u I\hnut til., ti n buying a gasoline engine wh en you can gC\t a Ti~n that uHit mllDY bomei are wltblo Ilx mUes of rthl.!l\, ~ieW': York Jllvlllling • _ Mull. _ _'_ . " thtl 8llCOild wllr with EnghlDll In uses kero!lenel See the 'titan dcaler and talk thiS over. YOIl In eacb direction. This 18 a country. IQ b/IUI countrl s It 0 1I\Hei He has some. int~restiDr figures to show you. sptendld opportunity fQr leverlll men Its' ndvent Mth the "llvel Olllllcnt of ltttef in thlII eounty and eountles adlolnln. :factory ~em; unknown 10 till!! C! tl'7 unw about 18t2. to man «ood monel'. workins stead, (ODqt01 I, or .par.tlme. Bome of the deld men ~ -------.~ earn ,aoo.OO per month: olle fanner earnac! fl,OOO,OO worklq .pare Um. 0Dl7. No IilYelltmtlllt or bond ...... ....". A. few. lID.. to wID




by ~honel llorIPt. _ _. __. __ ~ntl"'17




- -----



Kerosene Engine? Titan



latenaatieulllamller o-..


QuICkly Ih.






. . . ,-,.UII1UJl;


much.nlcolwasllet ocrubo,

. Ihen you will be no ple.sed 10 own I \J; S. SEPARATOR 118 I om to lotrOo




ONEY loaned on llve stock ohat tels "nd 8eoond m ortgagell Note8 bonght. ,l ohn 1l0rbinEl, Jr. ,

Allen .BuUdlng,

~e ol .. ,



. After i SIIOW you, sec If. you caD -Goo' ally' '1l'hor separator 80 88Pit ary'• . Ii yoll C~,nnot ;- thed bu}' a 0. 5 .- ....lle World s Record

dose skimmlojt seplU'ator.

, ELMER -nOGEJlS Waynesville, Ohio




out t han ot/,I!I' . I/nllar ,\Ievia!o.- how

"""Ids nnd drlealheskimmlne parta.-


----_. . .

Can You Afford' Any but a Titan








Clean Proposition


- '-


-- -


--. ~

BugllY lIud a. st..t 1 In good tlhape . of!oe.

of BIlrU 3~ G. till lo(}tIlire tit tbl!! . jt1~5

o!!OO ml -lJPJn d MoCormiok bind e r, cheap. lr.q nlre ot ,Iob.u Be!1O b.

A It [I, .Z,

IIvnesvillo. Ollio.


.Plt.tlt8, 250 per humr,ml. C ELERY lo.qwrt) D. oLC bIHI. ::Hrt\u~e , I~.

Ii, WaJ':'lesvllIll, '>!.lla.




BEAUTY Unq~ellioned

.durability and .. exct~te design . • '- the IUahest ideal. in . plated ware-are lWured m '.poons, forks, and fancy serving piecea ~ tIMt reDowned tracJe awk

'. 1841 ROGERS BROS.T~P~E various makes of ·.averplated tableware: '-WhiCh are c:laimed to be ··jult as good," but. like all

imitations, ~ lack the beauty and w~ _qua)itr, -identified witbthe original and genuine " 0 0 _. . ' ..... popuIarIy known.. '·S617 PIaI;i!iQ, W ..., ....• ~':~. SOld Ii}' -~ dealers eftlI)'Where. _ Seaa .. . . . . . . "O-L" IhowiDg aD desipI.



A Wonderfu laving


L>",""::-;';~h"'...n orl

Mr. 81141 I\lr~. Ih<1l"1 I'bephcrd. anll F lqi,· ]t,lIiS. II \1~ht~r of Mr I lid i\1 r~ . l'lint l'o~s. 01... a ma rch Ilwi l' parrllt . ' ,lIHl , I:!l1t to Co,, ing! I Ky ., la.t TuesdaY . .l1ud wer i'narri(>ci. Ttl yo unl< couple are r . ~ ,I"ing the congratula tions of Lhelr !nan,. fri~ rul ~, J jl,~



14th of

--- - ~


- --


_~eleb~~tio~ ,

en Pac ~Pu",. ~201

. Lady Hall - ·Stewart. .•. .. ... (i RCRinH- Gray ...... .. ..... .... I Dullie R - liawh ..... ......... 1i Mary B-Baily ......... .......:! Bill)' P-Oixon .. .......... .... 3 Black Hal I<- D o~ le r ... ..... 4 B t timo- I :1


6 6

1 8 ! 3 4 6 ·1 4 0 " 6

. ----- -

ATliLETle EVE TS Pickle or brine !lull hie vege tabl ,g . in c rocks. Between the rl\ces Lhe field events Thc ~()()ner h~l(\ the can, t he freshe t wn e pulled oIl'. Bud ell ch event was 1\ hum mer and ve ry milch enjoyed . Ule taste next winter. Thtl ladies walkin g contest was un The sca rcer· fres h veHetnbles ar l.:, IIX tra nu mber and creatcd a great the more valuable are the canned deal 01 mer ri mon t . • S OI1lB of the ones. ladles walked. 'I;o nle ra n. Ilny way to !relthe $5 in golt! that wa hunl{ up for the winne r. Mr . Lura Wernt z dr"ve nulla in b'oarrl:l thllt did credit to Homo of o ur Cl1rp nt e rl!. In fact, e very rontes t wa \' ry in tf'r esting to those who w 'Lncsscd l hem . The results Bre liS f ollo ws: Fancy F reestone Peaches. Cali· F IELD EVE 'TS fo rnia Cantelou pes, Wpe '1'0 matoes. Beans and Onions . fiO yard dash- John 1<ierman . Xe· nia. 5 25 sec . Water Melons 1Q() yon) dash - J r,lm J{ i rman 1st, · lL ·t'C ; Ilu~s{·Jl Surface :i nd o Valcncia Orangel:!. Fancy . Lem· 22U yard daqh- J uhn Kie rman 1st, onl:!. :i6 :,!.f. ee.; Ru ·11 Su rface 2nd. !)l 0 yare! run- L on ' Holla nd , 2:32 New Cr eam Cheese, Longhorn James SntterthwR it ~n d . Cheese. Wafer Sliced Dried Beef. Bologna. Mince Ham. EYE TT S Franks and Weiners . riO yard dash- Jus tine Chase 1st, 6."1 sec; Gal EvaTls ::! nd . Chick Feed . Hen Feell. Cracked 100 Ybrd das h- Gale Evan. 1st, 12 Co rn. KlIn Dried COrn" Meal. . sec.; Elmer H uston 2nd Waynesvill e Meal. ll ,tching a nd driving co ntestP ure Paris Green, now is lhe I Bruce Carr 1st. Ray Starr 2nd. time t(l buy .


Thl8 Stromberg carburetor for Ford cars Is guaranteed to save 25 ~'o to' 50",) on ga.sollne. Either Carage will fit same on your car and if yoU are not satisfied ofthe blg68vin~ will replace your old one.



Tin Clln ~ . Milso n J ars. E Z Jars, Pa?bwax, Sea ling Wn, Tin Lids, Maso n Lids.


Br ing us you r Chicken\!. Hutte r Bnd Eggs. H i~ h est pri 'es pa id. Cash or 'Crade

Eye. tested free

A le tter received f rom James W. Davis contains lhe interesting n ews that on Wednesday of this week he ~~~~======== sail. for Huvre. France. on the 18~am shiP Pl eiades. He goes in Tro the Gazette's Wan t Ad charlt'c of the three gun cr.ews on this ;r II once vesee!.

Lebanon -:- Ohio

-mElE555J'BEI~5JII:JEI55:lI [::J e'===511 IE] f

..:a l::J


I .. e




' ack r81: e- Myron' Thomas 1st; Fl nyd Dauj; hters 2nd . Fa t man's race-F. C. Hartsock 1st; f ran k Uraddock 2nd. Lean m em's race- Guy Carr 1st; B. H. Kelly 2nd . . Double race. one leg tied- H oward Whi taker and cth Thomas . Women' s nail driving contestLura Wern tz . Swi mmlIlIl contest-Donald Hen· derson 1st; Floyd Daughters 2nd. Walkini con test for wt'men-Mrs. B. R. Kelly.


==-:1'[;'=31 B E'==



You Can Save and Save 'Immensely During the Closing-Out Sale of the B. S. Howell . Stock, 'consisting of .

DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, fURNISHINGS EverJ' item of which is included. And such extreme!ly low prices named, that everyone is benefited by patronizing. this Great S.ale. Coine ~t on'ce, as the time for such bargains as these 18 growing ahorter• . •



i"SOC~TY- "iiNTS-r f-...··...··.....··..·_................!······

•:,: :. ' ::Wllk:<m~"::=:


at dlnn or Sunday the Miss~s Edna Deatherage. IreT)1l Unglesby and Alice Carey.

- - --

Mias Alice Gar~y en tertninl'd a a 12 O'clock dinner Wednesday th e : Mi sesEdna Corne ll. Corinne Wel ch und Messrs, Irving Welch. Van He tallick and t\1fred Wright.


w.dded . couple on the Miss Marif.! Hartlock entertained Lawrence a bunch of e ight joUy· girls of Cen· tihepherd . tervilie, Thursday. June 21, 1917. Man bringIng mos t people In one The afternotln "YM spent in pla!mg vehlcle- Ctl,8s Ryne Bellbrook 15 games and mu sIc after whic h a light people on tl'uck. . • 'Iun~h was 8er~ed . Among ~h08e Oldest person on g round-Isaac present were: MISSes Lalolt'a ~llIer, K 11 85 Th Amy Bradstreet. Louise DaVIS. Lu e y. . e next youngest was ci lle Taylor. Me ryle Moon. Helen Jos. Carroll . 114. LearIe, Ed M C 1 h d M ie Largestfamily on g rounds-Henry ' na C ou OUi an ar Satterthwaite, 8. Hartsock.

grounds-M r . a nd Mrs






Ladies' Race Otlrs tha t

fi T1l ~ h ed .

(One half mile) Driver Car 1 Mrs. Mark s-Soxon 4 2 Mrs. KeIlY ' -Saxon 6 3 Mrs. Baily-Saxon 4



Men's R,ace-5ixes in our

' Tlme




Is at hand , and we are ready to handle it. We will pay 'the highest qtarket pr.ices. Our. house will be open six days a week. We also. furnish storage on wheat for flour, Come in and see us. We are here for. honest business and as a serving station for the farmers.

Mr. and Mra . J . H. Curtis enter· tained Sun day the following gUlIsts: Mr. and Mrs. GhM. GurUs. son and daughter, of Wilmington; .MrJn.d . Mra. Lemley Curtis. Bon and daugh . . ter. of WilmIngton; Mr. and M. S. West. sontl and daughters, bf Bellbrook; Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cur tis. sons and daughter. of Spring' boro; Mrs. Vernon Tillman and daughter; of Sprin~boro; !ll isa Mattie Curtil\, of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Carrington Mr. and Mrs. G. Ellis and da,ullh t er Nora.



--_. - _.- --. .NOTICE


Owlnlt to a slight deoline in fiou r. and from the fact that we do our own work, we ar~ offering Il'reat In· ducements to the users o! bread. We ar, ~ now offerln.r 3 ten-c:eat loaTea Ilf bread for 25c:. Give us a call anri rou will be. lur~ to buy nothinQ bu t our bread . , Vi. W. BATES, the ~AK~R.



WaYl\esville, Ohio .............. .................................. j.






RESPO.NSIBl.E. SAFE.. PE R .MANEN·Y . Sell us your Sour Cream and let us

O. W. Hamilton, and every-




i)9dy 'k nowl his ability' as a harness man. We·are prepared to make new goods and' to do 1"e~ at the lowest pOlii.ble prices. . , We have OD hands at present a g~od stock of


Is the policy of the


Oar Workshop ' Department ~he hands of


Over 20,000 farmers in Ohio; Kentucky and Indiana are sell· Ing us Sour Cream, ave1'8Ring them over 40 centS per pound for But· ter fat during May • . .. No shipper ever lost a Dollar dElSling with us. · Ask any TRI· STATE patron what he thinks of thl3 TR[·!)TATE or let us &end you . FREE TRIA.L CANS PREPAID for thirty days trial. . You .can ,s hip on any train- day or night and every 8.h ipment 'Is guaranteed againat lOBS or damage In transit and paid for Spot Cash. · ".

. . We have just purchased .the Harriess business :' including stock, tools, etc., of~ F. C. Carey, and have moved the same to our store.

II in



A New Harness Shop .'



.- .




50 yard dash- Mi ld red Gus lin 1st. 7.2 sec.; Dori H l:! lld e r ~" n 2nd 60 yard dash - Marie Surface 1st , 6. sec ; Els ie ~ irk, 2nd. Bull t hrowing cont est-Marie Sur· face 1s t, 144 feet; Lura Werntz 2nd .

It pays to trade at




:! :! 2 2 ' 3 1 ~ 1




... .......


Clve us . A Call

THE Sc, toc AND 2'S c ' SlORE


- .....




Fruit Jar Fillers .. .. ....... .. .... . .... . Fruit Presses .. . ......... ............ . Crystal Sealing Wax, per pound .. ... ' . 1 Extra Heavy 1(ason Rigs., per dozen . . . . Jelly Gl~es, per . ~ dozen ........ . . . . Dippers, Tin or Enameled Ware ...... '.' Spoons, ,t in, 5c;Heavy 'tin, enameled .. Knobs for Kettles, Cover, etc., ~ do~n, Lemon Squeezem .•. . ........ ; ... ' .' ~ •.. Fly Traps: Fly Paper;.Swatters; ea~.~.




10e '

lOe lOe 15c lOe tOe ' 5c




Sixty-Nin th Year




Ir~illioNAL Mmi




Whble NUmber 3427 .





. ARE COMPILED A------~---l. ill~ u r() t ullucct.) Illl'lIiIlSl llilil. -~l!ar!l

Saxon C'l tij sell well at re tail <l urins: ~.M6 worl! dl! lIver d into th e O. M; Hi(ll1e mafi c a business trip hund s uf tlwncrN. An inLer !llill1l 10 Dayton Monday. aap!!<'L of Lh~ aULOllluul1 ' ~ it,lI a l Ion i ~ revtlillcd hy lIll! lIalcS Il.:ur S L·r th, Mrs. W. 0 Raper iR SII mlin R lite Saxon MOLor 'a r 'orpuTIII i UII fu r week in Clncinnllti. June jU ~ 1 compiled . These show LhlH 2 546 'lIxon cor!! were tJeliYcred Fiva Frillll,Y1I is a laugh from slart Into U;t: hand!! of own erll during th l: LO flni!l h. Hl:ud it. m OllLh of Jun e. or ilL tht: rale of ove r 30000 cal spur yellr These tlgurt'S contrul!t s harply with the gnneral Mr!l Eva Burg r, of Loranger. impreBBion thllt roluil lluLomobilt- LIl ., is vil!iling wi th re_ln livt!1i Io e l'(,. anles have !luff.e red II bi!: riacliull the past two munths. and demon Insure tobacco againsL_hail. --Sellrs stratt: the fact thut Lho lIutomolJile toilllY is distinctly clfet in the class of ~ V. Burnhart anti ThOll. Pierce usefUl Ilntl pruductive nrticles .. ,"~r . Lebll null husi nes.~ visit(lfs Mull It is tlcldom thut IIdUll1 r",luII sules day . tlgureilllre re lel!st't1 , mo~t manutllc, turllra confining their slll telll,:,nLa to P08tn1a~tI! T McCIli'thy . of Franklin, s hipments frum th e flictoTll!s to th l!i r tI"alers Howevel'. it it! retail att l:nde,1 th flln e ral -of F. G. · 'U I"I:)ligures whIch g'l-Ve a lr!-,o ind ication Friday . of the cundllioll of bU8mess, becaU~l' the car~ are never a ctullily so ld un til Prof . alld Mrs. GeorR'e L .. Clark. of they ure PUl IlitO lhe hands of th" Columbia. Mo ., Ilre viHiLing relatives owner~ ' . n Lytlt!. SlIxun orders from dellrers 1I1umpetl in May snd June. but it id evidunl Mis.'1 Marne Brown. Colu mbus, trom thelle flgures of June rellill ~ pent ~undllY here with he r ~ i ~tc r. 8.11 ltl11 that this slump could not cun Mi!!S Annie lirown. tinue for very long. III fllct. July Saxon businesa h UI!l dealers for im· M ra. Jeonit! Bain and diiughte r. of medlllle sillpment s hows an incre~se were I{uest:l of Mr. and of 140.% over th e correspondlll1! Lebanon. Mrs. Le vi Gus tin Friday. pe riod in June. Motor trllnsportlllion hall helped to . answer the insistent demand of th t! MISS. Rrah Durn:tt .. who hb~ been Government that .IIgricultural lind attendtnJ{ school a.. Ada. Ohl.o. f or manufacturing prod uctlonbespet!dtld lhe s ummer I"rm. IS home allam. up to the maximum : ~llxon saleh fil(u res olfer strong evidehc., of thl: We are glad to note tha t ehas recognitiun of thtlllutomobi.e as one COl nell. who is sick at his son's home of themoht u efu1 productive artic.les in Dayton, Is very muell in.proved . The motor car iM the great tIm" silver. Insure tobacco against bail. - Sears JUliO .

- ---_.---

• Karl Hawke. who WAS operated on at Miami Valley hospital recently, ill at his bome allain. very much im· proved.

OBITUARY The funeral of the late Mrs. Be linda Rl/gbfS Will! held Ilt the M. E church 1ll8~ WednBl!day afternoon al l:aO o'clock, Rev ~ . A Beall am· eiatilog, ll88isted by Rev . C. S. GraU8' er. of piqua. The music was tur niahed lJy a quartet composed 01 Mesdames B H. Kelly and J . W. WhIte and . Messrs L. N. Printz and


W 0 Ra


his remarks on the 14th chapter of Job: "If a mlln die,llIrall he liv~ 'alrain?" Hepreached a moat comfortlng· ser.mon. citln'l! the many proof. given us ot immor tallty •. At the <;1088 of the the remalne were where taken tothey beautiful Miami. cemetery were tenderly laid to rest . The following memorial was ead:



Great Preilc her Who Will Spenk at Miami Va lley Ch au lauqu~.

ChnutnllClun III 14 mll us 80lll b o . Dayton and 42 m ilo. lIorlh of ' 1""'" IIUll. Mil\llll"lJ urg ","I F n.,"kltn un s ix mil "apurt. CIo""llluqu a I. betw ccn lh em un tho Ohlu 10: 1",' 11'10 Hall Th e Oblo


b:l ~c l.l'i o


r un nIng nearly luU cars d ntl~' <111 1'1118 ChallLlllllua . Inll(ling IIB"H" ng mll a t the

grouml •. Thu ' r\c\\, Yo rk 'vnll'l l (1118 I··our) ·a t li'ranklln d pot, h uH ijlllllll'E (1'11111 t rarll on . Ovor th is lIno. che h 1111 1;11:11 ' 0 lO F rnnklln . The ("l l1 c lJln n ~' :-:01'(IIl'r1l IC. J . & M.l slim e (ICIIUl t. I I·tunk lln . (,l ncl ulIll I. Hamilton an{ nay on. too ~liartllslJur~ and t ak e trn ~ 11 0 11 . Tho Oh io Electric 1S th mo sl dlrt'"r' l r Ollle and conveys patrons dl rC(' L to th ~ grtl Unc\B.

l:r"UII fir F " Nldl Jllr'lil r-s (>n ~h(lI'e !"lI vO "·o.hl lll;lOn n I Ihe . ulllTens ul'Y In Wull street.

vI Siting Ule Hlatue of Geo ....e







Our old friend, Her1)ert "Dave" Warwick writes us to say that we made .a mistake in regard to- the 'company be is wi~h at the pre"ent time. He saYII that on July 'lat he bellame Identi'fled with The Upper .. Arlington Co.·in the capacity of vice· president and sal. manager, He The Barveylbll1'lI' C. · Eo SocIety afRO notel that this concem ia one of willll'lve -0 1~ cream lOCIaf 'l'bu.... the lara-eet real .tate developen In _ .eYeDiDII'. J.ulr 28. 1911 In the tbatlec.tioD. Of aourae,,,e are lI'Iad

"Wlll GIVE · AN ' ICE CREAM SnelAl .

. IdiooI JUd. TIle W..,..nlle b8Dd W Dote the mlltake. and hope for ,wiU 'p!lr . . JOU

IDYl. . _

Da.,. the beat luck ~ ~ world In be u-.. JaIl . . lIl&UPrlle.

ere ven



l{t! v. und M,'s_ U II . !'alme r ente rtoino:rJ at S lInday di nne r Ju ly Htb . Thursc!ay. July 12th . was tbe regThe irl\'iletl g uest s " ero 1'01 r. and Mr s. Al.ll .cr Mllil en . Mr . and Mrs. ular meeting of the Farmers' club. Jam s 1I1uli nand t1aug hte r, Edna, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Chandler were ' host !lnd ho itess. anti they with their ancl Orville Riggs. fumily extend I'd a cordial welcome, m a kill ~ g uests ond members immeMr. and Mr!l. :-;11111 Me red ith cnter- diotely at ease tained at dinner tl unday in honor of About seventy ·five partook of the the gucsts of their daughter. M iSll t em pting dinner anu listened to the Anna . ThoRC who en joyed their hos- intE' I'eslinl!' prog-ram. After routine pi tali ty IV re Miss He len ' Will iamll. bu. iness. MiBB Anna Meredith read Eliz aueth HudslJn. Lila J O.VlIlIX Ulld ' u rl'ent evenls. Hhowing that history Mr . and Mrs'. J . O. Cartw right !I'1d I ~ iJeillg made fastor than ev<!r before. family . NiiSR Rulh Chandler read an excellent paper prepared by' Miss ElizaMr and Mrs. AI ornt!1I ami rlaul1h- h th Chandl er. It dealt with our te r Mi",~ I rmll e nte r ta ined Ills t Sun present conditions In a thoughtful ti llY III d inn er in a mUBt d eli ~ htful wny. bringing out the idea that the ma nne r t he foll owing gUCHtH: Ml' ullj UHt se lliement of national differ1111(\ Mr~ Ed. Brown a nd family, ('!IeCR causod the present war. The I{cv and Mrs. D. H. Palmer anri IJa per wa:! tliscuBlled by Miss Blanche fami ly. Mrs. Martha Orahood. o'f Hil ev nnd Mr . Eudalv. of Blue Ball. Mr . 8udilly WIIS in Europe just Harri ~tow l1. III .. Mr. and Mrs Jam!?!; Mullen and da ug hter EdnR. Mr. and previous 10 Ihc declaration of war IIlrs Abner Mullen . Lida Mullen of and mad e a careful study of condiUayton. Mr . Peebles, of Troy. Mr. tions in Germany. England, Hollland, and Mrs . F' A . Wright and fllmily, Rcotland. Ireland and Italy . He ob· Mr. and Mrs . Perry Thomas and served tho loyalty of tbe common family, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Pennewit people of Germany to theit" Kaiser, lind dau ghte r Janice, of Bellbrook . wh o stimulates that loyalty. by each year Rpendil)g large sums of money and Mr. Mark Wihron . to build church s and to make play ------•• --+-----grounds for their use .. In Germany he found the people united. while in England it took two yea rs to unite the subject. or that empire in a moderate degree upon a war program. Remarks by Rev. Cadwallader brought out the thought that world Any Indies des iring to sew tor the conditions will not be the same at Red Crosa and who are not iden- lhe conclusion the contllct-that tified with allY group. are requested many things noof v believed to be need10 give their name.< to the Chairman will be fOUl .d unnecessary, but or leave them at E . V. Barnhart's ful. that character is one thing, thll value Shoe Store. A cordial invitation is of which will remain stable. I'xtended to all who wish to help in Many thoughta were brought out Ihis work . Mrs. W. R. Allen. were worthy of comment. Chairman Sura-ical DreaslnlCs Com· which The special topic 111'68 " .The Fly mittee of the Waynesville Brancb . Problem." If Wall agreed that pre--vention waa better than CUTe, but disinfectants used in plac.. where /lies breed. will be helpful and formaldchyde at the rate of 8 tea· spoons of tho ooncentrated aolutlon to 1 pint of wster or milk. placed In saucers about the room., will kill fllaa and not poison children or adults. It being children's day, Mias Elea· nor Earnhart had arranged an Inter· esting program of recitations and ProsplICts were never better or music by the children of the club and brighter preceding dates for the their guests, Misse! Marcia. Dennis Miami Valley Chautauqua. for a and Alice Gons. with musical numgreater session and attendance. than bers bv the Misses Janney. are actually in hand now, three weeks Guests were Mr. Eudaly and Mr. before the opening which is sched- Hunt, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Geo. Thorpe. uled for July 27 to August 19_ The MIBBeB Susan and Ada Parl'1. of program which Is published In full Richmond, Ind .; Mrs. Harrison, of shows a list of speakers. lecturers Cincinnati; MI88 Clara Adama, of and entirtainments in many r espects Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. g reater than e ver before. Janney and family . Mr. and Mrs. . Juiy 'l:l. Hon . S. D. FeBB- Quo Mrs.J. W . White, Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader, Mr. and Mrs. Howell Vadls. July 28. Kilties Band- Dr. Geo. Pierce. Mrs. Esther Stout, Mill Carroll, Mrs. Isaac Stout and lon, Mr. R. Stuart. July 29. Dr. McCibben-Dr. Geo. and..Mra·. Walter Chandler, MrI. Fred Gons and son. ' R. Stuart. The meeting concluded at a late July 30. W. C. T. U.-Henry the hour with the tbought of h08.itality Magician. July 31. Gorst. Bird Man- Craw- emphasized anew In our minds and a larll'er visIon of the brotherhood of ford ·Adams Co. Aug . !. Hon . Frederick Landis- man. MiBB McLaren. Aug. 2. Wet Imd Dry DebateBohemian Orchestra. Aug. 3 . Han. E. H. Perry - Boo hemian Orchestra. Aug. 4. Dayton Day-Dr. Newell D. Hillis, Hawaiians and G. D. A, Program. Aug. 5. Dr. W. H_ WehrlyBishop Oldham. Allg. 6. Mallory Players-Two ProgramR . The funeral of the Ilite F. C. Carey AUl(. 7. Sunday School Day- Dr. was held from hid home Friday af· CJippi nge;:;rc..:'~-=--"-_-rr=:c:;tc rnoon at lo·clock. The Rev. S. A, Aug: 8 Jas. A. Burns Ionian Beall preuched the sermon, and a ' SerenaderlJ. Quartet of male voices consiating of Aug. 9. Ralpb Parlette- Sidney Messrs. Ern~t Earnhart. Walter Landon. Elzoy, W. O. Raper and Elmer EarnAug. 10. Red Cro!!S Day-Gov. hart sang two beautiful numbera. Cox-Chicago Male Quartette. The New Burlinlrton mBllonic ordor Aug. 11. Y. M. C. A.-C. W. had charge of the funeral. At the Whitehair- Athletic Contests. grave the J. O. U. A. ·M. and the Aug. 12. Dr. S. J. Corey-Clinton I. O. O. F . also held their services. · N. Howard. All of the bu~ineas houses were closed Aug. 13. Clinton N. Howard- during the ceremonies at the house. Concert. The lar)!e concourse both at the house Morning Lectures by Bishop Wm and at the cemetery told plainly the Bell, !\{'rs. .Charlotte Conover, Presl· esteem in which the' deceased was den~ Hulley. • _ ••_ __ held.


Mr. and Mrs. E, J. Arnold and Our eoldier boys, memberti of Co. Edward Sllrfa~e , who li ves on the The body of an' Infant about one son , who spent several dllyslast week E. 1st O. Inf., lett Sunday morning to wnship line road 3 mil es west of day old , was found in a bale of rags with relatiVe!! near New Burlington. for Lebanon , where they will go in to town, committed suicide earlv Mon- altha Harding Paper Co., Monday arrived home Thursday. camp for a couple of weeks at Har- d . b ttl h ' tl afte rnoon. mon Park. After two weeks it is ~y mornmg y ~u ng IS lroat The authorities were promptly noMr and Mrs. Arthur Anso.n and probable that the regimen t will mo- WIth a pocket kllIfe. Mr. Surface Ititled and the coroner summoned from little grandson, Russel West, of Nor biliz\!. and go to the soutb has for years been a sufferet from Lebanon. Dr. Dilatush and Dr. wood. spent Sa~urday with the latThose who went from here were stomach trouble, and of late it hIlS IHa!llll ton both pr~nounced the reo ter's mO.ther. Mrs Lucy Pratt. Uoorge Waterhouss, Jesse Prender- been very severe. About a year ag I !lIams tho!!e of an, I h~re be. gast, Hugh Ridge. Forest Ridge. . mg some doubt about thiS pomt ow·U. M. White' left Saturday even- Ernest Lotz. Fred L onard, H6rmall he attempted to do away With IS ing to the ' condition of the body . inK for Owensbolo. Ky .• where he Grav. Tod Lowry. Fred Braddock life by taking a dose of P!\ris g reen, Tbe authorities iearned that the bale will spend a w~ek with his parents, alld WOOdS"ll cotto but he d id not get enough, and by '/ was shipped from Cincinnat,i May ~th Mr. and Mrs. A. C, White and famheroic treatment he recovered from and at p.res~nt are condUcting an tn . II its effects. vestlll'stlOn III that cit!. y, . About 4 o'clock Mcmday morning The body was burled here a tIny \ E. V. Barnhart was In Crn.clnnntJ . . he went to the orchILI'd back of his tot In an unkn~wn and unmarked house, laid down under a tree. and grave.-Franklm News. friday. f-! brought back WIth h!1JI took out hIs knife and cut bis throat l __ ••_ __ fr()m t~e city Ma&te~ Jack alld MJBB on the left side, Silvering the jugular RIdge. vein. The wound was abollt two weeks here. wbo Will spend a few The mystery of the turkey buzzard inches long. Shortly af terwarn, the with the sleigh bell attached , haa family misaing him. made n ·search. . Mr. and Mrs. Edmund [1rickelt been solved. . and found bim under tbe tree. but and family. of T :>ledo, arriveu here Last fall, when Ira D. Rich. ' who /.Ie was dead . . Sunday evening to end the week lives on the Welfman r oad, was Sow- The decease~ leallE!S a wl~e and The members of Mrs. Hough's wiLhMrs. Brlckett s parents , Mr . ing wheat, he set a tran for a hawk four boys '. 1he fU l)erlll . Will be olass of the M E . Sunday School will and Mrs. Howell Pi,;rce. thllt had given him quite a bit of held ~rom hIS late hom e on Thu rsday Ihold a miscellaneous market Saturtrouble. and be caught a buzzard in · mornmg at 10 o' alock. [day morning in thc room form erly . Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Sherwood. stead. In a s pi rit of fun, and to see - ...- - occupied by My er By IIllln . Your of Wilkinsburg Pa arrived here whether the buzzard WOllin stay patronage Is kindly solicited . last week. M~i!. 'S herwood will about his farm, he put the bell on it. _ _ _ __ _ __ spend most of the Bu'mmer with The buzza rd sure will have mugic L . A. Zimmerman is in ~olumbu6 r lalives at Aurora Iud ' wherever it goes. and by its appear- today attending II Direc tors Meeting e . . ance on thiq ~ide of the ril'er it has of the Columbus Who illsale Grocery Mrs. Lu cy Prat t hIlS been very not wandered far from h me. Company of which hll is sec retary. sick but is Homo beUer . . Read our new se rial-Five Fridays~ It is a stunning good comed>,. . . The. ' Misses Helen Willlams~ of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cincinnllti, Elizabeth HUIJ80n. of Blue Mountain, MiBB" and Lila Joyaux, of l-exin~ton, Ky .. are tbe Iruellts of Misa Annie Meredith. of Route '4

Belinda Jane, daughter at Muon and Louisa Borden, was born in Waynesyille, Ohio. Augu~t 12, 1838, and departed this life (rom her home OD Third street, SumMY. July 8. L917 aged 1!3 yeara. 10 months and 26daV8 J:ler mother was taken · from her when she WBS .about a year ol~ and aha was taken Into the hOp:Je of ll,er u~le and aun!, Robert andJ>rudence Small, who ra1sed her and eared !or ber as tenderly as thelf own child In fact, eeldom ale parente and children more devoted to one anoth: er than Were this family . Febrt.Ja1'112th.I885.shewaaunited In marriage to . Samuel W. Roger,. who preceded her to tbe Better Land, Uctober .~. 1901. . Nery "..rly in.ltfe. IIhe consecrated ber hear~ and hfe to t;he Ma~ter and His servlC~e ... and unIted With the Methodist ,r;piscopal. church !It'this . place. Her conver:SlOn waa melted typical of her, e.ntire qhristian .Ii re: FOR·SA.LE-I .have' 12 Wood('n quiet unuaumJllg. unostentatlOu8, . T k fiG ~ f )Oat true and whole-hearted. She Stov~ rue 8 . or sa e. 00" or was extremely faithful in her at- movlIlg stoves or .a ny heavy thln~ ~ndallceatthe.rervicl!~ of her church you want to move about. Also. 17 never belcR' absent from ber place on [, on Trucks for. the same purpose. ·Sabb.tIl morning when bealth and \ . 1] 0 }tal. Gaao~me Tank •. .1·!50 gal tren th would ' permit ber to be COIlI ·oli,.Tank. With pump 10 It . ~ere~ . At tbe' tilDe 01 her transfer J. H. Coleman to the Church Triumphant. her contInuous memberabip in this church Insure tobacco againsthail.-Sears haa extended over a longer period of time than th'at of any who surviVE!Mr. and Mrs. Otto Farr. of Wheeling, W. Va. viait.ed with Mr. and · ber. . All of her long and useful life was Mrs. Frank' Carman Friday. Mr . • pent in Wllyne8ville. the town 01 Farr was in the jewelry busilleB8 at ber birth. and mally and in tel estin" Waynesville with his brother, M. J were her reminiscences of tlie torm Farr, back in the ·SO·s. They made er citizens and earlier days of our calls on several of .. the old citizens, . ~ommumty. She took a keen inter.· also, ..t in present day atralrs ane\; despit(' . her advanced yearll. was well .abreast the' times. . .. The ' out of town people who at· . In her every day lite, she ' was a iended Lhe funeral of Mra. Belinda true Christian In all the name 1m Rogers last Wednesday were M·r . and pilei', hind hearted and generous Mrs. J . J. Smith. Fowler. Ind; Mr. ., almost to a fault. a true and loyal and Mrs, J. W. Johnston. Hoopeston, Ill.; Mrs. Andrew Woolel'Y, Columbus friend and an -oblla-ing . neiglibor, . Miij8 Emma Peacock, 'Dayton,' Mrs. . anD 'OF THANKS it ll: H. ' Hayel!. and ~ daullhter. ,Miss Wewiah to.thank our many friemb Lena. of CinclIlnatl. , Mr. and Mrs. - -who were klnd ·to Uil during our late Allen Hllil1es. of Xenia, and Mrs. aIflir.tlon, for ~hl!lr manYf kmd acts Laura Steele, of Spring Valley. fIIId deeds toward U8. . The Family. Our new serial starting this week -----. , is a good ont!-don.~ fall to read i~.

I"" .- -- --":'--t!FARMERS' CLUB L~~~!Y__ ~VE~J MONTHLY MEETING


.AMan is known by the Company He K~eps-Why not a Car!

---_.- ..





Note Value Obtained through the Efficienc:y Units Incorporated in the SAXON . This table shows the units uscd in SAXON .Six and in cars selling for more money than Saxon . Stromberg Tlmken Be<lrlngs Carburctor

Contin'otal 1\10tor

Timkcn Axlell

SAXON Huds" n Puill,Six I.exlllgwu Vtlie ' Auburn

SAXON C ,dillao Purle

Hud son Chalmers ~ I OOI\

SIUlr. Uberty


Davie \\'csleoh


SAXON SAXON Pnckn,d n ml · l.ocomoblle Colc' Pierce Arrow H .A. l .. I ~ Je (Je ry CudillQC Ptt.1 rh(ss ' Kissel Munnon KisK I IJuds()1l


Slllt'Z' Chalmers HUl'rIlobll • Veli~ Olds/llob.ile \Vinton

Pre~ler Vcli~


Remy Ignition


SAXON SAXON SAXON SA'~ON Fiat CadiUllc . Hudlon Pierce Arrow I'I, r« i\rrow Chalmers P.ekard Packard !:ilcanls ..K ll· t Packard CuI. Pierce Arrow Cadlllat:. f'~~rle ss Winton Frllnklin Premier White S lud.oo ke ~ While Hayn •• !iteam. Buick Kissel Stlltl'. H .A.L.12 Pl'tlrless Franklin ....:ti)4u Chandler Hudson Chalmers Ulldson 11..~. 1 " 12 Palhfinder Locolllobilc Reo' Cole nnger I ~ Oldsmobile Murmoo I\uburo ~1Tery Chalmers Mer~r hlte Ho in~s S IUII





Fedders Spiral Bev- SemI-Float Stor, Bat. . Ra'd iato'r ' elOear Ing Axle "Exlde"


Penseot Mitchell Hudson MereU Paige


Nation.1 P.~kard

Ptttill ['''ree Arrow Premier Simplex Velie White


Waynesville, Ohio

FISH AND GAME '. JOllY TIME AT CLUB ORGANIZED CLASS PICNIC Greene County hIlS just organized a Fish and Game Protective club, and from the outfook the club will have about 600 members . .Greene County is almost the last ~ountl' In the st..te to come into tije fold of protection for the fish and game. It is hoped that they will take an Intereat in the ('iu b 80 far as protection is concerned, aa the clubs all over the 8tate are attending to this . matter with gl;'eater 2ieal than ever. Game Warden K~ertz Is vlsitin" the Little Miami river and its trlb. utaries every day or 80. and there have been several caught at illea-al fishing. The finee have been particularly heavY thfa year.

Mra. D. H Palmer.nd Mrs. Frank Snyder entertained MI'II. Snyder'. Sunday School cl898 at the home of th6 former on Friday afternoon, July 13tb, it being a plCDic tor the chlldren . Games and r.ontesta were enjoyed by the Ilbildren Ilnd refresh. menta of Ice cream and nabfllC08 were served . A large attendance of mem7 bera and guests. were present od .. jolly good time was enjoye.;\ b.yall, • _ •


.,-,0,_ _,-Yr. and Mrs. Chu. Johnl,Mr. and Mrs, William Dyke, OIIlUl Johna and SeveDth SU~after TrIDItJ Mr. and Mrs, Walter Kenrick, of 22 • Sund., I at • ..,Lytle. IP8Dt Sand., In DaytoD, tbe Morning Pnrwad ....... ~ JrUeata of Mr. and Mn. Sherman The public cordiallJ • .,.... &0









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5 F RID AY S F F Prologue R ,,,,.,,1. II' h"I 'R r\lnnlng "v"'·:"1'1I1t1l11(. I·,lI·,' I I D which ono mlgh!!'up lllll), D A A at Inler pcrllct· uBlly on Ih e Jump-tho y kind of story " 'hleh Y drnmMlzc<l tw" S venr run on S0------------<> 5 F R ID AY S 5 0

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CHAPTER I, Fa.t A.ho.... at t oo IlIlIch," staled I. II· elle deOnltcly Willie we wcro bavJng tea 00 the [ront . porch. " Wo certainly d O." I Il 8 1110(\ Idly . "Wby Dot glvo oU.r dJgcstivo nPll$ratus a re8t?" Bho proJ)oulldCtl, "Why ootr' I rus hed to my doom. I was havIng IDJ' two week s' "BI'aUnn .nd wall too ba ppy ot being ollie to epend It on the Island to co re nDY·thlDjJ about an orgume nt·: "I BUlgeat that wo fust 10r u ",ecu.'· !J,. auggeetton Ilkll thn t put mo 10 a n1ee fix. I don't mind stJttlng lhnt nt tlliIt ttme I WIlB about 2.10 pounds ot eltalble bachelor, used t hlrty-n"e, com· tombly In love wlLh 1.IICIll!, hilt too olll anti set III the complaccnt seltlsh1Iet18 ot Singl e) bl ~!'{!(hll!SR \lv(\r to pret end to be 0, Rome. 'l'he Idea ot fustInr gave me II iJlk lng sen8llttOll right wbere there OWI\8 tho most room to alnk. "WliIltT" I , r~lI('ulntoo, fO I'iicttlng t'Dr thomowlUlt tlln t 1 hlll11\ l'opulu tlol1 for rea,dy reportel'. "~I said, ',"hy not rUJIlt · for u week l' I read an artlclo lIy LIpton.. ·llIlr about it just tltls DlUl·lIlng. " nil clllllllH tbat tasting thol'OuJ.:hly r!!hnlld" tlll! ~, gets, rill or n il toxh ,y 1I0d lu,ara- the mantnl omclcllc'y ' oO PCI' !C!IDt." , She picked up 11 mngurblo wblc.b "'/IR lII"Opped open face downward on ~be lower 'lhe1t'of the poreb table. "Lllten to tblJJ," eho contllmed . '''EutIDa three meals a d ay 18 ahnply n hubit. We have mllde tyrnnts ot Ollr They demltnd to be tet! ev~ry few bOUl'8, Il.nd It we Itnswer tbnt demaod we are slaves.' There, tllnt IIOUDds like the reasoning ot a th inker, d08llll't It1" . ..It lIOWlds more IIko the reusonlng of • thinker than of all eater." LocllereproToo m)' IlIppuncy. "I think it 'Would do U8 all good" . "But I reel all rtgtlt now." I cal.led huattention to nn obvloua tnet. Sbe 41smlseed m y objecUon. "You ean't be h'eAltby unleS8 fOU faet tor a




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u llswer (·t!

brlll·('ly . " y ,,~: L tiilll l; rll I I II ~ "'Ilul.1 bo ,l tll1l(htflll." So th ut "'o s h o w \\' l ' 1 Il 'I.W Il .

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frl r'lIll li S II lul)'Jrllltlry. T ho Ilh~urd l l .\ · IIr Lud l l" ~ lIt1 l'l "I" t Iu lrupl'u\'(' 1I1"l\1 h"r hl'lIllh 111,,1 . 1(ll)k~ I ~ allllllrCllt lu '\I)y (0110 who llIls c.'vel· Leoll blessed with n s Ight of ht'r. Yuu CIUI't mak e 0 ~ lllJl y 01 U1g \Jour 111«' here Ill' slmply rollill/! 011 th~ tl oor for 111\ hOllr OTCrr dol'. 1I0r IIro sMt IIro\\,11 eyes wil li IUlI A'. ~ urly IlIs II 8 tho result o r Cbe\vl llg 1111)' pn rtl culttr lIumber or timeR u pon n piece of ~tel\lt . Natur!' mllst ho"o he on cxpcrlm entlng 0 goo.l mony ellm l'll'~ b 'Core ~ It{' l1:ot j ust that partl IIlllr texlllre tor bllir nnd that peculln r IIhll,10 of crl'll m \'('h ' ,t tor campi XI(Ul ~. At th l porll cu lnr tlnte for nearly· y urs Hha lind IIl1tU"''' bnrl baen nnhltl 'rrulltl.'II by IIIntl'llJllIUY In theIr Job or Ilccu rulltlJr, Mil Ih u~ It Ill u ol to be W IHl er d Ilt thllt they ball t urn ed out 0 well nIgh porC ·t l' ro dlll~ L, The re 18 n otbl ng unOnl.Rltcd obollt lIer, Olle ot ber curl y I:!po s me wns Fletcherlsm: then Rhe s truck tile IIl1t~ ood ben1ea td ell· 1 wn n ~\1eij t lit. Il\'r born tbe' Buwmer 61~p tJllUll l)otb of tbellO . thlnll1l out. If you IIro '(lfng t o Flef ' hedze, n [llucc at old boot tus tCl/ Jus t a s good os a at 'uk, nua It Is UI" ro cconom.t cal. '1'ho 1\ (lho rcnl ~ of Iho Dilts on(l berrlc" dlct clolm thllt It Is II 10100(1 f ood !!clIec.lule 1>Lo('IlIIl!O gl'l7.?ly benrs \I V!! 011 It. As for us I om cOllceruL'(.\, oolU IC like n grIzzly ht'lIr Is II llou blCnl urlvu ntoge, Itne\. bf'.I 'I{'~. I <1on't he lle"e It Is p08: lhlo tor .. hNlr tu .lIdl c nouj! b (lennu ts to lIyC cm . 'Luclle cnllc<\ 0 tl( 'cli ng to d 1 8c n ~1! wnys Iln.1 m,'nns. NFlrs t uf nil:' s ho Mil Ill, "",heu th" HUPl1ly boot cmill'§ t()(\ny we'll mnke thew take b'lCk eVllry ndlhlo th ing they bave brougb t . togeUir·r with wllllt 'fe hal'IJ 00 hOIllI. ao IlInt we WOIl·t he !.emoted. I Sll't It luck)' our cottngo Is on nn laloud nil by lt6clt 80 tbat It won't he po RIIlI for ona ot us 10 chent by going to R \Iot!'1 ~olU cwh~ rc." . ''Don't you thlllk It wO\l111 Ile n grcater victory t or U H It wo I'Onlluer 11 tlJe d'1ll1011 t ood ,v lth ROUte sitppllC$ "'.t thln eIlsy reoc1I?" I IHl/!gcMClI, with a plIlo~ r ecollec tion ot Ihut supply boot wbleb came ollly t"'I(:I~ n week, but Cilrrle<l de.llcnclelj of ",111,'11 r,\! ullu s ne,'c r


drCLuned.. UNo, It/ a hcst


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Copyright by Frank_A. Mun sey COO1, p an y.

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Waynesville. Ohio. Eitlwr Au l n o r H o rse drawn He rV~C I!. No eXII'1\ chu rs::-o fIJr HlIlo t<."vlce.

hi ' luud of iJ r l':l Il1!1, ' Uolh ph(jllc~ in Oflice ' ull d lteMi dence. "'II uli I I !, tlmt U WlI ' No.H . ~llJld l{ \I}I~ l tI liIlHt~ al1t1 s lII att ' l ilts 'Lbui r I t.


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Funeral' Dirpctor and Embnlmer,

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.\ 111 \l,,~vlllo'9 1" " L,ll ll jl 1I1In""\ In U !,I IIUH Hill", at .. tn ~t

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J. W,


... nENTlST ...


NEWS GLEANED FROM COURT HOUSE Common Pleas Cou rt 8tH te 'I'll WlIIinm Mo oe. Bond g iv e n In th e s~m ot $200. LosIer O . PI~to r8o n '18 O. M, R o b itzer n.nd LyslI.nd e r P e t er son . Tblrty dn.ys g rllntml defondlln ts tu file an s wer. Barry Flynn, expa rte. O ll stody o f HenrieUIi !'Ivnn glven t he f"ther, Ho rry Flynn . , Ruby Van Hipor e t al ,va Charles D. Beald, tr o stee!' eta I. D e fendants given lett v a to fil A IInswer, P. O. Monf rt VI! John M_ M o n . fort et Ill. rdee of p a rtitl o ll g rlLnt. ed. New 5uits

P. O. Mo ntoll't V8 J ohn M . It,)Ofort et al. Pll r tltlon of'real es tate. Tb o ma s ,S p e noe r adminIstrato r de boniS n on o f tbe estate of ,I olln /lrad bury, d e oea s ed· VII Augu stll Clnrk at nl . Con s tr u otlon o f wi ll I1ncl (It·b e r e q ll itnble r li e f. Borry Flyun I!:xpillte, Bub lllS Oo rp \]lI.

l!'oll \l ~h "oon n' of " d lllhll trt1 ~or approved . t1llolVed lIud ooofirmed. E dtl\t,e of Mary E BOlld, d ~ oen sud . jf\nfl lnooo uo t IIpprov e d,llll o wed .. ud oo nfirmed . liJstlltEl of lJllrnline A. thllaher, de. Finlllllcconnt o f ex eouto r. 08l18erl approved. n!lowell and oonfl rm e d Estl\t·e or Joseph Polneo~t! deoe.s ed . Fin,lll\ooo n u; of 1I (! 1011l18tru~o r npp r o vcd, allo wed oud oonflrmed E;! tllte 'Jf .Thomo~ MllIph y, dc· ceased. Final nooouu t appro v e d . oll oweul\nd oonfirm e d . E state of The lma C la rk. minor. Ioventory fiI d . Estllte of 811rllh Mill ur . deoeoaed. Adllllni~t.rator preaon ted c laim tor allowanoe. 10 tbe mlltter or the (,!I'ate of J. J . G . ~toddo m, deOlJfl ed. Inventory nnd appriliserneot fil ed . lu the m ntte r or J e nnie Deokor. Adjlldged Insane aod o rdered to the 8ta'e hospitlll a' Doytoo for treat. Ulent Esh.'e of Wllllnm B"rlaD, deooased. First acoount nppro v e d, allowed and conllrmod . Estate of L evi J essop, d e.le os ect Flnul ROOOll llt fli e d. ' E tate of Willl'lnl Riokard, d e. ellsec\. Fl r!lt ncoollne "pprove d, ·lil. lo/Ved and oonl1rmf.'\d. In t h e mllU e r of Cla r e noe GrOI!~ lo)l Ordered Bont to the 8ta'e h08pltal for tr~ntmen' at Ualll I'o lis. In thA m n tter of th e est l\te of Oyn. thlfl. A. Merrill, deoeased. Additi on. al bou d In the ~um of $7 , 1;00 g lvon by tbe admlnlBLrll 1or.




Ui rt!';' ur



;-R 1'1' 11 ~ I ~-

Aulo Equipmenl Horl!e~ ()rawn EqulplIICIIl



Dr_ George R. Stua rt..

JlO t crltico l and nl Il. g reat.or expellse, probnbly. tban: over b olore . Thoug h tb e p rogram hns n ot as yet been: com· plel d . enou /: h t illS been arrange d. coutra ctorl nud s Igllod tor. to s uggest one of tile ve ry bes l for tho 1911 a s sembly, luly 27 to Augu st 13, th{lt bas e ver been lYasented bl' lhls assQclation. flUll ed ror ,bl!\, Il nd high clnss offe rings. A. 'parllnl \l st of the booki ngs wlll gl ve an hleA. of the gCllerul oxcellence ot Ute program. ' The KUtl ca annll. Qcorge n. Stuart, J a m ea A. Burn s, R\1lph Pnrlette, Day· too Gra ce M. E. Church Choir, umlor th e djrectlon oC ·Mr. · Gordon Bntolle, w h o will nl Ro Ila ve harge 01 th e chor· u s nnd nluSIClll work during the en ll re Bosslon ; Sidnoy Landon, Oa y ZeilOla M.CLl1ren; Han. ~' I'odrlc, Landis, tho sliver ton gued orator, of IndIana. Dr. Len prnughLon. JulIus Caesnr Nay pb e, Bllrby Boh em illo o rchestra, 'hlcogo Ma le Qua rtel, Hon. S. D. ~'eBs, who will be at n,B Ch nutl1U111lO for u woe k, Real Estate Trat;lsfers If n ational afflllrs will 1J\lrmlt ; Ha· wallans, ClIn ton N. HOlVarll , CIlIlrl otte . WIlli am Wbulen t o Rlohard W ood . R oeves a nuve r, H Emry the maglcLan, and Wif e. 7 tiOr 08 In BlLmlltoo t o wn_ Dlshoi W . •M. Boll, one 'wack in Round ship, I I . Table tnlks, 1\'l ollory P layers , N ewoll BlLrley E. C llLrk aOll \v lfe to Ucor ~ e DwIght HlIIis , Dnylon DRY, Y. M. C. Wulker. lot 10 ~ o u th Lehlln o D, $ 1 A. Day. SUlIllny Sc hool Duy Aug us t 7. WIlliam B Wlthull1 to F,ank Adams·Crawfor(1 Compnny, Bishop Old· Wo.tkib ~, 159.X IIOr08 in Deerfie ld bam, or So uth Am er ica, Gov: ox OD Red Cross Da y. Tonlan Ser e nauers. township IlI,lll2. 60 , . . John T. Gollins a8 IndIviduals and· trustees t o An'l Ia E . Jollnson , lot III Franklin, $1 . . . . Rubert B . , Youog to Clarence Smith ' 3X aores In WaablngtoD 'ownllhip, $1 George Rebold aud wUe to H omer tioss and wife, lot In Milson . $L. , There' 1ft 1\ faIry story told 8 bon' Wllliam.lll VanDoreu to \Iary the redbead e d woo'd p eo ker, This Is . E, Van Duren and Rosalie VanDoren 1t" Ice there was It tIny old woman 64 aore8 10 WashIngton town.hill, 'wbe hve d on " hill ' In t h e country $ 1. W1nollll B. Boff alld W. B. B off ~ b. wore 11 HUl e red h ooll 1\ blaok to 6eorge B. Reb o ld . lot 10 Mason, d r . . ( and 1\ ~hlt~ .Jlpron wil h bI ll



hl'IIIII I[1I1 rollng·. Ih o lIl ajl.! "l lc Gr"111 l\1 1I11U1 , 11 11 II '~ I I ' II 1It'lIlh tll!l ~ h l\, I'1\1 ur Ih!! J;r!l HI u lll h l\ l ~, I ho )l lIlIul \ ',Ji Icy Chd llWllqll1l 1I0 ~~ I' H~I'S a ll ut l it" h hlll clllll IIlIall lll'>I I hal j;ll 10 III I1\<U all

Mnny llllpT'n \'l' m (l n l ~ u r u t' o l1!-Hu n l l y b ei n g 'm ud I t om ll n g tU \\· l n l t h l! I'on·

(, Ollil '!" tu'

b en rt nf lhe bu s ln es. 50<· tl on lind to ibo horbor . It Is pltmn od thnt Ptlch pe r~ on who ~oe" on the trip w ill bo prc~ nted w1t1t a guid e hook ", .. cdr.lI)' IIr f'Pllrc-1 t or tbe trip. This will !urlll ~lt exrlnn· onf'or nlng co h a lory InrOnnl\t!on

" 'il h til l' nll o wlh l' nL o t " Il l l\"l"~ m ust In "I" h 111.",.1"10'11. gl't'nl Il'l'''<

ll1 c, I

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ju vU ll tllll(1 Jl lI lI " "" k to thl'i .. funllt:r g lol')' 11111 1 It 'a li i), . bu l l' )' ('11 IUUI' ~ g l'u nd a lHI bl':\lIltrul Ih ll ll O\'cr. Improv ements on the Grounds.

Vlo}t Now YOrk Clly. brrn r\ : a pllli ":, '1 (: .. " "' i F ollnwlnl!. the- wln n'u nt t (' nit I h('nn ~L ('I n l; til t t' ;" I 'tr II' I t lonal r:Lplt a l. tht' 11'11' wHi II" " 11'1,11 }I(·nr, or 1'11,11" ": I.ln 11, .... 'i l' . ,.... I fl' d

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I~~ICI~:~~~ I~~ ~'~l R/,! ~; ..n:': I,.I:,' .~, I:'

hnn:: e l uding h ls't or le ~1 11 nt V c rn o n , A chnll c(l will b o a !l'()f(\ ,!! to S !! l>on· r;roH 9 In se~ 81()n . A ('orp8 of 8[lecl nl· IB t s of Ill" t'nlll'd Sl " t~!' I)cpal'tnlo ul

t,l vcr Po.tol(l~ , O ffl~ P ho ,'r "


B,t'UI UI o( Utl

a:: \ In~ t o ( Clod

"There'll tho m otorhlNlt f1I1YWIlY. 'WIl III) 1." 1:1",111 · ' 1""":" 1. could run ovor t o t.he 1II11Iulull\l." "W,· ulIl(h t uot ",·t hnl·k III I ill ll' f ill "No, we couldn·t." Lucil e 8101I!!d, I,, 1Il'1I." "Father 18 Ul Ollly Oil!! who can ru n "1 loruu ldll .. 1' 1' IlIlu' h." ~l ,f' >:1 101 ,11111 1t, anu b e WOII't ho Ile rc Ull til SlIntllly," 1I1'(Kl\li'C\1 n II I1,k "r IVnl,'''. Thus nnoth ~ r ruy of RlIIlllgbt f1l kcrI g l·')' \(\( '\I . I h,,,1 '"'111'1), fori',.'1tell ed Ollt. A mllll ot my 'hulll1 doeR \lot Ihnt tlll're W llri I" I'l' hll ll 'h . It.." Rebeoea A . Miller va W ·. B e n erank up n ('nl(I IIO 10<'1111'11 lIesr tUI' l o\l ~ how u\1I l'l1 ,I·(,tI ,1"1'1'1111 UII Ul cnl p the fl oor ot II bont.. I m ight ~ny b o . to hrcnlt ti l' 111,· <I II.\' • •\ 11 til!' li lllrtllllg d e r son and ,J Illlo M. liendllrsl)u could oot, hut It Is truer t o Sill' thut lOll!; Y \I k ' II tltl nkl ll!;. "r Ulust got Mon e v finn for eol os nre • • Amonut be Ooea 1\ t. It I)c lij t bo It!u s t bit \VIR ~o mnl'll (l olIC IlI' furv IIIl\ h." 11(1(1 ttl 'lI olllhu cd $1, 00 IlUd lote re t. he does not e"on try It. In the IHI 1'110"11 ." 011 RPUI' )'()t \l·. t'lf 011 Probate Court "I'll ' give the multi [) wl.'<lk off," Lu- to uu cx trll " /TMt witlt II I!' 111( 11);111 Ella contlnued gll yl),. ".18 wc'('O II Ut 11:'" ot a h ette r dlltnc l' tl1l1 l1 11'-1ll11 whcm )' \I 10 tile m nt,t c,r of the e stl\ te of .10lng toeot' llnylh lng we Sb'l11 not re[)l1~' Ii t th l·Qugh. TlIk\.' I I \('~(' 1\I ~1l 1 I" IIrl: seph M . Greg g, dec8oHed_ FrlLnk oeed b or, Bud s bc hu~ hel'lI wUlltil/1; t o mnrl.s ou t of ~" \llr (Ill), IInrl wllnt IN ktnnllr npp o'inted ILdmlnisl rat r . go borne tor sOllie tim!'. I 'I\ Il' l lt~,· lett ? "otblng I, "t II IlrNII'l', ,1.;nl1 lev ~1 Bond $ 1500. O . ,,: . Moo r o, ,.1• . 0 . go buck willi the s u pply h"nt. Wc' lI lJon nol\y und E. C. Dunbllm apbeg In our t us.'I lI g I omorl'ow I'.r ~01 ng' desert of ti me, n rln~' wllose limits seem polnted ouprl\llaers. without brenk rflHt. " IlIIl' ml l unllic. She eoos ultw tho 1I111 1l1l ZIIl!' lI j.!nl n. "II ,,\\' II I/Ill)' <l1IJ' S I ' It n ulll we eat In tbll mllttar o~ t ho estate of S llruh Mille r: deoe"l:!ed. Inventory "We have to drink pi ('II I)' oC ~u'JlI. l'UrI' I n>:" III.'j" ) II i Iit" I I10)1(' II'::; I,I' . wilter nlld thInk hl.,11 t111.u,.:lIl. nil thp "Six "w i " h.,lr:· 1.1:1'1\ (· Il\lll'ulcll. and !l.pprRlsemen ' ,1l1od. Umo. ami w e'll hll l'dly 11 011 I' III fib· ·TIt,·" WI' :"'1 ",.;", "i:\I'I,l' j nit· , IIf1l1 II E s tate of JameR F. M OVolw: de sImco or f ood lit 1111. 'j'hC'1I II l'sl MOIl- " '\\ I:, :" '1 ,,' \1'1,,"11'11." ce use d . Final aoco unt of exeoutor day \\,(" 11 !.r(,lI k 0 11 1' fJl ~ t I,)' "l'lt ll;!lI): "'1",,,:. 1';;1., " HI e d. the Juice ot 1111 ol'lInl,(" lIml ,'(1I1IIg n "'1' 1""", 1t!1 l .... Ih,' 11(" 1 '1!1 .1'." EstR t'e ot Ol~arltlll' K,- ui,0ii;'""ii6.. hnndflll lit 1I011l'O\'ll / 'juM Ollt' hU)Hlrlll .\ . C· " I :' i; .l"~ ,.,. 1'''.'' 'Irl,: " 11 11 .\'1)\1 ocol!Cld ,' F irat aO Joun' of adminls60 , IIS n ot 1\1 MJl\ll'l( Ollr IUI1:CStl\'o IIP111,1 ;"" " I ,, ~ ,1'1 ', f 1 '1"'''" 1 11,," liu i! trotor fileti . paru lllH lty h ltl'ohi('\ I1": lIuytlllllg soHd ·1:1 , .. :t" I .' " '' ill "I I \ 1" I ~\'" II; \',/llcl' E s tllte of MElftha E, LOllgacre, de. Into It. " .. 1 ;' , d.'· 'I,i"" "\' "., , ' , /I ,It· 111 tirl /1 .( oeosed. Final aooount Ilpprovtd al. But w ily' blll'I'U\\' 11t(' I' 'lI11e r with the IIl .d: W\:" I, il 111,.1: II,,,,,. 1, ', ,, .. :,,, ... lowed and oonfirme d . o l.II "i '! , ru.les Rud reg ll III I IOllfj WII 1 CII Ilcllo ,I I the at·te r of 'he •• tatll of ....·d' ,. " 111" 1 I;'::' ,( .I It in:!"' III ,.:tl. 0 m , The Collap.ed After trl1meO tor u.. S uflke It to sny that ;'1 ., 1,.11 ,.,": I : it. : II l". I I Is ::11111' Sewall E. L~lwla, deoclued. (..lora '" I Did. tbey wcnt 11110 elred t ho n ex t m orning .. " . <:'1\ ;: 1, ,.. <·,\"1'11 .:, III' I" .' , :t",1 Lewl8 appointed admlnl8tratrix. "J.I ''''.1'1 1o,,",\, tT,,)( • /)11 It"Y ,' n'l Bond $3500. Charles E. moton, Ed week at onCll a year. LllllIli\ S, llc<:orllln g to ~ch cl1 ul ". ~'e mut ut brl.!,li,fn M t. I om oever at ' ill 011. " Llbeoap and Jbhn BilJler appointed Ola1r 8aYil so. Mothor, yoU'1l try It, my b!!: , hl!f,H'e I \1l'l lI k IUY first cup ot J IPB"\\,,I 1:,' 1' .' .hi, \,. '1' \ l lt" l'l ltl ll tl h . appraisers . '. ,won't you 1" co fl'eo In tho moru ill g, ul,ld t he tbought 1111' l'l·il \\" ... " " :,,. it.",,·. .\ Il'l'I'illl " l E s tnte of T, Bentlln Soott,deoea.ed. ''Try whatT! Commissioner's Procecdlnll:s of tlJe b,IJUIllIIII wny I WIlS ullollt to lI,,,"!! 1t1 , l nl , l, '''<' - ll 1'('\\' ,Iii.," I, f. i'1I,1· i lnlll aeooua' of I':x.outor filed . "FfdUng tor a . wee~' "Why, l'1!$, It l' OU wont , to." Her trell I Illy "W n\w ll!" Ikpr (>ijS II 1U0 m ore 1111; '"1<1 I "'" 11 1,1 1,.1\1' III W, 'II I' ;;lJ~II(' l/ ti . Elltata of Fraok. ·I!lloks at 11.1, • Bueille ntng & Botker. !'upplles for mother pIcked u[l n book us It sbe IlIld tll llU \I ~ UO I. Tllo ttl blo WIIS gllnstIY cr.<! I 11",1 :11 \\'1\ .' $ III'il k ,'! 1lI .1'~ ... lr ('II 1\ mln'llra. First: DOOOUO~ of guardian Ja oltor, $4 10 i A. B . K ,tufmlt.t;I, sup wllit e . IIll ht·IJI:.' n .Ily th e u ~u\ll c iJeerful 4ecliled oothlng m ore m om enlous Iboll ~ ('II' " UIII", l'I llI l; li ;':lII'l!. JI ,~ It· wC·I·e. IIl\d approved , nllowa d lind oonfirmod . · plies fo;r j ~~l1andoourt house. $16.114. a queadon al to whether sh.u prcfcl'ro(l III'I'IIY 01 I!t ('uJltl)lg 11 t flltllicB. A t cnc b hlld j ()I'I'cll ilL 11m Jell,,!! "lIJ II ,uil ll which 'Estate of James M. COOk, deoeatlad. ! DeB ILilu & 00., pene, $111.50 i A. B. plll ~e wns II I JlI'~lt glllJ<!j f Wilt ' r lllld 11 e~ or lemon ill ,ber teu . She 11,"a I ~ vlJlIg-t!ll III I.JIlI l): ,Ill ,, " I;U I'IIIOll 19 Kaufmao, olotblng lind s npplies for beell UIIC!!J .. '/lIl "S'pCrl1nllll t "tn tl QII or napkIn . W lrut th' nopLdll WII S t or I CrOUl lt ~ ~ h u ul,l crs . A ltalla)' wllh OIl C _ j a il . $14 H; W. tf. St·anoge, Iino. t o ' dis '(j\'cr, [lIullgllle It was 'toJlcd .0 man1 "ean' that uotblllg .s utllrlsed IOcnl mlsslllg ] , WfiS Ull to the Jus t Ilium tor andUor's omoc, $1 8 ; In, wbat the IIntlJrll(lolu)<I>;lij would cu ll un Dotdl III ;" v h,,1t bar. .... quest ou body of Adah MoElfresh. I sot CUtI ~y apd trted t o 11111) In· 8u~vh'u l ot cultur '." q'o bo OODtlDad costa, $7.85 i O. G. Marvin, medl. "Wo 1111'" Ilfl)'-~I ght fin! I!lIl1un lJotWe offer Oll~ HUDd~cd Dollars .Re ward oine sud s nppllee tor jail, $126 Tbe doora, but LucUe IItopped me.. "OOD't U\!Ii of dlsllllcli Wlllel'," Lud lo lufor lIny ease of Cntnrrh thn t . Cllnnot be 0 L R ~ured by Holl's Cuturrh Medicine. Uio 8W e p ortor, llubsoriplioD Ot ~ tb1nk It will be 10l'01y, Montnlo- forlllllll U ij. .. I \l'l lItler It Ul\It ",111 he "1111' ~ l:u lault Mtdld"" bll' beclI laken UUlllUJdlve Di·geRt. i Chorles J 1'IDq-.,. . eu ough. ]t ,1I'U1'Ull ts to u llnrly n blluby CU lnfl b s\J lfl~rer9 for the flB ~ ' thirty- Wltggoner, h oarding IUJd washIng l eoUaplled Into, a chal~. wbl'h col· dretl gi, nons 1l1'1!!i'c." H.rder ' to Find, . five y~nrs , Ilnd h~9 become known as the for prilloners tor June, $235.211; H lallMd llMle4~tely after 1 dId. Sh~ "Brn Ins nre n eom mon cl1mmoctrty." I mnd e II Ltus t,· cil l 'ullllitm 'lOti de· bad ca.IIe4 !WI by my 8rs~ D8'mel Yes; clded tllllt 0 bUII:Il'cd /%III\OIill IIf 'llrl lll,· "Thot so ?" "Yes. " ' hnt I'm 01\\,oY8 m05! reliable remedy 101' CRltU'rll, Hall' s J • .EberJee, oiling apl)roaoh \9 tbe Catarrh Medlcif1le acls thm the Dlood on 8 nspeo s lon bridge lit Fratlklin, $ID,20 UOIltmoJ'elll ; la m y . 61'St name. It In g wn l'Cr ",,,ultl lU ML me 11\1' I'(!~t of looking for Is • mnn wh o Unr)WR how Ihe Mucous eurfuces, expelling tlie P olso\) 1;', P , MllIer, 1L8slsting Itlr ,"yor, 1IO\U1411 Uke "l'C!ral lIawes, \lut It ls lOy Uf': to U~ bls brnlnR."-Dctrolt F'rec from tbe B10ed undo,heullag the d iseased $30 .80; John~. Spello'o r, estfm"te 0DI,r ID7 IIftt. Tlt.t drat IlAme thing 1I1rs. (1'1'("'11 . ' LI\ i' Il!" ~ 11I0I\HII·. WlIS (lil' Press. ""flion" . '. on OOo'rBO' 58~, ,41i0; . WilJtAm L After you hOl ye tn ken jlnU's Oatarrh 1 3 J 017' bard ~ J<et1I-. ~ 1 sat t1elltly cll 'cl'\'ulllllll drullk IIll'1~c ~"I ~~ (I~ "~iolnll ror a Iltort time ' YOII will flee .. !:Sylve.ter, Ivery, . '2 : Charle/l • ..... CID tile poI'Clh 8Urrounde4 bi lep, ot WOIl!r Ilk .. a pOllg!!. I (litl,,' t '11 1'1: IlreR t Impr. ~rtII!:nt In yunrgenerul health. WaggooAr, IIherfff 's qnlArte rly aa.' .... aDd other P*fta or a cbalr • ter- JIluch r"r 1111111:. I li nd pr~\' lc'll.:jI)· 1",,1110 Slltrt IlIking Ha.l\'. Qo.llmh Medlal"e li t oouut, '1I~7, 8 1 weIIt 011 lD my 'belng ~ . Iden thot ",ul t'r WUK ,,!lu t tlflll t u ~ te· Real 01 ... Cutter. once and gel dd or catarrh. Send rer '-- • . , IMart aJJ4 IllY etomllcb, and lees .• It It! nl Ho IIIl l·xtruOl'tlltlul·lly ('Ius· It Is only the naturtll poInt of 0 din· le.&ilUon in l~, free, . .,.,." I'oeelbfy IDJ' Il'. and lowluy thing t'l Ilu t 1111" on mond which ,,·111 cut glus8; thnt 01»P. J. CH BNIIY & CO" Toledo, Qhio. Umbrella rille will .... JOllger II ItItIM4I!J _ IQ' tall, .Itbough ewutv tuwu'lI whll'l. 11.1: htll r.w l\.· 0. • Ialned by pol1ahlng will DOt. &Id ~y IIll DrUlllItI, 7611. ~ b.eU jolD" ar. ol1ed ooout~-:'17. ~ ., JaIWD_ Ill'"


Wayne vill e, O.


;..:i\ PI! 111\' t l ll' 1'1'It\ i,, " ~ IIt\"lI l t" Ih: hl II

Walter Chandler




tow '.


abe WIIS selfis h

Ooe day 11 poor who WIlS very huogry olime llllU ilsked her fO! sn m e th l og to e M . 8LIJ was m"klng some oakes bllt s h e d~d not wllnt to gIve auy ILway, 80 s he went ' ll t he Ilant.ry and got "n 1J1d dry oruet oud offered 'It t o him . l'be poor mun lo o ktlu offe nded and went tIoway With out tllklng it After he hnd go n e, t he Httle old ",omlln fe lt thnt ehl' h a d done ·wrong l&ud WRII uuh apl)Y t!he. paid to bt;lreelf, '( If 1 wo s 1\ bird, 1 wOIIJd 11y t o him w1th my Illr gest. OJlk,,":": Then' s he bcgun t o grow ~ m!lol\er .. nd '0 ol.mng In too fI, bird. It you look lit tbe woolipeoterij you will title thltt tb ~y wellr tbe r ed nood llnd t h e bJ,.ok dreil8 Rnd the white "I)ron thlt t the lillie old 'Wom all wore,--!::!eJect cd . .





- ---".-

Word. of Inspiration. I am !l tl!rmlnell to 8111'rlfiee estnte. tlIUIc, hcolth, 0\,)pln118 , nnll even life, Co the IIIICred culls of lilY count1'1......

lamee 0tII.





Public ~ork ,

All "lnde of N otary

oud Deeds a l:Ipeolal'y .

Dr. J. A. McCoy, Veterinary Graduate • of Oblo "" ill


lJnlver." , .

OFFICE: and Mill' !:ltreels






DR. COX'S Barbed wire


GUARANTEElD to h llal without leav. lo~ a blclnish, or MONEY REFUNDED. IiOo and $1.00 si1.e8 ru r fresh wounds, !lldsorca; 8oro bneka ond 8h oulderl!l~urlll and bruisee. 250 ai1.e lor j' amily Vie.


ill painless and gun.rnnt.e(\d · to ouro Spnvill, Rin gbono, C urb, SweenylSplint, Pllffs, or OilY IIlargement of Done or wuscle, or mon oy refuuded. Nce fiOo, FOR SALa •• ALL DItUQQI81S






WEEIn, $4,00 PER ntt,



CO.TUMB"S, TRAM . . . . ", OAt.. .ND ·.U. ..RVICE CAN PRO .. I't" . " uliNa 'ITa ADVERTISINQ CO,"UM ..a

SAMPL~ COpy FREF ......... IIIW '1011. CLIP..." ..-y~



Diarrhoea. T ltJR {)lsell8O should be treated M 800n 116 th o ilrst unnatural II)()AQn 811 of the . !Jewels IIppell1'8. When tbis is done a otn g lo(10lleot ·Cbo.moorlnln's OoUo, Oholl'rD and DlatThoca Remedy will effect a ·nre. This reooad)l C!lll alwaye be depended upon even In ihe moit 8eYere aDd ' dangeroD8 CSU!OII, and ahonld. be apt ., band ready for IDJltant uae, Never lea" aome on " journey dOllt it. ,

.... .............. ,.............



I . l' lr.\ N I ~, I': dil o r flllfl l ' lI "h ~h er

' Ill> c ri otion Price .


dulr. And ] u~ t II UOllHS. , We ti ll uoed plugging f or. hut It d Oild U ' \ CO UIO fr om mllklog h oloB 10 - Don ' t, ('ut. " ttr ~f' lt f rom frl0 11 11 II' II11 0lhe r fe l] o wij TlllllltnUon. oOlJ pnrn tl .. " , )\' "ur"ln l( IS 1Il1' IHld ... ; ~'(l r j(et It- llfa I ~ ~ b u rt lind-. ! Oll tf&o.n dlt l t! u )to u ~ r l ~ \"Il ' IU t1l need the w h olo PI] . b at, y our ij tll tf N o .u~t, ttJ r II PW " r<I 'Il L y n u Pl fI ! O r Wh llo yo u 1.l bt..- T ho '1' 1'11 ""I"r. how II", III :V OU IIrp, Y')U Iwed t ho '·u. O\ll' r tltl ull " f " 11.lL\ r ~ EV f\ 1I I h, ul1lcll hoy ClII!l ~ I vo Y" " ab o. to. And Heroes Are So F ew. lf Y" U do n 't- li ke RO lll tJO IlO, k ettp It








A large car of Fin , hingles A fresh ca of Cement A new car of Brick, suitable for Chimney·s and O utside W alls~

19 17

- Y(,ll ' Ve both IUlld e' ll ~se8 of yonr.



As Wrltten by , Our Corps of Able Correspondents in the Neighborhood

I.r.o IJe r yullr



WELLMAN. I'II1r~r ',

hos less to Mr. and M n . Tho". V;' h ~ t"el , Mr . , '" .I() rrtun lIDa fll lU il y . the m embers or 'he S .· G . Clnb last lAnd Mrf'. W . W . W Ololh, Mr. and Sliw r"h Hl oh flOd M ia~ Auclre y 0 1 l\'Ver SlIturdnJ afternoon. I,)lIioty r efr88h- Mrll. A 8 . Collett, Mr. B. Y . 'oll ett ' I:!nndu y In [.ehooon with Mr mentl! wer e lIer ved aDd \h e after- !lnd Blat·er, N aD , Mr . n n cl Mr ~ . Mor- spen Mil Ud ll (,Ioavar. ri s Collet.t. or :N e w Y OJ:k ·. wanded ooon woe enjoy ed by oil. 'l'be lJueoh (i r ovn La(lI ns A Id So J,Oh'l We l ~ h hUll r eturned t o hi s tll elr way to For b Anoien to ll Wed nes_ oiof,y m il t wit.h 111 11 IElH/lll rn el! Marthu l h om A In 'nll1lll h n!l lifter ao f\x SElntl day , and enjoy ed fin outing . Mr . Ilod Mrs. Morrill Co lle lt loft lin d Edith O ~ vil; Wf!d UflH, IIIY II ftor. ed " 1,,lt with hi s m other, Mrs. Ello. Wels b . . for t heir b ow e io Ne w Yo rk on 0 0 0 1\, . Re v. aod Mr8. G. . Buuton lind 'fhnraday la8~ . Mr. Al lin Bn rts(,o tr 9pnnt I:) UOtlll Y " lI:>n " od Ml ea My r t l ~\ 'lo k s, of DayHarry B a rb oA~. 01 Newpor t, Ky .. '''\t·b B . . l:Ill,rvny ood fll m lly DOBr Ion,. wor e olllll ng t I ;, i r ~. Frllnoes ~ p e ot tSllnday the sue@t of hie. fum_ U t i ". MIl ~ t'o r A lvin H llr vey OA llIe Of II '11 fll ,... 1) 0 ,\' W I ld I w (>d ~ 21 I lt'ro to to vn U ~ ~f' Jf . Nu ll ond flllnil y on6 dllY this week lIy . wllo nre s pendlog t b e 81l 1n1.n e r h om e wi t h blru for Il f o w days ,,18i t. 1 Do n ' t 1-:" po,ldlln g It 0 11 o"er ill ... f (,IIow Is th e 0'''' \\'ho fIl lt ~' h" III Mr . lind Mrs MOl:iroL1er lind fllw . h er e, wl t b Mr . IiDd Mra. B'. E . Milia. 111 r. Dud Mr s .1 . A. Lo wry. of Gt'tl r \\' .. r ~ 1 ( .. II"", In lilt' t:" l lIn llll1 t l~' If tho 11 11 1) 110 . Robert Oolleh, aftar I!a'~eral w eeks Wily n etiv lllt" .fUB. Hoil lngilhoud n nd 1I1 't·t! b, · " "t 1<11"1'11",1. Irot" n ho y mu st Ily woro the SundRY gues ts of Mr. Y Oll kll (J w h ow It it!. visIt wi t b m other flod brothen , let t fll tnf 1v li nd J , W . W lLr wlrl{ uod F lr Rt. Y" 11 \{i t ~1l 1 6 Qvor HlllU O fool h,,,·,, his h,·ru.-P o r l 'Vortb SlUr-Tille" li nd MrR. l:I"y08 1.o8 0b . . g l'U lil . • . 1>1 rA . Mutgoret Hlt\~t and ohildren, M!ltnrdBY for thtl Ea8t . lamt]y, of oour l~ elJ nn o n , wo r o the hlh dl s "gr l\ll lll e D~. of Pblladelphla, are spendi ng tho Mrs . EUa C o lle t~ is In v er y pon r 8 l1nllllY g no 8 t~ of Al YII lmriillgt oo - - -Then y ou Ia: IIgili e y ou IIro BOror summer wlt·h Mrs. Cllas, Cblipman. henlll.!, wlll oh Is muoh r'~gr ete d hy a n d wi fo . tb"1) y ou IIro ; Mill~ a " lvll MoUl\odll'811 hn B beeD lier ttoq oal a t llnoea. Tu oo y our f f' ll llo gll ~ !l t burt: M Tfl. Wa,lter rihhll l,. r e tllllln~ q u ito v h er mot b er, Wn. G eo. Talt. 'rhon you OO l1lllllm OI) t I tll,lk It off. Mr. and Mr!l J onathlln Morri ll, of I'ioll . Three Great Jllwlsh Fellsta. [ fTin , w',ne KUBK of ' M·r . "nd Mrp. L 'i 'l'ht1 m oru yuu t"lk t h,\ WOt llt! It Th,'r' wcre 1I,,"'ll !:reul .1cwlab Mr . !lnll Mn WoltorTllyl or spent~ MrM . Clin too ,J nt' kHon !lOll aO ll Hl\ r- i get.M. Irn M y ford Illst weak . t "/I SIS w hich InSh' II II IIY9. nnd ~Illldn.y 8t Morrl t tal,own the ((U6Sl" ry ~pe ot Duo d,lY ill Lll uu llo n . . Whn t. ynu l,l' lI ,,01. (j 'lok. "1 ' ( "" 'l'1l tit · rl" Rt 11 11 11 ~ l' 'n otl \\" (\ 1' l sev· uf Mr . "oil Mr s PElrry E"rullurt Olyde Le vl oy 1I 0 tood to Dl\y t nn 'J'IIII nl,h pr r"I I" ,v 11I ,V f< I" get e VIlII . ' .' 11 \\''' I · I( ~. T he h"' llIcul "u rlneu troo M r . Ilnd M r~. \"m . noclll al)Onl,i Mias Bll rtha l:He pben>ton, or the tS nnll .. y t il kinll wi t h him hl R m ot.Ite r. l:I e d,)o". " IHlt'l1 scvl'n dUl'S. MilHnl Valle v bos l'Utll, f<llfl ut the two gunl s luut "Ifl t,er !.loci IH' r fUDl - "' r llln y w!t ll Ih Ol r Onn gb l.1'r Mr ~. I Ip' for !.I vtaib w ith Mr. Bod Mrs H,lI lie Hlltlmwa y Hud fll mll.v. week-end w\t·b h omo follt R MiijS Vilmler v ar fl "p an t the w eokMr. l\bd Mrs . . Ben Bhlokhurn fin n Ira bartsook. Mr. "od ~lr8 . W L . I:lllr vey flTe end wlt b Mi ss Jndi tllllolll e r . MrA MoCr et\ ry. of Hed 1.10 0, w or e tbll gueaL! of Mr. Bnd Mrs . H . 8 · vl ~ l t,\ n g 10 the n orthern pDrt ot tne Miss Mab le S t urr, at B a r v o y " bor~ , saate t or to n d ll.y~ Oel\rtb onll day "l ~ t wAek . & vlsl'ed MI SS Heleo Hartsouk the (Joro eJlutl MaDoPllld. of ChioRgn , PU HL wl'ok. MiRB AnOl~ Mil ry Null !lpen t th'" t JJ 1l 8 ~ weo lt "t. V n nLlt\\if\, t h o Kmli~t of 1Mvl~ltlng Tolntivllsfl nrl fri enilll llfl ol' 'l'b oMO wbo atteu d ed t he Pr lHOI l1a thirty Yfl ttf'" u bse oco . b ll r, Mr ~ . F . W. R osfl lIglo. Arthor Bom; of CbllUat\ oollu, Cln b " t t h e h om e of t h e MI!lMeS R ut.It Mr. lind Mr~ . BOlrry RI!I too, o f /l utl E~ t ll e r .l!:d Wru d" ~II t urduy were BluB B.Il . were the I:)olld"y Kuollte 1'e nn., IIp e nt lIe.\ oral dl\711 las t woek Ma ~) l e. Mer'l" Aod It'lly e E Il I~ . A.e1roy of Mr. nnd Mrs. J OhD McUlure aod ' be gOlll4 b of MT. Rod Mn. FrBn k Gleuv" r , Vi ola. ,Jordan , Vest" EJli ! tllllduk er. . ffl wlly . nnd fJo Re llio. Whl t"k er . W e h llve In8t"lIod In our loaa l exMI B~ Eli.mbeth Furr blls r oterned Mrs. ~Br tl b R loh ItlJl' n t Wednes. tn the hoUlo of h er shllter, M r~. J B8~le ohBnge 0, n ew II wltollbol\rd w h ic h Wright otter un (' x t e ndod vi!!l t wit b a~81 8t ,. In boHol' "nd maN promp~ ..Ilty wII,h IH) r r\a n ~h to r M r8. \V . '1'. J orllfill . ser v lco, r el,.t! ves Ilt Wu y no!vlll p. Mn. Mary (j'/lhllm enlert"ln ort M I ~ I:I J onn Warwlok Iii v i ~ lt.l n g het· --r elat.lvAH fr om l Wlge vi1le two day s uuot 1I! AI va Ludin g t on . Ift~t week . Mrs. J oho Wolfe 81!n nt Sntu rclll Y Th e Clvio League met wit·b Ml s~ li nd S llll d"y wll h he r HI~t u r Mr ~ . Martba L.IlIl AUB ut h er h omo down E v,~ Wy song in ti"rin!; Vllll oy wasbing. en tll e pike t!Mqrrtay aftern oo o. Mrs . Ueo. M. Li ebe r t nn rl dUll gll_ hereelf to Dr. P D. Clagett flnd fa lUll v , t e r. of Uhlcago, ftfr ived HUDdny fur te collllors tor Mn. Frnnk tlhldak or Bfld A. I.. i. it w i lli lldr m oth er ~ lr s. K'ith her h til and 'hen .~ada !:lam w ere g ues t. on Tuesday of I~ervlne J ordao . enoug b to ts lde the home. Eighty' bus hela 01 wheat have Mr and Mrs. Barry Gaskill, o f WIl_ attraotoo the at. A lo og time ogo the old G r eek · r hle lono tle veral fr om h er o litt"oded t be been p~odooed in Ohio expe",lments mlns'on, tor a slx.o'olock. dinner. E benezer Brown, b e lleve ~ tha t the ro w e re 11 grea t tall t.lon of tluud .. y 011001 Conventi on lit Hurall au Bv.erOlie fr om one t on of aold , , U eneva Ellison, of Weat Union, present average prices for kerosene and mi oie&6r, aDd he" 1I1110Y godl! who controlled every ",'r etired veY il burg tiu n dny afternoon. pb oMphllte t1 ntert lllzl!d olovel' arop. Ohio, was vlaltlng amooll iTlendll the woman of bl, tbing In na'ure. W hen th'lY saw with the gasoline, k ene eng ines save followlog the whea' have produced here IB8~ weell. the sun "hining in the hell veull f shey famil,., \vent abont lIelliog oollars. liD loor&lse 8utnolent to P"Y ,,1\ 008' Mre. Emma Denny, of Lancaster, the\r owners about I , I c. per horse' power per 'hoqg'" there muat be Ii mlshty g Jd 'rbil WIU In 1821l. of fertlllzlDlf. lea.vlog the iuo're8l1e Is vltiling her daulhter, 14rs. W.· 0. ' All th e work on Ihese oarly col. wbo madeihhlne glv6 them light hour over gasoline engines. of wbeat a8 olear lain . , W Iloh, of near here .. lind heat. They oRlilld .hia SUD-god Ius Wll8 done b,. band, for tbe sewFigure it thi ~ way. On an 8-horse engine the savIn 23 years 109 wheat orops bave luao EvaDs aDd wife, Mrs. R. O. Apollo, Bnd 'old a beantiful ator, ing maoblne hn.d not ve\ been 111been harvested on 'he farmS of ,he Well' aod Mrs. Williams, of Xenia, ing is S.Se. an hour, S8e. in a Io-hour day, $88 in 100 a bon' hiDI . veoted. (n UioBe days 110' more Oblo Agrloultural Experiment 8'11- were oaliera tile Sbld.aller home BI. palaoe, tb.y 18111, WBI far 'han a dozen collar. u. day were 110111. days of work. S ay that is all your engille does in a tlon aOllttered among eleht ooon'les FridBY . • Mr. and Mrs. Tlmot by Marlatt away in tho e.... 'l'here he ut Tholr name- "a'r ln, oollar."-wlIo!l year. . of tha tState, wll1ely separated In 1I1alsie Townl!hip Sund lly.80bool I!pent one afterD oon this week wl\h npon a golde.D tbrone, while the specially appropriate, fop 'boey ware It would cost you $88 more than YOII need to pay, to bo ~h dl,tauoe and soil Aold phoa Oonven\i.:ln 'was held a' 'he Friends Mr . and Mn. John Ry e ond family Honra. ths OaY8, and the Mc.nths Hed IIolound the necg wU\l a Itrlng phate used alone, oossing about $LIl oharoh laa' Bonday. run an 6-horse gasoline enJ; ine oll e year. That is m o re atooll beside him ready to atteDd of 'ape a.ttaobed to ea oh eild of the Mr.. O. W . Gorden and dllugbter him in his j ourney aorOBS the sky. Il too, haa returned 80 bushels of oollar . Exoept 'lie bands, tbe firBt than a thi rd of the price of the e n g i n ' . Ca n you a fford to whea t for every t oo of the fertilizer. Mn. M.~a Flnob aod BCIn, Robert, were in Xenia one dliY tbla week. .E lloh moroin g, wh en Apollo's eel'Bra tu oollarl! were j.\enerally all throwaway $a a yC<"tr? Can YOIl afford even to think of Carriers of nUrol/:en Bnd p ol&8- Bnd Mr!. {;ora H1Irris wera tlunday Mrf'. Lee Dnnn and Mra. Dixson beautiful slater, DI"tlll, had finished lioen and 19f two thloknoliBes, al · buying a gasoline e ngine when you ca n g t a Titan that slum, nsed along with aold phoe. guea'a of Mr. and Mra. flarmon Wharton were in Xenia Wednesday. bel' oour8e aor08S tbe h eavens , though lome wero 'aoed with ooUon Ilses kerosene? S 'c the Titan dcal er a nd talk this over. pbllle 10 theee 'est., bave COl' loa O..lIln, of Leba Don. , Aurora, the goddo!!8 or a ",vn , as:. oloth. 'rhey Wllre 8lisbt1,. IItlfl'ened He bas some interesting figures to sho\:o' you. muoh In eommerolal fertlllr.era to Mr . lind Mrll. W. W, 'Weloh and MI" Florenoe Cbam bliss , of XenlB peared. Bhe.oBme to pal" tbe olouds, 110d had high pOintll elttendlllg above Jnelify their nee. Mlea Ruby Vestal ware vi.llors of has been visiting her elster Mrs . O. tho' tbe oltal/lot of tbe sun gOd the obln on either aide.-Popull"· Wilmington frlenda Satul,dap. W . Gorden and family. • _ • might pus,hrough , As ehe t on ohed Soien oe Monthly, Mr. and Mra, Chas. Bour8'ler hnd[ Prlrs. Thomas Dill and Mrs. J. 'T. t llom with h er rOIY a ogere. tb.e y ("cerporattl) fawlly, of NorWOOd. -ara vlsitlnr at Marlat, of tbls plooo have retaroed 1I1loome a beautiful c r l Ul ~on, Th e Some Weather Sign.. tb h f .. Lo A d~ep blno ('olor "r th e s ky. eveo e ome 0 _rB. ulla J.saoJ)8. to their h om es ofter stnylng two four white h or ll8&, wb ioh n o olle bu..Titan ke.olen" enwin". are IOld b~ wh,'n scen throu!:h ('10 1l(\9 . Indlcntes Mr. and Mre. B L . Da.klo and Mr. week!! nt Dr. Ben MoOlelland'1l hoa. Apollo oonld drive, were tben bliP Del Bed to the Kolden ohari o ~, aod fnlr W(,fltl",r; 0 growIng whlti!nes8, an 60d Mrs . .MIlo Hale 1l18de a 11ylng pital. ' . appron chlnll' storm. trip to Fairfield Sa'turdfl.y lIee Mr . bnd Mrd, Donoan eotertaloed away tbbY dOlb ed on t·h elr dally MONEY LOANED what tbey oonld hellr. Otto Ml ob ael and f..lmlly I:InodBY j ourney acroas tbe sky, A brilliant IIgbt sareamod (rom Mr. and Mra Rose, Miss Anna IlfternooD . the flaming obarlot, and a wakened Taylor and ,b.1r nnole, Mil'. Brllnoh, Mr. J . T . Marllltt h88 pnroha8ed tbe eBrtb with Its warm rays, S ooo , 01'l EY loaned on 11 ve stock ohat · at Muuole, Ind., woro lOalJeu 8t 110 new mn ohlne. day with all It" }lrlglH nO i S lIod Frank Shldaker's Sundal~ . tOIR lind 81100nd mortg!lgee ' !!larry AIlldBker and obilldreD and Mr. William Braddook d oes n ot s plendor al lpaared. On lInd on NoteB bou g h t. John Barblne, Jr., we ot 'be fiory stesds li n d tbelr Allen Buildin g, X enlll, 0~io. m2 Cba8. BOlierolllled 00 H . Ell. Harvey lmpro.v e very.tas t. l el\r!e81 driver : Toward eVef,llng "001 famtly, noar Dol'ld,s. SunallV afMlssss U hla and Ethel Dnncan 'h ey desoellded the slopes of th e SernOOD . · . oalled on Miss Ber~ha Mlula" 000 westero Iky, tbll' the eun-god mlgbt . Mr. lind :Mre. R omIne Bhnmoker evening this week. FOR SALa blithe hil head In &bo 0001 Ban. . lire a$ tbe home of their pa reoti tor Not muoh news thIs weAk: bllt will Agilin Aurar" puted th e cl ouds. and through the p"'h Ilil e hlld made '. few doy.. t r.y to a od m o re n ext week. Miss Maggie and Use A.u Bon , of • _ • AIlOllo Bl1nk from sigh t. I 9 I 6 -SAXON RUNABOU'1·. tJayt Jo Bnd Xeul~, werll! tlundll Y ---_. _ . _ _ _ _ good al new, exoep' gneH~s of Mr. nnd Mrs. A 1:1. Aneoo. Price ri gb ti, soe J . A. Whltaore, WIlYQes vllle, Ohio. al Mr. and Mrs WUren tilulan Ilnd ~on ltloharct, left for ~belr home In tr. O f! oX 2i\ fo r aln. Onl Y' been Real rubber- nODe that puttyfied. near-rubCu1;>Il0U ThurBd"y aHer lIe"eml daye ~tllY witll Mr. Hallan ·1! mother and . !llllld t.w tce. Ghell [J . •1. li. Be88, b8r1ook to Savage T~ R-f-!;tnl'1cnTf-'.\f·o Iloy. n. 11 . 1, ~ome Phone •• uot. "0 wby shonld tbo apirlt at mor. j25 The tough, grips-the-road tread-the resilient. Mlllen.Uilher' aod Th011i1O ~ Weloh tal be proud ?, He buye ~ h 0." tluto shock-absorbing cushion - the strong, yet ftexio)f B'or' J.)lJdgtl. luwa, oame, ' to villit 'hen drivel! In n orowd bofore h o Buggy Il Dd 1\ ~B t of Burn ess, all . The wlfeof (\ '1'roy, N. Y ., bla ok_ lheir parenl.8 Brriving he re Bnuday bllth learnel) 'how t tl " hnw " or " gee" ble, never-crack 'sidewall10 good tlhR pe . lnqnlre' ut &418 for II. oontlle at w'eeks ' stillY. Botb "od II. 01 tv Polioo .rnd'llo tben I Ollks s mith Is Bald to l\l\ve been the fir 8t oJlloe . ju ~ /j looking fine. person to have nlRlle lapllra's 001~ rubber part ofSavageTires is made ofUve him a "V. " I.ra tor men'a shldp. This hllpThll lIucilll at WelJman I:!fltnrdny rubber, the ftnOlit for the purpose that money Be PIlyoth ~ l II gallon for 011, lind ELERY Pllln's, 200 per hundred. olgh' undelP the !lnepiOfl8 of the when. h e·1.' lint wise he get ~ sore as p elled In 1 25 Bnd men bave been In'1 ulra of Cbo s. S t r ollae, R. O. can ·buy. _ Bulferlng ever IIlnoe. Ontslcl e of 1nUODo·by oJub wa. Il b owling snooe.8a. n. boll, f or b e find o'b ho oan buy 5, WuyuBs vlllo, Ohi o. jl8 ntlog the Boparate oollar: tbls vEl Stock aiways fresh. Sold from factory to you' W . A. Merritt, onp aooomoda'!n g better srOllle: hiS fee d lioes 8~Op up PORt .ru(l8ter, IIpent the dH.y io Leb and bls trOll bLes i norOl\8e through our own distributors-the middleman's HilI laok flf f:l x lle rienoll meko!! him 1I00n transIlotlD8 bus lne8s. . profit put into higher quality. ' Ever,- ijooday anum bell ' of a uta 1\ mork: be's po~ te l ll d by IIgent,H from daylight ' ~ IH dark. One felleth mouUe JORdH go to Wtlrninglo.o the ball gtlllleN, lind thr ough the studdp(l tire oovers a"re "great:" in woek ttioy g. to Lebanon, ' Morrow', " tew bundrell mileR he flndll them O"ytDn aod Xellla, aD you lIee "orno " fIlk e He huyeth Rl1m e "pllno'nl~ of 118 are oo~ bnok nnmbor!! if we proof" liquid for tlrBs. 10 threa week" he o ur~ oth ,,11 Bge!J t s for II IU II• •10 live oft' of the I ",i!road. He oou,rtetill n tn!>iclen wu.ose rut her Mr Ilnd Mrs. A~08 E llis were ill rtoh : they go o _t riding and lands unda)' IIInest.a of tbe Anderson 'II of In the dlton , l::Ih e sVfe"retu wHb Xenia. "'moil )11111 pnrohased a Ford brnlu!l h e WIiS never en'lowed. ,,() &OOarry his 'mall, wbioh.wlll be vcry why sho nld the !lplri\,.nf mort,,1 b & haody, Dot b.rrlng flcoldellt.s. ,,~oud 1" .

Mils Edith Mount


I i

.. - ---"I" ·N.

Is ilard to get at any price, but our stock is complete. Come in nd talk over your needs with us at

Madden's Lumber Yard Corwin, Ohio.

----_ ..

Can You Afford Any but a Titan Kerosene Engme?






\ ! \

-----+-- .- ---


Ml HOllY



International Hanester Company of America



Olasslfted Ads











BI/VI/GE TIRES · Heap jig ",ileilge I J. B. Ch'APMAN·


. Ohio



.... .


When ony pnrt of no orgnn !zotlon sponds nny pnrt of It ~ tIme ,crIticizing nnd knockIng tlle r ('.s t of th.e organl zntlon, Ihe whole lntrm t n nd Jmrposes of that arm \\'111 lIilJ'tor.- The EnUluslast.

. -.

Bible Silent on Ecllp'~L No blslortcul lICCollnt of ecllllsll of the sun occurs La the BillIe. hut thore Rro llnS8" lll's In tho [lrllph('ts which contillo mllllltilst oUu8100 to thla phenomenoo•.





A Jud..",.nt on CarMlttl.

A PlI8Itdena Conner sa)'a ahc enrrot hu Ita aeeI, bowever much wo mol' IICOm It. Buni. Tbo carrot III mIll as uJJetul as tile "b" 18 1D "rlletDric,"BoIlltOll POM:.

WOOL WANTED I want to. buy your Wool .and wili pay

you the' highest Market Price . . .

Unquestioned durability and [exquisite design . . -the highe$t ideals in plated ware-are assured in lepoons. forks, and faDcy serving . pieces bearing tho

renowned trade marl!:

184l'ROGERS B·~OS.~~P~E There are various makes of ailverplateJ table~are . are claimed ·to be "jult as goOd;' ~ut, like aQ imitations, they laclt the ' ~auty and w.eari~_~~ ' ideotified witL.e 0"a1 andgenuinellOO ROBERS. . .

Call Me by' Phone


e. B. B~ntl~y

'-...,. ~1d by -leading dealen

Waynesville, Ohio Valley Phoae 135

\m'epapu)arlyboWDal··SiJiI".'Platii1iatW,ar6.~ everywhere.·~ 5eDd for

catalogue ··O.L" showing aD designS.

. .EN 1IR'!Im


_ '



O p t 0 met r.. t Eye. tosted free.




\\ 11 1"rd





\\ tllI ll}"

LewL naper (,Ilier

Ih~ fvlluwin.: Ilt rltn lH'r III ( Lebanon •.• _ OhIO tllll1Ld unday : Mr. nnd J\l r~. Wm . Pu lk cr

Hilll·unur, of Xellill .

,' .... 1'11,).1 rl'la t lV{..I~

... 1.

I . Ir.




bt-ell sick I

n' 1):1 • • 1~~Il. II ~" r ~===:=:=--:-:=-===:~~ .I'n, SprinR" VaIlI'Y . Mr.. J nlll1 h~l'r' l/lot . ulldtll Au tolt1(,hi\.' now nl"c. not (he only Wern!'r an.l rhlldr n. of Oayt lm. ---- -V.'hlcll'l~ whh,'h mu:1 r ar ry II ht~ . ' /ll ld Mr~ 1In i 1('Clain nwl ~o , The n'W Uhi., t rallk law. wh ich ...- - - - - - -- - - . . , of Te ns. , b"canw .. tfnc II'e Jul\ .1, Married in ,)\'ing lon. I y . . Insl th at . .ltn,) . t l I' >r.y da.8 vf -hOI S Monda ' , Heber Munclahau lI'h anrl l . . draWl. ,1'~hldLl wh ich aup;ars ~POti . . Mr:< II .. Rowl Ii. oflhi s pi c . TI)r'v tl~e IJUohr ~Il pe t or hlJ::h.~a) s a t will t'I'. ill ,' (1IlIh" "room' far lllllt r ill ntght, Illll 1 bl'ar 1\ lh,rhL vIsible al Doo't bo llandkll[1[lo.l b)' 1n \; of tOWll I Ir nf ttnd rl:'tlr ' LORtl d hay.and of right trulnlng. _ _ _• B mw WU).rOIl. ure the (I nI>' \'clllcleR I SHa" 111111111<' tii('u at h l~ h.IIII (' . "~"IIIP~ H ..... u s Mond )'OU Illrurmnt.iun . norl h "tl ~ l of I" 'r(' SUllduy 1lI,' I'n lu . . J ll J ~ · ,I ~ h.llil l,ru )l'1i. 'HI" ii'"'' The I', el i,m 'l l" I III' la\\ l"I 'lalilig t • aboul tho grea t ad vantage ot 111 0 wi\:leighly- 'i~h t YLllr~ of lIgtl. la t week·a t the Ju)y L~\ eeLlllg vf t h. this i ~ illl ,'II'<'r(, u ~ fl)llow~: bUllneaa e!lucaUon. " an d b" f board of dire ·to rs, to r Sign Hi5 su pt' r· l' J I' 1 Harry ' onn('r. wlf~ l1u~. 0 intendent of the O. S & . O. Hon u. ec Ivn . ;.ver pors 0 n w h 0 . Wrlto tor our big Illustrllled '1 Day tun, v!311ed relnbv s here SUI) ' Itt X 'n 'lll. \\'hl'cll I1 A dl'd IhA nnxt da\' drives on lIny lJuiJlic highway a ve· Il ~ u ~ hicle on wheel~. "urin~ the . time book telling about our 6Y. tern av. . .. ~~~'i!l~ I.le had no desirll to ~ · r~ ti ll from nne hou r aft!'r S UIl S t to one !lnd carean at gnldn8lcs. It Is Hoy Kllln <:r t~ wo r kll1g on t1~c gO\. \ltlRllt ul.lon wh n the unllrd old 11 1) hou r b for e sunrist' . lnll't hllve til . tree. Write no",. crnrncllt a lallon farm at Fllnliel.! . "'Hilt. hllll. Th rc .h ~s h n rw 0 '1 lac hed thcr('to a light or li llhts Ih e 'Mike Weller and J es9 W aver 1111 PflITltNI.lle y~ . 1 bl' only cun.l , rays u( which "ha ll 1. \,i::lilJl ' II I "llIved wiLIt t he ~ enia Reserv q il1 Idatl l menli ~ecl}s a f orm r SUPCrtI I'llst t ll'O hu nJI~d fl!' t from lit · XCiliR IU8\ 81111111\}' . I 'ml l,nt , .1. I . UI I1II. frontanrllwllltUlldrt'1l ft.'~trrorn til I . ' I - -- - _. 'rear. This ~\'cl ion ~hall n t al ply 10 I Ite\'. (,Ienn Atkms who hll h ' 11 I . . . ,.\ vehi~ 1 prolwlll'd hy hnml or to a I vi~ilinll hi" moth r f.' r Ro m till1 'I II I roo~ Io1110l1l 1ly e~'lrlltlt I' U Ih ll\· til r, . l He' ' 1 IN \lj.{nt-.·! ' If or (ila tr"0"1'0rll\ · Day oD, • 'Ihns Sec••d aD d MaID. relufIl d Lo lliS homcat I'rbvi i lln- 1. <,011-0 () Pil I"!II> 1 1\ l'l.: 1 ,\1'" t n t1 " "(,\ th.n "f{..t ( hflY lIl' "trill\' whil t! load ed I.------~--dene'. I.e I. wurld . Wil h :-tllch comlll'ltli li 'H.




YOong PeopIe



\ 11


In utc totJa co u~aih&t hail. -Sears


SIll ':'

Dr. Dill. O:\teopnth 21 wny . .r:. uanon. hio.

















M! H Adallanlnlllnand Miss Verna 1I1i1l 1l1' wen! in MhunistJurl{ shoppiug Sulurduy.

• •

Mrs . Fn~d r~urkh ur l Ilnd ~on II nr· uld . uf Dayton . s pent lust Thursday with Mrs. Homer Curey. Mr . lind Mrs. IRII!lC Wilson. of I{out!' 2. ~ pent Inst weck ut Westville, Ind., with Mr. Wilsoll's sister. I


Business College

\ Ilronl-

·W. H. Allen and J . O. Cartwril{ht \Vcr Lebanon uusines visitors ThUrsday.



A Wonderful Saving

OW CARRY LIGHTS .---- - - - ---~.

l\lr .4\ I(n,a J nneR. !II

~\I:lVJl"<vl!lI,el' 1 1~\II ..d '~~;.IJJltr~I~.t:

IiTERsoiiii MENiiil



~\\"I,:olf l

Mr . and Mrs F . W. Hathaway und Mi s~ Emilia Heighway spent SUlldny with I' laliv s ut W Ihna n.

M c:!~ r s. Durwid Vice and Ralph Uyke BllElIlt the week-end a t Williams· town . \(y., vi5ilin ~ wil II Indy f ri end's.

,. - ----

This Stromberg carbuI'etor for Ford cars is guaranteed to save 25 "1, to 50 '(' on gasoline. Either Car.a ge will fit eame ' on your car and if you are not satisfied of the big saving will replace your old one.

I~ Lh n oldllM t in tltH w ll rlrt. tl ocl Miss la ra Adams. of Philadelphia, , Ih ouio!h ,JIlJlIlf)' ~ 1111 "'" n.. 1 Ill blelll. is spending a f IV weeks at th e horn e Wl\~ tlr~ \ rlo ·\· 11'11 (\ In l:lli nu. Con of Mr. ami Mrs Lindley M<?Jldenlla!1. fo 'iu~ , wh o It V.l" Il li ll ro x lll1ll lely r.oo 'hr }' iI~ut. h" J" lllll

Ollttlvlil .',l flo w (,,.


:vearH B. C.,



1l1 0 U\l UD




Mrs. Marth ll Orahood. of Hllrris· town. 111.. is muking an eX lend ed visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. 0 . H. Palmer and fllmi ly.




........ 4

Mr. Ed Kelsey, of Mllrion. lnd ., and Mrspent . and Satu Mrs .rdllY Chus. t ytle, withJ ohns, Mr of ..~~~!!!!'!''''''!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~___ ____________ . __ __~~~~'!!!''!!!'''"! M. l:Joul! h and family .

Uur prices are always the lowest, and we have the ,oods.

Mot hers Oats, pkg. , only ... .. Saxoll Wheat I"ood. onl" ...... Kell.t>J{h's Corn l·'lake.ll.. 10 & Post Toasties .. .... ........ 10 &


10c 15c 15c 15c

Pan Cake Flour, Virginia Sweet. pkg ......... .. ... .... ... 12c Pinto Beans, thi .. week only po und .. ........ .. ........ .... 1::!,X"c ~'a n cy Ptu ne8 5 J)ounds for ... Oc 'Iean Easy Soup , bar .. ,. .. ..... 6c Lenvx ::loap, bar, only......... 5c Argo Starch, big package, only.. .... .. .. .. ...... ........ ... 5c Steel Cut C'.J ffee~ only ........ 20c J ello, all flavors, 8 pkgll ...... 25c Armour's Baked, Beans, (lan lOc Lippincott's AJ)I)le lJ utter, can ......... .... .. .. .... ......... .. 10c

We Itave just pu.rchased the Harness busi~ess including stock, tools, etc., of ·F. C. Carey, and have moved the same to our store. [Our Workshop .~epartl1ient I. in the hands of o. W. Hamilton, and everybody know. hi. abil.ity as a harness man, . We are prepared to mak~ new goods and to. do repairing at the lowest possible prices. We have on han~s at present a good stock of

1 ,



,.. • • ,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a


ass i s tan~s .

Mr .-and Mrs. Earl McMakan;of Detroit. Mich ., were called here lallt week on account of the dea ll\ of Mrs. J/l('Ma.ckan's (ather, F. C. Carey.

Pllris Green-Pure, in all size packages. Take our advise and buy while you can ' et it, very Bcarce this year .

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown. Wm. Carmony, and Ora! Surface. ot Lytle, and Frank Woolley and family, 01 Dayton, tlpent 'lhe past week fishing at Indian Lake. They report a fine time, in spite of the ' inclement .: weather. •

---- ------Ulle Moore's Gasoline and yo ur slove will act right, Telepihone your Ordera and the Ford will get it to you in a hu r ry .



Cive us A Call




.Saturday, .July..21 iii



iii "'~' .

t:. A RANC Cl ,



, .' ) iii








Waynesville, . Ohio ~ ............................•.................•.....




The Hathaway reunion will beheld [his year at lne home Qf Mr. and Mrs. Walter Janney. of RoUte 5, on Thursday. Auguat 2. 191'1.. All de-


8cendants of tho Iaqtily are cOldlally

Is the policy of the





same postage rate as ~B now In force for the United Statll9 proper and limiting the chara.cter of address to be used in foreign transml88ion. ;. The Inlltruotionsin br!efare: .., ters, postcards and printed matter P-'I origlnallng in the United States or any of i\8 possession. ' for tranemis· ~ slon to United States Expeditlonary forces in .Europe be Bubject to the United StBtetl shall domeatic cl888iflca.



'-=--- 1

$30 Grades a.... t $25 .Grades at.... $20 Grades' at..... $16. Grades at.... $IS 'Grades at.... · d es at.... $1 0 Gra

$23.50 $18.75 $15'.,7 5 ~15.75 OD

$12.75 $ . 7.75


. . ,

$1.2 Grades $10 Grades $ 9 Grades $ 8 Grades $ 7 'Grades .$ 6 Grades


'$9.' 60 .:..

a t .... a t ..•• a.t....

$8·.OQ $7.20


$·.6.40 . ~

at.... t . a....

$5.60 $4·80


=-- .

Over 20,000 farmers in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana are lell· ing us Sour Cream, aver alting them over 40 cents per pound tor But. ter fat during May . . No shipper ever lost a Dollar dealing with us. Ask any TRI· STATE patron what he thinks of th~ TRI·STATE or let U8 Ben~ you FREE' l'R1AL CANS' PREPAID for thirty days trial. You can ship on any train - day or night and every shipment i8 guaranteed against 1098 or damage in transit and paid for Spot Cash. .





Starts o'ur Mid Season Clearance Sale of our ENTIRE til .. STOCKS of HIRSH WICKWIRE AND MICHAEL.S. STERN MEN'S CLOTHES AND PERFECTION BOYS' CLOTHINO~ · Over two 'hundred MEN'S Instructions governing the sending SUITS to select from, including STAPLES AND BLUE SEROES, AI,...L MODELS AND PAT· of mail to or tram any member of TERNS, STOUTS, SUMS, STUBS AND REOUL.ARS. A SUIT TO EVERY MAN. . m· ~~c~n~~~Eu~o~!espr~fra}~~n:~!



Messrs. Walter and Chas. Burnelt: W. A, Graham and Bon Forest. ano Dr. J. A. McCoy were in . Leesburg Monday. Mr. Graham has a very fast horse at the latter place which is being trained for track purposes, and which soon be entered at the faira.



~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I!!'!!'!~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~'"-"""'~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~=~~~!!'~~~:=""~~~=~-~"'!~.~!!'....~-!! '=~~-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ~1i_=5IiJ~E UElr..553' IEl r.1553'1Elr:.55Sl'IEl' e HEl' 1[:']"";" I[!]I II:,]' II:;:J 1;1..1;1


Mr. and Mrs. CIRl'ence Ber"er, Middleton . and Mr .' and Mrs J ohn ! BeAch, of Route 2, motored to DIiY· .. ton ~unday and spent tl)e day with Mr. at:ld Mrs. David Armstrong. Miss Eliza McComas came home with them for a visit.

It UR ys to trade at


Is at hand , and we are ready to handle it. We .will pay the highest market prices. Our house will be open six days a .week. We also furnish storage on wheat for flour. Come in. md-:see us. We are here 'Cor honest business and as a serving station Cor ·the farmers.





Mrs. Mary Proctor Wll!!On will hold a Womans uffrage meeting at Friends church in Harveysburg, Thu rsduy, Ju ly 19lh al 2 o'clock p. m All ladies especially ceq uested to be present.

Plenty of Old Wheat Flour and Corn Meal on hand .



Mi ~s Mary Sail bury. was apPOinted temporary postmistress last week, until a succl!ssor is·named. E. J. Arnold and Mis:! Alice Carey are

All kinds of Melons. Fruits and Vegetables t hi ~ week,



Specild Tobaccu Sale: Hones t Scrap in 2X oz llkgs. (lnly 5c a pa.ckage , In 'a rtoon lots 36--27.;' oz. pkgs . $1.80 . 81 oz. of ~crap for $1 0, only 25 Cartoons t o sell; first coming gel.8 this Bargain.

Bring us your Hens. '(ounl1: Chi ckens, Hulter and J~ggs. CaJ,l us up if you have a bunch of Chickens to sell. We wilL pay you Cash or Trade. Don't sell until you know the prices 1t will pay you to see liS .



Mr. and Mrs . Ervin Hardman. Mrs. Mahlon Uebhart and Miss Ada and Mr. Nev in Hardman were vi$it· ingat Mr . and Mrs'. Lon Harper's Sunday.

M~~~;~.~~.~. .~.~~~~t~!: ..~k:& IOc

A New Uarness Shop


Mr. and Mrs Warner Peirce and son, of Toledo, spent R couple of dllY s this wet'k wi th t hei r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howell 1 eirce.

JUil l a few of our many low priL:cs for this weell:




~ m ~

.tloo, oonditlo . ns from. lind rate of postagA Similar matter memben of the are Bubjected to the !i8 me p r,?,:iBions excePlt as mollified b'I prOVISions 'coneern ng · "soldiers'



the sender in the· upper left hand comer.. Th. name, rank. ' complete designation of divillon, rea-iment, company aDlI or"anizatlon' to which the adareaaee belonl'l mual. be clearly written or printed but no attempt made to designate the 801. dler'.locatlon. . Merely "American EJcvedltlonary . Ffrc:e" II acceptable for mall the location the addrevee and the matter by all



! ,

TH.ESc, IOc A . ND '2Sc S.TORE

a company- officer certiflea the 801 dier's meB88ge. Mail matter ·addressed. to ' soldiers on dutyname mustanll' bjl address fully pr.. paidforeign with the of

EI • ii!!i&lll Pol will be PI'Operly forwarded ••lIIiilll•••ali1li'iiiiiiiiliIi1IiiE1EJIi'EE5l' Ii'==51'1D&-=-· - II91i'==5l'IiIE'==EI'S~I'E==ilU!h& lEI IIOIwftlce aatborttill.

Sell us your Sour Cream and let'ul churn Urelbutter "

~7'..::;:~~~~~~~!!!!'!'!!'!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!~!'!!!!!!! --"~-------II!II'~!IIIIIIIiII~_~IIIi!I!!'I ~

I!J. forces abroad



Fruit Jar Fillers .. .. : ... ... '.' .. ~'.~ . . .. lOc Fruit Presses. . ...................... r()c Crysta I Sealmg • .W ax, per . pound .. ... .... . l"Oc Extra Heavy Mason Rigs, r-. nPr. do.zen. . .. l-oC Jelly·Glasses, per ~ dozen .. '.' ..... '. ~ . 1.5c Dippers,' Tin .or Enameled. Ware •. : ... ., lOe TId 10 Spoons, tin, 5c; Heavy In, ename e ~ . c Knobs for :Kettles, Cover, etc., ~ dozen, . lk Lemon ' . Squeezen . . ....... , ..... .. ....... . lOe Fly Traps: Fly Paper-; Swatters; each ...• lOe SlJe'laJllt 10

fRAIl I F.

W"'V-.~ ...............

B.pJu 01lI0 . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l1li• • • • • • • • • •' "

' Sixty-NinLh Y ar



• <of

Whole Number 3428 t




--YOUNG . MEf ii~~MEN~~(rI Selective ARE LE,wNINO , THE ART OF George Onllill. of Dllyton. has !Jeen , AR AT lEBANON villiling his parents here.


Mias Hehm TIME wock-end with



- -- -


,Draft Numbers I}~~~~VEN~i


MiS! Ethelyn J ones entertained at WAS CAUSED SUNDAY EV8NINO IN WAYNESVILLE dinoer Suntluy. Th e invited guests v.ere Hugo and Edna Kinsinger. Laurence. Rl rmche and Ruth Arm-

MIl~latt spont the rclutivcB in iJu)!tnn.

<;>f Those Who R:egistered in ~V ayne Township for the strong. or C IIf.nsv ill e. Ohio. und MIl<iison Earnhart IInil.81eano .1eSijer LARGE BIPLANE LANDED . Tli olllns. of

MiAS HerthA Ilnl is the gue~t Mr. nnd Mrs. W. N_ Sears nnd tllm iJy.

And Everybody is Wcll, But ~'any Boys Have Sore Fect from the Mrs. Hannah Rl)gers is visiting her mother, Mra. I vin~ . neur Hikcs ville. More than a week hus passed since Co. K went into camp at Leb anon. and the boys artl beginning to realize what camp lifo is like. Every. thing il being done for them that can be done, eatables are donated every day or 80. alld tho tliAY have had plenty to lIat. The boys are all teelinlC well and enjoying the life. Co E 18 composed of a fine lot-of voung tellow9. and they are learning 'the rudiments of war as fast as they can. Everything about the camp is in shlp·shap .. and thll sanltalion la all that could be desired. The bOYB, when off duty, have their games and a Victrola bas been Installed, which ad4. much to the enjoyment of the long evenings . The end of this week will probably end the calJlP at Lebanon, and the boys will be called to a concentration ClImp in the South, where t hey will - probably find things in a different ahal-lo.


Mr_ an~ Mrs. Walter Elze~ . and Kenr,eth Elzey were Dayton Vlsltorll Sunday.

Draft, June 5th, 191 7

Many of Our Brave Boys Have Already Volunteered

Mrs, J. C. Hawke spent a ('ouple days of last week with relatives in The Cincinuati. Miss Blanche Custer, of Mason, the week-end lCuost of Miss Mary Sherwood.


Th· Warren C ounty•8 Yo un ,..'" Me n 0 f Wayne T owns h'IP D'd I elf Full S' h are t 0 F'II I Quo ta ·m the New Na t'Ion a I Arroyand Th us E xempt t h e C ounty from the First Call for the Selective Draft.

MIN H i d h ' " • . ra . . . arr s an c i1dren. of The county reg ls tratlO ll hoard for the _elective draft have completed their work Dayton, were guests of Mrs, Alice h . d . 1 b h . d"d I h ' . McKinsey last week. and ave a ss lg n e a sena nUI11 er to eac 10 IVl ua w 0 registered the 5th of June. Mr. Jame.s Sal~.s. Mrs. Mary H e rewith we publish the names and seria l numbers of thos e who registe red in Wayne .. - , • Watorhouse and daughter Miss Alma Township . The names printe d in h ea vy type are those of the boys who have vo luntarily were in Day too Monday. enlisted a nd a re now in camp wi th Company E, 1st Regiment. O. V. I. , at L ebanon. M W'II S i I d h rs. I guests m t 1 an c i1dren, of Beside these, Fre d Braddock a n d E a rnest Lotz a re with Com pany E, and James Davl's, Toledo, C H S are . h d f ofII Mr. and Mrs. . . . mit an am y, Fre d Pence , Earnes t Harlan, Chester S nook, Clarence Mendenhall. Carl McClure, Jesse


Mr.llnd Mrs. Sbut;s Ilnd fam Ily entertained atdinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J ohn McClure and daugh- In Qnlly's Tobacco Pat<;h-The te r. Mr. and Mrs. ChBS . McClure and Aviator LOst His Way child ren, Mr. and Mra . Stanley Smith , from Columbus and dau ghter. of Cincinnati. Mrs. Eliza Miranda and Miss Phoebe Miranda. The peace and quilltude of our Mr. snd Mrs . H. E. Earnhart had village were disturbed to a great as their guests_at dinner Sunday, extent last Sunday evenlnQ'. The Mr. and Mr. Mrs.andC. Mt: H.• Will Young, of, excitement was caused by the arri· Lebanon. Elbon val of the firat aeroplane whlob has s of Oregonia, Mrs. Sarah Elbon, Mr. visited our community. The machine and Mrs. E L. Sherwood. of Pitts was one ot the large new Curtle mil· itary biplanes which are beine uYd ~~dgM~a~' S!'aI~ 'Ze11. M!1I. Fred Elbon at the U. S. Aviation tralnlna Ita· tion at Fairfield, near Dayton. The rellular aviator and a student had The Misses Blanche arid Pearl taken .the machine to Columbut and Riley entertalnlld at dinner Ia.t Sun. lost their way on the .eturn trip. day the following gueats: Mr. and By the timtl they reached our nelllh· Mrs Milo Beck and daughter, Jean, borbood the supply of lluoUn. nn Mr. aDd Mrs . Charles. Allen •. Mrs. out and they were torced to alhrht Grace Kauffman. Misses MarIanna In Emmor Bally's tobaoo. fi.ld on the Allen and Irene McClure. and Mesars. Lytle road, north of town. Earnest Earnhart, Wal ter Allen and The DIIW. qulcklv Ipread and, of Warren Keys. course "ever,.body and hll coulln" went rlaht up there. Th. machine wa. an eight cylinder Curti. biplane of the lat8llt military type and wu marked 'with the d8lign whIch la plac.ld on the U S. aeroplanes now being used on the Allied battle front In France. The party ware In our communlt, about two hOUri and the aviators were very pleaaant In explaining the machine to our citizens.





Mr. and Mrs D. L, Crane spent Lewis and Dean Howell are with the U. S . Navy. the week.end with their son. Ethan. . The young men all ove r Warren County did equally well in the matte r of volu.nand other relatives in Toledo . teering, and it is due to their patriotism that Warren County's quota is full and the Mr_ and Mrs. Ronald Hawke and Count is exempt from the firs t caU for the selective dra~t. The "Warren County Boys of 80n were Sunday guests of M'r. and -.. Mrl!. 1". C. Hartsock and family. 1917" af'e certainly doing nobly. in their efforts to h .o nor and perpetuate the 'memory o f b/E~~~ B::I:;°b!.::~g:~:~ee:~f . Mrs. Brunner and daughters, Car- the "Warren County Boys of 18.61." All hono.r and praise to ou f . r brave boys for their the T. R. Furnace dry ioods .tore In rIe and Jeanette, ot CinCinnati, are Spring Vallev, and allO the Furnace At the Nlcpnt exhibition of the guests of Mr. and Mra. Myer Byman. great and noble sacrifice ! Hugh and Fdrest Ridge, sons of O. M. Ridge, are one of the bUBine88 block. This Ie the only dry goods ltore In Spring Valley and Is Ideal R,medy Co.. under manageone of the lead In II bu!inlll8 concerllS bo ment of Mr. B l::Iartone. a prize of.a Mr. and Mrs, W. N. Sears and three sets of brothers now with Company E at Lebanon. of the vlllqe . The real estate con. Lev~ GUltin died at billate me lOt of Rogers Brothers 1847 ~i1ver­ famIly vleited Mr. and Mn. John siats of the building in which the dry on ThIrd street, Sunday aftemoon. ware was offered to the mOlt popular Hole and family in Dayton Sunduy. - - - - - - - - , . - - - - - S. No, Name . R, F. D. goode store II located together with Funerall8rvio81 were ~eld Wedn8ll· Waynesville lady. Thill prize was The Roll of Honor 5 S.. No. NIl1Xl8 R . F. Dione or two other bualnlllB concernlJ. day aftel'!loon, at 2 0 clock aNt tbhe lIiven last Saturday night. the Com 916 Wilbur W Foulks Mr. Barll;ly in partnership with hI. home-of hlllOn, Harvey, on ort paUY·II .l ut night here. Imd was won Joseph Murray. of Mulvane. Kan .. 4 861 ' Emory W Ross B. F, 1). 940 A Glenn Frazee NalXlo brother formerlY owned this store. str~t. Rev. D. H. Palmer. omotatb, Mit.... Emma aogan by a majority Is the Ilueat at Mr. and Mra. Wm. 8. No. A number of years ago the brother. lng. Interment at Lebanon. 957 Forest H Graham of 31.000 Total lIumber of votea Sherwood and other relatives here. 6 848 Percy L Reason 830 George J Waterhouse Corwin sold out to Mr , Furnace and E. N. 48960. Lytle 927 Fred L. Russell 5 963 Kesler T Graham 951 Raymond Gephart h J 1 Barley continued in the employ of MI. Boean ie to be cOl(lplimented Mr. and Mrs Wm . Hatfield and Lytle 1128 Frank R Robinson 954 Harry L Graham the store in the capacity of manager. Wallace Sides. 1011 of t . ate on winning this. prize .and wishes to Mi88 Emma Buckles. ot Xenia, spent 833 Fred E Leonard /) 1778 Earl T. Reeder 6 -Xenia Gazette Samuel Sides and wlf., who wal 972 Arthqr N Greathouse thank her many frlenda who 80 Sundav with Mrs. Hopa Stilet and 840 Todd Lowry . stricken with paral,lll at bIa home 1 1767 Jacob R Reeder kindly aaaisted l)er In the contest. 911 Hiley W Gibson tamlly. 1139 Jesse J Prendergallt 4 • ~ • in Springfteld, Ohio, three weeks 15 1766 Clyde W Reitl 929 Morria S Graham 4 ago, died Jut Frlday momlna. The 1148 C Fored Ridge 4 858 Jesse Stanley 955 · James R Gibbonll funeral wa. held at hla late home Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H . Davis, of 1152 Hugh C Ridge Saturday afternoon at II o'clock. ;:sa5 EarnClt Sheperd 1159 Geo Green Cincinnati. were guests of Mr. and Intermont was made In lI'emelitf 857 Walter Stanley Mrs. J. O. Cartwright and family 797 Hally Hathaway cemetery, Springfield. MOllday. 877 R Alvin Simpson 9ali j Wm Allen 1 801 Albert J Berres 843 J Elzle Scott 1162 E J Arnold Corwin 816 Berbert P Herres M. E, CHURCH Miss Henrietta McKinsey. who has 1722 Chas DAppl e 834 Walter Scott Mrs. Harter Lackey, formerly CorWjn 5 785 Allen Z Hartsock M. E. Sund ay Sch 00 I meeta every Miaa Emma SWlbarry died at her been attending school at Oxford "800 Elbert W Brenner Corwin 866 Lawrence Simp.on 3 827 Robert L Hainee Sunday at 9:1~ a_ m.; Program !or home In Belmont, near Da,yton, Mon. Miami University, returned Ilome 874 Harry A Satt~rthwaite 809. Gvy Branson S 853 Horace H Ha,mer -' next ~undsy, 1 atrlotlc Day. Openmg day afternoon, atter a short IIIn... last week. 852 Clarence A Smith 8.'39 Ralph Biggs Corwin 849 L Earl Hockett Exe~clses by School; R~adlng.of the with heart trouble. Tha remain" .. F.rlends here received an ..nnounce55th chapter of I8alah. Singmg by were brought hire this (Wednesday) 856 Howard Stanley 870 Evan O'N' Bogan 871 Carl Heath ment this week~ to the effect that Mrs. . R. G. Van Ne8jl and niece, School; Half Hour Study of Le88on; iilt.rnoon for Interment In IIlami 1 925 n R Salisbury 949 Ronald M Hawke MIlS Alice Hollnlter. o'f Wo dbury. Mias Amy Butterwortb. of Shelby, 869 RawleighL Bogan -Short Address by Rev. Dr. Cole; 4 971 Lyman M Silver 4 Singing by Male Quartet; Cloalnrr Cemetery. N. J , h"ad announced her engage- are guests of Mr. and Mrs. L . A. 9]0 Earl Bernard 1 984 Earne.t E Hartsock ment to Mr. LaurfnceSherwood, the Zimmerman. 4 Excrcill8l. Men and boys especially ---.~-- .....- - • 970 Frank R Sliver Lytle 936 Chu L Harroll 918 Wm B Bernard . ~arriage to take place 800n. 4 Invited. Mrs. Dora Ward, Supt . 930 John W Strawn 933 Emmor 1) Bnily 909 Kenneth N Hough 1 926 Leon L Salisbury 1 6 912 Alva R Hartsock Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cartwright 96% Harry M Burnett and grandaon, Levering Cartwright 914 -Wm N Blackburn 4 908 Heber A Smith . 5 4 916 EmerlOn T Harrell ST. M~RV'S CHllRCH """"Subaerlbe for the Miami Gazette were guest. Mr . and Mrs Wm- 921 Max Barnard 9113 Wm E Struud 5 1 1127 Marshall S Haines Eighth Sunday aftCT Trinltv, July "'"" Beadle, In Troy, Sunday. 952 Floyd H Savage 4 29th: MorninlJ Prayer and sermon Lytle 1130 Alfred D Hawke 939 L Glenn Brook 4 948 Ben Smith 1 at 10:30 a. m. Sunday School at . The mectln, of the J. O. 6 J769 Walter L Hauck 960 ' Russell 0 Burnett 94>1 Lawrence M Sims Lytle 9 ~80, The public cordially invited to U. A. M.. will be held Friday evening -1142 Walter H Britain 1836 Ross H Hartaock -_-_-at their NQuested hall. Allto mem~ra 961 Herman W Smith 5 these services. 6 847 Herma~ F Jones 1446 Chas H Barlles _ __ ___ __ earnestly bepnllMlnt,are U 987 J K. Sibcy 4 4 81\6 Leroy A Jones 172i Dallas S Boger bUAlness of ·special Importance will 956 Ralph H. Smith 4 4 939 Samuel A Jackson 1725 Raymond L Boys be trR~88cted. .....~-/) 1183 D Ralph SmIth .j 967 Alfred D Jones 1746 Robe~t S BUlns Mrs. Lee Bruner and' mily, of 4 1147 Oscar E. Smith Cincinnati. !lnd Mrs. Sam Shellott 931 Irvin F Kearns 1745 Ohas F BUrns .Anll Pay Dearly. and children, of Peoria, III ., are 5 1135 J Walter Stnlth .1415 W'IIlter W Kruer 1764 Heber H Boger The rond to ruin Is kept In rood respending the week with Mr. and .' 5 1146 Wm H Snook 1414 John W Kruer 1760 Wm C Burns pnlr nt the expense of thoso who traYel Mrs. Myer 8yman. ,r (Continued on page 4) 1747 J Lester Kenrick over It.---otnclnnntl Tlule8-Stnr. 861 Alonzo B Curter 1 787 Alva Luddlnl!ton 928 it'rank Charlton f 841 Ralph P Learning 1 923 Howard L Chenoweth Farmer~-.Vasl 1 905 Wellington 0 Levi 94·7 Albert E Crawford 'Ei 1 922 Claude D Lewl • . 966 Carman H Cornell ' 1 1160 R Lee Lammon. 946 Clarence 8 Crawford 11IS Ellis V Long 1136 Earl" Conner 1447 Harry SLighter .If it would be polilble to ascertain to ostlmate. But It Is nasonably 1180 _.Raymond Conner 1739 Carl ~igh To Subsc:ribers:" fust what the Ohlo- State Fair hal safo to say thnt eV!lry -Well bred anl- 1165 Homer M Carey f -mal on any (arm In Ohio I. there 1141 Chaa C Cook 380 Clnton T McPherson Your attention is directed to your patriotic done or tumors of the Buckeye largely becauso of the State Fair. 1736 John W Criswell 4 819 Barmon Moore EI .;.. ltate the actual preaentatlon of figWhe/1 Ohio farmers first weI'. i' pledge to th~ Red Cross War Fun~,. which was to be paid in cash 832 Geo H McKeever P'" ""ould be 80 1111'•• aa nearly cer- 'urged to mis8 thorough-b).1!d livefl2H Glenn C Davis ~ 4 842 Willis 0 McMillan taJn to astound the .tate. Tho name stock, the Ielea was regarded u 80 917 Lyman K Day or one-fourth on July I, one -fourth ·on August '1, one-fourth on t•; , 6 881 Mark E C McMillan Df "QllIo'8 ' greatest tnatltutloll'" novel. th~t it encouraged actual op969 Ralph E Dyke September 1. and one-fourth on October 1. 1917. Certain sub- ' 'positIon tn. Bomo pnrts of tho country 919 'Emerson K. ·0111 ; 1 '831 RU88811 Morgan '. " ~hleh_ has been applied to the fall', becau~e tho fn-rlner wes lod to think. 1131 R E Davis 838 Ray F Mills ~l,.t scribers have already paid their subscriptions in c-ash. and others EI a. 1I0t pral,eful eJlO\qfh to deserltie thnt the IJlrc -brcd tock proposition 1465 Earl. H DuBall .. fi 813 Sam Meredith, Jr ~..". ;;',.......'U(e fair whirl! will be held this year waB Just 11 Beh-mo of the breeelers to have paid one instaliment or more thereon. In order to save ·the ' 5 965 Chas E Michenor Jt Columbua durhta the last fiv. day. unlond their UJlimal w~r~ upon hfrl\, 1469 WJU P Deal " , -. - Whut hM cMn gcd .thls. Iqoa? Th, 806 Leroy A Ellis 920 Herbert Meredith committee· iil cbargeof this ' collectiop a vast amount of dedcal Of :A.uIlUIlt, " avernge fa rmor says Ulat the dellre sa7 . S Sidwell Ellis 1138 I Harris Mosher wor~. it ~ suggested that the entire balance due tpon s . . There an three IMtitutloDs which for better C:o'lHl ~, hetter sheep, better -860 Glarence H Edwards 8 1161 Geo Marks aN .maid. over tha business ' of horses and bottel' 8\1' Inc has been InEI tions be' paid. at an early date and in one payment. if conveqj.ent E McClure 1 1154 ,. 907 Emerson F Earnhart " armJq la Ollio. ODe of these III tbe .stilled throug h visits ~o the State 4 1168 Jos A McCoy ) Fair . 948 M Everett Early . to the subscribers. . Remittance~ can be made to your local bank, col ege of apiculture of Ohio State P~rhapc only a tow Ileted 'on the 968 Ch811 E Edwards 6 1771 Harrl80n M Marquardt ,:Vplvenlty. The .econd I• • the eX- notion that they received while loolc- 11:63 Herbert S Edwards or to C. C. EulaSs, Treasurer. Leban_on, Ohio. Your prompt,at906 Harold A Nicholas perlmnt ltatlon at 'Woo,ter, and the lng at the prille winner". Eve 10, 1129 Carrlnaton P' EIIi'! .a 854 Wm. H. Orndorf tention ~o this matter will materially assist the committ!!e' in third ia tha Ohio State Fair. It la each man who obt'ain\!d better stock. • 882 Earl 8 Omdorf Dot poul1l1e for the ltate at pre.ent was a misl'ionary. IInd ·today on. ma, 1144 ' Alvin H Earnhart . II making its report. and greatly help the work of the War Council. 942 Omer Pyle . to ~ ,._!'folle at the expert- travel through cliRtricts where farm- 1137 : Barry E. Earnhart m..t f..-m Dor Caa aU the fimne.. ars have founrl ·that the pure b~ an- ' 1766 ' GEarnest &mhart ~ 950 Carl A Pickering Alton F. Brown : ' ....... Ibl,. "op. to ~_.. • ... col.Ima! fa a dividend prodw:e;. Th. 1720 Lee El Earnbart 941 Graham P,I. bo..- r - " ._ .KI enllre state has not yet baa COD- . C. C. Eulass 1126 Ralph M Pence of-qrIealtan. verteci, but If progress c;ont1auei at 865 Louie Fir. 1157 Oliver P Pence Howard W. Iviils, _ BniroDe caD 10 '" . . the rate of the last two dlC8d.. tlle 850 ~8tb E Fumu .,... oompnuu Into .paee conversloD Will be pretty • ..,.... 811 Davia Fumu 1126 Brron C Prendergut . Committee • ...., of .... tile ..raaL 828 Clarence Flelda Corwin 1182 Luther If Perldnl 1uU~ Bowthe ' Bat the poll8lblllt!8! of IGI..ute 868 perry L Fleteher _ 1184 s.JamJD N Purb bela .. • pJOdacep of aobI_nt-wh1eh I. til. I'Ml 1-. II'l9 La W Fumu 1'18 Wm II PIa . . . . . . . . ...... -.Ita In ef the tair-ue JtCt to be euIl7 . . b~-to tIat IIauItad. 888 Ro t • ...-- . UM Wm II Pn"'~~






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SlIle's Brealasl IRslltullon" Has 8ean of Inestimable Value, to EIposltlon Compresses Many G,ood,Iblngs Info the Narrowest Space.



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IrG BmeIt E Fowu.

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R eal Tubber- non of that pitttyfied. near-rubbiirlool{ to Savage Tires. The tough, grips-the-road tread - t~e resiliet:lt shock-absorbing cushion - the strong, yet flexible, never-crack sidewallEvery rubber part of SavageTires is made of live rubber, the finest for the purpose that money can buy. Stock nlways fresh. Sold from factory to yO\! through our own distributors-the middleman's profit put into higher quality.

I :

t. .Xl. , II f \I . tI ,' ,· II I II ' tlLllll l ll l( . ~; lh · 1 ( .. Urt " "'Iil n c'" 1~ lyun 10 \"1" lt IlI' r t1 KlI/.:ht lIJ Cl n t'n . tillY CI t ~u('h IVr "11 ( I III ~ t u \) ()· I' ICll' k. \ VIII1I1". Hl r' ~ t,,( 1 V~ Ld ly II"K'"'' NC'hll lz 01. , I. ('" rl I i \'llltrt l IIII t! Fro 'cJ fllCkllnJ 11','l l'd lu luk" rt'lI l o~ t "te lit til ... II p l' ral ~ l'lllo ll t S\I ~ I" r fl Or u. 1:'1n.1Il v ~ 1I nn' t, t) ~~ Bund In the <1 0m o f ~1 \lO >(" \ ' '11, I P . (I M" llf l'rt \." .I,)l1 n ~1. Mo" . (l)t'!.. Oro" , Krlltlt (1 \ fu r Il. o , ,,I,, "I rOil I l\ ~ tu t o. UUrI' \, 1"1.\ t ol ,


AJoni toWArtI n OOl1 1 u " ,,'11"1 ,hn l! I clu ':" I", .n ' II .. ,1. II It l. ttn,C1; beadnehe. \Ylell .1\111'11 H il t) 1l1l1lJ.:"f' r l O r III \. , ' n111 111111 "11 1I1l' rO il" of n n ' Jl uJllr tIl tl ll ,h'IU'IYl" ! "That wl11 pl\811 nWI\ Y," Lud ll'ussllr,, 1 1(\lIN. . • 1\ ( III ..: l l rt 'l\k r,, ~1. m.e. "Lipton S. Clu lr "" .\ ·M ~O. 1I1111 hI' "11 ,,11" \"l' m ..." HIII 'I' ,,·tll! ""~· Injl. " I . "\\'h r . ~' clU'lI 1111\'" 10 f" , t. h ll' ," s a lrl O\lKht toO leno",," loud s, lIl\(' lllnll<'r all Ilw clInlll): t'nr Ihl R I 1-",'11" pl"O'Idlr . " II Will 111 II kl' ,\'0 11 ",Why 'ought hu tll kUlI\\' '" 1 Knlllll"'ll. \"'Illn.r. '1"1 II'l"O \\"11 0 ~I'll'" fl'h"1 co llic k. "Did he Invent It lOrllll'I",., 'r I..; 1.(, just n, w it h bI6('1111 11I111 !-t rllI' ,\ ', 11111 "11. ,.\1'''' ,~ l8ueral17!ln.g Il'om rt:tl411l1g nliliut ~111I1 4.1 - t ahlf''''' . (', It'll 1111 t' II,. t~ (tu" ~ bod¥ elso's he'llincho? Tbls l"tllI I'"" " I ~ II 'I 1\0(, 111 ",,11 IIl'll UUC,,1 T' llllCrr lll't- I New !'ultll act h ero 'bU6 Het1kd III my rl'J:J,1Il or ed Lui'll,'. En'lI ",It I' <'(' 111.1 "'IOU(\ lin I • tbouaht tor a long run, nllli 1 Ill'(;' un)" I tle lljolUllu 8 par kM " ~ T h ll uukn ow n LIpton S. OIair to drive it OU L" I m~r(.. • bel rs of ,\£\l 1.!l B AorlrelY@, d oells,'d "Don't be "I 'II II I " [ ,t L ..o k ~ like • /! rl' ol hi./! 1'111111'1,111 , I ot "I. 1 0 ql1 let titl e CI'OSll, ,ue e ttOO Ie< . '" tl ' 1 It ' "' n I I I 1 "Pl\ mo diD my haudkorchlc.t ill thlH sl'rlnl( . '" ,m . "PJ! l In. I' , J, \ olte r r h o mpill' O '0 , V~ Til IoA_ d t t l 1 I I I " I I 11 111 !:(llll~ I ., 1111 1 0" \' HII. I II Ill,' ""'0 Iln we your ore lel\( \\" tI t. li.: lbllll((,r ~ IJ o e I\jllollr .. o~ urln!t I )u. Sbe did, Bud while It didn't do nn ' dlclltll1nrY - lInm '·!~· . 'tl) nOli I' . ru('lIn· ~ ' tHlY ; umo l1nt cll1i lll tJll F:.l,ia5 , ~ -"'" I al' Ilk 0 I 0 I lOVO I ler tU "S il .~ ~_)8 ug In:::ojto RI'CU!l lit Ipng lh nil "'''. II nllt)\''lr'i! . 8u Probal e Cou rt around mil. 1 CI·t. I The 8Drlns 18 one tho t e\'c ry 0110 vis. P l nf\ II~' Ton ' III' h'lJk him Im(, ,R,',I!' nUll I III th o matter DE tho est l1tn o f ita who comca to th 18land, nud them oX1>11I11 11',1 111 .'111 Ill(' rn ~l lu :::. Jil l' 1.leo Ephfllllll l' o rm.lO , d.'callsed Alv lI III a tin cup IIlttlni on II rock Dcnr, by, tn sr-l nllll't1 101m , " ~I"'f ' I III1 ~' 101 It.- 1lI'I ,II · 1.:1111 flppolu r l' 11'HllU jnl~t, r"to ~ . Bo od I ltarted to get a drink. . cn tl " n III Illf'. H " " fTl'r .. tJ In w" l!t:r nit· I $ I.OUO. U e oq~o E , Khi e ld~ , W lIlIu lU "You mustn't drInk tbnt wnt('r." Lu. !JlI):o SlIlIlS o f 1110111 '.". wh ich 1l<'ltI,,'r of 1I I) tivl~ llrld 'n~ JJllr Uo lill H tt Ill)' c1Je 1It01)pe(I me, "fou WII t IIOt drink u" Jl "~SL·.S(·,J, tll nt I c,julllll 't Ill st f or 11 pol ntell nplIJr.lI s" f B. anytbln, but dlstlIll'd wnter wblll' you "t\'c<'k. li nd I r I dl •.11." \\,11,11 .,,1 to olll'n II E~tl1t1i! of Mll ry R. llmudi n, d e aro tastlli,." . pool on IU~' pn ' It/JlJh' \\"l'I"II t IIII.t WlIlst oou~e d, Fio.1I ucco unt of IldUlini 8. "Wby noU" mea su re", 'nt fit I b e t1"I ~ h . 1:011 cnu trn t,or fi led . ~Becauee whon there Is Ilothlug else ImulClnc how llIuch 1tI ~ h, lk ,,"' UNt... t 1lI1l. tn 'he mnUe r o r Ih es tute o f In It the .tomacb II JlIlrtlcnlnrly fiU!!· Thoruns J Olle:!. <J81l0uAod , 1 ~)(llc ul ors CHAPTER 11 . cepttble to dlaOBee," o rde r erl 6u die lI nu l lioou unt After the Arrival of Mr, Bopp. I , T!l&C wu-moro of L, S. Clnlr's maga E~tllte at' ' Iorli W , Kirb y. ' III'. I1I1II Itu1r. I knew It. Probn bly II got nE:oi wo Sf I buck rtl Ill(' house oo ,, ~ ed . fl w!'!, 1\00011 U\ of e Xll ou lor about IJ centa II word tor It too, Luello passed ('very olle (I fi /r' c'!, "Tbat water, pure as It Ie, may hn ve glURS ot woter. Hopp. \\"Ith mlcrobel in Ito" abe continued, 10 th e /ll Rtt er o f Ihe os t"to o f ,) 0. mOC k nlnrm, \\"" " III not let ~What ebanco would n microbe hnve me drll1 k rulne. sellll M. li 'r"~Ul . dow u d, 1 u vel . "Walt till I get n. tire gou"c." he t u r y nu ll 1l1)IWI!I 3\1l 1l 0Ilt file d . apinlt 1111 Itomn h '" 1 returned bit· tarl1, but I retrulned from drlnklng laId, "oud see It ~[o nty nn slnntl nulu t hl'Jul1ltor o rchl " , t u tl 01 D. the wllter,ln those days tbllt w()man other g10~8 wllh Ollt hun;lInt; nn luncr C tl uch, d p c" l\ ~ II Inv\'utory uml "The eng in& i. col d," he a nnoun cod, upp r. ls olI Illlt (11"d tube." bad Ule under her thumb. "Don't be tUDur," 1D\ t'rIIO~ed l ,u('Ue. feci IoCltf'r 111111 w lll IllIt II ... ~I. 011 r OU1' \ At nlgbtfllll"We 'itat oround tlJnt whlto In the mtl~t r of Lhe e t 1,0 of tie table oDce ,more. I t hlJllt even Luelle's ·'.Ahout tomorrow yO\l'1I t el lho 'wny t rome." rnb D, Co wll n,ueooll flod'. Inve nt ory entbullasm wall wllyorlng. It Beemed 'Mr. Blnlney (l{)(lff now." "nl1t ~' II!l " " Ill 1111(1 It "'''!lld mu lal bTld 'lp l)~"lij!\m o nt tl lll(l l)a'der "Why?" dlst,lllutly m()r~ or 8n ellort to be cb(!Ci'Dl t hIll," 1 l111crr1lllh'L1. grllnt d ,Id llli ul trnt r to lIoil lIer. "Any OlIe df)(lll otler tlll'tln8 tho flrllt luI than It>had at bl'Cuktnst. ~(lr moth· "tt w rlt~ hilI It WI\Y~," ~l1l'll11~d L n· lIounl prop el'~Y nt prj volte II 10 , , er :?'JI' frankly ml. cl'ltble nlld eyed me da~·. " CUD. with a glaDce whl II wnrned .me that "Me talU" Dopp 10 ugll\'d t\ clem' "Me fll t 't" SlI l'lc(1 D OIII ', " I Ifll 8M RealI Eatl1le Tranllfers doglng )augh, "No, thank )'OU. 1 not- not whll(' rill within two mile of don't go ~ tor those fads . I tlllnit 1 tho Itlnhilllll,11 Is the OllJ hIL'\)OUt In J, Milt ' L'homllson to 01lorey Morrl. can ba\'e more tun watching Monty d o fllllnlllg ortler 'l" SOD , lot In M&son, $ 1. .., .. padunl dlsnppenrlng oct.. " " Why, yl'~. I gu l' ~~ It Is," Luc llo rD· Frank Watkin!! L o fill,rry 0, "'nlve. Funt!Jral l)irt!~lor . Luello dldn't tell blm tben thot thort' pllt!ll IIOllblfully. It Is ul\\uyS wcl l to ly.aDd wlfo, Uj\lY. Ilares 10 Deertleld M!lod I In masou I Ines merrily mouud;. wne no tood In the hO\l"e, ona 1 joy. 01110 lully rcrrlll.ned, to.r tenr of spoiling une bo d ouu l (Ltl nlJCO ut /I ,uot" .. lJIII' t. "not 'owDshlp, iit In(ltvldualll ImbIbing tn. Waynesville ~, M. MlIglo ant! wife to) Barry {1. clulJ( ently little jot at tbe plensllre I wou lt! buYC thore Is 1)0 f' no 11 .." \\"11;' CUll 1' 1.11\ It." "(Juh t" ,:rUIll ' 1\" 1'" unl'l !'(\~lln Ll r . tn WIltl'bing him wben be lUSCOYOrro "f gue 'nud wife, \/3 Iloreslo Deer Dollghted demcors de vlutlug dream. .'un I' UIl II , I ll'~ .' t Ilk [ 0 8olvoly !laid town s hIp, $1. lIy, it for himself Ihn I. ext 1l10I"nh'j:( nt - ICI1' IlI, I t tolk 1I\"Jut 1I1~· ~!' lr . l'lIt J h l ll'(' )'l·t to brellkta~t. Joel U, 1I1erritt and Mrs J enni e Nu vices Dibbling UIlUj,(h\..V l1ov fll tl.e~. mee t 11l(~ g'u}ololl l w i..!1l ~ II Jf' lit at t111C.'; U Ot Auln Equipment "I'm going to hed," [ nnnouuccil " 0 \\' ' 1' nt II I.'" 1l I'Il I'OIH'lI. I! I I\(' I'e's II Trine ~o W, A . Morritt" lot In t)prlng. IntovIII InkIness Invit ing inrleso ro , Horsc .. l.)rawn EquIpment stiffly, boro, $1. Ileos , ~ 1'1l" 1, 1111.1 It Iltl'l'",!! nlly jul('o III tho "AI'o you 81eellY ~ o Bonn?" ftMk<-d Lu· g a:o!l) lll1 • t :UI J, .-1tu·l-l g'o l h ' ~\),'~ E E'. 'Merritt to W . A, Merritt, ~limblln g geDtlemen greedUy gllm. die, log. ' Wu 1111 W"1I1. d c,wII tft R,'(' him oil: nuil lot In Sprlllgbor o, $1. ' DAY OR NIGH1 "Not sleepy, but ver~' UN)(!," sold I, su t· lJlI tlto> ll L>\:11 1111111 I.u IN t . ll\·e ..y. Charles ,A.. Winfie ld &0 0 , E, Win. Dar,.8sed hu~bandA hurrying home. ward . )ooklng pointedly nl. floPI' . "I think I tbb' g I'cu,ly- a ll (,f II ~. Illtlrl M, except !ield, l ao 1l1~le8 , ln WnBblngtoo town • . 'l'axioab3 to tin g tnrbulen$-trHlera",~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!I!!! llllll' renllllwbllc." Mra. 01'0<' 11 . wh o "ulll plu lnc,l ot 0 Ihlp, $l. I ~tllrted to get a ~Inss ot Willer. llendnch e, pun,' ..I;] 1J .....1r. n n.1 ilccldetl RobeltJ . Shawhlln aod Abrabam "Pass MOJlty the boiler compound," to stllr In h e,1. KaufmJD 1:0 The Uivlc l 'rolL of Leb. snld DOlll>, "Ho's getting full at lime," "Oood JJIgbt, Mr. I1lolncy/' BIlld Lu. I rllll Ilf't help 1'01')1 0 11 bill WilY au on, p8rt~li' to oO,nstruot dam, 'I, Barbed Wire dle sweetly, to mulro li P for tl1e boor's mucb. us 1 s hould 10 11,'(, JlI; tl to, boMo.ry:ll , Bigler to L"ura :;U\lIVllo, cnuso I knuw lIl,\" 1IIIIIinrl"nij wh('n It lot In " ',,a otUn, $1. "WI JDhn,tDn'. IllInch," .. Id M.... rudeuess, O.... n. 1 beld her hand t or nn Ins tllllt. 'c omM to lUotorIJftUl~. Xow, ,,·ttil on 8eym oul' M. Tlb t,mls et 81 to Della GUARA.NTEED to h :II wilhont leAVI 11m l'lg li t 111 home. \Vhen we cann.lba.1s the laws of hoe- "Good night, MIss Green." Then 08 I nnutfllllolJJlo tll r l'cJUlll,g tll rlu wLUlt III lu.!l·crtlsll- Millard, lot. 10 FrankHn, $7G. Editing II news pu.ver Is II plellelng Ing 1\ bl miftb, or 1I1.0NEY REFUNDED , tum\)(} to go up tho slalrs J mmnhl c(l, 60c nad $1.00 sir. 8 (or fresb wounds, Illtallty w.ould bardly protoct one l!'tDok J , Bodge D to Lydia ElleD bUMiucss--1f YOll ou n staud It, "Good nlabt, Dopp," menls elll illt tor It. 1111 ,l"lIU n\l~d to do .7 bu1ld: . old sorcs, 80re bncks nnd ahotlld e r8~~urIl8 ooroe (n Franklin It 8ub~orlber8 wout t o b a wl ant and "Good nlg,bt, . Monty," h'C l'olm'ucel. Ia. (.0 get out lho tuol Itlt, jll ek up OU o Bodgen, ~7X bruiscs, 25e 8ize 'for Falllilyu.e, "Have .owe water, Mr. Blainey," aD .v bodv-the edito r's tho gOfl t . "Gec, tor four 6ake 1 bopo we (lon't of tbe Ilxles nu(l tclt'I'III'O" tbe Il"ul'est towo shlp, j~l , , DR. COX'S ·PAIMLESS BUSTER LucIle ...14. .., , H busl ueu Is bl\d-I' '8 b eolluse Ie p olnleRs nnd gnorm.Uled to e11re Jane G.roonen to Elh:abelh Bard. bave a frost tonight or l ' OU Are npt to gomg... S" mctlUl llS It Isn't ('\'('n nee· :'I ",o.o 't drln_ anolbor drop tonight." IJurst." C55t1ry to usc Ihe jl1ek. but It 'Jooks 101 uod l\u,ry ijbauer,lots iu fraok- tbe editor wantA too mnch for his Spa vin, Rinltllone, Corb, Swccny! Splint , I . 4eelared, "ullleea I can 118 \'e Bonte 'ad vertilling space. more IIwfes.• lmw I nil. I Imprcsso" y our lin , $1 Puffs, or allY cnlargement of Done or aa.orlna extract In ' It" I went upstntrR IIIld s lammed illY pn s~cl1gc r~ with YllllI' me hlluklll s kill. If bu@lue!!8 Is good-ad,vertl&hg muscle, or IlJO l1 '! refllDdcd, Pllce 1Klc, The Franlc.lIn Improvement Co. t o .After that 'we sat around thlDklng bedroom door. At lu st I conld bo olona DoJlI) lQu l( cd thc CIISltl ll oYer nod snUr. busn', nnything to 110 with It, but ~OR SALI BY "U DRUQQISTS ' about Iweet potatoes nnd hash alld wltb my misery. ..\fler 1 got Illto bl!{l ed, "Loo l,s iIIw It Wll ~ IJlIllt by II one ElI~!lbetb 8 , Irelllnt1 aod Raobel oonditloos b re, righ t, BOYH, lot ill Fr(l.nklto, 11,100 1 tried Iylng 00 my bll ck. ou my side . . . . . but· talklug nbout the Illlest /trlD ed plumber'A ns~l"tlllJt with the f:lt: If we lulut whllt plelloSes peopleJe@se B , Luoli!! to ~~ . U. Garrett, JIMb and the moonl1allt throuab tbe nnil o'f my slumll ch. It wns no lise; 1 Vltus t1,lUCC. Howcn! r, It's vc ry slrn. tb&\ 18 ,our duty and we deserve no lot 10 .Maple Park, $:105, But what Is moonlight on nu could not fJlecp. pic. A cb lld could IIntle ratl1lltl th is." oredlt. . Read the Miami Gazette now empty. ltornacht · Merely mooullgbt, At last I hoard tlJ, o,tllers "omlng E1e pull t,t1 II tew I ' ve ra, sc t tlt e stc r. George Kohl e' al to Cora Allee If w prlut w ltn.t displeRAns-we upstnlr8 to bed. 1 \\" OlltlcrL'I1 It he bn(\ MthtDlr !DOra. Dill, lots In MIlS OD, are II I!rouoh . nuti a Orl'l)s.baogef, InlJ wheel om] stul'ff!d to I! I'll ok It. "What'. thaU" demnntlcxl Lucllo, kls8ed ber good ulgbt In tbe 1101I . "lI.1ollly." h' ("IOHll llntil)tl, "1 00. CII Ibllt .nd dOli' t d eijervo tho plltronBge of Some one Imockco) nt my door . • tralnln., her tIIIU to CIltL'h lom.e 1I0uud Marr/Sie Llcensel! the PlI 101\0. I growlcd, "Comu h.... lIno Ihe r , ulIll whe l1 tllo englnll tl tnrts out on the water... Tbero WIl8 Il taint If we print I he nOWR a s It is aoto., BoPV stuell bls 1 1<'l1l 1 In li t tbe door. t1lro<v It IIhollro ~o I WIII1't lw ve to "'pat·put" out .\I1llelvllero. Tbollla s ~ . Brtlndon, 8tudent., ally-peopl e l1u l1 us c ver I.h e phone "lOxcose m e. MUllty." he Rn M. "I lell\'!! thr' Sh 'l' I'I II),( wheel." ''It'l .Johneon's Irluocb," laId !IIrs, t..ebllnon, !lud MI88 Myra Virginia IiOti t e ll os t o stop t h el \' 'p"per. [did liS Ito II Hkl,a . 'Green. "I can tell ,becnu$o It misses saw a Ilgbt lln,ler YOllr Il ,' r. nnll. [( we JotBrb le it- tlJev t e lt IlS we thlnklng )·OU ml!!ht be I\wllke. 1 lie , lurned lll\' H.rwhec l o\'el' Pllln · eOllteR, of Klngll Mtlls, Rev, George eve!,), tentb expIOHlon." b 11 tully. TIl '1'(; WIl S II SOl't ot wlo eezlllg W PlllHlpiI', ure Huhij ld lzed b y tbe oorporn'e lu "Lipton· S. 01alr snys thllt .fll"Un!; roug t )'OU 11 book..1Q, r nil." 8Ouull , hut n othlo ... res ."hllo," tho I'C'" Ar tb nr James, mInister of ~tln teres t . Be tossed n vohnu ri my hed . wllb· ~ ~ " maketl aU tbe SCIIS~8 oxtrnonIlllul'lly Ed l ~ iug It. Il n \l/~ IJO\ler i:l fl IlIElIslog ulur cX l'los lou of" 11111 "illo U)UI01' ill the (jermIiD. Porto Rico, Bnd Miss .I!llv!l drew aud shut Illc c\oor. acute," Luelle oxliialued. Mil), Ol'llkll, 01 L ebanon , Rev, bUJi u S:\-Wil lik e 1t,- 8rlstoe (\10 . I ,wondered It I hull llti "jutl lo:l .• 1 tile J1\lsh of pc}'C. , 'l 1"'lI llli f"I' li lll! Il~ OatH , I know Mrs. Green 80ld "Llllluu BUKh W~tMOO , Eoterprisl', "Thll .OIl~l lIo I~ col,I," Itu II I lIio 11 II ' \1. 8, Olalrl" y.nder " ~r brenlh, but 1 dId maD, . It certAlulv wlla decent of 11m 10 brlug we a book. I plN.cO Uj) t'h e "01. "The IIrlnt:lll lu o( the 1!,, ~ol1n() QIl' Talmage ~burtz, painter, Ilnd MIsB not hear It. ' "I wooder whllt John~olJ's l.:oat ,'lIn ume, rend th!! title aDa thre\\' It Ilt Ihe !lble," I lL'C turL" 1 gl\\lly to L\l clle, " i ~ ' Juli n. timith, b oth of FrunkJln, M cn s \l~' C(lUlI""'h" lIs lI,l() to tho> Intellect A. JamB8on , J . p, be dolug .ont h ~rc Ilt' this tlmo of door he hud just closotl. It wns '''r he 'Yhlte rtou~e Cool(bool{," ot 1\ 1,1Y of t l'lI , It ('oll "islH ~I lllply of nigh,," LucUe Spct Ulllll'l1. M ax W. Bllr nard, sheet metol In nil won or two It wn~' IllIrll~ht mlxlllJ; gn s "ll ll " III 11", tLlllll;.u-ma ·jlll worker, a[ld MI IIR Adl' Bos ' le Ber. "Be must llJ) brlo~llJg some, O"l' o\"er wltlclt III tll'awlI IlIto" wltnt·d'.yo\l·cnll· bero," saId hllr mOlitor, " m's Is tb' once more, nlu\ I d'·CSHC.1 lU Y .!1I111clllt· It In tl lll en >!l n,', Ullol liI,' n \l'h 'n un fl£lrd, botJ) of Wllynesvll1e, Rev, ~ }t , H. J!'oater. · ooly Islllnd for ml1 ~s wlokh IK Inhllh· ed flguro with cnl'(', IIIFcrtlng u \11·...1·11\1I.h" dlu I{clcNI'k HI'''I'I< i~ u"pll ell !ted lUi late lIB tbls h. Ibe SCII S()U ." UOllory ~uf 'Iy IlllI hltll,'r 1I11t! you .in but 11"'!'t! I" nil !lXll l",I .ln, 'ut! lJ u ' SIlUluel E .ntsmloger, 'Iabor,e r ot F&every dnlrymnn', wire could vote AJ when c rea m 8cpnrnton Arc UJl (or . "It ClIJ\'t be flltber," [.uf'lll) 11111ged. the folds whi ch Wl!"~ ollce the wulllt turll s tlw whl"1 U\"(' I'.. this lll'llws th ~ Xcnll1, and Mise Fanule E . Bowe, of electi.n,- a U. S, CREAr.{ SEPARA· "He lIuld be WOUldn't be home uu t ll IIno at my gll'rmeut!'!: J': urly ns 1 hIlll churg() or gll ti luto t.he ('lIgl lIl'!- II UW th" n~lu New Burlington . Rev. Bugb TOR would a lwaYij win, Ii:Indt~ down. 8uo4aY_" rlscn, Lucile wne tlo\\"11 hllrs nllll()ljt ns cecelltL'lc tl'lll>! ,tile ~ Jl.lrldl\g du\' lce-. Wahon, !:lome of t.he olergymen of Los An. 7'£tl1c ercamery mana gers knew the .AJ un9anit~lry condition of many ecp· So we went down to the dock. It 80011 ns I WII S _ W(' hn d our' tloti'le llOW I I ~tCII IntcuUy fUI' lh" CXpiOd lu ll. "eles obJ'eot to thll dietrlbutbn ,of • :lrator8 which~rvothC"' .- thcywould .as moonlight, ' fUltl tbe old ' launcb stAudlllg RIIlI lit SCllllrnte tIUJ(,s. Yon <'11 11' 1 henr It IJc 1l1lS(' I Ill"'" I ~ 1\ CommlSlloner'. Proceedlnll:8 tobaooo among tba soldiers at the be even more urA,ent for th e usc of U. S. SEI'ARA TOkS. eollllq ,1n IGoked 80Ule wny romnntk. ", hull WI! wuken Mr. flOI'p7" I fl Rkcil. "cry ~o.l(I lUulllt,r 011 lI.l lJonL" fran' by the R erl Cross. ~OOj6ty , . What . . , abe brlngtng us? Sow&- , "I shoul d hn te 10 bn\'c hho 1lI1~s UIlY lho buyers or creamery products ;On blJ Contlneel Jobn A. Blalw euppUellfor janitor While the grounds for objeo~lon know lhot tho poor·keeplng q ua l· tblnlr,lwtthln-me suggested tood. ot this gloriulJR ilIlY." and surveyor, U 20; 0, W, Un¥lee. are not stilted In tbe newspaper re Itles of buller c.n lIsually be traced to , The jaUDcb cnme nlonglllt1c ; a mnn "No," \'ctOl!c1 Lucile, wlto ' ~u'I,ceted - - -,.. _ ....- - by, burl") of "MIner oa Baomgar'ner, ports they olln eully be inferred ; ::,.r.l~!W ~~'.:'~LW'~~~':1~:"i;,t~~ with a couplo ot grIps JUlllpcd IIshore; my lIloth·o. "'I'lIe "cauty of fust.lllg Is '75, Wlllllllm Ev'".e,lItallel tor oonn. It Is ha.rdly IIkel)' 'hat 'bey will U,S, SEI'ARI\TOR. \YUh itounequollocl reputBtion (or clcaolincas. . tllen the boat bacieci away nmt limped tbut It r ello'I'!!;! 'nte 'rolll 0\1 Iho reo t,y 8llrveyor, '16 .25; Tru,tees Pub o~rry I'uy wolght wlt~ toe Ri!d ,Clll ...In Into tbe dllrktles •. F&)IOuwllllct mC8how youhowmucb strnlut of COllVt',"loll. We I1~O 'lot tied Ilia AII.Urll, light tor oourt hOD8eand Crosi! autborltles l'he in \onse ner\!. .., Colsier III. to kl'ep Ihe U. S. SSP· j~lI, $50. 47; .roeeph B, Woodw&rd, ons 8trllin Impo8ed by tlie 0011\11. -why, .F,rank Boppl" exclolml!ll LU-' dowu to m "ul~, 10 rpl!"ll1r rl>;[lIg n'1I1 ARATORcle.,n nod rust le.. inoitlennd Eel'VlCes 011 burial commi~aton l $1; tlous lit the fran' In the preseot war die. 1f88t1na' . ilie new co m~r. "We retirlug. 1':\'eI'Y one 1Il1l)" cOUHuit his out IM.n oiller 8lnlll:11' dc>'iC<l8,- how Quickly the mec h:1nica I wll8h~r scrub.. own CO I\\'l ' ul~uc In tbo nouttcr. You B, M , Kuaver, . 811me $1; W . fI rfqo lr eM t hat everything p O llsible "'ren't. upectlng you uutll next ocnld• • nd drlco ,h eekimmlnl1 pnrl9.cboo~l' to 1l1"IkO l1li(1 "lory In Iln tllre;' l!e Roblneon, l!~we $1; Columbu. Blank sbould be don e to 811a" ner.ou8 'I r •. weet." n~C[ ~~PAi:U-t&R ~I:~~':nt~o°i~~ Anstralla id the moe' Isolated of Book Mfg , 00, Hupplles for probate rltlltlon. Amusements tor the Dlen "'I' kIlew 11.," he "itl, ''}jut [ got two prefers to dl'ell ul." ,dutuU.CJD. . There WCI'O R OllU,Iti lIf HOIlIO one stIr· 1111 Inhabltaied oontlnentA aod Is jUllrs, "$1,60; Dan 1', Bone, re08, when reli eve.d of duty Ilt the imn,e .. wNb' ftcatioG instead ot oue, aud ' ] . , Aft\lr I shoW you, see if you can rlug UII, tIIlrs. I remote troUl 'he oenter of 1\11 tbe $ 1. ilO ; Xenll' City Work Boose, dlete frou t are reoogol1l6d 88 an 1m. tIloaIb& r .. ,.,. welcome, 10 I grablMld "Fruuk Iff UV," u,moulJcctl lA,cll r) with , world'. aotl.vlttee . Northward the .l Ieeping · p\'iloDerS t $38,"6; Bark & porlant Illotor 10 preve,ntlug Uliu find any other separator so san· itary, If you 'c annot- then buy " the am tnID, aO&1 here I am." relief, I lhlnk I;h~ kllcw t1l01'0 W(lS II • .Elohelberner, burlaJ o f GeorRe MOI- roses , lI'lnv o f bbeJ;llen in ~he army a U . S.~ lhe World's ,Rec~rd "Of OOIlI'M ,70Q arc welcome," La- Itorm comIng II"'" \\' IlS glu,! to !:el tllo I&l1InR dl.tsncll &0 Japan 18apprO:l;' 8S, '75; Ed .. ln8aldwtn, dllmnge8 lo Ilre ooofirmed sUlak e o's, lod to .deny close skimming separator. dl. . . . wODderlng how ,be wu rolnlf SWipenSC over with. ' Imately 3,000 nau&iolll miles; to In. , bu~gy, ' 91) l Lebtl-nou 100 and Coal these Olen lollllooo Is to Inll '1 Je a de. to brMk tile mew. of the f.atin, to DOlfp I\IlIl!; I1R ht, .1t·NtllN!. 1 fle\·tlr dill 2,f>00 miles. South Amerloa Ie (lo., loe, oOl; U ft houee, 6,80; C . '1'. ~ree of nervous irrltR\lon whlob will 111m. ' caro tor n ll\! r~OIl who la elJecl'ful hc· .7,000 wllell to tile \l1l8', and Africa Jobo8,.?0, bur(1l1 of W. '8 , H, ~ny m"~~rlally ml!nMe agalnat thel&" "Bow aN ;rou, Mouty'" Be ha.l1ec1 toro brellk.fRst. It 1\1\~II)"o; ~'"!eUlS tf) D.e , . I dl ta c we8' From Lon der', $, IS; .Iohn. on & Watson, filee efflolp.DVY, It wOllld be tbe helllht Waynesville, Ohio • . for 'a ndlt.or, . S\9; I:!tate ve John 8 of folly, both from a medlUal and .. . . wtill the nlekuamo J mlJlt detelt . . t! the PO",OD l'ut s It (lll ro Irrlrtlte an eqoa 8 n e , . don so thl oapt'al of Australia I\blpq M nla, oo:ab, ~b.t~.8 Welby Carter, mll1tar\Y standpoint' to depy tobaooo aad 1IQpe4' me .on the ,bouldlll,w blade .tOOl'H. . The lUI'lotly, Wbleb HUI'II 11!'(!s~~() IIIIIJ- by 'he Boell rou'" haTene appro 1:. oOlb, '11 a,/); Stll'e v. George Bur to tbe men III tbe froot Muoh '0 .MN tile ftll"urn wall the worst. . I . . . . . bIDl polltol" but untl'Utb- r.ett by WOII "Orlnk to M.. Ollly Willi lma\ely 11,000 mllel of wale'r aod by ton,008U, IU,GIl; I:na'e v. ThoUlae' tbelr oredlt, the ' woruen of Lo,· ~n~ _ .....t I ..... Det'er toll better. '!'blne E1 ..... and ttJen as an encore he tlie Panama canal 12,731 milell, Maddox, OO~t(ll, ,l3.011 ; 8ta'e .8 BDl. !JelN wbo are proUllnlDS fn relief • S'IIIa we ~Dt back to the hoUM. t&YOM h1m~lr with "The 0111 Oaken Iy Freelle, '10.05. work prao'IOIlly n ••Dlmoo,ly favor ___ • providing ~baooo alung with o$her AIlI IIIId .......... ttio preMnc» of B1aotet" and "Suwanee Ith·or." Arter From Oallfornla por'l the rootea viII DR. W. MILLER. Samoa or Fiji o. TahUI 001'01 oomfo ....... for men as 'he . froDt.... IIMQtIItrto be abaol\Jte!y mlMra' that he W08 entitled to nil thllt wns a quarler, of tho olroumfewenoe o. New Yort Medical JOllrn,,1 _ . .. . . .... ... .dlIferent _,.. _ _II" .. _ when of1 comIng to him. I~e earth, Al18trall.', oal, lUll ' ••• DENTIST••• Be came downstalrfl IIDllllug a.Dd ask· 01,.1II1ed De\ybbor wtahln a radillil The Cllr. for Grief. • - • otIMr tDdl,,\d· e4 pleIl_JltI,.. "1lt1ve you '-II out 10 of 1000 DIU.. 18 "'.va,-N.,ioQal cure tor crtel I, aetloa.TIl, rtoh ••• milk t. Iha' whioh II to illlak ~ vOW' IIl'l'AktnRt \"I'L KOIl!)"" ~pJaIo l18p1.tDe, . Lewis, . . . ~, GlOM of &be miami •




Heap big mileage!





















WOMAN ALL RUN DOWN Made Strong and Wen By Vinol Woynesboro, riL-"I Will all run do_ nfter n hOld 8!'C1I of bronchitla 80 It wu hnnl for me to keep about. 1 had palllll in mv cllCst nnd took cold eMily, A friuna Bsked mo to try Vinol. I did, and it built me up 80 I am strong And well lUId I am able to do my boul!(lworlt: whleb 1 Iaod Dot dono for tlJrI!ll monllrB \M!foro taking Vlnol."-Mra. Y. It ITe.bOveu. Waynesboro, Fa. • Vinol creates an appeUte, aId, digee. tion, mok~8 pure blood and create. etrengib, . :Your Il101101. b~k U It f.lI ...



InSUR1Il1eE Walter Chandler IWaynesville, O. Pottolf~,


Offa. PbolM 7'

H01lV Phone II

A. MA.FFIT Funeral Dil'f'cior: and ,Embalmer,

- - _.-


Waynesville. Ohio. Either Allto nr Ho rse drawn ~ervice. No extra charge f()f !luto sHvice. Both phones in Olficc and Residence, No, 14_


Clean Proposition


Sole Agent For








..t .. ~... "WGiIIl",aa.

. ~AY MILLS Phoue 90-3


D it. H.E. H .AT.HA WAY '''n'yue4~1l0's ~ndiDJ OIllCe In H " lnea Bldi.

Dellstit baln Bl'





fVBIlSIa!D WEI!Il.T. $t.00 PEl 1UI ~OTnef DIUOO .."" . . .01"........ CO.TU • • TI" • • O,,~ AND RVlC. OAN PlIO11ft' •• UtINO .,. ADVnTlalN. OOIoU-.



..... ............. . .AWLI COPY FRIr, -

. . . . ..y.







T •• _ As

I ) . l " IT A 1.£, Fclil rand J llhlis ll r

- ,___OOD -NEWS


Written by Ou r Corps of

Able Corresponden ts in the I N eighborlhood




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Ei:i I~ A \, .

WI'; 1)

J il L Y -:::


l IT ' V",





ttl ll lif Hl t,l ru

A IJli Wilt . UlI ul. t· 1n) 11" " LI ,

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t:lU\ll\l ( II I~Y 11m!! ' h lt~ nil " : H n ob nt!" 1II ~ 1 "l\t l 1,1 " llulI lI hI li






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lIull ·,. \", 1.11 0) , ,\ ,.1 <I II" I,... I""" luke ll ll u t~ , 1l1wll , fo r n few UII .VIi vl 'lt wl ~ 1t I,y II ld,, 11 ~lI l1e,c" I" , Ihe IIl" l IllIrt y. r" I'tll"'I'" 1If( r tin nb~on c Ilt.1\I liv\..' y 'd l ~ ~ lUi (1 h l l:' lh-' loJI C hIHi\\' 11 u ~ l 1~L:' . f tl I 1t 11,,,51 ,d/j, I,I" rCll lt d y ," r ·"",,,h. 11.11 5 I'e"t.~ . nll Ll ln~ ~- or y fl ,~. 0 1(\ I' 0 (

(' ul ll rr l, ~ I l' dk illl.· Hcl S thrll the IHt )lld VII I I I ~ :-' 1l1Cll tl h s u rta \:s, l' 1",: 111 111: t ht., 1 'lI i ~'JII r n ,lIl ,III; Hlt h ld HlI cl Iic. tllU I lh~ d isl!Rstti

~ \., JU ,lintat1 c-uH.


Ch' (,rJ,to J4J,lwu Ttl t-t


h ' Jluu, Il~tl r l ~lI' '''lI''Ul

pIlIIJ \lII ~ .

pl u!oItorlog- u




nn oUlchl!lo Ins tb" II) tlur ClIIUPPO(\ ~lIro gp . N.r Mo "lnOIi. ou r enrerJlrl ~l o,\ YOllU'g buulno ~ 11111 11 · 101)111\ fnrwRr!1 to th e !l oed e 0 1 th " c ltl'l.IlI'1~ of It ltl ho Ul !! t o wn . 'I' lli I ~ 't1ry " \ UC'l1 n,-,orl",\ ((nil url'ly will Ill! Imf r u nl•. " d .. ~ we u,~uu'ut gor. " c lll\l1 k of iOIl I\~ \luge " B Illl e (.lg. Lut' II H u lln~ t 111 11 Q,ntorllrl.[I II n,1 !l oll! It ul fln/,;. E'Inlp ollr dll,pnHi. tl OIlH wllh Klli'c k nh;ollrbdr R HII wllI'l\ \\' A AI) I)v pr t ho r nn,.:h ltl j(lowuys iI. ", II I li nt j 'l r nil nml W(1 will It'LVI) 110 nlll'l ell~'lIlt r ~('o ll ('c li tl o~ of til . jlm r. ""Y u f lore .

Hn rv y r , nt, 111 . t Wl ' l' k t h l\ ~ h t 'U T :i l\I~d ici l l • fo r n sh{. r t 1 fmc ),1)11 \\,,11 SCe n "It II nlillti~·~ . ' " t b ' " 11011. ~ r ca t irn l' lo\'C JllCIiC i ll ) 41 ur gl' 1I t.l ! I ~~lll th A buw bltl h V11I1; IIIILll u. l1"rr y hlliak( ,. I," , lll,rj Fridu y Shil l lu~ h lJ.: f-h tll 's Cu t ltllh \i(ltll.ClIIC u l 1111<1 pr on oullo ed his. I. Ullt Huod (1(11.\ 1:11\ ou-roo lo led I b tl tow u'" cvo uitl- I)lh.'C lLml get rh.l of cu l urrll. N.:! lId r.r II (::ooll turu uu t. l eM i mulli.ll" , lice . fsiJ Th" h ,olll ~ "1IIt!~ 1) 11 ; Mr 1111'\1 MT~ . E " r1 I:\oclt&tt lind F . J. l:1 1UN lI V & CO , 'rol ~do , 0 1119. BIH 1.. 1t · · ", lO WU tI!LlUII 'ti ho potl uuo t W'l oulldrt' o, uf II Ollr boru w e ~ tl I:lold It)' n il ilru ll~ I S I R . 75c . • bents i"u ud!lY v i. HIl TS of. MI' , !lnd Mr @. lW lu"p" " u bi ll Itlx loo ll . ROil . 00. f II l:!" r" lt LIIU l, ub llO IIultill 111I,l llu,! t ]\1 1' lind M r . UII !'IIlo Iwd IIIU y , A . n. Til In Ilg!) !l UU ruOllly ~rnll l, Arouud IlIW, uull h e lrl ~ 11 of II ;Ir ()ud,I ~, wur l! Hllndll Y gUtl ~I'" •' IInrlo y nft ll rth lOU ut I,h o lrululug 'J'U 1II,,\(II lol li \lll lu CO llu t r y tl h pllt I of l'elll l,IIIIIA in thill vi m lty . OI1IUI> ill L (1bflu o n . A tlltU Io{ o t "LIlli IH,d l· . Ju ij·s r vu H , .lI lI l'I y 1)11 111, Aud wll·illhHl h' l'l tH }1 ' II' fLI II )

,Hlcr }'"'' have

III ~l' lI

11.<11' 0 ' ,,1;01<11

---_. - ...._--





~1~d:~1111tl~!,T~: ,:j:;:.: ',~:~~'l~~::n~;~~~~~

A Ja ge car of Fine Shingles A fresh car of Cern.ent n ew car of Brick, suitable for Chimn~ys and Outside . Walls.

ftlr l! . J\. '"'\~11t·1-.4 "' " hu •• 1. ";U J III with '.I' I'II\I,d l u\ ur . Itl H!'l'rov llJg me Iy ..

1>r. J.h;l ln gtl r nn rl w lr" I"n f, r 1 tn lnn,l fll r 11-1 " w",. k. •. ,,<1 I'"". IIn o Mr~ . Hllrf inli"r lill{\ r1 " II ~ hl nr H., I" JI ~ lind 1\1i"~ Ii l' r llllllllr lif \ ~burl fl~ 1 1I1I , \V

\' 11 .





I{(I/.: "~I Hnrl ow. n ll·~'n tlllllntl . H ,' .. IH . " I.. Hln/.: W W. Whltll~ a r IlIJIl IV I f.



M Iss I da Tr ll lll" n r pt 0 ro ed t il h"r i

M',l n l llllll llfl(!r ~1 )(' lldi ll~ , b e re . Mr ll . l:l ) l1io ao r Itl all I 11 0 ~i c k 11~1. MlI l:!ter Rnl\,1t IJ:01 glo i ~ ~r' Il<ling ~ O l' e r ll l w l'('k~ fn fhe ,11\ n ll'v wi l h . hl~ unol o 0",1 nll nt , Mr. Ill;,l Mr H. A . I;. Mnndollhflll . .Jllhn p" \ (>r ~ll n An,,! r"I/ d l\' "t'r" II. () RU f V(1Y nnd fl1rnily . of DOlfl,lllY I;IIPHtR or JIll' . nllll JlIT ~ \V N1 k .'!l fHtr (.rf\~n n in. Utlou , lind Mr~ . '..JlI t! Hllrill n " nd d n ugh t or " f Il ll r vI'I YMt.urg \\'l"'ro~ th" Mr Mr l..llln. o r I·:I I',,~(I . '11"". WII" I:) ll nlluy ~ UI)~ t (,f \1'. IIlId I\J rri ~'. Ih n \V .lok . Oll" 1:'",,_1, u l 1",1' ~ 1 ,Lllr Mr!l. Wm Ifulll Ar.nn . A . Hllrt ~tll: k . .. Ert I31111 Ho n "".1 wi fro 'lr~ II,,, I'" r . M r ~ . (' eo. Lieh ert li nd anughto r , t;.;u l,h eTino. o f 'hlo"uo. lI ud M lsA alit" of /I ~Il n I)O r n ~ l ll l l\ l ny , .J uly 2:.1 rd . • 91l ll uuIl Jo rdo ll ~ p tl n t l'hurRdllY wll h I·h .. ir brother . Wnltu r .l ord .. n IUlIl Mr8. l'Mry \V f' II f' r I~ PIII'1II1h,lK thlU lly. . 8aver ,JI d n,V!t III l llLllu n il IInc'l Mr~ . We ll e r Is vi~l tl ng h or I ~ tllr In ·In. M ra. Idt~ Munn on find dll o g h t er .


-- ---' - -- -_. ---I




h OlllO in

~ovl1 rlll l\'(lo1l~


nf U un ol n" i.l y , willi ull lI i~ \t ollr", 1:1" tlb rlJvtl liut Lu IIl'lilllht t,lIlV " .!-\ 'lIIr1" ,V I'nr"nt " t 'l VI It trlolHIH flit! t O IVu , of wlJ w b "" W il li II Jlll r f.. In WIIII )\ " ~ t "" With I(rollt IIltlbUhHl ·IiIl,·t.I. ~ l r . "n\ll\lrH, W . W . W " lchPluI I H e "llU k u Wt' ll ul h i" I"II ,,\\' n.OIl ; I." r, hll ll " ~P l llli 'F rl lI!!\, .. ft nrll ,.,nn In . 1:1 " IlIlIhlUd WIlI' II prlll"I' \V .. .. Iluo ; III viow lit U,O fuot tbll t t.ha rull- W llllliu r,:tllU 1lI1111Ot: on uC'1U~!nf,lln . reln ct O ': III !IlI~II\1Jn 10 lt u ~ .. ltl, or wlliob atop . He wl ~ lded lInl 1\ Illud l.\' VCl U, AlJd-'no rl'w 'lttl h n (ir" w. .Iu bn ~ . l:itl!VllII Il IN t lw h UIl/!, Im ~ r u. H v . Al fr l' ll W .. lkC'l· 1111ao.l t b o pul . - EllllOr IIIllI I ' nhi\ ~ h el'. ' Iu fls ted th ', t 0 JIl s ~ru o~l o n of 1001). I t t I 111 F ub ur ob ti ll OltllY. . " !Ut l vOt! "lid ollrs be nnd e rtuk e n at 1 P II · I HI . " --'Hi " e in tbe . Unlt,ud I:lt,,! os t u s u ppl y r..I r . Hosri l:tnrtso k, of Hldgew l~Y ' ~nnRU I Iho 1l"",1", u l HU~HIIl ' 8 r8l1roall~, Ibe Ublo. wu" til woe k.e nd gue~t of IS Mi s!! Eth ol w oru the "'un d fl .V g u eHts I[ a. LII) D o f p ri ces fo r eCJn lpm ~ot, i' liI'~ol~ of [Hlor W 11111110. MIR9 T ll elrn.t HlI lI O f~ whn w,,~ of lJarrnl Oonlhera g lind f ll m ll y lot·com es ofiru Ultldl llt e lo te rest. M r . I:l rme l>l1km DDil suu LUll. ll(Je rutecl on ror nll l)endl c l\.i~ is nlolo 1\1 r. ,.J . H oko~ t , of So ld ie r s' to be ou.l. It Iii,\! nted t hllt t b tl HU ~l'I ltlu IJlll p. rl'ncll. u f Lebaoun, w ore tinn d ul' II II III t, urdt r ~ t o lie 1IIltcljd here w il l g U138HI 'o f Mrs, Ln tie V lllll1 e rvuorl. b OIll!!, IJlly l,on. I~ vlsltlD g hi s oleoe, MrA MU IllI. of (Jallromlfl , I \'I AIt M r R. (:l eo BOgllI1. . Ilru buhl y rcqol rolm lldt.lltlo llll i or edit Mor ry h l W tl U Ibo V«Due. I nI' MrR. Matti e ' m lth . H o lY bUll ollf ol ' I< I 1\ ., " " r Wi ll . 'Jf tar,o,ooo.l'OO. The OOIllUlIRB loD \J r. [Llld Mr!! \\ ult r I IIde rw ood 1'>11'. unll Mr~. Mol ho rn nod Mr dO ..8 n ut l uvu (II w .. leb b ur 11 M ~b . MIs8 Lizzie Nic be l. o f PII I! .. den s, rCO,II11IIlUr,(IH Ihe p ll rcb lhlO ur m or e 'tTlI oujuylul,{ II new b'on! rl1l1ohlne . R ()HB l::ia rt Boe k. of Rlr1gwtly. spf'nt ,Ud UIl ov e r 1111 Ll " ,,1-' IJlnUKII ) ? Y" I' (" I\\' rlu l \t IClIIU OtI V(lS ued f r elg b t, !JI' J W , .. r d hu ~ pll r ohu ~ed t1 pnrt o f Ih e w ok with F. A . I:{ I1 T t. Cullforula, M rR. JIlItl IJ!l Voo k , o f re , ,,,,, ull ~ r Ihll L IUI '1f 11 ,(11 1'"1.1(11 ,, bb Ren vor l o wo. we r o ~lles tM w ",lnell' l ,' M >! of Ili rge r o.. rr l' hl ~ oflIJnol l,Y. It, F o rd 'T~ llri ~~ Oll r . suo k tHlf! fu n il ' y . lI .. vtl u tll .,t LiIl ' r" WII!! II ~lI " r ~,),1. I, ,.v l"{,I\!, th ut I II ~.) \\ III lIo req ulr t.I "1 tl f I lin I HO~ MI ..s Vt 'RI'n h:1l1" 1I11ed n il r..1l'rl e dElY o f Mr. r~nd MrA RIIY Eu ~ I(). de"" to r, vor )' I 111 11[( liI " y 8 11 W II lI .. UI In larg.e nnmuer l:f. Mr. Ilml m ~ ~ . r" . y ~' Ti Mr . nnd l\I r~ E rl Kln oald w or e , \tWin . 0" Yl,ll w UII II ...· tli 'lII I llu l \Vil li Lh" lIu ll , lu ~d orf!e r s frfllu ,f ohu 8(leut HunLl. y I U tjLlblUH ,\H li tl n O F ll YU ~~lI l s 'f ll l)sduy afte rn oon . A'll~RtII last week of .IL.lsep ll 111118011 nn<t w lfo. , - - - _ _ __ _ _ _IOJ:I_ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ !11 v I, h o u ~ u' tI, r o Wu 1/ u luo n ijul\ . 10 r .. lgo und dU ,u lls t lO r oudtl th d(,- Mr t;yft'lrd '" lJ) u Lb tH. " !\Irs. Mllude Clott. l'e r. ot l.Je ba n on, - - dos'I1 _ 111 11 uti!! u lJo n A LIl ri UJln NllllplJI Ant Mr. Ell ltidll k er 1l !18 J!ll r!'il ll"ed n "pon t Fr'ld14Y with b e l' shlte r, Mr\:!. MIl~te r Ho bert " nd ,l ohn !lIl Tll ott, 'U lUY Sltld th u t liI u tWIl nlfu l II l1lk tJ rl;f Jlr l! Ollo rm ,l UIi IIU ll 10 t·b !! Hlllok IIIl~ O m Olll l . W. 1'. J or d 'io. ot (Je n tBrv lli o. 11 r e vio;itl ng ! hel r dllllll l)l or 0 1 tL o It i ll g uf Ihe god. Me IlnmtlH 1lI1ley K .lO Dudy , l:ttIU' Mrs . Mar t b li Da v is at,teodeda Dry ~ r oudDl o the r . Mrs. 'n r o lhlCl Burn ott lilvod t ile ,,1\1) 1,10 "II !lllrih. IHld ~ I\Vt IUbt· t w mo nlh s 1'(Jlll p rn ll lll ll il P~ Of Course. IIl1vo beo ll n ou r ly o vur wh " l ml' d WI il !lllb Croswell Ilud Mll r y 'y ferd Ilnd Fedar ution meati n g ut. Leb un oo FrI . ' bo IiIOll n f.1I ~ h lll" t rl l III IlII IIII \Jlll"" tJU SI Il t.' H@. Ell ul l.IU leu ta pu r chu~ed SOil Jullu IILt l>nded tb ll TOIllI) ranoe d ill" "TOll I'n n foo l 1111 I)f 11:1' /)/'011'" ~''' "0 l 'ho lll,UHll,1 LI I.- ~ll chl l!sH Will! OlliU It. of Ihe time," h ~/l1I th ~ /111111 \\'iI,) lru m nil over tJlu wo, fd bllVI) 000· IUl:!eUp g h e ld III Barmon Hull, Leb.'r nnk Kenn ey Bnd {o,m lly, of ~h u Wil li ~lI b tlYlU "11I11Ir of 4~I 'lI1l 0 . Jl kp.~ In '1 10to lit .. suyllljl;,q of II IP ~('I'IJ L ' on the Uol l ed 8t-tlt~~. Ilnoo, Jj'rlduy Ilfteruool;l, Ju ly ~('" Plall811n t Pilltll , nod Rev . ~c ll we r e vf' r gtld a v Ail b o til e Ilod ul 1,1Ie ~ u o , ru illd t b .. " 'l1hn t'R uouglt," Mild 111" 1111\, '1' 1'1 1/1». PrloBs of I .... CU IllO'l vHtI In ~he l ut MlslJ J an n ette MllTphy. Of Finn k . ~be ' un c,l llY AUO ts 01: Ernest M tl ll. 41LY ; ~O lll,itl Illlt'.t1 Ihll ut ll M !lod " YOIl wllnt a vocull"l1 C·II"""IIIII.I'." f ew Ql ontQ huv(\ rl llen to u o h .. a rd ll o Wall Il vislf.or of Il r j\ra ndpllr. no ~ \I o d fllml " . MOl doo t bb Ul tlOli III b llr o() ur ~e • I want to buy your fl g ur d." n d I bo 81\1lie Iii ~l'lle of enl" M .. n u d Mrs. Hobt. Utlrr o ve r T n e Soni or Prlaom" olob m e t , of u:.uLt Il Vlll.o lllK 'wbl' ll h r brolh!)r , tlll ~dtlY : w it h Mu. f..ena Et a rf;s ook o n fn es. Mr. ~dw'lrd K als ey, of Marl oll .irllll wHit 111 ' 1I,1,1lr 1)1 tI ... Iluy, han Ollrd. !:ll n oe 1111 5 100oJU~tlvel:l htlv ·d t n J.!rl oe <l ve r • 5 per cen I" , •. 8 or W 1\ 8 I n our 'I'h I d t "'.. Itll G C .. t Wool and ·will pay .uuk LU ,~" t III hi ~ I)" 10.(" by th" looranM Too Nume rou s. 1,1 1I~lIa n/l A r Ort r !! ollo r [,0 v e r Ctl nt Bnd '1 h e <..:o o.n ty u r v ey bll liin d ilY lafter noo n OSO present were 0 , s pe n ", ODuIlY w . . ... oun .,., h @iLllr n .... 1.1111 111\ O"I)H 'I t""tJ t;b ... frt'illh ~ o.. r ~ fro Ul 60 li!)r ceo t tu 5 moniol pll llly lu s t woe k flSt8 T he s[>'-e n fille R of 11111 11 lIa\'(' 1l<'l'fI ,' x, II g Me 'dom es Belr!lle EIIII~. ,'e8816 EllIs, Ilnd fa mily you the highest wure u. rub ul U li t dt!c lJ ttttt uzurl' ~ ~'I 10 Ii ilne between t wo Vroperl.y o woe rs. E11tb Dllvls . EIIIl Eerrll, Ad ~ T.d. The Misliew EdUb lind !flora Sohl e !,pr tty ,ll'fln d by ):'·II/l k('~ I " '!l I·". IIl l " \'0' 11 blQe . aua ilJ 11ur j "t b lu' k !J.lL lr W IJ " Plli' cell ,Market Priee . . '. UIt ! Now It 11'1 d ooe 8nd love reigne m ·lge. Berd" Jordan, le t h e l Munnon , r e ndo\[; 0 ' E mwood. h Bve bAe n vis III'. III nil his wl ~rl llrn. \\, 1111 1" 11.'",,· /111,e • "blnilill , llvtlr C , u"Uuut Rutb aDd G lenoa MonnQD ond Rhea lUng Mr. and Mrs. J o bn Bllc kman ~lIch II herUes \\'1th th tl/!, ·s IIr "'"llIn n. Sllpl e m l'. A "I.vtir oharl .. , rt i uwo b, ~ ... n Tile t hra8h er Is blo wi ng h la horn . Illills. Mrl!. J . W. Badley left Tn811ddY -J.i:xchnDgo. WillS" t.. ll rll". WMtj II IWII Y8 W ..a IU Il lIod it- w ill n ol b e l ong u n ~iJ the Mrs. Bar a b ' Hloh spent t h e week. ror a Vi81~ wl t h.ber daught ~r. Mrs t ur h er . In tbl .. I tll,rl'l' B h ~ t OllW gu illon g Tlll0 wlJl lie lu ',be " raoary , eod with her sis t e r, .Mrs . B ll o n llb Elmer Rpabr, at Paulding. O bi o. hl:!r 1,I" ul:! t or lI er nl g htl.v j UUrtlo.\ Luo h oy In t b o w o w , Ilnd plo wlo ~ Rl ob . Mr. RUB I:)hoey. Mr, !lod Mrs 'a or Ofij Ibe s ky ~ h u d rove IiI\l Ully for whed will b o next 10 line , 80 M.s. tcl1l&b Tlbbille remalos quit e J ollo Bllne" 80n JCIlrI , llnd g rd.nd aDd qlliutly o l"r tl Hl bUIlUIlCuIIlAllV. 800. Leon ll rd, of Oermuntowu. Mr "' ..._ _ _ . _• .,.._.......___......... • .......· _............v ....... . e08 wilil b olt w"idsu ~ , th e s~r 8. En tombotl in a g rim olLe\le on 't b e tbe m on oy makin g Industrie l of our i lclr. Mrs, Hnl b Edwards Sherwood Vbarles Crane Ilnd Miss E,UIDIl olu'Itered III jllYUUI! gr o ul' ~ IlLJ o ll~ b or. o_ t uklrtH 0 1 1.IM boD nre "ome or t.h e uut.iou Is ODe ' h ln IA Il f t er anoth c r Waynesville, Ohio MONEY LOA NED • spent I:!l\turdllY evening aod Sundav Gl o zer , of Dllytoo, w e re 8unduy .,. DiaD" WII ~ tOlld \.It bon'llllr. IIud II m 8 ~ rul emb ltl moo a ll e arth. TheBe uutll lit .. Is over . Mrt', Mara Bubeao, Mrs . Lnollle with Viola Jordan. gueals of Alr. Iond llra. U. O. Mo uot ie qid Ih .. , 8h'e III t on "'!lIllIe " dO'lllln lOre iumatllll o t ' P o rlugal'fI " Prlson Valley Phooe 135 out 01 bar ohllrlu~' to vl~lt tbo eortl of I:)\lenoo. " In this building overy lloerstler, AlIl'Ises Margllret and Osee Tho Misses Veda Bumner ftod ood family. M0.NEY loun ed ou li ve stoo k oha t ~ and enjoy bAr llivort&u ~ po rt. ' bing tbot hUlOtlo Ingeoulty OIlD Anson a.nd Loul e Wils on weoded VeH tll Ellis IIpent T h ursday with Mrs Franoes Null an d t llln lly bflO t e ls .Lo d Rllooud m orl ga g es SUK \( at t o render the !tve8 of Itfl tbetr wily t o tbe b ome of Mrs, Lll t le Mls~ell Merl e ond !fay e Ellis . 88 tbe lr Sunday gllest., Mr. and N t b ht ' I B bl J pi l one r H II borrlble, lUQddemU8 wr. Val1d e r voo n on t h e •Ave one 00 F I cas Building, a ug . Xeul . 0 10lL, Ohio. IIr nt), m 2r. ,- G V. BAuNHART r· Mtse Judi th Go lller lifter aR plea~ Mrs. F . W . o!lnugle and danghte r , AlJ0 cll ~. " , t ur" I d OM. Tile corridor!!, plie d d uv Il lld ~ l>re!\ d I,h ol r line n up oo t h s. Ant v!lootl on with h e r gmnd P areot8'j Mr. nnd Mrs. Wlodsor Runklo , ot "or on tie r, fi ve 's t ories 11Ig h. oxtend luwD Bnd I\, hOla r ty re p8st was e n· Abijll.h Vol1ier uod w ife r e turned ta Vl\udl)Jla , Mr. Fred l:H okion, of . _ __ -=_ -;-_ "".=_",_~ Notary Publl~ fro m II oo mmon oeote r , like t h e j oy ed h er h OlDe n ear P o.t)un d , Iud., 'rhUr8· Dayto n FOR BALE HI) lIe8 ot a IlI rge wb eel, . Tb e ,oells Frid ay 8 rte ruao u our lire d e~lI rt. da.y. . Mr. flod Mrs . B. B. D earth &nd AlIltllld8 of Notary Work. Willoll are UllTTOW , t o mlJlIkll oOd 1l"ltbln lO eo t wa~ called to lilo home ot Fred Mise Ge rtru de W o lfe, of n ear Mlu Luella Oeorlh a pe nt !Sunday and Deeds a a:tpeotalQ'. elloh SfllD d88 oul1lu . The atte n d l\ots "Do anlmaI Sli O~ el\S the s e ULlln · o t reu p nbOll t i n teltslll'lJel ii. N O'.lD1! !oillorben Oil the 'bu wn.ker tarw ClurltsvUl e, s pent the wue k. ecd· wi th with friend s and relnt lvlllL In OilY. REsa HalRt In Vow for AllIe or of, "lYllotluDi''' .. akeel till! @o hdo l I~ Illlo wl:!fi to u tte r .. word , 'fbe just over the ourpordt lop Ir u ,. 'l'Lt IJ he r g r&ndpllTBn ts, Mr and Mrs too , dllQj uge W IlS smull to t he sLted whlob J o hn Wo lfe . Miss Gl en l'lIlo Throokmor t un bO B will t rllll0 for g oil N o .1 J a r. 'eaohllr ot the 11 tUo tt l r I. ~t1e noe it! Ib d of 'he 8ra V I:!. Once u oaug ht Jrolll til e !\~ra w stilok, belug 'l ' b o Misses Ma ble" Me rl e lind ret urned h om e nft.flr s pe ndi o g ~f\V. Ill'll? Co w . A. Mrlll ~,' W llyoo8ViIl l1 , "Ye'h, ll:!a 'aU\ ;· talm oll' Blwu)' tI." d a :\, the 0 1111 doors are 'n ll lookell ond ti t:> "'Good .. ~tt.ld t b o tellobor, !lod now ~ be liOO wre tobes Dlarob out. olothed 6S t on fir byobiidre D wh u h~d t b e lr Filye 1~J1 111 w erl) Ihe Stlndll Y g uosts eral woe ksi n Dlll\tn n w hf' ! f) I' ll •• ,\' /1 1< Ull lo , employed by .10hn son ISLt, Itw, '1/ 'nrDlnR 'iO a lillie buy," 'ell we In ilhro nd s [lOd wi t h faoe s ooverod ourlosity \\rOD ad to s ouh .. n ex ten t of M iss Mllrtlia Deathe ra ge . M F N II ld b Full t:ltoo k !:ll lk Paoli Ie PU PA, ~ Veterinary what animal 11118 she grl:!Ito8t tnod ",I t lt mU8ks f or. It 1£1 part of tbiB t hlll· 't b ey t. ou ob ed all ({ht edI matoh U Rs ter Al'fln Ba r~'ey re t urned ta to t h e struw u nd th E' 'VI~'V t wen t, .,." M. rllnoes d M ll, 'I' so " n Iln '" c I~ n g ... mont.h e 0 111. 00 Ior w III t.c, 2 IOII I!', Dft88 for man." , 6 bl(!eflllfl plll.ll bment thtLt n Olle may rI bowe 8 undRY uRfter ap . ' ndln g a w eek te r , hr . lln r8 , . u . llorrRR".. t II . D 1 r01l1 11. I(I. Will ~tI II Ohl'lll l), en II or Graduale of Oblo Sial Unlverll',)' The .0011011 boy co n"lderod olUofully look upon I h e GlO Un'e llllnee of bis lind us u~ll u l OUI 0 t zon ll orne " 'Ith "Is flunt, Mrs . Le ila Hart,s ook . daug te r spent Mon da y In ay t on l\Cl d ro~~ 1elll M 'U 'lllllf d' t , \,aynes " .. \'1. 1Ic ' ou t tQ re llde r 1l8sls touoe t o a o e Ig h . " and 8nally aosw ollld : ·' WI)Ulab." 'foll ow prl Ollors. Few of tbe m 00 bor wh loh Is ob ll racte risti o of all MIl8tersUlIfford' "nd B"r!ey Ward. J . W. Badley. o f Rieumood, Ind ~. (lhio.II.. ll.. No . 4, ----.~ dnro .t,llttl to r~llr e for Dlore tbllD fiv e li vi ng In ibl~ vlc lo lty. of Xoola, visited th eir Ilunt, Mrs, sp e nt ,t ilo ·week.end here . CW FI GIi:: ye/lrs .-~tIJl\ Mirror. Tbe Uhrls tl uu E ndell vor ooiet y ' lioto n JlloKson, ~h 6 Plls t weet. Mrs . Chllrles Mn\llu and d'Ln~htor, Corner Main and Mill Streets OU D Dri ving ll o r~l' , J yonu 011 ----~ OOlllp I'l!ed o f ou r young p eople wh o MIss A!afthll Dea thilll\ g e ClllJled 00 Adu , !!.nd grandohlldron, of Mluml s and III til Ii t 11Iolwry Bll::t!(y. Ea.lly ExplaIned. Telephone. 28 Il re t ull of .i pep " will !{ive .. Lawu Misses Audrey Cleover and Viola burg , vIsIted Mr. John Al1l1 1lo S OV. P;'lollos new . JJ'r llll IiTilclo.()ok. W... y. "B'o w do )'01.1 nrc'lllIIlt f or . hl~ f(lll· Fetl! a' llllrseloy n il{bt, Jll ly 2(; . 'riley l or <lll n 1'uel.\cl lly afte rnoon. . e ral d8 YH 111.8' we el/:. ue ~v1l1e, R. R. ~. 11 P llnnsyl vania ha. neurl y fir~y ure '" "He pro c(l~d ('(1 on the theory Waynesville. Ohio MeS$B rS Uh1t8. ::lmltills aud LewI!! Miss' \Jennn. De ar t b has b llen thot poople hud 10 I,uy ' goodll at hl. UlOll6uncl gld wo rker!! bet w ('D th o wl\1 buve good Dlllijio, lind y o u oa n rely on !Javl o ij t1 good t im r · BUt, of D8y ton, slle;n t Silt-urday vi!lltln g r olnt,iv OB at W'LI)n k oq lltn ~AX\ I tt ) I~ .I 0 0\.1 '1'. _ aaes of ..lx , ue o uod ...w.en..t.V . ftoro."-Detrolt Free P~88. 'fllo 'vlo ong uo wil l \j o f.o r til It, ove ni l1.~ w ltb W. '1' . .J'or d a n !lDd Miss EVflly n Emi3TSOn r ot 1HIl 8l1 h omo ~o()d li S [I(1w, (1»('(lpt ' ,i rn.. ut t b e b ome of M r . nud Mra , G . M . fllm ll y. ' . with her fo r Il sevo ral n QYII' v i ~ l t . PrlCO ri g ht, flll(l .1. A . Wh itl\ (lf(' , :-0 - '- ---.IIeOol) "ld 'l' hnrsdoy u ftol'lloon, July Mr , nnd Mrl! UllT'l Dodel I\nd Mr . lind Mrs . T . G. Fllni s I\n (l W llyn es vlll l), O h Io . It L 2(; T ile p r ,oll"d d wlll go t u fur til er dllu g ht r , MilS WllnlllL , wa r ll t,be dl\ u g hter. , 9 f 1'IellRn n t Pllll n , visited Tlil ~ tll_ousn 81oo111tl 00 t l'Cl\ted Il8l!OOn


----- ..


Is llard to get at any price, but our stock is complete. Come in ....nd talk over your needs with us at


Madden's Lumber Yard



' ,'





---- _.- .. -


1.. ,

Can Me by Phone


- --

C lassified Ads

c. B. Bentl~y

.. -----



Dr. J. A. McCoy,



....- - -





- ---------

" 11j;';=;;;;;iiiiiiii~~~n~~=;iiiiiiii====;:f~ .

bb e wor k of I,ho Rell rOSH. Wilh RUl l:iuy n es, of WillJ)\u g ~oD , " 11. ' he \vee k.ood g Il oot of u"'lllllin t . '.ln06S v " r e ~llru l !ILt b l)U IO = Saturday. , ,. " Alh er t Hnd Allroll BtI10k ney wi th th eir (u Ulil y , of lJle m entB. 10wll. a f. l'llr visit in g w it h r lu·\.I ves t ll r so ve r II dll jtl l n Uhlo le lt 'undllY f or th,d r bom o v iii . 'h IOf1go goiog tllroogh lu tlll1lr lIu tum o bll tl: 80vIlrn I f r o~n b e re ' t\ I.te nd ed t h ~ f Donral of Ii} Burfnoe on(>8 I~ ohlzlln " f Ibi " vi olulty .vb o wo e IJ/g hly r e o . '(looted b y 1111 wh o know hlw. Mr . 1.(",1 BtLUOn , of Llncolu, III" li n d \vb o lioll r ~ the rlI8tluoUOD o f bel og ni D et,~T ~ix Yl:!n r s y o on g , II! . p e ll di n ~ u ShQl·t tim e wl t b Ills tJr o t,uor M, ~ Is t ll r all d n ophe w 8 . Mr B a rry , ·lIIart. nnd fa m il y . of Uinolnn n tl, lII' er e HU lld lLY guel1t-ll .o f I'tl]II tlv s _

Are You Wasting The Pri~e


a ' Titan .Engine?

engines run on kerosene.. . T ITAN Average cost of gasoline ~~ far thiS year~ 16.9 cents per gallon.

. . Average cost of kerosene 7.7 cents p~r gallon. Gasoline COlts over 100 Per cent more tban.k.eroHne. Gasoline is'going up steadily.. Kerose?e IS not. At present fuel prices Titan engines, uSlOg kero· senet save·their owners about I. I cents per horse power ' . , per hour. '. . . is llIe you running a ~oline engine? What ~orse power

it? Figure what you'd be savin~ if y~~ h~~ a T,~~er~~!k: ·engine. Rather surprisin..B} isn't it~ nofw hong wo ' e 1 that saving to pay for a 11tan .engIne 0 t e same SlZ


TItu .............. _ .... .,


. -:-


Tbe d ano!! el ye n b er e 'l'~Brsd IlY ni g ht w us ",oil \1Me nrled Knd uo j l)yo.d , a n d OU Jj' ridny Di ~ ht the b op. Ilere Qt bl;1l" .violn i ty too k In tbe jn lJl. " lee h '3pr ln g· Villi y, and lobI) re\ltlrtll r Ilohed b e"a of "th,a goOd Ifl u sle und \, h llt' t he e nler t l1i o lUen \ w Ii m ost elt ~ o IIllo t · Mr . aod Mrs . C hUB . Mo MllJ ll n li n d ' unity, o f P orl WI Jl nru, we ro !:lu o. d ay vlj!lton of Mrs · l du H o ~e At ooe t Ime Mr. MoMlIlaD. oon d ooted 6're o oh BrOI!l o t e"rue ry b ere and mftlly (r,le nd8. ,. Mr . and M.rll FrBllk t;h ldtlker e D' Juy d ftl <ld ohloken S llndllY wltb tbeir oblll1ren 10 the oountry. Fraok itl rond 1.1 ftl ~ d ohlo'kf!n Ilnd 10 th,.t 008 p ..I'lonlar resembles a mlbl.'er, Wilbur W. Willon traveling ...181. maQ for ,abe Joonl Man,il Co. with b . .dqU&Jter• •, lAain.toD, Ky.,. t. IpIID«1DI btl yaa.ttoD wl\b ht. par. ....... Of t1ae...~D'r... , . • ft ,V



Kelly Me ndenhall ~Ild fumlly l're vor Q . B tLVd oolI lind fllrolly s pe nt· ' !;unday wi tb rell1t1vee In Fum k.1I n. . B. W. K t' lob . ond f" m lly bave rot.Grn ed t o th alr hom oO In UhlooAO. D.a vid l)llob l1 m, of Ore " oola Rd ~ dr e~sed tho oongreg ntioQ ot the Frle nd s. oburoh, t;ullda y on the lIub. Jeot of Ednoatlon, 'fh e Inter68l 10 tb e R ed Oroas wo rk 18 Inor e "~ ln g. LOidles w e M in t bo AD n!!x .,verl' JJ'rldtay t o SIIW. Uur bra nob of t,b e lilree n UOl,mty UlIupt£,r n o w numbers. II.bout ono huudred fif t y . Miss J): mlly Inwood eoterttt.hied II nnruber of Crl e nd s lu h o n or of b er bl r thdll Y anolversary, ':L'burrllla v. T b l) Booste r Bli nd WIlS t>ntcrtaiDed ot , be b OWl! of Viole I' Wilbur 0 0 ' o'u r dllY a rlern oon. Tbe followi ng rue o wore h olders of nnmoors rI m wn 10 the govero. m en t tlran : Kont 1i1~ lIund, Wm . I:ltIrl,ul"Olyd ll l!:wlDg, Roy Eiltr.;'~y, l:lIllley ~o !tO\m(lhoro . <4..awreooe Mllohner, LOlI.ter ::ltlilltlield, Aadr.el Drew IILd Andy il'lemit)g, ______•• 4a.-------

u.aa' ".,wiU





- - - -'

'DOGS THAT WEAR SHOES In AIIl Il'k llo ~h e dO~8 WMr B h oe~. Btl Ihey d o no t WO I.. tbrm nil t h fl t im e •. 'rIll (log th tl l e d OPR I,hl' w orll In. ~ to \l d o f h or81114 Trl)lti ll l!' over .th f ilUgh loe sornutl lll!lS m al< eM h lB f'ellt Moro. Bi8 ·drlv or thu n IUllk A b l nt li Ltle s h Ol\8 Of buoks kio o r re indeer sklo. Th ey are tl ell o n wltb ~ tril lt' of le ather. Tho d og eo.n t ro ve l erl~. lIy w l ~h ' .tJl r m on Bv !lnn by h is feet I\ro h eRled. Th eo h o t el'T ~ off hl ~ s l\oes w lt b bi ll s btlrp teeth .. n ~l 6!L ts tb ol,ll up.- The Roo ky Mountain Leade r . . ---:-

---_. -"..


In the old C\oy ~ ')f th e Oolorado fron\ler tbe re u Ad to be a dl!1trlct ottoroey who Wll8 ·Ion l!' on ' nl1tlve oratory "nd sbort 011 d'Oo .. &loD. Oooe, WheD prosooutlng It. big ou&e, he. came t.o the 'finis h of bls arl!'Q. meot aod leooing ac.·o~!t the rail of 'bo jory ·box, he mllde thl. plea. " AII I aa~ of you, Reatleineu of 'he jury, i. that 'O.U now realre .l\nd , P.trlotllm of American .. mete oat jm'toe a. eb, deeervell '0 "Mollgn liS (Amerlconll) oa you will, bl met I" - .:.....we Rre n hume-Iovlng people (lod tl!e thIDIJII of the home we Illllder!ltand. OUr MIJbe 80. patriot1atD centers allout our llllUee Ii lIlIad. That mq he wb1 bomes and onr tor the Pllllt aronnd the of C!ur fore. 10 liliiii7 J)eOple 'I\'8IIt to whleper to her.

llarioa Ulbora uti 'ainU, are ·eu,jOJ1~ • Dew ••toIDobll.. Ola..... are hne ......"'--:Walter ~


R81t\I'oe"': IMdrtl:'S[i'rt"lul~Cl< "7 wNI\OI, 1 ;I SILf?I' S~ "'t' \VI2~1ce.for"ls !!l o.

gneNIs of B ullis H ulbl\ wllY t h ecl lfll t l.Alrl·1l ,Iud fami l y ' 1111 11m y av rw a.y MI 8 Ho t h r e IDaill('(I fo r weo ki , v lN i t wit b h pr IInn t.


-KaDIaI at;r l.~

v I SILl'.

'111 '

n. J . LI

~lI dtl g VOl11 0Y, H . .

Diarr 'h oea. 1.)I1JI; lbl r~u.~ :1" !hlls' 12rlnlt't'l l rl~ll:lt~!!'b"elnJ()(tbis>s:,u~~sdootn~= ' . , . • IUi O 1' 11 0110

)'1 :,

/i " .

1 Bug!ty o nd a A(lt In good !th ll lll). amoo • . '


o f Onrll ,,...

• w>\\ ,'

.. '




~ill:;l" .1o, · (If C ll/ulll ~'rI /ljtl'" C.oUc,lf<Jhol . .' r ;\ 11111 1 DIlll'rllo"" n t'lIlollyI will 0.. _eet da

,·ur" . Tllil< r omp,ly ('nn n wnys ""

~II I I'I'II 'I" 'l l1 l)1)n oven in t hfl lUOHt I!Ov~ro NI<I

'1 [ nqulro Id' .!, I1 ~ JII •• I


oIall).,'V rOllij CMlIA , nnd 14houJd he lIept a t IlI",,1 reudy tor luatant t\8O. NeverJoaw 110111 ' on I' jollrney wl tboutit.


durability and eXqui~te design . . • ,-the 'hishest id~als in plate<! war:are asa.....ed m .spoons. forks. ano f~ncy sefVUlg pJeCeI bearing tho renowned trade marl .

1847 ROGERS .BROS.J~P~E· , There are various makes of silverplated tableware .' are c1aimed' to be "just as .goOd:· but. like all '. . imitations. they lack the beauty and wea~ ~~ identified with the original and genuine I. 00 ROBERSIIIIOS. • ware popularly knownu nSiJperPla1iiT1at W



'-= SOld ·)" leading dealen everywhere. Searl far. catalogue "C.L" __ AImshowing aU desipI.


-_~_---"11 FRANK,B.CAREY '-r::========:::==::::::==============;- Lebanon ' -:- Ohio BATHING AT MIAMI VALLEY CHAUT UQUA


Opto metrist Eyes tested free


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1Il 1l~1

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IUI '1l

W I )lllI' H~, bU Hl n uM9 noodo· iur Ih, ' I'n e'io8 Il· rt by tho 111111,,11 '8 l·n ll. Writ e rnr rrcn cut· alogllo wlth ulI' delay. No w! 'PHil 11 1: )'1I11


more Ide31 vacation s pot could be found than this ' Oln"US old ossembly groonds, The river cIIII, loudl y to yo ung 3nd old during th e ~ " t days. . :The assembly this year II fro m Jul y .27 to August 13 Inclusive.

= == =

Miami-Jacobs Business College Second and Main, Dayton, O.

~~~_~_ ~_ ~ .~ _""!_!!" . -_~-~~~_~~ ~~~~ .. ~ . ~~!"""!!_!"!!_ ~ ._ !!!'!!'! _~~ _!!!.!!!.!!!!..~.""

L, A. Zimmerman iR in Cincirmuti today . '

~ Wonderful Saving~'

Myer Hyman wa~ in Cincinnati Tuesday. Dr . Dill, Osteopath 2L way, Lebanon. Ohio.

We have the Buyers and . .an sell 'em if the Price is Hi ht.

M,. and Mrs C. W. Henderson, of Lebanon . are visiting here today. .



Miss Mary Sherwood, of the Chil- , dren's Episcopal Hospital, Mt. Auburn . is sp~ndi ng a three week'a vacation with home folks.

AUCTIONEER=================REAL EST ATE================= INSURANCE

Waynesville, Ohio


. .

Mrs . LyJia Mullen, of Dayton, is visiting Mr. and Mrs, Abner Mullin, of Ferrv, also Mr. and ' Mrs . J8I. Mullin and da ul{htflr, Edna.

Rcsidenc e Phone 61.· 3

Mr . and Mrs. Julius Kumler and Mr S. A. Dunkle and family. of Brookville. Ohio. were Sunday guests of Mil. and ·Mrs. R. C. Younce.


Selective Draft Numbers\

If you try The Miami Gazette'l Clalli- .......:.-=--~--.~--==---_-c--= No. 1146 Howard B Sherwood fied Column., you will find that 1145 Wm R Sprelgel Ira J Stansberry they Willl.tilfy your every want. 1149 1149 John T StaneberrJ


Mr. and Mrs. Sides, lion and dau"hter, and Mrs. F. D. Mor· rison, of Dayton were recent callers at the home of MfS. Eva J ones.


R . F. 0,

CJ f







Mrs Harry Wellington who has been spending the Bummer with her mother, Mrs. Mary SatterthwaI te, returD~d to be r home in Chicago last week.

reaching out and beckoning us all ~ to come and join the cel8lltial army, QommaDded by our 'biessed Savior. He leaves to revere hili memory and mourn his death, a faithful ' wlfe and three dev.>ted Bons, the ai'ed father. thlree !listers, a host of rela tives, friends and neighbors. And wilh liad hE!llrts W(J sa.... "l'hy will be done. A. M. H~


Mr. and Mrs W. H. Madden with Mra. A D. Madden, of Clarksville, who has been their guest for severlll days, spent the week-end with rela· ti>'es in Nortll Lewisburg, Ohio, Mr. A. L Sides and family and Mra. J . C.• Hawke. Mr. Smith and family and M Sides attendeu the lace Sides in ~nl·ln<rA ..1 , Carl Sherwood, wife and son, Mor· ria, F. E. Hartsock, wife and dau&'h. ter ' Marie, motored to Loveland Hartsock, Bon, Gerald.

We have jUlt 'purchased the .,H arness business including atock, tooll, etc., of F. C. Carey, and have moved the lame to our Itore. '

·' IOur Workshop ·Department


. I. in the hand. of W. Hamilton, ' and everybod,. 'know. his ability as,1:\"'harness man. , " " We are prepared to make new goods and to do ~ at ,th~. I()west po.~ible prices. • - W. have 'o n<, band. at preient a good stock of AND BUGGY HARNESS, COLLARS, .HAMES, PADS, NETS, .COVERS AND BUGGY WHIPS ' •







Clve us A Call

'!Vlfe and

Mrs. Minnie Negley, of E lpll8O, Tex, Mra. John Werner and chll. dron. of Dayton,. Mr. an<! Mra. Will Fulkerson. of Spring Valley, and Mrs Ames, of Bellbrook, were guests of Mr, and Mrs . W. O .. Haper Thurs. day.


We desire to express our slncertl thanks to 8111 our friends and neigh· bOrt! for t,helr kindness shown us during our. recent bt'reavement. f or their helpful assi8tan~e and expreR' sions of sympathy; and for the beau· tlfu l flo r",lofferlngs, And especially do we wish to thank the J.O U. A. M. tor their unfaltering affection and kindness. Also the Rev. J .. f:'. Cadwalladlar for his consoling words . The singer\! for their assistance, and Mr. Waltor McClure ' and son f or thei r kind and 6fficlent manne.r in conductinl!: funera\. ' Sons ' . theThe Wife and

. - - - ------

. Mr , and Mr~. Karl Hawke, of Day. ton. are the guests of tflei r parenti, ' k Mr. and Mr8, J. C. Hawe. Mr. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• . . . . . . . . . . i- Hawke, who is just ou t of the bos. . . pital, is ifelting alons: fine. !. • . • Mr. an~ ~rs . J . C. l~u ser and • sons, Wilham, Jacob and friend mo· : tored 10 Adams County , Saturday fo ",!orning. where th.ey are attending bIg meetings for a few days.

I ••••••••

A New 'Harness Shop


Dr. and Mrs. H. E, Hathaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 and Mr. and Mrs. H ar vey B u mett ~~~!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~"!!'!!!!'!!' and daughter motored to- London, Ohio, Sunday and spent the day TELL TtiB ADVERlISE~ VOU SAW with relatives. HIS ADS. IN THB MIAMI OAZE l 1B

~~~~~~~~~~~~~========~~=~==~~=~~_~~~~=~wliliothuIO"doo~ w~a~ ~II ,~nm~and~~roy~y~~r~n~


T.hls Stromberg..carburetor for Ford cars Is guaranteed to save ~5 \ to 6.2on gasoline. Either Carage will fit lIJame on your car and if you are not satisfied , of"the big savina- will.replace your old one •.


James Edward Surface, second son a family of six children bo rn to J onnthan Ilnd Catharine Surface, was born near Springboro. Uhio. J anuarv 16, 1~59 . died Ju ly 16, 1917. aged, years and 6 months . He was united 4 in marri(lge to Susan M. Gray, De· In Emerson Surface cember 30. 1886. and to this union 1744 Howard W Surface 11 three sons were born. Emerson, Howard and L:Rwrence. 1743 L J Surface G Their married life has always been .---------~-----------~ 1 1726 Ural D . Surface spent on a farm where for over Jas' 8!!ott 3 thirty yea,rs they have walked to· H W Til/bale gether along th" pathway of !'ite, J Lee Talmage eharing ilil blessings and 8ulltainirlg other amid its cares and lorrows. 'n each Corwl J Milton Thompson Corwin His health becoming impaired some Ennis Thompson 29 years ago, resulted in a gradual de· H L Tinney 859 Is the policy of the cline of health;, but never once did he 958 Thos Turner !i falter in tile duties of bringin&, up his childrl!n unLle" the precept of 1169 A D Trickev 5 manlines.~, and his mem!lry of illftU. 913 Dur ward B Vice ence will be 6S lusting as time in the CINCINNATI, OHIO 878 Geo Warner Jives of wilfe and sons who so tende!,"851 R H Wil son Iy cared fo r him. Hill earnest desire Ove~ 20,000 farmers in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana are' sell· 94G Henry Watkins 4 was to build a reputation upon the in&' UI Sour Cream, aver8Sllna them over 40 cents pel' pound for ButCorwin principles of hon'eaty and Inte&,ri ty • . tar fat durina May . " 855 Robt N Werntz and t each by precept these rules to No &hIpper ever loet a Dollar dealing with us. Ask any TIU· 851 Haymond H. Wilson STATE patron what he thinks of the TRI·STATE or let us send you his c h il dr~m us well as striving to 1 ; 51 E C Woollard FREE TRIAL CANS PREPAID for thirty days trial. You can shi p make homl) .. 'weet Home." 1458 Elhan L Whitacre on any train- day or nl&'ht and every shipment Is guaranteed 'against 5 All around while the lands were 5 g reen and golden with ripening lOll or damaare In transit an~ paid for Spot Cash. 1727 J R Wade sheaves. and the air was filled wi th 1164 R C Younce " t he fragrance of sweet scented 964 Chas Zimmerman flowe rs, we were foJ'ced to see our loved one declining'. and like the ~ud· CINCINNATI, OHIO dy glow of .'the morning, paasing Some We ~! he r Signs. away. Thl~ best medical skill, the RE'SPO:NSI BL'E,"'SA F~. P E R·M A 1N EN T , A 11(,!'{I bluc ·vl"r .. r 1110 ~:'l'. ~ven tender~st care could not stay this W) ,,' " "" "'1 fll1'('IlI ~h cl ouds. - Intllcutea noble hfe. Sell UI your Sour Cream and let~u 8 churn the butter. rll ir w\." ,h ' "I It ~rn\\'llIg whit eness, nn . We know he has Dot gon~ ' a)onC! nOI1l'olH' hlnl! storm . l8n~, but hand lIl.hand Naill.




Mr, and Mrs. Herber t Britain . 0 Davton. are spending a week or tlV camping on the Little Miami. Hev. and Mrs. D. H. Palmer and family and Mrs .· Martha Orahood of Ferry , we re g uests of Mr and Mr •. GorJon Joy Thursday.

w. n.

Office Phone

. Broarl-

FOR SALE-I have 12 Trucks for 6ale. moving stoves or any heavy you want to ·move about'. A Iron Trucks for thv same purpose: 1·110 gal. Gasoline Tank, 1·60 gal. Coal·oil Tank , with pump In it. J. H. Coleman

- Ha1tu~st


Is at . h~nd, and we are ready . to. b,andle it. We , will pay the highest market prices. Our house will be open six days a week. We also furnish ' storage on wheat for flour. Come in and see us. We are here for, honest business and as a serving ;;tation for the farmers.

YOUNCf BROS. GRAIN ' CO. Waynelville, OJ,io

' Messrs . A, Maffi!. J. O. Carl. wright. F. H. Farr. C. M. Robitzer, ~ . A. ,Cornell, J ., B. ~ence, L . A: Zimmerman. J , 1. ElliS AI,ld J. E Janney attended .the atSco ttish Rite, Army CIRdS, meeting' Dayton Sun day. There were ninety·one in the class. Geo rge J . Waterhouse being the candidate from here .


!~------- ~--If!I-~------~--~1!



' .


.We desire to. thank our lIlany frlenrls and neighbors for their kin dness and sympathy extended to. us in our time of Borrow The Hathaway reunion will beheld Mrs. Carey and Daughters. this year. at the home of Mr. anll Mra. Walter Janney. of Route 5. on Thursday, Augullt 2, 19lf. All deIJcendants of the family are cordlall, invited. . t.o~" .t FIrat Slllilt. ~,-----..--- ------~ "nn yon hl'lI ' \' c III love nt ~lI!hl 1" "or (,nII r.<p. r do. There's


11I1111In •. ft>r Illslnut'l'. no ) '(lU ~nJlPose III~ \< 1(\' 11', 1111 \'to IIllCrrll'd hIm It lillo'il lu~"a U look Dt bls lacer'


Tile bel. pol&aoe.,...,,,.I. loa ... prodaoed lD OoIoraclO.-. !leea.. ~t .


Fruit Jar Fillers .... ' .•........ , .. \ .. . Fruit Presses. .. . . . . . . . ............. . Crystal Sealing Wax, per 'pound ..... : , . Extra' Heavy .Mason Rigs, per d~zen ... , Jelly Glasses, per ~ ·dozen ....... : .•.. Dippe~, Tin or Ename~e~ Ware ...... . Spoons, tin, 5<:; Heavy Tm, enameled. , lO1oQ,s for Kettles, Cover, etc., ~ d~zen, Lemon Squeezers, .... , .... , ....... . Ply ~ps ; Fly Paper; Swatters; e.a ch . . ,


lOe lOe We We 15c


lOe lie



' Wayaemlle 0Id0

. A:7~~~~~~~----~~~~--~~--------:----~--~"~~~--~-'------~~;:~~ 8ixty-.Nintl Y ar


GOVERNOR .ijiRSONAliENTIoN! II _ - - - -



- -


~~~--:::::-~W':._~,~~~:WAYNESVILLE: OHIO~ WED NESD AY A GU T 1, 1917


CHAMPIONS OHIO STATE FAIR ' W. fl . Allen was In Cincinn at i Ar-O (jiVES A ThursJa y .



3429 5


~ 4t

Whole Numb e-r

fS-OCIETY-EVENTS .-- - -... - ~





Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Earnha rt en HAS BEGUN ON VACANT LO'r tertained at din ner Monday . Mrs, ON MAIN STRee T Phoebe Smith, Mrs. Sarah Elbon . and Miss SlI,llie Smith.

Mabel Sal bbu ry i3 visiting

GREAT DEAL ATTENTION relatives in .x~nia.


L F . ·l erklll s I1ml 11 H . K lIy w ... re in n ay ton Tu esrlav .

Mr and I\lrs. Carl Heath entertaint'cl Mr. Charles Hea th, of Cen. ll: rvilll'. Ilnd Mr. Nelson McKeev er To Be Erecttd , (llvloi the Comanrl f l:l mily to rli nne r Su l1munlty a Picture Show Mi ~!I Erlnn Kelsey entertai ned at Hotae Su nd llY dinner ,. Mias Vera Hocket t, of I Jny tul'l', Ml s~ Marie Weller, of Belll ,rook, Mi >!~ UArnictl li ill, Warren The lot on tbe old Cr088c 1<t'y , nll1l LII\\, n'nce Mott, nf enter- ) soon be tranefo rmed Into orner will villtl, Illld I\t>nnelh HOUKh ri nd Lyman building . Thle lot bas a handsom e tor _veral Silver, of WRynesvilie. years been a much-s ought·f or place to build a picture show bouse bilt for . one and another It ha nenr A IIl er r~ Ilarty of I~ttle folks at · beenreason accomp lished. tC':1 ded a bi rthday surprise on Master Over a year ago H. H. WllliamlOn WIllard Sawyer , son of Mr. and Mrs purchas ed the propert y and since CIIIl.llt1l1 I CIl tor cOl\lInl ~~hmA In tho l101d artillery Wall er Sa~yer: of . Route -', last that time there haa bardly been a , \\'eek It beln g h IS.f our th ann Iversary " week that lOme one has not w.nte4 . _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ hefn.ll!h mellts vf Ice cream and ~ake to' purchas e the ground . The dream,


To Ihe In slitllllul l- Apprec illtcs rl'UC S L nrtwris.tht WAS 8 busilll'i- !\ Va lLi !: lu Illc Farmer Boys , Vi Hitfi r in I"t·han un Tu ·sU ny. and (jirls MrA Lec Coopcr. of f)aylon, visit ·.1 with reilltivc!l here Ji'rirtllY.


Govl!rnor James M. ox i R an en· MrA Hur riet SllIar t. nf Ci nci nnati. thusiuRtiC chnmpion of t ho hin i ~ thc I(u e~t of rcllltiv cB and fri end s. Stato FilII'. It is ono of the j!l'cut instituti ons of the lIuckeve cO 111 llIon- • Ma~le r rvill e Phil lips pent last wCll lth thnt recciv 's II g ;'CUl nelll of wct>k with relati vt!!:! near Middl l!his attention und to-opora tion. lIei ng . town . n farm er. Govc l'I1or Cox Is IIble to I ' . .\l l·IJllol·I'H ' " II,, · "lI lel' I'S' Hlllnlll" CIIIU!l lit 1'.)(' 1 ~I . . . . ·t·t '1 apprecia te tho t . val f tl . f . I. Elizabe th Laws. of CmclIlnall . 11I'JlI:ri t'11I<I" .\ \'lth 111l1"... •• fl ll(lprs. . , " 'I'~"lI. L i1 .. lue ue 0 Ie air IS MI!IS t he guest of Mr. and Mr~ . J . D. to thoso engllgcd In ngl'il:ulturul pUl'- Chapma n. . Rults. ~~~~= I ~~= =~~~=~==~~~ ~ ;=========== w~~ "~.~d~I~a~~h~~~~re The govornor holloves t hat childron, . - - -- - - - _ . I m~~ ~~~ta partlculnrly tllose of the rurul comEarl Burnett was taken to.MJam building be ereet.!d on thll corner III : rnunities , should be scnt to tho fnir, Valley hospita l SundllY morOlng about to be realized fo r , A very happv day was epent at where th"y will hnvo opportunitios to treatme nt for mensles. Mnl. Ethel Cooper haa leued the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard observe lind lenrn ns In no othor way. lot and will ltart Immedl atel1 to' Hopkins at Belmon t. Ohio. on last Governo r Cox hns this to SlIY of tho 1<' . B. Henderson. C. J, Hisey. F'rh.lay. July 27, under the shady erect a bulldlnll' 74x100 feet. The ' fall': Harvey and Clarence Rye were ill Lev i N. Gus tin was born n II r I rees lit their beautifu l home when buildln i will be divided Into two "One of the hope{ul signs of our Dayton ThurHday afterno on. Red I.ion, 0hio, January 27. 1837. . J allhet Evans, an eccontr ic mlln Mrs, Ollie Edward s, Anna and Mary parts. The one on the IOUth lido -' (lny IInll jtencrallon Is the increasing passed away at hill honlt! in WaYl1 es- AND (\Ti fER FAR"1 W ORK who Ii ved just west of U ticlt. died at Brown. Sur,"':! Hawke. Etta Sellars will be occupie d by a plotu,. .how. \V AS importance that i ~ attached to su·h The MIssell Helen and Rose Kesso, vill e. J uly 22. 1917, age 80 yt!nr ~ . 5 And r ews. Ind. Jul y 22, after a short and An na Williamson. talked or the 20x1tO tNt. which will conform to DONE 0 SUN DAY instituti ons li B the OhIo Stnte FII.l r. the atatelaw . The .hole pllee hal monlb ~. 25 days. illness. Mr. lwan s was aho ut 86 p.ast. present and futur.. . A boun· al Living In a stllte of almost houndless of Cincinn ati, were tbe week end ready been leued by the Kllpatr lek· He was a !lon of Benlljah Gu stin years of age. T he fUlI eral was held Llful dinne r . consisti ng ot all the French fertility, necessity nlcl not, for muny guests of Mr. and Mrs. W, O. Raper. who ca'Tne frolll Motorc ar Co., and th., Will !\,ood New things J er~e y at t he of the seS90n . prepare a d t the Utica ('hurch T uesda v after- III 1\ v:ay yenrs. tench U8 the neecl ed lessons of put In a iarage and mow room, and ~II of Ih ree year. with his !Ja rents Mrs. Hopkins is well capable noon Bnd interme nt was mad e in .)f soil l'ollAcrvatiol'l and proper cultivaMr. and Mrs -George Hartsock IrJ 179 . located un dOing. wall indeed enjoyed by 'all. operate the picture show. . a sec tion of hU1l1 Miami cemete ry. tion. Crops grew in the virgin ~o il and Mrs. Mary Caskey a ttended t he llear Red The building will be 10 erected It was a red· letter day long to be Lioll. where he liv ed ·\lnl il ,vith little uUentlon nnd 010"":1- funel'al of Morris Miller at Spring · his death I 86. aither 0.1 brick or concret e, to be remembe red. Levi . the youngest tnlght be mllde through methods that boro last Friday. made perfectl y fire-pro of 10 that 80n of eleven children grew to Inan. Mrs. . T, Hawke received a tele· . hnve become impossible In recent another atory can be add;! If n_· hood f ully acqu ainted with hard- And Must .tlmes. Wor\, Almos t E"cry g ram Friday that her brother , Rev sary. . W. H. Allen and family. Mr. ships of those pioneer settlers . All Miss Lulu Kellis J . D. enterta Nul ton, ined "Tho Intellige nt farmer now knolVR J. Mr. had a died very sudIn addition to tbll the ••rlhoU18 Day In Order of to his S~vc E brolher Janney s ami sisters have and family and MI'; C. denl.v at his home in Orwoll, Ohio. jolly crowd of girls and boys at he r where CroBS Broa. the hnsl c principles of nn inclustry passed away xl"ept on(>. Rev. Morris TheIr Cmps . Mrs. Hawke. owing to her hesllh p leasant home last Saturda y evening , time, will be turnedare at the PreMllt that 13 hecomln g m!,~e exn~tin g each '1'. Ha~ke and family are at Ule Mi, Gus &rOund, the entin. ami of Anderso Valley Chautau n. Ind" qua. who was was unable t(I make the t rip to at· in honor of her guast. MiBi Grace trance facing on Miami year. The wille hlislll,l'ndmnn ,IQCA not not able to corne Sullivan , of Cincinn tend ati. the funeral . Rev. Nulton. who The avenlng not known now who willItreat. It II l'pect luck when he pllll\ts n crop, OCCUP1 this In his ooyh o()d days he joined lhe was 'pent In pJa;yinll' games_ A building was here Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bunnell . of Method Un makl'R Cortuno come hill \V. y. in Septem ber 1915, snd . althoui b several parlSes ist The hum of the thrEtShing mllehine particip at ed in Mrs. LeMay 's wed· daint.y lunch was served and at a When 611 follow tho nu\tllollN that our Ulbano n, Ind. , motored here F riday teachina church a t Red Lion, there are on the trail for It. - a Bi ble class for a number was heard in several localities Sun· ding , made many friend agricultural 1ll/lIler.s nTO showing UR. and are the Jl:uests ot Mr and Mrs s who wili be late bour tlie crowd departe d deThll building will be an Mded 1m· of years. Decemb er S. 1867, he W21S day. It is imperat ive that claring their shocked hosteal there will he 1\0 RU ~]l thing as food F. H. Farr and other relative s. to a hear royal of enter· his death. the crops . united in marriage to Mary provem ent to the town. DeIId.. A Combs b talner. Those who enjoyed the thil. d 1I0rtage. prices will be lIIore re nson· d hi ' .I ------+'-- ••-----of near Batavia ,- O. - To thi~ It will lfive BOrne place of enun ion t e savke , and t .e ma~funhe evening s were wll have Mi8leS able Md the profits or thc (arm wm Grace Sullivan . tertainm ent for everybo d, In the Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L Surface were born t hree 80ns . . Will and Har. 0 rna e goo tIme I. t ey Ethel want Simkins be larger. than eyer berore. to . Mila Hlt .. man. Marie village. who are ripe and read, from and daullht Edna. of Ridgtlway. vey. of Waypesville. and Frank of get all the g rain threslw d Burmldt>8. Emma McClur e. Cora the dullr.ha "These fact·s dh:q('.tly join to 'tile Ohio. have er, The nge of the been visiting the former' s Cleveland, 0 .. all of whom \~ere raIns have been McKeev er. State FaIr. During the Infit week In motber . MM. Elsie Osborn . Elsie Kirk. a they had nothing InNeat yean, frequen t, and just Anna Hathaw tbe way of ay. and tat tbe last sad Marie hour ot Surface August every farmer In Ohio Rhoull! vther relative part· as the whea t ~o t thoroug hly dry and Ruth Kallil. enterta except the lecture Messl'll. Georll'e Warner . Forrest COUrMIinment sPelld "t leollt 1\ cloy there ... 1'he vi ~i1 past week. s near here during the e retired from. farming in 1895 , another shower would wet it badly. Hoblett , RUBSeI Surface, James Mc· will allO and hom.t al_t pi.,.. It to tlllll greatest of OhIo institutions moved to Waynesville in 1901 where have. teDdenc1 to keep the This is a year for bumper · whe~t Keever, Wilbur Gilliland, Howard ,ounlr ... .should properly not merely be a di~pl. at home, who han been Mr. and Mrs Jsmes Stoops and he has li ved most o( Ihe time eince. crops. Some fields have yielded ' and Ernest Shutt., Fred 8Imkln ., In versIon from ordi nary du ties. The the habit of I'Oln~ to the larger Lesler and Raymon d Starr, Morris cities expenii6 shlMlld be provided fur in ~ e son , Holmes. of Van Wert, and Dr. 10 disposit ion, he was bright and en<lrmouely. as much as , &0 bushels to I88k amUM mnta. . Osborn. .. annual flU'l1l bud[re\, jUllt a8 mone)' ,and Mrs. Witham . of Kinas Mills . cheerfu l, soc iable dud obrrtain ing , per acre. and at the IIl1ivenlill prrc" Harold Kelll. and Mr, and Lee Lemmo n was the star Th. work Ia belna I&ut.d todaJ, the Mrs, Laurenc e '" for !eells, mach.lnerv. fann repairs, were Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mrs . never met a s tranger . and never blld of $2 the farmer wlll be greatly Phil~delphia:Cincinnati ball at Shephe rd, and ill all ganttl probiabl ll~, w_the r per· Improve mentll /lnd livelltock are pnm Adiun ..,toops. Tbe Sloops family an enem y. Be was a true and faith- benefitt ed. last ~unday at Cincinn mlttlna', th. bullcU q will be read, . He caught ful husband and a devoted father Corn and oats are looking fine in a foul off the bat of atI. of the budget. The few dollars spent wlll rema~n hore for several days. for Hal occ:upa Chllge. ney about October lat. In His affection for his family will al: t he townshi p: and will probabl will return a rich profit. . y make the grandst and. and brough t the ways be rememb ered . ' llood crops. Corn is at present sell· ball home with him "It Is worth while t.o I",nrn wlll.!t Mrs. Clifford Ridge, of Cincinnati. as a souveni r He leaves to mou rn bis lOBS a wife. ing ut i2 per bushel. the other tellow .ts doin!:'. It Is ex- spent the week-en d at the home lie also bought a cushion in the 'of three SO!!s. 7 g randchi ldren. 1 great Gard~n truck .seems to be eaten up stand and. supposi ng tremel Y profitable to have the In· Mr. W, C, Barnett and family. it d to spiratio n of- w i tno~Rlng nn assem- son. Jack , and 'daught er, Amy. Her g randclll ld, numero us olher ralntiv by all kmd s of msects. 10 some in. him, bl'ough t that homebelonge with him who and fri ends. stances In town, gardens will not also. Lee 1110 Rom blage of 'the hl gn-I: l as~ livestoc k, the have been spendin g some e ijouvenl r fiend, time viaitThe funeral . was beld at the home yield a third of a crop . Others Jlerfec~ fruita nnd groins that over- ing here, will when it comes to ball games. WHITE BRICK MEETING HOUSE re turned borne with her. of bis SOli. Harvey . Wednes day con. be good yields, and those flow the hJbit buildings. who have The ducted by R<w. Palme r. In te;m~nt sprsyed will have fi ne crops. IlIIUlc Wilson. who· hBl preached watchful fellow enn pick up a hint Potl,l here on several oceaelons, will be at Messrs Frank Zell, Fred HartSOl;k, at Leban9 n. here and there whose vnlue cannot toes are turning out fairly well. and • _ • the White Brick Meetlng ·houle Sun· Frank Elban. A. Maffit, Rev, J . late potatoes look all If Ihere would be oV8rvoluoo. be a' good yield . ''The farmers ' boys and girl s are F, Cadwal lader . Dr. J . '1:, Ellis. J. day, August 5th. and will preach In CrOWD Lodge K. ot P.. will hold the mornin g at 10:30 and In theatte rentitled to a trIp to Columbuft, The O. Cartwri ght. and family. and BeV Slive all garden crops by sp rayi ng. noon at 3:00 o'clock. He walln at· an aU-day picnic at Scbantz', Grove. governor's office will be open .for II e ral others attende d the opening of on Thunda y. AUl[Ust 16, 1911, and contlnuou ~ recept10n to ~h~e villi tors. M. V. C. at Frsnkli n Friday, -and -~ . HON~E . here tendanc at theago, Yearly twoe years Though war time duties press upon heard Dr. S. D. Fess. andMeeting preacbeheld d In extends a c~rdl.1 InvltatiC)n ~ the the evening at the out-doo r meetlaa . public ~ 11'0 and lpend &ht) dq with the execut~"e tinie, the govemo r will All are cordiall y Invited to be pr...nt them.. Bring your lunch and It&T be lure to flnll time to welcome Mt!Sdam es Ben Mills, O. M. Ridge. all day and enjo, the eool b...... of tbem." J . H .. Colema n. the man, hilS to hear him. the woodlan d. Plenty of mllllc. Govemor Cox hopes to pay several' Mary Waterh ouse. the Misses Anna and Lula Vander voort. Alma Wa.peakln g. Jr8II\89, etc. Be lure and ~lIlta to the fair, and may deliver terhous e. Katheri ne Prende rgast, bring a well·filled bullet. . ST. -j\-'A ..ld.NA..... th.~• . - -R Y-'S- C-H-l-IRCH Walt r McClure's auto amb ulance Messrs . James Sale and Ray Mills moved U . IU shop. Mr. Colema n, . for «e.von~on Bt Order of the Commi ttee Earle BUrnett . who lives on spent Thursda y afterno op and even· Route 5, to t he rears for.m~rl y occ~J)led t~JB bUIld NinthS urtdaya fterTrin lty.AU iust hospital in Dayton ing ' at Runyan Camp. They took unday. mg. and It IS Just hktl movulg back 6th. Sunday School at 9:80 Mr. Burnett recentl, ' Ilud a. m .; No~ 80 Hard u LIvIng. Saturda y' . Au<rust 4. at the MialDI' hom e. The room has. been their suppers with them and gave the " pspered ser-mon and HolyCo nimunlo n at 10:30 .. All 118, "Bow hnt:d It II tbat we bave home boys ot Compan and I a d case of d messles II k and caup;ht fl After co ld next Vlllley Chauta u qua will be Dayton y E a hearty the church Hrc eane. an . WI rna e a ne vices will beSunday to dJ8"_ ~traD"o ~'Omplalnt to come mu\. Th6 bOllS surely Ilppreci leaving bim in an extrem ely bad Day. The program discont inued until the for that day will home for his b~smess. ated shape. trom ,the mouth of people wJIO>. haft the 'favor and hope first He Sunday at one In time Septem was ber. blind be a fine one. The Hawaii an Sing. J . O. Cartwr Ight and .1. B. they will aU come his hearing Chap· w a.~ defective and h ~ ers, N. W. Hillis, Mr~ . Conove to UYe.-~ TwaIn. again r snd man also. m.ovcd their desks Into the - - --. - .••- - could hard ly walk . Althoug h he Dr. Hulley will be 0 11 t he was some better, it was th()u~ht on this occasion . Ther·e program same bUJldmg . will be. in - -- - - + - - ~ise to. remove him to the hospital all probabi lity, several flying rna· to receive treatmen t. He is lhe SOil chines on the ground s that day from of Mr. and Mrs F'rank C. Bu rnett the aviation fiel ds, and will give Word WII received berelas t w..k form ~r citizens , who now live i~ exhibiti ons, which willthey be of Il:reat from Chester Snook to the .trect Centerv ille. interest to the Chauta uqua followe rs. that he wu back agaIn to the United - - - _ _ • Waynesville Is well represe nted The Men of Waynesville band' States, after havlnll' made a trip to played at a social at Harvay sburg France. "Ches" both in tent and cottage r eservati ons. 6n ono of tbe Thursd ay evening , and the boY8 shiPs that .convoywaa A.monll' the folks recreat ing the foltransmade quite a hit with their music. ports to Franca.ed Hetroopa lowing are in evidenc e: At "Rest laW man, Haven. " Mr and Mrs', W, H. Allen They are progres sing finely. and it wonder tulllgh ti while abroad. but and Miss Olive Allen' "No'ne Such" Among the many real estate was though t they would bit able to is glad to be back again. He II at J ; E. Janney, · wife ~nd family. in chanlZ'C8 of late is the selling hay!! band concert .. by August 1st. present on the U. S. S . Chari_ on, of the th ~ tent colony -Jason K. Sheehan . Dr. Thos, Sherwo homest ead. It Is not known definite ly now when ID New Jersey. poatoffiee · add,.. I!:lIa B. Cook , Mra. Luella W. Elliot.t , which he has occupieod they will introdu ce the project. New York City. tor so many . Mrs, Thomas Hunter . Monlmi a Bun- yeara. The propert d was sold Lo nell. Netlie Oglesbee. Henry R. Mrs. A. B. S!des, whoy will probabl y C. B, Bentley arrived liom~ Satur- Meredit h, Rhoda Cleveng er, Mary take p081189810n of tbt) same day evening . alter spendin g ten days Cleveng er. W. H. Guthrie and C. D, Tha ~oct?r will still continu later. e his at the Winche ster and Sardini a fairs Smith. practice m .Waynes vllle. and will _ _ _ _ _ _ _- _ probabl y board at the Frlehdl with his horse, Wilkie Ehler. He ' Home. '. was. very unfor tunate, howeve r. as ". he got. into only one race all the time he was gone, on ' account of rain . At Sardian a Saturda y, while tile "" t rack was ve ry heavy. he got third ~: ,t> l·m< onE'v. The horse has been entered .; '. 'j mto several other races around the circuit tlds tall. and Mr. Bentley ' The Jr. 0, U. A, M. will hold hopes to cop flrat m~ney in all races. their regular meeting at their hall Friday evening . A al811S of ten can· -----Membe rs of tbe Xenia Pat.rolB oy didates wfll be initiate d. and lAlbaScouts of Amedc a, ar·ri~·ed at home non Council wiU be hera to do the With Fl'iday afternoon after a hike to work. After the work there will btl 'Camp Smoky . ~Hol1ow. along the a lunch.eon served. All membe rs are Thl. Stro'm berg carbu retor for Ford Miami river near Orelronla. · The eornlltl y ~eqUeBted to be present . car. Ie guara n'tee d to save boys carried their c8m~inl 6' " l outfit in' &ON • -Th~ Cove rnme nt advle ee Itr u.e It ' ttie tr~k cart. on gaso line. Eithe r Cara ge w and on th.! firat day's eame bike allowed themsel ves five minutes does n~t hurt the .p ant. on your car and If you are not satis fied . to rest for each hour, BInd an hour ofth~ blg.• avlnc will repla ce your old·on e. for . dlnner. 00 the rElturn trip, .& bert Beckett 'baa lO.rd his dray' because of the heat. tbey 1,7~ allowea , . IOIJIBln,UIIII to J. E Frailer . who will themael ves 16 minuteS an rest. the bUllheBS about the fint The boys started on thehour· hike at 6 A public receptio n w.. . IJr. Becket t o'clock Wednes day ' momiaa , and Mias Sara Sellen, daul'ht ertendera d of Mr. rutum to hllJ olel bome In reached camp between 4 and 5 and Mn, Btanl81 Sellen, of Lebano n. ~1I~1J:kJ to locate. Mr. Becket t o'clock In the The boll, Mond. , ·ev.nln a at Harmon Han, Be_ .A. -enc v obfiain l' drQma n, and 16 In number . whe II ."attin.... _orden to ..n for LW~.~ maQ frJ..da amoq the vBl. for hl\lf an FraIlce la the Red Croaa aenfce. A beamill In the(or baaba. the .. ahol1 time he we re ..mbuftM be baviillr !l, but a aood tIaiiI_ . ." Iarp ,·". PNMllt crowd . , aad .I(00\I .

_______ __





DEATHS '.,...




.- .







- -. YOUN'G MAN TAKEN ToHOSPITAL M.lAM I VALLEY . s~ve . I"HAIITAU ~UA l:~~~d !~~~t~~e b~ ' C~r!'Y'sb~~~~~



-A'Wonderful Saving ' :GU AR A 'N TEE D

fort ' YOUR FORD






------.. -- ..

2ftI fitto





•1II!II--.------!IlII-.....----II!II!IIIIJ.... .:.





Spra y .. you r .

....~.ARSENATE .OF· LEAD••••••



Flv a pou iada -lOza •••• •••• •





. _. --.~



;:;=:::=======:::::;::::::=-== ~--=-- ---- ,

Optometrillt Eyes tested free


-:- Ohio

\ r:---~ I Commanders.~""iI.J II t U... l !II''"U o llku·l r uin utl m Ol\ tor .It , lnll." , "I' mllll'lry <lIaPll lc hes ,,,ul 1.1 k O"11 r,,-corIIH. Youug-

ml ' l1 ,\ 1It! tH lt n u d Olln~O



hert) ara

r"I\,I\' 1111" A",lI l \l O~ ltlll nR lu tbo flliny oJ l" ill lIu ~ llI!)Hs. '.,

,., '\111, : 1\"'11111' 11 . l.lll s ll \!I ~S n oodn ruT' t III ~ \' n ( ~ llth' lo8 It·ft by Uta ;1f11l "11 ' ~ "1111. W~ ltlJ rnr ollL·



No m ore ide:! l vacation s pot cou ld be fo u·nd t han th is l a 'Tll' uS old IIss PllI bly . groU!1ds. The ri ver co il. loudly to you ng and o ld d url l1D tl UI h I day •. The assemb ly this year I. f rom July 27 to AUQust 13 Incl us ive .

tl IO~IIL\

i'-PERSO--NAL--ME~NTIO-N-·!·' "n;~I~:~I~nl?lI~ol~I ~I~~~"~~:g,, ~ ~~.Yi. ,,,<,""I't 11,,0<' " t

.1l 1r1l1 n~I. , EII'·II. "I"



n lo'

Miami-Jacobs Business College

Second and




1:-4 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

L. A. Zimmerman iR in Cincinnuti tod ay .

"!' _ ......""'!"''''!'''''~--~------'"'''!'--------~!!!!'''''''!!!'!!!!!!!!'-



A·Wonderful Savmg


and Mrs C. W. Henderson, of Lebanon. are visiting here t oday. .


Mr. and Mrs. H~rh ert Britain , 0 Davton, a re spending a week or tw camping on the Little Miami.


Rev . and Mrs. D. H. Palmer and family and MrS.-Martha Orahood of Ferry. were g uests of .M r and M 1'd. Gordon Joy Thursday. '

w. n.


Miss Mary Sherwood. of Uw Children's Episcopal H ospital. Mt. Auburn . is spending a three week's vacation with home folks.

AUCTIONEER=================REAL ESTATE=============== INSURANCE

Mra. LyUia Mull en. of Dayton. is visiting Mr . and Mrs. Abner Mullin. of Ferrv. also Mr: and Mrs .. Ja •. Mullin and daughler. Edna.

Res idenc e Phon e 61-3

Waynesville, Ohio


and Mrs. Julius Kumler and Mr S. A. Dunkle and family. of Brookville. Ohio, were Su nday guests of Mr. and Mrs . R. C. Younce,

. ,



l l'sln' t O l)lc k Hut ~ (J lIlI ! lh l li PH"",' "

Dr. Dill. Osteopath 21 S. Broad. way. Lebanon. Ohio.

Office Phone , 61-2



. -- - . - . . -.......... ~-_.

Myer Hyman \Va.!! in Tuesday .

We have the Buyers and can sell 'em if the Price is Right.

'w r' dll

1(1111"111'11 110 T\ ' ;": 11 1:11', \\ IIJ'k

wllh" ut ,I

Selective Draft Numbers\

If you try The Miami Gazette's Claaai- =-=-=----S. No. fied· Column., you will find , that 11411 Howard B Sherwood 1145 Wm R Sprelgel Ira J Stansberry they will 's atisfy your every want. 1149 114.3 J ohn T

This St.romberg ..carburetor for Ford cars Is guaranteed to save 25 ".1 to 50 on gasoline. Either Carage will fit ~ame on your· car and If you are not satisfied otthe big savln~ wlll.replace your old one.


Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur flides. lion and daughter, and Mrs. F. D. Mor.· rison. of Dayton were recent callers at t he home of Mrs. Eva Jones.


James Edward Surface, second son Mrs Harry Wellington who has (jf a family of eix children born to been spending the Bummer with her J onathan and Catharine Surface. was mother, Mrs. Mary Satterthwai te, bl'rn near :prlngboro. Ohio. J anuarv return\'d to her home in Chicago 16, 1859 , died July 16, 19.17 , aged 5 last week. years and 6 months. He was united Stan8berr~ in marriage to Susan M. Gray . DeDr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1IIi 1779 Emerso n Surfaco 4 cember SO,' 1886. lind to this union 1744 Howart.! W Surface !!"!_ !!!_ ~ _ tj three sons were born. Emerson, How- and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnett ~'!!!!'!!!!~'!!!!'!!!!~~'!!!!'!!!!~'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!~~~2!!~~_ and daughter motored to' London ; ard and Lawrence. 1743 L J Surface 5 Their married life has alway! been Ohio, Sunday and spent the day TELL THI3 ADVERTISER YOU SA W ·-----~.~--------------I 1726 Oral D. Surface spent on la farm where for over with relatives _ ~ HIS ADS. IN THE ,,\lMU GAZE j TE JI8 Scott thirty years they have walked toH W Tibbals Mr . and Mr!!. Karl Hawke, of Day_, S gether along tho! path way of life. J Lee Talmage eryaring itll b l~s~ings and sustaining ton, are the guests of tPlelr parents, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Milton Thompson Corwin ea.chotherall:\ldltscar~s and.orrow8. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. Mr. Corwin HI8 health lJecomtn~ Impaired !!Orne Hawke. who is just out of the hos. Ennis Thompson years ago. resulted In a g radual de- pital is geLting alon2' fine. H L Tinney 859 Ie the policy of the ' . cline of heo,lth; but never once did be 958 Thos Turner G falter in till! duties ol bringln2' up Mr. ~n~ . Mrs . J . C., r~u8er and his children under the precept of 969 AD Trickev 5 manlines.~ . I~nd his memory of infiu. sons. Wilham. Jacob and friend mo913 . Durward B Vice ence will be as lastlng ' as time in the tored. to Adams .County, Satur~ IIY . CINCINNATI, OHIO 878 Geo Warner lives of wi!l! and Bons who eo tender, mornmg. where tuey are attendmg 'R H Wil son 6J Ove~ 20 000 farmera In Ohio. Kentucky and Indiana are' sel!· Iy cared for bim. His earnest desire meetIngs for a few days. i~ UI Sour Cre~. avera/linll them over 40 centa per pound for But·945 Henry Watkins 4 W8S to build. a reputation upon the t.r fat during May . Corwin principles olr hon'csty and Inteari ty. 855 Robt N Wernt~ Mr. and M·rs . W. H. Madden with No Ihlpper ever lost a Dollar dealing with us. Ask any TRIand teach by precept these rules to Mrs. 851 Raymond H. Wilson A D. Madden. of Clarksville. STATE patron what he thinks of thtl TRI-STATE or let us send you his childr nl as well as s triving to who has been their guest for several FREE TRIAL CANS PREPAID for thirty days trial. You can ship 1 ' 51 E C Woollard make home "Sweet Home." days, spent the week· end wi th rela1458 Ethan L Whitacre on any train-day or night and every shipment Is guaranteed against 5 All around while the lands were 1011 or damage In transit and paid for Spot' Cash. 5 g rten and golden with ripening th'es in North Le~isburg. Ohio. 1727 J R Wade sheaves. and th e air was filled with 1164 R C Younce Mr. A, L Sides and family. Mr. the fragrance of sweet scented !)(i4 Cllas Zirrimerman 4 fl-Dwera. we were foiced to see our am~ Mrs. J. C:. Hawke. Mr. Saml --loved one declining, and like the rud- S!D lth and famIly and Mrs. A. B, CINCINNATI, OHIO , dy glow of the mornlna-. passing Sides attendeu the funeral of Wal· " I:' ~ SI an~, away S ome W e'l t"er d . The best medical skill • the lace Sides In Springfield Saturday. RE8PO:N81 BL1E,~' SA F E, ~ ~ R M AN EN T .It. .1 CD blu.e COIM 'If UIO ~ky. eveD ~en er~st ca re could Mt stay this ble hfe_ Carl Sherwood, wife and son, Mor: \Yh~n ~l'l'n throu gh douds. _lndlclltes °W h Sell UI your Sour Cream and let:us churn the butter. faIr \\"1'" lh ~r; a grn\\-Iug whit eness, on . e know 6 has not gon~ alon c rls. F. E. Hartsock •.wife and daullhUDIlrnnclllnE storm. I tn~o astrange land. bllt hand III hand ter. Marie, ·motored to Loveland WIth other loved ones. who are stili Sunday and were royally entertained Is at hand. and we are ready to handle it. . ~~~~~~=~=~=====~=======~~=~=~===-~===== - I~~~tand~~q~ ~1 by Raymond Hartaock, wlte and to come and join the celestial army. li ttle 80n, Gerald. We will pay the highest market prices. Our oommanded by our blessed Savior. % , • He leaves to revere hiM'memory \ house will be open six da ys a week. We also Mrs. Minnie Nep;ley. of ElpllIo. and mourn his death. a faithful ' wlfe Tex. Mrs. John Werner and chiland three deVilled sons, the aa-ed dren. furnish storage on wheat for flour. of Dayton., Mr. and Mrs. Will father. three ~iaters, a host of rela Fulkerson, of Spring Valley. and tives. friendls and neighbOr!. And Mrs Ames. of Bellbrook, were guest!! Come in and see us. We are here for with fl8U hearts we say. "Thy will be ot Mr. and Mrs . W. O.. Raper Thursdone.. A. M, H! hoD.est business and as a serving station for day. . NSQlu


R . F . D.








---. - ..



A New ·Harness Shop

'. We ha:ve just purchased . the ~Harnel8 business indud~ .tock, tools, etc.,. of F~ C. Carey, and have moved the same to our atore. .

Wor~shop Depar.t ment I. in .the handa of O. ·W. Hamilton, and every-

IO,a r .

body"knows his ability a~ ·a harness . man. . '. We :are pr,epared to make ·new good~ a,n d to do r~"'ing at ~e lowest poasible prices. . We 'have on hands at ·preaent a good stoc~ of







Clve us A Call



"the farmers.

FOR SALE-I have · 12 Wooden We desire to express our . sIncere. Trucks for sale. Good for thanks to all pur friends and noighstoves or any heavy things bors fOr ' t.holrklndness shown us you want to.' move about. Also, 17 during our recent bereavement. for Iron Trucks for tho , Bame purpose. their helpful 8sslstanr.e and expres· 1-1102'al. GasOline 1 Tank, 1·60 gal. sions of sympathy; and for the beau- Coal· oil Tank. with pump in it. tifu l flo ral ()fferlngs. And especially J, H. Coleman do wo wish to. thank the J,O U. A. M. tor their unfaltering affection . ay~esville, and ki ndness. Also the Rev. J. E. Cadwallader for his consoling words"tm.,M,.HBSS,t rs . A. Maffit, J . 0 : Cart· The singers for their 8B9iatance. an d F . ,Ii . Farr. C. M, RQbitzer. , ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ~.~......... ~ ~.~.~.~.~.~. . ........................................ -' ; ..; , Mr. Walter McClure and son for ' J . B. Pence, L. A. their kind and efficient manner in Zimmerman. J . T. Ellis lind J .' E ~.~~~~~~~~~~~ conducting the funeral. . Janney attended the Scottish Rite, The Wile and Sons, Army CI!Id8, meetina at Dayton Sun day. There .were ninety-one in the ...- -'--claM; George J . Waterhouse being the candidate fromhel'e . .



--_.- ..- --


---_ ---







'THE Sc, IOc·· 'AND 25c STORE


We dellire to thahk our· many friends and neillhbofs for their kindness and sympathy extended to The Hathaway reunion will beheld us in·ourtlmo ot sorrow. Mrs. Carey. and Dauahters. this year at the home 01 Mr. anti Mrs . Walter Janney, of Route 5. dn ... Thursday. August 2. 191'1. All deecendante ot the family are r.ordialJy hlvited. .



Fruit Jar Fillers . .... • ... ........ ~ .. ' . lOe Fruit Presses .. ... ~ .......... .. " ..... ,' IOc' Crystal Sealing Wax. p~.r pound. • . . . . . . tOe Extra Heavy Mason Rigs, per dozen .... We J elly GI~, per J1 dozen, ... " : ..... IDe Dippers, Tin oj' EJ;Ulmcled Ware. . . . . .. 10c Spoons,' tin, 5c,' Heavy 'riD. cnamcIQd. . lOe IL d Knobs for Kettles, Cover, ct ., /"J Olen, 5c _Lemon Squeezerl .•. ; : ..... , .. .; . . • . . . lOe Fly Traps : F Paperj S "Iit~... tile b ., . lOe


bett po,a:o: 10 Amer. Spec;lallit ID hove mlU'l'led him If loa are p'Odaoed 10 ColOJado. The, 8arpJaa look ~t l1li facer' MIl" G08al8 aptooe, ' - -. .

fDuna alilt .H. "IIaRK w.,-.... OhIo

iiilii....iiiI.....I!Ii••••I1!11. . . . . .I!II••


. A ____ __------~~----~--~~----~

- ~----~~~------

~ixty- .Nintl·



Yea r

1·-- --: -- --- -+



- - -

____ ___~~~~~~~~~~~~


1917 .

Whole NlltDber 3429



a-- - .. - - I

._ . ____ ____ _____• _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____




W. H. Allon wa~ In Cincinn ati Thu rsu ay.


I . I


1 Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Earnha rt en "AS UEOUN ON VACANT LOT : te rtllined at dinner Monday , Mrs . ON MAIN STReeT . P hoebe Smith , Mrs. Sarah Elbo.n , lind Mi ~ Sallie Smith .



M i.;.~ Mabl!l ~1I1i~h u ry i3 visiti ng

GREAT DEAL ATTENTION 1. ~~ti ~~S ~:::~:a. Il nd


B H Ke lly

Mr and Mrs Carl Heath entert uined Ir . Charles Heath. of Cente r vil le . and Mr. Nelson Mc Keever To Be Ere~tlk1, Giving the Com· and family to di nne r Sunrlay .

w" re in Dny lnU Tuesdav .


. Tu Iho Inslilut! ulI- AJ>pfcclntcs I fUC ~; L Car tw ri g hl WR S a IJU "U l l'~~ Value 10 the Farmcr l3uys ! vi Hil qr in L .. ha null Tu(!srlu y.

lind (iirls


- - -_-. .-..

/punity a Picture Show


Mi ~s

El ln ll Kelsuy entertai ned at Hou.e M rA Le Cooper. of Duy lon , Sundn y dinn ur. MiHS Vera Hockl!t t, I i.;il 'd with rcll.l tive>i here P ridn.l' . (If 1I'Iy tol1, Mi s~ Maric Well e r, of I:leilliroo k . M i !l-~ i3ornicl! Hill . Warre n The lot on the old CroBB corner will 1 GOV ,brnOl' u , '1. Co>" , ' ,. I\n " . cn.. ' Mr ~ lI ur riot :::lm a r t, nf Cin ci!lI1uLi, ,,~ 1\1')' < uwl Lawren ce Mo lt, of Center- 800n be transfo rmed into a handsom e thusinst ic chum pion of tho Ohi" i" the fptu t:st uf rel at iv ~ ami ville , allli h lm net h HOUKh flnu Lyman building . Thl9 lot bas for IWverai fn e n d ~ . S tute Fulr. It is ono or Lh e g'reut Silver , of Waynes ville. years been a much-a ouaht-f or plaee institutions oC the lluckeye common to build a pieture show house but for Master rv ill e l'hil lll 'S spl'nt lalS t wealth that receiveR u gl'cut dc:" of wOl' k with rt! la liveii neur Midd le· A mer ry pll r ty of litlle folks at · one reason and another It haa never hill attent ion unll ·u.operati on. Being . town . tend ed a birthda y s urprise on Master been accomp lished, Over a year ago H. H, WlIJlatI!lOn Willard Sawyer , son of Mr. and Mrs purchas a fann er. Govllrl10r Cox la able :0 1· Mi Ms Elizabet h Laws, of ed the propert y and amelt :ll l'JU I'I' r H 'I f 110, · .. Il k '1'.' Irnlnl u g CUUlI III I"un ,\ 11'l'l1 Cincinn l\l i. Walle r Sawyer . of Route -t, last ,.,.,"'" , ti u. , 'cunill l lult'H tOt c"mu .. I .~ lv nR In tllO Uetll nr apprecia te the t rue vnlue of tho fmr is th e gue~t of Mr . Ilnll UII Clry , MrK J. B. [ lI' U l'tl (' '''1~ \1' 11 11 '''11",· fillll ll rH. week , it being his fourth anniver sary that time there has hardly been a to those engl\gel l ill IIgl'iI'ultu rnl put-- Chapma n . Itef rcshmen ts uf ice cream and cake week that lOme one has Dot wante4 . :oults. . I . we re ser ved. and all had a ~ood time. to purchas e the ground . The dream , of the cltlzene of the town . that a T~e governor bellevos that chll~ren, Earl Burne tt was taken to Miam i building be erect.t!d on tbl. corner III ' pnrtlculnrly those o[ the rural V II I . I S ndllY mornin g f or munitle s, should be sent to the ·fll lr, II ey l08plta u I s about to be reaUzed_ A very happv day was spent at where they will havo opportunities to treatme nt fo r meaS e . Mfli. Ethel Cooper haa leued the t he home of Mr. and Mrs . Howard ohservo anll leum ns In no other way. Hopkins at Belmon t, Ohio. on laat lot and will Blart Immed latel, to' Covcmo r Cox has thill to any of tho 1". B. Hender son. C. J . Hiser, F riday , July 27. under the shady erect a building 74xlOO feet. The' fall': Hllrvey lind Clarenc e Rye were III Levi . Gusti n was born nenr t rees at their beautifu l home when building will be divided Into two "One of the hope Cul ~ 1,,"lI s of our Dayton Thursda y afterno on . parts. The on8 on the IOUth .de Red ~ion. Ohi o, J a nu a ry 27, 1837. J aphet Ev ans, a n eccentri c mll n Mrs. Ollie Edw ard ~, Anna a\ld Mary will day anrl gen erat ion is the increasing be occupie d by a picture ' hoW. j)lls~ed away at hiMhOllle in Wayne: · AND ClTi! ER F ARM WORK -W,\S who lived just west of UliClI, died ot Brown, Suran Hawke. Etta Sellars 20][110 feet, which importance tha t i ~ attached to such will confon n to a nrt Anna William son, talked of the ville. J u lv 22 . l!H ';' The . And Ilg Missed rews, 80 year Helen Ind ~ , :, . and Jul y Rose 22, DO after Kesae. NE a ON short SUN DA Y instituti ons US tho OhIo Stute Fuir. mont h . . 25 days. pas t, present anll futurl! . A boun . the state law. The whole_ placl hat ill of ness. Cincinn Mr. ati, E vans were w as the alJout week end '6 Living In n IItate tiC ahno ~ t boundless already He was a so n of ilenaja h Gusti n yea rs of age. T he f Ulle rsl Wfl8 held ti f ul dinner, consisti ng of all the Freneh been lased by the Kllpatr lckfertility , neccsslt), tlltl not, for mnny guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Haper . who cable Molorc ar· Co., and the, will good things froom el\' J ersey 'a t t he of the sea90n. prepare d li t the Utica (' hurch T u e~ da\' afte r· years, tl'lIch ' U 8 the neNletI le ss on ~ of put In a garage and show room. and in a way a i e of Ihree year~ w i~ h hi M Jlar C n l ~ Mrs. Hopkins is we ll capable n(Oon , and in termen t was ma de in floil ('ollRcrva tion end IlrOI)Cr rul ti vt\· Mr. and Mrs ·(i eorge Harlsock ir,1 7H . localed un a sec of do ing, wus indeed enjoyell by all. operate the picture show. ti on uf land Miami ceme te ry . tJon. Crops grew in t he virgin ~o il and Mrs Mary Caskey attende d the nell r Red The buildlnll' will be 10 erectad I t was Ii red · letter day long to be Lillll. where he li ved ullt il with little nttention and monc)- fun e ml ~f Morris Miller at Spring his d ea ~h 1Bl)6. eitber of brick or concret e, to be rememb ered. Lev i. the yo ulljCesl • _ might be mede throug h methods thllt boro laBt "' riday. made perfectl y fir&-proof, 10 that Mon of Ili ven children grew to man. Mrs. C. T . Hawke r eceived a tele · - have become impossible in recent another atory can be added If net8B· hood f ully 1lc{luain ted with ha rd- And Must times. Wo rk Almos t E very g ram Friday t hat her brother , Re v aary, Mr. W . H. Allen and family, Mr. ships of t h o~e pi onee r settlers . Al l Miss Lulu Kellis J. D. enterta 'Nulton ined , had a died ve ry Bud· "The Int01ll1\'('nt C:ll'mcr now knOWN In addition to thil th. ",ar&bo ule Day In Order to Save of J. his E b ro th e r~ anu sisters ha ve Janney and family j olly crowd and Mr. of girls C. denl and y a boys t his at her where Crou Bros. are at the Pl'II8Dt home in Orwell, Ohio . the husk princi pl os of en incluMtry 1'. passed Hal.\ke a way and e xt'e family pt ple!ll!aTJ olle. are Rev. aL t bome the Thf,llr Morri Milast s CrOI)S Saturda Mrs. y evening , time, will be turned around, Ha wke, owing t o her health fhnt 18 becomin g more eXfU' tlng ench the enGustin, of Ande rsoll . Ind. , who was was una ble 1.0 mnke the trip to at- in honor of her ll'uest, MiBB Grace trance faCing on Miami yea.r. The wiRe hUMballdmnn does not ami Valley Chautauqu~ . no t able to come Sullivan . af Cincinn ati. Theeve ning not known now who willItreet. It II tend the fune ral. Rev. Nulton. who expect luck when 'he plllllts u crop. I) ~upy thll In his boyhood days he j oined the in playinll' games. A bulldlnJr, althoug h WB/! here in Se ~l tember 1915, and was .pent MI'. and MfS. Ezra Bunnell , of Methqd Jlo mnke!> 1'ortuJle come h i ~ wuy. several parties ist church at Red Lion. t be re T he .hum the t h re!lhing machine particip ated in Mrs. LeMay 's wed- dainty lunch was served ' and at a are When all follow thq methods that our Lebano n, Ind., motored here Friday teachinll OD the trail for It. : a Bi ble class for a number was hea rd in several ! s Sun- ding , made many friend s IIgrlcult unll IORlierM nre ~howing u~ . lind are the Ruests of Mr alld Mre who will 'be late hour tlie crowd departe d de· Thla building will be an Mded Imof years. Decemb e r 3, 1867, .he W b S day. It is imperat ive t hat claring their shocked hostess to a hear royal there will he 110 Ruch thinlr as food F . H. Farr and other relative s. of enterhis death. the crops provem ent to the town. Belld... united in mlln-iag-e to Mary A . Com bs be sa ved. and tho machin ~Iner. Those who enjoyed the thil, It will !rive BOrne !!horlage . {lrlces will be more reRson· --- -es will have place en· of near Batavia , O. - To this union evening were Misaes Grace able Rnd the prOnl R o r he [Ul~l\ \vill Sullivan . tertalnm ent for everybo d, Inof the Mr. and Mre. Samuel L Surface were born three sons. Wi ll a nd Ha r. to Ethel make Simkins good time , Mila if Hlteam they want to be larger than evor befo re. an, Marie villagl, who are ripe and read, from and daughte r, Edna, of Ridgew ay , vey, of Waynesv ille. and Burnsid es, Emma McClur e, Cora the F rank , of get all lh e g rain t h reshed The "These facls directly join to the Ohio, have been visiting the dull of the neat 1ean,' former' . Clevela nd, 0 .. a ll of whom we re rains have been McKeev er, Elsie Osborn , Elsie Kirk. as they (".hang. State Fall'. During the last w('ck In motber, Mr~. Anna frequE,n t, and just had nothing In the way ot Hathaw ay, ami .present at th Marie e las t sad hour of part· as t he wheat got thoroug hly dry Surface and Ruth Kellil, enterta inment August every fsrm er In Ohio Rhoillrt except . the lecture Messl'll . Geora-e Warner , Forrest couraee s pend at least II duy thero... Tho vi ~ it other relative s near here during th e ing. another 8hower would wel hom.ta l8llt pi.,.. It Hohhitt . Russel Surface , James Mc· will allO and He retir~d fr om fa r ming in 1 95 , This is a year f or bumperit badly. to thl8 greateRt of Ohio . in'fititution s past week. havI a tendenc y to k..p the whe-t moved to Way nesvill e in Keever, 1901 whe re Wilbur Gillilan .lIhould pml'llrl), not merely be 8 tli· d, Howard w 0un$l' Jl«Iple at home, who ha•• been Mr. and Mrs James Stoops nnd he haa lived mos t of t he time @i nce . crop!!. Some fields !have yielded and Ernillt Shutt., Fred. Slmkln l, n the habit ... version from ord;nury duties. The of IIrOlng to the larger Lesler and Raymon d Starr, Morris cltl. expeftiG shouM be pnwlded (or fu tile son Holmes . of Van Wart, and Dr. In disposit ion, he was bright and enl,rmo usly, as much 8S . liD bushels to tIIMIk amuHm fllti. Osborn. Harold annual. farm budget, just a8 money and Mrs: Witham , of Kings Mills, cheerfu l. sGel.ol .. dllci ellterth ining , per' acre , and a t the u ili vat'Soll price Kellli and Mr, and Lee Lemmo n waa the s tar at the The work Ia bel... aan.d todar. Mrs. Laurenc e Shephe rd. to. tor Beeds, machinery, turm repairs, were Sunday a-uests ot Mr. and Mrs . never m t a strange r, and never had of $2 the farmer will be greatly Philade lphia· Cincinn ati ball game and III aU probablllt7, w..ther peran anemy. He was a true Adam and ~ faith toops. · benefitt ed. The Stoops family jmprove ments nnli livestock ure parts last Sundlly at Cincinn ati . He caught mltUnll', the blllldbli r will be ,Nldy ful hU9band and a devoted father, Corn and oats are looking ' fine in a foul oft the bat of Hal of the budget. The few dollars spent wJII remain here for several days. for oeeupan ey about October lat. Chase, In His affec tion f or his fa mily will al · the townshi p; and will probabl y make the grandst and, and will return a rich profit. brough t the ways be rememb ered . good crops. Corn is at present sell- ball home with him as a souveni "It 18 worth whllo to learn whnt Mra. Clifford Ridge, Cincinn ati. r He leaves t o mou rll his loss a wife the other follow 1S doing: It 18 ox- spent the week-en d at of tie also bo ullht a cushion in the the home of three l'O}l8, 7 g randchi ldren. I g rea t, ingGaa t .2 per bushel. rd ~n truck.seems to be eat en ~ p stand and, su pposing it belonge tremely Ilrofltabie to have the In- Mr. W. C. Barnett and family. d to .' IIplratlen of witnMslng an n A~ em­ son, Jack, and daughte r, Amy, Her g randchI ld . numero us other reluti ves by all ktnds of Insects. In some m· him, b" oug ht that home who and fri ends. stances in town, gard,ens will not also. Lee i!! Ro m e 1I0oveniwith him binge nl the hlgh-du ss lIve~toc.k , the have been spendin g some r fiend, The fun eral was held a t the home yield a lhird of a crop . Ot perfect fruits and grains that over- ing here,. returne d home time visithers will when it comes to ball games. WHITE BRICK MEETING HOUSE with her. of hiB son , Hervey , Wedne day , con- be good yields. and t hose flow the uhlbit buildings. wht) have The ducted by· Rev . Pelmer. rnterm ent sprayed will have fi ne c:rops. • Isaac Wilson. who bu preache d Pota watchfu l teUow can pick . up a hJnt Messrs Frank Zell, F'red at Lebano n. here on several occaeio ns. will be at toes are turni ng out fairly well. and . hore and tbere whose vnlue cqnnot "'rank Elbon, A . Maffit.Hartsock. _ _ __ •_ • the White Brick Meetlng -houle Sunlate potatoes look aa If there would Rev. J . be overvalued. I day, August 5th, and will preach In "The farmers ' boys and girls arc F. Cadwal lader, Dr. J . T be a good yield . . E lis. J. Crown Lodge K. of . P., will hold the mornin g at 10:30 and In the afterentitled to a trIp to Columbu8. The. O. Cartwri ght, and Save all garden crops by sprayin g. and sev an all·day picnic at Schant z'. Grove, 'governo r's , offiCI) will be open for a eral others attende d tamily, noon at 3:00 o'clock. He wu In at· the opening of --continuous reception to these viii tors. M. V. C. at Frankli tendanc e at the Yearly Meeting held OD Thurada y, Aua-ust 16, 1917, and here two years ago, and preacbe d In extends a c~rdlal InvltaUoD to the Though war time duties press upon heard Dr. S. D. Fess.n Friday, and the evening at the out·doo r meeting . public w ga and IIJl8nd thlt dar with the executlve tlnie, the governo r will All are cordiall y Invited to be p .....nt them. Brlna your lunch and . _ be IlUre to find time to welcome Mesdam es Ben Mills, O. M. Ridge, ali day and en'jo, the cool brMHI of to hear him. them." J . H .. Colema n, the stove ma.n,.huB the woodlan d. Pllnty of mUlle, Governor Cox llopes to pay severnl Mary Waterh ouse, the Misses Anna moved mto the K . of P. bUlldmg , apeakln g, gamea. etc. Be 'UN and . yl"lt& to tbe fair, and may deliver and Lula Vander voort. Alma Walately vacated by Carey's harness terhous e, Katheri ne Prender gast, bring a well-filled basket. ..1d,reA ..... ST. MARY'S CHllRC H I Walt("r McClu re 's au to &m b ulnnce shop. Mr. Colema n. for eVElntee n Mesars James Sale and Ray Mills By Order the Commi ttee Ninth Sunday after Trinity, AUlrust years fQrmerl y occupie d this build spent Thursda y afterno on and even· moved Earle Burnett , who lives 0 11 ing, and it is j ust Iiktt movinll' back 6th, Sunday School at . 9:80 a. m .; ing at Runyan Camp. They .took Houte 5, to t he It o pital in Dayton Not 80 Hard ca Living. their suppers wi th them and gave the Sunday . Mr. BUt'nett r ecently had Satu r day, Aug us t 4, a ~ the Miami horne. The room has been papercd sermon and Holy Commu nion at.10:30 All lOY "Bow hard It III that '0'1'0 hAve homE: boys of Compan y E a a case of measles and ' caug ht .cold, Vrllley Chau tauq ua will be Da)·ton ~nd cleaned and will make a fine A ft el' next Sunday the church .erhearty to d1e" __ Itranso ~'OmplaJnt to COIII8 ·mfal. The boys vices will be lied until the surely appreci ated leaving him in an e;o;trem ely bad I ay. T he program for that day will home fOl; his business. trom the mouth ot people. who IuiTe the favor and hope \lwy s hape. He at one ti me \\las blind. be a fine one. The Ha waiian first Sunday .Jn~ap1Jemlbu~_~.pHl.lllI~J1'.nlll' J . O. Oa.rtwr ight and J . It Cha ilLall come Sing · to Un,-Ib m TwaJD. his hearing was defecti ve and he ers, N. W. Hillis, Mrs . Collove r again. ... -~ - -and man also moved their d~ks Into the could h~rdly walk. Alth oug h he Dr. Hu lley will be on t he program same building . was somo bettt'r . it was . thoug ht on this occas ion. T he re will - - - -,.-+- - - be, in wise to remove him to the hospital all probabi lity. sever al flying to r eceive t rea tmenl. lI e i ~ the son chines o n the g rounds t ha t day mafrom of Mr. and Mrs Fra nk C. Bu rne tt, thc aviation fie lds, and they Word was received here rut week will give form ~ r ci tize n. who no'Y live in xhibitio ns, which will be of great from Cheater Snook to the effect Cenlerv i lle. interest to the Chauta uq ua followe rs. that he wu back agaIn to United The Men of Waynes ville band Stat8l, after having mKdetbe Waynesville is we ll . represe nted played at a Bocial' at Harvey sburg France. "Ches" wsa on a trip to both in tent and cottage reserva tions.. ono of tho Thursda y evening . and the boys lIh1ps that convoyed troopll Among the folks recreati ng the folmade quite a hit with their music. ports w Franco, Ho saw translowing are in evidenc e: At "Rest I They are progr88 8ing finely, and it wonder tul sights while abroad,many . Haven, " Mr and Mrs. W. H. Allen but and Miss Olive Allen; "None Such, " Among the many real estate was though t they would be able to Is ilIad to be back alaln. H. I, at J ·· E. Janney, · wife and :family . In chanies of late is the selling of the have band cancert.'I · by August 1st. present on the U. S. S Charl.ton, th ~ tent colony -Jason K. Sheehan , Dr: Thos. od homest ead, It is not known definite ly now when in New Jersey, poatoffice ad.dr..a (O;lla B.. Cook, Mrs. Luella W. Elliott, whlcb he hs! Sherwo New York City. occupie d tor S? many tbey will introdu ce the project. Mrs. Thomas 'Hunter , Monimi a Bun- years. The propert ~as sold lo nell, Nettle . Oglesbe e, Henry R. Mrs. A. B. S!des. whoy WIll probabl Y C. B. Bentley arrived nom3 Satur- Meredit h Rhoda Cleveng er Mary take ,poBlles8lon of thtl ' same later. day evening . after spertdin g ten days Clevenge~, W. H. Guthrie. ~d C. D. The doctor will Btill . continu e h.IB at the Winche ster and Sardini a fairs Smith. ' practice in WayneSVIlle, and WIll with his horse, Wilkie Elder. He probabl y board at the Frlebd. ' Home, - -W~B very onfortu natt!, howeve r, as he got into only one race all the tIme he was gone, on account of rain. At Sardian a Saturda , while the track was very heavy, ~e got third money . • The horse has been entered i IIIto several other races around lhe circuit. this fall. and ' Mr. Bentley The Jr_ O. U. A. M. will hold hopes to cop first :money in all races . their rel/:ular meeting at their hall Friday evening . A class of ten canI"""""""""~"~~'~.·~"·M"~"""'" Membe rs of tbe Xenia Patrol Boy didates will be initiate d, and LebaScouts of Americ a, arrivod at home non Council will be here to do tbe With Friday . afternoo n after a hike to work. After the work .there will be a luncheo Camp n Smoky served . :aollow Ail membe ; ' along· the rs are . This Strom berg carbu retor for Ford r Miami L~AD.~ river near Orellon ia. The earnestl y' request ed to be present , cars la guar antee d toaa ve boys carried their ·camphl.ll outfit In -------.~ to 60 Th~ Cove rnme nt advis e. 'I t b,ca us. ' It the treak cart, and on the fll'llt day's on gaso line. Eithe r Cara ge w I lIame hike ,allowed -themselves fi \~e minu tEf8 does not hurt the pant . on your car and If you are not aatla fled to rest for each hour, and an hour ofthe blgsa vlntr will repla ce your old one. for dinner. On lhe ret.urn trip, Robert · Beckett bas aold hit dray because ' of the heat, II • • • ~ ' allowea buslnll88 to J. E Frasier, who will themselveB 16 ininutes .thelY an hour reat. take over the bUlit,esa about first The bo)'s started on the hlk. at 5 A public receptio n will tendere d of month. Mr. Hecket t will o'clock Wednes day niominl/ ' and Mlu Sara Sellers, daught er of Mr. Ntum to ble old bome In ~ched camp between . :,and 5 and Mrs. Stanley Sellers. of o.bano n, ~n~uckJ to locate. Mr. Beckett o'clock in the boJa. Monday evenlne at Harmon Hall, an obllslnl f drQma n, and 15 In number , whela a.lltl g .orderlr to IBiI for . man,y hlenda amoq the for balf France III the Red CroI8 I18r¥lce. A . _. . . ._III!I__~!!IIIIIiI_..~~---..... . ' I 101' tb, abort time bUIID . . .h." e larpcro wd . ·. . pNlent tIai8,. ..W. . . aad a aood







....- ..




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th.·..- .


.of- .


·AWonderful Saving HORSE RACING G U AR A 'NTE-ED








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J.Jle Chapman


Age ncy

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Spra y you r

fT O B A cC {) '"



Fiv e pou Dda _10.......

.1.7 &







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Way ne s :v .U ~


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I\uln h illipm cil l Hllr~c · , Onl\v11 '~ q \ll ~nlcl11 I ~A \' 0 1( N Iran


Copyrlll ht by Frank A. Mun •• y Co mpa ny.


;PII'!lI rlllll:;-\I'ue~; I

bdppl .xpl'tllllM!Q WDtlt be thougi.t or-l n-om mR ' Isunl Ilnlty me b, bitt log tho eng lno 0 Rm Art rn p be clnmber «! on t110 ,1" ck. h~smll " ~"1l with the monkey w),(!lIch . anct 4rIPP'n) :. . ''Wlu\t'a the wB'ttor?' : InQuired Lu· .. ,,',,1 IIIP to the Fllqtprll' clllhl" I c1le Ilweet)y, wlablng t o smooth mottere ~ceted him. " I 'Wonld hU IllI1-Q t h (' n" .~or. "Won't tho ell lu o run?" • hrothl'r In tho Aqun P urn frllI PfIIlt)'. That \8 alwllYs tbo LJrb:e \IU uRtion to but I St'C thHe Is no '1 1'I'c1. W c 'lI ~" a !k t ho operator ot 0 gnsolln.· ""~hl(! li P 10 th e h OIlR O filld 1=11' (> y ou II ule" IJII t l) fwd 11 H1I'I\Il;!L' lH:tll II I CIQ a boat or 111 auto. NeIt tlmo :rou drl uk ot wlltc r 10 Wllrlll ~'m l "1' IIttl'r til{'I l onkc,1 1" )1)"1 . . li p \\'II~ "inll I" lI""rulis _ an auto ,tIIUM besldo tbe road, )"0\11' clllll:' I nll cJ "lIrrl,'a 11 ~ll l l'llc-\. with the dri.,er drippIng persplro tlon " \ Vb ure's t he 1"lel,hl'lll,,7" " " " l1ln,lc,1 "AI''' r,HI " llIrr l"Il '!" I cl.'III:1I11I, -{1. and tearlD. bla heart out ot tbo cronk, Bopp. "I dnll ' t i; Il"'" 1<'1 1,1' I I'~ - -....... that... aud "~ ou will l'l'ar blm or ,1'\),,1' "'VIIIII 's th u 1111111 " 1' 7" ,,,1,,,.1 Lu c ile. ...,.uu bU,i;l; tnt.!'t!ol," I ..: 1' .. ..:P'.,h idl. "h ut t nlO. pour out hla lnnerruo st soul h) words MI om j!"ulllg to I 1,' plI I1 I1C I" luII'll to F urlll . r Ihnll IIIIIt . 1''''11 11 I-: Ik 1I1lI1 bedono ."llable. 110 "0 II bon.t ('(l llte 0""1' III III k.· Ill(' to Ion I! to til" IIII llIn," ' Bopp _moo dlalocllDOO ' to Rns wer. I.brenkfn fl t. " ·" rr .\, oll ' r l1 111111'1'1,.,1 " 'Ii lilt' whnl 10 110 I did It tor blm. "You see, he could " Tn th o '" ..1111111110.... I rNIUCijl~ d . do with n hilly wll n hll" fll ll lt,' Il.'· make the· engIne 10, any chllcl could, I · woll lcl rO\1 ml"cl III" " I"I!' n,' l'r 11('re a . \ ~arllb A. Hnu v I' E'r v I ., LIl PII'I "01"0 b e t '0"''' " .. l Id . ... Could Have Brou ght Money. but be wanta to get It aU .warDllld 111' mom ... ll t and drIppi ng on P.II1I , smull tro c t III 'J ~lIror ok tow n. tbes o dowers. , n o p rl1.l u"l'Il II 1 11l~1( fl'l1m II I~ por it. ~I U 1 'J.!'llrf' l ·s IH II1 !,, ' 1' lI wl di',·ltt.~~ l no before bo . starts It. It Ia renlly kind. , whlcb Iwed wl1t Ol'7" ~ hl p , $ 1. . . et 1111,1 pOllr c1 " 11I r~" 1"'" I"" (,r Ii~ til hu \'p n 1lIlrl .\' fm' h~ ' l' lI ll ' 11 ' 1' runrth 11_ on bla Ilftrt. , No bumnnc man J.ll cl lo Ill.>k hIm 10 !JIc I cll'll I10IH? 1 CO 'HP'lIS fl ,O\" 1\ ~I .. " . ( ,101m <lll d Lee Fel ler t o [ [II!-l "UtI hi n Itdur . h III ~ 'H Il u' tllfll'lII il L!' 411' 111\1 : rN' II's ,111'''''t. would "aDt to mllke a poor. cold. ga 6()O I t ollow()d at a Iplo ll rds poe" . unci by E I Mc Vay a bout 5r, llo r tlS 111 11 I r '''Php' ,I n 1111' will \'1' n il 1'1 :.;111 III n III ln . . , ',1 111 f\ll 11 11\ .:- 11\' t'lml l L:l'd 1I ~'r ",1110 IIIU t Uneeng loerunt' J1llltrlg btotfirst Se I the time I g,lt to th o hous ' 1 tound utc. I n lwlI.". cn r,'), Ih l. JI1 0I on lillI" Il\n towoMh ip, $l. tllld ~ l ;n·~It·I·f'1 III u:--I.; till· I'llitlll'PIi 'l( Ilr. Bop" ~ ~DK bold It In his lap BOI'I) wh lr llnll the 101"1,110110 lev.. r ex· poso . for III,lh" II IlPn ti ll'." IIu l1 11 rl\llp. Al hl'lrt ,1n<1 D I' I~ Y I:litl e r t l l'llI) 11 \11 1 1 t'lgtl"~JlhH li~l I II " lIlI l lj HI two ""!otlilt 'Yar,ma spernWtlly. It wn s one ot I.h oso cou n · awn ,l·... 11 (' ~lImrl(." Ihe " 1",1 ,1' r Cl' II'L' I''' R o b e rt It ('ult y U -,.... sInu li trh llt 111 I~ ' d n di:. li" h' t"~'\ 'U l"lI ld ( 'I'HI'lIt'" "!l IlIt' Oh, ~. upr snnpllO<l BoPI' ImDO- tr1 tolephon cs w llcre ynu bu,'o to g rind hllnsr lf rt' JI l'" II ,.l'1.,· nUll r<' ltt rfl"d I iI(' fi n:.! , 11 lit 1 11114 1 1\ pn "..; \'tli rl Jr ;\ l :tI'L'"a r ,'1. Ilnd DOtlr U o""ln . ~ I Proba te Courl 1ttel,. a Ilttlc bus lllcs on Lb e s l"o o( ·tll e box fll1 ~ k t" Itls 1'(",1; 1''' 1' 1h'1I , ':111)(' 11 11 11' 1''': , \\ 110, PI) 11""111111 1 .,f " I'm II,,' 1,.I"I'hl'lI '" ''That', 1mPoaI1\lle." I retorted. "Tho un til ccntral \Jen r s you s lI'cn '1'he R ober t. Renlty l;o t ,) Ln ~ II 'I r l ug at /,('1\11 11' 1I" llI . \\' lllIt ;." la~C'1I cl"lttl! I.) In th e mu lte r' o f 1"l or onoo DeCk . tlw Sh ll l'I ' lInll"I' I iI"lt llllf \I\ , II:1 d nIl Uf' . earth ttaelt Ia ''''er two-tbl rds water. the transmit ter. Tile ol'urntor H c'lllcU the ",Ir"~ to"N h"r,'·/ 'l' h,·.,- III'L' II trS' Applloa tion for' otlOlisMion of sawe MIl ler , 0 sm nll tl u t I n .. li d I1 Cllr n lHl (' I Ul'III li"· 1I'01<I'f i t tll 'lI l liP 111111 and I atact uoP cooslder nbly hIg her m ore o IJIIl' IOllS tllnn usual. Uo rwin •• L 10 null B OPI) \nl: In I!'<'t }' ( ' II fj'Olli th e ' "11111 nm ,'" nil t o Dlly t on . tnte l:i os pHul. III m nrle. «1 0\\' 1\ , ~ Hil l : 1 l q 'lIlIl!h , :I IH" " P llt. <than that." David !'i. ShIpley o t II I to G rlll'A A . tlltl u ' ! nlll?" romorku d "IIellol" III c"cry posslbll:! IIn y: ' ":\11: Ilh ' ~' 11 11 -1 "('1"'11. [n tba mElttor of the o~tate o f Bopp DO'fJ had a smudge of dark toile of voIce from\ M. 8,,11& Lewis, lu t (II. i!l Ul:!t ·' \\'.'11. wll cd llng to a T t old hllil lI' h r re tlt~ 1,.lIlI lI lt' hl~· . AI" I AlvlD or . Wnlltn g . deotllLse ,l . Allnt> 'I H' I\ , cI!fIII ' , :\"011 "\'i' ll 1n'llIr; nll ~' IITCIlH 011 bIa Ugbt trousers , bnd woru th reat. Main ::It .• Lobllno n, $ 1. J'll l ln,',\ ' 'lu H~I ( "tl ('IIII'PII ( 'I', he d cpnrl ... d In till' r11ln I , potel, It u p. W. ti huer Is OllllolrH Bd III! Ildmin. & bllater on. the palm of ilia hond and I U) WOII.,le r," Lucile murmur ed \"nlrU!!Shc'r tl .,. 8r"'r\\'or cl :'lll's, ro ... ,.. " nl'" n I.. trttt,rlx . Uu nd $1000. lomon Mon. Commi ssioner' s Pro(;l:edin~s had l18li4 up a colinI' complate ly. lie Iy. ''it maybe It wn slI' t lho t eleph one cd o lin eye. f' llc lo" Itrt! nt nil' for 8 !lor, .I o hn 'oo k nud Chnrloe E. ClpeDOIl a v,&.\'I'e on top of tbo engine. cobl e w blc h you dllS "I' w ltb Ule pro· mnml'llt nn(1 till'" "m ill',.. Pinos a nd s p eolfiou.U oll s f o r stllel Ezatol1 ur e RPllo!nl eu tiS oppr'Li aol's. _ed ~19JouBII and l\JOked wllJo, Peller ot tll0 lallll h." " n ul' ,·,HII· h lid Rtrll,l)' II 1IIII1 I1 Ic':' In the mutl,e r o f tb e estnte o f beD rn brld~e nellr Bert R e ed 's r os t. "It'. 1100400." bo ~norteeL Had Some Hop e. "'Vhl1t's that?" Bopp dl'innn(l cd. d ouoe In Doerfitl!cl t ow lIship are lip. "Ill' r" ' J1ll'~tC'(\ ~T,,\'Cly. " " 'al lllli s c e tl41lJ n o l ·o nove r. deooose d . ~!I10 "1 1'111 I"mpatbl &o with Ito" 1 l1I'd of li'ruu\Cr: ·''I'P:l II':-. 1 II "1 sold 'It \!I\ls t hn,·o been the t ela- ~' ho y'IIrc: ' 1.'1\ \\a~ t o oo rrtlln ' 8 tock~ belon~I n g t o t hl ~ pro vort II nd r ello l o tl o n lI ~ k 10 g fo r ]o ul{ nnll lI" 111, ," hl $ 1II11l1 teellnll ,. fat ll\'r , ": 0 tl \(ll'\' pbono coble YOIl got mlx,c d up 111 when bids on Hll me L j1!1l1sed . ·"I ' m ~'r. fllnln f'Y." cXl'l ull. e<i . . O.. tll~O. Is o rdered . Alter 1'II1II,Dl8g\1lIJ .around In tho lock. rOll rllll t ho Inunch "' 1\)0: 11\' \\ It)' In \\ hl (' h h ilo: m011ll' I' "IHJh l alitronll ll: Thal's "EI'oryt llltll! Is nil rit:'ht." An ud cl\tlona I I\I\ow6 noe ($ 11 0 .r tor 8191111. be Rot j)ut a C!QlIoction·of wby It won't work." In t,ho e! lote Davld :\l . Mul ford . brill j: h im I" I " I'III ~ .Iu lrl; .... I hnn h~' " ours for o ul!~illto It's n' noo rl~hl ill A,udlto R ut [ r 'lI (l (lIl't d eceo. ed . Iflrs t lind fi nal ucooun t u lna e 18 t (!IUIII; hi ... IIIIIi ii' li e! ,lIcl Iltll~ IIllcl tool. and be&IL11lJ.O .remo\'o a alee) plate He hnrled tile recolver Into tJlO book. thlt,l! I'll ge t up RO !lpprov ed. till til n blillt stollS I~ I1PI)fO"e<l. from the enJJIne. h'(* W() uIrJ II(' Vt l (' btl Ii lI'ltUl. (lnt) tillY. "DQu't be cro!S," IIbo M Ill soothlog · rockln'." "ID order to \DIIkc It (laller to Imder· 17. "Think 1l1l',I\\!l\nt Bills Il t)Oll A llowedh.' lIrl11" In the e til te of .J obo E merson . Ihl ~ lI'ol'nllll( ~LJ I\lHIc" I! II mrnost N ow bold, tlIluKB. You 've '·.You' ro 1I 1~. III n hnnt, :'l1r8. Or II. elaud Ibe lunl/I', ,~or1: ll1kll lit tho en· lot to etny. Mnke dco II cd. Flr!.t und fi nal- Ilooou n~ 8t\r vlo8e 1111 1\ sist .."t In tinrv oy o r . tUI'n,',1 \v h I "'"I h"I' :\11t1 I... k.'d. ",II h tho beRt of IV' TIlls Is YOllr 11'11 hOI\le." .we," I eXIl\nhlc d III I.uolle. "he la omue f.5; E. B M urre ll, fin HJ e HII IlI't'ut 1"' I'I ['II~ II I" ~: " W .'II. I hll "C' lho 18 u ppro ved. ''Tblnk vlensflnt tbuJIPI! 1 <101 "It's n bont. 1 t 11 YOII. IOInIf to tako It uoort eo tlla~ f OU mn, tblnk of hllm al1d cllgs. I J;t1 C S T In t he e8t .. t e ()f Cnlt8ttl B. E1L8t. m llt.e , oootrllo t, $2lU5 ; l'lUrlot., pub o ·Ii .. ,," of It 1111111. h"" l' Il ' l I ?"-Iull \· un you sug· know " ' ben I 'm "c"slrk . eacb vJece dlstblc.Uy. I ,,"omlor It geat 80metWDg plensllut II hlol( Audhor 's nutlco to tflX. PitY D nllP oll ~ :::;(", .. cr? lio,," tar h ome aln' t !lot RO mnnr R ~~ l d ~s, nt ' mnu, deoel\se d . F lr dt o.nd fluol fl Clie bow. UlAt be sI1lllecl SCm.IC c~' lInder 9r fl, $a.rii; F·ro.ok MILO It. oou lrool It to tJle mnlu lunu7" plct\II'cs or cou n t Is Ilpp roved. oU In thut 11\000 "'. here 110 1$ n w " It· ta "Two mill'S." $1 1l 7; .Io bn Wolfe, oontTll ot f 376 r;o; ptlr[.le 8uns,·1 8." 10 the estde o f Mory .J . S oJl or o H , .I ob ll U tIDI. No matter• •To fOlIlllUll our I c(.~ "nu t tller fll' n't fill Y pl et nl·., ot r t on. c o ntraot, t 9B ; l::Itoke "And J enn only swim Il m ilD u nd II ...... that ~ piece or· tuilloy cO\'cretl d eoollseel . tleoOlld "od 1I111llllo obun t anel Urllllllm . oont,r llot holt." purple 811 11 ~" t s herl'.'· 1 ll'Ot e.'l ll'rl. $32390 ; In. Is T lmeleo • . .. ppTo WIth blact IlllPO Ia tile emull sbatt; ved . . "Why dOI1' t you stnrt nuy wIlY?" I 'lu es~ oveT bocly of Rln It I:!tM!lID , "\"ou'l'e m l~ t lll"'n. m~' fr n', therc's Il cll ~lo\l8 IIle rlll llrl' "hl"·IICiGrlz.·.1 NOI I am mtataken . Tllot ljI tbo m,!n's 1I1d. In the Ul I, tter o f t h o estnte oorooor ·)f J . • 1 lind w ltne 8~ $9 ,90; I nq n e I b~T t\ two of •... m n\'(~ r Ihere." ~h llolnlcd l'l' I'blin l'h' "nUul\ 1:-0 1\1\\'11,:.':0' tltuC'· ....- ""'- -'--.. abo" la th ut other -...... .......... ....., IlUlllly In 'tb nrc (It n cl rele wllkh took G. t:lteddo Dl, ilecBlI8e d. Privute s"lo over hody lIf ' h&'r l08 1>1 r~ h all .Mil. ICSN. A s th e 1'~1l 11 l1S .'" and "nuab l" warned Lucile: then, turn· In - DOt "1I1te 10. thin IIrl' t"I",I<,~~ . nll.1 shapeles b sI of per eon I al I pr o perty I le r . c o ro nll r Ilud w l ~ nes~ $i}.30 ; Bo r. Is orde red. ....... t C .. til s ic c or I Ie room. Jlutn~' I ln ~suJ!~ 's I n Ih(' C fl 8lJ,' l fi mitt lh e JiO'l'e ,our,1 .. a Uttle. wiU you, BopP. log to Bopn. who " 'ns boucl cd for t110 "1'1 I ont ro ppo. ... I' II .• ry 1n Robinso tbe ] m n, ntl hl,ullng e'r o! o the nll r es erlulrs l.llte I S JOW you, "'0 $ o ~ f : . 110 IJIat, Luclllj ' all 'teU ",bleb la the door. "Wbere I I N 1""!I'u stcul Y l\1"~ \V ~I'P~ tfl I1H\ I II f:, It IlIU Mt sl ili . ht', pnR~ nre y ou goluS 'j" Lydl" U. Balfleld . d eoeased . ':l'l.les A. B. R eed. d l1wa Sllti for injury t o NIlll . wblle 1 stop Oil It." _ ... -"&ftr c 1 t) 'I Il ~' nll t! III Wi t linn' hc,'n p,. ~~I . "Out In tho WOods t o en t U,O lea ves Slie _...... . "ro b " o c ree IIro ly . /l appr lllll $a6 c ; o flU ved loques' on'ort t o ove rlso. r tllldy uf b l In ("\' t\ I'Y 1.t{'ll crllllnll t n ~X I H' ss off the b·cCI." De slumme d tlie d oor. - - . . . 110 ...n'. a '""'w1 at Arter ho ~~ All oo Adams, oor ouor ond wl~n In the matter' Qf tbo eetlllo of e ~ t h ~s~ bad gone a . 1I1c8ljOO culm bur. f"mug In IImtJ. fell hnck limpl y Ihillgij w ith II ttlll cless power nml .... from below wbere the younll maD EllbrRit n Forwl1l l. dece l1sed. Inv e n • f t;· 70; Ch ua. J . Wnggon er, she r lff'~ \l'llfm rcfS'n.c4 tor II fow mll1lltes. All at Into lh. , T my n rill s. " .••tan~ QIl blI head peering ,Into OQce expo n seEL itl Luelle stnrled. rE' qu l~itto n . tlt"te vs ' t'S 110 n ~e. 81111' r n Ic s so I can 't to r y oDd opprtlis e m e nt, flJ oil. ... -. -_· Fred Bnelo w . $·1 -10; P Olltflge for -- -... . .ot tbe _cblne . "SUpP080 h o sLJou ld eut some polson shm'llp . B II "c t o roll m 'er tJlcrc." . "Ooo't fOlllet to tell me wben to let I"yl" Au ditor's otliue $5; J ohn Ln."" & Commo n Pleas Court s he e xcllllmct1. "no's a <:Ity bred I trIed t o PI'O"CIIL he l·. hllt It " 'os .-q Of the rope." I remInded blm. 80n. a ut o se rv loe t or ::lu rvoy6 r , $ '16 ; mnn; and J d on't supposo he knows osoless. S he l us l$t~1l Oil New Suits roi lin I.a--'elu g on tb e ddenly scrambl ed dO ,,"n Into l oque st o ve r 11 d y o f Uor r> 8 I:lowtll . "" what It looks lik e. DOII' t YOI1 tblllk floor . StlC wus rllg ngclI In thnt pl'l1 s , Mury P orlll18 V~ , G tlo r go W . P Ol': ooron er flml wlln es!' , $ 6. 0 ; Z III tlIe launob. :FD\l,hnd .better gO and show him wbere Rot pn s llm o wlt!'n lI er tl nughter nnd du ,\llv ••roe ; I6 r os~ n ~g l 8o l "Ob. Frank." ebe eIclatme d. ,"WOUld It ta," Arllll~" g(l . rnu (\ w (1 c k In ::l,d " ,,} T u "n Made' Strong and Well by Vinol AIr. BoPI' onturl"l . ,11'lpplng r'r III th e ' II8 W Ire It mate l.Oy dl -u erence It ,~l In tjJ e uHltter of the UIl Plio',tiLll ship $;10 ; UQ I Il/JIuu ~ I:ll ll nk BOll I( :n , This letter rrovcs ' thero i8 n othing "Sure; I'll bo glad to go. 1'1\ not rnlns torm. of tI . E g g rt . 'hll ~ . V O l k o rdl n ~ lind blf1 l\ k H l o r Pro:lfIte .J lIIlgo ;:! ; 111 . cqulll to Vino to crcllt o strengtb f~r - - t,.teJl:.8!l to .omet~ll . only. show hIm whero It Is-l 'lI teed It r tried to 1>lck MrR. ere nilI'. He aroae ~1Ii h weak, er lt"IlIO,' run·dow n condition s. ~Jllltll~ of a kan· to blm." 'r ox ~'rod Wnnd, H agedo rll . r ru8te e~ of th e Of"u nt.v ·. PII I' 1 . . WIUI n cry of nlarm Lllr llc rllshed to proo a~ \'IP! ofp ,4o,vn • mine Evnn ge ho.. l 'LIlI:b e r on Cburoh o f of TT ca!'nre r ' ~ I1ml ~\ n(u te r ',, ' FII[, ;Ve8tal CelItrc. N. Y.- "I om B, Car' NNOI [ '11 go." site RI1Ic1 . "You twO her mOlber's side. Ih o" s fnr tecl bock. Pleaeu'n t Pluio, W a m er 74 Pnlld abaft I11d took the wire from ber fin· mlgbt qu or.rel." yenrs . (;in of ; I nqll oHt ovor body nf age ond got illto B rren U<> nnty, snlffinA' tile IIlr. Iil phrullll fi' QrlUlln, ooro uer II.Dd ,v i t o weak, run·down conditioD 08 a r CIIlllt pre without commen t. BIs teellng,. OhiO, t o 8ell r ~I.I J e~tut('. RIght Ihere I mo de my ml8tlllw. I ·;Mr. Dlnl;lc~·. of " the s be Grippe. rrlcfl In Our Il orror druggist suggcaIM whaten r thor were, bo did not dar~ let ber go IIftc r blm. So Annl1 t:l. L O I ~f ' VB Tb o U oknown n eBR, $6. \In. s h o spen t the ~trgl~~en tOI] '9. "so u'yO becn drink· Vinol to build me up und 1 1I0t'lood &ruIt to ~b. 'lIlIere was l omethln g day wltb him Ills t encl B el r s ot .J obn (!I ov 11 t:lymmot!, de . nn improye.n<mt soon nftn taking it, ot with lUe. 'bo.ut U1e' repressiO ll at the While rollmlng ohOlit Llle QlIlpty nnd It hBS r estored my strengtn 60 I "DOll' BCOI' m y III' 1r·cu·... Mrs. oonsed ot 81 '1'1 t Ie to r eu l elltate I ~ 1Dall that tOlt>a~ commen t. In pal. l'OOQlII 1 bouri! eM now do (L good day's work. My qnlllted . a whllle ol1d. looking Grocn Ilrn \(,8 1011. 1'II11 111 g 111 ;<' nnn. pltatlnr ,\leD~ be attached the wire tor Its source. fouud wiio haa also !.lIk n Vin ol (or Il run· Acquired Son· ln·t.::Iw Ea rly. A ilDt< V Zimmel'lllan v a L e wis '1'00tl09 In th e "nc's 11I0S ' l"I\ II \'I(ul (r'c n' I J.1ol : · to a ptaee wb'cb leeemed to be mado klteben trying to down coodltio n with epllOllClid resUlts." Ell 1'1. "'Ith hl ~ flllh N ,1I1 e1 IIl o1.h l'r. reoch ti.e s helt wbore A Il!l ht ot uIII1" '"IIIIIl1!ng lJegll l) to Zlmmll rlllun . Dl.v o rce Is grauled -n. W. 'LI\SrEII. I ' tor It, reulMlm bled tbe onrlne • .wlped the dog biscuit were • wn . \"i s lttn~" nl hi s I! I'JU ane} ldllluth pl llintiff C' r'~ h ..mH', kept. In tho ex. dn WI1 In Toll el h··s '·,1·e. Is restorod to h e r bIa banda 1.04 grl!sped the crant. cltemen t Luelle bnd forgott lie hnd h ell "ll hi s ):rollL1m(l\h cr 'I/ell" ma ide n num e of Auna V . Uo o li. on to reed "Sho tnllll'e(l.' · r " Xlilul llc(). "nnd a He tomed It OQee -easU,. and, "zlnll," ber, With mcll1ncll of h".. CII IlII' r II~ Iw c' " ,n·ln·ltl" '. HI li oly plellBure 111 spar' mon who WII S h erp to repn lr tho t ele· . tbe motor 1I0t down to bnalnell. l1ke a Ing Clomo Urlng creatu1'e foth r wns tonll oe ",nt 'rUl f1l ollP. On ll Marriag tho pnugs 1 1.11\/110 Itll\" It, t n hr r t o r \' I \'(~ hr r. II e LicenseR eloc!kl ~ felt mYBelf t got down d ill' 0 1111111 Wfl S f1I1S~IIIg wi t h II lond ot· 1!oclIe h8lt1iy scrambl ed out of tho owt and gave the dog the box ot his- WII $ 11111 n ll\c l l o n 111\ e llll'l)' Al n lllll,·IJ ." .l unB lhnn F. 8herwo od , JlI orolm Dt m elons ond nakell En"1 If :';'''>.-' one. his grnud· " Ii; li te l el llp hnn ~ n ~p'l '," dl·lII llud" ,1 .. ud Rutb M . ~~d \Vllrds. hoth 01 Uro. lIl other \\'I l\1l .1 11 ni ce Wilt 'rm ~ I Il /l . 'l'l1cro were twel,e of the little c okes BOII[ . Aflrlll l!'llIg II p. "1 "~IIl )'lJll I CI111 I;c l gonia, Rev. Goo. W • lILet lIor gor' Bopp :Felled. tIIklng left In tho OOL TIle dog seelUed very n : P hi lli ll . !lon't Ihlnk lilY grnmhlll l (l<)CR." En rl hltlO (' h to COlli" fl)r 111 y~ L" ,old or the wh~lln a poee a good deal fontl of them. Ono ,yould .I!j ~ rt . Srn Hlll ul, tl, ole "IJlll rk , I'll Bud see MIlT It lilY BO/l·lo·lo w Y The Inoi, wh ich r.ll cllo g il v . hI m lite a -.,1tIh1 aavo ror the grease 011 eeL I bopo 1 n ever linve not he' mIss· MOllger , b o th of Lebhno wunll:i one." n. Rev. R. bta trouaers . (DId '\'Iklnge wear tron· 8ueh 'toruptat lon again. to go th ro.u gh wnrm u,l my JII' llrt un.1 11I1I, le II I' to 11\0 B. Jl'oetcr. 1. welcbl!d a ' fo r llle hours I LII Il ulo ne thn l M, memm IlJ .at tault.) blaeult In my banel, I snltre\l Itll fra. do~' . U n sri III, blld; A Uleon O. Hl1oy (~ rd, moohlui~t .. nd hi s cllilir. I tbrew t~ on board wltb a 1I'00uce, and then- l put . It II HI~ o. I "WlII you cu ll "[1 Into Mabel Feil , both of Kltl!,;\! Mills . Dr. StOIl O. Mnnt · teellng of enV1 few. otiq 'l\'bo was speed· would stick to my I)romlse. . Bllt t be morcne, ·." s hu l·c'llia.t .<1 8\\' 'el l,l·. " "nd Re v . W . D. Keis. KEE.P S FLESH 1I'Il TONE Cordiall y App·r oved. Ink to a ,quare m ea l. memory of tbo.t biscuit h nllnted 010 IlJe oS11 him t'o como o""r ) FROM SKIN TO SOME . to s eQ m Olllor?" Nc!:t til "Keep to .tarboRr d !" Lucile yelled. rest of the morn lug. til e chnp , who Heola Is Evel'}' Lhlu g lI~n l abl e. Du r nil, nlways Rcal Estate Transfe n B \'eI'Y tim e I "Sure l~· ." r .... \)11011. I SCIon ltnd th o splitting hnlrs t hn Ilext of'l'ender Is the Do Us, Seres, U lcerB, l'lles, E CZClJlII. , "Keep to atsrboar dl '£bero's sbu~l o lV thought of It J bnd to c ut a !lOW b ole doct or on tho "· I ~o. 1 t o\cl hIm lhut Robe r t A. Kl nR to Geor llB U . onr who ~ lI l1l s h is InnolUve B. '(Orles Cuts. Corns, W Oll l1Ja and Il ru l Rc~~ , water on tbo port s llle !", In my belt. I WOllt bock to tb o s ilelt " '0 ,,'o nlect him t o SATISF tES , OH !!IO NE Y BAel(. KIn g e t Ill, nb<:m t GU ncres ln ::ioo. 7. of "Ill'flr. h!'nr," fr{\ m 0 chorll s of hleh o\no oycr. Bop" apun tho wbee.: and till:! lounch a hundrca tlmes OD') IO.Jkcd I ll gingly "I d on't hc ll e"c Ihnt '1' 4, R. 3 b etwee ll tIle .MIll-wi rttvor8, s chool tel\clJ ~rs. ) -lfJdlllnopolis .Stat'. 250 AT A!..~ ~U CC,i STS. turned abruptly 10 tile lett. at tbo boX. but olwnYIi t ore 'ulyself como tho OllSWer 0\'01' It Is possIble. " t ho ' wll'c. "Tbe otber wayl" a erea lllc(l Luc Lle. awoy wltb 0 81gb. "Not II OS ~ lulc? " I e c hoed. " W hy .Joseph .0. Miller ot al to Bowllrd -8wrbo anl is on your right stdel" Some time during tbe Into n tt cfnoon nnt?" i::i Uonove r Iota 014 Hnd 6 Ui in. Sbe wal too late. The bout SIOI'I>ed Idrs. Grccn dressed and (To bO o onllDlled ) cnlUc (lowu· b'r tln kJin, S1. .uddenl y. BoPI' bastlly . took nn 1m. ,talrs. She snld s ho wns fe<'llJlg oot· --------~~-~----N . L. Buon ell a nd Senry Will to pression of tbo steering wheel bn tb~ ter, but sbe wos Ville. olld secmecl 0 Th e VUluge of LoI)uuo n , an !lR se· pit ot bll .tomach . . trlIle unst ollJy on her plna. m e nt to:) feet In width f OT 0. sowe r I .Jelled ·to Bopp; "00 :FOU wont any How He Descended. Olouds begnn to obscure the slty be1l>r Bnl'ol,1 whell descend ing n short lin e, $200. a)xlut BUlldo ,,' u , 011(\ Mrs. Grecn trot, MNo" bo repUoo. bOwlng to me up· toa a good (\e nl IJcrllu Uba rl es ,J. Wa.ggoner, sborlff, ftlgh t of Rtl'PS from .. b·e bock porch. sQ Inteqdonall:r trom peJn, holdlnll on~ nwny t rolll h Ollle. [n 0 1'.11'[ T.lle ll e ",us fell hcud·fI)f PllInsl. H e wos \1Ior e U"r r lo B Fnlrfhl d IQ )ot- No. 117 In t l) en hand bIB belt lIDe wbere lbe wbeel mInd 1 ,· l'(''l1 I ~ [l.,cl th .. u her BCIIred tlm n bCII· t. Hi s s mllll sl9ler. Leba non, $700. coup l,· bad struck blm. _. B D. fllld J enni e .Tones t o Letto and tol;c tltom r:ch lcntll S 1I11e) 11111111'01 nl!nr hiS owu·' lIge. run to comf rt him when she h e l\rr1 111s cry. Thulr motb· Layrltz . 3 tracts In Bluhm To Luc1le ·1 expllllned In as lOUd II town. er. hUJ)lw nlllll LO npPl'onc h Ihe c100 r yblp~, $ 1. tone of ,.olce 81 r could comman d: "It . JIISI nil I (ll"," ud t it " Clour tilL[· jllst t hun ClVCrhl)R ta a curious 'utlng rtl t.ho Uttle fe llow mnny deep was a d cuten1ng r on r tH' wlnt\, \\"iJ14 Pblllp G1 anoy at 0·1. to N e1l10 Ben. water ..lIore that they cannot tell tbelr wblpped the I.Jmll hes of lito trccA " 1 tenrtull y 1 ~ llIng s ister: "l wnll ted to n ol t fA s Oll~1I trllot, in the N E. .qU ll-f. I II cornll !lOWI' tb' s t ells, but /lW hOnd ta r o f ::leotion l5 . T . a. R left I11d right b8n~s apart. Suy 'port' ludden tIlry . Tit" s l;y nl'lwIII' • between tl t n com o fir s t u"cl my tcet cUIU~ n.rter· the Mia mi Rivers, Dr' 'Iblrboa rd' to them and they cot split In the mltlcllo $l. with l\ hll ndlll g '!»u a~ ODce." . light 01111 n ' rl PI'III!; CTll llh of I hllll(lcr, wards." F. 1\11'. and A. O. A :ve r.~ ''0 A. :.--The IIgb!nln g buet OIJ \' 1\lllRI}' s lruclt Th o mps on haok l ot No. ill. In Ro . CHAP1"ER III. IODlcwl lerc lu the dcln Ity. Th e crll s h 'ooester , $1.. ' , M,rool!e cl. of tllulldcr 0Ilt8\(l o' WIlS cchoed hy a • Th om "~ 0 J lun e~ too Allim lind You Can Help Othor.. opp IIIADI~ ,o .mako the en· tb"d In sid e. I lnok<ltl IIrPlIIlC). ~Irs. Good w ill lind ch eertulne ss n!ld Minnie Veno.ble, " s tnllll ~roDt In I . line rtJII "aID ,and ,tafted .to Green wna I :I'III~ 1\)1 the nnor. She 'baa atanch loynlly to tbe (Igllt. help with· . W~yne ~o",u 8 lJ l p . $ 1. I baet 011 trdIu tbe' lJar wben tho tolnted. Ml1ry 1Il . . Mlller too .I oseph D . Miller out ollr eve r kn owIng It. l~or . wbe n propelI~ Wheel .truck somaI droppcd Ib n huncUe ot ""Incootll the bl'n rt Is fu ll of happin ess It cannot lo t No ' flU Bnd 511. III Fi-linkli n ; ..... ad p~g8 ended. o.n,1 rlln to bel' nR"is lllllce. Lo uisa D. R obiso n to M B. Rnbl . 'BAat" .. tht atwolute lin Ii ot the bellI her bcn(\ \!II lilY Inp. but Firs t I be ' COIICIlAIL!tI IUlY 1ll"I'O tlmn tho . trag· couldu't ronco (0[ " IIni,· r . IIl1d 1III\0 1l 0SS m nnl· ~Oll lot ~ I) 581 nnd plIrts o f Jot:! .N OB. &*fonaan~ for thllt da,. Iro C!Quld 8eem to Itcl Rl l~' flll·II,," · .10''''' 1'(\ Tcvil" f csts It ..I[ "" cel'tllinly I I~ tll e 582 (~nd 502 111 Fr~ nkJtn. " . DOt t\U'D the emglne o"er 1U:0111. o'l'en Ing het. S .. lIlcwlcQ rl1 I hll" relit! dl· 'Wormtll dt. 1\ flrc. Wli'HIUl [ ryluJJ to I:iI\Btlb~n 'l'hOI1l!lo n to'. Will Bnd II, baII4. ~ Itll'l!8ttgntJon <llllclos· recttolls for l'c: "I,' III1: fulflllO>; ' Indlcs. . . tbat the .baft ",as bopelcss ly tan· Ono ,ot 111(0 II" HI ~h!l1gR I'e 'omm' uded do 80. without \l erll" cousclou s tbllt Wi) Nellie B. TbuckCt r 8mtll\ tr60' tD are of serv ice.· we bell' otb~ I's ' by whu t Deerll old towush lp, '1 IIIetfI to _ laea",. ,,'Ire ",bleb tho was to lnos f> tho <'or a t. but I bl8 acem · we n re. IJiI'ttII'IDIr bad ~lti!d . up OQt ot the ed to ho nn lInpnt'(]onnl.Jlo M. A . Pal'ker ~o L. D. ,Sander s lot liberty to ..... Bot!p ~ered thla by stlet· talle wltb a Inch I hnd 'only met ate No. 6'i In Mlclr.ln ow Addltlo D to .. . . . . . . . . .41U1Oer .ter over the aldll tlmea. ncaldell. I dld,,'t know how Frnnk lln. $1 to ., boat. locate a <'OM!ct nn.1 woulan' t have bean ~arflh M. JIll;Jle80D to Viola Col. Knew All About It. IIllIIat ber& part uut.lots Nos. 6 end 7 In "ell rome u~" aDie to looacn It It I had tonn4 It. It CilleL'- "Doctor . hoYD 70n e"er IlIll0W . Additio n to Sou\b e'l& bave to . . a ..... LebaDoD , would f)e a ,odaend ft aomo one would treated B -peUent tor lou ot memo .J. a . l'ttetre-i ntemed Gl'nnn n \lrl~Oner8, f!1I119r8 _ ..,t, out a book on '~Jlow to Rcvln 'oil"" DOdor- -"Oh. :re.. Inctl!etI. I -"- frlllll till' trul~er Krullllrf ns WI1. A. C. and En. aaJ'lOr8 Id E 8 . . b eIJIl. Ill'll-liel plng to boUd new qlll\rten l neor Fort McPbers on, 0.., 'lll'blcb, FatnUn , Ladll!l, -Mt!I6ifi" • Bacb. -employ a biD C!Qlleclor Quite ofteD." - aDd "al)ll Kel'Dsl lot No . wbell comp1etad, will b01ll8 2,1500 4lermaD l, Dloat ot them froID 1M lIoIIton 'l'raDIc:r lpt. . ~ 815 io.MaloD, $1. IJIIPllD terDed III ~"!-

W alter Cha ndle r Waynei'lvill.' , O. J Vt"f POSI I'II I.',' ,

)I flee "I H' ,"

Wayn esvill e. Ohio .



EitlH'r Au lo o r Il ur " d mw n ~e rvice . No l'xtra ch lll'g , fur Iluto ~""V iCl' . Both phon es in Omce and Hosiden cc.


Soh! Agent .~



,c~~r~ '~l

(;t)t~WI N.


• '\) ',e .vll1o ·s LCltlrHnll' DOD".' M .. tn a,;f;

ItUoo \1I II 'It n IlR BId/!






HOTEL.. . DIIUO~. .P.OI~LI"". COBTU MIlIIS. TltANe ,. ••• ~Al 'UII) 'BUB . 8£11)/10 . OAN Pllo,r a~ USINQ ITS ADVIlIITI 81NO COLUM N.



.. ~. " 0111( CLIPP.I I

.. .... " ... ,.......... '# ,

DR. CO X'S Barbe d Wire


I'M E / ' -"-" . ~


oIt. H. E. IlAT U A WAY

--- - - - --_.-


Gorde n


Ptlll(le \)1\.:\





._q ".,0 ... -


) 1\ .

Sax on Six Live ry



'G UAR ANTEED t.o h 01\1 wiihl1ut lony. ing t1 b lomish.o rMONE Y RE~'ONDEI). fiOo I\nd $1.00 slY-es tor frl'sh wounds. old sorcs. Bore bocks "lid 8hon ld ~r8~~urllll and bruises. 25c s iz\) fo r Family UMe. DR. COX'S PAmLE SS BUStE R 18 pninJCll8 nlla g\lnrR lltced to cure Spnvin. Ringbon e . Curb, SwcenYI Splint. f'uU8\ or ' lIlIY (1)) largolll ont 01 1l000e or 1Jl1ItiC e, or m on ey r(·(uucl ed. PJilee 600. FOil SALE BY .U DItUQQI IT8

I rni a . I ~~~J.U~WE



















funer al Dir4'ctor and ~:mbalmct.


..n' .

t "t"




lI oll 'ie '-- I,






.. .




.o.!.., _



lli!!! Proposition


every dalryman 'l.wlfe could yole when crc..;rn aeparlltOrR nrc 'up for electlon.- a U. S. CREAM S®AIIA. TOR would alway. win, handli!' down. tho ~Teamerv mnnnge .. knew the unanoitnry condition of mnny ICP. , 'IU'ato;rl whlch eervothcm, - thcywOUld be eV,cn more uTJtent for tho Ute of U. S . SEPARATORS.


buye.. of c:rea";.ry products 1I1he knew that tho poor'''''''Dlnl\ Qual. ItICA of butler can Ulllally be troeed to

Imperfectly cleaned 8eporntora - lhey

wouli! Co111 even' .till loud.". lor th. U.S. SEPARATOR. with Ita UJIOQlUIlIed repulation for c1eanllnea. JIOlIwllllc t .... ohow ".,uhow much . easier It fa to keep 1he U. S. SSP. ARATOR elenn.nd ruotleosinaldeand


out than other similar dovlcco.- how Quickly the mecbanicnl ..a~her ocrut., IlCalds nnd drles.hcokiQlmlnA parts.lhen YPU will be as plc' l!Cd to own a ~~ =RA'fO R as J iun 10 Intr... ~(ter I 511010 YQU, see If you can

flrid Bny othe.r separato r 80 8an. ltary, If you oannot- then buy B U. S.-the World' , R~rcI dOle Iklrnml ng lleparato r•

ELMER ROGERS Wayaetl,llle, Ohio .



... THE


~ubscrioti (ln

Price. $ 1. 50 per year

I, ~--:. -

NEPTUNE __ _ _






--=:". - '- -


B orno!! Compton R h al\ tlR tb olr

On aooollnt o f Lbe roln Tnursd,lY'

e l Ml ohtlor 1\11(1 fllmll .v umll.ntis l\1I EllIlIl . • i d tl WitHer WlIs nn' R ('n ter..n!'e 10 ( 01101'0' 101( gnoB t~ to dtnnnr HUDCII,y, Mr nod MrH 'Ilutle y L,.!rct ond Mr. nnd Mrs , ,J e (JI. S 1lro ao(I Mr . und Mr~. I.uthe r HulDes Mr nnd Mrs J obn Bill "nil f~ tJl. \Iy t' o k diene r wi th Aunt Es tb er Uomptoo '" t:iun,IIlY. Mr. 8Dll MrR Gh~uo ooy Ol1on ol Ull :'l ftlmily "pent Hueduy ot Frlllk 110 (.;bootn oq Ull .

Romew hot IlIIp"j roll , bu t th ose wh o \ OI·e· pr esont hnd 1\ pl oll ~lI nt. tlllle 1$ I'boolll he tried flvor 118 Ihe yonng POO)JIIlIH the b01~,1 of It nre "nxl ou ~ t o d o so m for tho worth V OIlU SA. The (.;l\, ic L ell~ufl t.oa, whi oh was g lVOD l1y Alf.p. gV11 MoDonllld lit, their hen utifnl b orne on li:llst Muln II tro ot., W,I!! fl s uoo ess, hLJ th finlinoially"nd !looililly. MOMser Ollbrrto o d'1'uornos Welsb lef t Fnd'lY nlghl, fo r tlJe ir holUo In Fo rt uudge, Io wll, after a te n daYII' visit with tb eir parent8, Mr. lind Mrs. W. W . We!cb. Mr . and .\1rs . H ill. W ilsoo , or OilY ton, were Sunday g uost!! of their ptH ontB tl t tho Coutrlll, .

~U"8t !\ Rllmlu y, Mr . IInd 'MrR Hllmu. nlgbt thl' Ultr lstl utl J£od oa vor 800lul



Ever ett BuinES IIpool, S ondtly in Highlaod county Mrs J eooio Wil RO L lind l\Ir~ Elu . nor .. Wilson IItt nded u r oulli o o of Buok Run soho ol fit Iho h om o of Bllttle Inw ood In8t ThurRdny .

pWebater'5 Trlbuto tOStlhO Grlel.t. k l· ,,"~otl , l '1Ilnnlll, IIr, ' roo1IS, Ren.I , 1'1}1I1~rf'~', Hrl!lgo l Our OyUH S ,.,1, Cor ~I(I\I III \'11111 IIlIIld Ihll! brol"'11 bonel. fou MU p;IIII""'~fl 10 your foth er" (lnd Ilv!' ollly to Y(lur COli II ry In h "~ grote· rill " 1II('ltIlorlinCe !Inti ~'our own bright I.IXn ll' pll'. !lil t Il't UB not too mu ch grll'v" Ihu' ~·'HI huve lIIot th e common rllt e of IIii' ll. Y 111 11\'0.1 nt Il'lIst IOllg ~ nf)u ~h to knnw Ihlll your "'''rlt hns IH~f'n nllhly 11IHI ,, " c" c~;ofolly occom· ptlsll'll.- l)lI nld "','h:le r.

Moth's Wing Movement. h,,~ n (,lIrlnll~ hnlol!. de· v~I "I"'II ' (hlrllll: nll' " Y c,"t1trII'R, wh II nt I·I!SI, or I'rl1\\' lIn ~ s low ly IIhout tile I,"I\'I'R nnri ~ t l' lI lS nr Illnnt~ , or Iceeplng nIl n con~tnnt. I'pnll l'. funning Illotlon or t lie win!:. , whi ch wht'n SOlcn from n shnr! r'l1l<tnn C'(' IIJlPCllr" 111<0 n Bunke's h('I1\l In t I' lie! rjf ~i rlklng.


" ?;.!


Are You Wasting The Price ..Of a Titan Engine? . TITAN engines run on kerosene. Average cost of gasoline so far this year,

PoUtoea Drl".., Away Gout. Gout I ' rlu'pl)' kn own nm(lug the ",,.,.klllg clnRscs of 1 1'~ I IIII,l. Th ~lr 1m· nlllntty (mill lltl ~ ,:olllllluint Is Ihought w "(' (hl~ til the fac l lhut lhelr food cooslsts .n·rgel;v (If l,otuluCB.

:per hour.


..Are you running a I!<\SOline engine? What horse power is . it? Figure whl;tt you'd be savi ng if ·YOIl had a Titan kerosene , engine. Rather surprising, isn't it? How long would it tak'e ..that saving to pay (or a Titan cnginc of the same size I

....temational Harvester Company of America (LKorporated)

Titan koroaene enginee are IMJld b,


Waynesv.ille, Ohio

There lire ~~III l!lrge IIr0ll8 In PnnllDlU tlillt tlre uoexplored Ilnd uoknown,

S100 REWARD, S100 Th~

read ·r. of Ihis paper will be plea sed to Icurn th,,~ rh ~ r is ut lenst .ne dreuded diseuse Ihnl sciellee 'hUI Iocen ttblc to cu, c ill all its s IagC! ft "d Ih, I is co torrh. Col nrrh IMI II~ ):rea tl y ilillucnced by cOlIslilllliorll\l <'OuditivlIs req ,lires con· slitlltioll ul I r~ Dtmcnt. I hIll's C:ltnrrh Merilchl. I.. loken lnlrrn nlly lind acts Iltru the ilIuod ou the ~tucu" . SlIrlllces 01 the SyRlCIlI Iberr">, dr.l royi,,/! tbe fOll ndatiun of Ihe disc:ue, j;ivill g th ~ ralieul strength by building li p t he con· tilulion Itud assisting nnlm. in doill)( it s work. The propriel or. have ' so lIIuch fallh ill the clImlh'c pOWtrS of Hatr6 '8111r1h ~Icdidnc thnl they .. lIe l' Une Ilulld rnl Dolla rs for li lly eM!: Ih[\ t it fnils I" curc. Scud fur list nf,tcsllm,,,,inls. Address F.) . ll Il NI( V & '0.,. TOledo· Ohio. Sold by oil Drugc isl, 75c.

-, ____ .'? _'. _______,

_ _-

===:J EJIi'===:J'ati=5=~i e E"'!E9 81:'===:1' El [:'::::::1' r=r...=J m[:1===;]1[:]1I! I EJ


. •




VOllr atlcntinll is direc" d to. our patriotl IJlccige to the Reel Cross Wnr Fund, wh.ieh was to he paid in CAsh or one-fourth 011 July 1, I)l1e-four.t h o~ Augttst ·1, olle-·fourth 011 . September. I, and one·fourth on. October 1, 1917. · Certain subscribers , have already paid lh ~ ir subscriptions in cash, and others llave paid one in:;talln(ent or more thereon.. In order to the . . . I f tl . II t' t f ·clenca ' 1 comnuttec 111 C large 0 1111 eo CC 10n a vas an~ount 0 work, it is suggested that the etltire balance du.e upon subscriptiol1s be paid' nt an early date and in cine pa.y ment, if convenient t o the subscribers. Reruittal1t;es can be made to YQl.Ir·locai bank, or to C.. C, I~lll~s , Treasurer, . Lebanon, Ohio. Your prc;mpt attelltio~ to this malter will m~terial1y assist the committee in







U.:. . , "



making its rel;ort, and greatly help the work of the War COllne-il. Alton F. Drown C: C. EulassHoward W. Ivins,





m ·GI _ _


Japan'. First Written L a ngu.g~. 'l'h.,)'!' I1 l'l' en r~ to tlIIV,) lo p n no wrltIcn Inlll(lI lll(l' tn .JnJlIIII till ,hhHIBO chnr· 1I,'tprR w.' ro Intrfll hll'l'tl Into J.npon from R r)l'rll In tho r.' lgn of the Em· peror O.lIn . A. D . • ::!SIi. TI/!! .IncolI· \'('n lC'll t" "IIt1MII by Chines c'lI'Irncters ICllllftcrwllnis to the Inventtou ot klll.{l· kllnn nU l]' hfl'flt.rlllln .. rho ,T(1)10n 080 ayl· Inbllry, whtrh (lont.rlhut.c'.1 milch to· wllnlR Improving UIO, 1l11!loonl Ian·




Fate of Cliff Dwellers. Tt ~~('m ~ Olnt ll1l'I'O CIlII loll 00 e10ubt thlll lIlIl din: 11wollcrs wert' I' xtorml· nntl'II hy th~lr 1II0rl) snvus;c IUIII wnr:.

To ubscribcrs:-


Mr. and ,\lrS Frllnk W :IIHoo and two uhildren. Louise nod \Vtlbur, aotoed to Sabi nu. ootur411Y oud wero ~e gJuOo~lIt8s 0Lfes~~s. Wileoo.'s slstor, ra. . &1oesf8 F. L. tiaTrl8 lIud Autos Illlliol hUve p~roea8ed trniler/! for tho IIIupolie of trl1Jl8ferioK pllrlitlJ8. Jawes E, Shumllkor hll' Illlr04aaed a BuioK five.pllssonger touring ollr. Mrs. Amos EIII", s(Jeo t" several d~y8 Illst week with Mr, Bod Mrs. Floyd Anderson, 10 XeDIII. Mr Bnd Mrs Robt Cromo, of De. trait, \VIIS oulling on acqulliDtnnoes here tbe first of the week. '1'he extreme hot wellt.l!er 18 plIlY· log bavoo with the new. il~ this vI. oloity. It ~oore eo ea811y nod II! 80 b&rd \0 keel' ,hat it moltell It dUll. oult to get Into prlot ~evl 8.ntlon, or 1,lnooln, III" who Ie 116 ye',"8 youog, I. v181~ln8 hI. brotbers, George, wbo 1s llS rellrll young !lod Jarvie, 90 ~Iss Marth~ Shldllker, of Troy, epen tr 11l8' week with Mr and Mra . Fraok l:ihldlliter . Mr8. Hugb Hellrdo n, of IrontCln, wns the guost of ber a.ulI'8. Mra. HIlrl8n lind Mrs, Bllrvey Il few daye last week. . Mr.: Corll Hurris eotertalned Mr. Ilod Mrs. t3tupp lind 'wo 80na. of OilY too, II, few dllYl! itlet wonk. Mrs. W. M . Lawso o .u.nll oblldren bBvo return ed frum 0 threo weeks' viSit wIth r eJII Llves \0 Kentuoky . MI89 Nellie Murphy, of FrBnklln, 1'1 !'poodillg somo· time with her grondpllrents, Mr. !IOU Mrs. Robt . \J11~r. . Mr, nnd Mrs . F. B', t3hldnker a.od MIMB MIIHbll 'ht d'iker ~ ere In WiJ· mln~ton t:is turdu.y oveoiog . Miss Ctlbie ol7. viSited MiHIL Mabel ~ tnlr Ill at week. Mr . und Mrs Am os Allen cele. btl,ton their fHtlel·lJ wedlllT1IJ ADnl. ver88ry, 00 1.'008d1lY. 'fbolr ten cllllclroll with th Ir· oblldron wore $here to lUllko t,ho·d"y pleu!!IIut.


16.9 cents per gallon.

Average cost of kerosene 7.7 cents per gallon. 'Gasoline CQlt, over 100 per cent more than keroaene. G asoline is going up steadily. Kerosene is not. At present fuel prices Titan engines. using kero· !'5ene, save ~heir owners about I. 1 cents per horse power





111«' Ih e rIIPII hdng kllll!d nni1 till' W(\ltlPlI h tng n(lopwd Into tlto trl!) , (){ Ih l 'nIHllt~I'Or. tholtgh 'In Momo Cl'Me nllgrlll iolls IIIny 1111\'" hccome IIPCI"~O I'Y ,,~ II r '~lI ll ' of dMIRltt or pr'~M~ Urr fI'lllll oltttil iln Irll."is,

Best Way to Clean Small Ba,t tle. To ..r .. nn tht' InRIo1~ of 11 wnl er bottle

l or pllr glfl"~ Ihllt t~ tnn flmu l.l to In·

lSerl til h:III,1 Inl(1, 1)111 Into th", bottle 0 ~Irin ll Qu,,'!tlly Of tl'n I cjwc~, pour 10 ~ oholl t nn e·thlrd of " t CDcupful or vln· egor, shlll; 1! \vell, ~t!Pty, ond HnKe with


~~~;I ~.~~~~;-

.~ r::J'



cle[ll~ glOBI

Felt the BUght Wllmo went to cI11I on u n,lghl!or ",hom the little "Irl tounll b~sy and " 'bo pntd lin nttentlrln to hl!r. ·FtoBUy IIhe anld, "Well, I II1lCI!lI J milS go. I 'spose It 1 WII9 a big lody y,ou ' would

1 m EJ


Is hard to get at any price, but our stock is complete• Come ".nd talk over your needs with us at


Tit,> "'lOth







A large car of Fine Shing les A f~esh car of Cern,ent · A new car of Brick, suitable for Chimneys .and Outside Walls.

(Jill I lllli' IL/I~hlnl! WIlV{lS u.nd oulm tho 11 " ~ n' h" Ir,n I hit< rlluHOIl , . . , Mr . 0011 M-tl. Loth ol· i:l'IItIOH hnl] ~e v ll rul fr om h ore IlI;toodod tho ' l:lorn to Mr. Ilnd Mrs. I ",wroooe l'''ll"rl' " "011 to ~IIJ<l' (,11 ~tll!!!< to bll' , er, of iJelmont,ll fin o 800. Mrs. tlll lllli tl III' fll r" tlll'I JIg o n 11 voyullo. n~ th t' ir g uasti OVI\r uturll 'lV IIIlII au 119 In Lebouon t:;uturc,(\y and all Kolt r7' ~ n n dny, M.r~. 1'),, 1,,1'.. ' I'II!her . lIllfl rupo rt U KrOon time Ilt t ho s how I\nti llo Iter WIl~ beforo be r Il\l\rritige --'- - - ... _ - ma tll ur Ill" h or I(fII 11I1]!ftrnut.,.. Mr . In L bllll on olso . Mi RS !\1nlH~ t o S\vo lh w, o f t.Ill~ 1)1.10'0 () IInll MrH Wm , Well t at '~md e o, H ev : Wlllksr \ III pre lluu lit tb e Hey. (.:lorlln . 0.1 D"y'on, spont lu., Ohio. M. E. chu roh, SnndllY, August [it·h Suodoy wit,h.1 H. Wbllllore nnd Dllvlcl DuuhllUl. "f I, hOllon, nt. Try And bo pros Dt. family hur e . te oI1 Ofl o ht1r 'hIH~" o ~""duy,,n(1 '''VI' ~'ru D k L l:Iurrl !! h us pnt nh OAed M,ttrrl oc1-i n lJo vloRtoe, KI' . lI11~s U. II 111 111 fin 11ll' ('()I"II ~ I"n "tid til, tltl) "',no k 01 groco rl eH o f Mrs. ' hnD{l My rl.lo Wltit-'lI'r tl 'Iotl J e~~ A \Vull var n" .. rl~ of ' Vi lln ln gt, I , r ' ll.,go . . lint! h.. O[lotl (\(1 ·ll l1 1\ ~rooo r'y (lnd both o f '.bl~ 1,1011'0 Mi ss Wlolt-lInr" ." N nv llrin " IIf",d s nwrl) Enr (JII OO'ltlnTl I Mr. "'Iel MrH I' . I· . ,lll n' H '11111 will e nti ellv or 1.0 ""rilly r.ho wont ~ "'118 tolnphonA oporlltor In tllll flell 110r o" loIt" rliun Imy o~h Hr ~\tr'lt' n r" !II ilV Inol; ,linn" r ,' \1 :, All' " '' "'I .l, n " f I I,0 I'ulol lc. [ilR III nU " I~ Roml 11' ",XOI""lga horr, rur Ih " IlI, .t Kix lh o Uit"fI . tle nhnll'H tl n.i r ~I_U In~ Vull . V H nn ~ t,r ou.trl1 flU '. nnrl 1111 bU!i1 n AfIH trnn"-tlo t .' .vP,lr s, w]l ornH hlj HHltl",nlLDV fr iO lld", M "LI~' ,j llf/U"AM ,",om"" PArll th nir .IllY ad will bo a u II aufi b bU HI,., EV E1 ry 'J'll(lv \\'1111(01 to lI oll""k o(\ping HOUI; It vi II:! hv ""rking 111 tllO tl Id .1111 Ro v. WllIlq () ' Nnllll vi it od hiH 0 00 will bo t rolltod alike un Ii: Fronklin 't. . OIl tho dooks. tI ''11!(h ter , Mr ~ . If.VII W .. rwl ok ut Leh. Mr . lin d M r ~. Wm . MoU nrre n, C. MIH ~ Dor o lhy flDd Wllyne .HIlra uo ll t:lllU rl.l Y nod bl'ou!( ht littl e Fay E. Le vioy flOU It (). G IIT·nor tran s ·. n ~ 8 urI' viNltlog frioods nt New Most hlrdll Hhow II mllrked r09 t,. Lo oi eo W urwloR hom o Wi t h him " et ml bu~i n aPB In WtlPQ kono~!I Uti Pori!.! ODd (jreen ville, 01110 1 ('~H " eRs "t tbllllpprolioh of II obBnge Mr . Ilod Mrs 'u m "\1rfIIOO I\nd Wednesduy of lI~st WOOIe. .JoBel>\) D tlogh erty, wire .. oil. In th wetltb or . d"", 1~ t1nll. of Ridgowny, 0 . M r~. Lytlhl liurvoy IlccomplI.!lied daughtor h .. ve g Uile for Q visit to hli Ve 100,, 11 vl ~it lDg lIe r s l Nt l'r ond h v hM ni ooe , ;,trR Mlloel Re .... rd on . uol, y fllr \wo WeOltR Amfni can .. "oods IltO fonnd OXtA. o. fn, 111r ~, W . ,,L'_. Bogoe, ~u\. e £lOS t 0 f .· fl 110 tulg t.o n, W . " I I. , we r .. o~ II In~ Darry M,,( :tnnls Rod wife, o f plve ly to tr o piolll AfrlclI , ovon 300 wlle k. 'rb ey letond to re turn hOUle ou r olutlVOH lll Wllmlngtou on J hur ~. Lytl e, vi Hilon rplo,tl\'oH horo la Rt mill'S from I,he ooost. pooo day lust . KundltY.

.1l'i., tH . H I II~ III lit,· ~ ,d o;, '"1111010 1. hr"U' IJ r, NUII IOI", rulo'. or LIIIl «"" il.1 ~IIV" 111 111 fIOWII. oV llr '1 11,1 11 i!rullt b.uJ1I1M of WIIIO " fin" Cr l1 hl,IJrI Y N"I'III"" ",,,""I Illl.t, lIvulu ~IJ'", t\ ,hltll!; tl llIl rll~WI.""I"". Ilk " Iii.. wlllt'r'" IIr w'"nli I" , I U ,,(I•• " "1 " 11111"" ljlll"L ""LI " " ,,," tllll"" r ll" l( h bu,l "III'tlIlL\ nf hlnl t-lhl\W 11"" It !' I, t'n "~ , Ht"r ll 1111111 , 1Il1rrylllj.: II 1I , III lrllll' '' ·'' rurH, ..,,, 11, ,,111 ttllj,I;,L . WIth t·hl" h" · ~bu WII Vl1. wlleo II " WidU U..J Il ,8~orm to arlso. 1:10 II! .. I ~v "Iotnrod AI,"tHllng ill II ,ourluoH 6hlJlI .~hllped ohuriot., drBwo ,by Bell.bor~el! with ~o l d e n IDllllt'S .. nd b oofs. 'l'he~ tJ d~lIb 8wlltly over tho surfaoe uf I,be w .. ter, ollrryln~ tbulIIlKhl.y rnler of tbo deep, whll" IItraogtl Bell.mOlltltor~, dolphin", IIOU 8bll-Dymphs slJort "bout tbo nh'lrlut lind Iltleud him up on hlA j ournuyi, Moro girls In AI"horrm are em. 'l'he hOll1e of N }Jtlllle WILli In tIll' ploy. d u. gainfu l oooupiltions tll[\O botlolD of thu !IIltl, IIm1 \ h u dUBOoJI) loony otnor 8Uto 10 t.bis c ountry. tlonll whloh 1110 relld of It mltke It fl tlliryland of wontll\r. 'l'ho pnJllce, A I'!nglo ~i1.l1on of gl1Ro)tnll wtll whiob ""118 of IDlUlell1lO "I~o, WIlM milk ~()U oo ws h"l,. four t008 o f bny bull~ of Muld ; .!!r IIl1d IItlltllt·ifnl \ m\)c 3" nobl o y'IIldll oe mont, Tn VIl ~ II h,,1 \.1 It O)nt"l[loJ mUI\, Iu.rl!o It,m 'rn k 1411111 R, Jll owthree t1ft, h~ 11,,111 .. nd ruOIU~, and III I,ho OOIlLtlr of lin Ilore of luud •.Ir t!onorClo'e ~llffi. .tlllliuyomo pll!ars SUIJP<l rt·ed II I3 hlo - ; Olont eleotrlolty to IJlu1l11uato /l Inl( d ow". Arolind ~he Vllll100 t110re I tllrrn h lluse tor thirty hoon. W". a ll1rg~ g ...·dell, In whloh grow b".uLlful pllllltll, 1I01I. weo(\s lIud Cllllfornia DOW produoell thres lU08I1e~, moro dollotUe In rorlll null tim. OS ti8 mllDY nlBID8 a8 t;llllln, tbe color 'han anything thllt grow!f' ou bom~ of the ralilio The growth of land tbo UlIlIforni .. raisin I.ndu try h08 Tbo walks wero strowD w\t·1l whltc i r f;lduoon th o U. ~ . i mports '1'0111 ipebbla. !lnd lIaud, trom wbl c h pe~rl B i 3~,OOO,OOO pounds In 1885 to,OOO . • ud pr,'IOloul! 8".1",,9 of ovory kInd I I ~". yoar \Vhnn Cldlfo~o la's yield ' Bparilltld and . gll~teulld, 1i'0ontBluI! \ waR 250000,000 p oun ds. IMen' u~ their oryst.. 1 8prays 10 bll ' ' ,plitt!! "' tile gllrden , lind 'he glow . wutm. of Lbe dOtlp lent tht>lr BOtt. , ll llCb' '0 tllurninllte ' be tJoun8 . 1--- -i n tb h~ enobllul,lnl( pultloo, sell. In'yIDpha !lnd Wuter Rod ... glided 10 DR. J. W. MILLER. I\~od ""' In jUyOUM " Ilort, while fl"h ,of maoy IlInd. l)ho.yed among the \plant" Ilod I(fO~8 " M. .._DENTIST... No' only 000111 NOI)tulle lI.n88 I Olllce Is W,ynenJlle. 0 tlfIorms '0 r\lII , bu~ bo oould IlIIIO ! . N'.uo ...1 0.010 ma.. 'J





As Written by Our Corps of AI,le Correspondents in tbe Neighborhood

11 AN l ~, Ed ilor and j 'lI ul i;'l!c l

D. L,


aft down and vl81t Wltb me."




E . D. G mbom II.nd c. C. 130r<ll)\1 w oro (10111 :tty vlslto r R, Mondny • Dr. B8U1l1tun. of lf rllDkl1n, blld Dr. Judy , of Milltnillh ~ r g, wor e oulled hOI n hY' tho 1110 089 of h leuds lo s t week. A hOH~ of friends. whioh 10 010'le8 1 Illmost every olt.lze n of t:iprl ngboro and tnnnf of t.he ne lgbborlog oom- ; ronnity were grle\'ed to lellorn of the doath or MorrIS Miller, whloh 0 0onrod W e dne8day mornlog ot the Ilome of his p[lr ent,8, IIoIr Ilod Mre· I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Illllii ·· i TboQlll8 MlIIer. Alth oogh II sufferer for I!l:1AnIY tIlooths, Mr. Miller's dOllth 00Ull!! 118 a sbook to tbo oommQolty of w4iohbe WliS one otthe m08tblgb. Model W lfe~' Iy res)leotod ojti:>leos. 'l'bo heartfeU Our Idca- of B lIIodel wife III one sympathy of (rlen~8Is ~lDg eztend. ed to bls parents In the sad berolve. Wh o keeps &r busbanrt l1ro'D mulclog • tool ·o f hlm8e1t.--{)wv.oo !NelVs. ment,


Madden' s Lumber Yard I


Corwin, Ohio•


lilr. and Mrs W,lIter Kenrlok. Mr. Bod ~8. lilt<lUuel Baln08 and 80n, of Lytle. wero t be RunUay gaollts of Mr, and lilts. P. K. · Peoce . Mrs. Elmer Graham III a' Miami Vulley bosplt.BI whero ·sbe reoently u.oderweu t 00 Clperatlon. MIIJloflut Bllntu, of Day too, is vie. Itlng ber jlrnodmGlthor and annts. Mr. and Mrs. Beor, Deoker wero SnudlloY guest8 of Mr. (lnd MrA. Oe ollr meveo~er. . Mr. and Wolter Baoge and 1100 , Mr . Ilnd Mrs. Oeorge 'fait and BelvR MoCaudles spent Mundllyat RldJ(e. ville, tbe gueets of Mr. and Mrs, Howll.rd Elubar' . . Mrs, Fran0tl8 Null, aoo ·Rod daugh. ter, and MI~s Rutb Ferrie were oall. Inion Mr. (lnd M,ra . Craig Hllnkln. soo , of Bluo Boll, MBturday , . Dr. ou~ Mr~. Dudley Keover,lod laOS, of Ceotervllle, were the gnell'S of relatives here one day la8' woek, Charles B... oto haH again aooep&fld a government p@sltiou In Uinolnolltl. Mrs. Dudloy Reever and aoo, Eel. ward, or Centllrvllle, were the Sun. day guests of tho Misses Wright. Mr Kellver WIlH bldfilng fllrewell to fr! eo(Is Bod relatl ves bere before 10llvlng (or FrllnOll whnrA hI) will serve !lB aD owbultmco d'rl \"'r.


----... ...----


I want to buy your Wool and will pay you the highest Market Price . • .

Olas.mad ~.



F OR RENT P ASTURE, 45 lorel Blae GrasfI. run,olng water, plent" shade. c"n 'Ilke 15 or .20 more oaUII!. $1 .50 par montb . Walter Stiowyer, R . n..

.4 ... B

=====:===Il,-=lt~ .~. MONEY WANED

---.. - ..---

Joy of the Auto Owner, ..~ Ollce knew II I1IUII who went bun· gry in order to blty toed for bls hONlc." "J CII.0 unllerstontl hI e !!Cott· menta. Jdnny'. the time I have eat duwo on meat nnd potlttOOll 1n oredr to · buy IBsoUn....-Wa8blllKtoD Star.




...,.:" ~y Waynesville, Ohio , •


Valley PhoDe 136


0.NEY loaned on IIvo stook ·ohot 'eIR lind SMood mortgogee Notes bougbt. .lohu lIarblne, Jr., Allen Building, XeulB, OWo. mll

E • V.


N·o tary Publt~ , Foa BALE

AU.In4s of No&.ry Wor)E. aDd Deeds • t%>ea&a1tT.

Pony Ml1'e or will t ra de Y O UNG fer ItlOIi Jorsey OJw . Frauk ~lUer.



Dt. J. A; McCoy,

RESH Hol~te'n Uow tor lale or wlJllis'ade for Irood No.1 Jor. ¥eterlnarv soy Cow, A. MJ:ffiat, Wl1yoeavllle, Oraduato 01 Oblo Slat~ Unlveral1y Ohio. u8

i'ull S~ook Btlk Poodle Paps, 3 month8 old , color white, 2 wale, 1 fomale. Will Bell obe~p, 0011 or a.ddresslda. Malrqnlrd., Wayneavllle iR visiting Ohio, ll.. R. No. ~ . . 11 8

Miss Eitbel Mannon trloo d. In Kentuoky. W. T. Jordlln anddaugbier ViolA Ilnll Audroy Cloove. w or MIHnK ClO Mr. aud Mrs. ElIlerson Elltnbarl, 8Btnrday morning . Mr. John Wo lf /lnd wife and W . T, Jordan IlIld \Vlfo ' were In Leb" oon Sa,urdny afternoon, Mr. and Mrs, Alva Lu~iogtoo en 'ertR,lneU SlloclR:y to ,!Inner the lat. ter8 pnrflDts: Mr. nnd Mrll. Ludln g. ton and ohlldreo, of near l:llllnob6ll. ter. Mr. and Mrs. Albort Herr Is villi ted rellltives at 1J0yton l:3undliY. MIs8 Lulu Brannon. of Springfield Is spending .everlll days wUb hor brother, Land .. Brannou ond wite. MrII. Lena . Hartsock 60torto't ued soven} young IlldloA at dtnonr Wedn8sday. Thnse prosent were Miss 8(,lIlIle Burnet, or Florida. MIIl~ \1n.bel l::'tarr lind fri e lld, of Barvoya burg, and .ho Missal' AI.l lirey UIOllV. er !lnd V iola Jord,lD. Mr . .!lntl Mr ~. · Cblls. Stancel lind cblldroo, of Du.vte n, 00t1ll1l down 81lturday UVE nln~ III [I now anto so YISIt Mra. 8\Boool's Pllronta, Mr. ~nd Mrs, Jatllos GrllY. MlsR A udrey ()}o,~ .. er r e\urlled to ber homo In Lebll.lloD ..rlor speod. Ing severlfl weeki! wi \Il rellltlvl.l8 llod frlenda, Mrs. Kate Jordan and daughter ' Mrs Nelli e I..lober' sud ,b"by spent 1 bnrsd"y. wi'h W. '1'. J ordan8.. Mr. and Mr.. Eafnt!st ManlloD 'and Ruth Ilnd Gloon!l .ttended a plonlc In Sub autll grovtI nea.r Day too Sundny. .

Call Me by Phone


Drl~lng Bone, 4 y6~8 oU GOOD and a ap\! hlokory BUlfiY,


Corner Main ond Mill Streets Tele.llhone 28




/fuod AS new. I'ret:l·Brondook, WilY. q elvllle, R. R . 2. as



-SAXON R U NABOU'l'. This dlR&UIO should l IE! trellted aa ~nnn good a8 new, exoep' 6Iro/!. ns tho first nnul\tnrlll looHl'ne88 ot the PriDe right. @OB .J. A. W Itltoere, bowl'lfl nppellre. Whon th18 is done II W ilynesvtllo, Ohio. al sillgle 11060 of (''hlloluhl'rlllin's Colle, Chol· erll tuld DilUThooo Jlonllwly will effect a ILO 8 .x' 116 tor ial{l. Only boon Cllre , Th.1s remlllly crm nlwaytl be de· uJlOn even in th o moat,llllVtirll.luII1 1111ed nvice. ChOllp. .1 . II . Hess, .•I'.m.lll'l 1Ilngoro1l9 C118L'8, and should be kellt at 8prlng Valley, R. a : 1,1:10010 Phooe hlID11 rlllldy for lnstant.ll8Il. Nevor leav(j 6 8. j~5 borne on a Joo,1'DBY without It.



BEAUTY Unqueltioned

dwability and , ,exquisitedeaign . . ;- the hi2~t ideal. in plated ware-are ·auured in \8pOO1lIo fork&. and lancy aening pieces beariaa the :renowned · trade mark .. .

1841'R06ERS BROS.~~,t .nau.

There are·• male. of ·~.erplated ~ . ;which are claimed to he "jult AI goOd." but. like all liaaitatioo., ~ ~ the ,beauty and ~_~ ideoIi6ed withihe originaJ and genuine II lwarepopulady bown.. ·~SilP.,l'l4tiilfat WMrI." ~ SOld b, -leidma dealers e' --.. .. :citaIaaae "OaL- ~.u deeipL .~ .




"Not DeceIved. w Idel 1I11turllUy ~lIJ1t.",,· Ihlll til. " '''ICOrM of ('rlpl.l/, ('''','1< "'''ltld h f' Oil

U U'II·,d:


we Under tllO" ,I! p)"


ant" _




Good 'Positions 00 te uioBe who IIrc IPcelally Irol " d. Busl· n 118 011' rs bIg pM' Rnd r mn rllable oPI> rLunlty tor young peo plo wllh , oftlo U'lAJntng.


WlInt\!d rhllt Pe nny





I 1rs' I';. V Ila Wil mitl\! tl.l n III~I I fllli l plnet',1 in

Ilh l:l rt \\I.,nk ~L

\I 1I



Mrs lllrn He Lik ed Teftchcr. . h.nrt h:1 1 III'L'n .ulr",rillll fllr , 0 111. ' I GI·, ·rgt· ( ~ 'III \' h OIll(, (t',11II M'h,'OI 1I1111' h , t ime palll , nlHI afl !'!' IIIl X ray I ..\ 11111 pl l' It ~"il ,f Ull Il J~ nCII ten llt·T. \\,1It'n in al ion it" \\'n ~ ffJI lllcl I h , l a '1IIH111 n liN1 "h~' It!' 1111<'11 h,'r ' .. 1\'(,11 hi - hU lle W1S brol((·Jl 11 h r 'm1 I It r"l'ly II IlS, "Be au \I ..hI! I;lds ' ' llO will i .., 'i" Ve l al tllIl·. l"· ·,,t c .'Iw ,, 1111 kids." t h", 111010_ to ~~:r:I~I___ 1\



k." had h ' l '\




Late Classified

Miami-Jacobs SeceM ucl ,Maio, Dayton, O.



- --

Business College


'I'h(' R"'i rl!

. ol h'r


ull ion will

bf' heltl

l\ tI~ll ql I I, tlLthl' J!r rl\·co(,l

. 01 1111 (11\ • Mr . t ,t' lrl!(' :-" · 111'~.

tIl(' u ~ l l/l l 1,lac'> ( h ,'" ".1j\ 1<'\' tf I'rnll rHm li n. 11I'f'1I nr rnnl!l'll us tin . Wl(ytl El~\'II I(l. li nd ,·\·,lrrl llldy COnl0 \\' il.h \\'(0'11 fillt'c lI un

BOIl~" b ol d tnrtl\tn r l

, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ) ln l]l.I lr of H bl o. .

01.', I l tns k.' t ~. j


.A·Man is known by the Company He Keeps- Why not a Car!

lOllduy lI1orlllllr. or J the Bonn! of Directors o f ~h lJU~[ nes Ml'II' d A e~vc iRtion at Xenhl, 'Nhich ev r' yea!' hall ('hurl: ' I,f I hI' 'I"all l.. iJmtlon il \Va~ oI l'l'i dpII lo di-cQntinuc l he ven l . 'I!vorai r('II"<)n ~ w ert', ~iv(>n r ' r IIi" <,o llli/mant'. tlf ih 1" 's livul thi~ YU/tr , prineil olly hccllu. t! t} r t h(' Will' III d ('norrn ous CHII for Illonev t o keep UJ) the Htod Cl'Q ~ ~ and IIlhel uenefkiury organ i2:ali'lns in lhe fii'ld , A JOIII(' us this war cunlin uee I her will UI II g r.ea~ :II I'aill un tlie Aln el'i l'a n lJeu· pie to fur nis h m ()n l~y f.r the army and organi;:ul illlJs cllnn cclt!d wil.h il IiIlO for th iii rellSOn the bOh I'd decided that it WIIS tou ~l r hU \ll.. ~ II Iim .:! to hold II c,I"Urll lion whi h would cu ll for a conl3idel'l\ble ouq>u l of l11on~y for a inu eO\pntH . Th' ,I '<,iHion r I he Buarcl howel' I' lIoes .not affecl ot lw r v(, fl r~ r nd If cu ndi t i oll~ at' bcll"I'ed- lty the FilII .,f 1\1 1 il i ~ probuble tllIIL t he Fest i· "al will be rim "wed. The f1 r ~ t [,'n II ~~t!atival was held in tho Fall of lll! 1 and Wl;l ~ 1111 uultl1 undet! 'HueCeSll '[,he re have be n lhrc' [cMtivll l: held since tb on and whih' the affair last Fall wa~ hurt by th e had wea ther 'I'll" 'l'wlo P, ·"lis tI'""'·1. !In. "II'I :I hllll 1" Ii, " IOIlt(. "IInlh"' lInl: Iltl' \\' ,'~rl' I' D which prevailed the Fe~ livul hal! al PIli' ! "r S nit FrIIl ... I.,·o 111111 II", ,I .. " 1114)\\'11 ,1i_1I·ld. h,l;; 1H'~1I ""u'p ll'll'tf ,It 1\ , ways bC ~ 11 a popular cele ul'a tion . l" ' ~1 M ~~ .2;i1l.1 (I. Th.· " I' .'llIg"',, '" '''I" I lIk" 11 Itt I" ~ ,1,odl" Ullul1 ot tho bill It itl with r~szret th ullhe movem ent horo. lIat! to be g iv ' lI UJ> bu t it is hopcli thllt there will be no drl1wback ~ to 'a renewal of t he annulil a ffa ir ill I HIB. No other busin ess of illllJ OI t!m ~e was l ran sacted by the 130urd-Xe llla Ga· DEMONSTRA TION S DAILY zet te


ConservMion;~dS . ~le F~lr.

Footl F tRtures of Oh ,o


i t

Note Value Obtained through the Efficiency Units Incorporated in the SAXON

A _burD ' 11GOD



W..t.. tt



CadUiac Peerl_

Hwt.n Chalmera Mega , 8tuts l.iberty P remier Velie


We my Ignition



Stromberg ~riDgs Catburetor


5A~ON H UIbon Pal,l! Six I.e lIIagtea VeJIt

Tlm,k en




Fedde rs Spiral Bev- Sem i- Float ·Slo r. Bot. "Exide" Ing Axle Ra dlator.s el Gear


5., XON



r ia l e adlll rtc ~8cltaJd CJmllJll!u Haynel Pierce Arrow Chal me rs Slut.. l.ocomllbl\.. Cole Colc PIerce Arrow H . A. L. 12 SI1!8rn.-'Kn't PUCI;Bld \rinton l'rankHn Cadillac Jelln), PeerlM'

Peerle'; . Kissel H udson


Na.mon Pathfinder Stulz

Chlllmt!ra .upmobile Yeliu Oldsmobile WI~ to a


Studebaker White Stutz !,issel Chundler Paige H. A. I.. . 12 Pal hCtnt!er Bllgar l:l Oldsmobile Cllalmer. l\:.i_ 1I P"uaeot Mi tch.1I HudlOn M.reer Puige



H udsOT\

SAXON Pierce Arrow


g:~ k ,'rd

Pierte ,\ rre,v d illac While Premier Duick 1111),"5 Stearns H. A. I.. . 12 Pe~, rle ~s J7l'11nklin Iludsoll Hnc\son Chalmers I.ecomollile Re ll eol" Marmon Au burn JeITery Meraer Whi Le Nn tional Packard Paire.

Pi.rce Arrow Premie r Simplex Ve lie



i •

TId. table ahOW8 the unit. a.ed in SAXON S ix and in cars selling for m ore money tha n Saxon



lU:l Il1'ltu l ing


Writo for free caLII- ' IOgUe doscrlblng 'Vest. ern Oblo's l argost bulJJ· nell coli ego. '

Coo tin' ntal Tfmke n




A 1I11! .. ~Irl "r Ihr,"· WII~ plnylnll \I IIh 'II'r P"I p ..... 11t \\'h,' " "h~ ell Ai'lW·I rt'" (h,' I"" M.l"·I· 1" '11111' l kr lIurlo' I til t'il-.tP h \'l', ":Jl1.1 H II d I~ h:td ~Wttl~ I;)",·u h. Th.· J.,lr l "'1" {\III'·II.I 111111 ,,1,\ " I 'U' hI, IIIII/Ith IItl'. [1111"11' lll •.'k DIHI ~~·t Illy nt'nus flll~ I n~_" i #


Waynesvl e Oh10






-- . 0---'----___


pres erva tIo n




Bp,·uu." or 11,,, \\ al' II,lh Ib ntl" nd- - - - - - - - - - - . nnt nr<· .. ",.iLy (Ci l' l ho I'rod" ~rs of Ul e Un il,," SIIIteR to f· ,pl! Ilwi r O\\'Il 1',,0' r . Dill, Osteopath 2l S, Broad pIc and help 0 k t"' 1' Ihe pcoplt' of way, Le ba non. Ohio. t he a ll ied nations frlllll starvat ion, I Gust" I' feod (·(lngerv. tlo n alld prc$I'l'Vu l on ., Mias H will be an. em,l''''nsi7<,d. foature of t his I couple of d~e s in D~n t spem m!: a y cur'~ 1110. tatc . all' ut Col umb us, y y <1 1. Ule Insl five (ln y~ oCAugust. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hathaway Thero will be various d monstrlltion ~, in cha rg' oC xj)cl'ls, Qf [ M el are !lttendi ng lhe R iley reunion a t pl'(,H' r,'a tion 1111(1 lh 1'0 lI'ill be kr- J)nyton today. tUI'~S on cien iflc fecdin,:r, and much lit!'r"tu .. e 011 hese illl porlnn l ~ ubjf'I' S Mise Letitia chatzman, of 'incinw ill be distributer!. Farll1el's will lIe nati , is ~pending the we k with h r urge!1 to rontiouo with incr(' a~ed ef- siSler, lIl rs:W . O. Raper . fort s extcIl3ivc Imd in tensive rultivn. t ioll of the soil. Mrs. J ohn Fromm and children. of (~(lj'd.mers "rill not be overlooked. Dayton. 'Spent the wee k,end with The "rate JII showl'll" ita UJlprCdU li n Mr. and Mra J. C. Hawke, of ruMI unit ity j:(urdenjng by olrorIng more than $3000 in caKh ' pI'izes Miss Rachel Ridge, of Bellevue , fo r tho best plI'odu t • Ky ., ill' spending her vaca tion with State FaIr l:ionors Sold iers. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Ridge. Spccilll recogni tion w ill be pa id !oldier . of toduy hy the Ohio StaLe J esse Prendergast, For est Ridge Fair this yrrtr. All \I' !tq nppellr in und George Waterhouse 01 Company uniforms at ~hc I!uto:! will be 0\1- E ~p ent Su nday with ho;ne folks . mitted free OIf chal'J:(c nt any lim e . . and l heir onte t'\ rLin rnent inside wilt r eceiv e more than passing at tention. Cha!!, Moore. of W:ashmgt6n D. C" Old soldiers, wcuri og G. A. H. hut- s~oplled he re FrIday en route to tons, wili bc II.dmlth,'<l ftcc on Friday. Clllctn~atl . and spe nt a couple of as will dlildl'en under 14 vears or ' dalls WIth re latives. agc. Women will not be required t o ' Il!1V on Mo nday until after 5 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shoemaker arul chlldren. of Newark. Ohio. are the g uests ot the la t te r's eister. Mrs, Orato r)f a nd Eloquen ce. N elson McKeever, of Rou te 3.


I -.



CHANCE IN COMMITTEEMEN Owing to his enforced absence fram Wa r ren Co un ty d uring the wor. it was enc umbent upon apt E . U. McCrea!'y to resign as mem ber of the Republican Central Committee of Wa r ren County . 'rhis was done a t a calltld meeting u polI 'lost ~atu r· day nil! ht. Seven members were present and afte r t he commiUl"e. went into sess ion, Capt. McCreary presented his resignation in person . pon motion of Mr. Madden of Massie the r ~ig· nation was accepted . Mr. John M. Mulford was tit n r.amed by Mr. BUrnett of HaDlilt()n to fi ll the vacancy. resullinJl: in lin unanimous election. Mr. Reid of Deerfield then nomin ated Mr . Mul tord .as chai rm.all of t he Centr al Coml!1 lttee • whIch e leetion was also unammous. Later he was elected a member. and chair· man of the Repub lican .Executive Comm ittee , A re olution ot t hanks to ·Capt. Mc Creary for his .efforts in beha lf of his party and hIS . work u pon t he committees 'Unanimously ('arried.W6'Jtern Star . ---,,.--...---~.---

.....:.~.:.......~; ...~..:.......................................:........... ~t ~:::::,~1~~ro1::'~::~~:.I ..t:.~-;~~u:;w"%:'13;: ':':~ LIBRARY IS MOVING __--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~-~-~-----~~~--~-----~---:------------~~ -, ~- , -

THe Great Greene .County -fair! •


Hug. 7, 8, 9 and 10, 1917 .Red Cross ' Day,

T~esday, , Augu~t 7th,

,'County Trot, 'County Pace, 'Novelty Auto Race, Special Music,. Best Farm Team- . Cash Prize' $18.00.




Aerlai Artists. Equlllbrists. Comedy Nov. . elty Acts ,


OONTEST Prl~e of 110 In Gold. Organized Clubs of the County will com'pete



Jesse Thomas, Le'e Lemmon, Bryon Prendergast, Geo rge ,P ratt . Ray Mills , J ease Burton and 'son. Tom, Mahlon Ridge onel Eli Furnas saw the Philaaelphia Cincinnati game a t Redland fie ld last Sunday.



T hl" Librar·y 'is ·moving todu y into t he Key!! building, lately vacated by Dr. Hat haway. The rQ(jm is an icleal one tor the purpose : The library had to vacate t he Ha rris room on aCCOU'lt of the remova l of t he po!!t office to tha t place . • T he postoffice will probably m ove and be settled by Sept ember· 1st.

Mrs. O. J.' Edwards, Mrs . H : H. Williamson, the Misses Annie and Marne Brown. Mrs. J . C. Hawke, Mrs . 8ta nloy gellel'!!, of Lebanon, spent Frid ay at the home of Mr . and Mrs. Bowal d Hopkin's, of Dayton. . Mrs. H arriet E. Fut nu 18 visit ing her cousin, Mr R. Asena t h Haina and fami ly , of Corde!!t Okla, M·rs . .Haioes father, t be'late william U nderwood. who lived near Wil ming ton and moved to Cali fo rnia , wu a brot her of 81ihu Underwood . 'o f Harveysburg . Mr, and Mrs. Carl' A. Ha~tsock Bn4.son of Springfield, Ohiol haveremoved to Chicago. to mllke mat t heir future home. Mr . 'Hartsock is t he Bon of Mr . and Mrs. J ohn S Hart. sock , and has been mak ing Way nes · ville in his a nnu al trips t or a wall· paper house. He will go into the same business, making Chicago his headq ua rters.

.- ...- - -


Waynesville Finder leave Gazelte office and gl"tplease r eward of fat 2


'l'h ree hUlIrtrc(1 nVlators, Cfl lllpri~· ill f{ the N inete nth Ilntl 'rwentif't h It'OII >l, ure 011 their way {rnl1l 111 i\ntollin, T "' lIII H, to tIll' Wil bur rillht fi ('ld at Fai rfi eld , all d IlrP l!X' (I f'I'1 (II tilt' Arllt of the wl, ·k II is I'X P,)c!,'fI Iha t mnrH hnilclinl{s will h \\Ie I .. hI' I're(·teri , ,, ul:c''' ln,)rialp. the 1Ii1t! I l.jnlUll II)' i III! men P",op lo iivin )! ill I htl vicinltv ()f Os· ho rn IIlld ~'!lirli lei belit:ve the goy orn , tnent i ~ vlunni n){ to enlltrge lhe tield. T he CI)l1 ; CI'Vnn y board is nej(otialinsz f r buS i,,)! tlJu re lund north ami ell~ t clf 0 ·b~ l'll. "lkin g in te rrito ry.clear to th e ri ve r .





\ '

ZIMMERMAN'S Look at Th ese Prices For 1.1 limited time only wE! will . sell' Molhers Oat!!. p~g , Ilt , ...... , l Oc KelloJl:h's orn FIIlkt>S, pk~ 10c Pc>st TOII ~ tie~, pkg .• only .. .. , I ()c Big Head Rice, IIJ ........... .. Hlc Matches. 5UO in a hOle , hox" Gc Sa ft!ty Matches, doz bllx e~ " 10e Rafety Matches. 1 ).{ ros.~ " $ i UlJ Sc rap Tobacc .. , l ac, 3 pkg ... ~ c 2,Y. 02. crap'l'ohacetl, pksz .. · Gc :Y.Io the r's Whe a t Hea rls ..... H1C Saxon Wheat Food, ...... .... .. 16e J ersey Corn Flukes............. . lOc Argo Starch, pkg ...... ,.. . .. ... 6c Clean Easy Soap , on lv ,.... · .. , fic Lenox &>1111, coke . .... " ..... ... 5e 1"ou lds' Macaroni lind Spa ghettl, pkg. , onlv .. .......... . l Oc Fancy Oh io Corn, can .. ...... 10c Early J une Peas, can ...... 1 2 ~ c

Buv ' yo u r Paris Green " ow.

P r ice~ are advllncing and stock is Bcan.:e. 8p"('ial low priC<l8 on large q unnti ties.

Suga r, cann ing time Is bere anlt Bugar i9 hard to !fet-we have plenty and our price is ri g ht. Du~ now whila tile llrice ill low .


Cons. doz ...... , " ......... :.


Plenty of Maso n Jars , F: Z J ars, Rubbers. Hen ~'eed . ~~ rllt ch Feed, Cracked Corn. Old Wheat Flou r, Corn Meal l , Ne w Cr e..m Cheese. Wafer :m cetl Dried Beef. Ju mbo Water Melons, 'Elberta Peaches, Cante loupes. Cukes, Ripe Tomatoes. Oranges. Lem· ons. . Br inK us your He ns , Young Chicken!!. EgW-l, Ll l1tter. Hig hest price:! IIl1id Callh or Trade And don' t for"et to use Moore'l Gasoline P lent v.of, late Garden Seeds for late pla nting. UI be , our grocer atld we will 88ve )'.OU mo~ey. '



I t pays to trade _a..!




TRI-ST ATE BUTTER COMPANY CINe,I NNATI. OHIO Over 29,000 fa rmers in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana are sell· ing us Sour Cream. averBJring"them over. 40 cents per pound for But t er fat during May . . N o shi pper evertost a QoUa r dealing wit li U8. Ask any TRISTATE pa tron what he thinks of the TRI ·STATE or let us send you FREE TRIAL CANS PREPAID for thirty days t rial , You can shi p on' a ny train- d ay or night and eve!'}' : shipment·Is guaranteed against loas or dam age in transit and paid for Spot C~h .




Sell us your 'Sour Cream and let: us churn the butter.


Come- Bring Your Family and Your Friends

THE .5c, lQc AND 25c ' STORE


- ~



GREEIE 'COUITY'S II'GSESl EVENT Admission 250, the Same

LIFE. CERTIfiCATES, The followln" Warren County teachers were ree'e ntly awarded state life certiftcates. wh ich &l'e now in the office 'Qf County Superintendent. Fletcher Ha wk. for distribution Hlgb School Life Certiflcates were awarded .to R Sprelgel; Wa lter L . CarmlC : Anna L . Uncapher; Huel Dell Sherman; and an E1emen. !!ll'1 Ufe Cer ttflcate was awarded to


Edith Graee SQaore.

Fruit' Jar Fillers .. .' ... . , ..• : . . . . . .. •• Fruit p.resses ., .... . i . • . . , • • • . ••• '. • • . Crystal Sealing Wax, per pound . . .... . . Extra Heavy Mason Rigs, 'per d~zen ... - . Jelly Glasses, per ~ dozen ..... ... ... . Dippers, Tin or Enamele~ Ware ... . . .' . Spoons, tin , fie; Heavy Tm, enameled .. Knobs for Kettles, Cover, etc., ~ dozen, . Lemon Squeezers . . . .. ... .' ' . .. . , , : .... . . Fly Traps: Fty Paper: Swatters; each . . . Spedailit To




Opto m et r ist Eyes t ested free


IOe IOe Il>c

15c IOe JOe

5c -

lOe lOe

w.,......u. oiaJo


Whole Nwnber 3430


Sixty-Nintl ,' Year


Our Honor Roll "And the Star·Spangled Banner in Triumph .hall watl •• O'.r til.. Lu.nd of the Fru a"d th, Hom e of tile En'll.!"

Mrll. M. L. Parshall is 'Visiting with relatives in Clarksville .


Mrs. I-I!mnah Antram is visiting with relatives in Sprinil'iloro.

Company E, First Regiment

Mr . And ~I r~ . J 0 Ca l·t w r i~ht ancl family . w!Ore Dayton vi sito r. Thur ~ da y.

, Frl'd Brluldnck Haymond Gebhart lIorman Gray

Fr('d Leonard Erneat Lota Todd Lowry Corporal George W.terboulle

Jesse Wr igh t nntl wifE!. of ,prillI" boro . spent Tuesfl ay with Waynesville r ell! ti I'es.

l 'h o hnrd /Illh tlllg Al g~ rlllll Il'O JI~ III til· l"r(,lIch ul'lIIle \\'01'0 II [It so ulh tlul'l n~ tll(J \l'lul ". 1)IlCIlU 8C th ~y Cli O' Irtnml Ihe cI,ltI, but· tlley Un! DOIY I lick 00 th Urlog 11110,


LOCAL "FOUR COUNCIL HEARD REPORT BUT OlD NOT TAKE ANY IMMEDIATE ACTION --- MINUIE MEN" Council met in reg ular se8IIion 1917·8 . .He made replIrts on what a Monday evening at the council ell am· new engine would cost, also on the ber. All memb rll we~,e present. ) waterway system. The water power The regular routine of .businCl>s "'as system, he said. would Ill'obably cost . ' . $25.000 to Install. but that we would aUel)ded to; after whIch J. A. KII · get 1l24-hour service .and that the patrick, of the French Kilpatrlck operating cos t would' be no greater Motorcar Co , appeared before coun · than we woul d have to pay the Day, . . cil and 8RkE'd ~errr~i 8l!io n to sink a ton Fower and Light Co . gaaolin~ Lank on Main Bt ree! in fro~t Several representatives of thtl . o.f their new garage. H. H. W~I. Dayton Power and Light Co were hamson also asked that the gutter In on hand. but they did not have much fronl of his property be ( un into a to say. on ly that council ought to be ae~er from the alley to their tap on conservative a nd take every thin", Mam street. into c ~n slderation before they acted Mr. Pollard, co.neulUn g engineer. upon the propositions. made an exhaustive report on the Council then adjourned to meet in operating e:x-penses for 1915·6. and special session Monday evening of also on what the phmt would cos~ in next week.

A Burenu of Information has been fo rmed al Washington D. C.• and they have instituled in every county in the U .. ,. "Four Minune Men," for the pUTpose· of giving Informa. tion to public gatherings. direc t meSS/lges of vilal interest to t he peo pIe as furni shed through t hem . " n this manner the people will keep in 'close touch with all lhe momentous questionll 'o t the day . Frank Brandon was chosen as the chai r man for Warren County. and hal appoin ted for Wayne Township "Four Minute Men :" J . O. Cart: wright, B. H . Kelly. Rev. J. F. Cad · wallader and Rev. S. M. Beall.

Jnmes Davis Ernest Harlan Dean Howell

United States Regular Army Jerome Jones


Miss Henrietta McKinsey. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane and Mr. J. B Pence spent Sat urday at the M. V.



Official Draft List for Wayne Townahip Follo~jng is a complete list of the drafted men in Wayne Township, and their Dumbers in the order in which tliey will be examined when it is necessary for the county to furnish men when they are called.. ; Each man will be duly notified by the county board when he is to appear. Serial No.

DJ'&fl lett,1 No. N o.

1'( ame

R H Wilson J R Reeder Robert· Jo'urnas Herbert Meredith L.A Ellis Ben Smith U E Edwards J E McClure DB Vice C H Edwards 'E E Hartsock 1 H Mosher C F Burns G E ReeJ ~r W B Bernard. Lytle Geo Green H L Graham H P Herres I F Kearns R [, Haines. Corwin o D Surface HE Earnhart W P Deal A J Herres R S Burns LA Jonel H F Jonl!~ James Scott C A Smith 251 942 flomer Pyle 287 1145 W RSprelgle

851 6 1767 13 886 20 920 73 806 77 948 82 968 es 1164 93 913 110 860 119 934 120 nas 126 1745 132 8e4 142 918 WI 1159 149 964 .1 61 816 18' 931 187 8Z7 196 1726 ~O2 1137 210 1459 214 801 2]8 1746 235 846 242 847 248 17'~!l 249 8S2





----- ...---



.... . .




Cadwallader, IIr. and B. Kell,., Mr. and Mrs. R .IE. Daris, aDd Mr.. W. E. O'N9alI, Mr. and

; . -. MaoD. L. Orane. M-' Clara LIl.. The allJ1ual Sherwood.Jelle.., ' re- Henrietta McKinaey, Anaa .VanderwUl be held ~. Aapat voort, Lulu Vandervoort, Martha at the home of Orur O'Neall, BIsel J. B,

t29 M S Graliam 818 R F MUll 881 E W Roll


1188 C E Eamhart . 9M CbMZlmmermu

8jI6 "'~ SimplOD




297 801 818 819 820 822 835 341 8G8 379


Ham Leoaud

Rebert Jones


... - ..


Chester Snook

Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Frank N . J ones, or 854 W H Orndorff Moo resville. Ind . , are the guests or 1455 E R Duvall Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jones lind 837 S 81d well Ellia 945 Henry Watkins other relatives . 797 Hallie Hathaway .. Mrs Hattie Smart. wbo hR9 been i779 Emerson Surface visiting relatives here the past ten 927 F L Salisbury days, returned to her home in Cin. 1146 Wm H Snook 1771 ·R M Marquardt cinnati Saturday . . 972 A N Greathouse Mrs . Louisa Woolley" Mrs. J . H. 966 C H Cornell Coleman and Mrs. D. L , Crane at 868 P L Fletcher tended the funeral of Job Holland 874 II A Sat terthwaite at Spring Vallp.y Monday. 1769 W L Hauck 905 W C Levi Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bunnell. Mrs. 933 ED Baily John Stanley, a prominent r.itizen M. A . Pierce.' Mrs . F . H. Farr and 809 Guy Bransom of Boswell. Ind .• accompanied by his Thos. Pierce · visited the Soldiers' 1727 J R Wade F11day evenlnll the local Jr. O. U. The Penney lailroad had a little t~o daughters nnd one granddaugh· Home at Dayton Tuesday. 870 EO'N Bogan A. M. held a large meeting in their wreck a~ Corwin last week and an. ter. visited with Isabelle Collett and lodlle room on North street Ten other at Milford . . Nettie Evans. of Harveysburg. last . Miss Ruth Miller . who has been lIS? L F Perkins candidatllll wltre initiatUd and the Local west· bound ·freig-ht· .a88 was week. Mr. Stanley is a very inter· 1V0rking in the West for the PBit two .841 R P Leamlng work W88 put · on by the Lebanon switching and the engine esting gentl emen of wide experiencO:l years, arrived homt! last week for a 1141 Chas C Cook the track at the Younce Bros. siding. and travel at one timn being sent long visit with her mothe r, Mrs. Eva 928 H L Chenoweth .lodge. 1764 H H Boger About 65 visitors from Lebanon, tearinll up l he track for some dis· with Charles W; . Fairbanks by the Miller. 970 F l~ Silver Sprlnllboro, Bqllbrook ' and other tance. They had to call on the con Government to investigate an irriga· 805 J L Talmage placH were present, Ilnd at 7:30 the at ruction train to get the engine on Ilon ·in New Mexico. Their r eport Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Schwartz and ,lodge men par~ded on Maili ' street. the' track again . .' waa found to be t rue and honorabl e family, wiLh Mis3 Reeves, of Cin · 1765 C W Reitz There were abOut 90 in line.. making Investigation was being made Sat- l1nd brought outJlome facts so clearly cignati, stopped off here a few hours 1722 CD Apple an Imposing procession . urday by the Pennsylvania railroad that the publill WIIS much benefited Monday. en route to their home in 957 F H Graham 1744 H W Surface . Tbe work wu done In an impres- officials of the derailment of Train by it. Columbus. . 856 HowAI'd Stanley -----":'. sive manner, and . the ' camlid,ates No. 19, New York Inbound express. 944 L M Symmes. Lytle were more than satisfied with their near MilfolroVriilii~iiVfmT.;F~m.i+_-...:.----.......:-----Mrs. Harvey G.ustin and·daughter, 934 S A Jackson new lodge I!urrollndlngs. . loco.m otiva's tank car leaped Miss Elsie. spent the weej(·end In 906 H A Nichols After the, completio~ of the track, ~jpped up the rails and put Dayton, visitin~ with Miss Hazel 1151 E C Woollard IIgbt refreshments of Ice cream and eight of the nine couches on the Gustin, who has a very good position 950 C A Pickering . cake .wereserved. The ~illitors were grou.n d. It was estimated that about with a music s tore in that city. 926 L L Salisbury well pleued with their visit, and 150 passengers were aboard the train 919 E .K Dill about 12 o'clock they returned to . • _ ••- - . Mrs. S. O. Riggs Ilnd Mrs. Frank 848 P L Reason tbelr homell. . The·home of t,he late A. L . Farr Ryan, mother and sister .of MI'!!, B. 1114 J W Kruer was sold Monday to Roy Earnhart . H. Kelly, who have been spending 858 Jease Stanley who expects to occupy It for a home several days with her, loft for their 991 H W Gibson home in Newark. Ohio. Wednesday 1160 R A Conner next .March. 1143 'J TStansberry From reports several people lire , . . looking for homes, and it would be Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sherwood and 1416 . W W 'Kruer well If BOrne of them would purchase family , of Lebanon, left this week 958 Thos Turner The s~hoo l board me t Monday the ground and build. Houses in for a rr,onth's outing in Michigan . 857 Walter Stanley r,..', • evening in reg ular session. Nothing Wayn.esvi)le will probably be at a They will return bx the way of . 963 WE Stroud Niagara hila, B)lffalo, and other 878 Ceo Warner . laaBc Wllaon; of B..lthnore. MtI ·. of importllnce came before the board premium again this )'linter, and a points of interest . 880 G L Chenoweth few more houses built to rent would and the. regular . business and pay: preached at .the White Brick Metlt· . 800 E WBrenner be a good thing for all concerned. ment of bills was attended to. The lrig house Sunday morning alld after· '.fhe followill~ people are eamplne 1747 L L Kenrick ltOon. Thele !Were large congrep:a- board decided that the school would at the Chautauqua IIrounds en fam· 1447 H S. Lighter open Septe"!Qer 10. tlon~ present . at both meetinga. ilie: Mr. arid Mrs. Wal.ter Kenrick, 961 H W .Smith - ---.. Tho<J8 ,who heard him ,were we)) reo Mr. and Mrs. Sax Smith, Mr. and 871 Carl Heath paid tor attending. Mrs. Beirne'Jonel1, of Ll,Ue, and Mr 1156 W M Prender~ 88t . A notable 'f eature of the a[terll'OOI~"1 and Mrs. Elmer Earnhart, of Dayton. 877' R A .SI·mpeon · . meeting was the attendance ·of . the 885 J WAllen Hatton Broe., .of Harveysburg. The Mr. and Mra. A,.. B. Side.s , Mr. and 1150 R L Lemmon . fact that these three brothers are in Mrs. J. C. Hawke, Mr. lind Mrs. Lee 940 ' A G Frazee Regular commun,l catlan' 01 Way: the 90's, ana all of them hale and The annual union PICniC of the Hawke and family. Mr. and Mrs. 862 EHOrndorff hearty, abl ... to go around and' atlend nesvll"~ Lodge No . 163 F. & A. M' I Warten County .F armers' Clubs .will Fromm and Mr. and Mrs. Karl 867 A B Carter to their daily duties: la remarkllble. Tuesday evenIng, August 14, There be' held at the M. E .. church in Way· Hawke, of Dayton, spent Sunday in 910 J W Strawn will be work in. F. C. degree. All Elihu Underwood brought them nesville, OD .. Thursday, August 16 OIncinnati with Mr. and Mn. Ralph 1'120 L E Earnhart members are earnestly requested to over for the afternoon. . I!rl38. W .·0 : Thompson, of the O. S. Vance. 1168 E V Long . be present. --~ U., will deliver the afternoon ad848 J E Sc~tt, Corwin D,' L. Orane,:W. ttl. ~ress. to which the public is invited. Waynesville was well represented 882 G H ItfcKeever ~ A. Zlmm\lrman, Sec'y. -... at the M. V. c: Salurd•.y by tba fo1.- 872 aavti Fum. -".--'-lowJng ~ple: Rev. allid Mr:a.J. fl. 96Ii C E Michener


Fncl Pe...,. Jama

United Slates Marine Corps

Mrs. Abi Haines and granddaugh· ter. Elizabeth. of Davto~. are the !ruests of Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Joy.

Mrs. Myer Hym an and dsugHter, Bernice. Rpent several da.ys with Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Dyke . of Dayton. las t week.

Clarence Mendenhall

Jesse Lewis Carl McClure

Born-To Mr. ond Mrs. Eme rson Earnhart. of Route 1. Sunuay. Aug· ust 5. 191" a daughter.

Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader. Mrs. Hattie Smart and Miss Clara LlIc were ChautauQ ua visitors Sat.. urday. .

BUi'hlUclee Jesle Prencle,.ut

United States Navy

Miss Clara Lil o left Tue~day even· ing fo r a vi sit with her Ri ter at Chillicothe. Ohio .




1144 A H Earnhart 971 E E Foulks, Lytle 1458 E L Whitacre 1168 J A McCoy 881 Ai E C McMillan 912 A R Hartsock 947 A E Crawford 1134 B N Purks 1126 B C Prender~a8t 869 R L Bo~an' 391 1720 R L BaYiI 395 938 . L G BrockJr, Lytle 407859 H L Tinney 410 000 R 0 Burnett 416 941 Graham Pyle 419 1131 R E Davis 421 8711 L W Furnas 424 914 W N Blackford 484 1129 C P Ellis 486 873 Sam Meredith Jr 436 1155 H M Carey . . 440 L J Surface 466 1836 R H Hartsock 464 909 K N Hough 477 1153 · H $ Edwards 4l!2 R C Younce · 484 0 E 'Smith ' 506 959 R E Dyke 619 828 G C Davis 629 955 J R Gibbons 530 lis6 E V Conner 685 916 W W Foulke 54'1 850 S E Furnas 6'9 ~ R N Wemu, Corwlp 571 1169 [J Stanlberry . 677 946 C H Orawford <i 580 962 B II Bumett 592 963 K T Graham, LJtle

101 885 Em.t Shepherd '"In5 E T Harrell 119 928 Frank CharltoD SS1 910 Earl Bemard 1119 Carl Lelp 881 R_II Jlorpn

919 A D Mill.

Dtah IIedaI

No •



695 880 C L Mcl'htl'lOn 701 711 718 720 780 732 · 737 744 748 747 758 761 767 771 T74. 799 810 822 843 858 870

1125 R McK Pence 943 II E Earl, 88' Walter Scott, CorwlD 1162 E J Arnold 1183 D R8mfth '39 Ralph BIoa, CorwlD 1135 J W Smith 1721 OS Boier 922 C DLewil 952 FHSav~8 849 L E Hockett 925 R SallaburJ 819 Hannon Moore 785 AZ Harqock 1736 J WCrUlwen 1121 Max Barnard 828 . J II ThocDpIoo, CorwlD 937 J K Blbc7 . 967 A DJon_J 1778 EARL' REEDER


8G3 HHHam_

1464 1415

J48I .

J4BG J4t3

1621 1624 1631 lII1

1661 1664.

1&11 1109

16U 1161 1667


917 LKDay 938 C L Harrell B65 lAwll Fires 908 H A Smith 842 VI 0 McMillan 963 1140 H B Sherwood 964 1«6 C H Barn. 956 1128 F . R. Roblnaon


928 934 936 939 948


17M 1736 17.

1789 17«

_ _

990 1180 AD Hawke PPenee . 1013 1157 1028 776 A B Cleaver, Corwin 1030 956 R HSmith ]046 907 E F 'Eamhart 1061 796 H W Tibball.





880 971 L II Sliver

1072 · 1087 1089 ]097 1099 1114 1141 1146

1m 14211 1"1 1438


1'766 ~17M

1796 1998 1812 1815 1820 1829



Onc. a)'~ t.o all the BlIfIleU'. 1147 com. a da,to grMtthelrldn; man, 1162 Ion and keep the c:uatom naplna 1161 joy Harl and Emma, holt 1169 and hoatea. ,reeted all III IiaPPJ 1170 way, and thtlrpl.-nt~me throWn 1178 open, . . . 111_1 In evel'J WAf· 1198 Un~le_ Owen. thOqb ~ old_t, 1200 came iii bull'O new aDd bltaht:

1202 Wilbur w.. tbe JOUQelt pNMnt, 1204 ~nd ~ulte.buay until ailbt.. FUbda 1222 In ber eunnln, DWIIIer, WU a 1Ourc:e . 1227 of great d~hrbt: Huldah . with bel' · 1229 bin 10 manl7, Shmnan o,b'. 81;14 1284 WilHam', too; HartlOck'., Butter· · 1241 worth'. and K8J..·.. Haatlnc'. J.... 1253 IOn·.and.c.ok·...... ~ 1267 both kinde. WIN, . . . . .~.~ 1268 Slepb... and familJ, S." wife 1M 1269 boja two, ae.le frona 10 WI lllami 1288 helped to make the ~ 1811 Aatheevenlll8ehad. . . . . . _ . 1321 all W.... loathe IUdIed. to . . '"" 1828 wW meet: . . . 1Iat AaaMa . . .·




1S2'1 ..... of 1II'•. _'_.I ~ 1886 near La_hlaGn _ _,_ .....__._~_ 11148

1813 IB'r9




EWS G ttl \




1111 • t II ,"I, , Hil i : .• ld JI\'I.'&I u j 1.,1., \. II I "n. It II " "1.1 lit " jl, -I' IH,"

'" d II 1"',1 , .. I (Jlh. r"h' h i ...

'.'\Hh 1'1' Inil .. III /1'1"'1'1.11,,· '1IIlll' l'IUful 111101 I' fI"

. ,\;" 1f'l,"I"t! II'." 111 11101 III" ':/., 111'1, \1 \\' 111, , r., ·II1!! ,,' "" "01111\ r 'I' ,.". I h"111 ',h l·, It 1",. 1 10,11, tI 'tnt'." 111'11 I 111.1 :I,: "11 I.,' 11" ', ' 111,;,,1" ill I IIlln~ III II IP " i' II. (I,, ' ~Itlil'" t<" I ,ll·I'lt1,.,1 111 1.111 "'.I' r" " I1II1I'~ 10 11t(' I,. l . I \\,ullid 'H lr Ill' 111\ ' " IIlIpi' " ' ''''1 . 1' ' 1"'11 • I



u lullllf t lJ n-..;I, III·J· ru 1\1;111'\ Il1t'


1~"III. I I". 1l'"'j'''''I''' UI:I ':"·IIt·L', IIII·,,

" 1 Ihl llk I'll ~I I "I' " " IlII'· .. · I "li,1. I ~1"III1I\J: " 1,,,,1, III I.udl' 111 " 1 11111'1111;


I t uu l


" llul d

\.t'H llpt4



"Raven't yoo ~O'lfl 1he I'I' R fhlll I' l'IIonlnlr7 It w ouldn't ho ~nr" rflr I If ' )

dUll \'

illS 1 1I111 11 ~


E yt'ntually Lud ic' eHlnt' f i) til l" h iP or tlle s llllrs nll(lI 'llll'·l1. " ) 11111 1.'":"

I told the d octor What sbe hll<l snltl n ow ()I 1T,·r,· lit 11"'1 l1all'(' "'II Il ,1.,,1 ~ nd Bsked whot wo ('ou le1 d o to,' Ow wheu she 11 ~"rl It! I 1"", " ,1,·,1 III' lh,· IIld lad)' ~t:U tho aen qu ieted rl(lwlI . s lalrs. When I '".1' "llflI1I1Li.·u" l m enil ~nou,b 110 (llat ho eOllld <'orne ol'e r. n!> \ It It w"s Ihe t\ r~t I IIIIC lhol I hutl ,Id me, alld I hung up tho r ccell'cr , ' Clone nll),UIIII): 111 e Ihnt III .""II I'H. "Well," LUCile lnterrogated. "WhDI Luell o slood I('o ull ll: ,n l'r I h,' halllM' , dId be la3'1" tc1', pe r llll'x!'Il !lllli trouhlp,l. III'r f,,('~ • "lIe s&14!'.-1 repeated It carcru lls- f1u s bed nlHI hN' Iwh' l.o.'n mlll):I.I' tlls' "be II&1d: -..:'tllll~ ! ber dl~etiUve arranged. os I t shc huLl I,,'('u "n):IIl:",1 a",aratll8 i ·: rest. PoP t oat nnytlHII!; to a II hrslcnl coutest or ~I 'm(' o,·t. I tor twenty·toor bours, Ilnddrluk Plen ty stonpcd on Ihe Sl lllrs belo\\' IlL'r. ' 01 water!" uThebleNcd daJnosel h.'nuNl ou t '.' RoPI' lau,b~ lIertslvelr· F rom t ho guli! bor or 110"" "":' Tile el~er Illdy shon-ed slgus ot~: I Quoted. t_t. "l11ue what 1 wllut-woler, "Doo' t be sH iv" Ilil sn ltl III a !ono alredeclared" , "p,leDty 0' woter. Blllilley. · at voice tllnt tol.! nln 0ho 111;"1.1 It "J bea t1tul ~ gt . V n . en, wme Barno wnter. ho ve t o osk "au a d" cnll r lllly ombar, BIIVe somll, f OU l'gelr." . rasslng question." " All r lgllt. .. 1 cOlllm nrule,l. ' ''Sboot.'' ' I ravo ber a glll88 ot wnter, "bleh abe drank "'1th ell"lnblo rellsb. "Would )'011 mind ~ery 1O\1('b kl s inS "Dos' wa_1 eVe!"tnsted," sill tJ· Mrs. a ladT who Is IIOt ns YOllug us slle wns Gn!OII, atte~ptlug to I)ut some ID bor once?" .,. under th.ll .QJl,lltak~,n Impress ion tbot ",""auld 1 wind?" 1 sn ld, Ink ing ber It " b b'll' mIJuth.. Blnlncy. be /11<0 hnnde. "I've been thlllking at nOllll!1g - . Never ' c'I!1Plr noythlng sh'OlIger .. 6an tb1e wBte ao' you'll always be ol~e for t~vo"yeors. ~be an' gny, jos' like we." 'I m~,Rut, dls llllgngll1g Ile r hllods "You are going up to bed," Lucllo aently, would YOIl mind kl.s~ ll1' 1II0tb. Mid reprovingly. . er good night ? She Is nct/ug "erl' po· "Go to bed? J don' wn,nna ao to bed. cullArly th.le, ?!I you kllow. J'm gonna puloll lilY r ell (tress.". lAd sbe snye sh~, 'Woo t go to sleep , Mothnr and d nuJI'htcT started up tho undl you kls8 he r. ,. • tall'!>. On tho IIIIIII Ing Mrs. Green I wos touched nt UlO (,Icl IIIII.! I< f llod· I1In' l)(l. neBS ror me. Wo W'~lt In, Sho ",II "Gno'by" 1lf'8 nl ' fltI Blnlnvy. !\los t IJinIr tUCked u p In bod, wit h 11 night. lWo..llul'(1I1 mon I ~" cl' 111 ,' 1 (: (10'11" .. cap tlod firmly I1lltle!' her chi li. "LucJlo mnd o mo come 1.0 bcd." ~I rs " -ifter /llIo Ilnel 11(>('11 11rn ~jtr'l IINl;I;l d a bend or th e slllh'\I II ' ).,, h(lr ~ru ll ' Grceo volwltecl'e(l. ber ilrl;:li t eyes 4iaUaed lIought er 1I 1(!~'~ ,' q "1.. " " !' \ II' II to snappiull with wnkerulncss. "I t's nil tile 11\1n, J'!)Oill n ' IHtI" . i. ;I '1';l!:IIle')I nooscnst1. DQl1' II'nnllo be III lJ~ d . I Otlndlgnant (ll'ofl'~l : "\\'1 ' ',h,' Ie IIt·II u t·. wanna get up IIml go 801ll \Thl'l'C with . .. RO'1 more henllt';u l l "111 Ill ' M,'lh yoo ond ent." , ~ mlnlste , all' YOll kll l"" ;t." "Tbere. th ere," snld Lnclle. "t Ite 11 0 1" tor. soys lIot to e nt nnyUl ln:;." ~. . ,cHAPTER IV. . "Yes." eunnl'cd he r WOlber. " n llli I 'll '.','. T""- . R~ld on .th_ Kit "':~.l, bet be hod just hnll his !llnucr " ' II p,, we " 'ero I,·r •• 'ne be aald tt. I IUl OW n pineo to ent III'CI' , :: ~~£er 1 ~ould I · l' Jbe 10 town , beautifu l Diu liley- lots ot [Jlle .:" ~wl on DOl P'~ Ihut steaks. cllO\l~ . 11011 rOil S' l>eer. Gues, / " . " had toll en h, t lte l'lI get up." . liMul!he Iliad po88c8sell I i" Ill' Sbe Iltnrted to tll l'Dw boc l' the co v' fore. I / .rs, bot LueUe t orl lbly r es lrnlll ed b el', • "'Obeer .Dp" Bopp," 1 Ud 'III/', "You saUl yotl 'would ,,0 to s leep If more to ~ke COnVor8l1UOU ti lt'" \ II. l1lroogllt Mr. Bllllney to to 80e you," IIIJDC else. ,It am Jus t DB h' " ' :;I'~ h ahe 801d. .. (Ill are." The old lady eyed wo wltb evident "No ODe. . . ever beeo 118 hU"';I·.'" " , 1l1Splelon. ' "Is ho goin g to ' kiss w e . ,am." ~declarell. iI>od nlgllt?" s bc deultIllll~'Il . ' ''PIobab!7 I om moro bUUg1·._ 111l. . 1 assured ber thn t I "'ns the re for no IOU aft,'" 1 Inslsled. "( IInvll 111 1111 other purvose. NOm to t>e'buu 8TJ' In.'' "A' rjgbt," she slgheel ; "tlteu 1'\1 So TooUea c!ame reJliplnglD.r to sleep." ·· ..Poor puprl commlsorotoo, B9P!I." And Ilbe dId, or nt lens t \VO didn't ,'.uppoae .~ II etal'\·ea tool' bear onoUter Bouml from Ilcl' thi,t "HOi ~'t tho reaB'1h' sbll'. I"b'l evening. ..... Sbo • been lod." I , · r When ' wo lett t b' room' nllll tI "'Fe47 Wball" clo door softly Lucile llllt" he l' ll,\liu .'11 "Doc bllcuJ.t." lD'y arm ond snld ; "'1'1111111,8. ~I o llt r. (. "Where are theyr was lIwtully s illy. hilt I d ·t la lP ..~ tbe klk/len," , replied nntblDk "OW . else t o I} ule t hcl'. You \VOl' • 11. "From the war sbe 18 behavln., Iblll i. Ollytblng ot'lt, wi ll you 1" . ttiere mUlt be some one outsIde." "0, eoul'Se not. I fa nil in tbe f rl1ull .. It "as aliuoet dnrk. 1 went to tbe 'lDyh .. w, or It It Isn' t 1 ",lab It " ·cre.' 400r and peered oot. Tb\!re. ~RI & man J ho z" l'lIed , embolli cnell \jy 1110 fire. COm1n, up ~the path. to , ro l'" my Ilrm. l,or the morn eu t I "Who 11 ~t'" BaPL! demonded. ct- \(1 I. ot ha"o been nny IlDppler t 1 "1 can't make out." hn , \Ill(:, I t ed. "Ull1be Irl a man off tbe an~ply A 'ter uwWlo tbo telephono WIIIl came IIoat" ' 410\ ostaLrs In n Bult ot Dop(I's e1othe~ "lmpoeelble," 1 oxplnlned. '-The IUp. '-u..llt tlaDuel tronsers, outlu~ sboes. pIJ bOat Isll't, ~uo until tomorrow, and .YeIl It Ibp, were here thel conldn', land from ber to tlilA IItOrm." The telephone repolr mon apl>Ollred, "I 'coea r !lOt to IItny bere 011 nlgbt." be announced. ''Tbo storm IS getting 10 bad I don't dBre try to row back t o towu. I. dou' t caro ruu eb tor wllter un lelll It's mixed wltll sometbt'ng erse." LucJle cnme downstaIrs. .x' explnl.\l· ed the sltuntlon to her. . ''Ot CQur8e 70U I!Qll slay nil night. lint ~ It '01 be lllllI088lble to glvo l'PII nnyUtlug to eat," e1)o salr,t... h \, i, " WbI 1I0tr" "J,I ~BIt d. "I don't eJ.· " Jlect to go to the ttongb wJth tho ·tow· Uy. I'll teed with the belp In the kltcbon wltllolJt,a Ulurmur. As tar as thllt &,DelI, tlj01.\&,bl I'm a union mIlD and u IJOOd a. QllJ'body," , . "<lertalnlT," aCtl!ed'Loclie. "You are . "elcome to,ari;vthtng '11'11 have, but we bavil notbln,. We are all tuttb,. We 4eclded not to ' eat allJ'thJna tOl' a Q...








"Bnga," he 4ecldet1 brlelly; thO)), tnrIllnlr to Bopp and myself: "Gents, put Ibe rl&'b~ ·Do t or do I not coal at tbII ltat10n "The lad,. baa told 'y ou corrootly," I , .AIIred 'b1Di. "'l'bet;e Ie DO tood in Ute


ItO\lle. ...

"And you're doln, U, toOT' n" • ~...be4 ~a8t1ca1l1, "Wbon I 'Com ben the old lld,. wu "ullln, • Brad l _ tile lQOr, all4 ~o. tho fat CO), ~h l ' -tlna~. A buncb of dlD8 '1'



l"You bad better go UPlta1re

Ill i/,!

..... :rour dbth~.," 18ld Luelle. l'Wbat . will . t challgll' 'em Int.!l-a ..... plated ",·••b bOller or a p:" • or .....GIId eardJ:tpl" "1 ~ pat 011 lOme dq ....... 7CM11,u4 be 8J'\I abooi U10 II&ID8 . .....' 'fCMI11 )Ind blm a lult of 70ura. _


h. going to ki .. me good nlghU" .h. demanded.


slrlt·I.•. sort collttr. He nll(l uluo 1..'. COllI. '1'ilC tQI:B IIltetl ' 111m r~ !.UUJ,!."I II)' 1\ II. (\11/1 e xcet't f OI' n ycr· DQculur !IH- q !) t t lI\·C'l'Su.tlon th e man rud IIQt ~,', I ..,It ell to tbe clot lies . At any 111. ,.I.r·.l h tl1l beuer. tlJan I dld B OI'I ' 'Vbilt III \.. ;11. " lUi 6c ~med to be Iloallus 1.11, 'Il Il tll rlu't ~l!elU rl gll t to DBk bit I In ;:, " UI III t hu 1:ltC!hell alii! drink wote r , II IJ)' ulII'Re lt. olld there

was 'no "tb\'r

pill e\) l u /lu t blm uoJells bo etnyoa III I ll(> II 1' llIg room with WI. Betore s ilt CIHl lti tl cc~~e ono way or the oUter b' "cltr~tl ' LI lm 8c lt comforta\jly and proece" ",I , t o cUl'crlulu Illl wit b c:ODllderu hlo j·(IIl\'t·r.ut!Oll about blm· eelt• ~roar "I ain't U Hu b.... " lie ,·olullteered. "1'''e been uellr ellough Fifth a\'e01JO to be _Id. ae bad to. at tile top.!t..tbe 1aI0,,, KO(ld ('Iothes \\'lJ n I sec 'cm, and ,.ned do~ "IIClD~, lin. I hue to nd,ult tlJl\t llr. HOllP Is a Iwel\ dM" r r. I unly work here 10 the J'OU to BUmauor t ll,1(I. In tbn " 'iutor 1 et1l!k Lac!I 81'011114 wltlaiu tll&'bt "C. tbe statue of 1cIIIeru. 1'111 a iN tanOOl',"

...., _nt

Mn lford. e xo nlrl s,

' e\

It, YlIlouLi S. IIlI{OJ 1\ L t\lllltLa



tbe wil l of E ll en Will admitted to

mat ter of

I'r oOl1 l e.


In ..t.,ll e matter o f tbe estate of 'nmuel W . R otlgers. deooil ed. Or. der Rl'unted for .. Ie of oerto.m stOOlie. 1u tile matt""r of the will ot Rob . ert t:!, DitUl1\16 , docc tUlIld . Will acl · Ul l tl ed to P Nbu t e George Dlt wars III poi'jt\ld xeootof , L. tJ. BlIker , C, A. Lud lum a u d Elore oe C. Roosli o.p . poln tod n.pprulllOr >l. Es tate of WlllilllU B . ·Iemoots . deoeB~erl. I!'lfth aooount fll od E tIIto of 'l' b omna J ou os . d e ceased. C harI,;>!! J ones lIod h~ rRok o. Wyle fil ed. Ontl l oooouo\ Eltate of t:!amu ol M. 'rttlg, d e: oen~ed. Fina l acoount upproved ex oep tbaS part r e lt~tlDg to d isG ibllUo» of l.J al~n (le , Estnte of MIlry E Keev er , de. oeused, 8,,111 lalli filed. E~tut of Puul T e ttle e t ai, minors . Fln .. 1 nco o uo ~ oC' umruion lIIe.l . E ~ tllte of 80mh D. OOW8D, de . ceased. ElltelOow8n adwlollUrator filed bi ~ fioal noooun~, '

Real Estate Transfers


Funeral ()irector Waynesvtlle

t-t.:1'I'U I'.H-







Clean Proposition .Very ,hirymnll'S wife could vote

I f when cre.. m separator! are ttpior cloct lon,- o U. S. CREAM SEPARA· T OR would alwayS win, b3DC1.1e dow ... Iftbe creamery ",. na4er. 11::""", the


be even more urgent f.o r the WtO of U. S. SBPARATORS. l h. buy~rs or creamery products knew that the poor.k""plntl Qu.l· Illes bf bUllor can lml811y be troem to

Walter Chandler

U,S. SEPARATOR. wilhllJlWll!C(ual1ed repulouonior cleanJi.-.



~tutl~~\r ~~":~ll~~::'J!";l~~

JlOU will tet m..ho.... you how much If easier It i . to koep the U. S. SBP. ARATOR elMn nnd rUSlI..,.ln. ido.1JII Ollt thntl other almitar dc.viccw,- how Quickly the mec h.nic.,' wJlI!hcr ecr ub ..

.e" lds and dries Ihe Ikimmint porto,-

. • hen you will be no plensed to own" U. S. SEPARATOR a. I om ICJ IOLTo-


~. MAFFIT and Einbalmer.

OQnt-rllot 5' G, ~U05; Stolt 6 ,~ liraba.m 00 1y I say ' hilt tbett is to oon yer' to 10 foil ooo tru.Qt G:Hl, $:<03.110; J oS6ph yoor own uae the property of ao·

Aftc r I show you, see if yo u can find any olher separator so SRn· lta ry. ' If you cannot- then buy a U. S.- the \Vorhl'" Record close skimming .80Ptll"lltor,

ELMER ROGERS Waynesville, Ohio

Waynesville. Ohio.


~uto !j.~· rvice

$ 6 llO; P OL n A MortoD, alll . No Qxtra e!larz: for .. ry 1\8 j ., n lto :r , $50 j .J lIm cs FoileD, oeZ!ri rose. t hank ed the squire, ond dtlUl rl , $ 10 ; Inquest 00 bod\' M,Lrth .. W"S I\hOU' \ 0 lell l1e tb e lo om wheo Both phones 10 a.fhee anti Resldellce " • N 14 J , 8 ~ lUl ett, oo:<t a. $'7.20 ; Inqn est on the old U)O ll oall ed bim lJllok O. . or)fly of ~ lIkD O WO chl ld , COllts, $5.20; "As I "!lId, Zetl ," be remllrlwd, Inqne ~ 1 Orl b odvof Edw in 8llrflloe, whb I\, gleOlll I)f bum ,)r 10 h is !lye, "you aio 't guilty o f I"ro ny bot yon v ~~ $Ii 60. abore Blr goilty ·) f som ething, Bnd ;oI i!;' ht ull I he ,vu ll 1 'm 801n ' to send you to j itll for Il


ISaxon Six Livery

..'""=''!!!' ._ - - -


Made StroDg

and Well by VmoJ

This letter troves thero 18 nothIng equol to Vlno to crcate 8Uength for :wenk, run-down ClOni!itions. ;Vcstol Centro, N. Y.-"I am a fa1'o mer. 74 years of ago and sot Into a ,' wC!lk, run·down colldition tie a rClwe , of tbe Grippo. Our druggist euggc.ted . Vinol to bnild IDe up aod I noticed : on , Improve.rtcnt 800n after taking It.!. lind it litis restored my 'st.rength 80 , : ·con now do tI good day'e work. Mr, wife hoe also taken Viuol for a run':' dowll condLtlon wl~4 IIR.I!)IUIJ,4 lillUlk" ~lL W. 'LEsD:II..1 _,

1'0.\' 011 lilt! bnx month 'for It. " - b:x. (PRICES R.IQHT) ·'·" lIt OVCI' t.1l It. . E ' pl anation of Biblical Phrase. - - -- . - ...- - -. l:c lIll. '1 1I '<, s~c Ll Illckctl up tlllf' "r I fn Murk ]..t::1 th o WOIIIllII wllo It to llC l' chl'e l; 111 111 , 'j:" 'ut I " 1,l le b rougll l "I he "Iuhn s ter box or ointIt whe n ~lt e hl\ ~II!.\ lI t't l it uad\. men t or splkenn l'!l" Is snit! t1) "brcnk Sole Agent luto the U('I(. (l UI li g ht 1I1\ll tim box" before pouring out the ointstoot! perfc ct ly uti li. , men t. This probllbly o nly menns /.Mle1'O W1I8 11 11 01 1, , I un lIle "breo kln g t he 8enl" which k ept tbe the , Oorden Tires sto lrs l essence of tbe I1erfume trom evnporllt· Wheo I 100L" ·,1 ~o ,;, l L lit' II,! log. It ta.keea hundred men &0 mllke Ilru h. wos doll\g s be hilt! dl 'IJ~' I . I1bly she. too. \\'118 hlt UlIg .d!P I'(' an encampment, bot U '"kea only the inllueDoe of ODe WeiWBO to make noar, 1 r eo.suncd: Tbls Umo tbore \\,IIS 10 \I N Wboo\'er W08 coml lt/,( 1.10\\''' ' only tldmlre woman as tbe Phpne 90-3 'CORWIN, 0", 10 . rH'nE a most beauttrul objeot ever oreated, carelesa ly 051111rct1 nud bot,( reverenoe Iieras Sho redeemed matcbes on ,tbe wall as ho 11',:, . glor'v of humlAnlty, tb,e I!&notuar{of KEEPS FLESH IN .T ON. to go Ide lIJs (lrogl'Oss. llll "l, ll! .. fAil virtuel, the pledge of Bll perfeot HATQA l' FROM SKIN TO BONI. kltebell. It wus B OPI). clud I qualltle8 of .heart and helAd. It L8 Beala :Everythlog Healable. Borna, sort or pajllmns 1 thought h .. Are t.h balnl to(l slow for you? beoauae women tire 80 muob better BoUa, Bores, Ulcers, 1'l1es. Eczema, lie wos la,ugblng to blmself fI ' CIlesIl T, with flIJ his oonrt nevllr 'ex. than men \hBt tlieir fj,uUs are oon. ~llinlWvt.lle'. LeadlDtr DeIlUIS Onto, Coma, Wounds and Brullllll. came In IIn(l w ont 61rolgbt to thl! uoeded · tbe apIled limit. ' 81dered muoh greator. 'l'he one III Halnea ·Blds, Matn Bt SATISFIES, 011 MONEY of b iscuit. 1'[0 't OOk ouo out or Are r Our wlilfes too small P. In Ihing iD this world thd .11 oon ~mo AT ALL DRUCeISTS. box, / rop, pbople rue oontont with 81dered oQnsbnt. the ouly peak that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A.nd b e lite I t! I I, Itl ng 1\ Ill/itolg. Betol'o tlUlt I· lllU,\' lI avo dl Ilk cd !J1I' " " . YOll r lig ht" too dim? David Ul'UI, tJUt no\\'A sllIilo of CI'Jol'm~nt \\ '(' Jr IS Palllms by the light of a spread over III~ teut ur(!s. plululy dis· all k v lorob, quilliob, Is woman's love. It rla8e ' cElmiUlo wh tlll tbe IIg lltllLllg Onsbe(!. \rll ~" u oold? The soldler8 of to tbe greateU belg,Ms, It alnktl to ... ~ El"hlcoUy the !log bisc uit wcre tlell· Val ,,,. 1"lI rge 'PI'alked burefooted OD tbe loweet dept.ha, IC forglv ~ t.h e THI CII.ATlaT clous. At hll!~t he 111118betl ami. stnrtod ioe ao 'l @'IIl W. oruel Inlarlea. A woman'l ''I'IJ'e' j om) to I·n ve. I WU8 about to hreatbo It " A r",' V, '11 hlHlgry? Tbe ohlldreD moe' love la the p8l'fame of Stie' beare, ~~ GUARANTEED to heal withoot I••vSigh o f 1·..,lIor whcn I hup[lOlled to of Indio '" Il .. tun viOl for waD' of a Tbla la ehe real love tbat aabclnell TH. WORI.D log n blomi8b,or MONEY REFUNDED, glauco 1,0Il'UI'1l tile shelt whl'ro tbe bl ~ . c rUM' of br(.,, !t• . tbe earth : ~he 10.,8 that'baa "rouKh' I'GBUSIIED WEEnY. S4.00 PEl1!Al' 600 nnd I!l,(J()IaizeI! for freeb wound.. .. ,,-- . , _ "Areyoullrll d? \>\ hvfreeaboutlCP mlraol8a 01 ar' ; tbaC givel UI mallo oidSOI'ell, Bore backa and shonldel'll,JJul'D8 (Contl.aue4 Jllo ob WPM Ur'3d "heD be dreamed ali &he-way from oradle loni to tbe and brui!oa. 200 lIlse for Fami1,1JH. _ OII·PIIIe 8) of the .. ngels In heaven. • . gl'lUId Iympbony tbal beartl Ibe ,1001 Is DR. palnJeaa .d ~==~~~ "Are ,v on P SUPPOS8 YOa ha" away OD wlnll8 of 8re A 10Y8 tb., Caution. IIvod two Ind :reB" 1"0, "heD II pea_ tbaD power, Iwaeter tlAu


d og bi sc uit!





\I'"'' "

.! ,.




DR. H.E.

Bucklen's AT, .IOcN~aY 1 u,I,"'.,


Iomoe :i88~~~V:!~h~::rd~a~r:~:~o~~~~~ 'BE'W'JOBI GUP '· p'ED '


DR. COX'S .Barbed Wire

'TRleAL Pi .


- ., ".


"No. OIftlcJ, Defti' drop babl.""-OomeU WIdqw.



LINIMENT, cors ..

a 11-..


"Whl 't" ,l" l~-Uleott!d.

Ille aDd "roll8er tban Ilea.... _ '911RUi. ~U



I nSURlIO,e E .:;.=:=======-=====::::::-::-

du rry Hnyoor Iln d wife to Beverly Th e r e old N e w England Be ll,. lot 10 ' oll t h I.. eua.non, $ 1 Paul A . 'nuder lind wife t o Mau- sqoire whose knowledRe of tb.e , ri ce ond Eli z abeth RoseaU, lot i n 8t"tutO lI...v.18 (troite d, bllt who b!18 deoided views 1>8 t()common justloo fl'rnnklln, $ 1. lo ng ' 8 1110 11 o(u·t-ain Z d I:!mlth Fost r ~lo '~e to O. D Gorrington, Not Wol brough t b efo r e him, churged lo t In MIlBon, ~ l. with petit lar oeoy . It t< Fred SbOl'wood ot aI, tu T40mtl8 frow I,he "evldoDOo tha.t Zed htld Waynesville, tlb e rwood. I O~8 ill Wllyo e ~vllle, $ l. reo ted 8 borso fro m Il fa.rme r to d o Clarenoe l3nlitb et ox, to The 80me bllullng, and tbllt, durlnK 'he PltlRburg. C • & St, LOllla Ry . period tbe Bnlma l had remained In Over POItnHk" . Vo" small t,ra Jt In Wa8hlngton bls p ossosslo!!, be h~d fed it from t b e Of/ice PbooC! /1 owners s t ook or grillO, althoogb the tow oship, $50. Mar t h a. E. Sn y de r to Cborlos W. agreement W[\s thllt Zed hlm so lf Bhou!d s llpply .bo fORd. 1:I.e Willi Zell aud wife, i ots i n Morrow , ~ l. chlUlged bv $be farmE'lr, Ih erefore, wi , b the theft of 'wo unahels of onts Commissioner's Proccodinlts Rnd corn. . ·"rbE'l lltl\,tuteM mndeaud provided,; ' t:ltokeR & GrobaUl , in f llll of oo n. Funeral DirE-dor: tril . ~ 56!l, $520 j:; E . Clltl,r, In full thA old sqolre J,nDon noed ponder.

o os t~,


Aulo f.llulpment Houe--Drawn E<luipmcJ1I


'l"lI C! II ghtlll o b r c \'(,Illf'd l\ III n (:]rt.'ss il1g' gu wu wlUI bol' Il a'l ·r 1",1' s lt " III, ' c l',~ . In tlae sl ll gie 1111: ' Ii" ht Kit" lIppe/II'ell to be tho u\ , sl , I. , ,"fl fll l th lll!: I hil t I

ilnd-o\'cr se!·II . Sbo tUl'lI Ctl· I lop " lind 11111111.1' I'('~l','


Rise Superior to T roubles. T uite (llIlu h)' Ihr h llllcllt· of f",n nnd IIlIvn ys h,I \' ~I) I1I N hln lt to sufTer ; take p'nhl I)).' t hl! b lllldl e of Cotlrllll Ii n(1 nothin g CI1 I1 h llrt YOII . Tllite sor.·ol\· wIth ~clr' (llIy lind you will becom too Ion Iy t il 1I,·c: tnke It by tho hundl o (lr your ~ rll1pn th y nnd your f'Or row 5111111 b e traaMlntcd Into new po\\'('t to he lp lIlI 01 hera wbo aut· 1' 0\1 will

obinn in pr ob to jn d~9 ' B otUoe, $5; not hl~-i:!o 1 ucqllit. Z d I?t f 8'fellllln' I nCjlloitt O il b otly o f F r,l uk Carey, them oo.t@; he aln t, gUI yo 'if. , Either Auto or Ho rse drawn ~e rvice

d ll.u tig:uru i!llt er



Wilt-SIm, lu ld ge r opl1iJ'B In Wu shlog. other, 'l'he bora8 ie 'he SOrYllOt of ton to n !-l>lp ~'J {j .a 5 ; l3urrou.:he the owoer , not of Zed, Rnd Z I~ oon~ : dl1iu g Mllc hine Co ., r epulre \0 mao verled ~hem ootR to ,' ho b or se a use,

I!"I,i ll<itli e ~Io" e nl;lIll1



Hiley d eceltserf ,

II ghl lll.. ,1". \\·(.,\ III - Ifh . hO" I'OI'K ! 11 \\'U~ 'rnt l, ~ n hd; lng nt'ound my f ~e t .



*:100. ill

Fiuolly In tho kltcbeo, I g roped my WilY to the shelt, nutl Ihe bo ~ o r d og bl.scult wu s III my buntls. I','urlil' Iy 1 took ODe out. fonlllc(1 It nntl sn ltrc d It, Being ulon u Ih ere. wi th thu t unpr o, te cted !log I>IS'lIlt wo s too mllc l1 ror my m ornl CQul·lI ge. .. d cidea to throw booor to Ibe \I·lnds. T11 cre \I'U so mu 'lt wind ,, " (1 so IIlUo Ilonor UlOt no ooe woulll /loUe It. ( 6 t my teeth In the llog blsclIltl Sueldenly tJlCre ,,"li S n SOil lid a ll tho stolr way. I listened 11IlC ll tl~' - lbll creuk· lug or n slfllr ! Wbo COIlIt1 It be? 1'os Ibly It wa ~ K ent, tho ex·w lrc topper. lIIs enrl y lrtllnulg IIll jtbt Ilfll' O [lro" cd too mucb ror bhn 1Ill(1 he hod d cchled to loot tbo pll1ce nlltl .nnko his escn(le. I mndo up wy II1lnl1 to h hu"e rnllalltly ' olld gru s pcd 0 rloll' IJls ' ult firml y In ooe hn ml. d et rrn lll l"i] to sell my uto as tlcnl'l y os WIlS cons ls tcn t ~'I' l th tho I1lgh cos t of 1I" lng. Th o Lo:'( con t nln ln!; tho res t of til bl;'cllit 1 (ll! t bn el. all the Rbol( lIud CI'Oll hed h hind the s to'l'e, rcntl y to s(l I' III!;: fI t I he Intrud e I' uu · awnrCB us 80011 li S he ('ulerefl . 11m\! oll e o f I hose fl as hes of Ius llno bra" cl'y whi ch I, " ll\ o,I';l) lh" fl!lH' whcn J SIl II" the Itg-hl o f 8 noc kot' In ntel'll stTlIJ.:I!IIr'I: nlong the wnll 11 t t1J e foot or Ih ~ I o lrs. I jUlUped fo ur f eet s tl'lllA'ht IIJI In U1e nlr when Bom e tlrlu g wet 'ouchell tb e 80le or my bnro foot ," l.Ilcli \l' ttll oxtellded b~ h llld mo na I 'C it llrbi lld tho stove. 111.1' exclnmll'.; , wn d l'IIWl led III n crash or tblln. 11<'1' nlll'j!'lnr or no bu rl;lnr . I \I'll. OilIH,; I(J 1'1111 10 hi m f or lH·olecl.loll 1'1'0111 ""I . 1" IIlIllS Ihlll:; wllll'h 11M

"' IT 11

I:l urt~ ,'ok \'~ T il e VII. L t'UIIIIU U. Dum ugcs ;

J . J. St elidoUl. tleOAlt,;o1 1, Ordor g root. ed to ~o ll p e r ~o uu I pro per ty n.t I,rl. \,,\\ 6 ~Il l e. t:lnll! 1I1111rr, veu and o o n· II rmed E;\tIItO of Ma ry ,I. Holor of t, rle . oells d . Flolli lIO 1I0 0~ o f ndwiol I· ~u t,or Ii led 10 the mat t e r o f th e ts tute o f Ly dll1 . Ut\ l fllllJ , decous"ri , ~nle tl!1proYe d , Ilollu w od aod oo nfi r med. In tb e w 'Ltte r of t h e ostllte or .John B. Dralt e, d eceasell . Ad min· l ~ tI'uto r 0 led Dew uuu t.i tn tbe s um

nltnr , hut 1 lonc,) III .~ rplOntl;~ IIJ~r ' It to n Illt~ b bolow t hl! h Q\\'lIl1~ or th storm. All OOC\u<\ lIuI 1l'lNh ('If IIg11tI!,lng h nl(1Cll m m OIl1(>utul'l1y rnml time to tlule. !Jnt le ft lUll tlQlln\l cl'llI{: In th u toterval s: '

In l ill,'

ou~ own distributors. w.~ put t~e iniddleman's profit into extra quality- Heap big mileage I " Watch for the red -Savage sign.

Sold through

ltl lite lIat·tar o f Ih l) e ~ltl l oor


('J: (lI I(

flO more than ordinary casings.

L~ ,

m- a t1 11t1~h

II ~cc 1111 nO Rh

Savage TireS are built to give mileage first. then foad comfort and complete satisfaction - they are not. made to sell at a price. .And yet Savages cost


Probate Court

A (W,' 'If I IIIIlIr (,r v, .. r 111111 l.tlltl 10rLu re I li t III ~I t1pd,I ~.l I II ~1It1.f' ' ")' COol h UIIJ,!'lulllhm 1,.1 sl"", lilt.: It II ,I "l! hi cu lt III Ille II (() II.ul 1'1"" IIll: Ihl1l I, I\'II ~ n!lt t1 ~ <lrHl 'll! lit nil, 'I'hlll "'"~ lh(o ollly rt 'lI~tI" t hlll i "'''Ill ,1,m,,,,llI lrs. It Wit S ruth,'r l lo-Id lsh h" I'H'~~ rU11I II , In;: nroll"" II S'I'l,")! •• h""." \\'l'''''lll~ '"' ot her I,,\, ),II,,)! tltt'" II S1Iil o( 1l'II: II1lHS I bOil" ,I Illy slllu,; u l1llll'r('1rul\y tlgol us l se"oral hUlIllr••tl 1,11)" " of f ur.

III" 11'11 ' n


In every layer of fabryc, it) eyery b!t of rubber-permeating the entIre casmg! No wonder Savage Tires average so much greater mileage.

"mOll u t <'Ill 1nwu 'ii:!!lll

1I1H'II,'1 hi)' lI"ls,'.. I( ,.",",11 II", I \I'''~ '" "" ,. Ii 1'1' ,1 II III U I 1'1' w" mll,' r('ll I" hll I t' 1"'1'11 I'ur .1".11'· ... IIUI not ~h"'ll.r I d "n'l 1""),,, \\' 111 Ih('1' It WIIS IIC'III,,1 11lI1I1"'r or '1I" r l'1y 1111'',1 Ihut I hnll Ill'll I' al"" 1I1I)'lhll'l! r' .r I'll" ly.elgllt IhHlr "l whidl tllI'lIu e',l Illl'. ,\ l lillY mil'. <'I·(' r.,· 111111' 11t"1 I cli,",·,1 1)1." l',\'e8 I'd IIII\'~ n v i~11IIl (If I h,,~. ti (l;:' 111 "'11 11 .. I noh:I, 1 JIt.t II~ WI.I I h"I'.'

f (lIH ' h~.1

! I

a,, 1III" ,


"'", It

t o" \'8

K ill I.. \\"llilltll1~ Vel ,I o h n B. WII. liam" . DI\'oro('; ,'1 ,wily 1(0110 g leo! E,'u E . \"lll1 u m~ , ~ L'lI1 m E . l:l .. rkrllcle r tJL u l . , 1'"rlll lu ll of r ell l

UJu lle

t'lll\t~ lin - it


Cowr,lI, UnJ '111< 1l11,.,m III1LI J Al I b.lTl l""v. 1I ItJlPUIfIIU,I 10 " l' ra , s~ ' ' e" I " tllll" I ~ll\rl'l ull.,,<I . •'x"('l1 lrl x . ",. lUlI1'11. 1>1 u1l0 1<1 ~.t 11 . ,t),dCI'(.( l'II ,. l Eltl to ."i1 1'1111 1 asht.' III 1"'1'01 111 8:111' .

fom lu· .... 'or 111,\ "I' II f) :11 II lIt 'I"'III !,lI nit II nil Ill .. 1\ !'th I : q~d ~at "11 Ill.' hl'd t UI' 1111 Itll,. 1 " .,. '''''01 ,,;C.drh till' 0/1'10-11 1. "",,,",11 .. : ' /'.1 I "'1; 1""" ','<1,,1 I " 11I1'1It. 1\ I""" I \I " "'" ,,' h,' n h' 11111111.1' 11"1"11'1 ,'01 11,0' hIlU~I' WII" 11 111'1< "",1 I I". 1\ 11\11 "I I h., ~t(l"'"

III lurl,. '11 1 A C' h H('\ I!n 1r nllt 10 1l1.I'~('If; I, II t. llls(!ult.



l 'h ' I' hl:' U. UtHld. trn ' \t'o.


. " "II "n.'s ~'". I ~II t 1'''"'): rn 1l'~~I' , ~'ou , " unt il ,S hl' ""':~ h;." . 1"' I\I,ll rnl r;IP:~cl 1'1)('rl' we ""t. n'H I 11' " d rll"k. I:;.", Ir:bl"orilboBtto ln ntlnt Gre~ n '"I'I ,,",1 M,'nt). I r .~ " fl(l',,'lt ('1""(' 111' .11I. lI j " rtl.r glll~~ r "'"1"1' !JI.III I I "d .... :, ' tllo way It Is blowing now , YOIl k "I'" COlnO cl nwn. '1'1"·,, 1.111'1" \1,o,'IIl"oI t u n'lh'" '''III 'P"II Clio Is very rocky Iber<,. ulld I! Ltl~II .... liltl~hlng. \I' I1t liP III e~plall1 L'd th \\'hu lt, ~'I"I'. JOU mise tllo entrOllco to Iltr ,'0" " to hl"r Il w tlH'r I l, n t I"' r rr'l'Il'~ 1 \l'U· I " I ", ,, .~~ 1' /1 1Il/·"·I,, III'\\'. ' ''''.'' I hU,; JOu'd be dasbed to pleccs Alire. " Im(\05. III lr. 1'1'0111 1J~"lfI" ""' t'I(,~ .. 1l , !!"~I~.i (l' III II , h ' '''r. 1t"1'11It.:' III 1"I1~' 1'11.1 1 told that t o Lu dic. doo r~f ~I TS. (i"l '('II'ij rn(l ll\ Il l('r IS$lIl',1 I" nil " I /!l'l !I l ".""." ,,, ~l'" ",; ." liN "Alk h1td wbot WO sbould do f llr sOlllllls or nn " I'l:' II ," . II I, S UI'Jl1t'nll'l1 l~d L'II II ". , .• r-. motherounr'elves." s h e Inatructcd . "Tell by wepI'II ,):. 1 ~1It. I,ll, 1:,,1'1' 01"" I, 1",1 II ,.11 101 .. " hlm aba baa SOlDO t (wer nud NCl'm'" Yel"J weak."


~ln rlfL i\1l1lfo r d tlt nl. U or gu J!; YOl1ug u(Jpoin'OII ~ u'lrdi/i1l ltd lttEl Ul ror min or 111'1t'nll l1t1t,. Hurrs I'; I

"It .\'t'u'/'e g. III): I .. Hit II» I' ll . It.-I,.'' ' ~n lll IIlll'n, II'llh ~1 1Il'l'I!l I'dll l\fI ("1'n ll"l. ' I'Y, " I'll "pil l II 1',,11.111 " r \\,1I 1 ~r "llh



l\nlll\I1 1· /ltl C.. rd y~ .) " III1.u It U d , I I1\bI'CI" HHI 1' \1~t ull.Yo rD b'It1r .. u · Ilr ~ lIl, ,I pill/n llil'. . ")11 I ' 11 Anlllt ~ 1.., II r . ~@ J? n nO~l" n U Ir ~ ot ,I,.I,n (I evo. t;ymnll'i'/ 10' C 1\",,(1, .·t AI. ()nlptll u LI,I ~t, ItlO(l~ I bro u ~ht. nn dM 'h I.-nml J !tIe I '\ll:il~ t l'utl 11 1,1 \ t' l i f \)1.11 • Huh), \ ',11l i!'lll' r LInt! Luorl' .I or .


eL. LfI.. ~I" ~ive n H I'Try M. Hoy ner t4,.l til e 'lnlBlItlQll IUJtlW o r .

rlIl It .

, Copyright by Fran " A. Mu nlo y Comp n y,

PlcD. Courl



I "I'

II ,I'''' I II


=.or ~vin'~~i5i~~~ ..... ,or


... THE



D. L. Cl-' A

GAZE TT E.... ;

I~ VIC [(Y

10:, Jid hur

~ lIb ~ 'rj tillll "ri ce.

W E I)NI,:~mA Y,


J l' ulJ iI he r


Ap Wri ten




lJeluw tflo licit 1I L!'II HI .I L1 . [eUI' you r

lic bl'o wl'll b ll Cle, " Let 'cr ·I'I".'· lI od


1M 11 lll ill ote's Ilm e Mo JlrtlolOnM 'l'hlit you lIe lj!!M mU8 t he uogrtw lo,, "



Aod g o trunjJJIII~ on Y0l\!' lelluw IIko 14 hou8ry qUII!!ropoil ?

VI"", yon "41ul 0. n od of I4rr. f,\11~

}'fttj ~ tuo Mmtl of d .. y 0'1 Ill ell tlllg ~ 8wup u jllkll fJr ' I~ugb IL lISt I.. wholl .. Illlghbo r drlft~ nJ. mgl III th .. d u llnr 81.1 olltlll l n l(, 1..... ~ncoe~I!" II') tlll- su lli cl ng , l'hllt you olln ' t UUVOLU II ~UCO D(\ to ' o lrrut llor Ip a ~hr u n!! ~

wllre t ho gUIl~ t ~ o f Wni

TtI.t "



---_0 _ ••----



Swayed Ba ck and Fol"th In a Rough and Tum ble Fox Trot.

J . fj' , \Vatl ve r Ant! M OO" who 111' Mr, Il llil ' l l/'~. \ V ' L, Bnl \,(lV " \ U' out t hr e .. lr l ng no w, I htP~h ~ d 11 ~, 0 t-\un tlH ,\' ";'H' !'tl.; • f ~lr HI U l j lt ~ b U M h e l ~ III o no cla y Ilud IIve m gell Bri el' ~ n l\th o f F"IIUltll1l o ve r 6000 u ll a h " l. f or Ih o JlA 8! wr ~ k -. . It v\eld s b Bt,w eeo ilf, !Iod ~o hu h IF Mrs. IAum !Jhrlllll, ,,(,,'vIII 1'''''11 ,I to '~be 1I0rtl, lJy bur I r ... ".I, ~j .. J H. ~"ILJ,. k I nnd ~1r, o u d I rl' "' Ill U llrvoy Wl' r u sit ·. p l U t,; JIl I' ll " I lill o n \'Hlfl' 4t'4i1 tlV



I ; !



CoP)'rIIIIlI, b,. rrf!lllr A. Mu"",, C:ompaIIJ

, ~~1J7'~~~"""~~~~~:x:.~1DtI 1 .... ' ·~·oe lJOX ~' as J.:OUC. ·r hO itt .. ,; hU ~ t IlIklng tbom with him. WlIlllIu\ n ; tbOllght (or poor T ooUos, who 1I'0uld! doubtless stor\'e 10 J e ntll. h e \l'O tl ~n- : ' blg to cat nil bcr ro·ttl. Wltb onD bOlll1l1 1 WII8 upon bllu. Tbe tboulI'bt of tbut 1'!)Or dog sleeled my heart. I gruhbed hlID by the Ulrunt.


Wltb mad fury I plel,cd IJlm up anG 1I11'led blm fro m IU O. '1'h oro Wfl S a tl.>rrlt1e crus h of gln8S, ond theil , save for tbo Ilis lurblill co o ll tslJ o, nil way s tHl . 1 lit tb e IIgbt-n cct yl no j:AS. Tilo wl'eclwge or tbat "Itellcn WIlS beYOlIiI 1110 llescrll )lI\'c p o wors of a mor drOlDntlo cl'ltic. Bopp Iny HI rnwl · cll on t hc kitch e n lloor ncn r Iho 10 1)10 )\' bor h hud struck whc n 1 thl'Cw biOI. '.rho tllhlo It~olr blld O\'(!r tUl'l1cd on t(l th "'''l!k 's s upply or wDlor In g1 8 ~8 b ottles 111101 Illld III'Pul'eutly bl'akCl ~ mnst of tbani . Lu cile wos stund· lng, pulo nnd ' dl. ho\'eled, bu t still bl!llllUflll, III th c c1 00rwll y or thc poult.,. whem silo hllli b eel! hlUlng. dCtor nu Intef\' ol BOIID laboriously picked . him up nnd waded t OWll1'd tile stlll rwlIY througb tbo to rre nt of Illstlll!'d Wilier wblc b WIlS strenmln g uc ros~ I he !lour. "Tbc l'r·,. r our dog biscuIt," ho slIeer· cd, JlOlll tlllj:! to TooUes, w llo b ot! dill· eo,'e rl!d t ho be~ nnd W08 gulpIng dOWn tbo COlllelil S os fast os she cOII!d. uFnsUuJ; felr n " ' 001<1

lln-hnl" 'j'ben ho dls lIllIlcllrcd upstn lrs. . 1 turned to Lucllu. S be bnd droppcd Into n e liulr 011,1 bnd bUl'l cd bor (uco In hcr bnndH. Ila ",ns crfili g. "\Yhol's tbo lllDtter, l.lI e lio ?" 1 nskcrl tenderly. . "I don't kll o w," ~ h o Bohlled: "just


; n"'r\' ''~ r f'ftl{U~HI" and wo IIwayed !Jile k 'nlld forI h In R I rough nllll tumble t 01C trot ll' U\' rIllCli t I ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~ to tbo tUIlO of Ibc roiling tbulld r . , ,,, Bop!) did not kn ow as I did I hill I.nell


was wntrillug 8"1II0whcI'C tbe l'c hI t il , , dnrkllcsa, III1J 011 t hAt RCC\lIIOI bc \\'II R The r~atl,'rs of thi s po per will be , allle to u ~e mlll'C torollJla Inll ll'lIlll,: pltn sed IU l e~ rn that Ih e re is at least olle IlhuD I, but 1 bud slIjl(!I'Ior wclg ut, lllld . dreaded disc.aS<! I!m l sckn c~ 11119 be~n tl WRS slowly bea ring him buck wben .able to cure III 011 lIS slugca n ,~ d thaI IS :aU at onco be dropped tho box of d og ..."tanb. Cat."rrh ~III U. l;reR tly "'"II~II C~d '-- It I will hl~ freo hand 1,,"clo<1 b~ cOllsl ltul1onnl COlldlllu lIS requlru con· Ib ""'u Oll{ . 1 slllllllonal l r t ll imollt . Hail's Cuturrh la wallop III my StuLORCh. It wonld hn\' o Medicin., is laken Ir,terllully " nd acta I"""n a rOIlI ' OIalcr /lily clrcuDlslnncell. Ihru the l3!o"d on the Mucous SlIrfa ces iiooK ~II' .-~ 0",,,,. wonm'IZR rcti ....• of lht. System lberelty oy ill!! the foun d" tion of tbe disease, I(ivio l( the pa llenL streng lh by blllldjllg up Ihe conSlitu\lon tlud nssisting lIatur. III doing it s W 0 MILLER. ' I work. The propriclorl have SO" much , faith in the curulive powers of HaU's Catarrh Mldicine Ihnt Ihey o lTer Oue ..•• DENTIST.... Huudn:d Dollars fo r IlIIY c.-J.!;e lhat il fnils t o cu re. Se lld fllr li st of tes lhn oni~ 1 5 . \ \\."ne ... llle, 0 Address 11. J. CHUNE V &-CO. , T oledo 1 . Ohio. Sold by a ll Drugg ist; 75c.

DR. J.

13esltlcs . Wt' 111" ' 0 got to &1111'. Our , vuter NTl llply is glUJl'," Lu elle Iw, l, J II r, "'1' Ill' II It w'ln'l r onlly bo Ollr fnllit. will 11'/ " ~"o lI, kl'(1 hopdull)·. " I f w e blll'ell' t I' l l'e waleI' " -e ('on' t /!o UII f!IStill/!. LiplOIl S. CllI lr SIl,YH 0." "Anel tlwl's tbe Ilr~ t 1111 111'; ho c \· r said. too," I a g l'c ed heu l'lil y. So It w n~ II ~' Illcd t111l~ Ibe Ilcx t duy wo'll h .. I' 0 I"W _t"d , of j:;l'ocerl s come on th Q ~ ll Jlfl ly I,"nt nlll) t('l cl lllollo tb coo l, 10 elll llf' \"I(' k. 1 t ill nll lho prOSl'ct' t ('hl'c l' II liS w~nd I'fllll.\·. 1 Im ow I relt bC' l tcl' iLnUl cdla lcly, nllti 1 pe rsull,llcLl Lu cile to so 110 '11 to lied unit gel Ho mo r st IJorol'O llll .r ll!:ilt. hc \\'l)lIt III to sec ho\\' It e r 1111.1 her "'liS bc fo re r oLlI·III!,!. Therc WitS II cry trom 1\h·s. C rt'I'n'~ roo III , Ulltl I rush · ed In u . G •. " '~RS .

IIE~:oq !l An Dl S AI' I 1':A lI l':n.

gue~~(,I I corrcclly lhnt U1 C C'I In 'nt or mystery

1' 011 lIu\' c

Is whero

O .. o r gu \V I I.!VI" ~ l:iIl!llI I1,V Mr. IIOJ MIl<. J Od. W D.v ls uo<1I,wO d.IIl g h. t l ~. hlr flllr! ~11'6 rc-I rllo~t \1'111\ 1111 find Lwo d'Il'~,ht ' ". lIIr. n nu 11'1&, Col 0 .1 nvl IIn dS'IIII\UcI \VIHl' El I) t'l 1\\'1'11'.

tb ls CII'


·1ateraIioul1lartester.CoIlJllllJ of AIMrQ .




., 1 FI m "turt to fini sh, the m~klog I w 111011 ro~ent Iy g!l ~o th e ir ordo r of Iln army bugle Is a proooss o r uflpr u t"u dll .Y~ "1\\),.lI nll Wi th hi~ I'!t .... n ~, Il)r l &\)u. to n Ulwro \vul In /l roron t.o fQ/!. Uluuh lugeollir.y ODd iotel8st. A tn.llrll rH " 0111' lorill dod (litgH III hi. bl1 llla Dllly not .at fi rs t SIght present L11l~' n i!,1J 1 In r l"UIIHl b i~ dllt! ~ 10 ,,,d nr . j IJ I.l ut h " r l o li! thu w niter to 1\ Rtrlk ing r BS Bmbl'looe to its oouelo. tb.) :;ou lh. ,jnp honl,e tho IJnl r, hilt o llm ln !l l e t he oOllohh 'l cu, but the ooe Is PrllOSl~ e rlll ft III 11 0rl' 'I tl a nclc,,1 Ibo t b I'la~". l ioll lly /l ou rlod up version of the M E 'l ,rnrt orl y 1lI""I . n g III Ul llrk 'J'ha wllil·pr Jef l but, pf" r o- o tb l'r , t o r , bel ore the bugle I, beot 17 111 0 tlturilllY uftC' rO tlOll. I llrned Itllil a:It, d : "B')~, h ow lhlt In tu s h llJle, I t 000818'S or 8. Darrow tulle, 51 ioobes lo ng. In th", flra& Rev. AHr d \ ' Ol kllr OliN' Iho .\' 0 \1 IVI~h Yl't1r e l!g .!" :'. E)IO>lotl e th m ." Htllg e of DlIUlufl1 0ture the bogie 18 pulrnt,.llCr e tion a " . IIft·e l'n ll tl Il F" i~. Yes. s ir. J th o ol!lIt lint who t cut o nt ot s llootooP IJOrllDd rolled in. lrod by Rov . GIll'rI ~ ciO vo u 8~~'; hilI. bo~s, c oo k RAVS he's t o tlVO ~ h in oyJi ndllr s teohniollolly P. V. R IIOS II , a t [lny-l oD, iR lIl A I,. 1): O~ k hl~ 'limifJIltor."-W . (-l . As tl ". k n o w n ll8th "Gell"nufl 'the "braooh" log h i ll!lr SU I . Mr, Q tl hlrs EJ I u nll du I rl.JlI nnra o w to be, whlohls the " bell" EC.onson. GI vl s lt. - - - .- iSio(t'Ild nn ll.v a hl'l) d o ut onmoulda n nti l t,he opo n lng Is the regular 11. '" Mn oMnrrtly, spr cl6111gP Ilt of Th e '1'~ll. ve l e r ~ I II~. Gu . ",n rkluB 'lIll o II T h ht 1 10(111 dlnlllete r, H 18 then "spun" " a y oug. Oil II wO'ltlorful maJhloo, aDd IiU ex. uf Dayton, W II~ Iho g ll l'8 t o f t.ho Grnce thou ~IY h o uso nnd l et not i 110rt w o rkmllil t Oll! a the rl)ugh edg08 Ceut,'111 '1'u ~LlILY of I" to \\'tlt;lll. Mr . onrl Mrs Ch1l8. n ll a rw nO(l tlmt gracc thee. -D nJumtc lI'Tanklln. : olT I b e oopp or , B llth seo'loolI are tlf t.e rwllrda filled with molten lelld. d R I \ .. I t 1 . f\U e tt e ul 80 'lll <le, 10 :Spnu g - prepu.ruto ry to t,h e beudlng Btage, Volile yon ' nn ,l"y I\n d "Jllln~ tb e II" y , lI ll d It Is Ihls so)lcl stuffiog whioh l'l:Iluti v 8. I p re veot·s t h e tube brealliog In the p rOoe!8, and all ows IS to keep It, hlr. \'. E .... BV I yo n d hI. mot h!' r , shopo. Th e ex pl'rt workman, with ~rp . Mllfgll re Lo\'ic\, .t<po nt, "Ulld~ y . j th e Did o f 1\ ro rm ld llble Ie ' er and InUh yton Wllh Mr UlIU lIlr~ ) . i Lg,- PIWP EH1'Y Fon I h um m e r . hODd s t he bOllle IDlo the I:!or t ~oo k fnmili o.r shApe, t·b e leltd belOg ~ub11 WUE'ut 111 th l~ b('prlon iii b ll lll g s"q ooDt,ly mul ted oot, Ilt 1\ ohllroollol [, lJrll~ht' d lind UI Il OU I COUJl' Is hlg, ITlNl'; H o use 1I I1It Illt, on 4!h fllrnn oe tlftor whlob lhe Instrumeot 'o r n I lon klu l> w II nu cl flve r yt.h iull ::. ., knnwu H ~ til" '1'10,., . Z I I Iii Bont ~II t o the p ollllhsrH. Ooe of 18 Inu ltlng Ilm. for t I 0 fulrllll' r . IJroJ1('otl y M .. dof,. h II " i i ' 1Ii111 I,he most Intrloate partaor the bugle Ih u~, Uallull oll, u f Bnt I'lil , WdS oold \vlttEl r , b 'l t h, to ,-o utbl1ildlf)~8 l iS the mouthpleoe, whioh ill made of 10 lO ur (\ItS , I(l ~ t ,\lee k Ilr l1llHflcti og o r nil ~n ' , d' ( 'ti ll ph l) tl o ".:\r. "22 u ioke l sliver lind turned [lot oua busltl('~!O ~ll oclB I Inthe. With she mouthpiece I (I I II, 1.110 i n strument Is r eftd y for n)'r . oDd .Mr i'. · flfl ~. (-t ,lrd no 011 LOST 1111(\ tQstlng r oo m l e r t Illcd (\1 rlH.Dl1r ~1l1l1l1i ,V .MI'. UU(! • CH W . P. ~1l' (' n tn 'lJlln(l llnu j.!' ht r \\r und M I~. U a wn ..! tlr ubullI II II four Il o\1 gb l ~r~. Mak ing It Explicit. 'R NK for the T,ewls Ilntoruo. , 1?lv("J"II,.·olli Ilt.lrhl' hllli " hn(1 momhllo, whf' 1l advertl siog fo r 4111 of ,J n I . I,'l ndllf plMRe rAI orn .to jj; ory. 1111,1 iri s IIl1 llll l' r hnrl 11 h n rll tlllle ft' llt' hi Il go h i rn to =--H ;\' t'l r you pleuse" \ It io 'c ~ W 'lyno.v ll lo, H. R, 3. whrll 111' "'tinted I1n y1 hlll ~. O uo eve822 o l ll~ III ,rhln er IHI NlIh l , "M UllIllln, hllnd -:-::;. .,.--- - - • .- -'- - -- . ....,...,,- mil th" Iolltlrr." " If you whnt, Bobby'" Kho nsk",!. "Why, If you CU ll r ench it," \\'us the re illy. I?On ' UENT Mr. n II Mr~ £IMr ' Lllrl nlng IInL1 uJll ldrtl '. "' l) n~· tuu , "1!6 nt IL r"w dllY 'i Itt st. wf'I'k wlI lJ 1'I1r ... 0 01 l\.h .. b',IlDk H II' or!! A T RI~ 4 ~' ft(' rfl ~ mllO (;rn~~ . His Inter p retallon . nlllllU'!! wn l c' r. p l,' nt y fl hacl A, 1'oI1'~. , Ifl n.~ Lrlllgd oo I <'PADdjug Wll llc (r fI(lin~ t h, Dlhl~)-" Pn , It II l £Ow Ilu \ ' 1\ \\'lIh Mr. , I1 c1 1 F. t'l (\0 ('UII t "I; IJ 10 o r ~I) tll or 11'I!toll ,· . .j; IJI(1 t t'lls hC'rc nholl t Ih., C'vll .·plrll~ en1' , r til 11th. \ V" Itl'T ·u W ('1' , R II. 4 ·ULllpb · lI l1 uo.l r III Iy. o f J)n.y lOll , t l'I'lll/: Inlo t hp. 8wl ';c ...· Fulll r-" We ll. 1\- 1.. . l\1I- Alit! ~l r ll F, W It " Siu9glu.u utl mY","lJI'T' Will ie-" v~ thot how they flu \1 ;; h tor ,) u'H't, uf V"n ,~"ll , spen t ::ttl" !! iI)' p"'t'I' ln f,l' wilb ~ll'i l!' rIl U\lI~ _______M_O__N_E_y__L __O_A___E_D_______ nil [1111) t UI1 ,ily . .!IlIIor.luh Mi llo I', ( f ConCe T\' j 10, tu rin w .. · pl\1'l gur. s t or I' Illt,h'oS ho tn ONI!: IO llO llcl on IIv (lR t Ilk oh!ll, I Il)st WI' I'IJr. l ui Hu ,l ","011 'HI 'n ' rt 'Uj!etl Mr. 'I ml Ir !!. ~' W 1 otlu II g l e " lid ,llIogbt lH, of Vllllda li n WfH C th o Kn ll N OIOH l)'l 11&ht. ,1.. lIn l:lil rblo e, J r" II 11 lJ u llllltl ~ , X:ullill, Ohio m2 dny Ku~~ 1 8 of Mr. Ilu d Mr!'. Bl1t u~ R IAutl g le r ,- --



I want to buy yo~r Wool and will pay you the highest Market Price • ., .


Call· Me by Phone

c. B. B~ntl~y

J !tll

",niH ou him 10 8ce t,ow h" wouill renet to th a sh o k. 1 'hOlllr! 0)' th nt his r ncllolls Wl)m pel'fcetly normnl, Illbclt som cwhnl plctufCSQUC-

Iy UlJlI l1'c.



- -------1





of Notary Wort.


and Dueda a I:tpeoialV. I,

Dr. J. A. McCoy,. Veterinary Oraduate


, ',


Corner Main and Mill Strellts Telephone 28



·Diarrhoea.· 11IAell8e should be trelltod all BOOn the first uonaturfll lOO8t!nel!8 of the

Thill ' 118

bowels appellrR.

Wben this 18 doDe


~iJlgl e 'lose of Chllm berlllin's Collo;Chol·

l'rlIllnd Dlarrboo/l Remedy will effect II cure. Thill r emedy eM IIlways be de· pended ' upon o \'an In tbe moet IMIvere and 1181lgerous cases, and 8honld be kept at hllnd r el\lly lor instant 1IS8. Never Jeavv

1 "~0~t~tI~l~fi~r~st~dO~"~'U~C~d~b~u~m~7'~'~~~~~uo~m~e~0U~8~j~00I~n~ey~~~th~0~0~t~lL~~~~


hltte rm 'l ll, f DIl Y t.oo, t'[1ent t h e weuk. e n tl wllh Il ls SOU, h e t er . Mr. 6u.l Mrs. Ed W oo(lward hlld Ihalr gu ilts .' . tu rclll 11 , Mr IlUd Mt. BIlrry L/HlU IIl K nnd fll thilv, of Doy I.on , li nd MI' li nd . Mrs. iJ'rlluk


R lok'lfd Ilond fumll y Mrs , Emma O liug r' hUll retorn c tl to b (l r 'h oJ lllEl i u Hed L If' D, R.fte r IIpeu dtn~ II c.!nple of m o ntbs \Vl~h !lIn•.




8 1~IU'- 1




EW(l~, . O .

At~l lI S llfL, W IIYOIlI! Vlllo,

C. I It D , 3, I ail!



NO P ,llIV Mllro or \ 111 trntlo ( l. r UDoli ., ., rtjI,lY . U ,w }t'~lltl k Mille r . l~l G


' ar o l lu8 H n lDOOr t . M 8 )d" [u t o f MIItII,lsl)u l u r ~ ~ .. . ~' .FRE:;U lIol!.tnin VIl ',v for 811le or wu I be gues t o f Mr lIo tJ ~irs. B.. ~. will Irude for g nnd N . 1 .lar. Du r lh Doe duy In w eo lL . I~ y w, A. 1\lr{U t Wuyufll'! v lll a . toll Hel n ({o binsoll , of D .. ytou, hlo. uS sp er,lt H0ve rol day~ 1.utlt Wlle k WiLli b e r ~rnndpll ro nt , Mr Rnd Mrs ." Fu ll "'toO.te P I/crllo l'llp", :1 .E. R qhlnllo o , monih" o ld, co l.'1: wbltl, l! Illlll!', Mi ss P ell r! fiurrl s 8pl~ Dt II vbrol 1 r luul!', Will ~,,1I o li e llp, 011 11 or d .. v(\ IIIII~ w "llk with f lll uLlVI!<! I II llctdre,... ld l~ M.lfl l unrM, Wuyoosy ille )blo. H Ii: N'I .~ U Fra..klln. ~ii8e Lydl" Juntl ey h us rat ur lllld OOD Driving Bor~e, 4. y e lltl! a ll ~n ber h ome In Det roit, II It r se-var. and a split h okn ry BUllgy. 1101 day'" vlBIt witb h r t o otho r noll guod 1108 new, Fred BrlLddnck, W"yIII Iter • lit:! Mr. ILlld Bolte, Gila \V hltWn,er. of ti e .vllle, R. R. :.l. DaytoD, lpent. S uudllY hO~8 :tbo gUII8tll of Mr •• BllnnlLh Djmrtb, /lod olhr r '.,erybod),lI1oablnllDtemal· Mr. aDd Mrs \Volter Btlnltl' Ilnd E 81lIt.lJl:RA'l'OR 80111'I8bold furnitllro. Ohf!'II', temall), 00 aec:OlUlt of tile 10D, apeol ~llnday






4I8tUled watar &ha lb. lOll. of IIr, aod

R 111'11111'8 or ft, Oillo.








durability and "exquisite design

~e 'higheSt ideals in plated ware;are UI1d'~ in I.poons, forh, and> fancy ' serving pieces beariDi the·

'reoQwned trado marl:



There ate various' makes of silverplated ~Ieware 'which are claimed to be "just like aD imitations, they lack the beauty anCI quality identified with the original and genuine'1Hl. •. ." :warepopularlybownu··,S';I#uPlatiiUt .. . . s;,td hy leading dealers ~.-.catalogue "O.t.. _wing all . _ .••.,.. ...


. ,

0Id0 St.l, Unlwral'y




Notary ' Public.

. --



Valley Phone iss

Classified' Ads



Waynesville, Ohio


p itcher ot

tint of


w, , '. \ VIIS IlII ,

he rnlght be 5t IUIIUtll illg nn ll puur('u n

AT prese~t av~r~ge price~ for ker?sene and


Corwin; .Ohio.

ho.1 (o r I llolt' I!1l PS

t c rs I lle sttll'.\'. 1'011 tl.)ulltl cs. "'''lIll ur, AS \\'0 (1Ill. Ir [( ' ut, til wh'e t:ltlP"', hnd mDd o\\'u~' 1I·lth Mrs. H' en 0" If 'BoI)l', ' bnll(~11 of his ll og liIHc·nl t. l1:1d becomo 0 \' 11111111 of lIlc .ll'('l lC/lt drt'o W c did II l1t como to nny nell oncl\l· 810DS (I t f:h'~t, ot CIIIII" C. '1'1111 L WIIS artc)' wo 111111 looked 1111 0 \'01' t he hOIl ;:l'. up In tue nltl c nnd J ow n III (h e C\·1111 r . Thell 1 w Oll t til K ' lIl'!! rOo m. 110 WflN 800dll S Jlcuf'cruI1r. 1 rnl s lruslctl thn!

. Kerosene Engine?


Madden's Lumber Yard

r1 'I Il~ I.l rf, VhH(It' ... uf .1\' ,

M r . n nll I\I r~

"Lls t ell t o Ill<'. LuellC', .IM r ,·' 1 Boi ll f1Ulh ol'ltnlh'('ly, lukln/! h"r lI onl\. "'\~e ure not I!n ln ~ ' to 111 ~ t nny more. If you r fu ther WO I'O hoI' lin wuulll ('fill n holt. 1.1 0 1" your mOlhe'r Is !<I\tk, JOu ore 1.1)' t<'I'lcnl, nlld hnrdly flJlY or '1 8 I s on spcn ldllg' tCI'Iil S willi lb' ntlicl'S.

Can You Afford Any but a Titan

0 ..





"Ir ~ II ~ ~t ,l) li II IIIHI oIll1Hd't l' r LiliHI, ,11 " 'l :; Cht.t\·pr ' all .lr .. 1. \\ Ii IJ' t ..... ( ·h;: \ \ ' P1 tllo ~lIl1l1l1Y :. U t~,h:~ ~ li t Ut't, J hlVI~ lInd· fUUHly \Il IIu,l I\Ir~. b:t1wln Mar Uf\ eD. . ,· ' t "lll~ (1 M r/,. V f'O. F;llI I\nll MI." \' ... tll "11 Tllo r.llnv In h Ooor of Mr :'Il,.rolll·s 7~th l)lrrllrhy


Next w c hnled fi o Pfl fl' m hl ~ roo m . Ho wus III 'IIn eJ to Ile ~ 11 ~ I Ilc l (l\l a n l first until wc toltl h im IIboUL Mrs. GrcCII 's d l IlIl PCnl'lIlI l'l'; tbell be WIIS all s .l'mllllthy 111111 j In ed our II gI'U~' clnd son l'l'bl ns "ul'tr 111 t llo llllllw tly. l\otul'OlI)', 1.11('110 fenr"d tho w,jl·~ l . whil e t hc re~t or n. wllh UI,j 'elll1ue ol'tillli ' 1;1 discoll llt cil 11 11 .1' ,Janitor wh k h Ullght (w rllll l iJ uM hlll~· . "l3ut foIho \\' n ~ II't hrlsl'l r." II'fllled Lu, elle. " Sbo';; bNm fI ('lillg fllllny nil tJlO J c naoil,;;.'; "l'o; c\, r Ul lud Ilbuut her," (' m[ort 'u Kent. "A IlIUIi ",Ith l ~jl\l! .e Ull 'fnll 01T t bo r oot unO nC\'or hul'l hllll" ('lt 11 bi t. A. hit ur II lHlll DlII I CS lI11yllotl.\· 11ICl k.l'. " " SUP(lo>o s ho Is \llItU I nil t hl\l ruin ?" " ,1. lI t.tJu will ' I'. HII/I" 01' l ess. WOll' l • mnke 1I1l ~' llUYc r cllc , t.u 'fie.' nftc l' thu Ill s t two dll .\,~.' · I uhsC l' rC!.l gl"olll lly. "Lel's n ul ~ t"Il" h.,,,., nu l' lon ge r," sn hl 13011 1) h, lJu~ llI csslll,~ fA ShiOn. "It I wo n't du IIIll Ch l!ooLl to tI'Y to guc~s where ~ ue Is. Let's begin II systew uUe bllllt." " "Let's 'ct (III SOllIe I'u,;u lnr clothes !lrst," I .sug:;e. led. "Altdgh!," III cuorns. . Lucile dressed rn glCI' than s ho e ver b.nd Ilcrol'l) or hus s lncc, ,nutl ' vo Ulell. ",Ith tile us unl celol'lI y or tllO blful' tIt. cd sex, "' OI'C roady 08 soon flS s be wa:, :As SOOIl 08 wc lI:ul nssc1I,1l>led In Ih e IIvldg room ouce 1II0re HOPI), or r cu, SOD of his su perior IIC" · '. clecled hlm- · I. I selt com mondcr or tbo cx pc,lI l1\)fI. "~fo ut"," lie Illrectc.), "" \I lul;c ;To . e • • Jomes w.lLil Y Il lIml explol'O' lht' n orth Figure it this way. O~ an 8-horse engme th~ sav balt o f c IS!lIIIO. J,l1 cllc lIIIl1 I wttl :ing is S.Se. an hour, SSe. tn a Io-bour day, $88 III 100 search II!Oul'h crn J)ol'lIon. As soo n '(days of work. Say that is ·all 'y our engine-aoes'id. a l ~ •• " 0& eltb Pllrty (11 CO\'I!l'S MJ'lI. (.reell col)l l> to the hUll 0 Dlld aro oft' :wear. ~ ~ ' f!... /4" ~: thls ·l'o. . 'cr ." /1C! 1~lcI II lurs!! cnlllJer , It would cost you $88 more than y'ou- ·~lQl-r. \t~ .·,~ , sir 811 ' Otl Ille lltillo. I ml hn\'e dlNJ'mtcd bls ul'rnogcrun an 8-horse , ga!}Oline' engine on6,ll~e;:u:\. ;o~a\i lIt..mare ~ II .' cuho IIf1PI'tlI'rllltl ()u of Lnthan a third of the price of the en~IlEl1'.f"t;itn ~~u~ffi'r*,t~ '4 (L" ' 1lJ:,t" PII,t... l _ jll~i!ed tbnt It throwaway $88 a year~ Can you. afioro cy,en to tJj,OK 01 ll , ~J~oot l!':'}~ \t~ urgllc uhont ,buying a gasoline engin~hen 'ybd te~ Ii th'fl.'t ' !Ill purel)' soc III. I'Icsldes, 1 useS kerosene~ See the Titan- deal~r' "and .talk tb,s '6Vel'l-"J j ut'tbht" tftb ' mnn wilo " 'OS He bas some interesting figures. to show you. '" I, \ . ',1 ,..,' e'WtKill'Orllr t o baTe DO cinc ti • ,J.. r .( ( \ 1 .IIer th~tber mother had' DOt IIOme terrible taking oil:, 80 t 'oDe wal', and 'l\'e doparted . ' 0-,.-..)

gasoline, TItaJ# kerosene engmes save c. per horse power per ,their ' owners about :hour over gasoline engines: " .

Is hard to get at any.price, but our stock is complete. Come in "nd talk over your need. with us at


~ll 'I'll"., l 'II"()~ . "fll"flrL bOll"n, I.ul ' ~fll ' lIt W l' dl f'F,l .. y \\1I 1t III, r ~i8l r \'t r('l ,' \lln i u\"' lind ~ I I _ lI "Ig !Jwu ."" ' "1'011 o u/: ht not t o \lC ul ;otir lit tnl~ dln.. l'. I li"tllll ll' - . lime III~ht ," I s ulLl , tel'lIl,\·. \l rp :-Illu h li lc h ~ p"111 t:innL1IOV " ) Iw 0 I\' ." ,<1 ,1' rt' l' ilNI. "I ju,1 "'"1\(' ~JI ~. L1 '11tl\) .vllkl n ~ . nr I .~!oll ll" (\ . v.l1l1 li, 'r 'I~ugh l .' r. Mr .. ,Iur ,!u u . d own IO- Ill fl'cl1 'rl)" tI~ ~ ." w",,, 'I (, k.l' , !l ;:11(" ( ,,1 ~lr ",ud _i\J rR. \Volt" 11 1111 1IIIl1l:hI 0 1' , l't1 r I we.trl ll ha \,' lll'1I01' ',I I"'f If 1 III":! l\:lr~ . Illt r ry , IrI.,I"kfl l·. \\ III \\'.' I fe II tHl f"",ily 'Lilli l\lr . n Ol SC!'II tl lll "Iw'ul l In 1lf'1' IlIuut h, " urrell ' ':I,'(J\'l r of l)pft' tl lt. !~ B,' rr f3 u!!un Wt~In t11l \ ~a lduy ~ l1 l'~tS HUI wl ill t III II I. "'''II1t1 II v l fll)'g lvc II vl ~lIl ug l' l ~ ~I.• t" r , r.I r ~ ~11l"rlhl'I'" B 'g"n /l il a WI t ... slUull III, fill th o 1"11'( or Ih e W(, lU UIl li t> \' I~, u l [Jell r \ ,·llulfl U - - .- - - - -110 lo\'cs ~

,,'P,;;;;;;=ai@lSi .; ==~" ...


1 ;-.I. it Ilk r I1 I,U 4

Jwung on me twlco mere In the 8ame


,,',!III 1',\ ~\oo'll n, II I 11"'(lh"'11 "" wit. Wllh h, r IInnl , M r~ . ~llrl(l , tv ~\l r' '''' l ~ I t " \1 • ,\I\/l L l hl 1r l~r\llJ.

M",. LA· III~a .I '·"~" JI ,



Mr. Itt,,1 Mr~.

l)", yh_II', W P i'




f roWIl, I"~I

\ .1 " "'1'1 1 J)!"' I~ 11 ' 1\1 f',Ill,II' " I I lilt' W r ll vlIr, H a ym o lld W e lll ' r ~l"r tll" ~ Sld(JI', M" •.' I ". ~ yl ' , \ ~ r.h lltlMr4 . Ch lr tlf, ',' !(l" 1 1 "1~ ' ". \" ".l hllr· ~". \V t:lrrt'n j 'ljI'l\,(: r', nt I h'l. AO ll 1. 1\0 Milll:lp .ny Ilwlthth n X"llin W I IIJlll' , "111'1' gl\l'1- ~ .1 \1 '" If . 11,' - 1 ~llIlIn ' ''1 ""ll I h ll, lIy . ReHB rves in X lUi I lu st I:)nll,IIIY ·


ero Ilu o th e r Yf'1I r '18 p nHt -Peo l'ill J ourool .

!tlUllU l,;

.1 e ~:i


r t;olliedsly Ion sonrr y? b pld II Blow Jlr ooess iou


Ir ~

~ n(]

Ll f ObUB. U O:;l o sli oth Frldll y uftor no n.

Wlleru IIlUbit.IOn Dov e r h Lulll H o 'ld th u do llBr j lu l< les uot· I Wb e re I b e r e I " u o h ootle~l:tP tl l vlul( ' tloruld ~ ehlll1lll)~ , r oonlrlvlu g , i And tb tl Il o h es t 1lI1IU' ij IlO ~I'Oft8 1 0 1l ft... o hUlfl IIrIlH!'Y IIICl t . '


A large car of Fine Shingles A fresh car of Cern.ent ' . A new car of Brick, suitable for Chimneys a~d Outside Wall. ..

wil e f or t,ho ll lly . i\, r. l\ud ir:;, L f' \'\t>1 " 'I r, "I U 'I tH. : TI' n:11 III I Ul ~ llU tH Y I'olrH. P er,rl N i ll e r I' ot ortll iut',l h,'r 8u llcl ny tllh a ol clll~~ of tllO M . K ,I, H'1·1·.i ,»"·III". \\,.r ·, "1lll. 0I 1i V ;'1 "" 11 1 ~ I \1 ." .1,," tI \\' >If wwlt, o f II :'" r l ; 110 I, oh nroh wilh II pi n Hl in tlw W III'lI~ o t .\.1 1 ~ Jet" B Il t" l' I I I (tl nnu l 11 , fli t-' HIlr1 lb V u 1 (I'r h ll ll u,1.

Do yon kuow YOor desliubt.i on ?




r ' I'hn 1;lvln· 110/11 1I1('flt 141 .\1 ,'. V'ltr" " (,I" '\" ' 1' , "r I, tl'Olt 101 i')vfnrl.l'~t'ulurol"v I.llt) I Lt b. IIlfi ,," ,1 !:\UI,lrol Jli' ,,, ~pell rl n f (I ~' ' Ir \ '.o n ," U II mc.lld" I!" tr v o n.\ bl' 11\Yl-1 \~ lth r(\l"tivIJ~ hprp. 11" " 0111. .l.l .. ~ .-ullll ~ :\It'l l ullln. of Kl n~ .. Itu" ,.uoi hlr " . , K. ~" , .'11! "T' ('II.v, K '11I • Ilwl ~I':i ~ 1111 1"I .. lIul't 111 t 'III0I1I11,,1I (Ilr 11 f ()\V Ilny;. 10' dll I(ht,'r 1:.IIIH'l'IllI. " f ~ l llC " 41l, ~Ir~. lh U' ItlrllU ,)f '1(\1J1101l~, "11I· n. "I u r,l,,' \\1 II \ ' . 1'. ,' UI'U'"' Wil d e hllr KI~I r . hlr~. A I{. t'nrr, unt • un, 1 1'1 111 11y a "ii,1t Id ~t wllc k. ~II" Op,,1 'I'h o ",1' Ull. tJt 1),\ ." l lI n . 1r Pltul VIlTJ dll rv on rt lti vl~ ' t") 1l -I) 'nl .I II' wC'Pk _ ',,<1 wllh h nl' />1\1' . hl :l pr.rt'U tR 01 lJ , IIlr IH I( f"l'" ~IIIIII I n( ~ I I fI' . M,'~ .11, , II' I'~ I II " lmll '11 1f1 dan~hrC'l' 11 r H.. l,'r""k lI"klll .. nr! r"'Ol\ h l,,'· . "' h Jill! ,lr un ,} ." r "i, ~;d wI " M'lf J,ln 1\' l nl~ ~· I ... h"r ()lf ~ I I •• " t \ . \V , d tul.-, chv I u t i! \' Ht d .. 1 Y 'l rt 1,.:;.. t' , 'l t rll ( n Vnlffl, lI f Clllr '~ ' "l )l\ ', .. , IHlt till ) "" "I,k " 1\\.1 wHh ht' f ' rhoht,, :, I.. \'i~HI\ t 1! £\ 111 ' 11 jI ',r ,\ I r' !.!'r .'II, jIJtrl'f1'=,"" Mr , Hnfl i\1 t ~ ,J u hn H1Hl l\lrM , A L J\IIUO rl\, 0 1 " \' \\'"It! f " , til J rtJ1lll~ l\1 f\ 1, It \"lull ,,'I" n Il I. I V ' : II' t\ I1'lrl~.' k 011(1 fU llllJv 'LllIi 11 111..}, -I' HO .t I m l l1111~ WI 1 , 1.. .. !i11t::-H , Ba U It uttt ' 1Iif'; ' tlt l'

1ll1 ~1\ Ii:h;lfl ~ nrfnN'. ~IH' r('()on'l.v grHduut f'cl fr om t lo li Ol.l1hl'On k lll/! h 1-'0110n l wi ll l.fIlllI in 1)0 ,\ t UII lit l1w llli li llli U " p ltul f o r'( nlll'bU All fo\,u ll1 r r ~i a n \ 8 I) f /:l 'llul ou k IlU li Sllu nr ' I'ou k t ow lI ~ hil) W ill t 110 Do t,ioo thlll tile Auun,,1 U ome.r.;om . in g will uconr 11 r 11 La llor D AY. E\-o ry hOll y IlIvi\. U Mi~!! ,Umce Br. ,,' OUlI . ~'n ' du tlwlltll r t, lire n o w " ,n -I og In tho B BIl T e leph o ne )~ x o l,l n n ll ' h(1rt', DOl'O tb )" M ill pl'. of ""yu O!~vllln . III v l ~i l. ln g h er grllll li lll ll l,h m' 1111') l)ll llI r rpjbtivllS IlIIre Liti s """'Ik. M r li n d .\1r ~, 1. IJ. Hnrn oOR nIH ohiluTlm IIlId ,I o bn W OIl VlIr nil 11 1\ 't o r ed t o llrl'eu vlll IJ 1 11 8 ~ I:)und"y uull


"'till quiet littl e stlltlun

Why be fJ vtlr.kt'I'ID fllr 8w edlnl! Uu .. tnll " ,, "u r Hly If,,,d l nll 'I'o 'hst loue ly I\ttl tl viII"!!" whoF(1 w o 1111 most Cll lll A lit IIl ~I. ? I:!llIouk np, bl o th er, whnt 'tI yoor hurry,


IQ Ul1 for IL ""u n

til. ok up , br Jllu' r, wh ,It '~ YIlUr ~nJn 1II11'!" burry ,



~ I '1I1 11 '11 1'11 h l' Ihnt "Inw, I · r::rO\'\,II!II b' tw""11 111\' cli lll'hl''' 1('('11 ,. " 'If \'011 hit

'1'11111, tlU r (!o kiO"Nly yu n cu rr y With yuur t' lb ow~ j. birl ull HI<i 1l Wil l'S lind y " ur C1RlIco f1xo;d ~lrui g hL

A bl'


' \ItHL! t ll!tnL' ()f /I nWlIuw Jl o~ III1· ( 'I.\· III!ttl 111'\ 11 .


() f



' /

.. hf'lul ? ·

C ,tps


UiO per y ea r

A UI;l!''I'



WlmNE. n Y







!. uc h

travlli sh uld write W. H . I JllLlnl~r. State L 'ad r Boys' and <:irh,' 'l uI. Work, '0 1UIIIUII8, for

SERVICES AT S1 MARY'S CHURCH ~cltlit ional info r mation ,



Mr. anli 1rs J , l!.. FroZlt.'r en l ur tainen III dinner Rum/ny, Mr Mra. He r bert ,no~le r 1)ntl rl ;lu).!h1I'r. j of n 'ar Harv.. ys "r~. ~Ir . "lid ,\ Irs. l W rtl . Sherwood. l\l r . and II" llur ryi Sh"rw\lud, MrN. ,'nrah h:IlJun, Mr, Sadi .. Zell, ~Ir 1" 0 1111,] , ,, .~ ll1 r1 11). 1 F ur IIh:h,! ,~ llwi "" ' I' pHnIHl lly of 1 \ lul vlllh', K :III I :H I"II,' /I'" "I),U·"· I'JI /.· , 110 olhl'l' I I s!a!~ 1',111' '" IIIl 11I"1("'~ ii i' Oi1I1) will I' l ' h I.'1 't ~se~ I'. rAne s, EI ' Ile I I) umI ! JllIl' :. Izn I ru:Il'h h,l II .h,' 1",101 . in . .. llIl11hll ' lIrm~ .11" 1,., 1 f,,·f' Ila)~ I,e Am'u t. MRst r ' George Henk Ie C' lltl!rlntll Cu F. \' W II r I r \. , tad Ii hlful a fte r llllnn I'llrl\' a l ": . "1<,1'", '''''''''r Y" /111 ,a . e I!' h L Ii' \ I·l't. mlltl:JJ:!'r Ilf II. '. "'P",,:,,'n, I"," t hei r h me on I c ytl'r,llll . ;Itllr· (",,/ ,hNI lilt. {'"il.oI , 'I !lI' '. frol" "11":Il' i ,lny IIfternnO Il . Those who cnju ' l'u tiOIlF Ihll t nlTllrd h,' h "1'11"111 t,III1 ami I th ei r h. ~pitality wert' Hllf'1l J Atwt I elll I"I., illn ''''I\. ~ar l \\'right , E lsie Rlld Doris Hawk p ~ Ji ~ ~ Huth L illi' , inl~"lIn ionall~' Ruth Earnhat·t, I ~nd I'e ann 0\1'11 known adalrix, will li .. Iii,' IlI"'1I1il'r Lewis , J;o;slher Henderso ll, Margan'! a! l .... l'linn. .·Ill" \\ ill }! i \'~ Ii"".: ~" anel Herbert Edw8rrl~ And Boyd hil)l i<J ns ""l'il .• Ite",,,,'" .tIIt! II I)!h t. lI e lltl e r~(I n , and ;It II i)!,11 I will "",. " orill ialltl), iI·

Klln .M·ss RUt/I law Wi!! Be Seen at Ohio State Fair,



T nIh . undtw II ft" f Tr ini! \' A\lgu!l i 12. • untla y S~h ool Rt fI::li), [\ , Unti l t he first 'und v ill ('Ilt mopr ' tho ollly service at Ihe ch urt:h will be tho Sundal' chool £It th ' U lIll l hoUl' I e ve ry ~undny ._ _ _ '


11UlIll1il t l ,.1 JII:u' hilw, frolH wh it' ll.

I ill



RICH REUNION Tltl'" l"lltlt\( r ="IIIII I ~ ('I'ubl ' l ' HYlllplu, Ad w " '1I1 I) \\\'('y 's Hu g btlJ Itt Mn· "U " lIny, h, III}.: tUII ",I u 'HII'r til" {J" C~Il .I"'rnUl\"h 11 1'1(\110, New i"ork, litte r 11.1111( IJullo'(t . 'IT 1110 rO"I;, Ul'lI r [)lucl; 181I1n<1. where s ho WI\Il drlveo aBhQrl'


h :t.:h


st,)'·II •.

thl' "IOll d ~ , ~11l' ''.I II thr'h " 11"",11", I'r('I'II1 ~ nil ,,(ll't,; ,If eI"IIt h · d ~ f~'­

'fht' t;leav r Carr and lti"h Ilol· , utl iOl' will b' hold in th e UBlIll1 pla~ , on Sttlurd ny, AlIg ll ~ t 25. Mr Ho Illu Mantl'o n, S~C .

- - --- ... - - -

in~ ~ttlllt :" 1 .. li,.) l a :;

loopi 1.:' thc ~ lt.lOJl . d ~ "\' n und l-It' l1 oi:alit) n:ll

t urn ing' GOLDEN WEDDING MONTGOMERY ' d,."p" :=:h., al.,o 11"111 d" """, :,tm l ' th In t .. in l1yinJ.!, lor that wl tb the whid! , II<' , ,,<l iNI the ba t II Spaniard. In 1B98, tt hua beeo, ulmost COUNTY fAIR WAS GELEBRAlEO lint''' ill 7MI'II Idat!e the Amerlro.n "oluo, El:l:cept

up:·d d


Uttle tift

l :lt'tit's

Pancy r;;" I\I1(I'al II Pt!lI che!l, ,AI. i 1· ( , I~ . 1'rtl! PS , Hni.ins, M illce MIIl I " w M ilt! C:hee~e , !lnned 'weet I", tllt ,IO", Hi\( ~llllr !-'ickles, Heinz weet Pick les, Pure 'id()r V II) t'gar, Avrllu Butler.

Cracked Moo/'o's Gasoline Moore 's G. 'oil Oi l rl:amery

:-:h" I'


W atermeloos ' I '\.:.idl ~", Lpll1onll, Hi pe Tomilio s


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f; ti ll havp I he big Ilftekllitea of crnp TI)bHCC(l at 51! We ·011 111 t o<' pklt.~ lit 3 for 211c ,


Inll i t : I'y

h ~ hill d

Diamnnd .Ioe 6 for 25e

Fnl!H.' t ' 1'(ll't'1I t h'.


~ 1 ~n"l! .. r Walbo"n nl~o hn~ ma de n Dr. Dill , O~teopath 2 1 S. Broao. 1t _ baa found It neceuaJ'1 to stro p his ("onlr:""1 with lh.. rnll'''''' lIcllci air way, Le banon. Ohio . FiI,e boys and three J:irlR from kUpladl CIIrI lila badr, ki88 the " 'Ife The Monl.j1:om ry counly foir nsstl Hrol hrl' <. who will hrin f{ 10 the rai r To vary f e w i ~ accorded th e Il"feat Warren County will be RboRrd the , l alliillldGillellOOd·bye and march outI n cialion hu, _pa red no pains to m uke th(', r rCllllll'knblc lIet in ",hll'h th~)' plea~u re of fifty years of married " I1ef8ble or lila country'. ri ghts nnll Mrs, Jason hee han was a vi~itor Corn Boys' pecial to Wlll!ltinglon loop Ih" loofl in n ' lwdRII~' dcvi"l',1 , life . Lul Mr , and Mrs . Amos Allen 1l1'lndplM. Dat here he go09-t wo mil· thil< YCllr's x ~ ibil i n Iho g re8 t. e~ 1 ('III', and eastern cities lhis full. On Ih scro nd loop till'\' .H e in Dayton 'l'hursllay. 1100 .or him. it necesSIlry-nncl tbe eVl'r held. The larlte grllnd ~ l!lnJ Rhot' high into the air from tl; c cllr 1'0' re at that tlum~e r. The boys of Turtle Creek , Olive


'PNJeN od rood wiehe. ot O.e other has 1JNm remodeled. with new s tep~, hWl4red ¥.o.~.;illllqn ~1l tollow and the pace underneath has been .~ turned into a large audilOriulll, ---.~.where will be found lhe biggest au tomoufle show ever held in Mont· 81111 8M1. Prot~ted by N.ture. The Lytle and Wbto aellla ere bonl tJlOy lire snow gomery county. " 'btte, "hleb mokee them Invlslhle 0 0 Becker·Bott bands wlll play botween t he lee «1 1Pbtcb they lire born. T heir the heats of the afternoon races. for e,811 and noee.' aNI. however. hlnck. Uie special acts to be seen In tront of lind wb611 the little onee nre 8ucldenl, allrmed they cJoee their eyes, burt the II'rand stands , Tha free attractions offered this their n OSH ud 11 0 qolte IItl1l. It 18 oftJ,. when ~eJ crow anil begio to year are the best ever seen at fitly eeeIt thelr own tood that they become fair. Perle' s Comedy Circus of elm aD4 II. . . pocles, mules, monkeys lind English raclni hounds will be seen every day, The racing hounds will run half·mile h4l8.ta between the harnlHls Peoullar &hool Rule. Bobble (who htU! just been to school rac.ea, which will , consIst of three f or the lint tlme)-"But you k now, events each day. ' Ther e will also be atlUtte, tlIen-e awtulif IItrlCt. Oo\y run on M,onday, September 3, the fnney, one of the "I 8 1.8 thut no boy five ·e1ihthe mile run, best two heata Is to II])CAJr a word It tlIo teacher con In three. ace blm."-T!;Ie Tlltler.


--- ..

_...- - -


Lebanon -:- Ohio

. The nid meeting of the lden of Waynesville will take place Tuesday . .- - - - - - , . - - - a . I I I I l''t(!venlnll, August 21st at 7:30 o' clock The meeting will be addressed by Geo. W. Philllpl, 01 Lebanon. who will deli ver hi. famous lectu re on .. Feathers," 1. olrered to YOUDg meD and ,01111& wo.meb ,wilD have taken 'Phis meeting will be the annual one or our eoure.l-whether 10 open meeting, and each member of .teno&Tllphy, boollkeepmg or both. the aasoclatlan will be entitled to br'lJlf his wife or sweetheart. Melons lutruoUlua here .. rapId and thorolllh-becau8e It 1& largely will be served, and the program vre· lDdlYfdual under mOlt progreal' pared will be a good !lne, lve 'Yltem. Write now for .... free book eontalnlng photo. and au cJel&lla. .

" Spl~ndid Pay

---.. -


, u . 1I

Miami-Jacobs B~~ ·CPllege


Sec:o.el Del MaiD, naJlOD,' o.

"...... ... ~





The 51st annual Collett·McKay Jllcnlc will be held at the usual place, August 11th.

Star Tnhn ccn.

SOc a pound

Corn Fhlk H, ' Mothe r Oats, Krllmblel'. Ross WhoRt BiB' cuit s , all 10e pkg. this week.

Dirt you take our otlvi~e on I3rnnrh . Greenw ood, Flat Hock. U~lIr, last w ~ ek? . It is still Green Briar Btl II Or gonia pecial n ~oOlI buy and we cnn lIpply chool Di s trlcr~ have an extra chance your wants it ia said the small pox epidemic to win, since tit Oregonia {<'armers' Get (lUI' price on Chickens and has been eradicated in Greene Co. Institute, or 0l'cROni3 . is !Tering a Eggs when you sell. trip which can Ull \VOti only by a boy It pavs to trade at Miss Alma Waterholl se nnd M~ , or'those di!tricts J ames Sale were Dayton visitors Sun. Anv girl who would like to mllke day. this t rip and take ad valltage o f the educationa l oJlPortun iti t8 (fl' rtd by , _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mrs, Christie McKinsey and Mies Laura McKinsey spent last week with fr iends In Wilmington.

Robl. Beckett and family are vi sit iting with relativ ea in Kenlucky.



Mrs, Mary A, Wise ipent Illst week with her daughter Mra. T. l!.. Cum· mings and famIly near Xenia . Chas. Cornell, who has been quite ill at the home ot hia son in Dayton. urrived home Monday afternoon and is feelinll much better.

Mr. and Mrs. L, B. Thomson and llathered ro u nd the table, which was son, of Kokomo, Ind. , Mr. and Ml'Ii, performers, Bnrebn k riding 18 n fen· laden wilh all the good things which R . S. Thomson, of St. Louis, Mo ., ture of the number. This will be could be prepared, The day was and Miss Mildred Housh, of Dayton, their first Am erican perfornnce on very pleasantly spent in vlsitinlr for lire spending the week wi th Mr. and any fall' ground and the attraction in Mr All's f '1 th d' t was booked ·pal·tlculnrly for the )110M, • en ami y ey 0 no Mrs. J . S, Th omson , ot Route ~ . ure of women lind children, often have tllte pleaaur e of all meet Fiel(1 cllbarel, furnished by the ing together. All t oo 800n came the I will sellnt Public Auction Salur. widely known P~rker'a OlChcstra, of lim.s lo lIay g>ood·bye and Ibe "Gold· day afternoon at 2 o'clol:k, at myoId Columbllli, win be o~. of the new en Weddin ... D.s."" was over, The · Bhop a lot of etove trucks. Thue " wri nk les" of entertru nment. Thene co J • mu sidnn~ nnel singers will move from guests departed hopmg that many tru cks are flne for use about the place to place over the grounds and anniversRriefl may come to Mr, and house' for moving heavy articles. entorbLln lJJe crowds. There will be Mrs. Allen. Come and get one, J . H . Coleman. several bands, IncJud'lng the one AmonII' those who were Pl'espnt hendcd by Freel Lower. of Toledo, ' Mr, and Mra. G. W. Hawke, Mr . who will bring John Baxter, baritone were Mr. ani:! Mrs. Chas. Allen, Mrs. fli nger. Ench night $500 worth 01 ~' rank Bevan, Mr. and Mrs. Cecile and Mrs. Jas. McClure, Mr. and Mrs , f1rewor!(s will be set off. Soover, MiKS HS:Lel I\iphart, Geo, Wilson Edwards and family, Misses All of thi ~ .el)tertainment will be Allen. Ca rroll Villars, of Clarksville; Dorothy a nd Kathryn Dakin and Mr. Mrs. Ida Howe, Mrs. Mariet~a Car- Fred HaWke attended a picnic Sun· freo to fnlr VIBlt.ors, pehter, Mr, ,lind Mrs, A, H. Anson, day at the homeot Mrs, Lutie Merri· Harry flowe. of Harveysburg; Mr, hew, at Harveysburg. and Mrs. Hayes Keever, Mr, and Sap Ie Life of Tree. Farm owned' by Peter and Eliza. Snp Is llUll'Ill'.d up t hrough the wood Mrs. Wilt Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Ed AI· to n traG It 111.1 . WIll go through dead . len, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Fulkerth . beth Monfort, deceased, will be sold wood. but \\"111 n'ot roturn by Ule sp me Mr. and M rs, Clarence Allen, M,r. on the premises, miles southwest medIum: 'rlU'I"(,(oro 11 tree may live and Mrs. Ray Harris, Mrs. Orie of Waynesville, on Monday, August until t1I4J rO{'la I;tll rl·e. Sup Il~Cead8 00 tI.e Insldo und descends 0/1 the out· Burgett, Herbert Allen. Lurene 20, a t 20'c1oc.k. Farm r.ontai.ns 97 69 side. Therefore lite dcscendlng sop All en, Walter and Orville Keever, acres, has 8 r oom bouse, targe barn 111000 I.lUl\lls new tl sue 01 wood and of Le banon; Mr. and Mrd Roy Ellis. and other outbufldinga, Is appraised Lark. of Waynesville; Mr. and Mrs. Henry at $90 .per acre, Carpenter . of Centerville; Mr. and Several machine loads of WaynesMrs . W. H. Norton. Mrs. Lucile Armitage, Winnifred and Velma ville people were In Cincinnati Sun· Armltagtl, of Oregonia; ' Leslie Lew· day. Amollg them were Mr. and is. of Dayton ; Ch as . Ellis, Mes· Mrs, L. A.. Zimmerman and.daugh· dames Mea r! Terry, Martha Walker, ter, Mr. and Mrs. C. M, Robltzer, Alice Terry, John Hathaway. Chas. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hage r mye r, Chas. Villers, Geo, Elli s, Marlatt and daughter" MI811 Helen, the Misses Luciltl. Myra and Hilda Mrs. Sarah Zimmerman and Mr. L , Bevan, Estol Haiermyer, Lena Ellis, N. Printz. Emma Ellii • . Vesta and Veda E llis , f,dwin Chandler and wife, Lau· Mildred Keever, Juanta Allen, Mary Allen, Rh ~ a Ellis, Carleton Bevan, renee Furnas and wife, Seth' Furnas James HIlr,ermye'r . Keith Allen, amI' wife, Ed Furnas and wife. S. L. Preston Vaughn. Howard Allen, Cartwright and wife, Mrs. Howell Pierce, Elizabeth Carroll" Ruth Francis and Donald F\ll~ert~, Chandler. Lewis Chandler ' ~nd Lev· ...--~ ering Cartwrhrht went , to Selma, Ohio, Monday to attena- Friends Quarterly Meeting. '

~h~!~~t h~~~e~0~~e8a 8f~~'I~~e ~~:;:~~

FRANK B.CAREY MEN MAY BRING' Op.tometrl.t eyes tested free

nne! HI ight in n hnne! 1'\lIn' l. The$c Thoy were married July 31, 1 67, mcn flir t with denth n t each per· after Mr, Allen had spent three forn~ :U1l'r . years in the Civil Wnr, a lIlember of Hi ldebrand & On1 pony, Ame rl~a's the 19th R" t t ' th leaeling hellvy juggler . , are on the . (.gllne n. en erlng e b il l. With th'm is II woman who bal- service when very young. They are the parents of t e n ch ild. ntlces n motor~ycl~ In filII opemtion . Every difficult trick known to nerlnl ren o thre e sons and !1even dAughters, novell y experts UTO Jlr?rlucc~ hy ~he and they m et on thii day an un. FOllr Roeder~ , who w,1I bring ,,·.th , . them the rl'putnlion or havin ~ b roken family . Mr. and Mrs, Allen nmJl7.ce! 1111 F.urop c. They work on have spent almost all thei r married suspene!ccJ s tll!!e, wiTt's, burs and life in the home in whleh they now ropeR nne! ofFo.· exel'rises thllt cHIi for reside ' the highcRt expresl'io ns of mllscul"r I 1 'dd" I ' h'ld d disci pline une! phl'sical skill . Per- I n II Ilion to t lelr C I ren an sonR who care for , act, in which the I grandchildren, other relatives were perform rs hong by their tce h fine! invited, so t here were 67 present. froli c around over '~ i ro 'yill enj.oy Letters were received from Rev the Helen 1.ench-WaUm TriO, man/po . . ula ors or aerinl contortions nnd nov- Frank McCoy, of Baltlmor..e, Md., cities. Dexieroul! anrl ,In ring fents who olso sen~ a substantial token in mid-air, including rlouble anrl triple with hIS con i:raLulalions; Mrs. bydla somersRultR ~\'hile passing I!llch othol' McCoy , Mrs, Rose bell, Mr . Ringer, on wlros, Will be pres nled by the , 1 Three 1.ordon8. and others. hay were the reclp· Lo,' crs or beautiful equine will ienta of a number of nice present!'! of revel tho sight of five Arabian gold and ai l ver. horses which HoJl/lnd & Dockrill will When the noon hour clime all

Churn ~olcl



DAY AND NIGHT Alway. on the Job TRI-STATE BUTTER COMPANY CINCINNATI. OHIO Never close.s ita doors-Neve r mis~ed a pay day . You r cream is handled immediately upon arrival. Your cream SAFE in our care. When you make a shipment to the Trl·State · Butler Co. you hav.. no fear or worry no matter what the weather Is Ot \"hat may hU]lJien The Trl ,State has ~alned its reputation by eight ytars Fair De~ling wi th nearl y 25,000 cream producers In Ohio .. lndbnll and . Kentucky . Ther e is only ONE ';l'ri State~No branches, stations or cqmmia , sian buyers. ONE LARGE CREAMERY-handling nothing but cream Every transaction direct with the shipper-a fair and equitable sYstem which Ilives you ALL the Profit from your labor, no one 'taking toll trom your effort. FAIRN ESS TO ALL-Favoritl ~m to None Alk any Tri,State patron to ord e~ you Pree Trial cans for 30 days or write dlred. We will send cans Ilrepaid , '.

THE iRI-STAT..E _BUtTER ·CO., CinCinnati, Ohio Capital Stock '78.000.00 RESPO,NSIBL'E, SA..FE. PERIMAINENT


...............·. . . . . . . . . . . . .....................................



,A' Man is known by the ,Company He Keeps-Why not ,a Car!





.Value Obtained through the Efficiency Units Incorporated in the SAXON ~ Thil ta.,le .JwWI the unit. uled in .SAXON Six and in cars sel~ing for more money than Saxon

tin'ntal Tfmken






Cadillac I'Mtlea



Hudaen Chalmen'


V.... Allbuna

Melin ' "

811lt& LI~rt'







Timken , Stromberg Bearings Carburetor

Remy Ignition


Fedders Spiral Bev. Semi· Float Stor, Bat. ,Radiators el Oear Ing Axle "Exlde"

' SAXON SAXON 5AXON SAXON SAXtJ~J SAXON Chalmers Cadillne Fiat Hudson Ha ynel Pierce Arrow Cole Pierce Arrow Chalmer. Packard Parkatcl Slutz> Piert'e Arrow Ca dill AC H. A. L. 12 Stcllrlla·Krr'1 Packald JtrllnklilJ Winton Premitt Jeff.ry Peerlen White Hoyes Slearns KiAie1 Bllick Stud~b"ker White StUll H. A. L . Kissel 12 Pettless Frallklin KJaaI ""Imon Hud soll Chundler Hudson Path611'tr PaiRe I~ ba llll ers H"dson Stutz Ii.A. I.. 12 Pathfinder L.coDloblle Reo Cole Cbalme..upmobile ' V.U. Oldsmobile Ma rmon Au burn Jeffery ~ng.r 1:1 - Chalmerll Mercer While Ki.MII lIIational Wil!tOD p.&.rd Peu.eot Mllehell P.I.e Hlldtop Plene Arr.w Mercer ' Premier Paige Simplex Velie WhIte SAXON ~ Packard Locomobile PierC8 Ano," Cadillac; Pi4,lt ..




I ~.".

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Waynesville, Ohio



_...- - -

Mra, Lins D'e vitt caught her shoe in th e s tone flagging at her hom e Sunday moming 8~d fell; spraining her foot ver)r badly and wrenching her body. _She haa suffered considThe Miami Valley OhautauqQa, erably Bince t heil, but is resting which may be l!8id to be' drawlng to a .c lose, is reachIng that pt\rlod In a some easier Ilt t~~r.eS~Dt time , blaze of glory. the triumph of whIch is'enjoyed by the 'patrons and the management alike. There are stili some big daYII and' tine prolrrams and most attractive feature. . ' On Friday, Augullt lO- lted Cr~1/8 Day-thsaatii receipts go to the Red Cross. Tbe little giant. lecturer, preacher Mrs. Mary Waterhouse WI\8 taken and orator, 'C linton N. Howard, one to the Miami Valle., Hospital las,t of the really great men. IIlara of the week, where an oper.ation was per aB80tnbl~ograrn, An Intellectual. , formed. ' Shl~ ill getting along fine. moral an spiritual giant, He took I and her frle~ wIab forber .1J)eed~ the place 01 William J Bryan at the recovery. World Peace Meeting In ChleapBDd fairly thrilled the great audieDeeof






....~I~- . . .,




. . thoUlllld

This Strombe'rg carbur.etor for Ford' cars Is guaranteed to save to, '8 026 on gasoline. El,t her Carage w I fit same . , on your ca~ and if Vqu ~re not. satisfied of the big savln~ will replace your old one.

a. will

J. B: Chapm~n


THE 5e, . tOe AND Fruit J a.r Fillers. '..... • ..••. , . • . . . . .. Fruit Presses, ~ .... , ... . , ... , ... . , , ., Crystal Sealing Wax, per pound .. , .. ,:. Extra Heavy Mason Rigs. per doien: '. . , leUy Glasses• .per , ~ dozen., ..• ~ .•• •. ~ Dippers. Tin or Enameled Ware ... : .. . Spoons, tin. Dc; He.vy Tin, enamelecL. Knobs for Kettles, Cover, etc" ~ dQlell, Lemon Squeezen ............. , . . . .• ..

lOe lOe


IOe 15c

tOe tOe 5c lOe

Fly Traps: Fly Paper; Swatten: each', •." IOe !pO'WIa



Y (l r



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I'R(,Pt l~ nI! I N CU~


\\ . :5 ·\(1-\11 el l ",\ '1, I

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1111111 II Was

N ~nrt:r


~o lilt inn



C"un('il ml't in AlIel'ia l Refl, ion MOI luay ~ v ·ning . ttl d iscu ~H th lipht pr o Jlo ~ ition: R.. pr stlntst iveH of Ihe Day l on Power & Lh.: ht C" , W('re un hand, \lnd th e p r "po~ition was prelly lhoro u'j(iJly di lll'u .~ed SI!ve ral of th member. of council did not fllvor th e fon:ilm nm plln)" but, althoul{h no vol o was tak e n on the p Topo~i t inn, th o tllik ~ hnw e d that a major ity of thl.' m mb'rs are in . favnr of pelling to the above com pany. The proposition as it sland t day Is that we lire ei the r t o hell com pletelv out or else dpend a lot of money fixing up the local plant. The facta have been given frequently through theae columns, and it is not neces9ary to repeat .. them at th p pre~e nt time. 'omething will have to be done, however, before fall, as lhe coal pro\) I~ il ion ' \8 ~o m e thing that hn tn be dulv considered (f .the result haa to be le ft t o th", people to vote 0", the 8(Joner it Ii! don o th~ BOoner we will 1J1l\'e b e lt~r service in any case. A twenty · f our hOl)r service can be given. either by ~l!lIIng out .. I' by putting In the wal or· power svstem. The water'nOWf'r system will probat)1y put the town inlo dflht $80.000 or leas, hnl the main poin~ j~, shall we opilrate nu r own ,,~' slem o r shall we sell Oil! '!


- ..---

British King at ,FTont Wears Steel Helmet

__ _ o

Ilr \) 11 1, D. II,/, p:u h 2 1 S L l'b:\llUll. Oh io

Myc r I-lymAn WIlRII bu in Cinc·innali MClOll ay.

vLi it l r

thc 111 -

"'e rn Cooper. of Mllso" . '.V hS theweek·enrl ~u"ljl. nf Mr. IInrl l\l rs. I!:a rl Gray . Mr. and Mr EI. R G. ero R spt·nt tho week end wi th r elatives at An,elia, Oh io. Mr. and Mrs. Walte r HeE'd, of Cincinnati. spent unday with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. I1arnett. . Miss Mary Hawke. o f Lebanon , Apellt a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. Mi ~8 Katherine Prendergast. of the GAze tte force, III speno inll he r vacation with friend s in Lebanon

Mr . and Mrs. W. H . Allen, Miss Olive Allen anl l MiS:! Leti tia McKay attend ed the Cullett·McKay picnic Saturday. Mias Elizabeth Wdge, of Cincinnati , 'arri",ed here 'j1hur~rlIlY for a visit at t he home of Mr. C. W. Barnett and family . HarrlR, Mrs. Laura Mosher and Midred Esther Hende r~ on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bunnell and Mn. M. A. Pierce, at Leban on, Ind " and Mra F. H. Farr motored to S[Jringb'lro, Monday afternoon .

Cou~ci1men Frank Zell and W. N . Sears. Mayor H. E. Hathaway, and Public Ser' J. W. White went. on a tour of Inspection Friday afternoon to Xenia. Osborn and' Dayton. Inspecting the Dayton Power & Light Co . 's plants.

Wyt.chaete Ridge which ......! recent', by the Brit\lh attack

Farm owned by Peter and Eliza· beth Monfort, decea.'1ed, "ill be sold on the premises. BY. miles southwest. of Wayne9vill e. on Monday, 'Au l{ ust 20, at 2 0' clock • . F,ar.m Ilontains 97 69, has 8 room house, 'Iarge barn and other outbuildings, Is appraised a1'$90 per ·aere.





NOT FORGET that we have purchased , the Carey 'Harness Business, and are always ready to' supply .all your needs .We ' have retained 0. · W. in " ~bis l1in~. Hamilton, who will be pleased to see . . . you ~t any time... We _ have in ~tol'k, everything kept in a first.c'lus Harness Store. '-





UI' d








BOYS WERE ADVANCED And W ill Milke Gootl, As All Are HII~llcrs and Good Sludents

Zilll nl~ " "' ,l ll

'flol' uo.vs Ii Ca mp I{unyan are nil loo)l' il ,g fine now, nfter their several f ::,', k -anna n 'p"1l1 II f,,\\" d:l) ~ "al'c ina lions, Par a lime t hey were .v,tlr ,<!I" ;II"~ in l"': tl"din~t n , ()hio in II uad way w ith sore arms, but th ey are roundi ng in shape and are Mi',;s ~I:l ri,. BrC)lI'lir . uf IJ B~· ton . r r.ady f or th e stren uous work of The rcorl::lIlizct\ and ~quip pell Gr eek Army. wl!ich the Fre nch h ~\'e gi,·.n lI ew ho pe anti il1 5p ira tl(' u 3n,1 trailli , " II nn~ !ead~ 10 meet the enemy slluuld th ere IJc, allY .III'U !OIl o f t he domains o f Ihe great fighters o f on e,li aeval tim,·s. Thi, W i., II r ,(,,11'1 g ll \'-; t II t II 11 0m of I.:arning th e I1 rt of a rms. . slnlcing Iltetu r•• how~ it batte ry readi' fo r OCIIOII 0 11 a h'lI O\'~ r too kin K A l htll5. once Ihe Aowe r city o f the ncar I~a< l. In I: r, 'l'h Ulll b. e ve r a l of the boys have been II!" mIdst or the an ,en t nllIlS. the Gr •.~k h a~ tak e~ 1,, 5 "1~ ll d willi the !>, noram ic' picture 10 re ,n lnd him of U; c d «!Js , d vcry si ck. especially Raymond GephLS (orebeN..s. O n the crCllt 01 the lull 111 Ihe 1111d oil" -!iit::nr.::. 10 tWo 0\<-. "",I", ",G '.h. ~ lorir' IJ I ,"Cl"JI\ ~ Ia ~ ... li~;; ,\ lil'l' r henoweth. of em.'s, ha rt, who hlld a bad attack of pneu. II ick . is vi ~ iting wit h re lali ves in La maniA, and for a time his life was l,'n lHllilll!. Ind des paired of, but he Is getting a g rea t deal better. He is at his home E(I ThOll1lCl and fu'nily. of Route in Lytle . Jt is very gratlfy!nA' to their friends -I, ~pe /1 t th wllt!k·end with Siuney at home to see their boys making li nd ~'iq lJa relati\' s. such proR're~s . Last week Jesse . Prendergast and Hug h Ridge were III I'. Hll d MrH. II , J . Ll I killS, of made lance corporals. J e88e takea Mr . and MrH . Gellrg e Robertson uayton, ~ lIen t T hur day wi th Mrs. <:q uad 4 , and Hugh hs..'1 charge ot · The Anest crop of wh at rui ed in entertaln~d ti t ~ir.n e r t:illnday Miss J . S. Ha r tsoc k, '71,)" 1'0 uld. "I 'V II t\ \a:e J("Y l' anoi fnm ily . qu ad 14. Arlie Roll. Tom Hutchin' Bert ha : toneml~n . of Lebanun, and Wayne< TOlVn. hip so fa r as heard tor pcrator ill th ' nCII" cu ur,ly Bon; Floyd Roland. Sam Reed and Mr Fred Hawke , from , Wile thre hed la t Friday at building . haa buen r in~u lar ly li nn Mr !II d ~ I ' A th Z II f C· Donald pilatush were made ser· I R. T ur e . 0 In· geants . . the hom p nt Prank Thomas. Ever or d lJY t he ludcpcl1llellt Or, ll'l" of . I ' . 1 The 8th Squad was called in camp since whelll beR'anto head. passers by The "Jolly Matrons," wi th their Odd Fellows. lt o:centiy Ill' I'ecel\'cd ' l1l1mli , Rileot SunllAY a t th e home of uegan to notice thi E fi eld of wh eal. hu ~ bands, were highlv entertlli ned in t oken of rp.gard UIl U est e m a M r an·t! ~ I l'>i .Jolln Z\JI I. t\ the "lazy squad." but by a strange and a ft er it was cu t the hoc ks were at the home of Mr and Mrs. W. 1<: . solid g old frat ornal pin f ror lt "'ycoi ncidence fiv e ou t of the seven stan di ng thick all over lhe fi eld, and O'Nea ll Monday evening. were advanced . . . oming lodge. No . I O~ , Waynesv ille. Mi. ~ Etlwl lI ame;; . who has h een Co rporllis J e5se Prendergast and estimates weri! made on th e crop Oh io, what is k no~vn t o a JI OJd I·'el· 'p end mg' seve ral d ay with r elnliv s , Hugh Ridge, and Private Forest Crom 48 to GO bushels per acre. 101'0'8 as the vet e ran 'S j ewel. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith enterThe fi eld was dIvid ed by t h e drive· Riuge spent a few hours with home Mr . Hartsock has been a m ember in Lebanon , i8 ho me again. way and part of t he wheat was on tained III 6 o 'c lock dinnor Saturd ay of the orJf1r fO I' 50 ,years lIud i. t he f(llks Saturday afternoon and eyetobllol!o 19n11 and pari on cor'n land . eV:cning, Mrs M. A. Pierce and Mt', Iilh.lest meml)er in , art'en county . Frl'derlck I ouil ze r ll)1ent a f e w nlng. Mr. Thomll/( fe rlilized th e wheat ami Mrs Ezra Bunnell. of Lebanon, \'II ynesvllle, whe r he lived furm .t ar A lust weelt with the 'l'homas bo),!! It II! nQt known how 800n tho b?Y9 when he !jQwed it, and thA eno rm llus Indiana. er!y. Few [Jersons ever liv to wea r on the t,J pper prin n-lJor o Pike will he moved outh. but IIccord!f1.g lo the papers the concentratIOn yield show~ that it paid. The Wheat: ' ''' . t he veteran's j ewel. At t hlS ti l'ne, Mr and Mrs. Tom Cuurtney had Mr Hartsock is ~he only living per· when threshed averaged 57 % bushels camps will not be ready before tho Geo rge Robertson, of route 5, is 25th of this month. to th e acre. 'l'here we re 14 acres in as their gueats:s unday . Mr, Ilnd M rs. Ron in the city honored in that manpointinj.( his house find otherwise the fiel d , making 80S bushels anr! 45 Ezra Bunnell. oj' Lebanon. Ind . Mrs . ponnd s of wheut when sold . - .. Cora Baker and daughters, o f WiI· With the j ewel came r ecently a improv ing his newly acq uired farm . Emer on Surface thre!<hed the mington, Mr. and Mrs , F. H. Farr long communication from WYJminl< crop and Georlle E Carnahan bought Bllli Mrs. Ida Stokes. IodiN, st.uLlng that Mr. Iillrtsock i Lnst - A SfT1(til black leathe r puroe, it at ,2 28 pe r bushel. th e only living membe r of his en· $ 150 in money, some where nn Main This was a tine crop orin bro ugb t Mesdames Edith Harris and Lau ra tran ce olass. The woll wl8h~s of the ~ t r() et . Findor leave ,li t Farr's s tore. the own ~r a tidy sum of money: The C:Ompton-MlIls reunion will be Mosher enter tained a t a 6 o'clock lodge men of Wayne vi ll e augm ont held at the Caesarscreek Meetlngdinner Tuesday evening in honor (If lhe good will of the local m el1lber s Mr . and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer and Miss Mildred Hartsock. The little of the order, towa rd tho old rnel1l iJ'r. Ihe Misses Ctlytha Macy Bnd Aelen hou8e. south of New Burlington, on folk" thoroughly enjoyed the evening Two 80ns of Mr. HarLsocl( tlr~ m m· Ma r latt wer e Dayton visitors Tu~ · Sat.urday, September I, 1917. by playing games. bers of th o locallod go. - prlJ1gfield day. I News.



.----_.__ . . - . ,




--- _. --_.----




Silveral of Itllst year's '''Llnger , The council was called Tuesday evening lit the Mayor's offi~e t o con sider th e do nation mad e by the Hill, crest Park men to d onate a strip of JMJ off . Qf .lpe addition, thereby widening the street at this place The council accepted the donation with a vote'o f tb'a n ks .

THE HA1HAWAY REUNION The thirteenth annual reuniun wa B held at the beautiful country home of Mr, and . Walter Janney , Wavnesville. Ohio, nn August 2, ]917. Owing to the lJO\ weather and busy season the attendance was small, but those who had th e privilege of attending enjoyed it imm ensely Games and amusemehls were pro· vided for 'all The for enoon was spent in pre· paring the uountifulleas t which wa spread 011 t.ables on the beautiful front lawn , In the absence uf th . president and vict! p reSIdent, Mrs. J enn ie Phil·lips. wall asked to talce charge of the 'program. After t he election of officers f or th~ following year the usual treat of ice cream and cake was enj oyed by all. II WaM decided to hold the next meeting at the home uf Mr. and Mrs . Everett Runyan, at Dodds , Ohio. We thank Mr, and Mrs. Janney for their ho pi tali ty. n


;\11'. :->1"'1'1 1 til IJyku, 11<1 fun, il )", of J ~ Ico 11 , \ i~ i l"t! Ii 're J'U l'<lI , IY

.I r




'ol utnll u

~ I t· .LIlt! ~lrs 1 · 11'1~. <: ra w ford we re \111 " " Ii'll ,'r;; Sunday. '


Mi ~

Mrs. Edith Mosher, Harris Hartsock And were in Dayton

lIIun iH ill

I. N ('r inl? vi.<itl'd wi th 1'I'laliv s 'lI:lI It.. llhr'I,,11 SIII1, la\ .

Mr . W. II 'AII "rllll ,d famil y Il rf'iI'ctl lo on1l' from t ht! C' huu t nuqua F rit h y

Mrs Harriet E . Furnas arrlvel! home from Cordell, Okla, Friday She reporta _the weather very hot and dry in the \)' est, but there had been a little rain before she started lor home.



' Mr . nml Mr~ W. II Alle n Cincin n ati visltur s 'I'lI e c d llY


Z l rn ll ' ~

t ,d~.\

i ll('~;

Mr. and Mrs. Warner Pierce and Bon, of Toledo, arri ved h er e last week flr 11 two week's vacation. They lett Friday morning for Kentucky, where they will visit with relatives

The new British steel helmet b nbne

L .\.

,I. M. Cr,l)k nnol F ... ,rI C; .. nq wr r l;' CIIlcin nllti vi ~il o r~ I"rid a.,·

Mis9 El len ~ h rwnorJ. mun & Cu ' M Bto r E'. vacation .


-~---- \Y

1I 11'I1d

Dr Geo. U. Shaeffer; representing the Army, and Secretary Sheridan, of the State Medical Society, ad· dressed the Warren County Medical As ociation at Lebanon Tuesday.

too common amonll' the ,"Tommies" in "ranee (or Klnlr George. He wore \Jne t1urinlt hIs re<:ent visit to the 'renchCl. The KlnS i~ ahown here on

lJreek Army Uetends AnCIent . i""1IllS and t<uins' ot Athen.

W ilY .

Mts , Sarah Zimmerman. Mrs . L. A. Zimmerman and daughter, Misil Katherine Prendergast and Marshall Haines attended the Chautauqua last Friday.


Whole Number 3440

J 5, 1$'1/



"'""tyS"'''i.,'''d.ntH •••• nn., tifies the Gllzetie t hat a repreaenta tive of the State University will be at [,ebanon Grange Ball on Saturday, August 25, 1~17, for the purpose of demonstrating in the !lanning busl ness. H . E . Warwick and John A. Blair have ' allftlifit'd their Intentions of sending a girl on the Washington trip ' who will do the fines.t bit of canning. 'All girls in the county under '18 yearl! of age clm compete. Go to Lehan'on on this date, young glrl&. and get tips so that you q1ay be able. to get the Waahinjfton trip free. '


P. O. TO BE MOVED The postoffice will be moved Sat· urday evening. August 18, 1917, to' the new loeation in the Harris build· I nf;el'lOna ' recelvinw mall from box SI 't o 208 will retain the ame boxes. ThOl8 receiving mail from 1 to 59 will call at office as early as posaibl. Monday to H1ect nlw box.

. Biped,

IIar1 E.1W1IbQrJ. IIOtlnc p. M.


Long er'" camper's went bac\{ there ::!unday and had a fine time. Swimming wa~ the order of the afternllon. after which a ti lre was made and a ' fineluncbeon was served. I

I Mrs. Laurence I


A very pleo!!ant afternoon lVas

The re is an epidemic of sm all pox In layton, Rnd consequ ently th ere are many so re arms, resul ti ng fr om vac. cination . Mr. nnd Mrs , Nel Ro n !'if arick and Mi ~s Ruth BarriR. of Dayton. spent Sunday with Mrs. Alice McKinsey and dau ghte r .

ZIMMERMAN'S ~SeECIALS THIS WEEK Water Melons, Canteloupes, Peaches Lemons, Oranges, Baoanas

spent at t he h orne of 'h . Furnas, Friday. Augus t 10, wh en a I r qr? I ~. a plan O~l, (oa t t o. me r~e New Mild Cheese, jolly bunch ga th ered in response t o Ithe \ I l llll nt::t~n ~o,1 go WIth t hn Mi s~ Aa.l Iie Devol, of Leominster, Wafer Sliced Dried Beef, an invitation to a pa l'cel sho we r, Lebano n Un tver Ity. 1~lIs t week Mass , arri ved Tuesday for a vis it Mince Ham. Bologna given In h onor of Miss Lucile Hor - ca1~e th e n IVS that t he. L ho non with her C(IU Ri ns, Mrs J . W. White mell, wh o~e marriage to Mr. W,illi! University WOUld. h.~ve to o lsban!1 on and F. H. Farr. Mothers Onls, plcgoo 10c McMill an is to take place Augus t 29 . 8~coun t of th~ I .!~ k of f ll nd THld Kelloghs Cnrn Flakes. pkg., 10e Although the cro\vd was rather slI1ce th lli\ Wllnllnl>loll 1"1, 1"' 11" 11 IOc P ost ToastiAS, pkg" Miss Alma Wa te rh ous p was in small . the sh ower Wile Quite Ii. rtlin. busy to merp;e I he two col\~"cs . .I t N ational Co rn Flakes, pkg., IOc vi Riting her and after partaking of re freahme nts lloo ks now a lhuu~h the (,1 el llll s Day to n Thursrl ay. Puffed Wheat and Rice, and look ing over' the pl'eEen ts, the , wou ld be 60 11 0 com[JIIltcrl and th e mothe t', who , we are g lad to say, is lIe tti ng alon g' ni cely. pkg .• only 15c gue~tl\ fir st bestow ing upon Lucile m er~er r~\ade . . " Wheat H ear j;a and Saxon,pkar. 16c their congratulations a nd best wishes, It ts saId ~h!lt flJr SO l1l0 t m \ : It h~s d epart ed . beton t he opmloo of uducawrl! til t!u Mr . anrl Mrs , 8 zr tl Bu nnell left for Wal rus Salmon. a can, 25c _ __ • ._ _ _ part of the etu te lha a cone n trllLlo n t.heir hom' in Lebanon , lod. , Tues. 2 cana for 15e Sai-Jlnes, 'of ed ucationul fo rce~ ill t his sccLion (lay m orning. ufter spt,mding a few Half-pound Tuna. can, 15c would be a progressiVe 6tep. that t he weeks with rela t ives. Fancy .Head Rice. lb., only 10c req uirements of the comm u nityco ulrl 5c Argo Star r-h, pkg., only be botter erved by II un iun of f rees In times past th e fd enol lie~ t of r l!la Mrs. Ca lvin Ha Iley and da ug hter, Huy your Sc rap Tobacco here, tions have always e::d"t ed Letll'een Cleah . at AnI! ArhorM iph- " we, llave r)\ e n~y o~ 5c' packages: the two coll eges. . guests of Mnl Ali ce Mc Kinsey and l X , 2a nd 2;~ oz, pkg. only 6c The losing of th e Lebatltlll unive t·. uaughter, Miss Hen rie tta. . ' Hig pkgs ., 3X oz. at 3 p·\(gs . 26c Rity will be an ir c o tive f or I,u pil:! t o enter t he fr e No rm ul cla,;.~ ill ullr Mrs Cal [) adl ey and M rs leo S tar Tobacco , II pound, only 50c 'f'he annual reuni on of School Dis Norm al department Ilt Wayl1c:;vill e No r ton an d d !l u"h t~r. MisH I\uth, of trict No. 9. learcreek Township, Studen ts who gradu a te hl! ru Hre a l Ann Aruor. Mich .. are th e gnesLs of 6c M8 lches; Big IJox , un l' Warren Co.u nty ~>. Ohio ,. gl;lneral!y most certain of ob Lalnin g sch o.ol s Mr . an i Mrs Frllnl< Zell . worth 7.e known rut r tv e J ~tnta Dtstrlct, WIll after the ir g raduation . It will be be helel at the r csldence.of Mr. and better, th en . in the long run , fo r SPECIAL SALE, FOR 3 DAYS ONLY Mi Mar)' La teh8rt1 , MrH . Lydia Mrs. Wil l Gray. one mile n orth of students to enter he r . Thursdav, Friday, .saturday Killian and th e M l'H;\ r~ Wrn and prinlrboro, on Springboro anu Day K irks £i'lal<e White, Pels , P . & Goo Hnut. L a~ h ley spent las t !-' unday with ton pike, ancl near School House No t:its r, Hub·No More, Sunny Mon· MI'. Doan Brackney au d family. 8 There will be the usual basket dl!Y , I vo ry Soaps, dinner, f ollowed by a Fhort business 10 Bars for 5Sc session an d proRram The comMr. and Mr ~. Al u r t Wilkerson Lenox Soap. 10 Bars, 45c. mittee in charge desires all - friend s and two da ughtars roturnerl to th eir of DiHtrict No 8, to consider t hem· home in LJllvton. Sunday, after This Sale for only 3 days. Now selves includ ed in this invitation. spendinl{ u weuk wi lh Mr, 11. H. is your chance to loy in a supply Let eV,ery one Interested co'm e ready Wilker. Oil a nd family. 'or The Best Soaps at Wholesale to add to the general good fellowship Prices. . of the occasion, Remember the .I r. aneI IIIr.. B. S . Howen are date, August 25,1917 . . Bring us you r Chickens and Eggs On J uly 14th Mr'. 1\lbert Berres heading ug ain f (l J" Ohio, alte r spend We PIlY the Highest Prl.c es, -----.~ -and Mis!! Audrey Thoillpsoo IV l;Il1t to in K cveml w t- ks on thei r ranch on cash or trade. RememberNewport, ICy .. w here t h y were Mo bile Hay. Th ~y made their son, It pa va to trade' at ma rried. The young cou ple came Dean, flf the U. ::! . Navy at Pensa· baCK ho me immediately and !l id not colo,rla .. a viR i~ last IVpek. They reZIMMERMA~'S . anno~nce the' facl, that they were port a lot of I'Rin during the past t \VO , marru!d for se\'eral dIlY !. The weeks. --youn g married couple are very Several from this placo attended popular among thei r frie nds Mr , the Caeaafscrt!ek Quarterly Meeitinll Herres ii a prom ising young f a rmor, last Saturday. They were: Rev. lind son (I~ Mr .. and Mrs . . Wenzel Herrel! , Mrs J"bn McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. ~nd hIS brIde has been a successful Frame and son John and Ilchool tearher, daughte r 01 Mr. and g.ra~ddaughter, Marr, ·Mrs. Esther' MrtI , J ohn Thompson The Ga ~ette Stout, Mrs SUllan allyallt. Mrs. e~tend s to them .Its . cong rat~latloI1B .. Adda KerrIck Bnd Frank Elbon. -'' ~y~U can save money by bu ying a lot in The meeting was largely attended.











tHE' Se,


----.-..- - -



There will be I,llpeeial communleation of Wa,neavllle Lad•• . No. 163 Work on the new bulldinl[ on Main F.... A. ' M. 'J;'hunday ennin,.; street ia progreaaing rapidly. and 1 AUIrUit 16, 191'7, at 7:30 o'clock. from the outlook tbe buihilng will be Work In lb. E. A. dqree. AU 10· ready for occupancy at the time joumina' member. and viaiton cor· , previously mentioned In the Gazette. Tbe cement foundation was begun dlaU,lnvited. D. L. loday, theexeavatlonaare completed. SIc', I aDd the worklabeinaPlllbed rapidly.



AND · 25c


Way~e~vi11e, Ohio but,

YOU can save

more money by trading' at the

5 c-l 0 c-2 5 c Specialist fn Barplna



1 . 't


I "



1 II



r I

.1 "




\\ 11' II I'jl


I .. IJl,ufblll,1

tin' I \. ihl' "'11\(1"11 ,IH '1 t • I h(.. ~ III l lOllt u ).! lUlTt·m ... \\,1",1 ' It It,ll" I ,nllu·tI r(-'f't , ": :~ htdtlt' U ;1 ,'Hlli ll .. Ht f('\'1 t ~, 'loW t Iw Wt 'I't~

1 jllr, ,:

~ \"1'

t Itt' ~h n rt' h ll l 't I"ldlt I.. ,\\' h l' . wllC' rr Is II ',' "(; 1111('. "h '!" Htli'P ~h ",.I' lil~ h.·,,01 kuo"itlJ{ I\,. " 1'1'''1111111\' 11,1' h(',,,·,· g(,U \I'll !tell It ulT." ' . "YPR, IlI1t 11 .1 H '" l' \'('r 1II1 I',' ll lol' I.""t J hll(f III liN 1'111 Itl'!' 11/'011 11 01 Till, 1I""t

C"ll'ln J!;d \I' r(I~ V~ 1 he L IIlmow n I l lin P"rdel" (hloe .. tiecl, '1'0 "1 q ui .. ~. tll l13 'I'll 0 lel'lI n l'l: Pllpe r 'ompllny VB 'rh e Fr, okll/) COld ed P"ve r lIo. ' '''11 ( ~cttl 1I nud disUli8eeu wl'lloll~ I r . ollr(\ H. Will'l" UII 'hrIH t,. trn~toe, fo r t h e Morruw Hullillg Mlllt:! Go, VII Th e . P Bo "l e '~ 1!:1l't' lr/O Co 'l'rllHteu 1I!10 W . •• d $7,12, d J. M ny Uouuwin VB Ltli m ODlI (Jl)od · win. D\o.·O/'oo IIncl r OHI,o rtlt\ on t o ho r m nltlAI\ Dlltll"', lIloy 1:l 01l11ll g ro ntod pIli! lIilI (~ E'o r f{" L ('bouo k Wt15 r ou p pot o . tid Utlpu\ ' ()I~ rk o f Oll ur l@ Tho In(lrmllry llUlllll lI 1I O Diml ~. ,Io n for \\'lI rrl U 0 unl\·. ,I, A I<lIn \' ltn. '. C . ~~IlIIl,I<, Ho'\\,ur(\ :-;. '1111. over II nd BIIIl~ (l"II'~"e8 WO I e (~ lInb 11I1)W(ld Hi" II II pll r tl,,1 ·OIllI I6U" ,, · Lio n t o r t l ..l lr tlbrvic£' B In tl lf) er o· ~io n o f ~hc Inlirm r y hUlld lng ,' (l~ 11l h H ull )!' 10 k nil )w .II1 SIU I f or I\dditiutl nI ole r k hI r e iu 11l 10. Dun P 1-1 Oil . olo rk o f 0 urtP, II I· Iuw\ld 'ii~O . 6111t~ 'w II lldlll IJ/Jul ."Iuw· duee f ur '. ~ I e r k hlro in UIl5 Frflnk U. Mi ller u n fll lllltJO lIlI1 nl lownn , 6 (,f 'l~1. 21l fo r tb tl yeu r 1!l15. In Ih u militor o f IlIJPIl('.11 Io /:1 0 1 I' ll 1I'l p!,, ~ . MoOU II<, C,J U Ilt.\' .. u(!t l o r , for n o Ildllitlonsl"lIolV tl nou forol c rk :ii I I lIt1llit~ lo n "l nlloweu, Mu r ifl Mullonl , ox ac ntr i x , ,,'" Mllr l .. Mu lfo r 'lllt u l. b lli o of r elll e!!tllte COU.firWAfl. L o ul b". C" II' lIlIm, udminl stru,tor I'a W l:f Mil le r at .. 1. Ui ~ t, ribul Io n orde/' s d. l'beouore 1:5 homltlter VR COVI'IJ Con trnc t\')n vo. et 0. 1, De te nd~ntl! g iv 'd au duys 10 whlob t o ple ad. W . ' h ps ler Mnpl~ . tru ~teo for R o bauon. J . TicbllDor VB A . M 'Brown et III, . .In<l g nwnt. t or pl~l n tifY in !llel


su ruOI'''' .9U.J . 7.

s\I "tnt'c. ':rht'

\.' ~ I'I: II:Hioll


l ut'


wntt fll"· hl\i~. A I'\fU l\'1l Sh' Ull1-.. hmlt Willi jnuIIlH ei hl\ ...l 1Il1.l fnst " " \lt r I'h. ·h~ Ilnd \\lh l'"unllitH: 1 l(lt"ft~1r w'lth H ,·tll ll\. ll\ ·l~ w id. 11 '1 1\"" lIh '.·0(1,.,1 It :o IH II'1


l k 0Adam.r ran~. ",,/..~;



1'01'01\'('1' III Iltl' 11 11'• • \H ~'hlll liS I" . aw rnu IH.~ btl ).mu ' I II WH\' l' It l:i ilI' I1l6 \'10' l entl ~· 111111 11(11111(',1 I ., I h"I'(\ (,lher 6/1' ures ('r()u dll'ii Oil I he 9 t k.

U OPP ' 8 I/l U/,!1I t't11lj! Ull t JlI\lU 1111\1 ,"eu r . "How are we gOin g 10 h uut thIs 8k lrl lollowell n ml'lUL'n t IU{ (' r h~\ 1\ h)'6. ~YI'I'BY?" demanded K ul ~rh"r '1'1''' :cl'ku l "lgJ,!'le whl('h I r<' CUj!lI iZl'{) n~ 1.11 ' 110'5. J)atJ trIIdget1 lIorthward tor a rew mo· Whll 1 s ntl\c',l a wn ~' II~ h.. -\lly a < mellls. p s l!Jlc In o r(l r to hI' .\\11 nr rall j!!' \Je. "Just hUnt," I replied "n~lI el y, too torc ho '011101 'lI ~ ht 1I1l 0lllcr " ,ulL' b, T busy With my thoughts to ronsld ar I1l n hl!lIr<l Ill1n su y In n c lll l;l;,11 fll l.ctto, Qucstlon seriously. " ' uc-l w Ihl'co t ur M.,III·!" "'1'bls IIln 't r ogull1r.... objected K ent. 1 dld not h!'nr "hn t "I ~ IIIl 11111\ t~ ,,1~ckJllg ill> bJs pllce. "Wo OUl;h t 10 orler l1c('ull ~O 1 ,.:ot out 'f 'nr~h\1 1 a ~ tl'all tho old dnme by he r foolll rlntll. tiooil nR pos.lllle. .\ t el\' 1111 I!d re<I Did you noUeo any footllrillts nrouud )'onl!' on tbe Iruit !Jllck 10 tlUl b('llsP the bouseT' K ent Joi ned m e. W e Ilfo~e('<1 rd Tndlan ''No. J didn't thInk to look." "Well, let'. go back Rlld hn ve a fn s hlon s \l e ptly for u while. Jl8ek," Flnnlly he rU ullllllted : "It's 81lr As that coInCided wltb tb e me lh orls Queer how I forgot n iJout. ber nnd blm o t rea.onlug 8l'Opted by the dctecU\"es being on tbo Islall(1. Ir It hUlIII'L !Jeell 10 the bo.t !!ellers, 1 agrced. nnd we for them " 'c ",no (loI n!; 011 (>. r sup· retrllced our ~oolstep8 to the honse. poso we'll lin I' 10 go l)1\~le to I h ho use . "You seem to know a gooo deal and hcgl n all I' r r ogu in." about detective methods," 1 sold, wllh "No more foo lprlnl.," I IIIRIHted mock admiration. . hIl 8t11~·, "n-C'1I j\IRt h unl ns 1)111111 a ln ll · "Yeb," be I'tlsponde4 fl crlonsl,; ''1 tOllr hunters n nd cut Ollt Iho (le lccUI'o OIIgbt to. I've ~n chaBed by some ot ' 8tua." the best detectlvell In Now York.'; K en t wna \' Is lbly crestfollen . 'l'ben be added proudl" "I bod BUrDs 'SUdtln/il y the muOled r [lOrt ot a guD .atter me once." reacbed our ears. "Under her window Is tho 6rst p lo ~o "Tbcy'''e t Ollud ber," 611 ItI f< nt to look,,' said Keot, allv wllb In tcr- , wlUIOUt en tllu s ln s m. "Let's /:0 bnrk." eet now In the scheme, "Wbere did I hes itated, J bnted to fn ('c r,ucllo 8be slooD.7" ' atter tbe rid iculous Bcene ot 0 s bort J plcked out tbe . wIndow or Mrs. I tlmo lleforc. FluRlly t aSRenlcd. G reen's room. ftJld we carefully searCh. , Wilen we reached the hOll s 110 one ed the wet ground undorn elllh by light- was 1n slgbt. ~ matebetl.. "l'roba!Jly upetnlrs pllttlng Ih e 0111 "Iln~t It more probobl o 11lItt sbe dame to bed." K ent Sftill . would como out by the door?" .1 8ug· I w cnt up, rOllpen 0 11 i\(rs. Green'8 -"teel "Sbo 'eould ne,'cr climb froID d oor lind entered. Th ere WfiS ho sign that ileeond IItOry wIndow." ot her. Puzzled, I w~nt dowL1 sllllrs. "Sure IIbe conld,,' ho BSsrrted. "Sec "Nol)ody tbero." I nn no\lJ lI'~d t o that rain pIpe h ore? I t goo!' nlongslde Kent. bar window. A lad y li ke h er cOllld Just nt t bat m oment thero WA S 1\ .bin U(I olld d own thot lik e II IUOUSC," lIOund outsldc, a nd I looked out to soe 8omo,,'a), tb o "I('\uro' ot mr [utnre Luelle and Dopp aITh'lng. mother·ln·lnw (l hop",ll t rhJklll1l tip "Wen," s lgbed LUOllll, "wllcre'l! aDd 'do1\'o R IInrl'\'W wntrr pIpe WAil mother7' beFODd nty1runs:Jlln lh II. "Whe re did you put bp.r'" I conn· "Look he-:e!" U;cillir ICC' III) ' VOl1lllflll ' tered. tou, polntfn,: to tit€' grounil III fro ut ot "11" c.lclllimed I,u cUe. " I hoyell't him. uta that or IR It not thl' 1)I' Iut (If seen b er." • lady'. s boo?" "Haveu' t seen 1I0r ?" Ke nt luterJect. 1 Iook~ Th~r II'nR (,('I'! 'I111 1," ' n eeL "Tben who tired tllo ra \'oll'er?" fOotprtnt there, 8mI It ~n ll "!IInl! /l U.' "Dtdn 't you ?" hlte l')losell Ropp. 1Ia.ITOW'. 4'No." "If. fre.h too: You cltn tt'll I"" Ih( ''''' ho dId, Ih en?" wltb Burtelt'll OJ>· mud that It'l been mAcl c ,,1 ,·(,(, I!J pl'tlllenlllon. 1leaV7 rain. Old footprInt s ",nll !(1 MI' K cnt p Icked u p the gUll rrCl rn tbe bt!en walhe4 Clut any bow." table ond broke It. Ix landed cnr· ThIll 11'11 ~ro eDOugh ren ~" ":' !;:' . trldges dropp !\l out. Kent atarie4 to walk In ti ll' ,:il'CI't h" . "ThIs conn oll nlll't IlCon fired'" ho that the toot\lrlntll Icd . nn(1 I r I !;ll\'p.l laid, IJlIlffing lhe hA rr I. All at ooce Kent stepped lin, I III f ro,' . We looked nt oll e nnolllnr wltb eral matcbCII all in one pi nel!. 'fri g htened eyes. "'hilt UJl~eC II force "I thlll!t I' ve 8olvc(\ th m y" I I 'I'~: ' WIIS playing pnlllks Oa us? \oI1'8t tllp. he '!lId. bending Over tbe 18 1111. "\1111 dlsRl,penrll ll ce 01 ~Irs . G I 'C~ II , theu tho It 10011.. bad tor the doll , Th('''c'~ n revolver allot comI ng ont ot tho nlriru, 0 owblg hel'. . I\t Ihpsc' It seemed too much to a ccount for by tnaru." Datuml mltons. When tbe t elephonc h ell !'Illig , ou r :WIth a .hudder I verlfl d Ills sI MI' ment. Larger footprluts woro In tbe Dencs, 011 on puper elll!o. go"o on .. mud wIth the .mall ones. '1'he. owner united len p. I IUls worc,1 the s umnlflns. ot tbe larger 8b008 bad o\' ldenlly tol.· " H ello !" I sal'l. lowed th.lady, becnllse In maDY- CRHeIl "This III the tc lugrnl,h Qpern ter ot the Imnll t ootprln ts wore pnrtloll;r ob:- Fatr VI c;w," sn ld n mn s ullne yolee. llten.te4 by the Iolrger ones. "Have you got a J)ltrl), nt ~'o llr phlf'Cl . . ·na mcd N. nlnillcy or somethIng Ilk tbnt1~ , "Ycs; I lUll Mr. Dlnlney." · "ProlllllJly It's rOr yOII. then. We got ~ r u!!11 lneSBlIgc tor N. DllIlney wltlt h 11'0 'UII't d e lll' er t o YOU on IICCOllut of tllo tltorm. A ro you eXllecting III1Ythlll ~ '/" W)·c~ ." I II sscnlcl!: " I nm. nlwn.l's got. tlng l!'lcgrnms, Rend It t o lIIe O\'er Wo tclcp h"u Q.·· " I cnll' t do rltut. I don't know you. You'lI lul l'o 10 get 1I1r. Gree l! or on o ot hbi tUllllly t o 1111;0 th o m ass age t or you ." ""ory well. Hold the wIre," 1 re· Quested, pllttlllg my bOlld 0\'01' the moutbplcce. "Luelle. wllJ you tUlte thllJ telcl( rn m? It't! for .m o, but tboy say they'lI I1n,'O 0 rend it to Borno •"Loekl She dropped thl ••" mClhber elf tbe fnmlly !Jecnu so tbey . Kent echoo\UI1Y o wu til (lngbt. "Gee, dou·t know we," Lucil e took tbe recoll·el'. picked up 0 r wlllb wc "111\11 bl'ought Ihe gun pen cil !lnDgln g by n string to the tele. with us ... · "Let'. hUI'ry 011 !Jerore It's too IlIte." pholle alld wroto down the t cleg rnm on a scrlll ch IJnd on the wnll n6 tbo I urged. We p ressed torwllrJ Ilt a kllllll!; Ilace. opore lOr rcad It O\'er th e wlro. " "hen oDly 8tolJp1ng OIICO lu u while til Ilti!iUI'C It wus done, wltbont comment s ho 'Ourselvoa thllt 11'0 wCl'e 011 tbe l'lgbt banded It to me. It 'r end aB foll ows: traek. At oue . \llu~ o lIle g/'ound waij N, BIIlnoy-'<::omlnlJ to yOU ' at IDBt. Artrampled O\'cr n Cou ijldc rlllJlc uren. rive today. mo.r rlage IIcon80 ready. "Be ('augllt Ujl wltll bel' bel·c .. •· Keut ViVA DUNMORE. . 'htterpretecJ. "'1'he¥ struggl ed. . Look; " Wu lt," I exclnlmed; "this CRII' t be abo dropped thlJO." t or ' me. Coli liP tbat operntor oglllu." ~ picked up 11 bnn4kerchlet. By " Don't try t o e XI,l ulll," s ulll I,..tlclle tho llabt ot a match. dlscoverod tbat coldly. " I SUpp('S(! ,I'OO U d OI\ 'l Ol'ell It 'Iiou markC(\ "0." Thore c,auld be knbw who \' 1,'" JJ IlIJ In Ol'll Is , " no doubt: we \Vero on tbe rIght trllck. I d ebu ted n Ulnnu!IIt ns 10 wheliJe r I "She 'got aWI&)' from ' hIm, tbough," 8110uld lie or 'lI lJt. hut whnl \I'us Ibu exulted Keut. "See here; Jus t bcrond IIIIC? 1 did kllo w It ·\·ltln DUlIlIIOI'I" footsteps are abelld again." ' an n 'tress, III fa t f. I It .. " SOell !lud erltlclBcd ber )I'o rl, Only t be wee\( L". toro. CHAPTER V.I. " 'Yes," I , su hi Nlowly ,' 'II kUl) w 11 ' '-, MON My.tory. QUICK spurt or tlame abead or I kll ow II Sid I,y thnt II l1 lue. 1Il1 t '1'1'0 '}' h l~ lolcg .... m Is a . h81ted 1M III our aeare h tor 0/'0 11,lt trlc/ ' . Mre. Green. We b eanl all'. In- mlij tn IIC." I 81111' thlt t ~ IH! old I"'t bulleyo wo, d'1It1Jie t m u rmur ot I'olces. the • ouiul or .twl&1 bclng broken, ·tben ab· bnt I hil t! IH1 (' hllll cO t" ~·x p lnlll. \)e . eallsc III 1\11 1" 01:1111 we hud Il l! JUlllped IJQlute alIenee. . . , "Shl" Kent wlilspered, "As we ·are to ollr. f~ c t Il llc i \V(,!,O slrll ou r Dot. armc4, we must creep UJ) 118 C11)sC over,,' rou gIJt 1f(' I'I'C!~' to cl1tcb R sOIlOlI u ". cen, tbe n wben tbe 80n ot tl guu' wblch . \JUII 'Will ed Ihe /'0111' of OJ(! JlI(lel WI oer we can SllrlillJ on hJm be· storm. SOlll\!wbere lIl'II I' II l'cI'olvel' s lJot hila tOl'e ho can wtng UI. Do you lIet meT' bccu fire ,\, . I a4mll ted that his pIau WaS good. We all hu ~ 1 lied ll nt of duors. "'DIen on Tour knccl alld .be. (:a~ rut:" he coll1lllBudcd. We crept througb "Do you SUPf'U e SOIDC (lUe 18 s llootlng at m o th c r '~" Lucile! "',?I'I'led. "Iil"puddlea "' '-Ibout no.t1clng tb~. I Irlctl to I'CIIRRUI'C her, but my e!' ~ I beenl lbe Bound ot a Batety -.&tIIIIa beill8 Icrlll Cheu uusuccessrnllY torts \\,I'ro Ilulltc ly 1'.CIIllI. ell. Appar· ~- • bOx. Whe ll It OunlJy lIBbtC!d eutly tile mlltlor' 'o f t h t e logram bod ercctc..'tI a wnll t Icc betwcen U9. wbat WCMlld be ro" ~a loo? "It Rouucl(Hl RS If It cOllie trom tbe • ~ c:llI:lll 'or w li ght dIck· ....... .-eDt '\I'blle I CI'QU<lb'ld rNld,r ,beach." . Kcm polllled lil the direction of the dock .. ~. (beD bQl"Ded dImmer and ___ 'rbte allfllCe wal ullbToken "!fo: J am' sure It wal inland" ar' tlIe UGt ~peanid. tlIeu .~ . ~....




.,, .

IIrl! r,,1' Ill'r 1111 \1. J US I n" I 111'1'1'111'1.,1 /I 1U1\t1 fqfW lIl'd u f Ilh' pil ulll l~1t". tlnod II

Copyright by Frin k A:. Munloy Co m pM Y.








Cotl1mon PlclI ~ Cou'rt

ny lhls Ull1e the n'st ot Oll r pn r ty bud ('all ght lin willi I'nr. "'00 se IllS ~o hr RII!ITnl\ ui:," 1I.,pl' I nl~I' l1r~ t c(l @8\l'l'ly. .. \\" 111\1",' whll I !Ie wnut s," I'~\"hul " '0111<1 ~· nl1 Wl1l1t

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fff IMPORTED and DOMESTIC · . iobaccos·:.-Blell.ded.


tpr.\' III 1·lopln . nl ; 11,111<1 1 I ' ~I" ir(1 . ' t &tA v Uhme r Bull y. R0 8pe /.l . 111'011 I'I'III S;- pltlQfl IIJ;lIll1 ~t I h ~' lIlIlm ll \\' n. slou ot ~o Dt,anoe set II 8111 a , nnd sli m " "'I\'t'll. wlml nlT' W" ((" III!; til lI .,I" enfo r oou ROflJ1 MI,1 1,,,ll'le",,ly. "'1'h"SI' I''''' r do\'· ~ lis Oll t IIII'I'P 111'0 1'lJlI ll t llll;' 011 II" . Th lil it E . HosB owa ld & Br o tbe r Vii Annn of II III!,: 1111 /I \·I'~s •• 1 loncl cd \\'lI h brelHl. 'l'b o.rpc . PI"i n'iJI grnpted 'e llve t o

buttor, ('1:!!8, '·c~"'IIII'l c,. nllll IIl('II t 1I1ll1 1 61 e ~m ended 8ns wer. hn \'lng It hrPltl, III' \11 ,,1(',' p'" r tl'('t.' Soo U VII R OBe LI H lo. Di . Wllnt 81t'III we d Ot" vo rce gmnte d plain t.ift. "I' m nfl'ul.1 \I' 'WOIl't hUl'e tlmo to 110 anything." I dechl tl , " lI el' 1111 'k Iii New SuIts brok n, H'" on ly It qu e 11011 ot 8 c· onds 110\\'." 8tella ~t . C h e n oweth VA FrllDola ThEi P<'onlo ou I)Ollrd I·.. n liZI'd It t oo. M. Oh enoweth, Divorce ; groB neg T1\1lY )InRtlIy Inunohed II Iltl' TIl tt O"lIr leot lind e.drem " or-uelty. tbo s ide n/ ICl ~crnl1lll h'tl 011 I It UI! till! VRnoe r. R oynolds VII Annfl C. decks Crtllll lll('(1 h~L1 Co lh rhC!f1l nnd boo 011 no et 01 . Money; amount c lalmcaDlO 0 tW isted III/I ii." ot 1.lmho r8 tim !: sd 1700, wrlthod / 01' n mOlllent IInll fell !Jil ek Frllnk 8. Gorwln va Otho E. nms Into tlle WlI ,. S tl) loecOlllO d rl!Lwoqd. and wife . Money only ; amount The rn rt t Ol'lullate ly ho(1 cleRl'cd I he ~ Ia im.ed $ 16:!. wrec k III !J1!'III.1' ot t llllo 0111 1 WAS no,v Edith Waites vs Ve r nta Waites, drlfUllg !Jus t ('ur CIl" O 1(l\\' ltI'd til mn ill. Divo rce . land. Tho mell OU ball I'll ll<'cm eO 11lI6Y nrrnllg ll!g II Rort of lJIust IIl1d !lO ll mn do Probate Court out ot lin oll r al ,I n cellll'le I.t 011 klns, .,,When Ihey got Ihllt rl::!lI!.1 tljl two ot E s tli t e of R oy E . Bllrkrader. dothem held It up while II Ih lrl l II ttcUl I)t· ososed. b' ur t b llcooun~ of g uurdinn cd to steer, wllh It ~L'CO IIJ oll r. a.llowe(\ lind cOnfirmed. "Tlwy'ro 1;')lul-( 10 I ry to lon(l 011 t ho other polul ut lltu COI·(.... LUCile 811 1<1, Estate of Ru ch e l R. P oor o, d e "We IlI110 t I,,, Ihe re to 11('111 III 111 wlicn ceasAu. FI r st IIcoount fil ed. t hoy COlli' ns bo,·c. '}'here Ilr r ocks E tat,e of .lomes Re rca.w. deoeased. alJou t 0 lllll lllrc'l ynl'l!" out whero tho Flonlllccount of ex e cutor fil ed, E s tate of C harles K, .OrtlJn. de. ro ft will st l'lke It It I. n't llrl \'l.~u pn at." Shc Icll of!' on n Ilog trot wh Ich took oOll8ed, Ilnd U'lr8'oonl1rmcd. Rooount opproved •. tho Inst tuck out ot me wh ell ) nttelOpl .. allowed ed to toll ow, I got UI~ l'O somo WilY . I!:ltate ot ·Jam es R MclJolrn, do bow I'er. IlIIt lII lnus tbe \lower ot celtsed. E'lulll acooont ot Jl.dwiDIA. s pcech. trator Uled, 'DolI' t InntI he re!" I5hul1tu.1 Lllc lle Estlt.e of L evi J essop, de'o eased Into thc teeth of tllc glll c, "DfJllgerous Final Ilcoount lil ~ d. rocks I" E s ta.te lo t Mary P . G randlu, d eq>b~y (l1SCOI'~I'NI I he l'O<!It S fo r ' th m· selvos nllllost IllIUlculntoly nnu s Ud oil ce llsed. F'inolucoo u/lt filM . Estate o f OI"rIL W . Kirhy, deco/IIIfrom tlJO rutL hi a COllllJllct !;1·OUl i. Un· l!' ITst nooonut of .. dml nis ~rlltor der t.1,tc (U re '1lon or Kcnt. who hntl rend e ll fil lld, R hoOk 11100111 It SOlllt'whel'e, we tOI·m· cd ours' ll'es Illto tl Ufe lIno by holdl n!; Est flt.e of A li ce M, J[lnde r. deon to olle IIl1othcl"S IInnds Ilnd wndll1J; cellsed. ; llllouot o f c ,) l\a torlll tnout Illto Ihe s tlrf. h e rlto nce tax fix ed nt $53,79 . UIIO " y 0110 tho shipwrecked \' lellru H E ~ f.tlte o f MJlrtba J . R iohRttl s on, .;1 rllg;.c INI tn us n ml ,vcrl! pu ~. l"-I 0 11 Ul' d em' II Mou . Third ucooun~ (lIed. 10 lhl' ~ h o r('. Threo "'ere 11111(\('(1 lu U 0. GODove r, exeeuto r v a ~. this Wil Y. hill Ibe fourth toll ed to mllk c N o tti e Co uolTnr :I t II I. 13"le con It. I could sec II Jlclll I bo!J!JIIlJ; up I\lId fi r m ed IIn() 01 t l lbut\o n crdere Ll . dowlI n hundre,l feet I\wny, bll t 111 II momcnt t he hr~ld dl sll(lpelll'ell III to· Relll Estate Transfers geth r,' "ThAt U11111 Cllu't s wim, He'R drOwlI· A m erlollio BOtlrd bf Commi ssioner s Illgl" I.uelle Hllom l1. "W un 't someror F o r e il! u Mis~tons to Uhllil es E. body SIWO )11m ': " Mear" , 128 R('r eB tn Frllul!1in town" 1'11 · get hllll," I IUllu c'"Il tt' ly \·olu n. s h ip, $1. tee l'ed !JI'lcll y. 8 . M. Budso o nt n l to J oh n Bllclr. ")'ou'lI be dl'l)wllcd you I' . 'If," LlI'lIe . .. ...1 e t t, lot In Saut il L e h ~ n on. $300. Pelrry i:!llell £'t " I t.Q Bert K r el t·ze r, s mall trno ,t 10 MlIslCie t own,,1t Ip. $t -------.4_~.~----E V, Bllrnhllrt. exooutor, to J, M. R o lr-n rl , II.!-(, ac r es 10 'Wllyoe town. / !lhll), $1500 . Tran.pllntl ng Plant • • Whe n trO/lSpllln tlllA' [llnnts. 8 hr ub~, II1 llr v IG lla Eioholzer lIud hus b and treos. Oowers . l1ud ~ . , .nn. dIg a hfll e t f) Pete r Ir.. Urt OD , lot tu M orrow, much deeper Ihon IIPeded; 011 U1I R ~ I. hole with \Voter. nll lll"llIg It to sln lt So mu e l lCo u o ver, by fXPc lltor. to' awny Ul roe tim es, r clllllog It c nch MIII'II Il B"s ' e r lJanove r and .Mart.btl tim e. The to urth tlm c It Sill ies llII'ny J 'on'l volr !l7 uoros In Frnn kiln you will hllve e l10ugll mo ist ure at th e tawn hlp , $48·16. 58. root of yo u.r plnnt t o In ~ l mnny dn l's, It dl)es for It whitt n o 1I1ll0llnl. vf sur, iViarriage Licenses fo ce wetllugs could cyer do: 0 fill the hole up to the proper d ' I~LlI with O r ville U Bowlrer . of LebLlnoD, dry enrth, 'Bet you r pln nt In lind drow aud Blanohe I:' u ell, of F rl4Dklln. the dry dirt around It nicely. Cbarles Eug ene Oulbertson, of Dllyton, nnd B rtha E l::!upiDger, of . """Ft. Aneiollt. Bornl! W . Mount, of M ldd letowD, and Katliltlen D, U'raz8t', of Fronklln . ~~t't



There's more to this cigarette than taste You bet ! Because Ch sterfietds, besides pleasing the t na te. have 8tepped in with n. brand·new kind of enjoyment for smoke rsChesterfielda !lit t he smoke-spot, . they let you know ~ou are smok· ing-they "Satisfy '1

And yet. they're M/~D! The blend i8 what does it- the lIeW blend of pure, natural 1m·

ported And Domeetic tobacco8. And the blend can't be copied. Next time, if you want that new -'Safi.f~" feeling. Bay Chelterfield•• ~t!.$?,o.lztt-C11

Wrapped in sla..ine paper -fceepatbolD fre.h. .

::==============================::-~==~~~_~~ ---____ _ ___ • _ Notice of ApPQintment ES I~l8 or F' . O. Oa'O,., Dec..... d. :Notice II hereby ~ I von that E . II, BArn. h~ h.. beon duly "/)POlnted Bod qualified .. Ad mlnlnrator or t 10 EA'aLct Or ~'. ll. Uar8Y lato 01 Worr.n Coun t y . Oh io, docu..ed. J)aLOd thl. 8th ~ay 01 AueuI'. 1017. ALTON F. IJR()W N , Judgo 01 t ho Prebue Cotlrt. .• .• 29 WorrOD OuUDty. O hio

20far Jot

Cally Optl mlstl o Thought. No mtln \1'111 c.'-xc·1 In hIs professIon It 110 tblllks hIUl !!~lt olJove It.



I nSURlItleE Walter"Chandler'

Funeral Ojrel:tor,

Waynesville, · 0. "

Fish Culture Long Practiced. WaynesvlIle Ohio 'l'be pru(1:lcul prup81lllUflll ot tood l)yer Postollice. ~ lind gtlIIJ O O!< hes by IIrllltdn l 111 111)9 Is )lflce POOne 71 ' .;J '" HOtB1! PlIo. 11 now conceded 10 hc uot oa ly n SlI cceRS ' -EITHERbllt ono ot Ul e grentes t triumphs ot Aulo F.llulpmcnt ' . aclence. Fis h c ul ture I ~ lin 010 scI. ence ; It goes hn ck to nn cllrl y elnt o. Hor~ewDr8wn Equipment 10 the h isto ry ot Chinn , nlld It~ origI n BeU's Pine-T c..r vi-\onev. 18 lost In IIntlqulty,. In l iM Ste pllen r., Jncohl. n Pruss illn sold l{!J. d evised l ' gLEPHONE 7 · For Cough, cnd 0olds. DAY OR NIGH? n process of stripping Iho fllm" le fi Hb of hor ~pn \\'n anll t heu IIIlx lllg It wlU, ------- - ----'---- -.--~_..__ __ __ ... M · lIle milt ot th o rllnl. '1'hls s hnpl e me thod Is s tili In uae nt 1111 lIah· hntell, Ing estobl1s hment s.

b ...

AWonderful Saving

Uncle aam'lI Flphters Well Fed.

The Amerlclln ar my 18 .t he lIest tcd army In tllo world. Its rllt\uos ure tlg. ured. on tbe .bos ls of oncll 80111ler'8 reQUirements. It Is a 1\IJprnl rollon. UBUally mo re tblln . I!nouI'b to slItlsry the hunger ot eVl!n It "b ellvy" enter .



,FRANK B.CAREY Optometrist Eyes tested free

Lebanon -:- Ohio DR. H.E. HATHAWAY

I"IIl,YDeIVtlle'e Le.o.dlnJl DODUit Il 2 9 10 ; J . F. Stovens, dllm!lge8 for roudwHY $25 ;.' J .K. I::!penoer. t hird OfBoe In Baines Bldg. Matn 8t rs tlmate OODt raot ' 684, 11225; R(m. (1 11 & MO/')!Jer, clotblng for prison. t~ $2 00; I'd a. 0 8\\1111d, r unlture f or IlI firm nrv lilI3.34; 1. Wr fg ht, P,, " 'Ig!' $3 : t:. J Wllgaone r. b OR rd. 'In " lI nd wllshlng . for I'rl80ne r~ $a~ I 74 . Veterinary AcoI,ullt'80t depo,lIora were aud. Young mon lUl U young II'UIIIOlt WIUI Itec1l1 l1d Found oorreot. Oradu,te Oblo Slat. Unlnrsl \ otaee tn1nlug IlI'e Bure ut good pos l. , .,'I nlln ol!l l st$ternentll ot trelllnror Uona- ple,eant work, excelleut pn." '"nd 8uditv r 0 mpared and plloe40n apleodld ProApoct • . '. . ' . . Write tor U1u8trated catalogue. Cree. 11111. OFF'lCE: In tho JnflHer ot p atlli on ot LIUte Corner Main and Mill Streets Mla./Ilt R.UrOlld Co ,et al. tor VRoa tln n of cer'"ln rOld" In and Dear TelephoRI! 28 Orel(onlo . MaUer contin ued un,1I Sec \IIDd • Mala. DQton. Ohio' September 10.

.. '


This Stromberg carburetor for Ford Qars Is g'u aranteed to save 25', to 6-0'. on gasoJine. Either Carage will fit same on your car and If. you are not satisfied o.fthe big savini[ , will repl ace your. old 0 ne.

Dr. J. A. McCoy, or



__~________:=~~==~-=-=~-=====~~ __~~==~~~ _____ _

'J: 8. E, ()u·t ler, 10 tull o9ntr~ot /i27






J. B.


Chap~an _ .!":.

O-blo . .- - - - -....



... T HE

GA ZET T E .... TH~ J l.


C I~ANJ';, E d ito r an (/ l ' tl Lli!>her

"Everybody'S Colng"



As Wri t t en by Our Corps of ~ Ablc Correspo nden ts In th l! Neig hborhood

S ulJ'a rinti on P r ice, $1.50 per yeAr

AUGUST 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 1911

- - ---==-

W ED N ESI1A y ,

i\UliU T




WELLMAN :lritish "Tommles" Pay L~st Honors fl to Comrads Lost in Salonica Drive



$11,000 in Racing PUfSe$, Big Fields in Every Race Special Attractions

101 u., Am oll Aliso ourtod aDd . Mr ~. 1300 ElIrollUrL /Iu d duugb t r ' 1\ od Mi~:I RuLh Law , c(;J le lmlt d !,viatrix. in pe ril o u s fli g hts each IIOCI ~ () O W\:l ro WOII t b u h,md of Mu r y h.lioD N u rt on, I Dorot,hy , un,-u ' at lood h o ultJ u f l o; I iI n e rn no n and nlKltt. lIluttli na tud m achin e .wi ll be used in night lJ lL l'r,!1 U"tl th. untl tbe o on~r" ot VIrus o()OIpletell r Ilp o[Hll u H II woa k witll lI (l r broth'" r l!x h i biLiun . D enwlIstralilln ~ 1 f la test military t actics, Looping ;hlly :lht nod t h e o 1i ',,1 th re t.OUk' l At r ..J '1'. M n rJu tt ' e m ile nnd fli 1lI11y , lhe loop, t ul'lIinl!' u\J~iile dow n anI mll ny o t her d eath·defy ing feats 10 U tlluulsel VtJH tbe ploll ~nreS nou 1I11~8 Ue rLh'l I~hrlil i t Is ViSl t iug 'll. Mr ~ 1,111 MUllU UD, I!;th. I, l{otb I\n<l, ul Six high -class v udt!vil le BctS. pa r ticularly p leasin g to woman G lellll" Mflun oll, A.1r. ond l\1rt'. \V. hurtl shlji!l which !lo w ith lIlurrl oLi L ehll UOD thiH wo~ k. uno1 chlld rllll $500 li'ire works Oill pl a.v Each N ig h t , AI rEI. 1'1m o th v lIJllrlnU. ('11 II d 0 11 'j', .), Jr( l ~rl , MrR, U u.nouh Hl clt nud lifo, IIDrl I h oro lJo ~ be c o' h oro t u M r ~. M /I ad " 'Inu vel' !!Ill'tlt FI·itlll.Y t h III t eu hll<lron who u~I;l /l1i Jlv i ol(, Mr ~ .'1. '1' ..MnrlliU IJ IlA ('9" I ' II I Cow Testin g Associ a tio n 's Con test -Som ething ew-80 COW! n n~ I ~ with Ar rs '"rnh ({I oh III II 1\ fll1l1'8- to:.: "t.llllr with I Ugrllndculld reu . Un wit., promised for event; Hays' an d G irls' Stock ·judgiog Conte.ts fo r J oly :1I, 19 tj t h oy onj'I. Y O\! t.u" ir M M ' , hUtl! , I'>' r f'tl('h 1 rolll"d II r ,M il g 'Jldon \V tldiDS ut t h e ir b1l1 l1 ein th rIO, nttle Lr "1 . ~IW(l I, M,m drl), I Irce trips to \\ a s hhl g t o n, It1tl.' s t<llICl 0 11 t b • L Ii " . coo n try nll tlor C/l nVII~ /I lilt tho m ouu wit.h h er I)r nthl>r , Mr 1:II'II1'Y G rew SPECIAL DAYS .Tb e 1Il1~8" H LIlt" In , . " lid I:i I nil W/lI' Inuro th"ri oo uld 1m 1I ,' .-oure ti ... Mra, EIII1I'r H')\'or ('/III ,1 0' '' Mr~, HJruwll IIf(' Vl.tllng .\ I I ~ " Mll r l" lUolo. by 6; hou ltl1y p eu pl !!. rile ll uy Wl\~ ., lt o D ill l'h nr~,ltly "ft rn o nll. ~.vo!ll ell' :;; I,' ree Day, Mond ay . G r a nge Reuni on . Wednesday MI ~ ~ V n~ t n E litH HII('[lt Tll1.l1'sf\Il·,V ~ j) ot ill vi s lt\og und o(l IllI'''rill~ Mr . I\D cl Mr~, . .J<' rftnk ({ pil ls " pon t i a n d Thursday. W omen's C lubs' Day. Wednesd a y .- Thre!her wit h I~n .. J~II I t< ucur J:i lok ur yv illt' , o " tu~ Mr . IIUel t<,rs Allt'n IIru W"'ln"~(I'L'y tl tl rn oon 011 th eir In. tue ll 's Day, Wed n esday. Child ren 's F ree D ay. F r iday. Old Soldie r's Day, Friday. . M IR~ VI<rlJ, .1nrtl" n ,.11 VA II !lh DWfl r ~' n n ll g lo ukiflj( fl n d houlL h y und tUfi ' fllnn. fo r R uth \f,, ' w!lr Ll H Sl!cl'wuod Oll ~hl;lk ~bfal'lll Hre .mafo y 111;0r6 fJ l".'I"~h".,:, t Jl) lIn lI,lfllll1 cTlllIl O 111111 f /lttlll ):,o ' Adm issio u . ;)0 ce[\t~. Au t <>trl obilcs , 50 c ent s , Free parfcing'l 'l' h tlr. ctuy lI!tllrIl IlOU . tlU( Il ~ " u . ell l " (l r luOIlJ. . otr n"), I,,,", \' Is\t('d M .. ~. He ll -COl. Dill S end atonce ro r FREB AUTO M A P OI~ OHIO. I . Mr,lInd Mr~. IN j<; (:" rD 611, Mr .. ltC'l Ulltllttlll )eS ' ;' j,dl fur Ih eD! Llie l>ulI(l ny, l. I 11 . j 0 ft u n IN N. E. SIlAW, Secre tary, E, V. WALB O RN, Manager. U. A. 'IJ ru " ll tlllll 1I1111 g htt!r o.ll1t" l tI " t. t uft 'Ir n I " \\, . II Oll ]0' . A . !J ltrl Suck '''1 ' 1 IIL UJ il)' t5 Utl. MI', BIIlI ~I I ·R . W" ltor J o rJull. Mrp' l'xon ill , ~pent, t<utnrtln "nrt I:! nmi" y " . Al11o nt ~ .llI oll ee n lJ/llld 11111 ,IllY uf torn o CJ u , H'IDnllh lttOiJ, III WellmuJl, Rnd Mrl:l . w ith t'tlmlly of I ,!, _ _ __ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 1' M I ' Mr. nod M r~ L 'I,·ling t () n Bo t er. MIlU,I ·1.. /I'·I' r, of L OUItIl OIl , BU fp r lRlld 11\ tlfJ on ' . , a r ,,\.I Jl ll rl fll ily ruM ore d tuln erJ OD t:\undllY III r ,I . A. L u wry M rM :-;"rllll Hluh hy ' o ruiolF " to Wllm ing tOll l; n lld l\ .V. "'tid wife, nl mur \ V"Y lI l'l bV lllo. lIod h et UfJUO hl' r Il lwx l.leclfId ~'r l d 'l y MI . 11(1,1 Mr~ . Will l.ullIn!(fCl n o r '';ILlrnlJll;. It iJ elllK bill' 75tn hfrthdH Y. F; nllvl,l . I.u r 8 . II n,1 fllnllly ~ I'0D' 1 h e \\ nter wl sl! 08 fn r lI il r tn 'llI y un <l ny In Ou r \' l. lul{n (PRICE:; RIGH T) 1,00hflOOIl . FuneraJ fO ll re plcu.unt, ~IIl' Jlri ~t,~ , II muA .In (llc~n n WII~ .. t L ",ba nn n i\ 1t "~ Mur in RI c h ~ n~ .. rI Ai n Ad fh" O ll r town Wl\~ woll Irr'prC' RC' III!1d III. HllI ld",Y. and Embalmer. .J'lI\lor PI'I""llin C ln lt 0 11 t:::llturcl"J' '1'11" 1l ""~ "I!.n f"",fly "POt,t "'no u f t Pl'no\ll\ Thn" t~ prf1 F1f' u tJ "'"' n I l'" tb,' XOl lh. trllir la", W Cl It Sole Agent t:i6 vnrul fr u lI\ thi Nvlo:ll1t.y o nj ny,',1 .I IY ''''I t,_ 10 1I_11_1 1.~ _ ie LAV _I II n ,\ rumlly, ~i " s u" 111I. r lo. b' " yp "n Il V.·s t,,. t-: lliR. Waynesville. _ _ J\.l nr tlm U C'J\ I Io [, r ll J.l '· , 1:1 ,-1 n H"rL~()c k tho Mlullll V,dl ey Cbuo t l\u'!nl\. I.url\ Ir on .. nr1 1-I ,' I'", n tl ornwo . Theblao kl, orr rC rp l' lothlRlnOllli ty I: or the Oordt! n Tires I Mr~ , J o hn W oif!) ~ jl('tJt, )lllf t of th ~ I ~ I1l1e b"th 10 qOllliLy .. od qUIWLlt y "" ' l'k Wi t It her ~ o n ItilY " uri fr "1l11 ~' E ither Auto or Hone drawn service. iIl r . !tod r8. Hu rry i:l mlln, 0 1'11 1' (.'lo rkHvlll" . r e r 'Ul d ~.I Il. C b ll rl" S, 11111.1 d'"llghlo r. N o extra charge for auto service . E llis ~prny und IlIIIlI l.v, "f nl" " liru op, 1111 u f '1lIoiollat l, .. t,tllllll .. ,1 Both phones in Office and Rleldence. IJtl h ti n III t< Jw nt ~un dll Y w lth 'I-~Jr Fl. tllo 'oll" tt. \I t Ku v pICDio ·lItll r d'lY. N o. 14. M re, Ell N ull Is on th e sink \1st. Phone QO.3 'i PfII.l'· s mo tiJ ur Mr,.. l:I .. nn '&\l B!(-h . CORWI N, OHIO Mr !lull Mr p. W, A. M llfl itt '~D d g rElDcl.,,", M o~ GIIU O, Mr. LInd Mrs TIft Bn d Mr~, W"lt ur 13PI1!! and I AIlI ' I~ J~ I II ~, l\ llSij JCr((\ Arll oltl Elnd ~f)'It ~1'''lI t t3 unduy "lIh Mr. lind M r~ , .. -. "!..!!...~~~~~~ --~~~~~~~~~ MI' ' 1 1u~ AD o n w e r ~ Vifllt.lo ll .l klllPH Bonge. of Mll1l11 lsbllrt.: , BARNHART, r l(mu M III C tn Oi,oollfi 00 l; UUctll,V , iii I' (Jncl Mrs . Jo , eph Millor an d OR. J. W. MILLER. llllt ltlllg t·it o t.I·11i In 1l0 1&() lU obl l e~ . soo II I te n ded t h o A r ohrJ" .. ooo r 6Notary Public Mr . Will!l.rd Mu r tlDI , of Dayton , unl o u, w h loh WIIS h old ~ Iln d .. y li t i tbo h ome of Mr . n n rt Mrs . F ran k ••• DENTIST ••• lroU P" ot fll~ bU!l l oes~ hero III ~t wee k All alnd!! of N <1tary Work, WlIlII A ro hd euooll, Itt Ly tl ll, lieorgo El vmr d!l nnd lJllnt A o so n Bod Deeds a tipeo&al." Mi ~8a~ E,lolt Lney lind Mllri t:l U()o k Cra ig 8l1nklD Po[l , o r Bille 0 (\11, N"'OD~,\O:Qt.n Dldtr. WaynenJlle. 0 hnv " r et,urn ed howe Jr o m 1\ YI ~ lt ilre Jl I" s t. c. r lJ] ~ 8 farm hou se OOEI W8S trnol!801 10g b osln oss aDd Cll lltn g Now BorJi ogtoD. wit h fr ie n d s In eioci n nlltl Uh ns \.:il Ilangll , of Uaytoo, wus on fr la nds h ero 'l' b urllrl uy, Mr, nDd Mrp. Al fr ed Buy "(Je o t t·h o Mr . !lu d Mra. Will Oa r ve r , Bon iJer e o"lil og on aeq oniDtuDeBS "od wec k e o d witb t be f o rm r 's llll r e u ts, ttl Immediate ftlld from Ira081lotiog bU!li n 06i1 0 0 M , n dllY ao(l da ugh te r, o r Duy ton , w er e t he Mr , lin d Mr@ W , B . Dr ft k e ent er. Illst .Dr.1bOOD·sMltkOIDtlDalt.. w ee k,oDd g n el!ts of Mr , lin d Mr ~ . 8 . Get the Miami Gazette Now ~lI l ned nt, 8Dndl1Y dlouer Mr, Ed. '1')10 A. oM, E. charoh will begin :, B. DCllr tb, ' ~~~~~__~~~__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hender son , of Uio oittn"U Hnd Mr. M r. IlD d Mrs . B t), D ea rtb IInci ;;c Ua m l) til etloK her e 10 Ad a lU'lI WilliuD) He ndtlrson , of nea r Wo lr, H ro v e Sund"y, A ngnAt 19 an o will 8ue~1 8, Mr, uod Mrs. Ca rve r a l\d _- - . : - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; . . . - - - - - - : mlln . oo nt' un e uotil Sep te mber 9, 'fb e r e famil y , of Dlly t.o n , II pon t Friday "' lllr aD d Mrl'. L YOl lln Day an d s h ould be Il g r e at Ilmouot of g ood Middlo to w n , tbe g u es t s of MI ~ . I b rl~ h ~"e bee D d o uo 10 tlla t leDit·h o f 'I me, Try Uenna DBllr t h . Fll tllll'lnnd si~to r vi \ t lo g t heir siste r a nd 10 O1 l1 y . '11· Ilnd be Ilr llson\ aDd sh u,re with 'h em Mj s~ Ma ry. K , MlI.rtln , o f R ook lIt ewl\r k, Ohio, ' yo ur Chrl 8tiull 8plr l';, t\Od m a ke Islao d , l1i , Is v\!;ltIDIt Dr. Etntly Messl 8. W. I:f. Drflke lind Ed 8 a D- yo uf88 lf h el~rd. Wri ght. cl erson won~ to BI .. Doh es ter &tte r Eme rsoo T h ompson lin d U llor gil 1>1 r . Ilod Mrs. 8 no t e r have r etho Int1 e r'ij Ilttlo d n u gh ter . CINCINNATI, OHIO G r illw old, e f t il e Vu lillY T e lep hon e tu rn ed t o t h eir b OlDe in K e ntuo ky, Mi!<B G le nn . Uo) k Llp ent l:5un day Co " of Lebauon , w er e h er ll Mo nday (\ I ter It v isit wi t h t·h 6ir d llu gb te r, N e ver cl oses its d oors -Never missed a pay Your cream is lI od Moo d il Y with bsr g r u D d pll r(lut~ looltlug Il H .l r t h eIr ph on es , w hllt few Mrs Ralph Rob lDSO D, h andl ed immediately upon arrival. Your cream SAFE in our care, In tbe·t)prlo g Brnooh n elghllorb o od , th er e rue le H . Wh en yo u make a shipmen t t o t he Tri·State Butter Co, you have no Mrs . Wults r Beoge Rn d "o n , 8,H. C rop " ar o n eed iDg rnln . Mr. mnd Mn . Bern S h ldllke r !ir o old , s p eo. W edll e~ dllY with Mra . fea r o r worry n o m a tte r what the weather is or what may happen. ' t he happy p au n ~ 8 of II I buby boy- Geo. T"l t , Th e Tri ·Sta te has ('al ned its reputation by eight yeal'll Fair Dealing " P a ul Bor n",." w ith n early 25,000 c re a m p roduccn in Ohio.. Indiana and Kentucky. Mrs. Bry,m J uoiIso n, (If Da y to n , .d rs. Louisa J esJo p enterta ined 8p~Ot sev er a l day !> h er e the goes' of The re is only O N E TrI· State- No branehl!8, stations or comml.· sion buyer s, Mr PaUl Moo re 1\0' \ hl w lly and Mr M18!! Mrtr y 1..1000n y. . . Ha rw on Moore and fElm l!Y t:\o nduy. ON E LARG E CR EAMERY-handlinlrnothingbutcream , Every Mis. Fa nn y J a o ney WI\S a L e ba n on I Mrs . l d l!. Howe u od IlOO h !i ve re- viSIt or i:lnturdny . \ t r an sa cti on direct with t h e shipper-a fair and 1!g!1ltable system which turDed Ito m e fr o m 1l v i.1I t i o J effe r. !lives yo u ALL th e Profit f rom·y our laoor, no one taking toll from sou vi lle. y o~ r c.ffo rt. Ou r QOll rt erly Meotl n g WIl8 w ell ~ F A IRN 8SS TO ALL-FaVGJ'itism to Non . ..ttend atl . R ov F ruuk MilD e r , of Mfl . l Oll 8h~ n e h l!.s Il cce pted ~ Pretty Spot In West IndI es, Leesbu rg )r eu obed fo r u s o n S un. PO.ltl v o wi th rh e Mo~o r In o, 0 1 l'ort 'II~t I' II!S t. tit,! IwlllelplI l city A sk a ny Trl-St ate patr on to o rder you Free Trial cans for 30 daYI duy , l..eo~no n, We w i h f lll r h er l u ccen. ot St. 1.11<:111 . whlth blls bee ll enll l'<l tho o r w rite di re ~ t. We will send cans (.repaiq. M.r I\nd Mr~ F ro o k WI!SOn und mo ~t 1'l'c lleh 01 i no BrIti sh WeH t In· W .I£. Bl'Rtln BD d fumll y b 'lIllls tb el r gne, IS IIturell.Y pye oin g Mr. da ll g h~e r. L o_lse , lind R C. G ruo er d l e~ . It I l e~ on n ,. I'Y perfect lit tle J ObD U a rel , II f Uu ltfo rn itl . we r e t:\OOdtlY Vl81tOlS , of M r, aoo h a rbor ' IIml rllrrJl ~ h('~ Orpnt Rrlt nln Clncln natl, Ohio Capital Stock $78.000.00 with n ~ fll 'ndld nn " /11 ho st', The city M r8, w .. a r i " nna B ogu n all d 1 08 ~lr !!, E \V11t;ou , of. Do ylon, Comp t o n flnte rtul n ed ut n IJu r OOj j , On r F "lr-gul ng etLlz ens lire ar . Its If Is nn t pllrtlculll rly nltrn fI\' ~ . htlt RESPO;NSIBL'E, SA.FE. PERIMAINEN,T sh o we r o ne dijY 111" t wee l!. for :lI ld~ fB nglng to bo pr tlsen t lit le!~8 t f our , th ~ hlll ~. (,\,nl(('c1 wI th tl'npl,·,, 1 (' .. IIll):" , rIsing hch Ind. 011[1 th p hlue Wllt"I'S 1111" Ermtl Mfl n donilulJ. t)b o r eoelve d d n}'>! n ext w eek n t BIll uoh es t er, . p plll,t.: lwfol'" len.l It tho chnl'm thnt Is many b t!ll ut lf-u1 fln d u sefu l p r esellt~ , rof, H , 1'. Burg ess Bud wif e ure eOllltnon to n il th e We ·t Ioilies. Misii E .tbn r ' h ll mlluu g h bll ~ a ~ spuD d ing u few weeks 00 t heIr fur tn h or g "tJ~ t. 1I.1i~i! R ut,l1 Btl r ue~, of ueKr h o m . :Ke oil! . MIsfl l:In.ftio W l lki os , of Lob!lu :ln, Un cle Sam Wit;, His Better H;;;;:m~I ',e r W llso lI nn d fnm i! " a t.. fi nd Mrs . i:Ja rrv tlbida k e r fl ml n u " .' J b f M F B A fl (II,1 In /I :l1.'l llllrl,,1 UII)' llilrude te nded th e Ml alllt Vul ley Ub " u t" u illi g tft r wero gua~ ts 0 rs. . , ll ntl IIIIICllIP; otb",'8 I ';'0 fi gures , ono r p. I q ua MoodiLY ' h idllk r 'l'h urAdIlY: r ese ntl ng Ullcle Sl: r~ nnll tJ l U other Co· , t)ev e ml llf tb " youoll; pe ople hea r d Mr . J oseph Uu rroll Sile nt .fm~ Ill mblu. Dorothy suw th~ 11IlrQ(lo nod I .Rev, Beide l wolf, "t. X e nia ' urtda y uys Itl & w t\ It wlt b hl ~ 8 n. Q Oin l}Y tol d her '1'ItUler abo ut It thnt "cnln g' l evening. In I wtfo, oPur N o rt h V aro ou, Ind. remn rk l n~, "Duddy. In the pnrntl o I Mi uu' Leoni" K in /l of 'F(\i rmo not Mr . I-Iar ry tl bl dH k e r tlud fllmll y Sill\" Delo So m .nO lI :M rs: SUIU." '8 d i h M H 18 lod , Willi I,he t.:l1 e~ t of Lucy Uom p Hp ' ot 11,n IIY w t r . ar ...,voy . 'l n o] r" m t ly, lIellr Dodd8 . t o n l'u esdny , R oy Joo e~ is Oil s iok list, Mrd. 8.lfIIl\ Itobe r l.S, o f W (\l\hlu lI;. ton , D ~ . R[1ent n f t\ \V dllY!! witll B W. E, B" gtl ll lI o d · f ll DliIy h " olll ~ L 'J),lltin 11II1I FtlOl il Inst \V k th e ir lI u es ts Tu es la y Mrs Elltl . ,y se . 'd urrli Y "nd ej'ln l.{ blor. o f U ~ yt o u . , Mr, ~ nd MrB. ~ H ~hld~k e r w r fl w_ _ _ _""'",,·"'·JO·""'·""'·"'·""'____..... 'M is~es Erm ll Men tl e ob R.II, Izlllh 8 un d il Y K lll'~.t8 of Mr~. Ne lita Frcm ub FOR SALE- l)ROI'ERTY S ll " llI l1~ ug h IltIJ ' R ol.h dl,rn o w ar lI o d m o t he r lD Leh!t Do n . g \1 )318 of 1l: ~ th e r t)btafllbtlu g h Tu es · .......- - - . OilY . FI NE Ho use IIn ct lo t , on ,Hit 't., kn n wu 1\8 t he Thos. :lell pro pe rty . Modo rn honse-bo t n.nd Will ing to 0 ri ve a Bargain . <l0 ll1 ~" ee r, bHb, ato,- outbuildlllits Ai le" Inv ... ~ . R \\'(' c t~ mo.." thh n he r ure alt good U,,11 pbo ne S· Sr. ,,22 motlt ll i' t hl nJ, ~ I ~ l':uC't d rn.. h('r, cHII" lng nlmost (I IIII ~' (" ',\' I n~ ~ 1h'1I ~ . Bll t now HIlI,h Ehr llllJ, of MlnmtRb urg, 18 Ali Ce lt il ~ th ,' 11111111 ))8. 'f ho d,'ctor htul t,h l' t.! ue. t o f r 611ltlvtlfil bere. just J:1\'c n h,' 1' 8 0 111(' Illcdl d nlr liml. bl ' M r~ 'l'rov o r U, Hayd ook suffor ed FOil RENT t o re 1 I' I I\· II\~. pli tt ,1 h er nntl ~ nlcl : [I ll nUn ok 6f q ol osy I"s t week , "Now, ,\ 11<",. y"u' \l S UO Il h .. "II ri ght: , Mllrgl\ret I\od Ru t b VlolIl!r ~ , of lust hl\ a 1I1t'1' /:11'1 II nd t nke J:o<Jd curt' TUnE 4;' ~ cr e H Blue G m ~ ~. Da yton, Rr o g uellt8 of rlilnt.ives b e re or l" III' IT,IIIOI))"," Sho brlf;hlc llcd liP rno ning wllte r, ple o ty s b adu, J ohn (2"r d , of L ong Be 80h , Cal. , nt 0 11 c, IIncl Il ns \\' I·t'tl : "I'll bo goutl. 01\ 11 t ake 1Ii o r 20 moro outtl e , $I J'O YOll jn ~t t ~ 1I 1I01l1l1 l11 n I mu ~t reeel them 111' 88 calling o n fri e ods here Illst w eek lle r m o nt b . ' WaJter Bl1wyo r, R R.4 <':IIA 8 8ta hl nnd t 'lmlly, of I:\prlnK' loIs lind lotij (Jf· ·lInd y." B-lo. field, wer e gn() st&llIst w"ok of Mrs ,

MI'. 1111<1 !II r8. 1011, Du "is, Mr.


Mr~. A: B 'J:J1"U"~O I.ho ~. un rl uy ~11 ~~ I ~ of





R o ugh

Limbs Fashioned as Cross Marks Last Resting Place of Dead As ti ,e li n~s of Ihe Dritish moved fo rward in SaJnni ca al:ainst the enemy, many 0.£ the "Tommie" saw battle for the last time. Uut they were not forgottell by their comrades. I-{'ere are two Urili shers who have retum ed to hono r the m ~tn o ry of tf,e departed. l'hq h~ vc matle graves and cre'Cted a crude monumellt from the limbs of a trce fa shioned n, a cross. The mourn· ers a re ready to leave the scene ·for lIe w fields of glory The picture was t'!kcn by th e official Dritis h photographe r a t tile f roct.



,I 'n('~





i ~


. ..




d ~OI! IJ.


B. v.



.ATTEND THE SALE OF LOTS AT HILLCREST PARK O n 11m Tu(' ~cia y, · Ang us t 2 1st. there will occur the bi ~ lot salt! of the E llis .la nd op posit e t he school house . The t wo gentl em en wh o have been hen ' tlPgolia tin g fo r th e land atld Ilettin l{ it in shape f o r the . sale, are well 8ut i ~ fi ed 8S to the location of the lo ts . Thesc lots will make fille locati o ns f o r hom es, and it is hoped that whoev e r g e t s t h em

We Have $100,000 We, haye $100.000 to loan on farms of forty a cr K or over 10 yallr count y In Bums of $2.000 nod o ve r ILl 5% for 1\ leml ot fi Ve )'OafS with r Cllllymeot prhll ege~. No looD mnda over 50% of ac tual valu o of farm.

wi ll d o so look ing fo rwa rd to e r ec ting ho u ses upo n the lots, As stated in Jas't w eek 's Gazette th e in dica tions a r e that houses will be soa r ce ugui n \his w inter, anti a f e w m o re h ou ses pu t up th is fa ll w ill ho! lp a g r e at dca l. T he r e i8 n o dou bt hut that Waynesville w ill g row from 1I0 1Y' o n, .as s he ha~ taken 'a n e w le ase on life. and e ver ything p oints t o (hil t en d , He on h a nd n ext Tu esda y , pick out your lo t a nd bu y it, the n beg in work on YO UI' h o u se bef o r e the cold weath ~ r sets in . 'rhel e will be ~reat limes on the ground. 'fhe blind will b e the re, the Miami Valley Po u lt ry Associa· tion will .be th ere t o serve a chicken dinner, and m e n will b e on the ground at aU ho urd t o sh ow th e dif· fere nt locatio ns of the lot s. Yo u ' ll mi ss it if you do n' t go to t h e s ale. ·


T he. . readers or lh is pape r wilt be I' lcascd to Jcu m thAt t here i . II I leas t Olle dreaded d iseuse t ha t scie nce hilS Uceu .. b l~ to cu re i n all j ts 51"I:"S u"d t ha I 15 cularrh . Cll turrb bcJII Il ~ rca ll y i llUuell c~d , by consl it4tionut conditl 'us . re'lu ires con· ! st illllional Irea lment. liall' s Cn ta rrb Med ici ". i~ taken i "l~rna lly lind a cts I 'hru the III ...... d un the Muco us Surfaces : of the .Syslem Ibe re~y du uo.yi,"g t he i found nt.on of th" dlsense. Il'VII'!: the I pn li~nl strength by bull ding up Ihe con· ' s,iluti'''1 And nss isting un lur. in doing it s , work . l 'he propriel ors have SO muc h fnil h in the cnra ti ve pow~ rs of Hall'5 ' Cata rrh - Medici ne thut they ofTer Une I Hund red Dolla rs for nny Case th al it fails 71c.15 Reibold Bid,. I tv cu re, Se nd f" r list of t!.'Sllm lIials. Address F. J . CIIH NE V & CO. , Toledo • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . Ohiv. Sold by all Drugll ist, 75c ,







Always on the Job ' TRI-STATE BUTTER COMPANY day,

---_.- ..- - -


----- - ...----










- -- -:.. ..---



A large car of Fine Shingles A fresh car of Cement new car of Brick, suitable for Chimneys and Outside Walls •.



P ;\




Cla's silled Ads




Rather Neat Appelli. H orbert IVU R 'tn ·t ho hllbl t of Dskln!: hIs Aunt nlrcli e t or n (len ny ovory Urns he s ow het·, H is moth er told hIm Dot tc a sk tor (I<'nrilcs. os It WitS Im(lollte, Th next time Aunt Birclie cnlled H crb rt 1\'fl ~ .Jus t being " ut t o bed'. nDtI bo IUItd : " S n~' . Aunt B irdie , 10 cllse you g l\'I' Klllhr)'n n pe uny , pot nllne 00 the wlntlow Ill."

Too Many of HIm. "Some nl ell," s ohl Uncle ~hc n, "over· worl"s d Ir lllcty· 1i0' hulld on SuudllY dllt dey t eels called on to gi ve It six doys' ·reat."

~ tn.hl '8 p"rents, ~r. lind J\1 r •• Jail 'I:!ml ~ h . MONEY LOANED Miss .EdDU Uayl 18 reooverln g oloely from an .o perlltlon t or the r e m o v"l nf h er too sllM , . 0.NEY lotl.,ned o n live stook obat Mtil . I!.rrlett Smith Deify , o t tels "od 1I1l00nd m o rtg age.• Columhu ~ , sp ent la ~ ' week with No e8 boug ht. ~ohn l1arbiue, Jr. , r eln t lvea b br e , '. Allen BuUdln g, X e ul!l. OhIo. m2 '.l' be Coll ett l40Kay ramllleR lin. j red the'l r nnnuill reunIon 8t the s tlln e place an d In Ihe usual inao Der FOR SALE Ill st ISMuTd" y . Mrs Helle Colvin III vllrv lo w, havlu g o!m oer of 'be .tomach. BEEP-l Brelldln8 Ewes, B, C. AUlusoo, Waynesville. R . D, S, .--~~------






. . .

. aU


OU NG Pony Mue or wll1 trade Simple Explarlatlon. ler 'I 0od Joreey O~w" Frank ohl llr IIIRIN' wa s s eeking tbe aUI hn \lraom on II bOllt, 8.nd wos told Miller. there wns nODO on tbat JlIl rt\cular IlIl'RIGERATOR and other steamer. ". wond t!r why'''. flhl! enid. , Gay. Name to 8hawl, Roullehold furnl\ure, Cbeap, Tbe Ahalt ot K ormllli" (whence our .. 'Cause tbey ' only bllve them OD hOU8C1I thnt are Ued down." re»Ue4 Inquire or ft, Gus\tll, Wa1 0 8sville, word " Khnwl",- Is eIther wonn from ~ the clown of the a~ or ..... wOOL Hel l' n'~



.- .







, "r


Saxon Six Livery



~LU M B ·E REii!l5!a!EI !I .


~ .


Is hard to get at any price. but our · . stock is complete. .Come in i., nd talk over your needa .' ' , with us at .

Madden's Lumber ¥ , /



CorWin,. Ohio


: i







ew School House



A'l' 10



A. -.M.

The Ohio Real Estate' and 'Development Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, has purchased that beautiful tract of land and five room house situated ... jUlt opposite tile New School House in one of the best residt'n1rial districts in the City of Waynesville. This company has sub~divided thi. tract into beautiful residence building lots, laid out and establi,hed, streets through the same, or, in, other words, converted, the same into the most beautifuLand attraciNe lotLto be found in Waynesville. Each and ev~ry lot will be lold at Publie-Auction absolutely without , reserve, or bybidding, and regardless of price, Tuesday, August 21st, 10 a. m. Also, on same day and place, we w.\ll. sell. at Public~ Auction, absolutely without reserve, or bybidmng, a nd regardless of price, the Ellis home, cQDsisting of a five room house, with Basement, Ci.y Water, Fruit, Barn, Well and Cistern, Chicken House, etc:.---a True Re'alization of ~ Retired Farmer or ~ Basy City Man's Dreams.



Progressive City Warren County

• In

Within the past five years many elegant homes have .been constructed in ·' the City of WA y 'NESVILLE . Empty houses alJ! an unknown asset. Real (s tate has increased three to fi ve t imes its value in the past five years. Many I.ew homes are now under, construction. Progressive citizens a re pu s lling aheml for the welfare ,of the city.

stands out pre-emiW AYNESVILLE nently as the most progressive little city in Southern Ohio, being located on the Pennsylvania Railroad, also in the center of one of the richest farming and dairying communities in the state, equipped with a good substantial bank, unsurpassed school system ~ . 'up-to-date erchants, carrying well selected stocks. whose well-kept stores would be a credit to cities of greater size; good churches, good water; electdc lights, miles of concrete walk9, well ordered streets, densely shaded, and municipally well governed. With these essentials at her command it makes a combination producing every essential element of building a city of great magnitude, of bigger possibilities, ;a most attractive place to live and a safe investment, as the safest thing on ~arth is earth itself. '


The Oppo tunities Hillcrest "Par.k ' Addition Ofters 'Every Citiz n' s degree of SLl CCCSS is more or less . ~easured hy his real estate poss~ssions-the basis of al1 - weal.t.h:::::,the..... fJlQdamPnta J ba;ic pl=.inciple of fortune. - . TO TIlE H :'1m SEl\.JCE R OR IN VESTOR: Here is, one grand opportunity- Hillcrest Park Addition is located' in the best residcnce GO OUT and LOOK HILLCREST PARK ADDITION OVER. Decide for yourself . section of the ci't y, with sid ewalks within Il. few feet. m.. Remember the sale date- T UE DAY, AUGUST 2 1st, 10 o'clock


Band Concert a ll During , the , Sale ,by the Men of W ,a ynesviile' . a l d, the Pride of Warren. County. furnished by the Miami '· 0 · YO·U OHICKEN' IER· VWill~lIey"beP~ultr'y Association. " .. ,, •





each lot sold will be given the privilege of the next one, two or three lots at the same price· each, thus allowing the purchaser to regulate tll~ size of his ptirc)1ase without compet itive bidding against himself. A decided ad va ntage to the purchaser, original with this firm, and' the only company with in our knowledge • , permitting thiS privilege. ' ,

, __ ,

ONE LOT and other valuable prizes will -be given away ~~solutely free. , ' Each and ' . ever.y . person on the ground, whether purchaser or not, will. .be given . a free . ticket entltling the holder to an equal chance on 'free lot and oth~r prizes. · Drawmg one prize. will not bar you from eqyal chance upon others. The only , conditi<?n 'required~i~, " , you must be on the gr,?und . . ' SPECIAL INVITATH?N TO -LA:ijlES. ~

Lois and house will be sold fcir one- half cash, one-fo urth in 6 months and · one-fourth ' in 12. months, with 6% interest and lien upon deferred payments. Anyone desiring to pay all cash may do -so. and stop interest. Deeds will be ready for purchasers a t ci ClSC of sale and purchasers may feel assured that ,the title to these lots is clear, free and unincumbered, all a deeJ of general warranty will be given for aC~h~a~n~d~e:ve:r!y~lo:t~tbeing the best title o~tainable. ' . ~~~~~~~~~~~~.e:

Terms .of Sale


R¢aIEstat~ THE

AUCTIONEERS of ~' National 'Fame · will sell each and every lot Don ~~ fail t~ liea~ ,them •.. ,WE SELL LOTS AND LOTS OF, LOTS . . '" -' .





The Progressive Spirit of t_e City of WaynesVille



-a nd · -P¢u~l~pm~.;at Co.

~6"&J"""_J"'&""~!A' " AND



.. ' . .'




CITIZENS . rPERSONAlMOOiij ... .--~----




,, -~-.


Patriotis'!l Sup plies Power as French Women Till SOfllme Battlefield; Another Demonstration of Sturdy Qualities of R ace

Hev. '. A. Beall a nd famil y we re Su nday di nne r g u es t~ of Mr J . D. ,\Iarla ll anll fami ly ,

. Pierc > gr ent unclay li t l{un . n:yanThos· (;ump in Le bl,llIon. . NOTHING ACCOMPllSHEUI ,J. O. Gartwri~ht milli e a bUflinesR . trip to Cllweland Saturtl y.

And Matter Was To


Referred Back Miss Aria Michener. of Houlo II, W!lS n Lebanon vi ~ illlr last wee k . Who Will

~)robQbJy 'Act

A citizens meeting 'was called Mon· day eveninlil' 10 discuss the light proposition, and a very few galhered in the council chamber to disc uss the outlook. The meeting was called to order by Public Service White, who, at length, read the report of the en · gineer whom , the council engaged Bome tlm,e ago to look over the plant, and made report on their Visit to several towns nearby who are users ot the Dayton Power & Lillht Company. The matler was thresh ed over for a couple of hours JUBt liS It has been for the past three months, and the citizens meeting did not get any farther tban the council. Several of the council are "sot" In their minds what to do, and at present 88 the matter Btanda it looks as though the majority are ready to give up the present plant lind sllddle tneir troubles 00 some one else. For the benefit of our citizens who have not attended any of these meet· ingl! Ihe matter standa thia way: Shall we sell ttie plant to outl!ide parties, or ahall we hond the town for another is.que and Improve the plant, and run it 88 it has been run, o,ly with a twenty· tour hour service' These two Questions are be, fQre the public lit the present time Acc<n'dlng to Jigures, which look to be authentIc, with judlcloUB ex penditure and a careful wllt,e h OVe!! the plant, it looks 81 though the local plant could be run by the municipality, and give us an all-day service, This service would mean a 101 of new equipment, which, of coune, would moon another Lond l8Bue. On the other hand, figures which look to be authentic, as given by an' outside corporation, would give UII the required service, but the outside corporation refuse to take over the water ~Y8lem Qut will pump 80 0\l0 lI'allons of water a day, while at'the present time we are pumping 56,000 Ira lions per rlay. Thi, would pro· b/lbly cost a large sum 01 n'lllnuy to operate Thecorporatlon,lhen gets the benefit of t~t! water consump · tlol1, but 8 (lu t'SlI.on here Is whether lhe coat of pumpmg and the main· tenance of the plant will. be enough to pay thtl town to keell It. A new enl(lne bought by the municll)ality would save halt nf the coal consumption, 'it iuaid, pump all the water that is absolntely n('cell sary, and Rive an all day light service. An all·da; service ili what the citi · zene 'of thi8 town artl . looking {or, whether It maintalns Its own plant or whether they eell it to outside parties, and the sooner the peop:e ot

MrE. Cal Burns s p~nt T hur:1day in Kings Mills. where she visiled with r elati ves. Mrs. Frank Taylor, of New York Cit.y. is the Kuesl of her mOlher, Ml'lI. Edith Harris , Colgates Toilet Waters are' ext)uis· it, their nowry fragrance is i'l imil· able. J. K JBnn ~ y.

d ~ '1 Mr. F. R. Hentlorson an Ja ml y . a~~ Mrs. J . H . Coleman were Dliyloll VISitors Wednctlday afternoo n. Mrs , Phoebe Tyson, of Dayton. Is spending a fe w weeks at the home of Mr, and Mn , Walter t:handler. Florlent Perfume that remarkabl e medium of personal expression cre· ated by Colgate. J . E. Janney.

1. N. Miller stands ready to solicit your patronage in Ihe Nu rsery Stock , furnished by the New Antioch Nur, 81 2 sery.

Mi"R' Ma r y a nrl Mr. Pa rry COllk t tllertuinecl lit d inner Sa turday, Mr "nd l\ l r~ ~~ J' Sm ith. or Wilmington, ~.I r and Mr:l W!llter J anney, Mr, Hnrl M r~ C. !!: J ohns. oC Lylle .

:hief of Shipping Board

September11, ·12, 13, 14 i Lebanon, Ohio . Greater and · Bigger, Attractions Than ev'er, making it one .of the bes~ Fair. 'in this section of the state. The program . is a go'od one.

Come and Bri'ng tbe Whole Family

The August meeting of tho Men I

ening, but it was Impossible to hold it out of doors Aboll t 7 o'cl ock a ' thunder storm CRme out of the South Rnd it rained unlil IItfter B O'ClOCk. ! About this huur. howe ver. a great number brnved the rain and went to the White Briok Chu rch, where the l [ m eeting was held in the Friendly Group rooms, It WtlS a source of l sa tisfacti tln to the lnE: mbers ot the club- Ihat IIll1rge num ber of ladie3 ) , were pr esen t. At the ap pointed hour P resid ent HarLqoc k call ed the meoting to Ortl t'r' I' anrl th e rou line busine 8 Will! t ra nsa cted . T he band pillyed a couple of , select iona. Mrs, Kelly sling a,solo nnd j t ill! ' Iee clu b rendered one, a nd the i Doing , her bit? \\ cll. ", hrl I'n lt hl p residen t int rodu :ed l ev. At. I.\0: ~l! .1 building a merehal P hill illS, the speaker of t he evening say no. This is onc rof lh r W(l1l\en wh o ma r ine far the Unit ed S ' <llC pr, ' Re v. Phillips too k the subject of 'have . stepper! in to the' brellclt in ~hc cress es, i1 bcc:olDd more and m r < '" I .. ~'ell l berl\." a nd he tre/lted it in parr.1ft thz;e &hnrd Nas h Hurlcy, n." ablo manner. Alt houg h the lect uJ'e ra ilroad yards of t he Eric alld is hc.~d .If .,be Shippml Baud. is tl' "firing" ( 0 1' the ti me being. She hopes WIlS 11 10111( th e hu moro us li ne, be tClld righ t :nan in the nll bl pla ce. The' ... ,, ' m any truths in his humorou8 way, that one day he may be an engi ncerjs roce ·..-ithout a ,hi tch, :r~ IIml l he whole leC l ure was e)(ceeding· perhaps the fi rst on the road if not in pklure lho..-s Mr. Hurley In. W2s hlnl. Iy enjoyed by all who haard him . the country. _:00. After Lhe lecture the wale rmelons lind muskmelons were c ut open, a nd """!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~~ the way they djsappeared waR surely - (,8ution. There Wfll:e enough for Ihe whole 11 8 cmbillge and t his part of the pl'ogram \\ ' IIS aleo ve ry enjoy· a.ble , Taking It al logethe r t he meeting wa~ o tce ¥j f the best the Men of W n~ n esv m e have enjoYl.'d . '

Geo, W'!

ED S, CONKLIN Secretary



POST Offl Uf"lE IN

.\~_ ha ~:_ cunt_ 'iken~.~ _


A ne w namtto a n old variety of whea t improves i,LS selling 'q ualities in band ~ of a n unSCt' ull ul ou8 deale r. Hig h soun.ling names and extrav!lgant prices ~I) togeth er . Gene ral l)l t he claim is mllde that les tleed per acre is req uired . On e peck per acre is the recommendation fot some of thes e. Sj nce so little seed is required, the price 'is at least correspondingly high . Within the pas t few years one 'o f th ese v8rietles WIIS distributedunder the name,of Marvelous, Miracle and Stoner. On inves tigation t.hls was not found to be superior to the good, standard varieties when seeded at the same rate. 11 extravagant claims are made for , whtlat. it Is probably one of the old varieti ~ under a new name. It is not necessary to change seed wheat every 2 or 3 years to s void danger of running out. As 101la- as re6l!0nflble care is taken to J)1'event mj.xing with inferior varieties or the Introtj,uC'tion of weed seeds. there ill no advantage in chan.ging seed nnless it is ])08~ible to secure one of the high yieldin'g varioties which is better adapted to one's soil and climat:e than olle usually grown . ' .



T~le lhird Th ursday of every Aug ust is Ute date set Cor a ga the rillg to· gether of th e Ilbove·named family . On thia yelll' it fe ll n Aug ust 16th. It was a perf ~c t day , ,pleasant and clear. This f am ils, hold the ir mee tings at lhe old Hisey homestead, nOlV the home of J oseph and Ellen Higey, who always extend to everyone' a hearty welcome, which helps to make the d.ay pleasant for all. Thl ~ year about the usual number were III attendance Every year we are forced to record the names of somo of our. number ~ being called fr?m o.ur mIdst to a fau·er land than thIS, an.d then we .are 80 glad always to have other! register who have not been able to attend for se~eral years This year we were glad to have John Gard, of MonrovIa, aI., meet with u~A b ~ful 'd t noon ~ oun tnnllf w\U' lIerved _up~n. the ta 1~8 and all did amplElJustlCEl to this, Bot c ;ffee a!ld lemonade in abu~dance , After dmner the u8u81 bos!ness was ,:,ttended to, then , We rest' of the tlme was spent in Boa.ial ,njoyment of joking, laughIng _Ild talking oyer old times As evening drew neal' lVe all departed for. our r8l3'pective homes, bidding each other adieu and t rusting to meet again the third Thursday of August J918, at the same place ; Marlha Cleaver Davis Sec'y. ' •

-'I'he Lebanon the Franklin and tbe Waynesville' Farmers' Clubs rilet in jointeession III Waynesville 'I'hursday, and it proved to be of ' a-vneral interest to all. There was a large attendance, il\.. fact. the largest for several.-years. and all had a fine time and a most intertlStinll ·meeting. The clubs were entertained at the homes of Messers. Zell and Hawke in tbe foren oon, and a p l'lasant social time was enjoyed until t he call came for dinner. when they adjourned to the basement of the M. E. church, where the ladies of the Dorcaa Bodety furnished them a most excellent dinner. ' . Tbe afternoon pfoRr'a m was given . b M E h 'h " 'r Th l. In t e " c urc. . )r. omp~on, ~f the O. S. U., was prese,n t and de· livered a mo;t eltcelleJllt address for t~e farmers use, but, he addep a gl~at deal , to tha DI_edS that are bemg forced upQn them during the pr~ent war, ~nd some Bolutions t,bat will make their work·more e~ecllve. The addre9ll presented wsa h.tened to with attllntlon, and all present were highly pleased with It. The meeting was Irranted to be We are In receipt of the Yl'ar book the best held for many year!!. of 1916 of the Depart1ll'ent of Agri---~ ~--cqlture, The book Is full of meat thla year and explainll many things In d.tail. We are undar obUptionll Tboulands of dollal'll Is being made . Th. Compton.MUt. reunion wUl ba to Conreaaman S. D. FMI, who will bJ the fiDe rain_of Tueada.J .avenlnll held at th. Caaiancreek Meeting. be ilIa to lend one to any ' of hia and tocl81. Crops been_needlne bOIllll. IOllth of New Burlington, on fri.u4a upon application, it tor two waeka or Satu~..,., September 1, 1917,



-,;;:il;~: ~~~~~o~d~r~~~mRY~~:

place, and in fa t, almost all of the farm s Iy!ng together al?ngthe liver. What IS to be tlone WIth tha farms Is all Bupposition, a8 the agent has not given ouL any Information reo garding what disposition will be , The postofflce was moved Saturday, made of the places. He has already nnd is now doing businOl!a in the new made arranget~ents for th., I~p.rove. ~ tand, corner of Main and North ment of the liver bot~oms, It Is aist reets. The new location is tJ cen , Ieged" and whether h~ 18 an employ trnl one, and while the new rooms of the government or 18 buyIng . the a re much smaller than the old ones, land fo~ a syndicate will _have to be tlte employees save a great man! determmed later, B8 he 18 non ·comsteps, thus making time in theIr I ":llttal o~ the subject a~ the present work. For t he first time in many time, - -years patrone could not '\fet in the Inbby to receive their mail Sunday af terr:oon. ThIs was occa.loned by the lobby n!)t being Quite fini8hed. The lobby hereafter will be open all day on Sunday.



WELFARE lEAGUE WilL HAVE SPEAKER At the next reA'ular meeting. Saturday , August 25th. of The l1ural Welfare League, of Mas!'ie Township, Mr. L 0, Lantis, of the Extension ervice of lho O. S. U , will be present and apeak on "Social e nter" and "Communitv Work.'" Everyone who i~ interested Is In· vited and welcome to attend. Helim Hartsook, Director in Chatge.


. -.

_<4._ _ _



. ;

Oats i8 a crop which must give way to wheat. At present pricee tho market value of an acre of oats Is not so high as the market value of the same acre of wheat. Tbose whose opinion3 are worth most feel confident that the present demand for wheat will continue for 'some time. If the wheat. crop fails ther.e is still a chance for oats. The Ohio ,' oil and Crop [\llprovement Com miltee, therefore, ' feels safe In urg· ing th'e substitution of wheat tor oats both' as a patriotic- du ty and as a good business ,proposition.


Try the Gazette's Want Ads onee




, EPMON STeWART . President



of WaYl tesville was held Tuesd ay ev- 1





Like Heroes, 'and IDld Not Seem A t nil to /lUnd the Weatht:r

-I .Warren CO. fair I SIXTY-EIGHTH AN·NU A~





Fred Bown and wife, Mrs. Deborah Howell and lion, Tom, of South Charleston, visited Howell Peirce and wife Sunday afternoon .




Rev. and Mrs J. F Cadwallader, Mr, and Mrs D. L, Crane Bppnt Fri day visiting the Ohio Masonic Home at Spring field.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .. . . . . . . . .



Unger and flaughter, Dorothy Mrs. Linatnan and M re. Dursl' 'o f \)lIy ton, spent last Wednesday at the Friends Home_

""!!!'!!!!!!~~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!~'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!! " - - - -. this ham let decide what is be do the sooner we will have butter light· ing facilities . and the sooner thi s unrest that has kept ten peopl e in a turmoil fur the past three or four mouths will be enc'led.

Man's Overalls She "Fires" on Locomotive



~s ,

Mr . and Mr~. W 0 Raper Sunday for Piqua, where they wi.1I ~pencl'a week' or two with Rev . and Mrs, C. S, Grauser. They hope t bring IJ large string of fi h Ilome with them


What Object for Ihe Purchllsc or the Properly is Mr , a nd MrH. Tom Courtney p.n , !"lot Divulged !ertained las t Sunday. Mr . and Mrs, l;eo. Wall and son. of Los Ange les. 'aI , Mrs Pa iry Webb. Miss Ha zel Webb and Mr. Ray De laplaine, o f For several years farm property Ila,Yton, Mr . and Mrs . ClarC'nce &1- in Wayne Township ha ~ been at a ward s and Mrs. Ida tok es , low ebb. hut recently prices have a dvanced to a great extent. and An othe r gulden waddillg anniver- where form e rly land could he bough t slL ry was observed here I!lst wilek. at $75 per acre, and Kood land, too. , ~I r. and M I'~ . A. Stoops having l>een It hill! popped up to fOJ25 lind more marrier! Ii fty years, their many for almost the Bame class of land . fr ienL1 a obstlrved th e day by calling People outside 0( I he territory have at thell- horne Ilnd bringing tributes (lome in and purchased tho land , of fl owe rs a nd other glfte. Owing again sold it at advanced prices, to Mrs. toops ' condition no rece p- theroby making a good profit for tiun was give n, as had been inlended, themselves. Several weeks ago an agent from a realty company in Cincinnati came AIt.h u I1 Kh the J;1ory uf the \\ art w h\l n it is WOI1, wtll go tr) Ih,' nll'lI uf 1· tallle. it h ~l "" bC~'11 lhe ' W 'J llu: \\ hv h\i \'1;' IIIJd ~ Last Frida y evening Mr, an d Mrs. to Waynesville and immediately bedTe t l\C wnrfarc pnscoihlc by , lll'l f uct.,·tl :s u f tlO Ill C:- t H: it~ , T hi. . str ik itlJ.:' l' k l l1 n : ~h f"\ ... tlh"'1' 111 h i,rlll'~ "', pllllill '~ i\ harro w F red Shgrbot. near Hary,€ysburll', gan to price land bounding the MiamI o\'c r 'he nt:'wl) plilWl' " law l ill tht: Sum mc r q~i (l ll wh ich wa ... 011 I}' r Ct;: t' lJtly r.c:..aptlJl'cd (1 1'11 1 tilt. (1 f,. 111l ~11I~ . Th l'Y h:l\c !i\l f · ~tlVe an old · fashioned dancing party river south of town, He did not moun ted C\'~ry tJ"5 t acl~ Ih at ha , ali , cn; the lack'of hor", 1)'''\(' '', l>~ , lI u t hillckrcrJ til .. " IIUl' -I he .tn ,)· tat"" ("'Ir" lh, t tu a nu mber of their friends and haggle very long as to price, but I\ elg hhors who do not two-step n?r bought all he cou 1<1 and Is still do ' w ere arc n ll \V )'it.ldl1l g }1I 0tt ncc 1J ' t \\ ;\'i plal1 ted ail~ r the n ·cqJtl.lrc o f t he h:- rnt u r). ' j h l'r, '\t:'rt' 1111 n a' lI Ii . d o ,h ... w~lrk. Those at h Ollle were ill\ alidctl. Th ...: hoj's ilnd Wt.) IIH'll nid Ih\.' 1'1 0\\ jug. ill l11a fl) ca'tt· With 'H It till' ~l1d Hf III;, .. , ·.... Th e tango, EV Bry body bad a splendid ing business here, buying the land Ume and they. h.ope to r epeat the wherever he can get it, but aiming transformation of t he h;ll tic fH! hi lilt fa rrn l:\Iul flllly cuh i\ ;ltt'(l lia , Iln: 1I lade .. llIut l d n IniH h. lilli, '1111 \\II'lIt' \1 ,lfe ute pleasu re thus Illvmg the old folk s a to get the land contiguous. f·x:.mnlt!.1; (j f thr t;tlu (h fa ce whi ch h:\ s l.d v(· 11 :l d .;1tllln ..,u,ui o ll h ' thl' w\ )Iltl ,J UIII I:': the 1';1 .. 1 111 ft" ) ,;\ r!l chance to be happy. The agent has purchased the Cross - - -.. - - - - farm, the Linn farm, the Telegr.8ph MIII ~ property, and has made ad

(;oll{ntes Talcum Powders are soft an d refre. hing Ilnd hreathe the fra grance of cru shed flow e rs J , E Janney .

Mr. and Mrs . Jas. Roskel)y, of Chicago, a~d Mrs. Emma Boily, of ~I'rtow. 1<18. Bre lhe guests of rela· tlves here for a \\e('k or two.

.- - - ----- - ----. t! SO.CIETY EVENTS I -. *-----~---

Dr. Viii; OstllopnLh 21 S. Broadway , Lilbull on . Ohio')- .


Wh.ole Number 8441 ,

Everybody ig Going to the Biggest, , Busiest and Best Fair in the State

.....THE GREAT.....

Montgomery County Fair Dayton, Ohio

September 3, 4, 5, 6, 1., 1911 Grand Opening, Monday,. September 3rd (Labor Day) 20 Harnesl and Running Races 20 Pe~le's

Comedy Circus as Free Attraction Eve.ry Day

'Biggest Automobile Show eyer held in Dayton, Ohio, ~n cOD~ection _ , with the Fair

:General Adniission 8.A. MOSBY


I. L.


2S "'cents' .\



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UN'o.. JIO won '[, " UOllp _\ t--:-III I \ " 1 Ih ' l , "Mooty enll swIm 11k II 1111',,1'. I ' \'(· "f ttln 'lOOn him III Iho rn Ilk "' II,,' .111 , lotIe club. Uosiol(' ~ . fr'"11 (lI"fill,:' h," ,


I\(oW "I\. 11,. '1 , IIr " " .

tall of oil" li S It IIrt.' tll'",-"I'\ 111': ' I dlsl'Ul:Hgcrl 1Il~' hll lt,1 CI'"," ).; "111. wbo \V1I8 n~~t to III\! III Ihl' 11 11(1. '01111 ,truck out tor tho 81'o! \l'h,' I'\) I it!., I la.t SCOII the h 011 'ust Io"f''''e Il hll ,l' dllappenre(!. By a fronk ot luck I wn ~ III """, . Tho bod.1 rose t o Iho Imrfllc,' JII .•I In

JI\ "~h ..1T' .\ I 'I"I ' ~ . " ' 0111' .. 1'110,· 111 1",,' 111"11 . J\ 1:""1 ' 11. 1,,,1/; \' I yonn..: ' tl·r. \\', .~ 111/\ 111",.1., a" l'lnl'ltI.h.~ Oil 111(' 10,,,,1. '1'1,,· "Ih,·/' ' \l , S j l1 ~ 1 11< ob'· IIIl"I ... It PII~"' · III!:'·· /'. '1'111' /o .. :tIlIl"11 wei'" 11,(' 11111'11 I" til l", Ilt ll", " phll"'I 'I'It . Icnlly. 'I' hI'. III' "<'·I1<::,· /' '\J' ~ /lIlII JlYI'd , lind 111l1'''IIII' ' I'l"lol(' ", " 10 '1' thp 1/1, '''", ,·euICIII·!.'< Ill' hnll h""11 111:0 01,' I" ~II IT"I'. Uo \l'0\~ n,,1 II rnl I Il:ttl . I,,,, I,,· hlill II ~ build ~llI1l1nr I " It,ltll' 1,..r"I·,' I " " 1'1/:,,1

ublo ,,~. II wo.n nll." ".\",',1 filnll(·.1 ." I ... ·1"·11 1"1. "'rIMI \ ~11'!:1':I11I 1Il!l ~ t h"y,. 111"'11 (,n' hllll." "Ii< there n tcl ep hnn"?" In'lolrell tbG

r "H' I h ~ () Ji t,\ rI11UI·. .







PJJOf\ g 1\' 11

HIli L ' \' Ii Fmn HI e~or . Nollp pros eqt11 ont l'r ilrllO 101llrllll on . otl1lo ,,~ ~' rtlnk It . Pbll ll p". NoliI" pr " ~"l lII I' ntl'I oI I \u Imll<.t ll ll nt I i5lnto I' H .J " llu ]\('o l'er. Nulla prOI!!. , (·(tol (lilt r ed t o 1O(IIOIIII(lU\ . ~lI1hl \'~ \V~Il>.v 'Irler . No lle pr o SI'(jul p nt ' r et! Lol i 11101111 lit.. tlitnlA ,, _ N .IIH' DnUlf nnl. No ll e prOI~t''lui hut,'rtul t o indio I111(l!llt.,

or till' 11(,\\" '''111<'' . III , " '1 " ,,, 111 lI' :h II pnSB('II~~ r. toll, "'",., III" ""'" "11 ,, """" 1'. frl'rl'l j WI' r~rorl('d blm 10 Ir In u i)n{ly. hln ~k ,'.' ·N ,,,,, I II " ,'1 .·r \I' ''''I.I'r, , '111' · Ol'('r tlll' wh'" hl! askl',1 f"r ' lie beat rl\l'f l ~' (rllllllu ',1 "U· t11l t' flf t h .. 10 1l /l 1l\' I'!'Io'' h lt (\1 tn FlIlr \ "( l"'W. 'I' hat "n .... Jl d u ell





11" "\1 "'Pt},r ; 1 Al ~~r CbIU,1 a . Oil I I III 'llI:j(n)l\ l1~ or IIIII .n j hflf," 1'" UII'~'"11 of p .1. 9ril1 lll, Not oe

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"IIIIIIn Fra:tl r . g l'lItlltllU It' VI' t,l 1110 IIU~'\ r N R"~l\l1w"ld uLd Bro. v~ ' Vill i Ihll'j:\'f' ] 'I " lIlrll1' ~I'IIDtllll 10111'0 t o I ttl-' U IU Ui1t~ d I)l~tttt() n ~ 1.1 .

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"1' 1'<" " 111' Idu'·...' 1 ~ltI" 111 '1,, 1 11".:11. "y" ,,; " " " '11:1" 1" " "II fi'~ III " I I"" '"''"

Copyrigh t by FMln k A. Munle y Compa ny.

omlllon PICIIN Court IJ"u r" K Il"rkrll.\l \l r v~ Eva E

'11I11I UJtI I t

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\1'111 ) ,HI 11'11 h im III 1'/1 11 U; ''' d WI r. lle tllrncII III II~ . " WI IlIi I. I It" Ilum . t::a1l1 berac ll e l Timberlllk vd'l'ho bc r oC ri d " (( ·It' I.hlll" · ·' " Elltlo~~r 81.1Oe M,I UUfOt·lorioJ.: ell "1'1'11 hill1 III "'111 lip GI""' II'S l~tnlHl." Del onil"ot 1;1I'('u ~wllnl.y.llvo dUYH 1 ans \\'l'I' ' ,I to flle IImeDd ed IIDBwPo r. rnsll n". , "lIl·lI n. :J~t'll .\ lr. mil!!!'), to ('li n 111' Htute vs WllliulIl U e rl1rd. Plea. of 1 \llT n'u th" 1l11 ~' ''" I! I·r " ~Il il !lr my Grel'II's I ~ I IIIIII "' 11 ,t'k " Jr ;\1,·. J. lllton g ollt,y ente r ed lind finc,l $ IU UtlJ clotlu;·, q. "You'l'O' II b ll' " Ill,\' IJll ilLI ." I S. ·Iulr. I .; "'''lb., ." COHtlt. HUIl" " , r,·,l. I Aflf'r hl' hlld IIlIlIg lip Iht' n'l' Inr ' tate Vil .1 lin R llO wsk\. Bond He 1"1,1;,.(\ ti t I" ,· II'lIh dis!',,, " ,.. tI~ If I th rrIJ WII~ ,11,,",·,· fill' /I C(' \\' I!1OLIIClI l s ; iixud lit ,LO O. to slly. " J 111'11(' HIlL" hilt II ~t' I'I I It' d ,hHH th('u III Pt' In II I(Hl l' of n ' lI r' \ "' ~ ~l d ClIh). Iho "'UlIl'. Ulm " "I "II·l .tI . " .\111 ." I Ir Y('U RI'I' l:ita~e,,~ Unrrett l:Juv60s. B ood I t nl,1 t h~ ('lIlll nlll und th,. ,,1I"'r lII" n ~Ir . U I'I,, " N. '11.1 I I"!" Ilxed I.I~ $100. I woult.1 oll i llt Ihcm 1I'111t " m,,' "r 1IIr. "Y,·• ." S ·tll~O " f! Mnrtln tin loy. B ond Grl'~I1'~ 11111 t· II,thc~ .• I 1'I11111IJ :l u",l th " "'1'1", fUIIlIlU" ""\'('II ~ I nll,1 fII ng-lIzl1l0 lLxed Dt ~" O.



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~~~~~ I Almo.1 Droppe d Her When I H a . p p.n.d to Glance Down.

tron t or IU C, 111111 I g rulol".1 It "eroro It COuld s luk fI!{alll . It was n \\'Il 1\ III II . and I to\\' ~'Il h" I' I'''~II.\· I,y iI"r 11ft II'. Soon J \\'(\.~ II J::llill lit "hul/,' II',·/, \l'l1t~r. wbere I \\"10:< 11 1,1" I ll. ""'11'1. I llIMlccl IIDd VlcJ(ctl 11('r li p. .' \i" WI! sill! III . MDBlble . . It WO R n(1t ulltll I 1101" III"lIJ~ t "('111'1\. e4 .hol'\' tllIl! lll tllll'\', 1 I!I'~' II II"~,, ·ul. lar allout thl> Y"'II\I.:' .1\'1mUll. I u l llJ(l.~ 1

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Llpto" 8, and the F ive F , :: ;. OILE'S gnsp of Jl~ ' n lll 'l .. . sbe SIIW what I h ll ll co ' .' d \I C [ follOWed by nn ('x"' ,, """ lI , Womanly COil rn. "Is sho drowned :" ~Ill' 11, I, ,· !. I ,book my belld II rglllln' l ~ -JlI.8t tlwallowed n IItt l,. I II" I tI ... • water, I gucss." explnlu('(1 (\U l" I', . men from tbe boat. " She'll he lI ' t I' " al lOon •• she gets II CUll or h ilt ,".1'1" tJa her." "Who Is RbI.'; o\1tuln l\erl;"I~. 111'1"

whl II sbe dressed thut \l'lll' ~. ,

Ihl'lIl Oil I

rll l ~''1·• . " r"!'1

1',,1 11 1


~"They please the taste

Di .

great! But also-"

Lo oy E. l'ory~ 1I va Tho Villttge of L e ltuo oo ot 111 'l'C' II1"or o ry r es~l'uin .... iog oru r rll l!~ol vod.

1'1'( '111

!-; (un"

IE a cigarette &imply plealed the taste. smokera Uled to 'Iet it go at that. But not now. Because- Chesterfield" rive ilmoken not only a taste that they Uke, but alao a new kind of amoking-enjoymentChesterfields hit the smoke. apot, they let y ou know .)Iou are smoking-they'!Satillfy"/

"J<I I hel',· IIII.n h l llg ' ''·Illlg.. III 11 01" ," hlnry \ l o DerUltl '" Vl:I ~'rIlD k M. "I tll"II 't hll " C! Ill! hll. III(·"~ pUlLl ug H f)jli' ~Ill tl lIoU. III<!'. lout. "ld"',1 lip II I:1U g ll(l~ lind FrRDk Urnn uutl. ex IOU 'U U99 OOlU llrOlJ] IMod, ~e !· out," bo re"lI"l. " IJllt 111;11 ):1",1 "" ,king ' UlUgll 'l. llItJ II'hll'/l 1.11(, 11,· IlJId 11' ( 1 "t"' II"lI t(l r ~. etc gIrl there I«'i' /lle u JII 11/1 ""'{III ''''''''It t o ( :II'P 110\1'11 11'11 I'll I' ll tI,,· 1,Ii,,,. :!I .d tlll llll tlell Hilrt dl~mls se d . get to l~lIlr \ · Ic , ·, /11101 ,,101 II ~ 1 I) •• I ..,I It IIJ ~Ir. l ·liLiI·. I II' 1<)01' ~tl llt It'ClH' New ~uit8 let lIer 1I0rt! ~ \I'I);;l,:lc IIH'. ~I.I' hll ,' r "'NI' 1I IIIfllll(lll l 111111 t Ih'n "11111"11. not III nr~ t "'"" RltIlI K·. I to {1I !: r . I II111Y "J I" 'UII' III \I(; I' II I' ~II J IIl'I>te Il li •. I t B K W 81lY thllt ~(lJ IIC or It"r nil,'. \" ,, ~ ,"' II' Wll ~ ' 1\'l' I' II ."'111' " ~". It 's " I 1I1l,. j arry i rhv .... s IlIlam 13. Kirby ) , I at Ill. Pllr tl~1 0 of r n l estll l.e. str uel. II 011 Iil tl !;t'IINnl prilld"l,. li tv 11 th cor.,·, 1<11' 1 It '( ' doughnll t, whl'b Is Ul llre l l,.!t. Ih!ltt IIUY' "Vldu't YI)II C\'l'r Ir,· II'!" . W Illlum H. . • :ol liDtI V8 U' rllnk B .

pen d.


tblug clse. J fm . hel'c. Ul)' II/!i u c r. alo't n rCf,'111nr Ioglllccr. 1Jt'llIg us llOw ho 1 nrrted lJy con )IUIIIII' III·". hut. 1 hIred him h 'nUHf) h (l'~ (HI, of II1\.' I", t eook~ In the KWll', H!' 1Il,.~t 1111" (, d\ll1D sowuthlng wnillg".T ho QIlIur JUlin trl II to lull;I" ·11I'!;. "I Imow"-lhe clI\1lnln hl'w \ l\ct.l him verbally 011 8 Ido~ " 1 lit )'011 IOl1ijl h",·c dOllo sUllle[hluJ;. .\ lIrhn ", wt) pll1lO11 lost ",u r alell u, ('ompl e!I'l y. J l'i)II' IIC, 1 tho ' llr s t oo. Aforn wo coultl d fill"· thing we ~lr'lllLlle,l Ilt ll I'(lCll ~ onc I;('~ nnd YOIl kllOw thl! r o)Nt. ;\;<w If "OU want 1\ rutlllll g,),){1 CUll uf "olT ;,",] some lIu ('oll 111111 I'j!;;~ J n~l tlll'lI .lim looso III the kltchell." 1 1001{l·11 lit BOPJI. lIud H" I'II Ipol",u III Kp-Il t. \l'h o 'lfln"I'''

"\Yh..-, II'). I',· II C"'<: I' IIIId time. 1' \'0 a l wllY~ WII"t Ij I tl loeCt b rue <lI1C wllu hll(l mn!l ll Ihe xp rJlllllut to sce It 1 WIIR ..I/l llt. " "Y6u bn,'o met I bCID," r thundC)1'ctl III tho tOiles /)( 1\ Jul.llfC. "Ilud yon Ileca not .a sk ubout luo result of tllO l':\:lJl11·lmtlot. becuuso you 'HI' gnlllg to U'y It YOllr. self." A b •.II·st: "f IIPJllnu ~ c 1! 1"!t~'1 .lIe t rom Eopp. . .. 'Entll/I; tlt""e 1I1t'nl!! n tl ll~' JR tl bRI'" It.· " . 1 qu tl'll. .. 'We lUI" IHII Ilc ty .

·1/l lh r.~ lIn


eYCI1 I C wo I, rltl "ussessed n bout, but bo:tl'~ IIn,l " I'n l es or groecrtes. fr uit s nnd ngcrJlbles WOI'O stU I IltretllWnl! VII t 111, II'o wnl·,1 PIJlnt or Lh o co ' ·o.

m.'" a

"Good hea vens I " he rav~d .


"We'lI .11

,y ~ ::Ipcut t WU Il f)lll"S tJ~' lu :.: t o l n~ . " tllrs c llIl 'lw I( S. 0111., · m", L1'l'tllI' net. t N I II II lIylhill:.r. It lit I 'I'h(.'n II'u lw d Oil n II t il t'! l"I ~ I' \\'C.' rtl\\"{',l In lI'e fonnll tllI·I.!' rIll" "" I lrtXl'. " f \,'ct luntl' ltrs: ·'OU' " f;(ffll\ un 1 g t HWU."~" ' In lr a sk('d l'11! illl lll P erl:lu . 118 II' IStl'll;.::;t1C,1

. up lito 11,,111.


Quit y>ngre~ to Rejoin O~io 'Regiment

Mo oey; /l m ooni



f:Ql I

t·1Il IIH'l'(\''' mtl .~(\ d th -\


all ~· h o \\'. s o .J{'~ l lI~jn r


('\ t. "

11PI''''!' '

ID the mllt~el' of t,he oet"to of Wri]gbt WhitlA .)re, d aool.laed Ltlwi~

tl tJ l,u ic 'll tho ( 1IIJlt"lIhl, "rlillt ~'(l f1 !!,II JIll 11'\' [ul 1.. 1 ('£ sll,·lt'l,· f Ol' H l!ul.i IH; ,H I l'!·Ullt'. • 'Pt! lH s IIIhO ' )

In I he motler of n Olle L, White , A d juIlgod iuaune nn d ordorecl &0 th'e S ltHA hospltu.1 lit Day t o o for trel,t.

1'C'('oll t l ('l tlli ~ f,\ llfj \\ t' I'l1 :--lll ' IIlId o ul \' nile Jllg;";l'l' til WHIt 011 IIi IIJ:' . 11100 t . "rIls 111,, " FI'idu):," 1" ' Pl'l'lJlnll'd 1I01l1'. Real EstlJle Transfer; wl'lln"s tiJo Ol ! ', J ( .' 'iU d llll't LUlI l it t1.10 \\' 1110"11 allfl li lt., d(J ~ I IH11·.... 9 KJx hll . ::; M. Burkle to Sophia eurkle, 1111111 soulll III this Is 1:11 II I. " R!])IIII t.rnot In Un ion lowosblp, $1. IW'J' l llIl W\)H ' t l illl l\ l! Illl .\' ' 1liffUl' '11(:0:' Murin Mul ford, exeo~trix, . to I ('''"10 10 I Il l ' I'l'. l·lIl'. ",,"('I'V lil'St ,· It, ~~ Tud, 'j'IJ II1'~ (,,,lolli' sll/)\;' II \J \\' . J tlll'Oi.l V. Mult ord, 102 a~e8 in Turtt'e ore Bk townslllp, $ H67 2 55 Itd fl.'":') 1 1U,~ two ~J'''I I~.r s uw l tw.) lttllc •I o of!ltb .. n Wright et al tp William E \' n ~ 111 If·I1~t. \rt~' ll ha,, £' pu p I:,ohi li. 8heots, onO-half sore In ", n n " "11 ": 1.1' 'II '.) Ih ' ,. I'-I'itlll \' ~ ; '

Spriogl:!oro, $1. ('1'0 bo ("OlltiDUod) Uh~Tle8 1:1. Gruham et al to Wtl. ~~~~~~====::::===::::=::: Ham V'V jjliter Sllllllts • . 0nfl.bIlU aOle In 8(lr lngb i ra , $i. 8 ~ rtlh B, WriRbt et 1&1 to WlIllnm W.,tJ~tior ~heet~, 000 hlllf !lore In


We Have .$100,000 Wo bave $100,000 to loan Oil t arms or torly a cr os or over In yo ur county In Burn s of $2.000 lind ove r ut 6% tor a t orm or fiv o years

with r epayme nt Vrt vlleges. No loan made ovor 50% or p.(!tual value at fnrm.



a, . .

... .


rallmp0l'teci and Domestic to-

baccos-that telll the Itory. And the blend can't be copied . -don't forget that I Ask fQ1 Chette~elda-next time you buy. . ~,ur~w~w'"


JO~ ~------------------~----~----------~------------------__J ~

a' l


:~~~;~r,~~~~~:::::~:'~~:~:~11£ WALT~R L McCLUR~L

Walter Chandler

B I ark!', It. ',Adams' ond Arthur I:Jryu li t ulJJl tl lu ted tlpp rlli"e rs,

I'IIS(I '." 01 I J I(' :lI':i t I l If) ',"


The ne40 blend of pure, natu.


. till II , ",IOI, 'r Illl)l; III;e It h lltl IIII\' Intoll. 'tlo" llC ((11111 h ill' rOl' II \'nltllll' ~'f tloyS ")\11\ ;:lh' o;"il,!l It: ' I ' lail" ",nll\ ('11 I, ll III ~ill'n t:c ro t' a 1lI0III 'tit ; 11,,' /1 be ";i,,,' I 11/" I It nil I!: hts thuw ." 1 " " lIl '\ l ' ) , '1\ t' 11I1I1' e \'I'pr tJ~ 't Ilr lhl~ l'x!'t'I·h-lJn'. I ' ll I lf ' n :5N'lflll1 H tlhi n ~oJl

.......... -

Yet, they're MILDI


tis UBrpentor, cosl·s $6.::15 ; J obn L u w ALL 1<INDS OF Man Is Not Man Vet. & ~()n, IlDtoaervloea $:!2 GO i WllIl lIlII , L Byl v o@ t er. aat. o II l ory and ex. I ro,::r~~s Is thl' In w of II! ; DlIlO II p a Dees $4G 80 ; D n~ld autllo ·d. It • I nnt III l1n YL't.-Br w lliog. 8j~~tmt In a 1Jrveyor'l! office $24: ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ J Me lompy, flo!,' es tlwt.>te oontrno~ . EsI;ate of flfltrliltoo Whltena ok. deoelltted. F lulli .. euount fillld. . , E81~I~tll of A nd raw J, trowbridgo; i deeemsed . Fi rat 0 ocoqn t fil ed. firm " ry hulldlll l:( commisal on $3 (ifi; In th e mutter nf tbo oRtn·t.e of J ose ph Wt.> ~ kID 8, 81l\),e $27.86; W. . derns t !)b Bro~ . FiDol OCOOIlD~ f1l lld, D. Corwin, IIHmo ,aO . 16; A. O. I Fun~al DJrel.:tor. 10 tbo mutter o r tho e t" to of F Buker, Bawe 2~7 . 90; U. O. Ealas8. . . Waynesville, 0, C, 'u. rey, lIeotlRspd . E. V. Barnhart 8sm $L liO ; Ella& Oglesby, same Waynesville Ohio IIppoi nted l1(tmlnletrator. B ond $211.05; Howard ~. Don over, same Over Pottolfi~, t8000 W 1:.'. Gr.bR.m , E rlmlt Zell n ,56; Leb"oO)Q loe & Uoal 0 0., 1011 Office IJi>oolt 71 I-Ioult Pbl)Qt II 1I0U J, O . Ctiftwrlgbt appolnt.ed !lp. $7. 50 ; i:!to k es & 6rabllm, foil ODD. I-EI1'UIWprlll~ '8r8 . tr(lct (;(17 *23a.70; ~ t.lAte VB Mary . Aulo Equipment J; E I,uto of Nonov LlI lle , deoellsea. Blly~ltp, coats *7.20; Slate vs .lobn ~urphy, '008ts $550, .' Horse-Drawn Equipment Sale itJill filed . The oontrnot fo r a 8toel heam ' Est.llte of ~shaatll~n M~ g, Sf., de: Dr..Bell'sPine·Tc..r:'~ Honw brldge nenr Bert Roed's. WIlS ' le t to aoasEd. Foortb llcoount fil ed . FOf' Coughs ond Cold-. DAY OR NIGH1 l'b o Oregonia. Brldg o 00, for '195. T~LEPHONE 7 Geo r go 1~. YoungadOlinlHtrl1.tor VB C. ~ Moont8 wa s all o wed OD lid. "uie llrllatbouBA t Ill. Urder ditlonlll $UO tor olerk hire, g rnoted to 8pll relll lllit.tltFl. In 'Ih e Inllttor of t·be 'est ate of Otbo E, IDly, cleoeuaed. Will ud. mat ed t o prubllte. lflrman ~;Iy UI)' Notice of Appointment vuinrFl,1 ex ooulor. B Olld $70U. R.

fr 111 the sh (1. "'us HUll 10Q roug h to gO out to whero I Ito ~llIl'y Ijell h llt1 gone dow "

get It

W. rougb Btretcher and car. ' r1e4 tile UDOODacloll8 girt to tho houle.

BDTggllm,.n et Ill. c l".lwed $ 1350.

WbHncre op poht ed I\rlrt1inl~trBtor, Bond $2.500. Uoorg ll VIlI(U. Jobn Niolloldo n Bud L. E. BlI ld1\'ID ap. pointed Ilpprilleer s, [n be matter of tbe guardIanship o f Knt hryn Lt, Ve ro e WhlMcre. mi. ronta of Oll r " ICllJlIl <'h". 'l'bn ,lelllllll,l Dar. Katherloe D. Whittl or e ap. to be fell cI·c r." ~n urt '11. tllli~lt \1'0 IllJ . poin·ted guurdlno . Bond $3.GOO Esta\e of LI1 JcoUa II. ' ~ldIl8, de. swe r th ut ,11'UlJlnll \1'0 lire !'III\' 8< ... oened. FIDElI 11000110& tllod . Lfflton S. In ll' l{rmll,eLl. 1 explained hllw \\'0 hll(l ~ell t ollr J. 13. P enoe ad ministrA tor VB Tim. BUPPll es nUd . cook u \\'I'y so I hnt w o o~ by M!\riatt. et II I Order granl ed s hOUld not be lelfJj)!r,l. ~o sa II real estl1ta . . " An!! wilen lI D yon eXlle·t to r cel ve Etllte of M arl ll M: Wi tham, de • moro 6 Il flllllcs~" he Inquired . oellsod. FiD!ll ncOOu nt filed. . . "1' OU "'CI'O o n lIl O hOIl t II' h Ic to WllS E stat e (If WllJlllDl H, Wlthom , de. brlllglng tho J;l'uc rles," 1 Illformcrl COllHlld . Flnnl Ilcconnt fileel. 111m. Ic the mil iter of ,Thorup,oD Kin g. '''.rhl!U they III' /lut thero Itl I1l<l A.Cljulll:(lltl nRan e l1uci o rde rlld to t h e lak e 7" State hospltlli "t DOytOD fo r t~el\t. I nndd d. n o rush I 0 11t. "Whert! 01' J 11 guJ !!.!" Kent ~clled . ment. 10 ~ th o ml1tter of the estllte of "To sn "e SOfllC Of It H' ~ro{'~rJes," snld tilc dls tlnSllls hed nuW r. MOTt·ls·ts. Miller, Cleoone (1 . Thomas I1dmluistrator. This WIIS " ah n 11'0 11(1 I'Cul Id n Hi nt Miller app olD Ged . Peuoe. G. we all fo llnwed 111m. K nt. morc ~600. A pIJ r tliHers W . t hougllt!ul Hmo tll!) rCR I. POll Ins t'o M. ~.t,ller~ und John E, RoblnijOD .

' l ~kcI\

Wilen WI? bad plaCed ber In Oil ups toirs .~m we lett ber to Loelle's core Ilnd Iwl • •tea Dflfty In 1IlY_ bedchamber.



R oy KID£( \'a l.ofoUI' . Kin '. vorce !4 rnn t Pod IJ]IIIDUO·.

n"pp. ell .C"!; .

. ", (I I IIIlIlu, ' !" lIllel th l l' k . hU l ,"Uti tu d l',"h If .'nll " "p 't ~,.t 1'(11'(\ '1".

It ~kud \\'11,,1 h,,01 111'1'"

LUCUe, Ignoring tho rl!rer('I\\:~ 1-0 I·(\ITI'!'. ·"1 dUnllo wbo ell 00," ~nl, 1 t ho (·,1\1 ta1n. "Sbe romo nbon rl1 lit 1\111.'1111 Vllta alld Bllld she "'11ft go ing to Fllir View." "Dressed lIko t hut 7" "No. sir; Ibe waa dressed swell. When we .8truck tile ro<:k o,' cr , omler I told .ber we 'mlght, hal'O to 8wlm nod Iheld ortor dross Just os lI~ht liS Jlo8~1. hIe, Sbo went Into tho Ilabln with her grip, and when Ilbe carue '!lilt sbo was like this anlS asked mo If 1 calculated that ,....IIgbt enougb. I 'lowCd It Willi. and we !!Idn't have no time tor expln· . .tiona, ,becqUIle J1l8t then we brqke .In


11 0' 1111



" ,\ 111) ."n l1," ~ '(' IH rr l lJi' cJ

i evening' clothl'~ :11 1\) Wh ile II l' · wlI ~ put·

, ttllg

::ltur.e VM Tho mAS Devore.

"1'tI hllt',I I,I' , :I)' I hnt. Illt il' " '~ 11 I 'III" PIJ'" III)' w",·/( I" 11 11 11 '" ,II' I, '" II 101,>11'

8\tghily Ilh'llt 1'1l1l'1I "1111 tiC' I" "'hlllll cJOtlll'~ 1111,1 It rtHI nnll w hlll' hlll,,·r. I bill! nO\1t!r sn ~ rv'C: tctl ~Ir . f: ""l' lI fir (1\\' 11' '" ing 1I1l~· tul ntt H!oI trl",ol()l1 ~ u:-; IJl:Il . Tbl' "lIpLnltl J) ~"" F"" II III"' .... , C "r thl.'




E8t.ate of 1". C. Oarol'. Dec:euoo. No tIce I. he reby ulvon Ihat E . V.

"" llIlum~, Roof

to Bogb and Ar.

t \HlI [{,ulIf, lot tD Franklin, $1:

AWonderful Saving G.UARAN,·T EED . . . FOR YOUR FORD

I."" of WarreD Oounty. OhIo. det:IlUll<l. 1)"",,<1

th~~.~~h~"~?~l ft~)~~~~,. JU~g6

a2 ~




I'rolm"" Oourt, Warrell Oouoty. Ohio

FRANK B.CAREY . Optometrist Eyes tested free.

Lebanon -:- Ohio .0 u. H.E. HATHAW Al'

Goorge UllstlemIAn and WIfe to Bud J b ri atl on, lot In 'Le bllDoD, $1. WaYlluvlUe'a Leadlnt M'lrk Be ll to MiDorvi\ Jlltt, lot In Office tn BaineR Bldg. . " "ltb Lebu uc n, '1. ~ ,\ 11 11[1 DellUlu et til to Edwllrcl W"ltlll tl r Iwd. wlfe, lot io Frnnklln, $1


6,'llOlnt.Od anti (IU&IIIIO<l as Allmlnl"raWr 01 t 10 E8L&Wot ~'. O. Cnroy

hart hoa boou duly

DeD'II' MaIn ,S t

Dr. J. A. McCoy, Veterlnarv

Commissioner's Proceedinas

F, W' 'r' h (\m,,~on & SOD, Illeotrlo Ordu.le 0' Oblo Stili. Unlveral'\ 8P I)I)lh!tl ann r(lll"iril a' fllJ'l '~,85; ~to hIt1\. ' lu nl1 faet.urlng 00" AnpJ)lIel' OFFICE: for oommlsslonerll and "udl~or U.35; Xenia Cit~· Wnrlc: Uoule, k@epID@I Corner Main and Mill Streets prj sOIlEI· ~ $;17 20; til Fred & <.'0" .UI)llli e ~ fur Infirmllry 'LII2 27; ID. . Telephone 28 qaelJt nn hod ;V of 9111'1& Cr..~(\. • OOAIi8 $i' 20 i ll.lllQO.' ~VD 1100, 01 (Jar• Wayne8V'V~



This Stromberg carburetor for Ford cars is guaranteed· to save 28).'0 tcY6096 on gasoline. Either Carage will fit same on your ~ar and If y.o u are .not s8tlsfle'd ofthe big s8vln2 wlll .replac~ your



J. B.


OhIo ....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . .



...TH E



G A Z E. T T Ewe i


II . I... CI AN E, EJilur alld l ' lIbl h,ioc l Sub, 'riolion

·1·ri~I" ..

Writt en

$ I .r.fl 1 0'1' ). ..,."


. .




u ltHle


m c nt M

wi r.ll 111\ 1ll·'~II'TII 0 '111 ofll

wlll' r f' h)' we w ill prillt "holl wi·,,11 fi Nn fonr &0 ~I!I: of Lho . fu", o u M U n tlo l wUJcl & [Jii;1~rwood pl o taroR . 'l'hl ~ Ilot d firm 1M '.bn IBr l!e~1, vl o utlul!i ul! h n u.e In tllo wurld. An,1 1111 01 the dl\lIy lIewMfl" PMM U PI' Ih f\ lr ~orvl ue 'J'be plot,nru .. will hB ofull { nrlti e~, from wllr \1) men nlld wom e n o f Ib o h ro or, I\nd 801"11 otlm lc pif:I,lIr CR W" loll I,bl s flmtllr e fur It will hnll KO '"fl o n(\. Will run II" mnny o r th" p lol nr ,,~ ILA a u\' HI.\ lton will Jl"'1lI1t evo ry we ~ k ,

S100 REWARD, S100 · Ti,., Ita


"r .

I ,s Illi s 1" '1 cr will be Mrll . M ,lrl,IJ " D'L\' I ~ H[10Ut 'l' u es p lt.' II :;\· cJ 1'1 le u t" tl Ul l IlwrI ' i .. Ht j('u~ t n il e illl .V 111 lJtlyl o u . (jl elltl~d di· l.d !i4: l ll.n !" " Il· II\.: ~ h ll~ 11t.:~ 1I M,'. n lHI IIlr@. lrll I:l~rt.ook O1I l1 ed able to \o UIl.' III It ll il L .... 1.1 ;.;"-5 ,Iud I Jl d l is cu lHIIII. l \ltlHllh Ilt f lli,: ~ Ie ll l l ' ill fluenced " 01 I,'. A U"r LslJo k "D11 fuml ly tiuo. · IJY ( '!I ~ 1 it III iuu.1I ruuilil jllii S "~lJllir"s n 1l1 . Il ,Lr . 0 ~ ll lllll u l ln l t l b l ln l. tl i. MI·4. Mllrfhn ~lIlllh I1nll 1.1". I l.d l" ~ l'lI l. lIr h Ml'di\.' illr- i,; l akuu l l1 h: r fl •• lI :tori lIe lli Allon lllln on ~P"lIt lI'rrrlllv In t ll1' ll tile 111" lltJ o1\ · t IH: J\lUU lIlc; S IiI (oI4..'('S . ' 111111 wl~b t.h A fn rlll ~ r 'M R"U ' UOV () f lil t: S y:-' It.:111 t ll t' ltOb ' dc~""yjrr g tl! . w h o h UH II un In rrl , 1' lp lt'lIl 0

foulld a t ion of t ll'c di !=. t:l ~c . ~~ ivill ~ tile 1': ~ lie l: ' !' In 'l11; tll hy I I lIild ill ~ " 1' l he C ll ll~

~H lIlJt lt lll allll ll",, ~ i r.: till ~ Ilu tllrllt i ll dllil lg il ~



Tl.I IlIA. M . E.obor oh Intp m e et. Wrn , Eflldgol unrl \vife Vi~it6d in!. ut A<1 t1lJI S Ori)Ve bs!! un tiund .. y, fri e nd In /:lIlTing Yalley lust w e·~t .

Angullt, 19th, with ubl e ~ \) ual[ e f8 IIn ll


'l'ho Bo bl


R"uni on wus held I~t

BolJ t o wu (last of ~ n wn Illlit nturdtly . I£d lJ. u pklll R /lod fUllIlly m oved t o Wu y n osv ilio ]U Mt Mrs. P rr y ~n c k 6 tt f\nt(l rt ldD~d tile LII (h ll~ of l ilA W . (: A. i"ociety lit her iJ ullle s outh of t o \"n IIl.t Mooril,y .. Ct,o rn oon .

W6Ilue·~dILY .

_...:-_ ;:.:::-- _="--- •.. - -- -

G('o. P. Tiffan y, of A. P. Tiffan y's, optom e. trist, has return ed from Columbus, 0., where he ' has just compl eted the post gradu ate course in advan ced applie d Optics and Oph. thalmo logy at Ohio St te Unive rsity.


IL InrgeIL D(\utI EH1ulllon co. 'l' bAY bll va RI·ourfld . tlJ e Ntl" .,lo 8 of Cou . f{ r OS~ lIlll~ . r eSM I ' } ;r l'i ul\d ll.l' ut~er n ooll AtlQu t ~Ut,h . Y Ollftl'O cord l lllly In. v,itud t o he pr esent AIlO two r o ur II m'pltal utll(n~S ~Ulul, wbulII W{i ure llru tJ u t1w r n \ Y o II r " g "I t .) rtl lJ!lr L. h a v f o ~ n LIlt.OSUll l ll II OU Ottl )l6U. If \\'fI~ IIhl e t il r o Lnrll Jl ,,,II< ~nllllu v va ll .J "ve never h nftrd h ltn your Ilf " o o tc l.ruill ute . bIn!. W. 1. ,I or d ',!!!; l l fl Ill. ~8 Uun. I ii M ' , nll b .f ord"o 8p nt tll'O llcl\'H of )Ilfl t ElH~I''': hili!. Mllth o~ und H . I!; . ""'''Ilk in I) lnninnu ti. W IIMtl, of DaytuD , werB :suo,loy vl~. . Ul'lo. l)~vl ~ uud wif" a ft·.!Udeli t.b e Ito rs or lobI;! Ceotr,,! . Mr . bnd Mra . Hllrl"n I::lorve.v un d Ht~ , . y re olll u1I h lllJ,r WuynoR ville 011 flllllll y w ~ ro hil ton U!,IOII ou r Sl r eo t M 'L'hur"i!nv . !i;rrHl ri t, MlllIu nn "url dlll1 l.\ ht nrtl , o un d ny • Hnth nud l~le nllu, ~Ir". I,I .. MUlll'I Oll 'l' hres l~ing 114 n I\rill~ UII Rnll, Ill· und dun g hl f' r, 1';1111'1, "ll l "lld t n ~h O n (( h :S n nll"y I ~ n ot o h,,(\ rv l:!ll ollr Ur<l\~n Cuonty II lI cl RI ,,, "t 1.11 (1 w oo k.' o ~ I hA h ns y HAIi Ho n. " " 11 vltllt.iUI( tlo oir t1 lrl 11(''''''. Mr... Mr Bnll MrH. H 'HV'lrd Ansllli " I Ii I'; rrll .~t, M.uIJWI! .... 11 .. h4 H hl'''n v ls,t. ~w o c llllolr fK, o f' I)ILyt"n , ", ur I' !::lua. III Il ill )tll IllB, (I " r ll tum. ,I h Ulllo ,i .. ), f!, n "~f~ \I I th nlr pII[o ll l_. Mr. unll willi th.'m. Mrll . A , Ii . An "oo. 1\1 r. 11011 ]\1rl' . "I.,H LI\llIn~L fl lI ,'I~. Ml' Imll Mrs. . I. . Hut.\.oll lind il oll rrlf\lI\,11~ [lOll r H la n c h (l ~ltlr Hlln. LW f. dll ug bter H, of E U1lllloh o~ r. Wlll U

- - - - . - .............

~nnouricemtn t

by Our Corps of Able Corre spond ents . in the N eig'1lborhoo d

'1' 24!,

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'I I!

The Summ er Post Gradu ate Course includ ed th e latest advan ced metho ds in the exami nation oro the eyes and the correc tion of defective vision under such emine nt specia lists as Dr, J. A, 'Fenee and Dr. Charles Sheard .

Mi ssel! Mury Ilod Terf\~il ~Yl\ n uro Mr. Tiffany is now better qualified than ever visiting r el"tives at ()s wood In. to skillfully diagno se all cas~'s of eye troubl e (liantl , thlij weult. IllIndn'(J Uollal s ( (lraIlY C, I!'!C tha t it f. .i ts M I'. tin ct Mr s J oe Dno g h e rt.y bb.vll and correc t errors of refrac tion, emplo ying t (I Clue , S.' l1 d fp r li ~ l o f IC4.llmnn i.ds r Ftnrllll l oft er a tbr ee wee ka' visit Adtl l" 5S F . J Cl lf! ~E V & CO ., T oo led" the most moder n scientific metho ds, baving In Kentuc ky wlt.h relutive s Ohi". l'Xlld by a ll UrtJ !:g iSI , 7,k. Mr~, l£tlwllrd 1:)1 III I 0 Imel s o n Kemp added the latest moder n equipm ent to be of ullvto n, vifllte d h er br o th e r Wnl used in conjun ction with his new metho ds. t o r W e ll e r AntI fAfllily .. n lltl! of t ow n III ~ I. ';lIn ,III;\, . ll oIV llrrl ' lny, s on of t\r m. Gny. of ' A. P. & ""ur Centorv lll ... anil 'lI RB, Holen E o.!! 10, of nOllr Spri ll g \I"lley, wOlre l i ' l qUl" tl y murrl llil in ."\l1nll\ lu sb wOilk . A n nwApo per xl'hn ng(l /-:1 \' ••~ f.lll' M,' nn (1 Mrs .• Jnss WeRver . who fn ll o wing .lc filliti un u f 1111 lIul l.l lll O. S, wore r A~e Dtly uHlrrr orl . will " oon go I bile : r1 1 ~ Y. wceli· o ut.! J;Uf1~ ts of Mr. I:tnlton 's t o h O Il8 ~ kfl(l(l I D g In t·r.o Purdo m 1\lI tS , ' "The IIntomo l, I!.1 110 1\ IHj."le IrOD MA s t e r Fnrrrs L TIIi \r"~ I~ vi~ltln!( fJIH·~ nt l:i . Dr. Bn d IHld ruhhew cou trlvlHl OI) fOr t,r n Uh ,1 . U !,;,ulln\ I1 /-1 ll1l1l1 II! out olfilin I ~ Iir H ('l eo I;lut.tllll . f n rml!1K ~"Ho ' ln e Into RTl""d, Inxnry . hi " L1n ole l'h o~ . ,JnnlflM IIHHr !, .. b". ,"'~~ 1),11'0 An so n. o! DtL ytoll, 1111(1 tlftor lL r..h o rt. illn ()~s f'x ol le mf'nt nnd ohlt.llllr fl ·. It ('ro n n on. li Ar I'I~ I ~ r, Mr~ . MIlr f{ nrot, Ao"nn Mr Ilnrl Mr~ .•J o hn W olfo ~ Jlfllol l ~'Il I' r, rlf X. nl,,~ ... ~1" t.H of " hlllld s')",,, Icm lbur. lll 'hnl lijil '''I''' l'l r paro ot_ th e WRfl k end w ll h t,!, pl r Sil O Low ' IItutda}" ,.,111 :'llllfIIlY· _tored ClLrrln l{e h ,<I v IlI nun tp tl o n . f lit rohh" r Itrflil. ",'llIl n'- nncl nnn. " Ull wH o o t' flr \Vllul1 n~ I " " . 'MI' 1111<1 !lh.'~. \V. W. W olc h nr!' t"inl o~ " I( l7,Z'lr11 fnll of mll ohln"ry Mr~. ~: t1 \1h 1 i lollll l~ is IIIllI ' li i lll. IlI nll el i ll!!; t111l Aren't They, Though. Read the Miami Gazet te DOW ~(llI rl y lu ce t i u", ill "\1tTl'r\lI~ fr il Ol vl\ri o n~ I\llml'nl· ~. flr ,lvoa ill lI oillth. Th ~Re r m ull e r H ure II pugooclo UII set. W tI lilt n l5 t fJ O. It. It ';!! run ovC! r )(I!) IIl llt'~ 'IIHI tf' n They \\' 111 fillht lit Ih n drop ef Q price. Mrp. ,J Olin '1' 11 00111. n FlJl nt. Vr i. ',h n l1 ~nnrl lln o j.l1". It. ('u n t rll n~l) n rt M r ~ H e llrlll l'<lI'A rso o. or ~"rln g -lllllln llllpoll R SlJl.r. d ll )7 in Pu y t l!n M 1~8 \.Jen nn Br\l ~(J l1p find M r ~ Y,t1 I" y, I" flou J.(n p~ t 0)( I' f'r pnre DI ~, Nll vnn p ~ol'l" f r ')l n thtl fr ont IInr rh Mr. IInl\ Mr~ ,"1m r (-I"rrHo n IInel Mr.nnd ~r:! . FrEID" L . li urrls ro 8(11111 l:futllllW/lY W I r e Ul n ol nll!Lti to thn j1 () I I~(\ . f" tli!)n, till' b,Ln k rlll"I'Y l' vi el to re (lne lltlY tho pil at wflelt , OI1\1 r, ur th e g" "' l rl'1n g'fl t f~~ i n I.'sft- \I ,,!! i nt ~ I'OBtin g Ilhil rl r c n. nr r\\idl~lId II f nrLni g hf . Ult. 1 ' I!pent 1"1l 1·urdll .V IInil is n fj ll~' tim 'hllllfln v nt,h r known m nf h o:l. ' · L'y11I1l .lAnn e y , nf J)"yl nn . I~ vlblt. 'I'h clo8 ing tlf n hellntlr nl nU ll Funer al w llh Mr~. U"rr>~lllI ' " I'lIrnlll. .. . Mr . illfo{ h r 1II 0 th r li nd ~ I Btu r!l. QSI' fnl ll f li A . g ns l );.t,h 1o tb ,I out lo 11 1)(1 Mr" .l o lH! H"'1:; I"v"v Mr ~. Morrlt! l:f o rUi ell. of Dnyto n, andEm~.r. .... w ......................... w.............."""........w_ _ _ _..,....._ __ ,' f Mr H AllIIn I:'Hun I-'n r/o':olll . I'll I' "'tlR It I rn ll cit.l;f. n In \V o rd A !",rlu r'. Is ~(I 11<1111 (,( 11m m O il I Ii w ll h Mrs. J£vn I:\urtll ll ll IIUII rfllllil,l·. l i, mo>, <, frl uo ll til on fl IInrl ILlI , 10(100 · Wayn e.vlll e. FOR SALE PROPE RTY I'rfl n o; II) eve ry WilY I,hllt Inn t .) t.h .. MrR. ()W OII P eooo. of MilWltt.tI. klfl., Is vtAiLing he r frlth ('r, Mr. - - - - - - - - b r t :.' rm olll " f IIlIlIlldn d. (lllr ".vm . -1'"lhy g ll llH o nt t o Bro . Kn r~ t!llt. bllt. U eo r!(11 'I'llit und hsr albtsr Mr~ I Lo~ JlNW, t e'r I{urfi BOOBe Ib n ~, ' Bnd Int, on 4th Either Auto or Hcrae drawD ter,lee. l,i ri lll,, 1 IJrfl plrnt,ill o 110 11fI ~ " St.. kno Wll flS the .T h oM. Zull mnrt p will !!trougt h ll n IInll cn tufOtt No extra ch&rj(e for auto terr1ce. JJ. ~ 1 "lln 1'11111 r ot. nrllod to I:!i\ndna ky propert y. MOdern hOtl ~ 6-hot I\od I r~. G I~tl ill" n Iillll" hll" 1>,1 n very hllll. (l o r tlInrlflr memorl ll8 of h er nf!.N iln (\xtende rt visit with Mr. lind Both phOtles In omce arid ReIIdtihoe. (Inlet wat.or, ll'lth, eto,-ou tbolldln lCa 111 t' .r "'If~ I'list j ow O'IYII fl n ll]\ r will hlne like btlrnl 'llf sto rti tbrollRh Mrs, P K . PeilclI. No. 14. . 1I~8 all good, phone 8.8r. a2)1 I'd 1I' ltI IIr JI Oll in~ t n II0Ar of· her t, b ~ I( l\Ih ll rln~ gloom, n·n d mo .\" Ood Mrs, M Intha Munnell is speodlD , btl wllh n~ WI we meC't bgnin ~P l" l1y r lll'uvt' r y . _ se ve ral weolts ut G odllr p.,lnt. ~--================= M ~<r ~. H·, I"·rt. lind · Wrn. L'I ~ h1 (Oy l.' h e Woodso n ran II ion wa heltl U n'nn Doorl,h. of Mld<lJe lown Ie Get the Gazette ,11101 lr lin d 'Ir ~ . I'I I U~ , Arll lhl plI, ~ll lllrdllY K t tho home of JlI1I1 0~ s pelld ln g " montb with hor ptuer:ts . MONE Y LOANE D ,,,,1 hi II Ern ~t IIM" nrl t'11 1"0 I{ , II W ooll . n, 00' E ~st i:>eoo nd st ree t" Bud CheMI r Wbitter man 1II11 cle a busl. I' I'inn i o II IIr ti (l rtugbu ro I II I ' III tollj<' y "ble tim 6 "'IllS hEld. Oo e ~t~ ueRS trip to Ci n cinnati one dav la8t l' lnll lIrlY . Fr om n~ y tnn, L ah l)nnn, Wlhninl \" week, Nr. 1111.1 Mr ~ , Willi A lIfO l1 II 11 118 ~o n , X ll llill Ilod L: lllrk Avl l1& wern J osBph HAdley, o f Rl ohm ood, Iud., aN EY loaoed on Ilvellto o\t ohat II ir ,"i nl1.l"y tl'lfIRIs Mr . II n.1 ,! r .. presen t . (PRICES RIOHT) s ptlnt Ihe week.en d Ilt b,orue 'e18 !Iond fI(I()ond mor'ga ,e. J [l " A.' ndCU' RIHl 1\11.1 ~o n "",I Mr. Mr~. COrB lillrri!l IUld Mrs . MIIUI" Mrs. Chilli. Siegfrie d left Friday Notee bongbt . John Barblne , Jr.; I'; I l:hll1(\ l: r ~u l1 !Lutl drt n ~1I lOr J?ln h ntto ndod tho \J isoy re nnion f or her home In tit . Louis afte r I1n Alien Bulldln gl Xeula. Oblo. mB MI'. \ ; I " ~ . L llw, of Clnoinn Ati, is 1'h UfS<!IIY. extend ed vi81t with her eitlter, Mrs . • 1"" klnK II ~ h , •• t, vl Mit with hi~ p .. rflnl s Mr lind Mrs 'hurlill Newby lIn d .Jose ph Millor . ~ I r. 11110 MrM '['!l c m s I.n oy lind film. 91'1 n , of Aome, Tn:II~, us vIAII·ln " WIlIlIlJ n Tuilis hilS purohas ed the >I I' . FOR 8ALE'. Mr. Burry I:)h Idu kel' nnd famllv Ilod Jerry ~ ei bel farm east of lowo. the Oofde n 'L' il r us lli,,1t in oll r vic inIty \\,.i R o t,h e r relatlv o ~ her o nod In C lmtoD Miss Rolh Ferris hilS returne d to <! lt l1pl t",,(\ IIiH Wtl(lnf\~ d"y wh ou oo unty . her hO',lle Plelll!lIn t Plain BIter a \1 ... Ch ,,~ 'I'h nl11l111 thr8 ~b d " fiu ll .el of LIght doabl. aarnals . Mr. nil I I'Ilrs, R CJbt. Uurr are In m un th s vm t with her aunt, Mrs. ,' 11[1 Ilf I ~'fl r o r t h r.J~~h I AY Br o t· h e r~ . rhees harne •• ar ~ 10 11004 oon. ~ 'rI\nC08 Null . (:lrll l n lurtl ~" f') lIt r eulI.rkll hly IV 11 'Fru 11 kiln this wee k "'11th t.helr dn ugb . dlMoD. Jnqnlr~ of 'nhD Beaob, R. t n r nml fantily , Myrtle " nrl fllrln pr,. or ,· gpuero] ly 1I1eased B enge, of Mlamts burg, 18 / D. 3, Wayoe! vl1le, Oblo . s6 Pbooe SIO-3 . Ooe of the nlost imporuw t posts wl l h I h e l r 1917 c r op". Orlnod .> B evIl n, Mi sses GOOI!. vi sl~l ng h e r brother , Willter Beoge ,,'der Gen. Pershing in France is that Mr 1'b ' ''11 '18 l.Jtt .v .. nd family l .ll . va flnll Nln~, Mr. R t~ll) b B tlv an, Mr. Ilud family. . SHEE P-HI Breedlo 8 Ewe., B. O. II I wbich Brig.-Ge n. Peyton Mar.c h has • II .. t 'lin "II at - - -- - • I helr pl p"~ ,,tlt, lwm[O un,\ Mr8 UbBrlle Newby ond /!On Atlittollo n, Wayoe nllle, R. D. 3. jllIt been appoint~ d by the War Denod Mr Hl\rry I .~ i l'\ nn c1 I Y lh l' f o ll n \VII1~ : ·hid .. ket, wife and Mr lind aU ".trtmen L He will have act1ve charge { dnu £l hter w e re ,'Dturdn y eveillng \Ir~. li'lIlnl[ (J ln k nnd MI ," M fl r le, of .. , all the :!.rtille/')' forces of th~ AmEd II tl IVIWc\ . .\01 . nn tl hI TS W .. rren g n ests of Mr, nnrl MrR. Frallk S hld • Notal ')' Publi c. . e ican army in Enrope. Indeed, every 1.IlIY, Ilf J)uy l OTl, !Iud Mr. ' h .. rley all er . trpe of ordnanc e capable of being uscd I~lto.v. ·AU.ID 4I of NolUy Wcwlt. ~... I ifl Ulobile operations, {rom the hcal(iest . .1 !1II11,1I1,l Iltt tor I h l >(YP"Y tr l b" and DIe4a • ~aitF. ~e gun 10 the smaJlest cannoo, will JlII8serl fhnJllg h o llr vi ioltyon dlL:\, bt under his direction . Gen. March III L we" k. atrries to his new post an experience ~Ir. IlI ltl Mr .. 'Il " rin gtflll EII !.q IIr'· which fib him pecu)iarl y for the work QIIIae ID When fed Blane to younK plg~, Ii' n "W r,, ~lrlll"l! ut th e r OI'Olt! of Ill . .. I. about to undertak e. He has had atlollat IlfuIr BI4a. O o ro pr(ldnOe 8 reh~ttVely slow glline pll r Hn L h "I.1 lHl vi nJ.: rI'Cllnlly I'o ld a f,ull and adven!ur OUI military career, !'>lr~ . ~J'1rl B prn"rrt oh l lilrc o a t. 1\ bl ~ h feod oo~ t. SUIJple mer",,1 th fl ,l' "r "pp l l )'. 1I1 WIlY lle~ Yllle ... hu .«n · action in many places. 1I11 001 11 U MI· ~. J '}'. Mur ll\t t 'l'llurs protein feeds will ID .. ko faste r Kains Mr ·N ,II·lJ IJ An . t,I n . It r tl lirfl(1 l1 u y e VBn iD g Ilt Il. lo wer f eed r eq uireme nt per far m !!r of thl~ p Ineo. IV',S tuk ' 11 I I I J . 'l' MILrl tllLnd tllmlly were uDlt of g .. !n L h i~ ll o me ItI~t IV .>lr 1l11(1 rAI UflV d FI ve pll't~ weighin g 79 ponndll and to t,be h mne 0 1 ,hi , rlllU ll hter Mr~ . .• ,, 11 i /1 VI~ Ito ra S " tarduy nfte' 0 r ~lo n fed o Had He r Excuse. lily O\lrn for 15 Wll 6kl! at the 01 IIeur e "" VBt'tow n Mrs . Flore B CRSlo WOR nb Ml'lIt fr'OIU klndrrJI nrten '11 fl' u rd PrnDll noo a '3 r(l n r(\ h 'lS r.Il' Ohio F1xperl t Ilr;., C1 d I lomo II ft ment tltatlou gllolned hnt 'Ii - Ell '" L 0 itl 0 h one iluy. nnd tho next dny. ",1\ n the . .• I er VI~ ng e r 81H. Mven "8 nt~ ~ V n !UJltlm e.. Iy 1 M QlghtSo of 11 I)Ound dl\t\y. A tanoher n!<k~'1 hr1' why sh o 11'119 1101' Mi~B t Morle UO l' lf, of Ert ~ewood, we'r t:~ I''':~k B ur t 00 E \.rn h ar t tb lot fed Dille pnrts of oorn and oDe e po there. she Rnlll: ':My grnn(\l1Io thc r dlcd t il e r eM n' g U ij~ t ij of th e ir fri e nrl _ JlOf& of tnnlmge gained nellrly tw-Ice lind I . bud to go to _w .U-I).I'UgUlUL.:.c...__IMI;oso E lhul lIod Lui .. (.f dge n, of Mrs H orbe r t Mal!'l .. t,t ADd Mr". !l8 DlU b "nd r equire d almost 20 per Ulno:nn lltl ~' l o r !l D c e Bernard (Ja iled on Mrf, oen ~ less f eed for a ' pannd of IIldn. OAb' I (' .. u n tll y ~hrl M r~, ... tt l:;"tnrdl lY after "nothe .. lot fed equill ~11 Ul 'henowet-h. wh o pBrts by re ,e!ltly sn ffer ed 11 p"iaral injnry n o D, we\gM of oorn lind ~nim iullk gBloed , . by b a luR bl Lteu bv n d UI( i s irullrav . Mr, Ot.t o ~ll alt elllnd a J olly c rowd neurly 0/1 muob ~Hj tboee ted oorn ID~ . fro lll 1) lllrll Hvl lie g.~ th red lit the ulld tonkll~e. Pigs fed coro alono Mt!<~ Aile C hen o we t b IICCO IH~ borne of M.r. "oil M rI! Loo Dnn01ln IIctn"lIy al,e InRA coro th"n those fell IIII"iect by l\1r ~ A m'm .l ll, omith. of W adll eA d l~Y look llOlUO with .I,hi s gulll nl o~ with Ii protein sup, ,., n . ;' 111" ro " '1 ' fa ~hcm M1 8S0~ Ultfllllld Etbel Dunoan p!emeo t ""V fl Q • v , Il · OD U ') I l l { " W f I ' II IVOf\ KS 1JI01l8"n " visIt with r ultl.1lv oN o r .. Wbil e oorn Is !.IIA obtef feed for wt' e { 8 ·v s t Ilt L .. F ountAin , Ind. . 'M .....Jo hn Loo,,!! II' 'lolte slok at fat teDlng bog~, It Is defioien t in pro. teln Bod IJ)lnerll l lIlilUer neoeSSIUV, Mr. lind Mrs . .1. A. All nn 8pen\, t l\ls.wrt t,(U g . . . for growtn SOlidity with t.h l~ ir 110 0 BOTrlllr d IInrl . Mtss VCIUlII g onhnals. A feed rlob ~lIrlt~t.tOR1.ed Qn Miss wife I\t tho home ellos& nf Uorwlll In protein fiDei minerll ls wben fed Lom. Mtll'jllott lSulltluy eVl)nlng . wl~b corll Is therefo re highly beoll. " llclrt!' \\'ork . The Jlrlq llit tlfl! 9 1 11.\t~ "" Hi lich (nilir ill f he l'\(: ptJ\\l: r~ f ,f If ull' s Cut n rrh l\ it'd k iuc lliat 1111.'Y (. fTcl ( Ine




- --.- - -

CEO. P. TIFFANY, Optometrist and Optician, Detroit St., Xenia, Ohio.



I , . - - - - - -.- ---- ---- --.-. .-._... ....._..

- .-






Ola sslB ed Ad.



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--- .-.-- --







••• DBNT lST•••



A larg e car of Fine Shingles A fres h car of Cem ent A ne,! car ' of Brick, .auit-,-l?le for ChIm neys 'and OutSide Wal ls •

OH IO ,S TA TE FA IR COL UMB US ,·AUGUST 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 1917 HE GOT!



"Ever ybod y'S Coin g'"







~ •• WH AT


Day and Nigh t OHIO 'S CRE ATE ST EXP OSIT ION $l1,OQO in Racin g ' Purse s, .Big Fields in Every Rac~


Not Altogeth er Unappre cIated. Dorothy 111\11 ".IU II thu pet of the ' bO\l8cho ltl (01' lilr'" yellrs wben a lit· tIe s ls trl' CI""~. DorQlhy ut ooce ceased tn !,r r ('II'o nny nttcllt\o ll \yhlle .veryoll 1l1'ld KM nnd llettod the buby. One c\'C'nln;:; n roOintul ot com pony .too<1 n I'(OU nIl nnel I,,\tnlroil tho buby. Billl I'flor 1)(01'01 hy \VI\S sen tell f o rloro· III n ~o "llI" '11 cnrut~r, whf!rf! 1 cnugllt Imll'llIu rl"" reA s~ urln gly to herself: "l'le nil ' n",ful ~w"ot IJ'tUe girl; 1'101

an awful f\wcot 'HUlo girl."

. Spec ial Attra ction s

Rijth Low, ce lebrated aviatrix , in perilous Oi s~ hts each afterno on and night. · [JJumin Bted machine will be usetll in night exhibiti on, Demon stration s of lates t military tactics. Looping lhe loop, turninl! upside down anrl mBny ather Lleath·defying feats Six high· c1ass v urleville acts, partlcul arly pleasing tIl womon and children $500 Firewor ks Oillplay Each Night. , CO", Testing Associa tion's CODtes t-Some iliihg New·:...80 cows promise d for event; iloys' and Girls' Stock'J udgiDg Contest s for fr~e trips to Washin gton.


Women 's Free Day. Monday. Grange Reunio n, Wednes,d ay and'Tb ursday. Women 's Clubs' Day, Wednesday, Tbrube rmen's Day, Wednesday, Childre n's, Free Day, Friday. Old Soldier 's Day, Friday. Admission, 50 cents. AutnmobUa, 50 cents. SeneS atonet! for FRES AUTO MAP OF N. B. SH'AW, Secretary. E. V. WALBORN,llIrl&D8II!r.

!IRvin., suld

my prC!per ty,l ",UI

of1'llr lit Pobllo ,Aact.ion .t my re.l. dence on Main street. Wayne nllle,

OhIo, on



Saturda y. Sept.mber II 1917 BeMlno tnll III 1 ' 0'010011, 'be fol. lowinll Boueeb n\d FuroUn re ooDsllt . InR of Plano, Oed room tin". I'old. Ing Bed. 8ideboe .rd, KU!'bea V!lbloe t, DlolDg Table, (,lball'l'l, Rookel'l l. ElaDI' 10K Lamp. mahel. Cootlog U&enl'ltlll,


UDe Phaeto n and, 101 of Gar. dea Toole. .

Term. mad. .knOWD on day of



'11. N . 1:5ea"" Aao•• B. B. Sherwo od, 010••

.Is 'hard to get 'at any price, ~but our!. stock is complete. Com e in (\nd talk over your need a.. with UI at

ladden's Lumoor



n:atlon. I II nil r t I't'atme_nt' of 14ermany \\" ,I'l'! " nu ' viul"llnK IlIt~r· IlIith'l,ul 1.1.\.\ III ,oj I hi , WfUI admlltw by Hilrll~ l",rlf hIUb.·,!. haIti lh 11",t,'r Bllt Germany· said "i t you The Puter Monfort farm was 11>11' don't COlli Pill ti I' 'Ill Brit in t u lift the tJlockadll ot dIe orman C\)II!!t at Sh lirilT' ~ lillie MoudllY, Bnd II IT)an Will' Lillpincutt made tl business we will keep yuu oUI IIf Clll lain by th nllme of Green, of Carlisle, trl l! to Dayton Saturday . ,..'uter "'fhi wus foll.)",cJ by Ohio, W8~ the pu r hu. el". th E> con · other ~l renuou~ Ilcllollll of Uel'lIl II}, ;:Ihll'rlltiun b!!ing $!l ,I.75 IlI!r ncr~ ' . I ov. and Mrs S . A. Benllllild fBIll' ! until il l·nrne.. the Jl o ln~ th,B I(lllV " 'l'Ii farm is Bit UlHe.1 in Clellrc rtlek r~ mu~t either fc ..,) t~le allied at l ily wur in UUytoll IOIlL week. or send tiuldllllS to 1i ~ lll whe re th 'y tP\vllshi I j.:ouldn't .' · 'rhis count ry will nol . MiS;8 D.o r~ .St l l s visi~?d with rolla· " I l' lhe wllr until it i ~ end ed a rig h t tll'l'g III tipnng alley I hllr da y. Ili nd it will he end d by \lUr; own nils." ~uid thl: ~ jJ~a l ' 1' . Wil l' Under the lobllcco.m:J1l f rom " Whut (' /1 11 (' 1'111 ' " UI. of Ihis \I:ar Millilli burg . ~\'us In [owniulil wl"lik. th .. t i ~ .. o,)" T ' 'HUt! Il r F '>I~ . Thtl ' CO UIII I i u! . lvill lUl L I.: \I urd ·nod by ! W e 111'1) '[eot urlng Wh it e & W yc hl'II"y 1Il'IIHtll"·nt.b-:- th ,,y In Lls l hav" ~PECIALS 'ruls WEEK .. nS" t u tl lul1 bUlldnl1l' arn Ullllttrtts k.) I,I" ::I, I',Inc' 0 f I'1I1e S tat 'lonerj.. J ' .D I ~lhe . '. will nolll~l'l'e lo any peace J llnIlC) . . lllll t!;\~ l lli~ is 11 ..>1111' J Th"nJ will be I H"oPl'l1 , l'rnp 1',,1 )11('.:0, I 1111 king Mill nmli l y - p' I~' lh l y w il y 111\ 2 1 , II~ pkgs. 11 pkll . olll.v .. .lic I Mrs . Walte r Chlmdl e r . wlto was 110m ,- Ill ... l{ov"rnm",lI l mu ~ l o;Ullt t! No t I t's~ I hll n 10 Il\<gs Aoltl . lJllil e ~ic k 18 I wee k , i ~ imJll'oving from Ih peuple lind the war will III,pch Nul S I'l'1l1l Tl lh ll.·c·o. haVl' Ill) ullllllaie spil'il lial resul Llhllt ' rupldl y. 2 or. I lkl! ~ • II pl(l! .. o nl~ .. ... fic will IlC wurth fI grt!uL deal 111,lr' " NOI le r ~ I hall : 0 \J1(ll ~ 8tol ,1. Migs Marill Stoul bP nL lasl w 'ek " .o .ur ! hll~ rf'p" L'~G rl l s tlte )lIlU.I,'l.: ,~t I in Wihnlnj.;tl)l). nlll'llding Yl!arly nMIllII. nut I ~ Ih,· n ld o~ t Il ll~ . ~a ld I f,On PkQfi Mol hers OnLq. M('('li ll R' .· I)r. F.. ~s. " 'I'III~ [;"1'1111111 tl ll g i<l ~' II II PIt 'k !!)!,', onl y ... .. .. ... .. lOr lirul)' t o<l ), ,"I'I){ L" utl,II'r luke lO g Iv e . . ·r . ,,1'(1,,1'>' tl ) UlIl' ,C ~1Itl1." - Kc.rp ts Sold III 12c everyw he re. MI ~~ Il en Tl ~ lta Mc.I"I Ils.ey . pen I fr olll I Ir. Fe~~' ~ peed\!lt Xen ia . 5e\'c ral duy IVlth re lall v ':l In Iluytun 500 l'kl.[H 1\('llow:hs Corn Flakes last wee k. lind Pos t TIlastie3, a IlIlCkflj{t>. only ... .. ... .. ... IOr Adam Stoops h" utll! n Oil lhe sick liRt for Lht: past wt'ck. bu t Is arlluhd EXTRA SPECr AI. a~lli n now. I NAt i"rral l.;o l'll Flakes ; :1 jJ ll .. kagt·!j for .. .. .... .. ... ... 2iic .I u ~ t as "",,01 II yutt arc \'08t-·2U ft. L Oll Chain. linder rt! · : lJ a yin~ I ~c r"r II turn t u Way nt!svillc Uutel, uncI re· ceivtl rtlwartl. Big Henrl Hice ... pounrl ... .. . IDc . , . , " The ~lIl e or the Hillcrl'st Pll rk Ad~lcd ·ul. l:oll'l!<' . II po und .... 20c MI9.~ IZllls 1~A'be rt. uf 1"lllsas Clly, d il ion was suld Tlll'sday mo rn ill l( . Tin C UIl ~ . It doze n ,nnly .... .. :. !illc MI;' , III tile. guest of hcr aunt. Mr~. Lotl! W(" ' vir l llully given IIWUY , nuL &c !Il'nling 1\ ax f rl'e with eac h rl oz Ailee McKln llCY. I man y r 'al uuy urs being on the Hroom~, ,Ifli!. 50c li nd :.. .. ..... . (i(lo: grou nd . Thes I,.ts will mHk e deP ure Cide r Vinegar. a sell I. .. .25c Thos. Foste r a nd family. of Hill s· ' si rllble bui ldinl( lotd. and it is hoped boro, SPl'lut ::lunday with Mr. J . E Ib nt the purchasers will bllild huuses Ext r llc ts have ndvnn.·",J. w~ J anney and family. on them. " still hllve 8 gOlld ~ullply III IOc Flurry Murray b (') u ~ hl the hou~e . a botti I'. Mrs. Ola Harlan and d a ug hte r barn and lot and B. I·'. MiII~ WAS the Mis::; MinervlI , sp{~nt lhe week.enrl forlunattl \ll un to get the freelol. Try ou r New YeHst - 7 Uig Cakf's f or .. ......... , ... .. .. . .. .. ...... 5c with rdatives in Dayton . - - •


A big

our i n g car for f i v e -p e 0 pIe











Automobile Prices at Low Point Rigl1lt Now Buy your Saxon "Six " a t once! v 0 u can ' t afford to w a i t . Today's prices are the Illost favorable that several years.

rna y


fo r

Every known ond itio n ]10 illl s to practically certa in iIll' renses in the cost of motor car material. During the past yea r YOll have seen the costs of 9 d iffereil t ma te. rials that are importan t elements in the construction of al1 automobile go from 30 <)' to 150' ;

higher. Nolone can say definitely how soon or how much prices will rise. But . they will. That's

I Il'ari II g" , \\ arner Sll·e dng ~ea r, ~ Lrotl1h rg (,Arllll rl 'Lo r, Remy i~ll i ­ lio ll, W :Ig'lIc r :2-lIlI i L s t n rLi n.~ and .li ght in g -)''' tl' m, : p iml lk vl'i gear, emi-fl o:l ti ng, ax le, amI Exidl' s tomgc ha Ltery- ·a re abo fOll nd on ,10 of \ 1I1\'Ti<:fl 's h iglt-pri ,t tl c a r s , I UIl );illg' in cost from $ 1'15U t o S IO ,O()O.

o b uy yo ur ' axon " S ix " today. Then 'ou'11 :-;ave th acid r1 price th a t mus l h a ' k ed in 111\' n ear future . And YOll 'lI a Iso ge t a high r r sa le pricl' if 'ou del' ide 1 sell yo ur c ar nL'xt year. Of a ll the goou values now .o lTe red

Th ink of th e ext r a 0 r d i ll :l r y quality an d value that r c \·en ls.

ill the :lutolllobil market Saxull "Six" at ~ \)35 is hy 101l g odus l it e

gr ates t.

Alike ill' J 1 esse lltial points yet n It

ontinental Six -

in price betwee ll axo n 035 ali i! these .:j(l other cars of fr'() tI\ :? 15 to .., f),OG5.

II of its most ill1porta n t features - Colltint' lltal motor, V e d d e r 5 radialor, T imken ax.les , 1'imken

Phone us fo r de mol1s tration-": D rop Il l' a. line--or better 'still l'U me in persollall y toda y.

the Dilly ear a t less th a I!


., 1000 with a cyliud .:r mo tor.

di/Terell c e "Six" a t


I l


Mr. and Mrs. H . H. Wads worth of West Carlelon. s pent Sund ay and Monday with re latives here.

Plant Orchard Cover Crop

We olrer lh·is week 2000 Boxes MntchclI, box, only......... 5c Ruy her e and suve 2c a Box . Safllty Matches 10c doz. Hoxes. %c a g ross.

Orchard cover crops n1ay sti ll be J ohn Gard. of Lonllbeach , Cal., is planted . These may consist of rye. ----------------~---spending several weeks with fr iend s r aile , cow horn turnips 11r buckwh eat. , Bring liS yo ur Chickens, Butter almost dead sure. herEl anti at New Hurlinglon. Such crops ha\'c a tendency to check 1 Bnd Eggs . We pay cash or wood ",Towth in theorchllrd. conserve trade. I Isadora and Opal Lewi s visited plant food over winter, prevent I with their aunt, Mrs Hawes, in e r0 310n, decrease the amount of It pa VB to trade at freez ing by catching SIlOW and leaves, Spring Valley, t wo days last week. and, whe n turned under, s uch crops DISTRIBUTOR Regular meeting of the J . U return conRld erable amounts of or· J • A. M. at their hall Friday evening ganic matter to the 8011. 1000_____________,;,;;;...;..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~---_ _- - - - - - - - - - - -;_- - - - . - - - - - - - - - , All Juniors are ex peoted to be pre ....

Wayn~sville, ' Ohio


Get Ute Miami Gazette Now

. ,.




paid to young young wom811 traiDecI tor 011108 work.


8hbrtap la



Pa.y II

abort hf.lI .... here wU1 Qualify 70U fot a B'OO4 polltlon. Write _ 1M big 111111'




trMed CIII&Uocue, free .


Miami-Jacoba BUIineu College

Late Classified Ads.

4uesltun . '1'1,,·


Ihlll Ihl' fellr I ~ of n n . l u ...q l ll,·fl n .' li nd hrt'~dltnr.r nn· FOR BALE turl! I ~ h" ... I!.r l"n"I,I ,, : th .. I('ndcncy or ynlll1)!' 1'I00 I,h'"'' to I'III~' with n hrl ght· colorNl ,""kl' I ~ "ll'onl'( l',·ltlcncc Breedi n g Ewe. lind 50 LnmbA ngltlnst II. ( ',," - hl "I'I,,)! Ihl' r~lIr n ~ With a total of $6,200 offered In Mri be eeen on th o J. pr"ot .. r 1'1... 111"1',, 1 "" ''I',,('lnl'ss of the the soeed evenl8, lhi~ promises to be Creswell flir'm , near We il wulJ, Ob lo. blbllcul 8'nr~' ' '''' .' " 1'1 ,,·,, 1 til ~lJmll, bll t one of th e loading f eature9 of the Will Dot divide tbe flo ck. sli ' It Is ""!:IW ,, ' fair, and the principal attraction of t he fair to many people. On the opening ' day there will be lhe 2 17 trot, the!. 14 pace. the 2 30 trot add a five·ejsrhth's mile run- On Tuesday the re will be the 2 30 pace. the 2.23 trot. ~he 2,17 pace. t he three fourth s mile dash and lhe ladies hitch, in2' and driving contest. Wednes. day there will be lhe 2.30 ' pace, the 236 t r ot the 2.15 pace and the mile dash. Thursdav there will be the We have in stock, ever thUlg kept in a 2.25 pace, the ? .14 trot. t he 2.13 pace antl a five eilthth 'lj mile dash . Fri first-class Harness Shop. day there will be the 2 15 pace, the 2.20 t rot 1ll1d the one a nd one fourtb mile de rby dash . II"'. 'I'~·



W' I


Shop Harness .




s..M ..... .,.,..., OlIo


~~==~~~=-===-=== --==-=-~ - -=-=---=" -- ~ .---~ ---~ UNI~UE GROW aE!iiiii' . ii51.EJ.'~...I.55i5!:5III:JL==-Z1ae:::: ' :::ZJll:Jie::::=JU!lI~U!ll


Mr. and Mrs. B. S Howell and Mrs. J . A. Linton, of Clarksville, spent Tuesday with Waynesville friends. Chas. Stansberry and Bon. E lmer, were in town Saturday. They, with other friends, were on a fishing expedilion. Mr. and Mr9. Ge(lrge Funkey and Ron, of Chicago, are spending their annual vacation with Mr. lind Mrs J . A. Funkey.

If you are in need of Mules attend the Frank Hunnicutt sale at Wilmington. Thege mules are Nebraska mules and are allilood . Mrs. Bertha Lewis and two daughters , Isadora alld Opal, Mra. Carrie Lippincott and daughter, Eva, spent Saturday at the Soldier's BomA in .I)ayton .






~ent .

M )l s" , y i n Fe ar of S nakes. Why :-.11 : I; · ," Hn~ !o'fI 1l1l1\'I!rsnl1 y t eo rct! !l lI d 1, 11 ,·,1 I" nn Hh~nrulnJ.:'



FOR .SALE Good 6-room house, ceDar, summer kitchen l coal house, large barn, well, cistern and city water, near new 'school house; als~ 11 good lots. A bargain if sold this month.

W. N.




------------------------. ~

---.... - ....----

Public Sale


26 -----------------------Head Mules 26

"If RuS!!la i can't be prevented from making a separate peacefive wIth Germany we are in for from to ten years of war, fOl we won't quit and German~', fed by Rusala, wili net have to." This was B leadlnll' statement in a splendid address de liv ered by Congressman B. O. Fess at the Bible Conference Friday atternoon at Xenia .

I will sell ' at the Pennsylvania Stoe k Pens, in Wilmington, Ohio. on


~ Mo'nday August . 27th, " ...WAYMESVILLE MILLS... e~. li:~;.(IE}~:~:Jr~~:t~!~g~i ~r~:~~i~~~:~?:~;f!J;;:~ 2";'6 H~AD Of N~BRA~KA 'MUL~S 26. I e GiTe a Premium for Al "Wheat ..~' Cost,. of I CutB' k- a H ome . 0R fLO UR HEAT f m-D E~O SI T Y , 0U _R W . ~

. ~





James BI/nham, the veteran fisberman, was exh ibiting Ii white craw E:l fish on the s treetli Saturday. He ~ caught it in the morning, while gut· ling bait . Jim say. it is the firsl white craw fish he ev-er Baw, and several other veteran fi sherman said the same thing. The fish was lather


· h t he



• - ...- - - -

m :-:Wm




': .



Living by

the HI·gh lllg

G . aI-.


The Werren County Teachers' ·In· ~ sti tute will be held at University Hall. LebllMn, on August 27 to 31, 1917. A fine program has bean arranged for this Institutl!. The prln· ciral speakers for the week will be GI 0Prof. O. W. Cookson and Miss LIII Ie EJ annaker. who will asdress all of ~ the sessions. . ' On Fridav, Board uf Education D ay, Hon ,· A . O . Flemlni!'; of Younlls, town, Ohio. will be on hand lind gIve an addres:9, "Llvillg .TC!day ."


E a.peola · · 11y





When you deposit you~ wheat, ask for one of Qur 'Larle White Thermometers. If you have ai~eady deposited, call and. get a thermometer.

~III ~I ~

- _



MrR. Sarah Sollers died at the,home lof 6~rn. M.r . S . M. S~lIers, at lAIua nOll, Saturday evening. The , fun eral.was held from her late home Tuesdn~ a.fternooll.

L:.I ,


MILLS 1"===

.=a.'l iiiiiiEll ii_EEl'Iih;~=EiJ'GlE=al::

• • • • •. ! . .


~ Ann Pelm, wife a! Rev. S A. Sar· a:" a'en.t, died at a sanitorium in Cineln-







between this Two. three and four years old. out of draft "Any member of this Conference, mares ~'Jd aired by good Spanish Jacka. who believes that the end of the war If you are .thlnklng of buying any mules you is soon to be reached because Germa h Id tt d thi I ny is to be weakened by Internal rev S OU . en sa

a s e. .,' -=== = = '- = = = == = = = = = == " •

Ion" Bald Or. Fess. "This is a bope born of a wish" he Baid, "and there TERMS--Oaah, or 8 mDnthstlme. with 8 per is very little foundation look for no revolution nor for anyIt.disl e ent f rom d a t e. senslon In Germany." The Idea of th(\ United States that Germany can be etarved [s foolish, Id 0 F 'G . sa tIES. rope . ' ermanY not at Walter LacIv , Auct • the endr. of her and not ' ls likely to be as far as provisions "'0," said the "~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'~'!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i' .. , spe.aker . . Dr. F~88 then explaine:i that while Germany, ' a number of ; years' ago was backwa~d, allricultur. I' ally speaking, that she hlld since developed a wonderful food producIng C, country .and with the new lands Be· quired, worked by prisoners, that Germany could produce all the food Milk Strain~s, holds 1 gallon of milk .... :., . ..... 25c ni!eded . The hope to starve GerEnameled Ware ................ . .. 25c-20c-15c-lOc many is a ~ope without foundation." The speaker dwelt at length on the Dainty Cream Jugs ...... . . .... , , .... . .. . . : ... ·. 15c submarine menace, Its dang'~ ra to Cups' and Saucers, same old price . ... ... .. ... ... 19c Importations and sea traffic. "1 Bowls, lat:ge 'and deep . ............... , ........ 15c tnink that we are now picking It off, 'but we haven't solved it" said the Ladies' C9llars,.. new and da,i nty. ·. , ..-.. , . : ..... . ,10e ' o()etorl "The s~bmari~e muat be Ga~ze Shirts, for W.omen, ........... . .......25~-lOc outdone by the akill of our &,un'n ers 'Boys' Pants, a few left; just the thing for school. ,~5c 'and the number of destroyers and lIubmarine chasers." "We must Candy, a new l,9 t, fresh and good, per poun~", .. 2Oc •• reach i~ by 81.\perlor eklll and put it out of comml881on." lLwas impollllible to prevent war lie saJd. While remaining noutral' Specialist In Waynesville Or. F. . explaiDtod this country I" 111' OhIo

F rank B u' nOlcott ·

THE 5 ' 10c AND 25c S'TORE

nlltl last Tuesday. The body W8I broulrht to her late home, where the funeral Willi held Saturday afternoon at 1:BO o'clock. Interment In Miami cemetery . . maklna:meml.ofevll'Y ttellfaerat ........ _iiii~iiii



Comme'nCI·.ng -a t 1 o;clock sharp.

~~~~~~y ~~~cte~~~~:.

TEACHERS' INST'ITUTE olution , had better revlaehi8t;1pln


. Our FlourCl! are . ' g. H ome B a k In


of the United States in the war and giving some inside views of the re



H. FARR R._I.... . ."RAW ..........

iII!!I _ . . . . . . . . . ..



Sixty-Nin ~h




rrmSONALmij .----:---- --....----. I

Q/ '



Harv eysburg F ri ndE Chu rchCorn Hove All Wheat, Ools Special Misswnary Serv lc 8 Sepl m· Vlelded Splendidly, os Well lJer 2 'A II are in vited . As Oarden Truck I Almost all of the Wayne Townshi p t cachers a re attonding th., ll1!!litutc There seems t o be many freaks of at Lebanon this week. nature this year- all on account of Mr;!. Elizaheth H arL~ oc k. of lJ irthe war . Last week we had a white craw fish, and the othor day Omllr rn ing ham. Al a.. w a~ the g u est of Lewis ·brought in a ' branch he had Rev . anll Mr;!. ' atl wallau er las t week. brok en off his lima beans, which had Mr. and Mrg. Wm Hadley . of eight well filled pods attached to it. Olllrksvill spent several days with He said. and he i ~ an old gardener Mr. and e,Mrs. W. H. Madden In3t from "away back. " that he had nev· er heard of . uch a thing; there had week . been as man, as five but never eight. Colgates Talcum Powders a re s oft Farmers t ell us that corn Is pro· dUcing three ealll! of corn alao, t o lhe and reCreshinR' and urea the t he fra· John VV. Garrell. of llal timore. whe stalk This is not natural. but all g rance of crushed f1\lWerB. J. E. has b~ en ap poin ted as Minister to th' claim that if the Ihrf'e ears ure al l J anney. Neth er lands and Lu xemburg to !ue:well fill ell out . it will add lo thair mite Mr Car leto n Mills. Ron of Mr . and . ceed Dr. H enry Van Dyke, recen tl y re dUring th" pr e~ e nt crisis. i. a dip loma t of wid e experi. Corn "'growin g t aller than usual Mrs OllO C Mills. of St J oseph . signed. ence. H e has rep resented th e Unite" Mo . iA the g uest of M ra Susan Cook t hi s year. Will Hay t ook a stal k States at many imllO r lant inter na ti ona, clear down to Lebanon. Ohio. last nnd famil y . conf erences. Clotably lhose of the Rus· week, that was unusually tall - for Miss Duva ll . of Mid dleto wn . Ohio. sian Scaling Arhi tration and the Ve· Lebanon. Severni farmers a round who hus be '" the ,",uest o f Mr . ar. d n cz ll el ~n pre:!' erelll ia l I rca tmcn t Ci1.s ~ a1 these diggings h'IVe corn a8 tall as Mrs Wm . 'her wood. left f or hI r Th e H ague. He was also secre tary o f the tal:est. . itgalion at T he H ague as wel l as at Freaks happen every once in awhile home last week. Rome an ti 13erlin. an d was 'a si gner 01 but there seem to be more of them :ht Hosl,i tal Ship om·cnt ion. As Col eman and Mr . nnd Mrs. Clyde lhan usual this season . minister to Vennuel. amI }\rg-cnt int, B on. Francis . of Norwonrl. nre spenri· nc WII S r ~cnRlli z ed 3!1 Qll e o f Am~riC"~J! • • i n~(thi s w ee k with Mr . a nd Mrs _J. t Or c nl 0&t f r.: l' t'l""; (, l1 lfl t i \' (' $ . H Coleman lind olhe r reiativ es


The hay fe ver ~eason has ~trll ck Wllynesville SOlI the victims of this diRe8sc are " sneezi n' thei r heads off " and f eelina- altogether g rou chy lind dissgreeable.

---_.- ..



Ernest Hart800k hl\s purchased six ty two acres of land, with the building•• of 'J O. Whitaker. Th is farm ill extra well improved and ill In a Irood lecation. Mr. Whitaker etill h ... nice bunch of land on the lIoulh aide of th h ' farm . The deal was made thruug h W. N. SearA.

Messrs , eth anri Eli Furnas. t he Misses Annli Fur nlll!. J eannette J a n· ney 3nri Miss Gillam . of Wilm ing ton. le rt'l'flu rsday morning by aut" for Magnolia .• III . where they will slrend ten days attending the' FriPlld s Sum· mer Chautauqua. They will pro· bably r eturn via Chicago, and spend a few days in t hat city.

tel FIght Firel!




SAXON IX" A' big touring car for five people

. • 1

C. W. Younce hns been spend ing a few days wi th relat ives in n roClkvil le. Several of our citizens Rre at lend· the Stu te Fair lit Columbus this week. in~

R...tly this fair and tlnnamerl YOll n,' woman has no r eason to mask her beauty. but she is llrepared to do so if it becomes necessary. She is not goi ng to fight a living foe. And the ma, k is not to be used :u a protecti"n aJPin. t poison gases in the· trenches. Qmte on the co ntra ry. this is a peace mask which women are goin ~ to use whi le comhat, ing local fl res when the men ar~ a Way toWal .

Cement Block. We h ave a la r g e s upply o f CE M E N T BLOCKS Oil h a nd. Can furnis h you w i th a ny amount--w ill m a ke t o your orde r, If you e x:pect to bu ild, don' t fail to cons ider our cement blo cks. Call Qnd see us. Younce Bros. Grain Waynesville, Ohio.

. .

Co., -


MEET ME AT THE DAYTON FAIR When the gate. open next Monda)' morning' for the Montgomery county fair. It will be upon one of the great· est exhibitions ever given . Grea.t er and more intensive farming' because of the war has produced a greater and larger variety of farm products that will be shown Tbe state is cooperating as never before in offering luggellUons to farmers for i nereasing their crops and taking care of , h · rn The raee program t his year better than ever before. with several new fl!atnrE'S. The LaPerle comedy circus, with its racing hounds that will be half mile heats between the hamesa races, is the best free attraction ever aeen at any fair . It will be every afternoon. The automo· show, to occupy the entire Bpace beneath the grandstands, will be the laraest evet held . In many departments of the fair . premiums have been :increased and many other inducements ' have been offered that are expected to result in strong competition


Take. tbe important '1 fea turcs of Saxoh "Sbc" one by one. Bear in- mind the . price of S axon Six-$935 f. 0, b. Detroit. Then look among the cos tly c u rs and see w hether cars of fa r hig h er price have these same fea tures,

If they ' do, that is absolute proof of the high quality ofSax:on " Six " and the remarkaole v alue it is. . Here's how the test works out. ' Saxon "Six" at $935 bas a Continental six.-cylinder moto r. So have 12' other cars ranging in price from 11115 to $2200, Saxon "Six" at 8935 has Timken axles. So have 19 other cars ran~ing in price . from Sl115 to

B~ '-

$ 4.000. S axon "Six" at , $!)35 h as T imken l1ear,ings. ,' 0 have II o the r c a rs .r a n g ing in ' p r ice from , 1250 to

$ 5000.



• j

S ax:on "S ix " a t $9:l5 h as th e S tro mb erg c a r b uretor . So h ave 9 oth e r c a rs r anging in p rice . fro m $1115 to $4000. Saxon c/Six" a t S93p h as the Remy ignition. So have 9 other ca rs rang ing in price fr om 1175 ' to



Saxon "Six" at $935 has t he F~d­ ders radiator. So Jlave 16 o t h e r cars rang ing in ·price fr oQl $1175 t() $6300.

at $935 bas the Spi-

Saxon "Six" ral bevel gear,


So have _18 other


cars ranging in price from $111~ to $ 10,000 . . S a x on "Six" at $935 baSI the Exide storage batte ry. So have 9 . oth ~r carS ranging in plrice from $ 1.145' to $4800. The r e 's the evidence. Ws the stra.iglitest~ clearest proof ever offered-as to tl1e value and quality. of any cat:. '. .

It sets Saxo'n " 'Six" above the claims of all otl1er cars, within $200 or $300 of Its price. _'" We · qUQted you 8935 f. '0. b. Detroit as the price of Saxon "Six." That is true. But with manufacturing costs going ' ~ and 'it may not .remaiq l~g lit ~t price. So place your or4er now.



,. r-

SHUW ING MADE BV U. M . White ~pent ' unuay wit ll relttli ves in Denn. Ohio. . CJWSS WOIiKEI(S•.


Try This Test Yourself It Proves the Wonderful.Value of 'S axon"Six"

jiRSONAl MENTlij ...... --.


- --_._ .... - - -

It was with re~rret t.hat the Board of Trustees of the Wayne Townahi p Sc hools accept~1 t he' reBignatlon of Mr. E. J . Arnold, who was offered the principalshiJ> of a school in J 'a meswwn, Ohio. The position offered. Mr . Arnold i~ B Il'ood one, and whde the board r elolcE's with him on hiB ad vancement, th ey, and the . .1 resid ... nt. of WaYl?e Township are ve ry Borry to see hIm and his estim· able family leave the town . He is . preparing t o move to that place and The boys or Co. E are bel n~ weil l will leave Friday , drilled and it Is very gralifYlng to -. Wa rren Coun ty citizens that they .....__. - - held their own in Cincinnhti last weck, when t.he First Regiment met together for the fi rst ti me. and made W e are buying all kinds of a public demonstration. They were loud ly spplauded at every t urn, and .• thei r W U I k W8j entirely satisiacto ry I g~atn and ~re payJng the very to the officers. blghest pnces t he market will T he boys were '!ery glad t o return tallow. R e member we will to Lebanon agam rather than be ' b . , t ransfe rrtld to t he Speed way . It is l u y any amO,ullt you have t he impression ~h at they will ~o to I' from one pound on up, at Montgomery t hiS week some t ime. any time "come" One company of the First is already I . t her:e t o loo k ou ~ for the cam Ping l Younce Bros. Grain Co., atatlon of the regiment. Wa.ynesville, Ohio,

50 LOIER BOYS 'ILLED Miss Mart ha O'Neall of Waynes. OR ville Bank force. spent her vacation ARE WELL last week with Mies Edith Cra ne . ,If

A very pretty service was held a t St., Mary 's church last Sunday after· nOiln. 'at S o·clock. when the rite of Pekin . and Miss Marianna · Allen, of tlllpt ism was adminiaterd to the near Sprinllboro. children uf Mr.'lInd Mrs. F. C. Hart· sock by the Rev. J . F. Cadwallader Kenneth Ros8, of MasJn. who lived --here for a year. has been doi ng some , fi ne shooting since his onlistmenL in • the Marine Corps. In his lirst target prnctice ho made a score of 46 out of 1\ possible 50 points.


Mrs. Cl audia Cornell and Mrs. Evangeline FOJ[ were hostesses to t he Loy al Women's Bible clsBJ of the Ferry Bible School Thursday after. noon. August 2.3rd. at the home of M ra. Cornell. The meeting was call ed t o order b.y th e president . Mrs. Roy Hathaway. Ilnd t he usual bus. iness was dl9po!led of. and the fol. lowi ng prOllram was rendered : Song , " Blessed Assurance; " Scrip. l ure Read ing. Mrs. Ha thaway. The Lords Prayer was repeated in uniaon. !::long. "What a Friend We Have in J es u~ ; " the me mbers r espon ded t o r oll ca ll with S"riptural quotations ' read in g . Mrs. Martha Orahood . 8010' Mis~ Lucy Emley . • The hostesses served dainty reo f reshm ents of ice crearn and tW(l Icinds of cake. The 80cial hour was spen t in pleallant conversation and in ('ontt!sts The guests were Mrs. Martha Orahood. Miss Lu cy Eml ey . Mrs. Walter K.m rick Mrs. Pine Mi :l.~ Lena 'l' homas, Miss Irma Cornell Mrs. Web Sq uirE!8. Mr. Roy Hatha: way snd Rev. l'lill mer . The proceeds we,'e $6 00 The next meeting will be held the second Thursday in Sel)tcmber.

We feat urin v, Whit & WyC GOOD SEASON AT THAT /' kofl"s line of lin e slutilllle ry. J . E J anney.



SEASON, ALI,. ON " A : COUNT OF - Dr. Dill . Osll1opat h :tl S. Broad· TH E WAR " way. Lebanon. Ohio. ___ Wm and Hurry Sherwood visited ! the Iwialion fi eld al Fairfield S unday. .



.A.,m.flrican Minister '. To the Netherlands

Elizabeth, wife of the late HarriIOn Kirby, died ot tbe home of her brother, James Wells, Friday evening The funeral aervlctl 111'811 held at t he Wella residence Sunday afternoon-at 8 o'clock, and in\erment was made Mondayomorning inMlami Cemetery. Ja/!ob RoIer an sged reilident of Utica, died at the State Hospital In Dayton last Saturday. The body wu brought to 'Lebanon, and the funeral was held at the Utica church Monday morning at lO ·o' clock . br. Thos

VERY EfflClENT ~EAOERS .. ,, ~ ,..

ehas. Mo her. of incinnnli . spent Make the Worle Pleasant, -anll : . undRY wilh Mrs. Ed it h Har ris and Wo men a rc Loyal to this J ust Cause fam ily, Mrs J OB. Thom pson. of Norwood. is t he guest of her pn r cnt ~ . Mr and Mrs. G. J. SlIli th . For the last t wo' months. li ttle g ro UI)S of ffli lh ful wllmen have been Coll{ates Toil et Waters Me exq ui ~ · gR thori ng lit various p laces over it. t heir f1 0w ry frag rance i ~ i' limil lown allrl thronR' h -the long hot Burnable. J . E. J anll ey. Iller -u fternoons have busily plied . th ·ir needles . "doing their bit" in Mrs. Klltherlne Long . of Dayt.nn. t he work of the Red Gro88. So is sJlending a few days wi lh Mr~ . l,ui <>lIy lind u n o.~ te nta ti o us l y has the Susan Cook and family . wo rK 1 een dOrle that it is hard to reo a li ze that in these fe w weeks. 80 J"ran k HC;'!S. of OilY ton. is spending much has been accomplished. On ~ h e week With relatives. and frl l:'nds last Thu rsday the chai rman , with 1'1 and a round Waynesvil le. much prirlt! and g ratifieation. turned . over to Chapler headquar ters, 270 Chester Sno.ok. of t he U. . N II! heautifully made hospital shirt s, the p~obably on Ill S way t o Prance li e joint work of - W ayne~ v ille and HarWill be galle nb(lut three lVeek ~ . v ey~L u rg . Ot this n umber 234 were , made by the Waynesvil le units and Mr. and M r~ . W .. 0 . h ape r. who ati by Harveysbu r·g. By thA end of sr un t last .w~'k 'Wll.h, fn cmls at the week. H ar veysbur~ will lldd 21 ! Iqua. ret lll ned horn e SUn,IR)! even· ~ hir ts to her number ond we hope to lil A' . r 'ach lhe 300 mar K' by the end of the weck. Mrs. Jane Pratt ani! daughters. This is a splendid showing for the MisseH Lizzie /l nd Lillie spent t he WaY ll e~wi li e Branch and raRU':lllay with r",la t ives in Nor wood. lI ecta milch credit on the faithful· OhIO . ness and untiring energy of our workers. Not only has t he work I. N. Miller nt.and!! r acly to solicil lr"n done che 'rfully and consclen· .• In a spi rit of barmony your.patronage In the Nurs ry Stock. tlv furni shed by the New AntilOch Nur· allll liOod=!t!lIu,·:. ~.~ if militak 811 were Aery. s l:l made. t.hey have been cheerfully and willingly rect,iflerl and each one has Mrs . Harvey Gustin ami da uglller. f It an Individual pdJe ln the work Miss Elsie. spent 8 couple of riayg bein g well done. 'C1w OU ~ce88 of t be with Miss Hazel Gu tin . in Day ton work i l a rg~ ly due"to the efficient this week. ' lelldera of th \'1IriouR grOQPB. who have been ulltiring In t hl'ir devo· Mr: and Mrs. J ohn Fromm and t ion to ;t he work. The leaders a re tamily. of Dayton. spent t he -week· as follow9: Waynesville. Mrs. Evans. end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J . Mrll. Devitt, Mrs. McClure. Mrll. C. Hawke . Murray, Mrs. Hathaway. Mrs. Cask · ey, Mrs. Chapman. Mrs. Kelly; Har· Mrs . J . C. Hawke and g rand· veysburg. Mrs. W. A, Haines, Chairdaughter. Miss Ka therine Fromm, man; Leaders: Mrs. Amoa EIlIII, Mrs. are visltinlC with rel ati ves in Cinein · Criswell, Mrs . Svferd. . The work will be continued without nati today. in terru ption. and every woman In Mr. and Mrs. l. H. Lowman and the com munity who has the time Mrs. Martha Lowman. of Dav ton. and strenllth sllould feel it her duty were the Sunday g uest.~ of Mr. alld and privilege to help in thiB work. Mrs. Walter Chandler . The Red Cross deniaa the privilege of service to none; there Is room for \ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen. Mr. and all. Will you join us? Mrs. D, L. Crane. Misses Emma 'Carrie W. Allen, Heilrhway and Ol ive Allen visited Chairman Hospital. Supplies Com. Runyan Camp Sunday afternoon. Waynesville Branch;-

Mr. and Mra. Harry Murray, Mr. and Mra. Earl Conner. Mi811 Ellen Sherwood and Mr. Ray mond Conne r. spent Sunday at the Soldiers H,ome Dayton. . .. Mrs. J. W. W.hl te and MISS Hatt ie Dey oll, of Leomll~ster. .. apent Frlda~ at the OhIO MasoOlc Home, at SprIngfield. the g uest of Mrs. Emma Dakin.

In . a letter to relative:.. Eth a n Crane, who bas been empl oyee! In Toledo this summer . says there was quite a snow stor m on t he lakes and at Toledo last Friday .


Mrs . Ali ce McKinsey and Miss Izma Egbert , of Kanl as City. Mo .• spent Monday with M,.. J oe McKinsey and famil y at Mo rrow. From thllre they will !to to Day tOil and spend the wt'ek wi t h relatives.

------..--_ ..------

ELECT PRINCIPAL At a meeting of the school board Tllesday evening, t hey decided to elect Miss E lma Roberts, of M.orrow, as principal. Miss Roberts does not come to the schools as a stranger' as · she was t he firs t teacher in the Nor. mal department of the schoolB, ~nd her work at that time W8j perfectly satisfactory to the llatrons of the schools. We are glad to welcome her back to Waynesville. • _ •


Thirteenth Sunday- after T rinity cptember 2. Sunday School at 9:30 a . m The Su nday morning service Mr. and Mrs. ' Jas. Roskelli . of will be resumed nexl Sundav. SarChicago, Mrs. Emma Bayley. of Bar' rnon nnd Holy Comm union at 10 30. tow, Fla. and Mr . and Mrs . J C. Everybody Invited to these services. Hawke visited Day ton last Wednes· day. and were t he g u ests of Mr John Collett and famil y.


Wm . R. Spreigel. accompanied by_ S t ore you rwhea t,or b u y our Miss Elma Robe ~t~. made a hu rr,ied BRASS FLOUR C HECKS visit to Waynelville M O Il~ay ev, cl1In ll a n d be p rotect ed aga ins t any of Morrow._ Althoug h hiS VI ~ l t was . . c . an exceedingly short one. he saw ra l~ e 1rt flour. W e lDsure man), of his friends. Mr . Spreigel your g o ods-you run no risk. h811 made application to the 'a viation _ corps, but- has heard nothlQg from Younce Bros. Gram Co., his req uest. . . Waynesville, Ohio. ~~~~~~~!!"~~!!!""!!...!!!~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Red Cross Call

Sherwood received a


The following telegram haa been received by Judge VYrlgbt, and Mrs, fo' ranklin Packer, at chairman of the Wa rren County Chapter of the ·Red CroBB. of ' her father In Cresco, Chicago. lila. , August IS: 1917 MOlldslyaftemoon, Mi88Packer W. i . Wright. Chairman, . . ill health for some' time. Chapter A R. C: War!'en County, was thOught the mountain air Lebanun, Ohio. . would .effect a cu~. The many Red Crose has urgont call f rom Major Grayson Murphy for friends of Mia Packet' will · be enormous quantltfes of knitted woo len ar ticles. Here I. Cablegram IhOC!_ked to bear of her death. The from Major Murpby. "Last winte'r. broke all records for cold and funeral will take place at Newtown, . ,'misery amonll people he're. 1 inexpressi bly dread I'oming ' winter. ber old.home, Thunday a~ternoon. . finding us without i upplies to meet situation. I urge you In behalf of • _ . ' our IOldiers and those of our a:lies who will suffer in their f~ trench... and alao in behalf of thousands of Frencb and Belll'ian ~ , 1118, Nathan' aawse, of, Spring and repatriatee being returned t hl'oul'h Switzerland to France. Ever,. ValIer. visited home folks Tu6lday·. .ona here looks to America to begin shipping at onc~, one l'nillioD 8ve hundred thousand each of warm knitted articlea a1rt'ady r\lClu..... The; mUlt come before cold weather, and in vi•.w of the aborwa.'of fuel and other discomforts. they will be of incredlbl" ""ue in bot.b ~ Military aIld Civilian work .. . • W. uk your chapter to furnish a definite of We have a large stock in qulrement: Your allotment ie 400 400 our yard. ~ Can furnish you of, _ apd 400 paire of socks two dills. Ask lOllr members Co IInlsb all with any amount. Call OD us. and to clear tha deck for action. W. , ....,. "~~.·.~ta.l""IlF Y...., B-. Grain Co.; make aood III thia call for belp from lo'iuee. -






~'?~ ~'~"I!:F-~

~,----.----~----~------------------------, GLEANED I fROM COURT HOUSE I

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~ It ·

.. \ I





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,I! ,. ' lU I

1·'1 ....


IIIU-l , lHIo'Il, dUlII'lllllJtI1

",,,,,I\ltl/ toflh.' i'

rank R.Adan


A. Mun ley Comp"ny. '~ Cl L'S Jl I: t.l . hl ~It. ' n ~::l\! lh.",1 n o w. H llt1 !o!ll~ ,.. \' .II IU' t l \0:, 1 ph.' Il!o'Pt l wile " IlIlr. cnUI1I lust lI'a 1I~' ( .. II.'\\'lil),: 111' I II" iI 1 IIll r .\' UII n,' J"lI I Ic'I'.., 1 \1 11'1 011 ( n, U' scllem e w ith cl,' tall s. ''\'11 \!t'L II h,·II . 11 h e r tlUJ1 \'11 11 \\ PI''' (III ' '-1I t' \ \ h ll r"!'ol t'l " ,1 and wlJen(l\"c r I Wlliit :1nythlll ): ) ' 1\ rlnu her 1 ;l lIllIt! ht .. h,' \\.1 1111 1 IWj'ft..r tn tor ~·OU .H ' ." 1I Il .r t Ililt I' r n lll , ' ,'111' 11\\ II I 11'.... "Fl u c," OE;re('(\ Blll tP. whn Ilt'\;':' lI lJ 1n tr 1 lind k t l.I~\' 11 ll' IUUtll t llt,1t us 1 tieD POSNIIIll lt l s In t hr ~ [' hl'lIl.. . ""', ,'\1 d o HUW HI',lu t I! 11'1 (I~r \· hnl ..;.:,\ I " uuIt t get YOII n lut o t Dl IIH I '11 1 " (·II ~ ...." I lIal h u \'c rt 'a.1 jpnl'III..; \' tl ilJ1 " \, ' 1'\ w I)r. ILI1.

tho rliJt:hl ~ w on't nU Il Il)' \I:i It By If .\ IHI CU e spuht ' , HIIl1 i1 ' \\ ll uhl Iw \' L' (', 'U\(ot' t kOO I' It "I' Cor SOlliO tl llle." (Iou m~ J1 1(1 1. ...\ ..; if "':t o; . I !t,t IH"r I1rh' C' "bfny bo I ~olli d rI g UI' 1111 ,'II'('CI'k lll(' 11Ih .. tll ll '~ n ,: Ill i u tIlt , 1")0 111 \I. "' \) . Wme/ ' I{ nt s lI JHJl.' st c-cl . wltl, illl ~.n' Inl\(l U.Y .\1 1:-::-, 111I1I1U11 "~'. to m eellan lt'1I1 <1 011111 (.t \Vt l h'1I hr I "III~ r,', 1 ,, 1,111> '. 1'1'0''','<1 Itl ollr or alone· Wlt8 m us l er. " \\'0',1 endl 1111 " (' JJII ' II ·,.. ", ';:l lu,"'s . h" \\"1' 1'1'<'1'1" ,I III' to 1111\-0 R Illl mh('r IIU<l olll~' nll<\I(>r In 1.J,..,I. ~iI' ci 1"111111 I I, ' >'1'11 101-1 " \\' u ~ our OWII n a to 0 11 th e c h llll(>. \o"lI' 111 - rl),:lJ l • • '111' '", ,, , I'r"II .'·. Th t'I'" \\11 :1 0 stallce, 'd o' w Ollld ('nil fo r Ihe ;: l lIlt " ell of I h"r ... 11\>(>11 1 h\' 1' "III II II ~ "lie who W0 8 Fr ld ny N O. 1. T h n l "'''11 101 I'Xlwds In Iln,1 ''''''lllid II ('() ltI('lIt hl'(>ll be the cnilioin h ere." girl \\'lIn I,"" ,," ""lhlll;: III,' \1,11'1<1. "Let me be Prldo y th o l'hl "I!,I ' nl h ," " I 'hl \'"" wi, It til sO'OJ , ,,,, '," I ",1",..1. Bopl) conthlu llf1. " Rn d ,lilli, I Du gnlle~' " 1'''11 '11"" ~rr. \: l'e"11 '!" , h" I·,, 'shllll'u. m ocbnutc, ('fl U be Dlack F r ill" ,\". (( cut. u No'l I Iw,-C' ~t!('11 lilt II n l' , .'t OI'lIl t ill' you're Good F litlny-yo\1 gct " 1,,'1 lully, III HI I ,lIlI ,,' j 1111,1 ...... 1""' 1 wh,'lh('r c:roS8 bUll. Wbut s hull I bUI,.ho YOll. Rhe Ruld ~ 1 1 .. s OJr ~ l l's . " lJontyl I cnu ' t Ollllk o f fi ll y m orc lIer " ol ~ ' los t II Ol1e uf it~ ~I unilly E'rlduys." IbflJuglt l !lIl ))elll~ 111' 11 l'cI \'<' 1' I h" r"ot.

"Lc:t me !Jc As h W oo llcsd n)".

l.l on'tl llgb t R. I t " li lru l!!,1 lII;c t he "(;" "' Irl ll l( OIl u " 101111. " lIl ls!! Green It Is," I luru rllll' l he r. Ilouae. .. hu Nllid you "'lI lIl ed 10 se til. I 'm , Luelle greeted us (laWllsl nll's 111 t ho. Mr. B luhl "'~·." 1h'lng roOlP, " Not (!J o pilly wrlgill'/" ":1fI9S Dunmore Is wn l! l n~ fo r YOII." "No, t he> Il rlllllull' cl'lt lt.... I loo ked nround to s c wh om slle ___ _ addre lug . CHAPTER VIII. "I men n you , :'Ir. 13111 It Ie." ." Mor • •Co";pli c~ tione. "Who 18 lI:fls!\ D lllltuClI' T K NI:: W ~'Olr d itlll't Il' (lk 1111(' Ned "'1;'bo Iudy wh o~ life y.ll1 so \·ed. Do . mll ile;,." I u ~ 1,:'11'1 sulrl. "\-OU 70U m e on to s oy rbut yo n dl ~iecsec, 1'm ~1I1l1\/:l'1I t o 11 1m. ulIll I 08Dize her wlUI tlt os t h ings on?" ongh t to know Wlillt li e 100>It ,,' don't It);low " 'hn t YOII m l\Bu_" like unre~s I'm dell l·lnu~. "'lll't tl ra. ·'Tbut'Sl"tighl." Rold flOIlP. "No m.t· mlltlc CJ'l tl ~ o re yon :" te~t yo n ~ny w c'lI 1111 Qf 118 1It(fe9 "l'm th e on ly 011 w ho IH lIC't tbe It's LI'II. \Y(! III ' n \\lllst "tl ~k \.0. autbor o f lUI u n,prodllC'C\l piny." ---:lether, Mnnly 111" '1'1' II \\' lite' lIul>' )) ~ "I'm orry you'r~ n cri t h'. I iloll't torc." . like crlUl!ll, excc' llt IIlIe. I h lld 11 ~lI l1' This Wil li ('~I' (' \1 ' 11 .1' '1 t'~I'k n lJle 0 11 ping that ho WI'Olo ,1I.0nt 1I1l' ~bllt W l\ ~ the flIITt o r , lillII', 11 . ill' I:u 1'\1' liN \\'llll tbo one tWng Ihol , 61\\' to() troul th aliI d hl tbllL Illl\ ' t" ll'g'l1I l1l h ,"1 h(' ('11 fo r wreck. I 'd s bow It to YO II , bllt Mlij8 die other H1Ulh'.V wh"lll ('.hlll· lilll i ~ (>(I. Gree n borro)\·etJ It." ken at. '''.rbls Is It." I hnlld ed ber th e ",nt!'1' "Bow abou t 1'111 . t 111'11 '1" 11I 'I lIit'O'1I souk(.'d trag meut or p Ulle r . Luc1le a we til', h Ili II 1\ 11;& 1111' n 01,11"" "Old yoU ren d It?" Bh e xcltllll lCl1 DeWspllper C1iPI'III!:. "~ill' 11:1 0\ 1'111t I" with glrlls lt e ntbus los m . "Isb't Iti.' 0 ber baml aU tho tllII!'." dear?" I l ooked at it III 1I1l1 . 1 7.l·m~lIl . I I "'11' "TlIank you ." I l\Jurmlll'CtI. own crlt1c ls m oC 1\ 111',0111 011" 11 " , " YOIl thut drnUlnti c criti c ?" AIIO "As You LIke It," \\'111<-11 h., I I" ' I demo lid d, sltlill" I oiL u )lrl):ht In hed • taged the week \l p(.II'I'. 1'"1''' Bnd b ollling ou t h er h nntl ti 10 me. IRpb wu murked wilh It I,;' t' 11"1": aid read •• follows: Tb. tublon\lble llu61 0llce Wil l," u"",'" , .,.. to _ Miae !.anglo",l ns n" " . i.I.'! 11' ••



lI ....ntJng MIU Villn P u nm o.·o ". rt va. · lind. Tbe pUbli c h od n \'cr d r~. I1l",1 (ha l BoaaJlnd could be IlH p h),slcnlly pe r f OC I II~ Ms. Dunmore ",Rae U8 HUO hor. Shn.I(<>.peare could ns\'er hnve w rlt t c l1 I ht} PU rl bad be H en ?tIllS Dun m orc's flg ll r . H . would haye kno'Vn thAI Rosullud In liI;bl 6 '(!ould not tor an Ins tn nt docclvo Orl n ndo


. . 10 her 80s. It l8 ImJ)Ol!8lble to _ y lIIore thnn 1lI11t 'the paft and the boots hnv" n. vcr beon more perfeotly filled . Mias D unmore comllll trom .. famous l".ulrlcal rllmlly. ond uel'ber bill' COUsin ,Ijl thel nor her nele Jack Ileed telll' tllnt Ihe tnntlly I.urols wUl tade In lin.. Dunmore's pOS8esRlon. li er voice bu tbe IIOtt note of the thrUBh which _ . 100 ltW"et to be h eard by an on· ou r. a U(lIeDee. , . I had written In a burst or entllusl, 'u m over a (IOrtect bit ' ot a\'tlstry. 'Taken .",ay trom the context ot t be "Tie"', b,owever, tho parot(fuph did

"Hadn't you better go lip ~$b .. I .

tllld 8ee



'''J'It" "!lJlhl lli !":ti .) 111," 1Il IIu l'P(] !4-1,trl too h l'II V-," (II ~\\'lt ll III lIud 101 d 111 ; t o IlIk e It 00'. I did :11111 pil l III)' ell:!' t UIII" "" ill ~ I "' 1I1. "'I\~ It · tel" ,11'('11,1(u l'/" ~fHllI (\:(' 111 (,!llllt' "p "It It II 11111111h· WftH

:\11 '~ 1 \lll1I I\Ul'. fl 'lI lU 1I 1lt1, Jll'tll11J:..IIH! It) \\'ult tor hl'l' (10\\ 1t ~l utn., I (~X(' t1!o: 4'tl tlI ,\'~'wlf'


{ ' Ilil hl'~

~1 i~)J

f " I"

l:l'l'l' II,

HI H..l \\ l'ut ilt ," "lIn 'l! lI t I IU, lit,

1 fn lllltl

"al tfll il1 l''-'I 'ld ll :-C 1111(1 ,11111. Il u I.)H(h· ~( ' rlpt 1'1f'1Urt1 In .li l ' 1'\·(.I ltln~

c1oll 'l'" lin,] 1.111"<'1' " uil . WI\I II I,'rl ll).( III lit P" ~l' lIitOl1t 111,· II\III ~ l'fhH1I , 1 ,...::kl'l l fOI' ;\1 i"8 ( ; I'e ' II . ' I.~h t , \r(l l l l 0111

willa t hut

nllll 'I' ,\ nUIlt..:"

mori," :.;ul tl the "/lplall1 , " Sill' snit! ." II l! WUI!4 1.;" IIi U In luul.; fu), lil'!' IIwlll(II'," 1 h/l d 1I111 11J~ t r('r;:" II"1I I Ill' nJI,"I Ii/-! ;l l r~ , Grl'e l!. I \\'II ~ Il i inu t h' ~tlll"t 1,111· J'{ Put'l ' h . h.1g: It ~ nln \\ hell 1 l'l' lU i lll1 hl'l"(' d Ill.\" JH'oull::l' t ) ~ l l s~ J . IIHIUI1I'l', , "Allol wlwl'l> i ~ ;\11'. (,) ,,11" ," J 1I ~~l'l l. " I ~l'l' 11 h im "lit III I I", yn 1\ 1 10"klllC: tUI' wllllIlIl ~ IlIlIl t'!' 111 (' 111 h"l'I l mllplc trees:' " OI UII I,' ' 1·e<.1 .1 1111. "I 111I1t1't lell b Ltu th ey WOI' lI ' t n lI t1t 10 o 1' 1II A' tl' e 011 thls I lund. W hul'S th!' tiRO? I t uln'c


yet 1I0hO\\'." M iss n llllmoro cnl nu d D\VIIR I It It· III a <II' s;.. \> t Luc lle·s . or, 1'II I Illll' II hl o ll ~" nod 8k1rt ot th SI\ 1I0r ~ nlt (lI'tler. Sh\! Bil med ycry Iltllil rllftl l~l h)' her IIdYontul'O Oil the hi g h sr.u S. "Wbe re I :\IIHs G r eell 1" she Il sl'~tl . l ooklllg IU'Ollllll. "1 WO ll t t o 1I1U ll k her tor her kLoll1I HS," .. he 1$ 0 11 1 seorchlll g fo l' !Jel' m otllII Il1C

er." T hut, SlIlI tI! l 1I li ke n Coolis h stot ' moot, 80 [ qlialllll.'d It. "H er m ot her dls upp ollred lost nigh t dur lll !; t be

s torm." " 011 1" ~ll ss V Ulllll or o 1Iid not Mill\ porticu lnrly IIOI H'~ scll. " 1 U(III't 8('0 bow lilly 011 COli Ii i get lost on II lilli e Islond like til ls: ' " 1.' hut's wh re Ill' LllYHt 1'.1' COUl es In . T!Jere urc oulv niJotl t IInlf 0 dozoll {llacos she coul~l 1.01', 1111(1 W ·vo looked In 011 ot the w ." "I hud a bl'otltlll' wlto w\ll ked Iu h L~ slcc~fl." BIl ld " 111,, 111 l'orkJII S. rollowlllg u p n U·u.ln o f t h ough t ,U!!I;CS l e d by Alt·s. G rceo'" 1I IslI il )lCIII·nncc. " Do Y0tl I wlln t to hellr th e RlOr,\' IIll0ll t lho f Un n )' pill ee w ll I'e t he zchm 1,lt 111m 1" "A little Inter ," I. ~11;.;;.! e. t ed !Jos tily. "Jus t now wo n il oll ;.;lIt to s cu tt.t:r anll help look t or 111 .".. C I' ' ClU ." " H ow wo s she dr ~sOlI 1" ,Iptaill r CJ'kJlls JII'Julrccl. " J dOllt kuow. 1'1\] IIVL s ur.1 wlJoth, er a h WIIS <l1'cased at n II or 1I0t-tllat Is. s ho prohn bly bnd On II kimono or somc lhlll lI, but I <lou't thin k she bod on r('~ ulnr ~k 11'1 8 onll tbln gs." "\Ye mI g ht lll kn n s troll nl ong tlt e b ea <'l l ," ~ 1I J.;gestcl1 · ,lilli, wh om I s us · pected o f Wllll ii n/! 10 dl ~ pl lI Y Ill s s tl'lp, c(l 'Inl lJ iut:' i ll {l ll hile. " 1'os 'lbl,I' we IIJI t: ltt GIIII 811I11<'1 h lll l; Wc coul d ,'ot." · Art cr the cllptlli n u nt! ,TIm IIIId Klu rt. I'd 0 11 1 ~ 11"~ IJUII LII OI'(-, "cem ...l lost III tl ~ ( ' 11 un CI hi' w lltlcl'cd Iho ught. J fore. hOl'o tc. lil'enl; III on ~ o »Ol't ~ lIlo 1l 8 u !Jrllln stl'lt.a;lq.


aound .. trtlle euloglstic_

berr' urlZed Luelle.

whutl' n ' r

1 1,Illd I h~'llll ~II 111 ,\ go l,l l' , thlll jo( 1lI,\ I1U IIlt , ~ ' Ill 1. 1111 \\ t1 wlI )!h l t luu",', l \\'('11 III t lJ:1 1 \'O .. II1I1W, !iO 1 '\H~ u)\\U,\!ool g ll illl.! 1,1 l,l'l' I' hi l'\'('11 o tt,'r J \\:11,. au 0111 Illllr ri,', l \\,HIIIIIII w it h l 'II l 'hillln'IL t \\"I III ,h'r If 1111' \\Jl. t el' \\'11\ hurl II ," 1 10111 III' r I III I '" ~I " II \\, .1111<1 I'I! 1\11 rll,;hl \\,11,'11 It WII" >1 111 11 .


,' .1


{'!tI ~lIt 111I~l



witi. r.::l1l :-1I ).!".

I~ 11111 t YUl\ tlu J\1~t 10\'", 1'111 III 1."c·lI ..

I Nl1d


obYloualy d hmppolnt c6 wh un t hu m~ . 1 .'.~1 ment &nJlounced th.a t M ll:Is 14tlH:.. I.wtl tn418'pOttcd. and tha t her U 0I1CI"h l 'udy \\ LJUh 111.,. the pt.rL Berore (he 0" " 1 ""1 1\'1\ ' ·~~-----;o~v~e;i.r. h-owevcr. e d lscrl11lhmtlnJ.: III1N~ II , fn:Jnt knew thllt thoy h fl d be OB 1 1 I"·~I.'I1 t HI the b irth of LL new stnr . " 'hI,! l itH":! ,.;", ment need never BRui n orrur I1X('USI',4 rflr

l UllIl ',II\:l'li




1111':1111 II'" 1I1llt"lf h~'

it ",' r lfl,'lI 011 tllnl ~ I .. , ha ,) SII'I"'I·" " 1. W ith lin" ""'(>1 '11(111 I/lulI" " lit ..... ~ ltc lefi Ih(> r l)U III \\ It II II III11ntllll'l', 1 .. x,·u~,' . ulw u t 1111111111; "0111,' "Iothill/!' f .... 1I 1 1!;.~ I hllllll olre I n IJ\lt "n. 'l'hlll Inok (rOlIl 1.111'11,' . 1\1 '" 11 Itll ,·c, Hpoll. ,t1 f ill' uoe 1111' 1" 'I;: hl('~ 1 <1".1' Ihllt f'\'~ r \\' ,Is mllll t'li. 11111 till' \ Oll'lI~ Ind y . 1 lind I",t noel '(1') it. . " I WOII<l(' I' wIll' ~II(' 11 111 11'1 ~ III.I'." ' . sh" Jll\HW ll. " J' 1Il 1~(t'H i l1 I'll", 110\':-- 11 t Jl I,,, I' Ute. I w()Ihl.'r it II Is HII UI "'IHUl t ~ r tl lO c1tll l l(1,~ I Wul'" . I t WII~ jl l -.: 1 au '~(I.


CIIro much ror Osh UII),"'II )"." By tbla time '\'\'0 bo d rcnc heol t he

('"u. s,' . hI'

pI, "

f lwt :I~ ..\'(1\1 UH'nll \\ 11"11 .'·UH ":11.' 'j hi. t ,ron Ju ~t Itl\'" i,'I' , ' !', 'UIII :-;"d ll UI' b lll' h.wlwilt C Ie


II H~ h i Nt \\1

l.u cille S a w Ou r H a n dclup.

~. Mother Gives Boys to American Army

At . I" " 1 ~ lI l' AIIOI;t'. " \\'11 ' 1'0 <10 y ou s uppose t he zcll l'o ,11 ,1 1.11 c ('0 p loln P Cl'ldli s ' hl'oll,,,r""

WUlll t1!l l u I'I m

l1(:l 'i ' !'l}f

)". 11(:11 0 wh ~ n ]

wa s :t1 r)IlC J W:I S .10 : liN Hll x lo n g t o

fl l' ,Ill I"',, w l dle I " " " II I Ih e (,(III1 Pfl ll)'


~ II : ~ LII I" ""'I·('. " D u W(' Illn' L'

tn IitHI hl"ll' iJcrQJ'(! IUll d ,'(' j ('Xpl nllh'll )1:11 11 " 1'11 illl;ly 11I f! r e l110 te Pf' S" I I'II(l~' ('111 11-1' "I' lillll lll).: ;\It·s. G"een or ot I", VillI-( 'lI' .I· 1I111 (·1t I ',,"1 1'111'), to Ill,\' Cs p l" f ali j~ I1 :-:, :-;11" t "tl l ~ tll o ill rOl'wnI iou "I,oll t 1\1 1' )" I; hI' f "u, 1 JIIRt Il~ c llt'ul" i'ull \' :1 $ ~It(l 11: II t·\' 1'\'" 11I 1 11 ~ I:;e. I d OIl' 1: l;c H('I'p II lI'IlIl<1 \,II>' p" " HIl, I() to (]lI ll1p"" tit ,' ~l ll'it H " I' t hllt ;:h'l- nol t lln t 61H' w:t x 1IJ1I:l'~p()nHh'(1 t ( HUlI l ll c l"s tJl Sb'll~"'S , 1'01' J 1m \' ~ I'a k'p l,\' 11l ~' t u lle 8 e.) ~sn l\ltl tl"'lk. I,"t sil e. Wll" pe r sis l 'lIt1y

"ptllll l ~ tll ·.

" I \1, lI' l n llll (1 lining II' l tJ lll ut IUll c h II bit:" ~Io~ !:!mll e,\. " 1 " " I'~' 8c l ~O I\J Cll t ,my ti ling 11 11111 >l ft" r Ihe ~ lto \\' It t nl ~11J II l1 rW"~· . On l.\' l.Io,·I·U ""JII't he OilY SilO\\' l ulll;:11I lu e,lt rlft.,j·. w il l t h or o? '£tIlH will 8Cl'II1 f UIlII .' ·. I'\, ' a lwlI Ys IJ II JII s hows C,'cl' Nilice I \I' ''~ II Itld , eltCep t 0 f e l\' I\-oc l .~ In tho IlIi dllle oC Slim/liar. null t hen ;:illl omlly ,. WUfI rehCUJ·~ llIg. "

Sb III ugltOll grealer sacri6~e than Mrs. Oem H, Tau, who has offered 00 the altar of liberty 'and .on.. M", Stricldaod i. of direct German duccnt, to c:hOOR the Fatherland and America .he ' did could Dot be ~tala:n. She urged her six boy. to 1IM1lllt1')'--ac". her - l f l . Now they are read" The hoyt arc aalfol'llll. ~ from left to rlaht: Tate, 19; her


ney It._~ ~_~ ~l'be_~.WU too. 'T

,\ ,,"1,'" I,


1. 1'J'f'· I" r ~ I II I i 'u llltl()n

eatll to,

I'rolmic ~;~ l "tl

1'~UhIlL111 "r r cal





(I f \VJ Ilt UIlI 8

tobaccos -Blender/.

t",, (, 0, d o-

'l''''Alf th li e L' uot fillld E ~ t."t (' 1'1 KlOb lll .... M. ( '"roy , mi . Oll r . 1"ln II UU'UlIllt 111011, I n Ih,. ';\(I II~I' • f tl1Q p~ t ll t e o f Eh z'lut\lh 1'\1 0 " f ort , cJ ecen~~d 1'. . M O D for ~ IIrlllll('\l ou nllo wlIll ea f o r ur"IOI'~ of $7:15 ;:;. [m t be IIIl1ttll r of ~ho opt ll t kl 01 Marv L. M u ir rd. (Ie ~"H eil . Sil l!) bill lilocl . . g, tllto 0 1 81l lll URI \ )o (we r , ri o. COli" L1

ce"' L'd

K"I" bl1l Hlno!

I.h n milt-! r lit th o o~ tCl to of MOl' ri s .M Ill o r cIOf·' l ll ~ l·oI . A ll IIIIUi H, I rllt o r !lied 1\ v lJ o t(,r .v un )Jpm Iso. [ II



1n 1\ ;0 lII utto r o f Ihe t,,,t e of Wr lllht Wh lt uCrt' , LIL'(I(' II~od . lnvent o r l ' lind u)J)lrlll""lII Cnt flied . Ur der grun t "d 10 sull \>,'r~o u n l pr O(ll'l r t. yat pr! \ ,,,10 Haill. , EI5It1to (I f H e io (>c 1\ :lItY\JOO I. d celll,ell. FIr ~ t 1I0Co llnt o f IId llllo ls(rul or . fl len . In 'l he ll ltdt(lr (If 1'h o lll ,H t{1I1 g , n il tB ~tI Ill O Il\' o f D,·. ~tll b l lind Dr. \Jl, 'JI'h un , p@" ;1 WIIS (lIHc hl\r ~ULI f ro m the (i lltent iull ho"plta\. Real Esta le T rallsfers

D,) r u P rul Mg r of ot· II I 10 C horl eE M il l e r. l ot ill ~' rn nk ll\l, :U. . J.'ho w us l:i lt e r wood to Lo uru A id~~ , lot


in W oyo sville .

M rs ,

S ll t llb W IIslIn.:I till! 1I

stll ll, $1.

J . Wii80 n t o Osonr In \VA h ln gton t u wn .

Wl llillm '1'. BI\1 to B o wnrd J . L

M i oh nal .. nti I\Jl\be l Mlc hu al. I '"X nor ea In Ih mlt t'O D tow n s hip. $ 1. W I,lter ~B ute r to Be rtha Liuville l.nd Huth M, Bovls. 1 X nOll S 10 ~' r ll n k I ILl to wu s b i ll, 11. U harltJlf M ll Ilnd wife t o Hath 111. BevIs a nd Be r th.. LI n vill e, ao Bcrea in F run\!l i o t o w nship, $1. C . P E llis I\nd w ife to Ernll t Bom bno k, lot lu W IlY llosvlile


Satisfy?" Yes! Yet" they're Mild!



S ure as yo u' e a fo ot high. Sounds sirangc, -because you never before smoked a mild cigarette that did that.

improvem e nt, Co, t.o

&i rnh M. Ur ol:lll lllY lot In Franklin,

$1.. M1IlTY A, Bnrds€l1l and hus hll.nd to JOy. aores In Hellll. 1I10 1D township, , Ill, Bill uod wife to Edwllrd Bill IS '~: Boros In Hflmilton towDs blp tl e[lry BroDD or,

Yes, Chcsterfie d. "rea,ch borne," they let you lmot?,.y~:, are smoking- they "Sat"fy !


Still, they're MUd! A new blend pf pure, natn.

$1. Marriage


Lawrenoe A , Voorhis Rnd Vivian Bowyer, both of Milson . Rev, T B . H e rsh .y. Daniel E, Gro68 and Amanda E . Deardoff, bO$h of l!'ran k.lIu. Rev .

rei Imported and Domestic tobaccos- that'. the answer, And the blend can't be copied.

Bllnjamln Hngh 8!\wyer , of Leb Jlnoll. lind l:ioidl e (lilborns, ot I:!outh LebllUon . Rev . R. B. Foster. Burry /:!bel by Bod Berth!!. M, Gus. tin, bot,h o f Wat s on.

M ODloe .


!l" y l~· .

Vldll l'Iult IeI' '01 II V II~' " 'lI,h n il the hoo<UU$,; J,(II)·l!t)· !If II (:hlll who kno\\'~ t hut ROlli <1I1e Is gpln!l' l u 11I',n' ide the !/cl xt 1J1 ~1I \.

IIIC Itt ICIII;11I Th ill t oo l, II lot or

$lill 101<1

ohullt 1"'1' l1ulI l·('.

Get the Miami Gazette Now




Roy M. KIng, Inborer ofLeoanoD; a nd HAzel B!lyne, of Oregonill. , M. A, .Jsmeson, .1 . P. .l!;tilwln A r ob Bolmer, tool Inspeo. t o r aud M"rillu D6Il r , b oth of Lob. anOD . Rev. R. B. Foster.


L-________ 1)1I r l 'n 011 rno f , c~ , " fl hc U ~Hell ted .




trCll ~ ur.,

".~ tld

. lit lt llli t

w e r ll t l, 'S n l lncketl by sll\'uges

F . W. Tb ompson & Bon, 1I1umb. nrm ed ",WI »o lsP II ~d dll,·tM ·i" Ing Bi t oourt hou 8 ~ nnd jail $20 65; " 011. ~'O U' I' U r und blM piny!" Doyt;. 0 Stute llospilOl olothlng, "~o, bu t I kil O\\, jU Rt whnt *222,70 ; LimB ~tl\te bospltllo! olotb. Ing ' ,(;3,79; W . CheSler Mapl e , de- be III c\'ery ''' SIO Wil Y /jlo ry.

Garden Walls Once a P rotection. \n th e ' CI1 I'ly 11 1I .\'~ (, ( E"glllnd. whon ~ t l' lJ


" ' II I'~ w,'rl rllns t nnl ly WUI/IOI. ' n IVlIlIlI c'rUlI!! ill [O ' b Illg n. ' a

nOt'e.' 'Uy, or cO ll ijl!le rnl)le ought to h eight. nncl o f A't'r ltt Ih l" "nclln, they 'J'III ~ Is- ...·4lr (le8Igu",l fll'~1 io nfYol'l1 protecf e nd i n g prl Boner ' fl O'; Walter Lu lruld tllllt 11'0 Ill'!) Oil. you sec. I ~ 'llill tlnn . lIut ns t11l1f' \\,!'Il t on, II k (' th ugly 1'\I) lltl ug Ul o rc notll'lsblng duckling In Iltl' flllr~' IIIle. Ihey heri(llt , fr e ight ODd d lllYbge It 57 ; dltl'e rctlt.

Ioqn es ~

on body ()f

Notice of Appointment

estlWl.te on oontraot !J31, laO; blanks $ 0; W, 8.

Bllrr'a ~t' Br o~ ..

B o ppi ng. curllBnter




enllle h(!Rutl rul. Th ose ,11'1I,:;hlful old wullij hnv' I\' llh ~th nll th!' rll vngcs or tillie, IlI cllowin!: wll h mnturlng ycnf8• . anll eolMlng hc" ulirully with tbo sleg of slImmcr's h ell t lin d the blost or win· t er's' hre oth.

J alvl n Benry

OOW! '645 : Inquest ,on body of Jat1]f,s Lee oosts " 5,Oti; loqoeet on body o f Bllrrlson BraDS, COB t s f.G,20 ; 'Colum b us Blank Book Mfmnfuotur, i ng Co., blanks fo r p~obcr.te judge $2. 75 i :lodn Armitl\ge, 108peo\lon on Mo or'e bridge $10 66 i Dun p, Bone, p ostage for clerk '5 00 i C . A . I:IIZI\T, fin a l

~----_ ~


n lJy


Wrapped in sla••ine paper - keep. ~em Ere.&.

Ma[,e Chesterfields your next buy• .

E. A , Bvobleon .

98 i

Uhur le~

Bruut, exprell"BMe $28 . 'l'b e Orego ulll Bridge Co. was "It ~· o u I/u \\' llh hl ill 1'('l' h,,1' lie w il l t e ll YOII." ! , ,,Id , \\'ith "" Id c" (lr tl Oll\g tL,v tl r rled t b e oontmot (or tlU I\but. m y f.H.'UI'l'l lillJ; nlu ne. w ith n w l'll ther m on t a nd wlog !It bridge near tbe e ye "I II.' IIltl II.,· p cckd I'.ll' l.udlu oud W e bb farm in Salom toWn8hip tt.t DOIlI). . tb el r bid $2·1G,

"No," s h" d ClIl lII'l'ctl . " I \\'o llid tuuc lt ro t ller A'O 11 11 111111 1; w ith ~'o\ L It will bo 1ll01'C r UII." Elylilcnl ly Sil l.' tllu tl J; ht t hnt IlUnllng old 1I1,lI~R III th o 1I11l1ol'hl'IIHh WII ~ o ll e ot our 111 11 CI'II't 1... lui lll )l 1\ ~ I I IIl I'R. I ~I!'(h ~ d . \\'IJ ~ lIl1 k I rdrlh . It i hud

ever made a ~i::==~j~~dt~o~th~";r titM between


CW ~ tc i t s

1", \\TlIt p l h:1l l tl" t t"I" I II ltl(! pOl·

1'. '" u hClll t



IT hlt '

.. lI~ l"Ird,"t ~ut II bit u t it:' ('bJltl ~' tlf'tJ U... mite r . " I ",ulIl ttl tll!ll.k YO\I 1M I hlN ,"IOI':\ltl .. 1\1111' III' III U I~, I I thiu), l ' ,-u 1.'''1"'1 1 ill !I)\' l' with him (I\'t." r I


E ti t&lt of F, O. O.roy, Dnceued, 'Notlco ;l. he roby lo( iI' ()Q .I.1,.t E . V, DlU'n harth ~. boou lInly nr,(lOllltoeJ (lOll flU.Utl",1 a . AlImlnl.trator 01 t 10 Ese .. lo or ~'. U, Uaroy

FRANK B.CAREY Optometrist Eyes tested free

Lebanon -:- O·hio ALL KINOS OF

InSUR1IneE alte~


, Waynesville, O.

11110 01 Warroll County. OhIo, deccuo<l ,

J).toeJ tit Is 8th day of Augult , IDI 7, AL'rON JI'. iHlOW N.


Over i'otlolilce. .Jutlao o l Iho I'robate Conr~. Office I'booe 17 Warron Ouunty, OhIo

H,IU'" Phon .. II

Th o contrBot for the PhUllps road Improvement wtlslet '0 M. R . Phil

lil)a Bnd Elmer Murpby


lit tbeir bid


We Have $100,000 tllo I:omunc e ou t ot our walk, Not thll t I WU R f'.IIllIn ),l It, love wlt lt Vld.n ot tl 61t or it- uut It WflS too bud as 10ll g " 0; I hod hiH t fayo r with Lucile on h llr nc 'O Ullt to hu ve her tell DlO abou t ber 10" e nll'olr ",lUI some on o e lsc. I hoyc slncc r £>oson"ll thnt Bhe rcgnr c! cll mo 118 belllg old 1'I11lllgh to be lu; r fnt h !!I' or h c r n 10 .TII,·k I1n,1 trl'Uh',\ m e II I'CIl I'II I 11",1.,'. " [ \\'(lul,ln' l m ill d iJ In ~ nil alone with ,rO il 011 t hi, 1, 1111101 ." she con fi ded I' Jf '\~I(J \.I \Y~l'\' 1I1I1 \' .Tuf')\ , ' 1


. ",I:,lI'll ? \\' ho lti .J II r ll ?" "I IIl C'II I\ ;\; 011 ," ~ liu ,'xJlhlln 'll. ' "1 WII~ /:ol llj; 10 II l1l r l'~' J ilt' \(, !Ju t NOlI l\'Oll llJ'II ' t li a V( It. . Wo wo u ld n' t curt· IUllc h nll ,lIl t rfJI "l l'r ll,"!l iI wcn t on. "X (),l wOIII!i fllld ~ (llJj ol hing for me. I Le' s 11 1·...11\11'11 11 .'· In/.:~ lIi o lts, '.rll ot "ClIues

from wcil lnJ! 1,1 .. ~'r•. I 1;11 88. Olle bas 10 'Ii ' <:1('\' ('1' 10 thIn k out Iilot,. Jor p ltl ! H. ,1,11\ '( Y"u l hlq lti" "S"I III L of t ltlllll," 1 IUllseol 1111.0 ti l,)'.. " ·I'h i J . irt UlJll e l'. h N()t u~ c le vor 115 1·.1I1 hlll:O to 110 to He ll tll"lu," Hir(I WJ'u l n pluY' 0111\'., ubout two (l Cllp l .~ Oil II d e~i/l·t I~h!l"l . 'l'herc. \\'lIiI u Lmll.l- I ,,"'t f.lI' the I'lrI III It. 'l'bey rotllld 1,,"1 11 1"'8 IIml t 'OC\1\luutli to eR t •.IIlol SOI\:l.' 1;11") o f I) h'il ~ ' O!;j:(>1. " "1" pl,,~'~ 1\1 · .I , ~l tl l· (>s d ellllll~ with ('''S I 'l ''I\I'~ 1111 11 11 Is laH : . l' ,'xl'loJlI('II,

Pioked Her Up Eali ly and Spl ashed Through, ' .tIU1n 8pruec gum c,'er b'l'OWS ner u, IIn\l thero Is n't II flnth'c wlt!J u poisoned dnrt \\'Ilblll II thollsllud n;lIe~ utllc~9 you count I.udlc." . "\Vbllt d o yuu 1ll" 01l by Ihot?" I d id .not nllsw cr . Au .Wen lIod gCl'mblu.lcd from sometblng ijh a uUII Bll id. 'l'lle rc lYoa U un tUl'al food r esonrce on the Iylund. 1 IDlgilt Uo ul>\" to d e "elol) It q uleUy !Jy . lIIy s elf and th ou it It \VIIS But'Ceseful cOllior It UB a 1I00u 00 the clItiro cOlllmtrnlty, \Vhcn wc were .1I1101lt two-thirds ot tho wuy around· the 1~ ,In.nd st'lJIJ;l ng Ilutter of 1'111ndrop8 drol'c us t o sllelter. ~'Ilere Willi smu ll latt1ce SUmme r !Jouse ol'eriooklllg tbe Inke lIenr by. "lid wc bllst lied toward IL 111 our puth was a BllO llow strIp ot wotel' le tt by the WlIl'efil of the IIlgbt before aud nug mented hy the min. Vldll looked ' · in dismay at We mudd y woter: "1 ucver CUll cr OSB It l" ahe walled. "Tllcs o nr o ~lIs!:l Greeu's shoes, ' Bud I must not ruJo the,rYJ." (To be Continued)



---_.- ..- ---

Juat Booba. The mIlD who IUS behind you In I! "til,· . ~, ·t:u, , i ~ uI WilY" " UII l'I'lIlcnll.I' 1(1, m'ovlnlPldure hOUIe. gouges hl. ~I<I<"I " II 1\ J")l!t'lll I 'hull I 11'11,' 1'1' nil knees Into the back of your ~at IlDd ~1,J 1· t~ i,r I\.. ,d p ~ :~1t' l H ",J'() \V wlhl. ~IJlY nacJa tlie eaptlollll In louel, dear tou. I ''1;1, In .. 11'. lltllllt!l"~ .I'I!j1Y lhC'l'l \llId ,.. Ole ...... aC ilia DIII.I~rIo

We have $100,000 to 10Bn . on tSl'II18 or torty acres or over In your county 10 sums . of $2.000 nnd ov e r at 6 % tor a tenn ot . flvo years

wlth r epayment prhllege8, No loan mnde · over 60% or ucwBI value ot tarm.



Dr. Bell's Pine-T ... r-Honev For Coug hS , nnd Colds.

WALTER McCLURf Funeral Director. 'O hio WaynesvHle .

~-EITUKH- , :


Aulo EqulpmentJ:; t:lor[leooDrawn Equipment

71C-15 Reibold Bldg. TEI. EP HONE 7


Dr. J. A,




Veter,l nary

Waynen"'e, 0 Oraduate of Oblo Sial. OFFIOE:

Unlver~1 V

D a. H. E. HA. TB.A W .Al' Curn r Main Bntl Mill Streets 1eIepJaon. 18 W• .rll~rille'. L8a4l.., DtaUf. W o-lvDIe. _ Oblo 0II0e ill a_lui .... IIaIa 8& J BY!'


...T H E

. i GAZ E TTE ....


:;;.~-==:: .

~' l1h~crin t ion I' r il'C. $ 1. 511 I"'~ ~





...a..OOD -NEWS

As W ritt e n

by Ou r






D , L. C I' J\NE, l : di lor aud l ' lIolr~her

,,- -

2fJ .






,ll ur t sllcil. /i'mllk Rloh und fllIllI IS, of I~eb /lUiln ~ p u nl Ihn w""k om1 with Mr~ : Ii ,IlIn n 11 H loh lint! ntta ntl pt1 t,hn (; Iftflve r . 'n rr-Ftiob Itonni ., n o n !:lllt-


'1IIrll~\·i ll li.

of r plo livoH ill Dil s t on MI ~8 R UHlllI o Rol1lll g~ h A llrl of XIlIlIIl , is tho gu e~ t u f fr!eurts 1'lOre. Omur Wbit.ik nr und fllll1lly, 'of Brou ltly n, IIro gnosts of r e illtlv .. ~

til .. r "un", ;",... n n Puhtir ' nfn .. n'l :J . ir'll'I


eaoh or the fiv e prlllo!llui b og-rlltsing '3tlltell. Bogs and poultrv hltve bue n IIDgltld out II@ , tb live 8took on whlob 8P601l11 ~ · O\l rt~ w ill be oo nO8oUded In tbe CIl lllpnlt,lo for ( n . or_lied wea~ Ilr ndUOLion, hllOIlUStI tbay Mlve tbe qnl a kes t retorns Tbe vllr~ out' pig lIo d p oultry olu bs bavo I&Irl1ll11y inl e r t'816d In t ile r ellr tOil ot tbese anirulllll Il\rge numbar" of 'JoUDK psullle w bo 0~hltrwl 8e

would DOt aODtnbnlo to IIU tn foud prudunt,l"n.

h ore"~e

---_. - ...- ---

I,. D , L"ntl ... nf t it " n, H, l rioholl l, UllVf'\,., \' '''' ,\' in tur _

I~X;ftnh l l) n

nn d

1f"(H nrl~ o n

In'''t. nC '!.1\'O


W ':,rk " ut W "lf,,,'''' L " u~u " ' " t lll'll"y I vOll ln g . Mrs Glinto n ,l lick ~'1 n n nll f/lOlfJy ~pOll t Thll r~U IIV wilh MI" ,I o hn It n \)1I1 so n n O,1I Or l'~f) nl' l 'l'l!e ' llln ver (; " r r. lt icb R(l o nl o n W 'I~ we ll t1tt end ed a ll t4"turrlny in tho g ro ve 'of th e o 'N . B" Jtlo b Mr s. El s ie L owi lind aon lind Mr . Edith Dllvislln (lson spent Tbur tluy !n EI'I rvey.elm rg. Mllster D ooll id "nrl Mise G l' r t,rud e W ol fe /lro vis itin g ' t b e lr gr tl ndJlllrnl s M r . lilhl M r~ . ,I o hn W nlfo. 'l' h u Mi ses ,Julllth , RIUb ond l!id! tll oilier n n d Mr . W ~ Jt e r Vlo, o~ Por t illod. ln cJ , /l r ~ vls itl o g Mr , a nd .i1rH. Ab ljllb <":0111 r . I M I ses M" rl e onll rne7. Ri oh c~ Jl ed o n Miss Mil dred 8p"ith Tbur sdBY • ' 'I'IlIl111

Mr. TiITan y is n ow better q ua lifi ed than eVE;!" to skillful ly diagnose a ll ca ses of e ye trouble amI rreeL errors of refr ac tion , e mploy ing t he most modem scie n tific methods , having added the latest mo dern eq uipmen t to be used in conjun ·tio n with his new methods.

Ii I'

I!; I'I 'I I

h er!'. A W , Reev('!1 lInd fnulilv ,I IlR MC'lnt ir e IIlld fomily. Fr ~ o'k' Mills I "ud flllllit y, V r l(lI 1\1 I nlltJll o r IInrl I 1i:~lhor !::ihllll1bnu~h Apon t fi'rlctoy lit 1 Ib o I::Il g hlulld 1'11 1111 1.1' cuvos. I MIHfO 1)1'1111 l'nlv"II , o f Xeuin, II! the Cllntlt of Mi"~ J ~ In" 'oyl. , ):jom t,o M r lIod M r ~ , (;hll8, WiI _ o u A ng u"l, 2ilnl Ii Ron , B ernllln B lnir fllHI '"rlto n Smilb 1 ~tI nt, pur t, ~If III Rt woe k lit II UHHeJ'",

, \\' Ol ll1 o~ rl 'I .V

f's ~ l n[(

T he u mmc,r Pos t Gradu a t e Cou rse included th e la tcst adva nced met hods in t he ex aminal ion of th eyes aud t he correction of delecion under such em inen t s pecialists a s . Ferree and D r . Charles S heard_


MI." V~"'~!l EllIR n~\ ll orI o n MI .. ~ I n ' lIn U Ilt-:l t\~ hy '1'11 Ilr!!rlllY II rte r n oon . Mr. /ln~1 Mr ij Will Ood lt. of II Pur L . h~n Ill, POllt I:lllnlllY WI t h Uulli o Ullth~ Wl~l' IInll fHlIllly . Mr .. F.. I.ln L""'i8 H ilt! nn ~10rrl s u ll nt, Ih tl WllAk w ith ( il'l), J)lIvl A lind t .,ullly , Mi~ , VI o l" ,llI r ,lno ,,I t (,IId,.rt Ih ( ' I1I1I11n Hll l jll~ 1 As' " ", .. 11"11 II I ~ 1I~n r ( ' III "" IItltlf Wn ~II1I1 j.( III" , ~ :. B . Mr


"ti VOl'! h llre , ~~lt A. t,ho n l n fl.,,"m t,h.oltl tllltlgh_ Itl r o fMr 'H1 rt Mr~. !;}IIl~ Icon h lf\",· l l died of c h o le rll 11IluntllJl1 Frillll\': ' i li'nnern I ~'/I rvICN\ w oro h l' l:1 or. till, ; ~'rt lJ nt1l1 c hurch H"n,lll V lII 11 rui nl! Bnrloy Io' oo tl lll1Hhnrn hl\ ~ TI) I' Iv,," I i ~"lu:n 10 r " p " rt- fo r I1rlll Y tillty, (' /1t,OIll htH r, 1h I ,MI RR A A'II OR Hurl tlurk I ~ tim gUMt I

n ru lI Y. Mr. I\n ,l Mr~. n il" 11" 'tnn, Mr. nn ll M I P. G l'l llt) /)" 1' 111 ' n,. ~ n Roira rt !!flollt HU lleln ), wl t,h Will. U\lLn .. OIl I .. " d)y nl'''r Hilv ..r I l l' \' tI , .Iliij. tlrny /In ri wlto Mpc nt ~ llnilny In


f A. P. 'l'ilTany's , optometris t, !Jas ret urned from Co lumbus , 0 ./ where 'It has j lls t omplet cd th po t g rudu a te course in adva nced a Pl)\ied Optics a nd Oph th nl l11o log.ya t hi b ' ta te Uni vers ity ,

ee'o. p , Ti lT<l Il Y,



To Rt lfl su lBt e 'I\l ioll l 11 o r e~ ,s es In Sbe me .. , ~ tl p plr . t h e U ol tr d Mtul es Depllr t lllo n t o f A g rl oulture WIll OJ:tend \br ltug b o u t bo oountr y t h e pta clnba w bioh h .. vo been 0l)ernted . 10 16 t:ltlt tt!H lind I lin ponl'ry olub!! wb10h lin v e ba II o p erltt e d In U S'.tee. I n fldd !tl nn t o t ho aa '\lM . tlUlltll In ' lug Ilr orln c UoD lind ~ !I .peal.lIsIR 10 p o ultry prolll1c ll on wllo tItO:l will b oopluot'd lu th e fl tl hl .t on ()t>, un IlJd l l HlDll1 I! Jl l'CI ~lf 8 t on .burr pr odu2ttu u w itl bo pluoed In



A. P. & CEO. P. TIFFA N Y, Optometrist and Optician) 1()8 S. Detroit SI. ) X enia) Ohio.

P inL

PUBLIC SALES ' Read the Miami Gazette now ,


·A. MAFFIT Funeral Director: and Embalmer. Waynesville. Ohio.

W,ll e n I,he pod s of soybeo n l:l a r e we ll f or m ed , it 18' tl m o 10 c u t Ibe or op for bllY, occorrll ng totlle Mo n lh. Iy I:lulletlo of th e O h io Ag r ioulturn l Erperirnen t !::it" , l on for A Ug OBt If seed Is t,he o i1jeot, b a rv e ~ tl ng m Ollt ltf ter nooo ,

be d JUYl'd unt,!) mos t of t he 1011 ves hn va fu llen. l'he I)llalUy of 80y bellD hay drops <Iuiokl y .. He r tb e "tem s Rt tlrt to hu r~l u o ODd 'he lelLYos f ull , '1'be fo od vullle will 111 80 deollnll if t bo h8 Y I S Il ot eut ""be n tb e p od s b"ve jost f rmec\. Maturtt y of tbe 81lad Is r t.'Aob ocl whe" OIos t of th o leaves hnv edropppd Vll ri e lioll t bot 8b al, t,be heans e"s. Il y mll s t be Cllt" lIttlo ellrJl l r . lilli, dl um U r e en hos yie ld ed t b o m il, t bllY of 111\ v ari llt l f!~ leMteLl li t .ho Expo rim"n t. il\tllti OIl .. I. \V{lns l,or , bul, It Illell8 ~ nt llpl n ll t.o 800d prodontto n b60 /lu ~ e 'llf t ts fuult of sba ttori ng. l :u tti n g 111111 b ~t ullo g o n II d um p , olouiiy d"V o r w h e u th e d ow IS,on wil l uv old sh ll tf,m i o g t o Ii lorge elet e nt . Tb e g r/l !n binde r , m ow in g Oln ohln e wi t h s lde_de li vory littRoh_ m en'. n.nd self r .. kf! rellper h li ve been tliA m cs' IIII'ls faot o ry Imple. m e n '" (o r cu t Hog !loy bellns f or seell

SPRAYING WILL KilL-CATERPILLARS I TIt"rra~l.~~ ~~W~I~~) !~,~!r'

will bf plell ~cd 10 leam Ih o lll l~l~ . ~ \,L It'u ~ l nne dref1d~d <I i 'asc t llll l ~e i c"ce 1"'9 I",,,,, Il ule II, c(I, in 11 11 i ts ~l lIgcS n, lfl l \ln l is . Spr"~ln g frait I,f(lell with aTsonRt e cu t (l~rh , ,Cu tnrrh "- I ,, ~ wCll tl yi'u!tllcnc d of loud WIll 11111 'h e y ollow-n.l(\k.,d I h>: CO!'SlllUIIOIlIlI COIlUlt lU " S r~4"i~.!; cnn· l o t rplll,u s LIt wo rk on tb em . st "".lton" l . 1re a'menl . Hall s Culn rrb app II \I 0 M Cd .e ~n~ ,. ta ken IlIlerrmny IUld ne lS Applo , IltlU ,' Vosuoll nnd ch e rry 'rees t BloIJd (III the 61ucous ,'urlac('s are<commc olv athck tld, bll' o f\on 01 the Syslem (he re " y d~Sl, o)'iI' J( Ihe oak, betioh. lind en aud ob el!tuut 'rees foun!i ll l jlln of the d isease, ~ivin K tI'f are lI'riflPltd of t,hAir lelivos by 'his pa lien\ s tre llgth by b llild illl( li p l he ('all' pes'. Orollt'lI·t Injury tall ow!! at- ~ tilUli o ll a nd "ss l~ ling IIn tur. in do.i nll ile "'ok8 In y oon g o(lrollllrd s . work .. T he propriclQ,r. h. ve SO lillie." a'bree pOllnctM 0 1 tlrA "' n l1~ e of lelld faith In the C!ufUl lvc JlOwers of Ha ll s pas~, or hftlf liS fIIuoh l'(J wdtJr, will Cata rrh M~ dl cl l\e tllll t l hey Cl fTo~ U~c '1 the l'xl&llo g oat erpillars F1l1l1d n;r~ ,?ollllrs (o r.a ny Cl.lse tha t. It In,l. po Inn to cu re. nd for Iisl of tcsthllOlllab, H ,md pic king 1l~0 be l'e~otl oct to ou Add ress r. J. Ii t! NIZ V & 0" T oledo Imall trlles . O hio, Sold !!'y' " II Druggisll 75c.









ON EY lonDOcl on li ve s t ook ohot ' e lK lin d s~oo u(l m o rtg ages N ot llB bou g ht. .J obo BOl'blna, Jr" Allon BuUd lo g, KOlliu, Oh io. m2

A . S. All e n b UB 8/,ld his Ilrl v io g h o r so, t il be ab !Plled t o At lan ta, UII . R.o bll rt W a r d Rnrl W l lI! e J a okeon , o f 'BUTt o ev ill e , 8veo t S uuday with Gny Brannon. ,I o bn On rd . of Clili for tn a , Is visitin g r e lotives And fri ends b e r e. ~1i s@e8 W ll kenoll \l o d Smlt b, of Wu y n e v i lla, spont Suod"y w ith






- -- . -- - ---,..=- Phone go:..s





o f Li g b t d ouble BarnoslI. r hese h llr nes8 ar J I n good 000 · dltion , lO !] \llr 3 o f ,JOli n Boaoh, R , 0.3, Wllyn 08 ville, Obio . so

1'>11 "" Ed nll De ll t hotli 'e, F r llp lt 'U Ill !', K: K Ilod O. ~'. l'ul) D.I peOIl , M M ... n(\ W B . Te r ry wert! i n !.Ob'\D "1l 11 I!' rhln y . K . E . ',l' b OlJl pm n 'lO rl w l f a ollt ert,,!ued Oil 'Ull ellt Y tl!e fo !l owi n jl gn oMt-!l: M . .t , H "Il~e ll 111111 wife, 01 IJr lnl;fl Id \"\TIJI . M. 'l'bom p8on, of Uovton, I:lowllnl Carr lind (uwlly, o f 'Ne \\, Bllr!hlKt.on,. LOll Brtlollon '~ l.1 ct wife, M M. 'l'e rr" lind \Vifo li nd


BARNlIART. Notary Public, All klD48 of NOM1'7 Work, and

Deedl ..



Brllod lng Ewe. and 50 La mbe =========~==~ cnn be seen on the J . W. "'-__ ' t:r osweJl fa rm , nell.r Wellm8n, Oblo get Immediate rend mJIII W!II Dot div ide th e flock. s5 Dr.SbooD·s",~



U . iJ' .

S Ulldny wi th l'llll W hllttk e l', nt, Mu rrow, ' O lly "'mit,1I Is n ot g e tMo fo: lI!o og II R WI Il lu Ills 1I'I11'" y f,IIllltl8 \v\tll! Itltl



Dllytn n


,I. B . Roo t nn cl \Vitti, lt t·o. Ril of anrl w'He, Jn m ll8 Morl\e o oor) wif • JII Ul Pt! oho l, M i~R Mll r y N obel ,.Mi s o~ Ph l !l~b .. nlld Evolyo My r du n, ~H~~118 linl o n, t1lu d\' A RlI't! "" I, m l R o f, of Pn y to n , unrI Mist! An .. bell ditt on . of (;lnclrJDIlt.i, ca llerl on I{. m, 'l' h o tl1\l~on lind w ife !::i noday


.rn,Rhll u;

Ml nn l..

tlo el eon beeD visiting b eT

MoC la ln

",hI) h, I V(l

J1 tl r en t,~ Mr nnd Mr s Lew l@ Rape r to r toil e pll ~ t t wn . m o nt,lIs , le ft f or b Oi' h om El !n E l P,1Io~0, 'l'ex~~, lrl. t Frld.\y olg bt. r Mr. ' hupp. c)f (; nte rvill ll,' mo~ ed Inl o tb e ' Peullo prope rty 1i' 8~ Friday , Bo w ill cM c b the Grn,Ulmar n Ellltirt m on t h e r A the COOlIng yea r : M l'tI. E dna ,l Am es H o pkln ~, .()f PoH. Vll rn o n vis!te.i rel .. ti ves h e l'e las t

w.cllk. Hu


tnll e



bll !!in e!!~ t ri p

a ll ~Hur d llY.





- - -,"-"'- - -


Classified Ads .... MONEY LOANED

llfl er n')Oll.


Saxon Six Livery

tor "

MM . 'J'orrv Illo rie

~~=7~~---------~ ,~!

phones In OIDes and Real_e. ~~ii8i. ....

No. 14.

I!'aye Ertill n ter t ll,! ned h e r fri on d Mr, T.. .. wronce V£o, of Portla nd, Ind ., Bev ral dl\ y~ Itlst weel" W. T . J o rrlo ll ,\tid family @pell t Sunday wl l,b Mrll. J obu .l orUllu , Mi ss B es~! e Burnett, who hUB beeu visitin g In Ged" n i\le, r eturn ed to t h b OUJ e of b e r a un t M re, F. A . 8 1\rts ook hor t vlalt he lOt e lerwl ug for h Ar irOUl O In Mi"IU!, Fill



Either Auto o'r 'lnN\e drawn service No extra charge for a\J'C\i~!lce

A11 1!~

'1' 1I0I 111'80 n . of tirls pln co. Wm : Tillie lin d ",,\fr, of <.;111010. nll ll, ~ I) n t ~e"l\rnl. rln YR I t\~ t woek wi t h ' bfl ~. U IIA o m .l'~ r II Url fomlly . A. All n lind .1, H . G 'ITd eve nt


' ~nnoun(ement '

·i i

M r~. '}", R, l'c ll rS,ln of Un \' t n Mr~. Whlt tli ll H.'"lllo lpb 01111 ct,;ogh' I ! tAr. o f 1'011'.11', .Ind 1\ n11n M 'lf ill I I BI" r rof fl llytnn . 111" gU t'H l o f r o l

Mr I)~~ Hllrt~ o 'I<, "I HHI J(ewny. Obi , , I~ " pol1d.lO g IL tW o. WflUK 1_ ti nn with 11t ~ \lnre nt s .\Ir, '\0<1 Mrs.




Corps ~of Able Corr sponderits in the Neighborrl 0od

___ _

- Wh~1I it cO lli es 10 IOrpc(\ors , Irt it be known tha I Uncle Sa m nerd not blmh a t the mig·hlie.1 boasl o f any o f th e g reat E uropeafl natio ns, Il er'c is one o f th e Inrg"st 8,.'d 1Il0st. dc, trll ccive ISPes bu ilt in Ihis cOunlry. The camera caught the ,torflcdo 'Jll st as 1,1 I cf~ the luhe and !farled o n its Irst trip. Each of th ese clllPll es , of tlesl rllcllOfl IS Ihoroughly lesled helo re accepla nce for use in th e UllIted 5 1a les avy. Govcrnll,elll alld navy o fficia ls are present at each of ~hc lesls. The lorp docs are Sll.".' at (argel5 and lale r captured by chase rs will ch are kept for the purpose. I he picture ha been c enso red and passed


-.-...................... .-. ..-..... . . .-.......•.. . .-........... --_............... .---...__.......--....--_-----_ -. ... .--...-........ _-,-_.- .._. ':';':;' ';''.

M Bg~

• of bu r led /I t

1i'1ll! we b worms Il r e now ooo spiou in IlIUuy I'u r t.ll of Uh io, feed in g lin oroir liHl , . fo r os t; Ilod o rn~lU en t lll t r eu8 Bnd shrubbe:ry lind !o l\l etlm e~ eu t ire ly de (oilli tio g even I~rge t r ess, an ur lioio,d spray or h uod piolt tnK 18 I) luted o u t by tllo Oillo E xpa r l mont. •· tllt·lu ll O~ ~htj m ost 8!ltlsfn oto. l'Y DI annE Of l M o re t b ,ln 120 d llIer en t II I)eOios elf tJlllnlS .l.i r lJ atta olked b r f[tll wob . w orms , or Jl f\ ht-o\) \or ed ha iry oli lel'. pil la rs thll t feed u:o l he le·. v es wl t bi n we bio . E ot ire b rao cb u8 1\Ild 8mll1l t r ees with a !l t b e ilr l eaves ,n a lIom e t imes loc lollod The eo t uppor pll rt of th a lout 18 u Lteo b y tbe ollto r: plll .. rs , ood th e webbed braoc h os 900n lno lr bro wn n od dend. If t h e food sllpply i 8 exh ll ue ted ou on l t reo, I,btl Olltfl rpi1l ll r ll orll wI t o t il e gruu nd und 80u.lell' out o v er n earby ,l 08

b ud o nl ec's


W as Still Hope. Ieilln/( h Is' tim Illll e !'io\')'. It WII~ " IJIIln<I ' CII I'LlIllIg I1' ::IN

otTnlr wit h hllllRelf

liS th o hol'O. DurIng l h e In lt el' purt of th e (my, when It looked ,liS tr Im r Ie \\'ou1<1 CL't t ho ' WOI'Rt of It, Aunt J[e !i'Il, Rll ll n l'( n(>/l r, In ortler to 11:11<1 J'en illy to tho nn l'm tlve, prclencJ C'rI 10 weep. \\,h e re upo ll th o elrle st of Ih I\\'n c hil d ren tnrn ed to her nnd su lcI : " Do n't Cl·Y. Aunt, TIe lon; ho Is n't dear! 'y el."


Usea for Licorice Root. Severn! UIII II"n nds ot to n A of licorice roo~, wh ich IR cnns lder ed n pest ond "'or"e thnn lI'or l"I('8" by tho nnth'es gc nC'r.,lI y, o rc II nollllll y !llll hered In Tur!ccy fo,' exportn U01l to Amerlea

V(lj?otu ti<lll. '.j.'he p ll r onl s of Ith eso o n te r\l\lI ~ rs tire w bite , o r whit e s poU ed with for USI,l 111 lila mnnufll cturo of ch ewIng bl no k, m oth s. ' 'l'h ey I!I-.r the ir egg ll gllm li nd slnoldng tohnceo ns well nf! 0 0 t he under IIlde of t .h e lea ves. tor flrtl'orJlIg co nfec ti one ry ond boer.

'l'wo brood s a , yenr :oome !n Oblo, one In e arl y Ju ne Rod tbo o lher In ,1t11y aDd A Uf(UBt . ' . p rlly \n g wHb three t o fi ve p ounde of 1'r8en l.i te of I" ltd plls te , or balf a 8 mu ob powder,ln 110 I(IIli o 0 8 of wate r ball been. mo" t 91\ t iefllctoTY In lIavInK trees frorn th!1!\ pest, a ooordlu lC to tha A gr!cU I ~lJral E xpJ rlment Hwtio n, '1'h o IlIrg'e r d ose of I'0lso o m n st be u e el n~al :Dn the older oll l-

Rules for Proper Living. Ohorlty should btl t he hoblt or our ClItl100 ICR ; Id llllncslI, of Ollr fQel lngs ; bene\·olonco. of ou r nfTl!ct\o ns ; cheerfl1ln ess, ot oor SlIClll1 Intercnu rllc ; generOSity, ot· ou r li vin g ; Itnprovl:mentt ot Olt'r progr s ; llrn yer , (,r Ollr d eetre/!; IIllelll y, of Ollr IlClt·QX,"nllllltlon; being nnd tlo lng good, of c ur en tire Ufe.

BUll rtltown, l ur:!. IV II S tb ill pI ' c o IUllt 1'hllf!lClllY , ISbe \VB A b rli Hn'r] r"lsllti b ' ro At t,h e tim e of h u r c111P til ~ h e " n ~ 7 YlllifS of II ge, Milo lnll vole t o mo m 'n h " r l oss 0 0 " ~i "to r, II1 n l :/lrr 'o t,on llhrl\ k o r, Of "', B ',gerst Olv n , Inri , ~w o bro tb e r" erpl Ul1rs., W!th sUla 11 h 'ees no, ,badly at·It ('r n. •I" h" " u ri He nry 8 tl\ke lind 't aCKed, t h e wobll ll,nd leAves protect · 00 0 IlQpbllW I:l!ll'r y Rt"ke Mrs, 1'n lO ' u mmin ~ R nnd Mrs. I ug t ho 011 terIJIIlllrl8 O:,.y be removed W!oolll Mllsou ,,11 ,1 cb ihlren apll by hllnd alld droipped Illto 0 patt . Baby W.I DevelopIng, Un, 1l0DUlil t;IlIllUllnR II, ail of Xenia, ooDtR!Dlng wat.,r h wh loh a little Johnny WIIS II tllun ll h oy ot IIbout five kerEJICone b ,,~ bHen added_ aDd MrR. Cllmpb9l1, of O&,'on, )teal'S. lind ho IIud II bnby sis ter who vllllW their aunt Mrll. PAt GlhlJoDI.I WU Juat le&mlnll t(l walk.. One ctl" aDd 10D Frank, of this pla08, I•• , .Johz1D7 sow hla llttlo s is te r Btnnr1 olooe Tband"y. " antttako D few steps tor tho flnt tlm6. LeI everybody ."elld 'be Bell. .ToIiDIIJ rim hurrledl, to his mother anel

brook Bome ComlD, here



BU' MOil.


A large car of Fine S~ingles A fresh car of Cement' A new car of Brick, suitable for Chimneys ~nd Outside Walls.

"d, "Oh, PltllOma. rome hpre qolek I ..".. ...m' OIl her blDd Iep." "'I



Is llard to get,at any price, bu~ our stoc~ is complete. Come in ~ , nd talk 'over your need• . with us at

Madden's Lumber Yard Corwtit, 'O bio• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IIJ!I...





.tj[!J~1==5J18CZi..Z..,[:H: --+Jar:1==5!ir:J . -


- - --~ SOHAL - MENTION t

Frp,j IIl1rl""lk. I,t the Wilyruisvlllol Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Al len en· I. l!lIjO)illg n vaL!S- jI)Yt'fI . l? u.ndiiy y.ilh hnm~ folks ill th lll VIClntty, I I . . . Mr. Frunk (;o('k and fall,ihc, of I Mr. (;uy I)alllll al1(l fami1 .I ',ul n al f;!lllewoo.d sJ.lelil SUnday with Mr .,..~---- . Anna )', n~ argent, eldest born 10 C"lIter III .. , "pl!nt ~'ullda ' aflerllOun ~. M. llakin 8n11 f amily , Mr . 11m' I , J oh'll D. I tln? anrl C~adlltte ABhb~rtl with rellltJl'€, here . M ra. 1 h Im : s Lacy, Mr. nnd M rA. '''::r~ Mr I\nd 1\1 1':1 ~:mt'rSOIl M n~on \\ pre POIllI, en,lll!' 11110 tbelr home .at PO II~t '. "tlHI Dn\lin. Mr!4 UhflR. <;Jdrdon BrlCi I I"Y I(.1I1 \. IIur- ~l/nd8Y , I l ~aue~ UI rfno.nt ~ o~~~ty .. Ol\l~ . April W. H Dinwiddie is atll! ncil nlr th 'I rs ,. W'olt er )}~k i n were SundllY IIfl .... I, ...G, o_nd dled In,OIlI . Ohio tato Counci ln rJ 0 ll . A. I'll. l(> rnOon cllller!! at this hCJII' •. 1 II'. nn,1 ~ Irp . 1 "'~I cr . (;o rl~oll .. of AUKU t 1,)t h, 1 17, uelng 61 y l\r8 at Cincil1n1lti thi ~ wl'ok. MiQ'I Vlort>nCti !.;.cy rcLUrnl!d home I . •I( rrtl~ · . fll l,,"l :;lI nday Wi th r l1laU Vell and 4 monlhl' o ld.. - - - - - - ---Tut' ll llY c\'eninl( nftu r U 1l1 ('HlIll nt I he re. t th ll l\j{e of. el~ht yenr!l IH3{ par· vi it with hel' hrothe r. Mr, Wa rren ents placed hel' m P '.lrk 'r's Ac~demy, La 'y a"tl wift!. of I n)'lon Mr . II 11, I'll. W. 1l Allt'I\·I\III.I Miss New Hichmond. O.hlO, Iyhere .or l ell . A few of Ollr young peopl !! en. Oliu e Allen \" L're Il t on \'I~it ors yea rs . tlhe g rew III Iw owltldge 11I.ld joyed a fi ~bing trip ailing the Little II Munday . I)~ o rlll l~)' · und e r that se hola rly hrl .. Ml[lm i til(' rorepllrt of last 11'(' k. . !!lust r1y l ellt!,e r: ,Prot . Mrs. G, H . Ellis who hilA II 'en Mi.Sf S I' lorell.:e and Ed nll Lilcy ' tll].n E Illal neR. o f rtllg'~ !\I il li. sp nl J ames h . Purke r . At thiS l im IIl so V( I'y ill fur th I\IiMt tt' li ti ll ,' hl Ii)(hl were t he Sunduy g uesls of M i~R " ' \'el'al d :IY H \vlth hi ~ p nr!!rlls Ii,'re ~ htl u gu n a l on ~ and lmJuous s tudy >' L1Iura Hil l f . . Ii t ' d I' f Iy Imprnvt!d . In l week. o plan mUSIC, :S . un e r ro . 1rs 'Ieve Cp tlllP. f \\'II S shoPllillg' Mrs. Eclwl1rti Coq k and fnmily en· Buun"! , of New Richmond, th ~n a ill Ouyt ll n In. l Sa turday . j oy d Sunnny with her )larents, Mr. , G . Wi IIHlI1l ~llll . (I f nnyt nn , was yellf III Bates AClldemy at Mac\ison . M tI '1 Gil It,) f FII e Ilnd Mrs G"or!!,c Pratt . r. un 1\ r ~ ar 11, () g; ..' P h ' k I' shuklnl{ h llnd ~ with fri l'lHlll Til sd ny Ind th un I wo winters unde r IJrof ·: · k R " ,'" t ' wood we re the5ulldu\lj{u", tgo f Mr . . lIIr. li P')J'g ralt nn t e RIC 1St af t ernoon . LlVIII.OS Y on ace. t ree[, ",lIIcmna .1. E 'h" I · 11 " 1 ' 'a t till' tillie of lhi~ wrl li n g and hnolly two w\IIters ullder Ono m ,II \ 0 11 UIl! uml y. M nn d M E l k ' M F I< MC!I! rs . harl.y RIlI I Ilarry Lacy D k·: ·_ I rs , a 1Il1• Mr. Frail ,Jl'sse P rl:!n.Jl' rgll. tllnd I' ore~ t Hid" ... itl' r lind Miss C 'cl io Gau l at t he · d V I f V . visiter! r I'ltiv es Ilt I j llrlill ~ to n Su n· 11 In am H I.n, CI\rl aliI r. · M or t-'f' . E, R p~n l !:ill ildav nig ht wi th 'r f M USIC. An j ' .ocnt 0 . thanII II li ll Y Ills t ' Co IIkel~ °SI · 'ouk mntored to DAyton Saturday . home! folk H. ec 1. 1e wa~ pro l Clen WI tie . pi ll no nnd could rend and perform _~~~_ _ __ ~~~~~~"-__~~~~~~~_~...!'!!~!!'.~_~ _~ _ .! 1r: . •IH Illt'S I{o,;){elly anrl MIS, a ll Y co nlpositinn she vc r- sa " in h er ---I~ mlll!~ Buyll'Y arc: vi4ilillg reln l ivts siX l ieth .yell!·. Sh~ fll ~o tllugh t lar~e in Lehan vil . c lasses 111 ew ltlchmonr!, Amelul. WII lIIinl,'ton flml lIarveysl.IUrg . T he Mi~Hes LilliHn Wil kerHll n .untl Cominp: 1.0 Wilmington thir ty six , Ii;J J Mild red Smi th ~ pl'nt the week C' n<l yeurs ago , s he revoluti oni zed piallo IJl ay ing in six yea rs , . II ml ~ tJl U 6tun · t::l with Ed na lIlird of music fl' Olil wi ieh thllt t own Mr. f\OC'l l\l rs . Frank Zell lind Mr. has ne ve r receded. She had K ueau · and I r ~. IIl 'lI Iln wk' att 'nrl ed II lifu I voice n ncf u ~e d It t o the gl nry Confer-mce at ::)",ui lJa Sunday. of GOo;l llild tho illsplratiun I,f us nil OF UI She wail de vo utl y rolig'ioui:\, con Flodent l 'e rfulIle l ha t r markuble ve rled at tw elve in t he acad emy and 0 l!l 111 'Ili um of \ll'I'~on al eX Jlf' H~io n ere· UR11tized uy Ho\' J oseph 1~ llI e ry , s he began II lift! of praye r and ' hrilltiun m. ~ alell UJ Cui g ate. J I':. Ja nney. t ~ l i m o n y nnd work, which largely 1,;1 w. I'. Sears an d f!1I11ily' Dre ppe nd· ing l ilt! w e k in Illlrkl' Coun ty visit· moulded tho character of sw res of ing r ela l ive~ lind &ttend ing the fuir. young Ilcople. She first join ed the New Ri chmond . Method ist chu l ch Mr. J nm es RoskellY Id l for his wilh her Jlllrellt.~ lind llecam e its , I hOllle in Chi cugo hid ay e vening . his o rp:unist . On NOVllmue r 20, 1. 7\J she W!lli wifu r lllll aini ng h r ll f or another mllrri (;d wi t h I·{av . A. K . Sargem, wetl k. then past or of the F irs t HU).Jtist Mr. and Mrs. Clyd e Carey a nd Church of that town lind ueclIm<> family , of il lney. Oh io. wen. g lleRts organist ar,d primary teacher . After We have many smart .models of M r . and Mrs . L . A. Zimm erman two years at New Richmond she came with her husband t o Wilming Tuesd a v. ill va ried styles, ra l' h possesstOil, where fo r six years as o rgani st, Mi sses E vn and Mary Dav is arri ved primary teacher, president of the ing . charming ill dividuality. Woman's Missionary Socie ty and B ~I===:JIBP.I==:::lll!l her e from Ne w J ersey Tuesday presidenl GlIi'ii!E5I'a IS'1:]1 of Clinton Associal iOIl MisL: L: I e veni nl~, a ft er a prolonged Slay in ::;iona ry Society she laLortld wit h ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::--::-::' _ =-==---:::--=~_:-:_ the Eallt g rent etliciency in the church and beyond . , Cominp: t o th e J onah'g Run church in 1887 !lhe took the same work save the presidency of the Woman 'sCircle t hat position being ably fi ll ed U) ........: I~ A couple of flying machine sailed e - - - - - --. Mrs . Carl Pick ering and littl e son Miss Hannah Collett and o the r ~ . over Waynesville Sunday morning Hugh , of Lytle. have returned from "'..............._ ..._ ..........................._........ For thirty years in ' this place she about 11 o'clock. They were going MillS Hattie Devoll. of Leominsl(;r, a ple!Ula nt visit with relatives at Mt has impressed her Christian int egri ty OET IT AT East, and their destination was BU P Mas!. , and Mr. and Mrs J , W. Orab and Hillsboro, Ohio. her unusual in tllll igence, her rare posed to be Chillicothe. They were White were.Sunday dinner guests of music and loving disposition upon 37 ere 11 Stre t travelin" at a very fast rate, und Mr. and Mrs F. H, Farro. Ther,e will be un important meet, many children and young people and ~1B' of the Waynesville Grange on all. She was a tl'ue Chrislian, with we re Qt a high elevation. The two . Xenis:, Ohio. planes traveled c10le together, Qnd ~aturdl1Y evening, eptember 1st. simple faitb. intense zeal and a t en de r love of Christ and all people wel'~ a vflry pretty siaht. Two or three auto louds of y'ounj!' You ar,e urged to be present. She lovtld everybody . The colored WAYNESVILLE, 0, people made a theater party a nd Dr. Gail R ussu m, of Dayton, re people we re dear to her, Bnd children went to Lebanon Friday evening , ceived his cl'll1mission III the U. ::3. A. were her delight. She wal able in they al so v isited Camp Runyan . last week as a dentist. Whera he public pra.yer, and her public teHti will go to is not yet dete.rmined . mony to the goodness of God and the love of Christ was born to the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell enter· Mr. I3.l1d Mrs. J . O. Cartwright, talned a t a 6 o'clock dinner Friony hearta of her brethren on a voice 0 f Miss I{u th Harbl)ck and Mrs. Fred rBre music and eloquence. She was eveninlf Mr . and MrR. Jas ROllrell y, Hartsock att~ nded the Chautauq uA The Younce Bros, have secured an MrA. Emma Bayley lind Mr. and Mr . generous and self·denying. · In honor at Murirow 1'u day afternoon. order for five carloads of wheat to J . C. Hawke. preferrinl other8. in gi fts large and be shipped to foreign porte, and have frequ ent. The first $3 she earned at Mrl! . Ma r y Emily Cad wallader and teaching music, she put into a mis succeeded in gt:tting them off for the coast . This is a large order for this About twenty-eight of our aocletv Mrs. F. M . Wilkerson, of Morrow, sionary offering In the New Ricb enterprising elevator, but the Younce people went to Schantz' Park Sunday s pent Mo nday with II1rs . Agnes mond M. E. church when she wae 18 " Bro8 were ·equal to the emergency. and spent the afternoon and evening . Wright: and dau~hter, Miss S~Il. years old; and that spirit guided her They took their suppers and enjoyed beautiful Christian We a re pained to bear o( the serioul .' that affair especially. Sho was the center and largely illness ,~f Miss Lizzie Baily, at the controlinR' influence in her girlhood home of Mr and Mrs. E. S Baily. home atNew Richmond. The oldest Mr . Ilnd Mrs. Lee Hawke en ter· I t is thdugh t she r.annot survive long. ot three girls and two brothers ~he tained at s upper FridllY evening the Mr. and Mrs John Collin! . of assumed Ilreat res ponsibility f ur their - -- - -- ,--- - - - - followin gg'uests : Mr. and Mrs . Jus Salem. N. Y. and Mr, and . Mrs temporal and eternal welfare; and Roskelly. Mt·s. Emma Bayley, and FOR SALE Spencer Kellogg, of till water , N . th is dea r sister and brothers, Mr, and Mrs . J . C. Hawke. Y., a utoed throug h from that state, who survive, will think of her as a and are lhe guests of Mr. and Mrs, guiding star, dimmed for a time to relll ~'ered Shropeblre breedt his life. but shining still for them in IDi Ewes, a Bnok Lambs. also E . J . Arnold entertained the post· W. C. Barne tt and family . the Celestial Heavens. 1 Poland Ohlna Sow, wlt,h 6 pig!, 6 office employees Saturday e vening to Of her relation to tbls home and Mrs. Elizabeth W. -Collins, of weeo old. ID'lnlre of WISHer d . a big watermelon fea st , as that was this husband we know not bow to Swarthmore College. will be at the WhUaker. R. II, 1. 1112 his last evening in the local office. White B rick Church, S unday morn- speak odequately-charmitig in With Grand Parade of All Live Stock, 12 :30 p. m, The girls and boys enjoyed the mel · in g at lo:ao a nd t alk on the " Fellow- youth , his "eart was fascinated with ons very much . ship of I{econciliatlon," and In the her beauty, her intelligence and her You anything 011 the farm you want to sell? rry a f te r noo n 8 t 2:30 on "Prophesy and love; .a nd through all the 38 years his Moul did slifely trust in her witb the Proph e ts." our Classified Cl)lumn, and you will be gr.~ified Mr. and Mrs . Chas. Cornell. of self-denying, unwearying love. She $6200.00 in Racing Purses-,4 Races Each Day Ferry, very pleagsntly entertainer! ministe red to his . neceRSities and with the quick results. II surely will pay you. th E' followinR' guests SatUi day: Rev . taste without a hesitation or failure and Mrs . D. H. Palmer and famil y. he was a fine nurse and in many ..tfNDER Mrs , Martha Orahood, an d Mr an(l hours of sickness was the comfort of I 1 GRANDSTAND ,. Mrs. Sherrod, of Wilmington. All of the New 1918 Models will be 011 Exhibition withal, cooking, k eplng, . sewing was a delight "'to her. Long ehall we cherish, her Mr, and Mrs. Wi IRon Edwards en · beautiful smOe, her cheerful words, tertained at din ner .Sunday. Mr. her genuine soul interest in every and Mrs . Jas, Roskelly , Mrs. E mm a AnoLher chance to buy Sollps at Bayley. Mr. and MrR G. W . Hawke', body . The g rea t and small, the rich Perle's Comedy Circus . of Mules, Ponies. ' Dogs and wlu:,leAale p r ices Flake While , and poor, black al)d whitE', children Mr. and Mrs. John Fromm anrl fa min Monkeys. 'two Perfortnances Each Day . Felf! Nap, P & G, Ivo ry. Star, and adults. all were her brothers and ily. of Dayton, and Mr . .ond Mrs . J. Rub no More, Sunny Monday C. Hawke. sist e rs. tier last words were these, _first-class Harness Shop, YOlllr choice this week only< . "1 lovo everybody." TUESDAY- OpenIng Day, Dog Rnd Cat Show, I 0 Bara 'or 660 She belonged to the Church of Horseshoe and Quoit Pitching Contest, . Poultry Mr. anrl Mrs. 'herman H02'ers, of Godt to the W.. C. T"U t to the East· . and.pill Growing Conte.~t. Lenox: Soap- 10 Bars for .. .. . .\5e Star, to the American Red Cross, near Ferry. entertain ed at dinner WEDNESDAY-Soldiers' and Children's Day. ' Clean Easv-tO Bars for ...... 45c , e~n Sunday the following guests: M r . to patriotism, to every virtue and to Soldiers. of. any · war admitted FR~E. Boys' and Mr8. Roy Hathaway, Rev . and Tin CHIl S, doz., only , .. ........ 60c t,he interests of unlve~sal humani ty Stock Judgmg Con til t . Mrs. 0 H Palmer and family. Mr (11<: ,;&110 enllllK Wo.x'nJII",ltheach do •• ) The mystery of this sudden and T H U R S D A Y-Farmets' Day, with rtew and ' and MrR . Fran~ Snyder, MrR Martha sad ending of so beautiful and useful epecial features ' . . .' Star Tobacco, pound, only ... 50c Orahood and Miss Lucy Emley. a life is beyond the penetration (,)f FRIDAY-Gem City 'Derby Oal" when all runnerS Diamond Joe and San Felice htls amitten . husband, but as he ha! compete for $200 00 yurse. Ciga rs, G for .. ......... .. ..... 25e tried to teach others, 80 he will try , to teach himself through a\l tho long MisH Henrietta McKinsey ente rM'othEirs Onts. pkg .............. 100 tained at a card parry l"riday even· 'and weary. days to come, That God is KelloQ(hs Corn Flakes, pkg. ing in honor of her g uest, Mis.; Izma good, that in J es us Christ there!,s only ........ :.. ,. .. ..... ............ JOe Egbert, of KWlsss City, Mo, the eternal life, that the Re9urrectlon is Post TOllsties, pkg, only. , ... . 10c a fact and .that Heaven' holdtl the following guesls: Mis!ll's Dorothy I~ L. HOLDERMAN Nati onal Corn Flakes 3 pkgs A. MOSBY and Kathryn Dakin, Ruth Hartsoc k eternal ~mpensation tor 8\1 he is for .. .......... , .. , .. ............ .. 25c Clara Hatton . of Harveysburg. Oli ve called to suffer here. President Matches, Big Boxes, only... 5e Allen; M.ess r~. Emmc.r !lai ly, J B. New Yeast 7 Cakes "Oh God forgive our grief Weight-lOOO to. 1200 pounds; Age-4 to 10 ye~rs old. Pence, Ray Mills. Edward Ricks, TryfOI:our .... .... ...... ... .. ....... .. 5c [<'or one 80·soon. removed; Harris Mosher, Fred Hawk~ alld Mr. . Van Camp~ Soups, can. only JOe Also, some Geldings, 5 to 10 years old and weighing and Mrs. James McClure. We trust she dwells with Thee Walrus Salmon, · can, only ... 25~ Tb'ere we behold her worthier to be 1300 to 1500 pounds. Pure .Cider Vim!llar.·gal ...... 25e loved. " Brooms ..... , ......... 45c, 50~, 60c Must all be in good ~ndltion, Miss Kizzie ~e'rrltt gave a very de- -- ..... - - \lllhUnl three course dinner Sun· Chick Feed, Hen Feed. Cracked day, Thfl Invited g uests includ ed " Corn, Oyster ~hell and Peart" '. The Misse9 ' Annie and Marne Mr. and Mrs. Lev, Cartwright and Grlt' Anyo~e baving Horses to bring them to Browt:1 arrived home Tuesday evengrandeon, Levering', Mr . and MrR ing, after a delighttul visit with .Howell Peirce, Mr. and Mrll J. Milk Strainers, holds. 1 gaUon of milk ..... , , ' .t • . :25c New Pan C~ke' Flour• relatives \n PennsylvanIa. . O. Cartwright and two inte resting Enameled Ware .. ' ....... , ...... '. , .25c-20c-15c-lOc Wat!!r melons, Peaches, ' Cante daughters . M·rs . ande- Miss ... --~ Dainty Cream ·Jugs., .... _.. , ... .• . .. ....... : .... 15c lou pes, Oranges. Banana. Elizabeth Carrol. Leip,on8 . Cups and Saucers, same old prace, ... , : ...... , .• lOe


,I 1

+=--=.--. ~ fOR fLOUR




~ Ihtn~1 lInlll. I [1011 tlll~ w..,ek







t:.1 1

with the

~a ~

- .





We Give a Premium for Al Wheat


Cut the High Cost of Living by Baking at Home,



Our FlourCl! a re Home Baking.


t as k f or one . f our When you depOSJ't your w hea, Large White Thermometers. If you have al. read y d epOll'ted ,ca II and get a th ermometer.






M iR~

Opening ])isplay

()('ath 'ra~e.

Fall and Winter Millinery

Thursday, Friday and Saturday September 6, 7 and 8





C 0 A L- AEROPLANES WENT EAST iso-ciE-jy-EY-ENT-S-j ~{<;i:~~~:~:~~:!:":!~~:

osrr'E RLY

Younce Bros. Grain C~.



----- ...---

---- -



Montgomery CountyFalr


Miamj.,J.cobs Baaineu College

Dayton, Ohio

Late Classified Ads.

September 3, 4, 5; 6, 1, 1911


Grand Opening, Morida"'y, September 3rd (Labor Day) ' ,

......... .,.,..., ow.





B. E.

'20 Harnesl and Running Raeel .20

ZH~MERMAN'S heS~::.?:Bn~omeslic

· A utomo ' b·1 BIg . e ShOW


Big Free A~t~action


Special Features



General Admission s.

- '25 cents








w. O. Gustin"s


~very ' Barn,

Friday evening a crowd of YOU\lg folks gathered together and at abou t eight o'clock started on a hayride. Those who enjoyed the joltinJr were Hazel . Riley, Helen Alice Carey, LIllian Wllkel'8on, EI.ale Gus tin, Adria CO.rMII, Reva Horntell, Harry Meredith. Howard Gastln, Irvmg Welch, Coullus Younce, Elliot Wrilfht, Madison Earnhart and Elr· neat Earnhart. The crowd was chap· eroDed by Mr, and 1rIn. B, B, Kelly.

fRIDAY, AUGUST 31 st, 1-91.1 t · H arry J . D. a VIS •

Will positively be there that day. .




Bring liS your Chicken~and Eggs We havea big order to .fill this week and will p'ay 16c for Rene and 2Sc for young Chicken, de· IiverE!d Friday mornlnlr. Don't sell llour Eggs until you Il'et our prices . It pays to trade at


Look our goods· over before buying e1esewhere, Just received a fresh supply Qf BRAN, MIDDLINGS, HOMINY HARTS and ROMeo;.


ZI~IMERMAN'S ' Younce Bf08. -Grain Co~ WayaenWe. 0Il10,

Bowls, large and deep, , , .. , . - .. , .... .' .. , ... , " ..15c. Ladies' Collars. new and dainty . ... \... ~ ... , , ... ! lOe 'Gauze Shirts for Women .... , ., .. , ... - , .... 25c-lOe Boys' Pants,' a: few left; just·the thing for school. .25c Candy, a new lot, f~h and good, per pound"" .200 Speclall8t In .BarpIaa











Sixty- Nintl, y




Tn First AddTe~s Before Congress, Miss Rankin, Fi t. Woman Representative, Urges Federal Control of Copper A1ines of ~/es. ~

TPER SON Al-M ENTlil 0- -- --.._-.

TO I.OOK OUT 1:(\1( WARRE N Buy Cu r nu Woc,1 Fat h i·~ WI ' k.l:OU I I) UoVS J . to;. J IlII II 'Y .


ErTr: 11BE l' ;), 1( 1'7


- - -.. - - .. - - - - - -

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" . n.. Ill'rw(.nr! '1 pCIlI! . ·u nda.v in tile Qneen CiLy. W;I\' ,

Le lmp' ,I). (Jil iu.



i;', I,

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l, n.II" t II


11'0 ~


Hr md

To. Mal.e thc BllYS CO lIlCIIICd DIIII Mr ;lllil M,'!! II H . Wilk.!rqon .Happy While AWIIY i'rul'1 Hnl;llt. und ltY with rt'lutive R in Mo r. tiORl!: in Cump ro v.

~I r '~ I





Il U.I' IUIJ , :-'11\ ,,111.1 HIlt I

d I T ,fll'h !'," uldH n ,\ I""hl·.

I l'

Mr . lind Mrs. J I'hll l'rice. of X(,I,il1, A ITItleli nK W8 9 Cllllf(1 at LlllHmon f'llcnt SUlldllY WiLh Mr . I1 ml MrH. J a ~. Thursday eveniug bv !!~ve "al citizens Kt'rrick . for the purpoRo of IJULliu" on Iuu l lin urgulliu lion to look afler tlte It E llnvis, of th e Wa yn svill bOYM of Compan y I ~ after til tly 1f:'llvtl Natiuna l Bunl<. is ~ nj "y in /ll\ week's home Major Oaube, uf the l SI v!lcati ull. Ref(irnent. of CincillnllLi, wall the re . lind ",xllluined the p urposes of t it,· I::<lgnr Bergan. of I>elnlit . Mich. nteeting. He said that it WI\S the purpose of vi si ted hi", mother, Mril. Ju li.t Ller· . the c\liztlnA of ~Ilc h commun i ly tt. gall, IlUIt woek. look out for the comfor t of the boyl' while away from home, ami by th is Mr. ami Mrs l;. D, Mills an ll son , menns to make them slil idtied. HI' Lindley. visiled the aviatiun fi eld, a t said amonlC ut h"r things almosL nec· Fuirfield Munday . ewsury for their comfor t wero books. In her rcc~ t sperch bdore Congrc<s. the H on. Jea nette Hank mu sical instrum ents, galTllls and lHl I' in r ecenlly made nationa l .history. It was the first Mr and Mrs. Arch ' r Hur L~ock , of occ:uion on which the fi rst woman memhe r of th e Federal law· making Lody bull suilS. Day t on. spent Ih e we" k'l!lI(l wi th 1\1 r. had stood t>cfore lhe H ouse of Rep resentative. By motion Judge Runyan was mod e and Mrs J . L Hartsock. to voice her views on a s~bjcct of nat ion interc t. ht i,. R~nkin urll ed he r associates to g;ve th e Presiden t authorit y to chaIrma n and P rof Bruner secre · take over the copper Dlines of Arizona and Monlana where· labo r trolllJlcs hn vc retarded the progress of operations, to end tar}" both oflict's being perman en.t Our schoo l supply is larger ·this a long-dra wn-out controversy. The first woman ill COIlt;TCSS ~ h e had hoped to make her first address upon the A commit tee from each townsllllJ fall than ever J. I!:. J anney. subject of \Voman Suffrage , but the urgency of solvi ng the laoo was appointl!li lat r, the commiLtee r t rollble. in the Great Weot was of such momentous im. portaJlt:C that she felt called upon to mae it her theme. She was accorded trom Wayne Township blling Mes~rs a.n enthusi:u tic reception. J . O. Cartwri ght, D. L Crane, !-' retl Mrs. F. C. Carey and Jaughte r, Hartsoc k, 0 M. Hidge ami Sam Mias Alice. are spendin g a ' week Meredi th, Jud ge Wright , Judge with relative s in Detroit , Mi ch . Hamilto n and Io' rllnk Brando n, Pres Runyon and Secreta ry Bruner are ·Mrs . Mary Richard sun. wll h her th'e commi ttee from .Turtlecre~k SOil Dsn t ownship . This commit tee will reo iled wilhanu family, of Dan on, vis· friend s here. Monday . ceive contrib utilIDR , and the whole flcheme will be malle known after Rev . C. S. Beall left for Ada, Oh io, the commit tees from the townshi ps 100 attend the annual confere nce of meet and formula te their plans. 'rhe idea of the whole proposl lipn the M, E. Church , Tuesdoy morning . . . . " The ioll of Miami Ceme' Cotlncil met regular session b a good one. :rhe g.e neral commit tee The meeting of ~he W~lltc tery willd~dicat take place Thurada.y, Sep' Monday eveningin at ~he council from the county will send deleg/lt es Brick Meet1T'tg We a~e f eaturin g Corona Wool wa~ h~lt! '1 IJ sLlay to tembl"r 5, at 10.' II/clock. A com' cham ber . Rou Line busines s WB~ to Cincinnllti to confer with the col· (?at this week, and will sell it during elect officers for t he 1 rreJ1ds HomE', mittee has been procure t o ~ecl,lre transllcted . but nothilli ' of impor. onel of the regimen t all to what the Ihis period for 42!! nnd 84c. J . E . When the meeting ~as called to or· peakerll. Let tIll comed with boys net!d and what can be sent to Junney. d e ~ there were QUIte a num ber. of freshmc nts prep.a red to spend r eo tance was done the A few day", ago a r epresen tatil' them and thtly will report bark to the Friends gathere d, and tI~e election day in the beauti ful g rove . After of t he Utilities Commission was sent centr~1 commit tee,· and .the needs re., ulted a8 foll~ ws: Pr~SI?en t, Ed· the dcdi ~ation s(1rvice a publio s~le for and he lo oked ovor the Miss Edna Janney spent several ground s. C~and le r , VI Ce-PI e. Id en t, Ida of lots WI ll be he.l~ will be supplied . days last week at the horne of her wm opportu m ty It is no t yet known why n represe n. Kee~er, secr('ta ry. Georg ia Menden · offered for faml itesand It I. though t that--- the plan will achoolm to make th ~ir ate, tali Miss ve wss I<atheri sent for, but he wil l pro. ne Eby, at h!\II, trust es, Thos Cal v~rt, Lindley meet. with the approba lion of the selectio nll As all a re interes ted, lilt bably submit a report later in t he Menden hall. Martha 0 eall and all come'. William whole county. and an earnest effort Germllntown. Mannington , Clerk week . . will be made to canV8il each town·' Seth Furnas . . -From The Wilmin gton J ournal·Re· 'rhtl cou ncil adjourn ed to meet Miss Annie BrolVIl left Suuday "hip to get the f unds necessa ry to Those f rom.a dlstnnee were Geo. publi can " Fifty Yeara Ago" column Thursd ay evenin g , when the same Bee to the comfor t of the boys while afternoo n for Xenia, where she will Th o,:pe and WIfe and Thos. Bord n, we clip thll above old story that hns b en UlJ for th e take U\J he r winter's work at lhe 0 of RIchmond, Inil., Reuben R?berts•. From the begin away from bome. ing Miami C03me. past year, wiII all be gone ove r lIgain, 8. & S. O. Hom e. of South Charles t0!l' and MI s. Ida tery has grown to be the finest rest that ot the light Que.~tion. .... Keever , ~f Cente rv rlle . '. ing \llace for th~ dead in Ohio out· Thi prOIJosi li on hus been arg ued OthE'r Importa nt bu ~mess transc· side of the large cities. li s natural from s all Dr. and Mrs. J . '1'. Ellis, Mr. e has. poi nts and iI St'ems liS tions In rega rd .to t he Ho m~ was scene!.'y is beautif ul and the engl· though Ellis and family, Mr. Sid Ellis and a great many of our citizens family visited the Serpen t's Mound brougb t uo and dlscul>se d . neer who laid out its ~ections and do not have any idea of the pro in Adams County SundRY, avenues did so wiLh most excelle nt posi ti on . It i the duty judgme nt and ideaa. We are in · citizen to hea r it d i~ cu!\Sed, of every formed that but one of th e charter are some things abo ut it for there Mr. and Mrs. E. J . Arnold and little that the .membe .rs now survi ves, Charles F public do no tse.' m (0 g"\811. Allenll son, left Waynesville for their new Chapma n . this home at Jame ~ to w n , Ohio. Mny W . ar hu ing all k inds of -. The af1'ai r~ of the. ~s oci ati ~n a~e gl' mc · tinA' and you may be allle to Frank Geiselm an. of the New Mar· !tood health . aL the whol mutter. and luck attend them. Y . . j m an excellen t cond iti on: ha\'mg'1n tin hotel, Wilmin gton, inaugur ated ___ . __ .. _ _ gram u!ld a:--e paymg th v ry cash and investmllllts over a novel way of getting the scor es of fROOO .o.O MiM Elizabe th thC' blllleball t eam Qf that city. Mr. a rver, who has highes t pric~5 t he marKe t will Geiselm an is a' pigeon fancier, anll been ~ \ll'nd ing a couple of weeks allow. R cmeml er, we will be Mnt out a bunch of his birds to IIdth Miss tielen Marlatt , returne d buy to her allY home am in IlI incinna l l YQll hu\'c The n w \ ' iIrnillgt 11 Lehanon Un. the ball grounds , and after each in ti SaturdllY. \ lla v(' a 1 rge stOI'~ ill fro m on ponnd on up, ul i iversity will opl!ni ls do rs Seplem ning the 8COrc was tied to the leg of · o ur ra nI. Ca n fll l'tli' i ',,\I a pi,e on and it was released and reo Dr; amI Mrs. H. E . Hathaw ay and allY tim ' " come. " I bm' 11 . Several ,ilf t!l e ttl!IChprs of wilhan ra1l1C1lllll. turned home. In this wa)' the llCore Mr and l~,d'll II"; . Ithe Le bunllll Ulllvers ity wl Jl be I'e · \ Mrs. Harvey Burnet t and ~8B posted in th'e hotel before' the daugl)t tl1,iIH'I~ in add!1 iOI.l to. th force of lhe You n{' c Bros. Grni er attende d the wedding of Younce Bros. Grain ' nell ., Mame ended . • \ ayner.villc, \ Ibio \\ IhnrnglOIl In_tl tullOI1. Miss Helen Hayner at Wes tville, Ohi o W · ~· lIe ~\'iII(!. (lhi,) The Wilmin gton Journa~ says that Saturda y. at tht'- end of the ninth inning an ef· fort was made for an au to to beat the piS89'l back tu the hotel, but tlle Miss Olethia States, of Waynes · GJr.:1==:J I 8r::: C==:::!.) r:r?-==::lI S E& , 3 81"1===:I]E1 I -IClE':-===.Jm ~_E bird ·made the trip and had forgotte n ville. is spendin g a few days at t h e ' " .. lE L: L: about it when the "buH buggy" ar· home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. ~ rived. Wilmlnllton fanciers are try· A. T. States, of Villars hapel. ~ in, to organii e a homi ng pigeon club, -Clarks ville Herald .


r IW /II CO:\\PA N V 6 CM\ P RU I'. \ A A 0 OUR BOVS

, ..

i. ;\, ,~," :I \ '1-.

Hr. Dill . O<ll'p patlt 21




1:11HH Itt :1 t P l(f\J:l

J' u C,," 'cIIII'II/ion PoInt 50 lie Time rhi Week. Allhoug h I~c • I .'.I r :0'1>' .,j,.. I... 11. 1\,·01\ sJll'll l p'lrl Is Menger . (I If' \\'1'(", fllld· \\'1111 ,", ·Inti", -,,, III ;...... 1·\\ ' 4 I al Ii. \) 1, ill I !)Ulltluy was an ofT day for Lhe boys .J. 11 r 'arl 'Hight :tlld falllil y and J, 1~'; ~ fH' W." I" L I·l,;!II,"l \'i ... itllr~ in ('amp. '1'heru were abou t half of t h ' hoI' S IIIl pa rade, the other TU !lrsda.\ t'~' l ql l) l,.~ half hl'il1g' exr. uscd an, 1 wen! vi siting hom' f'J II.; ~ . Mr . f1 ,,, 1 I\ II'H l{oJ.1 I'!, II' nl lcnd · H llgh IUtlg e is ut Sh uronvill e. l'd I fl, · I ' ulVl' r~- I Jy ,,, lind \\'/'( I (j ill~ at sludy ing road , ca mp anci map mak· X" "1 1I .-)ul u roI;IY I'l'f, IiIl l!.'. ing. The hoys engaged at this busilleBS will have to make maps of ,\1,' fllid ll'~ . \\, ill Smilh anti f Hl'; . rOlltes, excavat ions, and all such mat· ill' . of ['"Icil(., wcr ' th l' gu ·~t ,. of Mr . ler, and Hugh is to be congrat ulated all" tIl r s Cap . 'milh, tllll! week. upon being chosen :for this im portant work . Corporals Georgc Waterh ouse and Dr. Ellill MrH. H. 8. Hnlhaw a y J esse l'render gas t spent Monday ~ \J l! nt ~ IJlld ,1Y at L Ildon, Ohitl, the wilh home fO lks. gu • lM o r IJr. 1Il1J !\I 1':;, l{usllug le. The boys are looking eagerly for· ward to their trip to Montgo mery. J o~: TltomlJ:ion. of Norwoo d. j uin ~ d Th ey think they wiII move this week. hid wife here !::ialu rdu y ""vc;ni n-c , and Among the visitors at the camp ~I,e ntll. l· uu lJ ll! of days Wil h relative s. Sunday were seEm Rev. S. A. Beall and family, W. S. Salisbu ry an.! 1>1 iss Maric Hart l! ck WH 9 in Dayton family . f'rank Braddo ck and family, Sl\lurd llY on account of the sickness Walter Elzey and family, Rev. J . F. of her grand moll ar , Mrs. Aaron Cadwal lader Bnd wife and D. L. Grane and wife, F. B. Hender so'n S~ ar~ and family. Hug h and Ridge were at w. E . U' Neall loft Monday even · home Saturda yForest and Sunday mornin g. inlf for I'iltsbu rg with Jive c1ecks of Prof. C. A. B: unertak esanac tive hogs. which will bring him nearly part in camp life, a number . all of the $15,000. . <!nli!Led boya have been pupils of hiB some place in the coun ty, and he Mi. and Mrs. B. S. Howell, and likes to look after "his boys." Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Linton. of • Clarksv ille, spent Sunday in Wayn esville. j)



One ofthe prettiea t home weddinJ(s of the season was solemni zed last Mr. nod Mrs . James Hawke and WedneK layeven ing at tpe home of family and Mr. J os. Hawke, of Belle- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hormel l when fontaine , spent Sunday and Monday their charmin g daught er, MillS Balle Lucile, bQc&me the bride of Mr. with relatives here. Willis McMillan. a young man of !terling worth. Mrs. Mary WaLe rhouse returned At just 41 o'clock, to the ,trains of hOllle f rom · the hosp ital at Dayton Lohellg rin weddin last weak. and we are very glad to Miss Itevll Hormel g march, played by l, the young couple Hay that l>he is impr ving rapidly. took their places under a beautif ul arch made of arborvi tae and pink I. N. Miller stand s ready to solicit and' white coamoll. There they,' useyour patrona ge in Ihe Nursery Stock, ing the ring ceremo ny. were united furnished by the New Antioch Nur· in mar riage by Mrs Jennie Carey, aunt of Mr. McMillan. The bride sery. 81 2 looked lovely in a gown of white .Ilk and the groom wore the con· Mrs. Jfl me J{ rrick received word vention al black. from h r b rother at Monticello. Following congrat u1ationa lIlinn .. 'that he hlld left that place in liJlhtful three'co urse dinner, a dewas A Il j{URt , for nnada, wi lh a t hreshin g served by girl friends of the bride. crow. After much rice throwin g and laugh. ter the "uests deparb..'<l wishinlr Mr. IIII' . amI Mrs. lytle Colema n and and Mrs. 1I1cMiIlan many bappy yeara 'on, Frallci8, le ft fot their home in of married life . They were the recipien ts of many orwood st urday Ilfternoon, after . p ·nding a pleasan t week wiLh beautifu l and useful present s and. wi ll be at home to their friends at r ' lal i\'QS here. their new home on Chas. Ellis' farm. The invited guest!! from J\liM Mary 'har wood UrOPIJed in town were: Mr. and Mrs. out of antI SIlent the day MOl d ay with her Ourey, Mr. ~nd Mrs. Charles Enoch homo flllkM, relu rning in the evening gins and Miss Mattie DwiggiDwlg . . to Iter d ll ti<!s in the I ~ pi s copul Hos· Wilming ton, Ohio; Mr. and ns, of Mrs. Vitili . aL ML. Au lJ1,lrn . . Charles lIormeIl and Miss Alma, of Lebanon; Mrs. Sarah Whitak er and J.inlluy Mill ~. wh() has bl:! n wurk· Mr. and Mrs. Lester Poll', Mr. and ing in \ . Lvui;. tfuring lite past Mrs. C. E. Whitak er and Mr. and Ummer, II I' ril'ed home Saturd ay Mrs. Carl Sarber, of Dayton . MIss 'veninl( . alld will tuke up his sludies Vera McM dian and Mr . Paul Kol· voord, of Dattle Creek, Mich .; Mrs. at Miami Ulliv 'rsit y nl,,· t week Eunice McMilla n, of Carmel, Ind . . Messrs . Uarry Mt rray and Ray· mond Conner lefl Mo nday evening for a trip to Lh l::aat. They will visit New York. Atlantic ity, Phila· d elphia and t)tl ler I':llstcr rl citil:s.


St. Mary' s GuilJ will meet wilh Mrs. Caskey on Thursd a), afterno o n. A full attendance is desired a~ it is the election of officers and the work for the comi"g year wiII be discusse d .

----- ---




While hauIinjf' loga Monday Her· bert Meredi th fell off the .Ioad, and the wagon ran over his chest, mash· . Inp hiaahou lder badly. He Is resting aa~easy ' aa possible under 'the dr . eum!ltances, and it ia hoped thllt he will' 800n be ou t again.

.. -..---


. Cem~nt Bloc k. ,We have a large .supplY of

~ ~



Mr, and Mrs. P. D. ·Claget t and daughte r, Tllcv, and Mr lind Mn. Chaa. MSlldenhaIl, of the New Burling ton pike returne<l last week from Ii motor trip through Ontill'io




8a~M~~r!!~.~~S;~:~~~ ~~i:~J~!i:t~~I~!!:J£r~~l~re-Ia

arnou nt-wi ll make to .your order. If you expec t to build , dOn't fail to consider our cement blocks. ~ and see us, _ .._ D - - ~I_




g:::J: M~~ O~:t~Oft~· -:d :r~lIM':'~ ~~lofl proom~'

Co .... nal

......... Q...... .W.,..v U1e.O IaIo, . . ,


ville and several smaller towns, turnlns by waft of Niasara Falla.

!~t . iii-

"slalhtedtbmoit or om cawe In 0 .....0

0, .and ,urehu ed tbIIr maJ_o f aboice ~fQrQ IIIQ. ... . somele ...


Sta r Lig ht Pa ten t Alb -IDO or Gl ~ a d T-d I -log s

~ ]

The Wilmin gton' Journal says: "Memb ers o'f the coltgrega lion of the GrassV Run church ' at the home of their paator .. Rev.met Benjam in . Hawkins, one evening rt!~ently to bid him and his family goodby ." " The I;lawkins family will , r emove ·o . Wilmin gton to make that ·thelr future home. .

~ ~






~ •.

·Mrs . J , ~ Janney , and the MI8ses Helen Kel ~cy, Ethelyn Jones, Edna and Louella Jan ney attende d a shower at German town Saturda y, gi ven for Miss Kathei-ine-Eby , who will soon become a b ride, Among those who attende d the Bellbroo k Home Coming Monday were Mr. and Mrs Frank ZelI, Mf!I. Mary CAske)' M'r e has. Cornell , Mr. anll Mrs . W. O. Raper, Mrs. Eva Miller lind daU\fht er, Miss Ruth-an d Mr , "' rank Miller.



Ask ·you r groc er for any of the abov e and if he doe .,· not keep them' pho ne or writ e ua and we . w· )·11 see that you ar'e .ll:ppI1oed.

\Vl'Y 'N'fS ' V".I~'[E

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - : - - . ~~--~--~-






Mr. and Mrs. J . L. Hartsoc k. Mr. and Mrs. C. '1\1, Robitze r and family, r.'! Mrs J . D. Marlatt , Mr 'and .Mn. Archer Hartsoc k. of Day tOil, and the a;.I MiMes J{u th Harlllock and Helen ~ Marlatt -attend ed the Alexan der reunion at Clear Sptlngil Mon~ay • Profess or Ilnd Mra. La' 'Rue Carr and little daughte r left Monday for ~ Clyde. Ohio, where they will make their. ho~e. Prof. Carr who was for several ),E!atsi nstructo r in mathem a· tics at the Centtal High School .hu secured an excellen t PQsltlon a. head of the departm ent in ctiemlst ry In the Clyde High School .-Xenia Ga· zette. · Mr Carr i. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Cart, lind bia many friendl here and at HarveylbUl'll', will be 81ad to b-..:.of bla lid. . . .


'MILL"S! m .


. iii'a.ii i.I&J& :...--!51BliiiE.illlilliiii.iU~liiili!iEIEII.E:mE55i1IE1IL5555115J



A pleasan t and profitab le even(nlC was spent Thursda y when the Leb· anon J. O. U. A. M. lodge ' worked the degrees on a Waynes ville ·candi. date. . The work was put on impress · ively and those who went from town were J. C. Hawke. Earl Orndof f. Harry Shutts, W. S. Graham . W. H. Dinwiddie. Harry Starr and Chas. Boger. They Kot home early in the morning .

______ ...O---- .~ - ·

OBSERVED HOLIDAY · The p08toffice and the Nationa l bank closed Monday.o" aeeount of Labor Day. The carrlera also had a vacation, as .they l;Iid not have to make their trips. ______




The Epwort h League of Lytle, wlII give an ice cream · and water< melon Social at the home"r Ch're~ce Smith, in Lytle, Friday evening Everybody is cordiall y invited to be present and enjoy .. the good t hings.

Baking at Home Quality Flours



---.....--_ ..- --



- - - .. --- --



Mrs. Winnie MaBon and children , of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Cum· [:J mings, of near Xenia, and Mr. and ~ Re\', Aaron S. 'Watkin if, a taiented Mrs. Russell Campbe ll, of Dayton , spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary A, lecture r and orator, will address a union meeting in the M. E. church W~e. . Sunday evening . Septem ber'16th , on tbtl subject of "Conse rvation of 'our Mrs. Jamet! .Roskell Powers ," a qU'estio n that is vital 't o hOIl.e in Chicalfo, andy left for her [:J Mrs. Emma our country . . Bally left for her home in Bartow , ' He wJ\J a180 addr·esB tho peopltl of Fla., Friday evening , after spondln g Barvey aburi" at 10:90a. m . and ~:30 a rouple or di>lightful weeks with p. m, on the same date. ' relativc ! here.



Etta. and Mrs. A. L. ewell, of ~ mington .. Wljre guests of Mr. Wi!· and Mrs, C, H. Sherwo od, $unday .



To. Reduce H19h .COSt 0fL'IVin ·

w~f~~n~:!~d!o~t~~S~~~~~, :~s 13








Will Hay pu rchased the Davis propert y on Main street Silturda y, and wiII leave t he farm and come to town to resid e.

t .. I I

Ie (





f h p" III ,\

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" ".1111. "(\!.14

rank R.Adain,r

lIJ'Ir1Ied. ','You could r orr), me "' :r".~," " hI' Rug)l'e8ted prllctlc olly - " Ihut L~. It ynll can IItt


" J carried y OU tart hcr


"'Yere you tbe brn." c

"'"n OUill

I hilI I hi" who rlsl:;-

ed hl - IJ UI 1 e tor JlJc?" sho cxl'latmpd Illl pulsl vely. thun ndd cl.l wttll 111' '''



celt: "1 know Nod ' cnn JI(' I' ~ r Ihllnk sou enough. Just Jllc k Ille u p III rOil!' big stroug amu OJJ(lllllt IIII' tl\l,,"u th o mlnuto we get ncro@s." So sbe gatb~retl hf"r ~ I, tr t'i .\I II·('rllll~· llbout b r, nnd I [Ilckrd IIl'r li P l'IIRi l), anel splnsbt'd tb~ou ~ h tho [,wld lc-. I carried' ber Inlo the 1<1I"'"ll'r hOIll<e. Lucllo and llopp wero th rrl': I .t"ud a m oment In stullc tled ~lIel1 rp IIrllllll II

put Villn do,,·n.

" YelL" LndlQ fU1'1I ..11 tn. me. "I wanted to t ull .'·UU t \I I 1I1·,l olle~.


I Imew YOIl w oultl "I " I'\'I' IIIW 0111' hOI (\In ,', My mllill fl' fUkt',1 r" ;;r'II~I' Hill! r1 blutero I hUll IIV I "!' ,." .. il 'II"I.I' 'oll~l,hll'ed BOIIII n 111t111hl~ ('1'('11 II '·lfl'." .In. , prouR I!I:COl1ll. ~ mlUlI pnzzUII;t 01'1'1' r,1If·II," ., ,1 0/(' 1 b ellnl , 'h111'" ('I,,"r ·,,,t'l I·"i. " Ia1ing, "Mr. DlIP,., I 11111 (lll" ' ~" " ", \"


~u call ed







Itt Ih I H_

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fl !I ~ t It III a 1J1111I1l' It ....[ \1' l:.~ 11 ' .... 1","1 llllS I "<1111 1-,' ·1 I. II 1'1 h' . i \I' IIIIl I II

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t ha t ~l'. 1 lil ullt ,\

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wg til l,n"I' II", 11111 1' lO r Itl~ 1"1'1' 1111 1111'_ rjjllh' ''' IIIIPI- I... f",,".1 h illl_ ,'1 1' ha, hL...I ' WOrt' '111' " .,~ rill' I If" ' " I I,," ' 0(11 111 , youn g 1"'1' Oil. \ '111" \\'.'~ II ,,. 1111(' u( tllv.yo \I' h" '1'011111 "uss 1,,1' "" i rtl lU ll'; ' IJUSlllrl: h ,t "llUpl~' ",,'UII,,' ,10,' \I liS I II IIlIrll('s8. '1'11(' r(1~t n ( 118 \\ VU I illl l1 lIlt' h Ol1M C. As II' cnnw Itl I llI' rdeph' ''''' WIIS ring1U ~. ,bk l ll): 1.1It'i 1t"" p,' rll l""~ loli . I an, lwt!rt'd It. ' hlitOllo!'" .!"nitl n mu lu \nic'll , l'o l'tlu l\Jug

"UeLlo!" I 81 101,e Iu!'uln In to the teleph onc. " :'11'. In II' W UK hvrl' II IUl 'DleUt 1li'0, but h o Ion Jus t ):0110 ru r u walk Wilh a young I n'!l'. " "Imposslblo!" Tho \'o l~1) nt I hI! other end shot (hnt cl11)'liJlllj cnlly II true. "It's s ," "Olnlr 18 II W (,I11 I111 hllil' I'," "~bot It II1l I,, ? ThlH (lilt' Is goIng to con" ert blm." "Rumph. S]IO Cllu't (10 It. '''ho!JI IIhe?" "0 'r 1111111 1.~ i\lIHij Yldll DUnlDore." ",rldll Dllu1Uore th r(i't"

" Cortn ln1y."

T "


,I'I 'I ' II ·~ rl ':-. i ~ I"fH' ''

IIln\' ('I''':,''

It H('l'lIl t'tl t fill ' I ti I't' II p'I:-o:-- ll,le wil y to gnil! ' It III rh\ " f,llilltl ., 1\. 1" I f, P I'I' t lll u . an, I [ II ssl'nl, 'u I" " ,,' ,\:' " ' 1'. ''\'0 11 llllll' l h 'II' I,,1 II) It.11 II i III. llicn. tbn l ,\'1111 1I!'t' 1'11:;11;.:,., 1 11 1' 1'11 01 .1 '! " " OIJ, 11 0. IIl1 t ti ll I II '1(' P" " I 'O" " " _ Ot CO l1r~e I JIlh:lJt I d d l II Ul jI.'I : , 'r l il uD J I ri o ~c'l. 1'11"11 l 'iI 111" " 1' r" iI h irn ," ,

_ _ _ __

:Gen. Hail Tells Story of Flanders




OJI1 0l01l Picas Courl

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{1I1IlK I , 'Hl1ll0 II ! tpl onhrm(lo,H Jomlll ('l~lltrt\1 ~\\",·. IfHhl' " "Asl; "hu," I ~II"' L(" ' II ·II. I fhllli Ill' rl ull! 10. "".' Ir. II I" u """IIIlI' 1' ":'Ilt'lil" II).! Ih llt )''' 11 .h" I'- I Ihlnlt "1111. h 'I ' I"I""1' "Ill.\'. 111111 1111' IfI~ II' I IIIIt' ''t I , I ' U ioN 111.1' H"II I ri ll): 11>:11 " ' 1 )"111-" III/I t II> I.,,! IIIk ,' 1I .. lI l Ih' \l \\·" "d :' 1 l ' UII n uti" I' lIiru )II·OPI),., ,· l U,rnl'l'" durk . "n Ut it \\'11 ,": :\11':-; (;1" '1' 11 wltn Wll~' :\1 1110 I", II ""tt 1 ' llril,tI ~ 1I11t' 1(111. - \. t.I II.,I' ..... ~ H USPiI:IJ. duh4.' ~n \·" It t h II If' , 1 I HI\'~l' " 1, 'uIIM,, ' , 114' ,' 1 1'1' 1111'11 1 \\ :1 ;,\ pusl 1 llWt h llll. 1,111 Ju' t:I II II Il 10 11 1.\' drl 'MRI II ~ U \'C'. "rtlll 111'(, spl'lI kln;.: fl'lllil \l 1'~


"'l'bulIl, h cuven !" h e eJoculnletl ter"8Oppy'" repeotcil L\l ~f1 l' ' :111'1"" . 1)'. veutly. "l 'ye lit/ell \\'lllUug tOI' hours "Yeti, don't YOII CIIII hltll I II;II '! .All tor Ii r t /let hero. n w (10 s shc tlIe atrll in the '::;hol\' drl ' .. 1)111 1'1111., collie to bC 110 r e1" ~1tJ. I was In the (;[1 I'll" 11:1'i1. -W, I expllllu ed to .tbo J'1) llllg Inllll, who 1J8I!d to regnrd '-lIm M 1,1111 I .'111' " I proyed til Uc Net! UIUIl().", 03 I bull ai, the comp&ny, be WII S 111'0\111,( w li l l II - -relldy l> u ~lIectotl, lill u l.>out lhe WI' ' k ot 80 much. Wo hlld U /,;(lod I iMP I iI: I the Jltury Hell Illill the l'ustlng Ilsbore -.on," abe added reOl"·III·, ,ly. ot hcr pas. e UJlbrs. I.;uoUe murmurc'l, /'1 ~hllll'" Inlll J,; h ,, · "Tbnnl'8 v r~' much," au ld Blnoey, 10." with conslderl1lJl , rclIct lu hill "olec. "I k now you will b" hnI'll)' ," 1' 111" "I'll como tig bt o,' er 'lI fter her. Don't, wa. Baying. "I'vo b~'(,'n engllgl'll 11 1;0..11 tell ber t!lat 1 1.'1\11,,<\ 111' alld [1\'111 Ula n1 times and I cnjo.l'- It mlll'l' t·I'l'r.' IUJ'I)rlse be r. Go IlJr ;" time," He hUlig liD b fore I coulu lell him "Yon must be ~.c rrIhly tli'('4, Monty," tbat h e pro1>n1JI,V cou ldll't J:'ct lilly I,lnd J heard ). ucUe say; "uo slt.1c l' l"r' llt ' of boat to ('OUle O1'er to tlte i slllUd, t7-8lx 'bours nnd no (000 tor tllrell dll~·R. but I judgetl ttlll t he wuultl tilltl L!Jut I wlBh wat there wero Somt'llllll!: tr,ut oUt-SOOIi enough f o r hllll"'t!ir. J could do tor you." , "Wbcre's loU B nl'I'I' uf" -' " SUed BOli(l. J. Ilstenoo III aU]lIz ment. ou,h1 thl1\ "I advised hur to lie ll uW II fo r II utbe Lucile, a nd WIIS t!lle oudresslng me? tie while ' lind l'l'sL '1'1018 - SCIII'~ 1'I Is 'Sho waB. I lJUzzlctl over tbe gentlc- wearing ber out. ·It" IN \(,,, d ll l( 'ver )'n eu In her toU(!fj and the 801Icltudo thing In ' no,I' ,hIHlle," ' abe wall showing tor my wllltllre," I "1 11rCSltJl.lC tli ll t l'''U L;' I'lIl1llnlloll~ (l I'C 4ld not h it upon tho nil wer tbeli, but .In or.dcr," 1 SIII!l, " .... 1'·1111111;: h u ud I have since. . with ItS 1(00,1 It s h oll' o f '''I·,Ii:''It~, 1\ " I , Atter aWhile the rnln let up, and wo coul,lIOIl" h 'I:. "I cl" " n n l!-'-"I I11:lle ' yoll, went back to tbe bOUlie 'to Ree what Mr, 1101'1'." the othel'll mtgbt have discovered 'a ud " "'C· I·(.I II L " N~ullll' I,\' 1' " g ll ).!I'>!," I:OllP la1 a plan of campaign, Vida elected (lld "O lll·I,\'. "kill ' Im< ill'I'IlII" I" 1 l,) IJ~ t9 -tar out _o t d.oora, and I auggi!eted lultle If· I ('llH flu ll 11l'1' 11 11 )11.(· 1'. T Lul that .be take on Mr. Ol~ tor a walk. muk 'lI mc jll~t IIhu u t ,' , lI ellr r! n ""~ell I to1cl her that he ;waB a woman-hater II> L eI' ill; If IYC 10",1 1I1',-el' 11)('1:" &114 thus Inadvertently aroused bel' In'0 T.l\(· lIc·8 III 1I1 1 ~ (' 1oll t1 II Htl·l lI /.: tiel! t.erML . to II. ~I .I' 111' lI r l 1('IIII<'1i rXlIlI lll.llly. "l'U haVe to make him cbange hl8 '1)11 I'e "' liS 1\ t llu rh '" .I "I' t, Id....... fit~e looked up at me innocent. "l.t·I'" hu\'e II .lr·l lI ti " II 11 1(' ~ tl'l'll g I1,

a reJllt


'l'lJ\.' \' uk\., I hull .I11 :-1 t It''I'li 1I ~ 14'I' ln L thnt .\ ' 1'... . . :"""1 1. ,A(h' I' It W htJr I J.!\l t l l\[l ll'lIl' ~ 11 11"11( 101) WU rh' IIIIIIIIIt' ll I " I" , ' u l,1 wh.1 I lint! btl,." '-'H l ,'Ill". "ThilL JllIrtJ ,'u Ut,,1 up r null u pt lrt t, ·


wheD you llrs t s n\\' CIII ' II 0 W or." 'RT'b ,. a t name (\ Id ),\)11 sny ." . "Mr. Rom, III." i1lu,r~." "Your l1ollcc '," I ('JII"ulu l 1.



'l 'bt:\f·,· \\' ''' 110' '111 .. ''1 1 ['.

"It etnrted 10 ruIn." I s llillllllen', I, "iUld we bad to bunt \111 shelter'. i\lI S Dunmore WIIS so nfruld or spull ll,>: your cloLhes." ''Tbatl8 all rl ' hl." sn l,l Ln dl" R\I'eet; 11, "I dO)l't m lll(J their belli ;: wrl Ilk 11'.11 I . a bit. I'm going to hnl'e th llt Hult I pressed aoy,,·ny." • Floundering III Ilt~ Ilt't fi t /I W, lmllll " willi . l tI~l·81n H hllrt lll~$~. " " Iny] Rpenk 0 R&!'Cllsm, 1 was uttc rly Ol 1\ 1 88 t,'r , t o ~jr. LI"I " II S. Clnlr'I" 110 IInswer, , 1 (luI. m~' 1111 1111 (II' c r IIH! 1Il"lIthl .lcco CHAPTER IX. uUll r urued nro oncl. J.udlll bod g one UpSI811·~. Io llt 1\(111[1 wnH >:117.1111:' Idly f Ellgaged 1 i OUI ot 111 0 w lutl"\\'. v DON'T bell"I'o yo u bllve IIl Pt Mr. i "I s Mr,. l'hdr ~tlllll .. ·... , III rll" ,I'n rd?" Bop(l yot," !IIli<i T,lJfllle 10 Vh!n I a s klY' hllll . a8 tho ~Irl gil I r1('I] hl' r iJrrll lh, I "i":o ,'U b 'I' CUt orr 110 \\11 1-he l,fi llch • Miss Duumorf"" , "At ICI1 Mt r OU wen' , 1I t1 1 ('oIlHClml!! wllh




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Iill I Itt, Hult (> '''' fl em 11h'- ' h :)I11ul1'\ I It II T u :!illh. I ,lit 1'1 \\ pr I'd I) " 11('1111... " " " 1101: I" 11'" 1 ,11111 . ~ Ir, B IIIIIICY ? , III ~nt ' c' ull ' Iudl,' 111 I hI' II 'J I' lwII P": I \\ 1I 1Jt t n " ~J ' IJ'l \ l1 \ i to, t'!I .... \·\11l11l \lJlll~ . " Jl ' 1111," I "II I1 ' ~ I , " h,'lIn, hd l" '"



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"We'~o • .."_ot t o I!Pt 1In Icr ro l't' r," I

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New \' lIi ~lul, ti l l!

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N flWI llLtlIl. lIh 'o rca ; wil lful Il bHu uOt" lIf1d .~n ~ lIegh,ot Rl ;;\ 11 l:L lJ\lt (!l'III ~O n '" ~ l'e~l rl , rrnll ~jutobI O d ~'O . lllv o r (,lI; Will,


Ill! l llll 'll.

, Proba te Cunrt 10 I ll" fU ll l! 'r ,If tllt! (I .late 0 1 , EllUl b,' tll Mlln t rt Ileo~lI ~ed. Orrler , I ~ ru rll "" 1" KI' II Jl ~r~,' u " I I)TL P t·ty R pr l "nte ~ tll ~_ E.;llIto 01 Mllhe l \'r}\lng M ol IlIln . or ~ . :-tovll u tb u c o unt of I1 U ll rlli,," tII' ld III Ill ,' UlnltE'r o f tho e~ t l ' l (\ lOr Robell' l s . Dllllltlf, 11 oea."'\. I II vunl.,I T.y IlIltl l l 1>D r l1l ~~ fI ,H' ~ fll,',\. E~tl 't tl U ' .lunI ('s ~. TudIlnll loJ', ,h,.



00118611. ~~If\n l lIf' OV Ullt ti C ndrlli n l><Irllt o r II ppruvtld , '''1 0 <\' 11(1 !lUll ctl n - I fi rUlOr!. !o.:~ln lo "~ I PMII .Jur ll c Oi Tlltlo (1 1 III. , JIl] 1l0 r ~ 'eoon d tl O ODut, ti l' gO l1rtl i .lll

If'l WII :" ~J r,.... (fl'p t . tl. I 1' , "'.,.,.:' 11 11.('i I I,,'r' 1,1. _,,_" ' fil od.' ' I " .I,, " r II 1111 1111 1"" Tit I ,1'0 , \I'll ' " I'nll "p . ~; t ;.to tlf Slil'illl D . Co "'.111 , tl 1111' 11 : "Il l'll .. : T lm l 1" 11'1.1' "II II "d III ' a"~(Jd. HiolJl II 000UlIt """rovca , I frllln 1l 1l Il tll u.: d. u,·... \\ t ('"II !d .\1 rio,; ull o WI,d II ud n n II rlll ed: Crl ' PII h,...:llIi ln.... t lll" " - , 1/1 JI .... (ill· III.\· fill.' loth IIl ILttHr or th o ,'S I,dO Of l lilli' r hl>' I Co' rot nl, CUf(ol! , CItlOeOdOd _ Y;,)1I11 \JIlr" l

I .·ollid I1nl " Xpl: tllI 10 II ,l.!II:o:~lp." t(' I(,,- r o ll Ilpp IlIl e d n ti LUi JjI ~t rfrl. l'lx _ B o pd " hOlIl' "I 't'rllr"r " h.I I I"I<[ 1'" ,,11)' hil I' i?;;OO. lieury J IPIl, Wi!lultn E. Ii~rl\'d I...\11'< , ( ;1'1"'11_ ' d ill ' hl i "nnw W l.ti t,lOr tl tlnO T ho mas dOilloy Ap lII lh ' " 111 ",, " II 1II ) ,l'If, 111,,1 I \l l' f el\' p OIDi tld upp r AI8e r a, tlll'ls tlr ht'l' ,11 '"'1'1'''''1''''''' llillt I WII~ Estllto (, f · tillUlIlOI B . titnrr, d ol'o):III ~a"t. ,.f .\1, \",11 10",·,11 .1' ~"\l lI d ,,' ,.11 o UII~ c d . ~'i llal uocuuot fil ed , Ir '·" IH"" !!II. ,1n the maHe r of tl.t e e stl1te of J o_ ' · · ~I rs . ( ;1'I'{'II." I hll'< " ',l t'll. " 11' li t 0111 declJl\sed, D, - W. wull\ln,l!, Jil l, ) I ~t1 I !II"I"" ~II(' ~t lll'lll ·,t h. se lll (looper, Blsbop I\JlPo\utod ndminls1r o.t or . nt ~ Ir. 11 11I1rl l1",0I "1I',_" " I .. , )"" 1. 1lf111'." ."Ii "' 1 " " 1111'111. " Ili nt Hond $ 1,000, H. F. Drown. Gus IlUlitllI ;:lltlll '" I" (III II s IHIIIII , IJl u" Ih.,,,,, ~ e\l((l r "0.1 .1 . E lnllke p nupolote d wJIt..s

S HUUl' O r Will'l'l\

llJU a I''' Ilutl t hn','

A new com-binationMild,yet they~eSatisfy"!

app ro.lstlr 8 .

mll,'s from II", IIl1d"hIllJI ': T he wIIII. J!;s tllte of WI!linDl Bamlltou, (\ 0InJl I III)t wry ;.:",,01." CeIl 8&1. Final nccoooC (j led. I f Olt .I s If I. h ll il stepPI'I) orr IlItll Real Estate Transfers 8(111 e fro 111 n I"glo plnl [ ' \1'111, "r'I'" I ... bly- thllt I~. 11 11 ' I'iIJl I1C','~ 111'<'''_ 1 1101111 ' D. Edga r Eltuo th t o Tboodor a H . d Crf"tl- .. the t 'lmlU ' t l)ol 1Irt.' I hlt ':i h t' dc- TI gll r tlnd wlftl, 8 111 a ll tTllOt. In l::l!ImcltlL'tI t o 1',.1\' , IIU<l 110,' \l' l lId u my lin n · mun t l) wD sb \tl, $1. ClI l'r ll'L1 h" r II lit or hl'r \\'11 ." ." Thood ore B . TtgA r I1n d wlfo t o J lhlllll~' "1'f'~ u n,l()d l'l'urm l If' t·,,11 UII D. EdgllJ' Eltzrotb, I X' l\or 08 IU Hllr,

nli ullullllvlt·s. I thl ilk HII'll" clI l'lo sl · ty tbut 1I11.lI le hN r" I[,1I 1. I ('o u lll bo 8111'0 thll t s ill' woulll IIslcnllll! t o .wbntc I·er mlgiJt be 6ulu II), ~11'ri_ l;rCtlIl


nnll mysi'lr, "Hello I" "Hllllo, !\Irs. Or on! BI/twey."

"iloilo, ~fr, B1nlliCS!"

'1'101 .. I s


Th('r o waa a

Yes, this new cigarette is more than just good tasting, it delivers a new and important thing to amokeraChesterf ields "reach home," they let you Imow you are 3moking-they

township, $ L. }i:rno t &urobl\ck to Phillip H op,


lot lu W!\yo e~ vl1! e, $ 1. Barnbaok to David lllvane , lot i n Wf\ynesvlllo, $1. kill S,

·'Satisfy" ! Yet, they're Mild! Don't be surprised-fhe new blend of Imported and


Ern est. Bnm b hok to b . A. Zlm, merlD6,U, lot in W"ynesvllle, $l. Eroe@t Bomb ,ok to 1'hlld Zimmer.

ring ot In(l~'llk e III(lJ g IIUtlOIl h~ It ' I' w~n, lilt iu Waynesville, $1. volci'. "CUll YOII Q.~Huln to rn', Mr. _Ernest Bllmbllok to O . E. Lewis, Blalnoy, bo\\- I hlll lllouc,l to Uull my , lot in W6ynesville, $1. lIolt_lu a r OIl'I)!mt 9u t III the rnltltllc of fi.:lias Folk to 1~llly Bard ing at 91. the lake, w<' flrill/! III)' I'otl silk UI'CRH lot In F' rRnklln, 11. a.nd II nlg llll'II!) tied 1II111 r''r On c car ': " Aiorto.o L . tall to EII~,,, Rltteuoul, "WIlIt It mlnllle, lIlt·l'!. Ol'l~n , ccotra l l o~ In Mason, $1. III IlsteJllng,': .

" I dou't co re. ;he 1I111'IIYII d OOH. S hu Marriage U,en5ell probnbly \\,11 018 t o ImllIV J lk l II~ mucll a8 I do. "'hill hn 1I[li:fI,'''? \\'II ~ lhl'J"O Jum e,s El ope W Ilson, meOblnlo(ll an elirthQlluk ~'l I J'~Ul ent bc r tlJ '- I;;luIIO dr .. ughtsmo n of Detroit, Mlo b " (lad WII8 60rt 01 lI'nJ,hly IIlId lilli'll to Mi ss E: ~tbor Brown, of if rfiokllu. \Yolk ou." Rov. Wm , ,I This t le, "No, thero IVIHm't IIny (,'lI'thqullko," Freder l ok W. Bililoy, taotorv work. I nu S\\'CI'e11. " \1', \\"'rIl fu .'lI l1g, you rc- er lind Mrs Frances ~ _ IllrwID, b o th llleOlber?" !:loutb L~bl1n o u, W , Z, Roil, mayor. "Y~H, I r~1ll mlJ' r IlInt, hut l'm 1I0L LeaUiairu Wolfe, rl\rmerand~18s I any UlOI'C, 'l' hc ths t tbln l( I ,1i,1 \\'1I eu

Dom~tic tobaccos does it. 'A nd the blend can't be copied. Let Chesterfield. give you neW' cigarette enjoy. menL

Wrapped in gllluine paper - keeps them


20for L-~

10~ ~ __________________________________ ~ __

J luutl cd \VH f< to lirCllk IlI lo this hOllSC Gretohen Viln Harlingen, both of Mo s on, Rev. B . U. I:fer shoy , nnd cook myself II ciln or hnk 'd hen os. It' s tUlluy It thN" 11'lI ijn ' L IIUY rulrlt,. Bill vor Allnee GIiUIll. soldier of =~~-===;==~~~~=~:::: ~=-:-~=-~-=~:;:--::_~_,:"" =_ =-:-:-::'~~""':"---:-:quake, I r CDll'lIlhvr tho flQor of Ule Have rf ord, Pu. , and Mles H~ttle =----~Belle OlOb o Ob 0' M08 0n, Rev . Bagt!. bOuse nil r""IIIII /,; III fllllllY lItUe "~cd snr ~:' ~ h l' ~ I ulli'tl nt 1I 1P DS mnn. wave ." ttl It hUll!! KUgilOllilell (rom Ille wlrcs they II'l' ut " 11 111' I lop 11,'11 '10 . " 111111 11(" 1"" Ralpb Peters Gilpin, muohlnlst n Oll tl l' to<)1l 1I\\'lIy f l'om t hc t lll i!llhoDe, fn Is It pl nc:t- WI U' I' t IlI t' t'," :it'''' 110 .Ira ... " 'I'm nfl'U"J ollr tim UlUSt he ncarly up," r t!uJ:{;,csted Itl the Iootle of t-u rn, and ~i1 6B Eliza beth Marie D nrlg, If'tlJn g him tulk to th cmpty nil'. Optometrist d.ntl ~ c L'lIIl',; ," InS tho COIl\·orAlltiou. .. 'l'utral wUI bath of FURter. Rev ' R. B. Foster, "Yuu til ll him f(' r m ro," I l'IlI'urtcd, The tory w os o ut. Eyes tested free cut us otl'." , ' )Iare llo a fl . 1'rutb, hardware Wbml ! w c nt out. uCter [co1'ln !; t he "No, I IYon't," 1111 ' 1'11050d a third olerk of Fo tOl'ia, alld Miss Dorothy repol'l ' r hohlloS the w lrc, s o to spen lt, - , , - ,,-- " >fo"" volce, thc s weetly ]"'otc"'!liODtlI oue ot MIl\viou, Dutl'ey, of Mason . Rev. I t oo lc 'J'OotlC9 for [I wnlle, UTIli 1 t holl -.' ~ !~... the opcrutor. "'l'ulk 1I11 you Wollt to. B , G. 8terebey. There 1I,lu' t lluylJoily wlIlUng tor the od foot! slIpply wh i t ]) I Ilflll d l$col'ercrl Ih,e," ' corllcr "'h II willi. I III: with VIdn. "j 8I1PIlO~ I lDus t bn ve got Inlo thf) Th 1'0 w ert! Illlfldl't.'I IH of tl'l'HIo waleI' I ALL 'KINDS OF boot II'h"' 1I Ihc ourthqllllko COflllflCllc ml," clun,s 0(1 01 0 IJcIlc.lI, II lIcl it "'u s Ilri8Sl, " ''''u l!' II IIl l u u w . I II' ll lit to 111''''' POI'SIHIt'll Mrs, Cl'~ell" "lJllt hu\\' dId J 1 rlll.l ofl'lIld J owns ).;III-'l)' -of Will. d1 8' ble 10 llig tll(,1II In th o 1" ' 1' 1> wh oll tbe set ()II tll c Il('I'~ IIN ret! (I n',,:; '/ AII II " 'n tel' was lIot l1urUc l·ly J' ll t:h. 1 C OUl't ~)' hi hllll g'llI!; "I' the I'cc,' h' er wh ~ rl) 111(1 l get iill) 1I1 !: h tCII(J~ J hllvo be/cwo I h01l1'l1 II ~I' qlll'Slhm , tlUtl kllew ~I'OQ.t tho n ftC f' III>OU w " ,lInf:. t'O lllllCD' uot \\''-'1"11 II\ut .lrC'SN for Ic lt YIlIIli<." I t .. I,1 her tltut 11'(' woul<l 1I1l1'C to I 's houlll b unlllll' to UIISlI'cr It 111IY- sal ed (or ill c,l l rl dl ~ OlJl r rt oC Ihe wult ""til a h _ got 100111' t.o cX l lln l 1l n Wily, 111 11.1 1 hflu I lin l-' 1111 OPJ1ol·tllnIL,\' !lorf r malll'e lil' th o 1I1(lllg llt thllt by ()I·u.'ldlli /; r O'I(\ I 1I'01iitl wln hack a numlilil' (II 1l.111I ):(~. '''Luc ile will he to tb l llie "'hn t It W it S nil nQMlt. First o f nil , L ll cil. IlIu ~1 he tol d nllu Inl'ge shuro of the ffl"1)r I 1!/I(1 lost ve r y glll ri to 1<IlIlW thnt. y o u IHe HUre," 10 euu put til b ' r I!!ty, weDt wlt b Lu 110_ :'it t Ihat ~ lJ c 11'0111,1 lid, I nd ol'll CII~ \lIIII.r 11 >1 If IIbc hlill jU8t ftp~ tllh'\! oud cujJeu ' LUCile!" ml t .thll t sh' noetl ed fOo". :o<ot ghc. gOllu OI'CI' io n 1I1'h;hI IO I" H, 1I011iuS to Vllln lIud LI(1t,," l'I'. 'Iu lr l'Itroll : (\ by CHAPTER X. (leeQI \" C IIlml . "i-;hc 11'11 . IIfl'llil l YUII

-- . . _, ------- __


_=__ FRANK 8 .. CAREY


Lebanon -:- Ohio '


InSUR1IOeE Walter Chandler


migh t ~c t; wet. " "nill I Itl uile klI U\\' I \VIl Ii g-ni ll g'?" 111· uull' 'II Ih(' ,,1111'111',1 Mr·~. I; I'C'II, who Ul1l)11I'I':o Il ), (1i(1 Illlt r'1I11'11 (III 10 111.1' 11'1111 10:. "1\'(' , lIolUIl II I Iff! ' I' y ou hlld stllrll'd," J Illlhl, ,.:1;11'1111 ); Ih (',1;(" of Ihe t!'IOUt " 'Ht1~;. " i-;ht! w ill II J l ·t! I'.\' .:1111 1 t l Ilellr tllllt ~' (> u lire nil l'i;;1It. I'll 1~1I h e r u ~ aoou as :-;lw WH k(·~ 11 1'.' :-;h0' is I' ' s t ill;':IIU \v. "

* ·tih,!( ·p iJl ~ 1

.:'\0 ',1; ~

\ \'h ll t fOl" ! " "\I'h)'." I t.1XI'I~ it .. , I, d, I,, · 11'11 Ill' a ll

1I1~IJt. "

"\"hlil'! \ 1111 nil III " ,, · 011 Ihll t 1 ~ IH IlI I willI .\'(111 l\\'() ,\'Htlll;! t .. Il~)\t' s fU1I1 no Chn I'Cl'llIl !" " h. Jilt, " J lIa ':'; I('uc.I to l'l'f\fllitU'O ber uLid "('llI l ':t1, " n"t n 4) 1 t l \ \ Il lt UI!i! 'J?ucrc IlI'Q " l UI ur 1't'''I'le I ll'I'e s ix or s.,l·eh, I 6hllli i tl ~IIY . '· · 'HtJ l . 1fu~ It (!, ' ll ~" 111 1 (111 o f c~lI· t1lq\luke SUert' I' I"~, t Sill' 11 ' ~ t· . " :\[ 1''';. UI • JI sur1U1 ~ '\1 ' ·lI ti Bl it-II I1.\,. " "'hilt HI)I'I of ['Ico, ,pie :11'1' I ltc/ "r' 01 011 , "f'l'~1 u k ,:! P l·u lll('.'~ J u n8 w~l'ed 1"·Ollll ,II .\,. "()II' of t ht'll l I ~ II itlll.i·," "lltl1\' Ull .1' rJII, lnI "1\' :;11 ' Is . II IlI ily." IlIflll ll CII ~I 1'Il . Ul'r", - " JII ·t btl 'lIl1: \! !<h e lWl f[H.' tl r'(l h i Ii" ,\n'Jll'in J.:" _ Idl'ls whclI s ilo ,tl l"J" j\'l'll '/" . "Oh. ~lIhl lIu ~ III.I· . 1.I 0 w 01111 I tf'lI till_ ~lcll'l'l .I·. IItj.'III1INI IrHly W ilt · ollr fCDl lllhl gl' ~~ lI1J111 lI ilt. lYM n Idl·t ri 1111 h('r Il rt'i \fa I. " nllUI I'Il 1" ~J I'S. (J n 1 11 W fi . n o t pnrtlcuhl l'!)' 1I I1 '" '" ~:I~ 1. "T ile "nOIWI' I r.:ct bile \{ the bCli'N',' Y I' \I' " , huI'c l u " I)I\ U SOllie ono O,' t)r IIfi r 110' 1I"I:I1I1$e lhel'o werl·n't nll y I1IH III thu l.Jilllt I c lime III, I w!llIhlJ1'c U D\lt In II I'owb O,t aguJu tlllYWUY. . 1I11 II big boot or I W D't leu,' e here," " I' ll sCilll tOi' ),Oll jll t 118 soon 1111 I can." I \VIIS J;III~I to 1J1lye t he conl;erBalloll tiro 11' to ,II 'IOR~. It bad \leeu

",,!" [

- bad cllllulCb already. hu t who could t eU ",hut I!I~e 1l1h;bt come o ut It w kelJt ou talking 'C't>.I'ilo storm oURbt to quiet dOWD 800n now, Ooodlll. ter tIlo -ilL"


The Clam H untor.


JtE.!Ul WIiS 11 11 III1SWcr, ond 1 s tcPill'd 10 the ,\1101' (Of her I'Oo m, W hi d , Slnod (!lieu _ h o wos 1.1'·

hf.! l' two, ell'lIS , cd, wlth b CI' 1I ('lI d 011 h 'I' Hill, Sl el'Plll,l:( Lbc £lend SIt' I' I' vI' lI"-" I' (l~-hIl U H lIo li. Sll o seomed V"IT bllll'I'1 1111(( chIl" 1 10, ,llIU bel' flu f!l'l'~ u l'l~\ 1 Illl" l'ulJiy , lUlU n bnb.v's. I dIulI 't lIn \'o ti l ' h el,t! to " 'nlton ber, so I tI1110('u (l ilt. '1'100 HeWS w ou ld lJe jus t ;I ti ' w nll'Cnuu whon Alt e ",al,cn ed ot IICI' 11\"1\ C 'on1, u nil sicCIi Would do Jll jL{


her 111111'1.1 Ilnol l. \\'11 1.'11 I ,:lIrlIC (\owtlstu lrs I

. BIIW DO(lp

go thl ·"II !:I. Lbo YlIl'd, ' l,-,o kIJ. g uudm' bu ~ b


nnu Into every gully.

wc nt o ut to tell 11lm that Mra. was 10 l'al 'd.



Ho st('JlI\ed when 1.10 suw' mc. "j see 'Iuli' lon~ lit )·ou ont with y oUl· III! ti'CAS CI'lcn ll," lit! Ril id. "I eaw l hc m UI'nl In IIrDi ,in the llllndl /l ' mlnlito II g o. :t'h"I ''''~ III) lise to fI: 11I~, Monty . rO il 'm, 'l Xl' ' ll) t o hohl u gi rl's lit' Wllli on Wn:.:- l'L'..!I,gII! 81lp U ·1·ln).( 011 hcl'. Wh y ,I lI ' t yo u I ~y nil vI"'USIlIg In tlll e of ti hJ"I' m i ll 1'i Ill(lllilll l ''' I'r!I''?'' I' n UHl t.· 11(1 (lIL"\W (.'t', l.uL lUl'lIorl fl !'OUJld IIbl'ul111 y nn rl "'I'II~ IlOl'k I thc IlIIll s e, . I wn~ IIn l! I'Y ' IIOll!! 1I 1II)'~"It' l(J Il't 111m

" No," I r e llnell s h o r tly, " 1 I~'p

11111 tCIl

"YOII 1001; li S th " "~ h ~'ou w e ro toilIn g' olle of th o~e bll l'C(tl"t c ure!!," "I 11IthJ' t Iwow yo u Ct/ uld ('lIl'e bnl'c fect," BII)'l(lllcO Y!tl n. "Uy the ~'uy, i\lr. ntll ill ey, 110 08 YOIlI' rill.!!, 'omo ,aJr easIly?" "It would CroUl j'our IlIlIlf]. Do YOIJ wish to wen I' It 1" "Oh, 1I0,..JIOt yet- liot ulilil I om eU ' Utled to. l OU Cilll licg lu to wOl'k It

otr thollgh,"

one cull me III' phonc 1" as liCd M.r. la Ir. "Dill 1lI1,\'

ot U,ls

en, rnkl'<l UI '. Ilere he WOS, 1111 unInvited guest. com(1lulult,,, thnt I'e ' W08 pot ,

Will 11II & Iln




·el \· eJ"

I·(· ..


. wi ro Qf Ih u I f'CAtrlpllt


will w1'lta n pin:\, wldeh It '1"111 be m y p lcl1~tll'c to ro,·ltlw. 1 CX(llllhlc.l In W01'(\s ot olle sy llnlJle tbat 1 1111(\ not cull!id bIm be 'o use 1 did not kuo\V wbcl'o. be WQIiI, hnd a 80re thront, wns lllldc,r Il h yslcllln's Drdel'll not to CIIII lillY one, my lUotber the 1,'lra t Na, had tl1llu~~1 DIe not to yell ;,t strnn-

tllll ni bnll i . nil/ de h!'.!' eR~ ltpe 10 ltD IIN'''plnu" ol l'C~ 'cd III R sptlng-Iell red gem, Bill) , bc~I(I(!~, 1 ne\"er did BnF boll I "'1I1Jt to k1low It J <tR Uing cxcept "" Tbn~dIlYM,

1(11"'" .

Itln pqlnted b er Ilnh'l!r at lIIe tor lill . !-I:II l iI--",I )!;Olltfely--rtlrret.'t-wv"<-~_ne, the wny .Ilihh-eu 11,), and led tlll'O 1"lUll C!J'\.'Il tho l'OCl!iver un. him (1WI1Y betore 1 ,'I'Uld think of lUIy· I thb".


m_ -

( 'Vo be CObtlnuodl

----- ..----

Dr. Be ll's Pine·Tnr·Honey For' Coughs Mt.I Colel!Oo

WALTfR McCLUR~ Funeral' Dlre.:tor, Ohfo Waynesville ,

No L0l10er New G"Ocl8_ I-K I'I'E1BIl• ,.I IIV:I ' hl'othm' IIrrlvcfl r econtly (l1Il! Dorolh.v IIcellUio milch Ilt- , Auln Equlpnlcntl': tnclll'd to him. Onc lIuy s h c WfUI !lll"' Hor~Orawn Equipment _ chIe\'OltS 111111 1\8 Ilunlshm('nt I I hrentc ncd to 's nd lier ILttle brol her _linck, She replied: "r.rotlt er, you cnn' t, he'8, l ' SLEPHONE '7 DAY OR NIGHT been used.-




"I [(!II !" I Rtlhl. "] rl ll" ." Hll irl (( lUll (' lIlllIe '·\llce. "I uill a "" II'RI'npCI' nonu, )'cI II"'~ !tUng tho \I.lIll m"n ~"ndICllt-e. [UI\() e l'»t-nud thllt ),01) hutl ;1 11 curlhqu,,"c 0" r there thl>; lll1ltllh' c: uml lhfll Mrn, Gree1J, the

" Are you .till looking for Mrl. Gr• • n?" Cl air called out , ' [IIu t be knows more a l)out heaven uow thall li e el'c.r ",111 (l'Om actuol experICIICl'--lInIC88," I tl llt1cd, "tllO girl he Is CIIA'ogcll to n ' Willi ,\' murrles hlln." Bbe " " Vlld he r limit !;!! /lUll tl't,Uetl on 'nt Lht! fut - ulU ~n z llle Ullin's sluc, Yel!, I RollI tnt. ,£II CI'O WUB s Ollletlilug about 111m that 11'119 IIl1l1oylngly tR~ 1l0AAlhly Iol!! lntell ect. III fl g ute h e \v1l8 110 'w ore fllt tbuu I Illll, hut sowo W I' ' 1Iis o volnlu(1ols (\11 lin ted It Helt 011-

0 11 ' UII; tele- ",.,"I "\ t 1v

" Yes.'! I 8uld. ' "'Vhy dIdll't you coli mo'I" he de-manded croRsly. "I h llVCII't becn for 8.wny." Tho self o ssurnn ce



I U h to s WIII1."

\\' b 'l\ l f'11I "I'<:iI tl10 hnu1\(' the t<;le- but Clulr wuJ! U professed "'Olllnlt 1,;l( lIItl "'Il~ ]'lll ::;lu;:" 11 ~1Ihl •• L to(l 11 olr hlil ' r. 1 only hope I'lJllt soUle '!III" tic luu

" '"IW Pho ne II

UJu.lCl' Wf\ h .! l· C l1ri(Jll s l ~' .

IlIIged 08 lie woultl 11111' C heen In II hotel. I WOJldcrcrl wherc be got h191d~n!l I~unt m,tll III \! (' I'ILI\( of " nuIU bertll'e I of the BlJela l reilitions of Dlodern ['COwOllld '1 11 him Ihut ;\rl'~. li l'CIIU 11'118 glo. Who coulrl 1lUI'e spoUed him so ? , SOUlCtilll!!3 t bc adulatloll of WOlDen f Ollurl.

Waynesville, O.

wl i lia I II'IlM "'11l111I:!. It s ccmpri 1:0 mc thlll s l!e \\,,, " IIlltldll): r ll[)hl I'1',11o:f'r!SS towurl1 wltmill f!' li N' h l· t. "Arc r o ll ij l lll 1",,"1 111-( fOr lIM!. Gl'C1' n?" Cl ull' '1111(,,1 <lilt os I fl slled




N&tIoa:am.:..L" BI~.


J. A .. -McCoy, Veterln~arv

W.yne",lIle, 0 Oraduate of 01110 Stat. Unlver" '~

DR.H.E.·RA.THAW A.T . WaygNvUle'. I.-cIlD, Delallit 0tBae ID aalD. BI4I. 1tIaba ..



Corner Main and Mill Streets Telepboae 28





,.•TH E


GA ZE TTE ....




L . CI.' AN E, gllito r nncl I' lIhli her <':\lh~ crintion


Price, $1.:;0



Hil 7


. :c::x:: _



Slale o f Ohio. ' 1Iy .. f Tllledu.


_ . . •• _ . _ _ .............. .............. _ ••• _



•••• _

• • ~..... I!<I



~nn OtUlCtnltnt

As Writt en by OU'r Corps 01' Able Corre spond ents in the Neigh borho od


1'!!:i flAY,

....-....... .......... ..;;..-.

................ _

u)~: U1!:U EVc~ HY WIW~EtiIJAY



whew UHiY h lWIl h~"n thu PI\Qt

\VO k s.

,I "YO jll ,



, (). t' . Ti ITa llY. of A _ P . TiITony's, optom etri 51 , \tns rel uflleu from Colum bus, 0 ., where h · has jll_t com) lcfeu the . pos t gradu ate course in adva nced applied Optics and Ophth~t l lllo l ogy.., a t hio State Unive rsity.

Ynnd e lv (}ort, llf Dte r · Fl'tln k 'b u lsy's llnd 11« ' tb otr : 1\1)'(:(' ' b o~. Boor!\tlerf\n(~h (lrt.hree tOI1. 1/l ~L)f'J)dlnl'( ~ O.OlIl tilu e wl1.b Il u r ~! J. OIlI kes (."I h Ihl.1 lit is $l'lIi u r pa l1J1e l 'J r I he n,," nf F. J . ~11 1'~ 1 I'\ nnctll ." Il f\hOOCl~ LI )'cl. o f !nt.p.l·flS1Ing clJlltl-e n le ft FrldllY f'l r llrothu r , Ernereo ll llrau fltlllliy . I . . ' lien,,' /« Co., dolH I: busin'ss in I h Ci l Y 1J"~'ll)n, Mr .l"lll Mr H F r ll n k GOllk . tl1l'l r h omo In N O'W,10d , .111 r II Mr. 'orf! Uarrl -; lI~ llIl rt rt till 1 v. '!'he Summ er Post Gradu ate Course includ ed of O f ,,) do,~n llJ'll)' and s t all· .t rorcsuitl. n ud /1 11, Il l' \VllfJ~ IIl B I'!l n , l'urlH ur 't,HI)loy orl1l WO\ kH villi with Mr~. W(lrtdilll l' of Il oloco In 111 tuo It I 80 r e ll er ' HlllI s"id li llll will 1"1Y I he w (,p k . tIl e lates t advan ced melho ds in the exami na01 u N I! /lull fil lllil .v, \If 1 fry lind t"lher u1CJ 11J r , Mr . L 61lillu , l e~Ro Jl . . H N III! un DU I.LA I( S for ellc h "lid C' " ~1I111I .. y n ne! f .. mily, of Wlitilt n!,!t-uot \Vll lto r !.:.1f1l)' MI'. Hold ollll f:l ~ I\1ro<. II'V ' t' I t/1VolltlT ~ II M"Fllrl u. "I. "I ' . r v ,'us, IIf CulHn h t hn t Cllllt\o t l ie c ll r~d tion of th 'Y 5 and the correc tion of defec~ lr . 1111(1 r,lr,. . ,J ~, e Co ru P"\.1Il Jot! II vu r y Her IIft~r when yo u meet one of h>: tile IIsecl HAI . I ,'S C,'TAl<I ' H IHD. jlr rtIJl lt-lng 1111('1)1' HhoIVI,,/.; Wlllllin~t n n , .,pi! i\tr 1l,,,l ,\h ~ . ,I "." Elljllh t 'Ollllltu ", tive \,15 10 11 unde r such em inent specialists as of DIIVL"U , C WllrCl lnrk t he boy ~ in Idlaki. Ilcl' p lht'se r ples ICI E. m .",,1 uollSll(lC ,,!,unt. fll o FJ( r\ lI: l~ } . ClI H )of I(V . 'rI.tIlH . J . lJnvi o l C.h IlHII . ro ,.".tlllrl I I n In(]lnllu l).oJlt S\, ur ll , ..-, he rul t: II' .... nurl li ll h~crih('d fit ' VPSk .fIIHI 1l1le~ t " of ilMIl OS 'u CDphlll VillI .. pllsl ed in ), U I' hilt, Nil t lHlt YOII lO llY Dr, A. Ferree allCi Dr. Charles Sheard . k.ww wh/ltltrun c ~ of se rvicll he iH in: III)' pr f'l' lh-C. Ihis Ht ll dll)' of I lecell ll-cr, lind f"'lI ll\,. ~ll s~ 17. mn li:r:hert., n l J\ tLO~n ~ 'il y , \Yo r n,.(ro HI lou rn "I I h o ~ \lTtrllIH A. I I. 1 X.~(l . A. \\I . (; l.l I'h iMiO:\,. u ( :IlJJlpt n n r.1I I ' tl'uDiou wa~ Mil .. Wnll vlijltlllg l·tl I Rt.I\'o~ Rlu e curr! , infllntry . horo 111J1' Illn o 8 nf Mrl;. R IIIIlIllII :-\hll lllltlwr III ( ~ " I) 1\,. IIIIY l'uf,lie. \\' IllIt t mi nd :-;l1tlll ""~ lted cord , arlillt:ry . iVlr. TifTany is now b ctler qua lifi ed than ever hI' h OIl1 (l of hn r Il,.r nl " IIIHH Pil i t wuek . f.lnll' s Cntorr ll ~ Icdidlle I~ lakell in · Yeliow curd, cava lry, l\l1 8 ~ L 0 11 Kln~ r Ill rn a.1 M her 'rne A . M. E. ('n m» lIteotlug 1"1 8ud Wlilt(\m . tcrJl ull.1 n Jld ne l s till uJ: b II,. "Illod (ill to skillrlllly uiagno sr. all cases of eye troubl e Ited and white ·cord. enginee rs. Ihe M hCOliS SlirCaces h ' "1I1 ill li'u irm \l uut, l nu . , I.l tur d"y, t:lnuu ll Y nlJ'tht, 8 e pteOlbe t.lI~se ~ L(' I)(l and Hll nh (l l ol ' •.rte r , r:l ()wlnl> Lavend er ami gray cunl. hos pital for ICS lilllOlll.d s, fre • . IlIcS yolem . ~IHI anu Mrp. Elill M,ura y . E~ r i Murruy to tht! we ther uu rlnM the co rrec t errors of refract ion, emplo ying tinte tbo l)f \'pllow · jJrllJl!~ . r l' lnr'lcll h r) lll r, corps . 1' . J. CHI\ 1\/i V & CO .• To ledo , O. nud Mr. 1l00l ·Mrs. 'fUll 'fb olllpHon. o r nlte nd llUoe "'liS hllJ'dty up to t) )(Pec· Mouclc1~' , "fttl r ~,)Il10 wOHk .. he ro with the most modem scientifi c meLhods, having Buff cord , !lmmun ilio n and s up· .~,Id II)' . 11 drllg~ l s l s . 7!ic. I luytou, "tHO o r l! of W . K tu li oDH rel tL t ",(O~ . . 11" II's Yumily Pills Cor 4ulIsI IJla ll un . ply tr ain. added Jj el" .lll lin d tS .llll y ·UUdll ),. the latest moder n equipm ent to be CII(I . 0 'ook lllls bee n becblltif y. Gold cord, /lni cer of the rank of C)' Olllt Wnrwio k ret llrll ACl t o hi ~ inl( Il i~ bulldl0l: used f~ 011 in hl~ conj h omo frlrlll unclioll wLth his new metho ds. lie utenant colonel or hi ll'her. h ellUO In J. ohonoll Hnn<l"y flrt l' rll fJn ll wi t h p lelnt. . . '';old lind black cord. office lowe r l'h l l ~ Hurll IJr fInd f"wlly hlld A~ l:I 'h ool i t b~gll\ MnllclllY, Rnp. ! than li e ut ull!lllt co lon e l. t i'l l'ir gnu t .. 'nnolny Mr. !lool ~Ir s . t.!l ll lhOI' 1 0 , \~ Ith I'rO'f Ited line! whitp. cord, membe r of Toll. Il~ Jll'ill . .4. P. & CEO. P. TIFFA NY, ,1"Mrlll 'onlp hl1l , Il:lljl1h U,' lllp\ On , nt nl Jlu l. Mi~ . ( 'oc rn llJl , rls MnfJ\'r llltn~d tho officers ' reser ve t ra ining sch uol. Oil.\' to", ,Ir lind 111 ..... H. I . [\"ll"n onl., Ml ~ ~ ,l u\llI h Cqlllnr . u~ inter The rank of omee n. can be dctt'r· m r. O}>tomelrisl and Optician, II nll MI'. aucl M r H 1:1. F 'n !l1 ptl)ll Ittnl l! !lDIi Jl "!< LlIllr" Mo i{in stlY U ~ I'. M rJnrlnll , of Mluml ~h nr~, ' mined by the insl"nia they wear. AS u nr, c111 nl,;lt lOr. vrima!'y tIJllo lo {l r ~ . UOil r tll(Hllrl1C. Silont Lb o w CBk· 'lll U willi r o lrltlvllH follows: J08 S. Detroil 8 1., Xenia, Ohio. h oro. 11)1. rl '·V)I~ I.II I' " Inlllrc,v lnl,' w o t i lJn ~ or th oso ul,le l onolHlr8 \',e w tJ! _ A Hecond li eutenan t ha'l!ln epau· .• , ~ ~ OXPilOI lJIl1tllllD IhlvallO m o uL lind t n lette with no bar. II1re, ,ll1~I,O" ur ll gllll) t lJ ~fll t . ItlJ " v l'~ tllltl li'LU !( h ter Lhe sc h " I'J.I >l Will 80 y It IB np t p th 111 A first lieu tenant has an epnulet te Hpe nt 10'M wellil wllh r ollJlIvoR in BArt B glln 11n(1 1!:I'II11 B n l1u n " pon t to IlIlIle goud. 'i'llo 80rO . ylold of corn tn bhe w ith one white bar. i:l p rin g ll u ltl. Unltod ~t, utes could llorl s h o uld be F r tcl " y II lght \,'1 til Mr . nod Mrd. Will l:l ll oling flrn\'el iel' ha ln g Inrlnlg .. tl A captbin has an epau letle with j( r AIHly In Qroll8l1cl , l1ooor cllnr.; 1,0 t lie Uunn. ut lur ks vill e. U to. U:von~ I drlvln~" new F'or(l, ' tn tHorl our Tl.uds tlr I " olUI( t o 1m btlt. two white bars. U nlt.ed n d Mrs Ll oyu UflVI lind ~o n tOT'for t ha Iruvol tu t he wtll A . ti: . Burt UfI 111.8 f,(Goe t o Miohl . : .."!~~~~~~~~~~~ A m ojor haa nn ePllule tte wi th a ou\l.ur o, t:!1."tns del'~ 1 Im ont Of Agri. l' lItr.ll t tl r . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!'!!!'!!!!. .'i1 huve ,o'lvod rr o m nOY,t.o o , on wlil oh 8 1 a1 0~ tllut t h e )lrope r gilD t o ~OllpoJ Imy l e vtJl' . gold maple leaf th e ruo n . H o rnoo R~I'\' y , ~ll l eotl C'l o of sr.OIl!ij o f primo ry im. tltfJ rllrtn lVit,h onB o f nnr olti. his fJlth 3r, .IOliiu b Mi s A MlITia !:In 11 . of Ollyt,n A li eulenan t colonel hll~ IIIl epau · por lan ce In hnpr n , 18 ,·i~. Shoulrl Wo rk Both Ways. z. n~, fe Ii uS it. bls .lu t y t o u~~I~t itint.: Read the Miam i ,Gazet te nbw l " tilt< Ih o yl elel 0",, 18. frl lHH1. h 1'0 lelt e wilh a silver maple leaf . • "I hos somc rc~p 'ck." Rlliel U ncle L nole I-icUll I n r o~a l' vi ng J.lf'n c , hll~ l'h o l\ vorn~1l prcl d llOtlll J1 fo r t.1l Mi~~ nntliH IlO tl Iwrl Ilandie 'I ' '" I c' 1\ co lo ne l haR an e psule tte wilh a l' , .. '" ['~ t nn· ."cJ y I O U 61l ~( J 111 r H I 100 I h " II, "rl,h de mlU! tint II " 'cr fohglve. j tDtld I,h e r Ol! ul'lr IHIU Y llnd bn ~ D. oo nntryi p ~lIbUijhr'l~ Kn h r e , tlH. lI ll b Pet el'lIon t un ic Hnll ll llY 1.111111", b II ur Ogd(l o Mootlny . wi ll! rered uprm hi s n~w d 811ver 8prcRd ealrle thereon . . " n cn rms, If he Inok,'s liD foh It y yi e I\~ bir.;h IIH :100 bu~ h el ll,\ Vu PoUII't I!;Htb e r Umllpt.u n.. Ilties . • A hrigadi er Re ne l'lIl h88 an e pIIII' l,oeD 11111<10 f l1C:, \'~ r rohgettlu ' n frll'ntl." Mrp. If.. . Slll cl"ker IHIU "0'1 . 0 bV O O fJt u8t~ nt8 10 hoys' lIlr Gmy . of l~ebl.lll o n. r e i)rea DI' MI8S jl'll llny Eurn hc.r t . f . 'pring lette wi t h one silver ~tl\r . Bllr",1.\' IlIng, RJlOnb lu~t "'t,r'k HI no rD o!ubs boro. w h o b,l s be e u the gOI 'st of Ing tbn W Obturn S uthern Immr· th e h ome ,Jf A majllr genera l has an epflulel le h (. pf\r uIl t~ . l\lr . unO !:lead oo rn sbonld b" ~ E1lool.,,<l fr o m Ulloe Uo ., WtlS bern b'riuuy cnlll ll l\' Jo ~ l ~ h Uli " I ~ re tu rned b OUle ullel r, y. "ith two s liver stars. stlllk s Mr8. '1'. C 8nydllo k on hi oltllm tl De W JltltrouH . 8 wit re Ihil Y Krow, Old Sa yIng Was On ce Motto. . A lieutena nt gAn eral hilS an epau· Ilcoordll8t~odln "-I III Ti I:1nillo~ ~ p o ot Moud llY in l g to t tl oo rn 811C o l"lI ~tH IIf LIIIl Klld olY 1>hynll rd lind h ll· Dr . J . E. . ·y ford, brolhe r of om W. (lurnl'Y Jkul,,"n , In his "flool{ or lette with three s ilv e r !ltars. \\'llrutn~toll o n bUdln ~!<. I b e dal'lI rl meul. 'L'b l. Is n f'Cu ~s " ry Ioh'l'll~ronn, lr" ~.vfer rl, loft. W ll. l n"~ . rtr,m, of Day tun, W rn Ku e~I ," " I H ~o . I ' l uotlltlon S," @IIYS: "'JJllthQ r I \V iti find M i8~ Lr'lnh IjOgllD ILna Mr8 }].il t h llecn usA It Is t be m ell us of mil k Ing du .V 0 1 IUf<t w e k for CIIlUP Rh e rld an. Bo"lor lint! fnollly I,, ~ t we . k II WII \ ' or .mll(o ono,' wn s n motto un~ nr e Ib~t Lbo 80et! will huve th" a .. ln d!! 11 0 lel·tlll oed ilt t.b e h Olll O of Mont~olll ll r y , Dr. Whitol< Alo., ~ Wayn esvill e. Ohio . r WU~ to r eport Illlt:ce;~ 1'01' fn l in I dcrn;n th a cr811.t ot 1\ pl ckllL" Maybe So. jlownr t o y ie d w II, n8 s h o wn by I.bll ·' I m er wi lh n p aree l ~howe r t o r 1I01lve d ll ty 'IS vet P l<.!<llIg I he EI)(llllli n ati o n for IIrmy ,. riuarial l, with Justice Is bllud. Tltll t lIIny ho why th o SIlJ.l rl " r1ty of I.h n Htallc~ MiijH I nth ·Urtl.Y who will b c m e Ibe raJ] k of !ler vlc!', III CululI1h uH lu ~t w oo k. O1\'O r It ' nLe nIIIRt. __ _ 10 mnny people wnllt 10 whl Hpcr to her. Burro undlng OIlO~ ~ bnt gr"w ull(l ~ r tlw lJrl,lo Of \l; \ t)rtl tt I:In l n e~ tbiH Thi ~ is tlte fou rth U 'l1 Mr. the duot ot Dud Mrs. 1m 8yferd onter. -KnllsuH City Juurnnl. tbo Sfatll n non diti o nfl 'l' hl ~ 110rt of " Ilk. Either Auto or Horse drawn B8rvlee. ttLlned Mr. aDd Mrs . ClIu rles UII vet bILt! t ried . lHLvln/! r"i1 ed bo ror e OD ~eAd Inherits hl g b p f(!duoin g p ower Mr . II ml. Mr~. J . ,' . LOll m i og ~peD. of Washln No extra charge for auto eervlee. gloo , ' . 131 .• two d.LYS lasr. BCO OIUlt of pb ysioal i nablllU o~ flO IS mils, e undllrstoorl, RlIYS t,h e linn rl nv WIth 1I1r8 . :'ills an l:·ower s . ul weoll. 'rbo l oonl Red Gr08811nl~ 111 justly , _. Both phon,es in Omee and Reltdea ee, ... ... " . ... ... th' pllrtme n , tbllt lik e produces Ilk o, I!ort W lIIiu lI • Mr. and lIfu. 1:1 .1. D1191s, of proud of t bo r eport o f tho 10sI>0 tlon No. H . Ilnd ~hRt, I1n onrly. tnl1turln g ollrn M~ . nl1'ci Mr~ . 1.>1 0 ~· c1 1111 ' il\ lIud "lin. f;lreelly IHe. werQ wOE,k.ond gnqatA Of of ItA work . I)'IIB work waR H(l well yl ,, "lhl~ nt!undK o4ly o n IIhort., thlok (:el:lI . Mrs ,l ou nte :MONE Y LOANIi JD Ollvl ... MrA EIUIl hhe Centrcd . 110118 tll,.t It wi.1I g() diraot, to U'rlluce ~hll kf< I ~ 11 knl y to r ern , ,;hl's o Hnmn 'ro w nn d Mntthe w ,JJ;llrll'bll rt pont wU,llo u 11J1Vlul!' to be r oloep olod In Dr. rlud Mrll.. 1£11Is \LInd er, of Orne. nhllr.ll'I-er In t,h IH1Kt ge oe rlll,ion . MtllHlny lit El!lrUah] , gl\, OkJII . • aro guetlts of Mr. und 1I1re. WU/lblo llton. 'J'lIere h lu \leon m ore For IlXftmplo, @eed coro 8honl d be tllJlO Ove hunrlr rd IIrtloJ es mlltle by Mr. al1d llr~. J. S . L 1IIIIIuI;:, Mr . UhCl!!. Edlvard I,It ke n f r CII11 stllika w U h o nt " \l OkArft ; s, of t he H.ld~e ro au. tbe ON Ii:Y 10auetIl lD Bve IILoo k ohn t "od Mrs un it h e re. H. ..ll.b L Ollnung a n d Hooh Riled may produ oe Bomo 8tlll88 Thresbl t ohl ILod seoond m ortg(lgos ng 18 ove r , olover llUUlng dnnMh tar E d n l\ " t le o dod the ~:H8te w it,h s u okere, but it will lovllrl c,bly Not 8 h llgltt. ,l o bu I1llrbloe , Jr., and filling silos will Roon bQMle I\ tyle . (PRICES RIOHT) F~ Ir lt1st week. produoe (0""8r ~~oker !:l t baD oed Alle n BUiI(lIo g, XeutlL, Ohio. . m 2 Mr,ont'! Mrs. W . W. W e loll lind AI r . Ilnct :llrR. Ed Ross II Drl t wo I rom tu eir nr.hourl n g "talkl! . T . C . Wb e tMel ptonloed in tbe O~ll n. Ali Ileod co rn 8bouh1 bll selected cJau g hters nnd lIlr. 'Jul'l., o f OilY to n , t,ry l·1l Frltl JlY a fte rn ooo . {,lllhi ti eID l:J oory Uro w (Lilli family hy 1,I"nd . fl@ f\ IIBCilll It, and HOt B. Y. Uollett. Dear b er e. h n.s in oirl .. ntlll t o hu ~ ki.Jllt. l' ho ooru 8 1111'\"1 nftorno on . FOR SAL& blld bls dWlllJln g ni cely pllinte d IIDd ~ hllulrl 11 • .::,,&11 ' r oil li s ~t)C)l1 UM th o r. dc'o rut e.i . . For out Oorde n R e v E. Kll otRley vi \t Oll Cr loncls ' I)1I1Ihl )' fIlllt nre nnd h~f o r e th e Hrsl Franb: 1..0 Ha rriS. onr UI).to rillt,O 10 l:lIli~bo r.o th u tl rtlt Vhll_ ),ou .r~ pl"nnt"K t o hull" h •• fr' ·I7.(I. Enoug h I!houlrl Uc:o of tho wee k. or rem fld nl hfOlt 81.rln«". It WDUIt! SlUED nY I~-Roo lenllcd, *200 p er IlIM \ ond g r ooe ry m e r c hClnr.. "~fi ns b • • • r tl. t h oi I). wouldn' t It . t o Kf!:'" gtttb e r od ro,r t.wo seliRons ' plantin g. 'l'he lll'la Weiclllo r iH Itl. bo h oI. 1011111re h ow othon, hn ve planned anil h ow o f W. E In 10H n rl' n Sllllply o f 80l'd, if, f r e x I\oted I'oalneS8 I0 D lI yton 'I' Il ee d oy. th olr 111 ." ... tu rnl':'ld out f Rev. It ' iogl ey. pa to r ot tbo ·R". II'Neall , H. D. a. WaJoell vlllll, Oblo. I. eo mu oh mnr., ",,,tt.ta e ee r y t n 819 ' 11lllple. t.ll 0 Brst »llIntln g I" (Ir,lwoo d The sml111 g irl R \'I b o 11 u ve beon vie· form e d ohuroh hllll r &iii • _... Ih" nnml'hHf', t J'nnIlU1 , an,' not ~ otorDoc t II ttl' r rl onl. or If t.h! next orop 8honld bo hoW' turnllure .nd d_Oun Uontl look itillg; Mr8. J:junn illi ti'reswe ll for two very e nj oy"bl o • VIlCIi In th. lr "Mo l .urrounttln~ R , " 'ell , iOIl rOt,liotnr nd S hro)lg hlre hreed • . PboaelK)..3 IlIlrt hy ".rly rro~t. CORW IN. OHIO )'ou Ca.1l dCJ thl. la Lb o 1'''IJe- o r '1'he ,llminr Pri c lll [\ ' Cl u b m oat W6 I<s. r eturn ed t·o Ul elr h om ealn I Mrs J M Bnnne ll hil I! r cln rn ec1 ing Ew ~. !j . Buok /,Iunb ,,,180 "'!!!!!!i!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!! ::i n cl onMi OD 'Il tnrday . 'l'hlM. CD· art r t~ t;". U WBcks vaoatto \wl~h t.htl ,M18S0M Mobo l, Merl o nnd !!!!!!'!!!!! o tJt U dor HOUle II: Garde n Poltmd ·b. l nn ~ow. with I, pigs. 5 = Foy E lli s !:lnlllrcl uy, 't:lJlt,OIuuor Ht,lI. t ortnl nlllont WIIS ollj l),Yecl by the lit . P oiot. wflo ks o ld . 10flll lre o f ~ylllter' tI. !~triftdC r:~ft'.~~I! :tt~h '~~HIS::·,.~.~ ~ Mr Irwin 'l'n y lor nnd d.iUgbt or U e o n cs aml mlly t b oy ho hOIlOfi Uoti, M r OkaJl who hilS heeD vlsit.ill g Whitul( er, f' n . 1. (\eeo r"U on,a. w ith or igi n .. , Id en " In 8f :! lI ]lcmt th A wetlk wltll .1 u8 G ruy and Ilsit gil ve iIlr . r @weU mtlo ~ pl ens. Mi ~s 'UIlD ml' BrUMC 0l', h IS r e turn e d I The Savior's Judge.. h OU'''l-pIRn ol nN' aod I.~I". ou t A BARNHART. lIar'l en alllp.l"n, If )'C)U hAV~ II io hr ylng t o \10 ~omBthlog tor t. bi8 h om e in Miami, Th" full llilln Q or thfl J(:\\'IRh hi h wifl1. l!'ltl. h OUM t o '1u ll" o r rurnl" h , 01" " . flBt f 1.lght d o nble Harne all. prlc!!1 b l'foro whom .le u \"II S trIed. ""rd,," t o' le tt I' UP. '1. 00 tn vuUtl 'Nota ry Mrs . ICmmt1 S ,lrv y lIutl d llll!(ht e r tl e lll. M r~. Edwu r rl Wonrlw nrd. 800, fn " H OWItt" O"rde n" f'''" _,YO you rh e harno!!! Itor in good OOD. \\On" .l,"~I·Jlh ('oIO!'''Oll. tho "urtl nll1~ J) o rl~ lip nt :::lIlllrd "y lInd H Bvery nnj3 ow olo g lin liut omobllo Jol:!n flnd dllngllt t lOO . tn avo ld ln.- ml.tak M.. ll od l\Y er. Yirglo l a , spe nt. I dltlo n . J nqllir.l of .JOhD Beaoh, R. 110un c~d Kn ·l'n·ta!'. 1'£0 wns O' "on·ln· wlt.ll Mnl. F. A . £hr t.~ in o llr cit y Wll~ to rlouat.o 11 daY'8 th e ..!eek a t 1I1laDl.1 Spedal Off....... I..a.. for ,. A.1l *lw 01 NolarJ' Wowll. . WlI.. o('k b urg, th o gnes ls I D, S. WliYDBs vUle, Oblo. law of AIIIIIl", who '1I1sn wo. n hl!;b 85 (S br, ., ,ftU ....... nd "..,,.,,ll,) Mr.and Mr~ . Alvfl Lllllin J( lo nllp nt. hllu lln g of J:lrll Vfl l 0 1)"11 onr str et s , of W ill, .Bullao d fruoll .v . ItIId DeedI • ttpecla l". 8en4 no mnney now unl .,.,. )IOU wl"h pri est. .T,·tills· firs t benrlng wn s hefore S ondn wllh t it IIIHe r'!! paroo t H. Mr. IVO wou ld hn \' 11 Iter ijf.r et~. lind to--J u.t mall lbo c.OUI)O n uus",. MIas L nu I1Il HuH, or Five P o ln t8 , Br ..s It I" WI! 0,111110' odlog Annlls, I\'ho tltllll Rent hIm b ount! to Qnd M r M. 1..o,lwry Ewe. aDd GO Lamb. xp et to hn VEl ' . oenr W ,lyuo8vi ll (). I{ood ,roe h . Our tux tl dllpliOll t e t~ is vl~iti o ~ h r RrAUdp nrollts. J W Clllop hll . . Mr. RIl he s eell on Ie • • too 8t;nall l.'Ir. . und lint Mrs. by ad W. IUll T t lon . • IClrd of .. \bl o ~ and tlOU Mrs. 8 11gb RfI~ lIn g , Hou •• '" G.rd .... . Cr Qs w e ll fJlrm, n e llor Welhnl lu , OhIo, I:t' get IlIIIIIIdlite nOd ~ dllug bl e r. Mr. I10Ci &lr8. 'I'. F. kina our 8~r eta c au be put In fin e J. W. 44th , ...... l'I'. 1'. O. Mi .! 1l1/;lIr t I~ni lIty b II! I, I~ n Wi ll not. tlivlcle the fiook. a5 8."CI, me n" e number. ot n aue .... A:i c.Gull1o liD I son Ilttende t! ... Rnr. oon Dr.SbooD"I"'~ d ltlon and · w t ll be 8l1jl)yed by all III (or the PII t w eek Oar4en. b •• lnnlnl with U,. Sf'lP prl Re ut thn homo nf MI'. Will 1l1l ~"IDg thro n g h onr town nod av. tomb.r luue. It 18 un dflr.toO(J that ChIlB. nll(1 1'1111111,11 Boger, M Mt ._~~~~~~~'!'!!!'~!'!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!__!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It tbl. ord er r,,"eho. you pro mptly. MoGllln n n "u r ''Ilhn ln gtn n SU Jldn.y . e r y ODA e .. n d o t lti s (k od It will n ot V(' r She Object ed to Change. ,"OU will nne! 41ft additi ona l numnon, 1.11 .. hl~v e r tllrltecl hOl) cp. b.r. m"~ln« .tl( tn all . I 4tnc l o.~ It JT('I ~' .. Mr~ , I dll Mnnn n ll und Mi ~~ Etlle i lo tcufl r o with tb elr gotl,ing nIOl!!! . J\ft C'r n flv nncl n elly, tlv('·ycnr ·hld ..n 61t~ vl!< l t ~vlt.h Mr: Rtlel herewUh (O UI J wHI remlt- It on twln R. were ulwnYN I h'I'~HC'd th ~:Ull\'. !Iud It ot,\) lI ud (llon ll~ Mil Illl n n "]lont· Now gi\'o I,bis Il th tlll g ht nlld Illlt It Mr ~, (iur r e t t CI" vengor. r.c. tllt ot bll . (i'oreJen 11,1 6Canad ian 11.15. ) •• lie 1I1"rnlnll .1t \\,11 5 Ill ril1c" ('" I"lIt fQr t! nll d~y In L(1Vtjlllnd With MI' I::ln ill . inl.n ('xpouli oo n.nd yrm will ho hAP' 'I 'hll (h rrolrd Reuni o n will h (1 ho l(l Name .. . . .•. . ••••• , •• •••••• • •• •• bot h It) \\'ellr l it • Rnm color . tl1ck lnl\R uel UUlll ptl1n 1111 (1 rumil .V. [11 'l' ry It o u und PIlIl, (PI ..... wrll ••1.,. plalftly) nt I bo cL ~l n nl\l i\11 1"~ry HOlOn 1If\,.r to klllcl cr !;lI rll·n . Art e r ' cCIllRltlorlllJlu F. A. H .. rl·~() (\k lUll I HI' . 1Jl<\lis Oll r c lt.lzoo s dtanc\ ed the Mo nt. 0 ... to n ,In 'optamb Br Ada ......... ........ .. ..... .... . 11th . t ell~I IIK II 'hm crlccl, "W it , did you 8.tte nrtod titllt fl •.i r 'l'mJrlcl,l · ullcl ~nlHery 'an ot)' ~ Id r tn .L 1.0 001.9 , Cl"r •• •••••• '•••• • Btate •••••••• : .• LoIs B or~t, (If Oll.Vlion, muko us IWIIlS. It you d n' t wllnt 10 W "dLle~dIlY , wln oh n ttra ote d t ile utte n tlon of tbe r e rllO c l . Mr. T om Bur 18 vi s iting t fwd f on l k l'(tll UfoC twins ?" \ Mr. aud Mr ... Th us. Hi oh /11111 hl1 . lu go tltt e otll1noe. Ily. Mr. li nd MrR. Fl'lInlt hlclllknr unrt _ _ ____'r (Irlln n cI Mr ... 8~nnrh Bl eh I·oo h Mj~s Anoa Fox h f\~ ~ uPV(l r l\Inod .. y EI\'lminJ,l willi "lr Mr. uod Mr~ R . •I. fl,\I·t,., (If (~rc e n Dllyton IIltllr n 1111l1Il'n re~u nt. VIRlt wlt.h I 1I0el Mrp. Ii:rU tlRt Mllnn oo . 1' 111 • wefA g n p~f,!! of I,h o " Unly," o f h fl r .. not nnd onolo, Mr . anll MrM ,I. ' W'e re~ reL t o report tJI llt l ito H. v. I"e bllnon. ou .·ullday . B. t:Jnlnos. · ... 1::\1\11 preo e hllrt hiM IIlMt I'"r lJ lOl1 ::i 1l0 ~1r nnel Mrs . Bury bidako r l\o(l IIiLY .ll Vflnin~, tle \vill Utl [lnmlly t wo c hildrc n w r A ·· uudny visitors rol. ioIPrl h v ull ,,' h o ntt Anrlerl nhurob o f r olft tl\'l 'S n OI~r L r)l!IW Oll . 'It ~'''. tro·rk, I:l, I ~ II1!)VlJ.l~ t 'levu· lonrl, (lil lo. Mr IIDd Mrs. WID . MoCnrr on wore He " . c) ' Nan l s pfl nt If rl rl llY night vl~it o r .. o n i::'n oil y f Mr. lind Mr~. '" rl ~Il ld ll ker. o f Mlllnevllie. wltu J ulio W ol f nnd wif . ()I\r ~olJoo l Ilo nos 18 IlJlll ng cl oAn ed :!uronoa Mlohn al , I·f uen r WJlyn ~ 8 ' viiIf' . V" ssM t broogh haro HIlOdllY unll p nt fn fir s t· a lll ss nonLlI LIoD for th e enll u il1g so h ool y n.I·. e v eni ng. . 1111'11 1.o ulslI .T e~!jn p , of H"rv ey~. 'J' be m n oy frl fll rl~ or M r8 Et.t.le OOIl'I, r ofuee to buy 1\ wlltorm el"n bur!;:, e ll r.crl·lltoo d lit dl ll u e r Thurs . l :cll le t,t., wi d o w of t.b day, Mr ttn (1l't\18. Illllroe.~t Monnoo Uol lo\.t., r tgr ot It I\r e lll t.e R obert jU8t. becllu80 tho ste m lop k s ns It it lo g of her dea tb uud b ee n dabb ed w.lth Il blu ish Slarch .Hld dr\u!Cht ar~ 8n~ M r ~, [da M'IIlO Oll 'l'uel\dlJ.y m orning, pll Pte. 18 the 0'tvioe th e Un ti ed of t h is plA ce. Mr, "od Mr s . Amos ElJlro, Or and SIato8 Departm e nt p f Agrl onttore Mr. ,,"d Ilbs, J ohn Tlloml)S o n e o. Mrs. El lis Lind e r were Bund(~:v 18 gIvIng to bou ~ wives. EveD If tortnln~L1 rc>llItl v H from tiol u mbu8 E' l d tb e lllon ill 80U1(lwll tLt ijooeurotl gn'Csts o f Mr. I\.Dd Mrs, . oJ ADd e r wllb mthe tlod Ll)bollo lll:lu.nd uy . sa m o 8 Qb~tllne9 itaooot outil 801', cif XElllll~. . lire o o tllffeOLed. Pnilltlu g tbe8lem ~ ,J. B . OAk in nnd· 800, .. nd Rev. ot wat.6rm C'ldn8 with n pUII\O mnd e Jjldd leollffi noil wlf'll. at Xe ol", wero oot of bllltlst outl lIud st lITob is U tlolf\ "I dlto rs In lJn r olty OD t' aturdllY III.8t. ·tlolll'9 I tlt o8 ~aur iotl Take T heir O cc upation SerIousl y. l to rnI6tYI. i'bls Fr oks JIl t!1U " !iltlj\'.:.I' Ill", pj)!-I~e8R rile 'IviC) L~ll g ne "nnde li nd do ·trell t.mnnt preve nts A tie m·ond r ot ot In Cln hll' ni Ih·;tn'l' " pl'ill u (.r (·nlllng. nnt,pll thll f ollo,vio g fl rt.i ole8: 109 wllterm olOu8, wh loh tu t he Plls t hil S They h n".l 1I11 1111) ' t lt'lItl' or . hulte· plll o Vo'ollPes IlIId l OG bn.nd .. geM~th IM cl\us c' epenrcn ll n c tOl'~ o r Ihe 0111 I'< I'hool nnd is ke p nruto 1lt1J liptirt f'rorJl tbe Red 't rnn d vliet 10aB R.t0 h is fruit io s lt to Dlllrllet . rlle little dl.b of nil ' 111 1"'''1 \\l'llmc'1l1 or gl'lIlul olle rll ' Or088 ..' stClroh pRste, or p oss ihly !Jol'. .turs. TI1 ('Y Rfl 'Ilk CIt IhC'JIl~~ I"eR RA • . d ea ux pI1S~O. t.llBrofo t ll, Is to bo tuk1!o BeIlln poterso n , of Spri ng VnllAY, rlllib e r I~H evideo "nrtl"t~:' IIml inll ~i nR mu r h l!ntiRfIl C' Oll tbllt til e 8hlppu tlon In Ihe 1I 1I ('lltlo n Ihoy 1111 rn t M vl altl'll ber jlu ren ts h ere 8ovC)rlll wisbed t o mllka Burl> t h llt t b e m el n~ po~slh l y II UIY i ~ I Jllllgl lll'I1. 'Tlwy reel(· da.Y8 llls t. week. r ellch ed murkot frao from to' on ' tllt'\r 1\11r·1·~lt9 1I1l<11l Iho: nUIIl'mr of Oli lTord Bn l ~llc vlgli;od' hhi mot b e r Bome growers . In fl burry; SOl e M lJ\t'ctnln rf1 thllt Sll rc'I)IHlCl Ih m nnd tbe Mrs. l zorll lpng on BUlndmy . ~o m e of the PUll to on tbll rJl)tSld lenglh of I.h .w th L':Y' I·coun tll. Mrl!. Mn r gcuet Aoson Faber, (If rind o f th e meloo, Il\l\ ,~his d OllS DO Xenia, Di1J1ed ou he r parents bere d\\IDu'g9 beyo nd le8eeoio g Itll 1It.'rIlO. tlve 8.ppe~rlluoB . i.;. • tile flrst of the week. J.lICII S ,"-'UU lJl Y, S~ Frnllk <:h~lI l' Y










'Funeral Dlrectorl and Embalmer.

.--- ---- --


_ .


--- .-- .- - - -


The joy of aeeing how plans turn

Cla ss; Bed A ds


Sax on Six Livery


"""'- .-- --









----_ ..----







Publi c






i .


------- --

1(.. 1


X" "

Ala r e car of F" Shingles A fres h car of Cement A new car of Brick, suitable .for Chimneys and Outside Walla•


------- .

- ..-------


•••WH~t HE 'GOT!

, At



...~ .~'!1. -"


) ' 1'. ~ \

Sl c~py Time.

The raloy weathe r


b !l~

given t he

No !In.· ~"olJld " I'Q r ho IIIl {lW~tl to 110m" v~l. uable 10for-a " lo n !lnd that P1ns- \V It II II II' hlllll' 1l~llr h('{lIlme . It'M I' rn~y " ~ relloh 88 ou • mallv' .eade- a" ttl n t 0 D('C' .IIlllJ • q hle l (·,·,Iw flllll Illugh, but po~-I . " It was deolded0 1 · pni" In blltl tor Ih" Ilfi1l' n'r\·C!R. "'Or the = 1 I It "1m! rell~11l\ \'xd llnl; glllltetlllhould bll- tbe MldRml Gtlrzo'I&e, f~rl'lt' :~I~~ forbld(l en rllr ".Im ll children Door far au Dear or 118 y .. their retlrhll:: tim!!. It 1ft too bard on .ble to ,e' ID lO bomee. brlDltu lf tb If Y(l1I cro oot bclle'8 It. Jaat with" lau.bln e and .aUllflU ltioD 'WI1~ tttl'lII "rtM the, CtI'l!P to 1l1lP- Ind If YOII.N DO' a mat.


. ,


8a~borer8 "rue to aooumn late

ad .00 bow rl's lleBII tlIe,_re ' ud ap.,tloa ttOll.' ODoe. their IIttla bndl81 wm,lllJDul Mr. aDd &11'1.1 ..




.1II'DII4 lIa'arda,. from


... - - -

r-elt HI .. DI(lnlty.

. E<1, III "0"'1'1111," wit " hl H pr\rPIIII" wa .. I mnklng hl ~ lit'. I 011 hl a nl'w consln. d a p retty IIttl o ' roll·h"IIII. ,,1 ICtrl. Il:. with 1111 nml1~IIlH dl Kll ilY f(lr 111,. ,.eartl. IItood looklllit fit Ih., hll hy, when hili foth er Rn~I' tl'll. "red, I\r~ .. ·t yon going to Id.. ,.our now t.'OlIl'lnt.' With hili bandl Cn bill Tln~k.·tR Rorl RSllumlo r &D , an·lmportant IIlr, 1I:d .lItu·ehed oat ot n · tb, room. replying; ''&ll'JUl don't tlllS

LUe ........ .

.Is hard to get at any ·price, ~ but our . stoc k is complete. ., Come In nd talk over your iieecla . with UI at


Co rw in, Ol de.

nOc~jy-EVEiTSr e- -



.fan Who Will Help To Prosecute Slackers

... - ... ----.-...

Mr. lind Mrs. W S. Graham had

sa th~ir lluestSllt dinn(lr ~ riday, Mrs.


f. o. b. Detroi t .

Hal' !\hL8 r~

Mra . W. E


r. of Lebanon. ornell and MN. r A.

Mr. and Mrs J . W. \ hil nlertair.ed ·at dinn r Sunday Mril M A. Plerc • of ['l)bal1on . .Ind .• ~li Sl! lI lI t tie Devn\. of L.'omin~ l ... r. Mass .. fI II Mr . and Mrs. F. I:l Farr


MI·. Bnrl Mr:\ J . W. Edw arn t>ell tcrtait\ d f'il(l ~ n toh1t ·~ fll a "500" parly 'l'u 'srtay ' v llitl\! . Th e !!Veling wn ~ pi a ~ nntly spent.IIIl.1 !leJighl· f u I re rreshlTl enl8 w r!! SO I'\' II.


. . . .,-ster. ffered e

Buys Saxon Greatest Auto Never haa there been an automobile value that can compare to this.

Juat atop and figure up all that you get for $395.

Fint and foremolt,

it buys a car with a 2-unit electric s~arting and lighting sys· tem. No more bother, no more danger of hurting your arm, no more labor cranking by hand. Simply step on a button placed for your . right heel and your motor i. running. Simply turn a little switch and your lights are shining.

Thia Saxon Roadster at $395 baa a high.peed Continental motor. It is a motor of unuaual power, smoothness, quietness, flexibility, operative economy, and. coolneu uncia- all c:onditio.... 1.,.00" Ix".IU&: SAXU

Th e wheels have demountable rims. So it is an easy m atter to change tires. And the t ires are 30 inch by 3 inch.

smartness; honeycomb radiator that illsures constant coolness to your motor; Atwater.Kent ignition . system; canti-

Saxon Roadster has a 3-speed transmis.ion. It is the lowest-priced car with 3-speed transmiss ion.

lever type vanadium s tee l springs of extriil length; electric hom; extra tire carrie r ; speedometer; adjustable pedals; nnlilating w indshield; d ry plate dutch; g~lsoline gauge on dallh j new style top

And you know how far s':'perior a 3speed transmission is to the planetary or 2-apeed transmission.




m ' lnaj(' ~ r

Saxon Roadster i. a completely equipped car down to the lut detail.

And it sells for $395. That i. a clear $240 le~ than the next lowest in price comp letely equipped cal'. Huy your Saxon Roadster now.

Bu), it



while the price stands at a lnd do it now. HoadOler. U9 l.

I.o.b Detroit

J. B. Chapman Waynesville, Ohio

.~~~~;=~~=====:::===~=========:==~====::-======:====---:-:-~=-==::-=~~======:::-:::=:::-:::========~~== i -------------- --- - - -


Y_ B'OL Grain Co.


The .plan of furn ishing fre~ text books In the grades has· bl'en dlscon· tlnut'd . except that in reading all books will btl furnished the pupil. All other text books in the ilrad 8 nnll high !!chn!>1 will be ~ol tl the pupil by lhe Board of Education. There are those who have been planning to take examinations for l)rOmotion in one or'. more subj~ts. All those desiring to tike any eX'lm· hlation or examinations will ,come to he 01d Schoo) but1~ing at 9 a . m. aturday september 8th '. It may ~ot be out of place here to .call attentl0n to th~ facl iI~at the law on Cmpulsory Education re q uires that all boys between the ages of eight aud fifteen and all girls between the aie3 of eight and sixteen attend' school for the entire time that school is in sellSion, unless excused from SO doing by some one in authority. Owing to crowded conditione In the First Grade, it will not be possi

tion announced thi ~ weE'k that tbe catllc days this yellr at the National Dairy Show to be he ld in Columbus Ohio Octub~r 18 to <)7 will be Mon: day 'Octob er ~2' T~~day October '23' ' Wednesday' October' 24 anll TI;u raday . October 25 The closing date lor the cattle l'n tries is Tuesday, September 25 . En· tri es will be received up to this timo at the office of the National Dairy Show, S. East Loni Street, C ;um · bnll. OhIO. . On account of t,he ~reat mll8ll meet· mg of the !lairy tndORtry. clliledfor l\londay morning. Oct.,ber 22. a b Columbus. the judging of caUl will not commen<;e ulltil the afttlrJIo on of Monday . '. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"" ___""':"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ '.-


Prices That Will

ble would to admit anytopupil. much we like do 1l0.ho\\'ever who sball not

Save You Money


Mothers Oats. a pkg. only ..... 10c Bill' Mothel'll Oatil with . aluminum ...... ....... ......... S5c Kelloghs and POIIt Toasties ... lOc National Corn Flllkes.3 pkgs..~'ic Van Camps Soupt, a can only .. l0c Sardines. oil or mustard ,can ..7X c Walrus Salmon, a can .. ... · .. ... 25c Lenox Soap, a bar ......... .... .... 5c Clean Easy Soap. 's bar........... 5c Blue Nap Soap. iL bar ... , ........ 6c Jaxon Soap. a bar ........: ......... 00 Enlliish Soap, 3 bars for ........ l0c

W. N. Sears moved into his prop· erty on Hillcrest Park this week. Fred B. Sherwood was sworn in and took hold of the treasurer's office Our asso rtment of tablets is the Monday. His genial smile and hearty handshake has already made many finest we have ever had . J . E. Jan· friend. In Warren County. and It will ney. be like goini home to visit the court house. Mr . and Mrs. W. H. A~let'l ,and - - --. - " Miss Olive aTC Cincinnati visitor!! to·

Get the Miami Gazette Now

day. • Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Evans spent the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!••I!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!!'!' week. end w iLh fr! ends in Whit e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wlltsr, Ind.


Mrs. Myrtle Allen and son, Charlel!, of Washington C. H .. are guests ot Dr. and Mrs. J . A. McCoy . Mr. Friend Cou'ser is to leave for Blanchester, Ind .. Monday morning where he will attend colle.ce. , Miss Elizabeth· Ward. a former minister at the Friends church. 15 t.he guest of Seth Cook .and daughter C. T. Hawke, EmerllOn MaBon and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conner attended the o.yton fair Monday afternoon . ,


September 11J 12J 13JII i Lebanon, ' Ohio .,. . ,

and Bigger


Than ever; making it


Qf the beat Faira - in this


aectiOD the atate. The \ program i. ,a .good o~e. \

Come and Bring the Whole Family President


IMPORTANT SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS W. E Skinner. gpnerlll , of the Nationlll I)airy Show Aijllocill '

In s hort,

addition to thele features Saxon RQadster has the f'amoua Hyatt Quiet ~ngI; . a stream.line body of racy Saxon "Six" Ohumm, R oad.ter, SOU;


with Grecian rear bow, and one-ma~ rlllbber top and top cover.

The 3-speed gives you far more speed on leas power. It gives 25% swifter p~ck-up, And it protects the motor from over-beating and over-working because , the proper speed ~n be maintained under all road conditions.

"Blr " !ledIn, $ 1585;

Mr . lind Mr~ . W. II All an Itav e ,a chl\rming dunce' for Mi, s li ve ' Alion ~' r iday ev ninl( . Th r wer ten coupl·s prf B r.t ~ 1lllia. ,t he harpist. of Day tOil. rurni!\hpd the J r it sholllU develop that a wholesale muaic . , ,lIe1111't tt' cVl\d~ the draft ·IAW come "hout. the Fed eral authorities will deal Mr . nnd Mr s J ohn Thompslln. of Houle :.l. gave a yard Ilicni<' laRt Sun · . CI'cr 'Iy with the ring-leaders. Gw. day . Tbe d ay waH pl oMan tl y ~pe"t Cro w,kr, PI'OI'Os t Marshal, Ifas been with music. (fanle!! and I I.; tn eat . flilly adds".l as to the law in these Those from n I.!i ~ tance WE'I''': Mrs . 1I1"""I'S. 1\ 5i tant AlIo mcy General I ~rl tli e HolycroRs . Mr. lind Mr~ . Will , Wi lliam . r itts. of the . Department of Michaelf! snd dsuj.'!hter. of C',lu m bll ~; , Ju st ice, Ita d(r.nrd it full y, nnd wilt be Mi ses P uri anti 11I·len Fowl!!,'. of uehiml :\IIy prosec ution of !lackcrs. HamiitCIll; Mr. 8nel Mrs Chri ~ Lent7. Those who iucite {rouble or try to and chllrJ11ing da ll ghtf'rll. nf Du\·tnn; e\'adc milita ry ser vice will be dealt Mrs. Leviah Warwicl(. Mr. Il . w.ilh liS befits such men. Warwi ck and daught r, .Jane. Mr nnd Mrs. Oliver Chellowith lind ' _ _ _,,=,_~_ _ _ _~~~ ria UlI'hter, Mari e, of Lebanon.

£D S. CONKLIN Secretary .

Mr!!. Etta Printz. Miss Luella Hageman and Mr. Joe . Printz, of Dayton. spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. HW tsock

B~~h:~' ~:~~ 't~n~r.MR·. S. ~~i BOck's fn Loveland, ·Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cartwright are in Bellefontaine today attending a rellnion of the 84th Reg .. O. V. 1. They are guests of the president, Mr James McClure.


Word has been received from Jas , W. Davis, who has just returned from Prance. 'He will leave agBin in 1\ few days for that country and will 'probal;lly make several tri,ps acro81 ~e(ore the 'w ar closes.

..-- ..------









, Shop ·




" . '.

We kept In . have in stock, every-thing - , . a first-class Harness Shop. .

Foul'teEmth Sunda1 after Trinity September 9. Sunday School at 9:3.0 a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon Il.~ 10:30. , The public cordially In· vlted to these services. ' . . The Cheerful Helper.s 'o f the Ferry - .- .. Christian church held their regular claas m~tinll' at the home of Claude and Orville Riggs, Aurust 80th. A fine program was rendered' and Ii so· elal hour was ,spent. after wbich Ice cream and cake was served. Those who IIpent the afternoon were: Carl 1- rank Stanley sold his farm MOD- Wrig~t, Dorothy. Coleman, Altha day In E:ast Wavne, The 'farm Palmer; Margaret Thomas, V~olet known II.tI the Martin Hamer farin. Hillhfil, Grace Wardlow, Earl ·Hur· There Is 196 acres in the place and ley, Homer MouserlaJamea Hartsock, the consideration was $118 per acre. Hazel CorneU. ,Ada ·Hardman. Bar The property wae purchased b,. Mr. bary Filer, Orville RiIlP: OIaude ,'L'ownsley. of ~artin8vllle, Ohio. ' Ri1'll8, Daniel Palmer LoUIS Woods. Clara Berryhill, J.ueiiJe Slagle, Mr. • Palm.r.. Mrs. Palmer., Paul Wright.









More and better Ir,rasse. were notlced to result from clipping pallorea a'ter ha"est: m_de by ~ hi A...d In Ia .surv"L aI t h e 'O 0 .~.,cu tur per Iment . ~~Jn.. i Brier; a!!J rc:::ri ,BOd MI'II R4~bert CoUetfdlftd 'Tu_a~ ve:tJ'!,n:t.t grusea moml~Ir , The funeral will • r have (lofeater cbanCeIl for Irrowth. be from . Home In ' the Wh.... tbe mowlna- machine eannot nM~am • Burial flO. a ICJthe may be u s e d . '




With the aim of puttlnll Ohio's The Light Bearers Class met at the wheat yield fol' ]918 at 60.000,000 Ferry Christian church August 28th. bu hels. or more tha n . thh year!s for their usual meeting, and the bumper crop. lhe Ohio Agricultural Willing Worker's class of SUKar , Experiment ' tation is sending out Creek church met with them. A fine its Aug-l1st Mon1111y Bullelln to tell program W811 rendered, and a social For III LImIted TIme Only The so liciting committee of the farm"rs how lo !lOW their wheat thllf hour was spent. after which Ice Tin Cans, a dozen 'only .. ....... 60c Mother's Club would like to have fall. Here ale tl]e tips given to cream and several kinds of cake was produ ce sUl!h a' banner crop: served. The basement had cording all interested in the welfare of the Matches, a box only . ............ 00 S ed from the 11lth to the 20th of string run here and there and it W\9 Ilchool children, in the line of clothing Buy here lind save 2c a box eptember HI northern Ohio, from calIed the "Spider Web ." The boys for poor children. leave what they Ille 201 h to the 25th in the cent'ral took hold of one of these strings and have to donate with Mrs. Mary Zim Try Our New Yeast, part. and from the 25th to the 30th followed it and at the end ?1M a merman, Mrs. J. D. Ma,r latt or Mrs. 7 big cokes for ................. ... 6c in the southern t~ird . Where .join~. girl's name. By this way they knew ~ary Frame. worm oc~urred tn .wes tern Ohto thiS .who to take tu supper. Pure Cider Vinegar, a gal·.. .. 25c --,,~ ,year. it. WIIIJ be aVOided next season Those who . ate I!Ullper 'were: Water Melons Pea'ch~ by seedmg about a waek earlier than Misses Irma Cornell, Mae Wright, Mangoes New Jersey Sweet.'! these dates Lena Thomas Marie Hartsock Ger. -Seed seven to eigh t pecks ~~ the trude Hunte;, Eva Murphy, 'Mary Bring usyour Chickensand Egp. ac:: e or ev'en more on I?oor SOli. and Mouser, Mallde Mouser, Corrine For ·F'riday· Mort'linll, we will Store your wheat, orbuyour drlii an .Ir!ch t~ two mehe~ deep Wardlow, . Odella Gullady. Belea pay 17c for Hens, 23c for Deep drill mg. Itke deep pIOWlD!r; has Filer. Cora Miller, Hazel Wardlow, BRASS FLOUR CHECKS Spring Chickens. and IDe for been unprofitable at the Experiment Gladys Filer Nellie Riggs Messers Roosters . Station . Drilling fields crosswise Mark Wtlso'n Carl Thom'as Romo and be protected against any raise in flour. We inSure after the first seeding has not paid Riiga, Friend' Couser, Willie C'o user, It 1>avII to trade at Forrest Martin, ' Donald Harnesh. your goods-:-you run no risk. for .the extra work NeY:' dtlJl8 that drop seed in rows Homer Thomas, Claude Rilrll8, James fou r IIlches apart have not . been Hartsock, Carl Wright Elmont ¥oupce Bros. Grain Co., better thun the common ejrht·incb Snyder, Ray Rosell, Thompson Wad.· -Wayutlvllle, Obio • . '. W'orth, Harold 'Filer. Morris WiII,iam' drills . , I Use 200. to ,100 pounds of at:1~.ph08' son, Oscar Mouser, Leroy McKlrby, p lBte to the acre, and ' out un any Homer Rosell Huber Thomas How available barnyard manure even if ard Morris, Stanley Morrill, Mr. and ~ , ., no more Ithan three or four tons · to' Mrs. Frank Wright and sOn Paul,. , . lhe acre . Rev. and Mrs. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs . • - • William Elliott. Robert, LaurencI and, Margaret and ,Mr, Mouser. :

t!~: ~~~ts~:' MM~. ,,~~~:~ 'W~':~:


. Mil:' Strainer~, holds 1 gallon .of· milk ..••. : ... '. ~ ,25c EnameleCi Ware . . .. .. . : .... . ...... 2~2Oc--15c-10c, ·Dainty Cream J~gs .• : .. , . ................ ,,: ... 15c Cups and Saucers, same old price ..... ,,: .. , . ... : IOc Bowls large and de~p .•. , •..... , . ..••. .. .•.• • , 15c Ladies' Collars, new and dainty .... ............. IOe ~auze Shi,:ts, for Women ...... , .... ; , .•• • .. 25c-lOe Boys' Pants, a.few leftj jUJIt the thing for school. .25c Candy, a new lot, fresh and good, per pound, .... ~Oc

M..., W~bt, Romo Wi:' MI'II. RoN RI 1rP..t, n. Orabood " Col.emllD, M... lilaudleComell, Gertrude Hunt. er. Hazel Wardlow, Nem. ~d M~ Hartaock. ' - -_____ '-Subecrlbefor .Ioa "1 __1 ri...-..-I ..






_ . - '."



It : fl IRR

mD Ulf W~ I't\IU1A II . .. _.'.Buplaaii ___IIII!.._~!II_____. . .ObjGiiii_ _. . Speclailit


SixtY'..Nintt.J Year



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......................·..·..·····..·······~I·····....~ - .-

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COUNCIL VOTED" TO SEll LOCAt PLANT To High<'st Bidder- Plant Will Be Advertised for Sale--Sidewalk at Intersection ofedCor.poration W O' · L' an d Towns h IP me as ISCUSS • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . _ . . . . . . .

8p~cial .


j -lll~rnlJ~rs-

~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Council met In session fou r hour service. He found (J ut ThursJay evening, 11Ild the much . ~eve.ral.t~ings in re~ard to the plan t mooted question of the lights was tn.hIB. VI~lt h~re. and they were Bub . mlttf'd 10 hl ~ rello rt. The r eport dIsposed of. was rather voluminous. and after its A few questions came before the reading. a molion was made and sec council prior to the li;cht queation, onded t.hat council offer the plantfor (me of which is vital to the studenll! sale The vote WIIS a'lmoRt unani . of the hig h school building. When muu s, only one member volin/{ thl! new 8('hool huuse wa.'l cumpleled rt"ain~l the propoRition . .. tho board put 1\ side· walk along their The maUer. as it now sland s. wl'll properly. Ju st recently a side walk spt tle a prohl'!m that has confronteci was put in alon" the Roblt zer prop Ihe village for t h" past yeur. and erty. Rnd It s'opped at the end of now thllt it. is almost over. th . coun . the street where the corporation line eil. aR well as the citizen!:!. are feelends. There is B ijpace lit the pre!! ing well content with t he propo~ition . ent time ot several rods between It would be well to state here 3~ these sidewalks, Bfl d the question hi. but few of our reade rs kn ow much who will build I hewfllk'l about what the problem is. that if the pl ant. in all probahil ity . Mrs . Amanda Smith, who owns we the property, does not want a walk Ihe buyers will not take the water therfl . a 8 she claims it damages her proposition over. only merely pump properly by wuler. However. thp il1g the water for the town The Wlllk ought to ue th reo anJ ·itlouks revenue fr om the water will s till be as though the Rc honl hoard nnd town in tli e hnndso f Ihe board to look afte r ship trustees and the vilh,"o "onneil The reason we mention t hiR fact i should Ket tOllether and confer with that several citizens did not know Mrs Smith and tlee what th~y can' do but thllt the ",hole plant was for sale tOllllardA getting a walk III But 911Ch is not the caee. The Day . Council th~n took up the light ton Power & Light Co. do not want question. The Utility Commission to lake over the water situ ation as sent a man here recen~ly to look after they are manufacturers of light o~ly the .. "Innt • a 8 staLed In Inot eek's Th e I)oaru-'" an dtl.1ecounCI'1are t·I~urmll . 1>0 W Gazetu,. and he rCI)Orted the plant to pJt mtlters on t he water as they in a non.payinlf condition at the pres . claim the re has been a great leaknge ent time. advised that the coun. lind an C'xpert has said that 5500 ga l. cll apl! out. and recommended the Ions R day is too much for a tOWII of & Light Co ., or any thi s size to use for merely household Dayton company that could (urnish at wentY'1 pu rposes .


~nd ~'"wer

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--- -

THE LIBRARY CHANGES Boy'a School Pants at Hyman's.



The library will move into · the KeY8 building, lately occupied by Hartsock',. Candy store, some tim.e this week_ This is the third location for tbe Iibrarv, Bnd ali the room is suited for its neede. It is hoped that they - will not have to move again 1I00n. . The Iibrary .has taken all more new patrons, and the officers are to be conlfratulated upon the euccess of the enterprise, as they have worked untiringly ever slllce the library was started, Dr. T. Sher~ nod will move into the room vacated by them, and it will make him an up·to·dale ofIice.

.- .



Miss Elsie Oustin is spending a few days in Da)'ton . A car of choice Fertilizer just ill at A. B. Sid es,' Mrs . W H. Allen and Miss Olive, Cincinnati visitors Monday.


--.- '

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The of the olDell fami ly ---. helel theIr firs t lInnnl reunion at ~eh~nl7~ ~ark, J)ayton, arurd ay . MEETING OF WOMAN'S CHRIS. a f'~~~~e~ul s~~itn' nel\r tw:~e > noodll hO our TIAN TEMPE~ANCE lJ ION Home .of the Chapman Faml'ly for a. Score .of u ~ 8erVe. ntl ' The Western Star says: long table a~comodated the guests Work upon the Dayton p ike will Years- All the Contents of the House and and all the ~ood thi ngs which accom. · llO,!,mence immediat4lly af ter thp W d Sh W pliny frifc!d cbic kon rli nne r. . Fair. The contract haA finally bE'en 00 ed ere Destroyed. OUttnl,( th e aft ern un he meehng let to Mr. John Spencer at his bid ~t . ' y.>aa cal) d to order :t n! the follow· . $19.676.31. There will be 266 milei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mil' othcers were C.:I·Qf ,· n: M. Co r· ot improvement, extending from the The eO!lntry hume of Mr . and Mra. been buil t by the late Reeve Holland. nell . .presiden!; Harry Corn ell. Vice north corporation line of Lebanon to Jos Chapman was bu rned to t he It was originally a log house, but had PreSIdent; M~B. J . O. Co rnell, Sec· 1I1rs."Carrle Flatter, 51.ate 01ganizer, tho Clearcr~ek Township line. The ground Friday afternoon . Although been weather boarded and had been r eta ry : Committee on arrangements, roadbed Will be twenty fuur feet a few things w e r~ .suved. they are in lhe Chapman family a great many Bfrt Stacy, Lytl e; Charlie Cornell. Made the Address-Ofilcers wiele, with sixteen feet ot macada m almost totul loss . as they were so years . The Cha pman 's went to Dayton tor . Wayne VIlle; Otho Cornell: Sidney. Were ElcC'led on it. Every bridge, except one badly damaged tbey cann ot be reth e afternoon. and could not be We ",.er e al\ mu ch inter('sterl in tbe will be repaired or replaced , and ali paired . The origin of the fire i8 unknown located until after the fire had done t.alk on famil y his tory given by Wt!lsewers will be incased in concrete. III1Kton in 0 n Wednesday. September 6 1917 Between 6.000 and 6.000 cubl'c yards When Mr . and Mrs Chapman left its \\Torst . The lOBS is complete with of 'l fCo rnoll I Ilaldn!! ' I the his tory f Juck to .\1700. Lb is body of fa ithful women met • 0 crushe. d st.o ne and ·cree'll·ngs wl'll thei" home ahou t 12 o'clocll. eve ry· but little insurance, which will not It . 10 amI. d I yh If allTll-( I in• b thing seemed to be all rillh t. In a nearly cover the losses. They will was a e Ig t u uCI~~iun, in\lced the Universalist church in Spr'ln tr e used I~ t~e cOndtruction. . In tl~e af ternoon a generolls 9<!rV· .. ' Th e bUlldlnll of "he M L b couple of hours the news came to rebuild probably on the old site. 109 of Ice crpum was enjoyell by a ll an boro the pumose of holding their IIn o road from the 'WarreonrrJoa\cVk coer: town that the nOUHe was on fi ro, and nuafor l County Convention. fo • . r W h IC h we were ! Illmkful to Wei to .the eastern Lebnnon corpora· several of our citizens went over. 11I~gton Corn II The next reunion Meeling wa.~ called to order by tlon hne commenced thi~ week bllt were unable to d!l much owing to) 1 wiah .to express ap pr eciation tor WIll be held at th e Rlllne place. Sep· the p resident, Mrs. Emma Cha)Jman' T~is work is also und er contract the . fact that the nrc was soon be· the herOIC efforts and assistance rentember I. ]!)I S. meeting opened in usual manner' wllh Mr. Spencer. This road is the yond control. dered at the tim e of our flre 108.9 last Seventy. five were present. as fol Mrs. Rachel Hardipg . of Franklin' one which passes the Rock School The house was an old one. having week. J . B. Chapman. IOWR : Mrs Melvina Sta "y Mr Il nd charge of devotions, she tak: house. The improvement of the Mrs. O. A. Williams. CI~v~lalld; Mr 109 ch~rge and con~uc_led tbe.service Shilo Hill upon another part of the alld MrR. C. [0; . Williams Mr. alld ~er.r meely. Or. i::mlly Wrliht. of Morrow road is practically completo. l\trs IIrl Willi/lI1lS W~uash I n:l· 1 prmgbor o, extended to u~ a hearty Mr. alld Mrs n \V. Willial~R M~' welcome. one that impres.~ed us with - -- - - .. - - and Mrs A. E Cornell. !Ill r" and the fact that "Ve were welcome; this M rll Grant Corn ell, Miss Co r· WIlIl responded lo Mre . Co ra GrO!18 nell. l10y Cornell, Mi Violet Cor. of,~arhsle,. and t.hls waB well done. 1917 1867 nell . Mrl! . Tena Blaluck. H. Wya tt. Ihe routine bU~lne88 was then tak Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Haines of PilJuo; Mr and Mrs. Shelby 'Cecil en up ~y the preSIdent and lhere be· invite you to be present at the and so n. Lestt)r. Mrij. J H. Hhod e. Ing qUite a lot o~ business. the time fiftieth annivClrsary hamel. Mr. Telln White. of Dawson was devoted .enllrely to that alone. Girls' School Dresses, GOc and up of their marriage Ohio; Mr . und MrH All\os Olden, H: The followln~ officers were.elect: . - -at Hyman's. Saturday evening, September eighth, O. Cornelr. Mi s~ Clara YOU'l'" "lr cd for the ensuing year. PreSIdent, 'l'h . . and Mrs J E J ohrl Mr and.... ~ly • Mrs Emma Chepman ' Vice- Presl. e Waynesville Canning faclo ry at 1:30 . . . • If ra d MAE d • has been sh t d thO k I Glenn Johns lef~ Monday morninll Lytie. Ohio Seneca John Mr and Mrs J O · ~nt. ra. nna ~I ridge Treasurer .a bl' u own IS wee. t IUS for Miami University. at Oxford. Cornell. omell flIrs. Oba 8ecre'tary. Mrs . Ingc the etnl?loYlles to visil Seventy-five friends and relatives A car of fine l~ertili7.s r . the ki nd Mrs. RQrnice H"ugh and children' Mart ha Davr s; Corresponding Secre- h arrhnld faIr . The lute ratnR MISS Emma RiniK er M A ornell' tary. Mrs. Ruth Janney. f ave e '11 e corn crop back, and the that is good. just in at A. B. Sides.' of Mr. and Mra, Haines. respondlnl' to the above inv itation. gathered at of Dayton; Mr. M Ros 'and fam . There were delegates pretenUrom run later ily, of Troy; Mr. and Mrs. Eurl E dIfferent plirta of t~e county. with I IllS since It ~gun operatmg. Raymond Eyer of Dsyton is the tbeir home on S.a turday evening. Hildebrand and s:hildren of Houston ren.orts from the dltf.erent Unions. ~o~ev~I~'ltbe corn IS good and t he t f Md' M B" d At the appomted hour the bridal guea 0 r. an rl!. A. . 81 ea . party wended their way to the Bit. Ohill ; Mr . Trena J!lme~()n and son' wh!ch mlltie the !peettng very inter- YI? WI 1e very~ooll. Wil bur. of Lebanon: MI'. and M~ 'e.iLmll.': After th~ noon· tide prayer F ~~o facto~y WIll ~1!l:I1~me labor ting·room. while the wedding mal'ch Albert Cornell Mrs Chloe ide!' we allJourned unllll:3&. rl ay mornlDg, and It IS thought Buy v ou r was played by Mre. William Balnee. MI'. aml M1'8. B~ri St~CY and dau h: The local ladies had so generously ther~ ~i11 be plenty of work from n ow Sweaters of aU kinds_ Hyman s, First came the chlld'r en, Mr. and tera, Wellington Cor nell, of LY~le- pr~pared the tab!e~ wit.h snowy on unt Il the end ot' the season . boy Rnd girl a sweater at Mra. Alfred Hainea, William and C. H. Cornell" Lutio Cornell E S' willte cloths anddehc\C)us hot te" and - - -- - Mrs. Lee Hawke apd family were James Haines and Mr, and Ml'II. Hough Mrs. Norah Houg h' Mr coffee f or all, each lady placed her guests of relatives In Dayton last Walter KenrIck . Then tbe attend· ants, the grandchildren. Viola. Rob· week. . and M'rB W. H. Squires and son ' lun~h on the tables, an~ while par· ert and Mildred Haines 'and Therle Mr. 'a nd Mrs. Alb~rt Cornell Jr ' ot these bountle!l each one Jones. All were dressed in 'y ellow Mrs. Will (;raham, Mr. and Mr.;. WIth th9:nk~ remembered from whom Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Crois and ~r. and white, carrying baskell! of gold. H. A Cornell. Catharine Cornl!1l these blesatngs come. "',--E. E . Somermier visited in Green· en glow. Next W&II Rev. Palmer Mr a.nd Mrs. Chas. Cornell • . Mrs R: The afternoon eessl()n ~811 first de· There wll1 be a reunion ot the fi !Id last Friday. and then the bride and groom of G. MIller, Mary Josephine Miller, voted to reports of the dllfere!lt de· Hawke family Sunday · Se tember . . _ hal t a century. The bride drell88d In Pearl Cornell. wife and daughters partments of .our work show,"g ua 16, 1917, at the old H'awk P f Mrs. Rose Kesse, fjf CinCInnatI, Is silver Stray wore the same white Hszel and Thclmit. Miss Ad ria Cor: ~ the (fle~dld Fwqrk being dOlle. which Ronald Hawke now :ccu~~~· nell, of Waynesvi lle. S r~. arrte latter, of Yel!ow Just fitty years ago Mr and Mrs' the guest of Mr, II.Dd Mrs . W. O. shawl over her .houlders that she _ _ __• _ • pr nIlS, state llpeaker and orgaDlzer Philip Hawke came' to th' I . Raper this week . wore fifty years ago. was present. and gtlve us worda of ed I f'l d IS pace, There was no mock ceremony but encouragement, tellin:lf. of the great ~h:ltar~ ~~fi~ ai~~ );1:~onstQYp.~~;~ Mr ..and Mrs. John Stanton, . of the beautiful and appropriate worda and successful work being dona over who W88 then living in the W 't ' Franklin. are the guests of Mr. and alld prayer by Rev. Palmer were hfld our *:Qtllte. and ~llcourarinlf ua to turned to the old home place e!! Mra. D. W. Meeks. in pralsl' by all who were there. H" spoke of the wedding of long ago in belalthful to our trUlit. Mrs, Flat· hia removal to town the I' e ter is an able speaker, and one calcu· rented to Ronald Hawk P was Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney and the Methodiat church at Springboro, lated to inspire her heslrers to a lfreat- berll of the family Bre lnvel:ted t memo daughter, Miss Edna, were Cincln by Re~....Kelly where thl. couple in er work . 0 come ~ou,th had started out togetber on Mrs. Rhetta Moss, of Maineville d'th well· filled baakets, and enjoy the nati visitors Thursday . hte II pathway-had shared each otb· conducted the memorial I8rvices fo~ 8Y'. . er's-jeys and sorrows; said this eartb· our promoted sisters. While this • Myer !lyman and family, with Iy tie would no doubt soon be sev· The ~rst frost of the eason struck was a sad hour, yet it was a beaut!some ~enta trle.nds. Ipent Sanday at ered but tbeir Heavenly union would the ne!ghborhood Monday night luI service. At the close of the meet· the OhIO Masontc Home. not. Accor~II1" to reports there was but ing we all ftlIt unfaltering falth in Aft.r congratulatlon~ they were very ht~le d o~ ng, although In some our principles, and we pledl'e con· Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman and daugh. presented with. 'gold headed cane places It was more severe than in tinued effort to hastenl the day when ter, are ependinl' the week end with and umbrella from the children. otheril. Garden truck was not much "each man's habits 'ole lite shall b. Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity friends at SIdney, Ohio. .From the friends ot. our street, a damaged, but.8ho~ld therebeanother an example, safe, for other men to September, 16th, Sunday School at . solid Ilold pin and watch ~hal!l ' Th~ a~~ck aoon. It WIll do a great deal follow. Mrs, Flattel~ spoke to the 9:30 B . m .; Morning Prayer and ser· M .. M F H L' friends of whera.lthey dId hve, five o amag e.. T~e thermometer regis- people In the eveninlf. mon at 10:30. Everybo~ invited to rs. an~ rs. . . ,. arr spent dollars in gold; Mrs. Burnett and Sunday WIth Mr. an4 Mrs. Guy F, Mr, and Mrs. Binegar pfec811 of gold tered freez mg In many places. The State Convention la to be held these een' ices. Dakin, ot near CenterVIlle. - - -__ • iu Sprlnllfield the last w.ek in Octo· • - ...- - money; Mrs. Campbell, a lfOld thlm' ber. ble; Harry Kenrick and children. Mrs. Martha Davi9, Sec'y. Mr. J . 0 Cartwrlgllt and family cuff buttons, and many other beau· and Mi~s Elma Roberta Spent Sunday Uful presents. A' telegram of con· ~IG Store yourwbeat,orbuyour with friends in Middletown. gratulation was read from Prof. and BRASS FLOUR CHECKS ra. . . . S teele, of Minot, N, D. . We have a large stock com. MAG ing in, several grades. Come an.d be .protected against any Boys' School Suits from $1 98 and Damty ret~shments of brick ill and look them over. It Th F . 11 up at Hyman·s . . cream and yellow cake were served. '11 e olkerth farm, located north raise . in . our. We insure Each guest wu requested to 1'0 to WI pay yol,1. of Ferry. was sold 18Lat. week by w. lyour goods-you run 110' risk . the dining· room the table nee Bros. Grain c N. Sears to M. 8. Rirgga; the farm • E. E. Somermler, o.t the O. S. U ., tbe Ohio 0., contains 93 acres is mostly black IYounce Bros. Grain Co., was the land, and brought alf'ood price_ Waynesville, Ohio. o r. an Mre. R. G. a feature of the Mrs. F. C. Carey and daughter by Mrs. Wm Hainea, MI811 Alice, arrIved home Monday and daughter, Viola. . Eaplorer McMillan evening, The gue.~tbook was last before presented Detroit. aitsr spendinlc a week in and each gueat registered de·






(';I "tdl~







ployed in 1'Jayton, is home r eady fOT his school duties. Elmu9 Carmony, of pringfield, spent part of last week vi siLi n ~ with relatives in Lytle.

Mr. ,and Mrs. p, K. Urton, of Mor· row spent several hours in Way. The twelvelh annual reunlQn of the neavllle Jast Thursday, Mercer family was held at the home Born-To Mr. and .r.6r• . Roy her· of Mr, ad Mrs. Homer Carey, SQn· wood. of near Oregonia, l"riday. day; Me,mbera of the tamily num· September 7, J917, a son . . bering aboul flfty·fivo were preSEnt. At the noon ho_ur a sumptuous din· Mr. and .Mrs. D. C. Ridge. of Col· lIer W88 served on the lawn. The umbus, were the week· end guelots of afternoon was 3pent social Iv 'inler Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Ridge. spaned with music. The following Buy your Blanketa now and save officers were .elected ror the cominlf year: President, H M. Carey; &!c· money ~t Hyman's. retary and Treasurer. Mrs. May Misses Martha Burnett., Bonta An Invit"Uon was extended to all members of the family -to meet Cartwright and Mr. Clifl'ton Burnett at the home of Ivan Mercer; of Leb ~~~~~;,banOl.1 visitors Saturdayaf. anon, the first 8unday in September 1918. All expre8800 themselve.~\Q8 having Miss Clara Lile arrived hom e spent a delightful day and departed willlinl' they might enjoy many ThursdBY evening, atter spending several weeks with relatives at Chll· Plore 8Ueh occasist:Js. licothe, Ohio.

~hnty .~c\ory ~I pr~babblY







Timoth . y See d



--_e _ ._ __



a~ ~Ium~us.

. reat rand. Dad of Machine Gun G G · t S· C'vil War 1. SaW FirS elVlCe

Miss Marne Brown left tor Columbus Sundsy evenlnll to resume her duties ·at the Home for the Feeble Minded. . . E than Crane arrIVed home from Toledo Mondny morning, where he has been employed for the past three months.

.l'Aa the years' go rol,ling by, Every mortal muat surely die."

Cement Block, We Have ~ hlrge 'supply of CltMeNT BLOCKS on hand. Cim furnish " you with any amount-wilt make to your order. If you expect to build, don't fail to consider our c:emeJlt blocks, Call aad 1eUIS,

YOIIDC& DIGI. GraIa "~0!dV.

·John Brepnels, of Cleveland, Ii formtr Gazet~ boy, pll8lled throulrb . company Waynesville Satulilay with . hia ajllter and d~uallter', ttie latter to'remain In Bert!a, (K"nt-ucK),) coll~e, during the winter.



NOWII of Jut week tuir Ch!\lltauqua tbia ,ear

a few iollara bebbld, but cltlzen. aot one bundncl

""w'" Iav.t4ld eIItel1ahmMDt ud annll.. dollar

in the

~onald B. Mclo!iI1an, the DOted Aft... tic: expl~r who recently rduJ'bed to the United State. after four ~ of IlOlation in the frozen regiom of the Far North, i •• ho1l'n here as ' be look. .toda,: nte p\crturc 11'&5'~ ~ .... f disd to be aho,~., a tel hla arrlnt ItadlID "(io4'i CIIIIfltrI,· MdliUul hu .a raaarkable JtilI7 to telL He didD't IDd a "'Crocker ].ad," aad It II billie-

parting and all wishing Mr. and Mrs. Haines the sentiment of thia verse f' th boo rom e lfueat k.

For fifty hap\>y golden' years Your weddulg bells now chime So sweet their music, 80ft amldeal' We lose the though( ot t.i.tB1f.'"" . . ' Oh! may they ears that et are ours' Be filled with golden ~ours y May time deal gently, 80ftly . If YOIl want a good Fertilizer, it With ~hese dear friends of burs. will pay you to call on A. B. Sides, get his prices and see the Fertilizer Those present from a distance he handles. were: Mrs. Elizabeth Hetzler and Miss Millicent Hetzler. ),f Piqua, G. D. Mill! took his son, Lindley Mr. rnd Mrs. Theodore Camp · to Orford, Ohio. Monday where he bell, Harry Kenrick and children; . will resume his studies at Miami Everett and Ruth; of .c;:enterville; University. . Alf~ed Wolfe, of Franklin; Mr. a~d Mta. C. R. Binegar, Ruaaell . . Bmegar and Gertrude Record, of Miss Ida·.Gitbens. of DaY~Qll, and Jameatown; Mrs. Martha Orahood Mrs. V"rna Kellv, of Springfield, Of Harristown, 111.; Rev. D, H. PaJm: were the week -end guests of MH, er and family, of Ferr,; t Mil.·Hulda Mary Caskey. B~mett, of Wayn8llvi,le; Mra. Nellie Rt!cord, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hamea There will be a meetin~ and daughter, Vlola,-of Da,ton; IIr. J. O. U. A. M, at their hall 11'_:., __ 1 and ·Mrs. William Hain... ad cbil8vel' All members are ' Robe~ and Mildred, of· Del. t() be pr'elent. . mont.

Jiarry S. -Kissell and Lo~is Bauer, of Springfield stopped offin Waynea, ville Saturday and ahook hands with several of their friends,

. Mr. and Mrs John Cr.oilse and Mr. an.d Mrs. Wm . Conner, of Wilming. wn, were week· end jfUests of Mr. This beinlf true another link in auf and Mrs. Morrill Sherwood. cbll,ln Is broken, and Warren Cbapter No, ~ 0, E. 8 suffers the 1088 or Mias Eva Davis, who has be4n1 one of its ..members. Slater Annie here for tbe past two weeks:· letL Penn Sargent wu taken from our Saturday evening,for New Jersey rllnlts on ~4aUl\t 15, 19J7. . where she is to teach school again .Therefore. ~ it Resolved, That this winter, ". we clierieh her memory and extend tot the bereaved and lonely husband Dillon l;l WilBon retllr~ed to his our heartf4llt sympathy. . . Be It further Re801ved. Tbatour horrie in Lflhanon from the F..ust·last ehlarter b'e draped thirty days, and we~k. Mr. ' Wilson was very sick that a copy ' of thOle resQ!utiuns be whIle away, and for a few days his sent Bro. Sargent;, all10 be spread. lit e was despaired· of. . \lpon and b(.'COme a part of all, min· utes. Martha Davis Wm, Prater, of Wellington, Kan .• Adah Talmage who left here while a email boy. Is Laura Watd visiting here afler a long II.bsence He is 'the gueat of his ullcle, HenJ'lY Prater, Ind other rela~ves. .


Back From the Arc:tic



.- .

E~·-m-a-i-A"""'R. W~yne'vil1e,


iPisOiLiENTiii· .- --------...-..




fiRST FROST OF THE SEASON Warren Miller, who haa been em·

Dr. and . Mrs J . T Ellis ar~ attending tile Null reunion at Schantz' Park today.

' Whole Number 3444


Mr. and t4rs. e. T. Hawke, Mrs. Andrus and MiBII Helen Hawke spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank LaM.,., of Middletown. .

We are 'b uyinnl' all .l':-ds of 6 IUUi Mrs. Rebecca Woloott and grandand are paying the very lIOn, Cheater Wolcott, of Lena, Oblo, Dl.Arnelst prices the market will lief ~t ~.:--s"" ~ 8=~~:as~;~':.rt:~:~th Mr. Remember, will . II Htde tile .:...~.:: : ..any aD1~unt you have _ta"'~"""'aada'+=-+ ' Mr. and Mn, W. B. Dinwiddie ODe pound-nn up, a~



_II.... iFAU __ _

....... 0...

. A

,.,.... DO II'NIl ...,. III IDle ...... ..............


eDd Mr•.Uld lin. J. C. Hawke ""~lDllllUltV time ....-...... at the &be OhIoIU Muottlo ~.!P & • .. . of.Mr•


I II ill

lilt "

f>T ~ rt XI. nrl' Sa,"

e ll



I Y'orr:'

' Ar" "II



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. , ,&.1" \ I JII1('t'l'nt I l 11'1\ \"U p. t 41U' II. '~II:hH,ll ,'lI\1 :'dr t\ f III i: .~\ fl I. til "" 'I~Ju l lin· 1('....."'" JH'( 'i" 1" (l .. Itlu'dl "t,)I11111! 1 "'",J 1l1 t4lt~_t· I tlur ~ 1111 hlll1t lip IU (' Ju tk.· lit rl.Jt' , ' (' : 11 " 11111\ ';"':lq It ncr w III. I \ll'll ' , hp 1" ,,· III " l li g ('H ' llJ,:(' 1II"ul>l mysel f." I \I M. 1" ·I·r, ·,'J1 ~· ",Ill III:: 10 tt..·n~t' tll1" pc',la111k 1II'I'g::::l t't. \1' " IIWI'II h l lll ~1I111~11!1r, r 1',\1' 1hilI fd I hll(' Mll d ,' I\lIYW:l ~' . flBut 1 \l" h' t wnn t h' UhHI'Y :111,\' \)J IC/ ' ho · rll~l. " I 11111 "1 ""t ~'Il' r ll.h',· II'.\' n. In I I' .\.' •

ri3nk R.Ada"

r(' ' I' tl' ," ) lIllIlIl" nil I ""IIIIIIH'lIt. 1 l) ~ lOllS' II) 111,' ",,,rio t. 1'1 \('1'(, I\(li. 1 lal II

t3hl r\ "t

p ili lUll

r ld lt

• t

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11 .,IHl'Ht

BopI' '·l l lu.u) II .. IIltllln n l:\'C' lIt llholV or ' " .11 1'11" ' rlt' .. 't';lu;: 1J4I el' I IL9 It t.lll'~' ""i"I' I,", h"l\' Y 10 liCe. "II II' (\ )",,11 I l '.t1 ht\l' 'f" ".'mnlldt~ I/u. cll ". · ',\'t'." lt~." J1 ~lLlll " ,-'url1.\r. "1'V!) t" "lJIllo;] 11'1 "\('1' (100 IKI:l1Il1 u l':ltl" fl' UgH In, 'Tllt'n/s ItO I"l\~ bl(' •. 11\.' g-l.I l1y, no IJll~h t1,"~ 1 hlll'{j,,'\' J"'·l·sllgutcc.1. Silo 'lIl;sl b,I\' e II r~ ti", L>lltlltl," ,

Common Plea8 Court

New Suits


".; ht, "n ~t'


" .llU · '

~ \\'hnr'

I HlIlln~~l

IlIll .. Ir;!" IIl'l' I "" ~h.,t't, t:.\'1 In In\r '''y\ \~.''

LucUe. lind ber

\\'ull 1 1

")l' llnl:" h )'l·III·'1. "Fill' ~ct 10 lIer' 0111." CY(' ',.. "If .rUI1 Ilm"t " 'onl In 111111'1',' ~ll." " T,l\)tlt'~ Is J<ISt," I Ilt r,',," JII IIY '9\' B) I.itlJI IIlOt'". "lIy ,11,1 ),"11 ,11'''11''<' IIH. of t'Q ,luIIUtltlll . HPIlI'It I,lr P U:-: ... j,lll In 1If'!' inn "" (!lJ t " T,,"UC'l; 7" ~uld Jll'Ili'. lI(''''l1dl'r~od hn,IH s l T' ] C\r' IIUlHtll'\1. ' ''1 '1'' l 'l'f' lL IOt ,);Itl!( f,r )II·~. GI'l\Cu ," "1 cJt')H' 1 1(lIfI\\' ''' 11 (, '\''I'tllll~l 111 JUP'" ·'('h. ~l l e"!1 \1P" 1I ('111111(1." 1.\I('Ue .ex· lal IIllglll ~It, "I l illlI'l ,11 ,""11 (hilI I vlnlt '(,ll. \\'u~ . '\\'U ". ·I IJ~ u !.! r4 ' I\;lh" . 1, 11 11 1 1"," "\\' Ill'IIi'" "l'IIIIW \\'01114 ' 11 1\1'{\ ili o n' nf l ''.lI' fi,.l by " nit. 1t.lllr« II 11,1 II ll l1r~ fWO. ::: he leleIlId lll'i'1'I'UC l lwlI l'r :1I11'1IIi4lIl," I "lint 111)(,11<·, 1 ) [" . H lllill.·)·. ~III' Itl Mr. forh "l. " t lll ll'!""' :lI' l' rll~I ' llI:d lid I), b: CIII'~ 1'L1WJ>,'n I 1\11,1 ' 1'11 _ hllt"'" to 1\ d ow flrl c:ll t t l l'IIIP rl,I1 '-'IW1':' neil I'll), l ~ hlni.l." "I NIIIII"'"'' 11"'1'1' II1 11 s 1 I II' t-t 'li l l" dWrlU "rllll 1(\\ \\' ,yll <'I'I' )It~. G I'N' I\ " '(18 III 11110\11 rut! Illal I dl.l Hi d tl l'~\Jlm Ilr," h e J]1l1 ~t'11 HIIHII',tlr " II (lJI ' , rllll tltlllk tlll l i the 1II111,IIe I) r I it(' "fl l' rn","I." r llJ!'('d 1I0Pll. I nt'mlll: on III'" "'" 1,1 Y'Il! illdll't (' 01l1l1 f or rl' t 111(' If l"Illl' ,-11.\ II llt t. l ' l' Ill t. tcll IIIl" iJu t let 1111' 111 11 111' ' \I~' (1 ·I·t orr f ll \, II lun:: \I II 110,', "

('luri ndtl J 1:11 nllars lind Ella. B. Wrtl\ht ,·s 'j'he 8. " nd O. [wil WilY Co. M()De~' ; lIwount olulwetl iP,OOO with lot or08t. Bluoclle ~ ols V8 EUl;lar Ford

1 disllked 1IIr.




and. ben.n lly fvr R f e w lllinUl t1S tl ult 1

1 1l\~'llt'~"

ocftrl, forgot ",hot 1 wn~ ~t Hlt d l l1Jo:' In the lake tor. I gntJlcr",1 Ull III)' 'h ll il. aud went b8~k to th Ifltusr. With crimInal cautlou 1 "' .... lIt III the I,m'k way, 80 thnt no OUO wu uld 00 ",I'nt I bad brougbt, nnll bllllt II Ih'o III


long unu sed st ove. III g\\ tt lllJ.t Ih H:o:e bIvalve_ to 1001111 up I 1'111111,,1 I\\'() batcbe ts, Il CIIn opell r, R lit II IIIIt 1111,1 III already trazzlt'tl t {\lllilcr. LueUo CIImo tl wn IIlh\l wl ,lle 1 WRS In the kItchen, Imt' lille dltl ilOt como out wbere I WQB. I h~!lnl lIi'r IIsl(It.~ some one in lb livIng r oolll . " \\'111) lett tbe telepholle ott (bo holtk '/" Tbere was a lDUIIIUlml I' ' p i), lu tlle '-0100 ot CAptaIn I'e rkl us wh le b I d itl Dot catcb . Luclle nPl'tlrcutly pu t tbl! recet'Ver back In Il.II phlc,\ uc('nugo pre.enUy tho te1ephono he ll ,·a n!!. nll ,1 ahe answereu It. "No," I beard b or Rny. "MI'. Ololr IH not bere." Then. atter n p IIlRe ; .. ~o. M1aIi Dunmore Isn ' t hero elih 'I'. \YlIo ahall 'I say <,oUed7 Ob, 3'ou dOll' t wl sb them' to be notified? Very well." Thero was n click ns or I ho r cc lnr being phlced on tho lIollk. • came In trom tile klteheu. Lu"1I1l creetoo me 11lell86 ntly cnolll;b w ltell I asked ' h or h ow she hnd clljoye<l h r nap, , "1 don't tliJllk I've l oon nsleep," Hho donled. "I Just rCl<l cd. tllnt wn~ nil." I dId not t ell b ' r th'lt [ (lid not bo· lJeve her. "Your mother <'nlle<l up," J Rilid brlafty. "Called up ?" Lu 'lie r l'cnlUll. "Dow eould .slle t ' , "From Ilnllllr. jldoll's Islnnd," J e1· platDed nntl went 011 j l) tell whnl 1 knew at lil • On! '\I'P \·xpCI·lollce. "8lie had Ill,) ('I)( ht It, rl'I:!ht ' II me ~Q," 'L uelle e1cl1\411111d; (IlslJ 1,1\1'110 , 0111 Illy cJl8lW81'l1ed Illy HIIIT"r:nl! ~; I\I~o tb ll,'o of Bopl!. Ill .. c'IlI 'j tl<ll'~, I 11II11;;-lllC, were chiefly cunll(Il',1 I,, ' hls ,11~O"t! ,·c • pparatll~, but I ~lIl'II'1 '1' Ihi '." 1I111s1 hI' elaued oS .8 1l1l'erh'll" jll l Ih e t;ItH!(', I poInted out 10 r .w ·ll· th "l Ill'l' nl l11h ' ... bad etJcnped Ollis by II lIl;" 'lI'll' "What p Ossc>ssoll hr.r ' 10 d,' " Ilo' io 0; thlng,,, LuelJe "'liS ns 1"'( 111:>111 11 " I baIt awnkened cblld. "J bad a brother ollce wit " 11><,,1 I.. rwalk In hls 8leep. Thcl'o \\'n ~ ,I 7.,,1>,"



III 1,,'1'. I SL"Jr t rl ilt' 1111..:1111111 ·1·:.... ', .1111 IIII('l! IUOI'f", I J't'th'(',l :14 ~rn l'~ '!lI tI,\' II~ fl,'~ ~illl t.\ Itt Ihe kIC \'IIt'n. I,. I'i' 1.. 11" "'1'.1 I ' 'to' Rh '''1 Iy IJ)' UI 'I"" :;; 1'1 ,,11'. ")lnJ I "I'PIlI( II'llh Y"11 111"tI~7" lu , d Ollllll"I...1 "lI nt loll ,sl), . I. ,tiki,, !!, i1 ''>'1 rl/:llL 11\11 1 \I",,, \I·rl Ilk .. 1\ ~ ln ;!'I' \llInl ll.

w ill


11 ('I' ,1!, r-:~II'

nH' JIltH'"

IU Ill"

1I01ll<' tlllln I" ." .. 111' l ' UIl!JtllIl)'," I r<'l llrtl (!cl , NIIl'rill.!! Ill." ..tI\'"',


,nlll 1'\"(' 1'

IU '{' II PI1 ;,:u J.! I·,l '!"


.ctn n\l~· lJIII'ltt·tJ liS I,,· ~" "I II " ,,' h y, .,. ,. ~" I \\,,, , ill..Jllll·,1 , ,, IJ,' rollllll l" .'11 1- ·'l·hl'tI"lt-tllI~·. I'" .. ItC,,1I

en j;IIl;,'tl ,'l'r .h,lt· I \\, 11: III,, ' "t, s ix· t(,l'lI ~'('n rri or Il;t(·, 11,1 )'lt ll ,'lire tv listen 10 I he hl_ Itl l')' o f Ill ," r,,"'"nll'~7" "1'\0. no." he " 'l tt'I·lI t l'd. "11,'1 now,



"au MI'. Bla1ney

told you about 1t7:' jVIGa ..ted, IUlturaUy surprised' that a Wrd ,ParI:Jr ' pould take an Interest In • Je.t1Dg wager: "Be dldn't need to." Luclle smiled. 'Wlth OJa1r pre.ent I could hardly upla1n that lIlS8 Dunmore hod ' WOll . .y Yhur bAcan80 ,abe had 1D1lc]0 him



In., ~l lltl

!" l1nI"J1 1)', tryln;.!

to (l, · i(~t ,1\ I"llnil(· nIl 11l~' 1'11 1'1'; ' "i t iRn't us lHlIl ItS t lJaL. Ie I "1)111 01 I!t't ""r oy nllll wrl,,' h,,\, II iI't\I' r 1>11)' 1111: lhll t I hntl hl'e ll 1111"\1 ,lnl\'l1 \\111, ~l1 l\l" III IH~"'!'( nm.l L'lIuh l l w l 1ll"' U (l ytuu ru tI n Lh .l hl ll t' r In h l\\' P ·o lll bt'. 1hut w t l nhl

Ii lt'ly lc.l,·"," 1 eOll lllll'u 11'1I . r"l! 1U11"'1 tillff\\' tilal h(' I'(\tlu' ulwa)"ro 11I i'~ I II t ill' Iw cb jt! (I

lIHl.l tJl\' l' 1\

"bUl (\:; a

th ~


I hl\' "lbt

looklu" fv r her?

lI.' r" I


\v\"HI· tllt"~~l (lIltl

tl .r ltl~

hlt'l, I'f tlJ~'1.~P . w'u,l 11I1 !! ul lJu,' " ~H\ pcl Ill''', ''

wltC' 1l

il ..

!l Ull II""',, \\, ullh l 1I111 ull' I\\' ~ " 1\ I" lli£' ," "X u, r ~U lIIIO-': lI u t ." llc' "I lllIU h' l1l'(} tll !:1 A,·ltl·IIIl' 1'(·1 1"'11I11L1,\' , .\I WUI,'" til('"g hl hrl ;: ltlc'II\'" hilt" "'1'1,,· ,." ·I\ill~ !lwuy JIll (' 1 "r II \ ~ 1\ 11 1'I ~I'l . Ir I 'l id



tiJ oe~t 'lt e o f Bsrdf'CORSlld. An n .. .I .

In th E) Ulntt.eI' of Bront ,

ri:l , ID

' botw 1I UPllolll t rd ndmlOlHrHlrl x

B u nd $ 1 ~r,UU.

U. E. Jjtllner. W

:':Io: ltll IInll }i'roonk Hine! UIJl-Hl intcd

grout~d ~lI l e .

ll r opll r ~y

to !loll

'It· privlllo

In tile mattr r 01 t,he will o f Eh7.~. oe1h A Kirby, dOtlt)n Mtl d . Will oll'ored f or prollll t eo E~tuto of T ho nH'" :'. Wilkerson , r

n d emma d . E~ttlte

:Sixt h uccnno t !llld. or 'iVHl'IIm fl . Clome nt. , dr. Fi I th bCU,' Ullt trns t o,'


ells d. E!!lI t SI 1'I.llt·,llll. " :::11)'. )11'. U" pp," 11(' ":thl ('urloosly, {ll etl . "will ro'u 1('1\ I II,' , ' 11 I bill!:'," Enph e mlll e bl'lll bE)r l"ln v~ Chn rl l'H ",,'Ily. " 1' 1'1 ,,1111.1'," Slnlpao n. .JntlgUl ' nt for $307 . 5~ "lJ o\\, ,11,1 y l 1I (,,'PI' ,'Olll£) I tl Ond thn t E Btnt e 01 RlI obel P(lort'l, d ece 6~fd, sb el f 011 lll" cll (l' w h!'r!' r .)U '''t'ro s lcop· Acco nn t opprov erl , IIll u weoll\otl cou. tug n il the IIr l{'rn (lCJIl~ 1 pn ss('<l you n firm d . ' dOZPll thU1II, 111111 J'd II P,' t'r 11Il\' C seen • Est·1I Ie of Lnoott" ~Ide~, (\eOoIl811(1. you u l 1111. Ir I 11I1i1 1l't 1"'111', 1 YO II !llIom." . Villa l"I lIU(' III ('ul'l'yl l1;!, Jl pulr or Flu .. 1 acoount filed ,

sbo(o!o(, n coat, n LJa Jr ot tnJtI~ ('r~ nod



u p p rtll sors. In l il o IlIl1tt,nr of I.hil "~ tnte of R o . ber t !:l. Dltm"rR. (I(,COIl80d . Ord Ar

EAtat o of Mllrlll Wlthllw, deoollMer1.




~~IC~:''; \~~::I" ·':l'i,:~;:",' i~"::., ,\~~:~" ." ~\': \I~ s~::";~ J;:~n~~",SI:~/:~::~I~lr~e;I,~'




of WIlIi II Ul H . Withom . d e ell:;:: OIlII.Cd FIDlllllcoounl, (iJ od , ln t\) Ih" IlIla. nllll H"'fllII ',,1'(' rupldl,. Est·ule or 81lDlIl!on Whltunllok,

Is kiard to get at any price, hut our stock is complete. Come in & nd talk over your needs . with us at

Madden's Lumber Yard

Dc lool,pu laLc)\. (r','111 11111(\ to 11m ," d eoess ed. Filml ueoounl, fil~d . "U' \\'11$ U rl'lll'l .""11 w Olll d s wIm Estat.e of A od r ew 'frowbridgp, de . ntlc,' hIm." I ('" !,l lIlu,,cl. ". \ro ,ou III flea e d . E' IrHt ocoount filet! , tJ,. III llrl;1'\ f u r ,.1,1 ' .'Itllh('s'," I Indl. In the mlltter d Th" Bernstelll tl lll [ r ('un lt l ,.·,'t put III .lu ll ~'r' t HUh ' ('ut£'111 It,), h tll flclI, lhln g 111.1' I ltu t "I"'re .· II~ l'Olll ,III ' \ JI "~ ":\1); tlll '~" 111'(, Id,. 11e I" j't I hem on Bro!). lI1unnlnolurln~ en .. 1\8 Igllllr ~ . Il'l ,\' ~c(' lilt', \\,h l l~ I I h,·,'o I tilt' 1>11 III" "lid I I ltulI ,<;h t I IIlIg-h t liS Final uQo o ont or I,rlls le 'l til t' .I . In th e m lltt or u f C ulll e Pnlly, !Il. (,(luill WI'II(' 1111 II 1' (\ i'll' PII p r l", '" I'" "'(III !trill/:' II '/'m I II, I "IIIIIJOSU ho wl\l InM tl e und H,Hlt tn • _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f."'HI.," ho h ill"II.'· IiJ e 151~t e 11 06 \1ltll l ilL O",y l o n fOl' ""'ho'!" IISkNI I'.n<.'ll,. u'ltl BnPII. I 1lt'1I1'I1I.1' 1 ",l llr~l'tI (ltl ~ ~ ,· ItI' IIIO. 'f hu l'rlxo Jl 1I1'Pl'lli('d "~rr, ' f' luir." Yitl" ttns\\"l'rec1, " lIe treatment. hl"'a ot RCl' l lI): JI lin 10 IUl' l'u''''''"I'I II.'', I hr· c.'ltl~~ n l hllmJ'l lI! tl'.I· lu ~ to n'lI r h (11 mnllliu nd by' ~;et.a t e of M MOR P. U r O!1 ~lfly . clQ. nes or II "011 •..·IIl', 1 f"llIl'ud III: .. Ihat , swl wrnlll<:," oell sed ",w t Slflllll t Ill e(1 in \I t'n f ( P~I l,;E :\ Rill/IT) trylllJ!: !o ~CI ll\\'u,l' Cl'lJ n~ a 'Iu, 1'111 1111(. " I I. tllo 101'''''(' f' lIow:" Ln cU., !!S. Unltl ueoount. 8''''''ct yo unj( girl lIk u \ hIll nllcnnlcc! " C Estnte of Lydll\ 81ltterl,b wult." d him from h nmlln ('lIll~lll"rntioll. <'Iul m ,'ll. TI e I.. l'Ildlh ,A' 111$ IIro to ~t He III1I1S0,1 II III l'l'llt. ''' 1'11 lle) It ," 8UII)lJl"H to II •. T ,) thl ll l< , ~!lIt I didll t oOltlled. First IIcaonnt tllr.d he cxclnlllINI. .il r I rlOll't " IUI\I' "I', 111(0 !tIm vl'ry w,,11 III fil·sl. b;Qlato of t!llil,\ tillli Mila!!. drmU m'ij tho wo~d ," J (':!,lrtlIlN) Jl(!lJtI~' thllt H ~Ir. Ollli,r ce!ltsed 'l'hl,rd "COll ou t, tI !Jpr,wed, "YQu' eatJ't get "",n,," I I'PllIlu ile<l ove r .r '/J<: ltotl tile (;ll Qrc. wlt!.:11 WfiS ver,)' allowed and ollnfi rlllllc) hlm. "Tltel'c' s 110 bont:', doulH fill. ho w<luld Ilrol,ubt)- uev~r the Estate of M'llind" P. Mtll er, 01 ". I


Corwin, Ohio.




ne .






.m t wo n't b. jllt.d," .. Id CI.ir_

\\, hnt I WlLot to fl 8k." ho began bnstl1.1'. ~ hol(()d by ..mollon and o lle ot my eollnl'iO. whIch "' n ~ n Clunrter ~ IIIO too tiw,lIl f('r hIm. " Is hnw el,' you hl'Cllk oIY lin ('n~IIJ!:I'I1lP.l>l-?"

"You b:LYO rna:> Ihort:'.

I Ile"!!r b roke

ott lin I'lIgUI,(CllIt'IIl In liS 11ft·. Some I interrupted Captntn I'crl:lr,'. " Y"!Ii oue elso IIlwlIYII IJl'olw lI' Y ('ngllgemcute

420 UDUl you get her something ..... IoI&r I congratulate you, Miss

i;l' t ~ ml."

~"h'(' I he 'lIt1kll li ~', "


lDotller waa scare!!l), rC~ lh l", ' iI tI,:.·· I Mid. ..~ brotber was tlUl t , wny ." , hll1u" In tbe real eetate CIIpluln. " Y OII 111'''<'1' tC!OU14' ,t en Where YOII 0011 ..1 IInll him -Illgb~ But tbe-tlrne"tlm l lire ? QJrr:r bIt him wlla the cllrlotJ8esj. I IIII"w," ''The sebra bIt him?" I, ll lie'" I III N eat was aroused. The captain settled hlmselt to lell bls taYorfte tale, but did Ilot get "turt ed because 'VIda breezNI In with n rath er ahamelaced Clair In tow. 8IIe came directly to me. "1m tale that, pleaso." sbe 68ld, "Do \'011 rea.lly wnnt it?" , "Certainly. 1 am entitled to wear It.'\ "at cOul'lle ' sbe oUl;bt to bave y our 1IDa." UI'IfICl . Luelle. "That one will


"1 '111 II('·IIII\." I .i" III''' . "Ih /l l. I Il l.! 011\'0 tllet Ylln. 1111 :.:il' l . 'qll id '-'\' 1'1' ( , .r·

A large car of Fine Shingles A tresh car of Cern.ent A new car of Brick, suitable for Chimneys and Outsid~ Walls.

8aHardy. SlIrry Wytooog V8 ' \ln to n Dill . ·V clfi perfo rlUtloOE) ; f qu\tolJl 1'0· lief II ud costs.


A . Mun tOr C C)lnpl\n y.


t or loe."

"l'ou tnelln YOIl were jU\.C;t1 1" ''Tbat's a ah rr, ug ly word," I mused, temptM t.o Pllt 1Iltu III w l t b tho clomB, "but' 'twill [las.~lIye, It will sen·e.·" " ~'au t-.l-nlll droll! 1 w~a~t lie jilted." 'Aid Illlr tllollghtfully. "You s ee , I am u ve rr d ealnt ble mutch ." I bow xl IIllcl Vlelccll liP n pleco ot cord wooU.

Do Wl!lIt 0(1 oh lh' lollHly: "r 11m a woo man bo t r. Tllo o l'llnme ntnl Be:>!: 'has no placo tn the ","(' It! a t a man or genius. AU roy Ilfo I l.Ja,·o enp d,

unll boro 011 " h ll'llk .. lnh',slIltublo Island .. "h rc tlH'l'fI II rn l)ull'" two ,,"OIJlPII,

I am t'rnpPClI II)' I)IW or tIH' lJI;' " I I:ul,o It tltlll ."1111 nro ('ngn ~cd t o


l>UIIIIJOr c ,"

I tlll?lIl'Ch" l. ·

"I 'ru cli '1111."," hi' 1'1;1""1",1 ,:;Ium ly, "Sh· t l'ull[1('tl ' n(' Jil l,) II Ro rt o~ 1'1'0' 1I08u I. t' rlld"' l Iw(i\\' "' hn t I WIIR "ny ·

lug." " AII<1

~lae Il ce"J! t ~ d


Saxon Six Livery

"I t orgot to, tell yon thnt I

Ihe CbfUUploll S\\'hlllllcr ,.,r the Ul'Ooklyn Athletic ·Iu h. I t lallll: 1 Ra W ~ome bathlll !\, !iliU M h 'lIl~llI!t 1\)1 In tJw ~b e (l. IIIll

' Vllh ono ll f thORO " n It w ill h play to me,"


StrllllJ;ely c' h N·I' II. · he llot oul tbD back "'",\' n ll,l Ic(t III tl' Ille HI· IcnCe o f my <: I flm~. I Il'ft Ill" I'loms 10 Ibl'lr Wli tl t"'1 ~ for awhil o lIull \\'Pll t 1)11, '1, In 1110 II"i ul! room. Vlc\n \\'n thN' Illl)' tn ldoJ; Ill" rlre~8 1 0u~ .frl'lll my NeIl l Mil A' 11I1 OOUlO sott Il\Ica cl etl rnht l{,r tit/It Iny 011 Lu·

1H" 'C,,lt \' I U 1111'- HI ,I "

_ _ _ 2!!2!J

Children of Wealth.r in Newport fete . ~. To Raise Funds F01' Destitute Abr08l! I

wht) r

~'botlcs IS,"

\\'01'l'1i'() I.ucUC!, ",'ho 11111. I ,he In I hl! house," V ida

8u1Li. "1'" lool;cll t"'l'rywlll'r ," I,lIelle aecillred ,IC-I!I.ondl'u Ur. "But Ill' t. !7I1l'h II IICtio tlo;;G'Ie,"

oeKsed. Fino I



tutor " Pllrovod, .. Uowed !lnd co n. fhmed.

kt~~~tci\ "ld tbtro lIu liIul.\l,Il$hoci .~ tire I1Obl'6 hi lIl!ll IIltlu ~h""" .h u m igh t got III lOldol' rllo fiOOF 0\' 1,,,1 Wl"'I, tho 11I 1I~r \llId outer ' l' olls 7" "'\'It.,·, r (' . I h pl"'~ nn At! 11'." admlt-

Estnte of MAry L

f>loHord . d e OeR E'OO, Flnlll 1I0C(lUn t llf odmlnl ~­ rator o pproveel, tlllu\Vuj o,nd oon.

drmed. 811,lt8B N.


did ho go'!" "nig ht ,10 1"11 ttl tbo s horc. I Ihlull." "Uo sC<'me() II trlOo , tln zrd. thoug h, !lllli mlllltt h o\'e WILli tier '(I." "Funuy cblll'r." le IlC I']C ·lr.1 ('1I(ltll lll Perl<l}, ", "I lie WilY II f ell ' r w ill wnu· d er H,I IlCI Io "c~. ~J ." 1'1'''1hl' r. li e lI Ke(1 to Will I< III h l~ ~ 1"1" ' fl. I "'liS g-coill' 10 te ll .I·u" ",hOI'" Il ,p 7.l·1 '1\ bit hlul that

I Bllll1.


"Y" •. · "" lit \ '11111 ".' ;:'.'I'ly , "tclt U$ wll c,'" 1hc :o:cl,,'" 1.11 h!"I." " Yoll' ll I ","~' tn 11111'1')' 10 ~utc h blm," I i lltl·I'I·III )\(" 1. "0" It, wil l be I.u,) late." Tho t el jlhCIIIi' lJi'1I rill,;:. "Hell",

tberc T

TlI l" I ~ fll " :,I!" , .

Is (,Inll'

ur;(I. hC~8 II f, t h f'l'e: li n",,"

"T11~ 1J I('t "'" " Jl('u lc t (, ~!I " ~ PunmoC'·." " Slw I ~ II' I' hc' " (· UlI ... ,· ... J oxplnIIlO<).

1 ~;~ii: tl ls~;~::;~)~(~~: ".~;~II ;~:~:g.:,::~~~;~'I~~ t

s n l"'"~ ll('lllly.

' \ ' e), ' n OL \\' nJklil 1:"H I f;nld; "swlm. mIn!;." "Wbnt'l J\t tills li me of night?" 11 yell 11. "l\ot IJIot It or til III ? Vldll ('lIlI' C


. " :\lllybe III! I ~ tM elll,,!:, ll(, l' holY," I Ilugl{() tCo l. , I dlelu ' l 1m" \\' or 011.)' r Cfl. ~II wh~' I sho,\lI'1 'U HO his mlnll !loy' way. A lIttlo JculoullY 1"011111 ue good t,,~ blm. , "Oll I" tonic tbe Il low like lI.1pan.


hlr~l Bn r tlltuUy .. "Goodby," alld J bung up tho r eceLver. I,uello cOntronted lIle when 1, tarned arouud. "1)0 you know wbero Toot\et

Then I beanl



"No. 1 d Oll lt know ",bero sbe ..... I replied, wltu Atrlct . ntlberence til t\;le trnrb. "IBII't sho bere ?" I added.JUlIe-


"No. and I'm


0 ..




l'u r-.o·ol:h"l enVelope.



( or Ih o hlu ~' 1f1t;\1 ana tho IUH(lC "'W 111'0, " ' 111\, " All .h"ll ca, J)trtN: c. mat -b; "ap

t or

h ' ) 'O U r r et ula r . to,... 40f)J1 nu l tau,,. tb e:-n w rit. t ur


ntun cn ,,' st ort-JiI lb U d o.


Hartman. 3rOlo. I i oc" 'H b~o urth I\ ve .• New 'fork

Optometrist Eyes tested free

• '1'he fn ll ow ln !\ /I flIH~' 1 1 T I4-li<IJ:lM "'fH'A mnde fo r 1"1l O IJ , ni oll ~I X m ,,,!th s : )pontr tl1nLl " .. .. ... .. .. ~. 20. I~:;O A nt1 ltnr' s t ll£l....... ......... ',11,' I'r el' bn rr r 'H f Nl fllllt\" .. .. .. 2. ' ~ I 'l.Hll' ftll~ (I .. ,., . ...... .. ' ........ :J fl!iti 1:J C bl h.! l'lln·e h OIll '\ f UU' I " .. .. I ·10;S ~ ij rph b n' . 1I~"ll \ll " , .. , .. .. . ',l. \J\lO ;i6 Brhlfo(\l (1111(1 .... .. , .... , ........ 57011 110 tI ,ldt or 'p ..' II(l! fl\llli " .... " 1.0 16 15 SllIIa rell..r fund .............. 1,'10:1 25

BOllrd of EdtJon tion ... , .. " . Agrioul&oral Socloty,.......

73 1 U2 1"10 02 3.4:) Il ~ 1 .~J9 38

Lebanon -:- Ohio AL.L. KINDS Of

InSUR1I.n eE Walter Chandler

a.J ~ fl5

Waynesville, O.

"O\) I :I, 502r.



leB!, Lebanon;

Rev. R. B. Foster,


.. _..---

flo 1118 PbolH I'

Pi ne-Tar-Honey


Charles Wtllter Rosell; farmer, of Or ego ulu, . lind MI ~ 1l Anna ,Irene Blokley, Orflgonlll; Rev. Pblllllls. L ellter Holtonl, silidier, of Leh. I&DOO, and Mbs .Et.hol l:Iulbert, Leb. aDOO ; M. A. ,Iameson , Jolin8 F, C1MIr, 8oldler, of Leba· non .. and MIB8 Myrtle MarIe LJt.IV-


----- ---_. .

150 and up,

:I.lothur'd pOI1 l\i IJ .......... " ' Ele(ltl o n (lXI) I\ .. e Ino rl.... .. ,Jutllolul t 1It1 ..... .... ...... .. . ('La ·l, tit,&'O .!l cl enun!,y... Onlslde r Olld fuod .. .. .... ... Brldgo fund ' ........... .... " ..


rhOD e 1I0·:!

:lB3 23 Qver POltotll1le, l:lbee p fnnd .... .. ...... .... . .... 82 S Sl nklnlf o68nllity brldge .. _ 870 9S Offlca Phone 11 III !tel' l, nrr ," .1101 I\'II~ ~n r" es ~ en81 nkl ug 1840 fund fld .. "..... 1,219 38 11ell" orlng to Ill' h nlJlflll. Inklny 11115 fuod ed .... "" 1,287 06 Marr/sac LlceruJell ";0;0: f"lIm jim " "" sh looks I tlltnk [ntlrmary building fon/1, ,, 1.7.1 I 96 Sb O' R bllt'l i$<'\I1 , ; tltil!~," flald his an· a15 7:l WHII8 OrIs MoMllIlln, farmer, of Morrow 4Dd t.e \Junon r Olld 1'\L.r-lnf' •• IT'~n ~I' '" BElli's Phll\lp '~ rOllcl .... " .. "" \ ",,. 21a 61 Waynesville, \lnd Miss BO~8Ie Luoille )'r o bo oontlnued) <';omtlrgoaDd Hlokory Cor . Hormoll, Wllyneaville i .Rev. JenDle ner pike fund " " ...... .. " Ui9 27 U6rey. "

Map Who Reaches the Top, Til .. s(cn,llly 8UOC '88fl11 mon Is neither rll"h [!(Or'tiIllI,1. He Is prnd ent nud COIII'O I;(,OIlS. Jl o ",\II toke !l cllllnce \\'hr't(' tI' NO Is n I'enNo'nobl e PI'USpcct of ~1t\' C,.ss . hnt he w ill not ru sh Into o " ~nllll'e bli ndl y nor bo so enutlollS 118 n c ye r to tn l;e nny I'I ~ k .-rrlsh World,


atron-; nlll. o ( nc ·

( <"1,1h {l r and f'\I\ up In




Sh..d,iT.A - !"', - t h (l"f\t

or l"'rlnC"o; :


ordur to j:ct nwoy." "Wbar l S~rlm to th e mnlnland ?" "Yes, rIe's n '" man bnter.'· " Good lIell" ell!!! Uc must not ,do that. " VIda wus g-(,l1l1l l1l'ly conrrl'ncd. "YOII m1llilt l(' 11 !J Im Ihu t .1'011 nre enf:U ){C I 10 HOUle fl llO ('I.c, 'rllut U1lg ht ren RS UI'~ ulw." "L w i ll ," \'Ida g t Ul) Ilctermlll c<lIy and Wl·lIt. to th., d or. " Will ' b WAY



l cd\l. t hU Ill()fI h Ai r ... re liGht




((dcn ln i~ •

lu the watt r of the e~l lIte of B ttl myre. decellsed, Will oiter d f or llr oh ta te. in t,h e m atler of the' wIll or BI'rindu Rogsr!!, d eoc b8P11, Will fll ~ d ' l'd Llh ' H(~, CII C.'Ll UI'HJ.!C tl. tor proD"te . nil lI1Iouni c (\ th!! stul l'S . clle's des k. ' Lillie h m·. ('If WO R not I II In the Illlltt,er of thll es t&tA of'I+'. ''1'11 w hlsl lc.·· I.lI d lo; Ril id. "lIml tben Right. Tile c"rmlln nllil lI'~ Ill'st cooll wo'lI Itr· .!u" t os '1IIh'l !IS JllI"slble. Ir U. 'arev; d l'cou!!A d . ]u.veotory !lnd \\'uo e\'or "Il II Il mfl r1 n ('1111'1110 wero t ll~'tt h\ ' I't~ ~ ll e 'l1 uu s wer ' lnc." approl ~emen t flied. 8unl( (\eop III th e )J:I; rain WIII 'It sor· ' ''\ u~\n'' I ' ::nJIl '! ( 'HU All ' wh l.S tl ~, too?" rounlis t iJo UOllrt!l lrllll g" 111:111 wh('11 CU I !18kI'd .Jim . I ho fl'l'lll!; I llIn en<:llIcor. Rcal Estate Transfers . o!r frOIll ·111" I; I IIcl 111111 hi\! Illplll.\'nWDt" :0/0. o( !'"ur !l 1\01. Whl' n 1 whistle, ""·ell." suW Ylda wholl r slo tI O'l'er It sito's IIlh' l' sltc' lI whine nll(l unrk." Snmuel ~JI\ sle r8 t o Mort,b& E. ~nl. bel' 111,0 1111 u cct!~ln j!' jlHlgc, "whot hn" u " SbU l \111, J 1111. J, t her wulStle." der, Jot in l:!prin ~ b oro, 'l. r dOllo lto \\'7 ,'lIolll,ln' t l plu y willi cOIllOln nl! d '111'111111 I'crklns. ". nevRoherl M. Vlln Borne, admlnis this rllbbe r fhlR WIIJ 7" t.utor, to William f;\wlok, lot In i"Yoll k tl o w whnt r01f"e il Oil O," I e r li nclY !Jut 0110 g ir l wh o could whis- FraDklln, said Rtl'rl1ly. " 'You trll[lpet.\ Li pton S. tl e guo!l. IlI,d n ft.(·l' !I d p lltl~t pulled one WalleI' O"\ltley T. ~. Bero&w, qt , Iter front. le,,1 h ~ 1!1l cou1clu't ru:y OIulr tnl'o Pl'llilosing 10 ~· Oll." . lot In "8800 , $1. '''I.'h I'Il's IIc.I hl ng WI'Ollg IlIJOllt tbt\t," ru. b r~.lJ Marlon E. Grentlton~e to Solomon VIda (ltotes lcll. "How do you SliP' " . h! " \"Itl n OI, ld. Inylllg 1\ hlllltl 011 the Frell, lot ill LebllDon , $260. pOS 1111>' DlIl D e"'l l' proposes? YOIl 8CilUt,J.(S nun, Jobn P • .Aplling to ol~mon Fred . tUl\'c 10 trol) theil!, Wero you und er Aft l'r 11 1':111'" .11111 n ~ll ed. "\v hy don't lot In Le banou, $1.. tho I mprc~s l O Il tJlnt nelult moles wllnt she w l,I;!I ,, '!" nrollllll loolclllJ:; fOl' n chanco to pu)' Cor " Sllc·. Ir,r l,, ' t o," (!:tplnlue d tho cnp· We ley C. Ru h to Beury C. Low. SOUl onc ('Iso's b Ofl l'll IIl1d mlllllll'r." tnlll, wit" (lIITl,,· tI)' Illlcrprctcd Ule fa. rie, {31~ nores in B&r\nn tow nsbip, antl hosiery IIl1d all t.hnt BOl·t of tlllo,!:? ctol ::," lIlllfl. lil'lI wl,it'h Lue llo WIIS (ler· $1. Xo, sLr; til e IUlIscullno mlllll I ~ vcr ~ rOl' ml n" . . George Rebold and wlte Charlea wory. Tunt'S why we wOlllen \illl'e ~ ". [1I)' L,o ~lt o nln't r;ot en ou gh 8team E, inoore, lot In Alaeon, $1 .

"N c,1 Yf't," h e r<'plll'ti, "hut Ih{l!'e 1M 110 I)():,,·; Rlao will. I ,Inu'l x lIl'POSO au!! h UH lIli!t 1110 II)" UI('11 ,)f "\lllllro HIlIOII!; IKl 80 mu ch bl'l l{h tl'l' Llllln tbe 1Uen. U's u case ot il>1 t 1'1' 'sen'n I 1011 ." h~ l· IIH." l'I,ll.,: , III HI I I lu n ~ 111 1 [lIIJ ' II "He's atrnld yot! IllNlct It. Ho's go no""lt.l· III I' t'r," " ) Iull. I ~I\ltl 11l!t'1 I l'lll /: 1.1' , " S" 1',1 III' I.II/I' ·t o try to 8.wlm to the mob.lanll In


I b.I·~\'~~l~;"\~;~~I~\:

T otal


the bome of


WALT~R McCLUR~ Funeral ' Director. Ohio Waynesville

Raymond ThomptlOD, p&per.waker ,Loona t:!hriver, t:la ~urdIIY afseraoon. Trevor O. Haydoo\[ and Kelly of Auroro, Inri" Ilnd MIM8 Etnenll Mendonh&U wIth tholr fllmlll;,s Kathryn Linden, lI'r&nklln; Rev, Preclle Boctoneae, I-Rl1'OltR-:2 ::J • s pen' !:lunday ut For~ ADClent . . Abbo& . ' ;. ' Humanl] OOlccr-"I trust tbnt you Thoma8 E ,Jonee, of PhiladelphIa Aulo EqulpmeDtl~ , Lloyd H. Baines, mU81eil1n, of teed YOUl: borses with punctuallty." HorseuOrawn Equlpmont Dubnqoe, 10wl\, a,nd Mls8 LRrettu. B, delivered Iln InterestIng addres,8 at Drlvel'--":rl/o, HII'; with boy ond oots." the Friends ohnroh Frld&y evening -Bos(on Trunscrlpt.. ' DaV. Plea8ant PI"jD .. MI ~8 t:lllrob Bllrner, 01 Xenill, was I h A (l UeMt of Miss' Ylolet Wilbur 10llt TELEPHONE 7 DAY OR NI!)H1 Commissioner's Proceed/nits


IS E. Cu~ler, 'graveling flnd gnd. .1 bo Bawklns Is 'on the slok li8~ ing road III Barln.n townshIp. $2\J,50: I ':Ir 8oboo18 opened here Mond'lY .1. F Zimmerm&n, 8uppllE)s, $14.70 i ~ i It MIse 8bllnlbllugh In the t'rlmtst-1kes Ilnd Graham, In full of oon , II I \ . MISS MoKlnIAY, ilf ,RQseelvllJe. traot 579 , $245; Stllte V8 Jllm98 ,Orll~ In! .' r DledIBle and Wm. Barl&n, Blgb ven!', oostp, $13 50; Frank ,J, Brown, !::)eh 10J. Veterinary tn,uraDoe, $14; D•.mald B&tfield, asMarried, September 5, Irma, C1uly ...slstID,g 'snrve:yor, ~8; ./lImes FoUlm, Oraauato . of Ohio Slatl lIi"'ver"/~ salRiy 88 janitor" $10; p , A_ MortOD. danghter of Mr , 'lDd Mn. M . W, MendenbRII nnd Ralph TlIornb, n rll. Jjilme, $50: p, P Y.tIIflr. alul\st\ng tb9 BIJrveynr., 125.80; JObD A. b]lllr, of WilmIngton , TbeceremC)ny \ook OFFICE; plaoe at the benutlful' oo~o~ry home 81lppliep, '113 O~ I)f 'he bride III the preaenoe ot '" Corner Main and Street9 The bood of Fred B. Sherwood. ,l nrge oomplHlY of · rellltlvetl Rntl Telephon.. 28 oO\lnly 'reRenrer, lor $40,000 \Va._ ap. frleDd", 'rbe beRt wlsbeR of tbe ,proved, Bnd Mr, Sbnwood &0011: tb. oommnnlty Me extended to these oath of office. popular young p eople,. ., Waynesville. Ohio Roy E_ M\l1er, lIuneyor, preseDt. erl hIlt bond for ,S,OOO.. whlcb wau!'. oepted, Valuable Chalk Lancl,a.. By a unanimoull vote it wal\ deoldThe more or 101(9 l!lIIceou!I chalk eti not to ereot & mem~iRI bulldiog Inuds ot Enlllnll(1 l'lehl strnw ot POIlUat IblB tlm8. a~ tbe fUDda &v"Ua ble liar Ildvnntna;os, ~Ir Frnncls Fox, In Thill ~"el\8Q' Bhooltl be treated aa IlOOn are riot lu1I10Iea*_ . n Soc:tety ot Arts Iccture J'Hllnte,1 out IlIA tho tirBt unnatural lOOll8nellli of the , • buwelR appears. WheD tbia Is dOIle " The rOtl4 petltlonel! for by J. A . thot the benutlful 1I1111!8Y cnotlng Im- Hinglo d08eefOhaml:lllrJaiD'. Colic, Ohol. PlIl'ted Me given Luton llDd DlInHtnble · ern. and ~hoea Remed,. win e1fect" Raffner and otbere wae rofu98d.

Dr. J. A. McCoy,



their struw·bllt In(hlstry. nn,1 hRIl ere- oure_ Thia remed1 CaD aJ~ 118 cJe. \...!I'be ooDtraot for acreoOe for tbe Dted n demullcl troUl wllent'gI"'wlilg pended upon eTeQ tifthe mOlt IleftrelDd doon aDd wbldowg tor tbe 'Dew ID. America, where tho IIt1'llW produced dllDRWOUI c-. be lIP' al armary builcllDlJ " •• let to BImf\D helra BtUrllOU and Im~l8IIWQ' /IIr hllDd J'98d,y for tnataDt 11& . . . . . , .


MaD.fao&llriD, 00, lor t807,70,


ute with ICIIItI drlDa.





: .. THE



-..... .......





Subscrintioll I'rico. $U~II pet year

Gco. P. TilTany, of A. p, Tiffany's, ' optometrist, luis returned from Columbus, 0., where he has just completed the post graduate coilrse in advanced applied Optic and Ophthalmology at Ohio S lat!!! Univers ity,

1. SEPTEMBh:rt

TIME TO SEED ' WHEAT NOW ~ellt8lulwr Is


~llp (lhlll


J'b e llr,'Seooe 01 JOWI.WOWI lu wbefl~noltl~ or Wl'8t,liru Ohlll hlt~ move i1 tbe oSll ,d s'eedlnll uato ub,md IIbout u wo k . SeptembHr 10 to 20 Is tbo UbUli1 'ime for oeediull In tho nortb orn purt at tbe t:Hole ond thlll dllte 18 Krllllnl\lIy mMde IlIl e r towllr(\ the lIoo$ll\!rtI oount.loM Along Ibl1 Ohio ttl ver Oo'ober 1 1M gen" rllily not 100 Illte. By seedlnll' a week to 10 rlny8 IlArlhu t hl\n OIiu" I dllte '''jory by j,-,lntwl1rlll Olin b e l eH ~e u ed . Kn' o lJlolnll\!UII lit tho Uhlo AJ.{rlouJtUlul Exptlrll1l1mt S\lItion h~ve fouud tllld pest \0 bo l!erlous ill I,h e wa.te rrl ooon'llIlI of Ohio Othllr wha"h In. eeats are 811ll0~t entlro!y ab~(JDt thl ~ y ellr, A liberAl URIl or fllrtlllz(lrs on' wlltlal KIVOll th e j(rliln 11 sl,ro'H~ pOHh towllrtl nil Illlrly hnr\'oMt. '1'h,1r ou/lh p rtlj)lIrntiou of tho Hood I,cd b"8 ~thu 11111110 t' t1't'e' 118 Bu rly Illleillug:lallll ferttllzlI r,lon InOblo,

Read the_Miami Gazette now

,'Ia l o r



As' Written by Our Corps of Able Corresp'o ndents in the Neighborhood

D, I ,. CH AN E, Editor and ]' lIblisher,


----......-._-......... .... __._.......-.....--:=t: ..........

- - - - - - -...~.t.•• "-::::.::. - .•••• - . . . . . . . . . . . . .





hill, Cll)' " f 'fr,lcdo,

ss Ff!lIIk J. t:h~ . cy 1II ,,~es ",.\11 lh. t he is .. niur "orl ntr .. ( I he 111111 MI'. j , l· hcn. & en .. tlu lu); blls ine5s. in the ('it" llf T v l ' lI.o,Co" nt )' r 'Ud . Ini c u [orcsunl . IInil IhUl6n ill Jj,m wll . pa y I he SlIUI tor 'I )N I ~ H 1) lt!!!) UOI,I,AI{:) ful'ehcb u udcvc r}' "ase (J r 'otun'lt Llml An"Ol Ie C1Hcd b), II.e liS" 0 1' H A!.t'~CATi\R"H ,\ IIWKIN". FltA ""\{ J, 'JlU N I(V . S \\'orn to Lcfurc JI)C and ~uhscrilx' d ill In )' p' esrnl'C, lids Ill" JII Y f, f IleGe",""r, A. D. 1886. A. W. CL HA :-;Oll:. (Sen l) Notu,y l'u l,lic. }f all's n lnlTh Mtdicine is lake n in te ,,"11 and nC IN Il ll'OlIR h 110. 1110011 o n thr M" colls SII. fncrsol Ihe Sy ~(eIO , Se nd fo re rcslit"onials, Ir ' • . F. J, CHl iNJo;V & 'U. , To lc un , O. &>Id loy nil drnggisis, j ;,c. 1-I"lI's Fa m ily I'ill s rnr t ""Sl l p lloll . J.II CIIS t:llUJlt y,

As It Seemed to J oey. Jopr WfiR (It IlII' t'it'f'U8 nll ,1 Int~ntly wu lch ln/: the n c rohl1 l ~, whf'n hI' ~ Inrt­ lell It \I nmlllld by cxdnlt,,1 n ~: "~I nm. mil , I~n ' t It tprrlhl p r.. r Il lo~e hllll e" to com Ollt In th Ir p Ili " uni1erwenr,"

Ao oth a l' one at ourhlgbJY r o peel . I 'L'lJe Bellbrook B OIDo 'omlng ad 'IUzen8, l'Ih's, LUI~ rtll '1>l lett, ~lll o h wn ~ h uhl on Luho r n ~-y -W~UI-+t+f-- The Summer Post raduate Course included wlJ waf Hob r t Uo llet',r , d llflll (j~I , fIIlrlv /I tt nuod 8ud will bo h el,. O (' x t tl1 lat st advanced m 'l hods in the exattlinaP!lIlS U Il~VIlY Monday, ~(,P em h er ,l, you r o n Ln lw.r D u v , le.1 KrtLn Mrs J o h u ' tion bil "lug (lYU""1Kr own ,. 80n I s uod t b ll6~o(1e rwno(." i B VI ~ itlng of the ey sand the correction of defeca u ren , <:: Ie u ll( HI) 1\ ~ 0 I r el .. tlves ot Oxfor d 01 ' . yea rs of h al' life In . tll is violuity 'A , 1 10 " tive vision under such eminent specialists- as b fl W/IS tbtl oldest dlLt1ghLe r o f Mr ml aoelJR n eouasb o lVer WlI81.\Iveli rl M A I d r I:l hi ' l' S f or Mr. lIod 1I1rs . •Iess W eover at Dr. A. Ferree and Dr. Charles Sheard. flO rtl. ro o . II n, he 1.1- h e r home 00 \V. MO I,le St lust .'rl ul ns were I;( n ow o fur nod no .. r f o r d C t b Ir hospita lit y, nnd Ilhe wo tbe "Y ol" bt., Ab on 40 goP ttl we re Mr. Tiffany is now better qualified than ever IrUlt of the f/lmil~', lIud uJl WJ ba ve present und I,b uv reoeivild m ll ny I tb I t k I pre~ e ntl:\ whioh ooo s l$ted of o u to skillfu lly diagnose all cases of eye trouble dn ' Il htor vi ~lt rl :,11 . lind M r~ now II e !l (laSAO nOS8 In now nl.{ Gla~e, lIDen, silverwa r e /lud U100~' l o;lIlprtloll EllrlliturtnOhr WuyueBvllJ ",](i rOD~embflrl nJ::tb ern. B o w bonu piooes of olumlo/u' \Vlu .e . ' and correct errors . of refraction, employing !:\un!l"y llfturllull ll . tiflll H 18 to 80 lIv~ ~bo t wile n we • IIrll colled to t!t !! r\\'or that IDllr lt 0 ,1 vld B opkln~ Is 00 I,b o s lo k list. the most modem scientific methods, having ,\ r ~ . Lndlu " t.o o 0 1111 dun~ hters, of th o unkn o wn Hh o re OUI' hllnds D1I1Y Ed 1I0tl Mnrrn.vl:1 opklus • of WILY. added the latest modern equipment to be D r> ' r 13l ',oo hM l e r , RJlP llt M\·"I' IL. d tl.f R bo fill fld willt guidon k y a tbutolll'lns neHvl1le, on ll Oll on Ir l enrl!! h ore last wllh Mr. tlll.'l MtR 1\1" ,. I.ntllogtlln . rho ""III Oe of tl t (\rn l~y. I:! nDday, used in conjun lion wilh his new met!:lOds. ~ Lr8. ~'.. A , Il"rt ~nc:h !mtl "D<l ll 0 1 Mr . 'IUd r.lI-~ . ~~ rllulf 8 hldnlfor ViR. J e~8 W oa\' er , H.v lvflste r Anthonv Wfl'l n ('R~ny I" \ , 1""rlllt.nn. il ed r I1 IILt\v( l'o rllnnd, In d., thi s 'm rl I-tflyrnond W e ller "UI)lny ed ball Miss 1£111 111 1\ l:I (lIH u WIlY, of \YII.\'. week, with X enitl R ~er\' es 10 Wilmiogton A , p. & CEO. P. TIFFANY, n ~v llle, ~Il"nt .'III,nr,Iol v with b ur Tho "Hnlp\llng" pa rt.y h r; ld in R ed I!lst. uud" y . br lH her ,I ohn U Ill h wlI Y 'r oilS hull Frlduy ni g ht, WU!:I quite Our town WBS well r e presented' a, Optomefrist.and Optician, Ruy W lllfll /I n il f ,\loil y and LIH" tl ~ u ce/J "~ , Illlde r ~ll e II u s pl cu s o f thp tbe D uyt,oll f lli r IIlRL w r.ok, W o lf o tln d wlfo w orn 1110 l-; on,IIIY IUlviO Lollll ue, R J) ' t 108 S. Detroit St., Xenia, Ohio. lIU fl HtH "r \\Jr . IWII l..I/'~. ,I ulln ~ ollt'. Ou r t on' llll t he I.a b"" - BTI·IRford . aymn o [moto \. Cl rllllu Rh Bud 'harles , .. rl SIU n fIt ',Oud ,. ror! t o ~' t , AUCIent I M I,~ d"rn o~ A rl.. J)" /lllt l\rtlg f' . n o~ IlI lr nncll.lll allolfo f,IV OndJl n "f lu s t. l:3IWlitIY. , l'. (l V , WO ,hvo rl,It , wife UO[III/l,I1 ~h. dl\lnrt.i '(l 1)(11\ il d11 11 Itr llj.;1t~ litH) I:Ifl lll[\ J or. Ibe tl" Jrt,~ of t ho ffllr h ~ttd A ~l " t lt" l '\ I,. n c. ' L'. U. " I) n. Mr. lind Mr",_ \:I Ii; \VII H n n 11,1 Inr m oved 1,0 L owh;bu rg 1!1~I, ....." l'nt-It' ll " t, t; prlllJ,\horo W',o n, ."d ', ·. MI 'i~ EJiz.d)IlI h Unol, .. C Dnytrm, 'l'hnr ~ d /lY . '. Mr ~. Jnll Wllrl e ".n'l hil s , l\hldrerl l' Wt;r e Hu uuuy g llest~ ,f Ibe Co utrul MI:ls I)t)ro llty C r o w) is workIng In I:i~O! I" n f !Jt'Y t'llI, Hr ll ~Jll\t, llJflJ.{ sov MrR. (jeorge l:IlIrrl ~ Au d Mrfl, b'rti nit Cr o wl 'A Milllue ry Ht or e In Dfl.Ytnn , pr,d !lDY,S,. w\t.1t rholr III ot,ber Mr~. Bllrrl s w ro vI8itOlll of r e liltlves lus t The Re al Gentleman. Wltl t n r IlhlmlR wh o IR \' erv ~ Io k . ,960 11: at Oro v er Ii 111. Obi o, , n o unf IIIldl-n 'I) !t1f' flit' "burn ler of Mr IInc! l r ~. ~', A H" I k<nolt lit . b nol o JlfI nAIl Al ~ IlUllY m o rnln~ til< ' ,-" "r ':'-'11111'111 11 11, whi ch hl !he rn08t Funeral Director: t ,'ntil'll!l Sh i ll I~ Hl ll l n .1S II \!onve ll Wllh til e l u,lollOr S In tholr prop er rQijl) 'ctll"! 11111 (111 1191. 1Il ~ 1I, It COO11, '1\ "I \VI I OJln~ t u lI 'I'h nr II II .V JlI ,co~. Th e Bnt o lllll e n t ~A8 v ery and' Embalmer, alslM not of vl nlc 1I11t! Pl)ul\lnge nnd Th (1 MlltrOIl Pri ~() l l ln Clnh w ill ioompllm ontltry BD d uve ry thlDg In ri ch living. nny mor e thnll In the d Is1I1('l't \\III It Mr~, B e~" I " I!:I I I~, 'l'11 0 d U)"j dIOl l,OB pro,p rlty, I1B~" whIch Iltn t ltto(lc ot lite GlIge li' Waynesville. Ohio. t>1 r l't r rnb,' r ] );. Fltrm!'! In Ib l .. 10 nl\t"v tire being 0 11011 ~'. 'I'h OIll)l8011 W I1~III I 'uy. ! !l Ql'~ ; hilt In 1,.lIlh, ,'nurl 'sy, brnvery, 11r o n r! ~h' ,. . A, \1 , ' l "I I Ul It~~, Mr. ul1 u",bt lind so ld , 111Id ~tl ll the Illud I~ t II lust \\'e' k » I.tIl,'d ill ij ~he Fulr. gonr,.n~l ly IIll ll lt' lIrnl lt g;w hl r h IO Rt. nl· U. IIII Mrli. ,' . AIII '1I II TIll ~h'. li , I)r lnglnt!. unreflH Jllllhle prlo s . Th o lll u:! J rd nu, of Franlllln, Ie th "lI;: h /l"l ,,~ ~ , ' nl.llli to It , ~·"t .rlo eB IJl1v l ~ ~ll plltiql (tllnr!nr'l y III r "I "t /,! \V n h 'l\, u ~O rll O bu g tlln~ ,,,,d n soon vi Ithlg r Inth'os 110d 'rle.dll bore vcr." Inll ch 10 ,,,I.,rtI IIl1d lI1u Htmtu tlto Either Auto or Horae drawn eervice. lit M"l nvl llc' ~ '~ t urclll.v 'UI Iwnrd .,f th ey wi ll be )lIc ked up. ll III 00 was well rellreSented 'hn"lIcl er nf Iht! Iruc g,'nIJ ' Ullln.No extra charge for auto service, Mr~_ IJn wt>',n I\.nl t!tl ll ldltt' r , of !Jr Y('11 I rll lin Invo~t,'1T I;e t bU.y [lad at Thi t ho WIIIIlIllJ ~ sale at Oil vo BraDoh Jobn nUlidolllh . Both phonea in Office and RAleldence. all ,. v r,y ..1J\lri.(, "P""t, '1'!t nr""IIy wilit IUURO nlllllv(Sij llgntl o n. No. 14, ~I rli , 1:1111 1.0 11 .11t ·k ~ " ll Wo., hl ~ "Irro o I\nu R , W . l{tlY 00 lust 'I'lturacluy, ._~' rct nk WIISOD , or B uTVoY8bnrg, M r ... OIl MI'~ .I o~ , Rrll ckn oy Ilnd lur W I'll Cilloiunllli vl Hittlra ODe dilY Wild 0 ,, 11 on on r t,re ets on lost Fri. e olti1<lrl'o , of t\ul livlln, llld ,11 1'0 Ins t ~v ook. vltllt,ln/: 'll o fo rnl e r 8 m o thnr h er o B_ K Pine of Dllyt l n, r e pres mt- day . J. 'l'lie Doon ~bllDabl\n flnm hae • •••••••••• •• • • • •• • •••• Mr9 Rnlb lJuhllng, ' of OreJ(flui n, Irrg til " Uilited 8e urity Uo. wus lind Miss I3rHR III. or ~htllli. 1j'11~, n guest of \b Ir represent,IlU ve bere, bein 80ld to 11 mao by tbe nlme of MONEY LOANED ~IJ Dt 'rhur"d ~y uftllrno 0 with Mt ~e .Ii'. Willion , ou ·'fl1eI!dRY. '1')1elr bna Morrie, .... DeNrrIS~... Chits, Ragermyer haa reo\.od \1,le BI',,~ i ll BU'r natt nt tbe b omo of h e r IneRs bli~ pr!)ve n very !luoceslful. \luut Mrs Lon., IillTtsoo k, ' Dr. /lull MTt! llllll' Lln rler lert Fr! Ida Hookett farw all she Harveya om.,. .. !:fIllloDU lIMIt Blda. Mrs U ' o. 130l\Rn spe nt Topsdn dllY f or their tiotneln Ol1llep,u, Okla- borg and Uorwin pike and will move MUN EY loaned on lIvo stook ohat Hod W tld UeRdny 10 Ulfloln nnl,1 hOtoR, ufter u I\boll st&y with r ela. there In the spring . Joe Mo Cllron, of near marksville, lela "nd 8eoond m ortgagoe Mr~ . I r\II M"nn t)l1 nod dUllgbter tiv6s ' 'Ilf ~s &thel r Ahuru oll to l'lp peoBo fie .I oltn Stflwart iln 9 bougllt a new Wl\8 har e a ooople of daV-8 I08t week Noto!! bought. John Barblno, Jr. , baying bog... AllAn Building, Xeuill. Ohio. m2 DR. HATHAWAY . ;lt y ll',iilllY. [\ve - pR ~se~g er nntomoblle and Is M.r ... nd ,IfI' \ V. ':to ,Io rd .. u I\t- lel'rnln{l t o run Ir.. II.nd llIl t.ho nellr M. ,M, Terry lind ,Ioe Rosell are __ Wayne.rille'. Leadlnl De.U., ~ nO d tho Dllytllu !!,,,I r on 1'hur ~ future will teet i~ by olhublng tele. blloollng eobool ehlldren oltain \hls -year ,to Waynesv ille, lIb. ROBeil lIn. pbone 110 1es. in Holn811 Bldg, IIt.ln 81 FOR SALE- PROPERTY Mr 1I.1l11 Mr . ,I . A , t.o wry and - Mrs. E B, Dllkin 18 qnlte poorly haB 'hel::llulpkln route and Mr, rer. S II J n l\ll ~Jle nt' ond1\Y w ltn Alvn at thIs wrltlog, ' ber mODY friend s ry hall 'he Bame rODte be hid last Lndiu~to n "nd wifa ure anxious for a .peedy r eoovery JilIn. OUSE-two.etory brlok house, B Ur. Borl GrIlY, of (]Iarltnllle, was Mr , Fmn k R loh o( L e b llnon, Mrs. VAnD oren iBboflrdlng the BA~NHAI{T • . room. , 2 hall., IIlrge warm oel. vidlLed hl,. brolhor 'rh os ...nd '"mlly lady toaobers wblob Is nlue for b otb. bere sbvoral dllyalos$ week lmmon lar, good well, ole tern SDd onltog lJoi~ . Notary PubliC: . -' turd "y "nd 'und"y , -CbIlS, Uillaug h, pf Dllvt D, tmns. Mrs , ROBell aod son are vlsltiog buildings" well iOl)ll,ted, Inqnire al I\Jls" I rene U II g le~by b6 un b er tlot,ed bUlllnes In this vlolnlty on thIs offioe. ,26 relaUves in DoJloo, AU.lnd8 of No&ary Worll:. Willi oobo<1 1 OUtiOR 118 tenobor lit Gum Mlluday I"st Silm nel I!JJ1Is ODe of the large8 t, o,·.. v Mpo,hy Illorclng. ! Edwin 8mltb, of Wilmington, wae and Deeda .. ~.IV. bog feooere In tbe oounty sblpped Erna , t MRllno ll "od fnmily, lind loa lhng on frl e uds bere SnndRY. Reve"al Ol~rs of bogs III!'t week, FOR SALlil lj j,m n Duviilllnd flllllllV ~ p e ot SllnI, N. Mille r Blt~oded ·t he MlIIer •. Mr , Cbrlstan, of Mulon, OhiO, !loy "fI,o rnonn witb .I o~ ph DlIVl8 l:Itld ehrnnt r e uni lln Tbursday, held olime down Co atttnd tbe Williams aod fa ruil y II! 1i"r.vtl1 ~ bi:trg . ot N llw Vle Duu , J\\r II-nd Mr!!, Wm. lllirv ll Y vlslt E'd Mess rs , Dowson (l.otl 08lllpbell. 811 1e \allt w ek . Be IIIlYI Bevera' of good .t~el tire Buggfe8 i 1 beavy t.b e . nldt er's \;;l o UI e Bod ,dot uded t ilo t wo y oung m e n wh o hove beeu tbe fumsrll' wheat 'aDd oaC. Is .'111 Spring WalOD aod 1 Hor •• , atBDdlng' ln the sbook 1n tbe field !!'ulr 10 Do y ton 'l'huTlllln.y. Irooking LitIs ~ea8oo, IH'II mAetlng ()b aoooont of wot we&ther. In 80me Apply to S. G, Joy, WaYDelvllle, Mr~ , Audrey I:! e rre~ "'pont ThDrs . with greot flll OOb88, The, qaallty 18 fields the sbooks are neRrly hid with Ohio. . eS6 UI\y .. (ternoon wHit MI Vio' li J o r tille nod tho murkot go oel and tbey olover and weed!1, da 'u. uro so very woll plell8ed 'With '~ell' ~1 r~. Ooroth, J ones and two ohll. IGS-Boar Pigs at farmllrl' prloes (l ttompl, tbllt tbev are oon't emplotlnll dren, of Dayton, ore , sp9otlln~ I,hls tloublD Immuu9d, Duroo Jer181 tryinj:! it over tn 11118 , R~ds and the old fashloiled epoated KEEPS FLIESH IN TON. Mr. ond Mra, D, 8: Carte r, of New wee k wltb Mrs E ~llel B U In Model WIfe. FROM SKIN TO' BON •• Mrs. Ollie Bagermyer OIl lie,! on Poland Cblns, the kInd 001' fore. Our !clea ot n 11101lel wlto Is one Burlington, w ere Sunday goests::Ir Beale Everytlllng'Bea1able. BUrna, who 1(l!eps ber huslJnn(\ trom makIng Mr, Rud Mra Welby Cartie r, ot Enst ·Mrs , Grant Duugberty SandllY ev. fnthera used &0 rn.lslI, big booe. bill' Bona, Bores, IDcera. Pilee. Eczema, spot!, 'big ears aod big lI.tera ; every. enlo« • Sooond t)lre et. • tool ot hlmselt.-Golveatou News, Cute, Ooms. Wounds and Bru,leee; ,.4rs, Eva VIlIar8, of BDrlng Bill, thlng big but . tbe prloe, K E. ."TII'I'., O.R MONEY Mr, uDd Mrt!. Fronk Bquhes.88. Tbompson, Oregonia, Ohio. VAlley Do AT ALL DRUCeISTa. 91 ~ ted by thel~ dougbter, Doru, eu · UDd MIs8 Emma Elli@, of nee.r I:IRr. Phone lO-l X HarveV8burg , &26 veysburg, spent Wednesday after f!.Jrlnobsster noon with tbelr Rister, Mre , OJ)le jEll: H!JI: I [:J tortulnlld for dinnerfrleads ~und(l.yfnm . lUllSB , JER~EY OOW-Glves 'rhe writer 8ztend8 t.he hand of ElRlCermye. , large flow of rloh milk. Or ~y D)pflthy to. Mr . ond Mrs. Jos , B will trade tor Sbortborn o ow. In.' 'hllpmllll lu thelr loss, , qnlre of Clifford Maxwe' l, Ceo. Bome 'l'he 0/\ vie reUD ton WU8 held Bt the Pbone 6 ri,.R V, 1, Wo.yneRvf11e, · Barbed Wire . II omA of (jeorge Bailey DB vl\l, oorner 1 nhtlO-tn---~-""--+--~LIN!MENT~ of Mnin 1I0d ,. tlhple l:\t lroo~~, And ,olBMv e8 uuo rrlende from Bdjolalog illED RYE- Reolel\uBd, '2,00 pe r 'l GUARANTEED to heal without leav\OWD8 wilre I?resent. '1' bis IB n.n ulllJhel. InqulrA of W. ID Ing n b!owlsh. or:MONEY REFUNDE~. an nUl,1 mfleMog aud bUll 'bee n for Mrs. Ed F ox. of Miamisburg, haA O'NBtlll, It. 0, 3, Wayn osvi ll o Ohio: 6Oe ' and 11.00 ei .. cs for frBlb woundi, , s19 old sares, Bore bocks nod sbouIdorll,!Jurnl . YlllUS, and Ie looked , fnrw .. rd ~o been vlsltlllg her 'pllrent~, Mr.' lIod lind bruises, 250 SiTofl for F",mily U80. frOID one m eel,lng to anothor with Mrs , J, III RnlJinson DR. COX'S P~LEUcBLISTER II reat pl eus urll . Their menu Is mltde Born t o Mr. nnd Mrs, R u lplJ , reglii tMOIl. Sbro llsh lre breed palnlcl!8 nnd gUllfUllteed to /lure l:l up of tho oholoest produoe of tho fbowps\lu nee Borthn ' Bensel Au log Ewe~, a Buok Lllmbs, 11180 Is Spn"iD,lllngbono. Cllr!>. BW6eoy Bpllnt, lund Thel~ frleuds wi h for .hem gust. IIOtb, Il r1tlugb~er. . ' 1 P o land Gltinll ,'ow, wltb (l ptg8, (j PuffB or OilY en}nrgement 01 lpooe or mnny mor a of their grand and Obllflest:llegfrld, of Louis, h 18 weok!! olt! , 1n'1l1lre of Wnl rer: d, lilU60j C. or ·mODOY re(uJ\(\cd, Nce·lIOo. enjoyuhle m ee\ings, FOil SAU .V IU DItUGGIIlTS ' "een bi8 brotiJer, W. B . Wilitaker, R R I. 1!12 uJy<\e Lovloy t ook In i he Ouyton I:llegfrled. Fllir IOlt w eek .mil wll-d e 'h18 81ster a '1'b e MoClnre reuulon was bold I::l vllit, Monday at tbe bome or hlr.llnd Mr~. .John MoClure. Mary Rnd Ed ward Beston, of 11 Duytotl , bave boe n vl~ittng their .. ant /l,lld uDol o, Mr . /lod Mrs, 'A lbert

Mril, I:J 11 011 11 R lo h ' l11d g rllnd s .lD Elt b(1r L ~ P(Hl t .tllrd llY nnd SundllY wl"I! rHlut Vl.M I II 1.111>1 non. 1' 11 1-1 ,IUUl r L',I.OI IIII '1110 W .IR v ary 11lll,,~jllllly .,h tu.t"luoII by tho . M.1"eA Mllol , Mo rle und Ifllye JJ;lh~ onl:!utll tdtlY 1111 ' rn rlU lI 'l' lJnse p n ls tinL werl' Mls~ol! Vu~tl1 Ellis, B el lm' JJ..rt!'O ook; Fl ortLm Orld R Olld, Mar t lln Lukens , Murtha II,,,, hp-rnge , E lsie rLl o n nd. llclrpy 1: JI"; M r . lind Mrs ·w



__ _-_

.'==_::_:::_:::.:..:::..;:_:;_:;_:::_:;__ ::;:.;:,;::. _"_'.'_"_"_'_'....... ..._-.. ....... ..... - .............. 0.-_ ..... . .....__ _.'_".......

Two to Be. Supplied.


nt<ltll ur WN ,·Is iling. 11111' 10 / IIl e ~o IIIl1ch thnt sh Owns Hcold, ',!. "~ rll' "nlll, nil I Ill " \\'os for ODe hunJ:'ry, 1,1 11.1 I got two h~rle.," WII S h l!r excuso. (1111) 111'1'


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__ ;;~~~-~~~~~!'"""~_



t . . . ...... . _ _




" Iunt

ClasslBed Ads






=:=========::101::= ===





• •

by ,


Quality . Flours. Star ' ~ight

Patent Albino or


W. ...

---... -.---

. ~


Baking at Home

Glad Tidings



-====]11::)(::"===::1 '"===;] '"===J

===:11[:1 IS . ·31::11:

Ask your grocer for any of the above and if he doe. not k.eep them phone ' or write us and we



~ ~ ~








.1. W, Bnelloy , of Richlllond, Inri, '


Mr. Wl1Iinm Broddook Is !lel'iolls 11 illot thI s wrltiog. Mr, aod MrS. 1'iruothy 'll~rllttt are eote r tninfng tllelr dllug~ter-\n . l"w, I":' Mr H. ULto Mllrltlt-t, .from Sont\} Bend, ""' lod , Mr " 'rhos. Dill !lDd dllu ~ htor Bre s p eDdi ng a fllw da~R with Mrs, Orie ll!lrlotl, of dllrinjt \TUlley , . MI' • . and . M~ 8. J • .T ~ mrl"tt aod daugl1ter, Berthl1 'IIttended Ol~yton filii Mon,do.y. , . . r." Mr. Le'''' Bte phonH \lnd (JUr("mitb

e .


. ~~' ;~Il~.t ed

M",DdIlY mt)ro og for 1I10hl.

~trl!, J, '1', Mllrlatt ol\llt)(\ on Mrs. Earl Bernllrd Wedoe~dIlY' Mrl! lAIe Ouno1\o 'Is vlsl.tlllg rela. C:llirk!lvillo Qod . Blanohes

sL1 1mt

-----_ ..---

daughter, Mrs .1. ,B , .1001"" of Ly. 'le,.Ohlo

m . l'IDIi'==!iI'GlIi'EiiE.'IDG'"Ii,;;5I'Gle==ElI5'EEEI'I!II5'eEillnD



"Silver' Plate that Wear.: (1=====:;;;'= '

Ml'e weok ·end \' 11,11 I~ ow ll f olkb"

d orn to Mr, and Mra, L estoor Kur. flas, n ee P'lullnI1Tlll~, SepMmher 2nd' Il It, tie dliu g btar. . Mr. I1nd Mrs, ,JlltlJ eS W eidner with frleud s .in Dd.Y-

spOOl ' FrltlllY too.

Mrs , Evu BorUlel1 I'lld Ilangllt.tlr AnoR, .ue visitiug r elilliv llt! lit Ur' buna, Mr, L. WIlkerson, ,of P.1t1!!~I., III, wbo WU8 O~ lied bere the 1)11 ~ wllek bv tbe delltb of bl~ brotb Elr.ln·I,lw, r et.urnod MItI. b orn , 'FridAY , afte r @everlll' d"YR' VI sIt. wlt.b M.r, Rod Mrs. W. ·S. Wilkersoll . lio b"r N nil ~pa n t ;everll,1 d .. y~ list week with frlllnd~ tn UIJ1~tnLJu~ \ire, Emma Ul\llg r spall' "'rldllY In Dayton the RU98' of Mrs, Mary




SPRINGonDn ".... ur";ni.f.iu- ------t-LJ.Il

[!J 'ivep at



Bucklan's' -~, Arnrci' li~ii






EIiG===:Jlm 'e==3'



One ThIng' He Hd Oblerved, Mrs. ';rlllJprhloSR(l1I1-"Vtlln maD I DId ,OU o/!\'or ' obServe tbAt rJl'SllInerll take a woman'a henll tIl a!!om maD1 of 70ur oolnll'" Hr. Toggerbl0a0m"No; but I bllve obRerved that de_ _ CUe liIall1' of the eolIII to

adona • WGIIIaD'I 1aMd.,....,J •

Since '1847. th" year Rogers Bros. ori ..i"....." _t~!J.9~~

Cting,silverware bearing the rra,ae,mark ~1I,lIlNl:II1 renowned for quality, and 'beautr. :


1841,ROGERS" &

. '

.tamped pn forb, lpoons and faile)' ...",mil' piece. .. .. .u~tee of. heaviM~ platina. Perfect wofbn. .hip .... eltIJ u!lIte,d-:-lRJl. assurmjE 10111 and' ..tiIfJi.. A__ artICle of Illverware marked . . . . _~-.- ...., .I«ted withoac funlaer inYaltiptiOll, .


.. Sold. byleadiDi dealera ~w.... e-L· showm, all pattiiDa. , .


• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0

,lJ£~~~A~ _MJ~l~~J!

French Airman Rescuel1 F uu, Sea By Br€tish Torpedo Boat Pa.trol

l (. UE ,. AlT[NDANf'

;'I~ :)III.! .ir.. (tporg ~ohert.son ",,'rl" entf'riainerl ,'U0l11\ b Mr. and Mra. 1\'1)1 "ourtn(>y ..




[loys' ~nd girls' Se~ool Shoes nt l \leClal prt,C a Byman s.


f 1\ wing assignment w re mad (It lh' M thodist 'I)n fel'C.'n~c" \ hiC!h ill ill ~ession al Ad . hh : WRyn e~villc. H. '1'.. C<'>onlz; M{lrrnw' l . '. wtnn; Frnllklill. I' V n Wickling ; Lebanon. , It U. Fost .r; . pringbort" 11: l{ nei8l )' : Ilal'vny~ · burg. A J Wal k"r: Lv llll, ' II U, Moon . W A Wibn\..!If 'pl'lngfiul . wus appoint (I Ois lricl ,'IIJ)(' ~illl~n · ' d lit of the 'pt'lllgfi 'Id . h ~t rlct , Rev. J, A. Beull will gO to Elml' re, hio. Ap will be IlIIted lller is only a l'oupl e nf chang-· fo r Wurren County t.his y a r . · ' \•

1\1 rs . 'Stella 'henoweth, Mr anu MI' . P. I) . 'Iaget t IwillR W1Il'n III 8(:110 I. h 'II ~mlllded Millll, ~11 nt Sunday herc. {hl'i;-.J.:ue!;ls Thursday . Mrs Aile . Iolllla}, I1lnr illg {, . II hl'f in lhe ' 1. l"lIlRey, .1r~ arl.lh I ob!"rts . I ('\l() I . II 'on 01' 1.117·1 • pupils re Or nill' O!iteo 8th 21 S: Broad. 1\11~,!.8 l~mll Fog-bert lllld HenrltJitll \Sp nrled 1.\ ~tl'r thUlI thi'Y hlltl for . Mer" IlIQ }' • h . wa~.'· Le b' anon, OhPi o. . . ' . I ISl1me y"a~. ' 11m ' IIlll'i Is III t e , I . ' • lluntry will II L tart to s 'hs> I unlit I ' • , III OIH hnlt IS UEI \\' \ ~BV redlt t o 111Il!r. 01'1 UC : Oll ll of tile Inte ~eaijOIl !"Irs . l:!llpe Stiles, ahd ~18S Dora ~I·. and M.r3 .1 W, Rclwnrdll for on lht! Iurm. I Stiles ~pent unday III Xenlfl. RIVIOIt a ~eh hlful card pllrtv .. but I T!lE! tl' Ill';' I'S mploy('d for the ; . we a r lJIfOTlI1!,d t hat the . ~1J~e!' 1.;:()minR' .I",ar Hr rlvecl h're I c w~k. Mr. and Mrs . Raymond Davis w re Dorothy, nnd h.!lthryn Dokll1 uod IIIIIU /Ill UI t! rt!lIfl~ lor Ihe wo rk ahead guest.q of Dayton fri nds last week . Mrs. Emma M lure wer nlsn ho~t· of them. Mi:lS Ik'u lilli Kindler a r· i I! S $ •. I~I' '11 . ' rll' d, he r .f r OJ /,Jr' I e Ir' rllJuy Mr. and Mrs . J Lnwson nnd fam. Mr. anti Mrs. J ohn Bpach ~nter eVl!m,-,g~ MIllo" .}~ut.!I . I roba, '0 , of I ilv. of ovi ngton. Ky:. wcre gue.sttl "inel! Sunrlay at their home n WII Ulll) hlun . I\II-.N ~ter J{ ckey . of Sunday of 'Roberl Beckett and lami Unc le Eben. Rout 2. in honor of his nlilal dnv. Dl'la VIlI' and ~lle.g hlmu Hoberts. of l ly liS 111 ·thllt'li ,I III nwh' hull.i~ t snld I Jorrow . CllmEl. \o'rirl n.Y mOI' lIillll", Mi,,. 1 . I ThOR who (>l1joyed the ')('I:a iOIl wer Vil ·1(\ I·~ ' H· II . "lin ' ~tl IlH~ tiln H hn rUlls ~Jarj o ri.e Tu rn!!r. of B IIbrook, lind \\1r 8111 I •..1rs . "u 111 I"rice. of Xenia; Miss Hel 11 Cook . of en lcrville. came Mi s Izma Elthert. after a pleaaal'll IIII'IlY. I·:r h .. ,,"ty ,·,HII\I 1'1111 Oil ~n"u· M r , Alld 1r;;, Armstron~, ()f D vlon: . I I d h Mr. find Mrs Ludwig" and ' Mi s~ in Sn t unl llY mlll'lIinj{ {\nd Mi,;.~ Jose· yisit wit I re at i v~s. ret.ul'lle tll er H ne I '~ p{'PI{ 1\11'.t I) U!4 ;,!I)utl Il~ nil ";!i7.A!l~. of Frallklin: Mr . lind phinc AUidre v~ . of 'of.ln~'llut. arrived Kan II~ City. Mo ... Sllturclay II 11 III 1Il0ull >." ~Irs . Jam !! ' K trick. 'IItunJay C\lcllinl!; Miss Oorothy murnlll~. Ceha uel:, of Kentu('ky, did nol arrive . un~i1 'u ndoy even iI'lK· . Supply your underwear now und Mrs Gl'llCe Lillcoln Smith d lil1:ht. u)Jt Green has u(!ell III town for I save money at Hyman's. NatIonal PrIde Condemned. fu I)' enlertained.a number of frlf\nd~ the past two weeks. Kelling th run Of 1111 1,l n,l. fir pl'l,le , " ,,1,1 IIIIII01l1l 1 Pri!! !!v eVo''li ng in compliment 10 of his \'urk; and lilt ndin~ to th Mrs. Harry OOller and daughter. prilio III,' ""'"1 f" " llsII: It 1'1I11"'ti Miss l~vll D H·i .. who hua' heen the detuils l1PCeS!;a ry for Ihe openi ng of HULh. of Chicago. ure \lj~iLing hcr Clrppc',, ; It rU lltll t! J t.\ll " ll 1111( 1 ItI IUll'.chllrmi ng- I!lIesl of fri nc!. An~1 rola the s\'hClol~ mot~ ar Mrs tiestm' R ,billson and D·crllcr. t'VCR for a fo rtnight. prir.r to her (I . The llendanl:o ~lollrlllY in the I"llr tu r c fo r Bu.r1 i l1~t II. NI'IV .11'1'. ~y. itT.:r nt grnrlt:s wlIs: lHt gl·nde-·IL: other relatives. The guo ts incl uded Ml's. Har ryC 0 1'- 2d grade- F..l; 3rd grnde-·H: 4th e l·. of hicago: Mi Res Evo DIIVI5 . grllde-6 l ; 5th ,g- rl:ld -HZ: 6th grade Rev. Aaron S. Watkins having tE'1I1l Dallirherty. Mar.v oak . Mllr - -\0; 7th grade-31; 8Lh grad 20 othcr pressi ng engagem 'n(>! will not Iha Cook. ne~. 'milh. Letlll onn r. rres hllal~ n. 24; sophomor e. 11: junior<! be in Warren Cou nty next !:lunday The element of luck /Ias been with the all ies on m~y tTying occasions Lucy Emley . l(alherinll PrcnrlerJ(ast . IIlId senillrs . jW; Normlll-7 r 'gular s as ·advel'tispd . fiw'InIr 1he put fcw months. In onc of the recent engagements between French Mrs . Wa lter Elzey Ilmi Mrs . 'Eddie and , ev ral ' students from the bigh ,.ad Cerman atraaft in B 19ium. a FrCJ1chlm.n was clrivc.n out to sea where \ oo llard . .\it alrylaue ....... attacked lind damaged. Unable to r aeh the Belgian c.oast LN . Mill er stanlls ready to solicit schoo ltllking t!]Iet:ial branches , ibe .y&ltor wu forced to p1unll'e iDto the Sl:a. There. at the mercy of the The l,ytle sehool i. n~ f. Ilows: 1st. your patronage in the Nursery ~:)t()c1\ • .... y ... be __ picked up by a British torped'l boat in the very nick of time and The four classes of lh . Primary llrado- 9; ~d grade- lt. 3l'u gr~d~ - furnished Ly the Nllw Antioch Nul" II.... 1D4 emtor broaaht "fely to sbore. The picture shows the to~. Del)artment of the 1\1 E . Sunday 12; 4th grade-IO; 5th gmde 13; 6t h sery . i:l1:l boat lanltlq ....Ith til.. u."lane.. 'chool were entertained at a wator· gradeH. mel n party at the home of thl' C W. Barnett has I e~eived word primary superintendent. Mrs. F H . Not Speaking of Furniture. from the Kt'lIogg· ollins paIty. who varr. lust Thursday afternoon from Indiana. Water Melons drove a IlXOII ix from 8.t.iIIwater, lit ()o~s n't nec 'SlIrlly foU r thllt be- 2 to 4. The party was given as a New York to Waynellvil le a distance enu.s n chap lias whl\t Is i('rllled n I't'wal'd to the children for th Ir Fllncy Elbtlrta Peaches of 746 miles in four days. u si ng 43 . ma:sslvc brow thut his bend I mndo ot ~plendid work in rais'nR' the money Pure Jez:sey Sweet PototOl'S lI'a\1ons of gasoline and IX gallons of on~~ . for th ir subscription to the building Cabbage Mangoe3 Onions oil and having only tiro troubl e on fund f or the new church. Th e afte r · I the way, that th ey have reach c1 noon was plcu~ant l y spent 'with New Pan C"ke Flour home safely without even tire trou ble various games and music . Mr 0 New Creum Cheese M. on Wdg-e was' cllllud al'\d took a pic· the return trip . New Canned lioorls OET IT AT The gi rl~ of lhe Junior p ri cilia ture of the forly child ren present' The children W'3re es~ecially thank· club met at the h o~pilable country Chick Feed Hen Feed. fu l to Mr. Charles Frye for his kind home of the Mioses Mabel, Merle ~nr! Cracked Corn .WANTEO lI'aye l!;lIls on Saturday. september donation. a ,hig baBket of nice apple!', Moore's Gasolint> whi ch added greatly to the enjoy· 8th. The afternoon pa.'I9cd enjoya Moqre's "That Good Oil" bly with an accompaniment of mUBic. ment of the occasion. Mrs. Farr good man tor larm work . Ull\r· and Miss O'Neall were as isted by conversation lUlU various kinds of WAYNESVILLE, O. rled, auto drJ'v er desl red For Coal Oil Heating S~over. ' the Misses Ethe l Hosie .... Belen Mar· fancy work. tor.t·ber Informatloo, o/ln tho 0 ~lltern8 Thon the meetllllr WIUl called to QI" latt. Opal Gray a)ld Mrs. I9adora tf zellte offioe. Ward , . der by t be retiring president , Viola In order to introduce Clean E~B1 J ordan . the minutes read by the Soap in a few more' homes , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!! ' secretary. Irelle UngleBby, and the It js said that there are marly we will 8011 this week apple orchards in Wayne Township . ------IIIiII~---lIII!l. election for the coming club year look place: President. Faye Ellis' where the apples are just 'going to to CAKES CLEAN EASY FOR' 45c Vice-P re ident, Helen Hartsock; 2nd waate. It appears thut there is no Tin Cans. Special for a few davs Vice- Pr4!aldent, Visla Ellhl, Secre- market for pure cider v inegar, and tary; F'loramond Iteer!. as most of · thelle apples are down· at 60c dozen Dainty r efreshments of fruit and falls, little use can be made of them delicious cake were served and soem Bring us your Chickens. For except for cider vinegar. Youn", m ." mid girl. See your cream weighed, tested, and get the guests departed to meet with J;'riday Morning. ' we will pay It looks like 110 shnme to sce these have enroU.d h era (or EUienia Whitaker the. second Sa~ apples going to WastA, but the farm· l!1e. for Hen5 and 2<tc for spring olOnoJTl\phlo {lnd book · your check while you wait. Then take keeping co ....... thl. tens . u,day of Oc!obel'. 81'1 BBy t here Is no help for it. Chickens, C8sh or'I'ratla. Egg In r(! ord·l.)ft!nk tng u um · your. check home with you. Members and g ae!lts p'resent '!Vere. Market firm, call U9 wben you --~ e r. II enll.. th 8ul",IU MIBSes Irene VniJellby, Marie and have a lot to se ll . olferecl trained oOle" workInez Rich; Viola Jorda.n , Martha Lu. ora and lhe OPJ)Ort.unltlel ~.A nre unprac: d cul~ . It pavs to t rade at kens, Vesta Ellis. Mar.tha Deatherage Y()U CIl11, comnHmCe lL .Helen Hal'taock. Elsie Ertel; ,Flora(10Ur8e h en8. a.n y tim e. Inat Harveysburg Operator at .Wayn~svi11e divIdual nnd vl(L.88 tn.truo· mond Ret.od. Mabel,' Me rle and Faye t.!o(l . Write tor Cree lIIus • Ellis snd Mrs. Albert Herres. .Cha~. Oray ehas. Crawford trated en tu logue.• Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Jones have .received word from their son, Robert, The House with the Cash who says he haB been advanced from clerkship to firs t sergeant of the school ferr Baker's and Cook's at 'C amp Grant, Rockford . III • and has Second &: MaiD. DaytoD, Ohio received his appointment as Quartermaster Sergeant. of the Quarter· master Corps, U. S. A'. .




At HomE'

Dr. Herschel Fisher

---- _..---





Late Classified Ads.

Yo_ Bros..Grain Co.









... ....---





Miami-Jacoba Business College

l. A. laNG CO., .Union City, Ind.





.... •



road comfort complete satisfaction - they are not made to seD at a price. .And yet Savages cost no moretban ordir:w'Y c:8sings. ,

. . . .""t--.... -,

Sold througb our own distributors. V;le put the .. middleman's profit Iilto extra quality-:-HHeap big , .rDPe:!iPt ". Wa~h ~or the -red Savage sign.

9RrtlG6 ··· 1111£B . . H.~p big ~ileBge! J. 8. CHAPMAN . Waynesville '


LINE. Younce Bros. Gt'ain Co.• Waynesville,


_ __ c -




Savap Ttres are built 'to give mileage first. then

Look our goods ov r before buying elese"Yherc. Just received a (re h supply of BRAN, MIDDUNGS, HOMINY HARTS and , HOMCO-



In every layer of fabric. in every "it of :rubber...... peimeating Ute entire casing! No :wO,nder Savage Tires average so much greater mileage.


~OF.-' At a meetin" of the Men of Way. nesvill<e Exe ~ utlve Committee Friday night the proposerl strenuous bUBi ness meetl'lIl{ for the month af Sep· tembe r was dispensed with on the grounds that Lbe farmer had been Patsy Curren'. who iormerly lived havilljf troubles nhu2'n of his own in and around Waynel!villc. · died at with t.he hal·ve~t . season and the hi!' home in V.tica Friday I1fternoon . usuul 'busy prepllfation for t he on· The funeral was held Monday from coming winter tbe Utica church at 2 o'clock. In· There will. t herefore, be no meet- terment was made in Miami cem· 4 ing.of Lhe club in September, and etery. . . ' everyone will have the opportunity of enj('ying the month layoff from the duti s of community welfare BUY WHAT YOU WANT AT THE CAR ' work , and the anticipation of the . AND SAVE MONE'f' next meetinll on our regu lar meeting , night on October 9th will be looked forwurd to with audi tional interest. As the oy atel' seaSQn will be on in Mrs. Mary Wfst, (,f Wei&""lIle, and full blast in October it looks likea lire. Ellz'\be~h ,B llzley, of Flllr. big juicy oyster stew or fry would m onnt. Iud., were gneets of tbelr be about the thinI'(, with the usual brother aDd family, 18allo Wlllon, all. round good time among the tel- 'he pae' weok. Iowa. suppOI·tcd by all excellent pro,. Hr, aod Mr8. B, B'. Compton a'n d gram lind the best speaker to a,ddrei:!S 4auR'Mer 10. and Mr. and Uri. B. u s · tha ~ may be obta!na~le. L. Bog.n were gueuit. of Be'ber ' ;omptoll .Dd fBmUT SUD!!.y, MI .. Lelah , Bogal) ' tll mooh t'D. proved after a few ,d ..,. Ulnesl, Mr. and Mr•. Everet' aalne. baTe iOoS to houlekeeplng In their newly furnished hom,e. l:levellal relatives from here at We have in· stock, everything kept in a . . tended the Ballard ReoDlon WI!. first-class Harness Shop; , IIIlngtoD Salurday. . . t:amoel Willlon,'a enler,..lncl1 tbe fo)lowlDlllluelts !::onday lire: Mary It has been rumored in tht! last \\'''lIt , ~r• . Blllzabttb Hazley •. Mr. f ew days, that the land south · of and MN. l'uo Willon, Mr. and Mrs town, whicb waa , purchased a few J 06 Disbro and 4aulhter OoroU1Y. weeks ago. will be turned into a .: Alber. Wliion who b •• tbe ty. powder plant 1M rumor i9 " tbat phold fe"er remain, 'about the Nome the Kings have purchased the land, .Mr, .nd Mr• . Lee La:wrenoe ~nel Ilnd others say it is the Dupont Powson werefllmll:r goelkijuoda, of Garfield P,,'er- .:,.. .- -. . III!--~~ II!I..--IIII!! . der COl. ' Whatever it IB, notliing wi1l BOD and be aefini!ely known within 't he next Mri. ~9111e M.DD, .of Oallfornla, year, Ils ' almost all of the hind hiuJ Mn. MaUle eml~b l of Sprln8 Valley · been lI!aseq for farming for the com, and Mr•. ADoa Oglesbee, of -New ini ,year. . . Bnrlington, oalled 00 B'ther Comp_ .~ . ""--tOD SUDday af~rDoon : Milk Strainers, holds 1 gaJlon 'of milk .. '.. : , .'.... ,25c Mr. aoel liN. Luther B.iDBII enter'llned 8unday IIr. aad IIrll, Enamel~d Ware,..... , ., .. .. ...... 25c-20c-15c-lOc Cha~.. Laird, 0.( Oamden, Oblo: Dainty Cream Jugs ... '.... - .....•. ', ... .. ... , ... 15c Tom Jonel, of PI'IDnlylv&nlu . lave Cups q,nd Saucers; same old price ... '....... , .... IOe "n addresll as New · Borlington ,Friend's cborob ' Fri~ay. Bowls, large and deep .•. , .... , .... '.' .... , ..... 15c


---.. - ..---




. Earl C. Evans t ook n bunch of chickens to the Dayton F'air · last week and . as u6ual came h ome with ~t:veral ribbons and pome cash His winnings were 2 cock . 1 and 2 hen. I anti 2 cockorel, 1 and 2 pUlletll on Buff Orpingtons, 2 on R. C R I Re~B Earl has gathered together und I'aised' sume dandy hlrd"_ and hll 8 alWaYS on the job, and shows them when ver there b anything ill it (or hlm •. ln the 'way 0(' ndverti!linlt

Are You ADloitious?




1' .,



I Harness


.", ,

Shop .



R .•



----iJ!I . . THE Se, IOe

. ----.. 25<:



---... - ..--Seed Rye

Frank Stanley it! without a fa"m . home. Two weeki aiO he had 'twe . . Rood f!arms and bas dlspoaec:i of both l400 bushels good Seed Rye of them. Mention waa las' • week of the larp fatlii aDd liface OD hand, Get our pn~~ theD Mr.·dfQOMd of the. Yoimce Bros. Grain Co.


ne _1IIla...tIe. f . waa f'OOO.








Ladies' Cc;>l1ars, new and d~inty ... , ....... , ..... lOe Gauze Shirts, for Women .. " . , , ........... ~2Qc-,lOc Boys' Pants, a few left; just the thing for school .• 25c Candy, a new lot, fre$h and good, per' pound ..•.. 20c Speclailit fa

.. BIrpIaa


Whole Numb er 3445


Sixty- Ninth Year

in. Bold 'Silhouette Against p - MENTiirt-.~S-le-lntry, oNAL PERS ttrkening Sky,-St<Vlds Guard at Cam l








Led New Yone Giant . to National Lea~e Penna nt


Boy's sc hool Caps lind li>lts at ijyma n's.

.. ADELIGHTFUL SURPRISE PAnTY Mr. and Mrs H E. Hartsock of NEAR UTICA Cenler ville; enterta ineil Mr. and Mrs. HOrllce Wol· Mrs. Aaron


l~~~- ~~~l 'tlll r~,

cott alld Geor)(c Wissing- er. of DIlYton . at n deli"hlf ul dinllor lus t Fri ·

More than Aixty relatives . nHig h· and friends gathered at the bors .. Lel UR mokc thri RWCllt flf Mr. and Mrs. Harlll urvuy. home "lj om ~" to resound ." had near Ut ica. on Sunday . Septem ber ney an J Walter MrR. and . Mr .. Reg Is I. Hugh /{jdge. of Co. 'rllere is one ViRion thal never fades aR their g ues ts Sat urday, Mr. nnd 16. to lI urprise and remind Mr. Har· 'from the soul. Bnd that iM the vision spent Sunday at home. Mrs. O!lcar Cook. Mr . an.1 Mrs. vey o f his fortieth birthday. To say of fathor Ilml mother and ,of hom e. J e se Boomershine. Mr~ . Hannah that the surprise was a comple te one . g to dead Mrs. Mary Seal, of Har veYAbur Who ill there whose heart Is Lewis ami Maxwell 'tokes. all of ill express ing it too gen t ly. While the memorie~ 01 his ch ildhood days? ~ pe nt last week here wi th relative s. Dayton. th.. crowe! was gathe ring at the 0111 times steal upon us. quietly se Mr . Harvey W8S enjoyin g himhOll i] • making us young agllin \l ven amid th is spendin g a and Mr~. A. E Cll enuweth , self aL t he othe r end of his fa rm- it Smi . Mr Rulph Mrs. the din of busineSS and the whirl of few duys with rt'IIlLives at Wil mi ng of Route 1 hnu a family dinncr Sun· wou Id not look well in print to 8ay . , househo ld cares in honor of thei r son. J ohn. uf j us t what he was doing- but of day ton. 'fhe carewor n fare r elux s its ten· lu mll7:oo . Mich. I{o)' Ch(, I1t)weth c o urs~ every man has a 'rIg h t to look l{a sion lind the sadd ened bruw clenr!! (ln d Miss Dorothy Miller we re Way- lifter hi9 own interest s, and If his Buy your Blank etol n (l W and ave fOr n lime, all Borne well reml'mhered Cl'rn crup is being damage d I sup· nesville Iluests. ·!!. UYllIfin at mind money e Ih scene rll llh e.~ throu g h pose he has a righ t to protect It. brillgin g bllck the chil dhoud bomc NC've rtheless Mr. Harvey soon ap. lesby g Un Mr. and Mrs . Oakley and LHo loved flleell thut met· l.\round peu red on Lhe scene disn laying reMessrij . Mahl nn Hiuge find .Je'sl' Ih wi near Hllr l'evsbu rll. entertail,ed the dsily hoard le composu re which is supmarkab were Cinci nllali \'i ~J lo r" toll r l:Iu til n deligh tful ~ ull day eveniu g s upper It wus 'th is vi ~ i o n that pro mptee! l'hurlltl uy be sure evidenc e of a clear to posed the f ollowin g persons: Mi ss Web · conscience. Mr. J oseph Hawke to cOllceive IInti ster , Harry Unlliesby. Mrs . Heed . assisted lIy other m e rn ber~ of the Boun tif ul baskets we re unpacke d J esse Burlon anti Mllhlon Ridge ruul ' Bird, Irene Un g lesuy. 1··lora· much to the ~ nj oyment of the gen tle · Inmilv to s ucc e~sf ully execute the business in Duyton Mun mond l{e~d. Marger y and Evelyn men und children . Of course the obse rvuri ~e Illst unday of lhe 50 th trllllsac led Unlo( lesby. anniversary o f the moving of his dllY mornin g. women ate sparin g ly. A feature of hlthur alHl mother on lhe lI arrh the dinne r was th e cutting of a very Horn - To Mr and Mrs. La Hue farm . ~o 11111 1( thei r hom nm l h 'o f bir thday cake by Mr. Harvey Mr . und Mrq. Berl Hartsock. of pretty ~ manager of the New Yor. town On that da)' Ihe d l'1'cl'11l1ll n h Curro Clyoe . Ohio. ::; pLCmlJ~r 4. . Geo . Carnaha n- the day and Mr anti m fa a t natur· a ned very Lhe Xenia pi ke. entertai "Giwu," Joho J. WcGraw of I'hillil) un.1 Em mu CnllC' lt H R\\, ~' 1917. 11 1I1l u ~hL~r . their birth being the same. of year credil of e har s · . en his or f who in ally comcs ily dinn er Su nd!lY. Those whu enjoyed the day with ThOBe and for the splendid ' vi ctory of hi. teaD Mr joyed their h o~pitality were and hi s family wer e his Harvey . Mr Will . J\1(lh r. (If Uayl<," . w ,tS the in the National LeaSU" tbi. year. Th. Mrs J . L . Hli risock , Mr. and Mrs. venerub le mother Mrs. Charity Harth, Huluah born" MrH, "brought of bave uest g weell end ;:::a "Gianls" Archer Harl sock . of Dayton, Mr . ~.......;...;...;.;,;;o,==;';;:====:::!l~!1;:;=======----;:;:;g; . bacon" In th e form of a cb amp ion.hip Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shidake r. Burrle u :111(1 , llnP , of HlluLe 5 and Mrs . Fred Hartsoc k and family . vey, and most 8W5ation al .a· th" of one aftt.r Mrs AI Harvey . Mr. and Mr. . k. soc Hart natlona Huth the of <I!!s H Mi history the lind sonl in the Harvey. Mrs. Lou HarFrank Mrs o f night cr ee p o'(er th e hill s, the soldier begins to lI;,ame. sbadows the ",'/h"n difficul. Kind rremt Beulah his d I II of 'r sand l't spite In 1{0lJi Andrew M. J ose phine Mr nn'l "trs C. Mrs . Miles Brown, Mr. resllOll sibility of his duty. Darknes s brings its own dan- tiU. "Cbawn" I. a papula·r hero ii, and ll1g ir l) Mr , in Illn the ~ .) d II t. ler. dllu!{illcl' I·ft 1<'. "l hY f.\1 a Perrine , Mr. and "All'. Weill" of the sentry lias d"eper meaning. Thi. striking the Heber and Mrs. 'lnd wltlJ activities e aggressiv His fandom. . here • i'I ment "somew \' I ~ IL wilh r 'l a ll V,,1ill :-; llI'ill~l i 111 . Mr. and Mrs. ~e s "apped 31 n iij htfalJ show! an OUtpo st at encamp n, ya " Run him' won Cliff have Mrs field the on m ten his the where t, He is pa lrolin g nca r a comJlan y Itree .T'ni ted Stat es. lful 8urpris(l was given Rllymond Mulfll rd; Mr. and Mrs. iRh del Yorl! A New of hearts the in elace of typical II .cene The jlre preparin g fo r "1~p." and "lights out." Mr . ahd Mrs. Ja mes McC lure Thurd- Harry l~mley. Mr . and Mrs . T. Mc- . (, j r \, ,, sdwol Dr "'· l!~ f rolll r,9r ami IIy ...!.~~~aa bem IIcW IQo few kse· am.!?!. at _thI! ?0":. :rhe . ~.c~':1 re baa been cenlor<01i &D.i palleci day e v enin~ . The McClure's had Glade. Mra. Liz:r.itl!:i hidaker . Mr. and Ul' lit II ) Imlll't! been t o the fair. and I.he Mis1Iea Dor· Mrs. Leande r Carey. Mr. and Mrs. - ------- -took advun · Chas. flo er . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kathryn Uakin II UI"Il I-cl GlIstin. who l'el\r.h e~ sr.lloo l othyan dthe fact, Ilnd invited a crowd Pyle. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Wills, hag ever since been a of talte chunh and neill' Murnn,' . was home th o.) laller member of this church. of their friends in to surprise them Mrs. Manley J ameson , Mrs. Gilbert part of ihe week on account. of the Her testi mony was alwnys beauti. evt ninjt W6ll Jameso n, Mr . and Mrs. Geo. Carnareturn . TheIlno fa l!r upon their ~ltcious han. Mr . and Mr/!, Geo. Brown, La the hesrt 600." " right from W6ll playinll: in spent· f ul her prayers v,ery and her misslo,l'tary zeal were . erved . Vern, Robert and Kennet h Roser, ents refreshm light J ohn Chenow eth. of Kalama~;o. . Henriet ta Sabin Collett was bo'r n great . At the time of her death she Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Berrha and Walter Carey, Martha Mich , apent thc week · end with hie In Wonen County . July 4. 1850. and wall preside nt of .the Mission ary cir. Wilson Edward s. Mr Bnd Mrs. B. Pyle, Otis Whitak er, Joe Chenow eth, Chen· greatE A. enjoyed Mrs. parenta , Mr. and depa rt ed this life in Wilming ton . at cle in the church. She H. Kelly, ¥188e8 Ada M.lchene r. Dor· Myron and Kennet h Brown, Zula, the for Fair County Warren The Mr. Sar~ owoth. the home of her eldest 80n tlarry Iy the 30 years pastoraU~ of Christia n fll'llt time for 'several years did not othv and Kathryn Dakm. Henrie tta Harold and Archie Harvey , Emerso n .. She had a beaut i.ful eptem ber 4 19 L7 bein" 67 year~ gen~.. and In fact. thtl McKinsey •.and Mesal'll J. B. Pe1'!ce, Emley, Velma Perrine , Donald, .Doreven with all o f her many have a rainy lCason; spirit Fred Hilrt.'\oc k, of tho Way nesvill e " . . , the Emmor Bally, Chas. and Wm. Mtch· othy and Gladys Runyan . Irvin Multhrough all ideal W8S r weathe Natiollal Bank. attende d th e ~ll\te and 2 mOllths old. iShe ~IUI the eld cares was a great reade r_ In later ford , Ethel Whiten ack. Bl!88le and eneI'. warm and ls morninl cold 'The Bankers ' A s~o ciation at Col\lllluUS e~t daugh ter, of . Arnol~ 1 . al~d Har· years she s uffered so often from week.broulI'h Wayne Shldake r, Loren and Wilbur good. in out t the peOPle her last days en. last week. royally Hunter e n. Everett and Olive Carna· Jameso Gertrud tlet Wilgus Sabm havmg oul hved all nervous prostra tion . Durin&, Min ban. the tled ao much Iy numbel'll. Thursda y was ~he . membe rs. of her famIly. T~e sickness sh e appreeia es- tertaine d the "Willin g Workers' han and Gladys Harlan. was it as llce. attenda for day ner Phllilp Hawke who neices three the her 8~ttle ~s of Clm- having wilh Owen's church and the Light Itev . S. A. Beall Bnd family I ~ ft :;abl!~a wer(\ pIOneer efl'lt:len t nurees, timated tbat the attenda nce on t his Class 01 ' Class of Ferry. Septem ber EI· ton Coun ty and the WII.gus of· War- were trained andand at Be1lrers home new .. thei for 9.000. nearly Monday , was ion day generat Ann. . fourth Alicia and to the third .beautif ul· n miles ren Coun ty. Her s~hoo hnA' WliS from Christin e. Ann,her constan tlv, and It is a lamenta ble fact th at people 12. 1917. The house was ,athere d in the grMe on the old mOte, Ohio, aboul eightee Wellma n. MilS' who ..yas with Workat Willing school th.e with ~ountr~ ed t!le decorat Iy the to s .. product Toledo their from take thl' not farm to talk over and live over rren Cn.unly. and . admlmst.ored so C&reililly. patient~y do nty fair like they used to do erl' clus colors, pink and green Wa , hIp Towns ~e oldon day.. F'lfly-ono of the family g f or a anitlov inglyto all her wantB. Rhecou thia Yellr were almost crepe paper. Elliot Williamson and Mrs. Elizabe th Fee, of 'Detroit , In l:Iar.vey sburl!', attendm and6Gr eiatives alldfrie nds, totaling at.Dela felt t.h at she would not recover and The stock Ilena ~ Wesley OhiO 11?Je short two or week a g house was not RUMel Murray deba ted against Ho· spendin round· is tbe d. Mich" to deserte d n a. durcall. and .the to right. ed all be I'e8pond " 107. od, v.:are • S he lived at a perlod .m the said it woulddays often repeate d, "He filled and the exhibltB of all farm mer Rosell and Nevin Williamson on Sherwo Wm. Mrs. sisler, her with to long and ul deligbtf a ,ether 8pt!nt hIstory of Ha~v.<!Y9b urg before many ing the last the Aubject, "Re801 ~e d, That shoe and olber rela tives, . fltill waters. " truek wa,q very small. be rememb erl'd day . of the old famIlies had ~oved ~~'~y. leadeth me b eside therElCall a ra more useful than -neckstrings were s ground the on fakirs a The and gs life, her greetin . " After (lordial It is delightf ul to There was Iota of laughin g \V h ~n t ranspor tatlon faCIlitie s ties... and coined they lind . enou"h us numero pre. 8cenes well many how aocial hour during which When Orlie Sellman , who lives on from :oday. so that. a a consolation to know lffer~nt d we,re over the debl!.t~ _ . fun and av and us Hathaw took Ed that Mrs. thing r and Mr. Anothe 80l"oe money. past, Savior the her lIIeet to ustful tr Ilnd inciden ts from and ~.~weayl or place south of town. I>ared LLe:;;;;:m III n::rf7 ::: a center =--; ream c rr~tal ice . debate Colum'tJtIsinuVll. !lelghborhoo back to boyhoods fair days was that} Alter the loved us numero the with be alad: othe rs sad. were related and Mrs. B Garner, of and the p8Sture Tuesda y and to closely went ed all of aSllOCtal was of Mr, Itself . . She Too bad- cake were served and games IJOrtrayed. d.inn er was announ·cOO . Ohio. were week ·end · guest astride an unbrok en colt. he peo· ones R'one on before and' to dwell "Cheap John was absent. ped um j younlf or y took who compan Those largo . II Ith W played were kinde ay. him Hathaw see W, eye. F. s pre· we can. in our mind's It is unnecessary in our de!!Crip tion and Mrs. little Imagined how bard It would be pie; .tbe LcFetra s. Mac~ys, Stouts. there with them in the mansion article to the part in tbe games were. Missel Mae for he r forever and furever . 89 he added al1Clther bunched for to linger here, for the tltalwar t him to stay all ita back. Tbe pared and Mou8~r aders Mary Cadw~lI Taylor. , Lucille Nedrys . Wright. A'ntrlnls them taught O wh' MI"s V1Ida McPher son, already long list and • ___ _ _ Hawkes present witness ea to the ex· began to buck when he felt the such colt have du;! Helen they and and Gladys o~heril, many Riggs. three Nellie past all ott for a quarter . ceiling of the ~omen of the family in music in ourschoo.1s for the to much o meants load on his back. and when It and extra t,mes Kemp, en good Hel , location Mouser The racing W8S goud every day of Filer, Maude the clllinarY art, A little later in the yearl!. startM in her new Miss. Rae. Alice came down stiff·lega-ed it threw Mr. k, Hartsoc . Marie another good one some { .. were O~IO there field, and Waynes fair. at the w~ek, day Mr. Joseph Hawke lIresidin g. a laat . qertrud e Sellman about ten feet In tbe air, On. No~ember 18, 1 'G9 she was horses entered . . Particul arly "'11Mth e Hunter. Lena Thom8S Bhort program followed: Mes.~r8 . S. at Har· llett Nellte Hunt- He aligl)ted on his hip and It was Co t !Are. Rober Guy. to Mar~ mamed Hunter. Mrs. , three he T Frazier E. J riday. f Mrs. on and racing good L. Cartwri ght. C. T. Hawke. Stanley Mr. th 'Fee, of L>etroit, and r.,r. ·veysbu rg. the Re,v. B Bedell •.of. the Esther almost orushed . He was brough t to .Mra. II:lhot, Will . ia M err the malle and even ts were close. . Sellars. George Bewke , of Cincinn ati, I.!:lIzabe . town whertl nledlcal attentio n was ng. Messrs. offiCiati , Wright, Church Frank Mrs. Run . s Stevena Jonah. to vis: .• dark Ka'n e, almost , of Mulvan Patrick FranCIS Curren was born crowd lingerh. until son, given him. and Rev. Cadwal lader, when called Joe. Murray e~e w,h William , Nevin KanslIf , on. Paopl to Thomps ~ent Carl They ille Oenterv at ' es _ _ _... _ ••,...:...._ _ ~rry Ire l~lld. M!lrch 17 ••ee tbefinis upon; paid Ii merited tribute to the ited with' 'relativ Thompson Wadsw orth, Elliott Wil they \1v ..d for thr!!e years. 'lhelr at Londonddied at UtIca. OblO, Sep. They 1853. and • aplendi d manhood and nClbility of S d ._ there. born Frank was Messrs Harry ~on Murry Russel liamson •- 0 charact er of Phil lip Hawke and ~poke un ay 1917. aged 64 years, 5 Firman Will I!:Ili~tt Wright ' came back to Harveys bur~ where tember 7. 21 days. HI'! emii'ra ted and months wQrds Of avpI'eci ation .of his 'd evoted in d r\l8id ey Th born. was old Arn laken Mouser, H~rryStevens was Oscar Hadden DogeU: Georgia MisS a indeed was who wife and 1.87l. faithful and a year, thtll1 wenl from Ireland about April5, Roy Rosell. Elmont Snyder. Carl y 'ill ~"riday at bel' bome. but It,,bllllon fo r about homeste helpme et. and of their deacem.lanta suddenl lld at the e!even days from . t.h~t time ar· to the o,ld Collett at Wright. Laurenc e Kemp. Homer d improve greatly is\ n conditio her of lad a Just wbC\ are with us today. In the Woods," which was r!ved at,Portl and !dBln43. "Hole Batill' the to , Homer Hosell, H'~rman much Thomas time. present the in that live . Bow beautifu l to so e!ghteen years w!tb th.e great Atlan· life. her of rest the home Argus Taylor. Harold Filer, bel' Taylor, really . friends. many her after years familY and commu nity faction of 80 many of the IICOr~an separatl Dg hnm from home where here was It Hunter Romo imd Claude Mlurice M. E. CHURCH " arlee alld call one hle88ed . raisE'd , a nd and f riends . RiggB. The ri'zes were awarde d Boy's school Suits Sl.98 and up at Gollet ta were born and family of t residen a for Sun'duy. SCptem ber 23. bt'came s he Mr. Hammell read .a poem "Uncle Service 1876 In were _ e remaind er of this . that ay c 00 : a a , m. Preachi ng un Phillip' s Farm" written by her late Hyman 's. Ga r, Maurice Dayton, Ohio and in Octobe r ofMontHatt-ill, , Howard born: recently held , reUhlon At the Zell i4~n in the busband . George M. Hamme ll. services at 10:30 a . m. and 7:30 p m. and H.obtlrt and where all the cll il- year be made allPlicat Dayton. the " .l!ounty CourH or natural iza at KII~are Park! .n ear. A perman ent organiz ation' WI\S gomery death the p!l8tor, Rev. H . T. Coontz. After The:new eared. ; were dren and the ~o Marlatt tribute l Helen The MIs!les . papers. These papers weI e followm g beautifu perfect ed, by ele ting Geo. W. tion four and preach at both he t present .Kelly. be will Hattil sistur, her of s~ Mi (If , ·pupils Hawke, presidl-n t and Mra. J C Ethel Hoshler . former· !lomme-need children of the latter were ever Ileal' granted him in Octol\e r 1884 by the memo~y of Mrs. Harriet t Lincoln The public Is cor· . services these by Court. Since who died Februa ry 5th. ~as read Probate ounty . Hawke aecrela . y and treasur er. who Huth Hartsock, have W8~e!l were Invited. dially there h Althoug heart. fier artist, ed the 8e~retary of the reuhlon . a copy wgethe r will name . thu time and their piano study with the. of fami ly and fanti , still t!t,!t · tlme ~e bas been a resp-:ct cares many Dayton of · Ditzel;' Waynes A to .ed enry . forward was . and a residen t o~ whIch place for the next meeting it was a ha ppy life with the large clhzen of thIS county . ST. MA.RV'S CHlIRCH vII,I!;. and is all tollows. . For 60 years the Harris farm has of Warren Co~nty . CoIIl'tt the in and children of family Olive .MIs.q and Allen 8S an org~l1!~a: ~. family, 1 Mrs W. ZeI. rh~ . mar. was he . 1SHI •. 24 tb Sunday after Trinity er been tenan'te d by a membe r or the SI.xteen Decemb On . theIr Sin Holyoke Col neighbo rhood. It WaS a great place Ada Larrick and togethe r hon, Wish to el!tend to you .your ber 28 . . Sunday 'School at to Hawke family, For a third of a Allen left Monday ·tor Septem rled and gather to people ung yo the for there dear remaIn ill a home, a spot of eartb cere sy~pathy In th~ loss 01 . century Phillip l!awke . lived llpon it ,lege Mrs AlIen:wbe m. Mornin g Prayer and !lCr.joined by her the father and mother were alwllYs they made Morris Cook, who has been laid up 9:30 a. mother . EVllr patient, tender and sweeter dearer, a and was succeeded by his son Geo. this week and will 10:30, The ·pnbllc cordial ly at was mon them to which ' d d delighte She Ipraine . a rest with tho Allen . Who will younlf' with kind. she I.eaves to her chll~ren, a for several week! which in place SI rest. to tbese aervlce s. the all invited W who in turn was follllwed by his ·husban d. Mr. W. H.l Banker than pot s and ' again Home. work to l~Olest " s' Asso- to live in this e of love and fal~hful- . ankle and who went Io~' Ronald the prescllt occupan t; 'a atte'nd the Nationa Laura Varner dwelt continu al chE!erfulne91 and goodly heritag care. which poem doctor's a e quote unde'rth we is week. ~eek. this ne,(t· can Cily It ; her, of Atlanth at Trulv. eiation lite whose ness ~o dp tv. tribute to bolh landlord and tenants a reck less driven Ford Reed wrote- and sent to her after a affection, a blessing in for It brings be eald. None knew her but to.lo~~, the result of elee can 11J1 provin·jpl.- possible for ,the long ten· thing plar.eno 1904: March in hI/me the "Dad" was a to visit a owner. left prau!t;i MeGlur~ to but James her Mrs. a~~ and none.p Mr. bel', par Of,all both where heaven. fl\mily naUv. one its aocy of to earth . . ' young heifer a,long the road" near ati, where MlIlnl9 L. Legler, S~c.: y ' tiE-II to ttie contrac t are. fair and just Sunday evening for Cincjnn the windR of the. wood whis earthhl music that which reaches "Where in course the Nathan Jones place. and he saw a take will e McClur ....... Mr. ap· . ed suggest , Th'e ' sinking . slin fart est into heaven is the be~tinl leafily, pers car coming from the rear, and was a COJleg~ ati Oincinn t1)e at ng mbalmi ... sep proaChi ng night and reluctan tly the branche s 80 of truly loving hearts. througn sigh Or y probabl will They the heifer ruillht be run over. inlr. afraid Embalm of Ilratlon followed ( hut with hearts Tbe,dece88ed WIiS loved by young and threw up his hand to etay the bare. After weeks. six . sbl.ut perform gone In b8 pride of tOC?k he memory for the old with ~~d so camp .r;nade warmer machine , but when be turned around their return Mr. McOlure will aR'ain Wbere the hos~ of the snow . thinll:8 precious ,tbe~ on !e held.. mg' the duty which l~ome men look . stealthi ly. father. bls with the machin e was upon him and bit on profeS8i hl~ take!1p ance l dls. a from l g cheerfu followin being . The of the meadows stretch gr~nly lightly upon, that him, throwin g him con9ider~ble disOr haS heart Hawke .. light R I)ia F'ew farm practicE!& pay btltter for and pleaean t, and were ·present : Joseph fair, and tauce.ili front of the machine . and at church al Epiacop s Andrew St. e fawill. continu arid' will and yeard in long lived .... and 'J amea B. Hawke labor expend ed ' than Beleeting arid tb" rattle had he worlus stop rushing .could 'the driver Where was reo before thll ~one ' has He . regards our of Bellefo ntaine. Ohio; Jesse L Washint(ton, C. 1;1., . which has bE-en in live to com In the field when the ~rop ~ The leg. his bustle run oirer him hurting . Bears and family. ot Sabina; . Ca'rl cently sold to th~ diocese. far. 'fading to his other home; a. rich man, for what dam. ~ ready to gO,ln the shoe". Y,eldll see to Ilounils. stop not dream did Seem. driver b 1 1 ' Cen· New 'Idl the b of . the 'lU1d meeting flrot mantlcd dl& The ke l e ~f 'Hawke and wlte, Raymon d Aa,w only what we have wrough t into our lind faint: th!' age was done. 'but came on as fast as mdicate that an increas f~~ 1l~~ .. 11'11' on e! can we ta~e a~a~ tury club. will be with Mrs. Walter and ·s on Charles, Mrs . .Clara Roberts , er c~aract , ~nd one· half busbels per. acre ~hree rustle. to able wing a not .hear W6ll YOIl"Dad" quiet and So , COUld. Rev be rector, 28th. its ber :h!~: Silptem ~t: Horacie ' Marquill ... and wife, U!o :~~~n~ us. By hVlng in harmon y Wit Chandle r. Friday. d. AS it takes but alx bush brlnll' see tho license number 'o n the ISIobtaine d In work . Stands t~~'old home. low ceilinged WIth. d from day ~ day, he was able The membe rs are r~ested to cotton to ' p Ian t f rom . .85 to 40 ae,:" a f Brown and .family; of D~yton;!r111 David, i1\ engage G9 ~ ell qUlllnt, laid and be n-ltUng y or n probabl yarn lml·ng·t·o of will WI· He bl·~· machin e his head o W' th bo that much .... eany b in ton Kevs nd family Qf CentervIlle . among . t h e tr~"'ps. d"'~ k I!ase to And there filII Of mias.ion and motive, w . h.lthI per.feet uv for ~everal weeki more. I~ Is corn and a man can INlect a. that, at ~ .",,1' ose" au t~an thei' may happen t. have in 01'- up seen an ·be wl\l n~ it' IIIC daVi 8St and ' family., GeB . Democr at 'a IS .. in . seed In. rUDs. St1ltlley Sellers t.iver. internal deep no a .lIl! are calm there Yet t . . der ~hat Instruct ion In knitting , may though ~one. be WIll com· Thy no corn, Larrlck~iind wife, Walter L a r r i c k , ' words, of trfu) p~le&large and present the -.eyed r clea. h, d.v.:ellet gooda She be ,glv!'n or r eceived prepara tory ~o juries, . wife !lfld d'8Ull'hte~, Phlllip Larrick, . Lay in 'y our ~uPJ>ly of winter s. Colan OF T1UNKS field Is too amaH to warran t neglect " -. _ .. , VISioned , the wblah to HYl'la~' at work money Crou sllve Red wantl tbe o n. ' f ' d of this matter. Alttiou ib thdarm el' I d sI t tha k tl ' wife and d.aughte r, Stetson . Mary Henriet ta. the mother of sons. year. n 1e many nen s club will devote Its time tbis o re' e. . I~. busy in the fall. he . Ie ueually . Hawke and Ada Curran. of I ebanon; • --. ' Carrie W. Allen, Pres. lis ed shower bave who l'P neljthbo and ' It , .C'.eorge Hawke ,wUe. lIOn and sister. met she but busier In ' the 8prtn~, 'when crib blow; hard . It was a . • _--IMIlection 18 r:eIIOrled to. . otk,lndnllllB and Mrs. George M. ,Hamme ll, of Cln· only daugh• .wlth so fl.lany tokens her wh'en e fortitud with 804 ..... . at the age 0119 and sympath y during- tbe BICkner8 , ·elDtl8t1. 1897 in died tel' __ • . buaban d. We have a large supp~y of 8gJIln and again she was Called upon death of my beloved Ada Curren . Mrs. Gar water.. deep tbrough p~ to of kinds Nt BLOCKS on hand, CEME We are buyin g 'all Ooapel .of ahlft....n.... • -- • ·th •h f C died In 1899 at the age of 19. In ' very the paylng are' and grain Leade!'; , at a labor baDqUet. labor A , any Wl II D8 ~OU father, the umls. or . an husband her . . 1911 h .. . · last the After dled. Ihltue tia_ "DoD't be him, d called 481Cr1be she your will t to hIghest pn~ t e marke of amo.un t-will make ~ Reiula r 'commu nlcatlon r IbIftI...." .. a!d. "DoD't jalD tlaat of the 'psrt build, to Iivec:t she ed ex~t you mention If date order. will 161 we No. ber, Lodre Remem vllle WIQII_ allow. [ ....t talllllJ' of IIh1ftJeet _ p ........ her boys In Wilmin gton. buy any amou nt you have time wltband F. &: A.' 14., Tullday evenlnl r d on't f a it to . conSL'der u r ce- ~ &OiPel ~IDI to be: .. _ _ _• , . . York, C. N!w F, the Ie In GraDYll Work t 26th. lber - nd r of tb .;)8pteJi f , U\Q a1IM; dttlt _ It would, lMt ddllcult to toll when There will be a meetlnJ a ment blOcks. .Call and see ~ JIIet7; 'l'UeiilllT v ......·_ aDd lamb ale In rQm .one POU . ' .2Jl. up, Club at the ola 8ebool .,... Sojourn ing brether n and s' Mother tn .. OD f t . '1Irl l, DOW certaln Ida,: w... WtdDe ~on CO c:on:vw her Grain Bl'OI ee YOUR eordial 'r welcom e. vIIltfna With bla any time "come. ' of laitorl OD , Har, . . . . . • FrId· about.h Dext WOft7 g bot bnlldln •• was be . . a 01.1oon . °iU . a 1874 In n~ but 8108. 0-.... Co. youth. D. L . Crane, W. M. . A • •• ' erlni _ ..l~~=t.;~bo joined ' v ~ Uldotb ... ofllceri bl'tlltIYrr. 11M" ead.llhe e. " hOmest old Qay" tbe In .ttled L. A. Z1mmlml~. Sec',. for ClmPI .aouneeW.~ 0!Ib.. • Ran Baptllt CIIIIIt. teet with Use . U. M. White 81) ' nt Sunday wi th "ong of relative s in Uuyton .








---... -.0-- -


---_._ ..---











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Cement Block.



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1 1\ 1,1,'It',1 -1-11 lit 1.1. '111'1'. 111'1.\, J")' fUlly . I .'1 ,1 1I,,:i,\. !til'} \\ lU'1 11 ... ·r I I 'lln .. " ll Ilw 11/I 1'k lll}! 1,, \ \ :lrdl'lI Ult t "1." '11 r ' UP ' I II" f1 '01'," .1 Hl"lh' "I'd i 'l'l'ft. " \\." ('u n't ItJt II pr ""t:lY tllt'll! lIt1y hHt){ ..


S ee

AI 'you "uing It) huiltl' !1 !1arn'! \ rc \'UlI t:uin ' II) b u ild n t:llr.:t ~!'l'·?




).;'o ill)!: ttl hlli lrlll linK l't:'n:

Are YUII go illg l o h u i hi II P(lll 11 ry 1I 11 11 ~ !!?


"rrfH l t1' t W I' h t'l l ,'r "P" 1(' .. 1\(' wpn' t 1·tl1ne .JIII h~' .Ill ">"10" 1",. " I) (1111 II II Hk ·


ell t ll'n lnlll'IlIJ'. "11 ~\'''U," II HlulUl' to 1/(1 t !.Jll t ,11l~ 1'O pl lllll l n~, " I ";O> /I[ · for ' l'nlllll'"," 1.1,\'Ilu !'('!'lied. i " " li n t tl0 I ('111'(' ( _)1' 1111 (,I ll '\lI h' fi lJlIr Wl1l'l1 lilY froot h\ ~ I..::. III tlJ1llgll r'/ :'l hl f4hun't ",tuy 1111 'n' nnll.hf' J' WlUH10 if 1 ('..u n Il1'lp It," S lit- t rit·d tn I ll'y tip II boonl 11' 1110 I",.· 1I111-:l"' 1I!d f< " " "rtf l:' [ J("'lI l '~I I 'd "I ,I'( JlI",l.". till,.. sel 11 1111('1111'.... ( " 'r"I Il. ta:, (l 11 1,,, . f""1II HI! , ,1t! I1 I'1U . cbu lr "'hit'li lut'! 1~ln" I,J" I"'IIJl't'I'('d t h.'


At last ,"Ill

Ill ~~ I11 ~ :-'1'11" .' , .. l!IIc kN't',1 11 (1 ". :,,, . !,

1\ r fl l l1 t


mlJllted d"g ,,"o u ltl Cr t'r lo ll \ •• " , ed It 88 A 8U1Il1n Oll :< I I I IH '( ·I!.


ooytblni! ~"

"Not yet," Jim I'!!pll,',\.

"\\' 1, ), ,h" 1 ,

1'00 try s loglug th roll,::h II ",,111 1, " "I meant did you hl1nr ' r \ ~ l'!"


bark '"

UNo, ma'am.'·

"Then 8be'8 dl!'HI." LUt'lIe 11('111'1), b roke down. 81te ]()()k('d Il re'"I1,1 f or a bo80m 00 wh lrh 10 "'('Pl'. loU I ".

1 11 11t

111I........ U


~ ('n l'l1 '


n nt)Hlt n rh HI

plH." ..


il .. t.' \ t n 'IIII IIt .:t


"\Y hl"lIu," r.11I' 1I ~ (',11111111111111'11 IUl'. I "",,~I'(1. J O"flll 1 II "ll ~ , hut ""Ihl l,;< 11101' • ' oT"k u l' ",illlI,'lI n", ' h" 'l rrl": ' r.u it mI ght l u\ ,'(' h" l' u H:I,' IIIJ.:, " " ·"It uu lli YOll ~ell 111(1 \\'hll l'" o r IIw ll' "yr ," or · "Do"', J.!!I'" 11 (1 tI ,t' ~1I 1 i'." "nll tll1 ' l 1\,' 1.. 'l h 'r 1I'1I11'f" ( 'II I,lnlll r pl'lllll H \\'II~ 1111 '.'llrll",1 ,\11 \,1><'11 1\' ot Uw 1"111111111 pollr),.

belweeo aptn1n Pc rl' hl~ 11 11(\ .r Im, flIHl Jlat tJptOed ClOWnSlnl1'!l 1I\)'~ ,e rl " " ~ ly ,



"Oh, my poor Tootl .._"



Lt you tried oS'!1J.n," 8ald tbe captain to Luelle, "tbo pup mlght h epr you. You dldn' t whlAtle very 10114 the lint time." Lllclle whlatled agaln w ltll a eons ld· erably more audible r esUlt. W e nil llIteDed. Tbero 'faa a taint wbh)e nnd Il abort, WI'I), bllt distant bork. I presume that I WAI tho m 08t 8\1rprlsed pers OD in the pa~, " "There aho 111" Vida doolurad. thoqabt UlAYbe. ~be Willi UD bere."

I 1,,, ·1l 11\, IIl1t,illl' \' 1'"111'.\ 111111 ,1, ,1 IIU ' OU II'I', >lI'Jlpllll: 1'1 wirl·IIo ' t'w h 1'1111'. wll llulI L II I' P'II·""II,- J:(,II IIIr.: lillY 11\'1\t''''', "" IIt"~ 1.1 "'n' ·"'11'· wll(' ..r. " tl l"' III ",,,1 T o v l fcis ' f O.... I (!l· 111" th'r, p l1 :~7.II·tl, I,ut sUit (!t'IN'ru JIIC 1, "K, "f'p 01\ 1111tl1 ynu

T II'I)[I1II8 Or r,


W . 1:1, \Vlll ill Ul so n V II, ,l omes ~f o. 1 ~1I11 IlIkl'lI til' 1111 htll III1H II ,1 07." 11 Cllrr eo, m o oey on ly ; IiUl on n toloimed of I ll" "" :I I',I~ \\ ' 1"' 11 111 ,1' f ( hit ~lIl'l'lod $ \00 and interest. from IIIl' I"'.. ' " Ih"' I' 1'1'11111 0 11 wlo ll' h T Proceedin~s "'liS ", " rkil ,),; Hllr! ",1'lIc k Illt' IoUl l r"c!<s la LO Clls V ~ . St\ U1u o l J llo k s on . whkh 11'" , 1I1I 1I1'r! (\11 I hl' Il(i ll'" . 1(\1'. Del l u d,~ ut havlug se rvtlcl thr ee ~'I ,t' IllI lI " If(, t'"" " ut ~1IJ.: 1 1I. I'r~IStu ll"(>. m o n t la i o jll il is Tl v W d i- o l<nrgeu T !.Jo 1'111 "1 ' r 1""' 11 Illu ,'" I'nl J,; \1e, 1l 1111 j El owu rr! d eed v S. Fi rUlllu Kin g fi I ll" 'l\ r througb rul.b~ r llIt s llly, "Jul.' b· ' t1lhJl lni" trllto r This OIl Il~ O I~ conlIng W\l IT!..- nt Il(JLh lu,.; In Il)lr tkILl n~, )rol)lis~d Ilod dl 'misseil wIth o ut My Ins t recollec tton \\'u s of Lu cllo II 1 d . horror Al,'lckell fn co liS "h S IlW mo r eoo r , Iiln k lng frolll s l,,101 111(0 ttlt' "\11l1 ln In 'I'IlB l ;L1lmol F urn iture '0 v a .•I : "r n " . ,lnd 0. " lab oltls P lol n&liI _0\'111\ (1)110. r "'''!i1. G'"> My IIoxt l'\Il1Sc\OU!I r 'ulow!.Jnllll'u wn or tir ed t.., reoovo~ ~um 0.;> _ or Blttlug flll t In tho lo1ddll! or n I . d, fr III dertl~ld"nt!i . ' tbo lI\J rlugg of whlt-h Wl' ro !fuutl ~· RO'beeol\ A . MlIl or VII ., C. W . ood lJounclllg m o Ill' 1111\1 Ih, ,,," u ft-r U", ,Jnh'L M. fl eoders on . f bi!! ca uso 13 f.o811l ou or 1.1 ' \t' l 1111 0 w hl ·!.J 1\ trupuzo satUed Clnd dl~mi t!~ed . pcrfonn 'r hn' l dI'OPIl,'(1 fmm Ihe top John B. 'Vlle,'le r Dod Mvrtle of tbe t eot. .\I,m·o "'" n bllle 111 Ih' Wbelller, Divoroo Is g r~o t,(ld. cclUng. urom l(l Ol e W PI' t) dmnk . of Ago ot! 1l~ , Coo k VB. G eor q o E plRater ond 8plhltDI'>I or IlIth, (1I111 s it· Cook, Di vorco I:rtlnt.ed 0011 o u stody tI1J(; 10 n cbulr by t bo ",llIdo\\' "'liS .~lm, of oh il d is !TIIIIlD 10 1l1!llutlll' , Ill s m DIIUI OP~lI, w llUng It ll'rh'8 ot IUacriagc UCC1lsell find

11t'l'. "



InSURllneE Walter Chandler awayneniJ.le, o. , Qftr P .t ffiw.,.

om. ..... l1

A F.lnt Hinlng Sound C"me Fr<>m L II ' P k d L ' uc o. uoore tpO. ,," uy Ut \! • t in,' tJIIU; lOUH ! una wny, lIal' lng It, (\1<1 I nOt conccnl It III one ot

Ibe .rcces os of my bmln Inslell" or "olclug It tv nil? " Oh, my 1>11 r 'l'oo U('~. " Luelle \)c. snn ' 111('turtug

bcr llI' t u lT ,·utlng. "Maybe Hh o Is dyJllg or dend ulrea dy ," " WlJl ~ t1e a gnln." (llrcrled the cup-


Luclle mode se,'eral lu~lrcctual lit· temptll, but fulled. "1 cpu't," flbe d eclared. "I hn va to cry." "Lot me cnll bnr," I intcrpoSlod, "Sbe kOOW8 nl ," All a boy I used to be 0 \)10 to mnke COD8ldOru ble rocket by blow Log on two lingers h eld ftt the proper ongle In my month, I trled It w ith grat11ylng r eo IIlIlu i mus t baw beeu heord on the

s ho ~t,


Dr. J. A. McCoy,

oling ? . ... .. . , .. , . . ,' , . . ,. 'ee Madde n

. ~C('

~ I :Id cl\o n


. , . Sec

~ latld (, Jl


, , . SeC' i\ [ ndd l'll

WanL FClIl'c Pos ts? . . . Wa n t ' F;1fI1 1 Cates?

\'t:r~nda ?

II Wa u l;)

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dl m u "

Nt) II1 l1lt \...' 1' ,,11Il 1 .\'U\1 \\ 11 111 ,

:'4"1) MIl,I'..!t·n

If y o u (l o n't WDil t lln y lhin y al. n il, SEE MAIII1r.:

A8 Atl mlnlJLrnt or o r tho b;"tuto o t Klenuor .lI a.rIn LL, tloccl1Sod . UEAN E, T ANL&\" A tty . tor l ' llllull lr, :I' I Y-I O· IO- ~'




At Corwin. Ohio

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jll ~ l Ih l' ~ alll e


J . 11 . " EN e E ,


COlltc ntmel1 t.

Th hp1't 1''' ''1 "r (·"111 " lItrncnt I ~ Ihnl " 'II"'h I.. c on l,'nl l'" I'M 1"11:1)" ,11111 nm· h U" lI S t or 10 1111"'1'11\" , ('oml'lncerit Rut lsf ll r tl Ofi I II ,1 UII;!'I' I'OIiS Mil le ot mind Ilc rmi Rc It IH flllfll ' l l'I I lrllgr ess. Th c gi r l w h , wlIh <l1l t fr.' ttlllg nnd withou l dl "C'ont<'l1t, 1IIl'o ns I., !nnko tomorrow nil hUll l'OVCIlI nt on (qdoy hns the right Iden,


FRANKB.CAREy l Opto metrist Eyes tested free




, E.

V , BA~NHAI{r, NotMY Publi c

A ll klnr! .. nf N 'tfLry Wl1rk /It d OI'AIIt> 0 HJl"ul"l~v ,

.__. --- ---.--.



sha 111 )' III '

1_11('11', YWn , 1I0pp, l\ ent lin d tire Rn 8ell N. Hilyol e , tl1rm e r sod Cilptuill mur)o 0 r illi; " r fa el'S IIr01111d VIOlo Lewi~ , II th o f eJ llUlob8Bt e r , tho bolu 1.11 Ihu C,' c'llinl:, \ >hlo. Rev Geo r ge W Pbllllps , " Sl op bll rId 111;, )'0 11 (111m fool!" s bou t· De lbert Alle n, fn rmer of Ullnto~l ad til caplllin nr le r 11 mOlUont <.I " ot'll . !Ontll y , Oh iu Rn ll MBwe Archer, o f t o SUlrllClI SlIJ'IWI"1l lIy 1111 rollCC I11e(}. Ulark sllt1 lo, Oblo. "Aye, IlY'o, Sir!" l 'l'\lltcd .llm , stllu t· R~Y III O IHI ~' , Montgom erv , 80ldi H lng. Im d P eol l l"ue lltL Whltuker, b oth of mal.nlnnd. "-:I'hell It 1I'1I $ Il' t '1',)011!.'8 lit ull ." Lu· South L e b tt. o oo, Ohio. R ov. R B. The reply wo s hllwecl ln te-sborl , cUo WIlS o" orwb cl lllcd by /n'le! thllt Ifos~er . Univetll l , s ooppy Ilarks. still 1\ lOll!!, wo y orr, !.Jilt. ulI til 111<11'0 [Ivlf,'un llt \Jccuusc It Re I Estate Transfers very I't!II KSlIrt U/!, os to "I""r IIl1fl ri c. WUH hod been !.Juhl "tT HQ IOllg ill' b pll. a lig h t. "l'ou htl I'U to lI [l mlt WUL J im Is nil G eo r ge 'l nd Emmo Ke bold to OFFIOE: "B!.Je· rlglot n'"l~,· \l R!" Llldll! eylct! . &1.1 nrol1ud hrlg ht ~'O\lu~ fe llow," ti e· Cb ur les E, Moo re Plir' of l ots .Nos. "No, O\'N' hy Ihe Wlllll ,,\\', I ~I ,ould Comer Maln and Mill Streets clarN 1110 cnptnltl pl1, "(l1,1'. "IL aLD 'L ~O , fil , 1J3 arid 94 In Milson, Ohio, $1. eay," Rl'g UCll , ' 11111. ' barles R. C OWBn to J . Albert T....OII• • "Poor d lll'l ilt):, ~h hll ~ COI';,;ol l l"l . ho\\' ortell YOII ell u fillll 1\ 1I11( I'Ine CUIfIJ\cer sbe got Inlo ti ll' p in '('. 1I 1H I she t hi nk .. who CIlII cooll IIlIti cl) li S gOO)' \ 1111 Im l· (;owon t h e ' nudi vided ODe bu.lf· io ot 'l\ d flg os that" tereU In II, lot 0 0 Uo lnmbu9 Ave" ·Way....vlll~ • Ohio 80me on ~ J ~ l~t\e l ) illg Iwr coop It HII 1..111 rotton "But wh.I'," r 1b;u,1 thu !'1l11tuln w ith LebBooo, Ub I O, $ 1. llUrn S('. 1'1(,11 ~i.,. ~ 1 (\llly, IIl't·" "" II' hl ir. n molo"olollt u~'('-"\\'h r <.l ie] 110 IJnltu lO B en r y lIf .. Deoller to ISIlBO I!J TreoD t ill" :, ~ I\l' ,IIIL'" 1'l't'''lmbw ,1'<111, !"1l1 n t101{ lit Ihl$ \l11l'llcl1ln!' 1.IIIIIll'ul? \\,111L t ~ 9 Ilo r es 10 Ghm rorook IioWDSbl p , r III I lle ClIl1Re or I hl!; c hll"n ett'!' "t IlO.,· of $6600. a l!uulrt O IIu,l"I' II fi C,lul' ? \\'10 .,' Hot a Frnnk and Rutb Metoilif to J8am d OK o ut In t hu YIlI'll C hll ~llIg bl. tnl\ or M I!J vBns s m ull traot in Union to\vn n NcwruIll1cllu 1l(1 JlllP hUI' llig 1111 111'1.'11- eb'lp $ l DR. J. W. MII,.LER. meot wllh II dllllJlhln teti s h ' ?" . "Wby, lhl ~ wns n little \(11'[1 at my Adnm Bru0!llng to .heob Polm er ••• DENTIST••• own," HtlltC\l C'.all tn lll r crk ills lIloUcst. ' 4 8D1all trl10t m Deer.ti e ld tow n s hip, ly. "Whe n J se )\l1R/l (l reell wo" go- $ 1. , W.y~e.vlUe Ohio IIIg to), nil IIrollO hll If oolhlllg on· Mrs, Ruth Ann I:ItiU, to Clifford .Waynenllle. 0 8weret! when ll e whl Rtled I laId J im nod Gruo t:1t1 H 11 6.3U /l o res In Deer. there t o go llow lIstn lra nntl IU'l'te nd to fi e lel towns hip, $1 . t-IlITBB&-;,. r~.! bo the pup, j ust so's 811I" d f Ccl lIett!'r ." Mrs. Luolbtu Klug to J Q, C.. rr911 Auto equipment ~j . ·1-I..).R:~"'~4::-J+*TD~~IV':1t~T-....LI"""""" ( w/ln t to.k.u.o.n:; Mr. 1I1111110y," abollt 87 Ho ros In I:lu lem township, Hone-Drawn equipment H _ Pllolle 1\


'Ct! ~ laJdcn

~H~ :\ I IHI~ n


\V, N, ;o x ,.~. penl hy pl o illtlO'. W , l:l . H o pp iug , 'S F rnnk Bran dO li , 1ll " f1ey \lnly; Ulll tl uot ollllUled $ 11 20 2U With IlIte r esl,. B"rry L . Bu rd lng " . Io:II ?!lb etb W, U u O'onl , ,J IJvoiu I m e n' o f r eo oalve r e tc.

Wa nt Fel t I

Do Y

druuk,1l11" "'''lIn r1 n tll( l l! c ~ .

~ I:.'" Olrt' " d ,· o retl. n l'gtect

] )0 \' II

Do Yo u

:l, flod [) t; 1(' 1I ()l n ~. 1:'''1-: 11 0 \' 1r. Wm . It. ~1111 ('r vs. li lli I' ll MUler, h div o rce, wi l ful" S lt CI'. V.. rgl e 'fl vld V~. L.o l1l~ '1' \" I~ , ell. " ,)T UA

1 )0 YUII

' Ies ), . .. ,. .. " ,.,., . . ... ' ., ". \rant ::;'I ling'

DC! \'

nbly Iw r "til", 1'1 0\11 111:; ,1I 1f ,'I'P IIL ru r nfT, fiud w it h t llnl 11 :-4 H 1(' \ ,.,' I'I 'h'd III' 1I'Il' UAntl J\J'()hn lt1.r ~ lh~ 1~ )\(1111\1",,1 iu ot tl u' n f~.r lll1'; I lnlll'll~ III I h l' " III J:4 w hiL'h soruewhl'r ' nlh1 frlJ,:II1,: ll...·il. .. '~P lutl flxt4:'ud l'll lu""" .,\',' 1' t Ih'lo Ihtor l 'U.a U)roi, ruh/ llt milk h l' l' ~'.'I II , ,1 (1I11 ,·" "UI. \h ! .\A ""' JllIl llk ('lI"'" 1l lIlIm"l " ('1'111, 1 <If du s t LIlt'1I 0 "lin' nil' " 1.... 11 budl II ~ New !'ulls IllU~t hll l'l: 1·~II·I\,d, ·, 1 I AIUI\( '('lol fr ' lI 11 Th E' 1311111 lll bl Hlll (':"II1 I11" rol ,11 C/'. th I-:rll ll,I~ I I\IIU on"r h,' " 1\11 ""111' 111\ 11 a lt C'l' hl.rt YII IlI;I' • • /I\l lIlI'Y fi n l y; pOlo t lll'<,u,.:11 ,\ " 'ht "'.. " wl ,I; " 1I "" i', ~U1 u ll nt oh ll11{'I\ :: 1~", ·Jl) with III . n- II , 'pwl',lr,1 "1'''1111<1 II,,· hill\' I 11011 .e ros t." . mn (le. :-;" TlIOlIl'.l" ,I;<h , 'l'h o C'l p PC\ Fnrni ' nrl l 'o, \' s ,I.

e4 both BOp(l'a find Dll nc. " I 101\' " ,1 her 110." There WAil n wlll " 1' I'Ct! ('/lIl"U!tlltltllt

M IdJt' lI

& c MlIllcl" 1I

tllu.. 1

beaved n s Igh ot 1" '11,,(, I I" " ,,, " Ialt thnt LlIcl h "'n8 ~II f ,' 1I 1l .' 1\ 'P·' Afte r a "RUSO 1.11('11,\ 11, 1.. ,.1 .. /1 ;,1 .. .. I


t !:UIIIIU li lt \' It)( 1 tlI!S, " Ludl l' o loj '·"II'(!. ''I t Jll lls t 111'." 1t" I'I' 1I I1II"lIlI(' l' t1 m8 RfI' rpll" '" u r h'.J!lr, .. 't'llI'n' 1~I1 't,'lIl)' otlI i? r rl uJ.,t" III til" Jln\l~ .. , 1:0& tJ II 'I'l.' / 1 rol :: " Hl lt'





·tobaccos-Blended. .


lV·ALTER McCLURf Funeral Director.


'L.W m, B. ,Joll es t o Mary A. Banobtt

Wa)'IlNv1lle'. Leadlnll DenU" lD B Glnee Bldg. Malo 8t _ _29

about 26

n c r ~ s In SeoHoml N os . 20 I1nd :l L, T . ~I B.. 2. M. R. 1:1,11. 1'. W, W ()rk 10 E . C. P nOll lut No . I:j 10 E Igl! m ont oddl ti on to Leb·


Knoll ,O blo, $1. Dlli~y Hol.m es to

RealJe.r and Cannon Bring Cont,aat 01

101. ~ 0

sh ip,

Peace and War to French Wheat Fields

flo res


Al ber~ Balmes 'l'a rtleo reek towo ·


MlIst(lfS to .Marlhn Jj;, Hll lne r, l o t No, 16 In SprlOgbor o, Ob1o. $1.


Commiss ioner's Proceedinlts Bi lls Allowed : -T11e Western StlLr ~ nppll e~ $ 11. 25; G , E , Br own, bl&l. tloce doe,. premil1lI1r on Trelisurer'lI bond 'J 9, U6; Garl B m. 106 (or Coure (ou ae f tUm ; Ellr J RpeDoer, Bssistaot ( . Surveyo r' U 2. 50; W. L. Sy lvester :iep l1ty purve.vor , livery ILnd ex. · 1 · en~eR H5 :10; 'fru steml Pllbllo Affa Ire, II gh r. 'iDd wl\ t e r '1M.Gil; C D, l> ochli nt., pos tage for Andltor's offioe

"';rim o sk~.I , \V II'll II hl'l!,htly JII'Jlllrlllg eyo, " Is h ow dlQ l't)U Iwow j ll KL wllt!re

. ProIaabI,y no more remarltable contrast has be~ brou,ht to the public In Amc:rka tbrouah th.c printed phot0&nlph thran thllt depicted in this scene. Here ...... wheat country in France a reapinr m~chine is workin" aide by side with • 1leaW7 mciblle artillcfJ piece in the war zone. AU the fi"btiol in France is Dac ,1IeiDa d . with c:annon: the reaper i. playing jUlt u Important' I part IS die _ formid able and destructive bowitZfr. The arna1 must be fed or it CI8lIOI lIP.. ud die wlleat crop I. an all-Important factor ID producinl' th~ ... 1 iUlta...Ki fut. the troops.. It 10 hlppena that the: photol'l'tpher haa CD "IDap- 1IotII the implement of pace and that of war ID 1Cti0n. ~·~ftltli. II beIQI aIed CD del...... worleen ill tile 6dd ..&imt possible ·at.



that bed WUH?" "I kuow wh ere 1 8U'" thllt. <.l og In st," exclaimed T,,,uL li S 0110 II1 SI)lrod. " Wb ul'e?" I.uella .t urlleI1 to him. . "nil Willi oultloors hltt lu' tho bree7.e this u rternoon," "OuLd (~)!'8?


' ho

Isn't n 1l0wCI! out.

----_ ..- - - -

,,"11 M

"'h'" IInlllll?"

ITo be Coa tfnued)


$5' e bBS. :r, Waggoner, boardIng " n~1 ~1L8blDll for' prleOlJerB $2 1g Oli i Itev , .J. H tlunter , lI ~ rvioe!l '''1 OhdP· ItLII, Count}, I nfirmary $37. liO.; J ohn Li\"; & !:log" 'lU t ll @ervloo for Bo r va, or, $27, 50; Xeola City Wo rk l:!ou Ke, k eel1llD~ prh onera, $6; .1 . K . Hponoer, 10 tlrtl,l e~t, oon t raol" $L 500; . D. BO Dd, ill lull oontrllot 1114; 8'runk Colli I)!' , oon t raot ·1189 70 i J. W , Ridge. oootrllct , $234 ,50 j . B , J, . h l.lampy , 2 oon~a0t:9 $507; I:! E. • 'li t-lilt , 2 oo utrn otll, $110; C . A, u 11'.'\1, bridllCl repairs, TorUeoreek t OWI\ hip $7,i .75 ; Jo •• W~tloD, ~)r1dge rl:. ,.irk , ,,vushlultl,\'! u towoSh il), $7'v l:i ; George Olltter, b ridge ra P!.I' d 1:I1Irian towD811ip, $5l 83 i 1'. ~l <';01 11 nio, bridge r eplLirl!, U.rlan township $14 ~O; Ohio So'pltlll for EpileptIcs. , IbnrilLl of W rD . Stoop~ , *26; Btuk ,')ta Mfg. ';0., nppllel! III i The OOr dlli:EI & Paper Co, anpplloll for j Rnitor , L2,60 ; Tbe .Mlam.l CJllilelH; ~~ .. t\ionery, Uooo$y .Treal arer'p office, 117 ; Tbe Vallev TA/. (lo" reaM lUlu! tolla for lilay I J QDII.

"No, Oswald, ..... dnIp a ....... laB bnb,.."-OOrneiJ WIdotr. Jul1 aDI1

,U6, 311.

A new combinationMilil,yet th,ey~~Satisfy"! /'

Yea, this. new cigarette is . more thaI) jU8t good tasting, it deli.ver. a new and important t h.i n g to 8mokenChesterf ield s ".·each home," they let y e a know ),ou are .mokin;, -they

#lSatialy" !


, Yet, they're Mild I Don't 'be surprised-the new blend of Imported and Domestic tobaccos does it. lA nd the blend can't be copied. . Let Chesterfield. give you Rew cigarette eq;oy- . ment.

Wrapped in

glaume paper -~

freab. • \



20far lOt



GAZ E TTE ...•



D . I,. CH A N E, Edi!or and j>lIhlls ht·[ Suhscrintion I' rice. $ 1.50 per year

- -'==== WFDNESUAY.

:SEPI:EMBErt :'9 , 1917 I I

Sta le u r Ollio, Cit y ul Tuledo,

fAll-PLOWED lAND i'l'llllk J. (lie lley Jllnkes "a tll lhlll he is seniolf pnl tllcr "f II". ofF . J . ' helll )' ill lhe Cil y YIELD BEST CHOP , IIIhntUNsuid lirnl will I'''Y Ihe Ill( II DOI.I. AIC ' for '"1(1cvI

Lucu s ~lj UnlY I ss

r.rrl! & <':0 .• tJul n~ lJ us inc.~ or T uh·do.l"lIl1ul y aw l ~ l. lh: n (olcsu bl. Brut slI lII., f !)N n

Ii ellcb of l'ntarrh th a t cnllllo l 11(, cured ' lo y tile IIse ·uf H A I.I :S (A 'rAJ< \I H ~ I IiOt'rl'

('Il !'-.

1' 1 . O \~II!L( III "ho. f,,\1 fll r tllo uext ' JCIN I:. FRA1'K J. t: III! NI\V. IIprln/! orop8111t;trlbuttlM h,bor lUore :;wurn hi hef" ,c lil t! nlld SlII"CliuctJ III ovn,ly ,.brnuJo\hn ut thu ~ ., ur. fllvllrH my p,uelll·e. Ihis 11111 dllY of Ileee",her, A. W. GI.I''\ SON. e ll,Ii,Il' ~p ed llIK. ImlJrl. ve<! HolIl! Illld I A. D. 18SIl. kills Ollln\, ID seotN. Wbaresotisllr .. · (&ul ) Nota lY J"ul ,lic. ImbjlJol til wA~JlIng or Otltel! ornp8 1 Hull' s l'" tntrh Medicille is I.kelt in "rtl ~oeded full (l1"WIIlJ,! iK lIu t rl100Ul , Ie Illi ll y ullil IIc ls th, uugb 11i~ l3Ioud 11 11 'I lhr ~It,C""S Su rfac~s nil li ' Sy"lell1. :;',"I

In fO ud l'd

Furm Inuor IR 1l ~ 11ll1J1' more IlvntJ rorc lcs ~illlu lIl." 1 8 ,.f~e! . . ' .. . '1 ' ~ " I·. J. lil~ NhV &. C(., l ol·do. (I . II bl II III It1U f II 11 , 11m "print(. vrup~ r , _. _ I ,<... I II( It Y u II ( Iru g~ .l fo; I 5 . -(dC . can theu 1)0 N~tlliud ., .. rll or U.,xt \ 1lrl ll 's I';o lllily Pill. I", «1)IISl lpn li" " . IIprlog. A dlll'e r euoo uf 2~ bush els of 0 'rn pllr uorn bn" r n. lIltod for (lllIht )'flllrH frllm fl ctllYurelloe of .. mouth 10 pluoltog onrn I1t th o l Obl() Alfrloultuml I!:xpnrlm ont ~'fl. ,Ion. Abont nioe Ilor oeut 11'8t!wol.I,nro was IIrtlHeot In tbe ellrller ooro ~ol\s bO(1omo fill e r by the !t otlon of freezing Illld I,hnwing rlorlng 'he D . E. Bunnell find '1lntvo !lIIplU L b whHer. full. plowed sollll Con lnln Silent 'uDtlny In (I Ilflon. mOre lUolllluro III tho spring thun \lIs8 J oonlu Rohlsoo, of Dayton, cnplownrl hi Dll. llpent Lbe wllek.eud witb h er IIlIrtlllt8 Plowing sod Ino d th o flrRt blll( o~ hore, Hop,omllllr will elo muob t.o reduco the nnmb or Mof whltu ~rohH. wlroMr lind Mrs. Gorrett Clevenger worllJ~, IC' u"ilhol)\Ierij. If,o rhn")I 0t8 , lind Mo,ri e l{ e"lIng were Middle'o wn Ol1lWll rlU to, !lorl wti bWOrllhlllll l1 !llh ll r vl~lIor8 ::;nturd"y. Alr. a nd MrH. Uharl os ·hl.\pmILn J)I'~ 18 Ill1d pTI' vont tbeir III jury tu h'," tt M tlt e lr gOOijl. thE'lr 1l 0phl'W, Jb" next. cr illJ. ~r a,tOllUIi ~1·tIIll n n of I:lt. Punl, MillO., tor tile weuk .end. Read tl1e Miami Gazette now .Mr... nd Mr-. 'rom ~'ox, of MIIlml8 bur!!', were the t?unduy guesh! o( tbe 1""-l1r '8 llar~ntB Mr . nnd Mrs. A (JUpIn. Mlss1<'llnny E"rnh ll rt hIlHreturn.·d h omo lifter Cln ext anrted vlllH with r el ... ~lv e 8 flt Wihnlngl 110 lIud X ~ III. MI ~ti Olonnu Throukm ort on hl18 (!flt er (I ""00\) '0 Dusioe~8 Uull oJ.(tt ILt Duyton. J o hn l;o nk, of Frlloklln, ~I'nnt tho wl'uk end wltb frlt1D(l .. h ero. M I~~e" Olivo lind l:lrnoo Brok! N cllttl FI~t~, Lllur"U.. liut.lla "'9 Y, • "lId Rlw . I'Ilnllley ijllBllt trrldllY wllb Mr . and Mr ... llld. Lumbert !lnt.! (,lIn_ A ptherin,-plac:e ' for II)' ol'"r Lib rty , Ohln. hOlDe-furniahina ideu M,,,. Mllrgl1lt1t l:J lJltt, 80D and 80m. hi... 7 0U ..... ' du og'bt e r lel·t TbuudllY 'or ~holr ;c'o':;~~!~~Uf·:h:r:::.~t1l.~·::n:e~f~~ h l'lUe In Phllodelphlo IIfI,or HPcud. piece t nr ""W . ' u l . tut and &Inc· Ing 'he 80mmer wIth ber pttrautl' U cal td ra. I. Mr. and Mr~. Chule8 CllllpmRo. • HOUle & Gnrdea Mr't Klein liod son, of O,IYrurnlturf". cteuu .-a llo na , .... r4.1W-e".r)'tblnc ab(lul .. 'home 11lI14. tOD, we re gueS'R of Mr. lind Mrt! ~h~ O~~~~tU:i, e::':::!rn!"OIl~~. :o. JOiloph Miller ODe dllY lust wook Invieted In "ltOU.. .. Gard.n" Mn . (h orgH Tutt spent Tno lla.y may .ave yoU 100 ID lIo.,..·pl.n· nina_ 10 H.ldKo vil\O. toh e gUlls I of MI IIl1d Special OOer- 1 ..._ fer Mrll. L.e~ ll!r Kurtis (Sis, II , ... r ....,," _.u,!.. J OHI ph Marsb .. II, of Fmnltllll, W!1B f~J~:' m~~~r ~g: "c~':;::Q~o~.:' Iflln8 u(\ tln ~ hu ~l o e!l~ b e r e '1'ue"dny . Me~8r~. Elk ' 1 a. e ll, C hel'ter WilltI,erma" lIod Re v. Singley mad" a buslneEs t rip to Doyton, TuesdllY .

=============== SPRINGBORO




... ---


--- ---- -..._--------

----- ..----


Il '

I wl\1 offer PubliC Suie at t,lIe b om" of tho I~te Mtlrk Da vis de oeIl8C'd.oo MulO Streot, Waynesvllle, Obio. on

Saturday, Septcinber 29, 1917

Saxon Six Livery (PRICES RIGHT)

BE'glnnlng at 1: o 'oloq", ~11 tbe Boulloh ohl Furniture belongIng to the rtooeasecl. R. E . DAVIt; W. N, .·earl, '\uol

- - -...




Blbl~ Sayn LIttle of Healing I\rt. Mulc'IIUR \I'flA th o Ilflm of Itll' R'rVGorden T.lres , nnt ot th e hl;:h Ilfl e~ t whose right enr Petcr e llt on: nt the til II I' I)t the Sn"lo{tr's np(lrl'heo Inn In thp gor(Jen (Mlltthew 20 :Cil : i\lnrl( }II :47:- Luke 22 :41I-:'i1; John 18 :10). It Is noticenbl o Ihnt Lllke, the ph)'sl '11111. Is Ille CORWIN, OHIO onl~' one of the w"llora who mentions UIO net or hClIllnl!'.

RAY MILLS Phone 90-3


Mr ...ud M n. H, ~ .. Iun M eO/fir. !,"ned I:!undny Mrs ' o wI>~{Jo, As Written by Our Corps of Able Correspondents in the Mr. !lnU .M.rH. R 'ol1l ptnn uuu ~ou. good Ulan for farm work maro r WlImlngton lIud Mrl!. Ally l~I11UII, ri ed , .. oto driver dl\8Ired . For Neighborhood of J{eu tuoky furl,ber iu fof ulatlon, oall at tbe G~ . U Mr lind Mrs, J JN i III Uav l~, M" zoHe ollice. nud lirs. LI\)yd D'1VI" ,.nd suu. <JeJII lind Mr . Mt1BIt\lW E"rnhur~ Ullo nt MONEY LOANED 'J'hurdd 'lY iu Ulouluul1tl. 'l'lll~y wortl ,L1SQ ovor In K entuoky. --Mr . l1u (1 lI1r" W . \!J. \:IOg,1 1I nnd 1\U,. (1~" 1 ' l'h ulO l'~on , n f Onyt n, 01'. FMOt Welob, of BI )omlngftlu, J. L . Ferguson. of i)s'yl II . b IS !r~IIU ~td L~~' II B~)g~ll\ M~u ~t 8~UII .. -: MONEY loaoed 00 live s~ooil: ohat ' ilUJ J\ , ' II 1\ ~h" rt \' l~h wi lh hOr pur. 111, and Mi~s Fnller. ot Morrow. been vleltln!: .bld form \Ve~t of to\\ n L ' 1 1118. tL~\vIO 1111 •• 1U1 y. 0 ' .elR Ilod sMond mm'tgage8 ElIlIH .1. W. ·l.'lJ')I1I)1M)I] /lnll wife ~I\t were olilliog on Mr . lIl)d Mra. W . W. for a few dfl YS. 'lbuuon" Notos bougbt . John 'Barbine, Jr. , Weloh on 'fhur"flll'V IllSI. 0 i:l B MrR ElIloUrlJ\Von terl 'II, I!'t! frlrlflY .Allen Building, Xelda, OhIo. · mil n r""\' ,11111 !-'llnrJn y. (I v [ "pk ln ~ wli l' hll" beE' 1I ill iH Orv illo RI Oll Ilnll wHf' . ,, 1 I",JUll tu lIl M II~ I (, I' 1'rlll l Hloll ~ Pfltlt )Jltr t ot Mr !Lncl Mrs . J B. Vundervoor' tilo wly r eooverlng . Ci ty, IntI. , Mr utili 1.1 , >1 IO~He Dill I I.. , woo);: I n I~eb" li nn IIlId WII'" seeo !\ud Mr. IIn(\ MrS . W Iter Lltoy were M '" d I It I 'blill tb Ilny of tile tarm ors llre utting II"d tlllu!jhtar, o ' '1\' lo(l u, Mr~ . Pb ll,lIIY fr' '' l ul'nl,ly nn th t! b'.. ir . "rU\llIils . .,un oy v ~ or8 n ell e. th e t 0 b aooo oro jJ n ow IJ II I unci "" li ghte r, I!:dno., lind Mrs. . . FOR SALE-PROPERTY ·..'\ r·n J " ' UI' " L'r'l lll l1 I'll) OI r" o" Mr. oud Mrs. 'rbol. MoGln lle. Mrs' e " ~ U M C Bomer Bond. "'bo lI\' e~ e08t ot 11 e b ecou I 1II ,0 f'.,l t. u'J O II y. dllll"hwr i\I' ~ 8 £:in loll Lil wh r, of Lou flllriao and I~S . harlty Bar.. h H. " .. r.l\n d I"owo a s purolulSed Il n ow Ub vro. oru oe Comlltoll (l no flllUlly bud We ~ t ilion, Ohio , vl~I I. , rl E U. Ifln were 8 00 d By 8uest'8 0 f ... et IIU'O ot Ott rrol Bttrunrd o"eut, AR their !;Ill t~ unuu y tolr. Ilnd Mr9. I) f I dd M B B Mnnnou"n,tlfnll1 ll y ,'·' I · oflhe,eelt. fl. nr arvey. 0 o e~ r 08. OU8E-two.8tory brlok hOURO, 8 Oalvlo l:llossllr and ramli y m"uvell 1>>0 ,11ph '[' IJ urll hnri(, of W l1tnln'gtoll ; r oo, liS, 2 hall., ItLrge w"rm oelMi ~'" ElsIe Urt lo ' 1'(' ,," p,,"l ed b y Mr, Dud MrR. John Thompson are Into tbe Naomi Mll tls nrOl)e.ty on Mr. flU" Mrs. t.;ve r ett Ull IDe~ , Mr . ~11"~ 11"':11 Rioh I:!peo . I IH! \V ek-eud owner. 01 a five pa8,eeoIl8r(lverland. Ellst Frnnklln Inst ru csday. I\IHI Mrs . .AUl08 UO lllptOli [Iud ;\1r IlIr , good well, olstern Rud ou'bni ldlUgs, well 101)&'00. Inqolre 0' lu l,s lul!JOO _'r, the red bloodod oltlzens or'o 'r lind Mrl! Llltiler 1::11.IIu !! 826 '''1 e 0Ity- I" d · 8noug b'l Mrs. J . R. Whltuore IIn,l " "rBud. ,' Ir.llo il Mr". "n Ofl "Dd thj,~ offioe . MI8H A ~ R~11l BUrnntt, who b R ~ 1h. Ol1l1,e • me '" ~ W , '1'. n'I\. n 1r~1I11 s pll'Dlll lil{ ti le HUOlIll e> r III Ohio And money to orueh tbe slone 'hilt 80n, "ohny, spent Ins t ~Il~urd"y nnrl rlflol-{hl,t' r. Ollv t. IHHI Mr !Iud I\1r_ 'for I)ut I'u on, ~ondnv III OILY ton ~Ith relt.tlvl'fl . z ~'. HILlllflH 1111(1 AOII , H'll,, " r. ~ p" nt " ,r t for lI " r h omo III MI,,," i, F lu, I .. '-ou u g II ·. lind "aId .. ' ,11 nd . \v",IIlO~(IIl Y. l\Cd hlivo 1(11 ) (1 IItreets Tbl8 oan be Mis" Maurie l!lRvny Is on I.h o ~i ok I :-l UII(\fI 'y \\'l l;h burvoy llnwki"11 lind FOR SALQ ~I I ~' WI I) d Il one. LLn d wb,' we d OIlRtO will not II~~ with m ~ lnrit, f evA r. ~vl f" . ~ . 11111 , . r~. " . nun flU llO mls"ed b any one of 0- After '\ L -II ' M I (11'"l ly uncI \I r . 8 11 r t Alig llll 8p ' nt rM , I 10 orr R Ilnd Ron ,JIl Dl fl~ Mr. Rnd ~r8 W. E. BOl-(a n 11011 ~unlillY wlt,1I ( 1'1) . n ,IJ:,:'ln IIl1rl wife> relldlng t bhl IIOt. do n ot. ()n8~ II, nJi of OilY ton, vlsitod h er brotehr, t;. M'. Ilul1 ~ht.or wera X ula Aho lJ)J" rri Mon. . • • 11K worthless ,md !HI" fud - be pnhllo Aostlo Bnd family so ulb of town IlV. ' good et ~ IlI t ire Boggles; 1 heavy Mr . IJ..Oll Mr ~ . Erol'Bt Mlllrnon, s pirltad pnougb to RBSlst In hlLvlng 11'8 ~ 8nodny. C! Spring Wf\go n Bnd 1 . Horse, RIIlh AOti Glonna \1llnl1\l n, Mr. I,utl oor ~trel' t8 pot In 'f irat.olnss ooudl'Mrs tIIenDa W118011 flOrl ! Mrs. Gl enn Ullvis IIn,l Itll h~r t lJ ""I~ tlor. for thtl wlnl,er UODle forwllrd Mrs. Clora DonlllrlflOo. ot oellr ol.ll e.1 on Mrs. If" nnle t:\nttnrtuwuit.o Apply to 8. <3. J oy. Wayne8vllle. Oloio. I2Il Uo]ombuA,I,. vlsUlng her hrotbe re. ::;uOiIIl Y erll oon. vl.IINI th oi r oou sit;l Mr •. El sll' Ll:lwis IInti n!fer your servioos. i U I 8 I Oliver find Goorge Pellewit h ern. .. r 01\ IIn( IIY · . '1'1 d 'h C t Alr~. Ja un le ~ill~ ~Jlll nt. Il' rltlflV . JO "lie n Iln oe n t e 0\111 y Mr .. Elbt'l Blossl flnd dUl1ghtFl r . IInel ,ntllr(\IIY, wi~b r e h.tlVl'8 10 W T. .' OrtILLD lind wifu R\lent rl:l8- Bon r Pigs Ilt fllrmors ' prloe8 /;llIl1lnyaftarll l)Cln wi lh Mrs (Jut h. Il'lItr fr olll our oity waH t he ho~t In Ida MIIY . ',ra h or rutb e r. Xeola. double immuoed, Ouroo Jeraey (lrlI1U ' o rd"n. Y]Bllrs IIIllI 'lll pron null oed It flr~ t. Willie LII1I8illga r for II t o\v i'I "y ~ . rttl lis und the old fasbl oned s poUed 0 liSP . Mrs. A. 1£ Imwou ~, o f Pillute rd Poland China, the kInd our fore. M,·. IJlIl! Mr~. Alhort J:iurr r'" . atr... ville, spent' pflr t of It, ~t woe k wil,h tilt hers nsed to raleo, blg ,bone, big Cor " 'l' hQIIlJl~on .. nrl I\tl~~ ()plI l Pllter t:ory, 01 tI of our oillarl), ber eiste r, Mra. J, S . Lellr:ning ' 1 ' '' olUv~o n olllll'rt nn 1I'lon \18 in WII . oltizons, dl~d SundllY morning 'Iflor t:;evernl friends and ne l ~hbor ij sPOtll, big eare und bIg H.ters ; every1II1I'l(t (,n nnel ~lIhhHl t:\llnd uy. 8everAI yellrs of d~'o line. Mr. Uury ca ll ed on ~Ir . lind Mrs . F~v erott 1,1I1ng lIig but the prloe. K . Bl. I\lr . onr1 MrR . .J II~. (~rtIy ~ ""nt tb o Wlli! a m ll u o( gred. Il~dur~ nco, h"d l:1al1l08 Frillay ulght In the f" rtu of Tbom psoo. Oregonia, Ohio. Valley Pho ne IU- I y' Barvevsburg. 11026 , Ilnue IIlIr(18t- deal,)j' hlu'd w ork !lnd ,v!lnk 1'111 wit h thelr ,IH Ilf(" lf" ! \'yrl. e tb ou"'ht ever, ono ~ h ou ld d o ' lik e seroll llclfl Ta yl or II 10ft IIInll ll' In ~·rnllltllu . Mrs . gm Urow and MI'. lIod Mrs . wise '" B e a 8t r'ong 8 d voon 1e I' n REse JIIlRBEY COW-GIves 'I' bu Loullll no Fu lr BOflw,-.rl 10 bo tbo Balll,ls t ciootllol~ wblob gnve hill! Or vi ll o W ah, of Fnll otllio Ulty , Iod ., large fl ow of rlob milk. Or ' qlliL611n .. ll ruoti llll ror 1110 1'00 1'1 0 of grE'nt 8a t llifuo&lon aod eooourKge. ~jlon$ 811t urduy whb j)ir~. Ra oilol will trade for Shorthorn oow. Inlh l ~ onmlllllUlty n 'l'burlldny Ilud ruent. - -Crew, of near Wayneevill o. qnire of Clifford Mu:we'l, Cen. Bome ~· rirl "y . Bllroyarrl Dlllllure Olin be nsed on Mre. Mo,ry LealUlng spent Tbors. Bbone 6 G, R. V. I, Wllyne8v\llo. MI ~ R Rutb f~ndi u " l.nn. or B18n· The sll oslu tbls vlololty are beiol{ d"y with Mr. 8. . Anna PotorlT, of Oblo. 886 " filled!1 d Dome oorn Is being u' I wheat gruUlld this filii .lInd wlute r (lIWBler. r/llorned hom o :illlnrd!LY n u p . n Oregoola "Ch!r 8pRndlnl{ sevllr,,1 day!! WIth ~hook lind every,bhng indloutes fnll. to taketbe plRoe or fertili zers ordlA UhrlstiaD EoOea vor lIooiol WIll l!lED RYE - Reoloaned, t2.00 per her brower, AlvQ Ludi ngto n. oDel Are yoo rOfldy? na.rlly applied. I!'rom two to (ODr held lit tho h Olll 8 of I\Ir. nnd Mrs. bu~he1. Inquire or W. III. J u d ge L. M. B !Irvoy, weAn If d b UII b v wife . 0 sI of b w oat Wll!! ret.urne d tblB AmoH vomplo ll Wodn sd .. yevenlog. O'Nellll, R. D. a, Waynesvlllo, Oblo. dDuDhter Rod Mrs Linton Uox of t h , 819 MrE<, EdWin r,Jllrtin, Mrs. Geo. " " ' y ehr romeao 'on of mallure u80d M.s. Fred Stuup ~nd dUll~hter, Ell j~ !lnd d 'lD ghto[ \'e~t" oulled on DllI ll nllpolilt. M re. Jesle B. BClrvey In w odtlrnto'applioationR at tbe Ohio 0 tI d MrR , Ell,. Wtl srm li t I,h e hOUlO of her nclln nther, ot Onta rI o Oill., were A~rloultural Experi'lleot 8tatlon. Frlllloes, o r llytOD, spont uu ay =-=-:'_ =_-:-=-=.::=::.~_::::========:::: dltn~hter IIrs. Uom Thompsou Tuea... III ng on r~ldlve!:! he~e last \llleek. The WhoLLt yieh! nndqr Dontlonooll ~~:ryb~~tt~r~~le~!~ie.Mr .. lind Mr• . duy I1He rn oon. Air nnd Mrs. Tom .MoGlade, Mrs. oulturo on the Jilxperlment I:Itlltlon Garfield Petsrllon Ilndttunlly sprmt Mrll. Cnrl Doild and dllu ghler Lo,u Bur ian Ilud daughten. Mr . fnrm Wooster W08 rill lied ~h18 BundllY whh his ,Ieter, Mre .10110 !'Ipent Til UrRd llY with Mrs. Bllllle Barry ~h Id .. ker and family and Mr •. Y8rLr from 1l 81) hl1shela '0 as.fIl Dllofward, of Dayton. Funerat DirectoI1 HIlI,howay . Frnnk ~hldaker at'lmded It surprIse bushels per acre bV five '0011 of milo· Or. Ilnd Mrs. Botton tlnd da\lgh- on Mr. !::tarl Barvey at his borne nura, Blight ton8 of maDure on Mil. Wary LeamlDi and MTs .. and Embalmer, ter CILLra of Ulnvoys bur'. olilled nellr Utioa laR' weelk. wheat In a five.year rotation of oorn, Bara Lellmlnl and d",ulJ llter , Edna • .., M oats. wheat, olover and tlmo'hy lu _ Bpeot ~lIturday with Boward Learn. on F. A. Bllrt·soole .. nil fRmily I:!un. r. and Mrs . i:lrloe Smltb, of orealled tbe yIeld from 12 82 bU81lela Ing aud f8mily , of Dear Hnrveys. Waynesville. Ohio. dllyaftornoon . Franklin, were Sunday gues's of to 37 4& bU8bel8 per aore The salDe ' burll· Mr. and Mrs . Edwin MnrMII were IIIr. Bnd Mra. W. L. Hnrvey. apPlloaUon OD whea" In .. three-----0.....--..0---tbe BnndflY guests of Geo. Ellis aod Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ellie, Mr. aDd year rotMlon of po"'loel. wbea'and Either Auto or Horae drawn aervlee. fl~mlly. . Mrs A . L. Bendrlollr, Mr. and Mrs . . olover r8410lhd to a yIeld of 6079 Expert Oplnl "n r ,m OGalnlng. No extra charge for auto aervice. Mr. Thos. Jorc\on , of Franklin, W. L. Harvey aod Mr. and,I bOlheleper aor •• wblle oofer'lIIzed A priSOn. UI<'Y ":t.' 18 puvcli wltb vIsited bil nli(lbew W . T. Jordun Brloe timttb motored tJ Uhllllooihe land in 'be Ramo rota.tlon yielded good rCHolut1on.s.-lI'l to the ISlur-Buio Both phOfleB In Office and Residence. and rAmily. pnrt of the ·week. on Sunday and took In the slllMs. lSi.e611U8bels, No.t4. Ic:!Do.. Mrs R llDnllb Rioh ~Jlent Tu08day ~ with ber !'t8ter Mrtl. !:lomb Rloh ID .===-~-====~-~-~========~---~ - =~-~--~~------~~= ---------~-~=============!!!! Bo'r ~ey~ b urg






0. ,















Timothy Seed We have a large stock com-I ing in, several grades . . Comel in and look them over. It will pay you.



Younce Bros. Grain Co ..,

With Full Electri~ Equipment


Waynesville, Ohio


~ ----


-~ ---

Sole Agent



Glaseitled A.d.



Mrs. Bllneford Jaokeon -wlslted Mrs. lierbort MIlrlott SlItnrday and Sunday. Mr nod Mra E1I8wor~b Smith Illid UlluMbter, of Dayton, were lIuests of Mrp. Johu LevI I.he PKU week . , Mr. f\od ~r8 J . '1' Marlatt and "Mr. and Mrll. Bon Eurnhl&rt aod daughter, Dorothy, motored to Clnclooa'i Sunday. M18IIe~ Velma and Hgrthn Mllrlatt called 00 Misil LODII, 8und~y evanlng. ~ Mrs. Dnvld Luo!11! and son Ipent nne dllY this week with MI8. Amos Jllckson, -Mn 'l'iu: othy MtLrlutt Ilnd Miss' Mury ' lI0glllU lIod E ~ I,e r Rye r l'_ ~l1rued hOIlIt~ wltb Mr\l. OLto Mnrllltt for 1\ week's vIsit to ::\ouib Bllod, ' Iud. Mr. Jesse DIIl,and fnmlly spent II few dllY" tbls week wltb Mrs. Re beooa 0111. Mrs. Borliert Marilltl ond Mrs. Dixon Wlliutoo o~lIed on Mn. Fruuk Dakin, of epring Br~ooh oue llllY this week . MiBs La.oll AI,nlat' has been 00 Ule slok list fpr a tew days. Mr, Willlum Braddook still re, mlllni very lIoorly. Mr. Lew !:ltep!lens aod CUff Smith returned home tbll ' week from 811gntLw, Mioh., and report 'lI dne ti'lle.

FEED Look our goods over before buying ·elesewhere. Just received a fresh supply of BRAN, MIDDLINGS, HOMINY HARTS 'a nd lIOMCOLINE.

Younce Bros. Grain Co" Waynesville,


- - -_ . _ .. o _~_

Bullfrog Stopped BUllne... Fnucebl In l\-UnIUlCl Dc ROla!. bftl'o ber' shop at Dohbs Ferry, N. Y.. .addeal,. mOJlped mnnlnr. and all eutam8l'll bad to be turned a . .,. willie plumben _rcb@C! tor the troablL A.t Jut tb.,. opened • ~ pipe and dnw forth • Un baUfroa wbleb ~ecl men IIIaa • IIODL

A ·Wonderful Value Saxon Roadster at $395 You may think you have seen big values in motor can. And perbaps you have, But you have never seen a car offering ao much visible, provable, motor car value for the money u this Saxon Roadster. JUlt atop and count lome of the thinga that diltinguilh Saxon' Roadster and make it the big-value car of the mar· keto Firlt, it ia the lowest-priced col'hplete/y equippe.d car. .The next lowestp~ced COlta $6QO -that's over $200 more than the Saxon Roaclater price of

$395• .

Next, it is the lowest-priced car with an' electric atartill( .a nd lighting aY!ltem. Saxon Roadater baa the Wagner 2-unit tyjMl. The next lowest-priced car .with tbia feature coata $~so.

Then, ' Saxon Roadster is the lowest.priced car with a 3· speed tran8millsion. And that lI\ean. 25% futer acceleration, more apeed on less power, and it protecta the mcftor from-ovemeating and overworki~g. ' Saxon Roadlter -it the lowe.tpriced car with Cor:t~inental motor. The ned lowestpriced ~ wit~ thil attraction coats $1095.


mile completely covers all expenses incl~ding gas, oil, tires, service-attention, storage, depreciation on investment, and , interest on investment. Saxon Roadster it a hancliomel car, and roomy, too. Two passengers have room aplenty, -both in seat apac~ and\Jea length.


·It i. powerful · and Sexible. . Every part is rugged and· .s trong-built to meet' Juird I.ervice and long aervice witho~t weakening.

Saxon Roadater i. tlte lowest. priced car with demountable · rima and 30 inch x 3 inch tires, Now, of aU the year, ~ motoring time. Come in and' see Further, Saxon'Roaclater is the Saxon Roadster. Let ua give moat economical ' car in the you a demonatration in the "1.. __ ." world to own'and drive. ,uargaul car. 11-:__ & _-, ~ f. o. b. DetroiL AdOle and accurate record of S~on "Six" $93S· Suoa ...... .uPkeep c:c»ta turned in· by Sedan, ~asoD "Sia" thouaanda of Suon Roadster CbumlD), $1395; Roaclat.; $935. P - .. ' -...,. owners abews that only 3c per D.b'ait. .'.»III~

J. B. Chapman . . ... . ......

Wagnesville, Ohio



fRfE! RE ·!


----..... ZIMMERMAN'S


~h. )(ts

and our prices arc right

ul lly-

First of the 'enson , Fr esh Baltimore Oysters, Fresh Edg mont Crackers , Elut!rta Peachell . ater Melon$, . J ersey ~\Veet Potato\! Mangos . . JIl n1C~ KO.rrkh ha' ju;<t Tt'criv" d wllrd 'Qf the dellth or his 1I1H'lc fh ng ow Pan ~ke F'lour, ew Hu(!~- I Lang ley . lit li'lIlmouth. K.v , lasl \Vh atN l'w lour, Nt!\v New Mother ' ... lull;, Hor:niny. Mil,\l! , 1'hllrsd . ,'IY . !! Cheolllc.(,'res hllulkPoallulBut- I . _It!r, New anned Pens, Pure I . , 'jjer Vinegar, Spices of all

mIll) , -

W. E O' N"all r-nd W .~. Snli!!· · hu ry \\ OH ' 1)1\ tnn \i\1 ilL'r::! Munday.

This Gre a t SixPiece Kitchen O.utfit of Bright Aluminum- ware to every purchaser of a Clermont Range during our S to ve Show only, which begins

IJr . Dill, lM opath LltlmlllJll. Vilio .

STAR TIN CANS ONLY 6D,c AOO~ anr! fie worth ealing with each doz , lI1a~on

H. W. 'WlIIIE-r and ' ilt' rn I akin . ,I f LdJflIlIlIl. w,'re hll ,il1(! ~. visitor. h,}r . ~l ond IIY .



Jars, Pints, (iOc. q IS . Gi)C.

Mothers Onts , pkA' . • on ly ..... I<e llogh's Corn lIakos, only l'o~t 'follsties. pkg • only .. .... L nOli: Suap cake. only. ..... .. Clean Easy OIlP, c ~kc ..... ....

10c j Oe 10 '


M r~ ,/uHa n ~ l'g all Ipfllll ~t Thurs· oav morn inj:! fur all cx tl'l1Ii cti vi it

\\Iii h her l'.rlll E.I"pl r nn~ f!lmily lit Detroit. l\1(ich .



) US


wcuters f or the whole famih' from 9 0 lind up at Hyman'!!. .

A BEAUTIFUL AXMINSTER RUG Given Absolutely free to every purchaser of 'a


September 28th & ·September, 29th One of these handsome AX01inster Rugs, 72 inches long and 36 inches w id~, will be giv n ,Absolutely Free by _ 1'h ~ Gem City Stove Company, of Dayton, Ohio. ' 'fhe. e rugs are made of only the b st material a nd manufactu~ed by on~ of the olde t a nd leading rug makers of thIS country and would cost you $6.00 if bought at any store in this coun ty. The patte.rn is very . handsome and pleasing a nd the most fastidiou s hOllsewife w ill be more tha n delighted with this gift. During this sale the manufac'turers will have an expert stO\ e man to operate the King Clermont and show you how it gets all the heat out of the fue l. lIe will literally take this wonderful stove apart and. explain Its con ·truction. The K ing Cler~ mont is the most pO\verful heating stove made and is the 0111y heater that will burn hard coal, soft coal , slack, cqke, wood knots or anything burnable with marvelous results, and best of all, the price of' King · Clermont is with in the reacb of ever:yone. Tbe fire travels three times as far as it does in the ordinary heating stove before reaching the stove' pipe f so that none 'of the heat is. wasted up the chimney as is the case witb o~ber stoves, The:Big Warm Air Flue takes in the cool air at the b ottom of,the stove and discharges it into the·room at tbe top of the stove-~horol1ghly heated. In this way ' the King Clermont keeps all the air in the ro.o m in constant circulation; heating it over and over. That's why_the corners aud 1100rs are a lway s warm, even ill zero weather. If .~ou want to save money and g t the best . heating stove made, lake aclvanLage of this phenomenal offer. ' Everybod) welcome. W heth r you intend to buy a stove or not, come and see tne stove in actual operation. Find out about tove construction and when you do get ready you' ll be able to select the stov that will save you time, work 'a nd fuel.

DOI"!"t Forget the Dates

September 28th and 29th And remember the rug is only given with atoves purchased during this Sale and that any s~ve contracted for will be delivered any time this - ...,....Fall or Winter. .


Of the Condition of the Wayneeville Natiunal Bank, at Waynea ville in t he State of Ohio, at the. c1o 'e 1)£ bu sinoss, Sept. 1L. 1917. RUSlJulWEB .

LoBI18 Illld dlBcouht• . '. . . . .. . .. nu.oous 3 ."'~~,~, 'dD"~~I~.'i~ho aecuro m. on clrculailon ( I~Br value). . . . . . . 50.oeo.oo h~~~~!Yot~':r" th~:~d'il. U~I.HI~~~ 60.00 /,1...180<1 ' 0 SOCIII'<) po tol ."'~::;'~II~:~t~~~ ·ti,i.i:' ii. ::O~D~ ( u o~ lucludlJli .I'OCk.) ownod uuplodge" ... .... In:G I~ . OI '10,<>1 !lOll<l •. lIOCurliJoI. utc. 117.010. 01 St.ockll . OIlier tb~u Fodor..1 ReSt~cf,"gIY'~~I~s,:a°":ltiOOr'vii li",ik U4 0.00 ( 6 U I",r COll i 0 1 lubllCrllltlon) 4.200.00 .V"lilo "l b"uklng iloilo". .. ..... 8.000.00 Lllwlul rClKJrv~w lDb J10deral lIoo..:tf'!t~ ~~~I~' ',,'Dli' iJ;,~o.m;,une~ t9,01l.8a ul~~~,r~ul,a~~~~g~!J:J'!,~~'.id'; IO.SOU I 0 1 cI~y or ~OWII ul reporllllg hank o. other "Iub I~cwa .. ,. . UO O,OO Tnt. l. , . .. .. , , ..... . ..... 1621,981.96 t.l AOIr.ITIE9

CaplHII otoel, Pdhlln.. . ....... t':.'JlI~\~~ull~roilii.:: :123:8'8'9'.78 LUM OXl)ellseItV~id : . . I,OIl 11 Olrcul~LIII" ,:lU_ out,landlng . . l u.tlvldulll j)i"(i~POaii tl.polllta oubJElCt <u Cu~I!lfc'"i.O.i iI'u'" io i';';' tblUl

~i d,.y.. . .... . .•.. .• . .


~g~~o;"tlg~" 3:~:1~' il.i>I;';i

"0,000.00 90.00 0.00 22.666.65


m ,m .i6 8,586.02


Uurreot ALtGII t:




here whtcb you cap start at ally ~e. Write lor Utree. . •

Miami-JACoba ow.





. . . THIS WEEK ~
















J. A. LON G CO., nio n City, Ind.

• _ _- -

FLOUR . Store your wheat, or buy our BRASS FLOUR CHECKS and be protected against any raise 'in flour. We insure your goods"':"'-you. ruri no ·risk. Younce Bros. Grain ·Co., Waynesville,Obio. ·


Late. ClaSsified Ads• ------:-----FOR SALE-FARM

.-H -------!fllIIJI!II---II!I ..-----.-' . I· arn ess Sh P·. .

ev:eryth'ing . '

We have ~n stock, first-class Harness Shop.


keptOi "n


I! I.--......--IIIJ!II---..


THE 5c; 10c ' AND ' 25c STORE

'. M.i1k Strainers, holds 1 gallon of milk ...•... .. •. .. 25c Enameled Ware , .......... . ....... 25c-2.0 c-15c-lOe Dainty Cream' Jugs .....•.. : ....•.. -. : .... , .. . ·. 15c Cups and Saucers, same old price ... .... .... .. .. IOe Bowls, large and d~ep ............ : ..•..... . .• .. 15c Ladies' Collars. new and damty ..•... , ........... IOe Gauze Shirts, for Women ........... . ....... 25c-lOc . Boys' Pants, a few left; just the thing for school. 'o25c Candy, a new lot, fresh and good, ~r pound .. o • • 20c

- \....-

Specialist In "WayneaYiIIe wood", ,004 oroh nl'c1, nIce bIll frlme !llt.te, bill barD. aor.; 10118 LBalKalni .' DIdo pa7101IIl'" .,.. J.1110". It, oI!;i!II!I____________________ _ t.~,...a;








valu8. 100 e. 4 ml from BUlinesS ' College FARII-BII IAb.noll, aU will be 'Ill able; 8 eo 1eIII11It-a" .,...,

- OF-

"!l, ~ .. " -;...... . . Alti e Roberts. Chns. Wilson, Kent Holland and Andy FII:!ming p!l8Sed the examination for army service ' in ~~~~~!!!'!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'~!!!.!!!.~!!!..!!!..!!!...~ Wilmington last week. Roy Harvey and Wlliiam Harll?-r, ha"e received their exemption papers from the District Board. Mr . and Mrs. Ralph Thornburg. of Wilmin gton epent the week end at the home of Mr. Bnd Mrs. M. W. Mendenhall. Sec your cream weighed, tested, and get Dr. Whitaker and Mrs, Arthur your check while ' you w~i t. Then take Turner are enjoying a visit from ' your check home with yo u. their aunt. Mrs .. fiarriett Smith .Duffy, of f h Columbus. was' bere caring or eraunt MI S. Co lvin during her laanllness. Operator. at Harveysburg Operator at Waynesville F k R . h f h' ran eeves IS ome rom IS 1V0rk in Xenia on account of an inChas. Gray Chas. Crawford jured ankle. The C. E. was plea8a!)tly enter· The House with the Cash tained at the homll of Mr. and Mrs. Am.os Compton Wednesdl&Y eveninlf. Harley Carback amI family, of , . Xenia, have moved Into Jas, Peterson 's property. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Toban, of Sprill~' fi'e Id • spen t I r e lat,'ves ast wee kith w here. . Carlton Smith has gone t.o resume ~ • ' . .' , . his work at Delaware college , Arabella Colv'in, an aged resident

01_101'& ' .

rt LeilIa all




Notar, {'ubllo. J. W. WHITIil. J B . PJilI'IOE, • W . JI. Al.LE If.

Is tbe tllle ot our Ir,ee book: tt shows bow our studentB havo advanced to prom I· n nt pOij!UonB and gIves leI at< ot wbat you can do.

, izc


465.01 ,

"What Business Training Means to You"

la ll( <:

- - - - --

of village died Th ursday morn" Ing.ourFuneral services were held at ·l'ot~! .•. . • • . ••..••.•. , .•. • 021.988.86 .the M. ~. church Sunday afte"?.oon. STA'l'E OE QHIll. w.AnnEN OOUN'rY,8S: She leaVe!! one dau ghter. , Nellte C I, Il'. O. IlMtaock OUblor of tbe above Lackey and a large number of. rel~· 11 a.~~ bank, do ~\emn'fo .woar Iha~ tbe .tlves and friends who 'mourn theIr t~g~~"'rH~l:::~a~~I\':,r~ tbe!lel~ of 107 loss She was a kind and ac~omo.S'. U. HARTSOOK. OuWef. dating neighbor an earnest Christian 8u .OOI)e.1 ,u ld "'urn to befor me &bJa d' k i t h e cure h h• . U II! day or ~.p~.. 1917. E. V. a .rDb."'. aD wor er n 10 (lesorv" .• •. • •.••. aU.OI

Ncw Mad,cn:I- lhc

l'Utl1tlJl' ~




No. 2220


d So ed R

Miss R:nchel Ridge, who spent n The most satisfactory me thod of month with Mr. and .Mrs. Mahlon finishing chicken8 for market is to confine them to small crates where ~idge. returned to her home In Cin-' exercise will be restricted, and t o olnnatl l a~t Thursday. fe'ed beavi ly for 10 riays or 2 weeks Geo . Thom as: of Illinois, who has on' wet sloppy mash .made wHb lk not been in Wayne~vllle tor many mTh'eadvanlagt90fthecratemethod years. visited re latives here and In of feeding over all other !1lethods are Hane,y.8Q,urjt lUI wee" , tbat it III more sanitary, the fowls are more easily con trolled, feeding is Mrs . H. W. Walte r and son, Dan. easier and grea'er gains are secured Mr Harry Murrny am!' Mh Caro line In ad dition, it is easip.r to avoid Roger!!, of Lebanon. were calling OD disease since every chicken fed Is frieRds hClre Sllnday ufternoon , und er indiviaual observation. Mesdamc:f Cha~ . Rye. Walter McClure, R. G. Croo!S . F. C, Carey Bnd Miss Stella Daughe r ty spent Sat urday nt ·the Zoo in Cincinnati.


Tot,ay lir :lJ\~' s

Good Countr)' )Slitter Fa n c~ Creamery Butll' r

on hanel.

Mr, LOlli Alexander and family amI Mrs by tEl Aleltllnlier, of Dayton, were the I~uests of Mr und Mrs. J D. Ma rlat.t Sunday.



I Shlfford's Pimento Cheesc I '.. Fruits alia Veyelabll!s Nunfc hatl'i Chcc,.e Ph iladelphi a Cream Cheese I \Vllfer l11e loll S , Pinl, Quccn Cantd )lIpcs (A 11 in small package!!) E llJl'rla !'cllches' Lm'g Horn Cheese UnlliJnas :tI1d ()rallj!"s Crcam Cheese 'W hil e Plume lclcry

Seed Rye 1400 I


G' T E T

Downey's n elij(ht Okomarl(orinc

. Th o ~'Illan'~ Auxiliary Mnry';< ('hurd! will me'l' t lI'ilh Mrs. ! Sa rah Zimmf'rOi RIl un Friday uftel ' noon at 2 o · cl o~ k .

and also 'tha t u h an offer-s ix bi bright Aluminum pieces with every Range-is not likely to occur in this town again. This .is your chance to get. both at a reasonable pric . The demand fo r this combInation wiJI be great -therefore we advise you to <.'o me in the first few days of the show. This is a rare bargain and we hope you will at leas1i come in and look it over even though you don't int nd to buy.



e s goo e y Get our price. of ' t, I Younce Bros: Co.,




I noMr Mrs, F. B . tl (,lltler~"n O. L. Cr ane ,

younc,~ Bros. Grain Co.


oll d leath e r scholll ShtlCR for boys

al)(l fam ily and Ethan ICran c were Dayt on ' ~ i~ itors Satur, tlay.


l\lonclay I·'ranll c' l fl llHliert y hI' ug-hl ill 1\ tltl'1ll thnt Iiad l ..... el\,(' lull p o d ~ on it, und he hlld 11I·"kcn \lfT fI C lilple of IIntlq This beal!! all, hy heck!

Mr . und Mrs. 1 .I'~li\' M CC UIlt', of f Special lhi weeh-Whi tc Flye r LimB, Ohio . an' "i~ilinl{ relllli ve!< I S('ap Ilere for a few d ay,;. 10 Bars for S5e i 'fhi.- is a fine white Laundry Suap Mr . nnd Mrs. B. S Il owl'll "nd guarant eed 10 please or money M I' ~ ,J. I,: LiOI IlIl. II f C lllrk~ v ille, back. ,s p"nl Tu emlay with fl"i~lldH Ilf!re. Uring us your hi ck n9 and Eggs M r , and M r8 . IV III Thllrpe. of DayII igh e~t pric c~ Jltlit.! Cash or I lon , Rpenl IIl ~t Wl·dll·~day al th Trad e. hOllle of Mr. f\ml 1\1 rs Hoht. Crew . ,



ks alro Omn r I.!'wis hrol1~ht IIA in !I ~ tl ' m (I f Lima bl'lIn ~ which hml sev"n filII Ii \l " ~ II Il it. allli h" though I Ihnt \VUH \\'nllnerfll l

S 'raLch Fct'd. per 100 Ibs only $<1


----IIIiII!------i C 0' A L .!'



fr 'e

, lIml g irls !It 1-IYlllan's.

He will expJain wherein the Clermo;lt d ilTers from all other ranges-how the oven and reservoir can be wrapped in a 13lanket of heat hy a simple turn of the damper. He will show you the advantages of the Clermont Oven-door control sprin. 'fhe nly oven door that winbalance perfectly at any angle. Everylbin T about these wouderful Rang $ wi ll b made very clear to you.


MORE BEnNS ON S I ."""''''''~''''''''''''''~,~~


pc illl again this week

I\lr IJ1HI I'r1rh (' li tr ur.1 HiIl W~, of t:!'J1Lt!rville. sll.' llt ::;ull\llI with r'laliv e Iwre

~I i:<:1 Ada I i"1\ 'Iwr I~fr TU~!I" ln'y Illorn ing io Ink.' 111' Irpr ~ ttlllil'~ at Il olyoiH' Cu!ll'j!j '.

-- -.

At Dr. Herschel Fisheor

I '

Mrs. H. II . \\' llI i' m~t1n Is .pend · dH .VS willi relative!! in Day tun,

i ng s' f \\'

Saturday, Sept. 29.


S. Broad-

MI'. nnd 1rs J, I,: lIill il'~, "f Coon· \ 'fllillu. w.. ro \'i~ ilo r~ her 1\1 ntlny.

. and ends



WilY ,

Friday, Sept. 28,

An expe rt stove man direct from the Clermont factory will be at our store during that time and explain all the excl~sive features of the famous

~ ';


New Goodtl This Week


'ol id I 'u \hll r wurk

The !lquirrel Rel\!llln l'alne In Sat· Imlay 8n,I th" nimrods Kot n;al busy al\ll ijl 'urt<,,1 the selleo" with 11 Z ,~t hile II f{r.'llt IIIlIny huntl!rlj wert' Otl I. t hL<V ,;n t,liP ,"II IIIt' SU fur I.; 111'1 I Peter ory. HIl ag,'d r "ill~l; of\TfrY gllod . j.Ulllll very gmall "bag " lI \lrveY!luur~, di tI at his hom(' : UIl - wall made. Llay mllrninj1, aft'r /I lu ns.: illl1lo!~s ___=~=~=~_-'!!"'!'~ The fun ral WIIS h Id TUI"l'dIlY IlItlrn• ing at the J ()nah'~ 1('"1 Ihlptll\t Church. Int'rmo nl at ,/ nnw/ll,)wlI , Hom~ Uh io.



. I'


Sixty-Ninth. Year. I



1.-PEiiMENliij - - -------





Mr Brally of the A ~ riu('lturel · U p· llal'lmlllll llf Ohio ~tlll e U lli vtJr~ il Y, ~ p'mt Monrlay and Tlllll1day o f IHR t w~tk in Wanen ounly. ~ iving demonstrations lIf till! st!lecli rlll of ,*,~d corn fn .m Ihe slllik ~Ixly I'll pila uf lhll \Vayne T(\wn ~ hi. p Schouls and 8l!vt'n adults we re preHent when he "IW,- Ii d.. mon~t ruti /III in the fi eld of Rulph ~mith on Tu es, lllY afl<: r· nl.lln . The re lire Ihree melhuris nf !tolect · inll Mecli corn- selec lin l{ it fr ulIl Ih l! crib at planting time; ~ avin lC out good eart! when hU'jlllnll ; lind ~el('t't jng it from the stalk at thi ~ seaso n {)f lhe yt.'ar. The fir~t two mt!lhuds are 1I0t desirable since from lllll ear alone it i!l not pOM ~ible t, tell the con· ditions under w'lich it grew such \Ill the size of the stalk, position of the ear, condition of tbe husks. mu" turity of the stalk whether early or late, etr . It is important to bear in mind that each ear tends to I)rori uce stalks like the one upon which it grew. In view of this it Is d '1irable that seed be sele _ted from the s lalk Mr. Brody recounted Bome i!lter ellting fads t.hat have been disclosed by exhaustive tesls allho Ohio Ex· periment Station That by careful eeleetion of seed corn an a verllile in· ereued) ield of nearly four bushels. per lere resulted, 'l'hat by selert Inll' seed from the stalks that malur ~ earliest it has been fc)unli pOSSible to produce a Blr",in lhal will mature ~ much as ten daYd earlier than the average That corn lhat grows well ' In one locality may not do so in .nothe~8nd that each locality should develop by careful selection of Reed from year to year the type that tbrlves best under local conditions,

..,- .,.---


Kenn ... th Kilh.m, .,f Lt' llIIll flll, SUllduy I e ll'. lIalph C. Sniil h Wilt! il" I< V I. il. r F nd11 1



women, cloaed Infavor-of the women, It was up to th .. men to blmquet tbem . The banquet was held on Thursday evening, September 18th. hi tbe church . . Two bundred members and guests belnJr present The foliowinR: pro · I[ratD waagiven: !:iolo, Perrv Thnmail; Talk, James Mullin; Reading, Forest MarUn; Talk, Frank WMght: Solo, Roy Hathaway; Talk, Rev . Palmer; Solo, Mr . Couser. Tbi~ ended the program and all were Invitt'd to the baflfment where th.e social hour was enjoyed by all and the men served a watermelon lupper I.n a mOAt delightfu l manne r .




Look our goods over .befQre

buying elegewhcre. Just received a

fresh supply


BRAN, MIDDLINGS, HOM· INY HARTS and liOMCOLINE. ' • Youp,ce . Bros. Grain Co" '.




"'il.~' i .. h.1I hil I, L

w ,,'

I\')rn 'l'u!V1r.:'Jld ~ lr H C",. '1:1L· I ·11 :-;"\I \i)cnlot'r I·J. W1 7 . a ~ ,'n . E I-

\ ' 11,\'1' IJ 11 1.

d U ll


Saml Mpl't ,dilh H"d 1\ :" ry . 1';lh :ll, Cr." .. · v,' 'I.e [l"y lll ll vi .il· ~n lu r"uy.

111111 M r ll

(; " 1l 1'~"

\I '111 ~ lIcl<

C OUll I y


Miss Emmll r.!u. dr, of lJnylo r , was Ihe w tl K -uti gu '. l IIf M r anu Mra K V. Barnharl. . Mr . and Mrs Roward H opl(ill~, of Dayton. fpenl Thursd ay wilh Mrs. Alice Keys und falllily . Rev. and Mrs. J . F. Cadtll'allhlier and the Miss 8 Clara Lile and ~la ria Stout were Dayton vi:lito r!t Sa tu l day Tire ne w infirmary Imilding a t the county eat was hand ed over and accepted by the commissioners last \veek The new Boa r.1 of . County Com· missioner now r eads: W. D. Co rwin. president; Ed B. j{(lgerR lind I··rllnk B. ~tokes . Mr. and Mrs . S. 0 Riggs and Mr . and Mra. Frank Ryan, of Newark, Ohio. spent th e week end with Mr. and Mrl!. B H. Kelly. Mr . an~ Mrlj. J eff . Thomppon. of Lebanon, and Mr 'Flora ~t, of Lockland. were guests of Mr. arrd Mu. Gorden Joy last WednesdllY. Mr. and Mrs . L. A. Zimmerman anli daughter, and Mrs. !:iarah Zim merlmin s pent Sunday with friends at Greenfield and Washingl.on . II .. Ohio. Mr Ben F . Stiles and daughter, of the Ohio Masonic Home. Spring· field, spent several days lust week with Mrs. Hope Sliles and daughter. at Corwi.n Albert CleaveI'. who hila belln cl e r~· ina: at the Brown grocery in Corwin. resigned his lJosition la~t week and went to work tor the Pa R. R, . as a brakeman· Mr. and Mrs. Wa rren tend ed the funerlll of a Wilmington laat weck. "pent the week· nel wilh Was hington, C. H .

Barnett at· relalive at They al30 r elatives in

Jesse PrendergasL, Geo. Water house. Hugh J<idge, Forest Ridge, r' red Lp.onard and Fred Brllddock . of Co · E. 1st Reg . . of Camp Run yan, Lebanon. spent Sunday with home folks . The Grand Jury for the Octobe r term of court WitS pick ed last wepk, and they are all fr um lhe southern part of Lbe caunt.y. Not a n~me was drawn from Wayne. Massie or-Clear, crt'ck One name was drawn from Wayno for lhe petit jury. .

SPain, Threatened by RelJol~lonl, r aka Dr~tic Steps to Qu'ell Agitators o·






baa Dot In 801 'W81 threatened. the Irove~ent of SI! dn. that CII1IDtrJ hu been In the throes of revolutions for wec!ks. Outbreab "' • ltDall rlotl haft occurred In eeveral cities. The picture 5howt the police dt, 'lni with all IJI8I'I:htlt who attemp!..ed t(J tlr up strife among· workers ill "" eapltal cit, of Madrid. This ..,,!cular man hal caused c:onslderable anno)'· BIll ~ to the iUlhar\tle.l, and was apprchrnclcd only afler a Itruata. Kina All bontII hat DOt. been disturbed 111 the upriainal an stiD remain. popular wit • the ptuplt.


~lr , . ~ i" II ~


fARMERS' . .

1) :11,<






1\\"1 )11'

!-i"I'lI",,";' r


e ling of the

T own- hip Furmers' cl ub waR

l:r"",1 Ihr. ,'1 ,I Ill< ' h":I 11 iflll cnu nlr.\· hurne • .1 f ~1,. a ud ~I I'~ !--=an1 ~ler(ldi t h. I '11. .. i" .·:11 day wn~ mad" lill mo re . 1," lu,,' "r "h·" .1I. l bl' gl'l,t! l inK~ lOf h,).;t ali t!

,";Il ' d .1 'h" IP

t tl 1.. ",

)1I .t ·

\\lI h


I t··",,::,

li nd

till' Jfl uh(!·~l l ursc:l\,l!~ · u t-

I ' tin t! '

1 ~"" l dll'l.. "r "11 , 11"1 ' 1 i( ~ n ' III'I" "l1lillg' the C ntrel \'1"1,, 11 ;1I'I"n e ll, l'!tl·1111.·"ll :" . I!:llve u ve ry illlcr· "dlln' IIlIiI IJrofilahl' lalk on treating Rl· cd wh llal . whlt'h I d lu Qui te a IiUl e : Iclla IVhi l"el :Ind la l'Y ~ I u l' J.! an di' e ll ~H i n . MI'. OgloRiJee informed or Xenia . vi HlIl,d lh " i!' frl eud, :lli:!S lh" cluh tha l in Canada the trea ting Lizzie J OY , ull !\!lIn dhY ••f wh~lIt WIIS clJll1pul Hory . Mr. Fre4 Il arlsu I, gave a pleu qont catchy Mr. amI Mr ~ 'y rll s 1I1I:;8ey. of tal k . ll t) ~aid in part that he did 1'011!uo. On io , are lh j!U sIs of Mr. nut Imo~ how much good the club and Mrs . Walte r ChoU Ill e r . . wa~ d am/{ until h \V~s fortunate !! nvug h to btl a gu est for t he day. · The g UE"s ts we re Mr. and Mrs. SATURDAY R~gul ar /1l ~cli ng ~f th' J . 0 .. U. McClure. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hart· A. r.1. , al thl!lr hall I' nday evclllng· IROCk. MrR. Daugherty and daughter. A f ull altendunce is desi red . Mrs . Tran an and Bon. The guests and club members seemed sor ry to Burn- To Mr . amI M r 9. Frank leave. I:;ach one seemed to wish tho LeM ay, of Middletown . Ohio. Thurs IdllY was longe r. - - - - .- ••- - day. Septembal' 20. 1917 . a son . Ml'ij


r.illll 'il i. \'i,: iI, '" ~lr ~ S,il llrLlay and SUlld:lv


Barney Oldfield , maste r driver of t he world, and Louis Chevrolet, idol of the speedways. are to meet at lJayt<>n on aturday . September 29. in a three·heat matcb race f or a $5000 purse and the world's dirt track championRhill . David Wil g us a nd wif . of Dayton. Oldfield contends that a ne wijboy ('an ' drive a racing car over the HORSEMEN blinked board tracl(s but that it" reo quires skill and daring to an amazing Mrs . Dorothy Dinwiddie and 'hil WILL HAVE RACES degree to drive the 120 mil e an hour racing cars ' around a one-half mile ~~eM'r ~fJ.e~. I \)f:;~dd~:k~~dd f~~1ii~~ I dirt track . He challenged the world a few days alto, and Chevrolet ac· Mr. and Mrs. C. F. ra wfurd The members of the Waynesville cevted the deR A Dayton promo spent Sunday at Lee burg, Mrs Driving AssociaLion \\Jill have a tRce ter hung up a $5000 purse. and the McPherson retu~nin g hume with meet on Satul'dl:lY, October 13,191'1. match is on. Oldfield will drive his at Oa kdale I )riving Park. There Golde.n Submarine car. whil e Chevrlliet will pilot hia [t'rontenac, the same car witb which he won the Cincinnati them. wil l be at least th r ee big races for Speedway Memorial day faco, The race starts at 3 o'cl(lck. W. H. Allen left Satu rday even. the afternoon, and the conteatll will . Ing to lit te nd th e National Bankers' be 01 en to ~11 com.e rs. Wayne 'Iow':l8hl l~ has some fine Association et Atlan llc City this k horses. and thl!! WI\! give them an wee , oPI>ortunity to seo what they can do. OBITUARY Attractive pu rses will be offered , . Mr. and Mrs. J . O. CartwrIght with no expense f ur entry fees. and Mr . and Mrs . My er Hyman and Watch the paper next week for The death of Margaretta Packer daulZ:liter were Cinci RJlati visitors ])ro~ram . CLASS MEETING • - - - - - - - - - - leaveB a group of sorrowing friende Tuesday . Mr, and Mrs. Geor~e Robertson, who, realizing the sterling worth of Ladies and fliends of the Loyal of Route 5, entertained at dinner her character. feel keenly the void Most delig ht ful and lasting odor s left in our lives. Particularly i3 this Women's Bible class of the Ferry Sunday: Mr . and Mrs. F. W. Hath· ao in the George School community. imprisoned in the creation of our away, W. N. Sears and family, and Bible School planned ' and carried out Miss Lucy Emley . Coming bere from Waynesville, fin e perfumes. a sinltle drop gives a RALLY DAY J . E . J anney. Ohio. her birthplace, with her par· lasting frag rance. quite a unique surprise on their Mr. J . O. Cartwright and family. ents and sister in the fall of HlOI, teacher, Mrs. D. Palmer, on ahe entered George School. whe re The second division of st. Ma ry 'Oj Thursday afternoon, September 20th. the Misses May Wright, Dorothv ahe pursued he r course to graduatiun Guild will have Ii socilll at thu home AT Gebauer, Dorothy a.nd Kathryn·Dakin It had been announced that the Henrietta McKinsey and Mr. J . B. in 1905. Here she mad e h e r~ t]u iet of Mrs. U. J . Ed wards , Thursday regular closs meeting would be on Pence went to Schantz' park Sun· way unobtrusively among her c m- afternoon of thiOl w'ek , Eve rybody Rally Day WII8 very fittingly ob· panionR, loved by those who knew cordially invit ed. that afternoon with Mrs . Frank day afternoon, and had supper. her intimately anel respected by aliI served 'in th e Christian Bible School Wright, so the t eacher wanting it to Great was the surprise to Mr . and at l~er:y, Sunday .. .' eptember 16th, Miss Lillian Wilkerson gave a de · for her keenness of intellect and un· be a s uccess k pt her phone busy in· selfishness .of ch ~rac te r . . Many an Mrs. Waller McClure 'n~lIrriay even- 1,5,1 bemS{ presenlm t~ e Bible School. lightful party Tuesday evening in viting ISldies to the class ml'eting . lind wh en their son 'arl of the At the. close of the Ulble School the hour of delight dId s he. give to. the i just atl she was ready to s tart to· the honor of Mr. Carl McClure of the U whole sch?ol by he r plano .play mg, (]~'s. S. Oklahomll, 'st pp~d in on foll? wl~g prog ram was. ~ender.ed: The guests to the S. S Oklahoma. class meeting on looking out, saw U shanng one of her g reatest th C I ' 10 kl'n (. e and he Re ItaLian . Albert Martm. Reclta· number of 80, had a jolly time en thus . i ern. ar in · IS , tl' . Sol 0, Ir Ina ···ur 10llg line of ma chin~ in f ront of joying III' ft S WI'tl I e veryone: certainly loveUwithg his11\work. on. E va. "'I ~ l.omas. .... • themselves in conversation, their house arid going out to inquire music and games: A grea,t surprise After her graduatIOn she r t u rned S phy; ReCIta tIon. Dorothy Col"man ; what the tr()uble was found 10 her Reading. Minni e Thomas: Reading, to George School tn do post g radua le Mr . Jac ob Wllgncr. ?f CaL. was 8dnB Mullin. accompanied on the great surprise they were coming to was sprung on the guests when Mr. work and to a88 i~ t in lhe hi'''!'glea l Ernest Harlan of th,e U. S S. Denver department. This wo rk ~h ... CUll' lhe guest !ast week of h)s aunts, M~s . piano by Mi,s Marie Hartsock: Read the ' preacher's house." After th exci tement WII S over t he and MisR CeciliaSiwok, of New York t.inued unlil 1910. at the sa me time G. H. Ei lts and Mrs. James CurtIS. ing. Mrs. Martha Orahood; Solo. Mt' ladies in vited Mrs . Palmer to the City, watked in UP01n them A splen doing two years of college work at Mr. Wag ~erhas recen~ l~ be~n draft Fo rest Ma,rlln: Readlog, Mrs. Clal'a kitchen, where ' he table was loaded dill luncheon was IIl!rved at a season· the Univers ity of Pennsylvania That ed and will en ter traI Ol ng .," Wash- Thomas; 1alk. Rev. Palmer. with good lhings,. each bringing a able hour. and the guests departed fall she entllred t he University uf ing tonaboutthe flrs tofOctobe r. . - donat ion with her. The regular feeling that they had spent a most Mil:hil!'an, where she r emained -for enjoyabl e evening . busineFs was dispoRcd of and the three years, taking the degree of U. Th e Trustees of the Sprin g bor o program WIIS g iv n a!l (ollows: Song. S. in 1912. and of M. S in 1913. Cemete ry h ave aWll rdee! to Charles An invitation was gjven by Mrs . While still an underg raduata she reo W. Schwartz & Son . Lebanon. th e. "What A Friend WI! HaveinJ esl1s." criptllrll Read ing, The firflt Psulm Rach el Keys to a few relatives and ceived t he hig hest 'honor open to II contract for a hand ~o me enlrance . by the pre!<idcnl. MrR. ' HjJ thaway ; frie nds. nskinp; them to report at het' scientific stud nt, by being elecled a for that Cemetery. This will cOIIRis l 'We have a large stock comPra'y er, Brothe.r Palmer; :rhe mem home on Saturday a.fternoon: the par· member of Sigma Xi, an intercol D.f an iron double gil e uf ~eav~ ing in, several grades. Come bers rt'Sponded to roll. call wi th ty being in the nature of a miscella· legiate society for the ·promotion of sIgn, su ppo rted upon gmlltte pIers, in and look thelll over;-- It .. I qll(ltlltiuns, 'l'alk . M t , . neous shliwer.for Miss ItJdna .Janney . natural' science, Her col1 ea~ues in of maSSIve \Jfopll rll onR . The piers . . . Ollie Hnthnway; Recitation, Eva A delightful sociall afternoon was this work. and her other Michigan wi ll be conRtructcd of the Barre Will pay you. Thomas; Itcading. Minnie Hart~ oc k ; spent; slime interElSting recitations friends. join with he r George chool Granit e. each Slolldi nj:f nin e feet Y . B G - C Talk, Mrs. Palmer; Reading. Clara given, guesses tnllde upon answers to friends in admiration of her ability high. and surmoun ted Wilh a 'polished ounce ros: r~ln 0., flower questions lind the usual chat· and in love of her sweelnESH llnd sphere of the sanle mnl('rial. Thomas WayneSVille, OhIO Th e social hnll r was spent in l>IE'BS' ter. Th(l hostess served delicious purity or character. That one year of teaching should ant conve rMtion illld refreshments of cake and ice cream, being asaisted fruit sa laci and cake were served . in this by Rhea Janet and Evelyn end in broken health, seems almost 'fhpy all expressed th emselves all Cartwright. After this. Miss Edna unbelievable; aTlIi lhose of us who having a pleasant time and the was conducted to her gifts, which have watched her ma ke he r gallant. tescher hopes they will all come she unwrapped and expressed her though failing', strugg le for health appreciation of .rail , Besides the and life. cheerful and Ilns\!lfi sh to again . guest of honor the other invited the end. can ;only take to ourselves j.(uests were Mrs. J. E. JallnliY. Mrs. the lesson in humility which she Robert Cross, Mr.•. Howell Peirce, taught us. and bOwing our heads in Mrs . Hannah Ro~rers, . J . O . (deepest eor.row, say. "Thy will be Cartwright. Mrs. H. H . WIlliamson , done." - Emma J ~ Wilson in · Friends' REGULAR MEETING M riI. Frunk Zen, Mrs. S. L. Cart· Inteliigenc~r. wright. the Misses \Louella, Jeannette _ _ ___ ••_ __ and Frances Janney, Georgia flad· WOMAN'S AUXILIARY den, Lizzie Stewart.· Emma Cart· wright. Martha Burnett. Kizzie Mer· HATHAWAY REUNION ritt, Lizzie Carroll. Clara Keys, .H elen The regular meeting of the WOo Hawke. Elsie Gustin, Rhea Janet man'a Auxiliary of St, Mary's church and Evelyri Cartwright. All left a Several of the desendants of Eb was held on Friday afternoon, Sep thank you with- Mrs. Keys for the tember 21, at t he homll of Mrs. delightful afternoon. enezer Hathaway mol on the Leba· Sarah Zimmerman. It was the. flrat ••~ • non, Ohio, Fair Grounds. S ptember meeting after the summe r vacation 11. 1917. and organized f or 1\ Il~and and the work was taken up with reo LITTLE HElll'EHS MEET rounion of the Hathaway family to 'newed interest. : be held at Harmon Park, September The meeting was opened with a 88. 12, 1918. . . lecHon of music on the player·piano, 'TO OPEN MITE BOXES The followiDg persons were elect· · dl L' ht ed: President, Frazee W. Hatha· L ea d K In y Ig . 'read 103 Psalm, . Mrs. Clldwal\ader way, Waynesvi'11 e; v·Ice.pres~'d e.n t, followed "'by prayer by Rev. J . F. _ _ . Georlle M. Brown, Lebano~; Sec~e. Cadwallo<\er. A second selection ~f Tuesday afternoon at their plcas- t.ary. Ivanette Pratt, Xema, Oblo; music. Somewhere a Voice is Call · ant home on Main St., Mrs. L . A. TreRBure~, .Roy Hat1!awa~. Wa~nes hig /' Willi played. Scriptural quo- Zimmerman and Mrs .· Sarah Zimmer· ville, OhiO, ExecutIve COm?lItlee, tations were gIVen in response to roll- man entertained the" Little Helpe!'!!" Forrest Hathaway.. Lebanon. Lew call The United Offering · boxes (If St. Mary's ehul'Ch . This BOci~ty Rt J~bn, Wayneavlll~. 811d. M. C were openeJ at tbis meeting . is section one of the Junior depart. Melllnger,.Yellow Spring'. OhiO After the readin¥ at tho mInutes ment of the Wom,an's Auxiliary to . All relatiVes and persons I!'terest, and disposal of other bUl!ineaa Mni. to ~he Board of Miuiona and this eel will pl~communlcatewlth Mrs. Pratt. Moreland Apart· D: L Crllne read the Annual Report was the time for openIng their mite of the Seeletary from the Forty.fir~t boxes, At. the clolle of an enjoyable menta, Xenia, Ohio .. • _ ••- - Annual Report of the Woman ~ afternoon dainty t'l!freahmenta were Auxiliary to the &ard of Missionl. served. The members are Mary Mra, Cadwallader the Presl· LouiN Cartdent's Addreaa from the IIUl\t.Beport wriebt, Louiae STRAYED and Mrs. O. J. Edwards the Report Henderson, Earl To the farm of Joslab Dlvia, a of the EclucaUonai Secretary. ter Dean Hawke cow. .OBner. call for lime, lOme lntereatillll dJlCUIIionI the Rev. and lin. IUIII~I"I-III DavlaJ 181 Mutual Telephone, meetlug ~oumed until the third and lin. D, 1., Burllogtoo, Ohio. FrldQ in OCtober. . IIIIItII.

~Irth~l~a~~~:i~~ ~i~vseEz~:~ y~~~\Ome ' LOCAL






. -.



Timothy Seed

dt' l

Taught by Government to Preserve Foods, Girl Scouts Will Now Teach ' Othe~,




t.l r nrl!

005e to the scenes of the actual filthting on the battle front in France, several regiments of Americans [lave been reviewed hy staff officers of the French army and the United States expedi tionary force during the past few week.s. Th" troop. which will be fi rst to seoe service in the trenchu have been carefully groomed during their "intensive traill-. illl:." all d now th ~y arc almost rea dy 10 go into battle. The rel~irnental ' colors beside the red. white and blue are aeen in Ihe fo r eground of the . piclure; the reviewing officera are in the rear and to the left This American regiment ;,.' quartered with a Fr~nch Divis ion, the Chasseurs Alpinls, otherwise known as the "Blue DevU.... Under the tutelage of these eXperienced fighters, P ershing's men bve ~en initiated. in the al'1t of trenth warfare.

---.- ----

WhIle . . CllDdItIoa

J'~"" i~



HI),, 11 1 tlW\I/-l·k,'II. t \\' llh rt:iJltl v"s in

rJnrk "

w ay III' \ 111':-; 1"1 p ('IlI p l e I I ('..."d l·IIl l.lllrlll.'lC nut ltei n ~ pr 8 · ~It' ~I I: 11 )'111 III :" 01 1'."11 11\'. "f " 1 ' Ihl' IIh ·f'I\ I . ~: WlIs n,, ' ned lJ y VICC' L el lau !! n ..- t h 'hl :';u III I ,, \ .\ I ll. ll : ill.d , h,\ CI" lll ()".d .-s h" c . \II !'I 1\., II 11 •. &1& ' • \' HI L' I P l 11f' I"I":~~ "':4'Rt.;d n un.l !='H.'k. '11'''~ "'I "ral nh'ml..:r" w ·r.~ Dh ~ ent :" .iI III, ' 11I·.'~"'tlrl ~h" rt t'lleri. S. P



I\t1 r

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" rtl

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11, I, (I t· "I" II! ~I ." h If " ': • ()II •

Mi>lS U.' neVII Cllrti ,. i ~~ pl ' ,,,I"1j!' Ih c"d 111111 " 'Ilt li \', " J)a ~ l " n.

EIlI ~.


. !

~jll .1 ]1' I II' III I ... j " ~ ill I fliia li


I i.




----.~ ----


i-~--------i I MEETING

Ii 11'1 "n hu~·

The contest at the Ferry Bible

ScbCK\l between the men and tht!

T,roops of Expedition(lry Force Reviewed, Near _ ._.WestemFront WhereTJhey Will Fight Beside French

'" 1'1'1 t



WhoJe Number 3146.




J. 11411


t< Cl


lIlIlI Mr. Blaine, WIIS rUllnllll!' lIfl,' r hcr." OIlUt II6Ilks Oll t till' rrit" IlI fi I liUU falteoa ber brand til n hllll (111 1'1\('1)'. Policemen are lint. Jlllh' r.. 11,,\,,'1 11'1'" are onl, min whll let ,,,"I ur,' ,111 Ih,'lr Work tor them. TOOre WIIS a no ~ tl' BI0 l'\'I1 10 IRUllh . 111 0 1,,' 111'1. ,

114 oot need to loole to kn oa· Ihnt


WI. Bopp.

.... r. Kent 8 e<'DlS to liu 1' 1' It 1'f'r~' obI6rvlnll wlod," he uld . Luelle loolced nt mo r '11I'n'lI'h full.". " I, thl8 true 7" she nok 00. "Yell." George \Tn s bl11gton could !lave done no mol'{!. "You dIdn't ca tc h her1" "No." Nothtng more

to l>e Bllid. I bull been trted, coll,,1 led Blld SQll tellced.. The telepboD 9 rong. 1.uclle w ent to anaw.r It. Tite rest of us followed _ at our leisure. When we hod ard'fld dowostalrs Luelle w us tulklng to IOiDe 009 o,er the ""irQ. e Ldently IIer mether. "1'm glad ,You're all rtght.," she \VII" "aDd that you ho"o boll some· tlaID. to eat. Don't t eel badly about b~1D1I the fllBt. No olle blames you • bIt. That', 1111 rtGb~ We WOUld, t oo, U We could." J.. pause, durlog whlcb ,he Il!ltened, • tl'OWIl gathering on her taro. "Don't )'OU worry, mother. Wo're all n,bt-all except T ooUes. Sbe Is l08t, Whaf. tho ma tter ? You HIlW lIomo 01111 outBId9 in th e moonlIgbt? .A. man 1I'1th whiskers? Non8ens c. No one there at tbls ti me or year, Everrbo4T lett In September. Just Il'O _ bid and don't tl.lok about !luch WIIS




'. LUd1e .t1!ICd n flcrcom. "HeUo, mother. What? Some one II trr,lnl'. &be d OOr 7 We opening-bello - bttlo-motbr,r". ~uctle droPllecl tbe l'e<' et~l'r and Bonk "'cll'llvarct loto 'VLdo's nTm~. I pIcked ~p the telepbono nnd uel.d It t~ my Hr, ihaating "Hello, bl'l1o! ' There was no 1'ef!POllBC!. The w ire w .. dead.

Wheu Luelle bad been re. ITed wUb. oul reaortlng to nny of the "lolent Dlelhoda lIugaested by the re~ourcef1l1

A. MAFFIT and Embalmer,

""a,ne.yllle. Ohio. Either Auto or Hol'l8 dra,rn service. .' No extra eharJre for auto aervici. BoUl pboaea In omce and R..tdIDCI"


Dr. J. A. Mcec,y, , Veterlnarv' .. OFFICE:

Com.r Main and Mill Strllts 'hIephoa. ~


, To Drive Ambulance



IIr I·hu l'"'"1

t ... 1f'op'1


OlaaBifted Ads

"I I'rlVIi '''''


,out.loll tl) l~r (, h 'l!(I Tb., WIll nf lIll It . N . • ~tllll lll:vr e>

Commo J P leas Courl New Suits


he&'iIl lbt UDItecI 5latel to the . . . . . . . . will embark for . . . . ..,.. IPRali1a ead to ffooat- fit Ruuia, where ...... . . II Jut tWBDtT.


~ jj.'i;"e-;c:. ~urltl".


w~ '~~~~

:HLcOxA 0

. 10 "

. !lO"

. 75"

j " "h••11

10x6 ~!' O

. 10" LUa '" 1.50"

. '0"


I. U

;~=~~ ~ g ~ : :~::




'-' \It


~ :8~

" "V~ n tl"r

lmllll . t no. " ' hlt n 'r"r paa In r 1\", l ' lnu $I0 c , ct:t.lllr


~~ )'~:o~if~ ':~ :~~r:o~r \l"rl:i~:ut:~~

write tor IL

Tbe Whit. Tar Comp .. ny

Dept. t3. 10:. "oba 8tr.' • .Now \'or1&


WALT~R F un~r8 1

McCLURf Uif'e(.tor. Ohio

WllY nt!sv I lie -c: rl' lIl, n -

I .

AutD Equipmeul H(lr~uJ)ra1Vn ECIUII',lIcnl

l' E U~ I'HON('!



D AY Olt N IG H"





Saxo'n Six Livery (PRICE5 RIQ""T)

Walter Chandler tWaynesville•. o. Over Poetolflce. Offici Pbo n~ 1T

DR. J. W.

Sole Agent






Hou. Pbo.. II


.~.DENTlST••• Olllce t. NM!oaal lIa.1r 01"_.

" ."nll••IIIe. 0



t or T I1 t1(1 hll\'1l

Do-a .

CORWIN , OHIO Read the Miami Gazette now



thought ot' II sens ible rellsen tor keeving Mrs, Green uway from t he tele· phonQ. "We hall better do 8omcti.lng to OC· cupy Ollr m1udi! u util we hen r tram the 'a herllr," Vida 811.111. rlshlg to tlto PO!Ition Of commnndlng omcer In tbe cmerpncy. 1 tbought of my cln ms. , " Come w ltll lUe;' I exc1ulmed nud led the Will' t\)","rd tbe kltcbeu. ". bOTe u B I!I' J1I'I ~t; fur ~·" u . " "1' 0 11 Jilin' fill 11 1(1 'J'('o ll e~. " Luelle was rulllllllt. "No," I "1'(1110' ,1, ~ '" Il Cl1'iJnt crcstfnll-


A big touring car for five people

lI,t; ut ll i"orgotft' lt 1'ootlel, ~ ," " ,'I Ill n ~ rlU' ~' o n 1.0

eot}' Ne" m' hu\' p I 11(11 11 s(, lJlIJlllhll' t18 lit t 1111 1 1110' " " 111 tl I'<I j ~ . \l' ILII nil but 1.11 110. I 11111" 11 '1 • .:' .1 I " IL" " 1I1,I'.lIl WIl8

our hll ll g'\' (' I t('l "p •••••• I ~. ' I: , Ip t( 1 De _Id. It l~ \"" " II cull," ',upl)sslblf' to <louvey t.o the mInd of the well fed nador "Vbot It Ul enn ~ to miss mou)' meal!. I led &bem to tb e kltcben, "What IH It?" Dovp ·nsked., "It's a socret," I replied mysterlo'QI. 1)' tn\'ostlgat\.UII my kettle of clllmt. willCh. strange to r 111te, bad· not boiled entirely away. "1'11 serve It to 10\1 and then you can suese what It Is." I found a nurnlJer or bowla In the pIlntry, and with !l porcelnln dipper I ladled a goodly portion of cl!lm brotll Into escb. "Dld )'OU cook thl.. nll by loursell1'" asllod Kent. "I diet." I ave rred mod estl.v. "From raw mnterla18 . you found GIl tho \Sblndl" supplewented BoW. "IDverytlllllg In It grew rlllb,t bere,". uplAlol.od. '''It's Tootlesl" screamed Lucile, tuMltnll palo an" puttlna ber bowl down on the table. "It co u't be," Mid ·Dopp. SlIl1l1nr· "Tlill! hnH n declde!lIy fishy sllIell." , "I know It," wlliled Lucile, with tllare courslll g down her cUeilks. "Tbllt'. what makeH m o thInk It's Toot.lee, We ba\'e been fetldlng ber lots of fi sh late·

That WIIS mucll. 1 mlgbt have atood for beIng CI.ll ed a murdere r, but not a tut on '. "Very well," I rel,I"!,\. . "It certalnl), wUI Dot be OCCCR8II 1'Y' fur you to see me. I will IrO, and 1 ussure you thnt I will . never enter you r hOllRe ugnln." I went to the door 'With 118 much d,-"



'lar a nn o

Today prices (\f all motor cars are at t Ie low.point. Climbing costs of mnt'enals and la 0:' are inexorably drawing the -time near when new and far high€::r prices must be set, .,

A number h. 'Ie Illre'ady announced higher prices 0 1 set the exact date when new prices tal. . ett:ect: So the wise buyer will purchase his Saxon "Six" at $935 now. In perfol'J1lance, ill beilluty, in value, you'll find Saxon "Six" the' best "buy/' dollar for dollar, in th e field of ~. rangini in COlt from $ W O to $1150. It i. a b~g cart an able car. :J, l'vomy car for all five passenger•• And it is a "Six.'t

. ." Contrasted With a "fowr" Saxon "Six" belong. to. • hiKher elu,. as far as p'er. forinance ia ~oncerned,

Foa- the mechanical rcstri .!i ns of the fo(!r.cYlind~r type of mot,)), limit it to a lea!! "peppery" p;c:bup less smooth pufiiri~ pow e:-, les" f!cx·billiy, and tl!SS (illi : ness in opf:r2',!i 11. toan Saxon

"S:1t" l.\ffords. In -high quality ({"~hll'CS it will match a ny car 'co:;tinIT (,'Lv o. $300 more, S .~}:on " Six" has a Continental motm' six cylinders, Timken axles, T imb I beaJings, Stromberg carburetor, Ret:, . ignitio,!l, Fedders radiator, Spiral. be'; .. ( gear, Semi.floating axle, EXid.e stomg" battery, Wagner starting and lighting system, and Warner Steering gear, III eleven, of its important feature •.

You ~m find two

or more of these lea-

tureo' on 14 cars, r&n.ging in $3.000 to, $10,000.


If you want good reading get

the Miami Gazette no.



You will find two or more of these fea. tures on '22 car. nnging in price from $1350 to $3,000• .

IT abe CoD&InU,",, "


Time ..

"Goot1lty," I said nl I opened til•




nit,)' as • coul<lIlH8Ume.

of twalt)'-.Ix Amerlcan pia . . . . . . *he _balanc:a fit RuWa. _


}... ~·'1nUIlIl. IU, • I ·nlh th" y opr rO tl n!!. IiOuie .. "uti 11D.Ili:erU In..hJ a. 'I x. .Utll' :



CI"n... at

unwtt nld . d a no u aDO" c nClw IWh;,. T <lor AirtJ&ht 11all




Flit T .... h

The t n tnlll." (.1 m.n ..l tlu Dun!h: " lI.n k" "., l }oc l,' :mld le r. · thl l1"" \l hlun,


"Luelle," I begun,' "1""Don't apeok to we. I don't ~VIll1 want to 800 you oguin, you tnt mur· derer,"


Real Estate



"y~u never liked Tootles. I t UGW It. You cared' moro for YOllr a ppetlt.e thaI! tor my little durling, Now I see th~ough all tb c mYHtcry nbout wbnt tbe food WIIS Bnd whllt yO\l ~ere. doing all th o nfternoo'n w blle I slept. I suppose you drugged lUll ElO thnt [ wouldn't heal' the poor little t.lill1g's 801'0111'118. 011, mother I Oh. Tootlcs I"

. . ..... au. "m




lY," J Bt.nrtOO W CXl'lulu. "I,uell o, hOW can YOU accusc me cf sneb n thIng?"


oot,1ngl01( 1.0 MI"d II"


"bu t )


d OIlR rd, i~ II I u ...huiliou t.o l1obut~ . I n tbe llI\lIltur uf t./' ' ~t ate If In b1~ rll'"II.~," Heuhl' ll b hH O·"r. rJ l'OOl'8 d 'oIl t" Mnybr ~Iu' JUNI dn""I1,,1 I " I, lit Etll 11 .~ Bu jJ pv va M(1rr .l w Ofl lle}, (' rttl In h e ritflllce t OJl iM flxlJd. . Orrl'I~'11 A" II.I!,I," "1 ••'1' ~ r ll li h" r UJ' rlivo rcl1: Cr n lll ,y flud negleot. again. Shl' ~10{'1l11'11 1\ 11111.> ,h' nIL,\i "" I Coru Ll\\v l~ 118 ... dmlnlstr ntrlx of l1 b rllA I!; Y I) Ull~, (uhnr v~. ~(lio top whrl) 1 t1r~t ~Il\\' Iwr. .~I~· 1111 ' 1 'c we ll E Le wl", d eceAsed V ~. 'l' 'm UT(~ n hll\I~ ", at 1\1. '111 of n '1I 1 NEYI ne(\(llll\vu llt\1 k ohllt tiw.!) 1\l/l~' 111' till' nfl""k 18 ",'pr. 1und EIIl!lI b e l h ' hilI' h i money n lld tl" IR!O i ~IJPro\' ,I tlud dl ~ lflblltl \l 1l lol~' Illld 8/1\1 11 11\ ,)rt' ~ II I!'09 . Thill ~"""""I "rll ",,!on.g h 8I1!:g~· r,jr eolosnre Am ,)ullt olaim 1 $11 2 1,. or pr (l(", cl ~ I~ (l r lll r II Nnro~ Il,mg h t. .Io bn 1:16 1'1)11. , .I r. , Uo .. , /Inri 1 " " IN) on It. I 1I~,ked roll' flO and Int t ~est . . In tb "'ult.fl r .... UHljl'll fl r(\iflQ hiJl trRI b> j!h'1I mf' llll tlllllf:cl,1n II Is la nil Allo ll Bllil.liug, .' u n\lI, Oh io , m 2. of "ttl u lQY ~' l'ikl\mp, 11 11.1101' I~ n('. all co mor(\. · Proceedings. IJand $~~llll , "rill 8,)rry," I'l'nlntl 1\11 ,"cn'd. "but , ', _ . 8 . ronobA I uvp Inlot1 FirmllD K ln~ V~ U rll zla T\. l ng. I CRII 'I· R(' III to Ill't Illrrn. I' ~ bocu FOR RENT Tbe will of f{ ,l llorL l-l. UlllIllrd, rln gtll · all I'hllt 1111 0 rM the lllst t.e.n OefeDdlint Is r estored t o h er m l\ldeu d oe(l81ld, 18 Ildlll ltt.,11 to prolill t"l. 1'I11 11\1t:'~. Thl'l'n's nnathl'r J\I.rl .~ trytnl: l llllme o f fIl Z1 1l Bmllden burg , "tu r o·~ool'll ou Mill" ~t'r ee t, Ua e 10 IIl't IltCIII ,'" I L u"ren oe C c lle ttv8. Luh eColl e t·t Marri ll~ Licen 'elI ~itu lltl 6 D f o r IIO Y bo sl oll!<8, WIth ",\ I",Ihl'r PAr1~?" QHe~ll o nl'd . Divoroe is ~rtlnt ed on g r o u nds of gllrflg0 f!lr on e uu t o, F r pri ce, e i O , ""' h,),(" udultery, Cllll'o r,l Eirnll r· 1:1 1rl()~, cll'rk n f ll1qulru of MrA ,J 08 W 1:I'llnes, " I coulllll't lIOy. rt I ~n ·t anyone 1 Bllrry ' L . Ba rding va. El1r,.. b otb Mo rr ow, lI,nct Ir(lno ~utl l lll, of L"IJ W"yncsvl lle .Oblo . 0 10 kM\\,. 1Tt ~ 1'I)I 'c B nnd~ IIkl' be "'/IS II W. lloiJ'orll. El , L Bardlb g l ~ Ill" 'IDon . Rov . Georgo \\'. 1'11I11tp~ , tall, thi n ." 'lIlIIg IUOII f r om ;-; ~ W Yurll." pointed r eoel ve r ' '\11 t h In tr uotiou@ FOR SALE- J>1l0PERTY " CIIU' t gt th em," I 1""1 Ih o IIslell' (.0 oODlplete ~hi8 yellr '@olinD in g fc a . CommissIon er 's Procccdirl2s 11lJ: grOIlJl, ijU II nud to terml nll te SlIlU e Dod o l o~ e Con t,ruo t wn ~ tlWn;(ll'lI to ' Vuln . " ,,'hllt ~"n WI! (1.0 no1\'? I must ~o ,dl busi n ess Of! @O.)D HII l}ossible. tie A RM-lJi g Vil lu ft, l OU 1\ . ~ 1111 fr om 10 h~ lp IIIl1lhrf. I nlll ~t f:1I. I mu st Is Itlll') au tlt of. r.ed t o m'lke 1\ te m wr ight l eo MIICh lr lo ('0 . 01 Ull1c1n Lohl1noll, ull will bll t llltl b lc H Il go." 1.111'\1" h,'<{nn 10 gl'lll)'~t(·rlcil l. pOfflry IOltll t o oond uot ~ ul d bu s ln e~ ~. nuti , for tl n ew- Hef(\~O r llli n ~ Pllln~ " Wn l l', dl'nr." \'I(ln soltl, plI t Ung her 1l.eoelver Is .. I~o c rdered to fu r ols b "t t,ha Co nnt,}, infirlllllry fit the ir bia wa tI ~, go otl orc btUd, uioo bl~ 'rulllo of $l{j ~ . h u utlo, big bttro . $90 lIor lI or d ; 10Dg ba.ull. "We ('II II't 11'0 11erllllse \\'0 .:15,000 boud . · p ,l y w e nl tl. I:'iuo ,J, U , 'b ll prnllo. aU hn"cn't IIn.l' h('l ilt." 'J'urtl lnll to lhe p. () , Monfort ~8 J ohn M Mon . Bills AIl OWI'l,I : Dr . A . L . Ho Dros t ot UR, ~l1e nslle,l. "Who m conld ,\.~ fort e t nl . ' .. Ie (\f r C1l1 esttl lc is op. OfllnR. dottt," wu rll f or priso n TP, OU ·E-two.stor v brl o k bou ~o , 8 ' ell'l>holl l' til nlld n ~ k to J:O u,'''r Ihore 7 provecl. $~,r. O: l>fl Y to n fllll . En \'1' )1'1>0 .llI ll r ooll,8, 2 hul l., I,ngo WilfUl col. "Th o shl'111! I. 111 0 rlgLK mnn, I Vunoe T R.eYl1o ld~ v~ , Annlt C, "lltltl l1n r.v '0., I t' unl fl) l' HOOnl'll. IlIr, ll'oad \V ull, 1lls t Llr u lind o ut· "".OUl'! dllnk," Hnrl' s n ~!£<'.t('<I: . . Glln e e t al .' Pllllutiif il! o rlle r etl fo e r , $t : Jj' r 'lnkllnCllrllUIOle , 8uppllo~ b UII (h u~8 , wo \! 1(I111t lltl J nq olre 11 t 'no d lJ~ plumh 11.,;1<1" 11, t o~. n d lled rClltore eum of $741 .12 lin d coe i M li nd nu .. ertltl ln g fo r '1'rlllt~U r or, $ 1I : t lli ~ olli oo R:dfl III'1.nln I rl,uls . Ho ni," t ~I nd a fro a: Rebecc,~ Witb aUl and Victor We!l le rn ~' I ll r, 8nll\lllo~ for llrvoyor c h'IIl l'1J t~,"frl!S I 1l(l1,,~ly ~111l e h e 8 (IeI'll Vlln RIper. 11 8 exeouto r of t,llo es ta te und RL'corde r '2 1. i ,,; lilH' IU Bulng 8wore In. of JOomos 1\1 . Witham deot'8ecd . li n d l5iol<o1'. l<appJlu~, $ ·J2. '0 ; 6 lr e ri fT FOR SAL~ "Thn L's It. U10 olll'rlt't," J,U ,' U I~ .,, 111 ' . • t onn fellS ro rJuuUl.ry IlI 17, $ ' .67; . _______ . _____ _ te" erl"h1),. "O<'t tlt e HllI'rll'l' /lIlO let Mlo nle Bh e rbe' V8. BOoI r y ~ h o rbe t , CJtIl' BOl1l!h. r n ch vork M1I 8~lll luwn- ; 010 tulk to hllll." ~ t ul. 8eth W.. Brown I~ ullpolnl·el1 8hlp, ,207; O hi o Gn rrn /{uteq CuI. l5ewlng M llobit.le ( Whit!') III "Wo d ou' t want tJl ~ Il\lbUe In II .IIOW !! nll rdlun ud I.ltem ( dr minor rIefe~ . vort Co, c nlv o rt pi po, $ I i'; ~to k es I quire o f EII1:'l bllt h E . IIrr II , about thlll." I ohJN·tell. cl .. nts . Pll rll tiou of f e ll I !ll,u l,e IS Ilu el Grtlh nru , ooutrlt,r~_ ~2~:;: , Be rt FrioIld :l ' H o lUo u 10 "WUll t tl" 1 cnrc "hollt t he !1ultlll' It 110 180 o r d e re d . R eot! 2 ooutrao ts ,:tU,.,IO; 1' . M. , I d dit' my JllUl hr r Is III dOIl):c,'?" 1,11 U(' "('rr . Ed ith Wa g ner v S. W ill . Wrt g n or. COJ1l~!I, oon t r tlct filii; l1eorge ·utlor . D I~o Barrow, D goo oon lo n , properly 0 IIl1tr llled . Divorce Is g r au ted o n g r ou n ds o r ntruet , a l,72; 'ut ltJr nnd rrlln~. Fo r fUl·th er I lIrO ~1ll ~Uo n, prioe _ _gross n eg lect. 000 ruct-, ~245; H . W . 1'rovll lo, 1 ~t at-c. , luqolre uf U. ~. JI.. dYiIlrd !l, ~i oU ' Wol, E , Ri chard s V B , Lilly UogeD. 118 tll1. u~e on oOll trn otll $ L1 0,ii2; Sber. 0, \Vllyoesvl lI o, Oh IO, CHAPTER XIII. 80hui Z et al iSole of r eu l ostl1 t e iA IIY 's te rm f ees fo r Ic rm fl Ddlug April Th. Summ. r Ho u•• Capt;,.... ooofirm ed IUld distri bution of p r o. 1917,$1 12. 92;O,.!Or geCutler, I toe IGNS- No hu ntlug 818 11@, ou mus _ JlIll TI E I't>emro (0 I 'e II (lIlt I II): ~1 " ceeds iM o rd e r ed. lin , will )1I8G l or yel1r8, a fo r 2fiu, tiUllite oOlltrllot>, $101 ; H W. Tro. 10 llo, so I osllell UIA 1,,11'1'11011" Tb omas R t:!pencer a8 adl1lluistrE' . villo, b ~ld gA ropllirs Bomllto D ~ (1 wn. The Mhlml Gallette. 0 10 opcruto r to sec tf " I", ('onl,1 1,,· tor de bouls non with will !lunexed s hi p, $3 .50; Frank MO!Ig, bridg e co lo (bo ~"crl rr. of the e~ tllt e o f J ohn Bradbury, de. r opa tr s Deor Ue ll1 t o wniOh l p, 172.40; good s t !e l 1,lre Bn ggie8; 1 heavy "I gt.l'~~ 11l" s d .. wn to tlil' I1Il1r""d S p rin g Wugon Knd 1 H 0 188, sto tlon/' C"cnt rnt v'n hult4"\'l'\o(l . ''It'Fi ollll Hed VS . Aug ust u s Clar k at 1\ 1. W, W , Swtle n ey, prlc1~6 rop.llr.. (.Joostructlou ot w ill. C I(1!H Oreek t ll wnspl p , $ 11. 25; David Apply t o 8 . G. J oy, WnYDo~vil1 e, moat troln tlfIIl'. lind I", II I,s l usulIlI)' t!21l .1. F. Mobe r ly VI!. J OB. Bue r ger. Wnlke r, damago!, S5 ; 0 W . Morris Uhio. gOC9 (I ow n U ll" I.."kllllt' '"r n 8 11HI.I· PIlIlntlff Is or dar ed to r eoo " e r e Co .. fnrnis llin g~ fo r [ntlrmllry , clOU B clJn1'llctcr to gH of!' th e norlh ruler, bollllll plIRscng r. I 'll 11 :111 Ih e a gl!lJ t IIUIU of "500 wilh int·erest frorn d e. $ IG(l, 84 : Oro~s and Bllyeo re, lu mber PI08- BOtlr Pi gsut fllrme rs ' prioes •. 7(;; L . Gutte r y. b rid ge ) UII\ c1unblo imm uned, Ouroo J er sey fenda n t. It IJ '8 ther ." Beory Cooley vs. J o eph '. Ber- tk r, '141.4 :A. 1', R ,trig, bridge R eds !l.nd tho old fusbion ed pp ntte t\ Slle did. and li e wus. Arter II sllghl delny I found mys It I\dOre slug 11 ger, Cass Is dismissed by plillotiff. work, Jj'rtlnkl\n towo s hit" $5 35 ; P ol And Chino, the kind OUr ro r e . Chns Mou nt, on \Is , 10,70: ClioI''' I thefa usod ~o ra ise, big bo no, big strnllltO " olee, whlcb I reQuesl d to MoKlnley Neelfy:v8 Ollie N eeley h oltl Ihe wire. I turned tbo rCl!O I"llt' divoroe g ran ted /.)0 grounds of gJ'089 W . Pyle, r oadwork Wny ne t o wn - ~ J.IO~I!, big Illlrsl1nd big U.~era; ovory. II hlp, $516. 5 ; F . ~. Shnl)Son, Isylll Ih in g big . but t,lle price. K m. o\'er to LI1 ~1J. !;IlIe told tI.o eb rUt In tl llKleOt. two !!eWer'B, $40: . W, Morris & l'homp8ou, Oregoola, UlIlo. VlIll ey. breo tbll'ijS huste ttuit her Dlol.llC.r hud Uo., rugs and Oarpe$B for Infinullry, Pbone 10- 1 • Barvevsburl!, a;!() Probate Court boon IOltlly dcnlt wIth o n EIuntJng· For $1\16.07; J. K t:!pe n oer, oUlv e rt r edOll'S '1811l111l 01111 o ffered 111m 1I1l11t1QS8 In tbe matter of the 8t! t a tc of p'll rs in Clllll ror eek townphlp. $33 i RESB JERI:lEY CO W-Gives reworl1s 10 ,c olltUtO ller 81nyer, barley \G. Warwiok, dltOeas ed . 10. Il\rge .flow of rlob milk, Or " III tbere lUlytblng fllrthep "'e elln ven tory aDd IlppralSBmen ~ ilre fil e d. C \V . Spark." l @t estimat e oontract, $75. 52, G. G, Marvin, 8uppll e~, $1 DO i will t r ade for • h or'born OJ W, Ill. do?" 1.u 11e pnc{!(1 up !lnd dowu the In the mauer of 'be es tnte of B. J, Me!nmpy, bridge re pairs 'fur quire of Cliffo r d MIIXWtl'l, Oe n . !:l o m e room. J08epb Cooper, deceased , Private tlooreek t ,.wnshlp 122..t1l; Ore~l)uia !tbone () G. R.. D. I, Wayn efl vill e, "NotuLng hut wnlt, d enr." Vtdll s llld. sale of pereonal property ordor ed. 'B rldge Co . in full oont,uot, $7Y5. Phone Obio, 820 " 1'111 s ure n othlllG serlOll8 hus 111lI)pencd." "TueD wby d oesn't mothe r ~IlU up and tell us th nt SIlO Is all ri g ht?"



In tho

\\'n\ l' ... of ~t

o,/do n' i ~ fOIl , 111 th a Ul lI'r (It Iho will o f bl1~. ~ .MIll r, ,1 'l'll<I~f'd , \ III II 11.1-


III 111111'01 'r II,..' I '1',,1," hi)' "I,lllIw'" t" h"llIlr,· I h 111111'

TblH WOS llunuswerllble.

Funeral Dlnctc»l1

No. 16.




Ya m"llIg up



Il 1'1"1)11I\(.I(',

' (On!)

"li,l! nlOllIl'" ",,101 Ill' hltll " hl~I'N'I!." "t 1'1 1111\·... I ' ,lIillllll,·<I. " tl.nt I~ ttllRln61 11 1111. !till 11111 ) 11,' It 10 1I'·n~I"nr.\·





("t~·. "




t'IHTi-,' \t Ii'll



11~. .II1'1


'"''"'> f"r 1I'!!!lIt I l.fl~ tlhl H ' P

I .mltf, " ,\hI4'11

' By

Cop7ri-"I, by Frank A.

I (lfhHt'(

1,Inill "WIll' 'ill." \ ""f\1I I I' ~II"


You will find two or more of these feature!) on 24· ca,ra ranging in price froID $ 11 0 ~o ,,;2500.

Tha. C~nsUII sl~owl the quality of Sud ' "Six," It is a fme car thruout-doWD to the last detail.


But it ma.;)' be you are more directly m. teres ted in performance-what your car clin do on the road.

It h~ n quick, smooth pick-up. vigorously Sexiblecar.

It ...


It rides the rond cloiely. You feel and secure when the Ipeedometer needle Sashea up to the 5().mile~n.hour muir.


From the ltandpoint of quality, .... fonnance, and value Suon ·'Six" at $935 han proved itself a better investment than any car within $200 or $300 of its price. . Saxon .. Six ,. ~edaD. "$1 :t9S: Saxon uSia'"


Chummy Roadlter, $935; SUOD RGa;diter, . $395 . F. 0, b, Detroit,

J• . B. Chapman . :.>---' Wagnesville. Ohio

, , ..,







GAZl!."'TTE 1Sl .. t" .. I Ohio, City ..r Tulc<lu,

l'u b lJ8h4HI WtlGkb' • • t


l .. lU.It~ t'" ..",) , ~...

Fr;Hl~ I. l ' h"II ' y,., "nIh Ihul l,e

Wayu .... IU... Ohio

--------------- ' i ~ "" I,I"r' JlolrlllCI " I th e I 'illal of F. J . D. L. CRANE, Editor allu Manager I · "~~l.r & ~u .. <l"'n ~ bllsim'ss i" lh~ L' ity Mr. lIod .Mr~. WID. WrrgM, of 101 I nh.'do,loll1l1y lind _' I n lr nfOH.!saul , ... ,tI - jlh"t ., lid 111 111 will 1',' I fie hll lll uf I N E Day tun, vlslted 'relllUv8a bere SUD. SEPTEMBEH. 2H. llJI7 I '" · IJI(l( 1I [Jul , r.AR!;; (" rench li nd e\,· day. Ion' c·.\!'''e IIf l'n l .lrrh 'h CI (',11111 '1 1 he c.-red MrR. IUllb UhLrlr eD~ r ~810e d &he -- I i) ' "". 115<'III I I ,\I-I ;S 'i\'I'AUI'A Mil l ). L!llli~~ .A Id !!OOhl ty '0 a tell on Th orl!1 1t: I N IL I'H ·\ I\ K J . ell H, IlV . ull .y u tie ro oon A goodly Dumber \\'or.e III "tt{!odtlll tl Ilod ao enj oyahie thutl WI\ >I Imd . ,I . II. I . Il A. \\'. qUi,I S N. (S.·.II) .'olilry Pu hlic. Mr 'LlId .\ lr9. 6'. L . Hurls were " "II'~ u l ull h ~lcdkillC is lakr: 1I III' Hll Odfl .v v lt- Itnrs a t Mr. aod MtI,

- - --- .


FORMAliN KilLS Sfl'AB I",;'~~:~~!~,~~c~'I;'I"'I~" f\~II:'dUI;~1 ,~rU I:J~~~~,t,~';:' . U AND SMUT ON WHEAT '"" .

; 1c


IInJl Y "fllHJ

. nets l hI UHNh . . t h. UI()o~


AI .. C'HI"· S ill ruce s 01 the S).'. lell1. Selltl

forc lcslilllolll ll l ~ . (rc~ . I ~. ) . t: Hg N IiV "

CO. , T oledo, O .

BIIIII D ~ t,hulr conolll Hl l\ n~ on ~ nr' l . So,Ie! by nil "", ~g isI S. 7foc . . l Io, lI's fllI lIlll y Pills rur ~o ll slll ln tio ll . 8$ate, hotlllliKtH ut· th lt O h io A ~ rlonl. I . tornl EXllorlnH".t Htnj,J " ll ~Ily t\;.t , ~==============~ aoab Rod Brtnki llil ~ UlU~ hB.vB hE' n VttYH iliAd .. of Whl,ntflftltl" OVl \' lli ('



\brOllt"nlol( 1&1111 RMd thllt Wrn flllorw wi ll do well' t,o I·r ellt 11£' 11 t. h"fore I .awtol( Ibis f~ II . lI'or llls!tu klll " / ,bellO dlllllll t!l'a lo tb .. gruln.



. _ _ _.


wOlltht'r fll vlI r or) Mr lIod Mrs WII\tpr Un uorwoou IIpre"d 01 wholit dhlAllse .. thh! yellt. woro s h opploJ!' ln \'Vu:\,u tl8\1i ll o lo st Seed free from sOAb. stl nkloll sUlu t 'l'ua ~ dllv uftemoon. and an'br"onoslI (lan bA ,,!'oured If It 11 lipread out 00 a li g h t, flol 'r or on D. nnr sob ool bllA lmeo (wing on ver y va. alld s prinkled wllJ:i fo rmnlln so cell l ~ rllll y uude r tlle IIIlluu [ t 1I0lutlon , A pint of fo rmBlIllln ~O ' at Mlafl Et.hel Lflmli. of L bllll ~n . lIolluOl' of w"ter II! the mix t ure ad. \ 'rhfl MIKRfl~ Emm u unrt LlDIl ~;lI! R vlsod by th o Agrloul t Dlal Experl. flnt.e rt.nln ell t hol r 01111810. Mr.ltltll)b meat SlaUon . A gllllon of tbl .. Mo' l Montgomor y, of Frunklln. '''lOt weE' k . IIlU on WIll t.rflal. II bn~bel of g rAin. H OW lHd Grll blun autl family Silent It OIlD a llo he)lMld to rtl Qlnfflo\ rlrlli s 8Rt,llrda y evenin g In I:I nrv llYfllll1rg 8nd b6,,11 n aed l or b8udltng seell i Mr. flnd MrK. ' lilT I:I'Hv l\ fl uod son, wbpll'. Treatod 8A~d wbeat ~bnu ld Wllllur tnok ~uD(IIiV diDunr wit... U. be 81lrear'l Ollt to d ry lifter two to .1 . Moo~e no d fnUl;!y , of nonr !:lar. WO \

&brae honrl!

"WiD-o-Wilp" Hwr Mdt --411:l ra .tron .

n.t. or h umAn h,.tr,

.p.tCl.l.lIJ' alerllluH't. L Oll k f nr th e eunvo n"nt. ltttle e n v4! ln p. wit h blu" . oa l, bK~UII' ·' \Vl1l~ o·

W I .p·· h a ir D elli



.r ~


Perr.el ma.tob tor 11.11 ,bad .. nf balr ; Cap or FrtnK. ; ~ t ur I&a and UI', near .. t

Sen d

t ur OM", " u t

voysburg. Tho M.. tron Prisol 1I 11~ m ot nt t h e oOl1otry home of Mrs El e s~il\ I\:llIti IIIAt 'l'u0 8dl~Y "Hornoon. . The Mll tron Prlpoll!t18 met at t,bo oouo t·ry h om o of Mrs. Bessie EI Its 111 8\ l'uo"dll,V nfto rn oon . 'rh e Misses Emom I~ ntl Linl~ J!)llis linll RBluh Montg'lUl ory Ri" nt 1,Ist W flr]ne ~ (I'IY wl ' h Mr aud Mrs. UIJIlY. VlllurR . of tiJlrln~ Bill. Mr. WlIlIur dn wk e Iln(l his lu rly fri end IlMended 8110ln l Ceo ler ot Wo'lmnu lAst tlnturdliH evelllllg Mrs . Bllrold Hml, h I\nd ROll. Rohert IIpout satnrd •• y ovenlng wllh her m othBr. Mrr! . UlllrlL Uoou s r, of lltlrvu},sLnrg MiH!I M ll V I;fnrl Bo !,fl lled o n Mrs. '1'. F. M o(:ill i nn TO Oll1111Y nftLrn oO Il .

d c_lu It y o ur f. .t oro do.. Dut carry t!:l. .m.


Hut....,.. :1 ....... I... ' J., PL 10 I U }'o u rth Ava. N . 'i. C ity


h OI(lul'l. ilOilO

t T t: . II 0 () ,. It R UDU ~'HI S'u tr. ('''0111 l\,tlni .. l . 'rn'nr, ",9ill n!ltl r f'''''' 'h .. !t'l alD l(

. molt. ~ I nN" M.,,, ti,, ,, of tho dn 'r)' ;u4JII .... ry. ~j oCC)br r 22. oa






. Ever Given .

Mr. 8Url MrR. .1. W . W !,'Rt IInll ri ll u~htu r, M'iNS ~~t. t" . " "d b e r friend, M'i1l9 All" Pr oet JD, 0 1' Mn rUn@\(t110 , IIn rl Mr . nnl\ Mrs Lowls I::!flll ril 11n.1 R(1 n, 1:1 0 wllrrl, licCo ll1p" ni p.d by hi R I::lHt.urdllY evoning wltb )Ir~. Lu .In g· Indy tt:JOt,d . ur ,I Ife raln n v lllA, woro ton. "'nurluy gUt~8 !'R of Mr H. ltl" Bowe Mrs. I£IIB Wi lbon ~l) ent I:IlIturdllY II IIlI HIID, I:fllrvoy . 10 Hnrvey . hurg. M .. Hlirbart Cllrr, "ft,nr II pl nllSB nt. T h e Se nior PrlRotllfl C lnb met v,ollt l ,1O, loft fo r ltiH Hclt ool io \:iuv. wltb Mrs . 8 essle E lli s OD 'l'uesdllY e lf.) rd, P e oll. '1'bose whn enj oyed thl3 aftornoon M r Gtty Unrr loft. lost wnek t Of were Mesn"tnlJ8 Lula Ji:llIs, Je8slll Brook lyn, N Y., to n i' hi ~ pO Ellis. Utl- rtl e U o g leaby. Bardll Jor ~itlnn 1t8 Instro c tor in oue or tb eir dan, [.. ena a OIrtll oolr , Au", Talmage, ~llll Fer ris, Addle Dplltb e rage, Uon Jlr OB p e rnll ~ Hohoo ls _ Thomp soD, Ida Fe rri~. Alloa Shllnk. Mrl'. U"rll BarriS, a OOllDlpanled by Anu We nner aod Mi8.~ I:JIBnnih Jor .hl r nophew . Guy Cn rr, were guests dlln. o f !.he Queen 'lty on e dllY I&st wee ll Mr. and Mrs . Wm. Mnone, aod nnd willi •• t.hor e Mrs C" rr pllrob88ed II hnndsoUlO Vlotrolll whioh will Mr and Mrs W . '1'. Jordan vlalted Mrs. M"ry Mooney at MoClellan fllrnl s h th o Illtust mu ~ ln "nd wll\ be [Jolpital ThundllY aftefl~oon. IIj 'lYflrl bv t he ol"K b bor8 liS well a 8 Mr. t!.od AIrs A. Bat haway and I.., h n r ~e l f daughter, of Iodlana, and Mra. J ohn Mr,. no cl Mre. W . L. Burvey, Mr. Lemmon, of Davton, ",'ere ollillng lind MrR, Bern Carr, Mr . and Mrll. o n relatlve~ h ere Friday afternoon Ed e llrr Ilod hlr lind Mrs RoM. M-r. bod Mn. Al v a Lodlnl\toD . 'Rrr werll ::SonntlY v lsl t.ors of Mr . spent Snnday with tbe latter's IlII r. ana Mrs. B enry Murpby. of Frank. entR Mr. t!.nd Mrs . J . A . 1.ow1Y. 1111. -

--- -

+ - - --

Ten big doy.r full of educatiotlal and instructive demorutratlon.r and exhibits. . j,ooo Prise Dairy tattle- Milking Macl/ine Demon"tration,s-Mammoth Form M achinery Exhibit -Hufe Tractor Show-Plea.JUre Cor and Auto True Show - Thrilling and Entertaining Night Hor"e Fair. . 80llB OF THB 'MANY FtiATVHUS 60".......... BKpflrI.eatal )fano"otllrlat Ih:blblt D.tter Hakln. in a Pall. Sized Cr.,.m .. ry C..plete 1001 Cn.a .. Plan. 10 operallo. S . . Aotaal Paateorlzatlon aad nolfllall of )fllk


National Dairy Show and Horse Fair omo ITAn PAIR OROUIfDS

Columbus, Ohi(), October 18th to 27th


IIr•. Mar~ha J onsa aud eOll , Ber. m a D lpeo' 8uDda, with Mr. oud Mn. William S&eddom, of lIea r Ura,onllA. , MI.I Fraoo08 Wilaoo, of WlImln~. t.on. Ipent Buod ay wUh her paleU!!!, JobnWUt!on,an(l family. F rank . tlt·"nley bn s purobnsed n lie .... Ohevrolet. Mr . aod Mf~. J . !:S. Leomlng , M r ~. Id tl Wolf. of Wllwlnl(toll. Dud Rahlh Leamlng @penl tlunday wltb r ~ l lI. "ve8 10 ObllJ\nollle. Mr, aod Mr ... JRllleli ViS.u\ler\l ollrt. we re g nelte of Effio Ur ew Su nd ay af ornoon ' . Mr.llnd Mrs n L: R.lgUJ) sptlnt. Suuday IVIth W. K Bogn n IIUII tltlll . lIy . Walter WIIRon and fllmllv wow Xe llia shoppers ::!Iltorday. Seve r a l fr om b~re RUon lleli ser vloes beld Itt tho M E. OhUl ell Sond"yevenlog.

'l' be

QUr..sTIONS AND ANSWfRS Arc yo u p-oin!! Are you g i ng A ra you Iloi ng Are you going A re you going


Loveit .etnrned bome lnst week 11ft r severl11 dnys" visit. at 'P ontl80, Mlob. t he gua t s (I f Mr . Dixon'" !lon, Uno and wife, and report II fine ti m e • Mnny from herA &-ttenl)nd tilL

tion demona'rBtioDII at Dayton. 8nturd8Y snd tbs ball d

emlL oolp ~

tu uuilJ u P o ultry Houge'! .

•. ... • . . .. .. ... '. . . .•. • .• • •. . 8.Jll )I ltl<len ,

. . ... .. : ...• ..... SOlI Maddan

. ~ e ~"' d" eo

I,. Y .. " \\·.\lI t /'iI,," 'Jr PI"lIc r?

n.. """

Seo MaddeD'

WoI ll t A,l\' Ki lld u{ Lm ll Lc, '

no You Want Shingles? .. : ... . ..... .. . ..... .. . . . Sec Madden

no Vou

R(ldr e RR "'liS

g iYon by Mr. BllLckhnrn on , undllY Bohool worle


\Vanl Fel t Roofing? . . . . ... ... : .. . .... .. See Mad.den

You Walll FCl\ce P()sls? ... . .. . ... . . 'ce

Do VOll \\ ant I·'a nn Catcs ?

~1ad den

. .... . ..... Sce Madden .... . . . . ... Sec :\Oladden

Do You \\ all t

Building Plans? .. See Madden

PUBLIC SALES U u y ou WILIII 10 I.>Orrow

Thursday, Oc tober



lJlrlh: '

NH rnoU,'r "tHI t )' OU wnnl,

- -R\.. ·

As I IIlll Iltlmpolle d to quit farm . log on IIfloount of my wHe'y heu lth , 1 will oRor Dt Publlo Auot.lon "t illY reslden oe, on the W . ~ . lirohllm far ,n 2Y. mile!! DorthweRt Of W/lynes . ville lIod 1 mile east of Lytlc, 00

~ I ndllo n

8,-'" MatJd e.n

If you dun'l want any thing' al all, SEI;; MA n))I':


jusl the same.


Beilloning at 10 o.olook til" f ol. lOWing deso rlbed proJlerty : Th r ~e Borses, l:l Cows, 4 B O~8. [mplom o n\~ , Househ old (loods, A u'olll oblle, \:Jllr. ne8 H. Corn, Ubloktln8, eto . 'l'erms koown on dAY of ~ ' de , MORRIS 8. 6RAI:IAM W. N. l:Ieare, Aoot . . Cbas. Buruelt, Olerk



At Corwin, Ohio

I wt\l olTer as Pabllo SlIle flt tbe

hom" ot the Ide Mark Davis, de· oeaR~d, on Main B$reee, Waynesville.

Bnglnnlng a' 1 0 '£1100", All thQj BooReboJd Jl'urntture belonRlng to 'bedeoeased. R, E . DAVIS w. N. !:;oafll, Auot .

FRANK B. CAREY r Optometrist Eyes tested free


v. B.ARNHART, No~ry

Le b anon -:- Oh10 o




of Nosary Wo.r lt. Willi aDd Doodl a tlpeotalty,


Younce Bros. Grlllin Co., Waynesville, Ohio. - _ _... - .0.....,.._ __



Meworlal Olllln-t nlgbt , Mr. ind Mrs. FI'Ynk tibldaker at Mr • . Ed. Montgomery,. of Ftanll. tended the 'A vlaMoa Field 8t Fairfield 110, epen' Thurllda,. wl$b Min Lydia und Camp 8berman at Chllliootbe Wood aDd 141811 ADDaEaulll:. 18@t week Mr. tlhlduller has not Mre. Owen Penae leU S.'urday fnJl'V deCid e" which be will JOID but for her howe 10 ~ow.ta, 1O"la., after I ~xl'eot It wIll be the avl"M on oorpe, &'s visit wllb relsliivSl bere IIR it. will bd bls only obsooe'. aR be Mrs Ponce "1t8 acoompanled fill' is t o h eavy f or li ght work and to .. OinclooaU by her paorentl, Mr. 111(111, f or lloavy work . lind Mre. 680. Talt, ·I\&r. Ilnd Mr~. B. 1:1. [)eu,1l aDd r.lr9 . Ryferd, of I:lablua, motber of rfa tiy fe rd, visited . here Tborllday. rlaughter were 'he I:!unda.y Ruesta ot Mr. aDd Mrs .. WUbnr Batly, of R e v . A. K. Harlten., aUer an ab. near MIIL'Dleburg. l4illll Uonoa rtl~onoo of 'tbree w eekI!! , IIrrived hOOle mill ned t or a week's vlelt. Ii'rldllY. . UUlel Bumbert, of Da.y·wn, IIpeD' Mr and Mrs. Barry Bhldllker nnd the week.end wl&h her pareili. here. Will Borme.!I, at Dayton, apeD' two ohlldren were Sunday aBerooen g 'ellIS of Mr lIod Mrs . Frnnk Rar. the week.end with ble motber here. Mr. Ilnd Mre. W . H~ Siegfried vey, nt DE'"r Leb~non. spent T borsday wHh I~elallv.s In Mr. Il' rnok Wllllon htu! Ulllde 00. UIl,ton. ticoBble im l)l ilVem ents OU · t he pro. Misses Amy Weaver lind Be8S pert y ho ro oootiv pnrohas':l.1 of Mrs . Yolk have retorned to 'lbelr home Anna !:$\OOllM RllndKJI, "od whfJU In Lawrenoeburg, Ind., af ner .. pleas. oomple ted It wi ll be oooupled by. lint vlalt with Ittr Rlld Mn, John "r~. t:;urub Bnrlno aud b e r sls'e r , Bo o kman Ilod famIly. Mr' . Lydlll Bluvey. Mi@8 BelvB MoOund lellI IS visiting :I.1r. P B ClenvBr Is m"klng somo 4r, snd Mn. Leeter Kurfl.s·.\ Ridge I{rll.u (llmpl'ovenwntMou hi s propBrty v\llo . Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gorsuoh be Intll ly bought o f Cnlvl" Edwards . Mr . Rnd Mre . Ul e llver nretul1 n ~dg ed IInve be!)n vlsltlog r elatlvotllu In. o\f.iZttol! of n ur t l. WD ond ~hoy art' dlallll. Mr. Bnd Mrs, BnneY Monger aud w ul ..JUDled III c ur midst. son, Corl, Mr. aod ~ra. ClIn' BuU olld family, Mr. ,aDd M,re. Mnrloo Bowell, Mr. and Mra. Alber' Oestoo, Mr. and Mrs Hugh . Kealing and dl1ugbt.or splint SundllY at 61eno ,\1II11;Ir P/lflt, RlohmooJ, lod .

See' Madden


to builJ a CUI"UJ,(t!? t o builll a Hog 'l'e n ?

Uo \ ' nll W ant <,:(1111(11\1 '

Saturday, September 29, 1917

We are buying all. kinds of 'a nd are paying the very ighest prices the mar~et will Mr and M.rR.. Frank WilSOn 80d allow. Remember, we will d ou Rbte r , L ouise, aUlood to Dayton buy any amount you have lSlIt urdllY nod were t.he gueata of from one pound on up, at Mr. nnlt Mrp. B. IC. WlIsoo . any time "come." . MOIIsr". Wm. Dixon and Wm'



t o build a . H o ll Re~ to build a Burn?


Oblo, £In


Wfl y l1fOoIVllIe'(I . I..ealllnll' T,)flntilla Hworu to Btl il subscribed bef ro III;) till. Oftlnll In H I\ nos Fllnll Main ~, 2t1h tl..y O'J:;. ~~'l~ugr.·J:'l ~o\&ry l'ubll~.

II 11,1; B

M,. and Mre. U8o. 10&,,11 enter. 'aiDed on !:Sulu1a7 the f01)o"ln" Mr, and Mr•. Joa. Dull, [lorothy and Vlrglnlll 0 11. vii an d Mu. MariCaret Levloy, of l:iarve,. b ol~g, Mr. aad Mrs. Ern81' MaoDoD, Rnth and Uleontl. MaDnoo, ,J08 . U}eaver, Mn. Uet!. 8 0RltD, Mr. a Dd Mra. Gleno Uavls 1Io0d eon Robert. Mr. 'md Mn . Jr. A : Sart8nok, 1418. l:Ielllu Bartlooil: and M.r. F. W. Bartsook wero the t:lulll dllY goe8tl of 1:.'. A, Ellis and family Mr. Bar.ry W"d e, of Du.yton, s pent the week·end with Wnlter TibbB l s I~n d family. Mr. And Mrs. Cllnt nn .Iao·k_o o eo. tel tlllned on BuudllY Mr. lind Mrs. 'I'roy G r ee n e ond son Bnd Miss Amy Wilsn n, of Gnerney ville . Mrs . 8US8 Dnw8.on, ot Bllrvoye hurJt, Ilnd nliugbte r Mia!! Mary ' Dllweon, of U hlnllRo, Mr. and Mrs . Tbot! . !!Itoart, of Lebanon aod Mr. OMt! tlllllms and rallltlY,ot Morrow. Mr, nud Mrs. W. '1'. Jordln, Mrs. A uoe Doater C08B um, Mi ss Viola Jurdlln anil Mr . Alnn Hal~ tsoolt epent ." unflIlY Ilt, GnUlp Sherman, Ub lo, with Mr. Wllto rd Coe8ulD . Mrs. Ellith 'l'iLbBI8 rllwili ns about

E:ollomy Note. Ily ren !rslng t h,' huodle 0:1 n du st Lb e BKII1B. brush whlrh hns IJllcn worn tll' llr tho Mr. J A. Lowry, ot W"yno8vllla, ['01 li t ".Idltlonnl wCllr moy be ob. 'lncl so u '1'nlld of UOUlp" ny 1£. HIJlmt tnl ned.

Mr and Mn. JOB, Davis lind two d nngb te r l!! wero the g U6St8 Sunday IIIU I1L' of tho MIHIIII vlUUlfC . )m b lhdlCtI at. of Mr find Mrt Ji:(\.rnest Manoon . \1' n p lO11\'IIl,,{ "hlo. NI ""Iulred oy tho .\ ·t "r In ~be couo trv. AlI~lIttL 14 . 9l2. JCtJllflr. r'. I .. emno. WaYI1Ill1" llIu. (Ihlu; MrfO. Ira l::!yferd anll Ron .Ioho, ~tlft~~'G~ ~~!lI'\l ll lI " hur. D. J.. runu, 1V~1' lItl." w~ r!l 13undny ~ l1 n'.tl! of Mrs Syferd'it OWII • Annla Bn.' Al llhiO Drbwn. I . 1,;. tliRter, MfS Willard Martin, of OilY, ern n , J.AJ8IO • UtlHllhol tt cn lu C)r ~b"tlgol, nlHI nth · r stl urn)' t on. Slatt'men " o r th u ownonlh lJ) Imd

Dit. R ,E. H.~THAW AY

I:IrI~" t1 ~irllter, lu tbe oountry. ~r . ltod ·MrA. J . E.l:l h uIDu.ker and (,wu ~OtlS , R,omloe und Iilverett, spont Rn uL1 a y o ut ot tOWD. Mr. lind Mrs. Wm . Mo(Jarren Ilod G. E. Lflv lOY t.r,lD Hltot ed busi ness 10 D tlY l Ort !::;lIturllIlY. Mr. I- mru e t Bevll u II! bllullng 1200 uu, ltc i.. o r wb eut f llr whloh he Is re. o i VillI( $:&.00 for Ay ery bu~lt el. · Mr. Ul l nt Ulellvor I!o ld 2000 bURb. E'h' of whollt "t 12.H' I,A' bus bel. M r . lIud Mrs. W E' . h V I :arte r wore Dnytoll vlslturs SO 'lu el I:\,. Mr. frunk M IClnn oJl,of Wilntltlg 1')11. t.el gUlph Ollerntvr tor th e PllnllHy lvll nill It . H. wu8 th e week "II r1 g n"" t of hlN dlHt, r, Mr ~. Atrlo!! I I. hOIL rcl.



«(JMPORI'£DanJD;OM£SrIC tobaccOs -'DL~uea


---.. -.0----

Cement ·Blocks

. We have' a Iq.rge supply of CEM ENT BLOCKS 011 hand. Can . furni sh you wilh a ny amollnt--will make to your order. If you"expecl to build; don't fail to consider our cement blocks. Can and see us.

Younce Bros. Grain Co" Way nesville. Ohio . .


Mrs. Yaodiveer and


have reo

lurned t o tbolr bome In Wabae80,

b'la, dter spending the Bommer wltb Mr. aod MrF, W . A Early. 'l'he IIl'Iny friends ot Ell Hom bert \v lll be grlovetl to 10ar.n tbat he !ntfered " stroko of paralysle, Mon. day U b le home ealt of towo . lIIr. and totrs Barry tlmlLh enter. taloed oi dinner tlnnday,' Mr. 'a nd Mrl!. Rellry Deoker, Mr. and Mra Colt1mlm Morglln aDd aon Ilnd Mr. aDd Mrs A . MorgaD



Mf. and Mrs John Levi eDter taloed rillativel from Duytpn 80D. duy. Mr, lIod Mr•. William Dllcld "Ielt. ed ~UUdDY In oar vloinity . Tbe Colambnll:ioree I ralr, whloh Mrs . WilliI'm Braddock die" tlun. will be beld Columbua, OhiO, day eveolDg' at 'en o'olook after a Ootober 18 $0 27, In oonjoIlO&!eD wl&h the NaUuDII .Dlllry Sbow promlslII fflw dilys \lID es" o~ li\olDtloh trouble. to ell088d .. nytblng eVflr III~en In Mr. J . I'. Marllltt !lull fa~Uy..tlil.aeoitoD at 'he ooUDlr:r, apent tlondoy !lfteropoo lit Leb :lnoD. . Tbe NIl'ioDal Dairy Show .1.••0 Mra. Rebecoo Dill III Vlaltlng ber el.tioo hlle beeD veryltberol ID the 4&u l(lI tei', Mra J. B. Joned at Lytle, way of oll'erlDK lIGnefl. T ... flr~' Ohio. _ond aDd 'biro "w.!fde oan.l Mr Walter "Beroard of LySle' panee 10 all 01&11811. Tille _1I'l1)8 wall~ o ur .,llIlIle Olla day tlila week: wUI olole Uolotfer 1 . Mr. J. T. Marlatt cllllled OD Mra, i • ---Lee Dilnosn WedDuda,. Ur•. lIall: BerDard II "'lltlDI hll F Foad 0' at lei. . moaber lin, Flnrella. Beroard of TIle FreDell a" IN&t b~c1 .twt. able plaoe. . tIIeII' I!ODlaDlpUOIl Sa oonUl am. ..



IIr•. Lew IHephena ....... ..teata' IDI eetlmate4 .t AO

.ODe da, thle week, ~

... catJltI.



UThey please tlte taste great! But also-' J

If a c:iprette.imply pleaeed the'taster .molten Uled to let . it at that. .But not now. Because Cbesterfielcl~ live unoUn Dot only a lalte that they like, but alao a new kiud CJf amokiDar-enjoymentCbeeterfielda hit tbe amoke.pot, they let you know you CIN amoltirrg-they I ISatiaf¥" I Yet, they're MILD' The,..." blend of pure, natu. raI rm~ and Domeatic too bac:coe-that tella th. ltorT. ADd Ibe bl.... caD't 1M:! copied -daD't foqet t'laatl Ask Cb.terfleld.-..neU time pIA bUJ• .




20_ .JOt


il-P-ERSON~ Al-M-E-NT-IO-N °1,P,ROMINEul ~~'~I~II~~~~~ ~~O~hl~O~~IUtnhla 11 MAN DEAD,'1,· Ill""" II or hn'""


+----. - ---.I II

T b,' .. r I<lwl rrnlll n ,Juss I!m t "r'",'" 011 Iho ~l'rul'O nr-

IrC'I'. 'I'h\< IIltl"" I pr" .,I1,·,',1 b;V pIal!' 1111( III 111'11 PI'. "prh\k llng It with wnHalllilton , amI al olle tim e prt!.~iden t l'" 111111 P rlllllllll/l It to rorlll unt. T lulD of the Va ll y '1'·1 phone C(ll1lpan~' , It I'~ ru\lmllntn hnlls aM hIll " " a IIIUU' II r1i rI at . Cinci on 'I'u.'~d ~.v of h (>11,1, III1L! fLw~, ' 111'0 ""ke,1 In IlltR,

This Gre a t Sixiece Kitchen Outfit of Bright Aluminum-ware to eyery purchaser' of a Clerm ont Itange during our S 'tove Show only, which begins

Friday, Sept. 28, and ends

Saturday, Sept. 29. A n ex per t stove . man direct from the Clermont factory will be at our store during that time and explain all the exclusive feat ures of the fa mous ·

CLER .M ON T RANGE He will xpJain wherei~1 the Clermollt difTers from all other ranges- how the oven and reservoir can he wrapped in a blan ket of heat hy a simple tu rn of t he damper. He will s how . you the ad vantages of t h.e. Clennon t Oven-door cont rol spring. '1'b only oven doo r that will balance perfectly a t rm y angle. Everylhing abput these wonderful R an g will be made very clear to you. and also t ha t such an o ffe r- . ix bi b righl Aluminum piec s with every Ra nge-is not likely to occur in lhis town agajn: 'fbi is y.our chance t o get bot h at a reasonable pric . The demand for th i combina tion will be great -therefore we .advise ou t o ome in t he first few days of the show. This' is a rl:U'e bargain anq. we hope you will at leas ~ come in ' an d look . it over even t hough you don ' t intend t o b u y.

--I! -


Fancy Elberta


Peaches'1 Canning


"W'hat Business ~


Training c\1eans to You"

The Wayne Town~lIi p Mothers' club will ~i\'o:l It market 'at u nhty. o 'l(lller !l. I!Jl7. bcginning' al!) Rill . • at th e Towllship 1I 0 US6 . Plclls£.' donate.

ts t ho titl e ot onr f"c e honle; Hh f)'I' H til 1\\ ( 'II" "' utl unt d

$250 p er bu.


11IL~' ll ud VUIIl l od to pru mi · n III II\)~ II"' II 'I 11 11 11 gIVl)" . hI ' n,H ot whnL YUU ('1111 duo Ill olla JI ll (l UlJut t ho COllr H H heru wbl c h YOIl c nn Htu rl Rt Ilny lImo. Wrllo for It-

To arrive next Wedn esday

Erne!lt Harlan . of t he U. S. S. Denve r, a rrived home TueSday ev(' n· tree. Rev. H. T. '(lontz, the tlUIV pas tor. ing a n a ten·days· f urlclug h . . . Du tch" of tht! M. E. church fo r lhe ensueinll is looki ng fi ne. and is enj oy ing' his conferl!nce y'ur, urrived here last work very m ucb. I. at III uuy even ing Hnrl preached hi firs t ~crmo n!l at the local church Rumor has it that a pr omin ent 'und ay l'l e made a spl endid im· business ma n of Corwin wi ll lead to SecoDd &: MaiD. D.,loD, Obio I pre~8 i o n ag an el oqu nt. forceful the matrimonial altar within th e preache r alltl II IJleasant. alTable we ~k , a well · known and most esti· ...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'1 ............- - - - - - - - I hri slian gelitieml1l1 J\1i Rockey mabi e w idow , .ot Wi lmington. ~u ng II mos t b aolirul olfertory solo at lh e morning ~erv lce. whi('h added Mr. and Mrs . Lee Morris an d g reatly t(l tllu n1u ~ iea l program for fa mily and Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge th e B ,·"ice· Hamil to n, of Dayto n . SPPllt Sunday wit h t hei r father . Mr, O. W. Hamil· on , and Mr . and Ml's, A Mallit.


October 3rd


Miami-Jacobs Business College


• A Substantial Tax -Free Investment For Oelone, Funds


Mr. J oseph PerrIne fe ll f ro m a wagon at his home nea r Le bAnon. on Tuesday and 8uI!tained inj uries f rom ST. MARY'S CHlIRCH which he iAnot expected to recover . He has been for a n um ber of years eventeEmt h Sunday IIft·er T rinity , trustee of TUl' tl ecreek townshi:p a nd eptemhel' 30th , Sunday School at of friends in this count y 9:30 11. m.; l\1orning P rayer and ser· has a host - - -___0- - mon at 101:30, You are invited to l hese ser vices .


We h:l~e tooAe rfor Oc~oherin v ' ~tm c nt a7 A 'fax Free prete rred issue o f th e lollowing ge ne ral c ham ler: BUS I E'S: ComPHny h~ts rI' sl :1 ple prtldlJct, un adeq u'lte, m adern eq ui pm ent :"1(1 a ptOI!I't'~si \' or~anizatio n .




A BEAUTIFUL AXMINSTER RUG Given Absolutely free to every purchaser of a




September 28th & September 29th One of these handsome Axm inster R ugs, 72 inches long and 36 inches wide, w ill he ~ i vcn Absolutely F ree oy . T.h.t': Gem City S tove Company. of Dayton . Ohio. T hese rugs a re made o f only lhe best material and manufact ured by one of t h olde. t and lea ding rug mak rs o f this, cduntry a nd would cost you $6.00 if bought a t any s tore in this county. . The pattern is very h andsome and pleasing and the most fastidious housewife will be mo re than delighted with this gift. During this sale the ma nufa cturers will have an expert s tove man to o pera te the King Clermont and show you how it gets all the heat out of th e fuel. He will lileraUy take this wonderful stove apar t and explain its constructioll. The K ing Clermont is the most powerful heating stove made and is t he only heater tha t will burn hud coal, soft coal, slack. coke, wood knots or anything bqrnable wit h ma rvelous results. and b est of all, the price of King Clermont is within 'th~ reach of everyoo . The fire travels th.ree times as far as it does in ,t he ordinary h~ating stove before rcaching th e stove pipe, so that none of the heat is wasted up the chimney as is the case~ with olh er stoves. The Big Warm Air Flue takes 'in tbe cool air a t the, bottom of the stove and discha rges it i nto the room at the top of the stove-thoroughly heat ed. In thi way the K ing Clermont keeps all t he a ir ie the room in constant circulat ion. h eat ing it ove r and over. . That's why the .com ers and floors are always waJ,'m, even iu zero wea ther. If you want t o s'a ve mon ey and get · the best hea ting s tove made, take advan tage of this phe]H)mena l qlJer. E ve rybod y welcome.. Whe ther you intend to b uy a ·stove or nol, ('orne an d sec the ~ to v e in actual opera lion . F ind Oll.t abou t s.t ove . onstructioll and when you do get read y yo u'll be a ble to sel. ct tb~ stove t hat will· sa.,ve you time, . work and fuel. '


Sunday Sch ool. 9:15 II. m . Regula r preaching serv ices at 10:30 B. m. and 7:00 p. m. P lease n'lte t hat the even ing service con· VillQS t hirt y minut~1I aarlior. Evory bod, Is cordlallJ t. attend thl~lIa sil rvlcflS .

MOTHERS' CLUB ELECT OFFICERS ThEl Molher's lub held their meet'ing at the old 'choo i' B uilding Friday an moon. and it WUiI well attended . ~p~er31 important p r6po, si lions WE~re pr sented before ~h e cl uu, and the annual electi on of oflice1'S resulLerl as follows: Presi. den t, M r~ . .r E . Jan ney; Vice Pre~i­ dent. Mrs. B. V_ ~ m i t h ; Seg re tllry. M ra J;'. B. Hemle r on; Tr easure r. Mrs . H. ~: . Earnhart .

Arrlln gement o( Lea&cs. hy [0; (" \ . n

Ll'I HII'''' J!C'Ihll ' UU y I' un





8. 5, 7, Il, ' tel'e supposed to be cllmae-


28th and :29·th

Hon est Scrap i 'obacco 2Y. oz , a pllckage .............. 5c Not less t ha n 10 1,lac kages so ld

500 packages Mothl! r's Oa ts per package, only .. ... ......... l Oc Sold at 12c eV6rywhere

360 pac'k ages POllt Toaslies aod Kelloghs Corn F la kes only .. lOc Rel{ular price 12e Na t iomll Cor n Fla kes 3 poc ag e~ fo r ... ...... ... .. .. .. 25c J UBt as good tiS you' are paying 12c a l>ackage


---.- ..

Did you heed our advice on Suga l'- we still have some and ou r price is lo w. .

- ---_.. - ----

Buy your T in . Ca ns now while you can get t hem. This week we w ill give you 5e Sealinll WAX f ree wi th ellch dozen .



Shop ·



ACCOMPLISHED T.he cli pping below was taken trom th e Wilming ton Democrat. and is self·ex planatory: The' villalle of Sabina which OWD 3 its elect ric light pll;li1t hHll improved the same py in!'talling an up to·date dynamo,"purch ased with a part of the surplus created from ils earn· ings. The three members of the board - of publi c affairs wh" have lierved as s uch f or . the past eight yeara lind who have been ma1e call did ~ tes. without oppositiqn, for roe· election. deserve all the ered it they are receiving for the efficient manner in which they have conducted the business at ihe pla nt. . ••


DEATHS Mrs. Wm. Braddock. died at her home in Mt. Holly. Sunday. eVt;nirig. after a long illness; The 'funeral iEi being held t his afternoon at 1:8& .Ilt the M. E church in Mt. Holly. In · tennent· at Spring_Valley. ' Mahlon Ridge receIved a telegram last week announcing the ueath of his brother, Ben Ridge, who died in Lafa yette. Ind .. Il8t Wednesday niiiht. The funeral was held tbere Friday afternoon. .

~)r this week 2000 Boxes

Matchcl:! only ...... .... .. .... , ....5c· Sol d ev,~rwhere at 7c




CASH MARK~TfOR YOUR CREAM See your cream weighed, ·t ested. and get . your check while you wait. Then take your check home with you.

... A TRIAL IS ALL WE· ASK.. Operator at Harveysburg II Operator ~t Wa~nesvill~

<e .


Chas. Gray

Chas. Crawford '

The .... ouae 'w lth the Ca8h ~

J. A. LONG CO., Union City, Ind.~

Sarah. widow of l~e late Nicholl8 Irons. died at her home in Leb.non last Friday. The funeral services First Preebyterian - -JI t t - - - ;r-::='o:-u;::·P:-.;:.t:lr.k:-iD-:d';'II....._.l_e.C__~t_ewhlliiirle~clihe]ld:Wiia~tlltyheafternoon and inter· pays to. trade at mlot was made at 8eth;iiy, Sbo WM the mother of Cad and LA IrolUl, former reeidellta of WAvnel-

'E' A ... 1UBART W ' , .aynesVi-IIe, 0 • B • E • ~...



.... .. ........, ... 45c. SOc. 60c

Extracts h ave ad vanced in price from 12c to 15c- we are stili sellin g all flavors .a t .. ........ . 10c . Buy a supply now

H. Murch Co.

I H arn ess.


Br(1(~ m s

ADDITlb NAL PROTECTION : Issue ' has bee n urrounded by slrinj(e nt ch arter prov isi a n ~.

PRICE, P:lr ($100 I er shure) and acc rucd d iviJcll1 T he first exhibit for the 11th An· n('\lin g in vesto r 7'1<,. nua l Nat ional Dairy Show. which opens October 18 f or ten days at Send lor detailed circulor. Columbus. Ohio. reached Columbus this week . It con ~i sts of a herd of seven animals from Moun t ain View Mayn~rd Stock F arm. Benson. Vermont. A private s tock car broug ht them di Unio n National Baiil{ffi(Jg. Clc ve l:l nd. O hi o reet from the fa rm. Last week. at Syracuse, New York, five of the ani. mals won fi rst prize J. O. CARTWnI GHt. W:tynesville, O. Tne h erd is owned by Walter C. H.l·l' rCt•.1J1 lnti~.'c In '1'hi8 T OI'I itury ) and Willia m R. Bush. who' own the Mou nt ain Vie w Slock Farm. consis t inir of ]500 acres. It consists of a ~=================.=.. -.= c:..:::- - I bu ll . two cows. a heifer and three .~alve8 The bull. known W' Ciceroll Noble, is valued at Il?.OOO and Is ~ ason of lhe much advertised Noble , . .~ of Oakland, which is the moat farrmus animal in the.dairy world in i\,merica This bull will be In Columbus also at · the Dairy Show. Other exhibits are on the way, and work of placing exhibits. and We have in stock, everything kept in a getting read y f or t he big exposition. is pr oceedirog ra pidly .

Big Head.Rice. pound only ... :. lOc

.. Try ou r new Yeas t: 7 big ' cakes for ....................6c

And remember the rug is only given with stoves purchased during this Sale and that any stove contracted for will be delivered any time this 'Fall or Winter.


ZIMMERMAN'S Special Th is Week

',nl:lre pro·

tecled by n e l t an~ibl ~ :I SSl! IS 01 $239.36. ;In tl hy cftrni na power' of evcn tim t!~ di vidt' nd requirem en l.


lIlU lll pl(' of R" \·~ n. T he seventh nlnl h ~· l'Il r~. \\'101 tho mul tiple ot

.Pure Cider V'inegar gal only .. l'.5c

DOI')'t Forget the Dates .


Bros. Grain Co.




O. M. 'Bake, lale u b,lIlke r of

A merry party of 81:lVilrai couples - ~ I ' r 0 will atuend a dance lit l' iangle Park, TI HI ~ lI 'r)·:('n'b t" , 'l 0 II " I e o" " L>ayton. tonIght. heart flll lure H,s fun ral \\,111 be ar Fund ill \\ nrran \. Il ly \\111 held on Thursday nt incimlDli . and _ _ _ _---:~---_=~_:__:: Ill it e nll t il!~' Iha t tho II lallC'!! due on I hi body will lie 'in !;'tale 81 1he , cot · Miss C ': i1ia Snook. of ~ew York ti. h Rilt! Cnlhedral for tw o hours. -.I!II________ t heir suhs.~rI"tiuml \\ il l b. )my' ble r Itll r ueforf tl~(lb r' t, lPl7 , whk h C· ty.arrivelhome '!.'u esda yforafew 'The interm untwlllbeinMason !!'! i hI' d. te whIm Ih "I: ~\ jn~talhru!lll i dliv$' visit with r lalives. fal l. Il llll. 'nlll!!rOUS t!ub~cri pti o n ~ W(l!"(' tltk,m Ihro)luhuut till' emlntv, Mrs Fm l)lu Dakin of l he Ohio Ii !Crea l \1I, tn l>I'r of willc h hl\\,inll n.!ull .y Mu~() nic Hum ',is pel;ding a couple _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ -: bl"'n p~IIL Th!'r' Ill''' nu mu"r of of ,Iuys herl:l wit h rdutive~. ." " lb. cnpt 11'11~, hll' 1"Qr. upon whl 'I~ I.h el'(\ ro III ius H i ll.d:lIIl··' dUll 1 GET I T AT wo uld bc 1\ )!r£'a l !Jurd,' n IIINII th e J\Ir J . W. White. ·Mrs. Emma cuI11mitl .... in l hllrj(u " f Ihis 1I1!1tl f'r DakIn "n~l . Mi.' F:. H. l"l;'rr wer ' til ~eo it8th nub"c ribl'l' f or th e ur Lp" <tn ~ 11 \'IHltors thlij mo rnmg. fltI~" \1 f cnlll'l·li"lI. amI w' I I'IIHI Ih at I ,III unpaid . lIh"ni l , lhlll~ will hl'lakl'lI Mr ,'un (1 Mrs lI el'nmn Mill sand SCln ,'<\1'1, II r 1111 nr Illf ,1' 01 Oel 11I'r I .If of I·t Worth. Tex. wh" IIlIlUe li' e Iii' su h~(' rib ' I'S . wl.'11 hll\'." Il~ t lI.1wl t rip ill th .. ir machin e. lire th t;"ues lR I W .AYNESVILLE, . their (ull ~ lIll ,;(~I'IIJIIUI1:\ ",III H" ' C, H! l ' Il f MrR. Evn Jon . 1l1t'l1illl .. Ii ('od I" 111i~ 11'" it·,. " lid wlil +J' PIlY Uw h:lhln ce uf Il1I'i r sul ..criJl I in n !< MI'. mi d MrH. Will RII ~ 11111 and {I th !!ir IlIrlll hllnl.~. II wli l ~HV .' Ill .; "<lrn millel' II \,,,~t 1lI1lll unt "F linw M... lind M'·I!. (;Il il I{U HHIIII I. of D,iy'lilt! t roll l",c :l111l wi ll b,· ~,' ' all y liP lon. ~1 1l ' llt uuday wi th MI'd . J. W. I I r~d\\'nrd s and fnmily . pr()('ia l"rl . I ~;------t 1{' !~ I 1l'~ 1 fu llv. A It·, n F ll r' l\\'l1 Mr . unll Mrs. ·-;~o. Il nm iltl n reo f , . ( . 1 ·:1I1. 1 ';'~ lu rl1 t!t1 hUI11' ~l\tu r"IIY , nfler a 11t"\ <lru W I"i n" pleaHtlllt visit wit.h Ih' iI' ~on , I,' rank I 'II mmiltE'1" IInti family . in Kl'ntucky .







5c, tOe AND 2S~ ' STORE Hose- Women, Children, Men ....• _..... _. _. " lsC Gloves'-Men, Wome'o , Children . .. , ........• l5e-lOe .Turk,ish Towels, Jarge size , .... , .. . ...... , . . . . . 10c MC:!D's Neckties ... .... , ... ,.......... .... . . ..... . .. lOe 6 qt. Gray Enameled Kettle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. . .. 25e School Bags ...... ; ....•.. ; •....... , ... , , . . .. lOc Composition Boqks •.. , . '... . ...... , . . . . . . . . . . ... lOe Lead Pencils. : ............. . , , .... ,. 5c-2 for 5c-lc Curtain Rods, just t1:te kind you wan·t. _ .... '.. , . : lOe Candy. new and fresh, per lb ............. , • • • •. 20e Speclalillt ID Barplaa

fDDIU.. Imr



~. DB AIU\

·WayaesvUle 0Id0

I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~~·. . . . . .~.,


OHIO. WEDNESDAY OCTOB1 C i~ :S~ix~t~Y.~N:i:n:th~Y~e;a~r~~~~~~~~~.....~~.....~__..........~__________.....~~~ hole ~ 3417 ~~~.~~~---r""''''''--'''''--~'''''------''''''------------''''''----.---'---W------~--~~

CHEE:~~S H~~~~~G . iJ!~~~DN]' A~: !:~:; ~k~ete ST..MAR~:L~~WE~DEO Gr.n~~:n~::o [~O_CI_ETY- ~!Tii' WA~~~N C~~~~T~NIT



E d Collett. of Wilmington , was in last FridflY. "



In spite of and the urgent call for Red weather Cross WOIk the social givon at 'lne home of Mrs. O. J . Edward s last Thursday after· noon was very well attende d . A good program was rendered and thc aft e rnoon was pleasantly Bpcnt.

E V. Barnha rt was a Cinci nnati visitor Tbursday.

The Cheerful Helpers of the Ferry Bible l:)chool met for their regular Dr. Dill, Osteopa th 21 S. Broad· c1aas meeting Saturda y afterno on, way, Lebanon . Ohio. Septem ber 29th at 2 o'clock with Mias Barbara Filer. In the absence George Dakin, of Dayton, apllnt of the preside nt the meeting was the week· and here wi th relative s. called to order by the vice preside nt Carl Wright and the usual business Mrs. Clifford Himes of Centerville, . was dlSP08ed ufo Sona, "I MustTe ll spent the week end with home folks. J~U8;" Scriptu re Riladina, Barbara Judge W. J. Wright , of Lebanon. Flier;" the Lord's Prayer was rewas in town Tuesday 0... legal busi· peated In unl80n; Song, "Jesus ia all nel!ll, the World to Me;" the membe rs relponded to roll call with "Gems of st. Mary's Guild will meet with Thuugh t· Talk, Carl Wright . The Mra. lader on Thu mday lubj~t o'f this talk was. "His Trip:tu afternoCadwal in the State Fair" and the differen t places he viaited while In Columbus. Mrs. Agnes Wright is visiting her which v. as ot great interest to all, and 'eepeelally Willi it interest ing to IllIter, Mrs. Clark Cadwallader, of . the young to hear of his viAit throullh Norwood . the Peniten tiary and the descrip tion he gave of the electric chair. 8ong. R. W. Younce Is enjoyin g a 'It'ollow Me;" Benediction. Last from his father, whu residesvisit in verse of their motto was repeate d in Brookville. . unlaon "OLher s". thiB ended the pro· i'ram and a good BOclal hour was Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Perkins and !!pent In contest s. A most deliciou s daught er visited the Aviation camp two courae lunch was served by the at Darton Sunday . boste8ll tht! place carda being BOU· venlr c~rd"with Ihe words "Cheer ·· Mn Jennie McPherson. of High· ful Helpers " written in gilt which were ver30" pretty. Guests present land , was the guest of Mr. alld Mrs. were Mra. Palmer. Mra. Orahood. C. Crawfo rd last week. and Lhelr tea·~her Mrs JennlllThom8~ Mrs. Filer and Berlha Filer. Mr. and Mrs R. W Younce and Mr lind Mra. B. H. Kelly spent Sun· ...- - day at Camp Sherma n. Chillicothe.'



Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cartwr ight are in Springfield. Ohio, attendi ng the Stbte Con!erence of Chariti es.

"The circle i.8 broken- one seat 18 forsake n; • One bud from the tree of Qur friend ahlp is shaken; One heart from among us no longer will thrill With joy In our Rladness, or grief In our 111 . '~

Mr. and Mn. Chas. Sherwood and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. l!;dwards and family 4¥ere at Camp Sherma n Sun· day.

Mn. W. V. Luce and Mrs. J . M. Alexander, of Sprina- Valley, spent lut wee~ with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. ' Mary Dill, the HCond child of Salisbury. Daniel and Almer Dill. wei born . Dear OregQnla. Ohio, on the 8th day Mrs. W. S. Salisbu ry. Mrs. W. V. of January 1845, and died at Mount Luce, Mrs J. M. Alexan der and Miss Holly. Ohio, the 23rd day of Septem · Mary ~alisbury motored to Wilmin g' ber 1917, alltd 72 JearI, .8 montha ton ~uria~y . . and 17 day •• Cn 1868 ahe wu united In marriaa e. . Guy Dakin, of near Centerv ille, to Henry Daught ers. To thlt union was a vl~itor here Saturda were born &even children, two of took hill mother , Mrs. Emma y. He Dakin, whom Clara and Baa-i., aN! lltill home with him. liviDa'. Five children and the father havln. precede d the mother Into the Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith, Mr. and Great Beyond . In 18'36 abe married William Brad- Mrs. Lawren ce .Evana and Mr. Ralph Smith spent Sunday with friends at dOck. who ,till survive s her. Her lut iIInees . was of .hort Hami,ton, Ohio. duratio n and the end ' unexpe cted, . belag doubly ud on account ot the Mr. Bnd Mrs, L. A. Zimmer man .. rloUll condition 9f her husband . and dauahte r, Mra. Sarah Zim· lin. Braddock spent her entire merman visitedand the Aviation Camp lI'eln and arolind Mount Holly. 'at Fairfield Sunday , She was of a quiet, home·lovlng . disposition. and will be greatly miased Mr. and Mrs: ..c: M. Robltze r and by d!0ii8 with whom ahe dally came the Miages Dorothy and Katbry n In contact . . ' . · Uakin the Aviation Camp at Three brot~e", one Hlster. tw.o lc'alrftelvillited d Sunday afterno on. children and three grandch ildren IlIrvive hllr, besides a number of relative s aniJ friend., .11 o{ whom Matt J. Hutchin son. promin ent . wiM Kreatly mila her, althoug h the Warren County Democ rat politician • areatea t 101B will be felt by the died at his home in Lebanon early daUlbte r: Clara. who on account of thursda y m~niin~ ot lut week. ber amlctio n depended 80 mucb upon bermoU... r. . . Loat- Between Xenia and Lebanon, We mourn the 1081 of one who has Black Traveli ng Heir, Jack and Tools ftnlabed tl1l8 earthly life and entered for Ford tbe life eternal , yet .we say \n the G\en~oo Gar. NoUfy J J . Tische, 890 d Ave., <;Incinnatl. Reward worda of the·poet: "Sweet be ber reat after the furnac~ M88Ilrll. iT. C. Hisey, Bryon Pren· pain. ./ dergast , Ben Davis. J. B Pence. Glad her awaken ing In the Hetter Goo. Green, D. L ..Crane and Warren Land." Miller visited CamP Runyan Sunday , afterno on • CARD OF


W'lIl er Varner and Fl oramond ~I~l;ft~ ~a~" II~I~~e:~ ferl~~fral~:i:na~llc;I~~ neighhors al their home nea r Har' '''Yl1hur l( nn la~L Frirlay eveni nR'.


" . . bllmn Cr~lI~e wa~ ho L at a dtnnp r gIven last J. ndny In honor of Garl ~ c lur lind Earn est Harla/} , .He. ~Idc~ the .honor gu.cst~ tl108 ·' invItee! were Elliott WrIght un, l Herman Conner .



Carl McCluN! left Friday mornin g to rejoin his ship, the ' Oklaho ma. Carl's furloui' h .was a short ooe. but he crowded a great deal of pleasur e into his visit here: . Ohio will be intereat ed in .baseball this week. as the llresl Ohio . game between Cincinnati and . will be played, tbe first 'pme Ing ·at Cincinnati tomorro w.


--- _


LIBERTY A rmy s h oc.~ may look as big IS I h ~y sOJllc/im es fee l 10 the soldier, ('li t withal Ihey're q uite as comfort ahie as ihey "f'P'<lr in spite of their n ug h sllod so les. This soldier at <m e 0 1 th e cau/onm enl' n.omewb et'e ill New Yo rk " is nol in the Jrau a- harn ed Clf his new ''kicks.'' and hi. q mfort cerf2 in ly cou ld lIot be que.· IiQnrd. Th~ Ilew army shoes are all hobnaile d a s thrse are, and the" are sim ilar to Ih ose bciuR W'Oru ill the Ire ne he! by th~ BrItis h




-&ad h.lp, ... Ih. f .... don, of the a_a

High Interest

00 Liberty Donds, troe t rom taxes and absolute ly . Ask your banker . all abol~t It.

Tbo tIme t6r talking Is past. U'8 Ume for action aod thrltt! "00 YOur bIt" towards helping win the war (or (reedomll.

Buy A l.iber ty Bond

A rtrain of Am~rican patriotis m deeply impl.vtted In him, Prince llicl/el Cantacuz ene. a grandson oj Presiden t Gnnl, it now one of the )'OUlIsest o~ in the Rouian Anny. ill which his father is a lUIuaL T he ,aang Prince is v!,lting In America with his sisten at pruenl, having brought them acroas the Atlantic fro m Rtwia to remain through the winter If Dot until the internal' affaire of hi. country have ~ adjulted . Th i! deK>elldant of the gl'Qt lUIeral of the Civil War is lamniar with the hl.lory of the American rebellion and it has been an inspirati on to both him and his father, .. ho is now one of the foremost officert in the revolutio nary army. The young man baa military ambition " and if the 1nT cootinu u may be expected to be heard from. He has bad the advantag es of military training and . is looked upon u a IIOOd lOkIier. .





Soma week .. ago Jl.enla wu .asked


to allow the aviator s a landln. place. which ~waa K"ranted to them. The minl.te re of that city ~reached. It,NnuoUB ' IY.d~bout ~h~o~~h~eah::e nil 00 sun ay. an Ith h ral q~lt Ilnding there.. ouathll8V't maehlnea have , gone oveL Fel ~ fd A cf9wd of Xenlane went w a rile Jut'wee k, .pil gav~ the avlaton a cordial welcome to II.. their I.ndlna place. but u ret thej ·have not done 10.

• _. 'r'

We aU! buyin g all kinds of grain and are paying the very "'"'1.....1.. highes t priceS the marke t will "eN! as f ..1I11Wa! _now .-m.b er we wUl Kel1" ..... • R.. ~-. Dlvll buy any amou nt you have Wllke'n on, from _ pound OD up. at Beulah Kindl.., .. me." JI__. KIIIIMUI any time co ....alth . ('MIII.C1are. -_.-..ot."....,Yeaaee BroI. cr.ta Co., Benot BalIeJ. U~ ~0IiI0.



The hospi lality of Mr. nnel Mr s. S L. Cartwri g ht was enjoyeri on Fri day the 28th. by Mr. J. O. Cart·· wright and family, MI'. tl enry Mull and daught er, Mr. George Riley Slid daughte rs. Miss Wi bbles and Miss Don't make any arrange ments to Kizzie Merritt be away from Waynesville Saturda y, October J3th . The Waynesvilledriv. Club ia making arranK"ementa for Mr, and Mrs. J . L . Sheehan tn ter· IlIng meet that will be worth whilt'. talnad at dinner Sunday the foll ow· 'l'herew lll beaome flne harness races, ing guesla: I\1r. and Mrs. Milton and lovers of aport will not be Sheehan, Mr. and Mrs .. Chas. Shee· dilappo inted. thil Tuesday evening a han. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Himes. crowd of honeme n were gathere d to. Mrs. Susan . Sheehan. Mi~! Ethel Ilether. arid a great deal of '.'joshln g" Sheehan, MISS Mary M. Pme; M was done regardi ng their horaea. Lillian Duvall. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin This only means that they are going Earnha rt and baby Lamar. / Into the game for all It's worth, and Bome 1I'00d sport Is anticipa ted, There'wlll be someth ing new, al80, The pupils of the school ~eld In the auto events. all probabi lity weinor supper Tues4illo), evemnK" In there will be a two orInthree mile race honor o'f Ern'?lIt Ha!lall, who leaves and sevt'ral other new feature s ~111 today to join his shi,. A huge bon · be addt'd which will be of In~rlllt to fire was made, and ~. girls cooked all au,t o ·owners. Watcb tbe Miami the welners, and togoetber with the Gazette next week fOil program . other eatable s made II f88l!t hugely enjoyed by all pres"n .' The evenlnir • -. was spent very pleal\U\\:j. . •



Mr. and Mrs. W. Phillips tained Sunday at dinl'Cr the follow· SAFE. 8 T A movem ent is on foot to orianlz e guests: Mr. an. Mrs. B. F. INVE8T · Free Band Concer t will be II'lven Ing Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Milia. a q uoit club her. e. All of the town. 1\ M~~T at Camp Runyan Lebano n. Ohio; on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shamba ugh and -.I __ .I around ua have organiz ed, snd there 0 'be 8 I th ft family, Mr. EARTH and Mra. Earl Milia and W.,..n.. uIY, cto r • n e a e.r· family Mr and Mrs Clyde Lewis Th will be quite a rivalry among them b' f th F h _L. In" at '1 , . . n?Dn a t 8 0 'I ' . . . c oc k an d even. e mem ers 0 and family, erf}' c Un;u Mr. Davie, In the WlY of contest s. Xenia held a Mias LIzzie and membe n ' of thee Owens church 0 clock. • B d III I Joy, Mr. and Mrs . John Lonlt. united thilr forees in a union service contest Tuesda y evening . and there The First, RA!rlment an w i ...e tbeee conce . (u.t Camp Runyan . h h S d . b' !it the Ferry cure on un .ayeyen . WBS a II' crow d present .to !lee it . Lebanon, Wed earl fte moon an d · . n lng, ay a septem ber 80th, Mr. at 6.30ofp. m. and Mrs. Walter Lebanon has a fine club. and . of The pro ram was in charll'tl the evening by way of eompllment ~o Lytle. entertained the:KenrIck several from that club went over to followin g ledies of the two churches. The tol. . Company Ii; and as a farewe ll on t e Kueete: Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Xenia to see the contest . Wa\·nes· Clark, lowln ro ram was rendere d: eve of their departu re. bShOffi ad· Mr. and Mrs. vme used to have some good quoit Burnett , Mr. Son~ Pco~gregatlon '·AII Half the dresses will be delivere d y 0 cers and Mrll , Cbas.Harvey players, but of Jate years they seem Clark. Mr. and Mrs. 'cit Jesus nam·e. tI Scriptu re ot the regime nt and others. These Cbas. Johns. to have given up the game entirely . Mary Cal'mony, Mrs Grace n;own' Prayer concert s ar~ Free and you are In· Miues KathrynMrs. . Mildred and MarWakeu p, boya, and get busy. . song. cong;.egation: vited-C ome. garet Clark and Kathry n Burnett , est Tie;" reading , Mrs. ~============~=============~===== =====~== q~nJ~~d.~~~. ~~Min~~m~~~&~M~ Clark. James .HalRes and Mr. and paper, Mrs. Ollie Hathaw ay; ~ 11010, Mrs. S. H. Hames. Gertrud e Hunter; reading , Mary (juy; paper, Mrs. Jennie ' Maxwell; quartet , Mi8ll Irma Cornell, MesMr. Carl McClure ,was the dames Murphy. Fox and Kimble; ot bonor at a dolight ful6 o'c r ading. Mrs. Neva Palmer; solo • . ner given by Miss Alice Edna Guthrie ; talk. Mrs. Jennie day evening. Those who song. congreg ation, "God her hospitali ty were Misses Edna till We Meet Again;". nell, Lillian Wilkerson. Corinne Welch Be with and Messrs. Irving Walch. Van Re· Benediction, Mrs. Martha OrahClOd. tallick. Carl McCIu,re Ilnd Alfred Wright . After dinner the merry crowd motored to Xenia. where they spent the evening . THE


H ym a n

------_. -- ..------


·Underwear and ,Sweaters ~~ Entire Family LADIES' COATS 100 ' LADI ES' COATS IN ZEBA LINE , BROA D· CLOTH. FANC Y MIXT URES , BOUC Lt\T. Regul ar S15 to $25 for

$12.50 $15

:rOY THE fLIERS The Ladles Aid of the LyUo M. E . church will hold

a : parcel'p ost sille and give a tempera nce 81at at the hall.Saturda y evenlplI, ctober 6th. Come and enjoy the evenmg . . . Mr and Mrs; W. E. O'Neal l: Misses Martha OiNeal1 and Ma.r ianna Allen and M88Il1s. Walter Allen and U. ld . White started Monday :mornln g for Lexing(on Ky. wHere they will . d h 'f II • .- . atten t e a races. . . . Dr. T. Sherwood left TuesdlY evenlni for Phllade lpbia to attend the wedding_of blllOn, Laurene e, to MIIl8 Allee Hollnge r. The' weddiDir will take place Saturda y evenln lr.t the home of t·h e bride'e parents , at Woodbury, N. J. . .

The Red Cross ref unde r was sent

to Treasur er W. H. Allen Tuesday.

The refunde r Is for the pu rchasin g of new materia ls in t he County uni t, d was for $2880. it is tho ulrht tho ~~unty board will receive about $1700 for the county' s 'ahare befor e ~o~e . o~rhis money will buy qu ite n lot of th raw material. and the good Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Henut'rson en· womell of the county will make the tertai ned the " J olly Mat rons" and necessa ry article~ for the Red Cross their husband s Monday evelling. work. The evening was spent in play ing ...- - " 500" and dt!licio us refresh ments were served.


I desire to thank . all my neighbo rs .nd frlenda fot the kindness 8ho~n. .nd tbe .Id extende d. me In. the SIck. n . .·.nd dMth of my mother . Clara Daught en





IN WHIP CORD , GABA RDIN E, FANC Y TURE S, :VELOURS AND POP.LINS, Regul ar $1'9.50 and $25 for


$12.50 -$15 AND

Speei al for Satur day 50 doz. blue·rlllbed' )fe.-'I Sbjrtl aDd Draw.r e. odd. aDd eaell, 75c for


Spect.) tor . Satur day 2&0 pair of CottoD BlaIIlteta• . fun aize, $2.I!0 vallMl!. for



Mrll. Ru s;el Salisbury, Mrs. Leon Salisbu ry, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cor· nell, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cornell, Mr. end Mrs W . C. Bergdall, Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Graham . Mr . .and Mrs . A. Emrick, tha MiSseil EQna Last Tuesday Jerry no· and Adria Cornell, Leona McGinnis; tlced a phreon ro09ting inOeborn his stable. Gladys Emrick, Doris Salisbury. Ber· He though t this lather strange , and nice Graham lind Gladys Bergda ll next mornin g he fed it. and It were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. around his premlaea all day • J. Berno Jones. Wedn8l day'mo rning he went through the alley back of bls re&ldenee. and . coming out on North atreet he laW a dead 1>igeon in the road. Goinlr A plel1llant sU~I'rlse was tendere d over to pick it up he 88W that it was Mrs. Mary. A. WIse by her daug~ter8 one that he had fed. their famIli es. and o.ther. relatIVes Upon picking It up he noticed that They came wllh theIr dlOners and it hud two leg bands on, 009 was lpent the day last Sunday . The fol · marked A J 0 6737 and the othar lowing guests were p.resent: M~ , one of brass was marked 6115. C. R, Costella. of Covlllgton. Ky . ; Where It came from and where It M!". T . E. Cummings, Flo~d Cum was going is a matter of conject ure mmgs. Mrs. T. O. Mason, rom Ir . " win Mason, Mildred Mason, Mrs. • _ • Cora Macy, all of Xenia; Mr. and Mra. Jss. McDonald and daught er, Franoes, of Ilouth of town . MI'I . Ed Surface and ~ns enter· tained at dinner Sunday tha tollow· inK": Josie Surface and Arthur Bun· nell. ot Leelan, .Mr. and Mre. S. D. Everly, and Stanley Thompson. ot Davton . Mr. aDd Mra. Charley Ed· wards. Ind Howard Graham and three fri(!nds, ot HarnYl burlr, Elon Grayan d Master ijarold, ot Way· nesville. Mrs; Anna A.~away' Mrs. Frank Thomas ,aud danrbt er and Mrs Lester Surlace child ten Herman and S...IYIl. .


The city dada met Monday evening in regular lellllion. The rouUne bUI' In818 wu diqJeDaed with, after which tbe sale of tlie water and lIabt plant was .talked about. ·It wu-tbo that the rep....n. otthe~n Power & Ullfht be'PNle Dt, but th87 talled up . . Council ~joumed to meet nat Monda , evea:iliJa. When It ill thooah t Mr. an~ Mrs. Wal. . Jann"y at the 0.,\00 people Will be here their beautif ul home &he old Janney . homestead very pl.-at ly enter· • • , tain"ed a crowd of "Ialiv.. friends. A K"eneral .eed 'tIme wu enjoyed by all, mUlle, and reading s Mr. Jamlll Mullen and ebarmi oa d~~::=: Edne, beln. IIf1'8&tly .p. 'Look goods before PI It. aumptUDus dinner wu Ihllvin v elesewhere. Just tetbeJ:lo wlnlr a fresh S!lpPlY of .....::.....,.---'--.....






and . BOllIX )..





retract m)' epoken "OW )lot to ('11101' lIer house agatn , lellrly lOy I 1' 1' nf· talr wa. In a bad W'IY 1l1I(1 1'1" 1nlrl'd IIerolq trenlment Itl put It b nl'l< Int, , . bCIIlth" no~mal rendition. , '" ~edltatlng u pon that lind w out.! ' I'l ng wbat could bave bnPlw uC(l 10 Mrs, Green on tbe utde Island juat ooufh of UI, I it'AduAIl,)' dozed oD' lind sllpped d own to the 600r, My tllfUl't! la not eucb, hOI"l"el'er, tba t ,i perfecUy 00 a Oat III1J'fuCD, Uor that lM.Ion m)' 1I1umbers wero uneney and troubled wIth dreaIDS in witt b 1 ... out througb vanoue t ort lire ot tho IIlqulllUon, such R8 ha"l"lng my oones broken 'on tlte zack and ottler 1I1e(llo,"tll ".nadon. ot tlte tblrcl dcgr(.'C. U, lut Iltgbtnlar8 wall lllllt ot h elng .bI1D4e4 by a redbot lrpn, Who W611 It bad that dono to biro' 1 rememlJel'. It wu ~lchaol Strogoff, tbe court rot the caar, Sba4e. ot Julee Vernel Any. I .al, It haPVCDed to me In m,)' c'h'cnma, ao4 the bumlng 8cosotion wns 80 viv. 14 that J awoke In terror. TooU. Wae calmls lIcktng my 'fnc. Ilu~ ber tonguo l ind r.l/JPeil RCl'OS8 .." 111". I reDlOllllJt"'OO huYlng !Jel f\ told that thla meUlod ul awnk olling a , liMper ouo ot ber clIte t tr1 ~ln., It I e"er have II dog ot my owu I'm fOlDlJ to :I)jlend 11 lot ot time tca elllng h1m ·not to do thl. trick, ' 1 w .. about fo Insist tJiot the pUI) ,somewooro bcsldee on my 1.1 ad I'IItpm to my Blumbal'e once moro ';w 1113', attention was atlra led by a I ht nolee outlldt>, Some OUo WAS eaUdouI11 approaching the slimmer , ~t~"" , Who ~ dlqkens could bo I11lt ,~¥d~ about at that tlme ot nlgbll? I JII!lP,d thnt it WBII about mldulght. ,. , ~ ,pe~ eame nearer. Finally he ' M hili - r around to the d oor, I (o,tbe lat:1a wu 11tte\l, aDd Borne ono ) ~ 1l11eDcecl an l!Dpul8C on, th. ~ ~ 1'ootI8I to w.lcome , tbe In· • ~, The wel8ht tlte man who tl W" ~ DOt ten feet from me made ~ , ~ boa.nlI . . . . . be walked atiout. ~. w.. CD/l11na toward me, a moment be peulled uncertalnly ~ 14 a mlltcb. 10 ttl Ugbt I '!I that be wall a tall, natt1ly •f,!jall •. ~ m,n wbom I bad nevor





l ' \ J .~.


my anrprlae was InOnlt.-


to bls, l ' wa8 eJ;pootln!r

;-...m. ~t be OjIlUld not b" all,)' pOBIItble

'I ~ Ia:ve ,bevu prepart!d tor a wiele \..wa~ UDbllnjdng etrangtlr ,taring at

; ,II!m , 1Ib: -':"' away, For an tnlltAult. t . ,an InItant. [ 11&" a tUcker ot tear

. til lila Q'''I then, dtareaUrdlDg mo, he beI4 the match to a ctca.r .nib alreadJ betwetiD bll teeth and drew a long.'


dMp paff. Whon we 'wez;e OlIce zpore In dJirk· Dell, . . tljo ttp Cit We clgnr, ho pl_ntl,)', '''G O()(\ 'e"erllng." I -,-tttld.- I knew tllat tllll 8Upentl. 11JQql ":r~P man way down In hili 'tielit".. talH,n1J him tllat tllere would not be an.wer. At 1ut I I8Id wUh oqual ploo8llllt. Deli, 'GOod e"enl 011'." , H. 8lgbed wltlt rellet. -II ,thll Greeu's cottaga?" be Ill·




''No,'' ' 1

replied; "thle Ie ' merely •

,halter overlookIng an especially /llle

h or e IlIls d .'('I(IL'.1 til ~t:l\' f(,r an DOliI' 01' R . " 'hll )'1>1 1 " I'll '~'n lflu", I


want you to take mo Ol'el" 10 H ll nHII,IJ' (Jon's anO get ?ttrll. G rl'CD." "Mrs, Greenl \That site do by Buntlngdon's1"

"I'll tell yOU Iuter ufter 1 thIn k up 801D0 IntOI"l!8ttl)1f ~l loURtJ n. At Prell· ent I 8houldn', bo ablo I() 00 tile eubj eet jusUl'o. Uow IIhout It ? WIU )'0 0 take mo O'i'er tlt ro7" 11 tltrllte(] , "Uoro'8 n Oollor," I MIO, ''Tbe . torm Ie Quletiug dOIl' n u good dunl,


111m U]1." I b o lpt'll liltn s llm'(' (If!', IIl1 tl JlIII tln· leered wJt h I bc' on 'yllntlcJ' mudllno IrUD \1' lll cll LJrop lied t ile IJUI'Il'O u II 11I he

IndlJ 'ed It hI tmrl< lit 1rreltulnr luto r. "01 . Hllr o I torgOILcU t o WIlU tl UIl tll lll fbo HI. Ankles a nd WrI.I •. Me rry Widow Is Ull 0)/011 bou t \1' llb no serl u8ly , dOll't ),uu ? I r .1'(111 h ('1 1l mn lIulle rstrllctnro or CIlIIQPY ot nny eUlot? I'm "'tUtug t tl cough "1' II ('11111)10 or It J bu " ", lot me stute hel tllnt ll er 1'1 011111'. 1u ren l m Oil y, " 'hkh I. mtlro Unee 111'0 \'o ry (I ccollo t e," lIud n IlIrgo thnu my "dlto, will hu opt to ~11I1Il1 ror , WA\' O JIl eeTs wltll littl e obs!t'ucUoll SU \'l) In ms 0)(1'1\)111'0 Rccount, lJuur Y('II' d o n 't We JlII ~ cugera wll n It Slfll'ts t o tru I'el I'll /llle] OUL uuYWoy, baca uso II's n way ' trom t ho liow t o th IItcrll . ' I Ito,' , lind YOU'll I II'OIJIIIII.I' I dl · '·Stla sball bo, lif. y lmmlll Y hrlllt· charg(!(l tl)f llot ll tuhl ng m e." ma au re cbOl)[lY,' Dill (tOmUIOI ed. "~ut It 8 om~ to rna U.nt I h11\'0 "Tlte wInd elle s bull 1I1t1,\1 to tllll .auth alld IDako cr08S waves," cauabt yoll," J IJltorposeo IIInlUy . "UnNlly,'" he retorted. "Frow tb e Bo ' VII S ObK01ulllly cQrrcct. Aa 1I00n atnnce I g ot at your ttguro when I ut . . we lett the mouth or tuo ove w& tlte matc h' t 8boulo jDllgo tllllt J OU went tbroug h some volntlOIJB wlllch I would lin <e 811111 It Wil e nlJ9(llutaly could rUll a hundred yards In t ou 60tmlnute8, thllt 18- WWlo 1 AIll some Im l'Os~lhlo tor a mnn of my 1H'1Id to sprinter, 011 TOli ~I\\ tll\ \. to adml, It perform. [W IIS tn\'orn bly conslocrlng th. Iden. of llrlng cnl'lck ' when • IOU watell DlO dUl'lnlr tho uoxt t ew larg"r WOl'~ tbnll usunl wus hl'd or Cf IIOCOnds. 1 am ol'L" But 110 wnsn't. Whllo 11 WOIl tnlklna and SITU,'I' Ih o 'ng ln. ' It C:l pl~ed 1 hod taken the DrocautiOn 'of moving peacet ull y on t b epot. '~"lIut hu~ h U1'11 n e d 7" I nskcd, wllb around between blm l111d tho door, 80 tbot wbon ho sto.rlell to letll'e [ trlVlled a 1l1l\dsmun'H jll tlfl l!d trrl'or. ''Tbo Utlm, hll ~ stnp\l~d, " nul's hlm neoUy Bud 80t 00 his 'uesL Tble '11 n vcry eD'ectlrc type or JlujLtsu tor e ulw ~ 1 1I1 "1J"'"t .. t th o b \l l o u ~ ~,1l9. parn tcd Ihe. a lIeav,)' let man ,t o mplol', '''Ot cO lI l"!!e II hllH stullP t. Cnn W8 . Howel'er, I C\?uld u' t 61t OU Ulm nU lIlgbt. ' Uor ouo thing I WllIlted to ll\'cr gtllt'!. I t lignin'!" " Sur. ,ho Hh11 11 rUll e Ille mOTe. a1coJl, Fln'o lly nn t'ngcnlous sc homo tIOlved my dUDe,ulty, 1 reulOnd bls The \I' ",'C, sh' s ho .. t el l' 'li lt tbo coot without unbutton Ing It, n' hlc ll Is epQrli; f;1! .," nlll polnhi d, "~ he 011 dono by grosplllg firmly the t l)'O Mils wet" nl~ l' lIthlll' llls m U ~ II leoturer III tho back, ono In Mcll hlllltl; ODd. pull. 011 tb o I;'lIsolIlIl' It((IIl(l mn,1 hI m t or. InIr sltlowlse, Treutc(l In th,ls CU8blon, set th e Inl;~ OU I. ill(l. even tit m ost Xlle ll Iyely !nUllo gl1r- . It WIIS II' n,l\"lll h' ht, ,II I tcutl!))) by mout will a p unlto nl Ill( the tin c k sCllm a ,Inrgo ",01'0 ",hId] tilll'l'll 11M II our ftnd nlHY the u ll' tIll,ell oIT trom 'tJ,lo beRm olllls u nll \1.. III'I14'd nlll ull d m y . trollt. Aftor I Imtl l ltll C lit In nlY LJOII· sell III flit nfi"od IOllllt\) ).t roup hll o tho81!HRloll ,I l oro It Into , 1:1 11'1119, whiCh 1 stern of the Wilt, wbcl'o \1'0 \I"~I' jolq. tI 1I togl'thel' 01111 11111.10 11 ' 1'0 110 with ad pre5cufJy b y n COIlCl't loli M 0 11 cans, wrOUOb 1.!8, ' I'on COtlfl Ilull o thcr wJllvh J IIoUlltl hl~ 1l1I1<l"8 n 1111 ,..,.ls ts. . Wlwlll b ~ lI h lmull d toll' [lltn Ulu lch marIne impOlllmen fn. . BUt ronlo l"c d his elbow (ro Ui t he lilt to nlllk o I'III'C It WIl'! n I;VOll ~ IJ . "You'll Ilo sun 'y flll' Ihl " ," h~ 1;1'Im· l · ot my )01111 HlllCO h ()IW l c~R ~ tUlll1 ('h 'lUi! ed. "MI'~: C;I' I'll I1 n~ h '('II ll!o"uctl,a \.0 IIcrumblcd to the eU !!ltll'. "Sbe hnln't hurt d II j ,lt," hI' ,,,,,. BWltln~tl oll'H 1~ 1 1I 1l,1 nl~II l\lIl,I~ 1 '1'I!Il by hiko 1)lrnt~8. W (lIl'~' Y(,11 h1! m go ? I Douueed. " Lend me ~' O\ll' h" u.l lce l" wUl SIl\'O ber, Hl'IIIl'lIlI 'H, Ie you d on't eWer." I silently plIssed hIm the IlI·tll' lll h I' 1 knOll' wlllit )'on look Uk nuo I' ll put Bo cure fully wll le!l (,Ir n TOU In ;lnll tor ' IRljllult." "It Isn't cuStOlllOry," ] cODlmented, larie pm't ot t1l& C!Jll{lnQ wit h II; 11.,' "tor Dlt'll who brenk luto (,JUteI' people'8 tore be otl'cred It buck to ml.', I de cUllod Ilud t old blm to coIlBlt.!~r It UII' ho~ to bavo I1ny '!n\l put In jnll. So con tribution to tho cqll tl ment of t h~' laug. boat. ' I wellt ont. "NQw, !lure," be direct d, ",I'Oll m u L hold tb cont O\'c r Ill e sp nl"l' so shl.! CHAPTER XIV. ~ball 1I0t a.:et, by yen \' 17.7. , 'ng nl n wet." The Voyage of tho Mer~y 'Widow, He RlloII"cll m e hnw to ]11'0 tCC t tbQ T bad etopped rlllulllg entlrelS" now, eng lno trilln th o .' lcUJclI t s h,l' I nlcrr)os , end tho 80uth \\'1.1111 Imll lJl'come a ins my l' OOt 11(111 111 ,f ~ h lv(ll'[I1 ;~ Unrly warm oDd w ('lco ll1o rclLllty. 1 betwee n It n".l "'11 I:I'~, Thl ~ I.cln g went dowu to tbe CO< "" ,\!( r bad a crllropll ~ll I. he "tn rl ed . IIw 11 \11 b in· cry, IU II I W l ' IlIr~" II fllr l hint I nIght 1lI1I!" m Ult!, nlll" fJII111. h l~ ti ui iJlltwc n 8teerlng IIn~ lllcnlling t ll(' "llI, IIlIl , liecpt'n/J UIJ n I'\lnllln:; fir rtr .' (>IlI'c l·sntlon , not with mo, bll t \\' 1I'h th e Illn t vl'. "beu "bo'd eou gh lI"enkly ntll w ould hit her In I M.d • • Rop. With Wh ic h I Bou nd



Porto Rico Is FirSt AmeriCan Colqny . ,:,

by "' 1',-,,11-'1'11'1,

To Respond to ' Nation's Call to Anns


eom ll n l> l)nl'~'II I ~' tl'IlIle r RllOt wi t h tlot to( n 111,,"1(0,1' , " T onc h lind suy:

I!:, Keev r, 11ocu t:e~lI . M I,npy UIl\ () UDt a l l LItU PI L $233 III


w In .


Hum~ loll; A , 0 , Ihker, 8R 1I1Il}1


Illt t18 fu r

M O F~1tI '1IIM~el, .4 III \' ~ Tho h' Tllnk . 1111 , B IIrd 1\ ll d J' 1l pr r Cfl. , Ma n y unly; Bllllmn l (JIR 1IU NI $ :l a\I, II;j. bhry ' DUlIlon t V~ }1l1 ti. 'o ll l.:lI u. ll l1l1\ ll\I~ I rol (l r f I ho.s tu ' e nf Emil y ~ t p(ldo[l) , (11' 0 ' u ~er1, I (1111!' vID IIllCl dQUJo g t, ~ iu ,be S'lLlI a t tli OO,

tuney In A1IIY· QIl CI' lIy I hl' 1I11l\'k und golL! ttuudUK of tlll! !lllll . .

=:INoI'eo t. hnroby ~Iv n LO Iho u1OOl01'1l ot t liu }" I_ ' YI1 '},ownl'tlltp Hura1 SehCK)1 DI.trlc~. or II arrau COunly, Ohio. that au "I.,.."ou will 110 huHI

Oet ~uon the ho uMt or ) :3 0 n.m and 0' 80 p D1 0 11 ~nht ct.)!, U ~ which t)lUCtiO Il t ho llN,putllll u n r 01" n llt 811 All d ttJona l l ovy vt hlXM

th o WI\)'JlU 'j'owlJllhlp HlIrll18ch lol


J)).l" et

o tJ-0 2c - ''t


""lUuel L Irll"" IlUcl I)llll P. ,!:Ioll n Hll rr y V, \Va It· r pt II I, LI'u vo givtln I:hlr ry \ Wnl tl"T t o tile do. uy loca l Vi


"fI~lioll l juns, " ' lhey <:nIlIlO I ' rwn h t he dlsensetJ pn flio ll of Ihu enr. ' '.l'hfl"C is 011 1)' OIlC w ily 10 cure "ul "" rllIll d.Ilfncl<S, DIllI t h a i Is Ill' H co ns lltulion . 1 remedy. Cn tll l rh .. 1 IIcnfnc ,'l" is 1: ~ hse,1 by A 'd 1 11 m ('0 1111 11' 11 " 11 I n qn it (IITIU. a n j" ft ullled ,:ollll itl ull ul Iii, tOllcHU» Ii,, · Ing on Iloo,l lInt n f \\'!I ,, ' ~ \11111 1'11, Ing of tb. I3t.l achiu H Tu be. When I hi s I will ot!',.r lit P nhho Aunt! o n lit, Ul~ ,,,1)(' is illlJ,ullcd YOII hu ve n IIUllbling r e~ideno(', OJ:' t ill W ~. (J,;, h ll m sOllud or h ili ,Iect heu ri" G", nnd whe" It f 'Hm 2 ' (' tllil ,,~ II ort,h \\" (l~ t n ( \V lly nl !I I. enl lrely closed . I . nlIlCSs is the rQsnlt. (Jill.! IIIC ill,lu ll1l11l1 l io ll CIl II be r. dll ced \'ill II od 1 m ile " '(s t, Il r L vt.I A, no ~n d lu be ..... lor. (1 to its norm ul e.. " ditio n, Thursday. Octolll!r .. , 19 17 hea rin g will I.oe uest rnyed IOIt· v.' r. Mlt " y CU, •• o r (Iellluess li re coused b y ca lanh , Be~inDIIl:; '111 III H,o loo k tho ro l.

m onar,

W l ilillm H. ColliliM VH Fra nk H HU Pj(g e:lIlllll n ot ul. " flll~e tll~I.D I ~SOd,


Tllo Mnytlll1 Co, \' ~ /l1( 111'00 Click Causo d iIiUl I~~etlll l O U!l t~ (If plllhlt l O'. M lnole Sbel bel, Vi! H nr r '!' :-h o rbet a t "I. Ler,,,£' ll'r nteR u ri, o l o lstru . ~rl X t Jj IS lIo S\Vtlr Rut1 ur u. e·IJE.titl n n ,I , b'. M oll~ t"1 v V ~ J OSI ph Bne rj:o. Oll e r . ,JudllDl tlu t set u~ido Hod va' o Ite u, ' 1 Ih. !U Ri, ,a r or th e htJpli o n t loD of ~~~I,i~~~I~i~~~';llc~~~nn~fl:ltr~O~:Ii,I:I~~I ' o~(.~i~ low itlf! cto!lnrl bA!l pr 'l p n rl .v: 'flu , e 1:1, JJ;gi!(\ r ~ ot 'Ill, trn ' lee .. o f Tile dn e ''''IS throllgh Ihe blond Oil Ihe Illll . H ulse", :tC:nw~ ,", H "I!.. ,I1\1].1I ~ lIl p nt~, ll)v nuge ll oll l Lnlhtl r n C /lu,roh o f Cr> II S . ud ncestor I he s ),"lc m . ll ') o Ae ll nl tl O "od , AUtOlllOhllo) , l:I .. r , Pltoll~lIut PI IlIIl 10 II \I r eu l l'~ tll tO , \\'C will g ive OllC Htln d red 1]"lI n rs for n o~'s , ' o rn, ( ; bi o k .m ~ , tlte Older o f Kill g rnu \ed , Uti)' co.... 0 1 a lor rl", 1 DraIne, Ih ,,'\ can. 'l'ermslJlRdo kn o wn on d 'ly "f" .. I", Eva. E , "" ' Illiaills \'8 Lu urfI E ,," I he cu red lJy ·/1 ,1)1 ' 5 Cn l 3T1h ~Icdieill c. "10rtRl~ • • GRAcJAM thr h rtl or at til. Ord r of pnrllil oD C l rc~ lu rs fife. . ,All Dru!lU js t ~" i.'ic . . W . N, ~(lItrll, An t. g r ao~ed, . I, . J. ~ll ' NI\V c · CO., l ol ~d(), O. 'has BlIruaH, OIerk





Itstll B ot t=\ebARtlIIJl M. og, de. oOllsed, li'ourt,b uoooun t flied, In ihe ni a t~El t" of tbe e to to f ~

r.1Il r la

h l!.effl' r , d eoenaed ,


acoonnt filed.

In tl;ie nlotter of the will o f l eAao Mull, cl eoeB~ d , W IJI tI(\lI1ltt ed to llroblltEl, Emma. 0 , Woocl;rurO ' I\\,I. pointed xr.cutrlx, Ullllrle 8 fl, Eo. ' l,a88, P. V . Bone Dnd Will R, Lowll! t\ppoln ~ed

IIpprotller s. In tllo m atter of t,h e eSl,ut,e of 8 Q 81~n :Il:. Brndle:r, d l!oenad. Order g r ll nted to i e \l uo utls at rrlv ~ t 6, 811 Ie, m l1 l, 'a ~

In the

of ella


of In.

A Il'x a ndor '1Teytlhk, tl CBased ventr,lY aud IIpprlll ~ ment, fli ed . Order g runted t o oompromise olt.lm lor dornog ee Altnlnst t,he Interlub ~ u RQl!w'tlJY IlDd Terminol '0 ] n tile Dla Uer of the estllle ,9' Wilson Harlan, decea88(1. , I..:. Niob ola t,el1clers hl8 resl g ulltilln liS e xeell or F1DI11 ncbollo\ fll ad. E~t1lo18 or R .,bort U, I:lulfu rd. d !l. oBasod , 0 , 8 , 1:I11{f(lu8 appolll~8d IIdrnln etrlltor, Arthur HamiH'lD, ·A.lbert Brnnt IInu S yIV" D ~W18 ap. pl!)lllt ,1l1oppr ll lse r8, Elt..te o t J ohn 8, Ernmon!!, ' deoBllsed . Third ncoo,n nt flied , E~ tll,te o f Rllbe n ShniIllr, deceased, il'l oa.1 ocoouut fll e d, Wal ~e r H Merrill , A!lmlnI8trlltOl" V8 Cli ftou W , Merrill, deoellsed. 8ulo 11]>proved lind confirmed, E~talo nf William E , 8t"ntoD, Il8. oeased E leventh olld twelfth 00 oOlln.t a proved, !lllowed and 000

. ~




_ _____


I ,WIII Place ,on Sale-


roll roll

roll oil roll roll

Chas. E. -Johnson 17 Green Street,


~J\~'ijt~l~fll ~l,~it ,t tJ !!rU :',~·,if"""""I"~~ (' I~I'tl ~f~II~: ~~ ~ ~

run,' allu eorlle r








9'9 0

&I -Q,' ultt l



..- ..----


(T obe ("oDtlnuetl)


For Wlntir UN• ThermolllBta have been lrJ"ented to be connected to a Iteam or hot,wllter

Co.nimunity I~TERE8T

au mlllut Ctl


pul ... l1hu v Wu'" ewl .. (tho MUI,IIIII. runuil1~ Uumoo S, 2' c!ugrotft 30 mhlull..

ncUator to resuJate the heat III a I'OOIQ wUhoqt dectID, It III ..., odiei'

Dr, Geo. W . W, Walker Clevelnod, Ohio

at Xcnia, Ohio, Hotel Grand (Parlor Suite) ' on Weonesday, 17th day of Odober. 1917. Hours .9.a, m. to 8 p, m. . ,

Dr. Ceorge W.

~ ot 'Qq

am. "1illdIIWo


a.GllcNaIU •

Lo "t.,uur MllIlalt, ... 0 \11"'01" a,lln, II. ~11l'

r:~:t!,~,~II.i~It!:yr'1m~~ ~~. ~,1I6U~"ufu'~1 ~g ~~~I!'fII~~.. ~~n~~~[':J~lhlr~I~~,~ I.IM~:u"y lbe .. 00\'0 d.,. ·,Il>ed b<llns

<Ifl ~al O

sl1l1l11l0 lu Sprlug Vall)' ' l'II \\IUiltf p , (Jrvo u " ouu~)', Ilud \Vayno 'J'(.lluuhl", W.UTOU (J(IuII~r' Olltu , tiBl( r 01l1 111111 Ut'lln

mr1l1ra.lM'(1 at. thu

Mum or $ 'CJ 6U. UU uutl will lin' ' It 1 klhl

l lea


lIl~~~;r~~:: c~~l~fr.t_~~rlt~:ll V ~~~Uil&Y ot . a1e aIl4I b.'aucu lu two "Iual 11I '~'U · Uloula, I,.,able 111 OUII .uU two lO.... I'eIpe '.


t'volv , tHlCur&ll by morilloso 011 Ihe \lfontl_



J , 11, (,E N OE, A. AtlmlntHtralor or


io:.lah) 0 1 1,;tll&l1or U ..• I.U, dOClllliQd ,

""AN E. S'l'ANLEY, Atty. lur !'I\U,D( ur • Y·U- I<J.10- U


Sole Agent For




Dr. J. A. McCoy, Veterinary '

will hold his dispensary cli'.lic for ~II his patientB and others anxious to se" Graduate of Oblo Slat. Unlveral ',"

him, Dr Walker is too well known in this locality to need an Introduction His h,undreds of patients cured will testify to his ability a8 an expert phy· sician and mediC!l1 authority, No matter what your ailment is, if SOU are. not in perfect health, do not fail to see him and have him eJglmine you, Consultation and examination on this visit will be free Remember the date of his visit. For"{)ne day only. . C!!2 _


Corner Main and Mill Streets Telephone 28

Way lie, nesvi



Greatest Agricultural Exposition Ever ,Given ' Ten 'bill'days full of educa~onal 'and l,..,tructW. demon$tration". and e~hlbit". ' . , 2.000 Prise Dairy Cattle-MfI.'Tf6 M'tIchlne De, monstratio~-Mammoth Fa,.", Machintlr)1 It",hlblt -Hure Tractor ~Show-Ple(uu,.e 'Co,. and Auto Truc Show - Thrllllnll and ,Entertalnin6 'Night Ho,.se Pair.. ,

Funeral Dir..c19ri and Embalmer, Waynesville. Ohio. Eilher Auto or Horse drawn I!ervice

No extra 'chal'ge for auto


?IIJO II1'A'I'II .AIII cmomme Ohio~ OCtober 18th to 27th


Both phones 'in Offico '8nC! Residence, No, 14


DI~. ~



MllLE~. ,



Bad ,Rorie Fair




Uute" Shit•• P . . . . . . . ..... tralor. ",01 •••r .... tlt.lI_ mnth ·Ma.. M •• .1 tit. '] " 'ry b ..I •• try. Oat.H.. 32. '••

Rlokard, by _ ab.erl1f, to

BopklDeJr., 101 ID WalDel.


S lid d (}g r ~ I t't llltl\ULUit \y , 6.1 :4 ,'balu", to. litakfl u Ullr tho Allil UItIU. N . 3V L1 ' 0J( ' OO(j JU mIUUU)H W , 1. 0D e hul ,ul t o Lht.! Ut'K' Su'uinf( . CU ll" 1.ltl,lllIK' four ami .Io'I'a.Y-lSlx hunLJrcd lllK t" 01 6) Lt.crea WlCOLhtlr wnlt t11u I,ri vlll'tlU u f • •:url-lilo mll{1 "'r ,)I1.I,,, .. y h'I' 1ll n polu .. nmt.r mOH" tJ,OULheruly cornu of 11 t[kr. ur luw1 luudHMUtJ

W. Walker

National . :pairy Show

IUId wlf. '0

I ~ .I~II '"

P4;lIn uo.r & "OOtmet) »lIafJ : thuuCtt 8 , "11 IU'tC1"OO8 tJ . :S. ld tl hallJ" t.() ,,"C,{) Utt : tlI8UCit N 0:: dl'lJ{rUCfI t~. 3, ~O cUll in .. 10 Itu.k.., Or' '-'hb OO\llh Ouuk ti t lhol,,11 r" uu III.",1/> d~" n l~e tkU .... co N . 70 "\li;rI"~ ~ ~ ~ , e.Gli chalno lu .. <'.IUI Oil I h o ~~"k lIt UIU rl ,'or : thenco UI) lhe riv~r N . Ui tlt".,cn.'(lil W. a GO -.Iahul. N _ GO lIl~r !A au minUl Llfi W . 3 chalua


Morrisle UceDIM


:".0 mllluUJII

~: ~:g1 ~::,:!! ~: ~~~:; ~,'!:'~~T.:i,~~""i':i

UlelIClt" j. to • "Il~


GOTena".llt Baperba.atal H ••ataahlrta. Ed".t B ....r HaJda. . . . PaU.a.... Cnalll.ry 10. ena. . . . . . If!I opera"•• See A'a ,taal P •• t_daatlo. _ . BoUlla••1 ,MIlk


W o I II CtHlIIIS; Ule uoo~ . 6;t

IIU""\.~·. W. J.3t' c iltilU8 to thtJ bugiunlnw . cu l ' l~ lnhllC' 17. 7~ I"-!n* muM or It. . ; IJtlyj u . : ami tl ~ ,,:-u J.tlllW: Lllurufrow I,ll" folluwllll!' tJOdcribucJ Im.llHliklll. IIi;Slgu",od •• lho Mill lOt. , to · ~ II :- Hoa,;lIlUlull l1t II. It .... k~ ou Llle wCliL hank uC Lil li LIUlu Mh.wl Uh' cr lbou,

",-'l:ruetI al

The Sick and Suffering

DOlindu Bar bman to LeWis B.Jrn~, l ot in ~utb ll,ohIlDon. $1. •' I\~ !lh) C, was to Edward RT- d Ro.l.ll!~'t BI!llr, lo tS in Lebanon $20(', E. ~l and p, O. Monfort to Ellrl F. (:Hllen, 200 aor~ In 'l'ortJeoraek t'OwD8Iblll, $9,7·1-11 68.

Fred O. aurl Cl1rl E, Rlolr8rd, 100 IIcrPM Franklh~ 'own lalp, $10,600


!?gW~il,,~:::It:,0 1i\:I:,IIII1~I,K ~~II,'~n~' ~~ ~=RJ'n.~Y :w Ullllu"t:~ W. ll. ~ c h tlluti: L.hou..:u N. ~ t1u~



R"m, t lt.l ("',lnH ' " I ~ '"'ul .


~~!~f,~:: ~he~lco (j~~j~ t1~~ nJ~~U~~I~lh~ito!·~ . l ." ~ c.t'1lt.I UH t v n HLIl Oll ~o ru(j r to \Ja.,wu

Xenia, Ohio


lo h 0Il168 t u",1 of

I'tmcu: th uu co N , I ~ lluJ:lrucs lU mlll l 'ltNt \ \" O,U" C;IIUIIl Il \·0 I tll uko 111 ,h l) ,.tuu t II II , II o f 1\ lOU· root. &lUcy : th uUl"U wlL h Lin ' "u uth IlUa li t :ut.hJ a ll ~ y N _ li P IJ04iEr (K~8 4!J Ul IHu l Uti h:, l at! dJu.lruI to lL dtl1k o; tll ol ": o N . ~l ,1t"'lo: rt·\UI :11) utiuuLc..'d W. J. i.HJ clut. ln1'i to U ht.ll.k u u u"r t.h u Mill tlllm : ",he lle6,:i , 73 dtlj.(r )cK 10 auIlIIlL. " 11: , 11.,, 2 I,;),olull (0 6l •• luku t th um.'''' ~ •• • 4J dt.!6:f OCai 3u IlIlnUl trit it (, lj ~ chaf ll. Id " Ilk .. · lU ll c'vrut'r : IlltJuc u ~ . ,,8 UtlgruOll ,. r, III l nlll~ ~ , 1 :4) 1·h tt.tUM U) IL Btf\ k u o u L'-' iJ lluk u f If. rl IJrJ

Saxon Six

E g,ta,tll of Frank Curroll,' deoe&sed, In '!'Cutc ry Clnd D].Iprl1isement filed

tor to Jnlltl8.teddom,lot In LellllnoD,

"COlOl! ou, M I'IT: you !;l\a ll't llloll. , \moCk tho cUI'h ulI ulf y OUl' II'IlITCd. Nuw you (col bette.'," .


~)I;~,~tJr~::I~~' l~,r t~~C~~lu~~(:lf~J~~~I~. ~~ltl~Yt,~WI~t~~ as fulluw s: - Lo · wl\l ; B uJIlK .... llrL ut :il' l' tl OO If ~ ~Ll~C!~ ial~'~I';~~IIIIII P l N~~~~ :11"dl ~fJj~f.~II~oil~U

1I&lll real


Sale Ends Satu~day, Oct. 20, 1917


$ 2,190, 11', Ill, Shoa!toy lind wife to J~meB Moon t~~ o lJl\lry, lut I n A ~alon belghfP, :

States ~ sounded throughout die -1rJ', ~ waS abo IOUDcI" in all AmerIcaD colonies. The lirst of these ID napoDd iI Porto Rko, which hu already contributed ttooJII for guard 11_ ucI has • rel1!Mnt. , 11Ic reiiment is being trainrd UIlder the guidance 01 IkiIfed c6-en and withlu • limited lillie it mould be readl for &clive servlee u an dlidcnt figbtlnc anit. The. pliotosrtph mows . ' IrOUP of offi«l'1 In daaqe of the Porto RiI:o rea!ment at their headquarters ,in San Iuan. ~ ..... Croat 1elllo ~I : Licout, Mortno CalderOll; Capt. Nadal, Su~lntendeat of CoL A. p, Towiuead. CQmmander of the Rqimeut; Lieut. En. 1.lfII,,~ntI.. Jucnxtor, Ucat. C. A. Lopcy. Stllldina. left to richt: Lieuta.

ul Wll,reD Couuoy , OhIo,

*' "'' 11M'.

17 COmbinations red or 9 and 17 inch borders, while they last, at . • , . ... . .... . .... . . . . . . ..... .• . ,5e per 35 PaUerns of Various Colors, 18 inch border, 6 cents to ... , .', .. , , , . , , ., , , ... , . , , , .. , . . , ,. 12Y.e per 28 r'aiterns in Crown Han ginfs, lie 10 . ... , . ......• . I Be per 100 Patterns Independent Side Wall Hangin~s, 5c to , .20e per A few shades of plain .10·inch Ingrains at .... . . .. ... , . Be per Oat ~'eal Inl:rains and Duplex 30-inch Papers at. , .. 12 ~ e per Imported fast colored Holzmehls at. " ....... , ... , 22 :~ e per No Restrictions as to Quality While They Last '




Commencing Saturday, 'Oct. 6, 1917

E m ma Hoo b, execotrix, va 'Curl BuvllY Boch e t 0.1. Order granted t o lIe]1 ret1J es tuto. Dlstll te of N . A. 8uln\Jton, deF lns l f\Cooon~ approved, oHowell \;Iud ,o onfirm ed. ·' ' E8 ~ate of Reoopc& CIu.Vpool, deoBused . Flnt IIccouut IIopproved, nll u wed and oonfirm ed. Jilstu. t o of M&b e l YouD~ o~ aI, mi. nor d, Finnl !l(loount of g nn;dlan ffpprJ'I !lIi. all ow ed und confirmed. , Esta,t e of WillI l\11l Hamt ltoD , de. oellsed.' F in t MCO Ollt Rpproved, ullo wfld snd'oonflrmed , l!l8tal,t3 of Uliarlea 'M , Penoe a'Il I, mlno r,8. .I!'lna! acoount of gUlIrdlan




O eorl(El L . Lane, IIdmlnlstfllotor. lots ltlFranklill, $2,100, J. J, O . 'I,eddom, hy flclmlnletra c

aen:~ the United

t).\ c(\(\ohIX I Mill. foW; h no l IIU r {l(lstUl nr Hut.

I,) r u ot. u' l.:oo ' lUg 6 )'eure -sllall Ita r,CO\'lod In . altl dlo t ,lc. \\' (11 be 8 U~IUII,toll to 1'0le, J, O. UAll'rIVIU G II'r Pre. lllftlll o t lit 110 .."<1 or Klluea· tl an o r '·ho \Vuyno fl'ownshIJ) Uural m Olrl e t pr Worroll lJouuty . OhiO . \> . V. UAItNflAIt:r ' Iorl< vt Iho Uonrd oll!:tlllcatloD ot


Oburl 08 Anderson to J :Ibn W. Wllt,on "ud wife, lot in, Leb.~uon, $1,





tuwo ~bip,

'WIleD the c:aIl for aiea

1,110 u8 .. ,,1 votl ug ploeOll to satll 1111'


Lr lct 011 tlltJ

Administrator's Sale Real Estate

Cyntblu, A , }'ferrlll, by IJdm'DI~ ­ t rl1~o r t u Myrtln M. Stohl, 115X !lor es i o Bllmil~p D township, $6 ,000" 'John S, Ullt.tery ond wife t o W . ' A. ullttO[Y, 200 oore81 n ,WasbingtoD

Lar go Wave,

- - - ' --

Notice of

$7, [i.,; C. E Veo llllll!,

Real Elltale Transferll

I>y a

1 'I ~ l'''lIItm:;


Horse a Vain Th ing for Safety. 110 tage, .!i; Hlllldul\ & MongM, ' A , l'f ~ It1I1" t ':llI U! tn J! l't t.'f HI the c ln Lb I n g fo r J) rl~one r '3, $ I r,o; P. A M or t on, s ll\ury II ~ j 'l eilor, $r,o ; J II a: 8 Orlit fOIl ('t!. I'lu 'lcl ly 1" ' II".unlillg, lit' (fullen , 811 111 e $ 10; B I:i W or loy , IIH' til l' ~ :l I I I~ " flllt" HI I II" ~ 1., '(' \Hijl ut, brl.lg tl w llr k, f 57,r.1I; J , If, Mp loy, tom pt. Aslc.', I, h., (' nil " " <If hl ~ III ~ ns · t e l's , he ~ n" l : " I t I'n' III;,' ~I ~ : VI'D WOOlI , $ 11 'j:! WllllulU r~ i:llloolllUlnl( , ou r c qn o~ t VB 1t11(1l~ t 1 Z.· flrs t 1','11 ('" , I (1111 zlu\r HUII'H Ilf lUi ord ur n l thfl ('rubato ~1l81e UUUj(itHty vs LuurODO O ('I f 'cllnty 'l"'''RS Ilrl' r ~ h t rwoocl. wn ~ my l wt:-'I' \'1 111 jHlop ; lit II Ill\ ,lid n ut (JI,luitr tJllIrSl u tWU r'NIl t:OIlIlLY. Ullin , 1 will n tror Dllol( b e rl,y, Ul VOl'oe; gr llsH nl!lI l ec~ enll, loyed A8 dell qU llnt t~ x oollnot,nr JOIllJl. so I "lInt on ' .. ht :i h lllUl. VPfI tmlo Ul. IIUtJl& ~ I\W: LIOH ,III &oll u JJrutulbOl , UII til . II Iu1 hfthllull) tlrn nkenJle ~ l:lISi cum fit n ~l\tl u ll ~ o Ltl 25 ~'; U I1 por '\' 0 kOll1s tn Tot' ~""U lltl f " TH'I', J did NOVII Pntte r son \"8 J olin W, Pllr.~ "Ink 11(, \" IHI IHI I j" I"\I, 11 11,1 h o Jump; nL two oOI..-Jock BflurllUI1I1, til l) rulill whlK dlso 1 \'c nt o l'cr iri s 11111," ter sO ll , I.)j"J r oe l1lJd ul l mo n),; g r ol ll SCr il)t.tti rolll Otoi t nLtJ. Idwl t ; n t ",iec~ Iltlel I\bSO DCfI , " .r\ cert ~In "'Ilet. ul lum!. .It U&to uarl-l)- III

E t-lito of Clln'on 13Btfield, d'e oonsad.. F Inlt.l ROOOUUt filed.

It W"I Brought to His Atton ion


_ _ _--:_ _ _~~~-__- - - -

GUt-l'lI Ube miCClI (;0 , !S till'

j ~ ll,

B tl rl U tl''' l'C~l l, \\"IWKI\

WUK !.-'H plul"'"


Cement Blocks

anl'l, onyb ow, yo u kuow Ibo :.Jerry 'Wid ow I" the bost sea bout on lbe lake." Tbo tlflt~ry won him , WllU t O\I:U&, ","ou o r t be veriest m OI()r nh)OSt.rlls lt,f. III 1I0t 8USI'(I[ltlblo to pm! 0 bestowed upon his dnrllug. " I glleaH Kilo sll811 nl ll ull righ l. ne 1"I"I\ II'"e 811 SUIlU't work yust 80 goo<.l fla a h tlught, hnt 1 got 80lll e w Ire, I flx


.. ,JpIaJ


Younce Bros. Grain Co"

eo.e Ju dlclnlly. ":'<n )'('11 lI" l! fO golllg t (l bren k tnl,~ i'lI'. Gr,'<!Il's C'o rt ll)l(l (0 II s k a fe w (JII RII 'n~ 1 W e \1,) G\h'llS I CI\Il AftI!.!' 80 010 dHIIClllly , I" m", !H •• An8,,'I'r nllY 11 111'I'ti os YOIl wnnt to a s k IUmllle r 1'0 1110 nr lll Sill u t.,It'1' Jl s I'I"'l'I" untll tbe eberlft t8 1<t!~ )'0 11 III c hnrp;o." "Ho nost to gootl n(>RB , Dltlll," fll r J_ abel! I' IlBt lllll(:l ro litl' 1'11111 drill off from Itl roof on t o tlH' .1 "101 l"Il I' e~ porter exclaimed , "you toka YOllrll It below whIle 1 r ovlowed my 's ltn, llhm . I bad to admit Ihnt ) coulll 1",1 I,ll In a mue. worse pligh t. l.ui"llo WIl " Ilrooo and . " 'ould ' l)rol)n"l ), l!(It IIllol . o,ue to me anT more Ul nn I w ould



Origin of AUlit rlan NlIllonill (lDlor.. 'l'll,' ,\u, lrlllu hlll" k 111111 y,'lIuw Wl!re M1t! cCl I~l r~ "t lh,· jllll), Ulllnun Nnplfl'. l.'h,' y wur,1 m111nt(l{l. l"tJ the Rtl I'y go".-,










Tbere Willi no (1nl'll<' I1I<lr 1'111, " I" '" and II,llpareli tly DO l'I,u nr'e o( 1< 'I j" • the llliand betore mOl'lIitl lf. 1111 .1 , . ' bethought mo of I he 111111,' <, ", .... 1I0nae and decldoll fltn' " ",I hI' " '' I, a ' lJad lIlea to tftke " ' IUl I olll'II<'1' to •


b:~I .






W. '1'. n Ufl to Yrllnk 1I01l." t , .,,, IIII' Ill .. VII\r IIlt " I ill ', f llill.r ,"1'1" 1"1\ , I 11111111\ UtU JuIIU~IIU ~J l tlhrLl, luU u h' lIulldln, .1 on p"r on ..1 tuXl'. '"r rho yeArl! 1915 I b"('l' \\I,h III 'I",«,r ~L't,,, , I !'" .\"'rry Wllhll Ul ,\rhojfA'" lIUO w.rtl t o !'!II. l ltrlclllll .l; I nllO f llr 1"\I ~m",1 tnX(ld f ill' 'Vltl,',,·, '\ Ith lU_\I' 1\1110.:'" IIr" t'P UI)--(111 dill f(I,/. U bdjlIU"O, 111\ uoraM In WasIl'. the V8 r 11116 turn d Into 1,111> tr"UI\, h('II\ll, ' i ndo n f o\V" ~hip $5 liOO , Ilr" u\' blm. Iltll'"~ \'" Ultof W,I 'I 1I!11l 1~", I 1'(.11" 11', \ " ll lIl'lll l!i, H()fY~r lIu.l wil e h I In t be Illllttor ot I,he 011 111 111 11' Rud tlll.l hi- 1U('lhl'r ""~, 1"1''''' II \ '111111 '" h'lII ~j n ~ th o d lrll tl o n ot fh t\, II... v. '· '\")1. , ~"'"." I lI'rIll'h l t. I'I,r(vl' r!) dIll .. , HI, 'I " 1','1. I II ' Illlll\II111I1"u tI! I l,ml "rohl f\ i\l l" II hy lind hO,I.lIIUCI, t 1 l) X ( 0 n 1 rowcI I' I I .c,' r .'lllkl'l .n, , I It. 111 Ma in e '1I1e II! [ , (Ill RLH w l lllliA th"l I,,' ']'IIul,j til" " III I , n JlIIIVIt. Ihlll 1\" 1I('III'U lit Iw.u\" ~ , 'i' , to n hill wu~ gra. ll tod to bql ln tit hlt-rllt ' \\l lt..JIl·.,,1t I I tll~I·'l H'r\"'t1 u Ulru 11 ~l.n uU! Ilh ~." 1 lJlctkflU'fl ' .0111011111 P~s ourl MlIrJ' S ogg~ to L A, B o wmll D, n \ t Uti of tltnl1l li\ lI1r rl\lhYl~V, . 'wb,lt h~\ \, !lilt. d title! 11,,\\ h~ , ~~ r I h Irc.-. fJh' Ju kt\ ) 11 ,or i ttl Waelllu g to n lOWU8hI P, I, t h" l1 At f "M the ft'rlll ul' Ed Ilnnllllllt hr \,/ns 1<'ttlu)llu ~ Ir (tt"ll lf f ' ..JtWl! t', ". 1;1,"11 rUlI 'lll't1(t,\" Itl ~ ," rt'pJh0.3 :'>lhl1llu 1H" ~. 1/,t, v I:II~r r r, 'IJ rlm~ ' $l. . t . t ile Dvrt,l.! e mi LIt t,lle 1(1 \Jrldge. but ' ~hl l'l' I hn I'P n"'l P'" Ii II III ~Il I"'tl nlll~ .. !til l nm H(' hi h I1lro ~ Ile ,10 I'f 01 IV 111J" UI Cur w ill a PPOlll II II I:'lltJ llL' flopklnl' to W. N, Ob I' S ' ' lUll t bo froul>lo," R\\'hli ll '\/("," ",oulm.~"ltlH In vine: of .1 hn MOUIII S. IHld WIfe, I' )I-!! In W~ynellvllll", $1. "J Im(l j{1n(1 It will ," I [111"''"''1'4';1 "J(I t <'''Ill!' nlll r .. IU" rlll"'/" I AO II\('" '.'. \ 'rf')Iler v n ~o llndll trrlmly. 'lUN'II',1. Fo il" l{lud et I~\ t o l:i Dry Fr u uk. !'norO At 0 1. Art,hlll' W 'E .. t m un " NH\ Wfllt Il rulll u h.', ·' lit' l't'-t ,u r rPt1. " Nu, ']' he .~tf' l't.r \\' hl tn\, ht' brlu ft\I() I1 I1I1 (' (l1l nUllnlsslo nQr to m,.ka o l.Hl Tg , tlnlllll truot In HUUJli t.o ll " D Oll'! YOll .1 1111111 lit .'nll~'hIAI"llH I ol' er II ."IlIUIl mnll, U U(1WSl lullCr t'Nlo l'. pllrllIIO!,' In pllllle o~ ~~\ltl DI) FOllter, t,(l WL) b lp' $ 310 , lI a"j!u t III11~ h 11 1I1~' o r I l~'lI lil ~ 1l1t~ 11I H e " "." hI' ,,11'c' Ill" tbr, (1"11,,.. r 1 L llU"llfl BOil or to Uhllrl l1s A . G m . \V c Ita e a large supply of It 011 j1el'fp('tly. 1111 II"t II Ihll'f. r DI \\,,,uhlll't, 11)" y lJl)l)llny hrlo-tm n , d o IIII IU , 72 flu r e 10 ' 11l11f l, tlok t own . CE~ [ E·t l' BLOCKS 011 han d. a no '~ rnp~1' Ill/III "II tlw trll ll or n bllt It. ~u . sun', nt,t rO r 'I II' u.tlrt l' 01' 00 I New ~uil s hlp , I. Can furnish you wilh any atory, IInll Ih"TI' ,,1'\' " f,' \\, "lIf~tI n8 J wha o't do it." Th(,11 ho 1ll111Ni. wllh (I JI1Ul8S ( ~ t\rr ol l vs J'hao doTI) B \l uk ",aut t il ""k fllll i II l'ollplo pbnhl. . \llthe wInk , "Tho IlI'lt Hh IIjll' t RO IIh::,I . CommissIoner's Proceedin~8 "al1101llIt--will make to your .'t III llljuu t lOD, grn llh, 1 Wllll t t u burntw. It 1''''\1'' rl1l1. " l',)1V ns I nlllk h lllllhlnl; ," A d'\'nu l~ Hnmla,)' 1'llr(Jslt er 1'0, VI! W il liA m E"o O!l, stll k et! ' or ~\1rvoy. order. J f you e x pecllo bu ild, "no YIIU Imow lYill'ro flll ntlultlhm'" n r t"r mo 10 it" I'rllwllu!! U:" "11<1 'IL' tIme (If nigh t, I)\~t I b 1'" A an ohl '.ilIIIU,1 Is?"' I In(Ju lrt'lI . 11 I' fl g-II Illt1l ..r EdwI\ r l{1nt; 1I11~ W . L J<irlly , till or. U O 2r,; 7.1111 Arlll l t n~n , o un t rti t don'l fa il to consider our ccndUll ul trtl.tor of th (l1)8 'I,te of . f ll ll CJHU, ' 2\1;:'; Iuqu l'tl t.~\ln .hOLl)' nf C;1l'Lrl l1~ mc nt blo,eks, Call and see 115 . g l'lllch 0\' ('1' nl tir('.'n R who w·t ell f Il ul tl II ~ If I lJ ~ ' 1Ul8W('r m y qu t,'s lltl B ."·e r tho t el tI on ,It 1 n, It", r . n nl~' rl~ul. 8 ~Il tl1 1' der!'flPI' d Monoy ; fl lIl (llln' Uu u Mll llr t :·, o BIR . $7.,)0; tiU Ill I\ Fl'ud . (1l1on'. .(1 I hnll to I.fPf ,I htlnl t l lrln j; Surt:' I h(",,, hll ll. ~Il('" ' f ",',' r yuu ol"Im (\ . ~ , JlU G wllb l il t r ~t I ori L " Mil, CII~t s, $1i.71l; t:lIlIllO, "8 r .. b ~, 1.01 t Ihl'\") t! nlllc , IlIn"I IH f onr o r tw o WIHle,Ul L , Ut' QWU V ~ -l. t? U ro WD, Ill. \j] "" , , L'Os t ~, toli 50; J 08 l1h W,tt mo o\"e r. 111 <1 II lullf." . \V' l y n e~v ille, hio , "Ulllphl" 1 I'rI'fl'1I1 1'Il m \\'('1)(11 h lJ< " Wull , til y nlll lJ,: lllllll ~' UII hr' IIgh, "dmloil!tra t or ot tit . ~ t,.t .. "f Mur .v k l ns, dl teh wu rk, S ~ ; 'IV , D. 'ur. Il'" Ilf tIll' hll'" V "U will njoy It In IIJ..' 11hlt'1I1\\,.;"," "\lit: l 'U(I'"III'""'" I ~h'llI .,,,1 he IlI'n'. r u , r I ' nm.', IIri. 'n~11I1: ,;" ", of I hln gli ,It" ';),( u(.'





. _ _ _I

Read .tlIe Mia'lUi Gazette DO" s

B., V,


Nota.,. Public. &11 klDIII

or Noau,


... DIIIC1a • ltfIoIaJt7.

'4 .



Publlabed '


D. L.





WoYU... UlB. Ohio

Editor and Mana~er

-- - - =--==-"= 9 CTOBl~ \{

3. 19 17

HARVEYSBURG ~oo~ , t\ P I:I U~ Ih ll

Mr . " Il l! ,I rll. Th,ls. H\COh Cl Or! Otl P, 1C11t('n IUl (1 Hillph

Wlll'lt ·All rl w l~h MrR. )( 11'b'll paren ttl. Mr. :lD d Mrtl Uli~' Lroo p. n ~ "r L Bh ,, _

.. - non

• ...J

A GOOD COMMUNITY ·CREED --- The fOl\o wlng oommunlty or elln 18 .puhllahlltl ill thl t! ~IlI1 A OU II O'1OUUIJOO. milD' of f"rm IlTiI' ins t\l.nt (1 : 1 bt!\le vtl IU I.ho · Int egrity of t he pllople. 1 be li e ve III my b om o, mv chnroh, my @oh ool8nd my busln"88. 1 b!!I1I'\'o ln my oummnnltv . I blllleve In enrloilmeot of 100181 IUld oomOlulllt.y life 1 belle v .. 10 . the e levati on cf ,he morul 8tundllrd, of Illy oOlUlUool ty. 1 beheve 10 tho service of IUY f lIow m eo e l beiltvA l hll.t .to ~erve [mullt rile above 8elfishuess aod petty jealousle8. 1 bellnve In ooo»era\loo for oom. mnulty better me nt. I beli " va In tbe "I'Pl\olltloD of the Goldlln Rule to OOllllllOUUy off'llrH.

Mlsl:IEmmut:l ighwlJY, ,fWtt.,Y n .'1I ville, spent FrldllY with relutlveB b or o. . Mr ... ad Mr ll <.:llIlIlnOlly Bonnoll Ilnd family !lad Mr . lI.ud MrR. O lellD Davl H Bnd snn were tbe !:luO'QIIY gnesis n f Geo Bogan and wife . Mrll. W. T . •1 rl1un llOtI dll ugh t er were @h Iipi og 10· IU fngto' l fl fll:l· day IlftsrDOf: o . . ~u . · Elvin ~ ' ir eH ond dnughI OJ·. MlsII Fl o~~l e . s pell t. Wedn esdl1 Y with MrlJ. Ml1r thJ~ na Vi R. Mr. anll Mrp . AI " " LU Il\n g l.OIl .. pent 8 un tJIlY o a llr Le ba no n. Mr "nd Mrs. Elm e r ll " rri~ n IIlId child ren, of MIIII'lOd ' :Ity Sp Rllt 'l'hur8dl1Y Rnd Frldll l' v.tuh- Mr@. Gnrrl80n's )Inrentll, hir. "od Mrs ,John BelghwlIY. 14 P IC d d htlrl r8. ellt ann V An 0 r e o. of IJinolnnlltl,8nd Mrs. J ohn UO";In. of t:!prlnalield, o.. lled a D Geo. Bo~"n IIDd wife l:Iuturd ay arteru oon. Mrs. Emmn Wa lfo ~ pent II. fe w days with h er aon, Ltlw and wife, neu r Wllmlllgton Mr. liod Mra . W T Jordlln, Mr. r . F. Mo(JulI;n anJ SOli. HOWIHd. II tt nodefl the dodl catl on o t th e Ull tb. olio ohurcb In Wllmlogton t3uud ~ ~. Mr~ Ro ob lll R oborl s, of Morro w. Is visiting ber Il lece, Mr~. .J ubn Wolfe. Mrs. Edith T lbhllia rem!lloA ve ry slok Dod Mrs E lla Wilson IH Bome. w h itt IlIlprovod . '{'b e nUno!) Rlveo by Mr. WHiter V~rnar and Mi~s E'lortltnon rl H " lIct on Il'rldll~ nllot h t WftH Willi IItt u" rI "d. II ... mU MI .) WI1M 8Jllpndl rl Dorl fl vr.·ry. onff ODjOYPU loh!' e ventn g. M IH~ Mltrle R ioh BIlliot FrldtlY wtlb Mld~ lren e Ull g lorl by ill ber ~oh o o l lit Gnm l1rova Ml es Ir ene r et oro!'d n ome wi ttl lI e r to ~ I)e n d t \I" wf'elt end . MrH CI\r ro1 n O tltt' l1 r l"~1l li n d M i ~ 1I Vluht J " nldll /lUllI lll,,!l tbA s 8wlng Ilt J UDII.h'8 Hu n chul'Oh 'l 'hll rsrltl y. MI'. uno Mrfl. 1!'.6zoe l:IlIlhil"·tl y . lit' W"yn eNvI Il A, spe nt· Frilltiv wi th B ,, 1I10 I-I tl thli WI1Y lIud f lUJllly. MI@KOp,,1 'I'h"rnp.,' n, uf D,~yt o n, spent I:ll1turday Rnd l:l unday ut bome. dr~, Clirl Dodd ·,nd <laoghtor, MI ~ 8 Woodu, MJlll n~ Thur selny wltb Mrs IlidBrown. Mr. Rud Mn JU8 Gmy .pent ~ II'­ urdoy with I.bel" Kon, Albert lind f~ml1y III 0611d8. Mtll! Violll J vrdltn s pent t5u ll d ay wl\h her graudmotbol', Mrs. t!llmh Rlob , In !iAfVoysburg, '

8~odll.Y at


HI,v 61'u l fr Olll h er e atte Dded t he

11 0 rll (J ~ tlo n of th a !lew Va l.h ollo o\loroh li t Wilm ing t ou whioh ~ook )lIIl C, 0 0 last ~ u ndAY.




Olasslfied Ads •


---.. --_.------

'I .• t--ea".dlan U .II. )

Hame •. .•• • ... •• • , . . ••• • •• • •••• •


writ. . ...,. plalalr)

U4nM ........ ... ......... ... .. Cltl' ... . ........ Stot• .


If you want good reading get the Miami Gazette now

LOA~~·O ' "

I -


QUESTIONS AND· ANSWERS l\-re you .1\ re you f\ re y u Are you A ~ LI you


ltoinJ!' to illl u H ouse ~ .} going to hulltl 8 Barn ? ~oi n g to bu itJ a Ga ragu? goinR' to b ui ld a Hog Pen : g oing to buil d /I r uul try House?



. ,

~I "

k II n t II 11 1" 1'1 l{ '1 1! ()~ Notos bl) u"bt. .I o hn Ll llrhln" . . Ir . . Alle n Bl1ild lo l!, X"III" , Oh i". m ·t ' >0


D u V .'U

"' nn "I~oh tl~ c'"


Do )

\ \·.n t


I I., \'t,1I \\

Un. ut'o " •••.... ,., . .•••• .•• .• •• . .•••• • • • •• • •8 00 ,\I &(h.leu

Comoltl ' :.......... .. ......... .. ..... . ...... .. .. . 8~

Lllt t

l.iJlI Q o r l ' lui l{" ?

1 )0.



t' on Mliin ~ tr a ot . fill o situutloo for IIDY bU 8I D ~B~ . wH h gara ge for on e IlIl tO. 1;' u r IIrico. eto . IU'1ulrb of Mrl' J n8 W . l:I uines, W t\Y ll ~s "ili o . Ohi o 01 ()

............ See 1fa dden

You \ ant Shing les? . ... .. . ... . .... . ....... . .. See MaddeD

Uo You Wan t 'F~tt I oo ling ? . . . " . . .. .. . .• .. .. . . See MaddeD

Do You Want Fence Posts ? . . . .. . . . . . .. See Madden Do You \Vant Farm Gates? .. .... . . . ... See



. . . .. ...• .... ... Sea MaddeD


Do You \\ :l Ilt

ig vnluo. I OUIl . ·j fr .• Ol F ARM-B Lebanoo, nil will bl! t.ill"ble UH

Veranda ~ .


..... . .. . .. . . See Madden

Buildil)g Plans?... See Madden

~ II.

woedp, ~ood orchlHd, .ni oe hl g fr nmo h oos o. big hllrn $UU per lI or d ; long »"YlIIents . Seo J. U . ' hujJ IH a o. oi.!

111 1'. guod bul\dlt\ ~p.

Wl' lI , olRto r n lIu d out. we ll 10 111 t oo In!]ol r o Il t

l.hi Rn fli Ofl

No mutIJ r wn at you want. 800 Madden

n o r ou Wftot to horrow a d l m o'f 800

::; E - t\V o. ~ to ry br ick h O \l ~I ' , It H OU 1'00 1"6, 2 halll , IIlrge W'lrlll col.

~1 1\!l do n

If yeti rlon 't wlmt anything at all,


just t he same.

0 17


----- -----_.-

YlJllr. oJ d Dr ll it 'I nre A laVoltrgef or alllo lnqulra of t ; . P_, ~

R il",y, Ri dgov lll e Obio.

0 17



UTO- A t ou r ing oo r , 10 RfJod oonnltlon Will dOnl on trute A good ohll n oe for u bur gllin. In. q ui r e at t his o ffioe. oli


At Corwin, Ohio ,


1 ond

Htove, l1'lrl ,")r1 millte , good h eater, F or infor. Dlatl on 01\ 11 at tbe Ga ze tte oflioo 017


.tUft",.N:m r::::_


MUNt,olEY~ 10lHl ed 11\' 011 """,,"t1


. -. Timothy Seed



... - ------




IIO~r~~t.j ohn

Mor,llIln Dod oblllir ell are m o ving IIl10lt f r om ::lllglnllw, Mlob. Mr ~fll l MarlllU Is visitin g hlB latber Mr. Joe Ma.rlaU. Mr. E lmer lioyer s hipped 0 fine bunob of h og. th is week, ono b og b rloglng blOl the IIUOl or $\18 Som e bog, wellay. Jibe. Ruthlmna Newland, 01 IJees . burg, I. vla Ulng he,r .on of tllll plaoe. Mr. Earl Bernlud b as returned homo after Ipend,IDIf 0 week wltb hor fatber Mr. Walter Bernard, of Lytle. Mr aDn Mrs. Hlllrry Keslrlln g, t.f Doyton, apent Satnrday afternoon wlt.h 141'11. J. T. M.. rl"' t.



Mn..1. T. MarilaU and HO~ Bell the ~. E. churob IIrl1u ~ b t sllv l' rnl n e w flWel! 1010 ' be took dinner ",lth ~ • . aDIl Mr~. Ol x. Ion Wbarton Frl/tay . S\1Ud"'y-~u u ll O I rOUll . Mr, Wil itam Uracttinok lltill ·re. H tlV Hunt, r,of Le bAnon, prollobed I bere l'I\1 ul1"1 rtftorn ouu at tile M. E. '\'ary poor y. ohu rc h t o /l 1(004 litz d undloooe and Dllltns Mr8. Lee Duool1n wa. II Clark8h il:l tlLlll WC18 oj u)' d by C111. ~ llI e visitor Frld~y. MI ~ ~ lu nllry lIervioe8'l1 b Jooa'l Run Q uU. 1\ 80011 many lolkl Irom Buptl IJ ' chu roll, llot uber 7. Kenl" and Onyton attend ed tho R v A. K . H&rgeu t w ltll oalled t o fun era l of Mri. Wllllolll Brtldd()oll iDOluu u ll uu dllY on aoou unt' uf tbe . Q Rt h of hi M brotb e r.lo-lliw, Mr. 14181 Le oa M.rlt~ tt Is d,11I on t he


O lle of our ('itl z nR wlla I·a,'koo het or I hi p U OYIiI "jl ~ ho liS on e nl g b~ IKllt wonk. '1'he c li Hr ~1l Wl\ ~ w hip. )lill g hi s wife . Bnd II , '''' '' 9 Onod . '1'0 wr iter It "pp IT. t Ullt people IIro drnwiOi t b e iiI ." lIIigb t y olose w hAn " g uuII a nd du t lf ulblldll"nd Is n ot Illlo wtld to gi ~ o htll own wifll II /l oggiog. Mr. Wm . Eavey . of Xool&, was oil'cullHing Ilw ong'friendll on 'fOtll!. d/lY H era ld Ilnd O wen HllrrlA were O,,\' to o g uosts 8 tltUlduy . . EIl'urttlllT boln!; Illude 1,0 in 'raal!e ----till' ca»Holty tn oUI·sll bon!. W o h"vo -----... til " tllJllity lI ud Iii I Ih ut, is n oceRdli ry 19 t u oonf urm with th e tit ll t e Illw. Dally Thought. M r . Bntl M rs Frank ' hitlu ke r Bnd "araco tllOU thy hOUBO nod let not Mr . lind Mr ~ . d . IJ. Da kin bn toed to that Cruco thee."-Denjn~ JI'rantlln. Vlo rll, . hur g , Ind ., on "onllllY Inst, Rod Will be Ib tl g Ul' I:It.1I 0 1 Mrs VhrlsMrs. FranoeM NClll, son Rnd d'lugh . tiUB I{r ll.r ~'(ftJ for " short tiwe ter wo'oret1 to Wilmlogton HUDdny Mr ~ Fee 18 II ni Col nf Mr ... Dt\kiu . and were 'he guests of Mr. litH) Mr~. Unr Pl1ul\o.':I[Jlrlt,ed m eu of thlll Wm. Bare and fo mlly, " llI lIl:e lire cum lll g t o th e fr ont Raohe l Gilpin hilS re~u p n ed fr om I JI', r l nl! I,bolr ~!lr V ioe B to f eod the st uno ofll Ah er. Orb en olfer too »ot an extended vlelt with fr tends lIod It on tlt A ~ ~ rt!(\ r. Ilnd the wh ole oost reiutivell i o Oolumbus Mr. and Mrs. Ubarlas Early lind Will ho r 11' ongluft . N o w,lf yoo b tl va n ot uft'er od YOllr services atep son . of MlddletowD. we re the Hou. r il! hl llt' like .1 milD Ilud lot's puc our dBV Ruest. of Mr. lind Mrs. N . L. POlitive-Convincin, Proof s tr ot .. i n guod oODllttion for wloter, Dllar'h. ~nny so-called remediel for anaeMI. Bnd Mrs J oh n Wlltkln8 li nd ~ \r. S '. Ul1 rRo n. of 1)l1yl.oo. was mia are onl, 10 in name. Their makIn no r a lr.y on ::laturdHY noo.n baby, of Fro nltl\u , 8pentsevera l days ers are afraid to prove their claims by last week wi th the latter's p ueD1P, r eo[J wlu g o ld a cqu lllnt"n c e~. telling what theu' medicines contain. The only way to be hone at with the Frlld , t he aeoonu 110 11 of Mr. I,"d Mr. aDd Mrs. Ohllrlet! Smit h Mrs . Myrtle Luburg s pe nt ~ e verol people is to let them know what they Mrl' . .J II. Bog lin , wllsqulte s orl ously lire payin, for. Here is the Vinol burt Hul,urdny evelling fr om a fILII . rll\VI last week w ith rellitlves In formula. When the doctor knows tlll t. li t t his writin g is tho ught to be Dayton. what a medicine contains, it ccasCi improving. William Lllyoook Bud bride of 10 be a "patent" medicine, Prof. 1:l 0 B"U . nur township snl)(lr. Vbllt&llnooga, Tenn ., spent sevoral ]l cod Llvennd s .. rPeptonu. Iron .nd , N anaanclC Pc~ton.te •• troD and Am ... intendeo t of scbool@. W IJ 8 In thll daya 188' wee k wUh Mr. and Mrs. moniumCllratc. LhDO&Dd SodaGlyceroFred Lllyoock aod family. vlolnit.y B'ridIlY. phosphate., CAacQrID. Mr. lind Mra . Amoe Brebm and . The .flUOlers Are husy out.tlnJt Any doctor will teU you that the Ino J n, Bowing whelit, filling 1101, Miss Elina ThompsoD motored to gredient. of Vinol, all named above., will enrich the blood and banllh anacworkin" on tbe road!'. Bllllds lue Aroonum /lnd IIpent tbe week end mia.. and create Itreneth. When the I'o" r oo IlDd t,he result Is- tlred·out ,vtt.b rel l\ t~ves . blood is pure and rich and red, the farme r • . Mr• . Eva Bormldl and da ullhter, body I. litton. and robu.l. Our tOWD wo;r vl!\lt~ wilh a meD_ M.r. aDd Mr •. Barr'Y Fry and f.mlly YOIl can prove thia llt our expenae IIgorla Ilnd ,vn nd ovlll" show, 8nlni aU.oded the funeral of Miss MBbel beeaute your money will be returned I.wo p erformances '('bur8d llY and 'l'bumpeon at F,atikllD, I:IlIturdC1Y. if Vlno.1 doclI not Improve your health, Frldoy nl"btR. Ure. Cella B.'b,".way bAlI r.'urn 3d J E. Jal)ney , D luggist, Wllynesville -------.~.-. 'fbo 8,d Intelllgenoe r ellohed U8 home /lfter lever.1 weekB' ..,1111, wUh Ifrlrl".v mornlog ot ~he fl ell th of Mrll .. friends ID CIDotnDatl • . Mr . aad Mr•• Clvde Campbell, BOD Ha nh Col ' lltt Cook. III b ioI' young days 8ha woe a oltlllliJn of tblM aud daughter, of UI\Jtoo, spen, 'he vlol nl ty, hnt for Illllny 701lr8 abe week. end with Mfa . Jalle Laolldon has made b er. hnrne In Wllllblngtoo, D. U. Mbe leaves a dllOgbter, .oD, MI~~ Murj<nlo 1'arll er, who Is one I'II_ter Ilod onll bro\her, Sho t Ollo hlo g f;l'lwol at Wllyno "iIIe W/lII Isld to r est In b Oll o t lful Miami IIpent tililllrdny eveni ng 111111 tionuliY O(!metllry b7 the ,Idli o. her husbal;ui wllh h pr jluent ,; west. of town. and pnre nt~ Mr. Rod Mrs fl'red De ~Arr hove weloom ed a new boy Into thair h ome. Mrs ' t :hu. BYRn r etu rn ed hom e fr uUl U Pgool!. Indillnll, wbere sb u atteuded 'he fanarC\1 of her II Ull t. who d ied very elldll110ly Ih8t unday. We havea large stock comMr. lind Mrs. E~o ru Earn h art \l lf. ing in, several grades. Come ited re illtlv b~ lu Dny t.ll n IUMt !:lu n. ill and look them over. It lillY. ·Mrs. J. R Whl~l\ or p , of Dtlyton, will pay you. Vl pUlld rbl lives b ere last MundllY. Tony 8snlll!b\1p, of Dayton. who Younce Bros. Grain Co., Waynesville, Ohio bAd hI>! 'nuklo brokell, Is 1I 0W g OIll!:! d O Qrotc b.e~ lllld oalled 0 11 frl l.' n<l ~ Ilere Illst t!~turdIlY, but Is @I() wly improving . Mr . lIud Mrs J ob n Penowit ent r. DR.H.E.HATHAWA'T lalned his urot.hor Joe Penewlt., of UCBr Waynesvllla luBt Snndu.y. Wa y !lilA ville's Leadinp: Den.l•• Ha. . . . C.rd_ ~ Mr. Joho A. Buwllton, of & 0- Office In !i '.lnos Bldg, ' Main S& .. W, "lll 8l_, If. Y. 0..... nw I.e nu mb.,.. .r HaUl .. dasliy, Oblo, Vlalted his niooe, Mre . ~'D. beatlltt.lna wltla tb. Octo. Chllll. Brel8ford last W 3 l'lc . ......... It I. undel"lto..t t~&t Vennl8 Uulfy \vh o form erly lived ::. ~\I ':·!I.r:r::!i malll". ala In aiL I en .. here, bnt oow 0 1 Dllyton, visited trleDds bere las ' Monday !~=~~ O~Ob~l\. I (;~~Ir;~


Mr . 1100 r.yrH Chnt Uut t 1\"11 111111. Iy, Mr. Ilnd· Mrtl. ~' r UUK ltlU kurti and famil y ppan' !)\lulluy lit tbe ~o ldlore' Rume. 061$OD. Mr. "lid Mr. ·!lnrl .. R,m l.h gll t " ) f Mor , n W. Apent Mnnl1ay b er e th e , KueMtll of MI IlIi L Vdl1l WOllrl a nd M'tHI, Ann" E'llulk . • '1. 1'.1r". ltd Fox, of M I 8 I1l.t~htl rl:. h ns I been II pen dlug ovem ! rl l1YI! wit ll b "'f pareots, Mr. lind Mrs. J' E Hoblosao.



Ou o.fourth BARNGn tiD birn,



bi g

24x411; to be m :Jved /tWIiY; 111\0, email barn, 1(l1l2G. For

luforPlatlon Inqu lte of B. B . WII UIIOlBon, on the premi ses. 017

WALTER McCLURE InS~~~CE Funeral Dlre~tor.


0180 Bllrrow, In good cond ition , For furthar Informotlon. IHloe eto., inquire of V. E. Edward s, R. D. Ii, Waynosville. Oblo. 010 No huntin g algn@ . on mns · SiGNSlin, will 1118. fo r 3 for 250,


Waynesville ' -1ll 1'I'U EU-

Auto Equipment .· Horse-Drawn Equipment

y'c~ r 8 ,

The Mlallll Gazette.




Walter Chandler ~Wayneaville, o. Oftr POI&otIIce, I

DAY Ott NlGH1 Office Phalli 77

SAXON With ,full Electric Equipment

FRANKB~CAREY Optometrl8t Eyes tested free

.Note These Fin~-~,it..1 on Saxon Roadster at $395

Lebanon -:- Ohio



Electric Itarting and light. ina .y.tem, two unit type. built by Wagner. Demountable rima. . 30-inch by 3.inch tir.e s.

High-speed Saxon Contino c .ntal Motor. Schebler carburetor. 3-apecd transmission. D r y plate clutch. Hyatt


Atwater.Ke.nt ignition. Extra long vanadiuni .teel eprings. cantil~ver type.

B e arings.

So you are p ractically immune to tire trouble.

sponse to the lealt pressure on the acc~erator.

of the convenience of

Eve ry feature of Sax on Road. sler is a feature o f high-quality and known reputation.

above all el,ae,': Saxon Roadster is the wotld'. ' low. cost car to drive. It , ~" tablished grand ... of ' 30 mile. per gallon of

merely stepping on a button to

Ittart your molor.


No other car w ithin ~300 of of the added ' mooth. . . the price of S axo n R o a dster neM,',the greater ecdnomy, the has all these features. finer performance given by



the 3-apeed tranamislion:


Conaider the fact that the

(irea .

And S8J(on Roadste r is a won. d erfully able car~ The Conti. nent ..l mot()r is unu6ually

aTe 30 inch by 3 inch.


powerful and flexible.

means hu'

Fedders radiator.

thOle feat urea one by




Streamline ·bedy.

that Saxon


more tire surface in prO-:

P.oa:tiOD ~

car tMn 'any o·ther car in the world.

It pulll smoothly and quietly "on high" or "in low."

WOynesville, Ohio







10,000 miles to the aet ·of ,tires is ita tire:-average•• :t ri.-,aco.... pJete two-year record of ;total operating COlta on thouaanda of Saxon Ro~dst~~ ~)P. an averag~ of 3c per.mile. . Piice is $395,' f. o. b. Detroit. . S~on "Six"; $395, Suon ..~.. Sedan, $~39S; Saxon dS i ." l,tO&dater; $935. F.o.b-.

You note iDitant power-re- . Detroit.

J. B. Chapman '-




".""~,,b ..."Lytl,;,."T...~1



:t.~:;,":::":.:::::'::':: -

; h.:rn iHlit '\fi n n

l!I~~~A~ _

ME!T10 tL1 '





President Wi!S;;1


II. ., WIlli. D'N_II, W, E ..... M I C I' tt (' I Ii I .nd f. .il, Ilr. aad Mr. ~lIlell!'b hUllnellR ntordll\' . h Irs. arll 1W ,,, t ,(,olc)tl { (. I I 1 ' aomplQn an. d f I~m II y I lItu Leol" ...... tng. n1 L'D" I rwono t' jer ltlm 10 ~ 11 11)0( O. • I\~ t . I 1" '11 C f D 80Raa, B oraoe Thurt!rII1Y 11ft r 9 hor t iIInesli Th ThEl !\iIa~.ur " I' \\ ayncsl'llio . h I' r'>. rlscl a 0011 ton. 0 ll y lo11' 1 .. t~ ndell. meeatng .s Ple"~Ant. 10d. , "I ,,\towl .. t, B orJl (.\B llolllptun" booy wa~ brou:.:l; t h. r Sflturduy UlJu i l' 'Cl,j I"~ lin 11, \ i •• '0"" ir" n I Iil{hlho f it! the g Utl t of relative!!. : Oro •• IS.ada, .fternoon . , l'hored othtlt week th service~ hf'ld /I t the Chol .el nt ' Lodllt~. 'I',' F , ,\, M .. of HIlls·. Mr. and lin. Baymond WH~(lU I Mr. Alb rt W \l~oo Is 1\111\\ I. lin. IO:!lO n . m . [{PI' CadwlIllad('r ami boro. til • lll'th th,,!r C nlellntal 'rhe regular meeting of the enler.... ec1.o dlDD •• SnndllY Mr. provIng arL~ r li n I!lDees 01 ~!' '' rul Hev, Sllrgl'nt ufficialiJlg Mr~ 11. cdcbli' tiUl: . ('elobel' . IIU 5. n ' ~loth r 's 'I,ub will bc helll Friday. i ll . Klllly sail !:: /l huau li flll 1'1010 Thl' Thu r"da}' OJ NIIfW th.'rt! will hu lin uctober.5. at 2 :30 o·clock . and Mre. Wal&er WilBon aDd d~nlfb, ' w oelr@. 'If, Ollv., Air. aDd Ahll. 181180 WII. l - - - .. body wn. laid away b) the ide of PX4.mlplitkutillll f thl! ,I' r·. rl ,. .0n.Mr.••d . Mn. J oe Dillbro M\d , her hu band . who died . evell~1 ~purs g:rc!;!, ~lnd oil 1,'Y\,I IY II n·d dica tiu ll " .. t N r l h E! tt:mpl" I ll f LI ,t:! hu\'e 1\11' . und Georgea Mllrk s. who D oroShy and K en' Lewar. 0 WI An Eye to Busloue. ag . I. tho or cers 0 hl'enMrs. spending couple of BorllagtoD. · ·"1IJnmrnn ." '11111 sl);·yoo r·uhl n enry. - - - - - - -Cll'and ~ 'Um! (:nllld ~111~ler J oel '. we'!ks' vacalil)li . arri ved home Mon' l Mr. and Mr. Obauno y Bunuel " J'OIl ~hf\U I (1 Iflt ,\ on PlIt U(1 illY Ilchool Clo re wil l Ioc' Ire- nt ane! ,ldr d~ h~ lillY. and f.mlly vlett.d al George BogAnl I \l n~h . InAI"orl nf ,IIIlng It ~·" ,ll rscl!.," 1\1 Hson~. Jt is I'rulJa hlc Ilmt ~(" \'er:11 .,'Wellm.n 80I1da,. "Wh)·. n~ n r )'," ~ It() I·clilled. "It·s DO Cats Have T oo Man y Ll veo. from here \\ ill al lerlii.



tl'~ubl . /lnll I'd ' just II~ sonn do It Thll 11111(' Ih'('R or the li t ~ (''' Ill t il be '. - Robert It.nle1 and tfawlly . •ot I1lY~ If." "Y (>~. T Iml" '· ... 11,' Rll iti. "but m(lrr 111 11 1\ ' /1 1'1t·:1~" lltr r. I\nll '(I" ~1 I \' DO." Caba, oallod 00 b I pill' n " Ann ol\\'I\\'s fllll~ I1lnr~ 11(\." lI'ferytllln/o( thut hJl~ h l'im d,m". th'" IIr. lall Mre. Frank tllol oy t3 unduy ' I\ r e 11i '\ 11\ /I,>"t" ,Hlllr lucr n" III . Tltl ~ e.enla... The, were dri ving th Ir \. II fI \I ~ O r,lr ,",,1'Y n'nl II lnn ... 1111' Dew Ob.e.rolot. I Rcl ntl lij ~"I\I ·lIl1. Tit Y 110111 1 ut lira. Ralph Learning had her , Where EI;)QucFlc e Has Value. thn t t h l' i!,'rmR t)f IIl1I1lP)' UA {II~(,II~"~ E:lghlcl'nlll Sunday IIfle r Trinity . Roeet the PILat week ber mother. ..Elnqlh ·n'·'·..... lIl lI ' Il/'I Ell ell. "I nrC! 1(l1/)\\'n l.1 h <>n r rl~d la tI.I<, fur or UclL'b('r 7111 • . 'u llday !:' 'huol at !) :;l\l lIr • . Conoer. of HarveYlbuTg . nOd. ""hot "lIuhlcd n m nll I " II Ir ll lUl out."S· IClIl ll. TIll'. ' 1111 111 1 ~ht I ro\\'lf'r wh o /(nl'~ II . m ; SCl'In roll !lnd II,," l·OlJlm uI.1iol1 her .llter, Mr8 . Leath" I:Irobaker,; work Il II ' (l" n I~ tllr ... on It III II WR Y frolll )'nrtl 11\ Yllrt1 li n" nsh cnll In """ IIl IU::30 Y" II 1I1·t! ':lJld lully invi t d tram tlo.a 8&&tlon . clot lllll k~9 It el!lU worUJ 0 Iloy's cnll pul" In IlI' I'1I n w hol n Iflhl)or hnOII . , to lh!'"e ~c'1'\ h','_ Mr. and Mra. J. S Leaming 'ook woges.:' " moro l'811l' '11l11 )' I'llllll rpn. . ,


Waynesville National Bank


Lebanon Nationa l Bank


Franklin National Bank


Warren National Ban k

Fra nklin

First National Bank


Mason Bank


First National Bank


Morrow National Bank


Farmers Bank

S pringboro

Mrs . Sllnlll Cooke. here Saturday.

L 1\ . Zimm erman i ~ in Columbus today attending the di rector&! meet ing of t he 'olumbus Wholesale Grocery 0 . , of which he is secretary.








.~ m


I t




, EI ..




nothing. " • That was before our. entry into the War. Today it is a different story. . The past few months have developed a remark, able understanding of th.e National duty to curb needless waste and extravagance. A typical illustration is the change in standards of judging and buying a motor car. Only a short time hack 'a car had to be eve!ything but practical to attract the average motortst. He wasn' t interested in upkeep because his eye was on ponderous mechanism. . Gasoline didn't worry him because he was comparing wheel-bases. . ' 'rire economy was not in his mind because he was judging freezing mixtures for an unnecessary water-cooling system. , . And getting rid of his old car at fire-sale price for a new model of another make he figured was part of the gao me. .


III To-day economy- both in gasoline aad , tire!?is being forced on the attention of the motorist. By rising costs, by Government officials, by newspapers and magazines the problem is before the motorist! daily . What is he to do? He:is looking for a way out- some way to cut his cost in half and maintain his mileage. . He must get down to fact and figures. ' Know what the car he intends buying will actually do on a gallon of gasoline and a set of tires. Ta~e into consideration the depreciation each year. And turn his . back on pleasing phrasesand tempting· "claims." There's less mystery than one thinks about this economy problem. A car has thrift or it "-asn't. Something ' "in between" is like the proverbial "something just as good."

M,.Lltl' r ·s OI\L~ . Kell ul!h's Post, TOHslieli. Krumhll's. J ersey Corn fluk es. vu ur choicll. pkll.. .. ....... .... :.. . ... ... .. . lI )e

1 he II "", :,"i l",l~n ("II ur th o l 1. , ittrl S tntr" a .. an ('''p rc· ... ; j''n n f it to) 1t1 1", rlty will, til., \\:'!r IJtlliries 0 ' 1 It''s irlt.'lit ' VaI:r. " 11. ha :o p n ' Cl'fl tl'f l hill wi th til t· (jr ~ 1 nnllu.tI 111l' da J il ha .. ~ iVl' l

Na tional COlli FI,ke:l. 1I1lkg IOc

" T he Hu", ,,n itarian of 'he \" 'a, 1') 16. " T he meda l W:\8 aw:\rtlcd to tlh.' • ~ ' rr' ltic:cn t "tith t h e llt·:t rl y 0Pllff.wal C)', ],;1.(1(10 mrml,c.. of 'he .. It Ih m ll!!"~ ul the ( ., unITY. the pn "5l'lI t ation llt"" i' 1J.c l1,:U; \! by ?o.h)hn .'' \ pplekm 'll, its pr l'!~j .. 1;,,11 . Th e ,·ic·lI,rc show, th" nb vl'r ... · <otl e Ldu\\ Rlld lhe rr vtl"" a h" H . ~,

The Wayne Townshi p Mothers' club will give a market Saturday , October 6. WI7, beginningat 9 am ., at the Town hip House. Plea~e donale.

Swans down Cake 1"loli r, UI\llurd~ Stllt Rising (;mhalll Fluur. lille for muflins tht>a;e cuol murtling!! All kinds of Syrups . New gooris cOllling ill every day . Give us your ord ers and we will save you money . Bring QS v(.ur Eggs and Chickens we pay Cash or Trad e. High· est prices.



It IlaV S to trade at


Messrs. Walter and Chas. Burnett. Fred Ha.wke, J . E. Janney. J . M. Miller, Homer Carey. W. H . Din· I widdie. Carl Sarvis. Claude Stroud, ! L. F . Perkins aud D L. Crane attended the Oldfield· Chevrolet races Iat Dayton Saturday afternoon.


15. ILebanon will oper· ateBeginning a Ji tney October BUB from to = Wilmington. by Waynesville and Use ollr Classified Ad column. Harveysburg . Will" leave Broadway and Main at 6 15 u. m stoppin g at ===~========~ Wayne. ville and Harveysburg and will Wilmington in timeCol for The annual ' meetinl( of Wurren thosearrive who inallend Wilmington County Chapter American Red ross lege. Fare 5c per mile. A. L Henwill be held in the Opera House. drick . Lebanon. Ohio, October 6t h. at 7:;-30 p. m. Ele~tion of members Qt BOlird ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of Directors and other important - _::::::::::S business. All members of the Way· nesvillA branch ar urged to' attend OET IT AT . Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, See'y.


I are interested, ' ph<me, write or telegraph


I The Aeolian Co. :

114 N. Main St.





-- _.- ..---

Is still in the Junk \lUsinesli. Save all your Junk for ~im and he will call on you and get It Leave orders at White's g rocery for all kinde of ,



==:1'1:1' ==:1U:Ur::==:J'1:l r=.;alilG IN1lT.'TATION ' . ,


w. E SJrlnner, general mil Darer I:]I'!'ItO of the Nllotlon,,1 lJlllry ShOW, olosed a oontr~llt yesterday with William Beokthe & Lans Company. Clnolnnatl. for deooratlons for the t!how B

whloh will be held at Oblo 8'a'e ~ Fair Grounds, Oo'obel' 18 to 17 In, I ollJ ~ i ve. Due the fllot th"t the new $S50.lJOO oollileom will be dedloded on. 'be opeolng nlgbt, " hlu been deolde~ 'bal (Lny deooratlons lo this I!J bul\(lIOIJ will be loperllol81, and ooS ~ Iide of the &rena and boz'IS beIng ornamented 'wtth tefn ~ and blloy hees, there will be no olher deoor... . 'iJns. The judges' s'and In tile oeo · ter of tbe urena will be filled WIth bel~otlf .. l oat flower", AmerloBo Bean\le<l and "Mums" predomln ...

r: t O . . I


I'!, I:

Now' what are the sales facts about the Franklin ? The present and next buildin g che rl ul of Franklin Cars will not catch up with ord e rs 011 hand. Franklin Cars a re being built ata rate of three times as m,aug as a year ago and t~c public d e m a nd s till ' contmues to exceed productIOn. The Fr.anklin Car was bound t o b ecame m o re popular each year, even in nor m a l ti m es. The w~r, forcing ~tility and. economy bdore everydung else,. qUickened thiS m oveme nt. • Today, as for fifteen. ears , tl~.e Fra nklin Car .~ tands as th~ most p~actlcal, effiCient and econom-



Ical fine car In America. eli

~~~ed, D:~~~lIB8!~Oer;:~:~8 po~~:

Fred's Fall Openm-g Thursday and 0cor t be 4-5 · , m' m

a ~

m '


EI •

~ You and your friends are cordially Invited whether ~ you WI·sh to pUII'I"hase or not. ' ....



We will give double Cedat Stamps on aU , casli purchases during Friday and Saturday, October 5 ~[!I and 6.

==='81'"==3', z 'I:JI:'===


~ ~ m ~ ~ ~m

e ~


booths will he sepluated by newels 0' noeoeed by bUDd faIle, Gil exeouted In gteen o,nd wblte. !!I ,\1\ of tbe e",hlblts will be far. r.'! oisbod wiSh uulform stl1:n8, wIth or· WI", !OJ Ollmeot,,! tope. with emllll sblelds I: s08peuded o'n whloh will be the number of the bOfJth whloh will eOGblll vlahors to reBdlly find any , partloular (lxhtblt theYd wish l'lohsee, ~ 'l'he aut.:>moblle bull log wi 'l ve , 6 (L Dew orel1tloo 10 tbe deoorlLtlve nrt'l . "he atslel bleloKloutliued wltb \dltl~ed' ornameots 00 umne, lormol{n e wltb ~ l' looh globe. The 81g'ol will be '8Dllpended from the ' oolomns lo the raar of the exhlbltll on exteDded brnOketll, allowID :~ ' ewo el'g'ol to eaoh EJ 8%l1ib"or. The bnllding to ba ti8ed 88 Ii res. taurant wlll have 'he appearance of Il Japanese Tea Room, the . oolumn~ beln made ·Jf d"rk stulned lumber, 'wlth the tIled overhanglnR root so well II:no1\lll '1'0 add to the enect. EJ• tbelll will be Japanese l/lntAro8 IU! . pende1 uodernellotn. The De",elB -





Tho/ dooorlltlnOB of the seveo !tog. . bplldings In wbloh Sbe maohloery exhtblts wlll be displayed, wll1 be slmllnr al far a8 arohHeceuralstruo. ture8 will permit. 'l'he ovorhe~d glrdere Vl'i11 be graoefully draped ltl red, wbUe ... od bloe buntlDg, with the Amerlolln flitg predomlnlLt-lojlf liod the IIllIed fl~gH reproRtlnted 'l'hroogh the oenter of tbe build: tog~; or~t1mental pitas ten wlll be





Jus t consider the significance olf th e Nationa l Efficiency T est of 179 Franklin Cars o n Jul y 13th. 1917. Over all sorts of roads, in wea th er partly fair a nd partly rainy, these cars re co r dcd a t 179 different points in the U. S. t h e rernarl 'a lJle average of 40.3 miles to the sing le g allon of g asol ine. This record s hows what the Franklin d o es un der standard efficiency test rules, 'Tb e pmctical motorist might ask himself what a ny other m ake of car can do along the same li nes . Such a comparative test olTers a 'standaFd whicb owner opera;. .tion can modify in the same r es ped against one car and another. High gasoline mileage means ecollomy all along the lin.e . It tak~s no expert to know that if a car is overhurdened with heavy we ight and undergoinj{ constant wear and tear th e! gasoline .tank will tell it by low mileage. Tl:lke tires. For five y ears Franklin owners have been reporting their individual tire mileage. The average. for this five-year period is 10,203 miles. N.ow compare the annual depreCiation of the average fine car with , the Franklin. Look over the daily used -ca r advertisements ' and visit the pl~ces selling used-cars . It' s a rare case when you find the Franklin. If you do-why is it quoted so high? .

Younce Brose GraID


Three Times As- Many Peop e ·Are Now Buying Franklin Cars "AMERICANS," said a foreign critic, "know ' (the price of everything and the value of

Try llriie MUWlm~e YenMt 7 big cllkcs ... .. .. .. .. . .......... :.. .. ... ~c Save ~c u box on Matche>l, ollly 5c L('nox 11n([ Clean Blisy Soaps, bli r ... .-.... .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. fie Wnile 1~ 1}'e r. Itl bars for .. .. .fiSc

IutLended the funeral of their mother,



Mi ss I<llthryn Daki n left for her home in Hannibal, Mo., this morning, She will stop in Cin cinnati for a two days' I'i si t.

M i ~~


Now. Jersey Sweets. ' Cabbage, OniouH. Mangos. Malaga.Grapcs Oranges. HroolllS- our prices are riglit, ..... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. 60C', 65c, 7fic . Mops of all kinds ...... .. .... l!Oc up

Mr. anll Mrg. Ll' i Goolie anti ILaura ·ollktl . Iff WaRh ing loll. D C..


i ....................................................... _........................

I ~

New Hulk Oats, New Pancake Flours, New Buckwheat. New Hominy G I· it~. New Pettijohns, New I( ru mbles ,

(liumbkille' Cathohc church dedicated at Wi lmington Inst ullday. An immensu crowu was pre ent.

1\11 r. anu Mrs Hus~e ll W e~t and fam ily. of Pleasan t I1ldl'!<!. Ohio. ~ p 'nllha week· end with Mrs. Lucy Pratt !Iml fa lll i Iy .


Wuyne -ville

Citizens National Bank


This piano, a v e ry famous make of worldwide reputation, can be bought a t a bargain price.

Pur" Ciner Vinegar. White Pick· ling Vinegar. Pure l;lpict!8 (If all kind s. pure Pepper.

• l.


Buy a United States 4 Per Cent Covernment Bond of th e ~econd Liberty Loan of 1917. U. S. Treasury will pay· you interest every six months. Free of State, County or other local taxes. Unquestionably the safest InvestlT'ent in the world. The follow,lng banks rJ'commend these bonds, will take your subscription without charge, and will furnish full partiCUlar. on request:

White Cro'wn Jars, MOHon Jar!!, 'fin ans, the best Hubb~rs, l!ulillg Wax, I'orowux . .

w a~



every day this week anri IIt~x t "eek Prices yery k W il\d f ruit fi ne

lIilllrs hall Haines. who has been con- I' lined to the hou~e for the pas t three weeks , with illneos, i!l able t'J be out IIgain.


..............................--.::.~.:~.......- .................- i

We will have 81berta Peachl8


555a '='

, Shop · 'a'" I;:





We ' have in stock, ' everything kept In a first-clas~ Harness Shop •

H. E. EARNR.MlT", . •

-!Jll----I11!1-.. THE ' 'Se,' , lOco -AND 25c STORE

eeparutlng tbe the alsl811 wlll likewise . .- - - - -. .- . .IIjII. . -----~ be exeoutetlln eame dark 4Ineo~. .!" le"erln8 be Jap 'rhe IInellesigns also.aDdAll of the wUl oattle and A EI horB8 barns will be al'tle\loally deo. , or.ted and draped In their various oolon, Hose-Women, Children, Men .. ••.•••.•. ; •••••• 15c The ebtlre soheme of deoorallon Ie ., There is something here for every motorist t;o Qloves-Men, Women, Children ... .•. . •.••• 15c-lOc new and wlJl malle a moel pJea81nR ~~unfailing guage of the worth of any fine car think about-and these are days when a motori:;t and arlte'lo ell'eo'. Turkish Tow~ls, large size .....•••. , ••• ••••••• : lOe The entrAncell 10 " he ,groondllBnd today is the way it is selling today. has to think if he wants to ride. Men's Neckties., ·. ...... • • ... ... . -. '. • • • . • • • . •• lOe EJ I:J bnUdlni8 ",II) be transformed 1»y the 6 qt. Gray Enameled Kettle, .. ... .. . : ...... uee ()f . . new decoraSlve Bol1erqe. .,\., .... 25c 2280 1/)•• $2050:00 Runa.bout . Four·p,... Roadl/t.r . 2Z80 lb•. 12050.1)0 2160 lb. '~OOO.OO The maio and au'omoblle sDtrBDoe' S Ch 00 I Bags ..........................• _ . ~ • _ .. lOe 24851/).. 2850;00 StdIJfI, . . . . 2610 lb.. 2950.00 BrouohlJm. . . . . :2575 lb.. 2900.00 wlll be. malDlfl~'11 ,doOoraleli by Com po.s ition Books ..•.••. '. . •••.. •.• •••. 5c Limouein•. 2610 Un. 3200.00 Ail PriOIB F. O. B . SllrIJcu.., .' 2620 Ib8. 3200.00 , . the' Uee o ~ hlll8 oolumn., . oQ top of Lead Pencils .•••• ,••••••• . •..•.•• : .• 5c-2 for 5c-lc wlJloh wlll be ft",1 Bnd' bUDIll:li. iii .u nlgbl Ihl approaohea wlll ~ Curtain Rods, just the kind you want. . • • • . • • . •• lOe brll1laD.l~ U1olDlnatec'l. All of C~e C~dy, new and fresh •. per l~ ......•.........•. 20c ., b1l1ldlaRII ",til be rll8Obe4 b1 ooverecI walk., 10 Ih.. .taltarl \inll be proWaynesville, Ohio Ieoled from pOlilble Inolem8lla I ~-"1I1t I . II £ID11IIr Way........ weather, 'l'b8,potlDd•• . WlIIbaad i EEEI -.E=5Ir.~IiEEarEEElI~[===I~ll:=!5!F5I1I!IEE=a eEleclor.r ,he bnlldlD .... will be .8arpIo. tlUU1A IUl OhIo Ii . . . . . .iiiiiiilEI1BIiiiEiEil



J. B. Chapman

__.. B EI'




'.1 .•• _.':


brUllutl7l11\UDhlate4 allot

I.._ _ _ _..._ _~---------_ _. "







Preparing For World Peact. po


reside'lt , Mr Wash Irvin, uf Chicago. In town Thur~day evemna· ' .. Mr. lrwin, in I!Ompany wilh Mr Official notice from the Chicago . J ~ Car~wnght spent p~rt of I ~st James All ison. of t 111l'innaci, made headquarters wa!llliven to Co , E ls t week In Sprmgfield on a buslnellS trip. the rounds ot We " TIl _ lIille and in· , Rei'. , for marthing order and lhe cidental lY dropped 1/\ t ,the Gazette t;ompany lett .Le~anon Tu~ay Mr. alld Mrs. Myer and t o pay their r espect.-: Although Mr. morning tor Latonia, where they daughter were Dayton viSitors Sun· Irwin is far pust our age and lef t were jolnt'd by the relt of the regl· day. \:Vaynesville many years ago. we.are ment Bnd entrained for Montgoimlry, . old enough to reml1mber that he was Ala, They will arrive at their desti · R"v. D. H. Palmer has resigned a former cilizlln, and his' visit with nation about Friday ailernoon , Sev· his charge at i"erry and will take up ! us carri ed both 'through several eral from here went to Lebanon to work in JIIinois. years. · He the hays off. and the crowd Mr, Tr\'in mude the remark that pthered at the train gave them a The harneeR racing at Oakdale the flr~t mnney he ever earned .w~ hearty farewell. Saturday afternoon promiael! to be f O.r .belng rOI~ e r boy ~m the old Miami La8t .Wednesday Col. Galbraith, some event Be !,here. VI sitor. carnlnlf a dllne each week, Captain Heintz and Major Daube, He drifted ·to Cincinnati, and was . accompanied by the 1st Iteglment employer! ill diff'rellt capacities Mr. and Mts. W. H. Allen arrlvel! t her t!. bu t more e~ lJC'c iully on news· bahd, came to Lebanon, and spent at noon, after ~ pend· home Thursday the day. A rain nearly spoiled ev paper work. when he was cal led to erythinll', but the boys went to work illg ten days very plessantly In the Chicago to go into the Int() r O::ean, and had their d rill The donel East. where he was empluyed for several made the boys a speech after It was yoars, all over, and he said that it waIJ the The Budiel)ce always roars with Many reminiscences were roml!m· finest d ri II he had ever aeen Instil e or laughter when Tom and Lily are bered alld told by Mr Irvi n, and his outside of the regiment, This com· married . At School Aditorlum, vi!l\t to th e Gazelle office was indeed ! ~ pliment was received by the bOy8 8 o'clock. For the benefit ot t he very plensunt. '\Vhateve r the ter ms o f P'!:ICC "' :I)' I e with great aatisfllctlon Waynesville Branch of the Red Cross. The gentlemen vi ~ it ed Miami Ceme, after ,the war, Americ:I will he full ), Last 1'hureda¥ the bOYIl went to tery, and Mr. Irvin wa.'! ve ly en : lM'epared to '5ubmit to the co nfcrcllce' the Hamilton County hir. where thusiast ic in his praise of that beau· 11 balls for n e C'o ti:lti o n ~. Th i ~ ill1pnrt . Mrd, Emmett Penquite Mr. and they executed one of their fin e drills and family, of Mason, we,r e the Sun· tiful spo t. He W88 su r prised. 8S ~nt work has already hccn beg ulI , and H o use. perso na l {riclut and :ul · They pllllSed the flail and leol some dllY afternoon guests of Mr, and well as pi eaRed , that the graves of Col. ~i 50 r to Pre ~ ident W ilson, is t h~ n1:l11 thing over 1300 for their mellS fund loved ones were so well cared for by who is directin;: it. He h :ls hc .1 se, This, indeed, was a very good ahow Mrs. 'C. F. Crawford. the association. alld 8sid the. Millmi lected t o organize a cOtn mit " , o f di s· Inll, and It will help the boys Quite wa'J the finest cemetery in the state lIn!ptished American rcien ti <", cc" n Henry King IItopped off here for a omls\5 and histori an s, \\'h os ~ t :l ~ k \',' il a bit. outside of the large citi es. HUllh Ridge. who was here Mon couple of days last week, after vieit· The gentlemen returned to Cin· be to gat·hcr dat:l th at ",ill h~ a h",i; lor dlscllssioll; 1I0 t Ili l t the I' : C I day, has been transfer rod back to illg relatives in olumbua, He re- cinnatl on the evening train, where Company E' much to his delight. al turned to his home at Lebanon Fri· Mr, Irvin will vi sit for several days States Qxpec t, an ca rl l' rc.l'~ , 01' 11 0 ' Col, H OIISe- will necc,":Ir iJ-.· r CH' ~ C I . he i, very proud of the work the day. and then spend some time with his this counl r y a t a pcoce 'e,'" (, '(' ' C", boys have been doing, sister, Mrs, Martha Dodson, In In· But his selection mnrks t: 1C ; (' ~ ill n ' lI : The boys are .all anxious to get The Old Maid Aunts and the dlanapolis, 'If the prcptlr:u inn or Am ''':' i,·,. . ' :1 ~ away from Lebanon, R8 they say the. Ba ;helorfriend s w 1II be there. Don't III&'htB have boon very telling on them miss their performance at the Tom although the camp ha&- been vel'7 Thumb WEdding Oct. 12, at the free trom sickneBl, espeeiaUy bad Sehool Auditorium. colds. ' ------~.~.------K" Ridge, who Is employed by the Goodrich Tire Co., and who baa been located at Detroit, has heen The best I:;:;-Hellting transferred to Saginaw, Mich ,where Ran&,es in thla part lo f Ohio, and . and he la In charlle of their qffice In that In a'ietterfrom Mr W R Sprelgel the prices are I/lw, aa 1 boultht them city. be 88YS be haa jUllt' retur'ned from "before ·he last two. advancea in th. eee are I will handle the B. &. C. Special, Chicago where he took the examina· good I. Dont pubt It off, asiltlhbey He pa88ed golna' f~t, and t e next dW e very Caketl again. Anyone wishing any tion for' an aviator. d · d f ' mush hlJ[her, At the 01 stan. A B SIDES • peeial kind, leave yotir order by too k t h e oa th an d IS now .rea, J or his country's call. He Will. make a • ._,-,-:,,_._ Wednesday morninlr, and 1 can get Followlnw 1,1 the proaram for the aviator as he Is capable In every races SaturdB1 afternoon at Oakdale you mOit any kind y.ou would like. fine way. He is now situated at Martin's The racell will only COlt you 16c: Park, The program II a aood one They are fine cakes. Try them . Ferry, Ohio, where he is teachlni. admission . Cheap, isn't it? • Mrs. W. C. Phillips. and the races ought to bt! (ast enou,h to inlur~ a good afternoon's aport. The track baa been overhauled and will be fast if the weather does not Interfere. free for All Trot or Paee (lreen Pace .............. Purse '6.08 (X mile heau) Mixed Trot and Pace Purse 18 00 .(X mile heata) There II no entry fee for tbl'eC rac_, every horae Is welcome to en



. -.



Beald. these hamha races IIfIver·

aI auto eventa will take place. These auto events are of a aDeclal character' &lid are novelties. You will be in tereated in' thelll at any rate. ' Guollne Test-For the machine run·


::rn~ ,,~~~~~.~~.~~.~ ~~~f$fOO

6 lape tlJ,Hled Race Time·· .. , ................................ Purae 110 00

, Entrance fee ..................... $1 ,00 (Four entries reQuIred,) Th818 raclni eventa are aure to plea.. '!b'e admiBIlan ia so llDall . that evel'7body oUllht to come out

8bd eeettiem.·


.. ht · n'9 . 5 -




We have a Jarae atoek coll,l-

lag bi, aeveral gradea. Come In and look them over. It WIll paYJOII.

Youce 8.... GnIa OI.- t

., . :~'''0IIIe


The twin farms belonglnll to Wm. Hay on the upper Springboro road, and consisting of 165 acres were sold lut week to Mr. Hock. a banker, of Dayton. Ohio. The deal W88 made by W N 'Seara . " • - • . ' .Mla Ruth Prob~o , I!pcnt Sunday wl·h relatives In Wtlmlngton .

Ab t f t fi ' ts b f ~u Gor y'Mv\g?e 'dmem be'j sc o! '~t thar un oOd M~'Er~~st But~rwoo~:h fast ~~i~~y evenln" The merry narty took . e' .. welDers with them, and after arriving at the Butterworth home, went to tbe woods where a roaring fire was built and the welnen cooked. Toasted martlhmallows and other good thinge were hall, and all had a fine time

h S rii.


- --

...- ...---




--- _.-....- - -

Radiatorfreeze-ups lind the damoge

theydo, W()lItbQlhe~ YOI4 "fYQIJ drive -.



ST. MARY'S CHlIRCH Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity, October 14th, Sunday Sehool at 9:30 a. m ; Mornin, Prayer and ssrmon at 10:30. The public cordially In· vited to tbese servii:es.



There Issometblng keenly Inspiring in the, measured tramp of marching soldier feet , the dun of khaki and the glint of shouldered rifles. Some· thing that brlnlls a lump to one's throat and a mistiness to the eyes. Something that stirs one's loyalty to the traditions of our fathers and the The news came to our oftlce tbls Ideals of our country. Something that quickens the heart throbs and fW8edl! thatthlleveral hOIl ralae ra wThet:e elr w h eat to h 018· lit eets the blood pulsing at a 1i ...lIer eo! tnl pace. Something that loosens the rumor does not sound iOod to . us, pu~e strings. ' , and it II ~eerelyb.ooed that It h88 Were it possible to · line up th~ no foundation. , Wltb the call of the American public al'o ng tbe road to government for 1V h.., to help feed France with the khaki clad soldier thebunil'Y world tbl. winter, it looks boys m~rching to Armageddon, the .. though no rlaht·mlnded ~an need of further appeal In behalf of would do luch a thlq. . tbe Liberty , loan would vanl.h In a It m8f be that the .wheat w .. twinkling. " spoiled in some .manner . .In that In Paris the enthusiastic French. case it mllrht be; l .u stiftable to men fairly covered the path of the the "rain to ~e ho~ ,but If the first detacbment of American troops wheatJs in Ir~ condItion and rnarw with flowers. And a thoroughly ketableL for the. Ake Qf hwnanlt7 aroused American lIeople would do not teed It to th. hol'l~ , clutter the ,line of march ~nee deep with tim dollar bill•. If you haven't' Hen Uncle Sam'a Don't plan' to do anytlling Saturda,y champion9 of liberty in uniform wo afternoon but atteDd the racea at to the neareet training camp and Oakdale. they wllllnteNllt JOU. look them over. . The pull at your heart strings will looeen'the (lrip on your pocketbook .. It will make clearer your dut~ to buy a Uberty bond •





Timothy Seed

- ..

tY ''; .

The ~arlnini' ~ of the Waynet.tile C&Qnllll' Co., will be ,flniahed tomorrow. The . cannlnl' haa been very~, notwlthatandini the back.ardneD of the eeaaon and'the corn wu \he' belt be ' ever haildled Iii Wayneavllle, U1d aurpl,a baaahnOit all been dlippaed of. While tbefactory wu badl, hand· lapped on ~unt of ICU'Clw of men they Anftbecl the IWIOD In good lhape. Ttie total amount of cannlnlJ . . . a I~ttl • .,It more tbaa ' fO,rmerly ,



The Men of Waynellville beld a very fine meeting at the Masonic Aall Tuesday evening, About 100 members were present, Ilnd after a fin e oyster stew supper, prepared by the Eastern Star, was disposed of, th'~ regular meeting was held, A grea t deal of buslnessw!l8 transac.ted. Afte r the business was disposed of President Hartsock Introduced Mr, Ilean E. Stanley. of Lebanon, and he de crlbed ' the taxation q uestion to t he satlsfact ion of all. His subject was treated from everv angle, and as one man daid. I know more about ho w to pay my taxes than 1 did before I ~ame to this meeting. His talk was well received. .Iudge J. A, Run yan , of Lebanon, was nexl introduced. and he spoke of th e second Liberty Loan, His remarks were attentively listened to, and 6S he was thoroughly conversant with his subject, he made it very plain what W88 the duty of every Amerkan citizen In regard to buying the bonds. The president next called on J , Warren Woods who made a few remarks, Mr , McKinsey, of Cleve· land, who is In the county In the interests of the bond lasue, alao made a few remarks , Mr. New· kirk, who was present, and who Is interested in selling a Chautauqua course, also made a talk , Rev. J. F, Cadwallader made a motion thatthe Men of Waynesville indorse the tax levy that will be voted on at the next election, which was heartily carried. The meeting then adjourned to meet In November, when the Gleo Club will have entire charge and en· tertain the club.


RED CROSS When the omcera of tbe loeMl ,branch of the Red Cross "ere elected th.y were empowered to appoint three other membere with them · NiveR to 'constitute an ex~utive eommlttee. They have performed that duty Uill tbe committee now atand'a :J. O. Cartwright, Chairman Dr C. G. Randan, Vice-Chairman. Mra E . V. Bamhart;iJecretary W. H , Madden, Treasurer '. Mra. Emma Eili. . 111'1. Walter McClure Mi. 8~lIa Oaua.,ertv

A numuer o f you-n ot 'J1(,o ule from One of the most Ruccessful Rallv h rc nILend rl a dance at Hurvev ~ · Days in the history of the M, E, burg last Thur~day evening, The church wal pla nned Rnd ca rried Ollt party (' o nsis~ d of Mr, and Mrs B on Sunday la~t, When 'the secreta· H Kell y. Mr. and Mrs, Russel Younce ry's report was read It was found Mary Salisbu r y. Helen Marla t t, Em · that one hundred and ninety ·two per· mo r Hailey Rno Ethan 'r ane BonB were present . . Th e oldest of t hese was Mrs, Phoeb · Mr, and Mrs, Chus , hUlts ol1d Smith, who haB ullen a membfir of family entertain ed at dinner Su nday. the Home Depar tment ever since its Mr . and Mrs. J ulin Me lure and organization Th e youngest present daulfhter, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Me Wat the nine weeks old 80n of Em Clure anu children, Mr, and Mrs , erson and Mary Earnhart, a member Will McClure lind daugh ter. Mr of the Cradle Rol l. and MTs . Slanl ey Smitb and daugh· The mother who had the most ter. of Cincinnati; and Mrs . Eli za membfiTs of her family present was Miranda and oaughtfilr. . Mrs. Hardin, an d the class ha vin g the grelltest nu mher of visitors was MISS Gwenrlolen Ml'rr i tt spent the "Berean Clas!:! ' No . ] 2 Tw enty· a tew day~ with her reillti vps. and on visitors we re Ilresent and Saturday evening. Miss Ki zzie ~er· eighteen members of the elass. rltt invitl'd to dinner, Mr . ,J . O. Special mu~ic for the uay waB pro· Cartwright and family, Mr. and Mrs. vlded by Mrs. Raymond Ollvis, a solo Howell Peirce. Mr/!, Rachel Keys. by MIss Mary Sali~ bury and a male Mr . and Mrs. Frank Zell, Mr . and quartet composed of MeRsrs Earn Mrs S L , Cart wrigh t. Misses Mar. hart, Elzey, Rogersn nd Raper. The tha Burnett, Emma Cartwrig ht and muelc was much f'n joyed by all. aa &Ina Janney . was also the talk by the pastor , 'the school be~ins the new year's work Mr , and Mrs, Bert Har tsock, of wllh an unu9ually strong corps of Valley View Farm entertained last ofll,cers ';'S foll ow H: . Sunday. Mrs. Mary A, Wise, of S~permtenden~. Fred Hartsock. Waynesville; Mr. and MrR. C. A, A88lstant Supermtendent. I,aadora Costell o. .Mr, C. R Costello . Mr, Ed, W8~d; Secreta ry . Mabel Sslt~but:Y; C. Kelly . of Covlngtou. Ky,. Mr, Ass!stant Secretary" Helen D,m~ld. and Mrs T, E, Cummings, Mrs. ~Ie, T~easu,[er, Franc\s Janney '. PI~n Winnie Mason and children, Mrs. 1st, Alice Car~y: Assl!l8tant Pianist, Cora Macy. of Xenia; lind MissClarll Mrs, Mar~s, C ho rtst~r, RU llSell Hawke and Miss Edytha Macy, of Younce; Primary ChorJRter, Hazel Lebanon Sali,bury; Orchestra Leader, Grace . _ _ _ _ __ Davis; LIbrarians, Raymond Conner Mr. and Mrs Guy Kibler delight· and Kenneth Hough ; Primal'), Supt" Mre, Frank Fan; Cradle Roll Supt., fullventertalned a party of young Helen Marlatt; Home Department people at their country homt near Supt, Mrs, Cross; Missionary Supt., Lebanon f.'riday evening, Theoe present from Waynesvilh'l Mrs. Raper, . were:Misses Alice Carey, Helen Mar. ... --latt, Jeanette, Frances lmd Louella Janney, Mabel Salisbury, Bess 8mlt~ M888rs.lrvlng Welsh. Howard Gus· tin, Van Retilllck. and Kenneth HOUllh.

Whittier Burnet, IOn of our townaman. 0, J. Burnet, writes UII from his home In Norwood. Ohio, and en· cloae8 a circular wblch he baa caused to bo issued admonishing the citizena of hiB city and Cincinnati 88 followa: "Horpe meat is being laid In Cln. Sunday, October 7th, Mr. Earl cinnatl where the breweries are wast. Sherwood. of Martz Avenue, Day· ing araln and cattla f88li . Stop it ton, wss nearing the 34th milestone and help J[et out the dry vota." in Iife'a journey, his wife, 888isLed On the back of the circular Is a p~ by her son, Chester, planned and ex· em, entitled. "The Hunger Call," ecuted a decidedly successful Bur· which space forbids U8 to reproduce . prise. While Mr, Sherwood was at The poem reads particularly 'of tbe church four auto loads druve up and/hunKer of our loreigneountries, and took pOllSesslon of his home and laid that these countries are oalling on out a dinner such 81 the Sherwood UI for bread, while we keep our oata . " women havea faculty for getting up. Bnd barley and brew them into beer The BUI prise waa complete and the for our own consumption. dHmer-well it was devoured and at __ ..._ - a late'hour the party I.ft for their J ~ ~ respective homes, wishing Earl many "~C4 ' ~<A .... . • ~ hap}lyretums. Thefollowinggtieats u-~ -,;~~~!r'~~,i1h were present : E.C. Jeft'eryand wife, "i~~.-. _. IbQp , E. A, Jeffery and wife, Will KerBey . '~ '<like RtI'\' . and wife, C. H, Sherwood and wife, . lua~ . .t , .. ,; . Walter Baily and wife, the Misses M. E. CHURCH -"~"""".oq;;I[JlIlDclay morn1ne Ii quth Alice, Dorothy Mildred, Esther '_ J ' - , I \ i\ni~i:~ry, Mra , William Sunday School, 9:16 a. m. Reguand Lewis J elfery, Ma8tei'JJ J9hQ, Joe ar Prearhlng Services. 10:30 a. m. and Willard Kersey. Mis. Evelyn and 7:Wp. ·n'r!~b~ ~! . ~r. " Kersey, Miss Elizabeth Clark, Mis. dlally Invited to attend theseser- ".. Ellen Sherwood, MillS Margaret Ed· vices. wards, Mr. H. B. Sherwood .

.JJ t




_. - - - ... lEAVES LEBANON ! l{lIclng at Oakdale Saturday. . Wayne-dvitle residents were made fOR 'CANTONMENT Gt'orge Rllynolds, of was happy Monday by the visit of an old


Whole Number 3448



J. B.


WQJrWSVill., Ohio.


Cement BlOcki

dlnnPf wltb lluo LytlM lal' Than'j d.IY. Mrl! W. K. B<>II'I," 1800 the 81 k 11111. WlIUa O'Neall, W. E Bogao Wfllter WU~n()a were In .x DIll on M ~ h'" II t l ' k l ' I .. .. I I I llU,lne.M ~at nr cl»r rB . ara .0 I't 00 e (I"l ut an d r. .117, II r. aad ... r~. A. I~ e • I I . " her lom e in Wu.·hilll{t. n, [) '. In~t 8o,U. B01'IIoe Oompion and tBmlly 111811 IAlOl!l KIng . 01 Iin!rlllnn nf. Thursday lifter n Rhnr( ill nt'l!ll. The a ttended. mee_log ., Plea~lI()t, Jud ., "I~ ltllil M, Bornoa .,lnIlJt,IlIl S body wa~ broug ht ht're~lIturouv and Oro.e 8a~daJ a'tt-raoon '{'hurlday ot.I'llIt welt . . tht' Ecn 'lces held al the 'hoilellll 1IIr. aad II fl. Baymolld Wilson 1 Mr. Alb t't WII 800 is ~Io, 1 1 Ill . 10: 30 1.l, m .. I v {'ad walla,1 l' and 80 ..r ....ed to dIDD.. Sunday. Yr, proving .t~f'r nn Illnoss of owrul He\', 'a rg nt ntf\ein t in~ Mrs H. and lire. Waller W~leon and daugb . woekl . H. K liy sang a beauti ful !lolo Tht' hr, Ollv., Mr. and Mrf!. Isallo WU. - - - - - +-bOl ly Wal laid away b) fhe . Id,' of eon ...... aDd Mr~. J oe DI~bro lind her hu. band. wh died . ev till ~ e' rR Dorothy and Xent LeMar. of New , An Eve to Bu.lnesa. ago . BurllDltoD. ". I ' "1)[IImmn ." ~III .] . lx·Y"fl r·ol,1 n !'nr,". ---- - - - - - Mr. and Mr. bauooty Bonoel " YOtl sholll" let .\n n pu.t up 1lI~' srllool aod famtlJ a& George Bogan. I lIn('h , II1 Fl (,)liI ,Ir .Icll ng II Y(llIr clf." Ca .. ' Have Too Many Llv ••. at Wellman 80nday. ' ''Wh~', 11 nr),." ~h~ l·('llll cd . "It's no Th ' 1I111l' I!\'l'~ or til' cut 8 '1' 1Il tn be troulJl . nnd I'd JUR t 1\8 I:<oon do It Rober' ' •• nle7 alld flUnil y. o f my~ It." "Y P~ . 1 Im,' \\,." h(' Rn lll. "but mor(' I h" n " pi ' "~" l'try, "nn '1 "~ JlI (' Deaw Cuba, oalled 0 0 bl! pareDt" I Ann nl \\'nl'8 put mo r c up," everyt hing thu hll~ h en d'lIl ~. Ih p), Mr . • nd MrI , b' rllok t:!tlloley 8nndllY . are ~1"r1 til I,,· " t C'",lI! ~' 11I(' r n~llI!C. Th l. II..-enlng. 'l'hey were drlv iog t b ulr ' ---II u .. n u ~" f or \' (' 1'\' r" 11 1 IIl nrnl , th " Dew Ohe..-role&. I Ht"i f' Utl FO t s ('lI 1. · Th ey I)nllll ,ut ....... Ralph Leamlog hlld t\ S ber Where EI.,quence Has Va lue. thnt the I!.·rllls or JllIn l('rn u ~ ,11 _(>"or·" , IDeat the pae' week her Ol o,ber' i "EI.ul'''·'''· '·.'' "" Id L1nl'ie EltcJu. "I s orl' known " I", ('nn·l ..d 111 lit " fu r {If lira . Oooner, of Harveyeburg . fln rl " 'h a t col1ubl cs u mflll til .1,) (" " IlIln ulr's' rot s. T lw n";lnl/Cltt p rOld pr who /to ps her .lller. Mrs . Leatb~ lJrobaker' I ,,"ork 1111' ,l,' u I('clu\'!' on II In n WI '~' trom ynnl In )'11 I'll nnd nsh "(III 10 IIsh fr om Go.. ijia'ion . ' . !!nt mllk,'s II seem wortL a d ay's clln pu IR III IlI'r!l n \\'hole n e l ghho ~ ll(\o'1. Mr. anel Mra. J . 8 Leaming look wo gcs." • moro csp 111 11), chtld rf'D.






Waynesville Na tional Bank Citizens National Bank Lebanon National Bank Franklin National Bank Warren National Bank First Natiollal Bank Mason Bank First National Bank Morrow National Bank Farmers Bank




Mr. and Mrs 11 Weill amI I family. o f Pleusa nt Ridge, Ohio . j spe nllhe week, nd wilh Mr~. Luey , Pratt a nd family ,




Mr, uno L 'vi COOl,C Hlld Lau ra COOkll, or Wa~hingl o 1t, O. 'c.. attt'nded t hc funeral of th eir moth r, I MCl!. Snrah Cook e. here Saturday.

This piano, a very famous makt:) of worl dwide reputation, can be .boug ht at a bargain price. If you ate interested, phone, write or telegraph

An~unfaUing guage of -the worth of any fine car today is the' way it is selling toddy. . ~riwg Car. ~t . .

2'oaoa Cor .

. 2280 lb •. '2050.00

. ' 2485lb.. 2850.00 . 24ilO 1hI. 3200.00

RuntJ40ut • . SId(JfI





, t:J t:.:;:==II!Il!!

r::J ===i[!J 1::.

Limorulta •• ."


Just consider the.significance of the National Efficiency Test of 179 Franklin Cars orl July 13th, 1917. Over all sorts of roads, in wea th er part ly fair aud partly rainy, these cars' recorded a t 179 different points in the U. '. the re rnarkabfe average of 40.3 miles to the single gallon of gasoline. This record shows what the Franklin does under standard efficiency test rules. The practical motorist might ask himsclfwhat alllY other make of car can do along the same lines. Such a comparative test olTers a standard which owner operation can modify in the same respeet against' one car and another. . High g~soline .mileage means economy all along the line. I~ takes no expert to know that if a car is overburdened with heavy weight and undergoin~ constant wear andte~r the gasoline tank will tell it by low mileage. . , Take tires. Fo'r five years Franklin owners have been reporting their individual tire mileage. ' The average· for this five-year period is 10,203 miles. Now compare the almua! , depreciation of the , average fine car with tht: Franklin. Look over the daily used-car advertise.ments and visit .the. places selling used-cars. It's a rare ,case when you find the Franklin. If you do-why is it quoted so high ? . " '. There is something' here for every motorist ~o think a.bout-and these are da.ys when a motorist has to think if he 'wa,n ts to ride. Four·PO". Roadat.r . 2280 lb •. 12050.00 Brougham . . ' . ' . ' :2575 lb.. 2900:00 All PncfIl F . O. B. SlIracll....

J. B. Chapman Waynesville. Ohio I

.'. . . . .'.iiiiiil'EI&iEi5I ElIi'iiIEEl5IElIi'iiiii!E,,5I'ElI!'=E5I'I5IIi'EEg, •


Pur C!der Vinegar. White Pick· ling Vinega r, Purl! Spices uf all kinu s, pure Pl!pper. New Bulk Oats. New Puncake F'lou rs, New Bu~kwhl!at, New Hominy Gri ts, New Petlijohns, New l( rumbles. New J etsey Sweets, Cabbage, Oniolld. Mangos. Malagll.Grapes Oranges. Br l.loms- our prices ars rigbt, ..... .. .. .. .. ... GO?, 650 , 7lic Mops o f all kinds ...... .. .... 20c up Try Brill) Muwmee Y eu~t 7 big cakes ............ ............. .. ... fie Snve2caboxo n Ma l c h e~ ,unly fie · Lenox lind Cleun Busy ::Iolills , hllr ....... .. .. .... ...... . ...... .. 5c VYll il e Jo' ly el', III bars f or ... .. o5e

'I he l '. ti tcd


CUl l of thl an ('Xf1fl· .. c; i T1 of it :'.'o " n (,:'IIliy with Tl1I' \\'~r p()li " i~~ 0' 1 fC'~ ifll'l1 t \ Vi le; I h has pn~ c 4 ' rlh',f hill w ith li lt, fir ", nllll ua l IH l'lIal it h ... ,io:i vt" . " "T he HU1I1:tIHt:lri:ln o f th e Ycru J') J6," Th" mcolnl wa s nwanled I n th ,' ~ } r(',c; i c:c:n t with the hi'a rt.'" ilJlprUVi\) I)', J,; J.OOO Illf.m[, ers of the Cu lt IhrouIo: h\ \It t :-'~ c", uu lry, th e pn'SCll ta t ioll "1)( IJlIll1 a" j(ari::t1l

O ll {~. Kell ol{ h's Post KrumlJh's, J e rsey Toa 8 tic~.


Corn flllke . yo uI' chuice. IJkg .... . .. ......... .. .. .. ....... We

S l ll tCt; , ;to/i


Nntional COl li F lukt'tI , a "kg IOe SWllns down e ke i"lour. B!llllildM Self ltising (: ruham Fillur. lioe fOT mufli ntltlwstl cuol morningit All kinds of Syrups.


New gooris corn ing in evel'Y day . Give us YOIlI' ordera and we will save you money. Bring us Yhur Eggs and Chickens we pay Cash or Trade, Hitth. est prices. '


It pavs to trade at


Beginning October 15. I will oper . ate a J itney Bus from Lebanon to Wilminglon. by Waynesville and Harveysburg . Will leave Broadway and Main at 6 15 11. 01 stoppin g a't. Waynesville and Harveysburg and will arrive in Wilmington ill time fo r The annu al m eetin" o f Warren th Ise who attend Wilmingto n Col County Chapter American Red Cross lege. Fare 5c per mile. A. L Hen will be held · in the Opera H ouse, (t"rick. . Lebanon, Ohio, October 8t h. at 7:30 p. m. Ele; tion of members of BOtlrd "'!!!~~~!'!!~~~~~~~~ of Directors and other important -==:::s ______ business, AU m embers of tbe Way· nesvi\l", branch are urge<1 to atte nd Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, Sec·y.


114 N. Main St.

• Now what are the sales facts about the Franklin ? ' . The pres~nt and next buildil~g schil;! rl ulc of Frank1m Cars WIll not catch up With ord rs on hand. , Franklin Cars are b~illgbuilt ata rat.e of three times as m,auy as a year agQ and t~ e public demand still . contmues to exceed productIon. The Franklin Car was bound to became more popular each year, ,even in normal times. Thc w3;r, forciug~ti1ity and. ' economy before everythmg else, qUickened thiS movement. • . Today, as for fifteen ~ears, th.e Franklin Car ~tands as th~ most p~actlcal, efficient and economlcal fine car In- Amenca.

2160 lb.. $2000.00 2610 lb.. 2950.00 2620 lbs. 3200.00


White Crown Jal'e, Masun Jnr@, Tin ans, . the best Ilubbt!rs, Sellljng Wax, Psro\vax.



Uie our Classified


The Aeolian Co.

Three Times As Many Peope Are Now Buying Franklin' Cars



Messrs. Walter and Chas. Burnett, Fred Hawke, J . E. Janney, J . M. .Miller, Homer Carey, W. H. Dinwidd ie , Carl Sa rvis, Claude Stroud, L. Jt~ . Perkins and D l. Crane attended the Oldfield·Chevrolet races at Day ton SlIturday afternoon.




..""""""" .,.",""',"",.,..~





Is still in the J unk ~usines~ . Save al your Junk for him and he will cal on you and get it Leave orders a t White's g roeery for all kinds of

I Younce Bros. Grain Co.' ,


~ ~ ~ ~I ~ a ~°


EJ 8"lnoer, general mllDaser

eli'==5J'e [:'==51'1::1 ==3 1!J e===3EJE 13.==9'EJ m a

oln ~lve.



& oon'rlict yellterday , wUh William Beok & Lons Company, Clnolnnl1t1, ... for 'he d eooraUon8 for 'be ~bo" wbloh will be held at Oblo S&a'e I;J Fair Grooode, Oo&ober 18 0 17 In_ r:'I

water-cooling system. . And getting rid of his old car at a fire~s~le price for a. new model of another make he figured was part of the game. .. To-day economy- both in gasoline and tiresis being forced on the attention of the motorist. By rising costs, by Government officials, by newspapers and magazines the problem is before the mQtorist daily. What is he to do? He:is looking for a way out-some way to cut his cost in half and maintain his mileage. "He must get down to fact and figures. J{now what the car he intends buying will actually do on a gallon of gasoline and a set of tires. Takeintoconsideration thedepredat;on each year. And tum his ' backonpleasingphraSesandtempting "claims." There's less mystery than one thinks about this economy problem.. A car has thrift or it hasn't. SOl'Aethlng "in between" is like the proverbial . "something just as good."


The Wayne Townshi p Mothers' club will give a m arket Saturday. Octuber 6. 1917, beginningat9 am .• I at the Townsh ip House. Please donate.

ot th e Natlonal Ulllr,. Sbow, 0108ed

"AMERICANS," said a foreign critic, "know , (the 1!rla;, of everything and the value of ' . nothmg. • That was before our entry into the War. Today it is a difIer~nt story. The past few months have developed a remarkable ' understanding of the National duty to curb needless waste and extravagance. A typical illustration is the change in standards of judging and buying a motor car. Only a short time back a car had to be everything.but practical to attract the average motorist. He wasn't interested in upkeep because his eye was on ponderous mechanism. Gasoline didn't worry him because he was comparing wheel-bases. . Tire economy was not in his mind because he was J'udging freezing mixtures for an unnecessary


L 1\ . Zimmerman i~ in Columbus today attending the di rector&! meet 1I,:,,; e I,), fi sh" ApJJleh' lI'll. ils I'r "-~i. ing of the Columbu s Wholesul e (:utt. 'rhe " k t\lr~ S h O \\l5 th~ ohv('r o;!' Grocery Co " o f whi ch he is secreta ry . ',d c Ll·lo... lind the re v"I" " ah<"l ve.

: : ......•.•.................. " ....................~ ..............................: SIi'iiii5l'ElIi'==5JU::I Ii'==5J'1::I .:r===::::':::::5J' a Ii'==='1::1 t:'==51'l::J'




ZIMMERMAN'S We will have E lberta Peach. 8 every day lhis week Anti lIext 1'eek Prices very I, wand f r uit fi ne





was.: r

," Sl. olumbkille' Catholic church Eh;hl ('nUl Sundny afle r rrln,lly . I wa~ dedicaled at Wilmington last cl br~ 7th. ,'u ntlay Sd!uol at n.::~o . SU;lday. An immen8t! crowd wus a , 10 ; crill. III :mll H'I" , (()Jlll.l1u~H'n pr~8ent. . at Ilj :~~O ,) Oil lire CU I ulUlly mVlted I to th 'se • '1'\'10' ",," . , , M iss Kathryn Dllk in lett for her home in Hllnnibal, Mo ,. t his morning . ~_'____ _ _ __ _ _ _-, 'he. wi ll s top in Cincinnati for a t wo , days' visit.


Wa ynesv ille Lebanon Lebanon Fra nklin Franklin MasolJ M'a son Morrow 1orrow Springboro

rian Medal

l'or Pre~..i dent



Bu), a United States 4 Per Cent Covernment Bond of th e Seco nd Liberty Loan of 191'7. U. 8. Trea~ury will pay you interest every six months, Free of State, County or other local taxes. Unquestionably the safest Investment in the world. The following banks rl'commend these bonds, will take your subscription without charge, and will furnish full partiCUlar. on reques~:

1 Iurmlflit

. Tim ~,la or:' o j \ ayncs\'i!ro havE.' M n. Priscilla ComJ)ton, of Day Lon . re ~i"'(\J IlI1 I •• \·i t .tion f rom J f Ilfhhm tl is thtl guest of relatives. Lod ~·e . 'l :1' I·' " A, • 1 . (}.f H i II ~· boro. t I ' l lt'll their 'e\l te!\1111l1 The rellular · meeting of lhe ~' c lehr ti I. 1('1 "bt,'!1' , nJ. G. On Mo ther's Club will be held FrIday, l'h ul',.day ... "n1 11~ l1(>re w ill h 1\0 'Uctober 2:80 o'clock. l!.'(clIlpliticution of th.> , Iu"t"r's d c· ~r e. un,l 011 fo'r hl aty n·de. lIca tion 1 1\1 d"1 'G M k I "r t hl tempit! Ity the (IJIiCllrs f lite r , nn 11 r~ . e.orge ar s. w 10 :I'sn(\ LtoUl;l!. l; l'uno ~1I1s lt! 1' J oel '., huv ,b en .spenu lO.g II couple of. Clor will It,· p~,,~e l1l Bnd fl\lrlrcs~ the w cks vacatlQII, arrIVed hom e Mon· ~hl · OtW. ) is pl'u lmLle Lhat " vernl fluy . ftom herl! will ullend. MHrshal1 Haines, who has been con· fi ned lo the house f or the past thr e weeks. w ith iline: . is ahlc t~ be out IIga in.








ONS Will





One &0 t he tllOt thllt the new ,S50.UOO ooJlaenm will be dedloated S on aho opening Dtght, " hal been , deolde4 abaS any deooratlaDa In this \)ulldlDIl will be IInpe,fiolaJ, aDd out atda ot the arann. !lnd box98 b eing oroamented with tern~ 'and b"y treeR; there will b e DO oahln deoora&bns. The jndges: 8.and \0 the oen · I!J ter of the ureDa will be flUlld WIth bellutl L l out flow~ rll, Amerloan 6 efl u"e3 nnd "M.ums" predomln&_ /tog . . The deoorll.tlons of ihe seven bJllldingll In whloh the maoWnery exblblCe will be dlsplnyed, will be I!J s imilar all far 1108 arohltee'nral !truo . tures will permit. 'l'be overhelld iFLOWERS girders will be RrIloefully draped 1'1 red, whUe bnd blue bootIng, wUh You and your friends are cordially invited whether the Amerloa n fl',,, predomlDI1t\nR IIDd t be allied flags represented you, w;s~ to purch~se or not.' Tbrongh tbe oenter of 'he buUd. • foga; ornl,lmentul pll1l8tefl will be 'We will give double Cedar . S~9mps on all cash purpilloed, with plastlo nrne, potled with DI1turl11 evergreenl. Tbe chases during Friday and Saturday, October 5 booths wIll be separated by newels Queo'ed by band raile, all axeouted .nd6. I n green aud wblte. L\ 11 of the ex blblts wtll be fUf. nish ed with u niform 81gn8, wah or. i 'c nnment .. 1 tops, wUh amaU ehllllds WI s nepended on whlob wll. be 'he Dumber of tbe ' bOlltb wbloh wHl eOllbl.. vlaitor8 to readily find any . " partloular exhibIt they wish to see, '1'bo autvmobl\e building will h"ve Il Dew orentlon In tbo deoorative art. I,he atsles belDg outUned with hlte. orDlimental column", surmo nted wlth 'a 13 Inch globe. The ligna will be suspended from tbe colDmbS In t he rear of 'he exhlblt8 on extended We have in stock, ' everyth,ing kept In a braokelll, allowlD.:;: two slglll to eaoh exhibitor. first-clas!! Harness Shop. The bulldlog to be Ulled all a reet auran~ wUl have tile appearance of "Japllnese Tell Room, the oolumn6 , bel~~ inade I)f d .. rk a'ained lum ber, wUh the tiled overhllnging roof 110 ~vell knowu 1.'0 add.o the effeot, t~,e will be ,1apaneae lantBrne ,ue pende1" uodernllllth. ' Tbli newels separating the &18188 will ltJ[~wI8e f-! ____ ___~IIIJI! exeon.ed In 'he lame da," affect. I, • , leteerlng be Jap. 'rhe anelesigns also.aod , All ot the wlJ] oottle and - ft. V horae lIarns wlJl be artlstloally dec. orated and draped , In their varioDs oolors. Rose-Women, Children, Men '....•', .. .. . , , . . .. 100 Tbe entire 1I0heme of deoura'iun Ie Gloves-Men, Women, Children ....... _... , 15c-lOe oe" and will make a moe' pleasln" aod ar\l8'lo e1Jeot 'turkish Towels"large·size . , ..... " .... . .... ,' .. : IOc Tbe'sn.raneel to "III 1P'0nndi .nd buUdlng. wlll be ',,,oeformed 11; the , Men's Neckties............... ,. '... , .. '. . . . . . .. lOe 6 qt. Gray Enameled Kettle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c oee of • new decorative ' 10heD\e. The main and au'omoblle,entranoe' SCh00'I B ags ......' , , . , . ,'. , , , , , , , .....•• "" '••) '. .. lOe will be maplfloen'ly deoorated by .. B00 -" ks , , ", .• , , , . , , . . . . . . . . . .,....~ t.,••• , , lie C omposition the nee 0 ' hUle oolnmn., ,00 top of Lead Pencils .............. . .. ; , • : ., 5c-2 for ·ac; "bloh will be flail alld bun'ln,. At , tb. .pproaabea will be' Curtain Rods, just the kind you want. , : , , . , . . .. lOe IwtU .......ll• •U1umtnated, .\,11 of &)le Candy, new and fresh. per lb .. , , , ... '.' . . . . .... , 2Oc: bnllQllmR8 ,"111M! reaohe4 b7 covered tmlJu. 10 'b.' vlallon Will ' be pro. i _-:--:-:--::_____ _____~:-:-_--_ .-__tec'e4 frOID poaalblll ·tDo181Du' ~1.11It In W. VII......."eather. 'I'll. /lfODD411, ".aD ADd fD I ~ I DD _- ..IIxtedOi .fU11UDlDlSe4., lhll botldlDla wlll be _ ...·..... IUU1A IU\I\ 01110 _ _DI .. _ _. ._ _ ____ _ __



mFred's FaU Opening Thursday aDd Friday


October -4-5




~~s~:ELADIES lf


faill ' ,

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,. I Harness

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Shop .

B. .E .



.. --.... ---.. __ THE ' 'Sc, 1-0c' ,AND' '25c" STARE




IL' r


Whole Number 8448


Sixty-Ninth y;ear

liRSONAl "

COMPANY E MOOiif FORMER CITIZEN ---- --- - VISITED OLD HOME lEAVES LEBANON l-Haclng- at Oakdale ·Saturday. Waynesvill e residents were made FOR CANTONMENT Gt'Orge Reynolds. of Lebanon. was happy Monday by th e visit of an old


A number of you n ~ people from One ot th e most Rucce88ful Rallv hare attended a dance at Harvev@· Days in the history of the M. E. burg Il!.!!t .Thu r-Hrl ny evening. T he church wa. planned and carried ou t party r onslsted fl f Mr. and Mrs B in town Thur~day e vening. residel'lt. Mr Wash Ir vin. uf Chicago. on 'Sunday IBI!t. When the secreta· H. Kelly. Mr, and Mrs. Russel Younce The Men of Waynellville held a . . Mr. Ir win. in r.ompany with .Mr. ry.'s report wal! r ead It was found Mary Sali bury. Helen Marlatt. Ern- very fi ne meetin g at the l\1 asonic Official notice from the Chicago J 0 Cartwright spent p~rt of l ~st Jamt's Allison. of t Illci nna ti. made that one hundred and ninety. two per- mor Bailey ami Ethan 'nlntl headquarters watlgiven to Co E 1st week in Springfh!ld on a busmess trip. the rounds of Wa 'r, ' ~ ville and in· Hall Tuesday e"ening . About 100 Reg., tor marching order and the 60n8 were present. members were present. and after a cidental lY dropped 1111 " the Gazette (,;ompany left Lebanon Tuesday The oldt'stof these was Mrs. Phoeb Mr. Bnd Mrs. Chus Shults und nile oy ter slew supper. prepared by Mr. and Mrs. Myer and to pay their respect.> . Although Mr. morning for Lalonia. where they daulrhter were Dayton vi~ltors Sun· Irwin is far past our aQ;e and left Smith, who has been a member of fllmily entertained at dinne r Sunday. t he Eastern Star. was disposed of. were jolnt>d hy the rest of the regi· day. tho Home Department ever since its Mr, and Mrs. J ohn Me lure and th·! regular meeting wu held. A . Wliynesville many ycars ago. we are ment and entrained for Montgolnflry, organization Th e youngest present dau g hter . Mr. and Mrs . Charles Me great deal of busln esswa8 transacted . old ~nough to rem ember that he was Ala. They will arrive at their delti· wa, the nine weeks old BOn of Em . Ci ure and children. Mr. lind Mrs. After the busin ess was disposed of R"v. D. 8. Palmer has resigned a form er citizen. and his visit with nation about Friday aiternoon. Sev· hia charge at Ferry and will take up I us carried both t.hrough several erson and Mary Ea rnhart, a member Will McClure anrl daughter. Mr President Hartsock introdulled Mr, of the Cradle Roll. and Mrs. Stanley Smith and dllu R'h · l)ea n E. Stanley. of Lebanon. and he eral from llere went to Lebanon to work in Illinois. years. Me the hOYII off. and the crowd The mother who had the most ter. of Cincinnati; and Mrs. Eliza descri bed the taxa lion q uestion to Mr . Irvin ITIllde t he remark that pthered at the train gave them a members of her family present was Miranda and daugh tllr . lhe satisfaction of all. His subject The harnes!! racing at Oakdale the f1r~t money he eve r ear'n ed .wlll! Mrs. Hardin, and the class h~ving hearty farewell. was t reated from everv angle. and Saturday afte rnoon promisell to be f n.r .bemg roller boy ~n the old Miami) Last ·Wednesday Col. Galbraith. some event Ue V1ere. tht' greatest numher of visitorB Willi MI!I!I Gwendolen Merr i lt spen t liS one man daid . I know more about VISItor. earning a dlln e each week. Captain Heintz and Major Daube. the "Herean CI 88~ • No. 12 Twenty· a few daYll with her relati v('s. an d on how to pay my ta.xes than 1 did . He drifted to Cincinn ati. and was accompanied by the lilt Regiment ty·one visitors were present and Saturday evening. Miss Ki zzie ~ e r ­ befo re 1 came to this meeting. His Mt W HAllen orrlve.l employerl in di l ft! r~ nt cap3citieR M d bahd came to Lebanon, and spent eighteen membere of the class. rltt invited to dinner. Mr . J . O. ta lk was well receiv ed. r'Tahn d s . t'no~n after Fpend. there. but more especlI1l1y em news· the d·ay. A rain nellrly spoiled ev h. orne Special mu~ic for the day was pro- Cartwright and family. Mr . and Mrs, .Iudge J. A. Runyan. of Lebanon. ure ay 1\ • n the pBper work. when he was ,'ailed t o erythlnll, but the bOY8 went to work IlIg ten days very pleasantly I Chi cago to go into the Inter O.::ean. vided by Mrs. Ray mond Davis. a solo Howell Peirce. Mrl!. Rachel Keys. WI!.!! nexl introduced. and he spoke and had . their drill The c>lonel East. by Miss Mary alisbury and a male Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell . Mr. and of the second Lib erty Loan. His where he was employed for seve ral made the boys a speech after it Willi Quartet composel) of Messrs Earn Mrs S L. Cartwright, Misses Mar· remarks were attentively listened ~o. years. all over. and he said that it wali the hart, Elzey. Rogers and Raper. The tha Burnett. Emma Cal'twrigh t and and as he was thoroughly conve\'ll8nt The audience always roars with Many reminiscences were re m ~ m· finest drill he had ever seen InBide or laughter when Tom and Lily are be red and t old by Mr Irvin. and his mUBlc was much I'njoyed by all. all Edna Janney . with his subject. he made it very outside of the regiment. Thia com- married . At School Aditorlum, visit to the Gazette offi ce was indeed ! ~ was also the talk by the pastor. The plain what was' the duty of every pliment was received by the boys 8 o'clock. For the benefit of the v er~ pleasant. Whatever tJle lerms oCpeace may I,e school bell'ina the new year's work Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock. of American citizen in regard to buying with great aatiafltction Waynesville Branch of the Red t:ross. The gentlemen vi sited Miami Ceme· lfter the war. America will be fll ily with an unusually strong corps of Valley View Farm entertained last the bonds. . " Last Thursday the bOYR went to The president next called on J. tery, and Mr. I rvin was vel y en · prepared 10 ulbmi t to the confercnce offi,cers ';Is CollowK: Suhday. Mrs. Mary A. Wise. of , baals (or negolintions. This im pnrtthe Hamilton County fair. where S~perlntendent. Fred Hartsock ; Waynesvill e; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Warren Woods who made a few Mr. and Mr3. Emmett Penquite thusiastic in hill praise of that beau· ant work has alreatly heen begun and they executed one of their fltle drills and tiful spot. He was surprised . as Col. House. personal fr iend andl act , ASSIstant Superint endent. 1.ladora Costello • ..Mr. C. R. Costello, Mr. Ed. remarks. Mr. McKinsey. of Cleve· family. of Mason, were the Sun· They pS88ed the fla~ and got some day afternoon guests of Mr. and well as plealled. that the graves of Wa~d; Secretary. Mabel Salt~bu:y; C. Kelly. of Covingtou. Ky .• Mr. land. who is In the county in the ~hor to Pre ~ident ' '1 ilson, is the ' mnn thing over SSOO for their meBII fund loved ones were so well cared for by who is directing it. He 1m h C. 1 se· ASSIstant Secretary •. Helen Dm~ld. and Mrs T. E . Cummings, Mrs. interest! of the bond Issue. alao Mrs., C. F. Crawford. Thill, indeed. was a very good ahow the association. and said the Miami lected to organ ize a comm it··· of e1is · die; T~easu,rer, Franc~s Janney;. PI!ID Winnie Mason and children. Mrs. made a few remarks. Mr. NewInll. and it will help the bO'y8 quite wa':! the finest cemetery In the state IInguish ed American fcicn ti' IS, CC NI 1st, Altce Carey; A ssl~tant PlUmst. Cora Macy. of Xenia; and MissClarll kirk, who was present. and who Is Henry King IItopped off here for a outside of the large ci~ies. omls!! and historian s. whose 'a.k \\'il a bit. Mrs . Mar~8; Ch o rl8t~r. RUBBeli Hawke and Miss Edytha Macy Of interested in selling a Chautauqua Hu~h RidlCe. who waB here Mon couple of daya la8t week. after vl!it· . The gentlemen returned to Cin· be lo-g~ th e r ,l ata tim! lI'il\ he a I):" ;; cour ••• also made a talk. Younce; PrImary ChorJster. Huel Lebanon . • . ________ day. haa been transferrod back to ing relatives In olumbus, He re- cinnatl on the evening train. where for dlsClIssioll ; not Ih3\ the l !': '1. Salillbury; Orchest.ra Leader. Grace Rev. J. F. Cadwallader made a expects nn\)' r c:,ec. or t I " . DaviS; Librarians. Raymond Conner Company E' much to hill delight. al turned t.o his home at Lebanon Fri· Mr. Irvin will visit for several days Slales motion that the Men of Waynesville Col. House will II ccc<~., ri h· re"rr c , . Mr. and MI'II Guy Kibler delight · indorse the tax levy that will be he i. very proud of the work the day. and then spend some time with his this cou nt ry at a prace ·rn1lf .. ·c c'·. and Kenneth ijough ; Primary Supt .• fullventertalned a party of young voted on at the next election. which boye have been doing. Mrs . Frank Farr; Cradle Roll Supt" sister. Mrs. Martha Dodson. in In· Put his se!cctiro n mnrks t : ,,~ l ' c~ill n ' ll : The' boys are all anxlou8 to get The Old Maul Aunts and the dianapolis. ,f the orepar:u ion of Amr :"jl~""1iI: "n r Helen Marlatt; Home Department people at their country homa near was heartily carried. away from Lebanon. as they 8ay the Ba ;helor friends will be there. Don't The meeting then adjourned to Supt. Mrs. Cross; Missionary SuPt. • Lebanon }I'riday evening. Thel!e present from Waynesvillfl meet In November. when the Gleo night. have belln very ~elling on them mi88 their performance at the Tom Mrs. Raper. were: Misses Alice Carey, Helen Mar. Club will haye entire charge and en· .lthough the camp · h. bfien verr Thumb WEdding Oct. 12. at the ------ -. latt. Jeanette. Frallces imd Louella tertain the club. free from sickneu. especially b,!ld School Auditorium. Janney. Mabel Salisbury. Bess Smith coldll. ....-~-Meears. IrvinII' Welsh, Howar!tGue· -. K~nn4 th Ridge. who is emploYlld tin. Van Retallick and Kenneth by the Goodrich Tire Co.. and wbo HOUKh. hall been located at Detroit, hall been Tbe b:st Stoves tranaferred to Saginaw. Mich ,where _ . and Ranlres in this part I)f Ohio, and . The twin farmll belonginll to Wm. About forty .five' guests, membera he ia in charve of their office In that In a:letter from. Mr. W: R. Sprelgel the prlce8' are l~w. 18 1 boulf~t them Hay on the upper Springboro road, of Mrs. Geo. Marks' SundaY'Bcbool city. he 88YII be bas JUBt returned f~om ' before ·he lut two.adval~cea In theM and conslstlnlt of 165 acrea were cllUlll, went to t.he home of Mr . and I will handle the B. ~ C. Special Chicago where he took the eltamma· good.. Dont .f~lt olt, ~llhb: are Bold last week to Mr. Bock. a banker, Mrs Ernest Butterworth laet Friday f!lllt, an e nhextldw d ven' of Dayton, Ohio. The deal waa made eve~lng The merrv party took Cakes ataln. Anyone wishing any tion for an aviator. He pSB8ed ' Iroing . them. and J d f or mush hllther. At teo A B etan. SIDES by W.N . 'Sean . . welners .With after arriving lpeelal kind, leave your order by ~o k t h e o~t h an d IB now .r ea} hIS country I call. He Will. make a . ' . , ' . • ~ . at ·the Butterworth home. went to Whittier Burnet, ion of our town&Following la the program for },he Wednesday 'mornlng, and] can get . the woods. where a roaring fire was man. O. J. Burnet. wrltel us from rat.. Saturday afternoon at Oakuale you moat anI kind )I.Ou would like. fine aviator BS he.\s capable III e V ! l r y . t Ie now situated. at Martm's The racet Will only, c?l you 16e .MIII Proba~co spent Sunda, built and the welners ' cooked. way. He hia home In Norwood. Ohio. and en· Park, The program ie a aood olle Th,y lire fine cakes. Try them: Ferry, Ohio, ~here he IS ~eachlnll. admission. Cheap, Ian tIt? wI·h relallv" in Wilmington. Toaeted marllhmallowB and other clolas a circular wblch he haa caused . Mra. W. C. Philhps. and the races ought to be fait enouah good things were hali. and all had a to btl iBBUed admonishing the c!tizena to Illeurl! a aood afterlloon'a aport. fine time of hiB city and Cincinnati aa foUowa: The track hu been overhauled and "Bor,e meat i8 being aold in Cinwill be faat if the weather does not Sunday, October 7th. Mr. Earl cinnati where the breweries are Wlllltintedere. Sherwood, of Martz Avenue. Day· ing arain and cattle feed . Stop It Free tor All Trot or Pace ton. W88 nearing the 34th mitelltone lind help get out the dry vote:" (lreen Pace .............. Purse $6.08 On the back of the circular Is a pain life's journey. his wife. 688isied (Y. mile heau) by her Bon, Chaster. planned and ex· lm, entitled. "The Hunger Call," Mixed Trot and Pace Purse It 00 ecuted a decidedly Buecl88ful sur· whicb splice forbids us to reproduc~. . (~mlle heatB) prise. Wbile Mr. Sherwood was at The poem resds particularly of the ' -There it no entry fee for th~ church four auto loads d~ve UI> and hunger of our foreign countries, and rae.., every- bol'8e is welcome to en took possession of his home and laid that these countries are calling OD tar. out a dinner 8uch 81 th~ Sherwood us for bread. while we keep our oatil BeeJd. theee barDha races Mver· women havea faculty for getting up . and barley and brew them into beer aI auto eventa will take place, These The SUI prlll8 W811 complete and the for our own consumption. auto events are ola special character dinner-well It W8I devoured and at --_ IDd are novelties. You will be in · a late hour the party left for their t....ted in thelll lit any rate. respective homl!8. wishing Earl many G8IIOline Teet-f'or the machine run· happy returns. The followinggtieatB were prasent: E. C. Jeffery and wife. J!j. A. Jeffery and wife. Will Kersey IlaPi Speed Race qainat Time ..... and wife. C. H. Sherwood and wife • ......... ......... ........ ..... ,Purae S10 00 Walter Baily and wife. the Mi88e8 Entrance fee ..................... 11.00 M. E. CHURCH Ruth Allee. Dorothy Mildred. Esther (Fou~ entries reaul~.) ____ . -- 'irit~1 Elaie ie ery. MrR . WillIam 'lb_ racing event. are eure to and Lewis Jeffery. " . " Joe pl. .e . The admiaaion la 10 amall and Willard Kersey, Min ynt;~~~~:~:3~~:~i~~~~_ _.1"-';'~~~1 that eveu.body ouaht to come ouL Kereey. Miss Elizabeth Clark.Eve Mitlll: aodaeetbem. Ellen Sherwood. Mias Margaret Ed· ~-~.----~ wards, Mr. H. B. Sherwood .






------.. ..------



---- --.



.. ..------


~:~~ .~~~~~:.~~.~~.~.. ~~~~~



.- .


Wben the officers of the local bnncb of the Red Cl'088 were elected they were empowered to appoint three ottier members with them· lelve!t t.o constitute an executive committee. They have performed that dutl Uitl tbe committee now ltandl:I. O. Cartwright. Chairman ,Dr C. G. Randall, VIce-Chairman\, Mn E. V. ·.Bambad,iJeeretar,. W. H. Madden. Treasurer MI'I. Emmll' Ellis ·Mra. Walter McClure Mill Stl/lla. DaUlI'heriY

Radiaforfreeze-ups Clnd the damage

If yQU drive the ". --- .




eannlna ~f the Wa,.n" .tile' Gannlnar CO., will be finished tomorrow. The ' eanninll' hu been Yel'J' srood, notwithatandlng the backwardn_ of the ..-on and the com . . . the beat b. ever bandIed In Wa,n.ytlll, and lurplJII ba. almOlt all bean diapoMd of. While the .f acto.,. w.. bedl,. hand, lapped·on acCount of acarclJ7 of men ,et the, Inllbed the IbIOD in sood Mape. 'lbe total amount of eannlnll . . . a little bit·~r. than form~rly.



the)'~o, wontlJQ/~QI'



.- .. -- .......

.... .



W. baveaJar&e atock COD;1-. lag iD'. several gradeI. Come 10: ad look them over. It Will pay p .



NillaU!!ent:h Sunday after Trinity • . .HIH;;ttH------+YewlMll~4,'n. Sunday Scbool at 9:30 a. m ; Moroin. Prayer and s!rmon at 10:80. The public cordially Invited to theee aervil!88. .

J.. B. Cbapmu; '


Wa,nesvUl" Ohio.



There is something keen Iy Inspiring In the measured tramp of mar'c hing Boldier feetl the dun of khaki and the glint of snouldered rifles. Some· thing that brings a lump to one'8 throat and a mlstine~ to the IY88. Som.thlng that stirs one's loyalty to the traditions of our fathers and the Ideals of our country . Something that quickens the heart throb! and seta the blood pulsing at a lil/lier pace. Something that loosens the pUrse stripg8. • . Were it possible to line up the American public aloni t he road to Fran!!B. wil~' the khakI claJ IOldler boys marchlllJl( to. A.rmageddon, the need of further appeal In behalf of the Liberty loan would vanl.b In a twinkling. . In Paris the enthusiastic !o'rench. men fairly covered the path of the first detachment of American troops with flowers. And a thoroughly aroused AmeriCan 'Q8Opl. would clutter the lin. of march knee deep with ten dollar blll•. If you ha.-en't _n .Uncle Sam'e champions of 'Uberty in uniform to the nearest training camp look them over. The pun at your heart strings will looaen the Irrlp on ,.our pocketbook. It wl\l make clearer your . duty to buy a Llbert.7'bond •


.. .-.



DONT FEED YOUR' .WHEAT TO HOGS Tbll newa came to our oftice thill week that leveral ' boa ralael'l were f8l!din" their ' wbeat to::so . This-d ' rumor oes not lOund to us, and it it alDeerely hoDed that It haa no fouod.lltion • • With the call of'the government for wheat to help feed thebunlJry. world thl"winter,lt looD .. thouab no rlaht.mllided man ould do .uch • tbh . wI be b 08· h t may ·. t at the w eat w.. spoiled in lOme manner. In that e&te It mlaht . be justifiable to feed the araln ,t o the hogs. but if the wheat I. In ~ condition · and ma~ ketahle1 for tbe sake of humanltr do not reed It to the hop. • - • >

Don't plan to do anything Saturday afternoon but attend the racea 'at Oakdale. The, WJIl interest ,ou.


-. '.

Cement Block.


l'l~}oI t

1' "

l!ul 'h .

11:\(.1 110. lt11.111);:111 IUl hUllut:ot. nntl




I ..








me she dCr~IIUlcd Ulld '·UII 1111'0 11811 th1s .toor, .hllllllllll ~ II lIll 1,),' klulllt utter hcr. It In.b II~CI ('.ij to t .. ~' W 8%IlIIIIJI hl 6 fright lied f.,11111 I • I " Iu-


t o quiet ·tltlo. JUDe Mo.rks VI:I J. W Mllrlt~. 111\. mooy . 'barles '. Mootl~~ '\'d O. E Butob n 'uoua 1lIIIurll r my "Islt, 8 1) I I"&MIlt· 1\ ttnohmont : frnlllcd . 1 WI1~ uboll[ to PIlI'IAke 'of InsoD, money 80W ot I.b f.ll">l1 I ( QIIIIII 011 lhe tao amolln' oln1"w d, $450 11Dd Interest .

b lo th om 'll'hl'lI ( hOllrd I ho kro~' being cor tully \I' It h.lrn 11"11 (mill the Iud. un tbl! other s .. lc. Qu"'k tl,q' n 11".h I

1\. Muruey



.A.fior I hlld Hllt'd In~' I\ln ~~ \I 1111 •• Uttle Ulltlllu t ed nlr I pldwd III' 11 1,,:,"".1 'WNnch to 118 118 n \\"~ 'llh'" . ,11,,1, ,II rectJilg 8lll to urnl IIlm " I'i f 111",\\ I, ..

aDd tollow Aa Qult>lly I\ S p.'s/llil lt'. I ~"I lIut Up tbe pII1h lelHUnll fI"'lIl1 II", ,1.,,'1(. 'Wblch doubtless cmlcllnl Ih e Ihllllllli!" don domIcile. .A. tum or th(' f'nlh I 'I''' \I ~III U8 III nnre wltb an ItluDllulI l C. 1 "ill.I"II" . I led tbe waY 011' rrom I II I' 1'111 h "'HI tlIrG\Jgh tho 8!1ru hher)' I" n p"sl ll" 11 1l00r the bOll8e, but n IlIlh' III tI~ ~I , I l' ot the window, Olaarl, It wns up 10 Ill!! t o 1",,1, It, aDd see what was In I hll t """111. '1 crept to tile l ower corner or 1111' win· dow nnd quickly rlllsed nly bl'lhl ~ o to brlog the Interi or or tho with In range of ono eye.



~ho Inmp sbowed .url"Otludlll):"s 1\1111 tllnllture ",blcb Ilroclolmcd I lIo room 1o te the kitchen. , I crept. bllck to 8111. "No 00. III alaM," I reported. ''TbeI'e ill aome ooe In thero 1. wont to 8U~ pdIe. to plAT a joke on, 80 I nm gam. to break til the d oor." "Ba, bal" laughed Bill. " S be s hall

'fer, tunny yoke."

the door. whJch

wu a ao1l4 ODe ot pllliD wood With DO



Q1Hlst l(lll , 'Wb)' do peoplo wit hll rn W lli" h'y", (""" .. ",ked doon< ?' 'J 'ho UII Hw ,.. r 6 1 rll c k mu In· stantly. '811 thnt tb c;\' mnl' looll thn ,ugh tbe 11l'~' holes , or cn ll n!.' 1 l"(OCO\lel'l"'(j lil Y n~tulIIe . \YlIh oue boulI(1 I jllllll"'cl to th •., d, " ,r 111111 put my thumIJ m·o r tho kf'y hl I," \l'h~re It hllH bee ll a l' er ~ llI co." " tlre ly YOII hOI'(' hoonllhe tl'lOllholl c

p,roceedlnas , EVf\ E. WUllijme VII Llluro. E, Barkruder et al . Partition ot roul estate ordered. .

EdUh WBlt~8 va Vernh, Wnlles dl voroe g ran ted Rod o ustody 0; minor bl ~r1 Is J(rDnt:od tu plnint l ff

until further noMos, Blirry L. Harding VI Ellzllue l,h W . Hu11'01'd. I:l . L Hllrding, 118 r e oeiv e r, II! itven Butllorlty t o borrow 80m of $11,5U O wttb wbloll to PIlY off oertaln notlll . I" fer .

holl rIIl IClng." "Yes. It hR8 b een DlflklllK 1111 Dal rn ckot p\"er s Ince I IIr rl\"(~I, hut bow could 1 1~1I"e my pust to IIlIswer IU" Do b elpl£l8sly WII\' OO hI. frC'! band 10 tho dll'odlon or thl' k~yll!ll e, "00 bl Stopl" he yoUNI. jl'rkllll! blH thumb 0'11'0; 00,1 dRn clng \1p 11 11 IlIoWlI rranUcnUY·

"Wbot baa hn )1pcllc(\ 7" "811& jllbbcd a \1111 ln to illY Ihumb. I'm blelllling t d~nt!J. Pll t ,"our thumb ol·tir tho keyhole II millule \~' 11110 I Iwear." . I WII8 nIJout to do thlll. f, lOlI" h 118 It waB, when tller(, WIIS t hc ~u\11111 or II

rille shot s Olllo tl' h('re oUL- lel p, 1111 11 Ill. most sl U\ulll\lH!O \I ~ l y tbe lom p whlc.-h I h elel teU flpurt III Ill~' hllllll 111111 ,'rnsh· ell t o the 1.11 r. "Hft, hll, hll '" 1[1l;j.lhl'lI Hill .ruhnsoll tn tho .hu'knes@.. " I StlO tho \~o l\ ' now" "Wllllt hUIl!,cnc'!?" (,llIlr ~1~1 ... 1l. . "Sowe oue s hot out the IIl;ht."

Probate Court In lhe mlltter of the guardiunsillp ot Andrew GurrlHon, minor, LueUIt Is oppointed. Boud 1200. {<'ruok Sklnoer, 8dmr. eto. Vd Alloe L. Gregg et u1. AI)pralsemont IS Ilpproved lind court orde r! publiO sale of real estate. 'l'he will of Elizabeth A. Kirby, deoeased, t. ndmlUed to prob&te, In tbe matter of the est.i"te of Bay1l8 N, Settlemyre. deoeased . ID. ven,tory and apprlllsemeDt are filod. In tbe matter of the A8tate of ItII.IB 0 Mull, decea ~e d. Inventory and lip· prol8ement filed .,

""' bnt rorl" "I can't lmn g ino."

. . . . panala. Any furth er COlI l" c .... ntio ll II"IIS cOL "Ooal4 70U knock that olr tram Ita short by II ~cott.ertllg (us l\l nd or abol:8, II.tI:Iae- I wbJIpered, some ot whlcl1 cOllie throu ~h tile WIll, "I bet."' Bm JePUed; "easy." dow. as we could l ell by I h" IllIklo of


.....U theD.

Get ready.


't wo, threel"

gl88S. ''ThIs Is al'ogulur nttn k,"

'lair rna}' Orubl Btu epraD, at the d oor. u4 havo boon 011 egoll6ticnl n s~, hut i It rllllllwar4. musl g h'o him cr ld lt for n ot showing I ltaPPed aeroaa the threshold and fear UIICI\)I' Hre. "Whnt s hull 1\'0 d07" ......184 DIJ" monkey wrench Uke n ...




)'Our handlll" I


maD4*t To IIIJ lurpr18e, I round thnt 1 wu 1144reit~ a 'Wlililkored tndlvldulIl clad .. wblte IIWlmming Ughts ollly. wbo wu bIlabel Up .ptmt a door In n tar COI'IIet' or 'the room. Be threw up ODe ban4, IIMptD, the other ODe beblnd bIm. "Up with the other bund !" 1 "bouted, "II4~aftC)ln. ,into the room to set n better Yliiw ot lta occupnnt, but keeping eut. ftc~DU1 tn the shade ot the Inmp 80 tbat the nlftl nature 01 my weallon wODltl Dot be lmmedlatllly evIdent. "'l'brow up your other hand I"

", . can't." lAid my prisoner atubbomly. "O&II·tl" . I




''Wb7 ean't you '"


. . . .uae I've trot my thDmb onr ~ aD4 there ill a womm on the GtbaP ~ tJ7il!. to peek tbrouah I" I poabbe4 ~Jamp from the tabla &JI4 beld it eo the tuU feU on Irla


8. Olatrl" 1 eltclalme4. "I l4m1t that I 4Jd 1I0t expect to be J'ICOIIIIt.e4 In tble Island wlldenlel.... be bIPD pompousl,.. careful to Pltte1I1ate, bowevar. onl)' wIth ble tree ~ "but wby Ibou14 I not be .. well .. aDywbere 0180'" . "BeeaOle 'When 1 18'111' you laIl


yHAPT~R XV. A Olaappolnted Sheriff.

we ha,'o



Oil)!), IlIlC~' .1. ~urf,' n t o II vit I Morrl~ 'c l1 ltiTI! fur th e Intlrm ry iSH.GO: til:! I\(' rol>l III ~IAll!lle ,, \\"n~bill , '1. . l HI til ,·s Wil liam Gemrd. OUtlt~ Hor, co F.. I '/")IIITlI' t Il\ll rll Iii. I :;; 11.10. 'ollln ll :-16 "nr,'~ III M" Iii l ow n'tllliid Tt)() I\con~nt~ of t be two depOSit". . $7£1. . I ril'". I,he Le bllDon !\nd 'iMl'ooo's N'I. Melv lo (tiM] " to 1l'~i1Dk 1I1l1llCk ! tron 1 blluka, were lIudl totl flod I'lift of I"t L ll . 27 In PI /lA[U L PI:lill .1fo utld oorreo~ Olli • :\\ I I, b:d «"lITrl 1'. D rob lw l Wil li 1111 w d '. I:~ 3 II ~ dfllllA g d!< n n d cOtl1peu~lI tl l)U J M. ,tIIU 0 rn Ulaucy to b: .. rl I n Iii" 1lIf1tt.orofthll obllnj!lngR 1Hl 0 1 B eywood ~nll.(\ wIfe 10L :-i o. 12 .10 ~erlDg o f 1,110 Uxford roud In Frllok j lin townflhll) , 1:'1 ufl8nt I Ibln. OhiO, . I El i~1 1 ,A . Ente r 0 11 t o .I . 1" . 11l\d Olll ril M $hIDI.lo uti lut W norcs (n i:luIDllt.)o t ll wnijl1tp $1 ' Wm . und l!:1 1I1 Hhlrel e u t ll . Lt Optometrist MoCoy I.nd ': L-I . Fllirl y 23~ . :!t\ IIo r "8 Eyes tested free iu MIl@s'l e towlI s hlP $ 1 \"10/ ar buying all kinds of l'hOm'lH ~ollinR ot ~I til Alina K. grain a nd are paying the very Mlldde-n ubo ut :Iii lIere. iu M, i~, l e hig1.tcst prices the market will t IVnsbl.p $t. we will - - - - Uharl e e G. lind B e~B l o E. l,IIn 10 allow . Remember, .T. M. 'rhomp a ll lot No. 7 it) lllU Y buy any amoUldlt you have t i:lubd lvl slo ll to M& .Oll , O l lt " * 1 f rom on e poun on up, at BernlllD nnd M in\, II ll u<lr loitR I II a llY time "come." Veterlnarv Wm. E,. LlltluPll burgll O~.:J l HOW" III Des rtielu toWII8tJt p, ~ t Younce Bros. Grain Co., Graduate of Obi ~I!I I lJnlversl M .lrgtlfet A . I:lh ee h.1l Lo J hn Waynesville. Ohio. Rhaehllu 2 tr_ ots In 'l'lu'loer colt --- ~----O~' FI CE : towotihip $1. 1.'homl\s 1"lIl1n on 10 D. I!:. 8 lt ?ro th Corner Mllin and Mill Streets


Sole Agent



a t, rll()t ~

ID H eetl'~

Hurvl'y No . 990 uf VlrSIII I'\ M l l1tl.'Y L OLn J ,.,

.L Lwo o'clocle at"'moon. Lho tollo"lD. d ..

8Crll.M.Ni roll l lJIitnto, (,Owlt. ; .. I\.

wrLtllu trlle," of



aJLuate pari', to

tohO CoUIl"Y or Oruou and parLlyl1l lohe Uount.y

01 War",... III .I,e BLate otOhl" . und d_.11Ied foil 'o Uowo: - IO· wl' ~ UohlK ~r' 01 IlooUou 11 ok n In Towu_hlp No.4, .. urI HbOIl'l No, 0 bolWooD ,h. Mlalill JU\'e ... LOd adJolnln. Iho .lIIage ot MI. 1:1 oily : l>otIluolul! ~L ......... 11l

'he Cmcluuat.l . LelJ,lluou UJd XCllla Turn .... ". rolW auLl rormtlr to homoat.ead or G, N. !'ooeo: 'lienee N, IK d"ll ...... au IIIlnu ..... W." cHatna lO • Kt.aku In 'he lOuLh Uuo of a' "")I)- fout. 1110), : t.lumco ,,'JLt, tho 60uth lice uf

TelephoD4' 28

••111 ~Uo)' N. 6V dl!l!"""

Ohio .

Waynesvill e.

clu~tll il


11\.... 111:0 ;


MlIIlluw : ,.Ilolloo B. 1a 11"11 ....... 10 lUluu'.. K . U. ~ l "llnlll~LO a ,_take; lI'enee :; •• 46 d"ll_"







we hod botter SUM' IIU r ," 6014 lair. Sudd lily tho r'~lIlllde ceased, IIlld II momont Intor n "·,,l ·o at

N. ollce . f EIection


tl10 door ex cl Ilhn 00 : "Res lstllll oo Is u .... less. Every corner or tho room Is eov· trtld. John. Bhow n light!" A. bulls 'yo f1ftshed. "Do YOI1 8urrender ?" HI do." 1 promised ~olemolY. . "Humpb! DelperI\te cbarnctoral"/4. elnred tbe vOice In the 9 00rway. Severel men entered amI l1t two kerosene lamplI which Way found In • copboard aDd a lantern wblch seemed to beIOD« to tbelr liartY. Iu the lIIu minD tlon UlIIS II tl'orded 1 oould make out lit lenllt II d zell men of the type wblch IH Indigenous to tbe bench In tront ot tho Ilmnll t ().tI'n grocery store. JUBt nolY, howevor, they were doing lin Imitation ot the vlgt· IaDce commltteo III the third act of "'I'he Vlrgtnlnll." Oue canled a coU of baIt Inch rope. ond nil were orDied



S~AXo. N -·~S I


A big touring. car for five people


Buy· Before the Boom Mo' or Car Prices Sure to ·A dvance·



~.. ~


r-(n,' -u,: .



Buy your Sa:'on "'Six" now and you buy at the b( ttom of a maTket that's going up shortly.

.Lynoh 'eml" y"lIed the m.n who c.... , riad tha rap.. .


w e/lpu1l8, ",hlell TIW ged from ,botgulls \.0 hOI'He plat ·o ls. Qlle, nUt· tie Ilott!'r dresH(!d thtlu tllo r est, cllr·

be [)rucel!llod to aet ull III OliO COI"IW" ot !l.e ruolll. "Yc'rc nrreSl'd," nllnOllllCed the orlglllRI Bllcnlicr, /I ruthel' IH'II I'y set milD w Ith !:l"nY D1t1~tn cb(l1:l or tho trallIng IIr\.JUtliB U' P '. " l 'm tile she rll1'." Ho dI911h'3"0(\ II Ilrllllllllt IIe w stllr pInned to n HIISP()1lI1!'1' l1unl crlng n shirt trODt whlcb ;VRS KII;l" lltly m S('ttlo red by tobacco. " ,~rrI!8 t edr' Cllllr 41l'l1 ull14 le(1. "Whol rled u

a ,,-

80 minnt.U8" 6 9l)c,lJnlu8 to • .eCrIOD cumer ; $1 . 'honeo tI. ~8 lIoy ....." 46 mlnu_ lI: . I n R. J, Shawhan lind A. B Knot ch to u. SlrBko Oil Lbo blnk of • rtvur; muD to MII.ry PU Jj\), lot· N :J. 2 io UN H RT II. 11 1I00rOOt 16 minutoo 111. a.ou BA V By lnorl'lustDg tb e v"lue of I.b e 1II1l. • • n.. A • Chltollll; ~hODceto 8•. •17\.""~ lIe_re ... au ,,, rulllU'eo 1::. Pink View tlu bc1 lv lsion to Le bllDoD, ~ . 'O chalill coroer ,,la,101I Ohi ." $1 . mUll pfl' duoed, oelXlIl Llt floors iu IivP. Notary Public JOIlOl I' theuee .. lIh hlallu6 N. 89 do,.- w. 43U.g mlllll'_ ~.,"11I6 '" 'IIU"CO Ii . 7.N.Oec.A , B.. Kuufll1l\n to R obt ..1. 8huw. stoo , k roO~ u"In" .. w' il r eto r·n II 10 I r enRt W.a O"'"U: O.~ .hlUnl: ,h._ce 67 Ile· iP'IK"I 3U mlDot"" W, 10 eOIUUI; Iheuce S. U b.ul th e ODel l vi(lIHI lInll.hlllf Inlllrf'SI In obtl ot one ,RIll' . Ti ght ~ Iu tllo Willt tlesreoa 10 ''O mlI,I.&IUlug .. u..... W. cl1UIU 10 'h. bOiIlun\llY. 70 •• "'" more u. iD lOIS NOH . i', S, 7 [Iud 17 io Purk fimml ~nve soluhl e )JllIll t food f rom , All lrlndR of Notllry Work eoplll~ ulVay II It doe R wilh arth I Bnd Deedll 8 I:Ip toollll\v . 1_; a.vlo. aDd oxeel,lIlI" tllerefrom lhe • Vlliw ~ubdlvls l o n to Ll'tlll UUIl, $1. floors . . fOllo"IUI{ doocrlbo<l I,,,,mllt'll, CI,·lJIl1 u"ted .. tho UIIII"I, Io·wlt :- u ogillulull at a Ilake ou Mllnure >'\'Q8 IOl'rotl8cd In valoo hy --- thD Wei' IlaDk Ort"O Llnle Mlamllllv"r"boul Commissioner's Pro!;Cedinlts $4 ~8 flol.luu lly for every thool!'lnd 8K pol .. allO'·.... b"wOiIteluIUf'hQMllld.DI. G. B . A:td ersoD , buril,1 of J ohn p::lllnrtsliva weight of tlteers over OR. J. W. MILLER.".f:A~n~b,:i".~....!~~~~~.~~u~,::~~~: Marriae;c Llcensell Doe '3b; 0 , A. J UIIlIlR, T l' jJuhl l1~ tbllt reoov f' red tr onl t1011ll11s III,ILDd . 11: . B,3 1" atuuB neartlJ. h .... " w : Clare noe A. Newton, fiTlimaD IlInd olook I>I l ooort ho08a -l-lUiO; M, A. log 011 eArth U!.'ors tn SBStS oonduot. DENTIST t!:°:;~~~~=':~~~~'"":II~~'t~~~:' Len .. QuiDby. bot·h of Ltlb&non: ed tit 'hn OblO Expl'ritnent ' tntlou ••• ••• Hlleg""" E. 11:, cb.lns &0 a otulle: thOUl... N OC 1I1lI!'-5.1U eIlUUl to 1,,'akO ou th" Olorenoe Alva "Yeazel, drl\YDlRD ( Dt-ho experiments 5 Bteers wa r o om"" In OOUlII bt.llk 01 tbo tall race lhouoo dto.u Lbe and AllOt! Lorllin Alberteon, bOlh of f ed . 'I'h e oo~t o f oo nor etlng Wfl8 N.c1onal B.nk Ohlg . \ 8\>ne.,.lIIe.' 0 1I1I • N. 70 UlIIlr_ U ollnu,... ¥. 1.66 Ltlbl.lDon. Rev, J, R. Bunter. nbu nt " ~".60 "I s. oor . 'l'wo ul ~ ~ IIlontl'J chaloa Italto on III. "I lb. Ibsuca to upa Ihe rh'er N . 46 1I'\lreeo W.rh'er: ~ . 66 . Edward Wilde, bookkeeper of Ci n . CATARRHAL OEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED ft. dIng p rlndd WI)Il111 thp.rel,'Te ·I'" Y ----eballl~. N. tiUdeg~O mluul"" W. SCIJItolII • . tl 11 II 68 008"- 10 1111110"". W, o. n cJllUlII to a oinDal.I, Bnd Mrs. Muude AU ~D~tll by I oelJl I nP IJlio' litlllS, 11 5 I he' til 11110 1 f or t]O "lakO uear Ihe Mill O.m. N. i t ,10/1'_ IU I eXJlen~ .I 01 le oonO I ete Oo ra. Baro68, of LebaDon . .He,\,. Hugh rollcll t.he diSt'llscd POl lio ll "r Ihe e n l. Moch or tbe fArtlltllY vnlue (If In \. 0 mluutOJO W. 2.U5 c1111rt'111 to tb"MglllufDIf L'<lUnorA 18 in tbe hqnld p'lr". whloll III 'oluln. tour alld f{) ~ho f-&1 lIuulll'tldU 1•.•6) Watson. Wllotbor wllh p.,.U0ll8 "I a..cet1alu Tilere i~ only olle ""tty 10 c Ule catoa rhal aWi\ . 1 ' thr l\ tllC ollr lll .... all nr IJalh"af I. 01 a paln'"01\1' lhelllOlll deafness , IIl1d Ihlll Is b y II colis lllll .ioll UI ~1l81 1y on'rrled b ' . .outhorul)' caruer ul .. "ac' 01 I ~ul! .... 1IOd Real Estate Tranllfers remedy . Cnlar,hal DCllln. 'S i~ ~ :II ,sc d uy [I oars ono r AUl pi eVI 'nl s (hill IIoep. NoUco 18 he,oby gl\'Co to Iho OIoct.ortl 01 '01';1 nuo' Nltrlatl "" .. humeolello.1 In IIJ.. CIuFrank A. Bohner to Loe l1o e . n il influ1Ued I'onditiu n 0 1 thr IU liC U ll.!'t lin - ngo, m a king enoh tOil of mllnure I tho WI\Y"" Town.hlp lIunll 81'11001 DJaLrtct. "luu.II &ml xDnl. 'I'U.U~lkO .... Ihoold row,"" o( tho Hlttltehi II T ube . Wlltll th is Dent·h lot ·No. 318 in FraDklln, $1. • illg wor t h more, Dnd I\t 1ho ~lItn ,. I I mfl l g!, ~o,~r ..~ tl~~'~~~~Q~~~~j:~~'~\~~~a ~I~ W~ ~rr;~u or~~I:!'~UI~\II~~';~ ~bJ:;t.t.! lllbe is inflamed you have " l umblillg Is grel\ter Cl.ollntl~ o f tbl s IrlcL nil Ihe . amo lUI .. Iooant uu~ 1I AI.",h I. I9lti. ADna B. and Fred .1. Leight to Ro, sound or im pe rlte t hell dn8", a lll) \Vhr .. It tbere • I1 6TH OAY F NOVEMBER, 1917 IIlltI .....1 eol&lu "OOvo .h,"er/bed be/air IlIu.1.o 10 IIprlull Vallo), Tuwn.hlll Ureoll A. MoCutoheon lot No, 08510 Frank. i, ontfTltly elo d, D.afness is t he reBul\. toll.e r 11, 'OWlty, aliI! Wayne 01111&1111)' Warreu Vllles. tbe , infltlnllll liull Cllll Le reduced • .... nelt .... on th., bounc of tt!30 •. m and 0:10 p.m OoUP\I. 9410. • lin. $1, on ~.I~ day . a' whIch til ... lon lho propoallion S.ld ....1 ... la.o II .. becln al'l)r.1IOO "'be and lllbl! re~toro d to il5 1I0nuul Cllllditi oll Slanley C. WllIoDgbby to Man . whOIIl.r or nl)t au ad,1I1:oDai lOY), 01 lOX'" luw.,or JlUOII.UU allil will 1101 .,,, IOIl.i . , , _ heari ng will ue deslroy... d (on: vcr. MIl11Y for ""hool IlUrpO .... or nut • ..-""",Ihll( I 11111. 'hau .wu-UIINJ. lOt .... Ill &1'I'ral....1 vlIIe Osborn lot No. 29 In Will o u ~ h · cur. o:f lIellfness n rc cOIISC!d by ca la rrh, Onlon8 for Files. for 110t 8XL'OO lIog 0 )'.,. ... Ih.1I be 10,'IUCI In TeMllI ut . v.lo ; '1110-\.11 NJ " ..II un da, ..' by's AddiUon $0 /Sou th LebDn on. " t. which i. nil lnfllltned cUlldit iull of l h... Ir YOll h I"'!' lIy Jlockg ("I ynur p Ic- llojd d18trlu' w,lI be lubmltLod to "0108. .aIa .nd IIw IInlauc'U III I"'u "'Iual 11111,,,,1J. o. CAn 'I' w Ilia lI 'r me" .., paYllhlo III '\llu 141111 'WlI yUAr' "'Ipao· Everett Peor8on to W, W. ShorU mliCOUl; sllrfac~s . Hull'. CUl ll rrh M.di· tore - 11·IIIlH'~ . I"ub II fr!' hl~' ut row 1'"",llIolI\. nr tho 110. -0 ot I£lIucl. ~~~~ ....... 1Ire« \.)y ' '0' 11""'' '-41'' Iho ,1"",,1_ part of lob N08. 81l and 00 In South dll" a.!!ls I hru ug h Il le hlood IHI tbe mil· onion 0," ('1" I hem. Or gral"e th e onion ond 111'1'1" tho juice with U SOf.t brush . ..1"nu hlp Ilural J , II P~N Og, Leba nOD, Ohio; a1eo II emtlll trno~ in cous su rfaces of th e sY$ lem. I>IBtrllth"Way_", c. of WarronT"wll. t:oUII~)' Ohl" ' \\ C 111111 give One HlIndred Dollurs for Union townsh.lp, $1. to both plctu r un,1 fro me. ThIs will u , " A... AdmluMral.Ur 0 '11.8 u n y cast ot C"tarrhnl Denflle.s Ihn t can· not 0 II I 111 r .. , v IlA.IlN IIAR1 . ""talll'll I<lullOr ilarEdith Wagner to L . B. and M. N. nOl be cu red by II " U' s ClItarrh Mcdirine . I y preven . CII rom Oll glltlng 1 Clerk ... Ilbe Do~." ot E llucalklDOl! ' lut. IIOl." I6<otJ. there. !)tlt will remove nil tr~C' e or their 1110 \Va)'ue Towoohlp !lural ~cllool llEA N E. STANLKY, Tbompllon lot on OolumbDs Avl'. , Clrculn rs free . AU Drn~ g i s l s , i,ic. presence. , OI.lrl C~ 01 Wa .... " COun'y OhIo Ally. lor !'laln'lq . Lebanon, $1. F . J. CII!1,NnY & CO., Toledo, O. oa -0 2~- U . " U- U-IO-IO-.'

....OIItm()reD~ Blatne7," I repl1e4. "Yep, Yel: I Undlll'8tand." Then ludc1IDIJ be IhJ'll!lk more cloBely Into tbe ~w.1. "II that woman- my fiancee -II"',Dunmol'&-wlth you '" I JeUlure4 Mm lind asked blm bolV I»C!IUIIe to be, ~...-l bMl founQ'tilm. ~ ., taand"tbll awlm~i n triae more atnDuoUi thau I hnd expocted," be ~ pu. "I cllBeonred U,nt It wal praotScaU, ,lmpoallble tor we either to naell tbe maluland or to get baek to blaDeI. Tbe general trend 01 the .• ••• wu In tbls dlrectloll, ond J ~u torce4 to IJO alollll, IIRvlllg my ttr.lgth for · keeping my head a hove ..t.v.


wlnu..... K.

thollce N. ,. tlesnOll aD

mlllu ..... W. a.oo chalnl to a IUlko uear 'h"

. . . lOIn• .to .'\V1m to tho mlllnland." '"WIloareyout' be demanded 1D tUI'D, 1Dfnr' to . . ' pilt the Ught wbleh I bIJ4 tIi floODt ·ot me.

T ella How Kaiser Pla~ To War 011 Great BritaiD






In lu,rtllUI CU uf CUI oNur of tllo Prolu~to o.,"r\. 01 Warre" Uou.lly. Oblo , I Will olTet tor 8nlo '" p_llllc .ucUou 0" tbo p"'UlIIoI, au Iba

Dr. J. A . McCoy



Administrator's . Sale Real Estate

Lebanon .. :.. Ohio

~mu ll t l~tloL nour Coz~ dtltll ... Ohi O, $1. (;hurDes F . ' 1I l1l' lIlnn t,l l .I o~ l.' ph B.


Phone ll().:l


---- - ...---




w RLlon w1tb

, whlcb to I.Igl,lt boell, 1

..I tl' I: " ". [' " " .. , ,1111 r'VIlrlJ Itt jilt ;-tJt~cl'ltllJl. Ilt4 'lJ • t\ 1, t .) ~ . ,,;,1; 11 u'.." I 'utlt f, Olu\ h";\l·t (}~a ~ll'IJI'r I ll. N". 17 In 'l~; -I j!J Cni It' , OOln tmol Sill. $lU .. ; '", dtlojlllOll to 1.lIhlluCJn. tul~ .. ,I " !nIH N"wport,o IIh ';.26: . OhiO Sln t .. ~'formM,"r y. da~lv' ~n!1




w. IeJt our :waT to

1ll 1''' nl HI ,IiUIe! 1110 . " 11:1t1 • •u\(1 1

110 "

Saxon Six Livery

K Y no ~,i\,llllr "

rUWllUl .qt' fU·,UllI tJ li n t II ". ft;1I1hl smlle· t llLng to ut HIltt :;Inl11l' dry duth,·,. Common Pleas Court "All ~un ll I ul \('I' oo.1 I hI' t11lt'T 1 saw IlIllt J' hntl ,' onlllllt h ' .l U ~j\d lll New !'ults IIlund er. Th. ;" Wflil 1\ \I ,11"\11111 " " Ind· 1i:1I1> on f\.. V o rbl" V B 'L'be unkn o wn lUE fit the It'h·I'lllll1{,. , 11.1 whl'lI HIli' bet rll of Jl\ooh R . t3oh enok, deoca eel .



1!'1. all IlflUY

, ,'onw UI' llJ~ 1 nlll 111 ,hH t1lln ~ n \\Itlll\u t 0 ,,(\.' 111 ;, Itll'.l i,.hl ill 1111' wll"I" w . . I



"l 'Jr~

w J.lllil

I ""hurp. I till' "


,If 1 ,'~'

CIUU\lI'U, \\' II"le ll

tor'" "For \l"1\I(ul II. I II"Itc' r." 'J'lll! s llm·ltf abt"el'cd s llg l1t1r Il~ '110 , \l,,1 c. ., Alo't tJln t BO, \)oy~ 1" A. growl atl8WereU hi Ul. U~ync b 'elll !" y I1 ml tho 11UlI! wll" carried the "<lllc. III'Pll rcn tly n '"n"1I1 I p~ ' !Ie bua IJrollgll t his 1.llll"lh·1I III I;: ill. ".Aye, tlult'ti It. Ir ln~ 'Im 1)1': " 'l 'lwlIl' and other eJ)tlUlldllRtl C "lI't '" l'I';lt' ;; III"{'o' hIm. uNo,v, wnlt u uaiulltu, Iltl~· s." 'l'iJ:o Iherla toru ,a 1\ culd oy!" nil hI s en t,bUYhlst.lC l"4)tiuu' IHI!I ~I'ut wlllr n ru !, degreo ot nC4!urncy lit llle Idtch"n to,'I', "WWle 118 n Jlrln.te Inp"' h1.,.l,1 I 11111'" to ndmlt, ,!Juys, thllt I " 'olllll unJuy u I1ncllln' 81 much IlS BOY of you; still 1 have to rewcwlJcr that I hOl'e 0 dut.,)' to perform, II sncred truet- uuwell'; to wlt, to uphold the majesty or the law In Ma.kelouo I.'Ount)'." "But we'''e ne\'er 111ld n IYlIcblntr 111 U1t. county." prote Jed t be bloOdth\rJitJ man with the l'{/,I1e. "lind theY've had two 0""" L&kll county ",av."


Wait and you'n pa,y for it. AU motor cars must soon increese their' prices ~o covel' the extraordinary rise in r nst of labor and materials. Many have already done so.

also found on 8 can selling for more than $3,000. Saxon "Six" coata $935•. Again, another ' of the impoitant features of Saxon '·Six"-Timken axlesis also found on seven can .eDing for more than $1,700.


that you get full mileage from . each . •

atom of gas and oil. ' .

It ill important to consider that· Saxon "Six" ·is a .ix-cylinder



For witq f9ur 'cylinders any motor nat. urally haa far ,more vib~tiotl and friction than a ClSix." . • .'

One more. Still another important feature of Suon "Six"-Spiral bevel .gear-is also found on l2 can selling . And it is this vibratiop and friction SSJ!) is proha' ,l y the lowest price at for - t~iJtg at the motor . . . more than $1,350. ..... ... which Saxon ".3il1:" wi I be sold for a partll that impairs fI~xitiility. .low. up And there ar~ 7 other of the big fe~.• acceleration, makes a di,fference of ~ . lon~ ti l1e. tures of Saxon "Six" such .. Timke-:1 grees in the quietnesll of· ill opera\toD, Pcrtu,1's you ar e thinking o'f buying a bearin8l ....unken axIea, ' Continenti.] increase. repair-.ervice costs, and final. car costing $2( 0 or $300 more than .motor, . omber' carburetor, Redly ig- ly takes nearly 500)0 froin the .tandard SaX01I "Si,•. " nition, edder. radiator, Spiral Benl ' effi.cie~cy of the motor. !. . .. gear, found on 30 ,can aellias.for more If you are, then by all 'means see Sa1'on .. These being facta--&nd fact. generally . "Six" fir&t. And you'll save ' the $200 ' than $1,150. known now-it ·i. obviously not " the or $300. Now conllider t.he matter of upkeep coat. You will find the' coat of rimpins Saxon beit of business jud~ent to purc:hue For we car> prove to you-or you can "four" price~ betWeen $800 ad "Six" quite visibly leu than the cost of any prove to YO '.1.3elf--thnt there is no car $1000 when· Saxon "Six" an be pUr. running ~ car priced aeveral hundred COl! :r.g ,. 200 -y $:300 more than Saxon chued at $935, f. o. b. DetrOit It may dollarll higher. " ~~ix" that will .. .atch ·it in qualnot be that 'loW' for long, so buy now. ' i;j1. 'Its lIix-cyJinder biotor ~ been .., re- SaXon' "Sis" Sedan $1395; SdO~ "Six" fined and dev~loped, and vibration and C.bummt.. $935. Suon Roadster, for i . s~n:n ce. OLt~ of Saxon "Six's" im395. Pricell,·f.o.b! Detroit. ' friction have been 10 .......)' eliminated pOl"imt Ceaturea- -i-edderl rac,lia,tor-is "


J. B. Chapman


'WDynesville, Ohio





THE 'Pllbllahod


at Wa)'lle... lUe. ohio


D. j... CRANE, Editor and Manager






Mr. Frank BII.WIIII rAw"Iu .. ln ahont 'be ""we oooltl"on.iI haa benn etatftd As Written by Our Corps of Able Correspondents In the from ,I me to time In thll!! letter . OCTORIiJR 10, 1917 Mle8 Alloe Ohllnoweth "pen' the Neighborhood . ::-= -=== week. end wUb' UIIY~OD rlll.'lv~8 Mr,, _ Bornllrd .AlIl\n Rnd Mr@. WII. I Will Place on SaleIte AUeD were the ~nnd"y gUBatll or Aebury HIli find fllm·Uy. Combination s in red of f) and 18 incb borders, , hlle they last, at . .. .... _. .. .. . . .. ..... ... . .. ... . Ge per roll I!4tll!ea Len& ond Ho1dllo Conn er visited 'be Lvtle 8C111001 one day 11111' .15 PaJterns of arlous Colors, 18 inch border, week. 6 cents to .. .. . . . . . .... .... ' .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I 2 ~ c per roll Mr. and Mra, J ose ph . Hisey, of ·'r'hos. Rioh and fa mily e ntor ' 1I1nod Mrll. Edward Cook and family 28 Patterns ill Crown HanJ,{lnj(s, 6c to, . .... . ... . _ . , 18c per roll Mr. and Mrs. Waltor Wilsonl en · apen' tlundaJl the jfueB& ot b 9r par. 'ertllinod Bund .. " to dlnuer Mr. and neor Waynesville, '~ere Suoday on Idundav Mr, Bnd Mrs ArLhur Woode rd lind ohlldren and Mr '1IIe1 100 Patterns Independent Side Wall Hangings, 5c to . . 20e pcr roll luelltll of tars. Cora B£lrrI8. WI,h a. gr~IlDal but o~rtuln dim. enb, Mr. and Mn. Geo. Pratt. Mre ~Ilmn e l Wlleons also .Mr. and Mrs. Welch Rnd fllUllly, of D"ywo . lDtI'lon of onr me ... supply ID proMr. and Mr.. Paul 1'e\erlon, of A few shades of plllin :to·inch Ingrains at . . . . . : . . ..... 8e per r~1I portlun tbe IItllluhtlon, \ho Hoar UrH. Mary tlo," Ilnd (IImtly Bre Mrp. RII,ymonll Wltscn lind !illnghter ~prlnlJ Valley. wllre w €.ek~eu(l guest. MlslI BeJen BllrtBOOit pplln t the Oat 'Meal Ingrains and Duplex lO·inch Pllpers at .. . . 12x e per rol, Inll prleee tor live hog~, 'he fort>lgn the guef'e of Mr. and Mrl. J . A. Ul<t,h tlrlne. of Mr •. Petereon's parlBnt~, Mr. and wellk with relaUves ueRr U liOI~ IIlId deullmd lind the ioorllasln" prolJa Allen.' the time of tbta wrHlnl!'. Mr. "nd Mrs. BorllO(l Uompton, Mn . F _ L HarriS. I mported fast colored Hol1.ll1ehls at . . . .....•. . .... 227,; e per roll In Dayton . blllly Qf Ill! high or blRher prices for Mr. lind Mra bRtDes, of Lytle, Mr. and MrK. W . E Bogau. Bud o Restrldions ns to Quantity While They Last Mr. anrl Mra . Alv" Ludington Uu. I:!lIrab J0810p left MODday .omll 11ul 6 to come, tbe Oblo flUmer .were the RDDday gnolltl! 0 ' Mr . and fnmily. Mr. ond Mr~ . Raleigh Bog .. n for No ~ woo<t 'plln' Sonday with their p"rentll .pend tbe win'er and InR Uompton 'oak dloner wUb wUb bllr ohlldren. Mr. and lIrs . De~r Blaoohester. will find tt uot ouly 1118hly profhll.lJle Mrs. Funk Bawse. ~aturday, J eBse Halne! !:Innd~:v. bat" patrlotio duty to oouserve the Mr . aod Jap. (3ray speot Oba' Boerstler and family. he81~h at his IJlent'Ilruduolng on- IIIr. and Mr8 . At!bur,. Bill bave BI Boraoe Compto , H od E~ther Imals ' theIr guest the f~rmar'e mother, of I:!bllm bllUllh were lil Wllmlogton lIr. and Mri. Rowtnd AnloD, of SnD'd ay wltll Lon Lema.r and wife In . Dlly'on, were ytsUlnll 1I4r. An80u's Harveys burg . lIIuoh OIln he aooompllshed If the Kentlloky, Sllndsy afternoon \ J Dldet with the pllreilh. Mr. Ind ~rs, A . B . .An80n, Lewis Waite a.nd wife, of WH . .ame Indlyldual aUentlon Is given Mrll. Frank Uook and daughter Yearly Meeting Pell ee oommUtee. 17 Green Street, Xenia, Ohio mlo~'on, were the Sunday gnel's of lall\ week. the urepervlltlon of the bealth af were tbe 8unda.y guoe's of bome Mr . Bnd Mrs. Ralph ' LeamlnK Mr. and Mra . John Wolfe. Mrs. Eva. S.rrer .Ind Mrs. Llna . Ilve8took B8 III given to tbe oultl VB. folks bere. wore In WlllUloJ(toD on buslaess MaddeD were o..lllnll (lIn frteodll h. : e lb. Walter Jordan IUloom'P&nled tlon of orops Areoplllnell .. "raot qu"e II. IIUle l3~tnrd .. y . by his brotber Wilyiaod, of Xenia, B'rlday. Never were hogs needed more to aUentlon In tblB vlolnlty ae they Mr. Bud Mre. J . 8 Lenrnlng en. Mr. John Ward, oCioompanled by spent B week In OhioliRO and at leplenltih our meat8uPllly than now. Bre very frptIliently Been flying ovor, terlxtoi:ld th ., rollo wlng gu e B~8 8nu. All He Could Stand: Keop hOlJM free froni (liaealle and bllt sillter. brother and! wife too k In tBnded the World's Berles games Mnslcr' ]lodney went to tho picture dllY, Mrs. Ervin Uro'"'n aod family, Ibere. Ltt&le Mill OIeta He.. , of Dayton. from external ond tnternal J)&raBtlBI. 8how th e oth or day, nnd upon arrival or New Jlleper; Mr". Sn~AnnBh i'0Y\'. light. 0& i'alrfteld aD Hrlday Or.aulze 'own8hlp lind oounty III Ipt ndlng the week with MI8I ers lind dl.ughter, JOllie, of Polnter- IRst. Mrl! . JeBsle Uarner Keunon of home his mother osked It It wlla a MONEY LOANED Chenowetb. Alloe Bog Cholera Prevention As~oola. arrIved !:Inn'day Mr~. Anna VanDoren Ie vl81'lng Camden, Teno., good show, to wblch the tittle tellow ville; Mrs. JIlme8 a,:lmmonB , of 1i0DS. replied: "Oh, not very good-I only Pllln'erville; Mr s. Howud Loomtng ber daugh ter, Mrs . frronk Curl, o( eveolng for a visit with bsr mo\ber Promote a campaign tor hog Mrs . Amllnda Garner an4 sl8~er ONEY 10llned on IIvo "t;Qok ohll t lIat through It twice." and ohlldrell, "Iso her mother, Mrs Clinton Uoun'y. oholera uontrol 'and elrtermlnll &Ion tels liudsAoood m ortgagee Conner, of H!lrveysburg, Mr Rnd Georg8 Edwardll an4 tJllnt Anion Mrs . A. B. 'I'almaRe. hefore tt beoomes establlijbtld tu Rev . Geo. Pblhps, of [.abaoon Notes bougbt. John Barblnll, Jr., Mrs. Rolllh Learning ond dtlUl{bter, Bre remodeling the dwelling tn ,.oor oommonlty, Ell nil. Waynelvllle reoently purohaRed by will address tbo MII8sIe Tp. Sunday: Mien Bnlldtng, Keulll, Ohio. mll Tbe Agrioultural Oollege ~xten. Bchool oonvention at Beeoh Urove Mr. aud Mrs . J as. B. ~GhBpman, Zinni Hliines en tertained at din • • Ion t!srvloe of tbe Ohio 8&ate Un I. Hundayafternoon . It will be worth ner ~ un (IIlY, Mr. liud Mrs. .J ohn .Again we are Bekl[lg 1111 that ,ue "enity In OOOIlUrKtlon with the yonr wblle \0 attenll . FOR REN-T ' WtlSOIl IIDd ttlmtly. IntereBted our etrllsts Ilnd Unltsd 81dell BureliU or Aulmlll In. The · J unlor Prisollla olub meets FuneraJ Director! maoblne. to oome ror'ward .. od Ilv" Mr. lind Mrll. Josiah Davis Bnd dUI'ry ond tbe Uhlo Boud at AII" ELABORATE SCHEME OF DECORA. Mr. "nd Mu. Lloyd Da~ls and bilby, Jour name to C E. L,evloy, oler. of ~Ilturd~y afternoon wUb MIII~ rloulture Is reRdy to rl'l1dllr .. very and Embalmer, TIONS PLANNED FOR DAIRY Btore.roBm on Main .'reet, fine Cl'oil visited In Xenta with tbeir ,btl oorporatlon, and tben all 900n lill Eugenia Wbit"ker. pO~8lble .... III,IIU08 tu .n.,b Il projeot SHOW. allnatlon tor aoy bnline8s, with "iB888 JndUh Collier and Laun we oan lIet 'hI! IIngint we will be Runt, Bllrllh D~vle, BundtlY. gurage for one auto. F or prtoe,. eto. , ~-Waynesville. Ohio. Aunt Estb er Compton and Levi ready to do the work . Onr oltizeDa McKiosey spent 'he week.end wltb In'lnlre of Mrl! . Jail . W. Halnlls, II.rll very IInxlou. to ,11181., In doing Mr . Ilnd Mrs Abljab Collier . . W ayneeville. Oblo. 010 of Ohio State Fall' ,Ground. aod Eethllr Hhawbtlugh spsot !:Iun o.nythlnll that will bll for 'be beUer lb . lind lirs. Leroy ELlIs and If you want good reading get Building. d .. , lit John Bill . to Be Tran&formed--Japanese menl of mlin_IDd. dllughter spent Rnnday wltb Amos - - --.- - - the Miami Gazette now Either Auto or Horae drawn service. 'Restlurant a Feature. . Prof. Ihlph D. Tal! epen' 811.&ur- Allen ond wife. No extra charge tor auto service. FOR SALE- PROPERTY day IIDd tlunda, wHh biB parentll III Mrs F. A . Hartsook and Bon Alan Both phones In Office and Resldenoe. HlgblaDd Uonn t y. . s pent Suudll.Y wtth ' Mr . .and Uu, Buildings of th o Ohio stllto fnlr No. 14. gl'OlllllJ~ lit ColumlJus will be trans· An old oltlzen of oll1r- town forty Bllrl Barvev, nellr Ulioll. ARM-B ill value,lOO~. ·l mt from formed Into a gnlaxy of color nnd yellrs aRO baft mOVEld baok to bb MI1I8 Irene Une:1ssby Ilnd Mr. Bird Lebllnou, all will be &mable. B ... beuuty ~or the Nlltlrmlll Dulry show. na\lvlI bume wblob bll enjoyed wben oolled on U, R . Ungleiby lIod family woode, good orohard, nloe big frome Octoher 18 to :.!7. ContrnctH hn ,'e just Il bllY. His ThowllI uodley. Hell Sun:la},. ALL KINDS OF booBe, blR bun $90 lIer aOf'" ; long Tbebept line (,f Belltiog Stove. and 'he ooly one of Il l,uKe famllv In bpcn let for th o decorll tlollH. ptlymenta. 8ee J . Ii. Uhllpman. 08 Mra S~rI\b Rloh aod Mr. tlannab In the new $:!50,OOO co ll s~ ulll . where RAnges In tbls pllrt ot Oltlo, Rnd the this part of the elate. Rloh Sllent TOERdtlY wltb Mr. IIDd OUSE-two.etory brlok bous" 8 the horse filii' 1\ 11\ be h Itl nnd the .prloee lire low, 1\8 I boagbt thelD heMr. Duve Morrie. of near tlablnli, . roome, 2 haUl, IlIrge WArm oel. cottle judgel!. th ~ UI'CIl U find Ilux 8 will fore the IIlPt two ad VHnoes In thl\8e hili boql(bt fhe farms formerly oc-, l!;d Uray nea.r Springhill. MrR_ Ella Wilson 1'1 no' 110 well and Illr, ROod . well, olstern and ou'be ornumeulell wlUI fer ll~ li nd 1l1I)' I(oods. Do n " pu~ It alI, R8 thoy Rr" oupled by Dean tlhaonahan and trl'cs. 'l'he judges' slulld III Ule c nt cr lIol1l!! faHt, and 'he next will he Mlmeon Williams, They will be Mrl!. Kdltb 'i 'lbbels Ie 'he same. buildiDRS, well 10 Jated . Inquire 0' ::':==========::::II~ 'ble offioe . 017 of the m enu will Ilo fill od wllh (' ut vllry mucb bigher. At the olllltAnd ' put on the market asatn al Mr. A. B SJDE8 f1ower8, . Morrl. Ie a de-aler. The decomU<)ns at t.he sllv(lll lIulltlTbe danoe at the T fj,wn Hall rburl!!. Ings In which tho lIIot!hloery 0xhlb ll ~ FOR SALE day night wlla •• U.lUal a suooellS, will be dl~ploye(J \\,11) b li S 1I111fill' IfI iood mu.lo and a ,ood "me, all wt:11 os nrchlfecturnl s t~l\ ctur swill lil'r· tWaynemne, 1111 good order . EN exln larle BII 'l'7pe Poland mlt_ 'l'ho overhend glrOUrlt will h e (''hlna male Pili for lilli, .&.1.0 1. N . 'Mlller ..nd Mr, and IIrs . W. gracefully drolled lu roo, white oud 1 ha"e a var of 1'. B. Ra7tlll' Guano 'Pin fine Bbe\land Ponlel, W. O. L. Barvey are thlnklnll of wlnterln, blue bunting, with the AlOerl 'on illig 024 In dllIeren' parte of ths UnUed 00. Gu04a OD band, fourwa aod Weloll, BarveY8burlr, O . . predumlnntlng nlld the tllllmi flo gs repMr, and Mrs . AmoeJnol18oD epent ~ta'e8. Ih.14tt1er 80e8 to Waeh. IIx~n peroon' acid phoaphaie, ~nd large II year. old Dr~U Mere ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PIlsented' \be week.end with relattvee 6& Ing'on B\ate and Mr. and Mn. Bar. will sell n ver, low If _kllD ol! 'ba (Joa for . Inquire of G. E. Uniform Signe. wbU. It I ...... RiI.y, Rldge"m. Oblo. Xenia. Tel' go '0 Flortda. Mr. Harvey will oar. Come .Dd 017 Through the cl' nlcr o~ th blilldinga, -A. B: eID~, DB.H.E.HATHAWAY Mlell Mar,. Clingl,am and Mn. probably drive' tlJlrough In hla ornmnentnl pllllFters will bo Illnccd, UTO-A 'ourtnll oar, In good tJlara Marlatt returned home Balur maohtne. • wllh plnstlc urns, potted with Dnturnl oODdltlon. WtJI demon.'ra'e. Mr. and Mri. W. W. Weloh werll WayaNnue'. Leadlq DeIIUft evergreens. Tbe booths w'lI sep- day aftcr a 1,leaBBnt .rlp to Bou'D A gOO<1 ohanoe for a bargain, In. omoe In Balnee Bldg, WllmlngtoD vlsUors on Tburllday of MaIn ." . IIl'IItoo by lIew 18 conlll'ct 'll .by bnnd· Bend, Ind . . quire a' ')11. offioe. 017 Mr. and Mr8 . Ben Earnhart and 1...1 we.k. rHlls, all eXl!cuted In green nlld white. air aod !he. Edl MoB'arl ..lI, of All at the exhll!lta will be furni shed dllnghter uorothy IIpent Bunday Be .."Dg 8&ove, .Garland ma'e, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~= WUmlo"lon, werel!lunday,u88'. of and a good bea'er, 1I'0r loforwllh unltorm slgus. with smnll shi elds with J . T Ml\rl"'t and famlly . Mr. Walter Bernard and family IIr. and MTI . .leIs Clark. maUOn oall a.' lhe Gazette offioe . sllSllcnded on ",hldl will be Ihe num· The Miami 8a_ltle .. Iro" IDi A few of thll IrleDdl and nlllgh017 ber ot the booth whlcb will ennble vis· splint one day thll weet With bl. more and more fa"orable ","11 our bor. ,aye Lawrenoe Alexander a ' Itors to find ony partlculor exhibit danghter Mrs . Ellrl Bernard. A.RN-one.foortb of tb. bllr Mra. Thoe. Dill IIond daughter readen and wben e.ny oontro'flrllY pleullnl surprlle Mon4.. y eVllnlllg, they wlllh to see. Gustin barn, 2u4~ ; \0 be moved !£dna. wereln Spring Valley one day comea up In their bome they refel "bel'Dg hie 251h blrtbday. Funeral Director. The 'automobile building will hllve Q tbe BaTVe,.sburl Heme, aDd from IIr. Cal"ln Ogleabee Ie .ery poorly away; al~o, small barn, 16x26•. For . new creotlon In tbe decornUl'e art, tbe tblll ",sek. l'lforma'lon tnqutre of B, B, wn Waynesville Ohio Mrll ElIe",orth Smith bR8 r8· that they II'" thelr bearln,.... to MI.. Bllllel Uba.e, of Akron, Ohlo, lIamlon, on the premia.., ntHles being ouUllied with ",hlte, omu. 017 Olentol COlUlO1I8, surmounted wlU, n 'urnM h ome lifter spending a monlbJ wba~ I. JOI' aDd rlgb\, I. tbe IlIe.I of Mr. ..nd Mu. E, L. 12.ll1ch globe. The s igns will be 8US- with ber mo,i."r Mr;l, John Levi . Mr . and Ibe. Jo., William. and Truman. DllO Harrow, In good oondUioD. p nded trom the COIUIUIlS In the rear Hor furabar Informa'lon, prlce M~lIter Carl Da.kID .~~~ eattir8T 'OD, Lewl., of BIISnoh885Br, werll lira. Dr. rudgehad 'he ml.tortune ' -BlTBBRPoIitiVe-CoDvinclDa Proof of tile exhibits on extended bruckets, ",Itb b.II grandmother Mrs. DtX'OD I'jja;;~n~ .Mrs. Frank Bbl. &0 faU 'down 1I&81ra Sa'ard",. morn. et-o., Inqulre of O. Ill. !let ",ar4., R. D. Auto Equipment i" We publllh tbe formnla of Vinol allowing two slgus to ea ch exhibitor. Wharton . daker Frlda,-iTifM- u4 on tl&'urda, Ina breaklnr ' har .. rm .nd ou&'ln, II, Wayneevllle, Oblo, . 010 HOf'lOoDrawn equipment to prove convinclnrly that it hal tho Uee Japano.e Style. . power to create .trlllJlth. Waller Murny I~ 00 the lolt au'oed to-Da,.IoD a~~:~an~l~ed.b~'~b;ejr~b;ea~~d. Mr. IGNS-No hunSlng slgne, on mUI· . _-Tbe bundlng t(l Ile lIS~(1 U8 n rC8tl\lI· It.t. ~ eo. LI.... anll ....., PeptoeH. troa Mr, and )Ire. 8btdailler, re .. . F M I:It" D t UlaDoheeter Satur4lly.lll'.ht. . .. I : . . . a wa. a ay ,oll Un, wlll 1..1 for yean, S for 110, ".~._P.ptoa_, lroDaad rant wlll hove U.c nppenrnnce of II . AmmolllulD Cltrat.... ~I~ I&Dd ..... Mr. J. B. Penoll Willi 0$ W .. -nos. h ~Idav Tae Mlam' GauUe. 010 TKLEPHONB 7 DAY oil. NIGIIT ~ v Mr. aDd M... _ J. 1"'. 8huIDa. -!".r are • R op ... I""-.;;""b J' GI,cuop-,baw.,...-no. . JUllnucse teo room, tbe columns being vllle qnUIl orteu .hls wee lr. III -, Kent- 8em spsndlng a few day8 .. Indtan Lak. . BY, . . &obel~, -,.", woman who buys a bottle of made of dark stolned IUmbcr. wltlt the Mr. flnrl Mn J . T . M.. rlatt. and for tha beneth of JUr. I3bumaker·. lu.r, ",111 pre&oh a' ViDol for a weak, run..4cnm, nervoua tiled ol"crhanglol: roof 80 well known. ohuroh eyery tlunda, . mornlqa condition and findt after elvin, ft a 'fo ndd to tile cl'lect, there will be 1I0U all lied on Mr8. Fran k KelliS one health. evenlnl· f~r trial it _did not help ber, wil1 Japnne8e Inntern/l s uspended under- afternoon this week. Mr~, Dlx@ oo Wharton oalled 00 IIbopplog Mr. !lnd Mrll. Wm . L. Barvey were Mre . u ba•• her mon.y returned:. nenth. The newels separating the . In U .. y'on Frida,. and In ..... y Klnl til vleUlag 1)&yton YOII He, there I. no rue.. work olsles will II kcwtse be execnted In the MiAS Ulllrll. Daugbter8 ThursdllY . Wilmington e"urday, relltlve~ thta week, abollt Vlnol Ita formUla provo Mra EIMwol'th t!lltlth hnl re\uroed . Mrs, Laura Barlan, aooompanied Mr. Newton Moore t. Improving} there II notblnr lite it for aD weak, 80Dle dnrk el'lcct. The signs nud letrun.dcnm, ove~orked, n,"oua men tering will be ,T!lpnnc8o style. t9 bel' home arter 'pendlnl" month b,. II frIend, W811n Dayton ll'rtday. Mr. and lire. ClarenCe "lie anG hilt! ren 'were . ",lth rel8tlvell 01 thll Vlnoo.. and _mal and for feeble old people FrRnk MoCarrell puro • • ed of 0 .ueeh oyer 80Dd'lY Mnke app\lcotlon to YOllr nenrest and deUcete children. Try It OIICO -Albert Adams bla farm and ",1\\ of Mr. ~nd ·iII,., Ra, lI:a.le. . .nd be CODMCecl ttcket ageut to~ · I'II.Ie8 nnd reserl'a' 'like p.18se8s100 Meroh she dut, Mr, Robert An4ereon 'who re tions. J, E. Janney.• Dr~nlst, Waynesville Mr. and M,.. MoCarren WIll be wei. oelved a fan.ome 'Ime ala deee not Are you going to build a Hquee? } Oumed ill thie oommanUy. Impro.e. . Are you going to build a Bam! u. B. Levloy and W. P. MoCarren ....__. - - Are you lloing to build' a Garage? wore gn oll$8 of the QaeeD Ol\Y la8t woel.. lI 11d wbtJe there took In 'be Are you going to ~uild a Hog Pen? Olnytou Himt of Rlob lnond, Ind., tlutom olJlle dillplay. Are you going to build a Poultry House? w ttl tlie recent gUtl8t'" Miss LVdl u Itev .\. K. Sargont was In Ctn. WO lld lI..nd Mr~ . AnDIi F,mlll. olnlllltl the first of the week . . Mr. aud MI~. ,JOBfph Mtlltlr and M1'9. !-llluh Rloh ~illltl!d rel .. &tvet! Vergo MUohener and Kent Bal. IIOU RlI j,dny lit Lebl\ uoll, tho In and lIear Wcllw'ln 'hll week. land left laB' week for ::Imp Sher. guo~t~ of Mr . aud Mr~ til)wll, d ...:._- ...- - wa.n . Do You Want TobllCco Boxes! ... . ...... . .. ....... . ............... Bee Madden ' ArobdllnCOU. Clvde EWing, Barley Soamm ... Do You WanlComeoH . .. .. .... .... .... ... . ........ , ............. See Madden 'l'be Woodgrllve Nelgbborhoocl horn 'and Leiter Burle], were home Olub imj"yed Ii plonlo a' Forre~l, from Uamp Sbermlln, o"e" BaDday, Do You Wllnt l.lme or Pla.terl ..... .. .. . .... . '.. .. .. ...... .. .See Waddea ' .Rest,8uudIlV. Uhu. Ioenhower and family bave Do You Want Any Kind of Lwnberl .. . .. . .. . ·.. . .. . .. . . , . . .. . Sea Madden Mrl!. Vora Davll, of Wlohlta, K im Loo k .our goods over before moved '0 a farm llear Morrow. sas, lind Mr. ~arllb Oraley. at B08. M'" aeleD Blatr '" ~ry pleaeanily Do You Want Shingles?, ..... , . , " .. .. ,., '.. , .... ,. See Madden tall . Ind . tltlent several dllYI! last buying elesewhere, Just reweDl!: with ber aun~, Mrs. Eliz!lbetb ceived a fresh supply' of IIII'erklned 'be Gleaner Girl. tla" urday afternoon. Do You Want Felt Roofing?" , ...•...• " .• , .• MaddeD IIlvan•. BRAN, MIDDUNGS, HOM- MIIIII Luolnda lIoKay fell .nd IIIrs. Albert B118too !!pen' 8a'ur. INY HARTS and HOMCObroke ber arID, Tbuud .. y of 181' Do You Want Fence Posts? .. " ... , .. ,. Madden day w\lh MIs8 Lydia Wood and weeJr, . LINE. M,l" . Annll. Fllulk. Mila Marie Hall, of Daylon, I. 'hll Do You Want FarDi Gates? .. : .... ,' .... See Madden Mr_ James Weldnor altendlld Younce Bros. Grain eo,; gueet of friend. here. ,lie 'raoe8 a' LeXington, ICy., Iils' Waynesville" Oblo. Dr. WhU.. ker ball reoelved hll weelr. Do You Want a Veranda? .... , .•. , ..•. Madden ' IIDlform .. nd comml..ion ae I'lr.' ... Mrll, frank Kllnty and 1I00S, 01 Weu'enan' In U. 8. B, and I. wa" Llabon,O , are vtslttng' bAr parenta, Do You IDgordere .. Mr, and Mta. Joseph Miller Ilnd o'b. WJlnt ·Mre A, B. lIa..lir.n epent I..., week er rtllatl ves herll . , ..: wUh ber daughter loire J', 0, PloldD Mr. ~nll Mre. B. B. LYODS, of AI of o.yton • .. wilbon:. were Of\lI\ng on. Mr~. , . LIllie 8ml&b ind family, of Day. FraDoee Null and family, Wedn88. tOD, are Iruel&ll of rela" vel bere. Do you wan~ to borrow. diID.T Ko lDalter wba& 7011 WIlIlt; day. . Mlall Edith an4 Annl .&yerl leo MaddeD See IIaddeD MI1I80ellndl\ GIIllIt, of franklin, eplm' the w68)r;.snd wUb Ul .. O,.nWatertog oarD&,loD. by .pr~rln. were .urprlHcI bl a pa,rtJ ~hta An'rlm-and other frlende here, tend. '0 spread HlI', ~nd for 'hal of frlead. Wldnl!ll4ay nllh' of lu' , It you don't Yiant anything at all, ' SEE MADDEN .ju~t the lU,Ile. • ",..It.. • . ODe hun4recl aod eleViD pillow. h 0018 mell .or· reallon IreeD 11111 lha MoKlole..... 0' 'be were .en' from the Sprinlboro a,ed faoe waterlnl or .obirrt.aUoa. The ' .... Cro8B Soole'y 1M' w 381i:. um. lIraottoe I. O'''D faUowec1ID ",ee~.lInd at ber hom. In RllIIel. MI.. LAur. ROIInsltle aad Mr. w~..r'lI. 81Iap!lrllllOD" I a. .ul•. Barold Roger. atceded 'he raoea al.o a'.otlC! by a lUll. eae, Ia.· lin. PaDI8rod'\ of 0llnlan4, anti ."Doe 01 a lied bllDa bpt lmoe' 11\11 N~Do, Tene I, of Xenia, we,. · a' Da:tton &turday. free from d ..... l~ nllaoe wa. . .-aUa. GO ,rind. bere W~Dllda7. ~ IDa "bUe anottael ' bed aeu~ MellY InflOW ' . .,... " .w.. w.. HammerIng. . . . by II _ttoDeCl ID The Peyohologlcal Moment. Bhe-"Now Ie the Ume to uII: Plpa." !"lIltenIDr .Il IJlrlol to the IItle of. tb.Ootober KODtb17 hIIetID 01 .... llI1leet, 8 Mall8C!busetti tnveDtor baa Oblo .ptoult1lra~ ~t'" Be ·(wtth cqId teet)-"Wb7 She petantld a tooUhat wUlllold a aall 1108 Bad·. . . . floWuIJ ....... -""l'h. eook talll:e of 1tp1q beca.... III a pta" dliBelllt to nada am tM •• broWD 41_ _..Wbloll . , . .... GIll' fII1DII7 .. too lam. Pa'D do . . . ~ ~ ....t!aU . . . drl.... of ....

CommenciDg Saturday, Oct. 6, 1917

-- -' --===







Sale Ends

Oct. 20, 1917

Chas. S. Johnson


OlaaaiDed Ada






.. - ..---







--- _.- ..- - -

---_.- ..- - -

Walter Chandler






















... ..


See' Madden



--- ...


,,:See ,See



---.. ---

Building Plans1...S~e _adden'



---_. ..-.-.,.-




'. - •



Ip,,.. •

- ... ---- .. -" ".,.

I.__________... .. ........ .

he the auluprice noy~lt ruellll will !:ILe worth of IIrlmi "llion. ••• : tb m at Oakdale Park .



-'ID Ei=='l:JI==3U:l E[3311::1 E'==nE=:;i=:1=J1:lIE==II:1l!'

. ----.----.--~~.----------.~


MENTION IPERSO .....---------.--.-.


1 have 1\ car of F .' RII~, t >s'liullno ~.....-Co. l;llOUS on IlImtl, Courtc n Ilnd . ix· lel'n percl'lil. )wi.l pho. llhllto. nnu Rncill)\, lit () kdRle ,tunln),·. 1 am entitlt>d to appoint a candid8~ wi II ~ell it ry low if taken olT th Dayt on visitor to the Naval Academy at An011 I'Clli:o. car. 'ome and Ilct it whi! it lasts. Wm . Bat.t's wa:. A . 3 , SIDE;;; and to IInnounce lhutJ have Rrrttrl)!l?d ~10nt1ay . (\ to conduct an examination (In vem ber 17,1917, at Antioch ro ll l'~f? O. M Hid ge wns a Cinc:imlilti " is, l , our las!lifled d column itor Tu suay . . /";'1 Yellow pring , Ohio, 9 Q , III Any young man of goal! men'ul ... GET IT AT fhllrncter, reRident in the sev 11th W. O. Raper hfts be n (~llit(\ si k ' ~ cOllgre:;.,>lonal di~trict ( 'llIim naigll , lo r a few day ~ . 'lark, ~1inton, Fayette, reene. ros~ Logan , Mad iso . nif)1I :lInd Warren Wa\tC'T M' 1.11 r waH . a L h!\ on countiel') is ligible to take this lit ZIMMERMAN'S ,' i.itor fll ,,"dny. •~ . WAYNESVILL.E, .0 . alllinatlon without expense ex~ep ~ car fare to and {rom Yellow 'prin S I I ~ and lodgin ... In Yellow prinlo!S in New Gooch arrivi ng eve ry day . I I' . Dil l, n .<l"" prl h ~ I :-\ l!' lO W' .. N C' 1(' d r W (I " " L hl\l\tlll . oir i r., ~!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!~~ en (1 he must arrive th er!" t he! d"y . ow a nn r , oo~. 'IV , '1'1' ~ = befor in ord er to be there b)' ~J 1I 111 . hIs. ow drit'd fru it, N ew I the day of the exa~lination . Rhisin... Mi~. I-: th 'r R(J ckl'Y " P" llt l hr W I! " The aile requirement nt the lim e I'nll III her hrotu ' 1Il l'n IUl1lb lJ~ . of his ellnmillation for IIdmis8inn Pure 'id er Vi ne~ar: Pure ~lJi os :J ' l cell . P rof. , . J .Grahrl m . .. fx ,.nia. \\,dS]1 mus lb . e be t w en tl1e IIgcs i' f SIX 'l'in Cltll ~ . Mrullill ,Iarl', J<:.Z ~eal it " i!<ito l' Ill'ra lJllU uar Ins! w(·.. k an d t wen t y years. Jars. Ec nnllrl1 Y Ja rs, ::; .!alin~ The subj ecL~ fnr exuminntiOll are Wax , lJ ~RL Hubloers . . RS follows:-A lgob rll, Geome try nnd W. , . ~, 'a r~ lin d ftll nily ~ l ' 'II I Grammar, for which three hours 'are Brooms-our OTic s nre v ry low ~ n uuy "itll Alle n II l) le' ~ al Lytll·. [!] allowed. and after an interm ~ ion of hour. Geol'tfllphy, ~ . History . All th e New ~ancake Plour~. tllrH. Mury T"t l11 )'I1 . "f the Fri ncl s • and AriLhmotic, ·for which three Syrup of all kln tl!!. . horne waH H Cinr- innali VI sito r l'rh.n ~ hours nre 1\1Iowed. ' duy I Any further information dl'Rirerl Creamery Butt r. Churn Gold . . , Bring u ~ vc,urChic!;ens .md Eg-gs I ' Miss Ch rist in C' I\ cllr .nf Cin cillnllli , by possibl41 applicants will be gl ad ly furnished upon rC'QlIest. Hillhest price ~ paid Cash or I i!< the gu est of Mr . tllHI Mrs II. 11 I . D. Fes.q , Trude ({Idly. I I!I Member of Congress, Seventh Ohio Distri ,t o If you WBl'lt tl.l save money trade Miss Leah mith, 01 ·incilmuli . is t ZIMMEn R severnl days her e wilh. her




Younce B Gram· CO.





Ho! for thc 'Haces Sutltrd~y lift er· !lOon at 0 kdalt> Park . f

It', YDurTurn To Ga ' OV8r theTeplDW!




Ladi s' Cloa ks, in ' tile latest style


W. Whlttl altenMd



$1.98 ~~

'I I!]

A la rge assort ment of Me n's Working Coats, corduroy a nd duck.

I ~.1r .



80MB OF THE lriAl'(Y FBArURBS Goverum••1 E.p...lma.lal H ......C.ria. B.hlltlt Batter ' KaJWaa la a Pall·Sla •• Crea.ary 00 ....1... 10. Cn __ PI ...t la •• arati •• S_ AoCaal Pa.t•• rind •• _11 BottU• • •t 1111.

National Dairy and Horse Fair



Columbus, Ohio, October 18th to 27th

J . N. Mel in ~('y. I f Morrow. I viHit ecl his rnolher . Mr~ Alire MCKin- 1 n<'Y, MOI ldav . .

Men's nnd Boys' Caps .. ... . .. 3ge and up


HAT , in lhe lending shades amI styles .... . . .. . . ", .: $2.00 and up

Il il t tendin).( L. A. Zimmerman i in Chicago I ~ conve nti on of whole:lIlle




, g- roc eq' t1len ,

A big line of Sweat er Coats for Men, Wome ll, Boys a nd Girls, from '

• S. L. Carlwright and Rev . J . 1". Cad walladt'r \"ere Lebanon vi~i tors : ~ Monday qft erno()n. I

50c ~~. $7.50


'u r .ly no o n ~ will I!II SS lhe racing ( al Oakdale Par k Slltu rd uy alLernoon' [ t will interest you Grll udpn and Gralldtl13 wil'l sing at tha Weclding Oct. 12, at chuol Auditorium '8 o''Clook. .


BLANKETS-:-Nearly a year ago. we placed our ordeT; today you can come here a nd .see the best line of . blankets at practically the same prices as they were last yea r. .


Miss Gwendol'e n Merritt, of Mid · d letown , 8pent tho week end with Miss Kizzia Merritt .

Shoes for the entire family.


C M. Robitzer . altended a meet· ingot the Ohio MUleri Association at Columbus Tuesday. .





from head' to foot

Waynesville, Ohio


Home-Made Mill fee


We had a Feed Dealer offer -"same price for several car loads of our E-MADE MILL ~. . . . . . ~. ~EB iha:\ 'W~ are asking you-he 's aid it was worth more.than the ahippe4 feed although h~ could get it a little cl.eaper-ao buy your winter's supply DOW while the price ia rig~t and .you can get it: There is big money in .feeding MILL FEED at the , present price. with the high price of stock. , .



Tbe Government .WA.NTS YOU to. Raise More'Stock lIELP WIN THE WAR! If .you do not want to invest your spare money in stock-








~==::JI [:J I: GJI:


~==:J! [!l' .. r:J I:





. .


I 1!l1~==::Jn::JI5==!l18 1::1=:::::;:5111:1 ==51

N sMuwMellBANON6' WllMINGTO' N in .D~ ton Satur.dll_ 8.fternoon : _ __ _ _



Mr. and Mn . W. C. Phillips and son, and Miss Lizzie Pratt attended ' I wtlliell a t Pob\lo Auo'ion ., rn,1 the Btamilton Fair last Tbursday. . Burnin..! ll!~d~8Q 'parlS of bol te.i!dence jll8t'ell8t of Barveysburg, ~o.i at&aoked by rust proven' Uh lo, on ~ 'iYiGi'd tbe IUDlluS from living over winter Monday, October 22, !9P ~. - . "-w!!.eDJirr-e-1:cllTalmling on Ilnd 8praylng 'he ' plant. witb Bar- Bellt nnl !'g 10 o'olook 'be 101. deanx ml.J:t 're will tend to keep lowing property: 10 CO W8, 258boa&1 ~bem free from oMslde infeoUon. 8 &W8. 60e with G Plg8. 1 Borle. Tbese oonoioslo08 lire Hlven by tlee big blllll for terms. . uotanlste a' the Oblo Eltperiment HARRY 881 DARER Mr. and Mrs. John McClure, of ~t!l'10n for con'rolllDg hollvbook Mills & Laoy A not . , Cincinnati, I>pEmt several days last fOI' whlob appellrs 8S brown forIi: M' Lnk en~ Clerk week with Mrs. Eliza Miranda 'and rodiODI on tbe 'u llder8lde of ' h e ' . ' dau~hter. Is nOB Bnd ulong tile IItllll1:l. The Bordeaux 18 mllde by dissolving sep. , MJs. Bar'ry K . Chidlaw and daugh ru.'ely in w.. 'er Bnd mlltlns I&"r • tel' Annette, 6f~ Grand FO lks , N. 0 " two level tablol!poonfula of blue are the guest·! of Mr. nnd Mrs. vitriol and a btl'f oup of bydrated . ' Ha:e aDd tbe. diluting 'be mixture Walter McClur·e. FOR SALE &0 make a lalioD.


Late Class'I-tied Ads

--_.-...- - -

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alsupp and Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Staley. of 'Dayton, were the Sunday guests of Mr . and Mrs. I!:noch.Hnines.


JITNEY BUS ' Wlllitart October 15tb and will leave Btoadway and Main SU., Leb· anon. at 6:15 • . rn:, via -W.yneaville and Harvef_~burlr. .. Arrive. Walmington........ 8.15 a, m. Leaves Wilminlrton ........9:00 a. m. Arrives Le~lln()D .-.-....... 11.00 a . m. Leayes Lebanon ... ..... .... 1:30 p. m. ·Arrlvel Wilrplngton ...... a:30 p. m • Leaves Wilmmgton ........ tl:OO p; m. Arrives IAbanon........... 6:00 p. m. . Jncludlng Sunday FAREa

WaynetlviTIe ..... :.... _ .................. 85c · QarveYl!bul'g ......... ......... ......... .u5c Wilmington ................. .............900 A. L. HENDRICK

yonng Jerlley Cow, ~Ir by WM ROB . INSON 1 Dioe, plde . . Inqnlre of LIndley Men. •

denball, R. V . 3, WaYDeevIJle, Ohio. Is stilI In the Junk bUllnet!!": Saveflt . . 011' your Junk for him and ~e will .eall fEll Off , LADDER (lood road and famil,. Mare on you and get it. Leave order I all Evel'ybody Is going-you cannot loond a.d per.tllotly qUiet . ID~IWhite's grocery for all kln~1 ~f. afford to stay ·away. 'To the Wedding at the School Auditorium. Oct. quire of La..,renoB l::Iurl.oe, R R. Co QUINCES 12, at 8 o'clock, p. m . . Phone w.. J





Yn~SVll1e, ~:io.

BU ' ~,.. L ~ ~G

.. S

Mr. and M·rs. R. E . Davis are J. Milt Earnhart is confined to his shoppin g in Cincinnati today. Tbey will remain to·night and see " Twin home at Lebanon on -account of "'~-IIIi· ---~IIII!-!i!--bruises, resulting from falliIla' oft' a , l3eds" at t.he Grand theatre.

Ifalldr~ernewahri~erei.Ck~ffe. Y:J~~~lIlipnpehjd

The Mother!! Club held a very. Bue· '" cessful market; Saturday. The mar. and be fell to the ground, There ket netted them absut 132, which were no broken bones. however . . will be used for school purposes. •. - • . About t wenty -Knights Template'



fr ommorning Lebanonenrou~e went . through town NOTICE Of lhis to SJ>rin~field, Ivhere the. State Conclave wdl be he ld, today and tomorrow.

.If you do invest s:o me of your ·spare money in .tock and h~ve to pay a higher price tor feed .later, blame yourself. ~ . . . Do not feed _wheat to hogs, for you .·are losing· money and starving' OUR AL~IES. .


Thllt !=avc. You


Mrs. H. H. Wad8wo rth, of West·



The Entire Family

Outfitters ,for

Mr. nnd Mrs F . E. Sherwood and family, of Columbus. are ependiDlr


Comc' and see before you buy


Ernest Earnha rt . of Dayton . spent ' ' unday with hi!1 brother. Mr Harty ~rnhart and family. l!J

~~~~~~~~~~~I~w~kh~~,ili~a~oo. ,.


Me II 'S Corduroy Pants

Ev,c rilllr t , of L blllllln, i~ vi, iting he l' P IH ' 1I1S, l'I1r an u Mr~ . ~ Olivel' D vis, (

V.It.,d Sial •• Pood .... mini. trAlor. 'W1I1 .dd,.. •• t~. II• • _ aib M' ••• Haalla. of Cha d a iry IDdu.try. Ooloh.r 22. 011


who lc family, 'cpara ic ga rm nts and 'union s uits.


:-----------------------:-------. 1 Mrs . Fred

demonstrations and e~ltibits. . 2.000 Prize Dairy Cattle- MUlling Machine Demonstrations- Mammoth Farm Machinery J£~hiblt -Hufe Tractor Show- Pleasurll Car and Allto True Show - Thrllll71ll and Entertaln'n, Nl,ht Horse Fair.


$1 0.00 ~It; $20.00 $12.50 a~:

me ~i nl: of the Grocers co nvent ion !lL lJaylOn !!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!~!!!'!!!!!!'!!!~~~~~~!!!'!!!~!!!'!!!~!!!'!!!~!!!'!!!!!!. I 'l'uc:;uay. I _.

Ten III, daY3 full 01 educational and in3tructiv.

ERTY LOAN. Go' to ,.ur But today ... do J'OQl' share uiMake tile Woricl Safe for De--

I J.


\ oun g- I\1c n 's , u ils nlHl Overt'ont s f.rom


MAN'S ~}~I·n:~~~~

Greatest Agricultural Exposition Ever Given

Call up "RlIerves"order out eYery .pare dollar at )"OUr command - do your bit ill the Big Drive tor til. SECOND LIB·

W were f~rtllnat fin bl;y ing our goods early in the scaSOll. We (vant to give our patron s the .benefit of this.

I' H arn' e' ~ s'


_ _ _ _ _ _ _. --,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~.,,,----'-.

We ha~e' in 'stock, everything fi rs t -cIass Harness 'S hop . .


In a



The Tom Thumb Wedding will be gIven at School Auditorium Friday night, Oct. 12. at·8 o·clock. for berie· The members of t~e Junior Prla. !!!!~~!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tit of the Waynesville Bran~h of the Red GroBII. Funniest show of the cilia Club are notified this month's ! ______________~..----1111!!!!~ mooting will be Saturday. October season . 13. at the home of Miss Eugenia W. C. Raine,s writes us from Camp Whitaker . . ' Sheridan, Ala .• and · .ays ,he arrived there last weel', and Is very pleasHose-Women, .Children, Men ....••...... : .... 15c antly located. Willie enliated from Toledo. and is in the ~!2th Battallion Gloves-Men, Women, Children ............ 100-.100 ~' ield Slgnnl Corps. . Tuddsh Towels, large size , . , . .. .. .. . , . , . . . . . • . .. 100 WANTED·PUMPKINS Men's Neckties" .. ..... ~: .......... . . ',' . . . .. lOc Ralph Miller purchased !OUl · . , 6 qt. Gray Enameled Kettle .:.... • ...... ',' • •.. •. 25c In a ill Crest. of Sears and CartlUlght · . . Saturday. It :you Intend to build in . Uncle Sam wanta Pumpkin for School Bags ......................... '" ... ! 'lOc the tu t u re thley have a. few more th" bo,S. an~ we 1!7ant to let. him (let CompOsition Books •. : .. ; .............. ;:.. : lie choice Iota at the right pnc:e. a credItable amount here 10 bring in· Lead Pencils ...•. .-r . • • . • • • . • • • • • • •• 00-.2 for 6c:-Ic .. YOUt Pumpkin aII1 day . Curtain ~ds, just the kind you want ....• ' .' • • .. lOa Messrs, J . d Hawk., W. H. Din. 2. . TbeTomCorwln Cannln. Co. Candy, new and fresh,· per lb. . • • . • • • . . . . ... . . .• 2Qc: I widdie, Walter' Smltb Sarrv Sher. ' • - • wood. Carman Comel. WUI Purta, ~ , Wm. 0 Harrr Starr ana . .. Marvin to LebanoD Frlday A comical weddln~Tom and LD7 WQDIIdIe • • the work will be married ' Friday night at



THE Sc, 'IOc' A.ND



O. U. A. II. School Auditorium, Oatobtr 12tb. 1M. . Come - &be fa. \






Sixty-Ninth Year

W~a_n_ag_e_ rs,_U_m_p_ires and S~ta~rslDDlllll\-·n_W_or_'d---l's

8~~~~~~~INMENTf!lVEN rp][@~MOOIii



~. ~.----~

Mi sses Anna Furnas and Alice ey we re Day LOll visito rs Pr iduy .


The Grange will meet at th eir hull Saturday evening a t the usua l hour Willi " Iiumphre) s. of L~banol1 . was a busint'S9 visitor here Tu osday. :'virs. "' . H . "' arr "pen t a couple of days with rel utiveN in Oaytnn last week . Mrs. J . C. Hawke s ptlnt ~everfli days wilh relativ eR in Cincinnati lu ~ t week. Dr. J . A McCoy spent Ihe week· end with relatives in Wa~ h i ngton , C. H . • '!o

Mrs . R. W. Younc and children lire visil inl{ with re llL liv e~ n l Hrl'Ok· viiiE'. Ohio . Geo. Perrine anrl Chlls. CO ll over , of Mason. we re in town Saturday , clillillg on fri end..,.

No ma tl er Wllll will> ' he \Vorld's .-eri '5 ( and ~ l' n t i m r n t is al,oll t r \'cnlv Oji vided 1111 he remit). th r th (lll r(h rs ,if fa n ~ th rj)u~ h n ut the" (fllil1try arl turned I.. 'h ic~g() anri :-i 'IV Y"r k. \\' 1 1I' r~ Ihe I ha n1J ,i,," ~ ili p J..::lltlC S art' t ,( ·ill).! I'lny<, d. I It,· Wh ite S.,,, 1" " ,(· th' ad \' all l a~c dI llS fa r. nnd t heir t'h:utre ... o i w inn ing ,, " /11 '0 be f :"",r~ I h' ,'''I'I'rl hasc!,all

. Dr . J . 1'. Ellis attended R m ceting of Insurance EXllmilie rs in Dayton Monday "vening. Mr. and Mrs. JaR. E. McClure . of CinritlOati. spent Runday with Mr . and Mrs Walte r· McClure. Mr. and Mrs. J. Il. Chap man and Mr. and Mrs. E, V. Barnhart we re Cincinnati visitors' Monday. Miss Henrietta McKinsey was Ii ruest at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. F . Cadwallader lastThuraday.


Mrs. Mary Caskey returned home Saturday after a delightful visit Nathan Siivers Austin, the eldesl with relatives at Marietta, Ohio. son of [88SC Dudl.,y Auetln and Celes Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Dinwiddie and tla Silvers, was born near Lake Win· ona. [ndiena, March 12 1845 and died Mr. and Mra. J. C. Hawke spent October 9. 1917. Whi 1e still a baby Sunday with relatives at Dayton, hiB parenttl returned to Ohio and set· tIed on a farm in Greene count)' Mr. and Mrs Guy Dakin and Brre the the young boy Il'rew up .. t- daughter, of near Centerville. spent tentllng the di, trict school a few Sunday with M.r. and Mrs. F. H. weeka in the wiriter and workinl1' on Farr. the farm most Qf the time. Although bavlnc-few educational adnntagee Messro. Frank Zell ' and A. Maffit, and little time fDr study be secured and Mrs. Hannah Antram and Mrs. a teacfler'a license' at the age of 17 Mary Caskey spent Monday in Leband-tBuabt school one or t'!"o short anon. ' terma. 'Father loved the farm and the Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Kelly and Mr. open country and ' except for two R. W. Younce were in-Cincinnatl Mort periods when he and his father Monday and went to see "Fair and engaged in the grocery bUllness; n Warmer." Waynesville, practically hie whole life was apent on the farm. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Ma· On March 6, 1868, he \1/&8 united in ry's church will meet with Mra. Cad· marriage to Raehel Ann IWblnson. wallader at the rectory on Friday To them were born two children, .fte ~noon, Charles M ,-'pf Oak Park, l\l • and . C4lleatia now Mrs C. E. Prugh. of Mr. and Mrs. ilyron Hartsock and' Dayton. Silice mother's dea~h lhro!e daughter, of Cincinnati. wer e Sun),oara'ilgo, father's life has seemed day g uesLB of Mrs. Matilda Hosier without point or purpose never Rst- anu daughter, Misa Ethel. _ Isfted but 'restless and eager to join her in the I1'reat Beyond. Edmon Hill, who has been spend· . The {ollowing vereefl found In a lit· tle book carried in his pocket indiCiaLe iDg the Rummer with Mr . .H . CAt· kinson and family, of Route . 3, reo the trend of his thoughts: turned to hIs home In Miami, Fla., today . . .. "The twilight shadows linger longer ·here. Mr. and M'rs. F. B. Henderson and The winter days make gray the clr· family and Mr, and Mrs J. H. Cole . cling year, man spent Sunday with Mr, and For even summer \\ inds are chili and Mra.. Frank Hartsock and family ,-of drear, ." Wellman . Since ahe went home. The first gnaw of thl! lIeason fell The robins's note has touched min· last 1<' riday, and everybody got oul or strain, The old glad songfl' repeat a sad re- heir heavy wrap8- tho3e who had them. Of course, the women, "had frain. And lauRht.,r aobs with hidden bitter oLhing fit to wellr." , pain, ' Since she went ,home. Mrs G. L. Kincaid, of . Sardinia, and Mrs. Chas. McConaughey nnd Hnw still the empty roomR her pres· llaughter. of New Orleans. La , were ' enc'.I, bles~ed, , guests of the Messrs. R A. and R. Untollched the pillow that her dear G. Cro, a last· Friday ... head Dressed, . . My mournlrig hj!art finds n'O plac.. Mr. and, Mrs. C" T. , Hawke , and for Its rest, ' jaughter, Misa Helen, spent Sunday Since she went home . . with Mr. and Mra. Frank LeMay. at Middletown. Mrs. Hawke remained The long, long days have crept aWsy (or a .visit of a few days . . like yeal'S _ ' . The eunlight hall been dimmed wIth Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell are doubts and fears, apin relll resid.,nts of Waynesville. And the dark ' nl"Ms have wept in They moved their household gonda . lonely tears: Wednesday inlo' the r(loms formerly . Since she went home" occupied by lIarry Sherwood.

T he

. ... , .


D. L . Crane, In company with supt. C. A. BrlJner, of Lebanon, left this mornlnll" for Sprinafield. where they wl\l aUend tbe Ohio Grand Lodll'e of MIUIOIlII, as delejlat. f!:om their reapeeUve ladltes. .

We have a large supply of CEMENT BLOCKS OD hand. Can furnish y()u with any amount-wRl make to your Mn. A. E. Chenoweth wu ealled order. If you ex~ttobuild to RaDdolpb Count.y.lllil,laat week. , ran to consider ' our ce-' hear on aceoun~ of the eeriOU8 tIIn. . of dou_t .Ister, 11ft. M.a ry E FenDlmoN. ment blocka. Call and see us. Mra....Cilao""tb Rni.tcI lit tlma-to

Y0IIDC8 Grala .Wa,_v., 01d!i


Th e lowe r groupi n,g are players- the ~ I ars in th eyes o f the majority o f Ian - upoit whom d ~pen d s the results tu " grc:.ter .or lesser dcgree. At tlte lo) ,,"er Ic ft is Ray Sc!halk of the White

I S lIext

to the; Ed·

die Cicott •• maiJl8tay of the ClHca&o lea nt in the pltdl'et'. bcI:x Uld f)amoul

for hi" "shin e ball," IlI1cl Gears.. Bunu of .he Giants, who stu.. alone as a fieldt r. are at the rlPt.

The plzu=s and oIfidaIa pictu:n:d Mr . and Mrs. Ed . Mur phy ve ry here a re kDown to e¥CfY foDo.~ of baseball, and they an: abown in thc:ir charmIngly entertLlined at Sunday lal~t picturca hMt .. they are appear· dinner. Those who enj oyed their ing on the field ill the creatcat bcucball hospitality were Rev. and Mrs. D. H contests in the, world. "\ Palmer, Mrs Martha Orahood, Mr.

--- _. - ..---

a re

1 1~ I .... r

n )!' '' piell''tI .

'H )

,h, .\

: 1011" , ... .. II


llt· \, 1

ox , ackno wled ge d as the ben back ei th ~ r league ; Lew McCarty, <" .~ qr th p star cal!:hers of the New

'tol' in


Chester Snook, of the-II. g~ S. CharJe~ton, Is hl)me on a furlougq. . Since 1912, father h.s been a mem "Ches." Is lookinll fine and he says ber of ~e Middle ·R un Bapti,t chiuch th'a t lIurt\ly "Ia . the life.", Be will althciuah b. had .been for lI1any ve&r~ probably be here several days. a strong believer In Its doctrines and a regular !,Uf,m dant at Ittl nieptings. Mr. Lindley Millll, thl! Misses Hel l~ather lived acle n, honest lItralght en Thompson, of Chattanoga; 'l:,enn.· forward life , H~ died In peace and Ann 8rlllant and Mr. Eatl Jackman honor with all men. ' all Btude!lts at Oxford, Oh,io, @~Dt .. Charles M. Auatin . the week end with Mr. and 'I Mra, . G. D. Mills. .

befvre .h. dril. lb. Co.. fb~t' lin. F~DD1morw wu beld . ~ wwal " . . ber slater


York Giallts,

lin. Mr. arid Mrs. James Mullin, Altha Palmer, Daniel Palmer and The schools have contracted with' Edna Mullin. the Cleveland Lyceum Bureau for a five·numb .. r Lyceum Course con8ist~ LE'banon was visited' wit.h a disas· Mrs. Jennie Thomas and Mra. Ad. ing of the following attractions, trous fire Sunday night. At 12 PEmnewit delightfully entertained Ya Ol? New England Choir who will o'clock the tire alarm sOllnded , and It the Loyal Women's class of the be WIth VI.'! on November 2nd and provt!d to be the packing house of . Ferry church at the borne of Mrs give U8 a costume recital IIhowing , the HaTdine Packin g Co, the build One week schools In agrIculture Jennie ThomlUl on October 11 . A the rnulical development from the A shipment was mnde October -1 ing being known as the old Woolen and home. economics are to be c~n· good number responded to the ·roll. time of the landing of' the Pil~rlml of comfo!'t pillows from the Mill on Main street ducte? th18 year on points call . . The pro ram wae then ren· untll t.he present day; Willard Gorton County unit of the Red Cross. The Witnesses claim that both onda of In OhIO, The instruction WIll be of· after wtlch refreshmenti of an imperaonator and cartoonilt, who al!otment was 500, but following is the packing houseslbarted at thuame fered by extens!on workers of the aandwlchea, coffee, cake and fruit will appoar on December 17th; D. Lee the amount sent: time. It is aUeged to be Incendiary. College of Agriculture The date were served . Fitzpatrick a well known lecturer, . u the house W88 full I of com. About ,et for the Waynesville meeting will . , who be with us some time in Fra~khn .............. .. ........... .. ... : .. ,22ij 18,000 case.~ went UIP in IImoKe. The be January 2126 . . . January; The Dletrics, who will en Springboro ... ......... ... ... ...... .. · ... .. 107 firemen worked hard to IIlve tbe '. . - • Mildred Smith delightfully tertain with music and magic on Car\lsl.e ........... .. ........... . ........ ... 37 building and contents, but It proved entertained a crowd of young folks February 23; and the Floyd Featb , Red Lion ............... .. .............. . ... 10 to halle a good start and nothlna at. her home Friday evening. The eraton Company, novelty muslcian8, Blue Ba\1: ....... .......... .. ......... ..., .. 15 could be daDe mo're 'than to try to event being a masqu~rade pa.rty, who will cloll8 the course In April. W.a~eBvl.1le Branch ..... .. . ......... ... 91 aave the bulldingll surroundinr it . . . every one was array~d In hlil vanoul The proceeds of this' course, if any King s MJlla Branch ...... .. .. .... " "... 269 A dwelling house owned by H. W. In OUrlPue of last week a mlltake cOlitume: The evening: was apent. ln will be ueed for the benefit of the Lebanon Branch ...... ..... .... .. .... .. 237 Walter back of the packing houle waa made in regard to the public the playmg of ~ames, after which schools. Should there be a deficltlt Morrow Branch .. .. ..: .... ... .. .. .... .... 69 was als~ burned to the ground. Th~ eale of E , M. Luk~n. . Harry, Sh.· delilrhtfulrefreshmente were aerv~ will be made up by the teachen of -- bouae was cccupialil by Ernest Smith dake,( Is tbe clerk inatead of the ~me At a late hour. all departed, deelanng your schools who have taken It-upon . ~Total .. ,...... ...: .. ]060 There was but tittle saved of hi~ selling the propert1. as Mr Lukens Misa Smith a moat excellent hostess. themaelve3 to act as the guarantors. lS the man who II aelling the stock. The tickets will be sold by the pupils Rose D. Vall, Chairman. household effects. Mrs. D. H :' Palmer was hostess to of the high school. The price of a mll\Celianeous ahower given in season tickets for adult& will be ,1.00; honor of Mr . and Mra. Forest Mar for children between sil[ and twelve, tin at the beautiful home of Mr. and 60a. Single admissions will be 35 Mrs. Ed. Murphy, on Friday evenioll', and2t ce~ta. Odober- 12th, s8venty.fivlLll'. Every community should bave being present. The evening wu entertaininent in some form or other. very pleasantly apentiri conversation Certainly, nothing can be more en· / , . and solos by Mr. Mnrtin and music tertaining and instructive than a by the young folks. Mr. and Mrs. good Lyceum Course. In aelectlng Martin wsre invited to the dining attractions it was our aim to obtain room where they opened the pack· as varied a C(\urse ae po.sslble so 88 to ages. They received many beautiful meet the varied tastes. When ..ked and useful gifts consisting of cut to purchaae tickets, will you ~ot glass, silver, linen and hand p.inted give the matwr your attention and china and the Ferry Bible School also help make this course a atlcceas P It presented Mr . Martin with II pocket depends upon your patronage and Testament. Mrs. Ed Murphy. Mrs. cooperation. . . George Greene, S~Pt. Maurice Hunter and Mrs. D. H. Palmer Berlled dainty refreshments • • consl8ting of fruit salad and white and dark cake . All went home at a late hour wishing Mr. and Mrs. Martin a Ion 1(, happy and prosperous life.

And now he too has gone home to



mCIl " ,;lIn

n Iil e dIaHl p illll '\ h i1' ,·nfl!t· .. l -l arp "l)" wlI

be with her,


top group shows, from left 10 righI, th e rival ma na!!ers and ulOpircI- Evans. ·McGra w. 0 Lo ughl in. Rowland, Klem and Ri gler- a t one of the o peni ng con·

LYCEUM COURSE 1',.,. GIVEN BY SCHOOL _-::' _________ ~~~__::~~=~~~'~=_::~=~__::~~~-:::~=~~=~==== and Mrs. Forest Martin, Mr, Henrv _ .. - - - - - - -'! -----Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mul'\l'in ilJll.


Cement Blocks

Mr. and Mr:l. Pe rry Thomas ente r, lained a l !lUllpet· MO ll dav ev en inl!' in a most delightful lDanner . The lr ueHts we re Rev and M 1'8 , Pal mer. Mrs Ma rtha Orahoo d , Altha ' and Notwithstandin g the cold breeze Daniel Pal mer ' that was so much in evidence along 1he banks of the race at Oakdale Rev. 0 H Pal mer and family. Park. Saturd ay IIfternoon, a large M r R Mar t ha Orah ood, Pe rry Kenrick cr owd assembl ed to see the racing ann family . Mrs Lois Null , Mrs. eVt! nts. The park was liberally cov · sWm Coleman and d aughte r Dorothy ered with machines and other vehicles p e ll t a very pl easant day ~' r iday and those who braved the chilly winds with Mr . anll Mrfl. Wal l, ,: Kenri ck. wl.' re amply repaid f or so doing . The local horse men were all out f Lytle . and they . as well as the horses. enjoyed the a fternoon. A new horse Mr . and Mrs . Cil as. 8 , J () h n ~ , of wi th con sid erable s peed has been de · Lytle . enter tain ·ll tho r(\lto\\' in ~ veloped in lh e l u~t fe w weeks. Th e gu ests on Sun(lay : Mr alld Mrs horse is owned hy Dr . Ellis and he Ear l Randolph and fa mily. Mr. nnd llrove iL in Lhe race Saturday. Or . Mrs. Stacy Lamh. of Dayton . (;I('nn ~ lIi s is Rure 1\ oI ri v(' t . anl1 the way h C. J ohns. nr Oxforrl. Mr , a nd Mrg. out·travell>d all lhe regl of them was C " ll, Mr an d Mrs WaLte r I;urllly a cau tion Kenrick and Mrs Cath er ine Johns Genial Sheriff C. J . Waggoner was the s ta rte r and the way he managed . The Teacher.i of the Ne w Huilding the starti ng is cer tainl v goi ng aome, enter taine d the Teach ers of the Old in fa ct, one of the spectators said Biliiding last Thursoay evening in a that he waB a starter from the Grand very unique but delightful manner Circuit, and that he brought those Delicious refreshments we re served dri vers to time. a ll ri Q'ht. We were una ble to g et t he scorc.'! anll the cord ial greeting o f t he hos t amI hosLesses left nothing to be de· for the races, owing to the absence of Dr . McCoy. 8ired in the ple"lInt aA'air.


Mrs. M. A. Peirce if! vi ilill g' Rt het' old home in L banon, Ind.

A beautiful ' wedding look , place Friday eveninl(', whim Miss Eve lyn, dau~ht(>r of Mr. and Mrs J . 0 Cartwright, was married to Mr, Robert Chapman, Hon of Mr. and Mfs. J , B Chapman: the of'1lriatinR minister beinll' Mr. Ralph Whitake r , This weddlna' waHthe play given for the benefit of the 10l:al Hed CroBB, Ilnd was perfect in every d etail Space forbioe giving the entire per· formance and the names or ellch membe.· whopar'icipatild. but mere ly mention of t he principal parU! MiRS Ruth Hartsock presided al the piano, and a8 the gu esls a rrived . BOftly played .. Hearts and Fluwe rs ," As en.'h guest arrived, names . were IInnouncl·d. and hllarty laullhtc , folloWE'rI. as each guest was given the name of a local resid/mt. During 'the ar~ival of gu e!lt~ Bevtmd . sones were sung hy tl ,e youpgRt erll As the strains of Lo hengrin's' Wedding Match clime to the ears of Ih e audience. Ihp u ~ h t! rs . bridesmaids. maids or honor. rinll' bearer. minilli er and finally 1hI.' groom and till' bride and her rathe r followed and the "not WIlS-IUlon tied Afler congratula tions the weddinJ( 8upper was served, which consist ed of real ice cream, and I he way thoBe klda went 'into it, made the scene real. 'rhe entertainment WIAS of a char· Dcter to please everybody, nothinj{ being said or done that woul!! mar I he moat sensitive. The pro.!eed8 were - most gratifying to the leAders of thl' Red Cr(lBB, and will net the order about $40.



Or. Dill, O~teopat h 2 l S. Brolld· way, Lebanon. Ohio.




Whole Number 3449






Mill feed

We had a F'eed Dealer offer us the same ' price .for several car loads of our HOME.MADE MILL RUN FEED that we are asking you-he said it was worth more than the shipped feed although he could get it 8 little cheaper-so buv your winter's supply now 'while the price is. right and you can get it. IS money in ..feeding MILL FEED at the present prices with the high price of ,stock.

,The' Government ,WANTS YOU to Raise More.Stock HELP WIN THE WAR! If you do not wantlto invest your spare money in atock- ' ,

BUY. LIBERTY BONDS! If' you do invest. aom.~ of your apar~ .money in . atock and have to pay a hiigher price tor feed later, blame yourself. . . , .' . Do not feed wheat .to hogs, ,f or .you' are losing . money and starving QUR ALLIES.







. -.

LOCAL CHAUT Warren County has mass meeting on Wednesday eVfm1l11l'. NEXT ·AUGUST October 24th, to be held at anon Opera House. . A few of the hustli':lg )<Qung buslness men of WaynesVille, headed by President Hartsock of the Men of Waynesville, met a represent.atlve of the Colt·Alber Company one day last week and contracted for a five-day Chautauqua, to be held some time during the latter part of August, 1918. These men expect to get 'a large number of Wayne Townlhip citizens on the guarantee fund and to ask for the backing of the Men of Waynesville to make the enterprise a lIuccess It behoovell everyone to get behind this movement and boost for It wl\l bring Borne of the best talent of the land to our town with a very nominal coat . ~o the purchllHr of a 8e8llOn ticket.



,S1 MARY'S CHURCH Twentieth Sunday after Trinity, October 21 Sunday School "t 9:80 a. 'm.; Momlnll' Prayer and sermon at 10:30. The publio cordially invit. ed to thelle services. . .

... .


Oll.~ ~

ICUI. GlaaBartaock tOok - In .,.todar,

MURPHY ~·MARTIN ,Mlaa Eva Mu'rphy and Mr. Forest M'artin were 'married on Saturday afternoon, October 6th, at the horne of Rev. Palmer, tbe ceremony being performed by Rev, Palinar. Mi88 Eva 18 the accomplilhed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mur· phy. She haa been teachlDi' for the paet three yearS and baS made quite a'succ. as a school teacher and bas w~n tb,e love and reaped' of ber pupils.. She III alao one of the live wlr.ln the Ferry Bible School and has b8llll teaching the little folb for the put ' two y",", and th.- have learned to love ber .. at.char. Mr.. Martin tit the accompllsbed son of .Mr. and Mm. Elmer Mar~ln,a prosperoU8 farmer, of near Ferry, and Ie • fine aololBt. · Be Ia aJao a areat belp to the ~'err1 Bible School. wtI .wlab ' them pi-oepetitJ ~ happlneea in th~r DeW hO~ .




A musical program and prominent speakers have been provided fur the occuion. - - - -........._ . _ - -

We are buying aU kinds of grain and are payin, the very a"an,lnll'. highest ,prices the market will n~~=tlallow- Remember, we will amount you have pouQd OIl up. atL

tht:iOII • . ......1IIII


IfUU'I,"ll ""11)1'(', tll(\lr ',uIJlIIlWD Wit'" nl.llhHl' "IIIl"h'l 11111 IlUi



H:\hutnnw:' ttl!' :dlt'l'lft' inquIred, d,l:l\{ '.t" - " I ,.,ho\tltt to:U). lIut :" "TlH\1l ,""1\ nit' 1101 )lnt. nl't·~' II." " 1 't'l'ful nJy'ulu," . "Hilt ~I..,.. 1: 1,','11 I. tI,a,l. 1i(·I, tlnllgh. I l' tolu 11. 0"'" "I <'ntll F"ltllt'.lIrk~! II '~ II WlIU rlt'r

I'm TIll\. Il"'"/Ch. nfl'r " "lIIll1jl ,wer be .... In nil o,,~n blll1l Il LH I helllg li t · UII'k (\ by II hnlt nnk(l(l NIl""J{e with whl"I"'I·~. nntl, 1('1" Hf'C' RtlIll ouo "'II~ ~h" I . Thll l'H wh~1I I rnlnll'll. r gu~ ~~ ill'CUII ,. I don't ~(,U1(,lJIb('r IIUY·


• tbl llg morp 1111111. jURt .'.10\\' ." "All I hlll'U I ct· "ny. RlllIell Ibe wnn wltb Ib ""P", JIIIIIIIIIIIII' bts hilton <\IIS· rC8Iwd (ull,·. " I~ tllllt Ibl. I~ 11 buUl


1...ocalllr10e DtlRI"Iy l'lWJl~' )( 1 llUl .. ' It 'I . 1. qalnlt U8. but lit Illst he' ""hl lit' Iii

band. '·1 CAll't allo'v tt, jp'tIttuU)'. "All 1\'0

l ~tly~ ." III' .. "id "~II


/I ' ,',.,

''I .I ""."

I '


tho IR'IV. IA to tnko ·rll. "netoro 1 mo\'O OUt .. r I ',i, p '.' " . Upton S. 'Olalr 111' t t!~1 ',1. ",', •. ': "1 ; havo lIomo clotlws." "All rlgbt. HOII," ~oull"'d 11\1' , !, ,·,.I ' "there ulll't Illly cull 10 !, I' I 1" ',1' to

about ItI," t u rlltu):!, h ) llll( ' uf 1', otbera, "lIOO U th ere nlu' , ...1111\(' II!!! o~oth8.1 In thllt rlo.~t III tI",' Iii ,.. · I

belll'a room." 81 departed OJld 60011 reI "'"1'01 "il II a IUment known III hl<lo ll'." liS • Mother Hubbnrd. 80 CRII'r! 11""11'''' ,,,' 1'- re.emlllance to a 8'111IlSh . "'l'hle Is all I ('Oultl filld," ;1 r"I'OI'I 04. "The Hnntlngd on . 111'111 " 'OS n tem.lewomllll."

"That'lI do," cbe allerUI'

81l ld lIrl()Oy. tllle on wltll. OQ& 1lD)' argument. and wo'lI bo on OUt

toeIIwa It to


wq." OIa1r tho~ht ot protesting. but WftB q'geroomo b), tho Iden ot t hc WOIUO 1\ In the next room and . hft sU\ ~: ,10111100 the garment, wWeb was en t Oil lIu" ~taDed to cover Rny 80rt ot figure whlch nature conld turn out. 'rbo et. r.ct ot tho clreall plus the wl,lskers \V118 .t.utlw., to 'IIJ" tbe lenet. "Iletore wo go," tbe 8berUr decIded, ~. . bad belt ba\"o It look nt tJle ro..w." To me ' be anld: "Wbere is _ allCeased' Wbere I. Mra. Oreen'" "Mrs. Green hMn', been mllrdel'ed." 1 atarted to eet hLm stralght. ," , didn't a.k bow ebe met ber (lenth,'· taB ·.berllf thnndered. " f course I lb't _peet yon to IIdmJt you killed her. All 1 ILIked ' WII S wllore she 18. t· .ad, by George. I'll bal'e 6n OIlS1\'er. W1Mn Ia ~he 1" I J)OIJ1ted Bllt'ntly nt I he lockcll door. "'Bo)'.... 8&111 tbe shedtT. will. 0010· doD, ". POOl', defcnsClI()8, womlln IlIlS "-70Dd that door (olllly dOli It) denth, lIT tbuo bere 1'01IItllls. mltl!. Wnds· worth, Clancy, SnIder, you w III a ct IIR l" alDtiblllDCG dopartmont." , I'OUI' ot bla comcdlnul wellt toward .... door. •...Watt," tbe leader comDlundL~1. "Be. ta.. )'0\1 8nter tbllt molD tnko ort tbem


" l"1'be tour nondescrIpt hats cnme off 1lleDU7. 'l'h8n tbey Illsco"ored tbat

11M door WIl8 locked.. Uowc'I'cr, thnt J!I'Oyei1 on~ n aUgbt oustucle . tor the 'Ioeit was 8al11y torced . It smlck me . . tanD)' that M1'8. GreeJl bad not l'indJIe4 out on the B~ne betOrb thla. ~ primonll1011 of comIng dlsllster grip"

olgll t to 11 nl~ l t o pIny" Joke (t o blm." "M Rllumr." Iho ~1.crItT sn ill. with g loom." ·1',, "rel1('~ •. ".I''' U h," 'c Sl10Ucd ., lllllr,..i(>r cns" "'" (lV'r Illld 111 tho only lfnshloon c uun\y; thnl's wllRt you hRYn ,1 0 11". COIllO 011. Iou.,


b" f'r",,1< A, Munse"

ped 1117 heart.




TJIve was • bUnding flosb, and my CWer'WJ'Olliht norvee jumped seven foot aJaCI rebounded before my brnln 1l88nred them that It ' wall only a flasbllgbt. Tbe ofrect on _the tour membere ot tile ambllla.nce IIqnad wall even more ~. Apparentl), not !!lIpeetlng 1M dPlc*OIJ, they dropP8l! tlIelr bur".,ID4 atood wIth mouths' open. A<> ddlDtaIl7 they drollped the bod)' In & altdD. potture. ,'1'IIeN ~u • IU,bt IIcream, Un.. OneIl CJl)8Ded her eres and demanded, .-wtaer. am 1 r' II. the omcora of the law hid bep


t<1 UDU Itl b


Dr. J. A. McCoy, Veterlnarv:

Funeral Ditl"Ctorl


-~--~-~-~-- _

and Embalml'r,

Notice of Election

Commissioner's J.'rocecdinzs


IUUl bllr

Oraduate of Ol1l h

Waynesville. Ohio.

OF~' I ~ ;

Ch'lIlcl! 11111 ronti \\"Mit In DoorCorner Main ~nd Mill "ltrae ls . omOlon PlcBS ollrt fie lll towlI Rhlp '~7 5; h I.E' '' ·(l.rl. Either All tn or ll orsc drllwn ~ rV!C'9. I. horeb)' 81~OD ~t) lb. " ICClnro 01 t'llo SLlJll Rihhou 'omru rrlUll ;O. ! Wtl ll·l1t, llUrin11'"nlllll tlllO$ll; 'bllrie.. IhoNotlco No (>xlrll charge fo r 1I11ln ~t-'r vlI'e Telepbon .. 28 WaYU6 Town.hlp Uurnl S ' hool I>I .. rlol. v~ UCl'hcrt YllllklRt. (u illotl n 1111.' I I, \\"HII~'" a l' hO"l'llIl\~ Ilull wlll\hiog o r WarrclI un y. Ohio. Lh., ou crorlloll ,,\II BI)lh I'h"lles ill mea IIntl Hcsiuenc e. W ~., , bll hOlli at ~bo u8uul I'otlllil pin e. In •• Id dIs· d f l<lIl1n nl lI' ~rIlllt U I~ v t pll'ud fo r prtsonn" 2:1. a4; Wllh"m L. Irln 00 tho o. 11. I nynesvi ' e. w l~ hlU ~ Il(ty tI'iYH , I 'yll' shlr. d"I'" ry A\lrv yor. IIvnr. , ~~~~~~E t.f1 t1n Uftllti,\' VI! Morrow H.dle)'. ' flnc.l l~llJ.len e 31 :1[,; .1,)bo J{. ~P~g · . 'IIU" itnniii<! pu wtt h o nt. r onrd l o r . • ~IIJ1jnto nil cOll lru ot n ~ $. no; 1J.I\\'oon~he Itou..,. 0 1 6: 3U n.m. 61111 0 10 IMII BAJ<N H >\RT, '1'1 l' I .' , ,. 1.1. \V HI<l ~e I'~ Ilrn llte Ull COll i rool· Oil 88 1tl \I~y •• 1 wbl"b elec:lInn \It. Jl""I)fllilll"" • 10 "I'PI' r IIfUldlrO OIlII)'41 I::9 0 't 337 . ~ ~v L' k I I ", It lher ,,, nOI nn 0ld,1It11111.1 .. I Y 0 1 '1\ ' os , 's ,I. "'. NI' oll l, l" Iltl 'l )'. I Ollol ~ , .',1 ,,~ . ; ," ,. ",p .. r ~, fill rn '. ror ""hll(ll \llIr\>O• •• o r 110' "K"(ledln I ~IIII. • . Notary Public " n, r fi20 S ll l WI ck CHI I r e ror lIot OKe Il lIg ,~ Y 61'11 .h~iI ho Fal'lad In Opto metrtst Tbe IIUl onn , duo hllvtug been IHl ld ~ ; :.oarf;o . , 11 '. ' r .,' • ul(l (1I~lrl L \l'lII bflslI\Jmlll d. \01'010" df OH use 18d~lml ~E d. ' \ltll r~1 In ~lllullJ townShIp S I. n ..!(l ; J . o. OAR'rwnlOlIT Eyes teste ree I Ml\r 7 \V " t 11111'11 on. cluDlBlte < for PrO>l ldontol lho 1lnu"d 01 lId II II· ! . 'II Innrl tl 'I f N"M,·y W Olle Lllnrll E. Hllrkrnder' VR EVil Ii: pOD l1 wny SG; Lobnllon InA.<:! '0111 tlouol til e W.yno 'T'oWD. hlp l1urOl 1 10 IIllil f)plldfl II HJl Mlll lh WIIIIIIll.l~ et ti l. PI"lnt.lfT !,I r llste d Co. 'Ioe ro r or,urt 11 0 a ~ $;' 1\1; Dnn D1.,rl ·Lo l Wnrr.lI oUU l y , ohio . I lenvll to fil e reply. I P . H'Jn e, f, 'cs $28 .4Ii; Bnrrf'tt Bro~., E. Ii. UAH~AAR'l' • ._!"!"!"""'----~~---- !"'"-~S2~ . !"':!!'~~~~~-'!!!!!'!!!!!~.~~~- , Be ojAlllin Rpa rk8 vsTlle nkn owD bla nks f u r INk $$. ifl ; )( , 1111. Work elurko rl~olln"rrlot E, lurn\IOn O r . H et~~ ' 0 f "'II ' ~O thUW.FnOTn\\'n~hlrlltllral~"hnO TELL TIIF. ADVERTISER YOU SAW '" ZIl B' "n d rp\V~, d I'oeOfle o\lfj e. k' pepln!! 1'r I ~ O lltlr.. $'11 "~; lJI.trlct u l Worrun CoUll')' Ohro I I IIt' lIl. ,Judg mNew ent Suits for lll lllntl lY. Hn rrotlgha ACIIJlng Muchlne Va . ;,.-,;. o~u" ' . :.. til : A.n~ IN TtlE AliA"" OAZE TE _____________ . ______________ . ___________________________ ,I





E. v

Lb ' e anon _:_ Oh'






1 e

8ld ~ r m)'




t OlllO ITOW .

. \11) \\J1,\, I I I





b er tbnt I'm ull l'I"IIt." "But we Clln t len" o YOU bere," 1 , . newell my . argum ent. "and J have .. 9

IrO back." "Perbaps tho ge11tJemiID lIol'c" - Mnt. Green beglln. "No,;' lalt· declilled, looking Itt hla thumb. "r ho.\'c · I n be In Fulr V low to betUI'O IJIOMlIn g to prV" cut illY h ·lem}'.

11 11 " . 111 ,

"Yon con'l !!,O Into Ful l' Vlcw wearGracll l oulL lIll e Inoll lit IIl e 1IlI,e and Ing a :'Il ollwr ITuhbnl'.l," 1 r emInded flatl y drrllllctl tfl \I'Il"'ll Ill' bout until hLm. It wu s ,·ulm. "Well, T '~nll atop untl get my OWn "1 dnn't know bow I CI UllO O\'er bere. 1 eouhlll't ho,' o been In roy rIght sonses clotbes." "011 Groell'~ Isllllld? ' And me t Mila cven tu sturt. but I tertlllnly om perr.ctly anne now. oml ON 101l~ us 1 re- DUhluoro n ~Hltl 'i" "I'd rorl(n'ten nbolll hel·. Whllt can main 80 I lnt.ond to stuy on dry land

Every year the saloons of Ohio pay~ $G,lG2,OOO 10 the Stale, a nd 'UlOS(! who refused to think for themselves wer'c !cello believe that if Ohio wcnUl'ry Ihe loss of Ihis license money: _ ;would make lheir taxes ,11ighel'.

whUe a storm Is III III·og rC!~8 ." . ( doT "Stus 1'1,.11 l he l'o Il lld I'll SOlid the "nnt )'our dOIl ~hler will ' worry," 1 protetlted. "Lucile hn s be on " ory near- boat back wltll II suit ot rlotlll]S 1.11' an hour." .. IT 418tracted for I wunty-I'our ,ilou1'8." "rs tllo Indy. ;\Ira. Ore n. n wlto or "She mlgbt betl'el' lie (1I~ll'Il c ted to. ..... th",n nil OI'lIhllll Oil

COl "

"Sbo /In s II lI ush:lIl,1 IIrln!!." ".All r ight IIl l'\I. ~I r ')\'\' \1 clotbes thnt 1 cum,' ">'hlll'e III thlR' nlQrnlog are 011 Il line 011 I III' 1,",,1, 1"'I·cb. Send

I ,II 1ft l;now what I aholiid tlo If ~J '''' . n I'CC II ~I!ould tall In love wltll Ill '· ... 1 Rur. ere,1 hllll fl'<) 1II tll u IWIIl or hIs aldrt t o the tl" of II IN 1. ".A;. long u you bu"e th o~ d fl tll<,s O il." I /;1' 11\'0. l)' oss ured hl nl. "y,l:," 'e n~ All re ·"H " dollal' nt til hut! 0111 oI ( ' " • >"'11."

1"·,, . .

\V sf. Virg i ia , Jurillg

Betol'C 1 Icrt MI'". 1'1'1'011 tl' \(' llh o ned to I.uclle nlHI 10\(1 i,C!.· ","1 ~III ' lI'llS lato. I · t ool( tI, e II UI!I·I .,' " r 1" "I " "d<l 1l1( tho pOlltrles Dud ~1I1r"I ''''' \II or th ~ Hnntlngdon bouso fill' ,ul'plil s anll carried uway eno\lgi:t tlnllNI 'l lI,T to assure tbe gurrlsoll nt fl"I'i'll'" hn .lI HI at lenet olle SQullro 1U ~1I1. nill I1l1d mJ'scll embnJ'lwti Ii""~. I earry ,wltb me yet III mom",'.,' I h,· pl ', ttIre or l\JrB. Greell and LIJlltln ... ( 'Ia ll' all ~ lort thorn. t~'o stron gely d ati 11;::. uree, ono In a r ed bull go'Vn. We lltlicr In a caUco wrapper and 'whlskol·~. bob· Ilobblng over a pot ot tea.

Has Appetite. A fa ther In New York 1111" Iwen orderctl to pny -$7 u w\· ... k fM II b'o y ",hollo appeU te Is Sf) I'IIV I! II f)\l ~ thnt hI) P-DtR 1) 8 lUuch ns Ull'CU 1I""J',,!;e adulta.

~ qaed In the eaatem _precincts of the UIcl tn~ alrcnfJ. Here are t .... o 'of


lIritish Isles to watch Ollt fOI thtm starling out {or a day'. tba air. TheIe airships are eqllipped with signalling apparatll! so Ihat the .hore they can pall the Tiorli Quickly if eithel '~;:.:....;._ _.,...,._ _....,.__ ::~~ ..=rolP.!aiiles are in sight. They are in operation day and ni~htJ I,f toItt-sometimes vmturinr over the North Sea 01 if~~S::~J::ai~1 resemble the Zeppellnl at a di.lance but'are Tb'1 bave • artIl .peed Uld CUI ranain in the



...... :_-

"Th ':-;0 aI" local mnlter!; :1nll the ex.pense Ill't'c'sstl l'il y h[! s to he I l d hv the 10 'al f> ub·(livi.-ioi1 where thc saloon-s are

lhree dry

He'l) 9r. . nig i l here ill Ohio (li e l.ii g w<'l C !llers wilh Ih.eil' high In:' rut.::!.; .111<1 lieuv)' ill dclllcdllc:'s h~~'C:!1'l 1I1(11l(:Y 1:11011:;,:h 10 P3Y l'Ul1ni l~3 c::jlcn." :!'.


... -:

Aalda from the IlOIIltant 1I1ltrol of the English ~oasts by boau, airships

sult of intoxicating liquor."

ar:.; h ~ r educc.:u h er :-ilate tux raie .from

, (T obe oontlnued)

811 ~el)l


Timqt hy .Seed We have a large stock:coming in, several grades', Come in and look them over. It


\Vhi l th·· il.'l or Pill 111; " wi! I :111 her ci · e it 1J)1'0Vl'llh ' lils, willtoH t ~d lOllS for ighl u 'c~: I'S, k r; 1I .c 1 )west bx ntc of ~ny ity ill Ii 'Slate. . 'the aiH.l iLor ·f the Stale o f Olio il his , anll~lnl r ej)ol:1 fo> III ' ,.'''~\ I' endi!l g .J(me :JO, lDl6, T'l'('ogIHz "d !he 1:. 'llhalluxespLdd by 'ihe liqL/VI' int ('r ·"tt: do noll H' 'l tl ~{: nl lb· lie expcnscs l be y


the exp enses of r egulating the traffic and to m e l as far as possible the maintenunce of ' those who he 'Ollle public chargcs as the re-

mu s t also con ider what lIlC saloons cost the Sink, ~lIld i f' you w ill l oo )~ to Lhosc states lhat lIa e adoplcd }>rollibiLioll , YOLl will find Lhe 1a1m of the li(lllOl' inlen's ls that Ule saloons lower laxes, is an 'xp\oued theory. Kansa. , w ilhout liquol' I' 'ven ue for J1l~\ny :y~' rs, is {'rec ('rom de )1:

them but''' ~ 1)(1I1.


Nowhere In any Industry has tho Ulxpayer beGn p,etely short-weighted as by ihe liquor bus Un~ss.

'When VOll think of the sL· million dollars lh~l Ihe sal, oBs)1ay lo lhe Statc you'

lIer motbera • wldow1"

----... - ..----

T xes


Whl:'n WC (iI'.'· 1'IlIk,l III II!· ~hOl'e marrlugc.' · emllark 1m ti l<' .\J (.'\'I·Y "'ldow. Mrs.



(,'1 rri ok Rod wi fa Il' t In lJ~hnl1on , $1

for probate



Great Airships Supplement Wark of • Patrol Boats Along British Coast.~ ,




\ 'il ll cttu

III mnjllsll,' Rlle",'o Ih,· nl(>l1lbura of llta ahe!'I1'''. I'OM"I' III"d f!'om tbo room. Ullve Bar on VB Geurge BU[8011 Tho y OlllI1; ilIOn will. Ihc " "tUUrfl \\' 118 Divorre. DrIJnkennes tiDd ~ r u~ lott lJrhll1c1. haRIII,\' pi ' kIng ul' his negl eot of duty. . trill'S 111 o r(l l' r to j ulu th e othol's hefore tholr hOllt !t,ft r~ t\ Is11l1l<l . Probate Court I Il l)pruoched bltn. III tho matt r of the e~ttl'e of Bny. "Nnw IlInt tll('re Is 110 murd 'L' mys· liR N . Se ttlemyre. dooe8ged. In v entory," I 11('111111. "1 l'I'OSlIUlO tbllt 1110 tory Dnd 8ppffllaement lJ led. plCllIre you I (ofll, \\' 111 be li S le98." E tate of Wll1l81D B/mlllton. de. """ot 6.1 oil," I,e un R\\'ered. 100 bu y oeased Final distribution macl a. tOllling III) IJls trIpod to u Ol ko thnr 1 In the UlII,Her ot theo ' tllte o f Wil hlld OIJCnL't1 th l! shutt r lIt his cn mera. 116m Huoter, deoollsed. Lnoy Buo"lrc:n find 11 8~ Cnr It S ('lllll wny." t e r ap pointed adminl , trnLri', Bood r li t Il I11R\('h II III I Iwld It IIlwlIt ao 1200. lecb frolll th o III th u (·uIllcrn. pre10 t he matter of the ostate or I SBIIO leulllng 10 (' XIlIllIIlf! the nnUlIl ot tbo Mull, deoeased In 'fen tory nu d up. maker on It. "What nrn ~' o n llnlll ~T' ho df'Wruld. prail!emen~ filed . e(! sbnrply . In the moMer of th e glJudlnn hlp ItJust 1001dl1 ,4 Il t .\"our h:!1l8," 1 an· of I!ld wurd Brant, min OT. E. V. DUll . ."·el'c<l, !tlowl ng' out the l1Inl ~ h . " It'll hum upp olu ted guardian . B o nd 11100. a DDhllf'~'(l ", ( soe." "Y c~. I WII8 'ofmhl .00lIelhlllg m~ht In tile matter of the o~tMe of UallpclI 10 !lull Ill'Kn I II'". I Ipn. tile Margaret Hamllto D, deooo sed. Flnnl film I n tho ClIllI"rn. " IlOO OUD~ ot IltlUlinlstrato r filed. "Dill you ?" I Il~k('r! Inllf1N'lllly nud Es&ate of Cor.\ C. W utts. doooll ~od . closoo 11111 ~hull er. ull~' 111')1'" 1l1l0lr Firs ' Roconnt of I1dmiolstrlltor flied . sen·ell. "~Iny wo lillY 0110 ot tlto Estate at WlllibDl A. King, do. [1lctur('s It t hey IlIrn out wcll '/" 08ased. ~900nCl (,nd fiun1 UOOOUDt Bo I!Ulll f~ 1. filed . . "If t!IIM pl r llll'o turnR \lu I lI' ell," be Estate of 'l'ho mll~ Wilkerson, d e 81l.1d, "nOlIl'ly CI·crylJI.llly In tho ' ulted Boot s w ill hn"o II copy of It. I'm a oMsed. Sixth aooount af trn too pbotflgrtlJlhcr ror tho llullll nall S,I'udl· 1I1>vroved, allowed find confirm ed . E~tllte at Anna Fires, cleooa60U . cllte or 1\'011'6[10\1\'1'8." "'l'hOt'H whnt I rlloll ght," I Iln:lIVcr- Floal acoount approved, Allowed 8'nd ad. returnIng bls sllllle. . oonfirmed. After ho wos gOllo I ntlOmi., '''1 'bnl's Estote of Charles t:llmpbell. do. wby 1 let tllnt ucgotl'i'e lIet Il};bt oeased . Final Ilcooont oppro ved, atrucl{." nllowed and oonflrmed . My ftssorted com\1llnlOU8 were sit.Estate of Rebeooa V. Sheppard, t1ni' on opposIte sIdes or the to blo. lneane . Fourth aooount or g uurdilln "Par(lon me." I ul\lrDlured. "I be- flIed . lieve IIllit you hava not met. Ura. 10 the maUer or the 8sta te of Groell. thIs II LIpton 8. lalr.... Oharlos t;telnlnt, deceased Stllote"18 bo tho 0110 wbo wroto tbe article mont tiled by admiolPtrator aooepted about rasUng?" ~lrB. ·Green 8sked me, In lien of appr..lsemeut. . llgalu IgDorlng h er "ls·a,vle. . In the maUer of the e8tl1te of "Uo la." I admItted. li!phrnlw Foreman, deceaseC1. Sllle Mre. Greon ealtl nothl ng turther. "I prcsume," Olalr atatod 80ur~, bill tiletl , Arlls B. (;lImpbelJ Rnd wife adopt. ''Mrs', roen bas forgotten that ebo stuck a bUlll ln throllgh my thnmb IC8' ed Luther Barvey. thou halt nn bour ago." Real Estate Tran.rus "It was not 0 barpln , It wall a satet;y pin beut out stra.lght. I was atrotd Anna L Morgan to J . B. ChapIt would not reacb. WII8 tbat your man, lot In Waynesville, $1 thumb you bcld 0'1'01' the key bole ". L. J . Bornsidl!9 and wife to R . "It ",.us. 1 8 UPll080 you nro sorry It 'Van Tre8~, ooe aore In Wayne townwaf not my eye." s hip, $l. ( could sco thllt tho morc wo talked Ruth Daugberty to J:i , Van'l're@8 the worse the s,lruurlOIl w oultl sot, so 1 iDterrUl!tl'd tbem. "We mlgbt 118 well 85 aor081n OleBroreek township, $1. ao back," ) sugges ted wl!1Irlly, slIrvey- Andrew J. Yeozel and Mary Vlln Ing my cOlnpllulollS. ") IIDl golllg to rrB8a to \::t. Van Tr08S, 3 aores 10 the.-JIInln lllllll. )JI·•. Green. /llld I ca n Wn.yno towDshlp. $1. leave you III hOllw liS I go lIy." "You're not gollll; awny, Mr. Blot· ner?" ~Jn!. nrC'1I (tsl"',l wllb mother-

. T!* four men re-enterod, cUrr)'lnI .......0, a Ump 1la'Ure, which wu, U.... Green. Had ' abe lIMD~ck b), a ettay bnllet from the 1Rta~ party' It Mho bad, thlDp ~ were looldng black tor 0la1r ,04 1IIIMlf. We had no way ot provo ly klnllll f·SS. "Yes." t Itt Hi\\' l Ot.. 1. . ... that we were. Innocent, and all ,. \\'1111 t.'M I hr. mlllter 'I" she <Iucrled '~nt1a1 efldeDce would be' J;e.ntl~·. "Ludic '! \',lll Illusl u't I Ii her ~ IJI. A murmur ot anger ran .a0cm4 Uae ~m, and tho man with the nckl c llt'~s IIl1r t yclU. S h o IJIIS fulls In b9ull ~ n ~ w~II li S rll(f" III (1)1)(18 Itlill ex. ropelapred It norToUIII),. - "IIM47. bo)'al'~ the abertl! order.t. crela ." 1 n RUn,, 1 h"r \\'1111 11'1111 1 oI .I\II;ly ·1 '"thut momen\." The )'ouug man with luld Il' rt t hilt I \1','11 111 ",o ,·r,,\· 1'0 ' (:on · ,oa. beld up hla hand. "Don't

.mer. .........



"Il ft 'I i', .\ (tll




localed." . "Why rhoLlll1 l'110 slnk ,'ob th sc commlmities lIwl lIeed every cent uf this 1icense tax '?" . More lh::ln an thc mOl1ey l"'ceivco by the StHlc or lJ . the Ci ty or by the .C ounly fr'om 010, salooll tax is li S d to t:1kl! eare of it3 ',':' . im$. So th~..l til is )h!IlS " money docs Ii l'C'd u('I: l:l ':c',;, hul. ll :..; I 'sll'lId ive inf1u-

"('s or Ihe .';:i1oo11s 10 't' 'use them . .And in k!i!iol1 to .!lllhis. wJ'eck: the lives of thousI( :.; oj' 111 11 women :.tnu chiJtJrcn every ·ar. Th ~ man \'ho \'~lIcs wet ,to Silv taxes is ) in g fool·ed. 1I (~ is bei ng robbed of a gr ':1 1"1' amolln t L1mu 11 .'. ves, :.l,ll d he' is I·HIll1in<1. himse lf 'wei UV<:' t'\' other l't:sid'e nt . of lJ is Sin teo Vole f~ l' 10\ 'cr . ta.· eS~ . V(Jlc-· for tile elimination

of an i-ndus-

h'Y ·which is only 1IHl·t1y payJng l 'h.e

ca l.1s •

TIc s:r s ill 1: '., <:In·

Ilc1Ui.ll cos t of I'cslor-

cial .rei)o\' I: "The salvoll ·lax ,is lo. (;ll\('Cl'




i ng lha damage ' does,



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i . .t. WllITJ::.


~i11 pay you.

. Younce BrOs. Grain Co" Wa1lleevDle, Oblo



JAM. GAZE~E ' ~nR~nDa~~S~"M~~R~ r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~ ..~ W

1'" ... 1110.

"We I hy I..col Ill 'I,lie"

til/li S,

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D. J,.. - C:/(AN~J,



OC'l'O HF.H 17. 19 17


, t1fu9 IdlIlIlOI p"' linll 0 1 til •• I<:d it (l r a nd Manager Tb".c i. ollly Oil ' 11 .1)' l!; ,1I.e "u l ,,~ r hu l ",'n fhess, ,,,I I L1m l Is h~ u con5111111 101I/,1

l'ubU.b..... \\'HHII I)'



c~u;(' s

Th e annulIl Uu ehye cu rn boys' - 1 speCH' is to be 011 _ of t he fth Y. if no t th e C!nly t'Xcu ~d l un. to be r.un t o W~!lh1l1 glUn , lhlS lull, lice r dm g t o r~lllr () n d \l11il: 1Il 1~ . Whi le IOIl I,C exe ur· SIOns h llVll ~ ne rally beell abullrl oned' and rl'~ul ur pa, 'CIIRc r ~e rv i ca has beell red uced , th e s peci als b 'Bring th e 5(10 prize . winni ng ladt! und Ir. !!. sies alIt! an t'4 U ~" numbe r o f th ei r ~r.i cnd ~ nnd pure~t.l!, hus been P 0 :i Itlve ly assured . SIX loco moti ves and enoug h Pullman equipm e nt f or lOOf) pe rsons .will ~e' u s~d on the trip. The s pecial trainS Will leave Ohio on December 3 and s toP!! will be made at Pittsburg, Washington a nd New York. The corn and other contes ts in which the fr ee tri ps to the East are offe red are conducted by t he Cul lege ot Agriculture Exte nsi on ervice of the Ohio State - University.

Mu "y eli IIsed 1" y cn tu 1111 .


Any doctor will teU you that the ingrec;tients of Vinol all printed below conwn the elements needed to im. prove the bealtb of delicate children and restore strength to old people. n Co4 Llftr .n4 Be.r Popton ••• I _ ..., aD4 Naa"ane •• Peptoaat ••• Iron Bod Amrnolll~'" e ltr.t0l- Lime .ad aocla Oly..rDpbotpb.te., <;aacarja. Tholle who have puny. ailing or run-down children or aged parents may prove thill at our expcnse. BCIli.des the good 'it does children • nd the aged there ia nothin~ like Vinol to restore strength and Vitality to weak. nervous women and overworked, run.down men. ~ Try it. 1£ you lire not entirely sat. Isfied, we will return ]lour money without question; that provn our fairness and your protection. Mil. \Ions of people have been conl'inced thi. way. J, E. Janney. Drufrglst, Waynes ville

.•. New idea.


the ' Louse


olti <le o~

m I,iDj,{ of t h e of Ulw lluH will ue bele!, t ~b o , 1'o wo !:i u \I, Frid ay eVillllu g , October ·19t1'1 1o lu r t lre r l,b6 Li berty HOlld dll ll~( · tlp tio us . poo kers wi ll be p resaut t.O f' Xlllnl o tll o IOllo Come lind hltu r wh .. t th oy Illl ve to BlIY Ilisu bo '!!!~~~~~!""'!_ ~~~~"!..~~_~ __~_ ~_~_ prepll rllu t o do yo ur h it; l 'bll b'~rw 6 r ' lI Ul~OCtl u~ tb o '1'o wo 8 •• \1 F rIl.l ...v n l~ b t WIIA wO Il M,ended, althO llll1l H wile Ii VI Y l),ld nlI{IIC . , M r a nd Mr ~ . Eli I , U f II I l)g b~ m , of Ulool uullU, W [\d 11 h '::\,..t urdIloY Wi th Miss Velmll Mar lutt wue visi li Dfo!: B'r uuk I;; hld uk er b UYIng 1l0rsEis. Mr. hllr uunt, Mr8. B<,o E Brnh fl rt, II I UUllnln ghllul 18 we ll kn o wn h e re In Lebanon , tile past week, h"l lio e. )oIo m e o r our bus tlin g womeo are Mr8 . Thos . 0111 and dtlog btor we re Day taD II bol'pe r/) oo e da y tills wee k. going to try for 1\ pluce on tllu 80h ool Se vora I from our vloinlty atte nd. blill rLl a t tb " Nove m ber e leo tioD_ \V , W . Woloh tro u ~ u ote d bU81nes8 ed tbe rliOOS Ilt Otlkdal\i p!lrlt S a t or 10 Ul no inou M uo f riday . dav. 'fba cold weut lJ or oomo \0 on U 8 Mr •. Elmer R oy er <,ailed on Mrs ve r y muob uu expootod und It hKS Amos JI) oksOIl Friday a ft e rl,l oon Mrs. Ltl llre ooe Wak oly , of tlpri ng bee u <l ol n ~ th ut tor yen rs ~n d t b en VaHey, oalled on MIH 'Iurl\ Dllo g b. we lir e ne ve r r IIfly fOT it Th is is ve ry uUll ~ ll ,d 00 Il COo lln t of fu el te rs ono dny tbl ~ week. bUlU g IICI1 I'(IU IH1Ll h ull to g t , but It Mrs. Lell Douolln IllJd Mrs , Dixsoo 18 hoped I,b n l very thin g WIll com o ollVed on Mrs. Elmer R oy er 'l'hllr ~­ a r o omi fo r t h e beN t. day . Me: Fruok FO rD h e111I1 is " positinn Tbe women In onr villtige have a t til e N. C. it , of I)' IY ton beon too busy to Villi t thl@ w eek III' M r ~. 'W W . WelolJ i , viSItin g ' a~ the y hllvo boen ClUlolug peach es r lJl lll ived III lu dll~nU I)01l8 fo r sev eral aud milkIn g Rppl e hu t t e r. Mr. Cborles B e ncler Hon and f U111 d'iY ij M l d~ l ~ .. do rn ~llll i res is quite lI y vl~l te d Mr, ,1 06 Mllrlu ttSntorduy 1J0o rl y fr om (\ 0 injured tl nger. and l:)uodIl Y. J . l:i El rt r 81ltduKor III 11 olt izen of Mr. M Ii Beroard fr om Dn yton, Ohi o, IH vlslthll{ bill mot be r, Mrs o n r to wn , Aoveru l f ro m hu rf! "M oode d II s ur. trlor eoOlJ Be rnard prl8e gi veu 0 0 .Rev Wulkl:lf8' W ife , - - -o f U!'li rlu vi lio. las t wee k " nd the d 'l ) Wu s s puo l ve.·y ple88li n t b y 1111 . l:iOIo! ob oill ra Is gettin g its wo rk i n Itlllong de f ural of th u fioe dro ve~ 0 1 8wllllj in tb l!! violn ity , W b o hos t,h .. n e r ve to Bturt Il 1 h "ve 1\ car of 11', H Rtly tes ' G nano cow llJuoll,y tro Ok 10 th i~ seot lOl1. Cll. l~ uo d~ ( 1) h lll1l1 , fo urten l) ,",,1 It Is Ull pi n ~ In oth e r phll,e8, wl, y n ot, Mixl f> elll'0Toen t aold II h o8lJhll t f', und b e re. will sp ll It ve r'y l uw It tnk!'n (,il' the '1'1~e j ltlley bUB fr om Lebao on to ORr. COllie !. ou g ilt It whll t' It 1 ~8 1 •. Wllmhl"ton ilJ a very conve niont A. B. IDEB. t hin., to tlio truvolinK publio aud It " I t o be h oped tbat it lias 4lOme to s tay; tlot! lu ordor to kl'ellit, pabou. ize It. Our F ertilizer Is a busy oorpora. tlon under th e DlIlIlDRewen , of Jr. t:!ytord, " The MlllIl'le 'rown~blp S unday. Ur VIlndelll3n m ovl'd fr om the sobool o o nven~l on Wll8 h eld at tbe Pleroe l)fouerty on eCl 8t FrllnkllD li'lat For. , Buptlat ~h ,- roh on 8nudilY etroel, to tbe Mnll\e &ell\ll llrO\Jerty Il1l1t_ 'l'he program WB!! Intere.'lng on tbe 6El m e p'reet lallt '1' hur8tlI\Y _ tlnd 10lltruo\lve. ' Anth ony U"lIuRbllw . fl life long Rev. Ws !lIIr puaohed here Sun. r esjdont of thlH pl nQIl d ied III the day morning a ~ 9 a 'olook In order home of hh d no ghter in Uny\ nu In.' thut h e m ig bt a tteo (l tbll Township 'I'll 8ljd " y . II nd bu riell in U .. I vary OOUl. oO Dveoti oll in t he lI,hernoon, wbloh ot er'y on 'l' hllr ~dIAY m orning, has b e n Impossible beretofore, Mr, NtlthlJ'l .1\ lIa tin, of n eRr Mid- lI"vin!; to fi ll his appoln~men' h,ere dle Ron wl lOflt! .I ollolb oot) Url e\l IElst In the IIf'eruoon and 'In this !fay Monday Wil li hurloll bero In the S eU glvlug Ih(l wember. here Il ohanOB brook OBUletery , aUend. ' Mrs. BArry Lnmlll o. of, e lA at oC Mr. llnd Mrs . Frank L. Harrie and t.own , iij very Ill . Mr, Ilnd Mrs. FrclDk Bblduker were It Is r e po rt.ed ~ha J lIoob Cll r ey, vlsUors of -friends lit Ralnsooro eout h of town, blls lIoln bl& r"rlU t 'huT8day lind Friday of IllS' week. J oil n Rln ol! , uf nenr Xeni (, Mr. aDd Mu. !frank Wilson and 1'be (nhut dt Mr. fl nd l\Ir!t Roy daug h tor , Louise. we re 8 unday Ehrtllnol! n ee H. z.. 1 n. y lor ~v a e bUl. g ue ~ ~8 of fr leuda in Wlish iogton , U. led Ilt tb ls plnOlllnBt. 'l'uolllday _ H. Mrll J o hu R. WhiM re, 61Du, , ChArles Galbretb, r e presentlDI! ton, vi ll i!. 'd h r dool:hte r , Mr. Jonel! Wittier, ""hole8alo Dry (jood \\' o1\,ou S pa hr .oaU of to wn Sond ay d eillor!! of Ooluw bUI, WIlS calling on anai Moudll Y. bls trad bero Frldllj. and s hRkin g J s 'ue MoClute wh o 11 v el!' \Vest, of hands with old friends, ClllIrley III town, h~s s old his farm t It Day t oo IlIWUYB II welooUle oomer , Jluty nnd with his d~ughter , Mrs Mr8. Benry Morphy nnd two Ida ~ e l .e y will aoon become resi. d .. u ~ b t,e r s . of F ranllhu , were guests deots of our t O W.l . of Mr DUll Mr ". Rob!.. (Jarr over undus . -~---OUt 'to wo WllS well represented al W I\Ylle~ vllLe ut uI·dllY lind while Talis Put On by Law. Lb er e ll t \ eofled' thl! rtlOeb n od r e10 EIl " lulid ~In cc the tlnH~ or Ed· (lorted 'i good t iult,. th o wn y Ihp. la\lR ure set 00 WalLor (;ira)" Olle of our popular , f ur hil S hC(!n n matter ot royal rll i on. 'I'he m Wod of arronglng horsolneo l haa purohlle ~d a plloer tho tolls deslgnntc8 the various raoks 'hat 18 Abowlng "reat speed. Be bllS olu:-llan,..wl~bea. ' of omeers. Mr8. Suaan Dawson, acoompanled by ber dlluguter, left for Cbloflg.:> lust w eek lind wltl rellloiu ~be ro u u ring tb 9 wloler . Oor 1\1 rcbllDt s ar e dOing hn ~lnellij «ud gl !.tinl!' 1 ho m OnEl \' reeD r(l\ o~s 0 1 t h e so"roity of 0 " I Bud til t! hlgb l.'LL E~C!I' 'fOO ~,. fA'I 00 I, of living , ~ ~.OO96_'IOO ~ """-1 1 ~ I£ yo r y mu lol pil li ty is onforoln g bile I" ws t·ll1lt lIr ~ upun t,h e to ~-! and ( Rpcol .. lIY tbe Ilutomoblle und mot lli'oy clo lu w ~, und tb" re I, 'i low ug81118t Ullin or women (Iriviog or pr opellhlK IIny m otor <UlVlln ve· hloles under the Inllueoce of latox\. Ol\ ot.... The fioe Is su fficie nt to moko tb e m ba bn va flS t·h tlY s huold If tb Cy \\'11\ jU8t stop aDd t,hiak \vb 0 th ey Rro In tbelr · rl gb\ mind ttl!'y would no t b.18me ROY OIle for l! weiITh g ,.m t. a warrant f .Jr tbelr 'lrr, " hurl i1v ultl w i", I· mlgh , be fl lUtlrd C'I' It ,,·0 111\ vo o flloor~ tbllt wi ll no: e ufo r ae triG ol·din"nces und l" wMin our to wnA, t, o"' n~blp!' "cd ooulltles OURO!;e tb Ofll : nd eleot w en wbo will 8bow no f .. V01 S' but h it th e 11 ,\11 OD t.he b'ollcl R emember, and dJ tbil\ all No vembor 6. The Ct vlo IJelljtue met I::!aturday aftern oon 'M Mrl!. Lf\urll Barlan8 A very ioterest,tig meotlng "nd a 10t of good OAme frOID n. Mr_ lind Mrs. Barry F\m"rt II.nrt fElmlly, of Canolnnl\t.l , we te t:lnnday g Ult~ I e or frloJ;ldll here. Mr find MrR W. L. Harvoy we'r e oot of I,o wn visitors ~QtldIlY. Au "nt" moblle Ilcolden' oooarred on , " S " bill 'SunllllY 'nl,ht;, It b8~ ooW been d enlOnlltrrlted ~o tbe al'1I8ra01l0u of all th'" yoa' OIUJ no' mllke the turJl~ unle811 yon slow down to a' 11.'11,., 60 rulleR the hour , s\l rfure~ u f Ihr S),",C IIl . ' We will /l ive (Jne lI und red On llnrs fo, uny ('II Se o( ('n la. rl lId Drnr"cs~ tll:. I' cun . no t h ru. ed l,y lJ al l' s CUln"h ~ I cd i~ jn~ . e lren",rs f,," All Ilrllggisls, 7;'c.. F . J. l: II E N EV & CO. , 'I'1l1~du , O. Cli tl 5


thi ~



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, srSubscribe for' the Miami Gazette

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~s. 1'''' '10 BE ~,ro WEE\{_ 1 ~~ ~BOOY



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•••W"AT , SHE GOT I'·'



---_._ ..- - -



I\'r , tlnd \Ira-.,-w- -w-.-W.t.t " d M,. LuFevre, of F rtlD.k.lln, were tb e ' uo day g ues ts of Mn. allDuah R ioh Ru y W olfo Dod I~nmlly, of l :J'.. r ks . vil le s pa u& l:! uudllY wlt,b Jolio Wolfe Mi d wife, Mr. und Mre F. A . l:iortf\o ok en t ertllinod Mr. a n d Mrs, J ohn Colemn u Bud Mr, and Mrs. Fred Boo. d erAon and tbree loteresUllK oblldreu , of Wayoes v ille. on Sunday. . Mr. Bert Bogao, of N e w Burlintr. t on, s pe nt t,be week end wlth lIiH pllreots here. Mr , and Mr.. ,1. W. Wurwloll llnd family, of n Elllf Utloa, epen' tiond.y with Alva Ludlog £on llnd wife. Miss Otl al l'h lm :IJson, who gradu. ated fr om Miami Jlloc ba Boslnel8 ool1e g ~ r ecently s pent u fe w doy !! wi t h h e r pfueo l,a be fore t llkloJ{ up be r dn,les io the o111oeof the oOl/ege, Bu ve nl y ouo g ladlell ' rom here " tten ded th Junio r Pri8cilill olubat the h'o me of Miss EUg'lOill Whitaker on t;ntorday. Mr "nd Mr s . Er iQes t Munn on and Rut,b and GI nn Ma Dn on we resb ol;. I,i llf! 10 I.ellunon I:!liturduy. Mu ster R o be rt lDavls sllen t Sat. ol<l .. y IIft e rnoon wi t h bis «randplneuts, Mr. and Mrs. ~ eo, BogRn , T h o Misses M f~bel, Merle tlnd Ffly e EI1I~ w ere sh oPlllo~ 10 WII min g t.on Il'rid tlY. Mr, und Mra. 61enll lJavla attelld d tile noos at 0" Itdtlle Park 10 WayoesvllIe, SBtordilY. Mrs . Banb Rloh Apeot two daY I of IU8t· wee k wnb b er daugbter, Mrs. W . T. Jordfln . -Mr. and Mrs . <;bas . StRnOe n ,nd fllmlly Dod Mr , R"n sey !31f1noell, of Dliytoo, 8pent tbe week. end wHh ~a 8 , (;irllY Ilnd wife . .Mr aod Mrp. W. T. Jordan "'peot TlIursdllY In Duyto n .1' be M!l8S lo Town~ hlJ> tluDda, ~ohooJ " 00 ven ti nn h eld t heir q liar. lerly moetlng lit Beeoh (;iroveoburob !:Iooday aft,erDoo'n. ReT, Wllliaml, of Lt.banon, lIa ve a Iplendld tem per,anoe addreu . Two of Oor COIlD. 'y workers, Prell. Alex Boxwell anll Fred L Pauly we:re alllO there, anll tbe mnllie eonduoted by Mr ; ~ J. Inwood 1II'8S e.oellflO'Mrs. Cora Thompson aDd Aliu Bannah Jorllan I :pent two llaY8 of las t week In ClnoirlOtlti. • _ ••- - -


Th"" , ".::;;,:;,., .

Ranlj es 10 th is pur t of Oh io ' III rI t,lie ' prices aro, lo w. a 8 I bODght,tll III be. fore tholu M· tw o IHl vl1 not's In th~RO goods. Do n t Pll~ It oiT, Il H Ih .v H I~ Kolng fO llt . Ilnd t h e LlPxt wil l b vll rymuob blgbe r. A t th ool l stnnd . A . B I DES

w ••





See ' Madden



Ct IIlI OIlL',' ••••• ' ••• •• "

• • • • , • • • , ••• , • • , • • •• See M ~d eD

....... ,."

. .. , ,' ., ••. See Maddea \\'.tnt An y Kind vi 1,IImhei ~.

You \\'ant

, . • , . " . , .. See M ..ddeD

hing lcs? . .. , . . . . . . .•. " . . . .. .. . .• See MaddeD

Do You Wan t Fence Posts? ... . , . , .. . . ,See Madden


Do You Want Pa rm Ga tes? .. .. . ...... ,See Madden

l oaned on live stoo k oh nt M, ONEY tele und 8Mond m ortgng


Notes b ought. J o hu Uorbioe, .Jr. , Alien Building, XelJlll, Obi o. m 2

Do You Wa nt


Building Plans?... See Madden


Do you "'not. to borrow a

d'mo ~'

No matter w h a~ )IOU want,

8 00 ~ ' ud dcn

800 Madden

If you don't want anylh ing at all, SEE MADD EN jus t the same.


, E,ory bri ok bouRe, H OUr oo ws, h a lll , hirga WH.rm 2

0 0 1-

IlIr, good w II, olstero find out. bulldlo gs, w ell 101a ted Inquire li t tills offioc . 0 17




- - -.....

- ..- - -

PUBLIC SALE Buvln g terminated tbe parhler. ship wlLh tenantll, 1 willeell at Pub11'0 Ano\.lou, Cl.t my reeldenoe on the WflynellV1I1e aDd Felrr,. Pike (kuown' all t·be Sideli oornerlllooalsd one mile North of Waynesville and &'11'0 mile. E'"'t of Lytle, OD

At Corwin, Ohio

NE 1917 Baby (jrtlnd Ubev r ol ~t, , one 19L 4 Overlllnd Toorlng \Jar, hotb In g ood oondltl o n. lnfll1lre of Fred HlI.wkll, Waynes ville. O. c3 L


Jersey Cow '" Ub Cll\( at A good her s ide . A' the lCrelgbofT Farm, Oregonia, ,ohio ,


oalt by Meodenhall, R. D. 3, Wayne"ville, Oblet. oU lood road aad f~mlly More lound a.d perftICtly q uiet . In. quire or Lawrenoe t!urfaoe, R R. 4, Phone 12-SX , WayneBvllle, Ohio, oU



Saxon Six Li . ,..verY (PRICES ~IOttT) ~

Joong J ersey Oow, 1 ulce, ..llle. Inquire of




Walter Chandler


ARN-One.fourth of the big Gastln biro, 2u4b ; to be moved away; altlo, smllll baro, lOx25. For hlformatlon inqulre 'of H. B. Wil )lamson, on tbe premlsee. ' 017


Gorden ~Tlro8


Qftr POItolflce.

Ho ... Pboac 1 Hi

'onrlng Ol1r, In good AUro-A oondl,loD . Will demonst.rate. WALTER

maUon oall at 'he Gazette offioe . 01 7 .


Waynesville, O.

EN extra large Big TTpe Poland orne. Pboae 11

. 'ing Stove, Garland make, 1 Be' and. good Ilea'er, For infor.

Sole Agent



DR. J. W.


••• DENTIST•••

Funeral Director", Waynesvme



N. .oaav8Ic11.

W.,a-me. 0

-Et'rIl E It-

Auto Equipment ' Horse-Drawn Equipment D AY





WaYDNrtlle'1 Lea41D. Dea.... JIaID St OtDoe lD HainSl Bldg, . N fGRT

In every·layer of fabric, in every bit of rubber:7-permeating the entire casingl No wonder Savage Tires average SO much greater mileage. . ., ..

* , '~ . .Jy..

Savage Tires are built to..give, mneage first. then road oomfort and complete satisfilction - they are not made to sen at a price. And Jet Savacea eo.

no more than ordinary casings. ...



Sold through our own distributors. We put,the middleman's profit into extra quality ..... Heap big Watch for the red~vage sign.


Friday, Qctobu 26,1917 CommEloolnll 1It 10 Il. m" tbe fol. lowiog : . a Eiorse!!. 7 CaUle, 8 BO!!1 Implemonts. . • ijee big bUle for terDia, S. o. BI£NRLE . U, T, Hawke, AllO~.


'. ~t Pabillo Auotton a~ mT I wll1 sell residence ju' ea." 01 B .n8,lb1lr,. Ohio, on ' MondaY,


22, 1917

8eJ1onln, j a' 1 o'olooIt .Jaa rei. 10winl proper.,. : 100 eow.. liilboa"








(jenernl purpOlJll b o rse, o ot o ver 7 yeora old, bll Y or Borrel Inquire of G. E. RI/ ()y , Rid ge ville Obio. o SL

Mrs. EM Hense) Gild i'aest, Mra. !Gila Bensel, IIpen' MODdav in Day. too. Mr . lind Mn. WflI . Early, Mn. Bo yes Leaoh ilnd M.IIs Mllrle Rei Ilng we te Miamlsborg vlsUore Fri. day. Born, Oolo!Jar 1at, to Mr. and Mrs. Saul Ob{nrt (n"e Edltb Hatl!ey) at &helr home nellor S prl.ngfield, • Ion. Mr. J oho Oook, of B'rauIlIlD. apent tbt! wee k.eod wiUI Mr . and ,I. W . Hadley. Mr, alld Mrs. E. Blaokford were the Snnday gne8ts, of )lr. aDd Mrs . Ura MO<..'lltJe /lild fll,wlly Mr. U lid Mu W. Et . !3lesfried spent Su day with Dr . Wal\er 8legfried aon 'smlly. Mrs , AUUll Felulk and Mill Lydia W ood were Ihe Bunday gueste of Mr, and Mrs. Albert de8,on. Dr. Frank Grpgg, of Wel/inglon, U., s pent SaturdlloY bere 'ha guelt of Mr. and Mrs. N L'. Delr'h, Mr8. IfrBnk Ke[lty aod IIODS, of Lisbon, 0., have rE,~urned their h ome af ter a vlel' 'witb her pareots, Mr. amt Mrs JClleph MlIler and other rt!la.lvell. Mrs. H. E. WlIseo and dauabter of einOlOnatl, are vl,IUng Mrs. FrflnoeB Null and fllmlly.


Do You Want u Veranda? .. . .. .. . .... . See Madden

A good obaooe for 'a bargain, In. qalre as this offioe. 017.


b iJ

Do Yo u Wan t Felt Roofi ng? .. . ...... ....•. . . . •. See Madden


Look our goods over before buying elesewhere. Just (e. ceiveda fresb supply of




Un l'ou \Vn" , ','I,lmc('o !luxo"," • . . ..• . , .• . ••... , . •. ••• , ••. • . , . . • . , . Soe Madden Of) r ou \\" ,UH..


Classlflad Ads


Lln_. to 8e Remembered. 3 SoWI. ODe wlUl 8 PIp. 1 Bone. rreat r:hIng cao be dolle at aU. see bll-bJUI rw,...:: ___-::''"': lt tall lie done ellll1l)'. Bnt It is that Idnd of eue with whim • tree bloeo ~


Ar e you gOing to build a Hog Pen ? Ar e you g oi ng to bJild a Pou ltry House?

. UII \ "(\ 11

Chlua male PillS for 81l1e. AlBo tllD Ii.e ~hetlaad PonleB. W , C . Welch, Harveysburg, O . 02 4

BRAN, MIDDI.. INGS, HOM· INY HARTS :and HOMCO· LINE. Younce ' Bros. Grain Co"

Are YOIl /loi Ill{

HII~p big mile.g~1 J. B. CHAPMAN



IOIDa atter 10118 , . . . CIl ........



Ate you )?oi Il l!' Lo builll a H ou"e ( Ar!! you g"(Jing t o lJuihl ll Burn'?


(',"~ v~ r.

uf dell rll~ 9iS it ft! i. nil i"flHllled CfllI(lil iun of the '''' ICUIIS SUI (>leb , fi nll'~ C.lIa .. h Mod ici ne- acts 11 11 n 1l~ h I he bhmd un the JUU -



--~----------------~~------------------~~------------------~.-~>~----------As Written by Our Corps o1r Able Correspondents in the Neighborhood

'rl!Jllctly. ·.~1 I l h ll l Jlllafll(.\t-sisc.'Hl ltieuby n n mftu1llt'd I~O I\ di l IHII (It the: n l Il CI'~ u. l ill jll)( ul lIif" H I . III I,jll" Tu llc. Whe" t his I llltH! is illtLlllled !UI1 1m ve n IlI m blillJ; so und llr iu q CI ft-'C l hC1i 1 itl g:, fi nd \\fbcll Jl it' "' UliHdy du~t'u . · JJe ,rll(,:"''' i~ t ht ,,·sullo Oll les, Ihe i utit lllll llal ilJll CUll be r~ d ll ccd .wd Illb.: re 1(0, • •110 jI 5'lIorm,11 """dilj .. "

hl'nrilll( \\'111 I'e d,' lr(1yc d

E NEIGHB",,_..__





i------P--i ~:e I,"~"~'h~:';:'i',~:~~r":;d ',!:~ ; .~::':' .!!E~~NA~ME~TI~N_!


. . . . . . .- - - -..... 1








k~g tI~ I~m~l l r


Coil. ege uuameaa

dau~hler l and'




1 ~1~ 1~


Mr~. ~eartle8t


hll ~ ISC{~~I b'f.: p~. ,



shu ttill~



Magazine Off ers Expires Nov. 10



This American

Gave His Life







Second Liberty



Buy Liberty Bond.

This American Gave His Fortune



Tb~ ~all · S~ason





'rhe Clinton County Fall Festival, Wilmington


Apples for Sale a! Orchard

Wednesday, Thu.-sday, Friday, ~aturday

-Octo'h er 24, 25, 26, 27


D. ' B. UnderWood

Valley Phone 34-3

Harness Shop


We have in stock, everything kept in a first-class Harness Shop.



New PancllKe Flour. We have them bll. Mrs. Austin, Aunt Jamimas. Hink les, Virgi nia ,Sweet, Ballards , T eco

Harveysburg, Ohio.



Commencing Saturday; Oct. 6, 1917 ,I ~WIII Place on 881e-

New Hulk Oats , New Cracked Hom·i ny, New Oat Mea l, Ke l1!ig hS Bran. K r um bles. Fresh Baltimore Oys ters, . Edge · mont Cracke rs. See our Brooms at aoc and 65c Scratch [<'eet.! and Cracked Corn. Chick Feed and Oyster Shell. Tobacco and Cigars-F'or a lim· ited time we will sail alll'obac· cos at t he old prices·5c and 10c All kinds of RcrIiJ) ..... 5c and lOc Star Tobacco, Ib .. ' ...... .. ...... 55c 25 ki nds of Stollies. 3 for. .... 5c San Felic~ Cigars, 6 for ...... 25c 1000 p k ~s . Motheril Oats. pkg., only .............................. 10c Aluminum Oats, pkg ., only 850 Lenox Soap, cake. on ly ..... , .. 5c Clean Easy Soap, cake, on ly lic Matchee, box , only........ ...... 5c Bring us 'yo ur Ch ickens and Eggs. Paving aBc fo r Eggs and 19c f or Chicks . ----~~ , ------~---

It pays t o ,trad'e a t.


18 CombfnaUon. in red of 9 and 18 inch borders,

while they"", at. .... .. .. ... . .. .... . . . , . , .. .... . Bc per roll

35 Pattu,DI of Various COlors, 18 inch border, 6 c:.ata to • . " •.: • •.. . .• , •. . , , .. .••..... . •. . . . • 2 Y. c per Patt8m. In Crown Hanglnla, 6c to . . . . ... . . . . ... 18c per 100 Part.... Independent Side Wall Hanging. , 5c to •. 20c per A few lhadea of plain aD-inch Ingrains at . .. . . . .. • . .. . 8c per Oat Meal In,,.105 and Duplex 3D-Inch Papers at . . . . 12Y. C per Impolied fa.. colored Holzmehls at. . .... ... . . .. , . 22Y. C per No Restriction. ail to Quantity While They Last


roll roll .

roll roll

Executor's Public 'Sale o( Real Estate

LINES CROSSED RAN INTO MACHINE Thunday evening as Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith were returni nll t o their home Bouth of town, they ra n into J . E . Fr.azier's tr uck on Main Street. Mr . Smith , who was driving. lltarted to. tur n the horse away from the machine. b u t he had t he lines crossed and p ulled the horse r ight into i t . By s h eer \lood luck nei t he r of th~ oceupsiDts 'of t he buggy we re h urt , al t houllJh they we re thrown to the around. The .horl!e escaped Inj u ry and the machine was not liamaged and while the Smiths lVere Ihocked t o some extent, t hey soon r licovered .


Tile best line of·· Hbating Stoves and Ra.n geiJ in t his par t ot Ohio, and the prIces a re I.,w, 8s 1 boullht them before -he last two adva nces in these gQods. 'p ut It off, lUI they are going fast, lind t he next' will be very mush higher, At the old lltand.

.- .

Xenia, Ohio


In PUI'IUIDCe o! ·t h o previllous of t he 1.ln will o f Sam uel W. Rosen. deceued, &11. UD-

preml_ , OD t he

11th Oar 0f Noyerober I 1911,

8&111 n&I _ate II l oe&te<I In Wa 1alleYIUe .

OoUDlJ'. OhiO. UPOD ThiN! allMe.

de 2 . Gr" 1 01)11,




WHminrton Band Greenfield Band Sopher's Jazz Band

Watson's }fusie Circus Lilliputian Midget Monkey Speedway Dixie Zoo Wonderla nd Vaudeville

PARADES Wedneaciay

Thursday Friday Saturday


4Uto Parade Indultrial School Commercial Club

Free Acts--Twlce ~ally Dare-Devil Herrera-:'-"Th~ Man Up a: 'Pole" The Most Sensational Act Ever Presented. Performs ,at Top of Swaying Steel Pole, 90 Feet High.:

The Harrison• .

The K ing and Queen of- the Flying W:heels ~



Sky-Higb Robinion


World Fam?us, Aeronaut in his Cl;I.nnon ·Flight and Triple Parachute Leap. >

Ads~ oS~

W::-e::-PIlrlUfmr--.uIldl'a:=-_ soen t Sunda, WA.Hi:~~~fottb'Jut WIll and Mrl, J. H, Qarey aDeL. .ol lam~ W, Ropra, d-.4. 'near




Cot.wold Book Sheep, Inquire of 81vla I'lrea,

R. 0, 3,._W_aYD_e!~I~, O.

be&W1IeII OhaP.D!aII S I.....t &1ld I'raa kUa Rolli. Mr and slIa real h u beaD apDralee<l .. 12.000. IOn Orville Terma o! AI•• CUlt. "



Everything Bigger and Better Than Ever Bef6re••• $2000 Offered in Premiuma... Mile and On·e -Halfof Booth&.••Something Doing Every Minute, .D ay and •• Night ... •• •• •• •• •• •• . ••

8en~ for Premium LI8t toIH.



Henderson. :W~lmln~on. 0,,10.


d e..I,ue<1 will olTer for .alo at DuUlle auell.lI.

00 t he

Sale Enela Saturday, Oct. ' 20,. 1917 ~2':;~,~J;;I~:'~~·lt~~~:1.~1=~ Wanen

-Cbas. S. Johnson


A. B.

roJi roJi





Dai.ry Feed

Younce Bros, Grain Co.





Last Chance




I The moor I" ..d. 01 MI. MM, 'if.'d life lit HlIl'lIeysburg.O , and for J . Anna Compton , ot Carlisle avenue J'or U ..e1lllable to coml' LQ Ih II number {If yt'lir hl\S Ii" d in Cl) l· A, :'.tllfht l!tte!lcipd .lIn Jl1ballTlor' and Lesli e D , Rosa were happily sur. Colle. . to aUend resular APR ' umhus, Kansa~. dicd III he r hlle hom' 1m e l1l1 " Ilt L;lnClIlTlatJ Monday. . Jlt ised to receive the followin g an.lDn., we ha.,. arrAnged 1\ ~Ill'on Tuellday nighl , O(' l obp\' !)th. . . _., . o Ullcil , nJ (' t MondllV ev ning In Ilouncement cal'ds: 01&1 aourae of - - -- Ilc(lnseb lGSwll4 . Sun. Mr. and Mrs. J4.'B8e M. Compton DOOlileePI1I.6 by Sl\orlband mall. I, I nnd hll Ila. Losr-Auto 0 ' ob lith t Hn , th ' counci l chambt'1' to Iwar L1wv. auper'lor to ordln&ry wall c()ur~~~ . c, l'r : . e we n ,:r r po rt from I he Oll vlull ['(l weI' ,,-, ' IIn nounce the marriaae of thei<' a04 wltb lbla bl. advRntRge I~ \~~y~b'~rg lind Er!l~Rt !:Iutt ['IV rth ' ! Li In o . who. was .t~, metl~ with t1<1 ugh~er, Mary Annu, to Leslie D. Buy a Uni ted States 4 Per Cent Covernment If lellS lea ve at Gazel te Oflic . , them ' Ilt l hls tl/l1Il, lliey ,lid /lot HuBS on Wednesday, October the additlo/l ;' Ulo sluet nl mn) "nm Bond of t he Second Liberty Lo a n of 1917• tor ptll'aonlll, Individual InRII'll ' I t M I 0 h I fl T I ' I come. uut wrote n lelt r 8lyi':l{ that I t :n t h •. nlneteen: hundred , s venteen, lIoo Wh&DO,;or eonvent~nl to Un l\(loon"~ nt Ih o"'ll" til of' ruy r~ ar I .. ra t')o. e r ues( sY ! it 'iVas impo~~i ble at lhis t nlle to · Day ton, Ohio . .\t home after No. U . S. TrealS u ry will pay you Int erest every six malre tbe abort trIp to Dayton. hllMb Dd, ] wi ll ,olYer til [>u IJ II >l It' , !'l~rntryR f or I mhal~~IPolts A. ter pend · float honds lQ puy for lhe loc~1 plall~. v~mber I, aL 34 Br nner avenue, m onths. Write for delalle. n l Il ly I .ldonN' 1n Uttcn ' HI ".!llt her lh y",oulll have 10 walt Mr. and Rou nil e hosts of Saturday, clobcr 27 1017 , rs , . a .1ll l. . aHe:!' th Libt'r ly Loan ·.Is.~u 1.1I ~I'i nds in thi s l.lY who IH~ el(t~n<i Free of State, C o unty or other local taxes. laml8 11 11-: l llnlnJ:lIl, l 2 :iiO ' • lOOk MIS fnlMrs. Alice Keys, w ho ha s b en fln j OV(llr, they clm lh!s lI ig l helr t:Ofl grntulatlonli D ___ .• 10 vlO g de~orih '~lIropurt }': R OI1 St" invlJlld f or evera l years. died Wed . prOPOS ItiOn " . , ', and best wl!:Ihes to t hese young p.eoUnq uestionab ly the saf est Investment : In the h old Uootl s n( !'itOY"' , nesday Illornlng at ,1 o·clock. Ttl' rn Ih me ntlmo. 1\ The left a wedding world. "'--_.11: 11_1.. o.-"oa, Olli~ ' t ' l • I " 'I'u I I '. It O. l+ r d n 'full el'ul will Le helll at her la t e hom ' com e of t he local pi lin ~ 1. IP imm erltnt Iy f oll ow mg the cer . z· . :tl.rllfl , II r,. . 1 C. , [ , f . 1 • ft t 2 'I k v'! r y scnrcl!. and th e 1)llInt has be n emony .- Dayton Herald. . The following banks recommend these bonds. lit O. 1 Ii 0 non 0 v of 811 1 rIl a, a .ernooll Ii 0 C OC • dowll ·\!urlii'l' alld u nlesd Mrs. fiOIl!!, who hall many fri ends or mH rn~~R n A\~A ' '~n E J lI'ill hUlldl the B. & C, peda l thi cond iti II iil r licv('d . non , th in Waynesvill e, us s h has vi sited her will take your subscription wit hout charge. ake~ aj;(a in. Anyone wishin g IIny pl allt will ha l' to Le hut dOlV n I Kra ndmother . Mrs. Mary Satterth- . . . ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ -~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!! ~pecinl kind. leave you r orde r IJ~' entirely . . I I 1 waite. and many othe r I' la tives and w ill fu rn ish full p a rt icu l ars on request: Wedndsllav morning, and I can I{ct T he' rvic BOllrd npPlIldcl lo 1 ,(> hc re. Mr. R ss is 1\ young business you most nllY kind you would like sLlltc to Ie. 'en tit!! coa l s ituulilln, amI 111 n of Day on, lind is connect d Wayn sv illc National J):Ulk Wayncsvill They are fin cakes Try th cm . they hll\' ' n 'M!'''I"It''' Blld "ay .t lw r .. wi th the Standard Oil '0 . We eonMrs W . . Phi II iJl'l. wi ll be th'e cur !'JIlr]s ~ f COlli .~ hI JlPt'd I!I'a tulate the YOUUg coupl e and WiNh Jamfll It. McCo n. Citizens NaLionalliank I.ebanoll - - -- - - - - - to t h is pi lle >11I1I1t Ilnll' thIs w et'k. fo r them a happy marri ed life. ueU.,A.m erl cll u Av~ Of ('ou rse coal \\'ill be lakan for the _ _ _ __ la tor , w ith \ h i Lebanon Na t ional Bank Lebanon P r ft o ch .o\rmJ . II \Ve r h o u ~e Ulltl lite ~c h(\ol hllu se ~ dl.d "fl yl IIII' (o r Prano." In Il th, liL first a nd all\' b"d.- ",anlint:: ('()I\ I f ro m Franklin NatioJla l Bank rrank lini w'th \ WO OurIllH" llie ' 'c[lr~ afler lit ~l' are Ruil!)lied ."I ...... CAn get it. Th i~ , Ilr ol.lllbly wil l reo Warren National Balik Franklin 'rhe Ohio State fair j;(rourah iol th e lievo h ... predl:'111 ~ ilual ion. lind COllI First Natjollul Ballk Masol, center o f more ac tiv il y than it hn; dl'al r~ claim I h'Il ('flal will It sup This is t he word that co mes 10 us seen in 'years · Ov(' r 00 workm en. J)lled plentifu lly Ilfl (' r Iht> n rst of lasol1 Bank Mason from Crowley. the Magazine Man. decora to rs , carp ent"rs und olher 'o\' emLer s killed men are workillil dny Gnd F irst Nat ional Bank Morrow with whom we placc o ur orders . night to convert. the g r oundl! into A mass meeling of the citizens o f on't forget that everything points n wonderful exposition. C;ven tli(: J\ll o rrow Natio nal Bank Morrow this community to fu ' ther the Lib toward a war tax on magazines entranc ()~ to th e grounds will b ert y Bond subscrivt ions will he held Farmers Bank Springboro w h ich will force pricea h ig h er tha n challger! into places of bea ut y by Ih e lit L.Ytle Hal l, Lytle , Thursday , Octo e ver tit is wiuter. Remember that ne w. beautiful d ·cora ti 'IS whi(' harl' be r lB. at 7:30 O'clock ; 1'ow11 Hall . bin g con tructed fo r the Nationul The papcrs are fu ll of th e lVe will meet or beat any rates Dairy ::>how. which ope ns Thursd ay Ha rveysburg, Friday, Octo ber 19, sacrifices made evcry day quoted by any reputable agl!ocyor (,veo in~. October I , for 10 J ays. at 7:30 o'clock; at School Hall. Waypublisher; and will g ive you the ' Desplt the fact tha t th e nlllnage . men in a ll ranks of life. npsville. Satu rday even ing. Octnber very best service possi ble . 20. at7:30 o'clock peakers will ex. Inelll is spending over $J50 ,OOO on in order that the W o rld pl<lin the loan in uli its d elailR . Come the ::;how this year. more t han tw ice T he annu al fall cOllf 'rellce o f t he May Be Made Safe for th e amount it did last year, the price und ay· 'chool \ lIrke rs of Warren out and hear about it. and be pre. D AI LY PAPERS Democracy. Surely yo u of adlili ion t o both the Dai y 'how Cou nty will m ~et at Le ban n. alur· pared t o help do you r h it. Yo u will want a daily paper to and Horse Fair will be the SA lli e a~ day . October <!O, 1917. in the auditor m ust want to d o som ~ --- - -- -~keep track of the war-subscribc cha rged by t he Ohio StHte Fair. 50 iu m o f the M. l~ hurch . thing. The t ime has come cent s Res rv ed sca in the col iseu m now for one of thelle : Th program II!! aTl'a llge«1 will he a when it is you r privilege fo r t he Horse '-air. in t he evening . good one. anll Aiel( Doxwel l. count.Y T i lUts·Sl ar. b)' mai l . pel Fa l M.UU Georg~ Wllterhouse send a postal , wi ll be 50 cents additional. ' Buperin tencl ent. will preside The to subscr ibe to the PMI, h y "'n il. pe r y ell r . . 3.00 (JET IT AT card f rom CAmp Sheridan , A ln. He AJvan ce sale of r cperv ed seat t ick · out·of ·<:o unty sj)"Rkers will be gu r r !inquirer, b }' ruu il, pel y~nr $12.1~) says so big I cannot te ll you m uch ets lind boxe in the great colillC Ul8 BlacldJUrn lind Arthur 1'. Arnold, Ne w,. I1erul d . J Ollrllll l, or I)" y. Unc.le Sam wants Pumpki n for abo u tltyet l\tilesand mi lesoft:el1t!! is now on at the offices of the Na t i n· both of oillmbus . Ifl " . It}' ",ail, !'t'r }'~,tr ..... S3.OU tlte boys and we wa nt to let him get al Dairy Show , Columbu s, hio. Th e banQlIf' 1 will be ser ved by the II credHuble amou nt here so bring' in Weather hot. cool at nijtht. soil red sand . We have a nice location fur Hemem ber the date, November 10, Lebanon LlI.d iell Aid IIn,1 t ickets ms'y Y./I U r Pu mpk in allY day . ou r cam p. Wil l look , up lh e other WAYN ESVILLE. be purchased bpfore tho ballquet for a nd get busy and see wha t magGo to your Bank today 2 The Tom Corwi" Canning Co. boys later. when I wlli wr ite .. 35c. You may engage yo ur plate bv azines y ou wan t to take, and see and phoning to Ihe IIcc l·ptnry . Fred L. us and we will do the very best Paul ey --------~. possible fo~ you, At the OIJ er Boys' Conference, of A crisply sharp autumn day. a which Ernest Lolz was president. the Bu y Magazi nes a t. Home group o r fri ends . and 1\ blazing open slnlcing of " The tar \Jangled Banfire made lhe afternoon spent wi th Safety - -Sa ving- -Service Mies Eugenia Whitake r one never to ner" and saluting Lho flag will be a featurll, In hQllor of Mr. Lotz, who be forgotten in the an.n als of the has enlisted. J unlor Priscilla meetinlls A great many of the Su nday· School First a pleasant half. bour of talk, then lhe meeting was called to order work'm! from Wayn~vi\Ie a re planand soon all were uusy wilh knitting, ning to go to this conference. crochet ing illld tatting. 5c- IOc-25c Store After the "stint" WllS finished Miss ~ A..'T..... UP. !rho ..,.. till Eugenia served t he most delicious ~Vaynesv ille , o'hio ~-_., home made candies . the proof of &lie . . . .. Bau In which wall in the eating . Picture!' ~. "wWt •• -.or .cKber "'1. of all were taken on the lawn, then _ eoDa"""" •. eo _ 1b. 00 •. music . then home . . f.' • • • a' ", lb. Tho e llresent than k lheir hosless VDlIoocl B. ... a •• aaIuT ", 11.00 DO' for a most delightf ul afternoon , flU'. namely: Misses Helen HarL,>ock, Is atill in the Junk b u si n es~. Save al Mabel. Mt!r le and Faye Ellis, Viola Th«; Uhited States Civil Service your Ju nk for him and he wi ll cal Jordan . Vesta Ellis, Marie and Inez on you and get it. Leav~ orders a ll Rich. Mar tha Dealherage and FloI' Commission hilS ann uunced a n open c omp~ti tilla exam illation for po~ t­ White 's g ro cery f or all kinds of amond Reed. mRst«!r for Way nllSville, Ohio, to be held N&vember l<I, to till the place If you want good --remiing get of t he la le F. C, Ca rey, deceased the ,Miami Gazette now The ex am ina tio n will be held lit the placeli listed on thecirc ular annou ncement, copies of which may be obr have a car of F. S. Raytes' Guano tained at the postoffice. Co. Goods on hand. 'fourt nand !ix1'0 be eligible for this examination Leen percent acid phos phate. and an atlPlicllnt must be a citizen of' the will sell it very low if tak en ofT t he United States. at least 21 years of car. Come and g t it whil it lasts. age, must actuall y I'eside within the A B. S IDE~ delivery of the office for which the application is made, and must have been.n resident at the time the pres ent va,cancy occurrfd. . Our Rome Beauty Apples are now ready for sale. Perllons to meet t he r eq uire ments Prices : 'Regular Grade, $1.25 ; F.atlcy Gr!lde, $l.:50. and desire this edmination 8hould Other grades ,according to quahty. Price subject at onc e apply at the p ostoffice for Form 304. ·o r to the U. S. Civil Ser. to change. P lenty of Canning P eaches lhis vice Commiesion~ Washlllgton, D. C., week, and the price is a little sta tinl~ the ti tle ot the examillation lower . ' for which the form i8 desirt.od .

Plgn 'Now ' T.O Be Here .






f¥ery ' ~

. 'y



Sixty-NInth Year


Where People Come and Where Go ~";-;S-;S-o;-<li-;,.,,;-;i;!.~·~:s..ys;.ys;Siii5i'sg,,-.,x;i2;:t:.....;:t:~:~5&5!8!ti1S1S~~01Si!Sii!Si:'&&5i~!Si1S1~£~~'?;1~9C'~'"52 ~~·~~~_;awi1Sw~.


• Wilbur 'Sellrs ' Dayton SaLurday.

family ' were In


Gebau~r ~n~

MiHses Dorothy He!l. rlelta M c KIII ~\lY were shoPPlIIg In



Number M50

LIBERTY BOND 'InUOTA LETTER FROM Doings , for the Past Week WOMAN'S AUXILIARY OVERSUBSCRIBED ' SUNNY SOUTH Mr. and Mrs R. E, DaviR ent er . Mr. and Mrs , P. E. Kenrick and ' REGULAR MEETING tained Mr. and Mrs. Geo Marks at daughter. B'ertha, entertained at CANTONMENT six o'clock dinn er Su nday evenin g , tlin'l er Friday. Rev. and Mrs, D. H. The alloltmenL of the Second Lib· The re".... ular Palmer and family. • meetl'ng of th e Woo

Dayton Saturday. . Miss Stelln u.mmon, bf Uattle L> cl'ty Loan fo r th e ler ritory sllrved man's Auxiliary of St Ma ry's church Creek, Mich .. is "i~ iting her moth er uy the Waynesvi lle National Bank - ..- was held at the rectory on Friday af . R~v . and Mrs D . .H , Pal mer and Mrs, Lily Botop, of Day ton,' eniMabout $45 .000 00, Camp Sheridan, Ala., ternoon, October 19th. Dr. Dill, Osteopath 21 S, Broad ,Mr!l Mary Lemmon famIl y were entertamed a~ supp r tertained . at supper ,Wednesday way, Lebanon. Ohio. Last week a v i~nro u s CamlJaign , Oetober1 7.1917 Themeeling was opened by music by Mr, a~d Mrs James Mulhn Thurs- evening Hev. and Mrs. D, H. Palmee Miss Ghil Unglesbee, of Cnr l i.~le. was curri.e d on bl I'r. ident All en Mr. Editor: on the viclrola, " The anctus." Mrl;. and Mr. allli Mrs. F. A. Wright . Mr. and twirs, Walter Cast were ir, 'sl>(mt ' the week end with Mr, and and Caslller Harls" I II r the Wayne . d ' Cadwallad er reaLl Psalm UJ amllhe dflY evcnll1g. Wilmington Wednesday. Mrs,' Ray mond DIIVis, ville Nalinnal Hi 1111; J , O. Car lWe boys recel v~~ yo ur papers to· dev otional exerci "s ,we re cunuucted W It M CI h d wHght of lhe Maynard H . MUlch day and were g lild to get the newS by Rev. J . F , Cadwallader; Scri! lur- MI'. and Mr8. J Berne J ones en- ]\' ', rs. 8 ~r ~ ure a a Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Kelly and M'r , Mrl!~ L. A , Zimm erm llll.a nd dllugh· Company nnd Mr. Mac Kenzie, t he from home, We have landed in the al Qu otati ons were given in rellponse tertainerl at. dinner BundllY the fo ll owin~ guests: Mr, and Mrs has. guests f.or u, l Hn',lr .on Wednes ~ay Ruesel Younce went to Dayton Sat· ter. are !lpending- a couple ot weeks yice.chairnHln in char~u of the work Sunny Soulh. and it is sunny. too, to roll call." Anoth~r piece of music ~i rIiY. Mr, nnd Mrs, Lester Kenri ck. Mra, EIl I,th Din Widdie. of Was lling urday. with rela ti ves in C leveland, Oh io, In Warren counLy . . iii the day time, but aL nighl we followet.l, All Hall the Pow/'r of Mr , and MrH. Emerson I';a rnhart t; n. U, . an ~ Mrs. lda Kt'lsey, of Medlllgs we re held III Lylle. Har· ' . . ' J esli s Name," Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman enterMessrs. Roy Cheno weth, J esse veysburg ami Waynesvil le with the have no.t been ab l\! to hnd enough After' reading of the minutes and and baby Murj ory. Mr, anJ Mrs I d lbrnok, 01110 , tained friends from Xenia and l£b- Har L90ck and Isaac Lincoln visiled rc~ ul t thal on Sa turday nig ht $47, bla ~k ets as >:et t.~, ~e el!, warm. - - - -other bu sines9 elecli on of omcer~ Clarence Smith. MissC!R Leoll a McGinanon Sunday. Camll Shermall at Chillicoth e. un- 30000 had been bought Elhan C~arie , was host at a 6 nis, Opa l Gray nnd Thelma Mill r, 1he Ca ml) IS a. bml , although we was held which re!JIJlted in th e re day , o'clock dinner party Friday evening Rev . J ., I" , CaJwalllider and Mr. ~ave o~ I Y see!! ~U8 t a s~la lJ corner of 4ileclion of the old o m ce r~ , MrR. Miss Beulah Kindler Bpent the J , W. While ~pokC! at the.e meet· It. I saw Wilham HallIes and Abe Cadwallader. President; Mrs. Cra ne, Mr. anI! I\Irs. Will Col eman . of ill honor of Chester Snook . Those week-end with relativea at her home Mi s~es Edna Janney, J eannette ings, 'pr~sl'nting argumen ts f rom ~akm, and both .seem to lik e th e Vice President; Mrs. Mosher, ~ecre Lv tie. very ':ha rmingly nl ' rtnined inviteJ were Chester Snook, Ho ward in Circleville, Ohio. Jann'.!y, Henrietta McK insl'y und a patri otiC I:! landpoin t. and helped army gUIl1~ verY,well 90 far, tary; Rev. J F, Cadwallad er, Mis- at dinner Satu rday Ih followi n\{ ,us tin , I-.:lli ott Wright, Carl Frye I:!eulllh Kinaler visited the Carlisle very materially in the work. , ,Ou r re~nmen l ls all broken up- the sionary Treasurer, Mrs, J. F. Cad guests: I{ev, and Mrs. D. H. Pal- and tIerman Conner. Mr. and Mrs . Ralph Vance. of Cin· schools Friday afternoon, It is est.imaled that more th an First, Second and ~eventh are now wall ader, Vnited Offering Treasurer. mer, Altha Palmer. Frances Wri lfht. . - - - - -.- cinnati, were guests of Mr, J. C $(;o.oeo,oo will have been subscri bed ca!led Depot Rel'l'lmenl q. We lost Mi ss Elizabeth MaLthews the new Mrs, Ben Jame8. MrR, Havens, Miss The child~en of Mrs. Susan Shee. Hawke and wife Sunday. Mr , and Mra. Matthews. /,f SenecD , by ~l! l u rdny of t his week. t.lllr ty , yesterday and It looks President of Womna's Auxiliary of Ruth Chandl er, Mrs, Walter I{en. h~n entertamed III honor of her 87th Kan .• and Mrs. Rachel Roberts. of - - - li ke we might be call ed on fo r some Southern Ohio sent gredings from rick. Mr. and Mrs , Haines and Jam es ~Irthday at the home of Jason L. Mrs Flo Dyke, of Spring Valley, Morrow, were guests la t week of ~ore be f~~e lon g , None, of the the new Executive Board which were Haines JSheehan on Sunday, October 21, spent seversl days here last week at Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Zell. nO!l-Coms hllve been soil t up and read and proved to be an inspiration' 1917, from 3 to 7 p. m, A two.course I thmk we Will all be left to~elher. to all , . . Iunch was served to forty· two guests. the home of Mrs Viola Carey. W, O. Raper. who has been con. I. have bee~ to Montgomery. several The leason for the day was on" How Mr. and Mra. ehas. Robltzer took her children ICrandehildren greatlimes. It ISan o!d city. but IS II. good Our Church Came to Hhode Island" a merry crowd of picnlcera to Camp II'randchlldl'~n and friends. ' Ro>v ar.d Mrs n , H ' Palmer 'and fined to his home on acco un t oC sic kplace at that. Several. o~ the boys lind was intensely in teresting , Miss Linger Longer Sunday. ThoRe who Mr. and Mrs. F. A Wligh t, of Ferry, ness for I he PIlSt two weeks. is ails in dtlY whereGMbrs, JeffHMar. Mr. an" ""rs, Horace Lackey very of.our comp,a!lY w er~ mVlted out. to Susan Wright was present as a vis· enjoyed the D were Dtlyton shoppers last Wednes. at work at Jann ey's store. u ... private f~mlhes last Sunday for dm· itor. latt, Misses orot y e auer, elen day. ' ner. Beheve me, we were enter· • __ _ __ Marlatt, Ruth Probasco, Esther pleasantly entertalned at dinner Mr. aM Mrs. Harry Slokes. Mr. Rockey. Dorothy Dakin and Hen- Sunday. The guests were Rev. and Ihe Township Building on Mon. tajned , as these southern people Mr. Bert Spahr and family. of and Mrs. Burton Earnhart and Mr. dsAt kno w how to do it. They rlo none rieUa McKinscy. Messrs L. N. Mrs. D. H. Palmer, Daniel Palmer, v. October 29, from i! lo 5 p. m . Wilkerl'on attended the Cat. Harl ey Xenia, wei e the Sunday afternoon of their own work, asitisalldone by Printz, J. W. Miller, J, B. Pence, Jr. , Mr. and Mrs. Perry Thomas ana we will hav a plat of the School tie Show at Colum,bus th is W' ~ek. guests of Rev . and Mrs, J I<~. CadMr. and Mrs , Chas. Robilzer, 80n family, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wright negro sen 'ants. I did not hardly Hall where yo u may reserve your know wallader. act but 1 g ot by very anti httle d6ughter. and family, Miss Lucy Emley, Mr. how to Mrs.' C. M. Robitzer anll Mrs. seats ror the Lecture (Jourse. If nicely. Ramo Riggs, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan ,Su8an Arnold left Tuesday morning you can' t be there, in per on get If the folk s back home could just Lackey and daughter Virginia. Mr, and Mrs. T R Smith and for l:levelllnd , where they will at tend some pupil t o represent you. La&t Saturday afternoon, from 3 to see us all covered with re.:! dust, 'dAughters, of Brookvill e, Ohio. were a meeting of th e Grand Lodge of O. -..2:0::~ · reen. Supt II ' d . , I t 5 o'clock, Mrs , J. W. White deligllt- . S S wet-k·end guests of Mr. and Mrs , C. E S. ' , fully enterlained about thirty young Chester Snook. of the!1. . . pu mg g rass. rll/I,ng mu e eams, W. Barnett, ladies of Waynesville. with Mis':! Edna Charleston .was qUite surprIsed Satdigging ditches, making road~ they would know how to feel for u~. but James McClure spent last Tuesday Janney as honor gu est. A happy urday, evelllng when a number of his Mr. and Mrs. John Trainor nnd we are all happy and have no " kicl<" and Wednesday in Clev eland, when social time was followed by the ~Id friends an~ schoolmates ~alked MISl& Cecilia Snnok. who has bet!n daughter. Mies Katherin e, and Miss coming as yet, When they down he mel the Ohio State Board of Em serving of a delicious lunch in whi~h m. .The evenmg was spent In the visiting her n,other here for the past Margaret Wund, of Morrow. s pent the,Nort.he~n boys r they will get up batming Examiners, and took the Mrs . White was assiswd by Mrs, H, playmg of games,after which dainty week, returned to her wod< ill Cin Sunday the gueatsof Mr. and :\frs . before duyhght. "e have the ha.rd state examination, which he success- T .. Coontl, Later the real purpORe refreshments w",re .aerv~ at a late cinnati Monday. J. H, Coleman. work all done noW'. We have mce fully p&88ed, and was granted a of the gathering developed when hou~. All de~arted wl8hm~ ("hester q.uarters- board fll)or<l and board State Licenllll. Be has also com· Miss Janney was directed by means much success In hiS work. Mr. and M'rs Karl Hawke, Mr . Mn, F. H. Farr, M1'3. W. 0 , Raper, _ aide ~aHs in ou\tente'h fine watell pleted a six·weeks courae at the Cin- of couplets written for the occasion ,_.~ __ •_ _ _ wer bath. cinnati College of Embalmin\{. Ray Hawke and 90n. and MLs Clara Mrs. C. T, Hawke. Mrs. C, M. tEO drink ~nd was in, B 0M to search the houlle over for gifts Knecht, of Dayton" were Sunda), Hough And Mra , H E Hathaway The Gazette is greatly indebted to .ach regiment haa a Y. • C. ~, •_ • h' h h h d b ht w IC t e Iruests a roug . lrUests of Mr. and Mrs J , C Hawke. attended a missionary convention ot Corp. Geo, J . Waterhouse, of Camp p!l'ture shows, ~tc , plenty of mUSIC, the W, F, M S, at Cedarville Thurs- Sheridan. Ala., for a generous sup plano. 1J.and, 8miin~, etc. The NeThese had been skilfully concealed I ply of freshly picked cott.on and a g-ro regiment furnolsQj:8 80me real upstairs and down in the most unex · Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright d p(!(!ted places and the seeking of handful of green peanuts. The cot. fun, too, We can go to M~ntgom. and Mr. and Mrs. E B. Rogers ay. of the ,V. S. 8. Sac· ton was sent in vari ous stages of it; ery for a quarter br ,machme . o r a them by the bride to· be caused much Jesse Lewis, motored to Cincinnsti last Wednes ramen to, arrivl!d here on a ten.da' 9 ' IZ'rowth. from the blossom to the full - nickle on the car Ime•. So you see merriment. When finalJy all were ~ Regnlar communication of dllY to see "Johnny Get Your Gun" • e fledged fruit. It. is an in teresting we have a0me "lace to kill our blu e found there quitegifts. a display of ,Q Waynesville Lodge 163, of which play their consln Louise furlougb Saturday morning Jess t' . beautiful andwas useful and all .... &: A. M., will No be . held Miss Agnes ReeYe, Field Secretary who were fortunate enough tQ take Tuesdayevenina-, October 30, 1917, Macintosh. (Mrs. Robert Rogers). is like all of the boya who have en_ \Specimen and will'be on exhibition at moments, !Iere 18 wb~t a f~llow listed in the navy . He says " itis the Gazette · office for everyone to 8ar~abouthfe~beseesltnow. oftbeRedCro.lnOhio,wil! speak d h 'I k S· I b th hal a prominent part in the cast. tbe life." see. Call in Bnd see the display. comes mto the world w~th- in the M. E. church on Sunday even. part in this kitche!l an china s ower at 7 ~ ~ or. . oJou~ nil' re ren . ' . • out hia consent and leaves agamst Ing, . October 28th, on the work of telt t~at Mr~ , WhIte had su.cceeded and VISItors are cordially welcome. his wlll In his infancy be is an an the Red CrOl8. A cordial. invitaUon we\lm belpm:lf to make MISS JanD. L. Crane, W_ M•• " gei, in hi! ooyhood be la a dtlViI hi is extended to all. e l'a prenupttal week a happy one L, A. Zimmerman, S. v. Clara 'Mif8 hf l ' Lile X 'spent Saturday WIt. r \lnu s In ema








===:1 NY




i Sill .









a •



l!l a lizard on up. In his dutil!s he ial

" ,

oj ,"


no . gray matter. If he is rich he is dishonest, but considered smart. If in politics he is a Irraf't er and a crook. If out of politics he ill an undesirable citizen. Iflbelloes to church he is a hypocrite. If he stays out of church he is a sinner. If he does not donate to about n million dift'erent missions heisatia-htwad. Whenhefiratcomea int,) the world ever.y one wants to kiu him, and before he goes out they want to kill him. If he ,dies young he had a great futur(' !before him. If .he lives to a ripe old age he is living to save funeral expenses. So life i8 only a funny proposition after :all. ~·I SO he says come to Camp Sheridan and try to be happy , Our daily work is easy. All we have .to do is get up at 5:30, work 11 :45, eatatdinner, beRinM!lunt work at 1tilland quit 4. Guard GJ 4: 30, :etreat at 5; supper, go to bed, and outside of that we may have a good lime if wewnn( t~). Theofficers say we are supposed to work twentyfour hours a day for Uncle Sam and If he sees fit to let us eat and Ileep he may do so, and that Is about rlabt'. a I run into Elsie Zemlt husband who is playing in theStrE"rid TheaterdZe0lwl,n in Montgomery. Isil! is Tom II daughter, who , moved to Oregon some years ago. She, herself, i.ln New York at present.. Their name I!I is Leppert. . • .. It is lots of fun to hear the South. ern people talk . I w'u at a church social last ni&bt and hud a very good I::J time. e Well, I must close now. Give our ~ regards to allYours truly, Geo. J. Waterho1l88 32d Company 8th Training Battalion In a pOlltal received later, Mr. Wa. terhouse Myalt Is rumored that they may start for the East coastln about ten days .

Cftanf6n ,0ncfOsed,{!Jars-

RIOght now I·S the best toIme. t 0 b uy your win · t er, e. clothes, beca use our slocks are most complete, offer- a iog a better selection than will be possloble later. .




Men's and . Young . Men's Pants ... ·

ShQes' for fa ther, mQth e r, sister and b h rot e r.

A (ul1 line of Men's Co.rdury Coats a nd Pants at .lQW prices.

d an gray .. - . • .



I l ~




Ilun d




est h e av y weight DQnlPt ~uting Flatlilel per' III all CO~Ots, at. yd.


~~::dr!~:~ .~J~~ 980 ~ 57.50 t.adies' Knit or Outing Flannel Underskirts ,


6908 750'

Children'S good Giugham Dresses .... '...

69c 8 51.25,'

Co~golium Rugs fQr un<l:er Stoves, all

Hyman &Co, ,Waynelville. Ohio



you buy any

May Manton Patterns for Winter 1917.18 Just Received


1I1'lIlIlIa'II:liEE"IIII'II,':IIEa, lElliEl!555m llliiiiiil.aiEl:18!i1l!a.lllmlli!55==IIlmli====:;~





SIzeS. Men's Boys and 'Cbiidren~s Undel;wear; , Union Suits or sbirt and, drawers in ' Come to' see uS before wool or lleece at special p ·r ice. place els~.

, Outf lite... for the Wbole , Family, From Head to Foot




Good worm Sweaters fQr Men, WQ-





m ' EJ '

'~~ ~

$1.50 $198

We have a ~ig variety Qf wool and c otand , tQn Blankets. • up



980 iIt $1.2~lJ

Flannel Shirts in blue, tan

.r." .... ,


Ladies' gQo.d heavy nig ht gOQds . . ... . .

I ~




SS, Simon and Jude: 21.t Sunday after Trinit)'. Ocitobed~th Sunda), School at 9:80 a m Morning Prayer and sermon at 10:80, The publlc cordially Invited to th8l18 aenil:ee,

M. E. CHmtCH Sunday School at 9,:16, morning reaching at 18:30; eVEtnlllJr.pnach Cnit at 7:00, prayer meetinJ Wedneeday evening at '1:00 c)'clock. You , are ."»rdially 'Invited to ,1iU of th. . Mrvicel!

______•• __---.

up to..


15c $1 60 '



512 50 $20 00 S198 S500


Ladies' Ullion. Suits , sho.r t sleeves s teeves, hIg h neck Qr d u t ch nec k, gQQd , up , w e lg h t .. .. . •. .· . .. to',


~a ~a ~ ~


Men's and Yo.ung Men's Suits and Overcoats, all the latest mo.dels and patterns. The variety includes NQrf Q lk an d ·T rene h up styles. . . . . . . . . • to' •

HO W ical .

gets the freest u se ana the l~ost e c onomservice from his enclQs~d



The Qwner Qf a heavy chine, the motorist who drives the eory, scit!1Jtijic-lightweiglrt Franklin Sl!dan ?


The experience d motorist has' found out that r e al en· clQsed car utility is closely related to Franklin principles Qf autQmobile bui.1dlOg. · f Principles that have ' made the FrankHnSedan so PQPular for all-around use. .

Its di reet air s:oQlingsystem, that eliminate s radiatorfreezeups and resulting damage.

Its comfort, its safety, its reliability--the result of Franklin s c ientific \l\I'eight saving an~ simplicity. Its remarklJ/;/e eCQnomy in upkeep and operatiQn, so. necessary during these days ,of national thrift. Everything you demand in an Enclose.d Car isfulldome1ltal in tile Franklin Sedan--a nlQst c;conol't)idal and serJiible ca,r to use,

J. B. Chapman 'WagnesvUle, Ohio



\\ IWI'"





hrt'uldll ' l







,,"lu'111qll n'I\lI'lu-,.l I h"lpt'(l hhll Pl1' 'rll ... IthlUII'"d \ HII;:,hl onft.lro 1l\'r.QI1t"'>('-U lind ~a III U1 UlWY r ulSt, hl1l1 Itl l,r .. l1Il,p 1<1 lIt.tI". II 1111 r lltht "lIh th,' lH"" ~llI'''('r Ulall wl1<1ll1 he hl1l1 hrullJ.:hl ,1'",,'. L':n w' th~ 11t' \t nd\·~nt\l1·l' lu" UdR Arnhlllll IIljlhlllllll'" ,In'url"l' IL .n Orsl 1 t hnuyhl It \\"R" tile refl~,.t1"11 " f thl! rlsln.a: Run {II till' \\' Inllnwl'( ,)1 t.he l·t't I. lugo ",hiI'll C'IlIlH,<1 UI(' I'I~ I Il/lu!. hU I I CII~ t I ""'" (11111 wllru ] l ookl'd l(1 0<' the NU ll WfI)C till I up. l.'bcrl' t11U hUlISl' tUust hi' ou fll'L' : out1tIJ M'n tl gliJIJ

T w. .

l'C'oph,\ lIf\).!ttll I I ~ ' ll llll' t\ut 111 R t H~'-\H

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clC'lIIIUI-! nl1~ 1 \'ulu,dJh l ,": ,





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lilt ' 1I t1",' ''II~ Iorllin i. "Tl

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In·a\·,· l',wUgb;: Ilu ~h lug, '"If

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:,1, J l' 1111 I'l' :-'1,11 "i'~j:'

" ,,' hl'rt",tJ ~ h.· 11,·1' l l rpl1'r LII H'U I :*" flslc \ Id'lil " d , 1 If II r : ~1 Yl d n , hl ... HI ,~,d"r pIl I·".· H'1' bt"'e hm" nll Y flre- tlc'I IUI'LlIll'll t ," ~lllilltl ir;.! Cltd,


l'l' l'k lll~

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dinD ld ~ 1I1'! 1 1\

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\ ' Ijl:t'f: :o:tHl{l'

IleUC BtU UI) to get ' Inlr's cl olblug. 8 J,;tdn , " ll un'," :" I "uIll IIl U lllh, (l Itt f J i ' qll(' Ul wbll e 1 uDload<!d Ule sUPll"es olld bId t\leDl nDder tho !l ock. I ~ x pe(,ll'il to iut prnll!'l, " 1' Ul hllT'I',, !m:," ~h(O 1I1"11\~ U II · ~leDIlOne J1m 1n the momUiJ: !,ud teU

I.' ".


nUOJ' , " IlI e" III HI tlltt \.· all l~ lll )'~I 11\ \\f\\'pr.

'tt'''' <,oulllI!;" out uf I

li'rll ll k 110 , $1

.1 " hl1

"II-'it 1"""1:'

nlld III >l 111111111,' Il \I" (\uhl 11111' 1' 1""'11 hnl 'd til J.:N th'WII, IUlt u"" It \ \rl!ot I ,,"ly hlltl t ll liulol Illy 1'"'11111 fur II 1\'11" ~~" . 011(1 . 1111(1 ",' 11"1'1'" SUi. · (oil (I ,c' IIr .l


"" II"llued




I I", ".,,'1 II· : I "Who ~I"I.I I h.'r. ':"' I'nl' lllill 1... ,ld,,<

wu.s II lit II ..• ~"",I.<' " " ,II.., ~lill"\I"ur.

.All WPl'e HI ' \ ' lHlllll\ tl for 11111 1.111'\ 11" e"ery .lI1e blld 8'OIIe to bed tor 8 much no ·aN' rest. I I 1'(1111111,, 1 oil h,' ,· ,I"" r "~IIII1 '111.1




.. 'v, .

I I I' II". 1I'1I!t t·III1\·j.· ItOil : l l:llllhhllld k J'lIbJl vi 1,111 I ., oath "IL " 1."_ , . ' ! . h'l~ ''''''u till' lin' I t..olJlIDl,b. ,. fl. • trolll li llnl'" ;.",1 w"II(S I .. Imnw Chlrll I'. " . 11\\ H .11'11 M'Jll.h ,\' to 111 ",,' "I", u t '1I11"' "l'r It IIl1d l!; ll1tlH ~ I.iury 1/', li lTlJ, ,IIOriS tell I",,' I hllt t· ... · r."II 'I III; I.. ,,' I rtf'hr." I" IInlllll l ", t " ... ;,. hll ' $1. ' "1'\(\ ow ' ('lilIlld )..;J lu tllt 'n-," I pro C, (J , l:hmlt1, 'l'rn",h'H. ,,' nt't",.\ u. teall'll. '''I'h~ III·'·, lM ,..".rlu): III l it.· 1\1' J . M. Hl1y uor, 11 0 0 UIIIH:" , ~O Bbtlfo. lbf.! ..,hUll . HUll 111(· \\,:.11 ... In /l ,\' tnll nn,," . t "t),II f"r, Il ;~ ;,7 11( ' f, N1 H LlI, \ O n 10 \\ n .. m nlllt·"1." , " l i p. $1. • "Hut ntlJlhcr will II"tlrl'Y." 'I' h n Purk 1"' 111011 H t',d t v ( :.. In "Whnl Ir ~11l' . I,~. "," A Il UII\ ilI"l ~r 1.011111 U. !lull .1'11'" V . K':1I 11\' t t 1,,1, atl"t',,, (lr ~ '~dtl' \ilJI'.d l ~ HlIl1tP hu,'~ un N . I na III I' ,,, k. £'hol! A.I,II ,ull lu '


~IU ll\\ ,ht· " ill IJ(,~ l'lll ~ r~ e.t 1'1'11111 IU,' r )'0 (111 1 \ 'lI l11 l'lt ' I (*ly ctr{'sl'w d Hnll \\' ,llIt dll\\' I1"':'lll,'~ ,,)0; If s he W l'n' JtTlswl'l'h l~ Il l·t,I,,'flr .... al \'uIt .

cXI Jel'it' l1c:tJ



I ,I I I ,11 ("1', ' , I 'IIY III' ,," I '" h' I l ion. I '1' "II 111, I:, tI ,h,ur. Shu ''',. I, "1,1",,., I l,' ,,1 .. 111 11,'r, 1111" ,. wla ll!l. I Ht;" hI!!' hi I ' hlillel ,117"" 1 " 1. , III JunlflUt. ,g\\J\l'rul curlnnl ty. "1,',"1'1 1'11,1 .' ~ • ,I ... ,. .. (.,. "hilt." ell!' M .,. ," ," I \ , II Ii 'I " "'Il 1"·,,lIl1hlr will 110"('" knllw." anIl UlIIIl((l""lnll, ' , '" I. I. ,'1/" II 'Jr. ~lll n.."" ~11':! ..d (It'NIIIlIIS 111 111 till' Oro, 0I1.ptJ' t 11 .." p\ "'11'\11 :'1 1 "ii,~U~d. " "11 11",~.,'I'''f'',(''l (Itl .' -"u • I # t the ""'u yll,,1 suu f" UUe. ~nw lht~ bln1.~ ( ellen IJOII ~"" I I,ll II ,..,. "", I ,\1"(',.1' to) ll!; tl1I' 1I1111nlllull 11'1<1 I "1111111"" 1'1' n""ut I I' Ito l til j;,·t 111"hol'1'111", v out ," ,... "' . I 11 111,"11, \.(" ,. ,.,. r(l 1'.' I",t II n,'w I ltl III't t'XI It "ll. nU l how cn .., 1 ~R· I' l lmt I,t' H IU t t'l ... II I sU"lt~,·tl! d CI~I~') \\ lrh l111h .. n,· N' .. U'l.. ill~ ·i" "I I!. . . t'l t It) "I ,1'10' IlIlll , C Ilh.""- \\n ... HI! 11I1l) r~lt nr~lIl1 h,m t , 1 lu rl. ~I' t .. I I I I ! •• • ,1, (II1\" .!\'l' lI ~ ll1'nblh,'II II I I IHllkl ' ~ til;, ! ".1 .. llullJ.! o ' ·t1r, In;; 111', , .. , ' , the 1'" , '1 (,r h"1 he.\. ,,1'(11'1 -"01 I ..", I II I I . " I rtllllf' h" 1,,.1 ;01' :-lJdlf l 1111\1 ~\\"\l 1 II~" "(I' I .... i','d ,",,1 lilt .. (III" " 111111 I . '·r.".· I I ' ~


Th l'

I III "1

UUlill't,l . . , at '~I t' t ' wn . t ,.J-,I"IlLl't. t lJu lin' ,,, i~ 1111 01 I."

rl1ft'arr ,1I!H,:ll~t(l1l \\:--II~ cut HllOrt by t ilt' "Iull"ll l IhH.hl~: lIt thCI t .,!t'ph,wu IIl.IUllrshll' lilt. 1'111 II IIIIC IllIllIlIl1l'. ,II; lI\ ~ -1 "\\"111i lin 11 .. ('I1IllIl/: up li t thlH tltoo or ul"hl T "(lII(l<-r"11 n (ll1. , " Idlill lllo

11111'11 , I\'"h'

1 IUlll 110 tlhtQ to h 1S0 , l'l rolJu· blr (1 \ " f'l"y 011(\ Willi slPC'l"ing, 1 nl U tll)

CHAPTER XVI. A F ir. 8nd 8 Re.eue, ITE j ourney bn II 10 Gr ecu's III· land WIlS un~~l'oLrlll. The 11e11 bad CIIlrnoo down cuough 80 tbat we elllpl>ed yrry Ultl e non · 'Vben we l"nc100 I WI18 t lll1ulc(ul 'to n oto that th rtl \YeTI! 1\1 li gh ts III

I. Il Clil hi.;,!



}Pll r ly

,tbo phlh Ir "' IIJ,' IH!/I1'l1 II> tho, IiI>UIII!. my t e 111111~8 ll11rdlllltr ,,,I th III ('XlIrUOIl, Ill' I U() time 1 gOL 10 \.b rrollt dou r tb~ Ilames wet" iJellllw lll g to lid . out or 011 or til llp~ 1 1I 11'll wludl "'.. W IllYS 'It , 1l!111111 ~1 the trollt I llollr 0110 lu ,Itt' I II 1ll4'i, wilh o ll t cc r o"]""." . Til!! ~lIIlrwoy \l" 1I ~ I:HI II elen r. 1 dll~h \)<1 uP. ~· l· llIlI':. ··I·"lre :··

III t "~I

II J,. 111 lu l't" lIUb(~:It'n'J, II . lUI !\ I.:. IIIIIi'lltt l "1111'\\ ru 'l\ n u~ ,It l h· H.. \ ~ WI n' ,,1 u u . , ••1 ",, I' tlt"l hi IIIl tn ... t,.H·t t' " f1nh ... \, "itl h l' I I'~ 1, .fll

III. tU\\nYH

<11 \ I'


.v · Hr, .

C(\Olmi s~i" "c r ' s


I'ruccl:,lil1l(s, It q ql ", ' f\ n I,·, II \.' •• t ,It )l, 1 :1'01 ' 1. 01 1, ' '' l'i ' ~$:l-lU ; '' ' I. Hni n ~ . ,f ,1 I '" .vl'rk ,\ I ~ ,t" I II ! rr.J lI~ll! l , .. .. I Ill " , ~'l" ; ~ \ " l ldl " " ' \, h " 'I : \ II\{ L,t'WI ~ 1: ,1 1111' . :;; j ;, ; t'h l lll"~ " ,


1lI ~' .\0 '1 t.II).I) l lit' lI ... fH'''I CV :i "thut ! )"'lIf 1'(1,' IlI,f l'I .\1"1 \\Put h' 1.\11 tlUll l'IfU'lI l'\~ ltu u", ,' .1 :-',.1; 'jf \\,ul. r'( ( II ,'II''';''';' It ,1


";Illl l li ~, "" ' c ,IIII I , 1r"\ II l uC,-' on 1!, ' l lfn' ," · ;'C'S • .-& 1 i (' h ltr " '..t .I. \V ,I l!lt l it . r . Rh h r tf , t'XPPII!'"fJ~4 '!. 1'! a;); (' h l" " 01'. r\l ~ IlI t!C1 U l1 1Vcl , t, ('Ill y, " t I' Ill '

t·, .


$ Ia ~ I

IU l'f I It

I S ...·.pt Her Off H.r FOClt and Into My A,-ml.



1l1I ~ \I"' I' tllnt

sel f



1(' 11 ill."

- ...----


health, her homes, her hap pi ness ( \

Last year Ohio spent $110,000,000 £0; liquor, more than $42 for every man, woman and child in the Sta te. ."



Grain that should have been made into bread was made into booze. , . Labor tllat should have been a productive force for the good of the many was wa sted in making beer ' and whiikey and wine. For all this money, for aU this labor, for all this grain and wealth Ohio hus reaped a reward. The reward has come in an ugly fonn. It has shortened the lives of our boys, and w recked th e li ves of our girls, It h us 1:lude beasts of l11en, public charges of self-supporting cit izen s. It h as robbed men of th ei r self-respect and sh attered th eir ideals. The saloon and t he liquor traffic are Ohio's monuments to a great mistake. Monuments erected over the bodies of th, weaK and un fortunate who Jell vj ~­ tims to the most alluring' of all t empta tions . . On November 6th Ohio will cast its decision as to whether this tremendous waste shall continue-as to whether her wealth shall be demoralized t hrough the liquor traffic or used for a better pu rpase. wonderful opportunity for all of us to express our patriotism and our loyalty to a b etter Ohio by our vote.

It is


Yote for ' the Conservation






:I. A , WHITE. lila.......





Executor's Public Sale of Real Estate


What does she get for her wealth, her grain, her

pt)~ I IIIiI ' $5 ; 'l'h ~ Utili ' " f " " Worh .. 'Iud Mllllufn t: lurll 'll C'" ("\1 I \"1'1 t pipe SI6 :l. ·0 ; l!l,rll ' lrt' ~ "r1\1-1 ~ II rll ,

l11\1t lll' "

CT obo rOlltlDUOIIl

HAT does Ohio get for the tremendous amount, that it is paying eyer)" y ear to keep th e liquor business booming ?

It",,, I.•· ,· 1: .. . " .. I. l,tW 1,1)(, 1.. ,. :rr, i ~ ' , U, U,'n llll fl t,. Lll w

le lf'l'l'Il11l1 illY, "ntl tultln $2. ' (hnt ] fill\ Tho , '\t.lzeoR N u ll"",,1 IlIlIk '\\1(1 ..nro. " "~' lIn I\"(lIII IIn't hI' "nrc Ir ."1111 \Vere Ill e Le b ,'lJon NIIII",," r hUll k. w I' r o tulldll,::' O\'PI' tl m t t clcpiJullc," I " 'US II 81goll tett oono ly II ppl'HII .IfI "". for II cXII s I ""·U(CII . 11Il t" II 11""" IlIIl'osslhle to peri od of tllr eo Yl'lI "" . nllnw u ,::Irl tJl It 1II111!")' 1I ~;:; IIJ.;c l h) go int n t hut (UI· l l il (' I.' "::-\ 111('(" YUH llu t It ti,nt \\"II~". I'll ~~ " , " I ~1")1 ('t! 111.\· wn~1 tn till' III ~ h ' UIl1(l tl t , jUJHlIll' t1 t!l \'" I·,'\',~h' ,\ .. 10 Ill\, I' H I' Ulld S h Olll f' 11. "1I "lIu!" . • , ' \ Iil'l')' I II \\ nl"'11 ~·1 1l1. otl1 ,,!tup." Rli itl In PUI"8Ullllt'O ut tho "ruvl.lonR at tho I ' ll n 11111 1(' I'"il',; nl' ld ,,:,:.· lk ll ll~· . " lout 1 sl lll. " 'UI 0 1 dtUlIuc l \V , ltuHtJrll. dUCULl8t'll. thu IIn .1 r'81~lltid 'WI ll o trHr f ur Hu,Je ut. J)uhllu MUl'tluU, Hlv 111tt ~ 1 S II('u l, III ;\ i i H ~ J '1I11Ill ure." OU "tiU llnnnUfea, un t.he •

gotllJ; III

- - -......



Ncw ~uils '"roline Git'fJ rd Vi! Wm , EGO lf l ord, dlv rce i !! rOSB negleot Rod oru· olty. Proceedings Kate r•. Willt"Dls va, J bu B, Wl\lIllms, ouu dlsUllsse~ 01l8e. The L~ D gO Bfirdware CO , V8, The Waynesville Uannlng Co. Vase is dlsDl!:lsed without· reoord . Jellnette . B. St. John VB. F. M. Cunnlngbllm, 8 S adUlr. OIiMe it; dtll wlssetl wl ~ bout r~c o rd. Olive Burson VB. Ueor~e Bua;m. Cll~e OO IDI-lromised Illld !Ilsml@!led l!'. tI , Uorwln va. 0 , E. and E , beJ fltUDS. • ;1Ige dismissed wltb(\\1 t record. , Frank Zell aDd ' GeOrg8 W . •'aok were appointed Jury Uomwlssloners lor WlureD County nnm the 4th MondllY In May, 11118. The Boartle of Eduoatlon of BlghIlInd Rurall:!chool Dielrlot an,d Hilla. dille Rural . obool \)istrlot vp.·. l'be BOll.rd of Ellnolltton of Ueerfleld Sollool OIsulot. Court ordera pllllutllId to, re. over 8um of $264.32 from defendant. -

17th Daw of November 1911, " t 2 o'clock 1'. M .. tbo ro.I .... ~.IO . r.owl~: Lot I

follow l " ~


deacrlbetl Addltl ·u .

aid rea l e'~Ilt-(l I. locatoo tn W.,"Clvlllu. W.rren Onu uw. Uhlo. UPOIl 'fhlrd S l""'~ , o)QtWOOJl ()I,.pID~1l Sireot \loud I"l'Iluklio lIoad.

ij.liJ re..1 clillU,1l II ... IJOIlu """ III '3. Qua. I"ef"'o of onlo, ( . h. W . II AI.LIDN A. J!: uculur 0/ Ula la~ L 11'11\ D7 of .IIlutll IV, 1111110 .... dUi:uutId.

Notice .of Election No tlco I. h oroby dYeD to the oloelo .. of

Iho WaYD O Towlll hlp "ill'IIl Ijcllout IJInrlct. "r Wa ..OD U<J Ullly. VlIl o that QII eltlt'llon wlll bo hOlti . ~ tile \IlIual yo ~1 1I1I pI ......... III IllUtI .ILI · !rIel 0 11 tho


Botll'lJIIll ~Ile bOil", ot ~ :SD • .111 all o:U ·p.m UII laid da,. a. which elecU"u . ~11U propoII ~loD

whOl1l r Or no~ a" ..lltliliullul luvy or tax"" lor .chool \lurP<11l81 or II"~ UXC!lO<I1I1I! I ~11I1. lor 1101, !lXCOO Ilug 0 yoa ... 811 II lou lo.11kI III .aI,1 \.ll l tri .~ w.1I 118 . ulJO\I~ \.Oll \.0 YO I ... J. O. CA U1' WIUOIl1' Pl'O!lIdeu~ of ~hC 1I0a ...' of EtluctL· tlou of ~ltO W.VDe ' l'owu ~ hl\l Dlnric ~ Of Warren COUUIY.




Olerk of ~be Beard 0/ EducalloD of 'lie Wayne TO"DlIlI)) 1111.. 1 ~cbool DI'LriClof Wt.1'Nl1 \lOuu.,.. Ohio.



SterilbM-.....lhl. Probate Court Proceedings - theae .tton.. fteta of f..~ .. In t~e matter of tbe estate ( r loolod hamlln I1&U' are 'labt .... feathor &.ad put up In BnrrlsofJ BmDt, deoea. ed. Prlvatt! PW'lo-,. tz.&4 tnv.'o'p.e. Look sale of peraonlll property ordered for lb. blu. _ I and the nam ,; ·'WHt-o·Wt.p. ,. All 113 tbe mlltter of the eRta.te of shadel. porfect m&tob: cap or Frio,.; I tor ,.., .... 4 ap. Sam uel Conov r. deceased !;a.les U year rellltar .tore dOM are approved. not hay. tbam writ. tor na,m el ot st0r:'_ that dO. In the matter of tbe estate 'Of Samnel (!onover. deoeased, Bul,ell H _ ..... a.e..~ ... 14 114 Fourth A .... , ) f. . . ,.DI'Il are approved. , In 'b~ matter of Sbe elsa'e of Eltz'lbe'h A. Klrhy. deoeaeed. J B, Willa Is appoint,ed al Exeoutor . Bond $7000. Perry IIluDbart; Ben Orane and E. D, Roger, ar8 . ap. poln'ed as appraiBer •• In tbe matter of the e1la~ of Funeral Director Robllrt G. Hulford, dtlOllaaed. In, and Embalmer. ventory and apprailemllo& Ire flied. In the MaUer at the eltate 01 Waynesville. Ohio. Phoebe ROler, deeeased , . Obarles " Roser III appoln'ed adminlfJ~.... tor. Bond $150. Either Auto or Horae drawn service. No extra charge for auto service. In ,the Dlatter of tbe edate of Jaoob Roser,deoeatled Charle. Ro Both phones in Office and Residence. ler ' II appOinted al admlnilltrll.'or. No. 14. ' . Bond $2600 , MOlell Kirby, Frank VeDtlble and E, d Ro,era are,ap" pointed as a.ppralsera. '




Marrlaie Liceo!IeA Orville L. Glr~on. merohant; Ind Optome.t rl.t ! Mit 9 Agnea May Kerr, both of Ma E ye. tested ,free eOD . Rev. H , C. Hershey. R., Beber Hamilton. farmer. and I . Mitis Graoe RlltaJ\to~ .both of Leba '., non~ Rev. Oharlell t5. William,. ~ Alvin Berman Drlever, lariner "nd MI8I Florlnoe Zern Parkhill, ~. both c.t lltalon. Rev. R , 8., Oage man. Veterlnarv~ Ueorllll W. McGrath, farmer Rnd 8,1188 ICdUh A. Stultz, both of Ore. Oraduate 01110 S'ate UOlver~'Y gonia. n

Lebanon .:. Obl~' .<J

Dr. J.



Real ' Satate


OFFlCFJ: Mary and .Jobn Nolan &0 Barry Comer Main and Mill Street. W: Daoh'lerol lot No. '3113 In Frank lIn,81. ' Telephobfl 28 • • B. Stahl, Extr. to ga, 61ealoD No. 1147 In Frau_Un. $1800 ' Waynesville. .. Mary J . Badley to W. R. Baber lot No. 711110 Tlbbal'a Addl&ioa '0 I'rantllD, tl. B. BAJ(NHART. The B&ond lAke loe Co. kl J D Miller a am.1I traot In Frlluklln Notary Public: SOWDlbip ~O. B II. 8114BOD aad wife '0 Mrll. AU .1114a 01 B0tU7 Wor.. WI'"




Wbu&oD, ID-1o' No. 110 l~

aa4'DIG . . . . . . .


l'ubU....d WooI,ly

D. b .

(;1 AN~,



Hl' v llt',i llunP-i, Ib . 11 ~·, ",11IU0t . /r.ll II 'hl1 Ul toC; I'lI tttUH ti l t ll~ Cd!. 'filCH.' is 0111" ull ~ \\il y l u ' III,' ,-;11.1 0\ 1 Iud lh ufuC'l:oOS. Hlld .hut 1s.IJy u 't} n~ 'lt lJ tj\.l I 'll l

Ed itbr ami lI'lanagcr

"' III~d . Cul.Hll m l IIc,lflk'!; j, l'I" ' >I'd lty 11 11 tnJlu l1Ird 1'f1UilhitHIOJ the: U llH.'''U~ h ll 11I ~ ul I ll« f!l'O l :u: hill ll 'flli ll'. \\ llC:1I l ids

Ot;l'OBEH ~". IHl7

IIII~' i, illlllll1l~d



!'n llud tlr illillCnreCI io,; entirely du~ d .

Coming Across By Ezra Weed of the Vlullantel. " Ca n YOU lend iny IIII I

fifty doll II rij 1" to nt C'. "Well, Uncle. J don't know," J "I'll have to go liud s· ." II I"



(Hlle by III"..i1

I",ve u

1I1111 ....

u lil1 ~, aMd \\hel l


.------------l!--------------: THE NEIGBB""'.......__ NEWS



"You' il to go' a nd tlcl'1" h C' Hill'S, 88rj!uKtlcu l and dry. And I dl,t" 't tool too cheerrul ' wh~n I Jooll d him In Ihe eyo.

of Able 'Correspondents In the Neighborhood


1'f' L.. fllc . i!'i the n MIl't.

Are YOtr goin!!, to build a H OUlI ? } Are you going to huil~ a Barn? Are you coin~ 't o hui ld a Ga rage'! Are .you going to build a Hog Pell? A re you going to build II Poultry !l ou se?


U,llr :" the il ltillllltllOlitHl c tlU lit! Irdlll:l'd .. uti I lib.· Ic..;lt)f"d t () il s TlOrUlu t chlitlitltlll .

healing will he dcslww d fUlcvc r. hI .IIIY CItM' ~ tj C(IClIent"55 u r c l"UIISl'd by Cli t t-ll ril l which i. lilt . illll ll uwu eUlIllhh,u of tlt~ IIIIICO II ~ sur/llces . Hull'. CUl n rr" ~I .di ·


q Br o wn, of \\'ilberrorol1,

Ollil 111I,mlred n"IIUI5 fur d" I"'fOCl tl ll ll IllLlU'.(!.\Itiug i,dd,' e~8 on lIy Ci",C 0 1 ('u t n rth,,1 Dtld ll 55 lhllt <.... ". Il r~ - "IH tI .. )' lupk ij n I, ~ h e M .I!:, nul Lie (,Uled by Hnlr. Cillanh M dit illc. Chill I' '' '" Illr(I IIY vO ll ing . hClI lll rs ft te . Al l DI UIl& is IS, i:,c . . . ~1/'. und Mrs . W . 1::1 Mond ouh llll, F. J. CII ENE " & CO., T o ledo , O. We 1'1111


1.11 Wrt'nell ~111 rliller , W lU . HdrJlin, UII4I Roy ,J o!.les Ilttond ll(1 I,lle Five \'f~n r 6 M ~e f, inJ( .

lIt Rlo llill ond, Iud. , " 'n relIlY uo,l, II llllllV . , ' , O\'" r G. l:Iu yd, /", lind ftlmlfy, Mr. ond r.l r~ . ,IA~!io II,. - SiU A f ptJ UI The 0111,. Re.1 Proteetion Hlltll llly Ivith .1. A. I: " r tm ll u liud tor tho ··hom. oloth.... or t b. "Thoro's t hings I' m going to tell YO U fill/li ly, of Wll mlngl Ill . al)ldler l h(l yea r r o ~n 4 rre ~ or try to any how. ' tr om dUst. mot.h. Mnd ",rlnkl".. \' r~o Mil hu r Iltld Le ~ te r l:Iar. WHITE TAR Garment It you nevo r dune much think ln', you h' .v wrre llOllill. fr OID .;Utnp SberUJ lm 'Vt\.b handy b oob lLaJ bellol' do somEl now. h a ntrer. lruldt. Jlhl" ·un/IIIY . T ar. Cedar ancl Ot!lorl ... h ' pu, AI. ,b •• u p to 10 '" broughl. you UI) In rr odom. I al. !." "" S Hullltnd , Il ullry Miller . RIi.Y· In ch e. hy 80 : £00 to $I, low d you'd have thl' run lJ\ 'IUll li lulcl.. ·r . .J ll h .. Powel l unu,v tndflr Da.". . t oo, ' Vhlls T ar paper In or th e r" lr'8l, On est coun try tillli over l,alll l1l' HI1u'"" wa ru IIm llng t lt e t;n n · gal the sun. ~llll;.:~~fJ ,~O:U\.O:d:[.:~~ d ilY \' 1~I I 'l rR Ill, UUIIlI' ~b l! rllllln. Of cUreCl t from l1L Ml ~K Maud tl III1T It'1l r ~ turotl n E·rl. Wltlt. Tar C• . , ... t. .. . "I ga~e YOU Hchool nnt! reudl n' as Itl Jokn Sl .. N. Y. Cll y d ny I r01ll II JlI I' II ~tI n t ,\, 1-1 t wi th much nR YOU coulll leui'll, :Y 0 Anti never naked un !.Jour or your ' frh1lld ~ III !J".v tUIl . aor vlee III return. ttlr nurt Ilrll. ll"n" lu Uu'" millgs h'UOlll OVIlO in ',\' 1111 ~ ll' ~ .CuUlmin ~K "You 'hod I~ BOlt und ellsy; yOU didn't fnther j ) A. MoK"y have to tight; Tr evo r C. 11 11 dnclr , R. V . ColleLt, And yOU looked on pence LUlU pl enty lUI If they WIl8 your rlghl. B. 8 Mille r uud Will . ~II Y F.l rs fit. l end ed Grunt! 1.1lI1~o in }5J)ri nrdlfl hl "( took a chance to ralao YOU ( said lus~ we"k Mr . Huy <locl( took the 'he won't (orget, ' , Vll t rllO J)pg ree. (J)elnyoo ) Some day be'll do me credit.' . And Dr . "nil Mrs. Whitak er vl~lted this 18 what 1 get. Mrs. Reheoktl M cO ' m fl~, ot Va ~s t t oUlon g rel .. tlv e~ In Cn r(,1log toD, Nabro s k fl. vi sited he r t)l d frioDd 1111 0 "I ask a little favor that you can do auhoolDlttte, Mrp. 1:1. U. Dll kl n lind M(>oh .. n ic~b llrg lind Boutb Charles· ror me, to n, lus t week . So Arnall I bate to !18k It, and, You've rllomlly!:lu nday . 1'hfl \Y . '. T. U. W88 plellsllntly got to go and see I Mrs Willie Allen r etu rn od h ome nlortnlued by Mrs , Dr. McCray Ilnd Hnollay evenlDg ntter ha ving ~pe n~ MI t'S !:lilies 0 11 Thlludoy. "I've strovo with men and II.llgols for the wee k.eud with bel' pueote, at th honor or our name, Ballvertown To wake It stnnd for Bomctb In' Ilod Mr. aDd Mrs . l!'r .. nk H llw~a m ov~ d keep It clelln ot shallle. III IHHt of t.helr b ll Ul~e h ol d f>lfed e to "I always planned to gl ve you II COU ll. tb e home of Ihel r son . Nllt" I:fn~ ~ e 'try and a flag lI otl wlr!', tlf ~ i) rln K VIlIJIlY l' bur~ You could call a8 good 88 anv and YOU dllY. 'riley PXI'"ot to romt.ll n I.bere WOUldn't hu\!o to brag: II IHlng th winter on IIcoo ont, or the Tbobe t lin e or g 8tove~ IIoDd olJfeo lilad oond itl )[I at IUr: lh wsa "It YOU figure so to keep th Ill, I only Ran geR 10 tbl plirt 01 Ohio , aod' the ~"turdIlY lit tholr borne 1.1 r . and prloeR III a low, o./i I booght Ihem be. know ono pilln • That'll stand all kinds of acid !Lnd Mrs. Hlrom Dnkln ent ertain ed , M r p. &;pro the lust two advt.lnces In t,base ' that·s ·to be a DIM. Uellrge D~kln', of W" y neeville, Mu goods. Don t put It off, 118 they o rll Irll Dlllrln, d!llll:hte r I\nd grnuullugb gOIDg fll Mt, aod the next will be "So you hetter think It ovor and show for, of MiddlQtown , very muob hlg bor. At tho oll stnnd. What you can do; . Mr8 R eb(loka MoUomaa la enjoy. . A. B. IDEB I C&Il WlO about n billion. So 101lg. log a vI It with be l' bt'other . Mr. It'8 up to JOU," Ob"I. · Braddook nnd family. Slle Now I guess, unl ess I'm wllliog to be "J(peot~ to l Oll va for )ler hom e liS ohargod up as a Jess Vb 88SU, Neb, In B sbun tlmo. ADd thrown Illlo Ihe dlscllrd, I'U have ~Irt! . George Gllllllind who .hlls to M m A a()J'OHS. be on a vlotim of tonsllltis III moeh ...- - Improved at \ouit repor t Mr. nnd IIrs Frank Dllklo had Do Someth ing, Anyway. Born to Mr. Ilod Mr£!. Chu8. Blingh118 olillers uoday IlfterooAu Mr . and "It you nlu' qU!llIlled to ltllu..le a Mra. Elm er Prlltt, Mrs Fred Wilson man, n Ilon. IUn," 8Rld UlICl o ·l~ b eu, "dnr sin' nut· MI ~8e8 P" u\lue PrllU I\nd I_oo lse Mr. a od Mrs. Ohlls Penoe have lIu' to pervent you f'nm gltUu' Into Miller flod Mr. Cui Putt, of Xenll\, retorned h ome lifter a week's viII" .cUon wl1 it hoe or a rake." wltb tlie lr parlJn ts Mr. and Mrs. Wa rr n Pe ooe B. M. Dooker ,.a8 til ken snddenly 111 Ius' TuolldllY afternoon wblle l\I w rli on bl" property hore . Lli.te npo rts from Ihill bedside are that he Is rest i ng ens er. . > • Rev'. Ellnor Bisbee, pastor of tbe U nl qerSllflAt Ubaroh Is Rpeoilinll: t wo weeki In MaslIllohoaeltl. Mu . TOLD Barnbart, or Franklin, s pen fn esdllY wltb her mother, Mrll: J. M Bonnell. 'I'no Comm unity (Jlu b is prepa rin g tor iI 8lilJ owo'on f estival. El1rl Rohlnson flod family, Wm. RobiDson and fumily , of Duytoo, ~d She Soon Got Back were 'Mouday guests'" t he . hOOle of J o\ln Roblnllon ~n(l fll w lly. Her. StrenatJa Miss G rftOO B 01; 19 quite 1lI. New CUtle, IneL-"The meaales . MI~8 N ulH~ FIUH llull beon np left me run clown, no appetite, could p ointed 110. m ~ llIb6r of t·he oounty not reat at nl,ht, anI! I took a levere hOl\rd of r oil onnaervlttl I n by tba cold whicb Iettled on my lun,.. 10 1 Federlil ,,,oj " d mlnlstrllto r for 0 1110, _ unable to keep about my housework. My doc:tor adviled me to take --VinQI. and liz bottles reltored my . health 10 I do an my housework, !ncludinl wuhinl. Vln.o l is the beat medicine I ner llIed."-Alice Record. 437 So. nth St., New Caltle, IneL We have a.1arge stock comWe iUlnntee thil wonderful cod ing in, several grades, Come Uver anel Iron tonic, ViDOI, for aU wealr. nm-dowa, Dervolll cqndltion.. in . and look them over. It J . E Janney, 'DruJ(gist, Waynesville will pay you. . "Now, 80n. YOU li st n horo," hC' saYB ''1'11 g;lve It to YO U straight; , I know ~ou re In a hurry. D llur let th o hurry wlLlt.







----- ..

Timothy Seed

~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ You n ce Bros. Grain Coo, .

ViH Al




8 1\)' S ,dill' HC IS ti ll o ll g h liJ c hh.hl d 0 11 the IllU · CO li S ~ lI rrflC "(I ( the $ }' S l e UI ,


Written by Our



; "





Waynelville, Ohio

- - -... ...

l-, .



WELLMAN Mrs . Albert Henes 8(1en t two days of lost week In Dny&oo . Mrp. Sauh· Rloh ~(JeDt Monday with her dllu8ltt.e r , Mrs. W, '1'. Jor. d"n , . . Mr.and Mr~. Alva Ludington spent two dllYs with rel_tlvea Den Blan. oheeter. . Mr. and Mrs Ernest MAnnon and dangh ters ltuth Dnd Glennll spent ~at ord oy ancll::lundllY ln 'rlppeoaDol'l City wl'h Mrs Id .. Ma'n non an(,1 dIJ.ughter Ether, The, Matron ~rlsoUlIl olub met wlth;Mrs. ClIorrle UIl~lo!l by 00 Toea. d&y, Those whu enjoyed, tbe aUer. noon ~woie ~BIldll.me8 L~la ElIllI, Berda ,Iordan, Editb Davl's, Mllry Mannon, Ada 'l'almage and sliter, Mre. Kennon, of· Uamdea, TenD, Addle Deat herall:8, Anna Shan., Ida Ferrill, EIlIl Ferrla, Lilora Reed" Ba881e Ellis, and 1I1111s HaDnah Jor. dan : . Mr. and Mrs A : B . T",lmllge, J . Lee Talmage, Mrl!. Amanda Giuner and .lire. J essie Gl\rner Kennon vis. Ited rela\tvesln Xenia Sundar. John . Wolfe and II\'lfe entertained Mr. ADd Mre. Ray ' Wolte, MIII8·(jer. trude and }'bllter Donllid Wolfe OD Sonday. · . ,.' lin, Martha Ollv,l s abd ~he &llaeell Veltll Ellt8 and Vlolll JordaD aU.Dd. ed the tlllnday Sohool ua.fer.Doe .t LebaDoll Saturday. MI" Mllrle Rtoh apen' the. week with her aunt, II .... ""er 8urfaoe, near W.,neavUI... . . Ill'. AI.a BartloGt .. . '....II1D,



Robl,. ·Ul !\ r ~. of Hharon vtlJe, Oblo IlIntl Frunk Sh lduk el' nr e bnylng ond 8bl llill 01( llor es. Mrs Lllora Lao key, or Xenia, Ilnd Mrl'·lFu)1l111 durmel, of uOlir WII. mlngtou , we re olllllng on friend s h ere IlIlI t wel'k. Mr. liud Mr A. Bern C f\fr hf\ ve rn nv d 0 0 MOKO Boglin's farm. Mrll Oba Wt.loh arrived ho.m e fr m Rlohmond, Ind ., on S unday mornl ng ,aflersevera ldliys ·f\bsen oe. 1. N. MIller W8S tl gues t ot hili Bon !lad f~mlly, of UolurubD S, lu@t week I1rri~lng b omo Suodlly. Mr . lind Mrs, Wrn. Uo.rr attended r.ho weddltlg ot Misy Este r Cllrrol, of ~lt rLi o/i viJJ e , 0 0 Wed nesday liveni ng to Mr. MoMll\llD, of Wllmlogton . M r~. Murl utt~ Un l'pe nt-or Is vis it. ing her 80n ~od fumlly, of nen r Ue n. tervill A. Dr. Molli son, of Ui ncioolltl, will pre "011 at th .. M. & cborch d undsy, Ootobor 2 , ntll:30a. m. Be present und hellr IA noted apllli.ker. Onr Clvio Lesg ne me m bers were remember ed by t,he RedUros .. helld. CJ.u6r~er 9 i:I I)bioago, 0 0 reoelvlng ~ Il ei r bl'X or War ~ Il)lp\l e", wbl oh t bey are I.roud Of-uDd why shou ld tllo)' n ot be, The Lib ·rty [..oan m eeting at 'l'owu 8,,11 Friday n lgbt wa~' very oomp'i mootliry for our towo nnd vloiol'y, ~be lIubsor lption was Olor live tbou~"nd dollard. Ai' tbe boo ginning of ihl! m ee t,ln g you would not h llye thought sucb I\n Ilmount oou ld be ro iaed, bnt we hllve pli. ' rl otlo olt.lze ils unknown to one IIU otbe r until tried out, and It it! to be boped Ihat they will stili s how t belr pdrlutlam on November 6 by assist • In8 to put Ohio dry.

Mr . WlIlJllm JOU JS nnd son IJonl ~ visited Mre. Am os Jaoks on Il nd family 'l'bur~da y . Mr. E lmer Owens Rnll Mrs Fred Wlilloo oalled on MrA. Dlx!lon Wbnr tpn a DO afte rnoon 'ble week. Mre. Heueooa n iH 18 vlMitini( fit Dlly'on this w ee-k. Mr. J, 'I'. Marlatt and fumll y were ILt Lebanon 'one dllY f,)ll~ wee k Ilnd Miss Velma re'arned llome with tbom lifter II waek's visit witb her an nt Mrs Beo i!:arnbart, Mr. W ·,Uer Bernard, of LyUe, WUII In ou r vllJolI:e Friday. Mr ..Ioh~ Pell,oe purobased tho E I1 ~ n Marlatt proper t y or tbls plaoe. (Jllrl Dakin, or Sprln~ BnDoh, Apent !:!aturday nnd t:>uDd.y In onr village. Mr. S.muel ,Ia okson was the guest or hts parents Sunday . Mr Grover Hmlth , fr om r reblnes WIlH ID our vl olnlty Sunday. J . B. Penoo Wll81lt Lebllonoo Satnr. day . ----...... ......- - -



Do VIIU Wan s 'I'ollac~'O 11o ,e' " . . . .. , ... . ..... ..... . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. .... SIlo


. .... .. .. .. .. ... .. ...... . . . .. .... ....... a""

Mad dlll

Do Yo u W ilDt Camoul :· . ..

II.. Y OII \\ 0 11 1 Lime o r I' llIi te l ?

.. See

Du You Wall l Any" ;11 (1,,[ !'umbel ' . . ...... .


........... &8 Madden

Do You Want Shingles ? .. .. .. . . ... . . . . ... .. ..... See MaddeD Do You Wont Felt Roofing? . .... . ... .... •... . . . See MaddeD

Do Y ou Want Fence Posts ? ...... .. ... ,See Madden Do You Wan t Farm Cates? ... . . ....... See Madden Do You Wanl a Veranda? ....... .. , . .. See Madden Do You Want



Building Plans? .. See Madden

you waot r.o bOml"


d lmo? 800

No matL r wha~ YOII woo t. ~ I oddon

Soo M&<1den

If you don't want nnything at all, SEE MADDEN just the same.

HICKORYVILlE Mr~ . Boword Grohom nod dan ~ ll. le rs wore SaturdllY visitors or Mr~. Frunk Bevan , of t:>ptl ng 8111,


Mr!. Don Bran strator wal! oolllng In l:I(1rveYBburg 81l~nrd"y evening Mr. and Mrll. <:ar! Dodd MADDEN WANTS TO SEE YOU I MADDEN WANTS TO SEE YOUI tollined oompliOy S umhy. Mr. and Mr~ . Weldon BeUer lind At Oorwin, Ohio daughter, Maxloe. apent tbe la t ter .part of laet woek . wllh Mrs . Ullff • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ __ 8o.wke. ~

D. W . Homphrey, ot Lobanon. Mr. R!llnh Montgomary, of Frank. wn8 io oor village on Tueeday of Hu, "pen t Thor!!:lay aod Friday with IHllt week 0 0 bo!lnIl88. Uhlis, Ellia aod daughters. S . A. Cllrson . o r D(lytoo, \1tuln .Min Bordll traaly Willi 11 Wllmlng. this vlolnlty Thursday meeting old ton ebopper last WodnesdllY. lioqu~lnt .. noe9 and mlikill g new one8. rhe dlloooe at 'be home of OJias. The Ohio A8soolat lon of liaptlst Ellis, la.i Thursday eveDlng waa Having termina ted the pusner. ministers I~ 1,0 l!eSSI(1O thlll week lu quite a suooe~8 , sblp wltb tenants, I will sell at tbe olty of l'Qledo Rev. !:!arllen' II ,. Mn, Ma'ml'e Hatfield, of Mason, lio Auot loD, at my r esldenoe on in litt.endllnoe anti wm retld II paper, o"lIed on friends In t·bll vlolnlty last Wayoesvtlle and Ferry Pike ( the title Is "'l'blt'ty Yean In , Ooe week. as ~Idel oorner) located one PAriah," No' daub'" will be 'be Mr•• UUff Hawke Ipent. SaturdllY 1for&b of Waynesville and two only paper of thllt klad in the 118110- In WIlmlngtoo lIlas' of Ly$\e, on Friday, October 26, 1917 ~~~~O~r~!n~P~~~s 1;~el!ne:~e~~~~ . • • _ ••_ __ Oommenolng at JO a . m., the bls ohurob. In tha' time be baB reodeled words . of oOlls., 'a"on to lowing: 12 Horaes, 7 GllHle, 8 8 Implements. maDY autl bal Blood 'rial8 wblob t3ee big bills tor termB, ",ere almost beart renderlnJII, buC 8, 1,). HENKl.E being a man of It,r ong faith and U, T, Hawke, Auot. 'bllt all t hlnga W3re fot' 'be bee' 81. many friend. hope for him Mr. and Mr • . W, E. BogaD, Mr. manY ' more years of hl8 uletulnelle On aoooun' of 'he death of alid Mrs. R:-L. Bogin aDd Mhll Lelah in tbls parish ' hUI1)II., I will ofter Ilt Publlo Sa BOllin motored &0 Rlltgeway aDd '1'hece will be a H:al1oweeD ' eoter. at my resldenoe In Utloa on •.(1 In me nt tJ Iven at •otIe 'rOWD 8all OD .Ipea~ !laveral days W.l th· Mr. and Mra, S. L. Snrfaoe and dauRhler, Saturday, October ],7, 1917 Wedlle8d,~y .nlght, OOiober 3111&, uo. BeglDDlng a' 12 :30 o'olook t·be Mr and Mrll J . B. LeamliJlJ hlld der dlr8('t1Qn of tbe, Olvlo Le"lI ue . rhe League IIlI oomposed of ladlee aa their guesta la.' t:!.nday Hr. aDd 10wlDg descrtbed property: nelne/B-. who are qualified to make 'hi" ao Mr.~. EZ'ra Brown, of New Jallper, hold Good!! cODlll8tlng of enjllytlble fi\venlng. Forget about Mrs. A. E Blmmons. ot Port WII. Oarpetll, Chitin, 'L'ableR, eto" UIUUI"IlI. Tools eSo. ~btl day '8 worry and have an even. lIam. Mre, 8 .. alln Power. and daogh Terma made known' on day of 811 IlIg's enterCalnmen' at emBoli oos&. ter Joel., of Painterevllle, . AlRt!. ADA UURRJ!l.N, III', VerllO MUobner, of Camp Ooe of the members will be IItationed tlherman,lpent tbe week. elld with at the ticket wlodow !Iond If you are UllvlDg 801d my farm I wtll sell'=== = = = ============= oot entirely 81ltlft6e4 wUb what yoa his puents . bave seen and hellrd you are at psr. 80race OomptoD and fall,lU, had at Publlo Auotlon, At my reeldenoe a:..... • IX · Ivery teot liberty to lDake :vour grlevaDoetI a8 their guelts Sbe paa' fow da71 I mllee weat of Wliynesvllle and 2 JIlXO~ ' knOWD, and If sulllollsnt evldenoe Is Mr. and Mrs. Willie Brandt, Mr. and mlleilllonth of Lytle, on the upper (PRICES . RIOHT):, produodd yOIl '19111 be· allowed to ~y Mr• . Urban Bowman aDd · Mr. Silm Sprlngbo~o pike, on double' Ildml\l~loD . Oome out ancl Jes8op, of Brldgepnr', Ind. Wednesday, November 7, 1917 fill ~htl BIAl1 aDd be 80olable. The Mr. "od Mre. W . E. Hug'4n and prooeeds wUJ be used for the bene. J!JvalJ Beginning promptly 10 o'olook and Leltlh Bogan epent Sun. fit of ihe W3P. day afternoon wlib. relallvel ai the followl·ng proper~: 8 Oatil_, 3 Sole Agent Borsea, 2' Hogl, 13 Sheep, Fllrmlng Frank L Bllrrle hila purabasad a Leb"oon, Implementl, Barnen. tlee bill bllli new Ford courlng OU', Mre. Uonaer, of Dear Harveys Por the Gorden for 'erma. W. P. 8AY Mr. and Mfa. Howard Gnbam burg, Bpen' the Pili' week wl&h ber A. A. MoNell, Auot. !lnd Miss Lonlse N. · W,Uson took In dllugbter Mrs Ra.lph Leamlng, J. O. U"rtwrlghl, the I:3 btlnnoo I:nook Co'. lIhowat Mr. th1 Jonel ,,"ended the Jflve W. N, Bears. Clerkl . Wil mi ngton, Bdurd"y night, and Yllar8 Meeting held at Rlobmood, Dronoun rod it just rll~bt . Ind . . Mr . !llltl Mrs. W. L. Bllrvey lIpent Mr. and Mrll. H. F. CompioD en. . PhoDe 9()..3 CORWIN, otIl() sevoflll t.Inys hi Munole, IDd I IlBt &8r'llloed SUDCJIlV, Mr, and Mrs. wellk. · , Willie Brandt, Mr. and .lIra. Urban ...._ _~;:;:;:;;:;:;:;:;;:~".;,~~~~~=;:~~:::~ -j~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!'~!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'~ E. M. Lukene' ptlb\lo aale WAI Bowman aDd IIr, Sam Jeullp, of .. well ntl ended and ovorythlng lIold Brldaer.or', Ind., Mr. 1I11jab Oolllp.. MONEY LOANED DR. J. W. MI LBR. 811tlllraoLory to the purohllser, and ton, of Da1'01l, 0 . , Hober' S'.Dley lllld family, of WllmiDgton, Mr. ' a nd Mr. Lukensalao. " ... DBNTIST••• Our R Jd CroBR WClmeD are leen Mrll. W. Ill. Oomp'oD, "II" Ella O~EY loaDed on live stook' ohat , . 'sle aDd 1000Dd .mortgages, showloK ' heir patriotism by kDiUIDIr Compton, Mr. Chu. Harner aad Boraoe Rarner, Mr. •nd Mre, Note. bought. JObD BBrblne, Jr" QIIoe III sooks and ewea'el'8. Ihilloail IJeK Biela. WilIOD. Allen 80U4inll, Xenia, Ohio. . m 2 Some of the Ulllrklvllle oUlun. Mr, ead ·Mrl, J . S . Joy, of W,ellt were 10 oor town one nlgM Illet week Inspeotlng our lIabla' and pro Carl&oD, epent &'orday and Sunday wltb Mr, and Mre, JOSiah D • ."II • . WANTED nnnnced them sMond ttl bone. D .R. HATHAWAY HI', : Luther BlIoln81 eut0e4 to Mr. WtJlard Martlln, of Dayton, was olllllng all aoq~lalntaooel bere CsmdaD, 0 ., Frida,. Mr • . Balnel General porpose borse, DQ' over 11'111 n'urn with him. ,She ha. beeu Wllyae",iUe'. Le~. Deat18t IIIHt week. '1 yeor8 old, bllY or aorre\. la•. vlllUDI her palen", Mr. ·a nd. Ufl. Main 8' Mr. a il d Mrs, C11dl~ UlealTer and Chal. Laird for leYer.1 weeki. qolre of 0 ; E, Blley, Ridgeville Ollloe In HaiDee Bldg, son, of Chlo"go, werel guest. of Mr, Ohio. 031 IIr. Piol PelerlloD,aucl aU.I OUve Cleaver '" pllrents, IIr. and Mrs .WUlon uteDded the Y. ,p, B, State P. B. CI aver, Illllt wook. OQn~enilon beld at . Sprlngfiel4, FOR SALE Mr, Frank i'orulbel1, who II Sunday Tbey h'.l'cll Mr, HobSon work~ng In Day'oo epeD' Sunday a' Ibe eveninlJ 18IlIloa, here wltb bill fllmlly" ·Mrl, Joe Dilbro ·b all beeD OD 'he two.year . o ld Poillond China 'Bollr, 'l'h'e jit ney' rODnlall from LebanoD .Iok Jlat. , walght aboot 600 loqulre of B. Funeral Director. to WilmIngton Is ruoDlna. OD .ohed. . Ohu; .Barnar II .taeDdlng Sbe C: Atkinson, R. D, B, Waynen111e, ole lime and sbould I~e patronised, dalr; Ihow lit Oolumblll, Ohio. a7 . Waynesville . Ohio ------~.~.-----'Mr, aDd IIrll WalreD' B.rD~'1 N!) 191'1 Baby Urand Obevroht. , "pen' 8.tDrcla:1 w"b Ill' . • aelMre, 'one llH4 Overland Touring tJar '. H , L . 8ogali. bo'b In good oonditlon, Inquire or ,.,..BITBII:RFred IInwke, Wayn@aville, O. 031 . Autl) Equlpmeat1':






OlaBalBed A.dB






.- .


We are',buying all kinds of grain and" are paying the very highest prices the market will allow. Remember, we will buy any an:Jount you have from one pound ol,l up, at any time "come,"

- - - - . - - -•.....;...-.: r--

Allrlcultural EdIuaat1on. .qrIcultnral edUC!IltlOD .. 011. of tile

or eoantrr


Ad column.




good Jersey Oow 1Ilab oillf at ber side . At tbe Krelghoff i'arm, Oregonia, Ohio , 031


.1 .,.,



denhaU, R . D. 3, Waynesville, ,ood road aDd ramJly Mare IODDd a.a perfel'tl, qiJ\et, In. qalre of lAwreoM 80rfaoe, R ' R, 4, Pbooe 12.~X, W.,D8IvlUe, ahlo,


OBT IT AT VI.'" D___

Gr.e Co.


HoneoDtawn eqUIpment /


nloe, young ,lerley Oow, oaU b:y .Ide. Inqolre of UDdley Men.

.UN·' 0N6B'A"1'N

----------. --...:.., ' ,

Dairy Feed

Waynesville. Ohio.


'UI8 oU.r CllUlBlf\ed


Younce Bros. l[Srain

eeaentlalll to tha II1e. The penadlDl lDOftIIIent .. to add 1111 by pla_ It OD be,N."oaal Dt.t.7 dhoW'.' ColD. . ....eI& of rIIKt .. bI 1IIUdlWMk. .




. !>'.


EN ez'n larp BI. Type Polalld CblDe male Pi.. for .. I.. AIIO


pod, IDqlllre of ...... 11181,

tea en. ~hedaael POlII... W. O. WaiGh, aarv8JIbur., O. oN Grad. OatIIwold ' Book Bheep, B. D...














T he b l', I line lOr lI t'a lin~ ~t,w es • Mr. Raymond Conner and Miss l A vel'y' \l rplty wetldillR W;:l ]'lfl <, Towll hill l'ilI piv hll "I1S,. ~ II ~ 1 --1 ~, ll~. ,' S'Ler lvOl"! t'}ok t hel'r fr,·nn·ls ' I l)11 ~'lt ' ''''l ItlY IIl f l'rnuolI, ( ,.I .,. und ItH I1 ~E'~ in lid. 1I·, r l /If Ohio , sf,.1 Sllrmlntlh"\" l'Il rnanSchohl . . .. L" 11 . , ~ U OIze, SRlul'd :l~' I'I't' nlt1~ , II t ube r 27,1 9 17 I, L ,A , :t.1" lnWnrl"II - I~ In Clllrlt1nnll II 6Jl f\,ris 'l'hur~dIlY eVI'ning, at f) b r 6l h , whe n Mi ~~ Alit-a,' ,1~lu",h I II' priel'''' IIrf I,ll" , /1MI lJu ll l! h t Iht,!1TI , I,!v" ry,'nl' (,01110 liud h·. C !la m' (un (J,la). v' loek , llI ld wehl t o the M. Eo }lllr- tor of ~ Ir :m,) Mrtl, (,hn I' IIH'I I ,jh ll ~,'r bllfo r e · h.. III. t twu orlva llt.!~ in Ih '~e f :roIlU}!' , whe~e they w re mlLrl'led by and Luw l'ellce fh'umll51 ;-{lter ,'",,, 1, uf I.!O"dN. llonL IlU it "fr. 11M I hl'Y IHe thed mo~ , orn I r,""' "I , , Coont-.. Ttle event IVUS . I . I!f1itl!{ fllSl, lind Ih\! 11I>X t will he very '.A priz,> I ';lIl'i~ or1'<'r,;01 kCu. ·(0 1 ' \' nIt oil' (hqn In r''\lIO .I"I .e'v 111 . T .. ' on n ~ I~VI'1 1C, I ' • werl' m nrnl'l Ie mt\~ 1111l!>lioll 11 l l f Imu n r ~ ' . b' . I h . , I f In ' A. B. SlO E' At t ho 0111 ~Ia"d. <'l!lll~ ~IBlI Elial bl,til,C"rroll H\I •.mt :iumJny . ur y a IS' surpri se a3 on y. t e COll- th ~'i nt I'r ,gbyl erllUl 'nUII"" I jll~ I llu ~ h hil!'lw r A, B. !D 8S ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~=~~~!!""'~~ Hllrri<'t HrowTl with rlJlativc. lll l ' rotwou<!, 1110 Ira ting par t ies and t heir r elati ves ily. It v. Dr. Ho " fo ro , \"ho b' p ["/lye ElJit! , {)ir elOrll II' 1'0 let in to t he 9 crot tiz d thp. b oiLle when UII il1fOl llt, o fli l\1rl',l:llilh H:. ris I r Ihls morn- ' , Mr. Conner, iSflson of Mr. J ohn cill ted , IIFsisleti hy \{e v. J , E 'l' dpl,' (f lug fur C'llfUillilllll', Ohi", wi l'1't' ~h l' .(,ohhcr! bu t has ~Of Reveral yea rs pas lol' of the church . Th' bridt· iii i~ h ,~ itll n: llltil'(\~ fo r a Il' III de hiS home w l ~h ~tr. and Mr 8 . wo re white G 0I'j{ 'LL,' {,I'e p , whil (1a . l1arry Mur ray. ' He IS one of Waynes- lace hal ami (lrri j) whilll britllli l' villo's e nterprising YIJUII~ busiOl..>Hl; roses 'he wa s Il t LclldeLl by Mid I 111£011 , lind hl-lS been employ~d at t he Amy U H u lin~t!r, a . si tel', I'l'lt o W, N . SEARS .!. G. C'A I:TWR f GH1' Mrs. M a r~' I ' ! d "'ltrd s nno) tinlJR I ' Waynesville Mill~ fo r several years, wor e pa le lJink bead cd vnil , b~ Cl e,.k , r , MillS 'I'dl ','lll' ,,'11'1 C(:k f or h o h i ' f , . J thl' wb r e ds a P,?Sili OIl 0 .trust. velvet pict ure hat. :lIld ('arrieli IJ k D~yton, wI1 ,~ , I" \ "I ~P', 1l Mrs. Co nne r. who is lh e (la ug ht r fl owers The g oom \II R at.t tided BUY A LIBERTY BOND TODAY WIllie; ' of MI'. nnd Mrs Cha rl es Sherwoorl , by Ric ha.rd Downing. of 8t1!1t 16 r is n young business .wComan and h as wich, L· I Therll w rtl nu ushers : Specials This Weel, Mrs . ,. T. 11,\",1,,· ano clnugh lcr, lJean employed ' in the dr y. gOOd3 A ree plion fol lowed the cere mOlJY -nnni ng l'ellchcl!, pel' btl ... $200 Ii H ,11'" , :',',' a t honlf', a ft 'r ~ Iorc~ hl! r\l for a n Ul\lbe r uf yelll'S, a t th e hom e of the Urirl l.!'s rJ r nl~ le w Ullfk O;ll., ew H om iny, " p('ntililK SC I I r:.1 ,la y>! wil Ii reI; t·ivl'M lind he r many s ho lJlJi ng fri ends will T he couple will I' " ;'.Ie in Wilmil lj{ ! l'W alo1(:'II I, Nt'w I pari B r I 1111 r.liclJll'W\\'" I bO! sor ry t(l ~tl 'her lea ve the st ore. lon, Del The briel!' rt!(, well hand - This is the 1V0rd tha t cOUles 10 us • I y , ' w , rn 1 ul, New 1';\11 1\ Rh'i n vel'Y acct) mllloda tinl{ and ~o m e pl'e~L'1I1 5 . - \ uodblll'Y (N. ,J.) frn 11l Cro wley , th e Maga zin e ~ I a n. aIle F lo ur, L'W Buckwheat I 1r . l; . I';. Itil".I' 1I11t1 fa mily lind lli)lil{ing saleSIVOI1l.m . U!l ily'l'illle:i. wi t h who m w e place ollr cirders. . I Flour, wan's Dllwn .Ilhc The Y() /ln jr coup l wil l ~o to hO URO' - - - Maurice ."il , "r lind fJl lllil y WNC ill Dou't forge t tha t everytb ing points Flour, ew '811n Ll Peai\ , cw ! \l!l'nt! a n '(' ;\, Ihe :-iil \'l·r Antl or~ n kCt'I)ing some l im c in the lIelir fut ure, Waynesville, Ohio loware! a wlIr tl.\x o n IIl nes Canned Tomatoc:;, New Rlli ~ i l1s ' w("hhlll{ il L" l!l l ill l'lon: un ~allll I T he Gazett e dxl(lnd~ i t~ hearti est wh ich wi ll force prices hig hef than _i N~w Mince Mont, Pure Ci, le\, ,Jn~' . congrat u lati on" , !lntl llw it ma ny fricn ds. wish for I hem a hal1py ma r· . Vinegar, Ne w rcllrn h t'~e . ever th is winte r. Hcmelllb\! r ( ( - h TIl. Ollio '1/ll t, l 't ilil)' L' m mi 8~ i a n rie,1 life we wi ll meet or beat nn y ra l l'S We are p r epare d t o ha n d le a ll kinds of T he State Fuel Gllnlll1i ~8 il)ncr has q uoted by allY reputa ble ngency or hav~ \wen in W!lYII('~ville tl 1i~ 1V'l'k, Oys le rs, Edg-clnllnt Crack· P u b lic Sale !? Our e xpe ri nc a n d wide acnamed t he follow ing m ~ n of Warr 11 pub lishe r, a nd will give yo u... the nnd IH IHklll )r all inn'lI to r), of he rl', Hei nz . 1'ickl e~ lind Oli,e. 'ou nty to halldle t he cunl sit ua tion: ,\1 il.llti i Valil'Y l' ·Ic"honc Co's pro· quaintance will get you t he bes t possibl e J . D .M ill ... r . l\ o lY art! Conuve r, He nry ve ry bes t 'crvicc possible·1 perty cun llave yo u We to Brooms-We results. Mcelle r, o f I"rll nk lin , Howa rd I vill~, 25c on every broom. DAILY P APE RS Leb:m on, and J . 0 'n rt \V ri ~hl. ~I r . IIlId Mrs. Ed Berg-dnll and Glovcs ·-The II t (;Illvu I11!\JP If you intend m a ki ng a S a l e n ex t pring, Waynes ville. A s SOO Il as ili SI ruc tions ~IJn , Hu. ~ cl, .,r Dayton, Mr . a nti ~I r~ . for.. ..... .... .... ..... .. .... -...... Vo u will wan t a daily paper to L a re received lhese rn (!n will get active JOI! Gi t lwns ami c h i ld~cn W I'll S UIlMother' s Oals Ilkg-, only .... .. · jOe see us n ow for t e rms and da t e. keep l ruck o f lile wa r- s ubscr il.ic \Vas lJern in Adali ne Alire rispin in hundling t he 10 = 81 delOnnd ~ . dill' Rue~i ts uf W. '. BerlStlall Ullli Sale m , N . J ., Fe br uary l!O', 1' 32 . Kellogh &. Post 'I'oast:es only l Oe. \lOW for oue of t heM! : fam ily, 01 Lyl lc. \ 'lean Easy Soap. bor only ...... 5c She departed this li fe October j 7, 'I'i lt'C5,SI" r, I,y mu d , I"" ) ' , ' Ir 'a .llo ' I ' r;' l II 'I o ~ of "'llnOI''' WI 7, aged 5 yellf", 8 monlhs and 27. '[>IJSI, Iov III Hn, 1k: 1 yenr . . . . $:1. 110 It [, IH ne . i' (\~ " L ~ ' d ays Help Hoover win thc war hy H lhl llire r, hy lI1 ail , pCI' yt-'u r ... 1'2 00 ,hio, w\J(1 had ~,,,en lItle.'H11!1I1'the ' h~ was ma rried to J oseph G , J·kru ltl , Juur""I, iJf lillY' T. lepAo",s . To/epil oll tl H :r;t}~c~~odlll1l win· the war by . rand L\JtJ g'!' \' &. A. ~I , ,~ l Sluing. Koys eptember 17, ' l 85? To this nVVre a re no\v r e ady' t o t a k e New» t Oll, by Illa il , pt' f )'C'u r . . : $:\ .00 1H:l1(~, was Lho Il:u e t ove r , .rl\ursd~y un ion we re born t wo chilJren , Chnrles . Offic.-6I ·~ O,Dic. - l lj7 uuyi ng a Bond i n n e w co rn. Vie wa.lll'30, OOO Ren~embe r the da te, November 10, night vf I e. :Jnd Mrs. H 1. Coontz . Laws n , who died a t the age of R'M8f&C, -61-,'1 ituidence-!!l Help yourself Uy uuy ing you r ears, bnd Clara Eli zabeth who reo b u s he ls ill the n ex t fe w we~ks. and get b usy and see wha t ",agGroceries of , _ MI'. and 11-1 1'9. Geor~e Ma rks left )mains in the home bereft of futh er 1 a k c ad v nn tage of the h igh azincs you want to ta ke, a nd see Monday .ror Day ton, whe re lh ~y will and mother . He r entire Illar ried price by se llin g e arl t , Re-' us a nd we do t he very best . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . I' mak thtliriu ure home, Mr . Marks life was p(' nL in Way nesvill e . m ember i t is t h e wise m a n possible fo r you , hn s cu red a positi n in t ha t city, Her homlr and famil y wl! re a lway s which i!!o much belter t han l he. one he he r n rat t houghts and she WII S much w h o fi lls h is pocke t s w ith B uy Magazines at Home had , loved bv rt,!llIli ves and fri end s who liberty bonds in s t en.d o f fi lling al ways fo und a heart y welcome. a f,e ty - -Sav in g - -Ser with hi g h . price d Mrand Mr . Howa rd Hopld ml, For many years she has .been a f his c ri bs . Mr . McKins ey . of Dayton, Mr. a nd flic ted by ill health and during all corn. : \Ve a re It re for y o ur i\J I'S· . i'Il. Sellers. of Lebanon, Mra Lhese y ears she has born her suITe r· Benj , HLl wk ins, of Wilm ingto n, at itllr with pati ence and cheerfulness b e nefit as w e ll a s foro ur own . r o m in ' tClli.j~d Ihe fUnIlra l of Mrs, Ali ce a nd at all times waR interested in Ca 11 p hone 25-2 Keys fridllY,~ r.: N nt ional affa irs and the JOYS and a u d ' see u s . sorr ow! of her fr iends. Younce Bros, Grain Co., I 5e-lOe-2()c St or e We sha ll all mi s Aunt Alite but W ay n esy ille, Ohio W aynesville , Ohio . We know t hat she was rcady when the Master called. We a r e in th m arke ~ f r CAR O OF THA NKS lJAY, if you have a ny to 1 want t.o l hal1k a ll my neig h bol's o ffer call P hone 25-2-- o r come and fri ends f or th ill consideration, and the many kindne!lSl's exte nded in and see u s . to me d ur ing t he ill ness and death of Younce Bros, Grain Co. , my mother, Clar a ~ . Kl'Ys. Waynesville, Ohio .

I ha". a ear of F, S.

Ra)' l~1

uU lln o Co . Good. on band, fourte..n and ~ ix , lOim peJ;'e8nt a cid p hoephate. and will sell It very. low if tak n 01T lh e c ltr . Com, and eet it while it Illsts

ut'liOI"',·j·, L~ .·;. 1 . W ...~1, ~ft"r~., '''_ 111 Etit nt l!o unLl Insu rance HRen,l ha ·. movp,j his otli!.' from the t UP" buildinD' IIl lln building "vl'r .. 10 th ,Iohn A , l~lIn k t!,, ' ", ~

. ................................................... .................................................::


Sears & Cartwright

Last Chance --



Public Sale' Conductors

Magazine·' Of fer s Expires Nov. 10




• I' Fre~h

---_.- ..











............................. ....................... ZIMMERMAN S


Selling Past






H,a y W anted '




Cattle or Horses

Classified Ads. ATTENOE~ Y. M, C. A. MEETING

Ol,lf Spe cia l Sal e Ord e r a r e running f r o m o n e, t wo, t h r ee, four, six a nd t w enty-fi ve t e n lots to ou r 10 a l F eeders besi de s our s a les in s m a lle r lots . Our Mill is runn ing day a n d n ig h t a n d s till w e a re o l d a h e ad on Mill Run orders, so pla~e your orde r n o w a nd lay in our winter's sup ply, W e h ave r eceived e v e r a l la rg e ord e r s for flour but all mills w ill n ot b e ru n ning s o strong in t h e w i nter as the Governtnent has ordered tne North W e ste rn M ills on l y ' .run 60 percent of their t ime a nd that reduces the feed s u ppl y, Live stock is the same as a m achine . it bas t o b e fe d to bring results,


R un g O.N E:-UofldlltoVlI, B e~ t.it1R ~oo n . R E


the s ame


t <l

1.11 :t Ford n nd one No, 4D'O O N EL:bevroler 'l'oa rlng CU', botb

good onnu ltl otl. I nquI r e of Chev 8a l tl~ 1h101l18, Wnynsl vlll e, Oblo. g'j" r ole t

i f y ou were a t t h e


p a~t




:10 with h or e nnd bu r sell Stock Uo odltiou P o w. der in WMron C Oll ot.V Sl4 lar), $90 per m oo ~b. A d <1rei8 0 I ndllstrl lll I:'lJ dg:, Ind lnDll polJl , .1nIlIRDIl . oB1

AN M . gy

and Live Stock and

you will belp

OU 6 good oh ell p , If sold O" vls, Waynesvill e,



fro nt .


Ma yor, .1' (h) (J()uDcllman . hlJ f1IO ~8) Board 01 . Olven \J n tI 8~ JlIy halld n ud o nlel.1 1IIl~1. &t my nme. In •• 1(1 VIll0«C, Ihl. 23nl (I n), of O 'loll"r IWI.7. II . E . lb tb a .. " y. MaJ o r 01 th. V lIlago of WI11U",'lIIe, 01110 Viliago, 1.(1·,,1"

.\f "roh.I , T ncn. llrer , I'lerk, l'u\1trc _"f,ll,.,. Memh.....

You have but a few more days to take advilnrag e of our- annual


This sale, unlike most sales w,hich' offer at tractive prices (;m Odds and Ends, offers you our choice mercha~djse, including all seasonable stQck at . ' ' . . " ~

GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Whether it be a Dress, Suit, Coat, Apparel Accessor'ies or Rugs, Draper,ies a nd Other Home Fitting.... All Will Starpall Your M ost Critica l Expectatio ns CAR FARE REFUNDED

stock , everytbing

fi rs t -class Harness S~lOp .

k e pt in a




SllVER··ANOERSON A very pre tty, t ho ugb aim pIe wed· ding was t hat of B Stokes Silver nd Miss Dor othy 'Anderson, of Winton P Iact', on Satu r day, October 20. 'rhe bride was lovely ; o an em· broide red c repe de chine and . is t he ccomplished daughter of Mr . J, C. Anderson, superin tendent of th ~ Pr octor and .Gamble W orks, of which Mr. Silver has been a chemist since his g raduation at Ohio State Uni vf'!rsity . M t&r the;'r honeymoon trip t hey will go immediately to housekeeping in a ver), pretty home of t heir own, t he g ift of t he bride 's father , -.







, ~EMEMBER SATURDAY, OCl rOBER 27 (a 'tbe lust duy, Rell lize grent savlllg by tak ing aavnn tage ot t his IW!lL OPIlortuu1 1y of p l1rohRHin.g yonT Futur~ need. a t a aaTirJlf


Enrytbiug Yoa ~ied

Uuder 0.. Roof


_- - -


SUI,day, November 4th, will be Woman's Day at t he A, M, E church at ' Harveysburi Speci al preaching ' morning and evening by Il la dy preacher , Mis9 Ida Mae Myller of Payne Theological Se minary, Wilbe rforce, At 2:30 a ' program will be rendered , . All are cordiallv invited to come and hear her,

Our first duty is to serve the public, and the best service w e can render dur ing our ' sale is to provide dl;lpendable, Wintel' . Mercharidis~ for yourself and home at a sa ving. . .

A 1'811' auceeliltul feature of t his sa le bas been lhe re!\l'ndiDg of oar tare wttblil a radius or GO mil es when a purcll nse of $10.00 or ' more hu beaD made, Present your return Ucket ond sal es cbeck at tbe oale_ Fourth Floor, .



~ltullli 1111'0." W.yauvllt , O h iO, wHllln laId I;.lll.~. 6 . . . I.ellon will be h~ld for Ihe Pill'pn.~ 0 1.1\110<.,.1118 1110 ro ll o"' ln ~ 'l iTIf:bMiJor aaill

.S aturday, October'27, Being the Last D,a y

hay e

J , O . Car twright was in Columbus Mond ay attending tbe g re t Y. M. C. A, meeting as a delegate from t he Men of Way nesville, Lun cheon was ser ved to .twelve hund r ed men in t he banqu et room t he Masonic Temple Add res~es we re made by Dr. J ohn R, Mo t t, Gen. GleDn , Col, Bomford arid Gov , Cox, Oelegates we re present f rom eve ry coun ty in Ohi o and incl uded some of the bl'st known business men ot the !ltate. Our own Herbe r t Warwick, "Dave: ' w as a prom inent factor in the /lleeting . . ThIs gat hering WM t o awaken intll rest in the great d ri ve for a Y. M C, A wa r fuu d which will take place ill Novem ber .'

to COlllpll aO"6 nl 'h t h. r"q ul . a mel1 la of t il LA '0 0 1 Oh Io. l. . U. -g . H~'b~ .. uy , Ala yo r 0 1 ti,e vlllag .. ,Ill Wa),II .. ,'llIe, h .....'" uo t U)' t b. Qllallll",1 .k", w!'Il of • • tl1 V tll(lge; I bnt o n 'I'll d ft)', tllQ Gl li dOli 0 1 Novembe r , A . D. 1911 1)"III'&ra 1110 hOll rao l 5:30 o'clock A. V . nnct 5: ao o'doc k " , ~I , at )(1110,.10 "'emilie OU





~ Our 'Government want~ you to raise more Wheat



' Harness Shop.

. V08I bUbr..wiJl haA4

die your_bcriprioa INtI






lEBAtJO~J WilL HAVE NEW SCHOOl8U1.lDlNG Lebandn III now assured 01 a new school building. At the special el.ction b"ld laat week ~h.e bond issue W88 carried by a vole of 216 for and 200 apinst. The alte haa ~ael8cted. and 88 800n 811 the

propoaition k advertised anrl the bona dlapoeed of, work will begin OD

the Dew blJildlDc.


f '


.:... __





Sixty-Ninth Year



-- -


°l----~--i British Tank Ready To Go "Over Top;" In Great Drive Against Huns ita''Flande'rs

.!E~NAL _!EN~! I


D. L. Cran e \\I II.! Thursd ay on busine81!.

The surgical situation abroad has becomt! so impurtant that MIIj. Murphy cllbled the following to Washing ton Headquarters on Octo· ber 24: "The Red Cross has direct responsibi lity of supplying us with s urgical dre88ings, and nothing in the whole situation here is eq ualll' important. The Red Cross standard aresBing~ in millions must be Ben t over with all pORBible s peed. These drellsings are aoing to mean life or death tf) our own men. This wlio le situation deals with t he most vi tal thing that the women of Ameril'lI can do for the 80ldiers in this war." Thi!! informatio. shoulj settl e in every one's mind theques tion wheth er or not s urgical dre~ l! iu g8 Ilrt! being made throlJghou t the cou ntry in ex ce88 nf requirements. ~o I hings 'lire needed at once First : Ii ina l coJlectionAof all unpaid War Fund pl edget! S I:ond: The depositinw of money coHect ed in one of I he local banks in the nllrn t! of lhe "Red CroBB War fund, Wm G. Mc· Adoo. Treasurer." The money will not be drawn out. XCtlIJt all Washington needs it. alld if any i neefl l!d for loca l exptlnSE!!1. te lief, etc. , that portion w ill be relurned aArequired, according to the ru I s and rl'gu lations of the War )<' und , Commending ,American nurseR fOI vaJuable services renrl ered in COIIvalt'!rent and base hospita ls and ca~ ualty clearing Rta tin" an rl empha - sizing that man y m"re must be traiDed to take places left VIIC n( by nursBS who go abroad, Maj Geo rge .... , ('rile .has m de lha following Itatement to the Buteau of Nursing, Lake Division: "On my return for temporlU'Y duty in this country. after five months continuous service in }I·rance. during whicb I have vl.!1\ted ma~y Frencb and British hORpitalsI cannot fail to, appreaia tlon of \ tbe French. Brit ish ann American women wbo are performit g an in"aluable ,service. P erhaps I.u bigher tribute can be paid them than that evidenced by the unfailing reo spect paid by 'Tommy' or 'Poilu' to . the· Bisten' in uniform The foreign woman ill civilian dre89 may be liaLle . to at 1t?8IIt unpleasant familiarity' of approach on the part of a 8011Iier, the woman in uniform is sreeted witb honor. Mao1 more tronM!a will 'be ~.d 811 our troops enter the war and take their places at home. many new recruits must be secured. "



STATEMENT FROM BOARD EDUCATION For the . benefit of the voters of Wayne Township Rural School Dis trlct we wilh to put forth this state ment of facts. Every school board is asked Lo make up its budl{et tha( is the arno.untof money necessary to run the ' school for tbe nellt school )'ear, In May of each year. None of the money is available until the first of March olthe following ' year · and tben only half of the amount asked for; the balance is flOt paid, to the board until the flr.t of September, Thus IOU can r~adlly Bee that one half 0 tbe amount can not be used until Bix monilia ~fter school ha. openoo and tbe remainder three ~onths atter sebool CIOBt'B, Like all otller Institutions' tbe Inerealed coet of'everything ia. cauling the sello"ls much embarrassment for no more lunds are available from the 'ordinary cbannels of ttlxation; and tbe 'only solution of the difficulty Ie for an increased levy by a vote of the people, . . Unl888 this Increase is voted upon favorably It will no dOllbt b~coml' nl!Celllry for tbe'board to) curt ail tht expenditures 80 that the grade of the Biah BchQol will be reduced , and the N Qrmal &.hool will be abollshl1d . We trust t/lat the vote,s wifl Dot embarr. us and our lIucc_rs, whOIl) you will elect on l-!ovember 8th, by defeating theJ!leaeure. ,J. O. Cartwriiht W. F. Olark J. W. HIs8' Oharles Smith ' John Willion

.- .



. -- - - - ~---..

Mr. and M r, AI'uN t Sh phe rd and . fa mi ly entertain d li t d inn er undflY Misses Mary Wha rton . and Lucy Emley .

Cl1ll'Inn atl

J. 0


111 I' . nnd ~1 rB. r"ranl( Z II had as ~h eir guests a t, up\)C! r Tuc:;L1ay even- It seems that the change of 1000 votes Ing. Mr. an d Mrs Ev er ' l( Zent'meye r, Mr. and Mrs. Il n Ha \I ke. ami Mr. andMn.J , . Ha wk e . - - -- Mr and Mrs. J . C. H awke en le r. tained at d inner 'l'1I t!sd a y . Mr and M~s . E ve retL Zenllll yer , or JI'I Atli ~"I1 , WIS . Mr . and Mrg lIen Il llw k('. of ~arveY,S burg , ami I'll I' . allLl 1 r s. Frank Zell .

Ca r twr i ~hl

was !I. bu siness to Sp rin gfield Mcmday.

Mr, ami Mrs. W. 1-1 . Allen were Cincinnati vi sitors ThuI·sday. Mr : Brnd l e~, of Colunluus. spe nt the WP k- ~ nd hare \0\ ith relat.i ves. H , H. Wads worth, of n a r Day ton, spent several da}, 1:1 her· laet week. M a~te r Charl es Grouser, of Piqua, spent the week·end her e with fr iends

Buy your winter Underwenr at Hyman's. Born- To Mr. and Mrg Luth er PerkinB. Su nd ay. October 2 t h. 11 ~ on .

Mi ss J osep hine Andrews spent th" wcpk · end wit h fri nd l.! at OXfurd, Ohio. Mr and Mrs. Myer Hyman anel daughter, we re Cinci nnati visitors Sunda y . Supt. Fra nk Snook. of the Wayn ell' vill e Cann ing Co , wns a Columbu!' visilor Wednesdav.

During the recent battle of Menin Road, one of the aharpest engagements of the recent battle of Flanders, the viclorious British med tbelr tanks to great advantage. Hero is oue of them ready to go "over the top." The official photographer h:u snappc:cJ the scene while the men Ilwait~ d the order to adv·ance. TIle tank is alr eady hall way' over the tr~nch, and tIle crew have climbed Ollt to gel a breath of fresh air on tbe earth rainPl.rt before drivtng the great war machine into the thick of the hattie. These tanks, durtng the Flanders fighl . rode over th e r.erman 'trenches, advancilli tn !tho fiat country to lhe second and th ird lines. ® . .

Mr. and Mrs Otho Henderson. of Sp:ingboro, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. R. A Cross .

might d ecide it. People staid away fr om the polls because they were makingbigwagesandfelttheycould no t afford to IOS9 the time . "·S up. p(J~ () you were one of il thou ~and " ~ ta y at·homes" who should allow lie u " wets" to'-carry Ohio: yo ur vote would license six saloons; for our (JOllO would again be legali:led. D r. J . A. Leunard, superintende nl uf the Mansfield, Ohio, Reform Mr. and Mrs. Walt or Oak in en ter. atory. Buid in nn addre88 at Yo ungs tai ned at dinn er. u nll u\' tlce fullow· tow n, " In th e Baloon 70 percent of ing r elati ves: Mr . 1' heudore Tri m· cri me is hat ched; and after a crim e ble and dnug h te r M i ~se s (:Nt rnde, is committed the perpetrator hurr ies to the saloon to be hidden ." Grace and Bess,ie . o f Kings Mil l>!. The cost of crim e to the cities of Ohio in 1914 was $5 .252.534 00 addMr. and Mrs , n ell Il nwl( l], uf lIea r IIlg the xpense of police depart Harv eys~ urg , ent.r rlnirll!i1 al a dilln r ments. courts and prisons. Now 70 To Sir Arthur Lee has been en · Monday In honor o f MI' . un.1 Ml' ~ pe rcent of this amount is ab out Everett Zunlmye r, of Matii , on .. Wls , $ fi 2~O . OOO , 00 If you were one of trUJIted the great responsibil ity 01 Mr. and Mrs . Fran k 7.~II , Mr . anLi rhe 30.()00 "we ts" who tu rn ed the supc:rv is tnjf the prod uction of food in Mrs. J . C. Hawkp-. last election your vote cost t.he tax· Great Britain for th~ people: at hom. paye rs $175,OO! The ten dollars you dud n, tho war. That his ta, ks IV ill Miss Agnes R eve , Pield ecretary make ~m !!I t:~tion day IBr ather a poor be manifold during the coming winlu . the Reef Cross for Ihe ~tale of bargam, I ~n t It? . . goes without saying. He is known as of Ohi(" Mrs J . L. Ya il and Mr a nd In thA smgle city of Co lumbus m the Director of General Food ProMrs, R. B. Parks, of [.' r~nklin : were theyear 1916 there wer;. '2.148 ar· duction tn England, to which positio" g uest:! of Mr ami Mrs W. H Allen rests for dr~~k enneSll FIgure ou t he was promoted from :\ n , fJicerahip at a 6 o'clock dinner Sunrlay ['veni n " hOlY many CitIzens .of the state ot g Ohl'! your vote deprived of "persollwith the British Expeditionary forc. III liberty" whil e they were shut up In France. Sir Nthur has served in MI S . Ylola Carey and daughter, in orison! In two guesaes tell me the Cabtnet, and during the Spanish·, ' Miss Alice, ente rta in ed at dinner· how many "wet" votes it took on American War was a Military Attach, of the Brltllh anny with the American Sunday the foll owing g ueg ts: Mr. the average to cause one divorce and and Mrs Chas Rye , Mr. and Mrs. break up a happy home! . force. III Cuba. • Walter McClure, Mrs. Harry Chid - In the year 1916 there were 277 law and daughter, Annette. Mr . and murders in Ohio, Assuming what Mrs. 'James McClure and Mr . Clar. is r easonably correct that 200 of eDce Rye. these were caused by liquor one vote out of every hundred and fifty In ' . tha t black majority coat a human F r Id ay evenmg the young ·Iadles life. Was It your vote? cI&lIS of th~ Orthodox church held a Whittier Bu.-oet. • Norwood Ohio class meetmg at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ohas. Zimmerman, west o( , .


Good Corduroy or,Duck Coats at Byman 's.

City Editor West"rn Star, made Lhe Gazette office a pleasant call Thursday .

Mrs. W. Salisbury and daughters motorl!d to Xenia Sunday afternoon, and visited with relatifes 'Mr and Mrs , A B. Sides and Mr. and Mra . J. C Hawke spent Sunday with relatives in Dayton. NOTICE - All Sunday papers be with November 4th, will be 6c. Edw, Burton, Agent. ~Dnlng

Mr. Lee Spahr, of X,enia, was the Sunday guest at the horne of ~v. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Z8ntmye~, of Madison, Wfs , arrived here Mon· day for .a villit with relatives. Pure Flannel ·Shirts, in all colors, .

at Hyman's.

. Fred Caskey, of Marietta, 8pen~ a few hours here last week With ·hls mother, Mrs. Mary Caskey.

We are under obl igation ll to Corp , Jesse Pr~ndergast, of Camp Sheri~en, for a paper that the Y M C, A. IS publi~h ing in all of the canton'!Ients In the U . S. The paper ie called "Trench and Camp," and is fu ll of good th.i ngs for the boys in ca~p, . A pa~er s uch ' as ' thi , helps tb lighten their burdens . and it keeps th e boys po~ted as to camp life.

Our attention hat! been called to . . the fact that a great many farmera The Red Cro98 meeting hel,d at the are d elivering 'applel! and potatoes to M . E church Sunday evemng was customers in tOW'l fertilizer bagl. verv well attended. Tbe pastor. Thla should not be. .tUlt think of Rev. H, T. ~ntz, opened the meetwbat these ba~s have contained - the ing, after. which Rev. J. F. Cadwal· remains of old that have died Jed III prayer. Mr. J O. Carto~ somedl8ease, possibly a contagious wright, chairman of the Wayne disease, and then .there are other To~nsblp unit, made a few ~emar~9 , properties contained In these bags when Mr. Ralph Parks . of Frankhn, Come again, bey , that are not very conducive to "the ' ~arren County chairman elect, wa~ • _. cleanlinesa of them. Now, im. aglntl ·, mtrodl.lced, and beal!lo Ilave ~ short " a bushel of potatoes conflned in talk In reg:ard to the. work lit t he the, se bags, Bay. for two or three ~ounty durmg the commg year . He, days. When they are put into the In turn, .Intro~uced tbe s~eaker. of bag they get mOll3 or lese of the the evemng, MISS Agnes Reeve; FIeld ,leavings Jeft in the bag . then they Secretary of the.Ohio Red Cro88, who are pu t · into water, and the water gave an excellent talk on t~e needll • turns into an acid that will not make of the Red Cross. The mUilC WaR a tho meal a palatable! one to aay the special f~ture and added much to . least. the ~tmg. . The se~er on .Ma!n street at th e Is this 88nitary7 We !laY no. It ie __ .. m te.rsectlon o~ Mlrml s treet filled up , said tbat these aacks have been thorduring th e ral.~ Saturd,~Y . .nnd 89.m e oUllhly washed, and .yet after having wa~s made~ , ~~mmy wllh a sIg:: been thoroughly dried they still have I There will be a Flag Drill and Temon I. S back .. . Blttng fine~ fish he re . particles of fertilize r in them . perance program at the Friends It. c:an of bBlt was sunk In the pond Let's be careful, therefore, that church Sunday evening. November at Its feet. . we do not buy appll~ aDd potatoes 4th, given by Christian Endeavorers Th.e pond was a good SIZed one . b~t in lertilizsr bags. . and children . Show your interest I~te In the day ~he strl'e t comm ls • ~ • by being present. sioner go after It and opened up the Wm , Doster, Pres. sower. Use our Glassltll!d Ad column. Viola K. Jardan, Sec.





Solid Leather , Work Shops at Hv. man's. '


Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johns and family and Mrs. Etta Printz. of Day·. ton, were Sunday guetlts of relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs..R Davis attended a masque ball at Ga~!ton Mon'day, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Marks. . .


OUR OWN MA KE 0FMI LL RUN FEED For Hogs, 'Cattle or Horses

Dr. T. Sherwood arrived home from the , East ThQrsdi'y . evening. he was attending the wedding of his son, L. T. Sherwood.

Our S~ecial Sale Orders are rUIming from one; two, three, four, SlX and twenty-fi ve ten lots to our local Feeders besides' our sales in smal1h lots. Our Mill is rimning day and night and still we are sold 'a head on Mill Run orders, so pla<;:e your order now and lay in your winter's supply. We have received several large orders for fl,our but all mills will not be running so strong in the winter as the Government has ~rd~red the North Western Mills to only run: 60 percent of their time and that reduces the feed supply. Liv.e stock is the same as a machine, it has to be ~ed to bring results. . ' . .

LiMleum of all kinds at Hyman's, Supt. of Schools ;reen and the Mi88es Unglesbee, of .New Carlisle, and Thompson, of Lebanon, vlsittld Camp Sherman, at Chillicothe Sun day.


~~~n~er~~ ~~~la~;~' I~rt~3n~oCob~ present, when it turned out to be

• - •

quite a surprise to them, as several mpre than' the class were prelient. S I f I evera use u presen ts were pre·

HARVEYSBURG ~~d~ ~e~~~ale~~da~~~d ~~:~l~: dulged in. Ref reshments of ice A. ·M. E. CHURCH cream and cake were served.

Twelve ladiep were invited to Sunday, November 4th. will be "bring theit knitting " to Mrs. S. L. Woman's Day at the A, M. E. Cartwright's hospitable home on last Church at Harveysburg. A time of Wednesday. At noon a deliciou s spir it ual feasting and rejoicing Is 4 course dinner was serlled, delicious promised. from the soup course to the ice cream The services wl:1 be strictly In the and pe~ches, .Mos~ o~ the hldiei were I han~s of th~ women under the leadbusy With their kmttlng for the Red erahlp .ot MISS Ida Mae Myller, evan· Cro88 making socks, sweaters etc. gelist. who will preach at both mom~II we~e jolly.and .th~ir tongues kept ing and . evening services. _Misa time With their knttttng needles. dis· Myiler as a preacher aD!! smger c':l~!ng th e possibilities al)d proba· rankB amon~ some- of tbe best in the blhtlesof the war Late in the after· cou~try. . noon they separated ~Iad to have Come a!ld hear thiS servant of God been together and thankful to the as she ena e~vors to hrlng conviction hostess. ~nd conversl,?n to the hearts of many lD .songs a?d ID the preached word. Last Thursday evening from 5:30 . At 2:30 In the afternoon a program to 7:30 the Misses Martha O'Nelill will be re!1 dered by the Harveysburg and Maria Stout· gave a shower for oh?lr, itsslsted by ,Miss Askew. of Mrs. Raymond Conn er, nee Ellen Wilberforce . . Come and ~ear Miss Sherwood. Many useful and beau . Askew who posaesaes a rich, sweet tiful presents were presented to the melo·soprat;0 vo!ce. . bride, and after sperid ing Home tinie ~o !Iot mlS.'1 thIS oP.port!lmty , The in conversa tion . and a general good ch?lr I~ under the dlre~tlon of. Mrs. time, ' a two-course luncheon was Altce Scott, tneenergetlc orgamst ·o! served Thosp. invited were: Mes. (he HarveYBb,!r~ A. M. E. Church •. Harry Murray, Chas. Sher. S. ChrtBtlan Chaae, Pastor wood, Chas. Edwards. Clarence Ed· • - ••- -wards, Will O'Neall. Myer Hyw'an Sadie Zell, James McClure, Ernest RogerB, Bert Hartsock, Earl Conner , Lyman Day. tlarry Barnhart, Fred Elbon,--Misses Lena Conner, Mary Salisbury, Flora .Berryhill , Ethel Hosler, Susan WriZ ht , Al ma Wat er · hbuse. .


, The regular .meet ing of, St. Mary's Guild will be held at Miss E mma Beighways' oD Thursday afternoon.

There will be the, regular Grange meeting in their hall Sa(urday evening. All grangers are Invited to be pr&lent.

.oNE DRY VOTE AT ELECTION The election in Iowa ' is in' doubt.

J . W . While was a bu s i l1 cs~ viHitor to Cincinnati Thursday.

. Mr. and Mf!!. Walter Cast and Mr. ,and Mrs. Charle. Zimmerman spent Cincinnati. Mra. CJlI\t '. The attenti<.," of our readers fs remained for a dB)'s visit ,with relacalled to the ildvedlsement of the tives. Tri State Hutter Company appearine el.when In thls ,i_ue. Edgar Witcralt, of fonda, Wla, Is The Tri·State baa ~en buylne cn'am for a number of years anJ the gUl'st ot hi. brQther, 6eo. Witb811 alway. c;.ontended the main, r.ea&- craft, of the Waynesville and Leb· on tfle farmer ClOlildn't lEet 8 good anon Pike. Mr. Witcraft will make . price for hla butter' .81 becauSe the an extended stay with his brotber• bl18lneae waa handl~pJ18d by Po man, ClOlllm_loD men-there was B 'M ckin Coat tB ' lIothlnw left for the ~armer. ' ,oy. a aw 9a ),man •• The eam. danrer ' lurks 'fn the eream biJaI,,-, and the Tri State iI Th~rl.State Butter Company. at eal1lflS UP~D tbe prodDC81'I . 8ell, Ohio' II pay In.. 50 their. cream direct to the ,~r pound'for Butt.r Fa~. We fOr It me&118 1I0t ....' mone, the Tri State Butt.r Company, IIQW bat U InauNl.. price fol' perfectly reapoDlf.ble "lid we the fature. . • tatln..l, reaommen<l ..UloS ~our cream to the TtI·State Butter Com at ~.

j"-SociEll""EvENTS -j/THE VALUE Of

Supervises Production of Foodstuffs in England

HEAonUARTERS ,' Good W~\Tln B1ll nket~ ul ~Y~"n'9 :. .

Whole Number 3451 • • c::


Our · Gove.r nment wants '

,rou to raise more Wheat

and Live Stock and '




- --------


fAll fESTIVAL HAS WET TIME The fall festival nt Wilmington last week opened with n large crowd notwithstanding the inclement weath: er. The week had only one good day- Thursday-wh en the Aun shone all day and the larg est crowd of the weekwae present. The fes tival at Wilmington have b~en fortunate to have good weather every year b ut this one, but the weather did not keep many people at home, and th e attendance was very good , -~.-~.------


Following are the places and dates fo r holding the Farmers' Institutes in Warren County for the year 1918: Mason, January 4-5; Lebanon, January 7-8; Morrow, January 1617; Oregohia, 15- 16; Carlisle, February 18- ]9. The llpeakers ' at the tlitrerent inlltitutee are of the highest grade, and their subjects will be op ' portune of course . Waynesville was not fortunate enough to secure the Btate farmera' institute this year, but will have a school instead. Thil sdiool as pub· lished in a recent l88ue, will be held a week, January 21-25, and the instruction will be given bI extension workers of tee College of , Agricw. ture. Due notice' will be ilven later with the.prOirBm. etc, ' •



And. you , will help win the war the same as if you were at the front.



BIlY a .good AII.Wool sweat••: be eDtlre famD, at HJmlll'..

forli~~l,5~~=r=~5i~ . I;


th;~:,iI~',~~~:;;.: ~~~';~("I .. \I:.t"II~lIl~rnl,'~::,'~;~:\·:





nnd, drolmlng til r e ll' c r , w11d dual! lor Ibe donr, (rom

I h"

I "tllll",

(c'l' III

COIl5dou'1II~'~ hI lbluk. r told \, lila tlln t 1111"1<;1' kll~\\,

or two 8pot.lI. "Thank you l" Luc llo WIIS " ory .weel III bestowing hor j,'J'IlWml o.

IH.d ;ill'.

"W8lf Hbe very lIIucll w o rried 1"

Jlh lt!b'lllll l l'ull,\'. " I

"II'cll," I IJI(IIIII'('rl . " ""'I'" ~I l' " \

"It wun't your mother," I snld Hnll

to bIm." t l'entlY reatrnlnoo hIlT. o


~., '"


"Cnll't nnd Ibcm1 N OlIsC'n scl Did t Oil gO up h' till' htlua~7" .").'(.'9, Stl r.. . AmI I Ir",k III nil IlIl'

room~. N o Cltl .. IOihall lit' In (l1tl'l1. " '''l'bpy 4'nu ' t. 11:1 \'\' Iflfl . ~tJ's nrc'."" ,


, 1I1" ~t·\I,

'~ I

(lIIrl r lito W Ie IlI ~ lI) '!I,~~' 1 ] Jr ll leu f,lpO_


(II, H\ d ll . plnlllrUf , I ,,~,




III, "I 'R '1'l1 ft ft... ~t finn

VA l ll r~' Ii:. Hu". ,'-:JUt· ~· 1i~~OO!lI:H \ ~ ttll1"un t,


1',,1'1',., 11 Y" ,I. I. S I,u c l" I ,tl flurl" I Kufl~ j ,Inllti fur 11 111' 11

tl IT \T,'r glll ,)',. ,'It< VA I,o nl

' I'j"j..


fJ rt Jlhriutl fl' I. '~. T 0, " 11111 11 IIIIm " u l' VII 1( 10

vnrr:" 1"" ' l1 h'rl

tnrf'11 t u " B ll rl'M. M, B 11l"~ or ~' ru"kh l\ B,lIIrol rtlll(h

111111 ~OIlR "S Tilil !l uti P"IJ"r l'tl lI e u tI' r,lIor t .• se t,t lO for $(\8 bllt

p ltlin l ,fl'l r l' fu ~tI

Marriage License!! Rl y rn ',l1 rl A, Cnlllll,r, ",llInr' no r1 Ell ll '" E . !-Ihurw(lnd , bllth LlOS , ' lIl".,


I{ v


Htl r bo rt

r~ca l Esl n~c



W I'Y '

C(II 1uI Z.


· Ll. WOh," Luc il lu scroDlt1ed, "ho's ki ll " . Tootle.I " COUll r Cit) YUH \\' l ' :i r r '

"Fou r!toclI II 11<1 Il h'll r:' he r <! JlIIl'd

"I'll hlll'u 0 I,w k, II IIY-

I r oll 1" I 111 m m'('r IlIlfl rl'lIlu\'",1 Iho collllr 111111 oc"kllt. liN ' ·I1I'.-fll ll,\' II I< I,I)S-


1,1 ()(H


f fl r W'IDI

HI '11 ,,,<1 ( ~" ki ~

I g runll'tl. wa y."


,1 ,,11\1''' W





L\IlU,UI.... ,..1f\1l1H t". il1 ~ "rrh~ 1 grl1U t4"' . .




H, L"w".


..I CuU II t,\




'\lI t.

Lu lu II.





'l 'tI

(' " Mil

I:'h oo \ II~ U .. , O n 111\'11 11 (,t tI, "" " I tllIlI~ ' h .,' ll ll · 1,. c1'.llol.~I·d f(lr \\·\lI. ~ of 1m ~",'"ll!ln.

to\l(lwo.1 utt CI' . They " 'ur,, tou fll 81 Cor Ill" . Tbe loal 1 Slit\' of Ih"111 wnR Ii tillY hobb1tU: i k tb t "I 6 IOC 8 WIIS l, oo t (,8- lInU n ,a rgut grucctul Ogore w llh Im1r bll)wlug rrec lind klru all 1I,\'lng Illl k, whl 'll IVpS

" 111 Ihl' t<1111 11UI'I' """-" , " I I -" II .. d . "011. m )' 'j', "II. , ~ ).:1,,1." ,<I I.'" , IIII/U(.'I1, Loclle, ' " 1\11'1,(<1 1'1' In 11"' 1 ,old 1>:0 'I I, \I I'III"I! , "'Vb t' U tl It ." . t 011 Il l;.:h( r' n 8 8 '" ~~c C~\(lU t, i t \ r~ 1'1"' 1" ,jo',1 II,' r, " I ! porter demand",,\. WLloa Ihe 111)}pln l I I" "J WIIJI 1111" ''': ' I "'We hnd II Itrl) " I ret-umed w oo 1'1\#' crlUl'I~I'11. "thlll I 111111111 th Ilk I lut ~tol"l It I II r1':ht." "Mr. Orrell'S h llllk hlll'''l~1 110WII." ' \\ hN ••lnCi' , ' 0111 Io1l':l k tl h~r .\',,,. would 1.\, 1'1 It' ~Inrl ' I .. II I '" r,,,, \I ~ HE boo sJ I ll" '1'1" ho"(' 1"'llt Y~'III' en' IIlIlII'r," _ l' ultl (u r th ,' Ut',,,,,' r II " l' < , . ry ,Y, II. Ilep , . IIPI' . '1" . IU "It 1 I r ',"hhh'l\ hl ll1, "you " Wutl, " '.. IU III ,;. I i"' ,I' ,p,I, ,<ls b. r 1I0ri r ak I,~~ xl lutl" ' ! I"r" f'oll\ lUI' 11'011111 prllltlllJ'" ,Ill III' Iltu'l1L I cIII· log 10 Ollp ll1 l1 l II "',,' I h. "" , ,,'1,,1'. nl; llIulI(llI . YOII , ttlll IIIl t hfu l ","tob· ~ II I" , ' r h ,:rtll" " KL lill . .. 11 111 1110UIlI. .. I UIIIII, M \l th' fl ulIl '8, \Io ~h lUll) Ibe hll tll· d GI~ ,:.~ . H,\VnJt, " ~1U' 1 "1 i,l ' t Jl1 l! j W tell I lU(I> l.Hllh1tllg HIlIl t(' t;r'\U' tit!' Clwll~r'K b1e r"ll~OI1 (or MI'!;, (,~ . II $ t.l lRflllpcar-- Tooth!~ w \ll'l1' I ,,' ' " :., brn lltl flll 11nll11llll'r, 11 ',. II ill' lIdl of '/I uncI', lSltJlJJ lSQ \I'll \1011 t It' ll II 'r .lnll,.:ll· LII~Jl(\ llrnk,' III", 1\ wh"l1 silt, ~!OI'y. I t'll 1')0 "~ I .'·U1I ClIO't o," rry lc r rl~IIL III\II Y l1ulll 11'11 try 10 nut! (lut 111111' thll l I \\' os fulh"'ln .... IlI'r 1111:1 her," ho II,Ml'd , eyli lj:( nrc rl1C'fu lly. t\'bnt blls hllll l'('lfI'U, I t ,.,'oulll OlllY ' relll' lI (',1 !ll(> ,In''l' I, t · the ~ ,.'1t"'I!'1' lI"">(l "You'VI! /fnl 1\ wire nn,\ ~~Vl'lI kl,ll! 1 CIl1l8 1I r o <:Id II 10110 1 II' rry: Ors t . \\'I" ' n 1 ,11'11",,1 I III'IIL'II n HCI'CUII' , RUp (J06U." ' Thnt W118 Ilgr(>{'d IlI0Ll , ·"1 bll" o Bot" I r'lortl.. l. WAC nlly rnt ,:' UOPII Fllltl , "w (1111 CH I\PTC F: XV II . ' ''l'bNl v,llI :1'" 1I1I1r"~' lIer" nil grJ (I~cr 10 1l,1 O1llillitlUd Ill, III MI'r, , ''Th n l 1 k s . ' ' · . ry n 'lll" ", DI1II gel IJreuktnsl: E X I)!~n '0 (,\ 5 , "I nrcnn ,\'011 ' 1'1' nol ~I) terrlhly ol d "~(l," dl' ' 11IHd Dill, Sllll k lnl( his II I~ 1,1<-1 lin: ' \I I II II'IiI" H !III' I Il Il~ , fl 1II1 .1'(111 mlt:ht 1" ..1, 1111 ri lllll It YO ll boad. "/ll err)' Wldoll' Bhe ~I,,", ' t nil! . \1" , 1,,' II 'III' I tI~' ,I II' ""I'/O"! o11', Sho broko he r 'wnlnl 6vrlnl(. )rll)' ho II II l~ fll " (' I wl "" ',1 Ill' 111 1" 1111 li S' " osb /I your t li CO IInrl 11 0(\ 60me Ilecentl lakellll day to llx MIlO 1Ip." . 1 'lIIiud "1,,", \I h 'l ' 'I'u()- clothes." For till; tlr~t UIJIt' I r c Ihot 1 "T1I"n tor h It"en's 8uko IWt lit Ill" lips .["" ,. u" ",' h i III. ,~,,' I Iy II 1, 11,).1 1lJ.y I,. ,kill!: ollJoct. II PP J;Towled C r o8" 1~" ' I t.. "" h" ,' 1Itl lt' 1',', 1 j " " ' II ,' hll "II,\' nllio lllU s t h 0 jl l'cUy My c l nlhe~ \\'t'r~ wl' t, t "II, ~IIII:NI lind fi x him UI' wit RO 'LIl' 11'11'1.' III1IY' 10 b e, ' Bill ('\Iccrtullr I lr\) 1lI18~.1 os h" lie· I " Oh:' I.ul'ill' ~ . ·r, '" 1110,,1. ,1 uIIII,I,,); n,p tbol'ouI:h l,v 11111""['11 rl'IIIII 1Ia1' illl( Ireen .J)llrted. RtI ~ J 41 1l w t\ i ll ,hi' I' t' \ vll t' ll h' Ut, ·· he 8 slcl,t III " "'\ 1'11 1111'11 !l:t, I look(lll al 111111 ~ II 11'1'1,\', " " 'hn t size LueLlo nod Yldu f\·jllhlf'd 1I ~ l)rcS' I,Hlll1:.! 'r " .. t l.",,:: ' ·

I'rll "" ,,' • I.

Mtll!l!to Boune

Toot\C). w01I1 ll,rCII1).lh Ibo .lIltl,· IUIII das)u!d, I.lflrldll~, lJP till' blm"'J. r.u r ll~


G 1'(>1'11

~lIl1'!, try Yitlllllln.'·,



'11I 1r nllrl,.:lIt'!" II Iull I 1I0! la lO lI' It ," filiI 1" '1,111...1

' t!lU ."

11'' '

l 'I'I'(IIlt'lI lit

mll.h' u .11"" rll r Ihl! llre.l little I'UV,

11111'11 IIlh' \'I'l Ihe "1" " \ Mil'.



,G'!r.h" .. ~,

nYWII)', ~\tft

I 1:1 '" rIll I \

I I ,"'\, tilL' .. I,

\In.lflll' IlUll Rh" 1~I(Uuli' IIII.rwb{'!'e nUlslclr oJ IIIA' hQUHI'. n el<hh'", b"r. 1I<.,Ih Ilnl'\\' lilt \111' Il<lllt WII~ (!Omlll~ bHdt ~uon tl'l J:t't tth'IlI . '~ . "~LT!!. (~I'N'll Is @o ,' lu81\' (,," 110"11


or mt.-lii. t I OU1'SO nfter we-Iro tnnr r lcLi 1"11 I rnl" hIm clllYer 'ntl", bul n(>w 1 bn,'1l to L ,' nreru l." Our IIl1clItlII' wns ,ll. lrn c lild frolll tb burnl o!!, hi, 1111\ II": hy th Ilrrll'ol ot Bill JOlll181'l1, "\]1) " ' III1' ~1l1llIl'"110Iln (' l'd InlO lire clr"'e (,t 1I),:"t, . Thl) 1I01~l' of 'h !\I err,\' Wlrl n w nrr"' III~ 111111 OPI :\1'!WI I,r hren It ,Ht 111 I ll · (" 'lll'llilng ot Ih.,

fiN 100Dly 0110

watUna' for In oollwer. "1 must B»enk

(, I

I 11 ,·"kf,'


"WL1 \lr e \\'11 5 I'/" "YtlU II' r,' nlll'lIYB 0111 Romrwl",r' wall~lr, ' 1IIIr," I II 1)1 nll1t'<1 , "r uu .\lIdll ' l (\'\1 NI>d l hnl'Qllhl you1" "Wby, yes, I gucss 1 dltl : ,.Wby?" "ntl's 'flU JCll lolI"," slglll'll Ylda, "IT' makl'9 him tUMll1l8 when I Inlk lootb·


"It " '0 8 Mr. Binner ," "Ned,.. Bsked 'Idll ; Hlen, wltilOut


"EI"I"',I wll" r.ll,\1I11 fl. C'lflfrr' 'n-I"'" "1!I \ . ' '" 111" ~ '4'11 1111" • " Ill,. <III,;'". " " ,,1''111\1,','.1 I HI 'lh'. In ".9 111' '(', , (' 'l't rl FIl\r V\I'\\'. " '(. 'H'r,' ,,, 1.. 1\.' IK"'II Nlnt't> I", Il'rl 11"':1'" " I ftl' .11:' I ":tl,1. ..'1'.... 111'" I. ("1111. lIull'r",1I 1011111 ," , ",' ,,1";'£" ',1",",1'11111,,1'." "i\'hAt I~(> ('(1111(1 hll"(' hnlll','n',I?" I C,'u III !l',,,n,· In t 1 i1~I" ." " Ohl" Lui'll" !','lirC'lI 10 111'\' limpr "I IIU' t I;nn ~lr1\' T1' 1' II ~1111ll1 1 ~llInd , I "\\'h.",· I, Il ly 111[1" ~'\('I'I tenrt 1l11l1 l hl!ro "'1',1111 I", 110 H"IISt' III 8u .... 1 UI' '1"

\'i'r III 1,,1 ,

wb1cb I em erged wIth my cl othing on

abortty .




CopJ'rithl. b" ....ank A. Mum ..,. Company .


"Mrs. l; ""~11 h'.I" dllluPI,,'n rl't1 ,otI,,!> I ""

, "N" 1'11\ 1\111," I 1'\'lnrn ...1. "I"'N Ul,' 111111"";' \'10111 "~ 1II!III1l~l. "Ju~1 Ih., flnl'lInll,'~t "It! ItlIl Y tim I

was Slife, mi I", 1111,1 colictl UI' HP" 'rul tlUlcs durlll": 1110 dny..



':~Y~~lrR \'1' 11\\\\" 1:"1'1' hlll'III't.~I,

alhl l', It

11ft N I 1\11\1 u Irlilf. "RO('lllISa YQU li e. I I 6hull cOlIllscote \\,11 8 U

Wilds lOl lllh rl.t I... I!:·I wi ll U. Wrif(bl" 10 ,, 111 t, .. b .. "w, Ilh ,,,.lliOO ~ H, WII (I ~ Ul lcltlis l


~;II "' 1 1l

I '.

Wrlgh l, 1)/ II , 1,I'I,..ou o Illd t" t-5 1U R. WI ,eh, lOllchrr~ l. 10 Edwin ( :. Wrij.!h f, 1" 1 JII I.I, hl1ll1l1l , O ld " , f, 1,,00 led W"I C . \ \ rt ~h ', to 'f' ht1 i ,l'hl1l1 n l\ II"H, ''\ I:lr h,2 h) to' L ,, [tUll ltI' ,


Uhl " , $ 1,


I \\'111 lJ \ I\' lilolit l. 1(1 'I'lln ,, 1',, \1 (' " N 'tlru o lll ORBit" 1!J1 1ll I., "" lllII ' . I 1~ "J



the lI {'clltie IIlso." Wilt F I)rll yo(\ I." 'IN 'I' W" I I,CIj , "'No," he Alrouh'l l, IlIlCrprNlng my 10 t'R N o-. I:JI "UcJ la ~ III I'flr" A IIII, ,' IIlnncc, "you cnultlll 't 'Hili' nn o ther Itoo t,o Frl.lIklill, Ohl .:;, , I . t.ll lng of m lllC'." R ILymnurl O"" i~ o't III I" W. P "'I'm lltrnld w colliclclo only In the Btty, p a rt. " t o ut, . l o~ N n , 2 In WilY, neck ," I sl);ht'<1 rl'grclflllly. "J,oo]. Iwrl'," III' I)I'~I"I 111'1 ll j:("re"Uy, n osvill ,Uhlo, $l 'l'homuA F . W "l k e r '" h nr ln" ","1 "cI (l ll't YII U thInk ' I hls flll' CO hos gOllo tor "nough? I (it' llIllll{\ t o hI! "('lensed. Flo rell ,! Rt,I'pIH1II S,lf) PIl rt u f I", No. It you I ,t IIl Il go 1I0W I'll I'romls n ot 257 In Mu 00, Obiu, $ 1. to 111\\,0 you IllIt III j nll , 1ll1l1 It you'll W e , Iloj A. \ , WI I 1 1;l n, ~,,,, I n get lUll. n 1, lotu to or M IRN (j 1'0011 I'll ~. T. ElIIlOjon l ot Nu. GO III MII ~\l Il,


glvC' you $5."

Ohi o,

"No," I r1cctacll Ilh"I!II t1y .


Uoor~ e

N . Mursl\n ll to !\lllr,V Mc.


"WllIIt will Y01l ,10 w l tll 111 1" " [oto h lo ts N OB u nd 68 lJl HI gb. " I don't knol\'. I t ))11 8 bc(!n puzzHng Ill'ld Ptlrlt Add ition t o I:!outh Leb· . · mc. You k uow mom nllOll 1 c rime than 8UOO, Ohio, $ l. I do. Whut tlo YOII 811 '{:~st' '' . I mens· ErneeJ; Buwbaoh t o B . B Wilker.

or('(] tllo hl'lghL ot Illll collu I' with DIY tlon , tleve rDllo~8 In Bill Url'llt P"rk Ad dlMoD to Waynes .1.1Ie, O hl ll, $1. or F'llo11 'IIH k to ADM E , t)l\rlve r ' "U ~' O\l Dr o't s,oLng t.o let me go,"

eye. "1 con't SIIY Ih n t 1 ram O1l1ch tor your 8 lectlon collar s lyle,"

C!Ontio1l c!l til YOUIl!;' IIln n, whoso mind 'Ina ll trnc' In Bomllton town8~,lp , secmed to Ilw cll constnntly on blm· It, , Ohtts. tn, E lli!' to !elK MIlY Uql!lne selt, "when Is br()flktll t?" '''l'h(),'o, 0 \1 lin 1' \1 1'\1IJl ed 1111 other· a flmall 'trllot i w ~t .. ~I& lown81l ip, $1. wJse 11 .reet any. ~o on kn " 'It wben, Va'.-ol n~ M.. th W ~ to If. L <I\lth. wh ('~'o or wbat bve!l kCIl~ t ·18." eWI! lot- N I, .. i'l1 W ,~y Il08vtllli, lIbl" , ., ' 0 lJr uuk t8s1 ?" bo quost loned, $1. "No!'\!: nllry br IlkCllst" Commissioner's Proceedln&s He,alghed, "Tlle r,,'s a clgortn 1II1"Be slorled to tell IDO . wWell pocket Bills Al1ow..d-F W 'l'b owp~ou When ho l·ocol\c.cted my prollellslty t or & SOD, 1'Iectrio repairs Ilud lIu pplieN, -:ollfli<('"Un[! hili orooorlv. 132.52 i Vllllev Televhone C " rent, u d t Ills $711,95 ; .Iobo Rider, road (To be OOnl.l.n uedl wily at brIdge 15; J . K. t:!peoou r, oontraot $344; F. M, iftlll lnll, con. a ~ rllot $150; I:ltoltesand lirllhllm, ono. tract $SO 50; John L~ w & Soo, lin 0 Ilerv \ce lor t;u rv"yor $31: WosterD "Sllor, Il1lfd l uel Y(lrt,I"lng, • Bids f o r (;ullnt'f M flnAY," $Il ;'L'he p .. 'rlot, It'g!tl ild v • • ' Bldlliur Un llll ~Y Mouoy , " $9,75 i W. I:l t:lt'I\oll lle 00 , supplies . S.5l' ; P08$aga for @b urllJ '8 omoe, $5; ,I, K, Spenoer. 61b, Jl;8~. 0'11 , _ _ '_ OI> utrllC&, $U5; Edwllrc1 Decbaot, Probate Court ProceedlOgsoolDPeusatlon and dlllDages 11883; In the m lltter of 'he 8e'ate o ~ Edw~rd l)'eobll'l1t, na8 of land e ,uld Eli za beth A Kirby, d8oeased, In prlvatJl walls tor telllporlt.ry road ventory ~od I ppro.lsemen' arel1led. wily. 175; )4. A, Borke, Iw ppl1ee for Prlvllt,e s .. le of ,persood properly Infirmary, $211.71; Walte r MoOlure, ordered. bnrlal of Mn.Matr 8raddook , I 711

Maybe you can drink and then let it alone.

.- .

Maybe you haye the strength of character to quit when you want to.

If th~e things ,are 'true·about YOU, you are one of the few exceptions.


:''\ .' "






How about the many men you know .who 'carl't do these things?



' ~I,

Men who, good' of heart; · good

You can remove the temptation of the saloon: by your vote.

You can give these men a ne\v lease on .life by your vote.

You can raise their families out of the slougq of despair by your vote. Will you do it? ,

. In the estRte of 8"rley E. War. "!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!! wi 011, deceased. Flrllt and final ac: =

ooont III ft,pproved. '

In the estate of Joba 8. EmruoD8, deceased. Tblrd !lcoonn' la ap I1roved. and c JUtt finda 8um of $14 a 86 In b a ude of excou'or due

wor~en, good' salesmen, are in the grasp of the liquor h~bit, an d not ,strong eno,:!gh to break it, or resist the temptation of the saloon~ Men, wl\o, if the .t~mptation were removed, would come into their own agrun, and you would be proud to call your friends~


8" tll estate,







In complllUlOO ",lth 'he 1'\lCIulremenla 01 Che S~ala 01 OhIo. I. H . E . Ra~b.",ay, Mllror 01 tbo VIlIIIIIO.ol WayoetlVWe, bereby notify Cbe 'luallned oloc~o... 01 talel Village, lbat on '1'U_Y, tbe G&h dayol November, A, D, un bet",een tha.bouNol 6:10 o'clock A. K , a"d &:JO O'clock p , M. at 116I01IIe Temple on Allaml 8treet , WayDOllvJllo, Ohio, ","hln eaJd VIII .... an olectlon wlil be holll lor ClIe pllr· _ or chooalul the 10110 .. 1111 omcolll lor aaJd Vl~lIlla \ ._"'~: lIIayor, IIIx (G) OoUDCllmen. )1 Trouuror, CIeri<, u.roe (I) Board 0 Publ c AtTal ... Memb<o.... • GIven under my band and om cIa' eea\, at my oHIO-in said V1Uaae, tbla Un! lIa), of Ooklber 19 17. .

In tht! 8stll te of Marl" 8haffer, d e oeased, Fln"l uccouot Ie approved. In the 88tllto of Rellben Shaffer, deceased, Hirst nnd fioal aooount Is approved, a,. In the estate of ClintOD Hatlield, decease d , Firat lind tinal aoooun' Ie approved , . In the ' matter of tile estate of D . II. D ACha"ar. Ma,or 01 tile v Uap 01 Isaiah M, Sherbet, decealad, Inven War-'tUo, Oblo tory and appralsemen' are 1lled, In the estate of Alioe M, KlndelP, deoealied , Collateral inherltanoe t"i Is fixed. Executor's Public Sale of, 10 the m l!otter of tile estate of Rober' G, Hnfford, (leoe&sOO , Prl Real Estate vate sale of wbeat ordered. ' 01 the provlalOll. 01 lhe 10., Walter R, Merrill , .A dmr. VI Ollf. ",IIIIn 01Jlunluance Samu.ol W. Rosen, deeeued, the un. ton W , Merrill, et 1101. Dhl'rlbllUoD oOrlI~ntid wtll olTer lor sale at public auctlou, of proc8eds' lulel l!(J from sale of relll n tbo Jll', OD tbe estate ordered , ,

17th Day,of November, 1917,

Common Pleas Court New Suits A, L, Moook and John Hard\ng


a' o'cl~ P. M.. tho

10110",10,- d-.1bell

real estaloe, towl" Lot I Wright I Allllltlnn, SaI<l rell eilala .. loCated In W.ynelvtllo. V8

Warrell O-Ounty, Oblo, upon Third 8lreet.

bet"'OOD Chapman St_t and Frairi<tJll Road, S . 8 . Wblte. Injnnotion, Salll _I eetala b.. been appnbOO at '2,000. 'l'be Mountain DIUIl1I~ Co" VI Terr:tY 01 18~. Sr~ALLBN . . , Joaeph dimes, mODeyaud eppoint A. Executor of lbe lut ",til 11 7, or aamuo! W, ROIfere, doceued, '- meo' of ' receiver. amouna olalmed $"'8.28, ' Wilber N. Sears vs2NaDo7 J. and Mur,Y Bl. Sarfaoo, mone,.; amoont o\ui,ned $425 with\., · , St"au of . Ohio : elf Bel-Bertie • . • • Sln ~letoD VI ~aymQnd 8lms! baa · , ,' Vetei'lnarvC tard y,

.===========.=====::=;====;==;Dr J · A Oraduate 01 Oblo Sfati


Charle. T. 8ulllvan:VB The "Illa,e of Lebanoo. Ohio. Conrt overralel

'mollon for Ilew ~'rlal, oep&!,

PlalD$I/f ex

Tile Peeples Eltlo'zto Co, "s R, W. .\


Corner Main and Mill Streeta .

T~ephoDe 28 Waynesville. •




omo DRY FEDERATION--,J. A. wHITE. Manager

WaJIIIIYiUe. Ohio•



We are:buying all kinds of . grain and are paying the very Funeral Diftldor:' highest prices th~ ma.rket 'Wilt an~ Embabaer. allow, Remember. we will buy any amount you have from ,one pound on ~P. at my time "came," ' , or Hone drawD aervlce. charae far auto IeI'vtce. YOunce Bros. Grain Co.,








M i~R



fERlltiZER Read the Miami Gazette now

I have a 'oar of F . B RIl,tee' GUIlOO' Vo. Goods on hand, fourteen lIud "Ix~een peroent aold pholll'bate, and will sell it very low If &akel3 off tbe oar, Ullme ~nd get· II w'b lle it hs".

-...,--_. - ..---

A. B.81DES.





Had Orph_s . Beaten I Mlle. "Dad" !!II!!I III clt!ht·y nr-old of th flll;IIl'l'. "III'I'C'S a · i)l'lok Ih n't says

that Orpllcu . "'o s such a tine musl· ('Inn thut he mn dl! h e nnd stoncs mo\'c!' " 0 11." ~I\hl fnther. Solemnly, "your I'lster BeeN bus Orpheus bentel!.

Her plnno

pln~' ln~ hil S

fnmlli es move uut th ll





bulldlug In

Illst tJlrec months "

,Now Sbe ia Strong and 'W~D . - - - -_ _ _ _


Derkeley. CaL-OIl could wu not nenous, Irritable. 110 appetite, aleep• au! alwa,.. tired, ao my houlework waa a great ~Hort. After many other medicines had faUed Vinol huilt me up and made me strong. J, have a good appotite and aleep well. Every nenous, weak, alling woman should try It."--Mra. N. EdmUnda, 11101 Dwight Way,' Berkeley, CaL We"a. . .ery nenou.. weak, rundown, ailing woman in thia town to try th!a cod liver. and iron tonic on our ruarantee retum their money U it falla to belptothem.


. J.



Da.·ry FJ...ed .:::;

~..................... ......",••;........, ...........................................,


YouncJl Bros Gra·.D Co



1\ Dom lJer


h r o a t.

ten d pd t b e Full F e lind Itt W lhll n g . tOil 18 8t w a~ k . Mr. nn d Mr,... E:ru o· t IInnnTl li nd ll'l1l glJtcr~ Rutoh nucl l:1I " o nu Hl,ltw ded ohl1 roh ut ,) ullnb's Run tlun ll uy M r. l3ur~ B gnn fr o m Il efir N Ii W BUrtingt ,)o pp uu lho w e ulr.en u 'II

h Ullle.

MIS. ,f obn Wulfo RII Ont .uve rnl dil l'S with h r ~O ll Le w tlnd wito Ullll f \\lilmin gt(l O "111\ .. 1t!l lld Ull tit Fall Fe tinl. . Mi tiS OpIII TheU\1' on , nf Dl1yton ,

Mr .. . Ituy Mo rgu lJ h .IS r e tnrn ed Mrs. urah A . B u rilln, flOC'omiltln bnl))U fr u m Olls t nn . led by h er sls tllr . I.y llt .. B Barvey, Mr. Wil linru LU ' III H 8 Jl (lD~ ono daj left MondllY for BUlltingLon, W. V"., 81)ont. tbe wee k·end with hu pllre llt.~. til i s w ee k: wl~b bls ~Ig t e r, Mrs. AInU!! to be wi th relntlv 8 for se voral Mn. Mory MO')l1 ey, whn hll " b ll\<TI Ju kso u. • In M Clellun bns)li t,,1 In Xllot" fll r wec kl'. I O lilll e r ... tnrll od to \.l:l f: b ' \I1 e of Mr Wult r Mllrruy WU8 in 'Xeul& Mrs F. L. Harll p vlqlted hor ~I • • ~OU he l' so n W il l tlilocluy. L'bursllny. ter. Mr~. 8. iii. i :o llett-, of Willuill g. M r ~ Eoitli Il h)),,18 i~ Ql1IIA lJOOtI.v Air!.' Iteh erA D i JlI ~ Ilt h Oll1e "Hor tOil , on ·".turday IO il t: a g ,oi n W A lire Ro rr.I' 1,0 r ep,'rt. 8iJ udin!( 80 11' 13 timo with rC1I ,lth·tls Mrs. FflIuk Mill - l"f~ '14l\ln r rt~ y at Duyl o n owl Lytll'. .. M r. and II1r.. Chlt ~. "' rl ll)(1~ l1 111 '1 1 fIl " rLliu g ror u vl" lr. ,..;oI t,1I It r dnugh. 111 r. n ud MrR . Uurry J{r,sc rJin l(. C' r ' pr , .\lI'H . Burry B" r ht'ISO . of NEW. ohl ldr n. of DuSt."". " jl[Jn t I:'ur\dll .l' with tlll ir p ·'rn l\t ~ Mr . II Or! Mr~ Uayton. Wtl re So II ,1 It \' gu" Is 01 por t, Ky. .In s <.1ru y J. '1' LI1u rlll\t li nd f unti ll' On TburAda,V uft IHO OOIl . Novem. i\lr. out! ~ i r~ "Ir l D,'r! !lll rlo\1 l <" bnr 8 th, Ih n A id ~ o Clo ty Wi ll ~ I ·v ( H "I e,," lit tho h om of Mrs I bhi u Wllnu ll wor l) t b tl ~ 1l1ll1 1l .v gn "" I ~ , If Coll ot·t 'iOIl IIrB cor di ,I( Invll.'cl Bo iliu I::Illt IH\v " Y " ' lIl ,vir" U' I Ill , u n ,l" y Soh " 'il ~IJl ll nwh It. It i d II ' , Itltp. r n~Ll o r~ Hii! bt. t il ·vl .1 1

It M. Murlz b lls Ao ill hi s r eRiri.' ll'ce on We I FmokJln to Uhllrles 80ll r8 of B'el'rY. M,. Mllrtz lin d ~' lfe will ~ 00l1 11m vp fo r Ctlllforuill wher e the v will mak ~h c ir future h ODle. Mr. Ilod M rp. ChIlS. Brflsford wile cu lled to DllylOO nturdllY on 00. oopot of tb d serloos Illness of th eir JI81e~. i n . l aw . Ei l\rry Wellver, wbo ia very low wltb no hop88 of reoove rl' , The Pythlao Sts ters LodRe gave a Hallowe'en l'art.y at ~h e tr hull lost SllturdllY eveolng. Quite II lurge orowd att e nd ed . Uarl Pelelsun, wbo lives 00 the !\llLr tz furm nortb of town, hlld bl~ Ford lIuto t ole Crom his plaoe loat aturallY night., Mr. Rlohurd P\lrdom Islmprnv\ng bls property on Sou lh Mllin tit., by [lUt\lOg In oement wnUtSI ~J'. B. ·81. James, who e doath 00. oUlred last MODUay was burled IUtl' l'bursdaJ IIfternoOll'lo the Bellbrook oemetory. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Undtlrwood. of DByton, vMted bls parents here las' undllY. -~-

U'lold Uoc1 e r wo " d'M "p (JI,~ ,1I 0I... r<l I\ ud see r"l0 r erl.oh oekl'll "ppl tl~ , nu d Ihey Hre th e r o In Ubllud'lIl oe, oDd re boinl!' ImrohasDd h bo ut us !'U!lt D@ they IIro ploked. The ulUny frl onae of Ntll,han Lin. taD, of Wilmington, wer e ve ry muoh s UTprised to h eRr of bis deoth. .\Ir. LlntlJ D WI'S one of th e o ld B~ t pr'lotl. t.ioner.l of th e Ulinloll oo unty bll r. Ollr sympnthy lti extendc c! 10 the be. reaved family . 'fhe men's Bible <J16S8 of t·ho M. E. Mn.bbllth 80hool woul d like BOlDe llsslst"noc fr om Ibe ll1en of tble vi. olnlty to enjllrgA th e nt.tendnnoe of tbe o!ass, ou November 4. whloh would aid In out.d oln g Ibe l udles' oluB-that Is h 'ID'lIlt1 n a \'\lre. Mra . Morl" Bllincs . liD aged 1aoy, died Bnnday Ilttorno o n Ilfter e V3rai weekI' of sulferlDg, leavlog on l1l son, relatives and mllDy friend!!. 'he Willi la1d to rfll!t "Dear bhr husb!lnd wbo departed 'hlB liftl sI)venl years aKa. lutermenUn Miami Cemetery. The CI vlo League met t)a'orday lifter noon a~ Mrll, Tl;los. WbetJel's, of East Main !:It . Mr. John Kable aUli 1118ter, Anna, Mr, Albert Wisemantiel lind ala\er, Id", and Mr, Wllliam Zimmerman, of DByton, were 8ullldo.y 8'U89tl of tbe Central. Our 0ltlzen8 patronized the Fall Fea&lv&1 &t WllmlnAton la8& week Ilnd all agreed that the Wilmington peoplo ·deserve g r eat praise for their ellort!!. It W88 a grand snooels In every par-'Ioular. exoept wellther. We trust tbey will try· 1& agllin and It in oUr power we w Ill be 10 atten. daDoe.

~ n is moving his honse. into t'he Uro!!sley pro • per\y wh 8 be will have thlngs' in tell(lIne~8 lor loire. Borden, who will return from the Miami VlIlIey 80S. ll.italln Il few <I6Y8 very muoh lu). proved In h oaab • 011 of Soy Ilean. ,.oseph Mell t:nvAII tll~en s uddeoly 011 at tbe soy b on Is II polo table III W edoesday. tood widely enteo by tile Chlnes4;'. Thia Wm .•J0811n hns sold his proper~y vegetuble 011 nlso Is used In making u Malu strllet to Mr. Sneller, of' paints, vnrnlslles, soops, rubber sUb'sU·


Mill wlebll1'g,

, Ehne r Shoets and wife, of Middle towo. visited fh i r »llre nIR, Mr. und 611[8. W e l'8~e r HlteMs !:lunday • . Mra. Banol.• h DeRrth hilS been III Cot' lbe paut wcel' Bo rn t o MI' Ilud M I·S. Lewill Fry, Il d ugbler. Mrll. J ltn e LI~n g d n ll Is visiting \tr~. Ww Al chdei 'on ot FrtlnkJln. Mi ss Bro"'~ , of Dayton, spent tbe weelt.nnd witb h r tli~~er , ~lrs Miu. rloe EiormAIt. Mrs Ueo. Sntfuoe 18 sptlnding the weeK wlt.h b r duu~hter, Mrs Bow.

tutes, linoleum, wnterproof /to Ods, In· brlcaDtll Dnd pr:lnullg ink.

So ',dny

M I~ Enilllll t1 olr. !lwl1 \, . ue~vll ! ll , »pnt Wed ll p. ~rby


W tl f .

wHI her broth er .J oho Hllrl tamill' !le re. 'I'be M.. 14 k ~ .)oin l I't tb e 001\ 0111

gO 'ld tim e


II> j

, lIy


Saxon Six Livery




- - -...



Walter Chandler o.

Olassilled Ads FOR RENT r.e n\.

MONEY LOANED Carelen Flre·Hydrant. "Oraclous I Your mud· gtInrtl Is nil smnshed I Did YOII bump ONEY lOl1ned on liv e dt tJ Ok. obot, Into sO",I't hlng?" Bunkum-"No. We. t·elA !lnd sMond mOt'tgages, wcrp stn ndlog pertE'ctly still, nnd n fir c·hydl'nnt Skidded luto uB."-Judge. Note.A bought. John [)nrblne, Jr., Alleo Building, Xeniu, Ohio. m2





-:- Ohio '==.==='==========

Immediate relletlromll·D'r.sell'sPine-Tar-Honev PILES gdDr.1II00D" Ma6c OlD~

For Cough. and Cold.

QUESTIONS .AND ANSWERS Are you goinlZ' to build a House? Are you going to Are you litoing to Are you going to Are you g oing to

} .

build a Barn? build a Garage? . build a Hog Pen? build a Poultry.House?

See Madden


m onths old male oalf, nloe In.

Do You Wan' Tobacco Bo"... 1 .. " .. ..... . . '.' ••. ,', ..... . .......... See Madden

divldua·l. rOBD oolor, to good

Do You W~n' Comcn~l ........ ...,' .... . .. . .. .. .. : ................ Be. Madden

Wa'Y0eJvi1le, Ohio


OW lind Pigs for ~ale . Inqolreot J ·T. Marl"tt, W.Ylleevllle, 01.110, B. D 1. . .D14 .

---_.-...- - -



li n vlug sold roof fBrQ'l ! will sell !It P bllO AnotloD, nt 'my t'oliidenoe ~ UI!loa we'~t of W"yoeBvllle lind 2 rollea 80uth of Lytle, on the upper prlngbot'o pike, on

00 '\Io~ Wunt Lime or Plnllcr? ..... . .... . ... . .. .. .... , .. .. .. See ¥adden Du '\Iou Wont Any Ki~d uf Lumber l ..... , .............. ..... Sea Madden

Do You Want Sbingles? ................. , ..... , .See Madden Do You Waot Felt

RoofiDg~, ••••• • ••• , .. .. ..... " . See


Uuroo Jersey Boar, IS months old. eligible, and In flns ebllpe. Inquire of Wm. Uummingl', R D.3,

Do You Want Fence Posts'? .. . ..... . . . . See Madden


Do You Want Farm Gates? ~ .... .... , .. See Madden




two.yeal-old Poland China B08l', weight about 500 loqulre of 8 . U. Atkinson, R. D . 3, WUYlle8vtl1a. qhlo. n7


Wednesday, November 7, 19.17 . 'B eglnulng lit 10 o'olook , the followinK prOIJerty: 8 Cattle, S . Borsee. 24 801(1, 13 8heep, Fllrml .Dg lmphimeots, Barnesl. t:ltle bill' bl.l ls for terms. . , . W. P, 8 A:Y A. A, MoNeil, Anot.


Baby Ubevro13t, ONI!:one1917 11114 Overland Touring • ~a~

Inqolre of Fred 8tlwke. WaynCllvllle. O. 031


Do You Want a Do You Want

-' . '... ..... .. .. See Madden

Building Plans?...See JWadden. \.

hoth In good oondltlon.


, .JOHN W. CBI8WlDLL R.o. saiD., AuOI. O. L. Dake. Cluk.

Optometrlst l tested:free



oondltlon, lind ..vIII sell ' reasonable Cllll on Fred E)lboD, Waynesville, Ohio . nll

BeglnnlnR lit 10 o'olook, 8. m , the follo~ng pt'operty ~wit: . Ii fiend of ea"le, 3 SbOllt, Farming 1m plemenu: I:Iee hlg bill. for \ermll.


V. BARNHART, Notary Public

- -..--- -

We have a large stock coming in, several grades. Come in and look t1~em over. It will pay you. Younce ·.Bros . . Grain Co.,

Thursday, November 8, 1917


Ap. All.duds of Notary Work . Willi n14 ane! Deeds a I:!peotally.

Timothy Seed

The nnllerslgned huln!; lIold bl~ 'lirol will sell nt auotlon nt bls 1'eetdenc II miles souib (J" .Centar vIII\!, 17-; ml)ell Iloutbwpst of Lvtle &nd 2 Ulilm. norlb of Ridgeville on 'he D~yton trnd Leb"nou Pike, on

••• DBNTIST•••

Thebe8t line of Hutlng Stovell and Rangel in this part 01 Ohio. and the prloel are low. aa I boogM tbem beDR.H.E.HATHAWAY tore the la8~ two advllnoell 10 these ~ Waynesville, goode. Don " po' it off, a8 they are Wlyne,nSlM'. Leadlnr DeIlUit going t&At, and the next will be \ltlry muoh hlgber. At theol,1 I!tand. Qver POitolf1ce, Office 'I n Haloee Bldll. Hatn 8' ffb PboDli 77 Hou. PIIoae II 5 A. B. SlOES


. W", N. Bearl!, Clerks ..



J OJ<1101 -


J. O. Utl-rtwrlgh,',


Mrs. 1,llvlna WnrlViok and family, (Jf Le banon, spent Snnday with (PRICES.lUOHT) Jobn 'L' bolOpson 110« fll III i1y . Ed Soglln uad wit!!, of UlieRars Funeral Director. Creell, spent Sunday whlJ their • 1)l\rentB Mr. ana Mrs. Geo. Bogllon. Waynesville Ohio Sole Agent Mr. J, W. Hartsook: WIl8 In OIlV. Ion 'fue!dHY. the Gorden Tires Mr. aDd Mrs Thos Rloh oalled on For [ -&T'rOERGeo. DIlVl8 Rud wife Friday evenlna. Auto Equlpm.e nt 1': A. B. Talmage und fllm\Jy, Mrs. Horse-Drawn equipment AlIlo.nda Gltrner and Mr~ .•le8sle Kennoo spent 8nnday wl&b Ollnton \Vo.cdanc1 family nea f 811 "er Grove. PhoDe 00-3 CORWIN. OHIO TI1:LEPSOJIIE 7 DAY OR NIGHT Go-to.t:\undny. ohool Is to be obserV«ld tu't8l'oa'iODlllly Sunday: No. vembel' 4th. Belp by belnl present in 80rne 80hool Suudo.y morning.

For Charit y. WANTED Charities 10 olle form or noothe r cost the city of New York olmost $14,. WAYNES"'ILLE, O. ,v 000,000 a year, ' ThIs includes more <:ieneral Put'I)OSe b ~1se, not over E. ilanney, 'Druggiat, Waynesville '---~----_ _ _ _ _.J ard N..II1& tlum seven mllUon doUlIlJ'll' exemptl~ii 7 yellr8 old, bay or lIorrel. In.' Vern BurrougllS h .1U1 nloved bls tro~ taxes. quire of G. E. Blley, Ridgevllle fllmlly to Utloa. - - -.... - .......---Ohio. 091 Mrs. 08~(;rleln and .two ohlldren, of Clnoinnll.ll. Ilr,e vl~ltlng \ler sister, AN pas' 30 with horse and bug. MrB . . Dallaa PhillIpII.-. . 8'Y to aell Btoak Condition Pow. - - - ~. del'l n W"fren COUD tv . B!llary $1l0 per month. Address {) Iodostri.1 Bldg. , Indianapolis, Indiana. 081


Tr enc h warfare in Europ~ .... ill hold no lurprlae. for American officen ,,·!to hnv~ had the advantages of (ull military trnlnlng at camps In th, United Slates. For a part o f the c ourse actually bring. the men into th" open country where th ey build tren ches and (\U.outl and fight mlmlo bit , tin against imaginary foes or friendly brother officer'a, Thl. picture, take, at ODe of the military camps "somewhere in the t,Jnlted States," .• how. tII "1 embryo officerl getting firsl haod instruction In trench building. Th'l! Qre do ing the digging Ihe mselve8, in order that they may be able to teadl other. o r direct AmericaD .oldier. in the work on Europ~an battlefielct..

B ll ll~1l SlltllrdllV tlvlln log Willi \\Iell

aUeod r.d And ev.ery lD e ha ll

Ground for T OBACCO ply 11.\ this offioe.

.....-.- ......---

- - -....






1\"l r), 'llll!(II IU III siok J Mr.'· lIond M::--;;:ry Smart, of t Il lI s w·rlll nl l ' . ' . Olnoluotlt.l , IInll Mr . ,~nd Mr~ . Ho he rt Mr E ,l wur ( ·rntl· 'Is Impr o ving 8murt lind fUI.oI I:l", ,of S blll'o o v lll e, I h"rt~e willi 11 n O\1 roof. were g ues ts of roltltlves bere 80n. 'fh ,' MiH O. V I' lm~ Ilnd Be r thll. dILY . Mrs . Emwll Elli s att e nd ed the 'lollI /It t h UVI1 '1I1'oopt ed 11 » ollitiou Ilt Grunu Lod be of t.ho E!l~te ru 1"lUr LehlltlolJ , Viii Mr~ 'hlreDoe BI~ r rd ·oull ed III " s It. re prssentntlNe of I,hls L ouge Inst , week In 'Ievul" od . o ur villlLgo Wedo e day . Mr, AU8!11em Antrtim, of Flnd lil Y. Mrp. Ui xcm WhlLrf .lll W AS oldlfog 00 lrp. Lllf! DOlllmn I \l id uy "rter- Ohio, wu~ til gue~t () f his dtlugbt or , MrB. G ~ o. Denny, of n llllr Ll e re last D Oll.


- - -... ___0_ __

,t •

Written by Our COJpS of Able Correspondents in th Neigb borhood


Tr2nc! 'Varefa,,~ in Europe Holds No S .to r:... ;; Fcr Young Officers of ~a

Je.r 8ey Cow \'lith calf at A •gbod bel' IIlde . At tbe Kr81ghoft

, Fllrm, Oregonlll, t>hio . ~

With the pallia .. 011 th\l ...b~. tion dance and . otber patel,. eodaI (unctionl In New Yor~~ rille pRctlel' and other Iportl whicb re81et th,. • j,lrit.Qf war haYe C01l~e into ~e.

The VandlrhUt Rill, or.anluUoD of the clet,. folk. KI.. expert rl4. .hot. leheol, WhoM maDY' IOdaIllPta

ia the


amoq 10.. . of tile


cl9. .


D~ you Wt.ll~·1.0 6Orro,, ·. dlmol .

No maUOr "iLa' 10U wi.n'.

8ee lIa4don

.at all,

If you don't want anythlnz .

See Maddm·



Grade Cotollwold Book Sheep, aood. Inquire of Elvin Firel, B. o,'a, Waynellvllle, O . 031

1914 FOrd and one No. 490 ONE . Cb,evrolet 'roaring Oar, bolb

tn good condition. Inqnlre of Cl;lev• I'olel Balea Rooml, W8,n8llvtUe, Ohio. D7

-0- Na-aoo4 RaDg. IDd

ODe loed allblt eaov., cheap, if 801d



Davia, WI,.. ...m., D7 .

·MADDfN· WANTS' TO Sff YOUI . IIDDEN WANTS TO SEE lOUf At Dorwln. 0111. '1.





Proposed Amen.d ment to the Constitution



ARTICLE .. V, SECTION 9 Prohibition of t he . ale a nd m u ml racll lfC' for sale of intoxicating liquors a a. bevc rag .



I ';tki~t,: ~I~ F


We ale now reRdy to take in new corn. We want 30,000 bushels in l ITe ncxt few weeks. Take advantage of the high price by selling early. We arc IicFe fo r our b nd it as wcll as for our own. Call phone 25 72 or co ~ e ill and see us. Younc4> . Bros'. . Grain Co.,

La'll at urday evening the home . uf 11 r , and Mrs. Jame Edwin J a nney , - -I -(;01111 ( 'o r d Irr,'.' Pll lllH I h' ,n l\n ' ~, WOq t he sc~ne of a beautiful lind' im · ~ 'Th e liRmi Vall 'y Poult l y A ~oc iu. I lire f'iv wed ding ceremony in which \ ' l 'l'h ' d . 't l I II ' . ,. . , I lh ir Dill e l daughter , Miss &In a, be. It Ion urs BV evemng, .... 1 1 II yu Stn·HI I III \ 1111'111 11'111 I Ul n}', caltle lhe br ide 01 Mr. WlilLer L. 'me KO(l,d nLlenualll:e The mai n r nt url' I \ 'I illms . . The company of g uests Vote Y.. And help mothel', wi fe and the children. thnt was dis('u ed at t hi. In ling 'l' J . wa that of t1,e J llvemle Show 10 Ul' dano- For ::.eI1.! cor fmt. nql)lrC could not help feeling that a n ac· Vote Yea, And hel p your nlligbbor, wh o is Ilnahle to help h i rn~elf. . d ' h I t lhj~ullt'e JL- 111·ompl ished q uartetofeisterllwSS'be. 11 reduce tax ation, S8 West Vi r ginia did. . 10 I Borne tIme. ll nng tel liday ~ in" broken up when ill t~ e slrok . And Vote Yes. LuM l s prin ~ the A. s sociation gall, } " '" I _ b • I J K r nil IIf Morr' w, \'~as . In t IIf six Miss .' rances took her p ace at W ynesll iII(', hi D. And become debt fret'. lifte r Wol shall hllll paid olT lite >I.fllo(m Oll t Ii out ll\' Il l ' ' I~ It seLlinl(l< o f T' .' I , , ' thu "jano and aC C Oml)anied Mifld Vote Yes bllliof etaLe herelofur . cr a ted . '. elo( l! to th Hclwul chil dren. ami Lh<:'y I t llwn U" , I. t' wtl re in~tru ' led W l:1t the llrr an ll . J ~'IlI "ICtto! In Ihe lWQ ut ifu l bri!ial Mrs. SlIJ ·' 7 11 " 1','11 ' I 't l ' .ol1g " Uh, P romiH M ," by !:icott . Vot e Yes. Be patriotic and stand,P t fO I' be~ter governmen t. and halle take cnro of the ch i 'kens n(lel' thl'~ pure Home Rule that IS not domtnated by lhe .,' Booze flom e were hatched , The ' hildrell \ en (I'g(mill r 1:, ' \ ' ~ .'U.r" WI I 1"lIl1owing t his the 0I111llill g' 'Illra ins of Ihe wor ld Old Lehengri n. fraullh ~ Rule," th en to uring th e birds in. to th t. . . . sh'ow , ha ... e lhe m j udged ' anu LO ex II iI II memories and hop s. heralded Dr. Di ll. 1,111),"''' _I S Iirllull l he 1I1lproll ch of the lI ridul party. Vote Yes. And t,elp Uncle Sam put down t~ e war by i eeolllg the solchers plai n to them th e ~ d and bu d - -. - - -..:.==.:;.with the products thal produce hQ uor. points, t hpT by ellllbli ng th In to ITt' ~\·'I )' . L.,lmlll 'll, 011 , . The ~\i ~se~ Louella J anney a nd b I ... h .. • Ilcltm HI\\ ke made a c hl\ rmil1 ~ pi c:. Vote Yes, For Uncle Ram knew lhut he could ge t nlong IVlthout whiskey r t'Su ~or t e ralsmg of poul 'rll~ 1""' III ,' 1'II" of till. ;\, lOlh. lire all th y led the procI'ssion boa. r· or Its revenue, or he would not have stopp d t he distill eries lI'yOu m th ,fu tu re h . giv en of tn c up 1l 1'~ ['lull ' L ,. I b k f II I I l n" lIce will I· I id" Ol. :1f t ·nl,"1r·. " \. III !Ilg lU ge u" ela 0 ye owal'\( w 11 e To atop the lawlessness around the cantonments that the Gen. 1 proac hing xhibir , Rnd it i~ hl'!)C' b,'r ~n I. a "::1" I " r} " nt h,mlll m~ and carr),illg yello w Vote Y• • eral' complain of. that comes from the saloons run by certified lha t lhe children will I)resen t bum. ";Hi n ribb II !:! to form the aisle from .. I h t " 1h" lItai r tu lhe il1lproviseu ullur- a mora c arac ers. fi ne bird ', M.r, And Mf~. ,'"li n I hrl~')ck ,'1I1d lIla. s of g reen, rd ieved here a nd l (aim!;., of :)Ilru)~ Ilrnw !. "ponl SUllo , l h e rt~ ~ spray 'l IIfcrysan lhelQumsllnd T his is th e word that comes to u s The wet el~en t wants you to vole "No" because the Drv s day wlLh M 1I11.! M r,1!. I ,O"fgU Il url ~I()wj n g yellow candles. Litll e Ann a fro m Crowley , the Magazine Man , would not agree to sell out to them . If they are so Very Pati·i. , he fo r tll'r ka ili'l" 1) 1 the Cllru t i ~UdL U' oall , a drlllty fai ry ligure. bore with whom we place our order!! otic, why do they no t give, thei.r half million doll ars to the Red \ 'End~ra nce T est , ' ati()l1ali ~ t IHI11) ill I t',it'ff. !'lnr! . I th~ rings ill a liny crystal basket. a llli \Ilon' t fo rget tha t eve ryt l' . Crout ' Vt':> lm Ii; h,)fHlrllh h', un'! lOfty b~ ling pO.lDts Ali W .. o\ Ulli lJ lI Id., "r 'h itt)! , then the waiting g uests caug ht thei!' \, 1 th e f rfl1l 0 .. t tni lhan' O1l'\1 n f t hnl use m('sr hll\..:~('dl~' ",h (' 11 1It (,1l r pgnr d l rOll hleu Cllllll lr ~ 10 ihl' '''' ,ul,1\\a , d , ;10, lowa rrl a wa r ta x 011 IlIagazlDcs anJ D!'dwm .... .ill II) 11.311 '" l i' ~ l gli mp~e .of l htl bcau tiful bride !!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!'!~~~~~~!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!'!~~!!!!'!~~~~~~~ ' ~~' l th c!I1l'.-: ·lC" "~ 1 <'111: wliulln ,IN'11 thl';I' a. tiht: l:llme J own \ he n o w ~ r en · a vi . ito r in til\' 'ni t"d "t a ll' , f,l r lin' II which will force priccs higher than n r 8l cwllr'l~ nf 11. und n"[ lhe own , prrsrnt iI ! ~ l' W " ode (; \'11('r :ll \ h al l \ elle r t lt is will ter, .R clllcmbc r th ul 11' ami II'~. ',\'alt ,,,, ~l c('lure and willed Ht!lir I snin jo(' on the IIrlll of ( l hrrl' IJI1 (",Ullr hl'fI' ,.'\' I',,',h', ;,r .. j\,j,· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . el's: WII ~1I Ih "~' Imn'" hoI\' l O nCCJlllr~ the g roolll. The uridal !troup was we wi lt mcet (lr heat any mt E'S : wlrh lllll 1. \ IIri>'p, :tIl'l how f(I .p<,mJ ~ rq. Harry ' h r1hw .. lOr! II ug-hter, l:olllplt:ted by thll I{ev. He rbert T .; afr-I;; 0 11 A mericill1 <-, '1 ) , '\" 0.:1;<1 :11" q uo ted hy nll y reputable ag(' ncy o r wl tb olll grmJllln:;.-.trchtlcueun For. ~I cnt I,'riday III 11" io'nirllt:lrl :\\'ial ian " i 'it hap! IlIJ :~.\ ific H',t' wh :lh \ l r I.J()\m tz. lind omiJ til circle of rela W. E. O'NEALL WALTER ALLE publi shcr, aud will give yuu _the neltl . . r nr, [IVes lind CIOB' f riends the briJe and I hi ... Jli ctt1rt· "f hil1\ \\ U ... :h,-C tl ' · ' \.:' tl' vc ry bes t 'en 'icc possible.1 ,\i\·I'ly. li t' will ,j .. il !1I.U1 Y Viaq· .; oJ griLlE-groolll wok Iheir VOIV S, I fX .1.l tt ' f(' c:; t in th (' U ll il Ctj .'"-J tal c~li , hili Ill" ------ . - . IIlr Rlld Mr'; . J'rh nk Zell ufld Mr . ch"ngeu lhe r ings in token of their DAILY PAPERS : I nlld M ra I ~\' rl·tt Z"rJ ml'y er ar II iMb t ~d t ro th . lind accepllo!u lhe ob PHlpo t uur wil1 Ill: f p r ll l ~il"l \l rc , lOlIly. (;" 11. 0brctlnn lale, th~l ~Ic ,ic" li ~a Lion which t he riLuul of lne Melh . : ZIM M ERMAN~S· ll:llt~1:1~11\;;i~1;~ly with I ' ·I ntives in o'ti ~t i!:piscollUI ch urch impose . Af· j .... mu re pros pcru us th ;t n (.· \'~ r . nn t! th H Vou will w ant n daily paJlt'r to he .'lnd C e ll . Ca r r UJll :l arc III 11\, keep t rl;lck of thc wor- subscribe, ter Rev, Coont z hnd pfonolill ced the hilt" rr l"'lIll liC$t t c:r lll ~, I ' i . . rCI~('l1 t r'o it'n:1 no\" for olle of th c.~e : . Mr~ . J ohn W,· rlle r, and chil lren. of ,'I"quent be n,~d i clion Miss J eannc lle " n f r om l ho C~ hiJll'I ' ''I', d ue ' H" I Il. alid Mrs Mnh:I"\ AllIeR , of J Inlley sling BerO:lChmacher 's " de· h) I.... li l i~al ,li(f " r~nc~< " illl th.. ",i ' , T i mcs. ~ l " r " h ' mnil, I"" ) ""r !~~ . I N) Specials T hi s Wee k t DllvtrB'lIhrll(lh . weI' ulld..!}, J.\ue~L'I of 'uuse,"w hile the guesls otfered their ; ... tratinn . hp ... Y'{ , . 1'". 1. hv ' JJluil, 1'''' 'ell< s;' nu ~oou w i ~ he~ anu cong ratulati nns . EIl'1l1 i l e r , h )' l l1 a il, ! 'l' r ','n l' :I I:! OU •\1r. lint! Mr:l. W . I'IIV" I' LENOX SOAP f{)!t owi ng which an eillborat e three e:w • I-It luld, J ll ur ll.,l, of I l,t )' 1" 11 , by mu it , pc r )'I,., r $:1 QO 'ours'e IVelldin g dinn er WIIS serv d 10 Bars for ~5 c Sales Agency and Service Station lo mo re than sixty peo lJle . CLEAN EASY SOAP Remeillber the da te, Nov("mher ,10, The color 'scheme used throu ghou t I 0 B~Jrs for 4 5 c an d get husy and $ (' (' whar W Ag' the rooms was white and yell ow em We are now prepared to give car own rs of Way azines YOIl want to take, and sec I.lha ized by I:1eIl U ti fully a rrang ed BROOMS sprllYs of crysllnlhtlm ums wh ich DC · nesville and vicinity the best of service possible. u s a nd we will <.1 0 t he very best Ju st r ereilled 11 big 'hipl'I'I ell of cupi ed every uvail«ble space, by lh e possible fM you, We have a complete slock of repa ir parts bolh for I:Irooms boult'hl befu re the lid t\l , E. Cli URCti yell ow candlps in il ver and crysla l T he best lin !' of Hea lin g Stoves '. the Chevrolet C:1r aud for the .Ford, and a re equi pped vanc '8. speci{ll prire thiij w(:'ck " untl uy S(!hool III fl: l5 . morn in!! candles ticks , lhe yell ow cryslln th e and Hall g'cs in this part of Ohi o. and Buy Magazines at Home onl y to do any and a\1 kinds of garage work. PI' '/lchinl( :H )0:30; vI'n in/{ preac h mum shades on t h~ ch ~ndehe rs . lind the prireB 4 Tie Brooms only SSe Io.)w , Jl~ I boup:ht them Safely - - nving- -Service I illl( al 7:00, prn)' l'T me lilll(" Wcdnes · thl' place cards plcturlO g lhe slime befo re ·he are last two advances in these I duy av enin al 7:00 II' lock . Y OIl . f1ow~r. Mother's Oats, on ly .... ...... " 10c When you need a new Tire. let us goods . OOllt pul it off, as they are ure :ordia Iy imit ed to a ll of th ;Ie . The bridal gown WB.S most .bec0!11 , Ifo Post Toaslies. only ... " .. .... ... 10c i nit f ast, and lhtl nex t will be very ~ ervites lI1,ldy deSigned of whI te satm WIth show you th~ Pennsylvania "Vacuum Kell og hs Corn F l ake..~ , only .. l(lc mush higher At th e old stand . ____ ~- touehes of gossa mere lace and bead Nation al Corn Fl akes 3 pkg 25c A. B. SlO E Cup," the tire with a 6000 ·ml. guared ornam nt. The brid e's allend I?ure Cider Vin egar,gaL only 30c T. M R ,. CHl tRC H dressed allk a in sheer anls were antee at a price no higher than other - ---+-•.- - T WlInly-s(>cond , untlay after Trin· ",hite org andy over yellow silk with 5c- lOc-25c Store N ew Cor n Meal tires carrying a guarantee of but little ~irdles of' yell ow. The little ring itys Novemb r 4th . ::lund«y ~ h 901 w Bulk Oats Wa nesville, .Ohio at 9;SO , 'tlrmon and Holy t: Il)munbearer wOlle a har.u embroide r d G , , New Bulk Pellnut Bu tel' over half 8S many miles. et t he M·lam.• Gaze tte Now ion at l O:HO. The public cordially in- dre. of white wi th yellow sash ari d Chllrn Gold-The ' Best madevite<1 to th se stl r v ic e~ . hai r bow, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We also 4ave the Perinsylval1i~ "Ebony Tread" B etter t han Bu t.ter. ,pecial At the dinner t welv e of lhe bride ~ and the "Racine." Racine Tubes. this week. pound .. .....:.:" 33(! and g r oom's most intim ate fri end~ wer e seated with them at the brid EII . A complete line of oils, greases aud auto accesF resh OY3ters and Edgemont tahle on which gleamed many )'ellow sories. . Crackers cand les among the flowers a nd ferns. " The other guests wer e serlled a l . Cranberries and Celery Pure J er' smalle r ta bles scat tered throughou.t. sey Sweetd. Grapes. the r ooms. 'l'he cutting of the wed TRI.~rHE PRICE, WEEK October 29th to November 4th On Thursday, October 25, a t WII· di ng cake formed an entertaining New Cala Soft Shell English mi ngton. Ohio. the wedding of Mr . whell it wa9 found that th e Carage South Main St. eth Coole and Mrs, Chloe J ohnson, feature Walnuts Wl1 so lem nized by thll Rail. J. J , ring was drawn by ' Ellis McClllre. RichardA. pastor of th e M . E . church the dim e bf Lester Lane, the thimbl e Bring U9 your Egg-J and Ch icken~ W. HENDERSON, Manager by Edith q reene, and the bachelor'S of that citv. It paVd to trad e at • Mr oolc is R wo1l1 k nown coni hu tto n bY' J eannette Janney . The bride's popu lty was evi· Night Call II per pound fu~ .B utter Fat. Phone ISO . merchant, who I1R's !illed a lmost all his enUre liofe in t he community, and denced by the display of weddinK Send us your next can arid Join The Trl.St_, te, or If y~u nHd cans, who is wE~II · knowI I t o all of our ci tl· gifts' which comprised furniture, cut glass, beaut iful silver pieces, .\in ens, we wrlfsend {hem preprulFfor-JO days trial • . and many other furnishings for the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zens as age~~man,~way! :! ~ahlng _ out for the community's welfar e. 2S 000 cream producers have found THE TRI.STATE to be MOST i Mrs. Cook was a nu rse and has new home. DEPENDABLE and' netting the ~st Returns year in and year out: Mrs, Williams will go to Mr. and made heIr home in Wil minlJ ton for lal II us a trial and compl\re checks. Give housekeeping at once near Wilmingseveral years. T he newly' marr ied eouple will go ton wher e they have a home already c to no u~ekeepl ng in 8 house in Co r· furnished and where they will be win, wh ere Mr. Co k opera tea 8 coal g lad to welcome-their many friends , Guests who came from a distance office, '1'he Gllzette extends to them were: Clnclnnatl~ Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Foster Oapltal ' Stock. '71S,000 its bo!artiest cong ra tul ations, and Mrs . Eu genia Shepard,' of F os[!) - - - -- - - "- - The Trl.State paid over TWO MILLfoN DOLL4RS ('2,000.000.00) te r, Obio, Miss Dora Ellis, (If Woos · te r, .Mr, and Mrs. Frank LeMay and to the producers last year for cream. The Trl·State hilS no .tation Mis!:! Catherin&£by, of Middletown, bUyers or commission men. ' Mr. and Mrs. Barry Greene, of Martinsville, and the following from Wil nting ton: .Mr. and Mrs. Jamss Williams , Mr aud Mrs C. B. Leon· arci. Mr. A . C. Leonard, Mrs. Ed . WiJllams, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis, } Mr. and Mrs. L J . Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Vantress, Miss Virginia O",d Magee, Miss Edith Greene. Miss posloge i to be paid fit t he Tate Mary Leiv is, Mr. Robert Lewis and J. O. CARTWRIGHT W. N. SEARS of lhrell cent.s un ounce or frac tion Mr. John Leonard, Clerk Auction",. th ero~f on lett ra anri other firs t class ' mail I:'xcepl drop let ters. All drop letter8, lhat i ~ , letters mailed .for deli very f mm tht! office at which p ost~<I. inci utlinK those for delivery [!) by cit.\' , r ural. Dr olher carrier of sllch offic~, Bre r qui r d to have ~ posLage paill 011 them at t he rate of t wo cents un oU II ~e 01' frac tion t here· of. Po~ta l card s are r l'iqui re.J t o be Conductor~ pr epaid two cents , and , therefore, Wh 'l I - -1'- I lhe one cent I.lostal cards must have i e 8 love 109 grave in the r:'t ffi ed By ron Hartsock Pit, on the Xenia Waynesville, Ohio &.:.I a one·cent p 8t "e s talllj) a IX to pike last Friday, J09. Pennewit and . , ¥. ~ them i.n adtiit lOn to the one cent severa l other men unearthed a akel. stll mp Iml!rcsed on ~ ~ch cards • . Posl eton which was in a fair state of . YOU SHOULD SELEct -Q'OUR CLOTHING WITH 'GRE ATER CARE ~ardll ~prtY ~1I mattin g cards) b!'al''' p reser~ation . . The bones looked, 'We are prepared to handle all kinds of lOll' writ te n messag~ must ha ve .two when first disc()vered, to be in a semi. THAN EV'ER BEFORE IN THESE DAYS OF UNUSUAL CONDITIONS.. centspolltageprepaldontb em. uprigbtposition, bet when they were Public Sales. : Our . experience and wide ac, ~ E • - - --tou ched thev crumbled apart. quaiut~nce _will get' y~u the best poss~b1e MICHAELS STERN ALL WOOL HAND TAILORED SUITS AND OV R - ~ . The skeleton was that of a man of


.... __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...J .. 'I




Last Chance

Magazine Of fer s Expires Nov. 10



01 ) 1






_<-- -----------















co. o.




.}~~,~~~~ ,~~~~







.-- .

Sears & ' Cart~l'~ght Public Sale



I a




~al·. '. $1.7-. ',20-,$22' .50-$25-$30' s.~ $'





I! •




· Cloth"ing f or Men an d 8 0Y8 ' Ever;..... .... ing In ~ ua


Tb ,.




ettlt~ttlcn .. OPERATED . BV


---- - ..

W~nted Hl1ay' . '

We are in the market for

OHIO • .





see us.

Co., Draa. Gnin


see us now for terms and date. ,

this one was discovered, and it was thought by some that the place might ha\!e been at one time a cemetery. '. ,~ '__ •




Would y.ou li ke t o 'have you," soil " tesledfoTltscontentof lime. nitro· gen and organic matter?' In coun· ties having no agricultural agent. upon req'Uest of five neighboring farmers, ', a repreSentative of the Dep_rtment of Solis of the CoJJege of Agriculture at Columbus Will visit the farms, select I18mplel! typical of the 8011 and examine these aOJ to con· Unt of lime, nitrogen and orranlc matter. A written report contalnlna recommendationa for 8011 treatment on the farms aamlned will be fu...


~.l.phon ..

7'el epho'nl8 0,Uic'- 61.f




If you intend making a Sale next spring,

SGARCE 1~~~!~;~~i~:§t~~

t.:.I HAY if you have any to . ..,. ' h ne2 ? "er d111 Pope MJ- .or come

The iQngsbury Co. XENIA

Will BE

, On ncc:oun't of the e~rly frosts in certain sle.t ions of tIle slate, home gr own !!I1~ed oorn adapted to the, local ,. ' comm\! nilics wil l be Bcarce, accord. ing to W. E . Han ger of the Colle~e ' of Agriculture. Although the time for field select ion of corn under ideal I:J condibons' is past . aeed mautill be ~ selected . llwill be profitable, there· I fo rI:!. to seleot and take the best care of·.t11is corn tlljl..t is p08sible. Seed corn l eft oVllr f rom last year, If In COBd cond,ition, will allO prove satiafaetory .



abou age. it wasso thought to bet middle that of an aM Indian. far as could bediecemed by the bones. ·

We have in .stock, everyth~g kept 'In a first-c!aSs Harness Shop.


'N B ~ ann ~ 1.&




- ~"""""~~"~"""""""~~""iI"~


• .J


Sixty·NintJ-· Y a.r

A. CAll TO SERVICE M"'S MI;F'II li IN lH F. , AH"O I ; I ODUE 1I00'll SU'IIl)o\ Y I V'2N INO, NO· Vf,MB F. R II, AT 7:.30



All £i lizens 'C)f Waynt'Rv illt' fln" vicinity )l r f' UrlCf!i Lo atl~' nd a patrio lic meelin!!' in the MllIlOnic Tl'OIple nil Sunday ('veiling at which, jmt! Lhp campaign for rai!! ing a Y M. C A. war fund will be ~ Larle.l War-rNI (;ounly's uppor· linnmenl is ' $1200000 Wllyne Towmddp "I-ould give $ l!iOO 00 1)0 not wa it for the commi tl ee til .cIIII nn Y' II ,but ::ome lo this metllillj! Ilnd I<I~"'e IN,PII<'III/(j


'I1!!@FM~~I Dr. Dill, O~ tp oJla lh 21 · WilY. Ltlbanon . hlo.

Whole Number 3452

-.0 .... _._- _ _ __ _ _ _ -. . '"

Put Out ~Teddy's' Left Eye

"Over the rop" For The Last Time; These S(~tch Guards Never Retume.',' J

I.- SOCIETY EVENTS IIA CAll - --------.



M ra B H Kelly is spendfng

EliR~ ' Oglesbee 8nei E. V. Bn·m . hart wert! Ea hlfl . Ohi o, visitors Thl!lrs· day.

tn compli ment to th ir gUCHts I\Ir, and Mrs Gao. Hcs.q • of ~Jlr in gtie l<l, Mr . and Mrs. J. 0 'a rt wriJ.(hl ill viteu in a f ew f ri" no~ Hll lu roay evening . makin g up fou r tRble:; or ' "500 " _ Delicious pumpki n pie llnd cidar were enjoyed .

Mi ~ s

Ethpl.l·lI Jon" Raltended Miami Alumni lillfl!lU t ill Toledo, October 27th

STl~RIN(1 A()DIH:~SE c.:1)~\, :

(;0"'12 c.:oME

J 0 f'a rlwrilCht was a business

vi ~it/lr


It!vclund two (]/lyS this



Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay w re giv. en a plea6Bnt su rprise 'unday even· ing. whcn about thirty five of their friends came in to PfI.I' t hC'rn a fare well call prior to th eir removal to town. Light refreshme nt s were ,erved .

f ew days with relativcij in- Newark. Ohio. II



Mr. an d M rR.· F. H Fllr r hao as lhC'ir Iw es t ~ at Ilinn r Sundav. Mi s Robp.rtson. of ~ irll:inllllli . an d Mrs Herbert T Coont? .

L N PrinlZ ,villit Ii wi t h relatives in WC9t Milton. Ohio, ·undBY .


SUN DA Y F.VENINQ, · NOVEMBER II, AT 7:30. All citizens of Waynesville and virin itv are urged to attend a patriotic meeting in the Masonic Temple on ~unday evening at wlti h ti me the campaign for ·rais· inl{ a Y. M C A war fund will be started . Warren County's appor· tirmment is $12.000.00. Wayne Township should give $1500.00. Do not wait for the committee to ca lIon you but come to this meeting and Rive. INSPIRING i\'USIC


week. Mr. J,. E. Janney and fam ily, Dr. Bnd Mrs. J . T. Ellis. Mr . Chus. Elli s and family and Mr .· Sill Ellis and

llorr - To Mr. Anu MrEl Edwald H I'ldnij , ~;a IUlfl H }, Novf'muer 3. i!)17. !I son.




Col • Dan T. Moore W3 5 attached to the artillery and stationed in W.ashinston •.he frequently engagc,1 ID lriendJ,o box:mg bouts wuh form er !'residl!Dt Theodore Roosoyclt. It wa~ m one of lh~e th~t he cro: ed a' rillht 10 the CoIOllel', left eye which rendcrel! that orpn penn.anenliy useless. 'Co': Moore does not remember Ihe inciMnl "0 th t I" Y that " but since he is the only artillery office; vcr e op es, IS Just where [hry are goillg. n,crc ~rc MI wbo boxed with Col. Roo$c\'cll be. ~3ny of them to be SttJI hu e, but there "(erc other Iho 1t~3 I1d , of them. r~ 19004 ~nd 19I?6. h~ ' presumed that 1 hey are the Scots Guarru. going into actioll au tbe Fl;uldcrs' Fro"t ,Ill ring Ihe e mur ~ave :u!mllli.tercd Ihe " low in recent drive. 'I ne seent: shows a late afternoon attadc in l>rogrcss II C ( h l ~hit~ H.O~S!~'· ~I~~~~Yso~:)~c::~~,.at c(~~ on l ~f the v~ctorjous ,p ff~ive of ~e British. TI~e men who arc sho:n ;I~ Roos"vel t has 1lC'I'o'r <1i\'l\I~ed thr name Ihis P!cture WIll never hoe p,ctured agam, for they. w,th hundreds of the ol hers ot. the sJIArrilJl' i'''' ln,·'· wh" fli,l "Ihe were mowed down ~ f ore the machine gun firc of the retreal; G ' Irt~k:' 'bul (" :. ~11I' rr. ~tl !ll jl~ his Dispalches tell of the slaughter of practicaJi y the entire Scots reg~ t,crm 3ns. h 1:111 I. " van gllard is leen silhouetted 'pinS! the We51.o!rn slcy in this ~:."e JM~dUor~e

Mrs. WaitN Chullflier ~ Il\' n t Sundu.v UfLI'r-JI<IOIl wilh f r i l: nd ~ 1<1 1\'1 illllli. lJu I J{




Mr John Mark h rry, of Williams· ,ANAVY 80Y Stella town. Ky . is Lbe guest of Mis!' Lemmon . U . ~. S. Oklahoma, 1917 Dear EditorWe are bark to our old stamping grountls at Len Havtln Roads. that la clol!e to Hllmpton Roadll. We have been crui"in" aruund out in the At· lantic for a good while. We wert! ar.chortld uff New York about fifty milell at II place called Port Jeifel Hon . While ~e were there we got liberty fro~ Saturday mornini unlil Sun· day niaht. Belillle me. New York is lOme ll1rge ' place. It just naturally IW~PII a person who III not UQed to bill cities off his feet. One poin'l of mterest to me was the Penl1sylvania depot. 'r o . walch tbem is worth II hundred Qui 1!U'II.-41very body coming alld Iloing, and the lraiqll cllminl! in alld Hoinl{ out all of Ihe thut!, and with everybody t!4:eming (0 know what htl wantll .to do lind all of lhe,thing" that go on around II b'g d~pol • . A persoll could 'stllnd there all day and tlevt!r get tired of watcbinfC It . . 1 had to Illu(Ch at 80me of the aail 01'11 when we got off of lhe train al N.ew York . You kno,"" we took the Jamaica Line. which is built mostly under gfound. aild woen ftapped off Iit,e train all we had to do WlllI to walk about twt'lity feet and step on the rollina staira which carried u riaht uj:) to tbe top. Ha! Ha! When lOme of tl)e .sailors 8ti:pped on to it and tried to walk, you ought lO ve~l'nt\1e1 oil that came .on their faeea. And. by the way, W8saW tho! Avla tion Fiel~ over at JamrJca and 1IlY1 have seen a great many aviation fields but I belil1ve this one was thl: finest I ever saw. Th ~re were lote of machines in lhe air when we wer!! there. We enjoyed watching them very much N\lt long ago WI!. thllt II. the lIecond division part of the ship, went on drt!ll!l ·parade over to a little place called Patoehoc. Vi e took our leave off ship in the motor .Hor and got oft' at tile do(k at Port . Jeffersoll, From there we went over to the little city in automobiles-and aay they were automobile;s, too. . All kinds were there to take uS-'Pack arda, Prerce Atrows, H,udson Super Sixes and ao 011. We enjoyed the thirty mile fide over there and back very much. . I W" with lour others In a m~hine owned by a docLor. On our way. over there he pointed out variou8 pJace. to us aDd told us about them . . ·He W8I u.~elighted to ten us about them as we wJjre to hear him. When we Irot over there tp 'the' place, there were two or three bllnds. ned Cross orpnization8.liredep~ rtments, home llIard soldiers, and many more other kinds of departments. such aa th" police and 80 on. Ano before I for pt it, our marine~ olthe Okla!:lo· m.· went with us. If aliyone olver asks you which is the best well.tre,ined., men. in the h w~rld. do not hesitate In telhng t em the Marine COl'J)8, To WlIlch them drill Ie Ilke watcbing sOme big piate ot machlner~ in action. Everythinll II done 80 perfect and wil.h such a map,' Well after we' marched around tor, abOut an. hour, they took. or rather maNtled us, into a large lawn " all &haded by nice ·trees perfeCtly ,trimmed. . Oil the left·of the lawn waa a ..rae maJIIluJI which we I_ter ' learned be 't 10IJflect to • rich co' tile United State1l Army. He even•. came ' 0!lt and ta:ked with for a while ~ut. III.Y, 1 Un leaving out the best part 01 It. They ·had t~o lone :tabl~ Bet with irQOd bot coffee and BaJldwlchea. Wben w!llIld lltacked arms and got the command to fall out. we never even went to tbose tablll8. . Oh. nol we didn't - I mean we didn't aet throu.h eating until aft.r dark I bet thole waitera.lOt ,'red of car ryln~ out .ndwichea and coff.. e to 111 . Bnt lite all other Urlngelt had to COllIe to aD end. So at 6:30 ro ....tIl. wu 101lnded ilDd we all Kot back to our rift_, ~teen., b&),ontltl. etc:. and lOt ready to march for ~he machln .. wblch were ,..itlnlJ lor UI On ollr w87 back to the Iblp the tioatawaln laid that It wu ' the ':,nd of & I*fee\ d87."-ud nOlle dllplfted hie word for ...., OM thoaalit the



C. G. Williamson, oj Dayton. was the gu~over nil/ill l"riday of Mrs. Allnl!S Willillmson.


Wa nted-To buy old J{old and eil · ver and old fal ~e t eth . II ighest prices paio . M . Kohl hllgen, Le b anon.Ohih.


Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Phillip9 and son, Orville. w re Fairfield visitorp ;:)unday afternoon. Tile W'Brren County Pomona Grl\nge will hold a ' special mee'ting Novem be r 10. 1917 St. Mary's Guild will bold their annual Market and Apron Sale, Silturd ay. December 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miller. of Ma BOn. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. J!'. Crawford ~unday . . Mrs Roi Hislngfr and soli. of Alberta, Can., are Lhe Iluests of Mr. and Mra. Elias Oglesbee. The local school teachers willlCO to Springfi!!.Id Friday and Saturday &0 attend their annual meeting. Mr. and Mrs George Hesse, of :O: ..... ;n .. I'I,.. I,.. spent. the week· end wiLb d At J 0 Ct" ht • a',l rs. . . ar wrlg • Miss Annie Rush and Mr. Butler, of ~prinufiela. , were the Sunday (Cuest8oi Mr. and Mrs.. R ,G. CIO~. Wanted ~Tl1obuy old gold and sil· ver and old falHe teeth. Highest prices Jllud. ttl. Kohlhagen. Lebanon, Ohio.

Mr. and MI'!. W. B. Allen, Mr • and Mrs. E V' Barnhart and Miss Emma HeiJlhway were In Fairfield Sunday afternoon. The rabbit law goes into e.ffect this year on November 15th'. Therefore, be very careful and 'do not hunt the bunnies until that date.


Soybean mille and soybean meal may be u;ed in many dishes. u sub stitutes for cow's milk and for wheat. Soybean milk is prepared by boil'. ing the meal in 10 parts of water. ' .. th h h I h au d s.ralnmg roug a c eesec ot or pouring off the liquid after the coarser particles settle upon stand. ing. For-bread, biscuits. custards. co.·nstarch puddings. white sauces and gravies. the Home- Economics Department of Ohio State Univer aity had found this product almost equ/ll tQ cow's milk. One part of ·soybean meal t.o two parts of wheat fiour made a well flavored bread of good texture. A larger proportion of the melll can be u8t!d in bi cui t/!, muftin!! Ind other quick breads '1'he meal is also used in souP. which is quickly prepared. T~ a tabl ~poonful of ,-i,eal blehded WIth half B tableRpoonful of butter or other fat is added R'radu ~l!y three ' fou l'ths of a cup 'o f hot water After boiling 0 few minutes tbe' oup is ready t.o serve Salt and . e er onion juice or' celery salt fna~P b~ added to season Soybeans may also be used like navy or white 'beans They are .oak~d over ni rht in a la~ e uantit 'Of t . lld d kgd 9 t y wa er, rmsc an coo e JIl wa er to which Is addeu soda to soften Th d t b lhe 7'd ff.e. 80 ~a ~r ma~ the Inmu es, an e pou e a II! tJeans ~hen bOiled for tbree or.four hours In fresh waler or baked In an ovefJ .


A-' NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bunnell, of Lebanon, Ind., .arrive.! here Tuesday TO HUNTERS morning. !lnll willljpend a wellk with t.?,r · and-Mrs. F. ·H. Farr.

. Mr. and Mrs. Qarvey Taylor, Mr~ and Mr. H . . ij Harl,lv of Dayton sp.ent Sunda.y afternoon' at the helme' of Mr. 'It. S. salisbury and family. . ' . ~ Mr and .Mra Arthur Anson and' son. Edward, of Norwood. and Mr. and 'Mrs John Criswel of Route 4. "pent Sunday' with Mrs. Lucy P'ratt

While the tenants living on Chas. I:.ewi8' farm were away on bu siness S d f . atur ay a ternoon, two men werE' nervy enough to tresspass on the place hunting. They approached the yard nea·r enough to kill one of the Belgial) hares. Nowa hint to the wise is suffi cient Furthermore, if anyone els ~ is caught on the premo ises, .or if we hear or you being here you will have to pay the penalty.

Mr. and Mni. J . E; Janney and family epEnt. Sunday with their dau(Cbter and, Mr. and Mrs. Walter - Williama at Kingman . .' ' Wanted-To buy, old gold ver and old false teeth ·H,ig.!t',eat·+pric~ . p~id. , M. Kolllhagen', anon, ·Ohlo. Miss Robertson, of the 14. E. Deaconest Home, CinCinnati, fi ll~ d the pulpit at the M. E . church ~ U'n· morning, and Rev. McMilhm preac~ed In .tbe evening.



1\ . were t ~ gu~t!4 uf Wklter who is lit udyi~g ayjat ion at




- - -_. l R ST NUMBER Of


Mr. and Mrs. W. H . Aile",' the Misses Georllia Hsdden, Elizabeth Stewart · and Le~itia M.cKay, were via.ltor~ in DaytQn .' riday.

...... tblaa, Afhr we eot OD the IIdp It . . . aboat time for th.lIICIVI.. t:iI) ItUt 10 1 WtIlt oattoo. to ... It . . worth....... 'l'Uthem. title ~~~~~~"'~l~ ;,;

of It ... N~ 800el..



f:ROM 'S'





~h:i~~r:!t~fd~r~na~dfaiMr~~n~.r R~

Lewi s of Kingman, Saturday . Abou t 60 g"ues ts were present.





Thost! \\Iho were in vit d to enjoy . th e hospi tality of Mrs Rllchel Keys NEWS BUllETIN last Thursdsy we re Mrs. R A. Cross . Mrs. Miranda Crane. Mrs. S. L . Car t wright. Mrs . Lee Henoerson. Mrs. Louise Wooll ey, Miss Georg ia Hadden. Miss Elizab'lth Stewart lind "Well ho w does a sweater get to a Mias Lola ZeIJ. soldier In the trenches or to- a Boldier in AmericaP" is a question Wlked of the Division Director. Saturday being- Mis! Carll Thomas' Sw~ters tor delivery at the front birthday, the neighbors, friend s and are shipped from ~he. chapter hood· relatives of Cora and Arthur to the quarterR to the diviSion warehouse, number ef thirty five went a~d took w~ere they are insP!'<!ted before them on surpri~e on Fridayevpning. bemg repacked and shl,!ped to the

~~rev:;;~~s w:er:P:~rtv~d ~uhi~h !:e~~NS::Y~~~~i~Y. FI'?~~h:~! was enjoyed by all present. ~~~ici:e:~rsReci<>'t:= u:t~b~~~

are given tonnage alld carried over to Maj. Grayson Murphy's Red Cross relief forces "Somewhere in France." From the thirteen warehouses there they are distributed to , the wearers A force of approximately 900 men are engaged in thili work: ma~y of them voluDteera workmg WIthout pay. A sweater for delivery at an American cantonment is forwarded by the chapter to t.he division ware. Rallowe'en was very nleuantl v h . . be b I b ed h d" 'ouse or permiSSIon must 0 ce e rat at t e Ffriiends Home, a tained from division to few neighbors and r en I going In ship direct to the cantonment All ) to s~end the evening and receiving a such consignments for cantonments .. cordial welcome from Sup~ . and Mrs are addressed to the Red Croll8 field , Plh"rce. The woman bUllll.y knitted dilectOr 'for that particular eamp. "': lJe all ' t~oroughly . enJ~,ed th. Distribution is then mad~ through Victrola musIc . . Early In the evening his I!ssistants and officers of the bar. IrhoBtly forms flitted around. in and rack8. out, but appeared later WI ;:reatur.. of fitlllb and blood, and become a part or the company. Sweet cl~ar and apples were served.

M . and Mrs F . H. Miltenberger. of near Lytle. delightfully enter· tained the Invited guests te a three course dinner Sunday. Mr. Ed . Miltenberger and family and Miu Mable Cox. all of Eaton Mr. Howard Miltenberger. of Oxford College, and Mrs. Yartha Miltenberger. of Frank. lin.

Therst Ii f he Waynes· num be rot ville Lecture Course for 1917-18 was pre!lented by "Ye Olde New Election day was a very quiet one England Choir," Friday ' eveniDIl. here, although there was a much November the 2nd, . The personnel . . of the troupe. conSIsting of a mixed Jarp;er vote out than was antiCIpated. quartet a'nd a -ader, entertal'ned Th f t t d ... e armer vo erl came 0 town an the large audience with a unique and voted aDd then went back to their entertaininll program, composed of work again although in the att.!r- songs t¥pical of four .porlods. We noon it look~ like regular election wer~ prim. wi~h the demure P' lritan times Ift!l8. gallant With the powdere~ chev'. , ' .' al.Jer and loyal Southerners With the The voting In the corporatIon was ·gulR from pixie. . rather a hard proposition from Each perIOd was portrayed an cos· fact that 80 many of tbe offices were tume II.!l well as song-with a happy not' qualified for and ot h d t result, The five readings' given I h • v ers a a through th~ course of ·he evening ·IlPP y t e names ~f those they were especlall~ popular;-:the old~rl wanted in office, malnllg tIfL count· men In t.he audience revIvIng thlllr . ·HISEY-AlEXANDER ing of votes rather laoorious·. - youth wlt~ JRughs fro~ P~k'9 bid The folJ~wlDg were lluests at an The townllhlP. as usual. went dry. bo,. All 10 ail the evenmg~. enter inrormal dmner lllJlt Sunday given , b tb b t . I h' tarnment wasvory novel and out of by Ml'o and Mrs. C. H. Sherwood: . ~ ya et el' maJor. ty t an It ever theord [inary. Mr. and Mrs •. Harry Murray. Mr. . John .Curtis ~isey, of .Wayn~ dId. The west Ilreclll1ct went wet __ _ and Mrs. Earl Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Ville. OhIO, and MISS Katherul,e aJe:c' two years ago. but went dry this C. E. Edwards, MI~ses Goldie Con. ande~. , of Dayton, were umted In year It is claimed by the morning nor, Lena Connor. Margaret Ed. marrtal1e bv Rev. J. F. Cadwallader papers tbat ~he.8tate doubt MASONIC LODGE wards, Me:;sr9. Herman Connor. H. at.t~e home of the bride, 618 South but returns mdlcate a vet victory. B. Sherwood and Masters Herbert ~t1hams street, last Saturday even· A new board of Public Affairs wall , and Karl Edwards. The guests of mg. : elected, although Madden had been INITIATES fOUR honor were Mr and Mr~ Raymond While !lot unexp~ted, the event an appointee. It is' up to them now . Connor. The affair was made very was so tImed that It came asa sur· to see that the affairs of government pleasant from the fadt that the prise at the last. There, at 5 o'clock .I . th t k th I th ' wIl not lag, and als.o to see that the youngest daughter, MISS Mluy. of hey oOd uPhon emse vea 'f e vows light question will be disposed at to Mt Auburn was able to leave ber t at ma e t em one for h e. Rev. better advantage. In this matter Wliynesville Lodge No. 163 F. & work at the hospital to be present Cadwallader using the impressIve however it has been alleged that A. M., held a very interesting meet· . marriage service of the Protestant bef thO . t '. , W '11 ing at their hall Friday afternoon ' Episcopal church. Dr. Alexander are e WID erlsover aynesvi e d . F d' h b' 'd . will be burning coal oil lamPl!. It is an evelling. our can Idates tray· On Thursday afternoon from 3:30 gave .t e rl e away. to be hoped that this. will Dot be the eled the M· M, path •. and the local to 5:30 a marry \larty mel at the The onll! persons present were case . . officers were ably B98tsted by Bl3veral cozy home of Mrs; Willis McMillan Mrs. Alethl~ Alexander grllndmoth The schoollosue is thought to be of the Ltlbanon·members. in response to Invitati ons to a 'mit] er· ef the brIde. Dr. and Mra. H. Q. lost We wer!" utiab!e to get the cor. After the .work was hal f COmpleted cellaneous sho.w er given in honor of Alexander. of Dayton. and two uncles rect figures. hut as we heard them a s~lendid dlllner was served .by the Mrs. Raymond Conner. After a (~om MI~dletClwn. the vote stands thus: The corpora. ladw.s of the Eastern Star 10 the half hour of plelllant con l'ersation, ~~e b~lde of the ~ccB8lon former· tion carried the issue by !I; the West baJ.1Quet .room. The menu wae: paper hearts were passed on which Iy hved In WayneSVIlle and her reo precinct lost by 9; .the East precinct Ch icken pIe, ~we~t potatC!es, . t1la~. hilt ,these present were asked to write moval to Dayton Borne three years lost by about twenty, so far as we rolls. pumpkm pIe, coffee and cllfars. some good advice for tlt e new bride, ajl'o was deeply regretted bl a ~arge could hear. This leaves the Clear Several sp!endld talks were given which ,caused much merriment. Circle of friends . In the bU8lDess crf!ek precinct to hear from. but as att~r the dmner. '. i'hey were then Invited to the dining owned .and succC8:9fully conducted' Every lodge but one. In W.arren room, where the smili ng face of a by her '!l WaY!lesvllle, an.d her later there is only about ten votes there. the resul ~ is lhat the' issue was lost. C.o~anty was represented and seve.ral big Jack O'Lantern light ed them to connection wltl) the Rlke Kumler This issue will emb/irrass our VISitors were present from outSide lhe table wh ere many useful presents peo,!le of. Dayton, she Proved her school board to a great extent. as It the county, There were about 116 were waiting to be unwrapped by effiCiency In the commercial world. will be absolutely necallSary for the Masons present.. the bride. After which delicious !'Iways'prompt courteous and obhg · .. - rtlfreshment& were served . mg · H' . 'th 'h t' f board to .borrow the money to title . M. r. .Isel.'; WI t e eK:ep ~o~ a them over for the school year. It is thought by a g~eat many that the NOT.CE bls service m the. Spa!118h.Amerl~an issue WIl! not m!,de pl l!lin enough to war. hll;l ~lways h.ved.m WaynesVille the masse!. and they did not underCO. HAS and ViClDlty, and IS a man ofsterUng stand the situation. All unsold Sunday papers will be character. and true worth . .. For a , left at Starling's restaurant. number of years as rural mall car (Continued on page 4) Edw. Burton, Allent. A' NEW TITLE riers he has served the eovemment and his patrons faithfully ana well. For the prtllent 'Mr. and Mrs. Hisey will make their home at 518 South Williams street, Dayton. A letter received the other day .-. from Can't> Sheriden, aaYI! that Co. E hll!l been transferred to Co. E, ''



------_.-- ..------



!~!~~~pl~t;dfi:rh:oc~:n~r;:~~deft EXEGUTIVE tOMMlnE~· • :U' (;

'finally came last week. The change

Mass Meeting In The Masonic Lodge Room Sunday Evenlne:, Novemb~r I I, at 7:30. - All citizens of Waynesville ~nd vicinity are urged to attend. a patriotic meeting in the Masonic Temple. on Sunday evening at which time the campaign for raising a Y. M. C. A, war fund will be started. Warn'n County's apportiOJlment is $12,000.00. · . W~yne Tow~bip should give $1500.00. . . . . . Do not wait for the committee to ~ on you but come to this meeting and give. . ; .


COME 00_.



lieutenants.' The ~ptain is oillv at· . tacbed to the company. and it-was naturally a bard blow to the bOYB of the c(\mpany, as everyone of them loved him. .b Th. boys.seem to be .njoying their the officlit camp Ufe, anil everybody is as well committee U lIIual. • _ • 11v~n,~Ie~':~' 1~!~~~dl ~

A Car of



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M.llrin /'11011 , .I" x ,(· \l 1 1 x v~"llL rill MII IWICI III " Ur dl l! ";

wno!' Imowl II:;' r Illite ,TUH WtlS nnluroUy 8tli leri or to Ih nl 'Ir Iho r , I

"rlll'dou 01,,, 'ladl es lind I(c'lIllclli" U." He turned hla taco to tlle willi with· be bl'glm RUUVI'Ly. tu\{.lng 110 IltJlkc o f out a word. I lett blm alone with the our dl h vclce! Olll) 'UUIH'C, " I IIUI tb e duet ot hi! lo st cI/:8r, rev nuo omcer In ' h nl'~c of t.hlH dI s· When' I hod gOIl a short dl al:mco I trlcL" lleard WIn Bncez • A cry from Ule tu g 8t8 1' tlc~I1 us. When I '1'1'&1 Batlsfied tho t 1 blld Cl fl1ll1 "What'l! thoL," wc :tcln I ulI'il, tb8 bellt J could 10 roormng illY clls· Tllo YI'll WII8 r ell nl ed, th l~ 111110 wltl l OI'dered clothes and I1non 1 r ej(.jI\C!Il tho Il smotbc red !ln l b. d~onBolato group at tbo sit ' of Ole "H's jus t /I ('oup\o ot III'JN,l1lt'rH wo one ttmu hou8e, Til ro 011), tour captured ijlls 'morulng," cx'plul oe'd till' of tbom-(Japtaln T'crkllls, 31m "Ida ofJI ecr. and Kent. Lucile bnd not returned. ",Yo oro vorl' glncl 10 SCI.' you nUll "Wbere'. Lucile'" Vida Illllulted , yonr 1100 t ," BoPI' s lnt ed, d ul llg tho "Tootlee got away," I CXJlIIl11100 . 11011QI1'. " lYe hu ve hud It l;::1'I'11I1(I Or" "'and !!be cbased her." Ilere, "".1 I r YOll will ~C' t 11M flurely "But . TooUes ts bere!' "lIln 111111- As h ol' nt F'nlr "le w we sholl I,e tor· tlle dog pla.;rlng around th s h('d, vl' r hi YOllr d£'ht." "She camo back qulto awhile 'ngo WIUI " I'm :ony." h' r l'JllIl'll, " 1;111 I e'lllilloL tllla In bor mouth:' ' corry Y u r [in r y 118 nih ~<:lIJr"I·n., HoVida bolp up the tonI aud dirty rew· In g 011 ):/) I'ernmcnt Rel" 'lrc, IlIJ ,1\lUes _als or wb8,t lIael beell ' T.Jl1cUc·s nre I'crr C XA I' tlll ~, 11,, 1I"I'er, I ,ha ll kbnono. bo glnd to lIot Ify I II., 1i.',.;1 I ',! .• 1'1 I mc!!t "'llbat'. Luellc'lI k1mon I" 1 crlecJ. and n qu('Sl t lIem tn ,'nil r',r ytlll." .An Ideo. .truCk me, "Wllnt was 8 "BUt, mOil," R OP I) ('l( 'Ill trJlccl, "we 1NUlD.s under thllt?" IIOVO lie u Wlthollt Cln ytblu!; to NIt for' "'J; helped her put 00 my cos tume." tbroe dn,I's! llfOly. Yo ll <'011'1' reell$O to VIda .ouchaa!ed. "tho one Utat Wll~ tllke u s to ~om nlO I!(! Wl\t'l ' food Dl ny 4I71Dw In the abed. It nte her llenlltt- be blla." provided "l'<.)u t rg"t I tlll t 1 hI! faDT-" "TJIeD I prelUJDe that )'OU \I'm fiud food," 1 In terllo~(!(). Ladle (lver there beblnd tbat clump ""m I:rJ1IIC to fO~fl; It," BoW zoe. , of b"-." I bazard(!() 111 II 10 11() toile piled. witb Unf:rIl CIOU8 I ml)nttl)lI~' "[ aI~ want rcgulnr f()od ," "l'IIere Wall a .ound or bl'8I1Vb'lI "'1111 IlIke 18 eoJmlll~ O'''VII,'' tile om. IIftalJutr and lelWeB rll~t llllg fl8 I( eel' poloted (lut, "l\1ld YOU fill I!U~ly _ _ one were bentlng & hORty reo Itt ald soon. As II hnPI1(ln . , w e Ilr «Nat. bot Oil tho trnll (lC 0 gOllg or mug· "'011. 1 8MI" Llgbt dll wlJ~1 \111 VIda. rlere, ana 1r " '0 cl IllY it Ow <:hleC "Jut let ber ' alolle, Sho'll get used operator IllO Y. a s 11 us. IT ' Is 11 s ing tD tJiem to an hour or so. You do CeQ} as a tel phon rC'llIllt nlUlI Cl w plorce! by IibI4 at tunny lit firllt. /liow. nbollt that tho 10<:01 ('ompnllj 111 11011' low, b llt ....k.tB8~·· merely uses tho t pQilUou 1:(, louk b\8 "Y_," BullP ' hllll!l In, "Ilroduce cr1m11lll1 opernUuus. He wos sent t() that teast you ",oro spcuklng ot. With ONeIl'S lsi 11 0\1 boforo 'tile ' lorlu and the dog In sigUt wo'l! luke u dlllUl'e bas not' roportea bnCK to tho olllao, so 00 allJ'tblug fou ' n l ilrtlIJltred ." wo presUJJlO thot b e Is ber now." "I!IalI bol" crlC!ll Jim. By a common uup\l .\l;e W • looked tor ""'bere 00 ~hc1" ,1('lOllIl01.-11 ttl su· K8IIt. He wns not D.IllOfll1 us. Ap pnIperior. cntiy hI! 1Ioil wnllet.! to lttlltr no IDQro -Comlug &roun.l t ll o Jlol nt:" ,11m re· attAlr 'aplnln PerklDs 1IlIil lt1!llltllled the bollt a, in ilio government ror(!nuo ~ Bare eUOuj;b, 0 fat Utttc ( \li'.l" a t I'll. MrYlce. , JM.IGng ber w il; ~Ohl ~OI'tll h Y Ii, ·, u).'j, "I t'lln't beUCYO !but bo Is I! swug· waves Inlo Ihe <:01'('. " Ii'" II' ., I I sler," Villa argue(\. h~, Ilke tbe rcst lillie tnlZ'!" c:!t'ln IIHC' ! C"J': ll'l of us, , bad concel\"ed n Ilklng (or tho 70Ul1g Innn wboso career hocl Leen so vart.ed ond IntcrC!8ti llg. "Ho d oestl't lookJlke II smu,ggler.'" ~ "J'm otmlil UlUt Is 110 WOl' to tAln," the revenne oaice r SII Id l1JCI.I1:I11 ntly. "Tbo w Orst swullgi 1'8 WO hn \ '0 um 80clety people. \Vo CRl,l\ll'ed t wo Of b18 ......u..a. aoIr·.....M1a. llllar. accompUces ou ['IIIl1Ullgc1'JIJ's lslo nd .... .,..,,~ Iu' dloTal world'a ... on thlll morn!.ug, ODtI wbeLl we get h1m .akIu, "n.., .19m., III we sbo)1 boy wlp 'u ollt Ol)e ' of the worat gnllgl! 0 ,( smugglers 011.\-0 II I1g .Fon..M~ 1.. pear across tll' bord el·." .



Jalm D. RockefeUer Tella How To Sacceed\

__ N.ia_....... --"P .

Ct ., , ......., pro_U,)

,. J:DUmate 8IDrt~ of ' biB ... oDI laeptrtq artlelM OD but.... aD4 -.....b\lah~ "017 two _ _ Mall aoUIMID .tmme4latol, 11.'0 . .4 wo wUI 1II01ad. ~~Mr OODtalalq ...rId.tamoU8

wi'' '

_ateu. la'onlo"":'


POIIBES MAGAZJNE !".L.l. lIO ......._". N. Y.

........ ......................... ........... _ ..................... ................. . ~


. .Ie .......


At the melltlOn of HUllt.lugd 11'11 Is· land we 011 111'1 ' Itell! 1111 our IIr~, Wb nt cOllllec tl Ou 0111 tho RlIIlI gg Ic' hn y" with Ule dl ~ njl(1CI\I'[III CC or 1111'8, Omeu aud LIIltOIl S. 111 11'1 I "Wbllo 3'OU 'l'CI'C 011 Illlulingdon'll 18lanil " I as).ed " ilIe! you RCI.! lillY' , tbillf; 'oJ: M11l. OI'QcIl?" "Why," lJ gll ll tll o olD eol', w ith II JIll?" Eled rrowll, "(lDC Qr OUI' 1'1'1>10 11 'rA claIm s t o lJe ' Mrs. l.} reclI, IJIlI I hut JI:! Ollly 1IJ1 nllllK' 101' '!lII>!h e l' ,1'uITC,I,: Wb06e purtl'lltt 1/1 III tllo 1<'f! I)",j' ifil l· lerl', ] l'ecOlnllrctl twr lit 1,"'('. " .

Rei:l Cross CanteeQ Workers Distribute

"E;ats" To Soldiers enroute To Camp

1.l . ".oIL,1 nil ol'clor , ' ~I/Ill'.

r ",,1

Till' XI " l1ttl. in · "1 ~ II It IIl H ( 'n, v ""~ " I' h H ""' ~, (h' u r ~" !l u rk f1l11 I, '1J»1I 11111<, (1 ' '' ''1('' ''I.r;;o n ' ('VI or fu r u I ru),' I I ::; .n uu1 h"". W }' . ~1I II v' t'I1'lIl o" W MOUj.:c'T lo UV " ~\I"l lIthl\ullil " llt tO ,, It'tl II " ' II ll"y~ . g ·It"" "\\ 1\1 ,1 11 11\1 Bro V" , Will ij\lrl( ' '. (lJn IH IIt. . i\ mutlHl h'UV" L! . ti l \' It' l ll,v' I lIJlII,"lh . W 1IIIIIm \" jJ .'0 \\ 11 \ '" 1"IH Il h 1'o r . fln t! c t III, 1 10 IIll trf llr 1<.1 I/U(') II(1 01111. () f .. cl lUll III 'W~ II' I'r IIn ,1 (Jru .. ~ · pl'lll ll>lI OI'c\r.fU '", \ Ehrr ' l\ lr u \, \. Willilllll 1I . K irby. W , '.'l'h I IlIlP~cllllll'l'llll t etl ~lIurJi-tn lid lltoll1 r", nllnor o hl [(1 r f' O ngeliutl Il u vl~ V .1/1 m '~ DII vis PeLIt I"n ,I nll l·r .. ~~ .J1 e l ltl n ll f IJr d l. VOI' C'llll1:lUllt'HOClIlIlCII IHr Ildllllt Id or d Nel1 tel U" V pllll l1; ll\, th e .1111l o f 'l i.50 Iltll' oo ,o utll unt.! p ny a u 1I 111>r. ne.\' f a or, :JO. \1nn 0 '1'. H.l1Y ll o lc!$ vs A nu" 0 \ ' line (I~ • I . HIIII' 0 1 rtllLI fllj tllt.l 00 11 , firmntl. Ul'lh' r ~J t hRL de;d tL nd til IrluuIIUl\,h E> JJl uII('.

It. Cry From the Tug Bt"rtlot:i Ua.


"1:l 0 ""


lo"1 HIW t l1 d,. ." ' -

of Lbo Sflug




trick t

It Ullt.!

gl't 118




=- __ .._..

10 ...WI for $2.00

Il! mere·

rC'1 ~o8o YUill'

pals '/

Wbnt wu.s Mr6. G I'COll 1.h) IJ1~ oYer tb CI'C onywuyT " Silo wos out Ln II smit H i.JoIll line! was blow n orel' ther!) !lurhlg Ih" Hl.01'1Il," Vlcla " IIUllt ce t'ed. "~J , Ot'll(!O," tbe Officer 1I(ltll'CSSl>d be r hI! kill', "I UJJllO t r 'euse 10 tokl' your w o rd. I'll 1111\'0 tho prl"Ollcrs breagbt IlBllorc, lind It tho ludy Is rcalIy your moth r 1 sholl he g l/ld t I' rolenso ber lu s tantly." Vldll elId J,IOt ('Ol'reet hla mISIJII<c, bu a eued, "Ro'" tlo y ou kn ow I 11 01 l\ll ~i< Green ?" "Ob, I'd kljoW you 1II1yw l,cr('," h braggeel, smUt,,!!:. "l'y secn yuuqlh u. togrn llh III tb Jj~w spnp r~ AD of t~Jl . " 80 lie 111111. but Jl ot Wllh tllo 1I 11 UlO r Lucile G I'ceu uttlched lo It. ''ThUll k you el'er so l11u ch for y OUl' Idnd ll e8 ! ' ''N t nt 011." he rctul'l1 d: t lI('n, 1111· 4rcsslng the mUll 111 til dlughy.


, 11 If )'0\1 :acl


I y)

,Vl ntcr Fnahkn,. Va nil), NumlH:.r

hrtl"uaa t"'iifll

N IIIIIUmH blirin1 Numbl"t Linger ie: N\lIl l l l ct Motor Number

.......... ............. .. .... ...............

Poreca.t uf

~ llrln .. Pn.hll.ll. Slldn.g M illI.,ery E,c. ,lftJN coup"" ' &1"0.'1

Addre •• •.••• . • • . •••• . •. • • •••••••• • ••• e •• e ' it), ... , .. , ... ... .... . .. ... .. S ..I.


ISaxon ' S·IX Lhrery



We ju t

~i mply hud coutrol (lver them by ~I~ct ric ity . Hull do not :\uppo~e

e o' ••• e •

"· ·j:.r:L:.Yi.ii _ _ _ __ __ _ 5

----- -----A~O


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all his inter es ts vou anyway so 1 Will

TO ANY .UFFUtll. WrlIe 10-4.,. O'.MAllUIIOI4TOIY • ... Sc.,N.Y.Ota

Sole Agent





unrler~Ir: II('(1


,.lrlU will

h " "il';':



/lUO tl tJ LI



I iF \ Phone Ill@





r e~l d enc"

Ii 111 1Ie!! so nll! of 'el! l·pr 1I111 tlM ~ u lllhw('l!t or Lvtle Mill Illtl s ' Ilo rlh of B,IO /!"" III !I uo tho O l.}' 10 0 lind l ,e lJflnlHl Pltlll, " II

vlllt' I '


Thursday, November 8, 1917 . B pltltlulolt Rt lO o '(llook , P. IU • tb~ 1"l lo wllI/:: I'ro l'uf.l y tlI.~ If,; !i tie ,d ,It Cftl tltl :J ' b "A~", F"rllll"g 1m }ll e m IIt t!: ~('O h ig ilil ,,, I,.': t (' rl!l~ .IO l:tN W. ' In I'l W ll: l~L

A LL "IN"'S Of

InSURJll1eE WAlter Chandler

It, U. HII'O O., A 1\ L. U. L, l)t11H1 , UI"rlt.

Waynesville, O. In pur ~ u ti ~ o olf IIlH P ft)'9 i ~io n ~ 0' Ih ll III , w i ll uf ~fl lI1l1 ul W . R flg r EI, ,leo uuII d, t il e UOti l r ~ h!nClct WIll otfor ror ijll i fl lit public uuoriOtl, ou t,lI!' pr o llll ~(lA ,

)ve. PI,I!IOl ll"" IIw. I'htlf •• ;1

Hm',.. I'hon' I Hi


Saturday, Novcmber 17, 1917


I3l\gll1l1in l,! "t :l '1'01" 'k I Ill' f"l\o w


h ml"l. h u lrl goo I ~ : 1 Bpd Itoom -.a 0 1,1 F,,~hI OI'B(I 131l1l'"Il ~J J "8ml~h .'· KlI ub~ n Stil l ", gond Mil e ", 2 F neral Olre~tor "AyCl. lIye, sir." Jrl\ c b\ II 'I'"bl s, 2 Klt oh n Cup _ U "1tcPOLt Morebo I OCh rll Jl a bollrll • IJourtI o 2. Ill'll);", ~ Howlll!>: ,\1 ,t ()lI'iu~", Waynt:sville Ohio AIlQ I\SI blm t o bring lila prlHOlltll'S ' Probate Court I Wllrllrnh , .1 ( ,Ialr!l, R Ol)k(ul\. 2& . ashoro." \"" .1.. (jr n !\~" I.c UlirpA~, 1 tit, t;'flrlo r ord er , p ' chtre~ In UIEI "" ~ter o f lh s ci~ lnhl of William Z R \I to Worleo Wo od, Furnltnr(1 g rlod CHAPTER XVIII , AltitU l\ " :~KlnJ,!,{1 0\11\8 d EKeoo tors Iof\l tee of MuriB ' Mulford. lot In Ij"n ktl 1 (.:,I'~O MlfN,r, G 'l f(\ Il U l'oo l~ , A Happy Party. elo' 'w. 1:1 . A u l,EN, I£x .' outo r, dlreo t d di trlbat , oe r~alo IItooks Le banon, ' 2,100. ' Auto Equipment



r. reI' II

111111' llr. & t llte of l:Ip,r~ort J e DuingR, (\e ll'eth 'ooll to Mlt.ry L V.. ok. t nl , IlItOll rC\lFit ~ IltlOO.lItl t fil cl . '. Bm~11 trnot Iu W"YI)[\ t Clvnshlp, ern) !II '1'1'. alrll . • 1 '(>1\ \\'n~ cl VCeJl'llt II OOIl S II Est... t< or .l ohn K l nd ll r, d"CC1I80d $ 1 wIth 1\ h llnll ke r~hlur. whic ll WII/I tlc.1 Ji'i 0 a.J aeauuut uPlJrovecJ, .. Uowed ' over hl'r mo uLII, Marriage licenseM And 000 J] r Lnad . "1 lind t o gil!; th e dllm ." Cl(plIlInCll Guor ge Orebllugh, of ~orwu!k nlla E t il. l't of Alice M, K lnde.r, de the IUllr hnl. '. lie kept ~'<, 1I111/{ ull Ih .. Bon or Holsey. ot Frl1ukl1o o tuw d FIUItI 6000 0ut tHtle). time." . Clyile K. Pullou I&nd Ali lle Vir. E tu te . of JilhUYftl R , Wrl!;lIi, de. T be look wblch t Jj" dl ~I H' \' t'lN1 lucly fO ltL R il bo ld, uf MAsoD. ' lu t.ho ted bull go"" " 1'<lKI 111'''" nel cefl l\ed. FJl.1u11l o uot Illed . Sam'fI r lll)rORClllu lll· ... 1 1I·~hll l.JI ~· 1011rnccl JI~m 8 A Asbhutlcd Etbe!'Fi/lnol~ I!.RttLte (\f R (l lle rt , 1 ItlllDrs. do. Ii bolo III " I~ unrll ",hl('h ,1.-111 novcl' ooase<l. mnill, of Frnnklln Il lo I ~P l"OYtlC J, 11I1:nll ly

Olulr, lho C1 ther n rutlNl

Ileal lI11.

Estil te of

"]~eIl101' c til(' J.ill~. " lil l' .I·o,·\,nuu om· cer <:Oll'lruilutl (I. ""'II I~" \'1111I 1'I" I I'..~ I (,ll; "Willi unlll

oeo@sd .


Ex ~ou tt)r

trll n fe r 'tHock fo tltll mlltt


'n., Su g. ' <Ie. t.u tllo rlzlld to

r o f \ll o B thto of

Allua J. Hlwtw BlI , n,l IJ1lIlI ~ t r/llo l'lx . ol o ,v I d Wlu'u S r ll nt, mlnnr. O live Hmes D!L1I,jn I, V" rt V d f~ l1 d unt, ]0 t bt JlJ UUo,' 'If t h t wll! " f Mndl. lion ,I . Hio t t h l n'. n, (11'(11'0 f" l. Will a clu\itt t o I'r'1bn.t1', Will R. Lllwl ~ o PJl OIIJte, ('x Olltor. Bond t;5tJO

" Sbo docs lI't kn ow 1)11'," ' III; i' l ilHt fared, " 'It b n loot. ur t e rror. wuut to b e [clellti1le(l." "I oilg bt (0 kilO\\, blm ," " lila "'i':! , wid,edly. " I nm ~e rl O Il I ~~ l'" I' l.l" 1 , Lng un olTer or 11II1rrll1j..'e Crom 1J11O. · " Let hlth g il, t\Jell," UIO 'revcu uo UI(JU

Real 'Eslale Tra nsfers (Tl'Y 81.1 un lr li nd wlfH to


B Ill e ~Itld 'wl fp, 00 a Or o: in


' "Iern


townHhl f, L"I don 't wll nt to bo l·e loosecl." A n !l u~I ~1I ill, lr Vin to N. E . Fill': , "YO\1 bo,'o to be," The OfJICCl' ~ I ' lot 10 'ozlUlolnl n. $l. I~nced h llJl 8teruly . S . M fl ad Oil tl~ "I to DjI!tll l l' BBt . "How Ilbout tbe t elepbono mntl?" nOIll. 101 10 ~luth I... ablltl ll n, ~50, C~mll, til mOl' hn l, lIHl ull'Qd . "l've Ii' nrnllUl 1~l r fit, nllo WIllII1Ill L.lnlt got to g ot PliO llrlsoll r IUI,I'WO .·, or I I~ :<: IlI'm ~ In li' rllllidt o ,,) w O Rbll~, $ 1. IVOJJ' t clurc s ilO\\' up III De l rot!-" flt' n r v Fru\l hO llhnr/( ' to .In&1 "We'jJ fln'e st him , n ll1'lg1lt," lll(! olll· i"m n k lib Ira, ~ 1U1~11 trlloo~ in Hool l. . er r I1S~Ul'etl 111m, " IIo's 01.1 t il(l IHkll10 tOil tuwl'~ l I II $ 1 8011l1',v bCl'C!. I£'s ollly 1\ , (IU e lIOl1 r G tl rlru il .. A Z It t.o Reorcl;Jng. Now, gentl lIle ll." I molN! , • to [ ~, " It ' <ill 511 " 0 uny UIl)I)cu sun tnCS!I U"d tl, ' Ul llotl '.rnet, '" , It son· wi ll poI nt 01lt ",blelJ 0110 of y ou .. h lp, 'I. , Is III tll o e m plny \Jt te lepbono COIl1- . \" . , Bra, n Hl Oer·trade.A . Z ~lI , IIUll>·. ) e 110 t 1 Nh \11l 1.>0 forced 10 li Sle ru tl /;r ,, ' t til •• l,I " ~"W IIRbl[l, $l. nil of you who Cfl I1 11Ut [l I'OVO whn y e u A. ',J. <'1l ... ,. ~ tt' H. " l' rt A . UIl ldw ell, Ill'\! t o IU'cOlullnn r Il~O." . '10 ~ 10 !!" ' hHlIlln, $ 1. '.rllcro \V88 110 n08\'10r. No 011 0 or t.I ~, b Ol' 0 (1 B . 'trtktHI t,o , O. L e wlll . WOS onx ious t o ,tl1l1} l uforlllQI'. "" rl A o"~ Lo wl s , H Oy' i. ores in "I hR I' C U () escl'll1l l 11 '(JC H OTa,'f.) "urtlE-O I' a' lIu tl C le",o n Jl) \.; townBlous," M Ill the olllccr, "Althol11; b 0 bi p", $ :i . . present h e Is tl'I)I' ct\ ng ulltl er til n UI II\.' 1J:nll\) '. Wlllto. u< f,Cl I.lur tly Il: Dog. or K en t. n lll ' ht , al'o f ect fo Ul' hll!lle : o(~r.r., IJI "(ll'flt! In Wh hln" ou t o wn H) cll uer, (1\1I'k IIn h' I1 l1d yes"~ 111 ". i= ~. :j OO. "E.·c\I!ie me," Int~rtll n l~tl Uop\,: . 1:1. r 'I flll itn lol l Wi t)I UUI Z R',Il, "Whot IIro you going ' t il c.Io wllh ' Ille 10 1, III L dJ "' ,n . I SI1lU(!'/iler , WIlCU yo u gc:t ' 11101'1" ~ " We s hnll lIu l"e to tuke him 'to Delor ,P II C, ::)I,tl il ·tn ,\, 11 ... .BAJ) O 'tt., tJ;ol t n nd UwnCO' lc) (hc redenll l l l'i ~ VD lo t, hi " I ~" .. ,:il 1 Ilt LOll \·en w!ll·t h , 1\:",11." "\YIII YOII ' ~lve hlll1 It 8 C]1I0r() 1~1I'01?" ~~ ._~_~.~ ••~ _"!_~_ ~._~~~~~~..!!..!!..!!.!!!.!!!!!!!!! Bopp n s kec..lllo.- Iollldr. ""' hY., ye8.'1 ~mllNI Ih a ofTkcr. .,;\\~C " 'hR,'e 0 ,11'<>0(1 c;ook \III honrtl . n 1111 \\'1} would n ot dlan 'c II pr l8 11m." "All rl " ltt," DC)rm sig hed. ." 0 " 1 fi t the lies rlpJl.on 1" . I ':1'I\e ofucc r 11I1lA'betl. "r knew YO U nil tbu LIm o, Ohm s. S tep II \'cl r. eL f Il h i'1I'd, .uld wc'lI [;\l\'C ~O\l SUri: III Jul1 In 11 t Imc!." With It Willi, to I he r CHt or \I;;, t10[1P cJfmllCa' lulo t bo honl WI! b tI (\ CIlI!' OIIOI' 1 thut otuc('wl>l I\' utd 1111 I' .hc 'II II c rM· It to 6 yUl cy l 'u rl QII. . I . WllI; 1I t he bOllt Wll k IJci ug l'C)wril aWOY h p Wln'~'C.I citre', ell, . ' .I j

W'"·'~r.· t ' IH! r f' l1 li1N\l. ",", l

1111 I" ",,:' (To be Coatln" ..n .~

U:-t. ..·.·.r , 'I


Horsewl)rawn I:quipllIelll

Ad a m's Ale ' lis a Beautifier'.


Imoll"thllt you n VQf will h uY II '1('l\r wh i t' kin I1nl S~ 70ur 11I.l:>t I ~ l'II:Itt, It I 1\10 t Im n r· lont to (Irl nlt pl l' nty ot woter, from six to Clj:h l 1;111 '0 lit Int('rvo ls durIng th e IIn y. Y u sh ould lI\"old rich pn ~l n' r,'\\, 'f'ts, nlld so tllnt y ur d.I t celn},!. 1"Ii Ill' lIIuch ns DOS Ihl of 81111pl , .'n ~ IIY ctt gMtecl f nods, Fre h nlr RIICI ~xl' I'(' I ~(' 11'111 ol so help to 11lICnlll'~~, yuU

prove thl'


. DAY 011 N!OtI1


A . . McLoy,


Veterlnarve Graduate of Obiu

A bruhllm G . t:leorg o, oL.Mlddle nud l:!aslln::; Hunonl of Fr>loklln. Herburt

P Yanke8


E. Lillian

"It·s lIn


OFFICE: Corner Main and Mill -{treats

Telephon.. 28

c.,, ~




Public ' Sale of fuperal Din>etor '

0030\1:1 'il Ilrooery, matobes tar ooortb lUee $ 1 i J, I , doJeornb Mtm nfttot,urltlK Vo" du~tf'n lind mop!'

$ IO,MI; O. 101. M o unt~,Rudaol'. Ncb ool ~lII l.h.l~IOl! - tll1l1ooil,1 l'epnr~ ot sohool t:rl\a~ u rlU8 III the VII rioul! di strict" a.ud eX:llmlllll tiOI! of the trc amry for ~h e ' y enr 19f7 1 ,21:)5; ,I. '1'. Bou); . III OO ntl! for coort bontle $4.50; Tb " Fuel Surp!y 0 ') , oOl\l-Ior,o nrthou It $7:1 4 ; Frank Z'e ll . M ~ rvloe!l all jary "" IJHols~ion tl r $35; Georg .. W . _,lttok, ~ ti me 11110; Wea tl,ro StIlr: , tldvcrt.lslflg l i'1m lH fnr boldlng oirolll\ OOUtt $ 105 0; J W. Willi", Lumber 0 0" brl(\!(c 1!I~b"r '621i 1i-1 i lobn AlIlt".rJ ro.ln '",ork In O,'frfi( 1t.1 , ,town hIll 1 6!l~' ICliln K ~P noer. 11" .. 1 ""ll. lI1 .. h, o~l1t.roct. !is'! ,3(j·l i UJ 5 "~ 'o,dd lngttll), tempe/ rury rotlJ"r"Y. iu , . l v,mtuwll hip $7. 60 ; Tb e UO lre!1 ~t l.t R8 V h .. mtol)\



Real Estate " In





and 1!:mbalmerI

pruv'.ton!l ot the

1 " ~1.

WaYl')esvilie. OhiO.

of ijamuul \Y . HHKOI'8 , llocu~d. Ioho uu·

tlerolglJoo will ollor lor 8ule

n tho premlsaa. ou the

,, ~

(lubllc aucLion,


17th Day of November, 1917,

Either Auto or Horse drawn p,ervlce,

8t 2 o'c1nck I', Mr. ,~he tollowl"\!: rleacrlbOO rcal I'StMO. (o wl~; LOL I Wrlgb~ ~ AddIW'D,

Both phones in Office and ·Hesidence.

8uld re~1 OIIlut(J I. ' Iouulocl In WaYllo,O\'Hlo, Warren O nlf11~Y , Ohio, ullOn 'rblnl l roo~, '",~\r il1) OhnpmBOl SLt'OOL !lnd I' ranklln noa.l, 8I\Jd real CA,MO has boon " a~ 12.000,

'r6rma 01 n~ -



A. E l\6CIJ IOr of tile I~I~ ",III IIOiler8, lloc:ollsOcl,

or 8allluol W,

No extra charge for -auto Iw.rvice. No, 14:


Dr. ~all's Plne~'l ":'l'uHvnev "

For Coua:hl and Cold&.



j 'mltl) r "10; Monroe & .,.11 nann, . llIkrM tor u~e In oo n ntv III GO i .Ioho ,'It, 1'1<"' , tJ.ulo r"lc6 ror ~nllrd o nuty VfRIIClf~ $j2; ,'HllIek FHIIon, j ,w i/.,lr , ~ oonrt hou p/, $lll; P nllle, t.ou A Morto n , t\lt.llrry III' , .. nltor Bt ooor l II ase 161l ' , Il~ m'lt.tnr of p ptHlon for vHonllnr or rllnil "out nutlll f'Jr hUt<rillg No Vl'mbll r 12, 10(7 PIUDI' unci stlP- clli ILtlODIt for bridge ov tlr .Dry RUIl Ol'e<>k. In Fmnkllu t o\ l1 8,hill, "l)PI'Cl V(-f1 Lot' IV

------~ .--



Earth Grows Slowly Now. 10 1110 curly .III)'!! or Its hl ~ lory Ihe 'l\I'I'h grew 1·IIIJloIl .. hy I hq IIt.ltlItlOI1 ot . . ' 11I1'l co)'lc I1Illtt!))'. It I s tltlS(I'/)wlIlS In ' th'J ~url.1 IlInllll Cl r, I< 'lt~ntlHt 8 sny, I h lJIIl'lh cur ' ely til Ill! l\.Il nl'odll bl c ex· tell t, for tile 11I11~ , or lI1,e l CQI'lc nlnt tor IHlrh'(1 l' ul'ly I ~ I'U konll,l 'to he onl~' 2t),!KIn t ous, JII l'1IQ tours o'f IIges ·th IOl!gr r pl nn ui hnl" til\' pt liP J1ra~tlc· lilly IlI1 Ow frngl11 l)tlls () ( tlt o 01'11[11111 1 m ",rlliltlon, ond ~he Oilly oVllIlnbl . ilOl\t" I1f ~ lI[,pl~' or ol 'l<'ol'l c !nutter H~~' IU ~ tl1 II l)l·o\l.: ht b!' COll1(ltl!,

Perfectll'lQ Flrepro~f Paper. Il!' 1Irt1 l.'n~1I wrIH·,'n on , pape r IlJnclo (C/l1l1 n,she. os 111 r, with Inks prepnred {..r01ll the tlJ'trlt 8 of Iron nnd '~obn lt, hll 1'0 wlthslO()11 u recl hcnt tor two hI/lira without being cJlllllngCld III Iln:r WilY, No Cl1l1ll0l:C rCllultl'd until the III·

ot th

Rld~ tUlel

Dalll optimist•• Thought. I No DWl .all ucel 111 JIll Pl'Clfealoa I

~ IIII .

('0I1111 I cx l oll.-E~clIllllg0,

~o9i o,



If be tblDb IIbUelf .bon It.

---- - - .---- -


mtUl too?"

4°J)OIl ' (


It. Long Lane. .n(lpt.! orrldor Illnt h1\8 . [10 ultlmnte , ...·IIIII1I1U(ln," m\1S d the A llilM llz K tn g , d cCII~()(\, Revort Willll11n ,of LetlluJou obs nt' I1JIIIIlt'11 rl1'cI(c~s"r, us lie pa· of <'I flcu ttl r /:l upprovc d lind (lon ~u L WIIII"m", of Wllmtng firlll tl d. Fluo l OO'l unt fil e d , too 1I0d Ruth tl:c:lnll JonnllV, of lIently pl OtlcJ d IIffJunt! tile I'l.'volvloll .J or.- Dnrtmouth Jock O' Laotern. . . E~tnt(\ 111 "nt,bl t< R . tII o rr ill, <le- W !l'vne~vlllo. cell"ed, Finn l II UC()tlllt fll'(] . blu le8 J I tl'er80n, Bell villI', an d Fo~ i.e r" . ~'t{1ck ~ytl p , "In urltl l> n, ,,~ 'l'b~o. Bl:lt tba Mllrlo Willlllltl!l, dare Wyl1u , t, Ill. A plllt Ol~ti o ll to Cotnq1lsslonerl s Proceedlnlts Ex~cutor'8 sell r P1l 1 ~ 1 1 .t e , ,

aCtcr 1 uo vo 1(1.:utl II l,, 1 h~I'. " Tlto t "'IJ~ II \I',ll1(!I'l'rlll III " jl!;'lIl1oll 0 11 Vfilll' s l)Il l·t. .~ ri 1111' l'VC I 11' IIIII Cil hll il n I' r . ~ct eycH \III ';11'11 otllt'r \lI·rCIJ·,'. Mrs. 0 1' II m i-..II 1<' 11 I1d lll'C'" Vlclll •• ber u wn otl',."rll1\{ tI ~ III flU II " til" power ot NllCl'dl \\'11 \ 1'1 " IIII'.'tI 1 1~1'• "It Yo U SI1.\' ~1t .. I . Y"l h' 11II. t !it'r " I ~ 1111 I'b:ht," Kllhl \ ' !!II\ '~ ' IC' W l'hll IIIC!,~1 IlulIllllt,ly. "Y U lIIUY l'(,nw " o I Illl 1""Hi . kerchief youree I! tr J OU lIlte. 1 trl1~t fe Dr motb er will ( ol1;II'e til' til U\ , blllnder. ·ItO yon Itl toutl fy lb o' 1:1,,, 111,

WOll' t t ,p I



m Oil d~ pnrtC\l 11111] otter 11 11

lied honlJP. Alf re d V. 8noolt IIDd wlfo to Inl r n ll r turn ell' wIt h IlIrl'!." E sto.l(l of Mucl' G !lni80n, (l llCOn~ed. Ih8 nk R 'oUibs tlnn witI', 173U flO S. 111l'Crs, two or th 111 unlllls· Il'lnul ~ oco _ nt 1iI"d, 1I 0res in U ni o n to~ ntlbip, $1


, II


wus not a 8(1ul on them

q uit it. ..; We had 11 hulltl IllI ~ hl\l, Oro 0 rill \lu rl 'm os t ev e rsthlCl ij' t' 1 ~e tblll mOrll1lIt{ tlcd to top tbut, C)1f th u 111101llld . r,io n bU ll t o ' t1t t o r uhnut, two bl)\1r8 10 tbo wlllLl tl bOll t lIud r aw I 11111 in Iltn t, 80 YI'U ~o t odll:V WII~. ' II r rlll,b e r thh' uwru hlj( w .. ~, ratb.'r lako n 01>. Aud o b! y ~. I b u cl to gel o at o f !Jeel th is 1D0 ruiug Il b " ut, 2 :{~ ..110 ~u o v t'lr oUl1 helJ.! I'll' up tnrj,(fl t @f L r tbe New Y ork 10 h tt ve h ~ r r e h\lllr ~o l fUll with t""IlY . Th t; ~ lt lp Is darktlnell e\'lj~y ni g ht U (\ Wllt Il u 'olook on IIOOOUUS of 011 b e lD~ lu IIJlhonwh rowobl1vetllblloure'ol , H') Y,1U roilY IDlll a toe whllt It wo nl cl btl t o g(lt oat o f YOOl' UIItOmno., In_h ft, Uli lind )lut i$ l\way'l\nd t h eu tI r ~ !I lUI i Hu d yoer wuy down I, ' .b e ~ uttlo b u t t uud get Il drmk 0 1~ w,.t r IIlld Il1l\n !( upon til e top N w ~ u it · ~Id e . II wn lito RII D~W IIY ond ~ t· III · !>lo t b;x n. ~ 1 B , rtll !:.I(nll ll' l OIl VI! t- o Ihe h oot lIod '111 II 1(0 ,t oouple 01 R Hy tJ11)ud • au:. B,lbtll rely , II1 f l II III I bt' ol\rk Ilnd fix tu rg et,•• I<'IOf/II 'UIl 'b llflt·()U Vii . ,eo GIl~r ! . Wil li, w e 1\1'0 going IoU fir e v ur b l~ tall. l.Ilv (lrCQ ; neglect-lI lld olu ul ty . t o nrteell .l oo h /,IUOM , li t ur dn~' lino l' h e Mutl otom UI ~tl llln g ( )o VB theo I r eokou :W" will 110 101.0 till ,10 I,ll £:Ill lrl, MOl CW OUO "HI" ,lof. N o rfo lk nwy Yll rtl~·. Wbeu w e cl o mo p t r ~()n lv r . AtrlOli ll t, I l\ ltn ~d ( 11 m going t o try lind gu t Il forl o ug h, I cno t ell you · "hout II n ou cd 111 $H ' ~ , . Wl lbor N, 'pn r !! v NOlloy .1. Hllr. t,hltl(!S [ Da'le.l!tlcn und done If it(nce. 1\ d Mn q ' E KorfllO'" M Ollo.v; \\lOnld ll1t ertlst you Hn y, beite r t b on J 08n write th f'll1 Ho I tllink LiIE\! C10Hlllllt c l n1ll1ed . "-2G wit h \r)l lHPs t. wil l 110 fo r thl 8 Urn". l:i oplnK .bi ll FII'E1 dol; A F o oue ll VI! M&rltl 8 , leFt r 11'nrl .. yo o w e ll und d Q1I1(l fin ", F~nD .. 11. l1i v orCl i "dnl te ry. 1 lUll, R oxlo A: Prloe vs WIlII,or Prloe. Y ou r tr-ie lld, lJivorce; CI uelt " ud D • g li!b~. 0. • MODd n All II.


"Ii_",_bl!n III Ibe United StaleS" the Red Cross canteen semce i, In jJUliq blcklloud and rorw~rd from camps or en _baa:lc;ation for n~er overlooked when the)' truIIrer jIoiat or are del in tranut. EfttY town 'lIP" tIdI eernce. Tbls " one of the lint Pktw'ee of the Red "OIl die job." '~trolll' train has Hopped at a station ~JitCtit~ - di&triba~ UI1dwieb~ toffee aad ~ ~~~., . Tbi _ 11 I,JpicaI of die wDrk

(Gonl inued from page.> !)

I wH! . tell you about one certain PUl'l ",Ithough nil six of .the reels were good. It was where we had eontr I of the ~eB with electricity. Where w -would send out hundred s pf hipS loaded down with oil 6u~ In· tq the Ilnemies' ranks . aud . then by 8ilnply t urning B little battery et I; ra to all of them-:- ' You know the «'St. I!;ve rything for II thou sand miles around was a Bea (If ' flam e. ,II hlng had a chance 1·0 live in it. It. "ho wed where ship after ship und s u b marine afte r s u bmarine was uu rlloo up with ut ver having a 'ha nce to light for their lives. It' i ' n picture that will make anybody think who e s it , Und rsu nd .tha t lhl! boats o r ships full of oil that we eR't out wer e not mann ed . There



l'EClALo--a 1_.. 'or .$1

'I. ""


-In my )ett baUll Ulmer ye t nOt'k e to" t \I H. 1)8 Ilnlshed. " A 1'<'I' CIIU C t II):'/,' B oPI' l'epe lltc' ll. r, founel a lint loaU,er m sl' III tbo. "What Is s h <l oh llr bCl'!"I" IJOCket bo bad Indkatcd. ' <JJlelll'd tho "I,ct' ~ go IIl1el illIll Oll l.'· cue, and a bllnatu) ot crumllll'd tobac· Tb~ tug CII IIl ' In uS fllr (IS ~htl tlilred , co feU eu t. nnd th ell nil { fJI (' r cmuo II ' lw1'Il III II 'Tm a fmld I IIa t on It," I eald a polo- dlngby , '-


Pfens l:ollrl

tll'l R ' Inlr's cmtrn~~ I 11l~lI l ty . "''I'll r lm t d lllnillllrr. lotI r",III " 1M :llrs, ' i r 'clI, 11 111\ I h~ ' I( Hc,;t1l'IlJIIII' If!,. IlOt !lIUl ~I ol uc'y, l lUt l u Ihl' n a l N I 0 1 Ih " IIIJpllc'llr i.lullf Mr. I •. , . 1" ,1' II wl'lI hi \\' Il 111 rnry I ~ ' I\.g C', t I I, I, II\lt-Il'I:'~ 0 1 tbfl , l<,Vll li1o\ ... IH'1I I 1. 11 111L' rt 0 I hIli It CJf nUHI, " ~tlHH, '(he n'\"cnu(' u ln4,'cr'~ I ' ('(~ r~~ lI . Ib~1I ~1 " IIFl\l l1 P lllill .t" . •1) 1 fl' al II lIu~lJl v lou IIIUII C illO., h lttl hi", 'y~ ~. ' /1 III clOl die I... oj '1 41 Iii" II '" lito.'",\.

Copyrlgt1t by Fra n k _ A. Mun.ey Compa n y.

Dot Ilmoklug at Jlrotle nl~ "


11111'0 t lit! 1'1',\11': l'tIr· lItll ry On- VI> 'j' lI n u illH Urr. UI_ Illl 1 Ih "l\~hL l ilt'· I vO lra, 1t1,,1 l'n~tud' <>I Ollllcl f 0


Interesting Letter

hl'nt WOf! Incrt'fl81.'d COU· th


W118 .


for t~n bours. It 18 esturtb\!\' c!xP(lrlwl'otatlon nndltudy ""11 I'olult 10 the perfectloo Of 0 PDIIer. ond tDk ladeflQRe(! 10 It V~ctecJ 111M

-.cUble . .


Are You Wasting The Price '

Of a' Ti~ £nsine? .

TITAN engine~ run on ,kerosene. . Av.erage cost 'of gasoline so -far this year, 16.9 cents per gallon.

Average cost of kerosene 7.7 cents per gallon.

Gasoline COlts over 100 Rer cent more than keroHne. Gasoline .is going up sfeadily. Kerosen~ is net. At present fuel prices· Titan engines, using kerosene. save their owners ,a bout I. I cents perborsepower per hour. . Are you mn nin~ a gasoline engine l What horse power is it 1 F iguro wha:t to.ul d ~c saving if you had a Titan keresene engine. Rather surprisil!i! isn·t it,? How long would it take that saving to pay for a TdaD.engine of th.e same size I

International Harvester COlDpaDY of Aaaerb , -. (~ .-




G'AZ E TTE ....


I' ul u~

d bl

Ihe 1',&1 )ll('ll

D. L.


\va~nfnll le,

l lhlu •• ,

~ ,,( i.d

I l IP'





,II "

P ANE, E ditor and] If Iisl'cr

, ullserintion P rice, $ 1.50 per yesr

1917 I

II In Ill>! '1lIpt 1, ~"t wb t lt l' r t h ey or a.(Jllolid Iy • w r i I I I' ll 1111' boy tI or lur f:l ill ~, IlV tl r,vl1llfl en j t)y~ tb e m tu Ih" 10 11 . '1 h" 11 I hlll'e ti t'e spIlci" 1 ",I,see for ~he ll' Ullll h' , Buy~, <31 rig, A lot of ~oo'.1 lo rt llu o I ~ III Ht f) r ll II lid Il VOl U for li tt le hll dr II-w illie fur ~b"He h , udttii,l ",b .. ur". nil 'I'll " ~II H E ll ll o l'lul 1"'I!I', Gur nm r. I" VllD t~ Y oul,h'M I )" IJ ' Jln llilJl1 .. \1 bHorl ptilln 111111 II Ul'Clor 'l\ 'orner ~ulJ\lly IJII ~h e Hot ro r JOI ' -'!..Yl'llr of olaBu r r t' ctll\r t;welO r ~ of \t h ~ fU lIlll y for /:';10(1 'l'here will h I> 12 Rlur hl l1 ~ ~u rlnl (.or rllll ul ll l;o; . ~ nd 1111 .. Plutl 'J u l" I' fel\~t ICro up Q\"tI .. H, rUI '!l iul( I rlll il II 1(1 1'1 1<' ell n com from no ,)t,\I r ~o O\'OU w ~ r "lory h y GrIlOU. itlobru " Ij(\ T he Com \lblll 00 fl \ono Is $2.00. IIlIIl lurll un IldVe utnr AH hy J ,,,no but by -1)001111 ur rHn g trl Ant OdW Wllll1 l'd noliulla, to th o u n rlVll led ~ Il b,.o rlb o r " f r r 'I'bo ('omjJuUlon enu t ,lltltl , f f IUl ur d UY8 by U. A. S t". II I~o , by uUU l ll1:\ onl V' 25 Of'tltH, h nv .. pb rl U8 /d l) '1I11'S Mng/lv.lue 11)\' 1!l 18, bot,ll Tbe ohorm of UO IllI)llnlfln s turlll H (Jllbholt tl OIi H I"r ollly $~ 2&. 'l'h iH tw " .n~ vIllI. jl r lc (,ft er In· oludes : 1. T h e Y outh 'l! C mpuoioo- f>:l ISbues 10 lYl • Il. All rl' [JI o l nil\~ lU I7 1 8~ u es 01 'rite Q lmp uoioD f r .. o. a. Th l :(lllll'"Ul ,)n B OUl O C,den. ' dllr I'or 191t;. . 1. MC(.;I1I1 '" Mugllzl ne- 12 fus blon II o ttl be rtl In 1918 All for only t 2 2r,. 1' B E YUUI' I:i ' ~ 'UM PA N l N, • '0111111 110 weLl lth A VO., B n~to n. MU 8S Ne w Hub oriptio ull R eoelved 11\ t.b I" Offiot) ,




As Writte n by Our Corps of Able Correspondents in the Neighborhood '





A tem pe ra.noll t fllk WO K hlid at th e Mr. Ilnd Mrs . 'r " nk Sft .. nlev h ·,rl uS M r . William .1 0nep, of :Xe nl~ . W"lt er ~ p H nL u h w dnyt! t ills woak with her To wn a ... 11 SuudllY ijfternooo , oon · t holr I(U e~tH !St; OtlIlY , Mr p

d uoted by th o oolo r ed peo ple, of this Ltlo.v lIod Ibr('e oh ll dr l'lrl, Mr. I,IIOV '!\ v loin it y . fat be r 10 I,I \,\, . Mr. n ud M r~. Fnok Ie n. Mr ami Mrs J . B. V ... nde r voort, Vonlllin, ? t WIIUlIU t! IOll , of nellr b e re. oall ed ou Mr~. Vnnd e r. n \e Mills " od Mur yl;"lIe Eh roo r voo r t ~9 brotbe r. Le vlOY Kmg, on rhe W. F. M. t-l. m,lt 'I t Ilt ll h " me I:! UO d dy. of Mrs, W II !Lll r Dedr iok I:l .. tunlu y 'rhe e ute rt m ent g ive n by th e afte rooon . Ci vio leog no WII S .. 6UOOOIS . Mr flnd Mr8. E ver ett Elulne8 e n. The mo.' war-plcturea W. P. MoCllrren, oor bUllt·llng 'ertalDed t o !:' nurluy d in ner , Mrs . the 6.., war-pktur.. J(ll r uge mfln , is rnonlng un date Baines' parenll!, Mr an d Mr" : B. C. plaoe whloh 18 v e ry oom(JI1Ulontory ORrey and BOD, Berbert, of neAr fir.t, In tllimll,hll. . to our t own. Mr., John WIISOD la spendlr g George M Edwordll 11:1 plfl8tering th e pioture show hOllse at Wa yne@. several dAYS wltb r e lA t ives oeu CamdeD, Ohio. ville. Mrs, Joe Davie. Mra. Loyd DIl'VIB R. O. Garner Is palln'lng a dwell. A House Quest. DR. J. W. MILLER. iO Il f or Geor ge Denny , of n ear here. a.nd 80n, Ceoll, spen& 'l'!lUraday after. "She's n bouse guest of her motber ." Sbreddfn g fodder II! belog lodulged 0000 Wfl,h Mrs Lee G bge. of tbe "Thn t's II Queer expression. She Uves In dfl v .. ftar day lind will be nnUl Lowe, Bellbrook pike. at born e nil tho ti me. "Well, s he slta •.• DENTIST••• Mr. Bnd Mrs. Ga.rdeld P eterson arou od wWle bel' motber docs t lle the orop i8 fully devoured. w{) r k Cba rletl Gray hl18 pllrobused a and doughter, we re 8 un4&1' gneatll Waynenllie. 0 building lot of Mrs Mary Finch, on 'f Rlly JODes and wife, of Trebeinl, West Malo s tree t Mr. Gra y wlll Ohio . Mles Frnn ce~ Wllsoo , o r Wllmlng. even t ORll y build" bUllg lllo w it h 011 mode ro Improv e m e u t~ , whloh will ton, 18 ~v e Ddlng several day s !\t the home or her p lt.rents , Mr. und 141'1. Impro ve our town . HATHAWAY A m eeting of the ,A If! soolety will John Wlli on . Mlssos Lellih Bogao, Olive Wlleon tUN e plaoe 'l'hur8day , Nove mber 8 ~h . FOR RENT WaYDIIo! vtlle 'II Lea.d~na DeIl"1t at Mr8. Ibbie Coll tltt 's , of W e~ t Malo Bnrl 1011 Compton, Weld on WIII.'oo, 8treet. H you ore al member, be PaUl P ~ ter80n onl\ Evao BOR"n ai, ID B nlnel Bldg. Mt.ln S, Not So Sure. 'ended Ule leoture 0 >Drse OS Waynsil preseot. OBACCO Ground for reDS. Ap Th n ~('rrt'11I r~' llf n ~ocl nl club " 'n your Mr . aod Mrs . Ep b Castelio, of ville Frld!\y nlgbt. ply a' tills offi oe. 014 pr e~" I\ I c ll n C\ l l· ~ I:I~R 10"lng cup. HIs -by th o lal le or tt, d eaor" tl on" Mn. RRym ond Wll eon and Mrll Vlllrknl1le, were !;ulJldav g oests of sen 'nut ' u n· ~~·('t1 Ihe object the ne.d rId ~~u :rt: ·~I~~I~oat~fIISI ~r'e'~e": Barvey l:Iawklns Bre 00 lbe siok list. r e l .. ~1 vel!. 1nol ol tn th o fh) rln • • (I OI1't tM.k~, morning. "I.(Iok nt" Ihl m tbred Mr lind Mra Boraoe Vompton Mr. IlDd Mr~ B arry Shlduker and MONEY LOANED rln ~lrc·i~:rt:·t1hg:~o~:{'::!I~~ff hnlHll es on (h' I'ltl'llI'r," so ld Bridget. I alpert, . on h oul e t!ttln. . w h o l wo ohlldre n Sunday ed with Mrl!. ~nd dllng b rer. Ina May. oailed 00 "Thpy lenow If I hl'en k one ot thlm ~!v. a4vloo tn tbo N ovo mb l r " :JUI Mra. Alloe Wslton Sonciay IIftern oon We have a large stock com- Lou t1ll rIIlL . Opto metrillt bnnlH II th ey'n hove t\\'o Ill'ft. nnd It 01 Dr. Knt! Mr8 J . El Wlthllm, of Mu Walton Is very Doody a'thla ONEY loaned on live stook ahat. br~nk t wo th ~y' lI hu\'c' one left, so ing in, several gra des. Come King!' Eyes tested ~free HOUle & Garden writing. MtJls , were olll1 'l ng 00 friend s tell!! and !leaond m o rtg8lrell. they'll alwoys hn" one. T h ey will, in and look them over. U Hou •• PLUIIUIlC Number bere BaodllY. Notes bought. John Barblne, . J r .• MIllS Moolrula BunDell Is soffer. will they ; I'm not so sure Ilbout What to e.-peo t or \h e .r"ehlt ef"t : Allen Building, KeullA. Ohio. mB will pay you. Mr. aDd Mrs Robert Carr were log with a feloD un her tinger. the 4 eeorattvtl YD. hJ 't of WC10 d_; t he tbut." De. !Hn.lq 'abrJc..8aturdlAY and Sunday gues'ts of Mr. and Mrs. Joe MoMlllfin Ilnd Younce · Bros. Grain Co., tbelr ohlldren. Mr. and Mrs . Ed ~wo ohlldren. of nesr Waynesville, 16 Sp~ial Article. Wa.ynesville. Obio Uarr, of 80a~h KloKmllD . FOR SALE • Iyln. orl .. lna1 I nd: va lu,U,I., Itt !!". aUended ohnroh here i;unda.y and tr'Y~t 1::" 1 mak o y o u r b OWItt , 'o od t o A. Do uble I·hader. Andrew Colli 08, II pioneer oolored Cook dinner with their lion, Robert ... BA~NHAQT. IV .sley hOll bu II tolrl thnt two en· oltlzen, of tbls ~Iolnlty, waH fonnd MoMlllan lind wife. Special OfEer--S luu •• 'or $1 Bub BIlliard Room . Save plI llIng on trn ln Is cn ll cd 0 glnes rJ elid In hed one morolng lad weelr, Notary Publl~ (lis. If ,ou ""\lODd prumpUr' decided \0 80 '0 Oalifo1'nla ,.nd Mn. R . II: JObea oalled Ob Auut doubl e Ii ' nller. It ccntly he ntt 'OIled leevlng no relallves bll~ all WAre hll Bead no monlty n nw Unllll"l >""U wl ah will lell my Billiard Room a' onDe. Esther Compton Bonday Bfternoon, to-Jual mall Lbo ~("'lo'U.D. l "Hl~.. a we,l<Ung II'h r two. laters mll rrled frlende. Re wu laid '0 r8llt In . _ B., tDv"'meD. ID 'own. See ,I ... AU .tn41 of NO'ln',. Wcwk, W,lIIt t:\\10 broUwrs; hmil brl<1es being given -------.~.-Jooqb'. Ran Saptll,I oemfl'ery. Ho.... A Card.a A . Wlal&aore, W:a'De8~l1le, O. n~ll aD4 Deed•• MpeoI.1Q>. owny b y thei r fn lh!!T. All the w~ 'hJlde ~ W. 411b ~I""", N. Y. O. Dunle! U nderwood 1111 dillpollog of proec slon .1dvllue ud wl t1l Ihl) brldetl S.ntfl m. ""'0 nu m~",.. af R vllff" A: INGLl!: Comb White Legborn Oar1Jtt nl ba l .lnnto .. ,,·! th u, NhMr. "nd M'r@. G eo Bogan enter his floe applell a. fallt all 'hey are In tho IQoll h > IUcltedly exclnllllod: ... ,mbe r t• • u . It r. ulllJtlnUtfllil HlIl t ploked Oockerell, D, W. Yonng a\rain, It Ibl. o rtl tlr rc:kf'lu~. YOU prnntlHI)' ~ "Ob. look , mn nlltul l Bere comes a t alnod on 8uoday Mr, a Qd Mre. Price 11 ~~ eaob . Pbooe B.2 Mrs. Wo lfe and fawlly, MI ~s AUle Wolfe. t:!pv<lral MaeoDI.fromn here attend. ~:~ :;~L,~~n~ht~, ~tl~jtJ' OI!~!'III!~ I~i doublc h nd cr of ~ rlll c!l." Elale M. Bawk!l, R. D. 1, Barv4l"S. herew ltb (O ft ) J ",111 r ,.m lt I' UII Wm. Duno IOno flOUlllyand W .. lte r ed ·the Muoolc mee'llll at Wa.yn8l. r~lI l rJ t ot lt lll. (Fu r O'I G'n H .t bnrg.Oblo. d12 Dunn lind wife. of t)lIver Gro ve ,l\1e on Friday afternoon and nlsbt Ca.oa\lta n $1.:5. ) Na.m e •• • • . •• •• • .•• .• .. ..• •• ..• •• aod Mrll. Barley Miller anll dlAugh. or lallt week. Tbebeet Ilne of Beating BtovelaDd • ( r IG"'(! wilt " Vcry u tlll nl)') RanKea to ,his par' of Ohio, and 'he month'. 0111 male oalt., nlo«, ID. "here il loore Cnl. rrh II\' t his lI!etion terMcalled In the I1fternollo. , .Ad~r"• • • . • ••.• ••• •• •• , . •• • •••• • O. J, Ole aver ia gallDtlli no'orlety prloes ate low. aa 1 boogh' 'bem be. dlvtdual, rOlln oolor, iD 800d 111 Ih. counlry Ilutn a ll olber diuasu I,ut Cl l)' •• ••• • •• ••• ••• • . Rt ft ' Q• • .. , ,.•• Mr, '[·b os. JlAmee ao d F orres\ Tlb. DII a praotioal farmer. fore 'bela8~ 'wo advanoes In ttieee oondltlon, and "Ill aeU reasonable PP. t.. . 11 .1f' loget.her, n lld lur YM .. It WIIS .uppo.ed ·.1IlI1~P 10 he incl\rH ble. Doclor. pre crlbed lOCAl brtl fl, of Dea r I.. ehanon, Spellt t;onday Mrs. W. A, Men"!I, M.III.Oeeell.. \COods. DOD 't pu'lt off, 8' they are 01\11 on Fred Elbon, Wayn8!1~'1I1e, ' 1 91 \ h r elatl ves hera , UW ~1-61 tl "''11),, ·r~ lIIed ie~. aad by COIISI...1I11 y . f"itin!! tn Harlan, Mra. IIlmma (JlIne and lion, golnlf fllllt, and 'he next will be 01110 . nll OlnllolWl_;:) .I0J pailS CII ro wi! It; local I r allll<' nt, pronvlIlI cd Mr; and Mrs . Ernest Ma nn on lind MOli, were Darton T181'orl! 011 Bat. verymuoh hlgber. At 'heollst&nd. -ou.nt_w.aoa ' JOIIt'UOIP it illc Uf nhle. Co tn rrh is R h)cu l fti sen.SC, (lI1l1 l,1 hlOrti Rot h flnd Glenna Rod u rday llllt. BUil' n I Aq VlOS OW aDd Pigs for lillIe . loq'ulre of A, B. SIDES 1:,... " ll y i n flt .r u r~d by CQJI ~ I it III ional condi· Mr. l1od Urs . G80. Duvls s p ont un. 'm.1I ll:i1P 03l1.1 1UbEa ~ T. Marla", WayoeaviUe, '-alm all1 n, p.:u~JJo I t lif. ns Dnd til r~ fu re rr quirescllns tltutiol•• 1 Mr. and Mrs. Barlan Baney and Ohio. R. D 1. D14 dBY afte ra oo n with Phllip WWtaker ".1011. ,oJ ~pnll1Vt .VI4\ Ireutmenl . Hall'sC'tl u rrh Mtdidne. mnn · two o.b lldrlln were thsDday gUM'1! uf e lu red by F J. C he ne y & Co ., T o ledo, and famllv near Morrow. .'.ID'M '''VI of Urs. Lou Harlan allld family. Ouroo Jeraey Bou, 18 mon'ba Ohi" , is a 1'0 lls lilll t imiai remedy, is ' oke" 'IDftl .ulll!f .. MI ~s Morle Rloh lind Ma~ter Riliph uld. eligible, and In flne IIbape, The M. E . ~uoday 8ohuol bad a I"I u ull ll y und ac ls IIIIollgh the Dlood n Il RI c h ~ p e Dt Wedn e~day afternoon - ,(lII"nb Inqnire of Wm. Onmwingll, R. D. 3, very in'ere!ltlag program and it waa IIle M"cous SurfaceR of 1)1 Syol c m . One a~.OJd JO ~l 1Jltl J;) 6.115 Of w Hh MItiS Belen Bllr~8ook. n14 ~Id 3al.u,. ,( 3 UUJ \Ju e Hundred DolI,'rM reward j ~ olTered f nr well rendered. The bOYB OU'Dllm- . We are!buying . al(kinds of Wayue!lvllle, Ohio. ''IJoJ "(loo d» )o )(";)U(' 0141, nil )' r a se thl\l H nll 's Cata rrh Me,l iein. 'l'he ,Junior Pllsollla Ulub wlJl bllred tbe men, andl 'be 'rea' II DO p.:.dw"l l aEDlli ;aql I f twO-yeal .old-l!ol&nd Cblo" Boar, foils to cure. S.nd f" r cir.ulnrs Ilod tes· m eet witb the MIsses Ednft Bnd on lhe.' ou~nombered. grain and are paying the very .llgM "bout ~on Inquire of B. , . . Martba Dlll>theru ~e OD 8at·urdIY. ti,,:onials. Poaitive-Convincing Proal F. J. CRI,N I1Y &_<0 ., Tol. do, Ohio. Mt e ru oo n . ~~~ 'SO~8 ' ro90~ Mr .. and Mrs. 8. IJ:. Wlllon, of highest prices the market will O. Atklnlon, R. D. 8, WaYI18n111e, . !Jay too, vlal'ed their parentll, M~. allow. Remember. we will Ohio. ,Id hy D rug ~ I ' 5, I ~C , ." n7 It II all very wen to make ..claim.. "H oll' s Fa milv Pill s for. co" lfi patlon. Mrll Gull ray ood daoghtera "net Mrl. Frank W1Isoo. on Sunday buy any amount you have but can they be proven? We pllbllsb lInd Mre. B orm el, of near Utloa NE 1914 'Ford lind one No. 490 the formula ·of Vlnol . to prove the Frank Forlla\lel, of Oa,lon, lPen' from one pound on up. at OhevroJel 'l'ourlng Car, b,J'b ·.In'.'Jlull spea \ SundBY with Ahtj h Collier Bond .. , wUh family here, atatement. we ml,ke about it. i n goo d oon dltl on. I oqu I re 0 fCh ev. .aodlDl ·'11OlD II and wife, . . any time "come." llltlq ...IIUPOUI"",b ~ 'ircJa~=.:n:u=~t~~~~~:~·!:'":~~ Olle of Cbe pll)neer oltlzen. of our role' Balea ii-oomB, Woyneav11le, ~. 1 n q ' .... 0\1.<1 mouium (lltrate. Limo 00DCI1Ioda 01)'. ...... Mr. \lnd Mrs. JaB. Gray spent vllilige and who III wellllnown from pbeepllat... Cucarta, Younce Bros. Grain Co., Oblo. · n7 01 IV \n.w.8vnr Sunday in Borve.V 8burg wl\h Lon t be A~lantlo to ,be PaoU)o, but wnb . .~_ _~ ~.M.OJUo.cuo.(,all , -...,;;:Zoll:....-J. An, doctor wln..tell you that theWaynesville. Ohio . La·"llor, Bnel wlfo, N Iil-Good Range ood ooe good ~ IllJI'eCUenti of Vinol as published ble wlqe ' 80qulllntaDoI, he II not .bove. combine the very elements BeAting StOV8, oheap , If 80ld J~AI!S Mrs.' O e'>. Ellis and dAu g hter Miss vain. He hlOt! had bls troubl81 but Boon. R III Davia, Wayn8n1l1 e • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• Deeded to mae strength. V etltll Sj.llln t Monday With Edwin \he' other fellow oonld not ~11 It, he Ohl'O. ' . 117 AU weak, run·down, overworked hos been a great 001'0 hnllkltlr IOnd Mur tin /lUU wife What Tex.. Mule. Like. nervoua men and womon may provo Another thing th ot Indies who go to M r Durt Mrs T h os. ~Ioh ,.nd 80n ooru onUer but It Wll!l alwlIY' done ~"~"""'~~~~"""""""""~ this at our expense. ont of Bellilon . On8 ' Ime be WIlB the forms must understand: Cussing. 'R~ l p ll ncut. mVlloiPci Mr . ftnd Mrtt. Tbere it nothing like. Vinol to reo .. rre.ted for Dothlng ooly he Will 81 tbe mules Is not II matter of brutal • • • • • • • • • • •!11• • • • • • •~._. . . . . .1111!1. . . GET IT AT nore nreorth and vitality to feeble L~iltllr tiarfuo" t o 1i',1Irtield /::Sona "y 1V0rk ; be did not wony a"ou' 'he aoger, tor these gentle nnlmnls ore otd .people. dellcllte chUdren and aU anel @peo t 'ha d l\.I·. worll' aud tbat hal bOEln bls ~ay of altogether lovnble. It III merely bepenon. who need more atrenlth. 6rlu ~ y onr pol ~ ors ul on g when Hvlng aDd hlle added toany Y!lllla to Tr7 It. If f.ou D~O not entirely sat· cnuse It 18 the mU81c tbot mule8 love Ilfled, we 'WIll return your money you 0 ' Ill" r.o W I.In re L ~I\ ~u" Sutur. bill life Be beJleves til leUlng Ibe bettor thon all others save the rulltllng without question; that ' proye, QIU dllY ev tl hlnl( .." I.h e r l;l 18 ~ o be 0 Qtbflr fellow worry; h.e la eojo.l'lnr of oat8 ODd the rattling of the corn In .WA YNESVILLE, faime.. and your protection, I "80Ipol og pur ty " tllte r the progralD !tllod he,.lth keep. \11f1l1b081 poilihecl the trougb.-Bouston Post. jU'8 ' the same wben bill wlfele"way J, E. Janney. Druggist, WaynesVille from bome al ehe d088 wbeo abe il at· home ~ If "t any tilDe yon ebonld Are you going to build a House? } bflsee klng ioforma'lorllteer olear of tbls buno\] of outene",-lIe really Are Y9u going to build a BarIl? believes that maoy a. lOaD baa oon. Are you floing to build a·Garllge1 vlo\od l)ltDself, and knowing tohe' Are you going to build a Hog Pen? lel1l!t Ba ld WII8 the qulcke.' mended, MI . UDrl M I S !Jhurl ~ ' ro~B, of he enj')YR a good ' Oll(ar', hlA ohoioe 18 Are you going to build Q Poultry House? Le bl~nMI . w tl r " t lie SUIlUn .v tt nllMt H Aft-her Ii George M I)tl8 or ~ollJrumer of /-lJ 8 IlI tt,er 'H p ~r e ll ts . Ilr . hl'd Mrp. It· wOllld 110 .. bllrd ID8.Uer to switoh J () t ll) Mot:l1 rtly . . h rlln (l~ n n him IlII be 101 very 1l8tote. Mr .... "'1 Mr ~ J o hn. TH)' lor hRd fl S Durhll( ,·he Oivll Will' he "'.1 on Ih . lt uu. .t,~ I.he 'vee l< .. nd Mr, "!lei doty. but ... t al\ t.i1ll68 wbflre d(tol(p. r Do You Want Tobacco Doxae!. .•. • , ... . .... .. .................... Bee ?tladden Mr ~ . F rll tl k P ..rll e r flurl 8011 . " nrl 'VIi .. f'M ~() gre9.t "ad .. ' hen Uuole :-;um billl no to IJlln@ t oo hIS meo,l1e Do'You W~n~Ccmon tT ...... . . . . . .... .... . . , ........ . ......... , . •Bee Maddon Mrs Am v Po rk e r, r,t lhy r.,m, " nd MAid t,o h Im : ' W hat Wfl ~ .y ,lur dnty?" MI !I ~ (.;l)lInc\ " (jrhl ~t, n f Frn Do Vou Wa nl Lime or Pla.lerl ., ... ..... , . .. . .. ..... . . .. . . . . . See Madden Mr. (In,. Mrs F . W . ROMB gll1, of I'tlll h tl ""Itt . "1 ounu(l$ Ilnderllland vo u; ~' IIU wlll bll ve t·o I!pABk Vhurlilit '. W<l ro ChA t-Iuud .. y I! U fl8 \~ Do ~ou Want Any Kind of ', Umberl .. .. : . .. . .... .. . .' . . : .... . Be. Madden of MI', lind Mrs. Rufu 'R ,, ~ollgll;l. 111I1\1,e r. -bot 1 eXJl~o\ lit Is ... U wl8ht, but L think 1 !1m flnUtled to wore Do You Want' Shingles? ...... . .................. See Madden Me. Hnrl Mrij .I .. ~ ., I:\ar·ri@ond CbllD tb..... Bot Uoole 8 ... m 10 hl~ . famI ly, of .<'> beln, ~ Jl8n' wls!t olD II.nd jndj(ment lah blm no Do You Want Felt Roofing?, .... . ......... , ..... See Madden d Urlllllv w l~h Mr, aDd Mrs. WID. IllgMOY for: hili luture w!'ltue, lind , Kl r. llllio n It being DPo ll ~Nary flf t er.ll of 'hat Do You Want Fence Posts? . ........... See Madden. Mrt' J"n o Ll\u~d o n h0 8 r"turn 611 to g At lotu ehe flolloola) !tDe 01 hOlUe attAr .. " eXlilnd erl v l ~ l t w\l.b IIr "~re~8. onll for mnny years his Do You Want Farm Gates? . .. ............ See Madden (rle nds " rill r\l llll,lv:ps io Frailkllu. Infillenoe W~S I eQullb, ,,(ter by the The 1I)110Y frlood .. t Mr. FlAIU}' p ..lillolltll . Bot 1\1006 tbat hu ~ beAn Do 'You Want a Veranda? ......•. .. ... ,See Madden OAoker wIll be 1(1111"1 tv Innrn Ih .t ba erodle~tfl d fr nm onr lAnd he Is a Is a.ble to 1)9 au ugbio ·.. ft e r hll! re- lJellovt' r ID pr e l,nr.edoe8~. oeDt illness. ,. ....- - - - ,. Do You M~fJ, H, . Dellrt.h Hnel Mi~M Luel. Want 111 Defl:,rIoh ~ lJent. Wo(lnegtl llY at Red T,tnl), I"" .-, . ~ ,~ nt l'I\r, anel Mrs . Burled Alive I~I Tree. Ben' BlnolllJ,, "". .As slime workmen were felling tim· Mit!" &1111" b t. 1l HhRtl far "pllnt the ber In Sl'Otlnnd. tbey dI scovered 10 tho . W centor ot Qne or the tr,eea 0 cnvlty In Do you WIlIl~ to borrow a dime? week-e'l\! Wllh It f Vtlre otsilt ,,'hlch were the t:emnl!l@1 ot ;Int. The • '.00 MltddoD Mtddlot" .,U. ~keleton wns entire lind 80me hnlr of Mr~ . Murtls I " ' ~rn ell -Rill Illllv!l l n sondy color ':ret ' reml\lne<l on the 'rb b r811.... for PI'" , 1.~, Ar lconll, skIlL It Is c9nJectur~1 that the ti~l. It you don't want anything at all, SEB I'/Ii .. rA "~\l will j 'II \l.l1r hnl\b~lld (nn~ 01111, .hnvlng entered .a · boll ow Pllrt· ot of l'pW' l( b ,roo yonng Wtl,,) wbo the tree, W88 nnabhi tQ extrtcnteltlelf, i\()W Illllrl ~ 1hn rll nk of 81'0' ,nU . lIeo . nnc! ~p. wood In ProceII'8 of "ean hat! ,el1 .. nt . · , grown around It. . ' Metlllr .. . () ~ I)'ot.... n , of '.r('8t1_ "Iollfl , W '. C. F.. He WI t t.. of I!lQlhbwn, \\ . VI •• IHI,I a,.v 8Itnk \oQ . of Ure .. uvUle, O. were tho week e"'ll!n..~'" ot Ifltlndllin Rprinjf. boro, Ir h'l retl1rned co ht, bl)m" tlft~r .pendlns qulle Il while tn thl ...... Oba.:


You are judged by house


Ulutil er Mr~ . Aowil ,I tlo kso n . ')1rA Fay Mor ~un und c hild r e n jlalllnCl Mild rll(l speut ODe dllY thi S. lVee.k 0 t Dllyton. 1I1 rtl. Goorge Brutto n; of Da y tOll , l' I"lIeu h ll r Iste r Ihe p ~ 8t week, Mr .J. '1'. MUTI lll t lind fnmlly a[1 u ' 01.) cluy tbls w tl ... k at Lebono n. Mr. WIIII~ I,[ Brnu llock, wboae fRebl" h Ollltb we lluve r e p ort ed so II1llnv t tnleN, w lll l'l)e nd t hlH winter a t bit e t3oldlor'$ Bowt', Duy t on . . MU Elter lo ,I o ues wo s th e g u es ~ of It lli IotTuodwotl1e r I:l ut nreluy liod I:lu nduy . Mr . .1. B. J onee, of Lyt.l e, 0811ed 10 nur 'l' lIluge SIHnrelay afte rn oo n , MrA. .Ellijwur lh ~mlth Hlld d uug hre r . of Du s t on, u re t h e g uests of Mr!\. J ohn u"vl. ~Ir. Elmer OWI' n~ 'oo d fn ro ll y rnnl orl1O from X nll\ !Su l·DrelIl Y even . io g lI o d. took 8ul'I'Sr willi Mr . Dixson Wbfl r t f) o. N r . nnd il.lrs. Ln.w r enoe W uk ely, of " pri ng Vll il ey . 1I1)11n \ Sun (l .. y Wlttl MI 8 CII>rll LJn u g ht l>r~. Mr, WIll ia m Dori C!, of DU.y tOD , vi sit ed b lH m ot·ll or Mr N'lDoy Dodd of t bl.~ \lI n '0, unduy.

M,·". .



OlasldBed Ads




Timothy Seed



- ..----

----- .... ... -- ....-. ----- --

DR. H.E.

Lebanon -:- Ohio B.




















Al!lenb JO

Dairy Feed

Younc~ Bros. Grain Co. o.




See Madden

U. S. Agent to Direct



-----:-. -


Building Plans?...See Mad~eD





,.amlliar SceneL . UIlV<' t· P'\I lin' (',

tbl".. litre •• th~y



I., '

~f Authority.


'OYOli ('III1'! "·11 'h"111 II oll"l'lllY ot 1111'" tlll~ :-C"l1t (lId hullll\l·It:,' 'Id,l \'11 ,1", ' ,:1"'11. ·':'..lulI:- n



hOlne.~ "p.-"Not ('Ollll'nsttnj.!. Thl, !IInll t~ttl1l( .. h,'·. ,lolln' 11 tin" jot> n' , nul" ,. exaotl, lI.Iw th6 l'CI \\Il! tntll b 'r \J ij~ d ,lrl"ln "llI'n .1 •• lllull' I~ J"•. l1urryln' t.) , (:It htlU1() un '''It IIwn flCCOUJ1t." ·to malt ....

\ mE~rican

Direcnng -I PERsONA .L-MENTii', in We a,re MOw ready t6 tali~ ncw corn. We wo III 30,otx1

'eneral H Persiling

Troops on French Battle Front

aL Lhis olfice.

The thinl State Auult £libl Cla."!! nn\'ention will m~eL in • ,rWII d : hio. ovembcr 1 ano 16. Lhnt ~=========================~l\ Icit-v i~ . lJlllklng ~rt:lUt pr t/ara ti 118 fO f th e e\'cnl. and th coml\1ilt t! put on n war progrnm mon the J l.H'incipal spe kOfS arll W. '. Ponree. The Farmer Who Wor"-s Overtime Chicl\l(o; W . D St m. of lo w,, ; Dr B 1" . lthon(ls. tlf \"cllril-lylvnnill. and Is tbe True Patriot Today. E 0 8 l1el's. who I~ ju>!l b ck fro m tho Wester!1 Fr' lIll. J But the pr sent s hort agc or f 0,1 1l\'''~ l'l lt Itn 'opEvery nrlult clas~ i. ntilll'd to wo I p ort.unity f<l r him to "rv(' his C(l lIltt 1:.1 - nuo to bet':lel"Kales. anti Norwo d will fur nitlh tt'r his own finan cial r"lllrlition-nt the same time. lodging nnd ureal\ fa I fret·. AII lidu l. ('Iussc ar elq )t!ctcd to ~cn J Tb o money tim ellrneJ , 11\I\l1d he itll' ~ i('o with tlelegutl'!l . rreat car and our I'xp('r ie nrc in hRl\dliu~ th accounts of many oonntry ' 11 . t omer - has enabled \UI to understand their' needs-anti to Il rrl\.ng 'our 8 counta a()()ordin gly.


... -~- .. - - - - - - . 1 u hel in' lhell xL few weeks,

l'i8no-~'or sale or r ent. Inqui l e Tak' advalltage of the high :3t- l : pri e by. elling corl v. I We are 11 re for ,our bel1cfi t u~ wen as MiRB Mary Sherwood . Qf ' lT1dn25 2 nat.i, visited her \1 rt'nt~ unday. . for our own. Call plJonc -

'- - -

will i



6 N. Main-Dayton


Mr L:. t;. \ ill illlll"OIl a nd



· \lSJII.

Sales Agency and Service Station

Mr~ l.lI l !'ll· ' ''I n~ ht


When you need a new Tire, let us show you the Pennsylvania UVacuum ' OUP." ~he dre with a 6000 mi. guar·a ntee at a 'prlce no higher than other tires carrying a guarantee 01 but little over half as many miles.

Brooms. Good 4Sewed Broome bought before the adva nces . only ... : .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ........... 56c Your choice of Moth,er's Oats , Kellogh's Poet ToaBties. Krum bles. po kage. only ........ : IOc

Pure Cider only SOc

We also have the Pennsylvania "Ebony Tread" and the "Racine." Racine Tubes. -A complete line of oils, greases aud aut'o accessories.

Mntches. big boxes only ........ 5c Don't ]Jay 7c for the same matches.


New Figs. New Enlliish Waln u ts. N ew RaisinK. New Prunes. New Beam'!. New Homi ny.

Carage South Main St.

New Fig Bar Cakes. lb .• only 2(1c

New Corn Meal

Brin~ us your Egga and Chickens


It pays to trade ~Ight

Call II



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= ----


wholll ",' pl 'l~C our orders

k. ~.


I Ilon' t irorge l IUllnnl


'h. d, .. ".

II f

Mil wII U, '




l" lf

'~ il1


thu t rverytillns.: po.' nl l ax


111l\ !\Q7.lIle

pIkes hi !: hcl than

fOlI' l'

\\ i • • H 1'''' I I 111" ., c,,11 ,"I.'Vll h l ever t tS \V'l\t~t .kenl('nlber that, h , ~IJdro n l, . .llral1t.1~ ! r ,. L N I,'lIul ' j \\'c \\'llilIll'C t n r I,c'a t nllv mtl :l 111 , or th. , L•. b ~ I1"1J pIke qllott'd liy anv rc p btnhlc ..genc), or

The :\ m~r ic;.'n tinny is r.,.bti ng in F~nce in a sector where tbere is littJ'J ICti-vity at present. nat Ihe boys in ol ive drab are perhaps cvm DOW in, th kk oj ballle . or wh ic h report s have no t yet reached this country. Ttll \meric'311 «lldie" art' inspired by a patriotism that will carry them t •. lie ory ju st as it .di,lin the dAYS oj rhe Revolution. Genet'lll Penbing if :tir ~c \ illg this Amcrian army from · a I\eadquarters uear the battle Jines Th is lIe ially posed photograph shows the American c ommander at hi' ,\esk writi,\g a rep<'TI 01 the fint engageme nts of his men. The Ameriaul puhlic may expect to hear glowing a~cou ntl of future batt.le.s Ua which. tlu tr oop enl:"ge. Irom .the pen of·tbu "ft8:htinc lrenetU. '•.


Special6 This Week Flake White Soap 10 Bars for SSe Clean Easv Soap 10 Bars for 45e King of the L .a und.ry Soa.p IObarsfor3!5e


l'lIP,d tty

M.' i: .r-I.


Th is i ~ ' he \\'urd that COIllI" to itS rI dau!!'I (>··. f rO I1l Croll' ley the ' Ma~azin~ Mao .

~I ra.

(\1 , ·

L Ka hn.

I I neil! al i. 11:t' K.It Jl.lI tH I""ldll1. N II


pl1b h ~ ltt'r 3tlll Wi ll g,ve yuu' the and vel If b("~ t sell ' et' I'n' sible .J Y,

t. I


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ltv Ithd t. lK'f ye' It I:.! {)U 'ew:.. Ih~ rl:4lcl. j llll l ll" l . 01 I',IY' .

j ':lIqlllF t>r ,

lull .


Electien Roturns


"', n' tlw 1!!1J1·~ts " I NI l "',u Mr: . DAILV P .\P ERS VI ~ r r1) n JlIIJ .tlu ri lll:' I Ii, ' PUll .,. _ _ _ ___ _ __ \' u "Ill want a rllIll y pall,r to \'eel It nl'l, oi tlt e' ",ur-liul ',l'nbe now fut II tJC llf th c ' C' :


IIl AiI , I ", r }~a ' . • .

.'3 no

RememlJer the date, November ]0.

Twent.y·third Sunday afte'rTrinity , and get busy Bnd s.c e what mag· .OLD RESIDENT November 11th. :)umluy chotll QlIines you want lO take. and 9:30 am; Morning Prayer and us and we will ' do the very best at 10:30 You are to possible for PASSED AWAY mon t se se rvi ces. 6e~

aL S\:Ir·

=(C="=)J1l=inu=e d (=1 :0"=' pa=gl.' - I= )=




Buy Magazines at Home

Fol lowing is lho result of thc volo: I

We are. now prepared to give car owners of Waynesville and vicinity the best of service possible. - We. have a complete stock of repair parts both for the Chevrolet Car and for the Ford, and are equipped to do any and all kinds of garage work.




agazlne . ers Expl·res Nov • 10

~li .'1 Ed i ' h. I '1I\1n. '" r~ Iii,: 1,;'1Ie> ls with of MI' lind ~ll's \\ . I!: U~N~:ill l

M r. Cuy. an 1I)(!:t1 10<111 . dr"" pcl'I . • rlt!nd in l'I'hldtlJ.'tl·s IUllIb'r ynr I al • noOIl today l'lt! hud h!'f!n nllii ·t!cli walking arl\utld th yar d lind wb t>' , I look in \! for him he wa: f unci 1)11 I l! ground dead I t i (houR'hl d"ltLL was du e t o apopl xv . Mr. (;Uy Il vl'd in the ugar reek dist rier. und i • the fath t!r of Mrs. (.;arl 'mi th . who resides nea r to wn.


M I.~.

- --=--

'- ' -


fnlllil ~ .

wi th

AI! J e~ Wl'I),(I I L uool dfJIIVittl'r, ~ 11 ' s

.................................................. • • :


Ila~·J (On.:'lwnt .::;1I111111.1


'=========!JI ;~~;~;"~ROPPEDOEAO W. E. O'r'iEALL

Last Chance .

J 0 '. U . A. M nl l'lilll< FridllY evc.nil1g I Iholil ' hlili. Al l ;) 1'1I,liprs an~ r"qll.·!llp(l l ohpJlr"Sl' lIl .


Oem City Bulldln ... a. Loan A8s'n -

hi o.

MI' , and Mr>l' L Nkt.llh;o n lind II Ill. of Mil nL1kE" . RIlL'IIL l:iunuay wil.h rellltivl'lI in NIIl'wouli.

EI'cr It J . ,arl( , a hh... hl~' ,·,·,\p,'(·I. d YOllng nIan, of tht! LylI~ (·" m nlullil)l.o>nlidl,' d ill Ihe i\vinl i" .. lJi vi~ion of th ~igllal Curp I,n :lI lur· dav . Oct ober 27th. H i!' nolV. tlllillllt!d at FL. Th o1ll1l 3. IKy . wh re h will r il1ain fur "I l't',.I wE' eks. mnl wi ll hen he ~" I1L l J Vr I ISIIIn IJOU 'IIIIII. al ,'ult Anlonil). I'",x.

'.'00 % Safely- S% Divide~ds··

Wayne ville.

at Xenia ·lIturd ay.


Qur doposit ao<lO\llIts off r you

r come in and see us. Youncf> Bros, Grain Co.,

Mr. and Mrs . L IIrL\\(ril! htat · Btt nded the funeral oCC. W. Ebrill'ht

Death r emoved one of Xenia's best M. E. CHURCH Safe~y --Sav in g--Servk~ beloved mell. wh n Geo rge W. RPO«ATI 0 unday ~hoo l a t 9: 16. mt;) rning For layor Eliri ht pOS!; d 8\\'ay ear ly Thursday prellch inA' at 10:'10; evening prl'Bch. ======~====~=~ S. G. J oy ................................... 84 111 rning at hi home on Washington itlg at 7:00; prayer meetinll Wednf'8" day evenillg at 7:00 o'clock You 1-1 , E. Hl\thawllY ................. . .. ...... 25 Rne t. The ~ml came p acefu!ly ar cordilAllY invited Ie, all of these • . Ful' lerk I'aud qu ietly. l'crvices. . . Auoul six we('ktl ago Mr. Bbright 5c-lO 25c Store ...- - R. E. DIll V)/!. , ...... ....... , ................ 3 under went 811 oper ation ata h spital W~ynesville, Ohio I~()r Tr nilllrO r in Dayton fol' the removal of cataract U!\e our Class ified Ad column I J. H . Coler:nan ... .. ....... ...... ........ l.J8 from lIis right e~c The operation For Mar<lhal wa~ deemed succe~s ful · but some t ime latcr an infection s ta rter! in the eye. _____- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 J . d. Rain ... ..... .................... .. 11 T one! t he troubl could not be arrested . ." 1t. Ebr ight was born on n fllrm F('I' .MernberB of Council npar Columbus. 0. , Jul y 26. 1836. W. N . ears. , ....... ..' ................. ... 2 His parentsdy lngwhonh wBs young . G. W. HlLwkv .. ........ ·.................. 28 he went to Wa\ nesvil1e lmd lived T. E . RII"ers ........ ...................... SO with a br ther until he was a younjl M. L Pnrsh IlJl .. · ...... .. · .. ...... .. .. ..... 28 rna" Early in the Will' he enli3ted The successful firm can al ways do Bigger and Better thlnla all Frllnk Zell ,... ........................... ...3-1 in l he st'rdce of his count rv, . and ~tl~ • J . A. McCoy .... .. ...... ........ ......... ... 2/1 WIIS Itlader of the band and chief Trl-State ~uccess brings you your reward. giving ou r patron. many advantalitca., Illfeguards and belps which add to their prof,t •. For Members of Board of Trustees bu gler In the Thir ty fourl h Ohio in· fantry th-o tJghout the term of 'the of Public Affai rs You can best appreciate the Trl-Slate bi becoming a Tri-St.te Wl!.r patron. . . Rev Cadwall rld er ...... ...... ........... 22 In 1 70 he was marritld to Miss TRI.STATE PRICE; WEEK November 5th to 11th. B. H. KE~lI}' . ...... ........ ...... .......... .. 22 JOllnn a Hutchinson. of Xenia. After ~'. C. HlArtsock ...................... ..... 28 his m rringe he moved to Wayne.'1· W. H. Madden ............. ....... ...... 2(; ville an d was in bU81nesI:! here with per pound. for. J. W. VVhit-e ......... ... ... ... ..... .... .... 16 the firm Randa ll. Ebrigbt & Co. Butter Fat For Assessor A Elel' Beveral yeM here he went to lnrli na. where he remained a short [1'. W. Hathaway .................... .. ... 29 time . then moved to Xenla,where he . Send us your next can or if you need cans same will gladly be sent lived until his oeath . prepaid lor SO days trial. urvivinl! Mr. Ebright are hia. 10WNSIJlP widow and two children; Miss Emma. Dry Wet who is connected with tbe Xenia Ba~ Wayn e .......... · .. _··. ·. 90 68 Nation~Bank.and~urton. ofS~~ , CINCINNATI.OHIG West WnYlie ......... .. ........ 1.13. 86 ·~de. Wash. , Bnd a s ister and bro,her, (Over two million dotlare. S2;OOO,OOO 00. paid last year for cream .) Waynesville Corporation ... 120 57 'IJ wa r.d Ebright 'of Franklin and ____ Mrs Rebeccil Randall, of Dayton 25,o(fo cr!!am prodl!C81'8 hilVe '(ou!ld the Tri.State.l'OST PRQ,FITABLE The funeral s ervices Qf Mr. . . year after year. Tolljls ..... ... 353 201 Ebt;\gbt were held at 10 o'clock Sat Jerin our.mnb and compar. crea.m. chec"'. Dry Ma.i ority .. ....................... ... 162 u rdav f'\lorninll at his home in Xenia. Trustees E W C T olal Cornell ......... ...... 104 159 129- 392 Grnham .... ...... .. ,.102 143 13l-376 Burnett ... .. .... ..... 90 120 118-328 I



---.. -


---"-_. ,- --- -

Hay Wanted

I £VeT)'

Savaee mileage maker gets full credit {or good work bec:auR all work is "keyed" to the aerial numbers

_ Watch 10, th_ r.J $aUDi- ';gn

on the tireS. We know in every case just who is respen· alble for -"Heap big mileage," Thilplan creates a strong sense of personal responllibil. ky and pride among our workmen. and there is keenest rivalry to He who can produc.e mostlnileage per tire. You can help us to produce even greater mileage for you if You will tend us full details of all Savages that run over 1000 miles Pl.... be to live $erial Number. sue 01 dr~. dal< 01 pu,· ~baae.

We are in' the market for HAY, if you have any to Barnhar t ............ 119 L68. 127-.4:14 Phose 25-2 or come oner call Treasurer in and see us. . • Curt\Vr ight ..... ...: 114 161 134-409 , Clerk

Constable C. P. J oy.. ...... .. . 22 131



. To bel~ show our .ppreclatlon (or thia co-operatIon. -we will oend an &Un wile patcb I," of charce to .aU who report. ~ Htap SiC .. IleaC"·

Mendenhall ......... 9~. 141 187-372 Smith .. ... : ........... 88 135 133-366



Wa r ry .Greatlst Slave Malter. The wornent I fret nhout 1\ thIns I am Ita ~ll\\"c Instea d o~ Its mnster. And tJlers I no sl ave In the world li ke '\Torry. Another mll8ter may grullgo thO sleeping Mur, bot he must g lvo YOU limo tor . IOCII. Another mas· t~r mny ' Sl'udllo t.he dlDDer /lour, but 80me tlme r Oll mus t eat. But WOrry


Hllap big mileagsl'





.Ilt_ name 01 dealer. 'and .ctual number 01 mUca run.



Younce Bros. Grain Co.!


Chas . Burnett... .. 6 37 - 4~ Justice of the Peace S. G. JOy ... ... · .. · .. 22 81 13- 66 O. J . Edwar,ls ... ,. 6 S. 32- 41 Board of Education HartAOck ... ......... 99 162 137-398


W. N. SEARS A uctiD1l,.,.

Sears & 'Cartwright Public Sale Conductors


Waynesville, Ohio . We a·re prepared to handle all kinds or'

A Hallowe'en social was held in the basement of the Fe.rry church . To say a good time was bad, ia only expressing it in a light mlSnner . • A' large crowd was present The supper consLsted of sandwichea, o!offee and pumpkin pie.



~~blic Sales. ' Our 'experience and wide ' acquaintance will get you the best pOssible

.l'esul ts.

," •


I f you intend making ~ Sal~. next spring. see us n~w for terms and date, .

wlll \\,ol'k :rou 24 hOllrs a day and SPoil your Rppetlte In tho bargntn,-Mark OUY P ellrsc.



Orlgln af PQttery.


Pottery probably tlrst CIImG Into /;c rvlco as n protection to the ve_1s mnde 01' gQUrttlJ, I'hells, bRsket work or reedl!, ~~ onng brl lll~l!u ILnd 'otber ma· ten oIR. no d tlnully bC<?8me the vellSE!! Itselt bl'cR use 'ot Itij ~rvlcenble quail· ~~~. tn:~tend or the trailer, earlier

of the ....

Lale Classified Ads. WANTED

HOIlat" The codll1ill blUl the repU&UOIl bellIe the COlit ot tbe ·.... It will eat



- - '


8bor'borD Mtlob 00.. Would alilFI Rllll,rr. I\Dd there are maDJ reeotcIII perer 00. milk ADd lie of portqraled !IID8 margeI- . fr..b t. 8. Ma••O. CIIII Of 1WIllm.r. A.D. 1, . .,.

We have in s~, everything kept In a first-class Harness Shop. .:



Whole N umoer 345


Sixty-Ninth Year .

i---~-----,i 'ANAVY


Ge t yo ur "No Hunting Sig ns" at the G ~ ze t e ollieD. Myer. Hyman waR a business visitor to Cincimla Li !<'rida)'. Dr. Dill , 0 leopllt h 21 S. Broad way, Lebanon. Ohio.

MUSiC, parnes, Oood Reading and Corre~po"dence Facilitic~ in the' Y. M.e, A.Camp


jSoclm-- EVENTS f



By Chestel' Snook Of the S, S. ChEirllestol1 U, S. N.

u. s. S. Charleston








w ' _

U. S. and British Admirals in War Zone


Mrs. Huldah ~urnett lind sons , MeBIlre. Walter, Cliff and Chas we re Sunday dinnerguB8tB ~f Mr. and Mrs. 0, L, Crane and family. . Mr. and Mrs . Lee Hawke enter· talned at supper Thursday eveninl!'. Messrs. Dean Howell, Clarence Men denhal1and Herman Conner.

Novemb('r., 1917 Mr And Mrs. Go rden Joy were Dear Mr. Crane: Mr ·.and Mrs . Raymond Davis had Cincinn uti visitors las l !<'riday. . . as their guest. tor supper Sunday I arrived back to t:he good ol? S~IP evening, the Me89rs. Dean Howell, M rand Mrs Geo D. Mills visi led Charl eston, feeling fme and enJoymg U, M. White and Ethan Crane . . th" ir son.Li ruJley, at Oxford, Sun life. 1 surely enjoyed th e t en day day. leave and also the swell dinners I ate The Jolly Matrons. with their hus during that time. When I landed on bands, were entertained at the home L. A. Zi mmerman Ilnd Wal ter EI the IJhip aga in and got all settled, I of Mr. and Mre. Ralph Miller Tu'es· evening. "500" pleasantly zey w re Dayton viaitore Sunday af· thought there was noth ing eq ual to day Navy life and I am belter satisfied passed a way the evening hours. t ernoon. than 1 was before. . The Charleston is certai nly a good MIRs Martha Burnett entertained M Ilnrl Mrs. Wilit er McClure vis· ited with rcllLtives in l3ellbrookThur • old ship and hilt! seen more I!ervi ~e at dinner Thursday in honor of Mrs. since the war thrilln ~l~y other ,~hlp in Fremont Wolford, of Portland. Ind , day aflernoulI, t?enav y . Whe tlHl wo rd. War the following IlUB8ts : Mrs Hulda ~enl th , there also Iyent forth Burnett Mrs She'r man Dvke of Mr Bnd Mrs. Mye r Hyman and man), for aillps amongst whIch '!Vas the D t • d M ' F t G' h' re. , orres ra ani daughfel' "pe nt Sunday in Cincinnati Charleaton. She curried a great , ay on, an with I'elativl's. multitude of men. some of , which and family. - -- - - were reg ulars, Ilth4? 1'~ rese r~e3 and Mr aDd Mrs Henry Salterth ... ate POR tm u_lc'r Albert lup r l MCriitt. still others Imow n as vo lunl(' e r~ . and o f Jl H r vey~bul'g , Wll ~ in tow n Mon · ah su iled from port loaded for en te rtai ned with II turkey dinne r Fri · - ; ~y ••...,-;...;;;~~ ,.~~ "bear," praying fo r fi g ht , and she cI;ty, Mrs E • Baily. Mrs, Lina U8)1 (J II busilless . ~",.. h a c! mllny dr ills . W e hId scores of Uevitt. Mrs . Julia Donovan. ·MrA. Mr. nn J Mrs H H. Wi lkcr~on t hem each day , a ll tlun could be I"r ,d Gon s. Mrs . Chnuncey Ru nnell . ,/' Rpent Aeveml dliYs wit h relnli v sin tbo ught uf lind many more Iflvtl nted Mrs Quin cy GnnR. Mn Frank Marsh be~ i des , and lhe rtlpllrtll at thl! mh~ t8 Mrs. l{ebeccR ['urnas Mrs I Sallet'· Day tu n last \\'(1ek. ~ • -€b : • became famou s f or ita many courts thwaitc and Miss Monimill Bunnell . During his ' rew't I'i it 1(1 ELirOVe. Admiral Henry T . Mayo, c:oallnander ~l lind · ext ra duty mCII . We first the Atlal1t ic rl ~t Q( th,,· U. S. Navy, !lai d a v!.it to Admiral Sa David Be:ltl/I . • . , Mr and Mrs. J. Ii . Coleman left though t tlll.t lIhe WaS a hard old boul Conllna ll d~r· i ll · 'h ief of Ihe British Grawl Flcl.'t, 0 11 the lattec'. flagship. R and were discourllgCid, but it being . A few of .M I6S Elva ~lmbBIl s was on th is visi t th a t the accompa nying t)icture w:u mad,,- it ahoW!I the tw, Monday morni ng for a vi ~ it with w~rlime and all Boo\;s we considered . fri ends went In ami ,surprised Iter ad mi ral! logelhc:r, ~la)'o at the l.rt. While tbe Ameri an 3dmiral "as on bo;u1 . relatives ill Tol,edo . h i ~ flag Ae w sid ' I,~ ~ ide wi lli 1l1at of the British Admiral. Admiral Mayo b~ . 'rhe drills came f.iSler and faBter ~aturday afternoon . fhose who en· since returned to Wa shin gton, where he is now makin g plans for the fabllj until everybody had corns and bun Joyed tl~1) aftern,oon )Nere. Iprma.l1nd activiti es o f ,h" nH"rican nnvy in the European war zooe. l. Mary 's Guild will hold their ions on their feet on which corn cure Dena Rich. Nellie and :shlr,ey ~Itus, an nual Market and Apron Sale. Sat · availed but little. At laat we landed Rut~, EVil: and Mabel MC~lllan, urday. December 15th. in the far South and sailed to many Pauline ~J1lars, Ruth Tomlinson, strange places, and all sailors spent Leola Atkm~on, Anna ~0018r~, Her· .Mr. and Mrs. D S . Rowell visited many deligh tful 'h ours with dusky bert McMIllan. LoUIS Klmhall. wi t h re l aliv~ at Port William a beauties under the palm treetl and Se~eral games \,V.era played, aftel' amongst the soft zephors of far off whIch IIJ>ples. cakes and ~op co~n couple of days last week. shores, Then we thought the ship were enJoyed bv all. The Long reamery Co. \,Viii be was grand and liked it better evary Mr and MrR. Barl Conner and Mr open until 8 p . m. each E'vening for day, She was a good old ~ip and we all thought of th4! sayinll', "It is a and Mra Lee Hawke entertained at the convolnienco of ita custumers. areat life if you don't weaken." a "stsg'" party Tumay evenlnll' In When we were put on. real duty In honor of Dean Howell. The houae Tit Woman' Au.~lIiary of St. Ma- the Northern wat~"1 a',ld In the war wal! handsomely dressed in the ry ' s churc~ will meet with Mrs; C. B zone. we were .go~n~r nll~ht aDd da" National . colora. and flags were in Bentley Friday aflernoon at 2 u clock. we keep the shlp darkened at night, evidence all around thll rooms. Those and we woulq bua~ our headsl!ond who , enjoyed the evenlDIl were Get your "No Hunting Signs" at !lases rpnnlng Into POllts and ~uckm¥. Mesera. Dean Howell, Jas. McClure, Friday evening as l)yk,e Beltz and the Gazette omee. mto each other al)d. the clagy R. E . Davis. Bryon Prendergaat, U, In the year 1904, due to ravages emoke from the blue Jackets was so M White Ralph Smith Bert Hart- of cotton boll weevil, which was James ~ rend ergast were driving Inthick that you could not your ~k, B B. Kelly, Fred Hawke, (ra brought into the state of 'I.'exas from to town, Mr, Belt?' horse took fright Mi !l.~ Emma H ~ghway lert this breath. Everybody w!lul growl Stansberry, Thoa . Pierce. Chas. B.u.r · Mexico, fltteen men were employed at a tractor, and dum ped botb men morning for Corni ng , N. Y., where at certain ,times at dUtiBII they . bad nett Barvey Rye and Berman Can· to work as 'a unit in that state for into the dItch near the Power House. sh.e' will spend 11le winter wil h rela· to ~form. Even though ~e did ner.' An'elegant two· ('ouree luncheon the purpose of method~ Assistance was at hlind, and they got ti ve.q. get dl8~usted enough to imagine that WBI served, The evening was spent for control of cotton Il\lll weevil in the men home, althoullh Mr. Pren· the only wa..: to reml!Civ matters was In playing "500." that state. In. 1!l06 the first county dergast was unconscious tor several • Mrs El i Dean, or Route 3, arrived to 'g et aglorloul ." bun" on, wehad In . •_ • agents were appointed, co.<)perating minutes after the accident. Both home Tuesday morning, after II de· the bottom of our bltarts a prIde and with state and county to serve in mell were badly 8Orat('bed and bruised Iightful visit with relati ves in ti reene feeling tor oureelvliIB and ship and The "Village Postmuter" will be separate counties. bu t nothing more lIeriou8 haa Coun ty . backed up and would tell everybody given at the Lytle Ball on Saturday. This epartment of Agriculture developed. It waa a narrow squeak what a fine old wagon the is. That's Noveinber 17, 1117, lor the benefit has grown 80 ex.tensively that today fOI both of them. Mrs [t'r mont Slack Wolford, left just the wa~ it gael!. of the Lytl.e Church. Everybody In the United States t hert! are more for her home in Portland Ind ., Fri- J If 8O~e httle thUlg goee wron~~ come. AdmIssion 10 and 20 cents. than '400 connty agehta at work. day, after a pleasant visit wUh rela- you can t get liberty when you want • - • This figure alone. denoLes value of ' tives in this vicinity. • it; or . yo!>! are turned. out half an • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e work. In Southern IItates ' particru' . ." . hour earher. than us~al,. or you Itub IlarlY Is this work effective. where ThIS ~setlDlf· smce all commltteetl Mra. Will Haines. of Harveysbur", your toe the shIp IS darklHled, nearly every county employs an nre to .be .a.pPo\l~t~. and work the .. th~'1 .yoll thmk this ill the wors~ old agent. year dlSCUSlled, It IS t hereforedeslre<l and Mrs Robt. Frat'lckEn , of Winton shIp ID the Navy and the captalD Is Couney agent ' work originated in that a I.a~ge attendance ~rom all :.--_ North and West in {he State of New' commuDlltes be present. Spme. of Place . were vi,iting wit" relativB8 the worst cap.t aln you ever knew and _ _- _ _ _ _ and friends bere Saturday . all the rest ofthe officers didn't know ' York in 1908. In our own common. the reRulta of the w!>rk *at 19 ~emg . eno!lgb to get In out of the raln- A large portion of the High School wealth (State of.Ohio) the first agent done i~ other co~ntlea WIll be gIven: . til' I odd ts . waa employed In Portage County Don t forget time and place, Leb C. vi. Younc(', of Ca mp Sher~an , bramle89. ' t S t d 18 U IZ ng momen In prac· h anon Grange Hall Novcmber 16 Chl'lllcothe , 01 1111, spen a ur ay (Continued all page 2) ticing the operetta. "The Princess 19]2. .Today t ere are 2~ agen~ at 1917 at 1 pm . ' , evening and Sunday with his brother, • _ • Chryanthemum," whioh will be work :n aa . ~nr coutfes 1 be8~dis R~member this ie for all who are Mr R. C. Younce and family. alven In the near future. ;~~~:n C:~tynd~esn't '~~~:i~ ~h~ interB8ted in Agrieultu~al pursuits, Mr . and Mrs F H. Farr and Mr. Thl flret basket ball game o~ the 26 IiBt. Therefore u special effort A. E. Anderson, ASSIstant . .State and Mrtl. GUY Dakin motored to l~ season will occur pn next Friday will be made to get he r on the map Leader of County Ag&nts, WIll be evening when our boys go to James- with others, and all F riday, Novem. present. Springfieid Sunday and spent theday John M. Lane, with Mrs Emma Dakin. of the Obio \ ' play the HIKh School there. ber 16, at 1 o'clock il\ Grange Hall, Sec'y Temporary Organization Masonic Home. . . It WIll be remembered that Mr . Lebanon Ohio a public meeting will B. F'. Riese, M"l'Y. d~ughter pt EliJah and Arnold, formerly pn.~el~al ' of the held for the' Durpose ofj)ermanent Er,nergency Assistant State Leader, Ra~h'l Wilh", waa ~orn near Lytle, locallChools, 18 now ead of th orranlzation. . Monday ('vening several of the OhiO, August 6, 1&::11, departed this Jamestown ecbooll '. . teachere went to Dayton to at tend life at her old homB8tead. November On Tuesday morning Mr . Fred the Symphony concert. The attrac- 8, 1917, aged 84 yearn, 3 month8 and lion for th~ evening was the cele. 2 days. She was thll fifth child of a Hartsock. of the Wa~neavlJle Na family of ten childlren all having tlonal Hank, f!lvored ~he Economics brated Madame Melba. preceded her but one lieter. . ~Ia~ wl~b an wterestlng an~ appre She had a birthright in the Quaker' clal!Kl !-&lk on <t: ru8u ,. Co"!~IDB8 and The J 0 . U. A. M. have a churcb and stood by the same religion FinancIal. M~IPullltlOns .{;ater, called meeli ng at thei r hall I<'riday until death . She SPlint most of her other, bUSlnB8s men will ~e InVIted. to evening, at the usual hour. There life on the farm whereillie ware born contrlbutt: flret·hal!d mformatlon ' al?ng thel r respective lines that a will be a lunch and every member is excepting a t ~w yeanl. She ,1 989 married to Andrew Woods WIder and increa8lng school Interest expected to be present . in 1852. To this utili on WBI born may be brought ~bout. Mi8s' Kauffma n, of the Home O W. Hendereon, 19'10 hB~ been four children, he'r husband and wOl'king in Lebanon for th(' past few ch i1d rell all having pre('eded her to EconomiC!ll Department of Ohio State ·n,onths. r.'moved his fum ily h re t he Great Beyond . . She leaves aix University, spent part of TUB8day Thur s~ay and is occnpying the hUllS'! g randchiltlren and nine greatgrand and Wednesday ()f t hill week assist· lately vacated by rlarvey Gus ti n, on childrE:Il, bellides other relatives and ing the teachers ftI furthering plans friends to ~ourn her lOll!!. for aerving lunch to pupila. While l~orth street: 'Where ths winds 'of the wood thi8 i8samewhat of an innovlltlon, it It is now Lieutenant Hugh C. whisper leatily, haa p~d the experimental stage Ridge U· S. A. This YO\1l1R' man. Or ahrh thrtlUgh the'branche8 so bare ahd Is a noteworthy feature of nllm· hal! mad rapid strides in the army 'Where the hosts of the snow camp erous school system. throughout the and his many Jrienda here and 'el~·so stealthily, . . s tate The plan h8$ much to col'? where a re 'extremely glad of his at'. Or the ·meadows stretch greenly and mend it and Indications are that it I~ served p~omotion . . fail . ' come as a permllnent feature of o~r Where the rushing worlds rattle and local schools While., here, . ~ISS Messrs. J. O. Cartwright, "'red bustle . -. .' Kauffman c:>nferred llthlsome dream 8Ounds, far, fading. and the Mothers Club. an eXII -'ned t ~ Bartsock, H, E . Earnhllrtan"U Ralph SeAmfaint; , plan to them. MIS!! Kauffm~n ~e Smith \,Vere guests, of the Lebanon So' quiet you hear a wing rustle, . votes her entire tlm~ In V'!lItI'!Jr Men!s Club Monday. evenh1lrl 'Capt Standa tbe old home. low ceIlinged schO?la interested In tbl8 plan and In McCl\ulev. of the Fairfield Aviation , and qual.nt, ,, , helpmg th~m bring It La a succesaful f iel <:\. was lhe,speaker for the -even An d there full of Iftisllion and motive, conclusion. m~. Yet ~Im as a deep river rUDl, ' This week the schoole are dis· h B II f th p . ftft";"la' ~he d~ellet~. clear lIyed and large .trlbutin" 'literature on FOod Con· uean owe . a e en......" vllioned . . • ~ I I h peel ' th t f Arl!O Station,'U S A.. arrived /lome In the Great BQ'ond " servahon. ~ I o. a . a ter WedJ:leaday evening qn a ten . days' . ' ~ being acquaInted . Wi~ the plan, . furlough . Daap is looking floe, and ~ARD OF TIIIANK8 every home In Wayne Town8hlp l!aYIl he i8 enjnying the bB8t of , For the klndn. . SbOWD u, durin School District wllHum In a signed health, enjoy.. hiA work, and ·18 glad_ the alckne8itand of our Pledge, ~ ~r:~=!n th:~ ~~ to be at home a~ain. . motber, Mary Wooda, we delilra to ~:t'!:r proeell and reata entirely . thank all the friends and - ne\ahbora with the home; no e~temal authority Claren~e ~ehdenhal\ left FrldllY for their IJm;tbY!' And to the or cOercive meuures are to be uled. for the Ell to join hi .. ship, the .~Iea of thtife va Point l.oeal tor At a alanee the plan may 188m Oklahoma , ,. He bMi a dellllbtful vi,lt tb81r ~u ~~..a CLrat aIao trivia) bllt .. Congreeaman' V. . told ddrIDa' his JUriolla'b, He asked the Rev • ..,...nt& -~. liN and tb Central Ohio Teachers' AMoeia· IGuette to publicly ·thank all · \.he Scm for th. war _ OODdueUld the e 8 ----e1d tut Frid evenladl!lllwho ~no~1l1 preeented him fllDeral. " ~~ ~,\vR""'t elth send :equate with Imltteil ....... tbe goodl eent --. ~ .(Jl'IDdobllcl., - . :~ equipment to to ·him were _ ecaePtabI., eaw. • iIokUera of the alU. whO are now peelaJlf linea the 0014 weatber came • .... oar battl. or we must eend

·Y. M. C. ·A'. WEEK IN THE U. S. A. Y. M. C. A. MEETING


The meeting at the '~h1sonic Tern · pie Sunday evening in he inieresl of the Y M. C, A, work. was very ' welJ attended , anil will r esult in nc· complidhlnR.,tbe desir d effect- thal of railling f.l SOO for Ulj\t institution AI the Men of Waynesville had the meeting In challle. Pre~ . .l1'rl!d Har aoek pl"eJlided. A rte r t ho invr, alion by Rev H. T. Coonlz. the united lingers of WayneR\I\lIe s~l1g "Oil ward Chridtian SuliJ I rs," followed by Ilnlrinlf I)f "America," attt:r which tbe apeaker 01 tit . ev ning was in · troduc.e d, Mr. Cruppe r. or t ,ebanon, who spoke 'at If'ngt h all the need:! and the work of theY . M. G" A. Rev. J . F CRdwaliader and; Mr . J. 0 Cartwright also IIpoke ot that institution and what Wayne town· Ihlp oUllht to do when the conlmittee called I)n th em , Miss El\ther Rorkey. oJ t,ne. chools. ung 8 beau~iful seleetion lind llie meeting closed with !\ III)t,g by Lilf) choir. . The committE'e who has charge of . the C8nv8118ing re\1Ort til date that. the, are -lileetin" wi th fine success • and,bope to go over the apportion· ment at $1800

The Men of WaYl1esv ill ' (jl~p. . lub will enlert ain the memhers and their famili t's and Illso lheir f ri mis, nf' xt Wedn sday eveninv;, Novumb r 21st . Tlij\ g lee cluh boys a re working h:lrd to "iv them a good IILt'rlain· men t. and all th e members nrc I'x· peeled to emne ou ~ 1\1'\1'1 h a r them. As there will b q uit e all ~ l le n s~' connected with this c ntertninmen t there will ~c a char ge of 25 cen ts fo r Beats. This price wil l inclUde f A er ved Beats. whiCh will ' be on salo at J anney '~ drug store t UI'day Ilf t.e rnoon a t 2o'.c1ock . You will be d isapl)oin t· ed if you do no come a nd bear tho m.


UND:ttRWOO U~11N'DB'RWOOD ~7o<1~"""<o\-





PIANO' RECITAL Miss Ruth Hllrtsoek will present another clu8 of piano pupils ir.. prollram Saturday afternoon, Novemb r ,. 17. 1917, at two o'clock, School Hall . AU are invited . Those taking part .... . Ethelyn 'Ross, Elizabeth Starr. Anna Woollard, Ola Hart80\'k, Luella WilliamKon, ' Clara A(kln80n, Rhea JUlett Cartwright, RUlh Tomlinson, Helen Oll~e. -.ranna Hlir lsock, Mae SIbc.v, Eva Lippincott. Kathryn Him· deraon Gilorala Whetsel. Raymond Braddock. Robert Vandervoort; BurDelt Butterworth.



Triangle Dugout TrenoheL


-.- -

'~~tional Army .M~n In CaPtp ·Li~Tari~s ,

Julius Caesar-"There's No Difference





" MGood th..- for the iIo&dier. do nOf COUIiIt entirely of food delicaeie. Of .1I\Oket, ta popaIar belief. On the c::oatrary .ooa books come in tilt. .


u a _ _ II beconunR IIIOR an more popular with tlII .,wIen of the NatloaaJ Arm7, a ,",up of whoa! are abowo here In 1be Hhra", of II; c. A.; 1& oae of die IfUl can~ "MIn1~bere 'In the Unlttl\ IlbnrIea an itIed with "pocl thlnp- In the form 01 books and ~ .." . . . . . ~ mIIIJ fSI'tI of the ~tI)', aDd tile ~.~ . ......... • _ .. lot


the"'. ::-...:.:=



I. M. (: A. Has "Gciod\Things" FOT





V.... . . . . t



:' u.e3'*

_o1ourlOllL" WIIIoh1


B. C. and A. D.n


l u !'j



cU IITtls t .

" L~t 's so It ... . RlollCY dewul1Ilt'\l dou b. f ullr. . Shl! Iln llllo<l lt to blm.

l'er:r 11111"11 . . , '111.. Is II Il n(lllI lrnhlc lInr. MM!. Grl'('11 nc tllll ll.'· be ll e l"',1 h('r nlll i " rn sI'<l to w orr ~- n111llll l.u c:J\,'. :lr rs. 0 1'(' ' II I ~ on o r I h USC1 I) ' nd ll In,II "" wh o I ~ t "I h er I~I) I C! hllll~' t he m 11 11,1 mole1 I h olr very I h Il /lhl ~. Luel lc h tl l1 n l w ll Y!I mnll(\ he r lTl ot h" f Ihlnk JU -l \\"\rn ll'l'I'r Ih t Olcl h(!r I.,. IIn,l Vidn WliS " I' . [l8 ren t ly II bl In do II le tr'l k 111.0.

ru Ins ns I bn ve ev er GRzed UIlOIi. NothIn!; n'ns lett to the Il!'Jlgtnation- the wbole busin ess \11'68 rl1ined . Wblle we were cngogcd In that

"Ned UluDe.!'!" s holl ted Clai r, joyful-

ly od "not'lng to wll rd lbe SO ll llg Dln n. "You Ir uch cr ou8 U,IU ULI !" his s d Bla ney. gazl ug 0 11 lho l "' hlsk 'red trarcsty wlilfou l 81OIIlo):. "Y ou s tolo tile

Illy 'WOlllo n I

C \'

r 101' cll uwny



' compnn,I' In ,'l , 1." III H,"


, "'Tbllt?" c 'bocd Vill a hlll ll k l,l' , tU1'1I the rlng'uu he r IJII/! '1' . Sile ' ''"11 tor·

'~'=:t~~~~ ' gottell t bot s he tI ""AP-D lrt n","

\\'fI .

",r,II'I ,,!: II. "'I'h ll l

Great American Game 01 Baseball Bids For . Popularity Among I'TOOPS Abroad .j

" r ile J!'Uft S •• '"al never sfup.

.. '" Y on rC' lI l1 y 01l ~ 1 1I It) f( O 10 III I.' lO Rln· lu ncl," I Kn itl. l h i lll.llI ~ I" 11" lp IIInt lel'1l ou t . "In urd t' r IU III ' t ll~' IIlI "k sOUle clolhes r,k I.nelll?' "Wbn t's thnt'!" :'t l n l. . ( : ..e f' ll tu r ned . ·'D ll s n tt 811 o n y ,-Iut lJ l 1 OU 'f' "e rtlltnl y ." \'I eln hll l, pr il Ilit o the brenob 8nreroo l ~(1I y .. " fi b · "U " III lI t y or clothc& ou, IJIlI I hr.l· "'Oll lcl II {It Ile

t:lo 0 r,ic , ,t;Ullll tr ll U~ I U '! 'urlleor ee k ~OWOSb i lJ ,Ji~ l . ~~-H' A H . HeDnet t lo.nd wi fe to Mor*on


10\ i n

Mll Xh:no E

Em ley to

lo w lI b ip. $8 0,

"~Ily. flO," I replied m o(les ll y . "uot In u professlonol woy nn r bow," "'Vilo ore you?:' U is nell's pll pe r In· Stiollt mudo him put tfl O us uul Qlles· tloos III splle at hla dislike. "I'm jus t u gu es t," I sUId .

CO llI In UtH} t r a m pl!!,:" 1 . 'l'h"t.'d whllt w e . tbtllk w b e o WII a re tl o t fe tl llng rl l1 ht bu t wb ' lo eV6ry ~ilitlg !,:tlt'R n ur W liV. ~lltl'K \.II!' hest IIUle s b lp O{l Ollt II II It wo Wlll1lrt 1.(0 tbl) davit lItoll .buok f llr tlHl 'UIJhtn tileu. Bot ~u o h Is Ilfu ov r ;o where y o u go, I th ink , t.lw ro .. t o f h~ f!tHows wil l tl' 1I y I] \.110 ~ llIn8 Iblog 'l'h!! Nll VY I~ Il fi ll ll 11\0 hot WB mU14t. TC, m l'lll bl"ll' l.b Rt \\'Il ure no t, III the NllVY f o r 0 1]1' h 6,tl t b ; \\Io 'u ro iD h e N f or th e il e uJrb f) f 111I~ U S . A. t (Ir th l! proll! li,," n f II ~ \lt1 npl tl tLlld to t1pb oh l the t ru dl l,' o ns !If Lib rty olld, J n . t lot1 I n th e o .. u l\e of Bnmll o l ty . 'rll e rtl f n r(1 It, 18 0\.1 r.o UP to d o ou r best at oil times audllot



- - - ... ...-

WayneJJ\1i11e; O.


Polto lll"" 11\.,. PI", .. 17



Hall .. Plio"," 11 6


Notary Public 1\11 kll)d!! or N'.' .... ry Work

Nil ..

~nd De llrl" .. IipAOI .. I~V ,

WALTfR McCLURf Fun~ral Olrect9f




Auto Equipment HOI'Seo'UraWD t::qulpl11olil




Dr. J. A. ~cLoy, Veterlnan=

' .




_ F o r more Ihsn twentv five yellTP In pur8uano, o f tbe l)r ovl~Ion~ of "tbe Hloks Almllno blls b8ct n w n rld wide relloMtlon. T be, 1911< Aim·. t be lu s t w;1t of Q III nel W. Rog r l', o lle bllM benD prRI>Urlld by Irl R. IJ OIl .. Slid, tile uodor .. lgned Will all' r Dir~tor Bfoll!! ,'r . ",u 8~18te !l b y itov : Jnbu B. tor 81\IA I\t I)u btlo AuctloD, on the ~mbajmer. pre mises. 011 . ~ oy e M , f o r lI11JOY yel~rll t;b" o~8f8ttlni edllor Hflsn oillte d wit b Rev. Irl R Saturday, Novcmber 17, 1917 B ioil@ BI gge r, briJ.( hl pr, o etler t~ IlD Waynesville. Ohio. Beglo nin g I\t 2 o'olook tho follow ~ v er I tI oooole .. de orl l)tlon of the log h ousenold !foods : 1 Ben H.I) , ,~ 191 Almllllb o It. IA n o w rR lldy l\1I11 I ~ 80ld it S berore f nr 35 Cllnt-R po ~t­ 80 ite, l! O ld Jj'Il~h·lon ed BnTO~ ll@, 1 E ilhe r Auto or HOl'8e drawn ~ervicd. N () extra charge tor aut IIP.rvice. pain , Word IlDd Worksilc.tbe Dlinle KltoboLl R"ngl:l. g ood o rel a" . ~ o f t he m OIlI,hly : nlllily mflgflz,lne Kltob,f n or"h les, 2 Klt,o it e o Cnp. Both phones in Office aocl Residence. f o uoded by R e v , Irl R Fllok. 'fhe hO Hrd , 2 Ilesk ~ . II 'ewlDg Mh oblnes. No.l4. Rnb80rlp'ton I'nloe 18 ~1 . OOI yellr. In. 1 W8rrlro be, 4 ' () b!llre, Rooker e:21i aludlng ~ oopy of rh " Bloks Almtl. vrirde BrU1!8el ~ U ...rp t. 1 'at P"rlOr ordl\r. · p 'OI'llrfIM, 11 '10 to th o s ub, crlber . Send for. Furottllrf', !lond b uo k!!,l I,,,rlClJ Mi rror . Gltrlllln T u ol8, Dr. Bell's Pine:,~, ~Hc)nev SRmplt' ooP;V . Wri t e W, B, A ~.LEN, E!(~ oot'Ir'. For Coucha and Oolda. WORI) AND WORKS PUB. Up.. lit o ' 3401 Frankllo Ave" St. L OUie, Mo,




Law of ·Compen satlon.

......, !Un l lt- '.

;1 t



i: . , )ltU.'


!: 1, I. '\', I ll l ' dt'n·


Ruth 's lnther I,!uve hl'r some peooles for SlIndl1Y ~ ch ool IIncl ahe de-

Pl1rtetl with ,


nelghhor's llttle EOn,

Hnrr y, who WIl!! Ilk 'wi. e pr 'pnred, UP. " TIJ ,: '" I h' " 11" I . \\ 11 :-4 ,..:-r utf fi cd on h er re turn ahe s nlcl. "ll'nthcr, just th ,\! h 1': 1 ,'~. I•• t! ~ lI' r',: d :-.U 1'11 1' think; Rn rry tlIdn 't pm hIs p enni es III '''r h' . "'1~" ' ,Uih l,d 1'1 1\' 1t!I H}l'ter. Snndny school. H e pu t th e m In the " t b lll .1''''' un ' ti l,· I\ I" '~ ' lit lllll UU' o<'ll1c slot mn chlnc, but t he gum never eDmc In I\t'\\ \"oI'lL " out, .so SIJU Ace , 1nther, h e just couldn't " T hrll it;; Hit t'l 1\' hi ltl • d hlllJ u' lJon." J tool GOd, could h e?" mU I'UIII!''' I . " i n ,\ jlln··C' w lll!l'u t "<:y ore 80 II U Jl I( · t 'n\l~ 11 11:1

" H' h:l\

bud ,"

I II It'UI I I ~ lho t y OIi 111'0 tbe

tHOS\ P'I ·'·t· I r 'I p h i," !WlS YO u i l ~ ~i f C u t' S lU·C'JS$., ·· .

1I"oISI) trom

Loat the Pili. T he II ttl~ daughte r oC 0 h omeQpnthlc " \\, ,'11. 11:,,',11., t llll l." I c S)lIOlilcd. "I. phyalclon recelvt'd n· 1'11111' With 0 peorl bn Vt' p ll'lw ll /I ,:: w)L1 HlUIIY wlnnera, In It 00 the Chrlstmu s tree, '.£wo tlnya thll l '~ ,I lL" larer Sll €!. poked her h ~nll tcnrtllll y In lit the door ot ber nUter's offlce. "Pnpn," she wept, "I' ve 10s.t DIY little pUl out ot my rl~g."

Are You Wasting The Price' Of a ,Ti~ ~e?'. 'TITAN epgine~ rUl1 on , ker~sene.


, it 1 Figure what you'd be savioJ If ~ou had a Titan kerosene . engine. Rather surprisi0...iJ isn't It? How long would it take that saving to pay for a Tdaa engine of the same sUl' 1

Timoth'y Seed



Average cost of kerosene 7. i 'cents gallon. Gasoline cOlb over lOOper cent more than k~ sene. Gasoline is going \lP steadily. Kerosen~ is not. At present fuel price.s Titan engines, using ~ero­ 'sene; save their owners about 1.1 cents per horse power per hour. Are you running a gasoline en~ne 1 What horse power is


" We hav~ a large stock coming in, several gral'les. Come in and look them over. ·It wiU-pay you. . Younee QrOB. G~n Co.,

' . Average cost of-gasoline so far this year,

16.9 cents per gallon • .

Little 0' Both. thnt dog-[\. polntl!r or a ~c t t!' r ?" "I'Io's n pO/liter when there' s A Lcf!(Sh' uk 'lIenr, nod 0 Better ,when ' we're out 100kJDg tor gnme.'P.:....Llte.


IWII me auy lIllie .vou I1ke


Take Your Choice. <lr8duale 01 ()hhl ~'III . lJm\,pn l ) Unllt d !'i t ntNI \:"" c rnml'llt cXflJ!rls to l" " 8m 'l' I' I'ck,1 III hr(' Ill ll t( l ol,lIcCO hoth , ('roll!:C ' I' III n !t'lltill i' thll ll 1\'(,l'mn l (h' f'lce: nnd wl!lIl.r r. til(' flll'llier f or 10 ectlcld s Corn e.r M<lin an Mill -iLrtlets nod tllO Inlter for slIloklng. Telephonl' :ttf



1 Ch an dl er Water

' hilS,


Seel!'1Q Double.


- --

Ma kes 'Em Cool Headed. ~ f1 ld Il l·r h. th' oml'e phllo sollher: "I hilI'" [\1\1(111 111 0 IIrs t WilY to cool dow n ' I h ~ n o l ~ ~' 1"III IIusi lls m or childre n Is to I;!I'C tI ... ", Ice bOl( ou lhe enr." - Inlllnn nJ>IJU lI tnr .

Spectncl es Wl UI doub le lenses hnvIng nil' ~puoe8 between nod> ,vltll pnel\- ' mntle rlngl:l ' to mukl! them fit tlg!ltly. huvo been tnveoteLl 10 Ew'ope old n dIver's sl g1rt under water, .

tIlI8 ItlluucJ IIlId 11I,V 1IlfllliH o r('u 't tlOO? Wbll1'8 )lour 1111 1110 '(

nsu RlI ne E

F r um yonr Frl 1111 (J . R ~ . Oll l.rlll Io n


·'-·Vou''''O n ot In v it od."




get tll~c(lUrIIged, If w e ~e t, !lilt, tl ll WII for 1\ " sh o ot." \t'M not hb oC\ u "e th e " k l p\.Ior' H fllv _ "Irl'e )l"~llm it< lll Hhiu g ou t I::inm , UllSry ' ollrt s or o eo ~ u ~1l II ur. dl v ! o ffi ce r is Ii hUUl.," IlS we sellm to t hlllk , II. I ~ f ,r the j{'Hld o f Ill' li n d to h ell) t h H It v .v , Ii 1 1\1\1 ~ Ind f.O M"Y t ha t 1 lu\ I U ole llr r ~o" rd 1:10 fllr, Mild 1 ulll ' o r\tlinl v t r y lll g t r, keO I' 11 blo l,lo.H, . W I'II , Il~ It I" t.l w e for rn "ij~, 1 will ,,10M" hopin g t h'i t thl M . lItter will find .. v.. r y bod y t'nj nyl n g lifo Write t n u . uUe n ,,11,1 te ll n Mt.1HI nnw!',

"I \mow . lIut whe re shull I Und you 3:° 11 dnl'o m eel 010 ' wb e n we get oft

'tIM! ~ AaH:ric:a pmc of basebaU is following in tile wake of the lJIriIed Slaia tnqitI .abroad. Here are some American soldiers in basebnJJ .... ...., for a dub .ith a Canadian ~ in England. Sir Thomas Lipton, tile ..... of Britiah pcbtsmcn, is '\!eIl taDr::iDa with the !lieu before tJ.e con1'II.e..- - ~ at MemcJc Park. Boumcmoyth; IlIId S ir W illiam oU:lI" eor-r BritiIh AIIIbas~r to Berlfii, pitcbecI in tllc first baU. The ......... tIaat lOCI without .......


=-----.,.----.,~==' I

Msrk O .


I ll c pll r tcd t or tbe sum lDer lIouse. vag uely wonrl el'l ug It I CQuid sllouce tile r e]lortor wH hom Il slng c hl ~r,)rO rOl . ·Wb cu I en Cered tho Slimm e r hOll se be eyed ·lIle ,,' I(b II coltl lilenlliing sort of bu teo Ibllt mnde U IO tlr lllk of Itullan dllggcrs or Moluy 1,,·18S08. " It I - t you go." I Iregon th e pnrley, "how mucll will y ou toke to s hut up nod not os k nlly ques tions?" "Notblug dolug. " he declo red wtthout bes ltotlon. "1'01 golng to get you Dod I'm goIng to get you good." " Thnt's Illl rl gbt." 1 conelllutcll. ",\'ou enll get me just us 8000 US YOU like, bllt aU I ns k Is tbnt you do not lltuJ,; t.o luju~e some perfectly hurmlnss people,'.' H c looked al m e ~cl!llly . ':You're o ot the earClaker bero. us I tbouglJt. arc y ou l '

Navy Boy

imna Hu, $ L

P a r dee; 1<l6 llores In E .unkJin town . e illp, $ 1, Re be()on • Wllbll m, 'by sberlff to sul\.nble for bri o ' ,~ ,:" t I.. 1:" J)\' lI r I WllI ian l ~lDflold tlcot t,l o \ 10 t:!ou tb tbu plulolnlld Dn d I·Ogl. IN II I ,,·""hllle l.'· Vlilo 8 [101~ e tll o tl'llf h 1I 1 1 111)~ 1 nH 1' 011 - Lebll o oo , $ 1. vinclng ly ItS abe li e] .I obn B . Ap plogBt o t o Myrt le "PI(!lIso c\>lDe." slto 11 r~ r l l. S h eet e. lot In L bo n on , ' 1,500 "l'll go," de Iclcll tbe " Iller "''' I1UII' . G eo rl~ e B . }t~ v e l flll d to Al hlC3 W II. l i'ol'tu ll n tc l y s he rU I'~Ol Lltn . Ill " oWu Iiam s .. Iud Mf r y \Vlll itLm a. 1. 8 fl o r es costUlUo WUS II t r ll1l' "17.1\ n ,. ('1 r tl Bnru lHon t n wu sh l p , i l. mon.lo g weod lng. erCII In F il l .. \ ' i, w. J, I:l, G u t.ts!'y B Ul'ry '1.' tL v e one r, 1 condu cted lhe C U lll\1 II1 I ~' III I h.. ,I ud, ond sow Ihu t th cy CI'O lDolle "" '·("U· ,101.111c r e !5 lu WU 81.t ing tClll t o. woshllJ, tortnble Il.'I pOSs ible In t hu ' ~ I ,' r r y ,;, Ido w. A UVil L. G r oj!g to C (; P . Krobo, "BIll:' I <:omUllUldcd , "ge t t hul row· r eu l s t a te l'n Rll le w o wu s bip. $ 45 bout t1l1lt Mr. Blnn y I'o w ed o " ur In ' Frun ik 8 k i nn flr, lidru l n istrlnor, t o nud IIIl It 011 IJelllnd t ho 1I1 c rl'Y \V lc1· U. P. K r o lln , r e bl Ilst"te 10 &Iem





~\SoIJ l ll '.


... - .._ ---

L . I.oui !:il "IIs "il Int n , $1. F o lIn k Ma P u rllo d ee t o ~lI1XiDlO E .

Am lll'h:MU "TO» Ii

The MOST war~pict~rel The BEST war-picture. FlltsT, in




War Helmet!, Too

We walked up 10 Ins pect the ruins.

It "-ns 88 nice nnd com Jllete 6 Bot of

(rom me. U enrl t' · "I couldo 't he lp It ," 'Iulr nlllllllted. "VI[1llr '" ye lled Rill li e), li S ho fe ll on ble frlolld. .tdppe4, . It wOli ld bll\'c beeu 8 fll lrl,r Ul:ilt It Olair ti nct no t l/Cen hnm pe red by bl, "Sbe'. over there," lI[ltnln Parkin. lk.1rtS, As It wos, II I!lI d ~d with Dlain the general dlrecUo\1 ot tire tbSellet where we hlld II1 <lt h C ll rL~ Lu· Dey IIl hwnr r In tr 's llllt!ic. g rl llll tng h18 00 e Into [ he d lrl . , cU.. I g \\' e 1111 '" chok ed ·Ifl l r. "1' 11 mn r, ·...·Dead?" Mn. Green lDurmllre.l, lean. 'r y" ber." InJ tor aupport on my Il rm, "Mu rry her !" Bluney' ab Olt bls -No, no," Interposed , Idu, 'lYho trie nd IIgllh ~ "Nol "' lllle I I h ·!'!." ebcnIld h."e dOllo th e exploJnlugo In the "I s u't Ullrt I'I'hl)l YOIl ' ro I r~'~I1 ~ to , Int place. "Sbe III jll~ t tl1Kl ng' 11 n llp. IIltr ~''' I",~ l u llllrd UB 811e haellad 1lllCli a t 1'liblye xhml8ll llli' mll ku lIul d o ?" uperlence tile 168t rorl y~lg h t bou r,~ ",,&1\ lItI ho <'Ould, ' " I d,m', wout to, tlut we wore 1111 tIllmktul ,,'b(>11 Rho !lUlt'S certain," " Don' t )'011 lIeo, 'e(l : : \' I(\u JU((1rrUIJt-, 4'*'Cl olr a little "'hUe ngo. PQQr tlllll!;. ed soolhh,g ly, "I,,! d MlIu' t \\'flil t III martil, reat ""Ill do h~r Il world at good," "Wbat·. IIbe "Ieeplug ovel' there' tor ?" ry m e. Yuur Illllrll!;I,\(,JlIlO jeulo\ldY bns ' ~Un g at bushes. " W by· 1s u'~ ted you I lIto1lll\ l lng 1lI 1~lljltl's 1IIf'I I!) ," "I'm SO I·f)' ." ('orruboruted Bi nney . abe in ber own bed In tbe bouse 'f ' "'Ob. tbo bousc," V.Idu rellell too "I've been uuder 3 torrILI)' ncn'ous blaDJdy. "Dldn·t any ono t 11 you? Btralu OYer nil this. und fi rst I WU8 a!rald Vida \ as lost In IIU! Rt o rm. I Tbere I8D't &Dy h ouse." was nCllrly frlUlI.k till I gOI h,)ld ot n "No bouse? Wb:y ooU" "Your hOl18O. mRdam," 88Jc1 Cnptaln rowbon t n nd ~8m over. It \V ilA Il ll ' awful pul l III t he ~ cn t1111\' r Ilinlul( ou t Perk1nIl, "baa been consum ed b y tbe devouring e lement." Ho q uot d II arc tb ere. But It'll olt rl!;ht nolY . " (l U UlUHl tnauraoce udn rt1 em(!l\t !ro m memory . all come over to l' l!lr \ ' Il! 1 to 'Il~O \' Idn ('Well, well." G re 1\ r pentod In Itld m o get II1 nrr l d t blll ulOrnlu/:." Clair IVII !! II ~ I 'filIIA' to 11 11 1/l 1~ In a a Gaze. "Well. well," Lipton 8. IIllr (flu el.Cd 1IIe by the lorl of d ozed wOI,de r, "DOIl ' l I hm'e to Ilrnrry tl c r ~" ,be llleeve to · attl!l\et my nttentlull IUld whlspered In my ell r, "Wbere Ol'e D1J' ask ~d, paIIts?" "Hll ve to lU ll rry 1tCl' ?" echo·tl Bill· ,..;.,;~,,-~=-.c.....,-:---"'U>'1r"-"-Tc·r...nll',_ --" f......"mt t hl!lll over Dey go d IInlurcc'lly, "Why , YOU old to r .I)romlsOO rhluoceros, YOIl coutdn't trllP n glrUlIto J woold." marryIng YOll even It you dressed up "Are th o\' thore 1I0\\' ?" like Mrs. KS!7.cuJnmmer to plea s e ber. "YelL litll lett litem 10 tbe kltcben "But s ho snld"- beguu lol t. tar YOu." VIda On hed on lmlll orlD& look ntme, "Thim J 811111)01<(' T'JI hn" to wear Olalr cobld still do a good denl ot ()amthl.," age \t. be revl)aled u 1\ tbnt sbo had saId " I shOllhl IlJllIl, tlltl t It ",mild he 1m' IWd dOll0 tryIng 10 win tbat WUller modest It \'011 'l lch l 't .' · tram mo. Be wtlllird lIlm., ·, , "Sho sRld," I repented. brusbln g oft "Tnkl! I,ll' til Il l:, rlll llj!lit cl'." r. l r~ adJustlog. Olnlr·8 skirt, wblcll, hsd Grooli ~ 81t1. wltlt 1\ "1llh, " J. N llll' ke~ lIutrered sadly ~.r0m his rough, nud tum. tbat the r Is HIllllCt hl ll;1 It' rt "r l!l ~' IHI' ble 9ncounter, sbo Buld thnt sbe kne w .,·U wall lIer 11'0 til' 1.1I1·l hll llll l: \.... . Bbe woul<lllke you becou se you wero a "You cun ~co ttl' l' It \ " II \\,IK!I " " " III ' friend of Mr, Blnoofl." Vida ea\l!J1l', "hnl 1 U ~':Hl I'Il ,\ 11' 1 " I'' '' ". "Stop plncbln1l1llY leg I" ron.r ed Olnlr, all right, 1I1111' YUII will oll l ~' .Ii '\ ';"1' I... tall1l1g to get the slgllill 'am'e 'of my from a s lcel) whl'h !t" \1 II t.,. 1, , .... , signal and wblsklDg bls aklrls out ot m1 grasp, He glared at me bRletully, Blaney laug hed, The picture Clair I made Qblltero Lcd lbe reco il er Ul)n (I( j ealousy tor u OI OOlell 1. Theu III! caugbt slgbt or m y Rent rltl ~ on V1cl u'e hand. "WilDt'S lhnl'(" lie rlmlll lll,lc<l,



- --

motlruflll amll sem ent n tnl1, m usculllr young 111111\ wlllk ecl Into OU r cl relo nnd .c1opte4 mothCl"8 mouth. dellllllldod . "Where Is Llpl on S. Ink?" "WbO'!U'9 :YOU'/" Mrs, Grocu dClOand"Netll" Vldn exc laImed, rus hlug to' 414 a8 mn Ilil IIbe could , s pcRk, ward biOI. Shc slo pped \rhen sho 8lI w ''Where'll Luelle? Wbot is th e Ilext hJs fO CD. ~ I bave ro do, loop t.he loop or be B e bru sbed (IIIs t ber. e1eeaoocuted ,.. .

"'I'm • castaway, wr(!cked on your "land," Vida eXI11olned, "Your (loug h. tel' I.t all rlgbt," "Where I.t ebl17" Mrs. .I'eeo firOO the queat10n at me IlS 1r 1 w ere In IIOme way 1'e8ponslble. . "W'bs"- I IIUried to oxplnill . bu t reallud lIuddenly tbat Mrs. lreell m1gbt not , take kindly to the Iden of ber daughter's pJ'e8ent eos l n m , so I

"'arriago Licenses

R,i l ph ~'!t zg el'I1 Id , laborer. I\nd Co m mon PI lUI Court 11: nli Bill k fo rd , l)oth or I'ranklln j R e v , I',.. B. F 011 t or. . \"110 tl 1 '. 1 ~ ' n .,1tl N VII An nl! C' I Wehoo L . J:il z llr, eogloee r Do d I,JIn , t ,,\. II I COllUrlU l1 1011 ~ r- iiwlua Ren .. Biggs. b u lb ufOre g floio . der for <.I 1 ~trllm llun !,:ru u t e d Rev . R. B 1I'0 ste r. Ib r r, L. H .,rd lD ~ V8 lJililitl uot b I B \1i\:IIfU,. O . S. Lllg1:1 U8. l\dm 1I 1~'r". ~r~~:D~rlv~~:U:~d ~~:~e'M!!~n~r:l~ Lo r u.luue .. p a rt y d ololl d .lIl' . . Ur r , b o ~h o f l<' ra;nklitl , R ev . Blllll II rr K lrbv v \' 111111111 l:I. 1(l r ov 1I1l1U(l e l .. I. 'Orrler t rl r v" r MUo u ll ru ot If •

. Ill . He cxn m lnc(l It eloeell" "1: OU A'ot tbls (or 11I0 ? 'l' llo 'R' la ull Commlssloler's Procccdil" right, but t hi s ot h e r Inlll nl l OOks IIkll I ', l' hl, 1\\ u UI< I"\IO 1 11~tr\l "I K O. VI' I I ' . 1",5 lUI '111,''' I J Of4~ llh ll ll\ .' . H ' l ' 1\' .. , Il utb o r lzed L M, Prloe ' 0 . f; uIlPJiOB f o r ,lor. "Xv , tt d o(!sn ·(. d II r ," slJe snld.j t o b ,r r u w ~ i(.l 1\1 l·lilY "dllttiouill v oy o r $ 7." : " ~ , MOll lll a , DlIl I, log "T401"s no oi l ELl!:I\ ~ h 'ro:: The old r o ~" o u(j tli X 'H' . l UIl .01 Ilq llor l! , 110 llnl) II,I r e p or t $UO ; T h e 1J0r ). l n EO I;II llIll(lD clJol W llIgs IlifTel'l·ntl,l'. I Ml\ r~ I. til:II 1H \'R Cbo r lu" M :. ~~ Il,n·.l lJil ~' ''1 "I '0 . s u ppliul1l fu r j II S20 ; <rbel .. 'N!" 0l\"("IW8 lo,"e,l Jlko '~ 18,' t I . \ e cll t, l or 1l1 11 111 l1fi rll r ~ , ,, O •.l ::Hlllmltn Mfj{. '0 . tluppllell f or l'fe kno wn lilt s c;r 010 1~1Ij! 1J ~ lI ulen ," !I0UtUIL t th el" th II UIl tllu d{) f · u ll ull l cren80 rl:l r IIl1n OOll Ul I~~l ou l! r s $590; "011." lhe yU Il I1~ m:11l :\hl, lipp ing (rl lll Illalu l ln :POO, It" Vi! O'''Jrgu Ullm o ur, C)stM $ :lu; tile lin;; uu "ts II nllor. " 'l'hlln k s IlW- I H oxl u P ri~ V~ \ ~ 1111I PrI Ot', II" Ullarl l1!! ,I . WU l{ g uo l:l r , b n /trd in ~ " flrl fUll • . lle nr." f .w dtl u[, urt.l e r ntl to PIlY JJ l nl o t U}' $4 \v 1\~ hiu !! fo r prison er!! ta l 70; R IIUl '1.'bnl wns t he e ll il or lIl Y 1'1111;. I p Ol' w tlok 1III," ony. I n g t oo 1'y p wrUtl r '0., lI up pli es r,'r Dill ,Iohn son il mbl ~d UI ' t ou r rnrt. I; ltlt ll V:I lI ufl'Y ~ 111I1 I1r'\ D I ~II- s urvey o r $ ;1 ,;1(\. w llb n trh ltn lllnnL Ilrill 011 h l ~ Cnce. ", r e. m OlrH uf jory a mI i o d i till '! or, I;. bill WU ~ 1I\Jllro verl tor $:!ti dnIQ. ". he s hull 1'11 11," Iw JlIlIIO UU(' d. " } ' or o v l l1 Uuc\ "geM. !:lelle 'l'h Oll lJ'MC lII V ~ H og h T hom p $2 s ho slla " W I(!'! 1'\'Ny uolly to Il'u l r Vl u",.'" 80n. Olv" r oe g ron led "Iut o t ' ''', "'I'hot·. II I ~t to I lIl ~', I t r,:ru'''c " Yet , " . It MI J],or v ~ H I n MIll a r . 1I1~llt .. day , n Fn l r \ It· \\": ~n l .1 t he N o r,tee .. r pu tJI1 O" ~ l o n up\l r o v \.d IIlli l . ~ ; l m ;'r;) '\/len in' Zone proipcc l h'e h,·hl(';! roO Il1. ";o.; ' 'I·i',Li le t()ss oon llrw tld. LHvnr uo ijru lll (l plli iu 1 will pllr tt nll, l lI ~k )'0\ 1 nil to cOllie tlil' \', ,,\, ,) e;:l t o ou r w,!(ldl lll; ClUcl I ht) w cllli llll: llr cllk' c ' t ast:' :::!ie lln M 'h enc, w e l b ~ s r' , I UOiS " Cou ld It bo (lo..<;$t hlc," C:lplll ill l'cr- ill . ' b l'[lo " et,b . DI I·(' n ·., td f/I'IIlII I d k lu!< ll ~ kCI.I, " 10 11111'1) I h" ,,'p(ldlng to VI" luLIIl" I1 ll1l h e r m ille! u nnUl II f brculcrll 6t tl rs ?.. 1::l;(t1 11l &L l o l'to r i s r l'/lLu t It! " 1 tll lnl! it cou ld," Illll llhNI Il lnn y. N().\v ~ ull s " OUlO un, cvcryh,lIly," t n l' lt~cl Vltlu. J stll r tcd to Coll ow 1110 ul h c r~ . !Jut Fl o r e l~e o V &loli l el Vtl I?r ll llk .1 , Vldu dropped iJll <'lt to lilY 6h! c I1lld 1:l00.tlt·lcl. Dl vClrou I1 Ll ,l lIlIm'III ,Y. wbls Jlt't(>.l, "Yo u're Il ol IIl I' II <"rl." HI>lBII Wil l ~8 J UUI d B . WIII~, (11 " 'Yhnt!" I e xclnl L1l(~d, slJlrtlc<l. " I. '1'0 !let a ~ l c1 e w i ll of li: llz .. b el b " \' oll're not 811[JllOscd t o come," A . KirlJy , "Wil y not 1" "U 1 "'cre y u, 1 sb ould Ilet los t In G ll rtr nde V a ltl V ~ \ uitur tl t l1 n le y . the woods o m wherc. YOII m lghl ruo BIl la rdy . Into How et blng 10 your nd l't1 oln gc." Probate Court "I cc uh.l n 'l", Mlll t woultl sho lh ln k or mel" I!. t ll te o f G eorge n. Sft C''', d e'"Try It nnd find out... Vldn s m lled oonslld , O ru er to Hell oerlalu dl,ooke a t me Quizzica lly. "I'w Il WOlUlln IIlY-, grllnt od . sci!, Dud I can gues s. r Oll WOII t 0 d hI I be m at,ter ot tbe 08\ste o f Wil, ro mnko n ny uII VII UCCS. Don't you h ll m Ull ne, t1e oeIl8t'd . Utllle I1dwn llt It I' '/'' jn d~efl l n 8uo B blld 81!11t La I b e i tMe "' Yes." 1 n ns wered. '''fllen dOIl 't botller nb<Jllt IIuy ona il ll~ l Jlt.n l Il l, Ouytu n fo r t r e lltlllant, lf l u tl k Wy llh, !! n~rdln n, vs ' l'b eo. else'8 weddlog ll rl'a l([us L .l ll" l IIlt"fld dor e Wyl ie (It II \. App liolltlon to to your ow o.1f " Sbo'R eugn gl!d 10 nO ll (l. " I prl,h,.,,'11 s 1\ r t'll l e~tu to. 1ee bl~·. lr,n nk !"kin u(lr, admi nis t r at or, V I:! " Ttl ma ke you IlUg l'Y:' s ~ w h i~J~ ro(i A Iwa M C:;r{'KJ{ lIt ol. &I I uppro v ed "1 ,'./In·t lalk t o YOII uny IlIm'e ""l'!lURe ,IUd CD Vtl fll lld , unG di t r ibu t lon NI!d I" I:~ t tl ue r·tl IWlriurl bl~ • 1'1<. m IldI' , ~hat mcnM tllnt ho Ie [Cll,full ), j l'lI r. ll; lu t e lI f Ahn m lr\ll~ t{lu g u eOUB. ( mu et r llu IH ool! nlld be Iwohlell, cl!I~ ~(lil , Li'fnt\ l u()couni fi led, l1blnk It over." !'Iba I:lklPIl d blltllely to \lle lildll ot Real Es ta te Transfers ( h er Iloon to Ill! lord n ncl IUQ ~l e r t DIllY· T he men wh o :trI\ 1113 killg a Jlle· WIIII ,~ m Ir. I"mme r 1'0 Oll ie .1. be), ~lUnlll~ tlltO ltl ~ face w ith Il II L tp ri,,1 hi'lory .. r Ihe .Eu ropea n war so \'II II, li llIe Qud l ugl'n tl ll l i llt; I hnt Brown, I t to H' 'IUll;t IIll, $ 1. !>al'e all o pled a . I e~ ; h , I IIl~1 ~nlc \ll a ( ec i Ot hell o ",unto b ll"C ~"ll'b (Ill' 1>I,I!'ter M n r y W tJ \I " m~ IHld IUI(\" Wllli.lIlU e 10 Ilh'" rl fl ying "i ts o j ,h ra "r",I, wi lh h l lll~ ctr bnd Ito beull III U ln ll l'~ ~ • boes. t o L vJ M. B u lly , ~ Ill, :i·HI oer cs In wh i"11 Ihe air j . nIkcl "n <ilme of th(' ~J I'S. C: 1'£lf' l1 IlII l tl'd lIuo P I·()l·I '~~icH I . W 5~blu g t on tu wn h i P, 1 nr llr~ 3 ~ ti\'(' h. l1ldroll l . T hi s p hOIClll"rl)Jhf.~r i Cj Jl n (:nmr r.l " firin,:! line" and ··t "'III 't ~(!> " lIh(Hl t LIII'II ' " E Jw rtl 81 Ir II Dcl R ,b e rt. Milll' l',,~ \1 -( t" .. r~. 1'111 no: ill (he lI'~ r "~Ir'. £\Iaill ".' \\1 11 c.plll ill It ro Lu , BI'u r rlJ Ji)(}WIlI .1. r""1l8 n nd D l tb e r. J:llrl' ~ Til(' 111 !tn t' t he w rar't, I! (J\Vl.' \ {' I . clle," \ '10111 11,,111 <" I III'r. Ulkltl)! Ill)' IIC- \til- "'Ill e , I t 10 Le b no n 4. 200. is 11I~ -am(' ki.ll el 11,., 1 i ~ H!'i ('O 1·\' t ilt' Qulm·u· '11ft" to r ;.;ra IIH'ct " Y",n "'('C. 1 ,"11' 1,ltllt l)L'rl\l,hr r" J i!' r Ol1 h.'a l it! Ull vl D B uo th Iwd Mo r inn q De ,u ." "11 INI' lllly lJrt'IlU~I' I lin \'0 no Pu n ly 10 .J nh o R . A pp leglih' , lo t in .. 11"1 \JI i lJlI II ''' , "' \\ t' 11 ,lr' \\11 I ), ' l' r t he o ttl e l' Wtt'l l:I IJ I i'l t'lI !) "It I. Hll.' , My O,w -o (~ -~, Lf'r\ if ! lhl ,l lluhlt i"II'1'n'::l: n f ~ Le ulluO Il . $1 lOot hr r" - It,'r 11,,~ CIII II PrL'd . h '" '" \ , ,: ~ ilt -'I1.! ~ I ' I Ll'Pn" ~ " I 'w :;()IT.' · . .. ~1 1t ) ;\1 • .." ~I·t ' c n . "Dn f4 \ A Ib .. r ~ LI . [Je lln e t t tn B or m nn EJenCl r l k. lot In M II!!" 'I , $1. tllle brr ll 'd ~"1C 1 lUll):',' " 'h e J.'ltI'I. Ih ·/I ,1. 11111 'I ",'R In 11 Hl ock III rll R, Wll\loms t il Alfre d V

rank R.AdaJ - . "We won't wOlry," I AII8w ered tor all. "SI., as lollll' 1111 you Ilk ,'. Aft r tlle tug bad (tone lair lit 004 look.lllK dtlconlola tely lifter It, "l'ou don't aeem ovorJoyed fi t being Nt free." I 811 ld to bJD.l Ln n low voIce. .0 tIlltt l1re,utllortl could not hl'lIr. "DIdn't I tell you 1 ""unl ed tn or... tEd 110 U:rnt MI ss D un more .w ould bretl\r our engagement ? Jnll Is bl!tt er than marrIage any tl lO l'. T hey sborte u jat\ sen\;l!Jlce. tor g ()O() lJc1rn\·lor." He D ooll hll flet at Ute d ellllrUJlg t UK. "They were JUlt ready to bfl\' e b rca\[faIIt on board too." A contu8Lon ot luarUculnt o BO\lllds a4\'lIed me that lUes Duu1ll0r was removIna the gag trom ber bllsl1ly




T ho Ho n or of T h,.".... II w~ \ hili 1111,11 d III1I U'ly ('ORt IJ r~('I( r.. r th~ /l/l l'l !<h WIIS 1lf)11I1l' tn 1'111) . 110 We'1I1 ull('nil . l\'hh Ibe cllrllll my ot 0 lI'IlW -



P 'I\I' , a .l1ul n" l, r . I " I Frll nk A I',nu"', rll .. 1 .... t.. tl' ITl W" r. I U'"J tl ntl t1 1f10U IJ ounth ' ~, $ 1~2 U Jt;tI R (,, ' hlt l'r Mill rn It )1' I·rt, B"" .tilIDUlD R II ~.I()'1n--a " 11 "LIon ,

luternational Hanester CompaDY of America '

(~ ,


Tlbua ... J I . · . . . . . . _

A • 8 • S·d I ea


.... ..,



W &p1_viIle, Ohio

... .

GAZ E TrE ....



lS<;UEU I<:VI-JRY WEDNJ<:!;:DAY ltuhlrlu1 aL 'he

" u.t HHI ~·o

at \\' .)'uu5VII I"'t of Jhl • Of> t: I t CJ 11 l 11.11

~ !II I"



----------------_._ -


oj!... =======:==:~==. = = . ==u=.=== ~:=~O===·==========~~.I I ----~--------~---= per year


VI "

As Wr itten by Our Corps of Able Corre 'Ponde ts in tbe

D. 1.. CR AN E. Editor and IJubiishe r u scnotlol) e rlce.



","l:I"~ '

11)1 7


P : i.l>e<l h .l"" .. month

10 ..",Len f.r $2.00


( 11 If yO" act now)

J ncludln, :


Pili M..... 'CI"...!IonTbSaturday .. night a ...,11 IPSDt Mu. Eva Borwell aud son. L wls, LIME AND PHOSPHATE I til. cuunl thill/Dut lnnotherIllucuiS!'",""s no d rllloghto r. Mllr"liret, of sever .. daya tble wee k th e rtbcd I cal ville. Mr @. Mllnd o Ulea ver , of Leb. both filla.n olally aod Isoclally, gue8&1 of Wm. Newport,st Lebll. noD. IN fALL Iretltedi~~. a nd C'I/I~llIlIlIy ["ilin ~ IInv6,Y"bnrg, ll n . lind Mrll. t:\h l'llh Rich. of. B"r· Mr . Oroppor a.od IlI'a Blgouy me' Mr. lind Mrs Clirl BIBokfClr d Bud U'SED we r e I,he l:!undliY guests with mllnv ot our oltl )\on, 'at 'be fllmlly, of Oeutervllle, spec t !:Ioodoy BE ___ W urdl\D sud faw lly . T0190 Ball on Stlnd,,), afterooon In with home fotka . . ._ I greul ly by c" "still/iioilol condi ·

The re is tltoP ' II I"n h in Ihls sec liol/ 01 ry " II i toJ,(elher , (Ilid rur yeurH h \\In s s u pposed M~dls· 'WIlS IUOOOIIII, II) be t l1 c ur"bl ~ . 00 by I.. c ure wllh loctl 1 . lrc.arm cltt, prlllilJlIlICed it incntnhle . Cat a rrh is tl loc.1I clis ,'~ , SC , of '1 ',.1 InRtlcllce<l lions Bnd the rcfor~ rC'qui rcscflU :;ot iltl t iollO l Mr~. IDdlLh J)li vls Bod soo. Rober ~, the Intorestof the ,Y, M . O. A. Owing to the eat/ jested condition t ren tlnent. Hu ll' s -[l 18 rrh Mtuidne, JIlIItI .. HJlllnt flort of the wee lt w ltb Mr. Mr. and Mrs, Amol!l Ellis and Mr, 6f the r8i1rolld ~ man~ farmert> wtl l'e u[IIeLured by F . J. Che u"y & Co., Tuledo. I/ orl \l rH. Wm . Davis Dear t:lIlVIIf anc! MrM. A. B. Anllo n were l:3unc!ay n ot able to secure ground IIrnetitulie Ohio, .is n l'unslittlli" "al remerly, is Inkel/ (:t rove, . gu e~ tl of acqu blot!lnoes nt Port

Bnd fertilizes in time t o apply before seeding. This ' work may still be done, althouKh the hene/it to the . wheat cannot be SQ grent as if the Ilmestone or ferlilizer had bee n atirred into that la~e r of the soil in which the plBnt roots do their work For ratl or winter application fin e Iy ground limQ~ tone is prefer ab le to cauatic or hyd rated lime becnuse it will not injure the wheat plants un · leBB used in such Quanti ty as to am other them. Acid phosphate may be sown broad· cast by hand, or with 'a fl!rtili ze r drill [rom which the hoes or di ~ k 8 have been removed. or with a li me I"reader. Drivinj( over the fiel d will cause Borne injury to the yuunK wheat pienta, both by the trampling and by the drill wheels, and for this naaon it would be b~tter to sprelld acid phosphate by hand and 10 ~ e fe r spreadinll the limestone until the a-round is frozen . One of Ihe great advantages o f acid pho~ phate is the vigorous fall growlh It produces For thi~ ro!a80n It i. desirable to apply i CIll <early IIR posaible. ' .' While the immpuiate benefit will not be.o great as if this work had been done earlier, neither eiie lime· stone nor the phosplaate will be wlI8ted , but the eoil will ret ain th em for future crops. The National Capital. The site ot, W,, "hln gtlJll city n8 tho natlollal cn lllllli \\,,,~ selected 1t.1 1701, the corDer 6tOlle "t the Cl1pltol wns IRld In ) 793 nnd co n l! r~"S mel th,>r for the tnt t1me In Nov>mlter, 1800. Prior to thnt collgrll!!>j hnt! 1I11't lI't I'hllntlul· pblll. New \' or ll. Tlfl lllmnrp., LI\IICIl8ter, York•. Prloc t.OIl, 1\ I\lIl\polll:l tlllli '.l1ren·

ill ierl/nll y o nd IIc lR Ull ough I he nlood 0 11 Ihe M""Otl5 S II,fn c~ ~ of Ihe Sy<lctlt . One Rtlnd n'd

Duli nrs

re lV'~rd


a lTered for

rase Ihnt Hall 's Cnla rrh ~ l eLlicill. r"ils 10 cure. Send fll r cireul ll r ~ fl l1d les· lintOlt1uls. II . J. CHENRV & ( ' 0 ., Ohi,).

R I1 '

&'10.1 by

D rll l(~isl s,

i ltc.

Hull' s Fa mily Pil ls for ca".lipallon .

CHRiSTMAS SUGGESTION Wben y ou tDltkfl a preMe nt of ' I'be Y.>uth'tc (Jumpflo ino YO ll uro I\i , i n ~ nut w erely thl! mell.ns ot wh uhIM" mt! plelltlUrli liud ta .oluol,i111( Inf rm otlon every week . The CUlllllunl lln I 1111 I,h ut . But It 18 M(l/lI (J thln K m nra i:Jlloilred s of letterl'< t,.,l·be ()ompliu . Ion llpsak f the InJl tlAOce Il f the Il" · per III taflldltl !.! bnmu t.le~ . T he m utb . ere 'und r"Ut erS ooll t he b" Yd tlnd I(Irl8 10 (!OUJptlH\.)n \'lI lUilics lI re VAry 0'011 kol~ 10 Ibei r n\l\ otio08. They bl\vtll~ oomOlOn In terest 10 t UIl Hn m e dut.i es Rod J('orellt l oc~, IInj t hey «11 r f'gtud 'l 'hll U" mpllnlou J\S ouo of th ll 1D8elvos, It \111 8 f~ per. sonll I It.y II Oel " \lhli raoter uo tque among publlOdtioo8, I\DU ,Vou (lllUli ot lutr<Hltloa 11 m ore lusph'lng inl\ullnoB luto I1ny b OlliA clruJA. H I ~ n ot " pllbliolltl llO "1 ,.. rE! l ,' ~ Ilfri ~ )uj l Th\! 'o U1lllt tli nn a lll llU 18 $2 Un, b rI~ t. h" plI hla ~ h ~ r H 111 oI,H I\n

E:rtrClord 1110 r1l



h., ilia.

·i)'o . \.1""1 n 1111<1 MoUII\I's t\l u~R l!;l u e t J. g til r tn r $ 2.~ i ' The two.nt.·loe offer , In. ol ntles: . 1 'lib" Youth '\! U mpanloo_ G2 1~ ~Ulltl In 11l1'S l! All r em"lning 1917 IS£lues of tOD. 1'h Companlo!} t .."e._ S, T Lte Corol'tUllon H ome C"le n. d~r for 1918 ~orth Wh ile QuotJttlon, 4, MO()II U'!I I\hitlt zlue- 12 tu sh "The 1lll'IISflill thi ng!! III th 6 worlc! .... pleluuant IhllUr:hls ; nml lila g~eot lou lIuulbers III l'll l A1\ f or only $2.25 art In lite III to htl \'e 81 mon)' of Ihem 1'S!!: YOU L'fi' 8 ()MPANION , . . poulble."-Sele ·tlld. ellJII", nnw "lib A~o . SOliton, M "~ 8. Ne,.., ::iub orl"lI(ln. R e ei ved II I I,hls

l Jru ,n t Off.r- T il e Yu U Ill 'ij

()ml~(' .



Now She i;I Slro~ and , Hearty

---- - --'--Th e Happy Man.

It Is


I I ...... -

I:(toll Ihl-t~ to ~tlt t't out 1\. Inlll;ltlnl: or 11 M,""I"y, k~t'Jl InuJrhlng on TII"...luy, W('!lIII'sllnl' lind 'J'hlll'''rl uy. be cllrcl nl Itow you "pend l~ rl (lny nIght, IInrl illcn 11111 ke II turdny the merri est dRY or tllll \\'e II. You will lind Illl?llty or compRUY, tor t he world lovel! a hnpI'Y U11111.-Chnrles Bnttcll /I

Mr. "nd Mrs. R"y Wolfe nnd obild nm span. I:l uu dny with J obn Woll e Ilod wife . Mr s. Leua bart.Rook 'lod (leughter Releu, ntteDoed (,lulirterly ' Meeting li t W "ym 8 ville t he Pll8t wee k. Mrs. M"ry Moon on 110d daughter. (~I tl unli, "J..Ien\ Friday with her mother, Mu, (:t eo. UILvl ~ . The MI M~Il~ Mlt rie "nd In fz ,Uoh, Merle, Il'II)'e uno! V Hlltil Ellis, VIUI" J orduo I>lH1 MIHthl! LakeD" atl,e Dd. od t be ,'untor Pr .. clll .. club lit t il .. home 0' MiRS » ,Jrthll Uell t.llerllge tllA l nur14Y. I 'ror, t::I,)gf1lttt, wife I\ud d ,H1ICb. ler, or l'loftijllHt P illill Ittte nded Wol flire Lellijllll. 811 Lurday I!ve nlng M,'. IJogglltot ie I<UlllHlu tendent ot ~bl s Holloul Dbltrjr)t. Mr~, (:t oo. 1~1 1I 8 bud dAul(uter, Vti~tll , wel'll the Hundoy Iruests or ~L1 w l ll Mlu tio "nrt wife Tile Miss 8 Merl e Ellis lIu d HeleD Hft rL@lIok cn lleli 00 Irs. Albert He r re:r. t rlduy Itf le rDl>o o. Mr . J W 1I11t't ~uc k vi !t ed In U".Y' OIJ U", iJH li t WtJ l K • . Mrs, Edltb Tlbbal wll o hilS hoen ~ \(\ k fnr ~O t1lol time will be till> 'I t 10 ." hllula h o~p lt,a l tl ll .. r Uy,Yton I his weill! . J us Om}, ,,"ll Wife spoot tb e welik .e nd with tb ell' J/lu g b~ur In O"yto u. \1 rll. F'. A. Hartsock aud Misw B elen oalled OD Mrs . Enillet Mt\D. non Wedne 'flay !tHerll OoD. MI@II G ~rtrQ de Ber rez , of Dllyton. SpeDt the week eod with ber pBrents MilS IreQe U Oi le8bF, o f (low (:tro ve, 'pent Sll\urday !lcd undll )' with her p tlr eot,p, Air. !lnd Mrs: 0 R U nile ~by .

WillI/lin . Ed Browo, of Ileor here, haa lold hi li propert:r'to Wond:row "nd l:hrry Colllnl!. Mr. Brown 118 get-Mnlr tu be a r ...1 eetate d elller. Ifrank Armor HurrlR Is blltobflr· quite B number of lood beevea forhhl t.rllde. Meure Ir u Blgon, and Oropper. of Lebtlo on, Wile in o ur vllloge trsn8notl ny business on Wedoesday of I ~pt week Mrs. !:Iurnh Rloh rl~ tu rned home au Thur sdllY froOl L ~ b <i nou BUer eevenl dllye' visit. Itf". A. K. ~Ilrgell t wae trllnlaottrla bus iness in the Q U!len CIty J.. t wAek, Frlmk MoOarreo hilI! bag uo build. In g on t11e farm be r acently pur. obll@ed W. P . MoOarre n, translloted blUll. oe!1I 10 Dayton on 'l'htllrlday of la.'


P a,h!on, V a n ity Nhmhe r Cbrlnma. Clf. Nu mber Holld,y liumbu LlOI.,I. Numbu M010 r N\lmber Porccut of Sprint FlIhlonl Sprln, Millin ery Etc:. Mail ((),,. , ~ d d y


Drummond Sllide. who hnM be e ~ visiting hIs SlIter; Mn P. K . P eoce, tor the greater p!lrt of ~be 8uwmer, hIlS returned to tbe I:laudusky Home. Mn: A~ Randall wall oallet! to Uantoo . Uhlo, MoudliY, by t·he dellth of B trle nd. Mu' N. Arohd o..con hae returned to Mr, Bod IIrl'. JollO MoUul1ough '8 Rfter aD extended vlelt with reill. tlves at Lebanon l.lUd Franklin, Mr. aod Mn . JOMy McOurdy had for their guest8, Mr. Bnd Mra. A, UrORe aod Mre. Bowere, or Leblioun, Mn. Belle Erwin, of Uhloago. Mr a.nd ' Mrll Bert RU810U aon Mrs. Charles Thompson and dliugh. I.e 1', Elloa. motored to Eat 'n Sunda?' wbere they Mtended tbe Uulversa Jist Sunday soll"o l conventlou . Mr. !lud Mrs, Ed K eS ling m atured t o Greenville Friday where ,h'ey at. ~ e nded thl:' fuoeral of Mr . .Kel:! lIo!('. arlllldmoiber. 1'1/ A : Enrly lean8 for his winter home io Wabae80. FJa, 8atur<1ay attArnl)On. Be III golnR where the ploe foreHts sbonnd and ooal leo't needed for fuel. Misses Olive and Graoe Booll Luoy Bautli and Ne llie Flttll m otored to MIddletown los t SundllY . . M I~8 ~'rltz, -..vho hILS been vis iting &t t.he hOlUe ot M r . !lnd Mrll G eo r~e Bilok hilS returned to he r bome In Cl evellllld. Mrs AllnR Staley Ilud d"' of l ooho. .dr. nnd Mrs . O. UUpin and dUllgbt or . nnd Mude Kes llo i. Mr And. Mra. Bllrry Dromf ord, uf Frllnlillo, en j oyed 11 v"ry pleasllnt e veDil1g with Mr Ilnd Mrs Wm. Lelohty Jast 1' huredllj'. The oveu. iug wn8 more enjoyahle with the Mu@ell, A IIgb* IUU!lheon WIUI lerved. Barry Peaoe, or MluDeapoltl, Minn.. called on trleode and rela. UVlla here Sunday,


Racoon e' Ta ke


-_ --


_. . .............. _. . . . - .........._ -'-- Sped,,1 off. r, •• nd n.o mo..., ..ow

V OR lI t:, ~9 W ..t 44 1h St.. f'(, Y . City. S cud tne 10 n um11torl 01 VOICue begin nfn. w ith NOT. 15 mhnher at 81,ccinl ,:Z.O[) to.te~ If thu ooupon I, n ·

cl:ind h . time. I unJcr. ll.,d you w ill .1to Ncd me complimcnl'a ry copy of Nov. 1 (Winter Paahlon t). !.

Name. ,0 ' . , • • •• • • • • • • • • • , . , • •• , • • • • • • •• •• • •• • , • •• Addre. , .... " ... , .... ............... .. ...... .. .. . City


: . ... ..... ........ ... : .. Slat . ... ...... . .. .. P.J'.!..· IO·17

Ch .nce~

, Th e fon dn~H8 ot r ll('oons fo r green

corn londs Ihem In to ' r 'lltent l1t!'ngcr, for. when bottoml oud :'rtI letllpls Iho01 nWllf trom their u ~ lI n ' I,"unlp, mcoon llUntlng wIth dogs ul "Igllt b"colllcs nn ('Speclnlly (nvored SP(ltt. Rneo ons uro remnrknbly In telll~(, tl t nnlmal s .nd mnkl' Intorestlng lind " ml/sltl g \lcls,

Saxon Six Livery ( PRICE5! RIOHT)

Sole Agent


Olasslfied Ads


O~ACOO G r ound fo r rent ,

ply at this olJiQe.





Phone 00-3




ll ive. the, (lnl ~ 'iHnl",jvl" rMQI'RSl$ ti l M I."n'. flllHlc!Ii with (ult ,1I mlqt:i fl nl Il fl ,J d .,,,cm t'l to IUt IU l!a cc ulul , nC':ilivll '..1 ..U1I Irl'vtat (' ~1 In UVtJ8ue" will &.L' ·o ),ou ho nt CII~ ly lIudin ku. , ...... ... .... ....... .....



DR. J.

Ap n1'

••• DENTIST••• W.yaent.... o



u'lIle (Jordon ie worklog In the 0t'j EY IOlLtied on 11 ve s'ook ohll t, MoOsrren /ita rlL!I o. 'elll Rnd lI!lCo~d mor~age., Notell bough.. John Bublne, Jr., Hev, W .. lker flll pcI tbe pulpit Ilt BATRAWAY Allen Building, Xljnls, Ohio, m' I Il IJ 1\1 . E . hurch on 1::illlllll1 Y Iltst , 1r e nd Mr ~ W \'IT W llloh n t· \\'1,lIe,,01e'l lAadIq pn(ll'd qU 91 t erl ,Y IlI lJOl lnj,f ut Ne w U180e in BBinee ·B ldg, Main B' " FOR SALE Burllogt u ll Ott t:bio rd y . Mr. lltld Mrll, A . M ' ol!ett, 'Iooom. p,ualed bV Mr , nu(\ Mrs . W W. Oak Sill 8&8, 32 feet long, 1 Pod Wol oh, VI M I ~od Ihe A vi ll t.i un Fi eld 8x8, 18 fee, 1008 , lome Null Tiel! all fl Id on Sundll Y Ilftern l)on. 'lx', 18 fee' long Inquire of J ohn MillS Pearl Cline , of Dayton, spent I:leaob, Wayne8VlI~e, Oblo. 028 "' ulldl"}' wIth b er m other. Mrs. Optometrlstl ~mlDli Oli os. Maxwell Auto, Im-Lll truok bod,. Eyes te.ted ~free and in lroo<1 rUDnias ordllr, Mr. nnd M~I FUll I! Wilson !lnd b. .p, I' .old · lOaD , John Lo1l8, dl\u,bter, Loulee, R. C. Garner nnd W.YDe8"l1Ie, Uhlo. D'S 'fh ol. Tnoker oalled o:n rel.tive. In ~bl na OD Sandal' , 8J1l Hub Btlll.l'd Roam . Bave O. JIl Levloy i.B havinlr hie IIlore decided to go lo Oallloroia aud room wIred Bn4 wtlll dtsOIlrd hili will 'fijI my Billiard Room al onoe. lal ollne 1I8hts f'or eleoblolt1, ------~.--Best Inveltment to town. See Ja • • 'fhe Aid Soolet, me', at Mre. Ibble A, Whltaore, Wa1I1esvllle. O. 1121 ... ...... --- Oollett·. on Thursd,ay. A. Usbt lunoh WIlS l e rved and B verr enjoy. INGLE Comb White Leghorn li ble aod pleet!aut program wall cal'. Cookerell, D. W. YOUUI stralo. 'led out. Prioe tl 25 88oh. Pbone 2.2. Mrs, 'l'he eleo"on held here on Tuel. Ellie M. Hawke, R. D. 1, BarTev8. ""!> burg, Ohio. d12 daf , November Il, Will! very qule', . 0 161.01,'1 ..1~"O lt n. 11'IUlI' Thebeet \lue of B esting StOVII. and ao"- wUb few exceptions 'he ones ~n.!olUlll;') JOJ P"~8 ·~~.,It"',{j~A:' 1U~,. ~p Rangel ID this llut of Ohio. aDd 'he mauthe old male o.lf, ntoe In. Mrs. J B, Jones !lnd Mr . Goorgo eleo'ed were very .a'lldaolory , II" II'. ~ I .1'1 ~ IOS prloes .re low. III I bought tbeUl be. dlvldua1,l'oau oolor, 10 good °fn121 l. :aP ;an'lllbs:a Mr. Oanol Deln Smar*, of Cln. fore the IlLS' 'wo advanoes In these I:irn It La . uf Lytl e, . ll11ed In our violn. .lu.m- ;nn Ul l)~J;'JJO til olnnat', was here las t week calling ROods. Don " put It ofl', as they are ooudHloD, and .vlll lIell reR80nable Ity Monrlny . a'IO'I' ' OJ .pnll\"I 'PIA\ Oal1 on Fred Elbon, WllyneBvllle, 00 Bcqullln'"aces. gol og fllllt . aDd the n'e xt will be Ohio MI ,,~ M'lr,Y Cl\n/l'lInt d OOR n ot iUl. .. 1.111'," Ittqi . nll , O. D. Lp. vloy h lUl a lIew ' O verland very muoh higher. A. the 01 I et,and. pt' UVll very In tlt 11 8 her LIlIlUY frl OdH ,,014 J'II/!f ~ 'ro ~rlllg oar. (,I-ll'ls ,tl& bo.y. A. B. SIDES w uld ilk to oe hor, - J<;nro nll OW Rnd Pl gRf or ~'Lle Inquire of A1I'. !lnd Mrl , B. L . Dailin w&I'e ,. u:'AOJd JO ~llll d H Al!_ 0, J T. Marlti.U, WeYllelVlJle, Mr~. I:lorber' r.Jnrllltt l1ul1 c!uugh. gl1.,i8 of Mr. anc! Mre. Milo Bel e , P3a,d !ftll~;a. A"3nUJ p u w Oblo, R. D 1. nU _lIJ DJ '.uond.)o Jt3 Uq ;un I. r. Luo u, were X Di ll vl ~ItOr!l aile o~ Clinton COUllty, 00 l'hur8day 80 ~dUlltl' :n"ILI ~ql I, dflY , hiM "oa k. 11I8t. Uuroo Jersey BOlLr, is mouthl &\rl!. Lee Doncllo wit~ Itt WOYbel. I , N. ~hl1er, our fruit .ree .ale8. ~l'SOIB SHl90~ old. eltgtble, anft In flu. Ihape, VIlle 'l'aosday nf lerlwon , mao, made quite an extenetve de· Iuqulre 01 Wm. Cummlngs , R D. S, Wa1nesvllla, Ohio. 014 The re WII S 11 gOOl\ turn out from \! verr In t his vlolnUy III' week. BOUlb Bro~herll ne bu\1dlDI a our II t lle v lllllge a·t tue e1eo,loo. H -amllllJ ,a., Mr. ' and Mr8. Elmer Barnel are tloao' houll aD ooe of P. D: Olelr III h oped 1·11I.t thoy ve lad dr~, 1.0'" a," ' / *be parltn" or Il 1Itlle dau«hter, ge'.'e tarms. WANTED ~nlq"'''I' ~oqr:a.. aa MrH. StoOY OrlillC (lud mothel' M.r1 Katherloe: ~.J q tUJ;,,,_d Mr •• nd IIr •• Wm. Gillam han . oalled on Mrs. A rnall Ja okson Mon· 01 o. 1 •• IGlI,lllr M,'8 Bam Klier was oalled to Mar. purohaeed a oew Overl~n4 Tonrlnl d ..)' ..rteru oon. , . _ . . ~ r _ o .mo.c:UO,(I;)lI llnsvtlle lut week by the dea&h of oar. Bhorlhorn IIlIoll'Oow. Would • Mra. ' Loo Dunolln and Mrl' . .rease Mr. M. A. U..rlon, of Da1ton. weI her mo'her. oow giving milk and bel J3hl!S Michael wer e D .yt oc tlbOJ..lpori! one olrouldllJg amoog .frlendl bere ODe Ne.... heatere h!lve been pOL bp r.Nhprefer In 'he .prlng. O. S. MI~wel1. dtLY tbl~ wllek. . ID all th'ree or \)ur eobool rooms. day recAo'ly. R. 0.1, Wayoa8VtIle, Ohio . n21 .Mrs. Fronk Da lliu aDd Mrs, HlrlllD Our teaoherll Ilt\ended 0. T . .A. ODe of 'be bUB, corners in OUI' D~kiu. 01 8 pri n!,t Brunuh, au lied 0 [1 towu Ie J , B. Bogan·s. In Sprlogfleld last week Mrs \)IX uU .,' blir tll n Friday II fter B B . ~Illor apenl Friday In Mr . Ilnd Mu .. ·Tbompeon were n llolJ SprtnRfield. Sunday- Rues's a\ Oamp Sberm~o . Prof P: G. Mlran<1l, of Bellbroolr, Mr . /lUa 61 rIO. E :~rl Btl ,nRrd nre Mr. anc! Mrs . R. W. Kilylor took v l ~ltlo'g Mr . Wnltllr BerIJarclll t Ly . lu the SliMs 1I0nday &, thl Avle.. tohool. was the lue.' of frleoda here t Ie, Ull to. Bunday. . tl oo Field ne".. Fairfield . A larae Dumber of people aUen<1ed Mr. lind Mrp. WUl>ur Bhld&iter Mr. Beo Ill'lruhur t and fl\01l1y !lnd tbe MlsseB Vehnf1 aud Horthll .Mlir Mid d8u~bter, Muy, of Wilmington, a oonoert by the 8S0'h reg. balld In laU wero gue8t~ o t .1 . '1'. :'!B,rllltt wllre Iloellts of Mr. aDd M,e. F . L. Xeni. Ba'arc!ay night. J[ent tlol· ll\od, of 'hie place, Ie one of the oor· dhlllRiler, . aDct family dUDd.y. lI,tlate. . Mr. and Mrll. A L. KIDa entllr. Are you g'oinll' to build a House? } MltI& ' UI;rtl Dnughters is vl sltiuQ J .ellter Barley and E<lDa ROller ~~Iued tor Bunday dllGner . lIr. sod bel' .illter· ~rti. Utlorge Bratton, of Are you goin~ to build a Barn! . Mrs. E. 1:3. B"IIY !lnd .lr.and Ihe. were- m.rrled· In Xenia !!aturde, I)~y t !Il. ulght 'l'belr maoy trio lids ellten<1 Are you Iloing to build a Garsge? F. L . Mhldaker. . MI8e Lena MI\rI.. U Is on 'be sick 'ver V b pst wieheI'. Le,ler wile one wii8ses Be881e ~hldaker and Paul. Are you going- to build a Hog- Pen? of 'be drs~ of our boy. to be drafted, ll8t. ine HarlaD were MUUllliY lue." or and III now 10 tralulDIr at Camp Are you 1I'0ing to build a Poultry House? Mr\!. Floreooe Be roord Is visltlog Mr. and Mrs. Willard Martin, of ~herman . relu'l ves Ilt 10dlJ\oa. Osy'oo. Dr. Whitaker and lomlJy Ind Min Mlu Laura )(oKlnle", leaoh,r In L~ onll Shriller vlsUed 15ber. Ollr lohool. wa. ~bll rllDea'lrune of Dian t:latur<1ay. ,bar mother, Mn Ohlrltltle KoKln. Do You Wan. Tobacco BoXII/!! . . ...... , .. . . , . ..... . . ...... , ....... Bee Madden Mllaml ~utirterly meellng WIll!J beld ~8y , of W\lmlog\oo. b ers Frld'lY Bod Saturday Bev Do You \Va nl <J.\lmon L7 .. . , . " . . ...... .. . .... . ... . ..... : . ..... .. ' .Bee Madden Mre MOllt Stump 1.1 enler&Alnlng N elaoo, of Sabloa, preaohed a vflr, her ,18ter of New Albany, lod. Do You Want Lime or Pla.terl ,. , .. , . .. .... . , ... , .', .. , .. . .. . See MaddeD able Bermon tlaturday. Re". BeaU1 ot California, on Sunday mOl'lIlog ... Do You Wnnt Any Kiud uf Lumber? , . . , . ... . ... . .. .. . .. . .. .See MadeleD M1 ~8 Ma tta qod N annie Mil Ii! ~PAOt. and Rev. Mltcbell, or Xeota, ad 'lIourll liY wi th t heir OO USIOS, M:IIiB6~ dreAeed 'he ' :. E, on. Blloday after. Do You Want Shingles? ......................... See MaddeD Netl'le und 11111 Bur l)ff , lu UlIyl-On Doon. .





DR. H.E.






Lebanon -:- Ohio









" WI _"'I

Philadelphia, PI_"I WIl. over· :-~------------­ worked, run down. nervous, could not eat or a1eep. I felt like cfJinlf all the time. I tned different remedies with. out benefit. The doctor 'said it wal a wooder I . .I alive. acd when Vinal W.I civen me I began to improve. ·1 bave takeD eight and am DOW Iitrone and .perfectly healthy in ~""""~"""''VIt..'"''''''''''''''''....''' eve". relpect, DDd bave aained in welrht. I can not praise Vlnol GET IT AT enou{b."-lln. 8anh A. Jonea, 1035 Nenda St.. PbIladelpbla, 1>.. We paraotee Vinal to make OTer. worked, weak women Itronc or reo tum ,oar money. Fonuula on ovory bottle. • Thia ill ),our protection. W AYNESVl,LLE,

UNION "RAIN Dairy Feed

Younce Bros.Grain Co. o.

J. E. Janney, .Druggist, Way.nesville



Al!lenb JO









MI~" MoKinley, of the 10tE!rmed l. 'l'be fUlI\Ju l of MrH AUUII Mu')' nie' roolO wlI - 111 Mood.. y And EIl:lu • . Well ver, wlfo f Ii .. rry Weaver, tp'· !IIer y uf I hi ~ plttae. "'liM he ld li t h 'l Ll"tt.It•. V l' rtl oo :,!not,I', "'.h b t<s b.!en nor Hnvdnck o' th .. HI/lh ~o h. " I l u~o hOIli B 1U Ua rton, IIt.U rtIIl Y' 1\1 fIot tbl:l t,(lIUe "r IJI ~ Rl'tlOflpllrr'lts ubt 10 1111 ' nlIlOI). u velDh~ r :) .'(1 . tihe so'ifMrtul rOt liertl for @'lIue tI m e p t wuII tillceu Grun t, Plllihps, of O, y t n, Wil li th lrteeu wf'eklj wlt.h O:Ulce r pf t: ~o hi" b'Jw e tl' t,;f)t'\~lu SUlld y bOllJ e ,o ver l:!alldll y . t!tomllo h, whon releHsed he r. ... "r8 ,John Allsn tir ,of nellr !:louth dL I tlV~8 a hu~b!\lld,fA. tller.lDotli&r Leb HooD, Wll re tbe l'btludltY gUfldtl t WO I!ll\te rs lind 00 .. brothor lIud of M r .nd Mrl Wlllio Alleo. W .. IlY friend .. to mll urn hAr I ~8 . lirs, Bjloj!\wln OPlml~belllndoh!l. Whet They A'k. tlllrlll l wall m ade lu Btl ilbr09k oem· dr eu, etlj'wed a few dl"-Y' • . pleasant There'. DO objectlon to' a fenow 1011et-ery vl ~lt. at 'he h"me uf her bro~ber.. lug hIs 'heart, but ulne tlme8 out or ten Mr. 1\·I.f! ~ r Beber Muudab!.l ugh Mo~ ~'". Ollude aod IReE ' ~rp, of bll close frlenc!a lind confldellt.& would !liillttt ti uuu ..y "'ILh l!1rtt. Bebeoo .. BIllnohttUer, roturlllnil bome Mon. be much obltlJec! to hIm If he'd refra1a We day , from loslug bill mind at tile tame time. J"meR Il o l ~ _gild 84 years died at IIilr . and IIrll. 11'. 111. Oo.)1t aod -:-Macon 'l'elecra)!b. tue b UllIe 'of hi" daugh&er. 1Ir.. dllughter o"lIed od B. O. Uakio alld .. lem (:tl08~t'r, lI(irlh of town of family 8UDdlty .'''rboon . doubt pneum oul,.. Bnrlal wae Meealtll WIlfI beld "" Mldc!)e RUD m llde here on Slltur~ay a~ternooo. o)laroh 8a'lIn1'., &ncl 18I1ada~. Mr. C: S, Wtltlver aod Mr . •nd Mr •. II'rauk DaklD and Ion .t,\\ed Mr W ittier WeAver lind tv. 0 ohll. l'eldlvee ta Xeoia .'lllrday. . We arel,buying all ~kinds of dren; of nellr XtlnlIJ, .. pe ot la,,\ t!ag. 1110 A.Uoe Obenoweth 10lerialQ/Id • ' • h d ...V wHh hi .. ~.f\)~ b~r, I F. 'Weaver a number of gu.... ~, IUDDer .l ber gram and ~ paytng t every .nd flltully. ,p retty .o oontry boma t••, 811114a" highest pnces the market w~l DU1 ea. allow. Remember, we wiD Tne fun erltl of William G01a well M~. llbu Bracldook knt)WD O"'~A O of 'hi. pl.oe, bll' wbo 'erkilled .& 41aDlr ..... "aU Par- buy any amount you have \lvlld Dttar Beuy, wu held as She Ibatt, II,.. B o m e r . . . . . . d t from one poun on up, a Ide bome edurdl~ aDd barial wall .,I11\D lAd of made ber .., . IIr, ...4 All_ ft. any_time "come:' Deetll, of XeDta..t, pre.Dhilcla tarDed bome for • with the v Bros Grain Co I. line .lrmOD •• .be 1"....bTteriaD forma'i puau ..


Do You Want . Felt Roofi~g?. ; : .••... . ••..•. .. .• See Kt\ddea

Do You Want Fence P05tS? . ... , ... . . , .See Madden Do You Wan t Farm


......... , . . See lMadden

Do You Want a Veranda? , ... . . .•.. .. . ;See.Ml\dden Do You



Buil~g Plans?.:~.See' r.1adde~ , '

Do ;011 waut to borro" a dlme? ...lItlddea

If you


want anyti)ing at





, CIlI,GIOlll.., ~1ID4aJ .........



ounce. W.,....vmt. Obio.


.lIDftN WITS io SEE YOU I At ~orwln. Ohio ., III___~___"_~• •" • •



' uf I h" 1'I1t', Mr I l dl\j'r 1 ( .\ IU: !>III, II/l\l r t>l'n ~'I I


:'~~.': L::~b~~' Hll~ll~ , 11" '~Id~


' rliI,.




LEBANON PIKE ' ---~-----. _ Ge YOu~ " No Ti unt In .'' Sh: ns " , at

n1t'I:~l a~


'l'h b t line of Heating Sioves - -.and RI~n\,C s in this purt of Ohiu , and TIle ClAra GrI.f. . ' th(\ rlrlces ar~ I"w, a.s J bOIl Il I~t them TM only curo for grlcf III GCUoo.., The WRlne Township Farmers" before .he IRst two ndv8nces In th e O(!grJ:e H enry Lowl~. Club b~ld lIa monthly meetil}lr at the ~~!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!'!!~~_"""'!~~~~~~~~~~~!!'!!!!!":'!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~ att ractIVe home of Mr. and Mrs. '!! • ., Hurr¥" Earnhllrt and w~ royally en tertallled by the geOlal host and ." v t '",. ,It-it ' v . ~ _q'.l ' 41. C ' , • L/, -,.j hos tes~, a~i~ted by Mr l<~ rank EIOOn, A ",oodly number of !nmi~ie9 were represen ~lld. a nd t he mormng bouTs were fillod with cheery. Racial greet· i~gs whlle U'l.o l ad i~!I plied If! .ir knit. Img need les BS faHhfully . 11 not so Ull~~I~a••alJl_.lUomllD' ra pidly BS did aur g randmothers In uaysgon by , The spacious Home lVasauginented hy t he erection o f the tnt. where. a t IhEl noon houl'. a ,bounte us dinller was served ' _ At:l P m the meeting was call ed to o rder and aD in t er ting and h lp· f ul pr ,~ ram was rendertJd Tht! Inv ited g ue ts w 1'0: Mr. and Mrs Yo ung an d MrA .E lbDn. of 1.. b nO\1 ; Mr. and Mrs' McMilhm, M r, Cnont z , Mr. find Mrs nll.rnhart , Mr, a l1d Mr£!, J . W . Wh ite, Mr Ilnd Mrll . .Ianney. Mr HllrtVII ,Ke lly. Mn., Roy Hi inge r lIncl M n; Walte r WillitlllTIl


the Gill!': tlu onk~" . Through theturnin tU I·tl.; nr I,. A l:i n -ll ill l uJunt,' (~\lltf' II Imllcr of our proA'r'>~~i e ,. ' . Iuto it is thought that Ma tt '111·,'r, ! hn;; Thllrsda v III CI' 1{~r'Hlt'" \\ tlh (,JlI!t'rl ( II !he Cnunty 'QUI . of Wilmington will h8\to to hllw hi~ faun A du l it! Haltl \.'n·,.;I'1l ~Ir. I'i~i7~\lj tl ISSItl lie r iii th 'Ir olllce JIlCinday fo'red }I.Il'(1II W I! a hu'inl;~'l' visi(Or arm amputated . 1' IJe 1l('1!i,It'nl 11I1JlIZI.mnWt lm1n l,uforlll IN : hul h ,',. 1m minI!' wilh n ~ ),(. g pI u for the in: L"banoll Thur duy. penild.near Kilkll.l' r ark lu!!t we.k. Mil':" t l!lt~rdll t;.I I:<' fLtlll l Il r(, \I' ~ IIlI Jlr'J"Cm n of th \V lw m'~vi . le a nd and one Cl'ath re nlted, bosi I .~ mllny bu sl(!t'N:l wlil LI' In t il ftantl~ of tl l! Ll,halWII piko. The retlllit w ti r ' njuries to the rel! t of t h ()CCUII!lI1t~ IHlbilc II for~ 1<'llg ,ol uti(l n Pll$~ d l,y that lIolioralJle wII~~~IB~~~me~nnel i.fl~l~ the week nd \:l')n rd on th H\IIJl> day the po.'ndifun< · o f allpro xirnlltely ." 0.000., to he' usl:rl in IllII II lul nizinll Granl(e Will l')leet n l ~ o'clock Sat· fGll r 1111101; of the! ab ,,<' ilUHlell Jlike urday. NOI'molier 171 , he~il1l1ing at lhe L bnnon orllor: r 'Hion line alld ('x\ l'nding loward M r. n d I r IfB f Vc'Y M Kinneyo f Wayn villI', \'iqlla . Ohi . 1I1 ,,'nt , ::;uTllln~i \l ith Mr. 'fhis i~ a move in t h rlkht direc and Mrll , EJ 'fhOlilus til1n , Slid it ma}' be that hy t h l ime Ib e ll UOl'e i$ completed, th" cj)ll1mi~ .iOI1N S mllY ~ thei r 11'. ' cle... r to Mr, eh t I' W ICOll,of lh eO. S. . fin i~h llie roud t'l \\'a\'n . • iIl Thig spent tho! WPj'!< ad with Mr . Ilnd ,IMt ioll of thellik hBs Leen in!l \' ry ~11! e has utttll'thwuitc. bau condition fOJ' ~ 'v 1'111 mOllt hK imrluy . Nov mlHlT'1 lh, i Mell 's Day lit l'e Hll r \'e} ~ llur'g 1\ ~ 1. E chu r ch. 1,: ory bud }' is invited . '

in Mo~nt~ins From Telephone 'Booth


An Eye ~r BU8InC6I. Flvf}-yell l'-old J !nully hud " n!!w bl'o1tlwr Ilnd ht s 11.·,,1>11"11 \\'Il~. """hilt Will I enll hhu~" ( I l l ' lillY l w .J~ctded nud ~nltl: "Oh I I I OOW, ·nlt hllD J I mOlY, so when 1'1/1 culled he CIII] go P'

AI IlIO t fill tl f I hi' "8cll'ril o f the hf!r' Wilt I ll , prinl(fi 'Id t he wct'k (, llI\ tn Ht I ('nd th e III Ung of the ·1'eRch r,,' .o\ ~~·o iUl i n .

, clH11 Is


Mr. I! ,ira ' '1 Rve r , Mi s!! Ma be l and Mr. C C. And rson, of Xenia, W 'Ie ' UllU HY gUl'sls of Mr. nd 1\1rs larellcl;! Henlley. Benth~y


Man and Wom an Help Win the War



The omm ercial ' onomy Boar d is endeavoring to solva th prob· lem of the delive ry of goods to cu ~ t o mers of retail SlOrE's, in or d er to reduce tllellumbor of Olen a nd number of vehicl es e ngagl'fj in the delivery service. Co op erate with the Governmeilt. We suggest the f ollowing: li'irst-'l'o bring , VOllr market basket to, the slor e nnd carry bom e everYlhing you possi bly can . Seco nd - To make a list of whllt you need and be ~ ure not Cu forget anything so that yo u can place your entire o rder aton time. l'hird-Lf you WAnt YIIU7 ord r delivered . to g ive it 10 u 811 ' in the ilay llil po. ~ihl . The 'nvernmel'lt has requ sted all ~I' t tll l stofes til r o uce th I1lnl1ber of d liveriell and you will help us to help t he GOV(lrn· went by placing your rde r eurly·

B 'ginllin,l{

()vember 15th ",', malw 2 deliveries ove r town in the for n on, and on ill I hI! a( ernooll e want tn supply your npcde I\ t lhe low l »nssiblo pr ice an :! yoti ('an help in this way_ • ~ h llll


Qol~m.~Rl ~·






III limiting '1uantili of t:eT ain foo ds. we are duil1l( just what QUI' Gov rnlllent asks


Don't fa il to give generou ly to the Y M lJ. A· this week. Help take care of the boYl'l at t he front


------.,.. ------


Old r esiden ts of Wa ynf'sv ill e will rememhe r Mrs arah lIull. whose death occurred in Dlly ton las t wel' k. 'h e was lhe wid ow ot Al!ron Dnll, who Ilad n d rllg Iltore ill th e building now occu pi C(1 hy flarv }' Gu tin The DayLOIl He ra lrl llaYii: AfteranillntlSS of , veral W\I ks . Mr . a rah B iloll. 6, widow of Aaron Doll, died Thurs· day night at 11 :20 o'clock at t he ho m~ M ht'r dnu llhter. Mrs ott Ladd. 904 Wes t Fillh s~..eet Rt which e rvices were held place fu ner,a :;aturcJay IIfte l'n(}on at 2:30 o'clock foll owed by burial in Wood land cemetery Mrs Doll had b een a resident of Dayton for more than 85 vears and praotically all l!lat t ime had been Ull activll me mber of the Central Church of h~i s t at Sixth,and Brown stre ts BesIdes Mrs. Lad d, Mrll Dolll eavl'.5 three other daujJhters. Mrs, I3llmcho Kemmeryand Mrs, A. ' J . GrUbb, of \)aytoij, and Mrs Will PaW~n, o f r:ill inllaLi , 'I'her are live grund· children aUfI six gneat g:ranucl\ihlroll

-~- ------

FELl'. OfF HOUSE BACK IS HURT Or ria Ue'ker, who i w rking on A. Maffit's hQU on the Lytle Ttlad, in some l11Mner slipped on the roof· atll rd ay and r \I to lhe g rQund. He stru @k a r ock " n the ground hnrling hill buck badly, and accord i\'1f to e¥(l wi tne. e... il is u wondel' he wI'1I not kill d oQll1ight. ' as he strllclt e\lersl 0 Is tllllie in hill fnll , ' He thought, he WRS not hurt luuch befor'e It!11ving fo r h i home. al though he wf\'> badly brll l~ed . It is hop d t hat lIothing seriouA ,vi II follow hi. bad filII .


_---_ ..---

FI ie ntlly Gl'tlup will meet In thei r room. on Fridsy evening , the 23rd at 8 o'clock. All m mber:! urged to



EVl!rythinf{ good to e t at pric s thll t conform to everythi ng th ,over nment ueJ,t\


ITl{ 1,OOOpri~e winner!, relativoll and :l'riendl! lIoing all the &Lxth an lIual Oliio Corn TOIlr to WOllb ing ton nnd the East., the trip tbil year promiscll to be the bi~g at in history. Severnl llTegoing trom thfa county. A dozen mcn of not. Ulcluding President Wllson r N. D. Boker. Heretal'}' ot wur; Dllvid l". l:louston sPllrelnry of AgricultUro ; HerbCr! Hoover, natiollal lood administrator ; Governor Call;, Senators Harding and Pomerene and 'MOYOT Mitchel of New York Ity, wlll reo,eive olld addrcsp the boys and girls who havo won the trip. . The tour olfel'l! an uneguaJled opportunity to 8M Wnsninll'ton &:lid New York In Will' time with tho adva ntages o.t pa r ty rates on every item of COlt. Guide servico wlJ\ be furnished by th" nit ~d Rtntel! DeJlarlm nl of Arrieulture and 'overy minuto will be planned RO that t he trip will be ' of the most eduoatlOJllI.l "lue. Fwt.D<Ia and relati.,..s a.nd otbwlI m~y IIQCOIIIpalU' tho wiJt,neTS and enjoy nil the courtesiCA e~nded. A descrfptift folaar mal be secured Irom W. H. PaJm t'r. Agricultural Coller. Ea· .

Dr . Thus herw nofl, A, T Wrig h t Ilnd Mar)! , uk Ii tlllnd II th o oun ty Medical A odntion meeting at L b· anon Tuesday . Hov , J. F, Cadwul· lad r Rnd Mr . Ifrpd Wrig ht were g"IlPst:, of h A , Rocifll i n from hpre Jucl ge Sch ~ hb, (If 'ill iU llat i, WRS the pl"incilJal sp ak r Sl6veral othe r men w r all\u in at! IIdance and spoke ,


COME, L~~ AND SEE E:;~i?JI¥j~\~~~:;:

be p t· s nt.

Executiv'l Commil tee.

iThe telephone in th~ Europoe.u' W'~r has hee n qUill' as intioortaftl an ' adjlllld Ih ~ gn.':It g ill! : in Innny case.. more so. for it h:u oftell ~aved llot glltl~ . Th rllll/l'h this meall~ of communi. ,lIioll annic~ ore dirc('trd ;n ~h cir off.:ll~ i"c II I1lVentCU!.S or r N rcaH fr om ti(·"dCfu~rl er£. Thi. re , n1U r"... t,I~ l'i Cluf(· 5hnw< " 1"ir" III '"C " h(lPth " f Ihe Itali, n ~ in the rn""l1will~ 11 is " ,II 'rt " IIl11a :II~" jlll I h~ I Ilv ertln 1.lalcau. T he plnr ' is ont' (,r n1.lll · $'all(\l1 ~ ;;'0111:: Ih e Ila lil'" 1111 . :\noi lit Incn II'ho ret:" i,'e au d di<llnkli II ... ,,".~ 1I: ' )J.(":"! ;'\ f C' r.ft(·n ohli»r.... rl to rCnl lill 111 cht ('t'"'d I1H\ I ,,1 q ll :lrlC'r.!oo ror hour ' at , •• It '1 hl. )1 -c lu rl· \hL" 'lI.ttl~ hy [he flll.C'i:1I Ita!i:ul lJhttl ll~~ I ;] I \'I "!r 10

CT)ilitnry mo velll<:nt · as

A Tri-Stale Price Means Something


per pound for Butter i?at.

DVl:!r 25,0 crellm producers h\lve conlld nse in The Tf,1 State Many have-dealt with us for yea rs Rnd thpy have Rlw\lYB found tht! Tri.~t"te ' to be peo ple of \bei't IV I'd Thll Tri S~te 8y~lenr is always DEP~N D·

A BLIll IlJIf! ev r y transaction is backed by tlie Integrity and Reljpon. . " 8i bi Ii ly 0 f the Concerl~, Crellmery men all over the United Stato!8 recognize the Tri ·State stllnding hi t he Cree.mery bu si neM.~ . You wiIJ make money riea ling with a succt!l!8ful ~rm Join our nnks ~ nd cam pare cr ellm checks


, ST. MA RY'S CI111RCti T w e nty · fn url ~ Sunday /l.ft r Trin. ity , Novembe r i~Lh , ' un nay Seho,,1


a 9:$0 a,' m i Mor ning Prayer una sarmon a t 10,30. Yf)U a re invited to these !I~ r v i ces.

(Ov r twn million dollarS. $2.000.00000. p,aid last year for ,cream ) I'!HI \1 8 youl' next can or if yt>u need caM s.1mo , will gladly be Bent prepaid for 30 days t'fial " >


M. E. CHURCH Sunday School at 9: 15 , morning late Minnie HathawQf LeGrand. who preach inJl at 10:30; evening preach dierl a couple of years ago MI'. mg at 7:00; prayer meeting Wednpg. LeGrand had made many friends day ev · nill(C a t 7: 0 O'clock You here. wbo will be paiJ;led to bear of


co~dia llY


'25 Bcres of vvheat-

invited to all 'of these his dea~h .

at 25 bushels to the acre - at $2.20 pel! bush~1 will bring 'YOU the ,c~mfortable sum of $1376rOO•

Mary Woods. who ·Iives · nellr the Dayton p\lte; died at "er home Thurad 'y afternoon. aftor a short illness Thafuneral was held Satur· day afternc'Qn from tbe hou!le; Rev. B : l' Coontz officiating. Interment was made in Springboro. .

ll-lay Wanted We are in the market for HA Y, if Y~>U have any to ofYer call Phone 25·2 or come

- ..---


J. B. CflAPMA'N W 8.\"nesville , ·.Ohio

Our accounts offer you

Ohio .



.' Gem City. Bulldloa a.·Loao A •• '.

Wm . Beckett died at the home ot his son. Mr , Lon Beckett. on Tues· aay afternoon at J:30 o'clock, after

EASTERN STAR ~h~ar~_ ELECT OfFICERS •' ·e~~~~:~I~idtio,:ehi~~~t:C~~. day for burIal. The deceased was " . The bust ern Star held th ulr reg ular meeting MOlldllY evening ' After' r outinE~ ,business waR disposed ' of. ' election of officars took place. The ,offlcer~ elected for the ensu· ing yeur 'flere: WortbY Matron, J essie L Hobitze r: Worthy Patron. Warren H" Keys; Associate Matron. Luella Miller; Treasurer. Eva Jones; : ecretu. ry. Sue Hawke; Conductressl Mabel Farr; Associate Conductre~. Alma Wateshouse. ~


Hllap !Jig .mileage!

l,n five years it, will amount to $1760.00,<- in ten years to $2250.00. and in twenty years. to $3690.00.

tel'. Mrs. P. Koonlz. who lives on the old Clements place west of town. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from a Spdnaboro' church. Interment at Sprlngbo.-o.

Younce Bros. Grain Co.,.


Deposi t this amount ~ith UB on' an acc,ount bearing 5% Compound Dividends - and watch it grow.

MrS. Mary E Woods died Sunday . afternoon at the home of her uaugb-

in and see- us.

G N• .~a'o-DaytoD

. ~IHIHS . Born -To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Savage. Sunday. November 4, '1917. a daughter.

We have in stock, every.thing. kept , (n a .1 ,first-class Harness Shop. . J

Born-To Mr. and Mrs Walter Brittian, (o·riday. Novembet ,9, 1917, a Bon,

A Car of Cemenl

'a dau!fhter. ,





We -are now ready. to ' take in new 'torn. We want 30,000 . Th~ ',fiollow ing, named persona will Il Clt allow h ntillil an their pretnieea, bushels in the next few weeks. , and win pr(lsecute ·liny offenden to Take advantage of the high the .full xte nt of the law: price by selling early. Weare

herdor your benefit as well as r our own. Can phone 20·2 or come in and see us.

., :


Born~To Mr. and Mra. 'C harles Lynch/Sunday. November 11,1917,

We have just put ,a c~ of' a,80l'" ...,.....:.:....---ATLAS CEMENT 'in our Born-To Mr. and ' Mrs. Frank w.arehouse. an furp.ish you~ Smead. ThuJ:'8day. November 8, 1917. with any aJ,llotlOt you , might 880n. . ' need. . . Born-To Mr. and Mrs Thol. R0J. W. W~ite mine. Thursday. ~ovember8, 1917,


, 'laaoU.RC ••• MILLIONI ' .

a Free Mason and the fuqeral will be ' in charge of hiB home lodge. ' . _ ••_ _-'-




Mr. and Mrs. F .- W. Hathaway

received a telegram Frirlay announc· ing the death of Mr. F. H. LeGrand. lit his home in Lynchburg. Va. Mr. LeGrand was the' husband 01 the

~rs .

Real rubber-none of that putty6ed. near-rubber look to Savage Tires. The tough, grips-the-road tread-the resilient. . shock.absorbing cushion - the strong. yet flexible, never-crack sidewall- . ~ rubber part of SavageTires is made. oflive rubber. the finest for the purpose that money can buy. ' Stock always fresh. Sold from factory to you through our own distributors-the middleman's profit put into higher quality.

W(>8k beginning November 12th

THE Sc, ·1.0e "

Ballopns ........ : ...' ....... : ...•.•.•.. ,50, 2c Milk Buckets ... I • • • • • • • • , , • • • • • • • , .4 ••••••• , Caps, for Cliildren .•. ; . '.. , ... : ............... , Putly Knives ... , ....•.... , .......... : ..•• , •• ,Fire Shovels ...................•......... : 16<: Stove Pokers. " . .' •.... : .'.................. '. , .. Gloves. foj- M~n. Wom~ and Chil~D ...•... 150 Infants 'Mittens .. .... , ....•..........•....• '. •• Tha~ksgiving'Crepe Napki~!I. per Gozen.. . • • . • • •• Box Paper. . .....•..•.•... '.' . , , ...•..••••• ." t·

SpeoIalllt' ln

Y01Dlc8 ·lJroe~ Grain Co., .1I•••==~~.;~; . ~.~.0bf0.,

Ie, 25c 2Oc; lOe lOe


lOe , 6c



Si!Xty-Nintb Year






MAKE URE OF WATER POWER Nature's Own Gift.' to Man Clifford Pincho~; of Pennsylvania. Pinchot,says that waterpower be Bays 'that the war will be won not longs to ·the people . . The sites where only by toad and man. but by me it is produ c~d shoultl alwlty ~ be held in puhlic hands: for ollly so Can er· chanica! power as well Ile says that fective control in Ihege ncral interesl in thl~ 'gijcantic struggle , the pet)ple b lIeclired. of U. S own some fitly million linde , It is ullegerl tnat a privaLe (!orpor veloped water horsepower. or about atioll watl gOillg lO hu Cormed and enoukh to run every train, trolley. buy the property and run it by water factory. mill, mine and electric power power . It looks lik<.dtcould be don6 ptant ,w6 have" . Robitzer's mill. even while using ils Today. he says. 'when the Nat ion power in doing its work. power thaI needB all its re.;olJrCe8. lhe men who gqes 10 waste, alld that waste co uld have been blocking relLionable water· be easi Iy utilized in making light for power leglslaLion own and are hold · the town. ing millions of water horBepo~er un This question of light will halle to delleluped and out of use while clam be gone over very ~oon . for ('(Ial i ~ oring for more. being used in larger qllantHies than , We at home are clamoring for ever hefore. ami it is ollly a matter more ljghts, all I.he winter ~eason itt of shllrt time until Wp may not be coming on, We have.. the water able to have the lig hts Would il be power to develop this power that will aitkin", too mu ch of the cilizens ol give us a twenty· four h our 8ervice. this town to ~pe nrl a little mOlley. and yet we are clamoring for coal to even in the face of what they have develop what little light we do halle been spending. to issue bOllds in It aeemlll8 though it is a fitting lime ord er to install a waterp wer planl? to develop this waterpower system. We are of the belief that they will and give the pEople tbe light (hey "come across" in a bond ias ue and halle been wanting;'" have the plant fixed right. Th en. Some tew weeks ago ~ plan was on a~ain. we cah get our ligh18 so very foot and an option takfln on the mill much cheaper than wo are. ge lting below town. to buy that plant and them at the llresent time, Anci. nut Jeet water power tp light the ' town onlv that. but Wll can have th e,light s But. a little later the ClJuncil decided when we want them to sell the plant to ou tside par't ie., and Anoth er tiling for the council to the option was given up The Day· consider is Lhe fact that prillat e ton Power and Light Co. was figuring 'owned ' plants are being put in all on buying the plant. but did nut comll over towlI . There are LWO .in opera· across after the council had made tion at the present lime. and Reve ral 1II0rc in con templation, This facl all prepara ti,ons 1.0 Bell it. 1t 100kB now like the council will alone. behooves them to acl anu to have to do 80mething to help the act promptly , peopl~ in this IJrllposllion Why. It has be~n 8Ugllisted that it would thereto're. do they not get to work be policy to ;have a. 90mmittee from and fix up their own property Wa; th ~ cou'riCil and a commiltee of cltl· ter aupply i A bnndy for I1S, and by zens to look oller the, proposition and thia powe~ electric Jighti8 could be see what could be done to alleviate produced for a twenty·foll'!' snrvice the p,reasure ~e are under at the at a rate of 6 cellts pel' w,att These pres~nt time figures have bel'll made In almosrall As P.resident Wil9I)n hauaid. '''fhe . Inetances where water horsepowef is suprf'me tust of the Nat,ioll bas come. used; and can be mllde the SilinS here We mU8t aU speak. act and serve a~ homf'. . , together."

-,--,- ---- - -1 SOCI'ETY' EVENTS

Wf M S,

, SOCjElY, MEETS,e----------

• •










- - - - - --

Mr. and Mrs Lee Hawke enter. , tltined at dinner Thursday. Mesar". The first regular meetinJ of the Dean Howell antll,. N. Printz year of the W(,man's· ForeiQn Mis· alonar)l Societv of the Methodillt . etibrch Willi held at the home of Mrs ' Mr. and Mrs', Frank Wright de , ;I , W White on Wednesday after· lighttully entertained on Ilist Sunday Il()'~, November 14th the following &ueats: Mr. and ' MnI, In response to tbe invitation of Frank Snider and eon Ellmont. Mr. Mrs. White lind her division eighty·' and Mrs. Al Cornell and daughter one ladies were presellt. Irma. Mr, Rnd Mrs A C Mullin After, the devotional exerciae!l the Mr. ·and Mrs JameB Mullin Rnd rolJow'inlf profCram . was r~ndered daughter Edna and Carl Thomas. " which WIIS enJoyed by. all: Piano aqlo. Failing Waters. Mias Helen 2ai!.koen;II' .RMearsd. inwga'lte~lr·IIYChSaUnnddle~r~. Aonn M:r.Phy~o:~creta~:r.eih:nt!!~r~. ~ .... I f Ii h Jnstructive Talk by Mias Kaufman, men 8 c aas 0 t e ,. Ferry h urch at 'a representative of the O. S U, on, the. home of Mrs HQrace La~key. Scbool Lunches. Vooal Solo,. By l'he QUIte. a gOO~ number were ~resent. watera uf Babyhm. ·MIS Kelly; Ad · The program . was render~ after dreE· on India and its Customs by wblch lunch was served, which con ,Mile Rockey. s!sted of pop corn. cake, apples and The pr9grani this ,month was un · Cider. ulually , ir'iterestio'" eepeclally the 'talk: by MiBB Rockey as Bhe formerly Mr, and .Mrs. James McClure,hon. lived l~ "India and told many inci· ored Mr. Dean Howell (l.'hursdgyev·, denta of her .life while; there. She ening by lriYilig II 6 o'clock dinner. Wall dreeaed 'in t~~ Indum. Costllme Those who elljoyed the occasion were ' . an,d BlDg 80ngs. III tbe ·HlOdoo Ian·, M,lBIIrs. Dean aowell. Ray. Mills. U. •Interest, ~~~Wh~~dedm~htothe M,Wh~~ti~ooP"~e~u~ ~rl Jo , , , ('.onner. Lee Hawke', Myer Hyman,

, At the elOle of the ,prolJra~ deli· and Hermar Co~ne.r. The , eve!'!lng

, aoua ,refn:sJunents were .8~rved . by waR spent III playmg "600,". . the eo~ml~~~ anita loolal IICssHJn e10iled _ _ _ . ,,Pleaaant,aftlirnoon, '; -r--'-;;•• -.,".-'--~ ' MrMyer Hyman gave a "stag>' party Wedne~ay evening in honor . ' , ' , ,I of Delin Howell. 'A , ple8Bant even· ~"'t\


WARREN,,.'COUNTY. ~~:g::: st:~~~o~I:l~n~u~~~I~~' !~ aerv,'d during ,the evenins,t_ ' Those '"" "1·EACUER ' 5'f, A'S" SN, •' ~9nt~n~~~:t~0~:li~u~K~~nWhi~~~ ,, Walter Ghandler. ,Raymond DaVIS, .





Herma!, Connel'"a/ld





J , M.'Miller.

,The Wanen · 'C ounll Te~cherlJ ', As ' , --:-;---_ -l1!Oc1~~loJl will t1!eet at the Lebs!lon, Mrs. B H. Kelly "anlJ Miss Hazel .' ., Nahollal D'!l~ Ii.uildlng. OQ Sat~raa) Riley enter~ainpd a.few friends Sal. November. U. ! 1-917:.' II! UrdaY' flv,ef\inlJ at Ihe home ~f the , the prog~aml , :. . '; " lotm r in honor of. Ha,r-ry. ,R. Mere. . .. '. 10:05 0 clock. ,MUIIC, Ame,rlC~" )n , dilh, who Ii!' home fr,llm Marion. AI.B. , vooatio!". R!!v. ~enry Her8fh.~y, , ~U9 lor a taw days Visit. Tl)e merry , '. Ie. ~ts:r Spawrled . Banlle,J;. • ~~r ttle cro:wd-r WElre hi~h Iy \ ente'tain~d , Bol ' ~ ~ke, ~r. E. C. K~rr., Ad DaInty. refreshr/ien!;a , were ~erved. dr~;- VitallzllI&' the Teachdi'f Pro:, At a lat~ ~our they dep~\'~ed :wIShing . ee9B~ ,Supt R W. ~I?mon. Middle Hal r y much !lucc:eas,and aest,ring the ,~OWI!. q",~ " h08tes~e90f' ,t he delightful time I hey l:oo,p , m • MU8~C:. ,,-Udreasc-;; , Ma· !'ilia (lrjoy~; ~bpse 'prf1sent were: t8rial and Product. SURt ·Solomon, Ihe Mi ......s Beulah Kindl er Dorothy CLAUDE A BRUNER. Pres. G b ' ' '";jl\ U' h P. \. ' ., , J""L>IE SIBCY Sa ' ~ ,!-uer. ,at , ro"S~C(I. L\llr an • "'~" , ,', , c, y. Wilkerson. AlIce, Catey. Edna C r. --~,".-. neil, Jeannette.Janney. , Mahel ,aliso

, . ,}, .'


• ... '


, . T~e new garaie, and ~ure

bouee Ie.. fast

The Woman 's Auxiliary oj S't Ma

ry' ~ church met al the. horne of Mrs,

B, Oenlley on I~riday afternoon. November 16th , The meeting WSII r' Pf'! neo by thA President, Mrs Cad wallad er r eading a part of Romans KII. Rell. J , 1'. Cadwallader con· ducted the devotional exercises, ' ScriPtural quotat ions were given in respollse to roll call. After the reading of the minutl's anu disposal of other business th e lesson for the d HY on "How Our Chu rch Came 10 Wi sconsin." Wa!l taken up and ()raved to be one of our best l esson~ ~h n wing the eady in terest of thll Indinn in thechurch , At th e ClOse of Ihe lellson ~rR M,)sh I' read "How a dchool ('ame to Roche's Mountain," e n interesting d eRcri p ~ion of missionary wOI'k in the mountains of Virginia, After arlj ournmen t a 1)leasarit so· cial hou r followed.





The work of our IOc~1 branch of the Red Croea is prollreeainlr splen· didly and in proportion to our. popu lation our workers far out.number 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - -•• those of the other countybranohea, Our women are responding nobly to . Camp Sheridan. November . .1917 hoth married at the Gaytigue Hotel this call for service and with only a '. Illst Saturday night. The girlacam '~ few exceptions are trlving freely of Dear Echtor. South and secured the licenses them· their time and strength. An ex It neller rains unl es~ it p Ollrs , We selves and Saturday night they had ample of their patriotism and zeal is are 1111 se tlled now ill OUI' new COlli a double wetlding-were married bv Ihown in the fact that one of our pany. and und er the circum stances ollr army chaplain', ' divisionll. numbering fiftefln mena we are gettingalong a lll'ight Then' 1 was down town Sunday and went bers. has raised a fund of Beventy has been several things happened to the Episcopal church and alBo to a five dollars within the last two weeks litely. Hugh Ridge has received an social in the pariah house in the with which to buy yarn , This has appointment as second lieutena'lt; afternoon; had a tine time. 1 met a been done by contributions from also Don Dilitush. of Leba'lon. I'he numcer of fine people. , memberB of the division and their Officers Training School will slart The churches all entertain the friends and goes to IIhow what can about January lat lind if my luck soldier boys , Each churrh has a be done by a little effort and enthu· breaks right I will g"t to go But social each week. We boys have aiaam. Our slater villagtl. HarveYB. in the army one never kllows whBt is met !!Orne fine people since we have bura'. ill doing her full ahare. and an going to happen. been down here, and they know how ...- - inereasing Intere8t Is being shown in 1 see that our old Friend John C. to entertain you. too. the work there. On last Friday an Hisey has signed UP for life ami in The boys all hav e received boxeB At no tinM ID the CDIIIImen:iaI hDtery of the UabtA StIdD ... ~ bea aWday sewing was held ; with a la~ge behalf of the other boys. 1 will semi from home and they Ilre gilld to get attendance. Eillht ladies from Way· our congratulations and wish him them. too. Our mess is not the best s uch a "tnB!f .. that wbich Is now nesviJle drove over in the afternoon good luck. 1 read about the Masonic in the world in this outfit but It iB being ~ ~ the government and spent lieveral hour~ very pleas banquet and wished I could have been getting better. under the dircca sopcr,.i.sJoo of JO5e1Ih there. but I 'just might as well wish Thert! will be plenty going on now p, ColtOll, a la~. 'The '~nJSt" ~ antly with their co workers. Our apportionment from the War for the presidency of the U. S ,' as to ror some time to come. Ohio State . readily admitted to ' ~ the greatot Fund will soon be available. but most wish to be bacl! home. plays foot ball hpre Boon; also Ohio ever known, and it indude!l all of the ot it has already been I'xpended in Our drilling IS, hard but not one Wesleyan plays , here . Thanksgiving packers of the, COtUltJry. The plants advance. and our funds wil) soon be half as guod as we !lot at Lebanon, Day. Tbe town IS full of good shows. . . . ' where foodstuffs are put up are all R" lh Il a rt recl!lVI'ri a milk cher k I in cl uded. and. indeed. all are licensecL running low. Materials are very I learned more in Leb1nun in three carnivals. 'ltc" all of which have just fro m lhe Tri S iula Hullpl' Co mp a n ~ . , Mr. Cotlon. who ba,s just a5Surned high and It takes alaI ge quantity to months than I will ever learn here, arrived. They Beem to know where Ia.q l week. a Oll,lI nting' ' t n lIix rl nilars diredion of the "m ono poly," says thaI supply ~ hundred women with work , We hne been in the tr('nche~ , and to come to make money. The busi· (!'6 00 ) II ~ mli O Chorlf's Morl'ia I the packers o f fooels have all a ssured Olhers are willing to j oin us if we will go on the rifie 'range 900n. We ness men in town a re all making a have severnl hench. English and you ng fortune. since ,the boys have fO I' Ra wing lu mber Wi l h ~ h e hecl,, ' h im of fuU co-operat i9r'i 011 a basis can supply them with materials. We are. realizing now, as we did Canadian officers to teach us the war landed here , and M .', M or r i ~ tut ppd the heck th at admits of n o CXCf:5S profits wh ich not at first. that the work of the R, d game as they play it at the present Part of the company IB on guard uV l:' r t o Roy rai g , Roy .gave the the public must pay, Cr088 is not a matter of inclination day . ' ' today and I was lu cky enough to get check to ,V1 aud Urai'r and uhc g nve it or choice but a duty. which we. as We have Ii camp \laper printed off. I ~hink I will put in the day tQ Curl Cline. thE' n'ercl lrnt at PleBS women. owe to otir country and to here in camp. and it is made up of 81 epin g . This climate makes you ant Hill Th n Rollie Hurt ~o ld Ca rl the men who are fighting for us things that ha ppen un the grounds. sleepy-that is why the people are Cline 11 loart of apnles IIl1 d he ga \' e We realize now. that we are working It is a r ea l in ter('sting paper and is so slow and do no work. They hire Ihe check back to Rollie for , th" lip , to save lives In the beginning of called "The S~i rm isher.' · ('olored people to do it all for them. pies Rullie t h n gave the c'lcck to 1he war. thou9ands of ~nglisb Bol, 'rhe weather here has just been Well gille my best to all. R. M. I<i eld s & Son, and th ey Pllt diers died for the want of bandage" fine for the last two weeks, We Yours truly. it in the bank , Just see what one Corp . George J. Watt'rhouS8. check can dol':"Falmol,lth . Ky ,. Out· • _ _ _ - _ _ _;_ _ ~ and hospital sl1pplles. The Enlll1sh have had several visitors in camp , . women did not do t)lelr part. We from Lebanon . Our two Lteuten· Co. E, 147th U. S, lnf. look. .... M' R k t th t k do not want such a charge to be ants ~6uthard and Kemper were Camp Sheridan, Ala. las oc ey spe~ ., . e pall wee madf' aialnllt the women of America. end at Delllw!1re. Vlsl,t lng home folkl Carrie W. Allen, I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!3J'>.~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and sehQol frlendB ~hah·man HOIpital Suppliee earn.




------------., 1 SCHOOL INOTES 1 t


-_.- - -



"Princ8S8 Chrysanthemum," which Wayne Town!lh ip, as usual. went will be presented on .l lext truBHday, over the top in the great Y. M. C. A. the 27th. drive here Ill8t week. ~he committee The r~ently inaugurated scbool In. charg~ ~f ~he affair . .went after Ilunch . plan is provilng Itself veri tlie maltar III ,Il ~vstematlc manner • . popular amonK thl~ pupils. It I. and grt!Bt praIse IS exte.nded to them much in favor sa i,8 Bhoy,rn by the by th~ county commlt~et! for the patTonage being Iri'~en it and 1.lIue. goo.d .work Ih.ey. accompl.lshed. The cessful beyorid even the foudest entire ubs~r phon!! r cClved to date ticipationB oHts· promoters , !s $2005,30, the amount asked for be· , • mg $1800. The first and ~Iond basket ~al •- • 'teams, accomparued by a number of fans. j?urneyed to Jamestown on last FrIday evening 1:0 pl~y the teamll there. Our first team played under ' two aiaadvant~&'ee-'their lineup wai ' seriously impaired by the· illneSl of '_ _ _ one player and they were outclasSed In weight by the Jllmeatown boy. The property a?d household gooda At the appointed time, our firit of Samuel W. Rogers. deceaseq. were team "retired to a position prevloully sold by W. H. Allen. executor. &It· selected for strat,egic reasonl.', urday. aftf!rnoon. The proper~y was, Then, "according to a , previoullyar· appraised at $2000 and selhng to range<l plan." :our 81!cond team mit Jomes McClure. of Bellbrook. for the Jamestown second team , and '2375. Sal,e was conductod bv Sears "proved themselves worthy of hiah & !Jart~right. ,' honors." Our' boys received" eour ' , teous treatment at tlhe hands of the Jamestown boys wh~. are ·undel;' the direction of Mr, Arnold. formerly of Waynesville. The final scores were . -first teams. 14 to 26 ill favor of Jamestown: second teaml!. 6 ~o gin favor of Jamestown..

°l-P-ER-S-U-NA-L'-M-E-NTI-ON-I FORMER C,1TIZEN . IS MADE HAPPY - - - - - - ' - - - - .- - .

• - • '

WILL CLOSE STORES , tW · ICE A WEEK D D'\I 0 teo th 21 S. way r'Leba~ons O~: '



•. Our old friend. Herbert "Dave" " Warw;ick. one of the big men of Col· ' . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rolrers were umbue. writes us, in bls excess of On account of the shortage of Coal In Dayton Saturday. JOY I ','that Mary Elizabeth Warwick AZICI in order to conserve both ,Coal , began her residence upon terra firma and LlRbt we the undersigned Mer· Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith lIPent at 'ten minutes of 5 p. m. last Friday. Manti of Waynesville will dp our Bit Thursday In Cincinnati. ~ov~mber 16th.'" Congratulations, and cloee our plaC88 of Bu.meas at 6 • Dave." p. m •• on Tuesday and Thursday Mr. ana Mrs. Myer Hvman and ~e also a~ds the follo~lpg i~ter. nigh"', commencing November 'l:1, daughter villited Dayton Sunday ,estmlr ~ata In reg.ard to ~IS business: 1917. • "InCIdentally, In malung your an· DRS ' th M d M Le H · k t nouncement of my connection In the • • n r. n ,r.. e aw e Bpen real estaLe bUlliness last Bummer' you L.~. whit!rma ,Sunday In ClDclnnati with relabves. gave the nalne of the company wrong. ~. H Fa ' _ __'_ l}UlDd.a1so my connection. The title Wren rr / Mr. and Mnl. Sherman Dyke and should read, The Upper Arlington Co. Jo~n A Funkey family. of Dayton, were in town '''I'he restricted residenoe section. H E h Satu,rday. · , the ,sales of which are under my au'· t E.' V· B.!:ili::t pervision. is the COuntry Club Di"·. • Mye; Hyman . Mr. and Mn. B. H. Kelly and ' triet lying near the heart of the city. J E. J and Mrs R C Younoo w.ere Dayton We have one thouasnd acres. each Arn08, :e~1enhall visltora FridaY lot of which la restricted to a single V W Carman ' • residence of certain coat. Tbls Is G" ~ L Smith M d M B S' H II ' d one of the twelve blgllest real estate Tr&c Ja S· .th r. an rI... owe an IC?n. developmentIJ in the United States Ro· J eCllh :~eth Dean, .pent part or last week With and ranka on a par with those being s' relatives In Clarksville. W 7C pe carried on In KanBBl City. Baltimore hilli A: B.' Sides p and elsewhere." C Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Letter Gordon, of • _ • Ed' Sta II Morrow, spent the week· end with Mr. r ng d Mrs H H Wilke....on . Harvey M. Burnett has sold his • - • D. L. Crane __ • an. .• two farm s hel(1w town to Robert The Long ,Creaml!ry Co. will be Mr. Bnd Mn. George Hawke and , Lamb. ot near (o~erry .' , Mr. Bur':lett '18 ' h' f ' W 0 Gustin spent lut week In Mr. Bnd Mrs. Jamea McClure spent talks Borne of moving to WayneSVIlle. i:~=vt~nie~~:ofi~: cu:r.:::::~. or Kent'uckY on bURin.BI. Sunday aftemocin Ilt t.he Fairfield' The deal was made by. W. N. Sears. Aviation Field • In these days of' wheat · and meat ~==~=========~======~===============~==~ - ,~ , con's ervation, sUllgestions of W8fB to The r~~a!-meetlng-of.the;J, Q, extend meat flavor-are welcome. A ! . C,.::niils Learn to Mi:k in' U,. A. M. WIll be held at their hall diBh which has a strong meaty flavor Pr~sident Sp~ain; Fnday evening. All members are is peculiarly 'satillfying when com. f?::.:,lr. nd' s Army of W requested to be present. ' bined with Borne bulky food. such as ·A~lphonso , cornmeal or other czereaL ,It is eB' .' Kenneth Kilbon, who has been pecially satisfactl.ry a9 -well as rell\. working in Lebanon during the past tively higb in food value. This IB 8ummer, started to work Monday the type of dish ·too which. combined moming for Myer Hyman, with fruit or ~reen vegetables. forml , a desirable meal combination. Such loll', and Mrs. E. HJlnby and grand a one Is well exemplified in "scrap· BOn, Gerald Hanby. of Dayton. and pie." the dish so common among the Mr, and Mrs. Lyman Day' and lIaugh "Pennsylvania Dutch." It iB a com· ter were Sunday guests of Wm. Hay bination of meat · scraps imd broth Ilnd family. with o!ornmeal. and needs thorough ~ooking. Use % cup of cornmeal, salt and pepper and ·Yo pound of pork ' l~ you want to make an accepta~l~ with bone (shoulder. neck or ham ,ChrI8tma~ present to . your :f ather. Bhank) , Cook " thtf pork in, water mother.. sister ~r brother. or even to until the meat can Ile easily removed s0!D e ~lstant fTrefntl. s el~d them ;the from the bone RemOIlA the meat, ' ~Iaml Gazetle. rht:Y IVIII a ppl't!cla~ Boil down the broth to about a 'quart It. or add water to bring it up to this amoun,t. COllk the cornmeal' in thiB. " Harry Meredith. \~ho , was in the ~dd meat finely cb ~ped. and BeasOn,· South at a t:ra ininlf ~chool, came ings. Pour into pans; when cold. ' home last weak. wen t to Yellow cut in alices and brown in hot fat. Spriligs to tjlke the examinati!,ln for Rhoda EDick , AgricultQrIll CO,llege W4!sLPoint, We-hope he will be'the ,Extension Se)'vfce , ' , successful one. . '~ •





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of Portugal Visits Welcorued As Neighbor By



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motio~ pic·

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ap~roaching .cum

.\ r::i!~re~1~j~i:~~k;'~~!

' ..\~~ ~~ in England 'wo~ 'are ,doin.r [;:\" I;e and wonderful thinis in ' many , .IQ~cs, . ~,"C Woman's Land Army Is , .g IIlI( I!l (or the dorn~s~c UId agri-



, and sbowrnotDII. and other parts,of' , the •buUdini' •. are rapidly nearlng , . ' Mias RIlth I:f~rl ork p r ' ~el,f('d ~lW '. eomplet1on ' It I. hoped now that ~. balldlni' will be riad, to OCCUpy eliteen of hl' r 'pUpil. ill .. pi1Jn() ,recital ' bJ' the ftfteel1th~f J~t Jr.ono. at-School , I::I!III lisbrda,l aflernoor. I.t II not lmown atdi. preeent time A pleasing Q~~ltrknt was ~i\'''D, eot'h ~"l~operate the "mo~•• " but, performl'r I(IVIII/ll!vidf('cC .·f Ih e ef· ~,!!!I _ .....tter IIoob dlll*1ld of ' Acle~J, t Mla!1 Hl1r~ao('k a, a tl'a"h. ....- tilt hR...... Ita ......, to be oc· 1at. The 8f!td~ was a cOlllplete ,,!le· i



...\merican Packc~rs Now in Great Govemioenl 'Trust·

,\\'rilZ'bl. Ethan Crane. Irvin\!" ~ , " Yan Rel~lIick. A,lfred Wrhr!.l . fI ,;i' d Mert-dith and Howard Gil, 1\c\

_ . . , . . .. 2. ._


Who1e Number 3454


. ..

Emeet Harlan. of the U. S. Navy, hu purehaaed two loti in H~II Oreet. , " . \ .' , Cia Be tl ' h ' cultural artll. ;rhe ser.olU ph- is of Sears" Cartwrhtht; Tliey onl, 'j~i\l .they ar,e. doing these thinlS as all ha,.• abc lou [eft and , will mue at~' TblJ~~IIIh: eaug tt a ~'" ald . In war to the II&~ They traetfve pricea to parties wanting to t tlll_-'ttia b 'IV" ~o au • lue f,IJiIll: , tbe places of Jhe men who , bulJd. No better plaice in toWII. ~th'- ... ~ e ,e,auc t a coon , " [,ave gone to fight. At St. AalUltbte: , ~~b,_"!.f;B nl'J unusual t t College. one of Cantftbury'a ~ , U M iii J .",... - ~- ....... coon. Man, ~D1. anciet\t bUildings. rirl. are liriq. III lII_rs. A. a tt. .0" Cart- w~o... It and who taa.. lIvecflD Ih" monastery and takina their meab wrlllht. C. M Rob!tzer, Dr. J. T. tblll neek of the wooclll fOl' In the Ihlneenth centur;J diaiq IiaIL EIlIB. ~:.E. Janof' J . B. Penn. Dr. yeara, 887' that til.. ODe WIa, \be .• !:.Qm~ of them are taIdIqr IeIaOaa In J.M. ward. F• • ,Farr. L. A.Z1.e bJua.tthlJ"".W, Il1Uking in the around., u thole ahown merman, J. DI.P..- ad B. A. Cor· bad "on'ablbltlClliall d" . here. In.lla~ QUI ~tIab R1~ 1IiIopie • •!brill • , .



Seldom, If ~bave the ruIen~!tlSPJin II11l Portapl nei,hborly 'visb. It wu 0IIly 1 that -uer. of, cauSed Dr. ~ernardIao Vrhec!n, presldaat of PgrtapI. AI~ of SM ne .... ibOWI then!. ~ at ~ where

1IicF .c;leifed the

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eoDCIaft,at Dartoa Jut ft$.


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N"lIoa Edwlull HOllthyr(l . v\!ted. l,I \.loarup Pika ArkllllSltll. Dnd



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John D. RockefeUer T~UI How To Succeed



O,, "lel ROllI f., foo'tury WQrl, e r I\U<1 rtl ~ M'lTV Jt;lh.abeth AWoger, btlib

. ' ~h '( hT

of Fr nnklln. haJlleti L. 8"810. aH or nay of 'In lunAti. anl\ Mill B. t r L. "00 y tf M~ ·o n R" l:l H b W "'. . e.. . er. e1.

Forbes Magazine SPECIAL--8 •• lor S1 (t If 7011 .. " . 1''''"»1'<111 I" Uma t. Itort.., ot bl" nun ; 1"", .plrlna a.rtl olu on b Ullne.. J( nd nnano.. Publlabed ev e r y t wo

W. u.. whh




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pia,. I'll promlso to IIbu t op aod Dot 1111: Iny more Questions." Bo looked me squarel,)' in tho eye. "Does Mrs. OreeD ordInorlll' drink too mucb 7" be asked. Bill gucsa wall too neRr llIe ma rk ror Comfort. 1 took out my knlfo and cut 11lI' bondl. "Thanke, old maD," said tbe reporter, I l owl y stretcblng biB acblng muscles. "They are waltlng to take yo u back to Fair View," 1 Informed blm. ''Tbey?'' be Inquired . "Who ' IU'O they '" "All the principal cbaracte In that lItory you w ore going to write. al' tho ~B.y, your ' namD Is J ones lorcuce Jon_you're a.n old sebool friend ot mine." "Any partlculars'" bo nsked. 89 wo ~t1ked down to tho dock. \'It IlIn't necessary. They won't bavo • ebaDca to pump l'OU bCClluse you Rre ,olni to be towed beblud tho rest In n rowboat." "Wby III tbaU " "You promllled not to os k nny more QUe6t1ous," 1 reminded b 1111. At tbe dock I Introduccd 111m perfwlctorU, to bls fellow v oy n~ors. Dud be took bls seat docllell' III the row· boat. Bill Johnlon crauked up bls englue, ud the Mem Widow srorted blithely a_1. Wben Ibo WIlB 8 few fLoet from

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POlltd"',,, frlrt P hi"" /1

HOll .. Pilon. I

FORBES MAGAZINE :-.L.l,'120 B.roadwll,. N. Y.


Ham • • ••••• • • •• • •••••••• ••• • •••• Btr•• t • • • f • "• • • • • • r • • ••••••• • , • • CIt,. .... . . . ......... Blat ...... .. I •



,1I 'I '''''('r ~11 1"' \I <I~ Is

B AI{NHART. N tary ' Publi c ~I I I.

All k lNlii or N ·.tllry WOlk lIod D"p.dt> a. ~p ~o"l l \v

Cotton Is Ancl en t. ,JtI~t II'h "



1111011' 1\ . ,'('110 I'"f l y I'""",',,, ",:" "IJ Ill' COIII"II' I,' I \til I lin 111<11 \'1<1 UII I r'lIn be crl'tllt,',1 w il li' I h ," 11I "," I"I'r~' "r II", val· ' u" '" IIII~ II·III1,i.'rful (l1:11I t. LeuI!! bofnr ' 't1~~nr'd lime. nllI1Ul!: I ll" Illulloo • th e~' h llc! n Ill\\' IlI lIt If ." \1\1 sl,) I,' II III co of C.Jit !l1l )'011 we r ~ fI II ';11 Ihree Umcs Its vulu e. ll ost of tllp 1" II'ly Jlntlou.~ \1' " 1) f 1IlIII Inr II'ltb r Oll, ;n- th ' orly HIll'PIIIlIlR, Chln t'~ e flu ,l .. 11It'1· noclcn l 1'1'111,1 0 IISC'" 11 lind I'lliu,'" It.



F unt:ral Uireclor. WaynesvIlle


-E I'I' Ul!: ll- ,

Au lo F.qll ipmenl 11 (lrl'C-J ) ra WII Ell" Iplllen.

W a nted to Be Sure of It. iJAY OIt NlGHl , p,'p rnl ~' eIIrR flgo, fl l 1110 fllllC!rnl of T E LEP HONE , n lire III ~ lIl'IIIH'Il 1,lI\e lfll In J.11'(!l'poo l, nlll('h 11t'll>~wd Ill' hl ~ slnrr. II WIIS r1,!' cJ) rl' d u ~;T I ' Hl dl~ul UIJi HJI (l'1l before. mlll'lIp,1 Ih nl fi n ull t'Xn~ctl!llIr Ilirge btl[ ,h,... nn Hl1l1 o r t tln l pZlrtklll n, lJr~w nUlnhpr lOf ,10 ('111 alt!,u(\('rl. II Olll) o f 11'111 h" UIi I Ille whe ll ot h<!r IIerfuIlle5 sou." IIn"11 1,', 1 (lId r SII \"r. tl1.UG; I-!arn\j v~ Bllrry Plerue, paolt', (hl' III twlng 1l ~ 1",<1 rn r lin 1':1: 1'111 1111 li on . I dre w lip t w 1)It '('" . o f t'nll r n tree 'Va look('(\ up nt the Ilnxlous fn ce ot K l'nrl c t o t II I. Wtl ll llUI I.- tlll ilm 'U 95; l:!1\Ole VII Rm Davl ~. RaniA hl' ~1I 1t1 : "Wll wl)lIl,ln' t hll l'O IIIls c (\ eIl ~og I'IJ)Jllll}tell g Ufl rd lau od lItfj m I rllnk I 0 ~CI' \'C \I 'chllll " llll ,) "c3 h ' ,1 IDY' 'Kent peerIng. bNwe.. n tho bronc!;c •. VeterlnanC 1555; !-;urne VII Ed W ood, sn lll "; it un IIn~' nrL'OUllt; ",,- \\"lIllt t o bu sure ~ta Vt.I Ii.l t u nl ey C, Pond Oe- $4. 95; 'l'bomafl ,I t)~ n ~o n, Wild ',"ork Ihllt h ~ Is hurl,·,l," se l t I' ll ,JIl l! !'I,I,· lOr II", lulll,', ~I }' Imp "Tba t r c"cnue t.M t Ifl cominG back. fen r' h "i,t pIn dell 'llllt t o t ~ In. Graduate 01 Ottlu =-'al I lnlv~r" ~ " ' IIS rend.", ond It' s B clncb tllel"rc RoluJ: to I;l't \D UnIon t own~ ttlr , 1590; U. W. dl Oitn Ent f Ol' o III b.nzLaDl tlnf . Sen. Prl!s('ul lr ' I II I'l' WIts IITC . ouna Or u e ll. Tond wot k In Uilion tOWl1 8 hl p, me tills tilDe If I stl II. GVI\\Ind Ih'" ,euoo cl t'ferr (:ll. brcok l ltg I wli:" In t ll ~ IlIHh' I'l ll'usb lIem·· $0.70 , . dInky I sland. I' , e Hilt ~4 ~lIt Il " by, I Jlr le lllll',1 nlll 10 11101"' . Then A!\ Easy T ar-k. ' t,I. I '~ Vd T heodore I'I.Ollk Plea ut OFFI CE: He eCl'limbletl down. Too [l ~s ,':Ulle r"rtb. rrl s kllll: nnel wug· g ollt~· en ter .. rl. l" tlo renoed to p Y 1\ Y ou IIc vcr klloll' wllll t yon cnll rio Comer Main an I \dill ~trlltltB '; H()w COli y ou J;Cl 0 WilY?" I osked glng !Jer Ittll. I !,(>llcd hc t·. fi n e ur $U [\u (1 O ():; t~ I1'ltl ~ \l · IJtj ,l(J­ till ,1'111 try, 1111(1 IIway II fl' lI o \\' ('nn "'Tile Inulleh.'· lie el:plllined brle\ly. !:iome olle eOIl~lI c" In bu ('1; or me. I ed uot I furt hur order of a u rt. Telcpl~o".' 28 IUnk 1\ foo l or hlrnsl'\f w lt ll out 11nl! The '''We ll of J ac ob." "1 · ...0 been tllltog It'r lIn 00 Ul tJ q. t. t urned. !'IlI·tlng llle bustle on el t ber 1r'."IrII:.- Phlll\lleJl lhlu H cord. t{t .. 119 "I! Ed OaVDe. dell 01 g llll t.,v T he "we ll of .l ncvh" III PIlI I'~ lIn o Is this week gclting reall.v fllr fill CIU' / r · sille li ke the ( nltl. at n 1\1.'11")' green veL: Ohio W8y ne~viJl e. elJ t red Mil.\. "untonced 10 tho work nhlJll t n mile u nrl 11 h,il t l'II1'[ of Ihe ----------~ . ~ucy. be looks /l:ou<I tor drl ocn wiicil ,'et d n ll' C'urlnln 10n,1 I bo .IJ .~ s pirit ot honse 1 ,)1' 3,I II"y s fw d p"y OOHls. towu or hcclwol. It Is IIlso culled an honr." I be W OOl\. 'tKII~ v~ Roy K i ng. PI I. o f g n tltv "Th(' w ell 01 th() ::lolllllrltnll \\'tlllllln." ··S~t.c(>n:' corrected Luelle. The Trllvrler's Tree. . ") had to JUak ~ y nu tlJ ru nt'ouod." . .. II tho better tIIen . I'll los 'em e ut red. lJ ~flm ,1uot PfmlollOlH1 to It I nbollt 'jft (crt d ee p 1111,1 "r nil t h l! A tr('o \\'111 h Sf' rI", III I' pllrl'Me of sho ellid opl)l nCI'tl '·u ll l' . " " " ,I e e l It over tho \lI rk 110 U,0 l or tl.Jirty ,!tl ya Slid s]lC' Itt l 10e,,11I 1 ~olll)~ch.(l '\\,Ilh t h out thl!rQ. 1 aOJI't S tlllPOSI! l',lll l \YO - n . l'r ln" I ~ 11 J'pl"'llf'llit "1 ,1' ,':011.,, 1 tilt) " "th." ob ta. lit of J e II 11I'lst II' ulm(lRt tl,,' ouly "l rO"I'l or'8 t l' r ." By '~ltI1ply. nltlng II !'iot'er wo s n fall'e r Ilosnllnd , Sbo , doves will IDhla It I keep '1!0l 8tl bu ~~ 01&113 'v Eo W o nd ~, PI.. o ( g ull ' on . nbl'o lm Iy undl.i(liit tl, oorl It ts th e Ir nf litom. U q1IUu lll ~' t IlUr~. old, ::-::-_ _ _ that tIIey !l1n't Got time to lund r. ::-~===== held IlP h r Iw ncl w l lh n flnO ,;ollrnll'e in IllIte ot th l! I'rlm on . IJlnshcs whlcll Bopp ror 011 hu ur or ~o." [fo grlnocQ. IlntetPd. Vel nlltLnt Ill' llt('nucr1 I I I'xcll vnted In t he RIlIItI rocl,. 1$ utilI! wof ry "011 I)1n~' Ill' ohlnl nl'd . Tilt) , - "Not n bit." I n u8wered. "Good tbe w~,rk h oose for tlll rt:v (1 VII . flond ll'et In dlr\lllt.'t~r. ,,·oru.,thlles It Ilon· tl'C',\ Is tt null"R or IhCl' WC!Jl In,\l9s. nnd chns II och \:II ber on'r her fn"o nll(l I:ll· s Pi ne~· . tu l illy n n ~ ~). I"G lind Il 11\1. , !:leo. l/ll ns a "0.11' feet o f Wilt r ; lit 0111 r hOR IOIW I' ~I)m ",llIit IU(e tboBe of tl1& neCk, allu she stood .· trnll:Jhl 11\ tIIo luck. " He sl11rted tor lhl) "0\'0. I Wll tobea 'ellce fil l pSlI\lrd I'D ol)ndlliul.l ~but thues Jt 18 dry. bnnnol\ tl'ec. Fo&' Coug"-JUld Oold&. higb hcel('d ~orl kltl hMt8. n 81 nder di'ifflndlluG l'tlrratl) f l'OUl tho UK or bbn out ot sigh t:, figure , olmost "11.1'1 II • ' lot xi<ltItlna }f(luor lor ~I:t-montbs Wben 1 huned bnek the. !;eaob -,--~-"~Von't YOli II d O\\' II 'I" ,I bull rI sen t:! o.tJ~ "1'101 GweD H l'ln "lov . " uuse al1a Ind lcaletl IV" 1<11: 8cnt OPllos lte 'II.II~~

10 milk,· II n 1I1111-1c r<!:1< t. I Ilill lIul '!1I1. t l' I'" ~ h , I II~L"1Il1 I leis· 111'('1." IJI'\lWCrl II 1'1)1 M II'n. I h nd lIol'cr





Dr. J. A McLoy,

---- -----

the dock the engine stopped, "What'l the matter- broke <lo ,\'n?" I ellouted. • "No," UIIIwered Bill, "I yust s lOI) ber IlecaUlll10U toriOt to tal me "' hut tor JIrI;, Green be 0 .0 Buntlngd n'e I Innd. roo _110U tal me, anti you forget." "Yet," cbimed Iii ' ~1rs. Green, "and J wlnt to know bow 1 co!Uc to be iloatlDc out on the lake durinG tbe ItOrm wltll DIY red dress on." , I reSected & U1oment. mlue. ''TIle youn, man In the rowboa t "Were YOli C IlCd lll:; orne ono?" she biawl .U about It," 1 ShOuted. "YOII It! ked , CIl Illig 11 11 fi ll 10118 1('01; nt Lbo 'c:au Ilk bim .1 loon 'lIS YOIl g t to llle Beat. . maW.nd." 1 dldo't add lbat lie would "Why. yeR ." I prel 'ud ed 10 be besl· not anl~er. . l au t olJo u l ('''1111 0111,1; III Ile r "I IV" ex· "Mr. Iillaloey." yelled tho reporte r os pectin!! sunil! l'lIl!. n Ilidy. 11111' Ihn t I the engine started up ogllin. om "cr~" fowl o r. 'ul I 11 m otro l.! t bltt "Yee," I replied. sho liAR tll ~nl' l Hlj llt l l Ill I!. W UII'I yo u "Tbe name ot that piny Is ~rhe Bow tn ke lI t'r pin e 1" or of Tlilevee,' .. ''Tllnllk y uU," ah e sulll slmnly ' a nd "All rlgbt" I W8 ved my bn od In ~ Il d Into 111(1 st:'nl. tarewllli. Wh ell I IlouJ'ed hoI' sonlO of tho tell Tbe Merry Widow towed DIy troubles lnd offel'eli her s u II fOOll 08 wn s 01'011· around I polot of land ot tllo entro nce _ b le she AN'opted e ... ery ti1ln g n nO nte -of tbe cove and out of slgllt \Vlth un embnrra ssed arpellte, It mn)' , I .mUed to my~elf 118 I turued away. found unromn ntlc to suy thll t we SIltls· and 1 wll1stled In arln t hn t \Vas Dartil' And our lillflger without conversat ion, Pucclol'. and parUy my own In plnees but rem cUlber lInlt tbere bad bet;!' where J COuldu 't rem ember t he f) rlg· man1 hour. wben talk bod be~ our fDaJ. only 8ubstltute tor food. Tootles had Tbe provlslous I boO bJ'nllJ,lb t from Buntlngdoll's Is lnn !) werll atlll lI·tlere I soma of everything. Includlug t ea. hid bidden tbem. I l OOk Lb c w with whIch proves to lDy mJud cQucluslvely me. It I WDS , g~lll J,l to ge l Lborougbly tbat 8bo Is n't II regulnr dog, But 00 ' 10it at IMsI I s hollid lJo well pro"l. more ot thnt. "I'm sorry ," my VIR' II,v la liB Id II t last, aloned. ' On ml' way LO lI.le l1 'olllc les~ depth8 lenulug forward with ber chlu resting of tb ls bolf IUllp w l(1 p wllde l'nes8 I on tho bllclca ot ber clnsped ba'odR, "l'w ltopped ot Ihl' SIlU.II.IlN hOll~e IIlId un· 60rry to ho sItting In tho place 01' eerthed sODle 1"'1 I hlll~_ \\'hll-h I Imew 1I0me one else wbom you would preter ~ere Hton't1 I hc'" III 1\ IlJdt~r, 'l'herll to ha ve h ro." Then abc ollded, with wae a IUll ch dUlh "tI" r. " hlllll. II a little slgb, ''TllIlt Ie, It you would small (,Dddy of tl''' ""11 liH ~' wll ter prater some one wse." "I wouLd and J WOUldn' t," 1 smiled. beater. n II or II hJ.-h , ,,011\",1 I" illY pack. T b('n I plll ll!!I'11 Ih"'l1/ h Ihe 1111· "111m t rying to Ima giue thnt YOII ara derbrUslt Itlln t.he " l I n l i ::Iu 1 h.l"P UUl!l Bhe." "In tbcso-tn costULDO?" of tho woOd., "It Is dlDlcult to Lmn~lne hll r IlreRsed After 1 b ~l.d lUi'll II l :"~,\ ,; \ ill f t~ ln '~ 1 . . far lUI J t'01l 1,1 \I .11t" .11 , ..;: ' " .. III all you are, but uot Imposslhl e, 1 u,l· .DiD on the III hel ~! I I, · I ,.,UI ,. " , IUY miL ' thOIll!h.' tbnt It wOIlIt'1 j, ~ ,,~Ie r lIJ


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" l.l \H~· 1I

lIaU coupon luuu.dtM. e ly ""I will In hath

I1.ClO &-nd

number oo ntaln1n,. ,.,orh.t·r.III OUI Rook.t. Un 1.n terviow-


'''Tbe.n l'U loll n il ) tiU U \\' 1I0\-hll h Hta t boa 110p pe ned u Green' Isl om!. n II tl I aboll blnt at 1\ 101 o f tllin gs 1 dl'n't lruow. It 'YOU wUI agree 10 lI1;e Ul)'

Walter Chandler Way:nesville, o.

110 oI)P1-J' ,..a.r

r Cp. ' ,, ",.1 ,,1I" 1I . bl' \\,,, .. 1,, dan .; ' r, RIII I he Eib\ J\ rd Kltu( t't HI \ ' . L.. L<lIb~ I " " ' NY 1!' ,II1 1(1 ~, ,(\ , 11\1 ItHIt'L'lI." .. ~ .. IIIIUllni .. l r u!o r f ~ btl tltHnte of Ba rH h Commlssloner'l Prooeedjnltll fI' n Ill d 8 ,',· ~ I ,ll' IJIblc ImL"l l. II' e ,y \3. ·l' IIrT)~. d li('l' ,li\ .. /l ie ~ j· ntil .. t1 lo'It " 1l Ilth l IRIJ I'~r '~'un ll IIro,,' 1I (In l:cr In '0 l'Itll l>lIMW' r .1 ~J); 1U n t f llr pla lu . 8 , E Oi1Mu~b , loqt1 ~~ o"er b uy Uly 1111 1m. lIn r r $tl o. ~!I, /311"810 W 8b~,,.r, fee~ It.\l6 ; K/l m'a , " Wllli t '\'1111 ,1 .1 011 tlo 111 11111 1 1'111*.'" , tl V"r h nd y of A ndrl' w (\)1 Ill,. $1; 78 i . 'Tll r IIIl'III ' <.I Illl ll YOII,'" II ho tl llHW,' r. ,Eh~'.'I, I'll h ( ' 11111 1111'1 , "~ FmlJ k .10 \111 A. B lalr, lIu p'pl!r tl t ')T j'111"u" M . "anf! ,,\1('11 1'(1 tOll ll(l ~' I)\I . l 'll !lut hur l l ,· I1. ,·t,·,> ~ r. n n' .! p ln l n , Oli O!'thOIlKIl, I dU9 ; l). Mil tv I u , m y Ilnn,l,« In YOtl FH. jll~ 1 \I~I' til l., lIi' (llf, \l" l n~ und " applle\!, '10115 : '1 ' b 1..1 "" k ,rOll" fOI'l;lr c n liS fo r hclng W llI1h ll\ " ,n , , I ... ('Ievi III lid .J ob uson & W" t woll Uo. , ~uppllE!tt for ,' rl"'. '·rollk.(·. 01,1 I1m l. I, " ·tn ~ l uw.h tlnd H . l.lI lII . R Ullwl'" s b enff, II; W B. l:!tllnll ge & Uo., "Rll t ~h o l~ n'l n n IIlrl mu ld ," J Ilell'l i \:0 P I,lint.lf jll v l. l\ I u \'t' t n llIe o lfluks and I oord for liudlt o r 's o f. h"r Iltu; ,',.. lIghll y. lIU1 t1 c cl t ll \I"l l'lOll III I b , till. UOP, $78.75; ' . Wilbe r lvltl~, 1 DlP~ " ~hc ' lI ,,~ t\" cnty · 11"0 tomorrow." I AU IS 0\ P"rlWf " j' ( Il l'rll" E 0(>. (e l a l,rlO) ttnpollel ond drng!! 0' j ll ll S h.· I Ilq br'l. "A n' l It A girl J. 11'1 II10 r · I m Il k ... " ~ al. I I t l lbtl~1 011 ordo r tl aod cour tb. U80. 120 IS i J ob'o t\ r l, ·1 h~' Ill , tlru~ ~h ~ 18 I, ('1)1),· 111' (' Nh Cll1udlll t.1 \\"' Io,f' r \' H 1'1I 1' (, . n. C . BI~lr, AUllpH!'!! for oo urthODPB, j III I~ 'Ill Hid mllll t, an d 8t. 1.. Hul ll"n ' (;11 . Pltdllfifl' " 1)(1 IlUfV4>yor . $5 .78: w. L Svlva, . " T ltrll ~hc ' lI lI " ~ C I' III' 11 11 nit! m n lll." 1 Iol lvNI II) v t ,l pl l'ull lIy N )v " Ulbl'r tel', dopn~y lturvevor , lI .. or y and ell:. .\I'<''''r ., 1. " hC('.111S' II." Ih l:! t im lo mOl'" 12 . t>"tl M"1! fo r 0 tob r, 1ll7.80; G. H Ili, 1''' \\ -hl" l1 I"., mArril'll - th n l I ~ ," r IIdd · Oot·)her 100 tor oOnrih OIl9P, $t\ ,HO: ,.d , "I r shr'tl II I'('CI'I (I . t n llt. I1Ildtll~ Tho M o u n ' "11l Vi qLIIIi"ll (n, v~ UJ:" " ' U!HI 1M n htl~""I1(l, " J o " I, fl, I::Ilu ". H ~I· IIt \' '' fllOU'ort'l.I'U ,)0 hill fi o lbr oo k, V0ltuj;le for T conler'!! nm os. $5 00 i ()burlc-! Lq If . "T II~'(\ IS II' I ' ·U ' 1'0 til is Is lo 11," ~ e to ho n-ow $ uO I e) pILl' , ~x. rOlil Lworlrln alem townabl ll.•lV . 75. tl l' ~l nr"ll . I, ''' I ' III~ II I 111., II' ltb F<llnlll):l L OIl € II,. U II Y \' ~ hlltry KI' ~v (\ r . Pbl! Wb ltlioro, 8UUll', IJ4.06; ~VII . ~,n '~ " You ~ n ll' c1n llll 10 be s lollt Def6ndhlnt iii to ll til d , )' t ( tile IllI m Dllre, !ll1me, L9. 211; W\llt ll Ol II 1,,'11 y our bel l II IIrly r!',v'lle, IlrOllud Onll\\II I:. Young. IoM1IO, 'II: J . W. Willis ,rou I wkl'. ~J O I.ll:· . " ~ 1,1' gil 1'(' m y It n lid tita ~o Vtl M lit \I II 't h ,, ",Pd11 tl LIl UIber '0., brldl(6 l uruber, $47 5,69; 1\ 'l u lr k JIll.!" S' IIIl'1'1.(', " rou ' re \I d!'nr.' f IlU"lJt ,.,e nt;." ,·,L I II "I x IU"" r hl< IU l:Io wu rci W . I viuI', 11'1(111 "" r VI I'I' S "\\,ill .!'" U lllllrr :' nw ?" 1 R"~e<l . jllil bll d t P,I\' Ct) ... t ~ . 8 e n t.o nee - "1 10 VB t'oll'bI1 Pt1. $ :;0; 8 111\ "01 CO \lr.~. r. d l'l'itJ cd Ib llt lU ll" nl';o, .11 poo ood . ,Iohn H oaotvl!ki , W . •1. Cm r n o. l e e~ Do r OU Rll p pMe I' d leI noy UI Rn s~o LIl8 St~ t(l v ." I'h P Hl'orn t-\t'nlell, ,\Uri OOI'~~ . $ H Ii\); HU DI n , ,, Al l·j\1"I. , In thi s e,)sllllno n n ll' s s he wns go lni: [I) .1'1 tn !:-lInt!) It ' IIlt UIIII " r \' lit M U D , r . ~ I , JIII1I U~O n, ju Lin n{ fl H IW" ('P, lnnrry mei" UeM ,:>ollle tJ l' l' ~11~ 1It' ,h'd If ,l lltl'l" Q "I~, $~.IO; Krulltl \ R W I IJ\I1 U1 .1 0 11 ' 0, I pulled her townrd mo. lint ]llll ~ $:10 11 1 i II witll f l' bil e up. sr, SlltO P, $6 .70 : t1we "8 H (, moo " E x(,lIse rue. t.ol k8," nld n "olce. " I por t o f 1118 0111 1\1. I Stn b b~ . BaIU • "5 00; t'i\nl P V Lft' ,I. \tn t IIko I he. deu co to lJutt 10 on Illo nit nl o ntll:l"rl ~oQ h .. ~'1' b tl VIII,!:" LU(lIIV, HIlOla. f 80: 8Dl V i! BUlIIe, Sot bern nud Marlo we tulT 1I0d I Cel'- o f South .. nllll '1'''-'111.11,.\1 (JayI' $ol .g,~ i lIT.til'! VII MiitoD Th oUlP ~i1n. R tn in ll' bnl'o enJose r'l It, bllt 1" ' 0 got 11) Ivf'l.t d"r .. nd "tlt to h1 IllLJtiuu or .1. Jo", j ll lico of thq peBol' ., f t!"i! " 1 d mnke R Rcta,,'ay IIIJO I Clln't do II BroOUl'ltst :10; 'Hme v W lllllltn Mor th e r pI HdlUg. die ou l or this tree wltbout dllllllrbtng G uId i K, Wltol o,,111 \'~ .1 0"11)11 my. M , A J 'lmelon, fe es tu)(i ell ' I~.




Moat tbllJnaC. e.Jr--re...Una 'n'~ t vt~", eve, '" tbe ""orlll', ,nat.. , bu,.tQ'" a.ura T .. lk. on WOllt,-m&klo.....v1u6. _ ivln •• lu


Common PIcas Court


H Ion ~llot)lr,o r !.Alb8'IUO,




- - -'!

Get the l\liami (;;azette Now






sst , o r trial Deoe m-b r 13.


'ew Suits Al tl\ ' tlml h

Kld l \ p~

Hmi l h V ol ,hnrlp 1)1 moo ; [{toa IltllCl f'N


Probate Court EMln\e of l" ,y (I ,.lrlrrnder


t 61,

F nur t h (I ('oount of gn(l\'. di an tHe n t! til E,I wrn ~'. !:to r)n"d r !l nd M u ; gl1r,· t E, H'lrk r "de r Est.ittl (If Ohurlt' 'l M. Spen oo et 1>1, mlno"', E' lul<1 ~oo ollnt .. pprov el~. ILllowod lInd oonfirmed, Esh Ie o f EII?, '~beLh Ha\oBS. bene, !iotlay. Fourth II MOllnt of t ros l ee filed , E ta te T. .J. autn 8, bon fi olllr,.. F urtb u Quot of t l u tee filed. E ~ I.te f A, Br Doe CowILn. de. 0588ed, Fm:lt Heoonn ' of exeolltor ((10 ,




El!'s.te of Floru.M. VII D Boroe, de. oel}sedl. Flrl;t 1)0Qount filed, . Eet !ltll o ~ L1diu t:;"tterib wI,lte, d \!" oetlBsCII. ~ Ir .. t 6 0 ount filed. -. caught lIer and p"n l ch o ~ I,cr ... . ' .• 1£ tEl te of Rebeooa J. a nti ld, d e. deserved." oell8ed . F iouillooount flied . FrRnk Wyh6. Munrd \Ln, V8 ThllOposite me WIIS cmpt.l', ,\ SI<'I""'1' l: g ure wa s stenllI.Jl1y mulL in g l or I it I' lilt.·, dore Wylie e~ hI. Urder g runted to 8e1l relll s sta teo ter ot the tblc lcc t. When I batl cRu ght h er /I n\l I j ll n l ~b\" 1 In ~be D'la'~or r tho will of Catb. ber 8S !jbe des erv ell ror d 'Kt:'I' II"n I erloE! Carey, d 09 /1 ~d , WlIl admit. Itl'm~ i ll I' ( 1111< s !;o wo\l1<1 eijcllpe \Ill! II gI\ln. ' "lly tbo , ny/, J 8 Hkell usunlly SOCJI: t1me lator. "wllere would YO Il Ilko t o lipend your boneymoon 1" , She con sI dered n mODlcnl li nd tileD pur ted b er li ps I.n n s low s mile. " I llJllik I'd lilts to spend our boney · moon In II dining cn r."

s WI b eW !Jer Ught lu my

"11'£ E:I'D.

----.'----- -


t d to \Jrnbn'lI. E:4tat" of l:Ial n Flrtlt tlO'!Olltl filed.

founded by RIIV. l rl R. Bloke. 'rhe 8l1 bsorlp,lon p r loe is ~1 . 00fl, your. In. olu dJng B copy of rh " Hloks ,AIm". DIlO to the Ilubporlbe r . Send rOr r. sample oopy,

Writ e

WORD 'ANI} WORKS P UB. UO .• 3<lOL Fronklll\ Ave ., St, Lenl ll, Un.



Ca rdboard .~ Crier. Oblorld e of c lllolU OI Ls Ilometlm s

us e(\ to nU80rb molstur olld lIe J) er· tnln pbotog'rnpblc J)ro(l1Ic t 8 I\~y, suell a s Ll tllrlnulll pUller Ill' cll rt) on paper:

but n pllt)logral'bw llo~ 1\1 covered tllat c anlhQur!l of the h ILI'~' klnll \I'll I oct a6 n good tlrler., Th ·ttrll Is ueed In rough "heetl, It beIng w U drle'd \iy hent nnd Ihe n wrnpJlt'd In \\'ued pa· vcr 1'0 OJ! t~ leuve enly tb , Ill! ot tbll hORI'r1 rrl!O Rnd UlUS not nb80rb llIols·

tUre too qulckl7.


Enste of WIl a ll 80rlll.n , d eoe a8~ , Finul diijtrihlltlon !Locount filed . 1n , the m"tter uf t ile Ijt~ te of Ohllrlt's EI. S udu ce. deoeased .. .Ea. ta~e deolarea probll hly in@olvent, 1n the matfef of t he ostate of NAncy Loul'!. cl ecollAed 6eOrj;le

LIlne, nrlmlnistrntor, n llowed bls oll>lm for $81# 06 I1gllinst tbe ea rllha. I ~ tb~ math I\' o f t ll e esttlte ot R oo . e,' G 8 u~ortl, deo~ 0 80 d. , S"leap. pro ved aud oon firmed .

Real i.!stale Tranlfers

1918 ALMANAG For more th an twenty tlVIl years 'he Sioks Alm"DBo lias had a world. wide reputation , The 191 H Almn . nno hAft been prepilred hy lrl R . B leks Jr., II elated by Rev. J Ohll B. liI oyel!, for mo.ny yeare the 1I~1! 18tant edit o r nssoolated wtt.1l l-tov. [rl R Bloks .. Bigger, brlgbte r, better than ever Ie a 00 n0188 d esorlptlon of Ule 1918 Almanao I t Is now rea tly MIdis ~ o l d 68 beforo for 3t! oents PORt. paid. Word and W orks 18 the n f4l1le of th e mon th ly family mnga:zlne


Geo'rge E. Ue mUl8 Ite a'n d ""Ito and '1'11l1e Bw arb,' by sheriff, to W1lI1BW BIIOOtl, 83. ncros In Erunklin town. ships, t8;6~0 1\5. Leo til CreEl r nud ,I 0 Creager ' 0 CauoH Ralbllwoy a nO wife, ay. Ln Tunleornok township. $1. Tho1llns Marill n 08 li nd wife to .11, vb8 .te~ ~ SlOlth, 4J{ "ore8 In Frank.

Satisfy?" Yes! Yet, they're Mild!


Iln· towoshlp, ~ 1 J . W . Ma rks to AI 6 , fion'or, amall kllot In T urtl eo r etlli.town8htp,

'Sure,aa you're, a foot high. Sound. .~ange, because you nev.e r b~fore smoked a mild . ~igarette that did that.


,J . E1. Borton RntI wife to Robed It. \:ioRge lIud wLfe, 4lly' aOre!! tn Harla n towush l J..l $3,200. O. p, Kr(JbD fi nd wito \0 C. Ed. ward" 'Kell y, rlllli e~ '.t., In S ..lem' 'o wnl'ih p , $ 1. J ennie S Auder80n and Borvey Andel'so n to 1~I'Olla HUelman, 10& tn MOH()w,l 1. AIlu.m Wollzollllld WH o to'C)ltules W. !3oward fin d wife, 22-Y. '!I OreS tn Fru fl~~ lin towJ.rfl hlp, $).. '{,h onl lll! -Vo,n BornE! Gnd wife to RO\)Elr'~ M" Vou Borne, Fru.oil'lIn t wnship, $1.

Sti!'. they'Tf' MultIl A new blend of purer natural Import~d and Domestic tobac:co.~~at'. the answer. ' And·the blend can't be copied. ' ,


2'/. aores io

, • W ..iltBl"S Wilkerson And wife '6 PIl 11\ .J MIt hall aorl wife 83 aores


Y.,., Ch~aterfield. "reach . home;" they /et)lou know you tire .moking-they "SatDfy"!

Make Cheaterfield• . your next buy. '



lemrcruI'k tov:neblp, ~ l ,

,\1/1 rri age Llcel18lll

- A,' rlt',Y B, Ulpple, tobaooo worker of MI~' Dllt huTg, "nil Edith B John,. SIn. ' Frnnklln, Be•• PGJdJ'Va..

. ,

,,20 lOr,IO~ .



~~ZETTE···· ' ·~ T~E~~~~~~R~H~O~O~D · ~N~E~W~S~


ISSUED EVERY WEDNE~ DA Y E Dt red aJ. th P n. 'I)I!I'ce at Wa) nt ,,\" IU • uh lu , " ...

D. L.

CP ANli.


(I t

1 fI





E ditor a 0 4 PlIbl161 ~ r

As Written by Our Corps of Able Correspondents In the Neighborhood

SubllcriQtion Price. $1.50 per yea r



NOV mMBElfi 14, 1!H7






is Itll)tl· ':l\ llInli III dil'<'lI :;". Illil'" • tit T1Ihere 1~ cou.II ,y (lrllll n il " ~her 1'"1

IS IUIO WII~r. o nn el fam ily blld fl8 Mr . a od Mr • . Ed Hol!'ulan, of Mra. Ann,. .JordRn, of Columnoe. t lwlI' jo\ \lIl.K tB und uf, Mr . li nd Mre.1 WH mln gl on , wer., oallloll ob bLeodl epena part . at \be 'lll'eek wltb ber . . Jill I IU ' U 'hie. nephew W. 'I.'. Jordan aDd 'limll y. W illter W il ~o o lI orl MI 88 Olive o.nd ber~ SOl1day. It!mcdid. " u d by c""";'" Ii)' (!tilill!: ,., Inry Knl hry l;l Wilson . ~' II,ok 1(0 J aFrfl11l ill Improving 'b. Mr . and Mrs . 1:1. U. Barvey , Alvlll . b k cure willi 10 a l I r~allll clI l, IH tllll 'UllcC'd Preeldeol \~II oln III bill 'T 1\0. 8· it iuenrollle, Cn lal rh I~" Incltl oIi ....,,,,,. R" II b " nel Gil ft on W ~rren were farm be bought 'IVUh bouee. bllro, and Dorh. Buvey were the SUDday IIlvluH proo.aru81bo lUak es 0 0 a.t ~ro.n ll y inAllcIICl'" uyc""s'it ul itl llal cOlldi . g u o ~I " of t, b~ lr el~t e r . Mrs . R obe r' well and otlltern aod when oom. 8ulsta of F. A . Barboalt aDd famil y telDlJt ~ o rt'OO U? ~ t tle Il'uOIfio tU lOgd j liOnS 8..l ld lhcrc/ol~ I't'qu ircscu llblhn liu,wl Mo ~1i1 lo un, ioluBd"y. plat ed it will (be a irlill IiddUion to Mader DODllld and MI tis lIertrnde for wbloh \UII Nation li t th l8 U Ul ~ h ea lrnen!. HaJl'sl'o l,... rh Mt did ne. IIHl"· Mr. ,wd Mrs. Lui har BaIn es aod ihis .I olnlty. Wolfe, of Clarks vtlle. 8pBD' tbB hda· ClI&Ulle &0 btl g rale hl!. I:l ll d h e u(uclul ed by F . J. heney & Co.,'rolctio . BOlli er Hnluo8 "OhIULI to Camden. Ub !lB. B . Glllaullb, or Daytoa, wa. week.end with theIr grllDdparBots o C. R. M ill• • In L .. lI~·. pa.rlioulllrlZ6d d ooh\lelill h d wou ld Ohin, is a consl ilutioll l1 l remed}' . is I,.h,·" In our oil y o n Mooday ebaltlnll Mr . lIod Mre . Joho Wolfe. h .."o given the fesnl' at the I:h.ooud illlertlully rwd nels t h ,o ug h .1til IlIuml n Il ::)Ullll /l v. The mod war-picture. Mr. IIp,l Mrll .Iol-Ia h DavIa. Mr ba o ds wit h aoq ulll n' .. ooel Miss Opal T hompson. of Oaytoo·. Llborty Loan a. promloent plo o lI,e lol l.ColIS ur[ures of . he ~y<ICul. <J"I! the beat war·pictur .. Our town hllB" vetlnaryeur.eon wall 31111 ed hOOl A Satord AY eV8ulojl amoDg ttl,19 .. tlJIDt!lI for whloll tUII ""!Id, ed Ool l"r. re\V~rd IS ,,fTe ' ed r"r nlJd Mr~. Ll oyct OnviS llod Bon . Ceoll. Na-sIOD ~b "lIld bll thankful. O J~y msc tlllIl .1I "II · s ~la r r" ~ l colicillQ fl"l1 (I 'm Ber m"n Da vis untt fatully, by tb o O/l Ole ot Sb oemalrer, ao II 00 RooonQi of 'he s eri ous IIlneSH of lint. ba -b I' f th tl [ulls 10 cure. . Sen ti f" r t lre ulars and les· M t il Xi'ul" oUI"h borhood I:!o llday oooupylup: t be hom a of ' be late Peter her grandmotber Mrs. Elleo WilBon · F olr ... grear r e~n , () e eoon d Iim f)"i " I ~. "fI,·rnolm . ~ , Oory. 0 0 Soo t b !:It. Mr. and Mrs. Eroes' MaoDoo !lod LIbert, Loan oalllpalgo, wll·b nellrly F . J. Cf.T I\1 BY & n .. '1'o l~tlo . Oloi.. . I\Jr~ . GlLlou" ,VilROIl !lod da ugbtoer. Mrll. Balen P e te reon. at Spring daugbters Rnth Bnd tHeDnli. Mre. $10 .000,000 Am .. rloau8 rRtlylng to &,Id hy O ,u ~ lI is ls • • 1,c . ~I "ry Klltll r y n !! PIlU ~ Welluoddl>.Y Valley . Is .181t1DIl b or parents. MI'. Elsie Lewis aDd Bon MorrIs apent Ibe I1m.ool,.1 InpP0J:' of tbe NiI ~l o D HolI' s i'omil y !,ills [ 0 . c:o'" lipatioll.' wlilt Mrl1. (;l Joce ['· uroa •• of OO[lr Ilnd Mrs• .F. L. H a rris, for a f ew tlnnday wllh Ueo. and family. and lubs 'rlbing over toor aod ~ llt1 lt A ds W" y nes vill e. d ays. Mrs. W. T. Jordan and daogMer, blllioo dollars for tba pnrobllMl of Liberty Loan Bond". Ii a OIlOSO tor M r . li od Mr t!. W . E. I30ga D euter Se ver al of t he R &d OrolS Ladlel Mrl. Anna Jordan, MIss Andrey ....- - - - -...........--"..."""""''''''(PRICeS!RIQHT) deep IhaokllJlvlog 10 the hearl of The D~adly To rpedo. tnluCl.l ouudllY. Mr . .. oel. Mrll. GilliS . 01 Way nesvillo, Oil , wltb 'be R ed Clellver. of Lebanon, and Mn I:)arlih MONEY LOAN ED e.ary loyal Amelloao. Betwet'fl 1877 nn d 181)8. wh en the Wllrwl ok IItld f .. mlly a od Mrs. I!.v a Croes L ldles tbelr Ball on FrldltY Rloh. of Barveysburg, epent &tur. PrMldeo$ WliMOO fla YI tbe N"tlnn S[lll nlsh·Am t'rlc:u ll '\'lIr hrokl! out. t hero W" r wlok uu d d'tU!( b tar , EtlY Louise . af' erooon. Thev . re alwaYI wei· day anernoon with Hrs H:menon Ihoold bo lhl&Dk,nl tbn' we bli v" l W,·I·t· only 12 InslIl lI 8 In whic h thu of Lebanoo. "od Mr. aD d Mrll. ltal. oome gotste. Earnhart near ·Wayneavllle. Sole Agent bee~ given tbe Oppnrl\lOl ty to ile rvc> t OI1' do h nd be ' n u ~c li In II NItIiI wll r· 6igh llol!lIo. ONEY loaned on live s t ook ohat. Mr. and Mrll. Frll n k 811ldaller. Mr. The Aid 800letv met with M,rl. leIs ~ n d 81l000d mor tg llgos , mankInd 1\\1 we 00011 l orved our·l ' .II'C' '1'h e H U 8~ O· J II JlII Il HC' \\, u,' III 1004" , IA~ BUlJo ell ' R sllITuring with 1100,) Mrs . B. L . DakIn motored to Mllrv Mannon on WednesdllY lifter. lelvos In $bo IJrel\t d.y o f onr !leola. Il!l'ord<'d IlIlIn y OPI)OrtunlU "H to r tho thr u" t tron hlll. the Gorden Tires Fl\l rtleld Av ll1tlon Flel(\ on I:IlIturdllY noo~ . Those present were Mes. Notes bougbt. .J oh n B n rblne. Jr. , For raUon of ludl'pAotteDoe by taklolj tip usc of t his d ~udl~' \\'(' nrl()fl nt \I 1'~ l r uc · damel Addle Oesther',ge. Ada Tal Allen BuildIng, Xe ul ll. Oblo. m 2 pl" 11 110 \1 famllv were Rev. Walker wm p reaoh M the B on.oe Cou> ar01.. Illf.los~ 1·lle ~yruDny tll"\ U()n. alld Whll head's luvl)o tion cnu cl M. E. ohorch 00 Monday nllx' . Try mage, Mar t ha aod Kdlth DavIa. fbreatoned 10 m ater a u \1 debllse l lJr(,RI hnvoc. T he co,nllhlllll(11I or the K ellin c "ll e r ~ ~' r1 dn y "ftl'r noo n . [..ena Bartsock. Jelsle Kennon and Mrs . tt uo rge BUKun II ncl Mu. and be present. wlln aVllr,wberll. f.lub lll urin bont 1111(\ Ih ' lnl'pcdo bu d MIss Beleo H,utsook. FOR SALE G.l pou I ,,\'111 nnil ROU. I{>.luar t. IIpeu' The d a oce a t tbo T owo H all on 1:30. too, oan all Mobsorlbprs ' 0 tb l! Its first ren l trln l III Ihe I,resell t Will'. Mrl Geo. Bogan, Mrs. Edltb Da vIs Liberty Lalln be t·bankful I,n", they wl lh \\'llul ~(l'ec t th u rend'r need Dl) t l 'h l1r~cl oy Wi th M r ~ . Uh fl nooo y Bun. l a~ ' T horsday o iFtht wa. qoUe a PhoolOO-a CORWIN, OHIO aoll laD visited Mrs. Ubannoey Bnn 0 ~1l s ucoell" . b IV4l been "Iven au opporl.unl t.y to be reml ncl ed. nell on Thnrsday. 1I00d fAmllv B or8e. ;I years old, Illd to thls-grelll mlll8ton of Aw orl o.1 Mr . Ellfl ~nrll W I) ~OO et lll r er. Ed fl U a nd 8 0 11 were reoen' a lood driver , on d floe family Mrs . Edith Tlbbt\ls, who Is In aud h"ve daDe 1II Illr J)ft. r ~ l ow .. rd nlfdnR quit,' Il o.nly ht Ihi wrHi og' •. jl l1PSt R of Mr. ' arr 's parents, Mr . hll oh Bospltal nellr OilY ton r eo h orse. Oall.Phooe t 21.1 % for Infor. IIhlog kl 'be world lil'ert y .. nil jus .'o lon tilll lid "I UI 11 \' wo' gll~I>I S ,lull Mr ~. R ob l , Cllfl'. Ed ison Inll ented Ph onograph. lDailon. tt 5 line "od s ~ oDri'y from. the ~yr"nny DR. HATHAW AT Mr. a nd Mre. A'l:(1) E llI e And Mr. 01 61D8 ahout t he same . Thom ns A . Ponl!'nll 19 IInl\'("1< nlly 01' \!.:<tilt( ( '''1l1})I'l1l n ud r" ulIly I:luu· 'b~' 'h?Il8'"e~ ~o 1II"lIle r Ilnd d" b"lIe <iny Ilud M I ~. Ifrtld H alluu we re tlu ~o lU i cone,·" ",1 In hI' Ih .. IIw"lJtnr"C .he· phn. W T Jord.m li nd fnm ily uoonm lot R C. R. [ RIlIl Coolc prelR all D"t1onH .lUd 1111 IU OO . _ Mr . I:b rl ;o L{\Il m in ~. of Ulol'i noll.t i, on Hu udey . WA.Y',l06 Ville 'lI L 1I.dlD, Den"a' !,onied b.v Mrs . Aono J or doo ollil erl for !Rle Y I\ U m u o \ h urr y tf Every pOrQh88er of Il Ll ber.t.y nogrn ph. Tho 81'1tl ~ h EIIC.I· 'InJ)r <lln 'rhe F rll'nds ohur c'b h er e beld all on Mr. DDd Mra. T. F. MO'Gulnn L " mInI; tl nd mr ntlons 11 nR on(' nf hi IIHlllr Inl"'II' I~ I be /-I" Rs t of .1 f) ffioe "a ' lnes Rldg. Mila St if yon ""lO t t"" m. th 'v '· r l'l fln A R . Loop Bond ba ~ s trMk 11 b low .fo r ,.\I .•ItIY ~ e w lnK on T11Ursd1lY for ~ be Snnday aftero ooD. E. SlInklo R. R. D a. w 1.l'nf'8 v tll e. bumAn IIh rl rt,y all/I for olvl liz Itloe tl ons. A I ~ l10 tr nt wnR IR~Ur.ll In lil77. ",·If... J lloy 1I11"nt "'n nd "" WII·h :hHI!. ll'rioudHr elie f of tb e HelgI80@. d5 and hum"nl',' . L,.t the'n r fl IRt- III . TILl' yl nrnlll1l1s M '111 1111) hn, l 1,...·" rc· B" ub lind r" lIllly . of P ulotll r vi ll e. oomedy, • Oaptorlld." Ohio. 'l' be '1' ru 8~eB' of the Rloks lte '111'1A11 fonr.aot Itobor t 8tlinl,"y IlIld hwlly, . ot b .. r th l ~ (In Tbur f d .. y, t he 2!1 Lb d" r corded her" r!), hu t 1':," .... " \\'II~ Ih .. n l's t be given at Well mao &lb nol ll' ri e ll(l ~ ob nr Jh milt all SuodBY reo not ,,"ly to r(,cnnl but r Ilrvduco W lluoluKtoll. ob ll d LlO F rlln lt I::tanof N,-.v ~ n)ber, IInll he th"nllful B ouse tiatordav eveninR Admls. Ourne .l ll,·pe v Bnt\r, 8 mnn t.b~ IJll r d ing t,he ' tl le of t he ohuroh pro ekm sound. I Y" 'u ndllY .. fte rn ooo. 100. ... ... old, ellglhlll t n r ~ ltl st ll r MorrIs per ty wh loh b.a Dol been used rll. Rrown . Elprln ll Villi":!,, Oblo, Borne ob urob pnrpole. fo r some lime. The Poor MIllionaire. Opto metrlatl · P110ne 306, Cen er vl\1e. do R l\bblt' hODitng 1.& belDIi indullad Long · on Con lleroat lon. An(Jrew Cnro"gl p nll C" sulll that th... In by m08\ of oar aportl . Eyes tested .free "Some m D," Ro l,ll[ncll' 1%('11 . "loYcl! ~hellpeH t cnnllnod lly II comrnltnlt:r Oak 8111 Sx8, 32 fe et loop:, 1 Post 'fbe ..4 In'elUgslace rellohed ua of eould purcbMo wnll n m ill lonnlre. lle delr cOllnlry sullie n .~ tI ,,,\, 1,,\,('1' tI"lr 81:8,18 lee 1 1008, tiO lne Noll TIes the lerloDs oondUlcllD of Mil. Ell" L, worked har,l. II ~IIV C or hI li time. fu mlll"lI. D ey Irl,llI lo ('lIl('I'h,ln "m . <lx., 18 'fee' long . IDfllllre 01 John Willon, moiberor Ur •. JOhD Thomp. wi t con v !'IIOUO /l. 'sll(l o· Y .· rkln' t ur ble ability. hi li mOIlCY, hIs credit Dnd Beaob, Wa,neavllle. ()Jilo. 028 teol." lIOII, of Dear W.Uml a ll. bl.l repntat\on ~9 bnlld \If! II ~() IIIJ1'l1mlty Mr. nnd Mrll, Cfl r.l Dodd and Mr. and M1'I , Lew etepbenl have Remembor lba lI'ethodla' 80nda, II~ to keep poop'" II mlll oye~1. · ,,"d lit! ~1\ll ~hter, Wanda., . vlalted J:el& tI vel 80hool Is In tbe moraiDI a\ 1,0 arrived home .nar vleUing relatives Maxwell Au'o, Im 'lll 'rook b04y be ' got 'lOt (1t It wns hIli bonra ond t:!uodIl Y. aad In 8ead rnnning order. o'oloolr; IUI'aad of lbe afternoon, atllltnolli c:Joth~.-Wroe·8 WrltlngR. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... If 801d loon . Joha Long, Mr nnd Mrs. Olin' Ulellver are Preaohlni before 81I1nday.aohool . . uri. Max Bernard, of LyUe, calle4 Cheap, Wayael'fUle, Uhlo. 028 r ej ololog over the IIrrl val of a. 1\~.Ia la Onr "lIlage one afteraooD tbl. Blve1'8l from here a"lnded ahe dau~ b'or. week. . llpebkln. .t 'be Opera BOIlII In Dilly Thought. Ch lls. E E llis and dau ghte rs, Ved.1\ I...ebl\tloo OD 8&$ur4&, nl,ba. BE Bub Btlll80rd Room Bave M.I&er Oarl Dall:lD lpen& one da~ Frt!lndlhlp Is tho wnrp lIod woef or and lrrHII , I " eut. ~ n n dRY with loIrl deolded ~o to Oalltornln. IlDd Our 'oWlllhtp ]pillA 'bell' quo", weell: with bll 8rlUldmo'her will tell my Btl1iar(\ R oom I\t noe. boman oneat!fl ; hIve 1/1 til .Iye IIDll Ullle I:lllgomeY I'r. at t;brlst's hOIl- ID'O 'hi Y. M. O. A. fUDd aDd re- 'bll "al!I""p-";;:iiiiiiii~~~ M1'I. Dlxlon Wbartoo . • pette.m ....hlm makes the fabrtc splea· plta11 n m Dolonllt!. Bl!8t Invaltmeot tn town . See J a B. n. ltUJ.M.Ollt IIt '1-o •• ported I. due "me. ' onllGIVlU ;) 'OJ lin"" dld.-Rlchard Wl gblmllD. Mr. JOhD (''Il01ol haabeea anfferlD, A. . Whltaore, Waynes"llIe.O. 021 MIlIA B eleo Grall!am Apeot \:!atnr. ·aJiltl_.LJ;tAa 8J" l.~P Laureael OiotlOD hal purobllled wlab Iklmaoh troable. . J1un) " ~ t .('1 PIGS d ay and 8 und il Y with Emltt Bevaa GET AT a rllllabotn automoblll, wbleh patl ·.u8 1R P "'llS'\nbxa 1I 0d t nmi ly . INGLE Oomb White Leghoro Ur Lew S'ephne waa a Oay&oD bim on 'oe ma~rlalable Ue •. "awaa -In nl p01J ~.D0 I , Cookerell. D. W. Yoong IS raia. Mrs. Nora Ba wke and Mrs . Ban· .~10tP .I 0 J "pDlllUI ~P 1J,\\. J . U. Gr"y, 001' 'brelhlrmall, b .. Ihopper Sa'DrcSay. Prloel1 IllS eaoh. Phone 2.2 , Hra. nnh MoU ui no l!pen t FrIday aUer. sold hil oarll hu.ker to a oompally H '.l17IM '''VI Mr•• Oixlon ~ bar'o.a Will vilmng Elale II. aawke, R. D. 1; aane,.,. o oon 10 Ho r veyeburg. ""ltl J'(/I!~ u of farmen. ralatlna at SJlring Braach BaaurcSay borg,Ohlo. d12 Dr. Bo r! G rIlY, of Olarksv ille . Willi - ~llIunb WAYNESVILLE, O. .lila. Aodr, Cleavlr. of LebaaoD, Ill'. Elmer Owenll. of Xenia, wu aaAOJd JO arSld ,laAIi' Uf seell io oor vlolnlty, 'l'uesduyaUer. vl@it eC1 b81' Ilrallldmotber, Hrl A~ l d .20IAJ, l II ~3nU) VU" III oar vlolnUy Thunday. 0000 . . monthl old male oaIr, nlQe 10. Ruah Bleb, onr Sunda,. 'll,JOJ ' Ii nood l )O 1I;)oq :un DO p~dUluJ' aUlIli1 ~III ., Mr.aud Mrl'. Da n Brsnlltratorwere Mr. and Mra . J. ,.. Marla .. aD4 dlvldulll. roan oolor. In good !:l.up'. BaIlie" ,,1111'-<1 our IOhool abopplo g in B larvaysboTg one ~ay rccsDUy. famlly motored to Lebanon !:lunday. ooadlUolI, and "III sell reasonable eve nlo g. . DR. J. W. MILLE~. III.. Olara [laoghter. bal gone to Oall' on I'r84 Elbon, Wayn6flvllle. Yi .. 0.811 An.on, of va~.oo, lpent Mi~8 Bord a F eslsy t ook Sunday !:lunday wUb ber pllrlnu. Dayton kllpend a ooople of WlslI:l Ohio . nll . dion or with bar pa rents, of Dear with relatl"M . ... DENTIST... .B"rn-·l'o Mr. and 1Ir1. OUDt Bllrveysbnrg .. . ~Jnl.:'J laUI Ole.1"er, a le""11 pound at.l, OODIIfI. O. ". Gordon aD4 cSauabter Mr ~nd MJ'S. William Mooney at gratulation ••re due thlm. ",odm, 1' OUl ~ 111 ' t B"llyn werl ID 001' "il1lga oal daT WANTEIY W .yn~lVlIle, 0 t end d a d·lIn o.. a.t We Barvey sborg lllllq•• np .""",.m'..J:' Blot.. ~, 1 n q 'UJOI llVd. ~lll Dar. Squlrell, of Dear her., tbll WIOII:. ADd He Got Weiland StroDe. Town B all last 'rbuud(lY evening oJ .v lQam.8lm r II tbe .ae.' of rllaU".. ADd frllD4a . Mr8, Oblls. VIlIu.r_ and 'on. Oar. In Dayton. • ...6. :--OJftOAUOA:talf 1ha~.Tne Ihor&hofD MlJoh Oow. Would roll. of Sprln gblll. visited home Rober& 8man au4 )'rADII: Bhl4a11:er folks Moo day a HeroooD. · Koaaea, Pa;-"Ily Uttle boy, who prefer oow givin g milk and be AJ!le~b. pnrohaaed a 'oar 10a,,1 of bora .. tbll f.lllh in 'be .prlng. 0. 8. Maxwell, . . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . Ia tha ,.oon...t of three,· _ weak. .... - -~ --week tor the arm,. R.D. 1, Waynesvllle, Ohio . n21 narvOlll aD4 tired all the time 10 ho ._ Diolt IlJifit at 1ICh00!, and Dotb- FuneraJ Din-dor Rumor hili It tbail WI are to ha.1 1nR aemed to help him. I teamed a mill In thtl "aainU., , wbloh ia alid Embalmer, «ifVinol and ,ave it to 1iIm. It hal IIr. end Mil. Paol Ohmar. and moon needld and 110 doubt ' will be reatorecl lUI health and atreD~ Ind baby, of RpriJal(llald, apent tbe weelr. well pUroul •• tL ... hu aaine4 iD _ICh~ -lin. WaynesvJlle. Ohio. btl,.. Laura UoGee. of Dayton. I. I~d blre, the IU~III 01 ab, latter'l Jtreclerick ....ommera, MODIC" Pa. 'flslUa, her mother, Un. "ary BeD- parenti, Mr. aDd Mn. J. W. aad. · ViDol .. 1 constitutional cod Unr II,.. and iron rame4y for deUOIte; weak, The best \lne of BOt<t lng 8~ovee aod oe" , of E .... ' 8ou,h iii•• Auto or Horae drawa service. amn. chlldren. Formula on eve!']' Either Word bill beeD reoel"e4 by 111'. The A. M. E obllroh held ler,,061 Ra og@/! 10 this p In t of Oblo , Bnd the No extra obarge for BUto service bo~ 10 )'ou lmow,:what l"ou are pvIn l.·own Ball for men only' on I:!UD . and 1If1. Jam.. MlI1l1r tbat tbelr Bolh phones in Office and .fulsidence . IJr\oll8 ar e lo w. o.s I bougM tbem be. dilY. whloh WII win att.nd,d. tItem. Ch1Idren lo"e it. . lon, WI"lr, who blli been mall:.1ag fore the 11i8\ two advunoes In tllllse J. E. Janney_ Druggist, Waynesville No •. l4. ROods. Don 't pu, It off, as tbey lir e WiIlatd Bopn b .. purohalld & bll bome In cana4l,· hal ~en drafted for lenlol III tbe BritJlh going fa.~ t . and the nel[' will be De'lll' drhleg horee Are you goinjl' to build s ' House? ' } vtlrymoob hlgber. At theol ~ I! tll nd. The ·Bl1rveYlbor.: rerllllzer Co. Ia .lrmy. Are you going to Luild 8 BarnY. A.· B. SIDES ab•. Lutber Doooaa (068 ' LueUa doluS a bOil OBIS now Ula' hili nenr Are you a:olng to build 8 Garage? been u:ceUed duriol ,b. laUI of (JUpln) of Columbul , '1 villtlD8 bltr 'belr u lsilnoe. paren". Are you going to build 8 Hog Pen? M• . au4 Un. )'r,n k L. aarrll, Mr aDd lin. Roward Kellom or Are you ioing t o b uild a P oultry House? ~ooompanlel' by Ihalr dau,h'er, Oweoavll'e. "erl the IUlau of Mr. Un. Bale.n PI'arlOn, lpen' 80nda, aDd 111'1. Ed BeDlel alld family the 'lll'Ub Mr. Ourll' . JllueR", Ut. llld firl' of tbe week. We wlll eellll' Publlo Ano'iou at Mrs, Georlle Barril, of SprlnllhUl, Ur . a8d Mr• . BUlJh IeIUD, ea Dr. and Mill. C. tli. HaDdall have 'n'aIDed at dlDner Thureda,. even. oor "'''1'8 roo'll, In WIIJn.... t1le, Do You Want Tobacco DOxII87 . . .... .... ........ .... .. .. .......... Ikle M~dOll had e leot rio"), in. "'\led in 'heir Uhlo. on . lair. Mr. aD411f1. WnUaD:l Earley. home. ODe by DIDe tbe eleo'rio Do You Wane Oemoll~7 . . .. . .. .. ...... .... ... . ...... . ............ . Bee Midden Saturday, . December I, 1917 IU.. UeDal Bluloup aad Mrs. oorrent II blloa U811d . . Do You Want Lime or PIRltcrl . . . . . ... . . .. ... . •. . . . .. . .... .. See Madden Begi nul Dg a.' l~ a 'clooll our en \I re ld u. Mary ~ln8Ie'oa, IU aged O"Ua Ba,baway "ere lhe ,uelu of . t ooh OOD@llIthll.t th e foli o,," lo g o lored Ind y Wllo clllme here ffOm IIr. and IIr•• IlallO Miller, OfOeDIer. Do You Wllnt Any Kin d of [.umberl . . . . . . ... . . ... . .;. ... . .... 8ee Madden good£: Bngg les. Whg OI1 S, Plows . CuI. tb ! t:> u t h n. great maoy ye,," ago, vl.!!e. ana day laa' week. M\'& t on. 'Iod e \0' of I'm RII b lird. bos gon.. t o Rlohmood. Ind., ·t o Mr. "nd Mre. W. B . 81eglrle d ' Do Vou Want Shing les? . . ................. . ... .. See Madden ware. \ S61l hi" blll ~ to r terms . ~ pell d t he wloter wUh her Ilahlr IpeD' Wedneaday in DIY ton. Mrs , CROSS BRUS he b lill Illw .. ys beeo .. 1I00d ol\lleD Idlegfrled IJ'8nt tbe r~lt 01 tbe week Do You Want Felt Roofi ng ? ... . . .... . ... . ... : • . See. MaddeD 'W . N.·..e8r8, Alia'. 1I 11 d r ~p e ut d. We hope for· ber a la tbe olt." al ~he guel' of Mr Bod J O. ' tlr t l'oo rlgbt. ·Ole rk. JlICil un t II me. Mu. W. y Crew and family l u~e tl le r . HIIIJ fur

' t'IJIS It \\'H$ tihtJl'uf'lcd 1Jo II" S I/I~ coitx-d IO~" I


I !



Saxon Six Livery










.- . • ML .HOllY -





Lebanon -:- Ohio




Dairy Feed




·Momm GAVf



Younce Bros. Grain Co.




================== A. MAFFIT














. -.







Eighth of Hebrow Prophet .. . Hobakkuk "'ns ",Ip:hth In (lnler ot tht' minor Hebrew Ilropllets. Th e strophl· 'cnl orrangement of tho' dcnuncJntlou of .tho Ohnltlenns Is n romnrknble fl'tlture of hIs propllocy. The "'hole cC)ncludes ~1th 0 11\11 ·rilfi<·Prlt , 1'~o)1O' In chupter 8. 0 composl tion tho t haa bceo coneldora,J Unrl\'nlt:d for boltJnc88 of con· ceptlon. sDhllml ty of thC)tlght IInll mnjeety or ~I ~tl on.

GRAIN We are:buying all ,kinds of grain and are paying the very highest prices the market wUl aUow: Remember, we will buy any amount you have from one ponnd on up, at any time "come."

Younce- Brae. 'GraIn


Do You Wan l Fe nce Posts? . .. .... . . . .. See M~dden

..Mrs 8'. L a ·II ..,11 Will III Lebllnon on Ii...ord. y. Mr, "'Dd Mrl. Welby Oar. tilioed for I:)'u nday dinner Mr. an4 Mrs. D. .tI. Carter , an4 'amll" of naur New BnrUnga()u. . Mr. aod 141'1. Willi. 1lo.oII, of near Nsw Burlln"olf,'wer4!Sunda,. ,,,.... of tbelr mo~blr. lira. lIaDda·i:okJu.

Ytll! Raanah I'lU. and MI1l8 Odvke of O.J~a, ipeot 'he weell:.end wltb the rormer'l pareGt.l. Ur and 111'1, W. A. E.,lay 1111' Saturday for 'beir wlDter bome at Wa.llo,I'I• . Mr. aad~. 11'. W, Roaaa,lund 4Iuch'er. of Vapdalls, "are the ~nil.ay 11111111 of Mfl. )'ruola Null ..,4 fa~t11. 141'1 Yl~Ue Labnr8 hili 're'urned Hlrd to RecoGnlzl Sometlml" ho~e .fterau exteaded .1,1, with M,ost people ~I\ve enollgh ol1portn- "lat,""1 at 8"~OrcS, O. nltles,' but the dlll1~l7 II 'that . ma~ JAr. Orlaod Douom. of GreeD. do not 8~e th\lm. 'I1hay do not bow wo04. W, Va, wal 'be Suda, tho opportunities wli.eD the)' lee them. 1061' of ya. EdtUlliout. Let 0 8 get acqoalDted with our o~ • _ ••_ __ tunltles. then we wm be 10 a poetUg.1I to eotertllin them when thq YlIIt ua.-

. _.




On For the CIOD,.eDl·iIbce of pnoDI obllgpd to tall:e m~ ..... tI'ImIo


We have a large stock comiDg in, ·severafgrades. Come in and look them over. will pay you.;;~;~;.=a=Gm~ea; Youee ii~ln='~tl~.e~re=ha;J.;ebelpl~ •

Braa. Gnin 0Il10

Do You 'Waul Farm Gates? ..... .. ...... Se·e Madden Do You Wa nt a Veranda? . ,........ . .. .. See ·Do You



puilding Planst..See Ma~den ·.

, Do )'011 WaD~ 100' borrow a

dim., lee ..addeD

If you don't want anything at all, SEE: MADDEN just


., 1







i-a. -- - - - - I



Friendly Gmup will Olt!(!t In tf, it room:; 011 It' riday e\'enmg, th e 23rd (jood .oId taDlII, Rorie, to .. P" ror "t 8 o'clock , All J1) mbers UI'Jl;ccI tu ob1l4rn to drive Will .ell ur b present .,..4e. W , 0 GOIIID, W. ynl'~"me , '. Executiv'! Committe. Ohio. dS . '


1!~~~~ _~E~I\I!!U

Willilllll Htm ry Car lllll ny , 'Ion of h n lind MarlJFlrct (' tlml,'IlV , \Vtl~ A. Manit is aX nla vi 'tor t~d ay, Ii 'l'n near lA-n il, in 'hUl11j'\al Coun ty, Ohio . Ap ril Ll h, 185 1, and died tll hi hQIlH! in LytIc II f tc l' 1\ len days ' Whe n wAntlllp: to '1l'rile II lett r. Ir. und M ra. Ral ph Smith a re in sl c kne~ fro l1'l 11III!\ilTIOui8 on Novem· RI .. ~) inlu tlh' !.ibnu y unci I11nk ll6 Cin cinnati toda y . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~ I b er IL, '19 17, UA' d 6 y~ rl!, 7 mon t h 0 f tI e ~tll l\'ln"n' pnl\'ilh d tb r arid thrlle da s . throu gh the gl'nt: ' lhlly nf 1\1 r IIml . . -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..;;.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,.;... Ow i n ~ t o t h J l'alh uf hill mother }lrs ..• L Cm'lwrillbt: Th Librllry Mrs FJva l':Ial'8'pr; of Sprmg Valley, he was broug ht t o Wu rren county is open 'oen eVllnil11! from 1 lo 8:RO . MIJellt SundllY h",re. , " . when t~lree weeks DId a nd Wall f eilre(\ 1"0 Tu sdll\'. Thursday 11"111 Sntll rto youn g ' m anhood by his Uncl afternoulls from 2 to.1 o' k. . Mrs. Allen Haln B. of Xenia, spent ' , George and AUIlL Ma r ·a rm ony.. Booktt may be wIlhrlrnwn dur inJ!' ' Satur day with Mrs. P·. H Furr. On Decem ber 3 1, I 72. he 1'o'8l1 1 both a fLern oun and ·venin.: hou l' • united in marl'ioge with In ry Ellen T h n.'f1dillf:: III bl.' arfl well ~lllHllie d Mr. nnd M t'B. J l~ . F r azi e r ,md Garrett, o f t . Pa ri s.. Campllign with a \'~ri ·I.~ (~(IQd ml\~lIl.ine~ . M1':1 , Sadi e Zellwe re ()11~' tO Il visil ors county T o t his union t here wef --- - - - - - Monday . , born fou r childr n. two of \Vh m ' ' • dipd in infancy. A dDug h te r a n Mr . and Mrs. Gorden J oy' SIlent t heI 0 11. ill luhlitlon to th e wlduw. s till w ek· end with .-elnlives at Ler8do, • ul'vive. r.1rs. Urllb'l Clark r~:i d i nll Brown County. Il1l'ur Lytle. nd 1~lmu;j GarmollY li.v . . ' illl( in Spr in"lle ld. Ohio. Mrs. Lucy Di nes, or Wes'\. EUclon . P rac tica lly his clltire li fe wus spent on the Ca r m on wh iC'h he was railled .' \ m Cllrtl10ny d i ~d Ilt hi~ ho me in was l he guest of T . Jeff ritilh lind i h e hBving mov'd t Ly tle in th • Lytl Tliu n lt1y u (t crno n at ,to ' clncl< family las t we k. prin" of 1 10. u.t t r 0 n·d dcllce on after !.I slwrt ill ll :; ur vne utnnnia , t he farm of 4 ye ra After living , rhe ftlTl e,-ul \\'11 hel tl ~1 0lhl ay morn · Miss Jennie ok. o f Leb unf)ll, in Lylle o lle 'car he LJollft'h t a nd ing lIt](1 o'cln(' k nl Ih hOllse, It!'v spent the y,eek·end with her m ol ber. Illf) veu int o the proper ly wher e h Campbell, of [J eun. otliciatinll . 1n- Mrs . .Susan Cook . JI



Ida I





Anti skid . chains f~r your wheels. A wann cover for you~ Radiator and Hood . A warm robe for yourself. Thernrlte to keep your radiator from freezing up. Thermite is a preparation,that does not evaporate

pr em inently a lover of nature, and ever p re ferred the ll im· plicity of the naturnl to the cotlven tions ami ar tifici Ii ies of mCIl . The wo ds and hi ll. uinL~ lind game, t he , lllkes and s trea ms w el'l:~ mo re in keep I iug \\ ith hill natu re W. ampLJell , o f So uth Rev. Charleston, who form erly aerv"d Center ville and Lytle preach ed 'the

like alcohol, does not injure the Radiator in any way. and freezes at 70 degrees below zero. It is the most ecoDomieai and efficient preparation that can be used for this purpose. last you will need good reliable tires. Let us . show you Penn Vacuum Cups 6000 mi. guarantee. ,





funeral sermon. Burial \V8Il m ade in Miami cerne te ry nt Waynesville. Those present fr om othe r ne igh b orhaods were Ha r vey Carmony and Tom Wh eaton , of idn y; H. W: Car , mony, wife and daught er in -Illw . of Dajton; Perry Whe aton and w ife. of Conover; Mrs, Elizabeth Whea tOll, of Lenll; Geo Wheaton and wife, 01 Day ton; 0 P . Ander on. of London; Ora A.nde rllon Bnd wife an d W ErSil Anderson Brd wife , of n . ton; and Floyd G rret.t and wile, of West v; II ... CARD OF


We wish to take this opp rtunity Phone -150 •...;._.;.;._ _...;;._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _: -_ _ _ _ _--! . of publicly expr(!s in R our d eep af)' .p recialion of the mllny tho ugh tf u l acts and kindnesses of o u r neijo(hbor Bud fri ends during the last illne s of our busband and falh er, Will iam H , Curmony . The io'0111i1 y .

', To All. Owners of Dogs

--- .. ---.--

ternl ent in Millllli Cl:llHl tery . __ - ---St. Mary' s Guild will holll their Wo rd hn_ ten r~ceived Ilf~ re rela· annu al MarkeLand Aproll liiale . Ilt·



dlcn t loll tllut m CIl thot ki nd.


golll8 to full for .

, ~. OOO ~~·~~~~


I Don't Read .KAZA If you ever in your life

did a mean thing \0 a (log, for it w111 not improve y6ur opinion of yourself. But, if you cate at alHor the one animal in brute creation capable of absolutely unse1fish devotion, 'do read the story. It- will callout all the 5ynlpathy and love your nal~re holds. The picture 01 Karon fighting alone thIough the arctic blizzard, dragging

Will pay the Highest Market Price. Let us know what you have to offer, by mail or phone. We pay long distance ~hone charges,

Home Phone 3561. '

DellltqDe~t Tax ' N~tice

COME, LOOK ANO SEE The beHt line 1)£ H erl till~ 'toves Bnd Ran ltes in thi<, part ('£ 11io. a nd th prir Rar e )o " as I blight th III b efore ·he IUllt IV O advam·eg i ll these goods Uonl put i uff , as l bey a re going fa~ t , 11nrll lw ne. t will be ver.\' mu~h hil{h~'r . At the old stn d.

. B.

---- .. -----

s ibility o f lhe once n. Cream'ry mlln nil OV llr the Unitetl • lates recognize the Tri-Stnte slandinli!' in the C ream ", r y Lu::!i nes:>. You will (\lak e m(l ne v delliing wilh a Ru cc.:ss ful IlI'm J nln our rllllks and compure Cr e atH checks

THE TRI·ST ATE 'BUTTER CO.' CINCINNATI,:OHIO , (Ove r lw o million d o ll l\ r~, 2,000.1)0 GO, paid hl!lt yaar for cream) !lnd us y ur nex t c!.In or if you n 'ed cand s me will ,g ladly be aent .. PI' j.lllid for 30 days tf hll


that will. stay with

you for



Warrec National Bank, Franklin,' Noverm\>er 26,1917

November 27, 1911

.Morrow National Bank, Morrow November 28, 1917 The Mason Bank, Mason. November 30, 1917 All ~rsons delinquelJt 'in the payment of their chat~ tel taxes, are ' expected to settle the same on the ~bove dates ..

William N~ Sue~ening, .


The ~ D, As oc iati on will III et Sa turday aill.' rIIo fI at ~he l'ollo'll ship House. All mt'mbers are Tuquestcd to be present. Messr!' W_ H. Alle n, Fred Ha rt· sock, J . W. White !lnd J B. Pence Btten d d a 13 nker!:!' Meeting ilt Miu· dlctown Tu esdny evening.

Mrs J . A. Davis, Mrs. Fred Burk hardt and Ron, Hnrold, of Uayton . "\\.C' 1m"!) Ilb lu·,1 1"',, ~e \' fill ti mes to an d Mrs. Harry Emley spent Satur mUl!. <Inc! £lh' II. ~ 1'.·1,,0('11 erich [ Imc." day with Mr. a n d Mrs H ome r Ca rey "It I w r ' y o u I'd IN It 110 1\[ lh n t. and famil y. Som c (,f tIl e

~rr llll gl'r~

tb.~y·\·o mi ss

Thll proceed s from th e Glee Cluh' R entertain ment tonight at Schc.(d Hall will be t urned over t th", Hed Gros~ ·ocie ty. Com e ou t and h Ip the cause along ·

d SOIUN hl ng."


Forrest Lidge T ceived Ihe hunor of being · made a oorpol'al, L' n<! day last we k . And so the honors go Tho following·nam ed personA will with th e young men who h ave enli tno allow' hu ntinl( on thei r premises ed from Waynesville Here's hop ing and w ill prosec ute allY offend ers for all 0 r them . the full extent of th e law : Mal·t ill Gons


etln Furnas I. &.lItC Wit un

Everett tubbs E nry ~ atlerthwai te

Elis8.0 ' leabse Pran k Ml'Irsh Frank Bradd ock


Etlr l

H ock~t t


--_.--- --





Sl lecia1ist in r elieving Eye·Strain and 'I mp r ovillg Defective Vision by Glas8~is ' . Office end 'Filting l oom ' 108 Su u th D tr.i it Stl ee t . With 'l'{PFANY J EWERY Store X enia , Ohio

WM. · ROBINSON III s litl in the Junk busine s. Save a ll your Junk f OI him and he will call on YO ll Rnd g t it . Leave orders a t Whi te' !1g rocery lor all' kinds of

be miami Ga·zett~ Or else ~ nice order for Writing

H, \ A~V ! S CtWRCH

Paper and Envelopes for him.


next before Advent. Novernb&r 25th. Sunday School at 9:308 m; Morni ng Prayer nnd _ser· mon at 10:30 a. m . The public cordially invited to ' these setvices.

M. E.


A useful and very appreciative Christmas ,Present to any on~ would be

1111.1)' go nWIlY

---_ - - -

thlnl;! ,,!;

sledge behind him, is one


i fM

Gusldll. at Greenville, Ohio, lust Thursduy, .

Pl ayi nil Safe •

and baby ~n the heavy


Wa)'DesyiUe Nation81 Bank

Ovel' t5 000 or .1111 producers have conlld.mce in The Tri State Many hav d ~It wilh us for Y Ill'S l-Ind Lhey have always fo und th~ Tri· 'tate to be p ople of Lh eir IV :a rd Th Trl tnt\' sYAtemis always DIi]PEND· BLI': and ev ry tfansnc linfl ill bucl(ed by the Integ rity and Respon.

Rt!v amI Mrs . J. F. Caowl1l1scler

an unconscIous woman

WM. L. SUEMENINO, Tax Collector of Delinquent ~battel Taxes for Warren County, Ohio', will be at the places beloW' designated throughout the county to ~ive all delinquent taxes, on the following dates,

pound for BuM r l"lIt: Week Nov. 19th to 25th Inclusive.:=

Rt.tenoed the funeral of Mfa. 'arab


S~Tl1 A WO ni CU flPO 1If1/ uroll y of II 6~ Il r \11 pPlIltlon, bllt ilint I ~ 110 In,


tive to lht! deuth of MrA. Bu lll e r· urday, Dece mber 15 th . worth. wife of til' late C()llgl'e~sman Benjam in Butterworth, who d ied ill Mis es Len a .and Goldie Conner Washin ~t() n ·it y . NovclnbcT ) th an d LuC'v Emley .Wolr e g Uls t R of Interment WH _' Ill'"l" in 'i cinnllti. pr ing V IIlley fri l' nd ~ Sunday .

Stumbt •.

Bell E 1519.







Auto Supplies of All . Kinds





Sale. Agency and Service Station

A Tri-State Price Means Something


SunollY Se ho .1 nL 9 :15, morning preachihl( at 10:30; evening preach ing at 7:00; prayer meetinll Wednpsday evenin~ at 7:00 o'clock, You are cordiallY inv ited to a ll of these services.

--- .. - ....

C~me in and talk, ·it 'o ver with






A Union ser v'ice will be he ld the Orthodox , Frit'nd!l church, Thanksgiving Ds." morning at 10 o'clock Tl:!e Rev. Mr, Coontz will preach tbe sermon . Music by the uni ted choirS of the village. . Come. •

- - _._. .



is the title of our new serial and the nest iptltallment. will appear in an early issue

Regulllr. communication of Way· nes vjJ1e Lodge F. & A M., will be held Tuesday evening, November 27, at 7 o'clock . E lection of officerI' and r egular pa yment of dues, Sojourn· ·Ing brethren and vi!dtors ar.e wl'l· 'come . D. L. Crane, W. M. L. A. Zimmerman, Sec'y

01 This Paper ...

... ,T ax Collector

Read zan

Your Savings . ·will be safe'. "':"100% Safe-if deposited with' UI. ' Becaule 'the money is onlr invested in one way-First mort~ gagel'on 'Rea Estate-Homes and Farms- in Dayto.D and Montgomery (:ounty, , Minles may fight-pOlitical parties ~ggle fer control-the stock market go up or down - even molley may become less plenfiful-but our SecurIty re~nl the same ~hTOugh it' all, ·TM experience <?f 3~ yea~ i~ behind our policy .f ·


"2"" S.",,-5% DI,'' ,nd..'Oem City '

Bull."ilr a' Loan A•• 'a ".eoURO•• I


N. Mala-Dayton

'. TO MAKE SOAP It is pat riotic to use left ovt'r fats not need l':'d for food in the making of soap. .A soap that is good for clea,n iog is made as followR: DiSBOlve 1 cm of r.ommercial 'lye in BY. pints of cold water . When this mixture has cooled, ad d to it 5Y. pounds of left· over fat that has been clarified by heating ,w ith SliCBS of . potato. Stir the mixture weH wi~h a stick. As it ,becomes a litt le thick, pour into molds of the desired size. Set ih a mQderatelv warm place until hard : Do not put lye Into anything but enamel or earthe nware utensils. The mold s for tb 80a1> mny be boxes that lire lined with oiled paper.

NEW CORN .. We are now ready to takeJ innewcorLl. We want 30,000 1 bushels ill the nextrew.weeks. l Take. advantage of the higb Will Drive ' You Any price by selling early, Weare . Place here for your benefit as well as I for our own. Call phone 25-2 . V-I. Miller ' or come in and sec us. Livery Man•••


-i.~=.====;;;;;::;;:;:;:;;::::;;;====r!J YouneeWaYD.viDe, ' Bros. Grain I!I! Obio, . Co., '.' ' '_ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _"




Hay Wan~eci. We are in the market for HAY, ,if you have any tQ offer call Phone 25-2 or come and see us. . .

Younce Bros.. Grain Co., WaJaesvlUe.. ObJo.

We .have in stock, everything kept In a . Harness ~hop. I : •


H. E •. ~I. . . .~. . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~


THE 5c, IOe AND ,

, 25~ .


Balloons .... .. . .. . ... '...... , : ..... , '.' . : 00, .2c' 1c Milk Buckets ... ..... .. ... ' ,' , ... : .. , ! . ' , " .' • • • , •• 200 Caps, for Children .. . ... , ..... , .. . . , ..... ', • . .. 2lic Putty Knive~ . .... , ...... , . , , ... , • , ... , .•.. '.' lOC Fire Shovels . .. ~ .... , , .. ,., ... , .......... 15c IOe . Stove lPokers ...... , ... '. , .•.. '. , .....• , , , . , . .. IOe Gloves, for Men, Women and Children., . , .... 15e lOe Infants Mittens ',' .. ~ ...... " ... , ........ ,... tOe Thanksgiving Crepe Napkins', per dozen .. ,. , . . . • • 5c Box Paper .. , , , ...... _.......... '.' . . . . . . . • .. lOe I

Specialist In BarpiDi




8ixty-Ninth Year


Whole Number 3455

-- ---3.

'fo DOctor French Infants


L A.. Zilllmerm al l was in Ci ncin til nali Monday . ~I J. W. While was a Cincinnali vis.

itoJ 'fhursday.

SUI)t Greenatlcnci d the Teache rs' In"tilul e III Le banon Saturd ay. Mr. Rod Mr. GIl(lrge Hamilton spl'nt laEt we 'k with J'elutives al KinRman. Miss Ruth Hartsock is spending 8 ~ verlil days this week with fripnds 10 Dayton . Mrs Lyrlin Chandler. of New VifnM. is vi!liting relatives h 're over Thanksgivinj( .

FINE DISPLAY Of p~TnIOTISM : GUllEGE' GIRLS Miss Olive,AUeo wri tes from Mt, H,)lyoke. t h.t U.e college haH rllie.ed a fundo! fl4 .ooo for the Y. M C A. work in the wa r. This is 111 most double the mark first set wblcb was ~100j). . , . The girl! have been a9ked not to .end homo tor tbis money, bUI to earn it in tome-way, either by work· lOll ' or by mailing !lome perllonal ~lIlieriftce. They Are responding with. tAe patriotillln, and are trying in vanoull ways to raise the . money for their pledges. ~me of the girls are working; otbers ,who expected to go home' for Thank~glvrng will remain at the collegE'; same are givitrg up their Thanksgiving boxes from home and eomvllre sellir.1l their jewelry. Mt Holyoke also contributed 156.850 to the Second Liberty Loan a tew weeks IIgo~ This ppleridid result also meant much effort and a&eriftce . . .Tbe cllW of 1920. of whiCh Mise Oli\fll Is a ' member, 2ave up clU!l rings The' class of 1918 turned over the teo dollars application fee ,which was to .be returned to ellch member in"January; while private lelt denials can be 'i magined . This ie a fin e les80n I'n true giving for these young girls and It will also make them ,teel that ttley, tbemselves. are taking a real part in the grea drive tor democracy




U 2l S . 8 r oa d Dr. Dill, O teopa I':Ih ' I way, L e bunqn. '" 10.

Dr. Mabel H . F . Ba,n croft, or EaSt ..()ranp, N. J., Is Ihe first woman in the ,enice Clf tbe United S tates to go to France with the sanct io n of the governmalt. 'She wJII be inrant inspI!Cto r for the , Tnfant Welfare Commiss ion In Pari.. She will sail shortly to assume her duties..



01- - - -- -- -- - - -0 0 -:- . ur Armv Boys -:Lieu. Hugh Ridge Corp, Forest Rldll.e Corp. "esse Prendergast Corp. Ceorge Waterhouse ,Fred Braddook TOdd Lowrey Raymond Cebhart Ernest Lotz Herman Cray Fred Leonard Harry Leonard William Brooks William HaInes C, W. Younoe . Aoo Dakin


ir..~~t;lJ .===:Jjr:tP.I===~ir:" t:I t: _ 1.:.11.: _ L;,I



& the" let down a flag & hun" up CIIrds thet giv the names uv our boys who air in the Army & Navy. after that Lou Printz & Fred Henderson & Tom Pierce & Ermer ROR'ers . they cum out & sunR' a song & Up White I\e wuz dressed IIk(! a nigger preecher &; he preeched asu rrpunt about whis . key. & John Cartwright he butted ill and tried to make & speach 2 and called on Lindley Mendenhall to help him out. '1 guess John & HartsoCK musta thot the show wuz a 01 fashion expoorance meetin the way they kep blowin there ' bazoos Why they spouted so much t:het they fe rgot to let Up White sing hi! song about "It Takas a Long, Tull, nrown ·Skinned GHllo Make a Preacher Lay His Hi · ble Down" & they ~ven (e rgot thet lhe .boss uv the ~how is the edyter IlV the locul noospllJle r and curl cum .back at em. & then they giv a shnw about II feller ca ll1ld .. Hille Ileard" (not lllu· h " CI' , Waynesville i~ 0 1 I tearlory ) ,~. he hed a lot uv w~min & cuI I h ' r heds all oA' & then he gol mar ri",d ughl & here cum a cupple uv niggp, s dral(A'in him in in u box & ui tllr they hed le t him out III)(e ('u m h iRnew wuman 8than Crane IId r a~g in he t· maw [larlon f elly & unolherJ(ul RII . sell Yo unce alongwilh hur & the gal" sling a song ,& 2 uv em danced with 1hc 2 niR'gers & old glue Bellrd he al(ed the old hen cud s he sing '. Rhe low('cl es how sh e cud & Bille E:leard !:I"d leI her fly & you ought to uv heerci th et olr! hen cackle & lifter Lou Pri nlZ & t he rest uv his gang hed got rid uv IInuthe r song tbe L VUz in the re sistema 'Blue Beard cunel ud ed he wanted to go hUn tin but his new woman sed she walll ed lhe keys so ilhe cud look round while hI) \Vuz gone & he giv her the keys & tol her not. toO look in the blue room & she 51ed she woodnt & t he funt tbing she dun aftet' he wuz goile her & the 01 woman got to nosin round & the furst p lace they hit WUt

0 --..,.----- -- -- - - 0 -:-

Our Navy Boys

-. -

"ames DavIs Fred Penoe "amos Woollard Erneet Harlan Cheater 8nook

cart McClure Clarence

Went rorl h illtll Lh e nivh Sh llll in g behind it ti l" \ Il'l' IlI )'Rte ri oup dave And shaking ofT wil h ~ l ran !\,e resiHt· less mig ht The riust Ihat OT) e , · it wore So Hwift its flight. S (I , udd l:nly it ape I As when by sk illf lJ l hand 11 bow is bent The arrow Ries- lhose wlltching round the hed Marked not the way it wenl.


.. ease Lewis Dean Howell

Mrs. George 'Mnrka, of 0 y LOl1, 0- --- - ------ - - -- 0 Bpllnt F'riday with Mr. and 1I1rs. HaYlflOnd Davis. HUTlgry Holler, Novem be~ 20, 1917 thet there blue room & there hunJo{ Han. S ilas Plunket t , a lol uv heds Blue Bear$l hed c ut off hill wifes & ever 1 uv e m told about Born-To Mr . and Mrs Harry queedunk, Injillny . hevin a spark in match with Rum fel Hamilton. Dayton, Ohio . Thursday, Deer Si, ler round town & Dlue Bea rd caught 1 rit ) ' OU t h<'e,· few lincll tWl) November 2~. ,a Bon. um & cut there hed s off. & Blue let VOII no lhet i g'lJl a had cold and Heard got home from huntin nnd ., up YOIl air 8l1m e . Me a n Lhe St. Mary's Guild wilt hold their axed his wif whe re wuz tlil'm keys & 1\ ayannual Market and Apron Sal. Slit· ole woman we ,w!!nl down she giv him all but th e k y to lire nesvill In ~ t W ' (\ ne 'day ni t to II u day, December 1[illl . blue room & he ses whe rp IYU Z it & shc.w the (, I n cluu tlV Lh(j M 11 uv she fin ely g-iv it to him & h· se\!n II" f WuyneHville giv Frl'd Harl lloc\c ' Lhere WliZ blud 1)11 it &. St"l she hed Mr a~ d Mr~ . ROy. , MI el , I) npur t Tt.e'd ' Lhe p..Irc("priin, bv lry in tn looked in tbe b lue room & l11u" l pr . Cenle rvlll.e. were unday g'tl I:HtS .of m: l(e a !Open h & du rn ni g'ul t hrfJwcil pare to dye & he cumm enced hej.!lO\·in Mrtl 8ddle W oo llf1~d. ou l cauz he tri",.1 to g il kut /! & Illflk.> & 1. uv the nh~lI'erR took he r pa r t & slig hlin r<~ tn arkH ahuu I the cumpny while t hey WWI li tin (IIIIIth cr fl' ll 'r U. M. White I ft todllY fur Ke n T he 1s t parl IVU ? a mineSif'rel 11(l w up & Slabbed him with fI pnrMl1ip ttlcky. whe re he will spend ThankE' & all the ft!lIerl! set ill a s ure II! & WClJ' o yes, I purt IIi fergot to telly'3. whil e !l iving Wilh his parents swaller taled coats all but Up Whi t/! they WIIZ fixin the 'hed" In I he blu e &. Bart Kelly & th y wuz blacJ<ed up room Up White & CI,udi n , vis cum -District Superintendent Vol . A. 1I~e...-rfi~ge l·s & :-vore loud cloth s out like a cllpple uv nigger s tage Wiant. of Sprinstfleld . pre!lcheif at the Wi t h 8t n p~8 runn lO up &. down tead handR& got off a lot uv fll llny bi7.l1 e~ s uv rou nd like they oughL t o he\1 dun M E church. unday eVening MissRuth HartBllckshe kel) athumpin . . . ' \Vhit e & Kelly & ('.(J udI Davis thev the pilmer about the time durin Clucked jokes & Wred Hendei. ,)n & the show & i dont hev to tell yer she Mrs, Lut ie Merrihllw, of I:larveys· Ru ssell YO\1nce & L c Crane & the dun amity neet job uv it 2, burg, i3 spending several day" with ni gge~ they all sl.m g Banas & the Well must close. Anser 900n. Mra, U. Vandervoort and dau2htera, . rest uv the gang jined in 011 Lbe Trutefully yourn. . corus. & they wound liP thet part Rube Hawkins. Mr. alld Mrs. Waller Elzey and s inlti n "The Star· pangled BanllP.r" son spent Sunday In Dayton the iues~otM~~nd Mr~J . W. White. ~~=_ ~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


It broke from sickness. that wilh irQn bands Had bound it fast for many a gori ev· iOll9 day; A.nd love itself. wi lh its re~t ra inin g hands, Might 1I0t it~ course delay, he fell us.leep outweari ed with t he ~ Lri re. Nay. rutlier. she arose nnd met the dawn Of everlasting life . Mother was born nelll LOilrlon. 0 ., Decllmber G, 1!l38, b"ing the ~e con d child of J ohn and Aman,,", Durling 'ould she havll ,;ta y{'c! II il h u ~ \l ntil the (ilh of Il P)(r 111 11111 h wr, lIhl I al' e reach ed he r 7flL h birttl da In early g irll-<) "I 11,'1' I l il1" Il I ~ r moved to a f ar m nea r Clal'k,villc. 0 . the re her carly ~ir lll "r) , 1 "'.r. ~ l' e l \l. ~'o r th(l~ day s ~ Iw ref'.-iv ,·d n gU(lu t!ducalion . IIlId l u I' s,'vl'l'l ll I('rrn ~ l au g h t scholl i. Mother WII ~ a dirl'cl deRe Ilrl llil l on Lhe maternal ide! of t h" HUIIIlIJu rt ' b. and he r Iii relill,'d al)d ('nolt I' ll her ane ' I.ry. II ' )} L mb~f '1. 1803. he W1l8 united' in I II \' ria~ 1! tl) D niel H, WilsOll, and to Ihi!! union there came three children, two of whom preceded her to rest, William Dar· ling in th~ 8th year of his ago, and later Mary Pearl in her beautiful young girlhood, She spent her last days with her surviving daughter Cora A Thompson The highest tribu te I can pay my moUler Is-She was a good mother and by her . molherhood . made all

Ankles ? V " lh ey arc inleres lingat lime~ . But' they IU'C not aI waYl warn in winter. Quile true. And j 11 ' 1 that has inspi",C:J some genius to "invenl" Mklets. Oh. everybody knows about wristlets, I'\lt lhe anklct is Guite an innovation in tbe SleaSOll'S f renki.~h modes. They' re design..:! :u ' l1 b$t-; t1lte.~ for so to spea.k. and they Illay be cal eel into popularity by the leaders of [reak fas hion in New York. They are made of almost any d OLh, :u1[1 ,:orn e are ~ewing them to lhe stocking. Whm the North hegins to I>low; Ih y witt hav e their first innmgs. Some wit has suggested thai in summr".. II ",), may be of grt!.11 ass isl ance in keeping the mosquitl>C away

HIGH SCHOOL PUP~lS PRESENT OPERETTA' TUESDAY' EVENING The "Princeaa Chrysanthemum" as preSented by the High Scbool pupils, at School Hall, Tuesday evening, was a decided success in every way. The operetta is a very pretty one, the mUlic was tuneful and the eet"ing of the stage in the first act was a veritable Japanland of cherry blossoms.

HOUSE WAS BURNED WILLING WORKERS REO CROSS Will with NEED fUNDS ..TO THE .GROUND GLASS PAR'TY motherhood the duty The successful prodUction of the . ' nearest, sbesacred never, seeing hesitated, but operetta is due to Mias Esther Rockey

Mr and Mrs, R E . Davi!lleft llti. rnorninlt for Cardington, Ohio, where

th"y Thanksgiving Mrs, will Davi..spen~ relatiVes.

At 10:55 'of N()vt'mbe r 19th. the sunsel bars o r life le t down nnd the sou I 0f Ella \)ar liTl~ Wil Rn n

without complaint or word she did who was ably assisted by the.teachers . Mr. and MIS. B. S. Howell epent . it. She counted life's IIUCCess in in the High Scbool, Miss Mildred the week end with Mr. Fred Sher· deedll not dollars. She hili! known Smith presiding at the piano. Money to buy material for the The farm housp OC4!upied by Mr. all of life'll riches t fulfillment. AIBO The libretto of the operetta read wood and family. in Columbus. Tbe , ' local branch is almost exhausted. and Mrs. Guy Kibler, in the Long. The Willing Workers class of the 3h e h as k nown J'f • S0-T rue an d ' expect t~ leave f or t.h elr I e ' 9 k eenest, d eepest as f 0 II OWS: 'D crlOce Howell:s pl~ntatlon on Mobile 8a~ some time The executive committee of the local atreth neighborhood betwten Ore. SUlar treek Ch~lltian church met at sorrows, but Buffering only made Prince So·SIi are in 10vII with the thiS wook, whllre they will spend the . . , the home of RUMeH Murray on the her sympatbetic for others. . princess, and Prince'So-SIi, with the winter. .' branch of t~e Red Cross met on Sat- gonia and Lehan,on, caught . fire nlgbt of NovemlJer 21 1917 The , She reared to womanhood her two a8Sistance of Saucer Eyes, the wizard urdav afternoon and wenl over the Sunday afternoon Elnd burned to the Li bt Boa CJ' th'F ltepdaughters, Marilla and Elizabeth, cat, abdueta the princess and carries MessrS CIllrenc~ Mendenhall and work which bae heen done very thor· ground. The fire was thou\tht to h II h rera d : 0 e I erry '8n~ they loved her as thllir own . he.r ~o the Cave of Inky N~ght. The Carl McClure, both of the U S S. oughly The Lreasurer and secretary have been due to a defective flue ~ urc . wu eltten a moat we cornel Elizabeth has precede~ her, but~. fairIes, headed the F.~lry. Moon. . Most of the contents of the house IDVltatlon. After the gUe!ta and dar Marilla Alexll;nder 19 bowed With beam. ~Ist her m ~.r dllema, .and . Oklahoma, arrived home tor the Thanksgiv.lng holidsys. Both boys 8ubmlt~~d reports of ree~ipta and. were I18ved, although llightly dam. villtors arrived a tine program was grief for the passtng of her mother. by ~~e aId of the tallSman led Prmce Rre looking fine, and are still enjoying expenditures. ' . . • aged, but the houllEl itself burned to rendered conlieting of readirigs, an Looking, then the amber gol~ of So-Iru~ t? the caye, The groupR of ladles both at Way- the ground. ima in t . d . the Father s love for the beautiful . At t~18 Juncture t~e Emperor and th.eir work, although the weather is somewhat cold noW'. nesville and 'Harveysburg have done The Kiblers have the sympathy of i . ary rip. an some very 10: 8unl8;t at the IlIIIt, after ~ong months 1118 retlOue also arrive at ehe cave . . noble service and 'are deserving of their many .f riends here and at Ore- terestlOg talks. of pam. but see a reflection of all the !lnd nJake ~aucer Eyes captive. He , .' . '. ' great credit. The (unds in tbe gonia.. . , After the program a two·course sunsets of her 79 years . IS taken Delore ' the emperor, who .u. r.t. Whlt~ received a letter ~rom ~reasury are a]mpst depleted and " _ • lupper was served conQi!'li ii'll! of Forgo~ten will be all the monthl allows. clem~ncy, and a clever prohi" brother, ~OI'h. wbo !B In a more money must be raised to buy d I b d . '. of BufferlDg and care, remembered gram IS carried OU5 to celebrate the Southern t,:"lrllIlg camp" ~Ylll" ~hat yarn and other material for the san w c 88. lOur lUI 6we~l lJlckl~s, only the old Bweet (Jays when we be~hrothal of Prince So·True and the be has receIved a commiSSion as h!!u· omen to work with and bananas, apples and pop corn · treaded IIfe'8 winepress together princess. . ~~nan~, In the U. S. A. Althougb ~ Ways and means ~ere SUlriested Gam. of all kinds wereph~yed when motborand l--comradeH. ' F ollowing is the exc~ltent cast of .E nle · has been away from Wayn~. and the . committee unanimously the on. . . folloW'll took part In the characters: Ville for several y~ars, yet he, IR allreed to invite societies, clubs and evening, MIaaee Nellie Rlgga, M:arl\! Let me not picture Death as one wbo Princess Chrysanthemum ...... .... .. y Clas.'ledf ~B ad Wah nesvl1le ~ol Yd' atnah his other organizations. to .gi ve enterHM~~akn'dLeMnaauThd o~, .Mae WrRlghtht stalke a helpless ene my, .............................. Reva Hormell ruallY flen s ere are ,l! a ~, ear tainments, suppers, markets. parties I -I e ... o~r, u To blot away the sun someday and Attendants . of hiS d~rved advancement. . or ~ny other leR'itimate m~ans for ~~~ Miriam _Rae, El81e Dogelt, lay relentless hande on me , To To } ...... (Corinne Welch 'the rajsinR' of fund s , tbe net proceeds ' Mrs. Rlc\~;:r~r~::;; tr:~~~~~~ But, rather lilt m~ t hink of. him as Yum Yum ...... ~ Kathryn Clark to be given to tp!llo~al bra!1 ch . Waynesville toWID property, it It old Filer, Jam.. Uartaock Romo one who In al\ kllldlleBS Wlllts . Du-Du · ...... lEsther Wolcott Personal cont~lbutlons WIll be very keeps on like it has been doing for Rlns Carl' Thorn.. BUber and To come for me whel' ehadow!l dim Tu ·Sip ...... Mabel Salisbury thankfully receIVed by ,either the. the past few weekI, will be beyond Home~ Thomas, Wiison Murray, and draw ope gen lly through the i1'airy Moonbeam ...... HazeJ Salisbury secretary.or tre8su~er. . . par, for boulI88 are changing bands Ferman Edlnlrton Elmont-Snyder gate.-, Emperor What-for·Whl ............... .. I ' Executive .0mln1ttee Waynesvtlle rapidly. Last weelt Mrs, Mary Lam. William Elliot. fM~, Frank Wright' And I.a~ me gently ike some bost ...... ... ............ ........ EI!iott Wright Dranch Amertcan Red Cross. mon sold her property to J. O . Whit. Mr.lUchard Murra)', Ray and Ho: who gJvela In love with Princess ST. MARY'S CHlIRCH Lhong'4!xpect ted gUhest J. O. Cartwright, Chairman aker, and L. Nicholson sold his to mer Rosell, Rues'el Murray and Paul T h Prince So·True .. ...... Herman Gebhart . First Sunday In Advent, Decfimber. Lou M. Barnhart Searetury the Oglesbee Siater'll. Wright. e com ort t.h at e craves t e most, Prince So ISH ...... : ...... Ethan Crane , . the hoepltahty of res t. Top-Not .. .... : .......... Harold Meredith 9:80 am; 2nd, Sunday School So may I think of hi m each day while Saucer Eyes . .......... · .... lrving Welch 'lel-mon and Holy atCOm· 10:8() -===========:=:=;:=====================~=========================~= the road shortens mile by mile Japanese Men-Russell Lewis, How. - -Ail requested t he COmmuniol\ G el!~ral War Guessing the words that he shall say, ard Whitaker, Earnest Braddock, m: ssivn of the ' Episcopal . chur~h . . " almost familiar wi ll. hi s smile Levi Lukens, Leslie Satterthwaite, The ',rmers allover the Toymship next "'unliay. the first Sundl y . E ur~, are posting I heir flirroB this llear . Advent., will be obs\.'rved as Ii ,,~ No foe with fury in hi~ breath shall Kenneth Elzey. Haroli Earnhart. ch"nge o'ne from some ambushed Japanese Maidens-Olive Wilson. aDd are ·trying .hard . tv b. r day of r pPcial , int~rt>es ion and ' D_J_-c bunters frum huntinlron their place" suppliCation to God for His guidance . 1 r ~"lln. p ian, ' Rea Stacey, Mary Edwards, Tacey There II a relll!on and a i~od one, loo, and ble&!ing on Americil and her God gra nt [ make a friend of Death Clagett, Reba Ricl), Ruth JeffAry, for this. l1)ey are anxIous to e-, cause in the great world war . You long. lonll' before ' Mary Atkinson., Wanna Hartsock, _.~e the phe";88nts In thl' rOlll'nflhlp are invited to these services r see his face. C. A. T. Anna Satterthwaite, Glenna Cooke, whIch are doing ' 11 ' lire.. t dea' ,f' , -, " Lorena Weeks, Belen Dinwiddie, CAlm OF THA'NKS aood to lhe farmel In eat ing in~ect> Leona McGinnis, Mary Thomas, tIlat probably mi~ht ruip· crops if let M. .,E. CHURCH 'Lillian Wilkerson . We desire t o take t his opportunity -go • . , Sunday' S('hool at 9:15, morning to publicly thank Walte r McClure Fairlea-Francesianney Fairy Snook There bave several pheasants JU::Iephine HarlauMargaret Clark, preachinll at 10:30; eveni ng preach· & Son for the i.. s~ 11l t u I ~~ vices. mot since" the. sei.son · came in, an!! Mi ldred C1..rk, Clara' Atkinson, Inll' at 7, : 00; pl·a)'.!.!'; mlletinjl \ ed l. l oil· K. lll'j:l'en! fl)r hi" 1V ' \ r,(~ <if Rev. A although tbe , eJ&80n allow8 the ~hoot Annll Wilh rtl, [slidor\! ~ewis, Clan 7:0\) o'clock ypil day eveJ'lirlg at' .(·ornfort . ~a b jl ' l~),o Un nbl ri ( I I" hiInp; or them, yet It l1gemB that if Herr h I I . ' i\lice J .! fft!rY, Ethel l.equ ti ful ~o n ~ s, ,.-"i 11 r IIi d l ,.. bunfera ~et e not sb aVBrlci, .up, t\lI') are cordiallY in~vit"d 10 a ll of these i l. 11n ~' .11, .ry Wdd::lIV urth. E, hel } ' . n'i)lh hUl . wi 0 " " 1. 1 .I I) 1",," t , ~ III might have II little bit better.huntlng services. . I\ i ~ " .p thi hou r "r ~ ( I I'I' I '\\' •... ' 1. 1,1I • •,j later, bll if thay would ohly save the V ilbl VO'gl l Rt alliek . Vivi.. ~ He ,pbelll!lInts and ~et them. get a better Co ra A. Thl1 01 : '~. I I I fil l V,'" I ~ . ' • ,IHI:],.. B I y .r.f .t(u rlo'n, Eal'Q8IJt start; • ,' l1Ut£ :l. I ~ - -t U"drhrd . Harold ( Weslern St I p '.,~~" "" ") It Is 'said th,jt one .hunler bollsted I{"y .. r. I~ I " I 'Pr' I '~k~tt. Frederic~ th~t he k'llIllrt a pl\easarit anli AtEl. it R , ~. E IWI ll Rillda.ll. Carl • There Is no parl lcular honor in !juch Dakin . rJu.yl'l EV' 1n~, Haroid "Beaa proceedilllC ' " ., son , CIl:i\ld ... l:l.iggs, Rue Dinwiddie. . J1: ill ht! well to preserve ... ha' Each year the improve~ent of the n!w pH~santl\ 'there _ere. and let pupils .in tbeir knowledge of mu8lc - them have a chance to b~eed. . IA more pronounced , . . Wa~' nesvi1le UKJ/re No. 11,:;' ~. & Tbe proceeds of the operetta will A. M, met :rU~$d8)1 V"'"('l( iQ be u8ed for echool purpoeea. regulJlr communicatio . ' /!If Ie r the WHII .' .. t. business of lhl' 101 g tended to, the ·sl\nlln1 .l! '<:1 i(lIl of ~ t Hon . R D. Fess has designated the fieers t.oo" pI UP lind 1'"1,! It ~i\ II,S tollowing young young men to take Wlated Time. . '1o.11owa. S D. H nkl a, W M,! 6the examinatil.'n for the Naval Woe c!on't mJas ~e Uttle bere anet the HJlwke, S . IS H K... tly, J wo,: Aeademy at Anoapolis in ~·Feb'ruary.- Iltthl there. Yet In a the amolUd ,L A Zimmet man. Sel.\y ; J. IJ ("01, The nOl1linations were made as a of, WaIted .. enOnDou. ~ , man. Trelil: J W E,I ,,,nil, ' D' ; result of a competitive eXllminatioh Inc that be w.. alwa)'l called to ds.o The National BaDk ImlJl'Oved their P . D. Clagpu, J 0: ~. I' Ellis, held a~ Antioch Collftge on November Del ~eral mlnutea betote u.e c'IIJuMw Jail.. which Napolran C)~ . In the haJqotl lot blck 9f the bank. J..t week by Tyler; J . I". CoI"w,t\l~ I... . \'ro.l~~ 11t.1917 · r • WM rta1I, teadJ to eat a eertaIa .... D offen.lve In IPalestine. The aocieDt citY or the llit!y dooilled. TIle Britilb UDder General Aliellby ate plan"r11r Jhrubl ~ . tNtI Next ~ - • --rrincipal. Cbarlea C. Phlearer, Itaftetl and wrote • book in 'tbe rur1dsb .mae. fa flit _ _ iq. it the terminus lot will be or Sprinafteld~ Ohio; Hrst Alternate.. lletwetll the call aQCI ~ at LucId and Er Ra!n1e.leII thai mila .wa~. 'The Wlms G~rlouR'h. YelJow Sprlnes, . , d1per time., It ODIJ True Opllmlllll. Ibeba-Damucus ra!ln!ad, tha. CII\tiaa 011 JeraAlem from Ohio: Second Altema~ aar; Alere. f t. . . . . u... If , . _llt!."I_... C!lOROS Ita 1Utward. The Biitbh are now ~ mil.. from til! ~~~j;~-';~i: ditb. W~eavinet.0b.Ici;1'h' ter. of 1aOpe I fOuhllJe ~ fa. f_ 4I1ao 'l'bci ICCIIe pktared II C :r.t iD die tiU:llpu." ' n.~, ItennaUi KUIb, BPI....~:-' !i&rij













By in Conquest of In Path'way Of \ V"ct" "ti h A nnles " In onows Bns

ill 'aHa, . Captured




----- ----








.... :,'. --,ear









. ,. ":



To inctease the profits &om your farmEight hund('ed dollars bearing 5 % interest-will produce as much as a thousand do llars at 41i&- or thirteen hundt'cd dollars at 3 %.

-10'% 5alety-.5% Dlvidtnds"

Oem City e NILLIOH S

:-;. I"Ii.


l\ 1 ~q~ll ret ' Oil • dtlrl' IIH(1 1. .I .. m,·" ('onb81~II\l P O \llt I'l1 ''' 'l cI ,IlIOl "t", t". . Bood $2:>00, 0 o' go I, rtfll' , 1': 1 .

GettIng TheIr.. M n rl c Y -" fl (,J'''' ~


n JlrnJuln~nt u:

IlIII' !I\\I \ " 10\ ,, l'h'H,, ~'I',

clt' ~U [l lJrni ('TS

( ' '' ']It l "

1" t he llloHor n f Ill n m<l ,. lt' pf ,VIIsoll BIlrlr.o. dpOfltl~l'iI '1I 1,.~ III" Dpproved . · 10 !lie ('N tota "' W i h on UnrlulI, i d eoPlut!d , Fln llll1ccounthllll'prv v.'rI, [ II Ih e mutte r or tbe ,,~t " " f 'b .. rl fI~ K Urt o n . c1en,, '.e d PI'I V a t Bnle " f !I~oo k tl lltdlJrl'rl. I n m att er of Pdn\itl K I,hy. Appllotl t lo n fo r uelml" In o t1 "'''110 t o th ~ Ohio I n s tit·utino f o r F" l'h t", mi nd e,1 y o u t b . I ~ w tlde



E. . -. - - -... -. -- - --

"OJ H 'tll t-llll

~';r tl H. I~ .·o' l' ,·t "I to C) L p ,«( III 1II.lut~ N" , 1:lf, toUtI j:llI l11 L, ·lrll .,'l lJ , tol.


CommiSSIOner 's Proceedinlt s \7 1t 1l"'y ! \,I" pll,11I6 "l •• r an tK "oil t llIlP. ~ 'Fl';'; 1111]111 <I Il lO uody of \'\'i IIlu [l) 1 ij V . (1 , -r-, .;'1\.:$(1 ; rl " ,oll:lPM o f I:'ou ll A If,ll r!! , lr ~~ hl " nt' 11rt h ou;! 7i . 1\0; Ho ~ r t) \ II lin 11'11<, "X plnlSe~ to w e~·illtt, /:3tllt O buri l le .. cunveo-

\lion, $10, 7G ; U . B. Ue \lllll t . p. Mtolle. $R ; H. B. W orl S . Touti wu r k In ulon I,OW(\ blV, $4/l.nO; Lounle Mellin a,ud !lBIl v \V D. White. Whihu!irt;> O\ll,lt rll ot 5·1I}1 $,jO·1 ; L M., wODey only; .. moo nt 01 lined $2eO P Ii DDEt & Do ,~ nppJI • $ l:>,90. wit h In terest . A \lp ll[c aUoll 't\ lie Dl ~le to t.lle boord t3o) Kline 'VB lloul,h E, /lOU ~~dwlln.l of Huslte. ", II! lb ., ol!' lri t tu ll r Qlll oE Reeve I for mooey; umo uot 8i8 bosi,lif ol ut LJayh) tI for t il Irelltolalmed $5000 with iote res t mOOt or E di th 'l' lbb" ls for $ 1 Iler VerooD A. B.oil ell v Unnl e week. 611j,8611, dlv o r oe; cru ~lIy. . Are.o lD tloo Wl\q Pll~R(ld O~~I Dg "be til te t o consl'tu l· t 11 0 Inner b 'g b. Proceedings \~I.V f rom Ll' hl~n"tI oflJOr KtlOo hoe ' u80 Ollllglle r ty Vel Lnvre noo '\ \Ixte.ochnll nl{,O K th e 11ue tlf I, '. l:I n ngherty . dlv o ro grnnt 1. . tu th W aYI ,fl uW l)shl p lIoe IIllel lo A. J . S u'lde r nod . .r. IJi tzln~e{ 'eUI·t.! Of" k und ' letl Tllre k t o 'UlI bip v a EOl>is Oou Lo ll , t III .Jnr u. d llne/) of fon~ IUllre , str lk e~ 11 b t1 ll\nl~ft lIod J\1\ds t,h or ' ft - .. ~.-dlle tbe pl"intlfi" eI ~ nm of $ 124 .40 from tho defend'ln II!. . St"teofObin v I~d. \voous. I t OPI>eliTiog to the llurt thllttbe oo v - . dl t iu0 8 of en li ocied seoten ce In this

K.. AZAN, the wolf dog ,of the great snows,


Fun ~. rL"

ol\se h Dve beRD brl)lIen . t h e r e for It i8 pnt into exeootion lit on09. In the mlltter of. l lle will o f Ao o_


16.9 cents per ·gallon.

Average cost of kerose ne 7.7 cents per ga llon. Gasoline costs over 100 per cent more than kerosene. Gas lin e is g in g up st ad,il) . K erose ne is n t. At pr sen t fu el pri c·· s Titan ngines u in' ker.osene, save their owners about I . I cents per horse power per hour. Are Y Oll mn oin g a gasoline ngillc ? ' Vhat horse power is


Wqkh for the lupe With the Fir.t Indallment I

it ? Figure wh at yo u 'cl be !'a\'i ll~ i( you had a Titan k 'rose n engine. Rath e.r surprising, iSI1 ' t it? H o w l o n g wo uld it take that savin g to pay for a Titan cngine of the same size ?

International Harvester Company of America

Waynesville, Ohio

A. B. Sides

l ---.-~.


Loba.cclJs -Blended

_ ~r." ,,~




~'1-DQAN:A, 1"1 \\1.)0 ~,o..R1S.~~


_ CROP ,o..Q.OU"l' NO.1 'ii\LI-<.

MON1\-\~ ~N' I'LL

IU~ WI'TI-\ 'fA ...

"They please the taste Br~at 1. But also-'"



A NEW FO!WI. OF CAMOUFlA.GE __ , Sli· P\AC1I1lG ,0.. w,o..", FlGUQ.'C 0F ,.. "M&~ SEFOR~ '10u ,6;ND t'1.PMlDlNu 'fOUR.. \hWiIN,o..iION A BII . 'IOU AQE SOO~ 'f0 8EUC\JE It\' ~\'oR.lES


'IOU ~ B,o.."IU~' wffi.\ ~'r~rooo

IE a cigarette aimply pleased the talte,. .nioken used to let it go at tbaL But Dot DOW. Because Chest.erfield", give amokeil Dot only a taste that they like. but alao a neW kind

.. of 'DIOkina-e~oymeD~

Chelterfields hit the smokeapot, the~ lei. you ,kno,,! you

are .mo/ung-they '" I

Yet. ihey're MlLDt The neW blend of pure, natu. raJ Imported and J;JomestiC to'baCCOl-that teU. the story. And the blend cim't be copied . -don't foqet thatl Ask for Cheateifield&-:next ~ .

time you buy.





CN . ~~Stt!



1)1, ()~' I I. · I'; :

'urn r

M tin

It I

I .tl :l


W f1ynesvil1t>.

' lr ~ t :!





- - - - ---.;-Get the Mia~lI \~ a zette Now'


~1~f!I~~~~~;i~~~2i~=-_~_.::._~..,;,J 'Iof



Titan 1<nroaene ""cine. are .old b)'

a ,next week.

Dr. J. A

. (,-.,.hIed)


int~nlely" interesting Serial will

1)" Y 0 11 N IGH1


rl fl tta t::!oh ermer, d 0 ~o t1 Will i admItted to prob u to . . Stll ~e of Ohio VB Mnmlo W}IItt(\n F r more Ihlill twenty Uve .v n~r~ Pleaded not g u ilty . ' 8,,1\ bond fi Ked til E:\lok. A11 l !lll/IO ht.tM bud 0 world. will.., II' pn tolt1 r)ll Tho IUlK A lm,, at $1 500. pr.P11lJrAd by Irl R : n. M, \]allah er. 'I'rullleR V~ The LlHUCialtRuh,Jr.. . tll'''n n ~ I ~~ t1 h\' H(\v . .1'lh o B. L e banon U olverSlty "od '1'ho tiou bll. oy a ~. for IIJ1'ny Y'Il;r~ t h e o~Ri tH o t ern 01110 Loon and 'L'ros t 00 ~1l 1fl of r o" l estl\~ and ohtt Ue] 1M prn y d e, \i lor /I"'" (1\ IAr! \V ith R e v . Ir l J:li ok s BI~"' I\~ . h ri~ht'('r, iJe Uor ,U)I\O f or 10 order to settle' clulm8 ever I" 11 o.,IIchH tl nGflrl )ltinl) of ..h e llll tj Ahll lllJl.O 1r I n ,.\V T tltl dy I\ud Mnr'riage LicenseJl lH ~ D ltl II'" IH11<Jrt' ffl r 3~ C nt,s p RtUharlelll L . S W8in,nttorney I\.t Il\w p ili el. Wm d un d W') r k~ j 8 1, be D'IUl6 nf the 1\1 nlblv ;" I I\ II~ llIf1gfl.zlne or MI48Q1). 'Inoinnatl,8,01. l. l... Moody' Rev. fl Best'l . U. BerHhoy . . , f U\lol1'1(1 IIY Htl v Ir\ H JlIClt~ . T he arl E EUoko.r4. fA rln ar 01 Frnn k - Rl1h. or liJllulI Jl l iol' I" 1 1.00Bc ), li t'. iD. 1I0.ond Edna B. Burdge, o f nl)o,r elud ing n C:lIIY of r h ,' Hioks Aim L}Jillwl \, borg, a llV J . A . S II, ilA 0 th f. 11 I'p m! hl·r. • 'and fOr a R o b o rt Mo rris Bln lr, IIn~ o M l e ~­ 8111111)1 1' O"'P",. Writ \ ORO AN W() lt Kl:1 P U B. t;0:, man, and Freid" OorrIDe Br~ n t, b,otb 3<10 t J~r!l n kll n 1\ I' .... !l , L oul p, Mo, . 0 f J,.ebHnon Rev. It, B. Foa ter.

Q!!! .;.;;.NE;;;;;.W;.;. SERIAL! ,


- IH fll 10:11Aul n f: qulp01tnl Hnr~- llr ;1 \\'11 I :qulptlll!nl



Uir~,,· tor



is a tale of battle for 'master, for 'mate 'and for offspri'ng; battl~ ·for life and th~ needs of hunger with the wild 'and bitter elements of the arctic night.


.vI It

, ,,.~

n nd O""il.... Iipl'"

TITAN engines run on kerosen e. Aver<tge cost of g:1solinc so br th is ye;tr,


Mand Krufz r VI! L ro. K rrll zt'r, divor ce ; rn e lty nnel n El!; 1 ot The Mt, lI e n , T h omp 00 & .111 111 P • '0. V8 Til e WIIYD e~ v l l l e "'ll'lH1g Go., m o n ey ooly; IlDl Ouot olllUled $4000 with ID te r e t . F lor eooe T. B ItTllti rd 1'8 .Joh;1 Pe nce, AdmT. of "t hoeBt l\l eof'Ele nor Marl .. tt, lUo ney . ooly; nm onot olultned $l200.


Notary Public

Are You Wasting The Price Of a Titan Engine?

' \ )1,.' lu' I (l\\ ll _

H I~ ( '.11,,,1 i ' 11l'" Ii' H " II IIlil ll>" W Il n, l Lnulj" BIlI'l,b I., ..... ' .'~ \j I " ' ") 65 III 1I,,~ " I. I ' h ll' I I' .... I I " I~hl 1,.1 'lt ll I!" .<1" , 12:t1 ,\\'1', .. ) " ..,.,' . ' , I I'. I. Il -1. hel '\Ill'" p •• :\1" "" 1 !t, ""- , $1 Wm . ~ ' I .11 .11 , ,·W t' ~~. l' ~ I.. ts ,I ~71 ,tI ,, \ li~ III ~'T IJ~IIO. * 1 F hl 11 11 '\ .I\·r. :\11I1"f ICI \"1' I (I" r;,.y "". N., ... 7. II It 11 ~ . II 1l1l 1'IlY:~ I -;UI'111 l'lrii'l,'1 ,, :'>111. ,I ll , l

New Suits


V '

\ 1\ !tll"' _ "I N ' I:" n ' W <t . It


~. l\lJl,

Common Pleas Court


Wayn~sville. O. Ove t 1'081... , f •..., Iller !' Io n ,,. 71



1"1'. ," . '111'" \\. It,. IIIII'~ ,II 101 - \I 11 1111 1 1 'rl 1: ' I~. "II .. ~ I I t:tl nklin lt n d A. B 11 ,,11 "n' "Pllnllol . IV. {';. III '" .1"lllt, • '\, I ., y .


W'a lter Chandler


6 N. Main-Dayton

O~ ~ ~E'f


Notice of Appoiittment



Building & Loan Ass'n 'lIUO URe ••

Ii . A, Ilull 1 f. \ '1" . to, n I'N'''~ 1 ", .. , Il rc~ III W II I'll' t ~l 11,." . E HlI rnu~, h to w /, ~h\·. or lu t '''~ . I' ,U fli d 10 I Ihl\,·" ~t I'a.k A.lla.IOI, N W •• v, 'M\·!!I. 1 \Y, 1.. ,\ F I~ H'~' I' I .. L A' \ZItIl UlfJrlllont.'I" .'!l~" 111111 10 til lJ l\lrr' ~I 111'1. Ath l ll, It f,. W I' Y_


j.:!\·l nl: IhO bu h eIQ!'!! un I.wrlll ,·u1\· dow n." ~ I c.klon- '''rhllt's rIght. Wo h Pill o".,d , I 0\' "n1\1, ;. l , • mnn'ld me D oUJ;hln'l 10 got nil t.b ~ i ll tb e c-~tu t (\ {(" rtl '. Willi . , .1('. I F . !t, }j;' .11 ~ ,,, 1( . \' \':" ;11 101 \ ~o . lecturi ng." ell od , F{ r ~ CCntllll , l~ ' Ill'r, \'.'l. ~, II h OI 1',,'1 11,.t '\ " .;J I 111 Fra n k. In t,b oes tlll eof lu q~flrAl Il'UUl I. Ii ,U t \) u , d pcells d . ...('com C.' hrl. If 111 q )o! 11 1•.1, Ih' I,) .I [ . ~~~~!""'~~~~~~~~ ::: ~ 1 nn d II lin \ HI" ' - -- - - - ---n uni Is ll1>vrovpd. ~ '"~ \\" , I II V. _~ II H·t, III ~ll l\ l II ry I lu tb matt, r o r th flnBnl lHII" IIlP . IIT"I') • " , •• 1." II. J;;=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ v f .ll\noh r, in ItI O l'iOl\\ 11(', r' .1. WI I t. 'UlI ' '/..111 ,,·IIIt.~ 'II ~ ' f) u n t Itlllppro" ll d , 1(11 IIn,i I" , ,., 1'1\,1 p" k In tho CBrll t ll of :-'l nr\' .~nr I~ "t\, \' I~'(H) 1 ., 1·' I1"~ \1 11 1., .1. d 0 n;oud . First 1I1l1! 1I11f1 \1I00 I' 11111 I ~ Art Imr 'tId Ill'> '1l' I, , \1 11'1' t( \' , u \Jpr ,ved . .1.II1HI · b M ("'~ I ry I . t! ,j I " I~ lu thl> clltntp of bPfh l> t .I"u nllll-!_. NI '~. 17, J ' I ,I III II' ~', u Ii 1."11II .. "'. d e\l :n ~ed, FiHt (lCClI 1111 i~ "1'1'1'0> ",,\ $1 I n tho Ulllt.ttl r f Firm"n \\"II~III\ 1':,\ 1111<\ ,I "", !! I ••. •... I' ,',0/ I",w I\ppli tltaln f o r 1\(l nti ,~ , o ll u f >lIlIlt· !lu,ll l •• l." .1"". ~. ' IIl '" 111,"1, 10 to Dllyku otlil e l\ o ' p Ult l ,IA 111 " '\". Mll\lurv hil I''' \ ;-I ... I/q :,., 1. III th o Hl lt !!(' f uJ 11, (\ I."( "t,, "f .\ . I~. I. I I ' " I . (, ·,,1,,11 I I I t Wr\J(ht W b,tll(' r(', 'h c~II~.;d. ~. ,,)(', "I II,t_ :-< u,. I." ;:~ II",l .,', I" , ', 1. .(\ II u rtl 1'1 p r o ' ltd P r l ",It . . "H h' "f Jlllf ll,l\e, .$ 1. /< \)onl prope rly 18 n o\\' o nl ' !I·d Albl'l'l ], r~' , .'1 I t " ' 1' In tll n Ul ll ll l' r uf 11 11 PMI ' " d 1t1111 ~I) II' • ", d" ~ •. 'II ,,, , , ,. , 111 1

your crop money with us at

All 1 IND. OF

'!l.. ,

In III IlluttpJ' OJ! Ib II'. l!f'n f \\ 111 l' Muuots d PN'IIt\(I,I sl1ll' ~ nrl'tllJ 1'1't1v('el. 1'1 tb e~'"tt\ or \ rn . I 111;:. "". O('''!! d tie oud ~1J,t fi.1II 111011 nnll"




Probah! Court

see that your crop m Olley is inve ' ted so as to bring you 5 % int rest.

r: :pH n (Hd s Marry Youno. • t(l nil tho Am till: "I",it-m r:!,.,·{)tl lln ' Irh'l~ I:~n­ He thO I N,m ('r!\th' IBUI"t') " ' II111 t\\ 11\"4 tl'r ruu rt1"tn of (11111, 11 IIlltlortllnel', 111111 th 'JI "111, dn)' YNIPI U !J1-:"; HI , ·tsrhtt·l'tl tit" ", nrl' r -4 RII (ItI ~ nly rl ~~ to tOnUII, ~t wh 0 11 Il nrth ',1 "lIhlll1~r@/-:""I'I<' " II n,l "111111111n· grell ! ~Irllgl:lo I I1IUI. W ar propllr· U ~(\llbl(l.H ,. Ing lotln )' tor tom rrow's victory or \ II del Ill.-~xchnng'. 'r Od8y'-t Pr'lI.ratloll.

11I\11,'s~lhh' t v .\·\i'11I Im(\ \ll~ .. , ~ "I t III 1IIIIIlrA

. It J

Dr. B !I's Pirl&"t':..r~:-;Onev Fur COugh. cand OoIds.

G~ Z ETTE .... , 1S~;IJE U ..

~UI~I'lI" at tIlD I'I.I,m.,,,

I I W" 'ut&V III

, \II" " , u ~11,'d

I I", 111 1'


I ,I "



D , 1~, CP AN E, Editor and P ubl isher





A:> W ritten


Corps (If Able Correspondents in the Neigh borhood

Subscr iotion P rice, $ 1.50 per yeoI'





The,e is mort' '"1 ,, ,,11 in. tI!'is "Ii n HY01DR "' or~ tlr ~ 1 I"rlll"n probnbl y 011 1,& N l l lllll y 11111 11 ,, 1I .. l h<' r d i,",J\~. 1'111 between thr It llli (') lIr I hllll sn l.ld l'elll'R I luge ther. II,d fUf curs II "'ns 5un pu.ed 1111 I ' , I . • 10 be lI, elll " Il":. lJ u Ul(tI S 11Ie. crlped 10<",11 a6ro. r lUll S ~hl1n, s III 111i' R ~d Sell r.. "wdies. ~ nd lIy cOlIslrllil ly 1" lIilll: III . crossleg will rllll dll)' h ' r"('ulte,]' The cur ' ",itT, I "~a l I ro'll l ' "Cllt, prolh l,," ~cd oldest . hymns tire rouud In Ihe Old it ;'I" " ,ol>le. Ca (arrll is 1\ I clIl' dis,'usc , • T t'"t nrullllt und In IIrdlcologlco1 re- gre:o ll y jl1Uue ll c~ d hy co" slitllti" ",,1cO lldi. mnlns. ItiOlls I\/ld Ihe r~ l u,r~ !eq uires eO>" ulloll;o I Ire"lme,,1. H a ll se,l/a rrh Mt dn:llle, rua n ,. ' uluclurcd by F J . CII"""Y & Co.,Toledo , ', Ohil', is 1.1 co nst itu,lonal remt d )', is token illlemult y li nd !lC ' S Ihro u!\h (h~ Blood u ll Friends ti le M I.COll S S "rfuccs 01 I he Sy. ttlll . Olle A 1rlend It, ODe Wh~ Is n fri end to H "ndred . DulI"rs IcwlIrd is (,lfcr 'd. 1M you " 'hl'll yo u /l 1'e ub. cu t. BII\1I y lhe I "~)' rose lhut .l lnll' < C~tRrrh ~Ic(ltci lle mn n 11' 110 h ng III Y '1 t I , . I ' fr.' lls 1<;, c ure. Se,,(1 f" r ~ lrcul" , S li nd le5· Ea rly H y,n n W riting,


I j'


\V a 'undoretulld t h /l.t Mr. JI!UJ6i:1 Rev . A. It.' : ; ; : : ;clJtorM lned at Ob llll. Icenbowe r lind fowll v of MI1Y hi li b OJU El tb e Ba p tist Mlwsto nuy near Mon ow, "pOlt ~UUI'"Y ' ~il h h t: I~6Y w ill 8 0 0 11 m o ve t o W ~'y nell Soolety ou 'aturd!lY utter-noon .

If! 'Ulurtllllld dn l1~bten\J r~. I da

Vlllo wb ro Illey buy" Imroh l18ed' 9'ru n k "lhld uk er !!pout so veral V"I,I.llA r t y . d '"ys this week In Cluol nn tl ti 0 0 'Ibere Wilt! u h o~ 800la l h eld a' the bU' lne8s. I!O boo l. l\on!e b ere 18 U Sat urday Herald S mith h as p urohaee,! a e va n in g . p ony fo r b ls BOU, R obe r t. Dlstr lo t tlnperl utend ant Dr )!;:Is Mr. lind Mrs. (.lhlls Brelsfo r d vi I~pd r at 1'Il ldd letown III t lIe/. proao bed at 'be M, E obo~oh o~ .. ta l'dllY tllld tlo ud~ .v : ood ay m ornlog . Oh 6rlt's MllJs lind wite v l ~lIecl T b Zion BaptlBt ohuroh wi ll give th l1lr lu ugbtor Mf R. R.. y mond Wei ,,~) IIlY tlt 'f o wo B llll on Nove mber I:.r nod fam il y, " o ath of towo . hll:!1 28th fl U d wi ll p rove to be a 80 u n , SU " r en, s OUl I IIIJI O ll l a l !'. IIl1 d ny • f d re ~ho Is s uch n trlund to wlllly. -Ex- 1 10' _ J Cl-I EN HV &: ( '0 ., Tul. do, Ohio. . • o nTU or Y8 1)ep~ l ll . La llg h f r om chnllge, Sold IJ J)r" g l:isl~. 71;c. MI ~A Melta Mi ll s tlnd Fran ces IItiuL t o fin iHh T ry and be thore Hull' s Famil y Pi ll " for co nSlipa llo n . Morri S lind pe ver,,1 of the other Dud de ri ve tbe ben oOt. teuotl e rs lIt!e nd ad Ihe 'l'lltlolJer 'lI ~ F r a nk Rudd uok:. while feedin g Il U1 [j~~IUg IEll XeDI", IU8t :;IIt IH!lIIY · oar II el}reddor IUit wee k. h"d t he ~8 ~t h o l 'I nylol' 8ml IL Mr. m \Rfort llne to g e t bls haod bad ly MI\lhr, of L'ruy, IDI\rrleJ he r e lust 0 01·, LUCky It WU8 n o Wu rSA Tb u rs(\u y o\'Bohl!:: . 'rhey will r e~' r" o k L. B(lrrl/! Is b06 ~\l rY lng Woman Id ~ III 1ruy bl s d we lli lJ &,: wltb pllint, (lod when . Mr •. ~lId Mr s . Lewl RIIIl r will d nu e It. will look 90S g(l<)rt I\ R new. May tj lallY" IIl~ij(I II Y W , "p""d I,btl winte r Wiute r hus IJ revoilled I,h ro u bont wlI.h th"lr ,~(\H billlVllru ttn pe r a nd Lbi .• 8eol l" 11 tO I' tiilVtlrtl l d " Yti gwith f""1il ~' AI· . r. l'UllI~, BUII11I oll ni llil A. Will . ICugh worth . lJ r Lown, I/.< 00 W. W \Veloh Iflft. W d d th ~Iul, lI . t. '" DOS fly mO l ll lDg frj r fj" ) f' Do,lge 10 wII ---- - wllerl' he bos t wu [<<' n B 1I ,;d I hre~ 11I'I,lt "''' ,mtl , w ltl b, 11l l:l lr !( Il AH t l or



California Who Wed Gen. PershiJ

The sUnny


.aver lining

Den'. be .,I!lm. ~'I be , . _ bllnket. bere are J Utt u pod month. on 'tbe. calenda.r &I wen "~ 10rn off. And eY.." on't. o f t l:..aa Mltl • Dew Ilumba' of

Th ('!l 'r'l" t l iIH"l !!1 "

"t\l1~ ~ I n

f ""


~' ,(i


SPRINGBORO M rs. Ma·" y Mlcbeno r, of W a ynea. v ille, Mrs Rot b mtln aDd littledaugb. Rumor hila it (b ut it is only rumol tar, o r Ridgeville, were olliling on Mis Lyd l'a Wood aud Mrs. Anna J u. t now ) that the intrepid Ceneral S';mlk, Friday Juh n J. f' crshill81 com mander of t he l\!n ericll'.I (lIrcc~ in Europe, has per'J W, dlldleJ, of Rlohm ond, lad., 1111 1ted h lln sel r to ~eco m e enmr sned in "pent tbe week.end a' hit! h ome T~~ accomp:1QYllIg ( .upid's . snare. here. p,cture 15 that p f MI S! Anita W Pal10 11. 0 1 Lo. Angeles and SOoin Gabr'ct Mrs. M. W . Laog wa.e a Dayton Cal., whp is said 10 be enrag~ to I h~ II b ~pper MoudllY. Genera ll a nd rumo: has it f urther th~ t Tbe fr hlDdll or Mn . Perry BordeD Ihe vcoding i to be "after the wn;" wHI b e p leased t o learn t hat she ill Mi 5 Paltoh is the. daug hler of .Geo, ab le t o be o ul ar ter a 10D. and S. P~tton, a pro,!" n"n! lawyer III J ilo rt!,:\. 10 llg a f pend of tl,e Per hil1(L ser ious Illness {\ ~n l1c r \V~ given in C en ral Pen hM r8. InoHrlff 8uffered Il stroke of 111 :; hon r h - Mr. PRlIon an d ,' iJ parll/ yell! h st Frld ,(y~as tbe h Ime of da.tI~ hI Cr .in . a.s h jn g to n, whe re It ~y d l n ll h le r . ~rs , <:J. C, Mouot cnlllc to Iu d hllll farewell. Liell!. P ,I ton, a . hrolh':r f Miss Pa tl on. i . Mr nnd Mre. Stanley Fry aod' T1em b~ f of Gelleral Pershing's 51. r(. bl,by bllve moved to Uayton. Miss Laur'\ Ro~ n llR l e, of Wayne8. vl)le, " pel\li the week·end with her pll ren ~s. . Moont Wll8 the BOBet of VeolJe OR. J. W. MlLLER. Dor i>th y Eyer one day lIl8\ ·week. Ma x G ilpin, of West Carrolltou , ••• DENTIST••• hlle b een visiting his parllnte. <Mr. , and Mr8 ,10 , Gilpin om"" 10 John WelRh, of Oolumbu8. has Warnenill.. 0 N"dlonal B ... k BI <I ~ . belln vl81ting hili masher. Mr8. Ella Welsh, and other r elative!, herle Mra Stlreb Be ll hall retnrned home after I\D extended vis t t wUh ber l!iJItt'r. Mr8. Jennie Grlffet.h, or SprloKfield. . Mr. lind MrA. G llolrg e Bea k were Funeral' Dirtdor : and Embalmer, Middl etow n vll.ltofs ~nturoay, &' rR Mnr l.hK BUDDe ll " pe nt FridAY w ll b "Mr . 1! 1I0 Mrs . \\ rl gbt Bi nk ley . WaYl:lesvilie. Ohio. . \VIi i Newpo r~, o f Lllb(l noo , soe ul !:!Mt,l1\'dR Y WI\ll frien d s "ud rel a tlve~ Eithe r Au to or Horse drawn eervicti. h ar . .No extra charge f or auto sl1rvice Miss A v l ~ King, of FUDltllo, \'i8~ Both pilones in Office anc1 Residence, t b e g u e8t of Miss jjj mm ~ Bllnls one No.14. · ., day IUl!t week. Mr a.nd Mn, A . Cook an d 1100 were Midd le town vl 81tor8 ooe d uy th ~ ·p as' w eek . , Mr tlnd ' Mr8, W. W,tlheetRspe n' BUDdllY wHh r e illtives In Middl e. , S I\VD•



mOH· SAYS YlNOL IS mf. BOO TONIC HODeII OpinIon Doctor Gave HiaPatient Bedford. Obio.-"I waa In alitiful condition. wealr, nenona . n run d_D ao I could 110t do my houleworll:. I bad doctored f9f ,eaR and tried eYerythiD& UDder the aun. A friend told about Vinal. I .Iked my doctor about it, and he replied, 'It cemInly is tile belt medicine that can be had tod.y. I couldn't &Ive you any better.' I took it, lnd today I am a wen 'and mODi 81 allY woman could wiah. to bel._and It wal Vlnol that ..ved me." Frank A. Harke,. Alh 8t., Bedford, Ohio. We ruanntee tht. ramon. cod liver .aad irOD tonic: for all'lUch conditions.. J. E; Janney, Dr UIJlfi8t, Waynesville








Bulh uHln \llId b Iys !l ro t rupptn g fo J' fUr, MOU Dlany of them are being rewarcilld tor t bolr effo r t!!. 'I.'he farm e rs In tblll looll/l$y are bus y hU8king oorn, Mr, E,I M~ulu , of WiImlnston, who $ritvels tOt the Brown Wagon Co, or E Il Deavllle, W88 In our \own & t nrdllY meeting old acqoalntanoo" FJuyd Aodel'lon, of Xenl .. , waa tn 'ble vlolnlty bnul;lng one day re. oeoSly. ' ('Incolu Beuc!rloII, proprietor of ,he jitney bill, II :movlng tram Lflbanon to Wayn88vl.lle whue he wlll malle ht. home. Frellh por. Is on marllet here at. 860 per poond, H WIll DO$ be loog nom tbere wtll be an~ther .d anoe a t tbe TOWD Ball. The ofteuer tb.y oome the better the y are. . The roadll aever were beUer ·tbaD d thl" lime &h4t ytar. OOIr .obool wl\l no' have '0 olOie on aoooon' of ooal. a" there I. plenSy '0 keep tbe oblldren warm. ••••


'. MT. 'HOLLY Mr. aDd .Mrll. William Jon.. , of Xenta, .penl Friday .• nd aalurtS_,. with Amol Jaokl(),o and famll,.. .Mra. Elmer tl.oyn and lin Jamel Ryoe oalled ' OD Jb•. J . T. lIar!a" oue eV8nlni 'his Mr. Joe Samms Ilf Da"'oD, IlpeDt ~utlday with rel,,'llnl of .hla plaoe. Mr. ODd Mre, J . T . Marlaat lind 80n, BeD, ' werll I)ay'on Ihoppers one day tbl. ~e6lt. .Mr. Amos JaokaClI! met with quUe " serlone acolden' ~at urday eveoln,. While ("uUtng wood Il ohlp'flew np trlklnl( him tbe eye ; a pby.loian \V"II oalled a ,:,d fouud the eye w•• out on the IDslde. Mr., Mutba Oilingam Is Qn 'he !llok list. .Mr. Itnd Mr8. Orle lIartaU, of ~prlnK VtoM~7, wll8ln.ollr vloillll, one day lb", week. Mr . " " d Mra. Le e Duncan attend. ed t he Illft lll" S f. 'b ers' eale at ClarkE. vIII II Frldl\Y.



sh l l)'w ~('kc tl


.. -,----

·.UBLIC SALE What Was HI. Natlonallty'/ . When n hulldleg lobi>rer In . NIIW York WM Inju red, t1le ' POllCCl.Ilon who went with Ihe II[nbultlncc rcport~: "n~8 notblng : 1\ ' lInn lost biB bnlonce ond fell 0\' r n Limer ick IImOlllllne," The 1\ 1' lI ~n'm t lit tho i!tnt lon wontleJ'fld . nil the Uft"'·III' IIl ~ l\tItil ·Ihe policeman come In oil' hIs post ood expllllDed tbat thlt mn n fell over 0 wheelbarrow. be you n n guess the policeman's an·


Te III sell lit l~ubll o Aootlon at ou r ' " re r OO'D, In W.yuenille, .Qblo,oll . ' ~turd.Y, . ~mtber 1, 1917 8 8glonl1l8 at l~ o'olook our enUre .look 01)n811'lu8 '0 ' 'ile following goodl : Bn881es, Wason., Plow., Cnl. tlva ti*a, aad a l~' or .mall hardware. See btl biU. ror lerm•• CROSS BROS

~8 tl'y. :

W . N. Sean. Allot . . 01 Q. Car,.nlb •• Olerk. Corn NHd. Llttl. Cultlvatran.

~m\.. b\~~P~N \JJ""~ AA O\.'€. eIV\L WAR."\1t-.T" S1R.AflUoE ·TO Sf;."" ~c .cNJQ'IED N01HING BETlF.R.

'lH~ . 1t> PUl ON HIS ~o\\'Et) UNlt='QRM' NJI) . . ~'f SOJ)IER;S Wm\ ~E R.ES1 OF !HE' BO'lS.-.

.... ~\ "to






Le s l ie·s·

The most w ar-p'cturel the best war.picturea

In1UIIG/JtJ Md". " .....paprr

firs t, in

I'll II."

Cha nce to Gel Away. T om'R un ~ l " 1I~1, II hllO which h (, w as WJIII" 10 Jilin . 1h IIrlll), (II' Ihn nRl'r· Tom snld. "\\'lInl'~ tllllt ?" !Iud tllo 1I11 ~ l o p~ plnlll tl whnl th('Y were. Tom th o l1 ~ h t 1\ monll'nt nlH1 ~n l(1. "[ think I' ll jOi n I'h nrm y. for I CO li Mill .

tl u lu lls .

- - - ------

"·I ~

.' ptB~

In ntlnols til rm"fI tound !lIa t once the corn TOOts were tull" eatabUahed hi the soli. ilteJr Ilttnlctlon tor the molllhU'e \l'1I~ "0 great thnt Vef7 Utt1e mol~ I.'IICllpoll. Th.1l ani, ell1dvatJon tIley fouad valuable WI\I to keep c!OWD tile weeds. whleh ~ 1lJ) ,the molatllre. ftree.tourtb, of the earn I'04Ib do Dot au 4eep, but eatabllala tIIem..... ID tile IIIlIt1voted IOU. be! til...... tile, . aN c!Iitorbed at tile IIItter Cl'Qp ftIIIl&e


P 'a bllo Auction on fUDl, I !bUea New ~>Imber



I, 1917

.. ~(\,I Jnlt


h \.'2 hr,.


Sole Agen t


t he



) R. H. E. HATHAW.A. Y

a lit r l.!flt! 68,

Ill ::!

ile's . Le ~dln ll Den'llt In R ·d nell Bldg, Matn St

\''\y IUM n

fERRY Ronll fnm llv I lu r~Il, 4 yellrs old, " good drl v ... r , lin d fiDe fllm Uy horse Call Ph one 121 -1 Yo for In tor. 05 !nation.


A lforot nR le.. 0 , R.YooI. Red

Lebanoli" .:. Ohio

Opto.m etrlat 1

Eyes tested free

Coolrerela hurry If I ~ y on wan t ' he m , floe. B . lil. ' Slm k lnl, R . D. 8. WIly-nellVlIle, Ob lo . d6 mU8 ~ tb ~y ere

Ooroo .1 el soy BOllr, 8 m nnths A old , eli gible r glster Morris 1,0

Br o wu. 'Spr ln g Vo lley ,Oblo, Bome P hone 896, Centerville. d ll lt III axB, 32 feet lon g, 1 Poat 1. Oo Bx ,lO fea Glon8, 80rne Null T leti


'1alll .. t>

JlUl.M.O lll 111')1) •• ~n.8011l1U~ ,1 0J \1n~ J ·~Ja>q"&.I~A a .....a("vap

-1"4, I II feet long ,

lnqol r e of J obn Bauoh, W .. y n esvII\'3, Oltio. n 28

'U I P '~ I .lq PIOS

'dll. P.1I",nb,..

la. ", '41 "I t>....~.DO '1 "'Ioqo.0J 'pnlllul'"PIA\

Ma x well A o lo, Im ~lI truok body and In !lood rooulug order. beap. if lold 8000. J ohn L ong, WayueavlllQ, Ohio. ·n ~8


,,'-lD'M 1"'1.1 'IDftI .I1I1llS'" - ,(mwnb ;tlutd ,UlAIl' ul .8nlAJ:». A:lOU} p UB .".I0J ' , uoodr J O '1;)uq .nu .0 p admWl ' eLlII" al{l I I a~.·OJ:d JO

'D"~l d

Uood old fam ily Bor se, ""fe for 1 'children t o dElve Will eell or W. 0

G u sti u, Wu.y nea vllle d5

Jer~!! B 11ll, elh: lble to .fiDO folluw F or i ooall 0 0 W. B. Elboo.

1 good r egl8ter. a.

Don't Read

fe rD1ation Otegon lo, Oh io.

...rnltJ;JJ 10. 1

.....odm' 1»O Ul ;u n 'I "1I11'1.JUI' J:>qCl~in



ING LE Comb Whit" Leg born OoOktlre/8, D. W . ¥o an g st.ralo • PrioeS I 25 eaoh , Phoue 2.2 .. Mr8. , Elsie M. Hawke, R. /). 1. B Olrve,.s .

If you ever in yoUr life did a mean thing to a

T ires

RAY MILLS Phone 90·3




h '\ "'Irt')rtt.~ . .1r"


,\ \len 81111[11111,. ' ,I • 'lhl..

M ISS Mllrle BAr l·sonk ann motbf'r m ot or ed to Dlly t ou T hursdlJ.y m orlt Ing . Mrs. R'ly mond B Olr tl!Ook Il nd li ttle 1oI0U, Ra y <:Jerald, afe visiti n g M r . It nd .M18 Fra nk B llrtsock Ilud fu m. ily and ot her trlend a. Mr. J. A. R . O;oser and lion, J Acob, motored to Adams Ooonty t!Q1Ulday:. Mr. WIlIIllm (Jouler lind tl:iret! o t.ber YOUDg plIl)ple. ot Dayton , Q!otored to North MRDobllstor, Ind . t o via" bill brotber Frie nd nnd 81ater Oon. The report II! 'hey are bot h geutng alonR 11ne, . Tbe Farry (JbrllllalD ohurob In. vltes e veryone who III DO' In ohuroh Rnc! ~h ose tha t o r o wh o wish to oome to a tte nd I:!unday Hoh ool ned 80nd1.Y. 8 peol&1 m usic will be reudered. Commenolng promptl v at ~ :30. Mr. and .Mre. Leroy Hartsook , of Dl!yton , and Mra. Raymoud ' Ba". aoolt Bad Ion l\a1 l:Ierdd ware r eoenC dlnDer goeete ot noraolt Barl. 100lr and fllml,y .

T~" U H'. "' 4" d~ etltr./w/t,,.,


Saxon Six Livery

Classified A ds Ohio.

Well Heeled. -----~- --lmllor lint ~I @con ! olute' 00 II IOlltlly rnrt In tb e mhll1lc of the I rn ckl es~ oconn . In hI s IWD tI. 11 H is HaI r WllS Va lu. ble. he.ld th ~ " Illi " ('nIlUII tg or " plIl r 0 A hlcogl onll'f1ctor who snys bls 9ho('s. "'I'h(!lHrh rc 'l l1 ~ ('t\ til Ilie I 'I\,('" Iwl! 'llIll.a Oll t tho r (' ult of treet.extJ'l'lIlltll'" II II (lHIIII' ' tcl~' ~ lIrrt ' Ull . ment 111 It ho~pl (1l1 lilies for $iO,OOO, ed ' h,I' I\'lIt,·I· ... 11(0 cl'llll l;CII II " I'~' · I .\,. ,. , It I~ :ill "111 11 fi N t CI HOY 10 tho court, COli stili In',1' tn m: M .. I~:' Wit h 1hl·.- , "O.'(O/,O n hnlr 'pi m:v Ilond WitS har med WOl'(ts he 10,,,1(' hl ~ 'cm lwl'pl; ly m CH I I \\'O~ II SlO,OOO beRnty."-Loulsvllle oUl'lel··.TQUMUlI, Rnd ~I' o n t .hl' J'~llIl1lndtor or tho nfll" nOOIl plckl ' the . rillil out o f hi teeth. ~--


10 '\'oods In L esll,,'s


:4he H IIII!! ' >; II, tlli~ PH , I 01 ( " TIl ""(\ , h .. '. ~r'lJ(l l l1l l indll-if ll 'l ll " (ltl?"n I .. ~ ""R IH,' duul(1ltl1 r , !. II/ ,) ~ mtl ll I "'ICC~ "! I' I I' IV . 1(, J h 'J l1 ~ " t I h i' ''' b", .. J.t) I,' HI two I1I\Vu IlC", I 1.lll'<lP ,\I\l lrII Il O IInl\ fr"'nd nnmhflfa -i hy ~U')I.l~. 1) () L pn , It uri', "" tb n \tiff III ''o'lJ " IU II'w lI " f , MIII~ WII!! 101(1 t (, gOing fu ~t . noLi IoIle I1 tiXt WI l l b, ' f,·"I, III Ilw ),,, \1 0000 c" 'uet~ry . H'l hhilllHOt.iUg is h tnl( l[iiJnlgetl vtl ryrnuoh bil:b ct. Attheol l S !IIIlU. io , IJut i &I utd they u ro BOnl oe. A. B SWE S


r etllt lTes b ere . ' Mls8 ab ll. lt . bnu ~ b n.nrl !\tiM,. Me ~In/ey I!ttendod It tIle~ting of (~ ro cle leaohele lD Xo nlu Frld"y. Rllv. aud Mrs. !5hrlv r enlertlll ued 11 party of ZOl\r you ng peo ple Wed. nelday s'venl n g, Dr, W h ltll.k er lIud fD ro lly speol, Blllurday wll h Re v. Ki/ li llder fln ,l fam il y , of B thQ l, Ohl(l . Mrlol . Ed ~teddnlU Wll8 b listeRS ,." t h e W . F 1\1 . 1:'. Batmd ll.V fl fterD OOU Andy Flemi ng nnd r..milv, of N ow .1as llllr, we r e l!io D(luy goosts or Mr. .. u (l Mrs J. ~ P owcll Dr. Wh itake r IlDd.. tUUl il r Rev S brlver and Mls8 EleHDor B~Yd OOk' I'B W "Tho (JrIS IS" In .Koola last Thursday. lauo Ly t le o 1n t·inuf\s 111 lit t h " h ODlII o f h is dnug ht er MrR. •J C .

hut r Cfl ll 'l swi m." A wed diug of UUII' O tll" n UI:\Ual In terfls t WI1 8 t b llt or J ellAo HlIl a n u __ .__ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.601" A . Ki n !:, of lr,li r IllOllllt" I Ud .. whlo b ocou rred at \ be hOIl:e of tl ... br ide Th ursday morn ing Mr. I:l IJ I IR. " p rospe r l\n~ y oo nl'( ru rtn 8r li nd IJ I~ brid e if< wOII!cO UWIl in tb olreh- . .. .......... . . . . __ ._ •• .., ""I) \\' ,'Hh:lit '.be F rillncls' c hnl',,10 IIw l' l""1I119 ~ '1 II - i:! I l 'r .. ,,"1'1 I I r1110 01'0 wo dd lll( IJ vln g r fl tm 01\(1 r,·o... n'l" fro m m i... 11111 'U ll " ~" lf r,{ .(t ... (.(, lIfO , ~ w t:!lltll rEi, ~ i '1f1l' Y w(lrk iu ""nll ["'f! \I"" .. t' lr f !t ,I '1 ~I I ~I "I '111 I)!! . wl- bes nf ." IJ ",,~ r,f fl'l " "ti g il ' III - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- l n l l, do-'" lI "l ..11· ~ . Ell" I~ \VII l h " oo 10 th ei r U ,. h ""' . N~: Y l o,, ·It .. l ""liv ~· t Jl: 0 nt. "I'" tli ll ' ,I \l'n II flll "1 11111\' ll t-jV In8.f.


.ide of


burg, Oh io.


d 12

• __A

4.1 1 n q ' W;:tHud 0) • • l u ~ ~,m r

? _ o"n p ,( u oj{l~~

.--III[II---IIJ!I----. ,(luenl> JO J3AI


for it will nol im· prove your opinion. of


But, if you care


alall for the one animal in·brute ~reation cap~hle

of absolulely unsel6alt devotion, do read the

an Il'oin~ to build a Ho use?

itory. It will callout the sympathy and love your nature hoJds.. The picture of Kazan fighting alone through the

Are you going A re you !roing Are you going Are you going

') .

to build a l3arn? } t o build a Garage? to ·build a Hog Pen? to build a Poultry House?

See Madden

arctic blizzard, d,iagging an unconscious woman and haby on the ~eavy sledge behind )Um, is one thai will stay with you for a while.

'\ .•

Do You W.ul Tubacco

00x051 . . ......... . ..... . ... . ... ... ... .. . ..·See

• Do You \Vl\ul Oonu'll t 7 .•• .• . • .•• .• • .••• • •. • •• •• _ • • • • • •• •• " '"

Po \'0 11 "'nut lillie or

" 1" ~lr, rl • .-....

t o •

See M&(.id8n.

. ......... , ...... ,. , .. See 1I1.1 dden ... _... See

,.KAZAN is- the .ti~e of our new $erial and the ~st in"tallment willllppear in an early issue .

, OI ·This Paper


'fJ U \'



:t l ,!lilL, <.:,?


Dv \-o u

\ t:

o ,Y





Do You Want


1; ·Il \o!I1o.; n ,? '


, .•11.1:

I '\':


~l '

Read Kazan


~~ 8 dd en


. . ..... Sce Madden

? . , . . . . , .. . . . ~ee Madden

:ar m Gat s , , . . , . . .. , .. ,.See Madden

-an t n Veranda? . .... ... _. . '.•. See Madde~

Building Plans? ..See Madden': ..

Do )'ou



10 bono .. " dlmeY !lee lIad1leb

U you don't want anythin.g at all,





No IIIlt""wba' )'O1l WailS, , . . MaddeD

1II_ _ mG!EEI!II!55'5Ju!t

I ~T " m

~mI .'...



- a'l --Toy 'D"'epar-tme-ntat Hyman 's.... An Unusu

~...I ~m

very inter,est,ing .


Grown. u p folk s \~ i1I b. e inte r e t ed. in .lhes.e cI ver t oys , whic h ... W I 11 he d e IIg IItCII. .. ,! :

are made in our own countr y, a nd t h e little fo l k· s



S ee the T oys on' DI·S·play Animals Autos




D.o lls D ishes Engines

Ban s Balls

Ere ctor


S hoo-Fl ys

III lY t:l

Furniture Games


Something for Everyone tn the Family

'\ .


W agon s E t.c., e t c .

HYMAN &co. I


. . IHA l' K5GIV ING OAY ~ . 11 . '






['J o'clnch

JI Ill'



Waynesville, Ohio

unite.l thllit _




Late Classified Ads. i-soc~jy -EVENTS -

:m: ~at~~n~~~~{ ~hi~~n:e 2

Of the ,Condition of the Waynes.


close of business, Nov. 20, 1917,

I", 1\ \'Ili,," llt' rvi l'p Ilil,\' ,w,rll"l)!' nt' 10 I." 'r, ',,1.; " 1'1 il'llIl" I: '\' :\1 , " 01)1 1;( will' !'I II ~'ll'i(' I,), lhp ,; I." "i,t "c' "

wa T

RIIIllllIII yo u


In~l lt








--- '-.--

Bu y Fl orid a farms Direct 1rrom Owners


At Smith's 'Gr.ocery This ' Week


There will be specilll comm unica· tion , of Waynesville Lodge No IG:.J F &'A, M ,Tul!!'day tlvening . Decl:'l'l1ber '.I, 1917, to confer t he E. A. de ¥,ree. Sojouruin ll brethren amI vis ItOrs Bre cordially w Ic me 0 , L. Cran e, W. M , L , A Zimmerman , Sec'v.


'. Columbus ButtercrUst Bread. fresh e v e ry day.

New Florida

Orange:; and GrapeFrui t The

Jersey Sweet Potatoes Com

Meal, ground from new c orn, fresh every day .

Concord GrapC$ ,and Tokay Grapes'

Try oUr

Nut Margarine.




1. 50

H. FARR Waynesville, Ohio


. W. All Li;pplncott, a.eDt Call nn him or hBve him calland demonstrate tbe lamp.

Capt. Melville Haye.'1, of Wi lming· ton, a Oivil War veteran, died at hi~ home in Wilminsrton-. Ohio. last Wednesday morning . after a il lness He W!lS a ,member of Co "19th O. V , I . and had many friends I-------~:------------------._:...:


WANTED 50 t 000 LBS

alway~ . b esvlllC'. n an ac tive nndhad he in Wuyn apt. man, Hayes

performed many kind deeds for h!!\ companions of the lVar. He has been hard here on severa l occasions. The funeral \Vas held at tbe ' horne 01 hi ~ ~on Friday aftern oon; and the luner al wss largely attendl'd rhe McMil· Ian PCl~ t had 2harge a I the home IIntl the I, O. F. IC\l;lge at the grave.





Will p a y

the Hignest Market Price, know .wha~ you have to offer, by mail or phon e. We pay l~tlg distance phone charg,~s.

Let us

------.- --

Bell E 1519•



The Gazette i in r tlceipt of a let-

ter f rom Private Ernest Lotz, from "gomewhere " , In it he aaYl\:' Send you nnd the good folks 'of Wavnesviii J!'ree t ings and my best Yo ishea," He says that ~e' lind ijermlln GrllY are both well and h ~ppy, and they are bot.h snxio)J!! to receive the Mi "Imi Gazetle una hellr from the folka in ~he ~ta es, Both boys are anxious to hear from frlend ~ . and will weI· co{ne word of arsy kind. ,

gcv l (lg-I.~l.s SlI~'

D. Ralph Smith .

~ , (JU

250 2,50 1.00 25U


418 Rclbold Bldg., DA YTON, OH IO


Ihllt \ h ., Qulf oC 1'1lI'e ('xl .'llll " ll nOI·thwnrt1 ta 1he lU f)u (h (Or I Ill' 01) 10, nnd thll l ull th e lond Iwtll'('1).1I ( b llt pOIJlt null New 01" lenlli! hu. ',e n hli l lt up by th e c!\l'th washI ngs brnUJ;ht down tho r iver, EJl'en Ut l \\· . the ~ \I' onm cnrrles on th e al'erng SOUI" I blu g Ilk 400,000,000 toas every Y ~'11 r, From the .MI S8C!lIrl nlone '''!lINI 120 t()US every 5 coud. or more Ihll ll 10.000,000 cubIc yards ev, ery till ),.



2.00 :l,OO

I. F. Cr aig

M ~x lco

Spanish Onions

2,50 ' J,O() 3,()O ,

The Beacon Incandescent Kerosene Lamp

'Wo'll I'll YOU III Ulu ol! wI Ll! tlte OWllcrs. WrltD now' !

LiVId Built by RIvers. ,

Cape Cod Cranberries

FRANK Se- i Oe-2Sc Store


. S. L&V. OARTWRb~..


Tilad Ziinm e: : : U g el a c row n for his numero us kind Bcls , a fter he has HII I"hed Ihis toi l 011 earlh, and par ticula rl y for j u ~ t one a t that '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~e~!!!_!'!!-:.~~~'!""'!"!""~ , ite pel'for med l a~ t wee k. He had p ll rc l~ Bse~ a bar rel of sug ar fr,o ~l the . __~_ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"';"_____- -__ Ca~nlng Co , aft er they had fimshed . thel\': work at' lhe ,fact ory , Rnd hearlnlC of t~ . scarcity of sugar , called up Snuth s groce ry and told tll' m that. he woald I , t them have SlIl:'ar 10 tide lh em ove r 100 Cand le Power 6 Hours for I Cent This act mnfl e it possibll" f or con· ' sumers t'0 ge t t wo poun d B aPiece. Thc old·fasbioncd lamp, with its dim, ,ed, flicke ring flame . whieh was vel',Y ,g:ratifving t o the m, will soon be a thing of the pas t. 'Fhe call of today is for a power· !\ W 11 .,.. as to Mr. mith . ful, steady, \vhite Iill'bt at the lea~t possible expm,e, -rile 8c!acon Mr Zimmel'ma,,'s RC.t will be re \..amp 'answers tha~ (lall. It is a minature lighting plant which nw mher d by th l;! ci tizens b ra lUI 1 1'Iak,es and burns it~ own gas, always read y for service, TUfDS y lon ~ as t1mll las tfs' hfortlt !I\urel ":tah'" darkn ~ into day, Hs steady wbite, brilliant light appeals to v~ ry generou 0 1?1 0 S lare WI all. The b~ightest light of the age. .. IllS les fortunnte nl'lghbors , The Beacon Lamp will burn over 00 hours continuously' on • - ••- - one gallon cheapest kerosene (coal oil)! Think of it I lOtI eudJe power ligbt for (\ hours for t cent. Von can no lonl'er afford to be without a Beacon Lamp. especially wben its first cost will 600n be realized in the actual saving Of oil. Will go on savior YOll money YCBr after year. It enablcs the most humble in circumstances,on the farl;ll or in the city, to afford and enjoy the most brilliant ligbt science c~n produce. .


_lID.. ,....

11111 J Rltlmr y I .

These Ma g a z ines a re . quoted for TWO yeurs' ub~cribc for the m and ::> m oney by it.


\'. White

---- - --~




Modern Priscil la ... .... .. . . . , . . . , M oth e r s ' Ma g a z ine . .... . .. . ... . .... . Phys ical Cullure . . .. . ' . ' . . . ... . . , . . . ( U ntil J un u" ry I, I Y I ~' Pi torial Review . . .. . . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . Popul a r Science lontltly . . . . . . . . . . . l!! Tod(lys ~l-rouse wi fe , . , , ... ... . . .. . .. : Womall ' s Hom e Compallioll . . , .' . ... . . World's Work .. . .. , ... ..... , . . , , .• .

- - -.. - - - - -

Ylot·o)a @. one oORtlng $20. will Mr . Elhan rane was host t o U SUp· BI'Il tor 7 100e 008tlog 11 0 .. will per g iven at hi home Tuesday cV 'n· , - -IIOU91.06 Bell for M; & dozen 600 reoords wtt.b ing in honor of Cnrl J.~ eCl llre. nnd ' Th e hel!l line rtf ilealinp: toves g:-r=.'=~I~·ici ieCUhi m, 02 eMlioh Ill I\OhIOI". rl~qage of ~ l ~v. Clarence ,Mendenhal.I, Elli ott W righI, I and f{,lIl!rh il, I hi, lIar! [ f Ohio. on d cII'wI&iji)U(parnlue/60.000.0o eells. W IIYUBSV to, w J ~ m es Sat ter th waite aud Ke nnelh Ihe pl'kl'~ art' I,)\\,. as J bought them O·.!ieb~:.:'~":."C(:'t! K llbotl. I Ill-for~, ·he I "I t "0 ud\'llnc'cs in the~e ' latenI for 8tate or ollier q od~ [)Ol l[ )lu I it It as th ey Il r~ dero-a!;u: i: bODdi(o~;:~: Translating BIble Into Ch inese. Mr . nnd l\lrs, I{ G Cruss ,e~lt'r.J ~"iIlK fll tll. dlili tl\l.' 11 'x( will lJe very 1.&,*" Bondal and C8I1U1. tained a l 12 o 'clock dinner on I' tltl ay . ,' mll~h higlJ. r A l till' old Sian". ca. . otlnd.bted..- ..... SO,OOO,OO At l en t 1,0100.000 hilS been spent Mr a nd Mrs P'dTho mas.Mr , .J orn l'~ A. H, ' IDE ' LI,*,~Lou BuIlda, "opledged, 100,00 «'urlng th e InRt huudred years In the Benham a nd Miss Lillie Ben ham. in II ~ ""':O:h~ u.":. ":~dit trnnslntloDs of the Blbl Inlo the ho nor of Mrs. Thomas ' and 1111" . --- - - - - DIednd 10 IICW'II poelal .avlaDlI1lngeli spoken In ·hlnn. More thno Iap~d.~ ..... ' . 0,000.00 b Cro!lS' birt hday. ileiiiiiilMlo&hwtbaD 0.8, boudJI tro mlssloDllrlcs 116ve given tile e8~ <- 1ncIII<lIq docIIal o_ed , iuuIIedncI ....... UR,.ltI,88 iI Jears or their lives to the work, 8~~'::~aneoct:1=\t: 1 8~, I SJ. G ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!~ A gay hunt ing PArty i s in pr gr ~J ,_ Baak8t.ock . ..... B '" 8,00 0,00 ::= this afternoon at the llome of Mr , S~~~t~~J)'~ 6,200.00 James at te rthwaite, of Route 2'1 d Value cifbaDI&I.IW bollMl........ 8,OQO.00 li ne turkey was served to the f~1 1 ow The following nllnl \Jersons will 'L&wh&l_,.."jtb l!'eCIerai RiI","'8.'6 ing guests: Clarence l'I'h mde nhall , noL ull.ow 1]untinll 0\1 th ir' premi es, ~ oJ:1: iI.raiDoilA'ti • and,Carl McClure, of the Oklahoma . and will p ro. ec ule any ofl'ende rs to duelroal DCIoDaJ b&IIke . ... .,,70 •.79 U S. N :. Ethan tane, Elli ott ~he full extent of t he law: ~Il fWld . "Ilb U. S. 9nMUIW .od dUIIlrom U. S. Good Things to Eat Wr i2ht and Irving Welch. MaTtin Gons lD=-..rDeiiitia'iiO'Cciitecied UOO 00 S lh Furna~' (apDIOXlJDa_l ...... · .. .. .... 5.88..01 Oysters IAaae jJ on To... .... ........... .... 1687.71J.a1 ~gemont Crackers Everelt uhbs LIABILITIES ' Sweet and Sour Pickles ~OE H nry :-:a ter t hwnile C.plael oIock pold In . ...... ,.. 100.000.00 Bulk' and Canned K raut Elias .!Illsbse lurdu. fImd.......... .... .. 80.000.00 New Prunes, New Raisins . il'ranli tllsr II u~~=~ : ~~~:m: u 28,'I6J . 4' Dried P~ches; Mince Meat Frank Bl'IIchlock la_fUul dIiIcoun' coUded ' Beans of all kinds &nl Ho kelt (.PP!!.t.:,....) . g,u. New New Y"lIow and Wbite Meal , Ed l' urnns and nOY!\ ~~~~~=t, NatioUl 60,000.00 New F'lake and Cracked Hominv ~16i oi'lieDia' 'ii ·.ad 'ii I: 5,000.00 Bulk Data, New Oat meal ..-.-----~".~."-~--------~~ The ladies of t he fi' tiends' Church . lDtUYIiliUi' dariQ.i~ . .u:J::oN~ Grape fruit, Grspes . of Harveysburg. g a\'e an all ·day ~;,rd_idii"iri i4iM m,080.30 Oranges, Bananas sewing last Thursday. F lying ne dl s Celery, Craoberries T.:r~!Td.DOii&im:i;6.iO 2,1.08.00 and humming I1'1nchincs made several Dates, Fig!!, Fancy Apples ......a eaytnp de\lOlt......... . '67,81 IIlllcks of neat, well·made garments Toael 01 .... depoelte lubleet to~ •• • ••••••• 167. 8' for th'e destitute peopl e of F rance. Spedal for Saturday only WarloloD d.poeIl n,ooo,oo An e.xcellent bot I ~' nc heon was servell ' 10 Bars Lenox Soap only .... .. 45c ToW .................... ,.81.771. II to all present. Althoug h this r elief 10 Bars Clean Easy only .. .... ,45c work belongs to tlt e Fri er.ds lhey are !!TATa 0" OKlO. WARREN COUNTY,BS: 1'0 Bars Flake White only ... · 56c. glad of help in labor and money from -r--~'. ~~kmc:r;~w:' ~,~~: , 'I h~~e fnrm !l nr o' l nlllfOYo d, ~ny one willing 10 ,c o·op erate . Bring U8 ybur Chickens, Turkeys, ~ft * ' - , fa vue to Ue bel. ot m, J1rat elnR~ Md h l>ln g wo rkod Ducks and Eggs It will pay IuIowledile &Dd,~tiu.R'l'SOCK, OuhIer, ' no\\" Ln rge !lI lt! SOl II lrn 'l~. 11I~a... Uld .WOl'll to before me tblll you to trade at YOII~ve III'nrd or Florldn " 'nII~ot Roy. lin. K. V. B~l' Janos, hut yo u llOl'CI' hellrtl " Oorrect A~tee': W. ILNrt3:~b to. or lb ol'~ PI\I'\I ' 111~r fllrms or· • , . '0. T. HAWKBl, 'lercd bl Ilre, Wrll' me n nd


IeCall's M ag a z in e . . : . . , . ... , ... . . , ' 1 50 McClu r e's ~ Ia gaz in " , . . . , .. . . , ' , .. . 3.0(l rrIetr p o lilan M aga z in e . . . . , . . .. , ... . 3,00

they ar e

We fir ml.y believe t ha t it be\ao?veR t he council l\n,d wate r Ilnd light board to look tn fo lh t! matt e r, of bet te r lig- hUnS! f it ics. , and also to Oil rate nt tho ~lI gh t e~t (,XII nsetllal of using wa te r pO'Ner , Jt i ~ so ~imple tu get and Ih e l'e n eve r is,a

IWIl',iilsl pill ,\ car ol C I~ \1 r-: '\'.1 in o u r hou : l ', Lilli f lII'l1 isIt \ ' 0 11

RBSOUltOB8. LoUlllUddl8co\lDte .... . . , .. !

='Ud '

l.. itll<; F o l ks i\1agaiin ., ... . . . . . " . , . 3.00


' I:

1.50 2.25 1.20 2.00 2.00

( UnL lI F rll rut>ry I , 191 "1 •

~~u~t~it~i~~~;~rl'l~I~~utolh~O J~I~ I~I~;i"

t.o~" have to gUC~l! at Whlll

(lur Pr l~ e

. 2.50 .. 2,00 2,50 7.00 200 2'.70 2,00 6.00 2.00

... .. . .... . $:3,00 Ame rica n i\Jagaz in c, ... \ l~ Oll l JDIIUUI')' I. 19 1"I Bas uul\ '1 ,gaz ill ' .. . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . 3.00 Br tier ' a ze ll , . ... . '.' , ... - . , . . , , 3.00 .00 Centur y Maga7. ine, , , , " .. , I , • , , , • • D e lilleator . . , . .. ,' .. .. ' ..... .... , .. , . 3.00 3.00 E tud e, . . . .. .. .. .' . . . ..... . .... . . Bver y h ly's Ma g azin e , , ... .. . . , .. , ', . 300 .00 Harpe rs ' [agaz ine . . . .. . , ' , . . .....• , llIu. t ra t l'd \ oriel . , , , .. , . , , , , . , , .. . . 3.00 (lInlll JIIlluory I. Oi l ) L 'a dies' World , ., .. . . . , .. , " ,.,., . ... 2.00



t I * - - - - ------~



of Cement ~~~~ ~V~~~" llI~~II~;;t~ ~A~l~~~tbb~o ~~~" clIred to Ki ve t ht' bc~t of r es u\t!1 10 the con~ume r ,


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I n~itll an~' ;:: ---- -cd .




~ pl'each

1iJ1'===:I'I:II'===9:1I'::=5:::Jn:JiE - ::J I!I [I===:li[:J r:I==:::lU!I['=:=:=::11 [:.J [i=:=:::::11 r:J No. 2220

ReRu lar



Pu zz les Pop-Guns

ACCOUNT OF COAL •• MAGAZINES •• The (lltl q u sUon of ' " Where \Va~ FOR TWO YEARS I>.cs wh en tho lights went out" carl

'urSI) witl" '('U t Ull rid!ly . 1 On Ihlll, 1:1'1'UIllj! , 'e \\'i1, liaH' with


Building Outfits


\Viilan! tt HI, til", ,'\'l'Il,known iJl! to Waynesvill e torhouse th e Wll'er olls[m'.1ulld t,'IlII'rtllllwr ,! pI atapplied felY nights, 'I'he power " W l J ' sh ut do w II becllu ~ thl:!c wall no I TbocJ'p,':rdv"l' llfiC ·:;sL1u'\,. nlllht·. COttl.lln,l t h citizenso(the burg.du g umn1. W.l ) I'."<\'nt.~tI 0 U, !'row~'.t'J 'U I whuL lamps h y could .f rom tJu, El house on 1 m""h' e\,(,IIII1~ I I e g arrel . lind tried t/) be 'cl,eer-ful. , thrc!lt~!tl..-;d ,!llrkll"'~ \\'I1~ HapPily Th . I.)ue, lillrt vf coa l 'h all bet'll1 II . vertltl n d m'l\·.l:h"t'\ndlll~ I th e SHil)u6 011 to th i~ com muui ty f or , IIH',lem -nt I',. (' Ill. r. lJlL'l 1111 "'u~ fillc,d se \' ral wElek~. Occui!ionall y U cai' of to Itli II I'" '1" cOlli would a rri ve her e li nd citizens _ I "h . w re taken ~are of os fast as Ul ey r., 1. e !"c:ho'JI ' .. I , J :I V:W ,.~I'1I1 clwlll be a ccommoUat~d . L: until MOIl(I ,\y tI.Urlll~ \\1~l!'h lllll" This litt le inciJ nt should m ke ~ I ,, ~c.h e.rR [I III I {IIII'll" \I l'Il' IlJIIY ':1 t~1I1 ou r clliz ns thin k Ino're of the IJorury l'1! -ttl 'II \lr M:h,,1I1 ut"\'III~:; . P t O I)o~itiol\ than ever before , If we • - had h:lfl wllter power Lhe li ght Quell' lion would nor b ther us a p article. EVl!1l whil II I work on this a rtic.1 , l () u' clock il') th n mo rninJ(. it is a


P ia n os Tra ins Sand O u t fi t s

Hand Cars Horses

,I. th,. '.":::I";:::'~L::,:I (!~, 7~h', HOOl NOTES


. I f I ' k b t This is the qtll~ercst a nd most unlls u a . ear o r t oy:; w e l ave e \ e~ -110W ll , U ' we have i11ustra~ed that in thi country w e c an ma ke plcud id t o s and ran pr ud ly · Alnel'I' ''n-ca b a nd every on of the m . 'to)' )and t h i~ ).·ear is mark them Made In

m .

l1 111 ~ .~ l.i


----------1 1WITHOUT LIGHTS

HYMAN'S ~Jl::Je===:J£i]r=I:::a'J


' pecialist in ' reliev inl{ Eye·Strain lind Improving Defec tive Vision ' by Glas es . Office'" ami l?ilting 'Room '1 013 So u Lh Det l\ .it Stleet , Wit,h 'rIFF NY JEWERY 'Store X(!n ia, Ohio '

Must Guard Agaln$t Echo. 'rhe possllJlll tle ot nu echo IJnI'e to be t uken Into nCCf)unt by tit urchltectl! nnd build ers of nil ('luhllc I)u I 1\1. - - - - - - .. - Ings, sucll 11 9 III II le I's , hnll!! nnd ' cburchcR, wherpN' ons ~ l'e til ~penk I\u/l m u~t be hen l'(j hy f,t h(>I'S , Unl SB • they ,nrc "cry ellretn l ~hl' "'Hil s nn d [~still' in the Jun'k ' pu . ellS. Save Celllll f,lR Olay be urr/t ns'd so ! h nt ~lI 'your Ju nk to) hIm~hd he will , when nn une .8lug~ or . flP:Ok!l In the ~n.lIl)h you fllli.! g \:t i t. LeIwe orders room ther e IA IIU h nil ech o (hnt It . at Wh ile'!! g l'ocery for all kinds of Interferes w ltl! the lIJuslc or sp,e nk· . I In~ ,

---~ .-

We have in stock, everything ·kept In a first-class Harness Shop.

...- ---

,EAR'IU:o' A. am

~ '~~~.




Mrs Susan Eberly · dted at her home on North Main street McJnday afternoon at 4:80 o'clock, aUer a lonlf llIneS8, The deceasea was the wi~e of I he late Pe t~r Eberly . The furrer, al will toke place Friday morning. at o'clock at tbe bouse. , .


l'ri-State Rewards Loyalty Appreeiatlon of regular patronage has always .been one of ~he car· dlnal prfnelpala of TRI STATE dealings. ,A Bond IS enclosed WIth each



, Tboa..ncia of' TRI STATE Patrons will do tbeir Christmas Shop ' plDgwlth tbeTrI·State Bonds. Wrjte for free catalog iIlustraling the veat valulof TRI-STATE Honds, Sbipyour next can to



The Salad King. That men I llIl Y Il l ull n ,fu me /lnd 1 1I ~1 Ing nW\IIOI'.I' (1Il'olll:h curlfl\l i!t (J(' '111 ,11 ' tlons I. \' lrl ~n~I'tl by the t nat thnt 11 YOlln!: Fr t1dt 1U,)l liunnn nmo '(I UI,u "1 O'Altllr;lIl1(·. \\ 11'1 lied from th 1,' I'Pll eh revolll tlon rp 1.0n,111n, Is kDown to tbttlllY liS '''1'ltl1 Snhld Klog." He Illl\de hr" Uvlog by d l'e~~lng' Bl]lntl8 10 the Frellch


Mrs .' Edytn M . Tibbals djed at the ami ValleY .' Boepital at 9ayton, Slllni1~,O morning, after 'undergoinlf .Mrs, 1ibbals is the of Mr, . and Mrs: John Heligh,way 'of Wellman. · 'The fu· held.Tuesday afternoon at 'from her ' l-.te home. In tArment in ' Mla~i cemeter)"

George 0, MbtCIJ. of Lebanon. who w8llstri('ken with paralysiI! Bev era! d8Js ags, dle~ at bis borne in J..ebanon Sunday mornIng at- 5:S() , (The bome of 25,000 eream producers) olelock. having neyer regalnlld con lind I lnlluu 1\' 1I ~' s-then ' un1rnown III cjousnet!l!l The deeeaaed was well I!loglnnd- nn,l ~() on Qbto lned grent 10' '!be TrloState baa p1Id 50 CENTS per pound for Butter Fat since Drive You known throughout this territory, an<l eal tnlne "nil hI title. O:tober 29th, ' dnrlng the paat few years.built up a Place fine mali-order businesa. Mr. March .all a man of affairs in bis town, l'ricII thIa MIll . ,~,yIJ!IIl'. great many intel'Elllbi besides PER , PO UND PI... for Everything. "-,..... 36... to -ror"Jan't abe Ir beauty?" "She hIlS own to 10ulHlfter The funeral was beld Tueed., morning from bli BUTTER FAT' more beaut,. thao Beose. lilY boy." . . . . . .3. 2ad late borne aDd 1VU private. Inter. oq, "That', all rt;ht. Wbe.n I want "Nt .. ~~. .~~~~__________~____~_____________ ~ml~~Ow~~~· ~1i----IJIII!I_"'iIIIII· ment in LehlDoacemeterrt_




This Week Our Laundry ,


, . Wash Bench '·


Tubs " Boards Baiter Clothe s Pins Ironing Boards S ad Irons: ' Electric Drying Rack ' ,


, w~


Kitchen Sets Flour Sifters Stoves ' 1'a-bles " Chairs

Dining -Swings


, Hammocks

Next Week for the Boye ·. SpeCialist Ib BatpJDI


I;.___......~. . .~........_ . _• • ~

t:)ixty~Ninth Year

j"PiioiLiEijil ..




fOR · RED 'CROSS Mr.·J O. Cartwright. Chairman, Waynesville Branch. A R C., My dear Mr. Cartwright: A: nation wide Christmas Membpr . ship Drive has been planned by the Red Cross War Council; to 'bring li p the Red CtOll9 membe rship to fi fteen million in the United Slates. is Ihe goal of the ca'mpai(ln. The drive is to atart Dt!cellober 17th and continue t o Chrislllll18 Eve. As· thi~ is oOr . first Chri~tmas in the world war, we 8hould tie thinking of serv ice rather than festivities. We want to do our best In Warren County and Olll' chairman, Mr; Parks. ill askinll' every braAch of t he Chap· ter to organi"e BOon as po!OSible IIl!d be ready for work MAKE lT A RED L:ROSS GH RISTMAS is to be the recruiting sl n~an . ' With bellt wishes for a s uccessfu l campllilln in your Branch. I urn Sincerely yours, ' Grace R. King, Secretsry. Warren County Chbpler. A, H. .C --. it'ollowing the instructions cantalned In the above letter committees will be nsmed in every community coverPd b~ our , brnnch t o 80li~it m~R'bcrahlp durmg Lhe week begm· . lng Decem~er 17th. All . 1D~mbcr8 of WaynesVille Branch, are )(Ivlt pd to be active in t his cllmpaign whether named on a committee or not J. O. Cartwright. Chllirman



Miss RUlh Har lsnck haHbeen quite

, I


.....--------....----............----~~------------- -------..---~---.s~--....----~.a(~ (



jiSOiETYEVENTS-"fIINTERESTIN( , . - - --~. lETTER fROM Mr, and Mrs, Charles. Grown en · t er taineri at Il family dinner Thank sIliving.

Dr. Dill, O!lteopnth, 21 S. i3ro ad way. Lebanon . ~hio . W . .S. Haines is very ill at his home Oil '1'hiru stret! t . Har ry COOIJer. /J f hicllll'o. BIl lit Und Hy here with relatives H H Kelly speut Thanksg iving ' uy with ,relatlves in Colum bus, . . , Mr. H. Bradley, of Mllf?rti:-OhlO. spent Sunday he re With fn ends.


Mr~ Winnie B"eirnie. of Cincinnati visited .relati ves here IlIlIt Wedn e~d ay .

M' Es I R lr h ISS t .oc ev . spen.t l e we~k , end With friends 11\ Milford, OhiO . Mr~ . Fannie ' Bllu,ton. of Spring Vlliley villi ted Miss Helen t1ainell la8t week.

ft is mess tim e in a camp "so mtwhtre in France" wb.ere the Amerian cJ<peditlonary force is 5 ta~ioned . Also it near the tigh~ g lin es; ho.w near 110 one is privilti_ to tell, Suffice It to say ·that in this place Gen . Pershing's men .,I' e ulldergoing tll " lini hing training which will p"~are t'h m for the rigors of trell ch warfa .. during the winter, now III I05 t at hautl, The soldiers are' lit dri ll. Wben they r eturn it i, very likely tbat they will be able to eat tacks. But ,. I' food to be srn·cd Is of the best and Ih e r~;' plenty of iit. Note the camouflaged tent at the right and the loog mess· ·,, 1 hehind the lidd stores. The picture Is a peaceful one: a,~ shown h..e, and in tbis environment Thanlugiving w;u '" by many of th e men, . I<

St. Mary's Guild .will meet wilh Mrs . E. V. Barnhart on 'l'hursday afternoon. Mr . and Mrs. W,. H. Allen spent Thursday and Fridiiy witb relatives in Cincinnati.

Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hart80ck. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright and Mr~ and Mrs, Ira Bigony. of Lebanon, were invited to partake of a perfectly appointed' dinner at the home of Mr, and Mn, George Cropper. of Lebanon; last Friday eve!ling.

Lon Bel:kett lefl Monday morning for a tour days' visit witb relative~ in CYnthiall8. ~y. . _ Stephen Phillips, of Washington. C· H ... ,llpentr the week·end Wi.t h, his aj8te~ . Mie Ann Phillip~. .




The following families tilld their uIUal turkey dhiner at the home'of J, 0, Cartwright 'J.1nlUlklglving Day: AmlaDda Wrlllht. J . Edward8, E . S Baily, J. B. Chapman. · R. M. Hawke. C. W. Barnett, E. V. Barnbart', G, W. Hawke. Jamea McClu.r e, Julia Donovan and J. O. Cartwrilrht.


(" te is a cOlllpany of Aillcrlcan . sl)ldiers after a cfrill ~n a picturesque little village in France. The men are at - . .11'. awai ting Ihe arrival of offIcers hl the automobile in the nabt baclqp-ollnd for Inspection. There u:e _ , Iiucb " aRica drilling daily in places like this. 'l1te expeditionary f.srce under Gen. Pershing ha" been divided .In luch II that the .\'ariou5 units may become- familiar with the cou.n lry in whieh they arc training. Needlas to lay, tbe AMer· in t.he pink 01 CI5~dilion : as t.he pictur e clearly shows. · Theae Sammla will 10011 be IO~ -·over tIao COp. r Ihe Kaise.·s men . And they'll get them wben they start. too. . _._ . .. __. .. _ _ .. . . , , _ .• • llrt.


IRED'· 'CR·,0=5"S

·HAVE'. .

Mr. ElI~!'tt 'Y,rlght wu hoat to an evening stag party lut Friday. The evening w~ s~nt very pl~ a!ltly playlne 600 , and those \0.





And wUI ~8r~y a fun nne of \

G()odyea~ Tires Accessories·:: . an¢(. .,. ·. Havol~ne Oil 'and'Gre'a ses '. ,


D~~at~j.ed ~Icohdl Full Li';~ of .Fo,d Parts Sto~ale , D~j 'and Night Se~~ice

~·frtDch Motorcar ·CO. ....AINO.N . OHIO .


Aft~r a week of datkne8B In town tlte lights were t u rned on Suu day eveni"lT. 1\ car of coal arrived hflre .. tlJI'dllY ' vening It i ~ald Ihat1 1\e C.-Jill ciea lers have guar· Iin\lled a clidoad of '~0a. 1 every monlh no w 011 for the power house The local . al dp.alerP are havin/l their trollbl s h lJ\ ever One dealel haa hlld th e pl'omi ~e of cQal for thl' past' lh~r tY davp, hut it has failed t~ m8t-~rialize a~ ye t. S( veral people illlhe town. are' very rho l on cllal and are burning wood a8 a s ulisUlute

----- -

. '


Frank Evans.

COUNIY'S HIOHE·ST KUban. Refreshments were served. Harrl Cook. Herman Evans. lAw· Mr. and Mn. James McClure en. be:':I:tI~s, Wilbur Shleldll and M. YIELD OF CORN who ~l~r:,l~ ai:~~~th!~:~~~eJl • We wish to thlUlk our maoll friends enjoyed the dinner and evening and neighbors, wbo so kindly BlBIIted Ofl


SUIl8U Kreider Eberly, wife of the late Peter Eberly, was born In Stras burg , Pa " January 19, lSSl, aJU! passed peacefully away .Nevember 26.1917, aged 86 years, · n months and rj lIayl. There aTfllett to mourn one daughter. one lister. two ltep · dauKhte..... eleven arandchUdren und nine great 'g randchildren. She united with the Methodllt Episcopal church in.l~l ~d bas Ii,ed a devoted chrlltam life. In her lut alcknes8 w.h lch ~aa fifty· three weeke. she was never beaN to murmur. or complain. Often expreuinll a'd.ire to abide with h.r 88&v_Iy Father. "who il.oeth all thinll well ." So we bow in humble lubmilSion. believing Ihe ia not desd. "But lIVes." ' ,

Letlla Satterthwaite and Kenneth p ..11 bearers were:

. I ---. . were tha Mi&ses Lillian Wilkerson. The c~mmjttee on entertainment Wayn~vllle Branch American Red Warren county's highest I Id HeJen Ba~ett, of fipring Valley. has pr;ovlded a great treat for ,CroBS have the good fortulle to an· corn at fhe peateat profit· YI' th Mable Sahsbury, Edna Cornell. the . 'Men of Waynt'SviIJ e" meeting : nounce lhat they have booked Lfedt.. conte8t8 conducted thlll yea •b nObi' Messrs. earl McClure. Ethan Grane. held TuesdAy Ilvening. Ivan S Ro~lter to Iec:tureat School State Unlveralty haa jOlt eom~ Van Retallick and Elliott Wrig'ht. l~th . Besides an elaborate Hall on .rrld~y el'enmg, Deeemb~~ puted !Ul108.51 buehels, with a profit --. - - -- dinner they h~ve sec~red ~ speaker 14t'!. on Behmd the German Lines,. ,0("$88:C8 This record was made by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Atkinson . of for th!! occasion MUJor Bldhop. of Lieut. Ro88iter went to France \O ' lvln Mercer. of Lebanon. who winl near Harveysbllrg. . entertained at the Royal Aero Sguadron. of Gr«;at 1914 as a m~m~er ot. the Canadla~ the ·trip to Wlllhlngton nfl'j!rfOn by Tbankegivina' dinner the following who has 0. ~n covered w!th Mounted Rifle, was In the engalle Lewis Bros. and Supt 1"IHel",r gueats: Mr. ank Mrs. Will Schuler m~a. by the British ~overnm~nl ments at Lees, YplI'es and Sanctuary Hawk, of Lebanon, to tbe boy mu. and children and Mrs. John Venable. for h'8 many succegsful and dlmng Woogi W88 woundEid and captured Inling the beat reeordin Warren County. of Waynesville. Mrs. Carl Fisher and at~ckil C!n .t.,,: Germ!!:n ~ero p hl1l,e!! the'last engnllement an~ spent near· The other wlnnen for thl. county son, Lanar. of Hamilton; Mrs, Lucy Major BIshop IS tp.m~o rartly !oclfted Iy a year in German mihtary prisons. art!: Elwyn Stubb" of WaynnvilJe. Dines and sonB, Kenneth and Ernest, atthe ~cCoo~ aviation field at Day· He 1I~ a wonderful Itory to tell. with 101'. 6 buabtll., at • profit of and daughter, Louise. of West E lk. Musl.c by ,a chorus from High '77.~ Wfnnlit. the trip ooftered by ton. ton, OhIQ. . . • _ --'_ _ ~~I under the cilrectlon , of Mlu Aunltat Bro. .&: Sprenar. of Lebanon; . " ~:~ member of the Red Cross Elm.r .AuPPlrv.r. of ~Iddlefield. . ~r. and Mrs: Johl.' Venable enter· should be a booster for this meeting W~th : 93.97 bueh,ll, profit 17421. tamed at Sunday dIDner the followtheproeeeds 0 to the local branch w nDlDg th. trip offered by ~rench Ing gueats, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Em· " All seats res!rvE!d Plat at Jan. Bro. Bauer of Clnclnnah; Otto ley. and son, Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. . 'T' k d . Its " ,,~- Cblld Rhoadea. of Lebanon. with 74.28 Frank Venable, Mr and Mrs. Val ~~~:~ 15 I~t;~ts, au".,.;. ~e~ bUlheJs. profit '57.10, ~inning the Venable, Mr, and Mrs. ",ill Schuler . . ~ . trlJ). offered by OregonIa Farmer', and children, Mr. Sam Davi s. Mr. InRutute. of ~regonla, Elliot Fox and Mr. Woodrow Collins, . - - -- -- -.TIi~ best record In the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Atkinson aud '~Fan' N..:.._ '-'::wwwion , d,lstrJct of tbe stat~ Wall daullhter, of Waynesvill e; Mr, u~d A bullet in is.~ued by the Adjutant LlU&U1!j ~ )' c;Jrrest G , Campbell, of Mn Carlit~isher lind sun, of Hamil· General calls sttention to the neces· With 1212 buebe/8, ptpfit $98 ton; Mrs. Lucy Dines and ch il dren, of sity df Teg i ~trant keeping tbe . - _ , -_ _00II1"..,,,,,-----CC ; takes the trip offered 'by Willy. Weat Elkton · Mr. and Mr!l. Emmet Local Ildvised of his .~ 'V" Overland Co. of Toledo. Belt.z and daughter. Mr. Moses Kirr~~~ bound by Isw to J - --, • ~ • by. of Lebanon; Mr. AI Atkin~on , of nla i,,',nl'''''',.f of proceedings oC the Oreg9 . k respect 10 them: and so or failure to return tothe questions wi thin aired . may result in !.he losing Iiis right tl) claim "y,......'tI"n or 'd ~fe rr ed clas,ojf\canon U ... ·I 'of the Ql estions tb th e W. N .- SEARS will, begin ahout t ~e mid ' A ,"ction.." . Dl!cember. 'Po raile mone, to, purchase rna· teri.1' fBr Red Cl'OIIi w.ork .the Jolly ·Matrons adopted the following plan: Each member' Invited fifteen ladiet to spend Tuesday afternoon wlti) her, requl'.l!ting each one to bring a dime. 'A pleasant eoc:lal time .".. spent with knitting. etc, and tea 8nd waferll were llerved. A neat sum was reslized .



CI~~,,:eM~=ehh~~l o~c!i!:rOki: in;~~ {~~~!c'k~~e~~;rli~~V"he~~: : boma. Ethan Cran~. H,-uls Moaher. Rev. Ii. T , Coontz, officiatiDg'. The




. Mr . and Mrs . J . E. Jann Ety arlu family and Mr. and Mrs, F rank Zell G J, Waterhousll wri tes us th e were entertai ned at the ho ~ pitah l e followi'l g news from Camp Sheriden : home of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Haw ke "We have joined the Montgomery Sllnday. Masonic club. and find it a nice place. "I'l1 e clu)' rooms· are equipped with Mr. and Mrs. Hur ry Sh rwnod po.,l tables. libra ry. desks and ga ve a family linn er Thallksl':iving ~tlit iOI1('I"Y' w.i~b which to write. and a Uayto ' Mr.anclMrs. J . E:. I,' razi r. fine dance hall. They are g reat on, Mr . Emel Mrs. Wm . Shel'\vnod. Mrs dKltce down here. Sadie Zell, and Mi~s Hazell iley , "Tile boys or the 147th were tickled to pieces the other day wben Mr and Mrs. Mllrion Osbo rn gave ul. Galbraith was re·established in old command. and when he sifted a dance at their home nea r Hnr veys. hiA officers of t be regiment and gave' burl!' on ISlIt Saturday ev ening , Ad the us afl our cap tain. Capt. Earl Mc· i8 usual at their dances Lhbrc was u CrearyIhe bOYIl went wild with large crchvd prestlnt and · ail had a joy : it WBsay. S lik e getling mon{:y from very plealsnt time. home. "It looks funny to aee men going Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Raper enter- aro und in their shirt sleeve. in Det ained at a 'Fhanksglving Day dinner cember, but it is commtJn to see that the following fuests: Rev. amI Mrs. bere, They lIay it gets pretty cool H. T Coontz. Or. and Mrs. J W. down he re, though . In February ind Ward. Mr. and Mrs . Charles Hough; we may have use for overcoats then. / ~ "We are all busy at intensive Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell and Mr. training, and do not have much time Kennelh Hough. fo r anything elee but drill. We are drilling in gas masks, trench work • • Mrs. Hope Stiles and family, had band grenades and o~en order. as their guests Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hatfield and Emma Buckels. of Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. H. .; , Weaver, and daughter. Miss Mar· Ita ret. of Sprinllfield. Ohio,

MiBS Helen Barnett, of Spring Valley. was tlie gUllat of relatives here Saturday."

On December 6. '1 Rnd 8. at the ' U M.. White arrived. home Sunday Mem·o rial HIlIl. Dayton. Oh'o, 8 eyening. after a fi ne visit with his monlter Indo.r Winter Fair and Parents at Owens oro, Ky. • . Carnival will be R'ivtln for the benefit of the A. B: F. B Permanent Blind I. . Relief War Fund. Governor Cox , MI'!!..Mary ~dSm9,. of Kal)8I1I' Olt-y, will 'be prt'll8nt Thuriday evening, ~o:, w.11l arrlv~ thiS .ev~.nmg for a December 6 at 8 o'clock. to formally V18) t With relatives and frIends. P.P8D the Fair, which will rUll atter· ' . n9OJl.loand even1ng8 of tbe twCo dlYs Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Atklmllm had followinH: . . . . ~ their ,\\·ee¥. end g~GIJtll th ir cous'l'\1t, ,FaIr arid ~tval WIll be io, Kenneth Di~eB, of West Elkton. ~ven under the dlreelion of Mrs.·M Lowe-Glddis, .chah'man of the local , of the A, 8 ' F. Boo ably , ~~. and Mrs. J oh n Venab.le.enter• ....ted by leadin" 9OCiet.y women of , tl'med from Thu~ay ·until ~unday tbeir, grandaughter. ~\,)p reY Atkin· Featores of tile Carnival son. ; wllLhe a splendid military bana; 8 grE!8t chorus ' of - trained ' singers; M r and Mrs. John Sea~, of Green F.aney danc~ by , children; high clll$8 ville, Ohio. were the week·end guests vaudeville. There will be dancing of Mr and · Mrs. W. N. Sears and . throupout ,each aftel noon Bnd family. evenlnll. on the room)' iJanclng floor . AbOut the 'main Hoor will be ar: . Herman .Evans. of Columbus, al)d , r.anred booths beautifully decorat~. each to ~ell.reaent one of the· Alhl!d Wilbur ShIelds, of Sprinldleld, a~ nationS. ' Th_ booths. will be pre· tend ell the . funeral of Mrs . Suslln Iided over by the ladiea who are' Eberly Frldav. making the Fsir ~Ible. each in the coatiJme of the coun~ry whose booth On ,-ccount o(the Rev, J. ·F. Cad· abe attend~ wallllder having a'Cllse 0'1' 'pink· eye" ,. Only a small adm1811ion fee will.~e there were no services St. Mary's 'charged, fifteen eeilt~ .for grown .c hurch· Sunday. folQ arid ten c;ents to( ctiUdr;en ' , Plan to (lOrne "to Memorllll Hall Mn . Mary ChaICant and IOmetlm~ during t he · ~al... and tak4! pari In ttiil movement - a movement of Monongahela, Pa., ·have been the " which h .. lor Its llurpoee the relief lCuestli of !ler mother. Mrs. Klitherine ' of Iuff:erfng soldiers. brave men who Clark. of Corwin. ,. .; v foupl for ')'llIa - anll 'who ,now are tillnd~ for life. . , The · teachera Q{ the 'High Sehool spent their holidays at the following places: Beulah Khldler and Dorothy Mr. and Mrs L. E. Mcldaken.o Gebauer. Oxford : Josephine An. Detroit • .Mlcla. B~nt .1-.,10 <lays of drew8, Cfnclnnatl; E!lther Rockey. laat wIIBk wi~f( Mrs Viol.a Carey'and ,Milford; Rulh ProballCOj Wilmingtoni dauihter. MIBJ Alice. • ' ~lrrl~, Ro~erI8, Morrow.


Troops of Ameri~n' ExpediL'ionary Forc;e in French ~amps On · Last Leg of Journey to the Firing Lin.




Whole Number 3456


In various waYI especially Dr. Mary Cook whose untiring 4ICf0rts for her C'omfort never ceaBid, alIO ' Rev. Coontz for his consoling words, and Walter McClure and Son for their efficien t eervl«e. The :FamI1~. ----.-~



GENERAL PERSHING. TO BE SOLD "Gen.r. J'ershing" the ·{amou8 American Barred Rock Rooater owned by Mrs. ,E. S . Baily Is to be 90ld under th" hammer at the Bank Corner Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock and. thi proceeds to be do. lIaled to the Local Red Cross bY,Mn. Baily. .. "General Pershing" . is a splendid type of patriotic American Birc;l. IUId thc. biddingisexpeeted to be spirited. W .. N ~ear8 C. T. Hawke Auctioneers ~,



Sears & Cart~righ·t:·


'WilL HOLD BAZAR A bazar 18 to "e g'ven the mestic Art clua ' a~ the H OUl\e, ::saturday, De~l!tnber 8, 191 at 1 p. m. 'ille proCeedl will lie \ used to buy material to'mlke clothi'lg for tne Belgian chlldrin. ~ donated artlclea will be gladly · re.ceived ' \ .

.- ..---


Public Sale Conductors Wayne5vHte. Oh'lo

We are prepared· to handle aU kinds , of :' Public Sal~. ,Our experience andlwide acquaintance will get you ,the best po~~bl~ results. If Y0':l il:ltend makiDg a. Sale next spring. see us now for terms An4 date •.

T.r.,.Ma 06iOl-814








lH'1 ..II

I l Po '<1'1\\


lnfll,lnR nt hhll! th"I"'~ "1\ I' Jl!H'l'UUV. • " In h l'r \\"l!\llt'I'(1I1 , '~'" 111111 10'11 It, hh" 1"'l\lhl,'1I '\! , ,,11.1 h, hlill hl~ 11" :111 1,\ h"r I lil li, Ji'nr Illl: ;';"'''.' 11,1 Iiltlf' I", ("I I t l.. 1 1.. lwl1 nf a W\lIIlIII1'.. 11:11,,1, " 1,,1 h,·1

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"or" In



WltI\ n (otUI" n o

W(l llu ~ rl.\t.J ,

11 IH '


I .



Walter Chandler

Hello! Wake .'up! Be a BU5Y Bertha olrl le:,

pprn vHrI 11, 0.,.

, 1,11 ,' M 1~ 1 l\" II H. VI'I/!llt. (} ,' t" I\~!"\' t' I, - • ·Il l /1"., \ II I' C,I U II( I ~



14, lt ,', , .h.~ , m"lilrilll ~u" I"bur - rlp " "" l " j.ll . $28' 61): W B.' 1"III1~R A: l), • ,\lp. pllep f()r A udltnr p , lYl o' 4 1 : MlllIlli Gozott". ]Jrl tlllrl!l 'UX ,II Ill','" ~\l : Il: , DOlin I\ ,rO"ll.trllf't . $~3\l.lI il : 1<"'r"n4 lorellUt, t f' IlII)lIrnry rulI< W" J , $ 10; Waynesv]Jle, O. ~tokeB tlOU U rllh uUl. 0 1111 11 " , $27 2 1 A, T, U!Ott.lI\,(lO IlIl'IIOt,$17,f'-lIl, l llt IlIr & FrllDz, c nulrn "t" $~\l (: 1:1 , M Oyer POlItO!""" H f'tI~r Phnn ... I' ff ift. I'I,un. 71 8aru tt, oo nlrn u t. $1\ .ili; 1".11" ult \\' & t:;OII , ""UIO \Iv r,v r. ~ ~\lrV~v"r. 44 . 20: J'Ut;1\1\ ~'OIl'''I, 8111,,1.9 "~ •• llIu . ILor. $10; , 1, , ~ I I t O·f l.lIl\l"r)", ~r,I) ; 'l'he ,l ohu ' 0 1l ,~~VIII ~nn (;0" ~ullp\l,,~ E, .BARN H,ART. fo' I rot·l.te ,I ud ~", $·1 ii; ,I ~. Mor. r l~, r eou r " 1111.' ~ u" II.... 1" ,.l!',·OUli lfl Not~.ry Publlc,.I ud ll .... $6r. ~t: ,I . ' .1u,d~, 1011" d ~, b","k ~ ,,,,,I R \I~l p Ii N' 101' I r , ,,,, ure" 8 01llclt', :107 ·11 ; It ,I >-h .. " h"", tH·. A.)I kll"l!' Ilf N .r.ur.V Wn ' lI ron o ln:.: \Iltl l .. lit I' r l~n l ll l r , )" , I" 1'1\' , flO(\ OPfIrlp " I'Ip"ol. I' " ",," t(')U; lit""' " (h i" ' . Sa llln I Mlr~"(I .. . ftlH~ Il n\1 II ,~t,· , $12.1jll ; i''' ''''''I _-:-~==~_==--::"=~_==~ of nbln ", \ ~ It I ,, ·\\"~ , ftl,,~ II nil I Oll' t >l, $I~ lit I, -

BII111 tt.ll n wl,;l- \V




Comml loner" ~ Proceedfnll.8

<'1"" ,,1 hI .. ,,~.(')! wli ll \l )" 111(, ~I/!"ill~' hr" Iull, T).. tn ll Ie :I PIIl't" 1. 'f 1H'~(> I'IIUI< ' 1\ IIltl" Ilu q ""IIl /l " uml Llh",'" Prnbu l c Cuur t 1,111l. II I,\! 11 llllll!'h Illl.ll! so b III OIl L'. H(' I II 1111' ill ,!l IIr 111 I h. (t I I II, I I I,,'ur li hrs 11111 'Wr ""IIi1I1, h ('I' IL \ II hll 111 . ,l, t'!' ~~ e d. fhrr.v " ! ' \, Jlhul~'" Iu\' " I [h lei rll scur, I,ut I ney r, Ihollll ht: h(,'d do t h I t ,'1 he \ '1IIlIlI lI I" 'I\J ltO lI)U',1 .. ri IItllllttll~' '1IId; o.nd hi s Yoleo 'ouudt!ll que r to t rllll,t , !JIIIl.; ,O/). Jr' 11111 ' " " l ttl' " 1\1 ,I " h II I} Inclf' r , cle·· KI\7,un. oa,,,,/"!. Ftr~I, <lUU 1I 1,,,1 'IH'I'OIlIl!' III


• Q" " 'un" Ie tOWllllhlP,

In lb.

uur lllu,"<r. "




Th .. o Qr. brllk .... J lJon 't get out of

li(l n)l'll nl nn hl lr\U now, 1£0 ,,"oultl Into tno North. -1 0ur hnin to the d(tubJe lill P~() \, ,> tI · '1" r ic. WJl.h \he help uf 'rile MI racle. kill f r II ,'r. I I,' c r l llg ..d t<,wortl h N ', I Woudarful d ll Y ~ l llJ\ IlW 'II r r KI1ZIU1. KIIlltIn 1113 1Il1lt\' 111111 111(11111111,' 1'8, bill 111 \'h h)' 111"1\, hi" ,,~· ..s Ilt' n'\' ( " II,-rlll.!:. I L ml s 'c11 th ' flll'l'titS llll\l ,1 "' [1 S11\I\\'9, I II I ii " "N I ' I' • I" Ill' K . \\' rl /<t h t. era, nos \I 'IW ' n hl R 1MI' I'II\I''I, his II , h i' IIl'11 II h:1t I he limn ,,1101- "1.1I,,)! 1 J(~ mls,\'ll Ill \' dully Il'I Cc ,)f It" 1.111 .I, · , ~"" -t ,,, 1'1 1. 1 ', 1111 U I" , ' nt'IOIl'" I -the 4th ~r!u l lHt • .maCR.stne In .\ , nerICR. "Va.nlly V'alr" know. tt),ee Jj'llf el ~ ,", y ,t ' ''''I'Y (lI'IIP n f IHlI\\,,'I\ ! V ]<)k III t1ull ! " -nl itl Ill' ,hi" h'1I II Il lll) I , III 1m '~. tlw )'I\['IIIII\: ' i'. r o v ·' tt . " 'lin'. '4I,'ho .ntl wblc h III w hldl. the ' wll'l "ll~ld III Ills ",,1" 11.11., ho,ly 6I1l1f hh' I"" 1. 1111 nil hi"", r,1I hI IIrl \'l lit hl~ il l'\'J ~. III ' . lrl1ll:h t, liJll~ \lUll I" 11 " ... t " n' ('v r"" ',, ,\', ~l u rr ill ~~· : .~~ln~~nt~C' r~~~a~:1\~ '!ol ""118 ntclllg III IA f, 'rlfll.nt "f t'xl'! "'I1If'II~. hllll 11",'1;, 1 1\~ I'I/ltl III II n it' I nUl' he,1 0' I'r IllI' OIlL' n 'PIlC 11 111.1 IlIIl lin rr.II1~. d e 'I"'·' I I I I< 01 "",I tI"" I ," ' P'HIII t qulta .. lh e .. nUUIJ m. flawtnG.. V t.,WII attc1 rcu'l • ."." o uL ot th ",r'Oo,' e On ' very IIrrl' ntld fi hH hl l' \\'(l IH\rr- hrr tH lIlI' , I r(',,~. 111\11 ~h,' 1"..k.'tI lit hl lll, II,' lllJ ;<s~lI the "ho.)~h -ltO"$ II~Il""- 1" 1'1' o v · " ,1 t, •• ,,, n r t Ih " I. 11 11 a r t a nd b" ok. III.1Hl p. l)lllo tha l ful mu 'I" ,,'tiS tl'nKi' liS H I (I(~1 "lr,'. '\lIhOIlI'I II"I'II Il~, I wr w,. t l'Y "~ hIlIZil": Yll h !" o f Ihe 111'1",'1'. t1U' ';I II II'fli l ~1I:'Jl '1111' I ",.\ I III "' h' h "" I~ " ,1 \, . to un\--OQ tnu.elo f\t!.a anoto,,". d~n o tn g .nd a n d tn.• hlulu, fo !' Quarter. tmhll wolt, Ih," '{ '1IIII I'tl' r,; III", ~I " r~. If lli~ I'Y\:III.\·fo\.ll ~llrl hl)\I'l:"ut whIp, ,,(i rol , ·s· I " ,I,w"" tll t·.- t ll t" j.:~~:.~ h~;' 1 a.~ tl~ . h n"ro .p lrl~ "hUSky," 11 1111,1 1I\' I'd th e tlllll' YIJIII'S .. ' ~,'I" ~ hl' whl"I'(' rt'll . "~"I' !" a llli (hilt Yl>I JlIII l; tllld slrlllnll1l,( 1,,'11111.1 1,1 11. 111 ,' " , " • t t;,,, ""I," '" Spedal 01(01'- & l uu •• for SI , of 'llIs lifo In th wlhl~rU , • HI' I" II l'I ( I\\' h l~ 1111. 1.1.11' ' 11,,1\',,1,,\1 Im"ly U,," h l lll that (0\(1 h Ill ' Iw ha ,1 hl ~ (" II\lWl'p' \I ,.. ,' I .. I", ,- <II. rl"(" ': I~"'1. \1 t. It )'01.1 r Odvon Cl promOtl ). felt tb flUtl!l$I (lf tn r\·lItlon. ill' kll l'w wortl- ,Wl'r h " I' (""I, ,., h,' I' IIII', '" III 1111111 ' , Dill sVI1\l'l llluK 111,,1 cOll1 e 1\1 L "W I- 1' " 1' 1' It ll., I U~ II 1I IlI n·I ' I'''' r . ~ I'na no money n ow ·u nl~ yuu ,,,ttt" wi lilt it 'lnelhlJt I fr t'T.I'. 1'Ie IIlHI fit I II~t Ittllt' lh,.l I h,' 11' 11 1'''' IItll" hll'lll , Illite til pt" ce o C IhnL whi ch ~"lUi ':<,'11 , l:t ~"j :;;.1')1'1 ,l 'l hl\ 1... \" . ,1" 1,,, t o--J \UI\ m a.1I t he OOUI.OI\ t od rl Y. Fun~ral Olre"'tor lIstlle<l t Q (III wnlllng wind. nt'tlII' thnt IllY \lll' r,·. II ls .. ~,, ·,,\\' , ' r" "IJl l ll u ItWllijl{1lhl'ro'II1l, llI tllll llil'ullu l,l)ut ,,";CI' ll,'11 ~ n l 11,,1'\' I ~I"II :" , " 1" - - ~. ...... ... Vaulty Fair ]onl: Arctic nbrllt (I\',' r till' hllrrcns , It l ~ 11 r fll (', '; h ,. 'II\\' II fj "" "I' I hr"lthln" 10 h i III. "~I' n II'h n III' 1111'1 Or h is 1II,ls· Ii " ,,1 ... 1 n' ''1 ')I'''' ~ ,~ . It W, .tlh str e.&, N. T . (l. Ohio I &C1leut 3iP"-t orfer- 5 1•• uM c r thront lind 8Id~l! werr!\ IIl'n:d It). h: \ I· h r h n l'l' ,\hll,' I h 1'11:1 t. "rnl II",,, • tor wu~ nOl Ul'fl r. Wher '\' ~r s l ,' 1111,1 '1'1\.. 1 I III . J il L, I" . I l ill ti n V ll.nU." 'Fa. 'r. b •• tn.nlnllJ Ol!cemllfH', ..tie. and hi s i'Y' \\'(' 1'1' r,'d ,,-Itil 1110' Lr~",\lllll )! "r 11.'1' tl l'~ ,,~ ~lr .. 1,,"k",1 "II I b £I, II ' ( 'HI 1111 1110 Itn'~"ntc thu l ,,, , ,·,1 ,, , ,1\" ' I " , , I" .. h , I •• t or 11.. (Canaalal' ll ,t G: t"r.,hm • I. ISO.) t Inolu•• ,L ( n) ~1Id JUe bUstel' o.t tb,' 8I) O\\'~. W:IH cnll ''11 ntlhr lll llll wll ltllwnrnl" I·rull n.. k. ti c, olrllllll ' Ihl n!! Ib ut t OQI; 11\"111 hIs 11,\ II,,,, "",'!, . \ Ih,' , '" ". , btlL at a I.t. r -1£1'1'11 "; 1< Ka£8D. the WUd [")r, 11""11" " (' hu \l :lS lllO. klw lt " ....1'11 1,,'s"It' tt... II1 , I1l1d put IOIlIl I\II ~~ . . it WIlS the \l'u lllli ll SC 11 1, 1:1 ,'"":.,,, ' ." '" t.;. ,. It- II I. ,·". M t am mama.. 011" QUUPl'n llromoU,.. you ' wlll plelUl& lI'J nl't 111U a giant omoll!; bl~ kIna lind £IS fl'lI r, hi s Ilrlll IIh,lIl1 Ih' J':trl ,, ~ :) I" . IIlul Ill1 t- lind onJ('tlm 1; II 11 111( \ hi m \l'hlllt:' r.r \V . '11' nWllln.: I~ .. )tl' "101"11 ,, ~ Aul o FQuiplllenl the :NO\' c1Ah-er luu., tr • ot C b 'H,tI I), Tho V. ,nlh '_ l 'f) ll' P'l ll i'llI P"" " liI'" I 1. eveD, ns the m~n who !I r(l\'~ hi m tod I'he (Io\: ,n bls II r:rd. K a1.Jlll .tIll softly wll(' l1 Ih o /l'l rl II~ rsl'lt Wlm lI~ tll ' I' ." -II' I I , I , q II " , 1'. 1 " lna.ktD.l' 0 taauel 1n aU, Hor~ U r!l\\ II I!qullllllem B ' IlU' ( nl t-t l tt" u "111n H rl ")ol Ill" , w~u .througbtheltl~rIl80ftlrrn7." II " "I·I II . 1I0t IIk,' III ,' IIIlIlI'S tuurll. II,' 1lI1&- oily wllh him, I II' \l'iI ' n t ron t'I)" 1'lInkllll, I, .\ ,. ,: .. II '" I· ,..·. Name ••• •••••• , . .............. . .. . (Pl ..... writ. verY pl .. tn \y) t ' fn l wHir tb., \1 ,,· 1 d . fl I .. " Be Irnd , lle l' l"r knc)wll f " :II'- IIIlId lrllsl l'lI II. os nntllr' b at! 1.111);lIt hlrn 1I1!;h l~, w hen I", f'h oulll 11111' " 111''''11 <lIlt B l"l Wl I I ~ I I I H ' ,1\, ~ I' , ' .' ,', ", II 1J " " ~ .. r. A4dr. . . . . ... ........ . , • • • •.• • • •.• now. 80 bnel OC" l'r (-l'It I.n hilll i,,'fo,,·,' to /lll ~trus t 1111) t\lll 'II ot ull mru's h owling tIll,: ti I n rl!, Jl (' WI~~ lI ,t II 11,1, .. '1 " 1 ,,: I I. " \ .1.,, 1,. ,,' p eoll,II )' ~(l lHd.L f o r b . h ll~Y I II'lI' fJ l p , Cit,. .... : ......... St.t . ... .. .. . DA'Y OR NIOH1 T ELEPHONE 'r l 'lo, l'. r •. -U-ll tho d s ir tl, rUO- llill " "1'11 lin Ihll l bllUd , bllt be P l·rllllllet.l It bccnuse ho 10 11 lr, b.oell tls 0110 III j.(hl It 1 rllwh'll \) p Itlt.1 It glvtJ!! "I nlHl I(IHIIOt} not terrible db)' III the furet;1 1\' \1" 11 h" ,lt llli ~I\'I\' Ihll l It In ~Ilm(, WilY j\IU,t •.w] t he ubou t llu UI h e fOim ll tI crlllll! dUll r, M "';'H, ' I \ """. d ;"'I'.~(" 1 Il ",HI!' a t) l y tb e <laYAllf th e c urrml!. m o01 h, "Irl. • 'LUll whell the "'Irt urt 'n'lI tllnt (\ <or III L II,II', .0\.. B 11 11 11 ," ,, 11':"''''''1 '1'0\)1):1 1.. fought and Ikllkcl t h ' lllj.( J;:rul' 1 ~' lIx. " .. II r .. u 111>"1 ,t ... ,1 " ..." l., m lser~ hilI, tho e (If tb e m nnt ll pre otJ,llng It Willi hili fil'St Itllmu ' Qf <:11'\11 7.1111"1\, "KIl •.un. (11,1 ho~', y l'lU WOUldn't Iqnt the rooming s he f lltll1 hllli url 11 up' t1U I ~nd the m Olltl! '1ll1o w mg, nil on Ib e Be wlshOO thlt his mn sll'r \\,,'111111'111111' hcr, ",,'ultl ~'ou?" 6nlll his mnsler !loft;. tighL IIguln " t It. 'h e ho(\ r~ nched fi' r '" 1lt ';Vyll ',U '<\ I •• 1I V~ I'b n , o e IM t . At tllIJ ~RUlfl t.imtl' the 0,,1 . Cornmoll Pleas Coud " lOck loto thl! s Irn ng room wlll'I'<' II ,' Iy. "WI1 hol b l(lvlI her , don't we, bor' down RUt! L1ugg (\ him, the IllIck l' , vli., d 1<1 J' rll' II ~n!.· ,'f r ,Il' } olld. , HI deDI rallve In (1 ~81J<: n und bnd l~ him. It wlls n r\}(lm IIlIl'd wil li on't h l'l]1 lt. enn II' 1 And hc's our , smotber· of h er loog hnlr foiling aU US ' " I" ~ 'qlprllv".l. New ~ults SlIltllhlo fo r .. phi '0 'n Ib " " I'Rt ".)0111 hlrl~lIs thlnW!!. Til re w('r' grl'1I1 hll- K OZll U. ull urs I he bel(tnll~ to y'ou over Wm in 0. lI oLlgbl(ul perfume ; 1u I h(1 ,u~ It " r IIr tin, e~t. t e 1)1 Veterlnarv R ,)bMt K Bero,\'" VI! , Ir... W III U,S h· 'O~" it, I" gi \'flU "" "I I mon foc s on Ihe 11'1111. hnt til Y lilt! ODd t o me. nn~l wc'r" g.olnl! I.) IlIke • ... Ib,, " ' . ;\ U,I1,I, I I.c.''' ' · ll. 'A . Wi I! 8h~ , I find r~lI' 'I'un Yn llth 'oj (!nnt lnn lon not mov or l»:Il'uk, hnt sluri'll at 111111 core of her 1111 our li ve. nnel If we th(}!'cnftcr. he ploc d a l'ng b eto"" tt.e P ru:.\h I , "1'1)1)111 I ,' rl " "rllUhi~'r", Wlgl!lulI 1\.1\1 ,1 1(111 0 8 B I h t 'Il II'" I t I III door tor him to sl PP on. All throug h , I,rix HO ll o! t.:!f,(I(J M B " b lf!.t, 01 0 " Y oul,\' . HUlcmo t Iniulell .07<10 wh o h'lvll plti .l th ul r ilob~ r lp tloD8 OraduRte 01 Obln ""lt l tJniyerli ' tn f) woy bl lind IIl'VI!i' ~(I('n JI 01' e ever . II\'C o. W ,..1 .pr l(~ r Ie the Jon" nl"ht h k uew tllnt she WitS tOI' lUI , look before. b-I-won't wel Eh, Koznn. old bo),!" , .... F ,'" 11; 1\ ,II "" d.1 K .1""'IIlY nrt! li p , wit.lI I n 'A r e~ t. jus t \leY!Joll lh door, flDd he wl\8 con· p olU I"t\ .1'; p l, r,,1 <l r . Frllnh E'e",8 I'u nl1(1 Everlltl, P eR ro , Suddenly KflzaD lined his enrs a t t. E b d b U Itid OFFlOE: littl e. He hellrd Ilterl~. tbpn 101V ",dl' . 'flo onr h eard ftle man urge tn eu 'oe Ill' e 10UIP CRS I1U . In III m /l l t,- r of I,lt a Ill to ~t Eil lio n, U10Il HY ouly; "m ount o l Ki ru d Corllu r Muin an I Mill I:;trtlds ,One ot .them wns his mllllter' Vill e". '\ low, quick I'olce. "Go Oil! Dou't ~S8 ' of the wild pine Ill1d more of 19 I" Ii ~·rt1l1"'. (I (,Oil At! . Am y $iIOO Proceedings But the othlll'-It , ,'ot n II t lh' t r('mpr top~" e r, F 8 nflr IH I1V l h1l JI I.9,l I\ ~ I\dllllol~ l·r" . Telephon.. 28 ~rough blm I Once, so long "go tbfi( Tlle girl tur'ned " ·er. llfllld. s ow 'I{n. ,Tllen Ul e ro enm UI I) llcglnl1!l1~ o t u l... . HOlln $1.2,,(1. FrAnl. W i nkler Bon ., li'ruok,M , 'itw811!{8 r, 0000. It muln hove huen 10 hIs 1lll[lpyhl()J ~nu ,l!l'lllg(ng. tb r on th e 11001'. , null th cbn~ge, Thill'e wn!! I~ s ll'l1"!l" "'llllP r ' lI oII'r 11 1\'0 W 'JI , 8uooll u r~ 00 D Pious ,ludgfl o f Uhntou UO llut~1 Ohio Waynesville.. 'b ~.. t b I 1" '!OIIUIlU tI LO phi " , "' he mtlu WIlS still hllrr~·ul\d cxClt llI (>lIt nrollna hIm, nllll "I'l' 'Inl l l'd , .. nplJrni (rH 18 u s~l ~n t1d to W"rr ll u 'ouut,:; t n dart!, e set:llh-.... a ove \Ilr a uream ~ J ... the gLrl polll l.esR nll en t lol1 to hllll . lit: ,, , of n laugh Illnt "'os Uk tile t1rl's I ' t-llIg, but hili eye~ cOIlIi! not keep grew uoensy, snltt,'d Ihlt I'Ilunl''' I hA WI l l <If ill fl r ~' " ~ Irl~, ,If'I'Q Bcd b ea r av.e r d Ol\Hfl~. ' laugb-u )uUKll thnt WIIS nil lit once Knznn lmck no,v, a u w .. nl neurer, In lh nil', lind be llogo n to x tlHly 1i181 1 !i.(l uI! l l! d t.\' ll ru bAt ". lIII t!:no It Chnmh." lu!r. v~ till z,,1 111100 with n llVondertul bUlIpln' • the till DMl" , uutl1at In thi s ('olrcoch· mnstl' r's foe!i, The n thuro 'unl " the ( 0 Itlll' lIl'II'!l r £of tb o toR ti,t!) r) f C I lunllel"~ln, nlvorol' is ~ r llDlerl 10 OR. J., W. ~1l:.LE~. ~ of ~ , wollderful 10lle, tlod a log J11111\z\e toucbed h er dl'e. ,,,her It OI orlllng, "ery eorly, wben til bulll ' h I, ·I IH .\, Wl1n,\~, ,0"(" " (Ill \V N[I r V " fnndllnt II lid OIlHtQt1y of ,·ua .ml!) o ' Fllr more tblln I'W otv livo V61\18 .".,.tDUs , that !JIade Kazon 11ft his olla r nnd tlle Iron chnlu were !~s· I I{nulr 1~ "I' II "nlt't1 IV! ~·xp '(nor, DO obiJl1 181\Is glvll ll,wbAr ' x I 0 _" ' va.] ~he Blnks Alm l,ollo ba ll h~<t 11 '~(lrltl. lIead Be thE,y came In, He 'Iook d tent!\1 to hIm ogoln, N ot unW be bad. hOIl. \ I:f'quil ect. ' UJlttl fur t b er onl -r 01 the Q,lIn , ~,. .•• DENTIST••• 8InJpt at ~bem. bill red ·c.yes glelun· 1'O)lowed hi mn'tlll' ollt t hrough lito [Il ' tho rIl'IH r Ilf t·h (' bll 0 1 !:' t ~ t o of (b lo "" ,I nUlf' l.p pe, wll,lo reput-lItl nn. '!'hf\ IIUH Alm," .... .<t-t on~ be knew ~t she Imlld door 111\11 Into Iho stro t llid II hl'glh 8u fill ~~ I\~ " dl tl}'t, d"OllaS~·fl. • III M r l \\"'~d null't~' .. li'lne6 $20 IIIH) 11.. 11'111 I 6 11 Ul'Oll r ell bv lrl R, H, krl ,I r.' 1 ~"~ttl ~ 'd b.v Rov. ,I'111n ... 4ear mi\8ter. tf/t hi!! mllster' to ulld~ rl!tlllll\. They w ra JldLng hlul 1\ r II ~lp ro" tlt1. ol)slt,. Noyell, fur nl"o~' :yourR tbe "~~tHt,.I , arm ~u a1)but ber, In tho glow of awny I He Slit sudden.l y bll k C)n Il ls W. 8, Wltltll to v~ ,', CIIIDI\- ndilor 8!!!!oolfltlld \VitI! RAV, 1r l R ,tile 1Jg!Jt , h , rmw th"t hel" Itllir 19ns bllunc he IUilll'efllSed t(l budg '. -.. ... -... h " n, ,lury f:ludll j.b'l 'l Uel! 10 fav(ll' Btalr B11!ger, bright, r, i?l,lttllr than . WI'J' !;IMP!, IIInd. tllO t. t'ttere ' wa s the "Ooule, Ktlll/lo," couxed the milO. of tbe dof nd6Dt . ~lIe r S " oOllol@lI I;lll ,I pl.lon of the , eolol", or ~e ' eiim80n bokneesb' vlnc In "Co,l1Ie 00. lIoy." ~t.n.l o of Ohio Viii' I,~e TivuII\) . '19 1 h11n1l1Q It.1~ now 1' 1',11 1.\', 1I1ICI ber taee ..nd thll blue or tb llllk· B'e bung bnelt ond shOwM hI s whIte 51 11 fn'j,l)7Jln' IlS ll o h)eltea nt 1 011\:1. neeah lOWell Ln bur sb lnlng eyes. sud· < fong. He eXD6cted 111 hi b of u wh~p ~1I!Crlet\(Iy hlfh' ll hi s gnze. pnd In· PISRele.1 gu.1 ty lIull Irq~1 vOtl 'i Ilet ~flr, .~ 14010.... ilo, !.' f(t ao Oflnljl p " , . q , ,~ . . . nlle'e 1~l\dtnll' C)rk 1M It" ,,"1116 c1en~ ..he IIIIW him. 1\1111 wltI. 11 lItUe or the \II w ofo Cillb, but n<>llMr Cllm', stnn11y 11 r hll)ld fell on Kazon' s llCfUl , mi llP fA",mtf'looe t" IIh\l) ' 1 lite Rn I'Rld . ''''(Ird .. Ut1 of the mon hI)' ,''"Ill y mqj<.. ~llJo nl!lce In B .lueR Bltilr ""In ~, err. darted tc,wo.rd 111m, . His mo s tel'lllUlllled f\ud taok hIm l'IICk For tlle nrs tim We ll 'l~ llid 'not s om f o rmot \lry at. Mnn!!tlL' llI t(l updlld by R v Ir l It Ellnk~ . 'l'bl! MODro & ,lohl' SI OD v ~ " Iury '"Stop I" ahout d the m~D. "Be'~ to ille llouse, Wh u they I flit ul,"I\l l1, to f~l"l ) lI'r tllll '1\. J11 sUII 81111rl 11 Clangerous l KUlln-" the ..Irl wnll wtth lh0ll1 01111 wulk'lll II M 'Crl';\\IY. '11 tuntl,lIng mOnlle III WII~OII, .Il1ry h1lrl8 i ~"\I " In I llV U r ~l1bsorll't"ln ~rl o .. l~ f.1.l10n yal1 r iI,. The I'l nl u lllf. " ,. ~ ol utllog" D" I',V f"h ' I:lltlkq 'AIm •• ' She WIIR 00 her koees beside him, 011 with h <:r bond touching hlfl 11 nd, [t Ills thront ~pwln g r)eeJler. Thorpe's of I.h ·"I"lnflfi' ODd for a or IflTl"(l 10- ' 110 ,vo,. ~h ~ 11 m of '11.2t:! . ,,"0 tl) ~h., "ul:)~or\bllr . fttt1't7 · and lIWeet noil belllllirul. h er • VIl.ll hll W11 persun.(I d· lttm I IPJ1~ U}) WlJ ltIggeil lIt ' tl lo "Ultlu. M~nrplp o n ll . Wrfln , . .eyes shlnlolj:"wODdertulll', B e ..OW Ole throu gb It big, ,lurk 'hole Illto tUe still "Down, Ml'.nn-<lown 1" !lba com· WORI) ANn \ ' OH.KS P B. co. • maD runolllr forwilrd, pale ~II Oenth. cork r Inte rior of n u r , IUl!llt '\'U ' shu 1'IIf\1)/l ~il. H~ O I Frllnk,lln Av.i'., tit .. I.O,nl .. , Mo, Tben ber lulDd teU upoD 'hls-lieu!], an,l who 'Iured 111m to tile d\ll'kl'Mt 'O('lI er , At thl! R(lllllll of hl!r yolco b o r elnxed. 'flp O\lf'r, ! l'lr nifl r ("I t 'the touch /cnt II thrill tbrollgll Ilh~ ot 1111, whOro h ,s mU 8ll' r tllSt 'n d hi "Do\,'ll I' she t l'\'Nl, t(ld , ontl h er 'trre M ,.h l ' ) HiII:"' o ' that 4lulvereCl In overy oor\' c Cit hili Clloln, 'l' h n tjr ·S wfOnl out, 111ughJllIr Ilnu(l t~,n on h is h 'n d ugnJll, He 'slu r1lt I{,! V, I •. ( MO( )lUlcl . ~. w ittl both bands abe t\I1'll~ UI) lilt two cbh(il·on. i~or ' bout ufl vl' t<) b el' tc t: Dut: lila lIus wer o stili head. ;Bor face WIIS very · cll'se. (hot Kllzon loy stili o.u\l t )l EI '. 11 tpn" Ilr\IWn bll k. Thor;(1 WilS wo:tcblng .nil he ' b.1rIS ber say, almost !joblng , to tlle queer rumblo pf whe ill! him, De wooderNl n tho dendly VllU· btDII7: • ' "nil r him, S llverlll UOlca UIO~ ·wheol", om thnt hot from lh e wolll sh ey • -ADd YOIII are KnlllllJ-deor old Ko· stollpe\l, n nd b e 1 1I'1Ir~ \' ole'8 1I11~sl<:l e. unrl I, ollet! Ilt · M . t·cods. The big san, 111'. J,tamn. my hero dO~-W)lO At lost he wll a slIr th llt be I(('unl II guldt lInd 1111 11 d bls long dog·whlil. L' r n ,V Gil l- kill I ,,1.r P-tIt (lur C nolu n broupt hlrim bome to me wheD 1111 tl10 tomillflr vol CO, ontl Itl! slrnlrwd ul Ilia A 1l!1'IlIJg IOI,k h uU cOllle Inlo his fllce. otherll bad dleCll M, KIIZBIl-,my clInln I\Ilt1 whln cd . 'llhc clOH ,\I d t,r H e wns stutlog .hllrd at KilzlIl1, SUlI· \or "o rl Jln r >lfh \ 1 Rln In 0 WII"fI, bill h 10 Ib" ' DO"" .I....ped _ benll" ' s\ld bnclC. A IlIlI n with (I 1r111t~rn denly l Hl Il'tUIN~ forwtll't1, wlUI hOth of M,I lIlC'vll J... n,,' v R B, F oHll r , ' hc ,baCk ol.poonl. rOfU WHilom V p()tlort, I.a ll" jlrllph .ull (nDq Rn Jul' pl~ And then, miracle of miraCl es. Ilel' climbed 10, iQI,oIl'NI lIy hl~ rll'''!:Ir r: h lln tls on h la kn !lS. tlnd lor n teose 10 .1I".r pl.l" of pro... faC& t1I'Dsbed down ngo.\lIBt 111m, llq pnJd " 110 utlcl1i1oQ Lo Ih e m. hut moul tit or two he seemed tD ' fllr!; \: OI)Sr,,' nr 1I11f1 1'llIII I R,' II r, bill h ' I '1 ualll y~,'g nlll.Ob10, _ ' Tb ~8e forma ore Improvod, ~d be felb ber sweet, warm, tOUch, • glared Ollt throng,1 UI 'oll IIltlI:; luto thn t Isobel ~h o rJlo's ' wpnllll\'ful bltle ..If/I".r ~IIIII tlMlt olass lIud belllg worke!1 ~"II f\r H. 1'•• rl' f'I' . I.lerk. of . Mnr, , In ,tho", moments KUllo dill ,,~t Ule gloom of. n ight, E1~, , "hllO~L I\ro\(u ey.(!s were l ()()klllg lit hl !D, , now. Large aud Bmnll trtl ots, ,"'",,rOW,a " O "t(i,> M S n, ' , I' , DIOYe. Jle sCllrcCly breutlt~. 'Jt seonted lobs.a wh \'n h e ICI\11cll Ilown u pon tho "~oo,lcoQ$h, I'l)l1ro-cllorge I" You'vo trMr.d or Flo~ld" Wid. latltud" fur choIce Rv. H B WII-Il'n. a lonr ilmi\ beforll tbe girl lifted .her wI/Ito snow, but wllllll h o SII \V 11 (1 nllll Tbot one wonl-Chlll'ge-WIlB tlllljl1lt 'D II ' h lDdB. but YOll 11 vcr hOllrll I. qfTere.l 'u Ihe .a.., ' faee from -blm. And ",htn' slle dhl, there, he stoo\l rJgIll. ~pllllug tll' till:. ooly to tlle dogs' 1/1 111<.' s~ tI'lce of UI RI,. m O'I ,l II A lI t D, • It,)" ,,\l Ull' II , ex~u"I\" ,jealJrOll, o f tbeslJ >po.rllctJlnr farm8 of, Sold h, I •• d ~ teara In her bJue, ey(.'S, nnel . Over blm we re th e sllll!!l bl' 11",1 Nort hwest lIlollutc <l I,O\lce. Kllzon ·dld B l,b l' l. ( h i , "lid ... ~ . " If illll, 1I e fored befo re , Write mo fIIIll ~t Was H is First Music• . we'll pu t yOU In lou ch wjlb the IIIIlD.WlIIIBtandlng o!Jove Ulem. hi li . b owletl at all his life. r\l~Il ubout; him pot m()VI!, lire I' 'lilly 1Ilrulgbton,e46, ~I\"r.k ... y . II I L h' n" n , \)Ilio , R,,,' tho OWD OrH. Write nowl ~'()~ I I' r PlIed tight, bls,3aw8 set. I II d II 0 A 1 ""'fI __ n .. ·, wer tlle fore sts. bl llck anti ~lI ellt, nnll, quick ns II sh o t, sellt t h e 10Dg losh I:t. I_-ew him jt ~d let 1I0"ono ay ptr ' mbllng, 00 I fo r oor. n( 1)\l1!11II to s huttin g tlem I I --.. l1e.4. ',~.AU " lay ' sh o tlll,1 )n \I k' a n vnll. Ynlnl {It hl~ wllip curling ont Into the night Real Esta It:l T musfers touclf,bim--wlth their DlLKed hODd:' bo I<llIg, 1:1. h ull It '!l tel II rec w mon be sQJlght for tllnt 000 'I:eqt tnllt WIIS with n crock like n 111 101 r l)Ort, • :-Sd In a .tense, wODderlDg voiCe. I'rooo'llIg lu front tiC li ar l el1C ; he IlIld mi ssIn g, nnd T h 911H! h~ll l't! th" !t1W " C:IIIU'iI~, I'edl'o- hUl'g !'. . 418 Rlllboid Bldg., .I"~I\A W ' Uu I Il ' tll HIlrry M • M~ badr~ QuiCkly. Jeobe\. .. G~ h eal'4 .lh 11'1111 Chllllt f Ule cnrillou o ntll, of g rl r In hi s ~hu ltl!Y tllrllUt. Ho The J'umble In Knv,uD's throat, deep. DAy'TOII!, OHIO 8h ~rw Qti ~b e o tl il v itl'vtl 01l .>.1I,0I , 10. 'lieaven-IOI\Ik at Ibnt I", sf'Il~""':'hll' lIe hu.1 nllvur h 'P I'd I\ny, took t1I B Innter n nml lltl\ll IL, nl,,)V,) hI I • . Xuan ""hlned ROttly, his BIOQ\1IIIII th lug like Ihl$ wand rlul I!we~tm'!;8 belld. nt the slI mo t1me .·l tU)Hl!lIll1g hl~ enNI tu n Nlln rllng /(1'111\'1, hut' n~t II i U!lst In ' lot 10 IlloW11 \' i:! qnPl ve, I' f H ~ ted". hol~U 0" the 1e"sb. At 1'lg(lI.l '1\1'1'0 mll cl~ rH bl" I)tltl~" 1I1III·"d. M/;@r en\ly Wn.yna"vl ll o $l , ,':re. OD ........ ...., • •1' B llc;e. e w"n w that t II JrtUIl UIO lips of th 1,:1r:1. II e ,.., ." l ' • . " 1I 1 n~ t l) B Il l v C, F'r e, ZI! 'f . her ~Dd o8flln: h I! . "'Rn.tcd ~'o t I)IS IllljJlrer's PI' 'se lle fl IJW. Qui. came u voice (Iut lit Ute Ill!lht. I (i"nmo turn er I,) ' I h,wp . , ~ .... " if W Id th ." t blm ' froID" ·hlnd tll ' llI\ nlld Kir.7.lIn whlrl ,d "r cOllltl lt,l lve SWOI' O Ihl! r knew tho.t p lln !)f I ~ -n, 9 III tinut,h Lli hiln on ~ f fir l am.. au Air ....~ I!UI', Ct·ID-Cllltrlv. so 'tInt( /lho \\'o n!d n t 'I ' !ID ~u(\delll y th(\t the lnoij~I )' hpltl d Q';" h e 5111<1: ' •1f It'.'! ]>e(lro. ·,h e'. $l ' cb(1ln slipped from ' lbe 1I1111l'S hUlld. b,ll1 I" , E li",rbot b A . SlttllftW,,:v: to t·l1 --,- Be SIlW the glow ot oth l.' IlIn tel'll!!. 'l:ho r IlC w us lulling the ellnl u• . &nly P. tJ · U , IID el Louis Ry, Co.,' B And then, once mOl'e, tho 'vlllcc-th e girl SII W th e 1001< tha t CIUUO for Illf i!lUit ll n not in yv ..:~hlng~!l rl ' tow D 8 hip. "Kllu.n!l,zIlD I" , . I III/i hlllt 11110 M..c;r CII ,ly'tj fllr:(l. "It made $l. , ' . ~ ,, 90 WOB ott 1II'e n bolt, 'l'ltorjl6 bl!r • hl\, ,·I·. A f oil' m ln1lteR l)ef-ore, And r ?I S. lh11p 10 Gaorge" ·ai-· l nughed LO IIl ml'lll! 0 he tol!OWEll. whl'lI I bl' tmln nr~t stPlIl)ec;\ lit Ues p eDts · lo~ No l iJO In Purk Pluoe Ad. ' ''.rlle old plrnte I" be c11u l;Icd, 1'nll. ' he !rut! ,, /'1'''1'1'1 1· It ' I' h lUld to this dltlon to Frtl nlllln. $ 1 WheD h e. COlDe to 'tb Inn'cro.lll"htcd lII ll lI, 111)(\ sli~ h ll rl 'S " l'll Ih, ,,"m~ thiug " " lb eu . Dil L crf:h II~ "1,,, Rhuddered she spneo bnck of tit ' CIl!)008. '. Thorp ,. II i II II' h b d ................ ------~ ----'fourld Kozun crQucbing" down (It it. re.:o C. K' lII\fllY I, I II!;!; ,1C\.' . u s nu ' . !I'U fect. It • ,,'n '"lIOI* n" ,..:. '\'I r.\ .hull told ll 'r or tho j'pr ~ peo'plc. She IUs ,tlllllljrllttl"~I . 1:J<> Stor:;:: •u WOI1II'. ~ ~..L .. " ~ I I ' ( --~ t "I"lllpllunt!v ot him' II!' ha Ill! brt'Q\I' U 10 1\1\' o h om, to 'mhull1e . - -S h'o' "mlled " ll" out' ,,~ th'" " IO'O IIl. ., Iheil" itlg , I·o ug h . IIIUII hOQU ' nnll , loynl. tlooleSB "'hll e ' '1~hol'pe fostened blm to cnme I' '" -.. a ' !lledg\!, . Ollce moro he wn s bnck 10 "You've won I"" be 'lt1l1ghetl, not li D. b tlU I'tll, b~r'm! ho hllll brough t b e r forc s\:!r-li nd tn couuound" His , . s wus Iu. ,.lJ{:blng Ilod clappIng b npplly. "I'd hovo , '''n'' ' .. er~d III."., 111 ·t lIillan!: 7 r tJll?l1l ; nllll ~J1IlrJl' oly sh e smiled mistres " ' 11' 1111'1 ilt , \ h er Ilond. s (\ollglltbdly to ' the excitedollnr h e h·ou. .. ldn't do thnt .. II t tl I'~n\ly, III . f f lilru ){glln(l' '.' to overcome voice 00 ' earth, You've wou I 'l~ti'<II " II, "111'11 11'd 0 'I 'IIr III Illl(l ulsllke. ., h 1 I d ' meot 'o" 0.11 ~ 1l'UlIge'lknil woildei'tul ·llte e 0rtl ' !ttl 'C Y u, s ek I e , shu ]lfld DOW become 0. Jlurt. you b rute. I've 10.o , YOIII" [j I "\V' d ot which His fuce- Butldenly soherl',11 118 j "0<Jb I 1Iwlt llI 111hl m1" '" y. cIa t YOII mil -e frlen - . II Thorpe b llrl tllI'OWIl ho ck the flnp of IItoTlllll{j t'O pICk up lbe _ . . end of Ihtl " ,he ,II' w, ]'U7.nn toward him, wltb tl II!Ir t .ent , lUI tI ~.1I "'liS l:n t.e r Inlf nh en d chnltl. TLJ til of him. Sh tIId uot look' buck. ' She '~e;R yours Iss)''' h~ nrllle,l 'qulc\d,' .orlll' hlllti!ng I'lIl eml of 0 choln. spok e DO woril to him, Be _wblned , "but YOII must I t' ;110 cura ftll' h im 11;1: \ .lI1cUr~n dy CllIJIC to It !)I' side Of! qh O b ent n od tlll'llcd his r~ .l eY08 on &lcCrendy. til-we kUOli', GIve llIe th n ehfl ln, I ~),\'~I: U~ .Iog. HI bll k · WIlli', to . ' h , ', J hOI'\l(' II!! ho hllllr') II'oI down. I sbbel's ID the tent '£I\orpe WIlS snylrw: '\\on t t ru st 1m veil Il nw. lIe s Il woll " d 1 I II f ' t hi ' ' '.I'm -nt'I'Y old :ruclrploe wouldu't go WAr "'liS w i lin n o t o· Ii '· ' "" ' , . aver~ge I ,vo se~n hi III t II Ite lin rlIt II 110' S IIIlud• ' ,'l"\'" f . , ' 'I, • 101 ' I ' , h 'b llck with u s," T~~l" 1'1'> drove rne orr . nt ' 1 sl ng l s nnll I've s~('n hll'U n . • , /'" ~(lQ t If) g lOw ID er, t • , , . chol' lt II lIcl lil<' l ll \ltlng \urvo or ' her down, bll.l l)r ,I,"'o !II' Ill OUO)' I couldll' ~ . engi~es t enr Ollt fIufll" r 11"I:'s jugu l11J' 111 llil El II I ' I . . 'I ,I It got hllll to 1'\'LIll'II HIl'it q MI I!~rou In· abo~t · I Z lc_, .I?er leoll, .EIe~s on 'I)IIU ,III'-U' blltl ,llig- In . :"l'i~. I ll ' , qtl 1' "'I ~llle IOI~ ru)1lb ';jg dl;lI" Ill1li j',1 J;lv ~ .i· m~~th'rs SIilnry to !!J,lltll' (of' tile fut!. Ihnt h hU ll),: t me . U ,117.'I "n ·>; IWIlI/ I' 'J loJ rne a,ood tren y illlVO YOIl SI'C him IlfIll d !!! the dngs I'm ov~t engip~s. t () nu 1 lIII,', ,'1 11 t h .1" , '1 t ' t II ' , hllln, but or n . , ' Ilk o 11 h ero nnu "IOUI:II 1111. OU \l \ ( , , ', I ~I ' • I' . I '0 . _not suro nholl t t'ltlH mlln. ' l\1e ...reuily. FIgure It this.way. On an 8.hode eh~ne the .sav· I cnn't tru~t bl lll C'lv(j ilia 111 chlllu- " nil IIIL·II . • C n 111 ~ \\IIN )I!.wee n blm (Inll Ills wlh' 111)11 11 0 could not 's ee He's II qu Ill: d ,UI). [be C0I11lloIlY~8 IIgflllt is 8,8c. an 8S.c . in a Ie-hour day, in roo . '1e did not fhll sl\. WIUl th SIlO 1'1 tlf :11 ' I' h w:e tells I III! nnd knowII t he wholls '1I w ild bell st. K Il7.n n h nd ) n()Cll III hill (' 1'1'111)' s :;r '. , 'J'II' m~\UI8 eyes ' Uku n booj" ' But d ogs 1I00't nlie ~ work. Say that is all . your engine does in a days of , "'" =1 II w'"CW Ul) on(1 tUllel , I II I· 11t II'{,I'Q 110 n .'lIznu, He WIIS sLaring '. , .e"., .n. S p~ t b,' ,:ltrl . .8tl'llllg(!I', R\l7.l1ll Isn't (;Oll;lg to toke ~~ . . . ' lon~ rllnl-'ll. llis Nlll u ' stll1'C'l.I.I!(I. nut! "~,, , ' , . " " . ,10 \lIlll worth n cellt I" It woul!i cost ;you $88 more ,t han you need to pay, to wi t iL II ulhl CII 'I'Y of wnrulng '.I'bOI·OIl 011 r, 'rll\ 11. he s nld, I dou:t . ,Jr o'\ ' d II It \I' ~ 11 'I: I I (1 II rl~ 110 thlll. 11011'0111[1 talle orr my J\::17Jln IINml'th Irlrl's . "oice, nn\l rnn an 8-horse ... gaso]jne engine ' li e year. Tha~ IS more . Oll .,~ HO w II! re vo v r Ilt I S 11"11" '" , ~to(\11 !'Iglll Ilud 1II0\J ult) s Ustenlng to bl·l... '. .... • ' than a th(rd of the price of the er:)gioe; ., Can yqu ,afierd to 'l\UZIllI nnl!! n ntt"ntll)n to llJm, An. Il,' took IIUI ' (1nt'l'n trom '.rborpe Jt, U \ .d ld. not h qr (lr !jee lIe<lrl!o.ll), throwaway .$88 a ~ear? Can you aiIord ev n think ot o tlte r form lrll (l liPPI' I\ChNI out oC thO rl~([ I"d Ibo WilY to 0 ""rrow anOW- when he eUllle, un stQfL~~llIIY, bellintl 'bllying a g~ oline e ngine....-when . ) .' 01\ elm gel f1. Titarr that ulgtl.t, nnil BtOr)i! n \V'lu lIIo l'lr Ie / !lilli' b<:ltU'hJlIg oft rroUl . fue ·truck, blm. ~b mno s v qlce CI. lIe , aa lIud· uses kerost:)De ? , See' tl)e ,l1taa «ealer and talk tb~ over. IIlUIll IDOUOIl III~(II) l1y til \jllltel~I!I, It 111<lt1"11 II 11'1< 11\, t ill' Ibl k $proce wnll de~l! n8 ~ shot at his beels, He bas SOme interesting fig~res to sl~Q\Y you. , ' Wll8 M'eOrendy, whll Wtll! to II 'c~ml1nllY !fro 1~I'tll' Ihllt 1t lllll'II . hlld Jett a 'fori, Ilt.>dro ., Thorp and bls ~IOIIIIA' WIre bllck t lito II4:ht h. f ...·\" 'j'ber", "lero two ten~ In an Ins tant Kazan cringed Rl'd lUver COntp wll<'rc Tllor!)e walt In IIr I'IJ now In J,\rIl'(1 I)! the ODe that be' tA)uclled by u li1Sh, lD~mational charge ot thc' bulhlhlg of lh n<jw ";',,/ hi!' ,!\I"I,· h :Hl Il~('d. It. big Ilre "Oo~ you !:!lot t1me-dtdn't I, JOD old ~ , Tronllcontln!'lIl'nl, Tho mJ.lD wnu \\~I I Im .I'nlllt: III f rlJ/l t or them, CI_ IlevUI whlapered llcCreo~, .... face IItrolght. :powerfully built I,\nd cJ II~ 10 til" lin' 'I'll" II Inllg sledge. IlIId Rtl'ltft#elf' pale In the IlnrlJIIlL ' Tltaa Jr...- . . . . . UtI.oW." . "boven, HI juw wnll 80 sllullro 1hllt t il t r .. ~~ just \\ aQ1D the outer ·'C1tanlJ1!d your lIame, eh7 But I ~ : It WD8 brutlll, ullli there WQ8 a glow ID Ilrvllgll t l<DUUi I!8W tile 7Ou-clIcIn't I .. , _ _ u..t .... ahllOllt like the 011.. tnrrm. nad rrl~ .,.. of







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--------------~~-------- ----'~--~~---------------!




~"rrLson 1~l d j



untl Mra. Elmer WILyne hiA ,m nIA' Mr. Rnd Mr8. Robart Mc: :IottllolJ y ohlldree, of Mh\Jllud "ify, wore , Blirl HlIl'vtly , of .IH:l\r Oocl(lp,, bl~4 118 their gnllRts N ... vIlIUU t1 r :!ft tb, o!l1Jlld hero to o~l(lud t,he f unerl,l ,of wfek /u1!1 brought hOOle wilb biOI Miss Es.t her ~J1rquhtlr lI.od MI'. EI. , : Catarrh is 1.1 ,.~u l disease, grcu (l y 'In(WI! publl"h ,t,u e foll nwlog t1errllou Illleor.ed hy cOII slilll[jl1I1l1 1 "olldilions, Ollt! M n.. UII rrison '" . I~t, e t' M rl:l, Edith bls grand mother, hillrittln Darvey, don Hall)e~ , of Wllmlllgton, 1>'," IIlld · M rll (Jor" B Brrl8 apoll t Sunday Mrs. Everett Baines lIod Mr. aDd Ill. tBe reqUA<.It of trltwd " .J . in ord r t et clire II yOl/. mll!'t uke:lll In; '.PI huu l ~ on Tue8d'lY. . ~ " I"'''rnnl re uwd y . IJ llllt ~ . Jt l u l' lh . lcdlcillC Mr lind Mra. Ernest ll.hnnou en. witb her brotber. Wnlinru Bild film . Mrs . Role!l(h . Bogo Il. Bljttr m il I l.... d~ Yl'1lr we 8l'eu~ IU I is tllkell ilil cruall y 01111 Acts throllgh ihe torlt\!Uen the fo liowlng gueate to I~ lIy , Mrs Gle-nna Wilson an d dllugMflr tbl~ OUIJDt,? ~"'1I blllluu Ill7e hOll. hloocJ 011 th IIIU COIIS surfll,'es uf the ~y s · t.urke y dinner On SU llday, ~ r , lind Mr Lealie Bookley , cf WlImln(.C. "pent several days leat week wl t b un.lI .aoll nluetv millioll dull"r>! tor t~rn . H"n', \ '"I""h Medici ..c " ns pre· Mra. 0 0, Dii vis, Mr. alld Mrll. Glenn t<lD, speot several flElys r eoently wi tb ber parents, Mr. ond Mrs Ern s t drink; "I'll w,..H~d I!fll llI ull oug h 10 ' 5 ' ri l~ d by o lle of Ihe best physicia .. s in Ollvls 8n(1 Han Robert, Mr. ~nd Mrs bl" friend, Everett ShuUlaker. c Co II.. lIuter ID L ••" . ,• Durley. AmtiflOll. l/t~t , e., tum .. " " the wblll , lhis c" ""try for ~~u rs. It is COIt'l'olled . J o!leph DlI,vll! Ilod do ng h I ers Qorotby Mrs. MirY Grahll.Dl, Mrs. Laura Borace Compton and family hnd , key. th .. t. >eOG six htlildi ell tb m<aud o~ some ,of the be" loules ' kno, 11, cO.m · The molt ml'n 1I~"!llCurlnl( /loll r.,Hllng ... ud b lll ed.~"llh so me of Ihe ~~I . 1tlu"c1 pllr!fi. dod Vlrgllllu, Mr ,,'1(1 Mrs E. A. Harlan /lod d!lugbter' L>" ull ne were lI8 their Ruell\!! Tho,nksgl vln g Mr the b..t war-picture. B~rt,~(J()Ir, Aluo lind I;jplen Bart!!ork l3undav gl1e~te of Mr. aud' ~rl!. an(l Mrs. Le lie Ross , Mr, ~ud 'Mr~ . sore ... III'! iuto tbedruok"rll'~ Kro v" ers. . I he. !1<!rf~Cl .Chll~hll"'t ~on fOr .1 he ..~. , CbIlS, (jordon, first, in J e e Uomp\ol1 , Mr . Jobble U'ltrlpton and dr'Ulk"rd 's hnl1 ' If d I t ' 'Iredl. "l s "' lIuli s \. UlllHh MCJldllc .IS lind Inr .•J. W. 811rl"0 k . , 10 .. e u a whnl Itrodul'Cs sl!ch wOlld rf,,' lI' sU II ~ III Mr. lind Mr~, ,I ns, G ra.y Bpent Mrs. J eullie Gord 13 bae beeo qllltl1 of Dtlyt,on, OhIo, nnd Cba8. tlarcer lo.ved of brtltld It ,:"uuld P"Vtl 1l.8trtt!lt ell ' " rrilal condiliOIIS . Send for I"Slitn'" !'.It(u rrl ~y uoil ~ulldn.y ~ltb their son slok for ~ev'eml dtLytl but Is thou ~ bt nnd rtllughter, Mllrybelle. two buollrllil 1hou ~nud mtl t's IOIl~ , IIi .. I., frec. Mr. aod Mrll. W , E, BOKiln and onehu[)drtlt1r~tlt wide, wltll twrr'.v F , J .C IH i N I~V&C ,P l'11 J1~ .,'l'n l e do,O . Perry who Itl qaHo iok nt bis home to be Imp,ro vinf:{ u.t ~bi8 writing. uo"r Pekin. loaf ,we11lliol( two II JUad ~ . We ' All ~rug~ i~ 1 8, 75c . Vlotrolo!!, one oOBtlng $20, will I 'l'be Oivlo Leag ue meets Itt tho daughtec spent 8und!lY wl&h Mr, Glassifiad Ads ",as'~d ,rltln ElDough In tbe brt\we •. flail's fllt l1'lily Pills for cOIl.lilllllioll. Mr, nod Mr!t. GlnrenoEl Cleaver horne of Mra Fran ik Fotnehell 00 Ilnd MrR. Barvey Bawkine. sell for .7; oue oosMng '10, will ~r : tlnd Mrs. J , S. Letlmlng epen~ eell for $Ii ; II dozen 600' reoords w\t,h le8 IInlt dl~'\ll erllls, ~y trl ~ od l!, te> , ~~~~~~!!!!'~~~!!!!!!!~~~!!! and daughter Marga ret, of Madison. 8llturc1IlY D x~. vlll~. HI.e.nt 'l'hl\n k~ g l vlug Day \tnd Thursday 'Wltb A. E , 81mms of blive fed U~I. oouotr.v Il8 muoh ~""n ! :: eloh mllohlne. Inquire of D, W , Il'rlriay with W. '1'. JlIrdlLtI nnd tltUl. Mrs Ettie Carroll, of n eM Leb Palntersville. all we used for bre"d , Vilo wij8Led ' ' , ' dl2 Maeks, Waynesvtlle, O. NOTICE lIy . ooon, vl~i\ed bel'o one dllY Ills t week, gr~<n enon~b, III)' frlend-, to 10 1t" 1 And thl8 @overomeut of our8, my Mrs. George Bogao IIpent Salur. ~r. and Mrs. Harry Sb ld"ker /lnd wbl~ltey to IIhve feu EIIKltlnd or frl e l ds recelv"'tl tllJlluL one. third 01 Mrs , Ueo Dogun spen\ Suturda,Y good Jersey Dull, eUlllble to day and Snnday with Mrs. Ohaonoey ti'rllotJe 10 wOIr. itR rHve nt.1I from fI ~VI\tefJI Ihut bar. aud l::luudu.y with httr daug h,e r Mrs, t tHnllY spent Sunday witn Mr , !lnd reglater, & fine fellow. For In. Mr~. Frank f:inrveY,of ollar Lebanon. Buntleil. 'rilll< g<lVllrnll180t is f"rm od bl' ttlrs IIOU tlel li! Hwny the weil.blliug CbRUOOP.Y Bonnell. TBE partlee who took tbe 80oloh fc rmatlon call on W. H. Elbon, Mr. Bnd Mra, Carl Deal, of Warren , Mr. oud Mrs. Marlon Osborn gllve Collie bltob from Wtlynesvill e Oregonia, Oblo. , ItarlllO, to lo"ur" the t\Olll"8110 I,r .. n- ' !lDd the h~PJl'(Je~d of t.~e American dl:! dis! E'ay,e Ellis, third dllugbter of a, dauoe at their bomo on the Avenue Ohio, have heen tho guests or Mr' three weeke ago aro CDown. Retur n q utlll.y an,l I ,' pr .. vlue f'.r thtl pll p"o pIR-the gr o~ Sh Oll" . ~ r . u.nd Mrs .. ~, A. Ellis. sorprlRAd Ilnd Mrs. JOBh~b 011.,111, the post S8me to ~he GazeHf' offioe tlud 00 lio e"ety, "u,1 Ibe 'seourlt.f or bh'lls. , I" lOY oplulon It K ,lIgAlnsl, tile her many friends " uti 00 Btll urday on BlIlurd "y mght I1n.d It w"s quite a L.'1GLIll Comb White Legboru week. ' questions asked. log. to Indlvldu - Is "nd todl}.Y the coosttlutioo of the UUlted Sta.tOR , Ulartled Mr Lawr,eDoe VIti, or Port~ Bucoe.IIs .(It II Uookerels, D. W . Young strain, Rhodes Buunelli. muoh Improved laloon stand" wub '11e foot OpUD the "nd tb ey b"ve 110 right. to let u ex· lllnd, lnd, They will lefl,ve for tbelr Mr, and Mr~. Flovul Andorson and Price 'I 25 eaoh. Phone 2.2 Mre. Ileo" 01 'be Am~ rlo"n puoille Boel 18' ~nd dtiUIO Dod ourSB tbl~old lund h omo uellr Portluod, WedooedllY, Ron, Carlton, of Kellia, !lnd MIs8 lit thlll writing . Elsie M, Bawke, R. D.· 1. Harve:n. ",Y8 to the g 'Vllromont, : . tu whI.<;h we live. ~ut the Iiqnor Mra. JOllhlh D.""e, Mr" and Mrl Ettu. Aruold, 0 ' f)ay 'l on, were Bun. burg, Ohio. d12 WANT "'; D "Walt, doo',& rlll!turh Illil. Tlt e trufllo 1!lllIw.defylug, robelllouB, ~n. Mrs Via wlli be Itrelltly missed 10 day vleltorll of Mr, tlnd Mrs, Amos Lloyd DaVie and lon, Oeol1, and Mr: tills oommunlty but wbat w" "lose w&~e . .. rner h,u two billion fivil arnblFSlo an(lln Its Hohoolbouses of Ilnd Mre, Carl Deal, Of Warren Ellis, SOUle one else Is Bure to saln. hondred "nct nlne l , 1II1Iiloo d"IItH" Infllmy It Is eduOllting the people In Mra. Ibble Collett returoed home OhIO, spen& Friday a' Ub\lll~: l!' A. Harteook and daugbter Mr8. 10 111M 1" 'Y on .watt ontll [ get dlsrespeot of law" aud It gathers you are out of 001101 aDd waot to 1i'.ld~y IIUer beHig "bsent Beverlll .-~.--'h .. 8W"1( and I'll rl lvlde 1\ willi you, Ilround It liS Us alhe8 In oriOle tbe werll sbopplng In Wihiiington Fri. d~VB burn wood, you nan ohop yonr dn.y. I wIlIKIV. you 10 per oont, " glUnbllUK dens, \he brothels and o",n wood on sbares, IIn'd get II oords Mr !lod Mra. Gerber, of Port WI\. wberever, meo meet to phn orlllle. Mrs. Silfab Rloh apeDt 'l 'blu•• s out of every 5. Inq uire at thl!! Funeral Director on IIr, and Mrs. Jamell Uam. oalled Bere the yeKg oowell to·dl vide his giviog wltb ber Ilister Mrs. Bu.nnab offioll. d19 Shu Illlksr and brOQllht with them IIWllg lifter he bll8 orllckod I be 8"re, Rlcb and Friday wltb her daugbter and Embalmer t Mr, lind lire . Romine Shomaker, /tDd tho lIquor trllffio Is a pomlool Mrs W. '1'. JorClllu and family. and it ItllIo 1J0Olmeroial waobino-oo. M~II , John ' Wagoner and MIs8 Mrs. Jessie EiIIB pnd daughter Wayn~8ville. Ohio. 10SBI\.I, sagllolous, J tob, po~v'erful be , Vestll were 'he 'l'haDk8glviog 8ue6te Mldile Bennett, bo'll of Dayton, Mr. ' D"vld Luoas and family MONEY LOANED yond any P.,ersonal en! I all"y or reo of Mr, aod Mre, Edwin Mart.ln. were week.lOnd guestll of Mr . lind moved one b,. this ",eek In wltb . buko, or ostraolsm, and " bot! Mn , Erasemus BeDne", of Ea8t Walter Murray. Either Auto or Horse drawn service, Mr, !lnd Mrs, '£bos Rloh are 2'e Bontb drnpped tnt.o thefedetal and 10 muStreet. No extra clJarge for 'auto service, Mr. ~amuel Jaokaon "pent Tues. joloi Oil over the arrl val of u. el)O, 111011)111 and tbe oburch plate huu. W. Weloh arrived home tiun. day with biB parente, Mr. and Mrs, MONEY loaoed on,lIve stook ohat, Both phones in ffiee and ·Resldeoce. Tbere will be an IDleresi,lng pro. dreds of millions of doHlire, but thl:l tel" l10d sMond mortgal{es, day nlgh~ 10WIt, after a two Amoa JaokBoll, No. 14. IIqo or tr~fli , thtln ll G Jd, I! fo ldlog ijrlllll "I;" Weltare LeAgue i3~turd"y weeke' vial' Notes hought. John Barblne, Jr., Mr J . '1'. lfarlatt and fa.mlly eV..,QIDg under the dlreotorllblp {If 1:11 teats and preparing to oreep Into Alleo BUilding, Xenta, Ohio, m2 Georg" Edwards tl an8ll0ted boal. apent Thanll8glvlnjJ wUh Ben Earn bell out of whioh It wrlggl d It II ulan Harts<lok And Wm. Lukelle. 4", hart and family . . • Don ' t f orget thu.t ibe Junior Prle. ne.~ 10 LebauOD leat week. . carcl88. Mra U. W. Gordon and d&uahter Mr~. lila Bowe and SOD, Berry, By tbe graDe of God I'm goil1~ to 011111 Glob uiUllts wle.ll ~188 Flora I aHen4ed the wedding of Boward JIlvjlyn celled on Mft. BerbE r . Mar, FOR BALE _1111, ~!.rUl~ ~4 . .D~ live JOlla eooug)! to preaoh ita funer mond Reed On i3aturd&,Y. •• I"'r lid It.1Il tllal tL f~'. latt J'r1d6,.. Mr. lind M'.rs W. 'r, J! l'da~ a~n~ 8ear8 and" Jady of .J.flereon'Vil1e. (PRICES!RIQHT) , aleermon I . . ,O\lP hair In"t.'I)I,... \ You Oh, bullJ 00, old bull.neok I W 1111 ~aturdfty In lJebKnon. OI:D _o,nl" til.. n.t b~ Mr AmOi JaoklPD II Improving f 'l'be A. M. Ill. mini liter IIddreeled mIJl.ut,o I Some day Jl,)O'lI moot Mi, and M'r. Alva lmdln gton the Ohrlll~lan E ndell'Vor S~18''y.t alo",ly. Male Bog! fnll.blooded DUl'oo,liI Uttle BlUe Envelopa ayoor' oUBtomef8 wbim t/Jere wi\:l be ~pent tbe weelt.end wJth the latter 's the Fiieuda' ohnroh'Eluodayeveolnl. Little IIlal Luoila. Marla tt 18 , good oonditlon. For Informa. t~.t at. tn, ~'o"'r pu,... e.· _ nu'oounter <be~woen y.on. wben youI' parents . I tto~e4 human b .. lr la uu" , .panelln. a fs", days "'ith her 0008. tl on oall on Jaoob stt:onea, R. D. 5, !.Ire. Sad& Reason " .. a ' Darton Sole Agent Plrteot. matoh for aU .had". 1 dAmnable, dlabQllo, ' dlr'y work ob Wayoeav\,le,0hlo. d'lO vl81tor tbla week. . In a. LebaDoD, 'Ohio. CaP' .... Prlnlo: I for 110 ard earth I. dOD~ and JOIl snter tbe JUBt Q. U 10ur repl.,. ,lON 4o ~ . Mr. ' and Mr., George Pratt, o( For the Oorden Tires au\ bay. ,bam, wtite to Mrs. Jos" Davis and two dauKh. reward <,If 700r bUllnll8l. whlOh Is of full. blooded Wbl\o Le ~_n.Btoa.,Iae .. o..e. l0 ten retnrned home '!'bank,glvlng Spring Branob, . oal\ed au Mr. and etllrllal damnation and ,holl all 'he I" F Q\\!Ah Ave.. New York Mr!! . Amol Jaohon Monda,. after. horn Cooil8rel& for B8 1e 11 i ' night, a ftar a vl.s lt ",Uh ber elll'-r noon b sQnla of &he men IIond ,be Wllm OD &oq 1 ' , ello, • nqulre 'of Walter I:!llwyer, R. D . 4 Mrs. Irll ' Hartsook, of Lawn View: the oblldr.ea thu YClo have datnlled Mn. I'ranll: Dakin and ohUdren WaYll svllle,Oblo. d19 Dayton. wlil orQwd ~rOunC1you .. Dd (hey will ",.re , ..... of DixsOn Wharton Fri. ponr tlletr bl'her: wall tnto ears Bnd Thebe!t line of Belltlng 8toves lind Qeo. p, Wl1eon, 01: near bers, bas day. CORWIN, OHIO 'hell will abow yoo ,their wounds, Ran!!ea In this part of Ohio . lind tbe purobllsed an aotomoblle . 1J,00d famllv BorRe, , years old, Pbone 90-3 , MI.. Lena Haria" II Itill on the and ally! • good driver, and fioe .famlly prices are l ow, a~ 1 bon@h' them be. aSrl, Marietta (~rJl)8Dter returned slok III', . • Yon m"de tbem," , horae. Call Phone llU.IY. for Infor. fore the lost two advIIDceR in these bome Sunday after ~ visit with her lhey will palot to tbelr 00. , AD" d5 Mr. IIlln,orth Sml'h and family matloa. goods: Don 't ' put It off, ae they arft , , q ,' llllcbable ,·llIr>t Ilod say: , ' gol Dg 'fa"t, and tbe poxt will be son, Benry, of near <Uentervtlle. are "Illtiog John Levi Ilod family , 'Yoo! D"Dlo you! Yoo kindled vllry muoh Wgber. At the 01 I stand, MlsR F..y Ellis, YOllo.el' Ifaa,htllr Mr. John Levi and tamlly I\r~ lot R . C.R. I. Red Cooherels It.. ,. . A B SIDES of Mr. and AI"I, , 8alIl , li:U~s, .ave 'her mo"lng ooolr In their OWD houee tor·.ale.' Yoo moat :horry If ThllY will (Ihow you tbelr ohlnklng frlende • surprise by beiD. 'marrled 'and Mr. li!qulre Smith and wife woi If 'you want thtlm, th 3y ere floe R . ' 4":' Opto metrllt'l OhlJlo~ 00,1 s,\,,; , . to a YOUD, man 'IIrbo reetdt!1 In ooonp1tbs ,bOUle wbere Mr. La,1 Is E. 81mklnl, R, D, 8, W,ayne8'vllle' Eyes tested free "Dalllu you I Yoo for~ed ~hem, Indiana. mO"ln, oua. . Oblo . . dli ' air .. In tbll Dear fatare ~hestoDe orolh. • _ • "n(1 ~heu wll b their'. lleolllab er will bell'I n to work aDd oor Itree'l Duroo Je.sey Boar. 8 montb. ICr(l,UIS IImltiog yonr (lars, and ~.hb will ' be pn' In fuet.ola. ehaps. old, eligible to register Morrj8 ~he h linds out oJ which yoo ploked This has been 't alkeil of .for eome BrowD. Spring Valley, OhiO, Bome ~be nloB tll and 'he dimes ond the Mr .nd Mrs A, Cook ,od lIIr, ti'lle, but owln, to the demand for Co~titutio...1 Remedy bluf1.ellro Q!i nll)Uey, "bAY will posh Phone 3pO, Centilrvllle, d5 nel Baug hman were Dayton Vii. l<lbor I; haa beeD po,ftponed . Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey \' ttU tu Uw "NllCe ot the yawnlnR That We Cuarantee ooe dav la ~t week. For Cougha and Ooldl. Fr',lnk MoCarren, 'with the 11011111&. "h\'~t\ flf hl'lI, '\Vhlle rol\tllg op fr Qtn. Qooil old family Bor~e, .ate for . MrlO . •l ohn MaClore ' hRI! retnrne<l anoe 'of Mr, Deoker, ij mllklnl{ ar. , ~~e, N. c.-"ior yea,. t , 't'\',6 hltfl,roo of tltsr nftl dHf,llnIH!oD home arMr /to visit wltb her bt:ot,her r~DIt~meD~!I t-o etart; tbe improve. C"rltoD Smith, of Uelaware Col. ohlldren to drive Will le)J or ,.8I1frere4 with a chronic COUlh, ao I ~ h ljlr Rbrlfllfllllnd oreilmR w,,111 brQ!lk In St. Louis Inents on bill farml reoenlly pur. Iqe ",as·bome for 'TbanIl;Nl/lv lnlt. 'rade. W , 0 Guattn, WIlYDeavIlle . could' n9t lleep rplhts and c::ont1nued <tDJong tilt' ,Or"~a and tbe, petlk~ of ' 111118 MoKlnley Ipt; ut ThllUks, Ublo , d5 Get the Miami ohllsed of A. P. AdamI. . Gazette ,Now to 1oM,fleah. .My d(IIICiat aRed me r1':'Il~11 b\ld !.hey will ory, ', Woe U,flto , Jllmes BullIes ~pe nt MondllY In BOW&fd l:!eBrll, .of Jeffersonville, .IVlnR lit her bome In RUlaelvllle. ' to try VinaL It cllred my COUCh 1 ,him tl)llt llUt.t pt.b t,he botHe to hl@ D~ yto n. . A, H. Hariais and wife IDMrtalned Mr. Alld Mr". \:IuKh K elil\,n g nnd Oblo, Wal married Thank,glving , ICIIl deep N,hla and have gai~ed' oolg bbQr '1\ lip." dau g llt.f1 r, Mr. Rod MI S. Ulint 'Elutt - - - --- - twelve po\Ulcll; Vinol fa the bcst day to .. a lady of tb.t ol&y. · W e on Thllllt,slvin., IIr. and'TMri B.rlan, of LebanoD, ,,-cd f~ on'l\y werl1 tile SllndtlY gUBt\~S ollilm Boward as 0011' buy and wleh Zenae . toJ:ll\: aDd daaue builder I have ever ' the yoong·oouple bappln8le tbrOQRb. HadaD pad famlly 'anCl . Mre , Ever. or Mr.llod Mr". Wtlll:luH, of. Ridge. tabD....~W'. D. Ren, Llp-an.e, N, C. Milled a Few. out their journey of life. bar'. of "laml.bllr~, J . . C. Plckln ville. ' W. eoanntee Vinol fol' chronic Beatrlce-"Is It '(1'tl" runt 8ll\l01'!ll MrJ. Barab A. Bar'l an aDd .l.ler, .':Id family, of Dayton. . . coup., colds and bronchitlll. Not a IUI\'e a gltl In c"ery pprt?" 'Mhlshtpo Mis" t>!lArl IcJnrrl If! Rpllodtog Ilev. 141111 Lol. RbUakoir waS 'he gueet .,;tent medJcllle. Pormula on every maQ Harold-I'Well, I'd hord\y SBJ: er'" rlliytl With re lutlvtt In Frank. Yrs. I.ydia B . Barvey, retorned home Mon lay mornlog from Bont. of rela"v81 Dea, 80u&h Oharlll8ton, botde. . ~out mooq ·back if it f&i'" tbnt~there we~ sover01 .places ~ lin. ' la,,' week. Mr ... nd M.s, Ueorge T ..1t apent lnlCton, W. Va. J . E, Janney, DI ullgist, Waynesville didn't to\lcb OQ our crq18"'''--J'·ldlle. .' Min 0 '''110 Squires reSarned bome !ir•. Lee Ooyl ba. 811 gu,,"a WedD ~sday In Leh .. nou , . , Mr. fl.od , \h8; Ed Woodwud and rrr Dayton after' ..veral da,.1 niece ADd DJlphew of ~prta.aeld. Are,you goin~to build a House? . Mre: I!l M, Pa".rIOD and family ' ODd famU'I'- were the ~unday 'guests S5&, with relatlve8 -I~nd friend I, The<p,~y jpven by' 'he': mllJDberl 6f Springfield are 'lINts of rela'ivel Mr. and Mrs, Fraak Rlokard and of the Zion Baptlet (Jlhuroh at Town bere. ' A re you sroing to build a' Garage? 'am,l Iy, , baao Lytle an elteemed re.ldellt Are you going to build a Hog Pe!)? Mr. Orland Dohon wae the Sun. B&1l on Wednesday 1III,ht wli'l ,well attende4 and' a go'~I, amouM of of our oommunity, died a& lhe d~y 'gues' of friends h~re. Are you going to build a Poultry House? money w •• Reourdd. Tbe audleD08 of his daughter, Mn. J. C. Balnl!!l, .. M~ , lind Urs G, C, Mount were wea !lelt"hte4 with 'he In&ertaln Novllmber .28&b. Be had beim In DaytoD 8bopporp Tburedu.y. meDt. poor bea1&h for several Dlonthe, IIrs. Harvey Mooger ar;ld sen, C: III Levlcl':, oor popular dry ~1DI a vlotlm of canOllr. FODeral wllre the gueets of Mr. and ~oode Dierchant, balll.. ettlll bOline. eervlOlll were beld ~KtiudaJ moro. Do Yo Wllnt TobllCCO Boxes! ..... ... .. .. : ..... .... ............. "'.S",, MaddeD. ra Aluert Seetod one day thle In Olnclnoalioo Tueilda,. lng In 'be M. Ii: ohurob, of whloh he week . tle'f'lIra) of our OUlZ4SDS were 1081" Will lin aO&1ve mlmber , " ,Do You Wan' Cement'! . . ..... , .. " ..... , , • • , , . , " •.• •,' . : ..... ... ,See HaddoD Ur. -'and Mre, 8tepben, Gor8uob of ou, of-&o",o rlllative. and friead. , Mr. aDd Mre. Smith have had ail 'heIr 80Ddll:V Rue til Mr, 1\0<1 on 'Pb~1iklgtvlng D,ay, retarain, r'l~orned &0 'hell' I,lom~ here. anft Do You Wanl ·I.imc or Plalter? , .. , .... . . ..... ,: .... . .. . :." .. See Madden Mrs 01iP' . Montgomery ' Mod eOD, bome maoh belled-edl'aad refrOlhed an eZlended vlel' wiSb relatlv8lln Do You Wanl Any Kind of l.umberl . . . , . . , . . . .•. .. , .. . ..... . See Madden 14r. and &arli . Ed lIyetand ilauglltel . Mr. aDct'M". EdwliD 8bldaker haei 8priD,fleld and Ind,laIllPoUI . !'dll!sell l..uolle Gorluoh aDd Ina HI their S'o oday RDlOi! •• Mr , aad·Mrs. ~. , B, aeeve. Ie ' drl.v ill, a new Do You Want Shingles?, , , ... . , ................ , ,See Madden Delirth ' llpent Mooday wltb Gbar. Tboe. BaY\l()(lk, .Ih, aod Mrs, Tre. Ford. . , .10t.1.e Sr, Cllllr, who III vlflttlng her vpr Baydook and "amU,." of Ne"" :" _ :.........' - - Do You W~t Felt RoofiDg?" • , , ••.. , • : " ..... ,~ M'adden brotber, Emerllon .!3S, Olfttt and fam- B!I1'lIn~ton, IIr. an4. 1111. Jam.1 .' Ily. . ' Baydoolt and launl:;, Mre. Preparlnll for a 1111 Dq, Do You Want Fence Posts? ......... , .. See Madden Bar;laD and Mrs. Ibbits 00l1e... .A: 1I00veao rlcbe who ·wa. nOle4 tor Dr, J G. lia9l' IlpotlDt ''l'hapUI'V. ~. DIllule ot" tbe kin". IIlnaUlb.1I You Want Farm Gates? " ..... , : . , .. See Maddep In WUmln,loD with rela"vOl, IUoted by lin exdianp Ii dUsting on Notice .of APpointment logB"v. AU,.\ Walkllr will till lbe the coat at tile kennell tor iii. new Do You Want a ' Veranda'? ........ '...... Se.e Madden pulpl' at our oborob ,on SnDda,. nllzt. count;r7 plllce , ~n thele word!!: "It's' Tbe d~Doe at Towl~ Ball Wal well ,Ult throwlog money Into tbe lire. 'Ve e . Do You ,,"enderl. baven:t on aruma\ on the place 'worth Want "~. Willter ,(Jra:v, one of oor, mOlt t2l.but tbe wa.1tli~e architects are pr!>llperonl farmen,l!lold a floe bunob ,ftttlll&' np , ,thoae cootoun4ed kenoels of hOgl ail.. broaa:ba him a Dtoe IIDyone would think ~at they 'expected eum or m'lnllY, them to be occupied. b7 the Do" of , Venice' h1m8~lt I" Do 10U _D~ to bono" a dime? : .


c~~~~~ A~.~~~~TAT~;~~~R~~~h M~




\! rlrJut

r-, u\!11 l

l ite

.. '


u l tile

c..Iise:lsc .












Will-o-Wisp" , , Hair Nel

Saxon Six . Livery









.THf "CAUSf:'O. f'






- +&..ebanOD .:. Ohio



I============== ' .


14: Ir--~---------"-"-----------",,,






·M adden





BUI'ld' Ing PI'an.. s',. . S·'ee· :'M ' .. ''\ a.d,~uen

- ..- - -

lee Madden

.. PreparIng for SIa'ug"ter, Miss Gotrox7""""1'{enrly all my ad· mlrerR think I 8h.ollld be IIble t~ get tips ~om. 1'on 00 tbe market." Oot· rox~"Encournle them' tn ;tIIe Idea, 1111 Mr. 'aIId Mr •• U,ruI ' Bolaad and delU'. It won't be long before nl be fll~l1y IlMIn' Tbant.lvtD, Day I't!IIdy to unlond Ule Block I'm ftJ'l'J. witb 'belrbroaher Aluhllur, tlenr1 Ing,"" ' " . and Jane ROIADd. IIddtll


, Nlw Kind of Mucilage. , Huclla.. whlclt can be ~ tn both 'tiek lind book torm, aud ot wl\lcb on\7 the allant1~ dMireCI at ~ Ume an ~utrUsed, baa been Inftnt. eGo the pUfP!llle'belna to ruard the 1011 conaequent UPOll the drytna or Uqald JDucilaae. "

If you


ilon't~ want anything at, all, SEE MiDDEN

,. t



otQ~:r:~'I~'~~II~I~'~~I~I~~;n(lI1IS i~-50f'~ I ETY--NO--TES--·I



!i::~::;~~:~::\;::~,:~::~;:~::~:::::::; L-~----- I '

II. E. CHURCH Sunday School at 9: 16. I]lor.nin~ preach'n" at 10:90; ev~n i ng p rfllch. Ihlf at.7:00; prayer m eeting . Wed uns· I'll d ay evenlolf a t 7:00 O'clock .reoo~ia1IY in vited t o all of these IIOrIlIC8II.

ot vert\(Iill I'OW~ nf

1'111(",. ",( lit ' \1111". Thp,"I'



_ _ .- - - - - -" •

_--1 I


1'11l 1i!~ lr lind Mrs I"rnllk I,' I'r !lte - \ 'ill nrll (; 1111 •. ' ' h,' Ii ·,'1 blOwn I nl',' mllcl.' "r PolN!C" I Thailk. 1('11' in 10\' Dav .linn~'r with MI'. imJl '[' '1I1t! I't lHllIlIWt', wlil l Inln, I1l1 rl llllUl1 thNIl nr .. [lRlnfOIl nlllll\1t J . W. \\hit, : pl>~r 'J II np tll'rld.,) ,\',OI'ws>' the scoot' nu,l I'll''''" " t ilion)' royol ,· rl't>J· I ,_ _ _ __ . ~ '\!oild n Ulllberollhc ! .<'ctUI,' Cllu rSl' rlen('l's. Thl' 1 .1111 ~~ ", ..1'<' 1\111('0'(1 th'-f' D n'l fOrj1.lIl - - - by th., ol'ch'r of l... tll~ PhilippI'. Th e ttl. E . . ·u nday·sclw ol nf\1c~ rR \ ,, ' . . l I., 1 II ST. AIARV 'S CHllRCH \\'e re entt:rlllill d I.IL the home of I hL! l\ I (' \'~n l 011 Li P. 'll~.t.t III ~1t'S P. H: Farr 'I'll ~d uy \. n !nit t o cal ~d aT Will ",'Cllr 0/\ nt·. · 1 S'lllll'~l;oy Second Sunday in Advent. Dece·n Uncovering t he Ill usio n. ·IJ icke n SIlIlP r . 'I'h \' niug \\ aa enmg t 'hll'~;i\' llh '\l tliat 11I:.1ll 1 ber 9tb, Sunda, School a t 9:30 a .~l. IIJlPIl e ~'O\l sh"II I(1 he fnllftl<'d tn ver~1 ple!lsautiy 91l 'nl. h e lJllYS ond glt'll! IIf l'II I' I)W~ " III lIIorninlf Praye,r and sermon at 1~.30 t h e clark ni ght' hy Rom thIng which . , . ' , '!I'l't., th lln,;\ lLlllI " Irl' II I lark:· Kverybody inVited to these ser VIce!! . lookerl 11k!! 'n Rl)l'l't r? "'''ulll 110 t he . ' vllk III .I l1u!.I" 11"IIIJ~I' h Mr. and Mr : Ivm ltlarnharl n., " ho Nholll.l hrl nl! II hlntern IIn(1 ~ ow te rtain don 'L'han'ksll\\' llli Da.\' Mr I 'f1l1l HIKh b .. 1 ,,,I HI I Il lIhll1~I.I' d ' you thnt It wns b~lt .~ whIte Cl:'lh hn Dg· HlId Mrs Cliff rd H im es , of dnle,: I cr Ii I t lll.t th. , \111 "",,1'- 01 IIII' (~P 'r· Wht>. U.e of Kickin g? 1111" t "busb ~hl' .I OU fnr J(ll' ntl' r en· ville ' Mr. lIno Mr Bartoll E'lrnhna't ! ella "l"l'inl~Cl'~" \ 'II'Y~IIIII IH"1l1l1l1, . Ii "What's tho use ot kicking nlln lu"t COlIl'lll;~lIl1' nt than lIa who .IIIPro'ly U , lind family 1\1 r unCI Mrs J ~h c' LUI'ned 0 CI' III lilt! :PCf I UI'< IIll'ilC:l of things you Cl\Q't holp? Meet lite \\'lIh horted )·ou to kCl'P lip your Iocllrl. look han an d Mi t;:l Lillian Uuvnl. l. ! the Red C'mS:! eII_mlneu IUId f ortitude BD d Ih other wny, ,,·hlstie. nnd VII~~ on7rh II' I '1 I' · I " ~ a , \Yh t el), . ' 'I;~ IV' I ~(" 1 f' 1111\'" I hP d.l. " 1IUId..." ." ' 1 Mr and Mrs J L I I Ie ~'rv ic ' f1a~ \\,1110 fnu r ~lCI'~ u~ rI [lih !!'!!!'!!!'!~!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!~!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!~.~ \' tained d " ' : J C ItIM 'II rj ur 10 l hoot! l1f il ~ 1l\l'll)lJ~I'~ I 'll u r ul Mrs lto8~ tp~r ~M ay jr·MIl nl)rt.thefr ~dllli ~u n'\'rall.t IJl at'~d ~::::========================" f' ~r I~e, r. line . , r~ their liv . tl windt. HI till;' rlislJ~1I1 ~ I ri:~~~~~ ~1;~n~M r U'tljttl!:~(rHi l;~~f IOf clllD1(lcr!lI'), III. iH ~(rlll.rJ.!'Itl , iLh fC • ' 11 ' li , d ) I . ' aut,ocrll ..v. ·',1 I'HII" )C1I"~ loy, the Ear~h!~~\11 s~d r3 'b8n lMrll r A~vll I{ l'i Ol rCl\lI tu," (I f th i.· sl rtq.(J(I,' n r c Miss Lilli D 1 y, ,nma, ane b ru u~~ht Iorc.blv hl.rlll.' to 1'" ,1'", '0 11\ ' an uva . I)\U l1l l~' unot<, " PI'\, 11 '111\)111 u11':: rt1· - -- - - - - - gallon , with a $.mall yield on your farm-No-you do -ever y thing that you can to increase production. Claren ' l' l\lt'lI4iLllhltli and 'a rl Me ,Iu r' f\l r lllt'i-I .I· ,iI Ih,' II igh ,'l'i Itlll I And yet you frequently allow money to lie idle or hut now o f Ih ~ Li "; "y "'l'l'lI l only produce a low rate of interest. . Lun OilY fllrl ll ughH \\'ilh th"11' hnme The money deposi ted wit h us is in vested. on ly in ful l, . Willi- 11 I'e IIII'Y fH\ (If ·d I he I'lluelln,;: of ,th,'

life ,' ery " \1 IIw "I \",


- --... _ -- ..--




You are not salisfied-


carefully selected first mortgages on Real Estate , - but by . keeping eve ry dollar at work - every minute of t he time - we are ab le to pay 5'/0 Dividends. . .

ltig h ,' chool

.G em City Loa~

6 N. Main-Dayton




, 2.50 2.00 2.50 7 .00 2.00 2.70 2.00 6 .00 2.00

Frank Elbon sold his fa rm known the S. S. Haines farm . nea r tawn this week t o R Van T ress This ill a fin e farm.and in t he he ig h t . of cuI· tivat ion . The fa rm realized Mr. E lbon around $50,000 .


2.25 1.20 2.00 2.00 2.00 . 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 1.00

ZIMMERMAN'S Specials AU This Week

2.50 5,00 ·

M8~~:;s ~cli ~t'7'~" ....... ..... 5f

Waynesville, Ohio

The Trl·State Is right in line with the Food Administration desire to ~ve· tbe pro'.lucer the greatest possible returns tor his Droduct ..

52 ·eents per pound for Butter



December J, 1917

We deal direct with our 25,000 patrons, no station man or buyer talc. a profit off the cream, ",ben he should be doinil something uMful fot his country.


The atation buyer don't do.anything for the produce~ that the producer can't do b1maelf only the station buyer exacts a toll around

2c per pound for his commission.



Good Rio Coffee, lb. only ..... 15c Imp. P into Beans. Ib ..... ...... 10c Steel Cut' Coffee. lb ... ... .. .. .... 2()c Mo t her s Oats, pkg .. ... ... ...... 10e Kelloghs Corn Flake5. pkg ... l Oe Post Toaaties, pkg.l. onl y·... .. . 10c Mrs. AUlltin's Pan LakeFlou'r lOc 10 Ba rs Lenox Soap only ...... 45c 10 !lars Clean Easy Soap .. .. . 45c 10 Ba rs Fl ak e White pnly ... 55c 10 Bs r s Kin g of th~ La und ry Soa p ..................... .. ....... 3~c [tu b No M.o re Wa shing PO.l'ld er5c pkg .... ..... ............... ... .. .. . Ch urn Gold l t he beEt Olie made po u nd , on ly ....... .. ... ....... !l3c


I5c-IOc-2&c Sto.""" ,o",-----"






New Goods This Wecl Cal EUlrlish Wu irmts, Soft Shel l Almonds, £1'retih ll oastfd Pea n u ts. Brazila, Dat es. Fig-d, N ew . Sauer Kraut. New Raislns l New Pru nes , New Beans. New Corn Meal. New Hom iny, New Bulk Oats, t'{ew P ure Buck· whea t, New Pettij ohn s, Grape fr ui t , 5c up, Tokay Gr lllJell, Swee t Oraug-es, Bellflower Ap. pies, Gooking Ap ples, abbage On ions . Celery Bulk Oysters, ' solid measu re: Edgemon t Crackers . t he best . rn arl e. Eve rything that is In tbt1 ma rket at p ri~es that will save you m oney . ' Bri ng usyou r Chickens , will ' pay 17c f or Chickens. broug ht in ' Friday m or ni ng. '


I t pays to trade at

Send ua your next can, or if you need cans, same will be sent· pre· _ paid ~or 30 days trial.


, ShopL

~' --------------~-------

Th, best line of Healing S toves and Hanges in this pa rt of (lhio, llnd t hq priccs ar I"w, as 1 boullh t t hem before -he Insr- two adva nces in lhese good is. Dont PUt it off. as they a re gail'll: fas t , und h" next will be verY mush hil!ilCI·. t til!: old s Uffi( •





We have in stock, everythmg kept in 6rst-class HarnesS Shop.

NO 'HUNTING . Th e f o'IlIJwing named persons will ailow hU1l1inl!' on t hci r [lremi eli, and wili PTWltlcUle any trenders t o the full x~en\ of tb law : Marli n G nil . Seth Furn !l>l I 'uac Wi lllo n Ev.!r ett Stu hh:-\ fi . Ilry ":uU cl'lhwai le l':lias 0 -des l,~e • fi'l'un k Mar. h ~'nj n k Braddook l!:'ITI Hocke lt J:;d 1- urnu ~ ~10I1 Uoy n \l~


Specialist in r elie"i o'g F}ye·Stra in and J mproviug' Il e fccli ve Vision by ( .Iasses . .' Office, and "illing lWo m ' l OS So uth Dtltl-.,it ~ L I eaf Wit h TIFFA '1 ,JU:WERY Shir e . Xenia, Ohio .

W M. ·



No, 1, Warneavl ll.!!, Ohto. OrptDI(~On




Cook Irell • 1I0llie graDd. good u tilit y and ex ; Man hlbltloD birds. ~ee E. O. E VaDt , ' .1111!~----_-W.,D8Il'1I1e. Ohio. die


C. 8

dl D

9:00 P. : M 4:00 P . M'

6:00 P . .M ' 7:00 P. M:


" .- •

9:30 A. M. 10:00 A rd.

11:30 A. M.

Foster l:locia lville Muson

l:lfO P. M<.

2"80 P . M.




Mrs . • Mary E. Sawye r. who has been..aerlo.u.s1y iJ I nt th e home of he r

SOli. Wal ter Sawye r, of Rou te 4, i8 much bet ter a t .the p resent time

ill pay th; Highest Market Price. L<:t us know. what you have to offer, b ma il or p!Ione, We pay l~g distance phone charg . B~ll

Mesu!!, Claren ce Mendenhall and Carl McClure leil Monday evening to ~in t he i.. ship , the Oklah oma. aft er'a t en days f urlough. The boys 'e nj oyed the ir fu r lough to the fu lIE'st

E 1519. '

Home Phone 3561.

BEN.FRANK; 2215 E F-ifth St. Dayton, O. '.

~!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'! . .....:-.. '. -




Theth.oug e pidem ic of "pink.eye" bill! gone h the Mchools ve ry I'spid Iy thiB fall: Almost all o f the ~ rades have been a ffl icted with this malady, 'which. though not dange ro·us. is ve ry p ainful.

r"'~~----II!I.'-."iIi~i!-"'-------III!II!!I"~ . .


Dt;tdges Hudsons .... The Delco



The1divis ion ot the Red Cross un L'i-~--III__ der the di rection of Mrs. Lina De vitt I' 'will give a chicken supper 'in the ,. ~. E. socl,,1 room Thursday even· ing December 18th . All donations ' ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _.,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _': will' be thllnlifully r eceived. 1'1


... -...- - .. A GAR LOAD

17 ~ore Shopping Days 1'ill Ch~i8im88 .••


This' Week · O",r Window f9r

Of Atlas Cement will be in this week. Buy ' wha~ . you w~ nt at ' the car and save mouey ..

Circus Cars Driving Harness Horns Ealls Hay Carts Windmills Tops '"




WANTJ:D L. •••.50 t,000 \ ~ LB~ _~.' or . pnUlTRY u. '

few days. retu rned to her h ome in Brookville S unday e vening.


Will Drive ' You Any



Midd leboro Hutiervilile PleusBo t· Plain . Mo rrow


J. W . . White '.



Miss C . Yo unce. who haa been vis· iting her brothe r and family f or a .----------------....;~-..;;;.~~~-~--~,

Ii:! sli.ll oin the Jutlk husiness, Save all your Junk fo. him arid -he 'will call on' you lncl ~E:t it . Le/tve ocdel'S ' at White's grocery fo r a ll kinds o'f .


P. M. 4:00 P M. 7:00 P M.

Mills 4:110 P., M. All o~ners and harbour~ rs. of dogs p~ease be ~t2the most conventet;t.t pIa e for them pron;l'ptly at tIme menttoned. The la w re,q'uire all dog:; to be registered before' January I, 191 . . C. S. Mounts, Auditor. C. J. Waggoner, Sheriff.

Ttie Moth er;s Club will hOld the ir regular,. m eeting . Fr iday afternoon . Oecembe.. 7, at 2:30. All mothers and ot her ' womeb .in the Township are sumciently interested in the are invited to tbese meetign6.


UFJj' Orpl.ngt,oli Cookerel". n EO apiece. U. 8 . Mu\vell, R. R.

8:00 A.. M.

·oU.lh Lebanon lIopkinaYill MUlIl llv ilie

Mrs . 'Rowe ll Pierc~ : left 'fuesda}' morning to spend a month with reI· t lVes in Toledo. He r s i!lter, Mi ss ,W arner, of Selg'ln • • will tak e up the d uties us Mat r on of the frie nds' Home while she is away.


1:00 1', M.

2 : :;I~

Wednesd ay, ,:DecemberI12, 1917

decided no t to h old lheir annual marke't on December 1 5th, as adver~i8ed , .b1.! t to lIivtl it ui> this yetl r on . (If the ,shor tage o f f uel and prod ucts .


Spring·boro Rid ge ville LyLie

Tuesd.ay. December . 1 1,11917 Oregon ill :00 A, M. Harvey bUI'g 10:00 A. M; Washington Twp .. Htouse 1:00 P. M. .

. The ladies of St. ~ary 'sG uild have

-:-at_e. _ C _la_ssi_fied_"_Ad--;-s.



Mre. Morri!! Graham, who has b een afflic ted with goit r e for the )last year. was opelated on at ·a Dayton hospital last weel<, and it is 8!lilJ thllt she is imp roving rapidly . .



. -.

---- - ----

. These Magazines ~re quoted for TWO' years' Subscribe for them' and save money by it.


Run !> I t Herself Now. A ulh(l"'$ "'rh' llcJ -"n"o~ y our hus widolV of bn nd Il SO 1I r Kt'UlI<'II~'on In hIs wl'l nit?" th hom All t hnr's 'Wl rl.......... Ji c u t:'d lO. hll she

:0 A. M. 9:30 · A. M. 11 :00A . M.

Don't fa ll to hear Go r ton , the im· Red Lion perflona tor , a t School I:l a ll Ii'J iday fi' ra nklin evening Car liSle

Kentucky Sorghu m

•• MAGAZ·INE·S •• PrlL'tI



Mrs. arnh J . DinwiJrli e. Mr. .' B. H. l{vliy is visiting w ilh Sa mue l Dinwiddie, di ed at of her son, Charl es McClellan, on was peTfe(' lly hO l'rhl. '0 I 11IIVC Jellrll 'd 11' and Mrs. Howard Fee: of Cla d (s· lo urg, Ind . Valley r oad, Sunday, after lun weeks t o 1'\111 It 1II~·. :'·l r.' ·-J udgo. il lness of cancer. aged 2 'he nl a Miss Edith Coont z. of New York lea ve:; t h ree stepchildren, !'viI" Jl:!n ' ity is the guest of Rev. anli Mrs. nie Dinwiddie. of Indian apoli s, and . H. T . Coontz . J esse and Frank Oinwiddi ~. of Be ll • • brook. . . 1\1r. and M!'s . F. ~~ Hende rson and dllugnle r , Lquil3e. we re 08y10n The venerable J W. i.ini{O di d at W now hu,vc two barrel visitors 'fuel:lday aftern oon . Lebanon Friday . after a Itmg ilInes!!. 'l'he name of Lingo has been o· of Fane ophum at 10e pel' ciat ed in Warren County for th galloll. ' Two gallons to a cusGorton. the enter tainer. a t chool PlII!t q 4 a rter of Ii century, IUld hl! Hall Fr iday · eveni ng. Be is said to tome:r. · . well kno wn. H is plII!sing u: way be a good one. and will repay you f or . White's Store one of the most p rogressive going to h ear him . me rchants Warren Co unty has ever p ossessed. Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Co leman arrived hom e Tuesday evening from 'an ex tended visit wil h. Mr E:tban Coleman a n!! f amily. at ,T oledo .


n ~ar ~



A •• 'n ·


American Magazine .. .. ....... .. . . $3.00 (U'_W January I . 1818) 'Baseball Magazine . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. 3.00 Breeders' Gazette . .. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.00 Century Magazine .... , . . . .. ..... " 8.00 Delineator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.00 Etude. ~ . : ... . . : . . ....... : .. .. '. . 3.00 Everybody's Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.00 Harpers' Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8.00 Illustrated World . . . . .. . .. ... ..... .. 3.00 (UatalUlUUT 1. ~n 8) • . Ladies' World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.00 (UaW FebruU')' 1. 111 8) , . -'-,.-t-"':"·I"ittle-Polks-Magazine .... . .. .... . .. . 3.00 McCall's ·Magazine . . ...... . . , , , .. . . ,.' 1.50 . ~ McClure's Magazine ...... ..... . , .. . .. . 3.00 Magazine . . ... . .... . .. . 3.00 (UaUlluu"'7 I . 1818) Modern Priscilla .. . . .... .. .. . , . . . , . 2.50 Mothers' Magazine ... , .. : ... . .. . .. . .' 3.00 Physical Culture ... ' .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.00 (Ualll J~ary I . JU8) Pictorial Keview ....... ... ........ '.. 3.00 Popular &:ience. Monthly ........... ; 3.00 Toda)"$-Housewife '" .. . '.... .. '. . . . . . . 1.50 Woman's Home Companion. . . . . . . . . . 3.00 'W orld's Work. '" . '.. . . . " .. . . . . : .. . 6.00


.~-·f -

The union services at the Orth odox. Friends Chu r ch 'l'hllnksg i in g !J ay wer e well attended . The sermon wa For t he cOll vcnien e of those interest d in the matter preached by He v. H. T . Coont z A ny fnl'lll~r h''''illj! woc,d to cul o r +------:---~- I of the Law I gardi ng t he " Dog" we will be at th following Rev. J . F . Cadwallader and Rev . Me ny on I who wlslws lo t u t wllod nlllY d i d l d t' 11 t' d f th Mil lan assisted . The mwrie wa~ by lisl t ltei l' nallll'S WIth me nel [ w ili Lect ur uurBe Frioay evening. . uarne 1 a cs on n. es au Ime I en lone or e purpose t he unite4 choirs f the vilill g-c. Lry H Url get lilt!lI\ tlJ),rct her T his of xplailli.llg t he law and is~ uing th (Dog) liaenses for 'th may h el p the fu eillilliution v~ ry ma · Mr. and Mrs . Walter sst were year L918 . Le ria liy . J . O, 'IIrLw right Membel' COllnty i"uc:ll·omnliLtee. !Jnyton visitors Monday, Monday, December 10, 19) 7

"10'% S.fely- 5 % Dividends" . Bulldin~ it.

FRED B. SHERWOOD County Treasurer

\liI~ ~.:~re.


Your dollars will be more productive if deposited with us at











We are' now. ready -to receive taxes. It is very important that you. pay soon to save all of us time an'd trouble.

Earl EV8lI8 made lOme goodwin. with his Orplnaionl at th.e r!!!am~.b~Jrg Feather Clqb IuHreek. wlnninp wert! 1. 2 cock, 1,3



<Next Week Pre8ents for Everjbo.dy) Spedaillt In Barp/III .

2,8 elM'kerel I, 3;~~ on Buff

~ Unllllllrtll"., and t Qn


Target Sets Po'p Guns Drums Watchl'& I,antems A",t'os . Wagons·


over 25 cents) _ _ _ _ _ _(NOtll_, •

WayaetYiJle 0bI0

... "Behind the

____ .


Sixty-Ninth' Ye.8J'

' Ge~man

OV~~~~~1~ CAUSES

Li'n es"


10, . WEI.~NESDA Y DECEMBER 12 ' 1917

V hole NU~,ber 3415,7

~ ~'1 ~~aN--~~~ --,~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~ ----~::::~~;;~~~~





- A- Fam- iliar P jc' ure in Waynesville

FREE~~~. ~:~SAGE:


The farm honse to Dr. Hermann. of Dayton . nnd occupied In the Preaident's War Measltge, by Waller {l' riedwood, known as the -- delivered before the two Houses of Bl m~r Earnha rt farm, on th e r oad Th~ Me~ 's Club held their regular Congress April 2, 1917, Presid ent l ~ndlOg f rom Lytle t t he Lebanon meetjll,ls fu esday evening in the Wilson r eferred with great strenllth pIke. Wt'8 t of Lytle, bu rned to the Masomc Banquet Rooms. A large d f I' l'" I d f I ~ro~nd Monday, with 811 itsconte nb . crowd was p r~selil t. many farm ers an ee. lO g o. t Ie won er u and ('0. IJlg fire was tar ted In t he f urnllce braving the zero weaLher lind coming heartemng things that have been In Ihe mornin~. which was supposed in , ' happening within the lag t fe w weeki. l<> have become oVl!rheated , Major Bi ~h op, the now famous in RU B ia ." , The .alarm was tel cphoned alou nd I aeron aut. who WIlS to s peak befnre At t he presen t l th h . .. momen . e ap · th t! neljlhbol hood, and in a short time I the clu b. had to leave for Canada a crowd had gut hered on the preltl ' jand was unable t o be here 'rh~ peDlng wlthm the last few weeks in ise. , but nOlh ing c uld be done but Major phoned tha t he mig ht g ivt'l Ruasia are disnstrous and dishearten· let tht) house burn dow n. as ther e tbe people of Waynesville an evening ing in the extreme. But none the was no walef avail uble. late r on. however -. I~SlI these recent happenings empba· A f ew pleCCR of f urnitu re were In lieu of Maj or Bishop President sIze the truth of the principle the DA IEl WE8STE R MEEKS sayl'fi. but it wn~ a ITlA!llot . . Eve rY' j Hartsock p honed to LelJa~on lind got rresident laid d~wn In the message th mlt', WC"! t, Ami t~ e Wind altled the Rev. Geu. W. P hi llips, who so ably 10 the sentences Just preceding his refel:ence to Russia, ' Our boys and girls wbo have wan · that has been more faithful his blll ltlmg In burnmg. None of the entertai ned the cl ub last summer. oul hou ~e.s were burned . , Rev. PhilliDS took as his theme It IS not by the aid of Germany as dered from the home of t.heil' you th, tusk or more conscientious in hiB ser· . A,fire In the country at such a time "'fhe Four Gleams of the New World now r uled, or by a German peace and return to us for a time"finll vice. " , 18 very disastrous. owing to the lack Orde r," and he trElal ed the 8ubject to that freedom, justice, and peace aTe ,that the more temporary landmllr\tl:l Web is now getting well along in of w a t r _ ~R fnst a~ the w. er could the queen's taste. He 1I0t only im to come to Russia, Doubtless the of Waynesville are gradually vanish· rellrs . . He should not be required be pumpl'd Il froze 10. t he bucke s . ' pressed his hearers but made himself Ba~lty ~f the Russian people makes Ing. Some will remain with us wi t h to be exposed to the elemente or an~ ~rtlctlcaJ l y . here I no "a ving a , kn,ow n on wha t gro und he stood in ~hl s plain lo them and out of the ru· the centuries, others wiil cr umble attend to the exacting duties of hjs bUl I~tng wh en It gets 11 g ood star t regard to the world ",a r . His talk InOU8 chaos of to,day their sober Bee· with time . . calling. Web haa seen the Ifowth 'rile house and contents Wllro in was certainly the fi nes t that has been and thought will bring them onee The more personal or human land· of Waynesville's mail service from~ su red, heard here for sevtl ral years. more to the side of the tree peoJ)IBII , marks known to those who have been little handful of letters and papetB --- - - • It is impossible to go into detail The Pr(!Sident's words were aa fol· reared in this community from the tolte present proportlona. Thework ab.o,ut his lecture bu ~ thtl many good lo~s: , early 70'8, will soon be no more. is far more arduous than It W88 a LIEUT. IVAN S. ROSSITER A steadfast concert for peace can One of the most picturesque and few years ago. ' , thlllgs he u ttered will live in the hear ts and minds of all who were never be maintained except by • best Irnown characters of Waynes Web Meekll should be retired on 'a fortu nate enough t o hea r him partnership of democratic nationl. ville Is D. W. Meeks or "Web" as he government pellsion, We ' bel\e~! ' School Hall, Friday evening, December 14" at 8 1'he Gl ee Club ent ertained the No autocratic government could hi is familiarly known W~b has been that Uncle Sam will be ready ~ me mbers with seveTal selections, trudted tq ket'p faith within it or In the service of the federal govern· recognize this valued and faithful o'clock. Patriotic music by High School. Chorus under A fine chicken dinner was served observe Its · covenants. It must be men,t tor about 45 years. He started public servant. Thiri Is probably nO " by the ElIBlern Star ladies and all a I!!ague of honour, a partnership of 89 the mall carrier when Charles E , Blleclfic statute to take' care of a cue direction of Miss ·Rockey. did justice to the meal.' opm!on . Intrigue would eat its vi· Merritt was postmaster in 1878. like his. . , Lieut. Rossiter }las a wonderful story to tell. You The P ubl ic Utili~ i es Com mi ion Judge Willard WTlgbt and Frank tals away, the plotting!! of innl3r clr· Since then he has been back aud We believe thahome ot our publtc Andertlon. of Lebanon, were gUellts .eles \'Vho could plan what thev would the railroad station at spirited citizens should take up tblll has issued an order to the Da.y ton & present. can not afford to miss it. , ' and render account to no one would Corwin and the pORtoffice, Beveral QUel:lUon with Congre\lllmaD Felli an~ , Xenia T rnc tioll CI/ to 8bam~on the _ _ _ ... _~ • be a corruption seated at its vel'Jl times each day, with the regularity Bee what can be done. Furtbermor/3 line betwetm Rosalyn In Montgomery Proceeds for Waynesville Branch Red Cross..... heart. Only free peoples can hold of a clock. we are confident that we can rely on · County to Spring. Valley. The Corn their purpose and their honour steady We have all Been him bearing the Waynel:lvllle men and women, wher· -. to a common end and' prefer thl/n. man aack on hia back, hauling it'in a ever they may be to lend their sup· ' terests of mankind to any narrow n· push Cart or durina more prosperous port and seeUN the friendly, ClO'OPO terest of their o~,~ ' aeuona catrylnllt In a l'ig. There eratian of the authoriU. In. \yuhi. 't. . 0,. bu not been a'man In this community inaton. , ,., , " at Buch a rate lh.t It enJangers the ~-1~~~~~~' standing 01 the entire " j ,








-I'-PER-S'U-N' AL-ME'-N ' 110:"-'N

'WITH' VENGEANCE. __ :.. _____ ~ Hear Rossiter Friday ev~niJ1g.

¥.f#~l~V~~f:X~~~k~~;!l MEETING COAL OF THEDEALERS It is understood that people who ~:He:I~~~, ~he~I~~~~k 8~~~~: ~yftl~~ .

. Old Klnl Winler cllme to us ruther . . . ' .Into the courtlland att~m1)t to pre· auddenly early Saturday morning. Ray was In Dayton SaturdllY vent the order of til" Commission A alight tall of IInow Friday ..nd theu on bUSiness. being carried out. The line when originally laid out another early Saturday morning and, B ear D ___ at Scho01 Hall F rl': 'Y~ t 0 bave '"been ex t enut - .I d to Wi l. lWa:Iiter 'In fact, all aay Saturday, until the day evening. mlDg tOl1 , OhIO, but when the com· ground was cove,r ed to a depth of pany got as fa~ as Spring Valley tbe about ten Inches, made the mercury Mr. and Mrs, D. L Crane were in fUl1ds were exh~usted Ilnd they cQuld drop to 10 J..elow Zero Sund ay morn. X i 1<-" d ft not raise t he Bum nec~S8ary to finish H • en a rJ aya ernoon. it to t hat poin t This, therefore cuts lng, ' . V. il n~ing!on • ou ~ from 'gettina , a '. The rural carriers hl;ld Q great,deal Jl)Jltllliation of ,officeI'll at Gran ite traction IO t.O It~ cI ty . _ of trOUble mak ing tht!lr, rounds Sat. Sa t urday evening t 7 o'clock. 'Oys· Way~esvi~le bas beer,. cut out so ut'day, and G~.rge Mllis only g ot 88 ~rs serv~d. ' often m , dlft'ereut traction enter· prises that it iS,a joke when traction far a8 Lytle, bl! ~ the rt!$t of the boys Mrs~ Susa n Arnold is home again, talk goes around the ~ount.ry:llde. made thl'ir trip;,! all aTound, 8 :1 usual. af ter sPllndirl( a week with relatives ' .;. • Saturday all d y the mer,c ury hov. in Cincihn ati. ered around tile zer mark. and but few peolJle came ,10 town . uturday ' M -, J C I;I k d M Rill b _d' . _ I . h vancr~.· of' CI:nCl·anW hntel · , vnl~s l·ted~rse · lativPe' .. ' evening one one auto was seen In t e ~ u " aLreetB.,and but few pedestriamt were in Day.ton last Thursday. abroed . . ~ , Monday morning the mercury v,08S Howard Gustin. who teaches In the down as low as 17 below in some western part of tbe c9un~y, spent the placeB! alld coaluiJea sulfered. The week.end here wit h his .f",ther. COllI altuatlon was relieved here a Captain N . A, Fu lton . of Xenia, bit last week, a!! two or thrt'e car, Mrs., Ralph Vsnc~, of Cincinnati, died at his home Ilt!!t week, a1'ter II ' loadi of coal weIl!' rect-ived by local spent several days last week witl) ber long illness. Captain Fulton was a dealers, and the., promise that severs I parents Mr. and Mrs , J . C. Hawke prominent Xenian, but was a nntiv~ more .are on the road. ' .. ~ . of Warren OUllty, He Wail form · Trains were all behind schedule ' erly postmaeter; then superintendent thrie. and MondRY the mail, did not lIIotice·- 1 wiil ha ve my the of the 0 , S & S. 0 , home. and later rt!t bere until 11 o'clock l'he rursl Poatoffice for the 'undlty papers while conductt'd a clolhlng establishment carriers ..tteil'lpb.d to mllke their It ~s baa weather. Edw, Burton, Captain Fultl)n was for years trf~ Monday. t\u t were not ,abltH o Agent. . ' ~{;~I!n:~~ ~~~ . /~e!b!~d o:\~I~~ .serve all 'tbeir eust llmerf! , Several of E. Church. 'T he body WIIB taken to 8n80 Martinsville tor interment. count of the mailll being so late, Ilow· ,returned tq his regiment s~tioncd at , ~ver, ~hey diet not a'i.tempt to I:Itart TexllB. ' ., '. '. out unUI n4!ar)y nM n. , ,Coming Here From , M~ Ec;lna GorntJlI and Ho~ard ~ "Ou)' candies th'i '1'Ye~r '''re very flne Gaetan, who. e~m~" home FrIday, 'nnd we Ilsve plenty 0 ( ' them . Cali , evenln!!;, were unu~le t,o !fet to thej r. and g't:' t ~ O UT candy while it i!! fresh . =clt~e !Iclao~s-on acc~unt of th ~ , M rs , W"C. Philli ps'. '





n:~ iti~: b~a~~t~~,rr~lrs~hihfo~~::, ~:~

--At a mt.'eting 01: the coal dealers and J. O. CartwI'ight. Member . of lhe County Coal Committee on Tuesday it was dElCided. to pr~vent duplicat~ ordenl, that aU requesta f or coaI. s . ou Id b, e filed 'WI'th M r. Cartwrll{ht . In the case of his abo eence from bls offil~e he has deputized Mr W. 0 Raper to receive the raquesla. , NQ one having ~I Ilupply should ap" ply for coal as teheir applications will not~ be consl4eroo 89 long &II 'o thers are out of coal, lPriorltY · of ord",r and needs of the consumer will be ,considered In ma~lng allotments and will be lIupplle!i lUI far as poaBible from the first ~r to arrive IrrBIpective of the dealer r,e ceivingit. All able bodied meil are urged to provide thellUMllvea with , wood as long as the coal shorQa'elasta. Seth Cook C, 'M . Robltzer A. B. Sides Younce Brothers Dealers J. O. Cartwright, Com. •_ • .


Kent uc'k y Sor,h um ,, ' vir


e ~ow , have t~o barrels 'of Fan~y Sorghum at $110 ,per g,aHon. T~o gallons t~ a custoDier. '

White's Store

. .





.' , . < '. " Robor t Jone , \ ho 1$ sHua~ d at 'Rockford, 111 , i~ howe on Q len·days' f~J'IIou ~h 'He i.. lookjng ' fine , Hnd armY life 8~ema Lo agl'ee with him . , ' ' Mrs 1nl's/. I, abAd am~. of Kaflsas C· . db ' d ' , Ilyarrlve e: e l/i{o nesday to Sp'1 nd the wlritt'r with Rev J , ~'. Cild wil llu. d d fit . ,e r ar ~ily. Mnd , (Hila," r~ Live~, , M~s .It'rank ltvblll!. whQ h IS been' :lflre for" he ast year in athmdance UPflD. h!'r m oth!!I', lh ~ late Mrs. Eb,e rl~ , -r tUrfl~"<lt() ner hOOle nea r Spring VQ~ley &j;II ~dav. " ~ We

h~~e. a fitll3


''J ur i

.,-, Miu Gebauer and the pupils of her Announcement Is made from Col· Domeetlc Art clanes beld a bazaar umbull ~Y H. P. Wolfe, dlrllCtor of In the To,vnship House last Saturday. A citizen approached UI Tueed.y the Ohlo War Savings Committee, Proceeds go tor the relief of Belgian evening, and Sl!id there was a move· of chairmen ofthecounty committees I'hlldren, ' ment on foot to have a public ""ooa In this' lIeetion of the atate. chopping. The (Ilanner of proceed· . To eac/l of the chairmen h89 been , Owing to the deep snows. the ing was Bomethini like tbia: He forwarded complete details for ket ball I'ames scheduled for luligested that all of the atores. and handling the sale ot Thrift Stamps Saturday evening were called oft'. shops be clmed on I;' certain day, IUld and War Savinee Stamps In his comthat every abre bodIed man lake upon murilo/. The \york of th_ ' county The echooll dismissed on Monday himael~ the duty of aolqi to th" orgaDl~tlo,ns Will be that generally an~ Tuesday because of the Impass. woods and putting In a day chopping of creatina a demand for the stamps ability of the roadll. . wood lor the community. ' ,nd at the same time providing "over The idea' is a , &,ood one. There the counter" lacilitl" for the.l r sale. . may be, however .. 80me maD who The distributors are the poetoillces, ar~ two $oft and unused,to the hard. banksandotlterauthorlzedqoenci9'J. slups of a day in .~h~ ~ooda. , but· The county chairmen advised each one could do hIli bIt m dllferent that they may eurround themselves ~ays. There is ' lots of timber "iq wlth auch advisora and secure such the WOOd . 8 aroun~ town ,that I,s going aasistance In the form of an exeeu. to waste, and could be utilized If tlve commIttee as they mny I\ Pl'm t~e~e was Iluch a movement ' orea· necessary. The work of p ru(fJ uling _. ' mzed.and a ,number o~ men i'O and thlale of War Savlnaa Stampa i. chop It , ~ placed on the same bula 88 that· of Miami Chapter O. E : S. No 107, The movement has several adVaD "'" the liberty · bond campalgbl. The who Intended to,have an Inspection tagesthat can not ~ mentioDeC:la~ amount appropriated by Congreaa and Initiate eilht candidates next the present tim~, bbt- the tact re- , 'for expenaes In ' di~trlbutlon olthe ,friday evening attbe M880l?ic Tem· malna, that. i~ anQther ~I<t lIIap stamps II 80,small that it !itt!. more pIe, have postponed the meet ing 8trlk~ U8 wlt~m the next few weeks" tban provides the tl'88lury dlpart. until some future du te, notice of OUT cItizens will be bard up to keep ment wJth sufficIent tunds to prepare which will be given th rouuh , . as tbecoal IIltuatiQn dOM n~t the literature and aet tbe carDpalp columns to be in a very halthy condl· under way. ' " ' The eold weather at the present titM• Harry 'Hamllton, of Lebanon, bu qUeBtion entera Into • _ ...-.,.-chairman.for Warren very larlely. • - • ... , '


The 'fersonal M,.,, ~1ol1 ~,r lhe Ga. this week ill w(j.fu \ly short. 'I'hue are very f~ w 11/'f' P',e ' 1tI0 ing about, and w1l" '1 Ilw\I ,10 thov ,nove , !t 18 to re~ r,'l tit b ile\( Into their . ODae.:ounto~tbeextremeweatber, warm neet ~ a l ~"nlly I'tv·v eM)' 1 die~;:!II:-:!. ~ aDd their inabMw to pi here , Audi· and • gNilt l'IiI ,n \\ 0 hi like to ' -torO. El Molint. . arill Sber.ftC J. vi~I~IODII!'ph,,;e .. \jt Ih w.l' &rQlifrald, ~:t' trill pqet.PGDe their' vialt thoy could, not g et th,!re II .they Stala . . ::. to .w~ uDtU Dext M!)odlY atarted. BUt "hat d(l~ not htl'", the, . '- ~. ~riDlttlDC. their editor alld hli Ita« frum bulll~ , do. ::::. a ~::t'" 'IIIlt to wlll lie to u iOne" IJ roucil1 all the Um(ll, for illl • .. • PlaIDthe"_'~lIr,,-uwotnaellt . ~~r amblU,on to ~t all~ OdW~j ~c::~~=."':­





::.=::- c;:r.f Ii!. . .: . . . . . . . . -:rr..:"'.....

'¥"Al".~~U ,tbeJ ~wlt.


__ _









On !Account of the extreme cold , ,weather Bnd Inability to get the coal; In the hustle and bUltie of c\OSI'Ig the chicken supper to be '.&iven by our form. last ~ed.nesday we made Mrs Lin!! Devitt's dlvialn of the He a very seri.ouR mIstake in an ad tor Croas, 111U1 been POlltpoile<l, until 'JOme J. W. WhIte. The copy should have future date '" , read "H~rghum, per gallon. $1.10," For the ume reUQD Mr~ .. Emmor Il18tead It read 10 cents per gllllon . Baily has decided'to keep' Gen. Per. Of .course thE\ er.ror was a bad "hinlt," 'the l'OO8ter she Jntended to such 8S oft~n F!leaks ~hrough sell tor the benefit of tbe Red Croes, until80me date '-when It will not be papers, bu~ 10 thIS case It waa a ter advertIsement ~han ,really w~ ({angerou8 ro bring him out of doors. Intended becau!'e It kept Wbfte s Notice of these two events later store busy explamlng about the won· on will be announced through the , derfulll~rghum for 10 cents J)er galumns of the Gazette. . __-"_......__-.-:.'--_ lon, It IS probable that the store will have to order as much more as they .. - • can, lUI tbe ad. has sold , almost all of the contents of the two baTrels, While errora of this sort are cuaabl•• yet in instances we have splendid results. although we-often boast that our paper is unuBiJali,y free from errol'8. But Bucb Is the bfe of The second number of 't be LeCture the poo.r printer, .. ""' ..... was 'at Schc!OI ' Hall Fri· ' - - -, Wl.!hard' . Gorton, . Im1oerso~lab:lr. ana ftlteftalner, 1Ir1r. Gorton la an , q~ellenee, and his 11mlpenlODELtlo)1II w.~ well c&rdeCI outHil.CJa1on , wotk aD4t, modelln&' were vert &oocl. .od IfllI,.!Ib!d ' ~t applau...


z e~te

w ......



Harry . H Sammon of th\! L ba· nOli. po \()ffil'~ tlas be !il · appoirltPd chairman the Warren Count y S""lnllli eotnl'(litle e 'lihe " I;hdft s . 0 In'p oi' I have bCE!n put. ''' ' slIle in ' sever8P pllices In tho 1!(lUn t y, · but ' there .re none here I'll ~. t. .


, ---- _-.'


lot of Ghristm'as alld (jooklel~ to selce ' , ·tlnd , ~ the ' pick of them. · Mr~,' W. 9 ."(lhil .III;I. ~.Jst. Car!l8 frO.fl1' Call





Th~ eehoola here were n9t opened MondaY on account ot the inability, to heat the school roomB and i he. ~rcit)" of ' coa1 , Only Ql'le school wagon came In lind ollly a . fe\'. echoJars'came in tbat, Qu'd after they had all, rotten w.arm, the wagon took them baek iJl'llIe,'. ' --' Tuesdav morning lhe thermometer , wen,t down almpat out or sigh t ..several thermometer!! regjstered ae low as 28, bul tbe majority 20 bOlovtnas' an aVHage, . ' ,AccOrding to all dUJ)13 on December, this haa hMn the 'coldest ,sillce 1872, , wl)enlt' WIlS several degrees below z(>ro, then,. The weather this, )lCJ}r. however, has proved even colder than it' waa at The worst ot ttw wbole IIff;'ir J8 ' Iha't the fore: caatera do no t glve U" any time' for the let,up,of the cpld 'snap ", " The cpld @'nap ~ l"on)irilt, jUl.'t when it did, has. m.llie the unf'lrl UTlate£l 81Iffer a' lrrt:1l1 deal. Up-lin il1I1Ui,y. , we find that .. ~veTlt lleQple IIr t' V.,~!tj out colli, and severaj hall l! Just er)Dtllfh tq tirle I hem over dl1rb'll \I)e c()ld .pell. anel' , they. bave to be ecO momlcal wU~ tbe coal even at diat





-- .





4 i


I thr(,ugb tbt)

\i:.tatu ..1 A Irrlld H. N ·...·ell. tlP- IIIJM-ll2: ,I W H'II' " . ~. rl Ftns ) dlstrll,utloJl I1('C nnnt filiN, f:.lIIO•. Ill ... l 1'1", W"i)Urlt ll Il/ It , I W ' 11 ' IJ'·" U,,,· r l()~ t h,,' L"h,LnIlt! 1 • t (m .. 1 , 11 .1 l;ltt· 1I1"rriage LlccnSCli 1;U ll~ Ilhul\nl b",," ~ vun tI V I\\ tlt't oor h !!. · SUI! I t/I . l .ul " IUlfl t UDtHI 0 ' .J' I/Ot , ' K tli,h lIc' r, nt M1180 P . '1'111' Il lum O\ ... \ kill i' UIl' n ~ . I Wll llo" ~ ~' . W llrd I1U(] Adlth l1. udl ~t,H' w i rr\l"~ ' l r",' II ', I HII.m I , of ,\1" 'on, .

hllnl lI1lur IIr 1111' rl n • U\lI ~ l'oHuwod. wh"l1 I,,· 11I'u ttl 110,' 11'1\11 r<lr Itl. t ,,"m'lUlItl'lI In l(' th,' . '1l I'IlI, I or his "yc'l wo~ ,'Io'l'\',1 nlll\ mh'll with 6t111glJ\g tlre. nutl Itl .' hlld ~' ,WIlA d ,,'e I




t,'urn Ihe blow/I III Iho c'fl I'lIl11u J:1~h. I

• Bl1ll( wns n ot 1 )11~'~ I"u l PUh1 I h u t ,~:"" , I tilt) ~ullcn ,Iroop 10 bl" b.'ut\ nUt.! r ht/lld I

his botly ot !llltl kl'<'n 'lUll:!;, 11l(>l'tn ~q , ,i! Ihe I o,hlu/;- l h" c OI n\unu der ot Ill. ll1(\h! , It wll8 ,hls spIr it, F~r the Ilrst



4. - - .,

. '""" TT"RVTIX'D '--' V

~ VV



McCready Pay. The Debt. FOr II lon, time otter he ha d n t tered th08il words l!cCr 'olly 811 t to SIlClI \!

beall!e th o lire. Only {Or a

twO ..t



8 time did bjs eye8 leave KIlun. After 8 little, l" heD he wns sur tJIat .Thorp.' ~I'd Isob I hOd retlr d tor

tile nl,ht, be "lent luto hla own tent ~

IlId returned w ith 0 tln sk of

JIIsky_ Dnrln, tlle next bolt-'Iour he dmn!, ' freQlI ntly. Then Jill went ·over on,1 1St Qn Ule edge or tbe Sledge. just be:rood the ~t.)acb at .KaMn's chnln. ·'Oot you, didn't I t" h e repented. tll ell'ect of tlIl\ llQullr b ginning t o sho,,' to the g1lttel' ot ,ltIs eyes. "Wond r 'Who chanCed your Dame, Pedro. A.1l.1 110'11' did be ~me by you? :Bo. "0, !f :roo coQ1d only ttllk-" Tiley heard Thorpo's volcC) lnahle t h tent. It W8.8 followed by n low, girlish peal of laughter, .aDd McCready .j urktl(\ IIImllelf erect. Hla' .tRce blazed sud· denl)' red, ' 8 d be rose to bl s t eet, droplIlnr the !laek 14 11,18 coat ]lOcket, :Walkilli' around the fire, h e tiptoed autlonly . to the sMdow 'or n tre dlille to the tent and stood ' t h ere. ~or many' minutes listening. Bls eyeR burned with a fiery madness wheD ho fttDrned to tho sledge ODd Knznn. It Willi mldnl,ht before he wen~ tnto hi

own tent.


In the warmth of the tlre Kozon's

•,es alowly

closed. Be. alumbered un. ,.Iy, and bls ~roJn Wlf'1I filled wIth troubled pictures, At times be wll.8 . a,h t.\lIg, ODd h.16 JawlI snopped. .t\.t othertl be wall strnlnlDg at the end ot , bi. chaIn, with M cOreody or his mls'. ~ Just out of reacb, . And then tbe ". , pIcture chan.e!l, Bo was runtl(n~ at the head of a splen~d team-elx doga of the 'Ro),aI N(lrtbwest Moun cd po.. 'U~t! hi. master Wall I:nJUng hlm :Pedro I The IlCene,aIilftecl. They were :.. eamp. Hla muter WBS yonng and ~tb-raced, apd be helped the 8ledp another man wbose bQDIls were tuw,aecl lD trout o~ hhD by <!UI'101lll I'Inp: AfIIlo It w.. late~d .... wu 1)'1... ~re • great· 1lN. Hili ....., wu eltUQa oppoe1te lita: with 'Id8 1NM!k. to • teat, aud. at he looked; tIIere caDie out of the ~tl't tIle mon 1 With tile blaCk rtllgiJ-only now (he t'Inp were lOtl'e IIDd his handS w -:re ..... .ad III ODe of them h carrle() a Jli&., dab. He l1ea~d the ter r ible lIIoW of the dub 18 It fell on hIll nms· 'tertI 1Iea.s-Dd tho lOund of It aroused 111m from h1a reJltlcu 81eep. He IPranr to hI. teet, bJe spine stlt_' ~ .01\ a I1Ulrl tn hla throllt. Tbe : '608 bIld dI'14 down, ond U,e cllmp - . .. . . ·10 the dlIrker gIt;JOm' tbn ~ prcce'd . ,idaWD. • TbroU8b that gloom Knzn.n .... IIcfOreedt. :Ag n he waK 81:1Iml.....dllM 'to the tent of ~18 mistress, aDd he hew now that Ul.\s was th t ~ . • ~o ~d worn' the block tron ItDp; and that It wu he who bod ....teD .him- With wblp atl'd club tor .JD&D'7IOD. dill'S aftc!'r llli ' ha~ ' kll\ed-Jjill ~er. KcCreitdy heard the menl\ce In Ida thI.oat and earne ti8~ qutckly to tIui _ Be /1egnn to "lilatle ond dra.. the balf·bumed 10111 togethe.r, · ~ • the ftra blazed op aPeRb be IIboQtecJ to awUsn 'Jiborpe and JlObel. ~ " few ,wuutetl ThQrpe' appearCd nt .tIae teat.dep aut! hIs, ~'e .followed him oat. Ber'looee hair rippled 11:\ bllloW8 __ aold . abOut her lIhoulden; and alio dowo 011 the sl~e. !:108E\ to 'KaRD, ' au~ bepn bl'\lab.l nl 1t. ~edretldy eame up b~t~ ber and fumbled aioo... the packages on the sledge. As .. b;'. aeeldeot, .oile' ot ItIs hauds barled . .....,tor an milam In the l'Icb tre~lI tbat towed down ber ,baclr. . She dId • DOt aHnrt teel the car esalDg toucb ~, .-:.:. ilia tlqen, aud Thorpe's bock w~a , IvwarcI them, .' oaJ7.'lfuan 'BIIW the. stealthy move. ~ '. '_lilt or tile ,hand, the fondllnit clutch " wr ~ to her balr. II,pd !he mol)






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DR . .I , W . "'\l I.LER_ I'll't ;'\. 11111 -


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Tens How To Succeed

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..SilIJ6r PInt, thai W,a rI"

II It you aot ]JrUffi PUy) l nHmnto .tort.. at hl~ rl\ on; .. p lrlll« Arllol.. on ~ 1 u.n d n ".noe.. PubllJllh . d overy two ::~t~b'f1 ,~~• •~~r;u~~n ~\~1~n'.~,I:l~:J~ n u tu ber oontalnlac ,.ort4~ra.lnoua n 4"clu.tol1e,. la t • .r-vlew-'

' Vlde l llU t ucle forc.holee lit offered III t he lDauy C::llt lll i1' \t II! du tifUl.

SoIl! by l eed ln&" de al erll e\'c-ry whcrc. Rcm lt ( o r I\l l\Jogue hC_L.1t I'Ihowitl&'\ aU


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OMES MAGAZJN£ :-. ~.1. lao Broad_l'. N. Y.

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In ~ 11\' (' r pia l .: of pronD quallly-

Forbes Magazine

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Ih e u tune I tnmprd oa ill.: bn dt o r ~I-'UO II'. rork.

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Jobn D. Rockefeller

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Silver of Quality o~) Jlel}' 0 .. you r own ., 1I1.~~~' J IIIIJ.:b lC' Ut •• to pll lt ~r n. but rtot

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N , ( r y Pub l i c


011iw {...

"Ho. Thorpe--l ' hol'J1o I" ho e, llil\(l 'l'here wus 110 nnslvor. n o CQll ltI hl'lI r Thorpe brenUJlng, B (I raw 1101\ " 'I(J tl s illc Il little . nnd r ill sed Ws " olco,

(,I'Y { I,11It f'l1.tJ' ·11 1\'11 11 n rl'rrll lh' <:< IIIJ ; .~ '1 WIl. r' ~'r\·:t l ly, 'rJl'- " illn ~lIlI k r,'Olll Ill" l'"l'I'" ll PO U Ilh; bilel •. II l1d K O:lllIl "l'horpe I" " I lhl;"I<1 hl~ flln~~ d ""\ll'r Into hi , Stm t hcm! Wa H no m OYCJl l\'nt I n ~ I 'lp, l'o"IIIY 'illlu't1II L; h e f clllh ro w'tlrOi 1)l noa. nllu hu untied til(! /lUI' ~lrl!Ij!" IUlll ,'.rll.· /1""'01 Inl,,(r1'I'S \I"l~ ('11111 111: to Ih,'usUn hi s muteI'D, '.rIll' IIgh l Oll l!b,'t.! ' bt IIIlW. Sh tl'II!1JJ\ll\ l n ~ At h l~ ~h u " n.1' on IS/Jbl'l's golden Ilon ll, II l1d .1 '(;I'O\\lI;V Il ~ "':' flu l hI' Wl' III(\ nol I n"~' h l~ h old stu red 'ot It, Ills eyes bnrll ln~ Ilk!! r.'" , -lIot r" I' a J\II1 ' lImC', \'h"l1 he ll l'I,


co,lIs, until he 811'" i lllll T borpe W/H; hi" 1t,1. tr~AA 111111;1'(1 d own 0l1l'1) 1111011 uwtlk nlng, Quh;k.IY he droNwl1 tho ' 1.111' 11111 11 II II C'O) ·.... ,·'1 hl'r fat' ... \\'lIb her flop ood rUBtied It { "(llD the IIl1 l al<l a l II1I1J <l. . 'rll~1I b ... ,,~uk dow II 111 tIC 11111 "no, Thorpe--Thorp" 1" he (:l\l\ od I IJhlllk .. I" Shl' II'lI 'l'r)' lItH I, llor fnre

uud · h nll'l ~ Wl'l',· (',,',1, '!I,d KIlY.Ll II mu ~This time Tborpe r~ l'lI ea , . , ~I,' cl tllt'lII \I 'II ,ll'r' ,', III r £'31:'. wl'ra , "I1ello, Me r '(lllY,-\8 ihl1t you7" "" 'WI!, J (,. ~1l1l~~!1'1 1111 "' (,~c nl:'fl l11 ~ t denthly white. "Thh t mun Wns beMe renet)· drew \.h mil) t n c l- II \1t- H" I". wllh 11'''.... I," J:o\\'~ hind, me." she went on, clutching her tie. lind spoke In 0 Igw vul .~, t1 11~ ,h',,') tll1111 , \I'll) \\'u~ silo ,,(l stil i, husbb.nd by tbe arm, "1 felt him totlcb "Yea. Ciln you L.q llll\ 01lt 11 lUluu tt. ? IIIl 1I'(IIJlI"r" II? me-ruld then Klizlln 8p r.fJ ng. He Something's h llPP llillg out In tlw A h ilI!!' um Ili,",,·ti; 1I1l,I t lll' lI Rhe wouldn't bite me, It·s the mnn ! w \, D ()n't Wllk!, up your ~" Ite !" IU.,,',·, t ClI' r ')' . '8 "1" '0"'1. H er bunt! Tbero's 8OJ'nethlng-wroug-" He <.IreII' back !lUll wall d , A m lllnlp Lll lh'lIl" hit .. . , S~e 'WIlS ' oln\Qs t Robbing, ond TJlorpe Inter Thorpe clime qul elly out or Ill<' Th" l1 Il c h"lIr.J \I ~I"I) oi, ~Jtl , tel\t McCready pointed Into Ule t h lclt 1L \l'lIli 101. Ill!Vlt'r, IIUri w ith tlm t 0111 drew her close In bJ s arms, tl wlll {·r r""r-I', H" "r I h ~ lull-It "1 hadn't thougllt b efore-but It's s pruce. ' ")'11 swear there's 80 \11 0011 TI ~l lIg "'I III >11\'1rI h' I n th" Il nClr , y «~. thll l:Jl\ Iltrongl)," he BIIld, "Didn't Me rellll)' Sill' 8QmetllJng 'nbout knowing the dog? uround tlW 'cllmp," h e , 11111. " ~' m ~l'\'-. 1I:1!; ,ltls 1111,,'1 ,' ,· In I II" tlro ·lIg ht--uutllu It's posSible. Pcrllups be's hod KIIZtlU tnlu_t h nt I SIll\' n mllll 911t tli l'll Il t C' IV Ili>1 hlll1, l h , h,'l li I hI' d ulo, lIe WIl!! before Ol)d abu s~ hIm In 0 way tbot minut es Ilgo; W ~ clll 1 we llt f QI' II I III', e1l111111!!' I*·\II~·. IItllltl~t fll llllll: ti t Cllt;b Ule dog hilS nO't torgotten. Tomorrow It'll u good olgh~ f r li~ 1 1I1I 1l' d " .~, ·il' I'. 111\,1 hi ' (" " U W,I~ 1"'11 w ith bl oorl, rLl lInd out. ' But \lOtil I know-wlIJ B ero--.:you tllk til' lonl el'n I It. 1 1I ,It 11" h:l.l " I~ ('hill I 11,. w oul ll b\1l\t YOU promIse to ·keep a woy ;trom KII- ' wurm't· el enn tooled, ·w '·11 Ond n tl'tlll 1IIII l ' I\/!::I,l- ho:'ut loIn, 11 "'rl lol\' rill' 11lI1't· In Ule snow.' ln~ ~1t-(·r ..It" y ; ~(, 1'::117.:,,1 .lI j1p(!ti QUl etzan?" B e gnve TtJorne nle llill t er il n\lll b' un,II',' l h" 1('nl-1h,P IIU(\ "tulu ort Illto 1B~bel gove the promise. Wh'en .the Clune out £rom t he tent Ktlznn IUt !I picked up tll e b em 'y club, A gl' Wi I' ~" Iii I >{1I:',llllL·. l'rlllll Hilt t h e> glpolll of his grent 1\C~nd, The stlnglng l osh lltul In ~llZan's tbrool, but' h e cM I,l'(1 It ttl<' Olll'k »1'1'11 1'" It ll 1""Itr'«1 bllde, closcd one of his yes tlnd his mouth b(lck, B "'tint d to SlI ttrl t or ill Ii!.. !I low whltl" o r 1,1\',' 011<1 1:1'lof ro"e nnd n(1 (If 1l1:1 ~!", tl s"ftl ~' I n ' hl~ Ill rout, 'l'hc y ' t oull1 WIIS drlpflln~ bloM: IBo~el gave n low wqrnlng, ' to Lenp n t tllC,' sob, but did not go neor him. Hn lf l cus h. bu t.h e kn elV llHlt Jt be dltl tl mt, ell'lLt him ,,111'Jo y!! nm - llr(o:or thnt, EV\!Jl blinded, :he .k new thfit his mistress IlIt d they '\YoUld r ct'!!t'TI uml bellt II ~ I!I. 1'0 '11,· l\IIul,l lw ott h l lll,' '1' II ('Y w ould I,Ullt 8t.oPI)ed hi s 11Imishmopt, IlIld h e wbln od h e IllY, stili , trembling unit , hl vcrillg. hltll '11111'11. IIn ll btlllt h im when they softly, nnd ' wng/,\ed his t hl ek tuliin Ule nnd wh lll,n~ ~Qftly . II 11· ~c·lt rtl l hl' lD 1"'"1(1 hr,)., until tbe3' ell IlIIPt'II " II-n ull IIIt'il wult1"1'1"" "'I t or th,' ~ I" II' II f the nre /'Ie snow. '. ' , Nevel' hod he t pjt 80 mlsernbl.e ra.q 'c d-;,lIsten!)d, At I o.~t h !! 11I'IlI'tl Ill," tljl';t,·,1 III w olJ l ~ h 1'('1111 t(l tll0 dCllOn! I 3 I crllli.q h ot l':!UOW. I1e WII~ n (l l ~ I II'llt' l sc'IJ (If lll,' ! ,...~~L 'l '!Il'ro wcro:o no clu)Js or ' • I" r ,. to sec lite 'r~n lly come b ncl. ~ JI>I\". llr. .'Ull!!I II/l Il1sh,'s n u l In thll t gloom. T hey hnd expectc:: d him t il r N llrn 1I1 t'IiI', l'lIr wl)lIl 11 nO\"'I' fi ll .1 J,I m Iher , h e kn ew w i lilt 0 clull menn t I 1'"1' "ulll(l r J nU I11~ £lt h e wllveJoe{\ McCready's fOf'e w MI te r rlhl t' 1I0W, It .Ami 111,," , II~ l1 \'n ll)" 01' Oil ot (he ,,,\lll wnli 11ke u b lif t ·/!. H o W ll~ 1 11l1lI'_ ~ ' " ,' elllu l'l'~ "'h()~ l,loml ~\' II 11 pll r tly .1'11\1. Rozon slu nk deope r In bls s h ill ",," ut lIe SWl llllWIIY Intft th e billekoesa or the the l ow horrible Jllll gh ~b ut j'(!11 f r " m ul " ll t. Ills Iips--for Ih e '111Ull "ti ll hr ld tile CIiAPTER IV. club, .I n a m ollt en t It .l l'opped t1l1Jt. nud IIpprODched the tllnr. TIo dl'l1.W Im<:K tIle flop /lnd p eet'ec- u, '! 'IJOI'!Ju's wi fe Free From Bonda. ) w; WU8 s leeping, Ill!d, u ~ quldl y ItS 0 <:ot ~;h ·re wos II 10 \' monnlng of the lie entered und }I ung [h (O Inntcrll 01.1. 0 ,f1 nrllll th o SPl'lI ':C lops Ill! Knll:nn },ltJnk noll In the tent-lIol . ]lls mo\'(!nll'nt 01'1' ,Into f he bluckn,'.s . !Iu d mystery of did n (lt owoken h er. nnd for a 1'(1'" 1I~1J-' the iorc~t. Fllr h~'I1'f1 110 l(lY nour the ments be stood there, slnl'lng-slll rJug, I ClltllJ), his r o(J Utlll blistered eyes ' g llZ' Rozo n watched M eOr 'ody elf! h 'en- I ln g: stcndll)' nt I II tell t w lJ (lrllln t M ter· t eredo lind sndd enly t b e dOl! WIIS «;Ill. h is 1·lhl c. Ihiu&, lu\(t hOVl'encd n little wltlle t eet. bls b ock teuse IInll bd tllug, hIs t cl'ore, lLmtJs rigid. He Billy McCrQnily" .huge,1 HI> li nl!\\' now "'hnt (I.CILUI was. H e ..' sllollo'" on ill!) CIlIlVIIS, !lnd u mQw ~pt I cOl1ld 11'11 It :tur l h ,·\' ,Ullin mlln, Be Inter there come ast rnll gc»leJ: 'Ing 'ry, '1 eou ld ~mE'lll t IlIll1l1 111r, A nt111e"kuBW , In the ",lid t error of 'thllt' cry he recoll:- ; fllI l t th cn~ Willi (I ~ul h IIll nbout , ItIm, J nlzed her volce-nnd be 'lenpeil townbl f mdl thnt he " ' IlS th e c /III'I!' Qf . It. Be ' tho tent -Tho ' I~n sh ; stopped hl1ll . j ln y on hi t; h lll ly ' ln tllc t1C'cp Ijill0W chokl llg the snllrllD bl s throat. Be pow shh-er erl . lond U1<: Ih ro'o-q uncteTs ' 'the sballows struggling now, ond t h <r() thh.t '),I' R. i1Ul? \\,11111<,<1 111 ~ tr M.aI-·Rtr1.Clten come cry afieJ; cry, /She WtUI clllling to ·WII Y. wllfl" h u 1l1l1j r l \lr thnt wns 1I11! master. nod with 'b ls master's nlime' tm r evenl " d I I'LC \II ClIIO~ltl~I Y tn sbe W8.8 calUog .l tIm I C"i"l:!!. lIuII It t til \! ven g(lf lll {illll'O ot "Kazon..-Knzlln-" ey s. < Be J.enped ognln, Ilnd was thrown lll)' 'l~lr e thil l'S lhn ml\n-liia runsterhis b·n~k. A .seconll nnd. a thll'll j rome Cl llt 01' (II I' H:"I . /I n ~ shouted loudtime be sprung tbi\ length of the 11!lJ.Rh Iy, u~" W I1-r;:I1Z "' - Ku.7~ 1D 1" . Into tIt.e· night, ond tile 1>ulllCltc elii'll I' T im'" tln~I'~ f h l' w(JUltilJ. ctlme with ob()ut blS n ck Cllt lul'o his llcISh lIl"l til! I. JlI ' h· lI r( III! ht Kozlln could seo' a kJUfe. Bo sloppBd. 1:qi' LIn I nstant. h ;' shlu lu., 11M \' sh'elllll\ng I\bout Jtel', i'UPlnc for bren~, Tllo II11ndow8 \\"ere 41S 11" 11,.(1 "'('jIll I t I n III t e nt, ,vh(ln h e .tIll fighUng. 10\011' they. were npright I l"lr\ Ic'u!,!'Il up UUI\ YtlJhltl the other Now the,. 'Were crumpllng down I WILli 11\ \II. :Tn /lr r h lll0 PYN4 tlwre WI\8 the a fierce sQ1lfI be flnni hle whOl \! weight "" In,, wild "·J'l'1>r. ltud bel' fuce ·was more at. the end of the cimln. 'J ~ (h I' slill\\' , " ·Yn 7.un-~ There waa a sna1l. 1\8 tho thoni obout K~ 7.")1 l"-'III(1 'Ill II1I1( pllrt of him tbl\t hla Deck Dve waT. 1\"1 s· db:;. II llll lint wl>1f, trembled 'jpy. IJ1 half a dOlen boundll KOZRtl made 11\\ 1.1" lit tI, I ~1It1t1tl of b er votce. the teot aud rushed under the flop. 111"IfJ~t (! r.·"t lit to Illite ble b41nttpl.1iut . With a marl he wu at McCready's C"Ilr of Ill" <'lob I'I'IIf:! the lJ'~ter, lind throat. TIIa IrIt aap of hl' ]lOwerful lIpll1 lIM·II. h(lur nttel' hOll!'t unUl JaWII Wall c!eath, but he did Dot know . it Wlt~ ~!"lIt Iljrllln In' the teat. Uia~ He luIew oul)' that hIs ml1:ltrl.'Ss 1\(1 ('ottltl II lon;;cr _ their wu there, awl that be was f1aMtni tor aod u.e 1!re WIUl.Aftv .,.,."... .... DiII1 came elM ~ . . . . III OGII""""




Oh io

\Vay u t:s Vllie

Hnr:le~ llrllwn



l)1 1'~'-'l()r



£...1 lifO IIr Mur y Woud:J tI ' of·I·n.:u~ l . N llt iru i!of hltrt1 h y " h 'eu thut. Willi r

1 '. j ;'

end 1l~lllrtB t Q lr~, WI\ n III' t .,(111 II ' d II' , 1111 , Inntern foom th s lClllt nllll I \(hlt'd El~ RpJjrO{l\!he~T llorJlc'll t Ilt-IlII" , th.· -' -:----:~..,...~:-O-":':"'"--... ~----


I\f ... ,, 1, ' AI " IONY

Fu n ..ral

.•• D E N T I ST •• .




HOI".. Phon.. I I

,. , tl.






·t9ba.ccos - Bkttde4

Hqlians Suprise ' Austro-Germans i.-:1

, . ,Mountain' Tunnel; Trap 5, 00.0 Me








," "hl ' I' K Ul,," ' ,k , Uh'1'It

-'" . -,; i ii :. ,\






~ Waynesville. Erler ·Il b,,, .. 71

I· vn ll /·11 Itt "obl,o A .,n "'J 111h ". 1I, 1i (· ~ C,1 /1111 11 • • nl V l'I~ "'I lll Ul?l I t 1.1: i l °t 'I II 1,"1 $40; . 0 I:ltlrk u lo,,·, 'R "I' *3 . 10 ; .1 , fl . Hl l f1>1 1t1 ' ,iI •. 1TII I~ $ ;jfi Ill ; Thursday, Dc ~cmhcr 20. 1917 c 1 4 , l:!l u((11I , 01 r l; f ,'r o fl lllm l H~ i '11 tl l;.: h\l, I II~!l f. JII [) ' l oult II., (CIll o", · $tlJ : Hllrr ~ I "v i II ... [,. 1/11101' 1)1' 1I01.t n lc t R fi &1. ;;5:" $ I ~O \I~ ; R A. ~.l (' 1U j,l' I ' .... " I ~TI I1 ~ fl f 1111 (I IUI1I <:'1I II' , roO U\l 1\ (\ t:t\ t h, ·n" . Itl I u! I "r ,,11 1r, (0:1;;, l'lI ll1 " "f', ~i· . \t "r· h lll<l


Walter Chandler Ovu Po,rolf;,'<

1)6 ' ~ .. s


tl1 ' URRneE


ul ll t hId


K uu f m u n. h ~ ltJi " ~, olotb illg

n n ;! .pnIlPll.. " f il l' j Il 2:1,O:l l t " \U II\ , h tl ~ 1/ll1h I ~'., !JoI n I, f l,c ' UI' ''1I1 I'"" I>II'n I, ~ . r {'OI)r di:l, $ Ik GO; ~1..h nn R" ill'fl, ~ rv ' .: .. " D bu r l/II c mD1II .flfl ' 2; 1:01 , L l':ll' tI\'T l ~h t, .. 1'l l'Y nlld ~x-






r"" .1

nil" pl l) 'ud V I1 61 0, ",1I 1.. ,1 I r ' r t.h\l OOll et " U" ',l\ lIl I I O!l llo rc lO - I , b t Ipl .. Idl(ll £\\'1' r ,1,IAI; 1l1.l PlI e rlll ll'" t" rtll II"lI> l·' t Ib ~ ,tu 'dor.

vlll ...

CommiSSioner s


P r

I. >\wreu\l" .f , VI~, flf P n r r.lllnd J llt1. . lIud tI)' e ()OOlIUf\t1 0 EIUt!.

II 0 ; his

Innt ru . ln his 1I1111il. .

, ". .

W ,Ly n

~~""'" 1 mUll ll'r hud bNd pn hlll1 ; un(1 du ring 1\ 1\ " " ". .y Oil !! (I11,Y Ul ,l t \, 01,','1\ WC' \'O fleret) lind vCllgeful In his 1!1\r~, l ltlt It wn~ hi PO.'l8100 l)1\ro ll1g Ill' 1110 ,, )' e~ "r m il 'Ilun , mletre!;!! wh o 11tIrt h im most , Slt (l ll ~ht Quit'! er Ihull U J)'l1 • the dog lIml l ntoof from him, n lnl SS t"'Y!In d , bo le81led Ille I(>O llth of bls hnln ncross rl'u 'h or lIls Icn Hh: 1\1111 \\'Iwu t hc'y the sledge, 1t{rCr ('tl tI)' sJlrung huck jU ~l l tOOl1 d to r est, 111\11 Il /lul u l ~ rump. ~1I.! tn thu e. nlld ,1 8 K uzou rcnched Ule cucl l llokl' a nt hi m with II'Ll oge tlnd WI/ltot hi s c110ln II " \\"1" j~rl",d bnck so ) ()\'I'11Ig YIlS. IIUri <11<1 no t p.' ak. ~h . I hnt hill hody sll'll('k s ld"wl so 1I~'tlt'l"j 10(1, Il"Its r ndl' to hCllt him. lIe h ••1\rl,[.• 1 tho girl. Thor(le hn!1 tUI'Ut:'d In time th ut. und thllt III ~ht I' e l urk~d lu on tljl see th nd of. the It'II !', at' befIll d Jl I;t Sblll.lowS nbn'll Ill(Hlllllll).. lI e,",~d thnt .l\n ZllJl h o\1 s prulIg ut JS(" fl ro nnd grl ved lIl llIl l), N /I , ku,'\\" I hilt bel, lind In hIs horro r no word o r cry It WtlS grlet-ulIlcss It \\'U 8 Ille glL'l, escnllcd hi s lip" liS he drn,;gl'd l\1' r h did not mllve townr d ltLlll. ' \I( from \Vh rc she hnd bull fllllc)R O\'Ct:' ' !lId n ot apeLlk to 111m. nul h ll Wllll'll , tJ tho sl!'ll/:c. He S IlW thllt ~ h e wus n ot him closeIY-llll(J ~I U!II () II him Illlr ile"t hurt, II nil' he l.'oochu(1 rnr bls r ovolvc r, when he wns 101)1;"lnl( li t 1\.1 ' r 'nlly. It Wll8 In. hi li 1\(\181<)1' lu the teut. At Lnter, oftcr T horp!' ll llt1 ll ll! w ife h is tC'ct W08 M el r oolly'M wblp. nnd In hnd ,gono Into Oh~lr tent, I t lJp!;1I11 til tile pnsslon of the 1ll0lncut lie ~1'l ~C'd It !mOw. And the etrec t r Ihe I'nnw 11111111 nnd sprung IIflon KIU'.3n, Th dog McCt' 'ndy llUz1.llld · K UZll lI , 'rll ~ 1I11l1l cronc]'cd In the soow, He mnel no ,\! oa r l)lItle!<s, lind h e Ilru n k [I'P(J IIt'utly ' move t o eSC1lpo 01' to uttack, nil' onc from the tlllsk thut lie hnll It~,'ci I he I ' • 10 hIs Ufl) coulll he r emember bnvLDg night b fore, In..lht' t1 r lI!;hr hl:< f lu'c nil' " received n h UQtl ng like that which grew r dder and ",lldel'. IU I(I r 'II1.1111 Vir Thorpe InJUct d upon him now. But coull1 s oo the Sll'tlnge 1:1 '11 '11 or h i , IJ . \ " not a whlIupe r or 1\ g rnwl esenprd blm. t e t h Ol! h gtlzed nt Ih o t eut III whl "h " ', And then . s u!ld enly. bls mlstr S8 mn bls mistress WtlS al eCI)lnl!. A;:uln nnt! P .L 1'1,1 ,. to r"'n~ lind ·ol1ght· tbo whip poled agnln he went 010, e to th nt tclll. /11,11 0111 01 -:1 .,11 Ilboye Tbor p " b cu d. listened. Twice lie IlC'l1rd ' "01' ItlNII , 1\ 1_, ,'"" h "Not nUMber bl('II\' I" sJle crle'!, nod T he last t.lme, ~t wns t h' ,,(lund oC something I n 11 r vOIce beltI him trom Thol'J)e's deep Ur ·lI thlng. M I' Cr~IIII .I' strlkillg. Me r ~flY IIItI uot hcar wllut llu rrled Oil k to tilll Jlre Ilnel tnrlwd Itlll jill. she 8nld thl'n, bl t n !ltrnr\!!c ' l oo~ cl'me fnc strtlJght up to Ille Sill', ~'b l! UIIIY L"H I' Into '1.'ll.orlle'a eyes, tllld w lUlout III word was taUJng so !.hI Illy UlU t Wll1' l1 111"1 11<'. I .' he fotl owed ~IIS wlf Into their t n1. l on'ere<! bls tn e h bllnlccd u tlcl wll,,·,1 I "Kozall dJd oot IMJ) nt me" she his ey s. Then ll u wunt Illto tllr \!l""'11 wltlspered. nnd ahe woe treltlh11rlg wllh on(1 bent low o \' r Ihll Irull (I 11'J' 1" .. 1 I, a sudd en excitement. Ber tnce was mnd e a few h n UI'R IWrorc, It WIIS /01- I'hl~ most obllt~rtl t d hy Ihe [ ulUnlt /lnllll'. fI ", Anoth r hour IIn(1 Ih <'re wnulll 1>" w' trllli-lIl)1ltlll{: th n ~I'L ,III Y t" 1,,11 11'11,,- ( • ever mtght PARS tJmt I h,'y hll II ,'.,1",' .\'" , thi s Will' , III rll l Ll ~ It " '0 uil I cltr"I' everything. CI' ' U I h ' tim . Ir Il l' 1I1I1l II','cl It to fllc (I0WlI, ?or ' ' r Ca!ly (Iruult 111;11111. out tn the tJIII'ltU ~ ~ , ' Loll' ,,·ol'.lll of 1m ! ns nlle j t;J y burs t f rtl lO II I \I JI\I. I II , b~nd wns hot with 0 dl'lI nkl'l\ til',', 1l 1~ hl.'n rt h nt muflly . bu t I;<:III'<:"'Y mht<' • I " furl ou Bl y thnn elill K n21111's " 'he ll Ill... " oJ , '•• ,. dQI1' IIIV tJlIlt M e I'C'.n ely Willi r !turul u/; ~:, t ;, with 1\ Cltl!) I 'l'he luh I 1)l uc ' <I /)(I I I Il' "



t lllle In blll


I IOll~


Sl!tisfy 7 ,"

Yet, they're

B, you'..

.foot high. e, because yoU neva!' before smokecl n mild .Sure

Sot(~ds sb'l$t

, cigate~t~ tlu~t did that., . ea~ Chesterfields ·'.reJlch -. hom~,'? they let you know you cu.e .,moking~they"Satuf;Y,"J ., fill, they're Mild! m · , blend of pure, natu. ral 1 a ol1:ed) Bt:J,d . Domestic ·~t()b~cco.-th'l&tta the answer. And the bl~d can't be copied:


20 'fOr IO¢'

~" Cheaterifields your

next bu~;







T4~i- ·

aNt yet-tfw;f8~~, . -


GAZETTE ...• ,





EDlered aU 1ho"'lfi\unh;e ot"oJr. ('"" ~ fll(.1 Uf ,lH tlt"f ~ ' " It;

l.~ r ll f

As W ri t.ten b)

D. l. CP ANE, Ed itor and Puvlh l ('1

ur C r 8 ,() f Able Correspondents In the Neighborhood

Subscriotion Price. $I.GO per yellt' WEDNESDAY.

J. W.

DEECM 13Elt 12,




will, l,UCAI, API'l.ICA·l' lO 'So they I t o. I:l. S. lJ (!U III W~8 n l lldle. "UIIIIUl /("1(;1, Lite N' a l ,)I the dbea se . I t ll \' tI v , ,,i~')r r,110 <I llY la llt w k. ~Iltllrrh is urea l ,lise a. .. , Jl r"" li}, I,,· ~r , .. od Mr . . Wnr reu W eod >l oll I'hn "Yet,s r un MUlCh"n,," or L"h l ~l l1e~,ccd b y co".! ilutl" " ul condltiolls, "!"1 s on :I.Ulllos. Mr~. B 11 Woo~ und au o n LIII H ""FInN! II W"V . ' L'lI l Vl tl O~"'''' ullkr Lo cu re Il j"1l!' ':11I5L take "" .'"' rltltlg htora, ' 111Y 8.nd 8eloo, of-I~eb Wbl01l k flll Al hila dU iO~llIl llloly will , ~"rull l rf ll.ll·dv . 11 11 11 s Cil lurrh Mod/cw e 1I110n. \'V oro f,bo l:Sond u.y guests uf kn ·. w hilll 110 "lOu '· r 'l'U fl /lr'lUp Ur i" HlkCII 1Il'~rna l~ Y "lid nc t,s I hruugh .the iYIr . ll litl M r. <2.0, M ootuud film . " 0111 rOll ltl ~' " wllo III II it tl rl Id I" J I I~ ' blf'" d 0 11 Ih" IIllleOU9 "urf~,esol ' he <ys · lIy lern . Ha ll', ( 'uturrh Med,cI"e \\'''5 p r ~. .' IItn r~ un IU"/II U:6ut dtl'y ~, Itnd on I"C 'i be d by ull" of the bes t physidu.'" in Mlp~ IJ:ll nrl Tlll)w , ' on eatl'rtahl e ldat.\lrdLly. 'I!t·,CII 0 ll0 H, buv t) hU.U I,h Ir this Cll nllLry for years. It is cO"lllpofl"d III b fJ I' thUIII 0~ 8 rm lllg' w a O'De r the olro l& br,)klln. ' l'btJ tlt! t1S (If ooru I"f SOlll '1f tI,e ' bes, l 11 nlc~ kilo ",,,. C 111· rnefl,bOfS of the t:I <2.ol ob at h er hUMillng lin d r{~\I.ltp h~ tIIlK, ol .,ulun. hilled .wllh SO llie 'I f t he bCSl.iJlond p"r!li. borne ou College S&. I::latur day aftorUl llLb orops liOO g ill II I t w II w ill hlOk C!'S. : rile I>O!rf.cL c"" ,hl"uIlOIl uf the ,", 1I00 n. tlleIUL"n.l"~l.h !!,V ' V(lU 'llluullyorult tll j ' ~ , cdi ' "18 ill 1I . II' s Cull,,"rI, Mcdi cl ne Is M ,'. ,lUll Mrd. Orn. MoOabe ulld f l'r tom I\ntl tuns 11f YOII."S , \~h~'l p rodll~U. ~"cll WO IIIICl"f,,1 reslIll S I" AI 'nodt 1Iko 'l'eonYHoll'1I I.)r,10", c.~ ,. ' rrhn l COlld,1I0IlS. Se nd (o r Icsthll u, ( .. mil v huve mo" l)'lytOU, w ~b t I IIlfoi. rree ~Ir~ . f:l tlb 1r 'l'broollmOrLOn sp nt _.s Il OMt I wo~ t oorllor in tho F ) 'C lll rNI'V & C P p ' 'l'oled 0 .0vurnltln.5' a IIlQ t week with r elativiltl uld 6~(\ rtl . lor OOL 01 t.llHL'K rou)J lllf'n 'A li Dr~;;g~ L~,e7 8c . ' . flO <.. 0, . mi gh t OonUj 'In d wuo UlI !lht g" Hu ll' s I'll mily 1',IIs for eons li lln tioll. In Dnytoll. 'he m lln wllo WdH Lhtlo~ n l ll ro r IL ,, 11, Mr . 60d Mrs , L oul!! Dnlly cnd eoll , aDd tl.tound "'hloh [I II rtlVlJlv,,(t! o f nOur Mblml Hb llr4. IUlil Misa 806Uled to on "(oreVOr." I - - -UOODO Denrtb, of itli dd Jotowu , were the ' /luoe!s of Mr. and Mra. B. 8, Sntull thatltt c ha ogo<l 'l'h oob! f1C l Dmutb. hilS 11I1".od lIA.v"ull , 110 I th I )J I "~ IO IC :WIII tiormoll. o r DII,ytOIl, ~ vont. IUI!Jro8~"ij .. llit is Il'ieuJ~ t,h'lt ltrll l a oODlJle of d llva I,, ~t wMk with hll! drn WII u tl" r u r, un, fllr Ih oo\ m nl.h e r, ~,r~ . Ellu l:iormell. J ,'ho W. LIII gu WIIS Ii milo wbo Mr. Rnd Mra. F. W. Rospagle l Il)Vtlll til du Ih luJ(c!-.. u ~l d . I,)h'm UI II ! dllu lf bl or, (,f V,lnd 'l l"', l'lare thA OOllV" ~ll) u P. ",,(I I ~OAbtB of t h o Ihttor's m o tll Ar oMrll. ""nY. fto Ii'll! llartlO 10 t..~ tbem Ull lll\ ;) "'1I to I1nt' . .'r en DIII.llon A m orl QllolI ore In. FrancAB N ull lI U() rnm,lIr , 'rhtln.s. aol1l\lI. Th .. 1 Il, ) Ollhbll flnlll flU II [II \.". VIII'(} ~o J.)ln ~h (\ Am ll rl ooln Red I!:lvlnR. n <loo orlD deny . for (orOl hal ' OI'Il 01 CI OSf' dur lo!C t,ho W('o ll' eonltlg wltb Mor.Bod Mrs. l:iuwlI.d Aroh<leaooo, W14VS ID llko utl " UJ (I~ h {l~ IllU t l·,. lt" ·hrl.lm ul! I£vfl. 'l'he times reqolro 0 f i ,II b lin In. were I I\1' goes t S 0 f M r. • u , ... ~ or ohl\r !i(tf,rtb ~ t, m , d e"(' III I " " "" UIt ," ,tlJ l\ tAv6I'Y brRn h of o or grelL$uo. Ulo do 1",. tM 'of trl\mil~ "0'\ h ' ,"n c1\ HOUlIll'ff llf t s h.. 11 be luya l ly t1l1held, ~:~~I~~t8 .1 0 I.'ph Mil ler o oe day Ilia' thorn 10 him li S wtrh b~o l l :! CIt' 'ode I. lind It IH p Ao uilA ,,1 flul llll; Ill", ot 'l'tlUH I~ . ~, Ih 'II, all liver u ll r O '~llIltv 'hfl Lh rl s\mlls .. o~~on the Red Cr oas Mr. onel Mr~ <2 nnr /Io Bnrhoe An. yt!ij I'V,"\ ill ~LII!.e ,.1111 1\1111 "" Ihl r ~ ~h n ' d I.. Ib .. b r'ltJ oh tbl'llU(tb wblob ~llrf,ulne, 1 ut dinliAT 'rb n n rl(\y, Mr aro, 1lI " DY \' b o r' · IlIl' lLIb~ ,· .J ~;bo ,\ . Y '1lr wi III Ilgil Il!lf.l to h e lpi8 eX)Jrll\j~flc1 . !l od Mr@. Yl1 n Pngh uod fElm lt yor LID " ,. lIod reo'lll ~b e fl"l ul\tlly IIl)t!! YOII ~bb\lllid j oltl t he AUII r' 111 Re il ::~i::~a'd'~~b: J~~ Ifrs. B o wltrd yo"r~ ag o t. ros~ , "ue' i ~ Il hllllJ l'lIn c ll Try 11Ie .. ' • .. .. • pl ccjl( oll of t !hrls' lIIul! g od will to Mr . "nd I'll,... l,"!lter Fr )1 ont er. Ib \J~') wh(l tHn b,I.lrll,., for Uti he tlliD ud At dl oDAr . "uuduy, Mr li nd ' Q IIliIO"~t, " rt \ }'. \J . DfA t. I rl ,.tlll l \ , - " you Wllr n IIr tbt! ",liil ~,!IH,o l" Yo u 1'\111 1 lJOflhlnh of tho w nr l(1 .... lIt, b n tb F eli ~tlil lat Bntt tin !l cllloU'btl'f. o f, Ily tl, IH~EH ~h., £r" " .I II<l 1I lh .. II". IUfJuro w tI Artny " ndNt>vy II Il (I In rIm \iD,Mr . 80clM !s. F W. Rs. tl b I Y ~h" Ilntl~ lI fo l1(1em wh o ~1l t on i Lo ry o"glo li nel <1 ll u gh ter, of Ynodaila, , v nn "". ~ rll r '"1(11)1( II) U~. li ll tho I !;ll ~ of Ih l~ ·wo rl e}. rllr lire be. Mr . nou Mra . Rnfo ~ Ro , nng ll' - hved ~,.} !ir n ~h e 1l1l~\ l\ llillg " f t h .. lu" f" u uht oot Y"or evtJhmoo of Mr. "ud Mrs. \V"It,llf B OorA engrlltl' WIll' tll ·,t ... ,11 ID ti l, ... your ltut ... .. lult.h III t,llis \\lu rk IIIIWOeS!!lI ry fo r t rLalned lI't Inne r ' o lldll." , Ml' 8nd t."nll uf II "', Irlol ,; ,h1UlPO"tiOV Rll· t,lll'l r IJO!lrt nin l( lIud oherr. .1 \'Ir/O, .Jl\mell BelJglt, .. n Illl ti ddll"b. Y foil IIv 1I1 t·h "~hr f\':\. 0 r( I)ftlllli. ., .. Yl1ars "n(\ t "I " " lid 1,lh,,! ,ll\l1,III.lo. You I'hNn ld j '/In Ibe Rod Ut08~ ter. of W!1:1 t Qnrollton, Mr. an!! (I'her ~IlU. IIna yl ,t U "1 lH'OI1"- lmd b otluse this Ht nl Slf .tbe Nat! nil! ~lrl\. Geor~e '1' It lind MI9S Belva In tb .. rlp"0 \161\ )1 u lrl U.N . y o u Il',' . d.. vlo~ Is tlt j'Il(jt\' Il~d " me\fll)l,l y MoClmdlpN~. "ga&hored ~ .. yonr f,qh"r , '- ti ul y m8I Dtl:Lln~ '08 It! ()VOrNOIiS reHet In Mr .ud Mr'!. WII1111 M8stllrs had 'be "'.. rll h l1 bol .. " 1I0()li. - .J M. M. 60wary ~ lIff<lrlnlt Illnd, admlnlstoT'iog IlS 'bel.1! gu~ til ijlltUlday, Mr . !lnd lu 'rile W"8h' ru III our' mllllon9 ""l~el.Y aner well lind, Mr 8. Cho,rlOI! WI~e aud f am ily, lit !>wakeni ng tho gr"tltude or overy Van Wert, Mr. Rnd Mrs . John peopl e ' . DeVore Gnt\ Mrs. Edwfird BlllnGs, O ur 00n80leo008 will n~' ·l e. us of I1'rflonltllu . Mr. an" Mrs .lohn ~ tm joy t,he 'brlJdmBS 8ellSOO 11 t.bla.. Bruce Rod family. nf <2orruaoto'Vl'lI. III "~I' of "upport to our Oli !]se ,,011 • _ • . the wor l rt'~ wa .. ll ~ lert unfu lfill d. Rell Oro ~ m em blJTI, blp \tI \be tlb list • .Funeral Dir~ctor au ~ "plrh lu t rms ot Hotlo u

- -












and I!!mbalmer,

( '1 L(1I /" (\)


. Eith(·r Aulo 'or Ifnrse tim V'l . e rvict!. ..-

Nil extra chll 'l(e f



President of th e AmeTioflo R d UrOBP.

Waynesville. OhIQ.



Advertl rllng Pay&.

Il.utn ~f'f vice

A woOtnn of (lll t'cr tll ln Ilgo r<'Qulred BOth phones in OllieI.' BOfI Residence tll o ~"rdc Cl! r.f It pnge·lloy. /Iud Inserted In l it' Inclll po per nn 'ndverti sement No. 14 h odl)cl: "l"'nuth \\·(lIlted." One ot her frlel\ll B, with little humor nod . leg8 'toste. Elcnt h er II hotrl (If 0 ceJellratj)(! ,,;,inkl ·,'('Ill')\' ' j'. n pot. 'nUnlry blo a set 01 flllfl~ . lind 0 Ooxen 1;I'Ifl i


'-Lontl nn : nl·Hlts.

A Sermon In' Stone. O'Brien (U,O marble cutter)-"Wbnt fool I 'nsl If I hadn't o\'erchorged Proof aKelly's wIdow' for his t()ml!stone. 8be v~ eo-caUed remediel for anae- would never hl\\'e Il)nrrled me for t;Jy mil are 0 " 10 'in nllme. Their mak- mon y;"-TowD Tople&. ~ ~ Clnare afraId prove their claim. by teUin, what theIr medicine. contain. The onJ,J - 7 to be honest with the people ia to let them know what tbey Power. ate. payin~Jor. Here II the Vinol Thilt hn clln produce onc horsepo1Ver formuJa;When th.l doctor )mo_ what a medicine cOntaiu.. it celaea for cneh pound hie e ngine weighs Is the claim ot Il Freuch Im-cntor or II to be 'a "pateot" medicine. motor dCl)eD()log upon the explosl Ie D. Cod LI.."and Dee'Peptoua.rlOn ••d ..., MAD;aD... Pepto",.tttt.lroQ ."dAm· force or ~npbwjler for power. QC:1iumCltrata, L lm.aod IodaQI7'clfOoo.

P~itiv~vincbie to

l"b.lpbaLe&, cIII'Curi...

Any doctor Will teU ,cia that the in· 1\fcdlentl of Vinol, u aamed abov.,

" ill enrich III. blood and banilh lilliemia and atren\IUI. When the blood Ia PlIR and riCh and red, the boc17 ~ atrooa and robust. ' . . Y.ou can pro"e thie ..t Our eapenae bc'CIIIIM JOur mon~y will be returned "\f Vinol does not improve 70ur'bealtq, J . E. Janney, Druggist, 'Waym'Bville






.111 ~ ~ , ",ho 1" elnllgeroualy 111 . " '1'1 e HlORt suow foJ! ErldilY nll(M TB~par~ICIl Vi 110 louk Lhu l:\ol}to b and ~ntur(luy Lhat blls fulle n 10 ollie bltoh from W"Y IIFl8 vl1I a mil y veal'S, nod will tar II bere In 'hree weeklillgo Ilrll knowo . Relorn r AII Uty IIlId wood tllId ooa l piles lire !lme &0 Lhe Gazetta offioe find no amulltond 8uffer lD g Is. Ilt I,h e d oor a f questions Rsired. dlll mnny as 1\ never WoS be'?re. W e ~nke .vory IUt le tl Be or our opportn mttea. Wh lln ttle wall Lher 18 wllrm LOST we do not need fnel and w b eu I L I~ ~I Id we o.onot gel It, .80' we will dndlfl'~rentnoxtt\ m_bo'wllwont, '!I n toh tob, &tordayafter nooo . we w111 d o jUHt tU e 8llm a. Thill Is t h e wea'b e r tlllLt give! us tb ll blues. Finder pleaBe leflvlI at G~?A\te k til I f h offioe a nd get reward. d26 ruu I.'S 118 \ D I (I t e mlsspon' nlounya nd time but U Is 800n f~r

· 110 OU l tl~IoC··~4 \t'l' f etid n .. v ',. l ~I'~O 'lo r I)gnt! or

oot!tslf 'bey legum6s n ext· J·ear. l:!Oyb!lll ll ~ oli n ba seetlsrrol<x\ sprmll t or next 10tl'r 'tI t l\6dlng, .od a Uillfa 0 n(! olover OtloO be ats.rllld then for F,'ed In the wlntllr 01 11120, Wbe r uv r lIuoh ·rolll.lhR~elO tire I\vnUOblo, tb n:x[)~rimunt t3t!l.~ ! ou "li6018 lt~l!1 II rl '1111'1 flU ru r8 to [sud ~b ~m t,u JDU IIm l Ibis wtuh,r. B OUle growu f ~tld~ \lkr. o.irn "nd 'i !l t l! m llY h u~ ull \VIII! 1t''l'I1,ut()S til I or tlls b a hlllu DC II rollno. tlOU thus t hA qu"n tUv of 11<11 11f(l\.tl1lJ I'on uutfll Ml!! . uoll" llol,j""" I','d IU "Rl llnll.eed 011.

IDO"!. w,l i lit' r ed u

Hi\!b ' J1r o t lJln Q 1l0cD t.r \ltI'lS I)'ln I· b , fu,1 t,II 'lO W~ in hA "Y mil k fi o w,

-------- -


the ~11D\e WANTED W 'Po MoCar ren hll8 purobased l\ ollr IOdd of ooull for ' hle own use ttnd80meorbi~ friends. It mll(bt be wise tor lowe m ore Ell U8 to buy F yon are out ot ooat and w8nt a olir of 00.11. bnrn wood. you oan ohop your' TlloL;t\ uro plon~y of p60ple onttlng owo wood on sbare., and get 8 oord. w l)od fla l never wos guilty In that ont of every 5, Ioqulre ae 'thll ' d19 wily before. Lt I l9 l a ,~ 01\86 of o eoes. office. sHy . . ObBIi G .. lbroth. of Colombo" WIlS In our ml(1itt on Fri(IIlY la8~ I~eetIng old acqoRl n hlD081 l\fONEY LOANED

' . old p d \,d Ih It will f"Oheer I h up, t I be oalm III a "er ~ II orrn, !>n , e )oa 'w Blong In t,ho goodl old wily uotll HrlkoM B(1otile. ellag. 'I'bllt 18 true ItlI elo ng tbe jODl~n6Y of life Smart & Shldolror Rhlppod ano'h. e r o .. r 10hd of Arm y bo r ~e8 to Oln. olnnl\U II88t week nud deliv ered t hem promp t y. Rev. \lnd Mrs ,Am 08000k will go Bouth·o t.ile wlnt"v r . • ·p"ud v Mr. and Mrll Ell U nderwood Ie" Instweek for LtLk ew orth Hla .pend "he winter. ,., . , . W L B rvey b 8 ~old hi d I ,." ft II r v· Inl h orae .o Smart & 8bld ke 11 r . ' " d E Ell III, M-Iny B n.m ASC Olmll. alo ell and ora aa.rrtl wore In" te ndunoe d the Hed Orolll meatln" 10 Frank)\q on Monday ot las' week. Ten uf 'he Ulow'lo naague women met a 1\.Il'8. l'rllnk Mhldak8I'.Tbun. day nl gbt, fill ballY knl"IDg ew.'· e1'8 tor t he Armv .

the Fio~t;, 'A pair "of Thoroughbreds! ~





Are YOU going to build a Hog Pen? Are you Iroing to build a Poultry 80use1


Notes bOll8ht. .lohn IJarblne l Jr., Allon .8alldln!!" Xellla, Ohio. mll

Do You Wanl Tobacco Box ..1 •••• , • • , . ..... .... . , . . ...... . . .... .. .. lee Madden

Do You Want OomoctT. , .. . . . . .... : . . . .. , .... . . . •.. .• ... . . .... ' . . IIM Maddlll1

Do You Want Lime or Pln. teO ... .. ... . . .. .. .. , .. . ......... ,See Maddeo


Do You Wan t Any K ind of Lumbed ... .. . , . . ... . . , . . , .. . , ... 1ke Madden

Do You Want ShiIlgles? ... .. ... . .. . ... .. .... . . .. See Ma!1deD

good outter SleIgh, with two A 8'ro08 'of 81elgh belli (.Jail

Do You Want Felt Roofing? •............•..•.. ,See MaddeD

on WlLlter MoClure, Waynenille, Ohio, 1126

Do You Want Fence Posts?. : . . . ....... See Madden

BUF1/' Orplotrton Oooterell, II 60 apiece, C. 8 . Mn:well, B. B.

Do You Want Farm Gates? ... ..... , . .. See Madden

No, I, WaynesTilJe. Ohio. . ,

Do You Want a




OrtllOMkln ODOIt • ~oml pnd ,ood QUUty au4 ex hlbl"o~ bl~da. lie. II. O. Ihana, W.Jn..Tille,Ohto. 411



Do You Want

lIale BOI, foll·blooded Duroo, I. 1 load ooocll,,01I. B'or taform". ~EE \Ion JlIOob 8'roultl, R. D. 0811 OD


WaYDsnU\e, Ohio.

wnw MANU6E

See J Madden

loaned 00 live stook ohat, M0!'lEY 'sIs second mortgaltel,




• OT filil.blood.d WhiM Lelt.. horn Ooo ••rell tor lal., l1eaoh. ! Inquire of Wa.Ullr Mawyer, R. D,'"

Waynelvllle, Ohio.



........... , .See Madden ·

Building Plans1••.See Madden

Do fOil Wq, to 00l'1li" • dJaler -lee ¥addon

No matter ... ha' TOil



J.n.,. 8ull, ell.lble &0 1 IOod'I'er; a 1111. lellow. For 10. 1 1' • •

I(lrm.tlon 0,11 on W . Oregonl., Ohio.

B . Elboa, ! dill



INGLE Oomb WhISe IAghora Ooolterllll, D. W. Yoan, l ~raID, At Corwin, Ohio Prioe II 26 eaoh. Phooe 11.1 MfII, 1I:IIIe Ii. H.wke, R. D. ' 1, aal've"l. bur"Ohio. d12 , .. . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Top.drelsIDglI' r manure on ",h., fa.Jl 01' e " rlv wioler I, ..en d,lln " ere . fro, ,: wiuter· kllllnlr, ~ve m olet ure a nd add oonBldeuble plaot food fo~ til e orop, !'rom five to olgb . tons of fresll mannre per aore spread evenly bllll proved '\ profth. ble" pUoatlon. In O&8e ef 101l~o l • of mllnnl'e, 'bo lighter app\lo~. 'i on will be "est lind &blo 1011, ~hould be .treA~ed fI(st', 8:1,(b' ton II of fresb manill'tl per !lore ou oor" hlt;s raised thl yield ot





P.O••• _ _ 1Irud1 M ~ T .... C.O.D. ~ lin

30 a , 30. JI4i

n •• \4i

", • 4 ..



.U J6. •





llUO t7..l5 1I0.00 U .IIO

nlAD I~.eo



.lUO J4,70 JUO

at no greater cost

O.. P


.,.. 40,70' ~.U"..



,that'a the Savage Idea of va1u~.. . And 'there's no guesswork about tbe price:- you always ~ that you will ply tho samo (or Savages anywbereEvery Savage dealer has the same Standard Price IJsl High mileage, low cost Per ~e-tire satisfaction. Sold from factory to. you





• JUG UO JUl UO 42.10 UO 16JO 7A5 of 4100 ~


I$o me ob8ervatlool on 'be blaok aa, lands of .PaDlldlng ·eIOGIi'y and .~rronDdlng leuUory In.J108te ,hat IItr." 'mil,. be allrMd ,'D wbea' to Ire.' advall'" ga. Ins.I!O~1I ILre no' 1111 _med·ln mllnttre ~-------




One'. Real Duty, There Is on Idea , abro~d amool moral people tbllt they 8h01lld malte th!!lr nelghbor8 g4)C)d. Ooe PertlOO I have to inake gOOta: myself, Bot IIIJ duty to mT O.\llibbot Is much more nearly erprOllllOO by sayiol that I han to make him happy-if .1 may.-R. Z.


B,u y .~F'lo~ida F arm'. Direct' £rom O.wllera Th8le J&nn]1 ate Improved . IIl'It Claal anil belq worked now. Larae 04 Baiau tracti. You've bear.~ or nortda landi, bp( ,.Cl,u DeVlr heard or theA PftlClliar farma of· fere4 before. lUllS _'11 put with the often. . nowl .


If you don't want anything at all, SEE MADDEN just the 181M •

In the

lOt( ILn Inorell86 ol~ 28 .bullhels io 'he O,)f1l orurl. Four tOil:! of mllnure II.pp lled lIireutl y Cn \vll bnt, c rown In rot,oblon with other orop, ' bllt! pro. d Good \I 24.,yoI,r a, v er ~ g e ' IDorl1"s13 or Dlora t b tLO 8 btl 8bf1l~ 1l6r lIor'l. Tbe g.r ,) w~h of wll ell,'t 1M qulok ened Ib, th6 "prID'g a.n ~1 g.n~8 leedlng Is mOl'e oerlllln wllh 800b a lop.d.e88







Are you 1I'0in~ to build a Housei' Are you going to build a Barn? A re you ll'oing to build a Garage?



Great Government· 'Trust"





bot 1t!~nU"l 11lI ;V "" 11\ ·cjf-or' I\S" 'be qltltOt itY .. 1'1" \ q 1.('f{ OUl f!S IHIl 01)0 • , ~ I r tlLl e~I' l!r oo n dlt, l l ll~ r~ i bl1ll I<uob whent fo~low lllg o,)~~ in R I' " ,,'Ion 1·,\Ullhllgoa t im ~by \;! ... y, oorn of oorn, . wheat Ilad o~over . . . he ~tClvl1 r UD ' \ ,!l li lol, h .. v \V 10,m only Ohio EJ[pettme,,' tHatlon by 10

:merican Packers Now in

- - -I

the '\'I'orld mov oa ou just

!:,o tttlo' ll n d


t>1·al tOll, bv IHkltl ~ til .. pl1108 oC muub h lgb pr1et(l groin Dlu r y ru un wilt

The mo.t war-pictures tbe be.t war-pitrture fir&t, in



-----. G('t t he Miami Gazette Now '-:-' , Ohio ...

Atop Charger At ~


ThBhest \loe of Beating SCOvel aad Rloge! In 'hili part of Ohio . and sbe p rloes ILIe low. a,l I bODSht 'hem be. fore the l!lllt 'wo adVanoee In thetle gOOde. Don " put It off, u tbey are gel nil' ff\ ~ t. fI od 'he ned wUI be . Le i!oLU es, linch !IS 0If8Ir... olover Vtlry mooh hig.IJelr, .At tbeoM lltand. !lod OIo y Utlllnil l bnv6 rec:luoed t,be 0 !It A. B. SIDES of ml' k protloofi()lI, In 18,t,S .Dllde ------_•• _______ with. tl1 .. 11., Itt tue Oblo ExperiolllD$

'he V o r e r rou ~. h ~~U8 IIr 1\i;tV-D-.C-A-II~~P'-hnnT1.-tmrrh-1lTn1:..trr-Tr'Cld~ mu, l, b~ (ed l~~D f 'lf tnuXlmllm m i lk prod uotl o n .




~Ie. W !l l ~~~ L,II'OJ h B bee D at the , boo-hill 01 I r mOl,b l r for ~overlll - - - - ---- - - - -- -:-- - -

I\vlllinblo, bt1ijbels !I.Ba'" , Inerll.e, rollln,-




Opto mf!trl,8t Eyes teste~ free

I-.I'ri :ish Field Marshal

Olassifie d Ada



J . B. Chapman Waynesville, ,Ohio


Ew'1lldnd .





Practical. ,Smsible Gift



Entire Family

uits Slfoes Sweaters C~ps

Hosiery t Dresses , Ribbons Infant's wear Scarf Sets . Handkerchiefs , etc


lime:!. ~.

week ' until Chriatma



I m

fi t, WII )'

Ii i I, ). tl1llpnlh <:1 ~ l.Iroati Gu L«\I,HIIII1 ,




ulon.!! '


t' I~

\·hLJol 111111, 11Hd helt> I h' Clluse


--- ........... . -



.<;Iover Seed

"1"",s."'r-5" D"'d.nd"-

. Oem City Bulldl~1r a ~.~I!. ~ •• ~D AS.OUAC •• ·'

We have a large stock co ming in, several g rades , Come in and look them over, It will pay you :

L banfl" 's Ii r~t. a e rial ' md l arrived f(!c,eTI f1~ . when 1iI'S l ..rnice Patter· 80,)\, J)I·,'l~y dlllli\'iJ Itil' (If 'r C Pent £.

Younce , B IOS. Grain Co.,

~Ull, ltwnl I' n;~r r N' h oJ It lelter dl'oppcd lr<J1I\ lhe "k~' by C8d~ Fl'er\ Waynesville, Ohio F,'a.~ .. 1. < f I'>jlrfipfd viation 'cho{ll Pens'!I, who~e Iwin ia if! li'09torill , Olein, WiI.' IrI.kill~ hi~ graduatio n 'tligitt, lid ha I told Mi9'~ f'att . 011 Had Hla h Fever, III I,.:! nll tho \ '.Iteh f,,1' hi h Marjorie WII 8 n sleldy. ch ild IlDd ' He "., . tlbl4;! til rick out hel' home whenever her fnc e was I.1l I! Imlst lilt w:ith R/'(';:L ·l!·t'llt!1C;Y · lIushed bel' n)ot-ber nlwl\3'1I felt Of It • _ . - -to see, It she4hnd n fever. One eveDl ng Llc!llt f~\, ilel' h 19'~ stol'Y lo ·t 1\ at 8upper th.e chl1l1 ~rl q d to JIlek liPher ~u P of tell . 1t we too hnt to be YI'U 1/1>\1\ Iii'! ill thl' 1.~l'n<;hes. At handled nod the child cri ed Oll t: , c,honl Iiall "'tit! V ~lVtlning, "Mamma, my ell;) hos nn nwtul lllver." --'~ .... --...----,..-


• N.· ~.-D~.

8 tll l

•• ~ MAGAZIN · ES , •• .


American Magaz~e""


, , , , , . , , . , ,$3.00

( UaW luuU7 l l _UI8)

Baseball MagazjIie, , ... , . , , , . , , , '.' , . ' Breeders! Gazette, . " , .. , , , . , , , : '.' , . . '€entuty ~agazine . , . , , . . .. " ., ... , . Delineator .-~ , . .. . , ••. , . , . '.' . , . , . . , . ,

3.00 3.00 8.00 3.00 Etude . . . • , .. .. . .... , ., . , , , , .. . . , .', 3.00 Everybody's,Ma¢ine . ·, . .. . .. .. .. .... ~. OO Harpers', ·Magazine . ... , , .. . .. , . '. . , .. 8.00 Illustrated World . .. , . '. . . , .. . ...... , 3.00 , ( UDdI J"'II~ I , 181 8) . Ladies' World .. , , ., ; .. . .. . . , .... , ... 2.00

Our Prlc.


Fol~ Magazine .. McCall.' s . M~g~zirie . : . ...

, . . ,... . .... . . , . , '. . . :' . .. , . ~ " MeClu~'s Magazine .,' .. ,. , , .. .. .. . ,: MetropOlitan Magazme ". '.' .• . , . , , . . (UDIII Juu~ 1, I i ..) Modern Priscilla,., .. . , , , .. .. ... , : . .M~thers' Mag!lZine , . , .. , , , , . , , .. , . . . Ph~ica1 Culture:. . ., . . ', .,. " . . , .. , (U.&II.1uuU7 I, "18 18) Pictorial Review, . , . .. . ... , . . . . . . . .. . POWIar Science !Monthly . . . : .... ... ; TOdays'-llousewife .. . . . , , . , .. , .. , ... ., W.oDJall'S Home Companion , .... ... . , Wotld's Work , .. .. . . , . , .. , , .. • ..... '

3.00 l. 50 3,00 3,00 2,50 , 3,00 . 3,00 3.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 6.00.

1.&0 2.25 1:20 2, 00 2-,00 .2,00 ' 2, 00 2.00 2.50 2.50 1.00 2,50 ,5,00

. Thes:e tlagazines are quoted . for .TWO yea:t;i'

Subscribe for them and save money by It.

FRANK H. FARR ~~~~~~~

.! r



J T.

I. r~I.'.'h','3 fit J):I.'i lOn ,





,~- -


. ._---- . -

p r pllun<\. ror Butler Fat bpltinnlng l)ecembCi" 10, 1917 We dea l clirf"t with our 25,000 patronl! , no station m all or I.ItI.vp.JI takes n profi t off the crellm. when he should b d ping ao muthing useful for his counlry . The stalion buyer don't d anything fOI' the prl)clucer Ihat t he producer c n'l do llilllBtllf unly thtl llt alion buyer eXllet!! Il loll arou nd 2c p ~ r pound for his cOlllmission. • c


Llcenee No.

CINC INNATI. OHIO Send us YOllr next CIl'l , , or if you 'n eed cans, same will be sent pre· paid for ao days trial.





'B ome Pl10ne 3561!~.

FRAN~215 E 'Fift'!-St,. Dayton,

Dverlands ,D o_ges Hudsons ,


D~lco ,

Lighting =


AlllQS J -ck,01\ ":1IJ1eu on George P,.tt (\:.~~~,. ~t~h lhis week , .


pays "




F;;pitaph·. ZIMMERMAN'S 1 1 cRh't b Medical nt "T nrti Mnllot restore A




We have (he fille t nsso rtmcnt of 'andi a'l at 20c a pound . you e¥er saw, New. liuts uf aliI Imlds, Da les, F igs, OrQI,ges\'

Crac.ker J ack, Milk Chocolate:!"...

Fan cy Bill Grap~ F r uit, Ii'arcy Apples. Gra pes .




tnllll 1)0 tTl . tomb Of 0 d ctor (given 1[1,Ii,l Mtltl'rHO ~U)'. "y n meOlcn l mlln) . '011\(>8 n\'nr It: "rt~' I\rvlVl'11 nll his .


."-1't[flnc)ref.f~r ~oord1 an.



60 Ready and Wil li ng. . T he ·trlle test of Ar ucr l cnDl ~tn Is ' a rE'u\lllll'ss DlIll "tltlll(rlleil8 to . IJWI'Y "WII)' t o 1T111\t}lnln the h.~nor opel. lotclP'lW nt holDe / anc!

abrond \llIb l(1)l)l', tlupllol and eDcourol(~inenf.~l!lxCl\nn ll('.


. Pure Buck,wbeal, Paneak e F'lours : Kar9 Sytillp, Maple Sy rup, ~i1n

Dried Corn Meal, New Raisins, New Prunes, NClW Mince Meat , Dried :PeacbliS,

~ew Beans.

, Oats.

New llominv, New '



blr:n, Oilll··f.r 1, ·I'P(l." BllY a conesp cd 'nt, hilt I)c f'III{IIl'ln nltby ep·

Buy Your

'. '

Negro Soldiers, ~Ii.. negrOj!s In thll n e\'o ln tl<.)tlllt~· "rirlh'~ nghtlng ~or In· d 'l,enr1'm ~t' ....r the .AmerIcan coloDto.. · ~clttn(''f IMk part In (/l'teatlng 'Paktll' ,

. 'fhal'"

" ' /'1"-

hCllll In 01 batlle at New ·Orleans.


Cburn Gold,tbe beat Oleo made po'und ........ , ...... ." ......... .. :lae

It ilay.. to trade at

Waynesville, Ohio " rmZIMMERMAN'S __________________________


For the Adult.a:


'Circus Cats Harness Horns ' Ba lls lIay C~r ts 'W indmills 'fops. Target 'Sets Pep Guns , Drums Wa tches La n terns Autos Wagon!! Games o f all kinds . . Er.ectors


Pop corn and Peanuts . r,!oore's Good 0 11 and Gasoline .


' .



B~l1 E 1519. .




Will pay t he Highest Ma,rke t Price . Let Ill> know wh~t. you hav;e t o oifer, by' ' m i1 or phQne: We"p a,y long distance phone ch a rgr-s. .

Miami-Jacobi Businesi ' CpUege

I ir.l rla~t. we ~e


. . . .



WANT~D···50,OOO lBS.

ThousandS -Younl; men and l aUDS ,.,OID_ . wa nted for positions In U. .. civll Bervice II.Dll with bus lne.. ~D.naerD8. Big ' pay, . ..-eat opportunities. TralDlnc nece.,U'7. We prepare You.. Wrlte , tor oataloallo now,

Q-. 8 1152



Pleasantly Surprised, <1rs I), 'i,1 Lu cCI k on ou iek :At . ter n l ong I:,: ~ l'lde nl)tl~' nrrln"l li!"1 t h H \\'1-<* at the h Ollle or " tr!I'I1(I, with whnm \:1" '. r LI"llc Jt 1!G!lI'IHurne to his lIbe hocl IlInch . . ~ h c nte 111'0 1:111)'. tilT h,lIt), (, XI:l1i I .11H! Ii!, tili'i' w(,!clL . IIho wus bllogr.\·. Afte r . 1t1nl'l\ cr ~... ~. L ' , LhJ1l~.ln W.lS u Clarksville hbstess aaleed Ir ~h c hod hud u O\l 1:h vi it 'I' 'JIl'.' 'l.I. \ hi ~ ccJc . to ent, to whle:h . he r cpll d: .. h. I ~lr a 1,l : lr!\ Ebner Ruyer vi i ted f es, I hnd more lton n I e~ec l ed." . lit :(Ilh one Lhty .lhl. wuelc

2.00 2. 50 7.00 2.00 2.70 , 2.00 6.00 2.00

( UDIII Y.t>ruary I , 111 8)



, Gnd w Ire Ute.n$II8. nre stronger VerythUD probnhl metnl; but di l!lICs ef) 'It ' I'm me !lfIU OO.\·lUfl l\ a nda.v. kJt chen 8ttQDger than motnl 1:\ s till in ~he Junk bu in eas.- Save S.ltllfll:1 J ~ck~"n pout ndlly with dIshes nnd uteos lls.-Loulsvllle Oonr= home l(IIk~ . .. ll your Junk f QI him Rnd he w i! lel'-J.onrn!ll. ' ! fN I lJ 'C" ;~ Oill (Inri ' is ·Clara. "all on'Y9 \l and g t,it. ~~ ve orders at White' ~ gr(lc ~y fo~ Illl ~indEl of ' : [J nIlHhl'1!'~ WI f 81) 'nd (he wintol' wilh




';~r onger,

It Is stoted thnt kitChen <lI ~h ~B onll uteDsUa made or glns8 r. ·onforced by .

;:::~~=~~~~~:~~~~=~~~~~~~~~ a re





The Trl State is ril{ht in line with t he [i'ood Admini~tralion desire to gi ve the p ro'jllcer the Ilrente!jt possible returns for his vrod uct




.. -- -- --~

y \l u r \1lnney ,


~m~~~~.~~~~-:e~I~~'~a~I~~la~'~~'a~~-~ a~ 1~~'m~p~~ ~~ONGrn ~






-appose you have $500,00 that you don't need, Depoait that ,money ·with U8 on a' 5% compound in~t account-: and watch it grow. In five yUna, the amount to your credit iA $640,00, in . ten years ~9,OO, and in twenty yea~ $1842.00 A. mirhty 'comfortable 8um to ha.e available u YOIl grow older. Let UII explain the many other advantages of our &eeOUl)ts with .

We have . in st k, very thing k pt in' a t-class Hu m 'ss Shop,

- - - - ..--------- ..-


Ear'J'y '

For Ex.aiple-





II •




1'hl> best line of H<:tlLillg Stoves nnd I unges in this pnrt. of Ohio, ul,d t he prices nrH lI>w . Ill! r bought them befo re ·he Just two arivlUlces in these oods DOllt put it off, ns t hey nre . rca r;;mJI"r nr ~"ilor i~ kill er!, and ~'oil1lC fast, and ' lht: next will be very GJ h(~ hilS n .'If' ;If1,I I'hi! ren , thfl G v. m ush hiJ.!ber II! the 010 ~Ia nd . p.l'llllknl, ill provlcl compensation . A. 13, ' I DES for th) >1 ii, , s , 101l~ a.~ she relUs ins --UHm fl 'i~~ I . ann tlUI porro for the chil ~l l ~~~~ unlll l)J 'Y LJq 'vme . 1 years of these' PH) ment<,l rUIJire from 25 iQr a wi d" OJ ulonu 1.0 ~7 r,o fol' II wid IW and four ehild t II . ff a man i. to III II , tl!. fl uled the Government The follow ing named ' porsol"s will wlll m l\.H' Il fh"d Illllnthly payment 1,0 him rUIl)!Il\!{ f, urn sO a monEh if n,)t ullow fluntinll on their premises, 11 • is married, to 70 n month, if he and will pro ectl te any offenders to 1111t81i wif ,lint! t.hrceor more ch ild ren the fu ll xtent of lhe law: 'huu Id 11 l,e ' 0 helpl .~8 Il!\ to re':!uilte Martin Gons Jl Il')ur~ . r III 1.~lIdt\ht hl1 wiU be gi",en Seth ft'urnlls uti Lo ,20 IldiLi nal. hllliid he lose' I Bue wn on bo,lh f.a t, be,tb' hand!:!, or bQth eyes, Evel'ett Slubl s Ue"ry Satterthwaite (II' be l)erOltln<'n ly bed rid den, h'e willi !lElid $100 a month, whether EUas O ,!1esbse Frank Marsh he i~ a ~E!IOr o:m~'lrtl d. . . Frsnk Braddock Earl Hockett· &! I' ul'nas and Boya J tlson Sheehan

P ianos Trains Sand Ou tfi ts Sleds Wagons etc, etc,

I'. 1



f A rtic1es t90 Numeroul . 0 to Mentionv .

""" d .&:oOU18n I


H .a rn'e ss Shop '

The HI'I! Crt'

ISUlD! RAD" - --

Little Ones Guns H and Car Horses Shoo F lys P u'zzles . Pop/ Guns


4 !;\ » e . while flour a all ti me~. If 'Very man , w,lInan and luld will du (his, our ~(lldi "rs. a nd the Hoi i r~ ul,d p'~orl\; d of ou r all ies ~i.1l h!! red Plt';jfe rClIlcrltber, thnt It IS I he . viiI( l,flWen' illllj vitllHlI that 'uu' I,.. Th",.\! \', h.. will l10t nv fQod UI" ~!'llilly of aitl inJ.:' h enemy .


Dolls Dishes Engines .Erectors Furniture Games

oeo. P.


\\ lH'tll \('~~



I~rl l~e Ihl~

TIFFA N Y Ohio' s wheAt ,J rll fuJ IR onlY-Ta.1 per c('nl rlurnHCI I lf1l' OPTOMETRIST I r cnt tim e according 1,1 the DI'. l ~I "cifll;~l in r ,Ii ' vlol( Eve I r. in .. cember rl' PO~l of Se retary of Ag rl ' an li rll'lprovin J; De fe Visie,n cu lture ha w 'rhl condition is du e to drouJCh t by G I98S!!S, follo\~\ng plllntin l! Office nOLI Fil l ing Ruom ~ Althouah the 1917 corn CI'OP \Va 108 Swlh Delr.lit ::it! ee t :i n ~ fI ' '7,269:401" In llx('ess 0 ~!\t yelt:, much \ ilh 1'lE'I"ANY JWWERY :tore t of tbl~ Is of po r qU!lil ty b 109 soft IUIf. lhei r lIullVlIrl to f OOl snvln~. and moul dy '11he a rea of clov r 'ul, ' Xenia. Ohio , . l hit, has Alw ys f' pon ded to ev ry t r s ed is le3S lha n hLSt year rH '1 of h r countr . ' In lhe J,lresCllt oodcriSisoun>l ob· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lel11 isto t1l1ve w\wnt anti meat, to :=----- ---- -- .. fl,ttl our BOleti re aull our allie.Q abr ad Ihi willt~r . . We ' an do Ihia \ly ob 'ervi llj:{ lite fullow ing dl!finitll program: I . ~\ ake 'rUI' 11u a .mt'atle!!R day . 2. Ibl' Il~' p01'k pr ~tlul:ts all:<l1

Thp. f od situati on is so serious It nt \y~ Ccrl It nolV . ne<:$Sary to a~k ( e• .J Izr.n~ of . hlo to do certat." ti l finlt lill ng. In orci,er .to per.rml I!HI Governmenl. to fu lfill I ~ obhg~. IUns W 11'>; .~l'nll e~ u.~d tu ltS alllles. Illy b'y ,.Hlvlng ftl(l~ III every home Cl n t ins be <tI'('Oll1l>hahed . Ohio \!ou, l'hold hn e en rolled by I filii h "ureds I f thou~ulld'l pi dg. , , I'


Wa ist Underwea r Silk Hosiery Neck wear Scarf Set s J uliet Slippers Camisoles Gloves Lea th r Goods Hal1d kerchiefs, e tc,



f()Y the

Women '

Suits Shoes Ove.-coats Stetson Hats Underwear Sweaters Neckwear • Mufflers Gloves Handkerchiefs, etc




&C, ·§iC •.

Dolls Doll-Swings Doll Hammocks . Ranges , ' bishes ' '' ing,'R oom Suites Rings ' Lavaliers 'Laundry 'Sets I rons. Tables .. Flour Sifter Clothes Pins Pastry Sets Games R llttles




X mas Boxes T ree Trimmings House TJ,iinmings·· ' Wrap,Plng Paper Ribbon ' ' Xma$ Cord'lo '. ~ X~as 'Candles & 1tolders Xmas Bells, all sizes ' , X masea:tds and Booklets :Salad ' Bowls ~ Dishes of all kinds M"ens' Neckties S moke Sets Mirrors . Baskets

Waitets ,.. &C. '&C.


A CAR L0AD Of AUn ' Cemc:'ut will be in t lis week . B~t y wh~t

wan.t at 1.1 c cal" and




FRANK B. ' .PARR Nothing Over -'.Qel" ts

.. Bixty-~inth

w~ ~ __

Waynesville Unit 'Red Cross







'l'he following is 11 fu ll report of the. work done by t he Waynesvill e Branch ot \he Red rna , fr om th e beginninJ{ of the 'work las t July up lo the present time Total num ber of. articles made Ur) to date: · 525 hospital s hirts. 165 comlorl pi llows, 52 nig htingales, 36 absorbent pads, 397 handkerchief/!, 55 swellhlrs. 100 pairA socks, 15 muf tlerA, 8 pairs wristlets, . The work of the several divisi ons is H8 tollows: Division I- Mrs Caskey. Chair. mlln- 50 hORpiwl s hlrls, 39 comfor t pillowtl, 48 hSlldkerl'hieis, 2 1 bags Divi~ion 2- Mre. Chapman, Ch!lir man-69 ho~pit81 shir ts 10 comfort pillows , ' ..s J)jvl~ion a - Mrs Devitt, Chair maTl.- 74 hospilal shirts, 12 comfort pillow!', 61 handkerchiefs [ . Division 4 - MrR EVQns:Chsirman 53 hospital shirts, 5 comfort pillows: 41 hllllukerchiefs Divi"ion 5-=Mrs. McClure ' Chall" man - lI3 hospital shirts. 16 comfort pillows, \04 ha ndkerchiefs, 12 night.. mgale:!, 18 Hwclllers. 39 pairs socks. Divi ~ i n 6- Mrs, Murray, Chair· man-45 hospital "hirts, 14 comfort

pillow. , 4() hamillll 'chler~ Uiv i!lioli 7- M,'s Hnln way , Chair· mll n 1 ho pilal hin s. 12 comfor t I.illow .40 h!.lndl(cl·rhicfs, . \) i\'i~i un 8- MrH Kelly , Chuhlnan 3 lmmfort pillows, :i5 hnndl<t!rchi fs: Div;sionl.l"-Harve sbu rK . Mt'N , W. A. lhin '9, Chair rn ll n- ll 0 hospita l ~hi rts , 51 cQmfort pillows, 40 nildll· ing-aleH, 30 a bsorbl!llt paus. 48 hand · kerchi efs. 38 pail·s , socks, 6 sweaters', 4 murRe rs. . N \V Cent ur.y Cl ub- Mrs. AII t1 n, p reflid ent-5 sweat ),S, 4 pairs. ncl<s. 7 rn,,!ff1ers . WI II the exce ptIon of I'll rs. Mc Clu re's .d ivlsion, w h ic~ ~all a yal'l1 fund of ItS own. thll kl1l tbng call 11 0 be credited to any one division since almost all of the g rt;> uJ)s have sume me~be r8 wh.o Ilre k!1lttmg as well a9 Fe\V ln~, whIle others who are no t id entified with fl ny division Rre help· ing ~n .this work . Mrs, C¥ n t~i!l ~v. ans IS In charge of the dlstrl bu lion 'of the:ya rn . The I<nitt ing wa~ be gun in October and since that timE: 137 pounll of yarn have been g iven ou t. Car rie W . All en. Chairman Hos pltai S u ppl ie~ Committee





DAY , -

1('. l~ an 'f1·C'Sli . who hns r ecently PureIHI.!!"') a Inrge body of land near W'lyne~vi ll e , hus through L . C. St. J ohn, Ken~r usly clonated large amoul,l (If wood to tllil! vicinity fOI' the f!lltt inK, TllkiufC advant age of hiij ofrer a Illovem nl has been atllrtp.d It) org!< Miz. all of the men wbo will ItO fllld spund B day In the woods , Every man who is ca l)a ble of doi ng any work ill requeSted to hand his name to either, HlilJlh Miller. Harry E Earnh a rt or W 0 , Ra per. It you are not able to hllndle an ax or )lull a aw t here wUI be brush burning lind other wo rk t hat you can do. ' The plan' is to d j"iJe t he wood equall y among th e mell 1'lnrld ng . If you do n ot need ~ood cnn)e und h<>lp, giving l'our Ilor tlon to some f amily thAt is in need . ' Teams will be ne.. -I ed as well as men, Tltl day will be 5 t and ' Iln· nOIJllced in the Ga"-et tc. All who ha ve .uxe~ and SI\WH will be reque ,ted to bnnl{ them II i ~ expecled t hat ChUriHlI B LewiR will be t h super· in tenden l in chant .



, The rural mall carrien out of Waynesville are ,10 be. congratulated on the manner m.whlch they ,1!fIVe t ried lO ser~e l hei r customers for the past wfek . The boys have not only 'JIfprked. for the gove rnment, but for the faflJle r as WAIl. They havo .hoveled lind dug in the an ow until roads were put Into a passable con. dition· . . ' Section 8~ Pllr. 2, of the Postal Law8'and lteguhOions atates: Pat. ronl lhall keep clear ·the approaches to,thelr boxes by prompt rem val of Bnow,drifts 01' other obalruutionij by which t ..,~'delivery of mail Int" them would be rendered irflPossibl(! or dlf ftcult without tbe carrlel' lellving hi



... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



, IS


BALLOON DIVISION , Is Sit uated at Fort Omaha, But May Be.. Transferred to


till! ~o uth

Omah a, Nebr" December 9 1917 Mr. 0 , L. Crane, ' Editor of The Miami Gazette, Dear Sir- After seeing letters from the arm y and· navy bOY8 of Wavne~ ville in the Gazette, I thou ~ h t perha ps [lnothe!:" letter fr om the army would be acceptabl e. Our com)) iii situ ated fiv e miles Ilo r th w~:!l of the center of Omaha anrl only abou t t. wo miles from th~ MillSouri ri e r. TIlt! Dlm p here at !"t, Om aha is II vcry nice cump cl)ver· mg' ubout 4{l0 a cr ~s There ha~ been a camp her e for almos l fifty years, although they have on ly workeJ with




J esso Burton was u Day ton vi sito r Monday . . The Legal Ad viso ry Board for Wa rren ountv is now in spssion at .. . ' the Common Pleas J udge's Office' at Frh.lsy wl!1 celebrate as It ill t he Ihe . Cour t Hoose in Lebanon Any shortt-st dllY III the year. regIs trant wishing assistance in ·fill · Ing out t he que tionn aire mailed him Buy your XI'oI2B tl ecoralionl! of J , is cordia lly invited to avail himself E. J anney. . of what Elver as istance the Legal Ad , vi~ory Board can g ive. Mr. and Mrs. E V. Bar nhart Eaeh registranc on .receivlnlt his were in Cincinna ti Monday. questionnaIre flhould read same over ear f ully befnra I)Tllaen tillg himself to t he L gal Atlvisol'y Board, so that Mrs. C, B, B ntley spent Sunday he may com fully inform d on a ll with relntives i~ l!arvey sbu rg. matters, Thi Will q reatly facilitat e the filli ng ou t ( I f he q uesli nllnaire .. Buy your' Ch ristmas presents at Tile l.lonrd will be in se9.~i(lll •each Byman's . day from 9 A. M. to 12 M. and from · ' 1:30 p, M, t 5 PM .. so t h t those R . C Younce and Ira :stansberry ~~i~hb~n·s~e !hl uisrtsa.nce c n receIve same were Dayton business vi itors 'f hurs . day. I WiI\llrd J Wrig ht, Chairman, _ Robert J Shawhan , Howard W Ivins. ~rs. W P . Salisbury and dall¥httll'.. \ Lega l Advisory Board. MIBB Mary, were Dayton Visitors • _ • Thursday. ,



Saturday. December 22nd.-Bov's - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --'-

Day. Meeting of Boy S(!outs, Boy's Clu bs and organization of boy!! for canvassing etc. Monday , December 24th.-Red C2ro~s Ceremony Day. · At 7: 30 on Chr!stmall Eve, candles will be placed behmd Red CroBs Service F lags in every hom E'. A RED CROSS SERVICE FLAG IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD CHRIST. MAS EVE. LET TflE BOYS AT imp o ~tance in t.he United Slates YOU CARE. . T here are sixdirrerent bsl\oons useli FRONT_KNOW _ _~ _ • here . The accomodations for tho soldiers here are not the best. , There are only barracks elWug h for 1200 men WAY' NESVILLE BOY and there are 2400 to accomodate: There are 600 of liS in the Third and fourlh fiqlladro n that live in tents, WAS BADLY BUnNED Each company has their separate cook out fiL where we get our meals We have infantry drills. balloon drills _ __ etc. Our life in camp is very stren· . uous this cold weather. Balloon, Seriously. burned ab~ut face , hands work is very intel'esting and there is and body In attemptlnQ' t~ get his not 80 much danger In this work ail money and clothing from hIS home, in the airplane division of the avia- 434 ~may avenue, early Mondas tion section. About every day you mor,\II'!g" Robert Burton Is in the elvlDg hOBpltal. Burtonoccupied can see lome one jump from the hal- Rec loorls in parachultilJ. However no t h e,up~r flat .at No. 434, where


smoking is allowed when the balloons (>r in the neighborhood of the hydrogen gas.. It ·is '{ery infiammabie and could c:ause great destruc· tion. · . This branch of the service gives you a great opportunity for advancement, There . are 41 non·commisSinned officers named from every 91 mell of th~ company. These are picked as to thei r .speclal quailfica. tlons. Some anI sergeant., otben corporals of the SqUadB, truck drlv. era, motorcycle drivers, mesa eer. geacts, Bupply selrgeants j etc. . The climat~ here Is n~R'nst b31100D work durina' winter months, conse· quently rumol'll a lre flo (i ng a round here that we will be tllll.~fcrrtd to some Southern tnlining camp. The snow ia three incbes deep and the temperature )S· below zero, consequently there will probably he no furlouj{ha allowed for Chriatmas. ::llnc.'Crely yours, . Everett J . Clark Co D '4 th B I S d . F't. Omallh'a QNenb' - • ._ • ' •

A Red Cross Banner in Every Home

i "H'; C-..';" :~;,;;,; I;;-"'~ ",,: : :,;:;~:,; "," ~;:,:":,;;:,;

GHRISTMAS GAMPAIGN 'A ' . Hom e." L (!tth e above b e lh e~ logu n 'If[ 'ring .lheirlives for theprotection - -of the week. Mak e the Hed GroM ' or Il Ul: honws lh!l t 15,000,000 loyal Wednesday, DeCl' tllber IOt h.-Wo . imi1'it and th e hr i~ llY1ag spiri t one Antel' cans Rtand behind them. men 's Day. Special \.ribu te paid lo and the same 'end allt)ther mes.qage to the Kaiser the k hi I lh llt all merica ns lire loyal ahd the wR~d w Cc I women I!re doing. in As the commi ttees 'al l on yo u this s\»nd for humanity everywhere. I ,ross. l\!eet lng's of 10· week lake a me m baTHhi p fo r each Forty cents of every dullar memo b~rh~~dm;~o~p ~~~:~~;!~~~~~r~I ~~: n:e~lbc r, of yo ur f" mil\' and ~n bcrshi p remai ns in the local branch ercises in workroom Peak f t h Chr!s t l11as ..,ve bang . your hllnne r 111 t reas ury to purchase material for house to house canvs~ . 0 e a window In fr ont o f ~lliJ.:hted c3nrlle the ",:ork pEloyal women' s hands. Thursday, December '20th - School or lamp and tel.1 the world thllt you rs Below will g ive you some statistics Day,. ~very teacher should' speak on IS ~ loya l Am~ncan I.lom e that c.on. how ing wha t wonderful work the the slg mficance of th Ch . t ta1lls. no slacl(er 0 1 Ger lllUfl S} m· women of War ren County have ac· e rls mas cer· pathlzer com \)li shed . emony. . F'riday, December 21st,-Employ· ees' Day.-Speelal tribute plliti to - -;;; ~ the support the laboring man is giv fb ... :;:: ~ o ing the R~ Cross. Raising of Red g' § ~ ~ o Total Cross SE't"Vlee Flag on mills, factories Arti cle g == '" c ~ ~uslnesa houCJes, banka, etc., indicat: .:I s= ~ 1nR' the full Red Cross membership '!' ;C in the establisement. ' .

!r~V~?Sn ~hhee~~I~o~,~ Il:D~a:~Ii~~i ~f'::;v


Toys fOf the Iittleoneg at Hyman's,

~_,--.~~~_~B~E~R~1~9~'~1~~~ 17~~~~~______~____~~__~ W;h~ o l: e ~N~u;m~b;~~3~4;;58


tincAI WOO

---- - - ---



b~ at? overhe.!l~ stove PI~, originated fire, Which pohce say.was ,:aused

Hospital Bed Shirts........ 744 t-lightiDgales .. ...... .... ... .. Comfort Pillow....... ... ... 24 5 Handkerchiefs .. .. ..... ..... 'fray cloths.. ........ ......... ·7 Napkins ..... .... ......... ...... 5 Sweaters..... .... .. ... .... ... .. 38 Scarfs ...... ... .. .. ... .. ......... 9 ~rench Socks Pairs ... ...... 36 French Caps......... .... ..... 2 Bed SOC~B .. ... .. .. . . .. ....... 8 Helmets ........ ...... ....... .. Wrlstll'ts........ ... .......... .. 8 Shot Bage.... .. .. .. .. .... ... .. Christmas Packets .. ..... .. 25 Muslin Bandages .. ......... 30 Absorbent Pads . .... .... .. Wash cloths ........ ....... .. Surgical Sponges.. .. ...... Gsuse Compresses ... ...... - - - - - - - - - - - - -Total ...... ...... .... ..... 1157

1078 . 118 :-\94

1068 73 269 3911 3

4l !J 51 127



80 73






- - - - '- - - -

33 ~



119 l!.t

41 25

3863 237 1145 1144





262 174 282 9 i8



22 4 21 1030 30 3'1·

28 4




15 40



47 1080 105 417 36' , - 87 178 ,

10 82

37 178



-- -- -- -----5658 2274 11S1 703 124 11047

=========d::==~=~==:d:==::::::::::::=::b:=db=.J. O. Cartwright Chairman Waynel!ville Branch fj.. R C.

I --


~~~~~~~!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!~!!'!!!!!!'!!!!~!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~' -






Five familiae were dr~vell out the cold and damsge CR' OSS IS COI1~e)!ance '5,000 don!! t~ the Burton flat and - - - - - -, -, - - . In bqklug over tiur exchanges this houles adJolnJn~. . Th' teachers of the Hiah School J The Babove IChPpmg waa "lent to and N_rma~ entertaln ~d the pupil. of · week. we ftnd that the Wayn~ville 0bofficlte od B':::~" urtotn 881tttWefdneadaYh' Mr th. Hlih School and N ormal on Followl' nn ia the report f'o'm t·he was the only one in the neigh ' r 0 that even atteIDPtoo to get Rob~n go a e er rom ill aon WeclnC!llday evening • .. out. We .take (lit our hilts to the ert, thla week, and be I. In . Lytle Auxiliary of the Red Ct08l: hOllpltal In Detroit and 18 get.t1nw Mi. Rockey was called to Dela· For any one who millht think our boY81n tbe Wllvnesville po8toIl~ce. therefore, who wllre even brave along as well, u can be eltpected , ware lut week ~y the death of a little branch of the Red Cr08l ill not enouah. to make ' the attempt, even ,Mr. Burton tiad drawn hi. money brother. trylnQ' to do their bit, we btlgan in the face of the rural citizen, Who intending to make ,~ia 8!'Dual Ylslt to The basket ball boys met the Leb . sewinQ' on July 26th. . .bv telephone, advised lllem not to Waynellblville, butthl8mul.f ortunewill anol\.Hillh School team at Lebanon "'or a few times we ODly Bveraced cause m to po.tpoDe It He 1000t on lut Friday eveninjt The Bcore about eillht sewerl. from the fact , atlempt it, 88 the roads were impall" uble . . -A fine I,o t of Xmas Booklets and 'COAL SITUATIO'N almost all of his clothes and about was 17 to 39 in favor Lebanon that of our members have to , ' .. In an exchange this week It bill! Cards at J E. Janney's. $400 In money. All points were decided fairly and come In. from th.e country and this t · been-hinted tha t it would be a good " . • - • impartially. Our teamll were unahle ~as their ?usy .hme of year. Also Messrs W, E O'Neil-II and C. B. ST L E to iO to Clark.ville on Saturday It took a h~t1e time to arouse interest Idea for th~ t~lwn8hlp .... tru9tees to Ruilchase a bllr snow shovel to Bentley were Cincmnati busineSJI vis. S RIOUS becau8e ot the impassability of the a?d enthusIasm. .But tram time to .the roails fr~ from 8now, as It 18 ltors Monday. ' roads. On Friday evening there will time we have grown in workel'l\until their place to see that the roads "re. ' be played a double·header on our we have hed to move hea~quarters In lIOod. condition This SUggestiUrt , floor. The boys frail' Xenia and the on the s~ond floor ot our city hallIe a rood one, and the boys could Born-To Mr and Mrs. James Tbe coal situation in and around MAN LEC' TU girls from Hamilton are the visiting ors.t c~rrJdor to the left, room one, teams. whIch IS a lara'e, ~p'acloua,lIghl room . ·.make their ' triplf In good time and Berg n, Saturday, December 15, W@ynesville bas not eased up very .not have to work so hard to serlle 1917, Ii daughter. much . 'l;hree or four cars of coal Th We began sewlDll 'on their cu.tomer&, """' . arrived last week, and . it was dl·s. IIchools havea inst'itu ted a novel ternoons; we. now sewall .. . . plan I'for taking Chrlstm88 Red our last sewlD h d day f t an~ at _ _-'-•• _ ..._ _ _ Buy him a Stetson Hat or Fur Cap trlbuled to needy people, but the lIit. LIeut. Ivan S. Rossltet· appeared CrollB offering for the relief ot the t g we. a or y·nme . ~ ·or \"' alkovel"-5hoes at .Hyman's. uatloh this w ek is almost liS bad as at Sch'!o) Hall frIday evening snd destitute children of Belgium and prwenb ' d ' ' It was last week. Thl' co' l dealers Q'ave h!s lecture\ "Behind the Ger. France. In a conspicuous place in 14 hl1~e .ma email, 108 ahirle, and coal commission are doing all in BUY THRIR SIAM man Llnei." .Llent, I!!>APilp.r a each building a cl08j!d bOle hl:lS been 2 n g 55 handkerchiefs, to the '!ond ' fine talk, and held his . 1' , "rn olaced into which any offering may 14 aweatere,8 fiNGERS TIfF 0 8 I ~ as . lecoa .comes m .clssent atart to finish. HIS It! ~ ture was be dropped . On Friday evening We have" built. a treasury of the t;hrilltmlls hofidavs. " to tho e who aTe III need of It. r ___ cbeerf'ul all the way through, 88 be these boxes- will be opened and the f d'ff t A our The Orthodox Friends church was did not 'depict the worst phases contents lurned over to the R8d ~:tw~ohavel a ebeln C:~8$40 J.,pres •. "Money on CIlU with the United imprisonment, although it really was CrOBB. a an 0 .' THE- WINDOWS one and aU a cordial the only one open Sunday. t be re t • _ • Mrs, Lamb, M8Jlaller I ' ' invitation ~o call aud see ' our Xmas being closed on llccoun t of the fu el States government " is the accurate a gr~t d~al W01'8e than he llescrlhed. 8ho~tage rt has been reported, how· description given of the new War Hla deacrlp~lon of life In the trencbes, Mrs. Bertha Thom88. Sec'y. , . display. J. 'E, Jann ey ever . .that they will be op~n next u Savings Stamps by F~nk A. Vander· and the various prisons in which he t, , - ...- - DurlnQ"1.he cold an.a p oft~e' P'tSt . , MASONlC NOTlfI"E wioek, the p08toffice 118s been a fine ~e8srs : Georg~ Green, i\I'thur day , on account ofthe Christina!! ser· lip, the eminent New York banker. was incarcerated was very vivid and You le/ld $4 12 to the government hf! car~ied his audience right along place for the boys'to gather to keep White ~Ihort Wr.\ght,and ~heSat­ vic . Th Whi te Brick Sunday. GHURCH , SERVICES warm The fro 't and smoke have tertb~alte ~ere m ClarkSVIlle Sun· school wa held ab lhe FI ieuds Home. lind can ~et your, mODey back on ten With him . _-;--_ _• ._ days' written notice. Interest of one It was certainly too bad ' that the made the windows a ' splendid' mark day. . cent a rrlonth Is -then paid on the weather kept a great many away for for the boY8 to write' their names Bud $4 12 that you lent, But, It haviD, hlslecture oughtto have been heard Rellular . communication of M. E. CHURCH dra1! pieturM ". r-Olltmietre8!l Salis MiBB Do.rotby Dakin left Monday R lent, y:ou walt till it he stamp maturae by eve~ man and .woman in the ~ WayneSVille Lodge No. 163 bury would he ver,y grllteful to·tl-·em evening foLher home In Hannibal, on January 1, 1928, you get $5 tor townshIp. F. & A, M.. Tuesday even · SundbY School at 9:15 and morning If they would dl!8is' from sucb prac· ·Mo. 'She wlll stop off at Ohicligo for HOURS It. That is 4 per cent compounded On account of the death of her lng, December 25, ]917, The regu ' prea<;:hing lI!lrvices at 10:30 next Sun· ;' tI.cea There .will be 'no objectiona ashort visifwith friends. ' AT four times a year. brother, MillB Esther Rockey could annual Insta llation of otlicers will day morning as usual To c'o llserve ., to them iolng·into the lobbv to get : It isn'~ to buy aU 12 not be present, and the ~.{en of Way. ulace at this time and there will fuel the Christmas program by the wamn. but they must keep thei r . • • War Sav lDgs Stamp o.ltright. Buy nesv!l\tl Glee Club furnished the in the F. C, degree , All so· Choir and the S unday School will be DAY ' We have Wen complimented this 'higers olf.the wlnd9wa. -, , ' lhrif~ stamps at· 215 cents each . Six. niuBic. brethren anti visitors are rendered at 2:30 in the afternoon , year (In our Collection of books, '1l1I --teen of t hese. plus 12 cents from the The proceeds went to the local welcome. instead of in the evening. The pub.' ~efjre the 8880r~ment is brtJken J, D. L. Crane, W. M. lie Is especially invited to the ChristLooby will be open lro~ 7 a m change in your pocket-this applies" branch of the Red Cro88 E, ann,ey.. . .' to 7 p . m . All departments open to a convel"llion In December 1917, or •• ' ' L. A, Zimmerman, Sec'y, mas concert . . There will be no eve· from 9 to 10 a m. Carriers will January 19'18, and-lOne cent additional • - • nIng service., ' Mtll ' it' c, Xounce anll their regular trillS. for'~ach month thereafter-are conf~RMER CIIIZ EN ' Prayer m~etlnl! ia being held reg· , make , ' , . w ith lier' brother", who has, bee~ ularly Wednesdays evenings at tbe AdditIonal servic wi il he rende retl ver~lble Ipto a W~lr Savings' Stamp . ~ , visi ting here for tfJ.e Plls t (ew: days on tr!\in~ 205 and 234 , ' un dny, De. at any time and almo.· t anywhertJ NOI·ICE home. of the cllurch. The meeting 8Allle,t 188~ week for Ga)io~ . 0 io,~ her~ ('ember 25 ' Mail lellve ofIice for . you mlloY happen tel blS. . "~ this week ia at the plll'8onage ., 8ASK ~I I ' they will sp.e nd lhe hohday A. . westbound train 'No. 205 at 8:55 a' m . 'fhese st,amps are on sale WRITES VERSES • '1: . ' , Mail leaves office for eastbound train postoffice, and you can help your . gov, ernment .in this great war by , ST. MA~Y'S CHlIRC,H ._ , .. . ~~eneing. Saturday (It thi8 week No 234 at 5:10 p. m. ,h d h' h " We have received our Calendars , . ', . Mary F, Salisbury, jtOlDlJ t ere. an purc 88lOg tern. , , for 1918, and tbe subject is.·.. A.Chiid Fourth Sunday 10 Advent, Decem The firat . basket bal:. ,tarn'e of tht' !te Will lIave Ice . cream all t~ug.h . Acting p , M. • - - --The followlna ctlppinlr was taken lOt the Foreat," whic\l we think la her 21st~ Sunday Schoo! at 9:3~ a. m " season will be pla) ed on the I~CIll we nol~8Y~. - Leave your .order, and ---::--_ '_ ' . . ' from the' Roi~ell, N~ Mex, Bulletin: of the best we have ·i;ver had. T~e Ch~lstmu treat vnll be 'gJve~ at , ftoors Friday e\rening, December '21. they wJlI .,b~. ca!e£\1l\y attended to. , 80YS JO' IN THE NAVY Mrs. Mary Tibbals C~lett; who has wish to place one in everyone, the CI098 of the 8choo~, ·Mormnjf .} ,.~ 8, o'clock, ' when the fallt Xenia Mrs,. W't, C. Phlllfps., , .' . ' • been very ill la Improving at this want you to 'call at lOur office Pntl'er and sermon at 1Q.30. . .. . Bt,Jt!oSehool fhle will play < the local \. , writing RecenU, Mrs " Collett in December 21st and receive Christmas Day-Holy CommuD1on ; ill~ School ~ve. Th~ same evenl ~~ Mr. J. E. Elwood: 'of Red Oak spite of the intense pain abe b~re Thanking all (:ur frfende for and short address at 10 Q'clock. Ev· , ' , _ __ SOLD , the local fl~rle" team' will play the ro~a, tl aUe8l: pi' his , uncle, Mr! ANOTHER fARM Pyle and Einorson Linder wrote a numHeI' of verses ·some of tavol'$ shown U8 in tbe past eryb.ody cordially invlUd , to these Om!lr Hamilfo}l Silth SCh09l five '. . HIram ~yer and family , .. of·Route 5 , , went to eincinnati Tuesday, Decem. which we ahan publillb aoc:n in 'the we wlsh'you' lI Merry Christmas services. • - '.~--,-.; 806~tI"lr t~m'8 ·llre '.. fa8~ ·one8 Mr,: ~Iw~od left bere fttty' two'year8 Rega~dless of ~ero weather, w . ~. ber 11th to enlist 'in the U .. S. Ma. Bulletin. She expee'ta to have all of a Prosperous year In 191-8, ' • aJld~' "amll. 888ured. , Co~~ agl?~' and"tJIta i8 ·the: flrst hila Very Respectfully, ' , /' We have al\ eolo'rs of tlaa\1e papers out ~,ahll~ .u~p'o~ the bome tC8l1,18. VISited Obio since he left." ' . Seafs sold the Fred Russel farm rine, Corps. They both paased the them pupliBhecl In bOoklet form; and 1'$ I ' " - .. ' Walter McClure & Son. f orwrappiDg Christmas glfb. Sl;\turday to Mrs. Emma Moore, of examination sue88lltully and 'ieft·Cin. many of' her ~rlend8 ;wlll be glad to _ _ Xenia; this farm contains 171i acres cinnati Friday eveoinll at 8:30 lIIClure a ~py of them. In th(l8el,,!,!!!!,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!~~!!,,!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~!!,!!!!!!,!!!!~~!!,,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!~ r.~~...,.-.-;....~.;...-~~~--~-:,-..,.--,.;;""~-~' and I; O!1Q of tbl\ ~est sto~k farms in o'clock fOil Pt. HOYlll, South Carolina veraea.Mn. Collett dliplaya a I!weet'I ' .'~ thitl 8 cli o'n. where tbv will be in tbe ' training n818 oftru.t and spirit t1iat·wlllap.: lr_ _ _ _ _ _.;..._+~~...;.~-"""....;;,~""":!'--....~-"!!""..... Mr. Sears had 'the place In hia camp for BOrne time. Cbaa. Pyle and peal to all wbo ehanj:8 to,read them. hand!! 1('8., 't~9n .lO d.8YS, and makes Harty LiQder wenl:,to iee them leave. J Thl!llsJboo~e~ will soon be un ule ~h\! sel:l~!ld time he h88 aold it In the TheIr friends wtah ,them lueeMs ." an ~ey., .and as Mrs . ,:nll ...'.r •• .p"'~t twp year@; seillngi t beforeto • ~.. • ' . IS 1101 well lU,01dWD hel~ they Mr. RUSljel fl1r Tom Hess ~ Be very rap Iy. " T:bree:~extra ~ro~ have been :add,e d to ·t he Bag On 'December 17, 1917" you~. American Red 'Ctoss



.to~;31~~eH~I~e~k~\~1~;~tt~ ~Oe~d w~ ~xte~d ~



th~r ~owetl he~p




Thu~ay af~,


I!~ve auoljt:,:~


~ai~oof S~~S~IIJOWS,




















ia e


showl\..~bOve to

inqicate thJlt four pers!)ns'in the hous'ho~d are Red members. ' The crosses ar .red .oti a white &eld, and the border is blue. ~ Every hom~ in which there is at !east one tnember of the Red. ,Cross ,is entitled .to display· the Re d .eros. 8ervlce ~ beal.ring tbe i~ge red c~. Addi· tioDa1 8U'Ia11 crosses mean additional members in the

- --....



. , ..







M,e n and' Women of Am~rica





will ' launch a campaign-its Chfistm8$ ~emtiership Drive-:::for ~en ~iUion new members. By January 1; . , 1918,. the ~menca~ ~e~ C~~ will have ten -miUio~ new memllers. It will, have them, 'becauSe, lacltinc them, it cannot do-aU that the 'woJ:ld., fIoan iblt·· '&gO!!" of war aga~t war, ~ crying ~ it 't o .~- .-'-"''''' do quickly. Now if Dever llefore, allOt 1O\lQ'.-ql. lopg to yoUr. American ·Red Crott. DOt ten mWiem. but tweaty miWoQj mem~ ,


nt1r it \\ nf.; ..... ry -etlu.·,. I I\U k\\ IIIIIJ. r IllY In u IlIilh.w 11\ tI~·" .. n '" 0 .. 1.lg" IJl olll uln lnS, 1\(1<\ Ih " PI'II< 1lI1I1 , .lu r L: rt"" Iuw I1l hl Ihll'l! --<l I lIh' I' Ihllt lIU'f(\ wu~ n h l h,I <.1 1 11I ~ nnw n Ud e r f h' 11, :lUd III ~ lIll Y, WII_ 111,1' twl1ll,;lI I. '1.'\\'" : , IIlJng~ : h(' bl'''fllI 10 /II1H IIWr l' I hllll nil ' 1 "1.\1 1',1'8-( Illl nild (lOIllDU U~·. 11()111 Ihl' , I w o lt nn ' l lil t' dill!' tbnt \I'D'" 10 !llIn tie-

J .lf I or~ COnRl HOUSE:


" ~I'

Ifl ,t I ' I 'l r u 1(,"" t I' l iP r,'11I ,ill rill ' lOll (if I'll rl.ll(,· \lull . 1I 1·i,lI·1! hI wm·IU . 1

,,10, "

Com m oll Pleas Court .


1 (1111111)" 11 lh,· 01" 1 Ilnti tll" t fltll l '; r M Ill ,\ "1'111"" ,,:1' l I . II, (m . h ,llln,l \ en t Mil t> I LI'l lh ,.' I' V~ U o w:l rd W. 1"";:"11 I nr th ,' 1111101'. (1('11'11 1" " th (\ 11111 1,1. !I III~ . n ll llli • ~ I ' II ~\r. C. o ~e . atH d I llu w,1l f IIll'ml thuL \", ~ --I llutilj l. n "" l'fi. " 1I"H1'l In hhll I' U~ I' rl'HlllJU " lwl y. It 10101 C HAPTER V. I ...... '" 11 \111 th" l "'''I1' \\' h 're In Ihls RIl" lI t ':i lllt ~' VI' ,\ I lltl r t A11Il,·r.. "o . Bo nd ...:.:f.",~"LL w"r hl iortw("'11 til,· tl\:O rl" !r~ t h" n ' L eAd er of t he Pack. 1) 1 .~o() 1{1 \ ' n n . ""'........ "':1)< (")I\1 l'III\I ,'n ~h lll, 1I ~'1 I hut. ,ti l Ill' ,,11 tllnl II I ht 1\ I ~n ll \""JIt Clu~!! to II " ' I · '.'bv V \''' 111 1.., 01 U Kiri ll'. 111\ (\ [0 d il to 1l1l ,1 1l Wa,. to s it un ci. UII , Ill." h Ullt.,I" ""I l lt' I"' I' q llit .. Il r , " ",,',1 1 , ~, ' II ,·J I ,III' II IJ!I,r. If, \l'M' [ 'Om\1 1111 <:1< . ' hi ' ' ht1l1n {'h l"~, fln t! l'I'Y " il L III 1011,.11 - 111,,,,, 1'1 1, Il 't'. I_ Will" I " r l 11\11< 11' r lo r ': 1' 11 ' " 'II, " ~ Cd . ' , t " 111 1, 1111. 1 1<,111.. 1 "rh .. I' I'\··~ Iln u (1 t lghI CIII!d ' 11 f nt'''S. lI!r, r c th un vile HOI1 \1' l hl lll{ 'l n'.II. ·hlm . II,' . ,'1 11 1'.",1\ r .· .I U ~b!1 l l'I 'r. r il l ' d' · I d~ " r ill, hl.,, 1 In hi .1 ('('1 h 8t. I'OH' ill hi" 1'111\ ' ,,., " p .. w ill " . 'hI' I·Tled . . "TI " won't IlIr(ln \. nn a IHll'd IhoT' In II " blnt'. It :-I " ! , \' ~ ,I , It '}1tlr, ,. 0 ,' 11' 11 I ~,"'" I''''. Il ,·I, ,,' p.ltIll·, Ir Ill' wn~ ~n " -' \\'no; til "'<lIt 111111'1. li nt )','1 'l ulle u.. r n.' 'j. , ,'" ·,,· 11 idll ll j , 11 "t;lI ~ 1 .. L" I (}II l1J!l~ lind h ' lT (I. "' . •'\ 1 11 1 hp knH,,". tho l I Io l~'nnU ('111111' l Uflr t' "lIlHl1 y 1111111 , '(,ie", t. no'41 If, {"11~:~. U In,·"hll1 l. '11,,' JI " ' IIH' bllr k'(,,,"'1m I nl1,l1l l1)' III' c\1rn " \','11 Il hl~ I "", 1\1",)", 1.11 ,I It , \' '\ d ill' K' r v,.r I)" "1.1"" 11 1" \I'h lll' r llhlllt UIIlJoo r "l I "~, :",, 1 k lll l'rj "- II 1 ' " I\' I '" I 1'II1! III \1'" mu m' 110'" f( .,III.! ti' " 01 ",1 1,, ,'v .. , .. !I1 'HI \I~' "r. 1-" ','111 ,! "'1' In ,th fO I'I'~t t lwrc como TlI~' WIlI'Ill 111" 11 'UII I hl"uti \\' Il~ h.1 " r II I 1 {hl'n 'I"l n' Ih~ hI! I,! tll e I I/H' \{ I; II, " ' 0 ' ,, '.1 0'(; 11 ,,', . v _ ' VII) n IIIlIg lI' II!l l ll g \i 0 1\'1. Ull ccl wi l li u plllln- tlltl l1 ( I'L1Z!!1I lI~ h. ur t" I1 .. ", 11 .111 hl'a ll. h ll,l I'''',] til' III' k " I IIlI r , , \ ' ,,111' 1 1,' r Id ,d ' V Hf f li T Tin > ~!I ,lll r" " It wus K:i?llIl·S rurew ' U li nt! {II rells l h ' hll tl 1:11" 1' /o li n <,\lnlj. 'I'h"1 111 I, I',.· ,,:wl( l;iI!l'c l 1\ ('11 1'1\,11 11 !, '."1'. I" Ihe W III II II . (f e ncr. ' Ch il i Ilfl e l'lll ,o n I" , ,'1" ~" d ,."", v fill Ih.· , ·,I~ r 11111 1,,1.,'. 1111.1 r"" .. 10 ,I A f PI' Iblll I'r~o Knzrt ll Sil t f m- II 10l1 g r'l l, hl t . lIlll] 1<IIl I' d til',' 11'"1'('. l 'ro( il 111"Ii! I" ·!!I II',' II. 1\:,,: II 1I\l'I~ I II 11" ['Iobo le Cjlur t IIIII C 1111 1I 1~ 1111110('1\,·,.. NIlHllng Ih(' n p\\, 11011' , he hlld Il l' VC r Imll\\'n lI' ~ tl pll ;.:h l M flll'I·.,r 1.1 ,. \I Inti, 'I'h" ,111"'1 .. I' hlllll, l , I I II, ' ,." , l.,, · 1 f t il c ,.r l\ t ., nl rl' Nl olll " f Ih ni l' , lind II'lt ldl lng Ihe II\1I'~ul nl: 111111 kllll tl l; .11 \\'111 " I'"U nr~" "r 1\lIrllI 1/. II t ll'l: I, 'd 11"< 1H>~11'1I "., ~1·"v '. lJ , \ \·(',' ,,"('[1 I n ,IeI'll bllll' k I'lr, In t i l" forl'iIt "bnul him, tbo ll;:l) hc d ill ti n t ell i n il h e kill ,·,], n lHI 111 <; , hurl' "III'S 1'1)111 ,1 fil l 1'\1 Ih (' , ,1 01, 11 I' 'I ll d 'lJ' IJ " I\~ I' III l'\ 1I 1 a ir el, ns t h!')' flu l.·!! 1\ \'IQ h ('(o,..· dnwn . • OW , Hut IIl" I' " Will' 1/ <1 fi ll" I III Ih,' 1'I1b· e l' lw lctll ~ II I 1'1' IOu' I I,.. lusUuN thd, r '~NI H I t lo ~" ! l "U t1s lit n il bl ! ~. 'Pl w y <11"d t_'t. 'Hs lI :,+. 'ria''\" w.,,'(\ ~ ft·4Inl·(·I· ''':11' t ill' t,'llIi1ln lJ llu. " 11:--, fUt t i t ,'cry liw el l t Hnd il' llfll' l' to p u f, w 1.. ·n hu N IJt unUt h "'l~r) d~,).. \\ II" U tlh' flllrk JI1 f '~ '" ril ll ' . " o f (l1l' \\il l o f t= ,Iro )' WII" IIU I1I; I·Y. hut t li ,' nr, 1 Ihrlll nl 10 111 · 1111,1 !',·,L111 ·I',·!! f,' I' 1:11'.1 IlId.· 1I,','r Iii,' 11,,,, 1 • " .',' I" ' . ' " II I " oI ll1l1tIJC In ~ 0 ,, '111 P ll~~t Ii U\\ :ty u ftl' J' n l l,nt\' l lL~ pl ulll , 411(1 ht.\ ,.W '. oldl t " h ., !'-.\' ~' I\e or 1." II I " WIIllI ,'d ~'\l U ·thl " "- hll!g,' r , , I ,' lin I" "g. til(' Iii 11.. 11 ,· f " 11 1/01 11,'1 hi ni 1,ll t :10 nl',';\ I k I r] r I I 1 11 1 tl I I F' f It I' ' 1 . I \I i I' " Ii u :-tu "l r( d r:

I !,11I 1 " " ~ 1I"t; .I " " Ill ,h'"h"'R




!II" , .11

<JaQOOU8IY ·lIe ctef\l ou t tr"":'" '1°." thick ' &loom, worklu!; his wily on his tKtUy toward the pa cked sl edge. Ol)ct what remAined 01 th o hurn ed lOb'S. ,l.ll~ ),ond til at sledgc, hhld e n In tho tlll.rk· lIeU ot tlte trees. wns tlte bo,l, of Ihe man he lind .killed, col-erC'd wltJ\ n blanket. T h orpe, his mnste r. Itllll dl'll"ed It therll. Be Jay down. ~'I lli hts oos(' t o th(' warm coals and his cyes I c,' '1 1'11 b ..~ tween bls forepaws, straight ot t he closed tent-tlup. Ho mcnnt t o k ('('p Bw' ke, to watch. to bo rendy t o sHolt olr loto the torest at the , fi rst lIhll' efIIont there. But n 'WDtIllth wo s rl81ng froID oot 01 tbe gray nah 01 th e {lre114)(1. and hi ('3' S (llos d • . Twlce-Lhr e (lID_b(' f .) ugbt h.llll cl1 boe!> IlIto walchtuln s ; 1 ut tbe lust timo Ills eyes came only bait open, ' and clos ' d

henny "gain. ' In hla sleetI 110 WIIS leoplng oguin at tbe end 01 'b ls c.'hnln. Hi s JOWII Ro np[\('d like C118taoe(s I . steol_nd t IL Bon llil .Awakened h ll:!, and lie sprru'l!; to IllS teet, hla splnc liS stitt as a brus h, n nll 11.11 ebarllo, fangs bRreel like Ivory

I. L..II.·,

The mo.t war-picture. the but war-pictures fir&t. in




~~ ~ ';'.1.\:~I:~:~~UIl :.} :~~u;'~~\:'lf;::'::;~~tI" 17t~ ~UU~~:I}t I~~~~:I ;Jt~u::~\{t7.' :~'; l~'li:~:t'~\I; t~~~ I~ "h'~

'" Jm!Vetl. He hod awukcned JU St III tJm • -There Was move.tpent In tile t ent. )'lIR master , W8S nwoke, alld It h e (lid not tl;l(!apeHe SPed awLftly Into the thick sprue!), and paused, flat and hIdden. with only Ills oad Bho~1ur; trom behInd n tree .. Be kllew that hla maSter would not . spare him. Three UmClll Thorpe hll d beaten him for enappJnll nt M re ndy. The Illat tlme be would have shot him If the pI had not saved him. And now he. had torn }fcOrendy's tbront. Be had taken the lite trom him, \lnd Me master' would n ot; /lpare hIm. E ven the woman could not save Mm. Kuan WIle 80rry that his moster bod returned, clued and bleedlng;-nfter he had.tom HcOread,'s ;logo.l ar. Then be w01lld hav. had her alwoys. Sbe would a f t kmId him. Sbe dIll love lIlm. And 118'W01I1c1 haYe followed hIIr, anLl tought tor bell' a1w.... Bod died, tor ho.r wb n It Was KUIlll'8 F a rey.rell . to tho the time eame; But Thl)~ hIld ctjm e' WOmll n. In trpm thei foreat again, and Knzon' "nd thon. Ince Ute dny t ho t!' lIders bfld .... a1an1t awQ qu1cldy-foc, Tllorp~ tll's t " t,nght 111m 110 11 vut hIm In,til IlMaDt to· him what 011 'men nll'Ollt ' to s1 lldge-trtlcolf nW4Y /)I'e l' on tI1e MlIckeo111m ; DOW:' tbe club, the whlp nnll !Jill 7.1 , h o M d o~en ' t huught o f his, ire(!. ~np thlnlll thl\t spat lire nM d ClIth. do m lo ng ingly, t hl) woJ( bloo d In 111m ADd DOJrUt'(,'ing him to toke it. nu t he IIl1d .' TboI'Pl8 hnd come out trom the te u t. n ever quito ilareiL It Ull'JlIed, bhn now. It ... .approaChlng (lawn, lind In, hIS T h 1'0 wel'o no c lubs herl), no whips, haDd he held a rille. it. m6m\!llt In tcr n Oli of UIIl Illfm : bclI.s ts whom he bad the .,rl came Ollt, end ber IIllnd cl\\lglir tlret ICII I'UIlU to dlbtruBt, nud then to tIiiI IllAn'R nMB. They lookod tOWIIl'd IInte. It w a s hi . misfortune-that the thine cov.ered by t h e blllnkct. Th en qunrter· trn l n or " If ; Rod th e (llubs, alae epoke to T)lorpo, aM he s lldd '0131 IlIst cnd ot 8ubll nlll;; 111 m. hnd ' ndded to ~llbtened and threw bnC1k hi s hOlliL the SllYlIg l'q ' thnt w na born him. "B-o-o-o-o - Kazan - KIlzun - Ku- M en h nd b en his worst eoemles. 'l'h ey aD i" he ,called. . hud b eu lcn him tllDe (l lld ugllin uu l ll hI! it. ' ahJver ~n 1hroUJ;h Kozlln. 'l;lIe was nlOl ost d cad. 'Ehey c;L11 £I him man wae trying -to Inveigle him bO Ck. ' ~'ba()," lind 8~e'llped wi de of him , lind ( R. had In bla' hant;! the tlrJng thnt Dev r missed the cliO nee to s onJ1 a , tilled; whip ov r Ills back. B l s body \VII !;! cov· \1[aun-Kazon-Ka-a.a-a-zunl" b.e cred with scnrs the y hud g iven hIm• .-outed B o bud n ever. f elt klndn ess. or love, . Kaan IIcei1ked CIlutiously bllck 'unOI the tlrs t night t he womnn had pot from the- tree. Be knew that dJstonce h er warm tittle bnnd (In hIs bead, nnd m ....t notll1ng to tbe cold ' thing ot hud snugglcd h e r fllc(\ elMC down to 4_0. that Thorpe beld Ln bl8 hnnll. Bo hIs, while Thorl'l e-Iler husbllnd-had turDed hla head once, and whined so(t- crleO out in b o rror. ne- hl\il a lmost IT., aDd for an Instant a grent longiog hU.rl ' 6 his tn nJ,."!!. 10 h r 'wblte Ol)3h , hut 1l1ec1 lila reddllned eyeS as be 8!1W tbe In on Instnnt J,e\> guntle tOUCh, lind her I..t of the girl. sweet voIce. hlld aellt thrQugll him thut Be knew, now, thnt he wns leaving ' wpu()e\'!uL thr1ll Ula t wns his first bar fONver, and there WIl8 nn lIehe In knowl d g o ot 10vl!. Alld II()~V It WI\8 8. bla beart that hnd n ever been t~ere be- mon wbo WIIS drl\'ing .hlm frOID h e r, .~. pain that was not of the club or nway frOID the huuel thut hud never whip, of. colli or bupger, but whlllh wns be ld a ~lul.J or n whip, lind b e growled I"!8te1; than them all. and whlch till d a B h e trotted tJ ee[l l't Into Lbo fqrost. ,hlm wltli a desire to throw back lIls . B e cume to tbo edge 0: 8wump a8 b.a4 and (!1")' out his JooellnellS to the duy broke. For 11 tirue he l.od heeo lftT;empttneu of the "y. fill a. w It h u strange imenSlness: und Back In the climp tlre girl's voice II1l1lt did 110 t quit e dispel It. " At 108t . quttered. he \\'0 f l' C ot m il D. Be could detect ~ '1i- Ia «9ne." " Ilnlbtng lhnt r etu lnqct.! hIm ot their .- ft. man's elroog volce,choked a IIrc anco 1.11 the llir. But neither tie. .:' . ",o nld h o sIlle ll til e JlrcBQ.n ce 6t other be Is Bone. Be knew-and I oJ I.'S. of th,e 81 (1g 1 t h e tlte, of. cOllll1on· ~ CI11':n't. rd give-it year at my lite-If I 1011811111 011(1 fOlld , Illld 80 fur buck liS he ~"dn't wblDOed him ~estercl llf and last coulll 'r emmnher th ey bud nl)\'IIYS been . ' 11 nil rt Of. bi ll life.




, "Y.

o C. R. allIIn

llt-l lt!lJ.I,'l


- -- -- - ~ ---

,' Capb~e 'Bcill.oon ~es Flag Skyward

IlI'ld Ill S h.-nd li P , 111~ b " ,ok lI d st l 11 . Ifl. tllll Swun g fl' eo o nd "u~ hr. Ilk., n wn lf's. E" cry h llir In h lH I'cllly 'Jil l\,~I' ~d \\,It h lhe' !' 1~ ~lr lc " lIl' r r;y M 1(,' urul ucUun. lJ c tI',"'~ l l'U IlIwlh nna W l' ~ t. Jt WOR t h o coli or ~lI r l.l' I h,.r ~ the d llYS nwuy li P 0)11 t he M nf·k\·" ,io·. 'rho Mll clu' u zl fl \\'0 1\ Ih ll ll ~lr n lJ 1I11 1,'s OWH Y.

11 ' cn lllc U)1011 11I L1 I1Y Irn!l ~ In l h" • no \l' W il t tl ll Y. all,l 1>1I11Y" ,1 U,.. ~"" II I~ I ' ft Ill' lli' boot s \J IlIo"~e IIIld " 'I,ll .. n. nud Ih e fnr·Jlll d .I ~(1 feet of a 11'11. '. II " f nlhlll'l·tl ll rro~(. IIl1d th,' i rnll h:,1 11 1111 to Il pi lice , 11\11 III I)), tu ll "'llI·lI e,·. \\' 111'1'1\ th o SIlO\" \\'tl ~ 1}(,1I 1t'L1 d uwn 1/1111 II,· ucd \1'1111 1.1f/(II I. 'l' h,'rl' WII N a n 11 ,., 1'" h :\d, r 'II HII'rs . \\'I n~~ 1Il\l 1 1' lltl'l\ lI ~ lyJII<{ h ('I'.... nn d h~ k lll'w th at Ih" r e w,"·') tll lll'r h lllll r.~ otn'lInd h,.,. I,I,· h hllsl'lL


\I",. ,

hi li" . Hili II '", " ~1 ,. nllol hl'rulled In II. I1n lll.\I\I"I I,I' " "'I' III Wlillt WIIS l1'n. fw <l I·I·l ulII II vU .llI llllt l llnr (')(lsoto It, ;.lllurul1n tf h llll,<'II' w il li the tleenl of it . '('h,1I 1\1).\101. \\'111'11 Ihl' It"'t)n und th e "11\1 ~ ,·,,"1" .II t ' 1!!1111I. Iw I'l1 t l'lIl'1t w it h r,., I' 11 11,1 1'1·.Il! 11,,11 110 lOll 'C I' i u hI m, Ll .il l 1I t1 I,oUn(,,·tI hi n. ti l l lid n uw co 1· r ool '. or Ih 1;1' 'At I " Ju . 'l' hL" plI ~l. hl, nll',1 n)\l\lIl t hll t ni ght. or , 1,1' It WII " Il IIl' W p :lt:k t hlLt 61r·\I·t o,1 mill' lfl th!' ~ "\Ilh . fi lld ":lOle up w it h n dll(' IIrll >\1 [II 1\1., \l1 J; ("(lz,' n I"ke. 'I'h!' 1I 1j(ht , I·ltll 1111 011'1 1111 ,'I" lIr ns ,IllY. noo! 11" "11 I Ill' \" I ~, · oe lhl! f l ..·~ " l Kllt.n ll fi r"l • snw l he ("u d loriU' r ull "' " IIU 1111' lu kl' II t hl r, l lI r /I IPliv uwn y. 'j'h,' pl1 ck \\'11 9 ,:l1"> 1l /I tlo7.'· o sI m On' I\lI d hlltJ uit'clltly .'1'111 I lIttl II ,,· rurll l I l lIn;l' ~bu" «or)tl il'


111 1\.. , III : I I(,r

f~·,.~ :-1,.', . .


t h .· (' h h . I'· , ·1 f l . rh,·TlII .. ,· 0 , C,· nll(·oI . 111I . r " r~' .. I' d " 1·IJrlll-r:OI lll. l illHtl



M. I1ll hlll g ,'r , hit 'l'h" Pil I k


R ,' u l ~y

1..Il II IUO U,

·u. tn

WAL fER ~1c~lURf





, II r;\lh e ,(lH WolCtl . t lll , l)le lr en rs lnld - Domesth• ..Tragedy. f b l'witl'd In. t ea d Qf blick, tbclr t a Us Jnn et auel ,g l'onclpu ;'110' " dis agreeI ~I'C() nnO lIuHh y . , 11\~n t tlu \l nr ,thb 'llorulng, noli at Su(J(i cn ly th t' 'olf struck In wltlftbe (pnrheon s tll: ull n ot tnke her u su1I1 BWlrtU tlSS or Ii I(1lLo lng'. !I ntI hIs jaws S fit b Idc him. " GrllndllU nlld 1 nre l ~Iltne to;; t h I' with IIUl . s h u nlHCSS of 1111. pen l;able,' sht' clq11nlllc brlcOy. 5 cl . sl rlkl ng !ltcel, '.riley m i ssed .by - - - -- - • 11't1' loch. In thnt SlI llI e III t1lu t l'flllnll Wh At :. Fellow He drs. ' durt q In to th o !llde. fi n d like knives \ hURl' ma n oW", 111 '1\ 1';" Ihnl IOllilng l' h lS l e ~tJl l!J'Bh 'd t llo 'II'OIf'fj, 1I1ml{. . n becol1l1!1; fir,!, nlj \<' 1\1\ 01 11'0111,1 ilke ' T h ey (Jlr <:1 il oguin, their, QfC8 grow<"1lo nel) to try It.- .((,),Lslln (.JlIlIC. .. In g r edder, thillI" li ps uruwll bucl" ulltll ' [ IW CY oem d l ,III"'C dlijll [l[\C!l lrl: t1. ~1I{1 ' '-;- - -- , t1~en KnZTIIl I '111 d f ill' t bnt dentl~·grIP r---~~-:-----~-;"';;"-'1 It t tlI \l."l lll'oUl- nod mllSSed :' It WUII ' qnly ' Ily /I ll 111 0;'11 ' nln, nnd tile wolf CHm e !Jael. , UM h c lind done, nod Inld I open 'Kazan'S O'LOk 0 ~h nt , tho blood U 0 ! rOD clOwn hI s IN:' nnd . r d!l oed tb S[10W.• 'J'I\t" Imrn of i.but fuluk-wound '. toata l~ uz!1I1 l ilUt hili ~ n UIllY WIlS Id In , 1 , tile gnm t) f figh ting.' Hc c:r ouctlc (1 I I)W, hIs ~wIl(l stl'llight out, nnd h1S ; -q t ltiv" I\t clo!! to the snow. It wos n These farms are lmproved t ll'lcl. JCtl~n lind IIJt\ rn di ll IlUI1Jlybood , Ilrst 0lns8 and being worked - -t;, h lp\IJ hJ s ~broo t. a nd wnlt. now. Large and sma)) traots. (I'ft l)" (\'tnttr ""'11 ' YOU'VB • lIeard ot ' Florida Jand8, but y'ou Dever heard of theBe parUoular t~ Qf.. fered before.. Write me ad ' , ' Pg~holoOY. • we'U put YOU III touch with Thebetlt Une of SOli IDII; 8tov'e~ Ill" ! p '\ l lrll ln~,r I~ ""II' I'c('og nI21'\1 Il~ n the owner., Write nowl Rlln!fe9 III thJ8 p/lrt I'f Ohio , li n d 11> I III" '. li nd I ': I,J I" ImYI' pr i/!illlltl' ti prl9'! .. w 1., ..•. 1l~ J bUll K11 ~ I tlO' lI'l 1,[ p. '1 111111' 1"1 :: • \ " I, tho ;(',I""I t1 ~' 'I:"






Fl· d , ria

F arms Direct From Owner-



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I'.') t !tIl'

. ,IH ']lI'It\( '1" " IlIn! nt' 1111' " '" ,1(IlnQI' hI'·IIF. It I),°a l.; wit h Ihl' llb e-



li nd UludlUctitloQ8 of

bWlllUl m.IIld.


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W ayn eio<ville



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Aulo E(]uipnwlIt Hor;oe.. OrnWll I::ljulpmen l


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,y ork ... ill he


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, ' OR. J, "" _ MILLER.


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Notary Public All ~, " (l ~ 'I f N !"I ty W" 'I!





I will sell li t. !' I11>lI o A uotlou, nt my Te8ld ~o l.l ti t L ti p. nu

Thursday, ' December 20, 1917 Bug lnolo \! lit. to 0 '0 1001< t e followIn . ' Con I Mllg a t lll,plem ts, Lum ber, H" u ' h Old G Olld!l nod many OI li er a rticle .. 't' rms m ..dc k uow n 0 0 dn y If ~I/.I" , M !;t ·., MARY CAR MONY ' A. A, M N till . Ano' , ' " NIl.l ~ r K e lll'I" lt , ' Ul o rlc


1\1l11 ,


n"I'r]" "

-fllle· ~

'''{If\c.'' '' I~v

J: A. Veterlnarv

0' Oblo 5' 8(_ Unlvenl/\ OFFICE:

Corner Main and M'i ll ~treete "Telepllon.. 28



Scientific AgrIcu lture.

Good fuhuw g co n~ l sls Iii tnklug Inrge crops front lI e Innll, nn.l nt' the snme tim e len,olng th ' ~ (jll In better condition for mOl' crops,

e. .

_..- ---


ltl8illl;tel dORiI ft In Illt) flt,UtJl woul d ' l lol"\! auntl tl on tl 1,'Tllwlc cl, b u t Kozllu

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f= u 1'L!n . l



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"codl', non t, put it, (1ft'. ·,Mth4!v" , going f&ol'. &01\ 'bo DI· xt. \\'11 1 I,.. .ltl7l1llloh blab sr. At 'beol i lltnlld.

- W alter Cha ndler ,Waynes.,·i1le, o.






Real [ s ta te Tra nsfers

'l"IIWul'd \\' C' nlnlo: h e CtlJlh~ 1I1lO n , tn\ rk R \ t lnlt , l hl' l \\ \l l l' fJ( l(l r~ )'u nJl1 u;.;- 111 U1hR t




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lu t111 " /lIl OW, l h:l l \v~ r .. " I'ry lIlu(' h 11 1(0' IIhl 'I\ . t oC Ihl! Idll. nnd $I u, 'Iy (,)" Ing b~ . g 'lroD, h I l l! III ~· r l\l.l ~lln , $1. h is. 01\"11, 'flll'Y ~" ... r" 'lull fr,' II. 111 . 1 i ll. l~ .. t ,. "t V ul ou n l fJ R o " fiu ~ Cn. t.1! Ih ~J'~ W:lS n '\1'nl'l1I S' ' Ill uhtJUI thl'l1\ Wltll n h ll rrl Yl'lp [\1l1.n n d o r t c d a li t f ·. t,E-I ,t V' n lcllulte n oull og Co , I Ll t ~ 1111/ 1 ' l'l/ de blm \\' h lm~, 01111 II 11 ,'rl !JIm 11ltq L111' moon' l ght. \tl'l I>;US dlr >(:tly It;! '" ll'r.l n lt It o . i' l ligni n Wt'tll t hn t <l Nlr' I I fu ll I/IIC'I[ u - tlw ,,11th t I)", tll'(llo g dO ...., n nd bor !lry Z tj llrd j n~ li nd J "l, ul C. (1/1 h J.~ llil Ut\cb lind RVIIII ( 111'1 h tIT II 1\\'1\ UIIOll 11<)\' 11'1 1h 11l;hfl\l llg liP I)d. Y ' 1I1h~ til ('h l.lI" IIIEl -rl1d.l' . < IIU" ,\V. wfllf·.,ry . '['hill chlfllr "rr w tl'onr:cr ',rwo h ll",l1'I',1 ~' II I·fl .. I1 lI'uy Iha ,tua Rn' Hrll b p HI ~" lI1Jli ,I . (;Ir .. d y , ttl~ 10 III hllil ns th s\l lulOw s \I f IIlgbt d lw - \lilli, 1111(1 ~\\'I'I'\'c d to Lb " rlgl)t, lIuel llln lI'ru Ilk \ln , $1. • I' "c'd JII l h a :for I) t. lIe bnd h·u\·e l".r . l e:ndl'r o n thll ! "btv 111\ t 1 1~' r wit h OPUll Lll t ll Y tt d r-l1(:IH'I~\l l1 " nil " ' I fo I " ;11 1 tlu~' . h Ht he wps not tln(t TIl" r I jows. Ku y.11) " '1\8 III wll lt tllll soC,)ud a O ~ l it.. (l,d ti ll!! • I Jl III W O)' o N!v jllo, \1'/1 80lll ' l ht(l!; nlJOll t fJ I~ht , 110 11' Ih a t 1 oll p!', Ill! Ic npell Itt th e ,) ".. '6 sOft J ' 1II('r l' II' r l' no 01 u " Pili', Ihat exhll:uolt l· tllfOtlt . ~n u ~Ulll'lt lVt InU RS the pileI; p, ) . ' Iflu;' !' .. Ill wll ll kJ (~ eor gl', 1'(1 hllll strangel y. 'rlll' \V(1if h lootl In cl \ll'~(] tn fmm II h lud. li nd lhe doc V. Un ..... In. "u(l wit", In r. Iu' W Il u e ' : him J'l\n swift er 1111(1 IIwl fi ' I'. T u~ht W<1/lt do . n. Wlell l 'II~!\U bn lt UlIli c r h e r VII I!', ; l. It. WIl el l'lIc. 'f he ~kl' WIIS 1111 'd wllh ' b Olly. hl y f l1!llls \l ule d.'rp I n 111?I' jU~lI' f""" utollho r,,o ·b s l Rrs . ,'rlle Dl OOIl I·ose. And fit It, t lur. ' hi' In y h"ll\'l l.1' lin hlm . but 110 "lId 110 tl 'ttl rJ bocl, l u the snow Ilnd hll' Ill'!t nllt Ic)se llis holii. Ir WI\ S his flr 'j bill' fl' rrl l1 ~li n lm pr v,' m elif l bl.s l ... nl1 a,t l'llli;'ht tip to t ho 8pru e I 11 '. , k ill. B I.. h l,.,,1 r Ull lik e Or(' , H e F r tl u k lill , I. Ail e" [ TtlCl\lw' W WiW .. ..lI F AI . nou the woH Cflm ou t at him Iu 1\ I (l n~ , sll urle ti I tw I'U hh cl!lulPcd l~ct b. mU\lI'JIful cr y w hiCh q u ive r ed Ih l'olll;h Not lIr1tll tltl' hI I q\l"'~' r h nd 111ft I"" ,11 I wff ,', 40 no r!''s in WlIy no the Still ol gh t [or ln ll • \ 1I1e.' hody n\,,,,I' h llll oI ld II 11011 h l m" eH tn w h ~h ll} , $1 W . N . ~' ,,'rs lId .J 0 ·"r~. wrl q bl For 1\ l ong tl mo h e ~n t 11nd \I -tone d m it fl·,)11I untl"r h vr II Ht 11110 1 f r el c!!,s. ufte r thnt, h(lwl. )1 , hllll f otl ntl vol I l - , lIe h .lIl 1.1111'11 n rtl b l)\t thut £l ilY rqld ~n It 1:1 MII I<J r , a J ,t .. o n Aill orost, u voice WIUl n strnnge Il l' \\, n Olo In It. ~\·" s not tllln,.!!,,\,. S hc flat hllCIt 1'.1 thl! P .II); arl;'I~l(\ n t.o Wn n A ~ villf!. Ubio. . fi nd I tll'll\,c hltn 81111 grl'n l I'Con!ld cII Cl'. , s m )\\' /l Oll wnJt~ (\, " hUe t b r n ,' nOII ~ ~ I . D e bud cxp e.c ted 1111 III1Sll'l·r. but n Ull pu c); I p l'~ ut tI, (' d el/\(I (lOe. ACt 'r II ,li t· "'nrr/age licensell co rne. H e hlld trn vlIlod In Ih e rltc~ 'IC ' tl l~ htl 'fl lll' IIq(lf I', nOF '(I l u uctweull' R tlv. 0 , O. J tlno~'. m in ister "lid tho wInd. Dud as h I! howled, n bull t w oJ' 0 1 Ill, I\ ull II'U S oJpp ~t.1 for h is lu· Mrtl. LUtl V A tou Uu ul ar. , oul or ed , moose c.rn shed tll.r'lI /(h th 8c I' IIb rim- trn Io n. R v. W_ '1' Mill[ . II' back. s till hcsl t llt\n g bol h o f L.ehllll n be r uileud of h lm, hi s himls 1'O'ttJlng . As Knzan ngulns t U10 tte if like tb ~ tottoO o( n t.o lllix wfltt h l~ wlltl Ill' thcrs. 0 big we ll clcor hlrch cl ub us h e pnt d ls ltlnce h g l'IlY tcll'lll lellped oul t til u pork nn d ir l rril ~ l! E ''''l\,r G!lr-rn rd, BWt) twe~n b lllls I f nnd Ihll t cry. tI,'ove IrlllJ!ht rnr hl tllNlIll. He had IVQr k\'r ·mt.! !\Itr . Le nora B:vl1)yn (l',vlce ltnZfltl h C)wl<1Ll 1>~forll b I" nt jtl t tIJIIC to tltr II' his sl\n oll1 er ~ tbe" M" ynt·, b Olb u f ' Il'r·3nkllo. }(.()V. ut luck, nnt! .{(Ir n ru 11I1'lIt 01 two Abb" n . on. n nd '!:t e fou nd Joy Iu Ih l! lir n 'lIcc of 1bnt ll e W note Ire cllmc 1I11'n to UIO rl)II ~>t.l over n nd over 1/1 the $I10 W. T hey " Jllllo-l 1jll m llr Ct.n k , mployetlllt foot at 1\ 1"lUgh r ill ~", nnO t1lT1l1:d liP ~ r' lIll Ip rcm ' t he 1',,<;ltC!lIJlIllt o f sUd- P Cl t~rtl L:II \ Hlogn 1)0 . and Miuu \I o u t at lhe sWfuntl t o th e top o f It. 'l 'h d , 11 h"~tle 1111(1 01'1\11'11 til Duck from hunk!', \! ~b ot K ll1gs l!II1B. Ruv, slnr8,onr1 ~bll m ooo wel'e n""r~ r to hb u tl lo fells I: I,'w ly il1" ~' c:lr e led 'll poot .R, B. F Il8 t r_ tb r e, und on tho ther aldt' at tho Ollch OUIUI', lhelr II'hil f un gs bure, rIdge be look d (loll' n u nnn 0 gr/lt Olelr Y\illo\\'l~ h bud!!! b rl tUng lik e Commissloner's Proceedinjts sweepIng pl \Iln, \\,It h 1\ frozlllI Illk ", ,.Il~. bl'mh~~, 'r h~ fu UIl r ill!; of wol ves 13 111 11 1 I . ten lng in tt!Cl moonlight, una 0 w h ll dl'l~1V IIh'''11 \ ... f1g lll"r.-, , ' ', 11 ! 'Will - I'l ql1 e~ t oV,e r body rh-e r lend in g f r Oln It orr lll tv il o,h,II' It \1'\18 not now ( LJ KIIT-'I ll A dozeu II t ,n. Kd pI) k , OOrClul1l . $" ~5 i Umt "'liS n elth r t ~o Ihlc k n OI' S CI blllck t h lleH b e In !l11t In rlt;[lS' like t hlg DL.,II'lUt 1 u bOlO ,110 II' Hos p it.A I, Cd r fl S tb nt III iho swomv ~ r II ' 11 I l.M " " l tJ u I rI'" 1\)It n l, ot q IUq y pll t lellt,. . WIl u,., r Ie lln 1Il0mell. ore Hi, 72 ' .J. R. H 11'" 6 1' (I " Jotry Ii And Ulen v!!ry Imlscl In hi" b(l<l3' 01111\ UIICC h~ .h)1I 1 1'OIlS;tlt fu ~ hIs tl Ce , uh tr Ii' n l llli.1lI r $37' 60 ' W 1 ~ g r IV ~el!~c, Illl tl h is blllPd letlncd. F'1'pm ,,,U hl n UI!! clrele. It ,W IlS tho SlellJJf!- l ~'l' l "'(lel"~ II'~ I)U~V Yl:i u " f)Y ,,~ Ii~~l ~ fill' 00: 1';1 the pl lllll til e re I!lIlUe n r~y, dog f Ih;1ll1 ulf. , Ulllc~II I1lU n Jnte r- , It~-l' IN. '. Gfllh ~Dl oq ot,rll ~. ~808' It wns his \!I';V-thu w olf'l'ry, Il l!! Jnws ropted with It c1nb ~r II whl p 'l t ul wu )' . '!'· bll~. J 0 1' I.' 'tlb 1') 11' '\)jSrtl' ~I1UpP d. Il l!! whll o fun g~ I1I1?flJ ll'd, eltd~d ' lll d eUlb . 0 111y Oli O Ogh tOl' co uld l nf( 111111 w ~~~ug ~ pr\~iJ " rs Nov, II n(ll\!! b'l'owlcd d oep In hJ$ th rollt. J le come ou t u)l v(!. " 1\ 1lI ~·tlI1W ~ uotlL died. IOl7, $2117 II ; ll'r !ln k h u UIJro rlicla wnll ted ,to .. e pl y, 1I\l t . !)lI1e ~ tl't lllgl! 111- Ao d WIUI nO' IIIUII he)"'-only that .'\d v. f~' r .\ \ilh ttn', $ 2 j J !.t n A. Blttlr' stt nct u rfl "tl him 1I0t tn. 'l~ h n t h l:. llnl.!t futlll cQr(IOll of wulLin., II'hlt ~·fl1n llled 611,11'1I t;\ " fo r ,' ol·veYo c. $ 2.90 ' or the " i lt1 "'OS nl rClldy bCl.'ollllUI{ mn ij· d eU10nl!, l' ell rly tn lenp \IPIIO nud t eur . t cr of Jll m, ]u the nil', I n the wh l~ p ,... to pl ee~s t he (l l'st of t he. l1 y;h t erjJ Wh o • - ...... - - .Il1g of the ~ lll' lt C" tOJl ~; III the JIl IlIlII n nt! 'tvn s t h rown III,OIl hl 3 Ifill o 01' IlIlck. Ka T o Sa " ", the Eyes. Ihe sturs th ell1 sel\'\)~, (Ill'rc hl'l!lltl1P(~ z a n \1'11.11 a s l l'tl ul(e r. bu t he (Ud not t enr To " ,'olrl f;t r idlll llg the eyes n pertl s pirit \\'hfch (alII h im tl l il t \\'hll hc , th ose Ulnt lWIl~1Il il 11Il1l In. 'rhe one hnd h c nnl "'" . till) " 'oll-cry, hut (h ilt It grent lllw o r I he ' p uc!?' wo ul(1 otn)le l ~O ll of n(ll'lllll i ~' Is l<on r:;lfollld ' h old I'~e boo!; to hu r l'nd 15 1)1' 18 Incbes f rom \\'I I~ 1I (, t th w olr cull: < th em to be r ulr. ... ~'h oth r cl\me! I\n h our Int('r, cl \I f He Il e pl his C3'('8 o uly, on t he big grny UI fllc 0 nd on It tllr 'ct 1.10 with Lit r '5. N ,-or holtl II book low nnd dlstl n ct, t h llt some "'l1llln g 11(7\\'1 ot lend i'!' who hnct-cllllll engcrl him, Sboul. , wlilic I'ell dl ng . ..TII.. stl'lll o '/,0 -.the' oYP.S tho I)l'glnnlllg-but CIIIlI III<' In It lil nccoto d er to ' ~l lOult.lf'r they coutillued to Is milch ' r nt I' .w lt t·1\ fh e book 18 of quIck /Jhllrp ~'I' II)S I hnt stlrr(' 11 hiS ci.rclc, , l jl!t'C n f o\\'- momell ts b efo~e h )111 In Ihu 11I1I. ' It' YI'!II mllk o u prnc· blood n L once 11110 n fl C l'~'; x cll elll ' nt t~lI!.re hml bl! n the. snnp1) ln g of )nws tlce or I' nill ll!l ' wltli c l y ln/t dow.n you t hut It ho(\ ,n " Qr k Mwn b ef!)I·. TllC O'o d th e rc nlll[Jl( o t .flesh HII,re WIlS now h ~ lIld he cMet ll1 .to MId yo ur bqok' slime IO 'ltl t)ct t ol(] hIm ' tho t IIIIs Wilt! s fl c ucc. o ft·footed nnd sC)ft·tbroDte d lit tlte! 1'l1'6 p ~ I' IIng l ,

th o cIlU-t.\le hUllt·cry. 1t ul'ged 111m t o come qUI ..,kly. A t ell' moment!! l ilt 'r It Clune II gllln, nnll thl s ' li me tll cl'() WUR Il repl y from close d own ulQllg thc foot of tb e ridge, ~lIld Ullo lltllr frotll a fn.r nwny tlwt Kuzu n could scm'cel y h t'L:\l' It. The bun t'Illlclt' woo gnth erlng fo r Ill e nl g'ht chosc; but KnzQIl sut qUlet nlld tre mbll1lg. H e , wlI8 not ufrnld. but b \! wns not r eady tQ go, ' TllC ridge sceml)d t o s jJllt thc wMld for him. D own til I: " I t WIIS new, lind 8Irll'o ge, ond wl th\)ut 1lI n. From the othe r sldc /lomQthlog s ce rl1ell [lulling h im. ho ck. nnd eudll Illy he turned lila lIen(1 , uua l.'1l7.~d bn 'lt tbr"ugh the rnoopllt ~PllCIl, bc h ll\ll Il lrIl. nnd wulned. It wos t Ile dog-Wh ill/! 11011'. Tbe womnn WIlS bnclt th' I·C. li c cou ld bear h er voice: , Be could f iI Ill)! touch ot! bcr ~ott hnnd. 1:£e conic! cn the lnughter In ll cr 111Cl1 lIud l.'ycl>. Ie loughtt;\T tlillt hod mnde hIm wurm and "~tl!l1'. S,," w a s Clllllu!! to Il lln throul!h




. U ~d To ''-;('1 Solt.r ::rs

Would EI1;"

I 01, rLl ." t

i' ,. 'I


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ffJr , ' ('£11$. It L ChllllH'lllt U u~ S0 111... uf t it· he. I tl'luics knuwn t cn ~l~' b on ed willi ...., me t he beSI "I(,,,l] "II"Iit " r t h",rn til fi ll ers. Thc uc. lect cfllll hill:o l iOIl I ll(' ill-

,,(1 t h e Int n ~ t ~

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:\h.~did"c iso wo n dc ,rul , ~"u l l> :11 'n t arrh

for om e 2U d , ft l"' OTII IIrlw lll6 " f r" . ,d whn l produceR ~nc" I ,oJ p ~'lll!Jn t, .. t lrt! . ~ '-(A Lber en '"rrlw,t cOlldil1o ns . Se nd ru .. te, 1I111"-

.H t-IJ". r

w l tb Oll rufl"rlri.u,H obf\rl<6u


bh I " h. I. , rre e.



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l'n mily I'll1s [or

e o n s t ip~l ion.

::=..... - - - - - fIt () rR ~ 'I'll .. pliln wl l! Le exr p I> d r rt \ f) 11 t h r rl \ > ~tl'·. '1' h,' Jl IlI'P 8e I~ to It ",,!) ell A k nil 0 10' ,.!ni!lJ r& ~ () pt,!' t bll t tht, y 110 I1U' (\1111 1>:(1 r'.·'1 r hH un t prlOil ~ for th fJ n .. Ct s~ tll' ~ of

onm p ' ny


Potitive-Convincing W bU ' to p!~\O~~i~~i~J~~~: i~1a";i~~ power to create strength.

U f~ ,

Lord !>la yer': B~ ",,"et .


Whnt :I ";1'1 1 1" .• 11/" ', .. "';II f't "'nil

like lip tIl I h,' :-; :,.• ,,,1 . 'n ,1I . " L: "II11'Y mill' Ill' ::,10 -1·11 r .•• , 11·1;1,-, . ,\(~

s crtll linn r)( " lIlI lit "'1'111" ~ lul f 'lIIak llJ"S 11tOIl Chl\O.p \\ Ih'j'" 1III I "!ill( !~!III~t \\ tlS ' I Olyceropho.phat... bucanD. , fi lllll'Y \'. .\ (11' , 1,,·It .t! " ' (I Ilta l II Any woman Who buys a bottle of h ll'ul ...·" 1,,('1,,< ' " 1''' 111"'(1 111111 II ' ho Vlnol for a weak. run.down nervous 1'('1111 ...1 with 1,,·.. 1'. 1',,1 ' 1111,1\ .. 11 . \II ln(' ~ d condition and finds after gi~ing it a ph'. 11 .111 ' "HI'.'III 'lI U' ·. I'U' I "II.l q l loll t fair trial it did not help her, "\'. '111«\11 1 1ll~II" \ 1111; "l' III1U' d IlW." have her money r~turned. 1111,1111: " li t. 11:" ~1'r~"l1l1'''i ; h,·" r .,nd Co4 LIYer and Beef P eptone. trOn

IJ.Dd".~Il"IIPf!ptDn.te.,l";n an4 L im. aDoS Socia

Ammonium Clt;rIIle


will i'

bYou se,e. there


fh~:: i.V~~~kln I~k

no guess work h...,~\'(.~s ' \IIII'H ' 1111" hlll~ III ClI'), Vll t!! : f? nnula proves I f"lltl'l'~ " ",I \I ;"jC" ,;,.~ """"'~ 11'1 '\\ Hug

run-down. O'1eJvork~J~ ~~~~~ae~ I In rill' wi ll" lIfl1rl'.·ws : ":"" I~I"I, ~" u· and wo. men and for fe.eble old people IS'I:!C>{ h U}ll'ill't III Jl llrl.·\" "lI~ I.(-L, (:0 1. 2nd delicate children. Try it once hIp" 111It! . , :~" ill ~Ctl ltl l'~, ," 1, 1 tllftS ,"d be convinced. . ,,"(1 I ·U ~t : I\,'1. ,',I ""'S 1IU111',','III;: JII In J. E. Janney. D tu~gig l , Wayn esvill e\ IIIl1l t-shu,' 'I ~. "

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('or mnny yellr~ ' \I ' ll "i. I llI- l ~ I•• 1I ('Yi'~J thnt lh c r o ndti'I'I ~ \\.I.~ I: 11\;1(" "'llo tls 1re" culh,ltI t h ..· 'rhll t ' t t-... , \\ h id , hll il I II\) IJo\\','" ' II l in:.: I h. .11l1l1J"'!'!\S of lh Ll 11\ 111'''1 h' I'~ 1\1111 III


' l' III It' I) f; ing: It Jn to U



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Lebanon -:- Ohio

'1I1l\ 11I111. 1I :-j' Hwl

plotl~ fu ll of rllin . '1',) Il d~ I IOW("I' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!! ''''' l'lh,,(\ (he I .. et ' · ~ ,,1 ·1111)' I" wlil, ·'11' 111 1 Ill " ); \I1'<'l' ghl s, [ I III 11'11". )111\\ ('f

\\ 1"

Hutl lhc leaf u( tilt' " I'U) ;I U·1.1 t \ " - "I' , IIH It I ~ ~.II " l'I i I Jl ":; " ,Iill"l. "Ili l' 11':1,' ,·1,,1":; U' ~1t- h i\S 11 1:11',.,,,· :-. lt eu r Ht

I"t I',

h!l ~e,





on l ~'

In whkh wulpl" l'l) lJ ('d~1 1.) \11 II tuf)uUl rul 01' 60.

D f ~ . £I. E.-HATHAWA.Y

~.Y UI:I6 vills'8 LeadlnlJ: 1)f1lce in Bulnee Bldg.

Are you Are you Are you Are you Are you


goin!!, to build a rlouse Y • } going to build a Barn? going to build a Garage? going to build a Hog Pen ? goin g to build a Poultry House?

See Madden

You Wont Lime or Plo ater? .. , . .. . .. , . . . . ... .. . ... . .. . .. See MaddeD

Do You Wllnt 'Any KInd' of r,umber l,." . . ,', .. , ,: ,., .. , ... ,.See

Do You Want Felt Roofing? .. . .... , .. .... .... , . See Maltden

Do You Wal')t Fence Posts? .. ...... ..

The Argentine caWcllIl'n pay prIces for hlooded live stolJk that only o. tew


tnn elers In Ameri ca would (!olll!hler.

a u I hI' fum ot Mr. " uti Mrs Aln s tH tho tltJIt! or thIS ",rl tl ug. We n tl del'~~ od that Mr . a d r 8 Rlb l r hud I b e misfortune nt It) Il)g thtllr foru, r h om e 1111.1 put o f tbelr lwnee b uld effeots by


of QU,ality


Building Plans? ..See Madden

0 .0 10\1 ...nt

to bono" " dlmer ·

th~ ""IDe ttampotd OD Ih. "a.1r: of opooa., forlr:.

NO ml\14r wll ..' rou W&II'. Bee ..ldd•

• .... llldd.D

h•• n•• r pIal. of pro,eD quallty-


If you don't want anything at all, SEE MADDEN

..Sil"" Plat, .<

IMI Will""


HE par$\e8 whc' 'ook t.he Soo.ob Colli. bltoh f,r om WI1JDentll • . Mr. CI"ve Connor Is drl vlnl( It nloe ~bree weAk~ ago aretlloWD. Re'orn 19! 7 F .) rd ro4t'bloe . 80m., &0 tbe GueUe omoe aDd DO On ~ooouot of the (laVllre · oold qnestiolls aslied. dIll wel1~h 1' lInd Ho"rctty of 0,,,.1 t.h!'lre IVtl e no 80hoo)l Monduy Ilud Tuesday aDCI whe n tile sohonl waRon put In rin H.1)J.I' srl,noe WuduBsdllY morDlng LOST v.ery f e w &O ho)lIrs were prepared for ~ oh(lol. The wo gon arrived a$ the ~obo ol b oose wit h ,tbree lIobolarf! ~ llsoh fob, Bet,nrday.".rnooD. Aben rd Ilfter 110 h aH.vy p1ill . to gilt rlnder plelll!e lIeave •• ,QueUe f.)lfonRb '1I1:1 8now drtU 'flter/nomdllS eter s t:egl tered ss low S8 20 degrelll' offioe jand in reward. lIod II number of formers had to In. veD' ways of heating ~helr oellan , Min Lenn CODDor. of Wiroynea. WANiTED 'V1I)e, oalled on honl folltll Sunday. (~heoo wel, b.

Do You Want

aDd faae, .. "luI' pl ....

fire n Bborl, time 6 g ....

Mr.Ed ·!:lllude rs n vi Ited raiQ\lv as &~ Mt. H olly BIlOd .. " Li Hld MI H.R (;Ie tll HeLV, of Dayton , Is visI tIn g ... t thl) borne or MIIIII Alloe

Do You Want a Veranda? ....... _..... See Madden


.I ')~ \ljlb

Oislialtl: e d Ada . , .-

:.See Madden

Do You Want Farm Gates? ......... ' ,' .See Mad<1en

Rely ~n your OWD JudlJ1llc:.ul .. 10 pAttern, but re",c",IIer durabllJl,. I. tbe ",o.t ImportaDt r•• lure.

tn OVILl!!

Wldc:.latllu<l. Cor cl10lee

II oll'effillu lb. mau,.


uqullile dcslp. Bold by le.dlu I' de.aler. »-erywherr.

: kod









At Corwin. Ohio


in the effedlveness of the fighting forces on tho s(.M and in the ships. Mod· em apparatus I1nd now guns hrive been ins ta lled on many of th~ larger battl eships, .and thoy · hav.e becn cOnl.plctcly overhauled for actual ~ar service. The accompanying picture shows .H . M, S, Cavou r, olle of the ships of· the 'tiTSt line. witb th~ fleet In II harbi>r "s01l1clvhcre al0111{ the coast of t:aly." A JIl"l' crew 15 sbown Ilt practice ')'ith a ! mall calibre rifle on deck. T~cse gUns are tn M ,tad t,. 1I('\l'W~ ,~~tt -.rt~I\. 4 " in *,"htinO' Iili uhmarinp_, .

________ _______ .4_~.

· rearl. to raise MANbaooooverandsowod: by 'he da1. aDd to-

t o board with our famU,. Uood proposition for good man. A4dr88. W.lter L , t!a~yer; Wa.;'DBB'"tlle.!t. D. 4 j2 .


~ation~~~~y M~n'-~rac~eWith Bay~ In



l'{amed AftetI German , Kaiset,· " ' •

F you Bre nu' of 00.1 and wan' $0 burn wood, YOlll C'8n ohol 70nr

nwn .,rond on sbarl!!!, and 8'11'

ve snit'" by IJ.Illkl ngy our Cb·rlllt.. ont of even

ounlly, wIth ' hOIl,' Y' Ololu8se8. 01l1ce. f r tlUlI, tl ots. r HI@ lt18 ~'nd dl~Wp. hi tbe lOt US

<(\" .. e () f Ih(' F',I(Jrt

fl .

a oord!

IDqolre at tilts d19

A~l m l ol . tClltlOD

ukr pqJi c, ru b " PII _",\i.h \ll ()"lij~I!~.

d l ~ ~ r). I ~ " \lp w l tb II oO,, 'WIt o r un , tI ' I','It'l)ed ohool1 ll1 l e ; [b~ kl) nlltple . nHor tl',lIli 1\ \t tl lI Ur. 0 ' ,'!t llrll . · And



d,,'u'l , ,, ,, It

u n ti l J: / ' \ Y ~ artl 10 make III ~ 7DH".lutioD: , "1 wlllllo t I)l!t IIDY ONEY lOllned ou IIvp dook o~at. <llll,d,V l\J u 10 vf u . n,J o~ ·b,·"t II lIg"r i. , '(ll~ "nd 1I(ll)ono rnor~ga[res, '\lin l ~ II 11 Oil r uf III If) 11 1\1113 Hl~l\r Note8 bnughf-. .101110 lJ~rblne. ,lr., , ., 11'\ 1' (I rt'ni or " tb l'r (-oUll .. r'rved in AllIIn Bnildjng, Xll1IJ18 , OhIo. ' m3 hom ;" .



- - --+ - +- - -.-

FOR ~JALE Gnlneq Fame Wh ile ' Dying, Anlnln ' Wt\tt 'OU, I)nu I,e f"l'IIllce·s. torcllI oRt tlI·II St. , pnlul' \l hl l; C 'l ebrnted phlno In gO/ld tune, aDd. lI'ood decvl'Il ril l' p n " t\I ~ wlllt dying of the ollolu eVBry pnrUoolar. For whl tl' 1.IIIlU· ~C(1l1,'gu. Hc !lprllng from rm .. t.llln oall ., tbe Uazette hUllIlJl' 11<1(\ 1)lIv er ty-s~l'l cf; n S\lrroUIl<l· iD'c , jll office . IllgR. IIul1 \\'lIS 'rol" I:d t o work 011 Ole Ilr lnk or slH l'\'Ittltln for tile grenter fr eflh Jersev , Cow with ' btlr IlIlr t o( hi li I hlrt)'~~e\' eJ1 ycnr9. . JUl\t tbird 0 .. 1. F or Information n8 hlH 'Tlin111 1'0 I' to naH';lIInl prtlpor· ti ona, J.II' 11..lwl'culn r "III",ltIon b CCllUI!l ollll Oil ~hley 'Broe, W"ynelVlIIe,



' !~ W 1'50 oo il h e worl,pel IleRpcrntoly dur- Ohio. ing his I" .. t fe", yCu'I's tl> complet liS good ,oo' fllelgb, wlth - awo 1II11 ~h wUl'k us ~ n!;.'1lh l e b llf,O:~ he dIe"',

.- ..

Ne t


r.t Isla na.'


,MtrltOa Ilf . Sleigh beJle van on W",Her' McClure. Wayoentllp. 9blo ' ; 4.126


'I' \I' IM.II1!t II r .rr"I II ,SUllln DomIngo II" •• rrAI ' • ' " lIn Ih:, 1:II'Sc' t or the \Vetlt Itiillc~. 'J' I1I' j'ltsrl 111"'11 of: tilt! Islnnd Ie 2!1;521'i ,'lUI'I,(' I\) n.,>. of whleb '10,200.

BUFl!' Orpi.~ lloOlrereltJ, Wl apiece, U. 8. Ihx"ell. R. R. No. 1"~a'D8I\vtl\8,, O~lo. dill

O, P Orpln,C, oD Coot'rols 11' tlll\l l·m;ltn,lt,.I}· (ll lr· ~hlJ'(l, nrc In tbe • ,orpfllttand Qt\lI &:r aDd AX 11:1'11 • "lotl " I, III' fi llltl; 10.325. or I'Nnt\hliu:,: tW· .,11111'tl , IIrc' In thl! blbUlon hi r(l II. tiM, E. O. Ev .. na dll n"lrt'll D'U'ti'l" or 11,,) m./llllnIMn Re- Wayoes'1llIlI; O~lo

'I'" !I."

puh lll). __. __ . _ . _ ••_ _ __


Do You Want Shingles? ...... ..... , ............... See Madden

ODed Stock, ltaeod Price ..

Bt'lls not lufrequenl:ly srll fo~ $20.000 Mr. "lid ~Ir " . \V,lllo Aileo left or ~.OOO ....C8nny formers oll!erlog such tI tUt da y fill ' .. fe", d ... ,Y • v i. it ti t tbe sum \\'lthout nrous lng nny sensntton. bow e t lh~ 1';1t ... ' " PI'lce r Mrs \ luy SO WI'II does blootl.)d stock POl' that G t:! nl'1' ' lId ' ~ llIl ly , of Alpbt\ "mounts ot this s rt ore Dot looked Mr, 1\\)1\ Mrs . G IlY KIlller fire 011011 os 8pecnlution ,

• Since hOlly's entrance Into the war the oncrgj~s of ,the country have been

Main 8.

Do You WaDI Tobacco B01<08 7...... ,. , ,. , ... ... ' .. .......... . .... lee Mlddlll Do You Wan, Oemen'7 • .• , . ... ,,, • , .. ...... , . .. . ... , . . ... ....... ,Bee Mlddtll


·' lar~ely cbncentrated on the navy. The pnst year .has witnessed great . changes








L111' I1vc rll):'c Yl'lIrl;v ~ ttlll , uu uatl'I 'h i,; II YU


Bnd Embalmer.


lill' ~1I 1 ' "r ~gllH II ,l lIil ". "wltt, 1 IJII.YI Ii F fill ' 1111 "1 1111"1>.. Oslrkh('H 11 11" • Ilf Ill uly S~ )uth \\"(\ ~l r I I !! Itl. It Is \" ~ I'Y "I I ;1,1 •

po und nnd lIH.'lr :':!U IU $:\0.

Mrs. MtlrLhn l3un nell W5 " t,raDS" 1t 18 JUOlo rild 'ba~ beforo thle . ~t8, Emma J . Brown \\' bORe <1oll\h IJa p" r roanN to presp. ~her e Ie 1P btl 0. ' ooclirred at ~hll home IIf her duul(b. aotlng bu"IDe ~s in Dlly·t on o n e ll lli' .V )II '''~ ..·."I tll .. IU btl" 11 01}, Ilod t h ole r , J ~ Geor ~ 'l Decker oellr Dayton Itll:lt week . h OI II' I'. J t W ,·II'I1I1 I1. We IIl UY b ll ' WILli boried b aro 'lflKt 'l' UHSdIlY ,Itto r MIAS U8 tltl ll BrUeC llfJ SP"11 1 El'id8J' abl. 1"l"'I)(ltt. III Ih t! n exr, I ilOU. 0 000 1:>11,,) bad IIvtlu h ere with ber III DI\Y\oU . ~ 'jVf' r I llypu ud her" werll ble!l@e d' brother John InDlay wQny yo"rs , Mr. aod Mrs J ohn Mot:ln r e a nd w ' th a II,I IE II toon l t 00111 ~O' allob of !lnd was a kind beuuled woman and family \Vero the uoe ts of 1I1r . 110<1 IIII'IU-tlldt i o! 0. whole lot when yoc hlld mlloy trlondll. . "r~. Bllrry R~IHtOD. of Bluo Bull one h"v., IIo)U" Mrs. Delila Dill, who hllo8 bEle n dllY 18et wo ek . C. ~~ . ' ,f V c'Y ll u rl ,,<. P, MoUllrren lIe rlo ely III with Ilocble plIeumonla Ohester W bltterDl !4 '1 WIIR t,rrl nst rfl us:'ot l.1 hnsineR I n ' lumlios on is bo t;Lor a' tbls wr iting. . • aetlllR bosinCRS In Day ton F,ldItY , Mrs, Ellz ube ~h Blaokfo rd l eft 'L'b' H,'It\~' ut lu@t Wl'o\; I Mr. "nd Mr8 Uhas. Brelsford hllve , M II IIV ~1l ,,' I'f ttl'! " on our treet r otaroel} from a. f E' W days vlsl~ with Thursday for a" extond ed vl plt w ith 11 ' 1' lj~ n CIt " It) wu to wl\k e W f) <1, Mr. and Mrs, J oe :~ ~Il .md family, at Mr, lind Mrs. 'F rllnk Mortoll and fllmlly, of Franklin, (l o r 'JllJotno li g ht pillot i~ glvlolJ Riohmond. Ind. Mh. JaDe Langd on hll B 'ret ufn ed a R ~ ,I( " I tll~It..t ~(, l h)l\ us in warm The Sptlog VIIlley Division of the weulh,·r. I Lc ~n n o t be be tter. U. & K. TI'uoti ou qalt runnin g 'h eir t p l!'rllnlt\lD lifter II week ',. v\el t with W , , n· <l90 :1. sou o f Mr, IIOU O,'fe bere lus b Saturday, N o w for friend!' here. i\l'. 60d Mrs. Wolter Taylor we re Mt ~ . E' r ullJ( "\lson, bas j Ined t he lIumA ooe to stun Ii j itney, tbe S ouc1IlY gu ests ot Mr. aud M n A. n il tl ll n 'lI )1S .. till lOt IJrellent i ~ t fl l,lul1!'1u " t, b'o rL l'lIom bs . B e lof~ Miss SlIfob Rohrbaugb, who Wl\tl Perry Ellrohart '.lDd fnmily, of p .. kln. " hlorntlv d p n.;wou wllioh b e built operated upon fo r uppendioltlll. MI8se<l 8Annall lind Mlll'y IflUe I1J) lI f t r u \I ' r :.1 yeorll o f en rg y . p,,"sed tbro n~h It s u ooeijll fclly 80d Ip on the road ,to re co vory . Hhe is bave r eturned to DILytlln after Our lml,n ."rH lIre bu~y ut wo>t'I, lit tbe Mo UlelJllu l:Ilosp ltai at Xoula. spending n couple of wee ke with their V!I<fell te. bu toh rin g tor rh [1 fa rmer A h i8 O <1(1) 1I1 1II1)l\ 10 tl Cl uutc hQ. 11I1J (\'Hle Wm , Enill", nOlrth of ' I,wn, wlll M IlIl! AgD P.S Woodw{lrd ent .. r· . 1 h Ulll B Evt'ry thi nL; III oh ~u g l u, K. b "l<I n Ilu blio 8 1il (1 tile 1 t b Olld win tRIn e t,bo memberR of ~be kllhtlng hI,,· 111,1 w~ · l!h(\ ,· . rll eu m llVIl on tlle MO(J,lll DUII farm olob ut ber horn e l ast 'l'nesdo.y e v • N \9R H 1\ " RO:\' O I f\ ootd lIud n r'!,r Mhlllle Ran . which be por- nlng ~ulo!t.. . IInoi ,,!' cMhlin onurHMons of oh used r eoently T he I)ubllc 80h oc·la CIOAl'!d ItI ~t Fri. Ih" utlll lls lllJllrt! t lltl w tr~ lllt! work /; ds,y unth .IIlDcll ry 2, 0 11 1I000U'.l' of very hlld, An Evergreen Shrub, On e nlwnys nssoclntes hea ther with 't lit' uh I ~()hl'~ \l o) rn II .. \'0 b RA n scul'olty or oonl. Mis" MilO') 1!:t1 \'''Y, who ll ~H been ScoUnud. nnd II' Is one ot tbe chief ('l1)f,tl-ll l or r,Ii 'n, ' uwlt\ys n n no U Dl '11 '·111' W ""lic'r ,11111 · tbu l!ollfol r.y ot seri ouslv II I , itl! IJ<leonlooIB. is glories !)f Ihnt Ilind of ~ol ors ; but e l owly n ooveriog. heo th er. or lIug. I un e l'~ r>:r pn shrllb f UI '\. '.cbe Ull d il l U1~ \j M.urkr t wUI be held whlcb grows nil m' er DO/thern Europe. •·t.l1I tho I GU of t.h iR v lol n it.~ lire bn"r, Illllt lll!( "''' 'l d b 111 (.; t.ll" ou ly In t hO) ruWIl 1:11\1\ Jl)v I,ho t.arlleb of certn ln species e"en b eln):, film! 10 l. ,IIIIl "v~l llbl e nt th iH t.l1l1 " 'v hioh the I:'ces byturlun ollorOll, Cllrlslrn '.i! Atrl t'll , wh ere If reaches tli"e Ii Ight ot irltge bushes. ev o . . \\' II 1UQ. llo h l' -------.. __ 4._______ MI~s Clr~rtl WIniers bns gone t o 1'1'1\\' 1 h9~ b01' 1l II mit,,,d in thi ~ DII)' l on to IIvn for tbe wInter. 0 1 III 11 IJIlr b n filll I ', r h ~In ll thuo, Her View of ReciproCity. 1t b aH b"en rop o r' ~d thlit onll of Vor l' Httl i ~ 1,,,1"1( d ll ue ill th f' He-;-"Do YOII believe thllt u mllrrled IV"y ... r ( ' U rl olIHu u ll uoe onnL u f filA our OblH lDiog sobool toaobere bl1s couple should U,'c It lite ot Illve {lnd beoome _11_w lt_r _brid 11 0,' 081<1(\ sou r u li on , __ _ _e. • 4 __ ___ toke ?" She-"¥es ; provldctl hi s Is the give."



I " I'llrl'ly '111 ~I" " ' ,,'Ill IU\II "1:1). H

As WriUen by Ol]r ~orps f Able Correspondents in the Neighbothood

) I It..h~1 t f

Ill l d

p . q'k h '


Real rubber- nOne of that puttyfted.·near-rubbet look to Savage Tires. The toug~, griP$-the-r~d tread-the resilient. shock-ab&o~bing cushion - the strong, yet flexible. never-aack sidewall~rubber Put of SavageTires is made of live rub~. the finest for the purpose that money can buy. . stoCk aJway~ fresh. Sold from factory to you through our own distribut0J8-the middleman's profit put into higber quality.

I. ,


~~~=Ei"E'=.~.'::;~.~ :w::~!E

. . . . .. . . . . .

(~/\ R




lR S --



[Jill t(>I ' fill :;Oc


will la a ~trl'._ f i t'lIl\,litiOlI the . Mi rtll 1'\IlJIlIy ··~tldlt hill rll'l·id.,ct I I


ff1lW'(i, ~' \li It "'11 Il ,,' Ih't' 101


t11"~ t ')'t




I h tl 11w~ I, ()Uld 111'1 hnld 1\ ::ihow 1I ill d

(Itr, lillI,


[<'red f1a\\'kl.'

\.\ II


IJI11 lOll '1'u s

The finl ,,( u. l:tm nt you ever 'weet I"lorid a Ora nl"eM, all li jv,ln Cala E!ngli. II Walnht , 80ft :-hell S IV 0 t \lnUl1d ......... ......... 20c F' IlC Y Choeolal II .... ... .. 20 & 2. C Al monds. Brulllie und I' ilu'r ts. LI~Wlil·y '~ lilk ChocolaLa Fancy Urap (i'l' uit . 'p, ciui I<,w "riC(!S to ~chools nnd fl'ancy Ho:ted Apvl e:; ~"Imcy Yurk Imperial 'Apple!' \·hur ·11<" . in i" rlrQ lots


-, '"

Lh I rl II 11 (II )1\' ~" , '1,,·, j. 111,. ~h ,j , \ i!I h 11'1,1 II ~, , Ill .. ·11 'I; b.." ill to· jill '." h\' I : l.l A K H,,"', 111..1 {: ,. ' 1I'P il lIIlV' Il I ' I roult \' Indllt;'r' . ., Villi,·, p,11 0 1 \ i I n ,I "III ... jllli)."l" I h.-til hill 1\ ill It ' IIH :11,,1 -huw I ell thJl' l

I n.rgulllz~;\

I LIon, IUld


P Oll It ry

":<'111 l'

I I \ 1l1:.t):'s

UUrns. ", .nl'la

wli l also Icc 1 rl'



bu ine"S.

II ,

i .... , 'In' r"'lIi!y

oN v .. ···· " ... ... ........ ,... .. ... i!3c


Kar . yrupnl l Fizcs; Bul k Pt!Il'

Raymolld COllnl'!' wer tOt·s

","'llll! ~bi·

8nd [\('cepl.uhlc :tnll!llTif!s .

Miils Jon"", !If M 'tllI11Ur;1, ~ Ohio, or') iI'l'cI hUllIt, Montll,V vl'l1i g } for I wo \Ii (·k~' v··\C:lII\II1.



Waynesvi Ie, O hio

W ishes you a Merry Ch ristmas a lld a Happy New Year. ----~ ----


81x years before he had deposited Six thousand . dollara-and when the pass-book was balanced, he found that 5% Compound Interes t had accumulated to $2069.00. ' "

with us at

Oem City


DuUdID. A LoaD A •• ~ i MtLLi oN8

.. 6 ~. MatD-DaytoD


Ou·riOog the recent old SMP Mason citizens found them el ves sho rt on coal. bu t fortlll1l1tely lhere w re sev· eral C • \naqeo wilh coal on t he track!) i lhat hurg. tf'ortunale peo· plel

Look at our cullCCliob of leathel; At her beautifUl home near Ba r. go veys bu rg. Mitlll Helen .Har tsock gave a very pre tty luncheon last. Thu rs· day announcing'the com in.g m~rriage , of he~ b ro the t~l an to. MIss VlollI. K . Jordan on Decemul':Ir .19th Twelve _~err~ gIrls. 80 ugh ~ and fo und t he t IllY SIlver favors 11Idden in t he white cake. Many kind , wish f:1! were besh)lved upon t he bride·


S.ears·n~ Qartwright Public· S~le Conductor.

elect, AI1~ all went happily h~m e. wo rd th roulth tbe enpw. Ihcl uding th E!' hOBtess. those pr s. en t were: Viola ' J ordan, Hel en Welch. F loramond . R ed , Mart ha Lukens , Merle Ellis Vesta EllliK Esther Edwards, Mar ie Rlchl Audrey Be rres, Ma bel Ellis and E[sle Er teL . ' .. _ •

SAME· PLAcE... ·· 'SAME PRICE.... .

fOflCiAlS 010


Auditor Mou nt!! lind ~heritf Wag: goner made t hE1ir r ounds Monday lind arrive d I.ere ·l\f;:'nday evening. From l o'clocJc \loti! n early ,9 they were kept busy r egi$tcl'ing Uie dO!I~ in the township. 'It is amazillg to kno\V \'low ma ny dogs t here ore the township . A large nu mber of far mers came in town a nd each rogistered his dog . The dog m ust posilively wellr a tag lor the whole yellr , . '


-' . '1'he TI1·St&~ IS'riaht In" line with the Food Administration ' desire .to 81.. the prcrlu'CeI'the irreateilt ~ible return,! for Iils proouct.

•• •

W ith 1'1(i'FANY J \i:\\ E RY XCllja, Ohio

NO. HUNTl. NB The f.)lIowing named Jle r S0f1 8 will not ull olY hUllllnli on their premi Re8, a nd will pr- secu te any offenders to

the full

('x ~e n t of I,he law: 'Mar tin Gons

IIl.uuc Wilstm

Ev relt ' tubbs H .nry ' a Ller\hwuite I'.HuB ·Iesbse . Frank Mursh F ran k Braddock E» rl H ocket.t Ed l' u rll RS a nd Boys J 9son heehnn

--_.- - -....



Clover Seed

We have in stock, ever ything kept in a first·class Harness Shop. ':



50' 000

J\iNT~O , L ...,

~~~a~~~n~~:~ l~dytlb~!~hL"o~; cans ()f fr ui t. Over ,o ne

hUb.dred c~ns wer !' received also twt>nty·five g l8Slles of j elly and many ~ther artiel 8 ,

--_. _...-..---

LIOenM No. 0-.81152

;;~ ,=~~:'~_~, eaIl, or ff)'Oo need caM. ame wUI be II8IIt P'"

STAHl fIGURING ' -------.-


Or more


N,gt, Sir.,


RevoIrin&' brushes, IIperat2d by a

hand lever, clean a man'. bat and lIhoes at tile 18R111 time In a 1I1Bc:blne dealped lor plJblle p~cea.

wllDted tor posl Uons In U. 8. c'vU sonlce and ,.nth b\UlDeu concerns. B~ p a y. creat o~








Dayton, •

alosue now.

Miami·Jacobs . 'Business College' Secon d and Main DIYton, OhIo


-.~ ..The


O·nly '5 More Shopping

Circus 'Cars ., Driving H arness Horns Balls . Hay Carts Windmills Tops . . Target Sets Pop Guns' Drums Wat'ches Lanterns \ utosV~gons



porlunltJe,. Tra1DlDIJ necelilar1. We pr8P~ro JOU! Write tDr ca •


t he~. You bad bette.t [ no w, ¥ t. ~i ch Man , a nti ' The Red Cross of LyLl~, Be wed al\ what yp ur incomll 8013 day Thur"da f Qr MI's Frymood and " • ..;! ••- - famify, who IQst most all t heir gQods '. •



Handk erchiefs, et c.,

Ray Mills Jeft Ifult week. fol' tHe E8l:It, .wbere he .has ecured a pO!lition WiliTling,lOll , Del., ill the liIupont Powder Plallt. Mr. Mills has , ~ri ed se er 11.1 ~ihl es to enlist in Lha mec nCLn · ,1 ical depal'tmen t. bu t on account ot the condition of fils eyes be was n ot uccePted, , . '. .---. ~ ......::...--

'.' , A IN WORKED.' \' . ·"ORIHY.· CAUSE W

W. cS.l direct with our 25,000 patronB, no station man or . buyer taba. DI'Ofit of! the cram, when h.e sbould be doing 80meti.Jiqg UIIIaI tor bIa countl'1.


(Hi t l) D\!tl\ .it ~tl eet


Harness Shop

Our handsome Creation of lettel' II! 8~iIl ' in the J ollk 'business" 'Save '11 .... k..J (. I X ·paper Wl ....~ '" usc u • Illas.. pres· all your Junk f OI him Rod he will ·entl'<. J. E J ann ey . . call on you alld gl!t it. Leiwe orders at W hi~'8 g rocery (or , ~ Il kinds;of ' . Tl\e ' Woman 's Auxll,lary of St. Mary's c,hu fcn will meil~ .wi h Mrs . ~. L. Ca r cwl'ig ht on ~ I'lday after .. noon , Decc:mber 2;. a t 2 o'clo_ck. '1'he lesson ~ ill be II most intere)lting

Colle«:tor of Revenu e A. C. Gillhzfln will b~ ,a t the CQUI·t H ouBO,JI'1 ·Leb ·; anon J I1nJl~~Y 15 to- assist pe~(jris . aul.lject til Income t{lx ;oo !hake out thei r :th ·r:;'turJI~. he 780 COli,' c~or esti: mahis ~ t there te,rfj ...... U " LY .. 'n. 'in' the county who will

December 17, 1917


i n Ill U;<ro 1'011,, \ oO,k$·. and ct,lllar·poll<.:he3. ,1. E. Janney. . Mi ~ )Ii:sther R9c e' ,I it ThunKJ y .for dl'W ra, (:)hi l ilill ~ockey's brothel' died cec.mtly ill New M 'ico, and lIer mother. who has b( en \Vi ~1;i him CRme home, whll ro l\li~ Rockey j oined her for /l, few days' vis it.

· 'HowourChutthrrune~Wn· non' esora. " , A full at( <::ndallce is de- . sir ed .




LAND OffiCE BUSINESS,at~~r:an~!~S'



Officc and Fi l l ing Room

Thousands Needed '.

..... S."-5,, Dlrldcadr

tor Butter


. be!uf.r~:r 1;:~~rt;;r;:l eJOfrk~~~~/::,' ~~ I Younc~

.l'8lbarked one of our eustomers as he looked at the amount of interest we had added to his pass-book.

... pouad

G I LlIl \lS,

There will be !l. III ling of the ociation We h ave a lar ge stock comSa turd y vE1ning the g irl.' and Miami Vall~y PQlIl~~y 1 d C boys' 'bRskebball team started for Th\! 8da:~ 'v ming ut 7:30 IJt t h e . . r~ . A.. B Side; . All Uig 10 , severa .gra es. orne Cla rksville wh ere they had an e n home ot gaA'ement to play . The boys got membprs are reqU<!3t",1 to be there. ~ ~d look them over . .. 1t t'........- -- - - -- - . , . . . . - - - - - -......:.-.- - - - - - ----: through aft er a strenuol,lll effort. but the g ir lB did not g.-t. any far ther will pay you. . Bros: Co., than Harveysburg , llh ireen had a loud wi,t h him and they also 8to pod the old ]!) ri~!!. J . l': Jllnrl\'y , Way nesville. 1110 in the Burg, ·Ruseel1 Younce R'ot lill far as Tru man ilInm's near H.ickory OOIll)- -To Mr. anu Mn;. Edmund . 'W ilL pay t he Highest Market Price. and there he stranded and ca me Bricketl:, of 'ell iedo . Ohio, MoudRY, Let us know what you have to olIer, by Decf:mberlO,l917 ad"ughter. Mrs The bovs started ~h ei r game bu Brickt)tt. is t he daugb t· of Mr and m it or phone. ~ We .pay 10ng distance did not play very IOUIr, /lfl the me th oa Mrs H ,weH Pier ·e. ·of the Fri end!! of the Clarksville tea m !(,ot too stren· fl ume, phon~ ~li a rg\ S. UOUS, nnel t hey forfl>ited the gam e As Waynesville did no t. hava a t~fer e B ~l B 1519. . Home Phone '3~61. NOT[CE- Our s lore' wlll be open boys f rom acrb!!3 t he creek tl'ieo . to "put one' over," a nd the V\ aynetl · e very l1t:lung unlit Cbristma to ac · comtnoc1atll ur cu~tollle rB 'a nd th e ville boys gat disgusted nod quit. Christmas tr ade. H, ma n BrCl~ . Younc men and :roube WDmen 2215 E

Hardll S~ems Possible"- ',


Send Gazette for Christm as present

0 11 ~al\.

i mprolf i ug.

Phone at Our


Herbe rt l~dwardB , of Denver. Col. , G . t d ar rived lome III t week t IIpt'nd his Friel)d ly t'OI,lP m eetmg-pos p one ,UhristOlIM1 IH)lidu"B with .his '~arell ts , r gu lar dal in J anuary . .1 ... : Ex:. Committ cA. Mr. and Mrs. O. J , ' dwards. '

Mrs. Cnme, of Lebanon , was BRAVEDWEATHER calJ\!d Iwre last?! ek lie oun l of illrl of '.lrl who, we TO PLAY BASKEN8All at glad to RUY,. 1s


Le nox .'01l1>. 20 bArs. on ly ,.. .. ... ..... .... ......... ...... .. .... .... ..... 8ge Clt'un (:;agy ~ o ap , 20 bll r5, only .... .. ..... ... " ...... .. .. ..... ......... 8ge K il' k ' ~ Jt'lnl\ Whit oap , 20 bars for ...... .. .. .. ... ........ ..... .. . 99c :l\V i ll the lillie to buy y our winter 's supply of Soap at IE' ~ I han whol sale llrices . , GOOD H<lxP'I of Mill che:", per box . on ly .. ....... .. ...... ... .. . .. ... .... 5e nn) all yoq IIU t. at tllis price- some predict matches $! o:J)g lo 10 u box . F.\. l".I'lhing good to eat at pricell tha t will save you m on ey. MERRY CHRI?TM A 1'0 ALL

MallY useful thi gil in our stock tha l wiIR m ,lke the h .. arl 01 our sol · dier boys glad. J . E J ann y.



III t~ ) , Irs. Li'1' , It Ed~w' mont rRck" rE, 1l in z l')w'lll.. Pic Jell, 11 i IZ 'rumllto ,.ltd 'reI-lin of er y SvuP. FAl H' Y nnn~ cI Pill e Appl e. J"nnl:Y CRO ned PeRch s und Apricot , The fine t Coun t ry G(~ ntl man rn. Lit \! Swe t Wi. consl n PeEls, llulk SU llr Kraut . J(ru~'s Butte\: Kru st Hr cid , Viel )I' y Brimd Sw et Potatoes. .


Th best line of Healing Stoves a nI) Ran ge in this p;1rt of Ohio. and th pr ices nrE' l<l w, Ii. 1 bouJlhl t hem befo re .h~ la t two Rciv llnces in I h e~e g o ds . Doo t P!-I it " If, n ~ lhtty Ilrt! goin~ fast.. and thl! nex i " iII be very ME'!!3 s. f)llrwarl1 u·p Ilild Rulph .............,·...................."""___"".,..""-v·"'·....•....•___"""'~~ ..........vvo""",.,._"""''''''''''''''_,..;. mu sh hilther. AI II.e ololltal'd . Dyke art! ~pend in)f a r w _ daY<I wi th L A Ii. 8 1DES fri ell d ~ in Kont,uck '.




SIl('cialist in r lieving Eye, IrHin Ill \d Itrolltovi go Defec ti,,\! Vh;i(\n

M e sr: P. IJ CluR'" lt , Eliu!'; )."It!· bee aIllI Q\lillcy Gon~ Httl:!lId l d the '(ocl ti/Jow <It Chic:ll(tI hlbt ~... ( t-k

WaynesVille, Ohio

Your dollan'Will grow if ~ep08ited

p pl c

Rallcy ,IlImbo 'rllllb tI'i ~ . Ranc}' I;/lla U('lery , ,..1' . b flal t \.

Special 'for This Week Only

(o Hdil)'.

U~efu l

1~ 1 1 ~, I~ H I I .


l:iell1 Fu rn a~

at J . K Janney 'f ,



nUL Bu It' r •.. B echullt Cati\Up. l',lIlcnkt 1"Ic)~r all ki nds.

'1'he. e lectures lind the sh IV wil l ~ I rR .I f. be open t o the public. and there will I M Hd l<n l/i , be no charges w hat~vor . 'rhey will 1'lJ\'~dll). be ill t ruct i va flnd ov!'ry ona I I· , ten~:lted in pou ltry should aVll tI tholll· \)r . Dill, ( .,II" 'path :.!I ~. 1l1'C1il1 selves of t he opportunity to cOllle way, LllblUlIln. Ohi(,. and see the displllY. The !lholV will close Sat u rd ny III noon . Mrs. HaJ' ry Murray an,t Mr~.

• "SUCH a n easy car to enter or leave ," people remark to us. You've never seen in oth e~ cars the Fran klin tilting' seat and wide door features. Just as accessible as a touring car. And the room in the back seat ! You'll like this ,a rrangement , because it's so chuolmy, without being crowded. Why. this type Franklin is "just like a touring car for long-trip COmfort. It's a ~are co.l hbinat iou to get t his stylishness and all-around economy in ouc car. . People aro~d town will l.cH you how thei r Fr!ll1klins run 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline and 10,000 miles on a set of t ires. And the 'w ay the Franklin Four·passenger fi ts in with war· time thrift makes the car exactly suitable for an unusual number of ntotorists . . You can figure all this out for yourself, a fter yo~ see the car now at our alesroom.


J "(ltn~dl\lY l}ateE', l"m1cy Lavjlt fo'il! • Wh it t )king l'ig~ , 'ew 1· ~MnR of 011 kiT)d~. New 'mI!I (Jla!'!! PruI')C~, l~v apo ra: 1" 'lIrlws , l" r h 'rt'am ' h t se, Nontl Such Min El 1\ eat, P Jl re rlu<:kw h a Flour, I! i10 i)r i,d ('orn r.t(' I, "'r41~ h Cream r y [, util'r, Churn .Gold and its


Hit ph ~m' It I" willi[ C'IIIHII.UItH It !l lIod ah.t a hUll ill r'l ,(,;" . '\ hi ,I I )n .."l1ll.ll'JI:t , hlj \I~il l , 11I1.'lIvII I·.tn, .I'Il'(.l.hll f',r

o o.

. O rane;es and Nut s


Kh"' lh' fly . • ehllol ,; h ~ltow IIW' . . '_ . IdrdN III,.,,' II. • ".i 1 1'1, ", ' IIlt' "4~'''' O~r III!>k 1m'!! !llllt lh ",ol!l l'rl~ )~. !I\'I '!I I h 'l " I " , • ' 1"'11110(" '11Il'''\ .1. h J a" ltI!!)'. lu w 11 III'0f! r, til "I I h, ··Irri.!c! I": : .1'111' chI ',Ir"ll 1"1' t.ll1 ••r ill IhC'l'i Ml'a, ('urllf"llIll'ro"1 1":1 , 'I IJav )11 1'II-d ', (,I I (. ritl" I, enlhe- :!., \11 vl.ili.r .M . 11'. •

" r . who

ood Things for



DollS . . Doll Swings. . Doll Hammocks 'Ranges -';' Disbes ' Di~ing Room _,SJ,i'it~

Rings . LavalM:!£s



Games of all kinds Erectots - "

&c. &c. ' &C.


Irons. Tables Flour Sifter Clothes P;ns Pastry' Sets Games Rattles '&c. &C. .-' .






GERMANISM' Innumerable 81'tlcl~s and m'lnY .book. have been writ ten to delirie "Ger!llilnism" .and show to the world' what It.means In hie mel!l6ge to Congrel!l December 4 President \\filipn defines it a8 fol\owt': , "TI11$ Intolerable Thing of' which -the m8l!ters ot Geqnany have sho'wn UB the ugly face. tnis menaeenf combined Intrigue and force which we now see 80 clearly 8ft fhl' G rm~n 'power, a Tbinlf .•without conscience 'or honor, or capacitt for covenailt~ peace " ! .. -This Thing must be crushed. spa It ·not truly bt:ought to atl emt; at..leaet Rhut out from lhe friendly 'intercourse of the na · "tions. 88Y8 the Preaident, and it ia only when this Thing and ita power are indeed' deteated that the lime can come wben we can !liscuss 1l8ace wltb ~e. German people.,

A ', Ne-,v Yealr's Greeting. ..


- Thos. Pi rce WIlB iiI Xen i !lay. itusselJ Bentl y was n DlI.)'trln Itor hwt Sonday. -

May the G~od . Lord . preserve you through anVlll

Emmor Baily J t' . was a Cincinnati Thu lsd ay. _ Dr. Dill, Oaooopath :"'2 [ S. 13rnnd

~~y, Lehanorl. Ohin. ·

Mr. and Mrs. C 'a. Bentley wer Xenia visitors ~onda y. Mrs·. C. B. ' Bentley spent with rellltives in Xenia .

other New Yearj and bring Peace, Happiness and Prosperity to ~II" all over the world. May the-dark cloud ha nging over our N'a tlon be dispelled, so that the doctrine of Good Willi' to all tnen may be the hie sing that will come OUlt ot this terrible war. ith best' wishes to~r a Happy ~ New Year is the pray1e r of, the .

J . B Chapman waa a business vieitor in Detroi t Iu.~ t week.

W~~~!d~y~~d ~h~a:::i~~c~ci~; tARGE' AUDIENCE .


. Mias Louella JanneYI who teaches at,New (ArJiRle, Is.home for the hoI ~ay season.

Thia ia the only way the member . bar,hlp d~ive for the Red Cross 'be deeigMted. hi eVl'ry III W8)M IUld MliJISie Townllhi~ not . onlf ibd,viduldll but ' enUre families toolt new memtiuabips or renewed if alread" members. _ , Early in the week liB the aoJi~lLillg committeeS made. partial repor ts e"erytblng was encouragilllr and be"tore Saturd~ Chairman Cart wrll~ reported ~ CoUJlty ChaiflQan Parklthat Waynesville Branch could bfo depended upon \0 Hnd 100% ftnal

",pore. J • TIM! CQlllbiltleeB worked faithfully aDd th. people ,..~ed Ilbilrall), 'JO

tb&t tb. f.w wllo dltf not join cettainI, feel out In the cold 'l'be Ia,tcb ,trbla' Is .UII out aDlI anv who were' unin~ntiofiallY misled or' Who Were ~ot at home or thOl!e \\ho refused t o join rna, etill ~U on Mr Barnhart and take out m ~mberahl{l8. 1'0 all .,00 joined or renewed. thtdr roem

_ Der.b.ipa endlto the committees who ac:eorn~llaIiea ftI much w~ wish 't o return oar jrrateful 'appree,ation In ~e. membership t'SlDp.ign for the B8cI CroIewblch cloaed on Cfirlat.. DIU EM Way!l~vlll. Brancb "ports '.1IIIl ~.Deraanarea~~ or . tbfa.llli1b""" 210 'are from lAURie Township. " I . So far .. ucer~ned the K08I to ,00ark 9tarr ' who put . ~ his flag for each . of hlI I6Iflt ~. o :. E. V:Barnbal,"t. Cbahtllan -I.r..

. ........ Membe J. O. CarfWrlpt, {:bainnen _ Wayneavllle Branch


Roo ~velt

says; • ,

" H ~I T1 the Thrift Campaign by bUYlIIg Ihe War Savings Stamps.

This is t he people's war. and tbe' Will' of the wbol(:l pepple of the Mr . and Mrs. J . H . Col eman en- United States, and we wish to joyed their an nual Ch ristmut! dinner put t he whole people back .o f it. "We Jlllve pt()vided a way to althe ' homeo f Mr . and Mrs. I'. B. msk(l the people and' tbe bOnd· Henderson: holdere inte rchangeable tQrm8 ~ ':1t fal~ifies the ' ()14 provel·!). Dr. and Mrs. Hlllhh way and Miss 'YOQ can' t eat the ~ake"and have Laur a Rosnaglc were In pringbo[o i.t .' In tbi.s eas,e. you catI eaUh e Chrislmas Day at the home of Mr. cake and have it.' . arid M r il . R snagle. attendi ng 'a fain "1 wish to see eVerY wallS ily diti nOi . nrner in a ettona' ec()nomic position after t he ,'war. The wage earners can acbleve that Rev . Ilnd M I'S J . f<'. Cadwallllder. position and at the B8mC t ime Mrs Mary L . adams Ilnd Dr, T. 8herwood took ~ inne r with Mr. and ' back t he government by' buying war-savings atam"s." Mrs. F. B. Sherwood. at Lebanon Christmas Day. z

Isaac Lincotn is IIpellding severa l dsys wit h' frien'!la in Cincinnati.

Mrs. ~obn ~mi ~ h and Mr. "Isanc Lincoln were Dlly ~on Frid ay

'['beou re

Alfred Ilnd ElI iQ,tt ' Wright a( hl'istmlLa din ner at C nterville. the g uests of Or: K ever and family.




Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Allen .enter talned at tbelr Chrlatmas dinner Miss Belle Gatch, of Xenia~ MiES . Georgia Baddt::n. Miss Lelitia McKay


, I

WOMAN'S ,AUXILIARY' . JO THE PEOPLE an::::dE:Z:~::a~~e:::~h enterHEARD GANIATA M ·ONIHLY MEETING OF' WAYNESVILLE ~~~.e~t :n~h~B::Ea~~~eB~~: worth and son. Mr. IUld Mrs. r erry



The opening of the baaketball~ Wade and ' children. Mr. and Mrs seallon Friday evening was an aus- ' John Sheets and Mr. and Mrs. Myron picious one. The Girls' five met the A large crowd wae present Su/nlay The Woman's Au xiliary of St. Pleaae manifest as patient an at· Sheets. . Hamilton IrirlR and aa this was tho' B ' afterllloon a t the M E church to Mary'S Church met at the home of f0t! possibly <:an. towards first game for the WaYn~vUle j:eam" •• vi8~i~g?~laOe::~~~ w~o h8!l been hear tbe Chr}stmas cantata. "ThE' Mrs. S. L . Cartwright Friday after. the electrIC light proposItion. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright they played an excellent pme. al. db MICh ., baa re ChaldeBn." gIven by the choir of D b 2 Th ' . We have coal contracted f(>r three antertained at a family dinner TUBS- though .having. to bite the dUlJt to turne ome. . thllt ehurch. . . ..... . noon. e.cem er 1. e m,eetm g ;montha il\ advance, but for the lack day. TboBe who enjoyed the· dinner Hamilton' by tholJCore of 2S to 18. ,'.. The Preliminary program was gill.- open~ \\ Ith music on the VIctrola" of cara to ship this 'coal we will be were Mr. and Mrs. S. L. .Uar-twrigbt. The second gama between the bo,a , Bring in yo~r ' Building .& Loan en by the of the Sunday- "Open the Templ.e Gate" Mrs. !compelled to walt till the railroad · Mrs. Racbel Keys, the MisseB Kizzle ended in a QElfeac for Waynoalfflle, Books and let us c~edit the mterest , school. ~onslstmg of readinltll and Cadwallader read a wrtion of the company can supply the same. Merritt. Martha Hurnett and Emma altnoug~ the' boys can pat them~l.ves J . E , Janr.ey. .. . so108. whIch were all thoroughly en" tlrst chapter of Hebritwl! R J F I Ydou are also aaked to be CBr pful Cartwright. ' , for the excellent BhOWIDll' they made:. i . j Oyed : ..... . . ev... I an not waste the'water. In the ' first place X8Jlia had them Mi~' Clara Lile left Mo nday to Thecantata. for reader and chorus, ~adwallader conduc~ the devo- No lights tilJ'Saturday ni!fbt. beaten as to wllight, but the Xenia spen. d the hOUd.aya with her sist er at was tbe story of th~ wi8er mt'n trav. t~onal ex~rclges, Sc~ptural quota.Reepeet.fully. !fIr. anhd Mra. W H . Allen enter- h.OYR made a !fleet many toul.. The ' , ChiUicothe Ohio . eling to the East. presentinll' their tl0118 were given In ~POllle to roll • . Board ot Public Service . ~amed t e bank force Monday morn· BCOre was 36 to 20. ' •• aiftsand thei \' JOYOU8 return. Under can. ' • -- • Inlrat a.buckwhea.~ breakfast., Tbos~ . The game durlng the endlDK.of the • the direction of Mrs B vi K 11 tb · who enJoyed the cakes and 11188e8.' fir st halfwaa one of the faII~t pmee. Bo..n -To Mr. and Mra. can~ata waa ' well re;.d:~ed. YMi': Ater .t he mlnutEIII bad been rNd . wel'e MiB8. Mart.ha O'Neall, the ever played on the local Ooor neither Furnas. Vi,e dnesday, December ele~ Marla~ prllSided at the organ and ottIer bualn8811 dls~ of, th. Me88r1I. Fr~ Hartsock, R. lDavis side getting a foul or even' a pial 1917. a daughter. . and ber work was ver ~ pleasing'. 'le880n foUbed." "now Our Churoh an,d Alfred Wright . -, The p88II wOJ;k durinll' tbla Mrfod . The peraopntll of t he choh,' .is as eame to Minneaot.l;" was taken up. was vellf fine on both ~. aD~' bad . . Mr. and Mrs .. elm Ridge. of follows: SoPTanos....,.Mrs B. a KelJy Mrs. eadwalladei ~n some inter· M'r . and Mrs. Walter Clark, of the bo,8 ~ept up tJ,ell' .1~U~UIj. umbu9,' 8j)e~t the w,eek·end with Mary Salisbur,y. H ezel ~alisbury: ~stinlr read!np oli,tIIl Ute ot Bilihop .'.. . near W'tle. entertained tit a turkey the ICOre would baye been cut · an~ Mrs. Ma\llon Ridge.' ' . ' ~Ieanor Ear nha rt, Mrs. Rayml)nd Whipple and the,1I'oril of the cburch dinner Chriatm88j .Jnstructors of the down.. . " , CQnner,. Nettie E~rnl}art, Ethel amongtbe Indians,. and the' pretent ' : ' Wriaht A,vla~lon Field, 8ecoy. of .However, the two 'pmBt were . Terrill M~cy .. ot Detroit, Mich., is Hosif'r. Mrs . H. E. Earnh~rl. ' and tuture po~Blbilttlea for tbe work " • Butchinaon, Kan., Holt, of Chicago, vel1 hat. and altbou~h WQn8IVIIICl \ spending bis vacation with relatives Alt8s-Mrs . J . .W Whl ~. Mabel oUhe church among brethh. E. Earnhart baS purchased tham., Etllngflr. of Omaha. Neb. They lost both of them, &bey: ha.e nothln!f in Waynesville and XeQia.. ' Mrs. Walter Elzey, Belen re!'.was well'broul~h~ out, as well as WPlement buain.. ~f ,the Cl'OA were certalnl, an interestinlt 'bunch to rerret, as they played good, clean . • . ' . ml8l10nary work among the peoples roa., and will ,~e' ov~t th. buein~ of b07" UDe lnatructor sald in htl offenalv!" nmea. . Teno~L. N. Printz. Kenneth who come ~ our "borl!8. the f1 ...t of the year, Mr, Earnhar\ aauadron, thlrty-elgbt: atates were . Mr.< Ilnd Mrs. F_ B. Henderson Elze2. Walter ElzI.!Y/ B. -E. Kelly. Alter adJollz:ntD.e nt, we were tN· :.:l0IlDa buslD_ man, but bU aue. represented · NeT~ eng Mrs J; B, Coleman were Xenia H• .T. Coontz. • . galed with dainty oonffttloM JiDd eel IdmIrabIf In the liardware '.. • Corlnne Welcband Laura Roanaale vlsitorll Friday a~terD~n. , . BII88OI-T. L. Pierce,. T: E: Bog. musjo by. our hoat_ a,nd ~ buaf.....uil the ~~ed line of . plAYed. a ftl\.e Pille aUorward. . . "., RuI1llelI Y:6U~. Madlson EatD- ~abt. Mft. AI~a1itl. Of KaJiiIiaB f:arndae, ~ wm*'.e MiD; & SaturdaY afternoon. the P;rim· Th. Hamilton airls did some Ye17 i To all oor frlend'· E&rnest Earnbart, H.arold C/ty~ . . . present aa a vbitor, aDd larpl' field. in whiob to work. ,ry CIBIf!I of the C~ri81lan ehuro~ nne P888 ··.,ork end theJ plated ·a .l ,ou the Seasons . .. ... at our next mHtJllta we are pro!DlMd Watch th• . Miami Guette tor ad with theIr teaehe! MISS Minnie DavIS nlc8, clean g&lJ)e all the _.':tPrOugb I .ood wjmes. J.~. "~ a ~per 6n Afq~lfrom her re.d7 D~ week. hel~ a Chrilltmae Party · at the hom~ With,.Ii~tle eiperilllice We . lilrle; . ' . .... ~'. pen, and thel..,•., will bl! on , mW. " .• ' ~. of Mrs. Eddie Woollard . . The.hou.e local five-wlll m¥e.,ameof fhe rillt· ,,,.,,,.,.,,,,,,. MJ1J ... B. SideS was ealfed' to · .. '. • Ifonary work In that ~untry. ',. . w.. decorated wltb Chrlltmaa d~. ing teams lQOkit1p and' tal(e btice. Ch' -I k . " th s til fth e b oys went ' La . ' - •• . ' • coratfona . . Gamea were played and 0 bo'-· 1I- J" ..... ked lcagO astwee . oD .accountoi e ' eve 9 to . b- . . . Th. LYtle Division of th Red ·atthiltimetheUJuKltreatWalIa1vilft. ~r- ''y~s o"~~''II"r'Y ' . prove·· Hrious illnesa (If a erandchilc\. anon 1!lIt week to meet the board of · CnMI'J wilT bay. a 'w tcb rt· t th rl'here were twenty-ef-the . hUdr:en ment overl~t_ year. ~Il by the time . ' in regard to the 'Qu_ Dr and Mra Ralph V f Ci ' a pa Y. e, II . tbe eeaso~ ,bUl' theyjViII have Mveral Mr and Mra Elmer Earnhart and tionnaif'e8." It Ie Bald that there will cinn~tI and Mr and Mra~\ ~tJe . Ba.. next Monday evening. prea,enl an a very .pleasant after. lamea to iltelr credit. . . !!OI), Jilrnest, were lueats of Mr. ahd ~~botUIIL $Ixteen from .the CollJ1ty of Dayton. th.~Chriatmua~J~ ret~:.:~,'lM:!t1J!:~ noon was spen~. , -. fAthlal1l'eC~d lree lf ~ththe oPeDi k ne Mrs.H. E. • Earnhart Christmas. ww.W eome 1ntbenextdraft. dayawlthMr.andMI'8. J.C. Hawke. EvelvbcJdylnvited ' MIf!8 Ma bl ~ ed 0up tle\le88On:BDd • ~. • # ' • e Salfb 8 ury en'tetaf r -Il! e !foOQ work""as ~~mlhaeep w...,. ve . -~_ • Saturday evenin!f In honor of Her starte<J. the crowd. Will stay with Mr. aliI! Mrs. CorWin ~_ guests, the Mi8se8 Louise J3.0ne and thllm; 88 tl1ey are a set o~ loyal WapakOD tao O~io, lU'e ' P~rothY Zell, <?f Xenia. thelollowing: ~ooter.8. ..7,' . , . Mr. and Mr.s. G t!o.~itl MIlBeB Reva Hormell, ' Jeannette - The Xenill Gasette says: "capbLIn J~nn.ey. ~ elen MIU'Jatt. Hszel Riley, W~,"ht pl~ect )811' fill' W~Dearille , , En~ ··· lo.¢~ Llnlap Wllker89n. Alice Carey, Cor- scoring'atl tile pointai)ia ' te,m. ,~8de ~ rin~ . leh, Hazel Sllliebury' the in 'the fifSt haJf from, the ftee liI)e ' ~ .. .•• . M4!lisrl!: Elllot~ Wrigbt, Etbltn·CraQe. and all bqt twp that .ther nlllde !n Howatg .Gustln. Arthu~ White Ken· theen~irel(8!lle: W, ieht ; neth.\Kilbo~. Alfred Wright, lrvjn~ HiM goal and .16 o~t' o(:~'fo\ll goala, Welch. ,LeVI Lukens. H~rold Mere· Crime, speedy IIttl" forward. \!Cored dith, Louis Fires and carl The · Waynesville'a other PQints trom the evening was .plenaahtly sl>en~ tield." ; , and music. '. ~pe lin, up.•





II: '


""'cb ' f.Han'kli'n'.

ft :.




. i ··i ' e

. .......... 1 f .... ,... .... artloek ...... _ ... ,r f ·........ ,1. oore .' .. Shamllauglf .'

fVlH\---=-----HIlh>Trr·h+--:-:~~~~ .......;...... ~ , . g ..... : .... -•• ,(!)urlett .~

J:COIlIR--Fl[arl:soclk ~. 'Moore 4", ISlltambtiiigh Wllil{.ht 1. 10 •.


I nl IllUI;;::c:.l1tteMl'\lI" tile), rl'turnl.tI to WillI WII8 1- t tit th,' "II"IIHlU. Uh\l 011 Ihe



tn the "dgl' of tlll> rnr"~1 '1'Il~' \ "Jt I~UI)!! lHi. Ii" '1111 d (11 I Clt )" t I,n" w

I t 1.. ,,1 1 nl l t

II i

I l"I\'Io. 'I'dl II "11 lhu rll il ot

L t' "n u « Ie.wl), 1\1 J' r '~ Mlh '


\ 011' • ~. Il. ;,1011' hi II, 1111" ,:!tIt' 111I'f' tll\lt{~ 11\lt ot II I '<l ll-im ltll. ,,,"u dJ'IlJl lit I' III' EIl'lr hUII<II"'1\ Yllr, l" 1.. 1111< .trnl'il, 1m the In . \In I 01 Uluubcr . ! I ~hH fOI'Ut t ll,' " 1'.\'. ~I'I'~ 1 ,tl))lng fu rll! I It nenl\lllll WI! In h,'f 'Vet" . ~\n I :1 Jo, n\'(1 IhclI frl"" I" hIH']' A IIIIIl l\'r It Wid hIIr \b.' ra w (Inn ~r tn \hll lln,c f\11110 I'" , 'r1\'\1 til III III t rO ll1 tlw ~Id e. u ~ " (.'Q nll fJ.u\1l 0 lid I; (hilt Mil gro ~ 0 nnt,! l'.It.llIl'/l l\~,lIt" " y IIm"1 /:IlY plu~ I'IJld In d ell'lh. I" 11'/' \1 lid ttlllll'h <>t the PltCk. \lin· 1 Kazll n .11111 1;...·n IIlu t til ,,' or\;' n!.luut I',, ·\'S.· 'I'I'W, '1l,1 \\1lh 101'11'1181111; tlu~JJb\lr ""Iii: Cllrcnll ~ ,O llit lho , V01\'1I8 111111 It'f~. 1t~. II illt~" 1"'/'llI!l I 'Ill er. FI'\1~lx- ~ Il,"

I, ')':"

tile forele/18. BI8 telllli fllUlllped on empt.v Illr. With th e nbllhl!ln\>;Is or I. -eat the wolt lJnd (lon(' , )m pl~I ~'ly 0 ,'t' tbls back. Il'be trick hod failed. 0 nd \l'llh n the dog-snnrl In his throllt 'l'Umble



l'ellcbcd lh


In t'L ;;;In !th~

bound. Tbey m t breu t to brM . t. fJ;'belr fnop 'c18I1bod lIod w ltJhJhp,. "'h(;10 wel&ht of his bo'dy, Knzan fiubg hliu. lelt IIglllnst tbe wolf's !!h()\1I(l('rs, cleared Ills jll\\'s. lind fI\!rUel, ng.lln tor th,e throll.t h 1,1. It WoS ilhoth r lilt b7 .• htl lr'>! hI' ndU,-und bero.. li e could re(t()" f'r. tho w(ll f'lI t ew w e re burled tn tho back of 1118 nec:k. ' For the 81'st tlme In his IIte<Knznn felt the. terror nnd tho. . puln ot the death·grlp, nlld wIth a mighty eIT"ri ,be ilunl, llll b (li,d 1\ lit'\.le (orwllrd " lIud lIDapped bll ll.)ly. IDs 'powe rfuL JI\W ~ e)osed on th~ wolf's tor log close to


tbe b~. ' ThQI'e wIIS ... er;'CJdng nt ,tone ii.od B erullchLug of ,ft' b. ul)\1 th e etrcle of ",alUog wolve'lgt'ew (('[llle lind' alert. One or the other o( tbo Ilg1m~!t wall lrure to IrO 'down beforo 111e b old" .wet'e ' broll4!P, nnd th!!y but Ilwnlt{l d that tltel tuu US 8. slgIlnl to ~QUP In to the delltb.

Onl, the tplc:Jmu811 of bnlr 8~d hi de

, on the back of K'1lI;1I11'1I neck, /lnll til tOUlbnea oi bl8 JDusclC8. snved 111m froID that telTlble fate of the VII 0qulabed. 'l'he wolf'1I teeth 80nk ~Ie('p, "ilt not, aeep "nouglt to ~ I\~b tbe vlllli 1Ipot, and sudllenly KnEnn put " \1I'Y o~ of 8lreogth 10 his limbs to thO' eftOrt, IlIId llnng hlms!)l,f up bod ily f rom il;nder biB aD.lIgP,lllst. Tbe gr,p on Ills IIeeIr relu:ecl, and wlth lIooth er' I'BIlrlug leap be tore hlDI8elf fm. . 8WIIt u a whlp-lilsh be' wJllrled OD 11M brollen-leaed leader flUb'e pllCK ad ~tb the full J'U8Il and W,! lgh~ CIt tilt ~ ..truck blm foLrly LII the More deadl), than the thrO'~t-grlp IOmeUmI'8 found lb Ilmgo deli_rro lit the rigbt' moment., It now. ~e ~It· lro\Y 'v 11

. .u



Probate' Court

~I\~A of ~ fiB . .,~hrovl'. n COIlI111t,



l "r,

the cl pu(1leSB mO(ln, Ole ~trnnl; nnd ' Somet l1lojJ h a pp nell ve ry 1;(100 urt ...r rlL...• C,"U Ilt l' !>Iutk l<"l\ll o\\" Htlii K!IZI\rI jl;d WI, HI beo'UUt1ll Qui t o[ the night lI ~elt. Anti thut. 1'lley wc re · ro. 31 ~g Iho 0)1 11\ l llh n,~" (( (I'l t II Rlllhi oll In Irt 1l11~flllI ':: t C '1 0 "~; "~ h i Its, presence S I!meo to be 'n ,Port or. plnln nne \loy wh,' 11 up (JII III .. fnc" (O r II J " If-bftt thIng Ill(ln l'( hi RII Ul lleT, Gruy Wolt. , the ridge Knznn 'lIUV ~nll l4!11I 11l.I; {hil t I wl'w r I IJIl 1ll0U'A IM t hllllet 'llu\,lld ott Be looilcil fit her: nnd he tfluod Groy mnde 'b!!;, b enrt , s llllltl H(l 11. A. nlllO, / tll ' lJulr Illl\J .ttllig ilia 1I<)8lt . Wolt's I\),C8 'Ill 'I't 01111 (lU stlonlug. Sit wltb fI !lQ!(·slcdge lIud tCU lll, wos COlli 'l'll rcc. of the '(la ck llRcJ Sao " il OWIlllnWilli J'Ollllg-SO yoqng ~htlt sbe \I cmcd log elown 1010 tllltl r world. Th, II 1,0(1 '1(')' li1(' fi ro {1( UP rilln. lIlld. M .l f til' S'CllfCeJy to hllve p us 'od out of pU1>11Y' h nd Dot worn d thcnt. nnd ... u dt1 ul,Il~· 1 1\11.! OlJltll'S \\'<)r c !I\1'loglll~ to . lh J'lgl\t hood. D ·r. body WII8 6trong ond e.lhn l' UEllO SillY &omc Ullug gil .(,,1.\ In l.J ip , !lnd (he 1 'rt. HIl t rliZiUl (J I'Qve !;LnllJ:;ht ond benutlCuJly shoped. 10 rh e ·lUoon- manls IlnmT. He !mew whut II W"~. I t IIht;'II U. l"Rl t htully O t·UY W OII' r ollOo\\' (1 llb11t tb hJ\Jr under her tbroat ond " 'IIS fll!,; t111ng thut spot.or nlJd thu n- , hll ll, . 01001: llel' bock 1)one sieck lIu!1 lIott. dCI', l!Jld IUUed. T /H' s ledl(cofjol.1;t hull b'l1o fl;ced trom She wblned at tl1 r (l Iflrlng l!gllt In Ho.lllv~ his warnIng t~ Grny " Lf. WI'lr Irllct H•. bl'!tlr /10 Clluld r 111' 11 KO&llll's eycs, .\n\l j ,t wot! n t Cl puplU' 8 11':11 PICY we r e «it Ilk" tll e w/m1, IITIl tllf. 111111, " 'IJ~'l1ll IJ(1 'I\W wlt b hll:l, rille ",bltn)lC1'. KUZiln l)lo\'ed tQwnl!(! hllr b3 ~ll\e. ud tI.loli \lUtUO tbtl 6qU lltl~ I I I II ('I u «hiLI In III hltUtl, .:F J\IIUIl nnd ilt~Od wlth bill l lelid over llec hllCk: !lila Kozou's h:trnlll ~ e Willi burll.t {"I'll, ' h ~ IIHlt ))y I:,() -111\1'1; IOnes O)f til nt. foclng tl, 1) puck. He felt h c,r tren\Qllolr tn , u 1I111\rl \IS he h:'.l1p t;d. '1Jb,\lfe wus tl .~ t. tJ:.o:li l In, n Il~nd. lu,d t'Il(\ro wn.1if ngnlnst Ills "cl~e!lt. Be loo~ d 1)( the (IIII.' r lIu~nmlug ove r ·tlJ~r ~lt·u.1 _ '~'ho t il, ~tl 'JI~lh ItOli lhl! fI ),C<lUl' S of ~'(1 moon nnd ~e stars al!(lln, t he my tery ~ouitd f l OI)l )Jallllld clllD€l 1I!,'lU;tl, Iluq III t~} l~tlll 1{11U 'nll.l~ of Grill' ot Grill' Wolt 0011 ' of the) night Ihrob. tI,ls tlm~ Gr~y \\r(llf ~,. ve it yuill (It ' Ol r A 1'ull~S. l "UY.110 \V(l utlld to l'c;nch ~Ing In]\I I)IOOt1, " Vnlll, und roll etl 017 r In th e IllIUIV. '11.0 tl1 ~ Iri na \I'll Ii Id 1\1' 1'I 1~ , tUlil h e Not much Qf his IIf lind heel! SPllllt . wns on h er ree~ o!la ln I n I\ll LuSljlU t, I' ,1\II IM t'lf .{roln till! Ughtllll; runs,'i or. lit the 1I0stl!. l\Jo~t or. It lind b eeD on and KUl'Unl\roppt:!d lJehlnd b ~r, 1111d til tlnW\ lIn,1 ~l>rll lt.; to the 61 Ilth~~, 1~or P.!Js kl'19 Indl. o Corn. th e tl'II~I - ln the tr/I S - lind tlte r un there unlll they r 1I<;1Ie lt the 1<11"1- thl" lil:s t tinle h e tll!lt llie re "':Il, TIle 111/ '1: lllI: I,t Judi" .) corn Is II 1Il1lrit of the mlltiO!; BCllsOD bnd onti t er ot the t\~1Jer. Gtny W olt 10 .)' dow o, Bf)~l)tlL!I) ~ h"tnlln (In tbl) ~Icdr:\!. noll. Ln mOIl'po, ~ r 1,,·.111 '~Hl tl n. Bu ~kl!!g IIml ~Urr 111111 f1'olll {Ifill'. Bllt It W/IS very an" !>egilil licking tho w o ubtl In ltCI' l\J1 1I1IIhl nt 1 WII~ \lOon It. H e hul'l!'d I.'. rlblliog or IJII >'! i:r 'II t ~ lllflll! cerpnl nOI1. G'Iony Wolt'llfted ber h elld. SbQul,d eI'. Koz4n. tIlCC<,\ thc ridge. The h iS j llW:l tlL'\,p. Thl'Y SlInk In SbWt!thlul: Ulils t b' (hllll' loy 1,,,",1. 1>[11 'lllne ry lIns ae~ soft mUZzlc- touc.l:ted tbe wOllnd on lm~n ~vns tnklug up their t~ulr. !\(Itt al\tlllnlry, 1,lUll II pLIed 1lll!J11-tor oov e r s'I\l ' rMlol'lIy grnpiilptl wiLh' tJHl hlB pe k. liDO III thl.' ~,enUene .ot that 8tOP,,~d where Gr!'y WO!! hnu , tut\eO, II IQHlo;:~ lungll. AnO UlEin h III"o.rtl til tll ·I(. 1,o'1U'1\i(' 'Iy II illl·h\llT. sltlJ:lC-bl\od· touch, In tho low 80uod lu he~ tbro(ll 'uud. emmlnoo the suow. ThaD II (!l\me , v(lirt> I . I t " II" ... vole ! llh 'c ry lDlISele d. W(lu ll\ hlt ::!k r,() llll ~h c l ~ oC corn ' In Kozlln Celt nnd beard Ilglll~ thnt \von: on. " Iq Ill:; boay, ~lood sUII. H e' beelul)e sud· n tillY hUI g l'(·U\.tlr ~kl1l litiS rill '~(I tho darfol 1l0ml!thlng thilt hnd coin with lU;lzon urged Gruy. , o~ to MJ: f o t, i dt:rtly Il lco JlclllJ luNli!'ll t o IICl!)c9j3 stOIiQ. ['t9S8ib\(l Vlll iItIL !lor I' '{'eon lo bctlvceq tlle cat, ot. tho lVOlllflll'S hllnd nnd nlld tlJey ~utJe f or - ~I! lhlcll '/lWlUnp R<:r (ll\!c : t llo IJ hI)' r~l.;. wos thrown 90 lIul( 1110 'J,lu ~nolsl 'rl~llt iii\m UllIl tfie sound of luir vOle: ' (lose to the luke. i\tr t4nt doy they hU(IK lind IVllht hlld bee~ hlllllcn urul er blll'lO. 1\'(11111'11 lIu\1 gll·,!l<. irlll)' becomo r.r tu _'" h'. L II ~,_ b I kept In Ule fll ce or. toe win d. nnd "'bell It lw kl\ W 'lcn l'IY , DQW I · the IIg1lt ul qg 'S ~Il"" r 8' Ula 1."0llll nUlI tl, e sl ll rS. ID 111111 In tloer lUore IIi'lltll'lum In till' II' rll, busklng tllo.,.e,bl81'I,l.:u:W hen'p h.l ' h lI~d d tLn t or the Gruy Wolf loy uO~'o Kazan stOle bucli SIlII091S 11\1 ... 0 I)I)W li,. ' 11 e ·tll.blla hcd w'1I~erl:te' which ~e fnc~a. G~IlY \volf (lver their tmU, wlltchlng 000 Bull)lng \\(\I'I'I~I lll llre.l;\\·l tu~· I hL'\lI 11l!'1lI\U1 bruin Ull'Ollghl,mt h • ru belt. 'X,hel,li! ,trotted dose nt his Side flS th y en- tbe nlt. , ~llid bu vu glv('n Itlp to retl on. It ~\!hool~ I(r fo r busllless, IIntl must not tered Into 'tlle.giotlm of the forcst. For dnY8 otter t1lnt Gray Woll ron \~n not SIIC, nut IlUl volco was tIl,e lie oU(\Juod ''11 \I 11'11 huskin' bel)~. laDlE), aod- when Quee tbey Cllllle u pon ~ nl!!, nuti tIle white glrH ' h -tace 0 which 111'0. ml)r- Ily fol' t'uo.- hrlstloll , tbe rewalns of nu 0111 cn.wt. ) III1UUla cl p r Ills own blood·tc(\denod eyes SC;lollc' 140lll tOT. OHAPTER VI. te th were bored In 8JlurJlug butred 01 bl~ld In II. t 1u\t s nlll ' JIIYRtl'ry thut h ~ tbl! man-scent thrLt hod b een 10'f t be- h Ml Ir vl'l1ed til l o\'e. Au\l I. IIW now ~ The Fight In the Snow. hlbiI, Growiog In Wlu tbC,II1l w~ II. d o- tlJu t wh H'I\ flbe WM ~I \l tcl. ln g to 11l:!1' bl' \lIStl n"Il I hert) ~01JlU ~l'otn It 1\ They fountl s helte~ thnt nlgbt 1I1'1der sLre for , velll;euoc_.... eolfonn,t;e .for hi C<l~crpHlar5 Tr vel In Con pl1nl~. thlek bnltmID, \Ind wb "til y lay Ilown own JlIIrts, ~nd for Gl'U)' \Vpl('s. Jl~ mr"U~l' thrn lJng erst. 'j'll!! e.,rtN1llllnr , ,Wj' ·tlhtl~ · to na~lI C)n the SI\[t ~rnct of 0(,'1)(1\ ' wi\l(:h t hCl ,trl~il t p. nose out 10M mnu-truJI untl '1' 1n u 111\ l} b I UI'tl'tI. U e IillllllJlCll a t , I,UAtll. Ju O\I'S hil t Ihl)j'I' Is ~Ilre ~y III the covel' of fl: sll snp\v, nail Grlty WQll G ~ay W lIlC II l1i1\lk. /\11 \1. Slip (Jropp nd SIlOW holl n Qt coverall. OI'~I:V \ 'olr \)1111. ' I~rn . n11d " 'lI ulil l'ill\llll)n!t~ 1IIi1~' )) ~ Hllllgl:led b ~ wurtn b ot1~' 'clo'o to 1(,,- drclcd 'nround him n.n~u$lY. At Jus t (\wny with 1\ IIl.lIrtlNl ~'~\JI. It h/\d 'Ill ."11' ,t rl'('IIII11: pl(l e l IS ~ I (I • Whll tl l{C 11 h I PIWnM IJl 11 mOI1It'Il I, h ut 111 lUnD il: ,I r 1:11"11 I O\lkoUI lvi' '[b(\)I' tJll:ll ellZI\O nnd lIckell hIs , wouull". Thl! I II~Y fi e fo\l()wed bo\, 'sullenlY~ 'lib~re wos 8 os uJmlt'lt .1/)",o , J(n~tllI WII[)Nl und e r broke \ Itb. n velvety !tIll a RItOw. 0 sovnge r eilnc 8 Lo ]Ils eyes . '.1,:" • • hut \\Illun II ~!\I PI'IlI 1111r Ill' by whlto and /Jl1~k tllut tlWY CQuld uot Tllree d'lYS loter bit! nelv moon came. hi c:1tLhbOO We :md IIo'ttYI- Lo to Lbo. 'rf li{l . j'l\rl'I'IY 1I11r" S 1/1(1\'0 (Ill' seo II d 07,cn h lU ll9 IIbuud C thum I.n th And ' on the<ntth Dlght struck n 'rue ()f "lIn t was I rt of t he 1 1\(~I(. ills .: .. , I' tlr tIll r:LNI ng -1111 .'!'Itlllil. Jol"NI 0[1 n. It wnlj quito 'WOntl. IUld R() stili trnll. It \Vns f[esh-sQ fresh ,thllt be f nnll$ cot lIlie knl ~ I'P. If h<' !tnt! r(lll ~ llt \I' ll 11" I ~ Q!IJlg,·\l t ~hfllll!'j) lIJR skIn th~t the whole World /Ie QIClt tl ll el! \}'I tb 'stoJ)pell I\S sUd,denly us thoogh. !!tnlck 11k II . Mrann 1I11;1!l1st the dog , 'Illl " . ) (1r!)! not ,,()n I1re rq 1.E111 ~\l hi!' (1111 only lite ftutt r tuld \\'hJ ~lic r ot Ule by n bullet wben he Tlln upon , it. unll fmlglit 111/ t~l:l (le nl()116 n ilII'. ODd the ''' f h lll~ Arlmoil. , 'J'h' moment 1\1' snowl1ukeJI: ThrQugb thIs dny l{'l\ZI\Jl Il{ood with fl"el'Y mil 'cle In lils lJody Ul8n-)l~e dIns lind r~olly to f nll-stllgh ' ~~ It:, orr h j)uts It. Rna G~ny \V ol ~ tmveJed B1do by Nltte. qul\'erlug, nnd hl~ hnlr r;hd. 1~ ",'!.s gl! r cu l uck t o nil! sl ~'dl:'e, runt'Vcllng lit ~lOe uod oguin he ' tu~o ed hlB li en d j) mon-tr(l1l. :r'llcre W01'1) h rtlru:ks of wbnt WI18 hliPP Ulog . For In GI'lI? bock to' Ole , ridge over which no, hnd 1M sle(lg e, tll' 1I0g's fl:; t. ond {he eoow- W o f tll~ r(! \\'1\8 ' lOW ih n Instln~t· O~ come, Ilod Gray '\VoU: could n qt ' un \l fl ~­ .. bolo J;lrln ts of 1118 (!oomy. millelt\l<itl, 1\0(1 ~L'I!1t1:.: 1"II;1;JlU 't1)III'Lnu Optlmlsh,: ". Btond tho strunge Dote tbnt tremblet.! In ~cn hc tbrew UII hi S ben d' to tl\e lUlu Il/(l tl llif III IJtl c k ~h\l j(\IU~~d lilln III the clllmgtn"'" (ortuDQS stiltS, aniffl'oUl hl a UlrQ~t tbe r E\ rolll.'(\ til e Irll llgln whl~lt , £1M llllid not lIte , wi~b 'eql,lflnlmlt:y, to bruce our· ' ---- - ~ out O\,(!r til wide philliS th~ hUllt·cry ~~'rHIIIII . ,' " .;<<'Ivel\ ngnlnst tile shocks at fortllo , - the ~Ud nn<l S!l.Vfl g e. clLlL fo r tho .Whl'" It "'Oil O\'cr, 1 nzn n and Orny to leurn tijl IImllll, ut . l1ri>tentlou8I1el!!I. ')Ilck. 'Never ho.d he put the aitvllg ery Vi tilf \1'1'1'(1 (lIOne CU!!, u til e \l lnJ n. '1'1/0. til ! ultlvnte polsc,ln tbo tncl(of 10118C8, III It thut' 'W.'\8 to r to II 1Il)l 1-. A};illn v, d: lI:ld alunll IIw~y I lIlfl UI '/Il g!)~, It, llit nil scarcity 10 the non-~S8entlDI8 oud IItrOll '\le 'acnt f r)rlll tlln't cl)lI, ii tj d !lilt! I 1(1' tlUill ~ 1\10110 uncI h irS. lliu Jmd 11 .11 our Inner rep()sil, to ndJU8t , our tII en tllt)1' COlli e liD UD9wer nt\d no. W<Ilfil! or vlllae ' so thnt 'ya ne d nOt nlhel' uud ~ 1II1 ulloth r. uDttl (lcny Wol! '/1 ~''''hnt we do not ne~tl-tllese mny hr,r Qlt sot btH:I' . olI I, r JII\\lUches lind '1\(' the fortunnte bY-PI·OtlU(!IB 'of Our n<lil,ed hGr voice t K dzlLnls: and Tnr ou t Ih'f(~ 1('sapns II the art 'Of dolog with· on the l)lnln II whi te lind h nggllrd,blced .,utr:"~c!lllnge. ' , DlUO hliltCd h is 'e.dHlll ijl c (l Il ogs to 11 ten. wbllo u volt! s /lid fnlntly fl'OlIl t lJ e 8ldge: , "T,b e wol\,es, father. AI'e Uley comlug- urtel' u s ·/" , lllc rullU wns ,sil ent. Do WIIB not young. The, moon l:\llollc ' Itl il ls ' Iflng J white beol'd. find a ,lclctl IlrotcB ~ucl y to j' tile 11 Igbt !it Ills tl1l1 gll4)lt tlg ur,'. A 1 gh·t lind r ills ' 11 her li on el ft· la u L1 eues kin ),)uln w 011 the · slel~b. g nr anrk . ' y es w erG tilled b o.ll ullfully wltb tbe , iltri rllt:ht. She vns pul e. , ~er hnlr fell , In II thick Ahlnlllg bral\! over bol' shoul· 1 '(l er, ,lind slle WtlS hugging' ~Qme(blog ,tlghtJy to b I' bl Qat. : '''j'lIeY'ro oil til , troll ' p~ HOlUctblng"probllb ly II II e r," 81Lld I hit mno. lool<lu;t ut t h e hreech 01111 rIDe, "Don'~ ",()r~Y. (fo. , b' L1 stop lit fb I! next blt 011 sCl'llb lU1d SCi! 1I WI> etln' l fioei (luoll!;b rltY stull' for 0 tlTe, · W oc·,ob-b-h-lI, boys I KOQsh-koosh- " und be 8uupped Ills. whtJl oyer th bMI 8 of bls t onn,l • .. ] ,'rom . tllo (n\lldl(' Ill. the Illrl' ~






-........,...--., •


ae 'l





From oRt of ,tbat gt'QT. '/IDarllJlg, "lnnd~-UDDnd ·JDa~B. KaZan d~.!l:W bn~k,


1'h c kl .. phone ill Ihe E uro l'eat\ war has 11 n t)u'le as important an adj IIl1d to milita ry movements li S th e g reat g uns; iJl Il\ any cases mo re s , for it hnl o fl"n al'cd Ih e guns. Th roug h (;I is means of C0Il1n111niclltion annies , ~r., <III "eI II :t::h r olTcn ivc movemen ts o r I' tTcat~ Iro l1l h.ndqua)'rcrs. This reo n .. "" hk pi djJ r ~ sh"w~ " t ~ltll1hon e " ho(>J h" f Ihe 'lIn lin l)s in Ih tn()l.tnlnills I f I~ c,,\I1'1 "1,;1 " o t(l ~(lI(" I'In th ,' O\lvc rd l'l II\n l ""\\. Th e IlIac' is one of nan) " I/IIH' I\, ."Ol\~ I he It .hall Iollcs l\.\d Ihe mell 11'110 recril·c anti tl i~ l)n ( h the ·m es· , 'q\". ;Ire ," 11' 11 hlt ~,·d 10 rCnI!lill in Ih e "I'\""\1C I\ fJu a rl e r s fu r 1I0ur~ nt a .!In. I" I" r. lu re W(tS madc IJ)' tl,c IUti'll II:tIl~n Ilh " 1I1~ "~ phc r

The Le ap of the BI3ck BaGSI 'I 'h,' I('op of tll<' brllck hURS III nlwoyS , 'It' ' '''I I~' ullwn rll wlhlll lIool'CII. IIflll be . iI " I'" n~' Cll lLs tnll III'Rt In l,' til ",uter. ,\1 tlU h'~ . ho\\,o\·er. Ihl ~ lI ~h, 111;\1 the 1\'''1 11 . 11'111 rl s "1!;Co l'",I . ly to the 11, /' 11\ , Ili l alng It, will UtIli: ' II IlI·"i~rlll "Ill' ,. III tllIl olr 1'1'11 h~ I:O'U (lui !ly H,,, ,((lilt, II) W. 1:'","1",', 11" ,111 110\\'1\ hUI'I; tv hr;; (II 11lf!lIt. Dllt t<1.lui l tlln t<,Iwn"h q,. $ 1,. ,I " l 'ulc the bu sS 1'I ~cS fI 'rel~ly to U,e ' " IIllIckborrlcs. tho rlll'O ihin'" ' " ,, ~' 11'11 II nn IlCC\lI'''t~, nl m. onll Goes ,' lId II gom! j)oe!' II Is 1I0t 1 II nlr'\ I tl ~I" "llv 10 hla III(r.- Ah OIl~thlOrll. " " ,IO,,' r's b~"ln. hul )..In r"h\·, I,,·\lrl'. ~Il, t whi'IJ II nntljln'l$ 10\'(',- ~'\'d flt llg ...


lad hi, teet, rolled ul?On hili bnck for ao lllltBpt, and the pack rU~Jjed 1o, ~ to rend tbe lallt, ot Ute from the . _ wboae POWell: hod ceued to

- ... ---

----"..........'- --



Red C~o"s C(Jni;~l'l ' Wotkers Distribute '"

"Eats" To Soldiers Enroute To Camp

Grea test Thl/\ O 1/\ he World. 11i\~ h e('11 "1111 ,·11 11i~ lfl'\'n t ~Rt "' 11:: In Ih \l'ol·hl. hut ti ll' ,l!1'I'nt 'Ht I' i t: In thr' w l'ld !~ nu t. II 111I1JI; nt ' j : I I", 1,;1'l'll tlll't llli w ' I ~ n 11 ' 1' 'BI I. ., r!<onullty IH rho !: 1'1'1l(, '~t \lilu~ III I" , wUI·llI. Th l> gl'(I\lt.. ~t Ihl o' In !,flr· , lIIli lly I s not !i{ rt'il!!(]1 of hnlly lI ur " "" :.;1It ot mind. It Is ~11'f'o g l It cit "1 1l·t , .. h!\'er people II I'j) I ~ c,)llu UOII JI' "

------ ..

Chlldren!s Reslst'V'ce. .. llll\\' crll. 1;9nfllIlS' ~pCllklnl!'. 1\1'" ~iI"I·I (•• , II, I hose , AIM~hyot'$' C.o lnr&. ot older per1llh!, l'h'l f I" '" , ! <'nl'6 .\ 1111111 "I'/'('nlly I! rcllljth I hlll'k 1 II will rlffplI Will'll ofl' ~1'H \lIl~ I " ". hut , 1'11'.1' Iltl)l'1' thr,· ~· rhl~" ~, ! , '11 It lUll ;:111>\ n'qllJr (l.tre "1,,1 ItIHllflli '"l Ihe I' t; wlllcb hltd fllll t·,1 In 1\ ,' nil ' y(!l. pllrlt of tltu )Ill\' ,lis, 1111 1b,p. Illtll,\reo " 'I( hll) u f I\' tIl'/IIIII/! 1111 It h\\ 111111 ~hom~.'lv"li ' lIn' n ot O)lt to nUN'" , til rhNn. ·U~, III \1Jl ,U ' I'\1\,I' I'I'11 tl1M 11011 10 t l;/oI1' cnn(\ltillu 111)11.1 thoy beHI, ,I ;,,, IIII\(nhY~t !\' !tH' ~llIil!l 1\' l'E1 come serlouHly I

':- - - -

hlldr, n'H r CUI'(,l'lIllv


"1·1.(' s. '~II(l l llttllr "IU'1' III ,:I1)or (1'<1111 '" ,' ,,'II/JW to ,,11,(>(, vi lli, ' ) lIld \lurpll;'. ,I" " Mgb tt'lDfler l1tu j'l l< 1\J lwi h~' ~ ts

'.)Ior, hI' 'olltlng flr~ t '1·111""'" l1ud tinnily e ntl n·l... ll'Umlor ()rd illtlr." I 1II"~l'Iil1\r s. •·I·W·. g ;oull\ti! 1\lIl \lthY " I~ 01) 1I,1t


I l; Ct! ~ Il.

' ••

f' l'r(.'


Tbabe tlfop, u r (Je.tltl[)!I'8tovClI\ ~" d

811 nJCt'~JD thl" Pl\J't of 01'11 IIl)d tile llrlolltl ~r \<tw , IIlI I..!l!lofl;M the", be. rQre tbe lal\t two advllDooa II)

"oodl'. DOD' ~11\ It IObIg, IMt. aDd &he

ftr7m_ .....



wblch 18 Pllid tor by the iIlda "bid! w.oo tile dool8100.





WaynesvUle Lou of Arabian LIterature.

.\ n llJIt;ln IIlLirut\ll'e . hnd II llot lIrr,' I·t,1 n1ulllnUoo, w uld olIIlY,' r'lIlIllnNI t Ir\'J\IIUI'C Ilou~e for tile " .'llolnrl\ of .)1 1.111111. 1'1111 dl li oRtl'nu~ 'fir lit III :' '''lIrllll. III lll71. l) r.)hOl)I.1' IIIKPII'(\{) hy



Alita fquill/llcnt

fl()r!\e.. OrawJl . quipmcl1I'

"':!'II"~' . hy whiCh S.O\'lo \'uIU01f'S. Ill \) tI ~' 1\I':II) hl [J Chrllnl'l s: wer e i i!'iitrOYNl • ,\." !I •. hllbly n g .. liH' r h.~9 I hnn th(l 'l'SI ,EPHONli: , 1 1I1' IIII', g of rll" ~" ll



lho lil l'.:I:O rHW" n IIhmry ,

!.l.v the M



t ll \lrnlll ~ 'lI) Il


J. A: M,cCoy;

Can Ch eck H ':Jn~er. . Acco.rdhl g W nn rtJllhll1 ~b~'KI Inn. tlV.l 1\0llnl'I frl)IU lit mOlll h . 10 tbe Vet~.rlru~rV IIt(lnln ,It Is til' ~~~Il or th Re,o qs or. hUnl(l'.r nn il I hll'l\t, will II 11 011~lms '~Q OrllduQte .of (ltdo )'.~: hJ\1·t! SI1Dllr~ . . cd by CMIlI!lI' 1\/9 emlllS.


Just One.

After 1111 thl'ro ls hilt !Inll meo- hu

'foteplwn';' 28

maolty. wrote George Moore.

::=;:::::::::.::===. = =:::.::=-:::




O'lasstfiod Ads





LOS'f BUOK-oo ,ttlo ,Wtryuos_ POCKlt'r ' vtII6 rond, bl ok. ooul.lIluil1g money, knit , 1i"!!1 bllndkerohlet.... F'in<ier plolLl!6 leave at I.h lll "fUM.

" ..


fob. 81\turr,ltty tlftel'~uo D~ A "I\.tob fibder lene II' Gt' z tte pltlll ~1)

offioe (lod get r IHv"ttl.


; d26 '

- "'OR SA.f.,E

A frtlllh third


oti\. Fllr oal1 "II Lalhloy Br JII. Qbto.


OFFloe: , Co ~ner Main ani ~nl ~ t·t!ets, '


FCiast Ends the elle_ LaMr dlflJ)ut('1! ore ofteil IIilttled .tn eilioh by o. cllntn\)Cr of 'comtnerce. ond ntt r the I\wnt:d 1,011 beo.o wade i1ll the pl\rticil eoncern,j)d take Plln In' a tC!ll8t

WALTER' McCLURE" Funeral ()il't,>,,·tor

. Fo\\ght Like Tell D,emons' Now_ f\'1'\"CIL .If! IlZtua tile 1irat ktlO''''ledg~ or '1> b il·tlt ' r~lll tllid !llm n6,y thilt ·n\l ~Ill )g('~. '\\'II111d til "9 i\'ild brOUlr.'riI II I n lall\Jj, ~lll~VCln \l to lIla tllll wba.o be b. wlN1 III 1\ .11,... !Iv

,,,lOr. .

OIL,"!! I'~ma 'f~ '»11111 11 wnlllut.: cty.


deoenl\oo. leu ., . llnJl seOn th" m 1!01\C4'nl (Til l' t;1I" ""'I~ II ,\' ('11 . 1'II -r"" ~h'I 'n, I)~' 111' Uuw III. ~, li" '11 PH Wltll-un.l . r4o~be. deJ.~ ~ ~ (11111 roll Hul., cnplIlll M sir ' 'hnhil) II; Il 1 1·t! ('l"n lIllIl '1IIId·;;w 'lIt 11111'1 u! tile \· .... , <l'!1 1ft 11 1\ I " unt, Il lell. ~, (.....p , OOm~YlUu LM fut ot t he e u lrl1 Ill!, !llld VI! ell,' plll!h WM r tlwlll'd. 10 r tl "'1\ II nl' 1>-1>. Or(tet· Is, blli! )'Iut, Jl fureleg lu U unt!o 11Il,1 II' " "~ 11 1;'('11); 1111\1<, fill,'a wit]) .'Ild "'04'\ loC' \ '\Ill rl ' ,.. \"U ~II' IllI'T, Mll1·rI O'.. . ''''' ' ,W,''' ,. _..... l lI:J;leli nCCil, Il" s~I'IJ; IH,d lltlln III HI un.1 f"lrl" l~IIfII"" (JI'I\~ W (l lr,. WIL t u (" : ~."'i lI ht,h l 1ll:I,q O hhd n ~h u t.l o\) T h r ll \\'Olil U l'brimls "I'kll~l<fj In hi: 1,d cum, g r1 1). Bu t h I' <lid not linn' C~II)' llt l'.YI:' I I I ,\ . (", /'1,19" lollil- , ro I fI lil .. J ,tlO ., . heud, :fIt' II'lInL" d to 11 flown tn tllI' , WoltS .fI)Qr . .1Ie u rg ed h r tfl 'leCI)l\l- t ill. hHlI'f" h, I~, "tlJ n lJlhllll; . 1111",1:1 .. , J. W. :. (ngo.I1IICIlAii d ' !l0"'. nUl Ihp 010) 1I1111 I lIfr\lIl1lh~ II' , pnll y hllll to !.be white blllJlnl!lcks ('0 Q,( hI" 1',1 I", ( ',,,hI ell pplll:; jllll . W: I .. \11,,11 1 ',1 1'1 11t··· hl tEl. Jllrll~ ..tInct wlI"n ed hIm opt In hNI'IlY Ihl\1 th Ice, nnd· at lost Ill! W" ut Wi th nho uhrl "I) cl 'h,l hIli. \I I jl r"lu\Jtl rr Nil ' , .}. I.IJI~'I ILl>r" lll)t " t~ o!l trllC N o ,1'l'llknl's . I" "('UI nul .. f \11(' 11Uc:1: t'I flll'H nnll EIlmk bark " \\~lI ' >I··ly 0 ltu \I I " 11. !11l1 "h~ , )wrl r.coIlu II ~he \)"'101 "dI n' n '" t 'lIll ",y ~. 1l .. 11 u 1'1:'. lithe. grll Y gh ..."'tli t Cll 1111' 11[1 t him. h n uneh'>~. " '1111 II dug out I he bnrll'~ ~ "'" Orrl ljj 'I h~' h~ Ih'l t Ill' t iltH I; h~ r ,,~ V II , . N(O, II 11111\ ,I W Il r re n' uno) IllY ,lml'lI In II " ~1101\' llt'fnre Ililn. IInil 111 ('U5 or " 1'.$1\ ~hllt the snow 111111 8 1nlll~«' 'lJd I,} ., "tI~ sn'tl('cry t hllt I' .\ Ilod "lll" li n, " li Jl)Jr ll l~ I' r~, ' 1111/\ thl'P 1'0;" s\l'lfl l ~ Iln l'. nl trcllilt h lR k pt f rO ID tre"'l:log. Du Nh \\'0\111.1 \l"~ h " " 1II1ti<' I' In i ul'l IIll tllilll;~ tlllt J<; 't:t! " I R ' h " N'1 .1. f:.Icofl~ lrl. rle . \\'OtIl'\11 . I nt, flnel n t Ills t K U"lln \\'~ I)t nnd ~nt ou h Ill 11'1 t! " I. ( 11" I' d ~· Itl.d 11(\('. 0 11111, of ."II Dinlll. , li ~ \\'11 l'Ollllg n Ll!I lJ'OIl": Iln,IIJ"lm- 1bl hlluncll(!8 lit h ll'f !lId \ n ml wIth h.' r ' I' h\! I':ltl; .11I~lh· no ~"unrl. 'Th"rl' t r llti o llllPll r " 'NI,luCl o"ll flrlU lI(\. tlf\ll. l)\I t :r' Slfl,ll\ tIl II not ll1t1k lit IIU~. 101)'ked ~t \I-hnt he b ud dUll o ut fl''Iul ' w,t~ \lIlly 1,11t pl'I1IIt,/.:"C,':I·' H\1i andlh.! ~:~ I," tI, n' .1'. . V ) " I ylt " . I" '" ~r d 'W h r' l11e light hnd 1l'f'1I h~ 11'11 ItHl k. u.nder tho !:!cow. Ho s ollIlllI lh o "I I'. ~drt f,. 11 • r 1I""l), r...'I. ] h,\, nlll ~\\ (( , 1J'1' 1Il1 ·: II\'I. lll d , :q 'l'ro v(II1' Il"a ( . )1\ Ins, (It whllt, littl e l'(!lllnh tI 01 lb oJd Ile could uot Ilmel\ dnn gc1'! b u ~ Om ;\' If 1I11L1 " II'"" . •' 1\,1 fl l\\II,>" hllv. .. " \1'"" n II, " " ',1 • 1 · IIII(1r. Till> 11lll!k bll,a .. fl1rnl1d to Ull.' W~lt t Id him, tlln t It IDl g li t bc th r ('. ), '1\11 111",,,,1, ~vlt • (lI'IIY \Volt II .. ~I II J: III H )';.. 1:\(.1' , j M,I r\' h: I :.. n ~ ~IiItIH . li e . ten to 11(1 h e UI'I1 nW\tn tJI l.tIl'klllg or Sb . told hII'll ,llImy (Il1l r ~hlUI,-R t n 11111,1 ).1" ", ,, 111'1\ ul 111,'1 h ., "" 1\ IIIVI ', IlI' ll ,'CI I.. " tl II ( Ull ll ll t " p ~ r ' lvfl(1 bon" s nllli th , r n Ol n" Of tlN'h. and th (lny!; nntJ nl gb l!! Ulll.l loll ow.'Il. ~'h(l I II;! hl,,1t'1I f ur IIItl " 1\ II,,· pitll .. lI.hl·ad Itr Il lll1 ."" li fl''' ~1 0lu Ih,lIg 111111 h lll\ th llt lher 'l\(t~r II third nlllht Knznn bl mseLf j,'(\ tllur~ IL l I ' tllnl, 1hl' ,'I',V' If II I ~III\II' utll ,!r hl~ til wild !tIWI'~ wQ' lld hnur {In 'l r .....t,I... bun t,pll ck IInell('d J.. Lh o chuse. ·.rhr"~ { lIl'l'~I" "" "rl II"It ( : ..,1.' \\'ulr !IlII (lot 1I: ,I .. r,,, qr W ill .. III H., ( '\lHlO t " Ji ll. , , ' " '' t l b. III t tb b r I I I d C'· I' ~t!ll. it,.... ] " CCV l1h ~ ,.p"ro YI' c! , nlze hi!! vot c. lind thtl t wll.'o he flltl m ~: . 1\ m UD • e oro t Ie 'm U('D I" rl \I ll ' ,·r.b,ll· . ,,,,I r oo' Ii, U} ~ 11. .. '1111('1 (In llLl! IInuuch.,,S nl1ll clll lcd to lhe tile ~I, I s. be I d (be ('hn,,~, uud l'(\ch 'l' 1I1'('" hu,"h",'l ~llld, 11"~'floil tllll OJ(lon o nll tll e atllrS, thl! C R\\'lfl.t()l)I ~d t1me ther e WI' S II. \eJII . B u l u~ UI ~ SIlU WS m o , 'IIlIII.lo\('h \1111' Ih .. Ihl .. Il n(' IIf tllLl· WI llIl.,,' I , Hu IIIAnl" K, .. d ill ni':! bun te rs ot th Ill' plllill w ould ~J)OlltJ bega n to grow softer uod" , hIs rl'd h e ht' r. ","l I,t,m n nwl hi" r"lIlJwl'rs L)ll r ' ~r .. " f l it " ,'~'" l" " f MI , (,r I ,. Iillu . to (t. B clr~1 d twlc Ll lmllt tho' enrl- 'fo und n grent(!r nlld grl!ot<'r COUlllu n- oluwn "'I'lI l ly. Il IIIC\'.'uy 10 Ib,' Ilmfl'r 11, '11, " I '\ ,.• ) \'~ ."l>"~ ll' v () I~"n · bllt! 1l1lll th pnclc, Hl1d UIN I trotted 'oil' I IOIUlhlp In. Oroy " '01 r, 0 nd t hoy 11\IIIlud lb.,,), (\IN' ,· ~,) I"(" I UJ ,,,1\ It . 111111 Hw1tlt'nl y 1,,' 11, " III , tt " • •oj, It! ( rl1.. ..! , 1<1' to to tl'lG cdg Ot. UIO bl ne\{ sin net) Cor t. , aloDn. Hvlng on th n bll1; w hll A r:>l1bll s . It !ltll)!I" (I :o",III"I'''lIh' 1\ bInd, lind 1111)0 r q ' , " (,I ill, ,1,"\ , \ ~" I \ , II lif O", Is . rl ll ho hnlllov"d but I I Mih."~ 111\1\" ,. I'" tllO 1'11<111'. J"I'III II 0 111 II I A" I,' It / " . t 1, .,1 " \ 1' . Wlam h r nched Ihe SIW l\(I\VS he 11 1,1 o il th. e W O looked 110 'k, rny Wolf WII' f(lll Owl nll things. th o girl Wi th the Rhl nltlJ; , IIllIt; II It llt.. I"· 1t'llt',,1 I hltl hl: hl nLI '1I' LtlJ\JfIl I' hllll. he WM (lilly II lew y orcll' lIo- lind fil e booda tlln t h nd cnress,!ll 111111- Ill' till" l:lat I 1l~,11I !tll,l tIiWIl~'s (\I"'rl\jR II I r:~llltc . rtJl1sfe rs hIndi ~'\01 ' K.' t\')W II · C"lllh 1>11. M lilY • ... , . tI", • • to Illln, O. lind U Oroy did WaIT. • h uuol I III' Il'llI'lI (be LII",l nf: $UlIJ; I.f ~l , "r \11 ~' I (lcO r U'A S " w:. er little'ilmldly, find S1\e, ,(011. 100I(lid bll ek "",e n ot Lcm e thl) big 'pl l\lu " 111111 t ' t ,lIlh,I.,.!! CJ\'l'r hI It.,,tI. lJI' t1l ,1 l ui 11\ ()' wr f\ , Itl . ill .. . to the Ourk hl qtcil ot L1ro \J ut Oil UIO, oltl!o he tool! Ws mn te to lb"I O\l or UII' lIui Ult'"II 1 11',1". n,: ,'I!lt'\,,1 Olhn rply. , Ink. AI~iI liS 6h " 8'llll'U til ~Io~o b~ rluge und be wooll1 tT.)' to t ell h i r wbltt IIUlI 11" 11'(,1\ 1..' tl"·",1 tn 111)\11 f ll lll' lit 0 Ft, 8 ' .\'II t ', I, I N t d "'o .I'JI;. 1.11 81d blm, K nznn sniffed nt somelhlu h I) IUld ,l (> ft bnck t h ore. 'Wltb Ill e d a rk t hl"l) '" h' 1)<1 lof,II'; ""1-1. \\Ith Itl I. UI' ')0\11 , 1.\· h ,.l1p h ,$ I . In Iho flit' tllnt wns not t!IO ' SC Dt o~ ulgbtstho cull or itlll \\',)IlJIlII I)(,rnlll(o ~,' 1111 JllI"lI II til l the cll'lllh -l lt" ' 11',1. 1 r, ; u.Y lu lh o P,'r k R &c ll yCII. bl \1, nor' the p 'r(lIm r th blll!\llm 80 s tr ug upon h im t1l1\t 110 ' VilA OU", I 'I' ,11111 1I1'J'D~! I" ("II t' _Il' hll::~' . t" I II ~''''''R1i " , 1 and ))1'\1 '('. It Wllll u tblng Ulnt SC01J1Cd with n longlog LO 110 bllck. nml 11l1{,' 1""'1'11)' 11' hll'r ,'IUN! I" Olil Y \\ 01 r. A I:' I ,! . ' I" . t I t\ r n o r D \llt o o, to oOlDe to him from til cl Ilr SUU'S Grill' Wolf with hhu. 10 "'\-!-~I (II\lI·tll-1i nIl II· )'I,urt t hil t 1111 t n , 'I ,u'll, 1.\' , ,,IIUII , $1 .


'.' Twtoo the watt Clr .'-t!'Q u bvu. .. ....lo, and K/lsftn ptvQted 810wh·. hI ey s llilit doeed. ,A nd tim we ' VillE IC/lIlt'll aDd Kallio thr \\' urI hi . terrible jllws. Rl'6 of tb~t tRtnl grip lust lu rronl of


Nloulltain.s· From 'Tekpl10ne 'Boot11'



~ , ,~.

l .• ~

,.ovements of-Italian Armies




WAYftMfllD; 0810.

.. THE



iSSUE)) EVERY WEDNES.DA Y E~I.erC!d .t II,., Pl .~ oll1ce 81 W.)lItnlllr. 1'1 1t. "'" ~H 4 I



As Written by Our Corps of Correepondents In the Neighborhood

D. L. CR A~E~ ~ditor and rubli I fr S'ubacrintlon Price. $1.50 per ';y'E!lIr





DEECMBElt 26, 191'7' .




lIh 11181'011 - II i., In IbIUj! h 1111' f)f ew If t:1l t bl. V" I'''' ~. u n nold 00 '1'.aOi i, nr ·" tlvlOI', >llIti u,,'\" b" \';I'y , Hol ~tr " Ij.t" (.WIlY vut 11 elM ve r t'lll. y,) U "II fit1d rolli, pro lj \ ot o f ~ Q rl\U UUll ; N "~ I' O~ OIl U 41 ff, r uO tlxqqq ; Bil WIHOJ til· ,lnO." p,·"lulJt( .\ Ollr dU ll l1, A 811 ~ 1t' hl16ln PHlI so' ,o c1kkk. - LIl' d Ull tilltllrtlllv .lunroRI. ,

Loolli r &l ld"llt~ wl1l be illte rf\st f'ld tn t ho tOl~1 ooltp~e or ~h6 1110011 Wbl JIJ III /loh,Alloll\d "Ir .1Jl0 tli ll h tl! of [leo 'ulbor 27 28 The ,'oilp~Oj will be YI ~ lhlt tn jt ~ tjlltlh' t.y th rl)o ~bo u ~ amtlrlo .. IIno wlJlll:I not of '1.111 SIlUl eololltI6,,. v8100 I\~ 11 tot .. !' eollp, e 0 'be PDn Is of O(lI1r 1\, or v~ pb 10\1 rl'~l At 12 :lii In \.11'" murnlo ~ t.ho mOOl1 will en.~r tho 80 Olt II ell 1)"UIlW Imi, the punlal or oul er ~ hll (l .. w , whlol wUI pr(ldu :e H II(~ H, A' 2 :06 t·h u mooll erJlMtl tbe u'llum or otHC Illotl' 1IIIIldow throwlI by the lIorll' l "o 41 'hll< is r O>l\lly !.lw bUj(IDll\llg fir tlll' vhllbi l\ eollpse, 1')"1' tr olJi tb ell 'm th e eh.duw olo " II~ rnJ.1ld ly ovor 1>1)" dor f .. o.. ot t lt .. UI "Ot& . III' ti llS o nto Ul(;rll ,,"d moce III tpa hrlu l)t SUl'tIlOl' "IJ ton iliA l atlll t'olqJ8a OOlllll lllllOU rl li l ' S.38. 'fh., ltIic1,II\, <lr tit .. tot·AI "olt p ~~ oorum PCQ~ tit '~. a ThR m 'd\l lo of tbl! tll l4l'l "lipsn I. I1t S 411 1tn(1It~ llilll _ . Itt S 65 : tit \! t<>t\I\lt.y hat< thll 1881 cl abuut lI!l van~e"D mItIlIH!M


From Goaalptown. Th"ro'tr nUUA tonl;lI(1S w(llllling: nntliing yoU cnn In~' hold lin, you knOW, hut Ihnl'S no bC)I'. I'el ruther MII1C' lrqily e/ly l'cJ a wQoden l~g IItrltfghl 611t Ullin .go blnUrg thql'e WItR ,something runny obout toe IIgurc.::-J. E: DucIc· rose.


---... ...- ---

Plenty of COl1lpany. It mmolly tnlll'M an yCtl l'R to reap whllt It' took 80 mlnnlefl. l f) ~ow [n tho wild OItt crop, lind n hllndred men ottcn tnke IIP~' In tbe rellDIIIl; or wlmt. 0110 little fellow t;O\vecl. No milo BOIV' eUl Qr moweth wild Ollh to IIlmsll[t. -Exc\nnge.


tnk.n 41l1crnJIli . lIII,J ",' ,. thr('"gb Ib<! billud 011 lh. muco us Slirl "e" of I I I~ , 'h' lelll . Ha ll' ~ ('1l1 frio Medlcit'l! \\ ~, I"C' .m ille d by ullll QI Ih. IJC$1 I'I'y~ id l''' b In this cunloi r)' for \'. 'I'S. Ill. compoAcd "I som" nf l ile !Jcsl loulcs k"'o \\,lI. CO lli. hi netl wll h s me " f tho I 'sl hlond 1'II,lii, ers . . The IlcrCc.c1 c!(uu l.liliu liolJ , "f llil! In. Itredl!:II!! ill lI uli' s '" tarrll Mcdid'l ~ .is \\' llIll p r l)duc~s SII h \\'(rm) rfu l le.lll1s II' CI,tarrhnl cOllditlvns . Stud for I" s lilllll' ,;in Is. F. J . CH~jlH\V & CO , 1'IOpS.,:l'ulcdo, O. ·AII Druggists, 751:. Hall's P'lnlily Pills for consl!"alioll.

PAY BEST AJ ' WAR liME PHlCES Inoreu~ed pft~e of f .\;oo OrO[.~ dill! to lho Will' O" Bom e coltlll)lllolul rerbllezera t,llore p rofi tll ble tbtlll vel' bef nre,\u ~e Lbe fe" lll lz r pt lCell !la'll' IlOt rl n 10 pr portloo . A!lld ph Oif)JlllI.t.e r atl1r11ed til.39 not I'el' ~ on) ill II. tbrue y ellr rota&ion at the Ohio EJI;periml'll t i:!t{ltiQu )I111eo corn sn ll r\l r 60 () Ilt lI ,bo b al, Olltll 40 0 ut, IUld lillY ~I O Ii QO. '1'he re r t1li~ll r tllen o o~ t 'U ~ too, ' l'odll1 IbiS DO' ~Q ID w ould be '10,72 ftom I,h e i1" m~ BllpllOutlb O, for oorn ol1~ for duuble ItI< fnruler \>rloH Rntl the other ortlpe h ove ltd VIIOOI!<1 ono hilt AolrJ phQ~ Jlb\lte ~O1l8 for obout .20 a to.", Or un In ore8 110 of $6. .. The dB\! of oorrler o f oltrul,l n 1l0tl POto8111tlUl In t)loHe t ll81Hw O Dld ~u u ~e 6 01lDOillll,l8S M preselJt day prlOflM. It~ IV ph 'Kpbll~. roult ttt prll8tlub vl\juos w lI u·lli lJe more pr(ltU.. bl,\ th"u berbrol ~be w~:r , 'l~.~ It h ilS r(l lllcc,d bolll'v lIultl \Jhu ..... h". t O~ ,I f rf,1'!I~ r In Qhio ~~ta . ____ ~ ._ ...._......,__

' fEE'O P'OD,R..

. ! ' lIN STRONG CHILD W .. ......


·th!a ·.at



here tbe PIB' werk by tbe iIIne88 and death nf Mr•• Lydia Wood, bae retornad to hll home In Tudolee, AI.... · Mre. IIlllller~pabr · ancl JUtle 80n, p' Pauldlog. arrived here Sa$arda, 1.0 make tin elttended vilit .with her pareDte. ~r. and Mra. J. W. SI>dle,.. The reWtLtDs' 'Jt lIIR8 Anoa I2rl88t, who dlud at the Ylddllitown hOllpHal. were bro.u~b' here TIle8(\ ay and In t ...l. , . m - de In thtl tiprlngbot'o eru,flO 8 . . oomete ry, , e



Splke.Covered MountaIn. , Ttl r . 1$ n hll~e 1l1lluotnln ncnr POIlhll' ca, A"toxlco. which bits Ibe lI[lpCflrnnce of b ' Ing ov('~ed with ~pl1tNI. They nr l\nt:unll rormntlolls at rock, the o ~ II!'" of which Is somewbn t lovolved tn tlI~. t.:ry.

Bailiea di. good ludOH chiJdre!1 . _el th. a,ed ' ther.. la, oothlng like i G ~rdenlng I"doors. • VlDol to r.tore .tren~ an~ vitality , -A mno,! funu'QI In8lI10(<,(1 In n r "! . to· wtalr. nervoul "/fomcn .· and over- boll "1ncllltnl:IlR II ...."ntl nunua t:lU'(lpl~ worked.ruD.aown~en. . Qf wilter unllllflPll nWIIY wlP, the ne-. ~' 'Y':' -";"'--.--- • .. '!ry it, U~ are not en~rel1 ...t- c:eli8l'1 or tlt\t lng tilt'! boll d41wn 101' 1 .t?~~~~~~~;g~~~~'tJ IIIie4, n .re~ ,our r!Ubmer~lon U I!I M!Y to fll'ld Ill/! 1hout ~o~~ pr~~eltir:;;ea IIU- ilo\\! mu 'il ~\'nt()l' Will tl\' !lllg,\oI'!)",ll wlt/l_ Ub~e:r peoplO°ha". been cttilV.inucl Q,ut (IrJpl'lng, IIUll Ill\'.!I' ' I ~ J\ l'cr n '1(I,.;c:·lc-HitI+.;.; tbla way. ,. . . of tb encceslIQry "'nl r to mnk!l J·;·E. Janney, Dfugll'lst',\\'ayrtesYille ~~nl( come ~o n ~II \lllIt'll!'e growth . ." ..,. ," "




Panic.,stric 'en R~ ~ss :{J..ns . ~e;. . .~~ Disorder Adv~nd~g Germalls •








' . '




Do Vou , nnt Lime

ODr BOhlOl oloeecl i'rlel., lor • two weeka' no..&loo, abd 00 ilrlaay IIlght the IOhool 110 onten.lD. miD' _, TowD flail. The 10uo l 'IDenln tt,l ~ vloln"y have eon reoelviDg tbCllr w&r pa pen '0 IlJI ODI, Ilod all ~re r~.pood 10 8 aooordln8 to dLnotloDI. OU! K of P. Lod,e eleo\ed She '01. 1o "Ina omosr.. ~or 'he eDIIOlnl'),.e er :

o.,oua BOUKb ; p, 0 .. G. M. 1M. warda; .p. Alva KenDedy,; M. W ..• It'. L. BarrIl; K. or B. & 8. Frank Wtllton; M. li'~t W. A. Merr"t i It Iq., J. W, Davis; M A" (:I. C. Da·

vis; 1 G., I'rClnk Bough lOG, RDbS. Carr ;Trlllijtee for three yeal't!, Geo. DaVIS . • 'Bev W81~er filled _be pu)pU a. 'he M. E Ohnf(lb Qn Bonday mOI'D tOIll t or '! ian An'onlp, Tex.: '" bere he epenrl tbe ",Inter. We wish


... .


That'a About All.


Pandora was aD extraordlDal')' crea· tore. EVeIT iOUDg ~oman ... . Sb. will IIltn, bowever, a FOUD~ w10maathot 18 to eoy, a I\IIEture 'o f ttmldlty anll boldDetII, of prudery aDd .hameles!Jlle8l1, of dIvine Idndnese and cold cruelty of youthfo!nCll8, 1I0d cspeelBIIy of profound Iraowleitge Bod ab,amal Ignoronce.-Exc.honge• • • • ,

Bo.lCWOod III Expenllve.

Th~ most ' erpene1ve wood In tbe

world 18 snld to ~e lhit boxwOQa. 1m· JlIIrted from Tur!toy for IhI' ,, ~(' of ~ Il.· gravers. The cost I'Ilnl!l'~ rl'''!11 ~ ('!)lIls a sqnare Inch up to 10 c~nts 11 squure Inch for the beBt grode. . An ordinary wogon!ond of boxwOQu would cost mnny ·thousands of doUnrs.

him drair nnnaelf awa,. Bather, If be 18 out there-dy1ng-" Pierre Radla80n stoad . up. Be cougbed,In a Bhudd.e rtng war, trJ\J1J to stille tbe BOund under his. beard. 1\eck of c:r1mllon tba~ ClI!nC to 'hllI lips

Do You 'Want Fel t Roofing? •..... . , . ...••... • • ,See Madden

D~ You Want Fence Posts? , ..... '.... , . See Madden Do You Want Fann Gates? , .. ...-.. .... . See Madden Do You Want a · Veranda? .....; ..... ... See Madden Do You Want

No ma,w. wbaO 7011 wane, See lladden



At "Corwln , Ohio

ALL KINDS OF WOlt WIlli mat. allu t1 8 (~ 1l to Jillr ~U.C'" lind fl! ' I tit!) [ouQh' !lt her bnnd. l:!u~ the mnp wnB there, Rod tohilD mu·n hod' ohVays mOllnt tile club, tbe Wlllp, pain; death. Gray Wolt crouched close to bls ;:~..:::===========~ aide, aDd " 'hlned sorpy aB aile ur, ~d Kazao to Ileo,deeper .wltb ber lato the forest. At last she undotstood that be '"' could Dot move, aud ahe rnn nervoual, Ollt Into tbe PlaID, and lIack agaIn, un· 'WaVftellVlUA-j O. til h.e r footprints were thick In the traU lIbe made. Tbe InsUncts Qf 'mate. .ilood -were atl'On, In her. It was ,h. Om ra.taIlD, 'Iitlo !nit ·II8.W Pierre Badleeon com· fIIaa Pllaae 77 over their trail, aDd ahe ran sw1ft~ 17' back to KaAn and pve the warn·( ::-::=======~==~===;~~~=

InSUfUlneE Walter. r.'thandler



• Thea Kall\lll caugbt ' tho Iceot., aDd be I18.W' the shadOWY ftlrUre comllla thro~1r the .tarllght. He tJ:l~d to drolf blmaelt back, but he could move only by·lnches. ~be ' man came rapldl, nearer. Kamn cClught tbe IlIliten "ot the rlAe In hili bR.nd, If" heard hta bollOW'eo1IIbo lind the tredd cd hla fe~t In the enow. Gray Wolt crouched shoulder to shOUlder with hIm t trelnbllol aDd ahowlng her teeth. When Pierre bad approached wIthIn ~tty feot ot tllem Cibo sl uDk back Into th'e deeper shadowe ot the spruce. Ka~'iI fonga were bared meuo.clDg· Iy wMn Pierre stopped and IOQked down at him. With nn etl'ort he tJ'l'8gged bhn self to hll:l teet, but teU bnck Into tile SIIOW. again. Tho man leuned hla rlfte agatpst 0 Sllpling /Illd beot O\'or him teo.rlessly. With II Ilerco growl Kazan snapped at Ilia extended bUDds. ~o hIs surprlst) the mnn diet not pIck op a stick or a club. Be hold out his bond agBIIl-eIlUUtlusly-ond spoke 10 a voice oew to KtW\D. Tile dOll SUO pnpd nUllln. und ,arowlud . (To b6 ........... non~lnulldl ____ _ __


they had :fl\llen uDder the peck. I!'lerre shuddered ae he 'IOQked. at tbem. ' It the wol'l!II bo.d not tIIl'IIed thetr arst mild attack UPl>P the IIOp,.wbat ,,"oulll have becooie 'ot hllll/lelt, JQlIn aod the bubY' He tilJ'lled a~ay, with another of those bolloW' COUghl that nr'mK:nL' bloOd to bl. II... . A few ,.rdB to one atde hI! fOUDd ID Ure ~ow the trail of tho IItHn,e dog that luid' coiDe With :·the wolves, nnd hlid tDriled .ptnllt thelll. tD tbat momeat "hen 'a ll BC!emild. lqat. It willi • dean I'UIiDInl trail. .It wa. wu,~.. y ... • ~ 10 lbe IIIlqw, aDd llIIOD 'oll~ It. epecttn. to .1I01l dOC dead .hhll eel! ot U. ' " ID the ebciltl!1ed epot·to "h/cit bit bad bllDll!lf In the edre 01 KUIIo lll7 -fIJI' loqo· tbD.




"I hll\,C beell thlnklng, or tlUlt," be



If you don't want anything at all, SEE MADDEN just the eame.

8nld. "Hh WII8. btldly. hurt, and J do Dot think he went ta~. Hore-bke little Joan ftUd sit clOBO to. lire uUtll I cOllie bnck... · • The moou' ond tile stare were brll. lIont IIl ·tho al.y' wben be went out In 'the ptl\ln: A abOrt dI8tn~ce. fro~ 1 ~e edge 0(' die timber IIpe he stood tor " D1oml)pt upOn .. the lpot wher~ tho bad' overtaken them an ' bour before. ~ot of hl~ ~our d,6 p bod


Buildi~g' Plans t .. See

Do 10U ..ant 10 borro,,' • dlmot \lee M addeu

with ' theICleO collgh Joanof did n.o t Bee She Wind ooUtIo. It d~ the• .IE dllJII tbey bad b,.et!o travellD, a .p trom tbe edge at' c1vllb:atlon . IiecatlBe of tlln f c ugb, a'ltd tbe etrllln tllll~ came


. . .... ..... , .... .... . < • • • • ••• Sec Ma1den

Do You Want Shingles? ........... .. ... . .......... See Madden

;'~~r~'h~~~~e bnd D1lule mOl'o.1hnn 0('0

OJ PIQl lef~ ..

Du You Wnlll All )' Kind of I.umberl ........ . ....... . . . .. .. . Be. MaJden

..- - -


. See (, Madden '

Do You Wlln~ Cnmont ........ . . _.. . .. ... ...... .. ... . ..... ....... . See Madd8n



¥oinp: to build 8 H/luse? } going to bUiJd /l Barn? jl'oing to buUJ II GarBRlil going to build a Hog l)en? going to:-build u 1:'0ultfY HOlls!!?

Do You Wanl 'l·ob.cco BoX'es~ ... .... .. . . , ... . ..... ....... , .. .. .. . . 1100 M.~4U1


l'irll'inll"f.I'ro .sdn . bered ~heir lIoholara with flo trea' , IJTiollbnrCl. h" been mllde a t.'8t Sahbatb morn ing . ' l.1lI11111 1 'r t·be "1IIto[@ LD .tralulng 'l'lie 00,,1 !llto~Mon 'here 18 no bet • . , t Llill Wrfgbt fi ld . ~e , aod no 81goe of improvemt,lut I '' . 'l'h e NIlCou cl nOOl b e r or tbe t;prio ll" Ron . .r. O . (1ar'wrlAh\ lIlet wHh MrtI. AlIlos Jaokion has b eo~ ver~ hll r () IpCJ ( o~e 0 I1rse WA ~ held l3utur our Red Or08t! 800lety h a re J386 slok tbe paat weell. \.II y evoniIlt,t '"t the K . of P hu ll. week. . Otto Mulate, of flou'b Bend. ind., 'rut) IRr" lI u lObe r of p \lrijDDfI whQ Gny Carr b lu~ eolisted lo the «er. 8urprLRad ht8 parente by oomloi bu nl E'11 "8 111 0 ' ~ th~ 10 (llemoll ~ \Vea~]I . V10e of the 60vernmen' nnd Ie n'ow home Saturday E!veulng (lnd Itaylns II " .. t,t d u'ld "I)III IS fel~ Awlliv r nptlld: busy III lIud1tll!lg the llCOOOutl of Dnll) Monllay . tor 1111 jr eff~rts uf ar b 'Irl llg tbo G overomtollt oontrl!-otll Joollted 10 Ead Ma~h"t, of Dayton, we.s the 1\l)111 Il fl lli ' pr l'grunt r enelel'od by Brooklyn l New York . 8aoday laee' of hll 'ather Joe "ar. Mr. aod .MrR. Pilrueli. Herbert Carlf, who lfl atlendln, 111U: MI" aDd Mrs.. U. S. Bomber' eo . sohool .. t Harvereford, Pa., l. at Several from oar vloinity "ere t , rtl1ln ed Itt dion e ,· tin nday ," r. ·dolld homo_to spend tho holidays with hla oalled $0 Leballon 8a'arday &0 see MI'll W Mltor How rt and ~oo lI ud plA.ronts, Mr. and Mrs. William Oarr bow many of 'b.m would ha,. to Mr.l:!rlnry. HHokmllu. · . Mr.l1nd ~r8. William Moholl, or go '0 war. . MI~ Oellon '0 'IIrlh, of Mlddl o 0 ytoo , were tl.lIuday (Cuests of Mre Mr. Jesse Mlohelll .ufferlns wUh t own. @pe u·t tho w .Jelc nd wi t h bel' M.. r" .ll'lnoh. 'onsIUtI8. ptl r tln ts htlre. 'l'he " 15" bia Is oxtreoluly SIiOk Mr and Mra, .1 . 'I'. Mar)at' oalled D:ln ' npltl hn. na nln vl sllud Ill tlkiog It h~rd to desoond ~ud . !IS.. Oil Lee Donoan .od family SundaY. f.! H Inb T wo [Iool>mber well . oe nd . . ( Mr •. Blllu Roland and Mrs. Ber. 'iVopd l'h PP( r s ' oonventlon 000. bOl't MarIan were Wayneavllle villl~ d ing!'! IHe I ' Ilo r t"d. rlt() IJ(ldu8 helng III mbHra of tbe 'In I1. veued tbiS w06 k ugllin In tht> dU o 'ore 8aturdll.Y afternoon. H, P. E[trl~'. of Mltlllli blll'f~, 1'1' .." (tl ront wo 118 It" t his v lolulty aDd Il Samuel Jl1okion was lit LebanoD ' . Mooclar. I he i:l0~l!t. of Irl nd he rt! ODe duy Ilirge atteodllot:e was bad, lu~t weo);:. , 'l'ho ohnrche!1 looot village were Mr. .and Mrs. J. 'f. M,u:laU "ere Mis,. ()lIv~ Beca ret orn d home ope ned up 8110(I .. y a't~r balol!! 010800 Xenia ahoppen ODe day las' w!let. 'l'tlBsduy from MI .. 01i vutley b os. fo r 'wo Slluclll)lB Mr@ JeJ8e Mlobel aDd Mn . Lee pltllt whera ~Iltl und e rwent "rB. Clara Conuer has remodeled Dnoo~o oalJed on Mrs. DlX80D a /I'lrlons opArtltlpu. ber dw~lIlng 1'0)1' two t .. willellllnd Whartoo one afternoon thle week. Mra. Ln tbnr { ano-to 18 "I IItng \vili lJll oooopled by he. ohildren, ......,..-bet silltllr, Mrt!. Tom Fox 10 MI"IIlI~. Mr. aud Mrs. llIerald Smith 1I0d 800, burg tJlls weoll. Robert. o1r. w.tld &Irs. bn.rleB Thom". or Tee fum vaol\.ted by Mr. lind Mrs The Bald Eagle. ' Ridgeville,. we re Oll llt ug on Mr. aDd Smith Will be "ooupied by Mr. Bnd Our oatlonnl bIrd. HIe bald cagle, ,I rs Guo 'l'nlt, Huod ..:\, . Walter Uuderwood, J80llBry wllt! In Its Dative haunts. I ~ 80 large, Mls8 Elizabetb l:!lJufi'er AP f)Dt 1. 191 ,they JIl'lvlnl( pilrOba80d It 80 majestic, and ntCll with un week .epll With her p"toDtiln 80me \lwe.ago d.ence of BO enormOU8 strength. th'nt Mlddleto\Vn. Mr, and ..arl'. rra Hartsook, of one Is Impressed wltb tllo tJtougbt that M.r, Bnd Mrli, Obarlllll R ,.bI080n Dayton, .vere Xwas gUtl8t.1i of Mr... herQ 18 tho klag of birds: ' On ooe oe"tltI daoghter belve< re'uroed . Bar_aook's mo~her, Mrs. Marg,uet eBBloQ w.hllo 'e ntlng my . lunch lu tlte thol~ hOWl! In Cbloal!o Illter a Levioy. ehade o"""Uh1e bush on tI Southern vlllit wlt.b t)le torme~'11 plueo Mr. aud Mrl, Maraere' Lovloy, en prairie, .r, 84w one Qllrry off 0 IOlllb, . r aurl t.t~@. J E. RobleeOll. . tel'tatned for dID~M Muoday. II.. writes 'l'. Gilbert Peanpn of tlhe AnMtWIt Surob Wood, or ADllmosa, lind Mr.. Ira B.'r~Moo~, Mr, aod Mr. 'd uboa lIOCIety, l ow ", III aplllllI!nf\ tb 6 woek wltl,l hllr Joe W. DaVie 'lod Mr. aod Mri. au n t, Mra. A.uot\ F oJk. . Thomaa Whets/,I. ' ., . w. Wilk rol 11 Wll8 fbe WI>lterSllven,onoofourbllllloese TIIe- Sandwich .. .. n. of his sletL!' : M ~6. M litis(\. men ! hal' been quite ' Indlapoled for The nome <"80odwlcb mll'o," DS all" meyer, of Leba uoD, one day 8~erlll days. . nJlcd to ' the men wbo ' ptlrade the w6llk Rev. Eugene Walton, of Day&on~ 8treC tlt between two boards,. on 'il'blch w. Siegfri ed Bp/;nt sevoral preaohed at ZIOD Boptlei oburoh on nl' IIdvertieementll, wns .Drill given to dllye lallt wfte R wit.1l Mr "ud Mr... !5oDday. . . tJI~'In-tJy ptckell8. AJ\bouIJh It .would Villi Orew aD el fa {Illy lu Dt\:rton Fraok Forn.f bell. who Ie employed tlup enr that the custom orilloated In ,T. W . Badley, o f Rlohmond. Jnd. , to Dayton, sp8nlt eevera) days wUh t!t ll nineteenth centur,., l\1e profealOll spent soveral (}"Y8 last week a' h1S his falllily. WIIS ,vttb.out a name W1W Plckeoa hom,e here . 11188 Oeee ADIOD. 'of' 0.,'011, "AI concclflci the' humorou. d'tt": wblda be Orst emplOled . 1n bll "8aletcilM b1 MI' . Natban Bunt, whowll8 called wIth her parent. OTer tSlI04aj, .






lAw.prloi d feed. aod oe" eGbetl. , '\ales "I\Y be exoenel ve p,orClhAeB8. -=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=~:::~ aooor,dlllg 10 ~be' Deo.wber MonthJy = ~ BullMln Qf ' the Oblo Experllllon' l'\~I\t1ou . Heeders 11111) be !Dlsled by • hovlng I!n~h . tnfe'lor feeds' to order to e/lollptl hIgh 0011111, l\Dd the Expe.rl. Ilisn\ ~b"'lo n warns t1~el.u to 10 we • "gM~ !lefore buylog aod to rely u n~\lu>- gua-rll'trteed- anw.IYfIO!f'Of"&1I 'e~dll on ~he InRrket. . . " thn price or 111\ oo~xe'l feedR.tll ~ rata Old People 1I~I\Jy tlt .b rel"ilvl!ly Illg ber lb4loD .. '. - . 'ho t!... b~tun.11l1 gratu produo~, '\When !uri doctor wU1 teU JOU that the nntrl , VIll\l6~ ''''I' oOIl~lder,"t1, .. ~UI of YiIlol u pHnted ~bo bullotlo \J \! ll)t$ (lilt • "Qotton coata1QtJi!h&.::~~~~::dre~ AfO\,I1' nulls lire b t'lnR ot;rl'r~d ItIOh IO. tore atreJlI(th to old people. Th"~(' II r l' 11 0 lo~r~ v(li llu b! A tl)Inl U .... ti4 Bee. l'epIo.D.., 1_ om II f:l.l0 Vtlr or o~, Irll\\' [ II hf,Y ,\ r~ IJ _ ..~... PepIll..._,I",a""cI ' (ow In - prOltin ~T\d bl l\ h hi (j1{1<1{ Atmtooal". ~1t~.,.J.~~_ &Ad IIo4!i fib r '''lIIt Kro nn t w rI b 811l1Jpln' DI'.....piIoeplltlt. . _ ' f t. ·· I" ' '1'hoM w'lio. bav. puny, amn~ or rom ,I' , 6 Oul I nin..aown cbUclrea or .,ed parents . • _ ..



f,or him I> pleall>nt aud lJeo llfiolltJ t r ip . Dr, alld Mrl. C, G • . Rllo ')all were ·.ilopplng 10 Wllmleg~ on on li!a$01 •

'I'll Illll'rtY f r lon; ot Mr. Wm. aDd llr Ira und 80n, dati •• Nettle Jl:vflne retflrnrd bom!'! 1'11\1 L CAl, 1\ 1'1>1.) ·Al'!O~S. "!! ~llc)' plal\red t lel\T'u Jo ho, were 8atuI'dny I>nd S,Unday J from Cinoinnatl afte r 8e\"6r ll l \Veeks' Ollllfl il 1/1'111 b CUII/II:)t r ca<:h I he M <II til I he (liselise. flll' l ll,! h{\~ pa "d til atilt!! bfl't ex. g oeatft Of r ola ti vtls nt D ..yton . ' abseooe Cnlarrh is a '~I\I . lIsclI ~, J( lenll), ..... '"l1 in'IIiO lln,n(i wlI l:!l<\llll lulstOjred ilia A. '1'. Moltlr iMIi bus \' m a o butoher. • III1.necd ny CQIISlilllllllOltl conrl!\lullS, \)tt l , ;" f\ Ill Ollluer of tbe Rt t o bur iOK for the po bllo. L in order to emc it ),OU mU" 1 ttl k' a II .. l'hj,,~ JIl tioe Bugh NlchoJ~ at '.l'he M. !:!puday School remom. : Wrot,,1 rClllcqv, Il !l ll~ CIIla rrh ~Itd


~' lIrove




Are you Are you A re you Are 'you A re you

I.lR. J. W. MILI.:.BR. ••• DeNTIST••• . 1I'1IIo~~.

-=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::====::::::~~ :::




BARNHART. • NotarY ~ubll~

All :klnds of .ND\a1'1

W~Ir ,

aod Deeda. a ~peotal'Y.

:==::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::~ ,

FRANK8.CAR~Y Optometrl~'~

Eyes tested 'free

.. ,

Lebanon -:- OhiQ


London'. Valuatlof!, totol vnlu4l Of th~ city ot Lon· squore mil e ,III I!stltna tad nl


the Miami Gazette now , . .. ' ''-~'I~It'...'~l~,200~~.OOO~,~ooo_••. _ _~_.;.._~_",,!!!!~~~!!!!~!!!!~~!!!!~!!,!!!!,!!~ ~ ~ n' R


. "'b' R luff Spain, T,hreqtened ' II evo 0111,. Taka Drastic Steps to Quell Agit4tors " ..


.~-- --


",I fr\"" r.\ .1 W. Satter. LII foll owitl~ : .

(lll '

111 \\ 1\1\ '. wfit .


LlIke Town, V tab Deeem b ~r


iIIht ._ Tihh:.d l\ (\I " l i l. t llll II II I P 'l"lI\~ h!IVc on .'ll) '! t J. 1.: ,I , 11tH.' • f


Mi:;.~ IIlinerv /l l!inlun. t,r I h'l .... u£l1 ill sl'.:ndlnj( Ihl! h,)l i,jqv wilh rt!l:ni\'e!\ here , .

Mr fin d Mr!<. J. W. HEin'?- .. n ~" r· t.Rined li t dinner on Chrj. 1')1(1~ Tl" y

. .. "

Wri ght ;m d ,lIl i ~s Sll ~hl\ I, MWri!-(hAgnes t. - - -... --"---


..: .... - _ I ;

~I==311";\1 El .lI'!lii=51ir.tE==5l'~ :; .... .1,;,1

m e "'0 ,'a ',

' .1


AH Y ar , awy Newe.


~ I

I!l ~



r.t'F.5e=!JU:I"I===::IU:1r.'===JU:JE=!'=:Jl!I~ il'!===~n:i







You will like to do, buabie.. with U8-

, ,



, "



"d<l'1 1 ' (W HY

flT'"' ,

u tl it~ r \\·It~~ .

muny nre being

t>Jy wlfe who.on h ern ex


t. ll (Ii r,. a sco re an d ten . yet. with


fine ·. Wilher and 11 "ood team. she alld I11Y~ If succe ded i,n put·


\';In lOu r





er tr i alli~e the spu'd diggi'ng, But ....... woulll much preter i t to ihe starVIl; I ion that ihousand$ al'e oo.Y IIU Iter·

J . W, Satterthwaite _-=-_

of worlters . The women inlere!!ted, have . however. been faithfu l in their



contllliOl)s ' d Ul'illg

over that of 1916.




••.,.. ,







' '

, 0 '_ _-

Harvey D , GIbson; General Mana · g er ·o( the Am(;l~icati Red Cross , a ulhorizes the f ollolVin{!' statement i n PlU't: . . ". .. A gren number of inqu iries are beig,g received by the Red ' Gross from wl!men knitt s· lhroughout [he United States as to whether they should discontinue knitting. "Sweaters and other k nitted' ar ti cles are 'desi~ned primarily - for warmth. Th ey c~rtainly are not or namenta!." Therelore it must follow that when the~e is an almoit "n"UA•• • sal demand the part,o four'IM)ldlerI8"1 and sailora ' kn itted one. , " The Red Cross knows that the soldiers and sailors wt!.Ot sweaters and other knittP.d .articles, How , great. the need is, Is beat evidenced The TTI·State Is ri ght in Hne wIth the Food Administration desire by ,the fact that in addition to the to ~ive the producer the greatest possibre retums tor his product, bundreds of thousands of kni tted articles produced by our Red Cro8s chaplers in the losL few months we have been 'compelled , to · pu rchasE' ii/iO.OOO extra swelltere ,albne to meet "-___ _ ..;.,.;_.;..;:.,.____.........:0....... the ineis tent liemand made upon Ill.' by opr men for them, .{.,l • ::-_~===~:::.====::"::===== "I t is hoped that this ' genel'a!. 9tatem«nt will satillf y" the women of this couI,ltry who have been devoting 11\1 their pOlISilJle time tu knitting for men. , We caunot loo 8t'rongjy urge a U w omen who nre now knitting to The fo\!oNing.MIIle lJ(~1' II -will keep On knitting, 'f ' , not allow hll'nlinj.T on UJeir Im~mise9 , - - -.... - ...:-..,....,:-:.' and will prosecule allY (,.f1' odels h f I f'" ' I t e' u, xtcm" Llle w: Ma r~i n (Mnil Seth [lu real!

New Year


to All!

l,..•.A. Zimmerman








Isaac VVil!loll Evr.l'ctL Slubbs Satl~ r\ h wai te ' E lill,S 0 , III lise - Fl'ank MSl'lih Fran.k Braddock


.H enry

. !' .

'Ed ~ urn!) nn I Boys Jasll'll Sheahan

---... --



The meeting 'the New Cebtury club which was' to hay Ihlen held on Friday of th is week., has !:Ieen postponed to Friday of· next week, Jan· Ullry 4th. nt the home of Mrs, J . W. ThEI best Hne of, II 1:. \.in !~ StoV'es White. Mrs J . A , Funkey. and R:ang~ i!l this ,P1rt of Ohio. anti Secretary, . th p:r\ces are I~w, as 1 bough t befot e ·he \nllt twu all,vnnces in , go.od s .~· Dont put it orr; liS they going r,llst, and lil t! rH!,;< t will be mush h igher. ' A t the olrl stand . ' . A, B. SIDES ..

Delco Lighting Sy8tem ..••


be a special ' meet ing of ' lodge No. 160 l~, & A. M• .;:: LYlOnnl'y evening, pecj!mber 311lt. to ,~_..;.;......~_~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.;..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.;..~., 'I . '.nn rArtb6 El. A,· l1egr-ee: Sbjourn


...50,O.00, LBS,~., or POULT,It


cordl~Ii:J~~~ei~]:~k~~~i~~ ~l:eu~ren L, A. Seo'v, ..-----CARD·'. OF THANKS Zimmerman,



Ho~e P}lone 3561.-

. We wi h t o IJxpr,es;I our si nilel' thank" Lo BTo 'ip J. O. U. A Ai , neighbQ~e and fri ends for 'their glln~rol,l S Chrilllmus troat. ~


Mr and children.

M~ ~ .

IUd '1'. HanbY 'l\,orl .




= I

Sears a~d (~ art ~ rig h t . Public Sale 'Conductors

Ellr! Hockett




Uil ,

spring weather, The acreage of 1917 shows an Increase of 9.7 per cent



ll\\a~ in the .cell~r about ten tons

SPRI'IIU GBOil t C ~oflineIPo~tfo°ers'hale fpterdlfhB:dled°fft · ered LD an get it. !Jut all our neigh15ers are kind to C OSS WORK Wehuta rebusynotwith work of their own , anxi ous to pass ano th·

Auaust and September, ' t o~et h er with labor shortage. teud ed tQ·Ue· cress e the acreage o f wheal in Oh io , sown during 1917. 'fhe oond iUon Of · the wheat cro p Deat>mber 1, 83 per cent of norm al. cOmparcd wiih 67 -per cent a year-ago. anti 88 per ceQL Ule ten ·yellr avera ge. wIla' due to the extreme .drought t>revailin~ a ll through' the entir e 'state durin g planting season. The root growth of the whea~ plant shows a lack of vi~or. It is far bt>lnw normal in this r e!lpect. but owing to late pliUJ t ing. the seed bed was well prepared And future ,~onditi on will depend upon plenty of sn ow and favorn~ll'

-, N. Maln-Daytoo


After one of the busiest years we have ever had 'in' trying to serve your very 'best interests, we 'want . to stop. long en()ugl. to give each of YOll th~ : t:;lad Hand, :at~d wish (or you another .P rosperous and Happy New Year.. Respectful{y, .

lHa. py and p osperous


Read the Miami Gl\zetle now

' il1e. Ohio


d .IY , \\'ill ll!so hllv .real'hed t he a lot.'

ii ll\'


TIFFANY J~WERY Slor e ' '. Xen i a Ohio

To Our Customers and Friends

h b I ' to (i g t our all es In

A~~~ic;~~R~~b ~~S8 ~~'~~~~allf b!~d tt:d b~~fb~V~~~ieO~~ ~:;~~~vnl:



1917·1918 .

o. .

bll r jot ~~l"C • . bnU:-ttl

1,'1"'., h~ s 11<11 n Ii If' Hell ..

'1'" I' Il·\·, ! ,II',II S ;. like I , t·, I", ... Ie'" ,I, I c <ull ' i, ',·;I··'''li.',,' W ''1''\'" ", .v,


Oem City Loan As

LI \ £,;.11

Wn)' ~ es

"11 Iii,' j.lh I 8m ai llo proud of th e :011111\' " f m) aUlllH d I'ate, but 1 ,u;, hOl llT'j( fll r f\ • " 'wdy ~ettlernent ... Ill' II (> IH" ~ nt Rtrifu anr] di l'cord t. Iii, ,· 1I11' ItV 1,( old cOlfl raJ e , having \J~\.,- .. t! I h.. o\I r :;core mile lone' in i f~. J et Ulll ver y thankful qUl t I am ~till ilhle 10 t illil r • rou(I /I when In

Wor k wal> abollt middle of July last, and SlDcll th t time the f.allowlng arLlcle!\ h8V~ been made: Secretary of War Newton Th Bak r 2'.a2. ho:~ pltal . h irt r 22 llweate~8. 14 u rges men in scientific ins titu tions to nightililF:'liles. t I pairs soek . 8. pair, continue tbei~ training .. wrlstle t.~. 86 r()ller btm~ag s and ]20 "The 'Government servic e wHl dll , pillowe.. ~ : , mand more and more sci Il tifiC1,llly , Itl t111e !ted q 'Os,'l 'ill'istmlJ,s dr ive trained m en.'1 said be . " a nd I ,hop e jQst fhli~h • h UIi b .n con; th,Qse who ll('Ef in ' char ge of 80' ntffi t: j b utEld. Institlltioni! w ill imprer:rs u pon the ' young men lbe ittl\lOl'tal)cc f C011" ~---~~''!'''i~"~"""""""",,,",,"~.. t inulng their stUdies, <:~pt to e ElI te.ntthat; they are 11 c(, rlly ln' ~_..;.._.....""",.:;--_.....- '_ _ _ terrupted by a mandato ry ea ll und l' the pl'ovisionsof the selective sl)l:.vic 1aw." _ i Every effort will be l1lade to use each student's epecuJ\ t rni'rl jnlr in C01P~I~cillon ' Vli~h specialized OCl!upa· Army, to afford technical stulde:nts liable to ('.all us great an p' portunity thl'ou~h the ~tl.tional Army lUi if they had enlisted. ...____ _ _ . .

s.;.,,-~% blrldend~

Balldlne A


~ '''''lI''':


IUII ,is h ,',\ one eigh,lh If tho soldiers t)f I ii,' ('i\'i! Wur. It Ptlt' m it, i still

'lRAININ~ I~!bb; p!~~~:'Ofl f~~~ t~~d~:~er~~~~~


You will like the convellient location of out' office, directly ' opposite , the old Court House, -the simplicity and convenience of our- accounts-a,nd the' care we take to see that everYLhl~g is arranged ~ juat as you want it. . . We do not offer speeial rrangements or ,induce· ments to secure new aceount8~but: we do llfovide 8uch e'Xce~lent security and sucb satiMacto~lV' ,r ates .:....the same "to all-that' the number ot our c~ stom. era h~ sl).o.wn a steady increase-year after ''Year -for ove~ 30 years., , ' "fi,einvite .your account ~nd offe~



Y. ~

S peci'1l,liHt in relieving Ely Str in !lnft liT prov!"g Defecllve Villic.n by Glasses. Office And Fitt ing Room 108 ulh Detr.Ji t Stl eet

Younce Oms. Grain 00.,



m BYJIla'n & Company •




i\1. E. CHURCH Sunday Sch oo l at 9:15 a m Mor. ing preac hing se rvic e st 10:30 An. noune mentwi lh r ega ru to \rellln~ services will be made late!' LJy bu I· lelin at the potllofficc and from the pul pit Sunday mo rning Prayer m tlting Ih is eveni ng at tho h(l me of MiBll Emma Cnrt lYJ'igh t • _ _


', ,


vice. You a l'e co rdilllly invitl'd t o these services .



ing in, sever-al grad es', C mt' and look them o ve r. It will pay YOLI .

I ~ce yo u lire 51 ~ iv ing to convince Ih.· k a i~' t· that hecrln t lick the world . I: ul ll' fur the BlIl'keye staLe. t haL

" I 'ldn·,.1(



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hri ~ lma ~ . .,[)\' c· !IO. fJ:110 1\ 111 M"rn·



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The L'b Ii Bt t1l H~ InU ie will be I'ellrlprf'd a l tll i" NP r·


I Jt:~,jJ W Zll.

I" .,' .. l11 ~n in dt1r1n ),( the I.., ,. "~I ~ w ~re -"'\l10'''' • ,.:. " l<n ~rd I.v hi' . " I' " 1"",<" hOU5t ht If rh. , . . . . ' " "11; . . 11.1 l ',

MAln"s CH t lRCH

day of t he Year "


We take this opportunity to extend to our patrons tbe courtesies 0f the season, and wish for oue and all


"<'el<~ .. ' I I ••, I<q' " ( ,01 .' I. J.

, iilg Prayer arHl ~rlll(\11 f1t I :)10. bub· jt.>l: t: " l'hQu loth ts for t he [,('~ l Su n·

il!]I'!I==::::J ir.:t L : . Col

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Our Patrons

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• ''''IlI''~ ,,( (;.I n· •• ,It',.,,· ;>no 111 1· ,j, ~ tlr~ I''\s: few , j ,' 11;" ;: cs Illadt I," ·no.; J. H enin

Th< hJ'1 It> It., I,', oi"


We have a large stock com·


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CHURCH SERVICES Not alo nc di d pa~ents ,nd ,ela'tl\'.cs vlCw Ihe colum ns of stalwart yQU-1l rilen who makc' up the National Army 'IS they marched away to camps preparatory to the journey oversell,S to war's inferno in Europe. Thosc who weN! in Ilclive charee of the draft shated ihe th ri lling spectacle. Here arc LIeu. ~ol. Hugh, Johnson, Gen. Enoch H. Crowder and .Roscoe S. COtl~­ tina', Fcdenl draft olliei.I., at a railrolld station where thty witnesled the departure of the conscript army. The picture is censored and pused. by t he Committee on Publie Informalinn.

I III U.' !lO til"

I Ior

(' (l ll c ~e,

• undllY choDI at

her \ I~h. pleft!'e find my

aay, ttlllt I Will! ll U rpria d to in t he la:! iSl,ue' of y our p · , y<lllr lu:cbunt of th e r pc nt cold SIlIl P 1111 hio, ar,d yo ur fnmine of cOIil fu I HOIl!:' y nu may be blessed by a chang e' III " eattlc r lind fu el Qon. My horTl e is ill, R,i th co unty, ('on· "jJc'1 elilhe co' Hst ' ollnl.Y in thu stute It I1 h. it! ne mile ab ove BI.II I vel y ~ t t hr,v ~ 'jul!i been ()ut rioing cho res Ihh mOl'rllllg CUIJI ortlluly, ,mi n us ~lJn t m' \'e>lt , I n this purt th e ,·!;lll ilt·y it I, (\~ not been dOlVn lo zero \., I hi" r,tll l !Ju t we ml:\"v get it yet. 1111"\,, ~e<Jn IL. ~inco:l I ljved here . 3n


I i:~ H nril 11 :\ d<in ~" y ; PN,t. 1:\1111 .. lmd;ty Will J{·la iv!!' ill OilY tun.

. un day aft r

Clover Seed

i clll'ck [" e ~ l 50 . renewal tor Gazelte,

.~n IUl dfl)'


tli ilu ni (~Rzelle,

Waytlesvill e, Ohio

:Ii ~~ \\ 'Ar), \ 'j '1 ~ , \If : ' I Ijll, ~ 'n th,' )!U " I of I n' , ,\ l iI'~ I ~ K I"fl(,;, \ l,l lmi!IY .

r l\

19, 1917


A COli 9 ltl omoe trainIng helre q\ltlltty YOll fo~ a. good IIQ~gjlhm 10\ , tho !tt)voroment

Wtlynfllv1l1e Lod~e No 163F. & A. M,. in tolllled' IheJr.officers


or , h)I~ llI !Ui!l

oonQ er ll-Tb,oq ~and •

o~ ' IItJl;m~le8-Hli lIo y- Doo't dP.lla. -\Ii !:lte llo)V fO I" tlu\, tree

Cfi,bi.logtjll ,


regular m r>eUng' Tlles<iay eVfaJllog, Affer.installotjon the F. C. degJee was confer red uPon'one ~d~at•.

. -.





Pernaps we have not. given the subject much thought, but after all we owe it to our children to super· vise th\!ir little financial afftllrs. They need to be taught not onJy how Miss DOfa Sti les. of Corwin. is tu earn but to spend money . Their quile ill with rysipel a8. Ie JUBt lUI much-efficacy in one as the other, We do much in' teachIng the . various ways of making money but we give little attention to instructing children the widest way to spend . . In some ' communities mot her's clubs or kindred organization a are delving'into tliis subject. assemblio~ ma~rial and prnmulgating helpful Iuggesti!)ns to parents . This subject was broug/lt to Qur attention by a recent visitor to Way. nesville, a woman who has been de· voting much time to it in connecllon with tbe schools of her city. For example this woman finds it advi\l . able to make an allowance to chi! dren according to age. Allow !l . child eight years of age. for example, 10 cents a week . Out of this tbe ehild must purcbBM certain IIchool BuppllflS or wearing material A book is kept by the child showing , receipts, how obtained. and itemirted disbu rsements. When a child ar· rives at thirteen years. he m,i ght be allowed 50 cents 8 week but h. should be requir,ed to lJurchase mOfe of his neceesltles. In connection with this sllpervision over the accounts of cbildren they are taught ho'N to buy . They begin to study how they can get the most out of every- dollar lIPent. Many children now da)'B run to the candy stote with every few centlj the) get or patronize the mpvies. thus gett:in~ no schooling in ' the ulleful srt~ of, ..vlllg mune}l Oil s.,ending it i ely, In th~ 8upervi8oo work" chlldren /.If by no n\ean~.8dyll!~d Lo BlJdnd nut t\ing lor luxuri",,_ but \Ieir tendency 111 this dirt'ctilln is Il'uided . This mljrhl lhl a , ubjf'ct well worth con8irf erllf~ jn rl ' llne~t. i ol\ wilh ou' 8chllOIK. More RI" I 111 0 '·' ) we ee th ~ need ' If illt er pr,,1in t{ tl e ~tu d it·ii and aCliv1iiell uf child, en in tl! rm ~ of Te~ 1 life. ThiHhas Ii h un '~ 11 i"te r~t lind it br\!1IIS the 'p\e of Iivinll to (h III O. M, C



--_.- ...---- ,



"The boys from.. .Waynesvilht al lOt ~hei r Cbrll\mas bozes. and tbey were I'reat.... ' Is lile greetlnillhe boys IIIIt back home last week: T ForregliRidge has beel) tranSferred • corporal to the beadquartera or the S.cnal COrps. and he likeS the work very much . ' .. Jesse Prender'P,'1t is in the hospital ...In. this ~ime with ' pneumoriia. b~t he Itl.getting much better. and' hi, comtades are hopinll to see him .I~m airain &oou Three of the boys will t8ke the El . ' A. degreevQrYR,on at PatridrHcDry Mr. and Mra. R. A Cross I ft Lodge F & AM. ,at Moqtgomery '. Some of the bows ore 10(lklng for Mo daY ev~nihg f OI; San An tonio . .ard to'scettlng a furlough. end are Tex , wh ~e they will spe.nd the winter. .... anxi 9y e., to come back home altaiD , Almo,at al1 of , the ,boYR lrom "home," are very well. aild are fast learDI~g th'l ~rt of war,




_ The HI1pe Star (Hope. Ind.;) PBp!!f says: "Those who hea~d It' ltzpatl'ick are glad of It Hli talk WSB di!terenl 'and therein lies its charm." .




Ita lians Enter Fortress Captured From

Hill ti01!0w rll drlnlt t'ou gtl r om , 1I I II II Hi l' tup: fIr Ule ll':" " mere ",atl l I lJhu ognhl. III\\' nll"" .l UI( lIt 1I 1ltorll) , rim ~~ IH III Ihu 1"1111111'; (It tb l> I I "!loi lO I" Ill' rllllll'(\, clutdlln" Ilia ellt'''t. " II' ,'J~l'\" 1<111 ,~ ,'1t'1'I~h t nlll'Lh M,'I'f1l d,l liCIt Ilrlve 1'1""1'0 Ho.,)JI'sulI -I'i th o ltur,i'lll ll---tlnll I 1>1'0 ' It.) ( Jill') ('U. !II, -'W" ttlll!\t rI'II '1I thl.! rl\' Il"''' 1 \I' 'II !Wt Ih,..rt -,,!I ll th' 111l'-hrrl,r h ISf\101 I' , llllJ1~"lr O,','r 1I11<llIvl'r .HUl l n, lUY /(1111; gly" 'lU!." , "W " I r 1II' It I rll'(lI' -IVe ml1 t I H o n\~ol to hi fl' rt, lind sll'~lle rcd U - r '~ r,h Ow r h 'lIr -" AnI! h" IIll'lIdll Y, 111 til' II I, WllllIl'tl: 'l'h,' rc "11>111 'l)lI'lr lfrrp,1 I,C!l~Bn Iln 10 I! relll,C l' rrort, whU e ('ClIlIIUOIl Plells l.O\,rt nbl' ul l"uz.,\t)' llt't'k. nttd lHl hllir) ~ h l:-. OW11 Kt I"vn j.! (h a t the t'nd or tho ' 1 bllll to .tllll .1cdJ(I'. Ar ,'I' \hlll he trll' p~ I'lrfl'· 1,", . ~I II ' \' , t , ,, " I' [) I, P l " of ' d('ngl(ed thrl' (11' r ur IUnll 10j{ \11 \IU , It had uPJ(uu 10 slorm w b eu PIl'~rn Nolll ,I" I I.' ',r tI :.' -" n I 1,1 Ifl r j L m HIIlI pi ~ n I !\ - ' '' '0 IWI I th e Ore, Ulid mmt QUI 'L1y to to lb e \I'u r t;tlq')tI'U to lJUlId 0. nre II[ lI\1elll. 'rha ' , w horjl J o.ln nDd tlll~ bnby Wl!re olrCudS ~Il~' \\, tt'l I /ltrlll~ltl · ,I"WIl In U ", b ltll , ,,'\I I " I, . '('1", M .. 1\11,,'" 11I~ 1 1'1' I~ 'n ...I u. ' , dillng . @o thIck thnt It IlIr1 th e Ir ee 8 81 cp, ~ev rill t1 l'1l~!' IIIIIt nI p II K nyu ll . " £lUll oil .~: .' , , • , I, ' , ,11 ,T" h Cll rt! the .U,..IIIOI \'.,h'(' " f (lill Y W(llf ~ 'unl... Iln,\' rn rrl~ n wny , P ierre 0 .. "', l'ill1 Jllr.' II> 10,111 o ~" d !I'llth\temllillUneP,~'nl!teoclll'h!. III;I·II Dgm:tOtlllll~dl\ : :! ::.:..~, ~. _:" _ ' .. '~. _ .. _.' ":- __ , 1~1I11l nlC tor 111)11, bill 1'11II1t'1hlll!( 1,,101 hIm '~'III\, i'''l , II, II ,I,' ,II ~hl"\'I"'" nnd Hn\l~...·Il", I , \ "u ~~ u,u I,' I I . IJ .. 'Coru t ('rtahle, /lllil uo l onger ntru III, h .hllt be muSt nut 1111 WI r Il Ildl'" To- g:-Io"1 r- ".,' "I" I' , Itr II I,jlll ti ll! huhy In ~ ~ 1\ I "r 'I' ,." , 'ell I ' II , I ..llId touched KaElIn 's h ' O(l, unel '8• Wltro down lrhy , \ 'olf rllm!l 1'/" c III til 11"1' 1I1'ltI~, !I \' 1\,111"11 IIIlly nn b our, 1)''': '11' f{' " ' I l' 'I ii I~ Ji ll l ftped before the JIlWS C!Ou~d r en cb It. I tlr 'am p, IUld CI r l llt'lll l'gt thuo RII7.lIn IIIIII'lIwlI fil l' 1'l1l'11 K\l 7.ll 1l Irl Ill' trnc::es ' f hd u l. 1 " I '" h ' ,r 1J1 KI' ~ n l: A:pID IIl1d aillln the IDRn n U,c h d ut r eplica to h ur, ol(ul/l, '1111 hl1l'I, I.',1 Ihr ~\l'Il IIR one 11 111'1 , I' ,. I" '11'1 '1 >if llJ. hllnd, ~nd thr ttm 8 KIIZIIO r It 1'11) (' nhlJu( I,ll! U\\'I,I wol"l . tn tll~ IIlIl!nt ' '. ' .:lo... n lltll! \\' 11>< I/Ilfh>~ [ ul" ht Plcrre , I r'q k I •• 1 \" I' I' , t,t I' I r- I' , .: the tou. ch ot It, nnd there .w o s >l.!'lllll'r , .... _ t h rt I I • I ,CH APTER VIII, " I A .. I II,' ~,," ," I ,.I , ,'I~', I Illth , II I ." .....". oor u n t. At os t ' l 'l('rr 1'lItl' e" l\is 1'lItnl'lI~~ II I hi ' 11111111, lI ur\ r r rl . tamOO away 11011 went bnek 0,'01' .tbe . T h e MessDce, . III 111"1, 1111\' III 11m 1I(1I'1' ,\n" n, OWl' ec,o , ' f'V Pi ehl u f trail, I l' o.ZII Il·S how ln l1'ukl'll ,t.Ill1 f'lUll l1. H clUli" to n lIr Ilk III \Ilt! 1111'\>"1' IIlII'. (lml , I'll o ~." "I "" I ' ll I ll 'lrut , o f 9 I .W!JeohewasoutotslgbtnIHllll1llrI CIIIllcll llt ,rUI"\llnt, p -llrl'd fO l'uf\)w 111.111111 " e 1111111 IllY II [11:1 10, IIC'I""" IC'UI IIY ••• :" '" I II' t',tlltf'. (w ti 1 Inf.Kaunwblned, alltl tlIOCI'tISl- nl nn g , IIl OIll"lltIJ"l>ut thl'"ky,lJullt l1plhc nr." whh'll Ihllll". \111 1'111111" 11 11 11 I'xultu llt '.1, " .. u.' I. I " .. '" I hlll sptne flo.ttened. He looked wl s \.1 n ud b !,;nn to prcl1lI I'O bNllkrll~t.., 110 hUII,'i. j "I J , tr I II 101, ,,", full7' toward thll glow ot the lire, Th Pllttell tcn1.U1l un ~h ~ hl' no, lind 'gil\' , "'l'llI'l'l"N lit, rlv.'r, ,1 ,'"In;' h e ~II!(] , 1'11 1'\111 '.' 1i.(1 III WI "'11Il/lllI I~ m.n bad not burt blm, aod tbe thn. ·.. h im II chunk of 1ll ~l1 t, ,Jl>un l' UIll' 0.... hI \'01 'I' (1I1111 'In, 1 hll_k ,', " IV ' ,'!i ll Hllt"' ''ll ',',' I' " ,» '.,,1 1'1 1111 I'r quarters ot him that WIlS dog wllnted tl f.,w uwmenl s lute r , ICI.\,II1A' tit,! bill. )' CIIIlII' ' "'I'e 0 IW 111111 , i'lIit IIII' H10.'1Il !\I""'''I II" I: .. \ ' It \'1 1,1 : ' , to follow_ " O~l l'(!Jl lu lhe t l' Ut .. She TIl U n Il ntHl to ;I'rl'i".'· ' h ll t,ol. ·, I, clhrUltot"t,d w ltl l! I ~ Ql'BY W nlt ellmo bilek, Ilnd s l ood kl s~e,l rlf'lTC , IIIltI tlwn droppe d II ',\'11 1"1110'1 ' n th ll'k Cllllllil of ~Jlrtl C:(' h o r l'1l ,1. \' . \ 1' 11 I H. 111 '1) . .th itIft1y plll ntOO toreleet at hi s I!I'h'. on Iwr kn t·,,/! 11('Rld(' 1(IIZllI l, (lud tulkl'd [lll~ IIi' tho 1" 111. 11 1111 lh.'n "" !(1I 11 gUlh· 1'111111 [.; II , I I 11, " I- ' oll 10 811. bad n ovill' belln thIs nent to 1111111 to h im nllllol't uS h I' IlIld IIl'lInl Iwl' 11I11t: el'l ll..!;- li rt·""I"lI, JIIlIU hl'I\I"11 1.1111_ As Th~ /: ' em I\IIS(I,"" (onro •. IlIgh liP on MOUII I San Gabriele Wall consill, I P t \\t](' k before, except when tho pock hflcl o \'Cr to th o ""h~' . "'10"11 shu JUlnp,,<1 III' 10 swill 11>; lh.,y hUl l hllll 'd l'UITI,'Il 11(1'1 crcli almu I impr cg<l3l>le II l1 lil . th I t31i3 11 ar my o n 'the h OIlEo front capture' '. , ,.. 'C! $ 1till taken tbe .le,1ge out on tho ploln. Sh , hel l) Io ~r fl~1I1er. 1\:,,7.u n fnll llwI ',l I"'r, N,I.'II :L '11[1\1<'1' IIr llU 'a l IIlId tllll"t", l il a few da,, ' ago, T ho f"3 1 ill ca iII I-: this rri ' l' \\,' 5 the result of one of th, I' IUld when Joun ~ ,,\V 1,lm >illln.ll n ~ IIrlll. hl'I'u ll .., .1111111 ' \'I'll t 111 111 til l' I 'li t IlIHI c:ouId 110t ,u n I r stllnd. Elvery Instin ct mo I r~rn a rk,,"lc mill. ,ory 1I1(1\', '1\I ,' lIt 5 ( Ihe Ell r<>pcan war. The jtalians madr that wa., In Ler wllrnOO her tllDt h I! Iy IIpon hIs )e~8 fillo !(II\ O Il 'ry ll r 1l!'I1)lp"d ('"hll us h,. 1 (I ll li p!, Ihl(,k 1"'1 1 the ir way III) tl, r 11111' 1i1;li", \11,1;1"'\\,11 1.0 Ihe AUHnan an d Ih en ac tually ente reci J l'r,/I, 1,,, (, 1.111 I I:')' rer lll we. the mo, t d lln,li~u8 ot all things, p! eIl8uro_ of 1':1I1i1\1II \lUll 'h ~, \\'"upl'ill~ lt ~r~ .. lt t he ("nrc, s, : 1'1 '(' lllCll1 rc 51,n"" Ihe wat':r su pply al the fOri , with Italian "more' to be t eared tban the 8b'QllgeSt . 11!rei~~ It WitS n ~trnoge j()lIrn()y 1I1IIt Itl'f(n n lind Ih (' l.lnl,y \II' ('I"HI' lu III<' ::kl lll!! lind su ldiers clI "'ri,./: Ih n,ugh nile of III hl,les nmde by " Shl'1I, A 1l11ll1bu of G'- ',I.' I, fit .\ lfol l)tl,', ,., J f" priso nc r ano]:1 slI ll l,ly \.I f IV , r m:ll criuls were takcn when Ihe fort fell to the • -beubJ, tho storJDIiI. the 1I00ds. e III lind lo to the north that lI ny, l' I!'I're n n,lls' h I: 111,.'1,. 'l'() III ~),t ~he- hlld nn worll r y ,w' r," " ,. II 1.1 ,,)\11 , .hip ; .' ,,'~ ~tarv.tlon. And Yilt tltls lUon hnd DOt 80 11 el1ll'lIell tho 1'! II.'1IljO "r eVlJrYLh lllg fiJI' J_nY-lln . And l ' l('rru ",,,. glnd lllal Hau r v C :, ' , ' : 11111 : t ';f.II \ r t" t-\ '1' 11 , IiamiOO h er mllte. She s nllred , nt )(11hn t th e Ilmt, I.Jl0nklil$, I110d nod- till! sll" WIl S ton lIrf'(1 1(1 s It " chltl., 110" Um tOtl.Ed ,ll J. ~ . ( I' Ich u, f"O:' f lo IIBI1'S beek aDlt head, where tile nt ltfu rry nest fo r h llhy ,Too n, T h on he lI nr- Illa l tAlk. A nd yctr ~ t' k ; I \, ,' '. h II, I<' "I I, T h oll ' l> tened baod ha6 touched, Then ah o e p.1l ltlmMlf In the trllCCS Hnrt ,l"u z"n's ul ()rt Ol'CS Srt\\' l'l e l'r(> sln r t , 011 . n, \\' I;, I', .1 " ' II K lll ol r , trott~ back Into the dnrkne~s II.gnJn" drauged th ' ~I ,d "e ove r tIl ,· GUOW. 11" !'IIlJII.·l1ly. Do ro~ f"om 1110 $,,"t un F lnn l"", ; ( , , ... ~"'I 1:t1·1' , 8 ,, (o. , r n '"l w ll rlt ill Hum!1 rnll t nwI/s h i p •.or beyond the edg~ of the forcst Bhe ' I Guessed T hat Much." " ed In ce sn ut()' " , u " ~ cough U", ,lc. I~1.' lin d Wllot to Ule t('ot. Be lihJ II; (.I, I'. 1 1,, 10'\-, \1 ' ~HI(\; ,1" lIn S-Ia ll ; Uh ln IJ"IlI~ ' .t ll1 t" , 1<1\1'1)1,, " once IDOre I18W mo,1.n g Ufe, h enrd n sl rntl~ " ulIllI cry ' from til "It's n cllugh l'vr bud 11 It th ' 1"10- dr~w h uck th t) OIlP nnd thl'ust 10 l!l~ HllTlli oL!, l ', 11) " ; Jot In '\ \II l3lw,' '' ''. to r lI Udlltlt' ~II 13; Am"r,,' &, "' ll rI'"!'; , til 1. lItH1 ", .. ~IO ; ;, i W " I/ tor 11!l>I Or ,. / The Dl,BO WIlS retur-Dlng, ood ",I til turr~ hunlH' II ~b' I dg thllt I)rougb t tc r ," li ed t 'l rre, ('al'E-ful tJlllt J on n ~llW lwtl ,l tlU,l S\)O lll llcrs, . \'7,~ y n (\ i 'llh i ' I n. tJ , >4t\} f1 Ill. bu r lnl o t \\' 1\ 11 11111 II" " , 1'\1 Ii'll) him W1llI the girl. Her voIce WAS soft hl~ h 0(\ IIp with n Jett;. n o S ign of ·bl ood II hIs Ilp ~ or b~llr<l, " A~I ('('[l, J01l11?" llc !lsked, t' el i~ .In,' I'"-C .. r loll Mil.. r Ello " - - -i F un t.:ral Dj r ~,o r ,ad.weet, and tlIere Wll8 abol\t ber the J oun BUW tlw U10I'I'III C!lt, arid h eord "rlJ k eep In the cobin lor a week wh~n " _\ImnR t, fnUle r. Won't you plcnse F I" , 1'1 11fllr.1 lIel'j! I' , Fr:l o kllU ~th a.od sw~tne88 or ~'otillln, The tIll) .III \\" 1H181V'1rlng whluu)cr In hIli we get h OUle." eOllll'-l'O-on 1" I, W ay n esvi lle tO IVUShIP; 1·1, lry I."' cli pr, l' liIJord Ohio DIilo .tood prepnred,D\lt not threat\lo, tilr(lot. h turnerl QulCk ly to t tl Ev(:u ,RnzlllI, ",lUI tlillt tr(l u e hrnHt "AII"I' 1 smok ," b e snJll, " Ate you 6r lln~, E, H . Il l fll hprl.!p r, A, I. B"ok P rov" ~ a Lif e-Silver. Injr. I b Ulld le, Inll;lllg !lnd c olng to It OR he k nolvl (Igc· whi ch IIIU II , UIIII!,)) t'l ('.'_ cotlJ(or tuh lc7" , "i lc!o, '1 ~lIrr' I'II'~ ; \Vl\li ll m ~ I 'lI rk . , M IlI'I, ' 1'\\'11111'>' "'I'IIt, I lI n o~ ntA , :~ ftretul, JOlin," he warp d. took It tu b r UI'In, , unu Olen SilO plllln , Cl\lIs In sUllet, kn ew tllut wh flt It . ., Yus. ['Ill 0 tlre,I-lIml-8Ieepy~' \Vlllilllll II d1 'r ll , l,i,'II; W, E. AbrOlld" "'.,c~ F:I \·C', I II IIf,.- l1c '(11'1 111111 ·-g ('I' IIIWSbe dropped on her, knees In tha Pull od- Iln '~ I,h ' heul'skt n s o tllll t KII ~lln 8/l.ld Wil E! n ot Ille t ruth, Pcr\U)Jls It PIerre longhed softly. Tn ti l" d orll' O ' Ne!tll , "'11111 11. 1 :'1 r"d ll h , I " VIR to tlte " ' M Il or II )!I'U 1('(111 h URhuncl ano", Ju.t out ot reach. conld lice, Ill' bnd n ver ,'I'n Il bqby wos Inr.(Oly beeou. e hl', hua h CIlj'tl Ill h\'r l'I<1SS he w a s grIpp ing nt .hl s th~Ollt, ' AIIlh F. (I"I" II1~11 1 . Fl1 rll 'Q' , ,\ !lVIlI' ; ·' .. lIn ,s ,n, Vl c l " r I1'h l"'l T" 111 11 I', 'I" I"~ Iii "II.' of his 11' 1· "Come, boy~wel" she s aii] gently. b 'fon', [1I1(j Jnlu,l heW It ou t 1,) fo re ~en cough lIk o thl~, fw d UtIIt rur w: u"We're ollllost h Ollll?, J nlO ll, 'l'hnt Is W "r lp~' . b: I '\"; ,I n. 'r\l~ n, D W , HllrscwDrawn Equ ipmclll ter ~ 1I [l!1Cll tllI g Iii I l:lrl1l'l'" M l1j1:l1zllll'. , 811, held out her bllnd. Kll%8n'S mu.~. hIm, /<Q tllM II 'ou lll to)n); Rlrnlg hL ot arlltions h is '1('II UI'OOg llu('est(lrs hili I OU[' rl\'lJr out UIOI'o-th o Ll itlo n Cll ver, I:lnlU[l ! p''' ~' 'I'n rll , (II ' ('11 ; I!: l l i~ d. twitched. He moved n Incb,- It nml " Q\' whnt n wonu erflll rNltUro 'jt hea rd n llm cough ' n~ nll.II ~8C>U cIHII~IJ vll If ]' M O\lld r Ull II W II Y nml ICI1\, o ,1' 0 11 to- ~ rll l b, lilll' ltl" ; I·l u r n · , IrtH' ll. tlllll - li e !<ultl " hi , ,'\f" 11",.1 ht'l lI f,' t il Ill'" two lDehea toward b er. There, ,~os the wn ~. 11 little pInk £rIC" In llred at I\d- -nlHl llnd 1 ' IItHell \ JHtt fllll"w.:d II, n,ll: bt yon could fo il w It rIgh t to our r '7 I 'om.!! n, Z. O. '\' 1111,'), . ",,,I [ 11 hu rl III th .. ( ' II Io-lIe l) l in'. ;11111 Iny tllt'lI: 1 11 (' '1 1 \\'11 h 0\ ",1111 " It ,ll;: It.h', lUll ''\' 11 1' l ' I': I. Er HONE !lAY 0 11 NIGH'} , old U,ht ~ her eyes nnd, fnClo now, tbe fly at lul:wlI. lis tiny jJ~ ..s rl'flcbed ~ , 'caoLII, Il'Q ollly lorty miles, D o you 1"l w ,I:.'1n \-l. 11Inll cr l ll~ AI 'l'hl\ ,I' I, III hoI' mi m i III II " _ and centlene88 ho hll" lmOI'- onAe I l ore thun nile hll llnd ~('i>lltell <lelltlt h "llr ?" . au •• ~ .. " Y ~ out. uu . It 11IIIde q U I\~r II10t' OImds ot I t " 'd hi "I • <!ll f' \'rnl IIIUIU (I,', n ll,l "(', wllh I h(, II"" . W"- "hen anotherwo-no '~Ith slUn. hI t n poes...... cn nJ(, \\I .. ell 11f' Il hll not "rc8-I ltnOw--" 1 __"'''' " m. 111-111 1I,'u 1!Ulhll!l1IY It IIIckcd li nd entc' r 11, lind UlIII'~ Hlnu 011('., III~ hud ' Rcar !;lIr"le Trnn fort. t I" !< h.' III 1'1'1' Illi hllll)', hl \ pnll 1 _ balr.lld e,.. had colD'e lnto h~' life. 8Crf'UIll Ud Wltll ~I ~"ght II n<.llllullh d, At Ihllffcll ut thll iQyt! llIry <If IICllfb t loll 1 "}"Il l'ty m ll l's",;,,&\rnlght 110\f0 th e I \I illI' .':1 IIi 1,' Il,' )' ' 1'\\'1111\ *()o/IHI I", ahe "~I'\'d aB ~w JIIm thOli O~Jl~11S R',lzIIP'S wbo lll bCllly ro- \\' n IIlIt flu lt,' \11'1.>, ' I,t, !Jill \i'I\r~:Iu , 1 rh' II1'. lIn could /I't lo,e YllllrslllC, J onn , C, W I rei ICl1ir"l d , I ,It rnHh tIl11:1'I'IIIII:II," 111\11 ('d. 1'1'.. 1 Ill-IIIlI 11 1111 l " Il"I~ 1I mo".. and elIo bent a UttJe. reached a Imtl,ll. Illl d ,,"- d)'ugl:... il hlllls It b,l the liS 1\' bud 'Iu"bt ot II dl tllnqe 11)' I\ll~ you'd h ll\'C to be co,roful (If nlt'- 4 I " t~ 1'1 }i Iln lql'1l, l. ' h 'l'l1I/111 1111(\ hl tll tllI~' 11 '1,.1 l\'llh,' l u· nUl" ~or "I'lth be~ hand, and ot lost glrl/II f e"l. 8ubtlil \\'Ilrntn,. . o, f s tol'm oud 111 Ilr(', h ol(l in lJle Ice." Mm.\ I ' oil1' I to I, 1'11'\' O. (,'orool l, nOl'cots AIII'111I11" ." til 'Ie' hlll tle'lIllul, Mno:bed hi, head" " "See, b e 1 1' -" til e ' bllb ' U ,I" slle crl " '''''Qn1t .. ou co to I I f U ~ ,..... . , ' "" " ""'" And that strtl nge thln g aCilnl '1\ td btl , " ',.. J, me le< , n 11'1' r ll ll y' li n \1N III ,\" 1 ' U" ~ I ' '''n~ /l1p, $ l wlt (!U lh y \\,,'I'l' 1)11 Ihl'l l' 11':l,'"IH. Veterlnarv 91.... ~elt; ~eaId' , her: Be woe "M:on ' JlI'rt', ,)VI! !Il1tst give lllm 0 nRlne. ve r y Jl(~111' to 11111\ n O\\-, IUl Jill f(11l01Y'11 YOU'I'1l tl red-o nll nhllo t !;lICk," Chll rl "1I ,1, 1 10:11«. l':l l) E. Btll~lflJ. prMre~ 8Ome~ , and ' KnZllD Whit t . ShIll I It P 1" lit the e nd of 1\1 ' chnJn b!'hI I1C)' Ih ' , "Y(ls-liftor I 8010t<e ." 110 r npcll ted. Graclusl . of 0 1",; -,,.,, ley . II,! III P'rlll,kll ll , I lIDeUe4 ' meat. But It was the lirl's "\Vult til l Illl)rnln g ror t)1Ilt," renlled alo(ll:c, It mali Illru r ' tless l (Ulll hul f • J <IIfID, w lll you k ev r ll llllndl nG' me 1.0t :, C', ( ' ,II .... I~I , " ~~I e'bl no , hl t ' ~ that; mnde hIm tremBle ond th o fotll!.'r, "It I.e Itll ,Jo nu, 00 Into II d ozcu lJDll'S. wheo the tiled!;t ruOI'fOIV or tIl e 1I1rhoh' ? J 1lI1!tht t orT urks and Ca lcos 1 ~lnn d3, IIIJ.... a.od when , b e drew bock, ur~ng the ,t'ot, ,Iod sl e~ll, \Ve ,hn" n t) dug~ stOP!) d , h 1I1Jrlld at tlIe bll <If luI. g t, You CllD IlI WllyS {('II UI Ill, f or 10 ' Ollih LI,I""luo, $ HO{', 'l'lIrlts mid IIk,,~ 1 ~lrln.l , rUI'I" Il OI'FIOE: l11 r y \ 1,1 " I ' "l!. n'Il\·' P 1n l M 111m tn 'oUow her, he dt:ngg d biUl St'lt no\\!. u oll wlll trt1\' 1 slowly. So we tllRnlty bltrlel1 In tb beur sklll, Eo ell thllllnow onil th(t cruBt over tlllUU ure 11"IJ(, lId('u'y lIllIl er 1111' g"\','rnllll'nl of Go r ll Uf M,L in anti 'I1 ill ;1''' ~Il, II toot or !wI> through tile must 8tnrt enrJy," . time thut b e <lid thi s J oan W8 qlllC'lt- wbi ter t hnn on the r URl of llle I ,1I!i(1 r e 'd \l~1 t,· 1'1 n 'H I'll . I \J ' >' u III P, , I. l c'll, bu t I:c.)grJll'hll'1I11y 1111'1 ntc T I J~. Not until then dId the itrl s ee WUh he r Iitlo d 00 _tIle 100l·lInp, Jo.a n Iy o t III s id. !lOci Iwlce sh . {Iltttel l I III I n Sflou ge. W lIl y ou relUembel~ "III .. w ·,n·1rI~ r" ( I' rl j" o Ju ok ,IIQnu " 111l"lIon 01 th e lIoh:III"'~, fir ;, hlc'b l' ephol' 2 ~I)II , III1X lI el'''' ill H ~T I 'II t il ' o ~ tll~ ~~ed leg, In no lostnnt" e bud tyrncd, his sCllrrc.d Q.lld ~17.ZI Cd 11 ,ltd un til til nlrho/es-" thl'Y r ll'llll1ll' t\\'o Sillllh i'tI~II' r ll ~r(lll l'~' i W " ·'1 ::Ino. ' 'I' h ' I'll IIrc upwnrds (If U HIll :d l' r'l a llu~ n Jill caution, 1I0d wus down ",He 9t\lJle ,wIth tho wol <les," sh e snid. e\,ery drop of blood I n 111~ bod~' I Il IICII "IYCll'S; s -n , Ohlu a ) n e sv , ~ • .etc. at his tilde. . "Let Ill! CIlU hIm' '\Volf." , Ith oDe Ilrm riotously ~\'.th 1'1 j oy wbJ ch his h,IIl)' r lerr e dropped Ul e t ent·flap Itnd re.1 , ~, ("'II r~(1TI to tJ C. Illl vill!l n \\'!l h lUI firrll or 1url ~' lLl llrl' lulll'. , hili : ."He ~',t wallt," she cried, I\. 81\Ilil 0 ahn wna hOldlu g tbe li ttl e JOIlIl, The did oat reveaL turM (I to tll " fire, 1:10 'st.llgg(!l'od U S 02 11 r"~ ,, \ ' I ) !Ilt fi,e ld 'nwn~hiJ'l , $ ~ • nly clj!ht lire 111111111\1 1'11. TIlt! "\1ll1n. ~_~-.~~·!a~! ~~~....-+~~~_",!! ,tramble.1n ber VoIce, "I,pok\ mon .pere I otber IIh e !ltl'etched out to Kllzan. ThIs d oy thlj chl<Jt 't hin!; ihnt li o "lill tVufketl. ' , . . ' hil l Is ubQu t 8,O\lO, nr Whl)lIl un ly :;1)(1 IS _' ls a terrIble cut.' 'We must em'rY "Wolf I \Vnltl " s be colled s6tUy, , cOllie to un!1erstnnd '!I'O" thntt1 i IItUo "Oood nl g-llt, b oy," b e snld, "Ouess OOlr \ I S~ l on cr ' s Pr occcdlnjts Ill" whlt'ca. The mo, I h nplH' l ll ll t In · ~" . _ K01.nn·s " yes were 00 h er, Be knew crelltme on the 61 dll!) wl\s " el',\, pre- ~'<1 I)etter gO In w ith '~he kld ~, Two 11Uiill'Y ls lhe sn it l~ n " ln j(, I •. ~t PrI ll " , ~ npljJil:s ro r ~ur,voyor ~.' ~ H A \, :\ \" ~---,,--2.:.::{C'!l! ,,,#.,q:.;;...,.,,;, , "I 111. . . . that mUch,,,f rePlled Rod- t1!nt !lh a wfls spea)clng t9 him. 1U?t,! he c1 0us to the gfJ-1 wh'o s l rnk d h la bell,1 d ill,S Ulor e-forty 1lI11e!l--two dOylj-" , '--~ - ~== '~ ~ur that reJlB01l I brougb thQ drew hlrl\f!elf a foot ·toward her" and tolJ,,1K! to him, fl n d n lnt It \\'1\$ VOl')' [~Zllll \m tch ecl hllll fl s be- enter ed ,t,o,I \) ; U; ',frtlh 'c oot l' ' P IlOU) 'Iei. 'l dil <>r I' ooJ t r en sa rer 'b~ Mon DIeD. listeo to th·nt I" "HI! knO\\1'S it ulrelldy r" sbe crI ed, helpless. ' He lenr n, I). t oo, th l\t JoilLl till' t ent. B e luJd lil a welgllt ngnllun Vlj rt ipirlll'1,.t1 I~' I,,,,'rtin~ (It.,.,i''' I'rom th!l dArknesa ot the forest ''Good nl ght,'1;lon pere," "'n8 mo t d el\lIl1t1it1, I1 l1d t h at h f)t v I<' ~ the end ot Ill. chnln un til th e collnr ~r. ; Bri el' H. \\l nrt oy r lId ,vork In Lyin g Dewn to Smoke. /fin in I-I ' IIII!I Bldu \S ~II'\ I)~ T1lo Pillngnnillns II\' <Io\\' n \\'hl1(' til. . C!aDle a 10" 'wailing cry. , . Iror 0 long lim ritle.r sbo hnd gooe WIlB Bofte f nnd t ll1'l1! 11 h im nlnl'': shut ol'l' b ls ",Iml. HIs legs nnd bock O'u l'I ll ( " 'II' ~ It , p iii 4 :~ ;; ; H. E Culll'r , Kuian Ilfted hi, h~1l and a vern- into the t ent . old PIerro lladluon slit deeply, hen lie p nld ot1 cn(Jon 10 Umt tw ltclled . In thnt lent wh !'re Rndl ss() u smqkln~, sW!lllfJwhl <l :tn, I r Illlilln '"'!:~~~=~========== SOUle ot Ih e 8/11o kl', ,,-Jl il~ Ill p EskllllOR bflq ..blne _enid In hI. throut. It on the edge ot tbo sledge, ·tncln~ lIie little, warm, U'ing tlrhig UI th e hellr' htul gOM \\fcr J oan und Ille hnllY. I-Ie ".. Gray Wolt' eaWnr to him. fire. ~illl Kltznn at lila feet. Snddenly sWo. ' Itn l)\\, thn t P lc l'rc wou ld no t hurt them, mix wood "'lIh l h" tol' aceo III mUla' It , It _ I a mlrade that Pierre Rndls- the sllen co wnR ' hl'oken .agnin hy GrllY : For II long time nlte t h!!y malle hut b o lroew , III n, ilio t with Plerr ely, lie rll, ~r 'l hI " h enri, l'hlyerlng, Inst longer . A ....asl) n ror Ihl. IS fhnt I th"y rnuRt IleJl"1I 11 ul'lln w lllll ~ rH fo r IOD lIIIould pnt'the bla:nJcct aboat Ka- 'WOlf'1I lonely howl dee(l kl the forest. cnmp )?1!U'.r:e Rudis on Nut b ' Id e Iho HfUll s.'lo u sOUl 'thl ng t c rrlbl o lind Inl,Toun (':\111,· 'JU I. \\'Il h btw b eo\'II~' ' 1IBI1, Ind corry 111m In to 'tho co,m\:!, . Kaznn lilted hl s l1eri6 Ilnd, whined. Ih'o. T onight he did not /<I.\),ikc ilu p elldlllg Willi hovcl'lnt;; v('ry n ' nr to m lll'I'(I"I ,wel rm)l .Tolill ~(·, itt ered t he th eir IIIIPPty of it,bllr o. I tl A ",\'~Rl ll l u wt&boat ICI'IItcli: or bite, It W08 tbls "She's oiling for. you, My," so ld stored 5t~nlgllt hilo tlto 1111J'l\'~. , ',\Vhrll' Illom,. II \\'11111 ' \1· t ilt' Ullin OUIH hle-- n, lI t~ IHld ('llllrl'l' l\ tic 1,,, ,,'here tile lire smllklll /1 Is cllIll5h1erf!<I, h 1110118 ~I'I IIIC, " "'cle that he aclUev~. wIth JOO/1'S PIerre llOll r s lundlng1y. ',. lit Inst b,e ro' 0 to gil hllo th l) l<'ll ' IIJI tile tl rl~\I'11 ro hl! ~nulll' . lie still, h llll \Jeon . Tborp WU1j 1-10t 0 ~pllrk 'I . t , 0ntnlll llg ern 'Inl p" Il' tl tl ... ~. ~--'_ _ a.rid emh8lm~r, arm rt8tiDg on Kuao i • •haggy neck /aa He cou gb ed. nnd (llu~cbed a ' hn~tl to I\'w i, th o g irl fln(1 til!) huh)', hi b ent Ull(! wlllulllll1l] , *8 ~.d one end of tl!e blan!tet. 'They hIs brenst, Wh ere tho paIn r end· ov~r Kn 7.lln u Qd e.'tl\lu l uud h lft hlll't _ 10 tll O t<'Ilt Ihorc wna sll once, Waynesvilie. Ohio. laid ~ d9WJ,i dolO to thellre, ond art, Ing blm. ' ' , ,. " You' "c 'ot to work III t hl' tl'UCC~ to. cr ~o bl \)1 01/ln h ' fol'c cnw!) GrllY Dally Thought. er a ' Uttll; I~ WIll tbe JUnn agaIn ,who " Fros t·bHt ,o lu tig," h jl , nld, /lp enl,- mor row, b oy ...· h e aul d. "W., mu ~l ,1VCII{S cr)', Eueh nl "Jlt s he "'liS co llTlIo mOl111 CO llrtl g~ Ih :ll w ill fll '" , lII'o'gJht WBrm water nod wBshed awny ' Ing s trltlg ht nt K IlWU, "(lo t It cUl'lr In mnk e 0\ rln!r by tOInOl'ro\V ni gh t. If lo g I\rll ~r, Illlli c()lIlln g clnsCl' to tll e . obloqu y In n /!n(}!l n.isc I N U n/1l h !% hf'!' Au 0 Or H OT ~ tlr llWTl ~~rvi ce. tile, bloocJ tram the torn leg, and then the w lnt r. up lit F ond lIu LIIC. Rope w dtln't-" 'amI}· H .. wau l d he r vC! r y n eu r to ror r d f t , Ihn n th e' hod lly ,' alt,r Ih nt ~. No I!x~ra ch n rge f o r Ilut() ~Hvice , put _eth1Dg OD It that waa sort and ~~~~\ get h omc;-ln tJme--wlth tbe B e illit n ot t1 nl~h, H e '1V1l6 h oking bll~ t lOIl I"Ut, h ut hI' Ill el not even whine will ("o.lfl'ol1 l cll'nth In It IlIlll ODe.R th ph nn c-s in Olli t'c an o! Reflidence; ,warm and 8OCltb1D11', and !lnlllly boun!! hn k ono of thos e teo.rl ng c 01ll,1h s wh eo In rCBp esc. lIe dnred n t brenk thnt Nil, r,1 , Oh otO cld, • doth about It. _ In til e ' Ion un ciss nnd eUlJ')Un SS ot th " t n t-III1I,)' d1'oJll, nd lJ e hlnit him, Kfl- $tr:!l~il s ll cnc In the tt:'lIt. He. lay " All thIs wos suange and new to 'K a- tlle bIg norOwl'II wl!!.1 rn l! onc .foils l';UJl luy- st itt nn (i Illart, his eyes fill 1I 8 ~Ul f r /I. long ti me, t ired nnd IUnll ~ , PIerre's ban«!,. al well 08 tbe In to the h nbiL of ttllklng to 00 "s I'i 'Lf, wUh u s Lrnn ge n lU:l llt~, ' Ire" (li d not fT\ll1 l trw duy's j Ourn('y, !Jut 8.1 Ilpl ess. "rl", ItrokOO hI. head. It WIIS the .JUon But Knin n',s he Rd WUB nl rt. Hnd his Ilk to "CIl Illldl 8911- ente~ the teot, T l w fir b urn lld 10wllr; th c wIn d In the ServIceable Inrant, _0 broilght bl.m q gr,uel ot melll a?d c)' 8 wa tchfu l sn PI r~ s pol, ttl hlll~ ttll' stfl' ng ' r t luill eY 'r Uicre 1111l\g thllt tl'1'U t If'lt; dIed "'-way ; and th o th ick, " ~!n tnll, " cl'l '(\ 11 0, "U I;.~ IllId 1 lire '-!laDow, and urgOO hilI) to eat; while "\Ve'l'\) fI t to' g i: tJlCUI h(lIlI C, tln a n(l(lrw~ h'u ru~' Ic ry III tho n lr' UINut /! IIr cl ouds roll ed II\(e II maB-'llv cur- , gU II medfa lt. ylll g hou~ IlIl ll wont \llll, tOt' n :.roan ..t wttb her eh\n 1» her two tlllire'8 on ly you und me to do Lt," h e him, lind It s t!e lD d to b , 0 vart o f fllln ' f rom \m(J~r t h e ~I, I~~, 'J)h o stllrB, hy, but the boys hove got 111m {,)r 0 A 11 ~I!...J Dr. !£!looD'S Mal!k OlobW' ~L looldntr at tbe. dog, nn!1jalklq~ so Ill. twl 'til)/; bll! bellnl. .~II\1dcnI1· he rl l'I'C, ' 1I1't.;lItl_ to glow Will t n nl1 ll'lela ltlc, tllld hUI\(]llg." ' ~~~~~~;~~;;~~ .-,-. ;;~~c~1e~n~c1:1~et~1~1 ; 11 ~ . fl ;;'; Q ~~~~' ~ ,,!,,~~~ Three UlDtlS UlIlt 'n Ight II !lentil fl"I,1n fnr i n Ute norlh ('IlIU ' fuln ll y u ~ ___ _ _ __ Eu!tlliul (Irny W olf C111I11I/l' fll~ h Im ' rl SJl l ng, mO llulng sound , like s ~eel " .. .... ') ' de p In the. forc.:st, ond e nl' h tl mo' Ue s lc lo;h runners runnIng ' over fros ly i i 'n g~( 0 . oos werca h [" T ownl',1 dnll'lI 8110 snow- Ille mysterious monotone of the CIU IlC In c lose to 'Ilm l'. Ou e(: h I: c.uIght n orl lloJ'n llg l1 t8. A rt'r tlmt It g rew Lit Sl' u t o f h r wllcn slle 'I r el ed 8t~udllY n nd swIftly co lcIr, . .......... ........ ' ~ .' . ' H V , {. • ." Ill'tlllnll In the wind. Jlnt! he . tuu!: ,(1 11M T UlIlght Omy W Ie did oot eOtnIlll 'S whilled ot th e e nel of bls cllUlo, ho[log h er~ If lly the 11l r etl on (If tlle wind. LOST thllt ~h e would COlli III lIod \lu dOW n ot Shl: follo wed 11 1;0 I\. so nlcl ug shallow hla s Hl e, But u o sno nor fI nd nll(lIsaon o\' r t b e trull PI rfe R n dlssoo , hnd GlJ.ARA.NTEED to h e.a ! wltboIlUea'vIng II bl ' Inlsll, Ot ¥ONEY REFUN:QED: moycll In t he tun t lhnll GrllY \Vol e woe 11m He, and, wh\!n K uzau her 60c IUId $l.OO SIZes for fresh wounds, gooe, '1'll e .tYJ lllf t;> illc' \VUS tlllollc r, ngu ln l long after mldlli ght. he lay wIth p t OK Il:T BUOK-oll til l! W IIHlP _ bldliorc/!,8ol'&Qlloks , and shouldeq burna nod ,bl /l eyes w~r l' tid l' OIlS morn - hl ~ hend urect, nnd HI liody, rlgld,6l1.vO , Tl ,II' r OQO , b lIl C~ , . ) 111 11 11/111 11 nod brUISes. 2op.size for Family ,Ue. log, IDs COUi;l1 Wll~ IlO t so lou d - I' IJ rQr ·o eal'lous t~v\tchlng o( hl /l muscles. monl J " It ll it IJ 11\. illl llllilNI\ I,II· I t!, " DR: ,COX'S ·PAlHLESS, BLJS1'ER .rendlng. It "'" 6 1ll<1l II w h eze. n lr, ~hl)l'e wos a new ooto In Gray ~ol!'.ti ,1I'loder plullso lila VI' 11 ~ 1b is (Jill 1>, IS plllul ~~B I\Ild gUllrllnteea to oore He Was Very" Quiet.' something h od given woy Insltlc, 1111(1 y(lJ.~e. /I. wll lllug DQte In Wblch thero Spll\i n, llingbOllC, Curb Sweeny Splint before the girl CiHU e ollt h e oi"u tched Willi mora tllUn thc mote-call. It woa 10 returning to tile teot she mopped Puffs t or ony enlargcm'e nt of bODe 0; hls boods often to 'hIs Ulront. .rou u's 'rhO l.resl!I1ge , Ana nt tho snund of It lor n I1HlIII PI1~ bt'Sldll Kazan, and potu1UBcle, or money refunded, Prioe fiOc, taco whlteoe d w ltoo ah e snw him, :rco.l~O n ~olle from out ot his silence ted hIs '~ huggy lIeuel, toR .$ALI 8Y au. O i l " " WANTED Anxiety gave wuy to 1 Ut In he r cylJB. antI Ills t eur. Ilnd with his h euU .turned "PQor W If I" sll e su ld, "I wlsb , I Pierre RadIsson Inllgb lld wlt 'n 6110 , sb:n lgh t up ~ th e 81(y he Il owled os nuog hill' arms o\Jout hlw. Ilnd co ug hed I he ",lid dQG's ot the No rth howl be- lind j,1 "~ 11 ~'O U one of Ole beurskins I" ~he thr 'W l)uck the tent-floP ' ond to provo tlInt whllt Ue s o.ld wus t rue . · fore till) tepees at lUDSl ~8 )vho ON loN oV ~l r 30 ,~ IlI ~ rM , 1,1'\ -" " IH') 1." _ entered, For Ule tlrst t me she saw "You 8110 the cougll Is not : so b lld, newly dend. , 1) «(100 IUld \'\'0l-1: h I' til e 1111 \' n,I"'1 11er futh r's fn ce In Dlo IIght-and outmy Joan," bo snlq. "It Is brellWng u)'l, r 'l erro Rudlsson W[lll doud, s ide, Knzun ·llelll'd , i.he terrible mono- t1J !)')Brd wi~b nor I'ulfl ii y . . U')'Jd You ClUInot hn.v\l1'orgo t~en. mil c1JcJ:l e ? Ing ,cry that 111'01; ' 1\'001 her Ilps, No prllll osition fl)r gooO m 'I,), Al\l]r(h ~ CHAPTER IX, It ' olwl\Ys l eaves ooe" rl!a; 0Y<!Il onl,l ono COUld bov 1001{1ld ut P Ierro Rodls- Wu l' nr L Hn"l,HIT, WU,Y[1(1 vIII I', Ii, Rely, on 'your owri j2 weak." . !'. • :' jUdII'm eat, .. to 800'S fuce onCOo'-nnd opt llo'vo under- D, 4Out of the Blizzard, patlorl\', b \I t : ..... 'It' wo's 1\ cola, blenlc. dnpk itny thn r . , I ~ \vos auwn wbc~ the 'bubY ,snugglOO , stooll, , m.&ll>er durablllt, folloW 4\lI, and througb It' Kozl1n ond , After that one agonizIng cr,v Joan I• .the IDo.1 IIDJIOI' the mnil tugged lit '; lIe fore ot, tbl) ciolle to JoOO'.8 '~Il1Ul breast and .th;m l> h ll r~ c lf upon her {Iltber 's breast, taul feature. , IIwlllli ned ber with lts, crt ot hunger • With JOOl1 tollowln'g 10 U1Q MONEY LOANED sobl)lng HO softly tftot even KozQn's ' Kazan' s wouna uq I Qogbr Situ opened her oyes, br.u'shed 'bock t he , sbarp COl'S b eard so sound. Sbe retllll:k' hnlr from lIer !lce, nod coulil .see He 11'11 ILed stEi~t1D Y 't ittl a ll mained t\lcre 10 hIll' g l'I!!! lintil every hill splendid strength" npd _ tho mllp w bere tile shn"owy torm of h er tuth er vi tnt en() I'II'Y (If W'I nmnhood ood mothWO'I lylns lit the oUler stae ot the teut. nllver Ill8hctl hIm once, but Plitti'd 111m H e \VM very quIet. no(l, fi;be was erhoOd in I le~ gll'lI '11 ' bQdY was rousOO lJI t11e aame .tamped n with bls mltteued ~\ODd 00 hona. nnd -plelll thn t he wos still sleeping. She t<;l oetl on by h wn lllnjo! cry <;If boby the bAd. or I""on., forlui beak. The d/lll Il'rcw stcn(lIJy (hlrl'c ~, kr~~>tvedthnt J 01\11. ~h (!Il s h,! SpI'ull g to her teet antI rUII"",lenin, plocs the do)' b efore be boa beon III till Yer plat" DC p"..... Ilnl l run out I hrough tho tont Qpenlnr. very n enl" to exhaustion, and eo .for quaUt)l, haU nn hour lon ger eJto luy <i,ul!lt, l~n7.on tuggoo ot tile eod of his chBtn ,.$ill1". PIIW cooing softly to the baby Joan. <Then to Jlloot ' lIer, put she IlIlW noUung at _ """ W,;rn· " , aros,e cllutloD$I" tucked the baby 'hIm \lOW. The terror of the wI1dorn~ FOJ~ SA.LE Wld .... t~~ud. for .1101" worm blllnlleta lind turl!, pnt 00 Is gl!Cllter thun that I)f doa~ and In It olt"!",,,lu Ibe . . ., , , beaVler rannents, and, went ou~ an Instll/lt It h lld fullen 'lIJljln;r~ It aqul~\eclal..... J WIIS not bllell'Use Jlt tear tQr heraeJf. It 1014 b~ I "adl •• 4~al ... en.,..l1_ ·Jllilno 10 gllorl this time It Wall broad day, and WIIS the bnby. The wailing crt. from tnw,. 1I1" t II " lI ncl BeDd rot' Ca~ , one IU IIv~rl' p " ~tt O lti U r. For breathOO '1{ tIIrh of rellef when abe ~e tout )'I1~I'Ced her Uke knlfe-thru.ts. "o.L" ill...,. ... iIIl , dcoaIjIIeO that tho ~torm hlld pU8ed. It wp '--xnd then. aU Rt once.)bcre C!lUDe to- Infc rnltltll)o 0,,11 II~ tit " (h ~ ~ Ue offiClt'. j\l cold. It aeemed to her th'a ' . ber whllt old PIerre bad Iald the DllIlt c'. ''-':" n~4)r kbown it to be 10 cold before-hIs \vordl uont the rl..... ·the life. The Ire com- alrholell, thl! home m1J..










Germans at Top of Mount San G<tbri~le






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MAF ,".'IT

Funeral Dil'Pctor - ,


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Olassificd A d s ..,.

National Army Men In Crlrn-r. UtJ','or!c'

DR. COX·S Barbed Wire



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..--~_----;;;-----~..--------....~. QUESTiONS AND ANS\VERS

fAblE! Corresponden ts . in the

COl pS

N~ i gh b (]lrh ood








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WELLMAN _ _ ••





Are you Are you Are you Are you Are you

go inJl going ltoing going going

to lo to to to

build a Housa? } buil t! ' llutn1 build a Garage'! buHri H ([og Pen? build a' Poultry HaIlS!'?

See Mad'den

un d Y01~ M:rs. Ida MannoI': no ll dua ghtnr. ," If von I Ethel, spen t tholr Cb'ls tmll 9 VO,Oft f;, t', lt'l\,,~d 10 YOI LI by' th e corre' • b ' uy ti(.o wl!h tur . E O. Mnn 'D n' '"" od f h' - , n Ii \ UJ It',, V von a L O'}" ~" Q, lltll l 1111 er l lese Items.o t IS Ic"ef)' luIDg beoa'ose ~lI e merohllDtH f ... mily. Do You \Vanl Tobacco Do,,~' ......... , . . .. • . . . . . , • . . . , .. .... . . .. Bee Mado.en H,,\ ". ~l , ee l. I you are oot.6 coo- ~ CRnn o~. furnl b H ; but We lir e Mr. "nd Mr8 . A. B. TII'hllage lind Do You Wan ~ ComoaU ..... .. .. ... ....... . .. . .... . . , . . • , . . ..... .. ~ Maddln I ,,'" [.j' " I It .bu t l1' t o 111", Cn2e~te, make des- l'"t,rlotlc. t10 make uJ? your mind 80n,- Lee, a od Mr. Rnd Mrs. Glnn n ,,,, 101" I'.. ~I, ,.! I ~, • l' t:" iHlS to l)eglO at once. [ that v onr 1917 h "t ,Ia J';I8t In styl e Ollovla 111'111 " The Birth of a Nulton Do You Wan t Lime or PlaOler? , ... . .. .. .. . •.. , . .. " ........ see MaddeD ' f h lt" , ~ ollu. !'I !'t L,I ' flJ r ftc . " h r !"' ldJ ttl ,1:"',10' " . " ,;, '" t , , ~. . \. ·t:~I'\!LlI ,Ily l1Iake thIS reques t III Itnd I,ullt IRBt yellr s 9mt 18 plent 10 Wijming'on Hat,urdllY oveDlng. \\ 1 1 1, 1 11.,•. 111, ~ . j ' r "" ,.fop .,11 . Do ~ ou Want Any Kind u( I.u lll ber! , . " . . , .. .....• . . , . ... . , .Se. Madden I h. "," ,, " " '".'" I I )~half . r Lhe wort II)' E diLor, who I;:nod -'b ~ wbole thing Is be sMlsfied Y r . and Mrs Geo , ' Ollvlll h .. d IlS 0 " """+1( 1 Ot li ll " J'~ 01 ... III t: : t ,I lIl.) 1"1 'tI\\' . ' " I : I' I "I', I' . , II ' .t hLS IIl creused , my s;l,lalY beginoiug wit,h your lo t, IIDcl f rll1 will W,1u r their l(uesl.Ii Christmas Oil V, Mr . ,Clt h~' klncl I t IU1',, ' .7. I li t t{1\lI 11,1 Do You Want S hingles? . . , .. . . . . .. ... , ... _ . .. _ .. See Madden " ' ! 11 I, I f , unlllll)' I. l \1 i ti. Vall can have a litH'S in l' 1Jt1r crown. ond Mrs, J08e ph Davis and f,f.lnily, fJJ&f :t"l P " "h': . 1 1 I !-o t' lI t~ 1\l 1 JIl 1 ·!n ,1 11'1) ' ,,' III" \ I. il in III noy d ifferen t plat'es, as ic Mr. ond Mrs. B"l'ry flhidnke r nnd of B .. rveysbur".M r , and Mrs. Ernest \h/ l h., I JI I" 1£ '(IIf'llUhlPt :nt ll Itl ~ I" 11,10· 01 I 'j' , " ,I : ""-ph'.' I Do You Want Felt Roofing? . . .. ..... . . . . .•... .. See Madden ,V ," ~" " . \ " ,,1 . I I~ well sli pplied wi th news diatri bu- two ohlld!" 0. Besll ia and W'lyue, Mllnnoa tind fomily, Mr , alld Mrs , f.:(lV t: 1\ /I,t l (11"" "111 " 1 t llJII :!ll1 , ,, r,,' H I _ I " t, ,.t ,.,o ", r.,.\. ' ,.\ II ,.. , It , . , ~ X ' I! lor,; if you wish your nllme in the lind Mrs , 'hilt Hut'vey were Ubrist. Ulann Davh. and son, Mrs. I da Ma nv ~tI "ta[ hl1J 1d ,,',',1 1 :' Do. You Wnnt Fence Posts? . . .. . . . ... . . See Madden III (1 , lIu'" I 1\ wi llt. 1,.l.1 I" ' lit 'II , . paper giv '" the n ews gatherer a t ip moa gllP81 ~ of Mr. Ilnd Mrs.Erlmk nf)D, Mi8S E thol Mannon, Mr. J1I 8. ,III ,,, " "II I",d' roo" ", . '" It "If :I ,.r :1110.1 they will do t he rest . L. tlhtdak£'r. Cloa ver a Dd Mr. ao!). M~s. Gao. Bo. :00 You . Wan t Farm Gates? . ... ....... . S~e Madden rut .lllt'" " I Ct ' rIJ , n d;- t w ',, - I1 ,1\.1 Mrs Ber n Cu rr tell Saturday gtiD. tfl \'. er . l' U\' '1 IlJt ' fll 'n" ,\1 lf l ·t1~ll' night .. nd bro ke ber: arm We lI f) pe Mr. ann Mrs . F. A . Rartsook on. HOW'S THIS Do You Wa nl a \ eranc1a? ... . .. , ., . ... See Madden i'(iH.I",u nll " <of "'1\\ Id " JMI' lilt! ' ''ok ' ". flll d MI'~ l'll s. W h l> ~. el in · f<)[ bel' 11. peedy r8!IO vel·Y. tertainedln hODor of Ulelr son, Alan, We o tTe r (me IIl1l1un <.I 1I,, 1I ,1I'~ 1(. w",U I I", "\' " r~ I"" ylt 'I" P ilI" 'I': r,' II" UI ,I " tll'l' I',1TI1l of Iho ir n(\q~bbo r8 10 and wlte. to Christmas dinner the (or uny . t ·u~c: l.r l'nlal.h t i, tH cUlutu l bt 1('111 Jlll "" ,)b !lIO \\" 1'11' MeV!! I 11U" tl ",~ 'II'" II thH e VPlJln ..: \If ChriSW"'l.ltt O"Y Mr I\ncl Mrs. JOil W. 'Davia lind f ollowIng auaeta: Mr. and Mrs, Do You curt u hy II h ll '~ (" Iurrh ~ 1 ,' <.Ii~ iIlC . 'l'ho~l> \lr" ~Imr. IV rc' hl'(J obil dro n wl;\re ChrI8~UlIlH vlsi- AIIiD Bllr t llock. Mr , IIDd Mra. W . '1' tl a ll 's Cuturrlt ~ I cuid"c !las IJ~CII luke n 'linlC' " t, Cllfn, lI ' l'I" nllli 1\ Inur lh \\1 11 , 1,1," 111 Want hu ~I .... I ~ lU"l"IJ C"of au,1 our hntohe l. U'.:iIlH [.;,U"'" " 0 .,; _"n ~'\ i.J Ate .. l. tur ... IIf tb Ai l' \lAfe otfl, Mr nDd Mra, Jordan, Mr lin d Mra. 1:>' M. BurneH by cutarrlt suIT.rlrH r.. , II,e IJtlSI Ildl'l )'. '\w rll wb ""t I hll ll (N IJ1 raw \lb ulI· I ' . r<: : . IJ" \' !uy , .ld r II nll J. W. G tI J. W. Da ViS, of n ~lIr WelJUlI! D. aDd sons, Mr, Rnd Mr8. B. C. Barfive V('{H !II , IlIH.J Ih i Ill'l'U IUC klillWII as t h< [)" I~ tI '" ' W() tl't ",hlllfH. Dr. lwd Dr. li n d Mrs ./ Ward Rre veyoDiI oblldren , Mr. J, W , Bar'phl. tl! r IL'.lI , moSI reliaille ~ IIIC" )' fll r t'1I 11t1r h (a'a"h Me di cillc ''' 1 " t lirll Ille Bl o"d 0 " " - - --.'t lno! t '. n. U .. ,,,l u. l l, ~l,.. l\ ~ Hl :\ \r~. fl'. I!n, .~ t~ of \'l r. I~n d M'r e Obos . Bough, s ook, at iss Belen Bartsook. the \l UCO II S SIl ' I JC'· ~ " <!"w l1in ~ I\le I'oisoll 1_ II n'I", ,.11' ' /l I Ml H. V \ - of nu nr W 'ly ne ~ vltlA. Mrs. J e9sle Gllrnllr KenDon reDo :rou .IUI ~ 1.0 borrow a <lIme! No matlilr wlla~ :rOD WIUI •• (rom Ihe Blood "tid hCfl li n~ Ihc di.cuse<.l I !' o l r IIU 1 ~I I I'I . A '. ',u ll ~ tt . ~ Ol eo tit nr oit iz~n p who neocl tu rned to her hom e In Camden, TeDD. W"' I"I 800 ~!ad oJcn Bill Jildd" portions. ,II' nu., , Ir~. ,;, .111, :-h lrl "k tl t: 'HILI fiu lillcllli " ~"16tll llre 1l"IIE1VC' tn t:!C1 fety lifter spendi ng severlll daYB whh Aflrr von l"Ive Ihke n Hull' s C"tclIrh ; i l. hllli M, _. F'r., I! k WI] ,)0. Tho 'I ID'J" thor here. • , r" t II n d fi 1\ d I!:nolI Will \ 11 1' q n.lfter N h~r U .. Medicillc fnr u . " url I iu,,! '1111 wil l seC" If you don't want anythin g at all, SEE MADDEN just the l8UIe, ' ("" .11,,1 WI'" on" r t·n j ·~· mAII!, . • t tbe l! " u ' I ~Y l oHr Ul ltry nnct wend Mi ss ()p lIl 'fhompson Ie ho"Ylo for g~[l t impru ve nlc ill iIlYU lir gellclo !-hc:dth . ~ ll· . W ,ICJU.I)U W"I! I'r t·~, lIt, 91 111 th~ir W IY WIthout IDucb llor snllsioD, h Slurt tnki!.g Hull's Call" rll Me.l icl". '~"ul;n t. ll rillml,!r,' hU ll lI t. 8. uuu 11 @ ort vncc.t!on before ' tllklnl( up a Ilt once and ge t lid u l cullin" . Stn d I tWO lIluoh II Jlpn'C' I"t"ll ~ >Ill, >! • -.9 .. e 'I'h('l Lu ,!les 0 1 he Hed CrO@8 of liovernment position In Wa8hlngtu lima"t.. I- , Irec. «'n,h !"cd by l'h l1~ W h e h 1 II rid Ih l.. VitUlli cltme rVll mllcb pral6e ton O. U, 1" . J. CH ENey & co , 1'.. I.uo, {Jliiu b' rllul< W ilson. At III I i' bon r 'I' ll 'S a t o Imlt,tln!:", lInlppln" tind Mr~ . G eo. Boglln Ilnd 1I0D, Bert, Soid by .. It DnlgglslS,i Cic. B l10 dr r1., rtf th ,IIII1'JI"ls or II( " ' P o f rht)"A III (lijo ut bill 1\1,. IlIl(1 MrH ,I urlug Ihe cold w"" lher, it 1M spent. Thureday and Friday wl\h IUlId. 10 t,lw Unill'll ,' IIl ltlH. Illther!o Whnl el good 11 i~bl With 1,1l tl1 r l)ost b .. \ng dOUA ju~t th ~ ~" lU e Ilt thei r Mra Ulofllo Dl1nlJ near litlver Grove. how tle Dllt ~hi fkln g In. Iohe lellst MI BS Vest-a EI1IIl entertatDed a ulll wl~h"" , unMIt d U1I1 V bll pl no" rl U'lf1 1' r vatlon (luJinK 1\)1 6. ?oil P. Ed R (lSOU j J spcnllio lj tb., Tbey d o i u~ th Ir wor k welt and Dnm ber of friends of Mrs, ,AlaD ~ J!Orgia Belle Mattied I An icqllr. h y IIH' fl'-'pa rl,n""1 I 0 1 wintol' whb her dl\ ugllLer, of D O'iI' to large qu aotltl es, til are c ould bn Hllrt sook to a wisoellaoeoul' flbower YOU,I tllt' Int,· , i.)! SllO WK tlllH n PI' fl xllllO Ir. lV'uvn esvtlle. no more interoet mU lJlfe.ted. nnder on Friday afterno<)n Iy 600,00U Qi:1"" o n V II r" ' tI ~ rc;ohIlUII_ Mr. ood Mrl!. .6.lvl& LudlnRtoo Ii ~ ( sec Ansoll "pont lIevorlll tiny olronms tunoeR, W e bDve sowe 'Ill ,,. 11 prnj I' 01." IUlll "II II r (\u n f Lnc\uy 8 wUh n. r PIII'O DLS II11U fri eDds boys wb o liro kDittin g R"!"e·tters for spon t C hri stmas wtlh tbe Illtter'a dlsn l lnd~ "11lI (1~ t lOA l u r~ ... 8ra U8- dur ing tb .. l·I.l,i~ttnu boJi<iuys tbemaelves, t bey ore receiving ID- ~I~ter. Mrl'. Hollngl'helld and fn,mily ollptllJlo of ru ltivultf'lI . atrnotioofl t rom some of the good nell r Uregonla. MCR A. .1. 'l'b orJle .. od nepbew, Bed Croes ladles. Mrs, F, A. 8 .. rt80ok, Mrs, W. T. Mr, Edwtiru. Ridus weru d tnn er !l OOH of 1I1rt!. Merrlb e w on Uh r! ,''fbI.' .weather for porne tlrue hi S Jotd un nnd M.r . and Mfi. Alao All in the Family. mns [I"y . been very raw nnd (la id, BO muoh 80 Harteoot spont Thursday In WI\. ALL KINDS OF Itlh l-"\\"IIY (II!! you tokc ofT. your MI ~ G' \I Unglosby la IIptnding th at fill wh J had 110wers felt 1\8 If It mlngton , ' hnt to til,tIt p;1I'1? Ytli. (lon' l 1(lJ\I ~r her. tl.l t< h ulldH"1i III h r Uoma IIllo r here W .18 ne08s8ary to ,p rolDot 'helD from • - • Ill) yo u ?' \,'I'll lllc-" '( lilY J ~he oold, Bnd I' aoy I)f ihe mel) folks Mil:\ t"U OIlIl Vllnllorvoort II! at were loole. I1l t'b e oo'id " woe be unto brother tloes, IUIrl this I!I his bll.t.", I'uck. hon' ll nftllf a d JI,.:btfnl vi It in tbe male sex," bnt on :B:rlday nlgbt A h"ppy aDd proaperous "'Ne'w I..lrWl, Ohi o. . of l l1st week it oams to pauln one &0 ever,body exoept WlJlhelm ",r. MIII'I" n 0 , br:l ln unci f UOI lJy of oor well.regolated h t:mes that Bobenzolle~n, New Box Carrier. spent 'hri ~I Il'(1 tI,.y ,~ith ~ I [I!. U8. the wife lind mo ther aU en de" 'he Now Is a good 'Ime to snbloribe A new bonl: Irrlt' r Illuclc Of nexlble born 's mul h "r /l ten tervllI~. E08tor t;! Star Lodge re'urnlng home ror ahe aUami Gazette aD.1 IS' all moterlnl hus 1101'" 'I ~ In Its In ner sltlcs Mr~ . Mury E'in:JIJ Slid ~o n R . C. uhoot 11 o'clook and fouol\ ber hua; Mlu 0111lDoonf' prinolpal of t he ths new. fresh for 'wehe 10DIL lolo II'hl b the CO\"I'N! ,t Q boot!" mllY Gtl rn ll r .. re th e gll8ilH. Of Mr. Bnd bnnd and eon In bed lIooozlnB, aloDg be Inserted una xlclIslon hnnilles. Mn, ~ /lhtt(1. of n;;,' r B ~ ! UlOD~ , Uhlo. In tbe night ber bn. baDd Willi 81gb Bohool epent the holldaye wUh mon'hl. her bro&her in 8'. Loui •. Alre. Jaelle KeononleU on Sa'ur. Uu Frluuy .. nd 81ll u rda, of last ILwllkened by a c,olone OumllJlI np Mr. aDd Mrs, Campbllllare I!peDd. day e.eaiDg for her bome a' Cam. W I' II (I V rybody \Vb hllCtli o/{ ur reo the I!talfs, belnl/: Intllro~'ed, tblnk. Protectf D I\~ k Tops. opivl og co,d wrL\I)h be)ped ouS very Ing the roof .might be blown away . iog s .... aral weeke with their daolrh. d.o, TeIIn. A IlI'l' 'sN I, f',\I'lIh lO u"(j I'I/\""r 1(1 pro l d mnoh .. borrlpd down a'~in aDd .found that ter In DaytoD . Aa,.. t!~lth laad a flDI ver.rllDg lit lll l l~ c'f t1c'fl kS IH Iht· Iuvenlloll ot n the front door was ataDdla, open Mu. Dr . BIlr&iDser C!penl the hoi, 1&Ie, to faU ID a well 8"'II"ay Cu lt fllr lll" " , '\)(\,,1 j ll ullOl". Go.l me out nnd b ~" Rev_ Alfr ed facing the north , aDd the b8l\uttful idaya wltb ber pareDti,in Oolumba•• IIlOrDlq "Dd 4ro"D. , W.1.ll\ll r SundllY mornIng a ' 9.30_ flowers, juet ,ahort ~lme before, Mr, Jam .. UlborD who h"l beeD Dallill • ,Jeftl" and tamil" of Y ou wlll be well p .. icl for yOQ,t $lUi" frozen . The IDllln fI.r~&fId" iD &uUa Carolina for lome elm. 011.1 BnDoh, llpene Spaday w"h The now)y e" 01el1 offioe rs io our bu' were 10 Ilad 'hat tbey were aol olmillo. . for 'Ill llolliia,., , AaroD BIIlt&b and flmlly. . , mllnlollJ~lIty !lnd ·town.htp belDD 'he 1&8& on .. tooome,i n A8"H " .., II. II' . Ter..,. and wife Ittr •. .A.naa WID. I'ia..,. '." wla. reoel~ a tbelr offiolal dotllll Jaonary1 . '!'hs the wla mi•• ot n, otherwi .. " ••• DBNTIST•••· JU8 ~l o.. of Peuoe, eleoted to .erve .,,,•• bela -wo,r.. l;be An' f.lI IOmI tlml"o ,. able to ~ up. BrannoD, O. F. Thomplon and K. IIr "ad lin. Bernie I[til'"oN1I. S, TbomP80D were ttl WaYDu.lIl. beNtonlor Janu!lryl. I, 'he flrlt fio".r wagon oomlna ,bt. WIt, In ar. tla. parn" 01 00 eleored living to low~ tor slver,,1 'be IIprlDg al ,ne wlll !be Inre to make Oentenllle Onr IObool rllumed U8 dotl.. OD all''', dlnab.r, year.. He wl.bew. to eay to ,,\I "aals at ,bh bome , lIond", morDin, afler" week deslroo. of hHI lervlo!'lll 'hat be will IIr. and Mre. DewUt ThOIJ\"OD .. be found on the j b twenty-four. a were holida7 , lDsatl of her pr.r~D'II, o.tiOD . I day "od 'w!1l m Rrr y yon whnl you A, S. AileD and :wife gave 'heir IIr aDd 111". O. W. Anabee . wll it. !. IIr•. t\uth Carey aDd lira nor" "Dnull hoUda, dlnoer ')n SUDday. BARNHART, Our rnTa l mKil oarrler, Mr OhlS. Oyohe,,,,e lpaDdiDg the wlDhr ta TbOiIl prelent were Nra, ADDa 80 vl\n and daughter8. LaoUe. Mir a, Tuekor d"p.orves I(rtl ti' oredi' for hts Oa,.OD Notary PUbllc" , Nlda and lon, Carleton. aud 14118 'rf" mjl ' UI I very flurlog t be l oosell Rev. and MrR. Herabey and fam· O.sle Orr, of t5prlllg Bill, RIlY Ellt8, She Soort Got Back ,[ 1\""" 5 lJII \\Tsnn d bit~e r w!' lIthllr Ily, or MI\sOD, were glleeta of frlende wife anll . !langh'er. Rea. Mra. Idt& All klDda of No"'..,.' Work. "l~ I r ' M"II" Br.g~ · , ellj)o Ad ble ' M r , ann Mrs. Grlul' Leaoh apant here la". week. aDd Dseda .. t!peoIalty. Howe aDd .00. Barry. aud Mrs. Oar Her Strength \'h ' '\lO~" Il\n ner wltb "'ir. Ira Rlob Chris tmas a \ O" yton, 'he goests of Mr O. A OglA8bel owl wi r.. I" peDter, of Barveyaburg. Boward t , I .t l l tl m tl~' , Mr and MIS. Rolla f'hlll ' plI. tbls p\a06 and Air. lind bIlr... k'. A. Fnlkreth', wife Rnd ohlldren, Uodald New C!lstle, Xnd.-uThe measl~o 1 J ,"" Hr ll bllru entertained Clyde PAnCH, of IudlaD!!, "Pfl D' .bo Alp:under and d.ugMer, of Xen,e. nod Franoie, OIarenoe Allen IIond ·Ieft me run ,down, no ap petite, could ,.. . I I "h I not rest at night, and' X took a severe I ... ,.', 1"" " 11 1111 Y d nue r v r 8t. h tld llV!! wHh hte puente, Mr. and left Satnrda y for Orlando, Florida wife. Preston Vaughn, Mrl!. JennIe to spend tbe wiDter, Mrs WorrOIl Peooe. Lieut. J ame.~ O. Taylor, of the 167t' cold which settled on my 1l1ngs, so L m"·']" \ ,K eever and ohlld'ren, Mildred, Wt&lf lO C id 'thl was unable to keep about my ,house· :'P' 11,\1 \oI r" \I nrt. HOllsh were W. W , Wbitaker are preparing I,er and Orvl1 l, Ray Bllrrl@oD and Mr~, ' Ifr(l.noep N u, I. son /tnd daugb. anlry, tallg II , an up .ome 111 work. My doctor 'advised me-to take D " t tl I \"l~" , I 'lllfJduy 0 Dol MOD- tnr were in O.. ytoo M(lnd&y. to le&ve 1I00n for KansBl t o make wife lind Mu Orie BurgtlUe, of when he mar ried Miss Ruby R. Knight Vinol, and six bottles restored my iI",,' Lebanoo MlP. Mettsso i"lettlemeyer , 01 Lel" thell" future home of Bainbri\lge, Ga.; by lelephene re health 80 I do all my housework, in· te8ted ~free V r. ,. nl\ , 1r~ . II It oll m otor ed 10 anoo , is v i9Uing Mr. a nd Mr~. \'1.8. ... .... Qr. J. G. Fndee 19 gradually cently ', .he ~t C,unp Mills, New Yorle c:1uding washing. Vinol is · the best ( '1'''\\ 11', ' ' I , ." 'I u · fu r" vldt WIth Willl (' rson IIrowlnR weaker. . medicine I ever used."- Alice Record. tIJ'1 l\. , I IlI" H ~JI"~ Ktl- t,b .. rl (lli'" Oampnell. and she ... t home with the Rev, Sher~ .437 So. nth , St., New Castle, Ind. Mrs. Calptll," King ia vlsltiDg ,reI". MI8s AllODllh FlUs, or O&yton , A fe.w drops of luveDdor scottered. ' ,perform it Ilie Ce,.!:C.1!10DY: It" We guarantee this wonderful cod 01 ~"/-! II" lit t U n Ntlw Yo rk m il D spent I:l nuduy and Chrlstm88 with tivea in Cbllltoothe" . f the most remarkable romance. liver and iron tonic, Vinol, ~?~ all 1'/" " .l UlI lI lI lil ud ~h t. urd tI Y. he. pllrouts, Mr. and t.lrs. Charle8 The Junior 0l&8s are. prepnlng a through a bookclISO In 11 closed room OIIe 0 weak, run.doWft,· nervous condItions. Our hn " d w.. re merolla D'S &re Fit l8, play to ba liven in the Town BIlIJ will sove n \Ibrllry trom mold In dllmp .;... _ -l J. E. 'J anney, Druggi st, Waynes\lill e hu~y Ulan rlnllv ri ng' stovell dorlna Coo nor Roblnllon , o~ Mltidletown, In 'he Dear I.ture. beneflat for Y, M. \\'eother. I tll fl cxtr ~ me ould wentber. epellt I·h" pft"~ week with his pareDtl. C. A, , Clint AnSOD, wbo h os been in MIs8 l.JnelllL DeartlJ' "pent the If\!' Xelli~ fo r s ~ ver'lr c\IlY I!, ill Ilt home oUb e wllIlk with Mrs Franol. Null I1g in IIn!1 f illnily Dr SbuU'lll ktlr. our Ve!erIDMY • Mr. Bn1 Mrs Roy Miltanb,_rger; SUrl((, OIl , wh r ,.ntl y m o verl here lIt r. Rod Mrs Cllfi'or r\ Earhart nDd Is II Ilinlliog t ho lV h ll! nbUltv In "lIugbtet' were Dayton vi8ttori Silt. hi.. prof c d~i<) n. nrday . 'l'bo A. 1\1. I:l: ol,uroh i ~ boldlng a B'ID ry Lambe~ t spen t the fl~at of A couple Of young mlln (rom 'ht. Ilr"LtROl l')d meeting-uud It! ll,lQOt\l:l 'he week with fIlendls h "re. nelgbborhood werll o.Ued to Lab.' wit-h p nco p ~t! lH i~!:I l nu Deur-th li nd LuollE' Gor IlnOD IIlRt week to 411 ou, Qlles. l'h \"1ll1 .,,1 Ed \\'tl rotl, of K Ilans liolln"lre pa pelS , . l " I,y. H" 11 uf (h,.~ 1'\. F,llwn: r d~ , of uch 8P!l ot Sllt,nrrl .. y I~t ('l& rIl6Ie. Sood"y &l the hospUable hom a of W. 6 . Bil'gfrled sp"nt Tuesd~ylo " (' ,;r ,h,'rl', unorll u li tlsono 9f HO Vt' U r . and Mn fom Laoy aDd family toep Y'''IJP, I~ vlt;lttng till< ftlth (),'. OilY ton Mr~ : Mary Brad8beet ill on the en&er'aiDpd Mw " ana Mra Warren He i. ompl(\yed b~ il powder O"linLlloy, of OaY'oD, 111'. Bam Or'B~Y, of ~ Iok Hilt pltny Mr. nnd Mrs, 'Tom l!'iU. feoe ived Xenia, .Mr. GUl ,' CbenQwedlJ.of Oor. LIH\'son <vbn IS In t be 8\!fvl o ot win, aoa Mr and M~8 . ... ... Oook he G "vtjnHlIsnt 1I~ ' 8 private soli\le r t\ teleg rt\m Monday Bvenlng beariDg !lod d"ullbter. of Edgewood. sod 'n1lW8 of the, death of their t,be IV ~ 'hom II fow dllYs wi th bl, pllr Mr , Ed BeDrleilOD ls .1,ltIDI unlP. I:t ~ \Il,I" lr)uklnlC flne and lIon-lo-law, Mr. 8trflble, of 'J fel.llves tDKeotook, I' th. "me of Oleveland. ' s a lDeli 1,0 b fluj oy hig hlm.elf , '. 'hill wrUlog. The' intel\lgeoOE1 reuobed 118 tbat Mellra. Walter aDd Erneet OaklD Mr. Rnd Mrl! F rana Bnrvey, of near 'Were Oay,on ' vl.ttor. Ohrletmaa 1••. hn,lOn, ba va t be flm&IJ P Ol[ in V"y. tob ,,1r bom., Thll' RIOk 00S8 Is ge'"eetlng WIIS held ilt Middle Buo og t ,(I be quUe common, oharob Saturday aDd Sonday, BundllY.D1oro ln'g WII S tbe clll!les t on · kero~e~e. ilr. an4 ilre. Wallie- A1l8ll re. of the HtI"ilC}o 80 fnr, tbe \ibe,m" m . , ' turDed bome Wed~eaday ' neDln, etel g " " "1!1 ~9 from.10 ,to 18 below , this , ~ear, Mrtl, !'ena" BbtnekllDg, or B~ver. aUer" vleallSnt vJa" ~"h rel,,'lvee 'rho l o~,, ' r," " olll Uo. gol a oar: i6.9 cents per gallon. -~ , . towo , Ipent .the p"st ~aelt witb hsr ", Alpha. ' 'I 10",'1 (lr OOfll ln \!1 rlaRY just tn ttme IIr, and lira. Ern•• ' DalilA "n4 Avemge cpst of kerosene 7.'7 cents , ~r gallon. to randl r Jl:.P,Il"t, fi lII. 118 Willi' "are daQlfbter here, Mn, ()bas. Byan " II .... Walter ' Dalttl! were ,hoppla, eb rt on ' 111'1. '('bll.\' wtll have aD'. and family. ~e Cotta, over 100 pel' ~t ~ ~ k~ Mi~8 Urma "HI" of L'luoillnati, tn LebaDon MODda,. Ih 'r onCi in lIt \l,ny thll,ll. Gasoli;Ile is going up steadi1y.Ket~~ is not. .peo' Xm81 ",Uh her pareDt. bere. II,. Orl.,.l. aDd' IOn 1: • ., .. ,. of O""'lI n tl ~.r-rl!! i~ vlllitiog Mr. 1'ft& Blah Sohool will OpeD nez' .re enj'o ,ing 'h. bollda,.. At present fuel prices ,Tatall engineS, using Mt" . I:J . ~) \ -O)lo;,tt. nt \\',lmlolJtoll, .. I......... bom. of IIIP All" 0.1 n tilllt I·b II ~Ull ·w. and wblle , ,...ednelaa, morning afte, " .aor.. sene. save their-owners about 1.1 cj:nts power I',Obltllo,irel'b; I~ Amplo j A\i 'Ii! , Itn Dshor &t thit MOD of two weeke. per hour. ' 'Operu B ~ u "e . ' .JOhD Wb~ on, wbo lufrered an ".. IIr. \.114 IIIL 01••• OoDaor liDd , Are you running a gasotlrie and 0&1... lir.t~ 'fliited reI.. • d l~ ~ fY .1, 0<0, " ft~t au abaet;too of tao'" of bear' trouble wblle .. ttl Figure what you'd be /lAvin",;if a' f~w d,IYt'. r('tll / ned b owe Friday. wood ,on 'he J')rllOol farm, II reo " ' " at BluIobeehr 911 O.......m .. onlPne. surpriliD.Ir, _1&1l Our me l' hlln ts bave1l0mp)ted ported baUer Juhn Berryhill, WItIO lit .",tlonecJ Ib 0.11 Dakta lajqe4 that laVlnl'to pay for al~ eft)lI'1ne wi t h the 111 \\1 in Involoiol 'het.. v~ Itoo~ aoll forwardlDg ...... the •• Obtlltootbe, .peD& Sanda, bere "'th fdeD4a ill X.... =t:t~ut.b.orl'~er. b, 'be tim.! pte. bl. fatblr 5 _ ..... '.~=~~=: Alfrllll Joaee IDI! Chae Gordon poroh....a' 'of ","l1li boaae ~aI~~te:~r;:;~Kl':~::' quiet f"mU, bollda,. " ' . It


8Di(l1 r nnd luora V6~~etlll)\ep , IIli~ u t u M ... el\ gflt Ude to It ' b v 1 11 ( O.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

UH \

" ",u d, .... l(h . " uulu. We are heA t ,o g ,)Ilrselvee oO'n one.tbtrrlleHB fnel ; ell tlflg lees Ulllllt, brehd, but'!llr

____ ) .~ r • A I _! I' l Y . l ~\' ~ EAR

11I1I, 'l kl ~ Iiltl tfl I ,. ~ , II , " I" '1'" " • .. ' "",, 1 I , , I' .' "~ " ',d, \' '. . ! I .,- I,. ,'" "


i- - -







Building Plans? .. See Madden









To Soldier By 'Phonp




Walter £llancl1... GW&fIlemne, o.

• t


.t.- ..... u ·

1m ,








'1' '.







- - -..

,' Recruits in ~atiJ noZ A rmy Show How . Uncle Sam Will Deal With Kai~er ','Bill"

- - - --

Optometrl8tl Eyes

Lebanon -:- Ohio




.. -----

Ar,eyoU\W~~eJ."riee· fl


. Of a ' Ti~ ·~e?


TITAN engines run Average cost of gasoline"so far Mae.






,I i-.t••






Di~d~nd8With~n the next -ten days "\r wiil pa. to oUT t n

Save your






~. \

. !

,lll<1 .. 1




S ... _



,....:..._ _ _. __-,.-__

A· --Fine Car ot Thrifty Habits

lJ,lV"', t ho ,.. 'I,"" ! o pe rillt6D(1 (ln t 0 I .. 1\, \I £ tllli 1,lIvo r H.ut IV ... l'l' ''' ''t' ~ " ,,:.)1 1"N>lU Il Ltl Bvory

11 0 ~b Il8~(l t(l . n() l l~ tll ~ll ~h tl 811 1''' 1 HI t"btl"11 .. •.•• \;'~ lI lof'of [1l\1upb II.·f'" \htl~tt'li " ' 1\, Y \11lJ,!' " rllC ~ r J O.u., · · 1 Ullt! . '1'" til ' ,-,'ttll,,1 Pr h''' I \1 IlI~ li nd

,1'1,,,,,1 t""l', hllr " '.1 1 111' l)(ntJl j>U I\ \

1) 1'


I l'dlCll!, ·r< . 1 ',n ,Iu. ,.

. Th e Franklin Roadster is "doing its bit'" -to conserve the nationa l supply oT gasoline. Twenty-four miles lo the ga llon is the franklin average. The car that gives two mile:>' of tire service to every mile the average car gives. lO,20a miles per tire is ~b e Franklin na tional record. over a ~ve-year period. The investment value of the Franklin Roadster secures the Franklin owner against the wasle of rapid 'de preciation, t udy the used:car prices for your evidence of (·hi ' . .

ell e f Ot Ol llt



~I gn"( l II :'-t,; 1'1 r y lhn. '+rtm. ~ tHV M', It.",. ,"I Ihe hitler by ~ ,ur 11 ,\. ',,, ,1 'I ' Po CUKl rtn 0 ot tb t. N ,di l,," I 'u r :]K vl u J; Vom ..

w itt " . ,.'J 1\" '4(


'l'ho.n ool uo r of !HI re!! 18 t1D Import •


,I" , lI\f~ , t}<I .-\ n

ave money by


.SpeciAl O'Jcr-S

:,lea bIg bi ll f, r

Will pay the Highes t Market Price. Let us know what"you have to offer. b y mail ~r phone. Wellay long distance phone chargrs .

rm". Ii. Irl 0

~ rt fl t

"S lit


Q"III;, ~ "'I"'''

ri ' -



COnsidering cost of material, paper, and . everytiling ent~rs into the making of ~ ~ale bilL .~

IP_j'\ U t fu(,. ti~d r.u.n ily, o f

r,ltutly .


ll; k. d

d go





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,.cddr,.,tt .... . .. ....... . . ..... ;, .... .~.

Cil1 ••••• , ...... .. . .


s,." ......... 1'.P.L.H7


('l uly 0089 of On r got hUUla for

I'> Illl

Cb.n s t lljbil.


lil] e ~ MpdO( I weB.~ 1t t;{1u f:!rJr ID l<ltle lU. 'r h", L ul(·~

. 1\. ' pl.r€'

i(1. of

of ' 10"

-Th ~ High, 011 (,)01 Wlios 'pI,o asan'lv enterlal ned by tItelr t llaoner Prof. . 1:111[1111\ Onris,m " !tve: - ... '. 'I' thers are (! n1 .", ·.,' WI l it Iitl ".l!a [nil olle odan i 6n'sket & 11 leam ",'11 .1 1"; . but ·tl'OIll II- ~c l l'lI tl ll c -ljolnt - .. or t hIS plllQO d fotl't () pring Valley "" 1" t here Is n o llif! If'IIC,, IIIW e\lo , ' U. eel known und o,· I It '~·~n 'tht' b ~L linc I>f Heidng Sto as Frld ~y '116U1Qg, 36 tl> ill. '" • tllu r ORwes. and 1:l$(n,,()~ i1l111i~ p 'trl Ohio. l,lJ)d R.iv. Rlohard . NE!~b1" of. DeB I he prk 'G !lTf' I,)w, Il.q 1 bouJtht them Mole es, low8~ he i" n a series .of b f\lr~ .hl' IlOSt lwo lltlVanCE's ip tbese r('\'jVd I U\ etlDtlll. at I h . Friends ~oo ds I)Ullt. "Ill it off, liS they a re .ohuroh on ~ no dIIY ' MrB, ~o!a Croof(etlest of All RIvers. . . gof(lg.fllnl, und tht! he:xt wil l Ije very KIDg Uill j~ Ma duoll.lIg \be elDjllDg. ,The cr "Iwdes t l'lnl r lit the wMld, mU~lh l1j lw)'. At theolcl stilI".! : . ,Wrll Noggle' ~o d ' ~Ife" or' Ne, ~' accordmg _~o tho n ,\l!Iyn y fl}l(1 ],):1II'lu A, B. IDE!!) , Mexloc. /1r~· v l ~Hl og r,,!Itt['1fe8 here News •. Is .UIO noml) lilt, w hi c h n O\\'5 ' " ' Winh" h ~II' Qe8o "gone Jor twelve soutltw c8Llll:l:y ,t hrough t:entml :Nevtldn, ::=-:::....:. ..__ ~ _____~ yeot's and hill intl DY fTl 01148 are


.- ...- --


. At one p illel! . the I'h·t'r 00\\'1\' elt;,!!t p!1lt;'s. betweon 1\1;0 polul ll (I\'(I find (\ tllll! nll1ea llMtr t, iI !! 0 111'$(, bl.'lng n ottl! 25 UOl ca, lUll 1 tlltl ',¥' .o nlh tJ I1l U9 und west 41 Un1t.. At (lj fCer on l POftit8 It Is wlthln'15O (I.' t of I~ 'If., tlte curreot flOWing In (1I1P081t dire· tloQs. AD() It ('.u lII! ltR C u ~' by fu,d· loa IlW UV Intu t h e . l c~c l·t. .

nor.·o lie got .o.rr. pIck [luI' her on the b OI" 's !'11l11 tbll IIIte. ·No IlItnl'd hie bllt''' thlln

1 918




11 11 'r UD, nnll I)lti\k willi bo O~n r

hall he he Itenrcl -thtl

__ ....IIIII!I.



qul ol, i~', ,,~.

Ilcocting to ODd her bDdly burt, but In· ateo" tlbe hed .tlp[ted oil Blttt PIne". plactdly UDUIDa\.-"I fou,bt I preCerte<! . to 'jYiaIk," ... IQU~ .

to sel) birD. ughil'l.



1:I01)11d ot bo"!?', bo/)f B' Imd Imew UllIt .bt) MrllO hili! bl'gllll t(l r\lll ftt tlll'

Slubl(!. He

The Trl.Stat'e is ri ~ht. in line with the Food Administration deslte aive the producer the g reatejl t pos ibl'e returns for hl8 product.

Decem~; 3', [917




\.r Itay,- I) large slock com-

ing 'in, ~~ l.c rJ l grades. Som_e in al1 h .' k them over, It vv pa)' F'U.

Bros. Grain

M' A1oeavPle,Oblo,


:,-0••- - -

A Useful Spl'ee'!. . lI ~ r "ll Clontli,' qll c~ fo l" ·hQ,ldlng ·'I'pCr. b()tjl(s r eWln!r la made ",".lIl' {lock01s or n ' !CIJ llO ble size 'I! I two 01' tIIl'(l ' IS 'lIo n screen t hl'l)!! to()t IIlItll-I;I' r tlll1 ble ~~ Unlltllre 01' <lllPIU't\Tlent 1:111"1) for ' \' '(t' (I<llhhlg. W h ti !Ji,t In use I ', . ,'oell l'llll ht: old8d togethell lind ("\\'et( nwn)' 11:\ n erY- I:lIlIAlI IIpnce; ' ''II. tr prl)ttJIy <!Q"E"I'etl In 'cblptz, 1t ':\11 I", opproprlut lY 'used In Illmoet rt l~"'l·tlOII\ ,

. We d e~ 1 dirl'ct . wi t h ou r 2Ii,OOO pafro!'\s. no stat.iolt man 61' buyer taltes a pr fit off tbe cream, wh en he should be dOinlr somethinJ,ruse ful for his ().Ount ry. " • '. ' The stl\tion bUyer dOll't d imy thinp producer CIIn 't dEl himself unly the ~li1 uOl 2c per pou'r;ld f or. his co mmission'.

THE.· ·.~


of the iloll,e.

for, the producer th.ah the

Duyer exacta a toll aroun'! , .









'CO; .

Send us your Dext can, or if you need cans, same. will be sent pre•

PlJd for 30 days trial. '

the M, E.

o1\ul'ol1 OUt.(1r t "j nf' d -tb Ir. tamlites 10 th e . 'o nt'x Fr II )' evenlD~ ",

9He ~u oorJ .

h" ,,-nrl(l. 01 1 hI" lI,rIrI' IIUfIl\j /;r .. II r (\ k(lo,i'n bl' I h ~ ~,,'\ nla h ' nlUII




Th e f'fian<JfI of MI II LleJ" t!!,tn81' IEmcl()'[ flI \ lira. I!urp rl"a: ~ftil1~dl'Y

\\' h lt~ 88 "./111\1')' II: JOO tlJ~i'r 'n l nre' !\CIIII "ro '(I '" 1't rhe r sl


.--------- - -

,vlt b ij l ~ L\loth r . , 'n.lJlfJ"l horo " uD I .Ken t·

nll'IJI! WNIl til e


Would Rathur Walk. Wlten Nellie's tllther ('/llue i(l ott hi



, DUn'll lll l


The GaZette' i~ better eq(tipped t~ print your Sal~ nUts than ever' ,befor~a lot of new types will make your bill look as good the best. , . Ou.r prices. too. are very reasonable, when

With ,.TIFF~NY mWERY . , Xenia Ohio


I l),, 1't U. 'NArd til" o h,, 1' brvHltt.' Ill .

. i f',"


Office M'1d Fill ing Rj)om lO~ oath Dtl troJit :ltlee t



'" .'qulto-that J ~ , "1(1 tI" fl y"- "




lldn ~



l;l pecialist in relievlnf,r 'Eye Strain Ilnd .Improving. D~r~t l ve. Vi8ion by Glosses, .. .

per pound for BU,ltcc Fat brgioolng

I,) ,Illll ..r


tile l&r1;.8.

(St., (/ p•• ...,.ntI • ...,.Ut)


.I.II Qgel;lllll· 1I Ii; j't ,11'\' nt:) ".i liS descrilwt1 aN u~ t l1'(''''

.·B~N FR~NK, ~215 E Fifth St. Dayton, O.

" Clio,

for $1

HRC:J: .



Larks Not Flrst Out.

b(lr v l'stlng 11

Il\r!ter:1f ~ , l'beo, to tll n 11 in', r y f Pq.uu:em .,nt.s are 11 , 1l Ill ) big!) r I' t ,I {0 ~ 0 ,be ~ IIII : Oc 1\.1'\1.1 , Il't h qfl it ruil eQ ter luto ,( Ill , b/,r d'll of nrtld l1 c ~ ng o ro ll~ . , u c .n utu ,\x q,o L ~bQ~"' 1 r", r h


SCientifiC In\'(1 ·Ugntlou. Itns fntu cil the IClrk's reputntlon tor url y rising. ( ho8 bc IC.Ileruoo trote Ulilt til fC nro mnny blr(Js wblCb nrc out Ot- r

ft)"Jl ll r ~ 1\ II~ ( p r 110

.loHi,' ! t1l!nllllot., p r D ~ ~ ' pit', s p on t

o f Man)! V:;I ri l!e,;: ts '1n1:\' jl:,. fl. II'!


r \.Ie fiI ... blE>. From d .. l" Ih'g of Agrionl.

PIQo tl fJ g , tlit ll'g /Uld


---- :--------

Home Phone 3561:

·know" that



HC\V HOl lI g S" Ol'e , Wlt )J .. I n r~e' Oro


\:los Belek r , <! nct Vol, E O'Noull, Chlt\( :

QIlEl 9

'H' J '''1!


t r o ll l'CIr !llnl 10 n t.iltz9 (ubOr . prof. ihbl . ~h ns tiC tb l:I m o ' avera. (l Oll ,n 6 t' l'(l U l r tl~ ' In pr p rlo g f or

lI.e IH .


,.. varytlU tl

, th"t "be farms hb " I- g Illr 0 c r Ull 11t'6 " buve a bat

1»< '


Of"JI u r llU

lI oll~ (\! ' j by tb,\ . ; ( 11 1'0 it I!; 1l('I)IHont



,special \lffer ;


- _'!


~ l'tl'te

:H'utl.lrcdlt of dollars - often

l:fuvln' d !S8(J~ V t!(\ p "r tol~r~ h IJl. 1 1"111 u/for ( ot l\uJe lih. Pu bl ia AU,·tt OD (1n t it f'l tlll 11O ,'IW I.I! Ihe I ~ il O I '\1. ' \lpt s 1" 1'11\. n eltr R~(l ,1 1;. ROh u h I honMs :l mil,' ' ~ i)n t b flf IV,":!, l)p.v\l ,I", 21D11,,_ " II HI of D ,. dd~, 1 m t.le ' Ul b

i ' orn .

I ", 1",/" n. .

l ur l)] 1.1 11gb!, ba In o r t! l~.)(l 10 ' II I1QH1t' WlI " r fl IL woo hl

Houee &. Gar6en wil~-savc y~u ! OU



Os <:.1\11>01', rh o


IlUrn Md !1o IU~ Ilftd G/I~dtl' ·can five it to ;you. licre is our

1 1I 1) 1·~ 1l~ .

H,t, I,.o,d



COjl Su~tlng

ilio . o.n05':""'11lY b~ tQst by onc JI~!e mlitak~ in h ouse ~lll nning. 1!l1.ild·ll!c. r fl1fJ1i ~lling. You ,uted c."I:(ltllt a!l.vlcc, at .~v <! t'Y

dI'l M)'rIOl'nl l'rlJPU l>v; ~ ] 0 'al la, 30 Un'!«, ,:i6 .h "f'C.

j . 1>1


~' ()U'b hl'~ ' Llvl"g Wate r T nk. . f~1l m U Il!>I\"" I II I fII! t<-.if! h g lob V,1t £"I,'h l\11· I he lit Illt nutnhlt' HI'N 'IIII n um " ul 1)1 :111,':. , . f it o f .\ h,:' ,.1 Rl'lf·wnt~rllt' ('11 (1111 - is ti ll' ~" '1111~4 1 I r .p .. r 'II w it :, 1 . IJ H. ~ fJf'ltll III ' /li"I' burrd" wltl l' h. "~ .I\) :I~ I :: 11 II I "o r "lib Ill" t ,) I'" ('I !" n ulll',.: IIml lOhn l e n! '" 1\lhulI,\ II Qr AUt 0;'" 'I i)l' .. lih, '" b r l:u I h'll. I I! III filet n,lthl n ' 111(01'1' ()r 1('.. 1d UI\ \11 " ' \l II/N" III ( , I' ''' 1 IA r g, tl 1I! 8 Ih'lu!> WilIer lllolt . 11 wlll'l! .\\(.. oj' OI'llIJ Ill"" \1 ... II" Cl)001 0 4l0 IJl l<:I'lor Is cO/11 ptlS'Il 1)( . WI,.I1t~ c -IIR th • r u II lilt Ul'\ ~ II III t,e I~g l.'r tJ ~ ,; ndllllrnlly II rrllngl'd 1I1~l 1Itl! pnlp , l il t) i l. . . 1,"1 ' I f '. I II ! It ' I t OILPtt O \ 1\lc.11 Ihey · turm CllIlIllh,l olUolhlng I by t o UI<IU~ ~" !It! . A 1110, tlO,,\ O 111:0 '00. l)er ceut pure, wllter. ttl II pre I'r I I, ,, rut.a .. ~m .. 11 IlIrm , . _ ••- - ~t I L' ~" ;I t IU', ib , I) tl. I ~ rg a fllrlD .. t Ol Uhl (If.,Il , .

Ihome comfortabl e, heslUl ful, . :ond :'.ttructi :n ~idc and out.


li'tlrming 1m

0\ "_='! =====i=::::::!S::;::======i-==¥===5ii==:ii5:$;;



w i ll !:

Waynesville, ~ Ohio


!- ,,,, ,'

If yall have #\ house to build, to al er, or (0 ~lIrnj.l1-a lawn or grOIItt.!S tQ ' l/eep liP-YOU c:J.lI

It i~ cramm ed ",iUl ilic idel\! of skilled in furnitl1 rc, deCorations, a ll parcr, drllP' ,erie!. etc. It hows ) 'OU how to I~" .fit 1),. ofJIer folks' clfPcri· 'Qncc a nd no lY to make your

; of ·l"·j j(rnplJ M ,I)" Oil ~b e h I)! , OfJ ~~~~~~~!!!!!t!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!~~~~ I Thursday , Janul\'ry H), 19 17 (JonlllloDohlg lit. \0 0 '01 oo.k tit"

., ,,, t • II I UII)I ' .b ,. ~ u

The annual meeting bI the 8lo~k· .holders of ~he Wllyne3viI!e N tion a l Bank will ,be held in their Banking Rooms on 'l'uel!day , Janullry . 19J8 between the bo urs. of 1 and 3 o'cl oc~ p, m., for the pUJ:'poa ot lectllllZ seven directorS' for the ell, uing yenr . 2t {t'. 0 lilar ock, ashieJ:'

': _ • • • • • •_ . .__. ._ .__• ___IIIiII________


..1:r.4 o f ~' I ~ UOI!~


b ..k in



Il e" ~!ru t.Ulld

I ll ' UH!"U ~ r·b li' Il' un wh i ll " " ril l''' l" rv "ted JuliuS I ht! Y, If 'j h' I I'\ I! " l " " / I J ttl oj t< t,o~ if lI!'I I t' <l1.Udt IUdn I.. do





U'O ~l ln hHI, l>lit l

I1P~ I.lllldi~ B ) y, tbe who \ .ere wauled (or brel\killg into my home and midI bOll Oil Cjtristmlll! Day. are /lot tht! guil t.y ones . a9 Lhey proved ' them~ell1ei! t be innocent of the charlt~s, I have fou nd another clue to the partieS' which prove.'! the boys are Il .t t h ones wanted, , Fr d!tu ell

FRED .HAWKE;' Waynesville, O.




V f) n [i1gfl~ of t b s m ll I r rUl. I i s g e n . sl u )t y Lrtl ll I b .. l, .. fUlr tlor t!llg41 In

" Illl n \! Iluc·q '\ 11


Tbrift (e fficienc y) is no new cry for the Franklin, It 11as been built for efficiency for 15 years, The same fundamental principlt!s today as at the start- tried and true.

~u t f" clot. lu t l)f,1 11\\1 f thll l urm b OSI )lIlS~ , No t· w tt b!!;uudln~ tlll tb .. t 1l ~1\ bo II Sf\ I(\ or lV . "teo 00 We tid

~wo \>OY6

,Delco" Lighting SYst~m .....

ull~bt" ~nt'tl. ··t·b e


ZI -


Telephone 61-2

ml .; lI t:r


!!tlIr t



• 0 ~ ,~


f') l lU tl

n \' '''Hilt n I '" ()1I1' Ob lldrtlll on \Vb lcll I h ~Il ,\."", or t r g ll vcl rn • . m llll~ 11. p ·'nll . "


Ellenora , wife of J ohn Wilson , died at th o Orchard ~prin ga anl torinm. near Day ton. Thur day, Decem· ber 27th. The f uneral VI1$ hald at lhe Caesar's Cr et!k Friends church, aturday .at 11 o'clock. Ed wa rd Bogan lind oth 1'8 officiating . I nterment was made in Cae~lIr ' s Creek cemetery.

- -- ...

II " ,'II ' r lit'\, \. h "'ll ,

t'Ilf\ l r n l au ' V II "I Ilf '

rt1ary E . Williams died at her home near Oregonia Friday morning, . aged 86 years. Tpe funeral was heM MOl1day from the residence. M rs. Murray olliciating. Lnter11lent in Miami cemetery.


S11.11 ' 1 soh or,l c b lldren

ulhcl ntHil . .. , "

I 'R " 111 1 1,.,1




·'.' ar g ov e rn. I t!~ u I... 11\ ~hu


Automobile • • Fire •... •••• Tornado . •... Plate Glass . • • Life Accident, ... . Fidelity Bonds Liv-e Stock


l,r'H U Q1' 1lJ:


. t


to Int{lfllll "

• t th p

Owing to th e scarcity of co 1, lhe re


,WANTfO···50~OOO tBS.


\J I'C'~ "' II .

\I ".



I~ X \h' !lti ll /;l tli

tt1 h t,

sel vice III Sl. Mar y'@ church SU~l)d IIY _


\, .rhd.h .

',r l '.)



will b e no Sund a y·Schoo l or ch ur ch

Sears & Cartwright

~at fl.

w ill

'}~ ,; u r :'.\ V t>,~" MI,,',II . ." ,( I hell r 'iIoHu(ltl.h ·'lI l' 11 . 11 11 U ",f.'1 t \ 1\ I v I h I' U 110 \\' lIr ~'it'\'l n'&:" l'I: Hlltt !Jt, t\ I II ~ I ~ li wr ,trt~ \ tIl' ~ c" l l ll'" " It to ll V r ~ h'.ol ~ lll'erJt11 .ll, .,1 lit tne "tllle. i nfor.

5T. A\ ARY ' CH llRCH




"ll'l a,jvuo c

11'11\1\011 I .... rrh'll t-I"'~

.hi' best

~I'lf .

b lpl npolnt.

I 'J il!, ul l Jm , pOrl· u,,~ I It" 'J' "\t, "!)Kn IS of " lib·

~ :ttJt l



J. U, Cartwright


~ "

lY. ' 1011.

1\1 , E, CH URCH 'unday , chvulllt !f: 15 u m , morning public wr.r hi p II I lQ::\lI R. m At Ihe e enillg !lerviceH nt 7:00 .>,t"luck the choir \V III r ·p(·a t. hy rp(J uC' t tr e tho Chf i ~ tlll D S contatn 'I'here wlil he no praye r moelillg' t h i~ woek.

Ulus t

11,} 1'(111\1 "

l>l( , .,

II" ,

tJlJ>d ~ 11 " h'tl' 11"d .\1 .... 1 l~" 1'1


6 N. Maln-'Dayton .

rll, '

L ~k II r



~ ,y

'I' r 1\01 . 1111{




1I0ni II.,. ,11,,1'_ o f


hoI wattlr . Heat the gllol'hlh~ lIy II ' uilijt ~ } b\llt lo of, it iT} hot WHer . b, Hlg ~lh«'. ful to kpep I e Cttl'k (In' tlw b. tit' ar d thCl g ..sulin .. IlWIt~' ft'ClJo' ftl'e . Place II fl'w dr"lIs of '!Ihl.'r in Ie rJl'iluing cup or ~ 11(\J It phTI,t hllll!

S.fe1f- 5% Dividends"

W, N. Seara



t II;:' . , 118 1"'1 III l'\lII' I ' t b,!! uiltioll til., I I ,'\ ·tI'tll· t ~'"1 III "1',,, .. IlIV. . , ~ lI -lIenl lll

IY i t~)


Oem City Bulldlnc a Loan A


I ~ f)11


dend wilt be a little la1'g r - nn d y u w ill be s urpri8ed to Bee how fast y. Ul' account will grow. -





\) ilih-uH y in ~l Rrlin!4: 1\ ~fj,o IInc IIl'r, engin.· in l ' (I\(1 \YI'lllhrr 'nu)l tiC' 1"dfJ(.,lt licvNI 1J,' .1IIt!" Ihr' r,\lIh \\'Jl1jt m~lI Ill: 11 ' ,1' ll! fi'ilJ tit!' \'1I11:l1 j l, d ( ~ I r;\(liator '

The Itecret'of the ucces Iu) a ccum\l lation money ill in lIaving the small Bums, If you will allow YOUr · dividends to accumulat - each llcceed in j;t divi-



tU" ll.S'

thousand depnfll tOts sonlE! lhing O\ UI' a hundred thousanc;l dollars in cthrid lld . One of the advan~g . of our pa'>s·ho k accuunts Is that if these di vi e nds kre not w ithdra-'Ii n-they .utomatically accumu late and 'cum]) ul'ld - and com· pound interest is a t\'emendouB help in fOl·tune ~ui1ding.

111111 p





Seventieh Year

f American Troops Being Reviewed


'Whole Number 3461

I- -'-------'- -j



Before Staff Officers In ·Cantonments, .~

, I

A waken. dear people. to UnciI' Slim's plea, Heed what he's slIyinil to you and to me; Further his interesl as much as you cnn Help him al<>ng with his War Savings Plan, He's ~rying to. tellch you a lesson ' in Thrift. A mORt tlxcellent us!\et, a won· derful gin, So S8ve YUl,lr coina, put "spend" · on the IJllrI, Let the world know your power; BE AMERICAN James ft . Geren


b ~, II



fili' I I



~i~~iii~~~:~N:~~' ~~~I~rayFl~\~lil t:~~~ '\ RE-PUGHT TROTH AT



When you buy a Thrift Stamp, 0, Lee Fitzpatrick , 8 well·knuwn I ~ ou not only do "your bit," you humorous lectu rer lind phi lCl60p he r, will appear on Wed nesdl.l Y evcning I do "two bits ." Lick a Thrift Stamp and Help the third numlJer of tht! Lyceum as Dr . Dil l. O,ltl' pa Lh 21 S. IJro :,.tl' troun.:e the Kaiser . Course. way, LtllJanoll . Ohi o. I Our country Is at war. This , A fr nen wa ler main made it im· war mUJIt be won. The most es· ,'s Creamery pAy ing f,l l' possible to have school in the new sential thing necessary to win It building on Monday and 'l'uesdayof is money. Everyone can help Butter Fat this week . this week . furnish money. when Thrift Stamps are obtainable for 25 Mr. alld Mrs . Wolt I' 'm ilil W<:I" I Two of our teac hers are tem· cents each. in Lebanon TuesdllY. porarilv incapacilated, Miss Smith [C you want to ake RUre that is recovering from the effects of-li 11 0 Bolshevikl willl'uin the' Na· fall and Mis.q Lil e is co n valesr in~ at Oscar Sm It h WII H }\ bu. I n C~9 d sitOI' lion, buy War Savinge Stamps Chillicothe af ter an attack of tonsili· to Lebanon ;aturday. and urge your neighbor to buy tis and qui n ~ y . , them. '. !vi , Rob! tzcr lit! r,lIJed a M IlJ (> r~' , Tht! ali r>vI' pictUre sh o~ B a regi ment being revie~ed by theirsta1J officers. These troops are being intensively Miss Davis who teaches in the mt'e llng aL Col um IJ u9 fu elldny. l ~mlllo!d. II"1 o~ly hy {\.merll an officers, but by foreIgn nfficers as well, who are over here to more solely Instill overfillw room has resigned because ""!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of po~r health , Let Uij hOlle thai ~ into the Ame rican mmd tl. e idea of actual warfare, and teach them thE' mode of the Germllll idea of tightina-. good fortune ~ill be with Miss D ilvis MrLJ.O . Curl wrigll t nnd children, _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ anil that good health may Boon be were Dav tOn yisitors f.It urdllY. -- --hers again. Mrl!. Raymimd Davi f; has been elected to fIll the vacancy

Dr. Macy wi!, next week .






Le~:~!~s:~lt~lli:!;l~d~~ G~c~~wil~1 O\'cr Sunday. . I







Th(' ~nld"1\ w I rlil1~ an niversary of CONDITION About a year ago fire visited the. _ _ _ _ _ __. I .. I. • ,\1 r ilio i ,.~ . Alit> ' handl,;r. -1621 h f th M ti . te h I' Walc II .f or ~• ..'""r~ d Co n.I JJ;~n \' , L<" ~'. I ~ I 'lU oy , "ill 1;, • . '1~ lJrUl\'d by II ome 0 e ar n SIS re, w Ollie an. In {.o I,lIt' . ri a le, .~nl!,~II! lIclll,a I fl. '. I I"n ill <lill:!' r a I h ... hOl11( ' of t hei r back of the cemetery, and totally de· Miss Eatla Haines was entertained th ~ H Urflol lllz.I\IIlT\ , .. 10 11 ,'"11 , (' ,\ [I"'I! d" r, Furl\' ~C\' ni h stroyed their home. The Martins at a chicken dinner Monday at the (hI S pa per I1!:X\ w~(:k. . '1,,·,,1 ;.1 d 1I. III IflOI~' IIVI;'1I0e, al n')(JII began immediately to rebuild. but home of Dr. and Mrs. J , A. McCoy. " II'I rlO\\ [ .. 11,,1 'l·,1 Ily a "ecII 11 Ii rma for lack ot material and funds ' did Henry King sI' nls v(, T!\l d3~A l a:l \I"n of Ihr wedding' vow~ at 2: 30 In Attending the Wanls of the Mr. and Mrs Frank Zell, Mr . and wel·k with rr;:la tiv t's . and return~u lI ' o'civck ill tli uflernOtln li t lhe not ~et their home completed . They People, Makes lOIJg Service his home belo w Leba non Sa t urday. I"derll l!!' hu rch , Thi r ti th slreet To Relieve SituQtion, But Coal have been living In a sort of a ahed Mrs. J. H. Coleman and Mr. Chas. Cornell were Iluests of Mrs. Mary . In Public Life Comes in Slawly-Wood since the tire, and neighbors and Caskey at dinner Sunday . , a d linlrp avenue. Mr. an d Mrs. J OB Evnns alld son, .N., IIl jr'!"~(tr \\'i ll offici a te at the reo Is Ucing Burned friends hearing of their dilemma. - - -... - -Wi lbu r. attended th E' fUll eral of hl!'h:ln.>t III lI!o.:i l' trr.lh. th e ceremo tt h M d Mr. Editor: _ Simon p , lJauman lit 'incinnHLi 1p.!1t IIY 1.Jt!1I1~ 1"'llorlD ·(] as was t ht! CUB. __ _ go oget er on ay and went to w k. 11111 1 ill III • Quak er ~uci cty 50 years their home and worked on the house UNI~UE In relinquishi ng the duti es con :1,,0. \'.I1ell tl1(l cOll l racti ng parlie The coal situation in this vicinity al1 day .' nec ted with the ' Board of Public IJledSled· lliernbcl es to each other ill is worse t han it has been for some It is said that one or two more The teachers' nll arrived here ~un- til IW s'mce of the Friends IIdsem · ti me. Coal Director J. O. Cart· days of labor will tinillh the bouse so Service-af,er 16 years of continuous day to take un th ir du ties, u rte r I'll' hkd wrilo\'ht is doing ever.ythinJ In his that the Mjlrtins can live in It with Bervice-t want lo commend lilt> joyiflg two weeks' v8caliofl ut Lhlli!' 1 he l,ri~it\1I1 ceremony WIl8 per. power to belp relieve the sltuaUon, some more degree of comfort than ' , . loyalty and palillnoe of the g'(Iod 1, ,...V .. r.lllhomes, fvrmvtl ,U lIui'V .,V burg, O. Fifteen and it may be that a car of two w.iIJ where they are residing at the Pl'es. I ' people that you afe serving. 1 '011;1 Inttlr. the fil'mily removed to be in by thillast o:f tllis week. ent time. The' past year. for v!lrjou~ reMuns, Mre . R, C. Younce and children K",tsa ··ih' . Whlll'S Mr. Ohantiler , Monday there were several people Those who performed this at't of d IIrrived home l a~t. w ek , nfltl r spenu. ('lIjtIlLt ! in I,or tj~ul t.ure, becoming who had only enough coal to last for kindnl)88 were George Hartsock, South Charleston hel a unique hils been one of the hn rdest we have ing th e h t: l iday~ wilh I'elu lil'f's 11 nih! 'It' 111(, r),nr l r members of the the day, and although a great many Jesse Thomas, Lee Lemmon, Wm. sale last Friday. Hogs sold a~ high ever Iud I:!lnce . ~h e Water WOI" ks allU Norlhern Ohio. ' \h~.l;"l1l'1 Va lll'~' Hurticuit ural societ.y of the farmers alre chopping wood Purks, Jerry Ennis, Howard "Burton, all $5 80 per pounu; butter at $7 per EI ..ctr~c Light Pltmt. hal! been e8 11<: ~(r ,d I', '"rnpfln.v H of the 79th. and bringing it to town, which aile- Chas. Cook, Cliff Bogan, J . O. Whit. pound; a sweater brought $75; Ii tablished Miss Ru th Hartsock relurned tIl q.d,m-r,t Ijf Uhln, lJeiul{ iii the drill viates the suffering to some extent. aker, Dan Surface, J . B Chapman, pumpkin brought $68; carnations The increased Cf) l of c ul and other hor horn e ' Saturday evening. af ler '4UII(II>I" I i,'" I nj .tlll l" linrrison the cold snap of' 'Monday made It Ira Rich. Wm "'rame and Sid Pope. were Bold at ,1 each and milk at $1 supplies, the .scarcity uf lhe ~amtl spenning th e hol iday seasol'l wi th "':C~ dnll ill'I;,lp.r He wa twice doubly harder for those who are out , ThiB act of friendliness will never peT:ea~l~le' waa attended by thous. and the very great difficulty in,gN friend ~ in Dayton . wuund ··1l ahrl IVa in herman's The coal for the power house haa be forgotten by the Martids, asit d rid d t d ting shipments lifter contracts were march (0 the H. 'fwo 80ns , 1\1. E . not yet arrived. 'and consumera of will place them In a position to live IlIl so peap e, an was con uc e ('onsummated, has madA the work Chlillil ler nd , U. A. handler , ar e electric hghts are ' ~laving to depend more comfortably the rest of the by Col. Mead and G~. Wallace, Col. unusUally t.rying. M e~sr8 S. D. Henkle. J . 0 :' Carl- IIOndsC8pc gOld,c ners in KansBs City . upon coal oil entirely The Board winter. Titus and Howard Titus. ~overnor But a long with this unpleasant wright and D. L. Crane atl nd.ed H A grandl<oll is a ran io operator in the ha4 the assural1c~ pf a car load of a _ a Cox wu on hlllldl and auctlon~ oft t!!atur~ h1!8 . ~e8l\ that other one PaMt Mos ter ',. ~ m eeting at Dayton U!I!ted tates vy.-Kans88 City, coal1llSt wee", but for some reuon !' hOI and a .weater, the two brIDle· noted above; nameJ", that hearty Thursday ufternoon. (Mo ) Po t. it failed to show up. 1D1f. C?W8. callies, ~Or!el. iuppilrt of the patrons of both water • __ The schoal! were to have opened WATCH~ ,omH. com In ton Iota, chickens. and Iia-bt. who 80 clleertully Bub· W",tch-wait":'for S. Fred ComMonday, but therle were 'lome water. turkeys, haY.l!tra~ and farm praduce mittedto the increase in the rates of pany, ' .Lebanon, Ohio, Great Reorpipes frozen at the new build ina-. , brought a good price under the ham




- ..

~b~y~ym:::~~;t e~~~~::t ~bl;b ~~did~tA~ite Sda~~S rnU~ex~a[~~~la~~ IfiELD SEEDS_ fOR this paper. . Reiular meeting of the J . O. U . A. M, will be held Fridsy evening at their hall. There will be installation of the new officera at this tim , and all members are ·~arnestly requested to be present .


to Ihe nE'W B(lard and. I empha'Jized am quite sare if · ev~ry, eitizen of the vOlage will always speak a kind word In behalf of thii! Public Inslitution, which, next to your !food schools nnd churchllS, is one of the very best allBets of your community. Your pres· an't Board. compo , d of as firie a type of buslne·s men as cllD ,be fOllnd any here. will. wilhinanother twelve month", I'Go over tlI(',Top" in splen· did style. ' Yours R"tspectfully, J. W. White. -.,.---. - •

Mrs. Mary Griffith, of Calif()rnia, and her dau ghl er, of KanslIs', ILl'\.' guests of Elizahelh CaITol!. Mr. and Mrs Wil bU'r Clark Ilrriv .11 home frllm Omaha, Neb., wilh IIi iI Ron, Everett. wh hll..'l be rI ill wi tt mell.'d esat Ft. Omah . Mr . 01 rk b feeling quite a b it belter 1l0 ~ . 'ul Ibongo be was very tired, the rl;wIJlt of tbe long journ y. . DarO'ains worth while wi ll b .. nounced by . " , anon, ill t his Great Reorganizatiun 'Watc h this paper ' next week fof' dates.

SOUTH, CHARLESTON Wn'r. ThorpI'. of Dayton. s eir· NEW GOVERNMENT culatinlr with fri ends here Th Lln'ORY , and paid the Gazetle office a ph:!fI<',nl v;




When South". Charleston wns launched, under the commiasion·man ager form of a-ovemml'nt, Wedne~· 'day, It was Ih~ smallest villall"in the state to be' governed under this plan . The three "commiasioner8, F C. • Tyler, Charles ·Klssell and W D . Sprague, wei~ elected eome time "They 'toolC office Wedne!lday . and electecl Tyler' chairman <of the com· mlBeion and maJor of the village . Pt'.arl Cheney, a reeident of South CbarlestOn, WAlll selsGted as city marr ager. W L Wentz was ' appointeD ,'City clerk, .and · Stewart Orbison, treasurer ' The marshal and police w\ll be appointed later.




visit. Mr. Thorpe ~ i111 be - 11 away trom Waynesvill e over fl y >' nrs: ana he never fails to c me 1Ic1( hnre and p~y his Ilubscri ptitlll on ,the 3rd

~~~tth~~U~~~1 b~de~otk:I~I:::=J





Tex Corp Waterhouse bpiQng'. tL' 1~b l" R ,Freel Com))Jnv. of Lebanon, the 14.7th Reg U R. I. and hie nl' of the It rg .. tlt mercan tile houses many fri end ", hel'6 117\11 be g illd tCl ill thi~ l!ll UI \.\". have b een making hear of hIS advancement. rl pid UdVIUll'CS rluril1~ \,he. past year . 'h now rflve a fine store room Mr'. J. Snssebt Willard. Publicity WIth aboo t 00 fet;tof Eq>uce, and 'all Director (If ~he .Miami Vall cv .· hau Ihe mod, rtl 4:Ql11p ment l! nee Ilr:f tauqua. ha~ been epgal'{ccI ~ uper !() rnak ll It :;t ~comple.te '3tore It ha~ vise the ' Ilciverlising dtlP,artm(lD of rn.creuiled It capItal stock from the S Fred (;nmpany Lebanon Big $~O , UO to 1 ~ilO,OOO, and the board of StOi''c', .some big thi~ ~. are 'g;oi ~1( t o (111' ct~lr , with Solol11o,n .fr~d . at Its bappen, and Mr. Willard will he glad h ' ad , III end 10 .mllke, ' .tbls Yellr the to' greet his many Waynesville and bU,rtller'i !U: of I I ~ extstence: .. Chautauqua friendR wh en lhey visit rb I$ecreti of the store hes iQ tbe b facl th ~lL they are '" not afraid of e anon. pril.t , r Ill onk, a nd Mr. Fred , realizee th a t lhtl ne\>. ~p8 per3 is the 'only me_ _ Get your Sale Bilis pr \htell tIl diun1 t h r,() ugh which to adverti98. An~ tbiA st')r'e utilizes inche8 of adthe Miami Gazett~ o~ce. vertising e I!ry yell r, and the man-~-ag ment d 'c1u PI1_S it pay!!. _ _ _ .. _ a





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,", II,P YOIII" "a ~ ~ L netoll nmpllh:. 'l'h illIHI'S II t rurl h helVe In fl,'C h'e til 11111 ('1I1'1l1 or U1!' king. The objecfatmoo III I.- to I!IlClIre a gru er choice of n:Hnc (or-tmrenta ond to avoid the t1l1tllll \I repetit ion of 'o dozeD or IJO. III1IUt'1l. J.. ailUtlIlDC 18 IIIl!\Ied ,under ro1al DUtllorlt7 I. GIle of


UIIiIr.I~~- 0enIIJD .~




Tho Swedish' Almanotc.


Army Y. M. C, A, an e w~ole sale netted a tine amou.nt for theBe purp0H8 . Cash was paid for ev~rytblng. and 80me of th~ articles w'e re sold two and three 'times each. • •

MATERIALS USED fOR fiGHTING MEN ~ Raw materials of m ny kinds are needed for the ,equipment of United States troops, Jute , silk , fur and linen, all tind their way in to the uni · form of an infantryman. in addition to wool and cotton which are and a

ty n the fiding

found in the and ' Linen enters the equipment 8t in only one article the shelter tent. Jute is used in breechQII, coat and over~oal; fur in the lervlce hat. MU88B1 pearl,' ivory nu t and bone form the buttons on different artioles of the uniform , Aluminum is ust!d in the' bayonet' scabbard, canteen . cup, knife IlIld meat can [n the slicker are nine and a half ounces of rubber. " Horsehide and leather, wood, iron, steel. bronze. brass, zinc. 'cQPper, tin, and lead are used in various artlcles_._ _ _ a -


The ·WS)"It'l:!\' iIlE:l Nil lillnal Bank held'ita onnuRI elec:tioll ruesc! ay af. terDOOII, and the old b( ard (If lHree. ton were fa elected. The b1lnk is in flDe. healthy cundltlon. nnrl under ~~;=~Of the .i.~


OD European Battlefield

15'1 \0 cer~ train ing Hcho(,1 a t I..;eon Sp ri 11 ~1'''


A fine shipmerltot Red CrollS work

the last shipment being mad. De· cember 20th, Bnd ShOWB that the work is ltaadily growiolr. It is our earn Bit endeavor to keep up the high slandard of our worli: Ilnd this can only be done by the co· operation of all the worken. Our work has a high rank in the county and we mUlt take pride In keeping it so. . The Red CroBB haa a standard for every garment and this muat be ad· hered to, else ellerythinQ' would be made In ft hap ·hazard way and much of the work would be unfit !for use. The Red Croy il a military oryaniza, tion and we are under milltaryordera 88 truly as the ,mm in the service. We may think o.u r 'own w~ best, but it Is "oura not to reaSon why."

F E AND C U mAil these thingll were 'Bold for the f~~r: w~ !r~o:'kc!i~~o.f~hou~:~~ benefit of the Red Cross and the may not always understand it. It a

on that account. There la enoullh coal h t tb t hi·· I I hthOouU~esghOtt:. e;~~. a~out : :aO,n th: I~ia Th Fi P i t r __ I N ' " f e ve, 0 n.£NO;a o. - 0 •- • The F~rmef I Educat:!j:>nal and Co· • operative Union ot America held The office ot' Hon, 9. D. Fess, • their second ' IlIlnual New Year's nlember of COnllrl'S.~ . Washington. D • IUln ~u nces t he annual,distribution watch party at George A. Brown's ' ·ve P' ~h I f n IV and rore field seeds from the home, near t h e Fi OInt, c o? 1)"1 nrl m"l t, The seventh Ohio dis· House. There were nl!1r I. !I III tliel, iN all'l tted the follOWing numnumber prl!!lent. It was U!IU uf ,the uer of [lItck:Il{e:l of the seed this year. -largest attend~~ enterprises the ~(I f.OIIl·, p,ol ln <l pac kages of Kansas Fliers and balloonists, although Local .haa had since th.ey have baen .\ 1\ I I~ . ~ subject to the selectiv6'service law, organIzed two years ago last Decem. 70 \: '01 P'lll' " puc~ ages of Drab· may enlist as heretofore upon pass. ber. hil I I t ( I ' I) fl~ imr the examination at the nearest It was eUll'gestB!l that t~e men, of , !I)(l (IV'. l1"uo<I pack a~es of Soy· aviation examining board . Non fly· thel.,ocal entertain the ladles. wblch ,j<';,ll l .\\ iI~\l1i 5. ing officers under 31 years of age are had a far more meanmg than the ",()OVI' ·p,)ulld packages of Sudan l!(It now being (lccepted, exc.;pt a men sUJ)posed. The men ~ot to · grill'''. ' . t1 iml ted number of graduates of gether anrl appoll?ted a commltte~ to oll r r~pr(:~ ntallve w.anttl t~e ecogni2:ed engineering colleges or arrange all detaIls for the commg l1am o~ farm~r~ wi 0 WIll be tn · others who can qualify as expert en event.. , Oyster ~oup. frankfurter te rtJ!I~d !II t~8lmg aile or mor~ of Ifineers. Aerial observers are not sandWIches and 'plc,~les were h <':lI' eta l . iU p. !leed will be maIl ed now being accepbed . Mother Sheets satd she not 0 1l ~ from the department's wa re· " have missed seeing the committee hu uso di rect ;y to the farmer fret: of • -. making and serving the oyster soup ~ hllrge. and will be accompanied by for halt of her life and after she had cirCU lar g iving full instructions r eo Fighting For Humanity partaken of some of the supper she ~a rdi ng th cul ture of the crop furpaid she never felt any finer in her niRherl . . ~ life. The committee was compolled of Gee A. Brown, Walter W. Kruer and John Sheets: _ _ _... _ •

HAVE INCREASED . Corporal Geo. J . Walerhouselta GAPITAl .S10CK 'w ritten to relatives that he Illi r ceived' an appoint m tlnt to I·Hi ·


Headquarters-Hlgb Standard of W9rk Will Be Adhered To By Local People

SALE fOR was ~ent to Chapter Headquarters. aL Franklin on Monday. The boxes contained 106 hospital shirts, 2'1 sweaters, 42 pairs .of BOCks aDd 16 BEN'EfIT REO CROSS pairs of wristlets. Thi8 repreeentl a little more than two week. work.


io; they have Dliid these increased rates. month after month, and the v"ry kilJdly a.nd very pat.ient spirit shown when we have failed to supply them with lights, and Mr. Editor, tois pllrt of the program williineor wlt.h UI in tblt mllmoril!!l of the past year long after the farm er has been forgotten. These splendid nualities I have


Arthur Thomas, SOli ' of James Thomas, of Ferry, is the ~r8t lad to come before the Juvenile '.Court of Greene County. He was brought before Judge ' J. C. Mar!!hall last week, charged with being incorrlgible, drinking ,whiskey, smoking cill' arettes, chewing tobacco and guilty of all· around CUll8edn81111 ' Th~ charge was 'brought by hi8 ·lIt~pmother,· and atter an hour's delit>eration the jury decided he waa not euilty. . Arthur is the son of Jamee Tho~aa who k"aps . a a-roce!y at Ferry, in S~Karcreek to.wnshlP, . rUM .. 88W mill and thr8lhmg machine 10 seatlOn. His stepmother, Mrs. Maud M. Thomas, filed' the affidavit against ttw lad' while shewaseeparated from hi. father, pendinJ asulUol' divorce wldch linea the wltne118was ltend abe diamlliled. produc8d a On family

whlclllbe aid ahe bad taileD





The new school board was sworn In Monday afternoon, after the old board had met and disposed. ,of all unfinished business'for the past year. The new Board 8wom in are Fred Hartsock. Charles Smith and Lindley Mendenhall. The old board holalng are Wilbur Clark and JOB, , the ' new board' had taken ' the tollowine officers were Fred Hartsoe k , presid entj

Clark, vice ·p~esident. and

• frame ih the Thomu home, clerk. . . whlcb' abowed 'Arthur to be U a general discueaion' in ·re. old. She eaid that he wu to levera! lmpol'~t . mattere when he kePt awa, from concemlnar l:I:\e school '~e board ~. IDUuen'C8 ot. brother, but that journeil. wu unable to do anlt1liq w[~ - -..,..- . " - • ...."'ID ...~ ....... wU ·eml~or'~ Attol'lHlJ


2arment I! not right, let UI Dot say. "it is Slood , enough" but rather, "nothing is too good for our boll 'over there,' and . we will make it right." A well madegarmeDt II not only more sia-htly and more 8Omtort. able but will far outlut one poor~ d N f us are Infallible. an m!1 e, 0!le 0 . ' mllltakes WIll occur; when theyrecti. do, let us willingly and cheerfully ry tbem, rememberinlr that we are ' doing it, not for those who charge of the work, but for "our boys" who are risking their all for us. How small and trifiinll our pet. ty annoyances seem, compared with what they are passing thrOugh. Let us get the "larger vision;" theD we forget self and remember only the great causl! for wblch. we are workina-- the caus~ ot humanity. Carrie 'W . Alltln. Chairman~ Hospital Su pplies Oom. ' • - •


NEW COUNCIL WAS SWORN IN The council met at the council ,chamber Monday evening, and a(. tended to the business of ~Ieanlnj{ the slate for 1917, after which the new mayor and all of the council- , men, except Frank Zell, were sworn in . ' The new personnel of our city

a!~j~~~~~ua:cf~::sM. ~~W:ra~~":

.George H.. wke, W. N , Seal'll ' Eimer RolIers, Dr J. A. McCoy, and Frank Zell; clerk. R E. Davia. Mr. Zell haa expresaed a wil\in~. to resign as councilman, but it thoughl he will take the oath of office"before thl! next meeting. He made a good. coUfu:i1mllll .and took'a great deal ot interest ih the council during hili past year of service. ' . .' , The memberll of the ,Water and ' ' Service Board, Me&IIni W. H. Fred HartsOck and B. U . . Kelly took the oath .. adqtlnlsterecl by Mayor Joy, Monday , evlmlq. · The 'board will n;teet ~nd 'orpnlu Tbul'lldBY evenlni of ~UI week. '. E . V. Barnhart reaia'ned .. clerk, of the,water aDd Ihfb~ boat:d and bli 8UCcetlllOr will ~rODebly tie aarned -·te·b "IM IU r. ey 0 ....... •• _. •

• - •.

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'PIerre Radisson loy on hIs balsam bed, with nothIng over b1m now but the gray sky and the spruce-tops. Kn-

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Lebanon _:. Ohio

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"I.; Ill'"ph' Iin'--wh ' l·t" hn !'1 11', 1I tc1'fl/l l ll~t4b o k.l t' l hJ~l lu rtl lU 1"",, ..t 1111" ii,'''. 1111,1 ,ltlt,~. :\I~\l 1\111· " "j! I ,, " cl it .cr<" ,"l'lll (h"11' n' · J.l'J~l tM ' 11 r..~ll' I ' II', nllol I,ll rh~ ~" 'ill'\ I(ul th ll1/:",' , n il le,' n VII'1( b . 11)( H\,II1' ' UI) ,OOO ,OOO 111" e ,;j '1.1' I ""I·hl. . \ 11 '1 we I',· J,:..rug 10 ta l;L' ~ 'IU'I n I,." "f h., r , Clt th ,, ! I Lt c I~I) . 1 "It 1'1\:;"111" ' 11 ,, 1 . n" \-' b. "!'" 11\' 1,,', 1 lo R 10 S.ll·II I'" 1J •• Ilit,''\ llll" 1.117.11 11 ll ldn't It (JoI,,,,s , II nll. llut h~ " h, ,' 11 1/111 ' -, • .: , vi "!; ,... ), j,' , Ch lll1~(! , " ~,,,,, Iw"s It ll lipr 111 1 1.,,11I~ Ih" WOlll l1ll S<I I l r - " "111" 111 •.( It ,III1 \1 " r p ' (l.. r~' h' ~l l:<Tn ." ",,,'I I n,'ur to) h llll, 1111,1 tull,l lIg lo 101111 • .AI I" " t il I I.', '['11'1,' gr.'.1 CHAPTER X . ., Io,/' I 1101's,· I lIlI l'S I" , r... c." Un,), W .. lf, '1'1,,' .d, 'Y I.n.... W f' It' il ,•• 11' I, II. II .. I'I'/l d Ol: 1)1 ( \ \14'" 111 I hl l !-illq!t'll U \ l ' r tli"" I I' j'l' .J -1 ' . , ' tlltl r'~ltl '~O ~tl ll T he Great Change. ' T!" tllllll'11 j "'11'11111 , d' Idtl,·h, ..... ulld Ilit" U )UJ I of Li h'\ I ') L i.\'~ I~ ' i \1' 0 . ." ' • 'I'll, ' I·,)fle" t lt e ,'Idgc.\l n'lIl , I' J' .', .. "' ,,,", II lind II". I 1110""' tllh'" III' , , , . :. t1' p "10 ", ,. \. l l l , EHh(:r Au lo or lIurse drawn ~e ry!ce. t. ·:'i W(· I' ..... jill-l UI! ()O a wt\rlUl'l" ,.:10\\'. ,1 " Inl \1 tit. ", ,'rl tl, Hut :llu I' ,I Ill )' H1 J.ilUU· 111 hl' J' t .. 'I Ll. r 1 I~ 1 H!tt4J fll" I I, tJ .. N C:X'I ra charge tor auto 8 rVl ee . ·1'IlL'p"l'lllrbnllswPI·l! r (?l\rlyt"I>IJ" s . 'J. III,Il.:" IrI' ,fnll \\H"'l"I,11 11Ihe'·l1 hlll,llIs 1 " , ·.lI'IO - Il r 11,0 I' U ' , 51111 6 B Ihnhones ioOfficeandResidence. " 11\" SCl"ul l it hnl '{Un und I ! It, " \we {tl,t l1(tf': I, II I1'''' r I cu. r- tl. 11~" 1'0.... \' tn " , 1 .. ~, " (' t. l' ll'! P 1" 1~ 'lit ' ) . 14 , VI"P'.\, hl'II\'I.,1' 111 tilt' nil· PH"" tlt1~', lind 1'1 '.Hi"'! hl~ "pt ~ Ind )flf)\ 4·d I 'u\ hIJ.\' ahoHI llw ' 0 • • I t l, I" " " ..... H\V Y 'r ', '., tVlIIg'i! 'lllJ I hnlll,.!ll til." ~ Jthllu IIU cnbln , .. "Imll:.! :It till I \ \ \I::, (lur)l'. I , : ): IJ " \t /'!Ih I I1J~ IJ i IJ ( 1(\111 .. ~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~!'!!!!!!! f H\'I'st, tlwl'" "'us I,h (' t'll [III .. " ," uI'l uUr an,1 tlll' lloln~~ I,(s "Ii I", ~ IU I< I ,1"",, . ' <lC1, 1111, • or 1!1l' , ,,rtn/: IInous fln,lil ~ 11,,'lr \\,IIY Inl ll \I. e kll;';/ ·~ . A Illw ",hill" 1"'~C i ll ' \ ) ,,, !It I It" ' " " >~ )"/'II 'II! I I.. III 1I111Istln'~ Lony. 1p t lj/l\ ~1'''lt hllr h is 1I .... ,rt !. .f llll n , I If IINk" I " h.mrtl l l. .Illu!!~ " h o u t t i n, Ll lo" ,t, . I", h ,. I' ,,,. l "l~J (' get lI11medfate froID t hl' I'l' t.h o 1'(1Irlbk ,lItti ,' r ;rsh "f lIll' 1Ir 1t1ll1 1lI Ul'IlI lI l'l' <I : fl"I ~ J\ M I~ Ih o I (f, ·( t tb "~ I)" ,) L Or. ihllOD'S Mittie OInlmeD4. h'l· (1t.,ll ls Ihu l) l C'l'iI!J{ (10\"" in I rll' J'lI l' ly 'H,> If lil' t, l(Hz:Ill, (:0 to ~~ Ifl \ll-go h .Hi \J t h ... ~tlV ln~'i U l tJl !t ~ uce I l t.ll~ , A'" i hrpn l\-up tJIf'flll J.!h I hQ n. ~c \.',·1 (;( 'iH ' t(l F!\' t1 P - " Nhte.h ... l\H\'" " " ,," U n tie '1'111 !'i w u tlw donf\\'fI.\· III ( 11 .... Arc-tie. Hurl fl)f hnt r.''1Ij,!' n1'I I'r 111:11. KItHI It ~f .,tl r h! i u I iny hI tlHl l1t' c' n l~ nl ,Il e ta t. h o Ar ll Hr. " "" ~lIn Ibl'l l' ~ tlil (,nlill' 1"ltl , 111., .\prll In 111" r'. III. ,.· u' 1'.... , .. "Ill. 11,:1' .. 11.((, )""' 1'10 t o< I, n : c'htl . p Ih. h ,n ,!.' I ylwl Iln uC' I·:tSiOl) lil .... burp hrl.lth (If It',·'n'.!!!)!;, 4\ 1141 f. Ht l }' JUt I1L':l·l!. 1':11· \l li t t h fl i r f'~p n itl~~ , lJ.l . l "f.t in l wi nh'l". 11\\':1.\', t il,' \, ;:1 lilt:! ,I',r tlf U rny \rllll'. hl ' 111 fr or]) \\" t='p k t ,· \\' , ell 11r f n 'D I 1.:I1ZII I1 "li d IIf'lt"·'·II ,l,i1",df Il .!"I II.·t IIIIl t" nl~h t It 11'/1",,"1 I,,· ny v f I,,,,,,· month '0 Illo o lh, Tit 1)('I) pk IJPl'P.11 th u t \ \ i IHl. N fll u I. r~ Ht h of lilt' ~tll"ll 'rl I ...... . 1111 H rl" ~:-i . II I-oI 'nt It til I'll 1 :hl'lIu:.:l! h im, ~ I h~ do i ll ~ u s t he~ it6 "'c-h"~f) II rjl! ,lI , 111 the Sltlll1)' ,P')t t tll' ",M ,k,~ 111111 I;, I h:t, 1 H,' rIll Ir' Ih, 01""., "'1 t "h lll l'd , Io ul f1 n r t' h I\ 8ilJu I h ... h 'Jltd" f rolll O llrrtl " ~ ch osell For hl msl' l f. 110· lVIIS 111m',· U"Il' ,In,, tl WII' IlL <'11 In :' "",1 ... 1' 111101 d id fI,,1 8 I \'I ll I 1'''1'1 II b )' , (11 1111 lu' 1,r. II Iwpn· 11 1 all." thlle 11<':11' 1.ln,. ·(ltw,' '"111 I' I", h" ,"'d I I..' - - -, CUARA TEED to h oal without leav. d11rl n~ iI 'l! Rile "",,,I Its <lr (C' r rlldl' \\ In· ,I Ih ron;;h ' 'I'~. "111 1 "1I 1~' (,nc,', '1'1"'11 t h, ' II I,t!h , Ing 1\ blamish. or MONEY REFUNDED. [er- 1I1111 11S h .· I'It'pl 111' drpnn.c,l. . It; .. 1'\" I ~ r" w , 1111. 1[\1(·1"',1 II ,'1 11 ' '''a r OOe and $1.00 sizes for frcsb woundll", Orn y Wolf, hI., wOol JrIl, l i . Iny Ill'nl' ,:r lIn ll till' 1tli l!. O')'i r. Nc ttl rc·r. Wny. old sor CB, BOl'O hncks nnd 8houldera~~urWl hi m, n n l 0 0 1" ,1' h ,' II,I'. Iw r fO l'I 'l " "I~ '11 ". 1 1\11111 ' ,1 11ao 1''' 110') 101111 11"'1"'. 1'111 1 "'" I"'l fnl . '111w 1 )J ' IH"~~ ~_ '~ " r li n t ill' , !H't. I1I (l~t · Ilud b l·uisoa. 260 size for Family ule. r l'lI chll1J; out, 110'1' e~·,·" ' ''HI ll nstrlls /18 , , " l' It:!'. lIull I ~tl1J 11.-10'11 101;:, \\ 111 '11 Io ht' ,,,,," ke In Ih.' lutl' I't-s liu £!. (' \" 4' (1 wi 1111111 1 ltt" II l! fully DR. COX'S PAINLESS BLISTER k ,'n I1ll d' nll"r t liS fI .., 1<111,, 11 Dr II1U I1 ]u' ('1'1.,.1 ~ , ' . " .. ' ,,'" I ""oI .. r. 1" 111'1)' I"ol'nl n \(. ~;h'," ,'U lll e III allen Ih t, IIn,kt'l! lopd, '1']0 ,' \I 11;<' 11'111 I ll " li'llI ' ''''' is painl sa 111Id gunrnnteed to cure ' f1l1vin,ltin ~b U lll); Curb, SwsenYl Spline, cu uld t!.nke t hem . F o,' (hol'o \\' 11 " thut ful lIut e f ' fir" tl"l' \,,'. 1'11".1 bl lll !lIlI,r i,"' h l ll l, 1111,1 I II f1 l1I' Ulh' l1t Ill' \l"n~ ro l't~ Ul'i' ('ompl. ,x : 11 11 1 w ll rllt y Hr d (ll.! p , . mell or mnn. us WI·II ns af h:ll ,-;l1 m He-II\(' to: " _ I r",I,: I II .. \',I; h hr! !' ~I\n l'. [ lis 1'111' ( :""'1111'<1 ~c: "'c~ l y fll cst s lu(l y , oio ~~ l'I" '~ " l>:lwrnll - t. I III J'ulrs, or nl'Y c lllnrgemellt of Don8 or O'ltlsolc , or tllon cy r e funded, Price 600. li nd a ntce, Ln tb e witI'm 811rlng n il'. tlny f,'\'I. ,.; , \ 1 1 'v'l I! l'II'IIY 111111', 1t .. UI'!. th e ,,:t I·II. Il ~ II,' " I '"'' III th e !II · Ihe bo ld f l\t'I~ . lIue,11Ipl .'(1 '11t h l'l'u~o n ~ FOR S ALE BY .U PIIUQQIS,.. ' ' h Iruz~d "?:tI Oll Iy lind Nflm~tlltl e 11 I"" Ii Ii,,"" io 'oIlY " •.. :I,g~ "" l' U r 'I'll ll ll IIf tI", ;'1111 !lll. k ;'-o:t'OS>i tt, ll of 'lily 1(ln ,1. II r" Il l'IlJ! h l ful to t:Ulltrolll ' atCtldlly. nt l\ uzlln us h I' sl e pt. li e f nlU,'P 110'''' I'" l"U, 11 .. 1'.1, , .• 11!I11I1. pl ;. 11I h,' .'011111 SC ' (1\" nil of It UlrClllly pi: tt'. 'J' h l~ 1t11 ~ '·(·R I. 11'111 g """ Iljllll1 011'11 g rny Sill no stllT'ned \\'h ~n s l:c Mll t l,,,!. -1'1'1.'''11"..:,'. lJuol"llll,usll'll' 11:.111 1" " wllh a "" ltll' lI J,(l l) w . l'(l 11 nud til 11I'Xt Ihlng ~' n11 IOlnll', 1111. the tllwny h u ll' n.l on g hllZllns Uvc In •. ,. '""'1' "r I,," 1," '1.1'. 1i:1I' lJ <: '·11 111 e lulhCllll l'rO wwlntllolr trllll. h"!-i '~ ~'O\l fi t<.' In,i PI'rt ,.:1I:t ll o w ·pal t'd, Yf l1l lJOcll brls Ue III som ,' <In',wl ,·I~ln ll . zu n ,;1,11111. . n" ~ ~ I,n': 11.t1lr:. ~ I " I'I) nnd w')I'lII l'li hi~ WilY Ullil ~\I'lrLly. wi ll IJl' ){Cl' l1 to I IlII );C more fl1, 'cn 1o, S Ill' whln 'ct Mflly In; \lI N Ul1t)('l' IIp , Ih lln " " "C' ,11'1 ", t, .. r rI , I1],'II <I"II II1'D I,; rll.'· W(,lf \I' II ~ "CI t flt Ihe t op, to " "II ~ . \l'llh It 11,' 11' 11 ,,01 I'Illlrmi m: p n rl ~ul l ['1 II !lclt. s llowln..: hi R IU:l I!, ,,1111« II1 ll1 1If~'.,1 I "1I!r' hI. 1"",,1 I \\'111'11' h 1', I:r" ' I him. Rul h.· "1/ 1,111 ~111.'1I h CI·. fI," 1 I h l~ g1'l1ntl nl<l \l' lll'lll , 111' " '''"1111 fun g<1. ·l lllt. f or t1111 most jllU'l. K al:n n B ut till' II ,II' tl,"t \t',,~ I II Ku w lI. hi " tll~ ," ,·,'nt or trlll L I,lIt" I' Ihil1~ "'u s ~ 11'oug pll'I'" Ih" I',·.II'. !t ellO!:, "[lUlH'() ' 1J(. rOI'C yo u, lny qui I. 61.1\'(' f OI' h ~ U\ lI~I' II II1 I' wi ld 111r), IJII"~., " "'II Ill .. lI ,ut lng wllit In lilt! 11 1R 1I1U" " I" H Ug hlcn c,d : hl B 'rl'Y It nnd SCI'. Rtlyoll Y01lrow~ Jutlgmeut •• to tll'l tch l :lga fl f Ie:::,,: shllu ill ' I':; ~1 11 1 O" :\y \\,,,If ,,;,, 1 'UHr!,~ 1,,'" Inyc h i m l e;:~ 1,'1'01\' tl' I1~C. lJl!l.'t> flulI'll 111 hi s pnttern, but reo1I111 ~ZI: whIc h lllwuys t(' 11 whl 'n II tI • 111 1"~ . S Ilt' lIU1t~r' 111,,, 1. llnd hl.l ll fu llh f'lil', t lit 1'0 IlIigllu !1Il' 111 \1' rU1111.>11l of u _ ___ ____ ._ ~ "'.':.Jber tlurabllll,. Is dr~nm ln g ; /lncl ns Ut' tlre!l1l1 I tl lI'l' In h ln. . • "1'11\1'1. Bo Imew 1111\1' whll t 1hnc ~ h'l\lIl{e I. Ibe moat Im~ taot fe.ture; cn mo to till> II or of Ihl) cnlln lIut ' rrl In lho li as" at tho I I1~ t 'u ow Knznu thing , \\'I1S Ih ul hnll hllUlIlCd hlll1. nnd J:ho plu ln n blu e·eyed ~1 t'1,wollllll\. II'U h IUlil pr"VI',1 (l1t11" U:. A JlPll;hhut'lnl'{ 11l!1I11l him lili an, ~'. It 1\'1l~ life. S0l1l.,· n !JII{ b rown hrnld 0 \' (' 1' hf' r ~ h Quhj (" .. tl'lIP IH'I' t "'11 "li lt u pr \\ [th h is 1I'IIm l Uling lhnt lI"~d fln d hI' nlltc,1 hull In· I W\J I, cu ll eO thr.ough Ole ' up of hm' nnu tI" h' I '~' .I "'IU h ull lnU(U "I 11(1 (~ I'u rk d Ihe It htn , I\' l h'h hI' I1l1d Grn y ~_""'_"'_"_"'_""'_~."'_"""_""::--""_......._........."""",,,,.....~ bnncls. ' "1{o7.t'n , Knz'l l1, Kll z 'ln! ' on e 01' 11 ".' ';k hu~I.t I'". 'l'Ill'rI' 11';,.' II \Yulr Jt~ld chosrll. II I.>al'ull hIs lo ng Th~ voleI' 1'.lIlCbc,1 eu lntl )' ''', the N P H" .. f' l'n:lp "I \, ,'. n ~"r. '1111 of hllrr r I rllll!"!'!, :til') :t ~llfl 'l "C d" ~ i1 u CC drew LOS'r I. the alme .tamped oa of th ' 'UlI rod,. III1tI Grn)' \\ . Ir fllI'- f mlll .1 1111 11. " "1"' 111 (1'01/1 I h(, tlWtl II~ hhCl1 hl~ lIl'S, S t ~IT·ll'l.(~e,\, 1I1"I'I'ured to tilt:!' III\ck of . p OOUI . fork • .. • - - ... ~ ..c, lr,. ·.lUtl s: fll l'cd. nno Ul Lh,' y 1('n rPCtd tu \\urd fit ..' pric.' k. Bu t 1\1 ~ t ~prlng, lqs Ul'cti rrlld heud r \llchtng out, nUll (nuty .trvlufC pteca in t UvC!r plate of pro,," ZU Il \I'll' 111".,,;1 .. f lit em nil. III II /It'ny IIC.' II PP'·lwel. I t h o t wo r ocks hetwcen . 'OIJI{IG'l' BU()R -Oh tit .. W~VI10R. '1 umllly~!!!'!~!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!-!!'.~"~.~-!!!'!~ - 1 stn'uK Ihu , II'1l\'Cled wltl. l he ~)J(!I!<I .if whlf'h Grny Wolf hll(1 crept the ~Ight v l l i o 1" ' tld , hl ~ ol;, o, ".t,,~il1J\lg "Si/ur l'14f. II h,m I I", w:!s lit Ill(' hI' lIu~lti"a hefor(·. She wJla Silil t hol·c. And ~\'It11

1'\'a rh"'(lu V t o t llf'nl , "IlH hl;.t.

H i~l7.ltn!J;'h


I il'lI IWlIlI ' 11 1S.

o f. It 1. ft r or I, I

Eyes tested free

' ,1 1 ,i

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\\'put tl) 1;(1\1 , .l nU Il "HIli" n ud Kuuge:lcu

~, . 10'.

IFRANK B.CAREY I Optometris t l


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"·,1 If hut) illu u ')

Zl h ill 1': ll:.d ft'lIl l1 h f'r e I II y ",pnt U(J\\ tl t,~ t III'~ I HI11t ~ fl U f l w pl /Ull • .:lull n ltf!tt j ('I' • h t f' \ II "



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£\:11 1.11 11 .

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Sill.\' wit h u. ," ti lt l \ Kllzun went fi r!' I» h i ro rn(lr. nud !tlr 1I 111l 1 $1 l U; "'. d ow n. J u" r liS th t'l'e 111111' 1J '~n '01111' p ll ~ (J J h I rHi. !'I rllngl' thl !.( lit l h,' tool' u f till' SUU 1\(>1'1, t" d l, IU I·1t 101 11\ thlll (lu~', so noll' th " ri' \\' Il ~ u 111)'; " l~· II a t dl ~ lurbl' lI him I Ih l' (,Ill,ill . 11,· s " ill.... 1 I he u lr, t l' ~llI:': tn 1" " !1'''1I i'< ""r"l. \\"lI'l tl' \' l'r II WU". Is,' '"1, 1 t " 1II111; l' hlg tlll ' L r~ , ~ ,liITt" 'I'n.l . III" . •\ 11,1 "h' WII~ (lIg l; illI~ " 111 till ~'rt' I ," (I t' 1l,\lI); :111, 1 ' m1 " III' lhltl!(H lIt 'HU t I l lI '1,,,11111. 111111 1I .. ln~ 11' 1'111 up 111 , ""·kHg'·~. L illi' 11 1111 1I1 s:11t, Il\' f" I''' sh.. ___ _


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10. \\,o\llL1fl' l y (III ~" : lot' Wl' lIl I'll. T hUll ,;h (, t'o~ il QUIN ly. "r "IU Nt \'los", Ihe

.Tt'~U Jl'S h mIH'('lH:J lu g t t P hU·f.,loof tlH\ unl n

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8ledge alone. J oun wDlked at blf; ~ 1 (\1l. . Junn ' had lJ(.·t,l.l Cl·Jl~CJOU:ot hlu.! wHuld There W88 a (lilin In h er chest. A thou· buve ur ' l't} h IUJ 8trHIght nllPtlfi, )j Ul Nnd needles seemed pri ckIng b er fu ce. l\~I1.Ul; lUlO til bt'cuk, u m} f UI' and suddenly she r e membered the ther- ten ml 1Jlltl"~ lll! ~\I'UI!:(I<l' 1 l]>o'ough Ull mometer: Sbe exposed It tor a tlm o snow wtlhunl 1\ r,"" . ' \ hlniliJ.; ulO re ,on the top of the tent. Whe D s h e l ook ed notl llJ O" O fr. 'C)'w ntl ,I , IIUIU lit 111,,1 Ul ' at It a few mlnntes,later It wils SO d e· whlll l.ll.ol'(llio latl '( j n YOII. hll l'k. AI II;1I 11 grees below zero. Forty mil es I And of hl m , clu:'Ic· t ~) thl' c"C't:'li 1 \ "Uli U ~Ul n ll her tather hnd told b e r that 8M could culJld. ~lIl!Jk;~ ',\:)~ 1'1Io.i llg (Iut f)C tht-! make It-and cODld Dot lose h rs~lf! dl l mu e y, 1t \\ h' lit!" St·l'u l { I i xlno l.ce But ehe dId not know that even h e r t1,nt h l1<1 . <1111,· til 111111 In 110" willd. A father would have been afraId to Ince hnnl , ley (, l ~lor)l' 11 wh "li Lv lh .. l'nl)iIl th. north tM'it dny. wI t h the t erup ern ' doo)', li nd "Hh r~I' 1:t'Jl'll'lb tlmt at 80. below, !lnd a monnlng wind wn, ill 111m, to' '" ,Ira;'ll" " 11 1 ~ b ur · brlnglog the t1rsl wnrnlng of a bll z· d ~n up j lUll. '1',,4..' hI- ~e t1l(l hl msolr lI8J'd. !Jllck Itt."hh· .1 '"11. IIf I L't1 h l~ ~ ltllg/::y The timber was tar b ehInd b e r n ow. h lllld ' ttl til, dal l. .1<.1 II nu hOl"l oll. Abead there was nothIng but tlt e pUI· A. m lll "lllt hlt/·,· \1." d,,,,,' I'I'Il e, I. A lese barren. and thll Umb e r beyond mUll CII "'~ nul. J\:UZIIIl'H l'I'd(J ~1.!('lI, that was hidd en by the gray gloom of snow·Rl ml l'~ "" ru ll",,",'" II hu lVllldl' the da)'. U there ' had bellO t rees, 'lilly liS hI' l'ltll to th " .. lc'<lg '. lt e :Joan·s·beart would not have chok,e d s o •• enftl h I>: ,1" Tl I",i " "clu l!lull on us be ,.,.th terror, But the re wile nOltilng- ~)ent IJYN' .1", 11, ,I u l1uu(her lu ll or t ho nothlDlr but th,Ilt Kral', .:I)ostly gloom, wInd U1Ul" ! c:Ull.· f{'<l ' ll out of I l l P. m ass





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{~k I , :\ .. I 'u1{1"~' (', 1'11\ r nf I tll ' ntldu lIl' 11I~ , \\ hll~' tlh' l 11t\l1 I •. , 1\1\0) I. . f:to"", " I t I 1.1 J' \' I' !'~ I I foonllh I hlIl~ 0 '~I' II II,., .... \, \ I' '. ,I It \\ '/ II hlll~ Ilrn, )"1(",,., ,I" / ' , ~I'ld hHZ In \\ '" 1 I frll m t i ll' \ 'O! fa I \11111 h 11\1' Ill. 1\ II. ! I ,II , ' 'd :,' I , ,\ II " in, .... ' • , I.. r H~ HUI1·II l'h ""'d hl'l", .\ r. I' t1 :I U t: \1' U II.. \ II, II f,' , 1.1111" Io~' tad' :'-I,tlhl u,.!: Huli ;lu,t1 1 h" I 111' J / . ' " II, I, .. { 1:. . J',tl7nll h ~' f " I I , Ho,l ( I r :1 11 11.1(' tl II ttl" ~ PU"f~ ' "f hi~ 'J h, n fliP :'''1(1 ,'r ! lln~ "J' :. f'· .. .: . " By \.:,~t In rrHl1t HI' (h,· hauk . 111 , till ' , ... , n 1 ' 11\, 1' .-1m 1\. d p~,~ tn Iht' . . 111\'(·. Q uit'll ...· r1,,' tit." , .'\.~.111;;"" , \t fh ,\ ... lIpllt'l l nIH J1I~ ,hl~ w:\ II , tlt11 "1 (',,1 /. t I. Il":ul rn:ld," h y tl" r t il., bUllk. (" PI" n It IUt.,' illlh' ,11'1I'~' t tl. h l\11 1 ('ouhl h "U l' I IH ' ~o lJ ht n~ lI n,:/", (~f :. 111"'1'" Ih,' It·all · J:II'l, '1'llI'n 11 11 \\',,~ "11 11 , , 'rtll r,) \\: 1"1 In1l ' l· tt(~ r)tl x t 1I)"l"I11tU.! lw ~ JP1', \,,, '11 t l1 '" ~,. , ,~ .. t'l' i n l'o..:L I r rll rllu C'h t h ..\ li lJor uhf'1l t ilP lI'!-\ll .". "u, I:· 1 \\hhh ... h ,\ )f it. nnd :o1 rwd ~\\'I(ll~' hUil rllt, r',1 Ih·'y .. I : ,., I ll' :11th" tt) ~. , IU) Il lilf It mill' H lllI,\' 11", r"UlHI 11t'1. :ll\ " .r. n: 1 ,' v r ll~.1I1l ~ h p "r Ofny \\'"If, 11114.1 I'alll" ) tl) h(\r, "', ',) f url'., r. " t r r IT I I\,r J-al,y O~ ~ h ' Ih r· fnl Z(Hl r h ',"r CHTlJP t H· r I'l'ply. II:, f Ill" '.·~1 .1 I " ,. fl'lI 10 lI\e ~ nl!\\" h,' w,'n l 10 I,,'r, I .110 ! tit ~lc<l!:,~ h l~tm l' Y aln l ~' Ilrn.v Wolf ' r l ptl III lin',' I "1 "rlft- . , 'h t 1 1I.'r. .o\ml theu. !Jn cl' h, to Ib .. h· 0111 h"l fl i :,," I , .\ Ihat Itll'~' WI',·, troll! til<' ('1I1,l n fUJ" lll!' si "ul "r 111,11;. 1 ' ':' \\~' r l' no t Illnr;.' lhnn L Hte thut tll orn lng t ht' (lUll tJ It'll i~'~I' d ' '' ' 't,I,\ I, , nIH'W) lIi h'r -h lll, th o hi s d (,g~. n Ull f rnrH th .., frirtl!1' Ir II.,' h loh'U ~.'. I ... 1 "I t.," n \~nlil d l:-; luu C'{ ' f nn'.st Kn zlln ~ UW h im I W'k .JWllt It lI t n \\'ny~ I ~\ l'rJ htl of UrL' Ho d H tl'(~I\"t ll thf' hllhy JllIlung r1\4o." r urs IlJl Illtl 1o;1"llg4;', In lH'r bll,l) " Il~ ",,11' heut UT" III r Cllch • • liS o ld P it' rl'll ' 111 <1 <l noe. A ll 111111 lillY In g I II., ~l, ,1,:,,- .,"d huuy J Illl . hI! fullo\\' ed 1." th,· t rllll of I I,,· 11'11111 . Il .... '·1110 ,I 1111 1:1I1'1'lill n uul' lilli e lJ(b with Omy \\ ol f sl Inking 1>(,hl ull 111,". fort' ~h(' ~ I1h,,·II. ' WIt II t h ' al (!ge o nly 'I'h f'Y trlll'pl, 't! nntll d a rk ; · nu (1 Ill,'u . I ~ Ix r".'t 1\1\!' III IIr Iwr. ~ h o !iU'U!(l;lcd untl ,' r lilt' ~1I11's It nd th (· I hn h·,r! fil l' whul "",'I'lt II I" h " r III 1;(. Uti 11I1Ul' f"ll oll'ed lhp tortll, ti ll' Illl1n sllll '"'"," " I'( 'fort' hht' ';I'Ulll 1'1'1( h ollt 1I U11 toucll "11 1,ls f"IIIn. It wns (I"'l' III Ih ., "kilt It. ,,'I th 1\ 1111,:10 ~ I,, ' JIUll/.: h" I"l'~ lr for. ",h(' 11 IIH'~' " 0111.' III nn u l h l' r " "hln, IIml , w lm l. ' lllIl fill UII.11\ It , ' h" on IclU lt(! l~ Ih l' n1ll 11 10 II I np"" th ,· 011101', A 11" h'" 11'111'11 til\' " niHn):: I,f fill' IUI'la. ' 1\ lbe "penl ng o~ t h e .If/(I I', th" j"'fllI'" '

"II I I, ,'.

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first- Inss Burnt'

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Itood st1!f·lened lind snJ1fed the s plne bristled when Jona w~t ' baek slowly lind kneel ed besl()e tbe blsnket·wroPIlOO object•. When nile. returned to him h er fne!) was white no l unlt"I' fl'lI IU'l'I'nt for l . With hl'r tU('(' J 1111' r UI''; \lfll.l<'~ whh'lt IjI1\ty .1o lln ud t_, and now tbilro 'WtI~ a Htrung WIl 111Irlul\. 11I.'r ('omlo' t b e r with aDd terrible look In h r Y nil sh __reel out across the bn.rren. She 1<\\'1 ((111" 11/111 J"~ II \'I);luD of WIU'Ulth ·put hIm In the trn c(~s. ani) tustened Ilnll h llln,'. An'l \ 11 'II Ih e \' 1_1011 fllll t1 about ber slender wnlst th strap Illltt I\wn y~ !eTnl WH:t fUUfl\\~ , It.1 h y 11(\ I' 1I1J:ht. K "~llt1 'l"I'(1' dI ll IIll' trill !. II· C,l nll! PIerre hod used. Thus they struck out tor th e rI ver, tloondertng knee-deep hllck 11",[> 111,,1 ~nt (1"1\' 11 tlPOIl his In tho treshly fallon and drifted snow. I \[IU[\ 'J,( I "'~',dl' Iwr. \\'1I 1t1 ng fm' It r HoIlwoy J onn s tumbled In a drlft and tu 1l1(i\'l' 1111.1 1II't'uie. Ou t 1111(' WII,' very tell"her 'loose holr fiylng In n shlmm r- . till. JJ ~ 111111<1 hl~ 110~" 101(1 h l'l' lC)use log veil over the snow. With a mlgbty 11:l+r, A" hill., rn<.' In 111 Ihl'Ollt, IIntl pull KllZIln was lit bet side. nnd hIs ~n d I"nh' I .., 1'IlI~l',1 h i_ h 'lI d u IIIl cold munle toUelled her face tiS she ",nl lT"11 ill tloc' fa,' n r tl1(, w lud. , ,1IllU' drew h eJ'llelf to her feeL For n mo- Ihln~ 'Uff1(' I' hltn wllh tha I \\'lt ll l. III' meDt Joan took hIs shaggy bend' he- lIlu zzl't! " ""11 "Imlll, hut 1411" di d tWI tir, '1'11 n I '\11'11\ rl"'w11 rd , IHlli ~ l 'l llll tween ber two hands; In Itl ~ tn, ·l'S. rt·t\ t!y f,jr (11(' 1)1111, n nl.l "Wol"" sbe moaned. .. h. Wo lf!" 1000kcd \111('1, lOr b'r, Stil i Nhl' IIltl 1I0 t She went 00, h er brenth comIng mo\'e 0 1' ~1,,"11( . and K :IZIlIi 's whine ' pantlngl)' now, even f rom h er bri ef erertlon. The SDOW was n o t so deep on g:l\'l~ [11:U (' 1(1 H ~ llll·p. cx{'lll~J uu rk , Tlta "Irll"~\' t hillg Iu l \ttl wlntl C," 0 the Icc of the river. But a wind wd's .rising. It enme from ,the . north 0 nd 1/1 hi m ~I r ..lI:l'r l o r It IIIL' Ul C[1 \. Illol ea.t, straIght In b er lace, nnd JOli n bl'S:l\u ro (lull, 'I'll<! slt' dl;!! .. uo uc>rs bowed her h ead 8 S sh e pulled with Ka- btltt fr(,Zl'tl to t! .. P.lldW, nu(l It tl.h.)l( zan. Halt a mUe down the rln.r . he l'Vt" r y fHJ W, oJ. his i-1' (I' ngt h ltJ Il'ee th em. T"\'lr',' dUL'lnj{ tl'" nt\'.:t Ur ' ln IDstopPed, and no longer could sh e re. ut· " h e FI\II ' ifu ' Olnl :-.01 [1\.'(1 tie ai r. press the hopeles.'Jness that rose to ber lip!! In • sobj:tlng, chok ing cry. Tit t bln.1 111'1" 11m I Itu 1111 ILl'(), In n Forty mllea I She clut!;h1!!1 her b ands (lrift o r 1'n <1'>1', Ill' rl'lu nt (J ttl ,1,,1111'!:; s:) u e nr.;n.n. 1I0t! \, hll\~'l to awnl",u hilI', at her ~,eI\8t, Dnd stood bren thlng like ~\h 'Jl h I) hJf,"gQ, I IlI;Uln Ilt t il 1H10t ODe wbo had heeD benten. hel' hnck to hlH tn\c\'s, 11111.1 foot I'y fO CJ tll1'l f\rlll.Cl:ed the wIn\!. The bnb)' wns qut et. JOOD thl! s ll'i1;;'" lhn'ul; 1t UtI' dr l . lI"j'IH1l1 'WeDt !>lIeIL and p e rcd d o wn unller th fura, and what $he saw there spurrNI Lhe drln lIwr\) II l1 II ;It'(,lcl l" r "kllr Ice, nnd 11 'r(J "" zrro 1'( .. 1;0, 1. Dll rllJl: n her on ·ngaln almost fierc'ly. Twice Ju1l1n ,UII,~ \\lntJ ttl' "':('t:Ht l'UUlt' l d 111m 8he stumbled to her Irn c ' 111 Ibe drIfts slr ouger thu. iu'l"H. during the nen Quarter of a mll,e. At Ih o ~n<l .. r Ila' 1'i/'lIt" le" ..... a n After that there was a s lr('tC'h of narro w W't-uK il1 tllt.' Fhflrc, wlwl'tJ n wtnd-jlWept Ice, nnd Kaun pull ed th creek run h,t(\ 1llllll1alu ~I r""tt1. Jr

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Ft tI~1t Illl t jj( flll tlH'I1IlIt1~ P , t \\ Ullhtt..: llit' t 1 1 I if .... ',f" l'lo til 1\

:d· f'1.


Dlske n breakfa st or 0 III . cull. R shr of mellt and na IUUell 1I0t ~'8 liS !'he could drink. The ter ribl e hour sbe drendl'd rol· lowed thot. She wrapped blanl;.>!-'! cIOS'lI)' ftbout h er foili er' hod..l". ,,"oli tied them with bublcho cord. •.., .' 1' that s be 1111t>d olt tbe furs :tnd bl nnkets thllt remaIned on th e l edge c1 n.<,' to (the fire, lind snu",led baby J Olin 'deep down In th m. Pulling d o wn the hiot was a task. T be r opes w ~re stlll' lind f roten, and wben Itt' h nd tlnlshed oo~ of her honds 'Was bl dlng. She p,!ed ,t he tent on tho sledge, nnd tben,


rarhln. A (.\\\. mlUlIl t:fi Ihh-r 1 II Il.ltl " IPI' I' "", I. l i l \\ rI' tldl "I I. 1 ~.I • ' i'\ f'l"~ HllaH':''''/H'. JI I\ I Ulu1,'t'l, I~ III 1\/1 ,Ul, 11, .. 1 1'''Ii.,·,1 '1"" II u loll l. "),1,' (;,"1," III ..:utd. " .\ IHI ~"II cllll Ih ll l- lI'I'\n., !" fll' I t t l nl 'lI l\\ n r' llHfa .. tl HI I 1,1011 r"""1 I' " 11" )('1". , I I, d I I j 111\\ IIrtf til,' I'nh~n ,l.ltH', ], IDB' I ~ . t.I I,·d 1'l't 1I!1.·( ):\ltlll,t 111.· nIt t.~ nttl. [r" l't:ih,l fll.: JU'ltl. \ {l't l\1t'l

'ho bunlll PU tlli' nui.s ,11"'1' In .. " , on thought 0 01" "'fi8 111111 t her 1111" 1 h Ave tire. h 'tHII Ilo n 1\\lI!' p lio' ,.l bIrch bark. ('QvC'rOO II with lllll ! ·hurm'd bllR ot ·wooll. lind w"nt 101(1 tll t! t " l1t tor Ihe motch c, l'll' rr Hlldl~S I'" ,·" rried Il lom In n Wll tCl'proot hnx In n poCket ' of his b Cllrskl n ('011 1, "!'illl' I!Qbbed nil she kneeled be 1<1~ him lignin. nnd oIJtnln od tho b ox:, As th,' tire f1a red up s l, e IIlhled otl1l'f blt ~ "r wood, ollll thl'll some of I ho 1111'1"' 1' pIeces thllt PIerre hod drn!:!;,',1 itll" compo T he tire gnve h c ~ CUll I'll!:" . F()rt" mlld -nnd UIO rlvC'r It'd 10 llt" lr bom~1 hp 11l1l~t mnko lbot. \\'Ith Ihl' boby 80(1 wolr. Fill' the first t lt'h': ehe turoed to hIm, ond spokn hIs 11:1111 ;' 8 S she put her I1nnll on hi s hen ". Aft r thnl she gn\',) 101m n ,chunk of m eat wlLlch s h e Ul.l \\,ed out O\'er th e I1rt. lind melted • to\\, for tea. hI' \\"I''; n ot hungry, !.'II ~he recoiled bow h.·r father bad mil lie) b er li t fl' ur times Ii day, so sh\~ t orcC'd h r "

\1 I

h~lh~' hll.' 1111' }.,.



""letp u1 h-Ilt'l ~ ,I uttu.

.\ r!i" ' 11 '1~ll tlf 1·,llh' f IWII\ 1'<1 111' fr l'1I1 KII ? fln'~ "'l\'~I. lI ., , , U 4 ,. hUll It ,I. III. qlrl'ul:'l h ,,'!I" ':0 Ill', Ill;; fN' t w"r" tortl IIlId 1 , 1l'.· (j ' ~I!. Bul tJiI' \'(lIN' of




I ' '1'III'IIII;;h IIIl t h,> I nn~ ,"I'IL'r 1"1.7.1 II 11 11 h \lI' "r<'11 Ihus bl'l \'-"(,11 tltl' 1\11 ,. or ,1')l1n. \l lt11 d Ihe ('lIhl n-l1n<1 (i l'ns- ','·" lr. tf '1'IIl'n cum Sjl" h ' g-H 'H,I ,I." I

l" tr.un!

"'171111 !"

fu neral Dirf'Ctor d'" b I an a mer, W aynesville. Ohio.


1 .

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WUdf.lrl . . . Ju



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DR. COX·S Barbed Wire


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\,L,~u lit<'), pull uct him olt, Lhe b ' I' WIIR somethlug

' . ' " ltu - tQ' \I'll " "'1<1. .1 "'1n thulI;(ht (,f Ihnt II.')\\" I~'l (IJ 1';lby l, k k'll 'Illli In\[ loll I,mmn ~ ,IJ • I. ThobeHt line ,,! fill 1J ll¥ ~I v,·. "rfl .. 'uo,t "Id 1~lIzl\n." . h" ,'rl,,01 ~"rll~' , Rall/oi1l8 ln (hi p·.ut 0 1 lllP (II " \lUllln~ !ttl· JIl('" ,1..,', 11 "'", (. (0 hi III. prle,,~ are low , Ih~ I lJon fll t lb l ' I, ".\":')'1'0 gln ' t ~"u .111 .... 1'117.11;1. to r fora tll\f III'" two ·.. <1",.no:"· 1'1 ' I. \11' 1'" !:,olnr. In 111' alllll1' 11I1I1,; I,t-'-hn by Romi,., Don't pu f j 'lI,,, 110 ' 01'1 T. V., T" " 1'''"1. nn.1 rlllDg 'BaIt, and I,he II"xL ;'1..1. I,~ 1 .' II I II 11'.1 ,,'IL ",,'K U~IlY."



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' betweoJu tlilll'OCka.

!Ill" 'ud or TlllI ~DR I

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moue ,\' , k llit

b 'll, hll l11JklJl'obiefll.'


lSI!. A(tcr II mil' Flnd c l' )II 11~(lloIYt1 l1t t hIs tlt Pllt Ibe tenscn r.!l8 le ft 1\:azon's bolly. I HIS brl~tllng I' ijt I)roppc d until It lny tint. His eurs s h o t for\\'ll rd, Dod be put hIs )1I'IId nnd shul1ldors between. the ~rocks, nUll wh illed 80ttly. And MONEY LOA.NED Gray Wmt w!tlno(l. Slowly ' Kazon bnekt.>d nut, nnd tRCl'd tbe risIng BUll. Theu he l ny (h,\\, n 80 that hlB body , IILI ~.1'd tho I!utn\~eo to the chomller IM0:-lE Y 10/111611 ulI"ve 8~' or "

Gra,r.}Volf wu. motber.


j :l9

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..;'qllllllte deal..... . Sold bN .. lldh,. dea ltr. eyerJ'whe-. knt! fo. CataloK\M "C-J,," .howl ... ~

del ..... -

~I.tll t.

f.ele Ilnd II(4UOll,1 IQllr.!Ioljlr . No. bO~~II, .101&0 lhrbla8 oJr'

AUlD . . .,

lhill WI"r,·

Wide lalltude (or.bol. . II olfoRd h' the ..lillY



....TH E


.G AZ E TTE .... .\


D. L. CF AN E, Editor Ilnd 1


ubli~ IrT




t:y Our Cns J:'s (',f

' til t(;n



Abl e

Ne l ~hbor hood


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19 L8

C'" .~ c1" 'l " , , ' \ :..:"~ .: ,'_~ ~ . :~ :" .. : ~ l




Mr '

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in the 'U)llIUW OO+vD BRWO OD

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ft! r~. ~I\rnll~'~~ '1 ,r\t~

nt to L ull n o l)Oo rlv lVe offer OlleHL>u dr. d 1J01I II 1'6 Rew" ..J !:i,d " rtl 'j· ·t 11 ,, '" 0 Mr s . Jd /\ :11111 'I I IlIh l ,l cIWl bt..'r hiM qll lJ.tlonn 'l ir l:l .. I lb l,. I' .1t:1l>{. . , E h l, l bl\v fo , (lilY t'U5e o f Cllt a nh 'hut C/l 11110 I lJ. Wlt . • \1' r "l l\ rll ~ ol ii ,,, ,, ,, .ttltr ' . c UI~d ·b}'lIult's Cu to rrhM~dicille . I ' )r" . " . I~ "J \, I" II lI ,\ - !'('O ll I II ' ~ \l ell d l n M tbe h ,)h t,l,, I" ' . t:!OlU fI people wern mnde to be sol. ) l1 ull' s Cct 5'" w , tlt r {' l !H lv c' ~ I I v "" ' u ~ ~ u t u rrh ~ lcLlicille II,," beo ll tn;;eu .'1, I ll·, C<) Dn> r lIu,l , rl" l c11~pnM("1 r" r bAVOf~ 1 d ny " , J1l1d dler~ 0,' . bc- ra h)' a \urrlt s utTtlor ~ f"r ' he ". ,~c 11,;' 1\'- 1"1 I J-.. "'f' k " " j I' I (I ,,, v · h ~ rwl1od . tI t W "Y" As vill". h l\R Tll (l lrlsb'wereuIIHI8to bnc.;ll P~ b cn Mrs. Emm A ~V If "p'·nr. ,IW 1' .. 1 li"eVI·"ro,a "uhIl 9 1~l'U" ,e k" .. W II "" ,,· '1 vI ~lt .• ' ,.c, WH l1 l "H "di lJ l:hI9p lt\oleI\I~ 8 " uar. kraut \VIIS' m .lilu luI' I,b Ue r . Ili0St rrll" llle r~' l11" ")' dl);V ~ lft ~ tweek willt h llr "I · l " r~l'~. f" r L'UI:II t1 , 11 "" " 1' 1" ' 11 \\ 7 . \ . H"ln' Ca' lIrrh ~ I ' dlcllIC " ,' 1" t "TtI tllc Ill""d", nd \\' Ifn III rlvl'd u,u.ns. y~o nR , of -'pr iolo: " ,111 " 1' . V " 1 1" "1 " IN llt 1h )lOe the flr e t o~ t,h A won lh~ \I neou s 911Il IIC l"S. ('xpt' lIill the 1'lt h l' And tlptlllhe UI WIU m tlile for '• 11e fn k u' t . ~ r I Mr s . CIJrtl Thu mp. n "w;. cl 'ltlgiJr,pr JlIl t Ite BIt, .. t1 " li d Il<'a liu g hlitO di Sb"," , " .' . w .tlc I cl~l r vl ~it nf ~ eve rl\ l d,lYs WO)Je. I)Ort ioli s. l\h~~ Au d r f'y 1:1 rrl a "1 1,' ''1, " jc t " I i ''''.1 ') , ""tut l 4Hl [J IJ T U oHul t onnud rlnn :.. hlor , dIJ Flall Wf1 re made to dri nk W u tel' " ~th t~w~e kinCln ~i't n tt ti. ,,\fter \,' 011 I UI \ '(: Ittkel1 lI ~ lI·s C. d .tll' " , B.lrmq WAro m ud ft to Ilriuk l:!00?, t· la l·a . W 1111t t n lUll f'iD llu fi Uti ~lU). ~ l e dl dlle f(l r u si!.) rl li1l1 ~ )'O lf Will !'-I t • il'. 'Icd ~tr"' , Ell l· n p~ l. " unno u nnel _ __

Bti n ks were 1.1lI1kn tor M,mu)" And mOll ey w ile IIllltlll fo r thtl .Je ws, Evtlryth lu g wa~ Ill.AIltl f ut· t)OlllO thing, Mo ~ ~ 6Vf1ryl, hlll ~ but I I Mise r ; God mllde \Vii ,on f or I:'r Oel t,l ' tlIt., Bnt Wh o In H-11ltlo e till' K il l IH? -Gnl Bohwlu g,'Cump LO WI ~, W usu

.- .

British King at Front Wear s Steel Helme! ;,


)jrea t illlp ruvt11l l' llli ll\ l lIlq,';C ll c r.d IU'h ld, S tu tt takill g ... . d l'!'- Cu tll l ril · t\ lc di l at Vl lec a ud ~(' l tid ,A c. lturrli. ~c od " t~ s lil1lottl ll l •. In'e.

up i·" !·nrh, y

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n T"

If the weather i. bad -

----..- .-. - ---

or you are bUBY and can't spare the time for a trip to our office- your accoun t can be handle d very satisfa ctorily by mail. ' Simply send the money to us by check in any form Y0tl happen to have it, and we will return n pass· book to :V OU pl'oml>tly, togeth er with an y inform a· tion you d esire. . Every delay mean~ a 10SB, becaus e the money be·' gins to bear interes t from the day rec iveq, Your accoun t wiu not be too large Qt' too small to have our most oarefu l at~ntion.

-20'" S"e'r-~% Df~/dtndj"

Oem CI ty

Loan Ass'a



Luan. Dearth I. ylll"n. Mr, DAIRY COWS an4 Mr. Ptrr,. Barnba rt, of Peklo Cheater aDd atarle' " Pnjfh bave d an.r viii' ON EVERY FARM re'Dra.-aun' • . lIn. Mar,. PnSh,

!~ I'



Itt. ber d n u L: b


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.Webers ,


,' n'I" b t fi re trom Bn old fusl,

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DOle la s' " '," ral l:<1 Hob et! w e l'O

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Wft8 soon put o u t lIud s Ul(ht

1'0'_",,1 .McGi nni s , or (.yl.Jo , II I M r~ Nelll J 80

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-=~I,======6:N=-:M=a=I=D=D=8:=t:O:D::::;====:=:O i""" :'" '~ ~~:~-~~~~~~~~-., AuSIST INC .ME y

Stud ent Offi cers Play ing W d r ' Gam e In Ame rica n Ca tor ents

Mr. nnd_ MrA. Chas : Pngb wer e HI\ 'lllltoJ) vl@ltor8 one dAY last we ek

011 From Palm Trees.

It Is proposed t o SIn rl a ne w Indus· try In Btltl ~h H oml urns for the pro· ductl on Q! 011 trol11 t he cnh ume plllm,


w!tcch b'T \\'s pr ollflCll ny ill thnt coun· tl·~·.


I~,u n ~ Inl~dn l1g t" I

'" fl U \) J, lI"


I I~(

t ' l ll


Utll izing Hop Vlnea. I,l l LI


Otl 'll'!'t r l ) .l\r1tj t r,O'H r ' ll i ll t tl\S \..-.~ .1 r j . 1 " 1\ ,'f d,~ Ii III Int IA of ·the Btl. t· .. u f lU '''~lIn l Re veune "f 'be T!'"" l r I IE·llIrtUI IlIIt. will vlllit

e " .l··v C·'l1O.11' 111 I

,111: I;'


n if'(ld 8t'ltes

.1 u.!lIhl r · '"11 [,' r,h Tl1" ry. No. tleM the ir I1 rriv BI \ ill oe given In

/lnVAnoe. 'I'll ., tlervioe s of these offiolal . I l) m ok.ln g OUf. i1lcOllt P..t,px . retnrnl! wll) bp ((I van ' witho'lt oost toe) 1111 peraonl l r·I'Cl', .. · · I,, !l' i '.. .F ,. pore \0 see tb.Hn, ,1

'! I)\ '(,t 11 'Ve OltilZ9D8 : of t,," Clcll Iwt' ~Ilfl npou ~bem'oflh, t H"" ·'I,UrJl A " O,t Icn" r thlln Maroh 1 (~ ,. knllll" JI ~ I" when 1\ farmer t8 r,c' uc , hr. , lQ (' l lI r u or the "Valoe of t

" 1\ ' '' ,



OL " [I~ (11)(1 ~t.CJ\' k. Illo r ~ IIlUon of ,hese thl ll ~ ", ~" b'O,WII' , uto.. and al to 1!1J1 lny .. e. 11 t1 11 (IthR r m"tlerl , wHI .,11 b CI hn ~w ,.run by ahe re "emie field

to 'C'il

--- ~ ' -.""---

Va lued T ablet. A IlnlJylonl llll tnbh'l ''''l1''ved to bnve hellD written betweeo 000 n. C. oDd SfJO B. C .. 'When tmnslnte cl nt the Unlver-


A G rrn nn a gricultur i st hns devel· oped 0 lll othod .of ~xtrn rtIng the fl· bt'ou~ Innc l' hark of Imp ,'lues tor use I n the monnfac tnre of cordnge.

(If Penn~yh'nnlo mllsOInJl IIOme tl me ago, prov~od to be ODe of the ml~!Jo .In;! parts of the Ollie ot Ollgnml1s11,reI:anl.,cl nil one lIf the old. aDd not.\, t poeml In the world aid to


---- -----

Deep Breath ing. I n nl lllntnln gOUtI h ~"lIh you s hould .' ~\J Inllnte your hll 'J.:~ to ,their nor· " I 1'''Pllelty at nil tim es ' de 'Iur es D lIy.kll l Instruct or . . The proi,cr [lurl· :,·" L10 11 of the blood thrflll :;lh OXYJ.;CIIU· Inn rr qulres nmpl e .hl·c nlhlng. nrop ,'1) \11'

~ houldet'!l

10rwurd nod



hike II full breut.b. You 11'.111 1Iml It , i lllpof'slb le to do HO In Ihnl poslUon.


" I,<'n lhl ng I's only Jlllrtlnlly ncc(J!D" I" hed wltb tbe shoulder s forwnrcl und

• hC) hrcnslbo oe d epr~.f!ijl'!J.

'I'he ' lower .tlJ rlinn of the lungs cnnn()t he cU\ptled, Ill d Insleud of DeCX!I\' lltg 1\ ~UI)ply of i C'ehh Illr they remaIn tIlle!.l with resld· ual ni l'.

----.. - ...---.,

'8tova-H eated Garden.

The gorden ~ot J'nmC!s Swartz of Bolter . Dam, IIIont., 18 hetlted by a Btove from tbe InSide. /11)(1 Is protecte d. OD the ontslde by a curtoln ' wblch II lowered about It on n frome. Tbe ~ Sh~ it and gUNlt'o Ie seven feet IIQu .. re Bod BerkelQ. c.L-"'It wu 11.,.,0111. llilitt! .of a .841rle8 of terraces ,bullt ·l rritable. no appeti-.. could Dot aleep. a round a bollow een ler to a betlht of and WI. al1h7l tlrea. ·10 DI1 hOOM- ten teet. Hr. Swartz believes :thle work wu a areat dcart. . After many ormngem ent will permlt a loo,er

TOOK VtNOl. Stroq


other medicinel had faUe4 ViDol growIng me up and made JIll! ItrODC. I ba. . . rooc! and Ilaap walL







an 8-horse gasolin e engi ne one year. That is more than a third of the price of the engine. Can you afford to throwa way $88 a year? . Can .you afford even to think of buying a gasolin e engine when you can get a Titan that uses kerosene? SC'e the Titan dealcr and . talk this over• . He has some interes ting figures to show you.

lII15b 01


VII I'. m· h.'ll l o turnlld

\, ' ~


Figure it this way. On an 8·horse engine the saving is 8.8c, an hour, S8c. in a lo-hou r day, $88 in 100 days of work. Say that is all your engine does in a year. It wpuld cost you $88 more than you need to pay. to run

MIII .GnoeB eok II ...,. m,

Mleille Uenna Bra,onp , LaureU . To bave dairy OClIWI al a par. of 'be Equlpm en' OD everr f.rUl, eo. tvalah, Doroth, . y. lin 1il4. abllng' snaute '0 become IeU.IUP - Cd"rela and IIrl. Cbllllier Whitsel '. through out 'he yen and •• min have been on the Ilok U..,. Mile Pearl H a rri~ ~ p . · t1 1 ." <"f· rtl) Ibe ~lIms Mme malntal u dealrab le ~ o ll oondUl ons, IE! a plan recom. dave la,' week u.t ber bllwtl ' IU m e nded by ~bo Btlrl'au ot Aniw a ) :rrlmIlI! D. l u d\1~ \ry, U nit ed 81;ntes Dep~ rt, D'\eot. .. Mr. aDd Mrs. LBI\er Conger. at of A!!: r lon ltoTB, HID (lDg the IRndowD . Blue B~II, wel9 the Sunday guests e t!! of the ::iou\h. The piau Is a(). of tile I .. tter'e )lAronts , .\ir. and Mrs. compan ied wllb an notlve oAmpal g n Stepllsn Gorsoo h . for feed product lo'n ; a8 a result 1\ Mrl!, Jaue Llln!{do n "pent evel'lll mar kcou looroll~e Itl t he aoreage of day s IRst week with Mra ~manda leSUIDi!8 . pAT\!ou larly vol vet beRne Dum blitober . . tlnd P" (Ifluts, ha s baen ebown. D. Gomer lias been OD 'be ~Iok list Every offor' \& being made by Mr. Rod Mrs. WAiteI' flehl w e n ot tho depll~ tment to aid In brtu~log 10 !' s ufficien t 8upplr of were LebnDon vlaHors go,,() oowe to establis h dairyin g and Jouph Miller made a bU8Ine ~. to fll( the type of lIoo.d OOWI! In the trip eo MtaUlIsbul'l!r MondJl.V. ml ods o f t il fllrmtlrp. rllB rolBdl. MIlS N ellie Fitts bas returne d ue~ 1j of lJllokor~ to h Olp fln~noe the from U1evElll lnd wbLr e " h e wns c&]Jed purcn a~e of dlllt·,\' cu ttle Is tlD indloa. by the deatb or hor bTCILho Uou of h o w well t'l! lllbll ~l.!e rl th o tn and where ~ be remAine d for·lllw seveNI d u t,ry 11 118 become tb ro o g ll oooperA . day~ wi'h ber 81 te r, Mr~ . Gelld' ude tlve BUO ' til le WO rll . Struble .


gasoline, Titan kerosene engin es save their owners about I.Ie. per horse power pc;rr hour over gasol ine engines.




AT present average prices for kerosene and

.04 lire. JOIIIph IIllIer .aa 4a,. la.' w..~. ' .. ,' ' . .

hOOle .

hare Januar y B. ltra. O\ho Mnndl'bil.ngb, who liv es nortb or town. II 8erlons ly III wHh o n cu Dl o nl ~ ~lrri. \'10 Fu lltBrpon , of BprlnlC \' , I .• " ,·"" , In Mr ~ . Ki n . B op ~ \\'f n n, v ttlir'" j t.bair r ,~ ' Mr~ I,. • R upe r

Can You Afford Any but Kerosene .Engine?



A braDoh lltallon of 'be Wee'er n Ohio Creame ry, of Xenlll, wll1 open


Whil e t h ~i r fellow coun lrymen are perpetra ting o utrages here and tbe.rli I h:U U s:b.~ 1I 1 the United States. Germa n prisoners in ter rted here are bein&, ~I "'Ith tne ulmo I cons tderation by th e F'ederal (; overnme nt at .' n,'tlt)· p r i~o" camps. H ere is a scene at one 01 the largest 01 5j:YeraJ IlJUI them. It i3 al ... ,-} D c ",gla ~~ , U,ah, I!~ar .. a lt l.ah City. '1Ile o f the three large camps in;hu • tllIl , y. atld sho ws so m~ of Ihe Gernr.u, prison ers ,tanding ,aIloQt th£ bulle till ,'" ... I 1\ hore the flews of 1110 dar i, po ' ted after beiDl' tnuslated into German. I I,,· pri ",ners are well (ed and cared for, and asjoy a freedo~ tbat-ia eat ' 0,1\\11 l'h·t wllc rc in prison camps. 0

o f fu el o nr UIl I'Y 13 t.h A ll •.,.e o J rdl~lI.Y Invl1e.1 hOpt> o)nsp4.l. t o be vrcE,ent '!'! m' ,. .. '110 " '(\ IDuD iripHI (.fl1 . MIs8 Mllrle Rloh "Dd lues I ' " ' ' W·Jrol 11 h " r ;',!wlu ~ e rvic" on gave Il wHl o h party N o w YOllr's Ev ~ . j-I"·. (I ,,. I · •.tI tt T hOde Invited wore Mr. Iwd Mr8 T l cM M,, ( ' lIn~' o (;10 1 (; 0 . rl{l livered Ukl ev Ung les by .. nd family, Mr. 1\ 11 .,1Ih," UJ: r' ul l"l,, 1 l it ull r ciLi:wU B " Md Mrs. EarDl'lH M UDnon, Mr. (lnd "",t w,. k I t. i ~ quite con v e nient t o Mrll Allin Bar t.soOIr, L Be Talwsg e, h a\' e 1\ ake detlltlr In our Martha aDd Wm. Luk E' D@, .BeleD mlc lH t. Bart6ooJr, Elale Urtle, Dorotby '1' bo rlolt law I_ t,eiD" obEll'rve d bv (lInJ[8 and WIlbur Hawke .. " Oll r dog :JII1 Ders. Mr. And Mr~. JumB8 (lray were Slel!!h ln!! Is belo~ onj ojled by oalled to the b Ollle of tbelr eon the y o ao g fo ltl ' Perry, who III very 810k . Bis many Our y oung IOl\rded men lire f1ll1nr trlende here wIsh for hili epeedy ant their war papers •• present ed recover y. \u'la w. Ray Waif and f.mily were "Islt. R. W. -Kay lor h ilI' takell the grll-od IDK hts pareD ,. here Sunday opporln nhy in btl'Dd, aud III put'iDg Mr. aDa leba. Alan Hartsoo k have up ioe, whloh Is of flue quality . aone to hOO!8k eepini on Mr. Ed Mre. Lizzie 8ear1l has remode led V'ander vool"'. farm near OllirkB. one o f her dwellIDJ!:s, and 1.111 '0 be ville. ooonple d oy Dr. Illltd Mrs. Shoma ker. The patrone of the B tlrvt'Y8 hura ruTl,1 fr ee dell very request , tbll' notl oe is due Chos, TQokor . the genl .. l IIml Obliging mall olAr rler, dnriDg t,he severe w e atlltlr IlDd b tld roads bls se rvio e bas blle n jnst the ~am8 aH during the lie U of weathe r . It 18 his desirE! to render ~ood lIervloe Mr. and Mn. S'.n)ey Cook apen' ao der tile moet I,rylo\( 'Ime.. 1n 'he w"ltt.en d with the laUe,'. par. differen t pllloes $l1ey tblnll their en's, Mr. and Mrs. Cbllll . ' COllpr , of oArrier s cannot be b l'K ~, now we Brl Blue Ball. . ' , ,,< .' jns' that wuy and 0 III pr ,j\'e tb., ha IIr, .n4 MH. Bown ' Arohel_OOD , Is no' seoond 10 any of rlJ l' lJl. of LebaDoa. wara tb. p ..te of Mr. l !l\

Ma rv Clin g h a m Is ve ry Blok w r ' T,ln g. I-lr . 1'31'0 ~ar n b " rt. Apel famtlv .- p", d Ih,' h',lir. li)' wit h J 1'. Mur. 1,,11 tt" cI f '· l1\i l v. Wit and Moncy. . Wlll10 mon ey wilt tnl,,~ ~'nll u lon g M" r\1i 1'.~ ,"'<lf~ C)" tl nd wife ~ p4lnl, WUY. I t won'l alWAYS brln.: you I II ' II . N t' \\' Y I 'I I' ~ ( IIY Vl llh IJlwl,1 l,.potle WIt 11'\11 not onl~' Ink(! )'ou JIlo~ 1 IIlt~t. .. n d hlntlly wh l1r e, tmt al 0 bring YIIU bu 'I(, C IVu)!.' r 'I lid rrr(olcl Bt'rr..nrt l were In th o two It's Ih e h It r . So gct wit nnd ou r vl {lloi t y 0 II' tlay .. w eok . wI sdom r":"·ExcbnIlJ;e. ~ Ir . .J ,lIn R ,)yer of this plnee dil!'li - - -_ a t .' prl nl\fl ItI, O " 8t h ili clilngh ter ... Mrll. John BUlI ro ' ~ , ... bere he had g , ne tt' ~ve nd I.b o winter. Doea Not Affect Charity. Mr~. (} I X 8 lD Wha r~o n oa lled on Thc d,'slro of power In ""cess coused Hr ~ J '1' Mllrlutt ~on d ~y lifter rh e uDgels tn t ull ; ihe lIes!r!' of know l· n oon. edge In cxcc~9 · c nll scd mon 10 fIll! ; but J ' '1". Mll rlb Lt· "'liS in L e h non one 10 chnrlty th er !! Is no CXC(>SS. ueltbel' clln nll );el or mnn come lu dunger by dl'Y lbls we k . Mre. Frll[lk Dukin olllled in our II.- Hn co ll. . 'Vll1sge one day I.Lls w eek - - -The MIsSB8 E th el &nd Ulla DUDcan ot Clarksv ille, hI! ve been vt81tlog Trme Markers Ir . LI.beln. their p '.rent8 tbe PtlB~ week . Correct tim e IS dnoounc ecl every Mn, Elmer R oyer Is on 'he slok even hour In the po rt of Ll slJoll by list this wee" .. metlns of two luntcros plnced on Iron columns 100 feet hlgb. Tbe lantern! ench bue three fnces measuri ng 6.6 teet by 8 tee.t. hool's.



'l r 1; ,;,




lI,d le8 pr"Re o t lind t h ey (' I: rrrcll d y ", u d (" .. til v. m otb.- r .• Mr/! . M'Ir'Y '-'rlthlt " . liho were d t. he brl<.le wnh m uny l1"~f o l Roocl.~ I 7."" h:ml\\' outl SIl I} III1 ~. 1":,,'1 ,, . nB l'h'J t, ;i '1 . L .... " f: Ln <;1I1'9 of till s gl rtll. 'i 'lle two Int o r\\ s ~ . t o u~ h 1\ ~(J l ll l n·- toL'p"" RtulllP ,Ir ('U1l\'( I1I ,'" I Ih I Clt yal ef,h e l boo ~~tful I dleR, loolr: ~ I h I lla h os~e~s 'll\ere cl!' e4~ \cl lu J I Rutnh.' r l I,! lin," h'l ~ , 11 h ('IJ:; I " o r · In l,(. ' rwltrn ... til " ',\' ''nt ~ "nd T't "C,~~.. tersnft ,I. .-.t, II. I ,. srUII!!, I "'()\l ~' I " "" h l' e 1<I,d broo<>h t t,1\e nltl s 1l, l h r It .:mg the ttl m rs a l l L • vl Olrl t . \I .• ~ ~ . 'l 'II!\' II' ltlhltll e " " fil l' li S 1l " C \·~Rn ry . T rl en Il'e Ite "'' nI l t.n t.:, j" til ll "'oro f 'i' . " In .. COu"H'.ll r \nn';'O rl ".11 ,c' l • . ' . " v uPlwr pa r t . If I Il' l ' t IP t1 ro r l IIf' Ilurll ..... 1' . .. u k'1Tt, ' NI .·, -e~I.·r ,dr \ ~ ,. \ \''' 1'' 1\ Conn. Gorat,nd in whl t o ; It ' V:IIM f'''' I If' nt. rr ' ' " a I, rnt t l ' " 11 ' 1 t\,. l r) ~ p rFl 11,)\ "' . C.l1 np :-- \jur" " ls. n. i t h pfI . 1I 1'("'t 11'\ 11'"1 8 '1 f r:H 11l ,' 111)1, I fh , ,,1 , f.(11 OB ", ce n e thn.t no oue pro uo& Wil l ~ tJUH I" '" I· ... G"rl d IV b ' f ll~ I HII t~ I'l l ~)r l't H lhHt b U T t o'9D forget. ~'::'ll~tl~~"I~;:.~JJ~l'~}\f\i l~n; '.~. \:\~I.I )'~\~ ~: '~:Vh\II',;t H t • "") ' f'11 ~ '" I. ~1 ~ '1 i.l t': ~ lH"! hlt \l 1,., vl t Ct,t lC'ny oud ' lle ~f l.l ~ " hl T,) wna t. l lli fllllt. p ",u nel'1- Y t 1'1" n 1 ' ,I I "" ,' ; , t( J 1111 \ ut i" r ~! .. ~ ttl "' I1 S hu'"'e been 801HJol 111 :"\1 . 1 Ih ,' lit n ll n'V \' uti ltu '.liil1 l>'~ h l41:1 r~ \ II·: 1. 1 11 II", I' I (' ,.1 y' I \, t ,' \' 1 ' 1~_. III .M, E . Cb U Toh I:tt, Ha r vp:V l:" tlU '- ~ li l!' \. " .' .... " . _ I . .. - , 1\ .C t it . .c t ·, 1 11' \' blld Wlltl' her 0 0 8 n t,l l UUI <l""" ~ . Hf t ... rnojn lit. o ·ol uok. JIIII .

1I1 ~ hC'rlu. iJol )l 0\\'4 1 ,.rul (' 1111\1~11 III ph'"c'(' til' t.1 l'lIsesl Hl1lol(('. ~\' \l h one clln t~(J or Cltlt'llllU cll rhloi c . t hl' lll;h t -:I,(JUO cnn,lI f'llowe r -wll l \turn fcll' ove r f o ur I

l I

~II, o f D'lyl,,' n, NP6l1 t l l v~~~iiF:\:i;;.I;i:'~';:Lie;:}~:~~~~ !~:; o~~ld~\~UtIl6~~~\~~;~':~::llt'~:";", ~ ,"I t b b " r Hll' l l' r' l

' r ·ll.


" ' ,;,,1r1 '0 ' .!' ,), ~ ~"'\ '~ " .

F lrem en'l1 Lloh t. A npw 1I ~ 11l prt'Ht l r fl l d~ nl'f'Hlf'n In r t-t ' U ~ worl\. Till !" Ih:lIf , !"trnl llh'd 10 ht ~ hll ('k. HIHI t'I{,\, l1li~t1 slld ,lly I1h,I\'O

Bulld lDIP

( -H t' 'l ll 'L \\ o r h

'J'. J Ol' llnn'g 1~·t 1 dtt.}

Mr~ . Mtlr t ha l)u v lH ,,1111 \\,,". ,\lll r.\' Maun n n gev /3 kitoJJ p. u ~ I" ..\·" I' l u r Mre. Alun /i Hrt doclr , ~J (JQrI " y ,dt tl l' nOl) n of IMPt w r.'Jlt , nL I llu 1\ , ,,I'~ co:


- ---A Vise From a Sa pll n . To ru ll l", It "I H" til lh. · ",,,uols. " 111"


The new Bril ish sleel helmet is nune too common Among the "Tommie s" in France for K in g George. He wore olle durlnlr_ h i. recent visit 10 the trcnches . The King it shown. here on Wytlcha cte Ri dge which was recentl)' dcvutate d hy the British attack


n E'lI , t··~'o 1)1 oor tl\ ' ob p · --- . ~l-l nJlt \ ". ~· P \l g h lt ~ n ot. b l'!? lltl l o;" t'l rtl nv an d f'll.lll t.1 , V th o ~n"ij t s .' , . ' ...• " f t he (·m .l inn t',l or' t " f 1hl' ''' pareuts . ., ' ~ t' " h in D .nln n lt!!' b WMr; .ll1 fll11l ' JIlIc)r HllOIlt tlw l."l},) " ,! - ,. r " a n ttl In ~ t f) ~ CO 1 t IJ I P Ll dI d ' J'

F. J . ( J1I~N l!\' & CO , Tnl\·t\o, 01, Sold ~r nlt D rug~i.. s .75c.

Germans Live in Ease in U. S. Prison Camp 'While Their Countrymen Continue Ou~



,ubseri otion ]Jrice . $1.50 per ycar WE DNESO t\Y,

- I

Intel1lational Harvester Company of America (l.acorpor. td)

Tit&n l, erOlene e nIPnel are aold b,

A. B.· Sides

.Waynesville, Ohio



Are you J,!oinl! tn bU l III ;1 a'JU se? Are you going t o builtlll Ga ru'l A re you ,lCoing t o bu itJ G,l r:lg't!'! ,. Are ~ou going to build a Hoe: Pe n ,? Are you g oing to build II Poul t ry Uo u se?




Mad den

Do yo~ WaD' Tob&Cc:o Dox..!. .. . ... ... .... ... ,': .. ... ....... , .... See Maddeo. Do You \V&D~ Cement!. .. . ... . . ... .. ... .. . .' . ..... . . . . ........ ....

s.. Madden Do You Want Lime or PI.,ter? ... , . .. . _...... . . , .. . . ... . '... See Wad.den Do You Want Any Kind ul Lumber l .. . . ...... . . .. . .. ... .... M


Do You Want Shingle s? ...... . .. , ....... ", .. •. ,.See Madde n Do You Want Felt Roofing ?, •.•.... ~., ..•••. " •• ~. MadfleD

Do You Want Fence Posts? ...... ... ,' ... See Madd en , ' . 1 l _ Do You Want Farm Gates ?, . . ...... .... See Madd en


Do You Want a Vera1 da? ...... . , , ... See,M adde'D


Do YOU · Want




BUI·Idmg PI. ans.,•... See Madden e


. Do 7011 want to borrow a dlmer !leO HAdden c .

,· 1


If 10U don't ~lint anythin g at all. SES MADDEN just "





TELL TI ' r- M)\l F ~ lI HI An" I ' 1.111 ,t


W ATCH .~~'~~====~~--~



- - FOR--

The Tri-State


. "No Thanks. Mr. Stat ion f 11 ,111 I, r stable-milking th~ cows and I'Ill1ni llJr II I' " 1" own railroad tlcke.L ir)stead o f payil1 ~ " II I r ia anything eas)' about ke p ing co ....tI. 1 \I . "


\ r-


I' , ~ ll\n I '~ iQ Il .



Every farmer should sh ip

,.<1 C'l nninl( the 1 ". t! I1lsl) buy my

h i~ crt.', 111 l.lll~ .~

' r In

If there





LIIl ' R ·tJ


"ill l> f'" ' 1IIiJ;, \, .",1 1 ",1 lor c hurc h ·en ·ice at ~. l. ~llIr) ' ~ C JU ,1 , SUlluay.

.. me-ry

w", h"1

i(oa l,tlwr' tlw

()\. 'i n )l·" Il','~·a·.·\II"

j f

()WII~ tu I< J'f\ '\ 'l, ' jn-; o ndit inn l'(·jt: I ~, l '" 1'0 II. t . n \VIII hl' n,) III " t ill.' ,, ( till' . 1\'1 1 l I t ' \'rlYIl f'I'\ iIIf' th L III nh , ;, 01 )I ('I'li I< \I. n,H un f il


,'f" o r I /I ..


vt!ry 1" ~lal . nu t! I~ i., w ilh mil h rI' j(fl:!l th:tl tlw ( It ."I'~ h ili h d to make thi~ d t' ,~i'-fl)n

~I ,;'


per pound for Butter


w .!k ht'j,lifllli ,• .JJ nunry 7,



',('I I1 ... h 1,4,,!.,


II '




I(ghl Ir,"'i Ih ,: " .. II,'· ",1111". ' I'h~ shut},' ('uu-hl!'. 1'1 :( .. I n" il l" j 'll n \'US "'h" I I ht·" I till' II~ I I' ·'·lI d ... of

"'''of "

t \\' U J II Jil l .· J .. \ , 4"', , 11, 'I


_____________ ______ we will

~ elld



Burn G'IS J e l In

Will pay ·tll<' ! i l.lJ{·~ l ~la rkct l rice. Let us kll nw \\, li.ll \ '11 III ~'e to ofT r , by mail or pllol1l·. (P,l ), long d istance phone cha q.~1 !-- .

Dayton, O.

U r.<l~




d (.'1'

l ~r,)­

No. 2220 'untll t ion uf the Warm'

Nati vnal Bank, at

clo~e o f l..oililfl



W!l~· lI(1S .

'!>S, Dc ~ a£so lit-eM,


d'IIl.'OuUI~ . ..



tl ~'0S':l~!:J!f llJ:::::~'~J' ic; .,'(,IJr,-~

Oult III vou ll


1i( 1 1";(l II I "


, t


• • • • ••

• •

ClIJ.uull. no

In !t nly,




F nvor.

1~,oa l . U6

7.000 uO • n!,:i»1!.93

I.L\ElILl T I E~

"1.11.1 .\.O~k l)oIl~ · l n .•.•.. ....

' ~ O,uuo.uo

11"ld. , .. , , ... .

. 10 .7 9 60, OOO. UO


~~W~~IU~~!vOi ' : • : : • • XUb 1~ Clrtlulatlug nol ... oul.ul.ndln~ .. N"" Wnlvunta du o w l\o,t l(lunl baul.... . . . . , .. .... , • .... . iI"posH

, D. VUIl,OU

.uI>J ·( III

checl • . .. . ......... . .. .. .. rl In 'h'''' o f 1.l01}C)"" due In I,...

1!' ~, 2 9 9. ~O

Cerl W.d clo.d'll ... .... ... . . O..I,}or', dled.. OUI.tUtJd luU .. Dlvilleod·. uupald ,. . . .• ••• . ToU.1 domand dCll\lIIllsGOa , ·I~ . I I

IlIij . ~G


lll." SO do ) •. .• , .•• •. , ....

!'OiI'.' 'l'olal of tlmu

.~vlufj' t1CIIOoIlIl.


U...I . tIU R, ~OU . OU


• •• ,.,

,ta sIIDleo '\

Tna l ... . ... .. . .. . . ... . .. 172 1. 29 6:9 3


OJl I, l. WMII X:, COU NT Y.S9:

1. I" . • JIIU'I8(.ck . Ualll,fer o f tlla Allov. IllUUOf! 1JIlUk, (10 sol emnl y " oar tlJa.t t he YIJ


BtU I cmeuL

19 tnl

kuo" 1... I~o nml !>01l.f.

UJ Lue




CD~J,I .r. Wilt ' ~,,-()r ll l O lJeft)('O ItU) vb I.

],- O. I1A IlTSOO I{ ,

Su ~Ibed nay Of JU II ., IH 17. ... m>Ct.t\ Ire t:


l!:. ' .

tlH~ u(:'.th


l )t," I[II,_. n

11 'IY, \Y II:"l IIl Il _'






IJr"n( 11.·, .\


f: H,fi\J'~IHTI . ~I h~(,~l l


Mrs L(l\vill AtkiMon <lied lit h r home ll,~ar U d\!a • un t!lIY !lftcrt ,Qon

A. U. ' WE

( ' ..

", i! h t l.t"

Tim ot hy" \ I)n .... .

" .' IIU Il


,·!tH IIl' r .... I lIuli


;L ' "-' l' \\ ho h :t y e I' l'iI(UJllj' (}

F reak !\leI 'Q P~per., On ' or luI' IIh) ~1 l " lIlU l'kll blq "frllllk RU \) U~ .j ,1 'CiOI'k , 'flae f une l'al was nell' spIIJl(' r~ ,' \I'r I'l'Intl'\l II'n ~ the LIl' helli W dn,·~.I' l v :If:crn.II)O lit mlnorll, 111Illll ,.I' I·,1 In ~ l , '( lrld , It wns o'clock a t \Ill' Utic.\ f [( hurc h. prl il lt-tl \1 ill! 11011 I'PIII ,JUlIIJ; phospho rus ' Il1 tl;!rnll~lIl in ~. illim c,-IIlt'tery, Ml' • gO lhnt th~ jllll" '\' C,lu hl tIC r en d III Ih e AlkinwlIJ '''1\ ' thl.' lIl1,' nf.'r of fllr. dllrk. Al1 l< lh t' r c Irl,,~II:v II'IIK clIll'lI flam r I ' ·m>:. fIl,d Ii ';1 l'· in· ldlv of til(' 1I " !!:1 1. 1'1'1111'11 wil h n "n·p(\ ls0I101l ~ MIS.J IT .'mllh , 1, 1 l \. i ~ plu.:e Ink 1)11 Ihll) ~!lo "I~ IIr ,1 "'~ h . w hi ch coulo.l 1'1' l·n\'·II. 11111-1 111'lil ~hlll;: lIotlr, Ishllwnl ro r " ",, Ilq \\ "1 1 liS m ill I\. L~


)l l('n-1o:f I'e 101 u ;i~l"('1 r1 "toil' who !-lU"· 8CI'II,,'(1 r I' f r(y y' :\1-'; 1I II n:loll a mI fre~



.Notary l:tut> Ie .

W. If. "'I, L}~N'. ' S. U;,'. \J ItT\ RIG lIT, J . W. \ 11 1'1'1>.


nuuut 12 i ullolrn, Sll~'~ t h'

rll. ·"da

1.,' "111.\1 (111ft r"cr. Dur -

wa s 1'1''1'1\' 11 t 0 f ~' w hourS' tlotlce t o COll Y .I' h t'r nC'''O~ th e c o 1)('1n nt Am nnN!, If · Ilf llr. \\'u.qh \'ar. ! when bl.'r vi. It 10 T!;nJ:lo U,1 was \lUlled. I ' H e , di l I a h,' r hllme nenr the F'ive . _ ._ _ _ . ' _

_ _

j llfHl




'llnl this C 11d Wea i h r P Ul1C' )1.


.For S;l nlt a ry Bakers. .\ \l'1ll( '(\ 1.111'1'1' Iinkl l1 ~ II II rd. n ,.,h cCI " I ',' hll'" (':111 hc dl AI'an lud wIlen soiled : , d lnarnedln l , Iy 1 '~f1la c 'll w ith onoth· .. 11 11,1.'\' It. fl nol . III S(I n ",nxecl Jlnp~ r , 1' .. 111111: pi n , 11'1 I 11 (l Clll'llhollrd cor e, 80 I IIa i tli ~1) 1·('I· ln.!! m.1Y II thrown Ilwny 1. 111 II ", Int l'l '(' t of Sl1ultllry bllklns 1·,, \ . h,'e n IflYt! n tc(l DY fI '(J()nnecticnt

Hlttl (;lJl.'I,.··I""l l Flail"" '1',\' I! i 11 =0 11 \\flilt

14 kip I!

- ------,.---.. -

manufacture. HigheSt grade rubber a nd l abrie, p~rfectly balanced design, most care{u! workmanship . full si. e.

Whit "

/. touch. road·gtipplng Irud-n.ilher.o h~J vy u to produt< stiff. nUl. nor 10 light a. to , eiv~ inl\.l fficient Ilfotr t t icm 10 the c.uc.a .... Cuahlon of hl,h·Crad. re. i1i.nt rubb<: r~ h ~,bt lh. ,,,a d ' hO(kL Sidewall Ipedally Ihaped 10 dislribule n<.lng-wlll .not crack.. And the ureal_fine.t SOl hlan<l eOll<'n, hng fibr<. I<iul:h. triplo tHted. INIIt up lIyer by layer inlo the 5u"n/:u, ( art • ., that can be made.· H i lll mUu,•• low (olt per mile. old , fro'll factory to you t~u~b OIll .Own di.tributo .... W atch tor h. ,ed Savage sig n.

r ll llt"1 \\


\I.' ~ k

------ I


1\ "I'f. "',rll ll, .• lu·

P't- l,'j'IV.""oI , ) 1lIIl, ' l iI Id nrl~ 1111' I " 1 Hj7.1·~

Idl.' 1'01" .. r n . fill/' Ilnd rl'a1i'1 to !l Ip. ,- ~ ...


---._-_ - ---

I " lI'~y 1 "·,t I' " I J '.'I'1t;UH ' ri ~'~. N(" 11,111, 1\' 1.Ir,~ S,,,d lC!~<I 'II' I I., ."... ,!lI'C. h- I~ N l'\V



~ ·II'.lu l

f, \ r' I'UI",. 1)l.!ei,,<1 E va; I 1,,1 1'1'/\·- 1,11", (' nney 8" 1/>,,,:, III ,I !) ic,d~



- .....


p ip flf 1101 . " II"yl ll ~ l\' r id o r e withIn th ' r Cll ch o f 1111. whil e pi ll Y r ecr eation, Ih e "rt


C O III I ,II ~ hm


IIIHI 111 ughter, ltI"~' el'cry


. G randmas Not So Old. E titer gn zcll Il) lIg 1I11C1 .ca rllestly nt th e plctlll'c or n h '!'CII [l p~ll tlila bespc ctncl c1 Illtl' olll I n d ~' thllt h ended h er rcndlng Ie SQ II .· "MI "$ Brown," s h o sn i t!. wontl(,l'llig ly , fit Inst. "they don't . lupkc grnmll1lOf h ers neu.rIY so oIu oow'lln~'8 li S they used to, do

hOIl.e (h' lt P I' ~f!l llnt! ' for YOll r S ,md ll.' diullor .

ill 'I1l\'~ 1)II'Il IY of Hrn~ 'n Sug ar . in t i~. \\,.,{\\.

they ? "

. __





I ,v inj/' () , .~ 111'11(1 p ', rHler/lblp, I ,H I , 1'f ' t l il l' ~;tI" 1I 1 Puh ICl Au c tloD _ _ " >IJ I ittl t t\ t1lL ku, JI\' dl l·hel","llo Ule'l. ' <lld'S f Ul' lb II IIf R d O"lI: Bohool-::-_~_ · 11011><0 a rml eR >i,t u t h of Wayneavilll;!, ;t ' lflt1lltl Qhst 0 I ~rldll, 1 milo 80utll 1 0 1 1\ I"~\'u ph j\,ltll o~ t h e hill. un ·

over Seed



1 (I I"


Thursday, January 10, 1918 . .'

Com Ul\Il OlDR Itt 10 0 '0)001 the


com. ' IOWI"/( rl l'l50nb~(1 llr perty; Five OIllC' l+mo.mI; 10 t)" t tr8 , 3011')1(8,36 Sbeep, ., I t ', IU!}u C"rh, I:In r llfl8 lI'ormlng IlDltle. over. t.. •

\\' c b: v. a I.u'; > .. tU(' k iu g iiI' ~-l: «rH l grarles-:-

in• (1 II will


l:l :11


heRrt ...... l :1. IILI

;n ltl " 'hec p

.. \V I .... :.





7 Itl 7 il l) \l ~ 3

15 7

Sorghum and New

:peciniist in r elil' vin i<' E)' e · ~ 1 r ain nn d Imp rovin g Dcf.,c tiv\, ViRion l"y GltlillSes . Omee und Fil l i Il IC Rn f)ln . )0 o u th Oetr,Jil. ' I t eet

With T I FJo'ANY JI!lWEltY Store Xenia. 0hjo

Orleans Molasses

\ e .now have a good sup· ply of the new 'co p of bo th rghum and New rl ea ll ~ . r01asse5 . F or eat ing a nd baking these ·pure goo ds' ar c~ s till ill th e Junk bu s ine~s. Save nil you r J link fo , him nnel he will par excellence. ~ 11 on you and get i L LEo . v nrdprs White's Store a t White's grocery f (lr 1111 kinds of


- - ---


.v B AU LIN G.



C0., . I

farm for Sale ' I have 30 farms for ' sale. ·366 acres down to 1 acre. These farm. are 'aU 'i mproved and well located on good pikes. . Come ' an~

see me.

M. N. DOUGLASS Spring V alley, Ohio

Overlands Dodges Hudsons •.. ~The Delco Lighting System .. ~.

FRED HAWKE, Waynesville, 0.. .,


01 ,· at


I{a lfa

H Q rse~



'Il ls \1','

----_..--- -

SPEe r 1- !-,!; d l ~ \I e will have o nie'f' a~" I)!'l tn"nt of CnkE:'s. An· StI' 1 F/l;,d . l';P"H~ P. D,'v il fnl'cI, ChpI,'oh l... ~ I nwb e rry , p ine AP I·I." 'lit 'I',w,. Orallt;f' Wa· f ... r.'!, ;-" 0111,'.I ili rl ' (ill c ' and ch"APL'r Ihull ',') ~lln bake at


('I"ve r • ~ll ~ <l Ha y


o Qe 11 K n eqlllrl!, e\' ~ n t h ou g h we beg!.n lute In li fe I-Exchaugo, .

RU ~l:t' l

Bri./lg' 11 ~ ~ 'O ' I/' ('hi. kl:n~ Duo Cf. (',,~h IJI tl \lrl ~.

IIfW lIl.

AU Within Reach. F l'h>nrl sh l p /ln d chn l'i ry nod u \dDd· ot's. lh llt In ch,,) PI' 1111 the vl\rylog pea-

fo'Hnry J· lor;<1:1 ( h;.nJ!"~ . ;rape frUi t , '\PP't-,- -·tl i kind , WHI{· onc!", Ii 1m .. 1(·:; 111 if!>!. Yor k IlllP ,l "h.ll l l;lI~ , !lIm Davis,


II l':l

Empress Owned a T r ai n,

o'clock . Till! fllt\(~r d wiil be h l! ld 111(1 1\1'" I lIaj""t.l" ~ \'lslI!< to 0111' h ores fr om h I l' (> h')llI ' 'h ilrd y afwr- U,ls lm illt l:ll lrui u II. il to wult ' for OuOll A t 2 0" " JI·k. Iller Ilt 1:,,111 .., ' I\\' ot ., hl'I1"Y p X(l e n~c • __ . ,


I ~~


R ead tb e Mia mi Gazette no

Onl' III' tlil' Ul o~ 1 111 XlII' I0\18 roynl -- ._- . -. - I trnl"" In ,'xbll'l\r,· b lr)lI~ ~oI to' t he W '~I o~ : ', liain~s. who l~uH he n ill j P.m l' l'~s~ ~ ( "ri .. or rtu ~~I". mothe r of f or u I ~'ll~ lIme, ,11.'11 lit h l ~ h.. m on , tI .. · eX·('ZIII· !'II, I 'hh 'r t F u,'ell Ale x-

Thi rd ~I·f' ... t.




Why :t' Rostrl.\m 1 . The \\'o rr! 1'''~ 11'1I", I" (of ito mnn 01'1· _ , - - - - - -....- - - - - -. t:11I. 'fh.' I'n ' I' "", \\,'I.~ 11 pln ttorm, or d"I·"II'oI I' llIt'·' in ' I h(' Homa n ·t o ru l" fl'UII I ,011) ,'1, 111'1111"1<:. pl ""dln's u1ll1 f!llill r a l t'uio!!!... ' W" l','" d~li ycr tl. ]t ' ' 'IS ~n ,'" Ilt',l 1'l' (' I1\1"~ It "'ns nll"rned wil h lh· r. ,;.lr\l . 11\' hl'"J;R of t h e s hlP R • I n l(~ri In I I,,· tll's nn , ';l l victo ry ga ined hy I h " r e puu ll c. ' J kllt~ , of GNJc1 Thiugs to

Waynesville, Ohio

])ont pit t i l off. I-t~ Ih ey li re goi,,!! iUS I , <l lld Ih ~ neXI will be ve ry 1111l ~ h higher. A I I he olr! Ht Ull d .

!,:I 1 1'7

I' ield He "


Mr:i An I", lJ u "'. I" ,f" !lf .Lhe late Wm H Dul;t·. \\ho [ '; r y .. ar!l tn3de theil' h ome (, Lv ' ll'. d ied at h e r It nit' i rr Il:tj llll M 'IIlJuy llrLf'rnOOIl t 'I l, ' c l ~rlt 1'11<' fUl lortJl will be hold tit I.h Ly Cll" ~ ' ' }o; rhurch "' riday


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h\l IW' ln C,l!l l·mna u. T'I'I '

Point Scl,t,,,1 [[ ') U~ t:, Monday T h tim e tor I It .. f un e l a l had not been 1)1'1 Ollll '" d a:o we "'I'nt t,l pre 'I

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Of AGRI GULTU REInllTh, ' d 1

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oct:ureo.l It I , I OU .OO ri a l', J : 'IIL,Y'

1'ro ..u ....r ..un duo from U. S.




"pltll plt", In ""lI l1 t ' h pl ' r~v n ~ I n lI '~ dI'M'I ' IlIJ · rift"\' III I .nn llo n

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'h,' n.~pl~ H: ,.t ill y or 1"llt t' rnl1~ '"11 11 :lfl,'r Ihll l) ,i , ~), .. d.'1 ~" i1 r~ MI' I" " ... " f lI g~. li e 1'.1' "" ,'nrI O' 111111" Uo~';( '~{h~~n~t~I:;I. ~.IX§~ ('g::~tJa. Ill.ufjoi! I() &Ocuro po.lml • • \ • • I !lUll!!!!' W•• , at .. n,· 1 1110 <' U r,, ~ ident "I, ~'" 111111 youlhrlll III ,.lI n· I'II "",1 " " th.' I"K!! oIcIlOBlt.. ... . . 0,0 00 pu " f ,\ Il.Vln ,\, :;" . "I,d hi: wifp. 101 . ""lI n,1 i h ll t , 'Oll l·nr .l· \I) !II'I'lll a l' upl n· SlIi:urHh,. olher 11.00 U. tl, !>O,,,h (IiOt. Ju.:hllltl1i blO r ),o") 0 '\ 11 t M:trsbaP I .llman , I' ;.s r~l1n' d he r e "". 1110' oIT~ prl "~ "f .'·PlllIl! Iti ll/ he r!} un¥~l~!fl,1Q~llis: '~u~t~!~~~lj I S ~.~~2. 9 G T he bod) """ to 1J2\,C'UC n ta ken 10 I ',,',. II lill ,'r \' ltn lllr :lItd .. r,· Ii .. ; iWl'r,. Sl :k •. OIl! r lb." ji ooeral lit I Nil, hvIJl.,. T UrD . f. nda. fo r inter· II " ut IIII! ~11 11('rl ' I''; 1111 11t't:liwlly or IS(trve Dau,," SlOck: , . . ,. ... . ' 6.0UU. 00 ! m nt , hut inljlrad /J ' fe mnt 'J Ilt 1'1111 <11' It uO\'n ut '11111' 1' jl'II·I-"I ,. St()c'J( " f ~'odoral n ..orv6 !louk l,l OU. DO · incintllci QIl ~ l ondfl . _ __ ___ _ __ COl' I.eI' t:On~ uf oU""'I'lptJUIl, iC"i'VO BlUlll • • ~

Our prices, too, are very reasonable, when considering cost of material, pape r, .and cv r ything that enters into the maki 19 () n sale bill.

1'1.!:-ti, lent

Pl·llti\ I·~j, h' "" l e I'('cci v nf \\ o rd

Value u f b~uWllig b.<,u .. • . . Lawlul roaurv~ "'tlt "~,Inl'lll ih,-



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T he filli owinlo(' re p )rt of !IV rag ,1 (; 1": I, r \\U~ Il1nrr ied prices Cor l\-.l l7 HJ Hl i~ cl1ll1 pi hKl ir"tli 10 ~l j 'ls hI .ret 1:',.1 I I'. n f \\'o 'JJ I ' n,· j li l ' I .... ,", . 1\ h" lf " Plll ul'l es re ttJ rn s r ece h'ad f ro m otliriul cot'· h Urn, U ~j'!, 1,1 tlll·)I· !dI' H C ~ .·(lf H e 1 11itt'1" tlt t. ti' " WI' l', ' c lait llt!d re~ p o nd e nts of the IJ p ', r l m t: lIt; -1 . H [ ... ; l :-;.i urd IY t V'l' tlirng-, b~' Ills 1:111111. I I ll' H \lll h l1'ltJ4 ' ~ (,_f Ja nu a ry I, .1 9 18: ])l' r "ml"r ~\ I, :\! r ti',II:,h," b l he l V ·n ie,·, " ,,,I ,.,.,,, '.' t " l :II' :I'!IIti . b ut l !lJ 7 ", \\ " Fr "I· (;1\ 11 her , th,' 1' "11 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I rt h.-lol",l, lind Wheat p,a. r bu ..... $ 1 (il $ II\, ,11 ,tv I ul~' 11 1'( ,; ,'0 . fl·!) \\ H ~ dl~c ' II " (! r t'tl (u rn ' !U _ - ... j ,l utuJ...; du t.\ n";1 p . t-.1O;: ~ ll lIll~ ! I a rJey !li'

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cato:. uClud olJ t t:oJ.1a~ ... , .

The Gazette is better equip!,,, 1 to prin t yo ur - (1 1(11 of new types will make your bill look as g UOl a the h t.

It :l i " l lJ I


$."U 131.0:1

LlborW LOu m HvI1 J • . uJlpl<"l,oo.

Sale 13U 's than ever befor

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)mc' Phone 3561. ' .

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BEN FRANK, 2215 E Fift h

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II Ill' \\' J': U rnj)"llll '

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Full pa rticulars and definite dates in n eJ t i ssue of this paper

1l0~1 ·


dUl"I IIl! "tflu m II h l;.:1\ pI' •• In' lo:tl t.: ,I N I ~ IlUl'nf1f\ under Uti' ~1)I·t..I' . , IIJ I l w wu" t ~ I'

Bell E 1519.


Correc t! tOt" A HU i;\fOl n n 1I1,pl'\ .. n.r

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I r :'i I 't' 31\\'1I\'S de· . _l'l' Bu ),e r ta llt you r • I '''I I t 2c per pound


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II trl "n ' . ,. til,





" 11I 0n11

UNITED STATE8 FOOD AD Ml I' T . Ul0N License No . C · I 81 _

, • ";l! " ,

,,'ld r. 'J n 11."



Thi .• \'; h,· i

i'\'1J t t.· d t'\' I ~l'tl Ifl • I. .... lit I ro I '~' t' ~ tlt l11J!h t. .] t·,.LI n Jr ,hl1:I' t r m~ly lint h .· eli ttlI'lli'd I \ \~ tl t 1lr HIII'ut rdl "('lc(l


II t Hl


CINC IN N ATI , 26,000 of the largest producers h,,\'1' f ,II pendable and most p rofitabl e. Po nol 1" 1 I I. out of your cream and make for hi l11~e l r ., I or more. Ship ' US your nex l CIlII or if 0" , them prepaid for 30 days t r ill!. :.....



KI:IH \ ,I r l'H'f The I I" ·,) u,fj h !\ve I El;' tI

THE Sc, 10c '. AND .25c . SrrORE Matches, Blue Tips, vvhile they last, .. .. 2 boxes.. Powder Puffs, woolen tha t you can wash. , , . , . '. ,P ot Cleaners, th e k ind Wilh a handle" . .. ,1Oe & 10 Quart Dairy Pails, don't leak". . . . . . . Turkish 'rowels, large size . . , ,... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chair Seats, small, medi!-lm, large., ..... " ... ,.. Jersey Gloves, the kind that keeps warm .......• Misses Caps; small and dainty ... , . ..... '... ' .... ' Candy, the best, you take your pick at per lb. . .. Chocolate Drops, flavored and plain'. , .....•..••


':)r term...


'e big til ' l fRIIoNK woOAUIN.



lOe 5c 25c l5c

lOe ' 20c 25c 20c 25c


a t, e



l! -

Seven tieh Year

~umber 3462 ", '( repo r ts t l ht! /f.. c·l : ' ....... ... ~. . ,~ th a t a I! .,r" t I'naci " pa~:! d 1hr;,ug'h • I Alabam a alllI' ot ht: r s ·cti .. i>\ of th ' • I south, nt lIeH t h~ B " I' m on ' of t.hc ~ I worst t ha ha~ U\:,;ll expori l'lIc<'d 11 rtl anti' ol hel' Ilolntd tu r ~ vt!r al YI:' ri! , .~ As the littl e tots might !lilY: (-ort Sherida n was vj,;il II wlLh ruin, . : 'You have ' quI ' be tt!st Uncle slllet and SIIOW , and the SUfrel'ill l{ ~ am I', 1.'iKhti nt (c!iIlSUre ssf jlty w a~ intenRe am ung tlH! buys Ol hor Q lowing notices to patron s on' rural mail rou tes out of that place : tor 1111 tim ,· to YdUrl:\p lvcs and ca ntonm ' nts in tlw South wt;'rc,' al · 1 " '1'1 ' ' who took no part in 'the struggl e. . yn ur children . he al Bo linds'occl<' . .. f mll~t liS bod us Camp ~hcrid ljn do le season IS agam a t ban d wb en t h e carne On accoun t of th un' CRse of smRII • [f u wo uld not have cause In r sion to cncollrllge th e hlJblt ·that IS orce to enpox in WUYI1P Suturdll . anti v,lli l M ,IUd v the I svil ie he 10cIII 11(11I'(J t heyofuture d'ure all sorts of h rd ships in deli vering your mail. Especially when to h'mg your head will hilip you. wind rOil red IInrl ul W \.II Ii 11U nli l' , • lof Health ha~ clu "t,c\ th e school~ . buy Thrift Stam~s. . \lOW ball ks bave to be bucke d is his work doubly ' hard. t(slE', and e verythi ng- , (b RO IJlI r" 'I)Z t'1i ~ : carrier Jf the mllke r of the pllr a bte o f ! churches . 10IlKe ·. and all places of is paid lo dt'liver your mail not to work the roads and if The Every dollar loaned to the the talen ts had been spea ki ng in up , alld III I uu"ine~s almost ~ t l ' '' l} f' ,1 ~ you expec t amuSl'm ents _ '['his is a wise preCHU' p;(\vernm en t helps save '1 ' ' . ' . t he 1I~e8 mud er n times, ' the illu stration 'l11e'we athe' mod ;!\" t ,'d so'n., whl1 t 'ou r 111<1 I promp tly each day tion. and it is huped that Uy these of at the regula r time our me n at the front and aIds Just see t hat the MoodilY, hut l\ thr ·... i ncb ~ n ,,\V f, II ,) doub : less wu ulo have been in means there will be no other cases in winnin" a pproac h to your mai.l hox is kept open so that the carrier can the wa r. Your quarferOlS of Thrift Stllmps . The thu ~ making t he Iloitllof a )[1' ,OIl tI ...1 ~ reporte d . drive up alongside it and de'p osit the mail. If there are anyeasily t el'S convert ed from Thrift worse There wQro nOL III ""Y Vdllc\ I''; g wise steward doubl ed h i~ muney bad Thecas e in 4ue~tion is t ha t of M.i ilS 1 .f 1 l i 'ta mps in to ,War Savin gs Stamps d in to wn .I ul'ing 1111 tlli ~ tim e :l nd t ill' • by us ury Well, Uncle Sam . rt ts on ~ 1e road a ong your a~ see that I Emma Bogan Miss Bugan just reo can be an Im portsnt factor m they are remov ed, and , country ~el\p le Wlll'e uu t ill fOr ~e l, y., doesn' t promi>\e that but h e does I c('n tly r ~turned from R viBit with litis If big jub, YO,ur neLghb or 11as nol opened hlS road see that he does. Patron s illg to clea r ~h(J t IlU~ give compou nd interest , which ' , r elatives : in Dayton, and it i though t [f the allied armies find it of t he route havl! somet hing else to do besides sit by the stove and is better . Early MondllY nftcrnooll ~nuw I \She contracto?u the disea e }Ie thal' \ profitab le to s~lvage ,unifo ue j.{un to fn ll. IlIIII IIE' pt il up U\llil;, ., r~s cuss the carrier when the snow come s-they must see ~ha.t the. roads place. The case is ve ry mIld. bul Make it you r personal duly to the battiehe lrJs Its easily o'cloCk l'u eHday 1ll.lrIll ng . Th ~ wind l' the Board is trying to confine itlO from spread the news of War Savi ngs Ilossibl e to arc realize opcn. that We the mite want th e patron s to report to ti S any matten cumc ul,J during t he nigh t. anri drif ts ; Stamp9 Unders tand t he nhm [ the one case l he part of the carrier and we will. promp tly take the matte tlOn on yo u fu rn ish in ' buying War r esult ed. When morning came, it .. r up with you rS jllf and t he n t'xplain it to ' A f ew sug'gesl ion from th e Ohi(1 ~avi~g8. Stamps will tbc proper autho do its share wa~ found rilies, lhlJt but ~no\V we had fall cn to a : want it distinc tly· unders tood that the some one else. State Boa rd of Heallh' is not out of ' t II . l ·J de pth of nearly flfll!cm in cites, anrJ .. In Dwm~tmdg the war. ' ' y . 1 , t f au It IS tb th d By e mploym ent of thrift no a Will t Ie carn er, ord e r, and he rein given: ou simp y must see at . e roa on rop your money In 0 shovels were II~ ain in eviucllc ! Vaccina tion, r ecently and pnlperiy Great Britain is ijaving m ill ions ' ~nlJw i the n scale 'each of non· and essentia every l expan. day jf you Piles expec t to receive your mail of snow shovele d off of Mili n done, will prevent , almost withou t diture. Help ~in the eve ry year from battlefie ld scrap , prom ptly. This matter comes up for consid eration slreet wero ncu rly igh t I e L hlv. ll. war by every winter (·;x tend thil:) practice t o the in excepti on, the contrac tion of small · buy ing War Savings ~tamps. and presen!l:d a scene not ofl ell wit· this otTice and w e take this means of notify ing you that we want United States, and help win the the pox . no matte r how great t he e x I1Ii!?os~d in Ihit! 8ecti on of l111:' countr y . . As IODlf as our solcl lera have to I{reat war' when you buy Wa r posure. matle r se tt le~ so that 1t Will not be necess ary to report any neglec t ~hell theIr wav Ill, the people of L·'runk Zell dUrll1~ al l t h e S\l/)wy ~iavin~ Stamps . LIke other diseases smallpo x may Lo lhe Depar tment" By all means don' t leave pennies in the box this country must shell out, Buy ...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-01 "easun, hus bt!en "J ohnny, '\n th eSpot," for he h(l8 taken his ho r-eand occur in a very mild or a very seve re War Savin D'S Stamps form for In m the, ild carrier form it to resemb fis h les out with fin gers that are alread y nearly frozen. .. sled and traversed the id ' wull<s hit chicken pox tor which it is sometim es Assist tile carrie r a ll you can and t hen if he does not give you servic =~=~~==~==.==:::.:-== - over tOWlI, EVIJry househo ldel', e mistake n , '11 fi d t h " lherefo r"" is ullder deep obligations we WI Every person who has not been n ou W y. ,,lO him, as it has been a fine IIct 0 1 vaccina ted should at once consul t his been exposed to the disease, he may . thoug htfulness. <) . .. , . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . ' phYll.icla n and ha ve it done as 900n a9 escape, or at least will have it in a .. . . . . . . . . . • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • poS1\lble . Over at Corwin Wm , Dtlul.'hter3 modified form if he is vaccina ted has als mBde path:! 1111 over 'ol'\Vin; Do not wait for an epide ~ ic of within four or five days after his ex· 8nd in mllny cabes hns tU,ken the disease, for you cannot tell when posure, work ot'f oUbe wom n, Illflf they f 'eel Secretarv of the State Board of deeply grllt ful to him fu r his kindly yoU may be expol'ed . See that your Health, Columb us, Ohio. act, ------.~.-. . . Monday afterno on t he rU 'II I car The worst blizzard of the wlI1ter riers Illarted to muk c Lit ir trip struck throug h the Midd le We·t after dinner, bUL nut one of th 11\ , Io' c:,id ay eyanlng that has been ex howeve r . mad - t heir pe rienced f?r 8ev~ ~al yellrB . , Snow Farm e r~ all over the routesfull t l ip long a8 a scar remains iif 8 fo rmll r began falhng I< nd ay afternoon. in number s lind shov led were out It I!RS ~,e en ~u qgl'~t ed a.evera l tl l!l • lh "1I01Y that when the thermo meler. reg istered off the road~ . a thl·ir 'drags II) hEl u of th Ir U 1111{ 80 lit tle he Board of Public Affairs m.ct vaccina tion, the person is fully pro· _ _. _ \Vcr of . tected f rom smallpo x. This is not ab Ut 45 abov e (\8 ~veninR' came no ·avail. Tuesaay ' morni.,S coul and Ill) electric lighls, that far m' . unday evening and organiz ed: lAlwaYB the case. While'o on t he IInow and wwd .mc reased, lind were again on the rOl\dM ' tlH~v erd who wi-h to d their trading ne vsccina OWillg: to th ~ unrecog Olzed ; nlld l,y case of W. H. Madden was made pr~i dent tlon m ay protect Ole wind howl~ 1\11 night 101lg, mak hlght th y hud them l>utclJably for a lifetime , it jot/lOli wCl uld :c!~1ll • in durin/l' dayligh t , to d~~I~~~h~u~:aI:~:k~'~ Ing drUb I.. place almost ~hr e f eet Trains have no t n~U{h:%-:~ snd Alf,ed Wright was elected secre verti~f;:~t ~~ ~'~certained in bub The third number of the Lectulle on tillY kl\Jd 1>4fChl\.~\, ~h>ltpv ... r. they neEld . Hl persona pl)!I8ibly expolio!d higl'!. The snow Qn the level WllS of sohedul e LIme ' rUIl Course W88 held thereto tary In place of E. V. Ba'mha rt ra- one way, which School Hall Wedfor lhe Ilast t l"O Bleod is t e vaccina tion, and nesday evening , a.tand Of. W~II in untIl ('venlng', i will be vlolry necessal'Y to take ex: signed. nearly fif teen inch,el! deep. D. Fftz- , weeks. anti Tuesday t he fil' t Lr ill it has T.his been I~ tound md e;(,\ that Ii good 8u.RgestioR, traordil jary precaut ions to arrest its The re vaccina tion patrick . the philoso pher andLee Saturda y mormn g the thermom pulled In f rom Cincilt"nu lecture r, I Board have lIent' for coal and "takes" ti at ond 1 in on, a large llll<t propoti on of cases gave his lecture on ~'The Power th e fnr !"er WIll gladl y spread anu comple tely Btamp It out the eter stOod at about , t5P below zero, o'clock. East,b.) und trains coal compan y hav(>slgDified their The on ly ufe plan is to be of " , III' ivcd Il v811 hl msltlf of dUrlog the present revac Song," Mr. Fitzpatr ick is a Ilood Therefo re we require that ~ntil intentio n of sending with everything frozen al mos t solid . when t hey cOllld get h' .l8 th t furth er no Lice th gre be no schools if nothing happen s itit to thftm. alid cinated every five years. and in the talker, and he appeale d to his hear- ' A great mlln), pl'ople did not an malls to speak of {'arne in rl/ . (jnel 110 exi" ~h cold w~ather . t' will probabl y presenc e of smallpo x. to be again ers when Tuesday . .. no , erbioo dsugg6es, Ion k trcipate such a sudrJen d rop.Hnd they a or- publie a.~geinbU nll of any kind be in pot later than Friday. __ __ ~ . t,!e ~tOfE!!j e clo e at 0 clt,c ever~ ' such as churche revacci nated, u nle88 it has just been Bongs, andhe apoke of the old heartdid not take tbe prop<,r preca u lions. s, lodges or places of The .Board, after talking about done. had the audienc e join in rll/l ht, ill~ tellrl of only wo nl5rht.9 ,\ amusem ent. and that 1411 children 'be nu~eroU8 improv ements to therefo re a gL'lIeral trt! ~ zing' ll p wall with him on several of them. be made, week, Remem A p;lallce ber that a t the vaccina IS o r ~ tion dll;rln pro. A' kept a!3 ""uch aspo811ible olf"the IItreets durmg the coming year. adjourn the tonsequ ence , The hill! was lighted with coal all. tlile Ptllhs fdP~dv wetC!dks wDuld btnd!cat ed d • tr . h . h . w~'further rei:ommAnd that all to meet at their regular All a rCllult th'e train! were all out there was sufficie nt light, and It ( Iiil ey 1 no 0 enllug h uamesse And Februa ry uces Its e ect In a persons 6 orter time be t an ·n~.t d ' th meeting late, the rural mail carrie rs cou:d IIO l at ni ght to pay f OJ: th e coal oil th ey it takes for the poison of smallpo to rather amused , the audienc e to go ' , vaCCl .. e . un,etS . e N ' deliver the nlail, und the re W8S a fep.I. , develop ; hence. even though one xhas back to the old· time lighting .y.tem . . Mmum ed arerea soosfMn~ , . Inll' of being shu! in I~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , Dr.dmng~ J . T. . Elite. 1 . ~~~~~~ The ~oa,1 situatio n WIAS th e wors\. A ce rl 1!1 8m1)~nt. of vour tnsur· Health Officer.~ feature of the wholl! t bing, Many- ance prenllu ms paid 10.1917 are to be -,....- p eople Jid not ha ve much coal. and deducte d from YQur Il1tome tax reo many of them - werp withou t wood. ~u"na , , _ The farmers who h~ve been aelli ng Regar~less (If whllt age.lIeY , ' wood had tbl,i r trouble s almost pany With who lU you 8rl! or cominsured ever"; day last week ha uling wolii on bri':'lt in 'your policy and we will ex· accou'lt of the ~lippery conditio n of plam. ' The Jat\uary m eetipg of the Wo. , . the roads. rh~re is conside rable The lerVlce Will cost you Dothmg . man's Auxilia ry or st. Mary'ac hurcb, wood in the neighb,.rhooQ, but the Seara & Cartwrl llht, due to loca l conditio ns, will ,be weathe r conditions arll agalnllt getWesley S. Haines, son of Nur and Gene~ In8ur~nlle. omitted . The nex t regular meeting ling it in t:lhape to be delivere d . Aman Block, WaynesV Ille, OHIO. will be Lhe 8rd Friday in Februa ry Sarah Sides Haines, was born January 4, 1861. and died January 8, 1918, aged 57 years and 4 days Thedecease d was born on hiB grand· 9:=: :1n::lI: ~Iii 1'!55:Jn::J r5 U:UE= = ~==He ~=9![!Jj.: 'I:lf;; father' farm, afterwa rd sll688i owned on by lID his' father,a ndnowi ntbepo of Mr. G.eorge Robl~rtson . '" He was the eldest of s i~ children . four brother' s and a sister, Father, two, brother s and sister have pre· ceded hir:o to the gr,eat beyond. . On June 9, 1885, he was united in r:"I r:t m arriage fo Anna E:lizBbeth, daugh· .., L:oI ter of Oavid A and Mary Haines Brown. Of this union t wo daughte rs were born. ~racie. who died in early childho od and Laura Dell, now Mrs To buy Hirsh-Wi~kwire & Michaels. Stern Suits and Overcoa~ s at less , than Earl Conner , of Waynes ville. the wholesale cost today. , In Novem ber 1900 he purchas ed Every far seeing man will supply his needs in Clothi ng during this EEl the ' rC'ltaur ant and confect ionery cond ucted by Charles Reed and for We advise every man to purch ase even for nex t Winte r as all Sale. wool goods . nearly J5 years he was f ound at his will be very scarce and with an advan ce of 50 !o to 100 1n over the pre eut price. place of bJsines s fSlithfully servin" Many Suits in th,is Sale are mediu m weigh ts-goo d worsteds--su hi" cus tomers as best he could . itable for year aroun d wear. Nliver s trong. about tbree years . r:"I ago, because of increase d GJ ies, Overc oats and Suits- comp rised of almos t every conc,eiveabl .., he was driven to give upinfirmit e patter n busine88, ~ and model . ~ and from then to the close of his life to his home of \ ' 1 A man of firm convicti ons. indus· trio us and honest, hI! was e ver I"!.'I t:.J when able in car~n g for his busy, ~ loved • ones, and ministe red to their wants as hes t he could. . When about ' 20 years of age he _ united with the M. E. Church . , of • " Waynes ville, during the pastora te of A Fami ly Car that fits the Time s t he Rev. Mr. Burdsal l. (;J' I He leaves to mourn their 1088, an aged p1other , wite, a devoted daugh OU- m~y ' have, notice d lately th~ on e fin e you can afford to ter and !, t.~o brother s and . how many 'cars are makin g use as much car as .you wish. ma ny. other relative:l am! friend •• their appea_ , on ,"light -weigh t" -"Peac~ful 'he th~ silimt slumbe rs, " ' . , .• A Touring' Model is now in our ' -~ Peaceful in ttiy grave ~ Iow; . ,A nd implyi ng "efficiency"' ' I as a ~hp w room, Immedia.te d~livery. Tliou no more wilt, join our number f resul t. , Thou no more our sa,rrow know . FR-\NK b IN Scien ti!:i all )l-~on· again we,hop e t~, meet thee, All of wbich recalls to the ex-, I LIGHT WEHlH T structe d. Weighs - 1':'1 the day of life,is fled, EI' perl~en' ced motor ist tliat ' S, cientific ' '22 0 Ibs - from 70 to 1000 I Ibs . tess ' than '~ ,.:. And in heaven with joy to greet thee. . h W . b . dTh , Ie d ) an'd ' the average - hnc ' ~ Where no farewel l teara are lIhed.·.· car. A'If·COO ,,' ,Llg t Clg t; Effi' meney an , t1'ft therero re' not burden cd \vith 177 trouble . '" ba ve b~en ba~ic principles of ,the sprue water cGf)ling arts. CARD OF THANKS Frank lm for flfte~n y~ars. PR, ""K ' LiN TI n ' F k l' b '1 ' .: W~ , wish . ' to tbapk ~Iur many ....... , : ' - AN I IC ran' 1D UI t and nehdibo \'l who ' came to GI A'ld the our to Nation al Thrift . .'. EFF1CIENCY a're IfSt still ,riH\i~tail1ing 88Siatance In ouriate bereave ment. ~kes tlie, Fr'ankli~ ,touri ng ' C~r ' that abilitv l g ive tI~e best service at tlie .~ Mra, oW. S. t1alnllll -and DaUl'ht er. more eonspicuous than ever. l east e p~n c .. iiA> ~ up the u9~d car ,' • - .. '" • value of I' n I1kl n cars, to ~et ~n. Idea of Every Suit and o.verc oat carries our Ironcl ad guaran tee the comfo rt and reliabi lity of h?IV t he put lie esteelDs t hiS effiCle!l t ser· of money back if not ,satisfied. ', , the F.ranklin, you probab ly . know vlceah ljlty , AII'sizes- ':..teg1,Jlllrs~ stouts , sUms and stubs- 31 'to 48. about well as we do. _ FR,',\ ·U'II wncr' records show , Alterations' free. ' -., , , , '. . fHRl r r an a.verage or:! miles ' Nt> goods on ~pproval~chang~d or credit ed C1urlng - So the 'Frabkli~ rer,nams. dl;1npg to the gallon of. g<lSoline and to.ODD miles this Sale; times of Thrift , ~ in other -tunes, t o th e 'Set o( tires, a regular occurre nce.

CAR~~~~~ :~!~~!, Hp~~t~:~!!Sat ~~~~~~~o~l~t :~~~ , Ii



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, . ut' (, til' t I't ! rn lU ' t1 l1' I I I IV ~ uits .- ht~I,· r-l n ll t n t ho r&l\'1i"'. H " 1~' it.,t l h r h 'I':. I:' Ilf I I .. Ill:, 1 till I, T" "u ' un ~lIW I , ; l'Il~ ' \ \ ' tll r \\ Il ~ l 'n~H" t In It rlll!\ h· \11 h': l~ lit,. 1, ... \or; f;';1~" \'''111 r h lh t ' ·."'lnl .. g-le '\lI h l1 .hil ""V~·IlYI~I1. !11(!ItW4 ,'Jw "hl".I,1. Hid ('ru ul'h \' d l n t h" ltl 't.l' th rla l"" '·. ~ l lI ud \\ 1\/\ ,'nwO -IIJ1 ~J UU du.. "ud C,.,'f 1,r.1 tV"ldy lIn -4 tt,f.,' 1. 1111'"t! JLluku Hh IIl U "'f} l 'f " ft-\ llt H!.\' h\U 11 ,(\" . ' I J I 0 , °1,1 pi li" ,. I 'I ' ''"l1t ,, 11 ( t Ih ' n ' ('alll ..- a :ilt d I1('ll "" \01 (l h'lTfhtp l'l',\" l J/' ! t" :J.!'. lind I ' 11 hll'· Jt '1' 11(1\1 ~tltt~ t .\ I '" tiC p ul u . h ' ~'It; uful 1ll1l \I t U h i oI. :J tt t H:Jlzll n's I ,t \) p r l" 11' I :,-'1 Kllzan fl ,. u .~ro~. th,> I Irk. Il l" 11( ' ("IL .\(It' ,· Ihl" I\: :tZ.II' IIh l lln l li'l\,' \ . [ ( 11 ' I I \ I tI'l l\l \ ' b. 1 1I1'kw nR I J"' ~ 'lirt ""I'll l tl-.;,ult"Ctlli' ,I " \I,·)~1t )11'(' ." 1I,·t',I. fll"lh " f n ll l m' , • flI . I.I\' " ",,1 .~ 1II' j: I\' ~ wolt, CC)ll1 lJ hl N l \\ II h till' ~l'l'at(.t t "HIl,, '1 i,ill;':1 d ,'11 It··!' th" ' f l It t-oht' Witt( i \ "An\J ... lit' J- nlwnys 1t1' 1'1l 1J ~ I 'tI Il II" , I IL (' fllry II"il t it" '):Y or :1,.' . Ilf," 11 11 " h, ,. r, '. 1"lll' h ~III"' r I'ru halc ( oll r l T a llow a n d Ink. In tli,· , I ." " hl" I' ' rloJ .l" "I1. " I h u ~ky. A IlOlh e r hU"k y I\ 'Jl" d 1"1 \ <) d l"" l lll'"~"" 111111 . ";1 ,. I ,II, ,,·,1 li lt ... o[,,' cll. , h d' , " , ' J II' , " • ,. If 1111; I ~ ~Jlllc l) ll Ill ,' 1,,111 "'1 .. ,') Int· gH"'i.~ III I.: \ hy [ h " "l' K .lI7.lI t l - ll .. xt tu i l l t 1 .. tl J I . J I 1 .i H . '" tt1f l(ll l\ tl tl \' 1111 11t II " II Il,n t \, l h!,I'I'· "'P""~ .. • D ! : i n S·I •• , II l,u t II'~ ut l ,wk. ,lit 111<, 1.1 II \\ II~ • II Y \I • II I S " ". "'1 I , Illnlo . Ei u ~ It ,," . \ III (I. "r III,' I;dl ll\\" .' I' n 'II, 1 It It,·, I' " " , lu k Y"II ,1\1 ,1 I I ,lor, T\UZIIIJ d""i· " Ill IIltt 'll d(1~ III' U wl,lr. I t \ II "~ I "\'.• ll'I·, Il'n Ii II 1= \11th h", t\ln Itnuhl l:l' t o hi s 111,11'1'" I ' I; I, d , K""'It:' '1" tl ' I I ll' I, p Hid l 1Ul ll , - :1\1' i f' Lv d ry. \ (1 , \,\yurd 1( , I IC" n... ·' " 'n '". 1l1\'\.1 I : . 'I ! C, • II I I" I' 1'10 1., I , :.. 1 rl, lt IIlu l ~"'l11 l' d ' I 811' " . , , ~ . IIle. 0 ll - l tlC' r.1ukIH.,'!-Ir Cfi'~ltlll't' h.llh'" wlhJf'r~ h l\":111 " t'-' UI1:lthll": f ,'f it t hlt'kf" t in ~" II" I ,',' ,"", , ','1 I ' I ' II '. l "'11 \,,!t t il t' 111 1,1.,, ·l nl ll noel 1\11 'r, " l~ ., r 't I " Il,,,t·,, ,' I ,I ". "'1'11111< d "" I ~I' III L1, I' ) I 1 I I I 'I f " !, r • ' I Illf; wil l .11'"1'1"''' 1'· IlI j;f:, \. 1.l'Za J\ ~ 11" 1 ~ g' 1 ' It~~ J' liltil d I I h' t"rn,\ H I 1m h" 0 li llie nwn y, l lH l ~ It r ,o ! .. , 'I II (j "'lhJ" r I I I I 1 II I hll \'£' ,. lI nk cll'f' p ill 11:-0 j'·'lh r . Lu~ In Hncl ,\ d, c'l. til.' In, It 'It ~lI u rt dl s, ." • " '1' " " "'Ill III 'l" , . I dl' ·t a tnlf't l tlll Jl l PUrl u t' Jl "" 'l'(lIu t t hl' J~-Jl' 1.. •. J 'I' • • • Y '~I r :-1\ . '11 I ' I ulal I'd !. I 1 n 'h I IH,l , 1111,' : ,11/1 •• lhl'lr ) ' I " "~ \I I It ' ll tl"'." ,I 1'1 \\1 i ( 1. • :"Id "h.'n llt l' 11111 11 Wl' 4 h u t.! tl lt', ,\\'n It St'\( holl t 111';:,1 a h ll':I~ Jill! ,\ Ihl I'/H h , i,!! ' -II' f II 1(;, n j '.l hl f.(.I,1 I • 11\\ 11\' ) I' I I I I 1 . , ,(, I· t \ • I ! I • r , IS I"' N I1~~T, l ln ll , UBI I K uz.I1 Il 's ll'I'II , hUI'f".1 t l l~I JlIt 'U I4%11 ~I " ~dllt· fWd' PL' l 1H' Jl mltilti lill '! ttl HJl! ( I 1.1 t " , III J.I· , n il' 1 li t ' I j'" l,flll. .\ '11/' ~'\ ." rIll' .· Ch,, 1 h,· ( ' 11 li lt · ~1' h' (I ~ in t ll C" fJ,'~h ( I f it~ n l'l'k iu!';I4'PP \ n r hUIlI!I"'~, ( Uli',' l;,~ .... ~11'.11l~ "ff III ll t p I I I' Publl~ IIn\lll I " II", ,., I"" lIud ,, /! fll ,' \\'1' .' 11 II lll r of tho j Ug'uln l". J\ l ul J"n '!In \\'n~ (lot I P1J r~llI t fir H ral,hlf, li nt h(' hnl \ rll ' t "' ,11"'''1'01. III' IlI nrc " "II J1l' lI'l! n'~L. 11111\' 1I ): I 'l l lI~ ' hc' fnll /!' o r " wl.llf I II Ille I(",,·t! Im'flU' 1"1\)1" \I l'el\l h .' MOJ'l I)!,1 1 I" " . 1111'11 " I".' t Ihe J1l 11l! nu ll,·, 1 I ' U"ny \\'11 )( hlltl tiut C' IIII " t I '.' ! t \\' 1 l l . U ,d r' l' I I t 1(' Pth'1 •• u r o ( n ll otJlI ' " li lll'-"'),. H f' Wllfolj II lui 111I, l lad" d lll f.! " III $1 ,1\. ! ", ,i I ' .. It .. t" ~\1 " f 111'11. ,I • UP \;; ," h~ ~nl d to .T O il II IIg- ht l ll j:! . (· I Il\\,H- ~·la \\ 8 t lUll rlpl, pd lila' Hilt \' ' if UII In dl , ,'11, ;o..lWHl 111(1111\111" :-:4' 1 \\1 11 111 1 111 I w.'lIty r l1zOI··l'd;;.·d Iml l'/,s, 1111.1 wh ic h ~ lI illi ll U lil t' nl.. 1I1t111): I"r IIi III ! F.II· [ ) \\ II _I"" ; ("'nH' t '\ \ I~, "1 h lIt' \'l' tw knh \\,S \\ l'·rt.' yell 0 j U~"IJ l llr hole! co uld IIIlt " I. ,p. u flfl l, lI,illllll' ·J\\I"III, -:""", ""'I' WIII [ , I ,II I , I ..II ' • It" p'~" ()N l~ Y l l l l ' lt 'l l 'I I ~\\"'''' I 'I " , 111' l' 1l 1'l n ~ , 1 1·UY'..... "rh t. 1l lw uel (\ "d: 11 ('-' h \' lJlHl f()u ;:hl U I), U:rf In II. n il, In c.., JJJ~ ' 11 II' n \111"11 I t i l ti d '. I:; 1111.111 ':" I', ~ " I ll1 ~ U t I ,Ie II I I "" J(I.!/ ' ' ... . I, ' \ tI\ , "Tit. , r h , ,. .., ri.·11I1.: J\):u ln 1 t)(ln ~T. I t I nn tl1H' h all nu t rO" ~f )l t' ll lil t" I I'-\~:" f\ t il l ' II I il l' I h~~ h p r ,.. luI'I\\,d 1\, lilt,.' point t'1 W14 I I ' ~, f " "" h 1\I ; ) l f , .l lII II \ 1 1 It (, I,' . Il" w il l h,· ,!I' 'I(lr 'H'l' k hr"ft' r (.'- w nn 1" lllI o h ll d t \l t1 ~lIl him. 11 " ("u~lot l\) ,11,,·1',' Ill' 1I:.tI 1,'C l (;'·u.'· \\'"If, InIOWI Il!; " I' .. " .. \111' " U U I' Ii ,_: , ."\. 101 I , 'I I 1 I '. 1 1111 lit Iy ux .10\\ In ''''''11 fo l" III/< IllIIt It" 111111 It ,' r tI,,· "'. 1 '. I' s l nrl, II<" ,,,'.,, l'I\I~" r." It 011 li S bll ct; , liS II I' \\,o ul.1 hil I'" .1,,1 I' .\ 11 (lla l " "," I h,'~' """111 11 ",,, III UJ C I 1I 1l t: , Tl lH l , III!!h l Ihu 1II0 0D lI ooll ell , , O pt o metrist with IlIJ o Lhc r II rll: UI' II "oIC. 11 <: lu ll'\\' 1IIk:,'· '. 111 ' ltl~ ufll'l'lII'''(I h \! \' I!:II('" H, ~ ' h, ' 1"1' .,! I),,' Suu !tll\'k wllh It go lde n LO 'T ;, .~., II. E ye s lIghl , 'till ,,1,1 1111 11 Ih ., ):I, )w If It CIIIII C Ihllt wh en 011 Its hack Lh.! r,I,'r el' C'l! \ 111 ,' ..,11 in . .1."111 ""d It"" Ill l ~lJlI lI(\ WI: I' C' 1111 " ,,, b; I.l I t, \\ I " ." IlY ,,",,:r, "li lt Iwr ti ll'"'' 1I1t11l Wh lll l'lI \ w us ['nos! d u n ge l'(Hl ~ , One ril l "1' it~ tIIIIP, IHll t h o\h .• \W Ht t lt l (.' C J\.u :w u's 11OII'crrul hhll] f ct,t coulll (1I <I· mh"w.'1 ' "1''' ,i,tl' 111111 hlH i!ll'I'l'Ille'(} J\\'Jl(J UJl O .oj!)lI , I" '01 " t otl !1l\n ~ 1"",111,1 h l'I·. TI ,,' ,·u W II~ ' lIIlI' h o " l' ·- I ' ltf k 1" j.l lll· (' Il l . \\1"" ". I . hlt ll . It ,,)101. r.. \Y, n. I : llholl l Ill" .• ,,(1 !lUll' h ll ll I h at I" " thr lJ ' I I : 111 -.\\' , ... fi . 1""11 t1 111 1111 Ill' h lnd h im he bl' u'rtl Gmy w ulr " .. h· " r' r( I' ~' '11 ' 1 1 " II 111,1,', 11~I' 1 ftl r film ," o e ll~ r, i " , 1 ''''11 "",,1 ltlt" Hll d /iJl tl !:):1 II Ill .! " I'Ig,"' r ~ Ot1 : \ ,\I' f~ IiH ~ fJ u \ il l I )' ~ blllg !lud cry In g. und h e ku ew thnt AIt" .,,,1., ! h~ tl lIIlI, III ,' J' h,' hll!1 (' sa UlI IINI ,I ' ' . : • hi!! 11111 II ''':It Ihl1 1 I' Nu iJlcl II " or-lI ll , n, I 1 " rl j:l l of Ihl' " ..." At ((11l1'~ I h.,)' 111 II l Ie "" , ",n s ter rll)ly bu rt. U (' \\"IJS flU !!,1 wl , lt 1"1111 "J t \I 11K ,'IIIII'I' II l) lI X '1\' II 11~ lI r. 1 ,1 I . \ tt; d llh Ii ., ,.n , ,. ~III1W !JII ,.I'I' '''ft lI I U.' ~"tl n l l~ , IIUti Ihl'Y t he rll):" IIUrl " lrpub-1 h of I wo IIOh"". ", "I .\ ""' 11"" I\tl lf ("'I1IIII1"l 01, ' !Jill!." ' ), ' K ~; I ' I' ll I I( , 1\ '1 ' " " I ' J'ur 1I;!lf liD hll" l' .1111111 II III'k,' d (' \ .... ,. B ~ I' '' .. I, ,,' I', ,, ,\h l lt'r ' h I' "II g.),: ' I RII1i:I{I'l'I·tl III,' l,l Ihl'l r rou r II lt l e hI s t el'l h met Ilu'u uf; h 11\1 ' n,,,h ",,, I ~ r I ',"IP ~I t n J 11 J::, ·1' I 'j:s j li><L lIH Il dp1,·.·Sly a hnhy J Oll a hill e nr Ill e cn t's Ih r llllt. !llI t IIII' III;.; h llll . l "II,l n~ III Itllll n il I II ' llill t" nllIl I " " 11 ,Ii , p ,51 " ,n Hh ll "" ; " ' t ~I t t ~' ,1111 " 1 I m nd l' I,,'r Wil Y 1.tlUu L on t wo. TI c dl J IYO l(. " '('np (',1 dl'" lh hy hnlt nn 1,,1'1 1. It I r," II II): 11 1111 w l lh h!'r ~lIr t IlIllI, I" . Sh o ~ t\ I·.t l \L ,.. t', I I I 8. n." Fu ot! r al I)l e~tor , Illlt r " I\I\I ,' Ihl'U). ns Ot'llY w olr di d \\,II "'~, II l1d .., -\ \V t , \I . r ' ,J I " f' l nll ,' r It " v" .,' 11""111',,. w o ul d t ll k ,' " rrC'~ll g-rll) t n "I'll d, ,I ll' "" l h, I I "~ '·" 'Ul.]" III hm Ill e I UW!. of tJlf' llI, t he ir M h,,:· JU ~ III J1rl Hntl !'o l1thJeu l,\' t "n zHII 111\1\11' U,,' u ('~n') h id thl'l " "tfh It h plt tl ng- ~ lI l\"TC, \.\In \It.· s vllle Igh \\'hl ml' l'rll\S(~, UIIN I h im w ith II k lt;11 df'lI dly IU II!;I'. '1' he rp WIIS " n 1 1l.lulI l. ~ . 1I1111 K II7.U II \\'11 " tII il'1I ' , ~al ll w l l h thn l DHtl r ll , I ,,' ",1' ". ;1 L.'W j , " , Bt t l. '1\ '1 ,1 ~d~H l'. l ~u' l t n o f pl l' II~ll re tllfl t h hnrl ne ve r ' p' r l' fre edom to r t it Iyox . nl \ll III 111lI 1 1110' o ld I «t[u l u l)~ lre 10 r Clllul n w llh Itcr 10 I' h"lll I,., I ' . h ' - II", I "II! ; IUI "~ llll '(I hcrnrc. FO R SA L E Ol \\'J ~'~, '1l1i1 1\1\\." to g q hl B'le f nte) tl1(\ Th e mtt" l1 was straight above l h e m , " Wilt il n ll n~ II ~t'lf !tacIt, tHHl I\n znn flll'l ,( ..:. ""i' IlJl 1IIII It ~I'lt' If t lti lll lie 10 l'n fl l t" 'l'., .... lt I I' '!I""lIjl :; , 1- 1':I'I' III: tt - .J IIr ll'l'l'<I lit Us (h "" 1I1 JI1 11111. ,,711(n rc l c' tlJl l ' n f r,. ,, · I) olld th l' hl;;h l w us nl most tiS bri ght n ~ 0 11 t il.' f \d~l' .. f h" l' 'ft't ~~ \. lTl, h i:.-; 11 0 RC A III O F.quil11l1l.'nl 'I'lI l' ('Il l ' .. d ll \\' ~ "I JlIII'II .th r" u;:I, hi ... W 'I ny, 11'111'11 he w cnt (} own ngnln to l lunt il""" . """II t r.,,' t LI t'" U ,Icl tl lll" lil!:.: 11('1' fll II "'I~h' t· .. WOl'l~ t ' , 1 nn l iorl't..... Oruwll E'lulpll1c nl t'lIw' n ~ h l p , :ti l, I ( o r 'I'U)' A l t h e f oot of th o r ock 1I .'~ h , ('u llin/< 01 n II IR >11 /11'-(1 lIlli" IItI " ,\' t hl , J!"';, T iltl ll "'hl' rusl' tn l"'('IHl r n , II IJlg wh ll(' l'u h hlt Ilrl P!1 d tlJl II beutl 01 W" Itl ,:h 10 1; 111. A II')tI " ,,· 1>1 .. 111;,· " cuI MtP PI' I~, IIw l J\hl:tll ~'II( np - r\ 1I11h~ hi m. lI tl ll Ill' I!II 1'C ch llsc. Fo r llll lt II Il lt ·y wlI lI lrl lilt",) I' U' t', hi ,,111l1". HilL \\'(~.\ I'J1.Y-:tJill ""ut :, \ .I ' tJ " tl r , ( : J'ltj" l' t;I.F I' 11O E , II AY Oil NIGl:Jl 1U11 1' I' e J )\lI'hll lJlI , lI u tll Ule w o lC Ins tinc t t111 ·~ h il t! f.;t rll .;:~' It'( 1 dn~l' l ') t h l' l'II~ ... c, p ' ''pff I ti d 11,,- '," "Ill I, .. Ilic' lI fJ!ht \Ye r.o 10 It 1111 r (, I' oyer Lite dog, und h gil vo II ,,· rod ; w n ll, tlII'1 ~ud llt·n l .\' . \\ 111,'-,111 (l clJ lll n ~ hl ll1, UIl(} hI! 11I1'" ·""tI Ihul cu ll I" a l r lu ~e License" u p 1110 f llj)lu .ra c. A f,lccr hC mlgb t '<;" ,\1'1 Cli' II cry, they " Il ll ~ 1 1 Il" r. Ll I.,.U with U l<it)uch III hi .' :livIJlcll 'l'll on d II hll vl' II "l'lIl1tl'll , !J u t smull gRl/'1l t be lif' ,I' Of' ~ l lCt y Nel tit Illl' m c l. R ,)£ Ul' d r<ll'plnl{ h "lItl. II .. ld thrI ll \v u~ lIun\!. ~:n n<llt ( h '111 I,,· d .. ltI II nel ~' l i l1liB \\'olf mll" t huut na Lho :(ox: hunts It, 1l'lI j!c IWln w, (lnll t;1'l'1l U!! (lI\IY 1)l teh r d 11(1 II ;J1<'h l'll hI. ' 1'1111 1)('1', ' IUtl W('lIt OUl M. N 'l ll, (It IIi '''' hn. \' I' unt!. Q\'pr In \' 1 11, fi ll . r,/t)lItIl'S IIl1lt h ROO 11(' 1o"~j\t1 to allr) 1I1rougll tit llllck· th l") U,,1I th l' tl .. llr. '.fIll' III 0 1) !lud r ls ufl If l' ell U '~', l t ~ " , fl " Cit n u ll! t link d(·('I!I.I·. . Til 'y ~Iru cl( Wit h h II" C't~ NloWI,I' OJ ,I II. Qui tly us n shndow. Wlh'JI fI I'l'jolut'd 01'11)' \Volf. ho oouuh UI ,e] ~) ,. j I ~ I Ir r ' ~. or U IIIII . r ll!(O fl!I'l'C'. j (II Ztl U 1I1))1!'rtlllllll. T he 'Be W ll ~ II 10110 t r om tllo Suo llock I Sf .p lp il hi>! r"lJlI'It \l Jl h 11 III I\' If h llJ!' r, II tou I ()W Il ~ b i, w h en t, ") cJUll'k 1 liPS put Cruy Wolf's I joy. /J nt.! n l\I:<z\"11 h i m " lt h h.'I· bli nd El vll\ it; \\' I ~'lrt llf 1:. ,"l8 ft~ r , L'J WU, s upp er IIl'I WI!l!U h is j nll'B. 110 'trott ed l fl\l 'ti • In li p,- tw I'tl''-l~fH'''~ ~llll ' I n l )ln!!.) ll r ad ll a lc (If Ohl(' "'''1 \od ,Ill Il H tl .\lJl"' '' IUlJ \ JfrjJ Jl ~ ! l n bo ck lowly, \l t ol plng Lbe bi g seveo· h Ul'Jllm t l'IHI KII>'IIII I II 1111 hi . ~ 1l·' · lJ g l h . p(lll~cJ ~JlI",··qh(l ' h :l " , DOW lIod tIlen t o ) 10'1'011' nil'" ,.u. tl urltl'.( Ih ' ' I. IY~ ! l lIl t CO littniss l(lIlCr. ·S PflK Cl'l li fJ l!s Ei h!'r Auto or H ()r~e d rawn I' ryi .,., r e t. ' (011 ,1\\' d, It \l'1I~ It 111'1 ~rl'" 1 II lth l I, , O Ff l E: No l'XLr a (' llIll gP f " r alii " HI r k .. V 1 1 1,~y 1'1<lt'l' h/ HlI1 t· J I ""'H .:; -.3 ) ; W I, 1,1 hI) cume t o t h e n orro\\' troll tW t' l n bll !ld 1111, 1 r:lilhlnl C]I" IJ' \ro lr Cu r n e r l\I in a nd M ill ~ Lre d9 Buth phlln e,~ in Offi ce and R .";;l~ ll!ncf.'. ~ H lln tl H 'Lj~ 'l t f'>, " IVI~~n t 1':( $;1 ; \ ~ , I t h ul II'u to til 1"11 o f the Su n Itock h e /lu,l Ih" \\" )!tIIlII. If .T"'"I fI;1l 1 kllllll'lI /lr No. 14 s t oPP!!II. 1n t!tn t l.rll l! wus ·t he W firID · wJ1Il1 IllY JII Ihe :hldtl' , it' -h I' " "uld l:J U"( ~ I ' H I , l ,.. . . f'" ~f~, f hI! I.!" A ;_ Telcphotl ~ l /l ,Sf" r't-'I'I H, lJ u I II nl .\1 r ,' 1,, \ t n J! t J"r, c ill ur ~ I rllb 'o r et. 'rhe rubblt l ell flU t' J m \~tJ .f:l' .'U 111\· poor tl'VIll lll'C t o 1 trOut I\ IH J;l \\·~ . N v ry hllir In hl a bull y \I'IY)Jn l~ ,izll Jl \\'Il~ tH 'W n ll lr, ~ .J II' - lin. &7:--. j F l ! lh ~'1l 1\ I hr ':"" ' )1 ,1v I ' · ~ ~I' 1( n esvillE'. Ohio I wnw Iw d'\<'Jllv t'I r, I' (rl il dlo tl) II f ' . Wba t lh ",tlt l''';:', 1lUi H al"IJI . HIIII rplt rl -,~h,:) f~; t ·~I,n f .n .. u!'\ 131,,1, 1: 1#,0'· 'A '· 0 .. · woul;l h,I\'(' lwlll' " (;rll~' "IJI'. 1:111 II ~ faO l u r , ,~ \ " , 1111 I; , fl :!'J ; h' roll, I. .. It I\' tI .' ~1 1l' (1'1'\.1 til 1m" 1\""" 11 1I1111'l' Ub l'PII \(' . 41t'L..: q l.' fI"t l ' ~ 1t .:1 ~ I : !

'l' II I

t ti'

If "jl







The tragedy on Sun Rock. All that day KOZDn gUortlPlI Ibo t op Gt tbe Snn B ock. Fnle, olld tile f. 'nr " ,' a nd brutoltty of m ost cl'll, h ltl l h" r (' lo, . 1'ore kept hIm from f nth rhood, li nd he' , Will pUUICU: Sonll.'t hulg 1<lld him n "II' that he bel o ged t o th un n u 'k. 11 l1lt Dot t o tho cabin. Th r n ll t h n l ClIlI1 [' to him from over tho pl nln WII S 0 01 "0 tItrODg At du~k Omy W olt CJ1lth' ou t from r trent, ond SIIlOI, to hl$ shit' --., I di d ' wuaIDp r ng, tiD n ppc gelltl ~' li t hl ~ ahaggy neck , It wo s the ol d In s tllle t or hi. fathers tllll t m nd !!. h im rC~I,..nd Il.Y eerea1Dif n "II Y W ul t 's ftl el;) w ll h h is tongue, Til ' II Orny Wolt's Jill\'8 OIIl" I<'CI. &lid she laugh In short II1 J III I"~ ~reat. ba, as Lf !lhe hod b ' CIl h urt! 1'1111 . She WIIS hnPI' )', ~od os til y h.'III·II II UHle Inumlng ound fr om b ~ tw c,'n IIh' ~ks. Kamn ," n 'ged hi s t il II , o nll t: " II~' 'Wolf darted b ill'le to b r yo ung . The babylah c ry ond I ts eJ]' ~ cl UIHIU Wolt tl1ugbt 'Kozon hJs 111'1;1 Ic's. IOn In fatherhood. InstJ.nctal;lI lfl Lulll blm thnt Gray Wolt could not g o ,10 \\'11 .to the hunt wltl!. blm n ow- th ol s h l! mUlit ltal' at the top ot the uo Hock. 80 when the moon ro c h e w nt dowlI alone, and toward dllwn r et urnCII with • bl, wblte rabbit between bl s JO Wl<. I L waR the ""lid In him that mnde him tin W e. and Gray Wolf ate rll\' lJo \J i< ly. TIleD he mew that each night bere-



after he mus t bunt foJ;' Oroy W nl t and the little wJtlmpcr l n!1 cr ca tur' hlddefl hetween the two rock . Tbe next (10.1'. lind IIll1l the lIext, h e did not iO to ' tJIO !,lIbln, thoug h he heard the voices of hoth th e 1IJ\1tl anll tbe woman ClJlllng him. On th e fifth be went d own, HJld J onn Ilnd th e qaby were 80 glad tbnt the WOlllon hOgged blm. and the boby kicked and Illug h ed Il.qd screamed at him, w hU e the man , '» lItood b, «utlously, wa tcbl ng t he l r . demonstratlons with a gleam oC dl upprotiaUon In bla e7e.. ~m atrald ot blm," be told Joo.o f()r tile hundredth tilDe. ~lll\t·. the wolt· ,1_ 1h bls e,es. Be's ot 11 tren ~bc... t . ,~breed. Sowlltlmes I wlsl1 we'd ,.Deyer broqht him bome." "It we hadD:t-wher\l would the baby .;;...u,e lOIIel'l Joan reminded blm, ~ Uttle catch to ber ,olce. "I had almolt torgptten that," s nld her hUlihend. " Ka%8n. 'ou 011\ d e Vil, 1 ~ 1 ~oYe 100, 100." Be laId hl.s hand, cart!II8ln&ly OD Kazan's hend . "WoDder bow he'll take to Ute down

therer he asked. "He h B8 always bleD, U84!d to the tOllest.. It'U seem





I ." ." ,.








C . s

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t e st ed 'f ree



Lebanon ~:.. Ohio --------------.------






"II .







'1""" "






.J. A.

£i'une a' Din ctc)J' and inmb- lnter,


Wayne sville. Ohio.

' j




· :l1JI1 IllOI'll to Ihl' elll ill, t.I\'I I': I\I\\' IS s h . Ivon . A t' nH"ft t1\(' ~l"'U( n u), (lPUIt', 'Ich t I (!nys ll.ft t 'r tht J Cl;,!hr I n u {, l H.' Stilt He'l'" " u Y-lin 1JOI\lfI1''' tl Jrl!. \l'lIlr t .) II "'" 111 1·

F r' u k l :t


.1 . \ ' ., '.!

t"-'9 " "III .

fUJ 't' ,·tl ~ l h ~ I, 1" ]1">( 'll\d



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sh,lck SI'lI l hllll hn l r ~ d OZl'n { ('P. t fr,)JU c! ll\\' f) tn 1llt' l'h"I', Tit" IIII~ ('lI l lt'" W H...; h l ~ "III' Iil Y. Ife W itS U \1 111(\' Il fl u~ h, p,,'l, d PII') \ It:lnr~, .""1 II II' Ur :-- r, t1l z 7. ~~ . ~ n n l'1f ll gl Oil ILIO d l ' J\' I1 ;o.; "· ~. '.flte \\ I'I!,I I~,'ll.". 11 t,t' lt , I..;'ill h.d.lIn r th p " ' II X !t,y limp I1nd U11l11 II U!\' !; wllu!'e It b Ii\ ;~. I !ill";!, ~Jw , I ! 'w J,U%:ll l \lJl h nd ru lll'u. 1 1l?:tO clI JUe L1l'lI r Or, sUli C,!, I , ' :t I t"r,:-:n fI.'lt hc\ IfI,'" wit h h l~ pr<>p lIl' Ctl , lIud st1UT~'1 cau l l nu~ l y , ·011Jc. \\ti;..tlf. :l:t.': dn:-tl h(I '. . t " hlll' t old b i OI U'III Ihl' l1 ~ ht wn~ ov r . ' [~lH'" ~!UI r· ' J \. . ·:1t'll1ty 1.1l l\nzll u' s lI o .tUl'I1 c tl li nd drll j!gcd llhu~ I'l r s l!>wly nl nfl ): I It ' I t'(ll>e to the l m ll, nnd r • h:.l ,·l~ r F lli" Y ,hn\'ll,t tilT. ='11' 1 IH~ d u, cd l ' l~ l ' )" ,' • lin t! 1,,,,.t,.1 hI. I) ,,, I lIlI ,l UIl O'S lU l'I1l·!l tu Om y W ol f. Orny Wolf \\'/1 ' 110 ] on ~cr 10 lh e 111 11. J Icl' hun" (I'll ~orll )' " n 1, 1' " h(lUl· d " r. H', hl'/II·,1 1II(I,In Ill" t ~O Il IllJ w hi"h owun llgl1l. Cl<w " tfI lh~ t\\'l) rtlClf~ Iny Flret mlmber. to be elected to the Ce r n c lu u or O hi o. Tt'e80 tI,,, ' ''Jl II cp u),1 \Jill Jltlllr. 111,· \) "oltl' n po b min prOducltd an average of' over l OQ bUShels cf s h li ed co rh per ae ro 011 t h ' IlllIp IIf.!lcs. lilli e h,)f\ll'S at Ih o. lit !wr t h r lUlt. n ,',; 11 11 1 {'nu" " mo\'all I: J tow t h ,·('c 1 )1111 . ' 'l 'h \! Irllx \",,1 l (II'n lh e m 10 .er.. when reduced to a mol,ture . con t e nt of 20 pCI' oe nt. (I) E. L. Jol'l n · Iy \1" 11'11 lO li lt! wll", I,.,1 i!(lI l1t. t o p ll'l'VlI. \\,Itll n ",hIli!.! (,r ):"\(, f K'l' eon, paln'lvllle, raIled an avera!Jo of 100.65 tJU ~h . l s; (?) E. J , R I'.IqG, Ga l· J orlUl W(lV <I her hnn rl It O('lf lit Ih c Zl\ IJ II PJl rf/Il I:!, Uti li' 111'0 ullulll ra lIu d \lpOII~ 101;14 bUlhelli; (3) R. E. S imm on ds, C leves , 102.6 4 uush ell , ,·" III JI . .I 11 ~ l dl ~lI J)rl!ll" l"g lt t:l lI lIIl tI, e th r ll ~t hl ~ \.t ('J\!l b llIW ('I'" I h" III . Grll\' tl·COl<. FARMERS' .WE~K tn .· lIl',I''. . •] "', r l II. li \' PSlo ck bro Q. \Vole WlI S Ih l' l'e, t" ·~I II:.( 1I"I'sel f I;J It G o r)(I ~ hy r't colI(" ('rl C"(H .~ .c:ndl ,t". "Gnoc1ers ' l\ .f\hCh,' ,lll' Ill;, . th a t U' I'I'lhl (' ~olJ h ill ;'; way. 11 l~ wpo l BnOlte)'6 corn boy champions b lu e ly I !I . ," ,, 1 II pl(ll l1 [ (I 11 Ie h L'r IJIO('lllJ, " by- " A ll u l he· " 81.. , 11111'(" ,1 J,,'r ' flll'P HOlm a nd S a'con Show. rllI ~" d o wll. 10 K" za n li nd Ihl' !."try. IInll out of Imee breeches will bave 'to Til ord('r tl ~ I III II III I 0 t hc b omp. pr o .. I , nil II \ ' I'" "'" 1 I '1"'( I . . \1 1 Ihl' J'l'$t .of sobLI'IJ. Abare hOllO,. to corn. producllon wl l h d ue ll oo ,,' mea l 11 h alll n nd b:l con t hat tl l t;llt ~ h p willll1lH;I'(!ll '\'1til (lill u. their elders at FArmers' Week t<> b e e ll 01V w lli t,p lip id fill th o nT'Sl tim e. W l l h ,lIIwn sl ,,· t1 r"I!~" 1 1 Jl\)r~, If oUt to beld at the OhIo State Urilverslt)', ]>rl7. ~ of n::, ,. n.nd $5 wi 1i be of. t il{' lIfe)('ss IHtI\! I)",U",; Oil If'l' ro k . ' . Columba. ' from Janll&rY 28 to Feb. (e r t'u a f.rP t . He(!ond n OlI Ulil' d An l\ W e ll 1\I\Z:III "111\' the t 'l'\'l l> l ~ p reUlh !tlY,' ,<'1. ll'el )" (or ImUl a and w(lrk of I h e I YII. . I·'ur r; I'IlY ' V'lle WlI.i fllVJ' 1. baedll. JIl ItllrlJlIon , lil e (wo IIr Rt " Iizt:) 1 !llJd-riot 1',) ' :I II II S 01' /I II lgh l, b ll t Tbe, .'annere In the accom panyilJ!! wIn ne ', wi ll he nwnrd ed pure.urell IJ IIJl~ f UI' nil ti m o. .\ !;I.)nll' Il lII l flO plotll"'~lIOd &Jl 'aveni&e 'of !lver I OU 1, lgs . ,\ 11 lI1eat su bmitted (or entry S U'I ('u lIk l h " I'IIi; h",1 h(,c()\uC! I't t' r .Ott .abelled corn per IlCr e ' Oll m UlIl he !\ItJD l' cllrC!J , a ll d no per l;Qn s h t'OtJ d. , \ IIU p" ,'l lIlpR n Yu ll, I t WilR , • wIll bll ol tm, rid lo s ho w Inor e t h on UI(lt 10 ' lill c t of lllJil lll l1 CI'll u t l ou wh ll'h 10 ,.crw. ' All yieldl were reduced r . , oDe 1>:1;1\ o r "l d or baro n. A w r lttcn 0 l eo Is JU o r e wIlIl'li'J'fltI t hnn OJI n's a molltiJre cootent ot 20 per cent. As d SCl lp l io o r I h e m!l'thotl of trcalmElOl r en son, lhut t ol d K tlzcul' wH ll t Imd ho p· II reward for thetr a.chlcvemont. t,;1C:r nD d cu ll,,, w ill he TC!lltllred or tb & I IWII (,fl. F or III' kn ew IlOW I hilt Rile \I'll !! hhw !; "I" " It. IIr"III1 W w m kln g on ~IU be electe4 to membership 10 th o exhl bi I ~.' All exh lhl t s will b e r e. h e l\1I ~ ~~-n'II I'1) h el1,1 H$ Ihl\ll t h u litHe O O VO I Dr lW-Bu~el COI1l Club of. Ohio (form· t urn ed. (''(',.Cill those "wl n ni ng (Irs t c" "ntUI'ps tlull h ucl g(lmllnl cll In lhe "' l\lly " I n ' " f .. \ ll eo U eel ;tI, Ple olliO state Unlverslty) Olld- I'I:1ce, ?\(l ~t' tor Ill,,· w Ill be Cbarg' j lJ""," Il !lht n f W h/Jur s veror '. lIe r ll- Ill I. nt . r,>r 11l ~ Lth-r u '(J lll'l y ' II chl!1 • 0 1 '" "lgH,u~H,'1, l J -,,'(1 t~lH · t1 ... . 8 t \ln tl'w'Jti be. Pl'UeDte4 'Wlth a flIooal , TJi, ed. 1\11 nr~a t Is t n b cOJJs lg ne d pr o IJ1 l1ln ct.i eI (J~e b eslll 111'1' all l hnt tiny. p~mat1OD will Corm 0 pan Of UI S 1' 0111 t o th e Df' :'pr .mont o f A nltu al Vulu ly (hllt clll Y d Id Jonn n il f or " 11, 1.'1,,1 IHo ,. .. .(J , I, " f l' n. d f o r Y.8INIar -.10l1li oC Fanners' Week U II~hll n I".\'. Oh lu la l e ' ni l' er s lty , so KnzlJ lI. lJc r voIce I'use to lh e Sli n I\o r , }l I ' H) 1 K , II n, l "" oil \Ill It is Q " ~ d t ? Il '~ II III hn " 'Ill War tOodI and labor , problems will l b o! fl \\ :Il o r r l ve II! Cqlu m b us not H oc,!;, ull d O/'Ily \YolC's h t:' lltl s n ugg led "\l r L\ ~ ' ]J [In l A" 'Tl I' ~ f . h c' ~ r.c.a~ . muc'h . aLtenUon d uri ng the ID. ( ~ r I h ll1\ ,h ll no r), ~ 8. clusur to 1\" 1l<OU, lIo d Kuzll u';; e l\ l'S Or l}F ! If ,. lI.n tilr lu 1':l <i "r,J!, . 1 W I'( . l1 r·1 fI\' " Pt .. OJRY week'; proP'UIL In ord~r that lh ~ . 'Cile Il l'l", .ICI, p rogram Otis yea r tlroppl'll b ocl:, l,l otl ,10 Ilc1;e d 11 'r l ,,"V" tI'II V l\tlf ~ ¥I' p I p. ,1-71 1· )1 'C rfl /l llen I',~ wqrd to tI.gti(lhltll1'&l Intormatlon pron\ l s II I IJ he of Sll ()c lnl wou D.I !I. Lute In the nftcl' lloon 'Kn ~1l 1l I,..l'\ h ~l;llj fr, HI ' r mat be ·.l'all~le. .agrlculturlsts (rom Monday \\ II sheep do..y ; TI1.eS<la,:r: le ft Oruy \Volt lQog Iloough to ruo to ' prh~ l~ I' lqti br.. \ a ~ DUDlber"oC tblf dl1rerent stat f) . w lne d :r.l' ; \V~ ll esd a y. borse day; th e !JOtIOlll 6f t)1 o troll n ud brill!! \Ill k~ t t h,ll h " I', ~h " 0 \.1 1" h:x (lf' r iw ra · ..,n~1 'coUegee 'and \!IXperlm enl Thursilny. hl"cl7caLUG day ; and FrI· tI, e S'" Jw· . hoe r ubIJIt. Orny Wolf m u~· 'ito t t ' l) WI I . !'o l d " ~ 1 · r\',,, 1 It r.i v i~ldr .atatloaa wUI be pre.ent. Promi o nt d ay. meat cloy. z-Ied lhe f ur nod fl ul;1h, bu t wo uld n ot . t 11" ,1 rt' <t a l ' ~ n l 'IJ V (linn r.. r m ll r St:lte Cor n S how on Program, cnt• . S IIII a li ttl e Into r K uzu ll urgcll I h i. Ill!! u . lli I j J,hl < t ' mhltr , f o r SOiA .amolllr them will be G. C. Creelman, t 'i'l\l f;7r . ~ r,·, " . '11 r t, "~f!nJ "tej\ tll/; .....4_ of the OntarJo Agricultura t Th e Ob io tnte Corn Sho\" thlB h er to foll ow h Im to lI'l! t1'llU. He n o ()OU~ who will Dot' only tell of (lUI" yenr llror"I~ •. to 1.11) 1.11 gel' t ha.D el 'er . .j l onaer I\'lInr~'l t l) Silty lit th l! t OI) at til e a ll"' l\ lIt 01 I \" .l e 11111 " h if< m AIt.till], ,.. II ' u It t.v d , I I' 1<7 ' lit;. (HT D Or . ,...t· 0uadIa1l fum prQblema' and tho I t w il l 1111 1\1.'111 In the A.n u ory at We, , ' I1, H I " 11\' (' , W Il.hd In( In en. III. . . . 1ak4!ll to tIOhe them. bu t will lJ nl "ersll~' 111111 Will' hav!! more G'pju:t) '. brIQ • lD6IAIle oC cou.nlel to Bll cle · ror "ltlbJt.ll l h u l\ ever be rore. W . F. - - - tn I X1' ' li \ \ 1:9 t n~ .t X f\'~ ~ t • • ,~ tannen. Druce, ~,'cr .. I'\rr , 0I110 State Unl~ ' 'I'IIl8 rear. u ~. a doze n (If \.bo v r alty. ol ',mbu5, 18 r eceiving a 1&rae ltaae ..ncul{ural IIOCletiea w1l1 1arl!e nlt~Lei' . ot BppllcBUon.! for · eII. beta,1I dvlDl' the week. Among tbem trlQS. _ • ,,01_ tile ObJo State DaI1')'1lleD'1 AB' 'rlu) pro'.!'I'r.m tor ,vornen bBs alft n Lll tle Skeptl '. tIOCIaUoo, the ObJo 8tatAi l:Iort1cul. b v ('nrl,l l ne an\1 'l' mn' W" J't) ave ' uud tWIJ " _ I .......... _ .. .. ~cn I>,\r f ll lly p ropaT'.ld. Food aDd T h a l .a,;! 1\ r- ( t U ,. 'l~!! P,I/ ' r;q ,, ' 11 1.f, 'II ", 01(1. A ll I ' 1)'. llll1'"1) to " nIIJ'I,' -- ..........e Ohio' Vegetable <sloth1ng l(iclu r e s And demoostr!ltlona R ,v .' 01'OWW'l' A-.cIatlon. the Oblo ltlln'l!' h Olls h l))~] l;Wof'Sn.vIDI' de~1 ceB &nol II n~ l'~ t. n i.... lIll t ,f (li d" II nll 1 I. 'l fld .III' I' n ,,!tlllllt·t! , ;"' 1\ ( lit her hrtl ' \tlt l ~.. A.~Ioo, tbe Oblo. RtU:aI cbl ld wI'1!n To w ill be take n up. HOIis& p r lf' l'p 1" 0 lnw. I i ' I h ·' '' ,. hllh 'Ill b(I. ' n(l;II" 1~1 ' rtml II pklll r"" hPI,k nC w11<1 Allaaialklll. Ute Ohio Bee Ke8iI h o ld Ilro'11p IS dc \'oll'ped' by the war f o r n Iho Itl ~I t W(1 .. ~lV I n t il ,., h ('n~r • . Cnrn! llll" ·" s ~1I):lltcd . til. Ohio State.For. \\'\11 rc "t1,·" . :1,.;ma.1 n tentloD, A Dilfu. gc [11'. fl OD I pot 1t . If II~ II ., ' I ., Cl\n .,~. mllllnnll , 11' 11'.' dI d not ~how 01110 Seed Impm",.. lier of c " l l' 1:'d IncIQ~Dg one OD Ie log to t , on ll '. (, I -.\ ' I lill 111('l u ",'~' Jr( tit!' 11 I! it 111,1 IlrNt t l l Tom \_.~.'~!!!!~~~~&!!"'~~~~~:!!:~C~I'DI~~. !~rk "' ill _be 8IIo _._'!.IL vtlry much bl~ ber • •\. I , ,, cl l o'l u .J li p , 8C!1! tht'ln In ~ plU'k nao





- .......---



immediate relief



Real rubber:"" none of that Puttyfied" near-;;~ ber look to Savage Tires.

The tough, grips-the-ror j tread":" the resilient, shock-absorbing cushioL -the strong, yet· flexi. ble, never-crack sidewaU . ~rubbcr part made oflive rubber. the finest (or the purpose that money can buy. Stock always fresh. Sold fro~ factory to yo~ through our own distributors- the middleman's profit Pl,1t into higher qua,Ilty,


\I '





,."r "'"''

COME, tonK . A ,~O SEE


"S(" I



Ball i



A. B, SlDE5

BIll '1

beUeve.' "


OD'&~'a~c Oill~

\1' 11 Jtl~t ,.1<1:,,( ',h,'" Ilt ...1' : 11 Wl' lI ! o tl t , til" tJI ~' ll 1'11I"'ylnl1 l h,' I"h ~· . 111\11 ,I IIII n )" IHl1 l1 't hl"l, .It""1 1''':'',,(\ lind IIIcl,r ll 11\1' .·"ltl" <1"111" '1 11 ,1 K"~,1I11 1, ," 11'1 1 I, ~"b h' 11" 1' 11,,·c'· I I"; Il' )' I' , \n\\"',] I hI' , tlllll

K azan's Teeth Sa nk Deeper.


, . ., "1' vt HI· ·f! l.", ... d lnl' 1l!11\ f. I.. I'" In tl lli U(lp flltl u \\!l t n O ~,




Barbed Wire

·H i:!H ; I ,. -h.

In·t .. (Jt'l "'1' $ ·.: Ml 'l:J, -;ooC,'l n, " , 1 x ' :!:;., GtrAR A'N'rEED to Ill' nl wi lhou t !P:l v, . Lug n plclUjs h, o r M 0 1!>E ' IH:II N Ol!:I1 . . 'l' h ~ l' OO" lltI : ~ .f II I.'" ,r,. p" .. rn 600 IUId $ l.OO sizcs .for Ires \\'o tllHie cd p ll l n l 1111 ,11,\1 1'1\ I' twu tl:.y~ hf' f ,;r i', ria .. . tl: ' ",., " JII." .... .\ ·, " ,1 I ' t ' 0I dsore8 , sorobnc k~ und el \tluldurs hum~ tJ\ l III HI 1111'1'(' hI' hili I I, I I, r 11""1"1'('1'1\1 111:. 1<\ UP "1\".",, '1 .. "" II ,," t1 It." fl , nod bru.isEllI. 2oce iy.", lu r F a m ily Sl!. rtl ~hl w h ·'1t I', \ "11' lo II·" ('a'·ill , Th h.; !l O'] I ' " ' .. ",'rl·,· I·' . DR. COX'S PAtNLESS BLISTI:R tl lI l(\. n ...·tnqf h:.J,tdw J, H,~ Wit, ' tl c' (1 If , n H' pi ' I ;. ,II Ill,' nt _ til ' " u d! . is p ninJ C!8 nnd gn nrnnLJ:' d t o Ollre to tilL" c'( l'I-HUt) Jd;' 1)1' }:, !lwl li t' ' flr u.)£1 " I I;r' , I l.;. U I\\.'\ , t l\ q h ~ l . I Sp nviu,J<ingb oH I ~u rb, W f!ny . . pHnt, wnR r'lstl·nl·, 1 I n f\ " I,., III 1111' log 111 e 10 l~llI ' h 'lj ,1 tI ' • \IC ' l\~ lIt I r Puris, or ony etllnrgfol rn C" Jl t, of boue r mllsc le. o r 111 n v r hi ,Ll d . P r ice 6Oc, \\1111. .rll"11 111,,1 I .. hll·1 III' ] liP " lIllIp,. ,,,,l ,,(I t! p I e nd ,,'II Il 't' , • FOR .. Al F. S" I, I)RU( QISl'lI !Je flt r' It \\'11 tl ;1-.1 .. '''<, '[t '·. T It(' " li n



'n 11 .


11'111 \ ',l 'u , r

!'l11lJ.:141 InUW\Jut . "te I II~ II.









£& 1 (l

hlr, II Ultl1't\.' U or n I "'. 'Ill' l it. II n ll Clu w hIlt I 1'1I1l1101'1l , 1.1' I II hi


J. B. Cl-iAp·M:AN Wa vnesville Ohio



l! uU~rc d



b ~ I'




HIt e ut ' " U) J un li lt.



Ie • It

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I J,

JJ. I• . CP ANE. Ed ito r and I ub lhl

, to'





6y Our Corps (J,f Able CorrespOndent. In the

W rlt te~



Sube<;riotion I'd ·e. $ 1. 5 p er yeu r



Are you goinj! to build



'\I. \ VC lifTe r ( hi t!. J llIlU.l1l tl I wll .lI s H ..·\\ lui l o r tluy I lI:)C n( l 'lIt a nlt dull , l,III JU.J t hI"


~qu .•,·o l1I ilE1~ of i' s prln U will

us wolcomed wltb bll tl h l",lI f) r . m o r a e .. ru es tuo8ij ·tbll n e ver before 1••,. ., 1 h I' I II (~ 'I '" t " r lll ll~ 1 Ar G ene r. by 1111 of nR. I -OI ' C' W, ' W illi pf'l . n~I I. J t ~ hn A . '1' Mo ler Is Il xpeotlng t wo u.. r ·,1." 1, , 10, , 01 ' < v., ,,I · Il,. t" l bn lf! 1 loao s or onal at onoe . w blob w ill \l it· \l m ,·HII :l S tUrUCt $, 1·'!C pl.llill ~ l ilt: " ', hOIl 1," 1,. , "01', j, ·· l't,· .... ,:11 "'K I\'l1 tllre~ ' b ulp t o r elieve mn 'IY needy OntlHrn'm tile UI"c,d HTl lI )tL';lli ll); the dl !'1t...I -.cU , ,I ."" I \. In IU,rt ILt,· ",''''V but wbon It will hu h e re be Ollnnot put I iIJII.., . (h',' (. 10 1 ' """ ' I OO,, II·rl I, .r ll u mhl' r t e ll I\h t r " 011 h , I \ ' t.tI.en I Ltll's l':dolrrh I I II.oil .)1 , Iw v I' liro) n um. Rev. Alfred Wnlker wI\! fill Ihe ~ l \'lJ i , il l\' r"r JI I,nri t ll 11 011 "III "it' " ,I ",Ii\ll :\ ', t!. I II' IJ· I dr ,oIr tll-I" I" tb l> ouu n . J) IIJlt At M. 1£, obn r ob on !:Iun. }llca t i lllll l "\'l'l1Il' ltl i l l \ "ur ;:::'{·ll(.'r, d ht.: ••1111 . Il:, You are ki nd ly ~ t t lf t lit"- ill:': H al l' " C;JllIllh ~ltdil· lI l t· ,,\. HI"'\I, q It" [1·, lI ... ,l t il Ill\! o" lur !!, dnl' , .J Y DU ~ ry 20. It t olh:\· Hn tl ~\: t 1 il l (If , ' a t n'l llI . ~1"11d for I, "',' "11'''(' ... \\'ll nl ll ~l1 VIlIV Lh t'ul Illvlted to be proannt. te s1im'l lila l.. , rH:C, "" ,oj, ~,,,', ro' ,\I "i'Il'I'O 4 r8 Frlluk F,lru sb e ll e nt e r t~lned 1.1. J. CI IE=, ' \V & CO. T"k.Io •. ()III' , 1'1 ... II I'''' \' I' 1''' ' (J~~' l u r ~ .W.~ I I 8~" • , . he I... dl es Aid tiuo lety at b e r bome Sold h )1 h it IJ III ~U;bl ~ . -; ft , I' :no! \\ lib ~11 ' }("~, 1 , 11 1. ,U l ~ p"lrll Oil 'r hur~dIlY I. st . I, v.. I M'II " ' lIlnll' I'll fnr . 0I 1If1 ., • S : .,:, "U , ,If . 10' 1\' I.r"c1 l!:"e ry A. I . "l nl(>r , th e bntub t' r ,Is work. I' ' - . - " I ' \ H .g over lroe ,hesll dllYS I1saldted by .. I \11 . , l'411 ' ll H t~ 111' r,· \lr tJlIll h t\ tu r ... N t · · t'b ' d t t lutfloc1l lq: ulv 1:'·'.i lllJlI1l1'P'1;'~ 1111 ""< I1 ""t\' .. nh' lIdl~ ".~" .. ll 'N~li . , w nn fa ' R· . eYllr e a ep ·s D 1'1 ," llOl Il~ \ II hit' I., I' I,t ll " ~ r' I I "J h I i I ~ h fl \,I lWIIII' lI l II VI1 r I '<1 lrtloUfJ olr9.'0lt ne . wh ich IH pretty geoerl1 l1 y v It'U I"'> 10)-, ' ''' I ~ll II hl J..!h 1'" '. d .' ,,,,' .. ' 011 " .... ". 1) c',, , roll ~ ""I h"" fer l:! I Il~ U:! l • o ' ''(o<',,~. ,.·d'' , ·ul '1',, 1 lli u ll ~i If):,"M I v ,. rr.l~ ti t I\' ' ·1"11 Clu lll Au ul b erS nnrlaYlludourob urohall l'o~1 'If 11)1 ' ",,11< '" , Ihn, r ,'cl ,. · ' . I ,,· U . (; .,1 .1I1, 11 ,,~ h ",: " u InlrllO( d I' re n nt tl \lli Dlld n ou to the w e a.tber " " cu r e l'l>y t) r ',no I. - --\V h" n , It I~ ll l l1 l '~ IItt ' ' Li lt h " ,\ 11111' t Il~ I'll l 'uH I t l llJli .1 '1&ilt , ~ or chilli n lhl >1 t f II tl Ole. II' 1,\', h ' IJ '~ ~"., . /I el, .•.• .,. tri r •• " \lftT IlO IlOa I I~ Il(It • nil Jl u R IC\h 1",' 11 ~IIV " to J( " ~ llJont>y In th l" q'H ' T . mil ,··H,l·' "I"!I~· u" I Inv o~t,. 'l'll plr Ir.V ~ IUle ntl' tro ll I" , h OI fl' oI lI l" II" Will, I ,. I"" " 1 r"lul, oil' .' 'I. II I II, na ' Itl'Ol ors purchn~"'d t h elf OOIl \




" \1' th f' tll

B',vl u,,~ o" lIi(' ti , ~,

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tt .J IIIX1J ll lllU 1111" Y I. 11


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ll u('hu -

on ~el'-I,J](\ il · 'lI lIl ("\ . 1:'1 11 ,0 (!,, " I... """i" ''''W. ,.,," I ·." I•. •·" UlIil vprml,I!U Cl f bl' 1l1nrla fI btllJ l'r,~ h l,w,,-, v ('r, '1Ir urI' )1' L' 1"l-°n 111'" ,I X I:. • ' i:,~l :, pI' 0 • " ' JI r.u t ,t io r. '1'h o gov .. rnl ll lln t. ... f th .. Ul1 ilt ·tl 'm" 11 11 . (·I .. v"r 10 , I'~"\"" I 1'" (. I . ·' Ijl"" 110 " llllll'l'''' "llt''ier n .... l:it"t 8 h ll~ J.; \V(' lI U' ,,1111 01l" r)('" I, ' I(',dly II . \ ' 00 lu .. 1,10· II ... .,, ·,,11 11 IJII t ,. 1 p" l "I " nt ,. l ': ( ',\lp~ 11'\ IIrn n~. "~ OW 'll t R ' . ' ua l< . " It WHI1I~ 1.)),, 11' r\ .. II·vI' lIlYh\\It "",,·. ' I II" q UIto. I "" " \ , ., 11- ". II' I,h" \ '.rw lth 1.\1',,' .. 11,"\,,1111 1\ ," " " "I"WIll!,",nM : 1",,,,,' 111 1.. IU"" "' I" lotl1\ lIn1l'~ u s bu\I.III" ., ihrltthllbit A qlhrl,,,r I ~ ,,\1 I uu TI (>f'C 1 ' " " urJ.. ~: ltllf< r n"l1 ~ I urtllli J1! ·" t 1,"It;~ WII ' It,·\ I'· i It 11' I:;;.'" '.'I d hur,1 to A t vour P,),;\" m o,' or blllk y m l (,.!ID "rod llllu 11 11;)' Itl IIlIU (." .\i,I,'"' ' g( ' . ' ,or,), \l I, ". . get .. 'I' bl-Ift Klump for " qUflrt.o r plflllt t;llia M ~' '" .In ·", 011' v)t'I,1 I .' I I~ '. I",ill I tllll, ' r., 1\ .I'pu r 'fb tlv ' I I ;:h'e vrlfl fI our ll I"lIulc VOIlT hl1.Y ru p .. ( I .., •., t '" ,\1·1 fI 1. III I· 01" 'II' 1011 ·.1 .::-, ' !' " " .. , " (01 110 ' , SttltUp1 0 \t. ' EV Al :v ' ~p~ rtl qn~ r t .. r tn ll ~ ll r It It t IlI'x L ~UIJ) ,, ~ ,.• HIII\I' ' '' '''''''''' l iI''I'''' '' '~I'''' "I ::~5,llllnl o n~ y OlllJ:llt wlli buy """tiler ~t'IUlI' lind hOIll ".!( rnW II f ••6d ~ . 10 \1 ,' 10 "" CIO rll ""rI - '). ,1) U' I' (II'! p ·. 11 .. !"-of I . .. ~tJ b~ er :vun'il bl>8u'ptt14MI hnw ~OO TI YUl1'l! Olltll. wlJ!!O lot.! ~ I th (111) J"h ll JU Il It" ,!' 1 I' I"~ J1 ~ \l 1'. 1 . ..." lu '" d lil' " " '1o' h nt by bpvo ~hr t"e " or tbf\JJI U '"ohed t o wi ll t end to luwOIr ~h() [l,,~~ ,'f rutlk II,· ~1I11" 1 1t11 1 1 '11 01 n~I!\Jr ,f reRli your ('ard. jlr o(l llo tl u . , " h''' '~ I---I UTHI". \In I b'ln"~t:l v. If .\' lln r cn r<1 114 f'\1l 6fl llt1fnra F hru - - - _ - _ ____ I, ,' II" ,. " ,,,I Chtl ... t l" "~. " J\c1 oeou· nry. ! fl n OftO \l il t. 12 ofjo l ~ t o It nnd "10 ,, 111.1' " " lIl. "J ,,,. tlhh , lIet It W', r ~IIVl\l Il' t:e rtifl Jut.o t-it um\l I'Ilf ...• I. UI otr "1i 'In 111"" I'll un cl l1 of tbllt wI ll (\rAIV In te r\'st t o IIlSkO it I n ,\or 1\11,, 1 I, " "IIl,j," ' ll I·'r Ill " IJ ICl1d hrlng _5 " 0 .I";tlh r v 1 1923 FIve 1 • .,"n, "J, l,.. eI UlI,* til .. n ·'I. r ns!\d dollarFl t nr fn n .· <1n llllr".' 11I\d 't"'I;I VR j lO lJl"lill' ~ h rtl hit Kfl. l!llllr itf'lIl M . ' »" 0(1"v 000 ,I 0 nil d s O"Dt ~ I And Unillo 11m g n ·lTlln s . " j' I "" 1I , 111' "I "r" -', . ' . . • I ('. ft. t' 25 (01)0 tn ~ III "U" ' r Il OJi , h ~ pHymnnl. EiIlVlllji( ~.l lfl D~ Y rnr m l Il t C~ ell If) . ' . 1 • , " '11 . f hl .. I. YQur " pporHlIll t"v . . "nllrl quit fnrUllll g ,\ d IN II' "l,1I " I I' '(,Ii~' I jlW ,! "I' 1Ii1 'hM •• 1 c n"uml).,t' p Ic t O~ . nnw. 1' ry t,n li P ."nt1r (lIl,ret • . Yo n Aaotlon,", lUll uor th !, ~t· or W.lf'l o"nRHtynn rWnr !'jfl Yln jJM( ,81Mtlt llt e U tW!Ueoulll o 'iUOlulIllt.l llU (IX IJIII




~~~;~l~ ~~ . lr~~\~~~Qto~~ ~~oce:':! :::: tb~n ln Mhrc "s,' ";11 .


t'lln t,h8t r ~ .Ik ), ll' lciH In wlnta f 11" w e ll wb ,' n t art IpICUn"I" . lIko clover , IIlf "lf" or R.... hl' '0 b " y , " lorJg ",jlh · 8 0 WII grllll!. U" "' hPc.t, g lveu" d iffer, Illlt klotl nr r (l ll h n l!~ With oom· p .,rhl'\\'l'l y I"rll" q'" nt·tt, ll'~ or ~r ll 'D. ~n c h " " Ole gr lO wn f e ed~ 01" ktl tllllI. P'o!l u otl ' ,n Oh "l'pr'r th " n w h e n II:rl1lnll mll ~t I" h··I\(,(II ' . '1:11(1 I... , ' gDmp~ fil ~'n \\ ('1 1 In r.. rlll pr " lin.. !! ; tbey Inul "'~~ Il ~ ,,, I ' .,r " lIl \'; .. bd· th e)· anppl y p ruteln find mln Hftll , ,,11 /,(\)' , e ~8en" f\I B Il rfl wth .. "d m lill urn d UOlt on, In I n ' I['" qQIHlli l y tIlOIl Il D' oth(lr O ll l ~1' ill \'. 'l ,: h , IIP~. O,IWP fed BO) I, If l buy wttb n \tHIn II:rllln on.i on I. ~ il ,. l$ o III ~w .. Ipe II,w teMt-!o cOnduokd 'If til " II h l.. ":Xjl Ii m ent !o\ AM oo I: ~ JlI IIp th f" r milll fl. w, II well ·I ~ Il ' her 0 W . r od Ullol,, \ grlliu .. 1001:\ wi l,u Knm l' .n W ,; .0\ 1,1",. and st·,vn , t'", ul y (ln WI\ WE' re -"i! In the twa Ie-i •• x ~lln{j l o lt ver 1:l7 d ·,Y8, 'rb e MalltO n nclURI", W', !! drfl wo f r nm nn O'·loe r teMt wit ' . foiX oows t ed n Il loly " Jr~lrll li llY t n Oll e




Band s in pl1y w eo l." says H'orelary MoAlI on ' T he I' r ot ll ry 6t" t e~ that he bt18 0 0 cO\l h t I ha t· m p.rehll nl s offe ring to t·uke L,berly L ORn Bouds In ~l[. Ob lll)g£' 'J r 1Il)!llobtlndll!e ~re aoluated , 1> ' )lll l r i ,110 'uOtlves, bnt tIlu' suob

m ilt"Nt nn e Otl1.lJ8 j o oro Byof


---_.- .....- - -



B ouse ?


See Madden



W .. ot 'fobaclJ(I Jlo.e.~ ... . ... .. . .. .... .•• . .•..... . .. . . .. .. Soe Madden



WRtlt C mou u ....... . .............. " .... " . .... ~ .. .... . . S... Madd,n

Do VOIl Wn l1t I. ime or P lnlle r? .

.... . . . . . ...... . .. ~e · &1addcn

DOl You W" nt Any Ki nd vr I.lllllber / ..

.. .... .............. eea Madden

Do You Want ·Farm Gates? .. . . ... .. : .. See Madden Do You Want a Veranda? . . ...... , .. . . See Madden


:00 You Want

Mr Rnd Mrs. B. 8 . Dearth epan' T burlday whh .friend~ 10 DaytoD. Frlend8 hera h r llCtilved IlQ. \he marriage .Dr Mr. I:i. P . Early and Mia. Ehy. of Day .

nouno~men'. Qf

Building Plans? ...See Madden

00 10U ""D~ t<l borrow a


No roMier " bat you ".nt. 800 Maddon

8 110 Mnddou

Mr. Bnd Mre. Ed Kel llDK 8 peD~ t\uturdtly io LebanoD , Rev. and. IIttn. E, Kuelsley and Ililug hte r were Le banoD vlslaore Mondll·Y· Mr. llndMrs. P erry E rob 'H •. ot Pekin. epent Friday wl~h r e h.livell hore. Mllses Pearl and I£ mmllo Harrle speo t 'be week.end at their h ume Frltnklln.

If you don't wnnt anything at all,


MADDEN .just the same.







B on . J. 0 Cl1rt\v rt l! bt. of Way Rev. ' BiBbee aDd co o8in. of AlBson, n e.~v lll l) . t r9 u ~lI oted ba8IDe¥l!'in our h ave been sP6ndfngufow dlsY" here rrllll at on e doy last wcelt . 'he gueHts of Mrll . EIII';I\betb EVlln • . OD aooouot of t h e bad weatber Ceoll Mouu 18 on t he lilok 1111\. Ih MOBPle Townsbip t:luntlBY·Bobool oonveotlon . whloh was to have been hald 8und .. y O ~ the M. 1:. ohurob . was (llJstponel1 Tbe/'R" BIIlha8beendangerouely sllok durlns tblll l oy time "lIr . Ed Lukenl, o ur rar 8Elelng oltlzeo. put a.shal UP OD It mahl,ng tr~vel maob Tbe tblrd number of tbe Leolure safer. VO\1f11e wu II,.en tn 'be Town Ball Oar Saaurdav 'lI 01 01 1 rAf\obllrl UI IRII$ Frida, e,.eDlng with a leottlre on tlnndQY Datllled l,y ~h " d rlt.ed by B. Erwin ~talfo rd. r oads. . Mra. Mandy BarneU II oo ufined The. meroury in 'hili vlolnltyon ., tbe homa 01 ber p~ren'. Mr. Saturday morning stood a& 18 below Theodore Pepper wl t~ I" grippe. zero. PreUy oold for 'hI800untry. J obn An'hoDY fell Ills t MondflV . morning on 'he lOe 10 Iiont of Johu GI blon '" relldenol'. and dlsloDAtad ble IIboulder. of fuel. Hi'll . .Obaa ·Brel.rord .nd hltr - - - -... - . • nlflOe Misl Dorotby Harness were abopplnRln W.yne8vlUe IB11t Frld.y. Mill. Yllude EIlve.v, wbo has been oonfined to the bOtleA ror tb e PIlH t our weeki! wltb pneumonl" 18 now able to bo up.





. durability and ex'l~lite design ,-the hiahest ideals in plat~ wan:-are UI~ed lpoons, forks, and fancy .servIng Pieces ' beuina I'eilowned trade marl;

-~1841' R06ERSBROS'a~~pt Ther~




Melnlng of "Manger." • Tbe "'!lrd slgnltylng ,"manger" occurs In the New Testament only In conneetlon with the birth ot Chrl8t. The word In classical Greek mean8 a crib or feeding trough. According to eome commentators It 81gnifles the open courtyard attached to aD' Inn,

are various makes of S11verplated tableware ' claimed to be "just as goOd," but, like aD, imitations, they lacle tile beauty anel W~riDS~~~aIi7. identilied with the original and genuine "I 8i1 R06ERSBROS, • ..ware popularly known as "SilverPlatet at W.,ars/' · -- SQld by lea~ing dealers everywhen:. _ Send fo catalogue "C-L" showing all designs. IERJDEN BIUTMOO! CO.,·(c..n....:!....~~~vn -ledfeI, Ctil.

'which are



!:fJ.~utW~u:~~lo:~t~h~t Y~~~vc~O~~ LIBED nTY


build 0 B rn? .} build a .Ga r age? build a [J og Pe n ? build a Poultry House?

Do You Want Fence Posts? .. .. .... " .. See Madden


,\1' 1\:':'- II.H1I . !lnd i nOr etlRtl e l[. It is all very well t 9 m ake c1ai,!,s, p.n ,ltt,.t ' - . (Jnd~!!o tr! k t' n In IIX but can they be proven? W a publish \l ""~ 11 '" 11\" t Ul es ure ImDle· the form ula of Vinal ' to prove the j l1 , H' ly ~"I(i 10 tlla np( n m a rket statement s \70 mnke nbout it. \'. hIClh t 'I' 1 ',1< l Jl pr" W~ III lUll. k'el n Cod Ltve rood Bt!t:IPoptone8, Jron a ncl Pl te:. tr Ill "d v, "1-\ )\" u 1ft~~·"~ "' ltlt~ S ot ~, Mana·note JteptonatC's, hon anet J\ m r I moolumCltrate. LIm e a nclGouB Glvo.roIII 1 1~" b 11,· . . phoS'pb.t••• C.lcorln. J'b" I, ''''v.' ~ I tr()rt~ 0' I Ul 'lIlo by Any doctor will tell you tha.t ~h c Ih~ ''I', •. ~ ." " I.l~" tn l'flt to ho,v(' ingredients ~f Vin?1 as published Il\r ~n ' y ~ I''' \l IC'tH b"llds l fl)f<i l16~c d above, combine the very elements ' lO r Ih'l 111l'I1Ut inv~R'Ol ,..n l bv t be nc• 1'\' " "I It'I,l f l' o a t tie "~ vl u g~1 Most of t ile m Ollley "dvauoed by needed to make strength. All we ak. run.down, overwo rked t hn.,,, " II ", " ,f)\' hib' 4 f uuds r(.r be Uultt d !:I\litell' to tbe n lUons tn nervous men :lnd women may prove '" this' at our expense. , It , \ /," 1111 lit b t. C,, '·OI.l llg oon . tl:u ro pe e~ lIged In, wl1r wltb Ger. There is nothing- like Vinal to reo tl,·,·.'1 1·', d I.l! r 'IUd TU 'Itllr lul ; ex · maoy Is ~}lQ D 10 t ,bl8 connt.ry lor atore s trength and vitality. to feeble olt " "", ·,.< 11> , III lll r m " rolll~J1 (1l 8o tile' prod nol·s of o ur fum,. minell, ' old paople, delicate children aDd all t ll.·rd ., .. dnt\·~ l hl~ 11l1T J1 0~B nd roo, orles persons wbo n eed 11)0rc strength. the arranlJemen t made by Try it. . If you nre .not entirely nt• tlJ" Seoretl\ ry ' of the Tre~8ury and a uuro veCl by t be .Pre8Ident. thllse i a l\ipd go vernm e nts oommanlollote f.urness and you protectton. thd r r pq'll ireml Dts tor ' materials J . E. Janney. Dwgg ist. W a~' n~svill . oml pupplhlll to Ii Unlt.ed I:Hatel 0001 ml ~ s l oll 1 bro u g h t heir own deal,. D.~ed pu re·b,. lng "gent. ~o ~hlB coun t ry lind t.b e commllliion 'ben r onde rs .I~B best eff ol'ts to oMalD ltd. 'r hfl \ Te~ t 0 IIp.' n ~ of Llbe I'~Y v lluMgonuB termS whlon are s ob b'''''' U I ll· "Tft lltly·,, 1l1 u~il jJ .F~d w it t ed I\) tb e }lllrObslI ' ng " lfe n'~. "No·Than.k9, Mr. Station Man . after cullin g th e ft'~ r1 leun illf: thol By .tb (lse wpanll IJu mpe'HlYe bid. !lrfil r(",')- \l,' b1 til; or ::iu ht-re ft~ nr r etable· milklng the cows and ru nninl' th' Q ll11mtur, I will III ~" h:l)' III . '\l\d, n I. f1 ,i' l'r '.111"ul·,V Dep'lf l me llt I ~ IlI Dg /lgulu t ,he other alllos and own ruilroad ticke t instead of pay ing ~' o u II l"AT comllli: Sh >ll I ( (1 '(",· \V I."IIl' :~I.) n . rm.\·" V u ri nr, I 'bli n k " ~fI,l n~ t the Uolteq l8t-deer Is Bvoldlld 18 anythin g easJI al'oout keeping cows. J want it mys If." w h I ~' h ! U;(C uern l' cl 6(l ' ·itary Of 11 oil \ he IItlWIl t·e rms nU ll tbe same (4 (! V"'OIlJ! :1r t nn,l~ Ie r l' qulred t(, 1. t.oattuO I; ~ our ow n G ov,' roment reEvery' farmer 8ho~ld ~hip his cr~alJ1 DIREC1' to t he'CrC<llnel'Y c,,1ve.. Is 1I0Jorded to 'ou r ,, 11101 ~" ..h t.1t " (' (" ) 0f/',t," ",·tt·h unt. ohurgll h Iii oxpredtlly etipulflto,l tbal DO l~ ." 10,,11,'0\'" b y th ~ 'f'r(>ns OfY De. i' .. ·I,flleD, tll·1t 00 b \lie or t:ru~~ U'ID! . o\: ltgrltlon or 1!~ l:l lI t y up ou tha Unit. .\)"lI:1' , V,bll'l~ I. l~ dnpo~ It ,, 'T\' o r ' the ed i:ltu l es Ahull hEl croote\! by tble llr ()t!o, t'f LIQor ly BOlldt! o r 'l'rnna. afrll ul;s m nt. Our (Jovernment Ie our 01' om'HIl, U A of lu deb l edn ess wIll ~Imp l'y lend'lng Ite I!o'8htll uoe I m nk,' " hllr II rot' M I\£o tlng the ~ lIieA In the spendlDg ber.e . or tbe per POI;I!1d for Butler Fat week ' bcginnii1tt J lln.uary I ii, '191 The pro . Ofo\, p on~ . p t> . \tl g 08 II to t b ... bold r . mone we loaned tbem. I I·h ... "t'ol vlu eoder d b y bl\llk1IHJ In teotlon thus granted tbem Ie d •• -I'; U l t " U~!lI Oil. h ill t'b 'o liltue~t 8ervell, for t bey lue dolog ,he work .!I,u p"n. \- Il ~ nb!l hLf\ \hll ona., bat'tt. whloh. If ,bey do 010\ do, I:OUllt be i" !topecl th u~ I.holl d~p(l ha rles will d one by - Am f' riOtl a,' 'he expense of CINCINNATI', OHIO perfor Ol tile !ldrvjoe wltboui ohllrge Amerlclln Iive8 aud Amllrloan m a n. UNITED 8TATE8' ~OOD ADMINISTRA.TION u. p a t rj o ~ l (} ut·y . License No. C- 18152 ., - ~. 25,OO.O.of the largest producers have found the Tri . gt~ e ul wllys dfl' , pendable and most profitable, Do not let t he Statioil Buyer t :tl k you Man'. Et'rortl Show .Worth. How ' I t l.coke d · to J im mIe. out·of your .c ream and make for himself a profit of Jlbhut 2c per ·pound I' lutrllcler I" best {OIln , In !'lie pur,Tlltllll(C'~' older ~I s l \' " ti S n benu. or more. Ship US your next can or if you need CIll)S, w e wi ll s~n d .' ,11 of Its. own Ideals. Lett to ' him· TIlE' \or a l! hos n to u)'lug en r. One dllY (·If. OJiln finds tbe level 01 hiS 'own them prepaid for SO .days trial. . . ;Tit Pill.' \ nil l'l:. yl'ng Itl U1 0 t roDt ynrd " .!oln kl ng. . 1!li lelBur,a hours are the 1101,1: II loom ll tIl' \' . up 'In o' roedster 1l.11OX' of hlB loner wortb. It's. \\,'hn.t a III ""ILl (If hi s tourlng eu.r. Jlminlc , rtln o'~,t J,J\V trieS .to bil that a)low8 his ulm. III In. Iill! h IIl RO. cnlll n g : " Oh,' 1IIlnnle. 'II-ohll'es Gl:.i. . It's easy COOliSh to ,. .,' C"'1(o !jlll<'lt. ! 1\11'. Pn r!;er hils come, . ''1' Illool!' wfth tho t10wlng trde: nOli Ill' '~llly br(lll~ht t1,,~ trout sI'at." . ''' -(I'l1yglo oglllDllt odpis thlU tell s at ~ II ll'Iltlhir. Tbe worl4J runl' uever SCil ':mll' Ill!Ort bec8nlle It Is engro ' ~.c (1 I~ Gre~tellt Wlrel.:.. StatIo". .tt\ If. ' Dut rOll "'1\1 ftnd the rC8110lll'lI! T" ' mlrlrl's ~rent9st-wlr(!1 ss atRlton (1.[ "!Tort In!d Bt·rengtlt . and hM ill1l'lI \lullt In ·ltnly. po'''crtul Illll l\ lpliom ~r. Even It you never Will pay the High,est Ma rl' t Price. '''"!J:h,to "JIlm,\ulcl1te ' ''1\.11 Nortb. 1lC(;r (ld J1jooC"etI1/Illnll ~u Ideal. you 8re Le't us what you' have to off r. by '"nll S()111h Ameri ca wben similar Ita· u .w~mllu for having mnde the Ilt~ I hllll' II 1'0 cr ·ctCIl en Ride of the tempt. mail or phone. pay 1011,., distan c Atlnntle. -~.~-----


to to to to

Do You Waul Felt Hoofing? . . . . .. ,. , . .. . • ... ... See MaddeD

STRf~6IH . . .. I~ ';:j:~~(:~: 'I;rl:e'b~'~~ u~~~:!." ~rl~~:; {lO~~~~t~b~:oO~~:;d~'~I~e: t~~P:o~~~t:; POlltiVe--ConvmclDg Prooi In," .

going Iloing goi ng going

D o You Want S hing les ? .. .. .. . ... . .. . . .... .... .. See MaddeD

IIIl fl U Til Ir d .v . JIIJlUUfY 10, an d onlFrl(j(lY nitl ht th e 11th his yo oD g Irle ol1!' ~u r "rt S"(1 !tiro wJt. b their I" ~f' 1I 0 18 lIloiber , be l n~ wise (O r w h n " tiS \toln g to h .. p p a D. re o JII. mue Tt'd tb w w ith t.h e dellolloles u f I btl ReU~(l n. We li Te cl ol ng ns ile A r a r equested Instlvln ll colll.u,Ai d possi!Jle n one ~ o prood I.,.. on t wo nd I'ut oo r~ meal to pre~erv a tbo wb8l;t UBe 8t,lntiogly Ii'r~~ya:.1tt~t~:ie~~o~~~ r;~!~I:::: tbe Iillgnr , Patriot.l , m IB tbe Ridgeville. bot-tom o r It all tllnt it may belp \0 \vlD tbe wn r- thD yonDg 'm eo Ilre Mr. and -Mr8. Cba rlel McUlbbon bel nil' oull ed lls h a ll otllerlooalltle8 alJd bilbYliud Mr. Charl~s l lbRpmaD "od not. a ml1 rm nr Is hellrd ' were D .. yton visitors one 41lY tbe M ~Vllll L . f past week. III r. hi I:hwaolo, on~ 0 °lor Mr. and IIttre. Ernes' GrlLY aud ~I age alo ImS, sMooD.e~mu a· d Rolrhter, of Ridgeville. epe n .8un' nd'g r mov awa,y .I d1'. ur>W80n d flY w1$h tbe lalt er'8 parent• . II ng 11" h n Om v WI ue 01 Bile, 08 e 1 8 ~ good me uhanlo I1nd. 18leflvlng It go6d MislI Glellna Throoilmorton baa u tn~'!\1 '(1hey beve the beet hl}tolrned to DaY'an BUer I!pendlog w\dbe R of all ODd t ba' pro_perl.'y "teea wUh her pI'renU, ~ r, au4' wIJlt/) l1ow ~bem Mre. BeberThroollmorton.



you you you you

l ODa


Ill ra'Y Uowe r . ob d th e fo ur.

plk ".' . lucsday , J anunry 29, 19 1 • 1'lw fU I1 1l d ." WI I (' u r ronol,ry 'o mm llllOlo!; ilL 10 o ·o lnl'k. I' . m , win MI l! war ' III .. t hrirt h~bl t. will th e rolJ u wlJJ g prop rt y : 0 fl'Jr~e' b e ll an rl' hl:lp I,) ," urn yon r bIlPI}I. 2 Vows. ~ Hog~, 1,'s roli D!!, 1111 \Jl O. I ~' n (098. · UlOllt~ , 1:'I'"'ue~~, e lO. t;ee bl ij lJll l ~ U _ _ ___• _ • rar t erm . J . T. MAHL :l. l'T Wm . Mills, Au ct. . " l ll ulic Ilinl tl.e nll" rcho nt l\of the w. E. 'N tlll II. Ulerk. OO\l !1t.ry , up n 11 m o r u ca r efnl oon· sitl entllou uf I,h i) ~ n u j e ol , wi ll dla. oontinn Ihe. r Wo rt.1I t,o 8,,11 m er · ) hUIHlh;(' nlHI 11, lIe Ll borty Loo ll


11 11 ~

te~l1l h


Cows mlly he os peolfO(1 to tu ll iD.

Mlall Mary Ollnglllim II! baUer at \hla wrUlng. • Mr. and Mrs. Stl!.oy are the plU. eD t8 or Itllotber boy, M I . William Braddook died at tbe S oldiers Bome TbursdllY at~r a long I1lne88. , Mias Lena. Marla" stili remains very p oorly. . Mr . Joe Crew. or Dsyton . Is visit. Inq hlH sliter Mrs, John LevI.


111\' P~ I. ijll:~H


too s hoppers one d ,.y Ihls wee k.



In ore

.. \\'

h' 1'0'",1' ",ltJy lth,l kc.r

Are Are Are Ar e

w. P. :u CUll rrelll , 0 E Levloyand Mr. and Mt8. Earl BerDard were Bf,...drt hroil b tra nlluoted bUlllnll !S in at WayoeBv111e one rlav this w(lek . ' ttlcinnlltlOo W ad ae dllY last .1. T. Marla tt a Dd wife were Day.


n ll t·d i Jl' 1 !1I 1I ~s Calilfl h ~ h~ (..Iicilll~ . ,1 ,I II 's d a n l, .' h·rl l. !lIC il l ,IIt-'C l1 l .IJ.t'1i (".il " ar ll SI lTt"r r l ~ r HI I lit· PHS,I dill! ) II" ., Vl" ll I 14. lu rd h;, l ~ Lel"lI lc 1.111 \\11 .1'" l l,,' anuM r\!ILd ,I'-' ' ''' JUl',h fur t:~ I I ; \l l h II d l ' ,. C n l ,tll h l\ h .· di cilll.' &11'1 ... L11l11 11U' IH,n'.! "'

t •





' tjJ




The T "i·State · 'Patron says:-







. .




WA~nO·~·50,OOO 18S. Of POUlIR~ know


phone charges.

DeU.E 1519.

Home Phone 3561.








LI W and tlte r;ta... He wbo trl8 to barmonJze bit 'COlI' duct ",ltb the Iowa 01 tile IaIId wW

BEN 'FRANK, 2215 E fifthB~ D.ytOD, Q.. ~~: =U~!h~~ :~.m::n:: .

~__~~~____~______~__~~__~__~__~ ~~t~~~



The,Gazette is' better equipped ,to print your Sale Bills tbanever before- a lo't of 'new types wiJ1 make your bill-1pok as good as the best. OUf price§, tOQ, are~ very ~easonable, when considering cost of. material, paper, and every- ' thing that enters into tbe making o'f a sale. bill.

.......... .. WATN1II.ftIt.,JJI Ittl¥l",

c..., protector.

.-. r- R50N~.lMOOiil

" IMII" tile ""... pr Ilf " prh,,,!t' . ' "" 111 eup kppt In n hll r h"r qhlli ) " I " It Itl nly U Hr I" ~ 1m" 1"" ' /1 tI ,, <l'l'utf'<'! 1\ p8pt'r rop I( o" l'r It ~ II I ' II (' 'mot be remo"ed wltbout ~n''' IlI;hl~


HER L_________~ ___


r.--;:=:::================== ;- ====:;:.:::;;:: ~ ;;;;~ I

Three things

are impf)rtant -

to the man wi th som e surplu s mc II



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~ . Ethalll ' r:n

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811 Fn ,"k Lcl\llIya nd .lUl ing grul1dp :1rL'nl~ ., Utrcl Cil and Ih al '~ I.. fl of wl1f' r e the ex plosion ::,1'1' vi~i t ing Illtnts in (I IJrl,llen ('il,'le In n lfllJlIl II I"'JI; vll'I'e 1)f.. .,.tl. ' "I"" thut W(1I1I, \ \11' IIni1l'arRhl,' h ul l: inc inna ti an 1 other pl uces, norlh \I","r.. . \\'. n All!'!' flnd r~ \', C" .. thtl ll;olldn"R:' of our UI ":"11 :11,, 1 ~lJ llth, fe,t lht' furce of th e e xII mh"' 1 ""'rE' bu 'ilJ" ~'" \. , it lll's in :-;,1 1'101' wi1\< ~a id, "or ,: Udl I~ tlol' pln.l,m , lind wimlnw s a t thl' 0 S & I' illl!dom of lI e uv e n " Ll,h hrt 'n Frid ,IY , IS O Itll llll' Wc.l ~ b lltlered This Jiis , u ln r.l a ry, [0 wlo o m he 1V1l~li 4 til\' w"r"t l'x \Jl't' lo~ i oll Ih ,tt hus oc· dc\'O(',l lv ~Il "ll'h"tl. "al'l'.i f M !. 01 Pt'n~l·. of til l' U , , Ohio. c-lII"',1 al (;{' 'S for muny yenl's , j ." j lll!':l fllr lotwb . lind I~ l'l~ i l- I hh)Il Kh hi s shu n i1 ; Ill'~~ 1I1i l i lt' 1" ', 1 of 11Il r ~ i ll g 1\/ld Ill~O!i e nl ijJ..ill """,'1" 1111 · .. ,' "l,hl l': "!.I'rl' , nY. illl1lo!, . C, 11 S. . [I " :!"bl, 1:J. lir Iln( ,I ,\ I<ilpnt,i I , o [ I l 1< a ' II , Wl'r' hu sinc,;.o; I'isWe wish to " :qlrl'~~ fl U I' I h1\11 k~ t. r:-! in t ll'." l F r ill:I"· nll J up pr ri:ui li ll litn,ugh HI\' (;:\ lot' l [ ' our 1' 1'1" Ills and II l' lghbvrs '" FOR S ALE :<-1'" t I;>:!I \; .. :1\' i-r " p ' m i i\1r' th e Llu r r10t ct.'111 /Jprel1 \',' nlt'1l1 nllhnu\.! h I ' ' \' , Ilr lIll ,l I"' ~ I':m' r~"n h:l'r rpd ltv til ' lIature !If the It\dla, ~y

j,ll'", n ,t rlln1\' ( (11' I 'ig. :-.ulnd~ to 1 .

:\11' and ~l r " Hal ') ~ lurt', ,\, Cl" " ', ""i ' P, : q ' )1' • I"" HI ~:;II r br.rll.llllll!l r t"·I'lIty .s"\' '111h ,,,.ddi,· t; " l 1,1\ I ~ t I} : IK "I htIL' P' ul" Illln'iv'I "an : ,Plth, , 'lIld l ." t " lI uw- 'h!c 1I1g' Rli ~1;\lot' I< ' hll Ill',\ t ., La\{" uill ' n" ,. wllh thullI: Mr RII,l ~ 1I ... J , t' Huwk ,Mr, Mril,, hill rUI,k"I.t 1." 11 ~\ , Ill'Llil d Mrs , J . 'J'LindElli r~ HAymond l'1'nI' l.!r , ~Ir, anu . 11'" S . IL , lu rt~ ~~~ . __ _



6 N. Mal o -Do y1-




S.tetr - 5% Dlwd nas"

' A l!t60UAC ES & M' lt


, Ohio. ~h lind ~1r,. \\ - \ \<lIew him , \\ "kll, ')' ",I. .lJ"/\n WltIl It , YUll'm I ,,,k ""J "I' 1lI1 n nnl!:!" a,. ounr,l d JOgdto WC' iI"'" L t tlllrI'(·y, bu·p', ,'nl(\rt,l Ih',l, ~r "" ,1 rlJlminj l I 'I'~l' \ hite n ot nalural ly n wry t rOIl~ h'lm! '!'he cart! had t he neiKhbo r"ill"'"1 Ii Ing-. n h~" 11 \(, . dt'u ~ r~, .hillH'" I enick hus I ~lrR WI,I Il an,'. nn, \11, boen child . he was d"vcloV ing int o u ~ t "r- II"ri,lu y . IIntl Wl'r Kllln d lllg 1.1)1 the 1.1\(1r:l _'1;1\'(11- Juv tOlll, Ihl!lJ1 liP TI1f' Oil qu i''', It with I-I:rip i M d\:in~ ,to II six 1'('lud, Uy liltle boy. r Fd,' er~'will b IIU (l II d Inti if they ' t·r.,cl. n' udy lQ 0 ~bi pptld , 11 i 1UI'day c\' Illl~g , Hawae stril'1( · n with .t hat ,11'NIII Jl" ...~d IhLlt ~punlun ' tiC) Khow llJlllfw r thl' dol.(~ , u r p ' HI" co m"u ~ tion , 1r~, \'O!rn , Kel\~': of Sprillgf ield. ,jises!le tn fllnlil ,' paral) ill M n /l , h~~ , W>l~ Ihll ~uu~ [If I,h '" \'X I , rll ' fC' .. ~ in till! c· " l.' , I11P dl'j{Mwill I. pl;l~lvn , ;< '1 .1o"1)~ rd,\t l vc~ here' , J ll lluary 7 th, alld uf tvl' Ihrt: dU)A (,f Mr. uml ~l r , I" Ilt'r,,1t r~IJ" l'll · pilI t() d"ath 'I'll, dollI\ agl! 1\·111 I:I lll Oltnl t Oll lmu t , tl'rtaitJ I fit " f .1Inil dIHU, I' 'ullday int 'llse I'll If" ri 1111 , pa"~\lrl 'l ll l.I!I I.v $itl,ilIJO. T hu 1o(131oln Thll Rh~l'I lr "d,1 t 11IIt uno.ler t he I)' ll; mi ll , II new I :"lb'" 1.,I\)ta I'~" I rh 'Jrt. (I f r " r vin , aw in h unol' of th,' 1'llh 1.11 ,I ,' r~p,ry IlIw thc" > ay at 7;21). '1'11\Ir~duy \!I·enlll\: . , .. I " . Wit' !tIe 'Iosl;' ~l buildin , , ' , . ~ nuntl r rt mo. Ii " I,i' ill r I ilt. her' ,i. ll,! ill 'olum g, II nll i, ( f Mrs. L Ulli . c, \\. 11)1 ',,-.\ J "nll r \' 10. ' lh,~~, ' PI' . ,.j <\ "1'8 Ijq lp,\ I I Inl , ' I\~(>(I:I )Ie , r~, 2 wl,.t:k",d , bit Iy t hat it w ill Le lin ; " .. " 1 , 'l' l\ l i~1 I" ,'Ilt w e l'e .1r Mid ~ lr,< .J \I ('ulo: unoil' r 1111' (j, I ' rn (mLllil and 17 " I' ~ , Il'ai(ll! 1111 hL' r li t ril l' b ll~ill "~R e holeA in tho man, II' ill ' I ',I~ \l 1. , \ ' Ilinl' ... rlo! . tanoi tl i .. \' 1' . \ " " , :.It th ~ .llIw a~ I I ,lIld mu Lhl'r . .i>ll~ l' und Ir r utill;r , ,(r"un'!, " buut nilll::'l'hr ','ry ow fee t dl!tlp, is :'Ilr :11111



Oem C ty Bulld lo& a. L o n A

rlirl,!c (:ill' I~Ja(1. ,,( 1>"\\l3 ' r I~ t IUp!ll lllUt60 f hlS brother aud :-J" LI.' I' IU,d l"t ~ ;ll\'~ ::>tll l lUli ""ll rh ' nlUl lll t<g I}r, lJill , ()~ t oputb 2 l S, Broad beloved by hi>! purl'tltb ulld IlI1 \1\1\' 1 ,,'clo,-k. Ullt! ~h 1lt<·r ..Li w i llduw~ for " '\"1: . Ll h;/HlIfi \


t o T he ,. ecurit y 'm ust be nnques t l'\" . d-~' c u wan t to f el t hat the money is ot onh .. n lOW , but, 'ill be j U8t a safe - fiv', Y :'1'. ~r,, ! 1"\' , The in terest rate Ithould be a~ I"vh a' i~ l'(iJ\si tent w ith this stan dard of s curj t~ And the money should be a vr I,ll)!, :lS ':1 _ h --nnd withou t di.count-if you hI. ult] , «il i I. You will find these three f a , I \ fI l x 't'l'fion n lly well combin ed in a deposit : ('n'U r I ;, It wI- which



,h i ,I,


~li j,IIl'lI)wn,

hlln l


Late Classified Ads.


I ".' I

J,n 1\\ l in ~ fl f 1 I! 'JI 't" h\. fu r lhey H II,ne,'o.l 1111 Ii "," 1'1 Ir <' I. J': .\ 1"1 ~ I t \I f It I II tt' \ . . Til .. F""d ,' " mini '" ",\l i,,11 \Var In compliulH:e Wilh Ih ~ Fu ·~1 all l' l'lIpl .· l\) U h ,' {lll l,, \ ,' e~ II,. ut,g ,\I I'~ ',j" litu l o' 't nhlli. Hf ri('( , "il . hal! mini~t r!lU.'r!< r Qu t:, t, Thr. Sir," !Ilr wh" I" an, 1 '''irl'r _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _• _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _'"" CO , [o"d:> nced .. d " hi \.:h l! 1' ti' I ' . " I' pa Y": 'l d, tH L cb ntl on . Lebll llon I3ig ~hlrc , will " P':I\ ,. 1 !1 -h it' '." n' l I Ii, r I : ,,,t lh,' ~o ldi, n \'I ~ l L.t· " C~ l ll p l,' t f Wt' p l.; l' . ~. m. and ciosil a t" Il III until I"r: . and I" OI'''J nl I)' lr lllt." f' lt e Fl>' day, J anuary :!5, th(,OIW]'ill" <111) Ill' ,\ ,Ii Uilll tr ,' , h"lt"vl'; iL i ... teo II ; C j,,'~ I"I- 111. \\',.I€IIlt , uf th!' O. S. ' the bil{ .al', ',\'i tft lhi~ 'Xl:' pll .1I ,f iJ lt l" ,><1 "I I it' pt'lldu c :', O~ well ; \ ' , .. f , 'oI l1l11i.", . Ilttl·nJ,· , 1 l ite Ju 'I alii rdllY, Junuary 10 ami ~Iol dl\l . tit!' II ll lt1r", I' ,~ t I h i~ f 'Jut! r 'ac h I, le nl I'i \\ S. 11 IIIl'l\.,I\l 'lIul y Ja nuary 2 l t. when the cll)~Il ' M' 1'"n~lIm f'r~ IIh u u t WIl",t", an" , Ihours will btl I) . m ,«(llId c"n. lll il ~n . Extra well impro ved and ,loca tI \1i o<l a"'lrl'~i~Il\I'I( tn the 1" )3 t! -,.... _ ___ -, _ _ Olll,' cl\ ~l' f II g-rn llrngo, be:\t ii i t I ,)t1i,' " !It [0[1 \'win , afl.'r Bf'V rill weeks' ed, price right an d go -.d term s; . ' n1(l:" ell '111, " ,un ,' III l' fHlW , uy 1](0 .I ,,, , h'l ,m IIc c"unl llf slck n 'i!.". 1\ hfl h " P'\' hl' lr cr"p~ , have b .. posse ssion M arch I st. Tol'~ V~l'$lon of Oeat h, utrt~l·h·, l. .and h" W Inferio r lu bi:\11' . 'Inri ~1r!l . Eil~w'lr Mo r IImJ 1'0111111 ,' - werE! 1111I )'1 1I1! " r ll- cnn hI) 1\\0 'lt 'er lainly remove d, \\ d " II in)! " nllev , nt end lh ilaines ,o f nN'DI " I n til l' ) ""'1. • r"ry wrtq '),'1'(" r(' , ,r,' th , rl th e [Ullf'ral c,1Iof'i ,lcnl!:! r ellti l lI e'1 h pu r, l ~XI)llIlnln l:, "'l','mmy , wll n Lrll 3l,.j \'<)I) <lJroC!r~ a Ii m OVf\ I I I of hi~ o ru the I' , W, ~. IInines, lVIonJuy . you're liPlld, ' ~'Ollr hll' ls's no gMt!, bnt I, tock b('[" rt.' m'w 11,,1 aloe:; ap}> your l!rlnk g()~~ (0o." ThE' teacher s d . JHitd f" od Wol ~ l · hecomt':j inevilab , ret tJl'Il£'d It' Ilwir sevl'rol h'"I1''''' to I' i ~ it

... 55


Ku rl E\' rett. Ron




(('()I ll' a ~l iv c a ~, istfln r p ,

W ynesville, O.



tl<· IIHHI,\' ,,( illll 'ti r i-" loy


fl'rs o f h,'lp a: ,d IInx iftu ~

I, .·loI )\ .Tt"lR r' \· Oc) W ,!.t · t }" ,


tt l1 /t

('li lt rtlr

; 11 ;:",llt'r ",f,tlJI1 I, r.l .,o

IlHlil and lel(' r,hu "e wen' C" r[ninl) Illl "" t 1'11(" 1I' l1 l1t ',. .. r ,I 0 WI ,\ ' " k, r. pl'eciate d We [llso ,1'i"Io' In I h !Ilk \\" '~' J,(!~ v II I,' , (lIlIlI. ) 311 Ill cClur' & ,n n f r sH t iHfurlO ry,,·!1' \'iCll rend e red untlN very t1itli t Ul l l'i r I ·"""---·'I!""'~~-~~~ """""""!"~~ c llm~t/l1i c es ~:d:a:cI ~ li nd Wife,


Sorg hum and New Orle ans Mol asse s




nncl EJ iI h M, Ed\vII I Il ~ , ~I' \ 1I. Mollidon Wtls II ('illCinll llti OctoLc r 24. 18 14. uI r IIri Slot11111 II unci \ 1'1' r l'rid y, sunny dis1) ~ill l.ln ht> ',1,. th,' .plu}-,



4 I



i eOI\!fI \\ I I J.. i ll ~(tn, ,'f I "jell \ ' IHI' , ,b , " a 'l t ilt' uinlle r 1(11 ,l' [ t :. '1', :::;Il" I'i I\' '; ).!Il<"wr lim] iJl"PIl !~~ U"~I'I.t! TUl' sday • h~rltf flr,lI t 1\'<'1'" HI l,'W I1 fhu,.~d,





\ e no w ' have a good supply of the new. crop of both 'orgilu IU an d N ' W Orlean s

Karl the h I' I) Y :\r ohl on II( ~I r . lin d Mrs Cbal'k,.. Ed ward .. t\f It')II\I' F u r ea tlllg ., u ied T ll ursd \\y ~vt'llingo, of iufunti ',· , lola . . ('5. paml s i~ 1'he child WitH sick !Jut a baki ll g these pur ' goods shor t Li me 'I'he f un pr .. 1 I\'as h,·l tI pa r exceIlcncc. dill illll lhe thr!e weeks of ql1 ara ntinc. ~ ull(1 y art moon at 30'doc k III White 's S toTe terme" t ill ~li ll l1li 'emt'I,'r \\i lli am A , Wocott \Va called fr, m LAnA. last week 011 uc ~' u"t of Wm . Braddoc k rl icu at the Ohio

lh~ flchonl~ ,

a nd

at e


' ; till! ill nl'ss und deal h of W. S. lI lIin


old ie rs' !l ome "'atunl ny, Th e fu · ner a l a rrans;t!'lntmLs have lJot b~('n '{'he Mis!ll's Helen , Hlith and E rm a made IIR we go to PI'\! ' llarris. of Dayton, liP ·p t, evpr!ll ' Itl ,. I lust we!'k wi ~h their gran(l m the • 0 11 ,,<'COlln l of th heavy snow and MrA Ali e fcKinse y t h~ TIlUdB h ing almost imp,ls Ilb!E', Thl! be '1;:. llno f H II inp: S t o ves the fun e r I t) r w, " Hnlrlt;!l wo~ and Rlll1~l!, ill l.hi p<l'rt of Illio. lind Mrs, ,T, Hawk. went t() L ba' po!' pnned un II MonthlY Ilftenl() o'n, t ilt' p l'i (,l'S aT I" w; IIlj I uoullht them non lest week, li nd while there w a.~ at 2 o'Clock, ·Rev , J ., F 'lIi1walillder before -h lust lw I\o.lvnnct: tuken quite i ll , ' and has t o r emain officiating The pall bl!lll't!rs were good~, D nt put it 011'. 85!~ in these art! thel'e. he is at present very low, Wi lliam A Wolcott . Charles Ilye, going fus t: alld th t:! next will(hey be very Ellswor th BainE'S. J oh" Haw ke, Lee mush high er . A t the olr! atand . :llrs. Walter Sawye r and son. Wi l- Hawke enn Earl Con ne r, In termt'nl A. B, IDES lard, or R D 4, IIr vi it im;c Mr WRS mod in 1\1 i mi cemeter s _ and l\Irl' , 'Chns . Lo\Vrip, of Dayton MI' . (..nw rit' is.employed in Ihe Wrig h t Frank AIIIVse died li t I ne home of Dead the I\fiam i GS7E'tte nOw a e roplane fnc tory, hi;; 80n. Mr , Nuthan H awse. in sprinlr l" , Va ll ey . TUE'sd flY eyeni n Il T to e f u - -::=::- :::-:-::= ::;::=":"':::-=::::= === The III nl' v sav ing npl101'tu nily of lIe rlll wi ll be held I"riday III rning at - - --'-'lh e Y"l' r will h,· pr,'<cnted by t he S II o'rlo k Sl'rvi re~ \\ ill be held 8t r.;'l~Z~!"'7 , (i'r t" ! ('n m pa ny, I ,·han(lII, Ohio" Ri g the • Ilpel in MiHtr.i cpmeterY , ', " nn ' H.'orV:!l1Izc\lion Imd r.:x pl\ n~i"n --~ I S.;lt' !J1'~illnHl 'l<' rid a~' , ./ al.1I0 r .v 2;, th, , , ~ : . h, ' :Inri ext ndin!! 14 dtl}·s


lJ '

Leb anon , Ohio

He-Or.ganization and -Expansi n SIe 4. Bu sy Sa les Da ys == == ==

WillSlar 'day, J


---.. ..

J'i ,s ' laruLil ear rive<lh')1lI Thur Iwr visit wi' h r ei "ti l' . ilt Chillicll lh ~li -l! U le hAd a ~I.'vel·e all li e!, of qui" y du rinll' .lH'T vi :,it anLl was qui e s\ck for sev ral tl AYfI , J W I ~"IIi "( from

Havin g coni'p leted tbe greate s t impro vemen t and additio ns crease .o f capita l stock of the compa ny arid ' ils t'ftecu tive oAlcc! in t he his tory of our btl l-\ve are ena bled lo 'xl every depar tment in our establ ishm nt.

Th e ·E nti re Fir s.

j l~


Eal'l\' l'i1lit. r9 will llet mo re choice Relections of the great bargaiM to be ball' t Ihe S. l~red Complln y , L e b a . nnn, Ohio . I' il( tore RI! gauizat i on lind Jj;xpllnsioll Sale b ginning F ri , dllY , Ja nuary 25th . ut 8a. m and , ac,lItinu ing (or 14 busy day .

with the illand r 'or, auize


Corpora l J e('5e Pr I de rg8l!t ai' ri ved hom!! from Mont gomer y , Ala , I on u \ wt>nty fCt ur (lay fu rl oug h Tuts j OUI' (:\''' nlnl!, Htl ho be<:n in the hospila l f Or' Ih e past t ew week~ with PIiPU mania, hu l W11 ,;cn t home to r ecuJ,! Tllte ,


o f the main buildi n g , 80x 165, will bc used exd usively for

Cloaks, M·jninery~ Dry Goo ds:,and Notions Department ..

ITs... L. 'ur t wri ght h all present· e'] lhl' Library with Cl PY of " S(lb" [hml t te ' ~ "Tho Drums ,,( th e 47tb \ '),I(:h h8 be n put 0'1 t hA market by i' wife l;1ince hi ~ death ,It i ~ a splen· did wurk, lind houlJ he read by

The West side of our Mulb rry Street bu ilding, · 25x 0, will be used for an ...,

Exc _.,;]pa• ve Sh oe De pa m

e V l:I'Y tTl !lrt ,

The East side, 40x 0, for our

Cl oth ing .I a n

ents Fu rni sh ing . e . . -~ ..

en t

It ill \\ iLh much plea ure that the fri ends of Mr. E J Arnold , superintende nt of the Jam e810wn School. will hear of the honor t hat has come to him in receiving a Stat.o life cer· i/icate, Mr. Arnold W!lS. for a couple of years, teacher in 0\lr schools

So in acCord wi~ the S. Fred Comp any ever since its existen ce. not to carry an y merch andise ov('r frum one season to anoth er and notwi ths~al1d ingthe greatl y increa sed cos~

bert' ,

T he . F red Company. Lebanon; Ohio, Big Store' urgentl y suggesl 81\n e'a rly visi t to ,th,eir ,sto re for tbe Re· organ ization And Expansion Sale be g inning }.' riday, January :!5th, at 8, a m,. and las li'1g 14 tlays,

Goods Will Be-'Sold .'on a,Basis of fonDer. 'Cost Prices




Ai l Di sco nti n ed Lbte~' Will Be' ~old Re ga rd. • '_ess of Fo rm er ''~ost rIc es '





Th e Ye ar





Ov er lan ds Do dg es . Bu dso ns •..•The ". Deleo Lighting, SY8tem .•. ~

.FRED .HAWKE,' Waynesv~ile,

Wat~ins on,

to my



--~--~--~T·B , E'----~--~~

·Saving OPJ



George H, o'f Eddy· ville, Neb , is the guest of his cous i n~ , the Messrs. George and J. C

Hawke, Mr, Watkin son left Waynes ville forty two years ago for the Wetlf. and his visittl ba~k hlB, "old home towri" have been very IIcarce. hav,ing "the time at lite," he says. "and am meeting more peoQle·.1 kn ow than I ever lbough t J would ."


will present ,


Speciali t in relieving Eye·Str ain Dr_ Robert Blai r. of Leballon , was· and Improv ing Defecti ve Vision in town Fr idny, looking a ft er hi in by GllIsses . \I!re9ts in t\',e pic ture ·silow bu~i oellS, Office and Fitting Room T he sents are a ll now in place. e nd 108 South Detrtlit 'tlee t the occ ~o l' i e! nece 'ary for lhe show are b e in g Illaced, and it i 'the ilit n tion of the CODlp lmy to l'tart the films Wi th TIFFAN Y JElWERY Store Xenia, Ohio soon as tbey can get ready Dr Blair infor ms us tha t they have . - - - - - - - - - - ---pur cllased the finest mRchinE's mad tl l ,fOl' t.he o evel opm ent of lh(l fi lm!l, and 1~~!!!!!~~~~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!! !!~~ Lhov have contract ed with I h" 1)lInl moun t film concern t o ~ h o\V th i r ' picture" , fll1d severa l oLher filn lj M U;!"", T hev I)I-opo~e to sh IV (lhl y (he b t films fro m lho bl!.',t hOIlRes Lhi. Is in lhe Ii lle (J t their plIlicy , III . till in the Junk business Uu ~ notiCe, h o~ever, will be ~i v n all your Jll,nk fo , him ant;! . Save he will thro ug h, hp co1umnt l of.Hle Glizett , 1'1111 In you and get it Le .. ve orders "" hen Lno fir m i!l ready t tar~ at Whi to'!lllfo< \e ry for a1\ kinds of Tit r e wi ll probably b e t hce :\hows week , and pel'ha\lR one malin'ee on atu rday aftern oon ,

Dr. J. A , McCoy altended a m eet inl!' of the Ohio State Vet erinary \ \ Aqlo('in lion. at Coillmb mdast week . Th(' docto r says the meeting W RS a h.rg one, and several distinguished <loclorl! were present nnd gave fine atl,1 inst rl1cli ve add res es

Car pets, R~gs, Stoves., ·Ran ges ~nd . Wal,l Paper

See papers next week, for partia l list of 1?rtces ·which,




And TH~ ENTI RE SECO D Pl.OO R, ' over the 'Mulbe'r ry and Mecha.nic Sts. build illgs, 'Ox1i35 und 75xSO , compr ising abQut ' -.--- - - -- .......- - - - -.1 9200 Square Feet .....·- - - - -....- -- - -will be used for '


woman and child .


( Th"


~hE'rwoo d

fri end s


L aurence

will Tr;:joice to know t.hat

, /1\1> has (allen into a very importa nt 'w d lucrativ e position in 'the Dupont Powder. Co , of Wilmington, Del RectlnLlv the firm hEUI built a. build· ing fo r 't he manufa cture ot dyes. an~ Mr. herwoo d has lIcen made the assie~ant Buperin tendent of this large bu ilding. Thus. by bard work and slicking to it, ' another 'WaYnesville boy 'haB made good In the,wor ld ~ Get your sale Billa printed at the Miami Gazette




"TH E Se, tOe AND 25e M~tches, Blue Tips, while ~hey last', . , .2 boxes .. powcdel,r P~:ffs, woolen that you can wasb. , .. _. .. Pot eaners , the kind with a band Ie .. , .. ,IOc & 10 Quart Dairy Pails, don't leak : , , ... , .... . .. , Turkis h Towels, lurge size _, .. _...... , .. , . . . . .. Chair Seats, small. medium. large, ... , .. . . ; _... ]e.rsey Gloves, the kind that keeps wa:rm ., ....... MISses Caps, stn~11 and dainty .. , ; ... . , . . . • . . .. Candy , the best. you take your' pick ~t per lb ... ~ Choco late Drops, flavored and plain ...... ...•. ., , 51*1~llat

In 8arpID 1


5c IOc, - 5c 25c 15c,


20c 25c ~



. $.even tie'h Year


----"- ; *







Whole Number 3463



, I

EVil Nulton. da ughte r nf J ohn nllt! Just as the day was drawing to it s ' Seal the German propagan· Mary Nultrlll. W >lS born 'nea l' 11 verlv , close on MondlJY . J a r,uary 7. 1918, Washinglon County. Ohi . Of) V bru the words, " 'rhe MU81er has come dis l's mouth wiUl War 'avi ngs Stamps and Thrift Stamps. ary 22. 181i5 lind uel)a rtru lhii'l lif ill and callelh for thCd." were heard by ", the peace and Lri umph of ' h r i ~ ti :1II Mrs. Ann a E. Dull e an Li peacefully Every time you ride a mile in EI.LlS PARKER BUTLER faith on J .IIlU ll r 17. 11)18 til Ih, ·Itj.(I' , quietly. jll~t as sh", Im ei liv ed, s he an: an auto needlessly yo u cheat IJ f 6:! years , 10 lI1on ~ h s and :?:, ""Y" , yourself out of a pnrt of a Thrift 8wered th call anti foil a Ice p lo ~he HI! nl Ih, }irly yeflr ~ I,j 11<:r uwuken in the lund' where t he re shall Stamp Also. you waste the P('ler Putriot had a pt'nny . life lit lu)m ·- flttcnd·t\ I1I'vl'rly Ara I be no more death, neil her ~h a ll lhe re gasoline on which the nation's Sammy Slacker had a cent demy I1I1U bllgan Llluchin.: III I h ,· ,II'" be any m()re pa in' future safety may depend , reter put his penny in his IIgll' of sixteen and taught Jll'r haJI" I Think it ovor . Fewer jov rides For many yean! shp. had been in twelve yearri ill Wu:lli ngltln nn I 111 , I' pocke t until be had twenty·five -more Thrift Stamps. s uch delicate health , that mother's and then he bought a Thrift gILP cllun\'iI!S Th e d"I't'It- II l~r: '" I comfort and wi~ h es were I he first The !lubMtantial men of the Stamp. ual ed in lli e 11 ~ lif '1;2 f m lll 1111 thought of the famil y lilld those who coming years will be those who Thus Pet~r had saved Lwt'nly· Lehanon niv ri;ity hlHI 111I !:'h l were cOlistantiy wi t h her did 1I0t un hlJd the saving habit when they fiv e cenls for himsel f; he had • school in th i~ CO lln ty 6 'v!'ral ""II '~ dl'rstand thal th e end wa~ 80 near ; were young. Uncle am i:l noL loaned 1 wt'nl,y five c('n ts to t,he 'l he was u tlil~" In marr ia!!,., ,,, ilt hut the frail hMy 8(!CI11 , \ no lo nger tOCl busy in thiR grl'atest or wars government; htl had permitted Char i s l' Iiu ,k" H II N" , 'mil"r I" , able to c,lnlain Iht! s pirit and ~ he to forget his com ing mnnhontJ. the governmult to buy Iwenty· I 8:, lind h bs hntJ hc.· hon > III ~ 1.\ s lipped IIIYIlY so grndu all y that tho ~e He wants a m ore prosperous and five cenls worlh of jrnods or ser· II llSv il\~ ana vicinitv ~illc" Ih al 'Iill ';' who wnlchtld could scarcelv r ealize ' independent Ileopl efo r the fu· vices to win the war; he hod Their childrell IJ I'~' Iwu rI" ll.. hl ... r~ . lhut mother was gOIl ture - hence War Savings Stamps M ..s. ~ybil t-I I.e!\]Hy , I,f :\1 i"II I"I" wl , ' helped bu!!inI'H~ , himK~If, his She was never a blt' to mingle to and Thrift Stamps. Buy tliem , COllll t ry . He WIlS Pele r P'l tu'iot hio. nll,J'H .. len r.1 • of I hI' h. 111,· any ~ rea! extlillt in the activilies of to show your appreciation. Sam.ny Shc'ker Rpe"t hi!' <: ... nl The homl' lif· \I f Mn' lI ~td,, · \,',t lifc arolfitd her but enjoyed the !IS Let the noise of dollar!! nnll r tl r s illv. in~ lK'nificilnt stuff, Iruly a U rnclivp 11/ d I> l'Ulltlfll l . I" sodation of her friend s and the hour~ Quarte rs pouring in to the Un ited - ~ y e IS III' FOOl .. t hin~ - ulld willi " I,(II 'H I wnll1 a n, a t'a llh fIJl, II' spent 10 her .company wen: IVdl spen l Slates treasury announce ' to the vot(·d un d 1,1I'o:·Cl ilt/, ·lt\. C: 1 /! 1~11 U11\'11 .· Hu v .. d IInl hilll{. did lI11t h " lll the for shc had a kind word for ul l, Bnd world that this country is uniled. ICOVerlJmellt unn wus simply self nnti lll olhcr Wh al hi.:\wr " ,," ",'1 was all'ood neighbor und lru e friend UUY War Savings Stamps, ish ~'1 mfllY Sluc'II';r . Itor I rihul '1 1n 11" P'I Y (,; IH'~ 11"\\ ': For many years she had been a This is a war of equipmen t. ~I ~ lunk, d wel l I Ll th l> W I A of It ,> , Pe tt'r' ~ purcha IC paves "aths member of th e Universalist church Men are essential. but without to permant'nt prosperi ly; Sam househuld lik ~ Ih <3 "irillvu; Yo ,,,nU ll at Ridgeville, Ohi o, and altho not able eq uilJm ent the men are useless . my' s s illy slJending ~ igllifies l'r (,f lhe (lih le to often atlend the church of her He:p s upply such material by row some dBI' . ":lhe ate ItOl of the bread of illl ' choice, she was one of those broadpurchasing War Savings Stamps l1eij9. lI er cl,jld rclI rI:le up a ntJ ' fill Moral: Buy War S'lvings minded Christians who cuuld find her blessed ; he r h\J ~ 1.t u n,1 al Ho-hl' lind Thrift Stamps. Stamps spiritual s tr ength in other church 8 praiselh h." . w~ Y,!v!' ' ., where she had the privilege of at· her of lhe fruilof he r huno. L. t I tending and did attend as strelJgth her hands und let htlr own work : and opportunity presented it!lelt. prai~e her in th e gllt,,~ .. I Anna Crosley Duke, W8lI born near "In her toltgus w as Ihe ht\\' 01 Lytie, Ohio, January 17, 1838, and kindn e:l.~ " H r h O~ l'illl l i l~ was w .. 11 was married to William H . Duke ni~h unb lJunded . ' he NUH ~ .) ki nd January 8, 1857 , P rllctically all her amollg us lhat she will lllb:l!:!u a l d life ,had been spent in thnt vicinity, that is Ii par t of rea l S ll CC\>~" ill li fe until the death of her ·husband which BUlllhe hilS on ly P B 8ed on befcJI"! occurrf'd July 30, 191 2 ". .-. ~. u~ a little way; and whilc hc hH' Since that lime sbe and ber two b ~en I!romol\.od we arc c.. mfM I 'd in daughters, Zoe E Du ke and Mrs . Gorden Joy was a ['incinnati visi· the a8wrance tht\l ahe hus II,',LC >a 'I'd Last. Saturday the wind changed JlBSie H sier, together with a grandtor Saturday. to love us and havll an inle l'~SI In UH daughter, Zilla El. Githens. have to the West, und on Sund~y morning Hellvtln' is more atlraI!L lv' to tId made their home in Daylon, Ohio, the denizenB of this pla('e beheld the Dr. Dill, OSL""p!llh 21 S ~ro .. d now since al\e ha~ join ,CJ Lhll com· ~hero she has been most faithfully coldest morning ot the season-the way, LBbanDn. Ohio. I)Ony of loved OUtiS and the retleem~rI and . tenderly cared for by them. thermometer going down to an In that happy country where SQ rr w She was the daughter of Moses 'and average of 24 degrees below. Sun · and sighiOl!, do not come and GO,I Sarah Eulass (;rosley natives of Ken, day the zero bulb was in sight all Supt. George Green was a Colum shall wipe away all tears from th r tucky, whose famifl es were among day, and Monday morning witnessed bus '{iaitur last w\.'Ck . eY P 8. ' the first settlers of Warren and Mont another hummer, about 24 degrees Mrs Hawke united with t he Mollh gomery counties. Of lhe family below . Surely, this is some winter. J. E McClure WhB a business vii. odist Episcopal Chur,'h in Beverly . there were eleven children only four Monday was almost like a holiday itor in ~bllnon Saturday . Ohio, when s he was but 'a girl and of these are now living . here The merchants all closed, transfered her membership to the but the groceries were open all day, _:""":'--:::;-:"'":"'~=-~;--:::=_-:::=======================~===~ childern, Mrs , Duke mother nine shutting up at 6 o'clock' in the even· in Waynesville after her :':.:':..:-:..:':....~ six was of the whom are oftoday Mrs. Howell Pi"Tce nrrhted home church marriage and continuel) in its fellow mourning the loss of a devoted moth· ing. A ver), small crowd was In Friday spendin R' ~eve rlll weeks wilh Hhip a faithtul lind consistent mem o er, Frank and Marion, of Dayton. town, and the streets were deserted relatives III Toledo, Ohio. ber until Bhe was promoted to the Ohio; Mrs W. H . Geeseman and almost all day, church triumphant. Mrs. C. C. Schlundt. of Youngstown. Monday evening snow began fall · Bom-: To Mr and MIS , I M. Tht! church of which s he WIIS so Ohio; Mrs, Jessie Hosier and Zoe E , ing, and as one fellow said, "Every Stout at Lebanon. Ohio, Saturday, vital 8 part WIIS the 'ohject of her D.uke. There are also twelvigrand. bit added to what you already' have, Januarr lBr i!*IB; a son. never·lalling interest . ::lhe gave of children, eleven of whom are Jiving makes more snow." About two inch · herself. of her timo and of he r sub - - - - - - - - -- - - ' - - - : - - - - - - - - - - ----'Iand Oll. Ilreat grandchild. es more filII, but toe weather was Donald Allen, of Dsllas. Tex , was stance to its support. She hilS for 'k f 'h Had sbe lived ten days more abe Il great deal pleasanter. Tu_ay 1 ll many yeara served the local church h Cllnrp Slllllley. Texas, w at can sle I e our new home 0 men e ever IIIIW come into camp. would have reached her four &core the guest of hill uncle. Mr. W, H. morninsr the thermometer was about in an official capacity. Her advice Jan . 13, 1918. very much. I thoug ht I u ed to There is a whole platoon of men SIX rea AId f I I'f' d 8 above . What the weathar Man 411en and wite laBt week. was sought, for she was conser va· Dear Editor. work hard, but our sch~dul ,e IlOW ia feet and over that came with UI; out ed, ~irood ~:':ann ~!; ~o~ee t~ ::at' has in ' prospect for the tuture-nn-- - -- - Well, people frOID Ohio go South from 6 a ,.m until. 10 p m .. but I of the lut ~~ool 1800 out of 2800 A Friend . one can tell. Mrs ' Alice Hawke. of Lebanon, tive but not narrow. Ber attitude • . - who has been quite ill for the past toward the prOllress of God'a kinlr' to '''et out of winter Well 1 left guess It WIll not kill us, We have got a commISSion. The Colonel . The situation has been relieved to .. ' . ' men from all over tbe U. S. in the he thinks that the average CARD OF TrUNKS aome extent qy the arrival of another fi), W weeks, is uradually improvir)g dom thl'ough her church was .-:har · .. acterlzed by broad·mindedness . She Montgomery for f~rther South and camp. My appointment , came in a quite. a bit larger with this We wl.h to thank our friends for ear of coal. Harveysburg got in a . clearly Il3W her individual daty a.nd ran Into a real snow storm We time when I could not write or thank the men have all had experience their kindnass and deep sympathy In couple of cars Tuesday, and people Mr ' and ~rs Homer Carey enter· endeavored to discharge her respon· left Camp Sheridan, Ala., at 11:30 people for Christmaa presents, 80 passed a good stiff examination. the bour of our bereavement. who were at the railroad for coaillot talned at dInner last Sunday three sibility She had an official r~\Jltion Thursday by L. & N. went through tell all who remembered me that I ~he native~ here las' week were in The Children. a bit of this. IOldier bQYs enruute to Ft. Jay, New to the Woman's Foreign Missionary . thank them from the bottom of my tbelr shirt llleeves and today are half The power:house coal arrived all • - • York. , Society of the local church. 'fhlS MobIl e to New Orleans .. After "fe] heart and we, who are away, know froze to death The snow hili! got right. and for the first time fo.r made necessary a familiarity with left New Orleans we ran IOto a real : tha,' the people hom.:! are trying to their "goat," but it looks good to , eighteen days t.he electric lights were Tbe early cust~mer always ~et8 the work of the church in its larger S!low.llllzznrd . the worst t)1at has do all ~hey can to make us f'eel as if me. Jt will only last a day or two, turned on . the choice ot selections at a Big Sale activities. Through her church hIt thi S part of the ,I,'ountry In twen· ~,we' were not forgotten and make lIS 88 the climate here all winter has The smallpox situation is about tile ' Remember this and come early to papers and mBgazin'es s11e continu d ty·three yeArs. Il lS pretty hard for as happy as they can, and 1 for olTe been fine. same, One new case developed on Well I guess you hav,c nil Ihf' ne ws tile S It'red Company. Lebanon Big an intelligent ' aud broad minded me to wril!:, ns I Bm In .the Y . M. I1;ilank all. 1 wilJ no~ get to write to the We!:t town~hip line, but is quite C. A., nnt! w 'htl~ tra \!I IlY lr, R'. feJl ows all who sent me Chrlstma8 p,resents, up to date lUI I have ollly lJ""1l h"re : 'S tore Saie beifinning Friday, 'J an· Christian. remote from town . : at least untill get out of lhiB school. one night 'and today. 80 will close uary 25th and cont\tluing 14 days. Mr!1. Hawke was devou~. 'he bad singing. bU l will try I~n I finis h . Forty· three mornings of zero the experience of bri stianity, Sh e Th r,' (It 1111 <'<'or fou r large camps ' And then I hope to gl:t t.o come I Yours truly weather, almost contintloulI, marks had be n born of tb Spirit , Thil. rjear this Ill' W~ are ~\\'enty l'Piles homll. ' Geo J Waterhouse a new epoch in t.he weather bu· Letters from W. R. Spreigel to experience of yeard ago was k"jlt from 8 1 11 Arl! ' 1110 , ~ignf ttl l:90d old l ' As ~he Ohio boys march.ed inio Seventh Inf. Compa~y, The Rev. A. K . Surgent. who bas reau. Looking back through the triends here say that he i8 stllnding cl"a~ und definit e by un oft r<'sor·t t(l west--stlud" ltd 'I$. JlU:k Tllbbllf' , etc . Camp Stanley the Colonel made the Officers Training School betln visiting friendH in KanslUl City, weather files, one does not find any' read)' to go 10 ....os Angeles, Cal. , lhe fountain f life Je~ u \VIiS th 1 have l1ul l,,'mt I oaru long but from I emark that it was the finesl~ buncb . Camp Stanley, Tex: Columbus. Kansas , and Oallas, Tex , thing like it before continue his studies in aviation. He Way, tbe Truth and 1h Life. since December 28th, on his journey I. making rapid headWAY in hi, course 'l'hedeceased will be l1;1't'tltly miq t'd South, has encountered very severe .... . ,and will flOOD be in the ui r .' o by the church of whIch she WIIS a weather in these states , By wa'r m Dart, It wi ll be true ,in her churc.h ' . h9uses and goorl, hotel!', bowever, he Do -not overlook - reading the S. "that she being delld , yet epeaketh .. . has kept well and land ed in beauti· Fred Company. Lebanon Big Slore Mrs. Hawke was a int!mbel' of lh.o II'anner's Cluh Wayne Town -hip advertiRement in this issue for price f~~ S6a;n~~':i~n/~h~~~I;:r~~~~0%i list of bargains at the Big Sale begin the New Century Club o f WilYlwS . From the Wayne Township Farmabout 65 degree R outdoors. ninlr Frlday.• January 25th. and con· ville, In these ahe had an active William T. Bracltlock, son of Fran· lers' Club. tie is sojourning at t he Menger part alsl>. ' tinuing for }j days ___ . . , "Death is the gate of Iiio." On Hotel on'The " Alamo Plazll." wh ere cis and Mary Bmdt.lock, wus born in th t Many are t.he young liv • Thursday, January 1,7th, the "gate Sunday was u day of rejolclnl' In a ' ietter will reach him . He desires New J ersey, September 1. 18·m , He Everett Clark lelt Friday evening have been hel[led and en cour li ~" d f death" IIwun&, open, and ~ rs Waynesv.iJle. W11V? A csr load of th.rough .this paper to wish all his d(lar enlisted In the Civi l War in Co. T. . , donI' ns °N to 'join lIls command at Fort Omaha. and started 011 th e way of us (u ln e" "~l\ native'. , ~iti7.en . ~ or . Haw~e passed beyond mto LIfe coal arnved here. and it took eillht trlends 10 Harveytlburg, Wllynes ~rd Regiment, New Jerse)' Infantry. Neb . . Mr, Olark Wad been granted II by her influ~nct! and elfor'!' Ill< h subJectli or lhe German Ehl j;lJteot' of Everlasting •.. ThouJo!'h her health.had 'or ten teams to deliver it in half ton ville and in Warren county a happy serving' as a private to he lp defp.nd and free lhis great counlry of ours. lick furlciurh, and spent the time teacher and worke~ in I he sclwlII tlnd the i mperial G!:!rmat1 Gove rnment, long been falltng, she kept so b~lght lots to people who were almost If and prosperous New Year . After the war. ,he came to Ohio and with hiB parents, Mr , and Mra. WII· church . ml1le~ of th~ age of l( y eurs a~ld ch. e erfu.llhnt ber n~are~t friends not Quite out. All day·long the te~mB San' Antonio is full of soldiers from bl!ing She is 8urviv d by h,t r hlt I ,md, on July 28. 1870, he was married to : bur Clark, at Lytle. .' . did not realize how seTlous It was. b 'I h' I' th bl k b the Aviation c t K II ' F' Id her two daughters , a SOtr in Inw. Of11' and Ul)WI,II'd, who 1\I'e Wllhln the M H k f'" were USI y au 109 e ae eau· amp a e ey 8 Ie , . , . . rs. sw e was a woman 0 II!le ties. and there were people Sunday where one can sea fifty planes ada)' , Martha E . Larrick and lived in the grand Child, Chllrl,'s V esley LeiVIll)'. U~lll ed ta .; a?t.1 not~CtURlIY n~ tur. tntelle,;!lu, a l culture, and h(lr svm· evening who sitting by a warm fire training and trom Camp Travis. The vicinity of Waynesville. She died Miss Opal Thompson, daughter of three s isters, Mr. 1.) G, 'obu rrt. April 13. 1881. To this IInion ' were Itzl'd as Am II 'un' I IZl!lU; , (Ire r . I?athetlc nalure brought many to her thinking themselves millionaires ai hotels and rooming houses are fuli Mr. and Mrs John.g Thompson, of Mt Vemon, 0., MI':! N ,Cobt, rn, of born fo.ur children, two 01 whom are q llite] t9 r tlSi t Il!l ~lrlJll l1 emies, for counsel. Sh~ was an earnest and ' in truth, they were. ' " of their friends lingering with them Route 8 who recently to()k itO exam· liary. Ind . • and Mr A H, All uru ~ . living. Mre. Lelia Smith 'imd Georlfe d 'rho required t r \'j.t i"tIOr must tledotr V/ork~li.Jn the M ~ Church. CommissionerCartwrlghttookover lovingly and longingly ",'er they go Braddock. InaUon for a 1I0vernmeilt position Be of Ml. V~rn on , Ohio, six n i cei, f(\u" a ways WI 109 to per orm any a car of coal that had been marlloned to It rance From Saturdays to Tiles· stenoll apher, paWld the eX,amina- nephews and man y " lh ~ r r ehlll v S o ff ~ r., f1our ~lIml)~llle ..." p h otog,raphs , an He was again married to Mary ,{8rt assigned , her I,n ~he Farmers' at Lytle for a couple of weeki, and tia)ll ltis difficult: to getrooms . They 'lion wittJ a high araoe. and is n)W in who loved her and honor d her . Daughters, December 21, 1886. not la~g ! lhan ,~ h I' 3 inches IIj size, t.:lub and t~~ Twentieth Centu~y people west and north of town went arl! a fine lot of soldiers and' will be Rev D, C. oburn t ' aton, ~here Bhe iB employed H",' spent the later years ot his life on thin Paper . wilh a li g-hL bnck. GJub ~ most valuable member In Ithere to get their supply heard from in Europe. Rev, C. S. Grsuser In ~n departm!lnt, and il!l well in 'Mt. Holly and being In poor health ground. Each photoj.( raph must b bOWthh . ' h er If the dealers can only get three • • • " I1e 'h er f r ien d S WI'11 mlSB utllBed with her position, for some time was teriQerly cared . , . . , . h th 't ti '11 'Nealh our eye3 ·she faded slowl)' , tor by his wife and ~tep-daughter, SllCned Wil li the nil ne of the apph. grtJatl v, th e bl ow f a II 8 h eavles . t on be more cars to ere e II ua onwhile WI ' in a fairly good shape for a ' Growing dliy .by day more' frail. Clara. A.fter the death of , his ,wife The economical women. men and Bearing sWfetly all her su(tering-~ c~nt acr olls the fae,e sO"a~ not to .ob. her stri~ken husband a!ld ~atlghtera, Wood choppers are busy, but th~ on September 21, 1917, he was taken fll will ,not overlook the opportu· scure th e fea ures: 1- IOge r prlots and their only c<;m80latlon 18 Ithat she extreme cold wealher makes it diffi· Without murmur. moan or wail. to the Soldier's Home at Dayton !lity olfer~ in ·the S. Fred Compsny, You ure not forgotten, molher, &.180 will be 'reQ(istered , . entered the "Heavenly , Man· cult fot' them to get into the woods where his death occur~ed on January ~ Lebanon. Big Store Sale, beginning G h ' slons," where ain and death enter not. 'f h t t Nor shall you ever l'e; 11, '1~18, bei,rqr in his 78th year. • - " e,a or~ey ~nera l as ,:fixed the "Death IlI ,but the chillinE!18 tbat Frlday,'Janulrr 25th, aild continuing As long a9 lifo and memo~y last time of registratIon as lhe 4tb, 5th, pr£cedes the dawn. We shudder for ' for 14 days. • We Bhall remember thee 7th. Sth"and ,9th days, inclusive, a moment, then awake in the ' sun·' . A loving moltler, ~rue und kind ' E. M. C. NI) olher like her on etlrth we find. of February, 1918', from 6 a. m. to 8 ~ine of etomai'day." . Following are the out of toIVn ~ . p. m. 01\ e{'ch ot suid dIlY!J. i •- • 'idents who attt!ndeci the ,funeral of For all of us she did her hest, May God gran~ he r eternal reRt. Mrs. C . T HAwke Saturda),: Rev. Examination for Clerk Clerll;all '1i1;!1ltl resi dipg in aities 01 .,u.cle of the Soul. edge of or TunA,_.t., •• and ,Mre, D C Coburn and Mrs, A. 5,00 pOlmlliliol\ ~r. dC!li~nllted by the We do Dot &et perfect cbarnctel' 10 H AndreWII, :cf Mt Vemon, 'Ohio, will be hllld Illef of 1 a lice oJ: their clties. Ger. ,o ur 'slcep. It ~mea to us as muscle Sinct! tbe schools \lave been closed, OARD OF TfI ... NKS Mre Jessie Coburn and MiM'Gladys raary 15. 1918, some ~roundlea\l and ~ncalled·for ru mstl Ali n~ residing in all 'o tber,10' comea, throu,b dotn, thing!!. It III thll 19. Coburn i:/( Gary, Indiana', Mrs ,R. C. 1tl8, to fill vacanC:I88 W/3 desire to expr~ss \'lur sircfo-r mors haVA been ,drifting about. It \!t)unly will report ::~~~e . ~r , the 8OuI.-BeDl')' Drum· positions In the BII'r ton 'a nd 'Mre L. K. Brown, of and hearUelt' thanks jo all OUI' rela· caUli wilhin rfl~~d:.l:t:bat the Seniore and Nor ZllI)eavllle, (,)l1io. Mr. Vernon Hawke, 1.1vl!II. friends and k;nd n ighbors for vice at Washington. the nelir'e st convtm'ient fostmast· • - • al will not be ~uatedi ~ Lebanon, Ohlo, Re.. and Mrs. C the'r Iyritpatby alld kindn~~ 11 ~h()Wll salarie$ ranginsr from of the schoolll wil for 'r ecogn it ioTl II one of the days If. Qrau"", ,of,Piqua, Ohio . . , camphor Plant Wild. 1200.00 a year. . UB In our lato lIorrow In lhe gn:at designated without fail. fh08e who For Information, ~11 upon .or ad· The' plant ' frOft'I ",bid! CIllllphor III 1088 of our dearly beloved wife and fail tp comply \';1\.1 be liable to arrest. obtaIned In ChIna hU baeD 111800'" dress Harry H. Hamilton, at Lebaand inlen merIt u rlng I he War. ~ Il'Owlq Wild In ~ Pblllpplnel. non, Ohio, poatoffice. • C. T. Hawke and Family , I,







jiRiAiMEiTiij .- ---- - . - -






















- ----"


Clrbollo Aold. The . . of eurbol1c add tectaDt lItoold be wltetl .It III uaea It


a d1sln.

. -.

. The S. Fred Co. I. e





In spite of the abnonr ,"weather and other. condi io 5, will adhere to its policy of. do ng things a8, and when a · rel' tised, and the

Never break a promi~e , And notwithstanding the wea ther and other conditions prevailing when this goes to prest:, the


Big Expansi


Will begin Fri., J a

8 a. m.





Big Expans _~n



Will begin Fri. Jat? 25, 8 a. m.

Reorgan'z ,

e ------------------------------

The Whole Great Store will be Closed All DaY' January 24, to AHow for

A Sale That Needs o Introduction A Part ia l List of Prices 65c value Mercer izeti" Table Linen. l·i ndl. heavy qllality th&.t will wear and launder well ; n son (I p .!ternll. Reduced t o .... .. .. .• .. ..... .. ..... .. ...... ." ............ ... ..

50c .lfi~ev~~ri:~e~~:\e~~.~:::.~:.~: ...i.n:h: 1~~.~ ~.~ $1.00 99c value Ble~ched ~heet~~ 72x90 Inch . .. ................. 63c . . Bleached Muslin, 36 incb standa (d qu: Hty ........ 13 1-2c ...

. ..

Ladies' Waists


t.~trI&C::n~I~I ~~h ~~~~g~r:.e ' .~; b~~'li;l~'I:ed' .... $$~.·~ ~ bead

and trimmed .. · ... . ·· ...... .......... .... ., .. _ ..... .. .. 51.25 Ladies' Whi te Waists in self aud colored atrlpee ..... ....... ..... ................ ". ....... .........

95c . I4c~o~!dP~~!a~.i~~:.~~~~ ~~~.~e~.h:, I:~~~u.: .........$2.,9 5 Lin •• rie. 1 lot r egula r $1.(l0. ' . 59c Reduced to ... .. ·, · .... ·· ··.. ··· .. ··· .. ··· · .. ·,,· .... ,,·· ··,, ·.. ·.... ·

Girla' Coats and Dresses 'l~ , oo and .113.75 values Girls' Beau tiful I'I\I~h $9 • 95 8IId Cloth Coata sizes 8 to ]4. retlu c"d tIl.. ....... . $1000 and 18.75 values Girls' Nov Ily and Pllilll $6 95 Cloth ·Coats• • ize8 6 to 14, r educ d t o .. ·.. . ..... ...... •


A Record Value C iving Sale in Lad ies' .

Trimmed Hats

. $10 . ~ Values Reduced t~ . .. . .. .. ....... . .. ........ .. ....... $4 .95 6.00 and $5 00 Lad i e~ ' 'Trimmed Hal' J{~,duc ·1I to.... .. .. :>. 95 4 .00 and $3.50 Ladies' Trimmed lIat.s nr.>duct'd io : ..... I 95


A Full Tabl e of Misses a nd Ch ild ren's


$2.76 Values Reduced to ..: .... ·. ........ ... . ,......... .. ....... $ 100 .. A Bi~ Lot of Children's Hats .. ·· ·.···· ............... ............ , 29("

Infant's W ear Infant'. Wool Saques $ 1 25 and $1 00


Pink and Blue trim med . Reduced

Volu ~s .


.. ... ...... ..........


SSe White Wool Saqlles. Pink an Blue 1;rimmt!u.. ... ...... 48c 60C Infanta Wool Cups, White. Pink and Hl u~ . .... .. .. .. .. 39c Long Wh:ite Csssimera Coats .. . :..... ..... - ............ $3 49


'1·3 Off on Furs a d Muffs All Ladies' and ChHqren's . 00 Sets Reduced to ....... .. .... ...... ... .. ........ .. ... $24.00 215 00 Sets R..>duced to .. .... .. · ..• .... ..•.. . . ", .... ... .... .... 16 67 16.00 Seta Reduced to ..... . ......... .. ...... ............... ...:. . 10.00 '18.00 MUft. RedQced t.().~ .... : ... ...... .......... " .......... ... $6 67

.. •


Mutr. Red~ced to ... ......... ......... ," ........,... . ......... ,.


6 .00 Muffa Reduc:ed to ... ........... :.... .....,... ..... ..... ....... 883



-=x _


.Men's Clothing


A Partial L ist o f P rices


t30 to:.;o liltS nnd Overcoats . ~nle Price ..... .. .. ..... .... $2476 25 ::iuilA lind Ov ..coats . Snle P rict! ... .. ...... ... .. ...... Il17/; S Le Price ...... ........ 16 75 22.60 to 20 Suits and OVer"uR t 18 ~uitH lind Ov ercoat:; ~81 Pri ce .... .. .. ...... ... .... .... 127F, In eilh er BelLed . I·'urrn Fit! ing and ConsPTvlllive. . Ev ry size. inclutl rng .'louts lind Slim!f., . $7 .50 Fine Wool Dress 'l'rnu ~ e r" ~ale Price ........ .. ... ... . 6_95 6 ,00 to 5 00 Fi ne Wool 1'1 L< u. ers. lile Price .... .... ........ 4.46 3 60 Fine Dr el!.~ ·fl·ou~er:\ . Sale Price .. ............ . ., ...... 2.95

1 8, 75 an d1 6 . 751~ hll~\] ll'a kli

"--'.!.!-... .. .......... "..


eal ette nnd Velour. ~ale llri I' .. ·•· 5000 and 4- 00 Silk.ciuur, Broad·


Sl~l~h'p~fc~ .:.~.~.<I.I~~~.~~~:~.~:~~

.". .

(} Jh'lI







.... ..

1/1) t :::1 ~ !lnd ~7.;;O (iuLpHI.hnH. .:~l~(·b . lIul·ell !-, . BI'o dcl uth. a l rt

I. ~"y~I I~~~~~.I~... ;.\1: 1~:~~~I;~.~I~nde;J



. Men's Furnishings Reduced .


Ladies' Dresses Velvet.

M~I~B.~:~I~S ~~dlt~i":(~~/' ·u rj.;~··"


eduction s


\~~!I~ll;~~\'~\.~'r~il f.'.!t: .tt.~~ ~~~.~II i.(!.".'. $

. Ii 00 :\lOll

r, 00 W')'J. ~"-r.l1o:.ll a\'y.!!r,, n. ~Il'\l', Iln~. ol~~l' ) "li:le Pric ~ . ' . '

7 95

12.50 Ore ,,'1<9 ~. Hedu c~J to ..... _ .... ............... , l 5 .00 Dr esst'!~ .' R duced trJ."'" ." ....... , ..... ..... • 16 50 and 15 00 Dr t'~S('ll kl:sduced to ". " ...... , ... " ... ,:... .. :. , • • 2000: L .oq a.nd 17.5 DrC~~<!:1 Reduced to.. .. ...... .. ...... .... ....... • 2500 and 2250 Dr esses Hcduced to .. ......... .. ............ , . . . . . '1.7 50.25 .00 and 22 5 Dre:;s (;~ Reduced to ...... .... ........ .. ... . •

9 95


7 uti " nol. ~ r",. l'!phn ~nu lia et · din ~-I .w)'.on,·.... n.((rcen und r U fo ~'\1 Illy ~I r)~ os ill I plu id~ .. , . , ... . . , 1- ou -l~ 50 WOI)1 :Iolll iulJe ul,ilul . pl..Tll" :\IIJ strip, \. 'al£' {>llc c .. '" Y.'I'i. und 8 ~i'I ~Ilk l'np.lil1s un d

5I 14 75'. 25

llltletn: . III IlJ8Url"iflpcrI •. ,.,

$1. 50


vy . . . ... ......

1 50 Arrow. sale price ... 1 25 l' 60 lot. slightly 'lolled .... . 59c

2.95 3.95 4 .95 9.75 4.75

$250 Men's Fine .Hal8 ... ~1 95 60e WintE\r Caps .. . ... .. .... .39 SSc Ways Mufflers ...... ... .15



:~~~ltl~hnaJ~~ .~I~I~I~g'~". $2. 98




$2500 G. OakOr sser~ , now.·· ·· ..... ... ...... ~.; 1.97~1 7.00 (~. Oak.r~ock!):~, . llo w: ... . :........... ;.... 3 .26 ~.uO \j 0(\ Ollll n;,f l.hlll rs. noW..... . ... ... ...... 165 1500 li . Oak Dr serf>. no w ,... ·· ..... ... .. ".. 117;) --~-------'--17 50 G. Oak lJ ining'l'"ul p.~ . 4.;xU ... .. ...... 1·1 7,) 15 00 G. Oak Li brary lrabk .. ... ..... . ........ 11 75 f 10.00 [t'umed O ~k Libra r'y T ,lbj.·: . ... ....... 7 !I,) ! ~_ 500 G. OakStanu8[(I)ulld(lnll~quuro. .. , a.95 1$21.:)0 9:1211ell Bru~sel~ . now .. ··· ·.. ·•· ... .. · $22 75 12.50 Vernis .Mar tin HE-ds ........ .,... ... ... 7.!J~ I ~7'!jO !Jx12 A.uJIl ns ' r, no w ... ·· .. ·. ········ ... · 22.75 750 F ull si zlld or White BI,Jl!... .............. {} 95 2 '.1)0 !h:12 Velvet. n."w .............. .. .......... 19.75 SO .OO· G. Oak Bul~ tao now..... ..... .... .... ~'4 7~1 22 ~O ~~12 clv(~t . r.ow ...... ... ... : .. :.. ... ... ... .1775 25 OO ·G. Oak Bullett! !low ·.. ... ,,, ...... ··.,··.· ,\1 70 ~ .'I O ()x12 C•• t1;(l>feum.IlQ"'. .. .......... .... .... 7 45 50.00 Da veno and D ·vell l>Orts.... .. .... ........ !3!) 75 . 4 0(1 27xGU !"iIHJ Axm inatl' r , Jl(11IT······ .... . . '. 3,45 3500 Daveno ...... .. .... . ... . .. .... ..... . ...... .... 2~1 76 250 27x54 Velv.c an d Axmiostt!r ... ". ..... 1 95 1260 G , Oal{ Rockers, no w .. . · .. .. ............... !jl!1 ·71i 200 Bruascl s.; ... "''' T ' "..... .. . . ........... .. .. . . ,1:69 850 G. Oak R ocker. 1I0·V ..... ........ . .. . . .. ··(; .7G


~ock er8 .


now.:.. ..... ....... ... " ... 395 ,




'1 9. !

Muslin '

.2.50 and $2 25 b'nncy' Si;ks. " ti pts r=. 1 , Ilnd Plaids . . . ... . . ,. , . .. . , . . .,. . • • 2!k Con'et Cov I .• I ce :llld l!li broide'ry $ 1 75 Pl ain and h angeab le~' ffel t und Mereel··,ed. lrilnlllCu ................. . ... .. " ... .... ......... " C also in great variety I 1.25 Cllntiso l ~s. . . I of colorm u " . . " . . . . .. . " . ..• " . . . . • p"llk lId \"IJf ll' . C. . $ L 2li Sllk Poplin . ::16 in. wide iu 'lid rt,~e. C I'"" 2r. M 'I' v U"~'" 'k": '" .. ·· .... ·I·····:t1······ . copen . g rel'n, ~all and whi;: , ·nd ... . 'Po' .? ' us In n'?r~ Irt~ . ('rn Irul .. y _____--:-=-=-=-=:-=-::-:- _ ~~_I Ilmm ~d . . .... . . ... . .. . . . ..... . . . . HOSIERY ~ 1. 50 LntJies' MUfilIh r.nwns, 1:.1 IJr~id~I'Y and lace 250 Womeh :s .Blnck ~oae . ... ! ' . . ; H/,. trillll1'lt!ri. hi~h IlfTel ;()'/'. . 50a Woman s Black Silk .... . , ..... . ... ' . . . 012.: n'ick ... " ,. " ... .......... ,. . . . 25c Ohiidren·s He flvyfi ntl tlbbC)d ....•..... ... 21c 1.60 Tedd ie infle9h andwhiteNai n $' 3Ge Boy's Heavy 1·rjIJle ... ..... .. . . ........ , 291' . BOok, nicely trimmed .. , .. . .. ,. , ., . '. . .

$1 3 9

3 50

l~ine . Winter

.35 .27

.19 .69

HatR ... 2.45

3.50 Silk Scarls ..... .. .... ... 245 1.5f) Silk Scarfs .\............ .95

Clothing Bargain , Sale T reat

FURNITU E-'A .P artial List of Prices.

5 00 G. Oak

Black F leeced Under· . wea r . Sale P r icR .. .... 35e uster Brown Sox • al l coiors . SlIle ·P r lce.. 25c Fine Lisle ,OX, all colors. Sale Price....... 1 00 Winter Caps.... .......

Th~ Boys'

9.75 '

ETTICOATS :-. 4 5CL$4 v d ues " ilk £'etlicoa tl;l

valUeS E tra liea l'Y ~al"PIl

. ~11~~t~I.I~. ~ .

. $2 and 1.75 Arrow ......... $l 48



75 ~


Never 'a More 1\111 lr. I1ific"nt ArrolY • Iht!'r. d T . If YOI! arl) in Lh r. \IlIrlwt t or B ,gains in Sldrl~ . I! ther at uch Price:; ~i!l(. ["Iflll, T,M ·I a . Don' t Mi~~ TIII~

_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ . _-:-__i _ ' _.~_ __

.Millinery- J:-Iats

Compel Buying


. A Real Cloak S crifice j In 8 Prices I On Account f W.. r onditi, "<. :O;u ilS An' Guin\(' A wn v In ('lic' On e Big Odd Lot $ 21 95 E xpansion Sal Prke ......... ..... Come and S hare Our Conces1000 Cloth ,and Cllrduroy . E •. 95 sion Sale A wonderful bargain .. .. .. .. .... ... "... , • i' 95 40 inI 7;.Na,·y 10 17 L'ltlieH' TailMed 12 50-One Big Lot.. EKI)anRi()n Special ....... ...... ..... " . . . . , t: .tll 1rncl I (l\'d ty $ 11 75 q 71:: (I "'hd :-i. lt· Pnc;: .. .".,.. . , 40 Sa le PrI" e .... fJ I'1.7 GO tu ~ 60 dint'5. III ell' 25 25J~:P~i~~·~.~.~~.~~~.i.~~.I,l~I~~~t:~ 12: 95 : f:,:.~/;~I~,1 ~~;;~~"t-·;i~~ . ~\:~~~ ..r~,n~~.: 16;75· 35 2 .fiO nnd2S.00Pluah, Wo,,1 16 75 1 ;~2'ln t.o :!.!17;) L·.1II':;· S.uit-. wille allli Velour ..... .. ......... ... . o,f l'olo,~ .llld .~IOll~~ . ,~\"ut 19.75 4000 uhd as 00 Chilton Brolldrll1lh 2 • ,5 I ..~nnt<~(',.ulln ~ale I ~"

Children's Plaid Dresses $1~a:e<!J\~~. ~~.1~~~: .~~.~~.~.I~e~~ .:...i::~: 1,~~. ~ .~ ••••••. .••98c

Astounding ·Reductions ·That

-. -...,----:-==== uits


16 75 40 1.,'rc.trc\a OU ami 1:1 ~il k , M '~bi.lli ne . . \ ,,1\ \dt, Prt lJitn an d 1 7 95 Fa,:!1.' wi,th e rllDg . of col!lJ's, f.,.. .PrIce ..


e Necessary Preparations.

A Ma~velous Money Saving ppor ulity to Procure -~-~

Linen, T owe} . and White Goods


21 85 95c

List of Prices

. 1250 Boy s' Suits and Overcoat ' . 'ale Pr ice .. .... .. ......... ~9 .95 10.00 Boys' Suits and Ovelcoat ••,Sale P r ice ........ ........ 7.\15 . 8 50 BOYII' Sutts aud Oveceout " Salt! Price .... .... . .. ..... 0.46 ' 7' 60 Boy s' Sui ts ano 'Overco,Il ;, 'ale Price .. .. .. :.. ........ 545 6.60 Boys' ::iuits and Overcoats . a le.Price .... ... .......... oj 95 7.50 'BOYd' Mllckiriaw~. SRle P rice . ....... .... , .. .... .. ...... 595 660 Boys'. Mackin a ws. Sale Price ... :.. . .... ...... ..... . ... .. 476 , IJO ' 2,piece Under wear. Ri bbed or Fleeced ..... ,.. ...... .. .... 25c t~,Oo RDin ,Coa.h!, now ... '403.95 75c Rompers. nOw........... liOe 7(1(; K . E Waa IS , now ... Gge /'lOc Way Muffiers now ... 15c 2~c Li~l e Suspen'dera, now We 35e Be lts. now: .. : .. ..... .... 2lic {lOc WID.te r l:Ia~ s, now ...... 3Ge 50c Odd· Hats, now ... . '...... 26c 75c Outing P"Jam!ls. now 48c 50eVVinte r CnpJ, now .... 36c '1 :00 Leatber liloveH. now 7 e 25c Wool GloveR, now. ... ; .. I5c

Men's and Women's Shoes A 'Partlal List of P rices. wid; Styles Righ t Up t o D a,te . '10 00 Ivory :Kid, Sale Price ...... .... .. ..... ....... ............ :.. 745 ~.OO Very Sty lisb Black Kid. ' ale Price ... ... '., .. ' .:......-:- 6 45 8. 00 Browh.Kid Vamp white top .. : ..... :... ...... ..... : ..... . 6 45 ' .. 8 ~ ~Iack ~Id' Vamp. white top -............. , ...... ....... .. . . 0 rey. K id. cloth top ... ... ... :' , ........ .................. ;..

6 96 ' 6 25

Men's Absolutely Best · Grade '~ ~g ~fn~n~ Villp ~ale P rice" .. ...... ............. ... .. ...... ... '6.45

ae • ale rice ..... .... ........ ............... ..... :........ 645 BOy 'H , Sh oes, 12 40 to .345. Mi. ses Shoe&~ ."2 25 '3 75


$1.19' 1 '19 "









kjjLttrbd at tile P 6101llte; at W.) nt"vlllf'. II It . ,..

t". If

E .....






(r, "k "Ii \,,\ 'Ir 9- Itl rw u fl T)IIDH f Mr. . fj, 'l'nhxlflle end Ion Lee ,II" Ifill I '11 'IlIll rdtlY' I"olt Mr, / "'~·e · nIH]"y u[l;ernooo Oilier. d LJ I . , I "r UUII OilY ~huru IS Dcl t /llltJ b .. I .Io lm ! b OIDII8on '•• ",11) oNI ri" III. Mi\l8 BI·Il) o Bart;llooal\pllQi fillrl .. ubscriotion Pric • $ 1,50 per Y('8 r U".I IY bl llLlkLIT i qu .t"" oflHl1" , 6\' nl",ht Ilna Fr.l da,. with her ' Common pJea. Court 1\"111, t , lI ' ttl If ~ ', UJU[ ,'t. 11I 0 '1,V · br Ill" r AII'n 1:lar',cok and wife Are y ou going build a aouse? HI' (lr \'u "r n,, (lIn "II That', d ...\, , I ~ HT 'l urk vil le, W F. Eltzroth vs Cbar)es V. MUD. Are you going to b uild a Ba rn'l WEI)NESDA Y. J AN ARY 23 , WI IJII~ r\- I ' ' Ul tli lin I;l~ hut p"wO'I' ful Ei\rl1 eH t ~JQnn o[1 aod fllmUya n'd gsr, Applloatloo by derevdan& Are you 2'oing to build B Gurng4:'! ' -=-=============;=:=====~':'!;!:".....,=~=-,-.,-.,.= I f ,,, ,11 ,, , d m" lcl H .. f\q 11<' " ttl· ,I IlIAII Clnd v r were fihSVPI Dg In set 8elde'jodgment o yerrulod, .. I, I' ), 1 I, '1, lli o lrlp. 'I !HI." 51 1'0,," !:iOl " IIYMbll rg I:!utllrday /lrternoon~ Are y ou goin g to bui ld a Hog Pen1 A0lre!lne Davie v. Jamal B. DaVie. tl l-( b II n,1 r ebuttl1'u boplo Mr. lind Alr • . B8vle were in New trlalj!fI1Dted defeDdant , Are you going to build 8 Pou ltry House'! I, ( , , Waynesville Thursday. Cbulotl W. Clark ve R. Elirl Smltb . . We olIcr Oll~ !! ullllr' d I nIhil'S 1(~ \" ltPd ) 'I' " ,'II 11)1 .. IIril el ,sod ~I\U fi nit<lly, IIh Wm, 8 hirdeu delivered. fine <;a088 dlll.Dlsll8d. lorulI),r;ls,l,rl:ILt""h Ihnt "UIIIII>ll.l<' 1 " .Il·IUI ,l"'lI L" 1 (j-Oh-\l' VII.l~(I"U 1'~lIlI1 or "'1l1 1l9 Lu.FrunIl:Shldli kerlltcurod I:~ II 11 11' S CIII ~t!h ~ I ,·di j"", .II~' \I, 11111.- I id (l Own UI/'UOV. I:iIH V y,lJUrl> oqa ,lny Illet wok. , Probate Court rl u ll ~ .lIlI.rdl 'Jct..iu,:Ule jHl~bt'l.· lI tukl·Jl -,'r. \ rlt , 11 tt~t"\"" ulw.a,:- d.) u~ 111. .' . 0 • In' the m uier of the e8tllte of Do You WaUl Tob"ceo IJQ l,""Sl. '" ,. ,. ' , , , , • ' • •• ' , • ' " • , .•• • , , ,., . , Yeo )(adata • I? Cu lll "h ~Qfft "'l s r,,, Ihp, ,."kl 'hill ." 11'11,\1" I "., lit" 'w r 11111 ' hi Ihn t '111M ElSIe Urtle retur ned to her ~ f' v~ Y""r~ , IIlItl h.." h""",e ~II"IVII II ~ rill' 'A',I' wh Hi "ll1ljl'fm ' Hob ool r\utio8 t h it\ week baluK Lou ie ' Bark, deoea8ed, 5tl~ule1 Do You W.l1t Coruom t. . , " . , . , " ... , . , '" . , : . ...... , . , .. , ... , .... 8<4 )(1Idaa ~ IU US l .d."llle tl'1I" tl),'("r CIt !.l1rh 11.111', ' now b ound at hllr homo in Loballon ~nrk IIppoln5ed admlni8tralor. .. ctl':llrh ~Icdlcill~ IIrh l ilt" Il,e III .... J "" '!'lI ,' In"1 ~lIU!. l lo n ' I~ g tllll \; t or 11 week , Estate of Emily 0 , Ateddom, de. Do YOll \Vn lll Lime or Plruter? .... . ", . ,", .,. _. . • ~ Ihe Il lIl'O tl S ~tI.r,IC('~, " . p~IIi,, ~ Ih,' 1',,1 " tI " urI! 1I~ II. '111 \ IOIIJ' I J - 1)'., 10« t ,l tl)(1 M d M Al B a k ~ I r"' In Ihe llIuu tl "li d ,,~ .. lillg (he ,((i.e" ,,,,I 10'1" ~1I "'h tltllillug" ' J ,,'()~r, hll l'v'" viiltt~d ~~ell' 1:9 ' t II ao B adI' eoo oeased , E'IDalaoooun' filed , Du Vou Wonl Any Kind of r. umber l , " .. ".',., ' ., • Ea",'e of John O. t!teddom, de. , 41 1., I t" (' ol wl1tlli li B.! IJ " ul 1.0 l)1l I reo e ere uo ay •~ Jlurll"!I~; , ~~ I\ ~lfr VOII hll"" I"kell II " II' ~ (',,\'11111 Ii Iti. -;,;11111" \l UI' W" IJ Chl)p "e,' ~ Messr,.. WID . I~Ilrvey and Carl cel\8ed. Final Booount filed. Do You Want Shingles? , ..... . . . . . , .. . . , .. . .. , ... See Madden .~ ~l c dlC Il1C f, 'r ,i '''1 11'1, li lll" ~'(lil \\)/1 st'" ,I ,, .. v" lo~I'1i \·, ' r .v ~ ll N'!1.iolllll 0 8 .. l\l op; Dodd dro ,";11 somA fat outtle W.LY· , In the matter of tbe estate of Ao. By .~ ~rellt IInl""v~III(''' I.'''\'I!ur g~' ..: " oIl ,,',oI ' lt , ,"1 .. 11 lIull L" llll{ .. ) v"' ~ bll ~Y I,hll\ O el~ 'Ille for ~bllshfLn la8t SIlturd,LY . thouy Pierce, deoeased . R 08e A . Do You Want Felt Roofing? .. , ... , .. , ... , .... , .. See MaddeD .J. " llll'lll Illklrl,1l Itl ,.!II ' f 1I 1"'tll, ~,ktlll""' , 1'1' " I I ii, III 1,,11 .. 11 10' IntJd!< 1t Ihe Tile p~tro all 00 Mr Cort BileY '8 Plerce appolDted admlu let,rBtrlI • Jame. .,~ I a u cc " "C gt' III (, c . llrur I t'1H lu r l ' il lit 1 h f L ••• , teslilllollini. It c, . . 'IIJI , "l , 10, lin,w flll,V l or , UIII in on.. r ou a ure vory . t ~ n 11 to 1m or Bond' $:1000. Appraisers R 011".,. Do You Want Fence Posts?'. ' ... . . ...... See Madden :~ I: .. J, Clli~ K rw ~ '0, 'f ll ledll, 0111" ,',,",' II WI' 'I Wid ow ~VOl Il U U , whll hl~ !!'lJorts 10 !le' t be mall to t h em BlaDkenship, Earl Decker Bnd AI. CUl'Wood bert Guodwin. :ol Sold by 1111 J)"' )fg,, ".7~c, ' n" I, I 111, "lI" U~lu II IIr " 1\11 of OUI' uDder aooh diffi oollies Do You Want Farm Gates? , , , ...... . . ,See Madden .:. .... ,111'11'" I ' IV,,!! Ii ~lH.fL t.IIIIIJ uu'it \Va 1116 lIorry '0 rAvor' tbnt Joho Estllte of Perry Bailey, lnlane, ~ . .~ _ " _ _ 'hI' II 4 \rell tl m rlllnt, c,l wONI WtlS W" lf hA S bliEln 110 e ffiloted with the Ni o tb Iloopuoa of gu.rellsn flied, Do You Want a Veranda? ,.", .. , . . , ... See Madden "tI;..........."'••••;,.;..;, .::. ;,.;,.;,.;.•••• ;..;,.;,.;.•••;..;,.~ liD ItO" WI! "I I,, "u~e T I, n hl\ ' houln th~1111\Rtl III, @inoe hel plnl! to opeo EBtBte of llary E , Luptun, de COP)'l'IIht by the Dobb••Merrlll Comp.ft.. ~,' rl h,' ,wll Will II" ,'nf nlf'I't1-" word ~o the r O/lc1s ror trame , eelllle<l. Ordel' granted to soli & oer. . _. .. lint.! 1 llTolin \l"lIij tl I ' I 111 b 1' 1 ' DoVou Th mon stoJ1P~d 11111/1111111:, goue. • II W HU ~ 11111 Mil • Ulelli . Mpse r s, Geo Ellis nnd Ti'eodore biD part. Want "You're not llo rr~'-JOflll?" he oskcd, 'l'he mn ll n'lIth",1 for\\'lIrd fur III. I T I""IJ I- \. "Y 11t ' I ~ I" w.I ' 11 .. ho nl, ' m tt h bl'flved t1w s n ow and cold lu the ma"er of tb~ e8tate of Clafa They wcro ~"'lftl/1g pnHt tlt l) pulnt rIN'. JO.III·S hund ~lOLlJ1~d him, ncr I n",u~ til til " ' a n t Ih "t 'JUI t ' me it. IIlI rl o ro\' t Cl tlr~ll!vll\e get oru,1 W. Kirby, deoeased. All debts h$V now, nnll tlle sel'nt or Orny Wolf CllIne fDC' wus white. j lll l".", liP 1-1"'1'(11 11))( sn"w, p no r hll ,~ Ii'rl (IIIY. log beeo PJlld t h e following di tt.rlbu. to I\l1znn's n<lstrll~, rou~IIIg hhn, UIIII "L ' t hlt'l 1:11 IJuelt til her1 Lut him' I ", !'I'l'. 11l1t \ Ing " u( Ill .· PUll)!, nil!) lilT \'Y. T , JOlrOllD vl e\Lpd hel' tloos w ra mlld e: '1'0 Vllnlel d. brlll,::IIIg II low whIne frolllilis throut. J;~lct hlll1 /:ul" 8h cl'l ed. "It II; 101 . , !UII."V hlullr [flln/:N I.... r,l( hot~S t "ll~ lJt,r~!'.IT Vt o'll 1:f"'~Book Del\ r Gretltbnll8e, 7,802 ehBres of , I,be Do TOU "all~ t.O 001'1'0" 1\ dime? No 'm.Uer ,.ha~ rou want, "You're nnt sorry-wo' re ~olug?" IllllCt!--wllh h OI'." Olllllt l l1 l' , ,Pllt our olliv " 0 " "0 I.. till IlI. ( IlIrh _vil le I.. to'1' urselllY, ~re\l8 ury Stoct of tbe Unole Sum 011 8ee Madden Autl KII~I~lIr nehlllg Ihosllo"o ~h"I)" tll,I" ,"t j, ' rI\" I1Cl L, I·b t ' .119 wholl J onn shook her h~lld. 8ee Madden Uompaoy; Mayme Grea\houBIl, s lime ....... , h " \ \' {ll'hll g ru.· ~ thdt ~ ,I"t1 ' () l I1 :' l1UlllWr aha United Brethren Orphlinage .,0, ' R.h ' relllled. "Only t" ·Q-ul· t c wnter froll! lil B 8hngb'Y hll lr, o llrl ' I . lI\l.Mon of ou r "I)!wln' 7,801 shares i o the [1nole 1:1am 011 WO)'8 11I,,·t! h cfl.~'" the forests-olHl It:Okcd tor, I.b : lust ~llll' towll ~11 Ih e u~~\\'e"th" l' " IJUttHI[( 1' ~hHIj O f< 'II If y'OU don't want anything at nll. SEE MADDEN just the same. Company; D!lnlel H . (jrealhouse, tll e~"rL~llOlIIe !" ' \ \ UIIIIIO. ~h CIIIIO \IllS drlftlll!; slow- l o_t , /ll' "",I iL Will tn ldu. u~ hl1tltoc ooe phllre of the OIpltalstook of tbe 'rhll point W!UI Its whIte fin ger of Iy oro und th fh' st LJ nll. A Ulonl ' lIt "Ii)'; '1 ,. .lII,1 10 be " n"r 011 i'l''' D~ WI' (Jem . CI ty A oaaylene GenerBtor SlIlld . \\' 08 b ' hlncl them·nflw. And I, ,,· 111 r lint! It hl\d III Ilppenred. UrllY Will II"! h" lot) ~,lfl. h IIu l1 t.n ll >l hl)' Compaoy: Mhyme 6reatbooBe. SBme zon "'liS SllIntl!ng I'lgld, fllelllg II. Tit!! \V ult Ittlt]WQU. Iintl 11 nl Jl u t, IIJfI Il "r Illd r ll,i , - -- t,bA Un ited Bre'hren Orphanoge 1lI1lt! cnlled to him. noel JOlin lI Ct.ed her II 111I'e,' " " Ih" ' Ill " bl\"I~, . Ir!! W H t,;IPllfoiOli hUR beeo III me ' 111'11(\. She, too, sn\\' t h., polnl. t'tnll CHAPTER X I I. I 8udlhmll' th ' bnbldio I Ollil ",II Plll'll TIlt 1. E. (, H. c ll W II~ 11 ,, 1 fl P!,J I"~. 81' " dillS th e w ('o k with tor d&oahE8ttlte of Mary E . U pp, deoell8ed . fr",,, helr Ilrl~I'rs. IIl1d II "trut'S( light The Daye of FIre. I tin "flO r/" , ''' r, ,\I r~ , II' V. l)rew uod family, First uccount of 8dllliolstrll'\o r np ICllIl'd Into h ~r bill!.' "y us she RUW "FrolJl III III !(It I (I f t it' I lt'l'lbh' 111,:11 I" f t'l "','11' _ L , i"1 I r ' ,,~ ,. " f D ,q' I1111 proved, lillowed Hnd confirme d ' whnt 8to od nt th 1'1111 of t hut whit. ' till with tl 'e lJIg gl'uy Iru:!: (m Ille l nr or I·P. 'Id l I" ,", .. ~i ' Itl ily Ill ' I .. I hI' [f llll111 11 1 ~~rvh' (l~ for Mr~. J . M. YOU EMtllte of M .. urloe B IiSSO I&, dll. IWANTSJTO YOUI of s orllJ, It WII S OI'lIl' Wolf. HOI' bllllll til Sun no 'k, KUY-IIU r UUI'lubllr llcl 1 S;A t,II ' ,,, h ll 1\ .. n"rj ItllUI h" rll , Ao )VrI8b~, y, I!'" of Ur Wrlgh·., of Rod oenN ed Fi n a ) 1l000Dot nppruved, III eyes wcrll Iurncll 11I1\'urtl KU?lln. At nnd h lSN ,'II'lIl1y t hu ulll lIllYs wlH' 1\ It ",,' )'(,11 fl ,.! re nu Ihegl'()li& IUI~alo D. LI on . wh l! rlul d 1ft h er bnms IIl8t lowed Ilnd oo nfirmed. Atl Corwin,rOhlo IURt Orul' Wolf. th(, fllllhfu l. unll,'r. ! Illld b elill u h!uge· dtlg, IUlil t ill! ICI\(ll'l' l U , ~ "K "r \I( "'.1' Ii ~'tll ". rntlf1 ll T hur>'IlIl ,v I; v,' nlng. we re h old ut ~ba Estate or De nDil! MoMulIen, de. Rlooll. Scent tohl h(' r ",llIlt h >r Yilt! of n .J.illclt. lit' wUllld UI'\'l' I' qull(! fUI" 1' ,~1, \." Iii V. IJ(' , 1::111 lHltj OI \·tir ~ll l l,. t ohu fob hero yesterday (I'u ld "<lt sce, Knzllo IIl1tlthemun·smell g t th m. lind nll\' '' ~'S 111'1" 11'1111 1<1 I LUl " lrtl " I, 1',1" ,,\1 ~ /IV l"dUl ly U1rlflllllg ht, II B. m. M l~ . Wrigh t oea8ed. F inal !l oooon~ approved and oon fi rrued , were tOg~thcr. Aud til 'Y wer' SCllng- I stunll out · C 'flllill III 11101'1 S frolU I 'Hl '~ -i' "'1l 1" lh~' '''~Il!I'~ I II L t'. 1,,, t, ht.dl, or frl eod@ he re wb o aro Eiltale of (;Ieorge Darrow, deoealed gOlog-golngDluong tile r . t, !Lke tires CUlllug tb0 j Allg"I,'" \ ul., III ' n{ \\1111 h ' ,11~. ,,"dd nad beo~oleof ber detl~h , C!!2!J "Look I" whll<J1 I' '(I JOlin. '· btucIHJes9 ot olght. Milt us /I lIlun tl . r,:11 1",,1 WUII, wh l,,,,r' oIeut''' ~ 1l WII" 'ut' ter WbittermB.o was tranl- S'iDal IIOOOUO' Approved, allowed and Tile IIlIln turu d. Gray ,Vnlt's tore-: dntel! events 11' III his blrU!, his 111111'- WJ ll,·ly (!)v ' bl t' lod ju... t 1\ \.1 tit! " " I ~etlDg bus lDIlSb ID Day too Wedoea. ooufirmed • . GrIndIng Wheel •. I!lYtate of WilliAm J. Mo Cabe, de. t eet were In the w.1I r. And II W, 09 rlnff', hi" fl'Pl'dtllu rl'(IIll ,. honllnA' ,,' or 11 y'm r \I '. l::t -'l Olll''' ', d I It" ,\.Ju t !IllY. In the mnuutllctllre or the Il'lp!lern !.he eJlllQe <lrfrtud fh'r tller tlud !!lI'tlwr sOll1e fQundllltnu'lj tl'll h I his CUI'INI', SCI y,,,,, ~ .. I • /II fll1d I.,~ n Ii' "u mill , IIfrs. ,lllhn t:lt C,llllr bill! re'nrned ce8l1od . IrIDlil !looonnt approved"BI. aotomobll lll() Il'rUltllng wheel ploys lo wed and oonfirmed, IIwnY, f:C IIC 8\lttlc\lh\lukonbcrhllun til' . ull things sr IIINI to li"umm to »e~l" I~ "III, (Ill tl ", (,Inll. IH\ll df "\f (lP ),1) b r h01ll1l nt ElIlQ8.bmaQ, Ohio, an ImpOJ'I.llllt port. In 00ll typical DirtqWr rulsed lIer hlllld 10 Ull) .sun which she W~~l two tl'llg 'dl 'd wbliUI lUlIl, tollow\\1 ,.o f .. 1I1 1'~1 IIcll.V ""tf' " Irh,,~ 'If tH' Ilft~ r n w~ek'6 vitiU "Uh reltulvea Est"te o f S. B. Shreve, dece" ted plnnt, tor Instance, tlle grlndlog wheel and Embalnier, could not see nOli gu" e II ' f III t long QII'I fust nil II til ot~ll!r nfwr tile IJI\'t11 1'\1I,I. lIl ng UlIU 1\Il" ked tnfhmllce on Il ~o .'1051 aOOOUD' approved, allowed stock rOOID' cOII \:ulns on j)lnborule Iya. tern ot racks tor tho wheels,' and the walltog cry ror KI1 ~ll n, ot Oral' Wolf's 1lU l) • IU" , ~,! .,,,~.t ,)r I'l Il ,tt '\ ' l! rl " , ~Irs. B 5 , Dearth l ueo' ' Tbure. and oODfirmed. 'rll .. ('nolle IUr 'hr tl. A t:lwny boOy :rile flrst WIIS UIU flght 11 Ule 'un .. ~I, h,\IIII' 'I. ,II, l)"rl1 f u tt. tilruiL< tluS with Mrs. IG. Koel81ey and stntemellt Is mnlle thnt there are now· Waynesville. 'Ohio. Real Estale Tran.fer. In use 64,941 grindIng wbeels. lto·k. wben tll' big gray 1 ~'Dl: tl lill Of ~ I ' ""1) l l1 'lllrWI' IIO ll 1V1lh clu ul!h&l r , ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!" hllode u hll! hCUIIlICul Wolf Ullit \ r r 1111 l h" 'lll'''' " I <I 100 UII,1r d "" 0 ' ,11. Boraoe E. WilBon to Clam B WU. Either Auto or Horse dl'8wn service. time, tina lind torn hcr pujls Intolll\!(;~l;, II ,'1"11 ' , 1' "'\/11'1. ' ,. qn" " J! of II I-ln e r Noll WtlS transuotlng bnal. HIIIDS et a.lliU aorell In WashiDgton No extra charge for auto service. 11a to turu lllld lUll a 'tll ly nx. Uu t C"Tltll'" II I,I, !! II a ll! pi hb WII ,\uOII ue~~!u Ijrtle towFit Fri!l8Y , towD.hlp tl l''' 11 Gray Wolt WIIS sUIl blind. VeDt;'ilU!lCO ," "," 1/1 . III" "OhIH~J IIr. il:,"l1y Wrlg bt was oalled to Bath phones In Office and Residence. J' U&rry III RudwaD ,to Boraoe B had !lot b en ubI to 1:1\' ]1I~r ~h;ht. ' .! II ~l'·IJ""1 f lI t y " u '. g R p,l 1,1 1I lll ~t week by tbe lerioll' No.1". Stokes, 130~ aorea In Turtleoreek l She could no l oog r llunt with him, u.s I" I"'~ I ,'",, (l'g'I'. Ih, br O'~lul IlI nE' l' f Mre. J ohn Wright, . ~ ,'" III y had bunted wll"h tbe wild wlllr. ClJ lI "I I,,,t (hili . II IHI knllwn , S Hnll. R >v. E. Ko efsley w as iran.aotina &owns blp, $l. lloet lallmat. "lr·n ••II. . Intor. vl.w eYlr ""nt~ b7 U•• world!. J. W. RI'ohey and wife '0 Gear,lI I'II!'ks out on lho p ill In, nnll' In lhe C" • /!" , Ull1 ll l'"II\tflf,! , I 11:1' 1,\1' 1Uf'!~ In 'iooiIl0!tl 8avoral daYI MONEY WANED ....teet ~ ...1D_ a.u.... Talb on dnrk toresl,.. 0 lit l)l1lllght.o! ,lint Poi "".,,,~, ,""01, ('111 ~ ttl'Gl h ilt 1·, Ui i a.~I, ' ..e k , Davtll. n aoree In Deerfield 'own. IIIOD.,,·ID&ld..Qa. _~I ..., .-il'ln., ID '1 ~ I I I IIp ~. III"" Il.l,,, I ~ 1:"IJ I1 I1II1··, M rll , Sa r uh Nail hnB bean vlaltln, sblp, II IgI 1t 110 II I mlYs ~II" r 1" , n" t 1 l! I , 111l1,III' t1 I1," to Forb. ('III'I.d hll('k til re\'on l his loch.I ODlf ", " I' " • r I ,II I ll~11 11I it.J: 1 \<'''' , b l'r dnughterll,Mf8 .. John Browntlnd Oeorle A. Davll to Jacob BIehle' u. OCPP-U)I"'" ~ Veterinary ' r ' Ill,! hi" I III VIIl' lllllf' C'r n t " r ,; .,IJII M.s. (;leo, Ball. loaned OD 11 ve aba', 71 aorel ID D •• rtleld IOWD8blp, I •• SPEciAL-a lua" for '1 Iln~H. II h, ,'.. l j "rr,l III ('It llr)pll.l/l r IiDd leoond ' mortgallel, (t It rOg ...t p romptly) R , J. IIloheer to lI,n'h. R , 'En,. R Il\ bivell and ':dond" bllre were '1'111' othl'r Inl gedy was tho golog of r" "c't l U 11':11 llt\lg I'''~, I"" OtlUott ' u.te of Oblo State Unlvenltv hlt.t. dort. ' of bItt m en ; In· !to_ bought. John (Jarblne;Jr •• .TOIIII, her huh)' nil" h,·[' hll~IJ"'1l1. ~'11l1 '. A t,·.v , ',rl< Ill! I ilt' , r~ b'e l r fl tllla f£Tlt'ved to learD ot tho rJ<!nth of !In ..r, 10' In Univent., Bell'h'~, .pl~... artlel.. til bUill" .,,4 AUea BUilding, Xeultl, Ohio, ml ftll&ll_ Publ.._ two thlu ~ IU"I'e IlIfnllH,le [hall reUS ijn toill l)15 / . " ... , v rt' tur'l~ J to Ilfl U !ted 8'. B. Gazz.lo. (D,ee Belen Mlollel) J. 1111&0. £amhar' to William 8, - _ Mall ·.oupoa _ _ __ OFF10E: [(uzun (hot they wQulll not COIII l! buck, ,!'ita 1<lri 10 'c\J(J~c'q Q'll\O'3 fills bro kpn II' ber home aD Chloalo. ' wI,t II n.oo .n4 •• will Illolud. a.r.4all. Imall 'rao' ID ' WaYD. . . 111l1li_ _W"ta. ,..",let.tamo ... Brlllhl llt oC /III Ihl) IIlctures that re- bell l~b, II ~lOC~ f Ut;\n hl~ lire btl! Frleodl ... , • •111 be .ony '0 lelm to.alhlp, Corner Main and Mill 8treets a-kot.u.. IIlt.m._ W8T UlulnN} with hl1l1 11'118 Illut of th e s UDny bee n one !,it,g I!tJ u gR le \v\t.h 10. that Dr ... W . Ltllbara ta very III , John A. Pommer& lUIci wl." '0 G, mornlilg when til WOIllIlIl and the bn!)y II1deou8 dl'. e , ,t o wh ich b ls eo. 1\1 Miami Valley BOIpUal. TelephoD. ~ E. and 1'. F. PeillluUe, 108 .0.... ,. FORBES MACAZINE b e loved, notl the mlUJ be endured be- reebled e.",>\ aU liOD Wd S onllbla to MI'. and Mre, Gao,,. Tala .pent Warre~ and Olln'on ooun"., ' !".L.I. 110 ........,. No Y. cnuse ot Ihem. h(l(l gOlJc IlWIIY In til Ith~tllnd i ;!IID, Dllt'\' In Curao.f', Friday .. Rldgn-IIl., 'he IU.... of OaT-Dark 'l'1ger Cat; · white Ohio William Glau to Ambl'Glle Bel'. " ~ conoc, ood ofWn he would go 10 tile VIl\l tZ(I\lI" unc:lll d lLu~ht r , who I.. WI', aDd lin, Bow,aM .lllarnbul. ani wen to name .f .hey, 183X' lorel Ie Tnralecreek .~ poin t. lIurl gllze longingly down·stream, !I tt urllTlf.( (J" lum bla Ufilve rditv New Tiler. Notify Mu Roy Batb&WBY. 'ownlhlp, 11. OIC;J'•••••••••••••••• , j30 wluwc he llull ICIIIJed (rolD the COIlOO to YOI'k ("I~ ', Il lso a I1rotIl6,' lind fI ~i8. ADna J. Sho'well, .dmlntll'r.lrllr, return' to his bllo!1 run tl!, 1I11'io Wu lln gton, 0 , 0., nnd t",o '0 A , J. Scheur!!r, ' 10' In Morrow, pOCKET BOOK-Between ~alph (To ba Oolltluuildl 'brtl tbfll t! ", .Idl n • ' In G leu dom, t.hM 1400. MllIer'8 ~ ho\> Bod Bljt Bri~~e, f l mlltl'lI o f t 1010 li ro ~ llIm~. n ow c1a Oheater S R !lPP to R 'lv n, A I) d'/ lr. oootlining oh ~ ok for '9 10 ond $5,40 .Barbed Wire Ojl' ,~ (.l ,d~" rc Id o 11'1 the IDe aOD, 102U Ilorssiu Huu..i ~ u u LONC. ' III money ; pa rd with Dll lue Inelde OIl')4 I'iI rh" I II A \Y,lrI'~ ('irate of Ilhlp, $1, ' . finder lea ve at this office. j30 f r i r,' l(l ~ \\, 1' 1 ~V I11/lll lJl lll w ith tb e Oh, doq'l yoo r emem ber 8wee' b,' I',t\'(lj I, ilJ I ~ , Minnie F BoblUt and hU8hDd to GUARANTEED lo h'oal without leav. A hoe, B 0 1301', whe D ber hair wall Ing a btenti8h, or MO~EY' REFUNDED. I(lAC! of II. henntlrul b r own '? Yoo ne ver In Or .. A , aDd SIl81e E . Rover, 178 aoree 600 and ~LOO Hizes lOt 'l reeb wounds. 10 Uolon to~uahlp, . $l, WANTED- FARM tlln t , h e 'be world would k oow 'her ae ahe old soroa, lore backs nnd 8 hon ldcre~~urna Djre~tor. John W. Criswell to .Margare' M. loo kll loday, w!t'h a , oane and a wnrm. and bruiIM.'8 . 250 size for Family use. :rb e b _t liu\1 of HMthlg Stov:!!} t oil u')n!!o rrtltte g~ wn. Ber ~aI'l8.mllde Campbell, ,J.O ,tiDieS In Olearoreek ·DR. COX·S PAlMLESS BLISTER WaynesvtUe Ohiq RanKO!! lU this 11lIrt ot Oblo tlod he FARM- From 110 to 80 l1or e8. wltb III pninle88 Ilnd ' guurnnteed &0 COM ou rl!! are ~he , n e w pDrple 'Int: wllen township, ' I , prloe nlll lo w, IIB,1 b on((h t thel" bo• h e lp to rBlflli 6 io H <l orf'S o f t.obft o. Spa\'w, Rlllgbollo;Ourb, SweenYJ Splint, 1 otlllell 1 oould SOBl'ce "un my eye8, ~mml~IODer'a Proceedln&a fore 1II1.\t two u.rlv unl) 10 thf''' ~ 00, V , E , Dee ter, Wnyuesv ille,O, PiJHs! or a oy enlarg'ment of Done or fo r Rile wote a little DlaMoa p, the \tooll e. 00 1) t J)tI~ It tiff, ~ t,lI" y ,j:'" ___ __ __ ____f_Il_+ 'm::.WIO ::.c- lo, or money rcCmllled. Ptrice Il00. -E-JUTHEll-...,C!! ,,' lUllS' PIU IIl blnt, v;rUh rosebudsllnd BIIIII Allo wed :-Valley Telephone roR SALa: a' ILii DIIUOOta,.. ~011l1J ' rfl"t, I~P ·lIe U(' X 'ill I" plnlt ribbon UOII. Co., ren.'11 a~d *0118 'Il~ 16; John A Auto F.q~lpment ' vllry n;luch bigll r. £. t h (l ol I s ttln .J, , Sweet Alloo Is aow on tbe ItBae, 81Mr, ehovel handle, SOc; W. Hone.Drawn Equipment A. B, ' IDE, , Ben 'Bol t; Ibe blla,n at the aDd of l'urton, ooal, ,16.110: W ; ' O. t:J tati8 1 8 FOR SALE lr . " n,1 hi'. R. E, BO~'ln Bnd sbe ro w. S he fmiled w lth dellaht Co., bla.l1:s ,101' AudUor'lI OlBae !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!'!!!~~~~~. d'HI Qhtl!f Lfll nll 8p~Ot 't'o ad y wltb IloS the public enob otgbt, and no. $5.25; The JohDllton & W"'lon 00' DR. HATHAWAY DAY OR NIGH' TELl:PBONB '1 Z,mrl 1lIlIIH' B lInd Cum lly. ~ slle's lila hit of the Hhow . !:She repGlrlni ·ure es In AndUor'a ' olBoe: Mare, \) yeBrs old, good worker ' $1 50; W B. Hopple". repairs ,U16 i Ir~, ,n, I~, .IOMA, is "01 to be up danoes I\. '!logo thu 8eta them W"YlIe.trllle'. Leadln~ DeD"", aod driver. Inquire nt t hi8 office nllri I\ ronml th houes .. r ter a fOllr wbl ' l. wUllll dip and .. klok Iloa a Xeul,. Olty Work Hon8e keepIng jlO ftloe in BBlnes Bldg, MaID OSt 'glid t\ You'd D,u vo r bl3heve 'twla \Varren Connty 10IDiltea $13.80' fo r Info,rmlltl on. week: ~ IIhI N~, . . , ' n~u SHIDO mtle g irl til'" Uie " 00" freel Hutohlu80n, Ilghtll' for jllii Ralpu L lImin g wils in SlirveY8. wr ol( ly s~Ilted h , 11 died, 13,78; M , B. BYDlao olothlol fOI fl'esh Jersey oow and calf for) . , burll ou 1)lI Bli1e!,l ~ Sat<nri1ay, , ho 'l! n. clglL re te ill\~e on tbe end pr180uer8 '$6.11i; W . 'L Sylvester, . . Ie, For further Inrorma &! oD . Mr !O lIotl MrlO. :t.lmrt" B"lne8 (mel of a Ohlli/), where tbe 010 ruhl(fued livery and 8XP ~ D8e8 f" 26; Ohio ~nd price inqnlre of J . O . Whitaker, get IlDII\ecUaIe, nllef ,.. Optometrl8,t ~ 80n HO,mer ~I}d M r 110(1 Mrs ' LOlhe ooes \.VOfd a '1\0; baa. I~ fi., aad a Peoit-eDtl'; r y, d o~ ,! tceo8e 'ilKS for Waynesville, Ohio, j30 . ' Qr.$baoD's IIIqJC OIIltllal4. fl"\1l0S ol.llerl ()n' R 'lhUll .Iooes.a od Eye~ maid amt 6 PomerAnlau pup i her Audltor-; $11 ; Po..\ rlot, pull. notioe- l ' , " . ~' . • fnnill y 8nillhy ""'Il t)ln sr. ' ~OtOI' 11\ oli va aod tao And down PI!lOOIl of D,o g Meetlng~, '~60: !J'be '.\(r IInel Mr~. 1~f1 1 "'t!h ' a .~g II ,vart> ~t I,he tll er.te r p160e, whQre . he pia,., Col umbu8 BlaDK Book C(),. blaoit:1I tb 11?" ay 1( \1 ij(~ of :\.1-r• •Ie . fI be'r (,IOI,oTI:'8I,ro buog. by the aoore, fOf P robate JJldge, $2, 50: ~ObD Ur, ,ltll) ~hoy ' VEl Ii tert ! . sln'b wl.'h lbout troo. Hret,.e.t~ma te 00, oon$raQ' $1:.111 •• ~ifl.' Now, She is Strong and, , •I ohn (l,) mpl ,) n llrlM, r t l11" O'I1I\ horo I hou an d oloolrlo lIgli\l!, nnd •••e', 50.; Wel!&ern 81,llr, ~opplle8 t" P, J . Hearty _ "fl I' " AlHl tl1 r 8 verul 1,,· wi l h bl8 ,o\l\oe 'IIl)lIlUOUpOvenheQilOI',-Ufe $1560: St.te of ,OhI.o ' VB .Phll\p OR. J. W. ' MILLER. Bromer, fee8 !Lpd OOf&. '20.110; t3t!lle Philadelphia, ' Pa.~"I was over- m ulh ' AI1 1lt E-t1)lll' I 'o IHjJf ' n of Lbio VII Fraok Bur~ eU, ft\68 _nd worked. run down, nervous, could not \I~ n ll il LU ~ 1'I " r~cp (. n Ilt<'ln . , C!'t or IIleep. I (elt lilte cryin1f all the "' t 11 I1H" ,,'I '$670; 8$.te , of , O~lo VII MIl. "01 R'l lt1 ltb ••• DENTlST••• time. I tded different remedies withd red t>rlce, feetl apd 008t. $1l0 50 I '!.t'll II ,I \ Ifr, trll,k Illnn ' r. wllb out benelit. The doctor said it was a Stote of <)blo ~e D )ok BowmlSn, tlef,. wOilde~ I ,was alive, and :\vhen Vinol ,'I! .r la ~j~ 0 l'l' lind wife W --"feea .nd oosta $1Ii.66 ' ~ .'t'n~~ flle, 0 f\C{ WII gIven me I began to improve. --~---.~- --~~' W u Ir r Wil~q l1 Btl(l '(8 01) ly spf,lnt Bfi vln g Rold my 1~lIrm I d eoide4 ao have taken eig~t, bottles and 'am ~w a~ong and perfectly bealthy ill 'I.' ll l1 \"~dMV IIh Z' m rl 1:l,.."I) ~a quit, fonnlo/f lIoud vo~ iI1 ,eell P,nhlto C '\ eV,e ry reapect, a~d have gained in " \ 1" ('1\ ,,'~~ jg(\.. "t.\~ T' tu rnPtl Aneth)!J, 4' m Oe8 nort beull • .,of Wa ,V· w~lght. I can not praise Vinol l.01l Arioolei BrOlde"l Out. 'M I 0':1' ~ r<ll' tIC' VIlla on bne lJ'olllbo &,t l luid Xeqi/l. y f enouehr-lIttr.. Sarah A. looes, 102$ IIf.fTl" fr .)", X <ll1i , Recent additioD8 to the ~ty' ot LoI I, ' 1''' 'Irll 11 I( 'I r ',I" d " '" ,,\"11). )\t' r p'-. Vlll~ " , Henda St., Philadelphia. ia. Ang'~(I~. Col.. make It' the largest .clt:r Tuesday, Janu'llrY 29, 1918 We guarantee Vinol to make over. Ilt~ Mr unrl HI'~: B. 1'\'M c1 ,l "\lfl8 , Unqueationed In the Unltli4 StnteR In polut or area. - No~aJj Pllbli ~ w9 r ked, .. weak women IIttong or re'1 " I ,~~. l"ll LfI'l tTl I I not. , l'umme'uo'lng at 1.0 Q:olook. 'Il. m, It 00"" hIl8 aD, area ()t 887 Rl}uare mlletl Gur&bility ·and ~, your mo~ey: FormUla on evelY to,"'IlIa'I' UI" ', ,,II u l . , tJt : ll tlllg ' Tnl- UHt rQlluwl ng property : 8 Burael . 8S Ilgolnat New , York ~'.. '< Slit. .All k'ada or N ' llary Work , W'lIh ",ottIe. ~ This 18 your protection. · ex'l,uisitedeaign, 2 0'1<"11, & Boge, ~'ll rmlDa Imple. Chlcngo'i 1~ ' ,!pd, Philadelphia's 129, l<l,i ' llll1l'~' v IIff rn·JI'lt'\. , aDd Deeds a Mpeolahy ~ hiahest ideals in plated ware-are UlUl'ed in fr ,!iW \1,<1 R" y ,ll) np~ o r nr/lr IUflUI@, Bl\rnese, eto. See big bill. all )lreotlJ; eJ:ceedlng It 10 popu)at1oo. J, E, Janney, 'Druggist. WflHl'~\'il ' , Kt'I1 \Il. IVI"'" II", ' 1:1 ; 1 (If (iadillid tor t "rue, '" 'epoom. forb, and fancy pi~ the ... .. Pal\lrlln.l1 "1111 "_mll Tf'1' o Il V. ' " ' J , T. MARLATT reaowned trade mark . ~'r Reoft. T1"'I~t\n Ilp l!lnt ~"t\1rdi\'y Wm, Mill~, Aoot. w, h /1,1 ~I 1i 1!',HI ' 1 IIll tl~lll1~J' ,W , E. ? 'N /;'an,~ ~Iel:~ . Good Forlge Ground_ , 10 the ~~ell trtoek rl\~en bd :11" ,'" fllUtllt!11 IIoc1 r~m' . ' rhl 'VI ~ 8 1(1 my Ir rIO r w\lll\ell d that terrl~1'J ~'V9red with IfOme dwuf r'l 1'1\ 1111 .1 .~ III t..j'tllli jJ 11 I) ,,' . t'1l 1,11 0 hill ie at n!IY f98idell06 , a" IPI!Clee of 8~d. oiakee IIpli!lldld tOI' ... ~t' ;~(t v faV" 'llfl,!: F rr , Qn .18 -1rfOUDd. Ooe of 't he ~t ~ .&l'1li108 ~ ~ted tableware --- -- ~ ---• 'wLicb, .. ' ' to be !#jUIt U ,like all Wedneadayefclairuary 6 1918 ,18 A. anBUl'a, • almJb llIIlriDII, powD , -:~f - , In eaDforDla . . U OJ'DIDIIIII.... BealtllllllR lit . P. , I. the follow. • " We have in stock, everything ~ ."~ lIln JI1J 'IRIAI Jo"! 1M ·~.1n .. Ing c\llforl hlld pI'OIl~lr", HJ-WU: - O.e : [IIIlH Pili ,) "'11 iUUll1 ,pal!Uo!uJd II J~UV' Hllr~e, l .l!'e rm .Impl.... e ..... fint-class Harness Shop. '8U.IfJII .~I' 11 pun IUnolU allJU I 8 q ll.\~ BOllllebold (10041, Po~ Cora 'tIUn.)Ulq ~ uut IIU~ "lauL "Ill 10 JPI4II .oll B~y. eqa; 'u 10 N.llQ:llcl 0Ar\.0I(1I ~ Term- ma,dIl!l1Inl'.,.i1

D, L,

P AN E, Editor and ] ",hh~ III



l Madden See'


I~~~~~',~th' \






Building ,Plans1... See Madden












hl' l









John D. Rockefeller TeU. How To Succeed

OlaBslBad Ads





Dr. J. A. McCoy,










--........................... .......................... I




,t. , L




DR. ·COX·S ,

SWEET AUCE, 1918' ,.








H. E .

OVfRWO KfD, 'TiRID WOMAN , Lebapon , .:.' Ohio TOOK:VINOl




te ..ted free







BE~U'fY '



- ...,


----- - - -



1841R~6ERS 'BROS.~M.

There ..-e



~~~~I~ 'I


Ptd... but.

Wb":.~~~~b~~~~~~ua~gi!~!!~ idemW~


FACE -t ET us fa e the L Unl the tought, defeat, thl'l':t

fal'~. 'fh wlIr iil.tJ,11lo n 1. critit'al. Alii ~ fight as th · , 1'1"'\'(>1" vet 'have E'n , R \ 1I 1'.' l' I C nnot fight at their b eat : nol' hung-t·y lla1i 0I1!l. Fr. nee , Englan d. All

alid Italy are going h ungry unl' .

We feed

th m .

Wheat Savrng~They mll t ha'i'f.' whea.t. It is the best food to fi g h t on. It- i th en'1i<d to shjp . We alon can s p ar it to t il m. By sa \-illl< just a .littleless than a quarter of what , e ate laql year-we ca n support tho'se w ho are fightin our b·ltUes. And we can do it without stintillg OIIl'SC] c:'S. We have on ly to substitute ano her food JU st a~ 1:llO d. The Com of Plenty-Corn is tll at food. There's ' a l'Iurplu8 of it. Providen ce h lls ~('11 Ior.n rOil in the hour of our ne d. It has gi ven \I~ ('1),.1\ ill such bonnty as was never kn own before. 'f(1rI ~ (If ('o rn. Tr~in. loads of corn. Fi ve h undred mi lil HI bll hels over and above our r egu lar need, . All ,n h;\vC'· to do i to learn to appreciate it. "\Tas ev(>!' 111!rillt.ic du ty made 80 easy? And so clear? America'. Own Food-Corn ! It i>l t ilt' trut! America n food. Tlie Indians, h ardiest of I';l<~l'<;, li ve d ,on it. Our forefathers a dopted thl' (l l ,t .' nu conql1 ered 1\ continent. For a great seclioIt of flU l' co untry it has blong een th e staff of life, How' w('1l Hie South fought on it, history tells. Now it C:1l1 h elp America win a world war.

Great t Cereal Crop Is Now MOVing to . MrJrJ<e t.





I hoc,

un tl



.,::;;:;;;;~~;;;;~~~~~~::,~=::~~:.~:;;;;.J ....--~- --.- ......-...... .~

Aatt'e.nake'. Rattle. The rattle ot tllil mttleannke Is d ..eloped from the alogle li!C11le or epldUlDlll IIPloe, wbleb In most annkll8 (onns tbe Intemnl tegument or the tall. The bone 00 wblch the foot ot. tile rattle rests ~nB18t8 'ot the Inst mudal vertebra nnd fa covered with a ,uln' '!Vbleh II the begfDlilDg ot uie rat· tle III JOUDI' mttlelDslliea. '

Hold Your Temper. Gl't tn1f\ l1 you must. but i!on'l fl y . oft' the' 110'11'111'. I Ihe IIdvl !' of s nge. Whl1l1 ."P1I (,sl,r(>~~ ),oIll'B(!l t olh.erll sel' whn l'R III ynl!. on 1 fl. 11 rule sec les. tllnn tllC'~- tlH'\l~llt wo th ere : but 11 you nl'~ !<1If'1I1 H'II hnvo t1l1~m gueSBl nl': . null tll ~l1unl~~R 'orll t lH\t t1ley wUI' thin k, 1I1t'1·...·," IImr In ~·ou t hnn thcre

reuny J -wh{cb \l'lI/'be grcotly to your nd\,oQlog<>.



l ··,tI 'I~ 1.

, '0\

' Ht-I .


1t1 ., II'


ts ICl\\'I~' t v lHul'l"lt


It ..


{)\\·t ' 1' l tl l



I' h tln lt \' ,

t ;1

.~ I "'''. '" ~"4




•• "

lh~" · l· . 1

~uritythat has been rar~elr ' re8poneible for t he steady . growth of this .AsBocu~tion. . ,

. Every P08sible :precs:ution is tsik~n in electing our mortgages~and over two·t hjrd'3 of the number are made on ,8 '~Ian t hati>rcrvid es' for B gl';ldual l'cduction of the prlncipa1 ~ BO that the .curily is contantly 'growing better. In thirty years our num ber of 'usiOIDElTS has grown to oV'er twelve thousand- but ~ 'e are Feekjng more. We ·invite your account and otf('l'





Htot. S."'r-5%

Dlvlde nd~'

.Oem Ci t y BalldlnK • Loa ll 'Ass'n RESOURCE S 5 MI L


• N. Main-Da yto n

t il


Fra lh I

h ll ~




J'ht~ (lllllnlll~'





(onu, '"



J'Y .).lhll'll 'UI), 1,.\' thp 1111. h·

j "llr:t,

I 'IH'n hH~ hIW"IIl~ Ih" Millin i< ,,,,,I n· ~"ty III th • CI"I~ls l ,r \I III'. -

JUSI h.'I IIIIM 1"\.(,·,,1 ~n""11 Iltu IlrM AlIlf·rklll\ "olflI\IM~ fl'llllt fnu,lllIl n Ul uuy (\t·t'a~h,nu:l, just Hh (\ ~l' I' \ \ '11 Itn Ii ~1"J, le flll'l l 11U" III!; l!tl' \ \ IIr vr II .. Jl" I'luW>n t lu,1 dUl'h'~ I Itt' l'lvll \\ ' ,,1". Kill": lJoru lin ngliJn t'f' h l ~ ' lu lIh' rl~dh l 1n t il' n , lIf1n 's hltll l,· wllh nut ""111',1'.


m ~: ll



'.l rl'lU J. JJUl)l ll't:-~ I.'4 o f h"" .- ~' \\· h l'.:~ Hltll Ul any ot IIJt! J~ll':.:-t' r Imk(.~J'.s IU'(" 1l11:xln ~ ~O pcr ('('111. corn Ill"!) ) willI \\'111'11 t lI,l")' III ,,," 1(0 h'It'-('/lI'll h),l'lvl. '1'111 k illil of n ",I \lIrll I. ",ur\te>rl (\1111 11Il1 'l'd

null "'fill thl! $,110 l;Il!;I\I ' ln who.,lt

Itl l'lIIOI!~ tll!~ r "Illll~' III


;\\,11 .


,'s",, :O .

1111" -

o.;l1 n

Y t1rs In (er.





last: .W '.. !Jepel ~ \ ) ~ t .l


tor "lolpm~nr_ VI Lbo with which AI1I "I 'n Is IlIlllIlCI·



cOl\ t i llu ~ d ~ rad l ally t o nn th ,'v'l nill~ of JanuMY

Hi hpa\l h


f'lil till .

l:ilh , l !ll . 11ft lin" nl unlet! away in liw •. i !!"ht~' Ill' t ~ I!ar o-f hi. ite nlng "n ~1l1(()8 nn'l tlU l'k ,\'hcnt ( Ill'a . He It ~,..." hit' II pd comp lIlinn to Iltl tor us(' Ih lll f' klll'I'l'n 11\$\1'11,1 .. t w ~ wish In .. :ti~lt d vur t1incel'e qrll lllllllt cl sllgqr IS .'l l! ; or the I!,cHil llt:: tha h~8 ·\llLi. !Sr;! ! \Id·! In :'\lr. Chap. Inl,nrp hi" lo-~ . wiCh whum he had ,j, lIln,~ ,i IIf<"v r\l)l'ged way fot' nenrly pmd\lClS nUlI!I' f" PIll c')I·n. mallllPd e'v('ry (;11" 11" ficlpcu Us In fi fty 11 1'1" Y"llr·" whn sl'/lt!s 10 him Corn oil. ex" !lout for iryll!f; nnt! fill' any lJ,nu Verji ' <Ill' 111 Olll' I Idl r ,,~ ~ 11 1'1()St !'•.tit nt,. k'l1d lind loving l'very ot.her pUt'J)()lIC nUtlet lfy 8l\lnd o i ll!. U r: SIiI"llh d r nin lil"J Utl ughLerH. hus band ll lld f~l h~r. who$" presence Is appelll'lu):' /)1\ the murket In huge in the h ()tn~ und COI)lmun it.v will be QunnUtlcs. It com s {rolll .tllu germ 01 g reat ly lIli~s ed

----- ..




~elvC!.d trolll the CUna!lIUlI


- -.,-.


Onnallo Is also It(l':Jllll' Irolli i a with ,In-OerrnllflY ' Ullll ('nlclllntcd to hinder 1\I1111110u rO"l l . con ~!·r\' ntlon II conllog to an (Ifficlul ~trit 'ment r

The t/nf,lil ton CUll Illy Food Ad · 11 q ht'en b usy and h ~s fixed new PI ii'('5 i'OI' lhe'commod ities 1\1Il( ure k pt the iJ usiest . (hese tor ~ t renuou ,; .)l')" He ' clai ms ·that


lroLl pr b~' I.h n!ted StntCs food lid · mlnlstru lion. • 0 ... ;b 'l'he stories boUlcrlng CO lladn lire n " r("~ .111 ,. Id Cilll hl(jnf'lI ror lp o f lJl~ snn,e genera l 'clLOrncter o · those ~orn UlUm,,·, 11 .. ,\ I ,'\~ l"'c~ntl.l· he II 'inl!inllati alol!e will ~lIve ·3.00a, and the United 'Inles toad IldmlulSt rn· I'l'\ '1\',',II1 UI1 11:11' ,,-Ith '11111 1I1I t" ijUI'('~SS ()the~ pIUCl'::l in j)rO\J rlion~ Of course lor r cen lly Il eltoun r.c(J In th is C lilt· In SOI'lll',,1 nr lilt' 1111'/,:( r ~'l'\V ),:llrl, ho- these pricell IIrtl f(IT Ci l\cilluati con Iry. su'1I ns the rIdIculous snlt ntHl " wI,, : Til 1II:!1:.., thl·r.' \Ill" U hllif I'tc)lt II ~ \Ilqpti. )O . bllt in /Jllp rohubil ity other bl ueing fu.mLne fnkes ll.Dll tllo r POl't thnt the goverumeut wouW slll7.9. Il'"tllfl~ tril;!' t'l1l' 1}1llll" nl ii!<. "Ix Oli n!! ~ r,lwns' will .g et the Ut'o('t1t, e8P~cially 1'\I~lCr Knl.slltn ", Iw,tl\-!' (t\!llcps or \ lly n vill , hDuscwlves' stocle!! of home CRuncH 'lI~hl S~'I IIP 'II' liof) I'!'. f"1lf "c.t; . • nlnel' r ·o!lowinv. ar Bo rne II~. the cbnn~ed goo(/~_ . nf ,.-nlt, 1i ,") (lillU"~ l",lul\u [Jowiler. priceR, Illgeth I: \ itl! forme r prices: Tlte Cllnndlan ,tood controllcr ~s t1· one IIIHI .L IInl! flUI1!\~ 1.0'-"111",,1 "'111 Pixle') Forme r mil tes thnt when the people li st II to


nnr! n lI"i r 1,,' 110,1 I·.\,(o 11(1111'. The Per [.b hlli ter flll (1 ~j' I'\l" xll"n!.l h, . Ih" "ooA'h ly ' CJ01'nOl e a I . .. ... . ...... : .'1"-' ¥ / 4C IIilxCll; I H'n IIclll I I.. (' ;:~" I;111tllln lI y. 0 ( I !'Ollr In 011' noll l; {Plti n.1I1 l it" t'YI' fI, lUt a mull ....... ..... _.. (Ie Hulled oats .. -........ fic mI.' d willi 'CUfUl'wa l !l1I,1 1lllllll'I( )IIIII" Macatom., w I10IC... !.Ic (Jer _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MaCaroni sh.)rL... 7x, c

ot f!o lcller'l:. "Storhlij wIthout lll'ell n vcatlg Qt t()Un')H tlon hn"o heen aCilLcor d lll'!)ntl· sulrl


unndilln,,~ nt.

";'' 'or bnve llicy CQI\l O to li te cus\ullly_ l 'hey bllve sln"lcd ~llnu l tnn"ously In dl rrer ent pu r ts or. lb coilO\!'Y qnd In

5@ • 7C

6 n ' Hc . 6® 6Mc 10 n J6c 10 a 12t; Ricc ....-.. ... .... ..... ... ;"ic 9€r1 3c Ric (broken) ........ 7X 8,Yo c Navy bean9 .. ....... .. 14 ,Yo" '19 It 20c


ench Instnnco hnye been caIC\lla tec) t o ' DrOIl~e public In dignat Ion. "l.'hey 'ure I nsh1!QUR. 111Ibilc. pl'l'slst· Cllt. lru ~t.

blt .Ll1('~· .1Isglilnlc pubUe I,;rcI,t e~se nlJll l In tllll work

Ult by

th e

benr trom c.rlrlelsm ; "to r etrnllt (rolll pllsslng on the . V\lgrllllt nnd hn"mflll atory, nnd thus tlla Inore elr cU.-ely . to co-opernte In work 'w hi Ch Is ~o lllg ' to menn more thun O,e moJorlty ot . people yet realize."

l?nr~h()11 rOTlltlll'n l III th" t cli t:ure (I f · lhese . elI" llllN I! ' \\'1.h'01ll.'119

b'Jrst. the 'OI'nUl '1I1


element In p'roportlon to Ita means. It Is '11 matter of equality of bur-

' dim; a, matter of minute slI vln" and .llbsUtutlon at every poi nt In




the 20,000,000 kitchen •• on the 20,000,000 dinner Ublea, and In the 2,000,000 manl!faoturln", wl'tole· .. Ie an!! retail eatabUsh'm enta of the count~l'::""",,-_'_~_

· Sys~em ..•. ~

IlAWD., W.a~esvil1e, o.


n c- hlllf>ll CUi>-

" lu tlioW PI~1l plnl'cd In the o\'eJl Ulld Illh'rl't! (t·"I)II'lItt.l· 111\1 11 . \t ' I~ II !ltil!cu,c hI'''''"'). '1.'11(1 ({ (hel' Il)gre-





dlc"l!" .11'(1 1\


l l(,tu llli


QlJn or




hl1l~<lr and 0 1(, ul\~t n huH

CUIlR of wn H'r. rL Ihl! Pl'lIl1ut hll l_leI', WII tt'l' null $"~!t. I\lId h"'lt. Wb ll l1 1 Ihl~ mlltluJ"I) III hOl Ktlr Ln I (It. ri"'ul wit leI shoul,1 I\I ~O ha hot. Ben t t1ll)r oll g hly. Th ,., (lo\J~·lt •It!>tI I.) btl u'r such ~Ol1!,l!:I ell<:l' thOt It r"ll ' ho droppcil trom n PPI! fJll.- rt'l}te I" smn ll cnlWl ill nn Ul1 !p'c'lI:;ecl lllll! . . 'I.'lIla mnk('~ 10 hls~ ultii_ elf"h i1t which 'Jntnlns onoIl:th of UII ollue~ ret p roteIn. '


I j

.- ,- ~

Strict Accol,l ntl ng: A bU%lUl!!IIl moll. r(>quII'I'S ~hos' will'

Respectability. II I(}n' l'I'sppc:l a h' j\ h p ts. ,


~I i am j




. _. 1O~ 1(l!lI o~ h'i.




. . ..

Speclltli ~t

wor th 7 •

U I'l!JI'" Pr·uit.

K !tl'tl

Wilh TIFFANY .JI(W EI Y Store Xenia hio

SyrUIJ,lilSht •

Bec('hnut Scrap Tobacco . a oz. pk!! .. . , _. .. . ... . . .. , ... 1 C t!lr T Qba 'Ct'. jlound. only . .' f>5 All t.he he t Brandl; of iga r : a t th o'd price)! - I Qolds. DiR'JJlnnd .Ioc. 'on 10 Ii 'e, ('ach 5c


r eli ving Rve ~I rR ill

Offi('\! !In ri l"itli,,1!' R')ol1l I S : \l ulh [l ~ 1 1 oft ·1' t· l.t

orn leal. White I' II emn lhlll will Ilnp. N t' \\' " rlll' Enl{li ~ h W ain ul s. Pa nl'Y Lm -r' Pi~ ~ . I Jen I.V "f Orallg"<>s II IHJ Dried

un d li n rk. all sizes,


and Jor'llrnving Defee l,';e:' Vil!inn hy , la~!l1i'8 .

. .. .. .. fit! 1·' loul'. I_lin

HlIr.k\\'hl' ut



1::1 s l ill in tho Ju nk hU Ainees. Save llil your Junk fo · him Ilnil he will all on you anti gut iL be~ ve ordl!rs OllJ)'l I lIk;(:' thl~ cold Wf' H" r . . ut. Whit '::I $!'rti~ e ~y fo r all kinds Of Huv 1{, Ujl"!l Hbh'om. Bf,J tt r ('ru , t llr 1 E't!\y J q II .B1'~nri, l lll tille. fr ·~h every day..... Wg Loa\'('s


COME, LOOK AND ~EE reamt'ry But. and ,IOtl't fOr~\lL we sell l!"!dgel'!'1on t ·fllck ers.

Churnltl'ld nnd t~ r

It pa s teo , lrarle at


The best line of !-h·ating toves tmd RIlnge9 in t his P f1tt flf Ohio ann

the p r i('e Ilrfd w. as I bo uJrh't ib~m before . h ~ last two ad Vl\nCeli in t hell gouds. DonL put it oft:. as rhc:'Y Ilrl! gn ifll!' fust, and th, tiexi will bl:' very mU8h higher. At lha oM st and.


WANTfD···50,OOO LBS. or POULIRY Will'pay tlie' Highest Market £rice. Let ,us ,know wh!\t you have to otTer, 'by ma il or phone. We pay long tlista,pce' phone ell rgl·S .

B ell E 1519.

Home. Phone 3561.

BEN FRA~K" 2215 E Fifth St. D~yton, '(); . The Tri~State Patron says:"No. T~ank9, Mr. Station M fll~. lifte r c~tting lhe!eed· e1ea~in · the stnble'~l1lk lnll.the C? W S nnd runtllog ihe'Hllpa rator, I wm also bu~ ?wn r~ ll.road ~Icket Instead oC PU) inl( yo u a FAT ~ommission . . If th!':! I II

anylhlng ea sy uho ut iteeplng co

Vi! .

I want it myself ."

Every farmer ~hould shit> his <!rell m DIREOT tp the Cream~ry .

.55 Cents,

per Pound' for Butter Fat week b~gillnin~ January MAKES BRAN BASIS THE TRI-STATE . BUTTER'- CO. OF:MILLFEED ~INCINNATI, OHIO

o f 'food control.· . "It li es with e" ory Ittrllvld\I!1 1 to fpr-

ADMIN ISTRAT , ON SAYS : There I, nq roya l r O;ld ' to f o od conservation. ' We 'can onl y ac. compllsh . thll! by ' the voluntary ·actlen of our whole peopl'e, eac h


Per Lb


I.n B bnl.tJlllo n



mini ~ tr~ t or

nnd puss on s uch storlos. e/l ch ono bas the Ilow.e r at .destructlon thnt \le8


\I t fai l, and IMt October' be. "'itn his wif • r 'lJI \I\:l'd In lhl! hl1me. fl f hi q SOil,' . uLhan . at ' IJring \alley,



'1'11 \' "' ''I'' 1I t1 l1glt II II III It I ~ nRhnmCll fi r, !illl'S ('; (I I" '~e U(orJ1urd •' hu w, th o

... . . . . .. . . . ... . . 10e

l3i~ 1 ", Mal~hp. .

. 'pring Vall y.


In lhe Will"• • 'I' hero Ill'O n cure of ('01'0 nrod nCIS Uiii"t to(Jay f)n . S IlllUSlln! IU\THH'ln nl' rur Amcrl<:nn. '01'" .~l'T IlJl r Ir sw' t·


- -_ .._

Ballard's Buckwhf'u( P'lour l,kR' .. .. .. .. .. .. Hi


.11 c fu - ll'itl'rP II I ;:nH.lIner h flll~hrul mell! lIera) .was h ,,111 ,\lIld. I' fl ' " IIlIl).: f Ul l1l ocr. all no ing th(' chur<, I ~er" i c:es tiS 11m, pl'lIr h',r'lr . lI o lll<I'wl" 'H Il~O h~r late. ~!() . " :If lQ " , ·lr,r~. ~ev. lonl! a,; hell it It IJf'rtn it t ~d. coml"~ to ,·,'nll7.!' t hnl ,'V t)' flOtllld ot Aboullhrcoc Y'IIr. nC(ll. his health .. hent );''''1'11 In Am ~rlrn n"~nll n [lilund M O~!I u/lre;tltUi - Iflll:l'Ilwnt .\ll~ n· 1I'1"~nt 1'I, lpUNl'd


Aunl .1(' milllll·1' Pan ('Ilk £!. I"l uIlrH . _. . ...... 12 }~ c


l'U~l;li ~

.tIlly "

I .",

.,. . T.'1dg,'. llt:'l I\~ ,~'r , In 1 70. .h~ u-nit\'cI w illi the I'ritni lie HIlJlll~t 'hll rch Ill. MIdcllel'Ul1, hom flle. m~:t" "" : , } .n\t ~\ III

C()l'n hrl'l"I--llslil f <'I1I'r, \\llll\! ,' lIt!I·\)t.;!llnhll{ . 1I g'1'1',li"l'r )1(\"111111\ 'Ity




..~ I" ,rn in


r.. (';\'.



i"l en tiNI I. it ill xpecte1 tha t this I,'.! \l'ill \0 made begino in" JanU l\ry :w In ord~r Ih u . Ihe data may be ~ulll mllrizet.l in . tillle, Ihe teacher s !1r ' lit-i ll S( url!~<l l o I11l1ko l hei r reo

il II Al um inum , only . . _. . . .. :tic

taken to th h me 1> 1' hl ti. ull(' lr. htlij. Wrig ht near l\liddl ~ l'u n rh ur'h wh " ro he gn' \V to mallhovd (! l'Iy all or ... \1>- '1'.: I, , ' I \I th' , ,I " Hil h"h !ift' was SPE'll t III Gre Ile and Warren ,,,. J" 1', ./ I , ' ,' .,t ''' ''' I' h'o: !~b counLie~ . resiQIIlR' for UliOllt Ih irty .\1111 11 11 ;1 r. rh " II hilI( 0)1\ " " eight }ears wilhin J,bllU I one mile of c', fI," " 11">'~." • i • . r - ~; ~. Wnyncsvfll .... on tIl(' 13 IIIJr\lo k pike. _ _ ,... _ Augu::I t :lOIIt. I 'Ii. • he was unitt:d . In marr iage III l\hr.Y E H Ililt es . nrit.! l,. \hit\ uniun Wert! l rIO fou r ch ilthen: Antla L aurll, N il ' .IUI IL Ir n\:l Aun and ~ iJliam AII'!Il' Two vf thc~e ' U tv\v/? nim: .\1 r~ ,\nll It n91110 . of neo l' 1i ,11':1un . liIld ' ",than 1.1. of

Ctl II~" 1\1 Iht· m.lkl,,)! 01 ,·,Illlllr)· \I'hlle


\ 1 \ ""


.I uhn 1111,1

t \\1)

11,,(I ln~ 1Z"l"'n!l~' lJ\I'n'Il 't-

II, I I,,) nllw rlll'ltll'N


It .

U~l~. 'l nl~ ~ 1 .. 1I1'·'" t) ;l i S


L- rgl'

I 01,10\. '\II~ " H .'. I .; , lit, \\'0.1'; 11" , '" lin. lot ,·id ' lI i:l ( :" I ,,\, ',,1 :;IX 'htlolrcn all " '.' ( 11 .d J "It" m '1'1" ,'t·t! hIm In tll'alh ex· ~~t t inll' 'llie "1'1'( Ill'\'. 1))UIn!l. Ha", e3. (If llo\\l,rb\·I!J. ,. UIoIIl IJi!! falhrr diNI wh n he I \lH 1,1, IIIIIC Y ars of -!oCe and hid nHlthur r"Ji<" W4'd ab LI

Wlh ' U( h Ut!> 11('1)" St' lif in l:llnl(lt ' .

th em.

Special s This Week


III lllo 1I1l'UIUilll~) Ilw IItltion ' ~ l-I lIq,l u!i

1'!l(! lu~ IIltrus I ~d lo

1· lt·lclwl' th!! ,· ... turc. I~ an Impor tout one. III Hawk IS I·equ~ t lll.!" that a lest t)f! II, r o chllnlltliJn by Goverrlor 'Cox and mad uy the rural u!ld village 1\'110:\1 - in Ihe word sent by th e co unt y 8upt!r.

'I ' l l

\hiM JP lr I h lln


of our




lltl'rQ UI't! nl"I'II.\ill1utd

~tal l()ll. COUlIly



I tI"

Ijl'r",." 1'.1\\". lwwt.·'llr, lih\ , 'V i t 'lll l' l' ul'hlllg 11i <.' u lJII , ·r"':'i UIII' { ' (11I~ Ill h' ,'"


~g rh!ultul'~1l 1!:~llerlm(,lIl

(Ju un ty.


~ \ t~ r !o\

8 t" i<W t< ('III


r, I (1 ,lr t .d. ,l\' l ' .. lilH /I !' ' I l l ! ' ~'l4.1'~t is (JlHlli. 101;,. \. 1i.<I III I' it 'I:, I r ull ,: " .,,, ,, IIl1 dlliun!l. \ ~ J r ~ ... , 11\ Lt( ' I' trl. l ll \ ' , ,t: , j h \.\. Il t U'l) H Ill( st t: t' d 1 ~ irtlt' r .. '" Ill,.! ~'I' IJl q of' 1.'1t xIH.) riPllC('8

'whtg III lI·t"\~I\'H· lIIll"lt .1II1lr'ultI ,· ~ by Il l' \\1\ 1' ItH' 1" , rtll'l'( l p 1I11' H' 1


\\,j,"ld provf' a

be good I not stfltlfli ng th e t ~t ')'0 mude ." HI huve u great dt!al t.l n !lU PP~ '",li nt iltve ' ligutions 1111,1dll \1) wilh whptite r Slllle Ilnd ted~ ral oi ~ 1 the Co ll oga of Al(rI. 'ulture nl!ll .thl;' ·will he needeu b~ ur uffurderl th l :1

MI~~ Illllh

tho. corn;

It', the excellence


CIUl l:;!..." )



.ll,," ~

.( l'U Wa." ut til ll"~ tll l hldl~

HEARTY DISHES ' Corn-qleal croquettes. Corn-meal fish balls. • Meat and corn-meal dumplinga. pohmta,


I I . 11 \.1·'

IIHJ '('0,,11111' 11 1111 .. hloll' ·'·d.

DESSERTS Corn-meal molasses cake. Appl e corn brea d. Du mpljngs. Gingerbread. Fruit gems.

'Fhe 'r ecipea are' in Fann~rs' Bullet~ 5'65, "Corn Keal .., a Food and W/lYS of UsIng It," !ree from the De~artment of AaT~culture. '

l' I~ I -t' Hl,

1"' l1 h ; , t~


Itll l',' hc d ('~H'n Ul l lHi' ( ," 1111\1 1)'

t' IS 1111111 III

Griddle cakes. W&1flea.

IIt'HI f!lt,d

aro tU! ... i.IHJIH~

It c.!OIlLUlu ~ uti cli" t \ l l' lJ)l-' lI l~ h"+ ,1..11 t ICHOIl Ih • hllily lu u "Iale (lr hl'lI 11 I, ill/II \\' 1 1 ~u used H t'l.'lInlJlI".! In t 1:\' :-if orl"N u f Cdcll "PI'hh~':'. t," lll " \a.Jly \vb"I) " , til· l'lnt'll wllh "" Iii!.), ' " I II, r tlol/ lOr "II ". rn!. will ~u~ ""' lit,· ,," !,.f!lclll' I.L I ... · dIa n \\'u rl'hil':O hI ""l\ll1lH\ I.1 ll. ~ Ii " II t111

There are at least fifty ways to use corn mea l to make good dishes for dinnel', slIpper, lunch or breakfast. Here a:re some suggestions: ,


rlll'lI cm!!. "x,' ,,'11·

u~o 11 01111)11' :-\



ers of the :e II corn t o ff!v('al the ('b II,dler. who has b ell situation in thei r "i~lri(:L~ Slhl ll' re· • I" dl<' ~ , teal'tilW II , the "l·It Uli "h ool,. for II t ur n the r u lt:! of th' tl!. I~ l(ll ill l I \ I ' tI ' 1.1' . , 11urHb t' 1 of j l~ ilri4. Pi\ ~(" the exun ii . fie will !lend til m 10 th e l'" lI tl).tC' (If in • ". llbllull (It L"l ulIlhus .rf'I'I'll ll.v . IIn\1 A"ric\lItul'l'. 'whert! ll l!!v ' will ut' I 11>,1'1111 :.. 11':.1.- "ward ,, ! a Ii I''' t·I'l'tltiC!I[~. We !\ umll111rizl~11. If I be S Uf" Y ~hl) \\, , I I" Ih,' I 'U/IJ:-atll l'll' lhl' \ .,unp. ludy un her that ttltoi ('ounty file I! 8 ~e l 'I O u ll'l'll I, - ' .~ ". - I!' 1111 hl'llll1l'_ . Cll rJl !lh orl-ug" ·. I c1cl'al mon~y Iyill llc' ti n . 111l l"'"~ u ~ ell ill h u in.2' ~",,'d ('nr n in IllcaliLi • .II ,.\' I .. . ,, ' I I ', " rIlll I' .\lllh~"·to\ll",, Upmrrl's " Mv whlolrt! il i!l avuil llbi . Hnd • ellin!'! II 01 I I ,··l· , 111\ • • F '\I,' Y, ·;. I , in 1.• r'lIl1l'I" hilS b ci, ' ''Rt 10 furmt!rs . As the proliu(!1ion of ('orn ill I hiH "I' . , I.'. pr" .- I· il(' t I·' "Il r 1·ll,· 1.i.llrury by 11. 1 . ~" \il ~ .J I· ' ·'!lI I'·. eI ' d,·I·. Tid,; book cpu nty i~ 1.:1(;0.1),0 hUllllels II 'c'll'di,l )!" " '" I . II til ". / 111. " Ill g . ~lt· 'I·aru.

'lIIlllS , /II'ul ,111111111 ';11',,(101) l)~­

Ut) rn I s


• t · II ,,',1 I

JO,uoo IlU~' I .. IM, ,ult ~u \tt i I.t! wu rl d:! fUlld :-.itllllll ,' I , urn, HlI~ lIf Ihtl

tl UIISU\\ " ' l:'!'C

of its uses:




delicious ways of cooki ng it? lid wbat y ou miss by not , knowing more about it'/ Here nre a few


of the Un i ted S l~t ..


.\!lIerl,' .1'8

1111: ;~t ( ~IO,t

1' ''il l, .1

Corn'. Infinite Variety-How mllch do YO ll know about eorn 1 About how good ' it· Is ? A bout tpe many

HOT BREADS Boston brown bread.


H;lS Been Sen t to FQmlnc Th rea t· ened Eu r ope.

I l !



~",al·~t ,'') I")' ,.I I .'111'0 I 'ft 'J'II(1"118Y hlornitlg ' h':1 ("l'I'Il I tl'jnin hlt, ship allml!w bl'ro ill Vir I lotH"''' h. g illl;\ • h 1 '! 'I,C ', wal\'-~ I () thank the 11'; ',,;'1 ' I~l" I r..lti Cr,.",; III<.Iil:,.loI· IhIJir Il~tna ' . . I llllll \If, "('1\(10"". ",,!rIll' • C;)lc - Ill-' ~ays " • 'lIr.1 Ihl" nrt' ' I'r ' fln . '.'


IISurplu s


III till:! bllst aVllilable information, lind the 111:1 ell~1! fl f'vn ll'd to t hili ("rOI) i ~ .)il. ltlO)CrI!lI. thl' pl8l1 tfr'l'g .ot 1)1101' II~<·!I ur tt. · inllbilily 10 llet 1l1iC1.od

l.ul' l·. ssm nt t tl th u crop ill th s C[·U llIj. 1.,1" - '"II • nllln I"uunt/lin f' n. • ::8'1.' 11 rurnl ' lind vllhlge fch ul r" I· ilhh l' pI ~l' l"I\\''' at q ' Ztoit te office. h ural nnd \' iillilte tea 'h ~ rs of War L,.U\· I; 'I' i fI~k(' d by Ih COIIIII v fluper,. /h I ., ". r n CO Ulll . • tI;I 'Ii us Ihu; l' vi lht! 'Inl(l'lrl~rtt to t a.k j! keru!!l\:! Ir~ m , • II ""Y' Ilum - t" ~Ir. (illil Mril. J C. r st of litll stille. Ire t,:vln\r (U do "':H'1t of 50 eU I',. of CM u lind to malle , \1>' 'I~' hi !o'1( ,nllll. ' Ill! ·l'llI . Ohlu, 'l'uetluay. thtlir bit IQwuru rtl ,k!tlng thli1 uilll'llI- u d"'mnn KtrlltiO,n . 1 sL ill IIccordunce, ., I I,' 1--.. t IY Jill ll ul'S' .l.! . nil , Il, SO li iflg l! uu corn !!hor ta~'E;I Itl Olti" . with III l! tr u ctiQn~ forwarded 'lo th e m . I\'"~I Much of the corn lhll t 1\1 IIl",uj(h l to 'J'li " tH'ruruey wit h which thiR tt'st is

~merlc a 's


i-----------1 SCHOOLS Will



, I

Learn Something-Corn! It isn't one food . it's a do zen . It's a cereal. I t's a vegc:t"hl. It's a bread, It' a dessert. It's n utritious; nlfll'e food \' alue in it, doll a.r for dollar, than meat or crrg'S or most other vegetables. It's good to eat; Iu w ~Qo d you don't know until you've h ad co,.n- bre~\(1 proper ly cooked , Beat of all, it's plentiful alld it's patri()tic.





.. -...---

State F oue) Admiiilstrato r Croxton has issued nn order fixing. the prices o f mill f eed mad!) from wheat Mil · lers are not p e rmi.tlen ·to ch.a rge for a to n Of bran mora . than 38 per'·cent. of the average cost of wheat at. the' mil!":. For .illstunce, wilh the 'aver ' age p rice wh at 1lt.·$2 Oil. the pI ice Q~ bran fr Il'I tbll miliel" must not be mDre than '$2735 a ton, tnking bran aR t,ho' ba~is of prices. For !lhorts'(lr other st an~1ard milld.lings the maxi: mum. p ric~ fs fiK. Q al .. $2 Per 'ton above the bran prlc~; In,lxed feeds '4 above br~ryi flour ~lodhngsl9 above bralJ an r! . reri dog ' $15 above bran 1:hest' pnl :es , Il~~ fo r bulk ~~ods. /l n !lack ,d 01: m otb. r contamer, th" Cr) t uf -til c:,:uU\me l's may he




----. -~ ---

PQlllohlng .Olll",on~G.

F~te and Fancy.

Itlllldle money to nccounl. rol' \111 Bero .. tJ e pl')U>llillll; I,i 'n dlomond 1.1nny of U8 fec I thut Fnte b08 Dot ptln~l tur s. holds nn eUlptoyee r spon- Is bugtm th ru ..)0 ~tlll\' ~1I"t b. h eld . ~l'nl (1 UB fn!rly-Ihl\t It \\'0 ball haa Klbtu for tbl:' full IIniQUOt trusted 10 llrmly. Thl ; hl '\.''''tnt,l~Tit'tI h~ hulldII1'It ,"1\1 s ucb lUI opportunllJ' bow tuU hl n, nnd t1 ewundl! "llUcherlJ for 'lIll Ills· Ing Q l(Jpl' moh) fnr It. '1'1\1' 111 . *1 Is ,'lei "tlt\!'!fylng IIle wOlla be, AY8 a blll·'flIHents• . Eveu . tbvh ll.c mny II t flMlt rOIlAhly ~lI'II"'f1 try IUlIlrJ. and I "'!llt'l) t of hUlllon ullture. But Fate be ~nllStlod \\'I..lhllllt a cll~h Ilu\llt by ! heoted. It 'I 111"n I":' "lwei u. Clen III'''W IlCCnr,lte. litter all It · WI! 1111. Il"cuontnot. ?cinteriul llhtlu ld \.I. ' 08 n Cef!llllf;9 IiI 111 Ill., '!Ill" 1".~roctJy. (llll,' Illok uround U8 WO WID dJacovllr n4cllul)ted for 01) cxuC1tly the I18 me Whllil It IF. t1w.ry .. ClIs h (!sIM (ItltbOUSlh ))o!!- nRllla oorl e!bly leu rlaoroualy), I<Il7 ·8t"plaeo I ftrilJjy by Oilman, III JDduttial ManapDI8Dt. I ltOIle elm

Nil 1'11-:111. \1 I~ ....ated

~t"I" Jr'. \lpc,1 In.

"1\111 IllI too qui kl.l'. Ulnt til" , ' ",b'o m

w,' fll llRItlt'r more "tortuDllte" II• .,. ... !IllU~ Bultl!!r Uloid. tile IUlirh nlll! neo mo", to CODt8ad tbU bO ~dllMJ CI4S1If.. ~e . Held


25 ,000·of the largest producers hf\ve fQund the·Tri.State · always de,' pend able and most profitable . .. bo.not let the Station Buyer t Ik .out of your c~eom and make f o r himself a profit of about 2c pe:po~~d ,ohr more. ~hdlPr U your ~cxt CRn or if you need cans we willserid . ,t em ptepal ?r ,30 ·days trIal.. " , ' ..




THE cSt tOe AND Matches, Blue Tips, while they last .... 2 bQxes.~. 5c Powder Pu:ffs, wool~n tl1at ou can wash ... " .. . . IOc' Pot Cleaners: the ~md with a h~ndle. : .: • .'lOc & 5c 10 QuartDalry Palls, don' t leak . . ' Turkish Towels, large size. ~ . . .... • ........ . 25c 15c . Chair Seats, s1t!al,l, ~edium, I~~g~ :: : IOc Je.rsey Gloves, th.e kmd th.a t keeps warm ..... ; .. ; 20c .M~ses Caps, small and dainty .........•... . ... 25c Candy, the best, you take your pick 'at per Ib 2Oc. Chocol'!-te Drops, .flavored and plain ..... , . ~ :: : : 25c

-.: ::::::::::



.8arpJaa .' .


" •


Th~ Il l'li dl'n,





WEATHER DURING , ;. THRIfT PRACTICED PAST COLD SNAP IheThrift must be prac~iced. by curtailm ent of consum ptton,


iUDI(, Ilh t'lul und ~: (- I~ ",kid I' . I'h l~ r, II~III lu au liv can·rull y anil ilav ('~ p~r !liMtt.'nt ly. The cC(,Inl JIlli ca l .mllll spend " judicillu -< Iy, bu y!! wI~t' ly and WH", I,'!! nOI hin{t Th e inlluR lriou~ I Il1(n .W01·kR ha rr! Tho miser h ~ nl ds But the man of th rift spcndH \Vi ~e l\' The gov. ernmen l's War Snv inl( !I tam p piau p rov id es the medium for practica l I1ructice of \hrif~ . I<'o ll 'w Ihe ('xum).Jle of J OReph in th~ land uf El{yp't; JHY tiP r e SoI U "Cc S in tim es of prosp\' rity for l,Io!;Sible times oJ' IIdver~i ty An Ilccum ulat ion t)f War Savmll'~ Slump lind Thrift StA mps will accomrJ Ii ~ h I he sump purpose . Thrift at once earns ar'id '~ves with II view to wholesO me a nd profi table expend itu re a~ a fit.· t1nj;( lime N o '", iM the time to exp end for War Savings Slamp~ anri Thrift Stamps . War Savings Stamps Ilud Thrift glarnpl'l.,ff r II direct incent ive to econom ize and sllve III'1U


The w~,l e ,. I'il . _, I .. v,'r l.uW Il ,."al·C I budl Y rr ozon til >PUbe CHid ' nu p - lIla nv of Ih<'n1 "u r~til1l! Thursd ay IIl1d Friday , durinJ! thll W al'ill all!'! I 1a ny l.Ju~ln a~8 tlrlwl W(!I' _ clJl11j)elled to be without Wl.Il tH· ror lwo ur tlire ' W"l·~8. 'lIL1d manv ("1I1IH lt Wll! lhdr h u1" "11 ,1\ y ' I , U ~ I hI) 1/1 lIlII ht'r man hUH 110t been ~bl e lO "I ~ il ~VCJ v J r ozen hyd rant as ~ \!l , It W 8S IH)L an U IIU unl HiJ.dlL III ~l week to sile people se lting fire tu tht-ir outc(oor hydran ts, allrJ while many of thGIl1 Wtlrn th;Lweu out. th " cold 'weath ~r \you Id sobll frel'ze IheUi UI) IIll'uin . Th e' w~8th e r:· Sutllrdli~. The .wind ' ClllOb uut (J'f·tl1e ell~t, und eurly in th e' morni ng the enow lr(!g an Lu filII, but tiL 0 '0011 it ~tarted to ruin arid ~Ieet , .Blld ,JlCpl it up mosi Ilil of lh o dny, l1lakrng the ~olol<' prelty bad. . , . . . ' , .. The mnil boys have' been nluggin g along with hOl'se~ ':"nd; 81el,,118, a nrl have 8erv~d theIr cu ~trupe l' R nOl o withs tan d in!,!' t he co!rt· \o.;eaJ.hll r. All hai l to the Be bl'ave fdl(Jw'S','W ho ha v" on ly missed two or lhref.· dllY!! de· livering th ir mail , anll when they did miss t here was un ex tremely good cause for so doing .


Tnrift t mps are Loyalty's Snrapnel How Small I vestors can Help . the Government and Earn ·Good MODE!Y on Their Earnings don ' t 1], \' lo bea millio naire or have barrels of money to help Uncle Sam Y OU wjll this war. Dllring JUl the 'tatcs Gover nmenl will raise $2 ,000,UOO,OOO in


qU ~ rl

r'>, halve's and doll mr true .for 1llc 'au t;' of lihe rty.


from the people whose hearts beat

The World's :Gre:lLtcst Finan ciers Prai e t he Plan. It Makes an Investor of Everybody with a Quart er btl y Thri fl Slamp~ for 2?' cents e~eh.

When yOt~ get lGofthe~, bypa~ ­ be glven a regIste red WarSa ,vlngs Stamp . Ille addltiona.l cosl is J::! ce nts in J a nuary and 1 cent morc as each ne w month rolls a round . YOli e;'tll

illg-a few cenls ('xtra , YO LI


[~~~y@ON] WHEATLESS RULES . RUN'II LScntl y S;)t' llt Sunrloy in

Whole' Numb er 3464

THE GOVER Nl\IEN T PAYS 4 PER CENT INTER EST COMPO UN DED Q UARTE RLY Thll S, a Wonr Savings Certifi cate that will cost you

$4. 12 in Janua ry will earn 88 cen ts and be worth $5 no all Janua ry 1, 1923. Ask at your Bun k or Post Ollice about this easy way of saving money . Inquir e at stores . Every slore shouJd .have them. While War·S avings Certificate s are not transfe rable, if at any time you need the money , take them to the Post Office and you'll be gi1ven what you paid for them and inter- . est to the last quarte r.


t he denial of the pleasur e of Invest money accum· uluted by thrift in War SavinKs Slamps . J f you b'uy non.ess ential s now, yo u wi ll buy at a time when everyth ing is dear . Buy these things after the war ..... hen you r wallts will be supplied more cheaply; at the present time you can help the gnvern.m ent fllrnish ita soldiers and sailors ,wlth es· sentials if you buy War Savings . Stamps anp Thrift Stamps . Our obligati on is to p rovide. h in one way or anot er, a II th a t i~ necessa ry for the purpose s of lht! war. One satisfac tory WilY to provid e is tor peopl e of the United States to buv War Say· ings Stamps and ThrIft Stamps . A new lesson has been placed in the I:urricu lum of thtt ArTIer· ican people . This is thtl lesson . of economy. Invest money saved by econom y in War Savings Stamps a nd Thrift Stamps . L..___ ___ ~pen diJig

The sno\lHali for last Decemb er totaled 12 inc hes nnd for Jalluary to date ::!5 il1ch ·s 1l1l1kin g a tutal of 37 in hessnowfall for the two months. The lemrera lllre fe ll below zero seven daYH i'1 Der.ernb 'r Tl1aching 15" on two !lays. I t hus h,en below zero nine dHY~ in Januury , with 8 minimu m of IS· 011 the 20th The 12th was dl1l1l1tle~s the co ldest day of which we have any record The lowest temper ature bein~ 15° and the highest tempera tllre'rea ched dur· inlt the duy being 10°. The cold est previ ous win ter we have record of \\10111 in 19 12 . During January a nd I?ebruar y there were a total of 17 days with zero temper a. ture wilh u minimu m of 15". The previou s Decemb er howeve r was compar ati vely warm . The total snowfall for t hat winter was 15 inches. The heavies t previou s snow fall was in the winter of 1909 '10 with a to· tal for the winter of 37 incheli , 22 Inches of which fell in Februa ry. ___ ___.... The tl'mpera ture that winter was com parative ly mild Bnd t he snows ==~~~~~~::::-:==~~~= did not remain on t he g round long, C' E. Michen er.

... .



Monday Is Wheatl ess Tuesday la Meatles s Harvey Gu~ t in visited his lamily Wednes day is Wheatl ess Th e followin){ teleg ram has just ill 1)8ylOIl ' umlay Saturda y 10 P orkless been re<!eived: One wheatle ss meal every day A ship ment of Red CrosB work was Later advices make ifllllp ~ I'aLive One meatlea s meal eyery day lent to headqu arters. the first of last Dr. Dill, Olltpn))ath· 2l S. Br oad I hal com billat ion 1 u ling . sball. 1..10 n Save Sugar every day week and another on Monday of this way. Lebano n. Ohio, forced li terally Bnd absolul ely on Save Fatl every day. week. both whoi csillers and retail r8 until The two shipment!! consiste d of the On "wheat less" days and , in J . O. Cartwr! ttht was a Dllylon further nolice. This III ust be ilOIl' rollowin g articles l strued to melin' that if gro'ce~s d() "wheatl e8ll" meals ot other day. use businlll!!! visito]l I11riday . Space Donated by the Miami Gazet te not-have s ufficien t amount of subRti 98 hospital shirts no cracker s, pastry, macaro ni, breaktutes . to combine tifty-fif tv with 24 co'm fort pillows fast food or other cereal contain iaa Mrs,· Earl G~IIY tlpe'nt .T uesds.y wheatfl our they must Jimit 74 handker chiefs o r suspend wheat. and use no wheat !lour In anv with friend!.' in Spting Valley. salo whellt fl our . Substitu tes ' \Jer· 44 linen napkins form except the small amount that is sweater s m itledunder equ~w~ g h~comhl~' ~~~~~~~~~~~=~~_ may be needed for thicken ing IOUps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Couilty Trellilur e r F, B ~h.erwood 86 pair8 socks ~~~~~~~~= or aravies , or for a binder in com was in town ::laturday on b usll1e8~. 18 pairs wristlet s bread and other cereal breads. As rice flour. oat meal. rolled oatl! , buck·, The Harvey sburg Unit contribut~ to bread. if you bake It at home. use whea t flour. potato flou r. ewee.t po· to thlle ehipmen ts the followin g: . Mr. and Mu. Jaeoo Strouse , of other cereals tban wheat and It you buy it. buy ollly Route 5, were Dayton Visitors ThLt n· lato floil r fete rita flours and mellts. war bread. Our . 88 hospital shirts Ruling means one or t Bub· object is. that we should buy and conMO~E day. '.' . ~litutes may be cum blned to fl out Wherea s: In hi8 wise provide nce, 24 eomfor t pilloW8 Burne ONE THIRD LESS WHEA T and Infinite wisdom , It has pleased 48 handker ~hiefs PRODU CTS than we did last year. Mrs Eva Barger leH Monday equal wight with white flo ur. Ke Almlrh ty God to remove from our 17'palrs socks demand substitu t £l!'! shall M t be "Bave ONE MEATL ESS DAY eyenlng to viait with relative s in $ults . 6 sweater s mldllt, our beloved and esteeme d permi tted to increase price tor these (Tuesda y) in every week and ONE Re\ll'a ted lel'ts on th~ germin ation Obl.e aJo. In the ~hree ' weeks, whIch have membe r, substitu tes. Eva Nulton Hawke; It la Carrie W Allen Fred C. Croxton . MEATL ESS MEAL In every day . of seed corn at the OhIO tate 'fhe foll owinp: Il, torrnati on t aken \'ersily College . of A"ricu l ture Uni · been used In the f~ er~I'!ltate emer· with profoun d'lOrro w. resolved ; that Cholr~an H. 's. Com. "Bave TWO PORKL~ DAYS show . genc}, Mi.,-J. E Jan ney ' visited relative s from pork campai gn In Ohio , . the we the m.mbe rs of Th. Bull eti n No. , under datu of tha t the ('o rll i. g .rminati ng (Tuesda y IltJd Saturda y) ID every but I forc~ in tb~ ,ftel !have qbla lll~ 1rv Club Wayn8llvlll., New Centu.t 8utterw ort h Stillion a couple of Jalluar 24 1918 week. OhIo place on from 1 to 0 per cent. Most of the Ispeclfic promIse days last week . rum far mers . record the followin g millute , as a y, . "Meatle ss" means withou t any corn is t e5l in~ but 10 percent.. A:s breed 881 more ssows and to carry slhrht token of her 11ft!! and worth: "Alt.hou gh t~ere has been lin, nd· lhe resul t of the seriOlls ne cattle, hog or sheep product s, . On of thl ,1. 614 hogs ~o an .av'erag e of 25 6 Eva Nulton Hawke; a womlln of Mrs Ralph Va nce, of Cincinn ati. vanc? In the price of s ugar a~ th re sit uali,.n, tlt e Agri~ultu ral. Co~lege I pounds hea~ler other days uee muttoll and lamb In welll'ht. es In ali. the keen flnertes intellec t. t, h ls forcetu 0g n~t m~Bn . thut any 1ExtensHJII er Vlce IS ~emhng out latter promise l charact er, i~ tbe guest 'of h~r parents , Mr. anti prefe rence to beet or pork. means an increase of for a number of years and at the advance In th~ retllIl prIce IS aUI.ho.r. represelltll~i\'e." t o secure "Porkle ss" means without pork, Mrs. ~ . .c Ha\l\ ke. ol1tions on '41,330 pounds o~ po.rk .. In case of t Ime of her Ized . TbE; 1)r1ce t thl! cot1~ u m r of corn of known Qutllity. death wasiden tUled wi t h bacon, ham, lard or pork product e, 'fhe corn the former pronllRe , It. IS reason8~ lfI this organiz not. mo re thall 10 !'cnts POr pound will be purchp etl with monoy and as a membe r, fresh or preserv ed . Use fish, poulM. E. :Sherwnod. who has been laid for pro · to expect that t here WIll be a net In· itl preside ntation. C8118 and not more .than 9 ~eulR vided by 'ortgresR Ilnd ,ill and In ot her official ea. t ry and eggs. be sold crease of ~.4.35 p,lgs !ar,rowe d and paclties served up for a couple uf weeks wlt.h rh n· for efficll!nt ly. and well sll~a.r, as ~nctr.l}n.ed by th e to the fann ers lit cost , "As a nation we eat and w~te matiem , is able to be out aglllll. saved . :rIllS IS est 1m at mil' an ~v~rage She was alwaYI origina FClOd Ad~II! l str!ltl on III Octoh~r. nearl ting y twice as much meat 811 , we planll The fir8t death in Bp.~in Co. E ltlng 147t the h Rea., week of January 28. of five PIP;S pe~ sow . In addlt!on to for the develop ment ot slloulil be mamtml1ed , Also the I e· rural te!lchel' nesd."_· _ _ __ _4 • ••___•• the club work Mr George Watkin son, of Eddy· ~tricti on as to the amount - not mor~ making lest~ sofall over the slllto we r th e above speclfic fig u res, men III the and wal .ver ready to help carry to occurre d at Camp Sheride n last th e seed corn in thei r field have placed 239 l~eeder hogs In a Bur,cesa . ville, 'Neb, llpent !l CQuplt! ·of.da)!8 5 pounds t~ any one ~ cllstome l di. triclll 11 ful conclus ion plans aug- wee~. w~en Flo~d Harkra der dIed i~ eXI) c[('d th at lhltse the hands of farmers ~'? be finlBh~ of llIotIt week at the hOll1e of ~r . .and sttl l Qolds go~d. ges ted by others She never knew menrng lhs, ThIS breaks the original C. S .,founts . tes ts wi ll vl:lrify tbe res l!lt already , out. These hogs wlelgh approxi Mrs. C. E Werntz. ' discoura"em~nt, and alw;..} , I.Jd le\ !!d compan y's roll , and while halrman Warren Co. Com , obi ainecl, and will II1rilca~e where severlA1 of ' IT)ately 140 poun~B, and wll\ F'red B. Sherwo od. t he most ucutG shortag e IS t o be i ne~ to approxl matel:v fd40 be car· In the endurm g quality of work that the boys have been transfe rred to ~oun.d. was worth whIle. Mr. George .watkin son, who, has . . Secreta ry. other compan ies it is rather ex. found . I weIght. Such hOIlS wo u ot erwlse She imparte d this hope and been visiting relative s hl:lrc fo r the courage pected they will be retu rned to their Persol.s having supplies of good I' have gone to market and been to her co-work er•.•which carried origina l compan ies after they get iJut few weeks • .Ieft for his homle In seed corn f OI' ~al/! art! u rged to ad · 8 laughter~1. them through many tlmf18 of doubt "over there ." Eddyvil le, Ne~ .• Saturda y even .ng. vertise jt in 1h~il' local papers as. well I . ~n additIon .to .the above. . field and uncerta inty, The body of the young man was as farm pOPI rs, and to cpmmul11cate wo~kera anti IIlstitut e speakllr s In Our mutaal BOrrow and deeptlBt shipped to Lebano n for interme nt ~ith the ;,\gri.:;"ltu ral ()l1e~,e Eltten. !.OhIO ha ~~ mad e the \pork Incr~!,-s Owing to the M.onday cl08.inl( <'r· Out of the world war. Thrift is bee sym. pathy in ' bereave ment are arriving there -Tuesdav af ter.noon , SlO n Sen 'H:e. Columb us. OhIO. der of the Fuel Admini strator. the appeal al lOO m eetlnllR re~~sen \n g her.b, extendttheir 'd to her , loved ones, Corp . Forcat Ridge acting a9 escort ing born. S Fred Compan y Expans i,",' Sal ~ ti ---. _ . n total attenda nce 0 ~, I sh' ne esp.colally her husban Spendt hrift Americ a has begun to d. and children . . to will not end until Wednesday, Feb the remaina . The funeral will be save. Thrif~ Certific ates, the A'row ers. Persona l Elppea 8 ave K"en as our sorrow III, th.lra mUlt held Thursda y at his new Depends on P oint of ·Vlew. ruar)' 12th, . late home In governm ent saving been made t o 500 farm:ers . natural ly be greater ; but In both Lebano n , plan, present the Whot n Illnn . coli S .cnthuslnHlll In ·1 • • last word in Baying. their 1088 and OU~8. we have Lhe eon" ," • _ ...._ __ Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Sherwo od - "Ouch ! 'Leav e go my arm. " Dillj't himself. he cnlts gush In olberll.-OID' j People who have never bad at ony IOlatlon .of knOWin that her . work were th., recipien ts of a fine ' box of you know 1 was ' vaccina.ted last clDn'",tl' .Euqulrer. '. Subscri be for the Miami Gazette was well done, andgthat one time enough money for a Liberty IIh~ hu now , :orange s from Jobn Gard, of ; ~on " week?" Cries like the above were Bond can now becom e investor s, in on II' answere d the call of the Master: rovia'. Cal. , last wee k. . The orangea heard all over l he vil.lage fro m young the equival ent of . gilt edged. blg"Friend . come up hig her." and olrl aJike last· \V~k . 'I'he db.ctors came III good shope. . and. the Sb'e rpayinll bonds. Her charact er and services have were kept prett.y ·j·busy With therr wood's are enj oying the m fully: As an investm ent, a Thrift Ger been of Inestim able value to the vaccine and 8(\ores of' pflople' .\Vere tificote ill in a class by itself. club, and it i8 fitting. that a just ted: . Some' l>~titl;y ·sr;~~ ~ rn'ts i As an express ion of patrioti sm, it tribute of respect 't o her memory , . J : E Janney attende d a meeting vaccina hllve resu ltt!d from vlI'CCI!lS1.iun; is (>qulllly desirabl e, for the dollars and -of gratitu de for her l:hriatla n of the Rejall Club, compos ed of Km and ,the ow ners havthe '~ II'eelY-' ~r .11.y There haa been mnch mlsunde r- that are thus turned over to governexampl e be placed among its records . , tucky, Jl'ldiana and Ohio,a t Clnein- carefol to take goO'd cllre ',of' t1l\!ltl ; ItaDdlnl ebout the bread program In ment will be sent forth to fight the Mrs J . F. Cadwal lader. natl lut week. .T~e nieeting 'w as!l too . . morland . It II true that the English· battle of Democr acy against Autoc · Mrs J. W. Ward Hlrre one and a great d ~al of mfor· . n,e qUliran tine lifted, M~ay .!DaD bU11 a 1081 ot brell4 tor le88 than racy; of Civiliza tion against MilitarMrs. J . E. Janney , . mation ' was: aolten by membe rs of' at noon, and a>l th was e re have been no aD AmerleaD eao, but It III poorer ism. , the club: .... -------.~~.-----,. .more cases repor ted to ~he BO.l\r~ ~f bread, aDd 'the Brltiah ,ovemm eot Is The people of the United , "., . Health, it is hl' ped. that the ePIdem iC pa),lnr t200,OOO,OOO a ,ear toward the who 'a re unable to fight, who are Im'prov ed condltlo n8 of roade/·'a nd has ~een stamped .(I.ut with coat or It. unable to work behind the fighting t he one , . traffic.' accommildatiofls will .open ~he cue. All .tlle IralD grown' to Great Iirlt- men and who lack the money with . ' , ' .. , . way to lay in lIupplies wdril)l f ap aID 1.1 taken over b1 the government which -to purchaa e Liberty Donds, Reports from . nelghbO parel for the present Iilnd l:>r thl' Is to tht! effect that cll~el'lng tow ns at an arbItrary price aRd ·the Imported can do no more patrioti c service after. cas~ ' coming' months through ' ·the aener· Ilaye been rppor.ted to. the wheat purchased OD the warllets at than to buy Thrift St'amp a.-By J. ofhcers. oqsoffe rlngs of the S. Fred Cotppa and 80me <!f ~he ' tow'.ls the prevailing market pr!ce. Thill III Oaden Armou r. hAve t aken ny Expansi on 'Saleno w olf tbmed over to the mllli by tbe govem· mea~ures hke ~e did, Rnd soon " . . eradIca ted the dIsease , · meat at a price that allowl the adul· U8E ' mD re 'V ery Buddenly on the tenth of this terated war bread loat or foar ·pounda .' Warren ·Edward s. of Denver; Col.. .... month, at his home near HQntaville, to Iell at 18 cents, the two pound loat III here visiting' hill parents , ¥r and Ala .. Mr. GeorlJe Haines littlnlJ by at 9 ee'nta and the one pound loat at ~ tbe fire readinll" apparen tly In per· c:enta. . fect health luddenl y Bald, "Oh!" and . In France, ander Conl11tiODII . lomedepar~ment at Salt Lake City, and ~ . his head fell forward on hili breaat. what Ilmnar, but with a larrer exup' hiehome. course of Ii 1& wife Iprunlr to hllJ aida and ralaed tft~on, the tour"~und lo&t HllJi for lectures . • .ftertake ·hls retUrn .. ., hiB head but he was ·dead. . .! 16 centa. He Ii lurvlve d by hllaaed ~eDta• W. J 'Kilbo~, Blleaman 10r tQe . Mr. and Mn.. T. J. Baln8l, bta fII .. MAKING MIATL I.. Kilpatri ck Frencb Motor Car Co, The L .O. O. F , l<id~ will hold voted wife and threelO nll. 81101an y DAve ... RIIAN. NT. their installa tion of officei'll Thuradl Y 'sold and dell'v~red thlrteen l"Qrd cars The January ' meetinl t of the New relative a IIv'1nlr in Gr~a , aud Warevenlnlr . Februa ry 7. 1918, at their' In Decemb er . . Sav·nal of t)1eee were Century Club will' be ren ~unti. will be pained W bear ~d owing hall on" North , street. Bro. Cbas closed carli, Thl. 1& a record lor thle to the quarant ine no omitl of hta deatb. In tile 111811tl_ \DInG heillg lifter\. . & tv- CI'OIII district . deputy, will be .t he month and evidenc e tbat the public Th~ llext meeting will be held til. ftel4 tor de'felopln, ne" ~d DOID" lnatalln 1 r; officer on this 'conside r the Ford TBS' \iNIVllKSA,L .Februa ry 22nd, at the ,home 1alaID. dlahll, a!:COrdln, to Ill, 11, NU~ and several of tlie r;rand . OCc:aalO D. of ~~rs OAR . are . J. E Janney. wrlUDa III the' Hotel (JaaeUe. ,,~o" · expecte d to be" pr.ent . officers . All . 8y order of the lilrt'slde nt. U~ that the p~nt lIhortal e· .e.1. bera and visitors are cordiall 'memy wei. Robert ,Burton . of I)etrolt . Mich. , IDIat 8IIel ' tata wUl Dot eDd with ~ come. . ,Mrs. W. Allen . !IOIDlDI of. peace, but IIIQ fI"OW arrived here Mond81, av~lnJr for. r • _ • •- • ante 8114 eont1Dti.e for e.,. or lis _ vtalt wltb hi. parente . Mr. and Mrs. ,.an, mdlDa It w:ortb wbU. . . J _ Burton. "Bobby " who W.811 tftllOlt _nUl of arata. ....... .. Largelt Ingot. badly burned In • fire at .hil boardll!lr The aDe tarleet octogon Ingot mold lib OD a iliON Clr . . . penDlDe Dt bou.. Detroit recently , ~ atill ....... • ..t aD be replaeed b7 eerealI weerln l baud. ,.. but.. Improv iq whleb he. ever '-n calJt ID the UDIteel Stat.. IlIld perhaps In tba world. W. J. KIlboD. the rord .......D. . . . odIw , p~telD food8, !lr rapidly. IIIq lie bu bHD b~ ill .,lte · of W:~::~:ti~~ baa been made b)' one of the great ...s III ftIT IIIJaII pOrtIlnllD.!.~.! Ia· Other Iquade! pluta al til and'" 1OId· canto mel . COIIIpanles. Tbe ac:lunl welgbt lor otber foo4 _ . . III . . watet: bat .... ~ ,OUr SIIe BIll. printed at .. Dot Il~n. but It 11 reported to be . J. C. Sawke u.s. FOOD_,\DMIN IS'l'HA nON mlllUi : : : . : : iItmarI N ., Smltb. It D;, Dr. tw ilia Qaette 0 " . ~ 11O 'tGDa. ..

~~r~r~~~~h~~~~~~ b~~i!;~:~~~aJ~~: T-O ' SELL SEED WILL RAISE GOR N AT COST













---... -

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"'lIh II hl tl. 1 uln" till" ,,~. IIli lrnl n~ Ih,' 1"'1\\ 111111 .111,,1. li ml tI,<}j W ro t;ulT ClllInlr· . Ponlc-' \ l·k,·n. 'J\:IIZlIn )\('nrClIl>d VIIIIII~ for tI uti'II II" .nf esrnpl!. Not tor lin 1l)~ l np t dill lil' tOillve 'I'IIY WOlf. It "ould hu n ' It '(' n ellsy fnr hint to s wlOl H ..'rn !!§ eltl lflr 111' th l lW (l

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WIJ He 13 d at State Fill



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13111flulling lit I P . ... . I hll 1,, 11"911101( delorlbed prOlJll rly ''l-wl\: Doe Ilor~e. I Cc,,,, "'nrm 1m pltllll ,'\I t,lI, 6t>ofoehnld ·l:lo odll. P() I R~Uell, Co rn . liod· l:loy. TerlllA mmdfl Itml"' " on d ...v nf ,,,Ie,

( · lI o\.tll::l.I'\EAR. W N I'!ARr8 -Allfll" l ull in ·url.wrl ,. h li. CJerk K'

[ wi ll ell III Puul. '\lf le o r wh~t I b tt Tlbbl it lt~llnn, n n l iJ u 1I I.1\1"· r Wl\yu eHvtll a ",d !o\prln~ • bur u. lllHt,2 IUII ~ 8 nonhe""r. IIf lildgJ VI II" . 2 ull i o ~unl.h w(!ML ne L.u,I .. , tiL b It tl l ) \,v lf I' ~

Tuesday, February 19, 1918 'ul l lfl emiu f{' II I 10 u'o look 1\ u, .haeo l lo"' I"/( I'ropl'JrL y to_wU: Fo nr 8 tl r ~A" . 3 COW8. i!(\ FilII PIIt1 • ~'Il' IU JmpJ ~ me f:lilrntiHIl. ItI' or 'I\ ltllo;, Hoo ... b lJIII Go Id8 uud nt,b e r IIrttol ~8 too tlumoroa. m El otl no. tie. bl. 11111. tot t8J ru~. ~AM O HARLTON R.lpb U. Balnl' • . Au o l • o L D~1le, Olerk. I



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11'111 1.11 ... my ret!ld 91 Of', I m ilo WHit o. W8)'11"vllll' no Ih.' ' orrl! 1lI," wn .. tbtl WhUE'l1,. 11 , .. fl ll. I' n

TUHday, Februnry 12, 1918


Bf'IJI.olng ot 1 P 111, t ' , ,, ' 1" II II w. IDII d •• o~lu f1 pr.'pn,I., . tI_ wlI· : O l'a lione, 3 C"HI .. , J lllf'h , ,,, ,, 0 t, ~. ~ '~~ d ,'erm,mada aoown lin 0,1\' II' 81, 11. .IAME ~ GlLLl8 Pllt;

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W. N

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Ac oto

---_.- .. -



U l f'rk~,.

- -

Ancient Mirror•. '!'be mirrors of uutl 'p lily were I) 'In etpolly 01 brouze. hht!lly JlolI sllI~t! tl ud about lh e Site 01 1111 "1'llIulIry h:IIJd mlrror_ They went \I~ u n lly l) r\)\' l tI~d ,,'Ith a hlllidle ,11111 <I IInN lm I'K 11'1'1'(0 mounted on 0 S hlllll. T h prln'" \llli rellture of thl'. , nn 1" lIl I1IlrrOl'R Will< Ibe d sh:n hU'lscd on UII' 1J1I1'\, . '1'hey belong to lhe II ~rl ol l nt'"lIIt 400 In 500 O. C. ])urlng ' th e mllle\le Ilg.,~ . (rll lll , tbo twelfLh lO t h.. lui of the !lfll~ nth , ElleD m.• • to. 'Dei buabaDd to. eeDtury. picket mlt...,r, or 8111nll . II !I nil Babe. Par"'", va 13 IIcr"a III TOfU .. , mJrrors Cllrrlctl ot the f! lr,Ue lV~rc 1'111\' DHf'k 10....blp. ,., aldered 0 DecesSn ry PliTt of a IUll y's I r ••Ut•.A. lIar.s9 a~ "b~ Vl11alJe toilet. 1A1!aP0~. rJII~' 01 wa, lbrQQllb oe'I'I~ Lebanu o,llO. B. M. lIudlion .•• el Patrlo~ Be Sure of Your "Eat .." ~.m. . Dem""." loa. llell.h l..ebllonon . 1f tb(' l'q's 11 cnrtu ln f 011 \lUll ~'ou t686 ' . . aro 1IIIce r\,u!JJ ohout don't cut It , 11,1, I ~ . o-.oalJy ai ' to 'fbe Mor- vl ~ ~ n 1111Y91<'1I1U. 'l'hl'rC' nre to,) II1l1l1y '11' ·Beal., 00.• lot. In M · rro", $ I, sooLl t1l lllgs lu the wlll'ld tD ('nt Iho t O. M,81 8 to 0 .. viI I B yer. you 1<" 011' Il l' Good for yuu, li}~ ao,. . ID Wll~bl n ~ t ')D LI WO. ~IPl" '1 ~'vl. Boyer ROq Wife 10 Al tOll . Mter•• l 4y' IIcres iu \' u-b t ng tl)lI D~. J. W. MI&I..E~ . aow ,i eblp. :U .








r '\ ~

W.dnesday. February 6, 1918



I :w ' 1l


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',1 III \"

r l\'cr-b('tJ, ~omethln ll I'fO l 1111 ,I" d llt" of th .. >;treum , blllh. T V th t'lr n08tl'II s itlld CIJUIC UII" grt'w Ihl'k /-1 • I~ I,u. h, IIn<l wtlen III tit' ut of !l ("'udlJ~r euelDl' tlllUl lire. A I Oru rfonehll'l lills, It burUl"o! II1'H" sl" l1'1~11 hlld 10k 'n potIIeSllloD ot lhe snnll Iy, IIntllhe h UR L i!1'OW I 88. II I, II \\ . blli', nnt! \\'118 croueblDI lit th eDtJ or 1\ loug time botore KnY.l)fI <101\ O r, I)' It, Tllroo poreuplnell bUll drllgg~a Wolt could draw forth their h IlCi& IU.ti 11robatc Court 1hems 'lw~8 Inco the edgo ot tho Vo'llter, breathe more treel,. Then they fou nd and Ill Y Ih re Ilke bolla. Ibelr 'qullli that tbe f!n~r ot wad reacblDg out 1 \1;81 ,,10 o f Hlluer' W l'b,)DlpsOD , 1l1f:'rt ond qulverID&,. A IIslier-eat W!\9 to tbe ri"er had llaved them, 10\'01'3'- d""HIHed floill OOOOUD' alJpr<>v;,d s oorUDg at the IrllX. ADd the .lynx, Jaj,re la that trtan&,lo betweeD the h I" oll o w d linr!' oon firm ed . with ellm laid bliCk, watchbd Kllzan rtnn the world bud turned. black, lin d 111 fh m ,UelT of tllo will uf Agn e~ IIml Orny W It as ther begnn tbe IDva- wal bot underfoot. K v la .tllO (ISIlII Will "dO) II~ (\ d to . The smoke cleared The wlud IJ ~Ol.J~ 1 (' . . ,>!Ion of .tlie snnd, bar, Faithful OrllY Wolt wos f ull ot figh t. chnug II ngnln, Dnd ' WU Il It ,low lI "I" 1 M .. ,.,' " II ) fr I ll n le.' ( 'un r l tl f AI' 11011 h" . Ir l1ll~ f\lI,lult.\I'r ill ~ 1\o ulC1 er nlltl (rt'Kh (ro m ~h w ... ~tll"'l nlJ,· th, 'I I ' . l' al$~~ 1 ,Iii ,,, II I ' J Ult~' lI\ r l l h i" ',. with 1\ 111..1111. l ,,'r 1': ''':':' 111,,"'0\, " ' IUI nn 1!8h ~r-<'IIt wn s th e II r~t t,\ m ltl' " . ... - I , ,01 "" ' 1,,1" ' 1'1 ' \I fit '1II1IIt l" o r I h I' nn £! I'y ~11 jl, 1\." 'till , ". I htlC' k, nn d (It)u>-Iy btu')e to tllI~ 1'orp ~ :8 t hnt· I l l' a t l, :#h' 1' q;- j::1 li n M 4..A> \l'd 10 . l.'i~l~f~ ~ tI '4 I\l ",'I,·!.! II J ' ~ILJ n!." w hll .. lll..l (' II . hlt l t il t' f' 0I·,'upIIH· .... \\\'" j n UShJ1 U C,d l' " I' ij will r r j ...;u n t' Ull"UIl I'l I. r,I ~"ll-r tl , I: lin 1I1~.1 rul "'l\ Irltn blill \ IIt'lI t;rll ~' " ,II JO D fl~. (] " .I~' II I' rust.f!tlls ,. 'llll t .. l; elll'll forwll rtl. n il f 11'11111',· lOr \lII " ilt h, Kn w JI 11'1'1 l it.· ~nll tl 1'1Ir, 'rI,. , II II 11 1' 0 . ' In 1'" $IJ'j0.40, PIIIII"I'u l bls attItu de, be UdVtllll' el. It was t hl! ( 0 t r.",·\ U]'-<lrI'UI Ii. '" l1l I.,· '.' '0 \I " "I II! I1I1 Cll l , il II r 'l,tlrl S ( ,IV,.,. 10 t1 itl deadl,)' Dd"llnce of Ule husky trolned In Clliu r . thcll' fc·."t \\ \'I' C ~ .. ru Cr,,,n I'. I .'I'IIII.k 11 . K . , " ~ ",' " " t ... . !l ltlO~:"dtl l. l l\ battle, skilled In UIIl nrt ot k illi ng. It.. us h (i nd burning cllI h"rs, jJr lf, Ul pu l tlull Illl f' rt 't't, I III p llllJr'l I ) mlUl fro m ch111zaUon would ho\'e snld Tbe mOOD wos strllllgO ood t or bod- I nv ,,~ t II lu tb .. 8(,001, d th Peo pl," tbat tbe clog W0811\Jproach!ng tbe lynx Ing thnt Dight, like u sputler ot blood &:'I'ot.lo C.lmVI<ny . of Morrow . An wltb trler;ldly Intentions. But the lynx In tbe sky, aDd thrOllgh the long ellent .nor••, flte or $10 la .lIowed deuDderstood. It wus tbe old reud or boul'll thero was not even tbe hoot ot .tuoled from .be llbov •• mIlD, gcn.e rstlon8-mado deadlier 1l0W all owl to give a 81g11 thllt lire etlll ex-' III lbe ma.hlr 0' ,b. . . of M,r. b, KuaD"S memor)' ot tbat nlpt at the .Iated wbere 7et1terday had been a para- ·ine. E. Mallo" d_ie4 In·Y8n. top ot the 8un Rock. dlll8 ot wild thlll4l8- KaI4ll knew that lory and ••p'....m.ll. dIed. hllrtlnct told tbe ftllller-eat nat.... there "88 notbJnll t:o hunt, IIDd the, Eta".. of W"II.m Z. OIllDoweab, comlng. ond It crouched 10,," ucl eat; contlnued to travel all that nlgbt. With deoe eel . .I. bill aled. the porcuplneB, scoldlDIL Uke Ultle ellll- daWD the, .. truck a narrow swomp ... dreo ot tbe presen ce of eDemlel and alon&, UIO edge ot tbe stream. Bere . Ie 'II. . ...., Lan tho tblckE'nlng clouds ot smoke, thrust beavers had built a dam. and tboT . ., .... 41...... wl"O'O' l*)O,d their qulll:a sUlI more erect. Tho IJIIX were oble to crOl'8 OVl!r luto the greeD I. lb. ......, of Ihe' .....e of la, on ItIt bell,)', like a cat, Its hlnd- coilotr;r 011 tbe opposite aide. For 011- • •n .. K,le; ·deoe....ed . a.or.e E. ' quarters twltcblng, alld gBtbered fw other dll1' aod allotber nlgbt they trav- YOUD, .ppalaled e ••oalor. BODd the Ipril,ll:_,Kaun's te4/l_med 8Cllr~ eJed wHtwurd, olld this broqbt thE'm ,lIOO ,.,, ' Woloo", U. R. Ma, l, to tollcll the IIIUIII 81 be circled light. Into the t.blck country ot SWIUDP 'and aD' ~~. appoloted ap IF around tt. The 17lUi pivoted aa lie timber atong t.he Woterlouud. pr.t...... • circled, a04 then It. ahot 10 a round And all KU.M O ond Omy Wolf came 1eI1••: • ., II. ~. Blltobtn.oD, de. t!Uartl~ ball over tbe ellht teet ot from the West, there CllmB from lhe OM.ed. ·! flied. Ilpace tbat IIeJl8I'8tfd them. Hudsoo's buy post lO the East slim Alea admIDlat.a.or .... KazlUl did oot leDp aside. Be made ' dark-faced Frencb halt-breed by the ()raoe Ua.~ e. al Lea.,. IIr'Dted no effort to eecape the attack. but met nuIDe of Henri Loti. moet tamous ti,f'Da. . . al. aD.wer, It talrl, with the full torce or bls tlboul- IYllx hunter In ull the Hud.llon·s ba, 10 abe ', maU .., of the .. Bh. te nf dOl'l, aa 81~or meetll sledge-do,. counlr1. (Jeor!i. Conpn. d ooen.ed. Vlo'ur He ",as ' teo pounda beavter than the And up trom the Bollth, at this Hmo V.n Rlpoo.r rapP')ln'ed admlnilltra'or. \JDlI. Gd 'or. momBDt tbe blr 100II&- time. there wal Ilowl, working Ills Bond ,ClOOO, Jobn Bardlu., A L. joln~ cat with ItII 'twell~ knltellte way by CIUlOO aDd traU a yOUDg unl- ~.o o t ,114 .Iobn Haokeal 'PJloiutod claws was throwa 00 ItII eJde, LIke a .,erelty soologlst who WBI gatberlDg .ppru.I...... 11.l1li KIlULII took advantap ot the m~ malenal tor a book on "The ReasooID 'b. of the estste of ment, and drove tor tbe back of the ID&' ot the Wild." Hie Dame WBa Puul lamu.1 foa, deoeued. InvoDto., cat'l neck. Werllllln, IIDd be made arranlementa .alllloJ)J)r...... 111.4. In that l8IIIe mOIDBDC bllDd OI'Q to 8)Iend a part . ot the ",Inter with 10 .h. ma"er of Ih. e •• at. of Wolf leaped In wttb. aurUDI cr)'. and Henri LotS, the halt-breed_ Be brougbt laalah M. 8bli, be', deoM,ad K8bae 1IgbtlDI under Ruan', IMlI" tlbe fa. with him pl.n~ ot paper. a cawera d.olnroeS p,obably III.oIVIIII'. teed her Ja- lD CIlIa 01 the cat', IIlDO IUId tbe ·photograph at a rtr1. HII only ..... TIle baM ' IUII08'l fte 1JU, weepqn waa a pocketknife.

III' \\,UR Ih l' ( " " (JII III'll'r~ III,/,;. Hilt III Ih . /lrst tou ' h (1f Wilt or 1m he r' pu\\'~ . ruy Wolt drllW hll ,·k .. hJ·ln l.III~. l.I ke nil 80 K~D" lite ~rued now to bo CIII III!, , I, ~1 " 1I " " /( 110 IIl1ls1111I 10 tn" her breed, s hl' "'(Jul.l (tWO tlrt) nntt ~ mad. up cblell, ot tbrell tblngs: his 'ril'er b"II OIl1. II h l·r,· tl",), rlllU ulned un. elen UI Ilulon ' '1':11"1'. K IIl':nn lln:1 I, A lIntre/l of e'llrytlllng tbat bore Ibe 1II cn rly ~11I1I!l1I ' 1·. 1:]',<'ry doy fQ r wu .. kfl =j~~~~~~ . lICeiJtor. muk of tht: lynx. blS grle\'log 'Kaz"n \\"'111 1,1 Ih· ·"bln \\'1I"ro J ooo :ill for JoaD and the boby. Dnd Orny Wolt. nnd lite IillhY- ull d t he IIlt1n- bll,1 beeo. waa natllrel 1I11t1 tbe 8tI'QDgCgl pns- .'or 1\ lOll'; 11111< h t: "'Nit hOllefully, , OIaP hlru Ibould b big blllred Of t.he I oklng ell l'lI \III Y I' r nl)tllt 1'1 "I'll sOlUe .~ fqr not only Orll)' Wolf's bllod- /llgo tlf 11ft' 111.·,'1'. But til' ,I'lor ",ns ~_. and tbe death of tbe PU llS. but never Oil. n. ' I'l,,· 1111111'\ 1. lind , npllnll8 eveo tbo 10118 ot Uta WIlWIIU and tho nt lhe \I iOII O"'8 111\\'11)'8 remolned, baby- b~ lal4 to that talAl s truggle OD N~\' 'r n ~ pll '!l l "I' RUllllte r')!'1l fl'o tn th e tbl! Bun ltock. I<'rolQ thot hour he b dllY c\IIIIIIII'.I·. OrMs Ilull vlnl!ij bl'clime the dndlluel eoCIII), of Ihe lynx g1l11 ttl I;rrtw In th,' \1.,th. Aud fllint er tribe. ' Wbol'Over b. ~Itrilclt Ibe scent Rnd tulnl,'r )l1'1l1l' Ihut scent which Kn· ot the bll gra,. cat bl!' was t urued Inlo zlIn cOllld '1111 find nbout It-I he scen t a lIIIIIrllng demon, &ad bls halrl!d grew - or UlIIIl . ·llf 1111' WOlllnn. rJi~ IlI1hy, IIny bT day, .nl be became more comOu ' dn ~' ht! ("\1I1l1 1\ 1Itt1 ' IUlhy DlOepletel;; a vorl ot ~ Wild. cusln tlllI.!,'r 011(' ot th ~ 10 'd wlll~ t~ud null ' l'IIy Wolt was more !lows. It WIl R IIhl. lind woro oUl, ODd neoe..Q' to ~llP DOW than shl! bad hlacken!!!1 by sno\\' 1111,1 1'1110, hill he JII"~ ~ IInM tbe d6y lihe h6d lett IDY dowll hC'slfle It. li nd r l! lltulll\!d there the :iJrolt-Jllck ~or biOI. IJe was three- tor 11 Inn!; ti me, whll\! the bllb)' J Ollnquait.e~ . dOC,' hDd ·the do,:part of him u thOU_lind miles 1\wny- wIII ,playlnl! d emaoded CO;DjI,IUloDllblp. Thero was Wllh lh e strnngo toys of clvlllzutlon. only Ora, lVtJl t to glYe bim tb8t now. Thall h" rl'lllrnNI to Orny Wolf IIIlIODg tnJii) were alolJ e. Ol\'lIl1iatlon wae tour tbe SprIJCI' nnd bllisoru. ' l1uudred mil e• •outh of tliew, Tllo Tho t'nltln WDS lho Que phlce to DCAretlt BudsoJl's Bay pOllt "'liS 81xly whi ch amy Wolt w(ll\It! not t ollo,," D1ilee to tbe wcat. Otten; In Ule doys blm. At 011 other tlmes she WIlS ot bls oi tbe womaD and tho bab,.. OrllY Wolt sid '. ' OIV Ihut ~h e had bec01lle oeb ait spent her Dlghts DIODe out. In tbe customeu to bllndnl'ss, !lho even ae· torat. ",alUna aDd CllmD, tor Kazn n. COlllpoul '<I 11101 ou iri s hunts, UDtll bo fIlow It wsa KUlin who was lonely ODd struck g il III!). lIud begun Ihe cllose. Gnetl8Y wben bo W88 away from bllr Tben 8h~ W uld \Vllit tor him,' KnZlln "iJe. \l8uolly hun ted the big 8now-shoe rab. Gray Wolf Drew Back, Shrlnkln". Ia ber bllndneA Gray Wolt could bits. Dut 00 night he ron down Dnd dozen times h e lenped In. noll swam DO, er ./lunt with h~r mote. But killed 11 youog do '. The kill waB too out Into Ih e sITcom. But Omy Walt . U od t it t dl lIellvy to lIrug to Orll, Wolt, so ho re- would come 00 fllrther tbao she could F'I\~1I;8 . ,.~, De" c e o un era an ng turned to wh cre s be WIUI waltlll"Cor 1IAl'! . up iletweetl 'tlIem,' II-n" through .. wode. ~er ' btl'nilnNII they leorlled mony 111m aud gult.l(.'11 her to tho tenst. In They could b eur tbe dlstaDt murmurtlIlnp tbat they had not known be- IDi1IlY woys ' they become more anel Inll rour ot tbe lire DOW, Ahead ot It tore. B, ellrlJ BUOlwer Oral' Wall lIlor IIlS!!I'Orllble WI the BlImmer came the wild thlnge. Moose, caribou ~'Ould trnel with KaIBD, It be· dld"not leul;thl'nud. until nt last. througll all and deer plunged Into the water ot'tbo OIoye too IIWlttlJ. Bhe roo III hIs t1onk. the Wilderness, tlU!1r tootprints were strelUlll a.Dd swam to the safety of the ' With ber shuulder or IDIIZZI\l IIlwllYS two by two aod never one bJ oppollte sldo. . Out upoo a white II n iOr him. aDd KIiWo o lellroed uot to leop. one, · of 88nd lumbered a 'blg black bear wllb :01InrelIW, leape4 *"Ird, l'beo cnulI~ t be great fire, two cuba, Bnd even the cubs took to but to trot. V ry quickly be found that b muat choose the cusl st lroll s for Omy Wolf OIlDgbt tile sceut ot it I tbe water. and awam aCJ'088 ellatly. Xa- draatDI botb It. . . ~q Oray Wolf. 108 l.Q a thick _amp five or atx mllea Ornr Wolrs (Ilet. Whlln Uley <:tlllle t.o w llell ,1t WII>.! ~t111 two doys to tbo west. I :tun watched them. IlDd whlued to Orar It teU baa dOWD OD ODe of lbe porco- from tli. Cibln that Henri Loti had a ' lfiia~ to be IJrhlglo() by }~ lellp, Ltc Tlt~ DIII"'I. IIrlttiog lulo tho west, be- I Wolt. . ptnea, ad • bWldred Qalll. drove lato bu11t. ADd then ou t upon that white finger ItIl bod,., Aoother leap ID4 It 11'88' tree. wI'.ulll JllUz:r.ltl Grny w ole UTlll ",)lIIlU, Cnn,u bh 'QtI red. Wlleu It drOPIlf:'d be11 111\ she "")J,1Ii1 SUll II Wllh I'''TS 1I1"rtIlluti till! wilderness In tblll tlJO~el', of s09 d Clllno oUulr t tilllSS thot dreodqtl -Heelog 'lito tbe face ot tho Imota. .... U·hluillg. 'l:hclI t "lIlo:t 11 )"0111(,1' tll!tU til\! 11.., IUIlIu u hU ll ~ It the l)Iecdlllg m()O'I, ! th wllter 118 Grnl' ' Volt drellllell It: I, l\uZII'D dld not pu.rsue. Orll,. Wolf It'I\I>, IIl.1d Illte 'unt,lcl'lliood till! dl ~~lInee lind lht) IIII' wIl s.tJlled wlU, Olnens. big rnt porcupJ ne, n !ll('clt IItllo ll\artcn, cnllle to his "Id& aod licked his neck. al! , bod to cllver_ ' bl! U)WIIYII overA ll til<' 1I1·.~t duy Groy Wo lt W!l8 a nah er-Cllt thut Imlll'tlil tile II lr utili "']Iere tresb blood 11'08 crimsoning 'bls 1 'I '\lled. whi ch WUS (I ~l lid fl1l1lt. l lt'l'l'I'IIS. • II IllI t ownrd 1I00 n .KII1onn l wnll cO IlIte It chll tl. '.rhllso lhlngs tlillt to \I'OY hide. The fish er-cat lay as If d end. wotchlng: them with fi el'C!e little 'In 110 tl\er WII'Y IIfHl ODe tllnt WII~ ' ~~ lIlhlll In illl , nlr rh \1 WIII'JIIII!! tbnt S ill! r.oulO not or woul d Il t swim ulnulDjIIctlun(!(/ to l!I'Vil ;h IU 1I11111Y thUI,~' 11I I~I" I S"I1!"'t\ 1I11 \1 1y bOIiI' ll ht:tIlJ of h llll. hered tile others 11Ir e to Olle. B UD- bluck .. yel~ . The porcnplncs contluued th f1I lure, sh ltecllnttl Of grelHel' bellI 1' 11 ',"J\1 ~' I!'" " '\'lIt g l'ew str ns er. Il ocl l dr de ot IItllO erlll lil scurried ulong to chll t ter, liS If hcgglng for merC)'. .~lI tl th l'o 0 Ihlck bl nck 8ull'ocn tlog pall tbllO ever tol KnzuD. Sc nt oud n ar- \ lJy till' luld<1it· u! the utternoon Ule suo th e s.h I'll 1\1, • mts. lh 'Ir 's C'\ lIcnklng lItti e \'oll'<'s slIlIlIclln g h l cr ~lllltly; fnxes of ~rno kl? drove l o\\' O\'('r th e snnd bor \log ' eDtirely ,took tbe plnre of sig ht, )\11~ "cll III h." II filUi at moke. ~cb day deve1QJ)ed' OIC$ 'aense5 [llore 'l'hl' ftl J!ll1 (Ir t ho wlld llliogs I rOUl .tll I'On awl I tly Illllll!! I 11(' II(\h k ~, S"I'lll ng 01111 w ith It cnme nlr Ihllt WII R fur ollcej1U14-more ' aDd U~ the eorue time there trhlll>!:1 of f.. rcsi II tlV 0 tl,. JUIII!- n ll'l'e OJ' 11 \I·ltll lfnll IhIli 1111 {ht 11I"c1l!e hoL t4eveioped betweelilbem tho du.mb lun- lloll~ t,f Ihl' l 'IJle~\(In ,lnd Cree l'l\'er~ Ih (' \\,1111' fill' tll(l lIl, tIlt 1.\' 'l\!tri'l l I , t 11 Il l t . t IlHI"t <fil l <If .I( }-;III ,I hnr I 1 rna,e wbereb,. Bbe could lrul)reSS UjlOn w'''II!l )IIIH' 1,,·;.,'U u IIl1m, but wlud oml f:u· ,·,l 11 .." f r, : 111111 1 \\ "I, '.0 ":n .. I, .. 11.1 ( ml), W nlf 1" Ii ·1 11" 'InIrh' I'1 I ,. I alill li nd th N~t 11 • I 1'1111. Kaun what abi! bad 'dls covered by ~hl ficll. It '''IN t1 fntal ~h lrl , flu' liro 1'1 I I"l i" -110 .. ,,,oI," '1 ,.1,' 110 'l.~ "lI t,,.. h li nd I' IilI:lt· lou,l\us. T ill) III'(' . ::' y , ry eeent or 80UDd. ]t became a curious WIIS rnglll ~ frllill Ihu WI'~.l I.ull ~\)ulh, (1"'1" I' ~ .\' 1Ir:1'\ •. .; ... l; ~.~ ll i;) • hlblt ot Kazan's always to look ot TlwlI tit ",IJld fl W.'pt StrUI'i1 t '!IHl1nllll'I" " .111 ""/ll ". hlilf oellr no IV" 'lll() roa r of It W II ~ IHl I1m r of a g rcnlt clltDroct, wi t h now n lld lhen Oroy Wolt when they stopped to IIste·n. \ wllnl. cnrrylng t he s DJoke II'IL.b Il, 'UIII 1'lw k,·,I),. 1"':11 ,.1 11 ', 1\. , 1\ time ' .W 'to ~ot the , ~urlog till s br 'lIlhlug spell 011 the willi I (;rll .' \\ \,1[' Q. ~i ,I •.'. " 11 'r.' \"1\11 hu t o louder Crush of fulling treeK. '.I·he Apef the ftgbi: 00 the ~un Rook. Ka- :erentures 10 the trloIl lile botweeD llui one l"lu ~~ ll\ft nenr til ' II,. 111111 thtlt II lr WIlS fill ed with Dsh IInll burning .aaJl' had tl\ken bll bUild mate 'tq a thick 'twD rivers wfll l(\,1. Thill an"" t it" c\t'e "'OR t.b .. ~lu\(1 li lll-. n rl"uth ' d uut fu r I'tlorks. Olld twice Kaznn drew forth biB




rll t, I hlrl' 111.0 hot


..• DENTI" •. ,

CommlsslOner's "



n.. y T , \. A.


II, :),. (" I

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?, .~ " .

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nnlrt. In I ..... , 1.": ,,, 1

;.s" " , tl. til .



·h 0 4r ,l\

"uul~or ·,. ,)ll.l ~ , . U " pp ' o \ r e p!l.trs3l l ~tl ; X o llh I] lty Work Eko!,'. Iteeplog W hrr f'n

".p .. .




01110 atate Unlverelty COII.g. of AGrl. Notary Public. cultu.... 80ard of Agrtcult"... of o rmo ly InruU1l1t '18.80; Frl'.i Hulch . Ohl, and Tractor Manufactu rera 1111100, 1Igbte ror jail $8 78: M. B. Ce-o~rall"g ." COnduct of School. B .,·m lln, nlo'btolJ for prt80116U 16 I Ii ; AU 'Illnde of N'QMry Work . Itrlotly Eaucatillnal .nd In~e nd· 1l W. L. r Iv Astor. el[poneel Bud livery lind Deedll n tl pHol1l 1', $19 .2;; ; Oblo Pllntt" ntlrlry, rl\l~ tll!(6 to W.r Emergency Need. . Q; (' I"Ul lin '" BIM, k 8"ll~ 1>1.111 1111'0 In ~_ of tlla Inorea.elog UGe ~t tllrl flg .:() , h hlllll!\ $ ~ 0\1; .1 , 1m trac lors. Ille Ohio S tate Unlvers! ty . ill t) • fhH ,.. t l Cl l1 tt' n o Q()o~r~r.r I~ ' . co-oj.lorn.t1on wIth t h e !:Ioa rd of A "rl· r,0 ; ~ ,,:,. V ~ pm II 'k. Ou r 'lI)it., (I\)~ .< Cull lll'e or Ohio a~l<l tile tra o r :\' II· $:li .(lO ; ' IIIII! v, :\1" ,,1 1(011 Prj c ~ , r. '~I , factn r nrs. wUI CO\ld lll: r a fr Il tr ,I',.tr ~ 2 .M); i{ (.o;t, . V!l Dock B.' wru ,1Jl <I I p 6ch tlQI !l.~ the Stale FIliI' r'J mull /J10 $1555 ; Iu ~t i rnlln ll Illr 8'oebltl .\lInd. <ld. h ·.urd ltlJ1: \" " f'r tlOO lu ut,· 1 WHL'·. w",·, I "';!i~ ';l n g b'" . l l. F uneral Olre~tor . T r :" tc.r "III, c1a.lI •. (.S of . On to ::: ~te SI (\20 117 ; .J. W. P.h6 wba n b nlit' r Ill. Uoll r~ l ( y oll ege of AgrIcu ~u re ,tnO , ,,rrll1(',, $1513 0 ; 'l'ru~l e'~ Pnhll o , Waynesville Ohio .c:1'. dr~ , h ;! hl fur j"U unrt n n r l trom tllhor . ·t ate 1l0ivel'lliUes, 1\.5 we:1 at 11II:1HIrt.a from tbe tactortu, will be $711.611 ; C. Ii. D llobn nt, . POll tll/{1" $II; In chuge of tb. lnatruot1oJJ. Approx. rAwt.& Drake. ooal. etp, 118 1.U; tlDaotely lit typea Of tractors w1U b• .011 Barre" Bro••• dotr blanD ,7: Mo ..... <- HTTBER-=Jl :'J the grounds. so that the elu'eDt will Ne,.e. pnlD"PC 84....' ...10. Auto Equipment proba.bIJ IIbd It PGIMbI. to .wclJ tILl Ie; c ....~\.. GJ~~, A~g f!.4 Ian Hon.oOrawn equipment MIlIa an« 01 l'Wl&oc' CMa 'lie II ~ 1Ii.1Ii ;1D1a1ll1"D''I'as CIi iNtuIt, ', a& home. . · J. 'W, 101010 ,00., Bra. nlaP few IDllrm. Not' If~""'~~ DAY OR NIGH1 'ft• .ebDO\ .. 1 ...·i ......... ' ~ ." " ' '10. . ' . . j I, ecl_1ItIoIIaJ . . . . . . . _ _ .",.,;: motion. The eubjeda W1il ..... : _ 01. meDt.a1'7 1it1Jd, 01 .......... of ~. . . . . . . _buN. ,t~, lubr~tJlIII, ..." . . . . . . . . .....

wu ..


Bargain Event of Interest to Every Home

Real Opportunities Are Too Rare ' These Days To .tet . Tblem Slip . Through Your Fingers Atten.d this ale-:proftt by the exceptionaJ ·values this event ofters. Save money on everY thlDg you . may need to 'f urnish yoUr .home in 8 cozy, .comfortable 8~d attractive manner. Every thine in our lmmeJUIe atOek ~ included in this great Sale-Furniture, C8rpe~, Stoves, Bedding, .k.


Sale Price

Oak '. . . , .•. ~ liuffet, Mahogany.. Ditliilg Table ....·.. M-'in-:Dining Table. Library Tahle. . . . . . Library Table . .... .

126.00 Bufiel', S42:~



S18 95 33 00 14 95 21 15 5 95 12 15 21 15 ,38 00 .

5 8.00 -; 116.00 if: $28:00 Pavenport ........ $48.00 navenport ... ..... ' 118:00 ' Writing Desk .. ~ .. . 13 15 .522:00. Couc~ : .e_, ...... '.. , 50 S~.2.'oo· Fiber Ro~ker , .... - 8 15 123.00 Brass lJed ....... , . 11 '95 $24.00 DressmgTable, Ivory 18 50


23.00 B«;d, Iv ory - . - - . . . .

11 50

Extra S.,.,clal-27x64 Velvet . Rugs Z 50 valqer, ~]e Price '$1' 58.

'This,is a.Good,Time

Value Sale Price (0 $ 9.50 Chiffonier.. . . .. . . . .• 11 25 $24.00 DresSer . ~ : • ° ••• " ; • 19 50 $24.00 Colonial E:.ed, . .. . . . 16 15 829.00 DreSsing Table. .. . .. 50 820.00 White Enamel Bed. . 13 50 $31.00 Walnut Dresser ... , 24 15 $32.00 Poster Bed........ 23 16 $27.00 B~~" Maple Dresser. . 19' 50 534,00 Princess Dresset. . .. 24 00 , Spring pri(,:es' wUl be mue.h · higner: . $15.00' Vernis Martin Bed.. . 9 15 Buy n!>w at th~ liberal .r~uctio~ $12,50 Cbtto~ Ma,tress,50.1bs and let us deliver when needed~ $55,00 eoal Ranl:e .•.• , ... . 00 . $20.00 .9x12 Brussel Rugs .. .11:6 .50 $58.00 Cpal Range . . •... • ~ 45 DO, $23:00 px12 Brussel Rugs :. "'18 95 , $30.00 Cabinet GaS Ranp.. 36 00 $29.00 9x12 Brussel R,ugs, $12.00 Washing Machine.. . . "8 '50 best grade .. .. ..... . , .. . . 24 1.5 $35.00 Cook Stove, . . .. . . '. QO 827.00 9x"l~ Ve]'yet. ' .' . .. , . 21 00 $31.00 9x12 Ax-mins ter Rug 30 50 The Tho rnhlU Kitchen Cab$40.00 9x12 Axminster Rug 34 00 Inet- Relg ular Price ' $55.00. 9x12 Wilton Rug ... 45 ..00 $32 00, .Sale Pricle , . $28 88




i,1 ,115

. ,






!';II u r'






",.. : ••• -





Ina &d,Iuatment.e, ftlD8'llq 01 -"011. U'aIl'IIIIaeJona. lJaotDt


Opto metrllt '


.yea tested free

"I", aad adJultmanta. ' tno\« raU';.

aDd traetor operatJoD. Tb. l&borato.., "will will .. til " ..a"'" Of expert.l. rather til.. aai_ maR. from tb. trac:tor m.Duf80tartU enmpl.nlea. Tber eaplaJD of tb .. detail""e to tlletr lDi.!:hlri . . OPI'.?ttunltl will "e glnD to . the _.tu· dent. 10 operate tb" vartrarlle .tra«on 011 tbe groIlD'•• to mu. adJuatmeilt.. all11 to ~~• . t~r .witll the .lIIalre-!lP qf tbe durt!ren\ 1IIaI1'II1D-. , No' ...... "Hached. I To ,ot tile moat (JIlt ~ tb. eoo ..... It -:111. be' D~~elJia1')' 'nr "acll etudent tt•.bit prMent for tbtl' ftrat IIC'ItuN UK1 to remaIn IIIronl1je!lt,PI' "J"'; ~!'II 1;,her" ..ballet" ~ent.t nr re, .. ft'~Dia M" ad",... I.-o·lIrtQ ovorall • . 110"ev....... "1. Ie II~ laanded all',.tr, A.,on. _ ,. aUell'.I. ' I.' dlil.aU8d Itl..eular eIIout me CIDIi\"ia Ill.. !I. had f,.".. ' PMl H. 0. . . . . , 8tIwer., ubb ~ lJal .... ~ ..... 0 ,


Lebanon .:. Ohio 1


"Silver Plate






--. ~

' . ' 1" -'1)0l1li1. Pu"..e.. ' . Balle lila,. olherwlee llAo.ri u

~ .. phospllnte, Is . the ,.oai~')Iacr!D 1J~a. mot,rlal tbat MnM . the doable . parpoee ot pboI,pJUrtlDl IDd I~qero~.. . . .


, , Plenty to DO. .Met1I.c al FrieDli-UNo\\" thaf,.. . have n cllr. you mllllt not nl'~led JWIII' uerrLqe." "Oh. we \*Oli't, doctor. '11111 If! n second-lIn nu CIl r. "-U1'e.

.----_.--- -...-----

Take W.arn lng. Don·t brott. In n few .rtmro froID DOW NO ...bfll ~,· (,1;;" ho fijll q tII,,1 IlIlIyhl! lillln' It j'llt • UWe



.. . . .1~7. III. "year ~oaus Bl'\JL oriainlted e!~ ~lIlveovare beariaK the trade mule "119 ROSERS BilOL· iii ,. ,.. ~~ for quality" wearaJ,i1ity ~d bealll,1• .

1847on ROGERS 'BROS. T~p~i .rvin,


.....peeI foru.. ~pooDS • and fancy piecia II • .~- o~ heavles~ p1aMi, JM!rlect workmaaehip ~ : : - d':'llIl. usunfti 1011& and IlltiafJinr -nice. liAr of Illverwate mubd -JIB R__ ...... ... lIIoctec1 \fIlbo~t fUrther inveatiratioll. _ mar ~d by lead lDg dealers everyWhere. lend for a ...... .. t-1." ahowine 111 pattems. . iE"Dlli


51 a ~I;:==:11Il'===:J":J~I5551 11[::1



lilT. allll Mrl. Lewh




~ ~ e ~ ~ ~


.,t ll'. /:IIW- 'tuesda y 10 IIptlld _hi ramaln d.r 01 nre];v 0 n. tb& winter wUh Ulelr Ion JIk1 aaper C u b.c ri Dt H,I, ud f"mlly, of 8~. J,.6all. ,t I . 1111' u. bl~ mull' " Our grOQerie s a[liS rll'aur ant ",III \1:1 l u.m EI be olol ed .11 da, 00 ,Mo04a y and ("l oh,•• 1 h"l'l' thut ~ r very nnloll hrou J h ' he week.t WEn NF. nAY. •JAN l'~I.Y · ~l, ,~ .1.1>1', f' nu ol'ly or' I ~ o'olook wltll ,; Ij''' ' rILl v" rtl t Ay r~81 eHIDlng .the .~oep"oo of til' ~lz~lJ ~ of H' <l Antllll l o. Bllrry Lemme who lives Dear tbe 1 I'" t.o l,Oij AOR led reo o n~ly, Gt'ldI Mill~,I'loril)u8Iy 111 ,W'S THIS \.11 t', 'k' II t heir llome . o .. ~ 80hoole havl3 ble n 0106ed for We ()ri~r til l ' Hlllllh d I I"n " rb I{" ,,",II t! I I "l"~ til tlJ It bUI! pu~ tbe !Jast week anll will not ~alle up . , for ' "I)' ,.",. of ~"' l u"I, 'h,1I "'1,11".1 [,t. '.U' • • Ii, Lhae IJKnow ld uud if It. oOn. for tl v.eak yel. on accoun t of DO u r~ d Ill' I ", II ' ~ l'II I '" ' lI ~ "'dl\ ;"c . II' , _, Id n tri V08 Lhli! ((,el. . I tl ., I1· ~ t.: ,1.11' Ii II. ,' ." I", I ,I', I,,', n ' '\", \"1' I Ill' ~ul'rn lt lJf'( of 1 I llLJor. M r~. Bolio t.&mmo, mo'her 01 , ~)' '<'II \Inri, s 111. 1< ".\ I I' I I ,", I; . \', ",' '! jli beilll! do ne ou oor Mrll, Walter Morri, l , II .,ary 10'" B' li l'e l ""'. •... i I"., h " ,. kll '. 11 " r " .. ltI In tbl ~ vIcini II h lS l ll h, ILl, ty. 'hie writing. Uh.i ., \ l.ul h EI Bf\o ~ o ~ e I rn I" Illlllll'lllllld I(rel\ tl y Cn' .II ,h )!,dl '" '" Iht III " " I" ' 11 hu s h r:e ll ho ldi ng Mr , Alfred Jone EI, who rODI a jit. by Lb " II\, lrOI1 UIUUI uod or wl.ll h IJ' l he 11 11 'I I . , . " l.tI '.' '11111~ II, I .J- '" • I I,. IlW iuu I IJ I vI~ i o ll flDd Il ~ Y fr oQl Ilero to Ol\ylon , haa 1105 I~ !fro wo , I b Uhlo Ex !lilt' ", .. Ill, 86.. . Il lI fl1' l l't Ill , ,J .11'<.1 • ·,I i ,,~ t hl' tI, I' ,J I " .. , .!' bll ' or ' , 111' 11 WIll flo~ beeo Ilble t o malte tbe 'rips regular ClOD uti Vl elld tU I'l!A hoy ll ll( - ~ U uo r o Ii I' I '" 100 1111" ~ Ilut, it I ~ bot "til a BOOO liS ahe roads get III 611 ,,01. It h'llH " N , Uf(h ) ",,1l " t O II, btl II ,II' . I Jt S c ru llu r,IH IR~ t o beUe r ~ull pe. b i'tlD ICrll\vn u ndCl' ooulltlo llll ~H ":' I.t nea rly " ti ll 8~lhlo h lto ~b ow e t il wh l oh gl ~. t illlp rd ddt t I i l Mr . aod Mrs. Ai Cornan , of Ferry, I!J 'I "I: '1',,\1 was illtlu lg pd loll,., vltil ted danlht er It wi ll h .. ~nbjo I OL.,tI lU1J1l1rL11Jp: oo r l1 ~t aJt I. l hih/. l .1I1~ \ ,0 II ill ,\f"III' Mrll, 1.01" tl . , PeulI owltt Ilore lall' Monday after , trom dlf'fur"l Il MInh" , o r O\'(H' fl oUI fi t t.HI Cl' ull.t . d lid , f (' II ~ I lh . Srl.d tJ! .. " " ," " !,, I Iii ti " "Il " Ellis so d drl ughter. nooll . f,t d lHtuut Vllrt~ wltblu tha .Ial,e l "~,f ~ i",o . J. e l l E. 'I~" ~. t'( ) T. It,d", r, ' \ ' , ... 1", 111 Uft l. r bore, W 18 ca lliog on mllY le lld t n dI Sll jJVOIULlll UO. a th o A Fa mily Car that Fits the Time s Mrs. P e rry S"Oltlltt was a Dayton &IILl h y Ilil r'1l " .. ~1 .. 1 .... 7'-Il·. tIt I 1I~ Iw n ' :-;uudl:l.Y. n elt~ ooro hllrvl·t!I,. visitor las t ·thOl·sd iBY. Lftrl( e, l .. le lU,turln lJ vlB rlet\ ~e ' " I ' fl"t, Ill rrle, o f 11l1001s. Wli" Alph ~ t:iteven6, who h as bee n very 180erdl ly (",Ilo prodUOd t! ollu eurs '-1 ,I hi , 1:\ 18~A', r:J Mn , Ed ~ IOk wit h InteRtin n.! grlpl)6, i8 now OU may have noticed lately the' one fine car you can afford to in wo ~t 0"'868 10 o ur t hero S'.'H8. "' ru l d n.r lj I.. ~ t weelt, f.ble to 8eL up n IItl.11l e~oh dliY . Bo how many cars are mak ing use Corn tl ... ~ I. koown to IDIUura In Hie as much as you wish. I , ,', l!:d It ·''' ~ v··. I~ VI It I og Illilltive s Is uo der Olfe of Dr Ihrtlng t. their appea l on "light-weigh t"a\l olled "e5~ o n ill ,he r e/ore p. ottrl H1 , Ill IJIIY lll t". ·I'ul."lo Il0 llti Ol rlU ll n to wo. of "prin • VuLey . . O fulO il od Ou ro l.rl1m .. nelgbho r A Tourin g Model is now in our ' Tb o Ua\J\t s ~ 1ll s~i o Dtlry t:ioOI f' ty Mra. J 'lsel'bln e Turnbll ll18 e pa od . And imply ing "efficiency" as a show room. Imme diate will yhlld m or e I \lfln " VUI·l bty . O;)et. llIot "L Nil S. Mary I:IfJltlf' ij 0 0 Thurs, log ~lJ m ll '1016 witb her daul!b' er delive ry, lug I, le t] ,,~ f lluc ll tr oon" d(,!llor In resultJr.y IIl.t•. ~tr s. Pearl AI'I!Il8'r()og. of Xeola, .. uu tll" f !uo .. U' ,v. FRANK LIN . Scientif ically con T hu 01 vlu L6"K't' 0 1D6~ a t ~h u bom" brl ra. MBrlhtl. 'l·bOl.n ~ 81 8 lIerloo. ly M... te than ~O hll ~ h e le per Rllro WU8 All of which recalls to the exLIGHT WEIGHT atructe d . Weighs of Mrs. ObI\, WtI,o b o n I.Sdurcluy III st I hu hllllle of lles 1100 OhBrlle 'ho ~x Vu 'l!l ll un In )'1 .. ld 01 perienced motor ist that Scientific 2280 lhs-fro m 700 to 1000 lbs. less than afto rll oon. My e rlliu Bll lmoDI. vl\r letloH ')! ou r ll Il"thorod fr OlD rllf t:l The Food Admini stration has jUlt Light Mi@1! Lem l\ r, of SprlDlf ield. Is Weigh t, Efficiency and Thrift the average fine c.a r. Air-cnoled. and terellt 100,,11 1,: .' 8 ut U bi ) anil les ed issued tl}e followin g : therefo vlMILlng re DOt her burdene uDohl, ~Ida by 1111'1 " I tb " E:oqJOrl lJ,on' Ht". d with 177 trouble Ob.... EUhi Bod have been basic principles of the Oll nmark is now looki ng fo ryvard family, of near hHre some water cooling parts. tl ')11 'e ud Itll po rt ~U frolU BUul hur n Frank to lin 11 for reduc fifte~n tion of yf'ars. wheat rationl. RIHII !:Iarrlll, lion aged lady of O hl(l. fr"' tI 1I1l1HJI :< untl ' rullt KAU Fina l figu re!! for t he ce r 111 harvest thlll vlolnlty wh o 1I!111 ~as ylnlli e d 04 ull~he l B p er 11 0, 1), Or FRANK LIN been ..,ery The firstFra nklin built And' the call to Nation al Thrift , · how a total o f ab ~ ut 62 .000.000 serioull ly 81011. II Ihough t '0 bo tm. 11 lie lids I ,,~~ tllu u " luo«1 v ~ rt e ly EFFICI ENqV are still maintai ning bu shels. whic h is 20.00 .000 bUBhel1! pr,' viul a' ,ble wrl ~iDg. makes the Frank lin Tourin g Car that ability to give the best I!J 10 W l\ yn " 'OUOl. )·. In Ibn 0 0 . thprD \lervice at the p lHI Llf U ll l ·, wh e re rh e Expe r lUl OIlL less than in 1916und ubo u l 10,000,000 SHoj.m ln HaWk, who' bu.ll beeq 80 more Je&!It conspi ex:pense cuous . Look than up ever. the Uled car bu shels less than was estImat ed iD Will BOrlllSI I, or Day ton . • pen~ e'"lilln I, l uc .. :.ud . value of Frankli n cars, to get an idea of th IlB um m" r , when the populac e was slok. I. Impr,nv lni the week·eo n w l~h hlN !nother , Mrs put on bread ration~ The a uthorThe comfo rt and reliabi lity of how tbe public esteem l thill efficient serOur 00111 m en r eoelved IIlulI Bre already co n~i derin g a fur- ooal 'bIll weell aDd wooJtwo oars of EVil S"rm ilJl lind hunllY. the Frank lio. you proba bly know viceability. outtlns I. lire . P K PeQet! 18 ve ry III at ber ther reducti on in the allowed con. telnl J)1an lled 80'11 'olsthe r, our bomu' on East St. Perfume Pad •. about as well as we' do. 8umptio n. IE) FRANK LIN peo"le are t ..plDS warm. Owners ' records show n eccntl~· llall'nlCd ling ric dnsps Mrs. 14. W. Lqnl~ ShJrtag lpent Mooday e of wheat in THRIF T FrllnCfl II an Tbe average 'ranlln , men ",. DO' pel'er, la Leballo 'olltn ln Uny p~<.l 8 of ~" " orhc ut t elt of 20 milea So the Frank lin remain s, during to tbe galioD of guoliDe n. "hleh CUll be slIt llrutetl wil li til" " becoming more and more alarmin g 10, 'be maroh. n'8 iu oor tuwu and 10,000 miles times of Thrift , as in other times, to each weak, M. Maurice Long, min· Ver, tew will mallo 'b~ Mr , aod r.t.a. Wal~er Ro,er lud ,"('lIrer's tuvorlte pcrflllu(! s. the set of tirea, II regular occurrence. aUl'mll ' lat r tor g eneral revictua llinll' of 80000n ' of the road oondUl oo. Ion were 'be t!uDdll), ,U61tl at tbe - - - ... France. ind icated rec41ntly that a , Dr. C. 6 Randall b .. parobal ed lalCer'l paren'. . further reductio n ot 20 per cent In a new roar-pa neDge, J W, Badley alada a btuhl'" ~edall lord. iii thl! broad rationll would eo all become Mlddle to.,. Sa'prd6 ,. Importa nt Point. HOfn- To y,. and UrI 'rip ConCllntrJltl nn IR II grell t "Iatto, Imperat iv~ l'he manufac tU1'e and fHomp, aSlrl and tbe1 otlll ber Rev. Bllbee aud Yi. .. ... urr' ha'" oj)n8I.1 m ptlo.n o.f pastry regarde d all a gul hlng tflOlllty.- Orccnvll le KloJ6t.T. returne d '0 M~IOII After apeDdl ol Agl(lJcg Warten Co. luxury beK'lnnlng January 1 will be ",rlaw Loul.". aome time wl'b friend. be,•. enti'rely 8upprt's sed. except 00 Sun .' RotHIrt l:., G"roer re'orON Phon e 116 to Mr II'rllDql1 8010"g t. II oon1'.le lday and holidays , Wayn esvill e, 0. ' D~y ~OD Friday lor a few daYII. olng utter a reoen' 1ll~1I8I. 'l'he f~od si tuation in Switzerland Our oburoh e. will DO~ be opened GJ is rapidly tail ing into the danger the wOllthe r lllodera tes Oball. BautB, ot Troy, IIpen' 'he . week' eod with hIs Dllrenli here. line. A rati! n that i far below the Ou r ~l'hool opeued u p t or study on consum pt illn ill many of the' countri es 1'uC:l<1 ay m urning Mr, Bnd alra. J , FL. SIegfrie d alld lIt1er s omA rost tor at war hu- ", rl "ely been or t1e r ~ d . t Ob O\) r H /lllli pl1plll . dllu ll Mer. B ole o, of. Frankli n, were rellllODl apparently I. we oecnoulK IIl le r th,' IW'" ,. \'UI tl. tllJll ~ thoa ' wi ~t1 Uur I ute oro k n lt, tln ~ be l rue l ~ th o , 'unday gil 8tS of Mr~ , Franoes mlUlmnm prIce scaTe adopted by We ' • • • Null und m l:ll' hlll'e UIlI- /I P" 'IIti :LI ,d u ha lf of' S "(1 ,·rur~ family . En,1I11h III follow8; For Soptemb er, tloll 10 1; t or the ' Ss I~ "'Igln P';f I"'",n t , 'i'~r 1Il1.J!1l h 1:]6 rold Roge l·s. of DuytoD, spent \111.10 per 100 pounds; October, ~t7.28; The' t h n I \l UIL Veter inary Wayua nWei'. Leadin« DeaUat utt".' tl rr. illlll'l~ 1>.. "f1:.'.j IIt.a houI {"~ . ' Iuolllr, <JUr IlIW:\ Vd !lOOOID tlw W flll k Ilud \I Ith bia pa reDts, Mr . November and December, $10.08: Jnn· Gradua te of in Balnee Bldg. Oblo 618t ~ Univen MaID OS, . 1m t .Ip lint! .. dr,,, , "nil I I't' lIu ' l -r 01 . "" ll ' 1 1\,1 Mr:'. { 'Ite Illry. R gan U4.40. The effect ot these prlce8 1 110 til nH " . 1M d lh·~t· f ,., H ,> J II 01 '1 1"Ulld 11 I111J \'10. ~~ I I. l:i t.l nee I B ~l a n' Friday with wa. to drtve beer anlmllill on the 01111'- 1' 01'.11, I hl:l l"llrf) ') ~ 11" b OI'r. n .. lI,h Ilet as 8000 a8 poaslble. . U. Mo uot, t\u d hmlly, ful I". c" III ~!II'l('~ , n lJolh In 1I'mnce the Dumber of cattle us OF~' (CE: Ml u L u ella Das r t.ll hlu re'ul'ne " t" • ,,' hloh hl) well all the Quality have IIhown on Corner Main and Mill· Streets ,',1 I II p ~ .. t bome aUer ijpeodin !1 sRveral weelill get Immediate nlld froIl lit t he hOlD e of 1' 1\(\ Mrs. Porry 8normo n. declloe durio, the wor. 1:;' b Irn e Or.1boo D's MUle 01.....,.. Telepho Where' ne France 28 had H,807,OO O head or ,11(1108 1 to II: rnb!}r', u llor Pf'I(h , The sunny side of cattle In 1918, ehe oow . bal ooly 12.· , Ir t \ fl! 1., e rn Mr t;"rl1h Null lJ ·, re'oroe d 841,QOO, a deereue of 16.6 per cent. Wa~ne8ville. Ohio [W Olf' After Rover,,1 ""eekt\' ~1 ~Ir.wlt.h IA . And I'nm~ III today producl n, only ,. b er d!HIght,e r@, Mrs, .J ohn Hrnwn Don't be -,hmt. Don"t be .. _et " ooe plloo ot mUll ~mp8red to two blanket. Thue are jult a. lood ~ I'll Mrt! (:loorlil ll dilli . of near Cenmouth. OD the: calc.ndu .. were eYu oD&-halt plIonl betore the war. ! t I ville. tOfU 011'. A nd ~.-er, Gile of them Denmar k and Holland have beeD ' nel • ncw cumber of ---.--~ forced to AcrlflCI l daIry her,4e tor beet Barbe d Wire VANITY FAIR becaUM of the lack ot nllCllll8llry t,eed. I CION 1tlId, ot tha JIluropeao meat Funeral Director IItu.tloo bu C!Oovloee4 the Food Ad- . NTEED 'to heal wiUiou$ l.av· and Embalmer logGUARA mlnilltratloo that thll future probleIl! I a blomish ,or MONEY REFU}qDED. 'I ur h oo II .1 ohlldre n, , I IiOo and '1.(J()', lJizes,10 r ~b wobode, or Amenea liN lar.el, In the produc- I lie . ~ Ialte d h l' moiller 0ld80re8, Bore bllC. ks and 8hould.iI~Qrna HOD ot ,mNt produc:lo, aolmall Bnd Wayn Hloh Tues \.y 01 lust esvill e. Ohio . and brru-. ~ ~e for F~ · y•• da1rr product . rather than In the proAnd He Got W ~ll an . DR. cors P~LE8S BUSB It dactioo of ~....1Ir 'for export when H" I1' R ' I\. nd 1i 0 D Bprt II! painlese and ' gnaraDtead to cnre : That's True tl\AIi ........ W _va Either Auto or HOrle drawn service. Spavin, tI t I' . last we .k 10 '10. e, eurb, 8weenY~lnt, . No extra charge for auto service. l'Uffl orRingbon IDRVllfO tood II • 10any eolargement of, Monaca, P a.- "My little boy. who I n or t ___ e ---._-, oat Both prohl, phOlle8 .. tor In eaeb Office m\l8Ql8. and Residen 9r mooey refunded ; ~oe 000. ce. ls the youn g est of three, was weak. 'I U , \'i~ a nd 1>1 re. 1!l111. tommw~It ·No.I4 ,.. . Prl~ . roR nervous and tired all the time. so he SALK IIY au. OIlUcaaI8TS I'll ""1;lf" 1~ U1\ rveYII lod dellllllta rnlea for was most \lnfi t Ilt s chool. and notb- ' , HllhIIt CIty In Europe, ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!.!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!,~ I It>( Ih1 II . !!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!~~ ing seemed to h elp him. I learned e.et1 obe eQDOt M lri polDt ot hl,beet leoJl'1lpc:I~ ,,[ l"rk ~\' II I ' " " 1)Aot of Vinol Bnd gave it t o him. It has _ hlealIneleYBtlo Mildrid II the n ,1 formula ted. It ". ' . . .- - -• • • • • IDntope. I. l"lI'eul ,l o b o Wolf restored his health 1U1d stren~th and b I do~ tor " I he haa gained in ' weitht. - Mrs. I Qtlch oDe to ~~~~~~~~ I Frederic k Sommo. rs, on::u:a, Pa. · eet ooly 10 .1., n tnok ,1'Ull r wllb V ino l is a cOl1 nt:tutlo.nal cod Ih'c;r:' I ,\ moab at III r • .' o rll~ n II Dd wlta and iron romedy for:' delicate , WC:l - , , ·1. w ee k. . l~eCllllury to ailing children . F"l'm"la 0.:1 every i'; ';, 11 1J ~ "lft and 8'm RobArt malntalo the hottle. 80 'Y OU lm o w ""l t you flre aiv- \. ' Ing them. Children 'love it. hllUlan ' b 0 d, oll I M \." II IX wleh b'e r fo tbflr Mr ~ealthy flod IItroog. This winter MONEY LOANED J . E : Jann!:')" !J ru~ i"t. W;tynes 'iI!e I' ". '\" u.o[ll:!l ~, or HilS Is the perIod when I. ~o Al H k f r .J 'Jf~ ,~l r8 . no nrt~ oo .o Are you 'goin~ to build a HOUBe? be t este e! here In AmerIca wheth· } !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~.•~..!!.!!~___~~.~...~~.~_~_~,'!'.~."""'-- " , I ~, 't'. 11111 k .un t1 ~ y d IOller er our. people aro cllpable ot volAre ypu going to build a Barn? wi .. , I' . n . 1J" .. r~ ,) o k nDd fu milv . 0l'lIl:Y loaned on llve 11'001£ ohat, Dntnry In ,U"I<1ual 8IIcrlflce to , r : .. n (l II1 r~, ti leD d u vlK nod !lI'D Are ypu ~oing to build a Garage? .' ..18 "Dd ' IItfI()OD(i m ortga IIIlVO the world . That, III tho purRober~ were r::!I odtiv I!Ubshl of Notoe bOl1lht, John I)arblne , pOBe of the organiza tion ot the Are you going to build a Hog Pen? .nd ,Mre, E nroe t MilnDoo A lien Bnlldin~. :Xenia, Ohio. '-' 'United Stlltes foodl Admlnls tra· ma Are'you going to build a Poultry House? !lod Mrs . •fohn j'homps oQ 1I0d tlon-by voluntllr y effort to proMr . .. ud "r~ .. Alber' B"rre!O ,pAnt Ville. the tood that the world ~o Dd",y evenlnl l with w. T. J ordall Deeds. LOST ",I rl'. U. 8. FOOD ~m XISTRATIO" Do 1'ou .... To~ Bo'!8"T..... . .. .... .. ........ . ........ ..... Iee M84e188 Wi.tob-I'ob, I with Do You Wuat 0 . - " ......... . ....... ; ......... . .. .. . . ......... See Madel. ~. 'Jt ' ~~'w". ~iH D ......... aod· tb. 1(' BamiUoo. r,rlb'. Do Veo Want LtD or Pluter? .... .... .. .... ... .... . ......... See lIaclden ai'••oola p\tf. B'loder 1...,. I GIUU.O ftloe . Rew...... U8 Do You Want AD)' Kind of Lumber l . . , ..... : ........ . . . ...


1 I I '.









Th e Fr an kli n T., uri ng Ca r





~ ~ ~




..'- ----



J 'm

Dr J A McCoy, Du.H.E.iIA:THAWAY , moe



the silver lining

--- ---- -'.~





.This Is Our Winter


d Test










01a "18 ed

;;.---.-.-.-i-t.-.--. ...-IIIl!~Il!I~~.....


See Mad den



-- ..------



Mrp. t ·.. y

MO' jo\ IID

I!p ~ ndlulJ ~o m ll ~hl'le

Europe'. Me~t SUP~I'Y MUlt Come

Is bome after

In Inl1h'n.a . From AmE/rioa. \lr. I!n I Mltrl"U til vlalHolr hie flit,lier, Ml' ••101' Mttrl !1-tt . , Miss Len" Marlntt ~tlll remalo . Warring "8tlona Ha"" D.pleW I"lve ver)' poorl,. , . .took IIi .nornlo "" .. at.. an,. MI88el Yelm'" and B" rtha ¥arhU . Killing Dill", allttla For ..,oocI, of , KiD8~ MI1I~, ,HM vlMltlng I,helr PI" 80Cl!. !Ih . •T. T. f~m . America n stocll breedlll'll are ~ IIf· . tll\.wue! Jl\oltRon was In ' Leblloo n iMId, to CO~'II"e thalr floclu and FrtrlltY. berd. In .,rder to IIIMt I!Iurope'e trio . Mrs' Ii'r ~ ll~ I)a kln and lion, Carl, mendoul deman41 folt uaeata durtna \vere, M t ~ol\y vlliltorl oue . ih..WII1' and probabl , tor IbO:;1e a,. In!1 w..ek afterwa rd. ' , Tbe' United 8~t. food ·a dmlnl. I\"'M \'I, C:iordni1 and d'aa~htet o ~ lle d In OUI vloiUlty oDe d", thll trauoo reporta that .Amertcan stock weok. raIse" havo ' lbown , II dIIIpoIltloo to . Mr E1D'lIf~o n r;11 1 lind a:"r1 8er. co-operate with the lovemll llDt In 10DQ r" wt' te i D W tl vll '! 8'fllle,h ls wflell Ol'.!!UID, lb.. nation'. luppl, at live . Mr Jtl W l:l1.~[lhf'n8 Will' ' at Xent" .toet: S,\f'lI tl I Oel'lll1UlJ todllJ' II probably better , 1",' .".". 1)11 '10'111 lind I;\leoe o!'llf d IDp[llle4 wIth live stock than an, othWben the Ger0 0 ,\'1 ~" .J '1.'. .. 1'Ill4tt 'l'hur8d ay IIf- er ~urope!\U ' Dation. IIIllII armIes made their bll ad.,.oCll Into rrnnce Ind then retreate 4 'I1rtuonT all the eattle iD tho In'IBde4 territory .:.... 1,800,000 head-w ere the Oel'lll&ll


o 0. B. Klllor til


. '--

'Le,.·s·I' ie~..;


The mod tiraJl.plc:tans . the b.., w'u\opkture8 Ii,.." Ia



At fA! _



..,.. ',






,Ji ar ne ss Sh op ------~----------~-----

We have in stock, everyt hing kept ·in a . first-class Harne ss Shop. _.





,.IiI. \





OST-D art TIcer




'br~' ; ." .oiwer e " &0 I~ Dim. of Not"; lira, Ba'~_, .


,.. -"


" 1 I:" ", ,I. '''Ill )1 1' 0' ,'1 ,,',.

BOOKi -eM.... a.lpb P. OODT IItII,,'. ,bpp aod 81. Brldee,

'6,'9'1 '

oODt_ln lnl 'oheok for ",10 ead In mOD.,; oard with Daml· In,ld•.

1'I!\41f IeaT. a' ,hi. oftloe, .

, •





.. :.,.I


Bat Ia

aereo of tel IDto


Do You Want F~nce Posts? .... ', ...... . ~ .Mad4en po You Want Farm 'G ates? .. .' ... , ..•... See ·Madden .Do You Want a Veran da?.. ...... ..... ,.See Madd en •

Do You Want ·

It' you


don't want anythin g ~ all, S~B MADD&:N

PI,. ,ood .'oot_ Call 00 1 Mal. P. m. ReDllok , Wayna ..,lIle,


A to.





Mare, 8 ,ean 'Old, .loed an4.,.••r. laqalr e.' .bll ..III... , .





BuUding PI.Ds1.~~See Madde-:t '

Do ,,"U "ui~ to bonow a tHaOT 11M Maddeo



.. ~eddlD '

'Do You Want SbiDglesl ... , ...... ... ......., .... '•. See HaddeD ; ~ You Want Felt Roofui ,r •...... , . _..• , .... - .•. ~ IUlfde







Pum isllin


• 011

r~')port\lnily 'Lo S:l\ t' 'lro ll:HS thmll·h .the Gr~a lJ ~ R dl.w If Prh.:el' n oil'ered in Ollr



dilllU of tlle



The .

'C ompa y





of \ . a lher, bad rol'lds 4.l'lu o tl ll' r lmorm 1 cC)JIditi ns , of lh ~ s, Izumi}' s ha 1(\ I '<: p011 t'd to ur Great {It's. of~ erin g and HOW p lh(' Itt!; ( he'at or o llr E'J;pa1/sioll ale, \\. arc dC l e n nil lcti to ur g e> tb\.' HI ,II(' 10 'i' h?.f dllun .q 0 I hi;; l'Il. ,,('(' I(J .'up rl :;', llut nJ .... tlw; r I1l.'eds For Til PI\ ~;(' ll/j b Ul { I 0 the 11('( d,. IhHI \,'il l b ' _ IWIlt'll C'd J)lldllg 'The Coming'M.onlhs, '10 do litis \ '\ , , 1\' '" I 1\)' E.\'Jr oniina ry Values




,' lnre will b ' los( d ~lnt1d 1 "" ill l'fUCI' l n ·oppral.e witll tlw orde rs of , the 1"11 -I dlllllli tmtio lJ Hoa rJ .


The usy ecial Sale D ys Will End We~dnesday, Feb. , 2.


Greek Army Defends Ancient Hills and Ruins ot Athens 'You have worked hard-


Chas. E. Werntz, Agt.

h nnd Ol (llnl'ntllrlly ",h plI th(> rlsht IlIlnd Is oC~lIpl ~\ 1 for ul hl!r work.

Oyetertl MUlt H ave Salt.

II 1111>' b"I'u fOlllld Ihll l \'~ ~ I' - I'~ ,lin

uly Ih'e In wnt!!r [1,m contili ns It I' 37 l'(lrts at !lult to e\,ery 1.0t)0 ) hl·ts of wilter. I'U!!t

Loan, ~ •• 'o Thc T C()fg:l1Ii~cd ajHi quiPllcd Greek A'I'nlY, w~i(1l1 the French hnv~. gi~en 11 w hope and inspiration nnd .trainin g. !s ~(l\1 readr to meet the ei\emy should tncru be any mvasloll of III .. domaUl5 of the jl'l'ent flghtus of tnecllae~al hmrS. Thl. ,(,i in ' p,ctllTe s hows a bal~cl')' r~ady lor action 'on :~ ~111 oycrlO?killlt AI/I.::ns, o~lce .the flbwer ci~y of .the lIenr .I!."ast. ln, Ii e m.i'!tst of I/I\! nll~ient T\lII1S, the Greek hns t3k~, IllS st:,nd Wlt~ the pnnora~lc pIcture I!, re',tllIlll . him 01 lI!e ,Iect! of ',is forebea rs. 0 ,1 th ~ l'Test of lhe hill in tbe ml.ddJe <i1 ~1'?"r. e ,~th~ r ..'t>Ohs alld the hlstonc r' lm~ 'If anrJ~ l.'l D~~acc5

OME- IjpERsitmijl ferliliterPays Better Than Ever.. GET YOUR INC TAX HEADY o---~------Today a bushel of Com or Whe~ t buys m.ore fer(potash excepted of course) than at any time quring the past three years. Note how much cheaper you can buy a 2-10 fertilizer now thaq before the war_ t~izer


IN 1914 2 bushels of Com would buy 100 Ibs. of fertilizer. l~


pushf"ls of Corn will buy 100 lbs. 'of fertilizer. . '.

In terms of farm 'p roducts, fertilizers cost less today than in 1914.' Fertilizers paid you THEN, they will pay you better NOW, , Boost crop production, grow' more ' per acre and your net profits by using ferti,lizer. ,Help both the railroads at;ld yourseli by ordering Spring Fertilizers N9W . .

. in~

Dr . Macy will beat pring Valley Somebody is goin~ to 'tell on you n ·t w ek. . if you don't pay y'our income tax. ' My r Hyman i L1(~ ring frotU an Congress haA fixed it so tba llom body mUlit tell, w~le lber he IYlInLs to attac~ 011tJnl !I fl., or not . One seclion 0 the War Income E 1'1 Gray 'as fI btlSiness v i ~itor Tax Law, exhal)stlvt!ly comprehen- in Cin cinlull u '1'0 ('g.lay . sive in scope, requires ever y perso n, without exception. ~nd every cor· Mr. alld Mrs. W. • H. Allen are poration, partnership , association, and insurance comp ny in w hatever Cincinnati visitors loday, capaci ty ac ting, wh paid $ 00 or more to another pel'1l0n, cOl'Poration, Mr. J . C. Hawke Bnd 80n, Lee, partnership, as.90cill~i on , Qr in.Bur - wera Dayl,on isitors Thu rllday. ance company , af! in'tere t, Tent; su i· aries, weges, premiums. ann uities, W. '0 . I :ilPN hu. belln laid up at compensation , r01I1uncHltltin , emolu- hii'J hom!' for >'everlll dayswithfr09ted ments, or other fixed Qr deterrnin f eet. able gajns, )l roft tcj and income. to re port the name and . sddress of the Glenn C' .Tohn s. f Ox for d. spent person. corporation, etc., to \vhom the payment wall mllU e. togethErr the wt1t:k· nd with his pa rents Mr. with t he amoun t of tile payment, to and Mr!-l , Ghus. J ohns. f Lytle. the Commissioner of Intern al Rev, enue at Washington, using a form e llrp_ Fo r t Ridge, of Co . E 147lh prescribed for the PQrpose-Form U S 1., iii horne for a few dayI" J 99 ~, .now to be had trom all Collec fur lo ugh lind is visiting his parents. tors' Offie s .. ' The forma must 'be tilled out and The Waynesv illo Grange will meet r eturned on or before March 1, ]918, Saturday evening at their hall. All accompanied by Form 1096. which is members are requested to be present . a letter of tranlmittal and affid.avit certifying the accuraey of Fo: m 1099. Found-lBuggy wrench on the Avenue" Ow,n er can have Bame by calling at Gazette office Bnd paying At the Party. fo! ad,. Doro tby was Invited to n party whero nil tlle oth er girls were n f ew An ev Idence of eronomic advantage yenrs older thnn she. On nt'rl'l'lng born e she silid to lier mother: "Moth· taken of opportunity, is shown In tbe er, I hud nn Ilwfully good t ime, snd I genero us r,espoUse given by the pub lie to the 8ales offerings of th S. W8S tb e bableflt one there:" Fred ComlPany in their, ExpanBion Sale now 011 .

. -.


Homemade Floor PolI.her. Wben poUsblog /loors make u thlck pnd at felt or vel yet aod fllsten It over 'an olt! worn-out ' bl'ol)m •.- This makes an. excellent polisher nod silves the trouble of knepllog _ _on 1'+< _ tbe_ floor. _

Fight It Out Now. You cnnnot· run awa y 'trom a w('.tIkness : YOU must sometlmo fight It out perish, nnd It thnt be so, why n ot now no d where you stand?-R. L. ate· ven ~ oo.

..--- .•



Roumlnf. Founded In' 1859. Ron monln WIIS fonned til 1850 b~' the union of ~l)ldl1vla und ' WnlJachln,

two prlnclpoUties tr,butory:to'; the suI·

,. ~~=====AUO====~===

I CEO. '


. I SpecialhnOPTOMETRIST in r elieving 8 ),e 8 1r<,in

lind Improving I.>tlft: livl' Vi 'i/ln

, • N. Malo-Daytoa

. '.

is pay ing 51 , cts. fo r Butter Fat,

Pencil Holder. I" r Pl" '~rlll S IIsllIJ! pl'ndls nlltlo~t conti II IHl 11 ,n.\' /I (' ill' hil S been Inl'entpcl ' 0 hold un' on th,> hack oC Ih ,. left



Creamery Co.


Oem City ~


The W t~st J,e fferson

l. olIls\'lIIe Courler·Jullrnlll. t he ()0f: I ~ for the w'cek n dlllg Feb <'nd. at not confused hy rurul dlrectlonB lor tlie t rc a lll ' tntion ul ConvlII. O. luklng the right rondo

..... _,-5% D/rldfndS-


~OIllIll Puts

WfllI . fo.. oDe thIng.

for your money, but is your money w orking just hard now for you ? A t 5 % a thousand dollars,will earn $50.00 in a year. At 4% it takes 15 months to eal'n that muc h, and at 3% it takes 20 months. ,. . You 't'Vould not think of wasting a whole season on your farm-why do it with 'your. Sa vings? Open a 6% account with us. In addition to being profitable you will find it simple and convenient. And then your money will be Safe-for o ack of ·every dollar of our deposi ts is 3 first mortgage em Montgomery County real estate an d our Reserve Fund of $200,000,00. 8S


A Dog'. Advllntage. (hnt II dog's P O~R~~' ~ I O ll or II sixth sellse II' proved by thO! t,lc t IhM n dog 'nrrlct! tur from hOlll l' will r I"urn , directly when , It ~ ~ CII Jll'S . 8dcntl iits sny



tan of Turkey. .----'-


... ...----'-


Aillher. Ie consider d to be the solid. lfied rei<lu of exttn('t Cono(llrolls ti·~l'Is·, ' lIometlll;lCS Inc lOSing insects, l11ne

----.,.-_ ... -

' .

are twelve dnys old, \lIld ul!tllLlly by We '

.. - .


Plenty of them.and Prices Right While Kiln Dried Corn Meal Yellow Kiln Dried Corn Maill 'C racked and Flake ' Hominy, .... Bulk Rulled.oats, Mothers,Oats and our price for one week . onry; package ......... ... : .. ... lOe Pure BlIckwheat Flour, Rye li'lour, ' Graham Flour, Fancy Head Hiee. ' . .



Buy now. Pop:om that ,wHL pop.

Churn Gdlld---Better than' most 'Butter land only 33c pound .


5200 $275


~ I)d .rl ltll1 ~ Rnom

S6U I h


:)1.1 e~t

With TIFFANY JI.CWERY Store Xenia Ohio




All earl! be higher in prin g . Now is the time to buy , Will s~or [II till in the Junk bt)sinefls. Save Mr . lind Mrs. Ch s. Ramer nnd any car u nt il you ,want It, by mUK ing all you r Junk fOl ' him and he will Marybelle wpro g ue. t.~ of Mr . and II deposit. See call on ~' o u and gilt it Le'tve orders Mrs Frank {<yue tiunda y . t White's g rocery fo r all kinds of Mr . and Mrs Everett Haines had W. J. KILBON as their ~ u t to npper Wednesduy New Carage, Motor Inn, evening Mr . and M rs Luth ~r Bain a Wayn e.vlde, O. Lebanon, O. Miss Veda Hu r ley hAS been .the weel( end ,g uest of her sieter. Mrs. RllY1nond Wilson and. family. Masler Alvin Pelertlon, of Cbica go . spent the week wilh his uncl e, Garfield Peterson lind family. Mr. and Mra Raleigh Bogan, Mr. 8nd Mrs. Ho,race Coml'ton and Ina Compton spent friday evening with ~r. and MrA. Ralph Thornburar. .WiII'pay the .f{ighest M,arket Price. The members of Caesar's Creek meeting called on ' lhei t' pastor, W Let us know what you have to offer, by E, Bogan a"\d family Monday. ev~ning nlail or phone. We pay long dista nce and gave th m a pleasant Burprise . ,F ifty persons were present They ph?i1e chaTg S. . will move to their new home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hili called on Ben E 1519. Home Phone 3561, Horace Com pton's , Monday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Z. F . H aines ware 2215E·FifthSt. in Wilming ton on business a part of 'Iast weak. - - -_. _ ••- --



D~yton, O.


One'8 Career. ' Strictly penk'lng, el' ry life Is , a career usll It Is n COUnlC that Is run from stort to 6nl ~h , but 88 generally used the term Itnpllea an unosoDl life recorll, something exceptional Bnd out tho ordlnory, 80YII a Ilrote.B8or. Childhood Is' • perIod of life, bllt It I" not a cnreer. One's career Is tb e Jlfe Doe lives aDd tbe record one makes whether It becomes known to the public or .not. Tbe term public career Is 8Pplled to Jives PtlrceIy spent In tbe public ~ervlce. - -


. . .,

Mlnl.ter Without PortfolIo. The phrnse "ministe r wlthont porttollo" meons' II member ot a ministry or cablnct to whom no ~pedal department \& DRslgo ed . T he 1I11ralle III uR4 only In England, aod we no tOI'respoodlni 'phrase In tblB ~OUDtry. not es nn International authority. Prior " to December, 1,916, t e BrltlBb cnblnet coosisted ot tho political chlets or beads of the pr!l)cl pn I ,o"ernml!~t departments, aDd exceeded 20 In n1llD-

.T he Tri-State Patron' 8aY8:-. "No. T~anks, Mr. Station' Mary, lifter cutting the feed ·cleaning the atable-I}'ull<mg the cows and runntng the separator, 1 will also buy my own rad.road tlc~el' Il)stead of payi ngyou a FAT commission. If there i8 anytbmg easy about keeping c .v8.1 want it myself." Every farmer Bhf)uld ehip his l!;eam DIRECT to


· ~er.

-:-c---•• -


the Creamery ,


per pOuad for' Bulter Fat week be~inninll: - January 28, 1918





25,000 of the laraeat producers have found . the Tri.Sta~e alway d~. ,pendable and m08t profitable. D~ not let the Station Buyer talk yOU ' out of you.rSchrleam .n~ make for hImself a profit' of about'2c per pound Ott-more. , (d~ U S dYour ~ext can or if you need CBOs we willaend ' "em prepa ~or 30 Bya trIal. ' ,

....- - - -

In Bathtub.

A young maD waB found dead In tba

batb tub In IIlB 'hllme In Toronto 8OID,e tIme oro. . Inveatlgat!on 8how~ , tbat be bnd, been killed by coming tn . tact , ' 0 bn ra eJectrl,C ' IlUDp oord, carrylnl US volts, ~hlle IItandloc In the water. .


--_.- _-....... .

Bo.. of Eve'rythlna, 'j'Bllt," exclQlmcd tbe mOD of dell cote llen81bllltles, ",vIII ,"our cop' 8crenc~ permit YI,IO til ~o U 10U aug'

casU" "Look here, (rlend," an~werC!l1 the politicIan" "1 alP ncculltomed to bl! boss, even of my own eon8d\lnce."

-.,.-_. _...---


Food for Thought. Trust III Pro"ldeDce nn(J keep JOlD' powder dry.

Fllrd ~oad8ter 1916.Furd Toudng, new tires, 1915 Ford Roadster (stlrter) 1915 Ford Touring, winter lop HI!PP 20 Roadster 1915 J\tuwell, like n ew • Also Several Olhers.



Pan Cu'ke and BUckwheat 1<10urs, Karo Syr.up....,;all kind and a]) Ml\vhl SY'l'Up Cans

N~m-,nsi Hindu Babies. mnau llRbles nre Mill -d w hen they



Bread, w,e have the beit, Krug'B, ffelsom and Butter ,Ct'uat, Rye Bread. JElelllthBreKd made with :Rve and :B~rley flour. '


needles, eicl


BARGAINS ·liNUSED CARS . by Gla!.lSI!8, om e


Matches,'B bie Tips, while'they last .. , ,2 bOxe~. . 5e Powder Puffs, wool~n that you cal;l' wash.: . , . . . .. lOe Pot Cleaners.. the k111q with a handle ...... 1·Oc & 6c ,,0 Quart DaIry Pails, don't leak ' ~. 2 1'ur~ish Towels, large size ...... : : : : : .: : : : ~ : ' . .. l~ CbatrSeats, small, ~ec1ium, large .... '. _. . .. : : :: lQC ' Jersey. Gloves, the kmd th~ t keeps w~rm . . ... , ., 2(k MISses Caps, smaH and ~alDty . .. , . ........... , 25c Candr, the best, yo,u take your pick at per lb. : .. , 2QC' Chocolate Drops, flavored and plain. , ........ : . 25c .


Dall1 ThoUght. -. When BOyoDe 'blls olf~ndel! me I try to) rI1 fso my ,lOW 80 hlltb tliat the offtDlle caDJlo& ~_ lt.-~ea. -

THE ,5e~ tOe AND 25e STORE

-Sl*lalflt In




Ohio " _ _ _._~_._ _II!I___• •"'''';• •_ . .... A . ,

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