Seven tieth Year
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Wh en you hear thekR i~e rr o!l r inll' , And you :;ce the Zeppli a-soarin g. Buy a Thrift. Stamp When the hoches stllrl a· raiding . With an alli~d line a·fading , Buy a Thdft i::lLamp. When th t! >lubmar ille is sinking . Atnl the l'euton line i ~ slinking , . B!,l.V a T hrif.t Stamp Buy a Tlirift Stu mp ev' ry dllY Its th e .pul riotic way, Buy a Thrift Stamp. - George Stumm .
. Major Groyson M, P
I ~pok' to the men Bntl women work t! tll
A, 'rhrift Stamp a dllY k.eeps the huns away , A dollu spen t need lessly-a dollar that employs labor or · consum es ma te rial in competi · tion with the governm enl - is an ally of the ene my; it is a trai to r dollar Your dnllarl' Clln be ' patrioti c dollars if invested in War Sllving sStamp s,
'-PERSONALMOO1ij - - --- ---... ~-.-..
Valentin es at 1111 prices at Jar.ney'a .
L Crane was in Xenin Thursd ay on busineas. Dr. Dill, Osteopa th 21 S, Broad way, Lebanon. Oh io. Mr, an(l Mr~. Rulph Smi th were in :Cincinnati 'fhur8liay.
at Nationu l HeadQu t r5 11lSt. 'J'U(!:'· day af ternoon Wnat he said wu s nol on ly for them but for v ry membe r of the Anwric an Red ' 1'0. H He gave wha t lIli~ht be te1'm tI Ii " fum ily talk." · While he sp(lk B Major Murphy stood on the landin g of the mllin stairc8s<l. !:lis uudienc was ab"vtl him, below him anrl on both sides of him The meeting was one.lha t will not Roon be fOI ~o tt ~n hy anyone fortunrl le enough to be there . Major Murphy paid in part: I am very glad that before my serv i('e for lhe Reol CrO!>l! lermina ted it was possible for me to come here anrl spellk lo you, bl!rouse 1 w nl to tell you not only for myself but for every ntemhe l' of our orl.lanization ovar there what II LI'l.lUHmdous debt of gratit.u de we owe to yo u and th e others canyin g on the ·work on this side, I know that the work that has bllCD accomp l i ~ he(l by lhe Amer iCAn R·d Cross sin 'e we started Oll r prp.~ nl work, shortly ufter the uu t break of the war, has !Jeen th g re test work of its kind that ever was done in the history of the world . No "'ork of II si milar nature hl18 ever been dreamtld of beJ'oreand Y(lU can not unde rstand on Ihis side 01 the water what an effect. it has had on the war abroad We have had II Kupport abroad th like of wt.ich I did not dare t o dream of when I w ntover. We have beel! backed , and h II' d . and support ed. and cheered f rom th is side of th water in a way tt-at w uld have made It impossible fo r' any organization. Aven s very meagre one, to do .o lher than excellen t work.
Walter Clist wall in Xenia one day last weell 01) bUllin ess. R. G. Crqa' wal' a business visitor ill Columbus Thu·r sdlW. Beaul'iful desij{ns a nd shupes in Valenti nes at J at,ney's .
Mm. Hannah Alltram hus been The D. L & C. will ente r, Dayton very ill for the Jla t tew days, after years of effor t to bring about r.onnections into that city, The Arthur Wblle and Elhan Grane tracks will be j oined Lo the regular were Dayton vi ~ itorB Friday after· t racks leadillg into the city. and it will give several manufa cturers an noon. e!;l!li r qutlel 10 il)eir murke ls , es· Corp. Forrest Itidge left Friday peciall.1 theCl18h Registll r Co About for Monlgoinery. ·Ala,. to ,join hili 200 feet of tracks is all t.hat is neces , sary 10 be built to mak I he entranc e regimen t, comple te . This rond has surely its tro ubles Fred Har-taock went to Ci ncinnat i ill tryimf to get intohad ci ty. and lut week, whele he had his toneils throug h the efforts of Jthe oh n Paller· taken out. son and others. who will be most interest ed, it is :;nid tha t the nu tho r MIE Inis Davis. of Dayton. is vis- ities will grun t th ir rlllU t Ilnd ld iting her mother, Mrs, Sarah Davip, them in , • Thi ' road wus the only one lIlaC of Corwin, ' did a ny busin .~ s dllring lhe great flood. and th t'o ugh its manil,ulaLions Make your selections of Valentin es the ci tizens o{ Uavton Wtlre greatly early btlfore a:;sorlm cnt Is bruken. relievpd at all tilDes. It is II hame J. E, Janney . that t'hat the rood has not beell p r· mittl!d to enter tho city long since . Mr. and ,MrR. Myer Hyman and --~ .... ... daught er spent Sundav and Monday with relatives in Xenia.
Cedar Stamps with all· purchas cs - at the S Fred Company. Lebenon, Big Store Expalldion ale now 011.
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By George F. Burba J 11ll11nen to lmow a ramil , of three - a mother , ruth 1', lmd a boy, For twenty years the mother anda
: I:~\~~~\c~tj~ie.! thehl~~~:I~llg thL'!:do~j~l:~:' i~t~:~hh~h:~' ~ : society ; : '. Then came th e w a r. • Tho day it came, the boy volunte ered. JIe was under : drnft age, 'and was ll ot compelled to go in to the s ervice : of hi s coltt:\try. But he volunte ered . It w as t he first t ime : he had been away from home - the first time f or t wenty • years the li ttle family had been separat ed. :. Fur eigh t morlth s the boy had been sleepin g ben eath : a t ~nl, drillinj4, wOI'king, trainin g, leamin g to be a soldier . a l.h Olll>and mil es f!'Om home. For eig-ht month s th e mother h as ' been gazing a~ a picture of th e boy, and waiting for the postma n to bnng he r a letter from the child. Only the God a bove knows the anxiety of her h eart, the mothel'-Ion~ing fO.r the pl'esence of the babe of her breast , t 10 ang Uish whIch s h e undergoe s , , ' . For ei ght month s the father h as gone about hiS work, t h inldng of his boy, h elpin g f or him , prayin g f or him, providing .fQr h is sim))le want.'! and fo r the simple wants of • the moUler and himsel f. : F or the boy draws no pay from the govern ment. Every : cent that is offered t o h im is returne d to the g overnm ent
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pay ·to him for being a soldier, It has now come to the point where th e boy needs food. He needs blanke ts to keep him warm. H e needs a gun to figh t wi t h. He !l eeds tl'ans porhlti on to FI·ance . where h e is eager t o go and have thil thing ovel' as soon as possibl e, so he can return to his mother a nd fath er. He needs everythi ng a soldi er needs - and tie has no money, and his father has I'Nlched the lim it of his nbility to provide . . The govern ment tells the hoy, in substan ce, he will have to borrow t h e money to suppor t h imself until the war is rover. That i s, the govel'l lment will have 1;0 bonow it for
: • : : fueb~ • Will you lend this boy a quarte r? : He pl;omis es to give his life for it, if need be. He is ready to fight for you, if you will but equip him. He wants : to go to France , to meet the enemy face to face, if he can : • bOlTOW the quarte r. : Th e govern ment says it will go the boy's securit y. w ill issue you a stamp, or bond, or guaran tee that the • quarte r will be ·repaid . : The mothe r and father ha''le an humble home. They : will pledge that home as securit ¥ if you will lend their boy • a quarte r te buy food and clothin~ and blanke ts. : A hundre d million other people in this countr y will pledge all they have if you lend the quarte r to the boy. You who sit in emmer t; you. who have three good tn ' a ls a da: , and , warmt h In thE! house; you who p about . your daily tasks, cheerfu l and happy, your wants provide d for - at'e you willing" to see this mother 's boy underf ed, • una r m ed , r agged in the trench es and the camp? The family has been broken up - for you. The grief of t he mother is your grief, 01- should be. .T he 8trug~les of the father should be your struggl es. The hardsh ips wh.ich the boy is undergoing ill the trainin g camp - the coaTse food he is eating, the hard bed upon which he sleeps, t he wet clothes he wears and the exposu re which he fers, are all your affairs, the affairs of every man sufand wOlnan and child in the United States. . Will you lend this boy a q uarter? You can do 80 by •• buying War Saving s Stamps at your store.
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Mr. and Mrs M. P. Clyburn . of Chillicothe, Ohio. were. the week·en d guests of Rev. J. F , Cadwal lader In reading last.wee k's 13sl1e of t he and family, MIami . Gazette . we noticed the boo quets given by "ye editor" for the Mr. and Mrs G, W. Hllwk~ and mail 'buys , They are pajd t Ol- their .Mr _ Fred Hawke wele Sunday visi· wnrk., 1 hea r aome one say, ano tors at the homE' of Mr, and Mrs , A. ~ ho~ld go every day rega rdless of B. Shapero of the Harvey sburg pike. weathe r • -Our efficient carrier, ('; eo Mill s. Depend able ml!rchandise is rapid· was the only connect ing Iinle b,twcen Iy ailvancing in price , Supply vour Ul! and the outRide world for ~e. v t' ral needs during the remaini ng of days days, He made hill trip ~ on a.tys of the S. Fred Company, Lebanon when he 'sbould havA sta}'ert li t home by .the fire Patron& did 1I0t eXiled Big Store Illxpansion Sale. or a8k it of him, We cerlRinly should be vl'ry Lhn J'l k· The regular meeting of St. Mary'B ful Guild will be held at the home of " forbilvi ngsullh &, faithful servant Walter A Clark, Mrs, Geo . Hartsoc k on Thursd ay --afterno lln. A full attenda nce Is de iired.
Anothe r ';'ighty man has fallen and gone the way of hiS" f orefath ers . John L , Sullivan, the pugilist , phil· bnthrop ist and ad died on hia farm near week. lifter a hard struggl e for The name of John ' L . Sullivan heen a fa miliar one for the pad sev· eral years. and his fri ends who .h ave had .tbe privileg e of beinlr near him. say that he wall an honl'st man in' all his dealings, even whil!J1t the rihg, and the Americ an peorJre . ~v~ hon , ored blm .fa,r ·a~oye the maJorit y of ollr AmerlC:an CI.tlZ!!ns . f.le wae for ~ears the chal!lpl~n of the rlnJ{. and It took Bob Fitzsim mons and hiS t? knock him out from ~ia high h~n. All hon~r to Sullivan and may hiS 8Ihes rest In p.ace, ,
Owntlrs. of IlInd along the river nnd race have s p~nt almost all of the winter cutting wood off these st renms Thill wood cutting has not only helped t he slreams but it has added Il grf;!at deal of weal ~h to the river bottoms . The trl!es have been standir lg' for years, and tbeir roots have enroacb ed mo re d more on' the Hl reams. until, in some places. tbey have driven the dYer to make inroadl into the fields, A .glance·up Rnd down thestrea mB Bees a great chanlCe, There were tol) many trees along t he river. and since the coal shortag e it was a wise plan 16' j{o to the river 10 get the wood for the house. Several hundt'ed oords have been cut. and elm. white ayea· more and several species of treea
Learn the W. S S, TablA: On e quarter makes one Thrift SLamp, ,'ixre!;'n Thrift Stamps plus a few tamps one W. S. S. One W, S, S, inakes $5 in 1923. If you loan your money to the Jrnvernment you do two thi n\ls: You give your country credit and give the !<overnm ent room in the work tlhop to get its job done . ThE' hoardeel dollar is the idle dollar, and. with capital needed. it is Ii il rag on thEl commu nity , Milke your dollars work: buy United. States War Savings
Ohio redirl ents are on the 100kOltt for Germlln SlJil'S, Seve ral samplt!B of supposedly " ,1 isoned" food hll ~ been su bm itted to the s tate a uI hor· ilies du rint.( the Pll9t week . hut Ihe laboruto ry dl t!l1listR hnva foulld lillie to support th ·su' fca rs, A lady at Urbans . who bought some cracker s at Ii grll ery store. complained t llat there was ground gtass in the crackllrs, alld tho case W8S turned over to t he l1uthorities One mouth ful (.f br aLi which an Stamp~. Ohio residen t had bitten fro m a slice SUCCE'S8 of the War Savings was f ound to con tain ground glass, but lhe · r est of the loaf was free St1l11l1)S campaig n depend s 0'1 from glass. G round glass was aleo Whtlther or no t you have the ~ame r espect fo r yotl r penni es fn und in a sample of gingers nap!! No explana.tion of thu preMenc e of that your governm ent has If yo u despise vou r little, the bur· the glass in th e ~e , t wu cases is know n Ground gla~s found in II sample of den of that litlle will have to be hog meal is supposed to have been shouldE'red by those who know due lo th e uae of garbag e tankuge ·its value Don't shirt the burill manufa cturing the m 'ai, a piecO! den to the other f ellow. of bottl e supposedly having beeu : - - - - - - - - - - - -...: I£round up with it. Many samples have been founu entire ly free of suspecl ed poisons. A g lass of wat~r into which some· Lody had dropper!!.I u5piri ous tablet I;efore he /lave it to a sick man COIltained no poison, Num ~ rous sam· pies of candy, fl our and olher ~ ub· stances have al:;o been proved harm· less . In one recent exami nation f or the State Liquor Li cen s in ~ Board , a . sample of " ginger al " sol d to a Candlemas Day was a bright one, soldi('r was found to contui n 15 per and the sun shone en?ugh all cent of alcohol. 'fhe seller is l acing make a shado w: and I~ Mr. ,day to Ground charges in federal cou r l . Hog 8ucceeded 10 diggmg himself ou through the heavy crust of snow, het surely saw his shadow, for it was bright all day, And it is reasoned by the wiseacr es that he did see hia shadow . for be· hold how it came on sinking in deeper eve r. Woo!! Anothe r cold snap, af\er people had hoped. better weathe r WI18 coming . Sunday momln g the thermo meter was at the freezin g Monday was a dull day here. The point until afterno on, when a grocerie s were shut down at 1I00n. west wind maue it go down strong again. and but few rigs were on the streets. and Monday mornin g it was about 8 Th, coal situatio n is not much bet· degrees below. ter. Setb Cook got a car in Monda~ Thursday', Friday and Saturda y of which helped a bit. but there are sev. last week had its almost zero weathe r. eral orders on the list that cannot be but prognosticators 'gave promise of filled . , warmer weathe r for a daye. and Tbe achool board thoullb t of start. just when It was about few to happen , 1IiI, In~ the schools last weekj. but after it got cold sgain. mature consideration it was though t Wow! Anothe r night was advisable to wait until there will Monday. and when zero ts looked be eooulh coal procure d to see the at their thermo meterresiden and found that 8choolll through the winter. It is it was from 12 degrees down, not known. however. how Boon they they shivere d and went on back Into will be able to start. the house to poke up the wood , fire , At the power house there is JUBt Monday the thermo meter glared enough coal to pump the water and at the ze~o mark all .day, there is no a3Suran ce how soon the sun went down It was and ?"heo to allother CBr will arrive, Meanwhile the line between down and forced up . . the town is without lights . The Weathe r Man haa promIsed _ __ •• __- -little change for the balance of tbea week. and if he wUI only keep It up for a week. anyway, it will bririg a migh ty relief to the zero denizen s of this storm·s tayed country .
~~~t!;~~~r~~nb~~~~. tl~h~s~a~~etll~u:,O;:~ ~~~~~dS~:~:r!i:;
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...••....••••.•••..•..••••..•. : OTHER, A FATHER, AND A BOY:•
:e····~··· ····· r ···· ' J
Whole Numb er 3466
The' United States Civil Service Commission has announ ced an exam· inatlon to be held at Xenia. Ohio, on March 9, 19H!, 8S a reA,ult of wbicb it is expecte d to make certifica tion to fill a contem plated vacancy In the position of foutth ·elass pOltml ster at Corwin , Ohio. and other vacancies as they may occur at that olft.ce. unleu itshaJl be decided in the Interest.s of the service to fill the va· caney by reinstat ement. The com· pensatlo n oft261, the for p08t,na thll office was thester lastatfiacal
On the grounds that req ui rement s of the law were not co mplip.d with. the Suprem e Court yesterd ay dis· missed the appeal of the Villages of Bellbro anrl Spring Valley. the Greene ok county commissioners and citizens, ,for reversa l f tho ,decision o! the Public Utilities c mmission which gave the D. S anu X . i::l Trae· tlon company the rhcht to a uandon its Iin~s betweell Hoslyn and 'pring Valley. 1'he company obt llined !iu · thority from lhe commissio n to abandon the division on the g rounds that it could not be opera ted at II 'groftt, and immedi ately afterwa nl egan to tear up lhe tracks . Tbe obJ·ectors. it was held, fai led to ask a rehearin ~ before t he com mission before making t he appeRI to the Suprem e court anrl th e order of suspension made b .. the commiAsion will therefo re be all owed to slanel . -Xenia Gazette . '
~UAIL .AND WILD 81ROS ·SUffER Quail nnd other wild birds and ani· mal!! have suffered g reatly as are· ~ ult of the. long continu ed extrem ely cold weather und . co ntinued snow· falls. The wild creaLur es have been una· ble to get food because the ground is, covered continually with snow, and hl.mdreds of them have crawled into shelter antI di ed , Racoons w' h'IeII can I'Ive f or severa I weeks without n o uri ~ nm ent, it is . seenre f Quent Iy on t he are belng uest of food . A Gl'een e ,ullly man walking on his farm lust week . said that he saw a racoon walking along the top of a rail fenco. The animal • . evidently very hungry left the fen~e and clime toward him . The animal was killed with a blow from a club , Its ~kin was 8 pa.rticul arlv · fine one. and was_ sold for..a__ good __ • _sum __,
bl8llu, aDd full In· 'TIC M 'USIC AL ' PATRIO. ~!~t!~ ~b~:~~:l~~uo~:.!e~ l:: CORWIN POSTOFfICE. HAS AlT'ACK Of cured from the postmu ter at the place of vacanC1 or from the United , COMEDY IN,XENIA _' •- . ~:~~:;~~j~:!t~he chopp.era with ~:!esh.lngC::!I. D~~~lc. CommlBllon, The vacancy in the Corwin ST., VITUS DANCE It il! said that the trunks of these olftce has not yet been filled, and post· Miss , . will be taken out of theatre am. • • Dora Stiles is still acting COLL in ECT the The J. A. Long Creame ry Station ca· ALL . . , the thaw c~lJIea. ~ung, society p~opl~ of ~en~a a~e paclty of postmistress, having rewish to t.hank. all their old· custom ers man.lf sting an active mterest Ilgned several weeks ago. Miss Stiles Miss LouiGe- Woolley. charmin the lor past patlona gl!, and wish to ~~mmg local talent. p~~duct OLD KID GLOV ES g •- • ion of hopes that some one wUl , little daught er of Mr. and Mrs . F. notify them .that they have moved to 1he Red Cross ' Girl. .new and that the. postoffice may be retamed A. Woolley, of Dayton . is con.'ined " , . PHEASANT. EGGS GUsH.n'!! old wht:re Lhev will SPICY musical c~m edy wrltteo ami In Corwin , . be' leased tostand, ' eee tbem and as many to her bed with 8t. Vitu8 dance. , ENLIS d·i reeted by E Gleeson McCarty. of TED WITH . The Corwm people .are relucta,n t brougb t on by . . ne: customers as possible . Paying ~olumbus. which ~1I\ be , p~egent . too close application ed Ch~ldren. do your bit by ~olJectlng to have Miss Stiles resIgn her dutIl'S to study. . . , . ' 51 cente thiS week , " , I~ thtl Xenia OpAra House on the old kid gloves ,of any color. TO' in BE the ' DISTR postoffi ce. IBUTE as she D has been a ,a nd bring all probabi lity. she will ,not mghts of Ei'ebruary II and J2 , The them t o the LIbrary . . QUARTER' MA·STER v.ry,fa lthful and oblillmg officer. attend achool any more tbis winter. Red Cross will be a beneficiary of the Acco rdinj( to the "Wome n's J P d t
, Ben Purks, who left htlre ,a week ago ano .wenl to Cincinnari. where he wlll examin ed for fireman, passed .a good examin ation; and hl18 Ii po81t1ol;l . on the PennsylvBni~ ·, lines, between Richm~nd and Springfield.
appl~ , 8 0
Corp. ease r.e~ erlras, wh 0 hae been home for tile put thr~. \~etlk~, left. M'onday eyenln~ to ,reJom his regimen t at ¥ontgo mery. A~a Mr. Prender lrBl t • who came home oneda lick furloug h •. h~ about rell'aln his health. 81 hl8 vlsl~ ' home waf really better than mediCine for him.
AlI'ong those who attende d .'arm· era' Week at Columbu8 last week, were 14111 Elizabe th Chandl er 8f)Q RoeC04I Furnas. beeldes MVarai from Lebanon, Morrow IIDd Frankli n It fa .tlmate d that alleut aooo JJlIOple attende d the mteliq , and eve.., ....
alroad on..
.8h01l. ' Tickets for the product ion are now on sale and 'the rooerve seat plllr w:11 be opened soon at Sayre & HE' mJ\· 11111 '!J drug. , store. ' ~;outh Detroit street, Xema . . • _ • ~~
Home Companion" these gloves will m!\de into vests for Frl)nch a~d Bel· gian soldiers. as yarn can not be secured ~or knittin sr.. ·· ·May ~r'lght . Henriet ta McKmsey • _ ..
More than 80,090 pb..-n t. .... will be ted In tile varioUi Relativ es of Paul V. Reason, form- countleedistribu af.Ohlo nut epriDIr. accorderly of HarveYRburg but fortbe lut Ing'to actloll' chie.f and pm. "arden ~igbtyear8employ~bl/thflN.C R A, C. Baxter. of Golumb wt. It II at J>&yton. have reeti11ved WON said the.r e Is marked IU~ in th. aafe arrival at Camp ropqati on of pheuan ta du~ the Florida . on JaDual'1 ut two yean u IbOWD b, ~rta He ~ in ~e qUllrtElrmutlBr's recei.ed from 8portam en and hrm· div~n and writes .,. 25.000 cmeamp ed temlM'r atute at this tim. about .
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much to the regret of a devoted ' teacher and her many friends.
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blll,lh'"t 1'"'1''' 11'"". ' /lud ,I- kIl2."" ,"l. I·nll.·.·tl. II.· .h'.·\\, ho\'k. "'" Ihnt n, . ·trlll'· \'h1\tU \,~ • furrl' Ull ~l~ r III i'Ulh. J h·t,,, K,wI l) '''lIhl 1I.'t 1',,11 .1\, 1.1 ,.1,' 11\1'1 "'.< lit <"11'1'11111: nl'nUI Jl~ 11'11\,1"": I. ". UIIIIl It 11:1,1 l'I"" 'u l(' tuO,'" d III Ih.' dudll, 01' hll.1 " , .. It, rh III 11.1 1'\1 k t! II 111111 I til 11'1.' w.\ Hu din' ~.\.' ftJr 11 kUl'. 1l., I JlIul 1,. utlv!; h" 1<1 rll"", 111111 ourl· ill'II I., h,· lun ',,,I Ifl. ' I h,'," 'l1' t .11"v 111. dl?r to ~h'"lhll'{', I" 'all'" fnu.,~ >lIl1l1lh,.1 ti l II,,· ,'III<''''s lill"'llt. IIlld \ llIi-"'' ' ' ) .·rO I'(· Ih' 1·,11111 sll'II", IIJ.;lIl lI , I Ih ' I~·,n. ~I~"~ ,111 , 111< n" 'f hllld(o"l, 1 111111 (''''Il (. IIIY \\ "II h"II"11 Ull'l'l lll,hll: ~()untl jh ,u Il 1II ,"I... \\' 111t 'I MlIl l'I KIIZII n \lflX Ih.II' Im"l; , h lb s l\ ,1II<1 ..r t or ~l 10 1IH' Il nlll', '1111' u II W:I' n"ll "I t' ,,/ lit-Ill''''; h id . . ll'U ll'll P~ "tl\\', 1 h illl fr om H :'\"\'01111 :\ 1· l:i1' k-,lI l, 1 ~ h't'l JII\I~ o.,lIl1pjll" ! 01' 'I' 011.' or Iti~ ron'tel'r. ;tl, d \l11I'Ii I,,· h' ''I1l'11. II,·· 1'il:l111 '1"1'1 ...11 hlill. jln"I' ",' 1\\11',' l ..r"r". l>i lltll 1;1'11," \\',011' hlil l It'Il IWt! Ill, "h. II ~Ill' 1;lIt'''' Ihl11 K:t/,l\1I \\ 11' In ~'I'''l l t1:JI'~II', Fur 1I11 11,< lall l
'1,. il~ht htl could St'e tbe
~::I:I';;."~Ii\~~ "'I'I';'~~'(~:;IJ::llt~~I::~!. o~~ \:.~q~
1I1·,I)' J;1J1"l1 n!: lit th IIUllll nj.C 41lr>l ClI' IlI'r 111'l>tUI. .\ Illtlllll!ut lul tlr thtlre CUIIII' It 1(1"" _""hlnl( whIm" olld ho I nI"\\ Ihllt It WII~ l'II Y.I\!l c~Slug f r bl:! I Com~ol' Pleas Courl ft·"",l olu. I . L \'lI lIllltf u'"ullls t th~ ~1t1 or tbe cubln Altl. Kl !fIr'\' ' m l t il" 'bnrlt'!1 E. IYIli< IIll I I . W~Ylllllll sl'lz ' d It. lIod his 1 8Dl I ~h II I \. " t<'I\ t\lId OU~lodv o f Ups , IlII1CIL 'li1iL'ntly. He nlm'ed to· ohllll /oIrll llt\',\ plllit\ t ljJ ; ohIO 13. p r I\'ll td lit Cllt;', ,A dozen blow, ontl l w .. ~I; .. I1I.II . ,uS . t\l f! lIf It.e '''lpllllS llll)'6 w're k.rlockcd 111 Ih .. IIl tltl ,u vI Ih n IViJ l or 'b' fIluk (lilt 'rl 1\' d b kG ' " 1<'1l. 1·.I' mU ll r'W nc. r uy Htll tJl Il ' '', 1"I'II IIM") IVill ullullt· \\',1\( foull d tl,,~· op !lIng ilrst. ood sho h , d ,, ' " ru t Jl I,·. HII\l[lL' 1 olll lI. w 1110 ~tllrllJ;ht like u ! 'rl" I'~ I!('{\ l ' ll .tr lt' lll ,. Lr' r 11 .'1' 11" n . $11 d H I 11 1 J: II UII'. \It " " not I1ct'. Out UI"ol'lI' g l' III II ;11 11 1111 111' 0 Iu 111 ulli'u ~ I""'" sit" wn lt d tor • KU1.11 n. :l ull {'PI' II 1IH111H'ut the two :-;:l ll l f \ '<i M .l l q H' \ \11111 \1n. P I\!ll or ~"Hlli 111'1'", Il",;: ut Iho cublil. T lw ll L{ tllll"' t'III"n'" "",I ."II'f'IlCl',1 I n I It ",I' ~l!1 nil' Inlo f l' 'l',IOUl. OrllY wol r'~ thl e, " .II lll h •• n I b ,. w " rk " ou ~ ... ~h"ul<l ' 1' 'IlI'it ~ll.II'ti lIunk. ,".'r"lnl~tr· ' ,",·t; " ll 'I' ""dl' " n,oI l l lilIl h l r In llip S\\illIlpKuoZll n lind Grill' " ' olt u "''' I·t . found (j hlllilC lII lIll' r U wi IJIIfll II. It (l,C\ ~uils "'11 < n ~rllll ll, ·tlIllflll' I'l lllc n r 'to 13hut In S " r uh 1l:1." }, ,,41\r II \" J A I,' ~1" l f '" l'lI l I ,'pI Y fl',lIU tl " S l lIl W nnd wind, (,ril l' " I, J II til ., ~11' 1 ('h l l u l :ot W llff IOllk 1" '~ "" <'I,)I10rlt lnlllJ 'dluldy. , L ·,;I~lt' H, ·"tI q }ilil' Ih'" 'II"" Ih' I's l'If Otlt nil h e r lI,' lly, ~ 'kfl OU'\1 li l l ll, I I 1ll,lf"I' \\n fill ' I I':IU1<'<I til ~ lt o w 1' l\ZIIII h 'r ('1111, :-.I '·lIto\.· lUli ,, : u nl 111;1 ,,1,tH lh' " 11:1.(. " .' I PIII II1l' 1I1 :J IIIII S:l tl. ·fll(·IIIIll. K:1 1.IIII I; III ,4 t. ,I;' I I: I,· 1"'1 ~ I I ' (lsa lit Il l'" ~ltll', A 1' lBlolI 111110 to '! Ii,. J( .!.! ;' ,I 1\ " 1' (",. "R F' B hit II, unr 111 anti llr"11111 1Ilw. of thut S h" I' ''' ""d , ,. 'I ',I' " "'/l ~ 'Jr, "'. I I' . I I'ru l nlgl1l 1II1111'r Ir I' "lll rs- ng~8 J. OI'CI )"" " ,1' 11 '1' ". lI' l w t. WlUlIl' lIu.1 n::I'~ Ill;:U, It >ll't' llIl',I- \I'II"1I h IlUd I'h , , ','1' r· 1", '1 101 t, I'" . I' , I.' I f ull c In IH·h I lndl' rl ' l'lh ,·w o ll·~l'ac l:.llnd "'Ih t rw ·d, l. ,'q ll l\ 11(''' ' ' \1 '"I. I ,3.. ~"" III;; GI''' Y W"lf hud ~r pp i II) hi s ~Id ' jUI1(' II.. " ,.e, I " I" I .. ' ," r ( I;, ' nftl' r Jil l.: Vl e ltll'S lIllI l had 1;"'4'11 II l' I'· r l;: n I PI' ' ~I' .. , 'n' ~ H, 11 111. ",·I f til II I", Cllr 111:11". . DIV{ll ( ' ' ' ' .... I , '1'1 I I I I I ) r Il1ltv , W, utI' . II If , nI l\\, IPJ,;tllI td gr'ow M '(I!, . ~ . I,· .• •• '., \ '.., liJl~ 1 n U, I r t. ,uS \" 011' S ~lg ll1l "~ ~Yli S. ::;h .l! / U \\' , .1 ,~ I, I. ,,', I JI'(tti W.r I ,X-, lIuli "".,,,,J I" :';1';" \"'. I,· rll ), h ·.'r ,')'l'R Hllrr l" ', ~I ., , (llI" '1 I" " l rt' ; wilh 1"'1' 1':1',\"<, I" \\ hill" fill' Ih,' "",. I n m (lll l'l 1'1 "." I 1;';1~. : II Ikl ... II ,,· 1:010\0'1, 111",," ,tI,,1 II" , 'III)'". llt)f ll 11 " ,l" i , . • - .,. ,,\ . ~; I; 111.1. ~,j"\\'I )' , I... I" ;':'\1, ." f., r~"1 I luli ,h~ wi 11 . I" " " I', . "ad. 'l'I'r-I',lI lh""'III III)!<. ~II"~.,, ."I fr · IIi .,I ",, 1 " ""'Irl, 11l'11 1", it1 11,,1 1'1111 111"1',' , \I i rll~' "I 1\ "":1 11 ', IIIII'!;' h~tl1 ' " v. " ' rl~ll1 ulld 1II '.trill:.! lin d 11, '('III1H ' \\" IHl· (11 '14!.: I !' " . 1111 11 ~ \ ~ :--: I r . ,,," H Id ' ,),·I·fllll., h .. <t. "I,, · ,',,"ld \I ill " :I " 111'1,' rl' I \ ,\ \ , 0 " lI\ "II ,." ,~2:'i hOll 1\'" 1"iI ,'" ,I I. ,,, ,,, , '"111 Ih l' )In'" I 1. 1' .. I: " " , \ It", .. <'ur,· II f 1'''''' ~I .. , ,·",,101 pld, "i' II I un 1 V , II' • . 'r. " 11"1" A . III . "l'l'lI ~rl',.li"· ,11 ·.,11"'" . lin 11 , 1111 II I:.:ht I ' ,~ . t; I ( I ,If rlnl ~ . 01 1,(\ :o{h[1 J!:I,I IU ".u'tl Ih .. ~III:'~ I' lit "Ir""t str- Ilu' (' r u , It.\' l
I t! I",' Rluhu,,,j Oer!,,11I r h/ilnjt lI11 1.,,'I:rII11d,
Illllllf" lit Ihl1l.ltl " \I,"tl ll 1 '. , , t "I lilt "" O.. III htlll Ul'lIl' Orl'i:c"IJ I" '1'1 , t , r I11 0 1l ~t"tf .r ''':1 P 111,,, 11'., .,
tI'. ,.
Dr. J. A. Veterinanl IIrn IIlItt'
flf Ohl>' .. ,
".~ .:J
I \;
ll'II'I\,\r Main "nil Mill ~ lr.: t d
1 Wills lint, Puhlt u ""lilt' \I ll 11'1 ... 1, II, konwlI fiR t.i1O 'J'lhltfl Ii ~'<Ir1I1, 1)1 , \J.I Ohio t b611PPl' t· WI,Yll 6S VIII O Iud 1"I',lr./: . ~L1~ nesvlll e. !.torn P kfl ,2 11l 116M llllrt\t PII.t .,f lhtl gt" v lllt1, :! ullle~ ~1I 1l1 \tIV "s l, . ' l ,\·I,/". "" , ...-----~~-_..._....._~ _ ._ ........ _ - - -....
I ) . 11, E, t .
1<)1' : H .\.'1' HAW ,\ , . III ,, 'r l ',' I: II '" Ulof,,1) \\,111 IJr ll1 "'I\', I" ," ' I!: 1",,1 I' I::l lJrfi l, ,.. ;I '",~ :~ Il 1"1111 If l~' . i"rllll, 1 t " ;I'\' i llll '!t Leurllnv D.uf'·" 100\11 11I1·1I1 ~ . Ullr", ' ~~ , '1 .. 1 " ' I\J"I', 1l~ ('" In 1 :" ' IJ\l~ Ill,il! \~"tn II :- t tlou ",;b ll l l' {:l , "" I ~ lt U I , lit 'I' 'L1I1,q .·.
Tuesday, Februnry Il).
('lI" l lll(\III'i ll~ fl'
• A1waya Two by Two. .j" ,"It. It 'fI'a' Sanuary wh n n gultl,' from t o) nu n"" l' l I U'-' tll lll PIl f1I.0. tlIe ' PQst brough t Pilol \YcY01nn ttl ~I' h big tlltl~ 10" 1", Ult', BeDrt LoU', cobin 0 tbe \\ UI rCoun,). l!' A ~1 I i, l AI 1;1' IN "It Iii d -- strangc," sold lI <!llrl. ~-...'~ ~el Imm~dlate relief rrom Il all II • U ,d 1l(lo 1\11\". "J bave 10Bt BeVcn IYllx In Ih ,' Imp,.. ~ :J ~OOI>'S Mill!lc Ojntm£lI~ 1 1} tlIH\, :!!ltill. e IJ Illlkll l ( ~ h~rIL ' to-.o pleces Uke t11e 'l' " wc-ru uo IJwrc \\I / I"j ' 'i f, (Ill ' t" t1tNlro. y It. lilt' fl ' ~ht ~lIn ((11" "01 h t' r j'tlll111 ~ I II' 'M . \ , ~ thin rabbit. thllt tit ... ros'~ hlld kll\~,1. \\'"ult! I: I. •• I' ,,, .. Ill Ih"t ~h .' II" " u' JlIl,]' h,·".lI KUY.III1'~ ~II'III .. r I': ' " . . .II,' No thlnl-not even lIeur-hll\,\~ l"'N' Ill,' 1;1,,' I, alli l II .. , I1\JIJ'o.ud" I'~W " IIIr1 ~lll ': III;: III UIIII"t lit,' \\111111'11 11 , 1'1" , \ tl l1VlIlI! dp~·td"r l I I I 1II1d~f1" .. It 1., . J .a~kl· 11 Is It ",",· I" 1",- 11,1',,"; I, Ih l' .'( ... nit.... :-'11 tl'UpS 1\ (,IIl'i h"'1 1,10111"11 ill Ih., ~I""" ... ~ ed 1_. • _a In n trup bef!)!'.:" .. ., w 1l1 ' I·ll rll 111\' "I '1 1l1t ' 1 j' t" , I I" tl,. \\"10;, ."e"'11 ,:t .. 1 I ' . ,,,,,,,,11, r 1I,,,)I~, ,·"I,, ·. 'ul· Itt\ ' frollL oC · lh ,' 10:.1 1 h",,,.·, ,",,1 u l':ll' ... ..... time I ver see II," " f \\:': I\' III'!"\" " h ~ un !lIp .I l f l l I.) 11 \\1\ ..... 1 . • tI~oused We~lllflO . 1I" ,,"liS 0111' III;; 11 11 II , ' " . '.lIlI,' 111 ,,1, l' 1 "III" 'H ",,,I \ "If's feet 1'. " ,,)1i 11\0 oi lh" K I), ::;110 ..... 0 , J It "" th tt \\, h irt ' III 'dl r"lfll, • n Barbed Wire of tbat growIng number or tll')lIghl fll l IU,'. ·" :"1'1 ',' '. ,"\,1 1111 \\" ' 1'" ru r fdl Uti IIl' l' .11II', ,..11 l1/'1'II1/: lint! RIIIlI'I, b~llel'ed thut mon',~ C"UI .SIll, ,'nuudl ;III •••" 1'1'''"1 Ih ,' ",UI · hllll ~~ ''' ' In!!" In h l~ ~Il'u::,:"'~ KII ~l1 n " 111':\11" meu- -bo " ~ ... " " Tl1cst!ay, F'llI'Illlry 1_, 11)1.'\ , U a race. hlln,I 8 bJm to mUlly ur Ihe I Ihill Ihl IIJt!"i"'" I:. l\ ,',11.1,1 11'11 , prill); th e relUl1lnlnJ; two Irlil is. Ono (lr tlll' llI Brll ' I(l lll~ "I I I'M. lit ,' I I ",. more ""oodar/ul tocts or c rentlon. lIl l'lll III I", I,.:~I.,~. ml s",·u. 't'h. /\(111, lIud I n~t. r,Iugllt t,F AH .I ~ TEEO to h" 1\1 withont len,,' II IJ 1 \l 1J.( rt 11";(,:I\1 Ii pr .. , wf{ \' f '.w l ' · (h /... !1lJ.! a lll ' llIi "h, fir lO:oiEY ltEl·' UNDE·r> . "Tbere Is one h!g wolr on' Olll' slulIl· "\\, h'l1 II".' Ikl,1, \\'"If JUII1 \1 th l~, I III Y II IIIHlfoo l. f i (\ r :-I ', a "tI ' ~n, J II II" I I 1\ 11 1I,',<,d r,1 • IInli $1.110 ~j1.l's (0)1' frPF h WOll llrl8 . Ie.r,tt sold Henri. "Au' It Is nIWll~'H W1t)' au' 1hal all! 1"111"" ;.!I'I Ill," ~lIi , 1 I TIl'nrl nntl \\~('IYTTln n W( 'fe out t'llrly, J'( ' 1TlI:-1 I HlltI"SI,Il " " t I 'Ql (I, I\· " " I('. old ~"rl'~."fIr b:\ " ~ 0I111 " h""ld!'r8~l1rul the big wolf who goes In nn' IIglll s \I ,'nrl. ,"II" ,,,\,,, .1I1t., ""'. l ' n,,~ I , ul Wlll' n tJt ~y strl1 ~k (1\1' UIC !ullin 1111" .1 A M ~; " I; I I , I ,1:-; 1' 1I'; (lud lJrui 6e~ . :1&0 Sizll (ur F nmily use. the JYDX'. I 8C thnt by thl' SIl""', h ..." :-;111' __' C't't il l Inlp :-'W lll) \\ )Il 'I ' ..: · towllrd tho wl ndfu ll . Ill' urllll1i ll( ~t] \0 \V. N :-<" ' " ~ . A 111'1 DR. COX'S PAINLI:SS BLISTER • flltl g Ihe II If 'l 'h, II I t 1I11 r II til jrllC~s or ) " 1" I 11 1 0' 1 \\' If While b e s g . 11 • til1l11 'I' WO " -" '" ""1' 11 II;: " ~ I ""1111' , . , ~ . •• :t I a ( 'ay o . <.',lr lo\\ I I ~ n l ,~ lilll IH " r, ( ·It.. ,. I. ..... id \lll;" !t";) nll d I(\larn ll!ced to curo makes mool' 1111Cks 10 th e ~ no\l' just I11I1 ),in/!, h,. 1I1'It ""'1'1' .·.11111'11'1, .• rill' lIud hl ~ durk f ill'! ' 1I!:""'d \\11 \l'lt h "1',11 ill, W' 'I.: h ""." l'II l' h, SW(J.' nYJ Splint, ont of rench , un' theo when Ihe ,lynx It nll·""",1 "I' :1 11 {'n"'l'l'; nl ' !lutl burl ed pll?!l~u ru lind xcll<'lUcut. \\,11 II 't hey 1 1·I1(r., ( I' III1V t'\ll nt'/! ' IIlrn t, o f Done o r 18 do\\'o, or Ileud,. It jumps 10 nn' h "II)~ til(' tt'l II aI<' ,."., II I ul' I'W". 'I'h"l 1I1l'li l r Ilched the 1:<1lt'll~r un,),~r tile IIl:1RS or 1 Will ~(' 1I 1t1 1'11 1,IIU :<fl h, .. I " ' \' , ,JI'ISci,', r lli"IH'Y rl·fll;ld"a , Prio06Oo. tear It Into pieces. All thut 1 kutl\\' KII ZII II :nll) I;I''' ~' W"lf IllIs~ l'd 1I'l,.hlllll (ollcn tlmlJer. lJolh stood s p<'cchll''"'s W flr p bull~l\ ill \Vn yn. :0" \'1 11 ", I ) hl l1, ~ ' rl FOR ";;1\1 F II" ''' 1 I'RUOnlSTlI b, the 8DOW." hun,ll"',1 r.,. I III I h,' "llIIlf.)l I. 111111 l1 f'I'Y fo r 11 momcot, ns lOllilu d 'b~' II'l'"t tlll'Y l>urlng tbe two weeks th ut follo wcll. \" olf'" 1; ",," ."'I'll t ,I"Il'c I",1 Sllllll'l hlll>; snw. J.:,'co n eurl bad sc 11 n ot hIn g 'aturday, Febru ory 16. 191 ,s Weymao toun~ much to Ildd to UIIl "tl':lI1[.O ' :",t! .\I"lul"llng III Ih' IIII'. I'h" like tWs bcforc--t\\'o wol\"(~s nnd a B t'f!{lll nIIlU nt l~ I, ','l, wli ,..h ,t '", 'lit material ot his book. Not n duy pn ted III t'ornu.·t! 1,:\ y.: tII 'IIY p n'~"'l ng IIl], l" ~Iwul. lyo.x. n il in trap s , and nlmost within 1"llo wlng 1'l'll lllll' tl': H OII ~'f' "C'' ' ;'\0\1 1 I.E ~ DI~. J. lJIat IODlewher oloog Benrl's tr'lp·llno tler 11 1:"10111'1 h L, 1111,1 lh, 'y SlI'lIlig olr rencb or ono unot\II' I"S 10ngs. Dut sur· ,,",1" P ll ~trl . Bnu g lf rl , \": nrt l, ". l 'll' ~ 'I ll\\' they Illd oot see lIle troll~ of tll(l tll'O Ilt rr ght ling)" , I. l"'I,l ng to wlullwnr.1 prl sc could not loug d elroy tho !.tus lu >:;9 ,'rh. P I \l \\' ~ , P L.~u t l'r "', ~ 'h '. , ""olves, aDd Weymoo obscn'ed tltnt- of lli o \I·1I1 1,\lull. of Heorl's hUlI h 'r's Insllnct. Th,' 1.I ,lrll w/lr ,': lI e , ' ... DENTIS ~ ••• aI Benrl. bad told blm-tlle foolIlrlllts rr" r tI'" tlllr~ uil li Ihrl'(' cold ~l!I rllL wolves Iuy firs t In hl $ PlIlb, nUll hu {' ,,' ttut-: 11\ I tll' HU rI '.-'· t il l ( t il\, .,t ~tl l " : 'fI'tre 01"IYII two by two, nml 11'\ 'r u Ig 1.1 >:; 11111 IIIII.!; hl1IJP~ I"'d 1I1 Ih ,' Wllld , \VIIS rulslng hI s rille hi Jlut U ~tcel· ,\ . ll . - I " ~; "' . vm(tts l u n " .. .. lIIe. 0 one by ooe, On the, third dny tlt ey fnll. I h Irl ullIh·I·., u,ntl. unll I'XI.l lI llI l'.1 C81,pcd hullet throll)!11 lh .... hllso of 1I11lf Il ",II"I I\V II'". .\,,, 1 ". till '''' 11\'1) I' b C ... "" "' 1" IhHI t "10'11 t th t b d h Id I t\\', 1'1 I I K ' I I I W t tltl/l;:~-!""'IH "':11 1 III'III'I/lJ(- hl"'IlIllP I ro a le ourl Ii. 'I'. I a WL.. ' 1 came to a rap 8 11 e B )' UX, a '~III I1U, II.' ynx \\'IIS It tlll1l " I\ IlZllI\ S lm n, II' WI! 1')' IIII1U cuuGh · I W N '\jll' ~ , III': h" i' "1'_ . and at eIght of 'Wbat rem1llu t'd Henri like h hll" .. l r.·'/l.d Ill so IHulll s hUnl,lIni.'. Illru cflg~l'ly b¥ the nrm. III III 'l' 11 ",1 'lIIlI'" d" " <, I(llwl\ In 1" ,1', thl/SO ! In Il<' Ill " 1" 1' or tlw f""" " n f '. ~I"nlt" J eunred In both Freoch and EoglI$l\ whi ch It "Il\'l'r,·(\ III~out 1111'0.1 \\'e ' k. ~III1'I' <"11'1'< " l"·:lIII ,· I, ·<~ rld l,·" III KII' ~ufllli tir ""'. ) I \ ' 11 n d \ ' H !lDUI he was pnrple ID tbe fllce. Tbe Il th" lIrl lt IIll(ht tho ly nx r 'lu I· "\\' IIIU" ho crh'll. "11'~ not 0 wolf. I Zull. l o r 1l1 " I", t, •. " 'l' n(I""" I It' .1 (; ,. J,;r~ :~ 'rl~t;~: f 1 ~l l'l'I , " BAJ(NH <\RT, I1DX bad beeD torn until Its p It wus we il l lit Ih e IYIm)fuII. \\'ns Iurlid It'/j 1\ d(l~!" ClI' 1J~lwn I,', d" )1 "lei UIUl ll (:rIlY " ·Illf.' I 1 I practical., wolltblcss. . ijtrnl g hl III Ih~ huH, find th o Shill'P' 11('111'1 I'"w(!rl'tl 1'11\(,. s lnl' llI g nt :hl' wou lll I'nlnr "Ill II ", I'lId lll!: \.1111"0 Ii~ .Ih" nl ·tI .t' \' 01 th e 1l 11 TCII"!,,,h p - -We-." saw wh ere the smllLlDr th,' collllr. lI'" 1')' r Ch!\,1"r~1 "t, nl"' 11" nil"'''". ll IIV 'l n,' r"n t "' \ my r,,1'11 1 I ".vl, 1 Notary . ~ wolt tOOlb 'Ll ~tl',,1 irlll' do~~d n l\onllcs, I"J G \\' tr W"~'lUlI I f S I ,,"ntI to of 0 IIII ril'l III;,:,' IIfty YUI'II fr"ill UIP h' ., IJ:dwnr ( ~', I{'nrl,\~ r lllll" ,lnl,·,! rdluo bid waited 011 1t8 hnuoches. wW le It 0\'('1' It " I'igh l hllll\( ,ot. Kllzno Ilud rny \I. ,W Wll " Ill' lIq I h 'W, lrull. In UIl'lr hUlIl. s ho bl'I'IllIH' Ihl' B,\tIfl $;l\IU" ,. . ' off" f "" ~"I,', ( 1\ III \' f,, ' '" I ' " ",I I, .. eom~OD hlld II1Ued, the !ynX". He ' Gmy W"lf '\t'rl' U"" 'llllllg II qUflrter o~ Sl1a l'lIl1 ~, h£' r ,~ltll(' f,'n ~~ IJnrv ,1 til I n,l" r-unrll ':' 1. n ..' \\'1I~ fUUIIII. AllIl l . " • "·,,.t .,f l.ltl".·I'III .... :l 11\,1,'). '" - I " \11 11I n.l" fi r rv \V III k ''vi 'I. 414 Dot tell BeDrl aU be 1JloUght. But I II lilli e d ~"\l(,I' In th ' illrl'st whe n th ey I he rll" ~ , h" coul,1 "?t S"I'. 1I 1'r hl illt! :I S 1\:11?n1l 1" 111'\1,"1 to II' U" t I') h,' r 111 I he M In I h,' nl] I.' r ,Ill' \1"\\ ':"11II ! ~ \ d o n y ,,,·,.v ,l l...., I, Y "'",' "I< ' ';1 Ii' , , , • l' 1'..",, 1... h , '"" ,. " tile ik1I that followed convInced him I, beurd til(' 'hUlkInG t th ste' l chOllI el Yfos \\'1' rL" \'I'l"(·11. \~h"I''' th (,l'e !<h.. ultl h u nt, ~(I Il l' Ill'/,'nn ju I II In ~tlll tl n 'ly ~ \ n ,~':"~' l I.·a ~ .. ,. I , Ot, ltI I II M1 1 h ,. C, I, ,Ill N H, I~ ,,11 more a4 more that be bad {oulld the llS tbe lynx {Ollg hll0 fr It It. ']"11 lIIV(J 1I('1l11 ~'r"/j ~1(! rC! II'IIS f)lIly hulr. to 1tl'\" 1 hl'r " U I'llIOR~ . If Grny Wo lf ,) pl O II' " . , IDaIt dnIIIaUc exemplificatIon or hfs Il'llnutfi; Intel' iJIC), ~toOtl in 010 el ,/ r 11 1111 'Ill " ,'Clllllllltlflll In'olw from W~y· n'll~ol1ld. It w llq ICI till' cfi'(' t thDt E, lllt ll tlf -'\ '. 1\1" .. 1 . I", " )t. "Ini n Monday, Fcbru l!r , 25. 191 /'l UiIIorJ. Back of this mysterloU8 trag. ot th II'llltJ(1I11 cnl'orn. " Ultu\'" 110,\1, f wHhmi! 1' "1.1111 !lit!> woulll e\l ('. She hod IUIlIJI H·. ilHlh ''\'' 11111 1 fila I. UII I1\ I I" trw "I III" ,. 1,.,,1( 1;"< 1,,' I4J of the trap-HDe there Willi a rea· I t WII~ a "hit clear nIgh t, so filled "Lilli), I" h, C:Ul11101l1ll1"d nt ne ll~l. I 'I'I"'1 h urt I It!nw lillel tll.'ll IQ ('II1('h u /l; · t , ' " ' I Il!-ll'~I ' t ,~ I"dlt'll'ml'r d ~" I""'\f,u P ' ' \)o'rt ' 1".\\'Ii: I 'l " r~ .• IGa. ' willI lJJ'Illl111l1 ~turs tllllt Il e nrl hluisillf "Wllll t III til' 1.l(1l11 Q- or hell" ' u-" 1111l'tr'ItIJ{I> (1r Ii 1'.1 ,hi I, btlt' I'I l<' 111\<1 Ill· ' 0 tls ~.I, :<HIn 1'111 II h'l l :1 , ' I I)'. , Ih": 11 "1)<1 ~ I' I' , \. I,'" III I III Wh7 di d ' two wolvell not d~8trOY cOIII<l hu v~' hll1lled by thc L1ghto't th em. 'litl Is (\ Ilg-wlhl r,1llg \Illle hll. 1'1111 WII l'R fll Il Nl. Kn1.n nll1 r ullt life to !H'r, I II th " ". "t1~ r \I' ' li r Will n ( 'W W pl'OIlIl '"t .. , Ii. lll , " Iwltl H ." I", d t·, Qe 8Iber-L~ the ermIoe and the mar- The 1~' I1)( hil i! xlllHlsted IIsel!, on d to Ul(l \\'oll' S.':, slllfJ ll 'IH I. "Antl thl.! I And-It ho r NlIllln!'Il - 11 11'11,' 10 mllilo :';0110 , d ""'·"" N \ W ' 11 orll1lllll ';\ tQ r;; 0 big bill,; , I't lJ f'ln "< Wh7 _8 theIr tcud with the hl;'- I'I'lilldl"<\ (Ill It. h~l1y liS Knzlln otinor IS-\'·\llr. , Il<'r~ Ir Inll l!'1'('n!;fl hlc to IlI'r runte. p r oh" t l' ,\. I •. ,~ I 0 1'; I, 1l11~ral Dirt;!,,' Ior I1DX alooe! I nlltl O rllY \ '"IC 111'U'IlI·CII. As Utiuul , "Anfl hllll1ll" gasp d Weymnn. \ It wns h!'r h nblt, sp rln;:. ~IlIlIll1<' r W . N, t:!Cllr". A II ('t. WeJllian waa 8traoj;el)' thrlUed, Be I. Cmy W ult Iw ld b l1'll whll " Knzlln he"Oul, hlll1ll . 111' leur." Iltldc tl HenrI. 111111 wlnt ('r. to , nngglp ('Itlse 10 Kll znn Mar riag e Lken se.~ .1 ,), ("Irtwrichl 'W ayne . Ville Ohio 1;00n th !.tUltll'. I n thl! Ill'st o r SI.!CO!l(\ flllllng pnttly Into Fr ncb In ili A amaze- ! nntJlI .. with h,'r ""," ullrul h<,,,tI r ~lIllg l' l," Hu rn'''1 f' IMrl •• WI. a lonr of '11114 things, and for Qf tll . e O)::hIS on the trop.ll ue. K tlZU ll m.' Ilt. li e \I'US ral Ing Itl rln ognlo' l (In hIs neck 0)' hrl" I;, 1f KII1.1I11 sllllrll'" Clny P o " rl "rl! r /l . ~. frHm o , of _ _- - - • thllt reuon he Dever carrled Il IUn. w ould lIrolJulIl J hUI" llcCI\ 1l18cmbow. W ~'mnn seized It firmly. ' Ilt h t'r ~he dltl nnt ,a1/l )l hlldr, hut slunk 8'l On ~ '· ltl l'. Ry • h, " l I. ."~ ,,, P , qn;n . : -~: I · t'l Il ,: t;- . , J ~tfCwheD be aa;" Beart placing polson olcd or hU ll II\'~ ju!:ulnr ,'d o c ut op '11 , "Don't kill th('Ul, H ' nrl," be Sllltl' l tlowu ns Ih ug h ~trllck tl hlow. \\'lth "Kill !!" Mill . Ilf' v B. B ~'f ~ tPr. baits for the tVio maraudert!, he shud· hud tI.e Il~r' uts!.tc II free. Th ey "Gi ve tll f'1Il t l') Ille-nllv~, Figure up her Wlll'l1l 10l1l:u c ~he wQlIld lI~ k Iii\! '1'Ir - nrfl 1" , N'~'" , ' IH!j'''o r and Read the ]\tiomi Gazetl tlOW ' Auln Eq uipmellt derecI. IIDd wben, day after dny, . he' l w I'C II10r ' than hl a mutch III op IJ tbe VOll" of til !)'DX they !lUI'C de, 1(101;' hn t r b e l\\' "'I I'"1.'IP 'S 101'". hI< , E ,Ihpr ,\1 ,,, ... K " , I} "'I', uf FI' IIokJi o Horl'C--Drown Equlpmcnt ..~ that tbl!8e pollOo baltl! were uo· tight. 1.h" III:11 flll! bllf!!C, t of them fe ll stroyed. 111111 udd to Ulol the W,)!f dllSs Ilrter 1.1' h" rl rllll 11 ~1I1'p r III III ~·tll. hl~r ~ . ~l'bnf'''\I ' r toached. he rejoiced. Somethlog In bls t 11 pountl~ u'lI lle r hi' \\,t!lghl. Clull1(, bount?"" nllli I " '~1\1 p~y. AJI" , ".I~''lY PII\\, ~1I 1> n'~I'$~'l hIs foot. HIIIH] Ill'S. I . . own ,oature went out In eyrnp".tby to lind sn\' 'll him oll ' lIlt) Sun I loel(. Gmy nre" I) llh to 11l C 11 ~r .I t tleu t. 11 ~lI v· hntl 11111,11) I'" , zr lll nh~{)l ut"ly n cl'C's,," 'Y COlTIlIlISSlOllcr s Pr()ccc(li ll~s l ' t : LEI'1I0N F: " (lAY Ott NIGH'J tlIa heroic outlaw ot the trap·lloe who Wolf lind th I)O reUlllo hlld botb ndd. ns. II IltJg- nlld II 11Il1II1 \\'oIC-rnill!'~ !" tn h r pxlsl(,nI't'--uud n'"\', III II dI O'pr" '\nl .1 "",v i,,!> f ' r "ur v ... , il7 50; D8"f1!1" tailed to gIve battle to tlle Iyox. ed to tit d e fent of HIe lynx on the 1I C' atlll Ild ll J 1I' lIrl'l< 1'1 li e. lind n C1l1'1 n t I\'IIY, ~h{l hcrn uI,' mora find III UI'I) Nigh... ID the cablo be wrote down Ms sllod-!.tnr. AntI IIlon/t lic nrl's huoting wu s tnl'ln!; I.t h lul . liS If h e lllll n o t , lIl'f'I"""I'Y 1" K llzu n. Th <,y 11'(' 1'(0 h npry "til " H" .r ,1 of n h 'I T I ~IA' , 1" [11' ,1 on.l f'uneral Dirf'ctor ~01l(hta aod dl8COverles ot the dO Y' line It \l'1IS tlt e t rill) tliut wos hI s oily. Y I (Iult ~ · u nd(' r~ tlllll1. I In thclr . "\\""1'11 111'11)('. 'rl ll'l'(! \\':18 (',llIlh ln' loll' ~ 1'\ 1' h " A ·. tl P"rk . r and Embalmer, One da, the bIg Idea cnme to HenrI. Eve n with lily U' UlY t hus sllllckl d W Yll1l1l1 . C!)nllllllt'li s p ·tlklog. h i 1'II;'I11y or ~ 1Il1l1\ gill Ill' nllllllt IIII'm. -til .25: (I. ~ l iil! t :in~ , O1 "" ls l or Weyman W08 ""Itb blm wben they h e took big,,: 'r cllllJlCeS tlillO ev r wllb ey.. ~ IInrl filC II lnzi ng. 1 Hn r"l~' !Jill \III'." gil hl'S(lllll tit' IImlLs r (ll1n ,v b!'" r ,l (If vi"ilu s t-a; J . W Waynesville. Ohio. Lin go Hurll"" ' rll I" . ~I O~'e~ Ao d I ' ItJ'nck fresb 8!gns, of lynx. Tbere WIIS I tllo Iyux u alle r 'UIO wlodfu ll. A dO!:-llo .1 It hllud w()lf-lllntc !" of tllf' S\I'IHIlP III hUl1t. ---Optometristi nil 0111 \\,urrlo r, sl.x or h e l' pl'uted , "It lij w on der(ul. H nrl, One 11ny Ihry l' rllck fnrtll r thlln h'Tdw" f ' f .. r c \1 ft h il US" $60.71; • creat wlodfall ten or Iltteen teet I The cnt la!ch. and 10 ooe place the logs hod · seven y ears old. IDs clll\\,& wcre 110 DIl wn lit ' I't~. \Iwy will lIoy 1 hnve gOnt' lISUUl1 II", \\' I'~t, '1'h,'y ' left the SWOI11P, W~I ~~r L~~~l<)~ . 11·... '~h~ IIlId rtrHY'/'Either Auto or Horsc dra wn ~el'vi e. ' Eyes tested free No extra chn rgc f o r a nto 9l r"i re fof'lll.cJ a .ort of cavern. with almellt incb nnd a .oun t r lOll!!. ~ nd curved IJ snn rl n 'll,. ltl, \l'h ,'1l my book COlll l'S cross d tI 111:1 111 ,t I'\'r whic h 1\ nrc had ug', .$ 2 III , I I . P,. tt r- rqo " , ~ ~lppllef1 h h' . I out. JJul ] rillllll hl1l'e pr of, I shnll R"'l'pt IlIl' IU'l'r 11l1l~ Yl'nr; cllmhed It fill' J~ I I , 5 ,40; lIlDl(,~ !!",lI r n. Jllnllor Bot pones 10 Office ami Reside nce, 10 tnke (I\' 'nl~' pili tlll:rn pbs II r eo before rl d::c, 0 uti d ".,'I'I"le,1 Into n' sI'coIHI $ 10: P. A. Ml\r t 11, I'll III" $Ilo. No. 14,. you 11111 the lynx. "I s tioll keep til plllin. At lh\' ho ltOIll G rn~' \Voir Ilog nllc1 lhe wolf n \l\'e. Aod I sbull stopl" 'll 1111" . nlfl'(,(1 tho nlr. At th eso pny YOII, IT ort. fl hundrcd. dollnrs ' tim s KIl ~n lJ nl\\'lI.I'S "'nteh ell hi', wnlt. npl cco for the 1:lI'o·1\[IlY I buve them 1" IU~ (,1I1;" )'I .\' liJlt'I 1" '1'1:"11 ,,1)' If t h e 51'cnt JI Ilrt noddetl. He Jleld his rllie In wns to~ f11 l nl for him to /llch, Hut r enllllll)ss. while Weyman unpncked bls todoy It, c tl llj( ht ,tll N)gu oC It, null com TIl ood got to "'Qrlr. Snnrllng h J(I1 II' whr , my Wolf's OUfS tlntfan gs greet 11 the click of the crunero· t n ll. lind IH· f hlnd!(lIar l"crS droop d. shutte r-I he fnngs of wolf nod lynx. Q'lle sr~ nt or g,lmc would ho \'e 1lI1111~ But iCnY-fin lny cl·inglng. not tllrough b f'f rigid nnlln l<;, rt, But It wos n'ot III t l'!ur. but b ecnllso he still recogolzed gam' ~lrll'1\ II \I' os hl1l11nn, ollll :1':1), the mastery of moo . W olf ~ l lInlr lJ ('hilll l l( rl1.1111 lI11d wltllH'd. JIcllrt sbot tho lynx, Jlnll when Knzon f',)r 81"'01'111 11111111 \"8 I htW stoot! wllhout 1lIidcrslood thIs, be tore nt UIO coil of lIIol'lnG 01' run Itl n); 11 RIll1nd, und tJ10'U h is trup·clllllos nnd soorled ut Ule Kllzun 1 1! ~ tltt> 11':1 \ ' on, wl'lthJng bOlly 'ot h I forest enemy. Lr~q I h nn 1hl'l'l~ '1111 filiI' tl ynrds OwRY ~urley ciga~ette. By nll!nns ot n p ()lc and n · bublchu ti ll'y t'linw In l' Ihl 'lt I'lul1I11 0/ SCI'Ull F . O. B. Nean -. ' Branch ot Distributor noose, KnzlIn was brOUGht ou t tram Ull' HIII'lI tC', /I !ill UIIlH)st rnn Into (I tcpu.!. Tenn., C. O. D, ' "Heap big mileage'~ at no greatat' cost PI.lIltl I AV"OB ORA'II'lITa d~r Ule wInd fu ll nnd taken to Hl'orl's It wn ~ (tllllnd l) ' d, !..Ir ami fire 1J\l!1 Ilia T R ~A D OMP TV; U than for ordinary, low-qlileage tirescubln. The two meo then rctu1'u ed n ot IJ n lItl)l'" for n Inlll; time. But 30 x3 '11 .~ SlUO 12.95 14.60 1 7, ~~ 3.60 3O . 3~ that's the Savage idea of value. wIth a t h ick snck null more bflblche. fI'IIl11lllf'II''( II'c b llli com' Ihe mnn· ~ rnc1 1. 16.70 20,00 MS 3:2J1 3~ llod bllntl Grny Wol1. stlU fet tered by Wlthll'gs r iJ;l(l alii) hi" s pine tll1 l" 'rl nll. 33 x4 22.55 25.90 4.90 And there's no guesswork about the l4 x4 23.15 2UO 4.95 Iho trnrls. WIlS Illud e prisoner. All tbe KII1.1I11 I1I'IW ,t1'lretl till' OIH'l1ll1g to t h ' 36.4 25.90 29.10 5.\5 price-yo).! a!wayr know ,that you will r est or tilllt doy \\' cymnn nnd Beorl /I'p~. Ue Inllkpfl In , 111 th(' IllIU llI 1' M l4.20 39,20 6.30 3"4 ~ 3 • .70 39.95 6.50 worked to build n stout cnge of SliP' tll o It!pcc, lyllll-: "11 III chlll'I'(,tl "1II11 ... ' 36. "v. pay the same for Savages anywhere. l7x41-' 35.80 42. 10 6.60 L.:J li ngs. nod when It was 111115hell, the ()f II fir\', IflY Il l·al,;).:'"l1 bluul;ct-lIl1l1 III 370 l 46.30 7.65 40 ,70 Every Savage d e )ler has the same two prIson rs we rl! plo ccll 10 i t. th hlunl; 'l Willi \\'1':l I'JlI'II Ihe hlltl," or Standard Price List B efo r e tb o dog wn'sJll1t'lo wIth Gruy n lilll ~ Ju d lflll (:11 1111. Ka 1.u ll could Rt'" Wolr, W cymon closely exomlued tho Ille till)' 1lII11'C1I~11l1'{ 1 f p'· I. Uut so long 0 I High mileage, low cost per mile - tire worn n lld tooUI.m1\rkell collar about Itlltl Ill-nth 11l'{,1I tlli'I'(' I hil t ii I) (:(luhl satisfaction. Sold from factory to you Ills oede sCl\ r('N~' ~lll c ll 111(' prt!SCIH'" of!t, 'l ' h(.')' 00 t he · brasS plnte ' b e found en- Hllink IIWI1Y, tllt:!lr (,III'!! IIllll'O ' eI ' lIlltI through oui' own distributors. gr1\\'cd thc one "'''I'd, "Kozun." nud th\llr toll s dl' "pi llg, ulHI \1111 Htlt SlOp with n straogc thrill mnde Dote or It , llnUi they I~ ench 11 Ih l'II' ~Wllll1rl home. same with In hI s dllu'y, l';I" 'u I'h erll :I'ny \\ Qlf , till snlffed ' th e AJtcr Utls Weymno often remnlucd llorrar und b el' m uscl<'s lll'itcllC'1l nod nt tlll! cn!.tln ",!Jon Ileorl wcot out Oil s hh'c I'c ll us ~1l{J Iny cl" sll lit Ku 1.uu·s tho tro p·lIn e. After tlle second any he sIde. durcd to put his buud betweeo tlle sup.. (' I'n '10 ()ont.lnu"" I ling llurs ond t ouch Koznn, und the next dny Kazan a ccepted n VIcco ot row moose m cnt from hIs hund. But nt hi Illll;ronch . Gl'flY Wolf \\'oul(\ 111I\1I)re Wasted ' Food. \l'oy!! h Id' u ndt'r Lh c pile or bu lSllJu In " Ohcw youI' food well," SIlYS Good the CO til Ill' of tJlcJr prl ~ f)n, 'r ho In· H enlth . The b lg~ 'st wnsl of food NUnct , II,f gerH'l'ullonl:l fl uil lll'rllllps of In thi s cllu,llI try gl'O\\'~ out o f hns ty ellt· cp.nt lJri ~ H h nd tnugllt h r · tllllt mnn lng, fllllf·c:l1ew ed f(lnrl 'I s bolt diges t· \\'us hel' dcntlll~f't · CIlCIlIY. Aud yet. ed. The o t he r 11IL1t ill wl\~t,e ll. The lbl s 61110 die) oo t hurt h r. ond Knznu people o( the Onlled Stutes wnate wus not uel'nl ll ot h ll ll. She WllS frl~ht· eo ou gb foorl, by n 'glecU n!: to ch e w, to en!!') lit fll's t: theu' puz~ l ed, o ml 0 feed F ro nc,! Ilnd B elg ium. growlllg curIOSity followed thot. c' I ------...---WaYnes~ille. Ohio ctlsltlilully, aCter th e Utlrd day, she i \\1011111 l h rust b c~ blllld fnce out of i the bnlslltU uud " SJllff till! nlr w h en ! RU51lfan Blrken.w aaser • . W eymo o wus · 8~ the Ctlg , mniling I F rom t~ l e Il l) of the b lrcll tree some. CI'I'llIls .n lib KII:I:llu. Bllt she \\,O\lld I of the trlh ~ or Ilort/lel'll nllssln prenot 'Ill. WC.VIIl110 IItitcd lh:ll, llml l!llch ' p.Il ~I1. .t~ eIT or<ll~\n ry drink "hlrkeo· dllY b e tlJUlptQd h er wIth tlte cllolces t 1 ", n.~cr. from ,\ hlch th y nlRo mnke mOl'~1!18 of d eer Dud moose fot. J.i"lve vlll gilr ; Il o ll In sOllle d!strlcts the}, dnyOf- IX-l:iCven pnssei'l, aqd sbe bod holl It Into 1[1 B,\'eet Hlt·up ",mell sewes . not tullcu 0 wouth1ul. Weyman couid t~om IO~_~~~~n:: _ __ ,c ount h er rJbs. . "$be dle: 1 Henri told Wm on the seventh HIGh t_ "She sturve bclore IIbl! Fleducel Ice BIll. eat 10 lhut cuge. he \y unt Ule forest, MIx <11"" \l1I"lfl of ("emen t lint! sifted the wlld kill. the fresb blood. She sond ~I'lili wllt!'r. . tllt' e nough to two-t'ree yllIU" alII-too old to wakl! , spretld so ~'(Ill 111\\'f" n sUlooth l'urFnee. civilize." ond bO\'e It OII('-t\1lrll of 110 Inch thIck Henri went to bed at thl! U81,1I11 hour. or thlcirl'r It' ;'o u \I'lsh. Let stnnd ~ but Weymnn was troubled. IUId sat up few dllYs (k\' out. You have 0 good late. IDcIoIabt ~ Ice your lee loarer BIld & .... o~ tile door NftlF. BIl4 IIlV. a ldllo
E. V.
" e,
Le banon -:- Oh·
OU'LL enjoy th is real , It's ,f ull of flavor-just as good as a pipe.
The Burley t oba cco toasted; makes the taste how delicious. You kl toasting improves the flavor of bread A nd it's the tobacco e actly.
----- ... ----
Heilp big ~ileagB!
BjO ' Chapman
..TH E
GA Z E T T E .... t
lS-:UED EVERY WEDNI:::VA I/:U \tlNld at tbe J'oHtnnlr",.t W.)up" IIIo"I " .• 1 ",'"
en AN E,
~ ubs c ri olion
I .
Editor and 1 I!blt~ I ~T Price, $1.50 pe r II
.&;.ttl.ll.G__ .....-OlRHOO D NE WS
A - W ril t!n
$100 REWARD $100
Mr. "1111 "P. ,hlUII '\ o lf I'I' ~ III Mr. /lnu rll I c ~' r l rlliv \\11 t). Il l/, ll ,h"" , : y \\ ,11I'1 11I1 1,l U tb iT olubWIIf l ' . Weloll e n to rMrs. Lew tltephe0 8 lIod M r8. F IlY wh loh t h ey ~ re I 11 \' II u l1 \, 'J '\ I ",,1 ,' , l ". '" , I h" 11 \1' 11 1 her F'. ' I'bo ~ e lu:e86 Dt, were !Yl r Mo rgan we re Dayto n visit or s lAst d'Ctlu,'d tl1:'t\ U'lC lhu l h CWll e c h u~ Itl CII h , . I .I •• iJl e to ,' III t: ill a ll ill' S lu \.! (' s lIJ ld Il ull '" ... \ I . .. w ee k. 1\ ... ... I I 1, 11 l1 u , I '" 10k cul", rh. C." d 'r h bF' " l: W '~"ll y ;'.flle"I " d o f J • I" .11 "', AI , ~. \\ II ... t ,t\ ~l\ I' t , J \: Cu l\ etlt ulld 8j 9\'O J Nn 0 , Mr. MIAS Leoll Marlfitt will be 'lI~ttn LI t l~ ,' I, n ..... , 'lU ll Mill. \V ' Y . Wllioh. Mr , aod II ' CHlli lilUtiu ll a t " OIlJlli u IIS n :q IP rl"S Cull . I ~" I '" M \ ."u.I d '.i iJl:o.: t. 'J.\.,.lIk, ! ,:\1t,.. 'l 'hoM. \ Vhatll nl. Mr. an d M r s. Monda y to Xenia wh ere sh e will slilll Lioll ul 1' 0" ,,,,",111. Ii all' s C.II "" I, '1' 1.0 .11 ,1,1". l'Ji H'II1 U'" Wi ll JI1 (.t l 13o,.lice l:Ju.t~ o u uu ~. r llo an operllll oD a ' t h e ~o Ilod liau T h e IJI) ~ "to Ul ur kll tlug .ltll"l\p n ti l ~ l cd i (' l lle is (Il ke ll ill lclI' ull y :tlld lIel, .... 111I ~ 1~ rI III 1~ 1I !< 1l 11 8 1<' t,hT'l" r y!lLh , I , Bud Mr8 A : 1::. Co l( b te r, CI~r8. 0 1l11l an h Olpl'a l. ll e~t IIno SOD, Hi lli WUUl uu t " PlJtJllr" 10 hll derl " u Iil m (ile .. "loot! "" lloe MIJ~' "'' ~II , r, ,, ,, 1.,1 Ih('lr Ul ulll ln!l . Ou II C(,() llIIt Tlllhl;lrt. Mia, Olua Da n ghte r s lij v isiting ~ Ol\ ordl lig t Oll ~t"LtllUlI " l. j o~ t I " ~ U ' rI ,, [ Ihe ':' I', lelll (he "' I~ . Il l''' ' ' !' ' ":': d,. ' h I!." ~ 11" " hllll coil I tlttll,., .JJ.,8 1"' ,,u Mrs. Ruth Ellen BHrr ls II ~III re Mrs H erbert Ma r Iait-. b l, t il" U. ". U I'lirl, u ~ la t Ag I'I_ rO Il ~ \ d ~lll l)l1 lit t h e: tIiSC:lt'I , g l\. l lIj.t I I I' uo I U ", Ie' tlJl ( Il l., Ii hal.hut \\' 0 Jl lA l ll t! l\tl.DuerouMl y Ill . OUl ll" 6. 'l'I1u IlI t ll l I'rll uuo l.l.lIl III pn t u>1l1 S ll(' II ~ 1 h hy iJ lllidl ll g li p t l l~' (,t ,lI' I}1rs, F runk Dllkln IlDd M rs . Hl ra o . t; 1 ' . ., J U17 lri tltll "J " >I,~ u Lu UU Vtl " ~tl ll H:l,. • ,II11li,," '"111 . 'SS i5 Ii ll~ "8111' e in d u i,, ~ ,\s 1\1 III hll""I..1 \ II" lr 0 Dak in. of 8 prini Bra noh , we re M t . J " I I ., 1 I HIIUW WI ll A ir lind Mrs. thlOrgll Davie, of /j:Jil,OOO bOhll nl,, ; Of' 1.1t" Ill rg.,~ ~ ""1' ",, " k . T l,e )" "I'ri.,,,,. h.. w " , ''" ''\, . 1 ' ,II,. l cl I Jy I ll" ' . W tl ll ru ll n , w re Ituc'"ts of thei r oh ll- Bolly OII l1e re 8 a t urd .. y. "I 11.,t1 ·'1 ~ l r. I,. "J MrH AlvlI LI IUItLonu IJd (1' l'I n, Mr. eve r p. oJuu ~(1 lU tb l:l Untteu I:) t ,.lo' ~ . 1,';,,, ill tire ",,,nd\'!' I""" '" T h. llllle of J . '1'. Ma rlatt Wlt 8 we ll (lndJ\1r s . .J OIt. W. Da \liI, Cal " rrh M"";'-i,,· IIr,'I Ihey o fle, ( 11l." I .l ull " 1,, '''IY . ,.r \\'lI y u ('~ "ilh. , Vo I' n; (I II tl und ay . ;" O I, w t1 h~ I",n r1i" lI LillI! I UCI ,' p tl ~"b attende d Ilod Eve ry t blol brough t a II lIlld ,.d lJolI~" I"r ,,!,y ca se. Ih ~ l. ' I , " nl l l ll ~ li t \ V. '1'. f TlJIU the t1 ru .. u f ' \! ~ !l l nll LO I btl 111', 8 . .lul'Ilull " ·und .y . Or. Ruodul l, w bo 18 Il very buey Sood p rioe . , tll ellre .. !:ie '~d r•." h~ 1 0 1 t ~" lII!l!' "I" )" I u!l ul' o lJo n uot hl\\,., r u lld hlt::l1c r t ll ll u In li ll Y ' " IIA" ru UD. is drl\' lu" hid horall wlll io t h o ulI'~s I· . J. C I1I ·. ~ I, V & CO . I ulr <l ', . F l' ed a n d W llllllm BerDlu d, of , p r tl V""hl 3 ". r of whloh w" Iltlvl! r"u· Oh i". flu id by u ll 1.'II11lli. I) , 7;,c , ~l r. "lOLl Mr ij I;_"r nl: t, Mil !!!\,Il r Olldm 8rd I; lll "' ~Ilol\l!!h h e hilS t '0 Ly!le, e~ lIed on th ei r elster Mrll. ord wl tb I h o r )(C" I)\.lou of l u.;t your w" r III L~ bl llllll I'i <' rl ol' . d u ~ 0 1 I,, " , II ul ow nhil" .. , Earl tse rnurd ::latorda y. whoo t liu Crl l\l ,. as IIohuOllD ully Bllu r t. I W(,'- ); III1lI lln ruh llsed 11 n W plo no. Fra nk 1" ' n'II I , rEI1. r eK~ut, Of.{ the Miss Mary UJlD gbam and Mr8 U uder "X " ti u ~ und ;lnOdJl I;lt:1i Vtl ~~--~---::~~~----'-'I ~ Ir. nllu M l ~ , H b('. l1'IVI H we re t hc lil'lhl.Ca lU j.JlIbl l " '1•• Wl>b hln i~ou T im othy Marlatt are IItlll 0 0 th e oond ltl ons 0 0 IIm lO r llll qu tl utl Ly of Hund " y 1ol1l.,,,tH o f Ih pir 80n , ,l UI) 1),,- ('. H ,WIl 9 o~ llI bg on o urmerc huots s ic k list p otutOIlH cu n be "xportu u o r uu n Vtlrt - wul tl llod. WIl nt. In ~ t_ r.~' O llG rf\ ~ II L V I\I II I u w \ft'. uf Ullr voy s hlll g Thu r R,ht..y , t bo fi rs t ti me for tbree Mr. Ed ward Ore" and w ife onlled ei.l iutu n"u ' l",rl_u" b le 1'"01.111018 \\tid i o II you r w hon ~l .,n',l l u Llle ""llInI ' Mr. J oll;, Ud rri sOll , of (k luhofl]u , WIl(\ k8 00 (, cco uot of welltb er eondl. In our v IIlage Ida t orday afterno on BOIlllO D. rb t! ur Op C~n 1I0t Lu our. Ill"ou~'r , lind ry o .. bout Lbl'oo RO . il II l iS vi s iting Mr. (lnu M rs. Geo 6 ,.." ao . tl.Ij,IH. rl ed o vor. 1L nl U rit btl CO Udlll lll' U lI r hulf pvrooot , Mr . E m ellon Dill me' wUb wb", M r R. ,I .. ue "'mtl,!. dlell fit Ille Ilome We 01' 0 t.o havo .mothe r orll"w ml;h\ have belln a ••rlou8 aooldl'D \ WIlt!t l! t.I . 'l' bel oud Hltu.llo ll t,h rudgil. Mol,,'ur e rj(lt·e r m lnn ti nIlS ou t t h t! world 1l" lIl lloodt! lIa t iL bll Auoh rn 'c t.1l Hh uwtJIl Ihnl, th o 0 0 11mAll .. ot 11111' d"ll!(hl Hr. ~J nj Tuom .!! e ,ll. II11lUon b ero In tbe n o .. r fo \ ore. W e Toesda y mornln l. While OOllll UDjf 1011 1. I1 n ~ . lI on r L r,b ~ o [) o, ' aturtlu y of Ifl st hi\ve L1I~ Wes t e ro Ohio, the J . 1. on a bob l ied In Borne rnanoer 101' oODs umed .. !f " otl v" ly to rillillvo t.h e of wl11.or ill t bOllo rn nJl gTHI0811u /,. wf!" k, LOllg C)., OJ U nlo ll CltV, li nd t lt e con t r ol oH l. throwlO lt him off h ead exl. LIDS ~tr .. lU ou t b o "npv ly oe rtl,, 18. tuJtt.e~ \:tll, 8li g ll ti V. 'l'huy Mr lIud Mrs 'buun oy BnnnnlJ ""W Oll ll wi ll he h OIll Cloolun a U Bret, oDttlng hl8 Dose and flloe on hi t! t ll u onll ~ r ll " L fo.>d 11I800 roe uf oo n tlli o I t .\{ to 14 .\{ verco lI"unll ), lJt. Ill ols t- au ll ~~ O A , Rbotles I\ud O eo rge, .. nd lind tbe re the loe·, and luoky for Emullo n" 1110 w ur ill u p ou whW b ' I b ore IS uow urt! 18 room fl..' IIno~her. MI ~tI Monl lo tn. Bno n el! nnd \j ,rt ·Cornm eu.l du ngo r 0 1 It h t'lttv .v lu.. ~ 11 11 .1 IlHl IJ c · lehel ngllsod mo re th ls d l do '~ break hla DIIOk. UTJgn fl 10 0 11 tlon d 'IY dlnoor with Oeo. wlDter tbllo u. u ul. p 'Il'I·m e nt I ~ of t lw o plU ion tlUI t h u SII IDoe l J aokaon wa il a t Xenill a . Bog Hn lIud '!fl'l. Mlluatio u (l " tl un J iI tllll l· r" rll.HIT tiul l (Ju r r ur nl rnnll ca rri er , CUB S. t e w days thlll w eek, Oeo . ElliM t.rllo HRoI,ec\ u o ~ lne ~s in T uo ke r , 8nc\ /ltll r roota oar fr .,,,ly; t h,, ~ ~h o Inrgt< r d"I1 I''':l lI. nve rl er, Am os -~.~----Wlly neov lJl e "lcnlllV \ lI lllr I!t,l(l k ~ rtl p lo l y ; \Iud oI" , t t h " Ellie , fl ro f ll thfnl to tb ei r work, M r., IIn r1 Mr~. Wtl l Moone.v WOrt~ Ill~kl u g th ~1r r r "L" ll llr coo le n t h l lU ~fll WlIli 11111 oo nd s 10 dne "mil 8mllll e" t, P OSS I ) 1" lU lu 'gl n ur I' r. fi • Rllnppll lg 10 atlrv ~ y phurg ,lit nrdu)' We ~ h o nld be tb llo kful for the r."'I' ..... 'j.: l b lll It .. 't< IIUW 1,1t .. m o~t night. v'Il Y we He gAttlol\' Illou g thIS wlnIDl p" l'tn ll L fMctor III 8IJ.",(1I01;1 u p lI u At< 'horl ed El li .. ~" 1 8 rl u r ol n/; t·er for f UIIl , flli r umo uo t of coal ond tu t o OUOlSO n I" 10 11, fr " m L ' lI l.I ~ on !:i" turc1uy I1lijbl b l" wootl 10 a buoda noe u t II very aligh t ," a nili ne go l, ~tll t ill It !! lIowrlrli t. ln o r e ~ " e or COH t-. " " d rofu soll to 10" nn'y fIIrt ue t bu t W, L. E:h r YeY fl od J H. BOll:ao In We hove slI veral oasee of mumps OOf v!olo Hy also oo e ou e of sllldi. were In Lf.lba non 'I'lIuI'sdliY on bus. pox oor~h h v 11,,:\ I. Ir nu~ s IIf EIII H wilh of tow n but 10 a very I hi. L., . rn h o Il1 u nll ~ edR~t oy r Odc l oe. s , h uo w e IIMht form llhlluL 12 Jl III Our ~u h oo l Ie In leHslon wi t h all Dr. Rltenon r, wile and lon, . of Mr . Il nd Mrp. Th y EIIi~ 111111 tile t he tl'Bober S llt \1I1I1r post. Mootgo mery. Alabam a, til here 00 Mi B~ eH M,d", I, M Ar I ~, . dR tlIllnd R bea Honea t Opini on Docto r Gave 1£111" O ur bo to he r!', A. T }loler "nd a Visit with relaUve s "od friends . onll ~h ~ . Geo J<;111~ AUjo.r eri 6 I:IlI veril. wore busy m en Ills& Mr '6Dd Mra. His Patien t 811111 I· ltl ~ lo I:llirveY hlJlll g ·1. tu rdIlY week s lAug hterlo AVIIY Mtller an4 g h 'ogll for tarrn. daugbt er. Velma, visited her fol ke, ers. 13edford , Ohio.-" 1 was 'in a pit.iful ove nlll f.(. G. W . KIDder and family la.easuu conditio '1'1 11\ Il n, r Nllld weak, h l' l! nervous PI\ '" h i and run h :l('\ nw 'l'he roadll In ' bill Oil 'S, w lllla t.lI1 r ye Will gl.l n ofuleo I could not do my hQusewo rk. on I!'.. b Il'\f\' 211 , ~ !l1I 1\1(, \VII Y th l! KolLlol' 10 oondlliltvloln"y are n ot alloy. Iy ~hrl u'k lIut litl .,· 10 81" Jr!I!;l:I f r u Idown lclo for eravel had docto red for years and tried Ilw' 11I ' "eh' r l o"lt~ "'" J"oob Carey. lIontih of Cown, wtll V6 'l r (If Hi I, ('oI; t ll1\! \ ~11t'l' t ' ll !" \.'Io' 11! U · l e verythin g und er the 5un. A frien d ~llr ~ IY hnvc. ;;Ix W " I' I<~ mnrr'we " ,\1 v e ry fa s t, oa uslng buslnee e to bll hold a publlo nle on hie f6rm. "ebw lllrpr v-ery . quiet i0811 III W"llI il i \ 'nt' ll Will I! ·"I IIl '.!. told m e about VinoL I asked m y ruuy Il1th. Be h.. W nll ,.., ,II o li n nnd Unlll" B ll th ll I' In"e lll WH'!! hl Ir' lII N., II MII U' ·I doctor about it. and h e replied, 'It Rllyw on(i Hufi' m~D . · of Wllmln lt- farDi near Mlamill bur"para hated a aDd John WII ' " '11,1 I hel , h o ~ . fi n •.,,' 1 Mund ll Y tl D, vls lled h ie parents here awo 8laoll, u O' ll ·,hIl 111 An ,! l) ' f 1. fl l r ,· , ,\'ld !t II certl inly' is Ihe best medicin e that can of Ilea. Xenia; wlll movlI on wll ll "kc tl tJ ~ " 111 11 IIl plMtu rH In t he b e had today. I couldn't give you davs last VI'eek , 'be Carey farm whlob he puroh.l leo any better.' 1 look it. a nd today I r,, )1 III 'UI I.h M. t:!evern l YOUDI rneo!n 'hll vloln", lome \lme aBO am ' as well a nd strong as any woma n () ,td IIMl oo,1 10 w ,· I !; b & In II ye,. r bn. VII been before t be , x llmtnl.n l Rev. Weber !las lone Lee ADn A,.r ly .. tie pHrop .•, I II " " IS r O'!(lu ~ could wish to be. and it was Vinol bURed a\ Leba non rllOllnUy aud uow· that saved me."-M rs. Frank A. Horo.lIfofo la, for 'he remlln der fill tor r five \· ., .r ~ .t th ~ On l ' El: pe r n re wliltlDg to bll o~ 111!4 key. Ash St., Bedford, Ohio. of 'hll wID'er. IlDont iI&.. t lou ~'Ilr t y bo buls w W e guarante e tbls famous cod live r Ow ing to ' he wea,b. r coadUio D. Cha•• R,all, who IIto red 10 1\ ~ ml\ II hln III II 14rau llr y 10 and iron tonic for all Buch c.o n dition ~ t here waJl no preaohh lll .e 'h. y, E, I, {II ae lit home Ieha. beaD 1"lella . A ng ull t lIud t UI! next y ar oN" reJ DOW lmpro, la,. ll>!'rs .,loh ll ' r. . (J llllr , o r BILogh m ll,o ob nroh ou I5 naday . .J. E. J an ney , Druggis t, Waynes vill e MrI, OharleF MIIII .llt&8& .her 0., 'peDt seve r,,1 dd }'ij Il\st week w lt·h Uur To wnship Tra.'le ll wllrll III her daulbte r, II.. R&ymo o4 Winer h e r 80n , li:w crson ~H . Clair a nd t OIll s ession on &I'nrda y &'o d r.p~rl very Dear Jrl", 1.., TJulred ay and J'rl \I" . liule IIIIli,'ao oll by. . lli@. onb N u ll Epe ch lIevilro l tbe 'fowneh lp given to OlllzlID' of Mr. aDd Ill" Will lIoOollo ell. of d f\y ~ IUl'l t wee k wll h her dllugM er, Miss ;JUne. of 0 I Vlon, epeD' IIlddle AIID, "11&&4 rela&lv88 he re Mrs Ueo R ,lI l , of Oll" % Cen te.r v lie. S uod .. , t'earl the Rueet o f I .·r mot.her, la.ITh u,,"y . Mr. n nd Mrs Osoar UJevt1J ge r Mra. Ernmll OUne. . BarlDoD tjloU.l ,er; wbo toot 11011 were l b dlou el' IlUillts of },{r. 1i ,I:1 (Jnr etreete a r e n o w aDd !!lave 10 Day too whllll workill . 'bere, · MrK. OMr n Cl ev eoge r one dllY Illot b ee n IL lilt r e of 1011. IIlany bard falls ·watl broullb l home la.. Saturda y wt'l'k. hli& been the r08ul\, and Is beUllr 'oday . M i~ ~ 8 11l 0l1l 8 .lrI·ls '" )OD t Fi t ' ur . Mrs. fIolary An o 8I'ngI6'0 0 ; an uuy In CI[\~I·:n A ti. e ( orly ooh: r ed lady Illno f1r many this year -will make 'it possible for aIm st ev('ry blr ~ . •Jnll ll Ltl ll }{YIlU nll l1 ~ I r~ . An .)tI y e ,ns It re~ldlln t of .hls vlolDlty . b ot f a r mer to have money on deposi t. bea~ing interes t . I\n' utl lll1CUU ppe nt the "flu -tlntl wlth f o r II few mon ths sb e ,W.I vlBlt-IoK Maneuvertng ~, WInge. MrIO A litA Il\h nil m " 9 CUll r I~ o d 'M I ~ r ill tlvC's 1 Indluo lI , d l d thAre Fri. ~lch e8 make to themselv es ' mogs Ou r ex per ience in hand ling t he accoun ts of It large P ""1'1 l:ill rr lH dll Y ni!(ht T he r emoin s will be and 6 y a way. So sometim es does love. numbe r of count r y depo~it( ,rB has enablEd us to M r . nn .1 lr~ . II . ' . P "I r it Sli'lIIt b nl u g h ~ bnok t or b uri al beeld a her Bo sometlmeB does wlBdom. How arrang e our r ules to suit their n e~ds, so that w hu bllud 8Dd two d lllOl(hlere who woul ll It do to toke all poss Ible pre'l'bUt ~ d n v ·...·1111 r.l r. Il c\ \1.rl'l. LolU kno w that we can please YlIU . Bl\l ly H lid .. Ill. ul I1~O ~ti " Q:l lsl) ur g prece.1 erl h fl r . ee ver a l y"'.. 680 caution by Cllpplng the Wlogs ?-I!lxood Chrlls"l ln womft n chnoge. M '!l!' 1-l, z"l Ul1lJlb ~r t Ilud :t r . t:;h e WOII n We invi t e you t o investi gate our acc ou nts w ith IltH'Rhr lJ i111 · n!l u ~t . of D·1Y LMI. " /I e 1.10 (1 ~ be will be m issed by frlends ilill f'lHl ,hv .,iI, ·~H of Lh elr p,so n ts, li n d acqua lntaooe s . J a mes Loyd, oontrao t or \lvln l!( In ~ l r ' 'ld . t r~ I'. B. i'l u miJN t . I'M ..tOO~ sltt ry- 5% DivIden di" Not Acqulln ted. hl nrv ~·I·,l!' r w,,. 1118 Ih ni r gu t :te nlR, WII B h e re lookl Dg f or h orees ''Them rece ntly . f o r t il .. . 1.,.,. . polttlcla newspap ers." complai ned the n, "nre chorglog me wIth bowMI88 .ludlt h (Jollier'. one of oor Ing the ~ II , "".\ ~\, ~ , t11 nley D'ry ~ nd b !~ . knee to Baal, aod I never met b ~' . II r I ,."1 ,II , S l' ~ 11 B .u lldlna r Loan As.Ro Ibtl wII" k .e llc1 tellol1o r8. ~pe o ~ Sat nrday and Son . the mno !n my Ilte."- BOston Trllllh ~ , ll . r llll Ill" ~ lI f t b kl I) . ru ,'R I.In.v the gUlld t of h or !!r~ndpare o tt . script. RES O,U R CES 5 M IL L IONS . P lor l' lIl~ , ~ lr, li nd M r~ Ul, ri 6 Fry. Mr liod Mr a. Abljah (Jo llie r. ot near ... 6 N. Nial n-Da ytoa UAre. Mr. Ioo rl ~ t .. ~ U ,)rCe T .. lt we ro !\l188 Ed na Cornell , l;eu obe r 10 on r tb . j!o c>!r . or Mr . !Iud Mr ~ . L stnr Fln!\ Out FIrat. Ku rfi ~ , o f Rld~ ' · v l lie. Be ve l'Al dlt1'8 8 0 11 001. wns at horne ove r Sno d liY, Study to consen c your steps. Whee lo:<t w.,(, k E ,'arM t. ~ holJ1l\ k B r . who 18 well Mig", Ii: il! lueHI tlh nfror spent ~"t . · kn ow n .1 8 a mU8lciu n. l ~ ilm ploysd you spend no hour looklog for Bomeord lly In I!·rllll idin . by Ihe L.!. M "lC m o v l o~ plct.UTB firm th Ing been use FOU do not know where It Is, )'ou hnve wus tM thtlt m llo y /lleps. Mr. Sbuwa ker 4s ~J\ 8S M ry Iftttil rot., TIlod to OilY · of \ ' 1) 11 . "I- ' .m . ~o u 'f1l ll r!duy afte r a. tlln d .. ss v l ~ l t wr ll fi ~l tl d [J , tbl! plaoe . \\, ILh h er ·PILr nt ~ , Mr, !It'd M rs , l: u lIrle F ltt, ~ Mr!l. My rt·le Lubur g ~ p e D t a ooup. Ie of dllYs lust wee k In Mia.m lsburg. No "Cyclones" 0 111 Land. t.he gues t cit b('r slB ler , Mr ~ E d wll r d or loll' yen rs It. hilS hecomo commtln Fox to cnll en!ry vlQlent storm Il ' "cy. MONEY LOANED clone." whi ch Is plaloly errooeous. A .. eyclolle: never oceul's exc','llt on the .. Tile g.,.,u oeco u. 1I ~ erts n wenthcr' (,hRCrver. heO'lJl lIev~,. sleep ." cuuse a cyclone IR II vIolent, whlrltng 0tol EY 1000ned on live 11'0011 ohllt, -' C A.Jn t.! r1 clln l~ r£.:." I, Lo u. lit.'d "t" rIn or g'I'C!11 nren, llnd 110 such storm "ad lIIloOnd ' mor~ga !le8, coul d occ ur 1111 la nd. T ho so· called NO$e1 bought. Jobn Uarblot t. Jr., "cyclones" of Ule \V e~t li re "tornn· Allen Boildlnl J. Xeull1. Ohio. mil The MOST wa....pictur es does," whl'll ure whtrllng storms ot ,reat violence, but conU'ncted 10 nre" . The BEST war-p icture . TornadoeS ha ve ·beeD known whose LOST Don :t rul ~e hog~ in yonr baok yard ereatest width dId · not exceed a tew FIRST, in ' If yoo .. ud y our nelg hbor8 wan' rods, and those whlcll e'l:ceed several t,o "b ~ lp Boover " by produol ng .youl', miles In width are ve ry unusual. W .. lch.Fob , 'wlth 'he Inl&lall! ow n por k t·hlt! yellr. jolo losethe r " 'U. It , between Thrtll\ Hr ldgell nnd ren t a ' m ot of flU ,I land n ea r lInd the Y . Aamilto D "'rm, on thl' tow o 0 0 wh loh to raise y o nr uollis. Orl\gonillo pllt:... Finder leAve at t·h e Tb ls III tb e \ldv loo of t lle Stlite De. G n z ~ ~te omoe Re ward . f13 menL of Health 0 1\ t bo qu ea~lon Growing Diahrng s. of rli l810g pigs In t IIWD. ~ow being It h M been dls coverod I hil t Ihe thi ck. IIgltatet i lil ee vera I Ohi o oltlell. It '1 \n ng~' go'Urd of Ihe lu n: pillot, whIch WANTED WIIS ex,llr.' sed In , & lither to ~tns tI'owf\ .en.slly uqd reQulruf; bot Jlltl ot · hu r , O. r ~~ ;clen ~8 wllo wer e 'oon- l'" Uon makes the hes t kInd 01 dl llh· I Slfll'1'lUI{ lo ~lotll !! oDd' bath pongl!'·J. An O h io u ' ll 1\ pr')I)O~Ui n : . L -_ _ _~...... OSITIO N wll!lMd wit,h· f/utn l\r by ' ·'1'11 6 nt.l ll) lH·,\' 1l]II It!l -' r oHoy lot.," \\'111110 11 Is maklpg n good lIvlug rn l ~l lI ll Il w tl rrltld m :o.,. M .. rlol1 &olr, "id t.hl k t"II H , " 111 I ot Jlir", lI IlIJ Ollg U lIW I11. She lIold ov('r 1,000 to dU d Waynes YiIle"O hlo, Roo'e 1. t }I rl lt ll, u t Ir atlp ' fj ~ 0,1 o r DlOf e I.lII r 'l 'c 'l'OlIIl1uny Illono (01' u~ c lu lIll b nfl; ' V th,m l t h~ rnl~~iou of 1\ .llllil! \\" . hlllg of ao loill uhll~.c . Cu t lotu nco, nod . _" '" Il! h II h"K b aW D LJi .. ~ 1rl II" lIle hllfa go un l !II II I;~!; \ I,irtu or WANTED'-FARM t,11 ~1I .lr Il K III lt v .i llul Win ",I, lit. -Ii ' I' widely used by IlIl1l1lmcr s. anti It III r,1 or u ., II tl out IHII t keeping It hog- (11M ntlml rabl, odnlltcLl I~ tlla mukln g D1 flower baakets. p' II Ulo 'll U • . AI'rR O!lr.m III" rur ~'Y" Intl UO 001ARM-I 'Jom 101080 II!!"". ,..I,U! -~-IIlOtlOIl of Iot'ar l "g l' or for jlllllt plU ~elp &0 ,.11Ie II to 8 10,. ot Iobao. 011:1"0 ,"f ,~tlt(l~ h I 00. V. II. ""~r. \VaiD88~Ut." 0, for bogl IIr o .n g~ "H II1r1 t·1) llo" l:lt-rHRbu rg re~loent.8 fll We have in stock. everyt hing b-pt In a M \lf~ ~1I "11 100 t: t rll '\)ur~ h m illea are planolo g .t.> r also " h ,'S .plOoe first-class Harness Shop.
,·e. u,·,
' Ma~den
A re you goin$!' to build a H o u ~e? ), A re yoll going to build a Barn?' A re you Iloing ~o builJ a Carage ? I Are you going to build a Hog Pen? A re you Iloing to Poultry Hou ~e? .
'fll e <1 \ I his I'ap'" "i ll pl~ lI.;(' d It, It!tl i lt t Ito t t 1If'I," i s .1 1 1" lI M
- - - -- -- - -
b) OUt Corps pf Able Corre spond ents In tile Neigh borho od
- --- --- --
Do You IV" n' Do You
Tob~coo Doxo.? .. . ..... . . .. .. , .. .... .. , .. ... , .... . See Ma.ld.en . CIlmon&!. ... ... . .... .. , ........ ...... .. .. . .. .. , .... 80e Madden
Do V o u \Van l Li me or
l'lu$ ter ~
Do You Wan l All y KillJ uf
... . .
. ... .' .. See Iladden
I.IJ",b~r '
... . . &. Maddan
Do Yo u Waot Shingles? , . . . . . . . ... . .... . . . '.. ... .. See Madden
Do You Want Felt Roofing ? . . . . , . . . .... . . .. ... . See Madd en
Do You Want Fence Post s? , .. .. ...... .. . See Madde n ' Do You W'ant Farm Gates? . . .... . . .. . . See Madde n Do You Want a Veran da? , . .... .. .. . , .See Madde n Do You Want
Building Plans1...See Madden
DO you
to borro .. a dlmoT
wbaL YOU "~n L.
800 Mruldoo
If you don't want anyth ing at al l,
S... Maddm
just t he sam e.
The prices paid
for cro ps-'
1 I
Oem City a.
- --_..,._ ,_--- -
- - - ---- -
TIT AN engines run on kerosene. Average c os~ of gasoline so far this year, 16.9 cents per gallon.
. Average cost of kerosene 7.'7 c~nts per gallon. Cuoli ne costa over lOOp er cent more than keroMIle. Gasoline is going up steadily. Kerose ne is not. At presen t fuel prices Titan engines, u;;ing kerosene •.save their owner s about I. I cents per horse power per hour. ke you running a gasolln e engine ? What horse power is it l Figure wh at yolI'd be savin g if you h ad a Titan kerosen e engine. Rather surpris ing. isn't i t ? How lo ng would it tak'e that saving to pay for a Titan engine of the same size?
IatemationalHarvester Company of America . (iAcerpontecl)
Titan kerO..D. eoriD•• ~. eoLl b,
M ",I"
------->--w ..
Ol•••ltled Ada
Are You Wa stin g The Pric e Of a Titan Engine?
"Sil ver Plate that
H ar,riess ~hop
.. -----
---- ..__."...---
Optlmll tlo ThovgM. All amiable II •
SiIIc:e 1847, the year Rogers BI'OI. oriR~ e1eetrcHil. . .. pl.tina,silve~are bearina thll tradlHtl'uk "119 R08US aOl.· .... been. mao'1'ned for quality, ,wearalN1i" and'
baa. :
1841 ROGERs·BROS~T:':'"
Cash for -Cream at Corwin, O.
IU t l tJ,1J 1 l )t .. ~ ... II. I, t: l,nU l' ,Ilt- \\utt'r ,'\1'1 'hi' ( I ,.t I nLiq, Ite I ~ rHk\l· f ~C·'~l 'I u I'~ Q.d r \t-.t'l • I"UIII \ lill.> Ih. I' r1,m),l •
,I "'"
t llll tHhl'f, lil t, dl,ll /lUUI' ~ nnUl!h lo l'nllkl' I tltitT u{)\l)lll ,IlS I1lh 'r UI'~aJ
See it WETGIfED PRICE ; . right
, -
I ' ----'--j . ' Th e -l ~::;:::et:.n , :.~:~';, ~..: i:;:';:,: ;:.~:;::~,: ~,:;', ;': Top·/leauy pnces' means low test!; ____ . ,_,
11\'(" or 1\(11. " '" ~\tHI \\ hilt 114')11:0: lit ('s· l' cl r(lIl tl" ,1,) In Ihl' IIl1'nll hll"?" "11 i , tt)l r1. Ill!' 10 Ink,' II "f'IIII'I"k r," nrlll IIl!t,wl' Illl n ot ttl \\ IlI'r y 11\"'111 Ilnythln.,"
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• - Lite ,
\\'Il~hin)!("ll \\'08 fill Oh"l'!'V"l
t;cu 'ml
d I)'
CCll1paoy'c stru ct on. ,T,,(l " ln ~
'~'I1I- ,} Hilll .i~
:I\',HI I ,tj l~ >,!UIl. llr
tI)il f~" ~·
lilt V.
n 1)1
"!l'.. ,'Irh ", !Ji,,[I~ stru\I' [" IllIftlil II ('b"I'k ur lI~ uV l's r "ruIn Whll.. ~"rU'I'Hlhll! hlr:l hOlly , '1'110 \\"()l'1 1 I~ fll'OllOllJl '('rl I ;I,l11U IIrt7.h ..... IIi ' II r~ t " II" u,:: 111 "lli'lI!<tk," lh" "u" I\S 11\ " 1'1111'," til" IInlll ",," O!i In "url.I '
Who Buys now in' this Opportunity Thrift Sale Saves..:Prices That W ill Save } oll ... Merchandise That Will Delight You.
How much of your needs you can satisfy during tbe last 7 REMAINING DAYS OF THE SALE
\ \'(.+r e
,Ill', ,
11.,,,dl r"llI
\' ,' I'y, p nt r1 utk,
r"III1: l'~ h,
cl'l.'!ll i '''j ~
und IlIlts
LI'~' I" 'tt,iI 1I1111da ll~h d,,; ,h'l\t' llt:clI l~illl1g
bUllday ,('ho"l anti ch urch next S Ih!lay at tI'I:: Orth'Jdo x chun'h at ,1\,
I I",hlll} "
full'lIUl.'ptlall c' ~Ir , I\ IIU Mttl ::illtlllg VIlI1"~,
'l. will m ,-.t at !ling li l 7:;}O, A
I" rl 'llIe~ tcu ,
r)a atlJ.\
ractori~1! of t ite ll"a d<)1 c()lll'j.'ltlil's will bo iiI of I hi' 1Ill>Clra.t.)t'Y ,,"01'11,
'!is from 1110
-_-''''''0 _ ...____
1:",--Tvpe.o of, It'l!l
t1r II and TI'~ctc-r R~I hlc"!!,
Emerson's "Whitt! PI "gue,"
Althouj(h B ulpl W"'r\o l~Ul rq , n 11 \" '11 P:1"t till' :!IIN!. 'I thr\'!' , r'ur~ ~'I-" I'R nd I n, hl< h'·,ll , wn: lUl,!t'r, 1II 111t'1\ h~' I "hl'rrl1lm,I,~, 11m! unly II rough srn "(lYlIt;W ~II\" 'I hl11l III 0111' Um (1'0\1) (l~in~ "e IIII' II ""'!!', HiN wife ,ulIl 1'\\'0 or ltlF hr'ot her IlI l'rI (1" '111 It, IIrul hl~ II f.. \\'1) 1\ "ITtI!!',II' il1\.tln'll I t, lI (/\Vlln.~, 11 r"l v,-,,,.,l hi" m:ll'\"'j ous ~Ift ~" lIlwl UtilI 1\111<)1' h llll
W'e 1l0l>{lay-' a"'o Grlndln'. !ton Rcmovlny, Lubrl,"U" ll Rlld
in s: . Tltll , l:ty~'rT' ru 'oJ; Inn_, Curbure, !ion of Fuels n'lfl 'a!'!rur t o )' AdJlIst,
monts, Fr lIlAY-'Trc:~h ea, TI'~ctor
mctntli nnd
Sa.tuI'(la.l',PIMV I h~:lll',
00 ~O UR HI
All pOrs.l}nR
AmOriclI'g gn'JlL::~~e~~
vdv1soo lc'J l'l!
t'Jt/lI'i't.1 .<,:,
T ubes in Mil\c!rl . Snn 111m I\u t; t tl \'11 j.!{\'.tll Id 11111
' Dependable Merchandise is r apidl y Advanci ng, ,' !\ [eet your needs while the sale i~ 0 11 at the
WI, uld you liko to do y our uil ? It <lUlled Tin Foil tlnd drop it,in the boxe.l w h ieh 11li\'e be 11 placed in a-Il ,,1 the gru<:e ril:s a nd alHo in our li Lr ary, it i.t-liuid thllt 0'10 0 worth of Tin F'",I IVIl!'! c.. ll~eh;d in Lo:! Angeles, Cill ,II II[le IllOtlt h, We C n not hope tu I lvul (hal cit\' bu can tl o ou r hiL in \',,} tl l'~vllI~ The money. d rived from ti l\:' ~al ' uf I I , wi ll go fo r \ ' r
If you do n ot have ca n~, write li ft f or Free Tri al clms Remem1)'!!l' ' tllt1mi Bu ym ~coll1 mi 'ion men who tak e
independen t, '
YUl', I", It has ~Iv 101111"
fertilizer ',Pays .Betler Than Ever Today a bushel' of Corn or Whea t btl s more fe rtilizer (potash e"cepted of course) th an a t any time during the past tbree years. " Note how much cbeaper you can buy a 2-10 fe rtilizer now than before the war.
1111 111110
I; I'OII\t
Hlx mnn thll ol o th e Y 'fl r wit h the
1 \' II1'lon!!
Ii ltl {:I'H
th e rip enIn g g l"II1('~.
I '.rhe I'II-e r w lu(1s l!fj \lIzy wnY .lllong tlra I 811011011' " li ll ey, \)01,(1 r et! by
2 bushe,ls of
'IN 1914 would buy ,100 Ibs, of fertilizer.
, 1~ busbels , of Corn will buy' 100 lbs, of fertilizer.
In terms of farm products, fertilizers cost less too ' day. than' in 1914. Fertilizer paid you 'Il-lE N, they , will pay,you better NOW. Boost crop production, grow more per acre and inctease. yot«' net profits by using fertilizer. Help both the railH)ads and' YOllrself by ordering SpriDg Fertilizers NO,W;
Bltos. Gltain CQ.
tile Jnl!vlt-
obi' F I'(' ll ch p oplnrs, thllt stnnd stiff o nd Slrnl)!ht In the c1enr sllolI ght. LClng \\'h ll'o l'ond S- l h e el1 ll1ess ljtrnlgbt wblte mods rtf }j'rR n ct~sl retc h to Ule h orizon on !lither h nufl. 1IIIbll8 Is li ke a lonely beu d on n loog- whl to cord In l ts rela1\ on to these dusty rO/lds. Why He Isn't PNludJ Bob-Thllt boy , of yours Is n 1]00 Iltll lo d, Jilek ; you sllOllld bo proud ot hllll,
Ju cl<":"J; nln't thougb, Dob-No I Bow's thnt? Jnd(-Why, bo'!! e Ighteen lnches toiler tillin I nlll 1I0d Ills rpo,tJl l1r i.ualsts on cuttlng down. his trousers ' to tit
Newer Love, MI Jl De Strle-.,Does ahe think vet'l' much of thllt n"I/Itor! , MlSG Ounbu8t11-Ob, yes. She WOJIo ahlps the very ground he lUna over_
mor ning to
i e.ll he l' mucll mtlde raled
---- - ...
10 n 111-
- -----:-
",Inl' ; 1111 til(' IlIml nnd Ole nil'
n nd r h ' ~ I(y $~('m ~' (lt' cJiIUy d ll~l g llc d by [lr(lv\t\enco I ' IIITUl'(1 II orop('!' JII~t l011 8 l'II" ' nln g t o th e bi g ' g rop lj t hat hun!; In ~ I" nt <.'111,qlrt'Rfl'onl tbe ,:n orlce! '1,lucl( vlllO s IU11l )J~ . ,( hllhlls exprcsAes H ~ cif In !fs wIn e. A ll lhe s lllo/)l h 1!l1'Y do l'S, tile IOll g Wllt' n! f1'ftcrnOOll~ , Ltie coni musIc or the little rll'uf ' on d UI' hot hl\l ~ of the s ky seem to fin ei t h e Ir WilY l u to th~ '/I le8, find th ,:; hl B~~S th nl the peolll of hll htl 'l Alp I I ur Iy I In Iltl' Inn (If li n l'co llll(, All n\tou t Chfllltl 11 0 thl' g!'Litle TClIII"I (-" ~ I Ol"'S ' If I hI' "In ' hIlls, 1rll-
but also 10 011.1 the tow n WOII' .~ i ~ boUl wlll r, J\ I)iecc 'of th tl rna chiner.y wa:-\ brolien ul the power ,houae. lind Cit:\::!, ,J oy had to IN to Ciucill nati to gt.:ll he parL r 'P ireJ , In the mean' wltill' reR IJ r:m t~ ')1\ th e 'upper 8 • w·re Silen hlll'l'y illg 10 nnd fro wit h IVa tar paild Those ' having we lls" hu 'eve r, did n t seem to mind t he .... II1conl.'ellil!nc('
C hablis,
";ktl th i
L e banorh Ohi o \V ";-11
\' iII ~ I)Iwrll' I ~ " t I
Mr a.)(l M1', . Doh He nde rson alld Mr
Mrs, J , A, Allen
Sunll ay ,
;\11-. !lnJ Mr!l, e harlcs Braddock the undsy I,e Eel Hopkins and family I of aynt!svil ltl , MIM ~ Alit " ChclI(Jw II! \\IllS th e Sun , day )( U :ll of ~ l' JIld Mra, 'Newton SlIli Lh and SOil , Of n e a r Mt, Holly, 'Messl's Will un .1 Hobe rt Lashley p . ' TIFFAN Y , \Vere call ing on Mr , J ohn Conner Sund ay aflerno,un, , , Il)PTOMETRIST Messrs Cleve Con ner and 'Forest 'pecia1i t jn ,'elieving Eye" trai n Hoblit were Lebanon visi tors iut anti JmpI'oving Defecti ve Vi ion Saturday , by I aSlle.s. ' Mr. Frank pancer, of SouthLeb· Boon, was transac ting business in Office tJ nd Fi tti ntt Room this vicinity last friday. JO :(,uth Dell' It Street Mr, Roy Chenoweth , of Waynea, WHh Tllrt<' NY JI!.:WEUY "to re viii , was the g uest of his parenti X 'oin Ohi o ' b t (' 1>1"t. •'unday , ' Mrs, F, ~J. 0 k'!n os lied ,011 : rela· dves in Mt, Holly Saturday , , ----~. -r___ News is scarCt" seemingly orl ae count of the xtre~n8 cold weather, Everybody Winks th~re Is DO- phice like home, ' III still in Ibe J unk b utli ness, live • The writer wishes to extond the III your ,1 11'1k , ro' him and h will heartfelt sympathy of 't hl. vlcinltv 'all (lJ) ,'(1\1 hn,l /.(I-> t it Leave ordcl'll to MmJrank Hawse 10 the 10lIl ot hf'r husband 1l short time the ,It Whitc' ,~ r<)c,'I')' fnr ~II kin $ of home ot a IOn In Sprillir Vall.,. ina. resided bere for mauy yeare, Mr. HaWle wlU be miald alike b, trlade 11 11.1 hn n . ErlJl'SL, ,-WtJr c g U(!>'1 I r 11 [d M1'$
....The Delco Lighting System•••• ,
Te le pl~one
1 SOil , v i ~i l.ed
Ii toll of hip y ur own cream and bo
2c pe r pound or more from your cream
~ ilrpn,y the Highest Market Price.
Le:t us know what you have to offer, by mail or 'phone. We pay long distance phone chargl's.
BilE 1Sl!).
Home Phone 3561.
BEN FRAN~, 2215E Fifth St. Dayton, O. '
"THE 'Sc, tOe AND ' ~Sc STORE ,
, Valentines The , time for Valentines is bere and ,you 'can find them at our store from the comic- ,to' th.e fastidious at from : '
2 for , Ie up t~'26e '
and re1.Uvea.
Februa ry 4,' 11118
WriJthL \11 tll it.·11 a McKinSllY
Fat we~k bc~ inninlt
: lay
tlut! t he
p lI l'flUl'.e~,
Clinhlls Is on , 1)( I he most tr plr:t\l~' To'I ','n ph l o\\'n~ In 011 Fnlllcu, It II", III IIl" l"'''I't of II r l'):,IOD o f romoll s Vlrl
~., •
\llHh"'l'~ I" ' lIrHi ..1. j':I'f!' I
Tht! 1'1'1 tal hall everything lIrraug d t ha ndle Yllur r l!lJ m; 'he I1II1Chinl'rv money will huv lIn!1 rXI) riell people who lire I rllined ill I)U I' \VIIYS o f (,lI r ¥ fll lnea~ lind a ' Cll rIlCY , tll\ch on\:! of them fl!~ I)On8i 1:11 fur 6 (le rt ill definite rtl.l ty " slipsh'1 d m bill d~ 11'0 Ilf 1'be 1'rl ' Lll le. lIy~ttml and painl!tllkifl g Cllf 'fu ll! ~s ~" f'Jg u . rl'i yo u,~ intl.' rests, , For Ihe past ,v ears. IVh tlth r or stor m , h t!~t \If cold , over 25,000 cream pa trons hi' V foulld the 'r r!- ' tll~e R E!!!jJo ll ~ i b l l!.
II) at't'll d Ilro
be~ 1
alII 'Ing tho. enUre
-------o.~ ~ .
0 11 10
Hlid :In Ide;). "'111111111 w,,~ .) ciM"r ~'''" Il!q"r, 1,111 h l~ f'1,,"t'rIlN'R f'nnit'lInlPf< I 'll hll " 1"10 11l OIl," ru!stn 'c(' 9.. (lllt',-, WhNl 11. 1 ,",ue.: 1l'lIl1'lllll; willI hIs rHlllllr Ih~~' .rnr ll,I.\ fnl' 111'''nl;rn~t "r 11 l',."ll1l1l'llnl, \\'llIIllIn lI'lI " rl l'Iullll.1'\ In IIW!:r. hi,. ()\I'II ,'holcl' rt f ffl 'ttl. hnt "fl " I' JIll' """ltl' I' 1111 I ,:11111' h ~ /!I'row ,III,,\.) (fn l (lr hi>' \,1-11,1\11 ill fh,lIt"JrIt: II lId ~ lIlcI, IIJ wish I 'oulr' mllm 'rac t Ihn t (1I'Ikr."
SIl ,
a.u!l Pon y
l' n!.J.'r In ~I '1"'11)(10 nI Y lie ~ocurOO fT"PI 1 t, C. .. \P' :ow er, 0'1110 Stnte UIl I\'~r~IIY. (""'i': :''' •• OJllo,
Tile Kingsbury Co.
---.-- - --
per pound for
SAVE liN fOil
d b,'
10 tl4,.', cn nl nl ns lhH IlH'!HitHl of tl m l 1'011l1. - I':x l'I,UIl!:tl,
for th ' Mi ll ml (J u7.t> lte,
lu tho 1l!'<'!-rtlnI for Ille
"l o(\ tla,'--Rll!rlslmlloll,
()W IIt
Wil Y"; III ~ l lIl1l'lil.
\\ '~ lI esd!iY ,
Pro;J ram In Oet"l\. P~Ilowlll '~ WI' ''I~
".A.dtDte fct,:Dad
different Iwr~
criterion. QNJ.
Hlilph Housto n, of
'h l!<\,
oC 4'0 Vllh-e:bil: of
l"lH lIC~
~1 1·u t·tll) n
il nd MI' , lind ~lrs . r CI;! 1,:tl wIUUl<. v f 1 Q ute~ , w I'e SUI of till', nno -!rd, Allen K ibler
Q u e6t lon or R ights, [','nlll. , S:""" I'IIIt.r un,I"I' Inrtll Ihlll Ih.' lr r lIlIt L' "1\11 ti l III plI\(I l wl"'I',' !lit' IHh~r 1'.'lI' l w '~ I"'I!I II; hn t lh' 1I'" uhl\'
u~Utl l llllle ,
Th' J r , 0,
11 '''IJ! l lt~I'
('nr'rN'l)OIl'II!'n('o' th e
tl1l'l l'lI
$6.00 rt 1$15.00
Rh .. 1><"'1 j!.. l n;: 10 I'ln)'
IIIlIsh'!' I t'C'ond ' cls: hh nl'-" I'1Il 1Ir1'll111 t hnt \\'1111'1 h pll' II n ,l', Rh l' will pruhllhl ,\' (lt ll)' S"lIlcthlllg /,1", In \1111' of It,"-,Tntlj!" ', mort'
J IIhl1") '8,
"r (',,1[.
Boys' Clothing
Same E ffeet,
N"lghl,or- "M)
Firs t
6lty; 1, W. D(('j,,,ro;on I1IHl t, 0, neod f orme rly 0,1 tll. (urro l111','lmn' CII d~ pal'lment, L' nr"orslly r lIlin' );s Col, lese ot A~l-lcu lt \lrc; A, II. elLlt r. tOT. m erly or tho <l(! I '''~llICllt Of I\lIrlcul, turn] on g-llteerln~ of l'nrduo l'nlver, ~lty, and u. \ ', C~:t. " , h" c1 the d epari.monl ot 8."n~\llwT'1l.1 ('n ~i n~e r'
1lIaud ~t1 \1,
Which Ends W'e dnesday , Feb. '12
'l'he pi ndi PlIlroll ug ace rded tl , ~, If l'ed L!t1m puIlY, Lubanon Hiy I"S r uctIOn by ElI rle rts, St I ' " fl;"'(pUIl~I\)1I '11 1c is Vl:\llY much The lOC,Lll,1' , will 11(1 gl l'all. h~' n, C. : pprilC I wil lint! i l h I:! exceeded !iX -n-nmS(>wef lU)d G, W. ~I" ~ "u, If p ~~taliJn8, ulJ(ler tlil' 'ircurn~ta nces Sl1eel:~lL<;!I ·or the il!!) 1';. 1\ " l1nlver, uf tire P ':<;Ulifl t' ~'Jllc.l l liOfll3 ,
Oemand for Imitation L eat her, 111111 ,,11011 I l'a lhl'I'~ or l"'l'tHl n ,.:rml, nrll) ,COlliI' , It"\" n n 'lil lII" rl:~ 1 10 '\'('nl c . ut l itis IImt', Ii 11(1 Iii,' 1101 10 l~ growlnl(, Wl' l l ~, n Nl f l'e,'l" ')lIlolll. I>'nr, Lnl' rl y Ihl' \1 lunn(1 W:t· r, \1\111 l\IUlI)1<1 , c I U ~ln, l y I\Uloug \ h 1lI.'k~r, or IIrl {urnlrurll, 11111 lhl l! lh;cr~'''< ,I hl,l, enllHl'> trtHISI'Ol't (\I OIeull\. H nnll fl'~Il'lc, tlons pl l1~l"-' Ill' ft rt Itnlr'II'': nr tllx11ry bave b l'ollght ' l h e 1II111l11(n'lllr und expoI'tlitlou of Il rl .. fllrullllrC nIUlu,.1
to n
the "Fidl.'IIiS 'I II~.'" Inrm nt WM S mud, ill the loc I ~ c rn l:l' t('1 y a t h r lutl' hUllIe ,
, l10 lld Servicea ble
,1(" Fr"tl L
ll'(v r: 'r ~ ,)"..1 to I". 111'10 I\t ::'r.,le l'a. flrtt'u'l ut ( '"I"l nbtl~ (rolll I-'("v, 11 It'll, "Iii II" l.lnn,l), tl.l, t (!MII'Il. nt, 1s or t !(' l" ,1 1th ,) n n:~ Ill'- H.a rap· td 'y ;Irrfur,! I h) \JIO ul:lo S:.tlfl liDi' \'t'calty a:ttl I1l>ilrd of , ' 1;" 'lllll r8 or Ohio, wh!,'h hun' It in r.hnl "l', '.M:e school I~ 11!1l'llu',(! PIli li(ltiAf:Y tor tboeo who are e ' l ' llig to (I~}: ' a e 1\ l Mlrt.or fll r t il IlrH time t hIs sCMon, aJ\.llough an'",,11 n u\y UU€'llCl. ~o
--,..-_.'J.»" In "Itf,m!'," --
nnd tile "zll"
k l1(1 WIl liS
II ,,'I'lh 'l".I, dun,,1t ", ii, I Thul IllY ,
, lltll'Jl~hllllll'l,
I n Conti~Jttl of the S:l1 o ol_Univer.
nil ohs,'n" r
TIll' 'Ir\."t \.""UlllUI \VIIUIII' 1':1\"'( III '<II ~t
arty prorcss.:.'c and fItlanu facluri ng
r1IJooI ,II Ii'h·, .. ",Ill) i,:.: l]i"'t .. hy 11111,1<1111{, ", 1111111, ,',I, \'!11i ;Ill
tl rb (l r (, 1 fiR
Oh Io Slntc Un ,'I'S' Y "I' d tate 8""ro of' A r,le' Ilule CO,opel'altn\l
Po t
I 1 gl1l~"
S Gf Trac.ors
rl..., \'1
----_ .... ----
(UII nr i~ln ( ,IlJlllltl!Ut
Willt .. ..
Ji It 1I11,t,,"el. d~~- I",' ""~, III I '" tun,
'mi\ h Ii ied :\t lh e I
paper in
them alid blew bolh of th IT! oultlf the Wllt ... r , That was lhl' unhlll'l':t end ('If the first , IIhmarin ' thaI \\1 actuall y used in WII)'. Nlipoll'Ofl, I I li've, tried lill e)(pcrim l'nl \~i"1 \ su bmarine known (t~ tl)(l l r 'H, t I. I , hu it IVII riot sucl!cs~ful" \\''',,\1
1';lar ksvilllJ
At 'radivc (inl ...rl wI' il in 'h " rll'~ lit J lllIlIl' '~ ,
til! ~
T he nexL tlay Ih o 'I'IIl'tl1' \\'ft~ II 'i"'! l ow ed up lh(' Itu l ~ol1 hy 1\ ~lt1 .. " " when the Brili ~h\lr rlllll{ht ~i!!hl • t' t'
y' :
IIU~l·r. 10\1' I I ' III JI ' W ' r e fru ;;ll'6 ted by ill" (,OPI'I I' C'\"I lU~ Qn lhe bottom \If lhe Hrlll.lll'r
M r9, Sara h J,
" lime of hur (hlu g hll'r, M rll
J> It m wit h lin
\r 1/'.1
Mr~ A, ::l, '0 1'11 II , wllU liv S (III Ro ute G, reed\' d word of rho !lcnl h III ,>I, • III II Icy " pl' li l T u ', iJay uf her lIis te l', M I'll , I\ddi -' :stanl y, or I ']' xas. Mrs :stanl!'y wn~ a l11 em b('1' I ", wi II I' IlI ll l't:'; In XUlli' , of til e 13u\llist ch urch. hu,1 tauj{ltt I fu r (i !lum ber of yeurs in t he hi gh ~I.. alld ~II~ J r: Uaw ke wer e Hohool: w a~ a l~o II momu ,r of thll , Ill) tIm vl~it(" ~ ~II I Hll1 Y EHs t~rn 'lUI'. Culi u r e Club, lIi' t!, Il rOll id ' lIt or the M o lhH~ ' '11I b M!,' ,J""'l'llirl<' JJar\HJl is vi iting president of tlt e n, Y P U ' . an!! l '~Icher of 1\ C hl~'; of YOll nl! w orn"n , wilh Il la:I"t; 11: Un) lilli, all
'I 1 1 11"Slr"
Ca mouthor, 1 R1I1UllfltlJ!l' j~ II 1 14111'11
1' horn psbn, who li v 'S on th e WU)' llt'''' vi lltl UllU L ' I,Hll1,OIl pike, :';,1 111'11 ' Y , t-.n I I) 1ft RI! i!' i rl ('I Jll'innllii k\nay, evenin g , The CUll eral was Iw lel lhid tnllrninl(' al I L o'clock f rum thl! lIn'(1 I :1\, ku W:Il:! In ()ayloll 'l'utis· GI r k vi lle chnrch it1lerrncnt III
of i'I" first IIIHI ')1111' n,hcnluf( ', TI", ~\I bm r il"·. , which W:l~ ':.lIp I II\(, ['unle, W1I8 "" ,','n'lrUl'llo Ihat II ""us ~ lllom er~rpd IJY I", LIM, "t Ih hand upenlt 'd ~"ddle~ thai 11rt'1" 'I,,,J I I nl! the!i(' PII ItI}" " W,'I'<' \\'''''1,,·,1 h'l thtl ,fl leoccupant of t he It '"I \\ "Hl the Hriti $h had ~ni!t'd il l t,) j I'W "11', I Ihe ,-e rg-ellnl , or Whltel'lll' h,' \\.I~, who operat ed th ll 'furt.Jl!, elll't<'lIl'f.1 the idea ll r blowin g 11\1 h,' Ilrf'i.1\ m llll o',war that Wfl ~ in HlP ',\. Y,' rk harbor , lie rtlnlrivI',l I,' l,l·t t" Ih Brilish ,h il) I\nll tllll\I ' r il. :,11.\ h" II ()u rIJO~C wn ~ If) Ii " re tI h"I" III Ii,'
Ih~ I"I~
-_. -------;--
IIl1 yt':-I , \\ift'
Mel ville H 'IY '~ , di ell at \wr hllllll! tTl I V. timilliltoll 'l'h\lr~dIlY dI tto n (lit , hll\'insr '!lI r viy,' d h ' r hll ,bfllld I"tt a ( l'W we kll Th fUlleral wa. hl. ld , Bturdny l i ft rl1ll"n, and jpl rlll<' l1 t I WtlS mall in , ~iJlI1illgt~ u met e l )'
----~--------------,----~------------ ---------------~----
"'I h,,,, IIft<'n br('lI I'('nl rI I'd lhal tit .. ~lIbnHlrilll' i" not II HIII,I"I'" Itl Un ae ' ,)Ulll of t h' .'ul.1 w,'athe r , vt'ntlon: all (If l'I'hlUh i~ l' ntlr, I), tl'l1l' " , the E !I~ ~rn ::;llIl Illtl~.~ will lilt h li d rC1!IIl1'k"rl L I) (';IIIl'lt(! , I)f <:,1111"1: : i rej.!'u lar m,'elltl!! n Xl t\\,mdnv I': U at the \\,ill!lrJ " I ~'I tn'll) , : eVt!ni ll j.!' l).Ul! 11lllkc will I", j!'IVCIl p('r'~,))" kllllll', h'l\l.' "'('1', t!tnt lt lll til',;t ,,\lhm I In" ttl Ii,' operal,' d III war II :\-, for fUlIlf t" Illelcltilllo{ in lhe Atn f'TI(,Bll I:fl\,olullt'll . II lid Ih,I' ,)I'!'~I(! , W, ,I.
C. E, WERNTZ, Agent
, Ir~
,<\, 1111
... milt" IIn<' qlla 'I (If Illi h I.'IJl>J;i"ll It • 11 I1 lh ~ ) 'a ,t 11 nIl ,\' !IWI! ~tir th ,m
No chance fol' LOS
'~eventieth Year
Whole Number 3465
Dulce of Connought Siamps 0, 1. On Ou r S ammies and Passes Encouraging Wo rds As Troops Moue to First Line Trenches
The ca rr ler.'s a joyful chap, !'!e's plodding through the drift, A sell ing stamp8 for Uncle Sam Summa ry for WH rl'en 'o u n t y ' ~ The thaw has mape t he ri ve r 811d I ']'0 hel p along th e Thrift . Sale of Wa r :If i ll ~!I an d Thr if l - George St umm, s t rtll1ms over fl ow t heir lia n k ~ . lee I Stll mlJ !\ince bcgin., ill " 01 ,', n1IHtign , Rorges are 1.1 'l rea t d al responsibl e ' e nd tld J anuur y :H, lUl l:!. HuyinS{ one Thrift S tamp does fo r' the ol/e rfi,) Y, ho wevt.l', UIIiI in not reli eve YOII of yo ur du ty to Ica rcrel'll :L'uv. II,hi p pliO. , ~ le,l), many places t he ice id p il ed (ro m ii lie l he govern men t . ThroUlCh econ· quo la )J ' I' I1ltl . , '~!l()O, Sl'ri llg l," p . to twelve fee t hiJ.( h, alio\).·t uc ross I he OlD Y buy Wll r avings StalJlPS f8:JIj ~ti river. A g rea t ti cal of kt' i ~ being anri Thrift St amps until you are Ot!e rfi eld 'l'oWIll< hi p pop, " 7:'0, swept ou t~id e t he r iv 'r, and land ing compell ed to forego things pre· q uot a per mo , .ti:!, VO, Masu II, I< I\ , g~ on the bollum s. viously consid er ed essential. Ml lIs,;,:u·!1 !)l , Mondsy even ing t he ice which had F runklin 'foll' li ~ lt il) pop, I j~D lJ . We Imow there Is a war, bu t furmed in CIl ' sar 's Creek we nt down Cluotll lJer mo , HJuOO, Car li&le, Frli nk· we don't realize thatthe thing is a nd swept tb e i:llaine bridge down lin '57 5(;. so big we can't comprehend it. the creek . This bridge was compar· Hamilton Tow " ~}l ip 110P. l SGO, Make the g overnment's burden a tively a n ew i ron b ridge, but the (Iu ota nel' Ina .. 12, (l0. pl)~ te r , Moi ne· eS8ier when you buy Its War Ice gorged a round it in such a m a n· vill e.. ozaddale, $:!I1SU ~M. Savings and Thrift Stamps . nef that it swept it olf it s fnu ndations U ni un Towns hilJ ,.up, , 13. 0, f)I JCJIII down the Creek, and is lod gt'd at the All the dollars In the world perm o., $ 1800, Sout h Lebano n :f!H l)2.· i ~land, several fee t below. Neig h could not buy victory. Because Wayne '/'nwlIsh ip pop, 2550, qu ota bora who heard it le t go, say tha t it victory is not purchasable- it is per; mo. , '3550, Ly tl e, Corwin'. ay made a terrific noise. won. Dollars can work for vic· nesville "1659. 12. Tuesday morning it began to rain, tory only in 80 far as they are Washing ton Township pop .. 875 , and rained almost a ll day . it had the converted into labor and mater· AOlcri cll.o tro O I)~ nre new fighting shouide r to Sboulder wIth Frenell and BrltIah anl1 are defend Ins , quota per mo. '900, Oregonia , l~t. effect of raising the riller s till more, ials, If you buy War Savings hlJ; sector of fi rst· line tren ches In Fra n ' fl. Here II tbe, latest pIcture from the Amertcan camp In "rance, Anci,nt ~128. 72 . and this morning the water is oVllr and Thrift Stamps It will be pos, 1\'1'1110 lhe Duk e o f Connaugh t conve rsin g wtth 811m tnle ofllcel'll Just bafore they lead oor boys to tbe trOIl\ Harlan Township pop., 1500, quota Ihe avenue, but is fast recedin g , and Albie for the government to make' I ,1 0 T b e for mer gove rnnr J:eneJ'B t of Canada . In ' a r ecent lour of Inlilpection of the American campa ud per mo , .2025: P leasant Plain the indications are that it will be off that conversion, , o ps , Bltv re8~C It keen lIJ)preclatiOn of the types and Quality of our warriors. $904 03. by evening. Thrift Is the need of the pre· There are no trains running today. MM~e ~p burll$727.75 ,11 0~ QUO~. =~~~~~=~~ perm o,$Thwn~ip 1500,H a rveYH .- - - - - - - _. _ _==~~~=~====:=~==~==~==========~~~= '- ----.-----. ,----' _ _ _. Between Ft. Ancient and Morr(lw sent, lhe hope of the future. Some day peace will come- mil· about 3000 feet of track ia und er Salem Town pop, $)6 1700. q uota lions of men will be suddf' nly per,mo" $23UO, hip Morrow 17 .16 water, but it is not known positillely thrown back into civil life, PreTu rtlecreek Township pop. 6740, how badly the tracks are washed . pare for a new period of recon· Workmen have been busy all along mo. • $P5QO, Lllbanon, struction. Begin to save now- · the road since TUeJIday morning 'fotal, $26238.62. , the beat way is throu~h purchase trying to break the ice g orges, but Harry H. Hamillon, ' of War Savingl Stamps, in most instances without avail. Chairman, Ice blocks have broken telegraph The Weather Man was as g ood as The Miam i Th eato r w ill open its Ele~en state seed corn ' testing poles in many places, and the opera hill word. He broughl liIuns hine and doo rs to t he public nl:'xt Saturday stations are to be located at differ. tor at Corwin III una ble to get a message from Morrow. warm er weath er f or Ihe la tter pa rt with a matinee an~ two sho lVs in i he ent points of Ohio at once in order Indications are that the Ohio river of last weC'k, and t he SI1 0 W dls op. evc ning. It was th eir inte'l tion to to a sist farmers to determine will reach the 62 f oot limit, if per· pea red like magic, a lth oug h there i II slart Thur ijday bU I~ as there were whether or not their aeed corn ill fit haps not hig he r . Rivermen are to nlant . The men in charge of ))I ~~ ty If.ft. . s ver al th ings to atte nd to. they de' these stations will attempt to locate watching their property, and it is fh e slg nfl are ripe for s: . pell of t erred it un til a t urday when every. good seed corn. and let the fbrmer said that precautionary efforts will g~od weathe ~, ~lId l be thaw came so th ing wil l be ready t o start. have it at COllt. According .t o the save a lot of it. - - - ... -----, --grad ual . th ~t Il.IS thoug ht tllero wi ll Thejr openil)g p la.y will b.e a Mary present scheme, however, every . It; was reporled the other dlly Ihat be Iittl lu g h. wat er .as '1,rusu l5-. Pickford ))rQduclion . It is .pt nee county in the state has been placed In the issue of "The News Demo· a cerl'a in mon in Way nesvillil waBjZ(\ ' Fllr'me rs , have exalll! lIe.d t heIr e.'lIl ry to say that hel' pictures are in a distl'ict in charge of Borne agri· " crat" for January 24th there ap· ing to erect a J,umber of housel! on ~\'heaJ ~e!'d8tnd the ~aJDrl Y ha ve fine , and th ~t e veryone who attends cultural The Cincinnati die· peared the following item, dating hia prop erty . 'We called this Ulan ?~T\ at t ley Il~e ill firs t·class con- Saturday· WIll be Rlea ed . trict embraces the following coun· from Mt. Orab: "There were sixty up on t he phune, and he was rat h er t l tl~n. In'80me Ins tances they sa~ The theater will be opel1 after this ties-Hamilton, Butler. Olermont men and boys of our town' with six· non commitul on the subject, sl. · heir wbeat ne ~r JO(lked fin er , ~h~ . week every Tuesday. Thursday and and Warren. the counties are in teen teaml and tools went to. the though he did say he didn't t hi nk of mg to the 8carcll.y of t~at ~e rea\ ItlS Saturday. with chang~ of films each charge of O. R. VanA.tta. Union woods, Thursday of lut week, out building now. g ene r!ltl y h,?ped t hat It Will gi ve a night. Central Life Inlurance Buildlnll'. Clnand hauled upwards of twenty loads . , Way nesville haslclDged for a pic cinnati, Ohio, We learn, with regret, that Mr. of wood so our Ichool could conThe pruposltion of bouses in Way. fi ne Y I ~ld thiS .yea r . nesvill e will be 8 ser hms ont! bef ure The Il' h ll~g lven way 111 tllt',streams ture t heater f or lo! tbes(' many years. _ ____ ••_ -'-_ and Mrs. L, H , Gordon w\llsoon ra- tinue." long. Retireq farm ere are com ing bu t ther e se~m~ t? be !'I o bad effe~t NO ¥7 we have one i,n our midst the moy. to Waynesvlll~, where Mr. Now the above mentioned ia a to town and they Ilre loath tl) do f: om tbe wny it IS gOlllg do wn the residentll of the town~hlp will patron. Gordon wlll altaiD enter the railway Imaller vill88'e than Wayn..ville to theirow'n building, rather they would fiver, !ze it well. in orde r to keep the Hrvlce u an operator. Mr. Uordon lay nothlnll of the size of the Wayne have nn established home to move mterest up. ' whe baa been employed as e,nltlneer Township ICbool diltrict. Our ICboola at the French Broil. Bau.rCo a. plant In Wayne Township are closed be· in, and then fix up the old property uthey see fil.. Relf\1larcommunleationofWQllOI. biN, for the paat sevlral y.... 11 caueeofalackoffuel. Have not we 'AII wlnl er there have been calls for ville Lodlfe No, 163 F. & A. M., ~oDlldlred one ot the belt mechanics In Wayne township 88 much local · . Tuesday evening. hbruary 19 at 7 In thl~ Metton, Mr. and ~ra. G~r. pride and patriotism as any other houses, and it look.s ve ry much Ii k.e one woul d have to build ,befo re o·dock. There will be ","ark in the don haye been very active In loclal community in Ohl07 Our schoola F. dClrree, Sojourning brethren and lodge worlc and at preJIenl he Is clln't get coal but we can Kat wood l(lng . or else p <) plE' will have to move out of t wn , 'thili ah uld not brso. d ii ' secretary of th e local F . & A. M.. if we will but cut it. Nowat nrious Tl:1ere is· plenty of capital here, nnd an v B tors are cordially welcome. the Morrow Chapter. R. A. M., and centers In the township the privilege the"e is nOlhin'g th a t brings in s uch a -- ~. ~enkle W. M. was rece~~ly elected s~retary of the of cutting wood has been obtained. reyenue a3 a rent d hou e. . Immerman. Sec');'. Farmen C,Iub . Mrs . Gordon haa Friday, the 15th, is the day decided Here is a chunce . f:> r a m An 10 Wilson Edwarrl ~ was kicked in the - -- •• - been active In the E.astern Slar lod~e. upon by the committee." Will you bu ild a fe w six. or eight room hVII as face olle d ~\.v la t wcpk by his horse , . filling all the ~alra , and she ,wlth lend a helping hand and enable the and ICl!t a good rentll! f ro m th em nd uslall1"d a brokel~ J aw , sellera l ber husband WIll lellve Morrow as schools to open on next Monday. I t would ue bette r to have one (\ r t wo teAth s hill e rer! a nd hi b ce pre tty , o,:!e of our best ,!nd ~ost needed tam· Fuel, therefore or the local schools Mr 6ldwards was t rying , ihes. WaynesvIlle ·IS I h~ for~er is possible throuR'h local effort, hou!les e mpty· tI,on' have people move badl y 1111 t a way from \'OWI1 on account of tile to ge t the horsp. up out o ~ t he.s la lJ. homkeof Mrs Gordon . MISS Lllhan __ .., _ __ ~cnrcit. Il f hou 8 Get busy , rich ~ h en the IJUlIl1Bl leL fl l' WI ~ damag· Harry Murray sold the Romine Wit ~l'tOn, of ~ayn.e8ville, i~ here ma n. lind help 8 ~ e\l l he populati on !ng re'.ll i(s to lIlr. Edwa rds JIIW He property, on the corner of North and as('1ietlOg her Sisler In preparll1g to of our Prt!t.ty lillie town . IS gett ing Hlong Vl.Il·Y. nl Iy, ~owey,:r, Fourth streets Monday to Lee Hen. move.-Morrow News , • . and the docrors tlllnk the Ja w Will d M H d I - - - -heal all l'io\) l, a lthoug h i t is a ve ry erson. r. en erson w 11 improve .... " tht! property and make a fine h ome i
E leven d ~8d in lh re'e I I eeks in Oh io , th rt1 ug li fire llnd (')(plo Ions ):'i uven pl-oil le Ol'e rC!lm hy gat! furri t'd! . ~Ix Il\lrl in fO X pl o~i (ms! FiJe 101'9 mOUlllillj.[ -sk.1 wllrd ! 1 ~ lhi ~ h I l oi n~ win tl H~ \\~ A R? vl:'rmnny I::! t;\!1 rvi ng- he r PEOPLE ill urd e r to fC' rl htu' SOLDlb:RS Ohio is lJ'Jrning FOODSTU I ~ F'S and P EOPLE through C'llrele!lll neRij! Will Ihis win the WAH'I He re al e ~o m e of th e fi re CA US ES: MIl ic h in wlIMte b8s· ket: over heat ~tI furnaces an rl aloves; g88 leaks: t'lCploding oil stOVCl': thaWing water pipes with open flamt'; uaing burninll straw to thaw pump al barn, and burn · Ing out chimOl~YB. All oarelesanellti? YeR! Fifteen horses. Reven cows. hundreds of ch'ickens, tons of hay, bushels oht'rain, all burned through carelessness in th o las t three weeks. Every ounce of Coodlltuffs de· strol et! now, means plolong ing the tilani c Blruggl " alJ roan Enlist ill 'ons(' rvation NOW; help end tll I:onflict by duing your bit at HOM E!
- --_.-----
R. C. Younce W8S in Cincinnati Saturday,
- ..
C. '8 , Ben ley was a bUllineml visitor hi Xenia 'l'~urfday. . '
. Dr. Dill, Odtcopath 2i S. Broad way,. -!--ebanon, Ohio. Miss Lillian \VUk er!lCln ill vi~ ting with relatives in Morrow.
, Robert BUl'ton ia viditlng with relatives in Blanchester this week.
Mr. and Mrs Morris Sherwood spent Sunday with friends at Har· vilysburg. .
Cedar ::)tamp given with evelY purchase al the S Fred Company, Lehanon Uig Store. '
Mr . and Mrs Walter Williams, of . Kingman, spent lhe week· end with J E. Janney and fa mily.
Hawke ana McClure exp:ain ' to,you the ad vllntng\!R of a Delco Lighting SysU!m. · Telephone 47. . Miss Anna .Mtlredifh , of Cincinnati. apent several days last week with h r parents, Mr. and Mrs Sam Meredith
M~~~s ~ho:::b'~~i1~~!~~r~ilhfM~! WOOD PULP USED J2 .o'clocl,{ a ." Coleman, aflt'Jlloon, at . TO MAKE CLOT . t\ fu llI~riday attendance desired .
P~~ i~~~<~~ld'~ : __~ __ ~~~~~~~rh~~~~f~d~hm~i~ . ~ BEGINNING
andg.~~~~~~~a~w~_~~"' ~~~~ ' ~ B urC8u~ =_~~=_=_=_~_-~~=~~~.=~ ~====_=_~~~=.~~~~~~~~ =.=i.~==~~~===~======= "
Foreign and Domestic Comrnerro: . The pulp is spun Into a thread and then woven j pto a fabric, the warp of which is linen thread . It is slIid to he 'durable .a nd to stand WH hillg five Ot six tin'l E!s . It is utilizeri for clothing of all' Kinds, but especially for und'erwear, _ _ _ ,. _ _-:--::---
Se~snh ~ MercMndi~e i rapidly , aoing Up. but profit sharing Wi t h,' . W</od pulp Is being mllo ufllctUTI:d ,eustClmers is the B ' oga~ of lhe'S . rred Company. Lebanon, Big Store. Come into cl(jth in Uer many. IIccordi ng to . ,MilS Mabel Salisbury, of Wilynes
vllllt. has,enteled,Central high school In this city for the. second semester. Th~ . Way~esville school bas been el08ell dowlI for 90me time because of fuel short9ge ,and It is posaible B.v Everett j. Clark, Co. A , 4th Balloon Squadron th.t It will not, be ooened at all dur 'in" the restotths·scijool term Miss Salisbury it stay big at the home'of her uncle and aunt, Mr , and-Mrs . t;. tlJeit.objeet. now, but are 'm ade by the Goodyear L;' Evana of East Market Btreet. \ ~ Get your Sale Bills prin t('u at Editor Miami Gazette, lind Goodrich Compan ies '1'Fiey cost are from three to five ~Xenla Gazette. the Miami Gszette ottice. from $5090 up. They contain about the first line trenches . Dear Sir: r enjoy reading the I tter of 35000 cu , ft. of hydrogen gas The is to take observations boys j n the army camps w.h o g:as Is pu t into them from cylindere artillery and direct.thefr fire. the balloons be attllcked or to the Gazette so 1 will give a briee containing . compressed hydrogen ouUin(' of the work here at this army No smoking or fire is allowed near men can drop In parachutea, balloon school. ". tIlis l1: a~ wherever it Is. to the ground In safety, ' OnE' main I will have to explai(l the work as The balloons are kept in canvlls danKer will be from and shrapnel squadron have been trairled. tenta. built especially, with the ex· From January 26th to date we have We first hlld abou t three weeks drill· ception of two of them, which are been drilling with packs on our backl. ing in· infantry drill. They would kept in the big ·'steel hanlrar here , wearing gas masks. packing our CLEVELAND, OHIO d rill us ovel' 'and over until' we final· We always started from our quarterl atuff and getting ready to leave here Iy drjlled ill our sle~p . After we be· at 7:00 a. m . and' came In at 5:8'0 p. m. any day We were supposed to leave 7% ClJlnulative P~eferred Stock . came pr/ltty well drilled they would when we werp on balloon work. They last Fl'iday hut plans in the army take us out and let us watch ot~er always t>ad·a bunch t·o act as relief don't always work' out. We have .Free from aU 'Ohio Tax~ ~quadron s handling · the balloons. at dinner time. Tht,y flew balloons our full equipment now. Each has Afte r about a week of this, .. every day this winter they possibly his first·aid kit, tent, clothe!!; 'mesa We 'off~r the abov~ iSlue to net tlie sorne minor traininll'. w~ were put could . They do notl!t~empt to fly if outfit, blankets, etc. We are Quaro u ~ with a D!l"oon . I~ too~ fo rt y· the ",Ind is trong ss the ball6(lns be. anUned at New Yorkab9uttwo . investor 7 free fiom all Ohio unmanageable and are' likely to to make sure no one hu any ·dlsease four men beSides the Iteutenant and 1 u~. and from the Normal Fe'de{al ballQoll comman~er: Ther~ arc also away. , of any kind hefore leavinlt fer France In,'. ome Tax. . two 10.' \1 I hnt. nl'ive th~ "winch" We had thisdrlv~ 'jrrom We ara. supposed to be inocu,l ated \ thick whil!h 1"ls t h balloon 25th to January 25th, and three times wbHe there, we under· Tht\ protective feature" which down by a st eel cable . Tbe this time we learned how to stand for spibal menlnltltis, 'lock jaw t)UIOUDd tho.. ieauo ~d · the iunple on the gtotmd is taKen them in caso of a leak;' how to put and typhu.. . . wo men , N ow, t here are new ropes or rlggina' on the balloon, 'l'he work hu been very Intereet. ,aueta and eaminge of the Company, on each s ido of the ba,11o.on . We were·drllled in ullinlr the If88 and Ing. here and hqpe it contlnu.. , 10 make it an attractive ihvoetlneDt. r that take charge of tile basket, filling the balloons, ' rn ,f act. we were acrOll8 the pond. We .are milled The ov n-num be reri men are eta· training in every wav on bow to use about two in' France before Price: Par ('100) tioTled on tile leet side of the balloon balloons. ' Certaln .. Dlen were taken we really .....~edin_ _ facing towards tbe nose or winch. for telepbone men o1.haril for truck the time w. Each' four "111en have a rope to pull motorcycle drivers. no~:~~!:!,: on to bring the balloon to ground, or There were a11Kj aerlil~eants and cor· ;. so the'balil<et gr.ound. porale named to' direct the aquadllce1naored and officers and act aa ovel'lle8ft . Only the trl\ining fly nnd last I mlgllt state·aleo the men fly. then can talk ~ the the po\1l1d
• In 8;lII000. Sqaudron
Several of the town and country boys gave 8 dance Friday evelling in the room lately vacated by Myer Hyman. About thil"ty couples were present and a delightful evenin~ was Rpent. . The young folks. having been shu t up all winter, were bent on a merry time, and nOw since old winter has let up a bit, they may have several more of these d!lnces .
Today is the beginnin ~ of Lent-. Ash Wednesday . In a ll Episl!opalian and Roman Catholic churchel'! the day will.' be observed in penitence and prayer. For torty days the season will 18st,' and these days 8hould be spent In self examination 8nd denial. On the editorial page will be found - - - ,_ - - the pastoral lelter from the bishops of the Sou~hern Ohio diocese-Vin · W. O. Raper, who has been laid up .cent and Reese-and a reading of the same will be found lIery in · for a couple of we ek~ with frozen feet, is able to be at work again. structive and helpful to everyone.
. J:O'CUI.......·................ w~~o.
aken up. balloon four
take pal'8CI1Utl!8
\,~'.I .I_I!W~.YII'" 1I:l:&;
====~ I) ====AL~'~=======
'O verlandS & Budsons •.••The Delco Ulbting Sy.tem.••~ .
BAilE &: McCLURE, Telephone 4!1
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nnd (tn"e 11 1'0111180 of fit lensl a f ew col r, H hod bent down close to the cd/: or tlle wntar when Bome.' thing cllugilt Ill s nttcnUon O'n fll wet son<1. Whnt he 81 W weI' tll foo l prints ot IIn1111 II Is . Two hnd come down to drink, Tbey bad Sll)oil SItle by Ide,
Antl the fo otprint
WCl'e tre 1l-lOlIde
not more Ull\n nn hOllr or
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know what broiling does to ~eak, baking to a
potato--and toasting to bread. In each case ~voris brought ouf by cooking-by "toasting." , So you can imagine how toasting improves the flavor. of the 'Burley tobacco used in . the Lucky Strike Cigarette.
fore he hoO kill d oC thc enp III '8 II
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A. B, BlUE!:! , II ttlc bolt of (lcw' fnt, dl/lllt; Ihe \)"llr k '" (1~ ,~. CI 't. ,",''', 11,1 " '1)I~!lnlltlll'III ·.~." ?lhl"Il~,nl':,nor, j! wit h sllol't sticks I n pln ce of hl R fill' , , • '" ~ U . '1'. !:l a wl fl) g r S"lIo thu t th r woolll b n mllU' W tL VllI - \'11 I'. W. N tiolH H AllOI,loncers sm()11 clluglng to th~ 1\ nth ·hIlIl R. Hv.. W i llilllll I) , 'T'a r: lI l , f\lrm, r, ,md I '. tl ll\ul v fore sunlio w D Snll,ly. st't out· lit I'I j!hl· _\Im ', "UI 'rU " rrl~" r. I1, butlt ot Kou! h I IN. 1£ . t l ;, efl ll t O le k nn sl es ovcr th e pl llln, 1111I II UI\I; Ill" Lllbnl,u . l' Il '·. ,,1 1111""' . ,J U. lJa rl w r i"ht. f r bll l U!, M ost of 1111' 111 h I' hlll1 ~ til Ii'll\' Ie 'lI ~ r "' )"1 '1<" • • 11' lf ' n ' , Ilu t ') r H. bu shes. Olhe h e cll'oPl1c(1 III "U I'I1 Pill [U 'III, of l!' r.\ Itk II I , !I tI,1 \1 'ly!JI' 1i rnbbl t ilOd ('uo'lllon I\'IIII ~. Th I'll ltC' I'C- "\ ".i " I. '.o r ";1I1'!II;{ h 'I'" I'; t) B u" in l! nut-fl r] my rllrm~ 1 will turn ed to the el' ~~ lc II ud . ook!:!(1 his fH1 [~ II '\I'HII m J ,I1'Cl r 101' 80 lfl, II Ill.V fit ' ul 1y. nllles p er, . . .' 1t'lI~ t of Hidgll vill E', iI nlll\) ~ \VlIst 01 The next moruln g he "'ng lIJl " ,, 1'1;1", ReH alC ~lfIltlsfe rs II \V llylleRv iilc II I V tl noble ~rn tio l) of aDd 011' to 1I1e IJnlson hults. 1'IH, liI',; 1 [oj 'rl 1J"nl, tl r ;.LI H 'J~ ' l OHIl o, lot, ' h ~ C, I. & N . R.• H ,. 01) bolt ,,-us unt"lI·h cil. '1')0 0 scc;!uud \I OJS fro H,,-d L IO" . .. hi ' . $ 1 i\londo.y, February, 25, 1918 li S he h ud pl li plPc l It. '.rh e th lnl \I'll ' ,l n b ll H. f.J" tlU. t Il , (" Ift ll U' Dno lJOUlruellolllV t~ l. 1'0 o 'clock the foJ. (,'OII I!. A thl-IIJ sh ,) t thl'OlIgh S lI nll.I' I L~ 11 1 t ct t I k ~ " b e lool<ed nbollt hl lO. Som e,,"11 I'f! \\' Il h. n I ~,·u r" '1I.l " IITOt "~ Cl IVI] . l o w lug propI' I't-\" tl). wlt: 4 Borse~, In /I mdl us of two 0 .. lhrec hUll clrcfl ,h Ill, 1. j 3 'I\t,tle, l:.Ira l ll n.o(l Str ,w,lf!\rtn 1m ynrils b~ would find h is g llIll C. 1'11"11 hlu r y A . I"'lt W ill II, N r lc'n 10 p h\ m l\o tll, 1.;\1 U8P\lOh) G oud~, etc>, hls gln n!'c f ell 10 Ih e .grouud und er G ro Dl\ o hupl o"I"II""' I; I ',). All of 1 i"o~ big bil ls for t el'fllli_ . the bu h "'h ,j'e h e had bun g tb' J)oi~\I11 MIJj t!try ti nf\' OV No_ ti 7 i n Wasb . A. ~. 8 1DID3 caI,sul e nnll 0 11 oath bl'Olle f l'om ill. ingttJll ~ O WIl hlp , $R(lU. W. N, S ear -, Anot, l:l 11 rllr.l W . ,In ,1 i\l~ I : J, J, plV i ~ to .1 O. ()Ur twr lght} e l f} }tS IIPR. Th e bnlt hud /Jot be n cnt'u. 'I'b e cnrlbou fn t !;LY cutt I' cI Unll l'r IIlc . e, Mllcr l'!1 P'l r l. o f 1, )1 N II 2,2 ' lIU8. Unr lJ(HI, ,HId ;':,,1 11i t b I Util I , ObI \ ~t. . i bU 81! nnd HUll In lb(!d d: ll III Ihe 11I1'I:c~ t porilou Of It ~"II ~ th e liltt whlt c CII1' 'fl I'l' V 'HI,] T ,l ' ,.0 ~I ' v l o\ lJ l'lI ll1 . . /1-"(0" ' 1',tll WI/' r e'!,' ,1111',' 0 .., .' , .. I"r" ... . . il"vlug !ieul !lu\1 to qui t r~lt'mll1~, a ul ~ul1 b ro)IIWl . . It WI( ' Sa ll ll~"s th'l:I t , .. ~ C' II I I ttlt1. f IlII ex p 1'1t:I1Cl' ,'i lil ,'I wil d 1 :1'~I1IIlI'e wl Hl~ III t:"Il\'I"~ ''; ,~ ~.; ,):; ,,"1ll l .~ $ 1 .II\( I(lV!lf,( ran my I.rm , IV " . . .'~ "' ; .. , . -I ~ il lit Pn bllo Auvt l <>n m y Ilutire 11) ~ l.Ih cts WeI'« S IHl l· p en ~lllJy [, II Ulhl l'HiI, _~ 1.1 , 1111:.", ,1:1 W ,li t QI' 111l!1 ' E;,1\ ["I' ull ng Otl l il,t,lI l' Ul .V reshlsnoo 1~ ' nnll II \! "'liS Il u zz lc d. 11 1) I\l!,' cr 1~ 'llr~ .,\1l., u t, 1)11 tl 'Il\ ~ In llllrlfl o I tul les ell!! ! of Or~!!f) uill. on ' ko o\\,JI Ill is 10 h qJ}Pt'u bI!(Orl'. If ,t.\ fox Ifr,\'l . lil/",:iP . . ... or 11 1I'"lf cOllld I'll htred lO 1I\(' p o illt III' \ ' . 1:1. , I Q(:h t\ ~h t ... q . l 'n/ up a li Tuesday, February 26, 1918 toU ' I!lug iI 1Jl1 it, it f oll owea tllut lill! au ,L1 r. 4 0 , I'~ a 1)1 ;'1ih t"rv 8 .ulv y . a ,14gll)olpg .. t 10 o'ol ook the folbutt was Clltl'l1, IHllly went n tQ 11\1' No.:-I:1 , $l . I lo VJIr, '~ pro portv I.O.wit: 2 CC)its, " ,'(J I, ttil1, f arm I;g Implements. Hu, .!ou l·th ooa Ih ~ Mt!1 Ilalts. TIl~y w'~r' unl u ch ed . 'n l\; si .xth wn.q I nrn , h) COtnIlIlS~ IOIl r s Procecdlnl!S .,\ S ae b 1' ll II ror .•arlll!! . I1O"S, C10 ~ een pl cice~, like tll tlllrfl . rn Lhl~ In . .lno(!I' , IJ. . 1. 1'(1 (11 I', lIJ1pll., f,Ir'Aurve or 'j LU IUS FRAZlffiR. tl1e op~ lIl o II'ns UT Iren n OlI Ih o whlre U. 1l6; 'j'I" B , lll l • . ~'\lllrlllt l '(I., II"" WIIlier Lli '1, Aoot. 111~ lI'd ~. sruucl' '(I. '.rIll'!, 1Il01'/) ppiHOlI IIO'\IS/< f.~l ; r. lI' r Lt B ~() , , hlrLl1k ~ f' ...· . _ _ bolts Ilncly found pull(,(l (lo\\H 1111l.11 " I1I1~ r i~J , i ; f;1 . B ~' t<' k 'l~. wllt d , mUl1nl>I·. Ill' Jroew [hilt l':mW /llln jl ·uy I r "',\1" h O lll:l~ ;f,2ii:ttl. W III" r d " 1111) p-'llr ~ I" . qnrt f ~ tDltng 1 Walt ~ull clone thu. Wl)rk, (ol"ho f911nd J llr!"y \~ rl l~ 1 fl P llll ltl ;.:tI 'S.I ' 10, 'IIil) sail at Publio t:1a.11) 116 ~y rell. tbe mlll'ks of th ' lr feot In n d 'I1l1I du. o.. Doe '" rull "B. II')utb ~iI' rvf Oeot"r, / 'fel'ent pluces. 'lobe no Ulliu lu t d bnd - ..... - - trJl la. on tb Brown, R oad. (lod 2~':
, .
humor of
mllea' west of FerJ'Y. Ohio, I>n
I!ka of fuUle Illlior fouu o;i
vent In hIli dJ~nl1pOlntlOCJ'lt und nngur. .At lost heJlod 1'oUDd SOIOOlhiull' tnoglblu . to curse. Tho fnllure of iris pol~()r1 ballB ho DC 'epteel as n !!ort of c1lulI1X to his general bud luck. IwerYlblng J was ag8J.nst h1m, be beli eve". Mel he made np his mInd to r e'lurn to U ('d 0014 OI~. Ear" In the Itttemoon be
, \,v OlB No Slacker. A 11 1"r~'.f' ttlhl .of n 10<1:; whosp son Itnll ' l"i"'I'li II rllll! lit Rpnll l ~h ",,,r , In whi~h ~Iw 1« " (,i tll,l ' dJffCl'T'n( huttles OIl!l C' Ilf:.lJ;I'flIL· lIt~ i 1(! ilOd h,' ,.n, ITl. n nd f'JI(' Out. l,lsd 1111 hy r.11 ~'lng Iblll she 1\11 Jllo(,m w'lr. OR h l'r "on hnd In Ihe JJot~le ot VanlUn In tbe
Ja....... hili eanoe IUId ~ dcJwa.
.~ o.
- --------
rleo r ",11
O w ne rs' records] sl"m' all /.\ \· er:\~ e o f :.111 lIl il es to the ga llo" o f gu oH m: ami 11),()OO)II1ilps t o tbe ct of t ife , a regl1 lllr oc ' urrrn cc .
pnir of WOlves. Two or Olr e lilY he-
-rtl RI FT
Phone 116
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1:I llVl n J! .1'01\1 my
\ :0:0 0 11
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:tl il 1'0 11-
Agency Warrell Co.
t e n In His
i" III ; ' I
I, ' I.... '.\ ':lIj ·
Franklin I' ('mains, dur ill g of Thrift , a s ill o lhe r timrs,
l lllllil
ic ca bi lity,
'0 tlle
HOUSE ' \.
.1 1 tI "J .. II \ ill " lIr [lIlIlI t ' I all' <.!(' Ii n ' ry .
F'~ \ '\1":1. 1'1 Tit ' Iil <t ['nlllU IIlI"11 11 "FFlel l' ' ''; V alt' ,1 ; 11 III :\i n l:Li ll1 ·.I: t hat :lhrli ty 1 g il'e I lle lIe , t sen' i·t! at L1 ll' le.l) t e x eli se . 1.001, l ip t hl! Ii'cd ' a ' va tll e o f F rtlll l. lin cnr~, L gc l a n i I"a or how t he pu b lic c~ t CllIS tlli eiliciellt ' cr·
Th e co mfort a uei rdiahi lily f Lite Fr:1nkli n, you I rol all y kllow n ltollt as well as w do , tilli e'S
\\,' ,, 11 .
5lHUC w a l l'r (.'uo l i ll ~ 1" 11 t o;
pi '\I n ll ~ llull
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lid Ill ..' l'~ll1 to ~ : 1\'() n a l 'I'ltrift ( nn k l'S lltt' F ta llk l in '1' lUrill g enr 11101'
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1I\lr 11\1111
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t ilt,
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Fr all !, li ll lor fii ll'l'lI v' a I' s.
1\ II' 1 ~,,,, ,, .1. I ,' ' n, 1I . 111 ~( (III \1\ ,111·1 . lh ell 11" I " t, , It, 'l IP vi " ' ~ '. [ /I (h p m , I ' pf ' h,· ".11 '" " f \V, pU
11 >; ('
IlI'l:' IiiI' d m o lol is L tl Fl t ~('i(,llt iDc l. ig lJl. \ (' i ~ hl, 1 ·:nl c i ~' m' \'IIJlll Tll rift J : I \(' 1('1 ' 1\ ltnsil' pri l l ~' irk : r.f Ih ('
' '~"
t Wnl
('a r~; :I r ' lIl:1kilW " li ~h t Wl'i g hl "
Kitch e n T t't lb'li ttler d, y dros: flhO I1""lh .lh~" ·I IH lop]l"rnr l(I "" ' } "I' \II ' IlIl h \111 'TI I ' . ac~ ~' I t . d _ ' r 1]'1I1'i,d I-Jllrl 1I \' 111\ 11 1'1' dl r . - l ... r(O S 1\ " ,' 111,(1) . p"m \II ·PI911 , point a no e I w i~ t ollow(lc\ S I I I l I I Y ! I " , , 1 1\\"11 0 ';0 ... 5 Into tll!' kitt'llC'll ('"c rv JII orn· I I I cI 1 '1" 'k I <'~I· t :::illJ l l ll ud .Ld '1IJIl 1111 1h, ILr o . . UP["II I ~I. d III 1I"1I"" 'fII Ill!! nnt! 1I01l1ll1s \l r,)It.! "I 10 \\' 1'1 lI'itb n prodgrc hS'1 tlet l unr : a I ry l~~ Cel' I.rue un or R eo . \l (,C lUlU I yurt l >! 1'01Il11~ pill lu st I IlIull(l (It' ll 'I\:IIhors o\\,ny. "he oOllgl11 tht! III !lillie cli ck ot I I II t ho '" ,d.~ .. : I 11111 'n, P "~ rr h Ii ~,' ~ th ll t ,,1111 llnl'\ \1 cfstrul, for hIs gun·bn rre l n s It ru el( u birch 8[1' t d ' l!I"I"e, 1. I ,' \" "11 ' In' ' fill h Jl!Jr 'l l ~ e hrrnl;fll. t. Ilng. I'll mom ,Itt Hhe l osl Su ndy lu '1 lllH!lt III f; fl ll'l l . ', - - -tho wlud s lle whl n()u Ontl 1'\lllbcd h l'l" h I Ih ll 1'0,1 Ill" t A Il IIII Th Oll' p-nn , sel! n gllJ nst l'UZlIll n nll Iro.1t 'ct u t'IV d ... ', ,1',,,1 111\' " It ' r.\· I.ntl "1'11 8t p s to the so utbwclit. 1 01 ",.1 m fl.! "I . At tim ~ s uch us Uil. ' Knzull Ii ldQm ' lh " "i ll () I. " lil " . \\' '''.111,01 ('' r erll s (\ to tuk" g u id ollce fruUl hel·. 0 1"1,,1, 1 ~ "IJ lldl t'·, ~ til pro"",,, They trotte d 11"'11" sld~ by ~I "c HIlII hy 1 I Will ,' II lit PolIl . ~lIlf\ l)ll Wh 'Lt Ute tlru e IIt1dy ('I' I'c Jtlnllll[l s mtl; ,. Common PINIS CO llrt . ~ kll,)W II It ~ tll u ' l' lblllll,; Ii'lIrm, on IJlte w ll h th e \lintl In hl ~ fnce , Klll.1l11 W , lI if.; tho lI J1 pe r \ II}ut'~vlIl" Iud ~l!lin f.( WllS 11 ~ r lllg fr'lIl1 th e (I'In t:e "r I'h'e l' 'I ' .'. bo rn PI IH":!lIlll l'~ I\"r llol' , t f HllIgll. bl'ush dU"'L1 up, ,,, Iho Cl1 lWc un 1111' .... I' ~, f. , 1 " l1l ~ d \" :-"r"l oI " BotT_ \,111 , ~ 1ll 1 1,,~ i:lUll l hwl' b oc Lytlo, IJIl whll Sl l'lp or ~" ncl. WII (,II ~nl\llr 1'(" ,,' Ir , JlI oI ' '''~ \1111\ ; " "I ·)t1ll t Olll ,IONI Tuesday, Febrll\l ry 19, 1918 turn d, IIflpr lin h,OI'" of Emllo slulidur. ~5 ~5 . two fresh trll(:k~ " ,.1 s tl'll lght clown 10 Ell I H ~H \ ', \\' .\ fb _ ~, dn'oI'Ct'; I 'IIIIII]lt'llL'lu~ u t 10 ,, 'olock n , m the cun Ol!, fIe Ivolw lilit 11llJOl In UOIIIZL~ g rll. " 11'''/I'· I ·!. t irl' {u IIUW lnt; IJl ll l'ort"v t o.W lt : Fonr mll Dt oud th en n 81nlsll'r grlu wl'lu kll'(\. r II I h.,' u1'""" \'. L~rIlCO> I . ( I Uri> •• ::S Cr"'~ , ::0 Ftl ll }, i ll'~ , F,UI" his ugly to ce. TIe <:hllclcled us h.) \\,I'nt '1'h" ' ''ll'''''', ,1\';. " <)t' , ~ l'U~" l!'·f.lI ef' I . 1'-lIpl t' nllm l ~ . Hnl llll l'S , lot of 'rno l ~ . to bl s kit Dud dug nnt II RUlII Il 1'lIIIhor 1);(1111 \' B pr , ! v~ ( ' : llIt() 1l '{ nf l,HI , ' on6 b oll G oIutl S IIn el ulhe r Il.l'tl o l(\s t, o OUlllar o utl t u U1 on tLnn, bnl!. Ji'ronl thi s h " "I'I) W 1\ til:rillly 1l1\"lI'C ", \ x" 1111 Uf lln' ty ;:illij b ig bllill t o r t"l'ms, ' col'lIod bott le, t1Jlcd ,vlth g~IIlLl n ~np· (l,l I \, B,"I\! ,' . I)bnl"lils E. lin d '" 1 Ii RLTON s ules . 1n euch little ('lIlistl le were 11\' Utl n. t h v', B 'lIw n I\lld I hn Pt"lplt'~" Hn lph () Ull lno~ . AllOl, gralos of stry chnine. 'l'her w e r e. ullrl, 11tH'1 ,j 10'1'. !J HI ) (til 1 M'\ vl nJ4f ~ 'n. , hi llt/! tllnt once tlpon n lim o Sn.nd y ~rc· IIl f\ I,' ',' ,,110\ IIJI· ...JI,,~ nrl1; IIIlI ',uu t I () 1, DLl I<l'. () \01'I;:. '.rl·I p'~cr holl H'Ied one oftlll'so cnpslIII,·q 11h,lll ltu $ '.I I!':l ""I i ll j ll t l lt' ~1 by d.rO[1 plog It III 1\ CliP of 'otrl' 111111 J Wili HIINr Pu hli ~ I\. h, oiL my gh'lul! It 10 n ruM , "ut th e l1C)lIcI' hll d Proceed i Ill:,s \VII I 0 h " \1" " 1<> \V flY I H>. VII II" 0 11 iI), Olt never pro\" d It. Il e \l'IIS ' xp ~r1 III th " . ,'"1'101) I~II. 1"", , p i, v-- " r, :\illl,1r ' li s e o f POIROII. 1'1' tlllbly li" h\l(\ I, illel l ij l h \ . t~II''''' IS"" U."tll,l tH I d '~ lJ 1 H t'el l Saturda n UIOU 011(\ 10xeB ill his tim , [\lIll h l' , y, Fellr uary 16,, J9/ 1111 , \I r r , d . chu ck led ng..1i n LIS 11 CO Ull ted f'lU t 0 U ' glu ni og II ~ 1:1 n' e lo" k ~ h l rl', th ~ U ·p r~' I,. f~ , li ng " .. ~ I :I.'. h, th W • In lluwlug propertv : 1400 ~'tIil O~ cl QZ' n' 9f UIO CtIIIS\tlr8 ond th ou !;h t how IlSY It would b e to g .\. Wi InlJul611lv,' !:luff JIll . 1:' .• 1'1 1 1 d l· t rchnt ln u o r \\,11
.A I " f \\,hi l'l! n:l' nll " l
~ _
~l IUltr.~It'~1 until Ile h(l\1h~
111 1 11 '
.\ w l i, "pll ill' ~ "r!l il'it' ll 'y " a ..; a
U '"
11110 1
I h('
II <:1111
t:J ,I
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Ill'i l' ap l'l'n l
. . ;I,lulll't 1:' lla
' n ' JI'll( "":"1 1\ 1 J
nlll I, ik' .
I'n nne
1: II P I\'
01 ' ma\' ha\'(' Jll l iCt'd
,r n,,""'! ,I hlx
Til11 n~
~t ' L
n J\I Il L' lI\\:J.r ~ hlHldl' r " r 111 1' ,,1,,1' """ II lIlt
hl: ,
Car that F il l' tin'
A F:l1ll il.
.. ! I Ii "1r1 1 ~1 ,. 1'
r l'lI['l
I '
;1111 1 Iw
j Ul,
fl'o I", '''nn rh''lIlfl\
!J\IIII'1 'I' III' tl hocl (,)lIoll','u fo ,\'Ifr·
. Y
I I;'::s PI \ P
Fit·~ t
But blind OrLlY W If
",hnt : Brutality Was the Chief Thin" Writ·
I . " ..
come up In (bll l'lI~e of tl' WInd. K11znn Cllug ht It slll~lo ",htre t th\! !nll llInlnted nlr;unu bls Rp\ lI e grow stlt,!:.
It meant to Iltn"90 ancJ freeze '!lnd die'
4l (
nwny. , ' {'t' n! . ~I Iy. Fin; I11ln",,'>{ IIfI OI' h ,' r ''''''lIl n r I "roba l\! eourl b owl l\1I~1I11 8too ll III 11<'1' shh'. h lx IlI' m.l I I' fluuS 111>, ili a JII\\'8 ('[1 1'11 nllil l'uutl nl,l. 1 i n .Ill 'll "'~!lf II", .. .. t,lt ',"! 11 SUI1UY hllll hUlllNI Ar Ii' foxl' , Ilml lH' 1 ~ r II' rllIt IIlB. 'II, d l '''''''e, 1 , It" \yns u s lllg lh l' I~ 1,lum IIlNI,'I< uuw. " II , W "rt .. 1 .1 10: ;
the ·Fnll:er. From the tar North, trov·
why SRndy had left the Yulloo. ReI wall "In bnd" with the police ",'bo IIntrolled the countrl west of Dllwoon, Ind he WII8 "broke." In spite of e · tact. he was one the best prospec· '
~ I'''' II
I'I"I'NI l1l'r
• 11111 by' way ot the Mackenzie ond tile , lJard, came a smaUer number of sea·:' !lOoed pt'OlJ1)Cctors and adventur ra;
th e sld C' ot h l_
~~~a I On& tbese .)ote comers ~'1I8 S\1nilY~ UcTrIger. There were severnl reD Bon
i ll·.\'lu ll y
Ill' wlrt·l""t( ('I II : ~wll·' 1l111~_lIil .. h lll1~.u:.!h lH .... t'l III 1', .lqlUll~t' tI h llfl(,
II u r lug n nW ti l ".,· "" ' tl' I "'XI t" III ' tn lllloh:. .UI.l<' hIlt! hl' RI·,1 I h(' rIlltl " Ilndy :ll cl ro/o! O:" I" ~ )lo il,II,' " I{IIIIII '
. I
tllt l1f ll l t l ) w o rit hl~ WHY 111 '· ... ' 1' '1l1!J, Jill:! j r 1111 ' tlh' f Hrth f1 r Ill' \\'t' n l 111('1 p U\I!'( ' l' h i ... 1':111" 111' ''1 1 /,,' lit J ,'" tlt,- I I ' I,' H;tr h", 1)('('11111(>. At 111 ~ t (ln l.l' I'rll, It'I,/1 II , tliol v." ,,'~ III' b o nutl Cfl) fl T.s. r\ ftf\r Hu,.h ,1 1"'1.!"1I ... 'l tl).! ' I~]X , ' ; / \ \ ' il : II l II \\111(," !ItI \\' '~ I's us lh. ·~· ~nn(]~' WH s d:IIlJ.:' ('r41 tl "--jl!lI"'J' d .. ·'It. :1 d) . [ , :.1 '1 t~ .;1'1'
n ess lind
countries to Ule soutb, and from \lie placer beds the Saskotcbewnn lind '
Irom the Yukon-men who kn
U"[I<.\\t!,' 1'. Hi lt l J\1\'t n r(,4:J !14It • In UI1 IIf tln\ P!t~~
::ut~o~'I:~~~t~.~~~'I:;·~:~1;1~:',~ 1~,I.:"~'I I~~"\"'r~ ; NEWS
'had made the ' lIoll 00 the McForllln,~. The ftnt ml\lls hnd token the ne'''8 to the 'outBlde world, and by midwInter' \be earUut members at a trensllrehlpltlu&' borde were rushIng Into the coJUlIJ:7, hr now·ahoe and dog·sledge. · Other ,1lqda c:&lDe thick ,a nd tailt. Tbe KeI'.arIAoe wu rlcli ill tree 1I0ld, and millen! bl the leore stn!r.ed out theIr dalme IlolI( l't ud began work. Lnte~en .,.,W1C to new flelds 6j.rtlher Dorth aDd ,. . .t.. and ~ Fort SmIth <!8lJle 'I\UUIOte ot '!ands' richer than those. ot , , the yuon:. A lcore IIf meo ,at 1I1;IIt- . ,. thea '. buncJred, five hundred, n thou· · eand-rulbed Into ' t,be new "<:ountry·. j. MOlt oi theee 'were trom the pralrie ,
.:: --=-- -'-- .-~--
t ll;\! 11\\ .Ik-
wh (, 11 Iu Ih(' ",) 11\[111")" or 0 111 ' I', . • \1 . lit h e W I'S bnrlllh.\ s, Oue afternoon III' r lln Itl, <·lIn",. ash or on 0 ~ h i I' FI rill , ~r ~1I 11 1 1. '1'1 11
IlcFsrlane rivet , ( x..te.ln the precedlng autumo a pros· ·pectot"hld come up to Fort Smith, 00 ' the alave river, wlth a pickle b oWe ftlled "}Vlth gold dnst and nugge t~. He
n roa r ,
ztlll ft·
striking a course thnt would ultlmlltely brln~ them to the headwaters of tho
I'n'''l I'~'
" 0 11 )1 .. (.,
llJ ~SI) UIO'
t\:17nn I,h': J d hi' '11l;f~l ~ fHH t !--"''' l'~ 'l l tlriul,hl" til (,HI' If. In tha t lH Olll 11nr
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1 I . '\ ' JlwlItlll cI1I":-t \ It 'V_, _ It • _ ... . . . ...,.. f l ,lt( lIr. "i ifllt t 1)1 I 1 A 1111: '''11 nf IlIt r·\'tl:o<!r ~fl" r rl110 ::;'1\uo,..'11 r~. ~ I n l li ~' .' I' 'is. III W (,)"N<. 11 (' Inn\("'(1 be hlntl him . lind III '. u A. Shot 011 the Sand aar, '''H l '. '·IUII.!' up t 1 lie' \ 1""1 Jnl7 and AUiIIst ot 1011 "'I'l'l) lUonlM Illld <I",\, I 1110' ~lI'clllll . \1 \01111 . {I ;uld l' 1\ JII,' I . .. \\·n l n 'I' .... hl' ~1' 1l1l((' 1 1. " ,,"Isil 1 coul ll 'I, III ()t &l'eat tires In tho NortJllnDll, '1'hl 'Ii \\1 \ I 't Iwamp home of Koznn nod Gray W ol f, 'n' ~11 !J I II I "' 111 ,ylt h Ihlli nh l lJIllllIll'·gHtI and tb.e ITe n vnlley b ct\l'~('n the III I) h nC'lt lhl'r fl , • ill!.\'t l··-11 1 111 (\) 111111 ! A w l rid,.. had esc8p d I be II S 0 fIll' " II~' , In hl' ~ ':It1 4.l'l~· 1J ;· "t. tno: " taUDa aame; bot n ow, os thl'Y s't f 'rlll 1 11 ' Jl1lIi JlI',1 III Itl~ f l'(' I. ~ 1 l!1'IIIg 1,0 :llltl "'HHlOlh i ll til' II,'" Itt\'" I ut 1 u p h i:-l 1Idl 1 UI~ll It", lIw\.· , . •, ... n i II' OD tJletf wandering Ildv Illures (lgtlIn, It Inl I h,' I" I-It. '" 11''' not long before tIIe lr po <111 .... 1 fl'pt A f]\WI'ld' lif n 1Il Ilp 11\\"1,\' (:,':l=" \ \'I .tt r,tr 1\ 11." u l hi ... "it\,.I.I,·" "" h. I" came 1D contllct wllh Ihe Belir I'll 1111 \ hilI I l'a m 'ltt I h I' , 1I,,·tt <l,' I ~ "' Ill " r IIl "n ~' ('L J ( I ' J:H l1 I1,1, tl !, IItHt', ;11) I t I blacll:one<J desolntlon, l\nZJI o Ii'll h is lu til(' II 1:,,1. Iii 01 I\'II~ 1(1\ lu\: 1'1,1.'(' I, ih i, II I I . ' it ll., II I '.1 Ii •. I'llh , I t i l : l\ bUnd matn Ill'fit Inl o tbe 60ut h, 'l'lI'l' IIIY I h"'I' \\:lJ·1IIiu.,: . JI w us 1\ 11.tI~ \\JI 1I U.L.' II\luli ...\ f, 'ulu r l' o r 11 11~ '''~lfH '. I,,,, 1.11 mllee b8J'ond the ridge th ey slru ~k I II ' 1111111 . IIl,rl lI" l 110111 i1~ Ins t 1,,'11\\,,_ h" f 01, 1 IllU1.~ I, · -I "ll tl lll:.: r ill,'. '~:'I '. II I: ' fire-lIl11ed forests, , Winds froll) )J uII· el i" 11 Il lluY cl l,1 :-; :all,1 ~' ~ 1 <' 1'i' 1)!<:" I ' I!\O I" I' II hrn.~ "i l'ut'rh tl 1ht ' In 11 ·~ t ,.":/\'1 ~~. , II t hi' IOn's boy hnd drh'en th e 1101ll e. III nn 'l' lll'tI Iw ,', ' II1I' H, 'il In ti lt: "lIn'I.-. l Oll I, IIl11rkl·t. hlll J.! h,oI II I II. Bil l II " ' , II . unbroken SM Ill to t he wrst, 111111 th e," OUl It l~ n l,1 1( 11 1\, 11111 (I·l r'· ... h " '1)1 " " I II" Iw t..;t hi ::; nlllll1 ""'" \ \HtJII I lit! ,\ Ilt }lad lett n ot II V~ uge of liCe or n pn(('h Illppll' 111111 (1I>:lI'I','IIt·,·,1 111111'1( 1)' 01"' 1 Sl arl,·" ~""lh - II!' II", " I, I III'lall' I ', .. ot 11\111d Omy . Wolf cou\(1 n u l thl' (' llgl' ,'f tl ll' 1'" 111;. )' tllJr! n ('('I'tHin ),,,In t fltJ 11 1\\ rj \ '1 I f 11"ace the bll\('I;('lI oll world, bUl 811 s ~ri se,1 . 'un';.r F nr 1\ W" I' I( h ll ?:1II 1I1l'1 I: rll)' \\, ,,11 I't"'\(\1'8 lutll f!lu lld UII /.!lIl d . It. . ' l\Ou IlI'I'U II 1I1 "Io ' rlr,,: II it, It II th" h ntll\ll' p u '\w l! {'fHllhh'u l1y )'I'~ Pri tt 11("1 I ntl. All of her wonllerfullnstlncts, sli o rl)' t ('rAof Ih (' M,Vurhllw Ilud Ihi . II li S III X ,' I \l utU li t' \\' II~ 111 11 'w ,'fl I1 11 1 t'~ did /It' cned and de"cloped by her bUn(\Il CF~. firs t thil l' !<11I~1' 110,' pr""I'clln;: ,\lIIII'r hp:! l n h l~ 1';l' u\·..·h . S 1.. \\ I y 1;. \, trl·l~·'d told her tho I to tho north-nnu not thllt c';;t/IY w c,lr h a d rn l1 ~hl Oil' ~(' '1\ 1 " I hi s Wil Y n p II ~ltI:\ 1l 1l'l1 W:l1'~ \' Ir"t', !lOuth-lay til hunUng·grou nd th ey mlln II! Ito nl r , \ ' hl'n Ihl' 11' 11101 hrt.lllJ; hl h i'l1il\\'t1l ' l ' !-l \\"\1'" lil'l\' III' ~\. 1\' !fdll .... t" were aeelUnl!. 'rile strnln of (\011 Ihu t 111 .. tl nn':"Nll lili:t 1 I C, h~I' "h I' \l'IIS 1II ou,'. t h (' .!-ll\ lIlh ILlhl , 'u"' I , '1 1\.'1'1...' II W'1 ql"~" I f tt I walln Klw u atlll pulle d hlnl soulh. It T wO or thr .:\~ nIh nh\::\ b tn t' th~ ~l' l' UI [tluo tl f n it'J~' g'~Ptl 1.1111":1' ~rll~d. ,r8.11 not becauso b e 80Ul:ht mlln. It WO il CIII1II) t hcr I\ IIZII O hnd left h"r ~i ll,. 10 IHl j:ht hHn' p allop.l !o-: ix 1,1' dl!!!t "\1111.\1''';', sImply dog Instinct · to tra,'el soulh· swift pllr~1I 1t .. I' 'fl "'n (lw ·~h ,'(' "'Iutlli. \\'ul'lh II II:IY, \\"11 11 thh~ I ill' II III,' \1. 'I'" ward; In the faco of Ilre It "'LI S w olt n Oli she lilY nllt "n h r r l'i ly ulul c\, n f1 1,.:g\t ~l('l(1. ,,'('(' k nrtt~r \\' t'~'1\ 1." I" I! .
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InsUnct to trnvel northwnrd, At th e end ot the thLrd day Gmy "ol! w ou. The, recrossed the Uttle vlIlI ey between the two rIdges, nud swung n orlll nnd weat Into the Athabascn countl'Y,
,n \\ Hti J It Ii:': 'J II 1 h\~ l' W ) 'H\l~ r . . lh U ~ ~: lI l\l ~,.11 t i I Ll\ it~'ll:'J n l't"ltJlh\ It '. , ,1hHHl n II IH<I.t , I \'~.!'\\ " hllt''' t' tlh 'UI . lr J I IU, til'" Win: l l\;t,1 111. ,,1 \ 1'1 -1\. , "t" If ~nUlh~ , 11; I hurl hell" • 11\' h. 1'1\1.11, .• l;,Uy W,, 'I' IV"u h l " 1 '" 11\ I, ," ,1 ,... ,I!!,'r. It WII ~ ('tly /'11-., Il h 11,lIili l d, ~ .! \.'~ 1'( tlh~ o h.l f,,"'! I-
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fJlflJl .
I 1'1'111 (I f)' r I
'It Publl uOI-\(l n nt III '\' " f' l dan oi" 1 1 tntl " lI (1 rtll n' [.v tll1, -1]1 111 11 1' l FClU lh ,," I. of ' Plltl'lv ilJol , 4 111 1. a £' , p~ t o( Wo y n Pflv ill , o n
A. MAFr"'I'T
p r op~rl
t l) wit:
Waynesville, Ohio.
1:l 0rFe~, 17 Cott.ip, 9 Brood S II W ~, 42 1 lJe. d Hb llf'll, F~ rrnjng .Implempntp,t EilhpJ' Auto
~f' il bi g blll R for t~rlll~ . \V
M. d URLg \l
I .
eN II A 'l C~. A . A. M ' l e, '
____ _
.McCoy;JB H., H,E. HATH AWAY t
I a rae. ... r8",'q ~e rV!C6 . No e.x tra c.harge fr.r auto IIPrV lce . Bo th phones III Offico anti Reairlence.
1,Veterlnarv G
No. 14
and Embalmer.
Wcducsday, February 27, 191 11 ! COI\.. m~n in~ Itt 10 O'OIOOk , Ille : f n ll owtu~
f Ob 0
S 10
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, ', y ',sAVille 'a ill
nivrr sl " ,
PILES getDr, Immedlatt relltf OlnllDalt.
Corner M in and Mill 'trecls Telephone 28
Lelldinl' OeD" •• M"ln US,
lu 1:1 oiDBa Bldg
1hooD'S MQk
Ohio Read the Miami Gazette now
Yo u boughtfor building purposes three years ago, at, the beginning of the E uropean war, cost you more than twice as much in farl it products as the same material will cost you today, . In other words, your lum1;>er purchasing power has doubled, arid then some, in th ree years, That is because lumber has increased littl <: in price, while farm products have increased much,
.This is'the.Time, then, Rig~t Now For you to build whatever you may need in farm structures-a new Horne, a Barn, a Grain Bin, Sheds, Cribs, Pig Hooses, Chicken Houses, any Building ' you may need, 110W is the t;ime t9 build, tomorrow it will cost you more money th an today. We can supply eve'r ything you need from the foundation up- in the right quantity an4 at reasonable price,
Tuesdav February 26' 1918' .,
Bel! Innlog 01 10 o'oloole tbe fo! lowing : S Bor8o~. l Cow, 8 8rool! l:\my. Forming (mplamen'8 . Betj bl lt~ lo~r!DlJ, H S. LACKEY A . A. MoNell, Auo •• .Jer~l Himel, Clerk
Get your share or todays and tomorrows fann profits-b~i1d now the 'st ructures 'gou need. . The cost Is trivial co~pa~ed with their earning capaCity.
..TH E
G A Z E T T E••••
ul....s 111.'1. ""111 Hull prl IJ,'gf>A nmunj( ull r ,'!vl'", -IO t<uuw mor'll ul Ulll ~lll1H ,,( horlll.... bloll.ltlr houd in OU1' Li 9blinll wILli 1111 00 o, --ubove .. II, 10 ~b!l\\ tlltIre of tbll ~p lriC lilll} II IUI,I 11 ... d of I'll hlti"" h,lI nwMhlp 10 tl'" orlllg " ·I:I,.lI o II fttH\ l\(lrulol "lrfl. li on 'If 'ur- t'lIll1l'lh '~ ?' W tI lJu v t,t) II nlot f 1lt..!flH U 'LJ "1 rlh ,., Vt-' y L.urd Ir· III hl'''v t l w"-,, 0111,,"11 r 'II' .. 1111.1111'\ rh;l ,.,, · 11I1I1I! til , Kill.
CIJ AN E, Editor und l ' \lh li~ I
ubAc rioti on Price. $UiO per YI~a'r ~~======~===========
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W8IJN E. DAY, FE ,lit AI Y lS, IJI !<
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malIce .·toward none, with clwity for all, with firmness in the right, a.s God gives us to see .the right. let us. strive to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation 's wounds; to care for him who shaD have borne the battle , and for his widow md his orpha n-to do all which may achieve and cheris h a just and ~ among ourselves and with all nations.
-ABRA HAli .LINO'OLN. lBeooA4 1Da;c:llJ'\1. i:d4~ '1IarCll'- t. lS'~
~------ADAIR'S-,- - _
,.HARVEYSBURG Mr. tllll! wn " Ilild ·
Bllrlan HMvey aod 'I , of 11 ,ar Doutle, were !'\UO dhS VI ll ltUrB of tbeir mother , Mra. I burlty Iturvey , o f E.8t Main IItreet. Ji rllll il F " rl1~J11I1l. of Duyton , ~I>eo" "\llldIlY W lIb blR "nmUy rl'turllil )g 'ttl
th e m9ny ,'.11 1 It" Poll I 11 ") ot.("qrt 1. ', 1l fl1"l . I Il I i.!H wlli b be ohMerv f 8, Mr. ' '' IIJI "lll'~ IJ, tI,,, IIV '. " I II, II r , WO j ltl'fll b01Uj.( 11 olnsu n\)!I6 ' v" r uod b llv ,'I tI ., I' '." ~""\ ", III' ~." 1111/; t il" )lo \\orot (· ltpre~sl \l n, Its6ero ~
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$26.00 Brass Bed, Sale
::~~.~c.' .. .
fL~ w , tn l "U;oI"\11 IH11 H j ~ t n r , )~H6. 1-,/\ r '~ ' I. !I f " l. nr l1 hl1f.\btti ·l~ ttl th fj ' /tf ll r tl w l r t'lt h ~:J' , ~ U AU 8U fi l wh '- I I!o' lI t\ t f~ l.:f\tt ll n~ ly 111
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IWUP~ rnf . H.
A two-inch "'"~'iMn:1 n contin uous post brass bed' that is guara nteed not to tarnish .
t \v'''~ Its 0,1-4 1-' ,1"1 ,',, ,11 , ~''.'1' _; il l~I ' I Il~Y I T\ I"( · Vlu l #"tl~~ll(\ U ll\ t u.tthe lH}nlO n l_ I ~" ': 11. ·1 1H ti l r, o I f' , iP} ,,' , \\ n " r Mrs b' l'unk I hll VI 1 11 11' ~. i I "'i ,,,',. hi Tl ,, ' UlC,nr .\ ! rld V UfU\ rlI UO D. .' hh.1!1.\(o r 0 11 tiutorj 1 I ' " ' l~ . . \ '''' U 'I q Cl' unt' l U u U1IW t " 11 11 1 11 h:.11 - 0" ,,1 t·,I'oJ
It means the same thing if you are going to buy Furniture, Rugs or Stoves-·whe ther it he sin'gle article , or an outfit for' an entire borne . . We are not contin ually advert ising sales, beca use our regula r p ric e s are attrac tive enoug h to bring us patronage of the year, but this month we hold a sale , and it's a real sale. It's a in other month s aroun d your home and st'e If there is llot somet hing needed for good time to look attract ivenes s. 60 Days Same as Cash on Amounts of $10.0 comfo rt and for 0 or Over. '
"' l1 h I' ll ~ " v. hH IIII' lht'n\ k oo'l1v uf
l:u)'II,.lU \ P tbM evo Dlfl g .
>, '" d Ot. IL" o l 1f1r ~ 1 1I 1: 1.. 1 dIl LII'" UI) U 1I ~ 11 11 "~ Pll. ell...-I ' I\IIJ l'u l' lI d" : Mr. U'ld MI'A. Frn.nk ~b.ld"ke r 1-'1 -t , lilt' ,,,,,It· h 'l u ll r d I Ii tull· Ul,WLl "lIh tlHll r ~o u, I::IClrry uud "I" l\d~ \lll "1 nf t\11J bl " . \' ,. tI . 1.1, fUlltlf v, " u uuduy I ~" . ,. ,' 11 f I""" , IJ ~ ,11 111,11 ... I' ·fl " . K V. tj ll r~ lI tl t.. who ill ~ p e odiBg tile U1111 lI ul 11 ,I t tI lt, jq I' ''' ~l Il lHl . a t' r. ,,"' u h r ill ~ H n A n t ou i o . 1'ex 1 rem em. ,I, , ." . Vl lIl< III ~ Illl"' ,·. 1" ' 1" I:IIS n elf!h b nrs 111'1'( "",·, 1,," ",' 1\,' lu,U I' ; ,; 1 "" !l. ,' r vll l ,c,llW U ~u h e ~IJd fruluds io lllur o3 idedfor I " 1',"11' "I " " 1' 11 1'1,,,,,- ,,. 1 t o;), II fl n'l l ( bll'I." VIlIIr by w r ltlug &b e w lind
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\\ \\7 Wl/~ " n, 'me uf '.ur bOY8 ' \< I" I,r ll lll\l,\( " I ,Vu')\) 1'l)Xo lI I:H ~P" 'I,d 'un ,'" ·IIIY """Ill I ~ U tfl uuK1bllller tu t hu Avl .. ~lon
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EXTR A SPECIAL. $3.00 CARD TABL ES . .... . .. .
The Thor nhil l Kitch en Cabi net
,run.,· f o ur aobonl Cit, 1011'111 lall t w~elt, M· "t ~ r '~ ~l\p' "IIlClIIl ~ ~.- v i\',. , t .r (\X~llllnblion t h 'll t he ml gbt Jolo ' ''''''iI 11111.1 [livo"- fnr thul. POtu lS \ Ittl ~I' r.,.joe of Uoole S .. UI ~ tr.. ight t n uur Id e. d ep"!!11 b xos. Tho Hur veY8 bnrg Fe rtilizer Co., 'l'hird . (l 01 0'" I nton ijA Ollr OE's t n oHR I wbl)o is a tll OO Ii C mJlIlDY alld UD· n o w In Il ll our \tfo ; 800rn 'If w \!ro d~r lhe ~ ull rviliion 54 in. top, ex",od manage meot W e, t nll , nned to f o'l II />Iu ln tbl' r e v · rrlvollt i "'a ; u\IJl res. lno of 01 1 Itl :l:ur of I ra 'yf rc1, b ns hee n <'e ry buey " Ia l lun II ml retllily " f \:.l oll In (b r br , If! ; 'r i g id 00 nomi c!! 10 perao tlH. tends 6 feet. l llocJ !lurioS the will~ llr m o nlha When OIl .\O r vtl r y FinDer . I:Irl. ifriun cl . fllOtily liv ing; t ho de votion II f eve ry tbey Illllrk.·t th eir produot It goe8 UOU1l:i 1l ", olO llrl1 ' . U tlTI' r, uou m OTe <,oorgy '1II tl r ll~o Is made of ur oo to I! OillA u e l"ful loto Ill o Iho us .lods ot doll a rfl, Wbll. lI ooa~s nr y t,,) li S th!ln ullY nrtb ly ~er v lcll In th e 'hurcll aod iu (b e It ,,"IlS fo u ~ bt by 80mll of o ur oltlzeoe solid oak. · trl o no., wnr. lit oos tim e ft od I,be (Jourt was 8sked , Hut ull lb i~ Ulus t be 1II0rQ tbu n' Alit! lu ~ t· l y . oon, ttlllt pm .vor, of ~o ~ I Op it, but now thllt Ide" bas ~llnthD(lll t ; It nll'"' wor k Itbelf out courtle- In ptivnla ll l) jj Illl>lltl prnotioa lly, t oo. ill o ur_ .IWU cb nr a ~. ~lI tl on-t or g u ldun oe und ooogre. pK!!Med Ilwe.y, Rod it Is oow believed Dear: Bre i hreu : ~ te r a 'll l anHy Il fo . ( nr Mn"rl'l' ~ for th e P r e~ideDt 11 0 .1 "Ii lu trtl n t:: lh t 'l he b 3n8 ftol nl to t"lle oomm unl'y !Lut bor. ~8 wollu to ~ho stoo kl\older e. Kven 10 llrutu nry tim aM Leot III wllflls W>l r e: " If ya Iuvll JUo, k l'l"p tt y; fo r tile v,ctl' r.1' of' oor "rm~ sue! EVlJ r ythlog iodlollo'tes thllt we lOll III alway~ a oull II) d e OI) ljr surlOU8UDijS lil Y Donlllll1n c\mllnt!4.' In t il -'811 dny tllllt tb oss we I vo UlilY ue kept ad a 8000 have but ooe bilioksm ith shop and l,IIora r(ll!o lot." urnslltueSI:' In rJU r oftpeo\ .. Uy , f Wlj Ill) nut wllnt to In Iho dny e i but, ubove till, Dr ShUl1'lllller. ODr veterin arian, Chl'ltlt\ uu lil t!. 1:1 IW ' I;I1U01l tlllJrl' In sl,u l tlf our I1l v~a t n ou~ OWIl ayelll prnye r tJUlt (jll r (l'lftl hcurtllII lJ(l ljor.. II! u. bUllY OHm . $hill elttrllo rdlollq' Ul O Ulel\~ of the R w II 1111 ~tl ' ~ WA \~rll bound t l po e~ lu)n IiveA tlqw btl t~uly world 'tl lHe lIud i )UI' OWll I N ever lteep OUf Idelll!! nnd prQIlt.\QlI8 1\ \ OhrI8~hlll, s'lld thnUl~y B~tter than any $35.00 Kitche.~ Cabin et t tho OflUfl Mr, nod Mr8. W. [" Harvey and wi\. Lhll 1 ~lIue bllt weoo 'he rl j,{ht liod h ome lit l ensl lIS hi gb itA t,u ose w(, of 'l'ru th Bod Rlgllt aud"'hole P .,be wroog, ~h tl o !Jblu aDd t h o b .. se. urs nnder t,a lliug to uphold n.h rol\u . oo w t riumpb in tbe world,~n oe !1111,y Mr. Bud Mrs , Ch1l8. Gordoo were in the countr y tho Qo.een Oll..,. vlsltors two dll)'S Ian Sale Price. . . . .. . . . . . . . . tbe Christli ke "DlILh . dHth"l iolll, 8n Vh.v luslijt 0 11 h oo or . justt06, Illld glory of God lind • Lhe good of mon o 'Reek, . grt n.t aod !l1J L1:Jr"lIt uu ill g. ~'ur elth. hllUl lluh:r among t h e n .. tl oo ,UU ]!'@8 I!'aitbfu llyaod Affeotio nDti Iy Absol utely Mr. the aDd best Mre, constr W, ucted kitchR. Spurloo k er ~bere WOtit llf' <Ill autl rilly Dew lo our own boru o~ , in our OWl) bUill. Your Bt ~ hop8 , moved to Xeola on Tuesda y en cabine t manuf acture d. Made in Xenia .od be~ler worlll It ll r Lho WIU or neee lIod eve n in our oburobe8 w e Boyd Vl oceot. Il r . Sporloo k haa u,ooepte d. very; oue tuliulte ly W U l lItI uflll ItI rll h o p e . rirA ~howIl)g t he HOJlle geoerou s 000 by tbe Thorn hill Brothe rs, exper t cabine t Tbeoll ore hving Ree o. 100raUv e poeltioo , Our lOllS. 'heir le~~. Ne"er wilra 'brlM tlllO Ul'lll ehleratl oll tor othen? Wby 6 ght makers. Come 'in and let U8 show you galo . ' aud Wllmen onl1ed to II more co m- to the world ellfe fo .. de m oo. W. O. Welob bouIM &f WilU.m where it is better . pullinii Ilud oon.,1 o8i vo o.I eo l~ i llo f Ir raoy in..gove rnment , UOl<>88 we are Dixon ', hiny. one:all fll~e Ihea.. a. yon tiod lind ,he RlgM, 6quall \, determ ioed to ",n ore all oommo nly !!6fl. With Mr. Weloh'l I 80' plulol,. b" rore we 01\0 help to oare they will lIoo:n be pu. ea 'hI IDllke tbo world lJotlgr, WlllttU~t Lo market a' tbe ,op prine. belter lJl:ridtll luA oUr8 e lv ~ 8. The 20·24 hot i~thut WI! Chrls llnlll! h " vll heP II Oor roa'. 8tlll remaln ID bad Furniture. T il e J uo lur Prlliolll a Cl uu Illet BhllJle . Tbe IUn bllS li CIt had coo ruullll Iilul tbo ' ... o rle! '-.~ It. , oou 'l1e North Detro it St. Wllh Mnrtbn Luke 8 '" turdllY, \Jower to dls.oL.e th o drllts. plod, OOOO .· IU rI '>DI.v wll II n Ul' owo Carpets. Stoves. F(l urua r y IIlh . The rogoll'lr . place of Mrs John VanQer'' 'O')lt sp.o, prospllrl&}' tlD I I I,Ieaaurf l, ev .. u If 011 Xenia, rn e tln g wua to bnve beeu 'I'l·ltb Ohio W llr8P. WtJ IDn ~1 b,'oa k wllil 1111 Vidrol as MlI lJuJ StA ir but aho oooid not be Suoday with her broLh 1', Quino,. tultl oow, 'lI! 0 vor bori'lrl:. 'b um e 8 1l118~ loohrtb!\ v ery klodlY King. ' Tblln whAt we III O. t Deer} is t o IlDl e] talc ed them. Tbe foll owlog Mrs. Emma EIIIII, 'who WCUlIO nnh,y hold ooce mute of I h i' grellt e ll'w r e pre~ eo t, MIA 08 LI d" Ilnd EtM for tuoate 10 breakin g a bolle In her c meotlll 'ruth!! nn d "l ulu, praot.lca l Keoned y. Vesto. lIud Merle Ellis, w'r lst 18 very muob improv ed at thll pr!'ce pt8 ot reli llillu . lilli' 111 .. k 0 t·h~11l Jell ule L.ll w~un ,Iu fza nU Merle 11tob . wrltiog . Ber 1ister, Mre. Ida Hen. Februa ry 16th IDd 161h In tb. U. E. pllrt or n Uf "r ,V 8' iv .. ~ ,- , ur ve ry Laura MoKIus ey I\nd Ju dith (Jollier. drick, Is IIHs tstlog lu :b8r Favor Coarse Bread. hotlllehoid ohorob. l..e' everYb odyaUe nd . . !tfo Tbloklo j! m e n lir a ogll 0 Heo 'I'h n x pIli os of lDeeling will bl\. dotle8. Thll refioed white tl OIlI' nil\\' J:(,Derlll' Mr. 0.01, Orl.kel lng the world' .. IIltllT h i'l l II Itl88 IWf!8 t ,.. lonth of to";o ly ueed Js a compnrn wHb Mil be l and Merl e Ellis Marob 9. tl l" ' ly " ' Il I'm lu· It 18 looking now 1Ike In the Dear i8 oDu6Dec1 &a the ~011H wl'Jl m illie It!\elf bPI.I I r /11111 ',r" Clf'yW(: rhlln. oovatloo, !bo procm,s rlJ l' Its ' duvelopMIS. Edith Drlvls WIIS ~ho pplog III fllture our youog melD will O1""SW • • be oalled t:ot to the I..l vlll;l G d . ro r l lghl. nOli A Conati~tio~ Reme dy Borv S Mllo>g flllturdn y IIh(lruo oo Into the slIrvlce of Ollr Govern ment Mra Ulew Penewl ' enterat ned ment bavlog been p c r fccll'l l \\'Ilhln the Fune ral Direc tor. gnhIMUD P. 'fbo 6Kh h in~ tn d D. ~lId lost hulf century. 'fhl R ''''lIr prollu.c1! 9 Will Moouey is on t.b e Rlok lI~ t. '. Tho Februa ry mustlng denl y· h OB , ,) fu('o wllb lil tl .IWllll Mrll. JI18 That We Guara ntee Weaver aDd Mrs. StelllA bread highly pleaslog 10 th u eye nod Wayn of the esvill e lIl iss Ir Uogles by. or ~uw Alle n No.4, W, ,C . T . U. met wlth L..amme at her home 80utbw f\at ("If polote, re .. lIt.1e.. of IIltl itn,l lltl t h, Itr" t1~ k Ohio D9 comporell wllh the (!,Onrse Gru ,' ~Pflllt lug for oLle r J"(, ,,ltty ill .. "III(I 'ln. t "u. l:-\1l. I IIt"e!IIY tllwD und lli8t unday Thuredl lY . wonde r tnl 8uooen a' 'be bomB of Llgrang e, N. 'C_"Fo r years I With brown bread of our IIn ce~ tor~ , but bOtll fnll;ij for tb l1ir IIlreo'd b !lnll O ll11fllr t. . . 'Sl~ter Mulinda WtlUllm s on f,lday -. lIufie.r ed with a chronic there Is a growing tend c ncy or the so I The obuloh JIlU ~ 1 now ~ I"A n~ e ll l could no\ sleep nights cough, MI~ ~ EIMl lI Er i o S[ls ot SAtnrdll .l' afterno oo at 2 :30. Next I-IUTB ER-J;l . ~ po.rt of continue dietetic meeting 8tudenl~ 011<1 pllyslcln m d In I ~ b'," () " wbli~ Ib l'Y or" "" 1" ' III' ~; ly U~kHI~ to lose flesh. My druggIst asked wll1 be held ,,' Sister Kdberl ne to me , denouoc e white brend li S tlestrul!. Auto EquIpment ~ . . f o r or 1·lsa 10">\ t1 1 1 "~I>l ll1'l' hll r 0 [' ' to try Vinol. It cured Wood ~ on's on , l!'ebrul ry 22 ttve of heal!b ood vigor. . ' lllll · .. I , nr ilo!!bae n Pos t l)l)ued All membe rs l!'rtclay l)rawn equipment por'lUIII ~Y HT.Hi P 'l ' IN III Ill ls gIA,, ~ :, can sleep nights ~nd my cougb, I ore r fqu6ste d io b e have gained n n tl l w" tJll ~l r Wtlil lb er. nr'I~I" present ' aod e veryone I. oordi_ll y Iiu~ r" r vPry reHfI \I WI! twe}ve pou!1ds. VlIlol is the best t.hR . u vltl tt' 'nrfu c~ and frleorl, of invited , ourl! I Q ') ' -OI M~ ,. 11 11,1 11I1" I,ltl -Il (J , tbruc:n d tissue builder I bnvc ever W u~' jJt1"' Vll1 l', wp rn TSLEPH ONB 7 to 0'11116 h .llll 11 1:1110 tll t h l:l lNl1l taken. -W. D. Ren" Lagraog v l~tting Mr!'. DAY OR NIGR.1 'l'hOK ~ 00 tbe elolt It&t .re Mill~ e, N. ~. l:i u Ullllb [{ toll deep oo n vlotl, ,"~ ,. iul t;llI lClngK W l,. 1 We guarant ee VlIlol .tn. Ann Arohde aoon bal reo 1i' .l d llY , . Mny 8t.ewl\t t, Mre Mary E MoGee ~or chronIC " 00. Deed '0 ~ eo n rwe m o r tl tbnt "If coughs, cold~ ood bronchit Mr ulJ d Mr A lva L,lIc1ington ~u'd Mn. Dnllls Brown . We pray turned to.tbe bOUle of ber 4aqbte r is. Not a U o.i m,,"t.ttlr~ bt •• 1', H I) IIlIl t ra II " patent medlcllle, a' five Polnta a ' Se,. a .11111'1 '.111' Formula .o,! ev~ry h ... vet n 11ln~ (l<l III Wei r bo me h re fo r ~belr "peedy reoover . . muob ,h.,t 1I0tbi" II( old a 1II .. ~t" r ~ 10 bottle. "{our mouey back if it falls. il ll e r P llD~\ll)g II voral w eil lill w Hh Mra Malion. MarUn .od Mre. Alice with friends and ,el_tlv6 1 10 IiIprtolMONEY LOANED boro and Franllll D, ,be la&1IC by ooml~.ridoo wi t h Him '" J. E. Janney . Druggi~t. Waynesv.ii1e I'he I II~ter II ,,,a r OI B. Mr. and Mre. Se("lU were oalllui on tbe alok "UllL OW f} , u " "y u esvl llll. lin. BUa Welsh _nd 4auih' .r, day eveJlin~ , , Mr, an lL Mr.. , Alao BartBtlo k, (If '1'l1e 8obbnr, h Sobool ot ZloDob uroh L.urett a, ha•• re'arne d bom •• Uer Opto metr istl . o.N8Y loaned on ll.e stoot ohot, UI,urks ~\II?, '0 k S unday dloner WIIR incl"'Ad quite lolerest a weell'lI .lllt with Mr . aDd Mrs. lng. TIU8t Eyes teste d ·free wnh \'i . 1 . J orda o aOll wtt~. tela IUld lfIOOud mortga ge., Robert Wood and family, 1111 will be IlreS60\ next Bunday . 1««*. bolllbt. Jolln liarblne . Jr., The MltI~es Helel) B,nrtsoo k Bod Tbe W OIDIlU'S Mite .,{re. L . W , Crane apen' tbe week. Allen Ball41n l. Xenl., Mnri a .H.loh wore calling on frlonds Suoiety m a t 0& the bOllleMiestoD llrl eu4' "hh frlsD4 Ohio, mil •• a MI.m' Unlv.r • 01 Sister b sre 10~sd8Y of last week. Battle Ciuter ThuredillY ' afterno on. •"y, Oxford . O. MI , J ohu Wolf speot !!averal dt\ys A speolul program. will aha. B tS. Dearth Bpen' Frlaa, with hla son, Low Wolf Dell r WI\. dered t\t. 'he A. M. E. ()hurala be ren LOST BuodlY ., Dayton , th8 IIU8I' of bw .llller, will ~ coming in soon. - Have you dec~ ded wlmt u'l lngton Febru& ry 17 at • o·olook. All are Mre. Clan Lewl.. 00 8utorda T' DR. J. W. MILl..ER. Mr. and Mra Albert Oray an d lS on Invltlld , you will do with it? . . Mil Dear'h and Mra, Le.l~ ' Watch •.Fob, w"b abe laitial!! ME-Wi , of Dodde, vi el ted the fOl'mer 's lUss <:Ienova Curtis !lnd broth.r , • h8 ~ell" of Mr: aud 1111. Lon May WP. offer a sugges tion?- I! you. spend the U . 1(, . be'.ee . Three Brldtres ....,DBN TIST••• purellt8 b ere Aoodoy .. . Mfa. Eli'''/lbe BallJ. th 81Diplo u lIod dau,h. aDd the 14: namllk l. fum, 00 the money now, you have to pay a hIgh price for anytl1r, '"Ivio Whlt" cre. of Keotoo ky ter of W'llyne svllle, a\t!lnde Mtllllell. d I~r" Oeo\1e a04 Bdl'h MOOD' Or••oola ptke. li'1.der WllS ctlillug 00 his frieods hllTe Fri. vlO~8 Ilt ZIOO oburcb thing that rou buy. SondaY . "04 a.ohel GlIplo w.n tbe S.nday Glz."e omo.. Reward leave at ~be Wayaenllle. 0 . US day . Vlol~ MoB night, Geneva Onrtl!! gu••" of 1118188 Euia aDd Gllllda Many ·thrifty men are the' p!an of de· Mr. Qud Mrl Walter Kllbon, of lind· MarllA 'Slmpso n jJalled positin g their money ~here !t .\V1!l bear .mteres t'Leb'iDo o, OlltJle over S aturday nfier- Alloe Soot, BUD"ay alterDo on Mrs Broulr. on. .until. this ' period of high prIces IS ovet'-a nd the WANTED Urs O. 8, Bnmbe " lpea'll Teral DOOO to ses tbelaue r'lI grllndm otbslP ~raye~ lIer.loe wlll be belel .eaoh money can .be spent to better advant age. dllo,1 'btl "lelllD D"ytoo . tbe IIU..,' Mn , Rloh, who blls been ooofloe d '0 night tbl8 week at Zi()n BARNHART, ohurob. of her daoRhSer, Mle. Basel 80m th e h ouse for Beveral week". , ' Our deposit accounts offer you ·W . T. ,I Jr.1aD and Rllymon d, Shir. OSITIO N wlln'ad with farmer by Rev . Chae. Ch .... o,f Wllbe..r~roe, ber' and Mr. and Mrl. &UII8I 1I'.r. Notar y ' Publl q : dlln wade 1\ bU'Jlne!8 trip to Leba- wlll flll the pulpU Sunday .. married m"ri, Marlon Baok. , Februa ry rll, 000 SIltnrd9 Y afterno on .' ~IO'" ,5... Wayo. nllle, 17th &t the A, II. g, obnroh . DMdend'" Ohio, OI,4e Ron'. Penne, 1. of 1. diana, IIplne . All oIdnda of Noary Work. WIlli J. Lee T ...Iml\ge Bpent the week. ~e are glad to ~y .the 8 . Y. P. the WHk".end wlt-b htll pareD" , Ilr. eod lu OIlY\oo . vlslllllg hls unole, U . II rapidly Irowloll I' you bave any Burplul 8tOOlt on aDd De~ .. Hpeota l'y. r, Come aDd and .are. W . .0 .. PIDOI! _ :7'~=~ baode, oow i. 'he . ttm. to ••11 Mr. ,Geo. 'ralmag e. Mr. aDd 11111. eee. Georg. Tal$ lipiD' Bulld lDsa 4a~_.~ 'D tbem, Try 'be: GueU . CllIIIlll ed 11iT8 Mllry MIIDnon woe "V18iting lev.ral daYI 1.. ' •••k 1& I. great pleuDr e Mr. aDd Ada. They.l RESOUR CE8 " MIL.L.IONS ber mo\ bt1r, 'Mrll • . A1urtlilA Davia reta,o of Motber to) report the lib•• WaU.r Beai. U lell them for you. ' ' JlOID~ DawlloD . We Iladly weloom e her wUh UI alalD6 N. Mal~-Da)'toD ea8' of 'OWII. FridllY· ber visl~ W. tDOW WRII ao flDJo,.abl. Mrs. ADna Faolk rematu' OD 'he ____ _ ._ ODe. 8iok 11••• . . Barbe d PO~ , 8ALE Au oyster lIupper. \'11111 be liveD at lin. Oaoar CIIIYeDi.r a04 IIrl. tbe A. M. Ii: oburoh Saturda y night, M. W. IAnl epen" rrida,. · with ~~!!!,!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!"-"'-'!"r='\' he reade ,. • 0 I . this .JIII po r will be ,re bruar y 16th'fr";I148 a' Bi"l_vi llt'. , GUARANTEED 'to heal wlthouUeav(jood Jeney COW8 with calvII pl.,,"cd t tl lenIn IlInt Iher i. lit leost olle ••• aarioR 1014 'lillir beallW Qloouo . dn'nd d discn . I h.1 JiCie llce has been byatde, lor ..Ie. inql11re of S. Ina a blenilsh , 01' MONEY REFUNDJID. j;Oc and ,1.00 lilies for freeh wouada. \'7 hom . . . ., oUo.a . lb •••4 aMc to cnrt ill nil il ~ s lages Ilud that is D. BeDkle , Way oellVlUe, Ohlo,.ph on. old IOrM. BOre back. and eboulde nijblmll Vf . e WIl'ere on bay., rtIIlte4 'be &.lIa, ~MI ';rrl' . C~Il"i'rh bcllllt,glu rl¥ Infiueo,cd · 137 &Ild ~ 260 IlZe fQr F~y .~ . by conslltuUolI'" condi tions re'lul~s ron· A1brtlbt proper a, OD Coli• •tree' Dlt. C~ PADIt EU BLISI'I :a ' . '. s~ltnliollal I, ,,u t melll . Hall' s Call1rrh wbllll makln. th. piau 101' 'heir f-. -l'o14i og Camera to fire' olaM Medirh,e is I"ke n ill ten'nlly Dud IICIS 'un rllideBO l. Theil . .a, trlc" OODdltloD. for lal.. ohMp. 11 palDleel and auarlo& eed to OlIN thru Ihe lIlood OU lLre Mucous SlIrfaces a..~ el Curb, 8"_1~ bere are !loplnl - . ' thq win flo IiIqain at41. 'I G&Il.rJ . . flY' l,ilffa, erBinlbOn of the :4ys le\1l Ihc.cby desl roylng the any ewarpw en' of ~ Mr. "lid llno. Cbal. MIlle ant.r. lDeta .. IprtD8b.O~ ...... , or wo., refuDdllCl. J'IIoj, f\Jlllldn 1101\ of l he cilselt!lf. . glvlng I ht; • . We ba:ve in 's tock, everyt hing kept in a lHuun' U:L~ patlcnt 5trc! n ~ tlt by builplJlg . lip. the con· &allied lilt 8Ilnd.,. !4r. uti Aln. lin. Jolt." Gl"~,of 8&111 _.... . Ililulion Bnd nSsisllog nalu!e 10 dolug ill \VIII MOCoOOIII, aDd lire. O.,..,. .t 01 ~". Jrttb first-class ijarne ss Shop. Work. The proprietoTJ have 10 much mODd W.lI.r 8114 IOD aDd IIIN.. ... nl..' ' ' ' faith In the ouratlve powers of Han'. '" uti NaDDI. 0. ~. ., N...... ... calarrll Medkilne that they offer One Ob••• Bllr1• ." ~'l::;.&a~~WD;;: Ion .. _ _ , .. - . . . ., I, Sldl.. Blladred Dollan for 1liiY c:&IIt lbat It ,. fallslo eure. SeDd forlllt of tathriDDlaJl. _::all le u ... Ad. . . P. J. CHBNBY II:CO., TClledo. Oldo• ..JIukl b, all DrtIIPUo ~". ~t" ","tll ,ut .. e l Ih e
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$28 80
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Olal lalB ad AdtI
Lebanon -:- ' Ohio
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DR .CO X·S · Wire ..
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11"m-To 1\11' Illld Mr ~ ll . 1' , SaliAm n', "le.ndIlY , Foturuary 11. HII , . II dlitlg'ht~ r
. , +'nlllidill,
I .• H
Admission Wa r Tax
2,'15 p. m. Two Shows in Evening [Beginning at 7:0() and 8:15 p. m.
CASE T ACTORS Will soon be on exhibition and for sale at our
WAYNfSY.ILLE SfRVICt STATION Later at our other Service Stati~>n~ _: Automobiles are built for speed, Tractors for power. The same specification that make a good automobile engine, make a good Tractor engine,
----....-.. -
11. T, Coont.z · will
The K ingSbUry Co.
Specialist in relieving .Eye-Strain antl Jmprovi IIg Defectiv e Vision I,y. r1,l ru;:c!l , .
10 o u ~h Deti'.;it Stleet With 'rtF [,'A. Y J 1': V gRY Store X nia Ohio
week begi':'Dln~
February J I. 19J 8
CI"G ', iN1...~I. OHIO
~ "TATE8 ,oqD ADMINleTR TaON Lloene8 No. c· I 8 I 52 (f ,ou
DoH~y eAnS., write
Remember Sta or
us for Free Trial
Buyers are commission men who take a toll of from your cream, Ship your own cream and be
1- -- ~--~--._.
at Corwin, O.
No chance for LOSS
f See it TESTED
I i-
PR1CE is right,
ThP-h"""" low tests
--- -----
--------.-.-.-... -
t • iI
This W eek W e Have I'lIncy Flot'ida Oranges lind ra pe i!'ruit. PI pple!f, Onions, Tlingerines, Ne PrullCii all s izes , Peeled Evaporated Peaches, "'ll nc 'Evapomted Aprico ts , S eeded Dnd ~ er,d l es Raisins, New Mil,ct! 111 a t ,'
Ito bitzer's 'O l'n Meal, Kiln Dried Meal, Grnhal1l Flo u r, Hye [i'li:lllf. fhlckwh6a t Flour , Pun
F fOUl'S .
Map le flavored
Karo .
Its fin e.
K rugs Bread fresh ever.v day. T ry 11 lonf of the New Wilt Bread. Wh ittJ Cakes , Angel Food 'a kes, Homemade r~ng ' Waf rR,
See it WElbWED
1 . __ --=-~ ,'i -------------------means
The West Jefferson Creamery Co. C', E. WERNTZ. Agent
Columns 101'
Apl'rt.:i'I"t.j.: I!I~! ,1"'lIo1ic) p lllnll1 alo:~ <.:<;-Jrth·d lIrrollgh tit" \j" \:l·ial r;;,,,. lJjln' \" n , 'alp Ih,' H Pr d C,· mpnny , LeulIIllrn Hit! '11)1'1' e lenos YOu an C'o! umbu , Ohiu- [,'ollowinrt s t a teil1 vil",t\oll to \ri.'it th·' at ~'e 1'\:1 BaT ment ill ~ \lp por t of Ih War Savings gain {I rk ~ ~t, ill Wl,vai l an d SeJ.l90n · and Thl'ill SlUmp VHI!l, QY the Uuion 'a ble I{ I l d:1 I ha f' . II1IIY be WOrtl now Sav ings B'lIlk nnd Trust Company, and dllrin ,~ tl1e ::;~rin g::'ir b l'in~ sold inrinnllti. J G. Sclt mld luP)), chalr. ' al VO!t V In \ m kt'l', n,un of t r,e hoa ,'d of u irectors , 111-.~, l or:l~s t hr gUI'!!1 nment' s r:u"wesLform of . t!cu riL~ : -. fI rI' pl<''':lcti ttl . til te I h l\ we i vi. >1\' ,,' Ut:-:ili vlngs .' llijllP~ a /III f-trec' I li v" Il1C:1 :l (,f iot!ulc tiollt ~be idea of tlmf ha p Hell ol m;milal' nnll th ' m,l I~'. , 0 ('olkcH:d by Ire .J!'.III fn!-- . • :\\ Je V-S c..~111r~Ctf . mel1t hnt! pent hI Lb ll ))l,.)~t! .:~ tjoll of l he wllr WIll IIl-1lurnlly Iud In J)roF'ir:!t Sniff);!)' in ·l.f·~'t, F.lo runr~ 1110 illl{ g '1ern! bu ~ in esa , ahd. in t he' 17 11, SunJl:IY ;-i, ,ll1ul >I t !)::lO 'it Ill ; end, Rlie h exp~tld i tures by th e governLilllny. P lIil ('n inl Oflit" an il !:J oly J m 'fIl,;h uld be t o!ilcctetl ill inc reased COntrllU llior, ut 10:30, 8e·rmoh .hv t.h (· dep \l~lt a lllong t he banks, , ' rt'ctor. Y Olllln: In\'iled to lhe~ ese r: " We he an ily recommend , any "icf's practictti means tha t can be designed -' l lVa~ {;:Iad w'hell th ey aid Uillo Ct. pJom ote lhe idell ot .thrift nnd at Ille, We will g o Itlto tbe ht,u Je of tbe the. allle time o ssi~t 'the governm ent Lord," _ in finuncing the wa r."
55 l~¢nt$ pouad
aud t't!;(,(ilJc lIIi;k !:ie'lml hrftnct 12c. "
. \Vaynesv ille. ! ... .............. ~......... ...
the Tri-Sta t~ Dependable,
- - - ,
Jell o & Jitfy J ell , !i ll flavo r!!. , r 311'1 tv Butter alld Churn Gold pecrll )-- ~la .. Tobll cco
Ib only 5Sc BeechtlUlt aDd llni n Work lmlll Sctup 'f obaccoR, P~IS . , only ii I!
-Kiln------------------D d,',j M(!at Sit. 71) lb bags
Brhe Mi~wn in , Yea L. 7 big cakes .. , ....... ," .- ..... '" ... .. . 5c Dig Hu" Millchps, 600 in hox only .. -..... .................. ..... 5c
of open t lon f.U. StU~68 have boen "looeu ln tt.ree 0 1"\81 n ,118 follows: 6H
rc. 1(ls of the IJutted
B AU.I NG .&;;.I
"'ondey, F~bruary IS, 191
~~~~~~~~~~~ I ! Cash for~reani I 25.000 cream p~tronl! have found
Tbe Kilpatrick~rrench Motorcar CO.
The Tri ·State has everything _arranged to handle your c ream; t he belt maehfnery money will buy and experienced people who are lrllin ed in our ways of carefulness and accuracy, each ' one of them resp onsi . ble for a certain definite duty~ No slipshod methods 1/:0 at The Tri · State; I17lttlm and painstak,ing carefulnesS safegusrd.Your inte res ts. . For the put 8. yeara. whether flood or storm, heat or cold, over
Junk ~ your Junk fo' him uml h o will I call on you and gt~ it LIlI, Vt! o rrl e rs at White' s groce ry fo'r !ill ki n.l!! of { ti'
, all
H aV ing accep ted a call In Verm nt , ' 1 will sell nt Public Sa le li t the Par · I sol1 a~e , on
F leischmann's i
Oflice nn ,l l~iLting Room
You Can Always Depend on the Tri-State
P. S,,, l f ca s or g
I .. \\' '
Case threshing machinery bas 'lollg be J1 knO\.vn as highest class. Case Tractors have the sa me quality and campan back of tbem, We can teU you 'a bout them 1 etter than we can write it in an ad, Please call. .
·' :abnchester.
Sliding gear two-speed tranmission, ,spur , (no bevel gears or chains) all running in oil, Hyatt roller b e~ r ings in transmission and axle bearings, all gears , enclosed' and running in ' oil.
Service Stations at Mason, Morrow,
have the
. White' Store
tile Miami Gazette. , WM. ROBINSON ---_.....- - s till ill the busin e_s. a ve
ngen!!:,' for D"lco 1.1 ,hul1j.( !'ly~t('ms If you urI! c.oll~itle l'in li: II BV l m lh i~ sea on it woulrl h~ ;ulvis;d.lle to see
Waynesville, Ohio
0 urea.. Beginni ng at 1 o' clock, the follow Ih'm , lll;titepricear\von t',snn laTch ,ing Hou sehold Goods: 1 Fum ed - Ollk Dinin g Hoom Set, Cirt'8 s~illn Mrs Mary I!: awyer wa~ b mi n Lt. L,en ed ill the lhil1l'~ Building. ------------~ ' ale m , N. J , December 11. 1832, 'l'e)e~h l1e 47. I alDut Bedroom Suile, and many died at th e home tlf her daul(hter f ! Osteleleb\garbt'til~lses of household 1..00d!:! .. , hea r t t rouble, Februarv· 7, lHI , Soma of hlll' oltl i!I' ciLi:l.,tn~ will l'c , Th e funera l was held in Leba non , memLe r Mr . Emery who Rflveral I Rev. H. T. Coontz_ Ohio , whe re she was n m ember I) ' . ' t " ' 11 I Lhl! Me th odist church, Inferment in yeura II~O ""II!! prollr ll't.o r o. t Ie lu i " and \1 ilh hill family wal! a re:lident Rutl1 lr h!\~ it .that I 11m ch arg ing I I will 111' 11 fl!. Pnullo Auot.l o n,l\~ my L~?anon cem~tery, " of ~ a)n .:vil \lfOTa hOl'ltim 'l'he Gperc"'lltf~r~rYIIIg:fllrm:) les. l~eg l resttleuoe O~ ~he janotlon of t bo The Lord k1!()wfl, uut we d~, n n l , E:mer,\'s ur e I!O 'liv ing in ~'VI Diego, to ...·a .' th!s 18 a raIse I' POI' t . My i (lY Tl e II ml O ll i l r !illrloguoro ron d .. ' h t bd .. ,was he r word s II'!, ht'r llthor IlI<'kneE's, :1\1 In 1\ I~l rr to Mrs. J{Il,~ h I m Nove m ber , (Jone ulIl no~ for K t>'~ , c1 a tl~(1 Janu ,'Ir.Y 12, Mrs. li:mery pr! 1' 1' nUllO_ l I!~fl m e u very (l y ' 110 'Vu y n tll/ llie. Ohlu, 00 J ' W N , .\ml's, Auct . I tt go en, pay!:!: "W e han, hod 1\ w:trll1, dry Wllv n s viHe, 0 . . Satllrday, Fe,bruary 23, 1918 winter, \\'(1 bat! t\ J'~\irl lhis morning, •- • Be" lu 'Jl q~ II~ lo'olook fllin,.p rhe jj, ~ t sille t! la -L ,;prinR'. W hll\'(! foll ow ing pr o p llr t..v ' t1 011 ~tl h old .fu·r- J ju t lanted ~,olatoe~; wil rpu ~ in nth· l ultor'l Gllrd en Tools "to, r I!r vfJ~etal'lt·~ ~!IIl" I~\'(!r.llhing il:! 80 , Bee lnlg bil\ , hi>lhW l,t!li~~ v,l"Il\\p(.:Jn Butter W. O. CH ANDL ER,
Four cylinders. vertical a lve-in-thehead. cas,t en bloc' motor, high-tension ignition, Kingston Gasoline OT ' Kerosene Carburetor. Force Eeed; and Splash Lubrication.
sll<.l tlll
\ \ 111 PU1UP water, E: : \ \ \ ' WOOd.
am\, un hccrt:IlIU Sep :1rn tllfol·WMb,iJlglll:lC:ltine.
Flour Substitutes
II d nut of Ih~ l'huTllh,
llRwke lIud
c " ll sm: l1~~·:.i . llf~.
Home 903 Bell 47-R3 Centerville
---....... ~-~~
I''' '~ ~'!, :lll~ .. ~I::e d t,~,.·hl s·.·par:lIM ,
R. D. 5
1" ,11'(' W lI \'fle:lv illc SOllie time nex t
In on
thl! Cl. r iuuy
10 Cenis • wed, fO l' Nllwport, r., where Rev. -ICO nll!. hll":l c II. 'I'hl' 1 E. hurch, We have -.a.- good sup ply of , 1 Cent • us .well n~ this cO!lllll1nity. 1f!I!:.rel th'lr lc' avlD!oi, bU l aM tl~() .charg~II'>,8 1 arley Flour. Ont Meal , orn l Tota! 11 Cents : good one, t hey al ') r e j Oi ce on theIr H 1 R 11 j i.B k ' • . • lIdvun 'elnpl)L. Ht1v. and Mrs. 'oontz It,.ea. 0 ec a s , . uc - , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .: htl e !Ulidtlllluny frhllld. wl11le here, w h~ L FlQur, orn tarc b and
}l\)\\"i' r ii~~f
Come En am! look i ove:'
retu rned home
It ' . and ilir
tl~"' \V'-; ~ ...'4 ... :- tJ L",.lllL til:\. U
If V()u find i~ r1itlic ulllo n1alw holh ndli- m", t . Come and let the S. Frt'u Company, Leballon, Uig Stu re help) ou.
!i . P i t\\·t..... p lt lwtr ~H:{o r :,tt ... · i\ t nt.: l{( '(' - l ~ll'n (l
Featuring Mary Pickford in ' ~A Poor Little Rich Girl" An Artcraft Production '
')', t.•
1\1 r~ ('~'lIthirl gl'an g. ~p 'nltill g () s'O\'l'ral \\' >!,'l,ll With her broLiler ill
r.. .
,; .; ·) :t , I; 1'p· 'iany d c :-;'i ··IIt:.l !11ani f,ld, hll "" ~ i ' hel' kcro· .1" II ,o'wn , -II' tIl l tn , :,,' " .1,." ·t .lOIV 1111· 1I'1I1',.:'d (" If'!Jllrc or \' I " f)n ~:'I j I , ~~ \ - ~I. · ',· lit: f " ,'HIl ','. \(1. 'hg 11.~t: I;. H · 1u lIl .r. • '" ,,;' h i . ,-: , \· r pl~~·.. d l ...·.·.!h I HI I~I ,· :\lh'r •. h ... \I ~{' !l\;:\ri)\1 · ~ 1", b\..l\ Ill ......". '.t\ It i f, ~r..:. vt el):-;' t~ utly :.H.~ l .J't1 r. l! ou tl £.11'...: back Ot \be
1'" d,,:.. I d' rLl :tr.v S, l!l ltl,
: rfO rms:- the
Miami Theat
inl" Ih" 1)" 1'11 1::1 i~ hl/u :; tl un Third
Easier on the eyes-more
' icn ~mo re
economical. Cannot Easy to install,
burn or shock.
_rl~tam$l20 UP' EASY PAYMENTS
3 to 10 Year G.uarantee Liaht YOllr b.rn.atnbJeo and grounrls .1 well DI you r tH;~mC'• . V'c you r<Qwn engine. One "ll1nt u ~ ,11 1ftnd You hnvc n lht an~ wbtH at ,•• ",ra vi • .,,1...::.
'Of' CMa.kMI ...
. Spedallabociuctol7 611...
W N, ' (1fir r.. Au ct,
Lebanon, Ohio
(Jllrtwrlgbt & Born ett, O l ~ rk~ .
fertilizer Pays Beller Tban ,Ever Today a bU!ihel of COrll or Wheat buys more fer'; tilizer (p'o tash ex.cepted of ourse) than at any time du rin g l\;te past three years. ./ Nole how much cbeaper ou can buy a 2-10 fertilizer now than before the war.
IN 1914 2 bushels of Corn would buy 100 Ibs, of fertilizer,
TO:DAY bushel:? of _Corn will buy 100 Ibs, of fertilizer.
In term~ of ,farm products, (ettilizers ~ost less tocl ay than in 1914. fertilizers paid you ,T H.E N. they will pay you better NOW, . . Boost cr«?p production, grow more per acre ,and ip.crease your net profits by u~ ing fe~ti1izer, , Help both the railroads 'a nd yourself by o.r dering S.pring · Fertilizers NOW,
EtI~ t elo rlltlrotltl8-Thol railroad!! 10 th~t p ortIon 'Of Lh e Un ltod. Sta tel! O.lrt h of t h o ULlIo n u d PotOW1l0 . III vera 11OO OL\l',t 01' l.J .. k o Mloh.lllaD I ~ U tbo In dlH oo-I llIools ·"itute Une ; I(lsu ~h os!3 ruil l'Olld ll IrF lllLnols ex:
te.n dlog.into t bat I:)tll' e tram ' polntll. ot ~h e lOl,h uuu -ll1in ole ,a'ata hn ; 'u '~u ,t h e (;h o It,pllllke lit Oblo, th o Norfolk & Westoru, ~ I\ d tbe VlrB IOIIIO Rull\'\!' y8 •• • ' outh rtl r l\IJr o/ll1 -All , railroadlf In ~h tl.t on of t.b l.l Un ted tl t ll te .. ::IOutll tit tb O bi and Potomllo, III vorl! Ilnd ell t of 'he Mis818!41ppl Rtv ", x oe Llt t il Vhe Ill?eake & Obio, N" l' fo lk & \\'estero" and ,he Vlr glnl .. D H.. llwl,.v , lind .u l~v tho~e ItU$b
rnilrlll1 tt 1/1 1I1J' lII lr! 'l'i<l Iadiana , Xh1lldll.lg lotO (ht>~e t;tu tlJi frOID poin ts 1\ ,11 \ (I a ( b)'u Uhlo Rlvllr,• . , W \'l .; Le r n rllllroo (ts,-AIJ railroads no~
inoluded 10 \.he above defipUlonll
Ilod, br"ll(lly
lu thtl t. ~r l,
f r . W~lIt
all ,.Uroad.
or Late MloblHaD Il/ld of tlle'Jodt oa-IIlIDole ~tllte
lIoe 11\ thu 01.1'0 Rlv~r aDd Wht of the Ml .. ~ I II~lppl R'iver from 'be. Ohio. RI~ tbe Gult of rgSIOO. ex. cePling l1\o1Ie railroad. 1D 1111001, iDclnde d In ea"klro serrllory and those tlLllraada to nUn"ta aDd Io.
dlaDtl iue{udecl4n aoa'berb tjlt'rUO'1
u.buv....' "
'· THE 5c, lOc oAND
Valentines , The time for Valentines is' h~re 'and you can find Ulem at our store from the comic to the fastidious at from
2 for ' le up to 25e ' Spec:laUat In
I f
{~ J
Se-venlieth Year
.Who1e -Number 3466
- --.. . -- of Our MEETING -OF r With U-Boats' 'WOMAN'S AUXILIARY ...:.
sonl!' lIf qutirtf" '!:I, P,'ek t,dul l flf ·h .. nj(~
'r-.,ur an I 1'u help ,
lllo' "It v
ttll! "
Th ' ift 'iULtllP ' tin If) Ii! .' r :tll \\'I ' ·- t ; ~ ,r r. '-; ~ U ' I"h
/II I fin , coII' r "ut rl,\ III ric " II)' m rely SJJVi " il lit" i 'Y Y" lI. In ll'ib inv~~~' i~ Lil t, ,,1/1 11t ·, 'IO' Y C,'I11 . m '''C!e 1\1 1V·.rl< r,,1' y.IOJ II " *11 11 ~ ~ ~"L1 tr,.lllil · 1" ''':'' I ' ~ . iI 1'11", ( 1 S f u II I ' " Y" r ""\\V I Hr • ., ~\r ll'
huidl,t ~
It ,I
o ~
, , \·,1,' , "ll"l(c
'('C.l) ~ lll t ' If a ' ":',, \' 1111'-4
~ ~ I ' "' ltU( I ' 1 11 r~il ~l l fl n. \J<C " <1 "" )/ "., • illld llYS anti h
1\10 l!t ) '
1 II I ,' .. 1 . 1J1
,.iol a.-
Daniels Tells House Naval New'Effective Methodin
IC o 1 l l l i 1 i t t e e
Pl tJ~l'Of)t ~rg a n
~"c re l .... n' t( rc iflve~(
Raid t htr a,l,1 dtv · ·
(j BLIJcli ~ m\1l,l a:u I'flr t,,"' ·~ -'jl" Ie ". Tbit ~s
d"'II ~K
uctJ k e to. \f ..11-eofnf; lind ~ iI.1 · 1' .. ·· 1 ili\'e" tm enl~ If yOu I IlL' " I. Ihl' r1 )' B()IlrI CI UP O It ~ (:om' . II' Ii U" til' yndi' ~ f"t!!f\IIClr divicl l'lI d to Rre In a uring. ,resf) l lI~ to r ~ i'\VI.' ~ l I he in come in War ;)1vinll' ' tumps ' These draw l' ~(l rt!~ u l >l " rn ~ ,Iillf,l' of th .. w('.(,wi' ppr cent interllSt coo')ll~n' H AUXll i lfol " '-h 1\,,1,1 ti n F' , irlay JI" ulIl1 t d qUllrlerly ThUd. will \11111' l\\ u nf' V he made todod ouble (IHr ill. HI. f'\-hl' uary 15, at (II' h'"nl' ( '\1 ,,, C·" tHn ',1I T ile IlWPl lllg \\ ,,~ ' ,l ul Y Rnrt -the war ch st kept 'Pdltld by - ill l{il,l('. " .ltl~ U 9 ·hal l . till " r1 . {" ill" IVlll'r<!r;.r (n l! Sun , '! fl.lrs ' R.. member the secret- invest ;1I1J,valllld r" ,," l lAll h... j13' 11 ·hIn a pl·r CI, rin lh·rl:H1 lll lWd re-. J I'" inlereslyourmoney ea rns! e >I i ng I he Cl'l!c'). wh Ich V' II ~ rid lowed 'Y tlte pruyer Ac r vi 'e cflnduCled by RI: v J ~' . 'Hdwnl hul t! r A second hyml'. " 1 Lovl! 10 Ttl ll til L! $tory." + oN:I ~ U IlU' 'crilllural quolalions were give ll in l' e~ p O n 8 I roll-call. Aft r the r adi nQ; of the minutes amI disposal of other uu ~ il1ess lhe p\'op:ram for the afte rltoon wall taken --------......-~+ I'
1'1 lJ .. d 1\ , 'I' t ~I I I .,' " I ~ r d r ,/'t.: L I" , '- t '\ I • " I ~\' ,,"" I . lu .1., ' h I I d . ' hi ,..... . J' 1\ I II I II' I " ~ l ~ I" I d \· , 1\ • • Ii .• ,\ I , III JI • • I II . f ,I;, . ' r ... ~ k . Hll d n '~~ pi In g lln,~ 1111 1," tu ""U.' . ( tL e bd b""t , III' ,.: '111111 I II 111' IHI> u ) ' . p ,. ,~" ~ HtI It }! "" ,· t r) \:tPl t !J 'ji '· \: HI, I I I,' l.,.;I!-41
1. 11
N,,, 1.1a Tu (->
"PEn SONAL-MEqIION i 1 -_ ...... -----...
' u ), 1 ( U I :-- 0 r l \ 'CT'
I '
n('j,h·- j
l a vd \.'
1., ... 1 ~~~~"":. ~,.
I" t 1111 ';" ' fl Cll r p" IIr r ... II" I'S W"I'" li q,'u \\' lIh W!&tl' I' fll \i IJI IIJ 1""'11 H) oI" 'lId, II1;\ t , httd I'I '\. h"t' n u -(;<d frt'qil ~n l l) ,,' re , l't,und if II hu d WHY. 111lrl ~lllI'.r(·l h r l ite p a;JL f f'W w ... ·k~ .... er iI'lId " II ':1 . . £0' 1irl ly l·'rod II a V ll e )( t l·I"I'h'lI l II ' 0 1) . Gov·mlll' ' fo J( 'IH !ulhl'l' nul "it l-i ll \. A paper of unusual in terect on the Mr. and Mrs. J. C Hllwke enterMagic and mU Eic a l Schlllli lIull h('fI'. ul,cI l h .. )IIIV'!r on l' Io( Ul hlHY and ":rhe Cull of lh e World." IltId bee n tained at dinner Sunday, Mr. an d 'l'lw i ll '; (If M111m i prepared by Mrs . AdalDs. of Kan sRs Mrs. li'rank Zel!. had the ariminl ~ tr ltliOl' ~ , ll1 ltw" CH ' R G. r OilS wa~ in Ci ty This wefl,wrilten pape r ahow,ed l o~ d R of cOl·I lit (Jl lel' II,' /lr IllI'se .""u t ul d ».\' W ' " all a U ": plllf tlU S ftVt ~ 1J1 upe nll l)! ~u \V many Thu isday . a keen insight ,int9 the subject and eA f R' wil l itO to he t wo :<ch'JlJllwli<"II. Th,' ll1atih ~!' th e cr)'ing need for a n,ore far I\ IHI Cine Will 11 .. rlla l·ibu ll'O "111 '/11 1,0: II 01) 1(' lur"",l II "y, W ' \I u l III00 h • Secretary of NaY)' I11alllele ( by arrow) · ...... MI..a Miss Alice Carey entertained the 1)(.'r l u rtt) ;II'~~~ ttl tl l(, f'V n;nl{ t ht! reachin lZ missionary effort. toUin. the HOUle Oommlttee on N&Yal AWN of tbe ~ DUMt. II)' l ollowing young ladles at a s lumber Harvey Gustin. of Duyt " n, \Vus ill Ihe ciuzl'Ps In Ihe mt''I'ltim i th Rev J F Cadwal lJ.d e r Ilave 1\ talk party SalU rday 1Iig ht: Misses Lillian ca r nf em l CII l1 ll' ill It.r Ihr ll/.,wt: r llh'aiP l wa .. c·r"wd l·,1 10 :Ill' duors. the navy department til llIeeUIl. tbe 'l1bm&J1Ae .1~tJoD aDd ID ~ town Monda y. partq for WIU'. Since llila pboto lut weelr IDnIIand IIu npoi1ed nri "TII WS'r Te, t of Missions." Wilkerson. Corrine Welch, Anna FurhOIl ~f'. illlCi fn 'l11 ,,'1 i ll d lrl'III" ~ Iii I'C Tlt t, I I'~e" ~ \>[ Ih,· ll "' ltlt!r , UIt,i r & l which Flirred profoundly 1111 who nail lind Edna Cornell. will bt: Ii ~ ht:l flO" I h,! 1'0'1! - (I~ tllc La ~\ . fir L In,"11l . "" .. r,, )I 11l111 ;plea 't d that Amerlca , new a)'8teJlD of d..11... wltb the "all~," aDd of wllJola Mrs. E. V. i:Jar .. ha J t was in nnyton l11 C1 nt~ _ with th\.' 1\),,,,11 r in which tlte p'!ppIA llanle1. apoke, Is the m~"l elfIlClU,.. alld pracUcal metJs04 ,.. ..... h" Rrd it and seemed to li ft them into last Wedllesdny i T his to~1 will Tt'!il'v., h,' ~ 1 1 11 at i"n t ur nl'll nnt 10 , (;I Ifill npt'mng- plu v auratec1 by any ot the alll(~.. Anotber triumph for YUltee brIU.a&. , a high er spi ri tual plllne ~ Tboee In tbe picture, lett to rllht. CoDIT_1Il&II 0.,1 V........... ." All j oi ned in singing America aorl ' . !dr. and Mrs, Guy. Kibler enter· tu it\':l'l'u l .' Xl ,.1. tllthoul' h u $trent As tlttt'li I)) t wf'·k th l "I)l' n i,,~ 111ay Congressman 0, N. McArthur. of OresODI COIIPW8IDaD the mee ting closed with the benedic . tamed Sunday at dmner, Mr. and Roy Cher. \· \ 't h. II 'nt ' ulld a ), with nlany peupl ' are usiu!!- Ihe IUNt bil of Wfll> l\ ~"rv Pickf" ld 1)l'\ldutlh,n , Oeorcta: (ll,rl atl ]J' () rlU CLiI)II ~ ul thi ~ 'healp l' BuUer, of lPeo.naylvallla; I~ecretal')' D.DI_Ia ; Oo~ r. o...... tion by Rev . J_ F. Cadwallader. Mrs. Ralph Houllton. Mr, and Mrs, emil I hey r~c.,jvC'rI ><om ti m*! II)!O friends in X ~ n!il . Clarence Edwards, Mr and Mrs. AlIt waSl! lucky thi!1 ~ thut (he IIOWI!r- wil l be of til hiA'hc>s t s\a nd l rrl, lh .., of New York; Congre88D1l1ill S. Ill. Mudd. of MIU'J'1AD41 ~ r. ... A. Britten, ot UUDoI8; ConareumaD' W. ~. BroWDln" 01 ..... Ien Ki bIer and Mrs. Euphemia HO\lgh. house coal cam e in when it dill , as saO') II tire shuw n I hruu~hou lul l and ~an W_ Kettner, 01 OtJ1foruJ&. See the DieLrice ' at School flail t here wus hardl y nou g h cllal le f l to thl! lheltte rs in 'I he la rg I;t ci lies, Satu rduy ev ni ng pum p wa,ter for anollwr nigh t Tht! thea ter will b un rl r the loca l . The children and grandchildren,of situatiun here at t hE! pr Rent lime is. d irThe ction of , M ra bdie Zell. a-i)isted Mr. and Mrs. B. F . Mms ~rpetrated Wal te r ·Cha~dler was a uusiness therefore. in prelly good shape lind visitor in Day too FriJ IlY. It i3 hoped lha the Weather Man will II e t(r it tnat all cold wl!a ther B H, K lIy will pre. ide allhe piano. their weddin~-their golden daf. MI',' and 'Mrs L A. Zimmerman will 'he sh ipped to the North .of us. Under th e I cal ma n!gement th ft ' Accordingly, all of them g~tliered were Cincinnati visitors '~ hursduy. the at their pretty home on Miami street, with the e'xception of a eon, W. H. different fllme that will be shown for ... Smallpox m Ohio is WOfse , thsn it Mills, who r~ldes In Seattle, Waeb., , • O. CartwrIght made a business coming attractions. has been for the past five yeare, and a daughter. Mrs. A. Ellis, of t to Clovelantt 1'hursday .and fo' ri, • - • 'The wood ehopping for the school says V_ E McVicker, publicity Wilmington. Th/t day was.llpent In day. ' houses did not pan out . very well 'rector for the State Depal'tm~nt of an in~ormal manner, ami at noon a , Friday. Everybody seemed to be Health. Almost every county 10 the "bountiful dinner was served. and the U , M. Whi t.! spent ' unday aftercou~tl. es. busy that day. and a very' sm~lI per 8tat~ has reported tbe diRease, snd ice cream contained In orange ice a noqn and eVlll~ing with reltttives in . cent tur.ned out, moat of these bemg the number of ~ases from ' Sel,ltem- j golden "50-" Mr. a~d Mra. Mills Dayton. , _ --...... , school boys . They cut several cords ber will reach over 2000. were the recipients of many beautiful ·0 of wood. however, enough to lallt for Summit county had lhe largest presents, among them two hand!Jome . The .Die t rics wi ll delight you with Saturday \Vas surely a busy day in &everal days. but as the coal arrived number of cases with Henry county leather upholstert'd chairs. givlln by their magic an~ musIc School Hull Waynesville Wilh the annu ~ 1 S1Ile the. schools will not; need the wood second. Warren county had several the children. and a tablecloth, nap· of A. B Sides dr s \\ting large crowd~ for ,a little while. cases, with but one in Waynesville. kiDS and $5 in gold by the ni!ICes a~d Saturd'ay evt'niliK nf far mers. the ~ op~ning of the Supt. Green ball the promise of With prompt quarantine metltods the QephewS', ' Many other presents were Vli»mi Thellter, _ which played 1111 Mr. O M. Ridge: received word, several of the patron. of the school dlsease'was S(lon stopped here. given by relatives. Those present All killtls of hauling dOTJe by tr~ck .Ihe 11ft rnllOl1 a nd ven in~ to over · last Thursd ay, tha t his ' son(, Lieut Many Farmer. Thinking They Hav. to eGop wood some other day, Bnd If The Department of Health lays the Including Mr . and Mra. B. F. MlIla Setl. ,Hoy 1-I 11 1h llw~)' . I!hoJ'i1l II 3, flow hous 'S, several t racto rs makinS! Hugh Rid ge. who is stationed at Good Seed Corn Likely to Be 01. . all farmers interested In the 8Chool~ blame for the smallpox situation on were: Mrs: Effie Rooney, of Dayton, WIIYlI,esV Ille. Ohio . I)ublk eli _plays, t he fact that coal Ctlmp ~heridan. Montgomery, Ala, appointed-Ear Teat only Solution would only cut Bnd haul from four three reasons: Mistakes of phYIlI· Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pine, Mr. and had arriv ed lit tJle ·pC)v.'er house and has been appoint d Advocale fo r the of ProQlem-College of Agricultur e to six cords of wood ·1t will see t.he cians In diagnoainll the disease as Mrs. Fr~~k C~leman and son Floyd, Mr. and MrR Wall e r Elzey and that th ert' would be lights in the CC)urt Martial of the , Division . This Eltal1l1,hlng, Seed Corn Statlonl In school throull'h the worst of the WID - chickenpox, laxity ,of quarantine MIlS CarrIe-MIlls, Mr. and Mrs. H _ , son spl'nt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs , evening. lind the fairly good weather, -office corresponds to the office of Eleve~ Cltle.. . tar. and thus enable them to 1l'0 into ~eaaur_ In certain -localities and R. Trill88l and daughter. Betty. of ,. J W. White in Dayton , . prosecutinlt attorney in our civil warm weather. lack ot aeneral vaccination among the Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Burnett, made It a full d RY, Waynesville is a good ' country courts The appoinl ment carrip.s Tbe sced cor n altuall{'n In OlUo 1, • _ • peoplil. ' Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Butterworth, Mrs; Dempsey Dennis, ()f Rich- ,to~n ~- and there ought to be 80 m~· quite a litlle hOD.Qr as well as hard alarmI ng, Worst at all . the f;[llvlty '" • Mr. and Mrs Milton Keys, of Ceo. mond lrid spent t he week -end wi lh IhJng here UI. al tract the peuple to work .. and we all know that Hugh h not realized. Fnrmers who dUterville, Mrs . . Hulda Burnett, Mr. Mr. Il~d M;s W_H. Alief) . Waynesville every 'aturday make goodLieutenant. . ~ere's congratu~ Blly ~ aeed oorn lU'e almost and Mrs. Mrs. Warren Mills, of Kingman; the tl)eater will attraet a good Trup. many will lations to you, Mr. and Wm. Shambaugh. ef .. M CI . '11 country pe,o plt' this y'ear, . but our , __ ~-'-sure 'to be disappointed ' I[~ the qUIllNew Burlington. Mr .and MnI. , WID. . Hawke and c, ure W.I expiSID local merchants ought to b on their tty at t betr seed thIs yeat', a.coordlnr; Phillips, Gilbert Fry and Orvlll., to YO~ : the advanl.3~e!l of a D_elco ' feet ana aee lha(th e people's wants ' to C9 rD 8Il.ecIB.l.lst8 of tbe .ohio Sta.le · . Phillips. L1ll'hLlnlt Syste~ . • lelephone 47. 'are all s Ul!plfed . l lnlverslty. Nearly 400 g·ermlnaUon _ _"..,-... ' •~• t ests bave been oonducted by . w. E. ~r8. M A.· Pierce :-vas called to Hango r of the College ar ,~culture n "The Rounder," in the Franklin '- " ~ : cent at' the corn L8bUld will grow. 28th afternoon and nhi'ht to the Chronicle of' last w~ek hu the fol· D~echtrl~1 thse 'l'ld,!.etre~lt tffiter~i~ner, F'\Ve-SI.xU1S o~ It ge~lnate<i le88 tban Wayiu!svilh3 brend) of the R~d ~ro88. 10~llng: h d -t hI ed' th t at "I 00 ,a "" ur( ay ev m g . 60 pCl'Cent, and ne!W'ly one.ltall germ- Everybody come. ' have ~r I w sper . a W. H. Dinwiddie purchased the Clean. w it alld refi" ment. See hi m. The 'J1r~l\!iu ry of the Unit II S tatus School opened Monaay morning, iDnted under 20 percent. _ _ __• _ ••_ _-,John Cartwright of Waynesville, KeY8 property on Fifth street Tues. Eatabll8h T08t1ng 'Statlon,. mblht ,be persuaded to make the day of M.-s. Lemmon, who purchased hnsa ,great de I of mun y III Teli.e and with lhe car of coal in and with To aid In ILIo Lestlng ot: corn and raee for Courity Auditor. Splendid! the same laat fall. ' Mrs , Lemmon The J, 0 U A M. 10ctllE) will meet and i ~ can no t be raised h~' blInkers t he wood promised. it is thou~ ht Can you think of a better candidate? will probably buy a piece or ground F ev~ning at, thei r hall . All alone , ~IIYS eertltary Me doo,' 'rhe there will be enoug h fuel on .hand to asslsL (IIl'mcm In borne lohn' Cartwright has the unbounded and build a' bungalow . ' member8 are r eq ucsted to b pr~e nt. bltnks of this counLry Cl111 no t (Ilo na to c'e Ihe sci 001 through the ye.a r, grown Hood WJ)plloo. t he ()(jllese of sustllin America's II eels in thi~ war' The lo~i nf{ uf the s~hooJs h as been 'A'grlculturo bas OIItahllsbed 11 leed confidence of all who know him and ~-- - -,a nd xten'd -'to oll r allle\l hE' ' ntlal an u nfortun ate thing for the pupils , cor n' testl)lg FtaUolls, Following I!I ' few men are more widely known '. James Stoops. of Van Wert, Ohio. aid which they must hav t cQnti nue aod yl! t in IIDother way .fortur,ate, list. at tile boodQl18.rtCI'II of o!&cb throughout the county:" . . Ie llJ)en~iQg several weeks .in New ~he \Var. ' ' for dqring mORt of . .the time t h • b I Right you are, Tib, and what's York City, 10dk il'lg after business The rich 01 lhis coun trv call110~ do chonlil ;.v er closed It wo uld have station. the name. o. t,~ man n more, If he isn't aCQuainted in the , county,.yOU knowhow Wayne Towninterests: ' it alone ' I'h men of tbls 'counlfv eRn been nlmo llmpos ' ble for th'e walC chln ge, Ilnd nle ClOuntica that tbe etanot do ''it slone; tho lVoOlen of t his ons to have made their trips. In all tlo~I~~~~:R~~t ;f.p~rov~~~, UnIon Housewives are asked to donate ship Introduces and elects her unA Red Cross meetlnll' will be held Hugo , J. PUl'l,lUll, _714·16 Relbold country ' can not;· do it Ilion; ,bUt nil proltability so me pf the pupil~ would Cenlml IJlfo T!l&'urnnce Bulldln.g: But, old table linen. turkish toweling. un known candidates. the Lytle Hall, February 21. Rev, Bldg " J)aytol1, Ohio, wittes: "H Of U8, tliepeoJ)fE\oflh e Uni ted lUtes. have Buffer cI severely ironl the t'x- ,lor. 01 rtnll1tt.; Ham.Utoon. Wanen. . dtlr"",ear and be4spread, to be made • _ ...- - - ' Phillips, of Lebanon. will ' be the may interel\t Warr II County,f,l lrmers, diaregjlrdillg' ' I)a rt~ Bns hill. (org t- treme cold. ' DR\'ton, E. A_ DrenIientlU4 Ely' Into washcloths table napkins 'and ' . to leat:n that I have over 1100,000 of ting- sel6s1 i ttlrests th inkinsronly of • BuildIng; Ion gomery county. Hill. tray , c9vers for ,the comfort of the . . . Get your Sale Bills printed at speaker for the occasion. Admi88ion 1)~%' lonlr term mC)ney to loan 011 1m, the suprema",)' of right a mi deterboro. 1'_ B. Foster; A-da,rns, Brm..,l. soldiers, . the Miami Gazette office. . 10 and 2Oc. proved farms of 40 IIcres or over in min d to vin(\lr-aUl lht!. rn ~ j ~ B l\' of lIuton, 1I 1~hl nnd , S~1'I ~leld . W. E;>. Leave your dOl'lations with either Warren ('ounlY, These Joans ' llre Amerfcan' idealij a nd secure lhe Ba rety 1I1cCoy; CltalUlllon, Cla.rk:_ Marlon. MiRB May Wrilthl or Mrs. J. F. Cad ' ma(Jedireoit trom leni1er to bOrrowe,,; of AmeHca' nnd civlll7.Ulion . C'ln do M. C. TlIomna ; Crnwtonil. Marlon, wallader. no middlemen or hroke rs' profits · Jt the great and i>1t> I1<lid worl< \ t. i ~ , '," Wyandot. Toledo, R~y Donnan, Tr> • ---- - ---- . is an - established fac . that l' have od 'has called Lil,'J on us to do . ledo Commerce Clu.b; Fwlton, Lucas. negoti!'tCid, .Ioans amolln~,ng to over - -- - ,-' -Otta~·a.. nnrJufoky, " '()()(\, Defln.nce. 'a milliof.. dollull Inore tllfln .all other M, E~ ' CHURCH" 1If. D. Miller : 1)enanoo. H~nry, Pauld; ' IQan aaents combined in ' thili ter< ,. tn ll'. 'WIIIIIlT\1, Trov. Cr. Fl _ I!laatwood ; rioory. ' Under preael'!~ financill,l con' The M. E . unday School will coo Shelby, MIamI. Eaton,.!L J . Swift; ditlons "it is t,he definite ' lohg term ene at the uijual tim.!. 9:15, 'next 'Darke. l>re ble. l08n thllt 'hould ' appeal ,tQ ·YQu .more Sunday morning, 'l.'hi8 iR the first ' . Th.(' J\grlcultural ,COllege Ertcnalon •. , -; ~ ~, . 8~!li on of tile schilol thnt has 'beel) Sorvlce III ol\:mbus a.nd t.:tle AgrlcuJ, .than tM saving of intere~t. Better . ' IH ld for ome time. due to t h&' ex B . ,make' api> Iication '. ~ ~ ondcfie. 1.rJt;l1{ . W. B. Squires. who will have 0' treJpe bad weather All who are tural ~.p;)r1men .. Statton lit Wooster re nsur .88le soon; lind ·is Ilo!'/l jr, to mqve l o . b f : . t h ' b I alVO 111" 0 sl.ntlons. nod ",ojll l88t"Corn JC)ur deed. tax.recelpt an ance policy WIth you . All tranJiac t b hl th . ., ff S -Ih; es·.. not meln .era 0 some 0 ~ sc 00 for 'J}6rt1onl. J)llrtlcullll'ly 10. tb098 A donation by Mr. Geo. Riley and • h I·d ..... I I fi~ 't' I" own, o,u g e "e Inl , l' I are e peclally urged to be present .I _. daughter has made l' t p088 · I'ble to add tiona e a.r c,t y, con l''1~ la . '. "enctl on,.Upp'e~ ,Muin stre ~,Friday ,_ Due no tice ' of tI;le other SU'nda' couDdes ·not Inolu1l00 IJl the _or!!· twenty-five books to our Library. ", __' _ _ aerv· 'Ines o· the church, will, be gl'ven meDUoned dl st,rlr.tJo 'ood . !!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!r~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!'!!!!!!!!!!~~-~ ~n th~ b~\Ietin board . a C'the post• - • I~re t~!ta~~~tti:ee:d~~~f whol~~~:~ ofl,ir e ' stories fol' the children. lI' t'l·k. l U)"
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~~~~~at:d'b~c~ruK~;~~'~~d3M;~~ l 'UnNlY
t hw~~~hwi~ed~~a~io~~~~~~:r~r
FOR MUCH PrOVed By Tesls. on Sam'pies . ' 800STEO From _ M any BEnER liMES WAS STilL HIGHER 'S'ITUATION NOT REALIZED
IN FIVE YEARS ~h~~~:~~elRttietl~~nh~:r~:~a:i dl-I
!n~:rO:~~h'ol~~~ ~~. 3 '~ft~nt
MONDAY M.URNING ~ ~!~r~=?:~!t~?t :t~;Er~ 1~~1t~~ee~~ia~~=::~~~~:~~
Second Suriday in Let;lt, 'February 24tb : SUlldoy Scbool at 9~30 a: m,; • M rniog Pr.a yer anl.l.~el1 mon ,a t lO:~O
:~i~~~dy.cord:aIlY ~i1vit~ tothel\e
Jobn A l>odds, the veberan' tlcket 'a gent at Xenia. has beE~1I retirea . , , . Mr. Dodds bas been a fa~liliar figure ' in .t~e Pennsylvania ,ticket. office for O:ying to the heavy raina ot the the Pll!It twenty· seven years. H\I past two or thr~ days, the Little worked aell telejtrallb olPllrator for ' Miami is again out of her banks and' ,1I8V'er~1 ),Ill'rs,. _ani! waS at ontl time all over the bot,t oms; and,. tbe .ater lII e\" n.tl1ry CLub will 'meet locate<\ in Waynesville. . ill so high that It Is running ovel'. the a th of Mrs George Smith. '1. T,:- Emery will be the succeaaor avenue in ~me placu. Tbe colder 'FrldtlY, Ii' bruary 22. ' Mrs. J. A. of Mr. OOO<1s, and he will be a88\ated we8therof todQ willbavea ter(deney Eunkw. 'ecrebry by, E~ W_ Butler, of Dayton. to make the wat.e ra reeede rapldl,. • - •
A Freak of the Gautemala Earthquake
Ilt'llr, IIIIH,1I ph'lt"t'tl
II" fl'",/! nil',1 II'" 1~dllll "r 'thl' hV/llln", 1~lIt-il
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hi Irld, "t 11\.; th'l',.I,I\"!'. IUNtuut.
Jy 11" WII. ''''Ii'll? til<' ('11111 !lfllIllI. untU
Ln PrIXL"Cdln&1 ytlU C\lll 1I.'k , ' 3'(,ur In wlhlrnt~, Wu'll pull (lIT Edlll.r' n urt,on "'''. ( ,linion Bor~r)o ; 0 Iit.'It ~· ~.lill\ thnt'n LlU ou ,' t e lllll"r"IY .ollmon:!' Bllo",~d p I!l,els wllh till, t. 1',' douo It IIfhrl', I Hurry KlrbV V". Will. S KIrby IIml w ...un d,llt h(1 l·o. WoLf IIU' (\(I/(- t 'h l ~le o f real eMt .. t ill, ap ~"'l" 1110 'lltllll IJUt It'lI be Ii drowlo' I provl'd: d illtr l l) ution ordered. , cflrd!" Alloe J BI"g~ VI', J ' ho Y O!lrhlaet Twice n day nft r this ho br u~l1t nl. '('Itla to r eal eetnte 18 qule~ed. fr!>"h I'll\\' IlIl'nt' to 'Knzoll. Qulcklyl{n· · ' zoot's "pll'li 11 1111 c \lrug return d to "larrlage..Llcen lJ!lll hllu. 'Cliln ~tl r Il~R I ~ ft hi>! IImhs) Bls Truy E . B ... It~, farm e r of SprloR· I,oll t\crt'd JII'l'1.I 1"'/11 11<1 • .And fitter tll\l horn, nncl Mr8. Loteoa Hlgbfill, ot fUllrth ,!t,y o' u'h thUll t ll nt nll!l y C/lOl" /,yhl... Rev. m. 0 , 8Bm.lond with mont lie grrNell him with the Andrew" Ayere . ' .. rmer, fl.od <:hu lhmgu ot bl8 norllug tnDgs. M\.~ EL ie M.IY Bormel, botH' of Morrow. T I'l 'gcr Illd uot beut him DO'V. Bo Oh88. 8 Peoe wht, (armer of ga"e him no fh!11 , no tnllow nod weol- Ur ue lle t )ouo ty rmd I!lvil Mae Prater, 1I0lhlnl;' but rull' nH~t. n· In\Veled ')( w.iYllo"vtlle ' R e v R B Foster. lIvc 1lI1i.·s up til rl""r t o bl'llIl; In th e ' l tre"h el1trllll or " clll'lI,on Ihl1t hnd bO('11 Real Estate Transfers ' killed. Ooe '(IllY SIIiU1y hrought IIU' other IUIlD with hllll Ilml "'hlill iho •1n s, A. HuokRtt tu ,S . 11', .El1\'on s l rnns cr enloc n 1l11'1) lou neor KIIZIIn 153, J.lll ore In Wayne tow n ~ hlll, . 1. 1111111,' II S'lllrl,'" RII'II'llunl:u lit him. Th.c 'bR~. J . \Vaggooer, ah e ritI. to /111111 JUlIl ped b.,,,k wllh ., ,til riled ullth. Fru o k lind Wm , 1:1 , Kir by 8tl.3a . "Hc'lI .10," he gr<'wl ... 1. "ll e'~ li ght· tlor"H In 1'nrt.itlo reek township , 1$10. (' r hy h~ o I' IICh" '1I I,,'und~ thlln Ih~ ,145 ga. DOli", lJut h., 's 1(1'[ 1111 tl!~tll, JIll' th' George JJJ, '(oun~ , Admr. to E. M. fl1lId,no";,, 1111' h ,'II t;1",. " j(ood I:!huw I\ud B, .:. J o hn ~t,)D lo t N o. 21 in bator" ho Sl'es uud(!!'," Tb nmpt<on 's Adrh t.lon '0 L htloon, "I'll 111111; Y III fI h t of tW(1nly·Ovo 'IlOO. 1'''1' 'CUl I f my shu!'r lhlll bo don't go Fruok' unci 1!)unioe Y,\rger to under;' c,(rpr"ll !<;lln(iy. Heber W. i:J fLr e 0 Ill, Ilbont ~ lIo res "J one I" ~fl111 thl' ,I1ll11r. "HuW long tu 8nr ltl ll t u \Vn~hip, ' 1 b!!f.. r h 'II IH~ !'cud,,)" 0. P Kr ohn to Wm. B 'Vfoe lel Sl1u(ly tbought 1\ ~IOm~llt, lo t In 'Morrow. $1 ",\ ooth",,· "" ,.. 1<." 1," ""1<1, "He won'l ErLln ll fo ur \rllot.6 'I~/IveIn r \Vllllulogtoo f,Q Murtha hll'" his ,n'l" ht bl'f\ 'n~ Ihcn. A WC .. )I OleavAr froll1 todoy. we'll ~ II)' . N.'xl TUl'>lllny, I' I 1I1t;h t. [ oes Iblll sull .\'OU. lilll'kcr?" . llW II_ \1\1, " Hllrker oo.ltlcd. • e , P. IIlId E y , Wilke rso n to Bog h \V. ~'I n ll h 110 8ore~ in W I.dh. .. ' xt 'l'u 8 1uy night," he IIgrt'ed, ingtoo towu ,- blp, ,,1. Th 'n 1I r.' ndlh.'ll. ''1'11 1I1111;e It 1\ ho.!! of Jllru ps M. IIn(\ Viol.. 'olbert to ::~Vg~~lur Ul nt the Dun' ~ III your wolf· ;hal'tel B. " lid B , A Y uog lots 6S, M 'Iud pal ts nf lot . 02 Dod tlG 10 IlUdy took 0 long look ot Knznn, B:Illo\t'l! A,idltll)o to Le b ~no n, $.1. "1'11 just tnk YOU 0 11 l\l:ll," II I' slI lcl, \'a nl Imd """dll BO(ljo(lllud t .. Amy Thl'n, (IS h sho('I~ Unrkl!r's huud, "I Frillie r Ilb'JUt 30 uoros ill FrllUklln dou·t b ' lI c\'1! tllm'o's II dog lJetwe II towosblp. 11. ~:~;~ I~Oil U'IO Yuktl u thllt co o kill tile J limes Bod Ce till MoOa rmil,t to Alloe ,I. Bigl.\iI, 8L.60 lIores lu Deer. (To ) be Qontln uB<l1 , tI. Id t hi $1 e OWOS p "---Issioner's Proceedlnos Un II1'U,
n;>, u\t $ 11IlI" hI' hl'lm"lll
wlill n II Illnhl~ ,'IT 1\:"lznn ~hllll~ 11II!I'r til,' [m)t""II, " of 11", ~lUIIC h' Whlcb II" ' II'n~ rll l 'n~d . nt' ('nul<l "",U'l'I'Jy 111'0)( hhIl6l·lf. 111:. right tOI" IIIIW II'll~ " · 11I11 ~ lIcll. Ill s 1III1II" t'liHt 'I'''' ~'IIII~ UII· "'c;;' dl'r him, POI' /l tlllle 11ft I' t his "" nd bc!8tlug hI.! 'ould IIHt hLlI'e (J cup'lI hu(\ 111) bueu fr e. nndy wns lu IIDU 1!lIIIy gQOll humor. 1 . uuil los~p'lrnl)l,', II IIlI II slIun '"' "I'll ttl!;" III\! .lcl'lI 'IUl IIr "Ill nil CHAPTER XV, )e~ l)cd lit f; nl1llr. 'rlHl Ullin \C'II~ 1I0t ('. ' I'II:IIl," III' " IltI l' U.l\1I11 {or till' t\\:"III ICIII p cling n ,l1rl" ' [ n"~ II"lt, nnll h ,, (o r 1111 tllll e. "Til rl"s I1Mhl'" IIkl' Ij.'nti ll's tn 'I Sa'1d)f1 Method. c?uhl rlll ~o his club or spring 1I.lde ""'/<" ,I"J.:~ un' wlnll ll lli Ih'" 1111 to tll' UeTI1ger dropped on his knees II~ , l\u r.u1l h,"1 Illndcll full on hl8 ('h ~gt . IIlll rl~. A ' " 111.1111 rn llil I "II' Y<IIj'U IJ' the IIIlDd. Tbelook ot eXlIltnlloo· W8S The mu zzh' Ilhout KO~l1n'8 jnws ~',IVo'II "" 'I'lh tll'" lIuutll' "\II I)II11 I'S 01' I'll s khl IIODe from ble tace. Hi! twlRred the him. FOIII<~ Illa t ",,)uld hlll' I' Illrn hi: YOII 1II1"el" collar aboot the dog's limp Deck Ulltll thront.. ollt'n ' nl1I'I1"<) 1Il1nlll;ss l.,'. U[I' 'I'hrl'(' or fO,nr 11m hC'fol"l' tlu!<k be came to tbe worn plnte, Oil wbleb be der tli e '1'I:It; ht or lhe tlng ~ hnfly h.. :;:lI n!ly ","rl(l'U III ",.IIS ' Kn7.lIn's onl. could malre 1)lIt the tolatly <,ngroved tt!1! bll r l~. n ~ If strnclt dowu hy II 1I111 ,lty. Bnl th~re \l'1I ~ 110 IOll ge r 1111)' lettera K·a-z,a·n. He spelled t be let· cnt(ll'ult. , 1. "" s l,'(' I"ft III KII1.II11 til 1\J:ht. Ill s two ten out ODe by one. aod tb e look In h l~ As quick nS 1\ cut lie was 011 l>Is teet h:rrilic heullngs, nn" till: VI'UNIII II!; hl \lw face, was ot ooe \\'ho stili dlsb~II "ved agulu, with Iho end ot Ih., buhlchl' of th bull"l IIglllu ~ t hi HliU II. htul ,.,hllt be bad _eeu nud heard. twlsl~u s .. n'rlll till"'!:! nhou l hi s hll lltl. l l1llld him fllr l,. 11(' IllY wllh hl8 h('llll "A Clogl" ho exclnlmed ngnl o, "A Kllzllll l,nl"' 11 1I':,llu, lind this time h~ h!!tw"1'1I lila fnrcP" " fI Illit cy ;0 1'1 t'll, doll', Snody McTrlggcr 110' I1-U " ' liS 111<'1 hY!I fll~I""'" swing or th club. lIud dill not , ce Mr-Prl g,,('r. 11 ' Ilnld beeutfl" It ~lI\fls h e " :I ~lI l11 ,' 1 his f<houl<l"r, fillt! no Otl oilon to UlO III ut thllt 11'115 Heros to his feetllod lookrd (loll'u s~ nt hlll1 11 .. \\ 11111 'hI' mlllIJ. lI,' forClIIt! thrOll'1I unller hi 1I0S , U C tlld not 9D hllI 'vl cUI1l. A pool of 1>100(1 IllY 10 could rC('II\','1' :-:", .. Iy \l'US u\lon him, kiln", w,, ~u Ula lust of the SUlI sonl! tile white sRnd at the nd of KIlZIIO'S with Ill! th .. fury (If n lIlllll g.II1\' n",d, Il"hlud tb wc teru fo rests, or wilen Ilose. After 8 nlOmellt SlIntly bcn t 0" r Ilu shorten II Iho dllrkn 's en'Ill', )Jut III lost s Uh.~ I I cd the I hllhlche I I hihy II\\'1~t1l1g I I to Bee " 'bere bl ~ bullet lInd slruck. HIs , sgo 11 onl n ll'11 II II In u S lllll<" Ill'll thlug rou cd h im {rom his s tupor. '1'0 ,lnapectlon fllled boo with t1 lIew aU.d the c1uh rost' Hud f"11 wll.h thl! ~k llllll\(1 his dazt'd and slck 'll d brllin It cOllie Jreater Inte r t. The beavy bnll frOID s treugth IIf olle ltlng UCClIstoUlcri to I t~ like 0 cu1l1roIU OUt of the fur PlIst, IIl1d the mnule-Io:ltler hud st ru ck Knznn use. The first blows . en'cd only to h rnlscd his h nd find 11810n't!. lu t fBIr17 on t op ot tile hl'od. It ,,'ns n odd to KnzlLII's hntr d of IIllln, lind Iho on UIO sond Mc'l'rlggcr hnd built 0 lire, l df ' I • II ,lnoctDg blow thot hud nol c"cn broken . t croel ,y UIl · en r CSSII~ o. I ll nUncks, nod tbo ,mlln sto (I 10 01 red glow or the Atull, aod Uke a flnsh Sun d)' un. AgaIn IInll al;lIlu he IMI)ed In, lI nd 'cnch It now. tnclng tbe tl nrk shndo"'!! b. Clerstood the Qulverlog ~od twitChIng time lbe ciul,l ftlll upou him with II yond the sbor line. lie. too. " ;U8 I1s. of KuaO'8 shoulders aDd Icgs, He torce that threat oed 10 brc'tlk his teUlng. Wbat hod rousoo Knwn ('nDlc 'had thoagbt tllot they were the lo st booes. There W[lS 0 teose h urd look Ogllio now-th lost mournlug cry or muaeu1ar throes of death. But Knzun obout Snndy's cruel mou(.h. Ho hnd Grny Wolt tllr ut Oil the plnJn. ,'91'118 oot d1\og. 'B e W08 ooly s tunoed, , never kuown 1'1 II g Uk this before, 1I0t! With n ,""b inI! Kuzllo ,""as 00 his tl!ct and would be ~o b18 feet ogn10 1011 tew he "'1\8 R bit n !'vous, eveo wl t~ ~Ilzan tugging ut the bublche. Sun<ly snn tched mloutee. mu:r.zled. Th.ree times Kazun s fo ogs up his club, nod looped to\\'l1rd 111m; Sandy walla connolss nr of dOg8-i)! would hllve sunk deep 10 ble tlesh hnd " " dora that hud worn sledg truc!!!!. O tl It not bl.' en for the bllbl ch0. And If the Down, y~u brut e I he cOD1monded. hod U .... th t· . bl d t bl thongs about bLs jl\w~ should s lip or 10 the t1r IIgbt the clu~ roso nnd t eU v.... amoog em \\ 0 l r so S ' with (eroclous Qulckocss Wben lILellte". He could toll their nge, th ei r I brelU<-. . . Trigg r r ·turned to thO' firo he wos · value, and 0 part of their SondyIfollowed up the thought wltb b r i ltil "1 0 toss I1 hi S ll ' l Og h Dr d ogn Io.' .: . hJstory nt 0 .,Iance. In the 800\\' bo cooid tllll th e n S~UUH 'Ing low thor Luod LoU ou KIl' club lJeslde tho blollkots bo bnd spreud 1raI1 01 a Mackenzie bouod (rom that zan 8 bend. IIJld once 1lI0r" the old bot· out tor a betl. It was n dlrtereot look. 01 a Malemute, and the trnck 6f no tier t ell limp opoo the sR~d, lIIcTrig. log club now. It was coveroo with ·Eakl,mo do, from that of II. Yilkoo ger's brellth wus comlog In quick guSP8, blood nod bult. hnsky. He looked at Knslln'fI feet. 'lIle7 were wolt teet. and he chuckled. a e wnll III most wloded. Not uDtll the "Ouess thnt'll ,take tb e spirit out 01 .Kalan WIlS part wild. Be;IVns 'big ond club 811pped from his boud dId he 111m." he chuckled. "It'll do that-{)r Probate Court powerful, and Sandy thought ot the reali ze 110": de pernte tbe fight hod kJll '1m 1" been. Betore Kazun re~vercd trom Seveml. times that olgbt Kozao beard The will of Lydl~ V. w,)o.l , de. eOmtnc ,winter, and of tho hlgb prIces the blow thut hod stuno~d bhn andy Gray Wolf's cnll. He w.h'locd somy la that clOp would brlog ot Red Gold " .... ' oe ~ ed, 18 admi tted to probate, Clty-., He "!I'~t tt,) the caooo ,ond re- exnmlned the Uluz~le unll strcngthcuCli r ~pOuse. t arlog the club. nO wntched In the est ~t e of W11lililU w. Wltlttamed with a roll ot stont moose-b:lde Itl by adding uoothllr bnblalle lJioog. tll tire nnUt tbe last embers ot it died b8 Tben hQ dnlgged Kuzao to ~ log tlmt out, nnd th D cnut10usly dmgged him· ~eo. "e<le~ ed, tfjrlj~ ftOOOllU' 1\1 110· b)che. 'l1hen he sat dpwn C.I!OS .Ie~. high ,,;ntv r bud thrown' up on the soll frolU uoller the soug. Two or proved. pel ~ front of Kazan I/.nd begon muk' sll'" ' ( ., ' a " Ih 't hree t:lmes lie .... Ic· .. , to s tllnd 00 ~ "Is In thl~ e@tute of, Albert We_ner In. a .muale. Be did thJs by ploltlng u~e n Il W yoruS "WilY OD , moue . e u · ;u 'bablche tbon~, 10 ·the ilq,me t,naoner e nd of the bnb,Ic1,e rope 1ast , to deud feet, but fell bnck eacb Ume: IDs legs Kelly, 8~ 81. minors , Thi rd acoount ,that one does tn making 0 web Of s nng. Afler LlllIt he pulhid his cllnoe were DOt broken, but the pain ot stnod· ia b pl'lrClv ed, In tbo es tata of .Joh ll M , Wil bo n. .m o.....moo. In. ten mloutea be hud tho blg,ber up 1111 th e snud, 1I0d beglln to Ing on them was exCrUClntiog. He wus hot nDd fever1sh. All thnt night he hnd deoeaell11. F ira\ and fl081 'booount III ' ..\IDle oyer Kazon's DOse and fastened ')I'(:l'lIro cn mp for the night. ' ,aecarelJ' about hie nack. To the dog's For some mlnut s Ilfter Knznn'8 craved a d rink of woter. Wben Sondy approved oeoll~ he then futeoed a ten.toot rope stunned senses bnd become normal he crawled out tram between his blOlLkets In thEI estate olf MI'!1 r L. BFJ llo f.'.u of II&blehe. After that be IIIlt 'back lay motionless, watching !?Undy Me- In the early down he , gave him both deoeased Firs t Bud tiool BOClount , meat ood water. KaznD drouk the 'I\'n~ Ie IlPpro vert and waJted f!)r Kuan ta come to lite. t er, but woald oot touch the ment. In tho es tate of 01l~rle! "'telnert, When Kazan lirat llfted hJs head be lcoolcl not - . Tbere' WIIB 0 red film Sundy regnr ded the cbaoge In him with de ceaseI'!, Flret I\od fiolllftocouut 18 before hla e1e&, But thJs pUlled away SlIti (octlon. By the time the suo was ~pp r(J "e'C!, '1W1ttl7 and he 8IW the mao. IDs.l1rst up he hod 6.olsbed hie bre,e.ktnst nnd In Iho e tf.\ te qf (11y~eoh' Mi ner, \\'1\8 ready to leuve. He oPl1rouched d F oe,,~ed , First tlud fio .. 1 PCOOOO' is laltiDM waa to rile to hla feet. Tbree .Umett he ' feU ba.c k betore he could Kuzao fea rl essly,DOW, without lhe club. app rovfld. " .' ltaDd up. ' 8endy was SQuntted slli feet ntylng the bllblche be dl'llgg d the 1n tht~ e, t 't!l 0 f .1ob 0 O. 8 t eddom, :trom him, boldlog the eod of the bR' dog to the eenoe, sluok In the blCbe. IlIld, ~. .K aaan's fangs snnd w1l1le Ills cuptor tllstened the end deoopsed. , first acoouot. with one . \ .. of the hide rope Lo the stern Qt· the oorreotlon. ,If:! tlpprov ~ d. ••eamed back. He growled, and ' the , canoe. Saody grlOOed: Whot' wus In ~h'~ e~t"te 0 ' Emily D. Hed. qeet ' alODa his eplne rose menactngly. about to bapPCll would be run for hlot. dom. deos lLsed. Flr~t aooouo, Is 8an47 Jumped to hie feet. In the Yukoo he bad learned how to appro'rEld , "Gil. . I mow what you're ftner\or toke the spirit out ot dogs. In 'b.e inatter o. the eatate of on." he 1Illd. 'TTl' had iour ldnd b& Be pushed oft', bow foremoat. BI'llCo Frank B otohil!aoo, docenaed. in. fore. The d- wolves' have ttIroed log himself wltll bls pnddle he tbeo be- 'reo to,,' aDd IIppralll8meo$ are filed . JOU bad. u' Jou'U need a w,bole lot ot gun to pull Kazlln towurd the wnter. III The viii of ::Iarah E. Braot. d!3. dub tieton you're right /IPiD. Now. loolc Jaere,;" ' II tew ml)meots Knzan BioGe! with lila oeased. '18 adttlitted to proMte. 8aD47 bad taken the PNmutioo of toneteet plunted In 'tbe dtUnp 8and at. , In tbtl maUe" of tne ovvlll ' of James bl7lDllDlr a thick club , niong wIth ·th.e tho rdgo ol lhe I<treum. For a bri ef 10' 'Eberba,r\. lleo !leed 4uthentlOIl t.lld tet",,!' Sondy IIUolVcd tile bobfehe to copv of \vil ! (Htlllifl HI f.\I jlrnb"te in ,lIablCbe. He picked ·It up trom wbere 'he,had dropped It la tile IWld. Kazan's full sh:ic.k. T heil wlOI n Budden power- RUller oQlln ly, I ~ or,1 rou to he reo ' ..treDctb bad fairly returned ' to him ttil I)ull he j crked'1roznn ,ou t Illto the o r drd lIIore now. Be W&8 no longer dluy, The "'liter, Tn8tnntly he sent tho COIlOO toto In th o m tte r (If ILL ellt. tel o f W. m1Bt had d~red awa)' from his e1es. mldsttClltn, SWllllg It quickly down with W 8 aut t; d llotlal'lnn. l fl V t' llt rY!lad Before him be Bnw ODce more hllI 6ld tI'e cU.rrollt, ood begu~ to paddle 8pPrtlls'-Uleo t Ut e fil e d , eDemT, man-mao IIJld the club. ' All' of 'enough 10 keep th e' boblche tnut about Common I:'leall Court ;tlle wild fetoclty of ble nature was his vl ctlm's neck. Tn splte of hie sick· ,1'0uae4 In an loatallL Wlthout reaSOD. Ili!SS oD'd Injnrles lrnzon wos DOW com· New 5plls' ,11lIf he mew that Gf81 Wait WIIB gone. Strengthened It by ,.t&ddlng An'o ther p~l\cd to ,swim to keep his h eod ob!>ve Ell voy & Co vt:!. &'rl\o ir U Weaver' 'llIld that thI8 ~n wn8,actountnble fer aablche Thong. ' wI.ter. In t he wnsh of the c~oe, and, Ih4Ir io~; 11& ~ew that this JDIln , with Snm1y's $tTokes growiog stcadlly m oney oll iS. Dura \ :lllld r 'v". A ohlbald Uhll Iha11 also brought b:lm his owo hurt. and Trlggor, E"e~y tiooe iD bls. Iiody guya I strooger, his PQsltlon' b come, eoch mo, !What he &Berthed to 'tho, maD he niso 1ll1n Ij~I&:, . H is ;lows were sore and ollmt one of Increnslng torture. At der",. di'v ro and Urn ) oy ; l,X'l'e Wtl ,attrtbutecl to the , e1\1b. In hla, n.e; bloedlng. HIIJ upper ,lip wos slUoshed limes his sllo ggy head was pulled ·com· OI' U J\ <'UlldertaldDlr of tblogs. borD, of froeaom ;whl!re the club hod fulleo, ODll eye pletely und er wn ~ r. At others Sru:\dy tul4 ,Q~ Wolt. man aDd club wore one was ,almost closed. Severnl times would ,,"01 t until he liod drlttcd along_,~~~~~~~~~~~~ . • sl'le, anti th l!n "hrnst blm miller wlth the cnd of his puddle. J!e.grew wenker. At Iho ond ot a hal.t mUo _lie WIlB Ilrownlng, Not uotll theo did Sandy AND NOW THEY ARE COOKING pull him ,oloogsltle an~ drng him Into TOBACCO TO MAKE IT BETI'£R . tIlO cnuoe, The dog fell limp IIJld gasp, I lo~ lu the bottom. Brutal tbougb For a g~ many yeam The American LI Sundy's ·methods hod been; they bad To~Co~panYhavebeenconductinga worked his purpose, In Knznn there Benes of experiments haviog 08 their WLI S 110 looger n desire to fight. He no b h 30 centil'a pound is a profitable crop. ~ longer struggled for' freedom. He knew 0 ject I: e ' improvement of emoking ~ thnt this mnn ,w.ns his muster, ood for tobaccos. ~ that you ~t: the 'full ,ad.Jantage of this hig h ' the tlmo .hls spirit wns gone. AU he 'And It ·18 iDterestl~g to know that on~ Pr:tce by , deposIting ' yodr tobacco money where it desired oOW was to be allowed .to l1e In ofthe~eateatof\heirdlscoferi!!!!waso'oe ~1l1 earn a profi table 'rate of interest. , the bottom of the co ooe, oot of reoch of the silnpleat,' and that was, that Cooking of th e club, and sofe from the woter. Dr toasti:og tobacco improved it In everj The safety of our 5% Dividend accounts is guara.n. I Tbe club II1Y between hlnl and the way. juSlt as cqoklni most foods Improves teed by 5 Million dollars of carefully selected first , man, The e.nd of It wos within 0 foot them. . ' mortgages and a ,$200.090.00 Reserve Fund.·' nr two of hili nose, 'ond what he smelled \\'08 bls' O\VO blood. ' Th~Y took a real13urleytobacco,grown Your tobacco money wiil safely-and profitFor five .days aod five olgbt.s ·the , ill this c:ountry: .toasted it as you would ably-emp)oyed. if deposited with U8 at "ouroey dowo.strel1m contlooed. IIJld I toast brm~d~ mOlsteo.ed It to replace theMcTrlgger's process of clyUlzlog Kazun 'I natural ·molsture driven off by: toasting; WIIS cootlnued In tJiree more beatiogs made It: Into cigarettes, c:alled. them wIth the' club, aod aDother resort to tbe' "LUCK'l~ STRIKE, the 'tpasted e1garette." WB tel' torture. ,On the morolpg ,o t the and offClred them to the publiC. sixth dny, ~ey reached Red Gold Olty, . 1herellUlt has been thegreatestdemtiDd n~ and McTrJgger put up his tent dose to ever created for any tobacco product fu il the ril' er. eo,m ewbere h~ obtained a aimnar liengtb of tiqle. ' .' ' ,""~ I IIILLION8. cbnJn for Kazan, Bod lltter 1:nstening r • " , the dog 8ecurely bltck of the tent he I Thecl!lll1ae produced by toasting 1900t cut' off the blbache lD,uzzle. ' ooly mo's t wholesome. but the flavor is "You cnb't Jlut 'no meat In a muzzle" greatlylmproved,jUlltB8cooklnilmProveB be told his ol'fspuer. "An' I ,..lIOt y~U meat, for: example.
•-=='" I
Tobacco'- ' at
"100.% S~efY~%.Dividendsn
, Gem City '
Loan A•• 'n
',·..ortb Main
ANY' LUMBER \' ou bought,for building purposes tbr~e years ago; at the begil~lling of lhe EUFop!:!all war, cost you !Dare than twice as much in farm products as the same material will eost yo~ today' . In o~her words" your lu~ ber pttrchas ing power has' doubled , and' then some, 1I1 three years. That is be auS lu mber 'has increased little in price, wbile farm products h ve increased much.
This is the 'Time, ·then, Right Now •
For vou to build whatever you may 'n eed in farm structure~~a new Home. a Barn, a Grain Bin, Sheds,
Cribs, Pig Houses, Chicken Houses, any Building you may need, now is the tiule to build, tomorrow it will cost you more money titan today. We can ,s upply everything you need from the founda tion up- in the right q uantity and at reasonable pr!ce.
W. H. MADDEN &CO. Corwin, Ohio Get your, share of todays and tomorrows (arm profits- build now the structures you need. The cost is trivial compared with their eaming ,capacity.
Coo'raot WHIl o.wardlld QbRrtP8 Sttbbs f Jr 0. relnforoe o')Oorete ~I .. b I blld~e at tbe P. 1/ Bo u" fHrlll 10 T. anlecre ek to.". n&blp at bls bid ot
1.---------------------------, I
Allowe~ . Inqoe~~
over body or 811111 Edoa t' V erbrylle, o oroner nod ~!'!!!!!'!!!!!'.'!'!!!'!!!!~!'!!!!~~!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!'!!'!!!!!'!"'!'!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!'!!!~~~~ witne 8 ~ e; .J ohu A. ,llllir tlO ppltcs l = -- --______ --2!s $51 95 ; Lennie WJjltorre, tlr8 ~ estl mate 00 oonl,rnOf., $140; X I" n1 ,' War" lowing pr pe rt y to.w'it,,: 4 Bor!lPI', Boo~p, k6Apl o g prlflo 06t l'l ctll.lng 3 Ollt1-le, lir .. i o Rnd Rtr IW, \j'arru 1m Jao. 19r8, $L:;; I '. B . Df!ob all', P ~t.. plam,' nl", MousI·hold Good~, eto. "ge fo r A udh Ur 's mQo $6: marblu\', t\l'I l'1 Qi" bllis f llf term A, I!.. 10 III 3 I?unel'al' Dire~'or Drug ~o", t\ntl, t llxin. $8 5, w. N. S(!A'II-. A ~Ot , ---.~., - ...- - _..! Wayne ~v llle . Ohio O. 'hrLwrl,:ht 'ler1ls Ubas. Boroebt
Savlog d eolded to qnlt 110d havl Oic rentud mv flinn , 1 wl1.l 8~ \1 oL Publlo Aoothltl my entire f rmln/{ onlfU, at my resldenoe IX wiles ea"l of O rego D\t•• 00
, ;
Aulo Equipment Hor!1e-Dra~n Equlpmelll
G ood t,re tI uro r wov ed lind onl v Tuesday, February 26, 1918 colf~ w er e lof t ln mOl8t 0 . ~e!ll u fO ' ln . I' Beglnuloll .. t 10 o'olook lhe fol· er ~·ell r .. when .. fllrmer eold limbor IlowloR prop rty l o-wlt: 2 Crlts. 4 I Iiu t t,oa Y higb tuel prices II110w ht lo' U"ttltl. r tltming Implemeot. Har.j to rev ar~e thl .. op,lratloo. , P-ofilable oe~e, Feod See billp for t,erme woodlotil 06n h~ built up !it the time LU 100 FRAZlER , l"\. be iM BI\IlIDg oordwood oot from Wlilter Laoy. Auot. Optometrist ' wOed .ree~, deforme!i tlod deonyed speol,meoa, 011118, toP!! of telled $re~ Eyes tested free 108 lam goln'g qoH fllrwtog and other waIte mataritll. 'rreeliliaUltble for IIl"!1ber M ,n be '11111 Bell U Publio ~lIle lit my refll. llaveil. and any matertal notul .. ble deooe 4 mUes I!'lutheu' of (Ja olAr. f or IIvcolal pllrp08e~ can be dl8j.lOled ,v ille, OD the Bi-n'!"n Road , aod 2,X' of. a~ firewood . rore.'erll U t~e miles weet of Far~, Uhlo, on Ohio El[perimen' BtaUoo ment!oo F die8e oonl.deratlon! In oboo.lng TuHday, ebruary 26, 1918 woodtorfoel: t, Beglnolng 1\\ 10 o'olook All dowo ~ timber or tbe remains lowing : a poues. 1 Cow, 8 ro o<1l l Veterlnarv trom I O ~!!,log olJ6r"tlonlO', wtuoh to SOW8, Farmlog Implemeo$,. !:let! c lode tre top~ 'l\Dd Slnb p\ItW, tirE,! bills fqr t rme. ,', usna ll v uitahle fo r no o lher pUl-. H , B. ~AeKEY Graduate of Obio !'hll . Unlverl" 110~0 t,lItin fuel I A . A : MoNell. Allot . ' DNld 01' dvlng o.nt' un flo ood traes ' ,Jerry ~lru C B~ Olerk ' OFFICE: . . qod I hn~ e y.o hlob "re distorted or ., I1l1ve wid" ~prelldll) R orow'ns All d Corner Main and Mill Streets 1 wilt sell at, Pobllo Au otloo, Rt my ~ h llrt t, l' o"'k~ ~ b o u ldbe r pmovl'd. Telephon~ 28 .In st8 n cl ~ w ber e t.l1" traH@ ure too rest ; elloe A,t ~he junoli llu o f tbe ' IOsAtogntlle r rnrgood ,d velopmClnt, Lyt,le nnll Upper t:!lIrlllgboro roode Waynesville. Ohio II thlnniog U8 ,O J:le mall e aod w orked i n pIIVllle, Ohio, 00 11)10 fu ol wood, Th!1 ofQoken un Saturday, February 23, 1918 801>ud trells sh ,uM be removI'd fir At, Begillnlrg at t o'oloolc- ~h8rp , the Anrt the o IboBe cii lo_r lo m ber vallle , , Trunks w~ loh produoe ~ 0 q4 llD ood (ol1o",'lng propArty: fjoo~ebold fur. olture, Gtlrden Tools eto. ~ "\9 logs ahou !1l not be mode ioto Boe-bJg bllt . fuel ,wo od. Milrkht ooo(litions do. W. D. Ol;lANUloER. t ermlne ,1arge 'l y wbt,h tlr ' oertaln W ~• .8el\rh. ·Auo~. '. ~pflol E'~ ~h() lIl d be dls(l sed Of itS f uel funeral Dirf.dor ' , (Jlirtwrlght & Boroe~t, ('l4ltll!l. or, U~ tumber and Embalmer. ' rr rurlll. lleople 'hi Oblo . replaoed ur~" o f 00111 by w09i1, a.ooot, tWI'lvA t,b nus8nd ' oll,,,)"oa 1M Btwlng >'old myt .. rm, I Will " Iff ' l Way'n esville. Ohio. would be diverten to 'W!lf lDdU$t.rle~ lit ~ubllo Auctlou ,,~ my refCilltw nc lind th(j~e caps w null! be reJe88eil 1 ul\le north ~f Lvt1e, 4Y. mil~ ! Aboo. SAveD ,hundred tbou!1Hnii 80u$bellllt o~ (Je~.ervllill. , w1Jet! Eilhe r Aut,o or Horse drawn ~ervict! , oordA " wond o"w !lnln!!: t,o W8I!te wellt of WaYD i' 891!ltl. pn , No extra charge for auto 8/'rvice oonlc1 be utlllzl.d , In . tbts Stat". Its Weduesday,' ,February 27 1918 Both phones In Office' and Residence. Vai llft ""oulll bo o onrl.V 'PIX million- ' , . . , ' , No. 14 " ... CI " e noln g at, 10 0 oloo~. th , d ()lIu!I In w.lges And "tum,pRge. " . ." roll(>", property to wit, : .I J • - • Bor~ 4. 1'1' ' 'utM f', 9 Brood S ) W ,42 -=~~~~'~,~~=~~==~==~ " , beart tib~p, , F~ rmll)l( Jmp1I'nIClllt". i::ie,1 bIg bUrIl fO r 'larOH. ' E'~ HArt; H A' ~t All Have Fault•. W M. d URf,EY . • Nolhlng will II1nl; O) till so 'hnrltable A. ,A. McNeil. Auot. ' .. \"" h1l0& rllle'8 I,B ~dl!iv DO G" , unll tc nd e.r to th e foult!:! ef ' others as hy se.lf·exnmlmiUoo tbol'oughly moo In B :tl Des Rln~ M.; ln 11 ': f. Being nnDblo tOT ntftfltfDl , I will Imow our own,-Fcneloo. ' , ' IIr li &t Pobllo Auction, on tb" Mrl; , . • rl. BeA! form , a mUes :,nor tb Wbt. 1 0' prlba Vllll n . aod 2Yu' mil; I " " , tb l'R f. of Betl\), 0 0 11 00 t ilt! Wu a b lo !!too Mill "O~tl. \l"
=============== FRANK 8 C A.REY
Lebanon· a:. Ohio
Dr. JAM • : ceoy,
D:k. El.
' ~.
,Febr.upry ' 28, ~9 '8' Oemuienolng n't, '10 o'olouk eharp. Lbe f( 'HS'wl I) 1(, ddsorlbfld pro pAr~ ,I': I) Bor8el, 10 Ullttl e, 46 i]'JI!B, II Ill., Lltmbl, " ~i1 r~inR IllJl1letlleol~, l:Iar. DettS" Feed, Mleo~ IIIIDeo~8 .Artloles. · , ~!,e big bll.e for 'Ol Itt II. , ,
, Buvln g r entell my · til rill. I '11'\11 offa r for ~ole, 00 my flttUl t;Y. mllos e~ Mt of Ridgeville, 3 mlleil we8t -of Wa.yu~sv,ltle Ilt Veoable ~tattoo of tb~ C, I ~, & N , R. R , 00
Ive~, of Quality
it';~~~ ,Re', OIl 'Ollf 0,",
, J.If\.... ~Dl .1 10
but _
mel!l beT
Uie m...
"'ond.y, Februaty, lS, 191~ Wm. Mills, AllOt' ( 1lIm,,,noing At. 10 o'olnok th o fo·. t. A. S},ltler. Clerk
..lIte••t ......
ROGERS BROS.~ the o.
the- ba.c 1t DC IPOOtl •• forkl 1l :l11 (n ne1 .ervll1lC ptec:ee t" allvor plale of pro.a h
"-$iflllr fbnt Wsqr,-
\.vla- 1"!.11V<J" ror~holCii I~ "Il\.-I'~d
I. the !DID)' ulJul it. d~.IIJIIS. .
:. SUI'~ by 1".ilIDW tlt:'ltlct~ lC1'crywhrre. 6<'1'.1 (or CatDlo_ 11(1.[,,"'
thaw'or aU
~~5r'~~ c\eJa11'!!t--
l''tHE r •
, b
GAZET·T E •••• .
( I I • fot " If I I ' I h II J " , ~ "
D.... 111••
2,000 ··MEN FOR
S100 REWARD ' $1 00 reu(]~r. uf Ihi. pllp';r ",ill pleu~d,'l" learn L h n llhe rt~ i. " tle i,sl
Mr. Bnd Mra
Ed OOllter 1I0'er. 1 . Mre. Cefli Tbo~p.ou a nd MH,.
Renben JODIII h.d a. tbetr gUIII'.
be tal oed 8everal of ourllllizen8 Satur. B9rdll Jordan epen, Tbouda, .. wllh tlllDday,Ur,and Mri. Jamel MolnUr. OI,e dllY o lght, it b€ll ng tbe twenty-tlfth the laUer's mo'ber 10 l:farveYBburll . • nd 800, Theodore .
drendcd di seuse lbat • i ;" oc I"u beeh
Mr. Ed MaUln, wbo bllll been 000. Mrl, Bve.eta Baine. hloll beeD OD IInlverllary of tbelr wedded lite' uble ill its sluges lhllt IN' fOOD RULE CII.turrh. WlilLer Sil ven lost bll young drlv- fined to hll bome all wloter, III able 'be I lok n••. Call1 lrh greutt)' illfh,cnccd .. _._' I cun61itut iollrol cOlldi tioU9 <':1I1"rrll con- inll borse I la' wee'k wblob, to!> blm. to out agllin. Frank 8"Dleyl eDtertalned a • , 6litlli iOllo.I qnlte a 1n811. Mrs. Bogao vl.ltecl Mra. Mattie dlDDer tllIDday' tbe l01l""lng Ineet.: 10 enr,
re' III"'~S
t, ca lmen,.
tl aH' s
Mra PurmRIIII Lamme, wife or . HANDLING HORSES JOllilb Ltimmedled ber b ome u.,. ..
As Written by Our . COrPS of AlJle Corrapood. .t. 10 tile NeighborhoOd
Price. $1.60 per year
. /.. .
D. ' L. CP ANI$. Ed itor and PllbJi~ lter ~'llbscri ntion
'!'lId al tll~ PO.loHl•• al wu~
, I -~.,.
. For work In 'be eol1ded Vete r. Inary Oorpa, 2.000 men not 8ubj eot &0 oall IIndn 'he eeleo"ve 8ervloo law are wan'ed Tbey . will be IIBRlgned to dDt}' In ve'erlnary h08. pl& for other purpoRe. in 'be oorpe. 8ervlce oyer.ea. oan be expeo'ed .horely. ie parllonlllr demand for v.'erloary IDel a.rlool\\1r81 IIta. deDII. farmerl, stablemen, lind olban aooostomed to bandltng boree.. A few men of tbe following )OOapatlon. will al80 be aooepted : Sontelboen, allddlen. pbarmaolne, ooob, ,,.pll' and Itenograpber! P,y for en1\a'ed men and non. commls,loned OmOe,,! range from ,ao &0 ,&6 .. montb, fOld, olot blng. and qnarters. Applioation!l for ell. 111'ment can be made at any Army reorol'lna oltloe.
Urajf'& tl ill last FridllY nlgbt of. ,OOlDplio .. tlon pf disea8e8 . 80rlal "",,8 mllde In BeJJbrook oeme'ary on MODday afterDooD hy undertaker W"I&er MoClure, of WaYneevllle. \ Tbe 80boolll ope oed op lallt Mo'll day moralnl aUer a ",ca'ion of .Ix weeb. Ilheter Ray Patersoa I. oonflne4 '0 hll bome with tbe m'Omp8, .110 MIs8 Etbel Wbltaore.
Mr8 Irene Lahrs aDd SOD, of Day. ton, are visiting bllr llarent8. Mr . and Mra. Bllrney Koker !ou'b of towa. Ooe of Ihe large biunll on the Drlsooll flum, formerly o"lled the Maxwell far D burned to tbe "foon4 Thorllday af'ernooo . A large orowd of people atteoded Jlloob Carey 'lI poblio 8ale soutb ot towa laet Friday. Tbl .. leamoonted to about '11000 . Mi'll Mary Jobn800 died at tbe home of ber .18ter, lire Cbae. MoRlnn • ." north of town le st Sal. orday. Burial was made II~ Lee!!. borg. lAoy P.'erBon and wife, o f Day. ton, vie"ed relan ves here 1811' BOD. MONEY LOANED day. Mr. aDd Mn. Walter Dio widdl. moved I)liyton last Tbareday. OoNEY loaned on live atook ohllt. William Engle, who \l ves on the telll and lIeooud m ortgages, Creager farm north of town 18 eeNotee bougb'. Jobn lJarblnB, Jr ., rlonlly III. Allea BUilding, Xenia, Ohio. mil
Jj'rAd U. IJr nxt,1n . FIlch'roIl B'o(ld I MeUi"'"e Is tuk"l interunll y und aCIS Mr·. J . O. Gray trllnl!aoted ba81- Davll one day last week. Mr. and itrl. Robert ~'anle., and tor 0111<) In \I thru th_ Oload on the Mucolls Snrlllces Dl l'!,, ~ S, dtlv nl'l''''ihJ(t j,o 'urDlllr. ,n .1 of lhe .:5ysle ," th ., e~)I deslroying' the ne ~ s In Colu mbus ODe dllY lut·.week. . Ueorge Ellie Ipen' Irrld.y In (jlo three obllduo, Mr. anti M". I'r.nk Mr. Ilod Mra. Frank Roddook aDd olnDa'l Oonklin. 01.ber8 ""Ito have molll " tr E'p~ lo u t il . foundat, on of the dll;"",",, givillg Ihe titlveral from be.eaUllnded FarmlI'r. and M". Chall. 'Barnll wera tile di em to In. /;tn'ute" I'xte nt thl8 pll_tle'~t 5t, e " ~th . by lJulldlltlt '.11l til.• c~n. two boys. who blive lived In tblll t'I(lftnlC i t) 1,1.1 .. prod uotlon mttple I llttlt!Ot! .nnd USS I S~' " 1: nature til d Olrlf( tiS o(' mmunHy for eevtlnl yean. will er'a In.'I'ute a' OrllloDI. Frldar In Xenia · tatorday. work. I lle prupi 10 1" 1S It" ve s.o ltluC!1t Il r. and Mre. Balel.h BORau yl •. lIyru\l"~ II 111 8 11110 .f) f 81re lol.l I ng tho fait h ill Ihe cltftl li ve power~ of II nll' s wove at onoe so·their hOlDe a& B'erry. and Ba'orday. . Ed Brown and wife "Ill ooOJJPy Ued hll pa"u" nea. SpriDg Valley ebort 'Ui;lltr ~u l'll l , . ,enlarrlt III ,lieine th a t Ihey offer One Ou r loee Is ' belr gain. Tbe mild weather 18 lavorlng 'htl 'he Tom Collin. farm 'bl'lIprlng , BODda,. t;rox$lIu'" stull'mollt follow!! : "10 Hund'ed boliars fur llOY case lhllt it t bls l ime (If . tr"~M I,he Unlt.'ld Htatea falf ~ I.. cure . Se nd for list of te.timonlal•. f,uel IIi tUIloMon at 'ble time. Albert Uray vlllled ble f"Uier Benry Orawl h.'Ye two ,10k 00'" rood A' l mh , l~tr " ti u n I~ vltnJl .v ill- ' Address I'. J. CHENI!V &CO., Tole~o. Tue danoe at the Town Ball on bere on Friday. Tbe folh are lIe"lo. buey.bollt terflBt"d III ~ , .. IIl l( thllt every pOll I. Obio. Bold by ull Urltggisu, 75c , Tuesday nlgbt Wal qol'e a IIOCOE81 MI8s Vesla Imlll oallad OD Mabel op,nlng \h.l. '0l!lar oampa, . ble nRtnr a l r estJurco> of our oouutry , lind wile ver1 roucb enjoyed. anct Merlll EIlI8 Sonday nenlD, . Leyl tlhambaogb took a trip to iM utll'zed to Ul n li mit. Thore Is tl :::::============~= Dr. C. O. Randall I. a very b08Y Mr. and Mrs. Alan )i!.r'look "ere Llber~y, Ind., lalt "Mk "I,h X.nta gred !o"l oi~y or Rugllr Ibrooghoot cJl8n , being Jailed far and near '0. glveo qahe a 'orp rtle a' 'bllir hlab Bobool '0 play baI.... ball. 'be nllhon Illlcll' I~, th6rofor e. d oah. lid minister to tbelllok . home near Olarknm. Raymoad \'9U.on. enter'aln.d Iy Impnr""n tt b,,' Il Vtll y \lroduo~ tha t Sever"l from bere a&tended the evening . The bostell' .ernd pop. Mr alld JI". Rober. I' to In IIny way Oall h e n8 ~ d 118" 8ubNtl. Sid ell '1I1e at Wayne8vllle on ~to •• oorD, applell and oand:r arcer wbtob dlDDer SOliday. 'ote lor ~ ugtt r eboulll be prodoood day. abe reI' of 'he evenlllll '" ' ' tn ' Boward .lAaminl and ram II,., of "{,be maple syrup orop of Obio Mn B. Y. 001le" and BIII'er, Nan, playlDg gatnea and a 800lai lICood B.rveYllbur., ... talted bl. par.D", oon tlLutes a v"ln .. ble addition to Mr. and Mrs. J on!.y bod fo r t heir tbe fool1 or Ibo ItAople nf tbe IItate!:lunday dlnoer gue8ts. Mr . and Mra. tln~ertlllned 8everlll of onC' oUi.ena time. Tbo~e wbo enjt),1Id ' .b e e ...en. IIr and IIrll, J B, Le.'Olnl ODe to a turkey dinner Erlday event nil. Ing were MI.aee Veda Sumner, Edna day lilt "eell. every yelir. II j,ldoobtlo~8 troe tb .. t Relph W eidne r ..od d"ol!bter. Mr. and Mrs . Sherley ~oott, of Oorollll, VeA'a Ill1lill, Oalen O.rtlOOk, Weld liD. WIIIIOD. rranOH WH.OD lbl. natofUl re~ " "roe h"s llot heell Mr J erry N"lble and d8u~lt ~er Clnoinnati, are tbe gueB'1 of Mrll Marie aDd IDez RIOb, Eth.l Lamb, Olive WIlIIOD aDd Lel"h ~ao ••r. Thought All "Steps" Cruel. Ce veloped '0 tbe I!x'eot io WANTED forml1r ytl .. f~ t.:\llra lind Porry Bordon ~ pe Dt TuolI- SooU'a fatber, B. y, C'o lle" Nell's motber hod been telli ng her 1IIIIIIe &rtel, Ooro'bf"Jt llk •• :lcln'he Illoppln<> In Xenia F Id Lllken., Mrll, anue C018aom, Mee.,.. .. ray. "The Fo od A<illllnlstr"I.lon urges day 'I1tltb Mr... nd Mrfl. Bnrold Bor. the story of OIDderellll, ODd IIle little We oOllld ole .everel more bonsel Wlltlam Lullen I, Lee Tal DI alICe, Char. MIl! Btbel Comp'en ..,i.I'-4 .t 'bllt every o"'"'r o f mUllle tre f'~ d eo. ln .ba oou ntr y . I sln,le maD '0 ral8e 6 aorel! to: girl wos deeply Impressed with the tor reDt In oor village,. all tbe de- le8 Deeter, William Oo,ler, L.yl lI!,m Mlobenefl8and.,. otlllze tbepe trep8 t o the Inll"a t ex Mrl. Artbur Taylor onjove d MOil. maod III II re .. t and the lapply 18 hm Lokens, Barold, lAurenoe bacoo, and day work, good cruelty of tbe wicked stepmother. A baao WIl.oo hal beIIn Iderin. eot f 'r ~!t !l protlu utlo ' of ""'PI. dll Y wlt,b Mr and Mre Tom . fiure' to' reU.ble man. For Infor- doy or two later, wblle playing wltb I'ed. Honl(h and Wllbo. Bawke. wllb t he grippe. BI. manp frlnd. eOlJar and ~vrl1p t hll O('IU\IIg AI dng and family. mation _ Walter Ida"yer, lIooth of severn I other chllrt ren, she he/lrd Bob· Mr . and Mrll. Georlle Barrt • . bave MI88 Emma ElIIlIllI vl.I&iDI Mr. bope.tor bie 'peedy reanver" . AlII Dleuo ~ ul iuoreltsed eg~ ~ nd MrR. Wlllon MIlRtnt wll80alled to rented tbelr farm 10 Mr. aud Mn. l'hrM Bl'td,M, W.ynenlJle, O. m6 by's mother reprlmood him severel, for Borne misdemeanor. RU Bbing homt pOn"r.v produotlon the lo,ld Admin.· Oa.vtnn Sunday tty I.b e 8erloo 11 m. Fred tlagermyer and tbe,. will move Hat·field In Malioo . . lin. Jenllt, Van. and Mre. 1:1'& sbe excltedl, explained to her mother i"rIlUnn b,," prolD.uh~ .. ted \l role er n8"' of b ~r818ter, Mr p.Cbfl.rl ell Wilde iuto oar mldllt wbere 'htly 'ftill be Ollot Jaokson helped Dan o."lIon Da'Yil and .on, 08011, were gli •••• of OSITION wanted with f.rmer by what had occurred BDd Inquired teoUve Ilfebro .. ry llfb ond u r.tll who i8 a' the Bt. Ellz·'b elb h08pllAJ, weloome move 1111' week, . .Mr. alld Ibe, Bow•• d Burle,. IIDt a 'marrled man. Marlon Baolr, breo tbleuly: "Is Bobby's moth" April 80lb wh loh forbid a <leHle' 8 AlIIMIl '1'8y lo r Bpent the weelr-elJd R ev. Alfred Walker filJed the i'ran'k Wilson pa8sed 'broolh oray. W.,.De. . OhIo. Roll'. 1. purublt"", ~bi p or lell IIny live 01 with bill broT,ber J olius lind family, pulpit at tbe M. E oburoh on SUD. bere Sunday. step'" L"wrenlMl MlohllDer 'DOk 41 .... fre lblv kll l,tld hlln8 or puUel1i Un- near Five P ol ota ------~.~-.~~r_---day for the l1rllt time In 1918, 011 ao. with BoraOll Uomp'o" 8aa4a:r. B'. ,on ha"e .ny .orplae ,took oa '11 Flibrol\r.v 251.h th ey mllY b aud le MIIIM"1 Mllrv ond Hllnn ..h Fltlll oount ol.the wea'ber and rOllds J . W. Bartaook Ipen.' Satorday In • _ ..._ _ __ band.. now hi 'he time &0 11111 enl kil lect prior Febroory lIH,. of Day too, enjJyed tiundsy dlone; Lluahlna .t Trouble. The Banday Bobool eleoted Dew OaYWD wl'h bls 8011 Ira B.r"ook 'blm. Try 'be GueUe Claellfilld Tbla rule will no~ prtlVell' tho \lnr. wUb tbelr . parente, Mr. and M18. omos,. "Wben a moo tells you tit laugh et for tbe enllolnlJ year. and wife. A~. The, wllI .ell tbem lor yOIl OhBl6, ehipmAn to or ~flle or Jive bllnll Vb ,I Fltte • trouble," said UDcle Eben, "he oll" a,1 or pollet II for erg pr·,duotion pur. "e8 . Mr. and lIrll. Alva Lndloll'OD " ... Idlnoe mother earth I•• g"ln 8P. 'uean8 your troublell am not bls," pO.eI, Mr. J obn Kruer bae purobnBed the parent . bn8lnee. la geUinl baok vl.ltlng their parentlr near BI.D. A liaw ruling promull8ted b y 'be Wa~h . Parlfltt rllrm and will t"ko tt, natnral etate D8ar all ooald be oheater Sa'urday and SODda" POBBALE rood AdmlDllIlr"tion permit!! 'be pOlle..lon M"rob 1. e:llpaotad. IIr. •'Otl Mrll. rran:. Rieh aDeI (DeIa,tId) p"oklng and ule nf !blor I" one ~I'XMr. Ed I'ox, of Mlamillbor:.• , 8(>&n' Oor paper hangerll are bUlY r. oblldreil, of Lebanon, .peo. th. D~ J. MILLBR. t.anlb bltrreJ H!~ , poond .. oh Wedneldal wi&h ber ParentI, .l4r. modeling and dllOClraUnll .....ral wl8k.end with Mn. B:annah Btola, III. B.I.a I. 10..' BNd of Braedlng II".., mOl' Under & Il revtou ~ rollug nil. Wae te nd Mre. John Robln.on . boole. lettlns .trem ready for Iill.. lI..rle Rlob reti'Orn,d home f~end8 la ~.Dla. .. L BI ....- b ·.. 'y DeI.lllN, a' 1...001. . Frazi.r'. n ot permlll811 bOl I' WII foond ~eo Mr. • lId Mrt. 10Dty MoCordyand Mar ob let, when movlnl wlll be 10 wllb thlm So .peDt Mveral day•• ••• DBNTIST••• • , aDtoD uuDIL , t.. IIle, F.tinaar- lIe.b. 1'/llDlle. "" .o f e •• ~ry to reln"8'~ tbe ,mll il ell pfloll. Mr, .nd Mr •• RlIlpb W eidner and order, Em.a Wolf, 00•• WID. De4r1Dll proper', In aoutb ' /1 Borllo.toD, OreloDI., J, W, Orel".ll, f20 air!' on a(lOoon t of tbe wheat Inb!!tl. d"'OlIbter oalled on friends in !.eba • M.r. and Mr•. Frank Squlree and Thompeon .04 88r4. JordaD wete ~BIcII. 'OtiOIl rnle.. non, &'Il -day. daojfMer, Doral, .n4 Mr. Wm. In BaneY8bllrIJ Tb1ltrsdtl, .fte. IIr. a04 Mn. J . . . BlII •• 'e•. EARLY 01110 Po""'o", ',.00 ., Federal Food Art mlnlst rll$')r Orox BmUb were .hopper. ·in Xenl. on noon . tal.eel • part, of .rlellltl., rrllS., cellar. John Roberloo, Orego. tOn b'lIIl1pnHbA· fe Jl o" IDg ' leuer to f6td., • The Ma•• la To"nlhlp H'Onela, ••• nlnl 10 honor 01 th.l. .rI.lld DI. 0, Routa 2 .11 retll ll tude t o IImH .... Ills of oer Iilre. Marlaret Le.loy ".illted. by Scbool Con...n"on "iII be h.leS.' III.. IIYI"e 811. .fON., ratr. " 'nlo Oanboo goode to four OIl1)S of Mr8. ~'a~r and Mre . Gray enter th.lI. S . oburob In Baney.bur;, moutl', rad. • ny ooeoommodlh,at tioy 011.6 tl mp. Darco " ....., Boar Pli for 'ale, BAI(NHART, Tb lid • Bunda,. anernoon, Irebru.". .. , ' 0 famllleR of o,rlloary 8ize 'a IDed t b e Ladl88 Aid 'Or a,. .,, Bev·. Cadwall.der, of W.yn ....lJIl1, Rev. Ralpb Borllll, of WIlIDID,. .1l.lbl. 'e wel.bI abollt te rnoon. Tbea\leDdaoOll Will 1000. "OondlllonB lire "oob tbllt WEI are \.on OoIJ • •, ".re.eel 'ha ooD.r.... 150, prlOll ,Iii. Inqolr. of Walla. Notary Publlq' . and.llo wae tbe meno. "III .Ift 'be addr ••e. n ow able rem 'lV6 Ibl .. \lwl~.'l on 'I,oD a' the rrlea •• ohuroh 11IDd.y lawyer, lOu'h of ThrM B.ltt,., J , B ..Sbld.\ler hili porobased th II,., W, T, ,JordaD 'onll: dlDner momlnl .D. eYeDID,. .nd yon can tlell callDed goode In We7D• •me. Oblo, me A.ll.lnd8 01 No"ry Work. property of tbe helra of Mary Jane wilh ber dau.bter Mre . Vtol. B.r" IInmo pnt ~uantl ri el anpply yonr aDd DH4II • Idpeolalt,y. Lea Leureu .DeI · IDO." Cleaver deoeued Mr. 8bld.k.r .ook, Wednllday. of In' "eek. oo.'omer! neeth for a rellouable NCUBATQB- lillO-Ega Inoo'awr, will make fble hIe home. IIr. ari4 Mfl. t..'er Burf."" a.4 from 'h. P ..t far.. .laIob ...., 'Imtl. . II....,. mllka, ".... .,lkm. ha •• ooollpled folt .e.erel ,_re, (~Ig.,ed) FRICr) ('. C~IJXTON, Po.itive-ConvincinC Proof . Mr:-end Mrr. Lonlll Waeh pur. ohlldren ~lIre vllltl[lg witb Mr. 'Ile farm reoInll, pllrobued b,. ... '0114 ,,,o.ealon. ; 1 hard.noal Bonr obued the bome ot Mr. an4 Mr•• Thot. Rloh. SODda,.. Feder,,1 Food Ad minilitrator for Oblo cepaol" 1100. oled nnll lIalOD, J'llny 1OoCe1led remediel for anaeMr .•od Mrll. Lew Wolf, 01 WU· lJ, BalD.e B.t. . . .,. W.J1\lIvlll', O. .e mia are' ~,.•o in name. Their mak- TrllmaD Gillam and will take VOleea. Mr• . i.. W. Bee... lIDot 10 ...n mln.'on, were IUM'. 01 J. W . el'1l are afraid to prove their claim. by floo Maroh let . • •• ID. Mr IIond Mrll. William L~w.on. one Wolf aDd "lfe 8unday. tellinl "bat their medlcinea con~ (food Jerse,. COWl "lth oal..... Barb.elW.... H.rdwood, In A,nerlea. Tbe oDl,y way to be bonclt with the of oor blaokllmlth, b .. rented ~be Bobert lIellddball t. Id.I •• r. A . Bar"oo.'. · eDlllrtaln.d for .Ide, 'or . .Ie. ~oqQlre of It. More valuable bardwoods nre found people i. to ·let them !mow."bat the" "roper'y formerly oooopled by Mn. tb. wMk.end their lion, Ro.., of wlth .n a.saok of rbnmaU.m. D. BeDlde, W.,oeavlll., OhiO, pbone In North AmerlCll ' thon ore nntlve to are payinaJor. Here fa the Vlnol Ella Wllion d8Ollaaed. For a time Rld,eway .od fo~ dltDner 8llnda,, f27 D••ld J. I'arqubar, • D....... GUARANTEED &0 hllli wlthoa. I.... . illiy olber region ot I lmllor oren 10 the formula. -When the dottor knOw. .. l()()II:ed verT moob Jtke 'hll 'Yloln. , IOn AI.n aDd wUe, 9f Olark• . 00. 'YIU •• e died l5a'ard.y ef p •• a· . • In, a blemlab, or MONEY RD'UNDIID, what a medicine contain.. it ccua tl'mperate lonee. In O~dltloD to t heee Ity wooid lo.e. .. coed meobanlo, ... llIe. -"oldlnll C.mera In fire. olall. tiOo aod '1.00 sil88 for freeh 'YI'onnde, 1I\0nia 10 "PlY BOlpl ..,, ' X.a... . the gT,eot raDie In minimum tempera· to be a "patent" meciic:lne. 'IIondl'lon, for ule. OhlllP, oldlOreII IIOrebaeb IDdlboQld'I'1I~llroa bot tbe rllllb' moment .one 01 oar Mr.lnd 111'., II. 0 , lIaDDOD .nd Be war a ••tldl.r by had. bllt .peD' n Cod Lift, aDd Bed P.ptoa.. , 'to'U.lId t urH , ranging from Canudn dO"'n to f~7 and brni8ee, 26c else for FemUy u •• &.1 u ...u ... P~,tooat• • , Iro"eDdArafl.-leelnlf boelne.. men Otlmtl to dao,~terl aulli and Gltlnlla an4 mOllt of hi. '1m. Ifalntn. ho...... InqGl,. Rld,e'll Galler,. Florida, and the. woml~ rfol Pocl1lc CItrate, L I"'..... 1oda 01,.,_ ' ' OK. cors PAIlCLEU BuatD bill rellOlle and he will be 1I0ppJled Mre. Mar'ha Davll " e re ealllnloD .er,.loo. were OOD41l0'-4 phclpbatcl, CUCllrill. coast. ·olso enables us to gt'ow a gt'eat· wit b In ShOD aud Mr Mr. and MrI. Ell... Ogl8tlbM .ud 'htl borne or bl. nllpbew Treyor Poland.Ohtna Gelte for ,.le. Ie palnl~ and guaroD,,"d to CUN RSD Any doctor will teU YOG that the m,. er ronge of foreIgn hnrd,voods , titan Will farrow I.., of Marob. In- Spavin, Ringbone. Curb, Sw••ny, 8pllu•• LawRoo will .s UIl oontilloe &0 fav or daogh$er Mn. Rhlnger Hooday O. Haydook, Mooday "'''-rnnnn. mny be foond Introdncc/l .'to ony other ~rcdi e nt s of Vinol. U DArned above. hili man; patrollll. . II 11 R D 1 Pi1tfe\ er any enllrtlemeo' of .DOPa o.r afternooll. R ...... Shdver, of 'be M. Ie. ohllroh. qotre 0 f C . .., ,\o!ll enrich the blood and banilb anaeD . axw., . f27' 'lIIUlCle, or money refunded. PJiee Il00. sImilar area 10 tiny ZIInP. mia and create .trength. When tho Tbe MlI8~ie Townsblp Idonday Mn. Oeo. Bosan andl Mrl. Glenn omola'in. ' . W.1. DIII'Yllle, Ohio. rOIl .au IIY ALL DftUHlaft blood it pure and rich and red. tho Bobool Convention Will be held a' Oavi•• nd lI'Jn Rober' were .111'lnl( body I. .trona and robll't. tbe v.. E. ohoroh !:lunda,. febroary 'wUh Mr. Will Ollnn 'l, of Silver AI_y, Plenty Left. "A good dIIlJlOBltlon," sold UDcle . You can prove tbi. at ollr IlIpenM 2'~b "t I p . m . . Rev, J , F. Ca.wal. (iroVII , ;\<londay of thl. w.ek. becaule your money will be returned r wl.1I addreslI tbe eOllven'loD . Ebeo, . "beat8 mon!')". De more you if ~---Vinol doel not improve ,our h'e altb, hands bapplDes~ 0 round. de morc yo'\ Mrs. Mary Flnoh anti 8011. Robert J . E. Janney, Druggist. Waynesv,llIe haa lett tob yobseU." .. C. G"rner, .rrlved h ome from Day. ton lifter 8ever,,1 weeU' ill bynoe, Born"':"To Mr and Mrll. lCdwln Shldttk er a boy,Satord.y, Febroar, 1e. 1918. lb. ~nd Mre. Bowartl Grablm . . William MoOnnen, our eleo'rto ligbt. m llon, Is wiring .eve",1 bolld· .pent Tbllrl4ay and Frtela, 10 Da,. ANY people have asked us about Model C Heider Tractor. ton I•• t week. in llS fvr eleotrloity. . We now invite you to come and see it. Go over the machine. IIr. Everett Dnmrol r d an. Mt •• 'Mrs Uor" rhompllvo. of riear Then you will know why it is the real one-man all purpose . Wollman. was In onr city on l'hare. May a.rlan 8pen' last Wednlldap til Wllmlllg'on. tractor. Proved by nine years of actoal fi eld work-on every kind of tillage, d"y tranll· bUlllnellB. Harold Gillam wall In aarny. baulioll and power work. Equipped with the famous Heider Friction Transmis· 'The boa ltb In tblll oommonl', I. burl on bUlioel1l III~t Tbufllda.,. sion-the simphst known drive of any tractor made. Thi i'l style of transmiss ion good-v:ety little fllokDeh m eOD3 11 0 g'ellf strippiDg, casler operation nnd less cost for upkeep aDd repairs. Pulls three 'l:be Mi81188 Mabel and Merlll EIII, ~r onll Mre Ed Sbldaker will If·ln. pioWS in any ground, and plows abollt lin acre ao hour. Does your plowing, disclDR', 'DOVII on I,b e t,um of MrS. lbble Col. were ehoppla. In BarveVllblUlllllt harvestlug, threshing and boullng-takes the place of Il !las engine on all otbor \"lork, Wedne.da, af&erneOD . illl t iq tbe very neu fntni!!! 'l'hrotUe, do wn to tbe ~1Wst eamomical paw~l' au auy belt machlne_ven a crellm separator, Mr8. DOD Br.Da'r.tor .nd Mill Mr. aDd Mrll Wm . 8bldall:er ..1ll a:"lder Model D, 9-16H. P. two-plow t ractor meets tbe demand for II smnller size. Bollt sub,!rultially the same all Model C, only Siuallar througbout. CorrespandiQgly low priced. . on tbe ~ bld _lrer bomell"acJ. ,Iorenoe Bevan :Wllre Villi tiD, frlendl and relllilve. ln barveYllbor.Tbo,.. Mr .. nd MrK. I)"n Daweon I1l1d day afternoon. You are gOiDR' to have a tractor h riillV moved on Ihe farm recently One Ow"lr Say" SOoner or later. so come In a nd Mr. and Mre . Arthor .'lIlneon pnrnhasod by Iilr 0""'100" nNr get acquainted with the "My HciMr rll'" 's ,mus aM MY". and dluRb'ar were oalllnK 00 friend. Haldor, . IkntJ 1010/2 neresa day 'am/do all"", C!er.8vl lle 10 Clarknl!1a Wedn8l!la,.. larwsti"lJ wil" i/. Follows fm't'OW ----.,.... DIll ~ 10 Dim IIIUlloul slem"z." Mr. Wm, 1I000ey lua bellO 00 the elok 11.&. ".,. '" l.d..... tlh nor.. I lIill' Flo"nOll Bevan, of SpriDI Dill. 'Plln' tbe I~Ue• . pan of .... , "ee. . . nb JeDnle GnhlUD. Cliff' H.wt. "a. 'raDIDo"DIJ MI~II' Lena MarlaU III a' hotlle and bll~lnl!llll.·. WlllDln«tors Ju'Tho". ~~em8 t o be "ery mllloh impro'fIll1, 4 a 1 . . Mrs. Dixon Whartoo caUed on ' Mrs BItDD.b lIoGninn oaU8cI OD Mn. LaP' Dunoan t1l1olor~ay aUer. Mre, Oora Hanl., · 0' UarY8,.bor" noon lu' Wednelday .faero~IOD. . , Mr. Jna Crew ball &be I!Irlp ' Thom .. 1l001ade h • • ptaro!iued a 'hie week. Ine team of honea. Mr, ,Jone Marla" ad famlly,,1ll .111'1. Qlly W.ten and UUI.4ao.h mlJvll ~ IJ W ~ ,. h89'\'l1Ie. ter A udre, ealleel CD lin r~1I T ile Mle~88 B:tbel I ad Cella Vu..oaD WllIoD I'rlday .UftIlCHII., _pt'II' ~be week.end wltb Sblllr par. III.. J:m•• 1111.. epe•••b.l..... r Ilntl. par' of lu' w.,.. ·ID 1I111OD.' MI . . ."'."eaI81'1pr1D' ...ord.,. Mr. John 1.1\otl eDd 8tao:r eral, ~ ,- ...... !. WI'" XeDI", one da, 'bill w..1t. ItDd ,SDDd.y. with ber PI.,.D'. Llt.'er a .. it Ilm"r~OD QIll " . . ., Mra. Joe Osborne' .nd II... a.rry C-lz.20.f{P. _ LPblloon of;!e clay tbill "Mil. O.~rne .nd I0Il ' WIIN ...urd., , . . . . . Do+.. Mrs. Frank Dlkin Clalled lJl ollr ....,.oou.laoppe1'lID Bn....ay.bllrg. vif,pge Suo day morolnR. . Mr. aDd ' 111'1, Carn Dodd entt 1\: ' . Burloo Blaroh,,' W81' 'fldltD, 4illlhhr W.ndA .ook Bllnd., el14. Herbert !hrl.'" aDd famll, 8UDd.y, D.r WI'b hOlDe folkll • .'~j ,. Uavlrl Luoa.II"1l ,bll.lOklie. Mr, ItDd lin. Wm MOODeyoa1l1lll ___ 1 CD the I ••..,'. ra'ber III'., We have ' in stock, everything k pt in il Ylii.~ -~ft~ of QrecCDI. Ru4'&y.
.'Htl" \
AdlDinis~fI+. t"I
Ol.salfled .Ada
. -.
NEW BURLINGTON t'. 0' 70 or
----.. ..---
'0 I
2 b,
The Real All-Purpose Tractor
... ..---
first-class Harness Shop,
. .....1
~ D. & . W. L · ~H~EH~~~~A,eDu . R. D. at -.
. TIm. to . . 011 QUI", WbeD • DIU fHIa bad bll Iboakt IIa OD IJII lilt he II, 01' do . . . . tbilll 1Ia'fIDI ... •
Home 908.
Bell 47:-R3 ~~e
"Overland Country Club"·
~ ~ --'--l? ~~~~ ~~~, .'- -'. '1 _ t~~~1]
so s
Dodg s
. The DELCO LIGHTING System H ere lire ~ ome f Unit ~d :-; tlllC'~ Army htl,~ l'Iwy h.1'1! ju>;1 a ligh ted {rom a liw'n ' IIl oJ' , train In li mber UI af lPT II long j Olll'ncy 'l\'e r r"lIlrh II I IIi m('ky TO)lIdg lIo t far fro lll Ihl' firillt:' Ill,,· where t.hi s phot ograph IVa' tuken I lie Allll!I'ICtlU I.J'I~S wert' ~ r cctcd by Slltne Ilf thpil I· :'(' J <'11 t· III. fiihtinll s ide by side with th t!1lI in tht' CO llllnOIl cflu~e fllr n t~mo cracy Rl!ain t A IIt ocrllCI'
Whit ':; Sl on' P . S.. c IilC'i:sdll1l;lllll Y(:as t for gOI)d llrt·ad.
. Mis Lou i"e Husem.ill
., "
-Tbe Kilpatrick·french Motorcar Co.,
- .-
r. A
1H'l ' /I • ' . l"l!fl &
-'-[ 1 :'l"git.'.
Free from all Ohio T~xea We offer the above issue to net the investor 7 o/~. free from all Ohio Taxes and from the Normal Federal In.:ome Tax.
·l!ul~~t .. l·
n·p e l· l uire. \\,111 1'1' •. 8('/1 1 an (\'r;llin~
w. w.
1\ hllle!'alc fruit business. W. I~ Crit ell will Elicceed him as "sshicl' of the ban I,
J. O.Cartwriabt, Representative, WaynelYiIle,·O.
,.......... II
~t ~l )(r\"
l'11l11'(,i J ' h'lIl t th' iii , L 'u ilJIIY, fl,!r lJ(,ir(\:, cl" ·,, J for ~ sl!ven wel'l18 A" il WUS Ihl! llr' t ~
: er vic
un \lay in L <:IlI .
55 . CeO.ts ..
BuUer Fat week begirrnJ!ii Fl!bRIary I , t 918
...,.. .TATES PGOD ADMIM8iR""''' Llcen.'- No",C-.8. 52 no~ bav• .:ana. wrice Il~ for,6 r'ee Trial cans a._.~1I'8tatiOD 8uJen are commlBloD men who take a toll of or more from JIOQr cream .:v~p ,.~ur o\"n cream and be . . . . . . .L
I{,- v J . F C:.t1\,.al· 1r,
lader preach",1 h till(' sermon I'd alwe I ~ to t he Hen~ Oll .. Jilr!! D nll)S 'oy nen- llI> ni . of l{ ic hmond, J r,d:·. sun..t 1\ beau. , . lifu I offer to ry Bol o. . ,
n the Tri-State
, The Tri State haa everything arranged to handle your cream; the beat machinery money willJ>uy and experi enced t,80 p le who are \r!lined ib our waye of carefulness and accu racy. each olle of them re!lponsi · ble tor'a certain definite duty . No slipshod methods I{O at The Tri · ·State. Ifltem and "painstaICing ' carefu lness safegu Ard your interests . For the put 8 years, whether fl ood or storm, hj!at or cold. over 25.000cr.m patrons have tound the , Tri,Sta te Dependable. ..
, o . ----_._----- -_ •
- -
... = :...------ - - -
The be!;t idve tmenL th'at one can • m:'~t· i~ 10 .huy H o usl? hold Goods. F Urnillll'eand W 1.1 ring Appare l now .' ',,4 1 I) 'lce3 will soo n Le higher, than pre'll'lll refC u lar ~elJin g prices The - i·'red Company Lebanon Hig glore ~ id mil king v!Jry endeavor to share profit with its customers
No chall e fo r LOSS
·n'.!,' homer
gll Mt "o/,)}l
Th u Itl .·:, li ttl(' d,'"
I. .(1
See it
E!RICE is right
IIU"," n '
from nu'"
" h.l.elt O~·" OCt'll)JI ' by U\.:> fOnl' lIr. Thp h<,.l ~hrillltl ' h til!' l~""t '·fI •• (<11'(,,111,' Iw.1 [11'0)(' t· 'III. If rO$.'lble 1111 I'~' (\I'l n b ~tl~ . '· . r il<'lUl8
'Tho) Lever Prln-'plll. .!.\ In IRylur, cnrn pt~ ,u lli r"gR, Il("n . furnl tn re HillY til' rlll ~"d . wIt h o.tlln· 1/Jlll ng ' 0<". Il~ the 11 ~~' Of. 1\ \"'1) ~!lt
ti T ••'IU Ullo!! . I Jl1i lttr: " h rOl)1n
\\ill P.ln~
t1nll\\','r fo r liL:hll rlz:hr artie. 11,
one CJl<1 (jr - (h ~ ~ll1r 1110.1. ,. till! furniture; [l llL smllO H"ll d" Ioj. ,·1 nnllllr thllt end. ThclJ prl' Un ·U on tll~
oQlor eutl.
$50.000:600 lllft'f'k . Hod I hey are now .l''g' at Ihe r" I" of $ 11,000.000 n WI''';', fllb· Ii. I':' IJu:"'ll1iJl.!( w.~ re
'{ow .c. Is _
Today a bustJel of Corn or Whe~t btiys more. fer· (potashexeepted of course) than at any time du rmg the past three y ears. . _ . Note h.ow much cheaper you can 'buy a 2-10 fer.til izer now than before the war. ' :".:
IN 1814 100 Jbs,
2 bushels of Corn ,would buy'
of fertilizer"
1% bushe1s of Corn will buy 100' Ibs. ~~ fertilizer.
In terins of f-at'm products, fertilizers cost less toFeitili zers paid you THEN, they Wi ll pay you better NOW. , Boost crop production, grow more per acre and increase yo ur net profits by using fertilizer. ' . Help both the railroads and yourself by ordering Spring Fertilizers NOW. d ~ than in 1914.
. o..z,Agent
$50 .790.1 70 . ,
• Mill10nij of wa.r avers; organizing
the Wjlllt hldies"and
In Buenos Ayrea
and other South
erDment securities and pourinlf into t he tre8$url war cbest ai the rate of
,1.IiC)O.OOO to
~,OOO.OOO adq,
' . . ,
lOe '
. JOc
. . ' . . . '. , • . , , , ' ,' , . . '. soap 00 earth
. ' . ~ . . • . • , • , 15c . . , , • • . • . ' . . ' . • • • .• lOe to Remove Stains. 5c
l.----------------.-.. . '
! : AnJ.friclin ci£ie -. are CQnvertlna their I.. small'aiivlllgs in r.!6 cent ,and gOY'
011 CaDs, . '. . , , . Tacks .' , . , . '. '. , Tack, Pullers. . . . . GobllD Soap. thc B ES.T
l,. I DC . ' .•.• ... ... IOc • . . , , . . lOe , 25e. 20c. IOc. 5c
'Rex Lye . . , , . ' . ' . . . . , . . , _ . . , . . .
C(l lI(ltV
?luIQ., AI~. kll,
. Curtain Poles. • , • . . . , . . . ,
. Dust ~ans . . . , . . . . . ' . . Carpet Beatcrl~ , , , ' , . . . Scrub Urus~es·. . '... Fbl~e StNoP . E ' . • " lOa est 'ggs , . .
I ' e f erson into War [wings societies in every . I in th ' United ::ltales. in Hon
e rie" Ole y Co. . C. E .
108 oulh Delr,lit ~~teet With TlFFANY JMWERY Store Xenia Ohio
Paio~ J3 rusbes. . . . . • , Paints aDd nrnishes .. . ' .
l:ll) .!':i(l,~,:;I. l' I .1', lll».ry l'he9 rose to ~ .[,fi9. 72~, wI! i1e l"ebruary ilBlea to dille :, re $1 5,790,17(\ making a total
by Glue e • Office [lOci Fitlinl{ R'lom
1'1 au uf'y ·r ecl.:ipts from the sale of W ill' 5avings ~t.u mp have passed the
Top heavy pnce' means
See if TESTED (t
-:------ ~
Idoll l QU"-&t l'OCIl'I. Th(l 1!\ h ,'S nllq!lI nt (cl '\ltt \\\' Ill" 11.c:; II IHI ~1Hllll"Rt I'.. (~ ·i In till' h t'll I', I,ll I I' ' ~h oul() he II ~ ht nO<l':III'.I·. nod l.t' r .. " .!. orll l~.1 :\ O,j fl1n1blwel nlf t,) 1.1' ll1f.ll'1l1;)1
t ili~er
h itakt.'r . ofSPti ng valleY' j
[(UIISU>I ' it.,. Mu . whe re ·he will go
who J't;,~il:( n. tl as cas hier of the ba nk at Ih,lt place, WIll leave soon for
You Can Always De
illw tIll:
fertilizer Pays ·Belter Than ~ver'
thl' hill bdow \(}w'n tod ay. and will ; '\(Ilk J.U I' Fred E lbon this summer I I 1'111$ )Jlace hu~ bean remodeled and I wi:: IJI... he u l'tJ ry comfortable h ome 1 \0 1 lh(! 1:;nrnllHrL' ~ . .
se', tb ·m.
• i<l III I uf rnirlh :111<1 flli . ,II !-;c!HHlI 111111 Silt· hI; 'our JIIII\. II u r dflY 1)\,( '!\ 1I11! The l'vl!rcli.\'i"illg ('a'l" 'n II U /l'lIi " il charac I(> 1' flf I hl;i I' nllvell i ~ willm <lin at 'Nll ii(~ '!J ~ ... «jCt i,IL" .!'! ~jlIlJ.; of taln an iUIl'rl! tthr" l l1~ h ollt llH'(·I'~n · i llil' , Y(Ju \\'ill ! lIidS it i[ you ,1(, not
Ie lie
h. mil
~l r. 1111 <1 Mr s. Lee Earnhart will - - 1110 ' (I inlo th t! .old c'reamery house on '
\\'h"p ~ r) -"
I o wtl ~ r puff ; I'"\rc"o :>I)ntt
The KIngsbury Co.
A hn 'IJ.Y h()lIl ~ I~ a well f urnished hornE.' (i" ,( I fU l' nit u r a and house· w id LClUi\lIlI\! I\L can Hi ll be ' had a t r"".,uJ.:JiIIt' prict!s 'l'hll ~, Ii r d CO!IJ{lIlIl), L han on Big 'lore cnrries • th~ lar~esl tack in ~ "Tre ll Co unly I to :wlect fron~ I
.[ SOl
, ar Til
Big I ta,
I dIlY.
:1 5
':.4-d1Dt.e.£w.:Dad."'~ tAl 'M-OA.
Mury ::)Illi hur'y . P . M.
Specialis t in relieving E ye,SI rain ...,;;::.....;;;;~~~liiiiiliiiillliiiii!~;;;==--j ami Lm prav i ng De reel i ve Vi sion
7:00 &
1', EWinme . 'umm ings andchild son· ,Floyd, I\lra. Ma. 0 11 ,and MI'. and Mrs. O!)nald nea r New Burlin g ton . I and 1111'S I.:ora Maey were rcUests of ,1r~ . i\la ry Iv. \ ise a nd family Sun·
f!pt.C.M Inl aduclttry Offor
. •
I\·('\o( h."
IiH~minhtl!1 a (:cpled a posili IlB ch ern · n mun ilion fac to ry on at ~ewBrlJ .
- - -:..-: ... ---
Price: Par ($100) and accrued interest
.\'01 11'
RollC!rt BU I't.)t1. w ll ll ha s been at hum' Tl'.tillS' up. aft pr having been .I;',ercly uurnt'd alII Arenthi~ board inll' hou ..l' in l) ,truic. left f OI thl,lt city 'unday even i[Jlr. to lake up his worlt . '
2:15 p.m. 7 :00 p.Ol
at Ihe 11" lofl\ce I'·riday.
(dlllluA' 0 111 \\'lIh h I \'n'"
., r:hll sliy
N. J
----.. _.
, .: I,!c,
Ch a~ Mich ener nas returned from' -.----,.--. a t~r. drl)'. ' visit with his brulh e r, · VV illl~1fi a t Amherst cotl ge . WiI ·
Tuesday, February 26 .. Tille ·to be announced later
'Iur Cedu r ::.'tIJ I1l\ .s given wilh t.'n('h purcha;" .
['~\'!ll!i .
: •
• ........................... . . ..._..•.•...... _...
I' L ~!J/In(Jn P.lg
"Wild and Woolly."
Sat urday
t· n. of X nin , Curn tllillg~ , vf
( ' )"ILII
mak ea h d oll ar J a f ull mOl" th811 t 'hh z~ b the i .:u~i,}It1 ,;r~ ot II t· S. 1o'r ·r1 ·ompa Il Y. How
: :•
Fcat uril1 <T Douglas Foirb nks ill an Artcraft
Open evenings •
Idu t~
Produ c ~ion.
Satu rday, February 23, Matinee and
February :l:". Wa~hingloll'lIl:lil'lhda , will be lib follo\\'~: L"buy llpen ull clay, do lh'cry winuow ULl Il bbtwe 11 o nlld 1.0 o't'lock The cnrt'ier~ will nul make thei r lrip.
The lJil:lric.' . \ ill! th. ir
A Panl..l,Ilolll1t
!lIu~k . jll)!~lil1j{. illlll~ rso n '
Till' ['r<lt ctivl! IU ll1 D ,ccti e Ad S,ICt.l(IOll viII meet ::)alu rtlay .. fle l" nOun al th" T"wl\tlhip Hou. e , at 2 . cI'"'k Illl~!J\t'~S of imporlUllce and I 1!lect!un oCo1l1cel'il.
I·, ad,· r -I
"Girl Like That ."
F aturing frene Fellwi ck aud O wen ~roor c, in
Thursday, February 2 ist
Mrs . Roi Risinge r Ilnd ,:bilu. of AIberla. CUll . are the g Ut'slS of her par nl~ . MI'. and Mr . E hai\ Ogle!!· ,bell, of Hout.: 2.
The protective featur es which lurround the i8sue and the ample all8eta and earnings of the Coinpany, make It an attractive investment.
• .:
If Ul1dc<:iaul! lelwi take your or ,)ur fo r a De co at the oIl! price. ~ ub j ert to cancl'lIatum in 1'0 da:'!:I. Ilaw i\le :l u!'e. l' 1t'l)h,JlI' Ij7.
l hI'.
Theater Program
hu ur~
M t" amI'
Mu Lllei!J. Jan ney. of .'1 ew Cnr· Ii Ie. spent l ilt' wl;' ek'l:'nl! wilh her I Llaf(ml~. [1.1i'. and til r~. J . E. J IIl1 ney I alld ram i Iy.
MrS Na tllun C",y dl~ home near . H arl'~r8l.Jurg 1 ud J'1)' mornin g. 'fhe £lIn('I'nl l ill he lI(;dl fr om the Harveysburg M 8 'hurch Thursd ay uftorn ooll at 20'c!ock·.
Th e
Lllrt.!~ I .;.!' • l!)fil·'· · ~ n,d" with ~;nnli lllfl' \V, fI'" I~~ . . . . . ~;;(!
Edgemont beut.
! . . . . _ ...._ . ................
atl Il~. whi~III[,g, l'll1l{illl: alld olher I ,, "It'rtsllllll)! l) Ill" DItHric.'lut, 'cho I I Hall:> Lurd"y I'enill!;.
7% Cumulative Preferred Stock
.. '
uUrl\ness VI Slt.or ..
1"[\ ", :l
ZI . __________'---
Mrs. Alice Hawke died at he r .home in Lebanon Mnnd",y Ilboul l noon. from the cIT, Cli O 1\ ,t r llk~ "f : apOplexy . su tni ueu oIrill'r in the. day . • The f Ul)pral i IIl.'ld ihis' fl .1' . noon a l til e M. ' !:l ~hlHch Iwr£:' . C(ln· du cted by H(!v . of L"'\>!l '''' , assisted by l'tt:v J, t·' Cad·\', nil d ~ I • Inter ment in Miami ,·ernllteiy.
I'" 01 Ila\\ 1; 1'
}.II'( t ill I ~'~(k-'I :.' • , t l\ d .Jp ~[" I '" I " ·,' t " '. : 1r o rd.1 :!;j(.
1:-1 ~I
Sh l'\l'(" 'l ~ purchi16ed Ihe : I"ll Ill:' , 1:1·:lh ull PI"p':I'I), "II Tyll'l' s Ir.., I : , Ihis w '~l. 'I'll,· :nll' was Illude by ",'. i-I ·... 11 r~
Bri ~ U.3
. Later at ()ur other Service Stations
Wayn ~sville, Ohio.
e ••
~"(la l llflll·r\'on Tlr nlen wC I'f~ in L ·[0 .. 111111 I·, "1 ,,., ," h" ri nj:! h" ('1) ('alle d :;" t"'nl I' , !II 1111 Ilh"It: to g~t (1Il'lr "x:,nlll1l l io n ~. .
homo in Cint! in n ti, 'atunl.lY ('I'HI in'g '!iss Hu,emlll1 wu~ llllllwn to many Waynesville cit i7.011B 'I!I sh,' was a fr ql\ent vi. itOI' at the lome (If Mi s Emma Heif(hwuy 'l'he fu uerlil wa held a t her lu le rl'sinanco 'fud day aftel nool1 . .
\ 1 LI
Will soon be on exhibition and for sale at our
i1..'l' t
,.:lll' iaL· '1 !l: , 'C{'}{
CASE TRAt ORS Service Stations' at Mason, Morrow,
I , .
I •.
S~ep~ic.aJ. ..
!. \
11! j llr ( \\'u
,l' ,
ill LI'l",":o1 .\l(lwIHY,
1 •
Di llon II Wi l",n dll',J hI hl~ hUIlIP in L ehanon :-IlllIrd 'I). I ·~· lol'l at'\' l' I aft r a IlInll Il!n~~; .11' \; -ull . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - . . : wa~ u well kn,'\\'11 1'1\" .. I' Ul, ll.n.l many fri ends in an i a·l'C;u III I Wuy . .! Ji(,gvill!! . l:!cvernl veal', !lit" II' !lllll' _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - :....-----.-.---~. ri ed Mrs Mllry V. i'rocl r, who wit h two chi ldren hy Ii fllrn1~'r ~ ' tfl'. " s ul'vive hill' 'r h~ fUller,,1 Wit" I.eld hl!~l Tuesda afto ·noon. 11l1~lIu"nt Iin MorrolV.
nil In\\'
,\Ve have a ).',o"d '1II,\,1 (II Barley rI ur,Oal l( .I, C(.tll Meal. H o llcd )3.1:, B: <:\ " wheal Fl our. COni :-,L,lrv\1 .I llll Ric.
I desire to take this oppo rtunity to Rn" OUllce lhat I have COlli · pleted arrangements w.ith the be!lt wa l 1!'II1!'Ittf IllffF.I'f~W Iry r pail man In Xenia and will be in a posili on to t ke Mp or rtl~ kindq of r epair work. Quick service and entire satisrac tion ll'uIiTanl"tl"l:'d . We r pai r and clea.n Watchts. Clocks. Fo bs. Hinlol' . 1tflJ itl!fuct . eve ry lhing in the J ewelry line ' ~. I In the near f uture we expect to insta ll e·li rsl· cla!\S ine of J ewelry and until that time will be able to furni h anyth inR desired on short notice at a greatly reduced price. . Remember tbat I still selt the fam ou~ fa r· U \ 811 hoe!!. nOll e other made that combines Quality and comfo t for a price llml is wllh· In reach of all. Factory guarantee b ack of every pair. A wo rd to the wise Ie sufficient.
I\l (\
Wa~r 6SvjUe. &Ilt I,l(' .
•• One Trial Will Convince the Most
I' I
In il ) 1 a tf \, I' Ih· r· .. ot ll :
Flour·Substitu es
A Watch and Jewelry J~~pair Shop
r• '1\' I
1~ :
I" ; r, d,· .," rn t ! " , -,
===:-:---::-::--~--------~----.- .
Opens at
. Waynelville
!:1even tie tl l
"- -.l
. - s,,_ _ _ __ _....;.._ _ _ _ .
0n e ~ lft'c t of t he wa r hu bl'pn tha i fh e 1 ) ~O J.lI j> "r< ' he ,Innill!! LO unJ t"'shlOci l ht! trulh Qf I he 01111 e· IUlml, tha t whu[ -vtl' is ~J.lI' n't for unn cess ,ry lh illllt! iM Ii "'1·tllll of . lubol' , All t hat is nR id (JU t 1'0 .. unnf'C ' edYllrV Il M! expen ~ i ve fOlili. chit h· . inl,( . a n,l a Ih"uMn d othe r nl'ed h~:< th ' lI ~l:' . ill \"l lvqR u diB'.iP~ t ion o f laull f I hu l i~. crillos aflu III;, FnlhK a l Ihi. pllrt icuhll' lime 1'h -clln·ily of a ll ~"rt.- of neCt' Sflr V (' In IlWrl il i('~ d dvt's Ilie nee' l ,.f sl'.olJpilW I h u WU:< I(, (, f Ilhor 1Ir.r\ ,.f .I, vI" lin' I it fr onl I hp nr,) cl lIC iOl n o f lion·
Mi IllrrJ l,il l OI' 'aLurda y .
I II :1i:r"lnJ1 l i ~ 11 I hi~
t ha t
'I( ~ t Il("~· j ·!ol~ llr \ ..
A ritm ll't> h,," , fit will a ., lie if Ihe 'lav!n!!. Ihat r !'~ul t frl lll I h r i~ t bre in vt!~ I.' d in Li be rt y Blinds . for I h", t rnln nf wur finuncin g wi ll I h l:' l1 l>e just e much remo" cd f rut11 .!npital which can to I hft t extent c( n ~in ue to be IIR('d in tt.c p rod llction of those t hin!!",. I bat- " ' " 11 .. nell j'o the wa r nnd t hll t lire vit lll to the prOSj) rit y ~n d pI og res" of t l,e co un l"Y
Xen ia·
Mr . and Mrs. It·. W. Carman en· tertained at dinner W..dnesda)l Mrs. Chas. H"mphi li, of Dayton, Miss May Keltner', of And erAon, Ind. and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis. Mr. and Mrs J . WilHon Edwa rds entertai ned SlInclay at dinner the following guests: Mr. and Mrs, G W Hawke. Mr. lind Mrs. W. C Harnett . Mr . and Mrs. O. J . Ed wards and Mr. and Mr". E . V Barn ha rt.
MI. Mary Ad.un>! vig,l(~ d f rielld::, hI 'incllIlI"p I" t \\'c· ~ k. .
I illij
W UlI 11
Mr. U . M. White was a dinner g uest Sunday a L I he ho me of Mr. and Mrs , D. L Crane lind family .
Ur U II, UC'l leojJuth 21 S ' Broud
Jl" ~~i b l .,
I'm t
u Day to ll visi·
way, Ld",lnUII . 01010 .
" w
i f' l~ "ve l IIIn.· l'l " I ' I I'R Ihin\( '.wir .. lI E'fn, I ' hilI ill)/ tI.~· 110,,11':;
Beautiful Esta te to . Be Used As Hos pita l
I'red ); "\\I\(' lll ad<, a lIullin 'ss Lrip to Dell'l oil IUSllI'ut !k,
e~"e '" I . I l l ' h., II I IIdll~ I fiosp t" i nL! ~ dlld l'''t J ~l bl-' iI ... " III f-H"i
M r>l 'larencl! B ~ nlley visitor W~dn ~day ~
tlli n I h . ph >1(' oI "/ lti m!'I",,1 ci" ncy o f I he I ""P " Tlw unly
rl' I II
Seal I la} (U II
auu n"" , Jo: v r , I I , ""ld,IY
:)el' l"toy I l al h 'l\\' ~IY fll" Iru c \( Il .. u l , IJllplll:: :}~ · :I, lVuYll ,,~\' i l i e . U IlIo .
111 81). ra
1I );e ...".
Mr. and MflI. J. L Hartsock en tertained at a family dinner Sunduy the following guests: Mr. and Mr. Archer Hart sock, of Uaylon. Mr. and Mrs Bert Ha rtsock and daul,th ter, of Rou te 1. and Mr and Mrs Fred Hartsoc k and son, Charlet'.
Ii . • of y\ uu~lcr. U.h iOl. f I IJi!uivcH
",.UgU~" l
Mr. Iln u M r Ho Io'r Ilk Zell 111111 M rF . Mary a ~k ..y vi itt!d in Xenia Ia&t frid ay, Mrs. H. V. Wulte r !lnd son , Dan. s pent •' uI ,duy a fte rnoon bere with r e l ativ e~.
Miss &Iytha Ma~y, !Jf Lebanon. sJ.lent th .. wE!~k · enli WIth relatives and fri ends here.
----... - ...- --
T he beAutiful e~tll t of C K. C. Billings , 'Tryon Hall. on Ule Hudson River will be remodeled and a bUBe nospital of the Government. It is silu a ted 'on the nor tbern end and highe~t part of Miln· hattan lslllnd. commlln dil a wonder ful view o f t he ma jestic HuQson llurposes . J ohn U. Rockfe llow Jr .• bo u ~ht the p rop I'ty fur $2,OOO,O. It makes an ideal site for a hospita l \l0 u ~ed RS
---\-SH-IPMEN - -r -H -ED --- •
The Red Cross has sent out an I appeal for 20,000 proper ty bags
from the Lake Division which Includes Ohio, Indiana and Ken· tucky. The bailS are maile of bright colored cretonn e or similar washabl e materis l and sre used to hold the small persona l belong. Ings of the men. such as their watches , pictures . letters and other articles taken from their pockets . when theY1lr e brough t into the hospital s. The bags are hung on the head of the bAd. They' are made in two sizes 12xlB inches and l1x16 inches and have a one Inch heading at thE' top with double drawatr lnas of nar· row tape or cord. As th e g irls are always ready to help, we are aski ng each girl who can do so , to furnish the matolria lllnd make a bag. They a re eMily made aT\d almost every one bas a remnan t of materia l about fhe house which would be 8uitable or, if not, cretonn e can be had for 2() or SO cents a yard. One half yard is sufficie nt for one bsg. The chairma n ~i11 be iliad to give 'any addition al in· formaU on and to ahow IIIUIIples
~~~~I~M~~!~~~!~~:;:: I~~
tbey may be aent to headqu arters in time for the-nex t ahlpme nt. Uwing to the fact that the several Carrie W. Allen. Chainn a!l. Ir! .. Peace. perfect lIeace. wi h Javed dealers of the town were able to get U Hospita l Supplie s Commi ttee . Caroline oldest da ughter · of John coallas Miss Pearl Sl a rry. of Leban on. t week. the situatio n is on es fnr away! and Susan 'Gamp was born at Clarks· relieved , as they were allowedgreatly ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. wall the Sund ay afternoon guel!t of In J esus ' keeping we are sa fe and to "ell - -ville, Ohio, Novemb er 20. 1854 . At as much of the coal as !l ' c';lstom!lr Dr . Slid Mrs . A, T. Wrig ht. thev." A shi pment of Red Cross ' eupplies ter an illness of two montlJs she desired. Howeve r. aCClordm . g . ~o . was "en t to Io'rank lin on Monday. It passed away (t' ebruary 19. 1918. aged news'!a pers. ma~>: plac , ~ stili 10 Enlered lI~t O the rcst of ~ara~ l se includ ed the .fo·l\owi Mr . Archer Hartsock . of Day t Oil . ng articles: 82 63 ~' earl!, 2 months and 2,9 days. , a ser!ous at h .. . r conditio h ~me 111 Leb~no n , qhlo, Feb' ou ting tl nonel hospital penl cv!!ral days la!lt Iveek with. n mg the shir ts . 3.1 com. She WRS one of Ii famIly of 8 chll- cfal Bltuat~on, and the ruary 18. 191 ; Alice Ceha Haw ke fort 'pillows , 16 sw,eater 11'. J . L. Hartsoc k and fami ly. sn~p. of s, 25 pairs dren, only one whom lire left. 1uesda aged 64 yea rs, 3 months and 29 days . socks 4 pairs wristlet s and y dlci not help their condl~lon The fourth nllmber of the Lectur 1 scarf In you n~ womanh ood she was mar· very much. ~ :r he ,daugh,ter of William anti Annll 'l'hi~ 'includes the work,of car loads of coal Cours wal! the UtlitriclI, who ga ve a Mr , and M rs Hal'l'y Hamilto n and. Ehza the Har: ried to Nathan G~ay to whom ~he ar~ expecte d Several by the several dealers lack Frater, l he decealjed ~as veysb4 g unit whic:h is as follo~s: diversif ied nterltlm ment of mQ~ic, f llmily . of lJaylon . speut Sunday r e?er h. e en a faIthful loving Wife, thIS ~nd if they com~ In ~he on a fa rm near Wavn.esville. 33 hospital s hirts impt'rsollullrin. • wililj\lin g alnJ n'lu si~. With Mr. lind Mrs. GeQ. HamilwlI . October 19,] 3, and hved all 11 pairs Bocks ' 18,::omfort pillows '10 thIS UlIlQn were born fourchU dren. . y,olll probablY be · relieved Till;! enterla iutnent wall n, very pll'8s " Fred. of Day,ton ; Elthel, of Lytle; thIB,wm ter , at least. in Warren County . The Wavnellville Mill III olOBed ing one, .'mli fI larlle cr wd \vH S pt'1!8' 'l'his very ~reditable is Earl, of Waynes vme; and Clint at Lyman P. Rous h, who has been in Local coal dealers are ut:ging their down for repairs . The Intentio Oc.totler 16. 18'73, she was ma r· made' in 's pite of th e factshowing ent, Their uniq ue music·ll· in!'tru· that n fs our home. all of whom. with their New fam· York custome sorlie ried l'R to to t im. put in their coal f~r to put in a lot of new machin ery, mentation 1V 1\1I lill ' njoyable , )fe transfer red to FL. Cnlcke has beeh whom she hap ,Hen ry Hawke with work has been seri ouly hamper ed ilies are left to mourn the lotlS of a next win.ter, and tt. Galvt l!' pily shared the joyS by lack of fund s th~ people of .thIS. which .and the n)<lgic IVU 1111 I hat wa , oJ,,· beini' done aa fut u the devoted mothe~ . For the 8 vears commuOlty are needmg no ur,l{tng. machinII and Rorrows of thi~ mor tal life u ntil pectl'tj Alloget her. th~ e n t~ rta in · ton. 'I'ex. ery comes In, When the Our trea, ury has been empty for she h~ taken the place of last mother tor they are going to p.ut I~ in as fut work ia comple ted. which Septem ber 4.. 190:3. when . her be· several weeks and it is only ment WIlA ·tho roughly enj oyed by all thro ug h li t tle grandd aughter , N as the dealers can furmah It to them about two weeka, the mill will be In M f . and Mrs. Erv in Miller, of loved compsm on entered In to the the heroic effort s of some of our slOce the the cou r e patron!!. wUl be-ooe . deatil of her mother, People who h"ve been usl~g Pocahon · of the beat In thlB section Greenvi lle. Ohio, were the week end reat prepare jI for the peopl e of o d wOmen lhat we bave been able to Fred Gray. of the . taa are To verv this much uhion exercIse \~ere. b~r d n for fi ve fear country . Six new machln. . . . child ren continu e our work up to this .time. ){ucsts of Mr, and Mr~ . W. N Senr Of a quiet domesti !! natur~, she they will two not of be whom able to dIed get III Infancy , three. it alra'n being put In, which will a1moR I' nd family. ' One of ou r divisions has added al. found her greates t enJoym ent . Ill. her this year.. The ~ealers l8y t~ey may double two sons John and .Vernon. and 11 most one hundred and the preaent capacit y of the fifty do\lar~ home and ~amily. The home ·eommg s be able to ~augh~er ~ary . . survIVe h ~r . S ha r· to our treasur y but in order Iret a httle, but it IS doubt· mill. to earn of her chrldren and Hev, J . F Cadwal lader gave a talk 109 thl~ fcrlef WIth the c blldre~ a l e this money ldren tul, 80 era ought to be fore they wer,e obliged to give were al1!0ng the greates t before the Massie TownsQip Sundl1Y three sIsters and two lIrother s, banded . and get. what they can, up their sewiog aDd knitting. for two of her Itfe . She was grea~ 'chool conventi on at Ha rveys burg, She WliS for !ong y!'!srs a membe r wooks which has meunt a serious • --_.- -loss Fal'mei s who . are interest ed in Sunday ufternooll. of flowera, The Servie.- Commi ttee. who .are and ~Iwa;vs III of .the Methodist EpIscopal ~hu reh 'lo our Red Cross supplie s. &,rowlng sweet corn, will pI 'ase call ,rowth . and cultIVation. guiltioJ r comfor ts for the FreDGh which she lovold and serv.ed faIthful · . Tbitl is not as it should be-if our mdustrl oUI ahe was . at the, office ann tnlk it ov r. We ~Ii.f. met at the home of Mn. women arf;! willing to d o tbe work, helpma te and a fine ElXlUDllll Thursda y afterno on and eveninlr Iy and well. are anxious to have a large acreajle Thad Zlmm.r man tbiJ aftAtrnooD. e In her hom~ life sh!! dllplaye d t hose it seems will only be . right Red and Cross fair, that manh?o d to her children. D'ay at Mi.mi thl8 yea'r. Come in and Thester. Come and see the Ihow true. wo~anly qualltie l, devotio n and they should be kept in funds. work \I over the patient Wayneeville Cannmg Co , < u eervlce to loved ones and friends and help the Red UrOBS. The Red CrosHls notaam any seem folded, the tired heart haa Wuhln that were beautif ul ind~ed, so that to think. a woman eton's Blrthda r wudM len H1000D DODDO OODDD OOOOD DODO. 's organit ation, beat. and t~e Irentle Iplrit by the ladies of our local F, E. and today there are ~ot wantmg,1hoee to there is a place in It tor all, FQutwear is more bealltifl ll this arlee aDd and the turned ~o him. who gave ft. C. call her blessed . U. of A. as the occision of a BUPburden Rhould not falll on our women leaves with Bclllng. hearta year than eve r before and i.t will ~oday per and Bocial hour for the men. Throug b the long years of ~er alone . . hu~band , four children , SIX more than repay -you your tIme to WIdowhood no mur~)lra or The enterta inment commit tee trans We must have tbe continu ed help chIldren one 8i~ter and many call and inspecL the oift! rinsrs of tbe Ings marred her· lI.fe, but.compla m. formed the little red school house she bor~ and support of the men of our com· relative s, and S Fred G OIpany, Lehanon Big Si ore her burdens and ~O~TlIWS friends. into a festive · hall . Supper W8I With a for munity if we are to go on with our OARD OF THANKS served at S o'clOCk on a long la.b l. tit~d e and SUbmll!S IOn bor~ of'Gad . wo rk and we must 1&'0 K. C. Liquid on . As long We want to thank all our frhmdll 8~t up across the front of tb. room (,ood to th.e needy and. opP.ress ed as this war lasts we shall The ! chonl hilrt ren 2eJli g ti clce ls have to who were eo 8olicitou e to us during Fifty aeven merry for the Q'Jiglpy lee-LUre t lIig hl reo her symp8thle~ WI:lre always. WIth the keep on workin g and! ghting. makers sat ~own our late trouble in the loss of wife to a ge.nerou s allotme port fine SU,·CIl!\!!. a nd it looks as less rort~n lite mhfe, and her oC.t be· nt of chIcken We areiold that within two months and mother. af!>o to the !tinlter , the soup WIth cracker s,. p.icklea. coffee if'a capacity lru use would be th re stowed klndness\!., ~nknown gedel" a the most, the great spr ing drive Own.d hy preache r and McClur e & ;:)0 11 ~!Iy but to t,he r ci l)lenls I!vje to ay will lie on in F rance . Our men and salad. Easter hlhea furni.he d suit. The Kingsb ury co. are Nathan Gray. 10 many 10~1I1g al1d grate ru hea r.t s now a t the Home-Made bulk sch.o!?1 children decorat ed the. front and wi thin the next In her P BSSI1lg' aWIJ,y. mum ty thr ee months many will be Mmlatu re hatchet s of blue lying in 0 • the man who works out doors in has 10 t a n~ther of Its noblA women , hospital s, s uffe ring Kold were the favors XENI A OHIO from wounds '1II1Iti t1d (,f weat her can tlot be care !Jut New games recently purchaa ed bv she ha.s left ~n, exam pl~ of lov· The Red Cross is t rying les al)Ollt the "bops he w('ars. You !nil .devotlon . ~\ t1 111)1r sacrIfice .lInd for this to ready the .lodge were used great need. whichget tbe Ilrat is sure to elln not go wr(]ng in buyirll( a pair of Re rVl re that ,,:111 pl'tlve fl. Ill'('~\O time, Cle"er contests for were also ar. U t; a rise S09n, a nd we !have no right to Columbus "*ru ng r lhutl th~ Ll:l w" a t t he S, Ul~m, ranired to amuse the guesti, who I y thro ugh th~ comlng )l ar s. eli ap poinL those who are looking F.r~d nmp ny. Lebanon Bi g ~t o l'e lo May Gild l!rflnL. h r I f r sry departe d shortly after midnigh t. mef!t. U5 fo r despera tely needed supplies. and ('v r tI" ' palling peace tn - hI ' Aslhe funds of the lodge were:no t . C W A availab nearer le the ladies ;provide d every. il'·l's"nc (). . J , F .• C. Mr and 1 1·~ . Om'lf Lewis received ,. . . thing wraiis. Having entertai ned --. ,\fn rd las! " t'(·k fr m Lhe i ~ilOJ1 , J. o.~" Full line of the ladies on New Year's Eve, the who i:l in I hude I IlInd . that he IS In Thursda y, Februa ry I'll. was the men now fa~e ~nother opportu Lhe hO~jJital th re willi ery. ip l a~ nity. rellular meeting 9f Wayna Town8hip Will they eelte It! Just you He IS ng along a~ well .as can be wait! CEO . P. TIFF ANY expecte Farmer s Club. at Locllst Hilla .Farm. d . ·-:lnfl says he wil l be out Mr. and Mrs. Seth Furnas and fam· OPTOM ETRIST' soon. ily welcomed membe rs and guuesls Sherwin-Williams' Willi am lurphy , Ro n of ' , Ilan."'" so cordially that they were Special ist in relievin g Eye·Str ain "Coon·Cat." or Maine, imme· anll El i ~abe lh Mu rph Y. WIlS and ~n1proving - Defecti ve· Vision When you lhink diately at ease. Fifty or more per· your boys and The eo·called "coon·co Bellbt oll'!<. Ohio, May. 1858, by G1aases, died sons parlook ·of a most b ountifu l common nil over Maine. t," which te girl'" running and jumpin .{ t he live Is held by D8' I . l'ebl'uar y 23 . ]915. His mother and dinner, after which the meeting lqng day you f1 l}tu rally lhi nl< of of II vcs to be a cross between the cot nnd . Miami Chapte'f No. 107, Orde r an sif ter died when he . Office and Fitting Room was very the 'lhoea afterno Don' on waB t \\1 opened or ry , by Lct a .vocal the S. the rneeooo . . Biologists Eastern Star. m!!t in 8peci~1 session young and his Gra11dmot her 108 South Detroit l3tleet · tbJl Cramer Ji'red CompAny Lebano n Hi g . Store Wednesday evening by Mra. Dempse y Dennis (nee bellet; nevertheless monyridicule , Februa ry 20, rai~eJ him. living with her until her halt wild Shute,) of Ricbmo nd. Ind. With TIFFAN Y JEWER Y Store hollp),ou ~l)lve the p robl em wit.h a 1918, and ini til\.l.ed a class cots In Uaine hn\'e tho typical of eight death Then after the death of his pair of "Star Brand" all leather candida tes. Tbcy current events of the month tall ,,1th short forelej:8, pOintedraCCOOD Xeni\l .. Ohi o all Bet'med to be father he drifted around several were given .sDout by Misa Blan\ihe Riley. nnd loog balr. Shoes, jmpress ed with the beautif u l teach· years and came to Joseph Pennew it, Fred Sherwo od. of Lebano b. gave an "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!! ings of th e order, os thay gllve s uch m~ing his home wit.h them' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!''!' , fo~' the instruct ive talk on ·'Taxes ." which ::: strict and respect ful attentio n. .pa'!t sevcnttl en years. drew out. Quite a lengthy discu8!ion. Tl1is is the largest claSi! ever taken The t'eed com problem . received ita . .. . ,l;.' ,. ~. . : into this chapter at one time, . After. •.... CARD OF THANKS share of discoesion , and' to many, closing a delightf ul two-cou rse lunch We· want to t hank our neighbo rs seemed most critical. . "What can was served to about filly . ~ho tbor· and friends , a lso Re'~ . .Cadwall ad er we, as a clllb. 'do for charity ," wu oughly enjoyed the whQle evening , and t he aingers. fo r their kindn es~ the special topic. and an Intercst ing .-. shown us during OU l7 late bereave - discussi on followed. Adjour ned to ,I m ent. mel't with Mr. and Ml'8. Frank Zell Thurs day, ·f:.e~ Jos. Pennew it and Family. in March .1t . ruary 28th Guests at this meetin&, were Mr. Show will b~ given for' the benef it of the Wayn esRoi Risinge r, of Canada , Ml'8. Dempville Red Cross. ~tinee and night, fea.tu,ring. sey Denois. of Richmo nd, Ind . (t'red . Sherwo od. of Lebano n , 'Mr. Mra. Th~dore Rober ts in The fuel situatio n havlog assume d Hen l'J Satterth waite a nearly . normal state, consum ers Mr. and Mrs. . 'U may hereaft er place t\leir orders with and 80n; the dealers direct. Ilnd Mies Alice, Use di ('r~tion and do no t . ask for and Miss Tacey. 1J)0re tban yo ur immedi ate needs fQr Sptu rday, lWarch ~n~, .,-atla ,ee and Nhrh t Allen,1 )avls and' Cl'te pre~ent . , . families . Featur ing Mary Pickfortl· in~ Artcra ft productiqn, Mrs . F. B. Sherwo od. of Lebanon . J~ O . Cartwr ight, ,~~.-----was taken to Ciricinnati last week, Membe r Coun ty Fllel Commi ttee and was operate d on at Christ hospi t~1 MondaY.forappe ndiciti" Durin~ This is a thrilling ' ,war pictur e; dealing .wfth the . the operatio n a largo gall stone was , diacove red. and aevElral other difllp~iwal'. . . ... culties were discovert!d. The opera· l ~ Iw.: • . tion wail a succees ful ~me. and accord· -...,.'"'_ ::bene fit of . ing to the latest aceOlJn\.8 before go· . , Tues day ; . • bluer y _ . 'Ing to press. Sherwb od ia Iret, . Saturda y was anotner buay d~ in tin", along as Mrs. nicely liUI could be ~x· Title to be. aDnOWlc:eci later Owin totheb ....'" ralilaclf"'--·;O-_·, ..... Wayne!\ville A big or,O\;vd waa pres· peeted. T. Sh~rwood of thi'.! nl ht ':d.lIoft da,y the ent at Walter Chandle r a we, and place wasDr. preaent and . .tlted in the &' • the pioture show played ~ ovetflo w operatio n. houaea. ·both afterno on and 8Veuillg . MatJMe ___~...... +-- • 2:11 .... A big crowd W88 in towo all tbe--aI. _~ o,...u plap . PoID ternoon ,!n fact the evenios Ihow bad St. Mart'_ .GaUd •
·Sm.·th'.s GrOt;ery
'Ih e.
crltenon· QIIIJ" ¥
Mea t Smo ke
SaUer Kra ut
Bak ery Brea d
Alum inumWar e
Pain tl&V arni ah
"American Consul"
'Miami Th eat er Program
___ ___0- ---
American. Con .ul"
'''Th e Little AtneriCaD.".
::o.W . H. AUlD
..... . ·..... 7• • 8&1 ..
Uld hMd. Bun
• a.I2b.. ,I other - dub I(lus1y, "Lool!; at DlI laW'l, , UD' bls sh ouldcl'8-" CHAPTER XVI, "Au' hili bl& teet, on' hl• .lIOft tbro&t, I . p,..,.-~ McGIll. ' , on' th e CltlO1i1Y thlckn\'SS ot hI s belly," Red Oold City W08 ripe for a night Inl l'nlptPd the KooteullY WUll. "For lof relaXaUon. There bnd been some hl'II I' ..1I'8 Rtlkc, mnn .toke Illy word tor 'tambIIDC. a tew lights . lIod e nougb It, 1111' don't put your moncy 00 the 'liQUor to cn!ate excitement now a nd Don.. I", ithen, bat the preeence of the mounted there thrust theroselv s betwe 'n 'I)OUI!e had lIerved to keep things un· them. A.t tint £<ILZu n lIad snorled Ilt lueual\;r tame compared wIth events 0 I 1111 I hI'S!! to<!(!~ "bout him. \ Dut '!low Ifelll' bUDdred mllee tttrthsr nortb. 10 the ' he Iny b'lck ng'\ ln ~t the bOl1rded 81do If;)awlOD «Iuntl'J. Tbo entertolnmollt 1of' t.II" cogP nud eyed U.OID lIullenly ipro~ b,. 8IInd,. !JcTrlgger ond ,1110 trom be tween his tor cpo,,-s, Hartler met wltb excltcd tovor. The The tight wo s to be pulled ott 10 HilI'n~I ' lPread tor tweDty miles obou t I k er's pltlce. n corubluatJon ot silloon 'Red , Gold Otty and there land oe\'er l and cote. The b nches aDd tables hod been plltur cxcltement In tho t own be n cleared out ond In the conter of · tha~ on the afternoon and night of tllo the one btl: room 0 cogo teo teet squore lllir ~ht, ThIs WIl8 hugely because rested on 0 plntform tIlree and a halt KUlln and the bilge D II De h ud been teet from th fl oor. Seo til tor We three placed 00 exblbltion, euch dog In 0 humlrl'd "(1cctators were drowo closely I!~T mnlle cere ot his owo. aDd 0 urou nd thIs. Suspended just above the , fever ot bet Ullg began. Three hundred open top ot the cogc were two h" 011 :meu, each of whom wos peylng li ve lalllps with glos. r cftectors. . dollan to Bee the batue, viewed the It wos eigh t o'clock w h en Barker ~".dlitlJOn thrn,u8h thll bars of the Ir IIIcTrl4!R r Rnd twe 'other men bor& ~ Barker II d06 was 0 combluo· zo o to tbe nrena by meaRS ot the wood. tina ot.Gretlt Dane aDd ID8Stl tt, born In en bors lliot proJ ected from the bottom the north, and hred to the t rncetl. Bet· ot his CDge. The big Dane WDe IllnDdy Uq fa'forecl him b7 the odds ot two to 1 10 Ule figllt1ng cnge. Be stood blinking 0Ile. ·Occatdonallr It I'8n three to one' l hIs eyes . In the brl1Uant light ot Ihe At th.e odds there WI<S pl ru;tl;y of Ku· r cfl ectlllg lowpe. Bo pricked up ble up mOlle7· ThOll8 who wero rlllking eors when be 8IlW KIWUI. Kazao didtheir. mooS)" on him were the older not s how, Ilia fnDgs. Neither re900led 'It1ld~ men-meD, who bod spent the ex pected aDlmoalt,.. It wae Ilrat :thetr U'f,. ~ dogs, Ilnd wh~ knew I thcy lllld seeD ot encb other, I .n d Il mur. :~hat .the: red light In Knzon 8 eyetl mur of dl8011polotwent swept the ranke , _ _t. ' An old !:~enay mlDe.r spoke I of th Lhr e hundred men. 'l'he Dnne
' ~:=ther';;....;en. IrlaD.. ·'.l'1a Dan '
rllglJlOu>dd I around th: ' 't ha ' e 10 woo ve DO f he.. lot' ,the wehrht." l1li14 the
- .It''t1W1 ~He'll ~ht-all I
"cmnlnc d till mOUOnl1l88 oSIl ·rock when Kuzon was prodded from hi s OWD cuge lata the lighting cuge. He did not leap 0 1' . 'onrl. He regerded Ktu:nn with a IluhlnUI< on estionloll DOI~e to hi. 1P1ea-
',Our blllineas i. very .imple-, ..
The mone)' aep08ited with uBIB loaned to other men to help them buy Homes and Farms. . T-ileir property is your aecurity - and JOU are , further protected b:r. our Two HundJ'ed ThoullaDd '~dollar Reserve Fun , One of the' most satisfactory ways to keep your money profitably employed is to deposit it on one of our aecoUDta which provide
"100.%, SaletY~%,Dividend~'
Gem·'.Clty Bulldina __ nd Loan A••'n R.K IOURC1i8 II MILLIONS I
S N. M~ln":-'-Dayton
.tudKPtl UI."1IIU It, 'fit" I' hh"
expectant and ellclh'(! fu c,'" of lIlt' ,,"1,1, IOC mIlD. For 0 t~\\' UIll/ll ~ lI t". l\a r.U 1\ 1l00d IItlft'·It!gIlCd. fl\!.'I IIj{ I h.' lIall,·, Then hI houldNS ell·tI" I"',I. 111111 II.. too. eoolly fnced Iho cr,,\\,<1 UIIiI htll l ,,~, pt'Cted Illlabt 10 th,1 <IeUlh, A IUIII:II ,.! d eriSloll, swept Wrough Ihl! Clu"l'ly "'11" ell row". Cutcolls. j crill". IIIUIII ~ tin"" ot McTl1gg I' und Iltu'k"'r, Hlld "t1 _I'~ volccl! deLUllod lug 111!!lr l'lv til'~' hnl'l~ mlug lild with II t umult M gruwlnjf lU conumt. Snndy's flU' · \\'11 8 r' II wllh
, , <
Until this new "smoke" was made you could never have a ~ Burley tobacco cigarette. It's the best yet.
The toasting brings out the delicious flavor of that fine .old Kentucky Burley. ~~u
never tasted anything so agreeable - think what roaSting d;oes ' for peanut&.
bUll; lrulU
,,'ul(hll: 111\' hllll I" ('\lIIi<' In hud fnLh till til'" ","nld hI' 11,,(\ "0/:11 II ,t 11,11\ In,l, UIIII h.· 111)1 rI,,".· un lll'r liClly. l'ulilinll I h" IIlr. nIl( ..-hllll l." wlll'll It I 1'(111 Illi I IIlI Ht 111" h , ·r · IIIIII~. f' lI .\' 111111 IlIJlIIl \\. I" .dll,,· (In IIlIdl,'"w t' h m,~ (If dUJ'h"·.. ~s I .. h,'1' U"". lOt I'rqlJat(! Court 111'\1' I' h"11 tll~ 'IIn I ''''It .1,'\\11, SIi\! .rn III 1I111ltt" of tbe fl8 tll&e 6f ~l·n".'tl llle IIr, I tI'.I'f"'II\nl' ,h:ltlull's nr .I "l' It M. Anlh,)PI' . th'!!tlrlIIB d c.; W 1" '1'111111/, un<l ~hl> la\('", thllt Ille "IU I'R Ullil"~ I '1l'tlPllntlltt<lillC1 mlni IratQI' wpre III, .11111 (l1ot Ltlv r~I "I' lit) 111 1i' . ,,J WIIO , ,I ~I \ I·I!: IH. \V , bI. mortltlcutlollllllllra~(·. Th ,)bln" " t'lu~ 111(1011 II 1(1l!. 11 W/I. II nl).!hl III rooUI· j ~"I.It'"I"1 A t ·'l ul lt . yln lln uronl" In 'Harker'e t or<lhl!n<l hll \1 S\\l,lI i' lI ,III h·(· l lIud IICI"r' II tlm o ~h \' mol'l'r! \'('~lIl'~S' pull I I tI lUI II III 1'11 1 ~t~ . Uaetr oormal l2Ie. U I! Nh,) Ie I,l. fl~llll l l~" nl"'I,1 III" '1111111 ,·Ir~' ,· 1111 Ihl' 111I11n, In tIl( nlllt.tar of tbo tlMt(l t o o f tbe toce ot tile cr owd, und ~hnU II''' : 0",1 .1'11[ ,,\It II "~ IIrHI 1t1'llIlrlllj.( c:l 1I .'lIl1l e~ If l'II7.ll1 r duotlu l<l' d. ,J Obll ~'rll. " Willtl Olv~ 'ern II "'lillie'. ~'''II fur h, UZllU. l'p 11'''111 rh,· rlv,',' r UIII 1.le r j ~ U\l JI,:in t Il11 .. dmln is lr tt lor. (001'1" . . I 1111' PUIII-ll'1l1 uri. l' I'C . '11)0)1 ' \' . lind III' Bood HlOO, At hili wordl! ('vcr~' vol I' WIJ~ . 1111,',1. I ~llu<:II\'l'ly II\' I..... '" II"" II WII,' 1I,Is KaJ;an blld turned. li e WII S fJl I' hl~ 1I11' 1 ~1lI,,1 ", nlltl tilt· n'·'lI'lI".~ ur II1UIl, I hnt I H rill I h~1 I(I~RI~? nJ , 1111 ()18tuFt.e .of Done 'l'he 0110 had l unll.d I II~ "l·'" WII~ 1" "'I,lu!! 1'111.1111 frtllli 11l'1'. Hut ,t) )1<1'1 J , U I n, II ell~e, . . "I. tQ K~zlln Cautious ly fJfl'P ill"(\' rt.l~ II ,h.' Went II" 1ll'lIr"r 1111111 11\111 lIrlit elr" '1 aOUI"~ IJIIBIlII ~il'~:OIIOQI lIl 'd AS Adoll n . . . . r I ~ t. rtl<I 4"'1' , • ' lit .~ , lunge or Il SId>! ll' ll. I\ OZIlII UII"II IW,·' I 'I" 1111111" II)' 1t,1' V.I.III, ,I ,·I·t. IlIln,· a little. The Done's sh oultl l!r III'i"'lft'd ,I IIl'~'" h:1\1 11111,,,1>1 h, 't' tn 11111. ,'Ince 111 t1~I' m r l, r Of thll e t d e of He, too, advanced upon Ku z\ln. FIIUI' th(· till.\' (Ie tli " l'IlIlI,' ')I I th,· !'lIn Itll 'k. ' hl' ~, I.. , LTl' t tll\. d,·cu. " d, 8111e<l ure teet apart they stOQd rig id. n ' 'II II Itl I \\ 1,,'1\ Ihe l.n l~ 11:,,1 d' ·" lr,.~,,1 Iwr "Y"', >1JlprO\' I·!.l hlwe bllord a ",;hl sper Inlh 1'I','Jn IIII\\'. I " "yun hflt! """'r lilli , ,I h"r, '1'111'1'(' I .1 n till' III llt"r o~ t. h e est'lI~a o f Sondy and Harker. 61ullillug '1o." III till'" .'h,· ,·,,111·,1 [.11' hllll I II Ih,' "IId), L r tll,,; ht o n Mi llo n Li l)"',', OfJOell8etl . lbo cugo, 8curcely br'alhull, :;>(lit' lItlioi lI i~h l. 't'J"',, .1", n"II I1 ' 1"',. . . ·11' II III!sl , ' lIl es IIro IIl' I)rl) \, p,I In every IIwb Ilud wusCll·. wllrl'lors "r l Ull'll'r II 10'10.1:11111 ·hn.t.. 111111 ",:,,\1 II , t', . M" l' t", U, ,~ ill. \'s Be8~tl' a huudred fights, and t 'n rI Q~" to ih') 1111,11 <1 '1\\11, , " m 'l t ' I S "1, III, ,\ n ~ J1I)rl\i ~e Ill 6nt polDt ot death. Ule two IlUl('\\'Iil f .J'I"t hil I\' ~I\I' I;II,·\\' 11 1"'11 1.I J hl tllul. · I rt.1I1 c Ifltn I" u n) t' r el. Um. of wan IItood luclu!;' elll'lt "llwr, 1,·1\ "lIt II\(, 1t"1 .1 .. \1' •• 1' Ill.· ),1111. ~o l 1" the lII ,lIt. I' "f 10110 os tltte t)f NoDe could see We qUl.!s Uou lng hlol<. In \\lih" ,,1 ,'" .'Iug sit , I"" w 1111 ,' 11 'lj[~' 1 ",I' l olIll In lill 11 ", ,\r·"ell~ed. Cu rr ie their brute eyes. None kU llW LJ uu Ju l'HIIIlf. )\ . " HUIII \.111' l . ' IH' \\ tr'H lh 8 , C \ l1lk . JIl '!:4' ppt1ul ft' ll ns tld nlitlii4 thlll thrllllng moroe nt th unScl' n hunll or I110 ~uu 1111 I",r "wI, ,II , h, I' II.K\' I;: I ru ' rlX 13 or! $ H.I ,U. EIII ' 0,," on, ot the wondertulSplrlt GouotllJe ,,,11· 0\ l'I"('l1 111'1 Iwr ('1 111 14111. ,111 \\,\ t:hU I ,{"rl.\' . It'fl\\.' U !I'lil .,:11 A. B\' nr, ur e darnen bOTered betw een them, nlHl 11I1)\\-11 t .. \\unl tl h' Jh lr Itt!.l,.t Ilh·I,IPP t"lutn l 1\)I, IHl.",ri tJlot oue of lte mlrocles Wll S d,,"cc' ud luI; III r "lit! "hllll,ng'. '1'1" '1'," . III IO'If: "", u pon them. It WDS ulld l.! r~tllf\(lllIg, tI,, · ~UIl'lI .. r IIIIl"I •• · ill II, ",I', 111111 ~h~ Como lon Picas Co u rt MecUIIi 10 the open-rlvl11s In Ih l! 1'11111 11 1101. l'IIlCIt I." ..... " ul IIr 1111111' 1 New ~uits truee8--the,. Would hove b een rul1lll ~ ~h .. roll,vI\·,." h,'r " " II Il'IIil hlld. 10 , In the throe. of tcrrlfic bottlc. nllt h"rll 1111\ Ma ll\l,hn l', null III nil' fl'hl",' nf Wllthlll Z it hll I 1<1b R u lis v euwe that mute Ilppenl ot brotlterhoud. Ihl ('h III 'h UV"I'III1Il ~III;; Ih,· wId II, \1 1\~glll l (I01h. lltvIHC(1 ; IJ I 88 I1 rg In the IInnl momeot, wileu unly II S h 'P ;,hnl'C M Ih ~ ,11'''IlILI, ~h., "Inl'lll',1 nud \ I.,or, eeparated them, and whe n ru tou <'x· Ibt"lw,L .\f(,·r rl 11 111 .. hI". ~e""lnltl .,tl Real ESlale Transfe rs pected to lee the first mud lu nge, Ih u ,I"" 'n 'Inri ",,'nl HII'III\: hl 11\ Ih ,· ~ I,l)t , Iplendld DaDe slowl,. rnlsed h ls hellu \\ lli'ro she lind K,1 1,'1Ii "de t1rllll;lr,~ l'lunl.: I !. l ' I \" "'{'r I n hl Rrlh " aDd looked over Kaun's buckt.h l'u ugb ,, 1" '1\ lh' shul ('Ilm ~. .\IHI UIl'rc Ili' r \1lt~(, \'u r fmll' lmO l III W tls b lolH" 1J the glare of Ute ligbts. Horker lr.e m· n,,~. · t ruc\; t il ' Sllnri sllII Wei nut! tUI'\' II ~ h lp 1. . , , (\tl1rtlHL lIud F, l>. (It'"VAr t ll ~\ m, bled. and llOder bill breath b o cursed. Ihiclt with KII ZIIII'S hl,lIllL Tbe Dllne', throllt WItS open to Kuz u ll. :he kue w It \\,11 5 lh (' hl o(f() of her V, p otol'r lour t.1uort< In W It~ lll o gt' o n But bet'iI'eeU the bellets hnd PlIss eel 1110 IllUII'. ( 0 1' Ihe S l 'i: nt ' It him I\'IIS 1111 l"''I'II~h I P $L' vOlce"illll pledge ot peoce. K rlzu n dId lIi)lI ul bN' In Ih e ,."nll, IIIlngled willi S J,' \ .. Iln II' L. Irwin IInl1 not leap. Be turned. Autl houl ll'r tu Ih,· 1,IIIII-S III (,n of !,luntJ.I' ~1·Trl ):!ll' r. A L. Ilttvl" J (1.12riore~ III Uum ill o n 8houldef'-tl])lendlcl In lb elr on lCllI llt or .·h,· ~ 111 1'f"d til e l mll ul hl ~ bu,l y III O WIl , hi p f,.J:,OO ntDll-tbe7 IItood und lookell ' thl'ough Ihe edge IIf Ille slr.'tllll, "IWI'I' Snndy Huhert U ,I.lln ~ e l, Ill' t,o( ·. Hll d the bare ot their prison IUlo Ul e uno or 1111 ,1 drllg.G ~ll 1111'1 1 lu Ill e C·" nile. S he I '. 13 I :IILII: R ' Ycl',, 1 It' lM iu Otioeo!n hUlDlln ("und th t"(nllen 1"'0 lo which he hllll ~n l.i Unrliln lO\vI'I~hl )J d , A roar bnnt trom the crowd-o r on r hc('n li ed . An " lil\'o " hn ('lilli" III·on Ph . h" t/urlllo t', ~t)U tl, M Rup or ot onger, of demood, ot thrcut. In hI fill., of tllo t"'~ luI ,s 1 1~"t ~ nn tly ~Ind :0 1 12 ' III 1, .. b 'IIlO >l . $1 . rap 'Harker drew a re"olver nud II c<lto bent "ullu d,,1l h l1ZII Il Inl o sull· .1 . 1',l; tluo1t t,o {' h UH P tHl\lJb~ 90 leveled It at the Dane. Above the tu· Illlssl \' eoess, It W IIS clw(!J'cll wllh bluod 1(' 11 I wn 11' 1 ~'1 mult of the crowd 0 Bln!;'lo vol co lind lIolr, nnd nil III on~(j (JrllY \Volr U J II ), ,.toppe4 him. lur had, 00 h ~ r h llllnclll's nnd turn ed :-'III1H' :-oUIIII'lti til ' ,'0 f.. nll(1 R , "Bold I" it demaDded. · "Bold- In the h I' blind .fuce t o Iho . k>·. lliHI th rll t\ , el.L, ," .. t· II - 11111 ' 1 irllu l 11' Ttl t,ltl name at the law I" ros o from IIPr UU'(lnt a t'cy tll r Kuzan 1'11"1<. l ow n- hllJ * 1 For a moment there wtle lill nCII. lllllt tJrlft d f or mll"s on II. ~ wi ng. B If 'Lflll I,. 'J I IIII{>/\ Iu MlL ry I!'. 1Cle1'7 face turned In the direction of of illil sou t h \\'1nil. 'Ilr hlltJ. .ray [ 1\,01 IC'" t.lO U~ I \" , In W ~." n I'OWIJ ' tile 'folce. !!'wo men etood on hJllt~ Wellt glv ~I llultQ ('h ilt rl'Y I),'flll'o. It ~\11}l $ t , Ileblnd thelut row, One WlIS Serg()l\n~ Will! not OIC "cull." {hat cumc. wltJl u. .J. )1 ilrd wiCk I" Z " II W"itt!~, ~ Brokaw ', of the Royol NOrl,hwe8t Ihe 1)IOnn Ut nigh s, IUlt! ntllth~ \' "'WI . ~0l'11\ 1,1'1'0\, iLl H, '~I I I r.' n 'O Wl) lti p $ 1 It wu he who had SllOlton. it the llllllt·or.l', nllr Illc ,,1t{,~\\'0U"8 1\I " r A , ::iNIll' t 1:3" Ulna I S ntton Be was holdlnc up a band, comm un,}· yenrnlng f or mnteh ontl, I t ern'l'iell 1.11 III Lt' b :IlI 0Il. , '1 lIIi l1lenceand attention. O n ilio dlulr , wIlli it th e IlUn ut of tl enth, Au t! nftcl' 1:5. h', lind I" I. l "mllS ro , m ' beII1dehlmlltoodaoothermoo. Hewo tlltlt one ry Grny Wolf l$lullk hock to 11111Itl"\)lltlt 5$ rO rf' ~ In ,' po , 22, 't', " . thIn. with droopl~ 8houlders, ~od 0 tbe fringe of bus h O\'e r Ih e rh' ~r, lIud R 4.1 .,' lw l'I'" Ih e MIUllllrlv\:, rll '$ I. pale lDlooth tace--a little wtln. whoso loy wltllliel' faco lurn ~ll'rn Ihc st relllU. If rllllk £ . 11011 £ u JU II Frnzor t o L-I pllylllQue and hollow cheeks told noili· A stro n go lerro, tt'li uJ! n II r:r, She \ ,nlld 'II"\' I. I,t< 'i ~ Ir' ~ . 0 11 t 'n\. Ing of the 7ellrll h e hnd spent close up' hod !;ro\\'n uc cu s~oUJcd to dnrkn<!s. tl lllhu . A \' l'. J.,illo l) I. , Olll n, ~l. ..Io~ the raw edge of th o Ar tic. It but n '\'cr befo re llllr.l !.he b pl'n !tII'ne wu he who IJ)Olte now, while the s r· In lbllt t1u rluwss. AIII'u rs t11 ~r' blld "ru"~ .~ 1','II .(n'l( " II t Il Er \\1 ceant held up Il1B hand. His vol eo WJlS b en tbe g Ull I'IHu118hl11 uf }, nz:\II'M pre", 1\'111 ... 11 " HI :19 17 U(H,·1' i n (.:IA~ rc rl1p k 10111' and Qnlet: cu cl!, She h nrd t ho Clul'klng sountJ \ , ,1\'11- 1,'1' $1 , eonl give the owoers fI\'o hundret! of n s pruce h en In tho bu!'11 0 f ew COIll I Ii ~Ioner 's Proceedin2s 401lare ter ~08e d0«8:' h o Buill. yurds IlWIlIY, IInll now tllIl t sllUud CIlUIC lCler,. mao in the room he ard Ule of· to b!!r uS .If trom tJU t of nnoth er woritl, Bill ' A 110 ' (HI : T h e W H. Stan. ter. Harker looked at Suody. For on A ground'lU ou ~e 1'081 1ct! thl'Oug h the t il" "n .. !H1 PVt\PH f OI' A uc1 itllf f I3.bO; lllltant thelr head8 were closo together. grass c!ose io ht'r rOI'(ll'nll'll\ Ilitd sbe I nq,wl<1 II V r I>orl v o f E (l ll li r H "The,. won't lIeht, Ilnd thoy' ll mnllo s unppcd u l' It, lIl1(1 cl o~l! d • I' teeUI <Jr r.!lI n , 0'\ 1'1\ \14' 1' IIml wltnp88 $6 IU; eoocs team·mlltes." thc littl e lIIa o w pnt uo n r ock.. 'rite IUtI ~d 'S of It 'r shoul. " 1," \1 . :lI rt Il' rl !lhf., ~ervl() el:l on Bur. OD. "I'll live the own er8 fiv e bundrct! d ers twitch ed t r IlIuh,'us ly lIud she I I ('l1 l1l mltlt' $ 1; W"lt .. r MaOlal'!'. doIIala." s hl vcred us If "I r ickl'n by lutcnse coM, , "· I .t of ' " "Il .hn" t' m it'b 1;75 : <'. Harter 'raIsed a hund. She wos " " Titled hy l tre clial'knes thnt R, Oi''' 1JIII]~, [I" " t"Ij! O for Au ell' IF's "Hake It elx,~ he Bold. "Muke It s ix sbut Ol1t till' \\'/II'ltl £r IU It .., n.nd she 001"" $6; ' ·h .". h l• .J. WI'l! ll ilD r, and tbe7're ;r01lJ1l." pnwl'd lit l1 ~r clos ed eyes, WI It she .b Artft'. II.Jllrtllll g h n,l wlIIUlinl{ fo r pri 1101 r~ .Jtli u lu y Ill) , $2 O. 0 Thll UUle man hesitated. Then b e mll:h t OPel! th cm to light. IIOdI2ed. no ho (·"" tln u.,,11 - - -_ - ..0- - -'TIl elve IOU aI:&: huodred," he _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . _ _
You bought for b'uilding purp ses three years ago, at the be inning of the ,E uropcan war. cost you plore than twice as much in farm p~ts as the Same rna: terial will cos t you toda·. In othefwords , ~our h~"!. b r 'purchasing powcr has doubl J, . and ,t~cn some, ,111 thr years. Thal is becau se lum ll-er ~as lOc~eas ed h.ttIe in pricc. while farm products have Increased mucb.
This is the Time, then,'Right Now For you to build whateve r you mn~ ne~d in farm structures-a new Homc, a Barn , a Gral11 E m. Sheds! Cribs, P ig Houses. hickcn ll ouses, an ' lJu ildin~ )~ U may nced , now i the time to build. lomorrow Il will cost yOll more money Ll lan t oday. \V can supply ev rythillg ),0 11 lIeed from the founda tion ti p- in the right qU<1 I1Lit y and at 'rcasollal1e pri e.
I'k'i I
HnrmDlll of dlBcontent roso through. out we crowd. Harker cUwbed to Ule edge ot the pill ttorm. "We ain't to' ·blame beeouse they WOUldn't ~ht," he lIhouted, "u ut It there's IUIJ' ol you IDInll eno\ll:h to want 70ur mouey back you cun !:'It It . . 70U 10. out. The dOgB lald down on UtI, that'. aM. We nln't to blnmc," TJ1e Uttl. man WIlS edging hI" WilY between the dlaln, Ilccowpllnlcd by 'tile Df .JlOllce. With hllI pule
tace clo.. to the sapling b ars of the cap be looked at Kazlln nnd Ule uJg Dane. ' i "I lUetII we'D be !rood trlen\ls ," ho ' wl1. and ha IJ)Oke 110 low thnt onl y Ihe 40" hearcl hie 'folce. "It'B a big pri ce, but we'll charre It to tho Smltbsonlun, lacJe. rm aotnl' to need a con ple or tour-tootecllrlendl of your moml cull· ber," : And DO ODe mew why Kazon ontl tho Dan, d... · nearel' to the II ttlo sclcn· tilt', Idd, "of thll celIO IlB h e pull ed out • bl, roll of bill' Ind counted out sU: huntJre4 doUaal fOr Harker and Bandy,
ltIC!'I'rtnti. .
C"APTIR XVII. "I ' ~ In Carkne... .N8!'8f ba4 the .terror and louellnen bUn4neel fallen npoo Grny Wolt as In·the cta;re that .tollowed the shoot·
Corwin, Ohio
Bei oj.! fJ n , blt,ltJ 11',. :I tllr.n . 1 " " II SL, 1l or Pu bllU AUl't,I"O Il l,. " Iy r"'''I. dence. {J II II" . Vn:l'IH'~\'illll, tlntl Lyt.t'a Hmt.d. :J rl'lilE!~ ':'r~t qf \\'HYUO~. villll. und ' ;(, nl ilt-H ~lt"t flf Lv t.JfI. on
Monday, "'arch -I, I I CoilllneuOi ll1l.' ut lO :00 u' t h e foi lo wi ull p rn porl, I". \I It: 5 li nr e8. Ittt lp, g U .~s , !tUIJ IU IUOU!S, ' Feocl. Ii' qill z ar . 'l'e rin ~ l11ot1 .. k l' ow o nn tl ~ v o r ~ nl c. P \\ , UAfl'I;lU LJ f{ , VI! . :N . I, " nr ~ . ,\tlo.t. <":ur twri gb l & 1.I 11\1I1\tl, Ullitlc s ,
I w ill s.e ll ul P\I It 'I " AIlI'ri"n , :1 m ilo' @(I t II IV III nl fl, II ill " ,, 13, 1;, m i ltJ Ul)llbt'II •. t ,,' I", "'\'. (In 13 .. 11. hr oo \; I no L~ rr.v H", ,,I. 1;1
Tuesday, Mar h 5, 1918 Oo mm enolng lit LO ,00 o'o loc k. (O il fo il wlnl; p rllprl' t~l lo WI' : {l tjOTSI' , I~ CR Ule. 1 1 1IPlt\ m l ' 1I1~, U'lrnoHs ,10 TOUR of go Jtl MIX!ld r:lny . 8 0e bi g lollis fo r term s ~',
'M0J'>ljemyllt Inrlneft rll1 11V6 "~'lO Il II n,l . ilAoo nd
N (l te ~
b' lUghr,. •Joun I.lnrbl ll e. Jr .
-\ lIell Bu ll tlltl g'. X nltl .Obl o,
OAA (;(, 01'r "~h
wrlDlr.d, Il q y b l ' 11 In lt rlc " t flrl " , hil a t.) (,>vll r l' Il' rl rh:v. 1., ll p "'·H Pll " Il ,.P. Pbf)l',e 'i25 ( ' n t rv lll ll. I. s l I' K enri ok , 1,\' .
l-E I'I'Il\; 11- I • Au to F.q uipment Hor~ Drawn Eq uipJ11 ent
llA Y (lIt NIG H'I
Il~ t.
ml ~
tlr.>, OhIO,
A b llre!) , ~1t'1i\ t orillYmisew u6rk. ~l nliCl fl 0'11111
. or (O ~ tll.-
lr' '''c1
W"I(" " an n ' ltnUI. Ul 'ln F o r Inr " f . motio n I'P~ W ~ lt flr :58,",V .. r, IIII u tlt n f l'hr ee Brlllgf\8 . Wn;l'll .. svlJlA O . IlIU
FRANKS,CAREY Optometri!;t Eyes tested free
Lehanon -:- Ohio . --------_!!!"
----... ...._---
Ball \/8. Roll er Bearings. n:)11 lJ('nrlllgs 11 1'(. 0 0 nnoo loven" Ih.II , Hud It Is on ly 0 Cew y eors ngo :I",l lhr y lIlud c UHlI r UII('Icnron CQ on ,ltl' lIIarl,ct n oll c r Ill'nrlngs. both cyl. ;n<lI·!t',,1 an d COOICIl I, nrc on Ame rlcrm 11I\'('nlloll. The IIC1vnntl'I(es Cln,med f or . fllr roll"I's ove l' th e hnll.q ore thot they '11' ~ Il ~ tnl n both tho rll (Hol ond the 'I :dtl l strillu ollll UICY ,nre more eoslly rcplnced w hen thoy bccomo worn. '
011 11 t , Way nt!!w llle
m '1 rtg ll~ R,
.M~ ~oy,
Veterin arY ~ I al
o rne r M ~il1 and Mill ~t rtlet8 • Tclephon4' 2
Wayn esville.
.Jersey (JOW8, wIth Ol\'VbS 2 <;tood by s ldo. l or 8ale, lnqnlre o f I:!
Funeral Director , d E ba an m Imer,
0, Heokle, Wayne s ville, OhIo, pho o e , f2 7 .
Way~e.!villeo Ohio:
• •116.
.- Fo lding Osm ~ l'tI In flrti ~ o"\~ ' oo ntll tton. f r elAle, .oh a!\ p . Eith e r Auto or H orse drawn servict!. f27 In quiro Rirl ge 's G ~ lIdry, No extro charge for auto 8ervice. BRED P oll\nd.Vhln ll G e tts f or 8111e Bbth phones in Office and Residence. No. 14. \' il l fl\r1'O# I,Ist of Muoh ln , q ulr ,' . If 0. ' S . M'lltIVell, R O. I • Way " "vIlle, Ohi o. f27 Subscribe for th~ Miami GazllttC;l.
W ritt e n In F ifte enth Century. Wl'l1to n In UIC fI ((('(m llt conlury. n lIInnu s crlpt conln lnlng lett erR nnll flavin!! di 8~(} lv,'d ('Iflr "lf'!'. h i" 111 6 will ~' II li t, P ul,lio A I t b o lJ' ila . _._ . mlli or " 'orks of S t. .\·prlnn, bis hop of i:f lt ving r ('n ed lOS ii' 11'.[ wil l tlel l (':" ·Ihngf'. filth r (It I1h~ 1,lItln Chlll'C\!, 0 ' 1 FUH!.lI r t,;, tn /Jt. ,tI Ir llrt.lI "Yo 1I1 i1 t1N 11I1I' lb " ,1 o! W.yue.-vlila. 2 ml '.'" .t Poblto A U" ti QII 6 U lI"H ' IHHI II ot who s lIf'T('red mnr.t,l' rrlli m In 2ri • 'WII" IV Ht f N.\ \V l:Iur llll':; tuo. IX 1I,j1 ~ 1I Hon l la OJ 1I X'UIU I lO \I .e r 01l '1 le.l u lu l\' tn Roxllu~ " I n WilY e~l/ II If' . on WnY D ,' ~v i 11ft, 4 m Ilo. totlt\ I h"u c't . (lr "'1P or tllC m ost In tcrl.'sting . ohjeel'!< t C " tervO l" , UL 111tll'lI"H II tl "l1 , o n .11' 111' 11 tllo dl ~Tlo"SIl I of. th l.! IIhrnrl es or , l'h " rl "~ .T. Grove, of Bilston. 1\[IISS., Thurs day, lIl'arch 71 1918 !lIltl olhl'l's wos · bN:un. . Commencjng lit ) 0 0'01 ' c~.· .. harp. ( h e, f ill oWlng llrOlJe ltl. Ir. -I t : " HunJ ('no ll,g "I I'U ('0 lI 'cl "cll . 11l " f Ol.l C) I'I'ill t,l pl o pt, r t y ',, : ~,lr , ,,I Hllrbe~ , . 4 ' HEAD OF HOR$ES4 7 'sHle, 'j B ogs , 11 111'1(111 "101 ", 11.11" UIIlY MrttA. 8 yell ~ti Il ld, wl'lghl' 1'1\' 10 )h,. , G ray Mllrr\ 14 y t\ltr~ Old, oElPf;l , fi llY . I:I n\1> l'11 uJe1 U ,)ortP , Ie , T e rm s lJ'1 \l tlo kn o wn (' n tl .. " 01' pulp. An IndIan ' Dawn. w elg b t 1500 lb .. " Huy liH'rp, 4 )1',,'" o ll l, "" IKI ' I, von lbe , bllY 11 .. 1-1:1, a " (~lJlnm li ! owol,e-lIo(] ,beYOnii t he J,'l'ent ~ee.l! .i' fltlr~ a lii. wlll~li t . 1 20 0 1h" A, MoN ,,11 ..\u or. , I T Srl ll' th e «Inwn come npllke tlrunrler. 82 HEAD SHORTHORN CATTLE . liS It does on l\IuDdnley. Exoctly 11 e J e rry Bllllf'&, \ ·It:rk, I ll,' It cnmc nl>, rolling, rl slllS'. I r l'I)~hJng cloitds of cO('lper nrid dull .H(\.vin g d r ('I,1 ,I 10 1fI" lift '. ,,_ I ,,"1<1, l'eddl'Dl ng, brenklog , mounting, w ' I I. ~t!J 1 111, 1'11\)11<, hile II m l'r, ' ,l O)1l! Io.p Ing 000 IInolher.-Atlnntlc. ' d UOll In " It [111, 1" , 1111
Wednesday, March 6, 1918
\ n.
--- .. _--
g l nnl u/!: . t I ~·(ll'\I'~ . I)) .. 1',>1 1,)", , 1 . How Man I'. Ble •• eel. (ng d Aticril d Ilr' lllt' .t\ .: 1 H llt"H'" 'T.nnd ts 1II1tUI'~' e g ift to mono If 2 (JllttI A. ':; h J Rt. ~ . ll l1 p lil ')1 t,te, 1:11.,'. you own ,Romc YOll ute omoog the .tnv. U M!~ , t Ilugg l't ubo nl, 100 \)lI'lI ,,18 ore!1 chll drolo of Dature. One gilt calls (J rn. . for another In exchange. Brolu und Term ... HIIHtA kOQIIVu ,, 11 r111 \' of R~ l e , bruwo Is 1110D'S gift to nature. H MA UL \'I''f, • _ • W , N ,~ (' lIr~, A'l l't. Emer ~ IJ Ellrnh , rt, f.lpr1c . , Jj
I'tr . . . . 1ICIr ... 'JhOt
Olassified Ads
The cost
is trivial compared with their earning capacity.
A , Wfl H:HlT
Thu nida'y, t\\n rch 7, 19 H1
.... or 1ruu UclIU eapture b, Baud)'
Uraduate of. Ohio
,I obo!3 Wrl Klt t. Auct ,J , P. Mull In , Clu r k.
........ F.1tIt TIIat Hs WDuid Com..
Get your share of todays and tomorrows farm
profil5- build now the structures
New Elect ric Furnaces. -\RLY 'Ohl" \:'" tlIt,()tls. $2 00 ~t • 'h(' "'[r{lI'I'S (lC nh'clrlc h"flr III .111(1" n o"lIl1r. ," ~ hn H hb'CT~O 'I, Ort' h Q • I 1"lrillsh Q\'l'n work 'hilI! I\'d lo CO il' . 1', 11,1,· In v,·.tlw,i rl" n Illong thl! line Ilia. 0 .• ROUl .. 2 h" nl:rh t bl) lerm ed low tem pe l'll' f1n rno .J t ~e v Boa r Pi )! f o r S~ } , Itq, tllI ": I hilt I., h ~ull nl! wllh e lt g lblB t o r':..:i,ter, w lligl.i ~ 1\11ll1l ,,"'rnlu l'ell up to 'GOO IlegrC!t!s ~·u h· 150. pr lon $ 2;; Inq n lrtl of Wulto l' .:.,.]1. The r esults of these In vestl· ~ Il wya r, M u t,lI o f Threll B.rid llij8, .. '" n~ hn"!! brou gh t ollt lltlm erOtlfl Waynes ville. OhI o . mG 11I .. l' l1[lpllcntlon , lim on,;: \Villela 111'0 ·1 " rlr; roro bn lt lng ovens, electrI c N UBATOR- 250.Eg!l Iuonbl tor '1"':111 bllldng ovcns, ov ns for mnklng BUCKeye tn .l lte , w l,te r By s t oOl '''r'lI1A, d1'ying wool n ArtIcl es ood !)s ed twu SOUSOD8, Roy Bathowo<y tt'tinment for s h ernrdlzlng, W.a ynenl.II B, O. m6
---- - ... - - -
1n U1I" ,,,,.
I h<l -1ler.
Aye, That'. the Rub. It IB 1111 rIght tor tire nlOtI"rn yoalfg mon to olrllr D' i!lx-eyllmll'r love-hul the sen BIble pI wante to Im~ whO'll
to keep It. ID
_ ..
GA ZE TT E....
D. L. t:l' A U, Eclilo r ulld J
SuhserioticColl Price.
!, .,I h.
Cor ps .
,c uJ,"~ ul lll .. plll'~1 will I", 1'1011'0<1 ,,, leu, " ,h~, , ., 1 /< ," "'" dr..: d ~ u <l! ",t,'U;'1.:' Hut 01"·,, :-t..lf·W.(' h,,,", I~e n ,"ule", "'''t ill ull iI, ,\.,>:,j ."" 110 It ,
Fr o,j lcKIII flV "nel fl\rut\y huve 1D0y.,d t o Ih' "rm I\)".v r eoenlly PUTt"'· p·1I III 11111 PI ~t lwln' , . 1.) • N. 1": Ij ,~ 111 r",u 11\ Il'.v 1\1 VI d .f< n,.llyr ,th fum vtlOlil,,(l hyl. L . 1111111 , '·Ng·' ~I""'ln " of ( :" mll 8 ber. Ill ILD, I\' I~ h .\11" n V r I')ulllin y . t'ly ,I,' I'; ,·t,\!! til III"" ,I f! A ID ·hoe. ,. Villi ,,"I "'I/II P fll' "11 '" ..lIN" I'lry (',,11"1 I.. mok ln g an l' X'NHltlll VIFII. "'lI h rei. lIves In In.
Corre spond ents In the
~ I. od
Cash for at CorwIn O. ,
ii See if TESTED
Mrs. Geo, Bogu n spent
aturday , g rronn Jur y meu. whloh 18 lu session. 1 wit h her daugbt er Mrs N ell ie Ruo.
q nantlt,y of olov r to use to th e uOfe depeodb U [)OO Iho of olover n/5 wall a8 opon th e fSlItlhtv of the Boll. While r e,l olover tlepc\ : Is geoen lly brolidonlllad au fr(17.PD grouud i o tbe s prio g !It the ra tt! of, tllgb~ to t ell p C)lmds '\Jer Horl1, "I Ikfl mw.y r equ ire bu' seven poundt', nod the s mall white VAriety only six poundll . Wben tlmotby and red olo ver a re eeded togetbe r, ugwn omists at tbe Ohi o I!:xperlm ellt St"UOI1 r eoom. meDd six \0 elgbt p o nnd~ of the firsl nod ei~bb Jr 0100 of t h\i ' HeoO nd Tbe lIubstl~ution of two pounds or allil k e olovbr tor three ponnds at r lU olo ver se d In tbl" nlixt,ure 18 al80 oomlCo n In Obln. . Abont 1:1 pounas of r od olovt'll' Meed 101 UlIed per aore wheD it 1M weeded IlloDe in the spr in g. Snob n p-aoti oe In Reeding often r es ults In m oro oom pet.ltion wHb weeds ~han Is the oase wlian .\ nUf Re orop 18 tilled. Sweet ol o vor requi res 10 to l! Ilonnds of hu ll ed s eet! or from two to th r ee \I ok ll of UOhlllllld seed p e r 60re. J t Is 08ul1l1y seeded alone lit an,. thno fr om Mu roh to mid8nm . mer ~eed ln li!8 ot ~weet olover In whe,,' o r rye fl eld~ on t rO\l,ClI g r ound freqnen tly fail .
'i No chance for LOSS
I .W~~N
Olen. W , Felil y Is one of the ',
RATE OF SEEDING CLOVER ..........................
08 80 0D NE WS
WU')N I,:, UAY, II'g!.l 1 UAI Y 27 , WIg
Writt en '
l.ull l1l'r Y"II r
IS": EO E I£RY \\ EDr\E;-;IlA Y
T b .1 bl h • b ''o'n e tl noo ~"o was ,,0 '-,V8 US n nel , n ear Borllng PRIC E is right . . glvnn " I tbtl l own I:3mlll"~~ week '·Ulllin. Ca"' " hl"" "~;.. ICUI')' '''rJ''CIICc ll Mrll. Viola Bartlloo k and m other. WII!I p UEII,one d inll1l1\1 .('lv on 110 . MI'S Jordau.l I loy eP lIslit.Uli'III1lI "mJIIII)JI~ '~'1" itt.endlldaml !:'~lo oary ~" " . oonn of t,b e weatb r , .. od tbo@ew be meeting a' tholr mot h Top-heavy prices means SliI U"'IIIUI : ~'" '"' ''' " ~II' e r's, MrR 011 l .II,lOrlo UUIUIII .. i .d,. h"v. iJ l' " III ,dll I" t-IlI~ ~kih~iuo 's IIc hrl" oed t·lle storm .md 'found 00 f[l li Rloh In Barvey_ bnrl\' NedDeij 1,,1,,< 11 ""C III,oIl), .11,<1 a el> . dun ce sliould not think, bard of the doy of last 'Week. , pIK"' JII . ~ ,.Ie n 'II l,iJ tl , 1,;11111 U" P ' tI,,,, I he IIlu()lI 0" II ~ ~I"C()II' :':/l I.I·c, . 'I til " t o.r r i Ihe ~\'} I C III Ihc" ,h l' ,IC~II' )1.1;( O'JUl DlIUtlO bnt oomo lIac k Iig uln III. M d" .'r P 1f··,I,," o r . 11:1 r ICIt.g of J (Olllldll ';OIl 'JI ' lie <I1,P.OhI . r. an _ra. arne I G ray w e re IIf r , Dod M~8 : Ira By f'3rd .. ud 1100, oul led h Jlll ~ r 'vp iI .· 1U lito l,.. t Ib , u ~lJ . patic", ~ ' "' lIlIlh I,) I'tllidill~. 'I \I'I~ Il le to Clark.v ille Saturd a.y on "I' rht r lJ lI. J uhn. we re vIs ltorsuf Bllblna lr lends 6000nD '. of the serious out t·1 e qllll,1 ~1.ulrllt!tlloro.'III /uUIII Stillilitlll l\lIoIlI"i' lilll\ 11\1 1 Illne8s or 111' III dl".Ij( l r ~ OILI·,n ,hl' VIC w, · I 1 ov "'UllrlO r SUlldIlY. ,I" . I' I Arm IJ tYtl II , "!lh L 10 pe rSOD lt 011 Mrs . • ray . I W'!I k·. . '1'1 IC III"IIII~ .. ,." J I ,"e h ,-.. V IlIue, d" I \(11. 0 .. ' h ",ra , Y ,, ' . I n ltD e ,:V(1or~, 0 f UOIH II j' If!tIlh III Ihe .cIII"" ' I'"".' .. I 11.,/1" Mr. und Mrs. 11'. A . Ba\'tsoo k en~'(tr r "" t lh wh o Il ti d ,t ko eD hore, peot 'nndllY wlth.he rbroth uB"tlr. ~ ,XPhl \tl " " ~: lrtr rlo j\I.'l.h,·ule III." Ih~}' "ITcl lie 11 _1.,' .... 1 d."t<l1l1 lJr, tar talned at a 50U par'y Wed nesday eOllO <l "f Ill" Imp atl nL P I I Ctl 1,,1,.' plfl vln" h I- ket bnll, <tu inoy Kin g HI/lid, 'll IIlIiI.lrs ftl ' lillY "U~C '''al il ovenlng Those present were Mr o~rrt~r II till huml u . lJiJ.\"o o ~ IIr Ill" III 1'lIl e. ~'II,I r," 11>( .... of I C~li,",,"I, ,/ '. I" l,,' III!! "" r ,',1 IlIr hi, J)r . BlIltl 'F VI"yilI K III Ihll W ," , ""t! I,h,'u ," 111 ,. Mr A 1::1 An so n , who liOd been 80 Qud Mnl. B:rnllet .MaDDo Alldr(',' F . J. ' I I"~,I(\, &':u .. l'uh'uIO Il o" pltlll, In \\'llmln n, Mr uud gtulI. IIIJtlrly for sll \'e r til wBelts, ·Is ·gettl ng ·M·r~ , lilenn DaVIS, tbdlr br" OI lrll J.\ ,, "d ,J ovlllll\lm ' lit II, Uhio, SIII<I I,y ull U' "g): . Mr. aoa \Ir~. i.u, 7.k, l- " " ',,,!J 10k uml hlmilY. of bllt.tllr. tlJlo'o,JUlI1 r,\' , I·h" WII. Del'l1 rt llJ " lIl Altln Barteoo ll, Mr. R OBS Barts'Jo k .\': P I1IU, "pon( II p ,l r r, of I,IRL we(lk Mr . lit RH:Jgo. of 'iVa y n~ sv llle. and Mille Elele U, tole. blls O . lh ~ III"r. , h l.y Oll l'lIlllltll l t h )l lg ___ _ wnll l'eI Uliv ,," Iwrc' E. W"I' in on r olty on ~unu " y , eo n ",,01,10.) 1\ IIr I II" o ll{ lIll l U)rp; , Mra. J essie Ellis und d'lugh te r, ~lr. hOld M " l11~'n d n n It' NellllrQ Mr , li nd ~lre . Ell lI1ol"nrloo. of Ves ta, were t'nterta l ned l:I'lmlll l! 1), ,,(>'" 1. " 'JII ~ Htu j.;, ou 01 . t lo . II r~I1I' " f u lItt'e A,lll Wtlmln llton , we r o Sunday vlsltor R i:iuDd8y at .\lr Ed Lukens to dtnner the m ost !'If 'ott l" 1 111 '"1111:1 of O'"l100 n Slaughte r of Seale. n ellr Blu. WI lbOlr ('rnl; 1\,"1 r.. m l\v . "'ho of Mr. ,ulIl Mr •. Jtltio; ' 1II nio.tiol l III III.' 'Ill y . r k. vey! bllrg. ' Sr nls nrc 1(lllt'<I h.r Ih,' 110 01I~1\f1, 1 r,,· hll vn ~ lIen t I<Ol'I1rlli yl'or. . IIl .the wo~ t, Th e 'nlld"y Hohoo l ()onvl'nt.!oll AlI V 'JIIl""U In 111 >1 IIl e Il liIy lIII Mr. aod M.r • . John 'l'homp soti aod sp rlnll on til<! cnnsls of 'I()O'lh('rn ILr(lI!U"~IR lIt' rollUII'1 R h,., ... ""nler 1,11!1l. \I n VIII !! fr uUl" I It n il'· ory b eld ot Ih o M, E. oburdJ was ve ry Mr. t\od IIIre. Alber' Nor\I'oy . Spllzbergen 1111(1 NOI' Il Z m· Berrla took (Ie r H Il Vi,rDIU ' lit. ~ u)J , lt' VI ~ I U I1 HII r"(\lInl II ~ bla. dia nn wl~h Mra. MaUle Flnob Kat B'LI .E' Ylf'l{ rl< of Iho no uuli " "j';\' d h.y "II preMen .. t dtl~lrllolt 'II 111 11 y 106 ,. Htlrlou ~ I e~ t.. , OR. J. MILL ER. - -- _ - Ilrdtll' who entertaI ned In honor o., U. ". l{l'~ nhlr Anny . 1M mukinK II :\] r. IIlId Mrs Floy d A'onere on ond h e r tb o Ault. n cnn A r lllJ . Ati YOIl( VIII lOti and Wife, Mr. and Mrs, fHt'~wp ll vi-It IImnn\( rolrltlve s bere. (l O , 0 1 X n lu, w ra SU11 Ing tlll,O p Ori"e , ,\ o ll lit [)i ~['o lll! I.,. d BY gneala <'; lIult's e .. roer, formerl y of Arb~ no J.,~ " B Il b aH qtll,JIfl. ~,I .. ~ tin ('X 1'1' rl, IIIHrks, of 1Ilr. Imd ••• DENT IST••• Mr p. Amos ,EllIs lJl'I ~d • U. 1:\ .\ _I .. ill(l ;o "III " who stopped over on tbelr way to mll n lind WIll 1,,1\ ~p fllr ~'runco in fI T he many fn Dd~ of Baril Shi. an eoc8mp ment. ln Virgini th lw Ilr#' UI'ln !! LI 'II I 11 (,1' rOl r Arm l' by Elec tricit y a fRW \ "I'k~ . Uri "hR,·]) ~h O"ler. omce ... d»k r. cof t... b~o nn. w!w wos r eeently PUlpOSBS, I~ req l1 ' ~ I.I',I 'o r,'p ,rl til l' Seve r nl fr om hllrB "ttende d t be N-..liil a.* Bid, . Wayne nllle. 0 80 d l\ n ll:~r (l u~ l v Injured , is re llo rt.pd Easier on t,,% .. 1 UII" t 'J ~It · · " fli uo ,'I (1". 4"" .. 1 the eyes-m ore conven'ull vantloo .. t l::I,u rvey eburg ~undllY I IIprC)vltJl icnt~mo !.! re . wblch economi I~ cal. very Cannot ellc o ur~ g. \nd relJOrte d Ii good prog rltm, ee. Slgn,,1 o m, fir . I, , :o il I)rVll'io " , W .. II burn or shock. Easy luSLOIl, IJ . I .. install. IIl Il tc) 111 Il.l Irill y 'be nd dr ess ot Rev . u i\d. _ _ _ ___ - _ _ or. oh 01 B..ob!CI Is cnn lempla t. 0""" lna der . Inll ~ JlII'f{ lh A ~('h otl l house , tor Up "' "".\' ven rs occ opied 1111 U oolo r ed BARNHART. EASY PAYMEN TS ~ Ii ,I I Wh en a W oman Ma y Lie. ~ I r. t1lid , l rI'. ~tllnl .. y 3 to 10 Y"ar Guara ntee ;11,,1<, Mr . Notar y ' Publl q A I' no ~u s liS Cllu rl hilS rlll e,l th nl I;;' B. Dnllll1 , of Illfl fi , w of Welch 11 11 \ Mr ~ . A h,. 1",1< <I'M/) l lo" ~n~ .. I~ Ught your b.rn, oubl •• and ground . . . tift womn n mny 11(:\ to hor II\1i"tulIu.I ",h .'n well as your home. Use yourown ~ngi ne. f r f l ull v ~!. .11 WilY" VllIfl Thorl' & 1) ,,1010 ... lIf"d~d Ihu l:Iurdwn re One pl"nt. d ~. Al l and YOU ha ve l ight Dny.. th" pro'l'OCl1l1ulI Is grl'II I ~lI o (1 ~ h . " Uonvon l,ion helu u Alllltin de of Noaary Work. Wills 'l ull1bn~ I ~sl . . . . at the tWD ot • awU.cb.. Write '01' ca~ I.Qd 'I un y , I~nm (lll r 1II01l 1( r eX', ('rl pncc. 1I !'tl'~ II If' BUd Deeds a I:Ipeola lty. Mr- . .Jun ll I,,"l !!' I"" loll rt. tu rn Ari wap I! . SpedaJ Inb'oductoQr Offar 1'{'nDRylvnnlll Grit . It IlJlP') IlC" ItR Ir thp Mr. A nrl Mr!' W . A. Me rrlU ODd i lldJ1H u tl Pr ul1 f X11 ~ IUlf"l\ " '''It. wit h Mr . and Mr~. Dixson Wharto n Ilenr 'm~s nro prnvolil'!l ,'lrl'l lI lI y 1111 ,..,111 IVII~ 'Il ~ I t ml ~ lllH~ ·mll lJuy too, ~lr!' Em,nm (IlD e viHlted Mr. Knd vl~l t lld rela t ives ID Xenia the latter - 111 tlmo. And , 1l1 1'1'<' ~', I",w Il ll l:l')' I hc~' part of the week. 1':01'. 11 ,,,,1< ,1, tor Loll" n"", ond \I rp, I::i OI'llIlB ' t,am p o n !:l nn duy. . do be olli e wben lloe aubJcct of IIg I. Pr of . K. D. '1\,11 ~rlln eoll t e d busi . Prof. ( ' H' "'\ ') / h 1nll" M,llij, were Mrs FilY Mo rgan Il poot Sa turday lIroocbed. De8!1 in UiDoiDnllti the Inst of la ~t ond tlunday with b er parents Leba non. Ohio ~Pr1h thllro \,1t'it~)r~ ~ j o l) dfty .topped .ur. wlfb~IlDr. 10 'IIIlnUI llboojl·. .. . . .OrotlP Bem0d7. Oue WaynclI'lIle Pholle 1 2·4 ~ Mr. nlld Mr~. Wil l Hll luhp r t left wet'k. Mrll. David Luoa8 oalled on Mrs t.o!* 'iH1l ."..., pro... IiIbenfl' Waggon e r "lid Deputy J . ,!"Marl att Stlturda y eve ning. No .omiUlta. ' ..0 ..u.. rill \11', ,·k 10 mILk,' un Pxlo,ltJe d stB ~ Ii ,......dDleuJq.~~ Late Food 01" 0\>111'1 " •• 8rH Ilt w r e In thl vl olnlt y this week ~ 1111 T ~IIII,I VI1 ~ In QcrwuL lI,)w n. Mr , Elmer Owens and rawt)y, of I, lcb~n8 buve h Oeu (lrQPo~cll nil tilu tI~r. nUl\' 1rH . \ . H, ~It'lg frled looki ng after II d og VIolato r aod It Xenia, oalled 10 O\lr vlllaae tlonday Ifllest .... nddltJon to sl:ll(ll8 nr(lcl1!8 of pl.n t. tll ll I~ tltlk l' nll wllu t h eir lion, 0~8tR j'ike whiz t o vl ol!'te the d og- afterno on. diet. One eclentt t hns suggeste d l eetox )., w. RO says 0 vl o l at,.~r . Ern ~ 81, lit (Jump ' h ermftll , ·hllli· Mrs. Fraok Dakin aod oblldren , Innd mOilS 08 8ultnble tor moklng flour l'he fi rst of Much Is b ere and Jt of I:\prln6 OLlila . tor bread lind r lodeer moes 08 good Braooh , were I';!uoday vlsl. I" mv wove, We lue all J D the to r s of 01:2800 WhBr'o o. Mra. 1;1. ~. I Pl1rtll ~\ll'il t l'hur~rlll'y (o(lder for RDl mu ls. ' tn O\' O,80 DlBOY ob uoges bre being wllh ~Ir. IIn,l ~Jr. 'Jlor ll ~ Bally at Mr •• C. W . G ordon and daught er li nd goi ng to' b e mllde 111 ir bUill mmr 'ontorvi lle we re In our vlolnlty tlunday . Ed B' le miog, of pay ton, WIIS In [rUDOl e !!;IIrill!lut., ~I ,," ltn Pn~h , our village l ut week traD81l0 ting R li d 1.1()I\tR " 0l 1'l', 'be ler I desire to take this opportu nity 'to announ ce tha~ I . Pu ' h ond l ,, 1,,11 MIll pr bl.lVe b en bu l o e s s . ' com· pleted arrange ments with tbe best watchsm ith and jewelry have Mr . and Mrp, 'bIlB. Gllrner , of (\o ~ tiOf.d 10 Ihelr h Onlfl:l wn h 'he rep rman She I. the ROle. In Xenia and will be In a position to take care of all kinds 0 All zOlIO , werG week .eD.i guests of nHlml' ~ . "Oome. Dnd 1 will show you whot work. Quick service alld entifl~ satisfac tion guarant eed. We apalr repair T o m i1nrHI ,' 11 1]11 II bu~I lIH8S trip I,h eir moth r, Mrs, Mnr.v F looh. Mr. Is benutltu l. It Is a rose tully blown, and clean Watch( s . Clocks, Fobs, Ringe. and in fact, everyth ing In GurnfJr I IJ\~ been in tbl~ ser vloe ot bcn ms the proud III l!.tv/"m WcrlrH ' d(\ ~ . florist.' the See Jewelry how ehl\ line the govern m l1& t for s,,'gerlll yP81e sits upon her moss), stem', the qu een . I '~ ""11,, lloo tlll''''''1' III ,' I~itin!! tlml hAS In the nt'af future we ex pect to install a firat·cl888 line of Jewelry provOD f l1,''''I' .. "" I'tlhl' . ~ In Ciuolll Du tl . olent. aorl hus b hirn sllJr ve ry 13m of f1olvers. Her lelwos glow like tire. and until that time will be able to furnish anythin g desired ee n promot ed to fir~ t The nlr Is Oil ed with her sweet on sbort notice at a greatly reduced price. odor. ; \lr~ I.N 'II I\' , l1"[]' 1;011 huby. ut Ll oote on t and is II W ,'Intlone d .. at She Is the delight ot e very eye." Remem ber that Ill ol \ol' \'1 1100, ,pl'll11 l l1 orst\o.v bare, t.h ,· N or :olk, V... I still sell the farnoua Wear· U well Shoes, . ,. other made that combine s Qualitv and comfor t tor a price that 'none IZ' I~ "IA lit Mt 111111 Mr... 1:1 ugb Ko! is with80wnrd F oe, of 11Idi K:IP , "'fiR bere in JIP. I'tn& Ro~apSa. U'a ling. reach of all. Factory guarara tee back of every pair. A word to ' r roe\1tl.l' looking ....... aHer the wise . al IeI'd 00. Is oorn au fficient, . ,.. be/: 0 ' IIn !1 ·Ir . E. Hoai loy Hnd Puitiv e-Con vincin g. Proof tw... IIr, U4',, , , d tl u ~ llIer ..... r O lolled t il ui ll ~ boro Mr . Fee I quite li n tjxt,e n8ive farmer IprIQ _OIlD." II '- ~ IC. We publlllh the fonnula of Viaol HAT HAW AY ahaU· lIod a)plar lint. I Skeptieal~. ba stU, u mOlt. Ill " I»\> ' '''I'ck lJ -; t.ho or ltioRI IIloes, norn .rll!eee a grel\t. maay aores of to prQye convincingly that it hal the teUOd of Ulel)U t,lIr. a.d power to create strength . of I I A 1 I rl' r'il flH ll t'r . ""ay'ue, ,1lle'll Leadinl l Delltln Is Dot' IMJI ulitl1 . . . atttr IU.. The W . U . T , U . m e t last week n Cod Unr and Popton ... I",n ~l r ~.' I:) " ( ' r .. ~~'l'y bu ~ r etn rDeo.1 t o anel ".acane te Per.tonate •• lroo . nc1 In B ~j ne. Bldg. Main OS, BprIU 1IoDII_. hu tome aIId 1lOB« Knt,herl ne JW f li nn" III ,... ' IJ, non utttlr II we It '. .. t t lul hom o of Sister Ammonluna Cltra to, L im. ucS Soca. Wood~o Jl. ,uaNCI. OI.1 •• rophoopb alu , CaacariDo We b lld a w onderfu l · Vl-,I with Il'i" II'I~ he'rtl PrQof lIIt.t Mila 8prtDir BODDO' Any woman who buys a bottle of ' I r. n,:11 II. . Wi\~(l ll lI1n~ or tioJ1P, IIn(l .UA grow ing fa st.. After aca1D woa tho earl1 1M. " '~es~jo n 11 dellOion s two.oo nrse lunch Vinol for • weak, run-dow n, nervous 1Iu may be had brp.ali la mJhelb op FP'I I Monti ' Y I n UIl .VIll U II I tha hed· wos erved cDndition and finda after giving it a .wbld~ Ad j ourned t) m eet at Glll' , . . i'\(1 .1 l it lu rIH c'" ~ 1 ~t l' r , ' Mr'J tim h ome of Mrl'. Il' trial it did not help her, will Ii' r:.c.- =s 11' Will. Martin, ,1:' At tho ~I. a pore hat ofbt'a.. (' IIi'1 II ~ \VII'! I', \vloo II' ooll iou lly 111 MUTOb have her money returned . 't h o fNOHd h1n9P Straw with a t'W lat ,ot II", MI "' . , ., I(lY Iov" Joit I YOll see, we re is no guess work aDd;' bUlt10 o.f peacock rreen ,nlco MI ~A l a r l .. ~I lllp~ on ,e ntertain ed about Vinal. I ts formula proves ~I r". ,J \\'"l[lnl' l' ,,1' Il~ Thurs. there il nothing lilte it fo r all weak,. The MCond ~at t. a toUl'-ple.ce bM frl t! ull . Mr Louis Browo. of rt~ , ",,11, I I 11\', ~ 111 D ~Y' on CrGWlI c~teot1 on run·dow n: overwor ked. ncr-vous men · fCit. broact brtm whOle blaok tatD"y t,oo . tlllnrlu y. la ellllvcned by a. , It· 11',1 ' I -. \ ' J1H~' H WhlHo r. aod women and for feeble old people 'MtOon ot vel"et Mr. Bepj. Evnus find Mr, WRiter 10 daisies. 1191111 ., " " n "1,,'"1 TlI'I"IIN Y In [)". t n, 2nd delicate children . Try it once .,Dd blu. oornftoweu. At the ba,Q I!d be convinced. 1~ 1'. I I' 1:.'\ r l" 11 .!J\~ orltlol1 l1y MlIh,r O:' p o t ~ullllny In Le banon , 8 Miss ZaidI\. 6iILrtin a nd Mr. J omes J E. Janney, U uggist, Wayne vi lle \a a hhl!!.".. ~~:!.a~ro~:;r,nz ••.• ill ,d h " I: '" "" r~1t t al retlt. . aa4 - Jl.t.lnU!I!.I.V. ._ , ~....-.....I r s " 'nl ell/I n< i all Ibll Hlok MoKnl gu t.. MI~~ Genovu ~ llttl B (lod Mr . R ob rt ·tawllrt·, MI@s Viola !~.~.~ _,~_~._~~~~~. . . .~. .~~~~~~------.u--~.rN ILl MoKnll !ht ond Mr . Ru ss e l Aus tlo Mr~ . Ir flll ,<", ull, ~'m lind d .. ugb. \VAre ocillers of Mrs . Wro. lngles tal '1)"0 1 ~,\l-It,II , I' 1 I Dayton , in~dny 9tlnln~ . Mr. "iii ~1l' , K ,rl Hobl usClIl, of Mr, ROil MrB. O. rOll IHnoD, of 011\ 1, '0 , W IIl·tlow 'l1 ndn y g UO~ ~8 01 Pl>ntlhl 3 01:. Minh " ure gl1AS t s of bls It. IHILl Ir •. •J E. n .)b\llI!Do , p Hrlm t e. Mr. un d Mrs " ' m Dixon . Mr~ . lIat~i e 'CH rl el' e nt er tained tW l' llt,v nt I-unrlnv dlnl1 (1r in hOllor of h pr b IlMblltod 's ·f o r t y . sfOOIHI t ilth. We . h ave in stock, everyt hing kep l in a The Old Octagon CoIn. ~ The mo. t ,," 11111101 coin nntborl:!:ed d ~y , first-c lass Harne ss Shop. l~\l\te 1\ nUlllll pr nl l"DtlRd Ille f u. It I 1111' nltNl, trlleR III tlo~ double I ~."" ... worth $20. or (,ol1r~~, Rut there nH ~ 1 of Mrs . R lI1~ l on At Lobanon \I'll!> fl,rnlt'rly str'lC'k In Onlltorn ln .....·hot M o n do ~', Mi ~s 111\' r VII WOl'J dflo n , or lloy. \l'lI li ('11 1 cd nn "octnl:on" b~clluse or It . ~h:on ', nnel II pn~. ert for $50. It tOil. '-pl'nt /'lu niluy , !tb ber pareDh , WI1~ l'uncnt elsewhe re, bnt never Ie- Mr . IInri Mrs J Olllee W edson Ilal t nder. , Mrl'. Ect,o n if! nlllkln f! ber hc,qle fo r II while with b e r 8 0 0 W m E ct on. DeR r N ew Burliog ton . " Mr J ,lrues Dloker son tlJok Sun. Fami ly Car that Fits the Time s d"v olnne~ wub Mr. ood Mrs. Claud ~o;'tt . . MI s Mnrv , W'l r (lsn n r'titlltoe d t o OU may have notice d , 1at~Jy the one fine car you can afford to n a y t on , II itpr II r p", ,~ (lek s' visit how many cars are maklD g use as much a,s you wish. "'P h It"" V , "· ('''t~ '\ll d fl· I, · od~. their appea l on "light -weig ht"A Tourin g Model is now in our A~d implyi ng "effici ency" as a show room. Imme diate de~ver y. result. FRANK LIN Scientif ically con• h 11 t th L10HT WEIGH T Inucted . Weighs , All of w h IC reca s 0 e ex· 22 0 Ibs-fro m 700 to 1000 1M. less than I!I perien ced motor ist that Scienti~c t~ average fine car. Air,coo led, and ~ MisR Ke mp. (,f I1I1Vt,OD, Is Light Weigh t, Efficie ncy and Thnft therefor e not burdene d with 117 trouble v j~lt,i llg hllr .. i~I..."" · .MIS O. · R . Pet :,. have been basic princip les of the 101;I1e, water ~lin . g. parts. e r ~OI1 fo r 1\ faw I1I1Y~. F kl' f Weller HUllI UR, lV ost of t o w o, hll8 ran· 10 or teen years. FR.NK LIN· ' Thefirs tFrankl in bUI'lt " p n r oba 'Q(\ f\ 'ue w Ford auto ' r:'I . And the to N~tional Thrift EFFICI ENCV are still ~aintajning Mr: aU il Mra .J 'Jtlq aU8~O;1 . m oved 1,;1 makes the Frank lin Tourin g Car that ability to give the best service at the fr, tl ll t\,,, M!,-rll bllil I)f(lporl,y t,o t he ~I leils t expense., , Look up the ul~d car ItU UI HR )Jroport y hi t 'l'llU r~d,'1v more conspiC UOUS than ever. value of i"rankli n carg, . to .get an Idea of (:b ~ . :-\''', r!l, ~lf Earry, will 8 0 0 11 The comfo rt and reliabi lity of . h?w tl~c: public esteems lll';>oll) 1\ f e~ ld ent 11t o ur t,own Be this efficien t ser' . b bl h...s IlllfUha sl'd t l,1e R . ~ : ,MlIorlz r'lI. the Frankl lO, you ,pro a y know' . vlceabt hty. . ., lriellee. Gl about as well as .we do. 'FR~NKLI~ ., ~OWDer9' records l show '\\ r~. Ullrol B .lve n" ond daught e r, ~ THRIFT an M·, b I, vlllit. d h e r parent,I" Mr. "od Sothe Fmnk lin remain s, during to 'thegall on ofguo1 average or 20 mUes i.Qeand ~U.OOO~ mi1eB MrN. Elrnb r t lu~t Mundny. times of Thrift , as in other times, to ·tbe set of ·tires, a: regular occurrence, J f tl i R'll rl.n(l m o ved from tbe . ;; Holmes fum north of towD to hh farm n al\ r It'erry la8 ~ WedneB d"y. Mre. Mlnlbll fhomae , mO l her or Mrll . •lohn Anthon y. Qf 'thl. plaos d'ed III 'heh IQle of ber Obarley Agmcy Warma Myore. 1 BelmoD ' I.., DIlIIIQ.,'t'
low tests
The Wes t Jeff erlo n Crea mer y
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• w.
Li9ht Your Home
•- •
A Watch and Jewelry Repair 'Sliop
---- - ._---
' O ' UP CR '
'Opens at Waynesville.
•• One Trial Will Convince' the Most
e ===::11[:) ===:1'1:1'(:===:.' 1:1 =:::;1' m
If" .
=55:JII:JI:5==! I' r:J ' m
~ ~ m
raw I . .
H ar n.e ss Sh op
~m ~.
------- --
m a
B. E. EA RN P ~ ----------,--~~~~~.~ ~
Hatc hing Time
Th e Fr an kli'n To uri ng Ca r A
' Hylveet blabom e er
---... ---- --
"Overland Country Club" .
. Or racy 'ill b;llll lJarv . l!hurg next w k M i s~ Martha HUl1 t i ~ t ilt' relati\' a in, l.'in illliati.
/!u~·. l
W. H. All en wns a bu in ltol'in
of .
vis- '
in illnnti Tucsdu}'.
All kinds of hnull rl'2- uon e by truck- ·1 Roy Hathliwav. phone Ii a.' Wa yn~'s vlll e, Ohio , . I
Dodges 'S tudebakers
11.. \ nt r . th ~ rcal "'tli te tl II r , of Cin,!inna ti. \va ill to" " Sa tu rda~ I on bU Rines conn ctlll " illl his pron erty hl!ro.
._. HAWKE & McCLURE, Waynesville, Ohio. • • ----------------~--------~--------
Cha nges HI. MInd. A mnn nJ",u rs Imnglncs hl! h"l! good sen. e uotH li e ('omes nero.,s nn (llll lo'w ' letter he W('(lte to his wIfe durll)J; cou rtship. .~
- ----_.---
r-------------_\ AUTOMOBILES One 1914 One 1916 One 1916 One 1918
• 'I:{
Overland Ov'erland Dodge Overland
Telephone 41
WaYRe.vllle, OhIo
hold lhe l)/lstponed meeting of tho Wa r r n County Farm Bureau Asso · : ciation III Grange Hall in Lebanon at I 1:30 p . m., Saturd ay. March 2 , Perman nt organization wi ll be I ·compl ted and many matt ers p er- : taining to lhe organization will be d iscusseti , peakers f rom the O. S. ' U. will address thl! meetinll . .l ohn M. Lane . Sec y
Kttro Syrup- Mapl u flavor, white and d II rk. a ll.sizes P ure Buckwheat Fl ou r. White and Y II ow Corn Meal. Graham. and Rye FlolJ r . ew Prunes . all sizes. New Bulk Raisi ns, Malagas and Seedless, New fancy ApriC015 Fancy Ap ples . Eating Ilnd Cook lng, Extrli fancy Grape fruit. Sweet Florida Oran ges. Pkg . and Layer Figs. Bulk P ean ut Butter. bulk Saue r Kraut. Pure id er Vinegar . Onion SetS. Garden Seeds . Get busy while you can get them.
.. Sa t uruay a rternoon. March' 9tlJ. I Bring us your Eggs and Chickens. lhe annual meeting of the Wavne I It pays Lo trade at Township Libral:Y Associati on .w ill be beld at the library 'rooms. at whic h time officers will be eleeted for the comin~ year. All who have paid One DollsI' to the Library Association are en titled 1 -
t: ' vote al
~hi8 election .
fertilizer Pays Belter Than Ever today a bushel of. Com or Wheat buys more fertilizer (potash excepte<\ of course) than at any time during the past three yea,rs. . Note ~ow much cheaper you can };luy a 2-10 fertilizer now than before the war.
1N'1814 2 bushels .of Com 'would buy 100 Ibs. of fertilizer.
1M. bushels
of the old firm of Cross Bros., we will ntil1 ue La ha ndle the followil1g line 'of old estau lished goods, which Inclu de th fo llowi ng fi rms :
Oliver Chilled P low Co. Bucher & Gibbs Mfg, Co. Roderick Lean Mfg. Co. Hoo sier Drill Co.
·.L-ODAY of Com will buy 100 Ibs. of fertilizer.
.In terms of farm products, fertilizers' cost less today than in 1914. Fertilizers paid you THEN. they will pay you better NOW. Boost crop production, grow more per acre and increase your net profits by using fertilizer. Help both the railroads and yourself by ordering Spring Fertilizers NOW.
Brown.Manly P low ~o. • Ohio Rake Co. ~ Aughe P low Co. I- airbanks-Morse Co.
Rev . W. A. GrofT, f , ',lri r g lit'ln , prench t'u ut t i:1e M. E. ~llll r c h :un day rn nmi nA'. H,· W:\" Ill t' l by n ~ od conJ;reljll l iUIi.
is already a big . d by a res jJoll ible firm, wlto s ta nd ' I y everyone H J)!! . We also have t I' 'l'h LlL
Mr. antl ~ll's Mvt'r ; 'mal' :11' <1 riHu~ ht r. IIlI d 111 .. . IIIIlI :, r~ . .I'\n .• , ~[cC l ure Wl're U:II'I'I n \ <ilor, :"'0\111
day Ilft ern(lIJII .
lI l'r, bac k
Third Sunday in Lent. March 3rc!. ISOnday School at 9:30 a . m ; Ser mon and Holy Co mmunion at 10:30. The public cordially invited to theBe ser· vices
I Born - To Mr . a 1,1 l\l r~. Wal te r l Muders hach, nee Franc " : qui rcs . o r' I
To gow ilh t his Tractor.
New Bu rlington, ':ia turday . I,<'ebru· I sry 16 . 19U1. twi ns. nam ed Ever 1I and E:~rely n.
Mi Ruth Har tsoc k ntertained the I usiness ~len ' R Club at Spring Valley last Wednesd ay evening H r pia in~ WI 5 g reat ly en joyed and WU $ the even t of the el'eni ng Matt McKi naey, who is locat d a t Pasadllna. <.;al . writes to us thaI ' they are having spl enJid rains Ri n '(' thtl- 1 7th. afte r Eu lfe ri n).!' 11 protrac t '~d drout h of nearly nine monlhs · . Waynesvill Gra1lge wil l hold 8 11 open meeting at urd llY evehing. co mmencing a 7::30 o'c1uck , Agood pr gram has b~en HI·rhngeri . CI)nt, and brinR You r n "g hbor" wHh yo u . '
Miss Emm Heighway, who spent t he wilnter wi th rela tive lit Comin ).\". N, Y ., artived ho rne Thursday even ing . She left MondllY fo r a visit t o her ~ i s ter. Mrs. Marion t ~ a m pbell a t Sardinia.
Ga ng- Plows, Walking P lows, Riding,. Walki n cr and D isc Culliva Lors,- Com Planters nnd Fertilizers, Spike-Tooth Harrows, Corn Rollers, Tobacco Sett ers , Hay Rakes nnd Tedders, Tobacco Culti ato rs, Truck Wagons, wit h wood and Steel Wheels, 1\[anure preaders, Double and Single ho vel Plows, B lack Hawk Planters. A fu ll line of
Fairbanks-Morse. Gods f all k in ds.
Also, i\IcCormick Wheat Binders, Corn Binders. Mowers, Disc Harrows. Corn Shredders, and a full line of repa irs; Hoosier Wheat Drills, Corn Planters mid F.el Lilizel's.
Through t he generosi ty of the Miami Th ater proprietors, tb Kl pretty little picture house has bee. turned over completely to the Red Cross Uranch on Thu rsday. Help the good cau se alo ng .
Mr. lmd Mra. Roi Reisi nger an d Sunday School at (/:15 Ii. m. Preach· ; ing both m r ning and e veninll by chi ld. who have bet' l1 spending 80m Rev. Munsey. Everybody cordiall y tim e the Iluests of Mr and Mrs Eli as Oglesbee. ret urned to. EatoQ .. j inviterl~'rid ay. where th ey will visit a t ew. -~ weekslbefore retu rning to their home Approc.late Howl. in Canada. . A bomel es~ dnS strayed Into n Pitts· field (MilliS.) theatel' nnd tnrted to Mr. A . B. Binkl ey an expert man· bowl just us th movi e Ulm relit!: "Let ager of. Home Fur ni~ hin g Goods has the dogs of \vnr how!." been engaged by the ·S. F red Co. ......- -LebanolJ Big Store, to take charge Ostrlchu' Toe.. of the Furnitu re and Ru gs Depar tOstriches I II South Amertca have ment. Hc will inaug ura te his ~om· tbree toes ; those In Atrlca on'D _ 109 shor tly, by th .g~ea tes t fur ntture ""I ... 0. sale eVler pulled nff In sou thwes tern ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ohi O. Watch th i:i pape l' for an· . nou ncementa,
Engine Gang Plows
The W !\VIICS \· j tl. iJl'll n, h of t il .. I~erl ru ~ i"p ou l l. f 1unrls . 11 II' I t hem s lung ann ~t!l' IllI' p l u~' a t I h, Miami 'l'h ~" t e r Th <I todll y .
H. ·Way. n esville,' •
Kelly-Springfield Illld United States
DEATHS Lucrativ~
Many girls and women, and men no t eligible for military service, ueanx!oua to do aomethinll' to HELP WIN THE WAR., -lHerej~ an opportunity to diacharlre a PATRIOTIC DU!J.''( and at the same tI me earn good waaes. by enRaging in the manufacture of amQlunilioft at the plant of THE PETERS CARTRID GE COMPANY, Kings Mills, Warren Co., Ohio.
J Wm Mur pny, who has been makin.ll" his home with J()s. Pennewit, on the Xen ia pike , flied 'at the Mc Clellan hospital in Xen ia Saturday <l ftll rn oon a t 3 o'clock. The funera l \~as helti Monday afternoon ... at. the h me of Mr. Pennewitt at 1 p . m·, liev, J . lr. Cad wallader officiatin g . i nttorment was made in Centerville cemetery.
Anyone who is a white citizen of the United Statel! . of 18 years or older. clln secure 1Y0rk in thisilreat instituti on. Con genial surro undings. absol utely sanita ry arid healthful conditions. Hours of work from 6:40 a. m to ~ O IP. m. or from 5 p. m to 6. a. m. with 40 minutes for lunch and two 10 minu te re t periods . Ovectime paid for at the rate of t ime and a half.
R. R. and In.t erurban Service
Mrs. Thomas P eacock died at her home in Day ton Sunday morning . February 24t h .. Funeral services at ~ o r tufl ry ·chapel. Miami cefi\'etery, ThursdAY mor ning at lO,o'cloctt .
will be established by special ' Government au thority, beginning Monday morning. 'March .th . Trains and cars will be op rated so u to aVQid 88 far ~ p098lble.~~ny loss of time in going to or fro m King's Mills, as follows:
INTER",RBAN R. R., ..... .. .. ...... 6:001 A. -M. (i:l0 A. M. 6:U A. M. 6:18 A . M. 6:2~1 A. M . M. ... . : ......... 6:30' A. M.
Lave XeDla ........................ 5:10 A. M. 3:40 P. M. Arriye KiDC'. MUls ..............6:19 A. M. 4:50 P. M. Arrive Cincinnati .. ............... .. 7:40 Ao M. 6:15 P~ M.
Leave Le~non ....... : ... ..... 5:40 Leave S. Lebanon ........... 5:55 Leave King 's Mills .... ... 6:00 Lea,ve Malion ...... ,........... 6:15
Lean Cincinnati ...... ~ ....... ... 5:15 A. M. 3:45 P. M. Arrl,eKiDI". ~illa ........ ..... .6:30 A. M. 4:50 P. M. A¢ve XeDia ................ ...... 7:56 A. M. 5:57 P. M.
Leave Mason ... . ............. 5:50 A. M. .Leave King's Mills .. . ..... .6:00 A. M. Leave 8. Lebanon .... ..... ..6:05 A. M. Arrive Lebanon .. .............. .......... ... ..
.A. A. A. A.
M. M. M.
4:15 4:!15 4:1;5 5:05
Think Clvor the li sl of prod ~cts' :.:o~ s~1I and see HO W FEW of ' t hem are marketed without the GommlS9 ion Man geLting a Profit off your work and accnrdlll)!l v l es~ prnfit to yo u. Selling cr ea m DlilEGl' to'Th , Tri $tate ma rketu the most valuable product produced On t he (!ll'm wil 'lout Co mmissiOI1 Man's toll. • YOUR BUTTER F/:,T WlL .... BRINQ YOU
-per pound week bcginnlnlt February 25, 1918, at
UNITED STATES FOOD ADMINISTRATION' License No. Q.18162 Every pound of bu tter. f at solli to The Tri 'S tate brIngs you from Bc to 5c per pou nd greater price for the pr-esen t and INSURES tHE
If y?U do not have cnns. write us for Free Trial cans
. Selhng to the stati ')n buyer or creamery agent means a 1088 for tii ·present and a mortgage On th ~ future-profits of your dairy.
THE Sc·. · ·IOc AND: 25c STORE us aJ.!~ " ""."... Carpet Deaters . . .
Hotel propr\eto~, board ina hou se ke~pen, and private families in Lebanon. Mason. Milford, Loveland. Morrow, Xenin, Waynesvil le and nearby towns. w.ho are prepare<i<to house or house and boa~d male'or female e mployes of our plant, are InvIted to fil e with us full In for matio n a8 to nu.. number of people -who can be accomodated and whether for men or women, or both. An official list of'such acc:ommodations will be kept for ready reference for ·the convenience of employe,!, desuing same.
Late Classified Ads. FORSALE ' .
You Can 'Asslat the Covernment by Entering this 'Employmeltlt o,r by Housing and Boarding Munitions Worker. Apply in ' Person or Wrl~ to
,........___ . . ------------.I----.---P.l------... King's Mills, Ohio '
. .
NOTE-TArt. 'Medulu lire subject to .liglit changes a. mall be found necu.a.ry, b1£t a.r, approximat.elv co.r rect. " Convenient •• rvice wi~l- a.l.o b, giv8n on Saturday, for tho•• quitting work at noon .
ebas. Welch died at his home in Lebanon Tuesday,. He was formerly 1\ farm er and resided in Clearcreek Township . He served in the 'Civi l belonged C" be I. 1871h WarV and O. 1. The fune ralto wm held . •111!~~~~~~-~------~_-_ flrtl the Chapel in Miami cemetery . • lUrsday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and ' the services will be conducted by lh~ Otidfellows' Lodge of thilj place. ~ur~~; Poles . . . . . . . . .
P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M.
6:05 A. M. 4:20 M. .. ...... .. ... .. 6:20 A. M. 4:55 P. M. 4:5 P. M• 6:28 A. M. 5:02 P. M. 5:04 P. M. 6:40 A. M. 5:15 P. M. · .. ...... ..... ..
•••• •
Try the Mia,n; Gazette's Classified Columns !o'r Results.
----_ ---
Do You "Want
Also, we will have on hand £\ full line of Hand·made Harness, Buggy Harness , and P iece Harness, Collars, Pads and Whips. . A full line of Ranges, Hellting Stoves. Oil and Gasoline Stoves and Ki tchen Utensils. Hardware of all kinds for Builders and Farm rs.
Walt ('r lar k was a viaito r to New port News. Va .. las t wcek. He I ~f' here las t Monday and came home Thursday evenin rl' , He was vi it inR get ,your 'ale ~ills printed a t Everett Clark, who ill sll.lfion(!d the r t e Ml8ml Gazelle office. . now . . Walte r sa)!! th at if anyone ' does not Ihink w ' arc in wa r the) , Mr , ancl MI' . L A Z,mm erm n had better make a trip lo this place, ~vere Cincinnati visitors 'ruesday, for he !Iays he pall 'I'd I h rough mil·. and miles of tent ~ Juri ng his vi~ i t . Go and he:lr (,; wP. Au th ur Quigley and th Elt every ]J 1~ ce el se, both on It the t:hool Hal l t night tor th land an.d water. indicated a lVarli k" benefit of the Red Cross I t 7: :~O hilrp. HAW~E & McCLU~E nalure.. He say s that Everett ha. ... 1,7 _ Wa.ynesville, been very. well since his ret urn to hi , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--' . ._T.l. _..... _ _ _ _ _Ohio _ _..- company
ln terna tioonl Ha'rvcster Co.
Tout to Woman. WomaD lil like the reed whlcb bends Owing to the pressure of the seed \ to every breeze. but breuks not In co rn ~ ilu alion, it has been decided to the tempest.-Archblshop Whately.
Miss!!!:! Elil: beth and ltut h 'hall dler we re IV .ek·end gu ests oC their , par ents . l r.lLnd Mrs. Ed wi n 'han · dler .
1"01' ]
UW-Frsl!b .lerse' cow, a g ood ooe. InqUire of BaJpb Miller, Wa",eavllJo. Ohio. lOIS
A~~:t'e::i!. !JCw'8w~:;b:t~
II 'le. o~Io. - BOlDophOD.~1. CDla
Paint Brushes . . '. .' : .. : : : : : : . Paints and Varnishes . . 'Scrub Btushes. . . . . . . . . . .. .
. •••
, lOe I ••••
lOc' .
.25~, 2Oc:l(k.l~ • • . '.- ll~_
FI' St . . . • . . . • • . . • • • • • • • ' . "" ue Nop. E . . . . . ' .' . • . . . • . • Cbin • • . • . •• 10c
a est •ggs . . . . . ' . ~o'" "L ·. • · · · · · . · .. . .. 2 1 '1"'" o~r.o_ye . . . . . . :' . . . .' . ' • • . . . • • • • •• lOe
I .... us. . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • • • • • ' • •• T aek s . . . . .' . ..._ •• P II . . . . . • • -. ' . • • • • ~ • • • , • &,OM;A u e rs . . . . Goblin Soap, the B EST 's~a'p ~11: ~rtb to·~o~.·~t:'-·· ..,. ..........
...... ,,_
FRANK H. FARR ' w.,.... 4 '
Seventieth Year
KAISER NO '~UARTER ·f' -PERSONAL MENTlON...... .....-----. ,
, It is to the Ullited
S lat ~B
that you mu ~ t g iv.. quart .. rs, bl1lves lind dullart!, Luter I h~y will he tntn 8ro rm ~d Inlo some thinR" I ha t CUll b ~ giv~ n to the kaiser 81l'ainttt his will. If yo u have a . 'quarter lying ubuut loosely, don't hesitate. h l:l ll ~" . it into Ii Htamp lind affix il I!J your Th rirt Cu rd. It i ~ th e ll lelluy ~trea m of de Po:!il ~ inl.o buuk .. t hllL k "ep~ the life blood of Lrllde ~ i rc ul ati n g In' the :ll1mtl fa. hioll, the t ' ady iltretlm of tlll viugR in to thtl nalional trea~ ury wi ll keel> lh "rmy lind navy well ch,t hed, wt!ll fl!d al'u wellatllled . 1!:very tUlle yuu give H quarter to Ih e War ~avingll orgullizutilln you per· form a del' o th Ul helps yourllelt. ou r fi~h lers and the cllu~e of hUllllln ity Eve ry silver pi ece is a bulle t fired against autocracy.
In Ia.qt week's is.que III the Western Star, J . M M. has the following editorial, which voices our senti ments, also: "rhe Star desires to call attention • to the services Kivell Warren ('ount} by Judlle ,villsrd Jurey Wright ~erving his first te rm as Common Plell:! Judlr tl, he has been a most faithful and con8cientious official~ dealin~ justice to all, with lavorit Ism to none "With no chanJ(e' upon the com mon pleaa be.nch (I .r many year.a, i took a little while for our pl!Qple to ~come Ilcqullinlt:d with a "new fat;.e." ~ut it Wll8 not lonll until all who had bu· co urt recog nlzed that the sta wart yuung judie Willi Ihoroul(hl) eqllipPt!d for bi~ work From tbllt time unlil today, Judife Wright hilS gro'wn in the ap preciation of the public al~ d the bllr "So eminently just and honorable was he from the beginning. t~at Ol.e of the oldest and most prominent at torneys in Leblltlon said 10 us. over two years alro. "J desire to ~ay for Judge Wright lhat.. In ' my opinion. no young man could have been more conscientiuus tban he. nor the better conducted the work,of his office." "There Is the utmost of democra oy about the Jud~e, No man Ie too humble to receive ~U8t consideration trolD him and none arlllO impol blnt as to receive undue favors. . We belil've Judge Wrillht deserve. -aleCond.term and. so far .. we have knowledie. no one ' consldel'8 enter ing the race against hlm-a deaerv iDg co,mpliment."
Tank the Jumbo Of. Anny 1Vlaneuvering .In ...
Moving . " . ~
Guns ~" ': ;.'
to · New
Positions' ,
li~ EVENfsII * ----~-----+
Miss Ruth Hartsock was in Dayton . last week , Do not for~et the Troy for sl1le by Cross t: ros.
Mr und Mrs E F Ea rnhnrt and dnUK htel', Ma r jo nt', ~I,e lll ~aturday tlnd : ul1lJuy Wilh he r p~rcn l ~ , Mr and til r ~ Glla rlt" , (; ray.
WlIgon ~
Mrs W H Allen was a <.:incin nati visitor last Wednt!sday .
M r~. JUIII PS ill. Th nll11lS01l was lhe hn" tC' ..;~ at U "u i I' ri8o dinne r given on h~r SUml"y by lier chlluren and .crundeh lld n ll' I ~ wn~ ill honor of 111.'1' 77lh ulrl hday ' l ' It" ~ ,, olljoy illf,( til ' di,lclw r \~"ll' I .. and Mrt!, J Ill' rtll1mlJonn, IIi; , () S El mo re. Mr, 1~ IJJlo r l! u lI lc!"",II , /\-\t- Frank Scol. la' i, 1\1:"I,'r WJihllr IlaillE'!l, Mrs ' 1''1 I Il f. inc~ 1111" ~lis~ I' al hleen Iia ll'c .;, all ,, [" "I nei l Illlti, OhiO .
Hig ht'st mark et price Ilaid fur t ra"h tobacoo by W. E U' Neall . 'a m Me redil h lind famlly IllM'ed Into IIlelr new hOlne on Main strel!t l'uesday . Mr. lind Mrs. S. K. II flines , of Bellurook, spent SU llday with Mrs, Anna Haint's. Mrs. Grace Smilh has sold her millinery establishment to Mrs. Walt.i!r Kilbon , .
Mr. and Mrs Walter Kilbon and daughter. of Lebanon, visited rela· tives here Sunday,
and Mre. Adam Stoops, who ~p e nt the winter In Van Wert. Oblo, havl! arrived home.'
One of these days there is Iwi ng to be another Liberty LOlln and the people of the U 11 i ted States are 11'01 nR" to be asked again to back their faith in t he principles of liberty and dem(,crllcy with their pocket· books, I t is often much easier to subRc ribe to a principle vocally than to back it with hard money. But ijli nk a minute. Tbe' United State~ has under arms today som'll ,900,000 men, "verv one of whom has declared his willingness to give his life for t he principles that some folks heRitaten to loan their dollars for . These men mURt . be fed. eQ uiplJerl and cared f or in e very way. Notbinll this nation can do is too good tor them, That ' costs money, Who begrudges it? ' - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _...J
I"riday being lh!l anniverijary day ~oOlI wife deehh!II I() ~ ur\lti >l{' him, and flccurd· Tile bIg wllr lank Is t ne elephant '~t arUlY U1nr.~1""er'ng 014 "J umlJo" Is tn the c;lrcu8 In w.oiiiV\iiniiiiiii ingly ,.,hl! illvil C(\ 1r IIniJ Mr~ Ray~&d~ 1 and haa earned the title without any COD1(1<,Utlon ~or lit o place, Hero 18 nn unusual SDQP8~Ot- iWlt m,lJ1i1 Conll I',Misse!l Goldie Ulld Lena h: t~d rrom .Ihe t~~~te~r rront, showin g the tanlt drow fi ng 'n heavy sIege gun to a DOW position . ., No~ Conner , tllr rl"l!rm!ln ollncrand Mr, . '...~,,!un : ar 8 ca camounA'ged by B net ot leaves. Our Snm mlea and allies flrc t :l~I'lJ: mnn ', U M White tu enj y an elegant . ..- \0 "mmandlnlr Do.l lIona Ilnd lire rea" y If 'h e HUD " 'nrt s his lor'K threnten o'll _"'0 ' "' " dillnf'r with hilll He was a much. s urprised g ntlcman, but en joyed ~~=~~~~~~~~~~== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~~--~~ = the Uinne rhu g~y. as d~ the rest of ~ ' uf J\'1r. Earl \.'onner, hiM
Mr, and Mrs, W. 0 , . Raper spent several days In Cinco nati t~is week, visiting relatives.
Whole Number .3468
';:~~~J;~i~,:~~::i~::F~~:;~::; NOBLE WORK OF
P.~~~~~~~~,:~~~~I ,~~,~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~ tow~~~I.~EH.~"~~:~"A~ /' g::l;~gf.~#~:'~i~\~f~
Born-To Mr and f,l1'8. Wm . Tho Tho Tho The followinlr has been Mnt UI by Dyke, Monday, F.ebruary 25, 19' 8. a the Hig h School put out a paper was made richer Is·t week by the In t Saturday even ing, wa~ th s ene ~lInlversa ry . . qther guests wh~ cndaughter. Ruth Miriam. this week c:ntiLled "The Wide. \ t~vo ,:,ttract ions l~e "J ol ly Ma trons" of a great occasion which ri relY " Dyed tbe a(ra~~ w,er.e MrA, I'rank the :3ecretary of the Red CrOll amtla Awake?" It IS a four·page paper, /dIVl@ IOIi pulled oil - that IIf the lec· tog ther the elite of the tuwn und 1:61l1l, Mrs , J . 1. E llis and. Misses ~he Work of the Warren County Chapter from June to ~ebruary: , Miss Mabel Salisbury. who iR at· and is chock full of bright and orig ture nt Schoo l Hall lind the genl' rOU H vicinity. It was the ocoasi.m of the Helen Hawke ami Ethel HOSie r. tending school at Xenia, spent the inal papers , essays, current events donation of the Miami Theater-uy stngin),r of a varll'd program , the ' - • FRANKLIN BRANCH week·end at hllr home here. . and jokes pertaining t o schoo l life. over 1: 100. pri ncipal aclor:~ of 'wh ich w re fO llr For severa l yea ..s th e class has The lecture g iv en at School Hall YOlln!:" Africans froll' Wi lbr> rforce 1663 hoapltel bed . Bhlrtl. 421 com · Forum . Ilast Wt'<lnesday evenin" by COrl) University. knowil tile "Afrl'can fort 426 handkerchlefa. 73 Cr ollS Bros. have J' ust received and edited a I>aper called ' ''fhe . " . ht'plllowil. I 8 outln ...· ... _.. ~"kI Star, " which in each case has been Arthur Quig ley, was one that was Quartet." . nlR' mga 81. .. ....... ""'" • loaded another car of the Celc2'" te 226 t b k. 31 pr ~n mostly written work, but tt~is year Lh"roughly enjoyed by all wbo he.a rd They treated the !.\udiencc to " .... swea 1'8. rene IIOC, • rated Troy Farm Wagons . It was decided to have a primed him Corporal QuigleY is a Wa rren " lilnJ>ses of Arrie'a and customs, wristlets. knitted bud aoclu, 90 Paper. and the /i'rst volum e wa$ de· Connty boy of fourteen years' stand· as they appear ed in lh"ir nulive c.... scarfs. 12 fracture pillows, 30 Chriat· Miss Kathleen) Haines and Mrs "Q ,.~ ackets "' h Im.tII 15 trench Paul Hainee, 01 Cincinnati, were the livered tresh from the p~inter Mon· ing. and ,~B such ;iI ill pO!Ullble t~t ~ume, singinl:! tive Af~ican songs mas PS7 'h I ~ 118 IUl'lllc:aJ b S d day afternoon. .. the andlence enjoyed the lect ure and performin~ native dan~es a <j caps. was • 00 .. . guests of relatives ere un ay, Tbe editor says: "We, the mem, that much more. He \Vas in a Cana 'Willi a9 r endering some Alne~ican The following Items of interest sPoSnge!!. 3 qlplts, 2000 bers of the class, have workeri hard dian company, knQwn as the " s uicide Juhilee Gong~ . taken from " The. Wide· Awake," the urglca1 Dressmp pme There will be a ' meetinr of the to make this paper one of interest, Iranlr" The olhe r part ies 0 11 thtl program school paper, will be at inte rest to compresses 4xS:500 ahot baIlS 4x7. HI! deScribed at length the trenches we re Mr!:!. Mabel Woodson , or this our r eaders: . 500 ahot baga 5x8, 960 gauze comMothel'8' Club, Friday ·afternoon. and we trust that it will prove an March Sth, at 2:80 at Sehool Ball. Inspiration to man,r in Ihe Bchool to !1nd trench life, as wtlll as .the. trairy . town, who gave three per fect inter. A letter from Ernest Lotr. says he preslles 4x4. 460 gauze compretlM& attempt soqle origlOal.wor~ of a li t· 109: and ~he IIfe? f ,the soldier m th! 9 pretations of Dun bar's . Her rendi · has been in the hoypital on account g~~z:o~pd~.,!a.uOO gS~~: MI'8 B. H ,' Kellv left Sundav erary type. and that It WIll create war. HIS descrlptJorul were graphiC tion of the "Walermelon" was (If his kJlee, And it is possib le he will .. mor.ning for Newark, where ahe was fo~ all those persc,"~ outside the an o clEarly defined, and, altog~ther, grand. And MrR. Dovie Clarke, of lie given some light work to do in 3 yd.x4Y. in,. 40 ab!Orbent pad. 82:12 . C81~ on account of the illness of school. a greater Interest ~n our the lectu re WIIS .one orth hearmg. Wilberforce, who, in great profes. the future. I irrigation pad 16x24. 4!8 irrif:tion her mother. school activities , . Corpo ral. QUigl ey wa\! wounded sional style, gave a vociferously en A letter fr om Carl McClure says pads 16X1S, 20 four tailed ban apa, This is the only school paper pub· four tim es 10 t1~e baltleof the Som m~, cored rendition of that hi ghly classi. he is about· to recei ve his rating from 31l T·bandag8l" 95 abdominal bandaBorn-To Mr. and Mre. P .. P ... ",.lliahed in Warren County, and has one bull et gOlllg ~Iear through hiS cal musical production , .. MazepPfI ." ordi nary seaman to gunner's mate, ages, 5 triangular bandagea. , Stanley: of Route 5, Satur~ay, Feb· created an unusual stir among the lelr , and he was In Il hole twelve The capaei ty of the hal l was taxed decided prom\ltlon for ' tha t young LYTLE AUXILIARY ruary 21;,1918, a lion and daughter, scholars as well aa the patrons, hours before he could be carried to 8 to its utmost to accomodate the au. man . . IWbert and Rachel. -_. place of safety. dienee. Thanks "to all who conlrib. A letter fram Ernest Harlan says 80 hospitsl bed sbirts, 17 comfort A very pleasing fieature of the uted to the success of the occasion. he hall been in the hospital, and is pillows, 26 handkerchiefs. 1~ ,alahtMI'8, Frank Carman. MI'8.- Rayevening wu a solo by Mi~s Esther • _ • just out again, They were jus' baGk inllalea, 14 eweateN.8 trench lOCka. mond Davia, Mise Eether Roeker Rockey, who sang" Keep the Home . from Frnnc~ , and one of the convoy MOUOW DUJlOB and MI~s Marjory Turner were DI1. Fires Burning," a sextet of male ships bumped into tne Denver. and ton visitors Saturday. voices ainging the chol"uS with her. injured several of the boys. 'f 682 hospital bed Ihlrt., 19 eomfort The receipts for thl~ lecture were II A l et t e r fr om Ches Snook plllows,U handkerchi.f., 82 banda. Annual Sprinll ·Opening. Coats, At the closing of the day February $29 40 says they are in San Juan harbor, ges, ~4 sweatel'8. 65 pro tl"flDch 80Gb. Suits. Millinery and all departmentll 2, 1918, the tired life of Sarah Jane Thursday afternoon and evening and are expected to make another 9 pro wrlstleta. 29 aearfs. 10 Cbriltof the S. Fred Company, Lebanon. Smltb passed peacefully out to the the show at the Miami Theate r was trip to France before many days. mas packets Big Store,Thursday evening,Mar. 21. Great"Unkoown at the age of 69 put on for the benefit of the Red Rev. J. F, Cadwallader addresRed years, 7 mOlltbs and 8 days,- She Cross, and the mallagel'8 of this· the High School last Wednesday WAYNSSVILLE RRANCH The Morrow Tim(ls has suspended, was the seaond daughter of John and pretty littl e theater gave over the morning . His talk wa3 very inter. 707 hospital bed shlrta, 470 ban~and the owner has gone to more fer Harriet Grey Hogan was born in entire. proceeds, bein!~ $71.80, Th e The Water and Lig h"t Board met esting. kerchiefs. 52 niRhtlngal~, 211 comKEEP'l'HE RF;p.RESENTATIV. tile fields _ .The Morrow people have Warren County' June. 25, 1850. AI- theal el' people also donated their in session Friday evening, and held - _. . . _ . _ _ - _ _ fort pillows, 21 cretonne bqa, 40 .,.; hard time keeping ~ paper at that thoullh being afflicted for .many servicj!8. and to them the Red Cross an imJ,lortantsession . It was decided bandall'es, 136 aweaters, 176 treneh ' "Toere are lOme omeara wboahould Ilplace _ n~ver be iboqahl of'by their term of yeaTl! her death came very unex· wish to extend tha:nks for tneir at th is meeting to raise the mini socke. 43 pro wrlatletl. 16 searf•• 44 pectedly to her friends and loved generous IIction, mum meter rf:!llt to . $ J 00. al! the . linen squares. 16 Christmaa paclcet. lervlce: This is especially true . of board i ~ badly in d h , RI,,' it _ _ _•• __ At a rendition of "Queen Esther." ones. all leiislatlve offic8ra, for It takes In th~ year of 1869 on Decembe r seemed the only i l!..lsiL \! IIU ) tu 111:1>, LEBANON BRANCH 'one ~r more terms for them to be· ~ven in Clarksville recently, Mrs. J come thorouihly equipped in their H Linton , former qlullic teacher in 4th she was married to 'fbeodore . ligh ten the load. 1464 hospital bed. shirts. 377 comDuring thtl winter the exp nses of fort pilloWS. S cretonne bqa. 78 outwork, .and tbeir gond to tho public the schools here. sang a solo. "The Smith and together they treadeJ life's pathway until he was ('ailed by the oJ,eraling plant on as usual, ing bed socks, 1 bolt bandages, 187 'is augmt'nted by long aerviee. No Holy City." death threR years ago Aug ust 13. alld the income was AO t sufficient to --swp.atsra. 275 trench sockl. 11 pro qne would think of retirinte Congrell8 man Fe811 from tJongreaa and neith . 1914, To thisson union weredying born in three After weeks of suffering , which It th pal' the el'4lense~, 'I'wo .even ts of more tlla n usual In- wristlets. The newly renovated. Tepalllted cIJI'ldren , one , Orvill In· dd Joperating t tl I th t t All b f I" 9. I pro knitted bed 26 IOck~, Ch t9 er Ihould any on'e wish to retire J udglt an d · re decora ted' vainly hoped an oper ation ,.,"o u. ld d IS, at de 0 f> 1e a IS 0t th e torest to tile C'lt'lzens of W~yn"oville scar s. k'" men ~ . Fr ed Company. fancy, two dauahte rs Mart ha la ne w"s a d wO.r' tc a ...., 1 h IIquares, I 6t h rll _ lIIi1ton Clark from the General As Leb anon. H"I ~ Store WI'Il sure Iy. be a now Mrs. Aaron.. Slnl' th, Flo'"a Ellen ,. re ll' eve ' at Chri~l . Ho·pital e VICIm " ' t y an d Wart'en Coun t y WI'JI be 12 masbpacd ets, eksmet,5 reneI capa.• ' " , Cmcln . boned'0 ama"e b d h mams, f1 e . ,pu II ' eemblv Of Ohio, .. 'IQ Febr ua ry 2E" 1918 oar HI a s aoe conva eseen. place ot beauty. convenience and now Mra. Thomlls Collins , I She also natl''Oh. ' lthe 'h b a d" I bt mancla t th y , t F re( I' 8 G rea t er F' urm't ure 'De par t _ , an aile IIOC, "Judge Clalk is on. of the most te aso the e amo ~ n ment Sale, Wh'ICll wl' ll I'nelude Ru""'. ' t '" 11I~ 00m but sprm'" ,,~ SUits, ' has thirteen "'randchiltlren, six "reat tired hCArt of ElizlJ.belh ~.erlVood f abe oar prominent men m ,the legislature attl'1l!ctlvenllss. ,.. .. cellsed to beat and he r. spI rit reo 0 au.. . , . .. Floor COverings, Wall Paper, Re. · KING'S MILL.~ RRANCH all.Dtm.ent arrived here last week, fri"era tor:l, Kitchen Cabi nets and 'all . BiB profetislonal life was a fitting ~coordlna' to the report lro m the grandchildren, .t wo brot.hers, one turn d to God who galle It : . prepsratlon for the work he is doing State Daftartmenl of Health, the aisttlr, three half brothers, one half In the (Ja l'ly yeurs of h r life she t~IS Will help to meet some of the kil~dred household furni shings lind 1590. hospital bed shirts. 2?3 c:l>m . necessa ries. It will begin Friday f9rt pIllows, 298 handkerchlefR, 73 at Columbus, where men of his cali· smallpox epidemic has tleen requced sister and friend!! by ~htl score to was twice or phaned . When but 6 eXI~l!nses, ho.wever. ber arel'ntlrely too lew No 800ner one hlltt, and is practically under mourn the loss of mother and gra nd ,' years of age hct parents Mr, and 'lhe counCi l met Mon~ay evelllng, mornil-;'g March 15th 'rhe S Fred m~htmgalea, 17 pr.=b~d aocks, ~9 did he take his place in the Houst' control all over the Btate. mother. Mrs Henry Ward del),a r led this lite and the bOIl.r d asked rehe~ fro m that Company, Lebanon, Big Stot.~, An- t~langular bandaJres, almen ~aresS tban he was made chairman of the One of he r greatest . ple8!lures wall within u fe w weeks of each other at bo~y, and lI,.ey have promised enoug~ flUal Spl'int> Opening of Coats, Suits, B2 scarfs. 85 kmtted bed soc B, 1 relief to tide them over for th" Millinery : nd all departme nts will pr, wrIstlets. 47 trench BockB. IS!. judiclar, committee-one ~fth8 moat The DaulI'hter~ of Rebecca will calling on friends and neighbors for Fort WaYlle, Indiana, pleasant chat when health per· 'rh ~ nex' 8 Yf'arS she cheered and present. A 'rl •. , . M h 21 t s weaters. 150 bandaJte&. 1 fracture important cominittees to be appoint. bold a meeting at their hall Tueaduy a Itted . . the hOllle of her a.u nt It'IS ~OSSI'b'Ie , n.tter nno th er, car 0 f loc<;ur lUr:>ullyevenlllB', s. PlOW. '11 25 Ch r I'at m as pa"ketl ed: In fad. man" thfnk Hi. jUdi. evening. M.rch l2th. MiBS Ma.ttie m brig htened With the imm ome slore fuarc lly reno,. , ,I"'" hel. clary ia the moat important of all the Andres of Indiana. will be prl!Sent chAurltchhOUshKeh cnoontfo!aemdemChbrel·rstoast ahneY and uncle, A. D. Cadwallader and cpal arrives, that t?e board .wllI hav.e vnted, repain ted and r decorated. mets. 10 .trench caps, 18. napklDs, S8 r committees. Judge Clark entered and addrllls thll meeting. COI!1Ii, ~ wife until the dea th of bolh at Irghls later than 9.30, l)o~lb ly untJi tl .' I tl If ' mouth WlpC!f, 1 roll old Imen. 5 wash . upon the work wi,t h a . thoroug;h Savior and during her last days on Gree~ville, Ohio. 1.11 o'Clo~kl' I \ Ifnl:hr. berv~ce of ~~~~e~~n~I~~in; ~~d": ~n~Il~:nt~~: clot~s, tY bundles I{un wipes. 11 waThe succeeding 8 years she glad. I!IJ Its WI a ~o e p t ,e oar to a plated, the occasion w'll be . better, ter ot e covera, ~nowlege IIf law, and with a deter· Rev. George A, Phil hps. who has earth she expre!\8ed her ~esire of niination to Berve the State of Ohio spoken here on several occasions, sorrows or dened the lives. of Hev. and Mrs h t tlo:! la rger. amount of money , bigger and more attractive than A notable featureofthe work; done to the best of his abi.llty. ·T he re ' and his wife; have gone to Cali· We know that the Savior has Cadwallader until slH~ went to he r - -- .. ever nnd well wllr th coming miles by the County Chapter Is that when' lult was that while many times his forrila: and It 19 rumored that he will own home as the bridle of Mr . L?red to s~e, ed . h d "Eternal rest granted to.ner." "Oh B Sherwood with whom fo r lIi years It is pack It Is sent to ea quarten, colleallues were taking vacations, btl probibly take a pastorate there LorH, let perpetual light ahine on she shared the joys and so rrows of where It is not examined. but It Ia was-hard at work upon tbe accumu l..ted bllls' whlch would Dl,to\herw·!se FlyinR will be r.esumed at the Day. ber," .. life and lived happily as a loving be ready for the next week's cal..n ton Aviation Field April 15th . in Through all the pain at times she'd wife and devoted mot.he r. Of this "Snd is a compliment In a high degree smile. '. union two children were born, Dorto the ladles of tbe county • . dar. . .• addition to the flying, rifle fire will be A 8mile of Heavenly birth; ,otlly and Chalme r. both of wh om . "Warren Couqty deserves a prom introduced and the embryo aviators inent ,member In the leglillature; In will be taulJ'ht t~. ule o.f machine And when theanlrels called her home, wltb their father survive her. . She smiled fare Nell to earth" A gifted musician she developed . . . thll P!l'eoD of JudRe Clark we are "un while 10 flight. 10 repreeented , He should be kept .. l eth now our t~easure, her telent by study at Oberlin and Th S P k' C ' I . Heaven reta l1 there." · ; ,. Earth the I!.nely casket keel)S; the College of Music Cincinnati until to do~bl~~~! o~~P~~gotth~Pc~~~i~~ . MillS Katherine Prenderp;ast. whe A 'I . I' she became nn accomplished pianist, I '" V h b nd t e' sun eams ove to In!rer. Baptized Rnd confirmed in St. factor\!, <?n Nor~ I n ace stre~t, an· The .High School Girls' ~a8ketball . , . haa been a valued employee · of the GiuUe offiee, left Saturday. -Where our sainted motper sleeps. MarY'8 Church WherE! for yeal"l! she Wert, OhiO, du the com mil' Sf!a- te~m Jour neyed to Hamilton I~t •. wfll ta"e up' the duliP8of· houRe· The Uoldl!n Gates w.erp. opened w:ide, aerv d as or an'iAt it seeme9 most son. N~w machmery has been pur-' L?nday to play a return I!;a,m e WIth ' app:Opriate fnd e'ed, that her bu rinl ch ased at a C?st of . eight thousand that t~am , They were IIccol"(lpani~ • A gentle voice said "come" . keeJl('r for her brothers. who have And the angels from the other /lide, ' should be from the same sacred dollar~ and Will be \n.stalled b.efore by MISS Dorothy Gebauer and Mr . .taken"a farm soutb of town, edifice, ballowed by SII) many aS90' the su mmer haryest I~ begun. ' One Ethan Crane, whe. refereed the gl\l"(le . ' .' . Welcomed our lov!ld one home, The Wayne Township Library Aseiations and that she IClved -so well. of the Ilew lnaChlO_es Will he used .for The scor~, ace ~d mg to r,:porta. was The bo·s e· ball clans are /lathering B. ~~d J, T. Death always comes veiled in mys. c~o~lng tomatoes by a process pro, 22 to 24 In. favor of HamIlton: The Bociatloq r~port las follows, at th. hI the large towns, and Cinc'nnati CARD OF THANKS ter and .dra ed in slid ness, . but in vldll)ll for the stearn heat, which y.oung ladles . had · a very enJo~able conclusi~n of ita firs~ year's work . playel'l\ are comlnR' to Cincinnati' as The LIbrary contalftS 500 readabl" , We wish to thank ·onr neighb,ora thl'aeath of ElizabElth Sherwood thoroullhl,y cooks lh~ conte":ts of tIme. and were trea~d very nicely , . ,fast AI the · trains will bring them, Scattergood. one of the TItI!Y .will leave for their training and friends for the kindness Bhown there are some elements of peculiar each can tn seven mlDutes WIthout by the team of .Ha mtlton, Tbey re· . booka. Of these. 200 are loaned by impairing the flavor ~ f ~he tomatoe, turned home bl' the way of Dayion, the State ,Llbrary, The A8IIOciation '-lommiuion sent by the "tation's In a few ·dIlYs. The Red us in t9~ , I088 of mother and' grand · sorrow, We are prone to think of the death Under .the syatem ntlw In , service. at' • • J hI¥' bougbt 168 books ~nd 13' have Govemment to France. Lap will train at Montllomery, Ala, mother' and especially we want to on Relief and Reeon I ,., ,,- k M M CI d # th I of·one in· her 37th yealr. leaving her the f!lctory, for ty·five mtnutes are -~ . . , been preaented to the Library. . war zones of Fran~e. hi: children,· DOt in absolu\:e infancy. bllt required to cook each can ot . are 21'1 patrons who haYe Wllminllton. · Mr. A E. Brinkley. the new man· consoling worda and the ohair for at'. time of life when the mind and toes. the process being toconl!.m,tlte ' cards a~ average ()f about 130 . boob are III circulation. Twelve ~~~~~=!~~'lIIarch 6. 19l8.... ager of the S Fred,Company. Lebo their beaUti(I,lI songa MI\Y God character .need care a,n d oversight, canll In lar,ge kettles, Tlte effort ';'i hi. lecture with aIlOD. Bi~ Store. Furniture iiepart, bletll each and everyone and _t lut '.as premature and of the life as un- wIll be tp Increase th.e "",set co~ . ,perlodlca.JI are , found regularly on from orlg· m.nt. Ii provlnll hlm..lf t~e right finished. But after 'all. In ,ihe case ac~eaie from flve bUlldred to ~wel!e . . ' the tables. ' by blm Iii man in thA right 1Jlaee and 8 meet In Hea.. 'I'aml\y. 01 tbe Christian Is any lille unfinished? f"11ndred and mate.rfal WIll . \!:ouncI,1 met Monday evening. but Twelv6 .Af'...An.....ti:bnl.l'i11Jl evacuated by grancf !Dater of thlt .,tof a""an.rlng We muat not fOrget thatour present be sougH In the acreage of tomatoes Iitt lebu8\Oess was t ransacted , After ptocu~ed by tbe. .tock for the ..n" ...,fll... t ..,......"fn •• ;'''. ----- ~ • ailltence II the root fl'Qm which our and other crops, Tbe' gOVernment the regular payment of bills. the use of pupil. of Immortality will Ipring. and that is urilng, larger packs of all kinds of budget was dililtributed to ItI varl~. are also loanedllllbe'eti~l&:lI5ltar.U..""Vl'. what eeem. unfiglslied hflre will be ~ned foods al1d to that end the departments, Ralph_ IIIl11er . wa. The annual perfec:tell above • IStooPll Co. will end.avor to pack t.wo sworn In to take the place oj Frahk daLton We loved her • living and at million cai1B the coming aeuon, Zell. resIRllM . Aft.6r disclll8l!lB the 2 p. :ti.==r:a:I:~ Ekrnal r ..t 1 - -. oondltioD or the lIght bo~, and
~'i;dnesar'als: £t::.a~aik:/for' ve,nThe.Entl~
T~ere ana
;t;.;iilldiemlOti"'illef. u4' letllabt 1ft......"'CailBtIMI •• iza,... F::~'b. ~T.r~: J. r. C. In ..... 1IaDcIQ. ' . tmDlrI,. ·
~iitiiE;~ ~
th o Hun holp CAre ror '
t hl). ~, ",·ound ' d b~' t ho Iln l"er bullet s , I~ h o ~ plln l wor k 1r.!\uIlUr!\lorl
by lit r('nt'11 (lire- I rl'lU 1.11',
I-lore Is u late pic:, front >111 \v .
W I'~l c l' l
III/: (1t'f.ruon Il ri ~n n I'H. lIlII lfoI' I.h" ):ulll'IIII'(' or \-' I" l'ondl 11 d ru,," "" ,,111 r . :on, I" I"~ In I h I' twt llsln G In ,11 t h\l W und~ol ,'e I1l' h ~ I· 1 "rho ... tt'\.~lr'll ' r 1 }l lu ng lI llII, .!, l\ Lwo- v t\c.I'jcd ( ,!\T , F I'IIZ tI" " fll)1 Ilb j oq l to I h o work !lei
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JIJiIrlY 11\ tb 'ntt rnO()n Rbe wnur] r cll
~ h· IIIH t h~ tl 'lI .-: (·') V~·I·)".
1:t1"l!I'I," h. ": \ I' '1' I d, ,~ ~.· 'J. llll III11 kr ... ft ,tu l 111 1 111 1'''' I ih. It IW' 1. lill· U, tllHI }h" h ~,'t h,H r d l\ t1.1 II IIlht Ih" 1,1g: l~ l h' IfI1 th ,' II :It ,,11111 "'1I11"\, )(('.
Sil t! . ,,::. h\' r .t->"IIKill\' ~ ' l1 u~t, 1 'T'11.L!1:'{'r lind 11'" 1 1- q .. r I tl'f,,(l I" t Ulll' lh '(l "1)1111'11 1110..: In th e' Wtl(t'l" , 'd~(\ "::"l lit"n\ ". r I-"h! til 1.11' U ln l \\:l~ ~1t1.,,,th. Hl ltl h ('H'(' 11 fn i ll t , UIIJ I' HPI I l~ lil,1 ( ·l,,· '>I. 'I. " ' 'd own nnder th e tree " 'bere I\uwn hud I (if Ih'~ h , Ii \I:" ,'lIc' llr rh, ' hi j.( II Url l)· laIn. Sbe was not so frLl;ht ' lI e.1 11 I'" . I (lrn r tvt'J' t'lr~ll':::. :-:ht' p :IWt' d if HS !ltl l' t'. Tbe smell of KU1.lln wu ~tr"nj! IIb"1I1 ~nl m,,~ :1 1 I h., hare l ~hl'lI. '1'11<'11 h,' lIer_ F or a n hour lil l ' loy uh)lI,,"l l'~~. (' r 1JlH' l l1 ~1 il hll\\ I't' U hfr \ f1t'I It. :-';11t" \\·itlll ...... 11 , •• n .hr .It'IL !., 1flth ,h er bpud r c.sUr.11! ou tI", l'luh ('\.'1· 11l1t1 I U',t'1' III ,·d ,\\('t"' ( ..'r IIIt'tlt 111 :\1) h :ld nh""'f' p' II'I d I . 'I' 1111 ,l it" tJU1 1 \ \ 111 II t fOHn d I lhldt'. lInd ... 111 liB hL'nl, ;-: : Ilih Illd lllil1 '/I Ih' .. ted wltb Ills hulr IIIld IJluIH!. ' 1,:-111 found hor sUIl t h r c. AmI "hl'l\ I h., 11I-'g-Jl II Ji llltli , fo r I,l lu.' r t'lUIII~. ~ III ' ..1' I~ II/: II'~ I Illn', r t tt:' Ii ... " Id diOOO and sta rs cllmc OUI .' l1l' fllllWt m:n l.' f l'Wll l, Itlld uh ' until ... 11, 1111111', ( ;,-"y \\ IIII', :dlll ,I,) !.r,d,· .... c:ra"led back Into lhe lIlt In I ll!' \\'hlll! \\. IS , .. }-trl,,;..;,t I' h llll:..I':-.. ".- .. thn.'l' .III ,n.: 1uIII rt",I,,'d 1ll 'rll J 'h. It ...;,:." q .,. j .'11 ... . _od .that K8Z/1Jl'S hody bod ' llIndl' un- JU d l't' Ill' rt'III'iUh d ','0 til l' '-'lIr. Hul t'l tc'h i) .r I~ ,' 1111 • p'tql"r! . \ BeI t lt\'Il, UIIt' 1I1g ht, ~h c l'a ll r U lI w lII P f'f', ~u n mHlllt .,r 1,' IlI ~ll"~"; pil hi'" the tree. With dawn she went dOl"1!1 to 111 " to ((I'r. It .... t'l It toJ ' II Ur \'(~ f"lIlI! willi U I lt lrt t'nuhl hrln ~ It rl · ... [11 It ' t ' ::il'lIl1l III \·,dh ' IIIt ·"l -!o'lIllIl' th lllJ; I l\ :t1.un·:o{ t'''''"''''. ~tlt III f'o' tlld l, w" 1 ~ '«Ige or the Slrenm 10 dl'l II 1<.. • Ill' sll ':ln~.. 1\"\\ could oot see UUlt the dny \1'1\8 1I1111,'sr 111 11 t I IlH) hil"~' hl·,' 11 n Ut l \,' hOI It', :d ld !";l~ltlf,\? It \~-III' Il'!I1'" t l l l.\ ,'"ml' fl' l. ·t,ll -l. . . dark ns night, nnd uwt Ih ~ != I·:ty- Ju th ,' lu·lltll1.'.-ltl ~h,\ tl'ull ,'.! u c r~' u ll .... J.r A ll.! ",pt 111' tI!tl1lu1 ,..I,:ll'l :11 !'t c (:lIl, 11r black sky wos 0 choos of slOlnlll'clllj.( uJI :,utl d ,. \\ U flit' ll ln ;! :-;1 1'111 , )1 SIll" !, . unp nt h i ... t Wit .!" \\'111 fl' tlu'\" l 'fI tII\' storm. But 611e could smell I li e Jll'o1S· Cad n,.; JI"\" lh., tlul'lh, nlld HOW til l ' \\ il hlll Z'PIl, 'h. 'JIII!,- frt"JlII-'!'U,~ ~!tI1,h' ence at It In the thI ck nlr, 1I11t1 co ulll ~1I \l t1I. a lill II. 11 tlh~ "" !i t , :11U 1 tlJ ~ w\ ' ~ t ~r(.'rrl J:.."g.'r ("Hill' 11\"1'1' III 1tt (' Hn)" I:\~·I,,)!. a nll f eel the for1.."NI !lllshcti of lI g hl nl ll;.! - I.. 1 1.. :101 I "";:: III'. ""Il' u ln<;. IlH j( III 'ahln wh" r ' ::'1, '1 :111 tllat rolled up wltll the tI " "~ pnll tl H' :-o"ff wind IIf t hl\ 111.!!lIt . IH.· " "H;; th 'r('t! tlll h~'" l\: I\Y....l n k nill',I ;at 11 u ' \ nil 1I '~I I1'; til I .. (,th' 1111' "ll l:-: Pl' I'i uJ; lur o f his ,." h Hl n t u J,:ftt III 1J lm, ' m l hlH ~m tho sou \ h lind wcs t. '.l'lt e IlIstlll)l nunbllDg at t1lundeJ: grew lC,u,l ~ r. lIJI, 1 or " 11'",,01,"1'1,,1 "kc. An" II'hntl'\'c r whlt o filli P''' 1(11.""",11 ,,~ I""l! n" ~'lII "~' lIIre buddled horself usnln UlldOl' IllI' Jt \\' 11-.1; tl l:11 I ;IIIH" t .. II('r' ('UUl' ir\.HI1 "'O S in fil .L; hl. ~\l lIlw w it h ~1, ' HlI Ih' ,t ree. .'or hou rs t il s~t) rl\J crnsh 'll IIItI I,r 1111' 'Iil h :111<1 1'11:1. On' tll " I'O h"cll me q lll,,!. loi"" lPlhln~ 111101 him o"er her, and the 1'1111\ full In, /I lh'I II):" . - tl('I'''"' "".' '''"Tell, fllr heyo lld Ill' th LLt McGill hlld r"Ill,, ' nH " frl ,'n.! Ih11t 'WMn It bnd fini shed she 'I ulll; out (1 11 11 '1' ,'oJ ~" "r llll' nl)l'lhNII I1ntb rlille n ig ht w I",,, Iw I1 llfl Ih " I,ll: 1I1l'l<' "t ,,",1 'f rom her shlllter like II thing lhJIllu n, -\\ "" """.... Autl off t hen'. III h 'r " houl" ,'r to :hl,,,llIl'r In ,II,' ,'aI'" I h n l ,Va1nly sbe sought for 011' Irls t sc~1Il bru te WilY, :,1,,· !'l'U 'oUell Ihut s he lIIU ~t h ll,l b e" n hlllll for 11 ,1"II1:hl,'1' ]I .. n. A wny 110wn In hI s lJrult 1t(' ,lrt h r· IlI'l l tot KURD. The club ",ns wII.' ltl'd ch,,"n. Sillt! K llzlln., '1'h" ~1l11 oIlJ 1I0t COll1e rrolU their MrC11 11 II l,a1't frolll " Ihl' r II II' ll, II,' hnrl 'Aaaln t he suud WIIS white 1I'1ll'1" ;Kazan's blood hnd r ddcn ed It. I':\,cn olf! ",I utHlII I h,'lllu In tli B s wamp, It 110 d IIlr to 11,11'111 111111, II" Itll " I',,1 ,I under the tree there 11'118 110 I'lg,1\ of ('ilia" frlllll LI'YO IIll that, flIIlI In fI f1usll- 111m, bllt I'h , ....1 11/11\(' r Ih .. ~ro\\'l n:: Ing \'Islon Ilu' rQ rose l h"ough Ilt'r bUllu- offN:t\on ot 1heo hll::1' n ail ", It \\'II~ him left , Until 'now only UIO t~rro r bui llg ness u' "klllrc of th() towedug 8ull llil s fllct th ul p IIUlo',1 ~kt HII. II" had 'alone 10- the pIt ot dnrkn es thu t ,' II' n Ol'k , of Ih .. windi n g trail ll,ut leu II Y l' h ·,r,)rl' 101('\1'11 U dll~ Ihat h I'
'" Clt on tbo plnlo. It wll.~ dl1l'1·'!·,'nt. It t rlgbt'loed bur. nnll R,I(IJI ~ I \(' r,," 'turDed t o lba besch, nOll, mnl>;~I ·t.1
drIIlJdll ;';-.
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11 \\'u": ~,ph·m l lt' l'. fl
IItI ,," 1h, ' fi,. .... ' I ~::::
to It, nn,1 Ill· ('ublll on UIB 1)111111. It hun;;er. It WI\,' ",us t h llr(' 111111 bll nllncas hud COIU O to h er, It \\'u s t her., tllnt tln'y lind endod. Ithil hll1lger thut tlrew h er from th e ;...nd-bar, and s b e wnn d,'retl huck 1111 0 lind el mil l nlghL b nd begun . And Ithe p~a1n. A dozen t1 me~ she see,lll ed It wa til 1'1' lbut she 111IU rnot h cn.-d ,pIlle, and eaclL tlme It yndcd \lei'. h er Orsl, lwl'1l. Nliture hud resIst red ;JDven a ground-mouse tllflt she co r- th ese lblll~~ so tbl\t lh ey could never 1Ierei1 under n root. li nd tlug out w lt.1l b e wll) ·tI o ut of It ' 1· melll' rl', fi nd wbeu th o cul1 1IU111 It "'" (ruw th s unlit !ber paw.. elcaped h er tangs. w orltl wb l'rll she I llli.! lus t Imown Ji g h l ~ Th1rt)'~ 1I0urs bclore thIs ] ,UZ!IO .aDd Ora)' Wolf bnd I\!tt n Iud! at their Ilnd II fe 1I1l\] h ul tust II n lhe moon I1nd Lbe Sl tlr. In UIII blu ' night of the ,'lOt k1lI a mile or t wo fn.rlhl!r bllck ski... • ' the p1a1n. Tllo kill wos OIlO of ~i 'l.! ; Ant1 to thllt oU s ho I' ponded, ICllvtblt barren rabbits., ond Oru)' Wolt ,ing t.he rl v~J! lind Jis fbod blllliud h er t1\lIIed to Ita d1r~c tlo n . She tI,! d /l et 8uulgbt Jut lilll) the fllce of dnrknilll s :1'8Q~ a1il!t to Ond It. In ber wus /lUd stnnnt\on. 110 long t fcnrlng dellth ,develope(l to Ita linost point tllllt 81xtll or the clllplino s of t h o wor ld sbe 'l 18l*I CIt the animal Idngtlom, the sens e cOll ld 110t sec : rllr nheni.! of he r, 'two 'of orteoutloa, nnd s a alrulght us Il h undr d mil l's ,.nwuy. she could see the ';plpoa mfgbt have wl ng~ lis flight S un l~o k, UI wimilllg trll ll, the nest III1e c:nt ~lIb the bu.ah to the spot her IIr [-born between the two big 'where they had cacbed tbe rnl)blt of r OCkS--llnd Kl\zlln I 'A white tax bad been there nbead or :hll't' and 'a be found only scnttered bits CHAPTER XVIII. Jot I1a1r and tIlr. \Vhnt the tox bud Ilett, the moose birds a nd bu sh Jays Iliad carried awa y. Hungrily Oruy Wolt \' The Last of McTrlgger. back to the river. ' Sixty mil s 'l a r lller n ort.1l KnZlln , I That Dleht Sbl) stept a gnln where :lay ut the 'nd at b ls fi ne t el c lm ln, 'Kuan bad Il1lD, and tbr 0 Urnes s be ''Wntchlng III li e l' 1'ofcss or McGill mlJo:;calIed tor blm wllllout a nswer. A ilng a I)ull of tn llol\' IlUd br a n . A ,1I11aY)' dew fell, and I ~ drenched tbe ; d,o zon Yll rus fr om him Iny the bIg IJut Y8ItI.&e ot, bel' mate's !!cent out D une. lil a h uge jll WS d rooling In nntlclof ,the And. But 81111 througb th e putlou or t he tltlU 'unl fea s t w bleb Me;day that toil owed, BIld tho (lny tllni Gill wus PI'OPU r l OJ;. Ho s bow ed signs jtollowed that, bllnt! Gray Wolt clunS ~f p~easu re wllell McOUl npprOllebed Ito tile I18r1'OW rim of whi te su nd. O n hlm with a qunr t of the mlrture. aud !the tourth day her hunger r enched n i h gu lped It betw en his huge jn\1'5. [point where abe gnawed the b Drk from The II ttic Ililln wllh t he col d bille eyes wtllow buabca. It wns on this dU and t hO I:I'uy-hl o nd 11 01 1' stro1i l.'d bl~ CIlme
coul,l lIot III II 1;" !tn' p hill\, T tl dl\ )' h (' pln("'11 1hl' lullow hcf.)re
tli.r~ A'll\'O wn y 10 H
]~n znn'fi
HftR h ad llrllwn
A II r('p
~'h "
roll,', 1 0I,'t'1' In
hnlr IIlnll ':-
III U ~ rl l'S
fi r
I IHC'k,
Ihr, lit,
I,I~ ~{lini' ~ 1 (\f,,1 IlJl, III ~
t \\'lldH~l.
pro r('ssor lI1T1l"'!.
" hllnciln ly Ih' f' 1I r\(l~' MI'TI'l gt!'I'r
li lt] CO III(' up flu l ' II~'
h,' hln, 1 him, nl~ l"fJrl! 11 j,"1'I" us hc lonl< ctl '
uYes." .Ilntly lI):h[('1I h is plJle!, ond poko like Due s l rnllg('I~' curious. "~llI ~ t c st n h II P to 10 ke thr'l' trill 0' yourn, rlon't It?" "~I y I n ,~ t cost Uhll llt . e\'"n lh n Sl1ft" (loHa rs. 'l' hl s will C(l~t th'c.'· s nld 1I1e-
hi ...
fl H ' P
hhJ C ''',\"P'';
Iln tl
dmrt;!(,tl. l Hs n foohnlle- tl urk (lr. A
~ rc\V
1,:, .... .
Id' \ I1 d
1'11'('pl n l(,
']'nnlgh l It W. ,' I'. I i"I' t1ll1n 1I ~ 1I111. II nrl tIl\' 1( 1' I'll t'\I'· IIf thl' wl ufl lh:lt " HHW t'l'~ '~ h ft'nlll I!l It
rl\CIV ~ul's
Ifllt;..;l ll l!
l'r !,'1I'r' 'h.!,ht Ii, · 1I ~l d "-F])iJW,'c l at hi . ~!t ·d r 1 'I II. .:\'h~ hl :1£1"1' n 1;.dtt l it, hlul \\:ttl'lil'tI ,I.' ~t:tr" , IIIH I t h l' moun , lItHl 11:1(1 1 ' . , II flH~ f: r:l.'· \ \'111(':-\ " ;Ill. \\ II It' ~ Itt' l , i~ '. 1)1\ u' l ny
~, ~
I !>o~llTI 'd 11 1111
11 "" 1,!!lIIt! 1l111'1\ ,,1 111
t1l\'l"rtJ~ t lIU Il;!,'r, J .I(I Llm r~1 -. ~\llllnl\l.-r \\ :\:-; ;!lIHt' :lud th t'
Wh!ll III(' fll, II:III" ":111
IIra lg,'. ,' I d .
';\ )l PIll! "-{11 \I\' pn v"'. 1~ ,r1 R B \)W8n , Ch " P I' (, l' c.· t ' 1l'hy Il lul 11I·J.; l j t·,
1, £'" " ,.. c 'uri L., ,, f1 t nl ~l'lI l~r 111101 1"",,'1 '~ l1rH; IIItl, nnl OI.II IU,.d fti LI() w\I II IlIt !l I'PSt..
H 1l'l:!I,l
\ \ ' nll',
"""S",l :\[, t:1I 1 \\' I\S
Il r, ·q .t1
li l1tJ~ \·lr
better toasted.
~' rtcl
(1 1
rlu. f""
V". Tilt!
too n
10 o f
til l),; l lImnn r ~ 5;.1I \) I ~ " I'Il" 'J \·"rl .
l rwl " .
\:I ,
• 1) ,'.mn n,
Br(out.\l1l!· - R'llJ(bdl, h 'l t h IJI It v. B OI! (lw ,ln.
It1U" .. 1
'u lll
Kiln s h )."b.
Esrate T ransfer,
(111il ll.":Oltb·' lo~
1 MUll
.' liIf'l r
tht! nwn ttll equ lpmcnt
C,orwin; Ohio Get your share of todays ;and tomorrows (arm profits-build now the structures you need. The cost ;s trivial comparee! with their earning capqcity.
\\' '' \' I1f'~V ''!(' , r ~:W.), -
Co mm iSSIOner's Proccedin2s '. . BI l l.. A P o w e ll : I~itl\~ o dtlrdwflra
l ~, ' . <' I IIV" .. to, $3270; ~ne m 6 01u g & ~ l u k" I'. Mupvh etl :1'2,0,1, ; \\' .. ~ t " n. 'il'fl. r, s np\llle~ " 7_25 ; U b.rltlfl 1:1 ,
I"Blu8WillPostVisit·Ilard" Solle'l tors Every Home
2 II
h urd
5 1ll1ll'
, --, ,
lin Instnnt.
'TIll''' h~ turn~tJ. I tl llghlrlg. "I'm LL \ ' ry 1! l:h t ~lut!lle r," ' b ' snld.
toA rootstC'1) nt nl(;ht rousus 1I1e. Evoll n mnn's bl' athlll~ nwuk S' IIH'. wh~n 1 mnl; liP my mind .,hnl 1 IlII1"t h on
Waynesville, Ohio
my I,'un rd . A llil. IJ" ~I(I' '''- b , dl'(,1V f rom his pocke t Il- ablnlng b\uc-s ~C ,led ouromlltlr-"r l;nnw how to II A Ihls/' II I' pnlnwtl t il /I IlOut In th~ Willi II! lht) 'cohill. " OIJH 1'\'0," ho sn lrl. Flye tlllll'S be Ilrrd lit 20 pnl'cs, mid \\'hon S,IIt "I~' '''"111 III) II) 1",>1; III til(' 101 t h ei J.(n\·v It !!1I9p. ~r h (\l'f' w us ("'0 Jugged hult" \\h p r l' 111(' 1, lI ot hurl hl.-j \n .
lind u
nll'l<,u ~
hla li pS.
Then 11 llIrnl'd 10 1(1I,z!tIl. " 0 11(o~" yj)IJ 've trot him n~gercd out n h lit I'I t;l lt. IIltl mnu," h e IUllghed ~or. t Iy. tlr <Jon't blllme 700 'vl)r y much tor wa nti ng to gel:' h lm b, tbe throat. Per-
bab&-" U. IIhond lib haIIcJI
In hla
fO;!: e
1, ltora. but to liave t!ie monoy r eady to dellver to ' the pos tma n when I.h e AIte r th e I IIll1m,ps ;are presented, . "Blue Pos t Card" ardor hIlS been' executed, thl! order oa.rds' will be t urn ed ovor to I.ho county ohnlrll'8.D by the postmaster, ib,ul turnl sh lng' a.n nllell' ra te r ecord ot thE' 'sale.< IIl llde In a j!:l ven com munlly in U,ls mnnner .
IptJ'e I' y Ott
1(100% S,!-iety-5 %DivldendB"
6 N. Maln' Dayto,n
~-U "l' U l£ H - --,:
. Optometrist , . ~yes tested free
Lebanon or.:_ Ohio
Co rn er Main lind Mill -ilnll:!ls
'I'elephon ol U
t. Ihe Ino. t Imp ....
f rom having your money deposited in thiS A sllcintion . , a. ft !(Hitl~~ of complete security-of as ured profi t:llld of (~\.I n fid e nc e in the f4irness of our rules, W know that you will be pl~ased with our service - and we inv itl:l your account. ! 'In nudition to pr omllt and c a r i ul atten t ion we
Gem City
1I!Cl:lbe r dura~IIi11
, Building and Loan Ass'n
Rely o n yo~r 0"" J uugluc=ul •• to PJ1 tt~ M1, but reo-
Ing. Stamp ..
"l'r Ilr gaud." 111.' grlunpd. ' "?\lOB,t Ill pn 'ould n' t ' liO b tt r'n thnt w it h II riO!!." W h en San,h- II'f ~. U cO Ill followed hll)J wllh n ;1l"lliHotIR gl 11111 In hi s
0 r. J .- A .' McCoy,
Volunt ... ),our dOllars, t• • 1 th.y be dra ft.If by the .kal .. r, Buy War sav-
' ·r .le· \~ is a genuine r'a j., ~ac tio:n-
in e ll'eet, a co llecl. on tleLlv N Y pIau. T hese e~rd8 bea l', on ope s ide. a n c.r der on ers to leLler ('a.rrlere dell vf;lr to the su.bsorlber, vI' )feterlnarv a n y &poc ltled (late, who tover amou.nt ot War '''avlnge or 'l'IJJitt Stamps mny be d l"s1red. Delivery a.nd coll ectl ou G r8duat~ of Otllu !!IIIII. IJniverll ' ",Ill be made by· the moJ l carrlen,
-~~~::=::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::;;::::::::::::~~ ~
so Is being mac)e ot the go \'c r r.m eot's "Blue Poet Ca rd" In cond u.ct , ing th e h OllS(}-J.o.bbu3e CaDYQ.SS. II iii,
whic h Ra n(\ \' d id noL sce
, l lO),Ct'l" \ about hl ~ IIpl' for
am ong school c hild ren, mall cal' rler~, bor , BCOU ts. Ins lI,monee a gents, \Vom en 's or ganl zntlons. la bor u n lOlls. ~h llirch08 1I.Il4 all Wru- Sa.VlllS'/l 60cl -
One 1914 Overland One 1916 Overland One 1916 Dodge , One 1918 Overland
Horsc.-UrawlI c qu l p lllcm
Auto Equipment
MaterIal f or Wood e n S hoe8_ Co\um b)l&, O. - CStloe la.l. ) - S Olie, Fo r Iht! ~ty l o of \\,I1ndim hoes coile d , It or s tor I nlled S tates W ur E'(l\'l ng~ a nd T hr Ift Stamps \\'111 caIlV \lS~ -u!'ols. hn ss\\,(I(ltI I ~ 1II" ~ tly uS'd, but ever y hOllsu in' vor l' sootlon <If " Wow!" prCrCl'l'l'l1. l'npl nr. p lrcll, ",aI" t he s l.Me u ndE\r ,Ipora-tioo ' of l,ilUlS fu t a no hCE'ch 111' (0 lli M used to s ome bolng \vllrlcod ou t by loenl War s~v' Xlt'llt I" the ir mllllufuctu re. in!(R or gnnl zatl ons throllg h t he sla te comm ittee. These soUeltocs will ue ~-e n ro ll ed Iccall y rrom vol unteers
'It c l" I:I~" l1 ol.l _
F,l ve T imes He F ired al T we nty Paces.
H t,· t l'~ t :h .. m lc I Co, ~ o p pllt\ 1i fnr .ln u IL" r "17.2.); P . A No r ~O Il, 8'\lary $55 ; ,I .. 111 ft" ~'l\ lle ll . " I r y tl a j ,.ntfo r 1I 11 ~ 1 0 ')1' $10: V II f1Y Tel pbpl\Il ' '0" r ell lR Iln d loll. SOL; M H .O; wl'I I, IntrliLl nf _' Itlry l!l t!ll Wge t, "75: Cu lumhllR BI" n k B~)o lt Go" . b ) lnluo\ tor Prtt blH (lI C 'l llrt. $~2 53
ThH II .. ' 1"','11 I h"lIj.(ltl
II " r,IlPC'I'I' .~ n wrlt" I'. t n t h" l r j,! I'CII I"" " " "tJl IIl r1 lltl" u (,f Icn n\\' I ~II !!~. hut I hi" Iii'\\" I l",tll '~' pll\c ~~ til e 1'''N pnn ~ l I 'tl In I " rtr~ I" r t 111)!)11 Ilcr,'dll \'ti mt m" 11 or rl\' I\I?'~li rin t loo I:..
'iV H A iI,'n E xtr., tn ~.. nHI(O I W ({ n e "". I" 1 "1 I I II \'iI r' <l b ! '8 Arl rh .
id' l'TH'l1 t" hu
tlU 81l0 B fi llY lit t n ~lll r v E. L llmnlO'I , p, rr of (l nl-I ,t N.) U in WliY n ~~ \'lIl1 ' , *200.
Alldrl' w I ). 1I 1Ut ( ; u ru A. 't'll I.Il I s o n ru M, C'. 11 111 1"" 2 t,ruc ta In Wwv e t, . ,wll ~ h I P, :P40() R..... V Ail 'Prf'SS 10 Elt"tt n'n r V,.n r l· tis~ 'c, nCI'". ill \V ,lY UtI nW"!l lu\l,
(1 ,lIkr A lhuh:l'icn, On 1.11 i OlIl·th nl):Itl :\fMJII L IJllc h NI hi s t ent In 11 ('1111111' or lIan"';\ lLo 1',ln 11 bllndl' d
.\ .! j )
1I11QU .
For ou to bu ilu wha l ~vl' r y 1I IIln • lI ('cd II I f a l m s tru ctures- a n ew HOITIt!, a Ba m , a Graiu !Ji l l, .'bed s , Cr ibs, Pig H o uses, 'hid:cu lIO liSCS, a ll . B t\i h lil\ ~ yo u may need, B OW is the t im e to b u ild , tomorrow it will cost you mo[e mo ney tlwn t tla , \\ e can su pply eVl' rylhill g Ot1 11 fro m the fo un da tion u p- in til figh q1lant iLy <1;nd at rca nab le price.
~ I a~
l:I owll r tl .lohnll", l (l l ))r~ r I" ~
Mills 811d 111111
ul ouS!" ITt' mad(' C.lltnp fl,nt nigh t !liteen mll"Ii U [l ti h I Il"~ s hore, The bl/.! Dnn h rust!'!) d t o II snpllng 20 yards fl'om hi s smull sll l{ tont, but l{1\;iu!,'s clulln he wnd e flIRt to lh e bu tt o f u stu nted hlrc·1t lllot h ' ltl clow n the 'tentfl up. B ero..! }H~ wen t IntI> tbe t nt for til nh:ht \II Gil l rtll ll e(1 out hi!! outo1Il,t{ lc and I'lwmhlNI It \\'Itl\ care. F or t1lrl'c dnl's tllt' , joul'O{,Y con-
R:'.;pol, giblllly on Heredity. It: .. , \I.t~"..;;;L n :dh)n~ Itl\O nrIuhl" ' La ,,"
I i I
~~I'~II~n~~~~bl~~O~~I~~d , ~~rl'I ~;I~~:'~C~ ~~~,n~;~ tll~rl~::~I~il~'I ~1 ~; f~; ~'u~~~~; 'uu tnke n :nnp uow Ilod tllcn wltll you ,Iud 'l' rH!H'IHtlr $ ~; '1'110 U nite d
This is Jhe Time, then, Right Now
ul\ ,\ :. 1.a~ i'" lith
M u rr i :t~(' Uccn~c~
ca l,l n. Wi rh ~fl tJ srn('tl"u hI' noll'd Ih" "xhlltll'ntlng s nn p In Ih " ni r . II \1" hl ~ IIn~r~ nll,l hl·11l IIIPIU "b,JI'e h1i1
- - . - --
It's toaSted to develop ~d seal in the, Burley tobacco :flavor.
Ihnt sll I'l'r, I 111111 ullellally. Hlnec h' h nrl ~ lIifC(' 1 1 lhllt \l'lnd, '1'11'1 '0 ;\r.. 1 :11 1 ltu d 11(,111'11 him /.:1·O\l'lInj! !l I'ep I II hl ~ thl'Clnt, li nt! Oll el', \Y11 ~ n Ih ' ~t"" 1 1 h nc l ,"11111" ~ll'IIn:.;(' r Ihu n lI ~ lI n l , , Ill' li nt! h nl'Pc1 h i j'"r,':H, Illul the hl'I R\I I's ,~roo(1 \1[1 nl lllll( hIs ~Illne. ' ('r, he "onUI1I1 e<11
nt'~\flO f.
H I'erl. H . (1" fC'II" V" • • 1" III ' 8 1:1 I ,,"0111'11'" \\· ' l!~ln> . Plllln l ' l! I ~ o r , I lilirt'll 1 0 n ' cnVI,,' Ih >1111\ ul $ii,f, tl:! fr oUl u lql'lul,,"I " , \ 1),) 1' '' t ·hll cl. r~ \'". :'\Ic hl llll irt ( ' hi l- I d rs. ' :11 > i~ ~ I' I It' d 11,,01 dl , m l ~. ~jI.
f1n ~ \\" ' r
HI ' \' lI t n('fl lI
cigarette, the real Burley cigarette, '
If "
... rn U lull L " fUI & 'l' r u U n lvM. llv lIu l ltllll~
of UIC till)' thl' pJ'rJ rClISO I' IIn<1 h t' " ,,'/1I(' hllllo: r~nzll ll' i!lo Iy. 1' 1'.)111 I ho 1I'("'t tlt l' rc ), IIt! nrll\' flnd th ~ n (,(lllle Il
'You'll know this w hen you smoke the famous L ucky Strike
~ r"~M
" tl l l d w r .
L 'H III.1 II.I I1 l : II\\' 4U
,1,"'1' ~l e"j1, Jt thc' HUll' J1f(lrt'!'~o r nrlll l 'lllm ' out or tlll~
t"; l h' t\ wl,\o(,nt n ml ~h !lp
, -,
Procc,cd ings R. ~1
11Jl \\"r. ,
Hil t!
A1Jn\ h lllU M .
V" ,
dUll' ,'1(',
tl u· ~IHrs 111 1nA' lu\\, In Ille ('l(ln l~ ~ k y . nl ll l tblll foh" "':I~ wulilll~ , II' " Imlnd lit Ilt l' ,' .. '1 ,If hl ~ ('h:d 111111 ",hhw" . All th nt Ill g-ht lit' W:l~ l'lllo"lft'~"i -lIlm't-. 1".' tll'~S tll:tn lH' had hlll'n III I1Il V tim' hl'fo rc. "') '1('(', i ll t ttl" fa r tltSl1l1~C-l" hi' 11 ('11 1'(1 n "I'~I thlll lu' tlH IIJJ!lit \\'I\ ~ Ih" (;1"0 ,\ '
d! \' I,lIl' I ~;
1.0 '::'
1' \'10'
·· rfo ur o ,n $."l\ln ;
t ha n t wice as IlllH.: h ill far lJ1 proJ ucls a s th e an1e materia l wi ll cost yo u t o d i t~', III uther W(lr Is , 'ou r 1tnnI er p u rchas ing' powc' r has do uhled, amI th c lI S,O I'Ilt' . ill thr l: year~. T h at is \) CCllll-;C Itll ll hq h as i ll CTCUo; d lilLI e ill p rice, while farm prochl ls Ita\'c iULTU l s c' d 11111\: 11 .
101" A
~H'Llj · 1.
r .'
YOll bought fo r build ill g' purpO~l'S t h ree y~ars ago, at tlte beg in nill g r the Eu rope;! tI \\'ar , co~ L ' 0 11 more
I h t t'
l ,]
\1 1111 ,1' \'~. i ," 'y P lart 11 1ft.. OI rt-!d t':- .
M l\ r ~ \lI ' r\tl\
thl~'s find nlJ!h tH ott' hunt !ll!.! \\1' 1', \ a t lH1 ntl. IT(' " -[t ntt to l~':ql ou t Inlll fl ' !'(' o I III J.t l 1l 11,1 ru n until II.' was t 1 Xl 1UU ... \l'd, whh \"'ny _W ,,11' lit I ,I~ ~1.1l', II " I(lll'\\' 1hut n r:t ~ . " 'nl( \\,!,.,:, (.rr tlw r\"-whl' 1'\'
Picas emlrt
C OlUntOn
t o )1\' t h ;r
IonU"j ,
yurcls hocl;: f "l1m th" wn l('r. All t1 l11t tlJ\~' lile w[n rl l,t,t1 ('om fl lt'ndlly fro III b r h ln ll tht'lln ; 11IIIl f t)f nt Icn>!t fl, hn lf
,And tobacco now tastes much
hl'utn l rue lit Kozuo. "1 t'!! n CM,I . 30h-lr;I'II\' 10 mnl,A 11 ("" 1. ~bll('II Jlnlo: II hrll Itt! fount! 111(' fl' INl(lll with hIm," lie 6\11<1. 11111·n h(' 1\ Inil hllu ~i\\'unA' Inlo I h(' n o rlh. n,,' ntllli' tl , wllh II klld,ll'" h'rl'~t("tI J:!\'anl W lll l to K fl ~n l\ . 'Ind In ll.{ M to 111111. '\ Illllllll' o tlll'r 11tln,.:~ h e !<u ld. '''l'hls'li In Itls "ye" "Whc-u XOII ' tl1rUn'?" "Wlt-h IIr.t f rnst," 1'(',,11<,,1 !lrr<1l11. jlut th billel{ II h'~ 10 IIlccJ), Kazu o. 'A "It ougbt to C('llIP SOOIl, r ill ~ (l lnt.' to lillY or t\,'() 111M' M It Imd \\'c'l\ slur!." Jlllo , l' r J:f.>lInl C"J'rf\~' I1IHI 10 1- pn rty fit - F ive rl ll ~'!< hl l <' I' ~I ~ GI II I ~ d IIrRt th e o ll lll', nll d th ~l l l';:: 1 7~l n. to n Illlck c d [0'01111 till J.u c,IJS Ihl' Bl of Or·t oil!' I·," "AIIII you ' r e gnln/! tl" 10 Poml ,ItI Clltlo).:!, S Il u< I~' ~l cTrlg!! I' S(I\v t11 f' m 011'. Lnc-- lIlone1" (Ju erie-t1 . 1\lIdy. "WllY nnd Kn7.ll n "," tehed for n chnnce to I Il P nt him. Sa ntly k ~J)t Itls dl~lnnec . don't ~'o u t ak II milo ? , Th" l ittle pro f!'~~lIr IUlIi!hN] ~ott1 y. lind M Gill w nt ~IH: c1 the 1\\'0 wIth II blood ruunlnl: "\\'h:,'?" hp u ~k~(L Hl'v hepl) Ihought l!t at set til ' wlrtl}' h eblu cl 't he nl.'ls k at hIli CIIret1Jr1'tl g h the A lhll hn"~n wllte rwo},s l\ ,l r' Tol' n lI n1('s, und know lilt' tr,ll1 Ull l i,s ~ ' mile . Tltl' y hnt! . 11111)o d 1\ 'mil ' 11')\\' o-slcca m wll r n hI' I IIIH' llov r /In,1 \l' ~11 fi" I know n roa'hl'I\ ~' , n r~ irl f's, I I1lte to h' ilio n!). Anll IllI} \\,01"1, Is n't 1.. 11 1 n (('1\I'I<'88,h nnd on Knzun's h elBI. too hn rd. II'llh tlw c UIT" nts nil fl nwlrl j.( ::l01ll th l ll~ In til e louch or Ihnt h l\llll , II l1d III the prol" 'ssor's volc , k ert Knto thu north 111111 ' ":1st." Snnlly \TOS 10l'kl n,:- nt {h ~ Dnne, with zll n from 1\., d ,'~I '" II? s nn p nt hIm . Il hi s bnck t o M cG ill. A ll <'Altltunt g lcu m to l ern t~ !I t1,e fl'l rllll ~hlp wltll ex pressloul 'sa ~l' I)S - and II rnollo nl es6 bolly. .hol tor li n Instu nt In to hi s eyes, "1 WD.· b esln n lng to f cnr I w ouldn't "You're tnklng UI C tlogs ' "
Gill. " cot l" brcot1JeoJ Sondy. "Ao' you CIII'I'Y 1111 thnl "Ion)! with yo u ! Ain' t ,vO lI nrrnld-ROIlIl't h IIlH mIg h t Ilnp' p l'n- ?" .' 'J'h.· 11 1(1,' "1''' (I'~~/1f' W!lS' 1(lol;1nl'; the otlWl' '"\, II~' UoW , "rlll' PHl'£'I'hl!-i:-:n ~\"is tu
CU I))£'
.fliT f t'. 'pdpi li.
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IIr ( h ., HIHII I1 ,. 1'1i :,1 f"lIn WNI sw lrlly nl'h r t i t, :1' I ' lilt ctllrl\1H' ... ~ f~ld, 'd
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1, :JJ::1 1I \\,:11, Ill'" till' 111,1
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'"eloped her had oppress tI Gray \\' olr.
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fIH'·PlI"'.', .uIII 1:1:;
' 'Ill
'r')f' •
When you buy
W ar SlWin1;s If
Stamp "hat you !lo Is to
tor the llres en!l. the use o[ lhe 1D'01ley It costs. Thaot rnoDllY comes back to you In I1va yoal'!! wit h Intel'e>&t nt ~ pce c ent , compounded qua.rte rly, You ,do not give your money ,awII,Y-j you !tImply pla.ce it lit the dl bJ)Osa.l of Y'9W' covernmen.t 'In an bour lOt need. And, remembe r, ilieee It&mPl when aU,acbed to a War ' Ba'l'in&'8 Certificate prec_ I, llke tbl' bonds Of blggaeL de!lomlnatlOD- they are
,libe wbole N80'Ur'C88 ul Ihe 'Unit.. ed Sial.. Tbere II 110 ster I.
t. the " . .
Is the n A me atamptil 011 the back of '$):Oem _,lork. nntt fa nc,. . ervin,. ptcca lu . 1l\'C~ r p late 01 profta 'l\l ~lI ly-
Wld. l.tltude Cot choice hLotrerro In the mall7 exquiOIte detllD" Sold bi , ... dl .. . dea ler. e,.c~y.h ..... Ik:n~ for C.tAlo~ "c.r..,U deI~ aholri." au
.... T H E 1';/ 1 A M I
Z E TT-E ••••
,..---------_...-. -------------~--------
I ). I.. Cl A NH, Edilnr m' d I
Think u\ .... r I he Ii.! II I I" "d '1(" 0; I, II Rdl lind s' e BOW FEW of th mare ttlHrkl'li'd without th" l :U'''''''~'I''n Man gettlnl a Proftt off .your wllrk UI rj fir nr/ hnIl'I), les~ )Jrulit til .\ nu. . H!llltn" ~r!mlJl Illl~I~C'1' t o 'rill' Tn ~In tt! mark til the most valuable "I'o,lu~' l p 'Cldu~·('tll)n the fl.lrm wi houl mnrni flll ion Man's loll.
As, Written by : Our Corps of lo\bJe Corref!Pondents in t hl:.
b ;'I! I ('
::;uh. cdl)t inn I'~i ('e. $1 !'ill p r yeltr I
----.~-~--~ ...,-
.. r
hill, City of Tule,I".
I v. .J
Cmml I !loS. Our fllrm e r ~ who b l1ve 001'0 ' t.q F I1,"1\ J. "' hency lIl .d.e s OIlU I that ht· is ~~ ,.kll t , n'lrl~' f, l ' he fillu of P, J. hu k u ra more tbllo bOI!Y. Kv ry ' j",' uey &. ( ~" , . dtdll K LHIlS illcss ill lilt Cih olell dll.V 1M bill).! 00 n8U m ild nH sprlnl! IJ f T .. lt~d" j l'OIlIIt)' Ullf l :"'it:lr (~ urulcSltiid, ij'Ilj)roboh B, th a wo rk IDore6tO~, bot.b iJlld t hn l ~l lld 111' 111 \\ ill PH)' I h. -sui .. tJI to 'unct t\uL ' f tb a IIduIIIl . 1.IU.. "l,l S
I , ~E 1-I UN I II(I~I) III 1.I . 1I1~5 for ruch u.IHI C\CI )' \ r j S~' II I \ :'l lll nli tlml ('UI IO I, l I.e
",'edl,), 'he Mldll e l N H.
":i"FHnr AI IAI.I.'S(;,\T A I<H Ii " " J. C III! N I!Y .
~ \V"rll t u la'for r 111 (:' Hnd ~ lItJSCI iIJ(~tl itl 111 )' prt.~lh, t. , Il l i ~f/tll doy 01 J)(~~ ln !Jc 'r ,
A. \\' . C I.UMIU N, Nu t,"y p "tolle. 1I ,1I 1' ~ '''''"rh I~didll" i ~ luk" " illter. IIlIlh~ , ... .-1 :ll' I S lhl ougll I he 13loQd (III 11 1(~ \lun'II~ , ' ,furf' S: ul tile :)vstcm.- \ tnu fu r h· ~ lillhHli : d ... , fr(·c . . 11 . I CIII~ iW & CO .. 'rolc,!. " O . SlJld' hy all '''lJ g ~ls'~, 7.~c . Il a ll·5 (fami ly till s fur cU l1 !'1 lipa ti oll. r\ . II . 1M Ii. (~ie,, ' )
,, DAllYW.S.SlAMPQUOtA$290,400
I .
II Oh io Is to "Go Ov er," Distributi on MU3t Eq ua l $3.&3 Pcr Second.
D.-(SI,ecln.1.)-OhIOo'lO '
CHICKENS EARLVI,? ~~:~\·~,'~rrtl ;:~'~I'~~;C~~V~~l~Vfl~~ $3.~,:1 - __
l'I·(.. illIlllt' ly pel' seco nd durin g or ! !l 1~" tr lho ; IOO ,OOO,()OO qUOIa lor th sin, Is to 110 pussad . 01111 v ~nlos mus,l ~ ~lIn l S::t(I .~ or Iho stat~ will fall Ihol" t o( ~lS u.llolment.
Early hil i Chlll~. II1"UI1A IJell('r chicl!
." ,~ III rtmrllljr. ilij.{II' r Prl~l!~ fOl" lIU rpill ~ cock "rids ~I,I,J II~ With a I"'" cHl,lta qllO'ta of $20. lIt Is b rl ,'h,r~ . n Ull un' lJul IL' IS ill t h,' f,"1 CllwlOllH Ihll t o\~ I'Y mllll. wom a.n aD,1 lhbt Wi ll. III) 111 ~ I' il j(~ l' l, r io j( tvl l l I h!l~i III lho slate nlll,:.t lIut forth some weHlh,· r. ura d III r!!" ". p hllllll" r 'lIa~ Inll·ticlllnr ('n url ty) I II ure Ille 1I'1IC. ers II'IIJ,cHp ll n.. r.. r t It, " I 'I ; ~' I1lfl l' (C~ R I,r the g"l' I'ernJlleul's campcUl; lI ~ ': I ~ . I 01." ""''''' .' "r-;,lI'" 11-,· I r(lm In Oli lo. tit" Ohio War S,ivlll<:'s com. h e!.l er·
I ncuhlllfJ :~ ~ " ; I .u, "..:Il!r~ III'U belll' l' rullt('o 0 " tui ll s. ROlL!O ituliv ldunl . 18 b,'r . d I ~tt ,liu t 11'1, li.v IHI IlIfl Jl lh,' I wil l be furr'l·t! to 1>11 y more U'I\Il h i. h!lt('htn)r ""d ·ltr!· (I f l il t' ~I\'''II (''' iCk ~ prnpor(j nn of 81u "\.1 to mout Ute ah eud Ilr th t, ru·h IIf sprit ,)ol" plulltill ~ . o1oncll occn~ku('d wlll'n hlft ueigh\)or - Pllin to stli I I I h,,jncuh lllllr ,,~early I ail s ~. r es pond to LbO nat loo'. reo BJI MarCI, 10 alld h' Ihe fi,.,;t dllc~ QU t. . OUI by April 1 Thlls who hllv e i!etillcl'd In h ourl y t enus War Sa\" ~rllcti('''d ' 1I 1y htlichlOg an d hll ve I n~" 1I11d T~ 1'ift !'lllIl1I'B WON.\1 $12.IQI I()()d UI Uil "", ·"L urt' ~1!lrli "K ·the in- mu st be b""id cad, 60 minutes /)f 1918; . Cubulor~ I,,,.,' I'n hntch in Marl'h 01' ry l' yclA or tho m10U e hllnd on (:<;!t start .." . >11.1' I hi ~ Yf' flr and 611 )'ou r \\':1t <'l1 mus t BOil SIIJI.'6· amount. proctuC'e 010 ' ,. 111,01 bell~r tis 31 lug to $2 02.
oi ,
more pronl.,
- --.- - ---
Lepda In W. S. S. Agencies. Llm ·1., O.-(SlIGClnn-WI(h ono !l.U · tho ' zed l'al H agency to ev(lf'y 72 of "English a s Rhe It SpQke!' J1()(l.\I"l~1 0, All 11 co'!IIt,y holds ilIa 'l'h l) wl(,' ,)t II WIiI'li hl '!II1l1 11 hI th E1n-i recl,lrd (,01' number or nge nclee 1I11(lInllll (F.ul;itIlH.I) \\,(l~ '1'1111I1; 0 ncceptln/l r,·spon.q lblll!y for dlstrlbu· al'lnb'S IllllI Thrift qunrrel llClWCPlI two othel' \\'011lI'n. lind t Inn o r War In1l1118. The treasury d eplll'tll1ent ber flll~1 COII UI1 ~ 1I 1 WII S rI~ ,.,)lIo ll"~·: "If 'cr'll ~1I1r 1 '10 "'r 1.. 1111 ','r ~,'I tl to 'N !tn s Ashed f bnt ono auth orized a ge n~ be\ cstn.bllsltP.d tor every 300 of po pu · 'c r'd ' ll\"e 1( III ~ u '(' r 01' 'cr 'C I' !" Intlon.
Mrt! . ,",,,do. Ren~on returD ed IJOUHl r eoeotly, I,tter severn I month!! "f Hlt. inti wiLb r elaLiv eH Mrs , Aona ~tloson "l!lIt,ed ber • lsLer-ln·low . Mrs. Qulnoy V. rroll, who II In Ibe 0 1111 1). 11' ''''88 BOSPltDI • ~ Cl n oiullt,tI. Sbe I ~ I here uDdor Il olng nn 0l'er6 t lon \llId 1M g etting ',loplC I S wallll8 oould he eXlle!lted , ~hidllker & (:/r llY lire bayin g '" ul cA u n d fin di ng roady Billo for t,hem l\ lr ~ . ~ 1rn h Ri oh ilil vlRlting lIer rj ',ll l,; hr er. MrH. W"lter .lo,·tlon, of Wullm 10 Mrs M'.r illnno. CIHPtl nter ts "Iwlt. In~ het ~(lII, ot uell r Ce nlerville. Rov. BallneH, of WllminKtoll, 1M filling I,b\! pulpi~ lit Ihe Bllpl.t"t ohu r oh Itl \be nb"e noe of Rflv . A. K SlIrgent, wbo \" spending (be wiater In 'r'·Xufl. R !l. Y 8uffmun-;- at Wl\w ioBtoD, IV II II a t:\fluduy I:Ue8t at bl ~ p~ ront8 ~"Mt summer II ullid dog pA!lse il thrnugb tbi~ "iolnl ty lIod" I~ kn· )\\"n '·bllt be lIi t U LOuie b .. l o oglnl! l o ~' rllnk RllUdo o ~, 1\ h o r Me for J hn Oomptoll un "llnLIY 'or MrM. Emma C hilO Mr. Rodduok kl lh' c\ ' his Ulule , Mr c,:I) UlI! ~OU' Il o r~e t;b ow , d ~ 1j(IlH of bAing wr (!O!I: lind h e W.H Id lled ~nd nn ~nn l illY 01 rOlnl( MrY Ull o e '" p ony Ilh ",,", pd thut It, WII S ,llIl1 ge r " Il !l l v ~ft' ectlld w\t·h rli "bll)~ lind hail I" ~ \lot, out o f It~ mise r y Ir I.b p.r£l ba~ bpen lin y furth e l' t rou ble It 1M n o t kuown Mr. Fnuk J!'Ilr I1 ~ h el1 , of Uu\'lun. stJen~ sever,,1 d6 Y!l h e r ll with his fawlly. Mr .. nn Mrs. Boward I-!enr~ . Of J efl'erll o nville, weru SnndtlY KU fll! t ~ of Mn Idl\ /jowe. Mr Bnd Mrs . Elvin Fires nnd two ohlldren ()Ailed on Mra. Id ... B ,) we
S;'1L\lt ,'CONTROL 1
per puund week
March 4, 1918, at
Mrs DOD BronHt ra l,or ollll"d on Mrs. 8 ... r old Smitb one e v oo lu !( lu ijt w lle k . CINCINNATI, OHIO Mis f1 or othy.J n kR llu8 rllluroeri h om IIHer havi l1 l!; sI,enl, >ovol'ul UNITED STATES FOOD ADMINISTRATION License No, C-I B 162. I dHY~ wl lh rfll~ t've8ln U IIlrk ·v lII ,; . I Ev r pound o[ bulter· fat enid La The Tri·State brings you from Mr. ( OhBSL Elh8 11 118\ ~u" ch"n e d Ii . Ho to 5c per pOtlnll ).(reliler price for t h e present and INSURES THE n w" Bu iok" touriog oar. rUT RI~ MrR. Ed. Writ;( bt lind MI II Anull Jf you do Jl Il I have car1\!. wrice us for Free Trial cans . Th nnip~on Illient trltltThur8CJtlI' With Sell ing til the s tllti on buyer or creamery Silent mesns a 1088 for the Mrs WlII Wrlgbl. pt'esent and a mortgage on th", future profits of your dairy. Un r vlololty Wile well r e prAPcutod at !ho Rlao w gIven !Sutordu.y svonlDg lit tllO HMvlly~bllrg Oil rl\. H Qu~ MI ~8 Berdu. FOHl oy Rilo nt the plillt . week with b rune folke . Watched Him Swell. ,J 1 Mr. Z (,lIn Blldl "y, nf. ()/oll}" n, \.;"'~ l.r~lI .. hl111 11" 1'[1 Sun\'''III~ II"llh n R(llm no ou r strp pt on A dn.\' 111,,1 1"1'1".1-1'" Inlllh o, ",I<' NO 'h'" III .. f", ·" 1",,1 week "1"',"11 ' h:'lily ~\\"" 111'1I. "" llIrn;" , ,'" "' " Mr norl Mr~ ' ''oldoll iloll o r t nn k , d ,,·,, 1 th ,' 1'"1111\11",, Iln.l· h i ,I'" Mnndav dlnu e r w i th Mr~ . Uh f)" hili. \\' I,al 'h,' 1"lId" , tIl li k 1,1111 1111,1 III' ... ·,.11 .. '1 "~h,' r\" ti l' .pd..'ll-J
(irleithe' eneon
,IW e .
Govornment control ot the ra.llroads Is tbo waterwa~~B' OflPortunIty. says Chairman Jc)hn H. S/Oall of the Commltteo on Rivers and Hllrbors. To thlls cod a dpfInlle plan 18 being worked oul ,.horeby lhe Improved channels anti waterways will co-op r aln with tho ,.allrond s In haodllng fr elgbt nnd Inland .Itlpplng, wh er~ (, .. nr possibl e. ~ . · rcGl den t WilBon supports th E' \ ,1., 11 oe do all tho b"~ d epartmont h r rl,l]S. A sellsatlonA.1 cut In tbll ril'c r und harb or impr'ovemout blll, ,,:noun ling to millions, h as bectr foll owed by the order (or bar ge~ b um by the govenallflot to bandle
'1' F . McGuin n Hnd family speot l:ll(unluy oV/illling In B :.r"IlYbb llrg MrR , ,J08 ()shoroeoDd Mr s . 8l1rt'y Os borne lind ~O D wore I:Ih0l>Plu/t In l:lurveY8 burg Saturdl\y aftern OOn .
Singing Requires Strength. RllI'''' nl" SIl,lU)'.l rl'lUCmIJ 'r Ilint sing' III' rlj(t' t requlrt,s j(r '/It phy ~ I (!1l1 n vot'lI l tl'llf'hl'l'. 'rhe Inl(' Mndrnn Nor,II"n n 'lIIurl( -II n lDt It 1'(''11111'''11 tllp trulnltll: of 1\ 1I1'1~\l lIl!htcr. 'rh., lrllltllill rae I. not I lll) ~I(,III1)' os ~11'{J n j( li S II was ,1 hllncin'rl r"11"( IIgo. trh ~ \ tJhpnmlnnl nlll~rI('s S('PIII 1.0 h nve sll(f(\ rf' t l UJ(.' grpntl'." t rprl1pl'lI', ) 1('11 '(I th:t . ·C: I I·l'It~r of n'a ll~r grf':l t ~tn J!c' I's. In -111;<111); tn"r<! lhllil In 1111)'1111111; I ~' It I~ Ille u IIrrll' ul of Ihu flt t ijl." slt','ngt h.
uh~ I r\'(".!'1
IIIWllllng. 11111 III " 1; "1,, fill /! ' IIle to wfllch U11l swell."
01 ,;1
Tibet HIstory Lost. hls'\ory of ':I'lhet IB In ,,1J ~( ' lIrlty ot tI\I' I", ~ 'lJ:n. rol l t"lI1" (lilt hlick III th ,· IIIM"il , 1I"0rlll. l ts p enpll' com (rt'III 01 nt nJ:N;. nnd It Is ouly I"". Ihey IJ 'IUI1!C to th,' 'l'·Jn d ..
O woed by The Kingsbury Co.
hrunch of K
P K, Penoe. MI"s Mary Fitts, of Dnyton, spent
"A..J/JItI,ty.,:J)cIIlQIfIiJ _ _.,..,
_____ _ - - -
,e ,
or 's Homo M,..
~ Il
t~ .
••• DBNTIST••• omeo
1I.'noil BUll< OldW.
... ·8.
Notary Pub~lc.
BbIJ) D1ng~
S unday , Williutl) B. Null W'U~ severel.v In. Rev. Alfred Wn Ilror prfl~"lJ e ,l nt tbe M E. qltQ,.oh on Bund "" to 11 jured '\VhoD ttl k ~ d by u., bOfse one dllY III~t w ek. very attentivo 8Ddlence Mr. Pole Johnson, o f SprlngfiAld. Our 80ndmv 80hool 18 0 '>\' pro· gres81ng nloei y oud er lhe dire, t·ton spent Mo odilY with Mr. find Mrs of the tlew 8uvertntendent, Mrs Anoa Barris.
Size of a City' Lot. Tht· q ues ll on Is ofI en nsltf'11 ",hu t 11l! I·t (If tin nne on Ortllll",.y city lot I s. On ' OOxlG5 f eet conlnlus ju ~t 11 qunrler'l\cre ~ II(I cOlilulns 10.890 eqlHlre fCl·t.
ncr's, It
~{llIlIrO ,
lI1enl<uro 000 fe~·t Olol1g ell ," sid nnd 1\ !;tl'lp .fI~ tll l1~ I 'nglll Ilull ou -I nth th lengt h. or 66 fe t, woulll mllke un ncre, lind If hut on ,[oUTl'h as Il)n/!" or 1M feet wOl1ld mnke n quurter nere. Til Is Is n good·Slzcll ·f l ty IQt.
- - -..
All 'clods of Notary Work. Wll1l and Deeda a tlp~alV • "
Spocialist in relieving Eye-Strain alld ' Improving Defective Vision by G lasses , 0ffice and Fitting Room lOB olllh Detr<lit Street With TIFI~ANY JIilWERY Store X pia. Ohio
- ...---
Moving Ie .pretty well uaongh jbe week.end with hotoe ~ol1ra. Liqht YOU,. Home~ / Mr. Bnd Mrs. B. Jr. (Justin, of wlLh tn this vlolnity for Bnother Favonl Early Parenthood. Fr6ok!lo. ep ent Suuday eveolng year. by [lectrieit\> Eurly poren t hoo/l Is productl,oc ot 001' Red Ur088 Ladles doserve wUh Mr. and Mr'. Ed. IJolJeen : Somebody Goes W rong. . worrlor , but not of lIoed hraln work· Help b.. y • shell ; do your part and MillS Lydia WrIght ' 8pe~t AtongrMt prn.I!l8 lor t·h~li onttrln~ tlf do It wtll. Buy Wr.r Savings Stamp •• ElISter on the,eyet-mOfC conven • . "To ,....' \1 . (III I'hl.\"ll1· I" I·"CQ~." sora er.g, tor, snys Doct or Redtleld, "when Funeral Dir('lctor allY 10 D!lyton. ient"J'"ore economical. Cannot Un'l e P;hl'll. " " 1111111 " H~ to lIu\'c u : - - - - . . , , - - - - - - - - - - . : forte to do ,,11 tbev cao for ,the oom· we look o"er thORO Intellec tu n IJ" s uo and Embalmer, Mr . aDd Mrs. KosIer (:/rahnD1 .. nd p erlor m!'n who hnve .1 01le so llIu~h ror tort of the boys 10 'he trenohes. bum (j}' s ock. Easy to install. Boy Scout. liuy w. S. 8. might)' Wrltl"'I1' 111t!llr"." W oo(l s ficld. 0.-( S lloclo.l.)-lu one A pley WBa given '" fown 11811 dnught e r,' of Lytle, w r e the Sun the worl,l'~ oi1vnncemnnt we fl nll th ·1I\ Waynesville. Ohio. mflnth lJ) ell,lJ~ r8 of Ihe Boy Scout.., MondllY nlgh~ by Oll11'lIsvll\e 'alent, dl~Y gUI!S~8 of Mr. tlnd Mrs. Ubllrl p.s to Il[wo bcpn predomlnnntly tIl sons O't c~UP " ar Sal' l ngs .ocJoty or this cli.y i.ltle Q086n Esther It was well Getoer. elderly pllrents nnd on ly rnraly Ibe ."YMErn'lJ b Oll!1 ht $6 2·1.75 wortb of War Savin,R .rendered and muob enjoyed. The Frank Deatdlli'f wu!llloliDg sons of meo less IhIlo ' twenty°fIY!!." 3 to 10 YearCuarantee Either Auto or lIorse drawn I!ervic~. lind T11I:1rt Sta mps. Tb4 society II! proo.edl were dl91ded .... i.b tbe Red bUlllnesl tn Day too, Wedu ~ 8d",y. Light your barn, .alb! ...n<l, ......... No extra chnrll'o fur auto service. lll e ~ lint or Its char..oter orgsJlil~ Oroy, "dl .. your home. VIC ~r",-~ Mrs. 1I000ea )'red, of V".r" lon. spent One: plant _ "~I . _ Both phones in Office and Resldenee. in Ohio by Dol' Soouta. A JDollioa' I.tertatnment Waa ~. pas, week wUh frlende and rei............ I... 01.~ ~ ..." ... No. 14. . liveD Town n.UHa'lIrday b, the "\\,,el bere. SpeaallntnductGrt'''''. AhlOln Quar',', 'of Wilberforce: M••. Luther DaDOa1D lef, Bator. ,All ,reten' were well pI6ll~ed. A dllY for Slln AntoDio, Texas. ""'---,.".,"""...........-."'._ .......,.. ..........."'."'.,.... fult hallie I"eeted 'hem whloh I\lmKingdom of the Free. MONEY LOANED DR.H.E.HATHA.WAY Is clI lI d by liS Inhn bltnnte ulaled them to do theIr beat. . And inVigorates Old People I'llS!:\OI Fraok Milia ret.urned from NewLebanon, Ohio iI I. or ]\[unnll-Thnl: \\'hl ch , flum ns ~ fl'yoe.a ville '8 Leadlnll Delltlllt Tha Capital's Fifth Avenue. Any doctor will teU you that the " ·/I'C"." or "I he Icln!:dom of the fr(' eo" par', Ky , where he and Mra. MIlIII WByn..\,iUe Pbooe 12"~ 0t-lEY loaned oullve 8too k ohat, Mt ~edient. of Vinal as printed below Th e 'lfCiI ,O r Ih l) klngt!om Is n.llllut 195.· b8ve been t o r levera) month". Feno sy l"anlll livcollc In Wn shlngton m.oe . in BainBII Bldg. ' M"in 08t tels Llnd ~oond mortgagelJ, contain the elements needed to im- O)t1 1t1lr1.l·' 1I111 ~" , nhout 4U.OOO helng .10 MUle 80Id bl8 dweUlnlC on Enllt MClin Is u sunlly. lIst<!cI among the 'world's prove the health of delicate children til l' Mulny l>"E'nlnsnln; thnt IH. Its toml 8t., to Mra. Rn~h Bllrrla, wbo will fnm Qu s stre ' l s, Lout tl,l tb ~ WIIShlllgton- 1>1 0 tes bougb t. .10 h n [JRrbl ne, Jr., "'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!i~!!'!!!!'!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"" a.od r,.toro stre ngth to old people. \ Ian tbls Il"COU hIlS not hili! thc 'lm- Alion Buildlng,:X olll,Obto. m2 . ;:: nr('a III 11 little I!rl'lItl\l" tll nn Iwlt the ' oooopy It a~ 8 home. u Cod 1.11'•• on4 Bur Prp.on ••• I RIO portllnc 1I0d nttrn Uve llCBS t Ii' ~ Irl' t, :l1'~n or British 1111lm"ln, hut II" pOlm· "'_ a04 Maa'.ne. ePcP:tonat .... hon Qnd Ammonl,,'" til rale!.. Lima .... d Soda the rec~~nlz ,I pll"1l11 groulld of the 11111011 II1.lIIlhc r .2(10,000. or IIbnut qual Q11'coroppoopbotea" o;ucu\A. to Itlnl e Ih u Domlolon of Couudu. tasbJollll bl on ~ lInllY oft ·rL100n~. 11' WAN'l'EU Those who have puny, ailing or ""Good Wife. street In ' Vn.s hlngtoll I.s 011 Institution ... run-down eh Idren or aged 'parents O nce upon 0 time there was >l tnrm· like !.loo· 1110nUI1\(·IIt, the governm ~ ot may provo this at our expenlle_ who~e wUe dully pumped the hou~c clerk and bUDd cOllc<·r!s In th e porks. OBACCO'l'rd8h wanted, pay hlgb Beside'. the good it ' does children M,hl :uppiy of wllter up to II tauk 00 It dlltes 1m 'I, fill' ellnu gh to lox the est mnrkQt prlce, ttlke In avery and the aged there is' nothin~ like Center of Jute Industry. ' h,' rroof. 81lY~ Tllo 'Llttle Journal. At· Vinol to restore strength lind Vitality Dnnilee prll('ll 'ull)' 0\1" s· Its exis- II'f!! yr.nrs he Instnlled nn electric memory of Wl\ s hhlj!lnh' ; fow oldeRt In- Frldl!.Y, Lytle Warenouse, Phone I desire ~o take this opportunity to announce that 1 have comhllbl tnnt\!, bllt no records ot Its origin S~5 Oent{frvllle , r~ell ter Keuriok. 1,:),to weak, nervous wOJllcn and over- tence 10 Its t l.':\:iI1 111(llI stty. It WIlS pleted arrBngements with tb~ best watcbsraith and jewelry repaitman 110 or to do this tor hcr. Oor ttll CIlIworked, run-down meir. tle,OiJlu, Ul12' ID Xenia and will be in a position to take carll of all kinds of reparr the pioneer In the ndopllon of jut as '~\l l "t1on brotlgbt1>l1t the fact thot the nre Ol eO In th city b{lLl, Try it. If you I'lre not entirely a~ work Quick service and entire satillfaction guaranteed. We repair Jailed, we will return your money n .fibcl· for milling cloth of 11 chenp wire IInil been lVorll lng- thnt 'pomp hon· ~Iof,llll man to ra·lse () Iloros to. and clean Watches. Clocks, Fobs, Rings, and in fact, everything in without question ; that pro.ves OUf l]tlll1iry. Mel II hold ur,on tI,e trade 1l,(l.~O ho un lit a "alue of h ult .1\ bllooo on the shores Ilod ao d"y th e J e\velry line . fllimcss and your protection. Mil- nil be n 8(\ firmly mnlnbllned nnd lie- Cl'nt PCI' hour. She hod lIa"e(\ him No Office Cat. 'vork for Ole; good wltgee to rellll_ In the near future we expect to install a flrst·class line ot Jewelry 'Iions or people h ve been convinced "% pe,1 that DUnoe Is r ecogu lzed a8 ~ 1 , .;5 In ' 20 yenrs. Whnt was It thn A trn<lltlnn of th e oll1c1' ellt ornnnd blfl mAD. Adn r es8 WIlUer S .. wyer, this way. . .and until that time will be able to furnish anything desired on short the 1"'lneinol enter of. the jute Indus- ·l'rl'l1.:her tinld nbout be r ~orth bolog n newsl'!Ipel' s url'lves f "oll1 curlier @aoth of Three Bridges. Wllyne~notice at a greatly redllced price. J' E. J anney. ,pru c!L!ist. Waynesvil el try In Gr fit Brlmln. (I bu\'e rubles'? ' , . rna tlm()$, but I t Is only 0 trn,IIUoll. tor ville . Ohio .' Remem ber t hat I sti}1 seli the famous Wear· U well Shoes, Done -------.~-~.~----the re Is no s lI cll IInhunl, lIoles 110 ex· other mad e that comuill1!s qualitv and comfort for a price' that iB withchnngn. Probnbly h c. 0[' slle, WII A (lnce F you htlve 0 ny Rorpluft stock 00 in reach of all. Factory guarantee bBck of every pair. A .word t9 endured ' b E'cII USO of hl s ' llupn()Sctl em· Bird ..' Neet Soup. b~nd B, now I .. tbe time to seH the wise is sumcient. The birds' nests from wbleb full far- clcncy ns II hl1nll'r of rtlt6 lind mice, th"ri:r . 'rry tb Gllzl'tte C lll8sltled rrllll ,I ChIne e 60U[l Is mode are built but ·no mo(l e1'l\ om!:e Is In fested with Ads They will s e ll them for you .. One Trial, Will CO,llvince the .M ost Skeptieal•. lJy 1\ !lpec'l es ot 8wollow tha~ llllounds rot1tmls, IUld thl'Tl'tora It I . not neces~n t11e cconsts ot Ja\'n ~ · Oeylon anll Bor- sary thnt It should tolernte U Cllt. - -neC), lind conSis ts or· a gelatlnous. BubFOR SALE t lll1Ce obttllned from' mnrlne plnnts. Xhe nests are boiled either In Cllickoll Well ·Posted. bro lh' or tn milk of almoods, . lU1d tile' !l'hey were discus In!; lItcrntur nnd resuI't very Dlue" r cseml)lell "erml<lelll wo y oun l!! 'lhmwot.lI . Bron ze tlle co nversation turned to Engli" h 011so up, .except thnt It Is tl1r . mo~ c~stly . T,) 1U ~ . For further Info rm .. IJlOeR. "Hnve you r end Curlyle'/" la· .tlon Inqnlr o f WnJ, Luke ns : f:)"r IJlllr~d thll Iitern ry cOl1nnlsseU'T". "No," m:!O n.n slVerp,1 !lle' lItem r y pll ,"Pllll, "but I've v y .. tln r ll, Obi,). "ls i ted bls Indlllll schoo!." . America'. Natural IIrlage.. \'Ybitll Lf'gh'lrn ' ' ''oHorol s, 750 ..... Ther!! lire probobly more ollturnl fllIcl ~t ORCl! ; o op-yr .uld "8. Ply. bridges In America thnn 10 any otliQl' m IOtll RI) ~k .cock. ~ L.50 : l pT. 111 1l' a Runnpr Duok ~ $L 711. W .. lter !1t1W· ""'!:~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~!!'!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~7!!!!!!!!!!!!!~' lcouritry. Rnlnbow, thp lurgc&.ln cltlst-: ;:: encl!, hi 80S feet high. It~ !lDan Is sll: "or, R. 0 4. Wllynellvllle,O. tn:!O . limes as grent lIS that ot tbe nlltllral b~ldge of Vlrginln, Ulnh has ' ttltce o. K. tl ntob e r, on I.h e X_RHy "Bvlng r e nt ed.y m,fro.m I wlll~ ell naturnl hr,ltlll(!s thnt ore. hi gher nnil pt .\ ICajser Bill Knows Who [5. JIolding the Ace In rence "V!l1 Illlt A 1"0, 1 H ., ftl!t I:Itlll~. greaterspao thnn 1l0y otber D~tural II.t Publto Auotlnn (l mil ..!! norlb of 109 LOv ,', u Rall Ollb yellr, ve r~ ro"WayneH:vtlle, it WII .. s 8 aLhou~t of brhlget In the world.' !Je,,'ervllle, Ilt· MIIDor's ~tBtlon . on ~lItl1.ble rn prloll. Phone 112 l y' . Wuyoe!t'l7ll1e . m20 .' Thllr8day, M'a rch 7,' 1'918 " Fond of Chlcke!:, Hearu, Commepolng ..t 10 :00 o'clock, !,be OFl Atlt'O 'l'I:tA!iR WAN1'E D,- Lucy Is tond of ,the heam of f ollowing propertl' to \Nit: 4 l:Ior .... p, I:lI~he~ !, :J],irk"t pVloa pl1HI -tllr . to"~ls. Wlren dining out: wIth frlend8 , 70llttle. '1 Bo, .. , Impl um nt \::I II r- Ira ..l. W . .E. O'.N o"n, WIIYU!' vll1 ~' 111 20 . she was nsked wbnt· her cllotee of tire nel!l8, Bay, Boo all old (3 o(ld~, M·O Obf,l. Chicken was. F9Tg tUng the Dame ~ot '1'erms mad'e koown (In ,d".v lIf .. ~Ie. Since 1847, the year R~gers Bros. ~riginated elecno-Iilnr E:UTEl:loll 'I1\<I 'I'nr"lt ev~_ W.hlt the mo/Oent, she said: "l !ordet de . W ·li. I:iQUIRIG platmg\silverware bearing the trade marie "lI!1 RIKiERS BaIL· . Plymoot,h R 1 uk U!,' k.,rlo l • M Dume. It's do part w~t IDfkes "hlIt . A. A. -MoNeU, Auo t" hu been renowned for quality. wearability 'and beaiat,. ' Lh li vllrv IIp~~. Egg~ II.IIfN'~"rl A 1' 0 "va." ., Jerry .B ime8,·Clerlr.
OI.saiSed .Ada
---.. - ..---
A Watch an4 Jewelry Repair Shop Opens at Waynesville .
.- ...
. . ,.
--- _. -
'.',Silver Plate that Wears"
' blltllind p (1n l~8
U , W.,Ioh,
Paviog 'dl!ci(jed t,o moke a 80le 1 wfl) sell at Publio SlIle at my 1'881 Definition of True .. d. , _ ~ R~Y Obi,=, Pot",toes, $2 .0Q a' . "A trlend," IIIl1d Uncle Eben, "Ia a dtlnoe ' In 11ft.. aolly.,. OD, oollltr. J,/hn ' RQb ~ r~ob, OregomIlD da.t laughs at 'yO~ tUDDY sforles 1'hul8Cfay, Marohl 7, ' 1918 ula, 0" Ronae 2 ' even It dey ain't 80 good: All' 8ympa· 1 o'olOClIt, the follow. thlzes wit Job mlB!ortllDes, eftI1 If d8J Dr'DDOsrt;;"t: 1. Dorse, OW-Fresh Jer~v Cow, a ROod ain't tlcr bad.n OIlU~, J;lrlrone. Inquire of Ralph IImer, 100 buhela W",.De.vtlle, Oblo. mlS .
.. -..--11th'" liliiii"
"All. IDle
DIIl7 I . . c1n!Im -Xoa 0187, INt It ~ . . . .--.. U\at obeGal' JW
WIll 'tNt
,.._for.lene" Cow, wlU1 Oalf ~J' A 1'114., .atl. C. 8 14· -'
.... 0...,. Bom. thcnaelJl.o.l' .
1841 R06m BRoS~T~ptE' .'
Il2mped on forkSt ,pobns and fancy .
arvml pieces .. •
aUafantco of heaviest ~ting, perfect worbn..-hip .... 'exquisite deBigll, assuring JODi and .atillyinll8lYic:e. ADr article of .ityerwllr8 marked • .lW RGIUI .... ~ lie 181ected withouJ furtJte.. ibYeiciption. S91d by ludi. dealers ~I)'W"'" fat at' . . • ~·L .. &boWing all patterJllo •
-......:===iiiii. .
' I 1-- --- - - - - - - , Try the Miam; Gazelle's Classllied .Columns for ResuliR
Do Yo u •
,l PEHS,ONAl MENTION II~-=--~·~.~~--~~~~-~'? --- .... -...................................................... O~teol i
Many airls and women. anel men 1I<}1 ,h"ihl.· for mililary are allldoUi to til) 8omt!thinlC In II r'~L[' \ I.' 'l'H I'! W,\H 1I" ,'",'I,'P, r iR nn opportu nity to dlscha (ll'e II I' ~ltIn'J'll~ II\' -1 Y uncl fll I he 81l1~ time ..m 80Qd we,a:E',S by n!lag-IIII'!' III til mnn,,! I· tllr {If 1l01I1lUI1IL' "n (It the plant of .THE- l'IHER CA1HIUn ;\o: 110IP '~. Kill~8 Mills,
Warren CO" Ohlo.
.... -~... Dr. Hill. ath 2] S. Uroud \\.II",L< !lJl\rlon ,Ohio. : J. C Hiso) WIIA called lo· Duyton.
1'uI>sd ay, ull accoun t of icklle8S .
Con . venient R. R. and Inte rurb an Servi e . pecial ,o\'crnm pnt
has be estaLlish ed, by Blllhori ty . Train s anll cllrs will ho t ime In goillg to 'ql' from King'e Mi I~. ", fol \\'s:
PEN NSY LVAN IA R. R. Leave Xenia ........... ........ ..... 6:10 A. ]\1. Arrive ,fCing'e ~till ..............6:12 A . .\t. Arrive Cincinn ati .... .......... ... 7: 10 A.!\t.
LeaveC incinnn ti ................. 5:15 A.. M. ArriyCl Ki"Il'8 Mills .............. 6::30 A .• t. Arrh·e. ' ema ............ .. .... .....7:~5 A. \(. rOTE-Thtu
o)eraloo &
Lean !lla o n .. · .... .... ... .. 5:;;0 A. ~l. Lcave (\111/( 8 !\till,; .. , .. :. fi;(\O A. )U .• LCIl"e S. Lehano n ... ..... 6:0:; A . ~ . Arrh'c Lchanu ll ..... .... . ......... ..........
1II',· o;J.n,'Y. hili al" ysfor tho~e 'I.ui"ill! / wo rk
O /'/)l';( /CIIf'J11 I U ( IfUO/ t ,
P. '1.
r"arm 'rRif you Wllllt a fhat clllS;! rO~8 Bros. and huy
M r~.
~lr,;.~P"l\Wulter ij, of t Iht! \\\\'llIiulIl •.,1 lid wit
1/" '/.
I IIU lIl,
I('lI1~i l1r )(lt i
'. ~L·l·ttle
., ,
Ml·SS Optl"ml'S't "
_A 1 ar::lll1 tint Prodll ti n
_~ "'=....".=.===-=== === =-
('ailed to l ,'\'lonr1ay ' 111\ ,lI'e unl (If
ill r anu :\0] rs. F I'Mk L.:Moy and :!Oll an' ,p,'lldlll g Itlt: wtlek wilh '. t' . Huwke nd ~Jiad 11·1 n.
~uesday, Marc h 12 F ell lmiIlg Vivian i\,lartin in
l 'ld\lw~s o( rclllliv ';;.
Apply in Persoll or W rite 10
A Para no\lut Produ ction '
Ki!'J,r. J . E. I..
\:I:mlll"v UIlt! f:lI11iJ), . Mrs. Edilh llarri!l
"Mysterious' Miss .Terr y"
i l:lt. Mary's Guild will meet Thurs. •• . 1,111), aft m uo n at' the home of , . • l r.., ~\Jr"o Hllft~UI :k.
Satl,l rday, Marc h 9th, M~tinee and Nlf!h t Featur ing Billie Burkc in
I F a l'l ll 1Vil.j;l'OIl slle , the 'l'r u~·.
You Can ASSis t t he Cove rnme nt by E nteri ng this Em l oym ent or by Hous in g and Boar ding Muni tio-ns Work e r
1'. " . P. • I. P I.
Hotel proprie tors, boardin g house keeJ)er~, lInd priVf\ e ' in r. banl)n . Mal'rtn. Milford, J.o\'cl;~nd! Mor, .i,;, XCllin, towns w'ho are urepare d t o hOU A,'. 01" h l'"~I' a nd II :11'(1 fanlili,,! Ill~i p or ft'IIIHle ' 1llIII,lye ., nf tlUI' IJlallt. 1\\,,' IIlv,led I, fl. ""'11 II 1\'''' .\ it ' .1.,.1 !l<,arl ,)' rates 'number of p opl wh o CBn be aCCOIl1(>lllltl'rJ and whl'thr u- LII " r. '"',1 1, ''' :1" '" for m en or \\ omen, ur both An ollici I list , ul'h url'n''' for r~ndy r eferenc e for th e onvcllien<:e f ·Illj.loyc s dll:; t rill~ r~lIIn(l. 'lI( .. i L" ,." h ,II lJl:' 1,I'pt
Employment Bureau,
"Double~Crossed" Also aParo d\ on "'I'll Magic \'est."
J. C; J anney Bnd Mrs. ' ....'al te r illintu were Dayton villi tor", Tue •
(;:05 A. M: 1:2() 1'. '-. .. 6~20 A. i'lL ~ : ;,.i 1'. , r. 1" ,:-; r'. \1. 6:2 /1 . ~( . 5: 2 I'. ;\ . .>.(11 I'. 111. 6:-10 A. M, ;;:1 5 1'. ',.
. ~II (·d ll ll't al'~" !I,wel to It /;(/hi t'hrJ)t[l~~ I/.. muy 1,(' .I,u,/II I ())n'c1Ii nl ia",ilI u (.o b~ Uitl'" 011 . 'lIturdn
G:OI) A . ]i'. 1:1'". r.: 11 t • ;)J. I; ;:~ 1;:21) A. ~,. I,:;;; 6::10 .1\ . M. ;;:0:;
1;:10 A , \[, 6;1 8 A. II .
1)au I'me Frederl' k l'fl a P" I'an10t lnt Produ ction,. in ..
Mr. :lnu Mrs. Howard Hopkin s, of Day ton . !l r e · visiting I'e lativ \!s today,
• J, Le3ye l'i. t. bllnon ., ...... .. . 0:55 A. l\r. t; '1 1' • • I. l.<'a " c 1(1 tll.(8 lill ~ . .... 1;:(\0 A ,' lI~. Ii: 15 P. M . . " ell "c ~1!1son ........... ...... ': 15 A .•1\1 .
:1:J5 P.M. ,;:(13 P. M. 5;57 r.:.\1.
Ull'. lmy k.~ of
'~~~~r;day, Marc o 7th
l llj{lJ" 3t marl\! t l )riC{j paia f or ! lrru,h l oblicco by W. E.. 'Neall.
to avoid 1I ellf as PIJ.
Leave Lelmn() n .. .... .......... 5:40
I'. t ,
. Th eat er Pro gra m . lam !
2: IS p.m .
Open evenin gs.
i :l)()
Sa turday evcu i;lg
. (' :,10 p. m.
\Va l' Tax
T otnl
' ..
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....
t liS Br(J ~. will still continu e to hnndl" 1\ full li n of Buckey e PUnll)S, ~ ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'!""~~~~~~~~~ J'i pu and I' Ill\) rl'pllirs. ~~
Kit.g-'s iiIills, Ohio
Mr ,
r.Jr!!. End McMaken . oI j weI' the g u I s of ~
DelrtJl t. ,\\ich.
C a se
ra c t rs
The ~1t1 ,"ie I dg of this place ball r eei d nn ill vitution to att end ORTHODOX CHURCtl in. peclioll of F rnnklin I dge , Friday Q"'I ke ril.< m \\ (·t>k-Hl IlIy Dny al !'vlming. March lh . t he Fri n d ~ Chur<'lJ n xt 'undo),. Mr. Bnd !'.l'rs. H • Howell arrived March lOt h ;'ltl tI"y Schoul lJ:~O Il h me MondRY fr om t""ir winler m .; pr chinR' lO::lO 1\, m . home on Mouile Buy; 1\1r. Howell ST. \AI~Y'S CH ( IRCH i_ 1I0t in good heallh . henc,", th e ir ar· , I ~o\l rtl~ SlIntlny in L!-,Ilt, March 10 ri val home sooner Lhsn \Vus exp t:led . "'nllny dlOol, l tt;~ 1111 tn . r,·orn. EnRter is comitl nnd ev('ry A'l'ude ing PrnYf'r an I ~!!rmon at ] 0: 30 f (he lates t (""hium; uf ;Pring 'f he [mhlie: 'nrtl "ll!}; il1vited to lh Se :lyl!'S will be foun d in ali d pllrl · service" . menta of th o S. Fred 'onl parlY L ·b· anon Bill' 'lllrp. Rpeci II ' III the An . M. E_ CtlUl'CI1
" WUl be on exhibi tion and for s le at Ollr
WAYNESVILLE SERViCE ST ATI ON Until about March 15th. Will not be enough Tracto rs of an y kind to supply the deman d. One crop plante d at tile proper time will pay for the inv es tm(:nt.
Do not delay.
The Motor Inn-
Kilpatrick-French Motor Car Co.
Sllnday Sc hool at ~;15 a.m Preach· hlg Lolh murn! /I,!.! 11.1)(1 eveni ll R' hy I v Munliuy f';v<jr):horly cordi II)
'. Ohio
Service Statio ns Mason
Mrl:', iula Ca r y untl dl1ughter, Miss Alice , 1'1,1 nay.
Morro w
- - -- AN'S
We~ k
'F RE D'S Greater:Fumiture D~partme ntSale I r.i~I~~~ ~~l;~~: .~~.~.~,.i.~.. .~..~.~.~~J~
.Beginning Friday 8:30 a. m. March 15 And The S. Fred Co. Leb anon , Big Stor e
S\\~:~: "'~~~:I~''';~;~ ·l~;~·I:~ :· !I.
Milli ~ery
--- --
llRbi~ted '
New Cabl,l!lj{(). !el r y. fi'anc y' Appl . ran ges. Grlll)ll Fruit
I . Tit Vollings Co. is a Four Million Dollar Corpo ration and ·opera tes lJuder a State 1.i ellse. 2. It s 11 7 ~ preferr'c1 stock. in Oh io Indust ries. 3. 'l'bese eeurities are tax free ill Ohio. 4. Every indust ry financed by the Dollings Co., manuf acture s a perma n ntly stapl~ produ ct. 5. Every indust ry fillanced i consta ntly supervised for the w !fare of the invest or by the Dollings Service Depar lment . 6. Bollings lndust ries . are doing War Serv ice. Some are engaged in actual \Var Work. Oth~rs are in the Gover nment preferred class. 7. The presen t offerings of the Comp any are thus distinguished. 8. There are hundr Ms of satisfied custom ers in 'Varre n Co. Your neighb or is probab ly one, ask him . We would like personally to expla in the Dollings Pla~ to you. Comm unicat e by mail or cail at Room 3, . Masonic Building, LeballoD, Ohio.
rend ered the music
Warren Countv Manager. .
County Democr at, died at his horne , ._ _ _ _ _ _ _____________
_ _ _ _ _I!! . alurduy night. aft'r a long illness . .:: 'eeds-b ulk and . In 1914 he was appoint ed ·p u tmaster of WJl min Kton, and in a short tim e a fte r he hud 10 r sign on account of M OOrt~ ' Good Oil and Gal!O lih . illnes~, IIi;; daugh~er , Miss Wanna, hilS munll!£cd til paper since 1914. Curtain Poles. , . , '. ' . • . . . . . r • • KrUI!'R HI' ·ad-fresh every dRY JOe Aia son. Karl, was JlPpoint ed p ost. Dust Pans . . . . . . . . • . . . . 2 lOe IOuvp,s fllr " ..... .......... 19c . . . . . . ; . . lOe Carpet Beaters . . . . . . . . Regular 15c IIlflv S ...... ~.... l4e mo'!. tel' after he res igned . The fu· , . • . . ~ • JOe neral was held at'his late home fues· Paint Brushe s . . . . . . . . . . • . • . , 25c, 20c, IOc, 5c dayafte rnoorr A large concour se of racked Com and ,'(lr/llch F~ed P;1int!' and Varnish es. . . . . .' . . . . . . . , , . .• JOe peop Ie Illlended os he -was Ii widely Oyster ' ell and Grit Scrub' Brushes . . . , . . . . . . . . . ." . . . '. . . . JOe known man in Olillton CounLy. Bring us ~'()Ur ('hil'kens an Ego,,"\! Flue Stop. . . . . . . . : . . , . . . . . . . . . . . JOe China Nest EigS . • . . . . . " . . • . . 2 for lie 1t. will pay you to trade nt.
New Garden package .
--- --~- ----,
Men's and Boy s' Shoes, ~rctics, Stor m Ove r Shoe s, R':Jbbe-: Boots, etc., etc.,
Pr ic e . . ~uar anteed by the
B ro w.n el l 'S ho e CO l, Ak.rop, Ohio ,
A \".
Fuld lllM: B d,
Waynesville, Oh!o
110r ris Rook er.
m20 OULD li ke to buy olle or t wo
Or..,ft Colts. 00.1\ G . '13. 6. Wuynol:!vlll a. w20 Of mix rI li n . . Alsl),!?
•. ;\'lll\ r111)$I'
E. .Rlloy, vht:)u .
3 /;, "'fl, 1.05 t
fin!) !llltl t.wu :V"lIr!'
ohl ,
will rUl'r ow in Ma roll TI' (l'l ,r e 0/ G. E Hiley, 1)110110 42.6, Wu :v nf,'R.
n1 2u
Bmlth PT'lltniM 'l' Il!lWrlte r, i n !lood Rbllpp. ,'V I!] ~eJJ lit /I bOt
loqnlre llt I.JlI~ . nl~O
Kelly.Spring field U nitE~d Stat es .,Id
T ir e s McCLURE WlIlIn"avi·ll., Ohio
10e J lie 5c 10e
Fal'tl)61'S who are interest ed in lie growing s.w cet corn, will please call <It the office and talk i t over. We ' . l'peclali st In are anxious to have a large aerea.lle Waynesville ~his year. Come in and see us. Barll:aln s Ohio 'Wayne sville Canning Cq. : ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _w_~------.IIII
M\d Morl·t~ Oh air. Inquire of A. ZlIlllI.I OIU)UD , Wllyu eavllI ,
Rex: Lye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . Oil Cans. . . . • ' " . . . . . . . • • . ". , •. •• Tacks . . . . . . •. , . . . . . . . '. . . . . . • Tack Pullers. . '. ' . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • Goblin Soap, tIle BEst soap on earth to Remove Stains ..
The ~ate ClaSSifiedAds,
It In If s old MOOIl.
Some FACTS You Should Kno w.
John S Humme l , a veteran ' news paper man and edi·lo r of ~he Clinton
--- Onion $el3, y ellow. red and white
I have a full line of
'Sells Secu ritie s th~t mak e your Investments Safe and Profitable.
by Miss Est her .\,lockey. In L'Jrmen t wus mnde in Miami ceme l cry.
• The funeral of Mrs. F. B. Sher wood. who died in a h'09pital in Cin· cinl1ati, after und ergoing an operation, was bl.'lct in St Mary'!! church Mourl y afterno on at 20'eloc k. The church was filled t the dooft' with f ri ends ontl a great many Lebano n people were in attendance; also t. Mal'y'!! choir
Pure Buol\wh eat Flour New Largp L ake {Jerring N.ew CaOlled pillaeh
. ?f)C J
pou.nd. only ... ........... ...... 10c
LennJ( Soap. only .... . : .. , ...... ... 5c leal1 EU8JI OB]J , only .. .......... 5e
Full particulars in paper next week
m aple-al l sized
and AU,Dep artm ents
.- - --.,. .--
• •
Karo . ·yrupZw hit",. dark and
h "C~ l,lrs .
The Cazl'tt is under obl iga t jons t.o 11. '. Ho\\' II. \Vhf' brou/{ht us n fine lOess of !!",eet pOl,liloe"l fr m his tUTl,ch on Mobile Buy. My . fJowell ~ays that wht!1I be le ft, the thermo m. eter was 5 in tht! shade. and that (' very l hing wa a maIlS of bloom .
Ib , only 4¥.c
Big Bottle Swe t Pickles,
SPRING-OPENING ~~:~!: MARCH 21 Coats, Suits,
pring ' Openinl( whi
h,ursda) evenin~, March 21s t. .
I am gooing away aod cannot sue my putr on~ und friend s. and so will g ive you the bllneti t f dealing with ~he proprie tors at New Antiocb , Ohio . Thanki ng you for your past Iiheral pntronall'e, will ay thllt when I return 1 will call on IOU thi fnll. l. N. ·MiIler.
L arg Pllckage Alllmillu.flI Moth · erll' On [,1, :old e"lrY"'h~rt! fi t t.lQc, oroll' .... . .., .. ... .... .. ... .. Me
New Corn Meal,
O¥ erl and s
'U .od ges )
~ McCLUR~ ~.
------ . ..-,------....,,-; 1.-- - . ____ I THRiFf STAMPS 'IPERSONAL MENTION II Y
• ( rll' 2,'; ,." It J'h rifl ~ Im l~ w·it ! . hU I' ,flv e u 11I ,·(tl Y" U po ... , 111(l"\c~ 1011 .
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a Ir lJ nh f,, ' Il1 ' ,l llIl( lno W lil'rl!v~·r I h,' rl' i~ (It'S \1II1' ion of prlll)e r t.v. til ift mus l np '"(''' it WIl. le i ~ \ !l.l l!. a nd call " , t be r cl)ve red . Thl'l ft alune ('all hulld u p whal war lenni down WhateVllrof go ud CII I1 h~ I{I ant'.1 frum a di ~ a~ tE!r . il IS thl' duty of everyo ne l" glea n Thrift is thi~ thill j{. 1m I ca n h '~ I be cui · livat eci by I;.k inl{ Rdvantllj;f' of the governm ent'll Wal' ' uving!; pi n. Fnrm(,I'S wi h mopl e \!r ove ~ hav- un 0 Jr P'" lun ily this ypa r \ 0 do a douhle put ri <llic ser vir.,·; l,olp f u rnh,h til ' CCltw l r.v wi t h . Ullin fro lllllw I r e S fll'IIJ Ilut th ll prllfils in Wn r '\I"ingll ~ l i mps HU Hh . lill ie Thri fl S ldl1l\. ,'",,'L '
-j: WHERE - - - - - - - +1 j10C[fy-EVENTS
Betty J aDe "(.I e~ l . two m o[ rough s lrnw tor slreot Olen wirh tbough l S 01' II. ve il to t h'c flu ffy-fl uff at 0. bla ck hn t. swathed In 0. lonl; tull that lends no cod ot charm draped arollnd her should ers. al so covers all th e !~ace bu l til eyes. It Is her attempt to 1m ato Sammy with his gas ma sk . Tho two black strnws. the \I(\(\~r hilS 0 high crOWD wbteh breathes of " the 0 1' 80(1 . " Below. tho Bomt· poke model carrying n pom-pom to t be top and rear ol~ the crown wbloh completes a cuUe angle.... III of l!sere straw.
anvils at Hyman 's. !
I-' ri·
a l ·illl·i ll ·
M r lind Mrs ~' B II l!ml 'r ~o l\ ente rt ,ine<J li t ciillner ,unrlliY Mr nnd Mrs 'J . H Co l ~ m ll n. Mr . U M. Whit alld Miss MilrJred H ltrl~ oc k. \
Th e r (,~ lIh,r Friday pve Ing tl un('e W Jl4 f! iven la~L we6l! . IIIIlI was 11 v~ ry .oj ,.\ able Hlfdir. !\(>ventl ctlll1 le" l b.'i!.g pr~ · P nt Harry. Stuktl fur · ' n i ~ h l:d the music . i
tv'r J 0 Cartwr ight lind Children l lI ttended a dinner at the home of MIS A. B Ivins. at Rid geville . Sun- I Mr . and Guy Kibler wel e day. the occasion being the 8.0th an· ~hoPll i n.1C ill Dayton ladt Thursda y. --:-=--:-----:-=-=-==::.::..:--:----------------============~ niversa ry of "Grand ma" Ivms,. A large gatheri ng of r elatives were p resent.
M r~.
, " j,fI1P"l
tI 1 1( 1
I ~ th lul Cr Ie W:lS a Xl!l1iu. visito r '5ul ulJ uy .
P ~ I'
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l3uy Tuuacco
,vilh t'O I1l Pll ll tHl
i'il l'PIiI. LUlt ll 1i,'s lo,l,,}, c p o"
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THE LIBRA RY iElEGTED A 0 \A LETTER fROM Mrs Grace Davis and Miss Hele n Cook were Day Ion viSItors !:iawrda y . ELECT OffiCERS 10 .BE HE·ELECTED CAMP STANLEY
Jame.'I Kerrick reached another mile· stone Sunday and his wife p lanneoi a surprise on him by asking a few of their friends in . Those present were Mrs. John Price. of Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. ehas. Sherwo od. Mr and Mrs. John Beach. of East Wayne and Mr. Frank Elbon.
lore people than yoU would b ·\jeve are under the impress ion that t.he money which Uncle Sam is lenuing to the Allies leaves Am<!rica for expend iture in I~uro lle and other f oreign countrieH. ' This is a mistake n id ea . Virtuall y ull of it Is expend ed · ri vht here at home for Amerle an ' procluced goods , munitio ns and food stuffs. Since the d.eclaratio n of war alCainst Germa ny on April 6. H1I7. Congres d lo!l~ authori zed the lending of $7,000,000.000 to the Allies. to be paid over before July 1. 1918. F rom April to Novem ber tha Allies had been borrow ing from Uncle Sam at the rate of ap· proxim ately $500.000.000 a month . And they had been spendin g It with us almost as r apily as they got it. Every dollar you tlut Into Liberty Bonds is an added stimulu s ' to Americ an indu8tr y and American prosper ity . Besides making more and more certain tbe defeat of the Kaiser' s ambitio n to rule the world witb his mailed fist.
Miss Esther Rockey spent the w(:" k. end wilh her mot her in DelaAt a meeting of the Libra rY Assoin la~t week' s issue IoIl1de r the ca p· March 4, 1918, wure. ci a tion. last l:>alurda y. the foilowin " lion of "1'wo Cand i dlite~ officers were elecled : Presid ent, Dr elecled ." we uid nu t me nti to be ltc · Camp Rtanl ey . Texas. on several Offie rs Tra ining School. St Mary'", Guild will meet with Ma ry Cook ; vice preside nt. Mr:'l J . luf those ho \ ill ue up lor re el c Dear Edito r :- It ./oas been Mr:l Ii:. V. Hal'llbacL on Thursda y E Janney ; secreta ry , Mr!cl. J . L ti on. be<;llu e we did !Illt Ulink it tim e since 1 sent you any word some from Menden hall ; treasur er. Mi~R Maria nct" s,m ry . Hut a lbeit the Ed. Roland and family entertai ned fternoo ll. re are t wu u ~ chaps dOlVn here in t he jungles . Stout; libraria n. Miss May Wri u: hl; at a farewel l party Tuesday evening llll ' e cand id ates who ough t Lo bel Well. the schoo l is nearly half over a few of their most intimat e friends: directo rs, Mrs Edith HArris. J. L. menti un ·d . VOll r n ! and I have gollen along W. H. Madden and his estimab le Menden hall and Mrs. good. Those who enj oyed You'l~b ca W~lr 'UII p. by nnu b y. fi'rame. Fi rst un the lis t will be our own so tar. hut they are thinninvery the even Inil' were -!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wi fto arc ridillg in a new lrord Sedan, g them out Dan Surface and wife, The r eport of the treasur er s hows candida te fol' I'e electirJn . F. Sam Jonea '" B. Sher · pretty fasl. They sent back a train and lhank you l receipts for the year from all Fourccs . , wuod. fo r t reasure r. HUl wife, Walter Hale and family, all t ha t is load las t week and I underst and 1249 71; upl:nse s, f232 17. Walter Cast and wife, Horace n ec ~s. <l r y to sav of him is tbat he there is another buneh to go soon. and family . The evening wasStokes LieulCl,an l R :s. Walton , of WashAll "'ho wis h Lo 11 8 is t In. thIs wo rk has llIaue II' od lin d will spent ue re tlected r see whero B orne more of the boys in g lon , D. C .. Wlill lhe S unday gueSt can do 80 bv payinll One DoJl a r witho ut UP POStl i II . in making candy. The gue~ts de · a re getting into the ~arne from up parted at a late hour, wishmg the me mbershi o du('s ( 0 any of I h nbove uf ~ i ~:I Huth Ha rtsock . T hen 0111' genia l fri end. nomed officers or M r8 H well Who wo uld ever Lhink ofthi she riff. horne . Well . I hope they have the Roland' s happine ss in their new ' opposin g best of luck. It Is a great thing. I home. Peirce or Mr . S L. Car tw ri gh • C ha~. J . Was!g'o ne r fo r his second bel ieve every man in service now M1'8. Bllrkha rdt. of Dayton, visited One hnnd red silCly· th rpe per~ o n s Ll!rm~ We fi rm ly beli Ono Who Was There. eve th ere is will get a trip across the pond and M I~1l Hulle E UJ3SS. of tbe Friends paying this sum last year made P Oll' !lot a doul in the count~f who would get a real chance lo .show his metal. W'iLh its I... .'· dr l'SA nf repaint . n ! Horne one day last week. s ible the attracti ve room and good da re 10 make a run agains In the Dayton Sunday · News altl him . for decorut ion ~1I ' I ut hel' be rt uti ly ing and We have been workitltt hard here peal'ed a picture under the caption , r eall ing matter t hat eo ma nv h8ve l he has been there '\Ililh the goods lit day and · night-l eonv nie nt fc " l tJl ,. of Irn Jjrover\1cn t. iving III trenche s, MrB 8. [lurllke and children . of enjoyed . all tim e~ . "First Woman In €au. ntf PllotaT rac· one will ha rril\' ro ('''I{ ni~\;' lhe ", Il'red Ma~on learning t'he lIrerlch ways. We have - -- . - - -Silent JatlL week wilh Mrs. \I tor 0ver 1<"ar,o." 'JIb" woman. In 'I' he auditor 's office will ha,ve La be ' rench officers to inslruct • ml)llny l,pbllll' It BII( Slo r Ilnd us in their l!ll\zailli th Snook • questio and fam ily. fHled\ alao. and It is hoped tha t the mode of fig hting. We go n was M1'II.' Wemer , a coualn grlllLt will II· th "1 I'wirit'l> awaitln j( t() rlOe ~jOVERlAND " ot Mr. O. Raper, wbo Is well f rie Ms of our John 0 , Cartwri ght range next week . I lound frle'ndH upon d ·c · t,,!c:l ilPn of the out that . will prevail on him to make tbe rllce Enoch White , Up's brother Mi 's Dorothy Gebaue r. Elma known in this town. She is mown reate r Fu rnilu rt' D plI r llll t!l1t Sale . got a The Christia n Endeav ors of Har. plowing 25 acrtlll of alfalfa sod, whlc:h - and believe Ult. thaC if he does commis sion from the last bcp:illni ll lC" lr l' id lIY Illlll'I'I ill)!" Ma r ch Rubc"rls and tlenriet ta McKinse}' school and veysbur g. Ohio, are ~iviOiI a "Sham. has not been condesc end to be a candida te there is s tationed at Camp Travia. turned over 16th and I h .. Altn ll al !-il/rin\! )pen ing. we -e Cincinn ati IIhopper s Saturda y. I want rock Tea" SaLurday evening . March ye!lrs. She .plowed an acrefor eleven will be no 8toppill~ the count of bal- to look him up If I ever get Thu r~d a.Y f' Y ni lll(. March 2 1Mt. tiine. ]6.1918 , at the Town Hall . You are mmutes •.sald to be a new in S7Va lots that will flow in thE! polls on his 1 went to see R A Cross record, and wife cordiall y invited to attend and have ~he plowlllg was Automo bile ow ners are having behalf. · . done on l~e WeinSaturda y. had a fine talk with them. a good time. There will th,,jr mnohin !I overhau l ed. and the be a pro. farm, Then . again. there is 8 man fro m 11 makes a mon feel good the Xenia and Dayton to see gram, game. and music. If you pIke, one on pill ~S ure lul ~of ma ~ hines all the day laat week durina a Begi('lning Mpnday . March 18. I Frankli n towlisbi p. who will an· some home folke. I would like to have never lime . ' been to a "Shamr ock tractor demons tration. . will operate out of Waynes vill e n nounce him elf for Cle rk 'of' Courls get to come home afLer thi~ school Tea." and see what it Is like. •- • new livery se rvice, and will call .for - that whole eoul ed. fr iend · to eve ry· and see the old to wn. I underst and There come will be no Ildmi89ion . Mr Hu~ I'll K rrick, of near Le b· you "any time" or " any pln c e'~ body- Dic k Thirkie ld. Dick can we have a relll picture show in town Social Commi ttee. allII n: ~ p nl one day last ·.v~k with Will meet 01\ trai ns du e lit Corwin . COllnt on Way ne townHhip !llr ady. And f rom wha I g ather, its manage hi. n\CI llwr Mrs. Serena KerrIck and Special Dayton trip Thu.rsd ay of each a having a vote polled he re tha t will ment is the very best and it will ------.~.----S,v ra l of our citiz('ll have ra. famil y. week L1frge, rnomy. easy · riding 5· surp rise him. And, judging from surely make a great hit. ceivi>t.! a n invll lltioll to att ... nd th l! political talk . t ha t vole will be uni· Last week we spent in the trenche passeng er car Tel ephone all orders s l1ext meetillll of the Men"s 'illb . an1 real war 'was imitated . We or calls to Lhe Chiles Hotel or Phone versal all over Warren Coun ty S . ~ - Frankli ll . which ill be held Thurof . The Anl1ulil l',esll~e There has been IitLie talk r egard· I!lcpt and ate right in prlllg Open 123. the ground . day evening Thr' lOp aker of the Ing of the S Fred Compan y Lebano n I appreel ate )lour patrona ge and ing the office of Record er. and it i~ It seems funny that we alept out all eVl'ning will' be ex 'ov. Frallk B ~~i g ' :to re will occur Tbursd underst ood that J usiah Holbroo ayeven k 8S8ore will · night with only one blanket in Febyou. one ang all. the very wiiIis. In all I,rohabi lity there will . 10K,. March 2lst. Jet! Smith. received word Jut week best of service. Thanks in adv.ance not be 1.1 candidl lte again. if a good ruary, but the weathe r is warm bere McCune died at tb. bOlpital that his dauKht er, Mn . Lawren be SIlV rIAl who will attcnd . Wayne Townsh ip man wants that and it wall moonlig ht and we had a In Lealie for any and all work giv:en me Lima Monday nlgbt, after a severe Evans. of near Spring Vailel(. ce position , he will be able to get it. as reol good time. We were. ------- - ~ had J . V. Hartsock . The ere zcs of lallt week made the good and attack of pneumo nia. The body will been thrown out t his townshi p getll more now than tired when we got back to camp, be of a bUKIl'Y aDd Tel ephone 128 . maple season a danrly one, Bnd ownbrough t here this afterno on on Buffered a fracture d left ankle. when it formerl y did . . ers Of camps were kept busy every though. and were glad t o get into the 4 o'clock train, and Rev . J : F . the wheel of the bug'1IY run over For years thls iownElhip tried to our good beds for an all· night sleep. Cadwal lader will conduct the lIervices that member . They were at their buck the .-ame. but Was unror· Well. 1 guess I have told be more syrup this tunate. falling down on account bulk of news. so I will end. you the at the grave aboQt 5 o'clock. Inter- home .. and Mr. Evans badeot ten out' ment will be made In Miami cenae. to open the gate when the horae of not being able to swing the gang: " Yours truly. tery. frighten ed and jllmped , and threw A real dividen d paying investm ent So. 8itaiu. things are Ii great deal Georjfe J. Waterho use. • - • Ther will b .. a box ~ocial _at. the i ~ off~red in the 10 to 2596 Mrs. Evans out of the bUIIIIY. From diffe rent now •. llnd the best man wins ,?ff on . Lv tle choul fl II e Friday evenlflg, b urnltur e and Rugs and m last accountll ahe i& gettinll alone .. any Item s March 15. fo r tJ)e purp o~e of pu r at Factory Cost a.t well as ean be expecte d. the fracture , S. Fred Com· ch6lling equipm ent for the play I p9.IIY . Lebano n ~Ig the Slore. Grea~e r of course, beln~ ~v:r y palnful ene,. grQund s of the srh 01. Come out Furflltu re Depat tm ~nt Sale, beg m· and hel p the wllrthy cause along . . ~ ning Friday mornin g March 15th. A hauy tornado struck this vlcin ity. Saturdu y evening . ond DecOI'd ing to report.R some damage resulted , Ownly Firman , proprie tor of the the greate·. t of which was at H E Ownly Hotel, at Lebano n, was arEm eline E Peacock . the daughte r Stokes' . where a silo was twisted all reated this week on the charge of its f oundati on. in such a mann er of Willia m and Maria Anthon y . was as the result of a couple of born in Ph ilad el phia N o,v ember 19, Walter has sold hill little that it will neceS itll te the reouild inlr I m,vRI:ArlnIlR fires in the howl. h is farm of 15 Barnard I ' , and el i d lit lier hom e ill Duyton . Qerea, .west of Lytle, to We desire to call the attentio n of of the same. that he signed a confess ion Nellie Ohio. ::i unda ' . \·ebrua ry 24. 19L . or Lebano n, Mr. the citizens of Warren County Several tiler dumnj{ up to the chllrge, but later BarnardFrench. were r e Her lule child hood and yo ung woo personn al 01 the Advisor y Com;;:.:;;:":.:=-! gives Immedi ate poaaeesion. porled such as shing les ond Deal was made by W. N. Sears. roofs blowing off, also trees and ma nhooll Will'(; spent in E lme r . Ne\V of the Thrift and War he hll'l a s i ti l'~ r lind fiY e Stamp organiz ation. compos ed sheds ulown dow n .' The torn ad o J racy. f was particul arly severe i n \h ~ north· bto chers. severtll of whom were ullselth h, potriotic men, woo havlI western port of t he slale. where a much you nge r t han she . and UPOII underta ken a long. arduous task of r------------------------~--I t he earl y o f he r parents 'he advertis ing one of the best lesson. great deal of damllgl! was done. I.ISsumed 1111 of a lI1 uth r. r ' 8 respons i· I'yer inaug ura ted f or thegoo dotour --bllity anti devotion to them. citizens hip. "The Lesson of Thrift. " It Wlls \V'hile t ho l 'i,.il Wa r was ill as well as the best investm ent in all p l lJ ~ret ij t ha t sh e W itS united in Illar t.he wo rld. and ask the people to give riage to Th oma!! ' P ca ~ o c1k . and th('y them lheir hearty suppor t In their III once carne to Ohi o tu mul,e I hoir resollctive lownshi ps. h Ole O[ t he tilT e ch ild ren LJorn They lire us follows : to th em. Ihe eJd(' t liipd in inf ancy . Dr. Vance Reynolds. South Lebanon, 'I'he on Wi Uiam E Peac<'ck and the A. L McCa r t hy, Frankli n 'daug ht r Emma L l' 'Houck survive Prof Frllnk Hoggat t, P . Plain Tlte hu s b ~ nd . and fa the r passed a way • W; L Harvey , Harvey sburg thirteen yeurs ag o, C\'en g randDr . A. S. Bassing er, Pleasan t Plain Prof. Le te r 1yins, has been ap chlldren also are livi nll' . Patrio tism means obeying a Government reques t just, pornt.etl director of home gardens in . Mrs. Pea.cock h l)s lived a W. H. Beck, Morrow long tile U. S Prof, ' Ivins 'Nl! at one Il ~e ful life, en li r~ly de Walter Voorhis . Mason 10 lhe the same as if it was a milLime Ohio uperviAor of all'ricu lLural service of her loved onesvoled Ed Cambee , Kings Mills •. and wh,i le Harry Smith. Mbineville educati on. uoder Gov. Cox He will hltr phy~icnl infirmi ties have bet'n itary order. leave for Washin gton. D. C, at once very grel!t; her wonder ful will Fred Hartsoc k. Waynes ville OOWEI r M. J. to taka up his new du ti.e s Tbe an I e nergy hayo ' made her Farr, Springb oro Our Government bas resalary is £4.000 per year. Pr.of plishrne nt of resu lts com j)lc tc.accllln · The ,\hrirt & War Savinlts Execu· Her queste Ivimfis u g raduate of the Way nes · faculti eS were clear, anti ler intcrpst d every man, woman tive Commi tlee. ville school~. and has m any fri ends in .the lives of ~e r1 riend;) ond famil y. ----and child to invest at least he re who rej pice ove r . his · appoint as well as ill the current atfai rs of ment. t he nation and of the \Yo rltl. was a ~ .part of their savings .in keen a nd unabated to ~he end Of her fa lh"r's family ' onlv twu War Saving Stamp s, for "r,o' ""'ro I'emain, Ha rry L. Anthony. wbicb .you receive 4~ % ll'.HltA.'VA,lcr Park , New Jerrey. arId , Anthon y • . of Denver, interest• . "b the. seed corn situatio n really Colorad o as bad 8S the papers make out?" I, a There is not a person in Having bought a machin e, I am common I]llestion asked . by vl.itora now prepare d t<) do Livery work, at the Ohio Stale Univeri late, Wayn e Townsbip too ~Qr , will be pleased to take you 'any where hun4red 9 of testa .are bfling . you wi5lh to go. ~rerms . are made. The invariab le answer (s, ~o loan Uncle Sam a quarte r. If you bave Dot a4ded. the recent great .• Yes .. Qne of .the greates t dangers r~onable ThankIn g you ro~ mlY in .the that' we face is that the lIituatio n . your name to tbe fast-growing list, .. of all Rugs and Linole u IUS, we are In a fortun ate POSI- favor8, I am, • may not be truly realized . Our teata Respect fully. . tion to offer unusualvalu-es .. . ~ Howard Burton. 'rhursdn Y an inspecto r vjsited town ahow unmista kably that seed eorn I. ~Ca\l phone 47 or 40. 811{} inspecte d the pos ttOffiee. · B e unusual ly bad, aud that every ear pay-you to ~ome hefe, see our augs, ' and then found everyth ing ·In a fine and should be tasted." Up to the . . buy ,8;1 home. healthy ·conditl on, and was glad to ent time tests IIhow that: :~~i~!~:f,1 that under the present adminis · of the 'corn teated baa II Tb~ time for filing ·Income Tax Returns the office was in a first·class le88' than 50 percent and nearly on.. half 'Of it germin ated I. . thaD 10 ..n •• ~;tln·n report , tended to April 1st., The officers 'of ibis B~ acting lV\·..",IA. perce~t.~ ~~--~.~,---.,-----satiablll')l. ber . help you with your retum.
SOClAl : ~:~~ 1~~~~:~~ilI
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P a tr io ti s m
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B~dy Brussels, Axmin·s~ers, . Tap estry '
. Brus.I.els and Mat llng. Rugs.
--- ----- -
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I If'" lit. I un.' w \', 'I" 1 ,/ 111' ~1I 1 loll"', " " hi- 1t:"".,'I1 .'" ;t I ,1 1(11\'" I!'or ID bo'lll' after tr""ug CtllllP tnc 1<1.ln n ~11I·llh. S t!lP " Y 1';t 'p I'\'"'"~' , b~ ;I, '" p II III I , lh"alll ,'1111 Ihlll t'l''''J\'~1 little prote88or dill not build a ilrc. p ron t' Ilt''' .. 111111 Il t luM h,' fr,,,'h "tl th l' Wt'I I'llIy fll r 11 ,11," "1,,,"1 ·hl lll . HlI" " I II but .. t l ooking up lilt' " hol'p of t h .. filiI' or I ll" n·lll. H,: <lt d n,lI ~lI rry II Ih .· ",," 1,'1I1I" oIll' I,ll! I I '11' III' ".t! II. lelt: etllrouab llls l1\lDtllIgglnss. 11 Cln h .nr . ' I' l ll'ln JlI ~ ·1t HlIllll '\\\'. Til 1I \),I\lholl •. 1"",,',11\"1'11., illl""Il' Wall dlllllt: wll eq be r l!turn ('d to wll r O j fl it' phl,'t' ur "It lI'r of I hj)~" '\: I 11 \0' "I', .",,1). \I J r l l'~"r U.. ' llit:,."ru(l'11.0 had put up b ig tent unci chalnl'd ~1I1f ('r " r -h',,!. A t til " 01 " ",' to II ,,' "'"' 1",,;' ,'01 101' 1,',., til "" the dop. For a f.c \\· monuml ho i l t' II1 hI' ! 'll1 l ~" t1 . n ll d l1N'rt'oI Ill, 1t l~ ,,"01 1i~I'·I".t 10'1' " "".,·1 ,r.'" Jl UI s t ood UDobfJeTVc d, hKlk lng fit lh o wnlf. / h llc'k In T 'I ~" I. " Ilhllll"1 1,,1.1 1\10 ,111 Ill" III Ih,.l III'" dog , Kazan wnll sLIlI nnens)'. JJ a In.y ' I';lIl'nl l\· .... n .\·-tll(' ""Ir no\\' III ,., II 11,,·r. \\ :ll!d .111", ,·r. :llIti t edDl' tbe w8St. ~ lc 1l 1m ode t1 o t ~()r (' \~tt l'Y 1:111\1 1""111. K u/.nll CU nI, ' to hi'; It·,W II\"!'- I "I':~ 01111 .... "j,tl.\ . l~III1"r,l ll . this. tor the big D ono 1 8~f h el li n d r,n- ,f" " I. 11,· I'" ·,,1 Jill ('hlli n t hH I 11('''1 II I I\.' af' {. ·I' ludv.. r'" .. I HII!J.t 1\,lIt l \\ .. 11 '1 ~n-tp tho east. Und.~r or,lI on ry ""n· h ll ll. '1" "1 11'\ 11 11'0.\' ~I OJ"!I I hl' PI II 'II'Y Intl l ,or "" ".' ..... ,. tl,· ' ,11, dltlolll Kaun would hAve fn £I'd h i m. t il .. llll lt'.! ,,'11'1 1 nll f 1j ht\tt-l I" , h a d p \.l'r lIt1l tlll'1I 1I, I\·h til IJ., 1.11.(', (lu i' "n:, III He wu 81IJ'tl now thllt tJlcre wn s sam Co I kn' l l\' lI . J;,. r.,· '\\l llt·c' M ."1 r ,'n .1 1i III tII l·,'t·[" III II\W II I·t! H .. II ( ; .. It.! 1' 11 .1' . A , thln,lnthe '"A'ut wlud . A lI t t l c shln!.t , h l~ Spl"'Hf.! Illf,.\· ':t l ht. r d II ';: It ( or' " f1~fl l~ l iI 1\ ,l t l \ l u lg llT 11 :1\ 0 ftl!J u w\.,\l l1 r uo up bl. back lUI he tllought ()f Whll t ,' til t' :::\lrl n~ . .111'1 IIt " 1I hI' 10" 11"" 1. Tltl." w :III hlll ;, t',1 ll)' lI ,,' h:llltl f 11110 I. It mJ,ht he. ' tlnll" ,1 t1J ,11: 11 di d nm InrH II hn h:u' k, l' lI l H l' ro ..:~ lh\.' (I ft r m l1NI 01' [l i n iull ul Behind o ' rock b e buJlt a " cry sJllulI 1I 1 1110~ t I\n,1 1 "I,,'n . •\ t!'l' :111.1 l Ih' " \t'- "' \\" :1II1 P JlwJ fHI' \~,1 !lo ll r ,'d;y I·itl!.:,· Ii aDd p re))I1 r ed supper . Altar t his I1wrJr-.: h'1. 1 " .. .. wl 111(' I L' II~h\\ r (" .1 .. th:tlluy hp(U t'f' U II Jm Hu rl t ilt' ~lt'l 'lll b~",ent Into tho tent. ond "'h '0 h o lnr Iw h!l" ,,·"'11 ~hll' Ih ' .la y. \If h l '\ hll,,·. .\ \1 l ll:tl 1l1 !!llI h .. tll ef r",l I'ull ClIme out 110 ca r rIed 0 blanket u ud ,' r ~hl\"' I') III I." P·,""·<. IInll It ;:11 1'1' WllY IIg.!i ll j'l]r t: rn :!, W"lf, \\'1 111 hill! I','u' hl l arm. H e chu ckled os b o s tood (o r w lt ll n "'J:'l'l. • "fir U lrUj " l. Hlltl In a ~f)JljH:': WHO;; n prul"' '' ' ; l 'I'\'I1~,l \ t U11UIIl a mom eDt oyer K8%J1 D. :»('('(114') It' I I, J:lfl · ... f n n g S;lll k i n to It.\ It ahl l -h y jlrl,(.,,'ll,'ut- -••l1d .1 . O fny "We're· DOt gomg to sleep In rn('f e Ih ' Il ",l, "r It , J,rn!. I " ',,I r hil t! walr ,·,1 him "l:"I~' !I ll ... t onlpt, old boy." bo sold. "I d on' t W illi II ,,:, ',, 1 f ry ill" 1Il1l \l fl'll. lo .. rn!'" 11(1 k Ill'\\' Illlll tihe II II UJ,J I,,· like whllt you've 10und In wes t II n, l II ~ I I ! .~· 1·,,11. IJ I,,','r 011 111(0 groull tl wn!tl n s l'lIr h im nll w 1I",i l· ti l! IIn O wind. It mny bo a-thtindl!rs torm '" 1111' hl~ ]1, 1\" '" "" t'l' \'olco !'o l1 ~1 1 ou t 1,11 1'. Be laughed at bls joko, nnd burled In ! h ll n " '!,i\'l~ ll hll'u\ Il~ llll t lf!;,gL'd u t By 1111 wn h e h ut! r('llcll ~ d til .... Ti n')' . bl_1t In II clump ot stuuted ba n· lt l~ 1t 'II~h. III I h,' I'n 11 1,n zl\lI' S h lllt! W \I ~ .wilh]n thr' IIIlk s u r · 111 l ~Il nd ·l l lll·. eklan. 80 paces f rom tile tent. B ere hl'ok!1 f1 , 11\ lin I n<lnnt he Wfi H on h i" Sro l'ccly II'II S t h., SUfi u p " h e'll h e MICH ,d be r olled blmselt In hIe blnuket , ODtI t' ',' I. rt·,ltl)· fl 'I' " nol her nt'll·lt. AlII I " u th'l wltll. fi Lrlp of ~ " nd \l' h"l'" h ,' went to aleep.. 1111 II Il l!' r h n ll \:<' come. H w n s f r N'. 1I1l11 lirll), Wolt h ll,] eOIU\) cl o\l'n t" It waB a quiet ~tarll t ni ght, nnd 'I ' hl' ('ollll r \\' I\ ij ~on rrolll Ills neelt. dl·l ul, . EXllevtun fly lin t.!'n ll y h.· bours afterward Ketan dr p p d hiS 'J'I\(' f ..r,·< I, Ihe Rtnr;<, the whi s pe rl n):: nbo ut h llll f or Gray Wolf, ",l1l u · 'nose between bls f orep u\\'s lind 11'1 11<1 WI'I'r nll flbout h im . Il"r w r l ug sotlly, an(1 waggIng b ls tnll . H,' I1rowsed. It was t.h e s unp I)t n 1\\1g 1I1t'1I, 111111 nn: fh pro \\ n~-Gr fl Y ' VoirJ IlC:gO Il to ~cll rcl\ f or )1 r scent, b llt tbat rousl!d hIm. T he sou nt! cll el not HI s <'lIr. t1r 'flpcd, lin d he tllTn,' d sw ift- r ain but.! \" n s b (l \'('u I\('r foolprlll i BwalieD tile sluii\s h Dune \Jut l u. 1.1'. nml RllP PI',I III,,, n h n d o\\' btl k Inlo f r m !lll! el rn n sa nd . All tbut tl n y h .· the glorlt 1I~ fl" 11\)1ll oC hIs World . ~cu r ch ed f or ber along th o rlYer nnli IIt1lntly K ezon's h on" '11'811 alprt. hI!! A hnntlncl ~' (l rll IIwn)' somcUll ng out 00 tb 1)1010. nil \\, ~ lIt 10 wbcr e' teen nostrlls soJ ffln g tho ulr. WI1 0t he Rt OPJl ' 1! hIm fll r nu l o s w n t. It w ns I h 'Y Jlu d lu ll d UII,;lr III t rabbIt. n o b ud 8.lDelled 1111 dny "'liS h pll\'Y nbo ut nor lh ~ hI$: On!l ' \'olc('. hIlt th e sllnl'p ~o lfr II at tile bu shes whl' re the l lo lsou him DOW. B e lny BUll ond qulverlu g. c rn ck-1.! rn~I'-cr/lc k . or tllo li ttle pro· \lIl IlS' hn d 11UI!~. A l;'nIn nu d uglll.n II() Slowl" from out ot th e bntl ~kitl n8 h c- rilSsor'S nUl llll) tlUC. An ,l 11111)1'0 lhllt . n l bll e l, on hIs h ~IUll ch s 11 l1d s on t hInd the tent. tllllr e clime a .llgure. It !;ollod til r rose the volc ot n ndy lIut h l s ma tlo!,! cry lo h r . Alltl sl owwas DOt the I(ttle prote sor . It op' ' l\l cTrlggcr In u w clrtl anI! terrible Iy , ns be did th ~se lhln;rs, n a lure \V1l 8 proadled cautlou8ly, with low er 'd cry. world ug 10 h im Ulnt IIIl rf1Cle ot tJ IIJ bead an" bunched shOUlders, ood tl ll~ wilt! w hk h tl le Crees ho vd n nmod t h o ~t reveal ed the murderous fnCD. " sr.lrl t c u ll." . As It h nd w orke(} 10 CH A PT E R X I X. of Sud, M;cTrIgger. Koznn crollcbed I'Ql- Wolf. s o n ow I t sUrred tho blood
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' II b\l ~ r 01 1
Ilr ,! fCI,rlWI:V 1I ~~ lit " ' \.'il tl~ II I d. C\lr l h e I lw f utur O' I l ruh L~ \I f y,)u ~ 1, ll l r),
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\ ou bou ght for b u ilding pu rr ses three ),C' ors ng , al t l.le hcg il1 lli l1 ~ o f th e Europeull wa r . l' I . I \ 1) \1 IIII !r ' tlt fll l twice as mu ch in fa rlll proJuct a~ l lle: S<f lll t' I \l ll · l.eriRI· will a t ),0 11 lOd ay . 111 a lh ... wo r I , Y III I' IU lIlber pur hasiug power h as d ou b led. a nd th l' ll SO II) 1;' , i ll tlt r years . Th a L i bec!lu e lum her h ;L<; i ll ~ r l' ,l (' ,j l it LIe in p riL'e, while fa rm pro lucL hav e illcr as(' r\ mul'l l.
Thisis the Time, t ~en,
f' l1i! ' {j Vr
F o r ).'0 \1 to b ui ld wltalc\ er YO li ma Ill' tI ill flll' llI st m clurcs-a n ew Hom, a Ga ru , a Grain Uill , ,,' 11 'd ', . Cribs, P ig I-louses, bicken HOllse , a n y B uild i g yo u may 11' cd, now i the time La b uild, toman' w iL will cost yo u more money thun today. . Te ca n supply very lhing you n\!cd fr m the found a ticm u p- in t he righ t quantity a nd at r asonable price.
W.H. ADDEN Or CO. Corwin, Ohio · Get your share of todays ! and tomorrows farm profits~build now the ~tructures you need. The cost
;s trivial compared with their earning capacity.
A Watch and Jewelry Repair Shop Opens at Waynesville. I d esire t o take thl3 oppor tu nity to ann ounce th t [h a ve com · plet ed arr angements with t he best wa tchsmi t h And j ~ w(;l ry rt:Pdit ma n Xeni a and will be in a position tn take Cdrn of a ll k ind fl f re pair wo rl< Quick service RIlc1 e nt ite satisfaction g ua ranteed We r~pair and clean IVn tcilES, Clocks, Fo bs . Rings. and in iUCl. ever ything in the J ew el ry I ille . ' : In t he tH'a ,' f u t u re we expect to insta ll 11 fi rst · cl ns~ 'line of J e w elry a nd until that time will be able to furni sh unyt hi ng desif't!d on short notice a t a greatl y reduced price . Remember' tha t I still sel l th e famous Wea r U we ll Shoes, none other made t hat combines qu litv ann comfort for a price th ll t is Wi t h· in reach of 1111 . [i'actory g un ran l et! b ck of every ' p/,Iir. A word to the wiae is au fficient. In
. .. One Trial Will Convince the Most SkepticaL
..• DENT.IST••• vruce
re oor d .
NlI'loaal 0.111& BId".
\\ ft ~ n.e ov lIIe. ()
Marriage lice n s eR
9x l 2 TajJes t r y Bru ss e ls Rugs.. $19.75
WALTER-McCLUR~ . F,uneral 01 rector.. Waynesville· Ohio
,H owar,'! [' (J" nk , fllr lll e r or Le h. O TIDlo of tho Word "Lady." ,m no ,llnci.Hu. l'll l~ Leu f, o f Mo r r ow . WIl y we co il iI WOllllln II Indy Ie I-li:t'f H E R-':;: JI [t.,v , H. [l )In. t ... · .. k now n. pr obahl y, t o f ew women. It E. V. BARNHART, , Aul!) Equipment O~ \!I" r If' . 1' fl " 'l\ p~ nll . (If IJI'U 111 0D, en me fl'OIll n Pl'lIC tl CC UlIlt obtolned 10 lid l r l{ . N 1\w 11 1' 111 1< ' 111111 . ul~o u f the Il ll ln Ol' " m In es of fllJl slnnd where. Notary Public Hor!'oeooDrawlI Equipment onc l' II W CI" ' , tloo ludy of Ibe 'manor I ,<lUll "'''' . It,,,· . It i:S, Jl" }~t<' r ' dI8t\'lhlll cd L o he\' po or n ~ l gbh o Ts , wltll · ::;1111'" L. li"lIn ,·I,I .· f t\· m er or F' o~ l ll r, A II kinde ot N otary Work. \'1llle ,nd L Il " ti/,· K P,t1 I1l t' r , f n eort1 ~l d h er ow n ha nd),. Ion v,,!' of , br end. She QAY OR NIGHT and D~edf! Il I:\peo\alt:v . TELEPHONE 'i cnmo to b l' ('ailed "J,oef dny," the In w n"h il" H. ,· v ~" , .alW ~ . .
Jill"" )1 \' . "'('Illa' Ill!'" 11'1)' 1/111 .
r' r ' \l .f~1\ tJ
I0)" ,1.
Ar t l m r ~
!Jl u n I)r l' of t, l", , tunnl ~ I .. LI'! Ill' , o t t I·. V. \ I II '1'111 t ie H :\ Id" ,. oll n, fll r ll li' r .Ind l{ f l< ~ lJ,>r 11 t.l f ~· nq . k li o ,
J I " . K U H. ·! r .
I' f
Real ESla(c 1 .ran sfer s
II. j;: 11 ".1 I<: '. \p ' '' If). to P " r r y 1"lm'lLl , 2 .r.Ir.t<'lIl 'l' u r UI'OI· Il k tu WIl .
l·b· p.S t. I
,;,no:.· ('hl ' ,I , I ) ~}. I "'''~ll (' I"J ell' , ,ot\ . "J. 2l:! U h , 1.l' hlllHl tl, f l . '~-llJ t.!'r iP • . 1Ir1 Ber tl ll M. l or,llu D to ()O" . J,\()rll, 110 :!S t\ore~ In I$u t vey
I . tFumiture
Ca rpels, Stoves Viclrolas
N 1. 1045, 1; 1. . Rtll'p b P Be~1 t o W. A. <Abroy " Del .J ohtl Ootterll l tibout 13 110(1'8 In W llfrl!n lIud MontgofUer y coun. tiell, $11 260 T h omns a n.l . n or A ndl' ~ W8 t o) 8 <l f1)IlT (~. Pjd~fl O C I 8 trllote 10
WaY De io"," l ll ]l 11 . 8 y I 'U'8Iel: and IJ: TlltOD til W m. A, Lew I. , .. I, 86 acre. In tQr~le_
811xon wOI·tl s f r' hl'et\ d glvor. Theal! two \I'()\'I1M b CCl lH1 o lle : "Lady."
'FRANK ·a ·.CAREY Optometrist Eyes tested·
Lebano~ -:- ·Ohio
' )lu , I ti l
Our Auto !ruck will deliQer what you pu,rchase.
North' DetrOit Street Ohio
t', ~ \a l i
IIml U llI u r ! ll'al{u
' rl1 l\ ti t t he
NelV :;ults
Nut ..
$45 00
IIp. ,1 " .. ,l
\ ,'+
Il tl t. l1f m ' J II~ ~it h' l t IW,I rl'llllIl ll '1 1
u lr.
$38 00
.1 . I.
,I '11 \
II n hl·nkul). Iro It.~or , wit h Ihl n ue'd HI(! ~ nll lI 'l'1l 1,lu t 11I'l1d. Il g ·Ir.'it' ll s lowly
hl&'h &,rade Oav.enport ......... • . A very massive Davenport in Quartered Oak. Colonial style... •
~ ........,
' "fli fl ~ t
pre~ 'nl
g very puu u nf bu t tl'\' (a! s(' I ~ 1 I~ ' The 'I'd ~r~l tt !, .:i u; ~ Sl~!l, !;Q Il~ ';k to 5c \le r pound ~ I WI' pnc ' fo r Lh ,~ p rc s .. n L lIu d I ~ 4R L:) I II E.: FUT tt E If , ' U U do 1I0 t hav!' ('>IIl~ . \ ' l'i(C ' u~ fil l' Fr .... T ri·. l t",I\:\
L. [{ ul1 riek , dt'.
$34 50 I
" "UPll ~ _
,,-w,!' It ,, -h l p
, holstered in arli· fic"l leather ...... • Maboaany or Quartereti OAk DAv. enport. uoholstered in hlack or artificial
lft'l! .".
t • (. fi t
not koow co_ tbutAnd tbere u sm thi ull ng us CI1sten In wus thot. Buch world, In his ullllersta odltig of tbings, w as
Attractive an~ luxurious Bed Davenport8l beautify the ' home to . a remarkable degree. ' By night It is instantly con erlible in to a comfortable bed . . ' A solid Oak Bed Pavenport. up·
.Plllolt , (\ 1'.
", .,j ! Il lh ,
r;we t'IIlu!; uboul Ww ot hl\doWY nigh t.. 1\ .. turuet! m ore uud wor t! to tbo soutll lind eos t. His \\'bole world wos mull u.p of the trulls over Wlllcll he bad buoted. B eyoud those pl n cea he dIU
Are you Prepared for the Joys of Spring?
Rugs... $26.75
tt"HI p~.
'f n
.YOUR ,·
\1 1l t'
t ~
Now i. t~e Time to Furnish
every one looks forward to with the keen ~t appreciation. for it is th R time w.hen bappmea& and contentment should rlld iate in ever)' bome.
\1 II·; H)l. l ' l ' t U I ' , r U lIf .l oJ
• . ' . : ' I', '.
Ih j llu cli ()II ;
is cominsr. with all its j oy and SPRING beauty. It is the time of the year th nl
j ..
hft-'i\JI 1
L e ..... I II ~\. I ,~
I, •
1· 11;'
~ I I ""
:"',')11. 1
I~ t
\\ , ... nr 1.\ 11(',
~I .
V.' . "
~==:= , =:,; :'=============::=========~~
\ \.
I rot/:;k (Hurl ' .1 ', ,',. I' 0\" " ,,1.·,'1 . I .r ,,1
Bulldln. and Loan Ass'n
"0' .. (
Qem City ;
," ' d, '
HlOO.%: Sal.tJl--S%Divide~dlJ"
.' .... ".
PntJll o
. II: , If ,III
111"t't'r$ ., I'\: Z U Il A n H I I II I!P. ",1 I I' ll J ,.' " i " II', $~ \) 90 ; W. ". :-H' I ~), el" tl LI ,\ ) n icl J,l orl' }J 11,. 1" ,
\ "'~h
Iftf'l:h II , I() \ll, (I t
.of our deposit account. which offer
$ la2 l ;
. n,' L~ 11 I j;:!U .. " I"I '~ ," & I'< n n, .. 1"0
"t'l. w !til l
"I \I \ n i,',l 1-\')/00 f ro m ~t\ frl Cour ... in til l ., MbClh' 8l lLtau CU80 . n nd Bo could not miss ber . "' , 11\ Illr ·1.. I. l ... Iff (llr,'r lor .ul tt. b y wa)' 0 1 T h nt world, In h Is eowpr bens lon of ltuu lk. llu('t.lou . t ho d oor nr t. he Uo urt I n t h " I I' tI ' ',,' . I, T b I-I n i 1'1' U OUSD. III Loh_ooo. \\'Irrro ounty . O hio. OU It, ran f r om the Mcl?nrliute In II nurr o w tl'll ll througb tbo f or ests nnil over .' t II I m i n"l ; ',;;1\ " ,,11'· 11 ! \, TI I. Monday, April 15, 'i 918 t he p la iDS to the li ttle vull oy, It Gray Cftt' f f'(!11 It" i ~I ~ ,-.:., \ F'dlh I Jl.l ~ At t ll o'clock 8 . m ., oll Bald da v . t ho t(Jl~ WoU' w os not he r~h ll \1'U8 ther l.', C 'l t\ t h ;n h l' Pl'.·"· fl. lowl nl( -.1"" 'rt!\Ul 1 r f' u.l CStfa l (J , h ,.,.,iI : SJc.ut\ t o III t ho " CH1' IIRb lp o r 'Ir a-rer ok t u 110il tl.relessl,y h o r esumed hts quest Of i n 'Ill"" ~!'ol lli" nr 1. :1 int r h l' JOIf' n . t il l!{J UIlt.yo(W " rrennntl S ta t e o f O hio " u,t her. d e(" "11. V I!'; t ,L L d th ,, ~ lI('o'-, u'l 8 be l .. " ~ .. ~ 0 1 Socl lo ll 3 0 In 'I'o wns hlp 3 and [(BIIgO ~ " I wr II t he MI ~ m l n lt~1'II In Iha t;OUII ~)' 0 1 Wart n 10 III St" .... 0 1 Oldo. BoNot un tJI the sturs we re flld ln" an t , 1'1 r ··\""d I I h., PS' 11,· (.f , I . ZI) (" H' ~ l'c1 V . Klo D!"" Gt n . take In tb. E &8~ floo ot s aid or Ul l! ky lI!;lll n. nnd !,'l'll,l" .11llY w us St c l lo .. . .. d S. E. Coraor to J ohn Ull/lermao, g lvlD!: p In t o to 1l1 ~ ll t, ' lI'l 0"h ll tl 811 1l1.1 d r on~ ~ t1 ~' I fl ll 01 CO.l ll II I. Is UpJl r Ov ll r1 . run nlllg t hell co w lt f, rm au·. Ihlo 8. 8U· lind hung er top hi m. Jl l' ki ll ed II I'll\!· i n th ~ t'R h"ro .J,nn (\~ M Lu . ~i;JJ~~ill~:.' c·i~r.~:~C!OW~llltfv'rlJ~:~~eri':~j~e hit, li nd (or h oUl's li fte r h,' ha t! fell ~ l e ,1 hmg h , rl ll e U ~tl1. ~· l r. ~ "oou nn t. i. ~i)" J{, \r. J g·~I~'~~~u~ Q " :::~g: ~~:g~ ~: h e IllY close to hl $ kill , untl slep t. a p u r ll v etl 9" I ) ' E. 14 . 0 U eh ID I to the Poc Lfon )Ioe. 1'hOIl )I I! \\' ~ Ilt on . ft~ I .. I" .. ," U 1'1 , 1' 111 ,,· .•.• t T hollcu ,,! . ~ ~ cl '~ I Q.I to the beglnnlog can· I n t Il " n: r 1"'1 r . l tL lul u K 3~ Berel (,t land. ~'b e fo urLh n l ~I I1' II ~ cum l tl t h !' II( , p.!I I " : . ~-, t · "e:" II" II (l1 1l'\I \"J : WI}~ t~gJ~'::?~\~.?r~·~~~ b ,. J ar vi. Stokes a od 11t t! \'l11l., ,I' b ~t ll' l'l' ll lite two 1·1.lgus. I f! I hr· t'., , '11 , •• U.,t " I;' . .\ \ 111. S. I~ r al ".'OLe h ... boon regularl7 all' 1 nnd Ulltl" I' t he '1111'S . lIlor e hrl ll ltllli f lO') 11." '" '' li l r_1 OI lI d fi o ' I"c 1 1>r~ I8l'll llnolerord C rol l) " Cou r t U~h O IUIll ' , · .,t rh ....o Tho'liftntl ( UDO O. UO/ Dol l. . . .Dd i nll w In th(' chI ll 1 {,Il I·n. ,~~ tot fll' 'u I'I:; OU'oI. " "IIll TU" {,,1 \ r ourr,m UOD/! wil l uo' bO wit! IQr 1.... Ihtl.D ,,,o·tblltll of • lIu t um n ni gh 8, h . r" lIu\\' U th e c r t"k 11' e w l' ,l,.. ..IT~aXfr:!m! '11~l'i-nno.thlrd e!l8ft In hud I rlowu Int.) lI,{'l r 0 1<1 SWilII1p hOl\l e. It i n Ih . t il r f 111 ' .:1' g i ll" ) U . r"~ . . on fla y o l •• le. one· thlrd IllO UOYe&r&Dd one~ I.hl rd In L"O )'80"'. d olorl'ell pa ymout. to I ' I'ns bl'ont.! 'loy wh en h e r 1\('1,,'(1 whll t ' T" t ' 1I" 'l O UI b\ • ''l ·pr".,v dd. b .. r B pc r CC II L lI ud bO l ecUt'Od by I hall on ce to ')I) h Is h UIl1 lind I'll I' O1o r lg D ~a o n )lfO IDJrm. IOld . . ORMI . J . WAGGONE R . I VJl f ·s . und fo r llI a ny 1I1111tl1 CR I(!lza~ Com mo n Plells COlfrt Sher lfr Warren Couo t ,.. Ohi o. s too,l s ll e llt om l nlotlo lll '."8 R!llfllng til!' D• • n SlaO lo)·. "'LLOI·lIlly. U. ~ . J O
will bear 5%+Dividende if deposited with UB, The money will begin to bear divide.n ds fro m the day received ~d th8; firl.t di vid end wi ll be fJsyable July let. 8ubllequent dJVl ends will be p~id each January and July. When the dividend is due it ean be withdrawn in ash if deaired-but if not withdrawn it will automatieallT accumulate ,nd' compound. . You 'will be pleaaed with the many conveniences
pound ~I" 'e ' bcg i nhill ~
p l: r
Gray Wolf.
Your crop money-
of anzuc. Wi t h the goIng ot t b e SUD, nnd th o
'1"."., fl'" II
A n Em pty World. U lle nfter nll ", J I\~n n went 0 0. F nr R tim h <- WItS OPJ1 I'('Il~ 'd tly th s hl,,· A r " " nnjo lit !le nlh 1bllt h ud come to
t'''r I' &. " ,~rllh't "\lu ' h~ l'
I I I 11111" I d!; "'I I 1, ' 1'\ "'I ~ I"l"Iltl' l .".' \, rid , "" n " 1.,,01 I 'HI ,II
, II
h"". h I
:. J
(It I
'I:rt' ,:' ),
i ,'I',
bla ffll'I!IJIlWl, H18 long 1nngs glM med. But lie made no BOuod that b etrayed Ills' eoneeaJment; under II . thlc\! ban·
I.ll b ... ,o o
,•. "11'1 I III '} t\ ;. ~'. IV '!'I :, rhdd. \ 11l' " I t ' ! 1111,1,\1 ,q .l l I' P 't U a ~ O ; ,t . , '1 ,. "I, ,. II I" \~ '\ ' !". 1.1. Tll 1' 1 , ' .~.. '·ll r 0 1
Be laid his helld fl at hetween
fo r ' h tl r ~' !l tll Ii . S:l\l.:l U; \ Y . R .
(' ot."
t," v,·I, "•. ~
II Oil:
,Iii ....
r I" I J
\V.' r " "· ·•• ~ U" ll li l'fI $5 ;
j .
:'lI.lll i 1 ';1~,.!t •
T hink 01'111' II ' \i~ 1 nr IlI'<Hhld R Y" II ",·11 an n .... I\\' "I ; \' " ~ tham are mflrl( '11' d '\'Hhnut til,> C' II1) '11 1 ~.· i t. n iflll " fl nil.!: \' " I'l l your wIHk 'llnrl Il<'cord inlfl,· I ~ p rofi L III ytl U , t'i lI i lll; (!reafO 1l1.I<i':'·r I " 'I'hy.'l'n ;-;I ~! ~ m,,,lt,·'j-·, th,' !\1, .~1 VIl IUfl bl ' prouuct jJrlldul" c! Il11 Ih,~ r 'Jl In ''.I I Il n ll I \.'lIrl fl)"~·'() n 1:1 11" 11. 11
"'t ' lUI'''''' I lll-l tht' wolf. " 'l i lt O I'U)' _ .\\ till' I,,· I ", I I "'~'t ,<",I lIu' " , ,1'1,1 111' I C:\)rn "tI ~slon ' r's .P(lIceedlflI!S rr,·,·d",". \l1I 11,'U ! 1i"1'. Ih lll \\ •• 1'1 01 " " A I 1;jl1" A l 0 1> ,I : ' h 'I IO. t:ihu\ol' 0 0 111 ' ~" lol!' n nd 'rl·.III~" 11 1111 " IlIPI .' · Ihn t 1\ ,)11 ru t· j '11 , ,;1 10 ; V,dlnv 'l'e le.p b o nfl :l IIIIl,,!,',1 l;1:1I I'", r ",d ,. li n d tU .IH, $ 2:1; D lln P . 1 ,1\" 11 oj •• \ I ' "n)lIl' " t'''11 Hll t )t'. f l'l' d n n I;lo, rk "I I:o u r t~ f,. t 1,1 '<1 "1" .,1 ... 11 "niq l',rt'''I·urhll.,: ll o't·,' .. I,(' ,· ~ l. 1\) 17, ,', I. I, . . 11' \, •., ;;'I':S~;;. I' " I .1 ~ (' h w"r tz ~U JlI I I eN
, I ~ HU IlIl' t . R llth "' . nnll
'/,h ,,'1o'r l ,"
fUN II f1lln h ll ,. ~h,. hll ,l 1 ",~".t1 , >lit ~. W ," " noh'T, IlII r f> n l lel l N .J In Itl...... I!' ,I I'nt! 'Ill n ( Il: ~ lI l\i. nnt l Pn' ir1," I /-·'l·11t rl> 11\ \ "1'lImn' I'II " , I "1··IIIo I·"IUlh, It'··'flr.<4.fll'U,Wl t l l ll,' IItIt. S 11"" '/1 , 1,._1' Pl,t r~n\n\ 10 \ \' 01, P;I B; y •• , I II ,I <In ~"J' I' j'~"" 1 11011 IIh' h ' t .. , " " l'lIll'lI [.\ :l.,:' ,H' I·," I \.' lI .\ 'IIO town .1 p ~ 1. 'II' .t1l·'·1'· - Il:" ", th~ IlIlrJ,·~.'. till' II 11M , I'; I.' "I,..', " " h ll o I III Hl Dn viti II ,.,.,'·, . I '~ , II ",;: "1 Ill'''' ,JIl"~ ·,1 IIUtl rrkh l · . "." I" I 'L' 7:. 11~'fI' It. t tl IIle town. 1 \1 L ''OJ'' ld B.\ t I ( lI 'll 1dll1. \-I ttlj,~ 1l 111'(..' t t,,· (jH ~ In hhu l'1ht jJ :t~,-~~ .,0 I"
~~-------------------G UARD YOUR PRIVILEGES I
One 1914 Overland On~ 1916 Overland One 1916 Dodge One 1918 Overland
HAWKf- 8.MCClUH~ 7elephone 47
Waynesville, Ohio
Dr. J. A. McCoy, .~ Veterlnarv
Graduate of Obw ISlUl_
KIRBY &.WINSTON Lebanon, Ohio .
PIIoae 12.tJ,f ,
UnJwnl t ~
Omma; CorDer Maio and IIUI ~u.eta
ompa ub ·city
mtroduced correspondence taken from the private files of
S.wJ f~ & Company, ~hich showed ~at 'the Company had been consldermg fot some tIme an eduCational advertising campaign.
B III II II h lH mll('hA~ c' ll " IL u te 1 ' Ilt hI S r.JrIII 'urk
$875,000,000. Profita
......- - -
$34,650,000. This is equivalent to a $3,465. profit on a business of $87,500.
Mr" . £ 'Irl It'lll
1I~,m. nf
0 , ... too, I. ' h " ,.I"I! "II, XI"lid",1 vl .. lt U' lt h M r , 111111 '\l l~ .1. I~ R ·Jitlll"''''. MI~ b l!:1'lIll IP lh H It'll/' r ~r> li t. Ih " '''u • ,.j." "lib h<l'- ,' /l n mt HtH We'! Mldri l tovon . ~ I'. "till .11 . 1'. W u tl!. [lung n url(l "on. ~ ~' llIlt <" u llcl llY OVf\lJ log \ lIn Mr. uud Mr~ . Il owunl Ellrn IIlHt. · Ill r" . P. U aJ ,I y , "f F rnnklln . "1I"Dt tb e fl r'l " I I btl W,-,;" h rl'. 11I g ne ~[ ,,[ Mr I'lld ~I"R . P 1(. l>ftllo~. Mr. tllJd !I1rH IJ' I!l lIr K n r tis tW O allu gbter. (o f Rldl{evi lle, wer e tb ~uollllY "lUIl~t8 of M r. lin d Mrs . Goe rgo'l'tllL Mr, Ahe Cook Wllil 0. Dayto n viRUbr OUt! d u.y ItlS ~ wee:k .
Swift & Company, U. S. Ii.
G A Z E T T E. I
UndBY g UI'I~t of )1 ro. A'llo.nclll HlJ1ith , of WRl'llBsv!lle. I S", U~:;o EVERY WE DN E DAY The e vere ,,,Ind of R (imlay Dl ght did some little dllmll f!t> In ou r v lollllt,y by blowi ng oU p HrtH of Itu' .. rot! a Ih.. P ~1(, I I : r tr; ~1 ,"U) h,H Illf . ( '1010 . G.~ ' '' ' tJ ( II" ~ , II 10 111'1 , r oots, a-nd a few tree8 wer b10w1I dOwn . . , D. 1.. Cl ANE , E ditor and rtl lh l (-I Mad M '" II" " k d r. 0 r~ . D . L. V (\0 \ bro' h e r '!lIlrleH Llioy were. clIllIlI l1' , ~u b ~c ri n l ion P rice. $1.60 per yenr v • on relati\'lls in tbl s vl olnitv onOIlY Glenna Throolull ol·t on , of Day t Oll . afternoon. . JSIl nt t.he w eek. end w\!.b b er p~ r. Mr . 'rhOlll11 8 Lnoy de ll vey-~rI h is eu ltl h sre. WE O Nl~ I)A Y • MAR H 13, 1!118 tobllooO orOl1 lit Cor win I .. ~ VI~ ek . Mr8 B0 1V& M" Ovll n(11e 8 I ~ vl81 tiD ~ Mr . aud lI1rs. Howa rd l!:urn bHrI !lU ll o l.her r e labl ves lind friends lit Ridge. vtlle this week . Curlou •• h e W omen of Korea. In t happencd lo think-tunny, hut Mr . an d Mrs. McUr oder li n d frlmTn ~ol·,'n " "111"11 nrCIIIIY II pIne • n true-tbat every mll n wbo vpr made il.V t'pell t uu dltY with ~lr s . EVil SOCiety whl It h nq no tln r nll I I , . II plolleer of blmsclf wns COJJsl,l<'l'cd ' Harm el I. . . where In ill - Otl,' nt. TIley n rl> both loon('Y I Cun yo u locnte 11 ~Ingl -X· h ~ tt r IIml \\'\Jr~" ' If rlmn In hlnn or !lAr . lind 1'.1 r ~ . L li te r Gouger , or Indio ' or J npnn-\Irt ll'r off b cOllse ~ r., . Aloo"l , m 'b 1I 'v\' Ib I ~ Il coptlon? Look -'em ovcr.-Ul clullOOlI .Blu t! Ba ll , were t he w ee k-end goelltll th ere' nr e m nrp n .. I ,I ~ o Tle r. to them. v i l) t lm~· t ih e lF llJp e .. t 1,1re thullof Tlm es·Dlspntch. of Mr . (l o d Mr.•. I:Itnriley Cook . worse becn u - I' I hC'~' nr C' ov rworked. 1lJ 1 ~ writl " r.' . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. end ,\Jr B. Ch"r l ~ Getner otten fIItrpnt('!l. II lul unlll rec ntty wer bllve w o ved tb \ll r t'" r m Dear II r , () , .rley J.~oy arrived bam. . octunlly enslnvc,\. Miamisburg. 1'1' 10 <)" , I rOUl U .. W V ~hermlo, Ohl1l1. Aogus ' dnlb,<ogh Wll~ 'roo88otlng 0 .. 111 w be rl!!- bls r"Ntwllnt haa been ~ fu ,. \(Jnlllllu o e I fl .~IDg Daylon, Mr . bU81llest! iu Leb(Sooo onll dllY Ilia' \1i'ee ll . 1••\1 11 i ~ In A uul y 901d!l; r ou r violnlty Like Gettl ng SIgnatures. M r~ Fmnois NuH /lod eon Vie, e Sentiment Is sn cosily mohlcd thnt 'I tTorderi nno1 IJls tlt(lrl8S o f ollmp l ife Ho h ~lI b oeD Miam I burg aud Ce utervlll B visitor . thr!!(' or four n,'tlve p n[lle. by k eep· r H sry In tar fls tl t.lg all l" tIIldl! o f ~be ho~pl'ul for !levelJ Wlldl! ede y. _ log nt It loog Dough cnD convInce milLIons that wnt!)r rU D\! up 11111 In· W I' ~ ... bl'\"g r tl l asel! only a few Thom n'" Mill er lll"lIe 1\ bu s l ne8~ (IUYR " II ' hi r UClelvu 0. ten.(]ays fl1r. s t ud ot c]owd.-Atcblson Globe. trill t o Lebaoon oue day Illst week:. . I " u ~ h Df1 r . . " he b"pplly,utRll v. II od Mr s. E Kn el81ey wer e \Jrl .MI t.h ~ member. of bl!' family o .. lIe,1 to HII18boro the p ost w eek by 110,1 In ,· ndll. He Iii the goes& of his th e d Olltb at t h e latter's fat.btlr . Stole of hlo. il )' of Toled... fI~ren t ~ Mr. " od Mt~. Th lm"e Lil ey Mr ~. l~ l tb <,ol! Spll ll t one d " y I" t t uc.ns,Co unl Y, bS. ~Iltl rHo:, I, a t .. ',im ll. Frun k J. Chell. ' 111., keS "" til ' Ihkl hI! And She Soon Got Back ',vet'l; with b llr eiSl er, Mrs. Brltd· 'I'll (J~~t wee k b U ll been movi ng is seniur p urllt n uf the Ii, m (j l F. J . ij lrtl nl. iIIr '"rr iu.( tNl Enl a od Ch'!ne & C'.u. , d o ill~ b". illcss ill the C,l ,· W.R' 1I Her Strength t~R U,' DOII Bru OUD SI,le nt SOlur. rn llil l\' IU .vltl 1(1 t he Z 11 f!l rm lIt of -T o led o . COlt III ,. ant! till" " 01, r. "" iJ. . .y In IJil yton und .hul !!Idd Brall • will I'"), tht 5ltm uf C,"" 111; I I ~ Mllry B .. w8e m O.Ad New Castle. Ind.-"Tbe measles M \ ViII E f PL r I ()N r: HUN OH P. 11 UO Ll .t\ RS lor each b'lIlk ,' .. th., b llfl}a p illet; unci ~ Ir. leIt me run down, no appetite. could . . r. -I St-U Il. 0 II nd e pbl a, Illtd every cnse " I LlilIr, h I hO t' CIUlIIO I I", i''''' !i I II . (·1 IIIII VOII t,1 II i.. t.l liwly not rest at night and 1 took. a severe .~ hu I ~ o.lLl ll out" d 'v i~ b the Y Ill. . curcd 11,· the uSe ' r IlAI.I.·S CATAHIOI pl"ob ,, ~ ... 1 r'l t lll Da tH' 0 (' o ll l'" , cold which settl~d on my lungs so Ii 1\ - w r lt i o t il e AtIl1Y , Pp nl· Reve rll l MlmICI NU. fo lt ANK / . III! ' \!Y . was ulllIble to keep about my house~ l,ld.l''; l.leT 1.1 t W ll k I'I~ tl:le g u e8t u1 SWnrll to h~ f r~ Ille nlld ~ u b!c r il d in .... h'4 Mr.' R 'glC" I. u n f,u llI lv ".tli work. My doctor advised me to take hi llt 8 , Mr , .. nd /IIrs. A U IlI V pr<sr' nce, this II. II d1i or ,Dfcem hcr. re" ld OU t lJl; farm v80lltod b·y. R,ul'. Vino1. and six bottles restored my ll!u~n. ~ e ; 11' A. D . I G. A. W. ( .I .li.Mlu • health ao I do all my housework, in ____ _ • . (~ea! ) • .N.ot"~y Pll bllc. . Mr. ·Ill lv.le ~oott /1 d (II nl"~ WflrE' duding washing. Vinol is tlle best Hall \.:ulurrll ~1~.ltl·lIIe I. Ink " hil t I- Ih n #lolh .. I." uf 1.(1 , pn Tt!ll t!! IlPra Ills t medicine I ever used."-Alice Record, nlllly " lid 1Icl s th ruu .·h _Ihe Ill'lull Oil Ihe v n\' 437_ So. nth ,St" Ne.w Castle, Ind. . ChIna Big Hemp Producer. ~lurOU H S" rfn ... "j I It, •'r' ae m. ~e ll \I I' • '1'111' Ill' UCtl OIl of lIemp. In Ohlnn, for tuli,"u llin l ~.' f r"c . Mrs Gharl ~ Bra rl df) (')' w u ~ 1\ . We guat:antee th.IS wC!nderful cod liver and Iron torue. - Vtnol, fo~ .alt h.~ 'rl~I I\ " 1 horn e or the plllnt. IIj F. ) CHJo; NEV !i' 0 .• Toledo, . I nll ~· ltll' v\,lIo,- OUI' till y 111 f t week ~eak, run-doWII, Jle~OUI c:ondluons. \ .-,. _ tI,'I' Ihnn UlAt of nDY other country Sold hy 011 drtll! t: '" '~ ' 75c. _ \. Ha ll 's ' I''' IlIi1y I'ills f.' r "'\1\ li pn lion. all." A h()" Cllf' no,,' plb W "~ Ihe J E. J anne y, l>rU Il'Rlst. Wayn tiVli le ",cvp t nussln In norm ui times. _ ••••
'THn' GAVf
ant Lucrative Em loymentl
Man)! g irls and women, and men-not pli R'ibl for military servi~e. are anxious ' to do some thing to BELP WIN 1m!!: WAR Here is an opportun ity to disch" .. ge n PAT lHll'1C DUTY and at the same time earn gyod wage8. by ntraging ' in t he mnnufacture of ammunition at the plant of '['HE PErERS CARTRIDGE COMPANY, Kings Mills, Wa rre!l Co .• Ohio. '
Anl'one wQo is a white citizen of the United S tate!!. of IS lI~ars or' older. can secur.e wo rk ill this g rea t il'i stitu tio n . Conge nial sur roundings . ab~olutely sanitary ' an d ·healthful conditions. _ Hours of work from 6:40 li. m. t o ' 4:40 p' m . or from 5 p. m . to 6 a. m . wit h 40 minntes f or lunch and two 10 minute r est periods. Over· t ime paid for at thc.' rate of time and a half.
Convenient R. R. and Interurban Service '
ha~ be established. by special Government allthority . Trains nnd cars will be operated 80 ~s to avoid as far as possible . any loss of.
time in going to or .from Kin~'s lIIiIIs. as follows:
A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M.
............... 6:00 A. M .. 6:10 A. 1\1. 6:1 3 A. M. 6:18 A . 1\1 . '6:20- A. M. . .. . .. ....... .6:30 ·A. 1\1.
Leave· Xenia ........ ... : .. : ......... 5:10 A. 1\1. 3:50 . P. M. Arrive King's Mills ......... ..... 6:12 A. ·1\1• . .4:48 P. M. Arrive Cincinnati ........ ........ 7:40 A. M. 6:16 ' P. M.
Leave Lebanon .............. .. 5:40 Leave S. Lebanon ... ........ 6:55 Leave King'8 Mills ... ,..... 6:00 l..eave Milson ...... .... .. ...... 6:15
Leave Cillcinf!.ati .. ....... ,....... 5:15 A. 1\1. 3:45 P. M. Anrve Kina's Mills ... .. .. : .. ... 6~30 A. M. :5:03 P. M Arrive Xenia ........ ,.... ......... 7:45 A/~I. 5:67 P. M'
Leave Mason ... .............. 5:50 A. M. 6:05:A. M. 4:20.P. M. Leave King's Millil ...... ... 6:00 A. M·. 6:20 A. M. 4:55 .P. M. 4:58 P. M. Leave S. Lebanon ........... 6:05 A. M. 6:28 A. M. .5:02 P. M • .5:04 P. M. Arrive Uebanon .....................~.. .... .. . 6;40 A. M. 5:15 P. M.
. .'
---_...2. ._ - .
4:15 P. M. 4:35 P. M. 4:55 P. M. 5:Q5 P. M.
NOTE-TIIes6 8chcdut~. arll subject ~o .Zighe ~ha..Jl.gfJB ~ may b" Jountd necllua!1l•. but (lore approxim/)tef..t/ corrllot._ COtl.Ve:ft1fJnt Bllmo" unll auo be g-~t1.'/I. on Saturday. Jor titou qud1utl1 work at .1tOO'1~. . Ho~el 'p~oprit\tors, bOllrdin ll house k eeperp, ani)'private families In Lebanon, Mason. Milford, Loveland, Morrow. Xenia, Wayn'esville 'and nearby
towns, who are.orepart'd to house. or hOll 8e and bl>ard male or female employes of our p lant, are iflvited to file with us fuU informati,on u to rates. number o( people w hll CBn be acr.omOdllted and whether for men or women, or botb. An officilll lis t ofs~ch 'accommodations will be kept . fo r read.1 reference for the c<?'lvenience of employes dealrlna same. . . •
You Can A881,t the Covemment by Entering this Employment M by Hou81ng and B9ardlng Munitlons2Workera • . Apply In Person or Write to
M,'. O rl l~Y Pet,ersoll una p urohaEed " E'w Clievrolet. aotoult)bll l.l . );~lI j ',,, (Jo~ay !lilt! fRml ly, wb(dlv f d G, • be P I rclo m farm nortb o f t U WD, .1l"V d "II W" lt,er B8~e r 'B f ll rm nedt ti pring VIO l}!!}, lust MODd " y . MI. ~ IJil l1l B oyl e Imd Jlloob SotJU or" Iii lI r Mlddl .., Ro o, wero ullltpd 10 , llis, 'l'hurada_y evening. ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..._1
Hyman & Co.
W aynesvi.••e,
l ~ rriug e
Olassl8ed Ada WANTED TO BU.Y -FARM
Invented Fh.ed AmmunItion. ARIl-qf '0 to eo ~o,e•• or .b..... It III to Qustavus Adolphus ot Swedeo, , lllbout.: addleu 'htl ollloe wl.b ",lIose reIgn begllD In 16U. thot bll!- desorlp'lon IIIn d 10. . .' oaeb prioe. tory glvell cre61t tor the Inventloo of . . IIllS fixed ammnnltJon. Yn bls cnrtr1dgea the buUcts an6 the cbnrge were united In B poper C8se. It wnl not. bowever, MONEY LOANED until 18150 that the fint successful metallic cartrldge was pateDted by on
OD live .took ohat, i M OoNtellEY loaDedeeoood IDO........ ·, ~a4
Etbel Lamb @pen' Saturday Rn d !;undl\Y with her parenls In Wilmlngt'Jil. Mr. Joe Tbomlls speDt Ius w eek with bill bro'hsr Ed 'l'bomas Mlal May J]arllin entertained the follo"lng Ill.' Tbared.,. Ilfterouon: Mrs Ed. Voster, UIIII .Allee Inlll, M18_ William GllIlllm .nd IIra.·Olr. bert Dostftr lioci dlu.b'er. Mrl. Anna BIOVIIID. of 8prillRhtll, oaUed on 1'IliativII here l1',iday. M18~ Berda Fule,. IIpen, Frielay wltb her sla'er Mill. Roben BblrdeD. Mr. Barter ~bldllkllr_ aDIi Bowlllrd Mo(june ()IIlled 00 Wm .. Gillam olle day 10llt w~ e k . Mr. aud Mrs Ohlla. ~V , Villara IIDd son Garro ll look Bonday dinner with Oh ..". E lIls "nd family . Mr /! . Cli ff Hawk ball bMn on the 8101r. lis t Miss Ve(11l Sherod elltertalnua a uumber of u er friend. TllureclllY ll vHning. \ ~IUS A1I0A Irvin was tb a (fuest of Mrt!. Wm. GI_IIIUl Friday of 1$" 1I1\S8
Jew. Lived Longut In Babylon. Good Re'crultlra. By far the Inrgest part of Jewtllh A coqoctte, Uke 11 recruiting 84!r. history, trodltlon. literature. etc., Is geunt. fa ever on the looi(out tor treeb not Pnlestlnlnn but Babylonlon. In ,'fcUms.-Douglns J errold. Bnbylon II ved. for the loogest time. • th e grel\teBt number of Jews together, There theIr prlnclpnl religious work. wero written. especlnlly tbe Talmud, wblch 18 a blgher nuthority wIth the lew8 than 1I)e Dible .
.lobo Unbln.. . J •. , AI!.P!Pull41al, XeDIa, Ohlo~ ml .
No\eI bOlllb'.
Jerked Meltl. "In Sooth America Jert~ or dried mellt Is Imown varioullly as tanage or tassalo. ond jerked venlBoD Is pr!!pored bUel usjld by ·mountaln dwellers ' In the IlockJe8 and oar BOutbeni mountatD nD,ea. In Sonth AtrIca. tbeae drted alat prodUm are tuon u bUton,.
.. -.
WANTED ..h wan&ecl, pa~' hip_ T OBA(J(JOTr el' marte. prioe, _de III a ...lI,. rrlda" . 1.,'le WarebOll...
8111 Oenentlle, LeeMr Rarlok. L~ • .-.- Ue, OhiO, 0112 . .
Many aearn to Think 80.
F you have an~ lurplul "ooli: oa everybody else. the paragraphhand II, DOW hi 'he time to aeO er bOil his dull days, tbough. perhRPs, the rest of the people feel tbat the 'hem. Try. 'be' Gazeaw OlauUleel pnraarnph~ bas more of them th8ll Ada. They "Ill .ell tilem .or J'OD anybody ellle.-WUmington Newa. OULD Ute &0 buy one or two yearling Dra" Colt.. (Jan G. E . Blley, phone 4.:1.1, Wa111aevtUe.
(tit9rion '8oIJ!. A
"..4,.-, /fir, 1JfIll tllllltAe . Owned by The Klngebury Co.
'eoll Boover, tfa velln!! IIgent for tbe MOGOlDu BrOil. of Clarkevllle, ""~ In our vlolulby Illst .: Will Gillum trflDB/toted bUIIIIl P ~ 9 In !3 l1 rvays unrsz tlllturday afternoon.
Sorll ~atcb loonbdor, waMr. IYltetn, 200 egg capaol'y. ta good shape. Inquire or Olll! BO .....--'-"-- "'7: neU, phone fi9-S WaynMvtUe, OhiO, 1027 ~
0 ATI:!-hUII beaD ... .........,,--:-....,.,....;----';f' SEED about 100 btl8hel.. OUlDe rlsbt away If you "an& 10 let ' hem. UI~OD Erozee, R 0 : 4, W .. ynenillej Ohto. m~7
- ---.--
Foldin g Bad, Morris ROQker, tlod MorriS Ohllir. Inquire of 1.1. A, ZiUlfUftrWdll, Wa,netIVille, ' Llblo. . .q20 to Ii t ODS of mixed a ..,.. AIIIIl, II ~QW8, ODe I\ud two "earl' old, will farrow ID Maroh. Iliquire of Go E Riley, phone 42.6, Waynee. ville. OlIO Smith Premier TYJll!lwrlwr. lD good .hape. ;19m le]1a' a bel' gain If 80ld 800n. Inqoire at 'hll office. 01110
NEW BURLINGTON LR l1 rerl OI' Mt tcb nM Il'ft . Wedlle@. tln.v 10 1' m ilt tu.r y- @~ , viue ut Ullmp Gr eenleaf. U s. Mr li nd Mrs. Lee LauroDB Bre tbe CEO. P. TIFFANY IlRranta of A d ·,ughter. Virginia OPTOMETRIST Mrs. Jellse 8m II eojo,ln, a villi' fr om her parenti, Mr. and Mra. Specialist in relieving .Eye·Strain Klng, or.UolumbDs. and .Improving Defective Vialon QoHe a Dumber of persons at. by G1asaea, 'enoed a leereop.lolIIO leo~ure iD Office and Fitting Room W'tlmlngton Wednesday Dlgbt. 108 South Detrllit Street The C. E . I njoyed a 800Il~f a' the With~ TIFFANY JEWERY Store home of Mr. aod Mri . J:d, Bo,an Xenia. Ohio I'rlday evenIng. The friend I or Wilbur Budduoi: li nd tll.mlly tendered tbem a reoep. '100 as the B'l'lend'IOhnroh lIoDday nlgh~ of la.' week. The,. moved. ~'riday to their new home ae&r Pa.l ntersvllle. Mrs. G. A: PbHIlOllpen,lu. w.ek Funeral DireCtor ' lI@thesoedOfber/Dothlrlln.dEbalm Frank StaDley, nlar Barvey.burll. ~n Ed. \"umpltttl and J ' B. IIUD are drlvlos new Ford runaoouu. ' Waynesville. Ohio. • Nate ""h\$e. of 1II11'1'10D, ID~ III p .. l't of laRt week with Iftll...'.... Either Auto or Horae drawn service. b llr e. No extra charge for auto eervlce. The family of "GraDdmotber" Both pbones tn Office and ReBldenee, MIII ~r belped her celebtaw he, . No. 1.. I, blr~hdr.y anohie, ..ry eunda~. Mrll. IIlIIry bmmahorD' h .. re. celVld a let\el' fro'll her 10a"
oyounll ~ammo'h proDM . Tom-I. For furlher tnforma· tlon loqulre of Wm. · L ••eDI, 1'1 ... YaYlbuill. Oblo. milO
"-----;...-------""1 4 A. MAFFIT
Do You
15e 20e R. M. .Famous Blue Chambray Shirts, ~~e~[:{ ~~1~~ .~~ .f~.ll. ~~z.e.; .~~.~~. ~~~~~'. . . S5e M:~~s. ~~~t_ .~~~~:.~~~~.~~~~~., ·85C& 95e Men's Work Shoes, $3l $4 50 e~~~se:nd ~~~~i:f~~~~r. ~~ .. . .
-=====-==..o==='-=====:r:===========-==-- I
Special at .. ... .. .... . .
in "Mell's Ease" and "Lion Brands; the best on t he t market, from. . . . . • . . . . . . . . 0 •
\ 'll1l llUl Engle. wb o lives on th e Oro"ger f"rm, n orl11 of t OWll, is Io(rllduq ll y grlJ",lug weak r:lr with "ullner o f t h a sturnuclI. fie h as belln o ~ nljllrrl to h is bert about-tt vl.l "'bek8. l\1i ~8 A ltn Ber r y hIll, d" u ll bter of NOlwtnll BprrJ-hill. Hen t.b o r town and -';V" lt or An SI,ln. son of O. M i\D~t.i n . we re united 10 III Irrillge 10 t'ltt~ bur !( , P eno .. llis' w6ek. They \·...11 1 reslclfJ WH!l the bride's ftlther Mr. U . R. Pate r eon, Dorot-hy Pen. lleW IU Bnd elirl Webb are all oon. lI n d to t heir h orns with the mumps. Misp Bert.ha Purdom enter~alned 62168 1S1I'l'h Rhorba'tlgh IlIIt Tueal2ay. Mr. 1\011 'Mrll. l:1eo. ISmHb aDd Bon Mrs. Sarvey Monge r w .. s tbe moved fr om the B888 flllrm to tbe Pierce prol,srty on Eut Franklin •. uodItY " U~Mt of Mr Rud M(8. AI - St. ber t BORt n
If Swift & Company had made no profit at all, the cllttle raYs'er would have received only one-eighth of I cent per pound more for h is cattle, or the consumer would have IBved only one·qullrter of iii cent per pound on dressed beef.
land ~
100 DOL. Men's Work Sox, in bl! and tan, white
I II ,..
in the
Pants, the very best on
50 Doz. Van Wert On'ralls, the b~st
I "'I" , -
~I1 ' I" \ ~UI. I 1)( hl~ tlf,c ll', i' l, nt;, 111r1n k.·", t ~ .... tl1 111 1\lr". h ' H. rho\" tl r~ pH". _ ]1l1 r l •. /! t., hl\lrd '\ hlllq~1I 1 0W " 11 I b,'" II" r, . " 'l" p ur"Il/lol d ,f ~'rol . Mur'!' Fi r r It .
Khaki ' Worl~
the market; sizes from 30 to 50 waist measure; 82.00 and $2.50 values, Special .... .. . . .. . .. . : ... . . . . .... . .
an 1OSlgmficant .factor 10 the cost of living. For th,9 fiscal year 1917 the total sales and net profit of Swift & Company were as follows: .
40 .Doz. Men's
. S~if~ & Compan~'s net profit is reasonable, and represents
RE you prepared for your Sp.ring Work? Don't lose a luable time la ter in the season, but come in now for the work clolqes you will need this Spring. You all know our reputation for first~ class quality. Well, our work clothes are in the Same high class as our dress cloth s . .
I 1..';A
The !l,=ed fpr this publicity has been apparent to u s for sev. eral years. The gross misrepresentation to which w e ha ve recent!y bee~ subjected has convinced us that we should no longer dela! 10 p utt10g before the public the basic facts of our business relY10g on the fair-mindedness of the American people. • Th.e feeling aga~nst the American packer is based largely on the beltef that the mcome and well-being of the producer and consu!Der. are adversely affected by the packers' operations, resultmg 10 unreasonably large profits.
~t. a recent hearing of the Federal Trade Commission there
, i
10""111 ,.n n nl/lll. UI Ll m t\, (bl". Me F. " . I;WITt . v. 1I -. 1i8serl eoely "ft lll' ~t v lui 'Y nrij ' l1\)wl'''OI'l,i .. VI Ir., hart, Is lrnl}rovl ":! " IQhly . lnjlllis p~Hmfs fOf" t W '~'; Yf:!. M r . 'R ohen Anderson rem"ln8 Mr 111111 lIb... (;JII'OTK" l::J " r rill RU lit t ha sumo . . Il!IIV,., frlonl 111:'lr ha>t.Ulltul tfl rl1l Mr~ D~w l tt T !>om pHoo. of Dny. Ollt ('1 19' {Ill r[.I1lr~tll'Y !tU!b, lI:I.r. toon. IR ~p .. nd IDg .. . tew claye with 11,11 rt It! .. ~ulJ r r I r m r.heo Ul\l - her po r ent Mr. "nd Mril. D. W. tl~m Ana bl • Fnllk L. HilT . ", " Ih' Il" nllll 81' Miss Vl v lnll Soeok. of ~ ooth Leb. Ot' r~ UIIW I~ (jliltR IUdl pose d lit t b ll! nn Qn . . W~6 th '" wOl'k end RO BS' of Writ n ~ . . .\11 ~" Beotrl06 W ..lton. ~ 11 til II . ["'W~OIl. 1,0 ('1 f '\nr WI.lIis, tbe oldost li!o-n of Mr. (\lid ul ,, ( "~u 11 hH. t , ""IJIII'fed· bu~lno~ In . lr,. J 6~ e l:J »rner.i lllluiJerlo g wl ~h ,.m ll I In~t' Ilk Dorv Ill! Ir ou blll to: 1\ rio h I<i< b roturnl'tl b"mfl I Mr. 1\ nd Mr~. Ed. E.ver ond d nugbon I h'".ll " " ,. 1 111" 1. W, "1 K bl tpr t " o t r. uf l'I pr itlg boro. wer e I'l I1tldI>Y wea k ,. ,,\I illl! wll r (' I ' ol' IVll~' :I; y )! 11 MI s of Mr. " orl MI' ~. Newton II,,, ~rt"hln~ o. ' 1Jll ,' will bonn Ill' 1\1"ore I ! I-I' ,n ..1 ur U\lOll I)ur ~tl pp Ls w ith Rev. W lent is h olding protrao$ed , lll" )0."1)(-\1 ,I to on r t ux lll'tpl'ril Il r vloea in Beitbrook, ! ~,,·R . P Il l1l F . P"t, ' 8n(l. uf CHIl lon \ 1 111 ,I W Fnlk er"" n entp.rt Rlned ~ 1)I,I.u . If< vt"l.tillY- I'er Il" r ('nl~. Mr . Ih B0811 Dozen In 1\ v ery ol'ltghtful I"UI\ _Ir~ . ~ rlllllc L. UIlrl' l s. 111:. lIl,l oner a t b er b orne IIlRt 'l'lIurlldny '1 Hill Il!- "ill r RfI<nrll l do.JB ~ic kn cs~ I ~ ufl ' rll o n , 11t "\I~h t I, h(' ilill!T,)vl llg . M r~. -8 op "1 .. ns, a f RI ch won dId , 0 ., , ~1 1 1IIll.ri.1!1 '\ Itl. trnPR nn d A·•• n, wo~ t bo g n ~ 8t InRf. week of ber \\ ,, ~r( :' . ,'/ i'l'rllll! fi lllll.. \\',11-0 I:\nn . Illlllllll Mrs J . W Fulkerson. rl,,, v i 1,,,,,,,,1 M,.". MIt.>( u n ' t- I~ ., v\(,,· M u \ rC) kl I ' d lul"ll'''',I II' . _ r!l ~,ur p:\,. 0 II '<Ill IRBP P Il • I . In il RP ~ erA} Wfle l<iI wit-II bor dUl1 gbt.6r l r B Tn ~hl ' 1t, It''I·. <or L ,hll ll' ", Mr" . !;' i\t l;li Htt
Tha KuterD 8ta• •DjOJ~ a baD. W~.... riUe'a Lead'n. DilIdIIi qQ.,lut n~tln 1i00OW 01 __' lD BalD. "'A_, IlIIbl • Dew IDImber, lin. P. Q. 1181UCa. IIr. and lin RaJ' . . . . are ... pareD" of a Itttle IOD, bora-1Iuoh
lin. WID....... otaUa. . til.
-l · o.R.liatober,OOtheX.lU7 .vswm. Also. 1 Bo$.blul Bea~ In, Skln • nM(l on. year, ;yer:r ..... looable ' lD prlol. Phone 1111 1~, WaYDlniH.. · mH -
TOBAOCO TRA~R W ANTJ:DBIKhas& market prloe -pUll few ',alb. W. m. O'Neall, Wayn.~lle, Ohto. 1010 .
WIlt.. CookN -1JIDlhe .D R.H.E. HATB;AW ~'t. ~_.~~lIee''-.!:.P,BnOD.~}D·''W · ~.......- ~
"~~ellwh~,ftiDdrra,~~" ,, '1' a aD . . Nul a oaa
Whlll Leillorn ,Cookerels; 760 anelll eaoh; one-yr.old B. Pl~mJutb Rook coot, $1.110: 1.". India, Bunner flnok' ,1711. Waller .Saw. yer, R. D . • , _W'aYDeavUle,. O. 1020
WaITIC BoUand Tarker-. Plymouth.Book
p:cut.~a ...... .... . Ha""e,..b1U1J,Obip.
u. -"' ..- ,
. "::::~:~~~~::g t!J~s~~~:~E~f!~ii . ~~~~oR~~~,~~~.",;~~~;.~~~~~-~-~,~~'"~~~~~
~~~~-I KelIy.Springfield
'"".,"""""'" w,,~.J
tgOmble for IlLnl1ics . are \\illinl{ to r -and ,gumble on tht' qlJalily llf. thei r ~et'd I" I' Ally . of t Ie Food Adm,·nb. eol'Il, full. rt.'fI1izing t hat corn will . ' '"' . \ helJ) , in U wllr in whi 'h just ice, t\"lItor'>j oHic!! lit o luJnbu ~ . WIll libert y , and Ii moerney r nt stake. spf'llk at r~han l1 n. /rue ~cJn ,·, MOT h Arey.ou goin~ to gamble, on y()u~S, 19t 1l. in he pera HOU5~. at 7:lJO knowIn g lhsl ml1st ('orn IS gllrm111 I • . sting 'only 20 p rcent, or are y01l 1() cloe.": .Mr . J 'Ily will t~lk on t~g goinlr t test it and buy goon corn if substItutIOn rules .. and WIll elCplam I it will not Q'row7 Testing is the 11"\' rythiDg in r ga rC! to the food · [form r c rn insurance tli llt IlropoailioJl , Everybody who clm HAWKE & McCLURE cheap can be hod 'l'h Pl' mium i8 an ill" ou ~h t to j.!\l to L Illmon to hear him, T.l. ~7 Wa1lft." ille, Ohio t('r sling tll. k lhut c ts procth:ally jlH) lIlil1 Ruhject is one Ihn all tbl,! • _ . ._ _ _ _ _. ._ . .~ ~lOthil1!; . ! pc pic O).lghl (u helil'.
United States
- r' I
Seed Potatoes Onion Sets Garden Seeds
Syrup. al\ Pennant yrup.
5 & 10 pound
SpeCial This Week Lenox Soap . bul' ollly ... ... ... .. fic Clean Easy SouP. bar only ... .. fie Flake White .. ... ... 10 bars for fi5c Argo Starch. pat·kage ............ Be oap~ and Starch are hoth ad· vancin(t so now is a good tilDe to lay i.n a supply Speclall For
Dodges Studebakers
~a turday
1 Doz. I3nxes Matches only ..... 60c Not over 2 Doz . to a \'ustomer. 'fliis is a bargain you should not mi S. othert! get 7c per box for m"tc hes. These are blsr boxes 500's. block and white heads Bring us you r Chiekens and Eggs
Waynesville, Ohio.
L. A. Zimmorman w-o a Cinalnnati visitor, Tu IIdl'l" • . j
• craLch Fe d, Cnll,ked CtJ rn, Oy ler hellnnd Grit New NaIlC)' Hall ",!'ets. Jersey weets. CaUb!IR6. Onions, Let. lu\' ,App l e ~ , Orang ·s. Grape Fruit YellOw and White Menl, 'Pure Iluekwhe t. Rye /<'Iou r. Gra ham Plo ur. Fluke lind C ra ~ ked Homi ,,:!'
It will pay you to trade at
D. R. Smith II In CincloJlati on buslnes8. todaY .
Buy YOU1r seeds p,3rly while you can ,ge't whal YO II want
Dodge Touring Car
llrowing NWe6t corn. will IJl caMI elll a.~ Iftt 10. Mtldr II Gu,ltill Wilt; r IIt'r ~klltin~, she f II on tI cCItlPnt. ar~ anxlou8 to haye a large ucrclIlI::e bl Il iling lh(~ Illnea bone ,10 tlw riJC hL .\ thia year. Come to and sel' u~ " . 'h k . .. Everett Sears is on the sick list. \\J ayne~ville Cannillg Co, wrl~ t, w~s ta n to 11I'r home ' alld the urokell member, ns put in We have Ice Cream of all kinds. • tH dint..~. The littla ludy is bell 'iuJ! W. C. Phillip•. Use our Classified Columns. ;11 r mi 9 fo~t une bravely .
Buy Tobacco Canvas at Hyman's . at the office and talk It ove r. Wo
Dr. 0111, 6too l)Illh ~ l way, Lebal\on. OhIo.
. Broad
W. N. Scars and J O. Cartwright were in Lebanon, Monday afternQon.
. We just received a lim ited quantit y . . of Tob'acco Canvas. Tobacco Canvas this ye ar is very scarce, and we take this opportu nit y to advise our customers to BUY.early.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen spent the week·end with relatives in ChiclIgo. E. V. Barnhart Bud Dr. P. D. Clag. ett were bUBiness visitors in Dayton, Tuesday, Mrs. Ralph Smith, Miss Grace Smith and Mr. Oscar Smith were Dayton visitors. Tuesday. Don't be di ~app ointed if you cannot get Tobacco Canvas this year. Come early and buy at Hyman's. Howard Reif. of Camp Sherldan. Ala" Apent Thursday eveninll at tbe home of Mr . and Mrs, Cbarles Craw· ford.
. . -__ . -_IBIII-=-IIID-Ia.. I H arn ess. Sh P
Mr. and Mrs. Lindley Mendenhall ~1_-----and Mrs. Howell Pierc(' went to ,
~~~~e:hul"8day evening
to attend a
Ralph Miller left. Tue3day even ing, for Lima, Ohio , on account of the death of his brother-in·law, Mr . Leslie McCune. We have just received an inter· el?tinlt letter from Clerence Menden · hall, but lack of space forbids our publisbing It this issue.
See Our ' Practically New Store Repainted, Redecorated and Transformed Into a Real
Mercantile Palace of Beauty " ith Shelv s Filled wi th latest Spril'\g Fas!Jions 111 a ll Departments. The Paramount Feature of which now will be the Inauguration of the Largest
furniture &Home furnishing Depaltments
Warren Co. ISouthwestern Ohio . ~OME AND MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT
Greaferfurnilure Department Sale 'W hich Will B egin. Friday.,
March 15!
Note the date. Friday morning. March loth, for the beginnillg of the S. Fred Company Lebanon Big Store. Greater Furniture Department Sale, Mrll. Mary Caskey left Thursday morning for Marietta, Ohio, where she will spend tleveral weeke with her son, Captain Caskey arid family . The Woman'!! Auxiliary of St Mary 'S church will meet with Mrll D. L Crane Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. A full atte ndllnce desired, MM! Howard Collett, who ha'3 been ill for several months at Roswe ll. N. M • i. reported to be improvina- rap· idly. and her many friends here hope that she will soon be able to come North again. Mr. and MrR, Guy Kibler. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kibl ~r. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Edwards and Mrs. Eu phemia Hougb spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HOUlton, of near S'pring Valley, Me8IfIi. S. D. Henkle, J. C. Hawke, Hough, O. D. Surface, Frea Bartaock, Wilson Edwards and D. L . Crane attended the InlpeetioD of Eutllm Star Lodge F." A, M., at Franklin Friday evening. They had a tine time, of Cloune. .
We have \0 stock, everything first-class Harness Shop ,
r ou . ::
. The new ~anagement of t lle Furniture and Rug Department had buying connections with the largest purchasing syndicates in America , and necessarily will purchase and build up entilre new lines, lines from the faCtories and mills that the syndicates control. So in order to clean out the new Spring stock purcl:iased by the S. ~red Company before Mr. Binckley took charge of this department, this sale bas been inaugurated. ~ . Perhaps Never Ag.a ln Will SUCh an Opportunity Be 'P resented to You to' Save We will hold 'and deliver when wa'rtted, any purchases made during this sale, a small deposit will hold any selection that you ma y make now. Motor truck delivery to any pari of the county.
..................... ~...........................................--~
The'greatly reduced prices on Furniture,. Rugs and Hou~e Furnishings will prove a dividend paying investment which will doubly pl!lY you "to come and investigate. , R~ally as~onishing reductions on· BEDS, BED OUTFITS, EXTENSION AND DINING TABLES, BUFFETS, DRESSERS. . CHAIRS, CHIFFONIERS, RUGS. FLOOR COvp;RINGS, KIrCHEN CABINETS, MAT-' TINGS, LINOLEUMS', REFR1GERATORS, on~ AND GASOLINE RANGES AND ALL KiNDRED HOUSEHOLD -ACCESSORIES:
'10 to 25% '«)11. . At Factory Cost ::"I"hur• .daY Evening The ADDUal Festive
arc . 21 AND
in a
.................................................... . .
Ii i
Miami Theater Program Thursday, ·March 14th Julian EItinge, in a Pllramoullt Production, in
i-: :
Saturday, March 16th, Matinee and Nlaht :1! Featuring Marguerite Clark , ill ' -
:~~:mo!~~~~!~ ·
Tuesday, March 19th Featurins Wallace Reid, in
: :
. "The
A Paramount Production .MaUnie
Opcn evenings _
:- . . , Saturday evening L. ~. Zimmerman, J . W. White, : Ralph Smith. C. M. Robitzer and Raymond Conner attended a meeting at Lebanon Friday evenini ilJ the Intereetl\ of the food supply. The
2:30 p,m. 7 0'" : "p.Ol 6:30 p.m. ·
Admission Matluec-C. hildren uud r 12
War Tax Tot8.1
h; -
. lie
. : .....................................................
eVllry meeting part was ot lar,ely the county. attended and was from an interesting one.
--------IIIJ!II----------IJ!IIi---~ ~
Last wttek we stated that the M~r. News had been abandoned. We WIsh to correct the IItatement as the New8 came to our desk 88 usual after a two weeks' absence. ' As has oft been stated. new~paperll and news paper men do not alwaya know everything, . r~w
~a;rB TORNADO SBASON i~ on, ,
ar~ paying many small losses.
, Insure your autOmobile against Tornado, Fire'and Theft. Rate, $ 1.20. One. of our clients had the top blown from his auto..
With shelv!'.8, counters and tables loaded with new Spring Fashions in Coats. Suits, Millinery. ' Men and Boys' Clothing. Shoes. Hats and all grades and kinds of. seasonable mer· chandise The S. Fred Company Leb·· anon Bii Store is an attractive place to visit these times and an economicsl pllc.e to buy your needs at allY time.
Sears & . Cartwright,
...- - -
Telephone 61 -,2 '
MAOE BIG 'BilLIARD RUN Otto "Kid" Hornick, who operated a billiard room hare at on. time, and who wa5 at one-time Obio'. cham pion pool .player. has developed Ii IItrong liI~eneas for: billiard·II. ·and in a game recently. at Xenia. he made the phenomenal run with of 268 putting him in a class the points; "high. ups." He had formerly made a run of 65, ~ut hi. Illttltlt perform8llce far eclipse(i any thina- of bla record as a billiardist. . '
iiiI---------.. -__
'1 •• •
! ___11111!_ _ _. .11111!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
THE .5c, lOc . AND.. .. 25c -:' STORE ... ~
and in many instances many ite~l~ maybe had
~H..._E..._E_~R~NRIilIH_A~T_.I _
r~ Not~ ~hat This Opportunity Is; and What Our Plans ~ean to
" Special for ·Sa~urday '
Tho Lat~_Classified Ads,'
Lad-ies' Vests
()orD' r04der
SIZE 38 .•••.•. , ..... . •
ill bUDd lea,
38-8, .1... S. ·Vuller. ,
a. a. I, W87DenUl., Ohio.
. 1111'1
. . . . . ParPo-, 1 2 OOLl'8-oD~ d ... It. bqaln 01 W.lta
1'bomPICID, B . D. J,. Lebu... Oblo.
S-_11It In ..--
-- -, _
. Whole Number 3470
WOMAN'SAUXILIARY· !PERSONAl-MENTI.ij What Will Be Done with Water and Light .Proposition? rPERSONAl 'ME~TI~N-fw. F. M. S. MET ST. MARY'S CHURGH .~--------. . e - - • ---~. - • -1 fRIDAY AHERNOON To b8c~0 Cu nva!! III Hyman 's. The regu lll r mlleLi n ~. of Lhe Wo man'lI Auxil iary of St . Mary's Chu rch Overl nnd Taxi Service. Tel. 123. was held on F rhlll}' hCLe m oon, Milrch ].5. al lh" hO Ole.o£ Mrs. U L 'r n ~ Myer Ryma n marIe I! bu siness ~ri p f ha ·presidelll. Mr>3 'nd wallader. to Ciltcinna( i l ilesd(iy 'JIJ'·ned LbtJ meetinl{ "y n'l.iding lUI!
~1~~!tc~::~man,,~I ~t'l~ne~. inud~J~~r:~~~
condoc td the IIPlvel' service. Sc rip. t urul quotation:; were .riven in t o sr'llllse lo rclH elll\. AFt!" r the reud· Itll{ of mi nu tcs snli olher lJ u ~ \tl e~' . the l eJl~o n on " How OUI' 'hurch 'li me t o Maine." wu!:! takllll u p At the concl usilln of thl;! I :S!:Ion. Miss Kuth ryn Hendprl'on pla yed nil t hl' pinn!" "Abide Wit h Me." with va da dons . T his was fo llow.c rl by a rOlldi ng, " The K ...v to Lhe Fu tu re," lJy Mr~ If B. H ell~ r~on Mi s~ Kalh ryn t hen played " Oh, rJ llPPY Day ," with va ns. Mrs Georae Hart Bock read "'1)own ill H~ppv V,,J ley ." IY h ichwtl ~ f ollowed by the pi.m·o H lee lion, "The Sh,· phertl nf GulH e " All j oi h ~d in si n~in K "AmericA." alld l he program clll' cd with the benedic· tion by R ev J ' F' CadwullA(ipr T h.. r.iHn,)"mIlOlc by Mi.·s Klll h r YIl Hend tu'so n W UH Quile an ulldili oll '.1I t ho prog ram au d she was give n Il ,'ate .of th ul1k!!. Mrs Mary L Adams, 0 f J(s nRl1s ' i ty , M ra C. W ' H ~nde r on. Mr~ LouLa Woolley anci lv! ' ~ij Susan W rt~h t wert:! present as VISItors . - - -
Tobaeco Clln VIlS at Hyman's. ,
Cnll Ch il es Hotel.
Pl nee you r orde rs with me fo r Cu i"lnwel"lI for Ea· tar MIS , Orace L. SmiLh. Mrs Lydill Smith and Miss la ra ({eys ure 8)1 tidi ngs a f ew days in ~ llIrk s v i ll . M rs. Lucinda Slatel!, of Clarks· I' il lo, iss lJ'!llIlillg tho wet:!k witii Mr ' l' and Mrs. Wulle r list.
l'hursrlay night , March 21. m usic lind (1"IY-ers for l he ladies , a t th e '::L l~ r e d Cornpany Lebanon, Big Slo re. i{t'v. and Mrs . J . F . Cadwallade r "lid r."iss ' Ia ra Li le Il u ended. lhe ru nerlll of a relative at Xell ia, Thursday .
l+aynysvil/e's Water and Light Plant Lights, or no lights-that is the q uestion, Whether it is nobler to d'o without them, To stand the Sl:l1ell of outrageous coal oil , Or vo te more bonds and hold the plnn t . Or sell out t o some company, And t..hus bring 'chaos iu to lig ht. • To vote- to swear-To say w e end 'rh 1'[ f . d e 1 eo a once-eoJoye ext.ra vagance, 'Twi1J bring .n thousagd natural shocks 'rh ' at Our pretty little village as up against, A11d t hus die a na tural death,
ASSOCIATION ElECTED· SpIJn~Os~itrew~nt:t;'l~~o~n y~U no~~ ~~;~gooSk::,~I~e iNTER~A~hC1NW • NEW OFFICERS A L and KAHN tailcrring companies. . Get a real "tailored for you" suit --At a me t itl~ of (he Protective and . Det.ective Ae. OriR Lon lalll 'a lurdal, the foll owi ng triee rs fo r the year tl re I"oted' W'"E. Se . "Baily,. Il re!'identj W. Ii) CUr nell , vice· presiden.; P III Ken rick, tl'ea8i.Jre~ ; J . C. lI aw k, t.!ret.a ry;. F rank Braddock, Albpr t Ml!rritt and George Hl,lrtAock . tru~tee~ I.An sid ~.rlible Ilusi'lc!-s Wad tro ns act d d ~r"'~ .I he mliet tng. !Ind .the lIPsllnaLton 1:1 In 8 heulthy ('undlllon . :I'~"'re has I W' geen so m uch t hle\' inR' nt ell\l WIth as form erl y,
The Woman's Foreign Missionary Livery Service. Society of .the Methodist Church held ils second quartllrly meeting at the Dr. Dill , Osteopath 21 . Broad home of MI'II, Hosier on friday way. Lebunon. Ohio. a fternoon. ' March 15th. T he meeting was opened by the Mr, and Mrs. Myer HYman and ~ead i ng of the Easter lesson as given daughler were in Dayton Sunday. In the twenty ·elghth chaptolr of Mallhew,followed by prayer. After .. t he reading of the minutel of the MISS Mary, of Lebl.inon, is last meeting, Mfi. R. G the g uest of relallves here for a few appointed treasurer to fill the days. vacancy made by the deatb of M1'I. Htl wke . J. E. Janney, S. D, Henkle and D. The prog ram was opened wltb a L, Crane were , pringliel d visit ors piano Bolo bll Miss Helen Marlatt. «' rlday. In a fe.w touchin~ worda, Mra Funltey spoke of our 1098 in the Tele ph one Livery Train" Order, dellth of Mra. Hawke, who has been . stl (:h an ins piration to thO! Soc·i ety In .. Hotel" . its work for years, which sbe follow€d by a beautiful lribute to Mrs. Mary A. Wise is visiting hor her m tlmory . . daull'hter Mrs. T. E . Cummings and M iss Rockey then favored us with family, near Xenia. a Bolo, "Song of the Spring" Mra. Rnymond Conner Kave a reading, Mr. and . Mrs. Walte r .Cast.,Apent "Missionaries Cheaper Than Wu." S ~nday . With relatives In MIdland ' which was followed by a piano 8010 CIty , Chnton County. by Miss Ethel Hosier. Mra Charles . Houlfh read, "After Many Dava." Thursday night, March 21, music and after another plano eol? by· Mi88 and flowers for ·the ladies at the S Marlatt, Mrs, J. W. White' read, lo' red Company Lebanon. Sig Store: "New Ideas if! Entertaining MiMon · ary Delegates, I I ll')le program wu C. A. Crawford spent several days cl,:,sed witb another piano· aolo by' · C' I d H MI88 Hosler · Iaa t week a t UDlon Ity. n. e After the program. dainty refresh. was the Iruest of th~ J . A. Long mente were served by the aeeond Creamery Co.• of whIch he has the division under the Jeaderahlp of.Mr., agency here. Murray, and all · present voted It a very interesting and profitable afterMrs. Ida Bowman, who came here nOQn. last week to attend tbe funeral of Mr. Leslie McCune, and who has been visiting rel atives, returned to her home in Cincinnati Tuesday.
Walter UU!'ll et.t: of R D. 5 .. spt'n t several days III Day lon lllst welt .
Archdeacon Dodshon , of the Epi~. copal church, will hold a Misaion at Grace Chu rc h, Lebanon, during Holy Week, and . Will rema in over E aster Day.
this sellson of John A. Funk ey, Mrs Mary L. Adams. Mrs, & ther S tout, J. l~. Cadwallader and M' ' d WI' .ld. 1. . t.!J, E I"Ilia b'eth Carro II vi It~ re lat lve~ In Harveysburg Monday after noun"
It would seem like all Warren Coun ty had brOKen loose and started in to furniSh or re furni sh .their homes with furniture or house fur· nishi ult9 from the w~y the people have floc ked to take advllntage of
I;e8f~~~~~~~nl~i~e~ol~~ea~~~~:,~i~~ t.~~r;' ::I~d ~~I!~an~v':t~~':t ~~! t o re~OllntZ ~ h ~ ,r el~n t l e" chll rllct r of thl!! 8 SS0cI ~ tllln, and do not care to run up OgBtIIst Its membe rs • - •
capacity of delivery und it will take po me t.l ays to catch up. With buyinll arrangement s made with the syn· di cate~ and factories, together with the Immense stock on hand, orders Horn-To Mr ond Mrs. Fral k eRn be fill ed in any line, but the aale Thomas. Monday, March 18, II son. will only l88t a limited time.
.- .
Corp. Forest Ridg,e, Co: E, 137th Reg. U. S. I .. arrived home Monday afternoon from Camp Sherlden. H e . . d r_ Sixth (Palm) Sun BY In. ....nt • 1o"a8 accompanied as far as Lebanon by Elmer Wella and tlBveral other MaTch 24 • Sunday Sohool at 9:80 a . boys m. Prayer aud lennon at The above doggerel , with a ll due regard to W m. Shake is about the condition that . "10:80. MlIS Esther Rockey WIll.tJ!K , "The Palms 'I we are u p against-in other words , do t he people of W'aYllcsvilJe want light and water, . Lleut, Hugh Ridge, af the 148th • d ·f h ' . -t ? 'fh f 1 h S . C . .' f U. S. I., stationed at Camp Sheriden, HOLY WEEK an 1 so, ow are we gOIng to get 1 . e act t 1at t e erVlce om miSSion are out 0 Montgomery, Ala, Is here ' on a ten Service and address every ev.nkllr fut;lds and are deep in t he hole, is p roof t hat we must " be up a nd doing." days' .furlough. HUKb is lC?ok}DJI except Saturday, at 7:30 p.m. All d ' h ' 1 1 . . every Inch the man, and is enJoYing Saturday Easter Even serrica at unng t e past wmter, w len t 1e situation was so acute, · the water and light the best of health. . 4 p. m.· ,
commission,' ~lDable· to ge~ coal t o operat e the pla nt, still had their running expenses to Now .ia the time to. inve!lt yC?ur . ~~~~~~ter:~~n~~~~.f:.!oJ:f ~~: meet, and lhlS put them mlo tbe hole to t he tu ne ·() f about $1200. 8urplus In a !food dlvld.nd paYing reth P . . .th By , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ proposition. An Ideal investment i8 Monday evening-the Trqedyof I This question is so deep, and so 1 . with the S. Fred Company Lebanon Sin. . . Mrs. M. Kohlhagen and Eon. Wul·; much has to be said to enlig hten the tel'. of Le banon , spent Frid ay her e, l people that it is impossible to any ' all the Kucsta of Mr . and Mrs, Myer j' th'lt could be sai d, However, mis· Hyman . takes have been made unthoughtedly, and now that the plant hilS lived its
====================~================== f n~~II~R~~~ ifili~e
i is nothin~
PURCHASED PROPERlY '200. Big Store pref.rred ItCK!k In '100, S800 or more. Smallinve.tora
Tuesdayeyening-SaYed By Love. Wednesday evenlnK-Throop preferred. ABk any on. of the 235 Doubt tG Greater Faith . stockhold.r. .Inc. 1908. Th.rel. a Thunday ,evenlng-What Shall I good reuon "by are heldln...n Do with J8IIus? .
~~F~~~~~~~~d~~~A.~~~M G~~~-m~ llroper.t yof the Alice Hawke heirs peraonal call will receive prompt and Have Me to Do?
to sustain its life longer -.5J1:J1:'===:J'~I===::1lrn~I===~I[!l 1 Last week, !l1nyo rJ oy . City Cl erk Tuesday, and will move there as courteoulattenfion from the Pre.i- Everybody cordially ' invited ~ .. .. ~ DaVIS and Attorney Anderson all soon as the house is vacant. dent, Mr. Solomon Fred. tbese services. Come. I went to ol umbul! for the p urpose of . consultinicC the St ate CotDmission i n regard to the" proposition . The y . car riedtolhe of the village in ·.··.··~· order fo rr ecords tify themselves on •.the
Bubject matte r, and the J'epo rt they but hopeful.. 'The real pu rpose of their visit was (0 find out · if they could be allowed to float enough bonds to carr,? them over the p resent 1!.1 crhis. The only way t hill can be • done. the Commission informed them. was by a t wo·lhirds vote of the people. . . 'fhe q uestion nal urally comes up, . What a re we to do? 'rhe State Commission ad vised our offlciala to eitber sell t he plant, or elBe qui t at once, befor e any more indeb tedness is incurred This. of COu.lrse, brings the question r ight up to t he people 0 the tow n-shall we, or shall we .~ not,- bl.Lve lig hts and wSlter? It is dE-arly up to t he people now . and it must be put up to them to vo te for or IIgain ~ 11 new issue of' bonds, or else do WIth out lIghts and wate r. A great many p rsonS,...- W8 might S say . the majority of them- ar.e for s Iltng the property. and !It olle time it looked ve ry·mudl tl ~ if tha t wo uld _. be accompli hed . On lha other hllnd, the mino ri ty fi r mly bel ieve ·(hat t he plant can be successfully • I!I operated as a munioillll l plan t , and rtlake el}oJ.lgh money to keep it going, It has been stat.!d that by having a new bond issue for about $7,000, a ne w engine 'l:ou ld be got· ten, the plant (i pel'ated as a t wenty ' four hou r p lant, and by judicious Gl management could be mude to pay lind have a surplus for e\nking' fund purposes . . Of cours e, the above might be a .' \"1 " ,p ipe 9re lim," but as SUr'3 as cim be, l!J s()me thlng must be done and done at r."I once. Then, again: it ball been sug· ~ g\l9ted that the moneyed men of the l wn get together and sUlrt a stock compa ny'llna ru n the plimt in tJ:tnt mllnp t . . T HE ~ [T UAT I ON, THE:N ISTHIS -SO METH ING MU T HE DONE AND THAT RIGHT AW AY, WILL 1":'1 ' SOM EBODY SUGG EST A REM · t.:.I EDY? ., -~ bra ugh home wit h t hem is l1nything
I······..... ... ·.····' · ·.··.·········.······ ................•..•....•••.• Apr.-) 7-'-Ta'x Day Sugge$t.-o'ns Printz-Biederman Co . .. , . . ... , Ffd. 100 & Dividends Hinde & Dauch Paper Co . .. . . ·Pfd. 1Q3 & Dividends McCraw Tire and Rubber Co .. Pfd. 103 & Dividends'
7. 00 p~r cent. 6.80 per cent. 6.80 per 'cent.
EJrThe above are unconditionally reCommended as safe investments
. ~I
It's Time "Right No' ·to be
Tl;i.inking of' Easter . .
By g~eral ' co~sent:~Eisf~r7isl,the day for starting off the' new season ~Hh "the best foot foremost." New clothes do help the feeling ,of ' confidence' and oetimism which is character:istic of ' . the East~r season, :
: ~he usual nu~be~ of ea;ly buyers have already been in, maktng
.. tbeir s~lections~ f~r EaSter. · It'~ a pretty sensible pl8,n to gat i~ before the rush, for 'even the 'biggest stock ·clothing will show signs of picki.!lg' over if you delay too long. ,
We shall be happy to h~lp e~oose woat -you want from our care.. fully bOught lines . . ' Suits.~ S15 tq $2.5. Ties, 50 cents · to $1: Hats, $2 to ~5.
It is not a minute 100 soon right now. WALK-
We also offer I
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
J. d.
8.00 per cent.
Representing The Maynard B. , Murch Co., Cleveland. Ohio _
" rM,
.ulIIn pur /l1'r IIn"'I" 10 1I.'r "'''11111, ut,\I hN' c'ry 1'/1111{ ,,"I /I,','r lit., 111111n II In
~U '" , I lj , IJr
til!) dny~ (jf 0111. "KII7.IIn I ""zo n! _ Kllznnl" At Ih" tIlll ot till' SIIII Itook, Omy W,lli'-l!lIuUt 1111\1 IhlOlWd Ill' IItnrvlltlo/l- h"llrd thl' \\' ",IIUII'" lir~'. 'nnd tbe coli th,\! wus lu h~r lhl"JIl I 111<'1 1 IIWIlY
r ," In
Iy the Tri-State Ha~ No Buying Agenri
• '. I "' '''1\ r t ,) HIfI)nlltl A lua'orcl1k t , IVII ·
II , I:? "' ,I toM III
A cream buyinll ~lUt i(ln ~ a em III an ucllll'd 111111 1~I\ Jleut>"t;IU ' l,"?>'" l 'Ij" ih handli ')g' CI'l!lItn Thu IlJllilllC'fOltnl'1' ,'U l 111,:1111 Jill' (1)o.It IllItIlY dol· IlIr!! LF ,. 10 thCl fuuJt flr ill 11\1 l'(Hlr~ IIC III YI'llf I'; aeh p ound o f but e~ fa l sold I,) ~I pillt ill II 1Il1'~1I 'm o r l" Ol"ro • c tllX I'll t h e seHer h t!~id R \', l (l.~ und dou!.1 hll1ulll,l .g 'of lIlt' ~ r '1II n . The cream ~tIJti ~'lI EX j1 II-I! 111,100 HI110un t 5 In 2,()1· ;J LirrH'~ lUI much nil the enti re c.oHL of pa l!'urj 7,ing "" l'h urll in~ uml w\ra PJliu~ t.he butter if)
Rb,l p, $1, R 'lHe\l" Kn \l
Uowrl6 to E C" FI ~ cbbllt'h, lu ~ In l:\IU'v llyshnrs, $1. 1.'l'lllll /l\1 1111111 l u Low Wtlsh, lot in H!lfV .·yt>hurl(, " 50. A.l1Ho B. K y' t (, ~Villl Ol H AnIl Arh b" ll~ OIn wl<ldi, lo Is 1u Wuy.
nos \·,II,e. \I\'" u t(." T~ KIrby nnd wire to A V. !4 n, o k , ':' 1 nor e l< III ' l u 'lror ~e k towlIf h l l-', $ 1 r.. 1 11l1 ~ r y ot ul to ;iO.J.~ IInrl ~ lu 8 n,lom
,I. W. ijllY "
OHAPTI" ,xx.
traDlI1'oMlle4 loe C(lDI n UltO oQm • VI\.II I nll/ht tho Innll r eturnea to the ('ohio The Call of Sun Rock. , I~to, And whell he come In ther wos a In the ,IOldeo glow of thc autumn glow ~\t excltemeot III Joon'a blu o ~y8S, no there \!lime up the 8tN'Om over- nnd n trcmble In her volco " 'h n 8h lI)oIred b, the Suu R ock one Oay 1\ greetc/\ hIm. II1&II. a woman ana 0 clllld In 1\ ronol!. "DId 'you henr she nlked. "Did aflUllltlOn h ad dono tor lovely .Tolln ~'ou bCIlr-UH! cilll '" what It bad done tor mOllS nDoth r I He nn(ld (I trohing her soft b t' dd lIower tmnRPllmted tram t1Hl,, ' n r. d,ptbll of the ,,'lId melll!. Ber cheeks . I ,,"os a mile bock In the fOr ek were . ihl~ B r blue eyes hn ~1 lost I""nmp," he Mlcl. "1 bl'lI.rd It I" ~ their IUlter. he coughed, 1I1C11 wh(ln ~(lOU'" hll,"118 . c lUlcl,l,ed hla arD1 ~. Ihe , coulhed the JUun looked at b er It WO Rn I~nznu, she IIlld. witll love and tear In bls eyea. Bllt "',?lIld r ecojml te M8 voice. nut It now, 810"')1', the mnn had hegon to 8 emed to me It was like the other---' lee the transformatlon,snd 011 th e dol' the ('1111 thnt Cfime thnt morul1j.8 frOID tbelr clmoo pointed up the 8trelllll Dud the lIoud·bur, his motef' lnto the wonderflll vnlley tbot bod The mnn WfiS thJnldn~. Joon's fin· been their hoJUJl hefo re tbe call or the ~ers tighten I. Sbe waa breathing a dlit-nt clty rome to them, he noted J IIttl o IlUl ckly. Ii. Stra ngo Flro L•• ped Through HI.
the lIusb once more In her I "WlII you promlse me thle ?" abe ehMks, tlIe fuUer redness or her lips, . nsk ed, "\\111 yoU promISe m_o th ot you ud the ptherlng glow of bopplnl'ss wtll n ver hUll t or trop tor wolves '" IIDd content In hllr eyes. n o Inughed "I bncl til ought ot thot." he replled. IOttI;V as he 611\\' these tblngs, lind be "I tbl)lIgh t of It- ntter I heard the call. ,bleesed the to rests. In the en noo she Y C8, I will promIse." bad lenned bnek, with ber hend 01J OIl U'S nrms' IStolo up about bls nBak. mOlt egalnst ' hlB shoulder, and he "We 10'-('(\ ICOJ'.jIn," s bo wblspered. "'Itopped paddling to (Irow her to blm, "An(1 you mIght 'km ,hlm-or h er." IDd run hi. lIDgers througb tho 80tt Sudcleftl y she stopped, Both listened. ~Iden malles ot iiII' baJr. Tlle doo r woe II little ajar, and to , "You are htlPPY ognln, Joon," be tIll"lIl tllllre clime ngllln the wnlUnr laughed )o1OU81y. "Tile doctors were mnte-en)! ot the wQlf. Jonn ran to the itlbt. You are a part ot the fore8ts." door. B r busband fOl'Ow~. Togeth· "Yes, I am hot/py," all wh ispered, er they stood silent and With tenle and eudC!enl, (bere cnme n little thrlJl breath Jonn pointed over the 8t1il'IIt into her voice, end ~he poInted to II Pl~ . wblte IIlIIer ot eand running out Into IJlltenl Ulltenl" 111111 coIDIDllIldl4. the stream. "Do you remembcl'-yen rs "It·s her c.ry, Dnd It came fro m the en4 YeaI'll -.0. It seem_that K,uo;nn Ull Rock I" 'lett us h_t She wnl (In the ~lUId She rnQ out Into the nlgbt. forgetjover then, C!lllUng to hLm. 00 "you Un,; tltot III InllD was cl ose behl od ber i"lDembel'1': There WBS a lIt1lo: trom· oow, torI: Wng that LIttle J"oon WU ' fbl0 'about Ilel' ,mouth, and she added, "J nlone In )ler lJ d. ' And to them, rr6lD' woooe!'-Wbere theT-hllve gon~_" lillie bnd miles across the plain, there The cablll WIUI as tho), hod lett It. CIUDO a walling ery In ' answer-a <:rJ 0DI7 the ertmlOn balmeetb bad grown th'a t seemed 1\ port of the wind. and ' ;UP about I and "brubs and tall gmlllI that thrlll()(J JOlin llIitll her bren th' lbad IIP"WI up .near ~tI :walls. OQce b.roke In 0 strllnge 80b. : I1DOn ~t Ion lite. and day by doy '1Forthcr out on the' plein Rho wentl I ~ color, came deeper Into JOIlD'. tinct tben stopped, wJI:b the golden' ldieete. and her voice was filled With glow of the llu~nn\D moon and the 13m" ~te el4 wtl4 lI1Jeetn_ of IOn~ Joap's sblmmerlng In her hllir and eyes It I~~ ilie trau. over his old was maDY minutel betore the cry ~ame ,a4 :roan and the Uw,. Joan, aJrn1D. nnd then It WQS 110 QOCl'r, that
Body. .
In a ~·blnc . And to tho north B swlj'l!y rDol'lul: shuno,," s tolllJ 1I for u moment, ond stooll like n t hing of rock 'ullder the IlIrllgbt. It wns KO:l,on. A strnnge lire leo peel through hIs body. E,'ery fibcr ot hI s brute und r sln\l\llllg \\'US 'Ilflre wltll the Imowleuge thut II r ' ' VIIS hOIl.-e. It WII8 her e, loog ogo, thll t h e h011 1\v('u, nnd lovell. nod f u ght- lIl1d all lit onCe the dreams thllt lIuO grown fll d d nnll Illdletlllc l In bls meillory
cnme bnck to him 115 renl llV1ng tllings. For, coming 10 blm fnlntly 0" r the ploln, be henrd Joon's volco I . In the starlight JOlin stood, tense /lnd white. wben from out ot Ille polo mi sts oC tbe m oon-Illow Il fl COrDO to ber, cringing on his belly, panting Bod wlnd ·run, ond with n s trnnge whlnJng o ot In bla tb.root. Anu lis Joon went to hIm. her OJ'D1S r l)R.cblug out. ber IIP8 lobbing bla naDl e 01' r ond over ngnln, til mB O stood ond looked. down lipan them With the wontler of 11 now alld grenter understondlng In hili loce, He bael no r~ r of tbe ,,"olt:dog now_ And as JOlln 's a rms bogged Knzlln's gr eat shu!!!;)' hood up to her he hcnrd the wblnlng gusplng joy at tbe bellst and tho ollblng whIspering voIce of tho girl, nnd "'lUI t \lnsely gripped bonds bo ratl!cl the Sun Rock, "Good heaven. I" be brCl;lthcd "I beUeve--It's ee--" .AI I t In response to the thougllt hIe mind, thero come once more ncrolls tho plalo Grol' 'Wo!!'!! mnte-seeklng cry ot grief nnd of . lonollness. Swiftly al tllongb struck by 0 lash 'KnzilD wns on bls t et-obllvlous ' of Jonn's touch. at .ber vOl co, of the presonce of the mao. In another Inatont he WII& gone. and J08n flung herself sgalost her bnlbnnd's brenst, ond n.lmol,lt fiercoly too.1t bla face between her two bands. "Now (10 you believe'" abe cried pantlnilly. "Now do you believe In the God of IIl1 world-the Ood I bave lived With, the Ood that glvea 80ull ,to the wtld thlogs. tbe God that-that hilS
To The hien£8D:Hoople •
, There .. DO fOaadatioa for ,the .u.pd viotatioDl of law attributed to our C0mpany by &galta of the Fed8raI Trade Commission and I WIlDt to saT empba*'" aBy that Swift ct:Cnmpany" DOt aparty'to .oy ~8CY. to ~ U. GovemJIlCnt. NorbM, ~a: ,c-= ' ~ of ~ly . . . . .. or of making faJae ~ or .~ ,'
c,aE...,-=- of pac.... wbeire pricee have been discuIaed. bAn been held at the urpat request and jn the pr e! 1Dr.e of rqJr I nntativea of either the Food Admblisbation or the Council ofM. . . . . ~. And yet the packers havebeen accused of committing a felony by IICtiar in c:oUuaioD on Government b~ I ' We ....,e dODe our beat, with other ~ large aDd small, t9 ·comply with tbe directioas of-the United States Food ~i_a.tioDjn all.p erticulars. indndfqg
the famirihing offood fUppIies 'm the Army and Na~ and the 'ABies, now be. tag berwUed· through the Food Adminia. .
to. . . . . . .
, W. will COIIItiDue
der Gowniment direction. to incr~ OW' p\ldUcdqa and' assist the F~ ~dminjs.. We croasjdar. thai the opportunity to ~.. wboae-b:eartedly and to our "~ with this brQllCh of the ".,.." ~emmeot is our plain and most . - -
The T..... ,Comn,iuioD AttorDeJ baa, It,.f.....iDfeNDCe' aad _placed. empba-
... gina to diacoaDected'portioos of the eOl'respo..c:I~ .taken from· our private files aad;\"ead kito the Record, a false and . . . ~ with the pWn purpoiae .' of CNAdpg an~c public opiDiQn. \.
The Of the Peck.. of the United States}ate most'urgently neecICd. _1.,.ret ~zceedinclytbatweshouldat ,thiI time bave to · apend our effoi1s in .......... oanelvea ilgBht uafonrvled• . ~ and ~air assertions such u . .'.,.... daily made public. .
.tI~~ SWift & Company, U.S.A
brought-u. all-together-once more
-home I" lIla nrml closed gently about ber. "I (believe, my JOlIn," be whlllPered. "And YOD undeTlltnnd-no,v-wbat it menDS, 'Thou sbol toot' kill r" "Except that It brlllgs U8 , Ufe--yea. I understand." be replied. Her Wtll'Jll, IIOtt bona.. Itroked hie faoe. Her blue eyes, ruled With the 11017 of the etanl, looked up Into hi& "KazRn and abe--you nnd t-fln4 the bllhy! Are you sorry-that we elUDe bnck f' 's be asked. So close he drew ber against hi. breolt tbat she dJd not boar the worda be whispered In tbe 110ft wnrmth of ber bnlr. And otter that. tor mimy hours, they' aot In the ItnrUght In tront of .tbe cnbln door. But tIIey did' not hear agaIn thnt lonely cly from the SQn Rock. Joan and ber bUlband understood, '~~' II vlalt UII again tomorrow," the man sntd nt laat. '~Come, JOlIn, let us 110 to lied." . Tollethor they Ilntered the cnbln. And thllt nigbt, IJIdo by aldo, Kuan and OrllY Wolt bunted agaln.J9- the moonU.t plain. . THE END,
T h e Trl.Stale belie v th i ~ rliIT,·I·(1Ilre ~ hou l d go to the PI·odll c er - ~ht· Ung tho crealll lIl1 Ihe trllin ill th e I II:1L uf ,lhe hurd w ork of lh t:! dairY ·
F. O. Lind . III!l\ Voton
hi ll your cr(~a m llirect t o
t6wtlbhq)t! , $1 Ahbhl ruhom a t !I I to " rl hor. WllUd , l'l l,q iu·WnYll olivill ... , $l. W illiom Tlrn~ .. nd \ Ie" LO ' , P "K'rCl b n: l o t,~ In ro orrow , $1. '. S M OIIUI ~, II o clitlW, tfl ()unlc l P, BonB. I I~ in E mn kli o. $1. Mnry A Pl orl'n t o EtltD k Bil lon, lot iu E'r llnkJi n, , C)OO. J o ho W . !\.rllUr t n W,~lt" r W I{ro ll r, "hn o ~ ao nares in \"Iay n e I )wo l<h il', $ 1. ~lIn" l,'l \Y, :burilo I " ,I . ti Hid . 110 1\, :tu 1l0l'I'ri Iu P' muli litl tlHvlI Hll lp,
a ttrnctive looldn"" pacl< il)!l'~ reurty for !:luI .
Wr ite for Free Trial clln ~ if you lI eed cans. N o s hill!! r ever lost n do ll llr hi pp i ll~ 10 The Tl'i Slutl! lind we h ve 25 ,0 O.pal I llnq III prove it,
Kelly-Spring field
United States
L ady Cnrzon, Ihe wire of L'lrCI Cu r zon \\, IIS !{~ the t i ll"~ of hur w~ddi/lj:! Mrs. Duggan . WR S t h Widow of Mr Alfred Duggn n, Df Buenos Ayres
Tir e
----_ .. ---
HA WKE & t't'lcCLURE
l.;o r "
Le wis ,
n d mll)I B t r ~ trlx:
'} ' Ill lltld E liz·,hAth UbllrOl b ,Iud,,_ lIlent f or Il lu iot ill'. 0 0111 19 K. ''''lItnlll1 lc1 ,.~ ,1o o pb K I.!D rl It 6~ III , OI'Ll o r gruDted t o !lell real l-'~ tlHl\ . Lli nm 8 , l:I.a r krll (l l' T V~ r~V'\ E. W IIIIIIlQ!! , o t ~ 1. PUllili a n ul r Bu l 08f1l t n
Wlllllun '. B row n w (~, F. Ilr l' WD .
Cnusfl slltLl t.l nncl dl.lUI~I" 11 .
r R EY, FRANK B."-.;A Lebanon -:- Ohio.
.. '--
0 ... J. A
Harry (],~o n V9 D. U Roll l't HI. R s troioing o r de r d iA~ lJ rVl' d . f,ij07.aa i lJ "yL" D ,' tllttJ 1:f ,,~pl1l1l, 1',oslier G , P t Cl r ~!) n VII lJ 1. Ro. cllllhlug f ur W'li r r ll o ouu n t.), ,"Ct,lllll t,. bltz )r, et 01 Denl o r or b.y Ilattlu. £:l711.·10\ I; . J. ,igl£o n r, I'lltlrlff, d tlu t tl overruled. It''~fll lnlt " II I, .1llng I r pr !t:'Cnt' r~ $ ~31\ 'lJ i ::l. ~r rod 1 l " Rt ()Ve~ f l)r.i oi l New ~ulls $1) flO ; J . 1'1 , M Irr ~, lmppll ca $ll2 tiO; Anna 1... Davis VB 'I'hom us nnel ~' rllt1 A llY 0 r, PTll1 Ollt) U ' 10 f Oil II lGRt e ll n. TI·6vlll o . M o n y and t OI·B. $GO ; W i III li n! 'EVlllld, lut1lb ~ t , $15 Ul i ol oanlo i "mOllot ol"lrn U $1 200. B• . , l :OIlOV r "111 1&nu wir e $ :10 76; H ' r " 1'1111{ & '0, ~Ul l l, II<'" 16107 D. O. !511ahr V A A , 1\1. Httl r r n'n d \ AI)Du tllrr. MOll e y i IllUonn l, oluhn- 50 i 0 811 P. BUl l", Ij , '~ l r' ~' \ $7; ,~ . '. l 'Ult llll, r.otl l 0i0 7 i Mll lvlIl . tlUp. Uo , ed $2tS ...7. Blunohe lG r:l1 ooin/i h aUl, I1UBr. dog Olllcb l' r lIel I) i l uq ,,,,,ill on b ,(l y dian .. 8 Mu ry A. N ewtuu atol, P ar. • 1 Benj a min ~' _ l-th l n " "'I•.,., cn s t~ $3.40 , W. L. . , I v te r , d" p.urv "yo l ·U\.loo _ £229 0 ; X .. n lll Uity W ,lrk <iI\U ~(' , Probate Court "-ee plng pris o n OT!I $16. 0 i .1. ' _ \1 " ,. E s f.ote of t:larllh B Sums, d eceused. rle, roor.rd $2 l 8 9U , 1 D qllll~t 011 Ilf?dy RallHo ru JemllH $4.50; U J . WU I':. FlnalllcllOllnt fH old , ' gonor, p ostuge $5 i Rily ,J. R. Huo. In, thE' Lllll.tttl r of t h e Mt~te of John Wl\ymoo I:I llwkl n N " millor. ter, ~l1rvlOes at Inllr,mftry .37.50; 10, Mllry !'Im me.. appoiuted gUBrdlll.o. qU flR t, on body 01 Henry Deoker tall!! :Sll 40; Jj" ~ ~lwP80P, bridge r epaIrs , Bond $UiO. i .. ltl Ol t,owIISlllp $106.25.; S. E (JUl. E~tute of M. J. Butohlolton. de. ier, !ln lno In !:l .. wil t, m (,o wol'bip oOrlsed. FlO '1 , 4Il!00 unt ~pproved, ~I. $36.50 ; E. B, Murrell; r {)Rd and lowAct lind oOlJfllmod. bri d Il r " pllir. $12 GO ; B. J M... E tfltaof I:I lI nilll h h'ORlAr.rl oo Ased . lam ....v , al""1l $14.GO; A. B . Sides. Fll'fOt 8cco unt np(JT oved, ullo\\'od and p Ik e. 215 i J : Huwlr, bridge r eo oontirlned,
$tG.25 ; WIIlltlm
sam o '0111118 , 8ume t,24; Or/l. lG ~ tbte of ~U If O Ius E. Mulford, ~32; F' ,;\\ deceliBlld. FlUn l B OOOIlU ~ lIt " druiD- ~ Oll l.. Brlrlco Uo, brillgo wllrk $l.l29 Oil i Fr~ok Oo\llU!I, brtd/le IB'rMor fil l-\d EBtotp'·or. Il\ ry ErhAI Gl'Pgl-l, mi. lV o r k $7!l.75 ; Will\u a: li. Beok, rlJtld ~ohw(UllI, nol'o Jj'1/ ~ t IIOOlJOOr. o f , Il llrditin r ep ll irll $22 i ' h ll .r l M J . nJ.> plla ~ f"r j Ail a nd coort bo()~ tileel . A my Frlln nr, IHl m l n i ~~ r ll t' l ix, vs $6 llu; C Il. I) Oh!loll~, p'o st lil/:e '6; l'r u ~ l·et' f' Pobllo Affa lra. Ilgbt ond Am v Ji'r·lllAr (·t AI. Willow 1I11u wlld' Wf.\tl'lr I II 5 L ; W, N. 'ox , 011 IItove $ 243,} 2 do we r ' $ '~ GO i •• 'V. U IIglo. b.? borl ,, 1 R~I\ III (b e n mtl or llf th e e~ \.II:e 'If som ,IHID Si5 ; I:!. I~. (Jrir ~w r lg bt Chltrlotto E d 1V1Irdll, (loo~ u8et.l . l1 a ~. s e r vi ce IO U hu, i,ll 0 umlltEle $1 ry E, "t oil d!l Illlpotnll' d Illiroini. trl! \Jil l ...
ERt n,ta of Luo r f' t i n '1 v'lIl ger, d e. oM8ed . b'lnu l Il< 'OllUOI t:l l,~ d . E sta t e f fl Gh o I~I V. decensed Fl ou J II CO n rH fli d E Mt" te M t JIIIlld11l. l:Iurtncu. hA uoli. otlU'Y. Inl !1 bI Qrmt,h 110001101, fi led
Warren Cnmmon Pleas Ool dle WCllllbold } Ca w I'll . 11 920 Jose ph R' odck ot AI. lIy ~ l rlUO o f an nr<ler 01 •• Ie. du ly l8!IuL~1 ' '')01 s3 1d Uour t , In «.l18 ,8 1)o\,0 8tnteU CK,jO. and to mo dlrllU~ l , I 11'111 o lror lor . 10, by ",ay o f pub lic ~U~~lol1 . a~ till' door 01 lho Co ur~ U ouso, lu Lebanon, \\".trtl/l (;ou n l ),. Ohio, u n
if you were a bachelor
cover' that you were to faU heir to a fortune on your next birthday on condition that you were a married man by that tJme?
1 0 ' ~. I ~ . O &
,,1\1 DOt bo 101c1 lor Ie.. ~htU1 · ~ ..O· lbJrd. 01 Inl I apprallod \'lIluo. ' TIllR&IS OF SALE-(")no-t1llrd cll8b In band on dBY or ..10, on.-llll"l lu ono yenr MId on&tillrd In two yea.... , tllllot1'OCl paymonta to ,boar 6 per con\ IUl ores t ~11(1 be .ecuroo by rnol~gnB" on pro"'I~O$ sold_ ' " f1 l'o!l , J, IVA ,OONE R . Sherif! Warrou Count" 01110. 0 00.0 Staoloy, ,Ul.Orllo,: 13· 0,10
t UOLllJ lI B~
story takes place within the sp~ce of a few hours and is as rapid as it is une~pected. The dlalo~ scintUlates with bright and witty talk and never becomes tedious_ If you want to' ~ a good story, gay and sparkUng, full of .humor"JI'IBtcb for . -
Our New Serial
Saturday, ~larch 23, 1918 ' Uommeoolng o~ 1 p. m. · the fol~
lo wltl!! : FMrrul og Ilur,ll'menla, BllY, Ilbout 30 bn. of old Seed Corn, eto. THERED CROSS NURSES OF EUROPE 'l'e rm~ ' WAUrER liEN~J()[{, -Adm . ARE GIVING TOASTED C1GA.R£TrES TO THE BOYS
Love ina
H ~ vlng ~(lld my f'~r'()), I wIll 'il l, 1ll'1I r p,IIld Il Dce, 2Y.' miles FlOtltoU of WIL.\·n c\~ vl!i(o, [\I:",r bhe Telegr'lph Mi ll!',' Oil
t'tIonday, March 25, 1918,
O,)r'tIll\llllolnl( ft t I (, 'olook aharp, ' the f l 1I 0 wing: :.1 B018es, 4 C .~Ule, Ouro , Iu FIeld, Bay lind ~trJlw. Terms m9qe knowo 011 "/IV of· ule ' . B. K i '08TER AmeriCan Tobacco Company are W N f-k nrr' l A,\'1' . . producing millions 9f these toasted ciga· ,I. O. ;ln wiJf\h n. l,il tl r~ . rettes and these are being bought in enormous 'jt\lantltlcs ~ugh the various Wnvlle FlI'rm'l! I:!jx~h Annllal.&le tobacco fulDda ~nducted by the news· t tb ~ fll.rm, 2 mtfo8 west of Way, paperll of .the ' country 'Bnd, forwarded througb thi~ RedCrosa Sodet)'totbe boy. .nesville l up " ' \') . ill France. , Monday, April I, 19.1 8 ~II 'n~w process of tneatlne tObacco CQlIIm~uolng at 12 o'olook m •• 100 not only improvea the flavor of the tohlaa:o bu4 It _II ill thl! flavor aDd maka Bf:8\l DaIry C~t!\e-75 bead RaB'elerull JmeylO, ~G boad' hlgb·R,.de Ihe . . . . . Rep better. ,Ipr.. aod Hol,UIDI, OOD.I.\lOI of 1be Red Croll DIII'IIe Ia al".,. ,lad ·to C~_, Belfen, Ual... aad ..:Sala.... lIawIa for the WOUDded lOIdler.
...... -~M!~
tbat ..
See blK bUll for &mDe.
Wny nesville.
Ohio ---
D .<.. H. If , 1{ AT n ,\ '" .A)' l!j
~"~vtl1a ' ,, I ~
" ,\I ,w I',m
~IIH' ~
In H in ')!01 BH ,·
tI -I
DR. J. W, M. ILLEJ~. . .• l?ENTIST... ' lime<> In
nln n.1 IJ QW
aVf1~", l1Ie,
wlro 10 J obu Kenrick.
:jail! Fell, talO Itu been Fegulatly al)' pr..aed UII~ClJ' o rdor ,,( I h. Cour~ anlto lum of 'I'bree Thousand (S3000.u q) Oqlla.. a"d
Estate Transfers
To anY(lDe who doesn't know of the wonderful advances that have been made in the prc~p,aratioo of sm.oklng tobaccos in the last few years It mny sound strange -, to speak olf toasted cigarettes. ' , Strictly ~akJng, we should say :ciga. rett~ madeof toasfed tobacco; tlie'8mok. Br GBLETT ' BU~QESS era of this CO'lJ;lUy will J:ecogpize it more readlly by its trade name.' "LUCKY The entire action of the STRIKE·"-the,toasted cigarette.
-ILI·~ eirl
challlo to II .Il>ke. TlteuCtl N.
9' l)' B. \C ,bS ell "I08 v. the Sect io n 1I0e. T henco N. 25'chalus to tho begln.lng cou· lalnlng 95 nerea ,,( laUd. Bollig lautl. convoyed by Jnr'''' StokCII aDd
1 will offor lit Pnbllo Sf\,le at . the Wll1tam ,'R N eo#por. · LInd Philltp !lIte l'eeldaaoe Of W . L; Kenrlok, de. , Gam es to Wilber J OrdflD lInd wife, oO /lsecl , w est of Ly tie, 16 l\()re R lo -Frnnklln t woship, Sl Ifr" d L , Russe ll ODd wi re to Emmtl
Mtin n 1 \1 ill Telephl:l"
Monday, April 15, 19 1 ~~ I oo'clock a. m " 0 1\ aal t! ,lay. the tal· 1011'1 01 dlliCrlboo .... nl OIla'o, w-wh: !l1 ~uaWllll tho TOWII8hlp 0 1 CI.arcreel< I" (110 O<lun~y 01 WarMII and S ~ ato 01 Ohio anct being par\ or Soctlo n 20 10 Townlb\J1 8 and Ullilge !) I\ot.wetm \h6 ~I a ml Rl\"~" tn the CouQty 01 WarTOO III ~h 6 Slate 01 Ohio. Be· ~dnnll1i1 .t a .t.WIt III lohe EUL IIno or ..ttl 8ecUou Illld 8~ K. Corner to John Hugftrman ruD[]I~ ,Iumet) with I:lltgerma.n 's lIue 8. sst! HI' \\', ~2 . 0' c.ll.hls to n fll tooe ooruar t o O. Wllliamioo. 1' ho" co .. I~ h WilUauuoon'.1\ s. 10' W. 18,90 c halus to a .tako. 'I'bence N.
I:I n v in
rl1 ~r
(In PartitiOn)
Bond $160.
Sheriff's Sale
What Would
• and shoul<;l sJ,lddenly ~
:-illfnh ,I . Grl'gg 10 ,T lunell M. Hot. , iHl h , 1,, 1, In lJ' II tlklin, ti l. nll d ru n ' ral l)in~~ror , .1. l : NullllY II) Chll rl elllJ. Frfl ?6 , :!() .. o r es In ll' ru n kltn 1"IWll Glli ll , $ 1. Ohio J eHl ntill b Ni hil i to Wil\l~ru T l'u lli~, 3a d Of eR III ' Io" r oreelt tOIVn , e lll p. $ 1. ~ 1~ II' II l:: I : Gi Lln /IOU SHlo MoKI1· til M~ lIl y R, J I\ U",SUU HlI cl w il l' , lots lu L tl lJ. A lll o f.qllipme l1l 'W OII, $1. Illlrs"... Ora ll n l:cj UiPIllCII/ WIIII/1 IU t :. V 'Li! n nd wif", t o K OD. T.1. 1,7 fJ!(1 1111~willB, Ohio oe th 'hu nlbvrlclI \l , Oll il orc~ In lr r l\ uk . lin l·ll Wll ti hl\l. $ L U "U I'H" \\. J.: rll' l flU,l WI!I' t Q .1, R. LIl,ifonJ, 11I l!1I~ iu W~ ' bln g tun I'! WI!~ll1p , ' l. Dangerous Symp t om . E lo .. nor 13. L' IU~ to \\,illlurJI F , "J \ten r Ihllt HII,'IIIII I,; j!','ln~ !o rllll BUI'Imr, 3 1101 e ~ 10 R tll!lll ww ns bllJ fnr C""I: I'l'~• •" "H I',III),'/ 1'111 11,,1 ~lIr~I Iwlsell. Wh ' l\ hI' II liS II hoy 1I!l·Y . IIY Wil\ llI m A Lewd!! to e tllra K , hlq )In re nts \\"I'r ' It1l'1 1111), \\"orrlell Opto metri t I . <;\' 11I1" ul l<lI lI\1 MIlrv J OR6 plllU IJ Wil I nut hl m."-l.lf(" Eyes tested free , \ifl IJIS j'Jt In t" p \Jll n (, n, $ 1 AIIlV ~'r ll lln r, !I(i IJlIUII!t.rlltrix 10 Hnrl1l" A. tl l' (lI\ ll, 2u uore~ l u li'r lw l!. Notice of Ap~ointment IIIl I,nw r"bi", $ l 'i ' l l\1ltlll A 1"1'1l tu Phl(lll' i:l r,islI.l l\ nd wt\ .. , ·13 " r n! I II '1'1I11 1001H k E tD~" 01 Lu c y N, Dock e lt , l) C<·OQS,'o\. Nlitll'» i. honlhv "II-Ull th. ~ \) U, \lodlN t I,<)W n - liill, l htls lleu n du ly DPllu lnt.(~ 1 u n ll f)\l h.llIh.'t1 tU ' r\tImlul8lr" or 0 1 tho Ii:"ate 0 1 j..UCy .\ . LI ~l·k"'l CommisslOner's Proceedlnj!s IIU6 of W a r rell (JCJllHtj' . U hJo. dt..l(· eltodod. lJ:lI I thl. bth tiDY o f .'I urch I ~ I . V ete,·j "\arv b' , W. ' l'hllll l\l"" ll & ,; 11 , plun , LJio g, IIrllnd" u <,\ " 'I". AL: r o:-: F. nnO WN , J"\ ('h~ . J ud.go o f t.ho j l nlh[1hl l·Q~l rt . " to , $~~ 9B i W. L ::l uulI l ,,"l n f(, 001 \\' arrou Couo\.y. O ll lf.) (]r8( lunl\~ of tlhw ' 111 lJII IVerl!l ' lec t In \( ,ltllllJq n nt chl.l u nl ' l(,.~ !Un
lw ld my t llfm, I will oll'er Il1:Y re~lde~oe, A. (; BaYBoro, Bllrulni stmtor VII 3 m Ilt! ' w e t of W ...VDM vIIl B. (lDd II 611100 (.Jlll.rlt et III. Ornar gl'O otod m il 8 HO llth of Lytle, \0 Boll r en l estl\,( o. Friday, ,\larch 22, 1918 t:urriA Monge r ' uhl1r!} , gou rrtin n • • VI! Gaoila M ODl(er At ' 1\ I. PotoHion . ()o ID lIl enC'in g II.t 1 0'0\)01[, I-be"fol· flI ell to sell reBI 0f\ IOI0. lowl n l(: 2, H or lleR, II Uuttie. 8 0UlIIl E Ht.lI te o f ' Tnw DBond Lon!!, de. \t olel U uoda, 0 10. !:lee hlg bllilt fur 111111111111111111111111111' 1111'1111'1'111111111111 Detl ~u . Flu lIl n oolJ llnt fi led . ' ~~rm 8 ., In tb e p1 ttl'r of tho wlli nf UhlH. R C, Hlli n ep, Auot, I, L, FRYE les · Wl1loh. deoeflsed App bolltioD Uttrl Duk ~, UI rl' t ,) odmH wt\l ~o pr<"!bB te 1llud .
You Do
Notary All
~ I nllf!
f N tur y VOl k . ~\ll. lind Dnedll n ~\I" )n l d ~v. '
-...=0- .-
ANY LUMBfR·' You boughtfor building purp~ses three years ago, at the beginning of the European war, cost you more than twice as much in farm products as the same material will cost you today. In other words, your lum, ber purchasing power has doubled, . and then some, in three years. That is because lumber. has increased fit- tIe-in price, while farm products-have increased much.
:Tbisis the Time, then,'Right Now For you 'to build whatever you may ~eed in farm structures-a new Home, a Barn, a Grain Bin, Sheds, Cribs, Pig Houses, Chicken Houses, any Bui1~ing you may n~ed, noW is the time to build, tomorrow it will cost you more money tha!! today, ' , We can .supplyeverythillg you n~ed from the·, fpundalion up-in the right quantity and at reasonable price. -. .
W. ·D. MADDEN· &Co.. Corwin, Ohio' , Get your share of todays iandJ tomorrowsJ (ann profits-build now the. structures you need. The cost with . their- earning capadty. , Is trJvldl compared -, . .
l S::; L 1:1)
Elty \,
t ~DN E, p /\
Enl ••o" nt ~hu l'o.It1l11ce a~ \\ .1I'68~ JThi. Uhlo •• 8 H ruud UI.
~I .. II
The I(,.i l!l\r ~ hrh,d thl~ ",ar hnt, . 0011 IIbo,,, h lln II. I'll I nrr l"ClI\ 11111.11 I,y nU i flVllqtlng III 1" llIl rty '
D. I .. G ' ANE, Ed it or 'oud 1 \lbli ~ 1
U')O I.!lI
8 uh crioli o11 "I'I'iC •
~ L 50
per y(>s r
Ml' • hUll. V" n(l rv uor t. 0"" of ur y ou 01;( Ullin 11 j n" n n. (Il Ttll n tI l' b I' , WII H IlJhul cI lUllt w tl to Ii yO U D~ lucl .v f 11"'" r WlltUln 'bU . nom c\ P"ct g U. Mr. V'LUd e l' voo rt ' ~ Ilcqn ,tinllll.Of' K wish for ~ b elll bUI>I')' un O 1l 1 " 11I1I~nt vOytlj(e I\ lId I bot tUll Y ulw or Wil l be b t bll r l:ld With tlUlllll ll ri l1 El nlong t hoir jour ne. of
==.WE DN E5 DA Y. 1I1ARCfd 20, 1918
Slule of Ohl" . it ), of ,(,ulech>. Luca s Cm ll1l y .
55 .
has be eiltablisheu. by s pp.cilll Government al\thority . Trains and ears will be operated
Mr. P'lul h'. J:'ote r on , O,f ' ·notoll . 'he film of F, J . " 11. '." cs! In Ill. ell v s plml ~t1r lll/l Y w it h , r~ . p"t"r~ )I) , t.Iudnt,: ( If T fl Jt.' d o , ("a UIII ' n ll d t'il u re .foreSflid, wtl \ I" be re wltb b r p il i'll'" '" 1(\ t h ll l "" id li nn " III puy tI,. 5 1\111 ,, / •ll r lj " ,rl . ' illo f't'tI 1(I N H H UIHHI IJ l ll . I. A lI S ,' for . IOch I' b" 'l'o "" " ~h l p "'uodllv !:it'ho., 1 ( ( II. I'h" lll ·I' !\l!" II lI'l , l. " f Ili A Clhi ,,,,,r\ every ,:u,e " f C'o lll t d, ~h.n ' cn.nAIII~ l h~ VPOtl ULI Lc hl h l'l f' ' I t ' rh o . h:. f; 1 I" I~u ir hI fl lr" I'III); n I rI ·t. 0 1 11m cuted I,v Ihe nsc of Il l\1 .l, S CAl d ll.l " bn rcb " u ~ U Il U tI Y, ""lll! wo ll lHltluU. , ,. . ., . ' . . . M IW I C I ' ll . FHA , K J. CIIU N r~ V . fl ' lin'" f'Jt n ~h 'lf l.' 0.1\(')" . . r li\ lufll l:i",,,,,, 10 belore lil t! tl nd 511 bsrrib~ d iu eel tl otl ,, 1\ IIJ t tlr ohlln ~ pr og llilll W it S • 1, 1 l\" 10 1m u~",.1 lD oU ''' '''(' I ~ IJl ' wil h l m y !'«Se ll ' f. Ihismh du y of n .eelllhe. , rend or ( d . th e IIdv " r l1 w l [t~ t)f ~h e b lO BrutAl /I . D. I ·RO. A. W. G L EA 8\J N, Mt ~ . UJ, r ~ ou n O! 1 II l1r lnin fld Iho is ~ lIi O I' partncr o f
~ hf' l1 ey &. i.l . , d 'li'lIl
I Alogl,n I
.11 ~ I ,.~
I~:==:.:=========::=============\" ar~
lI ft r
ff100% Saiety-S%Di.vidend""
Gem City Bulldlns and Loan A••'n RE,SOURCE8 e MILLIONS
6 N. Main-Dayton ,.
Here ou reMen , UnusulI l conditions this year necessitates a
clearing (l ut of all short lots. We have gone over our stock marking them . at prices irrespective of cost that w ill prove money sav'ing to the purchaser. ,
. Heavy Tan and Black Work Shoe$ $3.50. value, now
Men's Tan Dress
E mploymen t Bureau;
- --
Bllying fi Liberty BouI1 Is a good thlng to d o but h old in g If" t t o It Is belter . . ,lll mes B . P(l terlJon {s reooverlng DlO'ly fr ow nn 1l per!ormod •It Ih e McClell llon bospltlhl In Xenia, I ti t weel: . r Mo ra y, wb 11 \l~ l:een lIuirer Ing · {rOlD bronohlul pu,e omoDllI, Ie IlD p rovtrJ ~ , Ol:vde ~wIDg , o f 'l\tl1 p bermon, "n j 00 R t,brAe duyl' furl oogb d bill 11011l,.e he re Itlst we It. P oo t is Boll and Is nur~j ug 11 011 e of UJ u m (l , Ft f\ lJ ~ It ecves •. wbo b,~~ bool} H.t ~ a ID p ber UHIO sm Oll hI,ae ~on' mb r h. s be@D tr" ll1n ar red t o Gnrnl) Dlx, Ne w ,Ier. oy . ~l! ~. ,.1'/10 orog~y , or. WilmingtO n I ~ VI1:lIt·ln j; relRLh 'Bl' here . . 'hll ~ ~~ VUl)(i,er voo r en d Mvrn P"Ilt't, ~If P or& ''i 111l,lID. were qU Ie tl y 1I~ I\ rr l od t t.~ e l!1 E pllrsonug , I bursu ll ye \teUlI1 I{, M.o re tllllQ f; llveo~y fiv Q frleuos of ~lr. lind lI.i rJ!. J oun W. B ~yd oO k ?u l lyed n s umptuoos .d IIlU r WIth . beUl "'UOdAY ~ ·th ..l Ull lC In h an ~'r of 't!;'" ir P:O I~t:o weddi • ~IlUiV6r nry . 0 0 ly fivt! were lll'esent wbo were prese nt fi fty ye ' fs Il g O.
.... ~ ...- - -
. . ..
Open yo'u r eyes, and "see' what 'It means to buy at .such ~reat s~vings when prices are ',so high • .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a • • • ~
OlaaslSad Ads
~:~~:I;:r~~\c1~~.e~ln r~(lr!:t1(.oo\~~;
~Inrd ~(\nnc1 J~~'r~. °&ro~t1t ~;I:;~:~it ~~tl. ' . ,.
-============== W loaned on live "OQk ohat, M O~EY 'ell! .. DIl BElooa<i mortgage.,
Notel bou8bt. John l1arbtno, Jr. , ,l\l1eD Soildlnll, Xo~la, Obto ; £ mil
WANTED' girl for oooking and serl. W HITE era1 hou.ework . . Mr. B . 1:1
Mead. 8troop .R oad, R . D.IG, Day . tnn, Ohio. Bell phonl, MaiD fi70.
Z. O. Worley &Son
yoa b.,.e 'aDY .nrplo1 .'ook oa I Fband8, DOW i, the time '0 Ilell
Will S.II On
'hem. Try '110 Gaz.Ue Cla••lft.d Ada. T~a1 wUl ifill thom for you
Saturday, Mar. 30, '18
WOU~.llk' ~ bal. 001 0" two ~illD. n 04I.t. VallI'l~ ....... ~ .....-, .. " £ . BI1 ,pIlO. ' ! ". ~
O. K. I:faioher, 00 tbe x.a.)' 1 IT8tem. A180, 1 Bot-bl.., · B ••••
Pool Tablel. Mo'orefol.., I 2Wire,8COv., Lawn ' IIwln8, Chlok.D Maoy b'ho. iteml. InQnlre
You m n.y be too 'lId to !In' l-t. hnt you ,ue not, too old to bllY " LtlH,r lY Bond . ~ r. and Mrs. Lallter Oonger, of Bloo Be ll, were t~e Sunday RU8I!tI of 'he \Ktter'6 pareot., Mr. and Mre. Stephen 6 0rluob . Mrll. James Weidner Ilpen' 'he W ok ood wllh friends and relathBII 10 OIlY&On. . MI 6 Emma llllrris spent tbe weell. e nd with re l ~ tlvlill in ~'rBnk1io, Mr. Orornmond Slade. of !:Iltn dusky, ill "Rilln a~ tbe bedSide of bls RlstAT, ·Mrll . P. K . P ~ noe, who re m uiull oritioully III. Mr . and Mr1. J obn I:limp.on and fomily have moved to Ridgeville. Miss EtlzlI.heth Sbaefer apen' the week. IlDd wlbb bel' plArsots at We8'
King's Mills, Ohio
OBAOCO TRASB WANTEDgoed Colt co u:obanle tor a aiRho.' marlte$ prlOl peld for lood work Horee. IDqoire of tnllh. W. Eo O'Neall, WaYDe. .tlIe, W. M. Onrnmloga, R. D 3, Wayne.. OhiO, mlO "lIIe, Chlo a8 BITE Bolland Torll:eyer.5'hl&e Plymou'h Rook Cookerel.~ of tbe Tlry beet, ICgS.ID .M80D. Allo MONEY LOANED pare !:Ihealand Ponl... W . O. ",,,lob, Uarve,lbDr.r, Oblo. .10
M!1lI&'rove Farm, Morl'Qw. Ohlo~ the follow~nJ: 9 head of Horses, 35 ""01 High., Grade and Regisle~ JerseJJ Cattle, 1J1I4" a full line of Fann Implements. Arrange to Come.
of C. Crawford, W.yuenllle, · Obl•. a3
Col. D. L. Perry}Aucts Col. A. C. Baker .
'001 of Hlud Hay. For lofor· ma'lon oall OD Jobn Robe1'son, whO Uvea near the property la$e1,. vaoa&f!d by Bar"ey Barnen, Ore. gonia, Ohio. 8S
Ohio .Potatoe8. EAR!.Y by .J ohu R oberson, R gonia, Ohio.
For 18'le O. 2, Ure~ u8 .
of mixed Bay. Joqulre 3 ofto 6G.tOn" E. Riley, pholle 42.6, Way.
(tlterlon /ofaitJ!. ~....,
OWned by
The KlnpbUry. co.
Braddook's pro· H·OU81-WID. perty .n Ma. Bolly. . Good w.,er.
and gtl.rdln patoh. loqalre or Mrs, OIarenae Smlah, .L,'le, Ohio. as
11~~I:d :;~: a~~~a:d!:::,~a8Vi~~ ·!~,:,' ~~~:f!e ~faPOJ~;Y'BU~ I--=======~~~~~~~='
~I\~~. hi~udl!ftnd reli~tlve~ ~n Ridge . :;~tl~.
. ~l~ !lod Mr~:SB\lfOld Borden l;Iue SlllEO OAT8-bn~ b Bell tested; nl o vllr\ 10 ' I.he urf'loe property on about 100 bUl!Ihelil, U\J~e ,I gh' oh lld ren, or OBllr u p. llilll.OU· . t . Malo ~tr e' , . '. aw~l' if ,00 want '0 got tbern; ., . , .. M~. end. Mrs Louh, S811y and Ron. Ulanb FI .. z,~ e, R 0 4', Wtl.yilellvllle. Mrs. LJ60!\ a"'r t oQ k e u ter tnloeo tblla Llldle~ ' "ntl 'Inv ltod WIlC\ue rrl ll~d8 of ~e P;U8l!ts of Ohio: '. m~7 at qal\tlo'gA'ladbd,sDlpplng A ' MrM1Bmlsburg, . .and &lUI lj were S. Dl>lltsh, Mooday. .lI'ldliY Afte rnoon or last' weel! '. . ; . -. - • .' . Folding Bed . Morris Rooklr. Mr.'i04 M.rd . Viti, (~Be Fov EIlI -) , . aDd Morrl. Chair. InqUire or of Indiana,. ~ peD' severn I (\IIYI' T. ' . . . • .(., A. Zimmermao, ' W..yneIV1J1e, Needle.. to cOpy o,th...... Ohio. • . m20 ' oent,lv wUh the htf.l!r'O\ PI'rtmtR Mr. Now SIte it Sb.'Ona JmcI .WeD To ' do aoyth~ng "eC!B118e others do lind Mrs t:!am uel l!lIlIK.' r , Mr. J ob~ Tbompson ' ,~Iltt Alb r·rt ' Berkeley. Cat-'ll wall IIl!1"Oua, Itt, aod not because the thlng ·1e IOOd. Sml'h Premier ' Typewrl&er,lo aoct J ile l:i-errlB were 0":\,,,,-,/\ vi>llt c r < I1'ritable. no appetite, could not e1aep, or klnCI, or honest In Ita own right, Ie (llood · "bape~ NIiI .BOIl lot a bilor. ~!lturll RY ' and··• • alw.,.. tired, 'SO m,. bouie· 1to 1'ClIIgn, 'all mornl. coDttol raneS . cap. ptD If .eold .oon. Inqoi,re as oS.hli .8eveml fT'Jrn heTe wer p. ~ Qopplng work a &:reat dfo~ After 1IWl,. ' tIlIDI!J upon 10Dreelt rand 10 poE omoe; ml!O In WllmlDglolJ I .. t weo;,,: Mrs oth", medicines ~~ (ailed· Villol haste to tlIe daytl with tli. 1N8t.t •• r k uo d d bt ~r .. up ud ma~aDd me a1eep .~. TwO -ODD" 31ammo'b La n" B ar_o De Ieo, blillt be"e amegood '1!petlto weltI Dumber.~tevenaon. . 01 .: f h I f Mrs. All1u ):hrt,sqok ' ~1r1S K~t .I./l' Bftt7 qe"ou., weak, aUln~ . womall .•- • Tom •• lIorWor' er a orma daD, Mlea H \i n otlb.J \'jlan. Mr. lind mould b7 1t!'...Mn.' H. Bdmaada, .sOD lnqal,e of m. L ...... lira. Wm /:Iarvey RIl<,1 W, '1', .Jord n. 1110'7 Dwi,~t Wa,., Bukel.,. CeJ. W "A. All ..,abel,., Ohio. mJO and Uri'. J~ ·\e8 G rev tlpeoi' W. uk ..e..,. ne"OD8, weak, ran- . omen .... ,.,.,. ..... _ . Saturday ta t)aykln with their c1owD, allin, ~OIDU in tble tOWD to III Datela Gulua .tiae W'OIDID eIII'F Whl.. 4....b ..r lira. StaoNn aDd '"mlly. tr7 tbia cod Ii•• aDd tcmic OQ 111POIl their perIIODI all the fIIII!JIJ ..,.. lin. .ram. Wolr aa4 1Ir., Berf. CIIII' panDa. to ntana IDOIM7 bIp In the ~ of .... , . . . . . . . . .~ .II~~"'P'~i!: 'hUll- if to belp ....... . . veII'Il. ~ r;;li:a_itII~~
P. M. 4:158 P. M. P. M. 5:001 P: M. P. M.
..,...."""'''''''''.............''''''''._._........................._ _....._."";' 10, tUo"o, aled 00" year, Tlry na. lonable 10 prloe. Phone 1111~, WANT TO EXCHANGE WaYDouUle. mit
11i:::r.:; Barwrebll1'C
I .. &.1....,.
aId_U4 ~ .
••, . .
CEOJ .' p~ .: TIf;FANY
S~18119t In .AI/,'D"I'efr:''~r:~~r:1:H., and 11IIproviq
We have ~ stot'k, everyth~g kept In a first-Class Harness Shop. .!
P. M•
eV~r~~~~~~r~~~:o~~~:]I~g~~OU~~~ II'IDFO
E-LtJS Man .. . .LONG., The Sho~ Rep~ir , . . lUI 1St' l l e, Ohi o. ,;u~ n ·ree t ., W . ayn,~i!iv
.6:05 A. M. 4:20 6:20 A. M. 4:55 6:28 A. M. 5:02 6:40 A. M. 5:]5
N uDrlgb' plano, In exoelll'D' oondltioo. A bar I. in If 801d .oon. Ioqulr. a' tilt. offioo. as
4:15 P. M.
6:13 A. M. 4:35 P. M• 6:20 A. lIf. 4:55 P. M. 6:30 A. M. 5:05 P. M.
~l. ~I.
. Mrs. ElllI We lsh Qnd daughter, AY-tiOOd Mixed itay . Jnqulre Lunrelts. epent several ' day. laB' of Brank ·Braddook, . R. V . 21 week. wltb rel ~tlvel" in Day'on . Wayollnl1le. Ohio. a8 Mr. nod Mn . Ferreet Taylor have . . m oved to t heir farm oear Ly'le. LOT of CorD l'9dder ta buodlel. Funeral Director Mr,. and Mrs. Barvey Mooge. Pbone 33-8, Ja., S, Vaall.r• . . and Emballn-:t wero tbe ' aoday gue~,. of Mr. aDd voorl, R. '8. 2. Wlto11lellvlll., Obl.0 · 7 m Mes. Albert Be ~to n. . . Mr s R ose aael dr.ugbte r. of Rarl· Waynesville. Ohio. t ll n III 1\1'6 th e guest of Mr. Rud .Mr. Wm. DagaD a~d. 80~, Bay. c..:ULr8-oue leaera1 purpoee, 1 Mr~. Jt.'~se 81el. mood, were (J!!.yion vl8l~or.· S!!.'or. d r a f ' .' Ia~Dtro of Waher Either Auto or 80-4 dra--- ....~....:. !' . d IlY, . 'rbompeoo, B . D. lI, Lebanoa,Oblo, .... .. ...... VI .... Mr and Mr • . B. M. Ueoter and 1D1I'l No extra cbaree tor auto iUvic.; .\The farmer who bon Liberty 800 b moved to tbel. new· home Both phones In and Reefdenee.. 80 d is n I\I;l1ng u y for IJls a \lut ry hI >;pringboro, . 8ure aatcb IDonba'or, . w.'.r. No. 14. · . .
" Boy::»' Shoes
$4.'50 v,alue, now
6:00 A.oM.
6:10 A. 6:18 A.
If you cannot go to France, you can help supply our boys over there. Your country nee~s you.' e Apply in Person or' Write to
O t' ll r ~ t.4l1t fl rt B i nm(l f1t , ult fl LH' " lt
A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M.
I r" tri l l'''])) i' ·l il l'~ . bonl'(1i ,~ h OU HC I< ecpe rp. and private families ill Lebanon. Mason. Milford, Loveland, Morrow, Xenia, Waynesville and nearby t 'l '" I~. '" h" fm· li t ['!l1'l Ii 1" ho u. c. <Jr house and hoard ma le or f emale employes of our plant, are invited to fil e with us full informa.tion as to r(~ l(·~. r'II/(. tH ·r 01 11" ('1' 11' " ho can be ac: 'omodated lind whether fo r men or women. or both. An official lis t of such accommodations Will be kept rur r "a dl ref..:r t.'nce f ur tI 'e co nv,e nience of e mployes deSiring same.
. In tbo nellr lut·uro If Ihlll w&I\t]l er oOlltinues. mllny of Ollr clt.le l!O~ will be~u tlt v t.I~ ir h omes w il li pili III wblob moa·n. lJellllty to our towu . Tbe oomed v p ili givon by h (t ID El talent, of neur tlpri n jl flolJ oh ur l.l b , lit the T owa Bil l) ·utul'duy ' n lgh t , received grOllt p nlse by Ih oso wh o oOBld be t be re. 'fhe Ch' la Le H ~ e \...\\ <1 1(1 8 wt11 f!:1\' E' a pItt) f il l' hEl l)oll l'flt 0 f t ho H.-(] Cross nt 11.11' rQ " 0 1:1,. 11 i n Il glH,u t Mm r. We o rn loolr.lug fa wi , d ""I't b rt' 10 tb n r IJI' I·f " r rnflurn. \ ', tb "ir "Ie t ll.> u wiJl h" WI.,,1 linn Ultllr t,il onl l ~ O O~ (lll !l8tl o n C I~ . N r. ft l1(1 Mr,.: Ii'''ft lli, ' hl d ~ lll' r lIutuA(1 t" U(iloi nll <t,j 0 1) ;:\nn (\ lind Mr . ~ ll l d/lk E'r II" u t t o '0 h lR' t(l n. Kv' I whll !! I·b llr o, t o lef\tD n bllllt I,be 1 (l~ 9 of tlie IIrlu.,y hor sul\ whiob ooonrretl IIIR t week . . Mr. Wa rren Ed wards w ho i8 vlpi~lllg llis Wlrt'l nla It W n:V na8'l'1I1,1l bef'lrn cntl' rlog the Bt'rVIQ8~ of t,b", j(overn "n ut 10 t.h e AvilLt ou ' rtJ~, \on!' ~bllklu g blluds b e~e last week wUh frl tl udB . Wm. MoCo.rron is bu'~v wlrelng t be be~t bu\)c\logs In · O\lr vJllugt' . 'rhe eleotrlo li gbt iii' belog . ~\l ugbt after by all.
possible, any
NO,],l!.,'- 'l1' t He IIched1tl e• .are subject to IIli l1ht Chaft.l}e8 a. m.BII be found ·, fnlt al'" appro ~'imat,ly correct. 'O?l1Je niSl1 t 8 e1"1J ic~ witl al.o be gi",n on Saturdtlt/. for thOIll qv.iUinD work noon,
lI ~d cherl ~ b .
broad toe, $5. 50 value
Men's Black Lace' or, Buttol') ~ .
Lfave Lebanon .......... .. .... 5:40 Leave S. Lebanon .. ....... .. 5:55 Leave King'8 'Mllls ....... 6:00 Leave I\Ia.on .......... .. ...... 6:15
Men's Tan or Black Dress English 6.00 value, now
$2.45 ,
3:50 P. M. 4:4 . P . M. 6:15 P. M.
T he accounts of many of our dep08itors are hand· I d by mail and you will fi nd the' plan convenient ari~ satisfactory.
1(0 ntlle o - xt t l'fU l\ ko m t ofl'llI'ell forr ( fll yU(\ ~ pl't p~ lfl .Iho 'lr ellt Suu tl,lv wn< " du v tor nu t o ' o· ) 1 If M I hil"" Ille' w",u tb " r uo' rl rOIl (] b~lo " W T . J ur I Il ll I ur W , r. fl U( ~n Y" " <. " \ lr A. Alu u !.I tl rt-uak ani! MIAS B hl II 61 ,e . v rya n', I·hut OLiuld. wIL a ut. U ... r t ~('Ck ",' pro' MIl Ud",y IlfterUOtl n Illlj OjlU j; tb ou'sp]ves. ea llEt rs or Mrs. K" tCl J orda n a Dd 011 acoo on~ Or tbe SI' VM' · will ter r" ro lly. weathe r 0 01' r epai r!:' on Ill e tl tr t fl. Nlr. B",rt n " g'lD s pout Su ud ny Ta k lug ~hiugB 118 they oome 19 all whlob were 80 mucb t,olk ..d u bou t . wi t h bOU1 f1 f tl lup. r lg bf but goin g utte r a Liberty Bood were neve r d one , hu t TJO W til .. Id mucb better. ;\I r . .Juhn W" lt wit "'II IJ~ 8Pvern l • I weat· h d I' i B fi ne t b tI S.UII or as ltl r l ~ 1' b"u buby ct.o .. bter 0'. Mr. aDd id ,.! d i d,,,· .. \',;l lh II I ~Illl i., ·w '\' o jf 11 11') wlftl ~ .. Id Ie nn 0 go" wor .. ug 01 e r . t . Mf r". ...& bor'" Bill ja~ -, ery III a t th-v rcturJl o\\ h 'Jrn e " I,p·, r Wl lmill " t n, I I would be w e t o rllke I Ie mutwr 011 .. tim e of t,bls wrltlog. lu UII I nlls t nod IJot. uur tro~ tti I II (j ,It ' l"'l O,jIl Y· ~b'l1le , uR It will 011.1' t nk" " - bllrt I r~. , .lIviuR Wrt rwiok IIUel Mr Mr . Fmok B era ld WIlS tbe SundllY tiol t! t ud. lI. nnd . 1I I.llltt 1 ~",' Il<:s " ' Y lIu,l :vi r" (h un nw!' tlllll1 d 11"o j1 . g U Il~tof Mr !!.od Mra . Bernord AIII"D. II! II) jll ~ d o II- thfl l i ltH' .... ~IV U of Leb. D UO ourl :'t lr •. .l\JltttlFl . Fioob Mn. F. M Dakin spont Sunday \~ 1Il11 0 ~ hll m lFlspd HD II t·bl") W\l will nu u ~o n E ') 11111 t t;i d Tu e r . o t tl br v " . v !t b Mr.. Bolly relutives. Mr. Oha rley Laoy retorned to lonk ot our w(l r k \'1'1 111 lJ rt!l... -\ II · lI urgo Wl"r ,' II le :::;Il lliluy /o: ue t ~ of Mr. l)ulnt olle of oor cllizunl! Itl he b I ,ltld MTI'. J Ohn , h ump. on Cump f} heridltu Frlll!!.y aftel'D\Jon letl dor , tllkA the m edICi ne II h fir< - ' Mr. lind M, • . Ga" . Bo Ull ape u' lifter II. 10 days fnrJ oog.b here, ~ orl bB~ I~, !Llld y ou WIll u t h " vu t T u, "day of lUht w ok wi Ih tll elr Little MI~8e8 Ole'a and Gr.ol 'like but 8. f ew d IHee uo li\ yOl~ will 11 " 'l ~ ll.' r 1r~ . W11\ DUbl1l li nu t um. Be II lire epeodlnlC the' week wltb o.lIloe l.I cbo:o ng e l Ilt.h ol tl zen" . it y o f 'lI N r (,i;rr'l ve Mlp Alioe' Ollenoweth. AnOl'relldllll 1J tbl <:0 11 B lq PeUnv, ' i W . Wolf Itud wire I~ od W 'P. Weonesllfl, evenltlgaUhelrpleas. t,,,I.IE: It ove r nud O'lm e t o I\on u n(:I.~r• .Jo nInD w re l,eualloD vh ltor !l MOD. nnt home Mr. and MrA , T om Lsoy ~tandlog Ilud tbtln nt· QUO" proOfled rIllY of '.hlll we k Mrs Wolf will IlDd f&OIII:; entert&lDed a Dumber at with tht \vorl!. It IS ver y Il ece BlIo r }, FPOlld flovf>ra l d ny" \'i slt illg b r IJ.l1t1 t. frIends In ' bo por ot therr lion Cbar. that It abould be d oo e and 11nnll now. . 1r~. Beck y Jj ollin ga wor ~b Rod utho; I y . Lll\bt refresbmente were eervEfd nnd t be eveDl llg waa very pleo8aolly Rev. AUred Wolk e r fil led th e Iml· l· l: l~ tl ve!!. pit li t tbe M. E. obur ch on ll <Hlu v. Mr: Dnc lLto r D. ldo nu /l'ed reMi enj oyed by all prelent. Bru. Wulkec '8 ournl og is loo:'ed f llr. d e nt· of t h is oom m unl.t v, pu~sed Mr. atld Mre. W_It.r· Datln reo wan} to wllh p le48nre. tl wuy 'ablJllt h ufw r ooolll . Eun r ul 0 Ivei! a mllSN.le from 1111111 nephew Oor 8undllj.Nobool Is enjoyin g n wo ~ held Wedne d ay. Buri al at Mr. Wilber Dallin. who reoeDUy prot "y ~o ocl 8f.te Lldl& noe bo ~ ]J ot '1Ilr~B vi l\o. · left for Vanoouver, W ..b., wbull oOl'o ll h OHm mako tb fm lBI'\vee RPe n Mr . on Mr a. ErneHt Mun oon te 1811tfl.tloned lUI a member of 'he lit ,.btll, rim \> . or oonTee. TheY !l r nud Mr . JJ' . A. 8 11rt ook an d \vlfe' ~pruoe '01,,1810n, Bo 18 8njoylbR not fll(lllllg we ll 0 t ll y O!lll(\ O~ U"· nn d d >\ ugllter Be lell I\ttllnd ed u 600 fine health anl1 willhee to be r~lDem. rllll ge tbeir bu Ine!ls Hffll.i u I!O!lS to p rtyat Mr. lind Mr!l. AlaD Bart. bered $0 hi. many frlendll and be prosent, bot no doubt In w ony s ook's Il eal' 'IBrlJavllle, Friday '" Wayne8'fille, hi. former hom.. Oa8&8 'bd jll be 8. mis t ak e. 'I'heirtopr,,. ht · Tb ey r eport II ul ce t I010 b a -oald very benefiolnl 'be 1118 oS Mr•. M.ary A. d aWIl en oth ell .eDOI " ad mU 'hat t llf. Y hBve !lomE> ve ry wore the Sand.l' IU .." of lila otbers .. well as to ~bfl m.e)yB8 . d I i h I b h d We are taugM tbat we moat not live goo? P .. yerll n t lit ne gh or 00 . Allce Obenow.'''. In thlll ,,'orld f or Ilelr and ea]f alooe. • - -- -Millter Dopera BllIle a 1'lotlm or mumps. ' Mr. lind loire Romine Shom a ker Mr. Willie Allen Is vlsillDIl rela. IIr@bftpPY p l1 l' e n~ti, 11 bubv ~ Irl 11 118 tlves at Alpha. ••• bls Ume . oome.t·o th olr homo for ,b m to love
Simply s e nd us a check for the ampunt you desire to dep o~it-or if you want further Information we shall be g lad to answer your inq ui ry in de tail.
. $2~85
W .,~t
l o~ iu pl .ti SO of t lto .r-llft. \ ••,I,es Ilh() ve l U' n llo ot:d. III Apri l t he~ will moet. u !lIl I U tit lu " hom j QJ' H' rn e (II Ml tlir tnE' rnllerR. " n.1 iL I", 0 11 10 I b r'JD ttl lH lIn t h o III f' '' LI U· hd d Murau 14 . If ti llY LlI,IIuL ' r 'Vii I' " h SA " ~ thou I h ll v J"I II b"I I"r I r v "ncl
0 11
I ht·" Ill 'hl !l UPU hL l' ti ll I : lI fl l~ linn " II pI 1I ~ " "~ II' It. tl."lll! b t.'d wil 11 t b ~
and can't spare the time for a trip to our officeYOUI' deposit can be handled very satisfactorily by
U ' III 1.1
M I · ~II,, ' n "i!- \l tl lf nn d Bill jll ll ' '''WI! g nflll III u1>ll'J tll ly tlt t' .v ~I VI' 1\ I " " f'
Men's Elk .Shoes 3. 'and $3.50 value
' II I1110r '"
to avoId as far
Leave Cincinnati ............ ..... 5:15 .A. 1\1. 3:45 P.I\I . Leave Mason .... ............. 5:50 A. M. Arrive K i n~'s Milla ...... ........ 6:30 A. l'tf. 5:03 P. M . Leave King'B MiII8 ... ... ... 6:00 A. M. Le8\'e S. Lebanon .. .. ..... ..6:05 A. M. Ar rive Xenia .:; ... ... .. . ... . ... ..7:45 A. M. 5:57 P. 1\1. Arrive Lebanon .. ......... ............... ... ..
.\l l1 lJi ~ lr llH. IIl{Jr ~t l ~ y urlliroov ll, o f 1118 " ·'Il·Ie . l'h'l i' lI lt'rilll ,mont "1' . (\" ,(1, () In., 1h lnl-( .. I JI ~ kin ,j ~i ooe lUI I rl(uuiz d l" lI nt I':" ~ o('tr· t.v .
.. -----
If you
Arrive King 's Mill ......... .....6:12 A. M. Arrive Cinci nn ati .......... .. ~...7:40 A. M.
Nulu ry. I,,,blle. I " OJ S .1\ l ei tio01 (( L~' ,,~, I H "d h.r M r H 1·f.~ II· s Cu(~ rrh ~re d ic ine I, l u ke n int e r· 1',') lIllIL \ 'ol f I tnl ) M I ~. L '.t1f U iUrl " II,
I ,('a,,~ ,· ~nlll .... ... ....... .... .. . ,·5:10 A. M.
( flelll)
pr IllI'll ~I'ndl l\ ~ t h l) t I E! nII Or tf·,1 w i I , ~(Jt' i Vll tho I·C U IIall y " li d "~ 1 8 111I (jn ~ h .1he 1310611 '''I 1111' '\ (1 11 r 6. ~ I U C' I\'~ S it , ra fS .. / I he l:i), slem. Sen ti \J<l ll l n~r. (II ~ tI~ .A p r l l 1 , 111 1. '1'1,0 ,r"r ' c81 i1 nu t li ~ I •. rr~c. . .. ~ 1"j{ 'lI\ for J OI O W II - " I ." I ' ~ (,I n, '' t " r ~ ro. J eft h NE V !l< ~ O .• t oledo. O. 1017 . I8 v l\I· \' I ,,)( I \'· ~ U \l ll ' ~.' · 'Pit h ilI Sold 1t)'.'11I ~I "'~~ I ~ I ~ , 7 5c . • . u p u h ~ 1 It I' nnn 11 11 11'$ l''' lIlll)' I' ll1 s f" r con st ' patlon . ·1'1l1 .. .. ITer i. 0)'131' t·o ,, 11 I__-:-__~~~======AIlr\ , ,, ~ ~ Ohl('l ,'111 1., (;',1Ir, e , lO I1l '1 b us, Ohi o. Are Parrots L e ft.Handed7 It hilS Iwcn noti ced thllt pnrrots selzo n l;j C 'I S with Ih Il'rt elnw by I Jl""fcrcoro or cltclu Ively. nnil they Being Ne' ,.' We ore nelll'er , to our- 111 111(0 'I rCluller use · nr the left chlw selves Ihon wh ll. ' "U IV or tor clhuhlng thull th e rl gllt. Arc they weight to tiloll K. "lctt·hnnd cu ?"-EXcJllIlIgC. ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' l'1l
t l; ..
\10 88
ti mo in going to or f rom ]{ ing 's MiI!s. os follows:
F dlr
Anyone who is a white citizen of the United States. of 18 yean 01' old er can sec ure work in (his prest I n~ lit\l ~ir>n . Co ngenial surround· ings, 'absolutely sanitary and heallhtull'onditions. Bours of work from 6:40 Ii. 10 to ":40 p. m . or from.5 p. m to 6 n. m. with 40 minutes for lunch and two 10 minute rest periods. Over· time paid tor at the rate of time aud a half.
Convenient R. R. and Interurban Service
P. unk J. Cheney muku oa t h tha t lie
. Iany gh'l s onu women . and men not eligible f o r military service. oro nmcinu s to dn !10111",l bing to rl E LP WI N THfl; WAR. ,Here is an OP\lrtrllJl1il y t" discI} i'Jr n PAT RI U'flC DUTY and at the some time «ar D j{(lOd \VaIfP~ . lr~ E'nq aR'ing in the manufnctu re ot ammunition at t ho plunt f nlfl~ J'Bl'EI S CA RTRID GE COMPANY , Kings Mills, Wllrr n Co .. Ohio . . '
U4 ........ ., _ ...'. D. IJ
•... ~Pr0lB1'RI~T
'. '
by Glaasea, ' Office ~nH'ittl~e
- 108 South Dett.>lt Street With 'T1FFA~ JEWIilR'Y '" XeDla. Ohio :
1.,... ____ - - - - - - -
SOCIETY .J. ' HI\wk ....
I~,\,. SU"rll\.~
King of Belgium
('I'II'ural~,i hlA ltirtl.· !'IIllIily IlinnCI
1111 T lephonEj 4 for Livery Work,
A di aetrou6 Are occurred tin t! I .. 8 G h I I Mr., W II . Allen was a Ci ncillllll ti morn ng I! uuut :1 , w !lllt l" 'IJUSII ~ pUTella , eel the MiIoccu pi d bv 8uth Cook , III 'lI1' win. v;siwr, T ucsday, . . Blld wus bDlllv hul'll I I caught hre till ry <'s\abJishm nt of Mrs. The fire cbu;rhL in th' IlLfj-' IlilU thl.' Gillce SlIlith, we , will have T I >ph oOl' 1~3 . Taxi to railroad: Cook were pr purlng til ItU IIWtly llie rcgqlar Eas~cr Ope ni ng. 011 I - :" rHr the dll wh II it WIIS discoverprl. n ,'111 III da,' nflc rnl ilm h!l. 11 . I',! F(>I~ ((1\\'[11' thl" Hh:' 01 I,,'bIIllOtl'lI re t. Mllr) ':\ Gu ild will meet with It is thoujtht thut the fire orig inated I'" rt IIrI L:1I11 .. ,.t ... rt 1111l''' lil t: ,Iulliur fU\·IH'('.11 ...·Itll lin fJlIl'llltl1 I·"rt·e I ~n t r Mr:! 1". Barn hart on 11bursdail from a defective llue. l Ill .. llf the \ /l1l'llilfl ·!\u! .-h. n il" I ;illll i lit ~\l~'h <IS 1111' rnUlol"lIit ll!l '~ of aftern:wll. · · . In a ~hort · tlrll() fritlnds und lIt>ig h : "fl~rnncl!l\\:I:!.Jl<lIl ,' plt,,. III!t ("I\l"l thC ,M'lt?lllb ;;ll hllH~lUlli imI1Wn"I'~<\Ck ' . , bor s were on (he scene and t he . l.,k ll1J1 1,I.:lltr, ,, II', I ha.:h! n' lle,h oJ fin ('a:'(ll1'lull' 1II"I"l'halldl~t' t,r lh e l . T LJ • • , C . I t I household ~UoU ll we rEj I\IJlIo~t "II Illl!nl . \"!I~' ~lr\'(''', '. I<'r II \~rnl~ '" nOl l " hllllf)1I !:l!l' Store I )'OUI 0 lCet; d~nvas irrJ : gu lle)1 oUl wi lh uut liWe dUIlII\i{I' _ • I frc8h .fl"l li ll II I ,," I .. r Iltq painters away; or ~ou may e . lsa ppo n e ' . from fire. DlIl"illl{ t he p ,)grl1,,9 of and t1< Ct,nll' .; 1i(l,, 1 l\ 'Vt'T hus at 11) mon . the flrt!, (i'ol"e~I Hid l{e was Oil Ihe On \ I'.!IIC,,"tluv . II,!! fuJl '.m \I I hilll' la!.:',1 : ,.1 III, d Inr Itr l ll ~IJ" I. . stllirway wh n tho chimney crn~ h~tI Com e Ull cI see the ' new ~H"'~ I <I w,'n' I I;t'r! 1111 "'.1 I,/ ~II ill.d I IHI !\III', II itl, .1 . I" 1'111,1"1 pa rt'i t 1.1 lX , I\lrs. Wnlle r Lust AfHl Mrs. Chas . IltrouR"h the fl oor IIl1d Imocke d 111111 s tyles. 1':\'cryU.ling in .. I~ . .I . C I'.'.alls: h lll!!r I h"I lJ:I~ 11I1,it a i> rg l''' Ill'!",· "111:11' " CUI Itril · Ziml11 1'1111-11\ WE'I"' Dayl, n visi lors, (1IIwn. li e was badly l>urll:!Ci about l I ~\ alllalll:'. ,if 1·1.'l~bur)! h, .1'11 . :'.1 1 lilln L h,'" lit S !UIII ·'ullt· ("'I\I~ . ' lIi, , friday. tlte fue {Jnd arllls [.~e Haw k.: wus I d~ IlJ.Ullll; lI. II ! ~ In~ 1I,IIi1 l1 . IlIlll ~J . H lnu~, "l' lin e! " .lI"(·r 11,,1, ("r \ '<llIll'n , al~o burned by fulling brir~s. anti drd . 1·1 .\lI k ;-i111,lll . li",l' al,d I I.i.. l'I'i' llllll .1i.1~ P ll ,·11 The .·ch 01 t ea~hefl; attend d t h,. Th ' hou~e iso ll'ned by Wl\h1r . lin I IV"I VI·.R!'I II Iv PfO'-ld n':H ,'YlilphullY nu mher at Daylon , Mon. houa lin I th dnm9)tc WIll amount . '"dn'''~(!IIY 11:..-'1 • •,111 1' II :!I~' \I IIl('h dav t! tilling tll aboul 300. or I he lalcst patterns and Mr t\ d ~lr~ I(oo),lfd I[ullke cc WillI mU -ll·. dl'<"l ' " "'II~, ~llI cI tl 1\\ I ~ I ' Mr. llnd M ,·s (,ookllted e~ irou of h 'lcs. Give u a call amI we IIral'·.! the fll unh :.JIW lvel.ary I rH' Llle. Ind i!' \\d.I." H I lc;I..,ill ~: "·a. " , thallking neh · and v I'V Ill e who , IlIl'ir m I'rbll(' fIlIII th li r~ 1 Illi lli l 111I'l' 'I I". ,\1 ,'11 : " I 1111 \ ~ \\ 1:1 l illtl t ( ,el you r lobacco unvss right hd p d them rl u ring the tll-r., a~ th .. y will he g lad to show t goods . . I-IIrv of th l: birth fit LnarlpM Fr.!!l HtlllI" IIll.' r.I·" Itlll I,: .~t. r 111l"'rin1<H il l awny , 0 1' ,rOll Inay be d i~uppoi llted. worked hard 10 MRve nil tlwy could "ri(:k HIII'I !!\Jck, whi \' h t'V<'11 ~ lall 1'0 Slli l". II nl" ;11101 ~1"'inR" ,'c l, lV l.?lll· at Hym an~. ___ _ . . lho same da y. by huvitlg" tu dlm l" 1,11 ' I ~1 I I (I ' I) (I' 1 SundljY lli t? )\11 . Vi"l» arpy . Mrs Ghas. R\" e ' I~dilh 1 Il llrri~ . ~Ir; ' L :lIlrll II ' Vt!rt a i'I'C'a llr ' r "I', \If Cll ll'·I . ·~y ulloIl\lis .. Alit' Cllre), wen' Dayton U I Mush"r. Mr . a nd ~I". P , Ihll l Ihun o. ulIl i\L lId I 111\1 all , ' X ' vi ~it0 rs Tu sday. sllcl: . dft tlgh ,'r Mild ,I,d III.tI· ;. 'f : hibi of ~ pn;" I" 'hi I S h lh '~ hu t dtltil'l:Il j,.~c ril)t 11 n 1'1"'(;1'1'.'1 1,·1' 1,'ll r I 'l1l1r l s, n_'Il) ttt r . lIa rrl:' ~ J I,~ h 'r. Fon SALLe: 1\lisses Lou t-lla Hnd Jeanelte Jannitnrt! 1l1.'llurr lll ... rtt a" I IIy.~ \\'ith li);lu n y were \\"1: k'E'mJ gu ts I)f Mr and tlnd p r(!3 it;!E'd l ' VN b.l· , h,' 111' \\ llIan· h~lIl1 nrnouot of , flUIlI I{ ,'rl ' The leu<'h(lI's of the /I i~h ell:" I ager II'. Hrri r cldl'Y.IIIII1 li t, "nuilly MI" ~ . W !t ol l" W illiolllH, of Kingman UI " v " r ~Il(' d . I uqncr .. o( ~. !l: . \.\u il Liinl! \\ cro (>Hl t'rt ai nct..\ IIv th .. . wurth will i\- ill~p"C"nl! ". Ir r. n ll1~ (If the Grillli' \ (1111011111{ lind Ly., ' Fr.·d wil l L", in (;v irlt'11I' '' II~ usual T"ursdllY night, March 21. music \1Iob uer, H. D, ·1, WIIYUlisv,tI,·, Use ow· Classified Columns. II:! Di,.trict, a l a::lt l'lilt'i ck 's Ii ,})" {JR n.1 (!I'l'rywh "re i\1 r. SlIllI lllllll I"red the nd f1 llw .. rs for Lite ladies, lit lhe:>. 01110. Oil Thul'!lt!BY eVf'III1lI(. Pat )·Urllri . . Inll~termind \\"1 11 pr,·,..jcll' QI'!! \" all . h F'rEjJ tom PUll), Ldlanon , ilig t()re. wil h hi9 wife 0,11,1 fUIlIiI) , who h!ot! In ' vidl'nc' ev erywhere and accord II jus t arri\' ed from the Emerald 1 !l1~, g:eninl IWIC ttlllC to nil vi gilOI" Miss Mrs ::larllh Hain es is spending t.he received the lluesl.s ilt h j" IIIlW hOIll I' I u\!hel Fred will sec I hat n I hing is we k wit h her son, 1 r 'um Haines NO_2220 Everyone hud Il chance to j jJge lIlt' forgottl:n Mr . Willard general lind family, of Bellbrook. pig in the \larl or, ki8:; the UltHnl.:Y tl ol, r 111111111i1"('r MU the hOllt o( :lmilR"~PORt. · ' lone, and eat Irish goodies. inll clerks , CIIRhil:l"s nnd omee as is· The regular mEjeting of the OC the 'on dl~ion of the Waynes· Special Tllis Week tants wlll wl'a r thei r smil in~est Friendly Group I ill be held Friday ville Nali nnll3anl , at WIlYu ' mil e~. 'orn e and l"ccciv t he hear t ,· Corn l~l nkes, box only .......... JOc ville in 1 he :tate of Ohio . at the A liltle surprise wa pllrpclra t d welcome ;yh; h awaits YOU t Ihe . I!v .. ning. Murch 29 Exec Com. 3Y. lb . Sticks Mr /!. Austin's close of bu im."30.~. M "c h 4. lI1l8. 1on lhe Mi 8e.~ EIt)UL ltuLJe r s all,1 Fr d Compa ny Lehanon I :i" Dtor.. , .p, C Flou r , only .. ....... - .. ... 25e HESO II 'KS. I Dorothy Gebauer Salur lay even ing 'prl l\~ Opening, Thursday t'V ning , I\I r and MI:s. F . B. IJenderson and Mrs . Austin's Pall Cake Flour by their teacher fri enus. At 3 March ~I · t, daughter , Louise, and Mrlt. J . l:l. [.0 D8 "ntl dlllCO un Ul • , • .. • . • . • u n.9HG.OQ Box ........ .......... ... ........... ,lOc o'clock the party wenL to the MiamI Coleman WElre in Dliyto n 'fue$clay. ~ ~"ro.'il'~:;'J. ~=~,~L·.o;,; ·.uro. 16Q. 3. · Mrs Austin's Buckwhent Theater. and afterwards lo th e U .cl8~~~~~~'~I~~ ~~I~l',\~~t:o ~tQ · 1"lour, box .............. ... ...... lOc loc'teb ll&(ln6M bwn~t QJHI Utt .. Mrs. Mary L. Adams left this Aunt J emima's Pa'l Cake pi 11[..1 . .... .. . : .. 60,UOo.00 100, 000.0 0 ' morning for her home ' in Kansas ·Flou r. box I ... ... ... . .. ........ 12}'.c Bondi ot.he r 'than U. . OO tid" who enJoyed the entertaillment I r 1)I&1"od to iWCure poatllll 11.1 ", ... l.!ity, Mo. She wi ll stop olf at ChiLarge Box Molher's Oats only 35c the Miilllefl ElmR Rqhl'r(, l)orothv III ~ dopo&II"I " .. • 6. 00U, UO cago for a f W days' visit. Liquid Srnok . reo! $l b(lttle .. 75c ScCUnU<l80lhcr ~ 'Oln U . S. Iooudo {not. indueltOi H;torkl4i owtUh l N ew om Meal Ib only ......... 5c uD~lodgcd ••..•.. J Ii Ii~O. 73 Le nox Soap. hsr only ....... ..... ·5c 'ro~al UO llda. · lI\l<luNtl.... tllc. 19.o.630.7S III rs. Ethan Coleman and two Rock ey and Uuth IhHt!luck. . Stocks ,,~hW" tlollO Fwural ItilClean Easy S liP, bur only ...... 5c daullluers, 'of, Toledo. urrived here IItl~VO nrlllk lock ... ~. , .. •. Big Package WllSlilng Powderik Sto<;l( oj I'Qd ~r:U It_rve Hunk 'l'ue~day evenilli for n vi it with rlr. (611 1\0' ~~f\t 0 / au blcrlpllo ll) 4.600.00 Pure Cider Vinel,(l1 r gal only 40c 'rhos, lind The High went to lind l\1 la. J . H. Col man and 0 Vahlo or baukJuf( hOll~ ~ .; .; _ •. ~.OQO.QO Coa l Oil, gul. only , ...... .. ...... 15c . L""' /1I1 • '0 with lI'oderld I Wlldll<'SU~y IlV nirlll in 11(1$101' of th()ir ' Leball~n las, Friday evcn1\lg io play relatives. ""r,·., R~"lt . . , •..... .• .••. . , al. 902, ~P 14 Ib Mack Bpfl~ Table alt. ... 800 son Chjt ~leH ho 19 on n furlou« I th HIgh :school I 0.\''', Il~d clime O••h hi vlnll~ and nor'GIIlIlullle fl'an(!y Early June Peal!, can .. l6c d 1'1 flo( ~l n~llll1lftl !lauk ••• , . 8G.18 7:~4 ' I Irolll C811W hormon:' 1 r lind M hom, def a\.('~, t~t' seote balOi{ ] ~ to Don' t (Ilil to get yo ur bargains a~ TI)\a~ or 119,"" u , IG . I~: IT, Churn Gold, 'llhe Bes l Olea BerMrd Allen, Mr. and Mrs Clav!:! 62 he boys JII h \' to b ex- John A . ~'un)c y'ij "Ill cturing ~be aod 18 . ....... i . ~6. 7 7,OU made .... :.... ..... . .... .. ... ..... 3Sc o nnernnd' son, Mr. and Mrs. Frallk cused.of . c"ur~, ai\ til y havenot oext five w eks. ami last until 'l\1:e'l:m~~ "1:1~';lUO ~i.o\h ~: Sweet Santa Clara P.runes lb. lOc ook l\1iqs~s Laura aill LeOl! had a game· SIllC~ Dl'cember. lind May 1st , You c n silve big money TrelUlI~ ••• •• • 1... .... .. .. UOP 00 War S~ " lna . Oarl neu"" 01111 f) \'s Marie . ook. M SI'S Erl. ' liave vel'Y .H.t tle pr!li:lice in the on all you r I}U rchast>s~ pric e8 belQw . l<Ancy P tleled Ev p. Peaches Ib 20e' 'l 'hrm SLl<mp aCLU~!lY 0\\' 0 II Steel Cut Coffee, regular tl'OU ~ • Howatt.! ~henoweth, 1~0.r (;8t meantIme,. The !Joys, hn\\ ever, Lebanon. Xenil! or Dayton. price 22c. Ib only .. ..... ....... 20c TotlLl .... . ........... . . . . 1710.J85 ~U Hublit, Calvin BIIII~' . Charles La y I playe~ a me,e .gume. (lnd !lome very Argo ~tatch Big S Ib .. box ..... 25c 1..1 AJJll.lT fES amllJarmJn lIill. Helreshments c)f ffectlVc work wa done, George Thorpe and wife, of RichCapItal .took p"ld lu. . •• .••. . . IGD.DOO.OD pop corn , cundy anu apples wer - - - - ••- - mond, Ind ., Z U Worlt!y and wife. Seed' Potatoes, Onion etll, Bulk ~~B'~~J.UU~rOhi4: · :: ir.'.~·9·. 74 100.00 U.oo served ~ of Morrow, and sevel'al fro m out of and Packal{e Ga rd en -,!)fldB, Lo:IlI U\lttllu t OXPCDlOlt. loe6,' ~. town < ttend ed the fu neral of Hannah Cbick anll S<;rlltch Fe~, Dye and 1 ~"<1111 I) Id •••• • • 1 .• 90.17 U . OUB .H . Kelly, Saturday afte rnoon. ter Shell a nll .Gri t The Red Croas Ladies of Di\li ion gl~~UI~g~~~I~~~~ton,~~~ffu. 1 DU.OOU.OO "Number Five gathtlred liS u sual lQ baoW. ...... .. .. . ... ........ 1 0.000, Uu Karo Syrup, light and dark, all s~w at the hospitable hom~ of Mrs. Get your Tobacco Canvas right . In=u.~. ?e~~~•.. ~~_~~t. ~~ 0I G. 790. 0 si1;elj. . , .CortmcalOll of d poslHluo I.u IIlf8 William Ma<!d en on last 'fhu rsday away, or yo o may be disappointed, Maple "flavor Kllro and Pennant. Lhl\U 10 olay. ... . . . ..•.•... . a,9N~. to afternoon . at Hyma n's. J)lvldDnrt s unpaId . • • • •• ; • •• • lo..OU After sewing industriously unlil Tat&! d emlnU depotlIUJUO,DOU.U() Krug's Br~d, fres.h every day 1'081a' .. villi_ depoIIUl . , . . . .. . dusk. still none made a move to go Tal&! a/ limo d epo81UJ snbtoot Try ' the Wllr Brend-it's fine. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Gru, Mr. and , to Ihaervo . .. . .. .... &Q S.n home Mra. Matlden began to get An exchange hri just come to oar Mrs. Emerson Earnhart an'd dauih. Help Save the Wh ca~? _ War IO~1I Ilepaelt.aceo!lnt. ,... . n . OQO,OO a Ii(tle lIel'\lOU9 .wonrlering wbat to do table fl'om L.oveland. called the Love· lei. Marjory. and Miss Opal Gray wi th,. I.hem , when the laJies began to land HeralC!, dit d bv ~ T J one , s pent Sunday the "uest ~f Mrs. TottJ .•• . .•. • •..•• : ••• .•. " 1D~ Get our prices ·on Tobacco and prod uce well fill ed ba~k ets whi ·h harl wh formel'ly worked on the Leb Maude C I ~ llve r. of tbe St. Clair STATE OF OHIO, WAn REN CO UNTY.SS: Cigars. We can save y.ou been slnuj{gled io, in some mysteri. aooll Patriot 'I'hi paper bea r~ the HO.Iel, Lebanoll . I. JI-. • Ba.rlaodr Culll. r or !.bo abOve money nimOlI b&nk. do lIOiomoly .",car "'al Ihe ous manner ar marks uf a genuine paper, and abo ve lLatemeut Ia true to ilia ' beIII «)/11), kno .. 18CIlte IUld heUet. 'I' hey h ad comtl pl't'pared to cele· Lovelano residents ought to patron. Bring yoor Chick!!n! and EggS B . U. BAR,TSOQK. O&llhlel'. I am prepared to take orders for brate the good hldy's bir~hday in a ize it liberally . 1'he paper already 8u .>ICrlbed .. ,,\ trW(lro t.O l.>Otoro · me Ihl. It will PIlY you to trade at IIbh day o f Dtarch 1918. E. V. PlOrOhaf1 .ve ry subs tantilll way, much to her c;arrie!l qllilt! an amount of arlvertis- Cut 8nLi Pot F'lowers, I'rai t Trees, Oc'ITIlCI A ll""": . Notary I'ubj Ie. hrubbery, Hedge Fence and in fact surprise. Fourteen Red Cr~~s ing. whj~b !Ipetlk" we ll f or tbe pro 8 . hEY . ·OAnTWltlG BT. , everything connected with the bUE\i1 sa~ down together to enJ ~Y. g ressive Loveland merchan ts . ' ~~; \r:' ,~\i~f,~: . ness. Call on /lie and let's talk it. lhe good things tQ ea L Bud a SOCIal •• DI_1'8 Oller, Mrs. Grace L. Smith, hOur. The evening was completpd . 'by a visit to Miami Theater and grelttly enjoyed by alt Mrs. Mattie L. Andres, pre!lideDt, of Ihe Ohio Rebekah Assembl , of Columbus, WIIS ~n Waynesville Toes· day evening to organize the DaughThe ivie Leagu , of HllrveY!lborg ters of Hebekah, a nd was entertained will give a farce at the Town Hatl on by M ra. J . C. Evans. the evening ot .Murch 30tll AdlOis iMl, ad ults 20 cts Bnd children 10 A 7% gUli ranteed investment is Th~rs.daYI March at eta All sceats will be reserved and pretly good. T hat is wliat the S. the plat will. oe open at Levicy'!! \.i'red Company Lebanon -Big Store, Charles Ray, in a Paramo~nt Production, in store the 25th . preferred stock proposi tion offers. Ph <lne. write calland let the Presi· --~- ' - - - dent. Mr. Solomon Fred talk it 'r\'ith you. " llh
IJ ""I' prl> er t \\, ,. •• It . !lnt! ~tl . ( ',\1"111,11'\ (', I" . II': IlJ '11111 C;llhcri1. l' <!111m .. f 11,,>'..,11. :;1,,1 Ntr L<I fll4wk'l Utld [HIII1!\" J
Welcomes Genera
Easter .. MilIin~rv Opening ~
E ' hllrsd (), venin!.!, 'arc h 2 1F 'orlh'(,()iu~ "'i.e. u), 'c- -Ille U (" d ()'I ,,,II 'IC- ,owt'rs nn I )t:f . InH:rl.'~iil1J:f-' o1t urcs
I ('
March 23, 1918
fullll \\llll~ I!U(!. t~:
~III~I~,~ I llt':1(~~~,' .: )11;:I:la\~';1I ~~~~')W \ ~I;;I
lb The Late Classl'fl'ed Ads.' M rs.Leng K'Ion'
In hooor tq the Ame rica n troops il.l I~ ran/'(> , lho King of l3elp:ium invited G~nera l Pershing. Com mander of U ' nn.v, to corn e to hla headquarters for a confere nce where he W liS ntertained by th is democratic Kin~.
Rags, Draperies, ·Lin-· ole..~s, Window Sha~es
I~O~~SI~~~~~nR':vL!~ lie~~~r ~rl~~~~ BASKET BALL TEAM
IX~~~~~. RJl~IUI~h0Dlai~die~.o:!~n~~~ [~llCY
FOR SPRING~ 1918 Our sto~ are complete with 'j ust such articles as you
\yant and need to brigh'ten your home for the
coming ~ew season.
ill Axmioster, Brussels, , .T apestry, Nippo.o , Grass ~nd M'attlog. .
In .all. I\ew sba'des and pattetaa. We also have Filling
.mall widths.
~. , Drapery .. Wlndo'w Shades Ia Marqulaette, Curtain Voiles, 10 all Sizes, sbades and colDrapery and Curtain Mad,ras; Cretonne. and Curtains. •
ors, aDd made to fit your
window •.
! - - ...
There will be a public demonstration of the Case Tractor. on the ' farm pf Charles Ellist OJ} the Upper Ji~e, on 'Springboro pike, ju~t across the corporatton . .'
·MOnday, . March< ~5, 191"S .utomobile8 are' built for spe~d, Tractorlil for power. ~he same specifiatioDS that make ~ good autol'/lobiJe, make a good Tractor engine.
Sliding gear two-speed transmis ion , spur gears (no bevel gears or chains) all run~ ing in oil, H ya tt ro1ler bearings :in ~ra llsfl1i s]on, and axle bearhlgs, all gears.enclosed and ,:rUJUling ill .qil,.
:cue threshing qtachinery 'has Jo~g b,een known as bighest class. Ca8~ ..Tractors' bave the same. quality and company ba("k of them. "Fhia demonstration is open to all, and the 'public" is cordiaUy invited to be t~ere
. Ser:v ice MASON
Mrs. J a mes B, Ramage, nee Marie ·
Gordon J oy , Jus ice of the Feace, appointed A. 8 . :;ides tro~tee of the township, in placeofJlarvey Bu rnett t resig'ne , Mr. lJu,.r,netthaving movea out of the tl>wtlsfllp .
--'-~ ~ -~-
The official ' board Of the . M. E Cliurch met Monday evening with the district superintendent, Rev. Wyan t, and called a minister in place oC Rev. Coontz, recently . 'fh e new minister is Rev J ollv, who has been Newport, Ky.
-Do no t fail to buy your Over-Alls
and Wort, now. We
FIlI'mel'S who are il?terellted in Irrowing sweet com, will please cal Ilt the office and tal/< it over. We lire IInxious to have a large 8creage lhi Yellr. Com@ in and SCI' us . WlIynel>vill~ CaD\ling Co.
for the t wo best makes in ket- "THE . GIDM" and' K.NO C K.I!JR"-ev~ ry iarment' guar , lin teed . W~ have over hundred dozen bought before tbo great ad · vance- so come early and ' save big mon ey . John A Funkey. ' _
. ': .DEATHS~
WaY\1ftvUle Lodge N,.·l68 F."
Saturday, M~rch23rd, ~atlne., and Nf~ht Featu'ring Dou.glas~ Fairbanks, in . -
"Down to Earth~' An Artct:aft Production
Tu"~daYI March 26th ' Jack PiCkford and Louis~ Huff, in
---- ---
at th~ . Friends after a
Stations at
"Son of His F ather'~ -. '
splmt st.'veral days here fast week with he r fllm ily. Sbe left Havin g bought a mac hine. I am Tue~tl!lY mo rni ng fo r Lima. where now prepaFecl to (,10 Livory work , b,~ will spend' several days, and then 8nd will ' be tlleased to lltke you any join her husband at Washington ,D.C. place yo u wi~ h to RO. Terms lire reasonable Thanking you f~ r any . DO YOU LJK:E'l'O SA VE MONEY? favors. I um. . Thlln call durinll our greal SHOE ". RespecLfully, . SALE, we can save you from (lOc to Boward Burton. ' 1.50 on any pair in oor $~OOO 00 asCall pbotH~ 47 or 40. 80rfm~nt. We .purchasedd lielJi I!lst ... Oc~ber to be ' shipped In Januarv, 1 9l~, and have ' them now on salebougbt before t he last large udvance. John A . Funkey , .
[~~~;;:~'r af~1tmlOQ.D ~t
A.. ~ .• will hold their regular corn· mUOl1!&tlob Tuesday eveiling, iOl'iCb 26. 1918. af 7 o~c:loek , TheJ.'8 will be work In the. ... M d~ee. 'Sojourninlr'br§thren' and IItraiJ..... aN diallilDvlted to be lu'_t. .
S. D. B_Ie,:W. JL . ' L. A. ~.
"The' Ghost House". A.. Pa,ra moun t ProCiuction' Mqdnee
2:30 p,m.
. Open eveningll' .-'
7:Oft p.m,.
Saturday '
6:30 p.m.
·r~~~~""-~!III-""'."!iI ~IiI]'!II~ii!--"~"_ Neckwea~. fO'r ladies .... Children's 'Aprons; assorted colors. . .. . .. : ... ,. .Dust CaRS, ne.w styles .. , : .. , ......... ~ . ". 120 Children's Ha;ts : ._.. .. , ..... : , . . .'., . ......•. ,. Flowers, Jor Easter Hats . , .... , .. . ~.. •. ,.. _. : ., . Easter E;gg Dyes ... , : ..... ' " .... '... , .•...... '. Easter Booklets-. . . • ..... : . . . .. •.. : .. , .. , .. ' •.. , ~er .Candies, per lb., and up •. ', . , •.•. , ~ ....'., j
•••• ' ••
," .
.' , .
IUI>s ...••...•.. , ...•...........•......', . : , •.
100 '
:roe ioe
10e 5c . lOe 20c lOe
.Ready Cut Veils, assorted colors •. ·• -: •.. , . . . . . •• l5c
.... . .'
Seventieth tear
__ L _
Whole Number 3471
Graphic Des~ription of .the Sinking TERsiiNii.-riOOiil THE THREAT TO liiRSON~ Breezy Letter from Clarenc; Mendenhall, of the Oklahoma . of the ~uscaBla .- - -. --~-- -- --WORLD SAfETY 1--- ___ ., __ . __ ..
, Tobacco Canvas at Hyman's. 'rhe story is told by Wilber S Nutt, of Co . D. 6th Bat . 20th Eng., who was one of the survivors of the ill fa ted vessel, which wen l down after Mrs. B. Bfilntl y wa~ a Dayton bei ng tOl'pl'doed off the Scot land coast, Mr. Nutt is the .l1n of J ohn Nutt, visilor Frid ay . who r~s i d~s in Montgomery County . The Nutts-are well known here. Call Telephone 4 for Li very Worle
y Melville Davis on P(1st
Mr and Mrs. E, V. Barnhar t were My 0 or Folks: In the meantime 1 came in contact Cincinna ti vi itors ]~J·idHY . W~ sailed on the lIl · fated with a board lengthwise of my body. Tuscania which was torpedoed and a8 nice as thl)ulfb placed th t!re . This Miss Rut h Probascl) spent Su nday sunk Fehruary 5, nl1B, 5:50 pm., 17 I clasped tightly as possibl e with wi th r elatives in Wllmill;:l uli . mi les off lhe C008t, Isle of Islay, both arms. but it was soon thrown Scollanrl '1'ht: minute she was hit away from me, 'rhe n a wave came Good Work S hoes at H"man's. every mati went us quickly alld in, driving me close to shore, and as quietiy all possible to his ,li~iglled life it ree~ded 1. felt a rock und e r me , B ' rn - To 1\1 r. and !\II r~ G enr ~e ",nat , and 1 assure you it was reo clasped it with my hunds, rnanagiull Arlams, Thu u(IAY. I\1 l1rch 21 , HII ,a markabl e how cain. aud yet how to hold myse lf until the next wavl! son, serions evel'y man was. B~fore 'all came, lifting me onto its toP. It , the lifll bOllts WIlI'U lowered; cruisers was then I was ab le to scramble Racln Tire~ are stflfl.I llnl eve ry· came' alongside and took the reo Mhorc and d rag myself to safety. wh ere For sale lJy 0' Neall & Allen maining men on board The Tus· It was impossible for me t o walk , Mrs. J, L. Hartsock find Miss Ru lh cania re mained un top two hourp and 80, crawling on hands and knlles, I forty min utes, thus giv ing every man came to a post, where I pulled up Hartsock attended II fLJl1('ralet Day· ample timEl to get off. to a standing position and moved my ton Saturday . The boat I WIlS in stayed close by arms and limbs unlil I became lim· until the TU ftcania went down. We bered up B li ttle, It was probably LeAve your Watch. Clock and J ewelry Work a t J, II, Colemun ' ~ t.hen made ' for s hore only to find, betweer. 1 and 2 o'clock a , m , (but alW!. tno late) th at we were to walkPd back alia forth till I a. m. btl caslllgainst the rocks and ue left At 2:3U pm, was able to get oir,my Mrs J. C. Ha wke !lnent a cou ple to th l! m erc i ~ tI of God and t he fale c('II1, wel c lothes and have had the of dllYs last week in Cincinnati. t he of Ihe fllarful urellkera, re~l of rare ever since ( have com g uest of relatives. On t!~el n g we were to be C!lst intI) letely rtlcovered from an acute at· ' the sea~ we bid one ano ther good tack of pne umonia in the left lung Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taft, at Daybye, Wished et\('h other luck. and (forgot to tell you I helped to ton, were the week · nd I{ues l~ of liS ked God lo hel)J,us, We had g iven lower th~ lite boats, so was wringin~ Mr. and Mr~ J. W. hite. up all hope living but Ii f~w mm' wet with pefl!pir8tion on getting into U l.t!8 at the most. We coul'd see the lhe Iifll boat, Hnd it was the Budden John Pence was chosen on th e wave coming which every man knew change lind eKposure that caused my grand JUI y for th e April te rm of' would' have us at it.s mercv . In a il1 ~s , cour t . TherA we re none r ro m t hi ~ , 8<!cond our bOIlL W IIS upset , Ou corn · And to Ihink, my life was one of townllhip on the petit jury ing th e sUl'face, I was quite near the few to be saved of 40 or more in the u PIurneri boat- in fact, the lJoat this life boat I It wasonly a miracle Do YOU want to buy GOOD HOE'? was surround d ' wlLb strugg.ling -one hundreq and seventy-nine - every pair warranted- and \lU U call man , 1 rt!.cill:{l its side, grabbed bodletl were buried on the Isla nd, in save at lellst one dolla r on th ~ pai rlhe rope, I n,,l1 th e boaL, jus t then fact, ali th e bud ies found are buried go to John A, Funkey' s. Th~ large sOnle one ~rHb b,< d me aroupd Ihe the re, 1 am IIery glad to think that 'pring assortment on sale Deck with c lu - p ~d arms and a death · 'the most t he Germans can ,d o is to like grip; WI' h one loose arm I dt>strov one's life. Rev. and Mrs. J, .F . C!ldwallader Brabbed the c1 lltit on the bottom of This is a critical time, arid I sin ~ere last week by lin In vita· the boot, then , wit h onu mighty eerely believtl tllat we shpuld make tion tohonored spend F riday nftern ooll at a leap, J)roke myS Ii 1006e, and IICram the eifort to make a world pl1aee, reception at. Bisbop Vin cen '~ '!1 hqme bled 111) on top lh., boat only to be and liven if I should be called to ih Cincinnati, when the Ar 'hbi~h op d llshed off IIgain b. Llle 8 cund wave make the great slIcrifice, I thank of York was entertained by the Cin , W p~ 1 WIlS th.,n wh ~ rl ed aboul God fo r beinlj.',able to do even 80 little. c ~ nnati clergy. as a s tIck in the wa ter, WIth feet and Love To All, " arms dangling as though lhey were Printe Wilbur S Nutt. The great attendance at the An · n ailed on Co. D, 6th Bn., 20th Enl{·~ . nual Spring Opening of Tile Fred Company, Lebanon, Big' Store, Thursday m orning was a source of gratificat ion to the managemen t . and no doubt the wonderful exhibil demonstrated lhe fact that nothing has been overl ooked in the selection of a complete line of beau tiful Spring l<'or the benefi t of the Ued Cross , The past winter h~ been severe on and 8umm er Styles in Wu mpu's bnd . branch at Morrow, a registered pianos Qnrl should be looked after Misses' Coats Suits Blouses. Ha tr; Heifer Calf will be sold at the 80le tbis Bpring. If ~0 11 art} inte res~d in and Skirts, Shoes ,f~r Men, Wom e~ o f Z 0, Worley & Sun, at Milhlrtlve the care of your lI1strume nt, call J eff and Ch ildren, Men's and Hays' Cloth . Farm, Morrow, Obio, Saturday, Thompson, phone 8f,·A Lebanon. and ing Hat6 and Neckwear and Furni· March 30 he will call and tune it. ml tur~ valore. '
ThRt appallinlr damnati(,n- in · telligence wi thout humanity convel'ti ng a whole people in to a preuatory monster has d e8cended n t he world . No hUlnlln ins tilu tion tine or noble, iR any longe l' !lafe. I nvasion~ fr om a malillnant ~ t"r . Or fabled bea~ tR brenk ing UJ) thm ugh til e cr usL I'C' the ('a rlh. co uld nut more awf ull y th rr'lllen U., Ev ry ene rgy of every civil · ized natiun mUllt be lU!!lemlJled for r esis tll nee. , An unused dolla r is an unu sed W(lllpon. How s ha ll we faco enslaved meo , muti la led ch ilrIren and f or lorn wo me n, if in this hour of 'suprt>me peril , we hold back idle in our house a weapon that might have help d to ~ave the world .
Fo rwa rd is lh e watch· word of the Am erica n people today , The pres· id en t signed the ., Daylight av ing um" last week, an d t he law wil l re quire the America n people to put lhei r clocks forward one ho ur, thUs giving them an hour more of daylig ht 'Therefore, Satur d!iY night, every American will set this clock forward one bOl:\I', and proc:eed get u p on Sunday one hour earlier, and will keep this up unti l the last Sunday in October. A great deal of dliscussion has been occasioned by the change, but all law-abiding citizens will see to it tha ti t is c, beyed to the, letter. Jo'arme rs will take notice that t he stores will close earlier and they will have to come to town earlier to do their shoppfng, 10 this regard , tbe stores havt' closed! at 6 o'clock for some time, and it bas been reported Lhat a g reat ma ny people have gone to other towns to do t heir lrad ing . Don ~ t let this w\J:rry you , for the stores here have never enj~yed sucb an era of prosperity as t hey have since the early. cl(lslng scheme has been put in practice. The idea of trarIlI leaving town on the above account, is all nonlense. People who have been trading here know it is the cheapest place on ear th to buy goods, and they are not going to some other place and pay double for their goods .
CL'OTHCRAF'...3~ 1 C;L · 1~~~:~~m~o~~~;~~!U:! ~
. .
.,' . m Clothcraft Scientific $15 00 to $25 00
Tailoring meets wartime difficulties with neweffici~ncies in manuracturt;. , As a resu It every Clot h EI craft Suit continues to be guaranteed- without restriction-:to give "sat. f d 15 ac~ory wear an ' ser~ EI.'vice •
Walkover ' Shoes,
El ~.
. '
£up to ,liP' ~700 , EI ' F rom' ·400 ~. E1 St -~ e son , . Hats ,
m .
,',' '
0 '" ,. . '
Fi-Qm 15 to 75 c.ents. From 20 cents
• Auctioneer &Real Estate
Farms and Farm Sales A Specialty
e a r
FOR POSSESSION THIS FALL OR 1919 Office Aman Block, Waynesville, Ohio Phone 61-2 and 3
................................................... ........................•...
'S ocks Caps
Good Work Pants and Overalla at Hyman's.
M~wfugi~m~ in~red~oor ~~===~=====================================~ readers: , Miss Goldie Coimer and ::.: Russell Bentley, bot h of Warren ~ ~ County, were,quietly married at the residence of J C. Grubb. 16 Harblnt: tltreet, ' Saturday evening, at 6:80, Rev . R C, Burkhart officiating. ' Mrs. Bentley is the daughter (If Mr. John' Conner, and Is an estimable ~ young lady who counts 'her friends by tbe score. Mr. Bentley; who Price Y.leld hilS lived bere lor the paat Beven years, has made many friends. The Printz-~ied.e"",an Co .... ..... , Ffd. 100 , & Dividends ' 7.00 , per cent. Gazette 8:x~nds iUl eongratulatiolll, r.!I. Tbe newly married coup le will mike Hinde & Dauch Paper: Co . . ', , ~ . Pfd. 103 & Dividends 6.80 per cent. ... their bome in Xe.nIlL.
Shirts "FrC?~" 85c u' p , 't o $2 0'0.
Gl!3 50
IV ""
Kepneth Ridge, of Jack8on , Mich , arrived he re Thur ~r1 ay , :1111 ~I)~' . III rest of the week ..... ith hiti l.I"fI!ll ~r8 , who art:: on a furl oug h from Camp derson, who lives on Caesar's Creek, Sheriden , He left f.r his honle Sun· near Ben peck was on dre. The flre day. was 'a disastrous orie, burning t he house to the ground, We have not Warren County Pomona Grange learned whether was any in· wil l meet in Lebanon Saturday, Rurance on tbe house and content.s, March 80 , ' The fifth degree wiII btl ur not. The tire was supposed to conferred in tbe morning and in the have been started from a defective afternoon the new officers will be flue. . installed . T he old urface homestead, the 'rownsbip road, b urn ed to the ground Philip Bratten, Ball of Mr. and Il'rida y Paper hangers had built a Mrs . C. E Bratten, who with is th e fire in the house, and in a sbort time Delco Co" of Dayton, hasheen trans· it caug ht on fir e, presumably from a ferred to TexlUI, a decid f'd promotion defective liue , The house was burned for the young man. The Bratten's to the g round The loes will be forme rly lived here, and will be reo about $1000 , tovet'l!d bv ins urance , membered by a host of friend s , Mr, Clarence. Surface, who had bthOeUrgehttlltl·hs:,Pele8kc.e , in tend tld to move Customers for Home Furnishings n continue to flock to the Furni t ure 0" Sale of The S, Fred Company, Leb · anon, Big Store, anrl the larJl:e force Is kept busy attendinlf to their wan til. . ·The delivery vans are being work ed overtime, 'but Easter purchases will be delivered In time to be placed in the homes ready for the date' and The Da)'ton DaHy News lIall the occasion .
, ,i5-other makeS from Gl!C)
u ;:;, . OI, I" hlllna , /c'a hl' r chair that they u ~ed, also tile L , A , Zimmermal) was in'lI1l, HilS Cha ndeliers, which t he), have fixed nat! , Tut!!sday , IIcllr Ed i ,,', ~o th ey can UBI:! gas In them, Bnd\ 'I' LJid r(l r ,\\,,,11 tu "Ye ol d well, we sawall of the old historic Bad colds and hoarse th roats are Uuak r Citr." 1'llllauI' lpliin 'ome building and things of which you so the fashion now . r.. w m UIlI" Ilj;!(\ lVe !<leflml'd into well know abou t , Liltledld I think, l'h illld,dphia lind tliu must uf us were some years back, when we were Get your Ice Cream at Phillip:!' for """.1' an xi 'Jt IH 10 set! Ih' g't'eal ci ty we st ud ying lind talking about those your Easter di nner. had hehnl all,j I'cad so mue h abo ut , places in our histo'ry class that I \\' , P Xj)I'c! cd gl't'at til i ntJ:s of h r, anrl would some time bb in sight of a ll of Isaac Lincol n spenl Sund y wit h Q,p. wer 1\ It di~<!I)lt lO lllted in the the m and bave the different things frien ds in Morrow. I!:'ast. I t c rtlllll ' Iy is lOne o f the. or, pointed out to me, and stories that ( hou ill lI'IVI, sairl. lllt' nl(r~t won are connecled wHh them. Lea ve your Watch, Clock lind II rOUl! 1) ln~1! I ver in. uuti if 1 Well, 1 do not t hink that there is J ewelry Work at J Ii . Co lelll an '!'!. I III I'I e tu CII" II I I1.)\J~fln d years any use for me to weary you telling " II)U uld, I cou l,1 Il('v" r f\lr I{Cl 1)'lIe of th~ YO tl about all these things, 10 I will Miss Ruth Hartsock , penl SunJay 1' 1 aBant ho urs thal I ~pellt ill sighl tell yo u about our farewell ball that with relatives in Dayton . seeing , we gave toni g ht, the 5th day .of Mr. and Mrs, W. H , Allen we re Nnw you tnke ou t ill the sub urbs March, We started to prepare the -- the most uf it is all go vernm ent fi rst of last week and tonictht Dayton visitol's, Salurd ay , b ... 'every u i ld in g ~. u ~e d for illlil) buildinv;, ct~, hing was in readiness. We had with The n you 1(0 a Iitlle furl he r down us and were entertainlld by the faGood Work Shil ts at Hyman's. lind you ('o me into the ltulian d is , mous Quaker City Trio, Borne of tbe Mr, and, Mrs. Myer Hym an amI t "I Ct. Now miud you , this Je)Jen ds bes l singers I ever heard. Also, the daug hter wereXenia visitors,Sunuay . (In the rout e thnt you take 1 am g reat organization of the United j u- t desc ibing yo u th route that 'ervice Club (and by the way that Glenn J ohns, of Oxford coli e g"c , lOY fri end a nd I toolc You lenve takes in Quite a number of talented 8pent the week·end with ho me follis. the Itali an dist rict, gCi dow n into the people, too,) singers . dancers, mucity It liltl e more, and things beg in sicians. speech makers, etc Call Chiles Hotel. Livery Serv ice. t o look very much n icer- Ia'rger A ma n who has served three years buildings , par ks every now and then. in lhe trenches gave us quite a Jittle Frank Holme.q, of Van We rt, ie a nd by the way . th ey are mo~t beau· lal k, too, and some of the things be the g uest of Mr. and Mrs. Adam liful parks, t oo, and nO\v we are in told us set not a few at UII to thinltStoops . ' the heart of th e cit y-the g reat Phil· ing more than we ever did before, adelphia and Reading Ry Terminal. a nd music- we had all kinds-the County Treasurer F. B. Sherwood All is a hu stle and bustle , people ship's band, the great East Phiiadel. ~pent several hours here with friend s co ming in from t rains, and people phia Jazz Band, and some stringed Tuesday, ' going to t heir t rains, newsboys r.ry· instruments We also had with us ing ou t their pape rs. taxi drive rs the great boxing instructor from Leave your Watch , Clock ami shouting, cars and mach i ne~ co ming Princeton and the boxing instructor Jewelry Work at J . H. Coleman's. and llOing , All at once there is a f rom Penn University. Tbey went . ' , sho ut f 'l ,m some peop le standing a few rounds for our benefit and be· ths" Ehzsbe~h S!,!OOI< spent several I the re 1 Cohen's drug !!tore, and all lieve me when I say that they were days With relatives m South Lebanon ley es I, lurned u pward , The re is fast, In fact, fast could hardl, de. last week. an arel ')I IlTle comi ng dow n . but in scribe them they were more like a . , . ' such I!. (jlleer way; he has turned his s treak of lightning. Overland Taxi ServIce. Tel. 123 ' ma( ine 01' r and-yes, he has done A good wrestling match. belida, it ti , . second time. It is all over in several other boxinll' m atches were Q.r. Bnd Mra, Witham, of King" " ute and fo rgotten. given for the benefit of f;rlend. from Mills, spent Sunday with 1'4(. and a m B t w8it - ~he traffic has gotten the city who are with us tonisht on Mrs , A . Stoops . jam med Sh d the traffic cop is getting board the ship. Someth\p'g like two Vaccuum Cup Tires are guaran · .lhings str aightened ou t. It does not hundred men and young ladies. May· teed for 6000 miles, For sale by t ake him' long and soon everything is I be you have read something about m ov ing on !!lnootbly . ithese wrestlAra, they were Sclasors O'Neall & Allen. And now that every thing is 8,<'!ttled Knight, which name he derived from Mrs. Aaron Sears, of Dayton, vis- we will ' take a slroll dow n to the his famous scissors hold, and then ited he r daughter,Mrs James Mullen ·i~y. Hall and vi e~v lhe statue of ' his o'!ponen t ':'I'as a saitor whom th~y or Ferry Saturday , Wi lham Penn, Ihere he stands ,cait snake,' on account of hIS , . bold ly out a t t.he ve ry tip·top of the limberness, Well to end this good Teleohone Livery Train orden, / build ing, hal ha ! (will neve r forlCet time up as \Veil as the letter. the reo "Hotel. or the ti me 1 inquired of u police ma n fres hments were served: and the w,h e re the stll t ue was a t. We were deck was cleared for a dance. The Miss Olive Allen and Mi ~ !I Ada standing in front of the City Hall Jazz band furnished the music and it Michener arrivt"d home Saturd ay , then. and when I asked him he lce r tainly was fine. After that farefrom Mt. Holyoke college , for the grabbed hold of my ~ea~ an~ made w~ lI s were said and the people ~II ElUlter vacation. me look up . After vlewmg It fo r a Wished us a safe and louod triP • while we went do wn and visited the acrollS to France, and 81 the saying Mrs. J. W. Edwarda, Messrs Wm. (nd ' pencleno(f H Il II, Carpenters Hall, is, hoped we get the Kaiser's goat in Russum and Warren Edward s, of the Art Museum, saw the Liberty a good old American boat. Dayton, the ~uests of Mr. and Bell which is on Lhe ground floo r of Now, as it la about time for the Mn. O. J. Edward. Sunday. the old Congress Building, wnere rooster to crow. I think that I will Penn and Marshall and the rlst ot swi ne my hammock for at I...t two Good Work Shirts a_ a,man's. them beld thei r pow wows , We ho urs sleep . I hope that thl. I.tter stood on the spot wh ere Abraham will find all of you as weU and hearty Nearly all of the Wayne Township Linco ln raised the fl ag when they as 1 am at the prHent. teachers attended the AssociAtion at had their big reunion; saw the old C. E . Mend.nhall. Lebanon Saturday. Dr, W E , Chancellor and Prof . J , W Heckert were the speakers for the o~casion.
1;- , \0.1
Tobacco Canva~ a t Hyman 's.
-' ~~-~-
~ 7--Tax
McGraw Tire and Rubber Co ..
,~/rW Me ....,.'••a,.fro'" "'" to/.It
Pfd. 103 & Dividends
p~r cent.
Er'The above are unconditionally reCommended as safe investD;1ents
m me
Day Suggestions
We also offer ~gear
Tire and Rubber Co .
J. -0. ~
The MdlJlllltrl H. Mud' ~ CIewIan4, 0Iil0
Mr . , II' 1 Inllll"d' I", ~ " Pur 111111 tl ln. 1 ~1(l11l,
" ....
on Ihe s lu·
• , Til"
U' <I
~I /H'n
fl r'
" 'Vby, , I I R~
lu~ ri .
~·I .
."" rlllJ \ ' llb n
lhn l,nll , dol'S II u
Swift & Company's 1918 Year' Book
parlY I"'rl, .' •• n t! mlnlilh ; 1 -{
" \Y1l1 tbt'r, F'lah r " " Oh, I dOl' I t.-:
here, MIs8 Ifrr,
shows that Swift & Company sells the meat from a s..eer. fc;>r less money than the live steer cost!
luci le!:) a n d I \\'OI11 \ U . P s'" t :\II~' 1,\'flUH..- U! Ph Y dOIl'1 116I1U Jly ' 1l'11I~ ,. ~I I' Ilnnlslell "s t Wf'lltS.
Drotty. " :1188 ~· 1 8 n e r. DUt 1 t.D1D&- '" 1'10dl0 W1HPPod Ollt ber walCD, "Oraclous Bull 's ' " sbe cried, "whore'e lIlr. Bonlste ll 's egGs Y" '1'11 go down and see It they're rendy, 1I11ss Fisher: ' J'le tUrne" h II.V
At n ln. o'clock In t~e jIlornlnp;, l!WIctu&l to the "cond, Flodle FiBber IUllpck~ the 400r muked " HIllI Bonl. Artilt-Pbotograpber, " a nd , e~, ".uiiMI Into tile Om()6. . 'I1le WS' IIsbt rocm willi \'noa.nt . . lI y. ...... ,. ebook ber h ead In sorro wtul dis· 1 "Well, hu r ry Up. th en! II bls brenk • ..-, fas t Isn't It rl' wlw n he comos , he'B appointment a~ her em ployer's lardl. , lIabl t o cn l t ho a bleclotb !lnd GC n ..... and ebrugged her sboulders. "Ob, right uack to oed. Quic k. now! " dear!" ebe muttered Impatleatly, "j ust I " Yes'm! " Mr. Sma lllsb lert In dll' wbat I ex pected." Then.. wltb & sbake I jectloll. Flnd l walked sw lmy Into tbf 01 Ja~ head .. one who says, "It must stud io an d ku ooke(\ agalu at her em '"' 40n8 !" Ibe walked In and Uatened ploye r's doo r. "Mr. Bonlstelle l Are oq~lde Hall BonlsteUe's bedroom door. 'YOU rcnd y for brea kfnst ?" she call ed. J'or a moment , he st004 poised. awk· F loddl 's tOIlD had cbangod; decided wllrdly ..acerul~r rather gracefull y as It wos, It li nd eortened ; It was oJ. IIwb aNI, ~haPi. 10 quaint, so oris' most muslcn!. He r Coce bad changed :tnal w.. · her attltude. Sbe knocked also. Sbe s tood os It a 'Iialti ng a with f1rmn eu. T he lummonB was per· "lsi on. emptllr7. 7et It had tile secret Indul· Foo tst PH were henrd In IInll's bed of II. dntlna motll~ for her only room. No , t here are two kind s 01 ;ehJlcl. The onf7 anl"~ waa a not un· men : th ose wbo are shocked even unto lIIulnal baritone ITOwL mortification' by bellig dlscol'c red In 8he-b&ond on the 1100.1 aKaln, Tbls th e a ot of Bhavl ng, and th ose who take ,Ume Idl. rea1l7 meant 11.. " 1'\1" . "'" ...... n malicious dellght In their outrageous letelSel You muet c at up Immediately condlUon. Hall 80nlstoll0 oponed the 1_ _ ' on 110191" . A WIIlt;-tbUl tbe unwilling reply, door nnd protr uded his bela the red I-.All rtabU" tace shllmelessly, grinning. , M04I. walled back to the omce, Even dlshcveled os he was a t pres· frowntllCo and ..t down at b er desk. A en t. scondalously tousled and beled froID'th. cslen4nr pad was ripped daubed wltb soa psuds, Ills smile was oft, the delk top WU 4uBted wltb a disarmin g. cloth; tJi.n eba etopped l ullllenly. Tbe Flodle'lS adoration or him, thougli "entbl' 400r bad h&nsed. ot the mater nnl order, did not lossen Alman Immeeltately there ente red ber IIr mness, "Do you realize bow to JaCir ......4 youn, janitor, Mr. AI· much you've got to do today, Mr, Bon· frecl 'SmaIlleb. He sayo a pathetl o Istelle 1" ,lIope1eM look at nodle and bunl at I "Nothing to do but ';\'ork," he obant· anohor'1D the doorway. meekly, eel sally. "Mcir1Ilq, 'Mlill n.h~." he 81lld, and "You bave a n appOintment at ten artnDecJ. · ! o'clock- and you know how you Ill· a ,Ianoe at him, casunl· I ways poke oYer t hilt old breaktast!" th": "iue4 with more tnterelt. ' "Speaking of wblcb, wherefore not Pale 17... a l&r.e Roman nose, bere ?" He Joyously ch ucked ber un· ·,"dee,. and a quivering mouth de.r tho chin. (\1a4 ~ Hlil obtn Will tIIa t ot a F lodle loved It but dared not sbow, l ~ 1I0p~ back weakl7 to a prom· "It'll be be re by tbo Umo you're III I iiiat' Adam'e &Hle. to be see n.' You wash t bat tace of .,.. IIUilliled IQYer the obolouaob8 yours aud hurry up with It, you big ,. tM IUIIII O&QJDO Dill'. j bally, you! I've ,ot too muob to do · ~.. III. A1G '1II the TOtco or a myself to talk to you I" "cll4 7011 a plotur e "All ri&ht, oh, talr asSlsteDt, J mUl l ,1OlIOOI · .., ..... bed Iaere on the tabl.the other obeyl " Hall disappeared and Fledle ..,r.., , , marcbed back to the 01l1C8. Be brDecl 1rH'I4. " YOU-YOU dllln't Openi ng Ule Jett er bl!x on the door, tWlIIll tba't plotare, did 7ou, MI•• Fish· ab e took out a dozen or so e nvelopes. I..,.., lUI"'" ImplDred h er wUdly, One Silt she Inspected, cri tica lly- they ftIDl1· OOWe11.111 brlq It back,lf you were a ll 111 temln lne band wrl t hig..,!eO; 01117. J tholl&ht, ml\7be-" -" nd t beu rather unwillingly laid them ...eD. Alfred 8mall1ebl Illite thaU " a llille. . Tbe otbe.r s sbe tore briskly ~ .,-.1aWd. ' open. eaob received a keeo, shre wd ".olt. lila J'lIbe~70u eee, well, 1 look. They were flied or thrown a way. clJ4Il't >Quite 4aie to uk ,ou, and-wen, Little an d wb lmslca l and odd, Flo J1Mt "oW, ( thoacbt-It'. juat .1'&lId die's a ppearance bad something of tb e or 1OQ, M... ".b_1 I'd think tbe humor ot a puppy, t be sad wisdom ot worY H, and-eolllcln't you POI- a. monkey. The .;ombloatlou mad e her .t~ ' . " tace patbetic. Crinkly, colorless hair O!'ftiar, Alfred I I don't and hazel eyes bad F1odle. Her fi ne, " - to ~' It. 'You jut walk that regula r teeth wllre he r best nssel, and ptetue- bIok Immlldlatel7l t ' J'lodls'" wb~n.. sh,e 'I mlled, !lM. maIn r ellet from YOtce' WIll jbarp, lillt '. . well, plalnnes8. From her cost ume, wh ich J'locUe ooul4D't blp J)I~. blm. 8he, was careless, to b er gestures , which w. . . . . . '· "'PwtIape, 111 ctve 10U one, were queer , Flodle Fisher was a n orlg. I'll '- ," t In al. S be had cbar m and mogn tl8m. Mr. liiiIan!ah 'beamecJ with pleunr8, Whet ber she mad e one laugb or wee p, bIlt . . bed a tal_t {or b1unden. eccentric little F lod le was distinctly .~ 'foJb' mt.btn.'t ~ 10U "'u lova bl"
a year it h as ,become ~ famous; the man's cigarette for the men ~ho .are working, over h ere, a nd fighting over there. The reason? B ecause it's made of Burley ~ tobaCco and because-
,~ I
8.61 1.29
: ,
T here are many other interesting and instructive facts and figures if} the Year Book. We want to ,end our 1918 for the asking,
Year Book, to anyone. anywhere - free Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago.
(Ja rl :-;r.. J oh n , Ulflo oi n is t of OilY, ~otice of Appointment to n, a nd 14 11 ~" n IJorwl ll .J".O\(. of Morro w . l tH V P . I.. Vtln IVl ckl fm . Veteri n a ry Orli ll lSe llmlin, for lor Hn rl t: .. ro 1J:s~~I O nl Liley N. Oockel t.-. \).co". oo . t. herehv (l'lv8n 11.., \ )) 1(. Uoehel! U. Mo l{ell vl'r , hOl b o f ' H~ .. r \V lly l) l' ~ . hasNOlie., bee ll du ly " r. lX>lnlo<l oml q ua il lied ft K A,I· Gra du8!e of Oh l< 1 1I\ '\ ,:",r~ v lllo. !t uv . R B. b' fl~ t . r ru i nillLrlS to r of l iO It;tllate or Lu cy N. UOCk CLt. ..", ('<oun ly, lIhlo. dece•• e<1. Ua' J o"e ph W . H" .va li" . prl '1Ier 01 I I th01lo Wor ijlh <1 & ), 0 1 Ma rch 191 . ALTO:; P . Rll OWN . Uinol ll llll t i, lIu (1 F " .I e E Utt lli1l!', 01' lI e" u.lnll '" I vllli 0.-1'1 E; P roba t e Court AU)'. , J u.lse oll h. Probate Courl. Lehllno n. Hov. p, r.. , Vlln W lO kl e n . Warrou COUI.. )' . Ohio Corner Mdin an '! :\,1ill -i t l ee t $ m~ 7 I n Ill" m Lt l! r ( f ~bl1 ~ t ll t e uf 'harl o!! E. H " lnI'~, loh" rn r o t ..... " Ill . nult 1:'0 110 , c.1 0 4R~,1 . ,) " Ilull' Wll yne ~ \ 11\11, n od Mr s . Be ll Iltm <t or. T elephon.' 1:'.Ii P tJlH;t' Is 'I Plluiu l tillS II 1D1Il'strtl Ll'IX • lion, f 0 1H l, L Il n on . .R v R l:l .
Dr. J. A . McLoy,
I., 8
- - - .,....
Pounded at the Cham be r Door Agai n • bronk!nst Is all'fu ll y Impati ent, Come alo ng I That old collee Is swearin8 alreadyl " Hall opeoed the d oor, grlnnlng. "And 1 suppos o tb ose eggs a re teolln g r otton nbout It," he offe red jauntily. Flodle gIggled delightedly and ov· ered over th e ta ble, 'glvtng It a tew fin al tOUcbes. Hall Bonlslelle was ' a ttired In a purple dresslng·gowo, too evidently tbo s m of a loving . tllsteless temlllo. He showed hlm Be!f, now, as really hllndsome, even to that clert cbln which women sce m to tancy, and most rlght·mln ded men to loatbe. On bls fllce was the ton ch ot hUlDor, ca relesBly JOYOUS, ratber lhan In telleotua l, and with his "artistic" temperament, It was easy enough to accou'n t t or his popularity wltb women, popularity tha t gllve him \l spoiled air, wal not olren8ive, and enabled him to do milch torbldden to other men. Always ex· ceptlng poor b' lodl e, who hu gged a . preclolls secret to ll er brenst, women, It mI ght be add ed, li ked rather than loved him. The obvious proot mllbt Ue In the fact t hat, Ilt twenty·seven, Hall bad not yet beeo entangled In a ser ious affnlr of t he heart He con. sldered tlmt he knew too much about women to bl! sed uced fro m his amuaID g occu pation ot merely studying them. As to tbat, It one hnd Bsked ' F1odle, ebe WOUld ba ve sm ll eo an d cbanged the subjeot Least of a ll, perhaps, If the trutb wer e tOld, did he know t he tond adorer who bad vo lun ta ril y made bere61f his slal'o. He 8QW a od toolc adva n tage ot ber clevern ess RlI d zeal ; ber a ttractive oddIty r ~f r es b e<l bl m, bilt to her d eep s crloti Rness nnd Ihe reaerves ber tem pero.mcnt h e was totally bUnd. F lod le Silt watcblng bls lo ng, aleo· der hands enga&ed grace tu lly . wlt b fork and spoon. But, much IlS she loved to watcb blm, her cOllsclence ma de her too un comtortable. Reluctantly sbe withdrew h er eager eyee. , "Well," ahe alghed, "now for bUBI· nelsl" Sbe r ead alOUd f rom tb e book. "At ten O'ClOCK Mrs. R eDa Royalton-" Sbe. looked u p. "And you won't be ba lf ready ! I'll bave to entertain her-and you know bow 1 bate tbat
womanl "
"Can you name on~ woman, FIodle Fisher, whom you do no t bate?" "No, r cn n't. They'r e 1111 cate. Cats and rats and... hens and sna kes and parrols! Bu t tb nt·s no reUBon tor keeping ili em waiting," F lod le .ran her fin ger do wn the page, "Let's see-ten·t hlrty-Mlss Dull ys. Oh, no, I tor· got! You look her yesterday." . "Carolyn's cerlnj t.l a fine girl," Hall murr,nured d.reamlly, IIgbtlng a olga· r.e tte I\nd watcll ing his assistant . . mu sedly.· " Carol yn 7" F'lodle fairly spit It out, "Sino' how l ong ~ " . "Ever since 1 'noglented t9 pay my d inner ca ll on bar , 'F lodl e. 1 hnd to do sometbfng to Boothe he r rumed feellngs-Bo 'r !)eg~h lo call her Oar oIyn. What's ~he 'Inevltable reBultf Sbe's Invited me fo r nellt WednosllaT . again, P eO))1I1 al w8Y8 Invite 70 U a,galn If YOU are r ude enough, F lodle.' "You must bBve been pretty rude to Mrs. Royalton, then, by the wa7 ehe runl litter you l Wh) , ehe falrl, ' clllw like & benl" /1'0
be. r.ODtlDU""I
Subecrfbe for tbe Miami Gazettet
Real Esta te Tran afen Il'. Wit Inge r , '1', Il ~ t,o o to t. lle 'rh u MI"ml Uon sllrv l\lIoy Ulstr lcL lo ts No. 24 ~ " n d 245 in tbt) Mllok iollw Au oi. tlOD t o li' r 4ln kilO , $200. P. B. R Il" ~" ThB MI , m l e ou. s el'va n oy Ols t r \o' (I traot ill Fruuk . lin , $1. M'Ir t.h a A F nx 1,0 'f h e Hn ml Co n. 8er vBull Y llI ~t·rlo t lot N o. 718 10 Fra u k It 0 , $6 UOO, W. O. "ud E N t:! il" ph e r,l to The Mia mi Co n~ e rvn o oy Dis tri ot lo t In Fra n k li n , $6 00 0 ~o pblfJ 13 r1dj(o to t,b e Flli Dm l Un n. Stl rv"ooy , Dlstrlo t . 10 ' N o ~ OB In Ifrl\n!tllo. $1 80 • '"'1 .l r" b M o"v I ·• 0 '1'11 .. MlHml VOD. ,,~ I:Ihrvanoy I J t N o, 716 10 }j' rllonkliu, $ 11 O. Mary (: Dorm lid y to T h e Miami Con se rv l1n oy Dlall'lor. lr ts 610, 611 and GU I n F r .. uk lln , "'250
'PI' .. I" , I Ull llrllU;t' r s . I II '\J rn ,'tl r ul tb e t)s tu te of V• :iols m u o" UtlOf:1lo8 d. lo vtl n t nr y Bnd 1PPfll lso l,no ut are fl lerl . I u t u s , a t tor of t h e est te ot Lytll" 'V . Wllod d eOO" 8 Ii. l o vou. ~lIl'Y nn .! appruiSf!WeU\ l\. re Illed . A ou W . H obn r, nUlllu ~8 • f rnnk \Vulli o g . ilL II I ',.." IS !>et . &Ie rt oud d l rtl l II d wtlll uu& r eourd. 10 I he rn ,tt Pl' o f t h e l'rll ~ r ore tl t ed b.V h u m N o. 10 o f ~h e w i ll 0 1 WI I. 'Ie m l- u t . d eo ~ JI ~ed tiraoe l UlU i ' . Wh lr.ll c re Itl up pol o tlld n ~ l't tl8tee BOll d $50,000. In th e e ~llte of ' Iu nuel A C hllm bl'l rlln,l clnu ti o. Flttb a Ollo lln t , with o()rrecti o nS, is !t lll/roved . , Iu tb ~l w ll t t,e r "f t b e estl\te at N" t bd U Ii: .. llptOD, d eoll"sed. lS$l e ~ IH tI npI' r uv d . 1u t he IIl:Ltte r uf t be bstH t e o t t;h" rl ,:< W Uloh . ,l eo R 11<.1 . tio r uoo '" u d ;\II ce W ulo b nr ., u l'1l0luted Rd John E Y or k ' 0 T h R Mill mi Con unlnl ll l r l~ t ll T u o d .. rt tl1 i U I ~ t .... t rIX, r eo '1erV Un cl,1I O i ~t, rior. l!Jt ';') 5 In ~ran lr. "P oti ve l.1' N " b nd reg utrecl. 0 lin $:100. , 1:i18~ l llll , O. K . Brow u lI od F.·M. • ' /5usan R. V II O Horne to T he Mlttm t Urtt ko U f '6 uPllot n t ec.1 68 8VlJr:\lsers. Consornooy OiSlrio t 10&'No. 871 In Irnnklln, $600 C(OmmODIPleas Court . . " T'" lSo pbrolllll. I b omHs to 11 .. u, ia IDI New 5ults Oonije r '1"Oov Dlst rlot lot 61S 1n , I Bl nn oh e E. <.J unoin g h ll lll, lI ij g UIlT. Fraok llo , $375. Laara (:J , K " Jle nbe rg er to Tbe dlu n of l lt a P ll f S llll IIUU 81lttlte uf Rloh ll rd C, I,;u noiogh n Ill , m i n ur, on Miami l,;onsr.r v nlJoy Dltltrlot lot :;07 ull!lI>lf o f ~n l d min o r wnl d v~ . Ma r y \0 Ifr n nkh tJ , $ 150. A N tlw l,nu , .Jesllia K . Mu oe; Bltl nohe Lenul e W bit,ao re ~n Ch ilD. L. and Ii: C U ll tliu ~ hllUi IIu d Rloba r d ll. Ii: M. Mo 'ny a loo UL 63110 r es In Mil . itnr y S ur vey 1494, 12. Ooul llol!ill1m, m lo or, p" rtUi on. lIav ld !lnrt L E Morris to D~ Dny Proce edings Morrl. 132 75 aoros In MA8s le to wn. S ta te o f Obi a VS , Wm B o r loy. dh ip, $1. , Plond\,11 n ot goUty , trlill ~ e t f(ll W. W li nd E il.o~orB t o W . A. ApI·i I 30th . N oli ,.S 85 Bore>j In Uleuroreek towu. Bta~B of O blo VI! Mo Kln lo,v Nealey . s hi p, $1. . Plearl" d 'ol lty. t:! ente oced to SIX Ma ry A. Ellie to I81>helle Burls, 'Jouth In j nll and p,.y ooat !! 0 p ro. Piu t of l o t N o. 11 to HarveYSburg, scoo tl nn. Jll il se o teno e I ~ suspen ded n . 'h r lnt; ti ll' t.i m e sai d d fen d,mt r !:l . W . V , BerJ{dllll t o i'J Illlllm and Ul"ln ~ o u t, Id t' or W urre u Co noty . g .. , e B u rl ey 711 4l llore M In W a rren Ht,llte o j' O h io v a O lVn l y F u r m a n · aod MOllt g lW8r y OOtlutloll.IGIiOO . W l'lIlalo aod g"te liurley t o Will Ull n tuotio n of 'tb e P roseou ting .\t l ll r ney, t b e <.::o u rt or d e r s t·h nt t h e ter M L ong 711 41 "ore a 10 WllrreD bond In thi s olls e b e loor8ll8ed f rom aDd Montgom e ry ooun tles $1. $500 to $5000. Ba u d WI'S t a r n is h ed . M O. B ln eM t o R oy Y,m 'fre8s,2 hllots In Way ne tu wn s h ip, $1 · Marria&e lIcell~ Alloe B , and 0 : a. Lind to Elean. Howll r a ,J . A y res , a g rlouUnrla$ of or Van TreB8 105.BII aores In Wayne MIlSQO, lJ 'n d LIlV e rne R .· B wyu, at townllhlp, $l. Fos te r . Ro v. Elel1nar Bis bee. , ' MRry Ii: Lemmon J. 0 and J Flr m lHI K ID g, tarme r of Morrow, m . Whlloker lot No, 7 and ptLJ'~ of a nd Mi n nI e B. Sherbet. of Dear lot B In WayneSVIlle, $1. Olar ktlv llIo. Rov. R. B. FOBte.r.. W, W. and A . R. CurtiA to C. E. and Alice llolrlKht 5406 Rerea In Mas!!e 'owoshlp, $1. R. Buue' to Robert B . M, and Bnd E t ta Ltlmb 75 ,40 80res ·, tn Mil .. tarl' t:!nrvey 628,
(;ominissioner', Proceedln"
Blllli ~lJ C?we~-i:loolleld'8 Gr~oery s u p pliss 12 20; The United I;tdea (JlietDloal Vo" I!QPpJiell $7 16; The Johotlon & WatsoD l) ,l. , lIupplies for PO.itivE~nvincing Prool 't'rells uror 's office $6.20 i A , J It is a U vcry well to make claims . ~ohanrer, road repair!! Union 'own. but can tbey be proven? We publla'; - IIhlp ' 5 i J. K, Spen'.'er, bring8lam. the formula of Vinal to prove the ber $1'0 , 6: The Oregoolll , Bridge ltatements we' make about it. . Co., ountrabt ,2'5 ; 0 , B, Deohllnt, 0. Cod Llv. "ad BeefPept.on.I J lroll u41 .per 0 S Mo naM . 9000 10 pOltllge nneCit .. n••• P eptqnat ", ltoG and A ",~ tamp8 for 01,,1110".. RPseo.or '.a bl Il ok-~ • monlum rate, Lime IUIII lioda Glycuo.~ pbo. phat:•• , Cucarln. $90 ; Muhlm RhJ/ll', @"r VI(\erl burllli Any do, ~tor wiU tell YOII that the OU Ulul\~t e e $ 1 i F ll I & l:) u lJ jJly Co, Ingredien!:s of Vinol ae pubUlh'e d 0 1111,1 ror C. d $7 2~ i Lew!!> & Uralle above. cClmblne the vet)' elemente cORI, f relllhl And dra,v_ge 10651; J needed to make etrength. , ~, Morrl" anppllea j2. . All weak, run-down, overworked • ~ '. nerv~uI Il~en 8114 womel1 IfIA7 prove this at oUIr e'zpenle. There La nothing nice Vinol to reMlny Rib Deatrs)'lld. . etore ItI'ength and vltaUl)' to feeble A club In Kent, England. destro"ed old p~ple, deUelte children 8114 all penonll who need more Itrencth. . 18.000-Abln three IlClIIOJUI at an In. Try It. If YOII He not entinl7 ..t. slgriJftcsnt C!OIt;mUlllldl[)lll·lfl laBee!, will return )'OUr IDOIIq without i that p~ " ' fllmen ProteCtiOllo eraellea_ IIOtabIJ _ BdUmon UICJ ' . "aln••v_ Drunlat• .!f" .1 •
A, ..
.... ~:
_- ---
Wayn esville.
~ Ul!rJ '\IOu J ob n Br ltu d ~ P ll ur ~, Fus t r , Ru hl" ,ill 'UtiY d nil tilh MI'e r .. ry IIr l'
Swift ' & Company, U. S. A
Average price paid for live cattle pereteer A verage price recei ved for meat Average price received for by-products Total received r ..... This leaves for expenses and profit Of which the profit per steer was •
Proceeds from the sale of the hid~,fat, 'and otherby~products covered all expense of dressing, refrigeration, freight , selling expense and the profit of $1.29 per steer as shown by Swift & Company's 1917 figures as follows:
81U<l l0 IUVllatiollfl, I ULttto 1 'I'll re'1I ' be too IlIlIny I\n y\\u~'. 'I'll ' ro won't be 1 halt or ' 1\1 com ~ I I" tI\I.' tbcu tera 111'(1 I over, though. '\\'n V" t nvlwd n squud o r act rl!RS6s: I Alfred SIClPI1NI, hi' DTtnR lontl nll wltl! I gaTla nds "\\' hnt. real QIIOS?' " No, onl y 11 II 1r·r111l' I gu 88, NOL I n 'a rl )' StJ r ' 0 1 us h~ oth r women I I\'ho' ll Ill' "'·rc, ann,.u y. Th re 11"(, ", nrll !,(lfld IU.trng", ~ "rr Iho s lage thon on, Al l'rp,l ! 11'11 II g U\l1l '\B a piny ro r Dl t !" Alfr(,11 ga:r."d louO:lu/;ly rrOl n Ih p thT('shol u. li lu y s aUrl'. "Say, MI ~s ! FIs her, a re you gol ng til lJ() dreiju d up Illte you was UIO IUll t tlmo!" Sli droP lle(\ 'l fnntltsllc courl eRY. "I'reclaoly lh e ~ume, "'lfr (I; our gOOd / old fr iend ropo dl' Chin e. Now you gall op Itlong wltb thos8 l' I'crgrecns bO' 1 rore your eyes drop ou t, Mr. Sm nll· I Ish! " A.lfred lert.. 'wllh the 101'0 IIgb t uo. ' exti ngui s hed. F lodl e wen t III a the studi o an d pound ed ot t he hamber doo r ngoln. "M r. ' 80nlste\1 e ! Hurry UP! . Your l
:-:e ~~ul= '!n~:"Jaa~e ::t
Sheriff's Sale (In PartitIon
Warren Common Pleas
D u. H.E.
fl A T U A, W A )
Ooldte Wunbotd } ," ft} utlAvill e 'lI Lo"rl tol" n' llotll" va. C .." No . 119 20 JOllll pb Ktlurlck eL al. Mtl l n ,) .• ~ B1 ylrtuo or aD ordor 0 1 oal•. dulY ....utlll moe lu lj 'llnel' Blrllf lrom saId Court In ,he,ab<JVe 8Ibled cuo. aud LO me tllroo ~ l. i ..' Ill olfer for •• 1• • lIy ... y ul pu blic au eVon, . , the door 0 1 Ibe (J(\urt ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!"'!~~ H OWIe, 1o L41baoo p , Warroo Co Ulity, Ohio. 00 Monday, April IS, 191 8 D ~. J. W. M!l LE ~ . At I OO'clock a. nl ., Oil • • Id day, Lito !~I. lowln. " _ rl bed real esl8 le. lO · wl ~: SII\l a~ In Ill. TOWlishtp 01 Oloom:reelc 10 tllo CoUUl1 01 Warrellaod SI,.L. Oblo u ll ...DEN T I ST •• • ?le~~l:'1)8~~~~tI~~e20&II'!'mro~~p I~ ~~~ (JOUOL, ot Warreo In Ib e Stale ot Ohio, Du. \' a,.l1ellV me, 0 IIloDl og.~. Itake In tho Easl IIDCLOllllld SectlOD and 8. E . Co roer 10 JOhD Hagarwan r uoolng ,beDet! with 1II41ormao '. IIno 8 . 89
{~;I~n:~·,~.4 c¥~~':e:O"~bItfv~TII~~~';C:I;~
8 . I U·. W. 18.90 cballli 10 a Itilke. 'rbooce N. 10' E . 18 . 63 chal,," to ""tak. . Tbeuee N 89' i ~ ' E . 14 . &9 c1qlnl en t he Sectloo 1I0e: Thence N. 23 chall1.l 10 tbe begloulllg coo. l al ntOIl: a5 ac.... .. I hwd. wtr..8~IJ~~~"K~.:'J~~ b1 JIlrV!a Slok.. and Bald rea, .... ate b .. been I'e(JUllrl,. appr.,ted ua~er order uf Ibe CourL at Ihe lum
Notary Publi c
ThoWl&od ($a OOO. OOl OOtll" I Dd All ktnds o f N ',tR r y Work . .. Ill not beeold tor 1_ Cllao two-&bJrdl of a ud O r~d,. .. tip Aolu I ~ v . oa day or lal., one-tblrd In O DO year and one. t htrd, ID 1"'0 yeara, doterred PA1mont. to bear 6 per ceDt Inte.... t Bud be lecUred Ill' 00 pramlaeelOlcI .. ~ A !I . J . WAG G ONE R . \ .. ",Sheriff Warran Cou8ty, Ohto. Dean Stan Ie,., Atlora"),. 13· 0· 10 For Cour:hs and o.JOh':M 0 1 'l' bnMI
II8Ifll:a&flr:'m' ~~~1i-oD""hlrd cub 10 blod
.. onev
ANY LUMBER you bought for building purposes three years ago, at the beginning of the European war, cost you more than twice as much in farm products as the same material will cos ~ you today. In otber words, your lumber purcbasing power bas doubled, and then some, in three years. That is because 'lumber has increased little in price, while f~lrm· products have increase(i much.,
This is the Tiine, then, Right. Now ,
Fo! you ~o build whatever you may need in farm structures~a new Homel a BarIl, a Grain Bin, Sheds, Crjbs, Pig Houses,. Chicken Houses, any Building ' you may. need, now is the time to build, tomorrow it wilJ cost y~)U' more money than today, , We can supply everytqing you need ' from the foundati~n up-in tbe right quantity and at reasonable
W. H. MADDEN &CO. Corwin,' Ohio , Gel h 1/our s are ° ouallS r.and tomorrows 1rfarm -profits- build now the structures 1/ou need. The cost (t
Is trluia1 compaml wiJh t~/r earning cgpadlll. d.. _
.~~----------. .~#
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l : -:U LU L:VER 1" 06 'Mull
L. C)' ANE, Edi tor. alld 1 11 1 , li~ I ~J
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::Iub. riotic,n Pri c. $1. GO [lu r year
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fu rh hlllr lJ AntlIIM"llI "' Jd ~ 111'0 h l~l nl(
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Convenient R. R .. and Interurban
1l1l1 11 111 M
·1 as bu ~~tabl i 9It ell. by ~Ilo'cial (]Qve r mnenL u ll t h o ri ty lim ' in go in g t u or fr olll Killg ' ~ Mills,
II I, .- . ophifl l
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follow s:
li t " lll," ilnl"1 t11
LelH' c Xeni, .... .. ............ . .. . 5:io
A. M.' 3:50 1'. M.
Arrive I{ing's }tiIl <; .. .. .......... ti: 12 A. 1\1 . Arr i\ c ('in (' innll(i ................ 7: 40 A. 1\1.
Trains and Cllrs will be ope r ated ao as t o avoiu as far as possible . Ilny loss
, nl~1t l };( ' ~
qnl 11(\ n
Wbnl,G\7e r ~oor ti nlll.' olu l u\ OLl~ u rfl f"I"' ~ J , k ' \"ll t- I I O , jll !'i tCt· nf hC' IWI1(' f' , w ll o :.c ' ,. ill III ,\ I IlI ,Y o r l" .. vy ~u o oan bo fl lt Rl1 wit h Il Lib,>' ly IUtr- 1,1"' 11 up))(l iJd t d hy nn r (: (' UlI Cll, BOIlll Adlt yo ur hllnker .. bo n t It. rln rl " . Ih,' wu r . t ' I1JH' " .J lI",f 11 • I\l rs Hurr y I!o nt:h ollli e .1 on MI " 'VO IHIt. !u rtt , , ~ rtt i n t-ClI 1I lI ' (r (h .. ,I , Ii;, ,",hIIJl l,II'(' r 1~ fot:O " rll 1g Cr rUJl N nr H. l:luwke '1I1eMI"y o fLI' rtio IO Il of dr"I ' I ,'" 1- \ I J rflilJ cti !'l t r l o t /' Id I h e NtH' t h \' a~ltlrtJ w ltU' h f ' ! (dll ' f' ~ ht:n 11) I UK I w ~e k . ~tl\fti'" IrA ItU Y II' ~ 'l d"t;:! rl'I ~l ll~~ It l III . hHf)II ' n .· ""MIJ" lj 1:01 , nl' lIil , l-j' OOH :oI ll U1 Srt4 1(1 Mr~ FT II Tlk Al' VIIU no(t chilcJ m n 'l'i"",. "Ioe , • • ,,,1 , .\1 ' 11 \)'Iil. !'
k " JJ
AnyI'm " will) I 1I l\h itC' rilizell of lh(· Uni t el! S lates . of 18 !,cars or ~(!t'U r wnrk in thi , II r('at ;n ~ 1 rI ut ion 9 ngenin l surro und· ings, "\.JSII Il)l tily 8l.I Ilit fJrY and h"nll! lful (·IJIl ct ilions . I l o ul'~ of wr.rk frnm 6:40:, In ( Il ·j:·10 p m or from I> p. m to 6 u. m . \~ Ilh 10 m innl es ft.r lu nc h OnlltlVo 10 minute res t period s . Over, ti me p ;iid fur 1I lhe l'lt t t! of lim and a hal f.
ri el' , can
IJ\,P"lt pnil.\' III J ;"I'IHorl! n l 'A'l' l!lo 'TlC DUTY nnd at lhe ~nme lim ('''Ill 1!\l ~'U ':11:(' , hy l'n ,(a~ l lj~ iii lhe 'mRIlU fact u r ' of Ilmmnnilion fit Itl' plt1nl M I'llt-. PErl":\{' '. RT\{l1)t.;~ COMPANY , KingEl Mills, \\ arn 'u C,) . Ohi,}
ft I 1n
t.!\\" It rHU'
·{i.iJ:l!B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1IIIf7;
~:hlllY v-irl., :md WCJ 11 HllI. un.l m CTt not listible ffl r milita r y serv!ce; t11'('II11xir)U~ tu till ~lllt1l'tlti nl! II> I'H~ LI' WI T Hf': \fAit I I I'e i~ an
Idl1r1 .1'
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rlll-om'lI 11 . WBlJNb:~ D AY.
Lf3 ve Leban ll n .... ...... .. .. .. :;:.10 Le8,'e S . LchRnnll .. . ....... 5::':; Leave mil,,'!! Mill t:! ...... ti:Ofl Ll'ave Mason ......... ..... ti:15
4::\ " P. M . 6:l5 P . M.
6:00 A. ]\f. (; :10 A. M . 6: 13 A. M. CU S A. , I. 1;:20 A. M. 6:30
A. 1.
4:15 P. M. ,.
A. M. A. M. A. M.
4:35 P. M, 4:55 P . M. 5:0.5 P. M.
A. M.
Ll!3\'e Cinc inn at i .. ... : ....... .. . 5: 15 A. M. ;l:45 P. M. Arrive J{ill,:'s ;\-lill .. .. ....... .. 6:30 A . M. 5:0:1 P. 1\1 Arri ,'c :-,:"" ;It . ....... . .. ..... .... 7:15 A. M. 5:57 P. ;\L
N IIt.~ . Curl"b lt! UHf\ F l u! (lU C' " "" 1)[l lIt . ( ';' . '" 14' 1' ~ tl II' 1tu I ro t ( ' I " Ilfl lby .... tlh Mr .. .Jellnjn Grll lul lll . 1'1 " " '.,1" I' i;l " hl M n" ".11<",
R , ,'Il f ll',c! .
~\t1 1 (\", nf W llr- t" l " t ll~,," p t l\ n l lJ~ ht\ V(~ Mrt<' A n lll1 HI1 (1 v. ~r, 1)( Ciilrk t' Vl i! . run ,.;, hl ", h us :J.u(lO.ouu H (II' .~ . •~ v, ~ it illll IH'r f"IJI~. ()blto! E ' I" '1'1118 b llW l\ lI ' III' \, lrl ,," h,' 'l'rll'IB ury w.t.h ~ h, ' ll l "(:t'. II It III or I!J f' II "l l n ' II (\ hlmlly . '1I 1'I o u ut II OW U" ill g "X" nord [0 \' til .. ~ I rll ~;,I W I\-I llt I ' oli lh e ~ l ol, 1.,1 :-rutlrm for I h I' \ at. Wh ll.. ~a QUII . Mr. burt M r ~. },;,1. 'J'h o lUu ~ 1110.; 000 19 'Iuly a O.;u lS II t.\"y f fl l' ll\'er~' flllull y "\J~u t Monda y tlV"oiul1 I" ,..n H o. W . Hlllltl , nn lt (,h tlf! i ll 11H""l 'U U lI K tnf;{nJtlu . I,y . tho eu t i ru o" . t uf Ih l1 wllr" bul M r ~ , Guy \V t\ tter ~ .. ud dilOght.OT :10 O~ "t H .... r O" pIi.II 1\ \lilY. Amhu'y (I • .tloLi on h l1r l\i 8~er Mr ll Ove r ~ 41 , OOO In fj.(,llut ~1U1I"ge Frllllk W il hl' U Mond :\J "'I ,, rO'JO II. O'IUI I<) III\ bfl ~ O" m " in Ir ulO LIlli h i)! t:lowud 6'\l lk rotll l uf Leba non. o ' I I P ~ I.•) h OI1d qtl · ,,· ~, r ~ n t. Iltu 1..\'"1 WI1 ~ ~ef n io \J\1I' ne l gh b ilrh ood ill! m l.-;.I ,"I fJ ll '1"""li lll( ('n u, I' Aoltv l ti e~ ol'l Y Ibst w eo k. .Ihl! l r ..", Ellis .. pon t Ih A w e~k. III WIIHlotn Ulon. T h ll_ .. 0' UPO"" rtl . I'rtl ~1\1I1 ." Inll," " 11~ 10 t,hI'Ulr lc," " od with Mr~. ·b u8 . VI \1 I1r! . of I'VtI UI" Rt Ih 'l C ' 1I1 ~" Ho"II H r ~ f l·" m 'pri ng I:Ill!. t hll ''''''lll ny t ,' I\t< r r oo;v Nl I ' r ( 'hu t l; I".vl'l· hfl ~ IWll ll rl(lin!: hi " 1tOIj ~i4 I} .,-Iv ' 11" 11)_ f.1 .,r t ~ II ' lJrp wl ,t ~lUlll1~ 1)1 wing bl" Ui ,' t:\t1S li t' hiM U B'io" r r· f4 . 1 " 1 1 ~~ n t "il .·.. .. pl"Ut!:,., Wj}"h :"" ' 1\ 11- T rll,' h , r. " • • , 1 hi" ,a \\ .'tl ' Id t " II .f1 ~Ill . · I I uri i l~~lIl jUh t' t "' I'-h , \ j' l b , .r1tIH ' !l l ;IP t i\1 1,ldIf1 Mrs ~lIlnJ , . n nllLl , _!~o_nr 1"\01 ___________-"_ _ 'I"dll'y IUi'l In t. Mr. rind J\1f's. C OU)) r 100".
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Apply in Person or Write to
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Employment Bureau,
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Dtiv t-!
United States
T i res
Specialist in reUeving Eye-Strain and Improving pefective ViRion by Glasses, Office and Fitting Room ~08 South Detroit Street With
TIFFANY JEW.ERY Store Xenia. Ohio
The sign of safe Savings-
"100% Safety--5 %Dividend."
Kt (l \' Ot'
~Vi r " . .\II;II ~· IliI· · IIt· fl) •. 1" " '"1' 11 IIlII oil , 111 .1.. w,' of C. 1' J'ft", f,, )''', \V ,<I ·' V 11 11 , 1) 101 ' , W. P. ll r e ,,,' I ' JI 14 ' I t. III ff' I " :} Hi- lit p u u d l:i o vurd Flll k r e t.b. 01 bnil d ln " " \ hl~ ","': fll ' " '" "n ,· , I:,' " I' ~" , I.i· . I, Ii II " " IIl I\'.. Bu\' " l. ,t. II ." IJ nil IILd AI '[ yo o r I, hu Du ll And · h6 ~ . EIIi ~, of ~hl~ t h C 1 HnllH~ 1nllltll; · I"I:f'"'" ' I I' I I I ,1 ~ nn~ " f ~I I X .' ,1 II",·. \"II r i o l o r . I I, loll :!'J.' \' r )Ill'. "1 ,,1 11 j l " :0. Il1 t l1 U J1HOill '. ul .. uH. IIttended II Bll nquot given h m lot·jnn co " " II ."Jbn R !Jflr ~ "n. The '.'l vl" 1"' 0';:\1\) Will I{ ·"·,.I},,,.I' L 1" ••", . ' ,\lr. 1111\1 .Irp. Ed Kil~linl( s pont ~ " tl Elk L dJ:(6 !It WlIwiol( l Oo, Ii'fl . 8110 wn n I I \, l' ~ II' ur Ih H pl'Op ,,·ty 1,,\.t,ly ~l~ t rt'~lI',II' ftl\ ~."/llnrt1 " \' !o1 !! .,1 li t ' '' ~ ~Ir llt1l1 ~Ir " c! :.. ,_ "",,,, I' nt"r , :-\oIl1 rLlIl S iu hli"u\I ~ llUq.:. dllv e venluj{. Vilolltl'd ol' HIIT" .Y \jllrllelt-, O r !'. " WII ull , n iH 'Ir, "" rl/'(' "111 Ill' I 'l'l I I d ' t """ , Ill . . , ,V" "11 "f!, Mr. ",, (I :111'. J or ry NOIuln Hud fl" u ~ bte r MrR . •' ohn Fen ly aoti r1l1u g ht e r ~ n3 '. . \ 1,,,. U n r !.!to Orr bu,l ... 11 ~llrl Mrp \ :llIfI1 \71~lt e d frieuriH III Mill m is uurg gooia,O bm. Mift."s \3'-r Urt. Ilu d Lulu. of n" r ge,s . • ~~ reo Ill " I hro ~.n nH' ~hrl·lllntlrv r 'I \'(') 11 h~ 1\ 1111) Jj »rl~"., lr . II I i · l, Jr k~VII I ... 111111 -i'I1Ur(1!IY. Itu' l{ . " Jlti nt-I ""I Tbo rllO llY w llh Mr ~. t;" 'e u l"or~r h\' .00t.·rl\,)0 1) "I 1111l r ,\ Ul1rIH o,'~ 1\ 111 1 wl1 (' ,\ 11-. I~ I~" "1 13 f D t i l t d "1 ARLY Ohio Pot.n t oep. For sale R ,he r t tl hlnlu n. I101118 0 t •Mf~ . . [ ra ...,,, . f .-rtl. '1' Itt'rp l :,rl,ie MI ". I ltllf'" /I (It'I""' •I(.urttl btl' <!orI . lI H ot H, 0 fly on. v s tl u 8 I by J ) \)0 R nb rOil , R . D. 2, Ore. Mr. /ltld l'>Jr ~. Wi ll Wrlgbt IIn<1 Will ben lu,ly fr '\l 1I ( 'trlf'lt1I'" Q t 'l \ ·; '11l 1~ III LUk •.,,; . . 1I1 11 I If'r n Ul ".y go ntD l { ) 110. u3 ' 1I III ll), II II A[ld!:d I h o flltlf1nol of Mr d e liver liD I t.\d rf"~ . All Itre curdi"l h ' I I W lJ I ,:: j !'.JI ~ ~ Anoal:lllrmell sjJG nt MoodilY .: ' . . I~ n ~ ,.' o ( ~p ot . UD r ny 10 UIDOInno l,1 Decll tur D'l ktn, o f Wcll ln llD, lusl I vlt I u ,ef . II fle r nuuo wllit l.ieorge DIIVIS. ,. HAWI{E & McCLURE W t! dne ~olHY. \0 tS tODP of r;n lxed B o,y lequ ire Mr sull Mrs I!J .1 Cum hall of ' '1'1 iii I <lOX: U I \) Mr . !Inri Mrs WllUam S Iegfri ed at G. E, Ril ey, phone 42. 6, Way. T.I. 1,7 Wl'1unosv;lle, Ohio VUI, Gill 111 8nct fomily were Wilmlngt.ou \~M~ HUlltlu ~\~i i o l'~ lo[) m n~ 0 1 "1° . ; ~g s e IIp lln t Wed n esday 10 Dayton . • wope y ~'m v 1 t Urd ~ ,nr"ay . . 1I1lJ;lVi llll. Il'rld ll Y db, lIPoOff) In Wllmioj\ton . • Mr.lID!l Mr~ d . M Deoker ~pen' o f \ helr ~on, All a m . W l' M t' 1 'E I MIS. Mllry M~nno tl en tert" ln d Hnllday In Fraoklio the guest. of " ,"rr~n ~UI • • t,.rw .v tue MnHon Pri ol U"s 'rbursd .. y OU El-Ww. Braddook 'lI l)fo' trlln~ 1J t ed bn 10 ~8 in 'IQ Ol n"~ ll llll f I ,. • '['b fIJI' . und . Bnny Newoo m. llttA r ollo n 0 lial W~~": . OS" p re " p erty In Me. B o\l y . G ood \Vder ~:=====~=====================,\\ IItnr~ny . ent "'tir': ~h1Hdl\m6'" l dl> 'I'Il lmft f,?ll. hll!iS Evelyn St. J ohn, ot Lebanon, !tnd g ,l rrl\ln' patoh. Inqotre of Mr 8. Bu rry' .' h l (lukor I~ drivin v. ll,e ,'I' gila fCe tTI ~ . l Il a Fc rri~. I... u'll Elli ~ , WUM tho guest 8 unda l' of Mrs . J . M. Clltrel'lct) S mit h, Lytle, U blo as Iln tOln nblll'. Thl'Y (, fI \I il u f 'ord ,1~~S I ' E llI~, U e8~le mll IH, Loot!. Bnno 11 lind pon Dwlgbt. IIIIrtsook , Io:dllb 08\7 i ~ . Berdn .I (',r l:Ier8t' h e l Bu m b ~ r I ~ s pendlol: Il Ay....,.<'; OO(1 Mix d ti 'l Y (n ljol r e "",n " "d MI.H f:Ianu ,h ,Iore!" n Tb e few IlUY8 w ith hlA g ruo d m otba r, uf Frnok Bruddook, R. IJ . 2, r.tu'rUlltlD , n~ 811 n t In mil ey w o rl, MrH. 8uyd r . Wuyns8 vlll e, Ohio. oa 1\11.1 ~ll ippluQ' , tin I (1 \1 <I I fmr tcd ut II Mia t;;um}J Burnett s pent the IodfJ h ou r, ~LIlDk ln g llilo b"stos r or WAok e od In Ul uoinollti. ths g u e~t ot L T of t:nrn Fodder In buudles . n pl a",,~o t I\tte r olJon. Th u nl'xt b ur brol h er , P h on" 33-3. J~8. S. V lmder me tlog wl \l be h e1l1 wtfh Mrrl . Ella R ev . Mise Elinor Wis b ee lin d . 8adn/ol d oJ lIllr arrl wU ~'ln~ Ib lfe rrl~ ol oce I ven t I,he wee k . Gn ll with M rB voo rt., R.. R. 2. Wtlynenille , .Oblo mS7 IIvos o f I·h ., bi1 Y~ 10 fbA I r BDc\J~ i • Mr /IO U :Hr8 Rtly \V o lfo lind E"n F! o rm e ll aod fllmlly . Our d e posit accounts provide Unquest ioned Secur· pnnr bn i nC'~s 13 l1 ~ r iove~t In " nhildreu, Doonld nud t~ ~ rtrll , le. Ilf !loin P o ol O mar t nod ~o o o f cUL r i3- ODO gen eral porpose, 1 ity an d ass u red p rofit - togeth e r with simplicity I,tber ty Bo r-d, prl Dgfield. lire epen ding tbe wee k '1(\I'k viii ,'. wllra til<' g llee tM of Lholr d r n ft . l oqnlre of W'1I!te r a nd convenienc e in the handling of both deposits Mrs 8 1l ri HY tll a rpb nll. wilo h\'f' ~ I)Uent-1t b tl!'\) ~alJrl"y (lV e DIDg wit.h tllA f o rmer'lI m o the r. Mrs . J oe Th ompson, R D .~ , I.e h"n on, Ohto. in th e Muo ro p ro l! " I'~y or. illust IMn. Be.oDn!J Riob ~IIHl Ilr8l1rt~oD, I:I lI dley . and w ithd r aw als • 0l~7 'Maple St , 1/1 eeL'i ollsly III Wit h arn I II E lbert Rloh, '\'I' PO In \\ uyoPl:'vllle. !Iilr.llnu Mrll. OhllMter WItteman P Olt . We i nv i te you to deposit your money with UJ, Surs Bat.oh Inou b ator, wMer· lfr lday. and MI~9 .MInDa Bra.oop w e re .hop. M G n l~ Grubn:ll lind w ife. ot Dell r ."Uem, 200 egg OIl.Plolty. in Mr. and Mrs . J o bn 'l'ho mpBon alld pe r@in D"y\onTa• • dIY. l:.y,le , Inve beco m e r eside nt s of o ur Mr~ . Audrev Berres ute~dll d the Mr. and Mra. 0111\&8 Pb\lllpllllpeo ~ good s hap.. lequi re of Oliff [Jar. t o .... o. neU, phone (,1). 3 Wayne8vIHe, {uoerlll of JI1.r8. George 'Ih o LUll ~on ,./Delay in Leb"non . 01 27 Mrs n. .'iV . 8e"9 sod 11n.Il~hter lit Mu un. J'rida.y aUe rn oon " Walter Kir b y, 800 of Mr . and Ohio. Miss Ue rl lt'! en l Elrll1lned r olRt l v s Building and Loan Ass'n Mr. allrl tllrs AIIlD .B!\l' t Rook \ook M·r e. W e bster Kirby left Tuud"" fr om X ellill IB8t, Bun d.y. E E D OAT!:l-hll.Ve been tested; 8nnd ,. dloDer I\·ltb W . T . J or da n f o r Toxal! to j oin the En gi nee r" RESOURCES 5 MILLIONS about 100 boabe)8. Ou m. right ~" .~ e9 'J' r{'~!to tl Dd Mtl r y Ry u 0 lind wlte. tJo rps of t b . U. S. Army . vhhed thelf gn nf1oJother Il t Bel'V l: r. htr. t\od r.I r ll. U Ao r ge Bogu n enter. • _ ...._ - - 8way If yon want t o let 'hem. Ul enn Frazee, R . D . 4, W8ynenlJIe, ,own las' Sll lu rdll)' "od tl o nd~i' . ~,lll1c d .. t dinne r 8Ul1d"y, Mr. (lOr! Ohio. ml!7 MIss &ltIyn e I:I A'r neu WaH thA ~Ir~. Will Osbo rn ~nd olJlldren, of w ee k end g UM o f Miss Urn oa nb o r. Wil mingt on, IId r . ~lIa Mra . Will llnun I\nd oh li dreD. o f til\\' s r Grovfl. bAu g h , D o ,~h of tOWII . .Io~ (· p h B"I~ , \\ !J ., fOr n ll' fl}' I; " 1\'1 ~" d Mr. "lid Mn . U"ln n D.. vls I\ud b or n . i~ 6.' r1 \l'. J ~ ill wilh Il lhlJ.I! ('X.l' ~· ' n . H(lb r,r t· llavln~ so 'd m y pro per t y . 1 wi ll at tb , Un' 'I" ·,ll1lll.\l I " Gr rn llrj'. If. " " MrH. 11:11 H n ~ 8 0 RIl.1 off" r for slI le Itt Pnblic An oJl on, lit T b o III . t· Bt/Dlh '1' or tb e LN l n r p, d" u~ h t " r , I, lu. ~p u n l' • uillniny IIf. . "'rllI'rlU with Mr. III tl IIlrs Ueorge my re~ id e ooe 10 Co rwin U {JU f~ U , \\"I!' 1l1 ,"' 11 In t h,· To\" n H " II Funeral Oire~tor. 'tU.V I ~ . In ~t. MOllfi P I '1..o:1Jt IH~ u o r nn t; r' II ' II~ Thursday, April ~, 191 8 . r~. H!\U'lIuh B l(lo n hnd Mr~ shn, }'''I''tnro:- . .Waynesville Ohio Funeral Dirpctor COlr n g 11\ 1 o'olook p m, ') .lIh ""9IH !l ull 1'<10. R " lJort, SIII'll l Pl'I'T ), "' ,. lIa r, ""'I "r 11""; 0 !l '" tlolle e bold G ood. lind U ud a o T ool!!. and g mbalml!r, \In foh , MP,I " I" - W r", 1";1. Ilu l ' tlJ Ol lh·. ,tl(J rill\' l a~ t w e ll wllh Mr~. 'bUllO . R O B.... BE\JKE1'1' n ,y Hli l,oell, l' E'IIl' N w flnrllll!; IOo I-EI'l'H E'RMrM. 1<. \C , I ~M I "I i ltlo r oll\ . W N. !:lean. Auot.. Waynesville. Ohio •. .,;() tlnel!. 01 X li lh . SlllJ Dt. S un dllY 1·I·u·sl tl n ,'1", Auto Equipment ""I " hi , pllr l' ntH, Le re. M r~. J "~1J 1) hh)'1 '1' n r lt bnll rei, do '. O,vncd by Hone.. Drawn Equipment , e r. 1 1 ~ 1' on d h r"II.; b M oolll1 f I" ,ni .. . . J"bn l' h " Ol p ~OO '\0(\ dUll ll btC'r , Either Auto or ' H nrse drawn ~ervi Ct! . The Klngsbur)' Co. d T AI" lre'\' lIprr~". l'fP sbpPl'lng No extra cha rge fo r auto s prll iL'c In P Ilj'L" n, W .. d t l~~rl ,lv of I II~t, '9~ fI~ . DAY OR NIGHl Both phones 'in Office and R~ident' e . TELEPHONE 7 XENIA OHIO
King's Mills, Ohio
fro E( I
W . L. 11 , 1\'('1'
4:58 P. M. 5:01 P. M.
If you cannot go to France, you can help supply our boys over there. Your country needs you. ~
!'onl It lay o u r
ll ~ .
O },o l\ \", ,..\,
/): 02 P.. M. 5:15 P. M.
I" " II" " "" - I,. moil" h nll -e !;"': ,,"!'? , allllprivale fa mi li H in Lebanon. MaB"n . ~lil rMd. Lov eland, Mo r row. Xenia, Waynes vill e and n earby l,o'\'f:, . I" • .,', H , !." ," I ) hOll Hf' "rlIOIlHe and bOHrd m :lie or f e ma le empluyes n f our plant. a r e invited Lo file wi th u s full informat ion as to '-llt ... I Iii"',, ... t "r."p:,' wiln Ull lIe a r·OIl.]flUll l ed and whe t he r f or m en or womell. or bu h . An otftciallis l of s uch a cco mmodat ions will be kept fo r I (ad y 1 ,' 1' ·rci ..: r: f OI' till' C'J I," PI,ic ncL uf <'m pl oyes deSi r in g same. .
(' 1 II .. ... #11,' hll ... \' ' II Ill f~ ~111' r trlLt ,rr h .l\llfi lfl 1!l("1WII' rU , IIIl'
1111 1 111-{
.; /, .... t 11 f' II' 1
,1:20 P. M. ,1:55 P. M.
. ·() 'l'J:.·- 'l'h~se ~ chedul ell are Hu bject to slilJht chu"oes a. mall be fO Il/HI 7Ip.cenrtrll , bu t ur. a ppro:r; correct. ('on1:ell ;/:,111 Ren-;cn will 1/1'0 be aiveJ/ on S aturda y, for thoHe 'Iuitti na !fIork at 710011.
It"". \",111 ,. ". II fil l lit·' 1'111\,11 ' If 1111 \ 1 E.
Le ave Mason ..... ........ .. ;':50 A. M. (i:05 A. M. Lea\'c Ki ng ' s 1\1ill, .. ..... li: OO A . M. 6:20 A. M. L C8\'e , • Leh nnnn .. ......... 6:05 11.. M. fi:28 A . M. Arrive Lehanon .. .. .. ......... . ............ .. 6:40 A. M.
Eyes tested ~free
Lebanon -:- Ohio
Z. O. Worley &Son
Will Sell On
.Gem City
6 N. Main-Dayton
Sid a ur ay, Mare' 30, '18
----._- ..- -_.
Classifie'd Ads
No. 14.
Why the Tri-State Has No BUJing Agencies A cream buying staliQn sYltem is a n add ed a nd unnecessary expense in handling creal1l . T he maintellR nce cost means just tha t many d p l. lars . LES:) to th e farmer in the course of the year. Each poun,) of buLter fllt sold to a station m eans more than 2c talC on the seller b esides waste , 108s and double handlir,g of the cream. The cream Station Exp '115e alone amount3 to 2 or 3 times as much 89 the entire cost of past('urizing- churninl( and wrapping the butter in attractive looking packag es ' ready for 8111e, The Tri·Stat e believes this diffe ren c~ should go to the Producer-put· ting the cream on the tra in is the least of the hard work of the dairy. Ship your cr e am direct lo'
.. W r:ite f~r' Free Trial. cans if Y(lU need cans. No shipper eve,r lost a dollar shipping 10 The Tri S tate and we hav~ 21>.000 patronR to prove it.
Tnk e oor o or
~he m~n
k,h l o(\ t be
We have in sto('k, everything kept In a urst-class Harness Shop . .
B. E.
Millgrove Farm. Morrow, Ohio, the following:
9 head of Horses, 35 head of H;g~ Grade and Registered Jersey 'Cattle, and a full line of Farm Implements. Arrange to CQme. . Col. D. L. perry}Auct~ Col. A. C. Baker .
ADDRESS OVERSEA MAIL A-:~~£~~I-!-t-'t-o:l -O-les-~-0-h-"1-t~-gq-eO-i-:d-or-0-~
g UllS ~lld : .i1Jorly ",III lu k,· O'II ~ of . W . til C ummIn gs, R. D 3, WRYIl I1 ~. IIse lf . Bllying t1 Ll uorty Uuml will PMIlOTlS who ~'-nd 'n lll J t o morn- I ville Chl o fl i! he l p KOID~. iUles o t l\t e J£xPI',ht .Clnll r .1' FnrrcH I Mrs. J. A. All lm !Ju s h e, ll 011 t h e .' r o !lllrtir ul nrl.v r f'qne, tt'ct, lu a . ;.tu t e' UlPJJt 1 ~8 \l(J d by 111>' P'l t Otlloe !\tONEY LOANED 11011 li ll t fo r ~ It Plt ~t f tl\\' (\",,8. [)"llltrluH' "I, to n ~o illl;; '1I1 )Y. to Mr. lIll ll r.Irs. Gllurg B o ok w(' r e \\'rJ IIIl J{ I Ill) ndd l't!ssea. Every plpl'6 Dlty toD n f 1ll1I1' m nt\M s h onld BI" tl beRr ·th u trlll1euoLlng bllofln css Itl ON my IOtmed on live stook oha t ,' rho ndu y. name lind ~d drQ~s I)f t 1Hl ~on rl s r. · ~ o l ~ "Dd 8~oo od mortgages, Wo od Ohllpplog8 w or e t he prln. Beli\7Y p " pet·, c,l nVtl . , Ill' cl ot h olpltl orclur or ~be d!lY rUIIlI og h Ollld \lp l1 ~ed f'lt 19 r'uppiul,( 111101,. N ote~ bon g h t. .Io hn fIRrblne, Jr. , mll farmers b tl r e lost woo k . uges Wli 0 0 •.Il Vn8 o r clo~h Is ll ~E' LI A \l e n BUilding, Xeulil. Ohio. MfII. GIouluHIO EI\ I ~ BUrl dRogbteT ttlo ll<ld t'p~8 e h oold be ",ritl el) ou B Nor .. were sho pping. In Lobllnon o ne ~hlv pl n g I&I! , " ' itb t b e nllll H' 11 110 .WANTED . d llY I .. Bt w~e·k. . nrldre 8 u f tile Bencl e r (In Ill e rev r "-d l _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mrs . M .. r y A. BIl w6 e Is ~ t preRe nt ~Idl). . ~be gu a_ L01 b or dll ugbts,. Mr • . ',1 e rry UI '\Ion nu m os ~lh)\lld b e wrl t ~('IO W B I rE girl fo r ooo king and ge n Ro luDd ond t . ,nll " . f oil , to " toll(\ of Inltl n ls . Th e tll,lo ot r ll lb o nee w Qrk . Mrs B . H flildr6 ~ S e !.Iurl ~ho f ull ulim a of MellO, Stroop R oad, R D. 16, Da v !11 se U o lrl1e 'on no r oDd M r .. RU ij _ tlto u nit o r o r gani\o: ,two to w hic h 110 100, Ohio . Be ll pholle, Main 670 • . ~e l Benth,l' w... r e qu le t,ly mu r rl f'l t.\l\t l is Aqslglled fi b oo ld be u,ddrd. it. I'(ling a3 Dilyto n 111ft SIIturdul' ~vonlog lIod pnlfiolellt. lo ·tbtl \\' 3 '01" fur ther " d. F y ou have any tlUTPlus stook ou a~tl now r sHll ug 10 X eDlIl . O ur dren to u~e th \V ordR ,. Am erlQ(\o b oo<l~, n ow . I.. th e time to .8e1\ oo tnmulIl V tll:lOl1:lK ol)u~ rll tn l'l'tloolI. E x'o ed I hOt:lI1ry F"rc61~ . ,,' . th ,:.w. 'try tbe Ga zette Claulf14ld hlrs. G eo r l'. e Daki n . of D .. ,toa , 18 Ads. Tbey will sell tb em tor you 1\ gU f! tI~ L\ t th e b otue .of Mr. EI . O. D"kio !lod IRmily for II faw Ull.l!'tl, WOU LD like to buy oue Me~8' ''. Will ~od R olle t LA bley · Stllte of 0C bla , City of Toledo. yoarllng Drah Oolls. UlllI G. mer e oullin" 00 Wu ~ . ', und Mrs • Uh rle-0 Lucas u!ln ty , 55. E RII ey, p ho u s · 4"" ' 6, W IlY ne-vllle ., . ., }(nr nk J. Cheney II1Il~es OAt h t h" IIIc, ' 0 • BrlldiloOIl "u d 80n !:\UQUJl Y. is sclliil~ purtner o r !I)e 6,01 of F, J. Mrs . \Jorwin', cf u y ton, j enj rJY· Cbo'ney lit Co., doin g bu~hless III lit. Cit y tOil a pl ea!olI n ~ v i it 'IlL till) b ome of of 'fI,·I. do, COUlll y Dnd Slu.•e .rqrl'su id. FOR SALE Mi~8 Alloe (Jh t;uo\v tit. "nd l h,' 1 sni t! lir", will pay the Slim " I Dor l~, lI t.Lledunj? lI t,l, r of , r . nrid (/ I( IIIJNIJR BO DOL t-A ltS for "'Ich - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Mn!. fil ii, w ho l"i~ l,eAIl, v er" ll! ",lth lind every < " f·Cnlunh Ih II cannot he F ORD 'l'Ollrlo ~ Car, UIAd, w ould cII ••• 1 by Ihcu:<c or I It\LI. 'RC,\~· AIUtll b Ir , p,ls llmOI, h), Is ru.pldl y i mvro vl o~ . ~lIl n ( C INB . F ltA 'I';: /. CIII!NltV . m'Ika ~ Dnm e r one 'roo, o r Sworn 10 tioro", me lind II hscrilll'd ill 8111e b y O'N~I\ II ~nd Alleo . a10 .Mr. autl i\, r s F. M. Cook Il'nd dlllKbter, Qr II:dI! UWOOII . were ~b my I l n ~ nce , this'ilh .day 01 11ecemhe r, number ot osed Chevf olll' Tour. Sundar loeli is or 6ir F , ~ I. DRki n A. D. I 6. A. \Y. CI. E,\Su • In~ Can, 'h&\ bl\VA hfllln ta1ren and famIly, (SelIl) NolUry .. "bile. Rldl' !> ":u t llrrn~l ed lC!ine i. token illter • II)' -trade, for IIlrtii by O'Neall and . . 810 ,ullly uud uCll lhro ll~h mood O il Ibe Allen. \ Iulmus S"rf.~es of t he Send Wam'n_. amall .moun. of Medium Red for leltlmunlal~, f_ . Wlte Caweetly)-"r,ly dear, waut. tu Olover .Heed. IDqaire of O. III. F. J. CHeNEY lIE nmlDd roa to tOl'let tbat tOillOlNw II Mlobensr, K. D, '. W.,....atl.. Sold" by aU drtJlI"r1.lm.
=-='= =='= ========-==
'Harness Shop
OU' 1IIIIl..-rJ."-LIfe.
Hall'. ' limit
tor ;I~ODatip.tla)ll.
Why not lay roofing that you don't have
repair and renew every little while? You kl1,OW Trinidad Lake asphalt is rrNature's everlasting watcrproofer", and gives life and resist-l!' ing power to roofing. Cenas,S:o is made of Trinidad Lake asphalt; and applied with the Kant-leak Kleet it . giv~ years of faithful servic~. Costs no m<;>re t9 .g et Genasco and be .on'the safe .s lde -it actually costs less In the long run. Weare ready to fill! your order
W. H. MADDEN & CO. .~ Waynesvillet ~hlo
~~r!h:;I~"[h~<!f)~~,~~~~w(lfltl~li~r y:~;:
will h~ I".'hlill
Illdly. Wa ' \1 I, jlle Lnllg(' n , 16 1~. & ' A. eall*l meeting of .the Miam i 0 lock AlIllll!mbers nre requ ~t d A. M.. will 'holtl n I.'edal comm un h:ll· Vatl., Poultry Auoc:lalJOllfor tilt! t to bl' pr . nt. It iOll 'rhll rsua y a l'clling, MJl1'ch 2 . Mrs. Mary Waterhou e and daugh· !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~_~~!!!!_~~_~~~"'!"'~~~~~~_ lpt" lit 7:811 " ' ~'I'~o: k ,Work in thl.' I, . (~ l:g rel" " J"U rrll!l1C br('lhren ler is.";J Alina (.nterLained at suppe r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- •••••••••• _ . _ - - .......... fllld \· I ~llo ,.~. (" mfiaily 111 ' I,ten to b' Thursday e vening ill thllir u. ual llre~el1 t. K U. !ftlnkl('. ~\ . M ' . pi alilng mlln ner. Tn guests were L A Zuum 'lnan. ec) , l is:! Ntlilic I!:arnhart . Messrs. Har· vey lind ' I r etlce Ry • Mr. Janle . ' . 'al : Mr a nd lII.s. James McClure. . . • , 1r snti Irs L ter l .<ll'don a nd Mr I!nd Mrs. Fred G _ O_IlS_, _ Thursday, March 28th _
1 \
p rogram . " . T heater . Il, M tamt
"The Hungry Heart"
! .:
"Tbe Little Princess"
Tuesday" April 2nd Featuring Vivian Martin in
"The Suniet .Trail"
New Corn Meal . Barlev i" lo ur Rye Flour.
: •
• 2:30 p.m.
Adm ission
Open evenings -
7:0() p.m
Ma tlnre--{: hil d rc n Ull d" . I:.!
Saturday evening
6:30 p.m.
10e· : •
Now i$ the ti me to buy you r Gnrd n Sf'{llls. Seerl P.ota toes· and Oni on , e Scrut ch Fe rl anti Cracked · orn . Oys ter Shell and Grit.
War Tax Total
We sell Liquid moke ot ...... 75c Big Box Mo th tl r Ollta at.. .... ::I5.: Mrs· Austin'~ p , r,'lour at .. IOc Lenox SouP. a ba r. onl y ...... .. nc Clean I~nsy Soa p, 'l lJll r, onl y .. 5c Corn Flake. a box. only .. .... ... 10e Fresh Fig Bar 'akCll, a Ib ...... 2Uc. Fancy Shoe Peg Corn. a can. only ... ... ... .. ........... .. ... .... J5c New Corn Meal. a lb., ollly .....5c
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . ._ . . . . . .
••Always Play Safe••
Bring us your Eg,,9 and hickens We jJay you the highest price, either cash or trad e.
Three disastrous fires in this community the past week. If you are not insured see
Our store will close Monday, Wednesday and JI' rid ay ut 7:30 p, m . On Tuesday and Thurlj· day nights . s tore open until 9 p. m, beginning Monday , April 1st.
Sears & Cartwrigh t All kinds Aman Block, Phone el-2,
Good .Th ings fo r Easter
. Fr ~ h Leltuce . H dishl'8 . Green Onions, 'pw IVI' .t Potatoes . New "al bllg ,New Cnla flve l rung 1I, (t rape Jo'ru il.• I' \ley t: \\. t:lt! ry. ApplcK, Le lllJJn~ . Fallcy EVll j> . Apricots and PrIJne~ . lo'nnc v CAli ned Apri coil!. Peadles.· herric . P IU Ill 9. Pallcy }t~n~l ish Wul nu tR and Salted Pcnnuls . Fr 8h F..d ge· mont Butt crs, N·w Mild ream ' heel<c. H ~ ll1 z Pick les . I·'ancy Olives. Bulk Butte r. Jello and JltTy · JPeanur cll
Saturday, March 30th, Matinee and N ie:ht Featuring Mary Pickford iii
' I'
Featuring Pauline Frederick in
It wi ll pay you to trade at
Waynesville, Ohio ' ,
, I
. . ._----
J. H.
!- i
MASONIC NOTICE I "-S·~~:-'IC--IETY--EVE-NT-S·-+\ I-P-E-RS·-O -NA-l-M-E'-NT-I-ON-llIb . : - - - - - - - - - -- I
[ 111' h,lm\!. 'If 1\1 rR F. F'rJlilU' 1'(' lli n a t 7 ~:,O ;
Announces that lie ba. ta~en the age~cy of .
M~ KOHLHAGEN JEWELER AND 'OPTICIAN, Lebanon, Ohio .And will receive Repair' Work for him of all kind. of Jewelry, Watches,.' Clocks and Optical Goods. Repair work will b2 done promptly ~nd in fir.t-cla.. .hape, and returned as soon as ~hed. ; All work is guaranteed, and done at the low~.t price•. Leave your work with Mr. Coleman, at hi. Tin Store, Waynesville, Ohio.
At a meeting Monday afternoon the merchants of Waynesville de cided to adopt the fo llowing schedule for the summer months: Beginning next. week .they will keep tbeir storea open Tuesday and Thuraday evenings until 9 o'clock, lIew time. Of course .he store! will remain open Satu rday evening un til a later ho ur. On Monday, Wedne!!· day and Friday evenings the stores will cloBe at 7:30 p . m .. new time . Tbe above a rrangements will allow everybody to do his shopping, and yet willl give clerks and owners a little time for recreation during the hot summer m,onths .
----- - ---PUBLIC SALE
Lytle Red Cross will hold an Auction at the Town Hall, Saturday eveninl<, March 30 . A shor t pro· gra m. Everybody come . A. A, McNeil, Au=t ,
Dodge Touring Car
Good Work ShoeQ'at Hyman's. Found - Automobile horll. Owner can recover same by proving PlOP' erty at this oltice.
Sales Agency and Service Station
Dr, Dill. O"teopath 21 . S. Broad way., I,.aba.non, Ohio.
Mrs, J . F. Cadwa·llade r haa been Quitll llick for the paat two or three Mr. I~nd Mrs. Frllnk E. Hllrtsock days. but is better at the preseot and . IOIl. J amel'. of Centerville. and time, Mr , and Mrs. Leroy E. Ha r tsock. of Da yton . motun 'li to nellr Lovellind When you buy a new automobile last Sund s ), . ~hr~h 2~ . it being the tire, make no mi.stake. buy a Vac· birthdllY of Ray mond Hnrtsock and cuum CUD · O'N eall & Allen. hi lit tl e son. ,erslli, al90 Mr, a nd Mrs , Ravmond Hartsock'>j fO Ul·th Mrs. Ethan Coleman and daullh · Ilnniv ·r-';lIry . Mr, Il nd Mrs Howard tersleft Sunday for Cincinnati. where wllnk II tI little so n. Donald Lt'roy, they will-' visi t w!th Mrs. Coleman's were al so pr 'sent , The day Willi not parents. an id eal aile. but the fn mil y had a The medical board of d raft exam· very pl easunt time to~el her. A three· co u rse di nn r Wll ~ served und ille re are in session today at Lebanon, all di d it ju ~tice . Mr . and Mra Several of t he boya will have t o reHartsock r eceivcu sevllrsl ust:ful port to th em pn'senl.s. ___________ Th e tractor demonstra tion Mon· day on t he farm or Charles Ellis at· The Loyal Women met at lhe home t rac ted a large crowd . and was very of t he Mesdames J ennie and Hannah sat iefactory , Mullen • .Thur~d flY IIftern oon. Mal'ch 21. 191 8 The day lYas Ull ideal Oil,' . Teleph one 128, Taxi to railroad. "Thousr hts of Spring" Not mort) tha n half of th e members were prt!s · Pres, J . Edw in J ay . of Wilmingtoll ent. it being such a bu sy time fo r College. will speak ot the Friends th e farrn .'rs: Chu rch . Harveysb urg.Sabbath morn. The was called .to order ing, March 81. Easter Service. All by the or esldent, Mrs , Olhe Halha·· cordiallv in vited . way. The old familia r Ro n g . " America." WIlS Bung by all. The Mr. ar id Mrs, Ru e Carr, of CI~' d e, hu siness part of the meeting con- OhiO. are visiting Mr, and Mrs . Wm. si8ted of ell:'ction· of new Offlc.erB . ar r, of near Harveysburg. Mr. Most of the old ones were retai ned . Cllr r, who teaches school at CI)lde. is An· int.erestinl{ ta k was given by I!njoying his spring vacation . Mrs . ..J ennie Thomas on . "Prayer," She surely brought out the impor, At t he regulur commuuiClltion of tance of pray er. Wavnesville Masonic Lodge Tuesday Follo~i.n~ was anothe r good talk evening. there w ere several visitors by t he president, pleading with the from other lodges presen t Work dass to take a more firm etand with was done in the M. M. deg ree on one J esus. ano help her. as the president. candidate 10 mak e the class a success. Mra, We are IIgents for the best Over· Lu cy Will iamson gave an inspiring talk on t he 'Red Cr oss," which ails and Work Shirts- The G.. m & showed every woman of the nation The Knocker brands; you can buy should go forth wit h willing handtl them for lel8 lhan the common lineM. and do her duty for her country and Come and see a 36 Inch lon g wo rk this great in9titution ' After singing shirt and buy them before t he ad' .. What II 1.'riend We Have in Jesus," advance prices go in effect . JOHN A. F·UNKEY . we were quietly dismiRsed by repeat· ing t he Lord's Praye r , The Rev. Gldt'on Jolly, D. D, oc A collection was taken amounting to '8 52. After an elpgan t three- cupied the pulpit at the M. E ' hurch course luncheon . the rest of t he last Sunday for the first time since afternoon was spent in a Bocial way. he at'cepted the pastorate Of lhiv The .next meeti ng WIIS set for April church. He preaohed two splendid lOth, lilt the bome of Mrs, Riggs. sermonR, his evell mg discourse being Those enjo} ing the afternoon were: especially fine . The morning & Mesda mes Nellie Wright, Dell a was much enhanced by Mrs. B, H, Lackey, Luc)l ~herwood, Maggie Kelly 's beautiful rendition of "The Brownle. Lucy Will iamson. Ella Woods Palms." , Claudill Co rnell . Evanlleline Fox. Easter will soon be here and Easter Lydia Coleman, Luella Snyder. Ollie Hatha way. Lizzie Greathouse, May time Wearing Apparel-Women's Cornell . Hannah Mullen, J ennie and Misses' Coats, Suits, ~Ioul\es Mullen, Alice Berryhill, Minnie Hart· and Hats- have never seemed quite so beautiful.and the ~ Fred Company sock a nd Lizzie Rogers Visitors were: Mrs Libby Kindle, Lebanon, Big Store bas seldom, If of Centerville; Mrs. Ivan Lac~ ey and ever. had a lurge r and more com· little du ughter, Virginia,. Mrs. Ernest plete line of everyt hi ng for l!:ashir. Rogers and little daughter. Mar· Spring and Summer Wear. garet, Marie Hartsock, Jeanette Miss Minnie Duke, of Groveland Brown". Henry Simpson, of Cehter· ville, C:arl Sherwood. of Waynesvill~, avenue, Dayton. ' recently. pasaed Horace Lackey. of Centerville, and with high average. the federal ex· a·mination for entrance, Into the de A. C, Mullen . partment Rervice and haa received an appointment in the su~geon Ken· eral's office of the war departm1!nt. Miss Duke left Friday eve~inK to take up her new duties in WasblnK. ton.
I C~rDIOI' 'ETI DY _ ft
~__________ , .~ _ _ _
.. ~
A utomobile Accessories, Oils, (; reases.. Etc.... Pennsylvahia Vacuum Cup and . Racine Tires Clnd Tubes.
is the time to re-tire 'your machine and enjoy a season's riding l,Vithout the dread of ,a blowout to mar your pleasure.
WE ar.e · handling two of THE Raci ne is an equaUy the best TiJ:es made- the "Vacuum Cup' is a stand· ard tire in every respect, built for long and ellicient service. It is guaran teed for 6000 miles.
good lire, guaran teed for 5000 niiles . They are no higher j'n price tban othr tires carrying a much less guaranteed mileage .
U!i show you what they are before you buy a tire, We know we can ~ave ·you money and help keep down t.he expense.
O'Neal) & Allen Waynesville, Ohio
Garage So. Main St
THE R. L. DOLLINGS COMPAN,Y Believes Every Investor Should Own
Liberty Bonds U. S. War-Savings Certificates Industrial Securities in S!lpervised CQnceros Producing. Staple Articles All are Safe, Patriotic and Profitable The industrial life of the Nation is of vital importance in Peace Time. It is even more important in War Time, The R. L. Dollings Co. can furnisb you with . 7% tax-free ~ndustrial securities in plants monufactur- • ing · products which-benefit the Government a t this time. These plants are also equipped for the demands of Peace. ,- -
WALDRON C. GILMOUR,' Manager (or Warren Countll Room 3, MQ$onic Building. Lebanon, Ohio.
CHURCH SERVICES /' ST. MARY'S CHlIRCH , CUsing present time) Service. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday a t 7:30 p m . Saturday,. Enster Even, lIervic-e at 4p m . , Eas ter Day-Holy Communion at 7a. m .' Servico, Sermon and Second Cele· bration al 10:30 a. m . Easter Caro l Service for the Sun· day School at 3 D. m' The following' musical , program will be rendered at the 10:30 service: Processional-J esu8 ChristI. Risen Today ........ . ...... : .... ....... Worgan Easter Anthem-Christ Our PitB!!-' Ovt'lr .. .. .. .... ....... , .. :...... Chappr'e Gloria Patri ...... ... .... ........... .. D.nks Te Deum ............... ................ l$uck Jubilattl ... ~ ........... , ............. Williams Hymn- The StrIfe Is O'er .. PaIClitriiu~ Kyrie .. ........ .. ..... .. .... ......... . Gllbert Gloria Tlbi .... ..... .m " . .. . . . . . . . . . Gilbert Hymn-Christ The Lord' Is .RIsen Todav .................. " .... Rimbault Gloria Patri " ................ : ...... ;.. Elvey Olferlory-"Alleluia" .. .... , .. De Resa Miss Esther Rockey , DoxolollY Sursum Corda ............ ....... .... Gower Sanctus ..... " .... .................. ~.Gower Communion Hymn, " ... ; ......... r~rnwn GlorIa In Excels!lI ... ...... ,,_.
MO~DAY, APRIL ' 1., ·' 1918~ BeginnIng at 12 o'clock sharp,
75 head Regi,stered Jerseys 25 head high':grade Jerseys and Holsteins Consisting of 50 ~ws, a~1 ag~s and in all ltages or lactation, many fresh, several With offiCial mdlc and butter records, 15 Heifers, bred to fresheq this fall, )5 , Yearling Heifers, 15 Heifer Calves, ~ Yearling Bulls. 1 4-yr.-old 8erd Bull, at the head of t~s herd. We have the gr~t show bull, Eminent's Fairy Duke (11 ~432) First prize Ohio State Fair 1915; senior champion Ohio State Fair' 19\5' grand champion West Virginia State Fair 1914 ; grand chauipio~ W~hitJgton Pa, 1914; grand champion ;Virginia state Fair 1914. He will also be sold No clills or other uildesirableanimals included in this offe ring_ Sale held under cover and starts promptly at 1;1 o'clock. No postponement on account of weather. , , Tel'JDs, cash or bankable Dote for 6 IJlonths bearing 6 '}f: interest. For catalogues, or other informatlon, .address t~e owner,' ~ ..
Having bought a machine, I am now prepared to do Livery work, and will be pleased to take you any Vi ace y ou wish to go. Terms are Col. D. L. PERRY, Auctioneer .reasonable: Thanking you tor any Recelllional-All Hail the Power of TOM DEMPSEY, Sales favors; 1 am, . Jesus Name. ...... ' " ....... ~. Holden ' -_ _ _ _'!!-_~ .~_-'_·~ ~·- '-_~I Respectfully. Howard Burton. Al •. ~. CHl!RCH' Call phone -17 or 40. Sunday' School at 9:16.a .... m , .. . . .lJ!II..~III!!!!II~III!I-------- ~ '1 ' .' Preaching Services at .10:30 a. m. i and 7 p. m. Mornlnlr Bubject: "The . Resurrection" rhe ~holr wJ\1 reno der special Easter mUsic at both these servicee. Neckwear,"for ladies ... .... : . . _.. , : ,..••• , ...• YOU are most cordially inv.ltlld to Fal'met's . who are Interested in attt\l1d these services. ._ Children's Aprons, assorted colors . . .. ., ..•.. : . 20c growing sweet eorn. will please cal Rev. ~ideon Jolly D. D., Paator. Dust Caps,' new styles ... ,. . . .......••.•. 12c tOe at the office and talk it over. We are anxious to bave a large' acrea~e Ghildren ~s ' Hats, ........ : .. _.• .. . _ .•.• .. ••..• ' 15c this year. Corne in and see UI. Flowers, for Easter Hats ............ _.. , . • . . .. lOe Waynesville Canning
._-_. -."".---FAR'MEns NOTICE
STOKES. __-__H.E. _______ ..
THE 'Sc, lO'c A'ND
.. ____ ... ' 2Sc STORE
The price of Overland ~ar. will be raised April l.t. Better bu'y your car now.
Waynesville, Obi.·
l~at6 G1assiHed Ads. FOR SALE
Easter Egg Dyes ....... .' ... _.. _......... .... __ Easter Booklets .......•....... , ... ~ . _. . . . . • .• E~ter Candies, per Ih., and up . . .' ..•.••... : .. ~ BIbs .... ; .. . ....•. , •. , .........• , • . . . . . • . • .• Ready Cut Veils, ~orted colors, . . • • . . . • . . . . ••
lOe · 20c lOe 16c
• 1 a"
Whole.'Number 3472.
--Tobacco Canvas at wholesl\le at A couple (If months ago a campi· Hyman 's. Clock!! were lurned forward one ! tllive examinn lilln wa~ held refer· J . O. Cartwri~ht was a Lebanon hour a ll over town, and the n w -ellce to lht! local Ilosluffice, inbnd r eo ord er of ~ hin g s. took d",finile ~ ba pe cently Sl'nator Porn "rene recom . visitor l!lllt week. MondllY . hI al most every CBRe there ·If n Liberty Bond iSllot a gOO(] mend ed J ohn Cummins ail the sue· St. Mary's Guild will meel with ap l,l~ar",d no perc eplible dHferen ce. security to invest in, th en there ~ ~ ful applica nl afld hi~ nlUDe wus Mrs. Mary Caskey on Thursda y. ate no good securiti es. and Wl tlte" e velliTl ~ p rov ed to be a Henl 10 I ht! 8 nute, which body con· v ry cilludy one, it rt:lO lly made no fir m d the saml: In~l week • Waldro n C. Gilmou r. of Lebano ll, difference in that rega You'll have to live with ·your. rd Mr Curnmins lB distincLiy a WaJ ne wall calling on friends here, i'·r inuy . sel f a lon g time, llnrl you won't The ~c h l)ols were the only draw towntlh ip boy, as he g radua ted from enjoy it if you don' t buy a . buck to the new order of thing1\ the High Scbool, and has spent almost Ethan C!ra":e. anJ Eddie Bu rt un l'hey changed Liberty Bond . their time, from 8:15 . all hill life ill lhe townshi p, and bas were Xenia VISItors, Monday lifter· to 9:15 This makes a vast differen ce The security behilld a Liberty been a zealous worker in the Demo· noon. to the townspe ople. a8 in some caSes Bond is your own house and lot cratic ranks, having aerved on the Mrs. B. H. Kelly spent Monday housewives have to d i9h up two or - a!1 you ow n. county election board as secretar y and Tuesda y with relative s in three dinners at differl'n t times It tor Isverlll terms, but lately bas been Newark . is said that the new time was tlot Bet t"r have Lib~: rty Bond s in a 8ubstitu te mall man In Lebano n . adopted on account of you r h(luRe than the Kaiser's country When he will take up bis duties as Mr. and. Mrs. Myer Hyman and chi ldren havin" to start eothe tro·; ps. early from postma ster has not yet been deter· daul/:hte r attende d n funeral in Cin· thei r homes Howeve r. as the close mined cinnati, Tuesda y. Liberty Bonds bind you to your of school is only u short distance off, MillS M».ry Sali9bur y, who haa been country find all it 5t ands for . such a hardshi p . Mrs .. .Joe 1'hompson an d M'18!I Lea h thie may not work acling DOs(mistress for thc past scv • _ ... eral months , baa made many friends Smith, of Cincinn ati. spent several 1f t he Kaiser r u les th is co un try --hours while acting in this capacity ! who here Friday with relative s there'll be no Libert.y Uonds and . would have been pleased bad no liberty. re ceived the' appoint mt'nt. Mi88sne Salill MillS Gwendo lyn Merritt Loclt the bllrn btlfore the horse bury huld the office st a very trying dl~ton, spent the Eaater , of Mid· is stolen by BUYIN G BONDS period of il8 existenr e, as it was With her aunt, Miss .Ktzzie holidays Merritt . NOW . moved to i.ts .present locati?n ';Inder Mrs. Agnes W ri~h t returne d home M. E. CH URCH her directio n, the extrem e wmter. Friday after spendin g the If you hliven't YElt bought a week with also, waaa souree. of worry Il8the hersist erMrs Liberty Bond, now's the time. Chnkso nCadwa liader . Rev G. N. Joll y, D . D" P astor . mails were u,ncertal!), bu.t all th,rough ot Norwoo d . It yo u b ave III ready bought one, . ' Sunday School, 9:15 a. m .• Mrs, J . tI~t!1Ie experre nces the poslmlsl ress l buy another , ' W. Ward. Superin tendl'nt lila her ~llIlt and a~comm ol1B \ ~ the The Ferry Church have called a Divine Worship at 10 :S~ a . m.:.!md A Liberty bond will keep your patroDlID a ve~y sILllsfactory m, nner. ministe r Rev Johnson, of Columb us, 8 p. m . MornlnR subJect : h~art warm . r ile . who will' commen ce his dulies at the Addr~Bs of J~ab:'(I,~ Sam . 1 ~: 11. ~2) . church in a short time. There a re no regrets In a EvenmS{ sublect : Naboth s Vm e· Liberty BOlld Many good investm ent hunters are :>the availing , themsel ves of the , Fred Board, Mond ay evening. it Officia l wall voted _. . Compan y, Lebano n. 7 96 · dividen d to begin the evening service at eight Council met Monday evening iu ' preferr ed slock investm ent. o'clo~k instead of l even a~ heretofo re. regular ees;.ioll, and routine busineds ! ( . ThiS. Church observ'*! the new WIIS traIl8!ic ted. fht! Water and I Mr and Mrs. P. S . thomps on and tlm& schedul e. Lill'bt board met them and asked for ' daullht er Esther~ of near Morrow , - -_ .. ( b' t I l apent Sundav \uth Mr . and M r8. P. . money to pay . . t e esr 0 coa on E K . k nd daught er Bertha track at CorwInor ST. MARY'S . They granted thll l ' enrl!;, a CHllRC H . req uest, and t r) t' town i~ 888ured of M... O. B. Bentley 18 In tbe Espey First Sunday after Easter Apr'i IIllhte fllr anolh"r month llhla 18 bospital." at Xenia, shit i8 7th. Sunday School at 9:30. a, m tbli last cal' on th~ <tId contrac t. and unc1erltolng all operatiowhere n on her arm, Sermon and Holy, ~mrnulllon a w~at tbe bo!\rd WIll do. for t'1!l future I which was broken leveral About a year ago. Mr. Harry years ago 1~:8q Everybo dy inVited to these Meredit Wilt I!.ave'to be determIned Intor; h, son of Mr. and Mr •. Sam I She ie gettlna- alona fine. aervlces. . _. . Meredit h, made applica tion to the proper state authori ties to en ter An · napolia. Last Decemb \!!r Mr. Meredith we nt to Yellow Springe to be mornml r for Dayton , where Mr. examin ed at the compet itive exam· • Hendrix has a good position . Mr. . ination for applica nts t~ Annapolis. Hendrix llaa llpent all winter in the . . unuer Hon. S. D. Fess. He was . k· The annualr ntpecbo Patrons of Libr~ry pleaae note: . South, were h h0 h88 L__ n of . Waynes · classed ...... Q wor this examin ation 89 third, Three b'ooks belonlCmg to the State I' a carp.. nter on cantonm ents. mll as ville Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M. will or BlI at second alternat e. be In the held Tuesday evening , April 9th, Traveli ng Library hav~ n~t bt!f!n re. at o'clock. All brethre n are meantim e he entered a mililary . col · tumad A~y pu tr~n havmg any one E~ter baa come and ~one-but ur 7:30 ed to be present . .Sojourn ing lege at Marion. Ala., and began of thetollo wing Will kindly I·eturn Sprmg and summeW nee!ilm regular military study. IIIUne at once: "The Old Nati?lla l and Chiidren~Bd Ttar~n!l :rome) br!thre n and visitors cordiall y in. During the time hIt has been at Road;" . "Seen l!l Germanv;" • 1m· must be supplieS·I S e . F ~~re vi ted. Work in the M. M. deg·ree Marion, heall has been putting in atronl/: r · There will be supper: perial1 jerman y , pany. Leb!lnon 11'. tore never hmd •a licks to get the appoint ment from a lIli)re attracti ve line of everyth mg ...--~ this district , and, about two weeks • - • in the '11'81 of eeaaonable mercha ndise Telepbo ne Liv.ry Train Orden . ago, Senator Pomere ne recomm end· ed him as principa l in the conteet . Overlan d Taxi Benle.. T eI . 128. Ulan• now. "HGtel ." A few days later, Dr. F6M, who wu unawar e of Sen. Pomer,e ne's acUon, also recomm ended him aa prin~lpal . No case. exactly like the above has ever been put on recolrd, where a young man has been r~l!Commended by two opposite political parties, and, as 8 mattet" of course, Mr. Meredit h, and his many friends in Waynesville are · very proud of the fact . He is a young man of sterling qual· ities, a fine student and a hustler. He will takes final eXllmin ationsmental and ph1sical- on the 16 19 of this month. Of couree, the examin · ation will be held under the civil service authori ties. and his many friends are hoping that he pass with a high record .
•- •
ya~1'~ c~II~~n~~;N::
~!!~~ ab:reMI~~tAia~ : ~:rld~~e;d~~
Easter Sunday was nil that could Hyman' s be desired . The day was ornfor t. \ II ble for ' li ght wraps. but III· !:lUll , ~~r.. 1l~r1 l'~ (:'·lIrJ.!e lluc(wk pent ~ hone warm durin g thl' mi.hll l! of Sund ay 111 D<lylon. the da\' an.d a ll .who co uld be W() re 1 Mr ani \\Irs ,J t'.. lI aw out an.d enJ Oy~ult !relat ivl''' in () .I),(I)n Sunuav .\;e vt.itcd At S~ . Mary s church, a lurg con· . g regal.lon \Val!! present at .the 10:30 I Bo rn- To Mr , an d Mrs. tlrv ice. The church WIIS hnnc\Ro mely SlItterth wai tt:. March 2H .1HI Henry '. II son . decorat ed wjth pot and cut fl ow rs , \ and the vases on the altar were Call Chiles Ilu te\. Livery Service ti lled with whit e G!l lIa Iill ies nnd car· ll aUom.. The choir , s811isted by Miss WBOk!l-"~? Mr , and ~ r~. n enr y I~sther Rockey. did good work , a nd I llt 10['1 , Luesday . Al,lrl l :.., H1l 8, u many present though t it was one of I daughte r. the best mu!ical s~rv i ces ever Ilive~ ' The conuiti o,", of Mr • . Nathan a.t St. of Mary's M)SS,~o ckcy's.. rendl · J ones, who hil A bet'n fierinu~lv ill, lion De .Ress AlleluIa "'Il S shows Out lillie improve ment. fa ultless. Rev. Cad wallade r preach. ; ed a fi ne Ea@ter.6ermoll . r CAli '}'elcpho ne 4 for L ivery Work. In the afterno on at 3 o'cl ock the . ~ unday-school Easter Carol service Mrs Manss . C; F . Hop~ !n 8r Ma!C was held . A large. appreciative Max well and H. Swan, of. CII1Clnnatl, cong n'glition al80 attende d this ser- ntt~nde d . monthly meetmg at the vice. The offering8 for . the day WhIte Brlcl(, S unday. amounf ed to over t200. j Telepho ne 123, Taxi to railroad .
$15..00 to $25.0Q
Clothcraf~ ~eDtific Tailor4Jg.'m~ets wartime difiicu~ties ,with· , in manufaoture. I\s. a 'result .every Clothcraft Suit con~mues to benew ~ffiClenCteS guara nteed - . witho ut restri ction- to give, "satisfactory wear and service. . '=
Walk over Shoes ' . Prom 14.00 up to $1.00
Stets on Hats 15~other makes from
1210 Sa,SO.
Unde rwear Union . Suits 75c up .t o $2.00
.. Shirt s Socks Caps From 15 to 75 cents. From 85c up to. $2 00 From 20 cents to $1.50
Grange will m uet in · regular ses· sion, Saturday evening at 8 p. m .• new time. All meeting s will bB at night, from now on. during the summe r season. C, E. Michener. W. M,
BY"/la~ ~ C~~ . ~/or"""'''''. '•. ~ .
YOU CAN SAVE ONE-FOURTH TO ONE-THIRD On Your Furniture Rugs, .Draperies .and Stoves By selecting your
OUTF·IT HERE A vl,lt tel our Furnitu re · RUIl ar.d Stove display is equal to seeing tile combia ed ltoe'" ot half a . dozen averall'e atorM. Several thousan d squsre feet of floor space are crowde d wIth the aholca t exampl es of high· grade Furnitu re, RUllS, Stoves and Victrola s. An inspecti on of this wonder ful di~play', and It compar ison of our prices with others, will ex"l.ln ... hy w~ are doing the Home Furnish ing buaine811 of thil country .
A· Big Room y A neat, well con 9 t r ucted, S·,lid Oak UrCtlscr , Has 3 roomy d raw e r sand suitable p I ate mirror with shsped stand ords.
$1 1.7 $
CHIFFOROBE $16.75 Just the thing. for
a man's The greate~t Buffet valll.. ever sold. Full Quarter ed Oak, .Colonial s tyle Heavy Plank Top will hold everyth ing .n man weare, size 48x20. ·Thls Buffet Has five drawer s and hat compar t- Is built on ma88lve lines and is a beauty. ment a t top. The la rlle w~rdrobe value, our price A 125 compar tment is fitted with garmen t hangers . room
Adair 's Migh ty Dollar Rug Sale :
. "'"!
LI BR AR Y TA BL E With heavy $21.71!! plank topa ~
Pay Only ·One i)olltJr And Any ........__ir-~'itr-.Tr-,"IT _ _.IiI Rug Is Delivered To Your'Home.
joe. Hiser "died alt ~er reei· The balance can be arrange d in email three mIles south of Waypaymen ts u best Buits nMlvlllla_ Tueaday mortlin g at 2 . r or monthly . after • abott mnllll8. The you In-" ..""'" wm be held TburSd ay after· Room Size . 9x12 Ax· U at 2 o'clock at th~ Cbapel. Rev. BrUB. Rup... miQIItf!r ... !' J. F. Cadwal lader om.c)1ating. B . , • p B"ls Ru~~·1I8, up
S16.50 95 !!i2
Prof. E. E. HaiDeI!, of Tuskaloosa, bla .• sends us the followin g news of the death of his grandfa ther, T. J . Haines. He says: "Thomas Jeffer· son Huines , of Huntllville. Ala, among the older inhabita nls eaville and vicinity as 'Jeff' Ijames. was foUnd dead in his yard, .Mo·nUIIY afte rnoon, March 24, sbuut where he had been pruning h ia . and vines. fIe fell in the harnesa of life. · Though Mr. Haines had been in poor htlaltb, for more than a yellr, he seemed to be exee·ptlo nally well and strong tor the week precedin g his death . "He was a little more than 77 years old, and had made this his home for more than 34 yelirll. Only two and a half months ago, from tbe same home. was buried the only so'n. Geo. Hartsoc k Haines, who also answere d •Here' to tne death eallin ihe harness . " Mr. Hainu is lurvive d bv hia widow, hia 80n's widow and three irrand80ns, Prof. Ernest E . Haines, of Tuskalo(>sa, ~Ia ., Mallter Helmaman Evan C. Haines, of t:he U. S. N., and MIJster J. Mellett . Hainet!, of Huntsvi lle. Ala. ' The decease d had many frie~dB in Alabam a and Ohier."
O. E.
. Mr. A. A. McCoy and daught er 1 • At the M e th~dl st church. the.chol. r ) and Mr. J . H Allen, of Washin gton rendcr~d spec~al Easter Il"!USIC at C, 8" were the Su nday gue:!ts of b?th the mormng and evenmg, Dr. and Mrs. J . A. McCoy, Vices, and the pastor, Dr. C,. ser· N. J olly, pr~ached .two slliendi d.}erMrs . Mary Csskey arrived home mons. H~s n:?rnrn g se r~on, rha Sunday from Mari etta . where she ~esurrectl on! wa9 espe~lally appro· . bas been vfeiting tor Regula r meeting of Miami Chap the pa.~ t few Iflte, recount rn.g the v~rlOus aPl?e,ar· weeki, bringin g with her ter O. E S, Monday evening , April her little ances o.f lhe.Rlse n ChrIst. and .clt ln lf grand dllurhte r Jane Caskey 8th. All membe rs ard earnest ly re' . rnllny rnfalhab e proofs of HIS SUo • quested to be present . p:emac y over Death . Spri nll cleaning time is now on. Jessie Robitz~r, W. M. • - • Sue Hawke, Sec'N, Start right . Tak e advan tage of the clearan c'l price. - - -... ...- - Furnitu re. Rug". Vaccuu m Cup Tires are guaran· Carpel " nd all:! on household fu rnish· tel'd for 6000 miles. Fo r sale by ing ne,. . saril;'s which the S. Fred Racine Tires are standar O'Neall & Allen. Compill t I , Lebanon, Big Stor(' offers. where. For asle by U'Nealld every & A1len-
In a lelter from Mrs. C. H . Clem . en ts. of Long Reach, Cal., she says in part: "We are all well and very hu ~y . Long Beach has hnd more tourists this winter than ever before. Penple have been turned away for want oJ. r oom in apartm ent houses, bungalo ws and hotels, We have had a.most wondel'ful winter- have needed bUI" little fire at any "time. lind much of the ti me none at all . "You su rely have suffered in the EU8t, and we certainly have worried over the seriousn ess of it al\. " _ __ • _ ..........,._ _
J":. .
126.15 i21, ODa
~g' 24.95 uP 9x12 Rull'···· ·····$U .50 u
aX12 BruI, . Ru~r.: ...... .m:J.
FLORENCE ..,... Oil Cook Stove , s
_ Don't do you.r cookinl{ th.1a 8umme r over a red hot coal nange- use an oUatove. BU7. one now for before the laID" m81' is over the price will • Other Styles to Select . From. , lIurely Iio up.. $5.60 up.
.This Ilbrllrv table.,iJ lustrate e one of our special val~es. The . top measur es olSx2B. .
~~:.~:.. M$5.50UII ~~~.~.~..:iIO.16 46 __~~~~~~____
____ ___•____-r__----------~
1 -·
When ), I! v:mt all your ,uui)dings watc.rpr 0[(\<1 to St1Y - cover t he m witn this KeDuine a5J,>halt r olill;!, ;l[ljllied with the Kant-leak K leet . '
Genasco gi ,- t);l \ re:;i lance I rai n, snow, SlIn, willi!, beat, cold and fin:; amI the Kant-leak rIce! w~L tcrproors seams ,vitbout cement . Take the Sure St p ill roof economy, and order, Genasco now.
dfQ1 • \\ JIll " '\<Ill I t. ,.lIn lit It II" a\ thnl !" . ~'lottlu "l!\he,.t 10 ~mflllthY. and l lae. "'\'1'11. tbo I' hilI. 'UII t 1\ plIM In lillY <lRse! Anil ll1i!T("F ) \. r sP"unt)'-sl'veo c nla In t he ,',' b I us : " "(lood l.Qr,1 I~ t 1\ 'HI ns U, ot 7 'Yell. \\ ~'II hn'" to un ·ct ... few bflle In 0 hur~). IIlIll UPW'''cu t dismiss , the sublpN Dut FII'dle WM not til 01} dll\ml~8 d. oil she knlt \\ h i. IIr crnstlblltlon. !
r All Y II w'h o is II \\'f~ite dlil: n ~ I h '~ Unit d :~Il 'E"' . I)f I yenl's 0 •• ll1nv R irl ~ ouo women. anll men not eliJ<: iltl e for' military servlc~, Id r , can ~ec'lre work 111 th ". IIre.Lt ,I1Rl llut!n,n "11 1( ' ''''LI burrlluntl . art' '.I"I'lI1>! ttl el, lllllll lhing to IlbLP WI 'I'll\!: WAR Here is 1111 u PPO,'IU 1\\ty tl) ili 'chnr lrl{ >l 1'r\' l l{(OTIt.: Il U ry and U~ t he sam time illgs l\b IIl lI toly slInitll l'Y Ilil" heal thfu l ~(Jn/hillin" 'Hours of work fr III O:·lO II . III t 1;1 .1An J! m ul" frol11. p mi n G QlIl"n $/;",,<1 "air bv ClUll\j.dng in the! TI1l1ll1l(acture of ntnlllunition at . Ih.~ plant f i'lE n.l{· t:AHTRI!)U1~ COMPANY . King:i ~illll , n m . \ ith 40 mil1ule~ (or 11I \1~' h [Inti ~w{J 10 1I11 " II~ O "1' t pc·nud s )ver· time pajd for ill the rate of lime I1Tll, LI half . \ arren '(I . Oh IU,
"/J' h(' ~" r tJ
HI f IIln(."tuJ. :ilr. liollt:·telte ! '. ~ hI) l'l'ot /·:O:h .d : (t\..,:ry lu t ann i \ 0 Irll ,. r 11 . \II ;ll1""j '(> thl.l! , ', II UI;.I 'I" >11 ,II' all,1 h el; IIk fl V
hUli Ue·t·~tablishe i.' by special G ve mlll ni. authority linl e in going to or from King's Mills, Il~ to1l01'o'8:
Franc h 1"'l',IIf'. I,,. : . 111111. wfl lltl ng bllrk "li d lor'l~ s~ ~m "d tlul 10 UP IInen,lIp. but smltle n ly h ~ t Ult"''' IU hl ~ n~"I~IIl"1 \\illin qut'e:"r , q f( I{illrl J II'" "HII~~ d uf) t f nutl J Uf i,1
, "R .. ,\ h. r,l
hUl li (111 bf"r uht'Hl l,tt'''l' FhlLllt" Ila 'll, ;YI, U tlllill1
LelHe , "cnia .. " . ... ... " "" ..... ,5:10 A. M. Arrh'c l{in g' ~lil1s ... ..... "",,6:12 A. M. Arri,'(' C incinna t i ... ....... .. ",,7:40 A. 1\1.
()U ~ ,'('11 1' ~'lIiH) 11 s:."Jarl.\ "\"I} '\'u{'k'. ~ ow, fillP't \'("1 t n t u nb! ' F'Jt.I~'h' l t,'d rll TIul! Il\,ny hul it \\'a~ I tr,o Il i'll! luti~ ··(Ht. l dflll't· 11U)\\ ," 'h t
tr RAY
"Tbe mntl er!" Flodle looked down on him a6 from a mountain. "Whore's tbe rent coming from. l'd like to know? Out or your cigarette smoke? Yes. you en n smile and twIst thn l sUly mostacbe all you WRut, but that won·t pRy tor bypo! .00 rou ImagIne we can r un thle business on eplg1'llws and funny gestures? No, slrl Mr. Boul· ' steUe."-Flod lo sbook hla sboulder-I "you've sImply got to woile up and make,a wbole Ipnd ot money. Quick! " He r ose ' and yawued a.rtlHtlcslly. "Lord, 1 know Itl Think or a BanI· thIrtJ·I..... stelle bavlng to' 'work tor bls lIvlngl "'ThIrt7·GYet M .... Royalton I. tbJrt)'· l an't t hat grote8Que? WllY, for all J ....... U a dl7t" . kllOW, I mny be a 1l11111011alre tb ls very "'BJ' til. wQ'. h~ old aJ'e you, 11'\0- mlnule. l!'nncy, Flodle-A mllllonalJ'e!" I foqet... "SaY"-Fledl'e grew serious. "Wben ...., WII7. I'm onl, twenty-onel" are tb ey ev r BaIng to tlod out sb.out BaD aaaped. "'PIUI flve. makes that old will. anyway?" ~4IS." . "r \\'Isb to hen" en I knew I It Jobn ""1lOt1" .be protested-but It ,\Va_B. Bonlslell e had bee n anyone else's DO.... Ue .laug·b ed at h er till sbe uDcle, be would bave filed hIs will ...... red and aouaht refuge In a ' w:I tb hla nttorn eY8, and hIs nepllew 1IaDtI. or 11m.. "There',. 'Please re- I would be drivIng a slxty.horsepower 1IIlt'~ the Pboto-Supply company," car by lbls llme. But belna: mine. of .... aJUlOlIDoed, looldDg up. "Wbat I <lourae be bas to bide tbe confounded aIIaD I do!" • document wber e It won't be found Ull "Ob. anaw.r 'N_.lty forbld.I' " , tbe 'estate Is settled. I've been on pins " '. .ua..114 lda sllo\lldere. and needles ever since he ' died." IIr. BODlIt8U., don't you reat- \ "Well. at course be'll leave you ... tlIat Ilmpl, aot CO ~y that sometblng. You'lI get a booby consol .... 'bID ~ 1IOOIl, or they won't send tloo prize. anyway. He can't cut you 111 ..,. . . , . .talU \ Obi itle all Tel'7 out entirely I" ,..u,IDr 7W lo Ilt' there In a red I tllI: Hall laughed jeeringly. "Oan't het ~ P,WD ..nil IaU,Ii and make ' You don't know· Uncle Johnl He was ~o Jobll But J have to take tbe most unmitigated bore tbat ever all di. 1dGb. and ' Gand 'off the col- breathed. Talk about oranka! He lllCtGnl" ! n ever did approve at me-toa 'artl8' BaD applauded lJ'BCetully. "Bay, tic: , And I was fool enougb to t rY to .:a~ 1011," cot 70ur war boo~ on be Independeot. Result, I bave tc take • haYeD't ' youl What'. the par- pbotographa fpr a living. Why, li'Iodle. ltiealar mau.!" ' he's IU8t a8 llkelv to bave left me a
IG, white~ mealy-with butter melting on it. Um-m-ml And you like ' it because it is baked. Sa'm e with Lucky Strike Cigarette \
IT'S . TOASTED Cooking makes things delicious-toasting the tobacco has made the Lucky Strike ,Cigarette famous.
4:58 1'. M. 5:0·1 1'. M.
If you cannot go to Franc e, you can help supply OUI' boys over there. Your country needs you. ,
Apply in Person or Write to
King"s M iIiH.
WALlE t-:WI<:' fnl
\)it 10'1.'1 Il l'
) hi o
Wa y nl:' Vilk
Com mOll Plcus Court
New I"
- 1"'1" II I. ,. -
~ uit s
I. iud ,.\' " N UUFuown I 'noli\\'\ . tl l,"'j '~" ll
.. r ~' IIIII CI " 1'0 II U
,·t 11th.' t ,l IUII I u, l ,dl' ~kl d lll uro \ 'oi, (ll';1(JIC~ i g ru:&~
I ll .. Tull "r ~kHh n l'rr'~
11 111
h ~ lr"
"I Too k t he FIrat Opport unity to Com· m unlcate With Yo u."
deturm loed ly. "It }' ou vor dare t o 00 ClUOU such a lh ln s to me ngoln. I'll- I 'll discharge you!" lie took a t urn UI) tllld d owll ~ho room 08 8h wnlted, watc hIng him. "ily j O\'e, It does look liS It I'd 11n vo to go to .,'ork!" 'rb en he turn ed to her gloo mily . "Well. anything els e for lhls afternoon 1" "No," snld Flod lc. "bUl you hove to develo), and Drlnt, you know . 'l'ber~,'s lot8 of work to r YOII III th o dark room , And then, we've got to get ready tor that eXllenslve old pa rty." Ha11 scrnlchod hi " h ad. "Heavens. I'd forgotten a ll abo ut It." " Of course YOU ht\ vo. but I haveo·t ; I've. IIllended to c v ry(hlng: Musk , catorer-acid d ecara lions-furious aUI no nsen~o It was too. [don 't see bow YOU CSII afford It. r.J r. BonJstell e. Real· Iy I don'l!" F lod"! was very stern. " It's b USiness, F'lod lo--lleeps th e wllmen cur ious. Makes 'em tlllk! Oh, well," Hair tossed It olf his mInd , "We'll get ntong lIomohow. Well, run along, Flo, 11 ow ; 1 suppose I 've got to get r eady to pres ide 1It tbls nltar of ,'un it y. Oood Lord! How 1 dread It! Flo. ( hon cs tly b~ lIove a photogrllpher knows more of the a clual truth abo ut women than a doctor or a prles tl ;' F lodl e gave him tln Indul gent smile, "Mr. Bonlstell e. I Wlllit to teU ;yoo someth Ing. All ,tilrce ot them put to· g ether know mighty IItLle!" So sayIng, ahe gave him 0. p rim curl sy nnd r etired to tbe ofllce.
Awl raw
I I" Y III{ NJ( an
n ~ K l pc t
'l 'hoodol"e h lll' UlU k. T v~. Th e '0 vl' 1I :on~tru t lu I ' OllJ' Llly til l • C U ~ 'lls Olll!llllr OlU1 eel eUl\1 6 trlen. L"uell!1 RIIY VR. M r y K I) v r . J'lf Y fiL1I\o1 \ h e 1@ '11"~ " , (t~v u r 0 tIll tlluio"'ff in un or S150. . Helen Wlll d Vd JIlIO e.~ B \\' 111 , U;xtr . , Il\ III .Jur.v Ills 'll!:rped (loti otlu ~e id 0 Inlh,u,·d . Idt\ A. L UB ~l'I Cllrl Lee et 01. Pl ul n .ff I f! ord.ore(1 to recov e r su cu
tmlbllrl!el tlllll G, 'I ,' I •. . · IUI I 'I, I he Olo.rhlrd ill 'p, rt!t<t \(1 ~ trll'l HI MIll t,u'ry u rv tl.v 77 1, $ 1 . .J OUI\ M. H Ollllor ·, t u \V " lt .'I T. J u t",h,u, (17 3711 Crt.'1:! ttl MH,..:4lb t( I WII . ~ blp
.. L
B •.1. Gill
M. Wll"er ~c)ll ,
. V<.'lteri n an.
a. ~:,ecutor (I I Lh. ~; .La •• ,,' lI an '
CtJrn~L' M lin lind 111 0 1'ele ph () n ~
Jud@:c ur t.ho ('ou r t,
\V ftrro u OOUUl )',
Oh io:
'LI eelS
11 17
Ohi o
0 it. H. E. R
8tat<lmeut of ownership bnd mnnl/lGA. 'II H A \\ A '\ meDt 01 Lho Miami Oruel,I<>, pu~lt .h od aL Wt\yu08vlllo , O hio. 118 l1l< lulrod by tbo .'\ot or AU\lUAL 24 . 191 2. .' J o49'1I1e '8 t,s,,/lIu," 1)110'"" . Editor. D. L. Crano Wayn .. vlllo. OhIo; "'00 In " ,. In ll." [' I i" M" I' () !::,- .• ~rnuage. and Publlabor. b . .L...Orano, W~YIl~ Ul u , . -, ..
vUl e. Ohio. .
- - cr~~~~~AOnlO . and Mrune Drown . D. L. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"===!!!!!~ bott~.~.hg~~)~n mortgag ... cUl".oLher 8OCurILy S worn to ..nd subscribed OOlore mo Ibis 2nd <lay 01 ApriL 19 18. "'E. V. Dlmlha." Notary PubUc.
E, V. BAUNHA RT" Notary Public
AlI iklnd8 of N'lt8ty Work . \'V1Il1! and Deeds J) ~pBoh.lty.
Dr. Bell's Pine·- .:-r ··;-ioney Waynehtlle. 0 )
For C oughG nd
__ !22S2
~ --
Sheriff'a Sale
Lustro - Finish how
hard wood.
perfect finieh
every intenor sunace. Comes nearly a dozen
(TIl be QnVnlJ8d)
OradU8 !I.' (\1 (111 1" "" /1 1 Lool Runnall Kolty. DL<:clUwl. NOllc6 1. gh t'u . 1.hlit J , I..tmJle), )1 1I<1"nh.1{ hili I",en <luly KPIJOlnL I .uil OF VI CE:
., •
You Bee I haft beeIl
Dr J. A
Notice of Appoin tmen t
14"~ lIn "'l
$1 .
"Yen' o'c1oek. air."
--- .. ...----
I!'rtlulc R. ffilbuo 1,1 E :cllt," r V.. n. ~::.~~~")i)l:t:t1 [lll~am{.' d;~u~ni.~\'i':·91~: l'rB~s·l ~luOtOi III \¥"Vlltl Lo.>nHlllp Al lon Ii'. Urowo ..
8011111 t r lJO~ In WlIlIlllugtun l a w n shi p, $1. 1' 1 S 03.33 M. V , Hili t o I•. M. B!lnder so n, "'ln te of 0111 0 v~ . Elmer Uurge8s. Pilltl dl·d gui lty , Cilvpn aD inde\er pe rl ot lots 71lnd !i In W,Lynesvll!e, . Lutnb lo lIenlElOCe t o Ohio State I~ o $1 t ormn lory 81; MAO ~ fi el ll , • Commissioner's Proceedln2s Ktl\te of Oblo 'Vd. John N o18on Burrett Bros., b.anks '6; Fuw Phl"ded 'n ot g olay . Bull bond fixed Snpply, Uo, oOb l '311.76; Zo ne U II Itt '1000 Co , ba rrel of oil SI!i.96; J ohn.on & Proba te Cuurt WtlLHOO, sup p lie~ I oc ttell8urer $1.7U ; 10 U) e 1II011 l! r or Ihe 1J8 tll tll ot F. ~ . l:;jllnp~ JO , bridge rllpllln $lS. ~lS ; r epairing Uh\rl, W. Ki rby , d oells"cI (; ,, 110.1 . Or e ~u III ... Bll d~1l Co.. bridges Sfi l ~:t j MoManusl'ronp Co " STIIJ lo ber\ttluoe t-tllt Is fix ed . III the m "t~CJ r or the IlHtnte of fil a en v " lope~ $ i3 .13 Z, 0 W orlt!Y Wilt! eppolnterl a Nathan ~; . Lupt o n, d ec ea8lld. Co l· m ewbllc 1)( the exoou tl ve oom mltte I/Horal Inh erl\anoe t'LX Is tixed. of tbe Wt\Trell Co anty Facm Bureau In the 1Dl,,·te r of tlle 381ate or Assoolation . BenjamIn F. BGlbBWIlY, deoo~ed. A o:mtrl\ot 'lll7SS ent"red Into wlt.b Wm. O. Hlltbtlwoy Is Ilppoln'ed ad. the X enl .. workhoos e to tuko care of 1U1oitltrH to r Bond $750. Wan oD oou uLy priKoner8 f or tile In th e 1Dl tte r of th o esb te or coming sellr. Gila ,J1l~ ·W .. loh, deooneau . 10 veo· tors atlel a'ppnl ~O Ol tlOt ILr e file'd III t h e In.,tler of the estate of Wrlllbt Wllill1orCl, dooeastld SlIles re IIpprov d. (In PartitIon 'I'llo wl\l of Rntb L. Keevor, d e. OOllBtld, i ~ ~dIllHle<1 to pro b ·,te. III the mlltt-or the estate o f Warren Common ' Pleas !toth L K eeve r, d soeased Elwood U. Keever ie Il !J VUtotod 1\ 8 eX~CQto r . Goldlo WBrn1:lo1c1 } "., COle No . 11 930 Bond '2000 ifmDk Pr El81ey , R ; M. JOIIOpll I{"urlck ot al. Go llaD er and Botlloe Bopplog IIle ny "Irtuo 01 au orO •• 01 liale, du l, IMued ~ ppolo tad 11 GpprBieerB: rr.°:::e8~11~u:'~r.ti 1~lfl'~lre~o~~er ~L:'~~b~ar:a:"o1 IJUbUe aue tloD. at tho doo r 01 Lhe Court Hall lau ghed alld tb en slood thoug htJ\larriage License" Houzso . In Leban on , Warren, Oo uuIo1 , Ohio , on ful tor a few mom ents. smoking airily . U~ oi1 L. Ilet<rth, farm er and S Il Pa n Monday. April 15, 1918 blowing rlu gs. Th en he took oil: b ls A Hitdel)J:olld, b <)l b 'Of F ru nk llu d ress lug gown. pul on b ls cont . Ilod !:tev. :i' r<)ok, D Mocbllul; . At IOo 'clock a, III .. on .. Id day. tile tor 10\\ 10, d~.c r lbed nul ellato. to·lI·it: h nd turned to his cnmera. wil en l~ lodle cnme bllck. "Tber e's a desp erale old 11Irt out tbere to Bee you, lIlr. Donlstelle-Mr. Doremus ." "Poremus?" Hall seurcbed bls mem· ory. "Wbat do es' he look like-a bill collector 1" "No, be's just a olee old mao with a Ilde·whlsker ell:ect. tn mmed wltb a gold cbllhi. in scallops. and he stllrell at you over the top of hls ,glllSses." Hall sIghed. "Well , have him In. I'll settlo blm!" Mr. Doremus, graye nnd precIse. looked about tor a chaIr, nnd sa t uown deliberately. He searched In tho .10· Side poollel at his trook COll t as he Bald pompously: !·}l'm. I took the Orst opporlunlty to cOnllllunicate wltb you. MI'. Bonlsloll o. UoJucld ly, how· e\'cr, I could not get you on tha telephone this mornlDs:' Still hIs band groped Itl hIs ·pocket. IIko a dog at a wood chuck's hole, "No ?" Hall r mar lled Impstfen tly. "I suppOije I wasn·t uv." , Doremus brought fortb a long e n· velupe. Solemnly be spoke. lookrng Until you've tried ~ing your floors with over ~be tOllS ot tlle rubb er bows: "lIIr. Bonlatelle. I bave the honor of being tlte nlto rney tor tile estnte of ' your 'uucle. tbe Inte JQbn ' l3easley Boulstelle," ,.ou do not know what an easy matte.r it is, and how A mental UlUnd erllolt struck the inexpensive, No matter worn and scarred your roam, and .Hnll, sbocked and frIght. . eued, could only gasp: "lJlr--Ia tllere floors. may be, Lustra-Finish ~overs up all the defects any nGWS ahout lhe will, Mr. Doremus' and gi~ a floor bright, lustrous finish of Here, bave n Cigar I "~ , Doremus looked up nod nodded Also the for woodwork, furniture, and gravely, "Yes, the will bas been found, wood Mr. Bonlslell'e, fil Instl" He tapped the paper 1n bls baod. "It was discoY' in popular Wood wed th1a mOm1nS at elaht twentr ~t.
I't IUtjll11l'1I
I I"r "::~ Ur;I'\ /I 1' C)lI ip "I CItI
:t III
" Url oru olry . Will E. (-tllrrllrt'i Vf. Flo r~ G tH J . D. Rnci E . •1. MlIle"I". r~l' r 'n nlr,l, cil\,o,ctl j ~ r l1~B n '~lt ct /Iou, W"lt"r 8~utar 12;1,75 uorotll u dec. !I, Qt \l" lty T.3. R. 4. M. k.H.$l. Proceedings III ou W Llllu" ln ~o EUI1I(l1\ Mi l.
-.WIt" w.·...
J,cavc tU BO n ..... " " ..... .. 5:1)0 A. M_ li:05 A. M. 4:20 P. 1\1. "LCI~vc l{jn g's Mills .... .... . 6:00 A. M. 6:20 i \ . M. 4':55 1'. !\t . Leave S. Le bunon .. .. ... .. ,,6:05 A. M. 1;:28 A. 1. :': ()2 P. ,\1. Arrive Leba non " .... .. .... .. ..... . .... .... ,, ' 6:,10 A. I . 5:]!'i )'. N .
6:011 A. M. 4:15 P. M. fi:l\l A. M. fi:l:\ 0\. I. 4::15 I'. M. A. M. Ii: IIi A. II. . li:20 A. I. 4:1):' )' . M . 1;::10 A. M: 5:05 )'. M. A. M.
A. M. A. M.
COPmNIWT t:Jy ca£rr ,oumu',ss MOb, Mrs. KC:, attonl An. t nere I bay. another method ! Sbe·. one of Uloae wom.n you can't possibly In. .alt..., Hall 'mlled wIth superIo rIty. " Rena', cot to the l.8e, you know, , when Ih. preten to be Ilatlered." "DoIl~ all women like tt'" Flodle demanded. "Not You're too young, F1odle. yoiJ want oompl1m!llltll." Ball was trlumphlUlt. "It depend. upon how you do It. 7011 know. Rena wanta It on Welt. A. woman doeBn't demand I1II1Uet;y, nodIe. alter she gete to the
I,eave Leba non " .. .. .. " ... ,, 5:'10 I..eavc S. Lehanoll ... ...... .. 5:55 ',('Ilve I{ ing's M ills ....... li:UU Lean Mastlll ...... ............ 6: 15
HotI'I prollril'lll l'!1 . uuarrlinl{ hou Ke k e pers . and private families in L e banon . MIISO II. ~ilfo rrl,l.ovel anrl. Morrow. X~nia, Wa "" .llvilll' nnn near by l ownll . \\ 111> ale I1r(-pnrl'd to hOllse, Ot· h o u ~e and bU!II'd m ale o r fe male ·llI plo.v es of our plant. ure inviled 10 li le WIth us ru li 1I1fll rnHI.tllJIl as t u rnll'H. lI11mh.'r IlT I II'c, pl ~ who l'al1 be acr.omodut ed and \\' IIC'lher for m en UI' \Vom en , or bOlh, All omc'iul \i ~ t of ~uc h ll~l' ''I1 I1I' v''l\ lI (1I1S Willi", I\~p l for rc·wly ",·f,·n.n,·,· f" r the co . \'I'rd~n ce of employes deSiring 8nme .
Emilloymcn t Bu reau,
.. . . . y1y'-.ld
3:50 P. M. .blt! 1'. M. 1i:15 1'. M.
VI J'{'/,'- Th rse ilrhetlutu are subjec t to siiyht r lrongsB a~ may bf jOIl"r/lltrtl$(l11/. but art a pproJ-imot ely COTrl'cl. COIII'erlj81tt 8 6rt'ice I(' ill al,o be y i v.1L 011 SOIUTd o ylJ J01' th ose Ilui / tiny //JU1·!.- a t ~ LOOJl.
a to avoi,1 (IS flU 1\!1 po siull'. uny lo ss o( ,
Leave C inc innati ..... " ..... .... 5:15 A. M. :1:·15 1'. M. Ar cin' King' s lI1i11H........... .. 6:30 A. 1\1 . 5:0:1 P.1\1 rri\"c Xenia .... .. .; .... ... .. 7: :15 A. 1\1. 5:57 1'. I.
Ili um',,,·,!. '1 ,\ JO t [UI'I\\lItJr l hn.:C' \\ ~'(1 ks IJ r. ht'" 'I hnl's 1\11 Ilg'" ," l'ow It \l R" .. he \I ll (;:lu ~ht 11 ",I c r hIs or",'-
be operated ao
Trains and cars will
"1Ju l r wl1n(,,,,1 t n Ic·lI you. "m"lhIIlK Mr. l1 onl "h·llo-tr "ou woul<l,,' t mind -If you Jus t let l1lC- ' - " "Wllnt 7" he demnneJ ed susnlclo uoly "Ob, only-It you'd he wUHng-rro l, I Iy I'd !Ike to. you know- ynu kno\\" , I·,·c sn\'cd u Jl It llttlo mOlwy. Mr. non!' sl elle-onci. "",,IL It ml /l ht h!'lp ~' ou , tempornrHY-LlIl you cou ld-" Httll th reat neu h,'r \\ it h savilgl I Illa Y fu ln~ ss.. "P'lodll' l·, \.hl'r." ho "ftlJ
Convenient R. R. and Interurban Service
h l'l·
Waynesvilk, Ohio
'Sold By
WaJDeayjU~ Ohio
ANY LUM.BfR You boughtfor building purpo~es three years ago, at the beginning of the European war, cost you more than twice as much in fa rm products as the same material will cost you today. In other words, your lttmber purchasing power has doubled, and then some, in th ree years. That is because lumber has increased little in price, while farm products have increased much.
This is the Time, tben, Right Now For you to' build wha tever you may need in farm structures-a new Home, a Barn, a Grain Bin, ·Sheds. Cribs, Pig Houses, Chi'cken Hpuses, any Bui~ding you may need, now is the time to build, tomorrow it will cost you more money than to4ay. , We can supply everything you need from the ' i oundation up -in'the right qua ntity and at reaspnahle pri<;e. (
W. H. MADDEN " CO. Corwin, Ohio Get your share of todays land tomorrows " farm structures-"ou need, Th~ cost Istrlvlal compared with their eamlng capadtg. .
profit~builil now' the
; - --
. -=
lSWIW EVERY W I!JL) N ESDAY En lAlrod ~L LU~ Po.etotllce . t W a ynesville . Ohio , I . B..cood Olties 111 011 ,
D. 1.. CH A N Ii:, E ditor IlDd )
Prof. '['nil, who hal! boen 'Pr ln oipul
u bh~ L(I'
ubscrio liob Price. $1 ';;0 ner year
~ ~======================~~ WlmNE DAY , APRIL S, 19 1B
A NEW YEAR BOOK ' ,,· Ift. & (Jo., o ~Ill .. tu " ur 1I ~k ~ hl H w .. "k . .... d U lIupl \\to ' , UI1 \1, 1'" tiat, IICtlVlt l ,. ,.t ~h'; (\ ' lr 1111 1'. It I~ fil iI IIf 1'" ,110 t ll lu/,{8 , 1I 00l rh u 1'011 y l,r l.hA com. P I IIV will 1'1 11 to 11I ', ll1 fll lll Iho llI ,l. t Ol m b l l!n. ~ IIIII t1 n nl or (111 ,, 11 .1' fr olU I lwl r ;,utplll, bud 111& hl g h c8t .. IU. d, "O J 1,0 I b t:! ~ c r vi "e ""Jldure d t u .. Le h VIl ~ I o ok IlrtdOOfll' It h.I.y of oll r rlMd,,: 1j dU~ l rtl tlhl y(1~ r boull , I ( t ll e~' W i ll "n ly Itlt U K know Wtl \\1 11 b ~ g l.c.l 10 1\1I1j,1 fn r. 1·Ili'm.
Phil~de1ph ia, Pa.-"I was over. worked , run down, nervous, could not or Sleep. I felt like crying all the t1~e . I tned di fferent remedie s with, out benefi t. Th e doctor said it Willi a wonder I was alive. and when Vinol wa s giVen me I began to improve . I have taken eight bottles and am now strong and perfectl y healthy in every respect, and have gained In weight. I CBn not praise Vlnol enough ."-Mrs•. Sarah A. Jones, 1025 -Nevada ~t., Philadel phia, Pa.' We guarant ee Vinal to make overworked, weak women strong or reo tum.yo ur money. Formula on evel7 bottle.• This i3 your protectio n. J . Eo J anney, D ' IIVll ist, Wayne ville
CATARRHAL DEAFNESS CANNOT.BE CURED by lucal .1'I'lIc" tio"o, a 5 11,.e)' CHon ot l eacb 10. diSt'u ""d po rllou of t he eur. T ho ,o is uul y one wuy 10 cu .. calurrh ul dCllfnen , li nd Iha t is by n co ns t itution,,1 remedy. <;;flt a rrbal Pe ,I""SI Is callsed hy 1111 Iliflamed oo"d il ioll of the JUuco us lin· ill~ III lhe UlI st llc hlall 'fIll C. W hl ll Il d~ tube is ill HlI lUcol YO Ii hO l'e II r urn bli " ~ .u,,"d or imperfec i I, cll rin ltl ond whcn il is clI ,lrc ly d ose d . n"ufucs . IS Ihe result. nl ('~5 t ilt! iuRu l1Ims t h_ m rou he: rt: du ccd Ull tl I his tu be reslo red 10 il s nonnal con· d itlon, heuri ni ·will b.. d ••t r" ~o<l r,, ' . "~ r. Ma ny casas of denfnoss n rc cRII .ed hy cAla rrh , whic h I. u n inlhullod Gund ilin" o f I he mucu us aurrucel . H ull' s "';u lurrlJ Medicine _ c i S thru th. blood a ll Ihe mu , CIJ US surfaces " I Ihe system. w. will lIi ve 0". Hnlldred Dolla rs (o r allY ~1I .e of Cn' . rrbll Deaflless t ha t cu n · nu\ be ou red by Hall '5 Ca larrh Medlcillc . Cire lilurs Cree. All D ru ~g i s t 5. 750. II. J. CIII£N IlV & CO., Toledo, n .
On A pril 5, at 2:80 p. m . in the K of P . hall th e re will btl a mel!ting f ur all I he women of ~\i arren ('ounty III which Uln e Mrs. Coope r Proc tor. uf C' inci nl1uti, and MrR Charles Parrish . of Hamilto n, will address lhem. rl!lll l ive \0 org llnizil'lg a chapter of the Ohio Wome n'B Military Auxilis ry. This is a movem ent among the wo men of the ~ I al e to aid in . a ny 1V 1l)' t.h e Ohio so ldier!! Each coun ty ha!! its ow n chapter and it is to b(' hc> pl'd tha t th e women of Warren l'o un ly will r e memb!!r the da t e and arra nge to be pre~ ent t o help in this welfa re work for our boys.
- -- ...
Will b(l!lln Ill. n(,w d u M ~ A(.lril l ilt. PrO f. T o lJ I"uv ~ bph iud DII'D .v hind frl n,l s ",110 110 nut 11 ko to" I) b l m I, nvr. l r 11 11 r'l J) o tl ~ bu f,r nll ,II011
Lb ~y I(" tlll< f' t tl
l ·t Ull r ~oh \J ul f UI' t b r 0 y ear s, r e o ~1!:: 1I 1111 hiM l)I" ce ll~ lell ~ htl r . b d b us ' IIC(: ph.. lll Kuvurnm ollt POBI !.I ()D . 8
n' "" 11.9 IHtl, h .. I.. ~ ,," n t(> him ulf 8 WIfe wll llse h l .lOB Is I n Wn y uo 1' l w n ~ bl J.l It I~ j ust I\Dd ' r iKl1 t 1(1[ h iD! t o b llvlJ U Illl.nue r I,hr o ugoll lif!', ,J r. Alf EtI \\' tl rll ~ , u f Ali llo l,,, , lIr. r h 'p,] her e tiun rl u fl it' " vi"i L wHll " Ill frllllJ ll ~ . 1:1( ' I " welco'1w d h,w k IInrl tru AI. 1> 0 mll Y h ll VO ~ n on3"y n ble ' Im e. M~~ . l '! lTlI C" n II r i ~ t be owner o f .. tl OW Chl;l 'lid T I)(1r I Il ~ Cd r. ,\I r. " uri MrA. Ed I 'n rr, f K i n g """, , ~ p (1i' l, I'UIIlI,, 'y h' " , Wi~1 tb olr IlHfI nt ", Mr . lin d MI -. It , b 'IIr r M rN. I~ U UI ~ R .1 088" 1' 1 1iI~ r ct u rtJ(lrl
.. f ll' l' " ,' votll l m o nth" V I~ l r, w i'l b h~ r '1 ~ ll ll ltl E' r. )'Ir6 LUCIl e Ij , erslltir, In N ro nv of'J'l. Mr . \ VIi .. ,m lIa rv ,· ". n f O ~ 'I " n , ",' U8 1\ ~ u u L1 I1 Y guv. L a f h is biij ter, MI M. Htllit Uuorl B, ll f J<~ " H L Mil in
01 .
01 1'1 11 1; (1II1 · .\, Rnll I~ . C. AnsolJ i\1 11!Hl I1 Y In (1! n ln~ tt ~ r (Jlln ll) , 1': ', Hltlr ~tU' \· iCht-'
tho M. K
w pr n
" b~f' r v fWi n
Ifrwnlh Ch u r oh .
ILl' d
E 'hl lll(l~
Wit h a Rea l W ool Sho rtag e The best aJothes·buying rule these days is to go to a reliable store and pay a fair price for merchandise of known merit ,
This is the sort of a Stor e to Pick ; O urs the Kind of Clothes to Wea r EXTRA ORDI N A UY VllL UES IN
~Iln .
(;./I'oql,', ~ 1Jl' lit ~U "(I"y with Mr ~ !l d
\1 n'. II' ro Ilk Hu,' v .1 , ol Il fl.l r La\) . Il DOU. Mr nocl Mrs . \' . f,. H" r vol' wp re ah,'ppiD!; J II Wllulio 'L u ll UII b' r l<lIo v I" .t o L. .. r te r 11011 fnml1 y , d /I Ar New Burli nM 0 11 , wr ro n n,l . y guo.te of Mr . lind hlrl!. W Ill.' ·" r . tor. Mr. nn d MI'H. ". W. I lotvi~n nc.l IY/" Inl 9r8Bl irJ Il <I'IIl ~ 1l 1 rs, Wt' r" "'u nd uv vlsIH" .. li t Ibmr p ro r,'ul ~ , r . UIIO Mrs. G W. l)'Lv I8
Men's and Young Men's All Wool SUits $22~
Tailored and guara nteed by MICH AELS STER N & COMPANY
Sh ow ing of Pe rfe cti on' .Clo the s for :Sa ys .. ~
- ...
Time to specul ate in th Clot he.- game .
1' " ,1. Il:d " l n . / 11 1' /11'.· .. ';111'11 rot Ih i' ~ rt " IlfI ~ !'IlIln·1t . ",/I n"". I 1/ \I:d · "," "Ik ul' .. t I h" .\1. I'; ,· h u r(,b . M I'Il
The re Nev er was a Poo rer
In our Boys' Depar tment we show lots of spl, ,did things for boys to wear. You are cordially invited to visit this B 'ys' Depar tment , where ' you'll find real values at r . .lI~onable prices.
Mrs. Un l.borlnl'l John~ t ~ at t be h o me of Mr. tlnd M r ~. ChilI!. J bnll JUTI!. WiJllom Ber·t;dI1l1 hll bel'li quite ~I o . ttlll llllllt we k. S. Det.r olt St. Xenia , Ohio Mr en d \Ir·. EI p. Oearfb ond . (tlollo Br l'ok, of t li O . i:L U" II' II S OK ngh t'lf ~Jl " , '31\ ( nrnll Y Iweu111g ~ w(,tlk end vi itfl r or Dr lI uli MI'ij . wU h Mr 11 1)11 . Cbarlt'8 .Bully ~m I~. ~ B t'll It Yank ee H" ." I Mra MnLilln. Erm rick '.~ bl' DlO M r ~ . 'urub .Nn ll , ODd BOil , W ill, o,ft. r u t wo.\\'f'o k. ~ .t"y wll); fI lP" ds "'A ~ J)ad fIfUJ tIU 11• . Nr. lind \\I n. U"'" ge B uh "p' n l. in ·oDt erv llitl. ' 11 1l1" y ti l Mlll o1le l o wn, tt e Il n t;. !t; 'l'illlllln HlIorloll ltR~ ~o ld h i fur U1 of Mr. f\ntl Mrd Chllt! BnH !>lId f O UL. to 1I" l\nll Arobd sl\ooll . 111 CEO . TIFF ANY ORD Tourln l Car, uae4, woul4 Frllok Woolley 80d fllmll y . t.. f Wal t er Beul(e spent BundllY w itb Dd y ton, 8 0nd li FOR UENT make a number one 'roo', 'ow F Ifoulits of Mr. lIud OPTOM ETRIST bi!! plHlln t R Detlr MleDlI ~ borlf. sille by O'Neall and Allen, Mrs'. Wlllill m Brow n. ,,10 S pecialis t in r eli evi ng Eye Stra"in 80w nrd Monger , of Cllrllsle , wn s The R~d Cr oBB 1:1,,10 b e ld Il~ tile OOM.Fnroisb od. B'ron t r oo '. numbllr of uled CheTto l" Tear. .... a nd !mnrov ing De fecti ve Vision L rutl d . c ~l t1g bnijines s here ODe day l or I Bull , Ba LurduF e ve n iDg, W IiS q u ile II milltalY ~ e rvl o" lit V.~ mp Fridav 00 ont h Main stre!lt . [oq olre Inll Care. \hd baya been .. k.o Sh ermllo . la8t. we",l!. by Glasses , s nccess, I he proceed s belDg ~7~ 00. at tbis offioe. Dr Wbtlak er left tor Eor' Ollie. 11 17 In trade, for lale by O 'Nean and MI88 Uenna Dearth was !:lat-. • Office and Fitting Room Mr. lind Mrs Os nrBIl BooU nod .horpe Bund .. y. Allen. ,,10 .rday dinner gue.' of loti,. Uenna Mre Mary The farmen ' institut es of Ohio are 108 South Dollr.lit Str eet Carmon y ba ve "'"ded , J. H. !leeve. I. III of pOlumo nla coverin g a wider field, renderi Brusoup . 'maJl amouo l of lIe4UoIIV ad ng a properll e8, aDd life DOW l\Jollled tD at hili hom. ean With TIFFAN Y mWER Y Store of 'own . more efficien t IMIrvlce, Mr. aud Mrs. Geor,e Beok epon' their Dew hom68. and becomi ng Olonr he4. Ioqulr.. 0, •. WANT ED Mr8. Will Bone WI,[ ~allen &0 'he more popular each year. Xenia, Ohio Mlohlae r, H.. O. " W"7D .ftlle, 8unday willa The man · la"er', paren'. , IItr 1I0d Mn. Uhu. CltIotk had for Mo(JI,Han hOlpUa l Sunday where agemen OhIo. t ill now at work on the; aDd litre . a'arlle" a' their bome their ~ondey goests, Mr, as Dnd Mn sbe wllJ eDderg o aD clperati oo. In Malllev llle . 8chedul e for 11118·1919 Institut es, Lee Mason. of MasoD. Bouse \ 0 reot, oouut.ry pre The WomeD '" ~illll'tonary Idoola'y Pool Table., 2 lIoto"' ;' places wlshlne to make applies . J ""r. llnd MrA. 80".r4 ArobdeRolln, ferred, Perry Wade uDd fa mll y,of i!! prin ll was enlnhl ned lit ~hoboma of Yre. IAII Ssovell. LawD 8W1a" ~ ~ktID tion for a state-ai d institut e next F. A. Wrlgbt For lufofmll&\oll oa1\ 00 of (..cbIlOOO, spent ldundllY bere tbe bora, atte nd ed , R. O. L, Waynos vllle, A the R ed ' Gr 08s 61110, ~ Reeve. ~ .. tnrd.y Wire. Many o'how IHm.. In,ull' . . , year should do so withou t delay . Oblo. ,nesHlo f Mr. and Mrl. JOHeph Mil. tIa tnrda.!' e veiling. 11017 ·MtB~ Erma. :&vunl, clf Xeoia, I, 'ho Addresil of (J. Orliwfo rd, Wa"De ntlle, 01110. . ler. L; AII~n, Super.v isor of Mr. aDd Mrs n S. Lam b 8pen~ a~e8t of fri ends bere. . • ,,8 Far!,"erll. InBtltut es, The 9h1? Stllt e I4r. tillmool Bav/lbm an has reo Illaetsr In Dll.v tO D '" HITE gi rl t or oook1ng .. ad gen. Opto metr lst i wltb Mr. Eurl T hA .. pwort h L eagne wall . p 1118S. Umvers lty, Columb us , OhIO. .one of Mind Hay, B'or lD'or• . turnee' home IItler a vi.1t with reI .. Randolp b IHld onl h oose work . Mrll, H. ~ tltDJily . Eyes teste d free BUU,. enter," lned 8\ the WhUall er mll\ion 061l on John Bobeno n, tlvell d Harrillo n, Ind . Melld. IUroop 1'l.01ld, It D. 10, D!'y. E'fIrett Olark I ~ stilI s ta tIoned at laDle Sa\urda y ennlcr . who live. DeIIr 'he propel '.,la"l, . Rev. 41obloo h, of OilY ton, wae the Uamp ~J )rri80l1, VII, tOD, Ohio. Boll pbone, 14I11n 570. She I. Llkl tho Reed. Ilnd hne boel;1 vao"~lId b,. Blney Bar,I" , ' On. Mrs. Marand a was oal1ed '0 Bell 8unday dinner ~ueB' of Mr. aod qoaran tlned on Rccount Woman 18 Ilke tile reed which bends I\ ~ of 8cn rl e~ Drook Tbul'sd " y bv ihe IJInelll gonia, Ohio. . all Mrl! Benry ~ ' owe , of to every br!!eze. bllt brenk. nnt In tho l ove! In tbe onmp It was r " por l d F' y oo b tlve nny surplus IItook OD Mr. onl! Mrs . Clifford Earnha rt, thut bsllad ~b ll U1UDlP8, but ijuch iB hew hupbiln d, Prof, P. (;./ . Merand a, telll,l'est.- Archbis hop y .. 11 llf.'ly. hll nds, now I~ the ti me to 8811 ARL ~ Ohio P ....ole. ,,01' . .Ie were LebliDon :vIsitors ooe day the not the O d~e . Tbe R ed Uross wltl present tbe ":'~~======~==~ =~ 1 1I~ 1l 1. 'l'ry Ihe G!\zette Clasllfi ed cowmu olly wI t h a se r v ice flag at a ~ past wetlll . by Joha Roberlo D, R, D, 2, Ore. - -.. - - Ad Mrs HUld \ BnrD ett. Hll d 100lll y Pllblio ~ 'I'h uy will 8ol[ th tHU for you gODla, ( bio. meetlo g In tbe At 11:, ohurcb as Mr. and Mrll. M. ,I. Budeoo , of lind Mr . hod Mr s. W il11 um l>y ke B,ookly n. N . Y., spent the psst and 'd uu gh lt, r ~ ve nt Ea st er wll b Friday eyenlng . 'l'be, fla R will bsu lllltale l'epr~!e n tln g th" followiu a lid g OU LD like t o bny oue or two week bere 118 the @uestll or tllelt ~ho r m ll u l> yke Ilod i' liruil y In Uuy. to 6 toni of ml~e4 Bay. IIIqulra memba rB of our oommu nlty DOW In y urliol'( Ortlft Colts. (Ju ll O . 1Il1ugMer, Mra. EI.le Hudson CrRne. ton . at G. E . Riley, phoDe '2.11, Way. • enloo : Lawren ce and VerRo MUoh . . E RUDY. ph one 42. 6, W.ynen Llle . nlllvll\e • Mre •.lubn St, UI"lr lind d'UllCbter, , Mrs. l!: lIzll b ~ th BIllokfo rd, of ner, E",I aDd S arlay HaVing 80 ld my propert.y, 1 wil O1l"rlot te. wero tbe gneflltR of r e id. Sprlo"b oro, &p el1 l 8il tu nl 'I .'7 eVl1nioll Lelit el' Borley, OIyde Soamwa llorn, oftt!r fnr 8sle .. ~ Publlo Aootion , ot.l IiIwlng. Kent 'tTe~ h6re adver,,1 days 11.. , w eo lr: and t'ulldllV I'Hb bur B'o n, \Jll rl Bolla nd, Ben III Vioke,. , Hoyt my f8sld,mo e to Corwin 0tJ8.&: -Wm, Braddo ck'. · pwu.· perCy In IU. Bolly. •Qoocl wa"'r Mil!. MinnIe Mlltenb srger, '01 l3I ;; o k r or (} ard ItmJll y. 'mi lb, Frsnk Ree"B8 aDd Dr FOR SALE Thursda y, April 4, 1918 'and' lIlnden patob, IDqulre of llre l IIhmlsb org, speot 'rbo.rBduy-wl-lb .Mrp. M....'Y Ctll'moDY entertni np o Wbitllk er , More fll er 8 wl11 bll added Clarenc e 8mUb, LyUe, Oblo. as tri Juda abd rel .. tlves bere . Con,me oclng a' 1 o'olook p III , the boys ar B oal1ed . nr. MoUbes on !:lUlld /IY, Mr. Ilod Mrs E. J. Cor. HAWKE & McCLURE ~re. Ann Arobde a 000. of Fi ve mony Ilud ob!ld ren. of S prlDg fi told , Dey, of (Joduvl lJe, will ilellver tbe Bouseb old GOO~ 8 lind Garden '1'0 IIIfl . E IDU OAT!i - W bito . ROBT. BECKE TT Rnd good HAY- Uood Mixed tiay IDqnlrl Poillte, baH been vlsl$lng ' ber 8lster. II.nd Mr . IIud Mrs . W il bur Cl r.k lin d ftdd' eS 8 • T.I.4 7 CJ lltd ltv . CbLA'f los 8 m lt h, R. R. W N. ~ellrs, Auo~. Mrl!. Jane L.. DRdon and otber rein. dangbt. er s, Misses Kll tbrYB, Mild r ed of Frank Braddo ck, R, D . 2, ( Doll)'ea ) 1, p h ono U 3-2X. and Mllrj!or et., · al0 'Ives hore Waynes ville, Ohio. ' as Friends of Mr. lind Mre. Jill. Bon4! , Mr, IIlId Mrs. Joe Brown, of O"yHaving Bold my farm, 1 will offer ! - ~ sympftt hlze wllb thom. In the 1018 of at Publlo tun, wllre tbe 'Week.IIDd gdelltll ot AuoMon at m y r esiden0 6, tbell' Inf"nt daughte r., E vft. Mr Ilod Mr • • lIld NnH. t mile nortb of LyU d. Oblo, OU t b e Jail . Peterso u ret o' [l ed Tbnrsdf ty Kenriok fa r.n. on Neula UO'U: ry ,velll the week'en d from Ihe MoUlellllu b o.s pltal, IITBfl t lv with her pllreot" ,a' Lebu non, Salurda y, April 6, 1918 Improv ed In be. lth . Funer al Dir..c:tor Mr. rmd Mrit L OUIe ."foil and fum . Mrs Nsllle Comme Lookey nolog a' 1 'o'oloole ~b .. rp, Elnterta lDed to and Embalmer, ily werll tbt! Suo day luelltl of the Mr.. B ,\nn6h Rloh spent the dIDnor Sundn.y , Me8Slr~. Raymon 'be followin g : 3 aor'R ~, 10 Cat,t. le, d former'l I paren~lI, The 1'ri·State obj ects to stalion buy ers or commil Sion agencie weell.en d in L Abanon wi , h b e r ~oo Wilson uod B Mm an Blnlr, Lumber , eto, tlee bills for term R. s u a of 'xenh, Mr. O. [,homps on, of Franlllt n Frank Rlob Imd famil y. m atter of prinCil) le, Wayn esvill e. ,Ohio . Lilona Shriver ~ nd Hel e n Blllir. '1' lL.LMA N BARTO N . ",,,eut ~undl\y here the goea' of Mr, lind Mr@. Low Wolf, of WII. Enos BII1 Il.nd fAmily , of Rllohcl Gregg. We cannot conceiv e what arg ument could persuad e a farmer mlDgtoD, 'pent Easter with tb" ir vi11e, Wllrlll guos h, of rlllMlve Ceder. to sell B hero Either ~uto or Horse drawn ~erv ic tl . • '~t1811 N tll\le Fitts, Mr. ond Mrs, parents J. W olf. llod wifo. Bavlng . Raid my .farm and om his butter· fat for LESS t han The Trl ·State price when all . 101St waek. . . tbe ·hard goiuli a way, I will offer lit Pnbllo No extra charge for aull) ep-rvice. (Jb'll'lf.' M allen were tbe 811ndilY UbftB. I!!t aoool lind flltll lly, o r DIIoY ~'ork IS alread y dtme and it is only a questio n of decidin B, B. Ret!ve8 a od family, of Riob. I\uotion at 'm y relldeDo u, g whell\e r the Both phones in Office and Residen ce. dinner goest! of Mr. lind ' Mrs. too, find Mrs. 41 .. ll O'm y lind ohll.. 5 miles cream mond is t o be d eli ver ed to a cream station or railroad Btatlon. Ind. w ere wllE lk.enll IQe~ \8 sontb' of Waynes Obll rl e8 Buoll·. ville, ~X miles east No. 14. dren,. of 1'ekln, wert! tb e 8 ne8~8 of .. t tbe' bomo of Mr . and lIrB, A . W. 01 Oregon Ia. and 'X mUM west of I James Gr ... y and wife SODd·IIY. These s tali on buy ers 01' agclIcies are establi8 hed not with the R eeves. Wellma D, 00 tbe oldGrlB well Fa~m, idea of Mr nnd Mr8. Allln Hartsook, of paying more money for cream, bu t on the tbeory they can buy,for Forrost Smi t h, Oalll Tnrnar and on LESS., ()1~ i-k8vt11e, &nterta ined at. Elt8ter E~rl Ooyl. of tbtll . Tuesday , April 9, 1918 plaoe, di'bnor Mr. "nd Mrs B ..rl"11 Bsney berR of ibe K ing man 'were mem o Ship your cream to 't he Tri·Stat e not only for Profit but tor Princip le. Basket BIIIJ C JmOlon olbs at 1 o'olocll: sharp, .and i\.Ivln.al1d D or l ~, of Utica, Mr : t e"m wbioh won abe Couo$y Cbll1Jl. the followi ng: 2 BOrletl ,7 Cattle, aD" Mr8 E. A. tillrtsoo k sud dllugh IlI11nshl p at tbe t ournoltl lou\ tD WI!. 7 Brood ~ow~ , 7 Sheep,7 0 Chlollel tllr BeleD. J. W. Bllrttiooll, Mr. and rulnat.oD lae' Friday. ls, TRI~ST FarmhiR implem Mrs. Shay BnrOlll·t flod two 80n8 . ." Mra. w-: C. SmHb is enjoyill jl a btlla for 'er0l8 entll, e,o. ~Oll big . ond W . T Jordlln "nd wlte. ACter. visit from ller mo,ber CINC INNA TI, OHIO Mrs. Wler,of U . U : DAUGB ERTY No.6 North Main- directl y oppOsite the ·old Court upon Oallllf8, wert: M·fP. Moud CIllilver Wtlmin g'on. . I W. N. BAars, A.uot . UNITED Ind dllUghul1I Audrey and Mi88 Edoa House: 8TATES . FOOD ADMINI S,T R"TiON Llcen. . No. The Red Uross Au Jrl U.. ry of t his J, O. Cartwrl gbt, Cl erk. B. 62 Gll.Im~ r , od 'b e Messrp. Bhr"der , of plaoe will preseu' th41 oomlDo oU, Write for Free Trial cans if' you need cana. No shipper ever t.ebllno n, For more than a qu~rter of a centurY our deposit . ' wllb ,. urvlos naif a' It;. OI,st publlo lC111t • Mr. dollar "od shippin g to The Tri State and we have 25,000 patron~ to prove Mn. Ajvl\ Lnddla gton mee'lnaccounts have been providing a very high standard r April le' Dr. MoGb,t iney It. ~pen' E8f1tAlr 8nndllT w1th 'heir WIll be pr8ll&DL and d,e llver Bn ad. of Securi ty-Pro fit and Convenience. p~rel'lte Mr. aDd !'Itrl!. Lowry, of , drees. W.yuee vllle. Obester aDd New B,orJJol We invite your account and offer , Mr. Geo Ol\vle · ftDd Wife enter- O. T. tJ. will hold an InstItut ton W • e in t,bll WANT hlned for m"UI!r dlDner their lion M. .Iii, Choroh next Frl, EXCHANGE dftY LODoh Joe Davie IIl1d wlfll and , tow dltugb will be served In the AnDex. Salety~%DilJidend"! ters, or BurveY llbot:g . aDd Mr. and Thu W . F. M. s~ ~U! bold tbelr good CoI~ to exohan ge tor 1I Mfe. E U. Mann on aad !lavgllt ere aDnual jjJIlllter 8t!rvloe ill lood worll . Horee. Inqulr'O 'o f ,be Frlenda Rnlb lind GleDna~and Jamee.C le\lver, oboroh De~' SUDday eV'BnlnR . Rev, W, III Cummi ngs,' B. D S, WaYDellMn. Mortba Oavl8 itttellde d "W. aDd Mri Purdy will be prMen' vUle, Ohio. . all 't, O. U. meeting tn Leballo n Toee .pealal mUilo WIll be rendere d Rnd = === Bulld lns and LOiln === === day of I.., weelt and rep()rtl a aplen. === =1 • _ - -.- . We . have in stock, everyt hing kept In a R·E80U RCI8.! MILLIO N. did ."~D", MO~Y LOANED III'. aDd Mra. - first.class Harness ~hop: A. Bartloa lll at.. ! Pomon a GraD,. at LeblMlOD .tudQ , ,
Leb anon -:- Ohio
Uni ted ·Stat es
T ir es
Remember the location-
Olal lBIS ed Ads
Gem City
6 N. Main -Day ton
-.JJo M . UlIU4 ;~~==~~=~Ib
,fild nt.t
Ha rn es·s Shop '
Iwbi('h lIllY~:
'!-'lIr the tlt'tI.'1on so fat
22.0011 \If fruiL have hl'en shirpE'd , STATE which ,,·ill bril1g' nlWl\t :13,000.000 ,ro • tltt· lIl'''! ill lilt! .histury at t.lll' f-Iat ' Aftllt·d LO thlfl ther .r ' CALIFORNIA I1000 Cllirs of lVine g rllpes. which CIH
.~Dodge=====-··~~--=-, ...
totaled "22000.000 Lo t ile raist'rs. \ ThelW figU1'l'B arc tl u1 h-entic . and th" 0111' old friend. Mr. John arcl . of sale of t hl'l'e 'food will net th MonroYlil, Cal .. writes us ome iot r owners Il. fabul ous income .' ..Una acclOunt. of that wonperful "A pbr on can ' liv as cheap b(\r .tat.-~.Ilfomla. The letter con· as any plaoe in tbl' . .• Rnd pri ce~ tainll a "'&lit amount of information. of col'nmodllies are 85 cheap. here ae He a,aln part: anywher . "I thouaht that some of your " We arc ju t ba inlt our fir:'ll read.ra ~uld be ilIad t o bear from rain of tht! . callon , and bad a fall of. Califomla. and to know of one place over /lve inc he , the nrst sinc hisl I . that II pleasant in the winter' lUI well spring ' The ranche rs will be b us) a8 In the lummer. and where we now, plnntinR: ~p ud.s and har ley . ol1d have Ane roadl anll It i8 a pleasure making lTarden . ' I t.o lid. ovu them and aee t}le 't rees "There is 11 Int more 1 would likt full of 8'01den fruit and lill kinds of to say. but mus t cl ~ . now until nowera In bloom, while the East is 80m t! fu h1rl' (irne." _ _ _ ___ - - blocked with IIlIOW drift& and the thennometer ISOand 20· below zero . "Out here we ml811 all that, Rnd enjo), oursrlves eating fresh fruit alld garden vegetables of all kinds at all tim.. These things ar e a lwllYs found on the markt. and they are The cOl11l11ilt of the .. Men of cheap. too. WuynesviJi "ill charge of th Mem '''1 ",lab 1 bad a full report of nil orial Oal' ex e rciAe~ have secur d 1 r product. lent out of thie ~tate each Gorge W. Bunton. of Grace M E ,ear. but I enel08e a partial report hurch, Dayton. Ohio, for orator of taken from one of our daily papers. lbe day.
t debaker
AccessorIes Oils
y~ .. ~.
I Kelly-S pringfield (7()()O :\1 ilt,~ C tl r
11 t
Untted States (woo :\1 ill,.., C lin rn t1 t l'ti)
Mason 3500 1\1 iles
lI aralttccd )
efiners High Test . asoline •
For Tax Day. April 7th
The COlmplete Electric ight nd Power Plant
Netting approximately 7% Tax Free ~ OD
CIevcIud Stodt Exc:bll1l ~ Pbooe )'OUr arden .... to PI" '~r MIl
- _.. ...
..Saves Time- ~nd Labor on the Farm .... Brings City Conveniencies to Everv Home .... The Plant is Simple, Efficient and D~rable ....There is 'a Responsible 'Company Back of'Delco Light .... There is a Size ·t o Suit your Needs ....Over 100,000' Satisfied Users
Tb.e Ma,.rd H. Murch Company tIaioa NatioDal8aDk· 81~.
Telephone 47
j=-= -- --==-='1 -M;~:ea';':~%illtb~e;t:dOt~ ~~~~ 1fh:~ +1- S-O-CI-ETY--~-Ev'-EN-Ts:tl{~;':'~';" ;";"""'~~-"''''~''-;''1 1
N. Sears Auctioneer &: Real Estate Farms and Farm Sales A Specialty
PERSONAL MENTION . l tfct~~:~~~~~~f[~mTi~:ii~~~::bf~~
•• - - - - - - - Iattack fOI' the captain this willter. 'fobaceo Canvas at wholesale nt Hyman's. _ Mrs. Julia Bergan is visiting rela' tives in Dayton this week . .. 0 h 21 S B d Dr. Dill, steo~at . roa 'flay. Lebanon. OhiO. . . h MI88 Ha~el Salisb ury, spen~ t e week ·end wlth relatives 10 Xema. Mrs. Abi H~ines. of Dayton. Is t he guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Joy Harry Earnhar t was confi ned sev· e ral days this 'week at his home with n severe co ld . \<~o rrest Ridge left Monday fo r
~Jl~~d 1~~~~UeKnh. ,. afte r
a pro · Automobil es were in evidence 'un. flY. and owners enj t)yvd tho day to t he fulle t ex tent. Mrs. I. N. Harris, of Dayton. waS . Office Ihe Ituest of he r mother. Mrs. AIi.ce Amao . Block; Waynesville, Ohio cKinsey. last week. . George Funkey, or Chi ago , spent Phone 61-2 and 3 the week·end \vi th hi par IIts, Mr . d M J A F key • •_ .___________________. ._1IIi all rs. . . un . When you buy a new automobile tire. make. no rnistllke. buy u Vac· :--------------~--. .- - - - - - -- ; cuu m Gup . O'N eall & Allen , Mr . and Mrs Jules Beckett, of Cu tbank . Mont . spent Thursday wit h Mr. and Mra. B H. Kelly .
Automobile Accessories, Oils. Greases~ .Etc....Pennsyivania Vacuum Cup and , RIIdne Tires and Tubes.
machine and the dread of
good ' t ire. guaranteed for 5000 miles. They are no higher in price than other tires cartying a much less guaranteed mileage.
here Is ouo gr a t dIfference between her aod lIer c1vtUzed descendants: The tull, Ind opendent ltte of the sln.J1o womnn' belongs to the prosent dny.!'
"Clever Mrs. .Carf'ax"
~, ' ' ..
. F or
A p••r10 l , 1'918 .
If i
Children for the matinee admitted for only 6 cents.
Tuesday. ,April 9th Featuring Jack Pickfor:d in
"Trouble Busler"
"Jack and Jill"
': Il'tlllllnee' 2:30 p.m. AdmiSSion ." 10e After the ,lisautrous fire of Robert Open evenings _ 7:00 p.D: WMntlneTe-G hil<!ICO under J 2 t1c : 8enderson. a coupl e of weeks ego. at. ax- -. Ie; W.oodrow Coll ins got busy Saturday evelling ~:30 p.m. Total - ', • _ lie , paper around to the who generously re.spon<ied, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ _ _. . . . . .. a nellL little sum was raised to him. Mr FJ ende rson nys; "1 reo ~:::::=::::::=:::::::::::;.. ceived the sum of $23.65 . Lhe full , ! amount on th subscr ipt ion, paper of Woodrow Collins. and thank eve ry f " one or t hei r help Bud Idndnesa " .
TIllS IS a, ,matter, of lmportance to every taxpa"'er and J• . ' •
a ll should to be a which eve. r ofarrange the a.bove men.tioned pl;aces is most conven-
Pl:!~~f":o °fe:l~~ tk!
ien't .
Prac tical Reference LIbrary " in six vol umes has been added to ' the Li.b; ra ry; donated by Mrs. t..race Carman Davi's. .
- - -- - •
C. {S. MOUNTS', Auditor of W.arren County, Ohio. "
, very lowcosrto ' you. ., Also horses," .mtiles and cattle aga~t de~th from '/Ply cause.". . C~t:1 y.Du afford t~ carry your own risk ·a t the '.· high prices of·.:five stqck? " . ,For any kind of insurance, see
~aY.Desvil1e, Ohip
Atban B'lock: Phone 61.2,
in allwill probability several of boys . be called aoon.. ' these .....:._~._ ..._ _ _ 2
- --"".Fal'met's who , are Interested In Ilrowitig llweetoi:orn, will please cal at the office alia talk it over. We A ~ul1line of Sprinjf Styles. Men a re anxious to have a large aCl'ealll'",.1 aud Boys Clothing'. Ha~ . T ies •. Un· ~____•_ _ _ _ __ _ _""'\ this year. Come in and sell us. der wear and Wen ring ApParel is Waynel!vflle Canning Co. now read'/' fo r your inspection at the --.."..,,,......._ . ' Fred Confpany. Lebanon . Big SlQre. The State. AKrlcuitural· De part. ment has given warninlt to county fa ir ma nagers.. to the effect that If they continue to permit games of chance. paddle wbeel$ and vulllal: show.. they will withdraw thei r trom those f.lrI. 'Good id... ought to have been done yun
'& .Cartwright
against Fire~ . Cyclone' and Theft ' At! .where in the' United State~ 0; Canada at a
Glenn W. Fealy and G. C, Aneon.
Township boy tobe called this . time. Several boys from Wayne.Town. ship were e"lltl1lned : l~st week. and were found to be phYillcally fit, Ilnd
In8~re" Auto~obiles
p. m. of Harveysburg. passed through here Mondav morning to L ~bal1on. where , p. ni, they j oined the rest of the ',Varren ' . County boys who have b~~n called to p. ro , the ·colors . and tbey Jett Tuesday morning for Camp Sher ll1an. Emer· p. m. son L. Surface was the only Wayne
rd was .receiired here' last thaWo t Mrs Chas. Stansbcrl'Y, of week Day · ron . waR seriously ill . and t hat hope o f her recovery is doubtf ul.
Waynesville, Ohio . .~..........~.............. uo.
Saturday, ~prll 6th. Matinee and NI~ht Featuring Vi~i a n Martin in
'Howrard' Burton
eall & . Allen
Thursday . • April 4th Ft' J r Elt' . ea unng u tan • mge In
[lle6t to ClvlJt7.atlon.
" Every slivuge WOlUlln, we understand, WQ!I wcOlled to some mn n. 'and
THE Racine is an equa.lIy
Oregon.ia .... . ... : 1: 00 Mr F . B. Sher wood, daull:hter and son. of Lebnnon, spent 'Easter Sun· Harveysburg . .... 2: 30 . d ay with Rev lind M t il. J F. Cad· . wall ader . 'Waynesville ...... 5:00 Mr. Ilnd Mra Charles Smi th and· L ytIe .•.... : . ... ' 7 . : 00 fam ily . of Sur ingboro. were the unday afternoon guests of Mr. and . Mrs. F . H. Farr.
Miami Theater Program !
1 purpose 0 f glvmg t.le . whatever informatIOn I can, I MI~s Clemence McCollum , of Cin· in the matter of the listing cin nati. spent Lhe week· end at lh e personal property for the year home of Mr, ami Mrs. W. H. Allen . 191 ,I will be at the follow· Miss Olive Allen lef t Monday for· I t h ~: Mt, Holyoke Gol\ej:te. af~er spend ing mg p aces a t e L.. me Plen· a delightful ·weck with home folks. t ioned. Mr. and Mrs. Myel' Hyman Bnd daug hter were in Xenia , last week. a ttending Passover serv ices( Pasaeh) .
• . Mr. and -Ralph Mill ren ter· Forrest H. Gra~f. who was formerly tnined unday a.t dinner, Mr nnd located at. Corwin, but removed . to MrR. C. W. Barnett. Mr . a nd Mrs . E. ' Morrow. where he has .be~n rehef V. Ba rnha rt and Mr. and Mrs. J . agent at the Pennsylvania hn!!9. bas Wilson Edwards and family : accepted ·,a permanent position at ,Pend letonl. HiB many friendl!l here . ' will congratulate blm on hill ad. Mr. anc1 Mrs J . 0 CartwrIght ~n. ent ' tertatnerl the "Jolly Matrons" WIth vancem . \ their husband!', Monday eveninll /. The evt)ni ng was deligh~ful1y spent Mr . and Mrs , Carrot. ChldlaW,Of \ . I . . 1-00 " . Col umbus. spent seve ral days with In P eYing I> • Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure last ---..,...- . Ml'!J' Jam es McClure entElfta)ned week. Mr. Chidlaw has just grad· unted fr o'IQ lhe Aviation Corps at at dlllner .Iast Wednesdn1 MISSes Columbus. and spent a short fur He l ~n Hawke, Mary Hawke. Elhel lough wllth the McClure's before HOSler and Mrs. Lester ,Gordon. . being transferred to another place . • - •
I and Service ' Station
• _________
T"E .Sc,.
JOe AND 2'S c
Deep :Dishesi two·sizes ........' .... . , ..' .... ; 25c~2Oc NEIoppie, scalloped'...• , . .... .....•..... '. ; • . . 25c-2Oc Cups and So,ueers; large ones .... . . .. . . ... , •.. ' 20c PIEI;tes, large :white ones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. , 15<: ~resS Shields, large and smaU, pr .. ·.....•. : . . 10e Cu,:"edge Binding, blaCk-white, yd ....... :- . 10e Corset Covers, with lace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . 25c Children'.s Corset Waists .. .. ............•• : • 100Children's ApJ;ons, assorted sizes. . . • . • • . . . . . . 20c 2Oc: Candy, ·fr~h,. per. lb. and up. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . •
.~even tieth
.... ----....,- ----.
Whole Number 3473
- ..
LLOON SQUt OIWN WI< ITr.S Thp fnllr)' iniIC is the r' ::lUll of-the 10 (j Z\·I r( ~ nother disastrOUBcountry fire oc· JOI'l't'Y 1',.Ie " ~1 Iii 'by Ii: .- ~ t ,kes. cu:r'cd aturday evenin~ about 5 M ')ri'l , ' ~ I ' iI I ~ I : u'l'loclt, when the barn, wagon 8hed r tl tlll n U ' lIlJer·~ Iri . !14; ,, 1I1oun t ,r . '" ,-... iv,·ti ,',tn, .-11 e. g!l)I~ 00; 70 rf'lI' a mi corn crib belonging to Martin Go. ns. who lives east of t own about l < t~"I!,1 .. I t· , inc:lu hn ll ei~hL ijl1lsl1 three mil es. burned to the g round . (. lvl'< . \) ' '" 1ifn i 7:l50 00; II vl!rallA The fire sLarted in tbe hay mow, and !Ii;) () '; il ~ grati · Calli ,' , incl unil1l1: before IIny one could reach the barn f,!\H ~ 1.lvp , h IIIHih t '1642 III) aver' In l.ettet, a nd Allhough ( Born u re lls Illl cr"'t ' Il" V'l l' t l~ N o t the whole top of the structu IllCe 68 Of); '1.7 r .. g ~I er~\1 e:1I Ivoll re wa~ ~. • .. ., ewp r lh n blaze. Quaker, He Is GiVing ,His • h r ou~h r t:lf.,7(1 011. ~VP"\ U:(' Iii 1:1200; News, \\ he.c War r\ tiv ily Quincey Gons started tor the mow, <;erviceJi to His Cou.utry I>iJrh ~ t 1i1 .100111 , Emlnllll" " ~'ai rv . \!; \,fY (lreal intendin g to throw the burning hay Uukp, t hl' hl' rd 1111 1), brough t t 3(10 00 nu t, but was not able to reach it. as 'L'h 1:1\1 lie 8(.ld were ~nn~id ered the whol13 place was in a blazt!. The :verv c"nke Itnim , lA, and Ihu urkea Dear Gazette : Gons' say the fire started in a place 'hro'urrht erll 'v ry 1181isfllctury to t" It appear.. t0 be Ime t 0 pay mv MnrriFon. B , Iwhere no one has been since the hay 1h vwni:r • M was IJUt in last summer . nnd they are liubscrlPtion tor another year, filld " arch 31. Hll H. at a 10 8 10 know what started the . enclosed ' l .50 . Dear Ed llor:,' '1r e. It iR not thoulth t to have You have been publishing inLer· No dO J bt . this wIl l bl' tlw Ialit 'It an inccn liary nature. as thebeen fire esling letters and news conce rnin& $lhal1ce to wnte y~lI Ill'rnr(' we 1[0 IVll uld not have started at such a Wliyne Township buys w h~ h~v ~ ~I ·rn~s . sa hel'e it! J "~t a hltll~ I II ,~ 'imE' in the dllY , joined the army or n~vy 1 Will (! Ive fl'urn Cu mp Mllrrr.·Il ll . 'Vl·Ir"I'C I"'t'll The tl'S will be conside rable and you a IJttle farther newa about a l"' rtl !li llee II'.,hr ll:lry !Jth . III .tI hr.Y,' Illy pu rtially c(lvered by insur'ance. former Wayne TownshiJ? boy 'J UII "vl'll the camp CIHlnj~U t J lIllI II lIIu ,lcJy G,,~irl es the totililoss of the buildings. An adjou roed meet ing of council Itlt, Eyler took II civilian positioo in .,>\IAm p covert'd With pl l) <0' unlp" there is n los9 1200 bu. hels of corn. WIaP htld ~'r l dav o!vlillinJl' to dlatUM tbe U S. NallY Yard at Brer:ner ton, lllid rli t.che,:: tl) to WI ' III.:e CalnP Or)e horse · andof one besides a Bev rill irllpnl-t8 ut ordinances, It t Wa h ,. and stayed there t hrt! U r boys,hav .. v rlu',j tll rnlll'~ every great many farmin cow. g implements. t rnev Frank Anderllo n was present months . About Septem ber 1st hI:' day, helpmg to g-et tho camp m l(ood Act uaries have totaled tbe loss at anri li'f~o!r delving th rough the long enlist~ in an Oregon regimen t of I ts. was at Camp Lewis, . h but 'I'~25 00 lIIsuran ' Slape un t'Il th last week. 116t of ordinat>eM passed fly former enginAA 1£0 p 0, Wit .,.~ ce on At one of tbe large camps, about 20.000 men were p\raded and On March 22nd. we were qua ran· the buildinl hunorable bodiea, fo und that t he or' Wuh, for a abo rt time, then ls , reviewe d prior to leaving tined for scarlet f.ever. and have not at for Ii port to sail for France: - They have developed a strong fighting _ - _.... ___•_ __ dluanctl8 h"d 'a lready been p\lS8\!d svi rit and are physically tit. been allowed leave from our ba r· upOn and ,were in full fo rct . Some . of thl!!lG ord lnanctltl were 108flnll. 18 and, 8tart.l ng across a fe~. da~13 :: spitting on , idewalk, cattle running before t:hanklg ivlng and arrlVlna' Ih Neb.~ :o~:r~rY~s b:li~v ~f~e ~oul~ ' U <II at large. 'etl' The mal shal was or· h b til t k W dered to Rce tbat ·th · pe ordinancea fraTice about December 10· Shortly Ill""" - • - - - - are tl"forced. Anyone who hils secured ,a'ood The council, afler some dieeu,slon. S, ' Army EnKineering 8<;hooll in moat 2000 Of us. 'rhey are from li'ort seed corn or wants hance, and w8Il'til l theee whe~ we theIr 8~joU meQ teated. " :' Sill Okla Waco Texas Ilnd Omaha should get m touch withcorn 11 i '_. Charles i 11-:---- - last bClllrd f~m him, Feb':'&:rY 15t~ - - . Neb. M~~Y of them have had very Clllss! First ~ational Bank BuildlnaF. -, JU8t what kind of trslRm~· he IS little t raining with balloons Tobacco Canvas at )ess thlm whole. ,taking or how long be illikelv to he lIale price a t Hyman Call Telephone 4 for Livery Work , receive further training inbut will Le~anon, OhiO, who hlas been a.po 's, either pomted T h A County , Agent for, WIll'H~ ' Id·· there, be is not permitt ed by. the England or France, County .' He Will help ·you In an), 1 . 0 t e menca n so ler 10 . eenlOr to tell. J88!e Burton Willi a CincinnatI visBe- wrote "Namea . E. Janney Wlifl a business visitor France , nothin We have all had our quipme nt way he can. g is ' more es- itor, Saturda y. ' , number s, wbat we are doing or how in Oinclhnati, Monday. inspected and now Eiland ready to Bv order ----,-. . Warren County Pupa lonr Ire tbinlri we are not permitt ed here at twentysenttaJ than . srnaU-anna am- Toba.cco CanVBS a~ less t han whole. tice. four hours' no. AC!C9rdhlll to Ha&ry H. Hamilton, (O'~lrit.e.'II'· in in a Itone lio~ No one is allowed ouL of Burel\u .- - -.... hive Mlu ho~ella J anney s~ent the .mutlitiGu. Wi.thou,t this rl chalrma rl elt the Warren County Wa, rifle sale price at Hyman 1m v .. ·s. . '. camp witnout a pass, which has be,e n week·end With home to~ks. ' ' ,,- h d andlm ~avl~\ct< ~rnmltte WnO 1&\1 charve a reall)e very hard for us to get. unless (l ve ry food, we would be. an ' easy MAI.O . .J.Ed..wards spentla stweek goodro . f' plenty bl .to . eat ted' I t lhe'Thr .(t Bnd e, WarSta01ps in hi" pretty. com 11' orta y mtua noonwa sgl'''en, [hav"b een n po Mr. Mrs, B, B. Ke y were victim for the ' Hun. It is '11 I h i D I ;" W 1" ~ h' v In rElirard to bia workat the Cincinnand t re atlveSID ayton. . ati visito~s. Sunday , ' dqwn to 88t report, . ayne own' Ip,-, wh08e eral" Newpor t News and N, rfolk , bool h wrote "It _ III hia-hly ac:len· ' quota I d '1().500, .' . t has no~ [ obviou come outd sly up want to to necess ec ary e that our . Cb,as. Burnet t W8S a business vis' al.ln uel'~ he8lrl:ne , w'l'he'l ~l 'Lstreets that amount The re"or · for tbe Ullc, iD~nloua an d d'ffi It" B A m W ht .1 cu ' . are e Mra. Or, R~y and H.urd Mrs. ; t ag~d ve J.. r , 19. died at -b rIll. were boys in Franc e be kept amply I or In ..... anon, T u"""ay ..... ' v , 'trown~h i l) is a'!!fullo ws' I<Waynesville had atudled French In Coll-e but Dayton vl' sl'ors u 'ednesd ay. . a Ohl Wedneaday. v'r arrow I\nd things are arra nged her h. orne In P IqU, . . . . . ,,, 0: Ii Y n supplied, and one of our great O. J_ Edward s was a Dayton visit odd d' . " Oh' !)..prll .a , after a sho\'t IlIn88l. The' 'm' compar e wit h our CltleS .. ID 10 . bQdy was brough t here, . and a aero , The' Floyd Feather ston eo:, at Warre coo. n Count y institu tions or last Sunday and Monday . I talktna- 1t BC?tg School Rail' Monday evening . these d MlU!si etownsh ip,whos equotaw lI'1 p ractl rareb vice wasJ,held at ·The . ee n Peters Cartrl' Chapel at 10 . dge Com~ til h . Wit sal ?lrSrsnntbaSno u~lds 'l ers\l Bot'h o'clock Saturda y the 14500 h aised n050 w64 Warren Ali MI'II.J -to the W.Whi country . mornin g. Mr a . teheard oVllr Schum er~ ann e , ' more J. O . Bill . Cartw· 0 , n · ... bt _ wna ~v '"hl.I. 8 C " busines . hu 'yet s Ruth to· re. Murray is write. devoti Coun ;u "PerbaJ offiCiati ng its lll ng. immen you ~ ~ar may se Helnk in Dayton last week , ~ wet tired I'to ~, cities Ilre situated ,on . hesapellke concourse of relatives and A larae h baa I Harvey...sburg last we.ek celve $os 7(kl13 to comJlI~te her o~~ heari Da- me rave abou t t"e, ",,,,I,t ...,, t thl'S end friends U· val r n !:la,' and a t ~ he f .e rr Ian d 109 a t New • . 0 Quota. whictt Ioltbgetber amOUl't8 to ti~ 01 this c:oun~ty, but!3 , ' gathere d to pav their last reapect .. • Mrs Clint Ross Rnd daugh ters por t Newll n t IS !lIt~ated t?e CurtillS MI 9 Hurd was the daught er of Mr. Mr. and Mrs, Frank LeMay and '120 671HlO . A aerioua duty ill Imposed upon were Dayton visitors Saturda y. it', ItlallettlD~ In my b l . p{riyate airplane lO~tructi0!1 school: Fay~tte Roberaon. who rlB(d son, 'of ·Mlddletown. spent . Sunday every man and -..,.,._ __• _ .. woman .. _..z.._ wbo can, to 'my8hip ebomestoiD~~dgotihnea-to . bere 'lhere they are flym g hydro Oregonia . Interm ent was • . n~r . . usist in this work. Bundre ds of mad.,. ID YOIl over ere Call Chiles Hotel. Livery Service, planes over the ". . - . . ' bay contlllu a,lly· , addition al Miami cemete ry. employ ee' S are wanted in for it ia great , Daddy would . We could see two bllttleah lps Iytng Born-T o Mr: alJd Mrs, R. An. the plant at Kln~ Milia. Worklnw J. T. Liddy, of Dayton, ~t wa~enror~~I'alnlmd~/or be in the bay, about 2 miles from shore, drem(n ee Evelyn Funke), ), recently , conditions. as we h.~v. found them. eral houn with friend. bere, .co-Qn~ ·_n-'-th' no trQllble and the queeres t thing about them is" ' are unaurpl lllled; tlbere i. no w. more I day. alOD. . that they are painted in various col· carry In our packl. We-ue on! danger than In an ordinar y manu, 'I .a· on in zig· zag desiK,ns t? fool the fiv. pound. ~, In e. compaD~':~IDE;~=S Hr•. and "n. Walter Elzey· and f8Cturin~ IIItlblll hment; wagee com A baptismal aervle~ .W IS h,I4 It St. Iblltedllt"~ ~ . J. C. HI"k, II quite .Ick witb Germana In lia-htlng 1 bem, 100, Kennet h, spent· .Sunday with pare favorsb ly There Including our cloth.., h _L. S d with an, in thll Me' pDeum aft Jl8Cb ODe ......... Mary ' a cur".. relative s In Davton bUlre coal docks built out into the of UI Ire a-Iven t"o . t1on , Any man or woman who ean Itnet. ontl a, hia bom. on Sixth . un aI "rnoon, -eeboOl he pun of hobi from Newpo rt N.ews where the nail~ trlncb IIhoes and pOssibly enter thia work, owes it ~to wb.n tile dau\,ht er In I0Il of Mr. .trange rs a 01, take coal, and most of it Is 8piral.l~,gl!lga before golna pair ',8om- T ' 0 Dr. and Mra. Gail Rus. his country to do' 10. It ISl8lmp or. F B SherwoO of·~Lebano "ere 1I,CI'OIe, covered ean . Mrs. J. F. Cadwaller, who has been bapti~d , Rev Jd. F, dwalllan\.r, of. "Ootlld over the C, & O. end N & W. Our clothmg and food allowan of sum. . of Dayton , Ohio ·te .. Tuesda III with ce is , " flclattnll' A gOOd li&ed coDa-~tlon thll bu.fth tant BI enlistin g in the army. or bUJ- qUI ttack 0f th e Ul a , April 2, !91B, 8' d~ughter. ' The th e number Ii & O. passes right past t he t he best, eonsId' ___ ..... h in, Ltbcr;t1 bonds. D d ernlg .... n II Improv lnr, slowly. eamp and the freights are. busy the service t o be equlpJ)ed, From Wl tn.__ t e ceremo ny.. r .. ~n ' u'-. day and night hauling long trams Helen Rocke", of Delaware, 141'1 '0 .to'l!lher and Mr, of and reportl Mn. ot the gr ..t drive the Ge,' . Jeff Thom~.ol of . I,.ebadon, beln«, The Fiord Feathe nton - " .. J coal to tbe coast tor the ships. Ohio. mans are making, the Alii. need our I thl! week' elld O-h00 I Hal M d ' Co., Irueet of ber .... . on ay evening . aiater, ~1aI Either There Rockey is· a , train·lo 1)reeent ad of troops help and the 100ner wI! can,.t oVlr . , . I passes here going to the coast to and ." check tbose Huna, Just tllatlDQClh Mn. Wrlght and.,ns ,Alfred leave on the transpo rts on Mia, Mary..Leffel'lon, of Middle· a~d ~'hott, ePC'! t Sunday with rela- ge every day , They are on aver· sooner will the war be orouJrht to'-. , town, 1181 the guest last week of Mr, trying out close, ' tlVes \D CenterVi lle con::ret e ship~ here at NOI:folk, and . I hope we f!lay all be. back Ind Mrs, J O. Cartwr ight and family , ~ur , . t bey are proving . gerltJEIIDsln.l Mrs, ,Byro~ Hartsock, or Lancns- For the last twoto be satisfac tory. home. by sprllla. but we Will all ave '" Miss Justina Hartsoc k, "of Lanes!, we have to put our shoulde rs to ' tHe ' w ter, OhIO. '1189 th~ week-end guest of had q uite a bit ofweeks. terl OhIo. it< thll !{,gest of . Mrs. training with and fight to the bitter end. ~Ithln Mrs. Matilda ~08Ier, l'i fltl~, machin!' g uns allli regulat ion a month, [ hope to be i.n Frallc!" so Matilda liosie.r and dl\ught er; Miss . , Ethel. signal fl aKB ' one lif ' U8 mUBt please accept my fare",!ell gr8tlt~n", Prof. E. F. Amy. of 9hlo ~esley"n know both theEvery wig.wa g and Bema· and 1 will try and wrtte to the Gao. Colleg~, Is spe ndlD~ 'hiS eprl og vaca· pbore types ot signaling. All of us zette occasionally afte~ Word WBS r!?C~ived here Sun4ay ot' reach .our tIon With Waynesville friends, Dre allQwed t hr "pound s of tobacco next camp. whethe~ It I be ~he aerlOU& illness of Frank Venable. France, who 'r8llides near Utica His'con di' to take for canteen purposes, then a3 England or Italy. . " Several membe rs of the M of for persoll~1 use 'IK we call tion ·is very critical, Everett J. Olark, ,~ attende,Monda d the tneetlrll l -l '!!'!l'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! t.he Mensville of Lebanon y aVjlr.iltllr Do roLIl~ t.:;ebaue r. Es !!!7~~!!!! ~~:~...~:-:;:::::'. Helen Rockey, R\tth _~..___~i..IIIi!__~";__----"'",~~~"~~iHpri:lba8C6 'and Henriet ta 'McKiD~y Telephone 128, TI!JCI to -railroad , . . ahoppinlr fn Dayton Saturda y. .. , , Mrs. Walter. William, : ot ,Kinl· man, 18 spendin g a tew days with her parents , Mr. and .Mrs. J . E, Jannsy . · • ,
- ---- -
C=.~~~:.~~~;~======~=====~= I =========================~~~t ~~~~~t~~. NOTlrETOFARMEHS ~':s~i.r:a1n~~ inS:n:~~Ct~e: ~~ 11_p_E~S~~A!_~E~JI_~N_ I AN URGENT 'APPEAL I-P-ERS-O-NA-l-M-EUT"-IO"N- T•fn~h~f8~:~;~~ ~1~?~~~~~::o~ ;:ma~ no~ -fum WDRKEDt' 1 no
---1 "'
!~~,~8j~9. .Ckl>l.~~i;. t~~fh~fg;61~t~6: ~'o~~ h~~~: ~~~e =~tu.:;:~~~ 0
Will ,GIVE. )lECTURE. ---
The FI"yd Fea-tlienton Co .. have a musical -novelty enterta inment ,that IB very clever. They are ' classed as a "return date" company, which 8~el\~a ;-veil tor th!)ir enterta inment . The achool teacher s ' , Monday eiening I,cclnc(!rtgi'len by the VUI"'''.~U ... .,
.!(l" 'I ,'I· I"" ,j r "fIhllt than I H.lll HIl Iltd. II,' "' I, lod 'd. "W ~ U, f'lod'fe. ItriJ .\11 II p I tI'~ ba k tu I ho fnrm tor mi n. I lAIl·t 11111 j~"l m)' lu<,\1" A It I" \1 Il ,1 Ilh' HH(lI"D "i1 In Jl lud la'~ /It'lu'l , lw t M P t" i nti Ir Illd. '·1 ~(lI1MII" • UIIClll T. " ~h ali a \~r ~d . d l~ "e lnbHIlt;; "" I.. i 1'1 \5 It 1"
" I·' , nn
111101 ,
h alt
mUlIno rlolttl1'8
gom to 11Jt' d" 1 11 j\l~t 1)' ~ 1\ \11 90tlin ' !l! n , J \.. I '8 an Iltllnl/;Cl" l"loi111' Ie. 11 tlll»tllljf her 11ft nde
Ball ·. l'eItra~Ded an ov r wheh l\hll> \ un CIII neJ a SlrOII!> \' I" \II ~, Ir. .oUIII· fOUrIoiIIt,. "Wb re did you nrid It 1" b sle lla. lie Or mly b el\ v d In mnr rlnge. IUkiId lalbU,. lie tllolls hi It n duty. He mnllllBllled ""'h. ou~u. . Moat onrlou8. ~ o eC' l I1I gh hle!1ls fl,r t llo future ot t ho raoe.". .,.ntrlc man, JOur ' !locle, Mr. Bani· I "Oh. for hCl\,·on·s s,lkci ·· rled H nll , ,tell.. It.,u found in h ie II br(\ry. In ' "I kno\\" 'til about t ba.l. Didn 't ncl e flO .· t, It ,on will b elie ve me . beCWN, 'I ! Joh n tal k IllU 10 dea th on the Bubj e l ? !l1"~M of bls OWll book- l mean , ()l \\11)" dlll ,,·( 11 g t mnrriQd h llll s elJ7" ooune, tb:e ODe be wrote hIOlSl'H-1 " All untortun nto 10ve-n'l'flllr I un· '~ Sulolde a nd Row to Prp"l"ll( It, Ilorslll ntl . nrl! \'!l nled bls putting bls 11believe It I. called. I ha \'1! ~IOt ),,,t I own th eMI " In lo prncl k ," Bald 1)orC', had the pleaellre of reading It : . llIU S. "I th ink-min d. I do not aa)' Jl
I pn Ilh'(>ly- but It Is possible t hat , bu,1
Mr. Doremu. s~opped, and gave tb e out\c ~an & ateady Ins \I e[lon. "I ' lInd01'lltal14 that you will be twenty· Il. ht npon. the fourth of !\ll1Y, .!IIr. , nlIt.1le. Am 1 correct '" ''Yea. Tomorrow. Why'" Mr. Doremus solemnly held up Il ls !JIand. "Waltl" be commanded. "Lot IIDe, ~fore r «0 tht:ou gh the "Whol e Icloe1lment., ~ad t1;l!1I one 01nu60. l!'1odlQ, J)eeplng througb the door. 1"111.1 breathleaaly liatenlng. Hnll was laMwlDa wbltl). "lIlr--here It la." Mr, Dor emus pro· -IC3HCIed to read soberlr . "'The r esldu lor IDJ eltatct 1 leave to ~y beloved . ~epbew, Ball Outler Bon.lStelle. on can· ldlt10n that ,he Is married before h ~ the age or t wenty-clght tJMn.'" "Oll. I !mew III Well, It's aU up .... : e . t . I ck'" ,... n-~u. my u . . .. 'It, bowever, at tb e beginnIng 01 bJa t"JDl1-elabth birthday' be Is uUl I .unmarried, thl' residue shill! be til »l'O part:y of. my beloved cousin , Jooas 1BuatncburJ. &Ii a t~tlwo"ny to our 110uthtUl trleJ\dahlp: " Mr. Doremus 'loollM up ~ ..;. lClowllng. ''Let'a eee ItI" 'ba dam&nded, and he took the Inetru. IUU1 read ~e cla1l8e over to him. 'Mit. "lihUe KJ', Doremus' eyee drUted laIoWI7 about the apartment. "How 1II00h 'wlll the reSiduary legatee reo .eel....,.. Ball ulred wea)UY.
YOU- knowin g. YOU UnderetltOd, hlB po· culla r theo r les-" . "Acted a ccordlllgly ?" snld Flall. "Ma.rrl d OD t ile chanco 6r bccom lot h is heir ? Bright Iden ! But It's too I n t ~ no\\". Lord !" " It Is, us you s ay. to o late. practloal, I),. I presume," Mr: Doremus r ma rked, " hilt. loga ll y, J must remind yo u Ih n t t ho i.l mB hoa .not yet eXjJlred. You hav e unt il mldnlgbt, 4·0U und ers ta nd, In which to Qua lity (or th e Inherlta nco. Much ha B been done In fou rteen hours Mr. RonlH telle." ' "Fourleon hours I ., HBlI r eneated. "Wby , fou rteen days " 'ou ld b e littl e l'nough ti m . You ca n't pu t a th log ILke marriage tbrough on a time acb ed. " UI?, you kno w, all )'OU t .. '} confess I do not 'kn ow, said Mr Doremus rl sLng
II llr" ou n l~', ")'1l1I I1Q)I ' l LII 'U ' )"(1\1'1' goi " lI1; to I t t\lul -" I .11 tQIlPed jlls) 1\.1 ti m ; 11M mind h a d rUII n wuy wltll her 111'8. " 011, l\l r. lloniHtell . I m an l'oU d o n't meili. that llIea u old J l>nBB Ha8~lngburr 's going to get Ihat
" Yca, confound him ! Tile IPaalm· slnlllng. h(lIl(lr~tbulI ·tllo u old b ypo· crll(>! Fuur Millo/l . ~'Iod lf' ! '('bini! !If III Good LIml. Isn't It ferocio us ? And l[ th~1 w\1 1 hllcl <l Ul l' tJlJf,1I fOllnd wh II T 1I~1" .lulln ~ I tJ - but Lord, what's lho u ~ /)f tnlkl ng."' H e wa l ked dogg ell}" bit k Into Iho fltudl o nnd gn.Yt\ Ii "lcl ou~ 6wlll" to hill cu m ~rn. Plodl e 1"I~I\(>r followl' d hi m In, th n stood looki ng' fJ t 111 m II /ls lI·oly. Sh IIPok l) s lowly, softly. dellbora toly. "Why dO/l't you gn Ilb~(ld !llld get Ihe niono)", MI'. n onttitolloT' " Oel t h lUOIlO)"'f How?" '.'Why, g t ma rried!" 1"lodlo turue d su ddenly rl mEon . "Why, " 'ho ILl tb' wor ld wo uld hllvo
Get Genasco, Nature's eve~lasting water- ,
the pIlii'll o.f ('HE rE TERS CARTRID GE COMPANY, Kings Mills , WllTnm Co , Ohio.
." Come
it i.:
• Waynesville,. O.
Xcflia ...... " .... .... .. ... ... 5:10 A. M. A rrhc ({in g ' s l\li lls ... · .. · .. ... ··6:12 A. M. A n ivc Cincinnnt i ......... ..... ...7:40 A. 1\1.
T ende r T hou ghts In Will. SOlTlc ll m!'s tbrre nre foulld auch t en. 'IN \(1 I1 Cl\ CS as tb ~ e 10 the will u,f n I" te lown Clerk or Monm ou th lvbO ' " ~'d 10 10t5, ag~d scvent'Y.t w~. He 1nll to t:b Montnol1tl) Gen 'rill ItOspltnl orllt cll ;r;pensary" fu r the clllldreo'8 WII l' d , ~11 memol'y of his C!n rU.t"g chili'! Lb.7.le, J;l5OQ tI ut! n trum ed PllrtrnJt of th e t lllhl, and d(1sJl'ed th o nutbo ~lt\ e:1' to plflclI on h e r gruve u wrellt h of q wera cHeh Palm Suud ny null t( wrea h of holly llch Obrj stmllll d ny,
M!Oh't ~av~ Sav ed French. ]0 the PrlUl o·PruSlllllo WIU' a dis. patch WitS "Iolit" wIll ell ml gbt' -htlve avcrt (!d the Pi ncb ll(.fell t In 187Q. 13a. znlne, ",h o~e 111 <\5~ngl1 1I1nrsl1.ft.- MacMuhon n!!\·er l' 'ceh· d. wos nfier the wllr .0J:'(lerec1 llbot for tr cn~Ol). a ieo. teneo ",oJ 'b WDS commuted to 20 )'1lIIl'1I' Unprlso nnl nt.
--~--- --~.~~---
Tho Mb1Uet. The old·Ume ''mIbU .. t'' derlv8ll It.
IIIlme from tile Lntln mlnutBII ............IIIlJ.L appl),IIl, to the lIliort stupe to tbIa claDea. •
lIR 1 1lr. II H
rlOs,· lu l,' . .n ny
It) &!
6:15 P.1\I.
A. M. A., J. A. M.
6:011 A: JW. 4:1 5 P. ~1. 6: 1:1 ,\ . M. ti ::l5 P . M.
6:l0 A. 1'11. 6:1 ·A . I . ,
A. lH.
Li.'ave Mason ... ' .... .... .... .5:50 A. M. L eave Kin!!' s Mills ... ..... .1;:00 A. 1\1. L eave S. Lelm)1 o n .... .. . :. ..6 :0:; A. M. A rrivli L cbll no n ., ...... ........... ... .... ...
6:20 A. M. 4:5:) P. M.
......,.... , 6::10 A. 1\1, 5:05 p, M.
6:05 A. M. ,4:20 P. M . ....... ..... .. , 6:20 A. M. 4:G!l P. l\f. 4:58 I'. M. 6:28 A, M. 1):02 P . ~I . v:04 P. M. 6:40 A. M. 5:Ui p , M• .. . .. ...... ....
, H oLe l proprietor . board ing hOll se keepers. nnll 'p rivate fam ilies in Leball(lll . M IIAMI. Milford , Lov eland , Morr ow , Xenia, Wavll l!Rvili e nn~ npnrllY tu wn , wh Rre l)l"eDared to h ouse, or lIolt e Ilnd board m ale o r fe ma re Hll ployes of Ol1 r plant, art' iovilNI t o tile \ ith U!I f tlll ill.f Hr llla.lloli 8S tu rat!'s. number r p e op le w ho can be ac r. mod"ted and wheLhe r fo r nw n o r w um t'I1, or l)loth . An oftk iul Ii~t of ucb 3(!Cl)m lfllldutHlns WIll be. k pt for rE>s dy re fe r lice for the convenience o f employes d eSIring same . . '
If you cannot go t o France, you can . help supply our boys over there. Your country needs YOU • . Apply j~' Person or Write to I~nlploy m ent
ew • u.
Marriage llccnsell
were tlpproved.
Sheriff's Sale.
I)robate Court
Warren Common Pleas
(In Partition
Goldlo Wainbold } Jru;eph Il: urlclr ot al . 0 ... No. 119'0 (lIRd B y " Inue o r an ordor 01 ..I... dullluued I n t h e mat ter of the w i ll of Be. rrow satd Uour~, Jn .ho al)()\'u .tated cUO ... Dd '" mo lJirec LeU . ~ wlll·ofTer tor aalo, by way ot li nda J. Ro~r N'B , d t~ oeIiQ od. Will lid. ~ubll c !iUc,tOD. & 0 ~ho d oor 01 .be Oour~ wl yted t o pl'o bntf) OU ~, 1<1 Loll.oo o, WarreD Oouo\ y . Ohio. 00 ESln fe o f ,1ohll B en 1'Y .tlhi,Upij, "de. ~londay, April . oe!liled . F IIltl,1 Il COl, UOt ft l d . "In the IJI II U f L' · 0' 'be estate or Johu B 01 m ent, d " o~ "llcl Inven_ i OI"y !tno lipprlll ame n t 111'1<1 In r ~ MtMA of ;t ohn B. IJl nw e ot.. eo Il ~"d . O rder Rr!l.nttld , t o sell oar t",l n s\t.
"DIU" pays J:qust have their 8TlJ.0kes. Send them cigarettesl" This Is a. . fninlliar appeal nOw to aU of us.: Among those most 1n demand Is the,oow famo,ua "toaared" ~garette-o , LUOKY :3TRlKE. .Thousanda of tbia favorite brand have.been shippecl to· . France. There eomething home- . Ilke and frlerldly to th~ boya In the BIght of tho flilmlliar £l'een packaaeS with the red circle.. This ' bOt'nellike. appetizing quality of the J.,UCKY STRIKE cigarette 18
Jarge1ydQetotho.facttliatthe BlU"ley , tobacco ~ inm~ 'lt bas been toasted. "It'll toUted" waa tho "110. a~" that wtde • great BUCCeII elf LUCKY STRlIm in leIS than • year. Now the AmIlriCIID TobeocO Co. II makin.15 InIDioD LUCKY B'l'IUKB
Kelly-Sp,iQgfield f Or. J. A.. McL4.>Y; t:.1nited States Oradu8tl' Vet~~lnarv 01 ' Oh, tJlliverll ' Q lld
T ·ires r t
Corndr M in Qnd 'dill Streets
HA.\yKE .& McCLURE T,1.47
Way ne8"lJ ille, Ohi o
Te leph()n ~
Waynesvlll t;o .
..I I
\(' ,
l ,w~(l 111 " fJ.) u ..,~,.r 4H ~
MatTI 1I.·t
E • .v. BI\~NHART. Notary Public .
Specialist in relieving Eye Stroin anp Improving Defective Vision
by GlasseB, ' . Gffice ~nd Fittiog Room .
, 108 South , .
WIth TIFFANY mWERY Store ' . Xenia. Ohio
I'I .
All Jundt!
0' N";u;" WOlk.
D~e a .tlpeo\,,'",
0 r. B e II'''''' . T ' H ·.......... 5 r-.lne- &r~ ......-~
-----~i " ,
F1)1! Ooughs apd COld&.
. .
'\, OU l?o.ugilt for. build iqg purposes t~ree y.~a-rs ago, the beginning of the . Euiop~an war, cost yo~ more . . than twice as·tnuch in .farm produCts-as the s~me material will cost yo~ today. , ·In other ~ords .. your Iu.mber. ,purc~asit1g power has doubled, and then some, in ' three years." That is because lumber has,itt<lreased'UttIe in price, while farm prod~1Ct~ ha~e increased muc'h,
AIOO!l part ductiGQ ...
o e068 8.
ed . FIIH~I nOoo ullt fil ed Esta t c"t o f 13~ rn h B. Ilm ~ , d l'.cell sed . F hl nJ aooount Pllpr oved, I\ J) owed Qnd c onfi r rn od ,. ; In the m n tte r I)f El flnn M~ .K Allv • . d ecea sed . \Vtll o'd ml te rl tn 11,1i".' J Lto dltl y M n d c,o h nll uppolu ted 9ll:e?lltill' Eiond ; 6,000.
' Aula .lllIipment Hnr~J)r a wn Equiflmeor
10 the m 'Itt-f)r of the will of Cla~a W RI~by , d eoeased, FinllJ tlooount
Nuth un. '.uptOll,
I-IW I' U 11-
·Owned b y The K"lngabUry Co.
The Flhk Rnbb er COmllf\ny V8 W. P . MoCone t',. , MaDey; amouD' olohDe d $1 26 23.. 'rbe Musou BU,ok: VI! Mrs . Jaol8!1 WI IJe:lol' "Ild Ja ' Ies ' B. Wiggins . Money only: Ilmouns olaimea $8?O.
.6l~ tat.eo t
I(ing's Mills, Ohio
Wlll illm Z £'II s nd wife t o. ZBIl , lot I U Wtly n l'il vll le , $ \. .
W n I t r A ;' i It T, r,1rw <)r o f W I r r , n 'l1uu ty nm l tI Illn l\l W Ills . of W" n e t.o wns bi p. R v . E . D. Bu m . m ond . Co rn m an PIcas Court Ve rn on Allen J:f lli:llte ll , Cllrpl.l nter, I YorDo n A. Ben Ae l1 VfI MlnD ll' R, auu Q " ld lo Al bt" l ~ h t b oth or F r llolr. lin. R e v R , B. ~'(Jij t(' r !lns II ; rl lvoTce KTlwted pltl wtiff . (;btlries B o bliTt ' c Iii nR, tn uch lo i I" .Emmn K . olO ptCl n VB Alfred R. Co m pton; d iV"oro ~ r .. nced p l al nt.ift'. of &.l o t h Le b~ D In, II UU Be rul otJ E Wooll ey, of L e btlno u . .E:l.l:l v . R B A. L. S li oolc lIud .robn S " rd log VI' Foster . , '. '" Wh i.ttl, Oe/e udllOS grlluted idave t o ii i I\Jl9 W r . Commlssi<!!ler 's Proceedin2~ T ho 'l1 Pil '. Wt'lob VI! '1'0 0 ' Fo B ' Oh o"tdeJ' I'Il'swl lIg va. ,Iudgment T b n W . 8 . Aud t<r 011 no , ~Il PI, liI'!l fo t p l. t nt1Jf . filr ' Ill rk/il utH (I~ . 25 ; V .II \I 'i'dl., , 'l ,l u d K tA\ z\) r Vol Lor a Krlltz~ r; pblm il Ct'. , r'Hlttl 1111 (1 l,oll $4 1;5 ; W \l h oro l\\id C~ tody of on lldren I:f " flDn g '. ' •• lli od,J n g (1 11> 11··1\1, s q n i Dl od y l" iul lil'. s aG 60 ; R am illg t, n rY l le \Vrl ~et t il , r e pn' TfI Jo r typt1 wrttet" $ ,10 ; ,J . K D odd & ~tru Lberli vii D.'W, Billhop. S pe noe r, ~tr'~lgh t"ulu ~ . a r ,;elile lu Cuus e lI titlllad ~Dd di tllis~8t'l Harm on P .H it 11lO; !-lta t e vs WII. I:!IQ~" X I'M B r UI ~ll\l! leton. lIam R il l! rt. ~. ·oo. ts '$ l ,,1,1 ; p , n Mo r Verdlot In fill/O r or l\1nl1J tiltf . Des to u . : s .. lllr:v II R j"mt r $55 ' ,Tomes reddl'l nt orrl e red t PlAY 800 fl)r !l1lP. Folle n, illlwe $ 10. p r of Ohlhl. , . rhe ,,000UO /'8 of t~o' d e p08tt nM .. ry L 0 1 e r. Roy VII R Rymo nd' rle , t h e L ., btlD OQ ~u tiu nl\ l .. ud l t l l,oR-fl v P ll1in tlff Illl\n h ld divoroe zeDS N.dtloUIl I b un a s wt>re !\ud ltll d 110(\ '1 ;075 u llwony . 6Ddvf uuoi"l oo rr ee t . . F ln Rnol"I Btnt m f' nts o f thf' .. ud i t (' I" rn t1p El uoe v., Phillip 'peooe. O j V\UCO Ilrll n tfld pJ iuU fi' . '. 01' "n d I r !'U I 'f, ~ h ~\· ltll( ~h h 1HoXie A. Pr lo" v~ \li1alter Prioe. • n h In Ah Oh fun ,t >lnd ~(J"nor.t, "',:rtl Olv I'l oa K [ ILut .l plultlt,i fi' . o,I '''p. r".1 a ud pl"C,j(l Q U tH.. ' I· .' An .. "l" l' k~ V " J . W. M'nks. 01.\ 'r . d vo roo 'HId " lImOD), f $750 gra nted b 'l v"lu tlon r r eRI M t »lfI U8 pltlilltlft' , Ored by 'be ll11dUor W itS OUIJfi rllled. N S It Hlind pen l.lUll fUr th e qUllu r
Real ESfale Tranlfers
us to avoid
NOTE-Tht.~, Bchedule, are S"Ubj6Ct tv sli uht C·ha'lU6! as ?nay be f otUlrl 7tcctlsar1l , but arn appro i1nat III correct , o'n'llenisni 86rvic~ ~ ill aill o be givlm on Snll,rdaYli f or th ose ql Litt111!J work at 1101)11.
FrAn k l!l. MUls nnd wift! to W"lt ar {3 r" y" " I(i Ue,6 UQr es iu M Ii~j"o tow uetll p, i l. , Mln ll ie Mil t en berger t p CbarlaH Ii'itb, lot In • p~i ll gborp . $l. . B ~ ula.h BI'll) Il k. t o ' WIIIl"m' Burtt.. lot to l:ipr!ug bor o, $1. ' " DIl "Old ·Mo gel', t;p Artbur Blllloo. 63 acres III Ole l\lre:ree k towDshlp,IO,500.
non ~lou ocl l
Leave Leban on .... .. . · ... ..... 5: 0 Leavc S, Lebanon ........ ... 5:55 Lea ve King's l\1ills .. ..... 6:00 Leavc Mason ...... ...... .... ,, 6:i5
3:50 P. M. ti :4 P. M.
I,eays Cincinna ti .. ... ...... , .... ,5:15 A. M. 3:4!i P . 1\1. Arrive Kil12" s Mills .. .. " ., .... ,, 6: 30 A; M, 5:03 P . l\t A rri ve Xenia ...... .. .. .. , ... ...... 7:ti(j A. M. 5:57 P . M.
"Yea, I'm Sure She Wouldl"
n'n tie
was wond erful In \Ls benuUtul renun. elation: but It tool{ a. Cull nilnute tor her to control h cr s~l f , nnd, meanw·blle, I sbe busied horse!! wlLb tbe tray. "Yes," sbe mBnng.,d to sa y fl.nnlly, and clloklng, she walked rapidly baCk Into the office, ' .
- --...
h I) be es tablished, by special Gove rnm ent Ilu t horlty. Trulna and ·Qars will be oper!l ted t ime in go ing to or from KinlJts Mills, IlIj follows :
r l\ o J on p who is u wh ill' l1itizlin of th .. United StHt ,,~ . of I y I\ r~ o . o lde~, cun 8eCU ~e w ~ rk In thi s I1 ren l 1O~ ltl u t~o.n 'o ll ~ "l l iA I ~urlt II nc1 illlfB, ab~t) l ule\y t!stlllury 80 d h [\lthrlll "o lld lllon!l HourH of w(lrk f ro m 6: 0 II. m to ~ : 4() I? m or I ro n> f, I' III , 6 a. m . " ilh 40 min utes f o r lunl' h !lnrl L.W 10 mlOul e reBI· p~ ri \l(I B , • Over· t ime p aid for lit the r a te o f time aud Ii h Kl r.
Convenient R. R. and Interurban Service
Floella BWllllow e(\ down a lump In ber t broat. "0 h." ~ll e snld. "I 'm su r e th cr ·8 80mo nleo girl wllo'd be IW prouel to marr ), you, Mr. Boniatelle! " • '·Well, J don 't Imow hm. I'm to fi nd her--an d l'v El gol d UC~d lIttlo time to .l ook. Wh y, do you reallzo tha t I 've only gal lI11 midnIght to do tb e wbole thi ng In?" H e wl'nl u p to ber. "And do you imnglne that any woman would Wllll t to be married in tb at way?" . " Oh, ,vhen you're In love , It doosn't ,. . Hall sat III '" bro\\-""1l s tudy, r egarding mntter bow soon- " ,bls boots, 8B Mr. Dorem us prepared t o " A burrlcane wootng. eh? ]"Iy Jove, leave. F lod le. her eyes bright wi th t wonde r--" He ti tllr d R t ' bel' wltb Il exCitem ent, Uptoed back tnto ot· new IIg h t In bls eres, "Say, you relll· Iy \blllk r could got away wltb It? flC6. Mr. Doremus dePl'slted tbe paper \Vb!·. I novor-" upon tbe tablo. "Woll, 1 s hall leave "Ob, you cou\.1 rio nnythlng, fr. you tills copy to Inspect at yo ur B onl stelle, I'm corW in you COUld !" lelsure. You may not be aware that I "Do YO,u k now or a ny .... omnn who'd am . a Justice of the peace, Mr. B o~l. h nve me-tba t quick ?" tltelle. ·1 shell be quIte to s efJodio tried to spenk. heSitated, commoda le you, should you tlnd s couldn't. "I.,..lhln k 8 0 - " sh o finn lly . bride. J think I could pertorm ns credo got out. '["b en, timidly : "Yes, I'm I .. Itnble a ceremony ns any c1ergymnnI Oll. 1I1'1Ia1'4 of tour millions, I 4!.1· t ba it rloe ' " Ho chuckled a t t be sure ·s ho WO Uld! " UUl' jove, 1'1l try IU " be exclaimed . Kr. Doremus with unction. ~ p . L ".AD4I, loM ~ that, jut becauJl,e I'm ':~JI, In no mood.fol' Jes ts , rose nnd "W"bo Is s he?" F'lodie ohnoat broke dolm. Sbe .. ..... JDaIlI Ball dropped. limp foll owed him. "Wb ere 'a Cousin JonDa !1UIcl 1IoomT, into a chair. .. -llfr. Hal\sltlgbury?" lul a ked, " Lord, cr e pt up to him timid ly. ' ~hY-'Yh>: , Mr. ~Ii' 1K!"e~ /lo!'erly. YOUII be ~lllg bt to be a hallPY ruan, !lbou~ )'OU know, 1I1r. Bonistelie, dou't you t - 1" by, you mus t know! ~t's 1I0me· ~~~=~~=;'!:::::::::::::;::::::::::::;='I DOW(I' M~. Doremus paused. I'} took the one"- Ilhe stoPtled and s,,'nllolVedfirst opport\l Dlty at telegi'allblug to "someo ne you see-very olten." Sbe ~{r, Husslogbury," he saId, "Informing co uldn't l ook~ 111m In the race, but blm of tb e pro visions of 1. B. Bonl· stood waitin g feaT/ull y. trembling. ''Lord , If 1 could' do' l t l " Hall went atolle'e ~'111 . I reQuested his imm e·dl· ate aPPearance in town, and I hav e DO on to, h im self. "F our ·m llllons! Be· doubt t hnt he will nrrlve herll so me fore midniglll." He paus d, gazing at a corner of co11lng. " Qb, b y :love !" Uroe du rln g the day." "[,blnk of that old bYPQcrlte. getting be exolalmed suddely, "I know DOW " ' aU thnt money !" Hall IlXcll1lmed, YOll mean Re on Roya.lton ! Why, I "Lord It makes me LIl- be'U be 11 tbou, neve r thought of ber, b rar~ ! . Of sand times more dlsgus L\ng ihan ever, coune. Ycs, tbat's a fact ! She did ~de with hls r ellglouo bos h and his cbarlty call 11\e fla il, lhe lost time J sa w he r, didn't she ?" He l~ro e d to Flod le. talk! '~ , .. Mr. Dorem)l9 lUted an. eloquent fln· "8 01) here, Flodle, you're clever-how ger. ",As an exec\ltor, you understand the deuce did )1ou k now 1" Flellie clu tched at be r heart and bit I mUbt preserve an attitude oC Itriot .lmparUlLlity," be admonIshed. "At the her Up to keep back the tear s. ' asphal~, ume time, In · my prIvate capaolty, 1 It to ber direct. "Js It Mrs. <WJ,"",UlI. , confess tbat 1 am on tbe Ilde· of youtb, Flodin?" Flodle's 'smlle wns a triumph: It had Fruir mUlIoos-ah, ooe could Indulge one's yo.uthful dreams!" He sbook in It 1\ dozen d lrre~ ent m ~nnlnge. It ' hla bead sentimentally. "SI In Jeu· 'IIesse sRvalt, sl la vleUlesae pouvalt!" Hall watcbed him, h'alf-amu8ed, "Say, Doremus, you 're all rlghU" Mr, Dore.mus 'was looking over bls Bboul· II J and laatmg .er to get a gllmplle of Flodle. Hall potection agaInst had aD Idea. "I Bay(' be Buggee ted, "wby not come around hers tonlgbl. _ . nin,.now, heat 'Dd we'll have a wnke over ' my lost In, cold. It is won; berltance. I'm giving 11 sroalL pa'Hy, you know, just a t ow of my clients, derfullyeconomiau.d nn actress or two-" . too., "Weil, well! ' It mig ht remind me 01 'old times,.''' Mr. Doremus orlered hIe let ~8 show band. "I tblnk I Bball oome. It may renew DIY youtb. Ab, Mr. BODlstel1e, IOU' ho~ attr~ctive you mlgbt not believe It, but ['vi) walt,ed at the stage door myself, 10 m y ,time'" "J'll bet you bave, old a"Porll nnd gol C~II ' away' with It, too," .aId Ball, laugh Il1g. "Come a long, then, J'n s et the m on you!" . "But meanwhile, don't target tbat I'm a jllst\ce or the peace l" lIlr. Doremus lIa"o Hall" a poke In tbe ribs, grlrme d, bowed 8Jld we nt out, with n. youn gis h ,emile at 'F IDdle as be ' flourishe d
Many $fir ls anLl women, an.d men not e li A' ible for military servil'! , are tinxioU8 to do soll1sthinsr to H ELP WIN T A l!: WAR. Ac re is nn o"VPo.r t u.nity to d i c harge a P ATRIOT IC DUTY a nd at the same lime e A.rn g ood w ajtCH, hy en ~aging in th e mannfactut'e o f ammuniLion li t
money ,"
.This is the 'Time, then, Right Now .Atl.On
. JueJlrn of W"arnm
---.... - ..-
J. tlh.whBO. ·Atb)' .
B~lng Ahead of the Time.. ,Jrh e (vorld Clllls every mnl!· thnt Is ~lIeud' of his IIge n cruok. Tbere Is 00 -ti ls!,'Tnce 'Gi It, It may be a little bard :not to b'e understood nnl] npp~ecll\ted 'when you kno\v 10U hove wbat the worl~ Ileeds, ~ote8 an exchange. . Bnt r~ lIl(>mb er, tbllt's tbe way with ' the ·wl/rl rl. It ~omet1mes tnkelli ),eal'lli and ',.',' on centurle' for peoplii to appreciate. ·Wh a t 'B heyood tbelr e".l"Perlen~
.-....-...... .
Js':m:: o EVEkY
D. L. Cl ANE, Editor Subsc~ioti o n
Price, $1.60 per year
I~~~~IH~~~~~~;~~ C~~N~e!E :U~~~~
leach dllll!.ued portioH of the car. i. ouly catarrhoJ IThere Ihat i. a cODstitulional lbe
one wuy 10 cure by
reinedy. eutlirrhal t)enfntss Iso.used lIy I'll lullulOcd coudilioll Qf th e mucous lin. Iilg of l·he ~ust ac hlQn "1 ubtt . WII. n tbls I ube Is influmed YOll IQ.' ·C 8 rUlllbll~" sOllnd Or illlperfeCl ll~nrinK . and ",hen It iy enlirely closed. ]}farnes, is llle result. Unless the infiul1ltu tio n C'IIn he reduced lind Ibis lube res lur.d 10 its normnl con· dilion, IItatlug will be destruved (ure ver. ~1u lly cases of denrll~ss lire caused by cntllrrh, which is ,UI inllamed cOlidili<lllof Ihe mllco us ·sur'lices. Hull's I.:n lllrrh Medi 'ine
... ...---
l hru Ihe bllXJd 011 . the mu·
surluces ul tile system. . W. will gi,·" One Hundred ' Dolta rs (or any en.., of CuJurrl,»l Deufness that can lIot be cured by Hall '~ Catarrh Medicine. CO U8
Circulars (ree.
NEW BURLINGTON George Bf!IDbIR i8 oonfined to hi' home wlt.h poollmonltl Mr.!'. Mf\ry 11'. MoKRv ' 8uf!arftd II allgbt l\1.roktl I t fnoi,,1 para IS ttlft lut wtltlll. , MIMI tiertrnd ~Aa~, of Bollbrook , Mated "8 8nb~tlt. ut" I 1l0lll1f rl1~ Mrl!. .l4l'rRcd ,. III t wtlllk. Ohatt Wli~oo 1I0d fDllJ lly bQve m tlvftd to [I,tl( IOU. , Mnt Wm. EWIDIC Is In .t vBry orilloal nrmd . ti/),\ (rom OH n n t>r Mivi Lo lo l~ It l ~o o' Jo fl ilrd to 11M I ('d.
mlS"DD.lfAlf CHilD VlNOL
F. J. CHENRV & CO., Toledo. O.
=============~-~ Mrs Jetllle 1:1111 ver, plellBaoLly enter.alned In b on or ' of InB May Uomp'oll hilt 'rbuTiday dteroooD. Mil A!los Wanou. a lite long ,.elldent of Iblll oommunlty. dIad It bllr borne bor,h of tOWD. at tbe Ille of 82 .velus ~he '"'at! most blghly ePtellmed and Is moulned by ... boet or lrleodll. Clyde KwID,I& bome on a three dOYI furloosb.. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. 1I'loyO Wu ldron April 4'h , a tlon. . A tooob log service was tbe pr•• ~"nhHI ,n at tbe oOOlmnnlt.y service fl~g, 10 tbe >'I. E. Cburob irldar HvenlDll. Rev, 8brlver made tbe prelleuta lion .peliob' and l'revor C. Baydoak, oa~todt.n, replied. Dr. Mo 'beeollY delivered. splendid ad. C1rO~I! . The tWf 1\111 Mil l'S u O 'be flail reprsaent t,be followiujI: H pJ:! E. Violtertl, f:toy~ Smltb, El1Irley 808m. I1Il1norn Bnd Franll B A eve~, llelleved t; I ne In Frllnoe; Earl SOIommllborn, l.Mlwreooe lI.nd Verllo Mltohner, KetI' 8ol1l1nd, Lellter Burley, Cbester Vannondall, Clyde lllwlnlt aDd Dr Whltall8J'.
AQd IJe Cot Well 'aDd Stro.... . That'. True Monaca, Po..-"My little boy. who 111 the younllest of three, wu _Jr, ' nerY~qa and tired all the time, 10 he ..... mOlt unlit at Khool. and noth. InC__leemed to belp him. I learned. of Vinol and pve it to him. It bal teltorecl hil health and .tren~ and lie hU ,ained . In wei,b~ -Mre. P.rederick Sommers, Monaca. 'PL ViDol ill a constitutional cod ,U.,er and iron remedy for deUcate. 'l'W, alJlu children. Formula on every bottfe, 10 you imow what you are elvIDa them. Children Ion it. J E. lIa':,~ey, ' f)rulnrillt. Wllynesvi.lI.e .....
----.. - ..---
Mr. and Mrl" Colrl Borroughl and tamlly, 01 Rad Lion, were 'De San. \l4V' 8nsltS 'f 'be laUer', mother, Mrll 1Il1l. W1I18b. . Mrll . MlnDle Miltenberle. IIDd faUlltv, of Mtamlebnrp;, I.,en' la8& ·!in n 18.f here .. t be gutllltl of Mr. and Mrll. Jamel Weld oer. Mr_. Anu Arohde\lcoo, of Five PBtDtP. &I'elo' tbe pae& week wltb bel' .Ilfer. Mrll, .r~n\ lAngdon. IU_s BanDli b I1nd-oMary II'U.., of Oa,$on, .pen~ . " .. ral 4al. la•• _Il .Ub tbelr pareD", IIr. aD4 IIr •. mi••, rUta. '. , IIr, tt'rlnk IVhlte, wbo for man, yalue hal bitel\ • r ..ldIlD' of tlprlnl_ OPtom~trl.t ~ belro, dted Mond.'~.lIIorDIDI at ahe lI.ome of hili .taler, .n; MOIIel fred. Eyes tested free of Day too. ruoeral ler.,loel were held Ta8ld_,. aUerDooD, ~Qrtll al LoDdol!., uhlo, . \ Mt .. Jamaa tlant. aud Ilre. Eillp, Qrane . lIpeD' 'he weelr.eDd wi\lJ friend. and rela&lveala Jl'rautUa. Mrs . Anna It'aallll Is oon\,;'lssolng "reer a: reoeo' 11I0e... . Mr. "nd Mrs. Will Dogao and 100 Raymond, IpeD' Sundlt.,. wlt-b Mr and Mrll. FOlser OoffeeD. WaYJIe.vllle. 0 Mrl. Alph Gl!ptu was tbe ,uos' or -==::;:::=:;==~==~===== her daughter, Mn. TOni B'O:E, 01 ;:; Mumlioborg. oDe day 11\8~ week. Mre. Ed ~N f\H aud 100, A r,h,or, llpent Bund l . , 'VIlth Mr. &ul lin. I!I'tDe~t Q rll y : or 'Rid ge villa . .. " Mr:. Wal&er 811llter and Mitis f eleD Dirpctor We ill , ot U"01"were married at ~". an~ · Embalmer, M. E, pitt I!~DQfJ\l 1"8* ~edDe8d"y. a ' hou . or (rlend~ j i o 10 wltlbtng them Waynesville....Ohlo. . ' OIu~b ,,"p~iOflPIi. " . . , , .Nr.,.(Jcll" U" thll'VIDV bM r eturn 4 ·h " H d .. I lar,el aD Ilxteo(led vi~lt. 'l'1t trl ' ad • E.It ~r ,,:uto o r oree r ..wn Mel' ".ce. ~D(l rUI"tlYt>.dp OlliolDn .ll • N., extra chargo f(,r IlUtO 8.•' rlll\'1! M Pol ' i w ' Both phones in Office Residence. vlI~r o~!'d:~ l:~~h!e::l\I' · oaJ 'OD No. 14 '. . '. , .. .
~..o Wlllion ver7 Ill. 91f1ltHter Mn ' Mllty Wee', of Cam den, Ohio. tl wUh him aDIl helplDg
~:~:~o;Friday ~~~'~V8reu BalDea were afternoon.
Ur. and Mrll Olio' J. Cisner aDd d llnjl were I:!IIDdlLY loel'. of I..... .. . an d " •°h"r ","rentl!, _r _n. P . B . Illavl!r, on tlun lay. Obal. BeDnet* wllllluon bne hili ~tl w mlll tl blob WIl l be In opel''' 00, 'VI . .. verYlJre"t oonvenlenoe to .. 1110 ~blll vlolol&y "'h ,~. e Atd 8 00 I ety w iJI b 9 en..,r. •, Innll . d on '" " 'h!! ·, bnrd d .. y..rl rno on .... 'e ntral Jiloter, the hostetltl beln, a mew ber . A I.IOOd maoy-of ou. tarmera are thronah plowing aDd now will huek ~" ru and will eJ'l d""vor to finish io 1.lme for their 111]8 orO)l • . J. O. tLnwrlgb.t, .of WaYlle~vlJ\e, '\'II Ii III our OUy on Wed oeadl'y l l\ ~ t Dr. J M. l'Ib oem,ker, our vlltert. n Ir ian, Is II bU8V n1an in bl8 profes.
----."""--~.............._ _.......... J Aft
~!(~~(~. w;::i::~r,:,~~~~r!alf~"n
Mr. aDIt Mrll. ata:y L, mbr of DRy. I u t ' . ,\ . •,,'llC ht , 0.. D. I, WaYDe.vUte, . ton, were tbe t:lundov gnellhl of 1r . Oh l" . .a17 Mn•. Ralp h Leamlu .,a I. lome be'. an d"... rll, • ., I . b ' . "'. ..... m.. . v tar. t:!h1l18 Buffering wl'h neurhls Mr. Nellie 1I'rIJDob W811 a Daylon "' I~ " 10111le.t III hv ~t I,: ohol . I Jlil!-\ MA ~ WA N'l\Eu to loUolt Rut,)lonoolt Pe'ers'D n Is ftCByln g sqopper,l·hund".Y. ' l~ IL>l J ~.,.().)ot) tn ,' r l !-l": " , 'Jr utH'/l 1M hlbr[o~tIDlf 01 18, greall witll h jlr grtlndm Olber bir@. R. E bU\ 11 111 h ~ . •1" lll l II ''''\l1n , . r . I'" ,ln 11)1I1U I.H S.dnrv 'or oom-Ia Joues t.bls week . Mra. CeUa ~rtt.bBm r etorueO Fd. , lIen BuUdhlJ<:, (lul l. Ublo. 01 2 ~ 1I " 1 A.,d a. 'rh V " 011 -U" day fr om Millmi VnlleV Hq8!Jltnl ' , rs. o D 10,IIr 0., Mr. nod Mrs Wm. West, Mr. and "berll she h "d lt~ operMl on fo r he~ 01 "ula nd , O. 424 III ra. "Mad dook L dand baby, ' d Mr. BnO th rou. . '. V~ U LL> lilre t buy one or 'wo Mr . ",hnM. 1\lr , of Cllm eD. 01110. Dora MoCray aad obiiOron , FOR RENT yua rllog DtaU OoHs. Oall• Q . e :er p:neliCIl tlnod~y at Lllthu are VIIIUD, aC ~e bome of horJ ill l-tll ey, ph one 42.6 , Wtt.yneaYiUe. .' Ii nes. par.D", MI'. and Mr. • .4.\be,I OJ_Mrs Jesse Bill en""'laned l'hllfl. Dell. ' ROO M-Fornlshed. Eron t, roorn FOR SALK d~y ahernoon wah a .obtlla and M rs . Oatharlne ,)ol1nl, Mill. MnOn tionth M lU " trl" t . [('ql11rtl lin en sh,ower lor JIll" Ina .May \tIda Emriok .Mr~ . .M~rl!aret ll t t llis offioe. tt l ? 1le8 Comp'Jo. Aboll' t orby 8 'l'er. Jobnl apeD' .l,'uesdoy .wltb Mr! . (;. AY-~oo d Mixed Sa,. Inquir e preHeot. and " dAltghtfnl lime wall =====::--.:-:--=-_==:-:::~-:.= 8QjQyod by ,,11 t3he r eoelv ed many M Bough . . ---'-of Frank ·Braddook. R D. 2, n tltul IlteSI!Dte Mr. Dod Mrs . Orfl Wllrn er and W Qy~eBvtlle, Uhio . .24 Los'r Mr. Paul Pet~ r80D flod MIs.,Ollve ohi\llreo. of 1'roy, .. r~ vhd tln g at th,WIlsOD 01111011 on MI1I8 Lelah Bogan llome of tbe laher I parent~ , Mr. - - - - - -_ __ _ _ ___ ICOWS-'L'wo Boldeln OOWII. O. · \1' 0 D d I fJ and .Mrs . Henrv Foulke . Buroe, R. D. 4, WafDenme. "liD ay even n . E L't' ~-FlJl' 1\ wl)od Hu w One 16 • a24 Mr." d M~l! EphrRhu Sm\t.h 6nd 'rim Bar'oo'll .'Ils on antur dKY rt . U W, lind nue 30 fr old 1) 0 S EEIJ OAT" Whl . of Lov le.nd ,8l)ll ut ~uudav h ~r8 utteruoon WOB well Iltleuded. I' U d l;()~\ /Ibn- A n d l'ew KU~I''Il' ~~. d · "'-;tll and load Lytill oltlzens tt.ra ploased wltb \ lI~' /J ~t' \,llI o . FIO(\ar })\0111 11 leQve t qu .. lIty. C,htlrles Smith, R. R . \ \ ~ b hl~ m ()~ber: al0 ShvArDI from l1ere IIt\onded the 'belr new m .. llsarvlos . Tb e mlill e.t tbl UiU UIO !t ull reaeivft rewi\rd . tl ~7 ,plioDe 143-2Y.. Mu~t & Jeff Div or oe plILY f(lven at is DOW beiog ourled on tbe O. L. F ORI) Toorln. Car, Ill", would ~ho Ollora fl ou ~o 10 LebllnOD on N. ll. R., and L ytle r eoelvtll!l t wo . UI1'()!\!oI/i: . , , ~u ndIlY tl ve nlng, ~ O lno . make a number ODe 'rna/[ fol' l1 nd .. y Digbt,. Ilod ~pelllr In hlab mall!! II dilY . wher .h.llt \ ~e" n tOW I] lind O~ Ivl n su Ie by O'Neall olnd Allea. ~10 ."r ms of Iha elltnrt·d nm t: Dt. Mr. ond Mr~. B'mlU k Cook llod Alir!. 11 elvlua St ll0.V, wh o hu~ been W bltalrer P . 1' III d"r Jl lell 8 1l not..fv n ~7 ' number ot DIetl Ohe."ole' Tonr. The Clvio Leb gn d Eotert.olners duugnter eiltertllinod fl. 11 Hnrprillo ependlng tbe wlul nr witb bel' u.. ag ll. blm, n ull reo''; \'0 "uwl\ n l log Carl, 'hal bave' been taten prolluoed 'heir ph.l' 'I n UJ" rll.lville pu r~.)' In boour ut Mi~B Lula LJruke ter. MrH. A. U WiJli rlm e, 10 I., ve. lU P ._ !""st ~ j) m "" h r " ~ tw lle n In trllde, for u lll by O'Neall and un Friday nlgh* t o Ii lURe h Ol.&8e. . .. nd Alluvln HnY'1I birl bdny s. land, IHrtved hor FrlrtllY m orD llJ g ..v"yu"dvill e " ncl Le ba nou . Alleu. a10 BlUt~ r blct.. kflr III rewodellDC hla Thllllvenirog , WI.IB SPlju, III pll1Y1Dg '0 make an oxtended vl. i t wi th to ~ ton! of ml:.OO Bay. Inqnlre b,ooks, w it? t, b ~ na mA or Winifred d welling r8(lently purohu8ed . . K" ooa aDd listen ing '0 muslo on Ibll 8ert I:)tuoy 8nd , .. mlly, Of G. E Riley bon 42.6 W • It 18 rumored nbou, ID .hls vioinl*y d llver tonll . Tbose allljuying tbe Mr ... nd Mrs. Wolter K Bllrlck on (~radd o?k . III g ri ll. fi'lc dllf r Inm t o 'p e ay t.hut a oonple o f our young I.o vprs eveuln8 wtlre: . Mr. LY lU .. n DKY und tel tBined on Aundl'Y. Mrs . ,fane Kroger II Urooll r )", LI'b~ 1l 0D. tI~4 . \ u etl v\lle. bild ta keD Frenoh lellve and goUell Illmlly, M.r. Will liny lind fuwlly, W h lteboad, of New Yorlr (;Ity, Mr ~ . mtl rrled, wblob tbev deDY, but tb e Mr. Ml1rvlll H ..y /lod fnmlly, MIs8ell El iz~ beth Het:l;ler, Mi sses Irone mlnll~1 proba bly would 110t , if Ibey Ethel .thmpklnll, Illi2",belh bt.. rr, t:llads ILDd MiJlioent B etzler . of Tbey m lg bt 1i8 well " (e88 up" l\:Iurle BurnSid es, LorelJu CJbarletoD, PlqQa, Alfrad 8alOes. of Dayton, lind ·take the bailing that Is due II'lor anollnnd Ednli Lil-CY, LUlll, May Wllli~m 8"lne8 and obild ren , at th t>m lind IIftl'r t hat Ie donA tbey Bod Leonll Ur<il1:o, Meul's.' Fra4 Belm out, aud 8 H. 8alu tll! lind Bro tl~tlt l ed to t h w b~ " t WIAhos aDd ~IlUllldu8. tiow~l'd Bhtuttll, Lellter fu wily . 1111 will take 11 Bftr~y 1110gb lJhbrlr.ou, Wllbor aliid Malborne -~-... - • The Tri·State objects to station buyers or commiasion agencies as a T b h "b f 'h i . I It' I d lHlUliud, B .. rry L~oy, Cialvin Bailey. e 88 0 1\ ~Ia D y s IJO~. 1I1ru Mulford Ntld 111dy trlend, l:1 .. r. matter of principle, uod work plenty. Vi u !l8rdenl g ry Klog und 18dy friend and Y.r . and 18 h,elDg Indnlged I'll bv 1111 ...n d a Mrll Jt'rftD,K Uooll al~d d .. u~hltlr We cannot conce iv e what argument could persuade a farmer to .sell ~rea ' quantity of produce III ~x. Ma 'ie hill butter ·fat for LESS than The Tri ·State price when all th. hard lleOled . r . work is already dl'ne and it is only a (juestion of deciding whether the Mrs. ldla MaDnon IIlId Lit ~le Ednll -Beoderl~on, of AU. Mr. and Mno. Robt, ,\Dt'lr"w~ and t.v') dMughtllrll, ot Oliva Br llnrh, Holly, 18 visiMng hel~ fath er Ed. Eth "'l. of Tippeon.noe City, spont ~he cream is to be delivered to a cream stat.ion or r.ulroad .tation. J . ware he\'e 81lturdliY 111gb' ol\l\Inl'on liaudtlrs on ut tbe bOUle of W. I:i. \Ileek eod with E. O. tlhnnon and t.mlly. IIcquai n tanoes. Orake null fuml lY. These station buyers or agencies are establiahed not with the idea of Mr. lind Mra. Allm Ihrt8ooJr, of , paying more mon ey for cream, but on the th8(lry they caD buy for LESS. Mra. M. E. WlIsou "nd dauqht.Ar , Mr. Will h m He nderson IIpen' !,o ultie, were Dltyt-oo 8bol' PIl~8 .. OD TbursdKY olght witb \,... I:.t. Drak e OI ~Y ~.vlllo, took Snndov dlnner l Ship your cream to the Tri ·State not only for Proftt but for Prinolple, with F. A. Hltrtsool and wife , aturday. ..nil flil1uly . W. T . .1or/1a n t Qolr Mrs. Wm. 1 Mesnll. lrli Syrert! tlnd 1II 0~e Mr. and Mrs . .Marvin B BY IrGDs. Bogan arc ownertl of new Ford our. aoted bn8l nes~ 10 Lebanon Btt.lolrd .. l'. Bhlinfl to Dayton FrldQY o f IBBL week, to soe her daughter Mrs. Ella 0. Ill. u8vloy hOll a now o./iiltlDd Mr, and Mrs. Lyml~o Day and YaUingly who 1& lerlou I, slolr It touring oar. daugbte r Bnd Mr. aud Mrs, Brank tbe home or h9r lieler II1rs, Fleta OINOINNA"J'I. 'OHIO W P . liIaCarreD al;!d C. E Lev loy Cpok ~.,re IIbopplnK In Lebaoon Buffmlin. tra Dsacted bo~lne'lI In (;1110In1l1l,1 'llhar»lI.y aHernoon. UNITED STATES FOOD ADMINISrRATION Llcenle No. d-1811S2 Rev. W. I'J. () NaILl) wlll~r9aoho' , day lad welok W· • F T ' , 'l'h . 6everul from t11111 DelRb burbood _b,e BltpU", ohurob SUDday mOl'nlng e OIling of anI" ~treet6 Is bt'lng tt._teDded toe pto$ure eb,bw a. Way- J\lIrll14th at 1l o·olook . All a e ' rite .or 'ree rlnl cans If you need cans. No shipper ever Ioet a dl8o u18ed v e~y eerlo o ~Jy, Ind every r dollar shipping t o The Tri ·State and we have 25,000 patronl to prove it. oordltslly I ~vlted. tblog will be done '0 Illy the dUlli neM~l\Ie SJl.torday evenlmjf. Mr • .And Mrs Oltni J tt.aksoo at. . iiod make the hOlnes m ore ... n~t&lly. 61r. 'harley Moran, w'ho bae been tend.dtbe font-rnl of .)ITS. MKUie Mr. SlI mnel Bue end Mill,, 'Len8 v r;v Ilok fo r severall weeks Ie Burd at Miamt oemtliery S"turday. tilllieitole "",av 00 Wedn "~dity hat IIlo wly Imprvvlng . Mr and Mrs. Le.t~r Surface end /lDd were quleily married In Leb. Mr <:::harley Fry. O,o livered bls ohlldren . . ~ aDd Ur. aDd Mrs. Wltltllr IInon. T)ley have the best wisbee of t c.bucoo .. , . LebaDon one day laft KllboD and O"ugh~ er . of Wo.yull8tholr Inobda \Vella. ville. 'VIere 8un!lay gues'. of Mrs. aannah ~Ioh. . Mr . Bnd Mrs. Roy Bull ~peni loire . Martb~ Davis and Mrs. 'Adllb &lllrd6Y night 'l'ltb the la.~er'lI were shupplog In Lebanon • 81ater Mrs. Marvi n B I) •. t!nlnrday sf,ernooo. We have in stock, everyt hing kept in a Mr. and Mrt! . Lymolll D.. y epElDt Mrl, "8118Ie' Elfti a nd dallgMer '1 d" I:l {' Eallter 'with Will Bay alBd. family. Vest.& are t ho proud p088essors of a " r aD _I'll or soe ~ omptOr! . first· class Harness Shop. • . \VerA to "ee Mr~; R bbert . titacle, .Mr. MalVlD .Bay and tawilyand new d~I"lnR hone, Delr 1"ol1lmingLoD SncdllY. Mu. Mr. Roy Buil 1I.0d wife, of Xenia, Mluel Barrie' Brown, Floronoe S'"ole, II velY .Iat a' this ti me. ~pe llt Eas\er wlLh Woodrow Wllrner Batvey, 8se"lIr' Brown and Wllaon B.,.,., Ipfln' 1I\l048Y In WllmiDIJ. II. and Mr• • R L. Bogan . 1,lted and family. hili , par'lD" Mr. and Mr. W. E. Mr. BouaJL:, of Ulytoll, villMd a' 'aD' with thllir IraDdmo'har Mn. Bol.lday . 'Bp,aD 8UDdl,. bll f.rm on. day I.., wo.k, •
Xen l~
IMU " •.
t., .
Pttofit and
Harness Shop ·
Leb.anon. _:_. Ohio_
Accessories Oils
Kel~y.Springfield (7000
United Sta·te.s ·
(4500 Miles Gua TaD teed) .'.
(3500 Miles ~uaran teec1)
lJigh·. Test Gasoline
Saves Time !lnd Labor on t.b~' City, Co.nvenien.cies Every · l:Iome~~.~ Th~ .PlaId is Simple~ Efficient · an~ i>urable••~.tbere is a Responsibl'e C9inpany Back of Delco Lig..t ....There .is a S~e ,t o Suit, your Needs•..•Over 100,000 Satisfied UHr.
~a~h:i~~~b=h:~ p:;~~e~~,~~~ ~'~'~;'I'~h~~\1i~~v~i~ n~~an~
t anl , can not htl 2pplietl in extreme us 1 see It. thllt tht'y who Jraw the \ - - -...- - - . """'0=......- - - ea d ali ill(lical ecl b Jeoo U8 when he sword in 110 i:l1'lUilou.s offensive -(OIDtSaued from plge I) SCnU;I{l'U Ihl' inllley chllnlter~ nut of must perlAh !r?01 the "I'~llItllOCI! they Wayn~!Ilv ille Lodge. No. US F, &: ..... ~ 1& fa jut this thing Lhe Te mnlt:. The virtu of 11 on te. arou ~e , and It I Of' • t~e duty of th IA. M .. b,ad their annual Inapeelion . . ..... feel oar duty now sista.ncc in ar nl Hin\,! 1\ n bier 8l>irlt in world h> ttlach the berman!! that \'Iuesday evenina-. Despite the cold ...... .n" aM to lpend our bll"'l the ll~gr .. s~, .I' i 10AL on u grizzly le..,;on , . . _ weather (l/lood crowd wail present rortl ....t It over for good nd 1111 hear, wh ther he wtllk on tour feet I l>rllY thllt 111\ bo n~lI. comY lanrl witnessed the w(lrk in the M M. _ _ .. poIIlbl.... ur on two. safely hllmt' I~ IlIe I\q liClon !IR Is degree , District Lecturer ttoulzobn I ... Quaker trained anrl fed 'fhl.' Germnns. from th e time thel' ris tucoll I . P! ~:nlJlll, .hut 11~ll 1I11 he l and several others fr ()m Dayton were mON tlllUI eftr tba, wa r is 80 awful eotererl Relg ium . to t heir late t l hilS d,)ne hI. ~lt~lI.• ~t 111 hi'lp.'~JC, ';lllk ipresent, a. w~re visitors from Leb tblllJ IUIlillOmethln~ th" race ~hould trAllchery in Rus Ill, have show n n .The world s,lr e t, ur dt'lIIUI I ar ~ IIlld Innon, Flrunkhn , Morrow, Harveys put.,., Ita feet .. but i cllnnot spirit 8u\)vr r 'i e of all ri~hteQu n ; rtllhtpou~ e·\·",. . Iburg. . be ...... &1, don. by the 8ubjugst Ion any 'tu rning f the ther cheek, l dnler~b .~ouBs, Al\.er hincheon talkefrom diffe rent of a portion of the race, either will· would sim ply be tRken hy them nil I l , IUr tlS . rown ones Bnd a social tinlt! ended a very l.nIIi!lf ullwil1ln~ly, ' to t he selfi8h {(lUe t o weukn II and o:owardice, Ilnrl : \ - - - - .... ..- -egreeabl'i evening to al1 who at. domlnatlon of another portion . It encou r uge th em in t heir cours' of I tended . appears jA:J m. that this IS a very iniquity . for they sturted ou t to i Tel ephone Livery [1'rll in Orden. - ....- - ooDlplex world and t~at any such in · jfr igh ten the world into subniiS!ilon I "Hotel." Overland Taxi Service. Tel. 123
,. /.
jThe Fartl1 Is No Excep
,- ,
Some farmers argue that die United States • Goveminent canno~ expect them to mcrf;~e their output when so many of their best men are being t8ken away for military serviceo
Peaceful and sweet" the end that Clime, After a busy life, liaithful til every duty done, As n friend , a molher and wife. Peacpful and sweet 8 memory now, Her kind alld ready aid, 'l'o all, who lIeeded a 'helping hand. Or a ser vice, over,paid .. Peaceful ands)Neet, he r eyeJidaclosed, l:!orrow 8t1d pain forget , Glad for th rest, so truly earned , In 11 Quiet and h umble spot. Ellen, the yo unl{eat child of Samuel and Murl,(ut'et Gard Creswell, was I)urn ill Massie 'l'ownsbi p" Warren ounty, O hio, Janu ary 29 , 1850, dier;l Tu e~I\Y mornil')g at 2 o'clock, April 2, 1918, ag d 6 Y ara. 2 mo nths ahd 4 days . 'hI! was.joined in marriage to Joseph W. Hisey on 'pLemher 5, 1871. 'ro them two daughters were born , Margaret, now Mrs . Albert 'hu lts, and Mary Earl who died when but a little clllid. Our Illve and sympathy go out to the bereaved and lonely hus band , to whom s he has I.)f~ en a true, loving and fuithful wi t e and helpmate for almost 47 years; lhe daughter and three g rand children who have suf· f ered the loss of all llfi'ectionate aud thoughtful mothe r and grandmot her . Also Lh e sisl'r, the last of a famil y of' fivtl child ren, Mary Cres well, who has mltde her hom e with Mr. and Mrs . Hi sey sillce Lhe d eath of her fath er . severall'ears agu ThuuQh frail in body and health, EH"n Hi s y was IIlwoys aL her 1I08t 01 duty, wher 'vel' th st migh t be, vtlr mind!ul of her horn e duties, and the h ppine.."S and lVeliurc of hor family, .no sacrifice too j{reat fo r he r to make for the one' s he luved . I t is net'dle>l~ to speak many words of praise of this dear woman . for lhey that kno!\V her, knew of her nobi lity of charac ter, and the purl ty of her lite-he rs was not a perfect life-s he wou Id not have u~ say Ihat, but the trend of her life was beautiful. Over 50 years ago she united with the Fnle· Will Baptist CI1urch at Beech Grove. All these years she has been a faithful and consistenl Chr istian. for Beveral years ihe has not been permitt·~ to attend services at this church often, but sho WBS ever thoughtful of its financial needs, and with her husband 8ssisted liber· erally in ·this. It con be truly said of her "She hath done what sh e could ." Her death came very unexpectedlv to aU, her sickness was brief. ooly four days. When the news reached her friends tl1at •'Ellen Hi ey was dead," in our grief we Gould sc reely refrain from crying out " Why', oh why is it so , From out the fair white Citidel, returneth no reply ." It is God'sown myste ry , t herefore, humbly , reverently, we leave it with Him.
One by one, our loved Clnes leave us, As the hour ol li fe grow!! late, One by on(', their partings grieve UP, They are passing Lhrou gh the gate. Onelby one, we all are going. nown the pathway Bteep and straip:ht, Oh! the joy there ia, In kno wing, We ehall meet beyonq the gale, CARD OF THANKS
win the war. The more the farmer or the manufactur~r produces' the i greater his iacome and consequently the more LIBER'IY -;.BONDS I he can buy to furnish money to help win the war. '
Your mell and boys who leave the farms .t() go to the f~~t need your help. By buying LIBERTY BONDS you will. do your ,hare in bringing them back safely hpme as soon as possible. I
I !'
On the 17th day of March, 1'918, Decatur Dakin's ti red heart ceased to beat and went b!lck to God who gave it. Death took him 'at the age of 79 years. 1 month and 4 days . .... He was born uear Sabina , Ohio, l<'eb~ ruary 13, 1839. He Wal! the Ill8t son and only child left of Albert and Lydia Ann Dakin. Though not a church know he weht home to who had gone so many 8e has a lway>! lived a single Ii The last fourteen years of his life lived with hiRnephew, Hugh Thompson and family, who cherishecf and eared for hi m in his last iIInees. January 9th he i t'll 'and fraetured _ hia hip, wbich 2Bused him much ' pain and suffering until he pll8sed to the Great Beyond. He will be greatly- missed ' by the entire family, We know that the Savior has grnJ1ted him etem!,1 rest " Lord , le t perpetual light ahine on
Mt~~ Lel~Ii~l'nC~!~r i: qui rome
_SCI:m I)f'TI if'!!, L etl ll e". Hll rli <h,. f;r "' II (1111011 , N \·IV ~"'·el" t ~. Nt" " l 'uhhn \l"
Mrs Fran" ur~!in IIml c!ltull'bter, Mrs. ~Rym~1Il1 DilV I ,spent ~h' IVeok . ehd w,l th fn end:! If! Duyton .
Dr. Dill, O~teQ P.llth 21 s. Bflliltl l wuy, Lebanon, OhiO. Miss Ethel Hlline\l tell and br:oke a bone. in her !eft 1Vl'i::!t lu t l'hurlldu.·, p.vt!lImg~urn~g I~l~ HOl:ml .llt ~'Iwol H IIII. Ml ~" hlhell~ II ttell ,Ie III\' ~l'I\fJul. , al thoullh the hurt i>l " IHllewhut P \II . fu!. I
(.1Or~IIIl'I'p. ,J ulll·I~l\-HllnlJ~Il., II n ~ .
1"lIn l'~' A PI''''~. U>
Ghur ll 'Golll ,HId Nil' (I'Ll\. Nf'~ r:r ..aql h ~~tl ""Ilf,.\, 'Ii 'd Drier! B pf •
~Ir-II-F-'I-o-u-,··,-n-U-I'-Ie-V-I-'I-II-u-:r·,-,-r -,,,-
.F loll r . ruck~tl Hn lll~IJl kfl Homcny,hulk nlld !JBchnge Oll Is Yelltny Hml .~ 111 t'e .orn M \II ·· 1\ poulI II ............ . ... : ..... .. Ii,LiQllid .'rumto' "111 .. .. .. .. ... 75c hlllll
The lellrhe l' ~ !lnd 'Pllt ils Ilf 111(1 .Righ St:hool gave U "['(1" 1" ty ' ociHI" at ::)choul HIlIl T h u r~d .. y " vdllin~ A very plea~a nt even in" wUll llp .. nt, mill poverty was exhibited t' t:rywhcre , A light lunc heon lV il;! A erv~d al a I s asonaple hour. All th"" .. pr ~SI' nt I ( u lly enjoyed ve ry mirllll~ uf Lh~ social.
i'n t fi t nCR IIf ullliilld , an d I)" lIa (I r; 1 ,Ip l1 'f'd~ Y, ,, I,"I , White !llld 1t"',1 O"ion
!-'et ~
fr~8h ev
({ru ' s nr"" d ,
~'d t
Cal' Cnar.• 1< Lr;
We do 110t know who is r ()~p\JO i' ble for the ~econ d \ IJIlel' now' un U8 . it may only bo whllt is kn o,,,n Ill' " ~ quaw winter." but th e now f ,II a ll this morning and r l!lnindtl Uti of what we had l o go th l Il UI.!!l du rill!! t he ' pust Jew m<mth", Th(' lh~ r .mo l11 e1er fur Lh ~ past ' f 'W Illu r llinl(s h ill! b eel' r linin g IIt.lh zern ma rk aCi d below . OUi' ud v ic • is "W ' U~ il out."
\,P V
:'>(1\ 1
·ry 11111' .
on 11\1'
Htl d lll), ~ u re
u; I. rci ,'\r
hll'v!' " ~ UI'Il I
for lh i~ 'ra ll
lind w i ll t f' r
E \! g~ .
l 'l'il' PQ Pil i". l' n~ t>
tl'l" ll'.
Neig hborhood c(lunty rririj will b<, _____~-~--------ht' ld this Y<'lIr , HIlS, li S f{lI\(lw~: Wu rrenCuun ty . Se pt m \)(,I' ]O 1:1; Gree nl' Coun ty , Aug ust7 JU; [<'Ill' ttcl ;uunty August 1:l·16; MohLj;WIn ry CounLY, ·pl mb,.r 2 6; 'lintun Cou nty . Au (~us t 20·23; Clark CounlY, Au g ll t 1316; Mddison Co Unl y . Aug ust:W 23; Butler County , Oct oht!r 1 'I; Ohio S ~a te Fair, Augu st 2630
M. E.
Sunday Sc hooI9; 15·a. m, Mrs 1. Ward, superin~pndt!llt . Divin worhip )0:30 am, an !Iddr ess ond holy communion. Preaching 8 pm , . ubject, "Profit and L I'8>! " G. N . J olly , 0 0 , PII. tO f .
Premi m · Bog Feed
Second Sundll~ after Easter Aprlr 14. Sunday &:hool .lit 9;ilO a m Mo rning Prayer anrl !ferm ou at 10;30 Everybody invi\.ed t lhe!:!t! services
The grf'ntest Hog developer and Grower ('vcr put b efore tlte .feeder. Try it'.
Younce Bros.GrainCo.
I will be at the Township Houpe on Saturd ay. April 13th. bOlh afternoon and evening to a~8i H t taxpayer in --t ·Iistin·g their property for the t8)( list . Will also be at the foll owing places and dates named : A~ Mt. Holly, Tuesday. April 16, at 7 pm ., and at Lytle on Wed nesduy. 'April17, at I,.---------~--..,. 7 p m . Cut this out, so that if )' ou need belp in listing your property. I will be on hand to help you . Chas. Burnelt, Asseesor.
!.------------.. .
Howard Burton FOR
'A uto Livery' Call Pl)on~ 4
amiled, A smile of .h eavenly birth, . And when the angela called' him home, He smiled .farewell to.eart)l. " CARD OF THANKS
We wiRh to thank our neighborii for their kindnesl at the tima of our uncle's s!ck'nesa and . death. ' Also Rev. Amos Cook for bis kind worda, and tbe sing-era of tho M. E. Church at Clarksville, '- . . The 'Family. ,
"The. W 9man ' God. Forgot" - " This "is one of the best films ever. shown here, and ' .. everybo~y ought to see it, Also, one reel comedy,
Saturday, Aprli 13th, Matinee' and NI«ht Feafuring Marguerite. CJark- in
'~Bab' a
. ~hi1dren
Diary" . ,
for the matinee admitted for only 6 'Cents.
Tuesday, .. April . 16th Featuring Ann Pennington ' in
:. . .
. Malfnee
An.tics of -~nn",
.:" .- 2iJO p,m.
Open evenl?p... .
-7:30. p,m
Satu~da)' evel1~ng
,' ,:30 ,,
Mutlnce-Childreo under 12
War Tax
Thursday, April' I I til Featuring Geraldine Farrar, the great opera singer,' .. in an ArteraCt ,Production, -
. -.
! (
Miami· Theater Program
him." , . Through all the pain at .times he
I' ,
The psst winter has been seVEore'on pianos and sb.ould be loolfed litte.; . this spring. If yo u are intl!reated In the care Qf your instrument, c~1 Jell Thompson. phone 84-A Lebanon, and be will eallllDd tune it. ' ml .
.- -,
h~s been ~(j)ntrlbuted by The Miami
Tobac 0 Canv&llIt less than whulcaale price at Ilyman'" . .
.The farm is no exception. Farm w~rkers mustgo . t~ the ~ont just as well as factory workers ;l lnd people in 'all other walks of life. And tt)' spite of men leaving, the output of the farm ~d factory MUST be increased and money must be ·;..foWld to:
- - - - I .... E'p~(.Jt\) TJlJS \\ ed< ....
11- - -~ - -
course, the farmer has a hard problein to meet, but so has everyone in these days.
~~ Gills.
_j"PERSii MEmoN-j ZIM~ER~~N'S
We desire to express our 8in':ere 'tbanks to all friends and neighbors for their kindness aurl _sympathy shown us in our sad bereavement also for the beautiful tioral tributes. Mr. MllffiL lor his kindness and effi · - - - - - - -_ _·1 .____ oient manage ment of the funeral. Rev. Cadwallader .for his oonsollng We wanL t o thank all of our nehth . words and t he sinlZers for the com- bors and friends who so gen el'O u ~ ly forting 80ngs. and helped us during the ' J. W. Hisey and Family. entirely destroyed out' are truly thankful to each and eve~y one. Clarence S~rface 'and Fa!Dily.
FanDel'll who are
Irl'OwiDIr sweet lOrn, at the oftlce and tbIa
Deep Dishes, two sizes. : ... . . . , .. .•. •. ' ... ." 25e'-20c, Nappie; scalloped .... " __ . .. ,: ........•. , . ., . 1.2Oc-2Oc Cups and Saucers, large ones . • , . . ...... , • • , , ,2Oc Plates"; large white .... . ...... :: ... ~ •. . . 16c . lOe ' Dress Shields, large and small, pi", ~ . ." ..... ' •. -. ·1Oe Cttryedge Binding, bl!lC;k-white, yd., ~ Corset Covers. with lace. , . . ....... • .. , . , .• , 25c ,Chndren's- Corset Waists ... . .. . ........... ,' : 1Oe: Children's Aprons, assorted sizes. ~ me CaDdy, fresh. per lb. and up, ; , •. , .;, .• ,.,., 20c 0
OJ 0 .. . . . ,
, ' .
;even tJetll Year
tlF W ... Y
E~V I I. l.E
,~Er. Il i\' O
liI )OD 0 E
Overlallcl Ta)C i
· I~ ev.
21 S
.... ..... . I"!II
. "'....
rpEnSONALME~nON- ! .-- -----------.
Mi ~s Mabel· Sali,bur y sren l the ""eek·end with hom e fo lks.
Dil l, O"l"o path -WAS VERY PATRIOTIC way.Or.Lebano ll. On iu
Whole N\Jmb~ 3474.'
Mr. !l lId \ I'~ J L II lI rl~ock were Fm l1 klll\ \'i"lors :Il urcl!lY .
Url lllcI
Kcnnct h l{il lJon , pcnt Sund flY nnd RUII !ull n/l' C u Fine fa lk, MOllday wilh l! til Citlcin nati7 And Did Not Mince t li,. Word s a 6it Buy .I ou r Hugs a nti Linol eum at
, Mi s ~ 1 ·:, I ~, t h!l Mne)! ~P ~ll t lhe \\I\!,>kend her ' Wil h reJ ulives and fl'iends. Hursted and As They Had No Money COUld Not ISlhle Wi lso'l , flf Ruute 2, is ve r ~ Proceed Fu rther 'e rillu!l y il!. ;.. nl! hOllo of his reo c, wery i ~ ~ lIlal l.
H~' man'8 .
Th,' Mf.'n of W a ~' nellvi lle held R Lindley Mendenhall transac led Mond ay e\\t'nirlg . lh f' fir I bu ~ in es::s at the cuunty sea l i"riuay . (lIle [(Ir ,;eve .... 1 mo nth>!, This m""t Fr idav evening about (i o'cl ock a J ohn lJeach is lam nling the loss Teleohone Livery Train Urders. of hiAol d farn ily horse. which died machine arrived at the 'Kilpatriok. :iDle wtmt Ih rouJ,th wit h a whirl. aDd "Hotel. " la3l Hturduy, b~rc nch garage here. drivel) by a WIlS a patrioti c alld ve ry ~nthuB ia S li c man, attende d by two others, lOne. m achine WOll mlnuli a tire. Frank Zell and J. F. Pennew it ·W, J , 1>111d n lind EI :is Long at· A fl er Ire excelll:n t dinner serv ed were busi ness Going ~o the garalire. tbey wan ted a visitors at th e Co unt y tendt'd t l\~ !lellin!! gu me at ClIlci n· by tbe l!ldies uf the Eastern Sta r. seat Munday. ~ond · hand t ire to put on the ma· T U [j~ iiS. ch ino, and their actions and the Presid ent Hartsock called lhe meet· stories they told did not sound good. ing to OldH by introti ucillg Mr, Mr . anei Mrs, J. C, Spahr, or kid· , ~ .;....rr.",.,'·"n Canvas' at ies3 tha n whole. so the authori ties were notified, and G !ly l,, ~ . a gO~"l'Il m enL employ "e nuw morf' , Mo ., are visiting with fri ends riCiH at ' Hymall'i), lhey we re arrested, located at Kings Miils. who snoke of here fur len (Jays, On arrest, tbey gave their nam.s the UI ~ e nL need lor help lit thlll ~r8 W. S. alis bury and dau)(ht er . as J os, Goesky , Timoth y O'Keefe , 'P,lam. t,o mllk~ , 111unitio~8 for t he boys Tobacco Canvas aL les8 than whole. MISS Mary, were Xenia visilors Mon· and Walter Bllj nowski • .all of CleveOV1l r , t he rtl ~r. lieorge Muen· After many mon ths of \Jl'epara t ion, Rt -el ::md wootlcn ships are now lund, Their story Wall to the el'tKt da'y ·afterno on . zenmale r, supe rintend ent ot lhe sale prices at Hyman 's, being COmlliel ed nearly every day. Photo shows one (If the latest tYPeJI cOllling otl' the ways . that they bad Ilone ~o ' Cinelnnati Pete rs Ullrtridije lA" also made II , rew remllrk s on the sUllle lil'lell. Mr . Miss Letitia Schatzm an, o,f CincinMrs . A T . Wright and son, Elliott, silveral month, ago, and got Into a Henry E, Poor, of Uincil1l1l1ti . also nati. is spendin g several weeks with - - -spen t Sunday afte rnoon with rela· wreck. On account of the bad "eather , they did not gilt ma. wos introd uced lind epoke upon the Mr. and MI'II. W. O. Raper, ti ves In Spring boro. chIne out of the garage 'll'here it had subject of the Third Liberty Loan. heen repaired until 1ut week, Iwv . G W, BuntulI, pal'tor of ' Roy Irons, of Spring Valley. slop. ! The Warren Counly unday,sl!hool lhen they atarted hom.. Noneand Grll e M E Church of Dayton , of ped off here lor a rew hours Mondsy I'onvent i on will be held at ' Frunk the lin bO YI had any money. and how spellker of the eveninll, was nexl eVt!ning and greeted his friend s. May 23 and 24, 1918. they expecte d to get bome without troduced , lind from the firs t buying guolln . wa9 Bomethlna tbe whlc n tl'lI from hia lips until the Mr and Mrs. Myer Hyman and authori ties .ou.ld ~ot fathom . sentenc he WBS Ii tened to with Te Ie~ houe 123. Taxi to railroad Cleveland Buthorl tiea wereno tllied daughte r, and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. ,utmost Iltl ntlon Dr. Bunton The F loyd Feather ston Co . the la8t and :not mince his words in the least-i n Davis were Dayton v,ieitorll Sunday . !lumber Tbe Peters Cllrlrid lle Co ,. of King$ Miami Theate r was' crowde d at Mr. and M ra, Ka rl E:lawke Ilnd wu aocordl ng t. tljem the machin e of t he LYCClUIll Call rae, liP' bouiht by Roab hom a ,junk lucL he tilll, .. d right Out in meet in' pened. at School Hal,l, Monday e"~m · Mills, who have a gllvern ment con. ~oth pert ormll,oces Thur8dllY cvan. Mrs. J ohn II'romm lind son. of Day- dealer, but tbat was an th·.y 1m• ., a~d Lnld hi" heut-ert< where thl' KaiseF BU)I YOUT RullS and Linoleums at inl(. Altli ough tbe meetin i of t he tract for makinR' mlilllitions fOl'the mg, when the film, "The ton, sp nt Sunday wit h Mr. and Mrs. about them. Woman a nd hia horde of Huns ought to be Hyman'lI, Mt'n of Waynes ville WBS a counte r governm ent , are badly In need of . God l~o riot" was shown •. J , C. Hawke. Monday morning , after a hurln. Geraldi ne c:o nsh.{ll~d - to netherm os t IIttral1tion, a larlle aud ience greeted . Farrar. the famous prima donna, Ioyees. " It Is repor~ed before Mayor J GY, he ftned Goesk.y emp -<I( h II, lind. the r be allowed to roa~t that ?ve I toolc t he Iqsdihg role, and wa~ ably MIB8 Eliza MeComllll, of Dayton , thell' very elever enterta iners. ElJach Mr. and Mrs, B S, Silv~r and Miss and costa for running a machin e for one billion years has been &P41ndillJr a few week8 with number ot the varied prog ram reo out.of every III!ven .Russum Bold let::8 lIupported by a fine compan y , The Mary Andorson. of Wintor. Place, $50 without the proper Itcen.., ali their Ql t imes had The f ur IlhHZEl8 of tb e' wa r tak,en her slater, Mrs. John no ammun ition to meet play r llPresen ted the Aztec period were Sunday g uests of Mr. celved well merited applaus e. Beach, of W. M. machine had cardbQard licences, and u,p by R'l\, Bunt on ,:"cre: '~'he RU8· Route 2. the Ger m~n smashe ,. wbich r,esulted Iand was litaged by Laskey, who neve~ Silver und family. the boys said the IIcenle had been 1:111111 cuJlllpde. the disaster In (taly. mO!lt seriousl y. Tho RUB81an S at apares money nor . time to give a fine loat . He W811 taken to the county the failure 01 thl' U bo~t campaig n home wt!re to blame." Now we have preaent ation. This film ran • r . up in jail, and the othar two bo),e WIAI and lhe tlJItranc e of the U ~ , In the , The bue ball season opened our ow~ hoys at the front, and more the ~housands of dollars to .lhe ~n~ny .dends In.(~lIl ' llf J C. ~awke r eleuid , 88 no charge eould be war. cI~nati yesterd ay, the ~8 beatmg are .S'.o,"g. They m ust have all)- and It 18 by far the finest produce , Will reJoIce t~ kn ow that he 18 con· placed against them. , Tbe sp@aker speakin g of Russie. Plttsbu! 'ir 2 to O. SchneId mUni t ion to fi.~htyou:r battles. Tht s sented in the new theater . eve r pre. valescin g rapIdly. and they hope to er ~Itched asked his heaters to be placed in the a one hit Kame, cannot be done 8uccess fully unless see him on_lhe streety .sQon, " they have your alii in the munitio n &ame Dositiol'l with- lho~ benight ed Mr: [saac Lincoln, one of our lVel - fac tories, neople& , and wOhdered what we C. G. Williamson and Smart Trimmed Hate, ' Tailored The Peters Cartrid ge Co. is able to ... ' would do under similar circum · Cedar Sprinp , Ohio, were family, of !mow" ::itizen8, waa marr ied on the &,uests April S. li18, to Mrs Neva Paller· lake care Hals, Banded Sailor Hats and a atonces? He Qelieves that a ot a large number of workwill of Mr• . Agnes Wright a.nd daughte r, son, large varlely of untrimm ed s hapeI' of Morrow . The brid e, who has ers in their plant , and the people of .comu when the Rumans be MillS Susan, 'his week . for Women .and MI8Se!I are to be lived with her father and mother M ~ , this lection shou Id realize t his, and Ilboked up to -as one of the Il'r,ea.tetll found in the Millinery Departm ent and Mrs, Wood row Hoghes , has aid the plant by gettlna- people to go Illstionij 01 the , earth, IIond I of the S Fred Company, I,.ebllDon Call Chiles Hotel. Livery Service. been a most efficien t worker in the to 'manufa cture more ,that a new leader will be bullets There has been quittl a bi t of talk Big Sto re. telepho ' ne exchang l' of Morrow , and to wipe out t he lmper,lallsm ruah of about, oUini the .treete <to govllrn the nation and that It here this \be pos8iple the Ru ..ians will to the extrtme ly bad carries with her the love and ('steam th .. HaDi. " aumme r, but 811 yet 'nothing deftnlt., L.ast FddaJ r, whlQ . . . . of many friends who wish for her all \ .o~ the firlnll line Bll8iated F. H , ~'arr, J. E, Janney. J. 0 , Watld n.,whmorninl W8la.t.Ocll' the ft ...t ""me of ball ached· bu been accomp li.hed. It bu' oll.ea b .. n near= • . t ;< allied nations of the earth. th. Hlah Sebool wu not the happinlll\l and prosper ity due her. -two'Je an alnee tW. WRII done, and It Cartwri ght. Dr. J. T . E llis, A. Maffit, to tha home of fnin GI .Mr. Lincolu haa purchas ed the l'he disaster Of Italy Will, to h riday afterno on. \a ilflrb time that our atreeta were B , A. Cornell. C M, Robitze r, L, A. Iivea cloee by and k~ beG18 ~ farm below Waynes ville, known liS "~IIII for P'o etry, miud, f.or the best, as the Zimn'le nnan and J . B. Pence attende d hi mself he knocked. at the door but \0 ~nt Into conditio n apll\, u tbe olllna. the Gt:or~e Robinson place; where p et~"Do JOU PllJ for ~tr:r' eutelde of, pavln~, Is wAfl~ til make a peace, but peace o'ne of the best the three day@' meellnl l of the Day· failed to arou... tt.t ·.an"empD~ ' Mr. and I4rs. W. S Bali.bu ryand the couple Edltol''Y will .. , madam. at onre go :My to pb}'slclo hoclse· Q thinll'8 that can be done. Let's talk ton Conaistory of :32" Scuttreh Rite Mr, Watkin s aumme at ~ia Ume would have ~eant a J. D. Marlatt attande d the fUll' keepina an'tL!ol lo\v the IOJUe 01 the.. busine!!!1 of orde~8 me to B.n expansive rest ~re it. over and have the streets oiled Ma~on8 last week \D Da,yton. P. D. neighbo r. and they ned eerallQ piace, IUId the world knowe of Mrs, Georae Truman , at t.rming . finally .ot . twice Q :re'!l' .......... Dalfalo JIlspress .. , O. H, Hartsoc k, O. D. Sur· the house, where they a&'Bin. wbllt tttat;wouid have meant to'thelSlJll1nll'Valley Thunda y. found #Jiles' ' " fsce and Lea. Talmag e we re enndl- Githenll Iylnll: on Ute floor, ' and da tes from thiS placo, The 8 ' at' declare d the tJ.boat • T.baceo CanvlllIat leu than whole. room In tbe utmoit COI1'UIl1GII»I~-' e~pallfll. a failure, the parpoae ..Ie prlcea at Hyman the stove pipe was OD '.. bemg to, starve England . He said Join thu throngs of th rifty House· articles of differen t . tbat 1t was true .that a great. deal of " furnish ers and receive you r share Qf strewn all over the ,food8t uffund vessels hall been .unk, Mr. and Mn. Harry After working the bargain prices offered on 10 urni· " but their object had been Clefeated Mr. ahd .Mrs. R ..G. Cro81Sherwo od. ture, Ru g~ , Wall Papt'r and Home for time, they .UU'U . .,U . PICTUI U: or AVr.~. ~UIII! ~gland ' and tbe Allies wer~ Carl Sarv~a vlllited the and Mrs. necessaries by t he S7 Fred Compan y, told them he ro~'!*l-I~~:~~I~~ MAN WA,I T\N~ F"oR. A a$tting foodstu ffs and munitio ns. . MO!1Dd in Adame county Serpen t's Leb3non Big Store It will really he had been attacke d by three "':"-"='.tg iut week. The entranc e of the U. S. lnto the ~OMM1TTEE TO COME pay you to cal l and exam ine our New several nights befor., wbo '\yar wae' the climax at 1,118 talk ,' be, Spring St ck just in . ,No more pro· knocked him down. After an We believe that you ·have n.ver ~OUl-ZI).AND ~T Hrs . ,caUIe with her help the Allies are fitable or seeu re way of , inveJIting, till'ati on. they found that luch bealltifu IBlou8e 8. Every. SlJBSC~TPT10}o.f J"ettina 'help t rom UII. The your ':00, .200 or ..300 8urplus than thingg of value had not been dll' one of them new crisp and fresh !by means ot mllpa. in the !:t Fred Compan y 7 ~ dividend lurbed , and that a roll of money frona the box a. they have been reo -the , hoped to preferr ed St.ork proposi tion , Call found in an accessible place, had . ter , calved by the S. to'red Compan y, ~at wou~ be of advan~ga to him Lebano n Bi" Store. end talk to 'M"r Solomon Fred about b~e n disturb ed , They q\ll!8tiO,nllCl;a.: . In . bls villon \If world-w lda .domlna · him pretty closely, but i t. tlon, and ended his talk by ,)Jfaiaa ' out anythin g further . nlt.'D''' u . , ~vew60!lY to jump in lind help In M888T8. E. V. Barnha rt, R. E. bruised in aeveral places. no.t e,verp WilY p08Bibie to win the war. Davill. O. M. Rldlre, seriousl W. O. y. Raper, ' . but 10 order 'to db It we will bave' to John Squires and D; L Word was immedi ately Bent to bia Crane y.oere ft,he- pn to the biJter end. . aUhe count,y Yat on bualne8B Friday relalin s in Uen terville. anll DUring the banq 'let,· the Glee Club after,nooD. · came down and took him home add~ , muc~to the pll!llllure at the them . He is, at the present time~ ' ev~ni,t. 1>y singinll seveflll Daltril)tic~1 a lmo.t all right again, but seema .tci Mra.-Louis!I Woolle , received word IOngl. have a hazy r ecollection of the oba · of the death of her brollier, Joshua 'T HI!! ~ct1S .AR!! WAITI NG, F'OR. night in whicb he olaims ,tie was Holland, of Xenia. last week. A C'O.M~l'P1'e£ TO C'OM! . Mr. and Mrs. Myar Hyman entor· robbed . , fun.ral wa. held Thurad "1 afiernoo n . AROU.N'D AND uRC.E 'EM . tained at a Ii Il' dock di nner 1'h ~ r ~day It ia though t by his relative s that at Sprlnll Valley. ev ni ng, the r" lIowing ){ue IS: M, B. he might havtl had a d izzy IIn~III .' lln Hyman and d111gh ler, Miss Huby, fixing the steve pipe and Mrs. Eva Jones returne d to her and tbe MeS:lfS Sam Hl' man end then; again, perhaps he had he~ bome here Friday after ependin g Jos_ Rosenthal " b()th of Ann Arhor slight paralyti c .t;oke. and , several " days with her dauabte r at struggl e. had scattere d thinp abC)Ur:~'~ "~ ~ niversit y. Metamo ra, Ohio. Mrs .,Jones allo the floor. '. visited with , Rev. and Mrs. S. A. Several of Van' Relallick's friendil Beall, -at EI~()re. ". him a Burprise . SlIturday even· going to his home near Ore· Tbe ·Wpmim . Auxilia ry of ' St. There was quite a goodly Mary's Oh,urch will meet with MI'II. present , and they enjoyed o .J . Edward a'on Friday afterno on themsel ves ,hullely . as Van proved to 9f thiB •week. ' The content . of 'h~ be a itood host , United Offerin'g boxetl will be re----~. ~,-.+.-----ceived at this meetina-. Third Sunday a'f tar Ea!lter -. 11. Sunday SChool at 9:30 Mornin g PJ:it.yer and ~rmon Fred, Leonard , of Co. E , 147th U. , who il. itaHone d at MontgomThe publIc ,coritlaUy .DI1'!"'~ these servic~. ,ia Ipendin lr a week here with.. relatlvl~ and ftiendl. Fred ii and' &ays he fs working , After a long time Warron 'County . but beenjo r,tbe,w ork. haa fol lowed the footstep s of s.veral i other townshi ps in·tht! alate, and· bOll employ ed a coul'lty farm agent. Cbas.\ F, Class. of Dayton, i, the man &elected and eomes to Warren County highly reCommended In tbisl'mee':in~L"~tcI,n!~a,'1 e!~::~~ ~. chlsa of work, •i Mr. Class assumed his duties thIs i~~~:lt~~~~~~~ week and h811 rooms in the LebanoD II Nati~nal Bank Builc) ing, wher:e be can lJe founli at any time. or as mucb of the thne lIS his duties , ",Ill allow him to l\tay in the office. The dtlZClDI of tbe count, will him a coUrtao~s willing to ..1ft.1••,t m" eLi n ~
"How Long Would It Tak e to Get the Kai ser- "
____ .. ______ 4
,I". , .. " ...,111. , it on :\l"'rn ,<1 \\11 l ~n'l ~r,·. [1(111 til,· g'
\'1 ,
Ihll ln
I •. } \
ull ooot "lOlltDlll.kltwaa : You 1 ,. lim o )'ou "~II\O to dlnoor'
I . ~
,1 " IhollS'llt all "'NO muc b more InterI ' ;1,1), h,r II'" HI HIed til Carolyn P ldl ysl " • I 1I I 1'111\' lhl'lI "'!IlIlIl,>,1 . 1'1 •• Il ... """, 1. I " I' kn~" ... 4.11 Kllid. "])oo't )'?U b IIm'\I 1Il1l. nelln' I U~II hl r 111111<1 " ,III. , )'011 . 1 (,R~II t sinn" It oily lonJl:c r, l'va " 1'\1 ,.'" III dnrlt .!'Imply ga lt to bavo YOU. DOll·t say no IInl ' ." ~ I>hnl;I,," rr, III yet-,lhll 11 '~n .' Olv'e me Home en. -, 11 J" III hnn d. , I TOll III , I. >, I •I I .• ' • . I I J' COUl'II"',' bI t. '" ,~.. I"l otl t' \\ 1 s"" nw llt • R nil '\Isll1 J ' "( It.I. ' r i" ', I . II llt t ' n 1 ;;.':ll,llf; ,. SI,,' Inokt'll lit hIm wltlt Immen8e \ 1 l " ., p.' r. I, .1< i t I ·t II lls: ht. " YOII poor boy." Softly ehe ")I 'l('f'~ t'H" ",. , YfJH Ol. , on. till 1 d . ~; I III : " [Ill Ie. I S lO ll . (how 't . I ·I I ~I.I r., t ., U ~ r nllw ? J 'I"~ho, u yo u do lUte me a Uttle, "11 "11, \\ n,\I I Rnlln?' II, ~e lz .. d h er hu ud fir ml y. .
'j'his ad ertisem(!nt j published unci I' the authority a.nd bv th dire lion of th Department, U. S . Arol),.
t~ lilt'! ttl " '( Jil . lHll I /1 .', I II ~'1 " . " I."lurlt p! \' ('". \\ r (' du.'Y! 110U t ~' OU \I Oll'}' , 1,'11 I .,' " 1) .1'1' ) ,I a)' I'nt run, Iillh~ ~II'I, , Ih n l ' rn II1Urrl f J' I'll Me~ u mln llt. Il nll ru ~ n ·il lIno til o~rA I Ihnl \IIU H,'l " Ul'l l !' ,. J" b (h a u this. Toom In lond hI s 1I1I\to.holtlt,rs . I 1)" . ~,!lPrl"f; trHH f ll Il lut\· hohl e l' '!'' }'Iodl o 11'(,111 w(,I1rlly Inlo th e Ont.c I " (11'1' " II Ihnl . 11 1'1 f. LIII. ~I r . 11 ul· with" cll rl "l,ood morning. Mrs. It OY" ",.,11 ... ~ ou'lI /).' ,l\\ fu lly \llll"'I'IIY! J
th('tl t: h t YUli \\
Half stOod and tbough t It ol'or. He' took out hIs watcb and look d lit It anxIoual,.. It wall 8Ircad)' te n o·clock. ~noe he Ihooll: his head. It \\'8S lao a lton." nnd llIolh! outraaeouai then tbe IHlmor of th e ul· swlle. ltalr Be\%ed hlm 'a nd b e Illugbed barsh·
1,., tJolld. Flodle', white tace appeared In I be doorw!Po1. "Wbat I. It?" sh crIed. "I've IO~ ItI" he sbout d. "II' '11 have the wed41Dl too1gbt. T he guests ore .IlDvlted tJready:, and tbey Co.n·l ~et at tb,e rice. Ho "'s lhot! ',"on 't Ih at llo ~ealt )'1 odle l"Is ber. you've .a,·c,1 my liCe !" . He l1'8bbod her nud whlrl ~d her rouod In a crazy waltz. 1.111 she bl'ol<e away In an gul s b. "O b , Mr. Bunl· alello." , she b ega n, " I 'll Ju st hn,' (0 tell you. I can't bear Il- " At tbat moment th era W!I S a sOllod I of the hill door opening. "What I.s ItY" Hall sa ltl. " Anyth ing I can do for you! \Vanl t o bl' Il bride.· maId. or wbat ?" Flodle 'turned, loo k d. and saw. " Oh. nothing!" Sbe Pllt her hand to ll e r bead. 118 tr It were Bcbtng. "Ther
It ·
bnl\'o att em pt 10
Mrs. 1l01'1llt o n ", us p luUlP find nom · l)nl'Rul b;n dsolll~ . ff on" dld ll 'l lJ1 lnd
) etU ,\ 1! I ' .. IJ. · to; I nJ'JI' ,I iflll. dll'n t l~ , ''('nIlHI'I') , WillI f,," r Ph 'II!.-: \I it h " prl vlIll'
Nt'ed the co-opera tion of- every ma n, woma n and child in tbis counlry who can do ANYTHING TO WIN THE WAR. Th y must ha e ~ very aid you can give the I er· fonnanc~. of their p rilous uuty. Alnollg other thin gs tlt ey must have small arms ammunition, a nd this where YOU can help. The plant of the 'Peters artridge Company at King's Mills, Ohio, is turning out cartridges for the Army . . It must largely increase ·its production and many hundreds of em· ployee are need d AT ONCE. If yo u ca n poss ibly enlist in this work. it is
( To l>n Oo ufil nuNl)
kt H1\\
ILIII III)(I'. ) "chl - 3
Pro bare Court
(" (l l1nl r~' h,-)li~1 :t \" ll1a III H u1)" pel" h lll'q- 1l1l l<,,,,,,1111,'h-'U 1 •• I,' t-b y jol'e, I !:U.'M\ ~ UI :. "
th e "'~ I l\te of l:J ir o m. (.IAm', CI I' Ot'll Mu d Co lluter.,1 Jl e r fm.· \, on n llslJt\I\)' dl~torte d lnb l'l lilu nc e Tax lH li xed 'dIll 1'"ln "1"I IlII~i >l l'. lIel' 11~I<\ "en I n Ib o IlIOtl ur of th e g UIlI'Cl!1\Tlllblp c l""dHl'1. !ih" H UrnIll Cl I1 ~· d hp r"cou l'U!;(' <If t->luu lL'Y H",hllWllY, wlo o r. J. f'" th ,) I." t .1. ' \laIrl,," alrok . OLI, s he Wll tl, I' lIulhtl wl. Y i~ Il )lIlOttl~ed -PUIIlIS, ;\11'. l1o nlslell o! Silo IlnlntH I:lIllHI , 1:111 UO h'r 1'''(' '' III,,· 11 d ,m tJ ~ Yuu wOlllfln't-" \ I n 1'Ij iJ llln Il I !' r 0 I th e s tif le of Il ull laugh 11 al o lld . "I' or hl) I\ " It S Will . WIL"~(I IJ . J"C" MS d, Mll r y sn ~~ ! Is thllt wh n.ts t roub lin g )'ou? 1.11,11" .. _PI' . IlItf"\II ~ u,I ·, "lo btrItll'ix. :\ow" I InlppO Stl sli t· ~ tI~t) ~n~, W~~)~;) I tJ lJ J1l.l 1I\5U. ,1 .)Il 11 I:ll1ok ~ tt. J~ . I•. \ ' " ,, 1), .'olt.h·"c('ltolll l; n I1l' 6 )' 8, \\'3S ~I rs . ~ ~ noo k ulld ~ lI b" HHrclin g tiro u)l' !(O)"lilnll , 10 IIf' r 11I"' I'lo r~: slItl\'e I!n d I IIha do s Il In nil put y, ur ItIl nd a t , st. 11o~ I O , I II 1}r)II1 I.rli.\ Il ~ I'PI'I'!IIMur~. t1attl'rllll: tu 11",.(, ~If(' ndllllrr ct. :sue prom Iso 10 rcfom) h"r IIftN 11'0 ro m llr · , \I'(Ir' \lh ll ". \\ilh a pur pl e Im t. rl ed. '1'1'11 hpr 10 ellll) " In .'' III tht· III II I to r o f t h" •. Stll ,,, \~ r " " ·hlll·. III 1111111<11'. chil d? Dc n ~I rs. R oyn lt on "'LlId r d mto tho ~ dllIlll1 .J. 1:t(}lll' r~, ,IHue lul d . I' ~) 1111;, hn l·,'I1·( you? WhHl In t he s i lldio. Sho bl'gull . M II sun!. wi ll] n Iltl•. I ~ r II<! 1'111 Iii u ppoln tud H ~ ~ (\ . wor lel .I"t'b II ru ng gIrl liko you have slmllcr ond 1\ IImll. "1 don·t l\I1ow OHn)~ l ru\(lr with ,llO wI ll unur}( ClI. to, rouble you?" thnt 1 ali ght to sh uko h llnds wIt h you, ~.>nt1 t l(lllU. W Ii . .'\11110, J , ."Oh . \\'nl liIl!: on custo me rs, tor one Mr. Bonlstolle ! 1"0Il'r4l . a ba d. bad '." "twrt lllt t IInti E \ , Bur nb Drt Rt. . ahe II, now!" aho 8lghed. " ;\11' • . Hoy· l!Jilll;!" 1-'1 0,11,' lussed he r bend like a boy! Why ha ven't you bce n to see ul'P IUl ed uR up"r.,lt.;,r~ . tJton!" nll y me, all th is l ong while?" Sh fl lled I n tlw tu 'lltElr II I W I) F·~ tA I(l f r "Good! Tell ber I'll be r endy In jusl ~Ir s. HO\'lIl1on aldn·t. nppnreolly, the place wlUl hor dul cet perso'IoAllty. Frank I, MUflJli .Y. d U.l'Il t\d . In . . Halllc Bp ct od he r sngely. os one In· v en .Iry U od " pI,rUI 6t110nt II r o Ill o(l spects a va luablo object be Is expect· 10 t ho Inl1 11 0 r o f tbe 6R tatB of Ing to purcbIlse. s · el ng be r , nn It I utI! L. K(' el' ~r , tl eotlused. luve n. were. tor tbe I1rst li me. 1I1B first r e- t or ,V tmc1 "\Jill ai eo Olour. o r o fil e,\. m DIk lacked conviction. "Oh. J've In Ib l' e ~II1Le of Wtn . B, U regory . b eon bu sy-nena! " That " Rena" d eoebsod . Firs t lind fi nal UCCO llnL i~ b nr el y suved It. tlllpro ved . "BUBY! Oh, you're o lwuya too buay I n t u e e~~n te of W m.· A . N'n ll , de for poor lItllo me! I'm s uro you'll OBllS ClO . Ifl r8t and fioal Il'caouot Ie tako a borrld Jllcture oC me-and I d.1~ Ilopr o v (1. ' ao won t to get a good one today I In the e tol t e of J ohn R. Duke, fil l's. Hoyallon rntt! d on. taking 0" dOCetlHti • eoond lind finl' li uaOQunt b e r veil ond Inspecti ng her b a lr In I~ IIJlpro;ed. th e choval glas8. Sbo twlttod blm on hi s Impolltell pBS, sho mode b or big In Ib ebt·nte of Mll ry.J. ver, 'EVERY month we make enough eY"9 bl!!;g r. Sbe dltl th e poll d child d ecl'U. ('(1 l:'!t!oooLi /tooo uot IS !lP Lud-yStrike Cigarettes to reach,
h ~
hkll wor Il ro wn ulld brllllnlll. ':-;h;' \\88 n ~lt, k Illl d gl OS9Y • Wo lnn Jl "r~ sso'd III I'ho CXlrem' of BI ), I ", nflflurrnlly 'Jul ie R8sured o r h ~ r all n rh llrm ~ Ilrr Illation s worc "ICIlH' , 'a ntly 1 0 \\'- ~lIe 010" ,t! "bout wit h a s tHl H\lnnllk ~ currln)!I>. Iler I'UCIl.I , I lIn~~. laO. "l'rC sl o w find "llIoo.l h . filII IIf n .or! (lr S "lIti n l~IH:l 1 UlI clion. p o il !'I'PS
(0 I,bo ull~ II o r or
to do so . You can in this wa y render as great service to yo ur country in t his this crisis as you could b y goi ng to fi ght in Franc.e . Your community will recogniz y our patriotism a nd honor you for it. The workillg co nditions at the Peters plant are id a1. unitary, fire- proo f bllildings, plellty o f li ght a 11(\ fresh air. The work oone 1:) y women is clean , int rest in g and not physically exhau sting: The minimum wage is equal to any paid in this section, w ith unusual opportunity for advanceme nt with in creased profici el1cy. Ev r) possible mean s is used to safeguard th e hea lth aud welfare of employes. Convenient rai lroa d and in ter- urban service, with'rcasb tlable 'rates, ha ve been establish d by Govermellt direc tion .
::. . "
Dontbea lacker--Enlist at Once Apply to or address
Employment Bureau, The Peters Cartridge Co.,
end to end, frotn New York to China. the long way around. That's .
.15,000,000 A
Regular men like the Lucky Strike Cigarette-good, solid Kentucky Burley tobacco, fine for a cigar te becaus~ ·
Hali etltl scem d Ols tra lt. 110 broke owoy ne rvously UIld went to work. II 'vas h la cuslom to ogage hlB objeol hi cOII"er ~atto n, pCl'mlltlng bel' to e posilioo. tnlk. drink tea, flITt. or gesture as abe would. whllo al,e WlIti unaware, anti belore sbe bega n to wand r wby he di d not begill . to hOVE managed lh e OXPeSure ot 80 me doz en plntes, from ono or two at whlcb be . was pre tty allre to eohleve n trill mph or nrt antlllnturalnese. . Dut. at tho m er cy 'of bla obsessjon, tbls me thod wns ImpossIble today. Hall wae too busy mo.king up bls mind, anil cOllld not do two tbln gs at ODce. "You'\'e not pnylog a bit of attentloD to me." she pouled. M ra. Royalton, bIlby lab, \\'as a pIcture to r n cy nic. Dut Hall was t oo engrossed In his own tbougbts. lIe caugllt bor wIth an unllfted flngel', orled "Thore !" and slipped In Ii. plate. "The fact Is, I am n bit· worried today," be confessed, "Just look a bit ove r tbat way. That·. rlgbtl Flnel" He deftly pressed the bulb. . . Sbe wont up to him and patted bl. arm. "Oh, YOIl poor dear man! Oh. J wtsh I could help him outl" . i'Oh, no, I'm aCrald you cnn't hel» me," he saId Irritably. " I wIsb to beaven you COUld. Now look upl" be commandod. 'rben be dlv ed under tbe focuelng cloth, anti emerged to 8ay, "It's partly you thnt I'm wo~
K ing's Mills, Ohio.
Il flv ed • In the (' ~tll . of Ann a Th . ) mp ~(lIl , 11)8 Uti PO'l r/! 110 ') tJl1t, w'no n r_ reN 111011, ill h PI>' (~ \" . t'I : tlnd (lOU rt. fi n e ~h" 11m t'.r $:1,10 H! ILl ~be b tlll d S of tile g U ttrdlll n dll~ t h o tltllt f'.
~a our Ne w ~uits
" Il l'
P. Owned by
T be M lIlso l1 T(lwle
Mfg Go. VB. A~ltlol !:lb 1:1 . Bro we, monl'Y only ; amoont o\ltlm ild 1500 w i lh Intere8t. &.h bfl l M. R lok er V8 . Edward C . RlolIer, dl~ o r oa i e xtremeoruelty.
Ulllr!l Spenoe v~ . Philip Spenoe 01 voroo Is !frao ted , R o ltle A. Prlae VB . ~ nIter Price. 0\, oroe L~ g ranted Bnd plnntlff Ie r ll~torlld ·to her' Illelden Ilame of R oxIe A. !\!foortl. . Jane Mllrks VB. J. W. Marlla Plaintiff III awarded allmol11 In 'be !!om of $7150 . Mamie W . WhlUen VI. Aaher Whitten. et al. Title to real estate II 'q uleted. l!I~ato of 01110 n . Jamel WIp,:gln8. PleAded guilty; fined 110 and oOlltll. State alf . 01110 VB. AI"I. Watt, k'load ed not gumy. B.II b(lnd liKed
lit $1i00.
The Kingsbury Co.
Office Rnd Fitting Room 108 So ulh Dtltr.>it l:) t r cet
With TIFFANY JBWERY Store Xenia Ohio
Notary Public
offen you the widest choice in attractive colors. In both ''b0d7 ooIon" and ~'trims" Green Seal has tints aDd Ihad.. that will make your property radiant and ch..rf\lMoo~___ thing of real beauty. . . ' ~Gaa.r8EALforyour, nextpainti~job.
'Wayn_viDe, Ohio
Horsc--[)rawn Equipment 1'ELEI'HON E
McCoy, VeterinarY
All iklnd3 of N'ltllry Work . and Deed8 1\0 tipeolttliy.
OradUlte (If Oblo Univeni'
W. R . and L. N. Blatt \0 Z T. and 1£. (J. 'Halnes, 145 BoreB io Warren and Clinton oountles, $7(100 Lola B. Bdel to Cortl Lewis, the undIvided onll. hult Inleres t'-~D BO aorealu Clearoreek towD8nlp, $1.
Con Lewle to Ee~ber Sbeets, 20 aorea in Cle .. roreek townshlp ·Sl. W . F Eltllroth to Barry L. Bard.
State of Ohio Vii Wm. ThomptioD. Ing. the undivided one_h nlf Interest Ball bond 18 fixed at $11500. In tbe Baonllr P90klng Co, re .. 1 e~_ about. thOUih. Rena." !:!tatD of Ublo VB. Calvin GaulKon 'ate and obit Uela In' LebaQon, . '4250 "About me? No!" frs. Royalton IlDd Ed ward Bra oe. ' PleA 'd ed not Harry L. Barding t o W. C. Gil wa s delighted . • Ilnllty . Ball bODd, In eaoh 06se, Is monr his balf inte r eY \ In tho Beun ~ r "Yes. I nm, re nll y! " He went liP to $01)0 Plioklng Co .• (relll estlll e and ohatber au d adJu sled be r jabot. . Peter No!! va . ,J ohn T . Bonclr. tel!',) Zl . Her )' 'S we nt all' al him like a Casa Is dismisses wHllout rEloorll . B . E. Ind Dor otby Peooe to Auoll doubl e·barrel II sh otgun In an eX1110· B. (JOOK, 166 aore8 10 Seo 14. 1'. 2. Morriske LlcenseA slon oC coqu etry. " I sup pose you tell R. 6, ad R. t:l, $ t. tblll lo cI'ery womn n you kllOw I" Fernand.o P, Ba ok, mo!ore;vale The Toledo & Clnolnnatl Railroad He WIlS In Cor It, uow. "Nonsens e I m eohanlo of MIddl eton, tllid Ro~a C() to T~, A , and 11;. L , DarrtMoo ]t'o crue. n e na." Trimble, ot Franklin. Rev. II: D. about 30 aorel In Franklin 'owo . She o{l elle d he r eyes still wId er. BIHJ.\Ulond ' 6500. "What lu th e world do you m'e an?" leano W" Lincoln. fArmer of WilY , Commfssioner', Proceedlnis She was hungry ror more. n B~ v iIiB. /llIld Mrs. Nava H. p .. Uer. "WIlIt lIIl I got £l uolh e r pIcture. " BOO, of M o now Rev H. B 'Foster Uonuao\ tor the onnBtruotion of Hall wh eeled h is camera Inlo a new J, 1:1 Rud olph Frieden , tOI)lfllaker Il oonorete retalning wall on ROl\d position. " 'on derlng w!J a t to suy n ex t. of Fos ter, IDnd muoa Ertel, of MaBon. N~. 3l near 'helnterurb9n Runway She WIlS nnlml\14·d enoug h. now, her Rev R..B b'06 te r. TArml081 00. , In Klngl Mill .. , big C)' OA (ulrl), bluzed . Tbe ll gress Ohio, W8@ I\owlntled to Fre d W. Wood h a d secnll'll th e nn ll'lo[le. Real Estate Transfers Rt hi!! bid Of $1044 00. For somo li me ho Iw ld hCI' orr while . L I C 1 b It Bills Allowed '.-Wm Evnn8.1umsho t ase d fOi' fUl'th r re ve luLlo n, In. H.o ber t. LUCR to o u se a e on m qll ls lth'e, IUlIl allzl'Il . nllnll), he ij llt and G ruae AI\wyer, lot io Franklln. ber, S:l0 .75 ; t:) ' IIoIrIl!ta Mrg. Co .. BUp· d01V1l b s id her o n the coueh und er $;350. plieA $13 .10; Rtl.ym o nll 8Pllr lrs,bnrlal Alioel'do!<l llu to Edlt.b E. 'T homp- o f Mra. AnnIl Berrmrd $75; WHuen the wliI dow, Btl' I clled but hI s b antl. (lounty AI>Pet1I. bl l\tllt~ , for @hellff I ut mu c b I rOil b l C, SO li, Irlt in Mo rrow, &;8300. o b ta Inod ·lI ers II' I tlO t8; B W. ['roylll o, bridl(e r!lpnJ rEllu aad ( It of It soll ly. She s tared Ilt Allnn A yor .. to Alle n R,IY lIeveral BsmHton t,lwnshl ,', 135.57: 'fbll blm cxcltedly. lotI! io Dlll .,y '@t;ubdlvlsiJn t-.J Milson .Johnston & Wnh.. ou 00., 8upplie!! " You I11\0 w, n 11 11 . tbe r enSQII why 1 for AntH'Qr 11 80; The Coluu,bu!! hu,'e n't been to Bee you, don't you?" L E. Bnd 1:'. L LeVallev to Muy Blank Bo(lk 00, 8u llpliu for Pro"Ob, 80mo oUle r woma n, I 'm sure." H . /lOU George D. Donll:ltulllbou\ gO hate Court 17.50; Franklin .Obr()n_ "N o: I ju st dldu' l d ure. I badn·t the norAS 10 $1 iole, blankl for .herlfl' $8: W . B. courage." Emmn J. Brehm et al to 0 3.1. 8tanal!'e Co" pl&p•• for Gourt 8\enShe dre w b or hand away. but 11 ~1" anl.l M. L. Moore lots 40-1. 40r. IUld ograpber $9; S. E. Cutler, road and mIlled It 10 be r ecaptured w ith casa. 401 tu MaoklntLw AddItion to Frank bridge rf'plill's In HamlllCln 'own. "You mu s l kn ow' whnll'vo been think· lin, $76. ,hlp $38.615; J.K.. Spenoer, A'radlng In g." he II' nt O D. "You mus t hnve B I<. Iro!ter to I. Llnooln, 3 the MlAton and Lebanon llike $387 BO i se n It In m y eyes." trtlot~ In WI~yne tOlVo!'hlp $l. Z&ln ArmUage. rORi4 and bridge "Wh),. YOllr e ycs loolt 1111 l'lght, Mr. Minnie Milto o'b ~rger to Wm. Ed. work tn rllrtleorAek and Washlul' BOll l steli. 1 h o\' en 't UTl Y Idea wbaL wal.a Monger lot No. 132 In Sprlna. ton towo8hlp8 '2~8.150 i M. B. 08. you're t alltlng abou U" She waa a boro: 1116('1 a smBlI traob adja~eDt .'0 wald & Bon, hurlal of A'dam I:!'ultz torty·year·old bnby, no w. IInl<1 vUlllge, tlltlO. . J. B Morrls,lInppliell for .her " I wish 1 could see 80me of It In • tiAorge E. Youog, feel for your eye·s . Ilena!" I. L. 'I1'rye to Perry aud Au!,~eta I.d"feltidlnlt Elmar BurgnB, Indlgen' " What In t he wor ld? Sea wbat?" . . Hartsook, 32 aoreR to Seatloll 2a, T ""y e ndmlr d you ever slneo I flrst 4, R. !, M. R. t:l •• $1. . -------.~. ~.~----snw you. Ren n!" l-I" plunge d In. now, Georp:e Rnd Emma Bebold' ~o o,'c r .hls belir!, H e s hut bls eyes tor Muitle P IE'ru ok. part of lotIO :No .. Notice of Appointment tbe jump.' t o gh'e .Il In lonslty. "[ 2 67 (lull 20 III Mallon, $1. cn.n 't gel you out ot my mln d- I - I CenR Bo:lf. by her hel fl!, to Lafe rove you, Rrmu. dldo·t you Im ow that?" und BtflOiIl. L . Dill lot8 No. 162 aDd Eatale 01 1 . W. Mllrph, 'Oeceued. hI' mOI'f>d awuy, ns It II bIt alarme ll. Hi9 in MIIB JIO. U CO "otloo 1.II.rob, Sll'ou th.t .Fraok Zen lind wll hdrew h r h a nd. " W hy, l\t r . The Frnnklll.l lUlprQv~ment 00 .. been duly apfIIIlntlld _nd qualllle<l .. Ad· rulnlltralor 01 the E,I&'8 01 J ., W. Murph), ·I)01l- 1!n,1) ! 1 bud no Idea YOU ,.tbOU ~I! t to J osepb u s Fmnol • . about 107 aores lato 01 W_a County. 01.10. ,Iocoued. Dated ,hla I5tb alY of 1\001"111.18, ot m o In llio t WilY. It 's absurd . You In Frttoklin t o wnship, ' 115,000 . AI too II. Drown, ba,;cn·t ~nown me hut a fe w w eeks- " B U, Uu\>bap:e to a E. KargE'r JudB8 01 tho Probate Court Warrell CoUDt,. Ohio . all, I Y6 kn ow n YOIl long e nough . about l75 OIores In Warren lind Oler. ml ~----- ~ "I'e been dIJspernt IIbo ut It-" Hall mon~ or)un tlp.!I $1 began a,lroos t. lo meall It. "Rena, E K (,' • D to Alfred B ' • lh lI' I I d'" mUla . ,omp.o fOU ro e OJ y woman ever ave ' .0 'il rlartB 01 210\1. In MaHon "Uall."-Rll e pau sed and govo blm a omp. n, • . , Ion /! langulsb lng look. "Wby, 1 'oon't believe It! Whell dId you "rat disHenry Une..... to Marl' 1II. OgileD col'er lhllt you loved me. Hall?" Bbe about 60 III rell In BllmlUoD 'own. cooed. dra.wlng nORrer, ,hlp, Thill stopped 111m for a momenL B. II. aDd
,HanDa's Green Seal
'pecialist in r eli eving Ey e t rain
nnd I mproving De fec ti ve Vision bY,GI Rsses,
r' I 0 I rector
Select the right paint . colorS for your property With the same care you select your paint. Getting the ' ria'ht colors in cOIllbination is an important part of making any painting job successful,
Kelly-Springfield and
OFFICE: Corner Main and Mill
United States·
Telephonf' 28
Df(. H..E. HATBAWA1'
T,l. 1,7
Wavnflville, Ohio
\'I. Il .V'.le.nille', Leadtnll' Dellil.' 1IIoe III BQlnes 81d, Main C)St
We will rec£'ive a Car Qf Extra Fine
LOCUST POSTS within the next ten days
.' •
.. ..------
'J .
''WbY-Blnc_Blnce-the l8OOD4
11,~ It w__"
tJm.. a ....ry.-d
aulA 'O'~lllll~
W. H: MADDEN &CO. Corwin, Ohio
•... TH E ,M I AM I ltut8re~ ~I '.))0
GAZETT~ E ..•.
Wuynenm •• UhlC/. ao fi.,·our!
D. t, C ANT:,
Edi t or nnd } u
Sub ~ criDtion Price.
lHpi' kHDt' N. ,
Ino. Mull Al ultrr
Ii! II:I
$1.50 per year
f) . H. ( . ,.tM n rl fllmll .v . or Nt, w Hurllugt'm. \Vl< fO v IH lt l ng ·r· l . I va bl'fl' nn,l"y .o,i f'n j orlng \ b" 11' O'll rd l'o ll ri n /{ e tl.r, I': ~-:b u l' tfl' WIIII .. m M cAl h ~te r. or X " mll, \VIIS trnll~notill' bu.looss lion ' on l'horerl<ly illat. W illorl! M Artin. of O"vtOD, ·repro. ~el\ lIn g tue j<'u i r b ll nl<s ~~llg I De Co., W h h e r n a ll 'r bur ~tI 'IY. Robl. mnn. or nllnr U ln Inn!lt.l .
by local K"I'licU liolls. us .hey . CU llnOI lelich lbe diSt'used pur l i,," 001 the ·eur. 1'llcre is oilly olle wuy to cu re cularrh,,1 dea l ness, Il nd 11II1 t is uy a cOlisutuliulllI1 remedy . Ca tllrrhal Ilc"rllul Is oll ustd by'
a u illfiu med oouditioll o f the nlLJco u s liu ll e r e r ()P lltly bu .vilJ ~ h o r ~"~ 'l'Ud inl-: of t he eus tac hian 1lilJ~ . \\ htll this \\ t b ~ !l"V rtllllO! t. lie lube is inHulll ed } '0 1l hDye n r lllllblin ~ ," u l.." f')r
\Vh o I "UI 11 ( kl U J! UH f( t.. j pl1 ri n ~ FUI' h r I ltl ' k'" h 's U"'t· ' ltV \v1fin l:Ie· .. Ib" " lin fl eiltl mp Q .II) I II glve p To Il.w HIl (1k ey ti lnto t il ~ " II /:I t' h ~!I " V " _ Ih,tI. lie · iJ t~ " 1U1I1l1l1e" 1'. , t h p. M ·,r .. "' h ro h l' Will d ONu ll . f"J b ·, ',. ~(:r''','' hlnK i n hill f,:1"r .y hure I h ,l ' ,. ,.. Un. n 'l'b iIl k t,,~
h .,'tc;
''' 1
tl t" Vfl r
sound or illl pe rlC(1 Iirar'''!: . .. li d whe ll it 11'1 ,, 'l le>4 0 grflue m <\n .1' I,nd i- kn o w o i. clIll,ety d osed. ))enfllcss is the I. sult. r ill nd Ill'ul' I II hi ~ bll ~ lnl'~R.
nll° !:;S the ipfl u lUllI ll ll lI U rn.1l he r~du ccd \V '' ' ' U .. r UOI' I~ 1113'1 U IIf.Vlo g hIs 8ud t h is tube rcs l v rf'd t o it s nUrll1!ll COI1 - cl ,,~ llI lJg Wlfll Illllllt Whll 1'1' 111 be dilioll, h r o.lillg ,,:i ll bl' d~ s l r\J yrd (Ul t \'4.' f. ti l" next? \ l\tuny ctu~e s o r ri cu fll ess arc ('u ll ~ d h y ~ I r" Ib hle L'olltl l~ nttenrlrd n cnt unh. whiCh j ~ li n illfla m ed t'fj lHl itill 1l f II,,, mu co l/s sur fuces. H Ull', Ca l" rrh b Oo I llrlay il lnDer III bllnM I)f her Mtd ici lle lI e lS I bru Ih. blood UII t he mu· b,.>! he r. ln I" w. T h 's B"ydoo k, of
ftlll ; ,
,·lav Ht,w'l.
'l'h l:\ t." 't-'( 'III ' I• r [\(, 11 b i ll,"l hll; of bl~ M lr Ul1' Ltk e .. ij l n kill' bIL wk will 110; dn OO llll nO tltl II" hlg b n y itll-: .
Alw "v~ \ ' J'uf.( !( I IIf.(
N uva r But,
10111 Illg l.llO
I l' t '",
t,r y t o
cous surface! IJt t he s),ste111 , N"" Hnrl! ngtrm . ( JIl liuuelny . We wilt give QI/e HlIl/dred Doth". for ( ' h r lH l ltw En dllll vor '11 Ill " Friends lilly rase f Ca l;"rhal D~lIr ll tSs lhal Ca n. IIUI bt. cured by HiliI'. Il tanh Medi illc . c lJll roh BVer.y 1I 111 11\y uigb l Il nd t.b e II 11 p n dHoce I !-I ~ . \Of1. Circlilars rree. All Drugg isls . 75c. F. J . C IIE NIIY & CO .• Toledu. O . ~lr . u orl M.t! JJ:rl M o (l'u r!tlll . of Wl l m iugt,m, ep" nt "' \In tlllY w ltl! Mr. " nol Mrs J ()s · C I" 1'1; . IJt Etist Mo In
or you
~w p
his b rlllRtl ng ' " ... iro I\8 ~ .. I .. do u g lind he jae rlDg
ij,V" hll-( \V' lr
1'hHy ' l1 h .. Ill ' l u Bar ile. it WI' ~ b (l ultl foIlt flo gel. nIH' your ThrIft tlllJmp O,IlI
P ·llllt. I r.1 nroH "
W e 0.'" kIl l 11.1 "
bi ~~e8t
ql1, )t, .
O N. I'
'J'b l'ro '" Ii I''''' !j lo "Irl lin k II li d o' III tlllI ' I " t r ( ) lJl ol ""ki l''''"
'i' l! n ~ 0110 BI1 (h l1 wlOK hJ II '7. l'b otl ~h bi~ fUhth il r H "rll ull d"lIars.
tb .. r tl be" !til II on \VOT l h; l\'e (!Iltl Hilo!)l. IIlll' qlll~rter b ll ll ~~8 . 'T li llu- tll m hlt '~ cluwn I.f) "/l r tll. Now (Jilt. "'''''''nIH 'l'hrtft t '"TIl ,.. m or ; T" V.l ur QAif(hbll r p~~ ~ t.h n wo rd Uu\, "Thrtft. t.mJl .. vAr.\' " iI ,rodol! Fill' "'to hllVIl hI g t Ih!lt· "blrd" And
s ln ~III' l r pl)\\'~r
---.- ..- - -
Wr itten Before Christ. All thc boOI(s of Ibe Old 'l'estameot wore written I UI; b fore th o blrlh ot Ohrl st. some of thr ill us mil ch os 1.400 YCllrs heforl!. otht'r from GOO to 1.000
. A mbas 'ador to Russia
hotore. nnd nfln o I qs t hon 300 The Gosp Is 1~lId other hooks of th e' NI'\\, T CR tolDcnt ycnr~
to 400 yenrs bl'forl!.
wcre wrllten from R3 t o 60 or 70 yeurs ofter the birth or Ohrls t.
- - -...
Waynesv ill e, Ohio
Olassl· Bed Ads
floue ~o leut, ooun t ry pre terred . B'orIQrarmf\\lon 01111 on .\10'. A. WrlgM, R. O . I , WllynenlJle, t, vl~lt o Ti W CdIl8S (lIi),. ~ Ohio . 1117 Hnv A!t red W ll lltar Jlren h od at Mrs. B1II Ck, of Dill' too , RpeDt tbe ' I!:Y IlluDeli 1m Ht llo le oh ab. A L 8~ MAN W.ANTE\) to .ollolt tb ¥. Ill. ohu rcb !:l anda y 1II0rolng. P""t. wellk vi.iIIDI wltb M'8. weo .'j t ol IlUd lwcllml m ll r tg lll! q, ord erl! for lubrlolll!Dg Olla greall Tho 'I'ou Rlv pn nn ·l'hllr.II I1Y llI lit z~ 1 Barril eDd Mrs . ()ora l'hompson. N o tes b' lU~ h t. .~"h ~ 1J "~ b l ll ll . . •~ " , , ' e~ lind pl\lIll.s . " Iar.r or o~mml s fllr t htl henefi t of Lhe Aid Aoolaty Mr, Edward Mutln hilS been on M18! Il'lonDoe Laof was 'be Rn eR' Alltm i:lm l,llllg, X" 1I1" , Obi ,' .".2 Bio u, Addresd 'rho Vlotor O il Uo. , WIiP . uS u euul, B fiu unclnl Rucoose. _ _ .____ _. _ _ _ _ ! 'Iev elnnd, O . 1\ 24 I h " s iok Il pt bu t Is Improvi og At 'bll of ber 8ister Mr • . E' . M.. (Joo k lod time . family, a t IIldgew9od, bet week. ' nndn y WdH II bBllut.ifu l rtllY Ilnd Mrs. B . ':. Daklo III !1I~btly 1m FO I( !t ENT I W OULfi like to bu y olle or tw o oulo tonrls ts we rl~ !lU lU rou . proved from tbe tltleotl at a reoeot. ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ yearliDg Draft Colts. UBII G. Il !lyman.l E (lworclll, oue or nur rullin whlOh ber blp WII8 bad ly In,E Riley, phone 4.2.(\, WILYDeavllle. ')IIl ~ n s wbo ho. ~ b pf' n in tho W ll ~ t jured. llhllougt stili oonfined ~o 'be ROOM - FurDi8hed. B'ront, r oom · ==========-==="""-== rnl' He ve nt('on \'lIa r!!, IP vlsl t l n lC htll hou8e. 00 !:louth Mlliu s ~re(\t . loqulre fi" ho r Cbu8 Edw!lrds, o f tl en. holr • Mr. /Lnd Mr • . HQ~.el Bentley. of at this olllce. 1117 FOR BA~ W.yo8svllle. we re the I:!uude,. ~ I r. ~' rI\nk 8bldok er hl\ A pur. att.eroooD gueats of relailv.,s here. oh,l!led Ito nelv ~'ord, h ~ \' ln c; nsed one MI8a MIHlalln r. Allen enter,talDed Mr. aoet Mrl!. Ed , BOUi b iLDd other CORN- SOD bu hnDet 10r'lId oorD, f o r s evenl yonrs . His IL hl1Sl oM,. LOST Jobo Rob.noD, B. R. " Ote . p ro POl!ltlOD with him 08 well a~ t h e membe rs or Ihe t'I. G {)Iub a' r elatives were rOYllil y eotertalned ml b e r horne 8unl·b of t"'«'D. by Mr. lIod Mrs GIlY Kibler on - - -- - - - - - - - -- - 8001a. Ohio . p lelt eDre . ELTS-For !I w ood 8tl w Ooe 10 MI. a Dd Mrs Uti l"ln LoDIJ IIDd SU Dd llY l&1\t llur f.~m ere flro prog re '91 .. ~ well ARB-BI'loli. 8 ye •• s old. Good ft. uew, BDd on e 30 fl. Old, 0 0 Mes f S Geo. Penoe and family, wit h 'h olr s pring wo rll nO ll I~ will sou, of Mletdl lilto wo, were the week . lIeo.r4\ pu.pose mltl. ID. 110t bo long 11111.11 OorD plowing will e O (1I!!Uell ~8 of Mr. Dod Mrs. Wa)t,er ood 1 . M. O .. tdn and fam il y rue r oud be \weon Aucl rew Koot:ll' lind formatloD iDqulre at thIs ofIloe . be i ntl ul ged Itl. Ii'l tta. POsllC8S0rtl o r Dew Ford TourlDg \V a yoll!w l il n. Finder pl ell .e I(lILve ml Mrs Gos WIHlIoger of UllvtOD Curs, G. B . EI1I8 a nd '!lmlly 11 Ford at this a tu oe "o d r eoeive l eward. a27 (Jnrporlll Qnigley. of I"rllokhD. sp'e Dt t.he week. end wlih Mrs. 'BaD: Sedao Ind J. 1:1 . Curtis aod famil y AY-Good Mixed BllY. Igqulre ~1I 0 );B t,o II full hou so, Ilnr1 his t"lli: UITUA~E,!:lUnday evenlog. 80me / are ridlog 10 IIU Overlaod. of II'raDk Braddook, R . D. 2, S where between town aa. Cltlvlo <11 11 0 IJrAat· d eBI of Rood, It. Ito$ oab Dearth. . Mr. Ralph Evan~1 of Daltoll; Mrs. Wbltaker'B, F IDder plenso notify WaYDenllle,Obio. .2, rn ~ ny w bo we re pJ e Aent 10 I 'l TD over Millij I!llilllilbB~h Shall fe r Hpell' the OIR.vtoo Foaler, Mu . Geor g,lI Dakin I ne w lellt ",lid t.ll <1 0 m ()r ... t.owl\rd8 hlrD, fl net reoelve r ew!l.rd 1127 wf' e k-eod wltb btu' parents &,~ wes' land Mrs. tsU800 Cook Iloci da u gbter OWS-'llwo H~I.teln Go".. O. In nlDIIo tht) WR r thnu th lO v hf~rl . were Sunday a",raoon 001le'l'lI tit Burol, R . O. 4, W.foe•• IJl•. H1P- L C18t 80mewbere between I)(WU d olnit PI)olr(! of , I,h tl good Mld<11eto .. n . &24 M,. ODd MI~ Walter Ben,e .lId the h lme of B. C. Ojlkln and family. ','IlIynAsvtlle IIod LnbBoon , t h n ~ ba d been (i o"" tly me R!'d erO!. Mr ' Willie AIleD, of Alpha, 1. a books, with t h e nonl e 01 Winifred t o G tODS of mixed 8ay. IlIqulre 'I rd how ll ClCPS <A rv tL wa t o lIlCrOall1l ROll. R",,,ld . 8,loat ~uDday . ntlrDQOn ! M !\Idgeville, 'hfl !,!Dest!! of IIIr. a nd , De8 • ac tne home of his plArent8 Craddook, In gdp . . Finder r eturo to 01 G. E . Riley, phone 42.&, Way. Ih to t /:001111 11011'1 to WiD ou t. • u.r •. LeHter Korft . gh Kroger's G rooer y, LelJo [I 0 11, a 2-l nee ville. ere. Cbu. Vonr. bas a Ford fllROhtDe Mls9 8 8:.1a\ Bomber'. of Day&oll . AliBI Alloe Uhtlnowet.h elltertr.lned 1\011 hll@ Ir aroe ll t o run It oioe ly. III III It Ihe borne of Iile r pneD~8, 0 uy Sooday Mr . IIDd Alr8 V, B Humbert. ' ompa ' . J.b aDd Mrs Do l1ae P bUlIpa speDt Alra. ~(\fy Bawse 18 "ltlltlng rela. ~ . ,
• . . . . . . _..
Clear ConGctencw. SI1 ~·. Olll f cll vw, lIlln't cll rry the joke
Mc::a:D:,,~~:~~:~~;e~a~::~r,llIfII UVe81DDBytonthi~week
Emma Ranle and U.II. , . 1.le Onue l @pen l S .. loretay e?enlog in Frankllo. Lutebas OutvaDlshed. of ElClatence. The lute It wall one Mrll. ADnl Vanill Ie oonnluolDI ot the oldest or lostruments, lind hnd aILe. - .eoeD' lIIo e88. n hMutifol vibrant toue somewhat like
101) tur. cnll IIl e u l1!i>r ellu to lloom 1 t. Fraternity Hul ldln!(. If th o owner Is nll t In Just sct It op be hl a the door. Or If YOli hovc Ihnt \1'(0(11; f ling nod 0" a o~oun l of my henlth It III nre In !Iced of n tonic. nod DOt tlble Deoeuary ror me to dlsoo o'inue tn cllml.J th e stu lrwuy, you Cllo jost "'rnIDIt /lDd 1 will ~ell '" A uutl (1ll al. pit 'h the show er stick In lit the lower m, relldenoe lin \ b e tJII.heDA r.. r m, d ou r I'ntronce !lnd re turn uorne. or any I mUee Dortb 198.1 of Ly t le aDd 4 old pl nee YOI1 li ke. cllrrylng It clear mil. .ollth of ()eDtentl1. o n the COnScience of o ne having i100e 0 good I,,\tllr', parea'a A~O.DQlD . It cnmbrous. Tbe mlll.Itrel of 0'7'OD eDd LcbaDo'u Pill •• 00 nnd worthy deed, Try It once.-WID. Mr. and Mn, Jo..p~ 11m. . .,.., pia,. Oil the DWldoUn, the IUltar or chester SUD, Thursday. Aprlr lS, 1918 'fus.eta, to lAbanoD , , tbe b8.Jljo-ea4 the lut. la for&ot. .
:€~~?~~~:.~~~:~t~~:~~ ~:~~~qat;;a~';~~~~~ &,
Ba,laDlill p.omptly et 1 o 'olook, pm, (new \lOlA) the foll owilig properly : S Uond Work B Ol'~PII ,] litHer 011'.13 1:10g., reed, (Jblckenll, r ..miD. ImplemeDte, Houllhold Gpods See bills f Jr \erml! IRVIN GITHENS Mr. David R Francis, who has R C. B!lIDes, Ano'. been in Petrograddurina-thechangell O. L Dnte, Ule.k. of Government .
. ======
I' Harnes's Ilave
ep t
B fi•.,:t_clEass .Harn;EAR:~~o ;~e'_YNlDBg.AR . . T8.. .;II 0
••• DENTIST•••
Funeral Dirf'ctor HOliest Opinion Doctor Gave I a'nd Embalmer. Hia Patient Bedford; Ohlo,-"l was in a pitiful ' Waynesville. Ohi~. Eithflr Auto or Horse d raw n ~er v i cll. N 'l ClI Lra charge for auto ern i~e . . • Bolh phones In Office and Residence. No . 14
~============== ,!
Accessories Oils
W.ynenllle. 0
J .. E. Janney, Druggist, Waynesville
.H .Madden & CO.
pcopll'. bllt h ' l\\'r(' U p '''pic wh" wo rk without thlnlcl ll g nn rl P 'Ollie who t hink wlllhl thoy \1'orl,,-;TT('nry Von Dyke.
condition; weak, n~rvous and run down so I could not do my hous"wo~k. if had doctored for yean and t.ned everythiDI onder the IUn. A fnend told -me about VinoL 1 asked my cloctor about It, and he replied, 'It certainly is the best medicine that can be had today. I couldn't cive you any better.' I took it. and .today I ani III well and strong as Iny 'Yoman could wi.h to be. Ind it was Vinal that \laved me."-Mra. Frll}k A. Hor· key. Alh St., Bedford, OhiO. We guarantee this famouw cod liver and Iron ,onic for all such conditione,
llIincro.i .urL.,c.
our nl/ l llr·c. The t11f't'crpncr:o Is not be
Armed w ith" ature's everlasting waterproo£er" C Clla 'co is r eady tll Cllil ibat rain , SlIOW, ha il , wind, Sllfl, he::lt, cold, an'cl fere ::lIlJ t defe lld y o ur r oof witb its res ist in ~ , laSlinl;' Iifc, aml kClCI> it wcather.lig ht. Gcnasco smooth · surface roofing is supplied with p atent ed Kant·leak Kltets , whi ch make seams w(!lcrp TOo f wil holt t CClIl C llt ,';1n il p reve nt na il . leaks. Gi, C us YOll r unJ~r fur GCIluSco-ciLhcr smooth or
10 untold nnt! de\'eloJ)
tWIl('1! 'l'ol'I(lng Iw"pl c Ilnd
· I
-~ ---
Wo rki ng an d Th inking. There Is n o l tJ~H virtu • r uther mote, In \'e ots . to I(s, d\JU ~s. ohll,::uUons. thnn Iltr're 1ft In hook s. Work It_elf hll8 n
By . ' TI", ,, phr" ~ 1 tiS"
MI~I! Nannle UIlls, ,tnp uf till' uill. ' eKt r esident!! of lIur vIlIl I£a. (}1 e<1 " I. b er home all Mulu St .. Irl~ t it , ul, : 8v lluln ~ {If )If'hrt lrODill .... Hil" I" .. ",," tIl l11 our~ htlr I O~8 l,ue ", . 1 r ~I'.~d MaH .. Mill!', !vb.u I, P,·luJlu .y t~\l t'h.,r J ordan ond "'lie. of our ~oho ll l , aDd ,t-hrPII h~r., t hl' r. I II lid m', ny r leD(lt~. ~bl' weI- ,\I .... " r Mr. nnd M.a. I.~owr!~, of Waynp8 ot IJge Fuollrlll Mervlo(11I \I Ht' b. h~ ville, worA HnndllV lI u ... tp . of ~lr 1p i b er b oruo on 1I1'~t ~ond .. v ... {tt" nnr! Mr . AII'll LnddIDlltoD. . 111000 !lad borlo l was mil d 'In Uti li. hlr. Ilnd MrM. J obo ~rhomp,oD aDd brook oomfltorv. . . Mr. 110(1 Mrll. Albe.t Berres ",erll A tlaDlhter wu boro to Mr Aud I ~lIlltng ou W . T . JOlrdBD anti "tto Mra . .Iaoll 'foroer, we~t of t " wn Ill st 1 Sunduy e vening Frtdl1Y m orning I ut Itll d~b 1 b co R llv. O 'N el tuolt SUDday dlDDlr oar red five hon;1I laler 8nd burl. I witll J ohn Wolf tiod wife. Wll9 mude here Frldny nHe ru oo n , [ M ,'l. Berd .. Jordu.D speDt Thura. Cbarle, Bro wn . wife "n:l HOOt< . 0 ' dijY In B"rvey~burlt tbe goestor,ber Corwiu vi ited r(\luttv'e~ he r t! ItH.t Ol eo l he r Mrs. ' u r ll h Rl oh. t:hinr1ay Mrll . l~e D . 6&rt9 ')ok ~od (h~o.htllr Mlu Urma MillI; of Vin nl no Hti , 1M Hillen 'pent Satur day enernooa .. Iahlol r elt~\l v .1 herl' . "'.1 h UrI! Alan thrl8C1ok. of UI.rkl. Born- To Ur /ODd MrM. Willis '9llla. Miss aelen relDlllDlug 0'961 81 .. ok 00 'be Carey fa rm ~outb of 'I town, It fine '&l rl, Rul,h VI;"IOl" u n III SUQet .y. M r • . &1B.tha O."llaDtl Mre. Ilatb. J Olopb Belt, wbo li ved hero maQy rlue I?ev l s are ? IIIUintl wllh 'he yearl ago, ,lied at tb. Oounl .v In. IlIuo, I thllgbte. Mr's Linder, of l firmKry last ~'rldHY 'lfld wal! burl ed tlUOO8. III. bere I"at tlll ~urdl\Y "ftElru oon IIl r . WnU er Greeo, of Wllb er/oroe Mr. ou(l Mrs J!lsom E"mh ll rt und 110(\ M.! . Mary Ward , of X enlH , . M r und Mrs J eBR Wea ver Bp e Dt IIIJOot t~o week. E'ncj with I beir ~i"le r l la Ht, SUD day lit Ffll r(l ~ld, Mrs. ClIllt .' !lohon. Mr. J ohn l 'h6 lJlV~On end wife lind A lbe rt ~ e rri8 and wife were~DtlYl a D
MIlIe:-::::Pd bomfl from Mra . . Ifllb Rloh Ie IlpeDdlDIJ "v. Wlt~h, "fter ~ 80 drlY"' or .. 1 days with re llAlh'ell bere . ~ t '1 \~Ifh h '~ t., 0 Huns. Mr~ . EwmB Wolf Is on the slok 1r. tJ6 n rga. I:hrri , '11 plnnllPr oiM. list. :.1m of tlaI~ VIOIU\ly. Alill r ll malnR Alao Btl.rt900k BDd wife @) e n t q l)it e p no rl ,V \Vit h r he I1Il1tl Ill. ouduv wi th tbelr ~1I.reD's W. T .
WI-,] LlNESLlAY, APRIL 17, 191
Iy-Springfield (7000 Miles Gua rantee ot
United States (·1500
jI,f iles
Guaran t eed)
.Mason (3500 Miles Guaranteed)
FRANK B • CAREY Optometrlstl Eyes tested free
Refiners High .Test· Gasoline
-:- Oh.lo
The' Complete Electric Light 'a nd Power Plant l'
and see U8. We 8~preciate your good w+ll ; we expect ,to keep it.
Saves Time snd' Labor· Olll the Farm .... Brings City. Conven'iencies to Every ' Home.... The ' Plant 'is Simple, ' Efficient and Durable•••.There is a Responsib~e Company Back . of De~co Light...•There' is a Size' to ~uit· your N~eds .•.•.Over 100,000 Satisfied Users
Next w.eek we move into this cor,ner tor keep" Come
Tolephone '1 47
11 BEATY LOAN PARAGRAPHS Don ' t worry . You'lI never go broke buying Liberty Bond s.
P repllre fo r the rlliny day in the rain y eason Buy Libe rly Bonds - now. In buyi 11~ Lfberty Bonds )rOU call let yo ur money. ~o. yet watch it JUOW .
The most precio us truing that ' a man ' posses ses in this world is his family.
F.vl,ln the miser will find Liberty !!!lfest "l ace for h is lTlonvy. Li be rt v Hond s ar(! I he one best blly for t ho old f ashione d man who fl' Ora the han le s PM ('rrc'c'live loam wu rle. suu Hcr i jJi ion ~ fvr Lil""rty lJond ~ mus t keep " lj c ~' \\'i~h the ~ o ll P (!rilJ t ion of Lib!!,·t\· dd('ndfr~ T h er ' ~ no : t1 ~ h Ih inR' II~ co n· scienli" u s onjt'ct inn 10 lr uy inl( a Lib!!rty Hond SIr 'Ilgth en you r ]J(\lri (\t i ~ m by exerci, i,,:! it wil It n pili r of LilJerly lIon<i s. If Ihe Sa mmi l'. can d ie fo, Li bert y . au rl.!ly yuu can bliy f or h I r you rf· r u ~ t o buy Liber ty Bondlln n J the Hun comes. it \ViII bo yo ur own fune ral anJ II ~ c arc· ity of mo u r n.. rs . Putting t his loa n over the to\). will b t ulking tn the Kaiser in the lallg u81le of Li berty, Rinl' th e Liher ty Bell . fol ks . doo't toll it.
He is offerin g his life to protec t his countr y and he KNOW S tihat his countr y will protect those that ar~ dear to him. 1 For the sake of the American soldier, for the sake of his fa mily, YOU are asked to buy LIBER TY BOND S, to lend your ... money to the United States Gover nment ao that there shall never be lacking the nectI.ary funds to protec t the soldier at the Front ~Uld to protec t . hi. family at home. Surely you will not fail to do your share for the salce of those who nre offering their lives to protec t
7UU ...t )'OW"-
has been contributed by
""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! !!!!!!!!!!!!~~~_-::-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_~ _. ---~~~~__~~!!!!!!~ -- ~---~------
'Automobile ~ccessorles, t)ils, Greases, Etc.... Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup and Racine. Tires and Tubes.
is the time to re-tire your machi ne and , enjoy a seaso n's riding witho ut the dread of • , blowo ut to mar your pleasu re. WE are handling two of q'HE Racin e is an equally the best Tires made -the good tire. guaranteed· for "VQcuum Cup' is a stand5000 miles. They are no ard tire in every respect , higher in price than oth· buUtfor long and efficie nt er tires carryi ng a much service. It is guaran teed less . guaran teed milefor 6000 miles. age. show you what they are before you buy a We know we can ~ave you money and help keep down the expen se.
O'N eal l & A:lleli. Waynesville, Ohio .Mltm d
Gazette's Classified Columns for Result..
t;~_ ;,oh~"t
me nto go to the front- still haTe a to take ill winnin g the war. -and al.o your pri ...i1ege:....
- Dot only $50.00 or $100.00 can afford to pay for. .. tI"[Iqt~ you believe in Democ racy - buy
.....,,-""__ 'offer the best
becaut e they
in the
Mr. II tid Mr@; C . E ..1ob ua eutertall\ed on S u nday , Mt 9 MlLry lind Mr. Porry Cook, of W uy oC6yl lJe.nud Uleoo J "bna. of Ox fo rd.
The ·Late Classlned.Ads.
pay 4~~-but
.... ...'n
ar'Co Coml)ln Rtio n B ., ok Cusu and· . OIilAk. s olid oak, 120, oost doublQ. lmU. t.lon let.Sbor oo vered (Jonob, ,5, 110 ta. Ys ID. rubber Bale. nearly new.
!bl. KUboD. Waynen ll1e. ml ome good /.0'-, Ub••l' for oub, o. ".11 exobaDge for oa"le 01 bop. hqalre a' t·bls (\~oe. ml Shor•• BorD Jera.,. B.lfer. wl~ OIIlf 1/1 114. 0' 8. lJ• ,~a.u1 a 1) G, W.JDII 'fIUe, ~o.
•••• .
"a .~ o ll
~ oadsler
191 ·' ronl
Wa,nesville CannlnK Co.
Touri n ~
At The New Carage .
Phone 105
...... ..... ..... .. ............ ...... ..
! Miami
A-pri~- I ~th . --'
Featur ill); Elsie F crgu <oll in
"Ba rbar y Sheep" Classed as. :.l good film.
I i
Don't fa il to scc it.
Satur day, April 20th, Matin ee and Nle:h t
"T~ings We Love"
Goo d
Boone Count y White Dent(tipped,bu tted.shelled) $6.00 Reids J)arly Yellow Dent (seleeted e~rs) $6.50 Nhlet y Day Yellow .Dent' (shelled and graded ) $6.50 OUAR ANTE BD HIOH OERM~NAT10N
wayneSV ilJe Lodge. No.. 163.
Order f rom this'adv ertisem ent if in II hurry. otherwi se send faT circu.lar. or come see the corn Fre<tuently several .farmer s club togethe r and send a man to see and buy. We Allow railroad tare up to 200 miles round trip. if 26 bushels or more are bought . Bus ineea established:1880 :
(0' .
227 W. Washin gton 51. (Opp. State Capitol)
Tue~dav afterno~n. Fred Leonard . of Co, E. 1471h Reg t . U. S. A .• who is at ~ome on a furlou g h. got intQ a mllchme. went to HarVeY8bur~ · and got MisQAlma L)lnch. and they went to Lebanon . whe re they were mar· ried. Mr. and Mrs . Leonard have the best wisbes of their frienda bere and at Harveysbu rg.
Bring us your Eggs- paying SOc . . cash or trade. Will buy all kinds of Chicken s beginni ng Monda~. Don't ~ell until you g et our prices.
It pllye to trade at
. '
Write for Free Trial cans if yo u need cans. No shipper ever lost a dollar ' " ilhippinll to The 'llri·Sta te and we have over 25,000 patron. to .prove It
1'--.. 1i!'--..
during ourour latea~si8tan digastro fir.. helped They j , rallied to and do what U',ey could to fight it for all of wbich we are duly thankf~1 them . Martin Gons and Family . •
UNllED .TATJ! S ~OOD ADMINI8TRATI~N Lice"•• No. C-Ui16 2
We want tp thank all of our neighbors and friends for their help to UII
---.. -
Week Endin g 'Apri120, 1918
It is your patriotic .duty to ship your qwn cream - ,
Edward Hanby died at his, hom. near Lytle. Tuesday mornin g at 1l o'clock. after a short IllJieas. The fun e ral will be ht!ld Friday morninl l at 10:30. at the Lytle M. E. church.
Pou nd for Butt er
. eliPlinate ·wast.e and expense of double handli ng an«;l' receive for your. Butter -fat from 2~ to ;k perpo u.nd more money.:
-----_.- --
POtE~tOes. ' Bulk Garden 8e~s. Onion Seta, Lawn Grass
Coarse Salt-W e will have a car on track soon . Leave your orders and be sure of a lupply for this fall and winter . .
Liquid Veneer and O'Ceda r Oil. Pain t - lf J~ou r are going to paint your hOURB. or barn this aprinK see us before YOU buy. Our prices will eur p. rise you. Can .sa\1e you enouih on ,the paint to pay fc>r puttiilll it on.
i .ii:
Th eat er ProgL1ffi Thur sday ,
& A. M • will hold their r eg u I II r comm unicatio n Tuesdav eveni ng . April 28. 191~. at 8 o'clock . S(.journ ing brethre n and visitors are c"rdlally invited to be present . S. D, ·Htlnlde . W. M. L. A Zimmer man. ~ee'y.
Scratch FEled. Cracked Corn lind Oyster Shell .
THE S.c'. . 1. __OC AND
Don't Forget to
BUY LmERTY BONDS . ., We MUST Win "the-War
2S" ~ ·STO"RE "'.
~ ---
""~..,..~i.!i!~~ ~~
Try i i .
wall t n u s~ 1 1 enI' . ,OC t' mil. elY on e8 (:<'m illg' t'v ' r y I\'I.l)k
and Grow(' r
put IlI'ff 'rf' th e I cedl·r.
S ee d ·C or·n
Liltle Chick I~eed. no g rit, special pr ice by the bag . .
i _fi ll
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .......:
dI shes.
v el<f) l'\'
tr yo u
Corn Flakes. packag e only ..... 10c Mrs. Austin'8 Pancak e Flour.. lOc M re. Austin 's BucKwh eat ... .. . lOc La rge pkg· Alumiu m Oats onlyS5c Reg MOlher 's Oats, only ...... 12c ~an ta Clara Prunes. 'only ...... lOc , eeded R!Ili~inB. pkg. olily . ..... lOe J t!lIy Powde r 3 pkgs for ....... 25c Armo ur's Baked Beans. can .. l0c Yello w and White Meal. lb .... 6c Ri o Coffee . 3 {lounds ......... .. .50c Star 'I'obacco. pound .. ....... ... 60c Big AS80r :tmlnt Cigars 3 for 5c The Be8t Cigar in town 2 for 5c All the IleadinJr Brands of Cigars. ,each. atill ..... ......... 5c P rince Albert !Smoking 2 cans 25c ~ew Cabbag e. New Sweets, Oran ges. Lemons . Grape Frtlit. Straw berries. Lettuce , RIA-
'1'111' grt>a tl's l lI og d~
~ 77~
Howard Burton
$ 150
(" sli )! h(l v II sc l
;\1 '0 'c\cra l (l . h~ r FIJrlI Ca rs.
Don 't Tak e Cha nce s-G et
Fal'met s who are Interest ed in grow·lng sweet eorn. will please cal at the office and talk it· over. We are anxious to have a larg. acreAA . .this year. Coms in and eliA UI.
I..... .
. E . .J. 'u. rmoIlY , or Hprtn!(fltlld,wlI s ~ Lytle vieltor on \V elllle~clI\Y.· W. C. Cor nell Is b OniA " gAi n aft r s p8ndiuR t h o winte r In Uu y ton. Barry Groba.m IO I,ila l\ lJu~llle s8 trIp ' 0 Uloo1001\1I . '1'11111·811 0y. 1. N . Ball. wh, ho d ble go008 IItor ed b ll ie. bill moveu t o Broeoo. A1l: tort StllOY nnd ' fn Ulli y spent Tbursd ay In Da.y I QIl Will Burl oy Ull d S D. of h'fllu klln, lRere In L ytle on bu~ I Dedd . lI' rld .. y. Mrs . Will iam C6 1ow Do n.tld da ugb. ter, Do rot by. spent· R ~tu r dny and Sun""y In Cin olnnatl. Wilbu r CIlLrk and fll mll y were D ,y tl1 D Sb Op l)S n, 8atorulIY Mr anel Mf, . Wu Hor Kenrick bellTu Rev. Bonton In 'en ter vlJle, 8a.lul d .. y eTeplug . Mr. Iftnd Mu, Wllllum Ber gd nl1 aud daughte r. GIBdYII, were Snndu)' g u eat. 01 Mr . and Mre. Nat el:!mltb , III Dayton . · . '1'i llu,,,u BAdo.... .Ioho Grlaban . and .J e~.e El atris b ~ Vll pUTo4aa ed Dew ootOI. Ollr r et Qlllveoa er. of I:)prlogboro. lOaded a oar 01 tobnooo fro m the war ehousE!. F riel "y. Mr. aDd ·hiTII . Lee Greath oo841. of Ol\vton, weTe tho g OAst! Of Arthu r ~re&bboQ8 B find hw lly . Sonday. Mrs. MAry ()artn ony 's pen t Kevars l days l ut wellk with Mrs. Wll llaU\ W hlYll ioD. near Sprlnllb of o, who I ~ v.ry III . .
Mr. Gilbert Biggs and Mi ~ 9 Ger- : Featu ring Bi llie Burke in a fi ne fi lm, trude He rres. both of Warren Coun ty were quietly m arrieJ in Hayton . Ap ril 6. 19 I8. by J o. eph S. Si be l'. paslor of Emanu el Church . at that city . Don't 6 ",,,ts On the followin g day. April 7th . an informa l and bount iful weildinS! breakfu st W flS served at the home a the hride '~ parents . 111 r . and Mr a FClt turin" \Vall ce Reid ill Wenzt)1 H rr El~ . neal' Welhnu n. 'rh e house was II. veritab le bower of ferns. carnatio ns and bridal roses. ~ve r'y availabl e splice. where floMI decora· tions could be gracef ull y dispose d. Atallnee 2:30 p.m. Admlss ioo was tasteful ly utilized . 10c h MUlinee- <:hildrc n under 12 The bride was atlired in a white {Ie : vpcn evening s 7 :.10 p.m War Tax • • gown of embroid ered net. and t he Ie: groom wo re the convent ional black. • Saturda y e vening 7:30 p.m. Total • _ lie: The young cou{lle received many useful and beautifu l gifts. The followin g guests and relative s were present; Mr: and Mrs. J ost!{lh BrellhllK and family. Mr. Ilnd Mrs Wllbllr Black and daughte rs. Vea ' tricE' and Loretta . Mrs. Anna Treibe r anti daug hters. Emelie. Bertha and Anna. Mr. and Mra. Albert Killian. Mr, Harry Gaeke and Mr. Charles Nelf. of Daytonj Mr. and Mrs AI· bert Drake and son, William , Misa Rose Mills, Mr. and Mrs. J W. Thom{llon • . Mr. and Mt.. Albert If you have not se<!ured your seed com . let us supply it and solve Herrel. Mr. and Mrs T W. Bhcp your problem . See our modera te prices on corn .adapte d to your .aection and IOn. Ralph, Mr. and Mra. Wenzel . Herres and sons. Francil and Wenzel. Johns on CQunty White Dent (selected ears) . $6.00 -.-:._- ........-- -- \
... 8peei,alll This Week •••
191 5 Maxwell, slorl cr HUI)
as ~ patrioiiccontributio~ towa rds win nin~ the
Sal . Agency and Service Stat ion
(I\'l'rlnnd starl er nnd lilth 1s
D. R. Smith, the Gro cer
While C. J. Moore. of near Harveysbur g. was ri nging hogs the other day. a 500 pound Qoar jumped and ran hl8 tusk into hiB left cholek. where it broke aIr . Mr: Moore pulled t he lu ~k au t with hi s fing ers. It went in hi s ch ep k olm ost to the eye .· and he was also cu t a bou t t he throat. It was a miraculou s esoa pe. and Mr. Moore is almost weI! of t he injury. a lthough it wi ll leave a Bcar.
• rem lum
cn ~cr
1 fo,g::t~i::n:;::~:::~~::"
i ll ~ ,
B ond~ t 11I~
When an Ameri can soldie r leaves (his country and leaves b e hind his wife and 'Child or his mothe r or any memb er of his famay be KNOW S that hi_ goven nent will not let them suffer.
The Jl\lA t winter h H~ h" 1'1l q " '-l'I'e (111 pillnos and ahoulrl IJ( Iliokl'tI uf t(· r ' his sprillg . If y II IIrc in {' .. !!sled il~ th ca r e of you r i o~ t rllm (' 1\1. {'nil ,It' ll T ho mpson , phonll l·A Lelnllll'1l,8 1111 hI! will (mil and tu n(! it. tn l
, I
Eeventy-First Year
~ -.
Send· First Gennan Boat Back With Our Wheat
1 -
- ------ --.
fUERST·BECKETT Mi8S .Klltheri U we-i<eLt, daught ~r M.... LuCY Becket t. or Corwin. ..JiDd IIII' erbert FUerst were q uietlJ lalt Wedneeday, April SO, at Lebanob. . The 10une couple will reside for the present with Mr. Fuer~ l' s .,arents. on the Uayton· and Lebanon pike.
BOUGHT NEW HOME . B. S. Howell purchased the pome of Sam Meredith, on Main Rtrcot, Tuesday. This, means that the How. ells will remain as citizens of W ay. nesville. of which their many friend s will be glHd to know.
Accurate Test
Washington C. H.; Ohio. Station in
Waynesville Whl&e'. 0.".,.",
Give Us a Trial.
~ o re gocs ou r Wh ea t to apll!lnSo the bungor In Oorrnan)'. It will creBB tbe waters In th e tlrAt Geroa l lurned over to the Unite!! Stnwe by Germany under tho terms
~h,Youl1 be aurpn.;rat
diuaY. b'3t, the
Jh¥at. luatroue and beautiful Soon appear.
of aD. you CaD apply thJa ~y. ~uct 70 d. Juat aet .. caD
and-put".it 'on
van.w.. £qual-'
Iy good for w# ~k ~. funUtur6.
Coaaea In aU ~ !!aod coJoq.
the nrml Btico
It IR t ho '
Ii S, s.J<lnl eol'ln Augu 8ta VIctorIa, The bIg liner hna be'~n convertod Into n tranellort to Cll rr): fo o,i NUP' j' 0 8 nn R now rendy tor Its tlMlt trip, No.1 ohows the blS bont n t the New York dock. No. 2 shows ~I~b~~de~ D~8~ and lout . Sha,! lIupervl81ng the work. "'0 . 8 a llOW8 cnrl oilds ot wh ent fr o m Ollr wh oa t
onI °rtlOD t 10 beat. Tlie German crew .. U'. S'·. ng nnvn a cerll In chnrse OOslll6.
stili on the boat. gI ving Buch In formatio n -nnd help
---- - - - - - -
CH ItO REN'·S HOSPITAL Ifr~:: : : : : : :;: :~:: : : : : :i: : :~;: : : : : : : : : : : : : :~;: : : : :: : :: : : :t~ RECEIVES DONATIONS I des i re to tha nk the peo ple of WavnPRvilic nnd vicin ity f o r t heir j{ene rous contri bu ti ons nnrl pledges to the \Yo rk of the Ch ild ren's Hospital. Mt Auburn. Cin 'innat i. l3eca use of th e incrells d u t! mll nds upon the hospi 01 a nd ge nera I I'ltllR n· Hion of itl' work, t he budget d emll nds $30.000 t o carry on tho wo rk f rom October I, 1919 t o October 1. 1920. The inter e~ t of t he endow ment fund will iJ r ing in $8. 000. The remaining amount must be r ai ~ed by old and new fri end s of the institution No distinction is made between creed, color or na t ionality . The Children's HO>lpilal puts th tl empha ~is on th e work it freely d oes fo r children who cfl nnot a fford t o pay . for medical alld surg-ical co re If you de~ire t o co nt riLu te to this lVorthy cause, go t o Mrs . J . H Coleman, who will supp ly ytlll with a pledge ('ard. or receive yo ur dona· tion. MrR. Clyd'l Cole man, r epres ' rlling the Co·opcrativp ocicty.
I Green I
I1 .Fancy I :.:.:_:.:.:.:.:.:.:':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:':.:':.:.:.:.
Walter Kirby, 80n ot Mr . Ii .r!U~ Webste r Kirby. of near Utica, died last TUf.'.sday evening, at carop Knox, from inj\lrle~ received from an airplane accident . He wall winding the airplane, and stepped back. but as he did eo, hi8 foot slipped and · the pro · pellar caught him. breaking both his arma. one leg. and causIng other injuries. Later, he took a severe cold. which developed Into pneu. monia, from the effects of which he -_ =-=~~ :::::...:::-=-=:::::======= succumbed. Mr . Kirby was Ii partner in the firm of Kirby & Winston. elect rical workers, alld was welt acquainted herA. He was married recently to Miss Esther Graham. when home on B furlough The funeral was held Saturdav 'from his lrite home. and in · termont was mode In Lebanr.n cemetery. The nt. Rev. Theodore 'rving Heese. Bishop Coadjuto r of Southern Ohio, was present, preached and cele · brated the Holy Communion in St. Mary 's Church, last Sunday at the 10:30 service. A large congregation greeted the The War Stamp ('.,Qunty Pri~e ConBishop and received a real spiritual uplift. He BlwaYB comes -with a test among the schll.ot boys 'and girls message. hut last Sunday the ser: has been humrningril{ht along and mon was unusually impressive and hun'dreds are in the contest, from all parte of the coun ty . both to try and hel piu I. A man of profound thought and to win a prize and t o help in the education. yet posse8~ ing the sim- Thrift campaign. The contest for the county prizes plicity of the scholar, Deeply spirit. ual, Bishop Reese is a splendid lIIus · ends on the night of June 1st. and it tra tion of the beneficent power of behooves every boy and girl to hustle, Chri stian influence, It: Is easier to There is plenty of time during the be good when ill his p resence. A remainder of this month to yet get in on one of the worth while prizes, ma n of God. devout and holy. donated by 80me of the patrIotic cIt· izens of War~en County, Both encourage the school children Dnd get the best Investment p083ible by pledg· ing and buying War Stamps. and keep our county among the leaders in the state and nation where it Is today. Harry H. Hamilton, County Chairman.
Mr. arid 11';1. Roher t r ew were : ilayton vi ~itur:l. ·ut u n lay .
IIr Ilill . Osteopath :!l !:i. Broad· ' . . ",av. Ldm lll Hl. Ohio. Lncli e lJu n ga l ()wA rron~ ut ll),ll1an '''', ' . " . .. I'll vcn ~ rub'tl Albert Co r nell Is "I allk I'a l r WII. ill :lflclIl ll atl, seriously II I at bis home ncar Ferry. :Vlontlay . I r. Ma ry Conk is nttend ing the MI ~R Mari c Shlltt ~ W :t~ n I.C' illlJl('1I i Ohio :;t.ate ~1"(liclil ' ociety in Colu m. isit••r. Salurday I hil A, today .
See us befor e bu yinll' you r elect r ic Come In a nd Ree the "U nited iro n. Kirby & Wins lon . Stat es " Li ghti ng Pla nt. For sale by I{ Irby & Wins to n or 1'. 8. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs . Wa lter Cha ndl e r. o f Oay ton, spent Tuesday he re wiLh D W. Meeks , the veteran mall fri ends. 'arri er, who was laid up aU of last week , is ab le to be back ilt." hls work C. M Robit ze r a nd fa mil y a re vis. a gain , iI ing wit h relati ves in Oa rnc8vi lle. Oh io, this week. Lost- An alm ost new pair of shoes on the aven ue between ton'n and The vene rab le E li Dean, who lives Corwin. f'i nd er will be rewarded on Route 3. had a ~'ight apop lecLic by leaving at the Gazette office. stroke. Monpay evening. He is soms better today , however. The " United Slntes"Eleclric Lighting Pla nt is direct·conn ected, self P vt. Ira Stansberry flrriv ed hom e , cranking andau tom oticstopped when T hursday eVening. from Camp Sher· ba tter y is · full. For aale by T. E. man. where he WIUI mustered ou t . Rog ers or Kirby & Winston. .. Red" looked all fine 88 tile rest of lhe bunch that has aJ:trived fr om The Misses Sat'ah find ElenOre Wil· "over seBII," and is feeling &R well 8B Iiams. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Piper he looked. lind dau g hter , MiSll Elizabeth, of Xenia. we r e gueste at the Cadwallo · Big Specials this weok-- M 0 n' B dur home. Sunday Ilftt!rnoon, Pants, $1 95; small lot of Me n '@ Col. IB' • -!'fnr Zilr.; Men' s U nion Sui ts. Now's the time to think B5c; Men's60c SI.:';'t::"i ar",2 7c· Men'S \your for 8umme r. Bnlbrillilan Shirl~ and Drllwe rs~)\'t:t; DettQ\'c w\ Doys' 69c Blouses , 59c; Boys' A lh · mer . spring le tle Union Suits, 50c; Wasb Sui ts . wo rkB like gas-is 8ge; LaPorte Ginghams, 39c a yard . ive ly by The F'riday and Saturday at Th e S Fred anon Big d emonstration . Company Lebanon Big Store.
The Men of Waynesville will hold their regular May meeting , Wednesday evening, May 14 t h. This will be a business meeling, election of officers and other business coming be. ' fore the body, The supper will be served by tile Dorcas Society in the M. E. Church dining-room, com· mencing PROMPTI.Y at 7 o'clock, After the bus iness is concluded. the meJnberB will go to Miami theater. where t wo 1('000 reels will be put on for ·their iJenefit If y!lU have not paid y.our du l's for 191H, you nad beUer do so, a s on ly memher>! of the associ ation will be in vited . At· The Victory Loan T~lnk wa~ here tend to thi lIlatter a t !lnce. 1111:1 Jte t Sat u rday mornillg. .c omlng two in on the gOlllh tlrLe d oys h\t o 'L'he tank came from Leb-----.... annn. and arrived here at 11:30 · The tank was unload,ed on Main street. came .through town, up the hill to Hillcrest Pork, where it wont through various stunts. It Is a won'· derful machine, and did !lood work throughout the late war. LleUt. Rhoades made II fine talk, telling of experiences of the war, and ended hifl remarks with a plea to To patrons of Waynesville Gran ge: i buy bonds. There were ,more than The time of holdi ng gra nge has $16,600 worLh of bonds Bold on the be'e n changed from Saturday t o Wed · ground . nesday evenings The next meetin g The ba~k reports the allotment for will be held at t.he usual hour Wed· Wayne Township almost all taken. neaday evening, May 21 . and will soon go over the top. The Those who have heen unable to allot.meot for th'e Waynesville bank attend meetings duri ng t he win ter l i~ $90,000. will find the meelingd of· increasing - - -- - . interest .
.. If your Soon are looking ~
i:lilk lIose. in a.·11 shad es, at :
Mi ss Lina Selle ra.of LtliJanon.3pent Don a ld Allen. of [JaHRs, Texas, !:\unday wi th Mr . and Mr,. Mi ll on spent Reve ra l days last week with Keys. Mr . and Mrs. W. H. Allen .
A new lin.· II f Mi ~s. ·~· alld Chi ld. ! Mr. and Mr~ Myel' Ilyman and rcn 'H Middit's at H .\· Ill:IIl ·:I . il alll!h l e r ~ Jl cnt Sunday with rela t ivcM in Cincinnat i. M i3~ He nrle lla McI\i ns ' y was a week· end visilo r in Dayton . A new line of MisHes ' ann Children 's Midd ics at Hyman'e. Mi9ses Ma rjorie Turner BIl,I Helen Coo k ~ p e nt Satur day in Duy lu n. ·upt. El ma Robert s nnd Miss Ruth P rohascO) were week enr! visitors In Dryan Marsh Nationa l M n. 7. (I II Wilmington : I.llml'S Hrp t.he h e~ t. K ir h y&W il1 ~tl) n ['vt. J oe Me ndel cllr n. uf Ci ncin nati, MrR. J , W. White is r pclwe ri nR' Rpent the week· end wiLh Mr . Mye r from a severo attack of lu m bago . lI yman and family.
'lEBANON MEETING STREETS Will . BE OILED SOUN T he (ollowinJt I(ran gers llltended
.- .
Whole Number
Throug h the tireless work of M '~ 3 ' dllm es n oy H a·t hawa y, C H Phi l " p~ . ff'presenting South Main s t ree t, Il od Mesd ames Cy nthia E vans lIn ti L A Zimmerman, re preHentinp- I he n o ~ th cnd of Main s t reet. aOlI J fl . Cole man, representing N orth strcet. in all Ilossibility the streets will be oih'd in the near futur'e, or as so ... n as I he oil c.a n be go tten . The oiling of the s treete. and g et.· ting the il1djvi dulll ~ to su bscribe for it, takes a lot of work, and th cse people mentioned are l o be given a grent deal of cre di t f or wha t re pre IIc nt.R the best interests of the town .
InE"'NIM :r'.6.:... ..
Illl'Hlinl{ .
a meHting at LHbanulI, Thursday aftHrnoon: Mr IIIllI MrH J . M Keys. Mr . antI Mrs H E . ' 1IIket1, Mr and Mrs Hurto" b:arllhflrl. Mr. and Mrs Ernest Butte rworth. Dr. J . 1'. El1i8 Mrs J ocl SI(,kes. - The occullion for the visit was Stale Grange Speaker, L J Faber. who made a fine addrcllP, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. In the evening, he gave a lecture at Monroe Grana-e. and those who attended from here were Mr, and :. Mrs Lee Earnhat, MIsS Ada Michener and Mr. C~as Mictlener .
-. - ~(. iI H~m~.Qdie.~. ' }\n s.
~ .
Mr lind Mrs. Jason ;:; h l'~ hlln we re T he reg ular' mo,·t ing IIf I.h (' ". I he IIUelil tl 0 1 Mr.lmd MIs Alvi n lIIall 's Au xi li ary of St MarY'l\ Chu, ~ h 1!: urnhllr t fl l dinner. Sund llY , W 1l 9 held a t th horn e of Mi ~'lI ,Leti l iii M~ Kay ,Thursday afternoon, April ~4 The mee l ing was op ened by M ,. ~ Mr. ,lind VI"s J B. t'h apOi an c·nt r tai ne·d' the J .llly Murr,,"~ Illld , h" r ('41d wn llad er reading a portion nr II . hll~ b8I\tJ . atdln ne r . W t · d ll\!.~ d >l~· ': V"II IlIth· chapl e r of St J ohn . Mrl! ,,.dwall nd" r condu('ted t h · dev" t iOlla l i Ill(. eervice. Sc ril)tu ra l q Ul)tatillll'l WI'''· f\ r l,· r l'\I~. Hcd n Hurt socl. Lll lle ll:. L!i Vl' lI i" n !" p"n~o Lo filII · call J nnntly. M'Ali(' Olivia. 1':r1nll Cornell the r ~ Il(lin ~ nt the rni"u te~ alld I hI' hlll.l AlicW Ca rt " I " " till ' iI . iglil",j rli~nflqfl l of oth er bll ~ i" o~s . til'! fl r,,jlue~ta 0 1 II weeJ(''"Id. P UI" \" .riven hy gnln' ror I hp "f terllllon W IlA r. nd " rr·d Two) 1) ( I he re ndill g's we re tak"n f ro m Mi:48 Anna furn8 ~ , f I{OUl l' 2 " heHotiful volumll on the " Suaraish Mi. "iuns nf Colifnrr iiu"-"M issin n Th e H S UII"" UH'" 1\0)'9 com · ~lJ n .l uII n Ca pi stra nn," MrR e r nllc: r,lf.'tel v surpi ised SPt/1 '!lorna. , l a ~t .. Mi ~s ion San J<'r fl " c i ~'co de Asis." Ml)lIda v c'v ·ninjr. 'm h l ~ I,' :llIl ny A M r ~ Ra rnhart TllPn (a llow('ci " h''''lIf<C.'llI t~ HUpp.!r ~II~ .···r vf<J. IIflur reaclilll(- "Th fl Lord 's Prll ye r ." " whieh the huy" hailfl U-"!lurll l g,II0J heautiful co mpoMit il) n fOl1l1l1 un th o· timo In j llY ridin ,lid Ring illg TIll' baUl e field at. Charleston. S. C - M r~ boys d t' parl ed i~ hinR' t hat ~e th Clltlw ll lindc ,.. wolJld hllv e a IJi 1 l( 11I ~ every onl:e in Aft c r ad jrltl rnm llnt. a pl easRn t R(I cial half hC'lIr wail ~ p c nt . The U n i l ~ d Offe ring hoxps were ol'lm fOd lit I hi!-
STARR Phonographs and Pianos, H.ecords and Player Rolls, Needles, Record Albums and other Accessories.
ELECTRIC MATERIAL A full line of Packard Lamps, Ape x and FrantzPremier Sweepers, American Beauty and Hotpoint . Irons, Fuse Plugs, Switches, Dlru-a-Lite Sockets. and Benjamin Plugs. [.ct us quote you prices on Grills and R~nges.
F~ Telephone 41
D. HAWKE Waynesville, Ohio
Council met in regular 8e88fon, Monday evening. and representatiYes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!! of the Dayton Power · & Light Co . met with them . The di8cu8Slon for "the evening mainly Willi the lubject ~--I! of water meterR. Nothing definite .: W88 decided, however. but It Is t~ought that council will put indlVidual water motors In. use 88 lOOn as they can be gotten . . It haa been found that there is quite a . leak In the water 8ystem. and this will tMt the beat way to get rid of it.
"'!I_________ CO . A L'______
Now is the time to lay in your next winter's COAL. Don't wait. You are not saving anything by putting it ' off. We have what you . w~t. Call arid give 'us ~our order. We deliver every day.
YOUnCe Bro$. Grain Co~
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\\' N ". "rO I th e 0IH'U W l lltlll\\' , Ah\HY ~ I t\ ,\ 111<';>\1'11 i ,\ tI['l~ Ihll1l, "f 111m qU1ll 1l1l 1{ t),.'ro Willi Ih" ,~, ----~--~_._--~_=------~-..'~~n.~ --------I.II/ mtll l-! ~ul1l l~ hl fllllln !; \'L) OU hl ~ 1'111'[1 I ' IJJI tu \ lilt' for ~lI u I,\ \" r lj.( ht.. M~" ('IDO" nn rl Hh OIlI,I <' r~. lie 111Id "ll s e1"\"1 'd illY I 11jJl1~ (' Itl l hl' 11J (,l"c ,'\'ntl ll,)' l rnll j.;'lllocl " l1l1,rln o lI11d r Ihtllil It lu" t lu l".hNl tll!! n • t' :-- ' ,'Ibl ' \\ 111 '11 I hl'urrl t hl) h l lll 0 Iltlle. '1'1 ~ r~ wos II lI ,u,".' nl of :..Ij o tll""i " ' 1 l' lllll U:-,i " ~ 111 "' h1,-' 1I gH' l ' tl't l ~II "II\' ('. A ' ur t t '\J~ Il lll , )(' 1I C1I111" Iu 1111) m \ 11'1t: IH1'., rHlllh.'. '] \ln r :oi h '.'~h ll t o 1'1111 1t. ,·I1. f o r it ~"'·Ill .,d OH If I I1 c llro tlh' tl rm II I lly th t't'I, " , J uugc Fino IJrl tl U Fl: ft ltll f) II f " btll nt mu sk. L()(lld ll ~ h i" \mnd. \\"lll' U o rlll'r WII S Itt In Nt r utlIII11/!hl fu ll y !J Ul uf till' "t1l1.1 uw h Hll' r c d h \.\ h"KUU : o <l(eel : I!:Y OIl, ('h,.t '!:!IEI..__El:3IIIDI_llIIIaClil_ _:u__________• ____.. " I h1Il t!('flh'n, nq n frl f' nrl o r th o tt\ l ~ IH u i !'IPO , )!lfl fll l' r i L! \~ ""' . ~ ll'llrl wtl "'IJ I1Ulv r 011(1 H!i Il 1'l'std,' nt of ' IBnrt, do you lrno'w wh en onr fl r::i t t ill' 1'(lUIlI)" IIll ldl Is Ih . p rou II pll ~' f " tll e rs turu l'd out of th e trull or Ih~ N,,,. ~ h l' ngb l . ,J ,,! n 'htl d ll", .1r . II P\ .' ·~, to " ,,, r of h l ~ h llllll', )".1111· ,'III III I"I",<l n Ill'''" t ollli f OlluII th' I I' n ~ rllllli of hu · J\lhHI Hulh.1llJ L( , ..\.~'IIlIn . () 11115 II w ... I<- '''Il (' ~(lun" III Il ,e; bU l I 11I'l" Ol n nllyl I Ulluk It WU ' wll l! n th('y 111- · T" 'U t l' Iw o w t llll i · ~ llIIl() r \rrl~ht will co ,"~ r rl tho C Olllp1\ ~~ In t1 ll!tr III1Ilrl:i." " ANTED "'II n ll'l \\" h ~ 111'lU" t o go t'~ f,' r (' 111 0 ~I) II " W 0 1 I "~t W I' hnnl CO IIIO to lbnt LC III\'Ul llI IU," ht 'Il HO <1 ! tludy 1' lof'lO, \\' lH'rll W(' m n ~' I ll' n 'n, } t he h'l ll' r (I f wh ich J k Ilt~ w. " ,Ilk hade lIJ1l1U tll \' t(,!l :;O IlH3, nd\'~ D ' rl~ u- {l "h n . liuh l,1 !'PCI , . · ~f r. H l'Ujllllllu 1", Hutl r the n ~Hhl : 1111',)tl:; wny \\P h u','c tfll\ t'1 ~d with 1hr ~ t l t1 (' 11t-4r ... 1I11 III I hi'" l"t n il \', ·' lI'h'l1 'hill 1 "l r~r Wus w rllll'u ~" l1n . IItd or [h i' ("1,"11" nnu Lil>! C" IU PU"8. wl tO M, lJulloi "b: ltl ., .",1 11 " lt l,' ,. /1 I l or " ·I'I;:h( WIoS Dllt [a WUI"C Ihnl ~ Ir. :-;1"" Ic t I b "It' I' 1\ Jlll1l1h 'lI! I> r('"1 IIlld I1t11dl1 tO lh" ' . w hn (, ·,,1 1;"·" n ' t'",",' t11 'I' \\"1': DO ALL K IN DS O F E LE' · YI,Il )lllrt·I1·~ n 'lIltolll tun I'u ul<l lIt1 t he I ~ 1III '.lte. 110"" A""'I Ih ~ fl lr I" h ' re' l , t o r e \1n)~,, " 1 '"I " ,t r l'l"I . I,' 1'1"", , 1 \\" () .~ 1(. , . . 01 R 1'IUCI,: S T P leA fH'\ll ll j JlIt ~ hl'l1. Il o r wos b O\\ UI" th ut '1 h(' l ug llt l ~ (,d ll n);. l l:il.'~ t he S lurs in unusn II ' l iI! "lnn lt l l, (}t il,' • • l ll " I I,b " " II 1 1I ' lIll nutl ~lI woulll bo t il{) nl - th' Riel'. ~ "'IrU til II II ( 1",,1 p r , IJ · '~ ' " r, t .r , Al E PEA .'OKAB LE ... A Ll, W()I~K 1.,."., 1I111,"II1UU ~ wish or Ih t ~ rUll vt'U- ,lu ~t h tllll\\" 'He t. I h ,· nn"yof EI ' r· ri/.1bt JI ,"I\" A dll " ·- ,,. H, .,. ll·l . , 11011. I hllv e tnlle\11 \\"1111 Ihe IUIl,llng l1u l s ll c ",·". Y ou "HI 1I11<1 e , "lnur! 11\). Wllyn " v l ll ~ , O h l.. "'~ GU Al{A :-.JTE·EI> \1 ,·1,,:,,1('< fr"'11 ~lIs, .. ,"·1 11 110 \ '11"/;1 1110 , ii nP I now. I h n\"1' f.('II )! ht <'nl)· ·111 00 I Ie, ],,,. 'Th, ,;· "1.1· IlI , l he CIIIl be ""1111. ' j UKliI' c to II' ) ' f ,·I ' 1JI1 111111 I, g in ' my W ." NT)!;LJ- I L'U I · '~; I ) I ' l. . II ~ " nl ,·d 11)· IIC<,JUII",lI'lI. I . I' IJ""NllJ lo I·"I111,r.,· " IIIIIlII', h ' lI! IIt·;:',·,t!'l!. ' '' II 1\ \' (l , 't· I,:, li ' )II i) I ' HI" I·; .., I ,n - JIIII! 11< - 11 ~ r,·'"! I"'·' ) 1II/l1)-/·"u 1"(\- " 'jl lli t In 1'1,) 1·)' 10 Ih" .... IIf WI1"hll1l> uO C)FI1'Ii:HI~ U w l ' · t:: I II fl .,' · 11 ' rl ",'.· 1 " ul
_________________________________ ------------....
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G lass! cd Ads
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Our next seri al I ,~
George Barr
fl' O 11
~1cCutc hl" , H1 .
r en of
an d
ch ;lr· · acistic~l ll y a l\I[CCutclllO 1 :tr J"\" , This story IS ver thrill in~ :llld \\-ill h'o ld \'( ur attention all throu ~h, Fini t in,'t:lll illL'l t ins next week. Wat -h for It. 1
COUll try s ent 011 'lit' Jl lla ~(>n,
I beuon takmK
Thoust1ltcls of sltffl'rers from nervous disorde r~ Ii ,tve fOllnd rcliH in UK MILES' N t:.: I{VI E. This wonderful nerve soot her is non-alcoholic and contains no harmful Q f habit,fomling ~~~_~~ drug. Your drugf{ist can te ll you iii . of its meri ts and effective ness. K eep a bottle always on hand.
nll,l \I r,lI .. tl'" lI'il')( r l1 'lI \I hlc h I X(' " . h I· )1h .. , 111 III- f,rS. II saill \\' cuuc Mlay. :.1 I " I IJ II) • l utu till' USI ·... oi rl' W m en IIUFi ~\l('}1 ng 1\t I I "'rl' ,, k . ~ 1l1l1J1, tl", Dpg lllni U 1111 11111'111 fnl l<'Il . I IIlul'~ <1 n t hll ll \lt lh I II " \\ ~IU' p r '1 11'r f , : 1 ' " r .~ I' :i :'01" ,,n r('I ' III1~ [I ( L\WI'. W h ll l "UlJItUll' Clllm· '1\\\ ' , '" ' ;':"' . 1. d I L ' I-k,HI , f\' 11II,I J, \
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t l r c ROUlI.! .
D I~ . ~ IIUS N[;;J{\' IN E ann Ihe first nillht &Icpt s oundl y. I COll tl"" . d II inll th~ 11IediCine und s oo n ail the unlll caS:111t sympto ms werc Gone."
, . 'I
reahdown! "
When yottr lIerves [ai l your whole body suffers- headaches. stoma - d l~)t drs, }( Ie·s I! h ~hts: ma k , Oll mise rable ii,deed. The CX\.ll ncm:e of Mr!:l, 11. G. Hedman. 0 New Haven. Conn.. is a n x amp}. Read what she says:
1 "<In .. \' 1 h 1 • ,: f '. q' 1 h ' (.u n t r) . 'n il" ,I!"I' 1 }olln nl,! 1111\,(' t \, lilII'4' tH II Urllkl' fltI~l\ I lrt't.'tl t-ot' ~' nnll . ~ I b ' \' _i '11 " 11 1 111 h i 41 fllt \ 1111(,' i!lt'i.- \"I\t" . 111/1111 1111-. I\"r' lIld ~·AlI l l!" ' " '' t il Tl I' " P 'I" I r·. I IVI II I\I) L tl llll li" tlh' "',,, tIll ' 111\111 I,d th;ll \\11 \- ?" ~t Puhhr 4 Jp, , t Ul ': n',~I ~rH ~ft ~ 1' .. . · 41 ... I nn :.-,' l'h." 1. ' .:. g t \\'110 , It, tl"" • L " ~ I :, Ill tll ll'dl llt l' I.\ Ill' t l1rth.' U t" I I,.. l " ~k .lIlt" ' t , I II ' : n " • I I \· I i,., I II I ( r n ill t-4 \'
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I I'·' "Ll't t1'l 1(101< li t Ibn ComfJIIH . . , I .\ hn)t ' fl-' f U ( I) lo ntlw JnH lt' _11', I . J l)r"l\ l "·OlUo.;C h t'\ Itt " Jl rtu Qt'(l f ft f( UIII I ,",n UI)1I pI 1', ~ n •• t '11 ttl,l t ~ .n h. t '1111' wi ll tl( th t ' •• \ 111'hm Is 1It1\\" " I. It ts , .... 'hio lhltt ' :"')' 1)'flll lr! Ih ' 'r .. t t·' rut'. ~ ' •• t1 H't ) lIlt\\ IIl lout t hill, \\ Il IUI\'., r IlfllI h n ull·. 1 tb. 1 n 1J 1 r fI(' { ~ " ·t.... lUll'," II t tl" ~S'('!ott , l ,'. 111\ ' I., u!oJ. ,,1' 11, frH<.
1()!1U" ;'~~ ~' \' ~I.,
., Saye Yo Let Us
p r s ldent hod bpeu ~l)llCltCt.l t o {It'cl'p l
I"I .. t ttl l..; unnuJUJ' ''JI.;. lull ot tH' pa rty 1111 11 1.Iu ('&,l n . In t h l) IIJ 11. 11 t fl ttntl nJ.( (If P ili 111' ''' III th o n omlnotIon ull"I1l u. 1 knrlw ,h il t " I;/i ','· I ",~r h~IJl h,' 1111, "·lIn Inllllu r11l 1 Cume, let u~ I nIH' on In" 10C' It t o· ~ 1 1I' p f. ~ t, ~'l' llr , \\'£1 ~ I,, "I l1 e r d l a o lI ~ .. tl Scnnlo~ ·Wrlght sll·"n!:I ~' fo vor.r tl t ill' fOllh ', .·o,!t Is nut " u. It cnnuot bo 1!1'III l'r fl nl·n 'li t! rOI1 t! "'(' h:II' e t r l1I-· 1 111 tr lllll tml~ to t·" ,,1"' O,rt ' f ~ h f' plnn Imt f OT d OI l1 t tile South woul d H'), \\'I'I\lU~ t ,JI,,.1111l1l 11 m l'8~PlIger to Ir <l , 111)11 dl 1l1 In Iho ~\""Illllg IIhllll. l liuJUI11 (>rf{ ,' IIt., IIi ,' li d Prn lt ll ',· Pl.:." d.dent hIm III (:on'l"'n ll ol1, It b llll' well liun ,,~' hur. (> lit '111'1' who ~hulJ 111 1,e I l\ W~. Cllltl'l'llli UlN11I II .11·0 Ihl' lillie to r II IIICh. ' I .. f.,lil IIUpllA .' w t~ !;-Ivlwn Ihnt VIIJ1 Hurpo I\ II R np fl" ('n t o to 1,'111 rttlll 11 1 fl'I Olld J lld.l(d Fino u 111111 I' lIr t Ilt' p ""r of " 1111'11 I h l1l'o V(]l1r opp ,r tulllIY t •• (1I"po"" uf 1· 'lIlt the IIl1n ntton IIf 'J'l""~' ~ I wu\"el', I'rllllli, I;lat!'l\iull t of till' illll'''rluu~ tle- 11'1'1 1l ~ 11 , SCI' th(' 1Jj:IIlH III the wln- .l\,,,) , u I1 l1 o.. ,1 \lllI n .. , un 11 ICr,· 11 I ,,"villcd hi s (rlcntl to 111111>1' It fill ht I1In ," 1 of Ih ls NIl\'Nltl"!l nllil n r, 'qu'st dows- Ih (! lJ j!h l . Ih"l " re <Ililll ll lt Il1tO j lt'Wl11 1'111~· (1t r PIIlI1" ~h HI1 ~ " "" ,t lll \ ' li e n OUllnull"n ann (h is thl' IIltt.'r tlo'll II" t<'il'l!rnph n wlthd '·llwl1 1 ",.,.!:.: ........... " ,II~ uf the YOIIUI!-t'll enger, nlfi nll (In n h IFill" "" II . • If.., rh,. I r C'b() ved t o "d n. 11llDcI' fo n l'lIrd 1111111 It' II,'r 111 Ih l' III " N"';; ...... Urm l1 , !!X I' c ti nt, w t' lrorn lllll po ul ~ o~ 1£ I'~>l,(,,, t ,.o8 ~fbl .. :I1' ".rtt, ·! II11\ If Tal. of the North I mldOl1l Mol' I ~1I1'C Il'Y Ilm u 1 lIrg~l r to ":;':"'(,'1'n/r~ '.' i..11 W 'l ~ IInnnlm nll I,. 11 11. ' th YOll n ll- 1II111 the li g ht 'ul·rt" I11l1n)" vou h , v t! ".11 1: 1,11(\, r ,I Iv,, · " ncl', fll r the Inditin g ot h' l! ' r~ rn r th£ R':r"','· III"\"" II 11,"1 withi n lIU 11I>l1r. nHluo t ed I lh l ll j::~. IJul L('~ I of 11 11 11 1" . ne, ·tt'1I1" Ihe partIOIl I:: r~ 1110 .1" 1,,, :--hli llto ( 0 11' : Country in the Timcz "III' {If .h,' 111"1 hur,,'~ In MIII·y l.lnd ohl, \IIl/'h n n j;l lI g W il Y of Ih l' ('Ulllllll • •. lJ'm y , ( II1 Cll'llI l\l, (J hln . In "nn nUI'e n'l! hC!I~.1L. , ·· SUasWrlg ht T b" OI1lC nppol u h 'li f ar th o co n vc o - - ~". h i. t!1"!' OUI 11 , :",.1: I' ll JIl, I W1\ .' 0 11 JHIf' r n il fh ut 1>4 th e end nl1ll u\ttl of ~~ ~---'" I· tllm In DolUmore d ruw m 'III'. On ~ cl II Y II ')' WI." 10 \\" 11 , 11 IU;:tlll\ wll h Ih l! llIe~. 111 wh o l ' 1U l1 r t el~ h ~ III!" " III , ~ , "]h' .... ..... .. .. . .. .. ...... . ' ~"I(' tlC Ju dI; FIJ ..~ 111 Illy Jl"lk~t. Y l'~ ' , :'II~- IIr~ hn , lengthened Illto Ih o~ e I 1",1/ I WA l1" y . 1\1 Pl'll re " " 'II Y " 'lwd· ' dn y~ \\ h ,' o Ul o~ t of ou r tl! slts lI ro IlC· e it.S .... .... , .. .. .. ... . .... .. y;u l l· ... .. . .. . .. . . ' 8y n il' ,,1' t flll·"t tl u(l r eciwo od Ih ll l, by re· , om l,ll>lI l' ,1 by IIl l1c h lner y . W e try t IIlVlJfa BACIUlLLER I lIm ln>; t il nllttllll OI·c Il ('x t <l il Y] bh o ll id " "'k l' IIII 'n h); th e t h ous n nd , In l·n SI . holden." "D'rt and eLl U'·Ill llll1n l JIll1chln.:>s. 111111 110 lODg er ~' i ol s h . .. . . . . . ... . .. I:i o w 0 111 ... .. . .. . .. .. . . r ,·u dl C Ull UII l il' ~00l 1 tlOIl'. .... l<. __ ", th. BICliecI hi .." ._ P IIhLluI ..W&tc.Eto. It W IlS tile 1e111(1 o f th ing Ilint o nly a i L.,· 11, 1' 111101 n~ o f olcl. It wa s t h e lov· Itthi!. €1Jllple, Rrroll ~ · h~ lIr INI Iuu s tich Ill/:. fur j!h ·l nj:, f I·O.. III'llIg, p urtenl, ' n n llill1ln ...... . ... .. _.• V u llhl " " I IYII S III till! ,lu)"H ot ruy y o u lh, I c('lls .. h'~~ toll or mother nn,1 fnl lwr nil . •••• ~1lI1J.1rr1n8 Bachel.lul ~uul ,1 rd I8h-~I II'~llIn g o,·" r II dUI·k , Ih t' l ... n Ll"r o ul ·of ('h lll/h oUlI \\"ht ~h I'I~J)- I ; A H • ~J:,-< 'l' l~ I{:-\ I ..... ~ rt>l1Li hy tlw 11 1;111 I.f Ih e ~t:lI'S un a <t llle l, '111 ,,1 Ih fll t I n('!':tlu g lll~hllbll) sense A lliN ET M ,1\ ~ It,i UUNJ' Qh. ye.. Lnd el!d, WashIn g t on wo s 1J hlllf·JUllo n, willi II hor ,1) thllt I,, \" cu t o of r"~J1onHlIl1il l~' t, Got! Ul1d mil D In I:lUI L I JEli ... ,Ioj N •.:U..,' . fair of beauty nnd gnll o ntry th08P- ' kldt up n wlnlJ. loly hrnln WtlS 10 0 Ih ,·s,' I','''p ll' w llom I o o w Il!IlI'o t o th P>\ ) l l E W'" WH O lJ NIJI,; ,{,; ' I'ANJI do,.. I ..w It 011 J hn vo spellt m lllly ~ f ,·,·c r, fllr th~ 11111 1011 111111 ("Oll1u t o 1110 jlld!;Ii ' l'n l of 1I1y coun trymeo. I IUGU l'" . ~ IflN \: , 1·11 '1 1-1 . 0111 ,eers In ~e enpltlli. nnd I l etl you tll c , . Ihlll I ....IS !Hu k ill!; IJb;to ry" I I hn,·.. Ih·C',l t o ~el' the on('/cot plnn Il lh o I" lI t-: ht II n r1 " ·1' 11 "I.l1 ll /t,t ' d. gtria of that tlmo h nd IIlnnnors nod ' h (. tlll·e o f f ll lll o ud IlI 11h pl nce bur· 0 1' 1; 111[:,·1" 11 1'(, {\'l' sclr'prO[l'ClIOII. P o rI, t ; liuto ll i~ In.;u t lln 1. .. 1111 E rl knew how to wear thei r cl othes. · but r. ll' d llIi! ,, 11 . W llh Wh' S<' l1l1 lu r 11.1 t ho I n ~ un ci; 1111 0 tho world. It d CIIIL1llll s III I.U~ f l1 01 l.'n>l fllll. to g ro'." in .g' ~('Oli Cln, el1lJ.o the magic of old m em o rlos ke pt , nr,'s ltl,' ntlnl cl m r I .. h'lIll~ h e wetl . l ll n t th i' will no u con s c lc n c ' of Il ,·et,v m idwJly \n lt.,'-el-'u '1....\ ~rl\J 'H, d 0 1f>vfj. my lady on her thro ne, Ther e was stll,·t ed 111 ti ll' I1ljrl l\\·" ~· <lr J;: r COt ·11 - ' 11l 1) ' ·: ld un l s ll1ll1 be r eg ulul "d ·oncl o O- ,· lu l1 d '10 th o Ulu'a 1,111\ of tobe N ew ooe of tbom-ju st o n e of those olhe r s ceH~. 'l 'iI('1I ~I r . U. D Ulil elll" r!! Ill i, ht \1 .. lI ell hy sOllie cooceit cci prin ce . Y o rk C I'lI t r,, 1 H . R /\ I!,'od IO llx . wtIo. I 80IIletlmes tbo ug h t, \\'os nlmos t th tnl( lIle .11I'1.lo r 1l1111l Iho Il'g" ' ·, ur l l'",· lt l!,1 h)· 0 0 nrmy. It cnn no r ta ll, J Jlt)n~i vo Il t ' Io t ()IVIl In wh ' c h to ilv ... a'sracetul and c h arm ing nod noble11 "I1J1I11I1 11 ,rl,"s hll ll", A ' ·1'111.'· 11\1·11 It li d f (1rUF'I' , I" OI'C olIIlllI><h R u~h cJl!\,n;·tn· t'll1nt,y "r II bl ll~ , h no t,IJ1~ "od h o u t;. hearted as Snlly. Dod she liked m e, J IIle IwenlY' llI r 'c li llie (lown Ih <! 1"011(\ , Unll tn til hl1l11l1l1 ~plr lt na ~ hnll 1111· III!\" Allr . cliYI; ~' IIl11I1 " r n ' RIlrt,p . ...ow.. but the Ideal ot lil Y you th \\,,'11. ( n ' nd 1l'<l WIl ~ hln a l"n " ~ry p l" r ll Ihe d ~' U·l" t no~.,'~"l ol1 of Illlln. 0 1"" 1" hy. I'I !lI'nV ' ''-') .-1\ T h ~ info i\9Wed In the lig ht of tb& oorl y morllso r,', hil I ."h, 1" \\"1,,) In goud f ""II\, ~OI1I) If 01ll' Is 10 [., 11" ... 111 , CII IlII'USS h e II II ,, \\,; I'. ·.. Pon ' l i n l o n , () 1\ 2 l 1.10 to IIpenk. lind wns b ri ght er tho o u f t " ,. li ll.,I ,ru,d,- 1 "'li S 1" ~ III "lI ug w ith CII II II I1 YC b ill Olll' trlng-hls , d. a\l-others. Above all, I hnd give n my I -.,·1111111" ,1 wi " II I nllt lilY hurst, In tli ~ . . .. - --word to SlIlIy. nod-well , YOll know, ,111 1, 1, · .1111 1 rllll!: , h e hell ot l1 l1r rI"!If. It J nm n enr the cod. · 1 r lll l,' \luck to YOU SAL ~ the old·tJlIle Ynokee of gooO s tock wo s ' U.' III ,'r! til IrJL' 'h il I ( wn s crGs. III I! th Q 13u ili lllore 11111t for~uolln. T h e y had __ • _ _ _ _ _ falrl, IIteodfo s t, who te ve r e lse . may .Ih ld ,· t ll' I "' ~ cn t ,I~; I1l1ft IIl tle II, t 1\Il"~. ~ I 1l1J1lIInn l l'd ); Ir. Poll, 0 1' 'l',.uucs:c for \'~ W I, A1(llIIrn 1!;1(!.(~, lt v 11\1' ~\1~ be IIOld of hlm--oftca n littl e too I... " ~ I~ I' ~ I1IM" ' III Hl I ><h u\lllI hi' l uok - I P" 1l81t1Vllt UIIO SlIns Wrl g hr (0 1· yl CE • t il I« or 100; phonll :t7 il , I r~ lteadiast, 06 were B eD Grims haw and I ~Clt.t ,lowlI ,1:lt O rh ll g l',!u t VIIJl cy of the , J1,.,'~I" c nl, I he IlI t t er IJ~ uc ·llllllllUOII. 1 m 21 Squire Fulll' r·t on, lll t ll r~. 1 ~ t, nOli" lfl ut 1 WIIS thllro, I It" ew 1I11lt Wrlg bt wou ld decline the V c:'rnI 1b, WUY I1"5vI Jl u, () .
!11ie L ight
in the
• y & W instoll InPnone 56-5
I '''.
Corwin, Ohio
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com- ,
The 81!1l ntor nod I went colll08 thn t . We eow nil the 1 :rook the Stage to Baltimo re Nex t CIY. . lfJ'eat poople aDd some ot them were more cheerful tban they hod a rl g bt I to be. .' wos 0 woo k ness of the t lm o. I th e S,e nutor r ~Oh'Cll un I nt~m ntloa t~1llt ,. I ehlin lIot 0 I t Ii t \I f f r f h e \l 9 ulrl he. I'ut In nnlll lu,d lon If ' nn II no e U 8 or e n 0 Buren fll ll cd. I l11 l1wdlllteJy I. e wrote WlUldsrlng t oo fnr fro . lU my main rOll d . t o Jutl "n F In o or O"(I,'lIsl1l1l·", Chlll r- I ., At Ill.... IA t t e· " " ...,.. e..,1) liS ue U 1Il0m!!n 0 SIIY. , n ,l1l1 of thl' d clrl!IIl1 o n (rl)rn the n ort hhowever. thnt thera, w l!re two clv utl s enl al . lrl e t of Ncw YI,rk. fl,rblddhl 10 the sky at the" uallin gtoo s oc iety 'I ~lI rh USI! o f ht , 11 l1 U](> .JO Iho gruun,d ot those OO Y8, ' ~oo WQS s tro ng drlnlt . th "thI3 I1 Cf/U I\'H." UO C II"OUldllll.0Iv e rllS- 1 and the other ~ ne the erudo rou ah coated. oggrels lvo ilemoe rn t f~olD tl1~ lo y ul ty t o h i (I'l ~ud t he ex;·I,rCl<llk nt. I fronttere ot the 'Vest, Those l o t ter il L' ~'1I\· O Tn,' 1 ~II "u 10 go t o Ihl! CODwere often seen 10 th e h o lfdny r eg-n llll nmll o,, ·uIl 111Y lillY ho,U') to 1I WI't Sll llY. ! . of tarm or vllloge at fo elllon nble fUlI c- 1 h ll d (l I1I1,ll'l l to !\Ira. W ri ght t h e lit)tlorill. Some ot tbem cha nged s lo wl y, [ I1 IIR·of 111)· 111110 love 1I1)'lilr- l 1111,1 to ond by ODd by r eoched the stn!!o ot -nntl Ah" JIII(J RhllWII [\ t e ll ll ... r, ~)"I1'PJl- l ",hlte Jlooo and diamond brl\llHll'llI S th ~U c Inl e rt·AI 111 th o s tllry. nnd walstconts ot Ilgur d s ilk. [t '£he AI.'I1 I, IOI· 111\<,1. sn l(1 to Ol e on ' (Jil l', lIlust be 80ld, bowever. thot th e ir m o, wllh n Il,-,n lll' Rm Jl e :
£1. ,
A Cypress Farm ~ate, Better than
the Best,-for6nly Five Dollars -,BEST BEST BEST BeST BEST BEST
FenCl! Pos ts
.~E ST
Dimension Stock Barn Siding , House Sid·ing Soft Yellow Pine Finish Red Cypress Finish
White Pine Plastering Pla s ter Manufactured Lime for All Purpose" Hartl Brick
111 g:1tI to losl ClIlllltlu l1 cc. 110 nol· OS Iw d id. Ll. H . I li M I n ll bl unll (i;ggf, 15 'Ill' h u tl l!r 0IWIl " I the' c1 oor, ' • f o r .1 00. 1.<:. \I 1I1lonol l, H. 11. ~.,,~, tlil ' Sellll!Or WII ~ lIJi nnr! hud I (1Il rrlo d 1l0rthwIlrd to !cecp my n·p· r., LllllHo on . ) .• ( r U 01 110 n ll rth nf JI'''t ,·c I UI'III' I r"')ln II Wllllt lind lI'US 10 polotlll nt \\' 1111 Sillily. The llO nt s WCI·£ RI(I gl!VIlit>. r111 ·1 h i>; ~lI l d.I·. 1 ( ""'1I1 111111 Ih e,,"_ slow~tI uy tug. At AILlIuy I WII 8 Ii ll ll~ ·"\\"ell , Bort. II,, \\" uues thi s h n n cn?" L,h lnrJ Ill y ~ch lillie. I s hould 1101-£ lie' 1I . I. ull P , 011 1)· nil hou r ' s lec,,·ny If thl! boo l s on R t;A 1.1,; \ ~h!lA p11, l1l-' r I U "(\~ , . ,. , th l' Ull PI.' I' In lt es 1111" til " 6t ligO from . ·"I1 Jl1 I) \/ \\lc. I\ I>\ ••r .u1O t o_ t," l',b'nrd ' ·]1 ·1< tlllporl nnt iJ.Il'<lnc s," 1 ~ u ld , II" ' u ~ r' l n tt .~I> III·1.l WI:"!! o n ti m e, I f e nt·cd tc 'I 8 1:1:1111111/ h, >Iud , 1I 11 Pl'; I h ;~vl\ fIIlf d 1 111'(·s ~ut('d th " 1 l' 1I~" . 11·""1 thl 'l11 . SCI I cl1ught th o wes t. lI.1 y tl rC'~ ,,,,,I h n \"I' ' \I • . 11 M ' /II!· dw~ e :< ul1'l'lhlng In hi s I., It 11 11,1 m ll 11Il,>r " ", ,,I tn llu nud ren eh 'd Vtlell III1'e( ' t.h in~ ~ i 1111'10>1 11 U ~"l'l ' " I· III .\' home ' os II cll lLn ly IlU.lll otl'tl h l~ "I,,:.ops o ll rl 11 01l1.S IlIl e. 'f h e ]"!) ( b ou g ht n ';0 00 1 lin;,' Iii II' . W . . ,: eflr ~ 111 1·1 r ,'uli . th e hi tl er oP Jlld " o F lue il rOllg ll t lh O hluoO t o lay (n c('~ I t ~C'Ulcd to lil ·l"hO und Il ls 611111111' nud brlllic lind I ~-lt ll_ I,I", ..i l' I 1:'0\ I1I1(I.(;l1 ln', Ron L' IJUIlI'tui· ... illY hnlJouo, 0 to s lJcnk, nud \1 hllrried up the 1I01'I h rond. WI" ' II IH t·"r " "i,. Inq It r~ nt () L Ilt O~8 1 11"118 fnlllll g- t uwu ru th e curlh nou 80 II"IIS III' lIr 51"" ,t I trnli t>l1 111 m fnr 0 I,. ·1, \V " :V I~os vllJ o , lIhhl . III 1·1 sw lflly Illy he,,,) 8\\"1\W. B c Inld tho '1 ItIIlt !\I nr/!.III mnre 1I11 III th e IIlti vII· .. ICl t er Oll his ul.'s l( lind, wltho llt IOOklllg lillie ~f Su udy I'r(!k. Oh , J Ir now n lorg-" I \" p i p {,J " ,I I. Ch l ,, " B r(1I' d lI P IInLi li S C(lOlly liS If h c w re ns klog ,>on ll lOt"' liS II" '1 1 :I K Ih e next mUll . Su ,\' , I ~ ,'" r o lel I I.qlllrfl ('f f or th e rhll[J~O Of u ilo ll nr, I}lI r rl l!rl: " " " l n ,cll e r one t '." 0 .s h o I 11 I",, ' J:> n)y l (\1160Il, R.. n ~. W" y ntlRv l l1 "W~lI , Hllrt, ,,"hnt dn y on t llink we o\\" ll ~d -Il ..,,",'r. J WOR buc\, In my .<i\ u· . tn J.1 I u It · l It I " (JI,' lit Ix In the nflornoo ll nud s t ol l'N! ' II )I! te l' (0 0)01\ tl I for f l! d II ml nn houl" s r ('.;t lit tll n e (11111 T brPII b "r" p. IJ illIlJr I'~l'r!J l1r1 (\ r . ·WIl tlV811 wer~ ol w o)'s nbo ... e tb e lr 1 1l ~tt!. "III{rl, ,'·UI1 h n l·~ II1lSIUI!"1; lu CUl1l oo, "1- 1 WIIS hopl n g-you- y OU w ould rurle on thro u gh the IIlg h t. I r pl1ch cv 1(I1 ', r"nl l' i t. ,' . IV . HI,rllwn , The winter wore awny siowly 10 1 b l) lI e\' l', w l lh w hi ch tr taJ llg mlttlcl"s I I OI(l! It," I 8 omJncre d. , th o hnllli e t o f Richvill e SIIOII o f l 'r d ny. I Vh ,1Uti III :t, \VU n nRvi ll o ' 1117 hnrd work, Mr. Von Duren cnme do wn IIh e th( ' c l'vl cc or Il l>I"e: lcI ' nt ·UTI(l Iho '''£ lulI.'s b e(,l1 l1se th l! c.xcJt t t . ,;nlCo 0 1 .b l·ollk nnd p u t o ut for n r es t of twe l ~ UQ ilie ~nn~r Me ~r &om h ~ l u~l ~ n n ~~ l oo rnnnM~D""~t~~ t h p mnv MUon 18 on 1 0 11. h e Rn· h ou rL J ~u~ W ke 1tMQ llim~ AI · -~-~=~~--~~-~~~~~~============~=~=======~======~=== sCI'cn 0' rock t h e JO nr e (lnd I a tu r ted I 1 - . ..... n gn t b. \1"('11 f II nnd euger to !;t) Otl. I . It Wit· 0 flUlllll1~ I' ' 1I()1·ul nA' I hl1 t " " n r t.1 , ~ll~ t1w reJllcJ - ('\"('1l Ill u l or Ih e , 'ounp 11)\·1" ". lL ~ IIl r wn . ~ \\'e ,t w l l h til' 1 11·~" l h o f I·he IIIl'", lo".~ . 1 ' 1I ~ l1u l." e, 1I1l11 Ihc ,,1""1' 1' ,11111 the ("{)J'nlh ", ,',-, H'1I1 till' 11'11 (1 I'I'SCS sc · m rI 10 hi' 11'11 \·. Ing n w 11- 11110 to lllO, lind th t ho rc '\ 1 J"f,, '~- ~ h n)1 Iy nJ"llll1l'~ II[ of 111)· nn t ll/( h lll~- II· I> I" til 1J1()~s nlll , A (·! Olld 01 by l ' II:"I·111 ~ : WI' I.t nCrctHS III~ blll P , 1 ~o Jack .Ib",·., 111)· h r nd . 'l'h~ gr~lIt clJOl r 01 Wilson II ,,, ) h' l<l • . 111'/,1 to m E'--b()bolJ l11< ~, , Olll:· , 1<1'11 ' 11'11 11"8; ' lII cmltl\\·ln ,·I( , . blu oblrd s '''U'h I Cl·~, wre ll S, ,Inti 1'111' /lwny III lb ~ I ' ro, ' "r .1 ~ 11"11. · " II lIrl"'1 I h ea rd the f1 l1 lu of Ih o \ b il,'·l ilroatcd s pnrrolV. r IlII tI II'rl lit n l,rnfllc In the woodll lind \1 111 /I II 1\ 1"1\'11 11 silk ~h"· ( Ilnd tie "nl fll' ';' Y "nlltll ph~I-"l. [rude slowly Illl'l1 tl) Ih., ",1ft" (I f Ih vi llnga of 000I" n 01111 1111"111" / ·ut Ih.· hlill!:I' o nl1 .to ok Ih l' r iver ]"tHil l, 0111\11111:11 I h nd tlme to 'I'" rp. 111>'"· illy h~"rt WIIS b e utlug Uti r 11.·" ...'<1 I he rtllllillur SCe ne I Tho _ 1'11'1'" slOl' ,/( 1 ItH pn e tll reo like 0 \llll- I .. cl'rn ln~ II'!l ~, to ~nJoy the benut7 or I'" ,"!tore , _ Smoolh nn!.!. Rll l'nt WIl8 I h" wll t es· 1111 In It \\'('I"e the blu~ of t tI,,· ~ky fM tht'ry sho!low-lIplre8 I 101" totnorul!k lind tbe ed of b1I and meadow rue:
New Yoar's day.
Best, Most Complete' Stock of Building Ma ~erial ever brought to Waynesville, can · be (ound at
i well· I·lt.
~ .
l I
,'I. _... I
...,.... ,
refJect- j
madd~n's Lumb~tt
··!..THE MIAMI Is~~ lIF.n
THE MIS ~dllo r, of LnmOOr. II U' j II< t,he fl u eRt. of &fr. ~nll Mre. ~'rIJCI I:IMll ey. t)no,fl i 4)\t. N I) 1 wus entel·tnlne ... t !,Il " llolllH of MI" LInd ·M,·s 'fr uvor I). I:IH y d llok, Monrlo,y even in g. , Re v. 1I1lt:! , Wright ul tehtletl au I'~pwurt IJ LAllIo;n e oonte reU')1I1I1 1:1 1110. 11110.- lllr . Ill ~ t weolt. r 1\1. [h.. ' lnl und 1:.40D , of MllLflllt;hUI~. A l lt t fl Ci th t! we,·k B Ull ,,~ th o
Inll l >'
Ii. I.. el ' AN I':, fo:Llitl lr
I' llhl i!o l'rr. WU) 11\'. \ illC', Oldo
1l, l d
Sll bscriutioll Pr i<;~ . $1.5(1 ~c r y ellr
WEUNl!:SDAY , MAY 7, 1919
,,'" I
~- ~. .:......:::....-=:=---=-=---=-==-~
The Light in the Clearing
'I' l l , ,',.. 1.':1 fIIfJ I' ,· " fLllI rd . i n t lll!-l foi N ; Ll o n
u r. 11. 11 I·,H UH I' }' I ho ll u.1t o lh"r fll x
~~:~ tt.llll~:11 t:~·, 1':ln l.III'~;;:·IJ:(':l.I;HVI!~~~"~~ r ll .,..q
I-I l ,tI" l }
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H il l i
r a lllll ~ l v ClI lc! Wi lli
u"'~ s
hO IU N o f Mr aod
cO I\ ~ llLutl, )tuLi
ttlr ~
locll llrc nl
hul \\'h('I'(~
I dl "; lIllIUIlf(' j) IInti tl ,·"
Mr ~ ,
II Inr' k" d tW"lIl y IIIh IIt,.~ j lO " I.·,·po. Ah " "'nul" "1111" ' 1 h" ll ~o rlll"ltl nr It. J
wa:!f lh 'ti 111,\' h"nd~ nuLl fUI '" Jlud 1l4 '1'k In II", enol Wilt",·, Sulld""ly I 11<'11 1'11 n vlI lct) r kll, ' \\' sln!:lrl!:: "II'"'II .,y Lellve Ihe GlrlB Alma'." I lurn, 'd II n,1 8 U\\'-),0"1' In olh er, my Sh O. (Th,'sll In st Ilrll'9 were ,lIellltl 'lI to hi s ..... " ,) S he \\'OS In the s terll ut II birch CIlUIJP., nil . 1t·~~" "(1 III wh it e with r osf'S In her 111111'. 1 rlliserl Ill}' h ilt IIl1d s Il'o 111ft.",
41 I"~.
.. Cloydl ,ok
wil l be wAloomn g o estM.
WlI.ynt'8vll le, t:!JlturdIl.Y, Our Coonoll hll8 bee D pot.t.!lJg the Mc. 8treet.8 of oor 9i1lll ge in 'J rdf'r for the oil, wbloh will be pot 00 In tbe
L th ( ;11 5 1 ~l1ft'u r Ad ., severA
A TYPlcaJ Thrift Value
II,I~. Old Knll' Rllt III tl lf ' I,,,,,, Ill'l' h ~lIl lk'·I' dr1,·r. Th. ,y ijtoP P"11 111111 ~IIII~' IIslc,'rl In II 1011(0 of IJluyful H~rlllu ~II" S ~:
"Youo q he re?"
why 1111\'1' YIIU come
---- '- -----
E. Slan lo)" Ally. ------ ~
In puLtlng th em hllOK luto b081nflslI oW'r. Unctc l''''nbo(ly npllI'onch('d Mr, and ,11r~. Ald os Ellis aDd Idls8 " yonr mother nnd sulci: 81teBUlIln, prinoip"l of o ur lohool, ")'I't ~ moke It hoth, I nl'OI ,(\s~(1 10 "S ' S II ' 1" 11' t plll llt II kIss 1l ~~ IChe~kS 0' yours, .pent t)UUdRY In Xenia with rela. ~f.~ers Bnd you Bro tn bn ,'ery cnre· Solll'. 00 b~;;1 ~: U ves flnd friends. • " urely tlr ~.r~ conldl\'t h o n hrt ler . . d It d libera te t oo" , Pro f , Berry, of Wilberforoe 001. Bellutlfull AI,11l wns tho ~rlrlt of , phH:C thnn here un der the hl g 1'111,_ 1 nn 0 C •• the Ooids ot June then qll cl nl\\'IIYs. l it's All smooth nnd 80ft nuti ~hnIIY," 1 He d Id It und so did Aon t Deel no!! leae , leotured at Town B 6~ \l, l:!uD4ay r h elped ber Ds lt llre nnd heir! hl'r In sn ld sh" . old Knte, nn d J tblnle thaI, lI ext to a ttorn'o oo . m'1 nrllls nod ' ,·ou know "Nor COil" lA lit ere IIt:' n I1e tt I' r , In y or your mnther nnn lJI1e. t.hey d \I were tbo , . , th e IIp~. hll"e • \\'8)' lit l!(llln ldn Jl Ihou III Ihe old, "un- b(' tter company" I urged 1\1r I WII8 h llll., I 'st people nt t , IC we Inc;. "Inehlg. flnnl nrgu tlwnt ot Inv... Tbuy I' nllt sure UtIIt would lI~rl'c. •••••• leU 0 0 donbt In on r hlll, rl!!, my ~Oll. Th t) honls cnme nl Oll1": Sull y null I Thero III n 10lle ly ~rllYII Ull In the "Whl'll .10 ),Oll wl MIt t il mnrry mt"" , nn.\'ed . n w elcome frllln' 'the h,;"lc IIl1d hl1ls-lhnt of tho strnnger wllo tiled Ibe whispered. sh " merrily 11foclll lmcd : I l on~ ngo o.n TInttlerond. 0 11' dny I "As 80011 n9 plIRMlhlc, hili lilY pny Is "II's 10 hI' n w~'-hlln g.'i" , f onl1rl 0111 Kllte s ittin g hc~ lr1 It .lIlld on Born- 'ru Mr.8l1d Mrs Will Allen, only IIlltly dOllnre..II m o n t h 1\0\\'." Th c ll n cheer from Ihe hcnls, 10 II stone Intely erected there \I os Ihe Tuesday, Aprtll!lI, a dao g bter. "Wo s holl t:;:lk' It do." lihc nn· \\'hl~h T In ll"," nnme, Enoch Rone. Mr. llnd Mrs. Frank Rogerll were "U Is vory so rrowtlll," she wbls' Gem City VI81&0I8, 'ruesduy. Pl're!!. " He was tryLug to flnd me Mrs. Ella Utlotl, of Oliwllon, III vis. wh en he dIed." Wo wolke!! on In ~I1 cnco \\'hlle I ro- Itlng. her paren ts , Mr, unti 'M rp. AI. <;Il ll ('d tho e lrClIlII slllnCl'R. Eln", strllllJle bert Cornell. Wilbnr OJark "nit family took tllllt t hosc tnles or h lnOl1 Bnll Inll'l ess d urin g wltl r h Kill ;" bllli given 10 Am os :iunday dinner wI&h Mr~ . Mary E. Orltll shnw hnt! 1('(1 to Ihe slrl y l~ g of Carmony. Mr. ond Mr~. U, B. Lnmb WE're her ' own' sou l Yet, ~I) It hUPI),mcd. th e old WI \"R \\'1\1 tcll you the OIlVtOti sboppen, W ednesday. E ven' the little tots nre 1I1l!! s tory liP there In tho hills. Mr. and .Mre. ClInenoe Smith eD. glad ·to hClve U ou!oitonin . 'rho pi ny en ll s j,\I~t II R Ihe nI ght III t t'rt,lIinecl Mr. lind Mrs. Ailion Hardy, Liniment ' applied to t heir flllllnl: \\'Ith' Kule lind 010 elltori ng Ihe of URVtOn, 8anday . e hOlllo. so fnmlllnr no\\'. \\'h"ro sho Mr. .. li d Mrs CllftB. E. Johnl hurts, because it does not lilli 1I" eR nnd IR C\'('r \\, cll'ome wllh Aunt UIOWf<' 11 tu Wlltnlllgtoo , Snnday. 'smart, blister nor burn. Do('1 ,i nd Unci<' Pen hod y. The luner "ul'l too k dlOner wllh Mr. lIud lin, Besides this, it is n safe, III CC t~ us III th e door tlIld Is Rrrylrlg In n E••1. I::!mlth. ChC"r,i'lll volco: efficien~ antiseptic; No !lan· MI S. Eva, Yo ung and httle daugh. " Colli e 10 to BlIIlPllr, yon r O\'l'r~ . te r . of tl'lytoo, visited with her gel' of infectipn when YOll· How solellln ye look! Sill'. Ir 3',)11 I~X' motho r, Mrp. EIDU111 LaOJr, I'rlday. lISe HOllstonln. ('fhe Origi· (lcet Sully nnd me to do nil t h ll lou ghln' Mr . an I Mrs . .Allen Ewrlok oud here you're ml~",kcn , Th e rt.l '~ II Int ot dlluKhter, (JJlldy~, werl~ 8undoy nal .Jones') Liniment. It to be done r ight nn w, uu' It'R lilllo "n e~ts of Mr. 0111 Mra , narry Uor. is pronounced "House- YOll fin e d III. We I\ln't d oo o n Olhln' noll, D e Ar .'erry, but 11I1I\:h Rill ne we ' g41t up, on' wO'r o tone·e-Ilh"~nnd !i,o ld by an ttlr IInrt Mra ChIiB. Clark, Mra need 0' h ell" " ' hnfs tho III n tl ~r, druggists-'-in full rnel1sure bottles- 4 oz; for 25c- )/1.l'ge Kuto? Loolt up ot tho II l:ht In 0",1'8 B,ury MoGlnulfl 'UIO Mis!! Leooll wind e r. H ow hr l ~ht It ~lr ln"s tnnlgbt I MoGinnl'8 w ere In Oar\On 8hopping; size I>Oc. turdl\ .'i'. When 1 .1\wl h Ill! I nl waya loo,k, lit tho TilE DR. J . C. ,JONES COMPANY, So. Charl~Rton, Ohio. }. number of onr oitlzen. motored , .. - '"'atars." Sold by J. E. Janney, The Rexall Store \ 0 Del lhrno lr, ~on!ll\y fl"ernoon, to (TIll!) END.), liee the ruloll of tha recena fire . t.1I. lind Mra. Minor !\lole and (orolly motored from Troy, SundBY, ,HId "l, nnt t.ho .rtay ' with Idr. and !'ttr" A I bor t Unrn ll l!'. Wsl/.or Konrlok, Albort 8tao,", Will Uorr, H. M. CI .. rk &n,l Dr L. G . Broo k aUeoderl ooort _, Lebonon,
These times demand thrift and conservation, and, our stocks fu lly meet every demand of the times. Adair's valu es in furniture, rugs, linoleums, refrigerators, ranges and kitchell cabinets will be found absolutely essential in fu rnish ing the home comfortably without ex tra vagance .
Colonial Bed Room Suite, in Walnut, three pieces, special , .
""'·"''''ffed Davenports, up Library Tables, up from . . . 'iano 0 )' Floor Lamps, up from .. . , . , ... $1 Upholstered seat Rockers, up from ..... $7.50 Davenports, up from . . . . . .. .. ..... .. . .. $35.00 NOTE THESE RUG PRICES
Those who are furnishing new homes or refurnishing old ones will find a very broad assortment of good rugs at very low prices.
Those ho ~have need of a new dinner set will find a very broad assortment of fine patterns at very low prices.
$47 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 . .. .... $42.00 $42 Bcussel Rugs, 9x12 . .. .. . . . . $34-.00 $17 Grass Rugs, 9x12, . .. . . ... . . $14-.75 $.30 Brus~el Rugs, 9x12 . ..... . . . $24-.00
$8-42 piece Dinner Set, special ... $7.00 2 piece Dinner Set, specia J . .. lla..~~9!-~ $25- 98 piece Dinner Set, special .. $21.00 $30- 98 piece Dinner Set, special . . $26.00
Stoves, Refrigerators, Kitchen Cabinets. Washing Machines, Wringers, Lawn Mowers, Oil 'Stoves, etc.
''Susirts, Sprains, 'Swelling and Soreness
Fridlty. ' MlslI Ilulb Uoon retnrneld her h ll m e , rrhl"y ev"nlng: fr om Wen. gorlll.wn. where shll h ll,1 boou t ... oh
Furniture Carpets, Stoves
20-24 North Delroil SIreet Xenia~ Oliio
'r~n8ll o "ng
bus iness h e re. Fri.
d"y. . Idr. N. L. Dearth aUen ded
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
Meq'e Ulob at Fr,.nklio, rharsday Veterlnarv eveniog. Ora4uate 01 Oblo Stal. Unlftnl' J Idr: Bnd Mrs. Forres' '1'I1y10 r and I daufthtor wilre the Bondll.Y gue8tl of Mr. and Mrti Ton B'lr~t. OFFICE: Mr ROI'I Mr8 , Barvey Manser l~ourth Street, nBar Tyler were 'h e 8DndKY Rnolta of I4r Bnd Mrll, Allier. H eat on . ' Telephone 93 Mr... Iobn Gregg Was 'ho vlotllD Honest Opinion Doctor Gave o f a eurprlee PflffY had 'l'hunday Ohio , His Patient ' Wuy~e8Yllle. evening, when a Ilnmber of his frleDd8 gathered at bll home east :Bedford, Obio.-"I was in a pitiful of towlI, to apeDd tbe eveDiog. condition, weak, nervoull and run MIIItI liar" FlUs IPont a oouple down ao I could not do my housework. o f daYII !.Iat ''''ollk wIth her parenfs, I had doctored for years And tried Mr. uDd Mr8, Cbll~J es FlUs , everything under the sun. A friend Idltjl Uy nthla Atltrlltll hilS r e *nrned told me , about Vinal. I' asked my to Iler b o me hore Dfler spendIng doctor about it, and be replied, 'It n Hllrl, ~Ix m ouths wl LIl fri onds io certainly is the best medicine that can Funet"al be bad today. I couldn't give YOII Columbus, .ny better.' 1 took it, and today I Mr. "nd Mr ~, W llllnID Elnmbllrt am as well .nd strong ,as any woman WoynesvHle 81)enl th e we a ll. ood ot G llrman town coold wish to be, end It was . Vinol the gun<ll8 of ~r. flnll Mr8 Amol that IIIIved me."--Mra. Frank A. Hoike},,_ Ash St.. Bedford, Ohio. lI'Olr ,-1Ii1'l'iri:~ We gUarantee thill famoUII cod liver MI'~ Mu,lol,' .. Pogb. of Dav ton, Ind iron tonic for alllUcb conditions. Auto Equlpmeat~~ elteot t,he week.enll .wltli har par Hor.e-Drawn ~ulpment I. S, Janney , Druggist, \V"ycesville, () eptl, Mr. bnd Mr8 Chul"" PDgb.
Ing. tho P ~II~ wIDt .. r. , Ber IObool 0108ed th e ra 1"8\ wt\ek. Mr, find Mr•. I!'ranlt Bmlth spent ' with tbelr lIOn, WtllIam aDrt fomllY. who reoen'ly Mr. Ed WoodwA,d retarnoo bome. w ove.-I '0 'the ' tlDalle' hou,s e on AI. Wednelda1, from Uootra'own, N . J., l'E/..El' HONII: 7 DAY OR NIO.' ~(\rt COrnell'. f'&rID. BARNHART. ~. where be Wall ol\lIed by 'he dea'h of hi, fa~b8r . ~otary Public: , I>U.. Belva MOOaDdl81 epell' SaD. day afternoon with alld M.n. All klDda of ,NotuJ Worlr. Willa WalMr 8enge and 100. aDd De~ a tJpeolal'y. IIr• . Char lea Coleman, 0' rraDk. • liD, ••d ..... 10lle Koaa... of 8'onl, Funer&! Dinetor Mr. William Blu'oo h., returned Oblo. epen' I'rlday wllb llial lIarle and·Emba....... 'e bl. home 10 Phlladelphl., a'Mr KeeUDR BATBA W A.T vlal'tnl ,hls p'rtlDtll, Mr. aDd ..... ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A D. aDd oahu relatl.,..
- - -... -
$] 0
For Childish Bumps -a~~ Bruises
Bea utiful Ch ippenda le Bed Room Suite in Ivory Enamel, 4 pieces, $LYO value, spec ial .. .. . . .. . . ... . .
Room Furnit
$175 $1 06 :!~~~~ ~~~s.' .~~ .. ....... ...... .$21 ~~n;;~~r. ~~~~ .~~~~'...... $13.50
Ivory Bed Room Suites- three and fOllr pieces, up from .. , .... .
oorres ponde nt flu~oed to Bellbrook lind viewed tbe 1081, lind wisb ee to ex t end to Ih e nlfilnted loeers hili ~y JllPl\,t hy Bnd trusts thoy wore" "I tent ed by In surAnoo, 8 0 8S to all~lst
I wl're
Home Furnishings That Meet Every Demand of th£ Times
n j(,,-olhllll'i>e: ti Dllday W08 suoh 1\ belli that nil who we r e 110 luolty tu own I\n I1ntoruobil&were Dot rldi og The
" Al r tunt h ,' 1' II nrl rll ll H' 1' nnn Subscri be f or the Miami Gazette, YUI,r ",,,,1 nll<l \l nl'i, ' Ilnll Iii., 11 11 k r t ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-~= (llIti Ih n n,IIII RI,' r nlul II IIII111hrr IIr "Ilr , . frit" ll!. nl'" "0,"1 11 1: In 1\ 11 I' t IIr hlllll fl." "'" n r,' PI'OI'" retl plll' \1r (o r n pt. 'lIlc I ~ IIRII n.'\lAr forg et !low. Wil en 1110 0\' " \\'l'(lIl l n '" \\'II S thll whi s per t) f CIIIlIPIIU Y hnd IlI nll (,ll nllil the gr'1 ' Nl n gR
(Pieces sold separatelv if d6!'ired)
ware In WIJP"konllt" on W edn eal1l1), ot 1",,4t V,' flflR. Mr. Ilml Mrs. Ro hor t. 'AndrewB bre It nviog 'h e m ttlflor uf thOlr b,"mt :. cO Dn l ry h ome dooo ra led aDd vol
e tc" hn vo a n ew rh'al on the on with movIe IItrategy lost call ot ttl !' " Insldo stuff." ""atty has ho ught l\ lln ll Icalll . tho cO ll t rolln lI Inl l1 rO!!I In tho Vernon. Pacillc COlIRt 'Lenguo toam. And }I'alt)' wants It) win t~ o 1J(J~J1~
::! \\""" 'I\
This beautiful Queen Ann Suite- in mahogany- Dresser, Bed, Chiffonette and Triple Mirror Dressing Table, $165 value, special $143,50.
olll fI, Fnm'l! L. BllrriM 1\lld CI.vll fl lAlVley
Notice of Appointment
"Then You May Help Me Ashore, If Kn ll'. You Ple a se." ' ,
hAOk In ~he lr work, oonslderable p\owlog 18 YI1~ '0 be done, but In Il , ~bol't '1mB coro will be pilln 'ed, tbeD hll rves~ will De hllre, tbreeblng tbe grlliu be next and tben 8bovel . Ing cOlli '-or tbe n ext 81x m .mtbs will be 10 rda r, nod, we will I;>e tiblgerlo ~ Ilrouoo, 'Wondering wbnt '198 have d ooe with OUlr sommer's
nttuok ne'1f future , lil lI' " 1\1\·tlb· III {~ f l d l u I u (.'U I' e , SentJ tor of tl 'X"fllin , lust, woek U u ll:t u.ble J ODllh 's Rnn B"Jlti~~ (Jhllrob will i:!"" :" ~' ~~'~~ I .~; ,\yt':C u~!: ~: nl,,~!~. {I I), 011 10, t,\t lin "bullt Ilf.:t U1n , b"VA tho inl c r illr Cir Ihllir ohllruh :-;,,111 . iI), . J Il'l"WI.~ , . '7&0.. ' L'\] o lId Vllocnrll;:,rIlf1 " .. of onr Bolioal p!lpe r e <.l IUIII {\ncoru tod ,JorloK e,u ly " " 11 " l' ''!IIll y 1111. ror a:'~.~,p~lIon . enjO,.illjJ" plQDie anot "wllinur rU"flt" ~I'rinl{. on th'e l l1l1lk ll or('ae"n,'11 Url'~ k. Fri . 'WIIl!.or ARhl o,v will OOOI1I1Y t h e Il l y IJ V I; U1U~. Buuj,uJlln Jo:VUI\M h umo o n ~;I1Ht ~hin IItr eet. W , A . Ml!rrltt und R C (J,lrner we r o in S pring b oro, :S!ltn rday . Brlloe COTr jluve a 1'l1rly lit hil bome il\ the oountry to many of his you ng frhmd.s on SatnrdllY uignt :IIf.... O:'O"r Gil,h"np, of /I"y tOil , Mr. nnd M~A Bown,rd Grnb llm "II" h('on vl~i\.in~ "or p'" o ut,~ , Mr. were s h npping in Ollytull,IIlMt F rill,,:!' 11,,,1 drM . L:t tl l)"n a wlt ,l\ ()r th ur t,)wn. t-:\" Ul H of o nr o lti?,nnA al,tend ed th .. I"r Ih. IIII " t wur' k . Vloto ry Loon rt l!Ul OnMtrlltt o n at, WIl r.tnrri etl-Mi"H Obrot hy C r owl, 'tllngtol.1 on TllUr~dIlY . d.ltl f; ht"r "r Uf)ll tl rt, nk ~ rJ" nlllB l; r lJw l ,Io hn 1:1(111or. of Xen ia, tr"nMllo ted "'HI \\' ''1'1 '11'11 Hoo k, "o n 0 1 LJr G C. bopl n 088 h oro, ThnrR!!",, ' /lu" l!. bu Ill ot t.lIl a p la oe Tllo)' hllve Wr eD MoG~I" who h llf4 hl'e n In tire h,''' " II1l1rrll·,1 U hon t th roo we" kll an!! servloe of thk govornlll o nl., iM tllI.ltlng t ill' UOI'l'8 hU H JOBt lell l! ed "ut 'flley bl. mol,lInr " vi,it for ,.• :few clIlY!! .., 111 Ilv/' III UluvtlltUld, where b e hU8 Wtlitrull I::!r, .J',lIn , of th o [{tlp.t. ,. ::" 0 r fl"pn .. " lbl l:> Jln~\llnll , riok 1\1 11 I o)r \;,"r (;0., of I.'I'hHn Otl , WIlli Our tO Wll WIIH c r n wrilld wlt,h vl~tt. ' I"'r" un ThllrHIlay 10u klll 1l lift.n l"At HlImIny. 0 11 "call nu t II f th l! pr Os l)eollve C1USt.,lfIO TI of tho B'ord b'l( fire, w bi oh ooonrrod lu ~t 'l'ntl~. "'Ir doy nil!h~. Bru. A lII ( ,H '{'ook Is til .. I]"~tor al l :. If. !:Ioll wn rlz , wl:t n I,,", Itly eD t,bu I<' ri 'JIIlls elm ' ob, aft r lin lib. tlrl:> groop ry by firp, 0 1,)1"",,,1 np A s once of se vernl Y'"lrH . grooer.I' lust ::;,lIl1rO,.y ev~ nlng, III Mr II nrl Mr~. A 1': , !:lhivelle, at t,ho Bltert»rrl ~tlrOJ.( R. nncl ~vlil ho B II~ Wll ml nlltl'u. w e r ll cRlliug o n reill. ~I " n!'ll I hl're Ilntll III ey 0 I n blll id op \, Vt'll IWro. t:luturd~y e vening , It gll in. 'I'll" "l1h ot,od in t his vici nity lUll Mrs. 1\J.r ry i. '1111 "' 0 b,. 8 \lurohn Hod slow Iy ill1 llr u vi og . Il n ew 131110k nut,orn o hilll Mr ILnd .llr~. A. L , Ken nedy wore. E ,.rl Iit'RR. wll o h u~ llIlAn In ~' run r.u s h opplnll In Xeni a, t:!a,urdI\Y. Wil l! 1I01\0 r iluly , 1I ~ohll ~J( "d ilL U"ml' ,' horm ll n lind Il-trl \'otl I,orno ItlH t FrI. l-Ilu,rW' WUl;lgoul;!r. at: Leb " noo. , altHr nn ""~ 'lI\Of! () r IIlIe YAllr: ... n~ Itl uov IJl ldet nn Fridll), • • "omi. illl! '0 bus lued8 pllrt~.llling to b ls
wU\' II, ~
I hu e Mc 1\' ov all ll I'li um a s (Jook llu oJ •
lll lJHlI cl] Uo llur!4 reward r~ Or r PI' r'l t r (lr nn y 'I t !oolC th tH Jl n ll 'M a-
II'lI t c h ,
roo. u
H~ r V I~J ~ lJllr~
. Illi. """ "II1 "e,1 l)r . J.'. J . (,h r ll cy & 0., I ~I LI(.l . I s n co tl s ll t l1l10lla l I'
'"',"" 1111 "II!llly nil\! " c l a theu ~Ie d rl v lu ll Utl W H o rL1 ~. Ii ~ I Olt( L ti n ti le Mu· 'o u !'I SUr rl\ CC8 o f th e l<uy I.lIIt! 0 u t-'- W UtdlJuuil.
'I'h .'I'I · \\ lIS t l lQ pill ',
The pl\lo has put the fllrmerl
l:ie gern I of Our oltlzfon~ l\thmded ~Pl~ I_l\lil g ~ OV f l L) weu k~ wtth th Hir dtLU I-!)Jtu , . M I.... ~lltdukl ' l t n e"r I h e Victory Loan demonetrBI,lon lit
:111',l',':~',I II I~I; 1l1; ~~ 1I~ ~i~'·'I:~:IS C l\~~llj~ll.'lL~. \~~~,~ :
H \' t-I C (~ l ll.
....._ ..
U . ll ilri n.u, We 0 r looking fnrwllrd wllh ~J\:'~: '.-irIlHt, l 'hl1Ilp~ . nf , O'. y LIl U. at tlDRilj t .V to Ih " ollmlnl( h ome froOl Frlln f\ o f BOUle {, f our boys 'rhey .. o n · hUfL) \ 1" 111' 'suudn y .
I lIt' I1 I , I H'U II I, UU cl' d Il HW llru hl c. .0. ' ~II' h I,,; ll. Ir,('ld ,1I ""'l Ht', gTCu.. lI .V Inrlu
,,,,,..1 by,
~~------- ADAIR'S ---~___
DR. J. W. MILLBR. •••DENTlST••• '
We'ne.ville. Ohio.
..... - ---:---- -
H :W~ 'h '\'
I 1'''1 11 \'1 1\\
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,'rr: .·'.lIld·\, n I • • 1\ '/~I', I' • ~rachl il g !' t· I 11. D iu, it U('l l \ 'r nnd Jlllll:/htf'r " " j,; ,'\','1\ ,'Ull,hly l H OO pili. Choir MI ~, Ad . , nrl II 'w ' un \"JI! \l f: tllli }' I
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·r nWeti" e\"'ry F ... ·hody h
J _ <' I·' "rl til\lI~' '.\I ... h · ' IHl~\
Dtsl\ble<1 8olcllt>r. 30 <1 on IlQP'. PR t1 ~ 11\ 8 of the) Hut ' "'' c : Wnr II I Te by h Q 1:;0I'('rn nH'III - T \\"' U I y · on e ' h o.I'Il~I:; In dICfercli 1 1>. vice ",he r s t reo u\ ilk t " tt(I ~1 Lhm 19. ~t " en to tl Ii In n ~l'd '1 ~ b. It -'\I "'ealtlly PO ll tl lS OL Wnu e.l lll\. W I ~ .. llUl t ok , II Il r ~ J" UI' II " 1, IlI','1 n m '. •
beet of.
GlE'3aU::J t:t==IElEI=31£JlI:==
·.t '
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1'111 ,, ( , II
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ll e w,
than and
I~I:~_C~",~. \13 to r.
Word was r ecei vt! ri l hi; mornin l( ann ouncing lh <l enti l of M r a. Kill e Zell He lvers lett, lit her hom e in A ~ pi nwal!, Pa ., API'11 :!7Ih. H ' r d~ a th was ('Bu sed by lI er hcinj( s tr uck lIy a'n automobile whil · ill Piltsllllrg ,
oited : ta tes amI C:1l
Ap ril ~ r d .
III(.l1r m eOlt
Ivas made ill
a Pitts b u rg cemetery . - - ~ -\
A ll Mixe d.
Z\{J"S. ~L [ IX_Wr'h' I' I· \\no.: n
Waynesville, Ohio
llkc ·wllh'r QUT fln rl
It is th e a m it ion of every lUall an d w mall to own a home of the ir own . If you contemplate 1 uilding or remodeling your old home, it wi!l be 'T";c.e..~~Ja<lv.:LDla2',e to call on me and and get price a nd .guarantee the work, .
.IlI cl t' ~
""ek-In nt onE
lt ll! Il ther. " -
hl') e
y. ~ . 'lId , Itl Il'lfln d
a o 'c l
k p.
Ill ..
A DcMi11l: pi oductioll , nn d
LODGE HAD A LARGE MEETING The Odd Fellows lodge bad a meet· Ing IW:lL Wednesday e vening . a nd wo;k Wa conf rreCi upon one candi· date. th wo rk beln{l exempli fied by tho Leba non lodge. who were re pre · sented by IIbnut 124 mem bers. 'l'he work was pu t on in a high ly a8tisfac
tOI'y manner.
"'Till I Come Back
Lhe 10 1l0 wll1g duacrlhed
- ---- -- -
Cook n~ U\-OJI1illH. Tabl , th utr8 . Burelu. otc. TCfl1lll 01 0..10. 0 ..11 . It. V . UA UNIIAJtT. . '- 1D2 6 K xocuLO .
. . : - - - 0 0 TO hi D
FRANKLIN R Ue co., . Ftanklin', Oh io PhUII" .'> J . f(
tp l
Tuesday, May 13th }<caturin g Viola Dane , in r1 good l\1e t,ro prod uC; l io
"Blue Jeans" ----------------------------_ . Thursday, May 15th F caturin g Brun t Washburne, in
fin e p.lay ,
" The Gypsy's Trail"· ------e- --- --..'---- -----.
Open c\lcninl{s •
7:311 p.1I1
p.m .
write. 8am Rudlell,. ___.. .. ~r.~om oO~;S~I);"';;O_;very liV E! lrll llon Clln]8 p to thfl Tri.'lute l o ve r and abov!! what I gl t from o th er firms and I hllve tried 4 or 5 othe rs , Have been ~lllng the Tri· 'tate for 3 years and from I) COIli/• • Sold $5 16 2~ worth cream Ulled a t hOlll e 35.00 Milk and Butter [ valu e the sk im milk 150 .00 Ca lve.~ 100.00
Wa yn e ville Hi gh Scho'll we n t to
)l'm, ~·ou.' le<1 1 10 an all oy. It Ilolng " .. " .1\10 p""ml.ei ' 11'11011 OF IIio Inl <> aJ ry L.lchelll . floc:uase<l S .ld pro,lMl.t y II • • b eOD al'pl'bJIKl<l •• U6 ~ . UO. AI ... the lu Jl'Jwll1fj' bnllclB. (lon.ln /nK 0 1 1.0" 80 . DeUs. Jlo!dd illg. Kltcheu Salo. DI.h ....
fil e 0 111'. too.
COMEDY: Fatty Arbuckles i,n " The Sheriff,"
He I EdLn.l.O •• It unto 10 ' 110 Oo uu ty o l WfUTOli.
--- ---------.
Saturday, May 10th
- --. - - ---
Sa tu n.lay • .ru ne 7 191 9
- n1
.= =-.~
I "ttl olr•• at .. ubtl e I . Ie on Lh e l,romlll6il.
D. E. STA:NDIFORD Waynesville.
11 11
II nei
Lebanon . ~' r iday Ilfte rn oon . lind d r o pped ano t her game to tha I a~ re This of tlh lOI &",1 111 1110 Vill age o r WOYII . !fali on, the scur e bein g 9 to Ii htl-: ,tlC> Il!l CI. ('Ir l. M ln !!I" or !1(lub le . !It.Le ville unct b~ Il~ part 8 or lULl n1lmbered nin e makes lhe ~econ d t(8 m e l o~t t o lht' m. • (j,}IIIlV o ltlctJ .Y OIl pn l h im . F M ' 011 iell 0 1 1£ I'.n.· AUd ition 10 LhO Maid \'1\ . IlIIIl o r W" r u III • • Oh io . Sa id 1'11 1' 1<1 o lloto 1 "' r!l rul l\ r ~ ~Pfl Dr . 1).. T . 'lVrI!! b t. logotbur IQ)' Fl rty 100' lronL 0 11 T hird StreeL ru 2t noil r un b ack • • rl ~hl nnglos 1''''0 A'q' t1 nr dO . J I
M·.l aml. T h eater O
Wflrk ma~t"'r
,,'ral :k
'I ------~~:-:~=-.:~=;J~wnml
AnSWt· "s..
You Going
to Build?
l Oll mimI,' &! II h!ll , "" IfI. hut IIOW It'
!~ !U :~-.=r::::=:::=:======---::--:::--::-__
"' d
Gl CountrY in t':.inaGI=:::.'(;] lEI==1 fil ~-=:l a 1"== £:: =531 r;::.=:;::::::H:1l':::: ;-!..- :I r:J
and cb ildre n, o[ Dayton . w e re th t· gu esls .. f Mr. lind Mr s . Frank LeM ay , I Sunday .
\' SR .
.- ·R A
at ,S hop
'pr ing, F a n Belts, Spot Lights, Du t rs, pooges, Chamois , on· amI Greases, and a [u ll line of Ace ssories.,
A Tale of the N,. .
rI ust'om r.
17 Ford Roadster.
Automobile and Buggy Paints and V arnishes Tires and Tubes, Kelly Springfield.
Iill-rl!lnsd Ikl lb r llflk , unnay. l O sc .. lli e or h~ lu te disa~trous firc.
MrR. T. Shel'wolloJ nnd dau g hte r. Hellul fl r mcrti nlo( of Way nel'v ille I Ruth, lea vtJ l unight fo r t.he E~~I, Lod ge. ' 0 . 16;1 , I' .'::: AM, will lie where th e y will spend seve ra l weeks held TU t!sdRY eveninj:t, May latl I with relati\'es. llverul cand idat s for the F .d gre i Ri li~g an~i ~9j- 'urni!\g breth· 1O~lb Ois(' uunl to oldi!lfS and Sail r en are ('ord lally lnVlteU t o be p res I ors who fo ll ll wed t he fl ag, no matter nt. . D H.enkl e , W. M how gr at o r smllll lll l! Amount of L A . Zlmmt>rmnn, Sec, y . purchase m ay b('. a~ T~e S . Fro.! d . ---- • - - - - Compa ny L~lI u n<\n HIR' t r e Cloth ·
••.OVERLAND AND STUDEBAKER CARS ... ========~~===========================
Churc h
f-ricllil s
Overland Model 90 To urin~ Car
Inqui e kt
'lind a), . Mo.\' II : S unrl ay Schonl W e hl! \' 11 fu ll 1i rJ(!of B r yul\ · MarRh , 1I :30 fI tn •. und I' rt" '11 1110( at 10: :30 :\l l1r.Ju L IIIIJJS f r to ","n current u r ' A ll \lIe cr,rrl ' Hlly 11I1' iteel to I fllflll lil( hli tlJllllants . Kirhy&W i n ~ lo r l i - --
OI1 l' H)1S F ord . [. (LlI, WOO m ile. , /.:ilO( \\'or t h th e mOlle\·.
r ,' n l
Illlr\'l~\ s hurlt
.',1,· 'I'
{'rv ic . Heb loC'ked.
• auf! \,,'e w
·ta t CI
M. E, CH UR 11 Ho wa rd ell iut t. uf I{i h mo ml. Inc! . MRS. K ILBO; Prop . May I I: Sun day Sch ool , WIUI th e )CUt: t "f Mr ... ::sh ut e, of t he r:"I l' =.--:.::'.--.::"1. r.', 9: 15 u. m .• hank LeMa)" su pe rin ' l l?rie ",J ~ Il oln o. \;1 lll'l!£'k Divine W r. hi p, 11);301\ lendo t . m and p. TIl 'p~C'i '"l 11111 ie, bnth Mi~~~~ Murlh ll Burn ett lind Emma morn ing .md ('vl! lI inl{ \ufIle out I 'ul' lwrh:hL a ll d Ir ' lill' Burnell .... _ . _ . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. ..... . . . . . . . . . .y I ~v o r sh ll) Wit h u s Al l e~(> nlJ1 1.{ llICC~ I were I,eil : 11011 vi~il or8 , Tuesday . '.' ..., i lII P'!l \\'011 h~'J! l n HI ~ " cine \(, lln til I <l t:::' fll J'lhL'r n u t lce (; .)lIlly. Plls t OI' t\ J,!1'(' u t Il Hlpy o f i'll I' I!iLi~."'tl s viti ~ .rQ:., r ~1 U lloa}' .
One Model 83 Overland , n wly pa int· ed pa.i nted and a ba rgai n. One 1917 Ford ' Touriug Ca r. with win· ter tnp, Shock Absorbers, Stromberg Carburetor, etc,
MI'.~" ,:.. , ' ~I . l. :r:,L ... ' ), I o. t! I ph l c AII.!r .\, \I ' I't! \'.• " ,k cnJ \ I,;,i l · o rs in ( Irc) I'\' ill(I.
'I'lJlI·J SUlllia)' <I I c r I!:asl or, May II : lhb u fli c t .· 1117 ~ u!JclIlY ~;ChO ll l !It ~) : ;'O B. III Morn· inK [ tIIY~l r an d ~(' 'l'IlUn ut W:SO Th e Dr 1\1 . ry C,lok WIIS call e rl to Indi· pu blic !;n rdially il \\Iterl to the e sor· anapo li~. IlIs~ wcelt. Oil lH:counL of vice . ___ th e illnl!.'IS of hC'r ulI n t
,\RV ' ~
Wwdo \ I
$ 1623 - or each cow has a value to me of $W8 24 per year ana l puture .m J cows on sweet clover which most peol)l e thirlk is np g('Od 'or.lU\l'thlnrr.
We Pay tbe Freight and Pric e effectlvc "'loy 5.J!l ~ ny J I, Inrlu ·
BIG CROWD IN TOWN A large crowd was In tow n, Salur· 'day attracted by the Victory tank and't he Laybo urne & McKean imple• ment sale. Th e cro wd did not di- I--""!"------------~--;...;-.;mirllsh until la tc in the evening .
----_ - - -
Chln p"e Obstrlle Boat Festival. 'rhp ~ n,'"" ..,h~erl'e" th f'l r nD· nU1i1 ' I r llwi " '.nlll ("Rtll·nl .sl nce 450 B. C. w h l'r," ',' r " 1r"" IIIS III ~ll nll will p erm it U "~ (,f 11l1IJ,\' (IrUllflll bOil I (lll llllcs \\' 101 whi ch tllA hnnt s IIr JlrO (I~lIed.
~fo r-
- - - - - - - ,1 A .---T----------____ _____ First ' ·. Class Work -Patriotic Act, ZIMMERMAN'S Yes, and 'Good Honing a Specialty A-llnvestment , SPECIALS THIS WEEK ~
- and concrete is so easily mixed for a s ide· walk that every farm house should be CO il· nected with ··barn , chicken and hog ho use by the' kind .of walk' '(qat never g~ ts muddythat lets you .forget the weather. There · is no tracking of mud in t he bouse. There'~ a saving in 's hoes a'n d in dO'c lor 's b ills.
Mr~ .Au s tlll·ij
all that it takes to make your 'walks like city walks. .
;YOunce Brothers Grain Company Te!~phone25~2
ArCl~~~~~~: b!xl~~.~~ .. ... "'" Why Ilay
A concrete walk is so easy to build and so inexpensive that we'd like to ·tell YOli jus t how to' do it, if you don ' t alrea d y kn ow. You'llr need a few sacks of Alpha Gerrzent .and gta~ 1 fr9m . , , a oearby pit. '.
and Virgini a S we l!t Pancake Flour, to' close o ut, spo.!ci al, only' pkg ...
10 ~ ,
Orville J. Gray:,
Rave the nickle
Tobacco, pound , only ..... BOc This is just w h ole~al e pricl!get it while you can .
Fancy Pink Salmon. ol}ly ...... 20c
Optical D e partmen t S, De troit . St. Xenia. Ohio Open evenings by appointment
Pure Paris Green- all size pack· 'ages
Have yau hied o u r Waier Sliced Uri",\· Beef'! Il's extra flne . Sik e \ whi le you wait.
Clean Easy oap for $'1'.00 ,
. Chili i IJrive . ,.~550
And l hu!>1! who tu k advantage . of t hilO lilff Bargain we.w ill sel'l
Cakes of IvorySoap for 26c .
Thi,e't Saturday
grJ;. .
---------1 t pays t u
ZIMMERMAN'S ~--------------------------~~t~~------~"~------------
\\'o rm Drive lV ilh ~fl"cilll C.. llluJtck
$ 600
I ' .a .
Writ. lor our ['1,t of 11ud . T'T'Wlk
·I'I.reo· A.nOlrten 0 1'lCkard
Slu e. Kia8e1 Hamee K ID/!
I_lngtaa "'..Icon
Lho oeUve ecrv) co.
Loan. ."
-'- -
By F. H: LaGuardIa.
"60 "60 1050. 21 00
me me us,&
. ,
Ce rtai nly a people who hav", loaned their money to the coun. ~ry to condot war will 'I:~eerfu"y lend again to maintain peacs, The money given to' the four previous loana wae . uaed for the purpo... of war. The ·war. hall been won. All expectations have been . realized; The enemy has . btren .. beaten and crushed; autDGI'I\CY and m llitarlam have beep "..,. pletely destroyed. , .... . In order th ilt we. may .etIJp,.. II continued bles.lngs of ·_,.. o"~ncJ . . rotaln 'a ll that qu i re d at ·the II Ilea, It ,_ nec:el8,arv. ernment to agilin Izen. and aek for an~ laan to carry out t,he neca.a". '~_r. mea. ures. . . I do ' not know hOIll. much ' of one'. wealth a good ""'Orlean ouOht to Inveat, but I lID know that the people who IN living II.... Ind Who have mone,.to lend In • pul,tlon to do • becIIu.. 9Ur who laft tltelr hO~•• WIlo cn.d In tile peat ca.... ~ao cent 01 tMlr .IL
lbe~ry\ Llb~
Walrus Red tlalmon, only ...... 30c Earl\' June Peas, only ..... ...... 15c Large can Sweet Potatoes .. ... 25c
H e bas writlen the rollo~ng plea for
Ohio Rive r Coarse Salt- the kind that dou't get hard .
' Sockets, Switches, Ajax P lural Sockets, Benj mill . .T\To-W,o..y So~ets, La,?p G.uanl , Fuses, Ford ......LllJII Bulbs, Shades. Fixtures, E tc . rya:i1-Mat$h Na.tional Mazda Lamps for . or Farm Lighting :PIA.nts. A..tib.ilI6n Beau ty and Unlyersal E lectric IrO I1S . ·
II c 8erv~4 for ' tho 14th New York dl Btrict, and PUl hlOl In t he Beat ot an airplane In
., .Examined Correctly, .. Glasses Fitted
ello H. La.
\V b ore
A good Rio Coffee, only ...... .. 25c Fancy Canned Pumpkin only .. iOc J ersey Corn Flakes. pkg .. l0, 15c Morgall' s Cunned Hominy ..... 10c .
'pecial Sale for ' Sa turday
l' I o:t
Ouurdlu out of his sea t III Congress,
Moore's Good Gasoline.
•••Eleetrical Supplies •••
Wa T'.!! cull look
~ R·AY F. MILLS, 'Dealer 7(1-,,·:
, / ,,/"
V"'A ' ,..
25c SJ'()RE" 1 '
Ii&. ~
Mystic Mitts, cleans kettles, s kill ts, aluminb~ ' " ware, .e tc, . . .. . . , . . ,.,.," ' .. , . . ,. ~ , , , ...• lOe S' , Women ,s U' 0100 ultS .. . . . , " " " " , . • . . • • . • ,•• lKk , "Sky-Blue" Eoam~l ed Wa re . .... . " ..• ,... ., _$1.00 ' Durable DURHAM Hosiory; fpr Wemeo and . .. . . Children, ." .. ... . . :'. .. : .. , '.' , ... , ; , , '" • . 2qc Bmby's "Jet-.0i~" and ~'Sh ~lwhite". SUoePr~ing, .• l3c Foskett Plate SCraper. , nOiseless . . . , . . , : . , " •., .. .. tOe VaeatioD Treats, a dainty ~«tio o,. 'py square. Ie .
. .
_Eeventy-Fir t Year
(-z)J-L OCAL =-
1 nl'l.n~
M,. 111 11 1 Mr ~ F A lIa rl ""c k , n f We llnlltl'. cll lt: rtlll ll.,,, a l di lln>! r, :SUIIday. in hli nll l .. f he r ::lo n . I { l) <~, who hat! jU ~l l'I.:l u ril ed f n)m O\'l'r llens. Those lhft l Uf.j UYl·d l h ' ucca 'ill n we re Mr. and MrM Slue\, Ilu rn l'lt li nd . sonR. CheS ler Bnd H il mer . MI' . lind Mrl< Al alllIar lsllck ai,,1son Kenn e th Mr. lind Mr~ . HlIrl ~ n Hll rv ey umi chil,lre n . Al vi n a nd lJ" ris. of lIt illU, Mr. anI'] Mr ~ . W. T. J urdan. ~.1r allll M r!4. I·'n\l,k Ila r v(·y and rlau j!h le r. Mar v L .. UI MC, .. f Le hano n, und Mr . William Luk e lls
LOCAL TEACHER HAS . SUCCESSFUL YEAR Mr. J. M. St out. 8ul>e rintendent of the Marsoill es. Ohio. sch ool. has had a ve ry succcss fuly ear. At their commence l1le nt. held laet 1"1 iday evening at th e M I::. church. a t that . place. the re were lIix Krllell/a le!!. tw o of whom were uhllCnt fr om th e e xe r ciReB 1111 Hcco unt of illllellS . Th ' cl ass was addrcHSed Ly V. M . Reigle. o f the state Public Instru cti on . lind Hev eral school sup nr inl c nd e nts we re llr(!flCn ~_ . __ _
EASTERN STAR LODGE INSPECTION Miami Cha p te r Nu 107. O. E. .. will hav a ~p ec i u l s ' ~~ i on . Friday eve ni nlC. May 16. Ilt 7:30 o'clock. District Oe puty Grand Matron. Sis t e r Carri o ~rawfo rd. of Martinsville , will he presen t and inspect the work . All members of the o rd e r are co rdi· ally invited to attend . Lou e lla Mille r, W. M. Xue Hawke. Se c'y .
NOTE - Don't fail to r eud the new thrilling story. Th e best 'we ha ve ever prirlted in tht: GIIZ Lte
Bolnll "the 1I1'11t' woman" III
many 8lral1'8 has been 141.. Mar, O'Toole's epecltJltY In life. Sho
was the IIr8t woman to ~ Datul... 1 lad 1,11 steuben eountY'. N. T., In 1900. 8be wa. tbe lint WOlDan to· be aPllolnted orllelal coubt· e, sten08rapber Sbe Wea tbe IIrllt woman to be made director or the WlUlblngton '0. C: ebamb.. of com moree aD'd DOW ahe I. tbe. flrat . woman to be elet!lAld aa dlr4!ctGr In tho Cltlsenl 8aylnll BaDI at Wasblngt6n. 8be .. l la'w cradu· "te
It iH s trange t hat t he loren rOll ~' hee r t d Am e ri ca n peopl l' .w l1 o J,lour ed out t heir ri c h e~ ~o prorlil!all y in r e ~ r)O f, ije to e very patrlotie. every cha r· il.l.lble a pIJP.sI, a nd w ho accord 'd Rueh e nthuKiaHtic a nd li bernl s uppor t t(l e ve ry meRSU r e Bnd to e ve ry R' r ou" thnt h e hll~d win th e war, shoul d ha ve r. gl ec teri to pro pe r ly e ncourage IIn ri reward I hl! Be rvice~ of one n f th l' I\ o bl e~ t pro reH~ io n!! in .t he fi e ld o f 1111 mall activitieR- a pr o fe~si o n th llt in 10flY ideals. in ullsel fi sh pri nciples. in sacred r esponsibi lities, st a nds side by side with th e ministy uf th e GIlR· 1)1l1 il.llelf- th e sch ool tellrhe ra of t h,· United States of Ame ri ca . The r e is no class of wo rkt'r. of which we de ma nd so m u ch W" commit into th eir kee ping t he Il\il\d ~ . the bodi es. and tfJ e ve ry Bouls of O U T children in the t ender and furmaliv (' } ears of their lives. and they. re eei ving th ese childre n. can ind ep.d be Ra id t o hold in th e holl o w of th eir IHlnds th e future o f Ame rica . Nu clas!! served th eir cou n try m 0 1'1:! wh ole heartedly, more loyull y , during. the trying lind t e mpestuou s times of waJ, day by .day purs uinR Iheir round of du t~, day by day help . ing the young peo p le, and th rou ~ h tbe children the paren tll . lo see lhe strugJrle in its true light. thu!! secur inA' the cooperation of the community in every m easure und e rl.llk e n by the Government to win the war. Truly they ' have mad e th e nation their eve rlaslinlC d e btor Whal th e n havt: th e I eache rs r eo c ·ived a t o ur hRnd ~ in I (l tUI'I I? They have r eceived little o f hOllo r und Ro mewha t leas of pay . Olh e r classeF ha ve PJ Of J1 tt d ;other classes throu g h powerful organizations ha ve sec ureJ genl:l'ous wages. The tea che r.. have 110 spokesman. howe ver, to de mlln!! eve n the simple justice ot a living wage. 80 to. th e m we give th ui r pe tt ~ p rewar pittance, 80 meager . so pi ti fully inad equate. that It plact's II burning brand ot s hame a nd ciisgr ac(' upon this nation . 'fhe teachers ask no larl!"ess at th ,· hands of fortune . They enler Ih eir profession f or service . . no t ri ches Uu t th ey in vest years and mO tley in prepllrati on for their life· w" rk and the kn owledge they gain is s hared with olhe rs who th e m ~e lv es Uije it t o th eir own profit. Teachers . then , by eve ry rig ht ond in 011 jus t ice e x peet a r e turn that will pe rmit thlllll and their d e p ~ ndents to live d ecen tly and in comfor t. Let each com mun ' ity set for its g oal. a,q far 0 11 is prac ticable. a minimum wage of at l ea ~ 1 $1.000 a year for the t eache rs of Ame rica This wo uld cost th e n a ti on p rhaps as much a~ we s pe nt so ,gloriously in one wee k of tho Great Wa r .--Literary Digest.
---_. - ......-
- -
WAYNE TOWNSHIP S. S. CONVENTION The annual Wayne Township Sun day School convention will be Iw ld Sunday, May 18. 1919, at the Whi te Brick MeEltinsr House. at 2 p m . Rev. J_ 1<' . Detweiler. pastor of the Baptist church, of Lebanon, will be the principa'l speaker. Following is the projtram: Musle ............. ........... Congregati on Invocation and Scrlptllre Readinsr .. "' "'''' "'''' .... . ........ Re v. McMillan . Rt!ading 01 Miuutes So)o .. ... : ...... .. ...... ......... D. L. Crane Report of All S. S. Secrel.l.lries . Address .• - ......... Rev. J F. De tw eiler Solo ........ -.. ......... Mrs. Frank Le May Report of Dept. Superintend ents. itep()rt of Treasurer Muaic .... -.. " ...... ..... .... Congregation Uenedietion ......... .. Rl'v. Clldwlliiader . Carl DukE." p , es. Ernest E :nnhart, \'. Pres JeanMtte Janney, Sec Willis McMillan, ·Trens.
- - -_.- ..- - -
In~J\. ""r~
I 1> 1' l ill . ()'~l""":,,,, 1\VII) I."'''"l .. n. I )III '),
S. Ilrnllti·
Sl.. V' ral Ma_' fl u:! will gil ttl Le banon . 11"ridH\' ,· ,'''1 .111)(. when t h" r eg ul a r Jail· I YI.:a rl~ IIl>ll l ' l ·ti"n will be held .
r Olllln cncl'l1 l" rd 1 '(I'~"III H a
I . . " /~. '. .nrn 'arl \Va, In X£'IlIf1 . 1" . 1 ",,·r k .
Lit Ie <lId Sir Eric ot f; ~ lafld rPIiI 11.C' th ought s. "5 O>1'r"""o,1 In · th e Un lled S' nle •. wh ~ n hl're In 1 9 1 7 11ft "<,rn' lary 10 Anh ur J n" l. rour . nrltlsh Fo r~ I K n Sperelary. wOIII .1 rell cet bnck' 10 nn nppulnl . ment 10 n POH I of Iml'O r lancc In wor l.l " l1'lIlrs It \Va I h ro u~h th nl l1el) llIIl1\I ,,"O(\ Ih lll Pres Ide nt W Il . BOD nomlnnted hhu_
F'cll prn l omp lol'os not only forming un lone to get whut th y w nn t. In work ing co ndlt lonR nnd r ay bu t th ey OIRO h n v~ n woman 01 ~ a lllz'!r Mtss Ocrt rUllo McNnlly Is th o genornl orllll.nll er n nd 18 now sl ng' ng n specia l mcmborilbJp dr lvo nmo ngs t "'omeln rederal e m.
n oho r! 0 H and o-r MlsslBBfl \rlpl. hIlS cllmbrul [ron; n boek kol'p" r' H Job to th e POB tl on ot 88Alatnn t u. S. treos urer In tho Inst tw o yea rs. A Rs tgn od liS oxec utlvo clerk ' to tho war loan o r ~ lInl zo tion ho 'per. form et! · Buch valuable 8ervtco that be has been made aul8lBllt to fJe(rOlary 0 ......
pI QY98.
ANOTHER LARGE WHEAT CROP PREDICTED THIS' YEAR Acr o rd ing t o ~ t ati HlI cs f ronr the Ohi o DClJa rt mNI L uf Agri"ullu rl', the p rO'm~ c tH Ilrc ve ry I, ri g-h t' fur llIloth e r iJulllpel' CHljI \I f wheut t his year . J . L. 'och rall , in cha rge of the Fed e ra l lInd S a le c rup . says that less than o ne p r cent of th e crup has be 1\ willter k illed . and a crop of ~4 000 000 I h i ' f J 'r U .. IUS e s H!Oreca!!tee 1" fa vorab le w n t her con ti nues
OBITUARY F'l ore nce Kate Zell waH t he eld est child uf Itev. U. 1'. a ud J a ne Phill ips Zell :lh e was Lorn in Le ba non Ohio. Ueeem be r ~:3 , 18;)6. und wa~ uniteJ in ma rria!:c 1.0 C K Holve r. ~to l t , in ·pringfield. Ohio, lJecembe r 29 . 1880 To lhi!! uni on four childrt!II we ra ho rn . Zel l, of Graf to " West . Va .• iJ a rold . (-,l azel un d JUlia , :;t ill livinR al till' falllily hOllle. M rd. ll o lve rstott lenv('s to mo urn he r unti mel y death. he r h us band he r f our c hil d r en, one g ranJso n, 'Sig. d J H I mun A. a ve r s tolt., olle brothe r, O. B. Zell. of Cay ug a .. lnd .• anrl one sister. Mr s. L S. :Sh Uma ke r. of Jowa Cl t.y . Io wa. beside II host of other r el a t ives and fri e nds Her li fe has be n one of unselfis hness and Christlike ness fr om infancy. An obedie nt d~u ~h te r, n f aithful wife , 'u loving an o te nder moth e r _ All who kn e w he r loved he r. . A most fi t tin g servi ce was condu cted by he r pastor'. Dr. J . A Duff, of the United Presbyterian Church of Aspinwall. at lhe home . Tuesday evening. April 29th. Illt eight o·clock . One of the most appropriate parts of this se rvice was the 9010. "A Perfect Day," sung by M iss Margaret Agnew . The body of Mrs. Holve rstott was placed in its final res ting place in the family lot, in Union :Dale Ceme te ry, Pittsburg. Pa • Wednesday m orning, wilh only her pRstor and ilnmediate family accompanying it to the tomb The f ollowing lines, written by the little grandson. l:)igmund, after hiB grandmother's spirit had passed away. portray what h er life meant to him:-
S late l\1" ster L J . Tabe r, ill his recent· visit t o Warre n Co un t), ~PlJ k e of th e ma ny ways in wh ic h the far. me t8 hllve been an j mpu rta nt tarto r in helping Lo win t ho war; of th e many ~acrjfices whic h they ha ve made without protest in o rd e r lhat the wor ld m ig h t be a betlllr place in which 10 live. N ow nJ ul!h d upe nd s upon the f a rmers o f t h ill na tI on at this cri tical time of r ·vertin g back to the forme r s ta nda rd o f s up ply anti demand; in t he adjus t men t uf prices for produ cts. an d he emp h H~ i zed th e importan ce o f organiza t ion and coope rati on am ong the farm e rs Thflt t he membe rs ot Fllrmers' Grange may the be t re r d(llh eir s hare, "A'Iy grall d ma t.1t liS, y'!slerd o},. 8lJe "'.... .,t II \"'AY tu Ilea \'~ I); a large a t t end a n e ill dellired, Wed .",Iv !Jee ll " (!tl y. nesday evening. May 21, when th e All houllh II seem s ro me like se Ve n . foll owing pr og ram wil.1 be g ivt!n :. know this wo rlll' ono l wurth so 'mu ch Holl Cal!. ....... ...... ................ J okes "Vnu T n • .e as nn }'elte rdu;y, Rellding ...... .. .. .. ....... EI 3ie Hockett Uceo·" •• Ihe dealh nt.l gel cri me III Ohio Wome n hall Vllte f or Presi. An d l oo k .rl enr SII""IOOll a woy . d ent in 1920 "" "" .Lucille :strawn " Thollgh Ihis old cn ;lh I. no t "" good , Current E ~enls"Geol gi a Mendenhall 1Iern 'e n iQ t he mo te Mu ic ......... .. .... ...... ........ Reba Hich 1'0' Il,' ,·u " n, one IIk~ m y I[TI; nli lll" 1n t hn I ll ie •• , nuel place be f(lre . " CtI IlS. Mi che ne r. W. M Mary Sil ve r . Sec·y. -------.~.~.------
COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP WENT OVER THE TOP FLYING T he Victo ry Loan cam pa ig n e nded here Satu rday evening . afl(i th e lucal uank repo r ts th IJl th e loan went over t h l op abou t t e n p er ce nt. The co unty a lso we nt ove r th e top with abo ut th e BR me II I' cent. T hi lj is as. to unding . whe n a pe r so n s to ps to think that hardl y an y of t he lu bacco crop has been mo ved t his @I)ring fi ll far . If the c rop had been s,old , t he over th e top wo u ld have bee n nea re r fift y pe r cent.
f\ 1-:1\001 sell'c iq n f B. oks . Sta· \' I ~ II "r I Lion .l rv an d T"ilf'1. Articl ei! [nr com. Ill le:'h'l:flh,,,t Ilre~"nt ~ III .Jftnnev 's.
i .f~O lEU.. TO BOSS a:.tLAiilA n ON WORK
I,'or rf'pni r ~ fo r O~uorn tllllchineR . Bonks makn. pra "tical Hn d II R('ful preRents J . E . J a nn cy . I )i l\<l e r~ . tllrner:! fi nd a ll hav too ls . Hce Edwin S. r"\1/'na . agent fo r Em· Mr and Mrs. n. s. lI owl'l l we re " r~lIn llralllinl{ham IlI1pl em 'Ilt Cn. Le bn non vi;;itors . la ~ t \V '10k. Mr'l T. Sh 'rwlllle l an,l dauK htl'r. B,.rn - 1'o Mr . an d MrR. Robt. F ur- Hulll, did nut I ' nv e IfiRt Wedn esday nas. Sund a y. May 11. 19 19. a son . eV'nililt for the East . b ut will go this ,'cninu . T irey go East on ac. count of the Ill ness of little Miss Bryan-Marsh Nation al M a z d a Ru th . Lamps a rl' the b ei:lt. Ki rhy &W insto n Mr . anri·Mrs. ErnQst Rogers a nd Mrs . Har ry Williamso n i~ ~p enol inlf dau gh c r. of I lay t Oil . spent Sun elny f ew IVccl(s w ith r el alive~ in ))ay. WiLh I'elativesa nu fri e ndsh c rl:l. T he Ion . litLie daugh ter was ta ken sick during t lt tl Ilay. ulld t hey wer e forced to J . E. J a nn ey lVas in the City . Mon_ ,s ta y ali night . day . buyi ng useful gi ftll f il l' t he I t is a fi ne g rad Ua ting ClaM this g radu ates. year . :Show you r appreria tion of Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Cra ll e and Ron . th eir mlll!terl y e ff ort by selecting Ethan , were Da ylo n visit.o rs. Th u rs. !Some Ilseful pr esents fo r the m, and do,,' t forg-et t he No rmal g raduate" . dayaftern(l(l n . )'(llI Hltoll ld vi it l it e Norm a l Rooms · M . 'I II f D t Ilnd ~(' what Rp l ndi d wo rk they are M1M ll rr e ,. a . 0 ay nn, wa s doinl!. J. 1:: . Janney. I he week end g uellt li t t he home of Mr . G uy l<.ible r an d fa mily . Special pri<!cs on Men's Red arid . d t h " U . d Blue Hllndke rc hiefs . 9c . 2 for 25c; C e !lite SUSIl ud e rs, 2 7c:; Olle.piece Ove rall . Jon~~ I.n a,n ~('e ~lal es . LI R;htlllg I ltI.~ t. For Stile by Sui t..~ , kha ki nnd blue and white KIrby & Wl naton or I . E I{olter s. s t ripe. $::! 95; Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. 45c ; Su mmer Weight Un· Misses E lma Robe r ts . Ruth P ro· ion Suits. sho r t sleeve. ank le length, basco.,J ose phine And l'ews and Beul tl h ~'8c ; Men 's Wo rk Pan ts, $1'.95; Boys' Kindl e r spe nt th c week -enol wi th 75c Shirt. pl Hin blue o r n eat strlpo , fr iends in Luve land. Ohio. b rok n lot , 29c, a nd ot her inducive barl{llilis. l<' ridllY and Saturday. at See E S. Furnas fo r Blnder R. Mow- F r(' d'~ Lebanon Big Stor e. e r! and Hay T ools. I cnn mak e YOIl SJme pricea that will inte r est yo u Bnd save you m oney. /l
The childre n 6hould n ot f ail to becom e acq uaint ed with "The Human Interest Library ." jus t received . Mrs EUI)he mia Houg h. Mr. a nd Mrs . 08car Mo wre r, one o f t he loyal patrons of our library has do- Mrs. Guy Kibl e r a nd son spen t one n .. ted {our of Edga r Rice Burro ughs' day last week at the home of Doug. Hollingsworth . ncar Ore~o ni ll . . 'Tarzan" books. The State Library r eq ues ts th e reo turn of all book8 loun ed us Ii year ·ago. All read e rs having any of these books will confe r a favor by prom p lly returning them t o our Library They may be id entified by the Sta te Library's label on the back The earlier the return is mllde . the better the selection can be for the coming year. P lease do not delay
J' \ ' I'
. S,'(· 1l~.l lI'f"r.(' I '~ ~rinl.! y,, " r ~lt'e'II'i " 1 ~oll\ e \\Ih e re thl: ~ lln ~ h"l\C' last Iron . I\ Jr hy S.. ""IIlSI"" w" ci< . l,ut il \\';", nllt In WlI vne Town.:,h i p. The en Ii 1'(; week W all dourly . U. M. Whi l e 51J1'n t Sunday wilh and rain f ell almos t the e n li r e week. relnt ives in lleav erl uwlI . . .The ri \'t' r wa~ Gnnk full. Sunday .
DEATHS Marths. wife of Calvin Og lesbee , of Spring Valley, died at tha Mc Clellan hospital in Xenia. from the effects of a bro ken hip. Wed nesday. May 7. The funeral was held at her late home In Spring Valley, Satur day morning at JO:30. I.nterm~nt was made in Miami ceme te ry .
The anllu allo t own e rs mlle ting of Miami Cemet e ry Association will be held in the Cha pe l. Monday. June <! . 1919, at 1 :30 P. ru • f or th e election of two trus tees. one secretary-treas· urer, and fo r such other u)B iness as ' may come befor e the m A full attendance is ea rnes tly desired L M. Hend erso n, Cle rk . 2t- mI4- 21
Stnt Istle s Nhn'" ui"t at 61\ years at a~c Homo fl4 me n of each 1011 who oUaln th e oA" or 25' are stili 1IvIOA. o r thIs nllm ber on e Is rkh . fou~ Bre weLll thy. six ore selr' BullnOI'lln g IIntl compell ed to wo rk fur a IIvln !; !lnll !\:! are rl olWrJ ,hllll upon children. relntlves or char-
Mr. and Mr . Guy Kible r an d SO il a nd Mr a nd M I'S C h a~ Rogers w re gllests of Mr. Ed [',mee a nd fa mily, of Leban on. l a ~ t Fridav eveni ng. Hev . J . P. De t weil e r . of Ll'bllnon , who deli ve rs th e a:l dress Rl thCil' Wayne To wn ~ hip S . S . ..:onvcnti on next Sund ay. is kn own as one of th mosl abl e S u nday ·Sc hoo l men ' in Warren Cou nty . I.i eut. G J . Wa te rh ouse went to Columbus . lus t week. t o a t tend a meet ing of the olTiee rs of th e 14Bth Hegl. Whil e th e re. th e o m eera wcre feasted and ente rtnin ed f or seve ral da ys Th ey m llde a perm ane nt organiza t ion am o n ~ t he offi ce rs. a nd in <Iue time will brillg- th e entire I'eg i ment into Lhe o rgani za ti on. A Ba by Week will be a special f eatllre of Th e S. Freel 'C)mpany Le ba· non Big S tor e ,' begJ/lnin lf Friday. May 16th . Eve ry thin g in th e In · fants' 'Depa rtm e nt will be di ~ pla y ed to s ugges t 8 helpful aid to mo th er s in providing for tire litli e darlin gs, and s pecial prices will p ruva il on many of the IllOs t neeJful gar ment s fabri cs.
Tho Rove n baby ca mpa IGn Is on a gain ror 1 9 19 . l\1r~. lna J . N, Pe rkins , chlof of tho child conserva ti on section of nntl.onn l d er ll SO, hos mllllV d ou t pl ans whl b will sovo 1 00,000 bahles boro thi s yea r. Due to Vlctol'Y Lib erty Loan , t he enmpn.ign hllS bcoll o~t()nd ed to July 1.
The 1I 0\'e rn men l Is l oth'cly In. In promoting a "plrlt or thrift In Amor"'" . In rllrlh erlns till . pu rl'ose II " ~ U 6' IU1 unll Rllnlly !lUrllcti ve gOVf'rn me nt RCl.'urlt}' In . the t orm crt Wa r' Savin gs Slam ps. which Arc ' ell Ilrlnp ted 10 thl! u se at Iho"o \V bn WI Hh to ac'c umulate a tund tor old !lgl!. Ru, Wnr Sav. lugs Stl1mps! t o rc~IOfl
Subscribe for the Miami Gazette There will be a mee till g of nil the wom en of the M_ E Church li t 2:30 fJ . m. Friday. May 16th. in the church 'Comel Mrs. Vandervoort . Chair. Mrs. Ward. Spc' y . ---~-
... - --
Le t's "h6w , he worl ll I h l)L we are lllsr n ~ IHllr lull' "tlr , l l \l~ war all dllrlll ~ It. lI 'ij UII t il U" to tu,," ntsh 'th o tnC)ne y to bri n!; l he IIOYA .home. War Savlu!!s Sia l" !'8.
Now is the time tolay
[.,·wiA . (, f n " ytllll. waR in
( to VII. :-ia rll rolll .
~,l.jJ. ~ ~ Ul Mr . and MI's A 1\ Shaner nle r· ta in ed ut Xunda y di nn r . i\J r Ilnd Mrs . G. II Full er und dllllgh te r. lJor ot lr y . Mr. an d Mrs Lllw rcl, cu I<'ulle r arId tw o childrl'lI. of Xl' nia. Mr of, ll Mr>l. Puul F uller. of Wi! minKlo n
Whole Number 3530
lo~ w. RaIl~l of ....... cbuselta Ia tbl! new ustrrtant leoreta17 of· the latertarr. He baTe chars!! ot ·the i'eClamaUoa serYIoo an4 Bureau 01 Mlnee. 'AIIIO the A.lasbll {aJlroad work. U. made a peat reoord I:a til. P'oo4 AdminlatraUOQ dvtq &1M " . . (}
GIving H/!Ml/!Ir Away. . A s plnRter ot un certoln OAI!. when Hllk e!1 If she hud rend A c~ o,,'s rollles, 1I!'t her fri end!! n' ",on(terlng hy stilting that 8110 hnd ren(1 th e m wh.en they Orst enme out.
Phonographs and Pianos, Records and Player Rolls, Ne dIes, Record Albums and other Accessories.
your next winter's COAL. bon't wait. You are not saving anything by putting it off. .We' have what you want. Call and give us your ·o rder. We -- de1iver every day,
Prelldont Baker or the Pbllo. clelphla NatlODaIa II beeomlq more unpopular with bl.. tau eytr)' day Baker 1101" AIOUIIder ·tIll a ....t Uld calAlher Killlrer to tile Cube-. theD Iut wlJl.
A full line of Packard Lamps, Ape."< and FrantzPremier Sweepers, Americatt ' Beauty and Hotpoint Irons, Fuse Plugs. Switches, Dim-a -Lite Sockets and Benjamin Plugs, Let us quote you prices on Electric Grills and Ranges,
F. D.
, !I r mYour Old Carpets
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. I Firat Wlyfare r and the Second
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The Wa yflrer Meet and Part on the Highway.
t ace, "No, thonk y ou." sh e r eplied. H er voice, despIte n cartoln n rVOUR n ote.
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He smiled, She hnd wIt us w ell I' ~ cl et ermlnotlon, "U I cnn b'e ot th e l enst n~H ! s tan(' to jou pray don' t h esltnte to cOlmnnn d m e. I urn a sort or trump, y ou m l ~hl IIOY, nnd ] trtlyel All wel! by nl i;ht ti ll I do by doy-so doo't f eel thll t you 0 r e putting me t o nny Inconvenllmee. ·Are you by IIny chance bound ( ar B llrl'g Tavern' It so. I w111 be gliid io lug behInd and curry your bog." "You are v ery good, but r 11m 'o ot bouod tor Hurt's Tuvern , whl.'r e\'cr that mlY Thonk · )lOU, ju st til llame.' You sppear to b e nn uncom· monly genteel trrllnp. nnd It Isn't bem u se I am druid you mIght mnko oft with my bel ongIngs." Sbe added the last by w ay or npology_ . Be smiled-nod t.blln 'frown ocl os h e cast UD unellSY l ook nt the bl nck clouds oow r ol\lng om Inously up over the moulltaln rid ge. . . "B,. Jove, w , ' re golog to cat ch It ,004 and hard," h e eXc1nlm cd _ "Butt er tulle 1D1advlce. 'I' hcse starun l ure rible_ · I Iroow, tor I've encountered fIalt I doseD of them 10 Ule pllSt' week.
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. i t Is nol '·\\'h nt I. ( he fnsh lo n wor ld CO ~lI;-; G t oo?" (i s some opin e Inst ea d It Is, " Ho w t ar ba ck I s l ho tnsh Ion w or l d GOI NG:' to gol Itij Ideas. Her e nra sweet m emo rl 5 o f t ho lady- li ko SO ·s I n lllo firsl hl nl ot summer y wen r f or afte r noo n nn d po r ch II f· f nlrij. It Is n Rurll ll co ws l, t. be ll 81 ev es u nd ov r skl r l - nll e(lge d ....·ll h double Quill i ng and .w ar t I bi s r ose- pl llk orgllndl e:" (;)
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But she WI18 runnin g clow n tile r on d townrd Ole cllr, collin /; out, h'll'pl y to CHAPT E R ti. the drIver , A e Rtonp II over nod t ook lin th " Irll v ellnl! IJn~ ~h e lIud d r ou oed 1 Th,. "i est w ,w r.rer Lays H In Pack
F rom Jerusal em to De a d Sea. If1
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t () 1t1 (lt't vuu II I .J ~ \t' IC'I\H
Bonnet Quart_et ~
n nr lw M.
II,. U e;, t.l ~cu I
Kirby & Winstoll
\ Vhnt's l fl\l r . ldl.' l1 l· f e l' fnolin '
Phone 56-5
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I wil l all r II I nllbl ," a a lo OU 11\
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2 o 'l·hH.:k II. II I . th o to lln", ln IINIfr UI OO llonl J!::H,nto, :i1 t.UUlO III t h o ( ~ l\ tnL \'I1 ' \V tl r ron. ! St,jI,to o f I.J hlt.J. am i I n Lh u \1 111 11,1(0 'o r ' V a)' uo.o,l· '0' 1110, MIt! hplm{ unrts u t I " I~ tltl llI u or od o lno um l t eu or 1:: " 1\' 118 ' Adli lt inu 1.0 l ho !llth.l VII. t WIl)"l Lc"v lllo. Ohio. S ll id IIa.fLII o r 101 "" I.o~o t.ho r la y Jo' lfLy toot, fr oll t. li n 'I'tli rl1 S t r oot and ru n bud( ut. rl Kht o, u..,; lcs T wu lI u mlr6l 1 In rr,y Fuu r tl'fl ~ to uu olloy. it.. he!"" t ho ~Iu no I'r uHll sl:!N l l" 'ut'd IJ)' tho 1Mb .\ ttlry LUld I U IJ I . d twc nserl ::J ol t! r1ropott. y hilS lJ uc n II Ilp r nJ 60,t at. S.';65 OU. Alf'o t ho rn llOwfo g Oho u,ols . CO n tlilltJl1 ~ o f SLo veN, Unll,ll, Ih.-'t lding H It ~' l wn S:,(c. HI ~ h M , COt.)k l" K U t cu fl lltt . 1'aIJ IUH, Ch l1Jrs, UllrOIU , Ol e , 'l 'erlU b o r 60.10, 'lUi " , E . V . IIAHN II .\RT , H-m 20 Exc(!uto ,
n o w , sl pll tl.\·...
"~I ,, )"
.Corwin, Ohio
I A Cypress Farm Gate, Better than
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COlll bllllng n own ess I n both hals Gild w ai sts nl'ford s wO lDnn t w o Ills Inc t t~· p09 to choose fr om, On tbe l eft t ha Ig hat o! On o horao ' b a lr , sailor model , I s t rl l1lw otl with Ince. V o lle and fl l et nr e built l nlo r ound neck ed . dressy blou se_ On tho rIgh t 0. roee-colorell straw s· lIor lij lllle t ed wltb fl ower band Bn d .varn l sh ed r ibbon l oop, T acked y ukI! 'om l ng bel ow d eep . coll nr o f t ailored lineD blo uso Is o no of tb e
TR 1C ,\ I. \\ O R K ....<H R · r IH CES A RH R E A ON BU L .ACL \\fO RK CUAR \ N'l'g rW
11 Illl s I II II l · 0 ' tilt' ~·(,lIr 'I" "1 Il() some l hlng li ke I hill on ry sprin g. A lU on lh or · 1'1. weeks of It pil ls 1\\ In fill shu!'1' rur n VIt('lI l ton Inl er on ." SUIJJ,lIcfl Mr, Bl1rll C~ w hl msl enlly. Mr. .Jones al low ed 0 gr ill to st\'ll' ov~ r hI s ~~ n IlI c(] f nc,'. H e r el nse "lell th e co rn eoh p ille IInl l tllok II C" III.I C of pull s fi t It. Kola, " 0 1 1J:lI l.nbtllh !tnlly. !leec .... . ,!. "1 111" '''1' Ill' u to l';ew \'or l(, blll It Notlco i ~ h un 'b y ~ h'f'n ti l l' " J ohn D . Ca r t · w r IU' H hu() u d uly I\p.,ol n t od lI1H I (1lI nllflUf I UlIiNI !.p a 1\1' :\ I·ta ly pi II l'(' fu r n m CI!- n~ l{lht. .\ ti lll j ,d"Lruwr o r tho I~~tll te ot E i1."lml.ll 11011. I r II fl'll !'r (,' 11 jlllll"" hy w hllt so rn e Utilly, I ' l O' (, f Wor m n 'OUIlt.)' . Ohio . d oc(!o ~, 1. IJ ~ Led I III. I 'LIl \lOY 0 1 ,lltr' l. I 9 19. ot III )" 1''" ·N"lIl h(jlml rs IlIlv!' tn soy J\l to n F. Oro", " I nbollt It. I I'S 11 ~o rt of play actor 's J UflMO o r th o PrutULto CUlI rli. Wu rren '" unt )' , Ollio, pa rndl ~c, uln'l I t I" J) CQU E. St.a !) Ic y . 1\ tty . llI 'l l
~;:I~':I; ::~I:'I~,,:~:·I:II'I'I;: I~P::I !·I D 1, ':II,I:'~llll
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10 udl"!-l. ),lIlIl1(1 t rip. o f ('u ub ,: t\ " tll p pull" l ~ "II t il' I" ' lllrn , t!spl-'clnlJy ( r o lJl : ,Jerl(oh n flllwu nl, fur 111(0 dl,r I l f J '-'I" II ' !':: IJlII I Is U)ll1 oS I Il lil li e I II Ih I a ir u lJu\'o '
1'0011\ from
w l ,"'h 1"111110 Ih e ~(H,"d of II deep, ~,lI\" l'uU S ," ('e 1I1plnyt:d In "hn t turne (l Ollt t o h I' It ("!Jlln·rSIt tlnnn l solo. '1' 0 t he lerl unnlh r 11""r 1<,01 10 whll wus cvl ul'lll ly till' dlnln~ '!'he t:;llI n c" th n t the tilrnug.' r ~e , lt I n I lul( ,H.- cellon r cv.'u!. ·11 t wo or tlll·eo t llhl es cove r ed w ith wh i t e clot hs. " Cnn y ou p u t Jllp t1)) f or th e n l.£:h t?" b e I n'luln,,] , nrlvnl1cl l\ ~ t o th e COU III <' r . "Y OII l ook III(!! II f \I er wh o'd wn nl a r onm w ll ll Illl lh. " r1ruwl ell Ihc nlll l1 bl'hlr, d I Ill' CIHII, lI' r, Rurveyltl/( th ~ 01" pll cn llt ( rum helill I f) fu ol. " Wlli cb w e ol n'l (lol ," III' 1l,I(kci . " 1'\1 bl' sn l l.1J t.! 10 h ll vc " room wi th a h,·d," " " ill the ot her. " f1 Ii!D her ' ," wos the l acon i c r espllnse. ''t'UIl { 11Iwc slIp\1 ·' r ?" "PI)I111 fflr mllll nn d b UH t," Sl1 ld th e oth er pot k ntl." . TI e !-o lnIlP<'c l Il ls p alm IIl'on n rrh f' ICt'li 1:1111 11'11 !l 1ll1 l h ' ll 101l1,c ll fit I h.' rl· I'~ h !Inuit' on 11\1' pn b: . ' ''rlt om it';; LC Hurn(lr.. New York: ' lit! r ea d Jllfl'll.l. I ii' t' ~' t' d tin' nC\\, , ' O IlIP !" O l ll"£! Illtl1 ·t' . "~ f y nUIIIl.' Is .I I l \t.. ...;- P \l t ~ n l\1I1 , llInf'~ , [ r ll ll th is pllH"'. A ( ~l rrl~ t hH' :lll' g rIl Hdf:l rh f' r r u n it ~lI'fj)n' l !1t'. (; l a d to 1I1\,,' t ~· (l lJ. ~ [ r. U aflH\,\. \\' 0 u ~l' d to l.a\'1' 11 II,,!'! I ! !!I' h ~ re 11:)(1\(,,,,1
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Notice of Appointment
'rht!7 talrl.Y tear " . • 0 pi aces. ' Y ou ,are a .tJ'allpr 10 ~ parts f.' TIle ~Uw .. y· s t Ation Is a f ew mU. below 1 !JavO! walked aU th. '!'ber. . ., J]O one to meet me. You are a Nanger ,81so, 80 It 18 Wlel _ to loqulre It you know whether tId8 . .d ·l eade t o Green FllDcy," "G...Sounds a ttruC!tive.
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upon t he sf !nllo~t. I ., t ,! Th r tlj r\f'J ', II nIl!, h:IIf'!.H ' t "It ts on · t hl! 1"1" 111 . I n T<'rllg~'A nl'- ft " I I , " I JI I " I ,,'oJ " ,~ I·'V" \\"I In I n er." ijlH! exp ln l rH ' I 11 r\''' ~J 'I.\'. "A mil,' hI , I I ' " • Iltrll\I '",' i n II", d\\lI'h III nnd n hlll1', I; I 11111 t roili. II I. li't n til 'fI" "" I lu ""~JI"n'" I" 11.1'· tl' e Slg-UPON!. Jt )!! II h(lIl~I'. III1t 11 \' 11- \ , 1J1!C \ .II'I! II·S nil' 01) 11",,,,,.1 " h'lfe. T lrllllk YOII tor Y'lU r kIIlIIU" ·~' I' tI\( , I , 1l 111"1·" 1 J1H' nl_ "\'1\1,1 "0",1 And I am 11111 II I 1111 (rl gh l n d," ~h e ". < III '.'r. d ""d" r hl< hn'lIlh 11.101 II . added, r uts lrl J,! )wr "II Il'(' sll~h l l y. I~ 't111 l l ! I · ..... I!-~ In "I'Pt:1I it Itt ' l', " But y ou li r e," Ir e 'I·i 11. "\' lIu're T I", w,,~ f,,,·.'r l llsi 1111 UnI(' In 1"1Ir..',. scn r~d hol f OUl I1t YOll r w its. VOII In.· ' ''I' ",. I ' h' I"r. _'- " III' 1('II[II' 1i t" lit •• enn't t ool me. ) 'cl lit' ~.'ur I] llly sl'l r ' '''" l1 d " " ,"l l d, j!1"'·,'n " "I I " rp"k ot th tho\l ~ "t "t " (' lI l l1rlng IUlo th ose "~" · " ' \lII III'k "' tll " 1I11l"I",lh llt. - u 1\111 /< woods u p y nd er ," flf III Ir,h·.j w",, 'I'r ""d rI "p,'.'!. II "'VE'll , 111c o , I nm f rl ~ h l('n(' d ," s h e lin (1ld -f'l"IIlnn l',I, 1l1 j!h·[I''''·'' r(1( 1 contpsscd pl ulnll v' ly. " AlllloSI out or '·nr. ('''1''11010,. ," 'sp l l>' lis IIIlI I'l lIlly, If my boot ~ ," I n., I,,,,, , I';Il!! <1,(",,1 In nlly ~"' t of j!O" T hat 8 ~ tll c s It." hI' snit.! fl atl y, " Y ou I Il l!. khnll not und crtnk c it.1t " I~o r I H'IIYf1 11' ~ ~nkp . " lw h (·~u lI. "Oh, hut] l IlURl. 1 nm xp c l cu. It ,hnllll:r~ t f> I", r II h ll \"\: Ihl' l'O flr or I I", Is ImJ)ort-" wi lld n:,, 1 mill . "IIOII· l I l:t him I lrl " !.! "It YOU nr c cXJ]l'cl (,11 why <l l dn't ' lill " I hlll ')'-I' r 111 ", ..· - " someon e m ~ t y ou li t the ·s tlli lon ? "Y,)1\'I"(, g"tthl~ \\"l' 1." sIll' crl '<I 0111, Seems to w e-" n Ih r i ll III 111'1" ,·"It". "t;uo<l nlglrl " Hurk I Do y on h !'o1'-<l nl'.n' t Ihot ,,,,,I ,hllUI, rOil! " sound li k e nn lluto l ollb ll (.~IIh I" 'Th e I " Ld r,l( nil I 1" r osl'Cfl th!' II npl nSlln l h Ourse honk or nn IIlIl.llnl1hll " horn I tl r l \"(· I·, 11 11 11 III W"111 lit" ('I utl"h . T he ro se nlr ov e t h e how li ng wInd. I1nd 110 " "I II In th .· ,",It,,1 j'" /l IW,1 hnlitlly I n on Instont I n ter lwo f ulnt lIi!h ts ,.o me ~I"(,:ls t it .. ('lI r Flrl1 t Irnrkwnrll wll h u TUsblng t oward them nr ollo.1 II hl'lId In jl'l"l(, cllI',"",1 ~!lnq'I)I, Sr ')Jllll't1 r')r Ihe the mounlnln r an d. "netl<?i· IUlt! thon tr-n 1I1ln of II s.'r,me!, uut! h .. ll b I, ' h',1 n ev er ," sire erIe!", her voice ,·I ut f!lr"·on l 1I/.::lln, II rr dl'd [c r he 'I·"~· M· ooce mor~. ron.l"_ He grmsp c(l Ir er nrm nn,l jl'rl,pll tier "T hlln k~ I" . hOIlIt't1 th i! l ol e (1a,~ ' n· oat ot th o pn llr of t he IJllc(lml l1g m n. g~r IIftl'r IhL' rl' ,'eel ln/: t llll 11,::111. IInc! cblae, w hoso <l rl ver w nR sl' llIlIng it d" " " ,'1 1 III' rill' fitl' JlS t o t h .. Ilorch th :l t Illoog o t 11 m nd r ul , r eltonllcs>I or ruts r n u I I", (ull 11' ";:lh 0 1 Ifll r ('!; 'l'II ,'e rn_ nnd sto nes Il ud CUI"Vt'S. T h e cnr cu. A h"~, ' "II rl\ ~ hlr" ",cl Ill n t l " " hung reeoed us It swu " g lo t o I he p l k l', Rlei ll . Uh''':'' 1111' 111'.1·111 1. ~"'.'llldnJ.: nlll] ,lmlnd ed nl o r mln J.:l y. nnd then lhe bruk es III" III I I" , " tll,l . ,In,,:,,11I 1: ut Its s t ou l w er e jnm m ed dow n. Alt l'II ded by II 1 SlIi'I" , .. t, l!'I"C':IIl' II",g ,"70'''y 111vust grlndl n ' of gelll.s unll \\-h eol s,. tl l (!·1 .,1,"1 I .. 1' !"!':l N 1111 '.<" nu d go frotJddn!! rlltlli ng ol t.! gcnr "II"''' 10 II s lop filLy I IIW UY ,'·111, fl ·" , s to rm. l eet or more beyond lh(' rn .. [ IT" IIftl'(1 Ih" Inlrh ,nl1 , bei n g n t n ll "1"d soone r Willie thnn tnk m ' I """l. IIWII""1 :rrll~' ~11I(1 I "'cJ li S II ' Y n J11t"~ "" I h 1"1, " ,,11 l hl' doo r, n n '1!111('s~ chances In nn lint Illl l1vln n r ,I ttl nt , - r (l like mnt" so ld tI)e t nll · ,~n"tl\rcr pr.,'c·lI l1ll lf ll. for ~ullnt, g l [.ln lltl c muun bend ing Q~lte cl ose t o her (,H r, ';I l 1l\IIt" .. r~ 111,,1 enler..,l til 'r u h 'fill·" h im fnl! to pi eces bef ore YOII- "
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th e turnpik e Wll8 Spnnl sh Fili i.". a r nllway AmUon, and four Ililles " hove th e erossrollds where t.he m nn nnll W OIll n ~tood p (ffirlng througb th e dll rknCRS Ilt the laconIc ~1,Il'1,pn~t " PORed t.h ~ \'11 Illge ot, 8t. E lI zoblllll. TIn rt's '{'nver n was OD the rond to t. ~';U zn I1Jl fl th e mnn, wi th bar el y n Ili llOCe n t hls t ellow tr8vel er. stnrted brIsk ly oft I n that dlrectlon_ He knew thnl thl'!!e wild mountnln 8tonns moved swIftly; hi s chnnce 01 r eaching the tavern nhen!1 ot lhe d el n ge was exc~ dlo gl y slim. fil s Ion,::, powerful l eg1l hnd cnrrled hIm t w enty or thlrly pnces b ero r e he enme to n 8udden }talt.. Whot of thlll l one womnn \\'ho trnvened the hlllh"'ny? His Orst /:lImpse of h er h Ult been extremE'ly CIl8UIII lodeed, he h nd pllld no ut tentlnn 10 h er nt oll, I!O enger WII S b e to r eml the dl hl ij wny. Sh e s t ili In tront of th~ u p t hp r ond townril Fro/:g'e Cnrn er--,>nll r roo! 11i1 hy a steep climb thnt l ed Into "I lick 111111 " In! t er tlmberlnnds ohnl'(' t h o nnrrn w et\1p ot pssture h oril erln!! O' e pik e. Th e fierce w ind pinned h er skirt" to ti er Sl ender body ns she l en ned nl;nlnst the l:lJl e, grlppln,r h er bnt ti ght ly w Ith one hllnd nnd strnlnln/l .n nder 'th o \\'clr;ht of tho bng In th e olh er . Th ~ en~s of a veil wblppell furiou sl y nholl t b er h end. nnd, e\'cn In the gRtherln £( dnrknC!l!B. he could Roe n 8tmnd or two of hnlr keeping th m compnny. Retrncln,:: hi s stl'pa, h e caU ed out to I l er above tbe glll e : " Cnn r be of IIn y nSRl stnn ce t o yeur' She turn ed QUI ckly. H e snw t¥t th o veil wos drnwn tightly over b er
or 1 . :
onrrow r on d t hn t \\"01 11111 It ~ A" I'p"n· tl nnu'! Wll f Ih rnll /:h ti ll' (li ' II1:1I , ('whl ,l din /( d C'p t lt. nt I hI' r"r, ·~ t-H wlw , th ulIl!h w4'lIry nnd f OO l sOt' t'\ hlg~(ld not In hi s· s <vl rt, r .. snh rt e nil\"'"I('C'. Nl j!lt t " ' liS ('omi ll /l 011. lind wi t h It Ihe no un C(' rl,,;n prn'rtt'I't.< or n ' I orm . 1-/e c~m \! t n I hI' "plk o" and th l'''' w ns n s l lll1 po~ t. A hUlrc. enul l'ly pnl nte(] hn nt.! po l nt .. d t o t hp I<'ft, II nll 0 1\ "'h ot \Vn ~ In l em l ('d to hI' Ihe sl C'l',"e 01' a vnry atltr 11 ",1 u nfl ln ch ln/: nnn IhrHI' words wer o pr lnte<l In srn l y whi l l' : "HDrt'~ Tn vorn . Food f or Mun nOlI AI ~o O,, " ollne, J~ " t flh ll . h('il B en sL 1708. 1 lom e." 00 the opposit e side of m e "pIke," In the angl o t onn ed by n jllnction w It h tbc Darrow m Ollntnln r ond, sl on.1 nn humbl er ~ I gn pos t, l etl er l'd so IIl{IIRt1ncUy thnt It ll eRen 'cd Ihl' ('nmpll~ 810n ot nil observer s becnuRe ot It f hmnillty . Swervi ng In hi s hurri ed PIlS' BaIZe, t he tnll s trnn,:rcr drew nea r th f!'l , . Ahrlok l ng trl endto thc llncerttlln tru v. eler, n nll w ns sud denl y Il wn r e ot nn. other prpspnre In th e r o ntlwI1y. A Wonl n n op p enrf'(l , os If f ro m n o-where, nlmost nt hI s Ride, lie d r ew bnck to I pt her pnss. 8 h sl Opper! h I" fore the Ilttle 8IgnDo ~t. n nrt t tH:et h c l' H I!'! D r ew a Small El ectric T orch From they mnde out th e taint tll rc(' tlo n ~ . H is Poc ket and D l "(ct t"d It Slender To the right nnd up Ibe mOlln tnl n Ray U pon l he S'gn Pool. a halt awoy; Pllcn lrn "'" ~ Alx mll eA
A I'Olilnry O$!11re trU dlrNI nlnng t hC' .
back over the rond wh ich th e man hAd t ,r a.el ed. Two miles nnd 0- bol t down
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[ Izlilnirt' wh nt he Is rl ol",; u p h er .' III 1111' w ll 'I ~ 7" " A t pn ' · ,Ill hf' "h,·t Iloi ng n ll~· l hj n g Optical Dl'l>artme nt . QX'·"r t 111 11<. 1.,I< t "" .. ,,k h ' WIIS t I'I'(l li l n' • • , . S, DetrOit St. Xenia. OhIO I h e " nn ril'. os III' ) )\1 1. i t hl lll" 'lf. Ru st.Cil. Up Ih" 1"11'. Sl wWCI I I n ~1 \ll\ll~ : Open ev ening s uy ap pairltment clll )" nl gh l 11\ n 'm ,,·III ·, ,,1,(h l" I' 1I mil C ) . . . . . ._ ••••••••••••••••••• nurfh o f' I!, -rl' , :lltll l nulwgl n t oly ufter th e J1" ,·rll l"!"Hn(.l' "lin ami h is w ho l e t roi'l\[' . 1:"·1(,,1 to \\'~ I k hu ple to N ow \ "nrll . 1\ g/HHI 1'l11 lr h llJHl l'e rf I lIt h '1J rJ~II (!Y Blu rt. ·,1 "ul l ilc· IJllt:k wnl' or th , " Iicry hOlTM' 111<1 nnl\(lcly nri ~ . l'IJ ','m till n ex t ,"""ilo' " :\'('1'111 Ih l' .' ll'l·ltT. 111111 b e . • 'JfJJ ville '" l.a,-dln!!' Oii n t l @$ ( 'Jail II "''',,' ~n I'" c ~l i O nil'o In 1:f l.l ll\09 Rldg, M ill o Ht
Di ,H. E. HA.'rH·A WAY
the Best, for Only Five ·D ollars Fence Post~ Dimension Stor.k Shingles Barn Siding House Siding Soft Yellow Pine Fmish ~ ~EST Red Cypress Finish BEST White Pine Plastering Lath BEST Plaster Manufactured BEST Lime for All ,Purposes BEST Hard Brick BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST
Best, Most Complete Stock of Building Ma terial ever brought to Waynesville, can be foull4 at
. ~-rr.; 'l
,GAZE TTE .... £n ~ .rOfI .1. Lhn l'nt41ul1h'e l"~ W
nY l h ' ft" v tlIO . CH q O. li h l:;P" (t IU.J ~ J Uti li
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Mr. 'Hill r.l rs. W i lli .\1ar8 la ~ 11 1\ 1. IUIU II I1 IDO r lit th " h o mo ur tl lIl lr ~O l • lu .x""I I1 . SlItUtll llY. ttl u l h" r~ ' !Jay , b .~ u bdel veIl lit t bo
Mu Mory K ooned y eotertuioed I,he L ~d l ell' A id l:Io(ll,et7 to Il . Oll ", her b Ollle on 'l' bn~lIday aftern oon , QIlI'e Il n nlll htl r w"s prtl8e n t . and" S u uscriotiol1 Pric . '$ 1.110 I P ' r Yle ur ~' r l ull d 'Il ltl ' 11. I:mU U\I)' h lll/r u l &O l.ll or m on ey was oo lleot ed. Mr e J . C . i>l c llin und HOII Ilr ' R a v. A lf r d \'Va lk e r g Bvea fal'l tou W r:ON b: SDA Y. MA " II g o e~~~ lit. Ih e h OUl e o f 11,11' 11 11 Mr ij , Ih e 'elll nary movem enl n o w being , • IUll-I A H . l:I"rlll!I ' f or w Hrdod lIy t h e Meth odl t Epl800 ..:....=-_ _- = = _ O l l v. r Do rt u ll . I'THrlwl' " r 1\ . 'It . , pil i ·l1 orolr . rill! ~ l( pl anllth) ll Willi -~--norl I 'b ll~, Ih r t ll" II lld :\I t'~ ~' I'll(1 , vo r y Hu t,IHluOLl.lrS. IIn rl " !(oodlV , ( 'atan" ('annnt h tl e ll'r ed Hulll ;1,. fO r 1,lila It/ II(',', It ,,~ r •• ! n rl/ Uil IIlL lU llllt f w uuey WtL8 8 uh~c riherl . ~ , ':''' " 1.'/1 ' II. lI'I ' I, It' ,\ ' I' WNi-l 11. III ' y Irtl '" IIV (· I ., .. , - " ,, 'VI CII T h o SitU lu f Cl lIlgu u oo rl'uLo h ell '111. ........ _ ......... ~_ .... _ ........... ~..... : ~\I,I;IIII I . I I H I ' II II. ,. '''''Il l. ur l h ' 'U:-('(lj·tU. Ho r n - T n Mr. U II ( ~ 1 2's. ltl1 r iu wo. 'T h nr (lny . of MIa d eu ~h or li r a. Mrtr . 1' 11 1' 1l1 ,1, , : , I ~ ,Il r,,, '/. I ' ~ i ,4' · U l'ti'. ~ n' lI l l)' 1n- Mo.v ,' . a ~ u n , th u hl u Tl( nu Ug i t! boe, o f Spring !l Il t! I. ; 1 ,':', IfI 'l l-I l l1 u ~III II U t l :tm d i l h m M. ., V , , • • , I" • " ,., ,I " .11 IIlU M' l " I'e '1'1 rift. If " ttHuS t3 ho wu s a 1~IlA i d tlU l of I,hle '~ :: " : " ,,, ,, I " ' ,n l', I)' ·, illl" . (" 11 1111'1'11 1 I B 1.,1 . ~8 Ai r " , I,h,) M E (~ lt llr uh vi Illlty tho UJ ;)st of b e r lito. flod all ;, . 1I ,' , ' " ,I, " " " n 111 1" "/1 " 11 ,, lI lid u dO OIA"n·d " " " " I U I'ro v i. I,'1J l:l ,' IEJ I II Wll O a llow b ur WBII'A b e r fri e nd s. 0 ( 1' \', I \ 1' d lill d UII t l" 1I \1I 1~ U ;' f4 S UI, r,l e' ; X t' rJ l n ' ~ ntll r rl,' Y I .. >)'~ II ' " ' ' II nll'_ l'ILI" .. Mell i · • . We Ax L(1 lld t o tb e b er ellved fl.lmlly ~ ' ::I''' ':'''' '"I 111 ,,,, . ,,' 11, ,,,1"), ""., ti ll> " e~ l Ji lt )' · .l es~1' 11 11/ hill' h p ,w "PI Il1hlit,d t o our HV mpM by In \hl ll tbe lr Slid bo. ; II I I II M " l lI l\l t' y rl.r Y CU1 '~ I t ·1 I ' , ... j 'lI lI qlll:" l'(1 or N l illt' ur th ~' ' b os t f I I> h f' v"rUTl U,V 0 11 t h +i B ult l r \ of r euv ew eut;, 111 11,1..1'4 hll l , W I1 , "01 1111111 \" .1 with HOIl1 or l~ lD (la. 1i n n , Uli ll t-W. by th ~ o r utr . and Mrs. R ob elr\ An l1 rew8, of
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n e u.r Oreg ootn. we r f'l otilling 00 no, ~I I " ~ N nl l.1 PillI on 11/,0 Ij ftn n r (' " 111. qo .. lotancofl h r oo W edne lldlly eve n . "'"w -,. j '~mrl f l !n ll ~, S Hli li fil l ' 1" :-& l lI lI n n la l.'i , (1'1.:.'0 . 1)I ' l,\' ud fl lol l l)/I Oh n r t UI PI t-It .: h ~Ch') / ' I , ioJ.( , "t , f l ' J. ~I ': Y .\. ( '0. l ' I'Hp A" 'J't d t' dl ) 0 , \ 1t:--l"" N \I, u iu Hh u lllli'ln"ll ''' I' I I ' I,~. I I C b Mr . nn rl M rs, F.'nnk L . Elulri ~ . \11 ' ' '' Il l-:; ..d h h . 7ft ,", ' ~ " n " " 11 ' ~ "' It' "I I),' 1' 11 1. r u ,. Cfu ' H'.I,.a lloli . th o P' ''"l1t ,V j.lralleH, IIttl1n ile.1 tlllI Inn ll rl11 o f Mr , 1·l a nl .. ' on o le. Mr . O wenI'. of Va n W er'
.......... __ ..,., .. " ..... _.. ,.........., II' , Aut"', of "CRAUSTARK." "'11iE
HOLLOW Of HEI~ HANO.....THE PRINCE OF CRAUSTARK," ETC, c.o.,,.ri&blb,DudJ. Mt .. ..adCOQ./,pe.DJ. loc.
didn't IUI H~ hl ~ CII""I;\"
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(' 111 urI' ,:-: 11 11 :-: lo l ,p lll ' 1" ,1'1' FIlII I! ,1 01) (1).:, YO II k Il OW , 1 \\'\ 111" nllt' wpt Just '.U' (,l II H-II , I 11111 r. J.!fI,' Il w IH'I II', I .. tn tlt·/·. ,I" .... yo u. t 'lIl \\'o r h l ll J!" Hul II turn e lll 0 \11 n t' l' I ll . ' ~ I U I I'I ' 111 , 1( 11 '), tt ) . 11:'111.'" 111111 1'1) 11111. ('lI l1 t'k 1111'.1(1 tl llle ~ a buy ·p m U l'li " I ~ t o Nt l \\, YOI' I" 11. ' r.~ i tl llY n nl ' 11 1H'll 1u HI I'('p I" -III III ' ~ \\' lIlI l ('mil t's u nf'\ Il f t' lII 1111\\', ~ " ' , I lIlIi ll J.!- l l'ur flo1 l nJ! I I fP I', ~n tl lI ,, ' t J.!'1' t I t 1111 0 fllrrl. Will YlIU Hh.. w I h l ~ t:P ll lklll !11I 10 Yllnr 1"'11,1 111 " , I " 1'1'11 "" f " r II", Jolt. F OUl'
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1''' I'I' y Ill s " " 1(;': :1 ;': (' "" Lil t 11 ' 0 10fl lt II I ),1'" . I \\' 11 111 I" I!d , I hlm7 Alit! I lI lI y lu ' 11\" 11 w ll n t 11 ~(l il d !-Of,HUrt · (It'' 'P H I " 11111 11 w ho It l\ ~ pltclwr of' \\ Il r m wu h ' r 10 \ \ ' IIHII ullfl II", 1 1 1l' tlfI ~ to g'1I I'=flflH' w ht ' r , ' IIw l y "t I!-; " hllve In .'' II" Iu r l,, '" I fl 1114' 1I 1' W ~ 11t'" l b on l; e ll ou~h 10 f'III'" 1o li ti s ·).: .. ~II ' Jlnd sm ll l'(1 :tllffl,I t,:,>lI . ',"I )" U\\' t" r e n IIw1nl I'I"t '" uf lIi s tl WIt frt't l \\' 111 JII HI IIltl ... ~ h"r l , •. 11 .,lp jll " l 1111\", IIIr. IIC" nrol , £tll m If. )"fI /I ItI,,1; Into 'III ).:" " I . BllrUt·~ , " '111 UI·. 1IIII IIII!ru r ,I 111' :1 Id llll· 1 ,111 0'1 R~ I ~' ''tI II I nI l. "'h :l l 's II " , 111 :1 1. Iy ,'o n ~ t' III "fl tr,r-" t or i' An ' yllu n r111:1 11\, tl r rnl" J1I1'H lh ' 'f ' "M ~' \\'"r,I :" I;:tSr" 'd ~Ir, UIII trll;rur(l. 11''''11 ,," " "11(111',1 1I 11I1Id . 'I'h. ·,,' "" " 8turlll!: III Ih, ' " " gl . I, '" " !"OItl ' Oll f' no \\,1111 . 1.11 11.11111( th,. r"II"\\,'H spr l ).: h l l y tro m Iltn e uld ~ p \\' "u ric ? ~ r ,\' wo n t. IIlIl'tIl1"1I (,'(": .. Ir. Y"II 1\'1111 ' 1 ~' IIII "n.',· II - c r"I hllp\IPn to t!uJ()y \\'lI lk l,,!;,." ~:; l tI )ltth' " Ol liel itlll)! ,,, tI ,·IIII. wlilt fli t! Ii '· he. fon' ) ' 1111- " I "rf I ell ll1 ~'('f1 It n" Ilt,, ('h li S yo " " " "1:1,. ,,"unl. ' " lII cl hlll g tft "" I." Inf llr. J'd hI! IIm1'1I 1).: 111111 II n rl"" 1 h,v I h l ~ rUI'",.1 Mr. ,1 /l III 'S sh"' I'I.I". "'1"11 Mr. I lillI " ." Hn l, l M I'. 1lIII Ill gfll l'II " li dl y , "lIut BUf"on to 8 t ~p ul1 u~ h i~ l'i ll llll u lul y o n [o;Cll' I ' m !I II 1I I ' I u r , t ' lIl t il" p l', )l 1t 1 tnk o t he ordl'r." to wul k - H "All r lghl.. flld "hll ll -Il"Uil lllr " il s ll'r ," Th ,' " rndll'r! I"," 10 Ih,' .. 1111' " , 1 (' ~ ll Ilald M r . Dli ll ugf",.,1 ~' · l1 l l1l1 y. ".II1HI , llll l' rrupt e ll hlili. so 1111' \\"h II , ,," 1','1111 ' ellmh up t tl !' elp " lIl ur , ~I I ' . Unl'l1l's. ~"" I " r ll y. M.·. ,1 " "I I1~l'lIrfl '" rll" 1' ' ''~ Il I"" .1 ~ O lilt", to 1("1 II fI " " . 1If1Il,·III ·. Wh r n /In " x l lrl'~sl l)lI "r pr"rollll(1 11f).'1 I" ' .\", II " did )'OU leov{' NeW \ " I'k '/" JIOw,.rell hl l' \'(l ie nl; he Jill vc v pll l tit Tnltlng II lI j!hl l><! IIr r o" .. ne Inmp tilt· rll" "wi llg: anti fil l! III'IIY)' I'""~ ' 111,'. ('1II l"I' IIt:" " ~rh n t. IIIU Ii J onclI 1/1 th l' mCIIllc>;t 1111' lIogfd.'(1 Illd HII' i' /I )' "I' Ih\! ~ t nlr~ , nUll) Itt'l lI!; Clod c " pr le tY " R. :;Ir. H e \\'11 8 u tlllll lt h ~' In ,lh' l,l Un l o r II/(It.fl . co 1111 III(. H I~! " II ~ :!tll rt 4)(\ rflr tlt e 0 1"'11 nlt.e 01(1'. AI 11 ~ I/ln " " )'0 11 wonhl Irfl" " I llo" r. wllh Rurpr lHllI1( nlnc rll y. , I18ld h, ' Wil li III ' ...... flYt ' ''t~'·o l''' ; II RCf'· I llll rlt l'l' ~ lIn·, 'y , ' ,1 tlt e Iltill' ))I' llt-hll '/I · olld luok \\"lInlt! . I1 "" , ,", ,, " '1,11'1',) you hl'r. It WII S j l'" whili. ho hll rl 1)"/ " ,(" 1.. ,1
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thnt hl! \\'11 )'( Ut' u ft ' r rlf rtY · " I H:~ . , it \\'('uhl tw. 'Plt, Wil li s w,' n ' h ~\' ( ' rl ' d o DORlth !,!: H" I"/ " '''' I, n l' k 1111 /I 1'111111' wltlt " I:nrl Hh unllt'r ~ """(')('II h y ('11 0 l
No Fear 'of Lock Jaw With This Healing Antiseptic Liniment Scratches or wuulllis from rusty J1l1ils, tin, wire, or Ll'IIss, HIllI cuts or bruises where the clirt or metal is groullIl ill , ofttimes pruI'c serious. when henlin~. IIntist:! ptic Huustunin I.illiment is Safety Jlot at bUild. counsels you t o kceJj ,0. bottle of tbis old-time liniment reatly rOl' e\'CI'y rmergency. Do lIot risk heing withit. Say " on c-tolle: e-uh" to your dJ'tl~gist. Yuu can get it 'in :'!.'jc or ISO~ bottles. ,
f , ~
"Th. D" ] . C Jono. 'Co" 0." . tlt,"f. l- S 0 "1 ~ t ime .~o t ttepp .. d
~=l r: a ;Ut'~rnUn hU . . y"'hJ():,,0 \1:~~:d , . your t.I~ I MF.~ T lor •••• , .,
Y''' rr an d tr-fH')...., i" ,.. IJ ' 0 he , ¥,oMder ful ant iU'p ,lc , 1 I.. ,. c:dl",hl y .ppliod It the w. "nd ad band· . ,1ed la. root . I,. a 11\o r1 thtHI the
r 'tit..
ain «ot e a.l ~ r and .t.t .. orn ill. ''' "prlud at b.i nlr to put on "'7 . hue .nd ", . 11., I .. d.,. I d id nol tI.,p an 1M
woun d hea led nlu ry,
""e Kind Your Daddy V.ed With My Dad'. Picture on the 'YeIlow Wrappe-t!'
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P t Q.P.l. who
1.INnlENT lor
" uc: h w()" .. d . do nl') t n t(l ,f t o h.r I. , . j.w,- Dun McKillip. S, Char·
lelt o", O} '
.SOid by.J.- E. Janney, The Rexnll Store
LYTLE .arl,
Born- 'l'o Mr. and Tillman Baraon. May G. a d Aoghaer. . Mrs.Ma,Sl\rea J o bn. wos sh oppin g In n . Mo ndllY , Ben J a m ea, of R l d Kll vJlle , W II~ traneac'lug bn 8 in e~s b Ar e , e:n I u rdu y . J a Ollb Cbamlll on. o f tloai. 1 It w. h as been q u it o Riot tho tll\s t wecll irs. Ma l vin .. I:itu D.V. of Dll yt.on Wll tl a guea t ,, ' t b b o me ,-.c lltlr " U II Al be tt fHuoy lin d f .. mlly . Ibe p\l ~ i w ee k . Rev , ~t.BDI O j J o h ustu n Il nrt fll mll), Ul o ved noar AlllaDo ~ . t:l tllrk Co nn 1,1' , W edllesdflV. M r ~ . Oa l sle (Jo?, lIu d Mr. AlLe r t Vorne ll have b ot b boo n very I!I, the pas t v.eek, ond ore n o bet te r ut thi s Urn e MI' S O(\ Mrs. F rank mlLh ~ p e nt t:lnnd n y In Be ll hroo k , I,b ., go e s t s of ot Mr, Ilnd lI1r ~ . Cui :Stn i lll . Mr~. Alli o Dnkln 8 (t f\ nl, HuLurdl\Y lind SondllY In Loha n oll , Mr. und Mrs , 8 . 1:1 , I:Il1iu es re turu"d from O" y ~ou . t!p t oru8 Y. wher e the y visited Alfr ed a Dd W II . lIam B.lne M "ud fomlil es , t h o \lu s t
Uo nnty. on fo esd .. y .. May 1I . Sovorol vlHl t lng memUbrlj o f tbn ~' & A. ' M,. Llld g ... of ooo rhy t o wn ~ . wee k , W lln 1I : l rt JI B fOY l ' 111 1( II nr 11 LlI t' lt ' I tl i Mles Leona Molilnnls h ns b eou "0 101'- 1>1'/), 11 1 1'111 11- fl lH""l's I hilI Ivoll N I we r e l)r(JsBot Ito d 1118~\ s t ed iu th e tult.l8Ll on of se v" r,,1 o" ndldntol'. o n hIred IIR tea c h e r. for f lt H oo ml ng lIl u l't~ u r I('f-;!" Ilk ., d 1111110 ' o f JI ~ l l11 tt c rc ,1 lV e dn el'd .. y n l Kht. year of Hug nr G rove s ohoo l , nellr W tl j i ' r llw l i ' ll ~ pll t prnlll l :-;c ' III1I1 ", l y O \'~ r U..l vln I:t ,.II(,y. f n l ' III I1 I1Y YI" U I' a Mld.llo Run C hor ob n b " ('!I I(I''' " I ,,1 II f ,...II r l 1(1'11)" , ']' 1", 1ll'(1· t:t "od, hu rt '1\ 1I HI\l1 \\'w·.) ' ''' I:l 1I 1I ",t'rr- of · r nKlrl.,nl, r t h is V\r IUltV. I ul, n o w I)f - M Itis Ali co G oh hll r t .o f MI " .tt l ~hll'r~ f fl' n ~ h' t' I .\' IIH H I . 'rll . E \ pr yl li lu lo: WIIS it!'L I,OIl A n~ !l l (\~. ( 'AI , htl H Un d,l r ICo n" nll LV .. .. It " , .. olr . e ud ~ 11.· " t o f MI .~ , s !'I,-un n ~ H p i ll . l", w I" " ' I' , 11 11 11 I h e h Of) " Il(l n f ll r \.IlI n n r. II [ld I~ ~ () t t.lnl: IClh ul I,," " g nll d Lo u p ll " 111111 '\ KDt S looltell Com rnr l all lt·, II ,' HIt'I 'III 'd 10 th e ,,111111( h I' W!l 1l fI ~ n "n Ittl !'x poll te rl . Lo n Wlo rA. ",m nll. m n l1 y · pllJH'tI wlnfl o w II l1 d 1(0)i l' (I Dr . C, U . R ll u d .. 11 ul,to u ded U ,O M IRS Ru t h Uoo n I fl u ~ bt R(1h oo l Hut Int o UJ( ' 111;.: 11 1. rr lli' ~ 1 4U' 11I \\'u ~ a l Ht ll ' o lilt· 111011 I t:I . o l e ~J' h lll<1 l1 t Cu lom h or e . Frld /lV. III th o r oo m of Mrs Ill' hcll:hl. I n 1111 his II r" I ", 1I1' \'f' r hllfl b ns, "l ~ t wM It . HeAR A ndfr80U , wh·. WIlH oallerl h om e IWll rd suc h II <"111111 '1' " I' r:tl n. 1I0 r II Quln oy K l n lC M it ve rM II nar 10Kd o n aoooun' or the IlIn esA of b e r 11"111.1 UIIlt. !<1 1 ~" ' I"'d RII 1111/11'''11 111(1),,, of Poonho lll,,& nOltl . t,h o · kin I! we f.'her. nl M I.h oll ll h l ~ \\""111 11 11 11" lI aturall y 11".·.1 t o go I, bfl fur e t ll A K'II@' ,r g ot ntl Wilbur Ullt'rk fiod fll mlly w e re 1o th, · \\'''"11111 11"1111 "' ''s "" I ti, l'r c III tb e j u li, ,,'HI will h I} rllcAlviuG w (ll) kl y \:(e lll L:II,y vIMIt.ors . Hn t nrdll Y Ih ,' lI,k" or II. II., "" ,"I" r" 11 h,,1\' " lir' sh l plD on tll til s upply blR tr ude. Mr~. ti lls/ln (JuRl,o oll m o from O"y w n s f nrlll J! 1I 1l11 111111 1''' 1.,11 tl l:lt :-: h ~ ' \\' :t ~ Pu1w II oo nrt, wrl ~ in II A>I.iu II . M Oil. aon. ~ulldtLy o \'e uln g, t o Ilf~ 11' (llire II III III his pln('1' 1111 '" ,,1111 I", III I I(' r~. d H}· • •\111 j ll" t lo'" Willi tl t1 ', )t o u t 10 fo r b e r d ,\Ugbt,or. Mrll L H . Orun k. ,,' hnt WliS s h, ' tI" Ir'1( II I' I n I lti~ (lu d· som ll o f t it .. I"w h . eu ke rw Mr wb o 13 vllry ill rur " l1 k II " " II'II l t )'? \\"h l1l WIIS ti ll ' nIl 1ll" M n r ~ h fl l. (t' ,) Otl w i th vo n r !(ooll wor; k. M, . Ilild Mr A, Le nn FhUAbur.v Rod o f 1ht, pll1C"'--' s ll. · w us 1.11 11111\ (m", On!£'l1 V" ll li nv" /I hi!-\" fl f' ld 10 ,vo r k In . d~o g ht e r , of Oni on VIII" ~o . wo ro Irll rlf'Y! \\'hll l i l l l od d 1111 111 1' for 11 T lw L'i vl n L Olt l: f1 A Ill O\\\ tt.h e hOll1 e tlulldu y g Uflst,H o f Mr. IIntl Mr • . All e n hI)tHU~! A nd wh n t fo: . II"' elf iJlltI !"l o Mrs b' I" Ha rri " . ~l\ l llr(ltL y u Hli r. Emr ICk. 111 M r( ' I I" (; I I ,, " ~ W" rI ' IltI ,· r rll p I,·(1 h ~' n o o n ' T ile frl e ntl i of MI ,, ~ Z ilJ ,l ( ~ lth e ll ~ flit rt\ ll1l"11 n f ~I,' . P I II 111 1!f llrd, wil .. f 'Jt f'~ rll'tl n hu,l!{' I H' W 't'I' l .i l l'llt' l· 1' 1'11 111 w h lr'lI 1\ 11 ento r fni nn H'n t ""tHI ~ i v e n fit urn pulnorl ~o h na r of h e r ~fl r li l\l K ill At ,'ulli II I'f '~C ' I II \,.. !lUl h ·, AI Id s Itt 'j"" t h f' T \ I""I\ Hnll. K ll tuntn .v nI ght" U'I , DO!'!!! d Mlnml Vulloy H nHlllIlI1. s l roll!' II 111 11. (" I( I II,·, ' ro ll ~ r"' r sII" III fI tl l: r rl in fl ORJ)lCI'S tj f th " M I~si n o liry lItr . .. od Mrp. Albert S tll OY flnter (,), '{'k,',1 ~ 1I11. :-In, I HI ,V !'If(' prog r nl ll "'" ~ we ll lalnoil to Ron lln y ~ I nn e r, Mrll. M'll N t'· \' If' h il I! J::rrr it 's S " I ' II 1111 \" 111 11 ":: ~ eL d t' J F'd nod pnj n yo d hy n il 'r h o vinn t:ltao) Bnd lItr. end lItr • . Will 1111111' 110 .. \(· ... ,flw .... IIIC In ti ll ' \\ ":v nr u " " d p ~1J t1eR t! ~ \·o muoh PIf.t SO f or Noll. Rult . .1 ~f'p h' ~ . ,., l iI flf 1111"\\' N ,l lIrs WIiS UIPlr lilt r s l lll !-\" ,, /fo rt s Mr8, F:Ua Coo n an d 80n. W\tl\/l 01 , uo 1(11111" 1' II ,'1"11111 ',f d;II,l h(I<"\. Ii t; u p l. 1:I 0 g f,( ll t t vis lloed nor @c h nol. or O"yton. wer e w eek e lld g u ellte of WI1 S n l'flll lll,\' ' f'hl' plh ~t'k'" W " I'P JUl 'fh n r pdn y . Mre. DAile Cuo.n nnd l1ang htore . . I n al l RQtl llr<' 1111. 1 "'II"h "III .., 1If1 ,1 " "111'· I N . Mill! r trlm MIH'tted bOl\lrlO!lS iu ..... row horch'r IIr ""lI r,' 1,:11 ". 'I'll" g,·n ul·,Ii W Uy n es l ll lo , \ VR(\n e"dn y , . I,III C WIIH II (lI rt ," 111'11 )', Cltl ,' 1111 ""Il!JllO Horn - fr o 1r. nlld Mrs C h n~ S. ngc' nn d II ( ' (II1S I11 111 11111 I I " ~ I wIIIII /I nM 'f lwk f' r , an II ~ ~ r on'Jd hoy. Bn II I1IlW II 10 " 1,,11 ,'" I ts n" .. I IIl nl·". Oll llln 10 ~ r l1ot t!1I'1Il , un 'J'hllr~I II1Y, "M N 'I Mr. 1:1... /111 , ~I ,', It ".·.",s," In· M tLV to , HI).! . ' lrndlll'l'fl ~ I r, I IIl1 ncfnr tl , ""111,, I" Ih ,' Mr , H umer B Illn 08 .. pon t t be wee k . n C\'\flh't~~ l' xt' r tl n n o f hlt iit'll tifl l-.'" ;\r r . I ~:I ~ ond wIth GeorgA C urt,or ·d. n ett r co n w i t h fl ": (, 1I4 ' r(l l1 ~ ~\\"" '\ JI or h l~ r,,1'1' Bloomington. Ohio. hni,,1. " O llr h l'lI " Y 1("(111.-. Mr. ~I " ,, ' '' ' Mr , lind Mr8 Lo yd O/l vl& aUend gu~ nll(~ n n . nbo uf r\ P\\' Yw'l : ' 0(1 the Epworth Lellgoe at Blao. " U w u nlld O!;gB. po rk l tJlJlte riuIIl. ohe8ter. IAsa wee k. r Ollll lry ~!l lI Rnl:". r u mn ~ ft' n k nn(1 Jason Blddleon II !lnd .loilD K , Mr R, EVil W ys on g , of S prin g VBI · sl n'lrlg ~ ' l lh · I\4\ n .'· t-Ia lfl M r. J ~ H( " UI I n " ('II V"rIlIlIl R vo kl" 1(1'111 11 <: II (, \', ' r wilt. ley , SP ll ut lost, w eu k w Ub he r sis t e r, Howell litte od e d ohl1 r(l h Itt CIl(I" "r '6 C ree k Chnroh . Mnnd"y. ' ",h ll(' ' h, 1I ~ 1 " ' II S fr"m, hI h is IIII· m· Mrs Emma Wolr, n r y . " F" 'IN I n ll d 1.011\'11 I int ntol'!i, h f"UII!\. Ethe l RlltLortb",a\to epent th o Mi ss Mltrle Rich s p e nt tlill week . s Il C~ O I" H h . n lllt1 Il ~, HI(·w,'.1 I nl llll lllCS a url e'1d In Colnmllus ,IlUe ndillK .tbe wod. weak·end with Marth.. "nLl 1\10 b fl l ~' r-J II H t n II HIIIII ' n l nl pl18C. Frlcd ding of hor 0l<n 8Iu. Mls s ' B eleo :o.!tarr, st BnrveY8burrr. oml hollN] I II' I II(O'~~ , hl'lI l1 ~-" ' ~ trBwn Mr. ond Mrs"a , T , H'a rner 'vere "" " m '"1, 1 " l:I=~, po tll t tll' S nnl1 11 I'II ()Quite a orowd (rnn:1 b er e etteolJed "hopping In Xenia, FrldllY. or 1\\"0 IIr ('(t,rr, ·I','· ~ III, 1 Durn '~. filll)- P omona G r .. n!!e nt Bluoob oster, Chauncey Bunnell'lI 0111 led on Will Ilrl's~ 1 1t1( " (/ 'RI I'" l() 1 1f 1l ~ 1t. ~,,'urdIl Y , Duno 's, S nlorday aftornoon , ··AII(/ n PIIl1' p l(·... Clllt r h lllp.1 lh o Mrl!. Mnry Ml\nn on elitArtlliced at Mr, Itnd Mrs. EvoreU Baines on. wn ll (' I' I r l tH li rrh u lill y. " I " Ill'\\" r'(] Il: ,t I!nppBr . Thtlr ~ d llY ovonlnJ; MIRij t e rtlilDod tb e f o llowlug per8 0 n @ to I t If r ,ltl ~ n ,.,~ 111 ti m". A ~ ., '. tt l IIllIl' Mary ),IoUr ,. y. M I"" M,ll!! I\o'd Mlu t!ondBy'dluuer : Mr. and Mrs. Btlnja 11 11 \" 0 ohi;,'n ·,·tl . my IIt-:l r s ir. r IIItt no t Rell' n Hflrtsoo k . mIn Ullrey flod HOU, Mr. and Mrp. \I'b ot y,m \\"(t1l111 rll il li lt l' XIII' I'l cnccu Mr, Bert Bugli n lin d m o t ho r , Mrs Zlmrl (h l ues. Mr. and Mrs, B o wllrd wlllI {'r. A ~ It 1I1al h 'r II f 1,,('1 . [- ,. Fisher and f ...nlly. Mr. ..nd Mr , Th,' 111!11 , l ow l1~t ll h's r nn.: vlolootly. ~ oo , Bogan. we r e 10 W IIhlln lJ t on. '!'bom8A Fisher "ud dling Mer. Re t!ta t orda y. Mr. Hll r llll (\,' pll rl" .l tn '::1'f' llt haFt,,, MI ss E (ln u Olln t.h e r,llg e lIud f!lt"tnr, beoo... W hll " il1l' I r n " " I " r p erro rml',d h Is nh· B e rman J o nes oud mother oalled IUll olt s Mr. nllil ng rol'd, fv r U, ' m Olil ent Mill thn. sp ellt tletor'dllY orterno'.)o on Lutbe r 1:I,\ln08 ·. SnndlltV .. fter dl s!'lIt:ll P ' II, Sil l' 111''''1 th u ,·,I J;I· of tht) with Ib u Hartsook f"mily. Mrs . li!dlib O .. via aLld nhl1dr e n 0000. b ,~d IInrl "II,lny",1 hlmslllf. fi ll t ll lkct!. Mary Wes' bOR lIe un til aa the we r o aniline.: au \I r~ . M.. ry Mannoo. ' ''\\'o \\"" rl' n l nl' 01 Ih l' pI Il11." snl .1 b e bome of b e r g mDlluoghter, Mrs. pl'n!<l vcly , " nrn (h llt ll)' W ') \\"<' r l' r,~ ~K t n~duy Aft prn ooll. r.1<s , Aon l\ Brnnu op ~(l.., nt S 'l lur. Edyth Batnes . to R"Vl'lt. !l n l III" h ull ll)! th l' 111 11 11· lItrs , Mary B ognu epe nt 18St 'lll'ook tl J.(~ r. T \ \ ' (I li t " '111 (' }: t' H p t td h(!f or e t it, ul'y " ft.u n loo n ",It,b !II r tl rlerfl" .l u r. wJt.b llor , dau~bt e r, Mrs. Weldon slIIlIs h. T Ill' low COIll dlll ll 11 11,1 !'IIII r · dlln . , nct r olll "" 'nJ nll . .l ol' nll"kl~ )' :lml hi s Mr. sn d Mr~ , Ah,,, Ludd lngtoD Wlleon: wlte. Tlill t lI· n Ihl' fllfl 11111 11- 1 111 1'1111 Ilod d" ll g~to r. MlrhlDl, w e re t!uDd~y MI1I8 MarybBlIe HI~rn e r .pent the X e nl". ' lIIr. Hus h 'roCt, Ih!' stl1 r-L~'1 H I " n nil 'h · g n est,s of Mr , and Mr s , B ollloll8. week.end crof t. you kllow- my" olf 111111 n IH·OIl. head, o f !lear LebaDo n. T Olllmy Omy. l\Il ~ 9 HII ~ h c rort. MlsH
Paint. Without Mystery Buy paint that you Imow is g od-paint that there's no mystery ahout. 0 the back of every can of Hanna's Green Seal Paint you'll find the exact form ula of i t'i contents. Thus you take nothing for granted in buying Green SeaL It tells you juat what goes to make up its ingredients.
H anna's GlI'ee!) Seal is the good-wearing, good-looking paint that expert painters prefer. Try it.
L!::====== Sold by J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, Ohio
•••Electrical Supplies••• Sockets, S witch es, Ajax P lura l Socke ts. Benjamin T wo- Way Soc ke ts , La ml G uards , F uses, Ford Lamp B ul bs, ~ h a d e s . F ,ix turcs, Etc. Brya ll -l\[arsh N at ional l\ f azda L a mps for town currellt, o r F a rlll Li gh t in g P lants. American B e ~llIl y a nd Uni versa l E lec trj c Iro ns.
- --
Phone 56-5
Classified Ads
lhl ghe R III,Id II W/l 1II1I 1I 1I/111/cll UrlHlI cy, seven ot IlS. T ho wnm u ll IIl1lf1ed nrnd·
ley Hnh1 h ~ r mot h('r Wli fO .1ylllg In nllf· tnlo. ~o till! rest of li S ~c rllltr\,1 toge ther 1111 the mOll oy '1'0 hllfl - l i lne dol hit!. nnrl Rlxt y cents-nnt! ,lid lh o ri g h t tllln,:: hy he r. A, 'tnrs 'H" nlwnys doIng dnrn·fnol Ihlll ll~ IIkl' lhat. Mr. RnrneM. Anll 'wllllt ,10 :<"U S UP!,"'IC s ho
bed III flI " 1I10rllllt ~, ::l ll e t R tf'fnporarit y 0 <"11111111 " I'IIIII I t! . ' (1 r1!f ' klng fino gll'l, too. Art' YOII 1111 rCll lly ? I'll /011(1 YOII ·!.O lit ... . 1I.illi g rO,)lII . Or WQulrl you prcf " r n Illtl o Ol'Iwtl7.,'r Iwrorehunll? Th o tll pr nOIll 18 rl ~ht (III lIt l' II"IlY. Yo u
l1tUlltn' t cull It til \, Imr. 1':\'l'ryhudy In dltl? Fihe tnnlt th nt 1II111H'Y ","I 1101I I:ht tltllt li LLI<' gr/wl.'ynrd lown dow II till' t", .. tl c k e ls to Allt nn y. (J ill' for hcrself mull would tllrn ove r ('oll tl il et cly It nllli IIllllth(, r fnr I hu III /l II Il~" r of the you dill. Ilnllowcd lrlllllllo ll, you
know," "I drrn'l mind having fl. oocktolJ. Will e rn""III !! th" nltl 1It1l"'S PIII·t. Yuu 1'011 jlll,1I l)lO~" OU l(ht '" her whn t Ill' hn ~ tit S ill' nllS\lI l Mr. Mnnll !!"r, II~ II"~ \\'lIr(l!'! I _~':~:~.~.~~I:'~D~~.gO l ) cO lnplln~' -th Q
lest whit e
In\\"'st, 11I1' HIll'Rt' (H'nt' rIIlnll 11 1111 ,)\','1' - ltllt 1 :l1f)
l1e"l'r t'\', 'n h" lIr,1 IIf h l'f o r, '. !'in Ihnt h~lI \ f (-'}ol JlI iil tho ff J1 1r of tl J:; hf, rl ~ , work Unskillect Labor. Ing fin' thl' t wo .lnYi!' hO I/ i'll Itlll or A ' lrIoli 11I'\'cr r " "II""R whll t Ih n Irrrn IIm,I"'Y 111111 lh,' mUIl III:I'r , 1I11 <I... rorL·" "/fn ~ ld lll',1 IlI lIn r " 1'1111 nwn n Ul1t1l hc III1!!ndly ~ ltI'r c . nn,l nt Ih,! sunil' lilli e boltlly ,"olllnl... ~ rs I II r Jlnlr the wfl!~ r k (',' plnlr our OWTl RI ll tl' r lcan. MlsR f ll u cl' IS IIfl ll wk,· (lo\\"11 t1Je screen 1'1. acl'f'rn\· will 110 .Iouh t nil/I", 1111 y,nrr
d oors.- Wn s hln!;tnn Stllr.
U,. S. Permanent Peace W ome~n Sail
THI=L CAUSI=L Of -, CHRONIC COUGHS ----------------------------
U ftE - r llll l fin o, In qnltE' of P ART o I.., Hic ks. R , IJ . ~ .
Wn v n c s. m ~~
vlll o, O ht o
ATTl t N"J'I ( N Il n liEfl lWS- G ' :t i II D' Of, Nu , 1 :.! ~ . H~ H , Ua y i'erchel(JJ I, reg ls l c rrd in I' , S. A .. " w.. t d hy S l' rin g Vu llc y lI o ' Re Il' ct rJ<or~ ' A s~"d n l i " ", i< a h.a ntHIII du , k bar . fOll r 'ca rs .. Id . Wi ll weigh 160U. Oc·otl 51)'Ie " nd lIe l iu n . All P~ rche rOIf " d lll" . rs .hu lIl,1 ~c. Ihis lltl .se , Thl. ho rse will l11 a k c t lil' S4' IlSt HI a t S:!O, ot I. 0 , Pft c r so l1 ' S hru n , E\, el Y pre('.l tlt io n will he In ke ll 10 " " .Id ocd fle n u, will not he res po lisliti c s lio llirl (l U, l1 Co:'. lIl'. Pa rtin g wilh n"If(' lorlcit s InSII' " lIcC ,
L agra.nge. N . C.-"For years ~ suffered with, a cbronic cough, 10 Il could n ot sleep nigbts and continued to los e flesh, My dru gl;ist asked mo to try V i nol. It cured my cough J: can slcep nigbts aod h ave gaiJ{ed twelve pounds. Vinol is the best tonic and tissue builder I have ever taken."-W. D. Ren , Lagrange, N. C. We guarantee Vinal for cbronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. Not. p a lent m~dicine. Formula on every bottlc. Your mone;y back if it f~
tlon ,
r~ e
!lI N'ders'
Constitutional Remedy' That We Guarantee . ",
A s~ocin·
j une 17
= WANTED - C B. " E,N T E R 1:\ . W AN1'h:n ' ;ABIN E'L' M AK E ltl:l , BOAT
Jnnlle v. DrIIgglsl. Wd vncsville. 0
Dr. J. 'A. McCoy,
OIGEl ULASt:I F 1Nl tlB l N H . O or plan\ Is light lind w ell vsoUlllted , Porl O1loton 18 IOilll'ed on ["ak e Eri e Veterinary In the famon a fruit growin g s eoll Gn, midway between Toledo and C I ve. Graduate or Oblo Stat; UnlveraJl.t land on tbe w lLin 1100 of t be N e w York Centr~1 R . R " A good lo e x . pen sive 1i~I,le t Ow n In wb l ch to IIV tl , O FFI CE: Plenty of fis hin g, hunt.ln g un cI bOIltli'o urLh Stree t, noar Tyler Ing Attraotlve SOllllUer r eRorts Telephone 93 oenr by. St O/l Cly w o rk , Th o Milt· tbews Uo., P ort C liuto u , O . ru n
Mr. anti Mr8, ,John Wagoe r Bn~ family wero the !:lonc1I.1Y go08tll of Waynesville. Ohio Ur. aod Mra. P . A Groby. FOR SALE 'Quite a unmbor trom h e re ut. tended 1\ !!roup meetlDg IJ.l ths M E . churoh 10 Frauklln, lllst week , fin e !:ib etlll ll rl P o ny Mll re and ~h81 Callie Book mea with a vBry Uolt , AI ~o ~ ' line t:ille tl nnd. 3 palDfulaooldeo'IBtlt week. one fio. 'gor belni oot 01Y nnd and Ilnol,b er y ears olfl . Also Il Kitch e n Cn billet. like new. JU'lulro a~ tbl s Ofll 06 , serloosly Injored. m :l8 Funeral Director. Mrs Jline ~tephen8on bIL8 reo ~urnod her home hers af&er UE CttEt:lT-huge Wblto Moun. Waynesville Ohio 8111mdlng the wl,nter with h,ar sister '"In, for good.slzed faUilly ; nsud lind otber re)"Uvea 10 Leblinon. ODe s6llson"good 1\11 n (1 w . JOI[ol ro uf Mr aDd Mrs. W, Wllker.on Loulea ,Jaeeo )), Bllrveys bnrj(, '( lhl o, ) were lhe 8nnday gnellfl of Air aDd -EI1'J]un. Ill ~ H Mr8 Oaoar Clevonger Auto Equlpml:Ot~~ Mr, ... nd Mrs, Wilbur Oroby. , or O·!' of 'l'ubBOOO t:ltioks. In tl'l l r. , Hone-Drawn Equipment O"Y'on. were 'he week end KUllltl of O. li . R icke, n , D. ,t o W 1l y nC8' 1 ' of tbe formAr', pBrentfl, Mr. lind vill e , Ohio, m 213 Mrl!. P. A Uroby , DAY OR NIGHT l'E L t::r uO~ E 7 B"y B or lle. II yr~ . 0 111, Il j h ll nd. , . Mr: fllIll Mrl'l. Boward Arohdtl800n 'or Leblln"'l. WPrB "he Hno'd "y go08t.& blgb, BllIgI" Or (ltll.l ltle, -:"!~~~~==========~ of Mr, nnll MrH . •JoH\l ph "Iller and U oo .i IIllV IJlrlCo y o u put him . F ur 1I.~rtlot1l1lrll .. e A Or. A. 'r, Wri g b t, Mn ll. 1J,2t Mrs UbnrloR lItoillw.; n hlt8 heRn vl~ tin \! Ii ... ~ I ~ ' r. Iltlr 8. J"1II8~ ~,jll e r IIn ,l fIlIHI :.\· , tl f nl 'lI r \1\IIII1IHl'turll, n , w . " flij ht1Tn E){g~. h y t h e 8e t. Ii' ' J D' Mr. Jl H, .. /II R " I("rll , ' nr Mlddlo ' • t ln g or 100 ; ph one :11 3, ~. I t8 B. unera uec r , ~I1 W U , ~ I "' n l. .h ,' W,' t,1e "nrl ,,'tlb h ill V !:lmltll : W ll y u es vlH u. O . 0l 2 J r and Embalmer. I'IlIf' O' " . ~II' , " IIfI Mr•. N", ,, ll(' j;l6r H. ' I e,. t .. t I n w l) . u. R. I Hoil full bl oo ri El(ll ll, lIi Waynesville • .Ohlo. Mr. I Mr~. P .I IlI MlI oh nll "lid • fur .1.00. E. M Bou o oll , H. U. ' , . .. " . ~ III'I ' I ~ U'II\ I,, \' ,, ~ ~111 " Anll, tho r., J.I, lilUlll n, ?-, o f II I:Illl e 1I " .. l b of / g ill'!,' " .,f till' !t1t. IAr'lIl1loth ur . Rld gll vlllo. lila Eilh~r Au to or Horse drawn servicIt; Mr ""r ~ 1tt RfI!(er.. tj f Mld,lIo "'AI E 0 1 ,, ' I N o e xtra cha rge ,for auto 8ar ice. ~ J 18 '*,1> -0 lu n OT t n ) 81'1 , B h h . Offi ' d Res·d I " W" W 7 ~ 111 " ~l1nd,,:v I(l1 tJ~t 'of IIIr, pUlllp,V'OIOtLlIll': r " n il t ll. ~te r . F!)rd l ot p ones In ce an I ence. !!lith! M(,1 In re. Hize Bnd iu !tood ~ h!lIJE' ; I hllv e AIIB.\ No. 14 . , - - - -- mv Ure.! !lnd b " ve 110 o ~e for 'beF't!! ' thing!; tbOY Olill be seon aa illY b0ll16 ,B. Frne Me~tar Exerclae. ·BARNHART. I\ny hOle. W. N. 8 0artl. rnI4 The 1l1l" ~ 1 111"111111 4!:n'rl'l~e w cnn • thInk of III IIIll procHe\! of dolnll: thnt Fult·bluolllld t'olrmcl ·Chlna Boar Notary , Public which )'011 ,II Hllk tl to do. ' It you will for 8"le. log lire flf O. L RI\lk8 wU SWitch freUi kI cking yourself every day R. D. -l. Wayn esville, Ohio. All kinds of Notary Work. Into tlol n/: cerlliin things thll t you ml18t eel Deed8 • Mpealalt7. large type Poland.Chlna Brood do. to Killng lit them with a rellllh IUld Sow, 1 yef\r oJd. Inqutt'e of a vIm. you 11'111 be IUrprJBed at the tJllrel't'lll<:8 It w1ll make In JOUl' cIIIpoo Pero, Rea.OD, B. 0 . 3, WaYDeevtlle,
L 1
IlUaa. •
.. ,
________________________~________~~.~ ____~ TIIENnAMI I
.II ..
.! III
, ' I", ,',',1, tol l , , e'l, II ., 1\', ", "
Telephone 25-2
H HrlH'H
I l
1t: l~llrl'h'cl
ir mll l ll'Il I.\' ,
111111 H.'lIl('\I'hl.1 1)\III1I)[\s, his '{,h ick. bl ll ~k THl l r of t'ytloS III longe r uPl'u r entIt p,'rlllll ",,"l r ·d,
wlrlj' u lHI ),!rl rn , II
Iw" .d,,~·" ' ~l lIl ,hl., (',,,,pl'c'cl his J\ II n~,,( h ..~ r Ill' "as 11
d ,ln sill -
/;lt ln r '(, 'III\1l1 l1 e'lIllol1 of UI·I,'·S !tINI ,)r IIdOlr. I PUJ'SII1)( lhrollgh tll(' O m'·". hi. 01'(11 linked In one of DurlJ(' ~', Mr. R u II· , CI'Oft )I ~. Itllted 1001( !llough l<t Im OI'\' k~ upon Lundlc)rd .Ton"~ tilt> 11111'01'11111('" I o( llrovitll ng 11111 "dllltllll{lI t. h"11 frle'lIll, I n"ha ..1 W . Tlltrn!:S," "'Ilh the "I'Y h "~ 1 . tllt! "Iol·li ll'"
IThe Late Classl'fied ~ d f\ S. -
A ~'Fert.tll E W tno~ of Corn and Tobo o,!o I ze r on baod . ' lo 'lnlro I) f
.............................. \a
H . Wljkerson , Wa y o l'f! vllle, LOST
Cr ee k' .• Wl lll runs ONford . a jOinted fi ~ h polo, a:;:uto ell !il~r' !1
e,ves, now q ond ropl fl roe l, now lin e i ' 5 roward for ret aro of 8M m a
Leave at Gaze Ue olli e, or Warren A 01:' !tnoe, n, 0, G, Wayn dVllI o. O. jl
FORD Cl,aioo L)riue
Thursday, May 22nd A DeMille production, and a fine one, too,
FORD \\fo rm Dri v ·
"Her First Mistake"
Open evenings -
7:30 p,m
Saturday 'evening '
7:30 p.m.
IJc '
Miami T h eater Program
"The Squaw Man"
Writ. jor f)IIT U,t 0/ (h.d Tru.r.k 'j
11111'11 h l ~ r"Il~( l(lM tl)r n f the Pln::c r~ (\I' I. th l' r. 1 1l111 1 ~t hi :\,'w \", )r l, d lv, It ~j1 " 1U~ tlmt I", tl:ll ll1J'lIlIl l~I'!1 hl ~ l h:llr, d ll \' Cl1t1d \
1i==alla Ii'~=al (:J II:==::JU:)I==='I:I==3
hongTlly. "u~ 1(I'II1nl host hll ~ In- I'IIrl d In \l1 ROY 1 hI. I;de',,' I(lIl'st thllt th(' mtl''' nrC' Iwo ,Iolhll'.' II ,IllY, In Ilil. I'lIn r l', 1111 ,lInlll)(- I'e.tJul "ltl'('k~ flllYIlIII(' on 111'(, '('l1l l1l1on," ,,"ltl ~Ir', Thll" 'II, npolop;('O('lIlIy.
RII ~h crol:l ,' XI,lod,'.\' "0. eurvy In· 'lIlt," he hn,'Il1,'(\. "(' nil fcou 11,1 hi I;-" Th(-
In l('~nlilt
wu!'; 1l1l11nble.
'tlrll g~,1 ~l ur.
~~: il,~r~~,~,,:It:~~II~ ,~h~l.l':Il:,_l tJC (I till'
hrn l ' · n
.1 m
.ODe 1918 Ford Sedan, run' less than lOOO 'miles, good as new , a nd wo rth the money Obe 1917 Studebaker Big Six., in good shape ano ~ barga in ,
.A-.tomobile and Buggy Paints and Varnishes .Tires and Tubes, KellY Spril1gfield, . United States and ar SRring, Fan Belts, Spot Lights, Dusters, Sprmge , Chamo is, Oils and Greases, and a 'full line of Accessories.
- ...---
Read Gazette's Classified Ads'
Bul k Garden . Seeds, Package Garden Seede, ,5c each Cobbler Seed Potatoes Carmen Seed Potatoes Buy Crhlco~lt'8 cheaper than lard .and much better. Special this 'week-l lb . cans 35c; IX Ib: ca ns 50c .
BUY SUGAR NOW- 'fhe Food AdminislratQr saye there may . be Ii sliortage later , so lay in a supply now, . Our prices are rig ht, Special S,.'e for Saturday O,nly ~ · p o und
boxes of Argo Starch
only 20c 16 bars o~ P. & G, Noptha Soap
,.:",. . '
,'or S 1.CKt""-·
__ __ __ ~
- Is th e Trl,State policy and th al price j " gnod for !l week . We do not change ou r price Ilay by day, nelthl!r dll we )Jay II highe r • Ilrice in one tOlVn t hull IV pay In nno! he r The Trl , late is a C'reamery of d ependability . Our dealings a re all Direct with prod u cers W e hAve n O buy ing ag encies slation buyerM or commission men . Look over the Trl Stato prices to riate t hill veRr A~ Ilhown helow Anr! !lee whe re It lij toyour adVanlal!'e And profit to Deal Dir.c' with Ute Tri Stat.
' , ' CI I H arveys burI( F rr f nug IlIrc 1 TRI~8TATE PRICE8 FOR 1919 Sund RY, May 18: Sunday Sc hool n SUlle r 'l rI J\\look DoalDnlllg \\lOOk 1I0gionioli Marcil Woak DOfilunl"K \V ~ k D "laDIng at "ii ,'30 11 In. . Annu St l· nor. ~v • ~ " u n ry I'c bruary 11.11 lende n!; PreachhlR" Ul 10:aO a. m, t:tl ""2 3r 1 41::c 3 Th e principal part of I ho p reuchi nll v . 1 . , .• I C ( . . " <> r d , . .. 5 c 7lh , . . . 65c se rvl cewilJ be a ~on g er vice , and 13 th .. . 72c 10th , , .4 clOth , .G l c 14th ,. ,65c everybody is invi terl tn II ttenrl. 20th, . . 64c 17th , , ,53c 17th', ... 63c 21st , .. 67c Amos Cook . pasto r, 27 th . . . 5Sc 24th . , .. 55c 24th , .'. 65c 28th .. . 67c
LYJ'LE M. E, CtlURCH ~ulllla.v
'chool el'e ry :-iundav at 2:00 p . m , Regular pre aching ser· vic e very Sund ay a t 3:00 p m . Ch oir practice and praye r m ee tin g every Wedn sday e v'ning. Every bod ', Is corcHally welcomed ,
Week May
5th . .. , 60 .
12th., ,62c
We pay the FREIOHT and guarantee the cream and ('ans against 101,
THIS :~~~;~8/~~C~~i~ IS
TheTri-StateButte.rCo. , CINCINNATI, OHIO Tag your cans or if you n eed {'anll wrl l e for 30 dll,'
frill I Cans.
HOG CHOLERA COUNTY MEETINGS Hog cholera i8 the most serious in · fectio us disease c(infrontlng tbe ('orn belt tatmer ~ . Consideri ng the hig h p rice of feed and hogs . we can not afford to tak!; l!hancea wil h chulera, for in n short time an outb reak of t he disease may wipe ou t t he profits for several yea rs . In ord er t o g ive the far mers of Warren County an oPJ1o rtunity to becom e mo re fami lia r with hog chol. era, th l' Farm Bureau IInnou nces t ill: following schedule of mE:!etings for next week . Mon~ay 'evt'ning, I\lay 19, Sprim(-' boru, :ichoul House Tuesday evenin~, May 20. Waynesville, 'l'ownship House , Wed nesd ny eve ning . May 21, Mason, Hiebold 's Hall. 'l'hur~ duy e ve nin~ , May 22, Leuanon,Grange Ha ll. /i'riduy evening , May 23, But· lervill e _ Sat u'rrlay evt:nin g . Muy 24, Mor row , School House. Coun t)' Agl.!n t Cluss wiil have Dr . L Fl, Beechy , oC Col umblls. with him. who will use .a com plete 5el:of slides to i"u~trat e tile points brought ou t in his lecture All meeti ngs ate set for 8 o'c lock Adm ission f ree Questions and dl ~ cu 8 s l o n 8 of local llrob· lema wi ll be In order, as time per· mits.
- ...---
Now Lnke He rring Fancy Irish Mack\lrel
CARS .•.
.' ,
1\1. E. CH U I~ GI1 un dny, May 18: Sunday School, !l: 15 a m., Frank L'May , superi n. tendcnt, Div ine W'lrship, 10:30 a m anff 8 p m Spa hi mUllie, bo th ome oUI m orning ond evening. and worship wilh u s Le t 'IS not fo rsaktl "lhe assembling of our elves together. a the manne!' of some is .. G. N . Jllll y. pastor.
Tenness(>e Stn.,,:bt! rri es, Navel Ornng'eE, Pippin Apples, New CaL balre, Cu kes .
O\lerlat).d Model ' 90 Tourinf, Car
H., Oh io
Fourth Su nrlllY uf ler Ea, t er, May 1 : S UI ,dav 'ch ool at 9:30 It m, Morn , illR" Prayel: and Sermon ut 10:::10, Th ~ public cord ially invi t ed to the. Bl!r, vices . ~~~~~~_-~~~._·~ - _,~;~w~~~.~~
Bne n, MI Kii Tilly, overlll'nrl"!!', drew 11 step or two ne.ncr, A slI, lolen Inll'r 0 t 10 Mr, BIII'Itl'S d('\'t' IIIIlt'11. Sht' hnd !Jot noll 'cil hefore tlml It£! WitS nu Un COIllmonly I;ond·lookl ng fe llow. She nlW HYS 1I0d ~Illd tltnt 'hll ltd ol'ed strong, "a flwl cr lc" fll cf'S. Later OUi Rhe fr lt Insplrerl to jot fl own, for ""1:' 110 ,llIubl In SOIllI! fnlure IIternry pr'o rhlNl on, II co ncl ~e , though ge nerni. tlc'Rcrl pllon of thl' Iltll): ulf\cent lIIr. .TInrne'" 810" utlll zell tI, ~ bnek 01' th o bill o~ f llre nnel phe ",roll) with the f(,"erl ~lb IIr,lur of on who dread s th o IO R~ nf n f\r~t hnn rcsRlon, I lJC!r.'with 111'1)('11"] It!!r " lsllI\l estlmllte of tim hero of lit Is Rtory: "He W II !! n tnll, shnpely Hpl'C'lm t'o of monklllll , "wrote' i\lIss Tilly. "Brnn'\shouldN·c,1.. /Ilool h·shuvo(\ fn ce. Penetratlog g,-n, ry<" .hart, c\lrly hnl r ubo ut til l! c(llar (If min , Rtrnng hnnds of 1:11011 shope, 1-'111'0 tnon ~ d cons ldl' rublle. H ell"lI dnrk (,yebrows, Go d toolh. " r)' white. Ril tlure ch in, LO\'ely Smile thn t B el1\ ~d 1,1 IIglt t \lp Ihe room fo r everybody \\'1 thin h c nl~ Ing. NPM Idenl. 1If0ulh su me. Voice nrl~ toc rllilc llllll rl'vl'I'loe ,"ting with educo llon, Age IIhout thi rty or ~rQl-onc. mcb as OrOeSUs. WeUInrned I pl;!'. Woold 11\IlIle Il gooel nn-
t o hrr, lip hrw.:lh'l l ~oll ll'tlllll~ Il WflY r rmn hl ~ " ,"':-0, li nd hiS' ('hin, rn ntrul.'tlu", Irl' lI1l1l e'" , 1I)!,Ioll,'·. "WIIIII I ~ It, ~Ir, Hllco,,? Any \\', r,l f "<)(11 Ne\\' y 'ork 7" MI'. I1neon ho\,, 'r,'01 n"lIr, ""rhul"
C:J EF==3U:Jle:==Uil 1
c l (,~ I ' I' lpllou, l1 ('ur o ld J!lrl , h ~ wouJd II~ " " "" hll v,> cut olT his rl" hl h nnt l It ~ t n lIrf'Hk Hn~' 1'1'HIII I~' lIIud('
rt l1 l~v
Hom'st. and At·cumt· Sati sfm:ti u ll
- - - .. - - - - -
t ' lll ).! II 11 IPtHI IP I'
to ho renHOItnil 1.\' (Ieflllll',' WeTC! It not fo r th e nole rf' /.!'I1r,ll lI J; Ihe color of ItIR blllr. rt I,' m' ('~ In 11\9 th e Almple tnHk of eornph'llng th e VCr)' nllllllruhle (h,scrl11l.1nl) or MI'. HltrD I:'A hy Illlnnun ci ng (h"t ~II '~ 'rilly's hnlr WIIS IIIl ex tre ,u ely
Wash lngt'lO
li t
~ a
htf'nlnn'" A ll tlli R woul d It pp('o r
ii i
"It hit S Jo. t "nl el'l'll It l, benn thnt yon mny iJ, 1tt1 ac tol', Mr. nun s," !'ull!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.;;.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...:. f '\
TU,e sday, May 20th Featuring Constance Talmadge, m
\\".ln l1d
wlf(, Ih"1 III' w'l ulll nc \','" jill II II dulo
UI111 H
C r ilUY
n nt! (Ih ll k.s.
('o n-rnlrd, wl",n :-orr
\\' (lrQ
wh l(' h ,,' lIltn w u.s 110 It II"" ~h" 1\ Wli' I,)
Featuring Fred Stone, a new face in this theater, in
It l'·:.l...: t c'll
pn nl--d r l1(" · W ,IR largl'
Ilk(' fllrrlJ WB; h l ~ I1(1 Q'
Sen'rul Ilwlllber~ of the l"clI l lodRe of 1 ~~It'rtl ':llll' aU IId"d the ullnu lIl ·inspt'cciull " f llie XCll ia lodge , Tues· rluy E: \ IlinK .
il\ lhl l 1Il1H'Ollll1
'!"IItl lillI'S In his dork, s r u-
P.''''ll"l)\\"~ !'oI l!uI",t!
Saturday, May 17th
I lt iP t r y
Sunlight ' ;
o,"'<"" lI y,
i nlfHlth
H ig h es t Prices Service
I<lno lte' •• 11 101011, ",Inn' you pul 11 liou l I 'l'nel'c will b ' de~ l cc wor,k at the WHV I <1:u-,' " 'V t r"III ,1 fill wi l li II IIt l lt' r eg ular J . 0 , l , A . M lllC 'tl ng-, ne>.t H I II;~k. rt . Y"\!' ~., III III' 1"11 It. ,111 -1 n I' ridny eVl'nin~ , Mil), 16 f\ 1I melll lill .' IIr 1',11). II' hll l hili' " ),elll rl'"tI)'. I b<'rs a nd v l~il1ng hrel hren arc urgcd ]\11 >" '1'111 ,1 'f' I lu be pr",~ enl. ~rl ~R '1'111)" \y n~ ' n 1luxom fl' lII"lr nf I fon," ,'r j\"'r " flhllut~, wi ll, ~1"'l,tOl,·I, ·". Tt1t'''Unit,~ d :iLUtcs" I~lecl ric Light :'>iI,' W!l ~ ell'l' of II pull' ' 11' AI'<ll'ltl ll rr.1 ill !!, 1'lolIl i ~ dlr~C I conllcctt,d, ~ elf wllllr, ·~ s(· '" IIhv Io "II Il""1I ~" I",,): III til. , crankln.-:umlnUIOtnal1C:3I')PI)ell when e>ntploy of ~ !r, .rllll(," III" l li e I",h'd th" l uatlt)ry is fu ll. Fo r ~ al e uy '1' . 8 ~IRhl (Or 1'h\'trI. _ I I{o~cr H or Kirby & Wins tulI , lIfr. H II~ IH'r"fI'~ ('(l(II'I'lI l1n Ol nr n hltr or t'W(l II1rJ V hnvl' ~tn~gl' r cc l I~ nrl l\'~ ' " : " ' I. t f 0 . Iottl 11 1\111 ,\I;t 1\1'\\'II<1,'r MI ~,. Till ", II ," MIs;! Ellzaul'll Chandler, 0 S. llnol fllur e'1:r:~ wllh hl~ hllll;. IIl1o1 ~- ' ~v~o gr~~u~li Bl,ll J'lt~' has b"'t::n nlh,'r Ihlll g~ ' 111 pr""",'tl"". II " Inll, ,'" ~ C~ tlA tu . ~ lt I II I uP,Pn s, oll"l Ity, R l ll lS 18 a est 0 f \I~ I ~c 10 ur· n ~1:" 'lt tI" :II , Il~C~ '· I I.'~ III IIIill '~'fl Y Ihll ! ship, il i~ qui te an honor and MI ~s It \\)\~ 1\ "tl l'l" I '1<11 \\II rl h "["," Iclng 81 izlliJet h IS receiv ing the congrlltu. for. A,"n"~ IIlh,'r 111111", Ill' dllul,'rl lations of her m ll n fri C:' nd ~, unt
111 :o-;t a 1'."".
h ls Sll lJpl' r h~' h..III I I).: S l ell' h · ...
" l'II 11 ,"
' - --
"The Goat"
~ t' at lll1~ ~1l1 1 11t 11·t
II HI r,'\'tf 11l~ (If II III \1'1'11 7
\ ' JI1~ j'lI r
"Welcome, Thrlcefold Welcome."
Younce Brothers Grain Company
rn ,. ntHl
Il l!
el. Ih"" 11", "1" '\' 1111'1" I i'l1 U' tla LUIIlIJ::! fur lOW I1 u rrenl ur furllllighlll e)i, IJldn t::l. KlrI,v& \ ill:<t OI1
''' '''11'11'
10 .. I,,,,, "1'1'1',, 1', ,I In 11 11 or t1\i' ,II'IIU'i pnl llw ltt, r~ .. 1' IllP 111 11, \ :1~
I yet
Station in WaynesvilJe .
IJ. 1I,'n .du)
" ' lI ,
- ""
••CEMENT.,. -and concrete is so easily mixed for a sidewalk that every farm hOllse should be con nected with barn , chicken and hog hou_ by the kind of wa lk tbat J1 ver gets muddy that lets YOlt forg~t the weather. There is no trac!.;in g of mull ill the !tous . There's a sav ing in shoes and in doctor's bills, A concrete' walk is so easy to build a nd so inexpensive that we'd li ke to tell you just how to do it, if you dQn ' alrea d kno\. You'll need a few sacks of A lpha Cem >Tl I and gravel f!Tom a nearhy pit. That's all tha t it. takes to make your walks like city wal ~s,
ushel'ort bluo'vee, Mr. Jones .'n't \ l!ilolcC ~" j kc to I (}f t.;vllllllu n terven e.s., and Two Men Ride Away. ImmL Pr\!.el l ~ III J(lIIll:Y'~ ,
'" ~. I",
Nobody .Likes Muddy Walks
. l r~ l»lI ,
• tr _ n11·.lw r o t "',,-p ln h lf"l t l thn t h,-. hnrt 111111 I I. ~ 1tl'rw\', III "/11'1. 100 "'('111 011 L . A Zimn ,'rlnnn III d e 1\ bu~ine~s to) " " "f, '~ I", I" e'" "I1I1I1 'l'II" <i . trl l'lu 'lllClll lIU I, 'f llc'Kllny , Ilk I ' 11 1\ ' 111't: , I f) "~pl'n k" ftlr t. ,,'Iu-H ""11111 I,c' 1I11 ,r.' Ilb): II'lII w, n ll '~" 110 [:,'I\el. I \ C hu\' ... f u ll hn e \1 1 Jrytlll. 1\larsh
'".lil j
~!r. unci CU,clllllllt l
[ Mr.
tv! r , uno! '1 rq ,,~ \ '. Ilarn hnr l sp nt ' r.1 ..,IHl>ty 111 lI,,\' LITl .
Dodd. M~...I eo.p..,.I.. ,
e. ---------- , 1:!I••••••III.~.~.t••••••••• ~ Ne M r e for !.....PERSO ME 'TI Ni ---......-----.
\"(\1(1 1
d, t:1 IIIU K l.ttL: 1'11\ lli. I!t hl nl 11111 ,\ Ipt'd Ih, fr.IL'.It- .. "pr, ' . l l1 n f " f1Il1 h .,; I·H·... I. ""U1\("'I11\ p'" H It hl' ~ 1\1,41 1111' h. It n t H t .'il', 1Hl1ll\'· • f ,'rd , In ... ht\-htt I , t· II th -·1. ''If.'' " ' u t 2' ·U" · \· ... h ,' ,' · ,~ r"IUH'tl I' t' z,IIUHr,hh.. b ·. "1\11" ' 11 (' Yf)U't" f\n',II H' h ,\ hiIlH'!lt' " In h i.'" ,' ,)1 , I" t'l h ...·llid y ou " (,oU I\! I thl i "I'.' tll \\t I ' Ihll ,',' h .llt lllfht ld l ll ~'!" l i p IIt'J.!" !"'1!'\! If) "'ltY 1htH :\h 1, "I d. 'r!!"," l Oll"'",!" i:lI \ 11 11. til pn ....... ' IIt: H f,,\.\ 1 I lIhI111 1 '~ h, "f'I ,'t ' II'H I h :111"11 fI \P"I- Jlll oj .wh btu'l~t~il 11(ll li l\d h i.;; hall d: I "I' Pl10w nJ j ~ tI\l r!-' l'rlllJl :,\ I'W 'Yorl.
M r. Il u:hc rll fl f. 'II,H'· !J6111"ll Ti :l l'lIl'K molt."r or fncl , ' 1'111 1(1l~rtrO QU ilt" It :-:;"'1111 , bl' ll t" ' t' lUI '," I I'," l'ODtcs;!!!<1 IIfr. OI IlII1):(to l'l1. "\\" ,',. • ] 1 WU" 1\ w.'n·plll'·",1 tlr, (or:\Ir It 'en dro"lng Quit Il bit o)f cIIHorn 1.0 · ltu ~ h c' r"fl hn,l 10\' ,'11 1.'l1lnl: 1 1I"lI"tlV" ~ lllc ta proom, The rub 8 like to flit tor <l IlS~ UUlI ilL' klh'W PYC1" y lhHll nrouad nnd IIst!'o 10 con"~r.ll tlon worth kll owili /; 111 NI'''' York. Unrn(\R wa ~ nltll ll,'ntn r ll y tUk t'l l ubOllt Brolldwny li nd BUlllu'r Hili 1111,1 Old [,oInt Comfort llnO other pltl ''', abncl;.. 'l'h" 11 lie ro ~o lO tne ~plr1t ot · olld then go h om.' Ilurt t.'11 th e no'hllt· We OCCllslou. belrS !hot they kno'" quilo II !llIml",r "n tl ll ll, 1t u",h ('t"oft." l UI t:"Tf\c t C(1 , OR It of IItngt' poopl " I:hllllllU nn I \I r,,, I III N'III1/; lIU olol-llnH' 01,,1 ),"'l'lIll) h,~ g llest. U sten I H t',l r thnl? 1I\1 ~ h I"v" " fl'I,' ,\lI, "1'hls IS l:"Od, crott reciting 'Oungn 0111 .' YOII ('II II 't 111\' ~u llt Vtlll IIr~ Ilkr n t hrh-lIu! fit I,' hellr the thunder tor til" lIols,' )..,'" pnlrJl til till' mldd lp or II I) l'llllhlN~ L1('s~ making." pr e now nr,' J'on ?" . Tbe deseendl'd the 81ulTS 011(1 1\. ·rh.') <h"l.k I I IIIH I ~ worrnl:r, Mr, 011 · t ered tlJe tal)room, wlll're n tl o7..'n ' TH'll IIn l! (" rc l sln", u'c1 th .... Ih1" {onlllf'r IHl tl l l' were soated nround ll1e ln hh·~ . 1111 ,.r ~hou"h'r nlr('{' III'IlIl I"I~', fn rnlll' rly, ","l them with pewt r 11\1I!::> III fl'(lnt "r 8hllll\('el : . tl'A.m. StapdlDlr at tho ( nt) totl,h,- th lll "\Vhc' wn11t., ' 11\\'(' ,Jr"lIlt"'" w~ - ·tI Ml n "AS
WA1~ES~~~==,_O =H~I = O~.
Jill \ .
MASONIC NOTICE S peci al cornmunic~tion of Way nes· ville Lodge No_ 163, F . & A. M Monday evening. Work in the E.A: and M, M degrees. Masons are cordially Invited to be present, S , D H nkle . W. M L. A Zimmerman, Sec'v.
- ....- - -
Of 1:/0 Con8equence, TIle nOwr tI" ,Y. "Inee so mnny YQllng p e"ple ",oro clllI~d for lO help j Oil 111 r 111 8 , onl' b" y, whll WIIS Willing and ngt' r til /11'11) hilt w holly un. II CC} U/lltl t~cl with rllrlrt work WIIR UH. signud to il fllruwf \l'lIn II'O~ exlromely ~ss III )(I ,·It.:,: dlr ,'Llnlts ns 10 tlte wtJrk If) Iw dlll il'. 1JrIC tillY Ito toifl tlll' hoy In "grell~o! tI\t' Wlll(lIn," An ~~ur la l!'r till' huy 1'111111' In nnl1 BO ltI : J ,-" /;Tl'l\HI'.1 ("'I'I'~' 1""'1 IIf tbe wU KIIII Uc&lIt tilt! Btickl! tI,., t -tIll' wltel!IlI lllm c.a. I cJ1dD't bot! ..r "Ilb tbem. TIle, ~ Il10. muela I"
The Practical Car A comparison of the features of Saxon Ie Six" with thos of higher priced cars discloses 11 Big Credi t Balance in favor of Saxon /·'0<.1110'"
SAXON PlorCO~ t\ rrow
1600 0
. 3 00
IVlut<>n Whlto Stu 107. KIMol
19 6 0
. D.VIA W""LC:OLt Appenooo NotIonal
2 8 00 1960
1", .• hl/ll.On
1 58~
2MIl 2 7)0
RAY ' F'. MILLS, j)ea~r Phone 71
Waynesyille....·O hlo
THE Sc, tOc AND . 2Sc
Mystic Mitts, c1ean$ kettles, skillets, e,luminum . Wl;lre, etc. , .. , , , , . , . .,. . ... :. .. .. ... , , ... , , , .. ,lOc Women's Union Suits ; , . , , . , ... , ... . . .. , ....•. 5Oc "Sky-Blue" Enameled W~re , . • . , .. _... , ... : - .$1.00 , Durable DURHAM Hosiery, for Wom.en and Children .. _.. , ........••.. . , ...... ' - ....• 200 Bixby's "Jet-Oil" ~nd "Shuwhitc" , hoe D~ing .. lac FO$kett Plate Scrapers. noiseless _. .....•• .. ..... IOc· Vacation.. Treats. a dainty confection, per-tflare:. Ic ..-
~eventy- First
Year '
OHIO, ..----______________ :______ ________ WEDNI~SDAY
MAY 21, 191
Can't Even Fly Away from ,Business Any Longer
_ _ ~ ........... ~
Whole Numuer 3531
_ _ _ _ _ _. . _ _ __
"~ _ _ _
W.'" NE TOW , Sil l(> 'UNDAY
SCI1UULS '1'1,1' HixLIi dh i ~ I " 1I " f 'H 'I' l" I'ul f:ed r,,~ , hI, " '01111 .1' :\ ),"hlll i III lit il,!! Wl ll' lI dl , I,HlIlI JI,IT . l ilH8,· b" I,,·s 1t '10I '1 1 tn t'l I' Ire iltlil l V .; ~ fi III \\' Illdl huc1 Ih'('n rtii ~ ~u u~· th· ·ir own inoll" id.lftl t!lr" ri. pOll d in~ l.he billicipult,,) I!xpen.p s ~l)lIn<,c l ed wilh Iii, lilt III lot up of Ihl' J)on "111I 1l 91 1~ t'\' . Dcb\cilr r .Unvl' Tall, Conccrn a s u qdcal dre~,:illl.: r"~, "'" Wnen Lieut. H Ridl(c Was Ele.:ted o f lahor and IJlat cl'lEll hn\,1I11l' mad,' , Ing Tcuc hcr~ -Officcrs ""'erc President - Theater Party t hH (·xI.cnoilture I I I1J1l' I' l's ~a l Y Ihl'S£' I _ . Was t: njoyed PlJlliil"~I,irlt"d . un"•.lIi , h w orker ~ Elccted for Vt'ar :\ !{ r t~d I hll'- 1hl '~l' I'll nrl:< "' "lItd bri II g lilt! I!real e5 I!/)"d t o tlw ~r e al ('~ t num ber if J.' il' t'I' tn t h., 1' lI hli t' .l.i Th e ~lInd[)y Schoolw of Wayne The 18>1t m'!l' tin g, u f t he Me n o f hrary , Tw" j,jf)!{ la hll!" \\ urll II I"" I:own,.hip 1".101 t ho il I.l~nllal ~on v!! n· ~..... ,\j ll e fllr the year took place wlde d to theilonllti',ll. IHln fit til H,cl(slte ~ nl'ntl~ r. hurch. latlt ·r1nesl! uy evening, and il ~'hi:\ qu, ncy i, tn be uscd III pur · ~ul1, l a'y a fternlJon. MI\Y 18, 1 ~)10 proved til be une uf th e bf'st of th" chit, e nelV bool(s. alld wil en :l'our Th," meotin g ~!IS openecl wi~h a t urn CUIllC~ 10 l!nJ uy th e m Ill"y ),1)11 h:mn !If~"r whtch Rev. 1\'1 MIII~n Yllar. The !lupper wa t.l ·sl~ rved by th e r euII !t .to each volu me tl1(' , pi ril Olf read t he Scnpturn les:lon amI led 111 Dorcas socit'ty, in the M 8 dining mutual helprulnes~ . for thu ~ it i pra), (: r . The llIinutes of lhe Ia..~t rooms, nOLl a Ii np. BUpper nf chic: ke n th ut ~cl giVIlII any good CRuse cum'.!. I11cetlll ),( \!l Urll n 'ad by Ih~ Rccretar~. and hOI biscuittl waH se rv t'1 1 to l h l~ buck to the gi ve r "H,m in nll,~1 '111 We w ' I't' th II (""" red IVllh a bellutl. hungry lot of me ll wh o assemblell at I'lClle<!lecl way ~ , n'nil inc reased ma ny f ul solo hy Mr . 1) . L . Cra n e. . All hut t\\'o (If thl' .' nnd ay School fo ld the meeting Y o motl crn buslnCI\R mnn who cO llll ul 6U " I " 'l1d ol.fO rntlona w hlre tra veling at Te(:Ord epood of 20() The carrl H Hcn t ou t for th b 01 tiling Le t it be add ed that th e lilt'" ~e( : r e tftri e~ rt ·p"rl .·d .tII Increas in mil es lI lI hour Ihroullli Ih e aI r. I'Q ~ IJUolI 1"" IlI,,·.'cti rurll, or , No" comoo thO Orrico CQUlllPCo:! aIrplane wtlh 6 ' uls tor Iho l'lIljll oyc r and h is 5l'crOI" ry lind 1I 1,Inco t or Iypowrltllr-thnt buslnoss "rna), nOl bo Inwere lItmt only lO th olle who hut! pllit! grou ll o f Quiet w orker~ IV ho hav int'res t ;wd af.tell danr(· ~i llce last l ' rfered with" du rIll !; Iht' Irlll. Th e Jln "~"u l: l'r "iI bin t8 ollcloscd wltb Rlldlng wlndowB-\'alsed hore th e ir t!u ~ fur the cUllling ) ear. an,1 mill e lhis comllJllni ty library p,.:\:;i Vl'ar We WeI'" :<1) '"1'), I II lenrn Iha t t h:u unhlll l,holO mI ght be luk II, sho\\'tllK lJ ustnc HS In tull 9wlng, It's a form er bl8 bombln. almust all of the ulJ 111 e m lH'rl; re ble, who have cIllluis tenLiy nll d fait h- Mt 1J "lIv.:' :-> , had I)(' en disba nded . plane of th o De Huvllulld IVDO . apomict! . T he so ld il' r IJoYll IJf the full y nf! cal'orel lto pl.1CC Iluod read Re v Ill' "eil,' r I hell gave us n ver y town~hilJ were nil invi ted to he pres inR withi n the reach of c\' e rYl)n£' in i nter ('~ li ng fi nd helpful lalk co ncerne nt. 8nt! tw el,ty tw o III tl wm r eo ur townRhip find Illade II'..\Cllfil ' tl1(' ing Lp:ld,,: r~ , UPil " whnll1 the I'I UC8l1ollt!erl 10 Ihe invi ta ti,lO . Alto· pa t rons Qf ull R~('~ nnd (,'lr1di l illIlS. CI!SS of t ill'S S d , J)l! nd~ H e said gether. lhe re w<lre I r,~ preHf.!nl , 11[1\' (' :1 t tim e: wolI l,),·r(·d if it 1\ 'n' II sll ccP~. f , . 1 t(':lI' lwr ( I) mus t huve a c Aft er 8u·pper. th e rdirinl; Jll'l'sire ally wu rth wilil l': 1\,,,,,Il .·red if ti l) !C1" Hi L'hrbti ull l' hHrac tC' r ; r lileio n is de nL. Dr l::lIiH. appll inl"t1 1I co m· wurk w r ' rl'a l l ~' :l1'1I1'I'(·i ll l. d , Th iN "IIU I!!11 '" 1\','11 as ta ught:, \2) mu!!1 mittee to numin ute Il new I icke t. II lIe r 'cuj{nl t lllil hy II leroup of 0111 he (·' I11~("'rlltl ·d I " thl! lIunll:i ns wdl This nan".11 the followinR towns 1\I()I1WI1 IIwk" s t!loqu l' nt fl' l' ly, as t oJ t ;.,,1 : 1: \1 1lI 11 · t h:lvc a kil OII" __ _ _ _ l'"tlRe ,,1' l\ hat t II I ~flc h unct how t il BlI olUcc rs for I he com i 111{ YlllU: Pre~ irl e llt, Lie u t , Hugh Rid ~e; vice· p r e~ cn t il in fi n int !' reHtinll way. n ooks rnak l' pr:lctic a l III ,d us Cui presiOj:llt . Walte r Ke nri ck; ,trell u re r . Th e~I ' kiwi o ( I! ll r h r:J JOllY be had Co m m 1\l'(' IlH' nt I' r R/'I1 IS al J lln Miallli 107. O. E S, E V, l3ar nhart; sec re Iary, 1"l'ank hy lilidll~ a T"lIclw ys T ruinill g Course ney's ' held tI ... i" annual ins pect ion, Friday' I'resf nt H J . ~ J ann ' y. LeMay . They wer!' e lecled by 1\ M 1''; , h 11 Ill; L 'M r1'y Lhl'n r I1lle red e ven ing . Nlltwi l h~ tanding th e ,e · unanil11 o u ~ vote . a ~ul ' J ill h .. 1' 1I~lIil l ills pirillJ:( mann r _ Mr!:l Will ter )(ritain and Iw o chil ej· F I{ ' I vere rllin, th ere we re seve ral present UurinlC th e intorv al afte r sup pe r, Th' HII III'l'inl" III II'Il HI lIf til' .devartMrs Carri l~ r eno (Dayton. an! vi b i til1 ~~ \I ith Alicc'Jane, daughte r of J ohn and Sat~~d~~~ ' It g LVfll' in 'ind nna t i. from o ut of town. the presid enL cull 'rl on Li ' ut Ridge. Nancy Adams. wus born nea r Sabi na , ments ),(aV,! n·p .... tH, Rnd all f ·It enCr aw f ord. II I Martin ~ville. was th e re lal I vas h r ll who respo nded by t ulli ng ' some of Clin Lon County, Ohio, Septemb e r L£i. eo urageri wi t h t h \ w ')rl! dnne this ins pectin!: offi cer, fin d several candi · the thl'itlinl{ inddentM of U.c gr~'ilt 1848. pa t y ar M r , and Mrs. W. H A lI('n S f) nt d Ufes were initiaL!'d _ The work was Vied at the home of her WQ have n fulilin a of Bryan 1arsh war. lind 1I1sn answer d IIt!Yoral 11ue~· Cla ulChter, Mr~ Charles Lynch. at Sunday wit h f riflnllH ill ,·'ranklin . The treE\.'1u rl'r I1:WI' a n'pllTi s howUP te the stllndard. and e veryborly Mazda Lamps for town c u rrlmt or Th'e Illllies of th e thir(l d IYi~i n of inA' a baillllce of $1062 on hand . tiontl, which we re pUL t o him, re- Waynesville. Warren Coun ty, Ohio, tm j oyed t.hemselyes . After the work farm li~htinlZ pl;mts . Kirby&. \ ill. ton the Woman 's (i'onil,,'1l Miasi nary So· l" iYe dollars Wl\~ voted to b g iven to garding lhe war. Dr. Dill, n.. te IlJlnLlt 21 S. H!'lIan. a light lunch was served . MIlY 12, 1919, aged 70 years, 1 cillty or the M _ b . t; hu rch, under the county trensur Ct I' tiS Wayne TownAs 801ll\ lIS t.h e e leclion of officer s months and 27 days. way. LebullcJII . h iI). Mrs, Viola la r ey rmrl dJlIIll'h to r, Icadcrshi>J of MrH, WI'. Sc lis bury . Rhi p':llIh'lr pf I he co unty xponses. was ovcr . th e new ufli,'f'I's touk the Sho was married t o Oliv er Owens, lelld Ilnd e vcniJlldy marched to l,f Lynchburg, Ohio, in IBn, IInll The nOll1illa(ing I:o mmittee. comL A. ZI',llllle rm' an I' S in (',0Iunlbu9. Miss Alice . s pent th e week·end wilh were the 11' s tesses at th e t Ca gi ve n at E', . V. l1arnhn r t hUH Iwe n lail l Ill' for r e Ia tl' Vll~• I' II SI)rl' ll ,.." V Ilil e• y • th e hOlll o of Mra. Salisb ury on Wed· posed "f I hQ slIpr.rinte no e nts of th e Minmi til eate r, wh e rt! Lwo i'tp~c ial again in Hl77 to WIlliam Morrisoll , tuday. on bu ~ in e~ . I severa (l il Y9 on ltCCl lunl of IiIl1 . balZ() nesda y aftern oo n, May 7 th . fllmR were shown ( I ,r Ihe m . Both of BiliMboro, Ohio , Eac h eJf Ihesl' var ill us Su ndRY Sch oo l ~ . th en su b· AfLer t he ope lling hymn, all uni ted milled th" f"Howlng nllmes as om'pictures w · re finu, alli l th e cl'owd uni ons was blessed by Il JauKhte r, I'll d M II II W h f Seve ra l O(lel I,'cllow!' wI~n t: t o Leb · , thorou l{h ly elt j ••yud eve ry mlnul.e of Mrs David Lynch, of :riffin, Ohill, See us Ioefore Iourillg- your ('I,'pl r ic r , an rs . . . ad s wo rt, 0 anon, MonthlY evening , t o ee lho in re peating the Lorrl's Pra ye r . The ce r~ fll r the co ming yea r: president, Mrs , McClure. r ead the Beaye rtow n. are visiting r elutlves first d egree work confer red . the time. alld Mrs <.:harles LYllch. of Waynt!lI' iron . Kirhy & Winsto n . Presillent-J . E J anney here, todav . ~7t h and 34th l'~a lm s , and a hymn The new officers will name the ex · ville_ Nearly all her life was s punt Vice· President- F rllnk Colc man was S UIl~. follu wud by the r eadin g of ecutive cnmmittee at a later date, i,. and aro und Sabina. &xceptinl( a Mr , and Mrs " Cha~ raw fo rd, of Dr. E mil y Wrigh t , of 'Ilringbnro. the minutes and ro ll ,call . The fi rs t Secretll r y-Oral1ll:o HIIP r perhaps ut the JUlie meeting. Tho few years which she spent' in Harwho are inte rested and want a All Mason. "pent Sunrlay wilh fri end s spent a coupl e of days last wee k numbe r on th e l'rugrarn \!laM a r eadTreas uror - W . H Allen club hlld been badly handicapped this veYliburg and Waynesvil le, Oh io , try-out for a Miami base ball team with Or. and Mrs. A . T . Wri g hl. here SlIpt. Cradl I to l\ -M r~. arl Duke in~ . "An Eas ter Message," by Mrs. PBlIt seasOIi on account of the epi . this summer, meet at Phillips' Park, Mhe was an in(lus triolls, hurd· Su pt. lIome Oept. - Mrs . Cros V,il lhunson. Then a rlmd inK', "Mrs. demic, 8ml seYllral meetings were working woman, often perfor min g Sunday aft.e rnonn . ' u pt, Teac he rs Training ·- Mrs . t See E S. Furnas fur B1nrl e r ~. Mow· Worl ey T e lls of IlIllill," by Mrs , passed ov r r on that a ccount. A choice coli cl inn of COlllmencetasks lleyond hCI' s tre ngth, llul al Dom Ward . e r I a nd Hay Tools. I can mak e yo u This was of es pecial inte r· Hough menL Pre 'cn tH at Jl\l)lI ey'~.· ways doing them willingly, say in ~ For repairs f or Osbo rn machines. some prices thllt will inte rest you est a~ th e worki!r . Mr!! , WDrl ey . now Sup t . of C:l e mentary Dept.- Mrs . she wAnted to help her loved ones binder!!; turne rs lind 1111 hav tool ~ , and save you money . the wife o f a mi s Illlmry in Ind ia. I-Io ugh. In sickness or troubl u of any kind, Mr. nnd Mr s . Th nd Zimme rman . see Edwin S . Furnas . agent for Em · ' upt. of In term ediate Oept.- Miss was a cJa'!S ma te a t Uhio Wesleyan of she never failed to do her part. AI Ilnd Mrs . Smith we re IJny ton visitors erson Brantingham Imple me nt Co. Net Li e Earnhart one of our m e m ber,., I'll ra. Le May. Mrs. O. E. Hays and dau g hte r, thoulth a sufferer for the past e igh t Tues;)ay _ • l5up t .Adult De pt - Mrs Ina Bogan Evelyn. of Sardioia,Ohlo, were week- who next gav~ a ~ h o rt tal k tefling of months, she was always patiellt, Supt . of ,Mi~s i o nary Dept - Miss The New CentuJ:Y Club witl meet end guests of he r uncl es, 11. A . and her work while a student. thsnkful for eyp.ry lillie attenti on This was fo llowed by a vocal solo, Kilt her ine Prend e r gast A good select ion of Hooks . Sta- with Mrs Frank Farr, Friday, May R. G. Cro~s. given her by anyone,'and always had Sup t. Temperance Ue pt,-Mrs . J. 23, from 2 to 4 p . m . Mrs H. E_ very pleasingly r e nd e red by Miss a s mile and a killd word COt every· tionary an d Toilet A r ticles for com- Hathaway, Sec'y . Marv Salisbury , "Lea rning to Give," L. Mendenhall one_ Li-tLle rhildren she ItlV cd dearly mencem tmt prese nts at J a nney's. Mr . C. 0 Johnson. o f Dayton . Miss a reading by Mrs. Janney. was fo l· De legates to County Conventionnev. AIlJert VOilel of Gonnette, ' [>a .• an;! Granny will be asked for by more Hin ts . Ruggcsting graduat ion gifts Vera J ohnson. M r: and Mrs. Wilson lowed by a r eading, "The WOlllan Mrs. Carl Duke. Prof. Sherwood and than one of the little ones who will Dr. Dunton a nd family. of Dayton, will be the prime o bject of display at and dau g hte r . Lo Uise, of M,ldrlleto wn. Wh o clave /l erself ." by Mrs. Ell s- Reva Hormel. at tho ago 01 102 t8 I)ra)'t nl\ over)' miS8 her 10Ying care . ' were calling nn Dr. J olly a nd wife, The S_ Fred Company Lelbanon Big s pe nt Sunday aflemoon WIth ~r. and worth ' herwood . A ,hym n was then day that hla 'lifo mny bo 8JlllrOU to On last Friday, she told he r daulZh · Sunday aftern oon. su ng . clos ing the Tlro~ram . Store , beginning F rirlay. :May 23rd . Mrs. Seth C<lok and dau ght'l. en all Ie him to he In'oRollt al th o Me lh· tel' that sbe was only wai ti ng for A very plensant social h our was Special prices will prevail on many odlst • t!enlenary (,elobrnl lUll whI ch God to take her home; that death Come in lind RPe th e " U nited The"United Stat es "~~lee lri c Lig ht· th en enj oyed, during which dainty will lie tn C;olumbu8, 0., from JUDO held no fears, and that she longed t o ::;tates" Lig htin" Plant.. For SElie by ntlractivo.and guitable gifts. ing Plant is direct connected, self re.freShments of ieu cream , cake a nd \ be at rest. 20 to Jllly I a. KIrby & Wins t on o r T. E Rogers . crankinganduuLomati c s tQPped when coffee were se r ved by th e h o~tes.~Cl; l5he is survived by two daught e r!!, H e rman Gray arri ved home Friday ha tlery is fu II. I~o r lia le hy T. E . of tb e aftern oon , The nex t meeting Enlorlll!,: th e minl otr), beforo Iho , eveni ng. af te r havin g been rlis- Hogers o r Kir by & Winsto n . ajlll of 26, ho hilS ooculJloct the 11II1l) tl two·law, fifteen grandchi ld· will be with Mrs. LiMay on th e first ren and five great· g randchilri ren , Mrg. Roy Andrews and S(ln, of Ch i- charged from Camp S he rman. Pvl. (or more than 80 ), ears. In lhe oarly Wednesday in Jun e. .lxUe. ho WAS paBtor In Du ),rU8. who, with a large number of friends, cago, visited with Mr . an,1 Mrs. J . A. Gray is looking we ll, and 118 he was a - -- ... me mbe r of the Hain bow division, he Funkey, severa l days last week. Messrs ChEls , Durne tt. Lie ut. G. J : where ho oalabllshod melons (rtl nds. will be left to mourn their lOBS. M iss Opal Mills closed her school saw a !{rcat deal of the late war . WaterhouiB. L, A. Zimmo rman, When 100' yeara old ho vlstted IlInt at Beec h Grove, l?,iday. wittY an oldA , I o vln~ one (rom II . Is !to IIC , Ralph Smith, Frank H ess, Frank city. lhe ovent t1l1lng tho laying of Bryan -Marsh National M a z d a A v Olcc ' we loved 15 stilled, Refashioned picnic and dinner, N o tic&-Mr. Mahlon Ridge has Rudduck and D L. Crane attended a lbe cornorstone ul the Methodist Lamps arp the be:;t . Kirby & Wins ton A I.litl'e is vacant III our llome freshments wero se rv ed in the aftQrIlccepted lhe agency f o r the People's Masoni c insl ecti on 'at Lehanon, Fri· church. . . Which lIever "on pc filled . noon (It rain ed) . The centenarlall bRA 1\ keen •.011 88 HRt Cleaning Factor)" of Dayton, day e yenlng. Miss Mills will not t each our 8chool Mrs. EJith H a rris arrived hom l', ilnd will rece ive Palll:\:ma.~, Leghorns, of bumor and bo\lo v08 In Ilrn clll'lllJ,1 MOlher's work..on..tru:UWs eud.d . - - - - -- - ----1 the coming year, to the regret of Sunday morning, after havin ~ s pent i3angkoks, Straws and I~'elt Hats , l'nill to her nn 1nnre en" r o me, lome of tbo b cnlth rilles a8 sot forth both llarents and pupils She leaves Not in lhe history of our stationthe winter wi t h her son · in · la w al:1d All work g UBrJlnt eed . For' ladies and PM I he fie vlor IInw hRS ' R ltecl her by Dr. e ha'r tes Jjarker. lho nallonnl our community without an enemy, ery department have we produced a T o her "laee upon the th,one. daughter In Califurnia. heallh OJpOrl. VOllot, lookS 1\\10 n gents. 5th and Wayne Ave. M. E. CHURCH as she gave entire st>ti ~ fact ion durline that so instantly seemed to meet -E C. man o( 60 aOlI bl. hearhlll And .l l\ht ing the three years s he has tau~ht popular approval, as these beautiful ---_0 _ •• ---~unday, May 25: Sunday School, are unimpaired. His stop. tOCI, In Mr. and Mrs Re ube n H off, Mr. Lieut. Hugh Ridge left, Sunday, new packages of fancy·fini shed high- D:15 a. m .• Frank Le Muy, suporin . our 8chool. arid wasofferel l th e schoo· opile of hts old 8 1;0. 1ft nrm nnd Ray Bolt and son, of Mason. were for Akron, whe re he has g'o ne to look grade writing paper. J , E. Janne y . t enclenl. Divine Worship, 16:30 a . aga in. Out what is ou r los9. is ani Iteady. A1\ ef th ORO th inA15 ho at· Sunday guests ,of Mrs . Mary K Ha t · afte r his interests in that city. H e m , sermon by Rev, E 1'. Waring , of other schoul distr ict a nd nei g hbortrlhutes largoly to IOllg walkS nnd field. of th e E.1(chll nge. was t::mpl oycd a t the Goodrich Co, No se riri ce hood 's gain. Her e'lunl!! are scarce. The Woman'~ Auxiliary of Ht, South Charleston, Ohio whtm th e bunch from Way nesYilie Mary'd Church will meAt with Mrs , at night. becaul!e of the baccalau re, a nd her s u perio r fl S Il country teache r --~--~.~~.~----a lld a lady cannot ~e found . Wha t The Jun e numbe r o f the " Ame ri· enli ~ ted. and h e immediately re o E. V , Barn hart, Thursday afternoon al e se rvi ce at Sch ool Audi to rium N. B -Se rvices ill M. E Church ever school distric t is fo r lunat~ can Boy" iH now ready fl)r I he memo signed a nd came he re and enlist ed in at 2 o'clock . At this meeting. th e Several memberR or th e loral East del ega tes to the Di ocesan cohvenlion every evenin g th is wee k at 8 o ' cloc k. e nough to get he r as a 'teacher will bers of ..... red's 1000 Amori can n,)V Co m~lIll1Y E. em Star lodge att~ml ~.1 the irl8peCG. N. Joll y. pasto r. be pleased with their solection , and he ld in Dayton last week wi ll glye a Club," a t The . I~r ed Cump!IflY Ll!b will be like us, keep her as lon g as tlon of the Leb:1n(ln lodlte . Tuesday anon Big Store. The b ou k ~ a rc still . it is a fine g rariuating class this repo rt of the conyenLlon . , Misd Mary Mar) Thomas enter· they can . • K. E. T. evening, open for n e w members. year. Show your ' appr.eriation of Harvey~burK Friends Church tained the claSt! '10, 'fuet!day evellin~ their m S>lterly effort h~r selecting at her delightful country home. to II Sunday . May 25: Sunday School some useful presents for , them, and 7 o'clock dinner, The evening wa~ WOMAN TAKES PLACE don'l fo rget the Normal graduates . at 10:00 a. m .. An~la Stinson . superin · very pleasl!ntly spent. You should visit the Normal Rooms !.: ~ . te ndont; Preachlllll at 11:00 II . lo .. 'fAHD1.EN MAY TAD and see what splendid wo:rk they are r.' sermon topic. "Be 'arefu l" Corne _-..;;..--_ _-...;_---... to thes e services, yo u will be m or e cloing. J . E Janney, Miss Leola Atkin90n ente rtai ned than w e lco m ~. Corne nn'l bring a the Eighth Grade pupils. 1Jl-'1t Thuls fri end . Amos Cook , pas to r. day evening. at her home. Thl! MeildBmes J. 1<'. CadwElliader and evening was pleasantly spent pulling E V Barnhart ' and Miss Emma tllffy and havinit a general good time. Heiahway attended a Diosecan meet· LY'fLE M. E. CdUI{CH 1 ing of the Woman's Auxiliary at Sunday School eve ry Sundav a t Dayton, Thursday , The attendance The Grade teachers entertained 2:00 p, m . Regu lar p reaching ae r - , nt this meeting was very larlte, and the High School teachers, Wednes· vice eve ry Sunday at3:00 p .m . Choir Blsbop Burleson, of South Dakota, dav evening, . at the High " School practice and prayer meet ing eVt!r.\' was the principal speaker', building. A flne lunch WB!! served We Cln esday eYelling . EYerybody i ~ Rnd a very agreeable time was enco rdially welcomed. peelal Friday and Saturday prices jOyed. at 1'he S _ Fred Company Lebanon • ST. CHllRCI1 Mr , and Mrs. Allen Kibler hatl a8 Big Slore: 100 Men's $25,00 anu their guasti! at dinner, Sunday, Mr, $80 OO' Suita at $17.59; 7flC and 51 00 Fifth. Sunday alter I!:lIlIter, . May 1 Caps, 890; PRnt~, 52.45 and $1 95; and Mrs, Chas. Taylor, of Columhus, 25 : ulJclaySchool atO:30 a .m . Morn" Mr. and Mrs Ralph Houston and son, SOc Suapendera 27c; Striped Ove r ing P rayer and. 'ermon at 10:30. 1 AII8 H 55, One-pIece Over AlIs.$2 95; Mr and Mrs. Olarence Edwards, and Baccalaureate sermon a t the School Ath retic Union Suits, liSt:; Boys' $1 Mr. ·and Mra. Guy Kibler and 80n, Auditorium at 8 o'clock . The pubShirts, 29c; Blouses, 'fiOc; Waah lic cordially invited to these Stlrvices. Suits, 600 ' Mlis Bazel salisbury entertained a number of youn~ people from Leh . Cnetl4r's Creek Friends Church anon and here, Saturday evening, In The Gospel Tc.llm of Wilmington honor of MIA LouilMl Baldner, of M'ro. William• H. Schofield, ne" College will hold 8 mee ting at elles· Xenia, who was spending tbe weekpresident of tbe Woman', Land ar's Creek Church next Sunday, May end with ber. Army,. throuab an OIlimale tur- '25, Everybody is cordIally inylted Wltb lhe war If01I alld~ nllhed b, the UnIted BtatOl Elm- , to be present, as a fine meeting is dlqtate4 b, III IlrOIIImln, ' plo),ment Bo"I08, announoes deOlem'lI~u," rraDot .-l" Iplte the return of thollIand, of ' anticlpated _ . '"' called upon to obOoA- a ... ,oldiei'll, tbat ',1100,000 Amutcan premier. And ""oh leadere ..... farml wnt be ullder_lIned W, dlot tbahr0IlDa Alldre Tlrd_ r-r The W01lUUl', Laad Arm, torlller ab bllll 00. . The venerRble ('. (0'. Chipman is bu 15,000 hrmereU.. III reacH- • aerio\J8l, ill at biB hom, 9D Fifth er to lbe . 8 .. frill ,. " to~rtMeau_~
*- .
Th e closing week of the schou l l/car bUl{ill1l1 ng with thu baccal';lun'a te ~e rv ice S unday evening, 11'1 11 be a stren uous wc k fur all concl' r ned The dl'rviceR S und;lY (lvening will be he ld in th e School Allditoriull1, at 8 O~ChICk. and Hev' J 1<'. Cadwallader will d elive r the nudl·ess. The music will lJe by the IInited dloirs of the 101Vn . The SoJ nio r GlasR will pres(m t. nil Tu ·sd llY Qvoning IIl 8:I G. th e I'u r ita n 1,III Y, "Pu rpl p lin.! I~in e Linen . ", at th H School Auditorium , l' urlll'I' cus lo ms and ideaf! a re cl eve rly de lIic tt!d . The seats will he nn Bille , F'riduy nt 12:30. al th e TOlI'nshi>J H o u ~e, Arter that time . they m ay he ohtained at J ann l'y'ij Drug Sture , Wetlnesrlay e Y4!ninlC, CUIIIIlH!I1CC m~llt e xe rci ~l!lI will be hl:'IJ at Seho,,1 111111, The principul Hpeuk e r for this occaRion will be Willi a m T , Trump. H nlJt~d edu('ator The mu ~ic will bf' furni . hed by th e Niclwl A orchestra. ,.r Wilminl!ton , Th" ~ra duR ~es hI'/': Levi Lukc np . Ha rol d M rl'di th. AIllha Dinwiddie, Rth ..1 Ha ines. H f'!1 : tacy. Kathryn Cl a rk. F , allcl!~ Mc G inni ~. Mary Tho1l1119. Edwin Ra ndal l and Ethan <.: rane 011 ~"'riday eve ning, th e Alumni will hold their mee ting at Sc hool hall. Ther", will til! several f r om /, di ~ tance who will a l I enn this yell r. and the program i~ filII a f llo'Jd thing~ . _ _ _' . __ _ _
~ -------- 1JASTERN STAR LO ~
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d evot ed to m ~ nlnll y P"ocl UCllv,' jnuliis s rn nrt I n E ll r"Jl,' T -Is proof fllltlicl ent I hnt hl' w ns not "Qllltl' II hll. M r . , r ,," , ,~ ." cont ent to sllb ~s t 011 t hl' f rnl t 6 of an "All,\' " fl rt h-'I"r part '( " other mail's enterpr Ise. lie was a " No ," " "11 1 " lt l'Ih'''. ~ lI dll " I1I\' 111\' l n ' worker . Ing ih,t t li fO WI\'-: Iwlll !." " I'U,IJPt ·1i." "(lUt' Til l' fiNOt f Ol·t nl ght of n proposed c ud II) I " ~ " tI,,'I'. Y' II '" i ,.:I I: "'1\.... ftlx weeks' jllunt through up"l!r N c \v "Wha! :1 1,. " ,1 ,111' 11 .... ""11·1'·, d'\\\' 11 England t er m l l1l1led wh en Iio Inld urnlill" l\1I 1)!1I !'1" 111 11 1 1(,1" 111:1111.,7 I'\·p aside bl s heo \'Y pn ck In ! he IIUle h l'lI- h (,1'1I I'"" sl dl'rllhl .. 111 111'1"11' 01 111 ", I ",!'~
room at Burt's Tn vcro.
Cockcrow goinl-'"
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palgn '111 0 were t ellln g )'OU abo ut. It'. a nice bouse tor Jonny Wren 8n.1 88.111 of oo n atruo\1 on ne )'ou ()IUl lee" Ule llght material and make the eloplntl root Gas)' to tnko oft tal' ole.nllli al tbo Itart ot II ne,.. 1Nl880n, The wren h OUI O ahould be nalled hl, h to ' t h o trunk 0 :( • tr_wh OTG It \I'm n ot pt too muob lun. Na t we' ll toll ~_a~J} . ~. bOll., for the ma,rll ...
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I I \\ II~ ht ' l~ ('HHt\llli1 ' 1lIut ~ h(ld-it, t1 111m, i'\' I,r lill ly wu s ... hp III ti l"'11 In II )lI W· Ih 'l'I,I'ti, 1.. ~ ,I , (' ( , I' II · I'( 1 "\"'HI II L: IZ OW tI . Uh·
f 1I1~\ " lid!) r i l'\\' . l :lIJ'II I 'S IHflk ,rll ti l!'! , ' 11011 flf t h,- ... ti ' p .... '1' 11.· two tl\,'" Itud dl"'IIJ1PI·Url' t1. J IIl.. 11 Iitl ot' !" IIiP" 1)1 11:';- (IIn·l·tl .\" In fro ut li t' till' S II'p" fh l l ... 1111111 I,' d hi", ,'h ll r CI''"' f ilii! ,' \I d l"' L If Wfl t. l'.\ " ur l ,tr.d ili ff) th.· d lll· k lll ·........ 1'11 111: III " 11 ,·Iot n hrlllttir 1"111\111.:.,,1 h l ~ I'H ~ illull II" 11I ~ lllllllt ", l I I~ JllI l ~ hlH I~' ) 11'1 "", , 'll HII I' IH." " HlI t! tilt' tlII Cl l' \\: I ~" fl t . t h. , "'; "101 ' tlrl\t\ lH l l1" I' l o url l y pl'ot'/a im .. IJlg I hHI tl.,· 1'11111 npl t4,.' :lrt..' d t tl ) I\~ U\'II I', ,jYI ' ;oJ ... 1t' '' ht· 1'1'1','1111" 1. " !"- h'\ :-'t' ' 1JIS tn )11 1\1' I,', up III I ( 1L! t'l I II"', ()II:.c1l 1 ru 111 \\'", '" I,:" II ,,, ' .. IIl,,''f ,I \\', )r ,·. nlll'O~~ - Ioi,"', ..... ,f ""~. IIII' WIII"i ll '."
III lhl'
I·r :lily I U'!oI;I ,II I).!I;'" \\'i lh tl ll .... t.' 1. hU l Hh \\"1 1'1' II \ II:-- t , " 1J1 · )U" " 'y n h' tlll'l..' h ilt
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t li, ' I\III~ ,' I nil p ,- II' flll"s, ~h t } W,):-i n o t II I 11 11 h l< IrI" 1I III' II 1'1 III II1hl' r l11ol(l. II ,' ~ I II I 'l l' / l III ":h ' l, !I ll I .. f t il" d nu r w ith 1111 Up .. IH r \ ' f f ll' I lll\' l lI;': hluu d l'rCI } In to tl " , \\ '('HlIt.: r!lulIl lIy 11I! ..;ll1 k. ', .. ( \'111 " 1'11:" hl In " !-'I h ' !'id fd I'll .,,.rl l y . " '/1 :., .. ) 1' Ill! I l ,ruu gh, ( !ooUp(ltl .... l· I ...: 111111111 ha\' l' fl tl llt ' III!
Ih l
wonld find him really nlld ~ n ge r to b (,~ 1;(' l s 1l (' kl'll. \\' h " I .1 0 ,I " ' r J.;" I nUl o f .rO il ' · ... 11ft 'lI)t \\'1111 I, I~ (>\1 11 . Jrtn hi. tllird week . At l ell ~ t 80 .he U, .'hlw r W II)I'!" n.rtll\ ~h:II'p ('olrllu lll1t l ~. rliool ln~ I l ho\'o thought. But, truth Is, b e )11111 come n u,·url'. lI" " ! fhe n"~t I"n mlll lll !' 1111' 1"' ll h'lf IIf h r"'sl'~' hlll\(_, nnll IIlI'n to hit! Joul1ley's end; be WI\I< not to ,'xp lI,ln !l llj{ u p, II lltl' (!!Inri "r ti ll' 1111 1U J!h IIf d.l lfer rl A I lIt! lilt IIItlld h h r~\", sl\ng hls' paok t or Ulnoy a duy tb COID Il_ k il n ~!11!('.. ,111111', 1,,1<1 lit ti t' h. Hil l ". 111,' 11 1'0(1(, "f In til' Illt'l','I I" 1I After Bettlng t]Ie mln.d of til lund· H \Vil A I l1h 'I'l'~hl , l , 11 11<1 11rl111k III 1111 C 'l'tl"H{,," I ~, lord at rest narno declined Mr. I Ill' 111(,'1' 111111 (1111 I hlll H"rnl'~ h,ll) 10111111111'111'" wlllt ,' d until lh ~y ",,' r,' ''"If. Rusbcl'Ott's Invltll tlon to "qunl'f" a cor· \lllrt. H I' IIU IT.,,, lit hI!' pi I" '. rhllld"d II, ,I I.y dl;t1I nl'c 111111 l hl' lI t nrll o,l to 111nl with him In tho blproom, ('xploln· hI s tll'lI<1 f r' " 11 l il1w I n ' l ll1Ip, IIn(\ IH'ell · 1,IIII1I'~ wit h llw I llcon i /! 1" 'llIlI l'k: Ing that be was exceed ingly tired aod f'lo lUl lI y )lll i II I ,,,,I I lit: ,, 11" _"'111. '\1\(\ 1 '" 11 ,'y >0',' II t (l l!to flirt'lI.m, 'l'x, M r . Int ended to r etlro early. <\1111 ,' liS II /r rll l.ll y IIH Ill' Iil! r o(\II C{',1 t ho ,)/)Ill" '" Instead of gOing up to hla room Im- t op,," II<' C'hl1 l1 l-:l' l\ It . ,I "n , '~' 11IIIII 110 r h~ 11 1111' nutul'II l tIIl ~C medIal ely, ·h o.wev r, h e dec.l ded to uN. ,t 1IIIIIIy 1I 1l1"" 'nlrll .. ~ lip I",,.,, (h i" III"r,'. 11,' 1"11111',1 1I ~lIl llsl 0111' of Ihe haTe 8 look at the weather. HIs un- lillie I)' ! he ~ ~III', " Ill' Sli l tl. " I \\,II~ 111I>'! ' 'lIIeI , . trlk ll1g a wa t ch 011 bis I " easlnC118 concerning tho young w omnn n 1I 1 11 ~ " \II'I,rl sl' " .,-h pl1 .0"" ~nhl II r pl - l'cll gl llcLl hi s plpo. of the croBBronds Increns d ns he h' r hntl l':l \·,·n l ' OIl " IHt. WI ll'r e f rolll '/" I peered at the wnll of blnckness l oom· "Th e n"s _r ru"l. II IIdl .. IIuwn . ile " 1\1 , 11 0 ' c\II' IOIl" ahou l 'I' rn '/" h o Ing Up beyond the circl e of li ght. She ('11m " frill " ! h" <l ln'c lio ll I)f F ro~g's (1 1'11\\ I, rI. Wd somwbero outslt!e tllnt sl nl !!tcr Corn,," IIIIlI w n. 011 hl ~ WU!' (0 ll1eet " It 11" \'1'1' \' tl lt ' l'~tl Illy mind II DIII Iltl('l IIlaek wnll . nnd In th e sllloth erlng " ",,,.'(\ 0 1' II I ~P" " 1. 11 F il lt~. It np- ' 1I" tllll' I " Ii, cur lllll s," ~1I1 !l Ha l ll(,~. 1"l8p of those InviSi ble hlllR, but wos Y ' urN Ihlll ' llIl'rr ' WI1 " n IIIIKlrn(\ cr sto n(\. " \ \'1 · 11. \I "II ! "I','II 1111'11' IIlllllls nll l1utt ehe IIvlDg or den d' Hnrl she rencli ed Ing. 'rIll ' ,11'1 \'1" · IIlIllI't m ee! 1110 truln, 1111 " " II I' 1I1l" t il " , (,1I1'loIIS nbolll )." " ,,, her Journey's end SIItel ), ? He tried to so lho Ill,,""11 Iw WilM guln[{ ufl C'r sulll t ho l'l h\!r. extract romfort trom t h e conOdence wlllk l'll 11 11 ,III' Wil Y 10 Iho fo rlrs. We eha had expressed In the ability ond 111111)"'110,1 upon "H eh o!her thero, Mr. CHAPTER IV. IDtegrity of the old Ulnn who drove 3ol1('s, un~ \\'e st ud"' " tli o slgnl)Ost to· . with tar guate r recklessness thun on e get h er. he wu~ hOUDel for a pIneo An E x t ~aord l nary Chamb erm& ld, a' 1 MI dnI ght Trag edy •.and a M an Wh o w01lld bave looked tor In 0 w ild ond cullC'rl nrl'N l ~-O U l' Y. " trr8lponslble youngster, " Ol d y ou sny 81;u7" S aid "Tha r;r k You ." Be recalled with n tllrlll th e troperl· "Y "R, I ",ns p rOPQH i ng to bel p h er ) II ~~ Thll~k "rny WII ~ "llImlnl! " "11' 0 " oua mnnner In wWch she gave dh'e~ out of ,Iw r llrcd l C'l\to 'ut when tllo be. lI l ~ 10,·(/ \1'11('11 IIf' ('I1I"I·. 'd I "~ '''''fll mler tiona to the mnn, nnd h is surprl ~ltlg lil t '<I m otor cnm rnclng" dOlVn (Il e 1I !11<lIn,; hiS n t' \\, 1\ 'I (lr ,'r lt'lIf!H lilH,d IMlmllty. It 8udelenl y Qccurred to him -, - .• ~ " nl l{lt t. 1I \! \\'/111 stU ll!: r 'il nne! ~ot nc· that ahe W88 no orellnary person; h e W8I ratber amazed thnt he hnd not thought ot It before. Moreover. now that h e tllought of It. , there ' W88, oven In the ngreeohl c r ejoinders she had made to Ills off('rll1 llS, the ·tnlDt suggesti on ot flO accent thllt should bave stMlck hIm Ilt the time but did not for tlto 0l>vloU8 r enson tllll t ho WB8 then n ot at n il IDtcr csteLl In her, Her English wos so perfect tllll t h e bad tolled to d etect the almost 101~l!reeptl b le . foreign flavor thnt now took definite fonn In his r eflections. He trle4 to place this accent. Was -tt French or Italian o r Spanish 1 Certnlnly It was not Germlln. He took a f ew turns up and down the long porch. stopping flunlly fit the upper end, Tbe el en ~, Inslllrl ng elfin!:
" TI I\\ J)
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, I)
NOT ICE BH I'I : I'IlIlS- l ; r ,1 i n I ~S ,~ ~ I.J . Bu y t 'l' h.: h~I" II , fl·,. : I. . 1t r l~d i n P ~ A .. '· " lI re.! !J \' ~l l l j n t.: \ ,i1 lc\ 111l1:"1t: H l lt·d, · ' ... • , \ :,S ' ,\\" l tl 1 10111 . i .. n 1>t',llI t·ilu l d .i lk 1.,1), . It lll i \('i H !; ti lt! , \\·11 1 Wt.' :~ II I .,UtI . U tlt, t! "'1) It' , I lid l h .' ti uli . ;\1 1 1'i.'II:lie r(l 1l .t dll1i. l' r ~ j hn ~ l lcl .sc.:. thi .. h llise' This horse wil l lU , l k {, l lll! SCUSU II a t S:!\ I. tt l I ( ) Pet ~ rS4 II1' s hll rn . I ~ \' (' , y l )lCC.llltir, n
TT I.:-i T IL:-':
(·tl il le '
!"tril C-h ll' l lt l,l ti p
Tl'lc phOlle :25 - ~
•.r .-.
Dr. J. A
A. MA F/IT ~''uner al
VeterinarY and Embal mer, Oradunte of O\1i" ""'UI I !lIivl"r tli'
Waynesville. Ohio.
i\ \, E I )- I ; A I~
OFFI CE: 1;'IlU r Lh " 1 r p.t! l , Ilnllr 't'y lnr
'I1. ~TI G H ~
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Let Us
u \VE 1>0 ALL K IND S O F El,EC Tn.I 1\ 1, W ) R K .... U R I' IHCI':: AR E P £ASO \ BLE .. .ALL \v U RK GUA1~ANTEEI)
Kirby & Winstol' Phone 56-5
'l'~-T o ml\toell, UlllJollge Ollel PO tlltO~8 fOT Bu l e . l e quir e
li t J ,fln M oiUll\"ll , Wuynesvtlll.l,O
jA No, l 2 Yllllrs
, I e r~o v U o w ~ , tlg e ~
6 nnd 7
I nq l r e (1f J uhn R obe r soo, I'llg l1nl u,Oblll, j e·1
to n~ of l]llrn "ntl TobAMO
E'e rtlllr. e r Gn hand. InquIre of 1:1 . fl. Wllk urson, Wnyo eBville.O, . m21l
Pony MA r e flod fin o li ll e l,llInd, 3 . A Ide., 11 KI t ollon en bl net . I lI qulre fit 't bl d omos .
Corwin, Ohio
fioe tib e t lA Ud A L;'>it u A I!HI
m 28 ' E C uEI:lT- I[Jrg o White Moun_ I tulu, for g o od.sizet! fnmily;
A Cypress Farm Gate, Better than the Best, for Only Five Dollars
ou a sellson, gooU I~ " nAW [ Oil ul , e ut L onlsa Jesso p, Hllrv o aburg, Ohio. m:!!:!
' of 'I'lIbaooo l;tiok~ . I uqulre ' You See, M r. Barnes, Th ese Are the at O . L Rlllk ~ , R 0, ·1, Wu.Y ups. On ly [)ud ~ I Have Wi th M e." vill o, Ohi o, m 28 · n pt.·t' '''~ :l I ·,\' to litH un t.hi s 1!l1t, of " \~III':O::tl, hil i I 11 /.1 It 'hllp l ~' t il IIIH I" , th u ""II r· n('tt')' {' II" lld l' l C-, 1 1111 rhl Jl1l.l t u q woJl'
' r ~o ,
Itj b ~ nel e
R II yr,,", old , 1 hBi'I.tlrY ,!lOUII,l ,wor K sinf,;l !1 or ,Ionhll'.
(:l oll 1 "nv lJlul'o VOU IJIl~ bhn , F u r 1\ ,,,1,, , 1",tI ,; IIml (' '''1 111 1\' , " h ~ trt li"~ III 0 par li o u trlr ~ IIll,l Dr, A , T . Wrlgbt, ,, 1"1111'(' 111Il" HS I n H lnw · 'lPd\.\'d g"O WU,!io ta l'I' "
.. II" '"I''' 1\ 1:1 11, Jl I' · "~ : lIl l · f" l·t' d gi r l lint uul Jl("c Iwl'
11& III Hll,r I'l'~ tlll c l ~,
li t ' :-'11 11 ' I n Illl'Iy, ') 11 ' 1\' (' l 'I'll l'd Il'Hl l l' l h l l1 g ,I f y u ur" mis •. I'o l' ! Ii I H' !"; U'l'il lll r o u r fu t·l\ (\r a lld- Ul t! " ill l'l'". II'" ;-I I '~ 1' ~ll ll y 1i:1 1'<1 I ueie" "I 111 /1
I '" I hl'r J:onc1 1 11 ~ 1{ til "" VU w ltl . till' olily " " C~~ In til e lot 111111 ('( '~ l ·111 0 1'(1 th u n t UPJ)(' UC(I," s il o ~ 1I 1,1. "" II III ~ 11 ),; 11 11\ . " 1.or t! Imo w s wIllI! \\'nu ltl I " I\,' ~! hjlP JII~ n pd lO fllf" I t tlw y h:,tI d l"('l'P" d d"" fI on \I S n t th e end of 1111 ' fi r," t !leI. r \\'I' ~ !h l' hcggnl" s I1 nllgh. 1,' 1", YU I1 ~ 1'(~ lI h sul "lcly In I·ng". GIIltI !'II hn,· ' 11 11'1 ),011. I think you'l l lind " \,I ' I·.\· (hln~ II ' nr l y fi ll right. Good nlg,I1t,
Q!r" "
E ~ g" .
oro hv the Ret; S• C.tit lot orLllI.rIl 100 ; ph one 3. a, MTH 1:1.
V. l:imil,b, WII,Vn('svl llll , U .
\ " '1'), Jo.; O ITY:'
" I t:, II Ii
m~ 1
1 11111. "
0 1' 1 \\' III II,\" II I('tl ( 1 o r 1'PUI',
GOTO - - -
i=ence Posts Dimension Stock Shingles Barn Sid ing House Siding Soft Yellow Pine Finish Red Cypress Finish White Pine Plastering Lath Plaster Manufactured Lime for All Purposes Hard Brick
Best, Most Complet~ · Stock of Building . Material ever brought - forto Waynesville, c.n be found at First Class Work
(To be Oqntinufld,
No summ er
' Elbow,
or II hammer on an anvil · teU Ilud· denly upon trl s eare. B e looked a.t hla "'.teh. T.tIe hoar 1110 ,, ' eertnlilly an UIlUiDal tim."'" ~n to II at work Ie • torp. 11', ~~I:}d two ., men ... tM taPfOC)ID bo 8I'V bnr&-nnucd . . . . . . . . . . Ilhapele81 leaUlOr oprons
1liIIUQ. lie ....... ItUdll)tr
fill . .
\baa lIaJt •
' .......
,.,,1<1, '''', r' l
'D, MIIE?.
there not JalDate poorlng ID
.~i~i~=O-ar ~utn-.t -lIaoet-
DO came the
HOME by Jack Wllaon
Gol"''' NCVo/ GE T M,(
I . .... ; ,. ~ EL'f
~tA T
. P LA 8W lltlt
Foulards and Linens Back
80m. On. Spoke Suddenly at HIe
lbal our nrst big l)(laCe ye .. r w ill be 110 exc H\lon 10 tho r ll io w illi ollporluuHy of going (he limit In' r iOlO II 8 colO r" On !he lort n 'rl e b tHu e foulorc' wHh I ts curlumncuc design h08 n 11I11T coll llr In vol io 01 IUchmood blu C8 On !be ri gh t th e suit Of li nen 18 l uat t ho IIltn B ro, uldoor Bu mmer wenr T he bate 8po"k f or Ihom sel ll8 In oxtrom~ \lD OII, ostrich nUe6 and Frenllh bads turnlllDlng tbe t r1lllmlosB. '
We Cnn Sa \'c You Money.
lII :l l
~ I) II I 11 l\' h f' rO btl ~ I) t) k ,11' , " rh'
--- -
~ · i ll c.lE\ r h 'l1 •
' '' O~ llr 'R
Los'r Ul loci I:l o ml ::hw.
Telephon" !l:J
No . 14
A H I:,{~;T M 1~P;lb , I H 1 ,\ ' 1~ U I !'; I{ " , ,I () I N ~; H, ~ , A ~ II P ,\ l l·l EI . W ! lll I ~1)1~ 1l "; ' I' A ,'q 1 U lI;l tI CI . M' -'; FI:'ol I ;. II I :IlI ~. lI ll r 1l"' "I. l ti lig lH li n t! \\' (\\ 1 v ,n ltl a !, " J, P o .. t l :hnt o u i!'l li)\.'a. I.'t! (l l\ I. tdn-..1 El l" I II th e fu l l1 fl OH f"r r llt ~p tl W 1n g- l'IP(, f IlI tl , It ll d wn y b u t·\\' f'C ' O ·J', ·l.·d lJ n l, ,. ( ' I , \." I~ lu u ll 0 [1 'b l' UIIIII , \ U,· II! !li e ~ , w Yo r k Cl1ll t rul Ii It 1\ ' !f ' l"'I(t I U I' X f1e n ~ lv e lIt If' t ~ l\\ 1i In W IJ ICLJ t.n 11\: ". Plen t y o f U ~ "iflO< , liU lI lln!! '<fI r! tJ "H I. IIJ~ All rl'cl h · t) " " nl o",r r "~ ' ''' I, ~ n O'1r by. Htull d Y w o, k 'I'hn MIll
==== = = - ==
waH he , u k en 10 f\ \ o id 1 1l· (· i d ~ ll t !'l . IJll t " iii II OC l'e respo nsible :-. 110111<1 n ll y II C : I II 1 ':t rl il1 ~ "it ll fII ll t(· for lril.!: ir u; u 1. 1Il ,'l' Sp rin ~ " ;. d le)' 1I 11 r ~ \.' 1I1t'l' der s ' As,\nt'iI1 ' tiOIl j UI1 \.' 1-; I-:ith"r Au to o r II nTH' dmwll ~o r vic ... N'I extra ch a rge f o r autll ~I ' n i l' o. B o th phone!l in Ollie. , nntl Re.~ itl e ll"l" .
It. \Vl lllo n ,. lord Ii j olntC'l1 fl . h !JlI l lI, ,, :,: Il! ,. " Yon :-:: ", ~ IHr, n n l ' Ilt'I"l, these nr~ the Il Y B, n b W qUll dropto r ~,·d , n ~ w II no (1111,1' (hl.l. I hllve \\'1I 1t Ill . I t ",oMn' , toG r eword t v r r eturn o f k W111 0 Len v' lit U ll zeU e ctll e , o r ", .. n on n , H ut t noo. It U. 5, WI'Y ll o~ vl1l l', O. j It-
wu lks .
1)'111 , \""
lI e l' \'uk" " ',,'
II trIne Sflol; e IIh.l ln, oft r 1\
li la' 'C'i l .\ '
Younce & othtr:rs Grain COlnpany
' I~ '"
- - - - - - -- - - - -
it t nkl's III l!l a k(' ),ollr \\' ~tlJ.. ~
TIt;l t ' ~ a ll t !tat
l 11 ,,<t:"'." """I' l
\'!I" .. ll h h '
I hi II Pili'll'
II I (' \lultlU 't h,')fl"'t.' wy " yt.'~. " ~I l " uh n nd ll l1 l'(l h [' r (,fl~~' . ('n l' f'I(\ ~~ IIIIII)IWI':
P \ -"'l'I,l l ilHl';i d ;·."'Id H .ii "I O'I
,',.11 !I I
T lt l' re i ~ I l u l r a l ':,ill g' Ill' 11 111 .1 il l til c' , III\H,l '. T ltl' rc ' :-; a S: \\'I II ~ II I :-h ( (':; :11 1" in (he lliI 's I li1 1 ~ ,
oil r I '.' ,.
! Il'
P rOhntH I o utl
.-.-..~""""'~~""""~~..,."...,.. I ~ FO a UENT 13
I tI,.
III loll,' Itll"
' : il \' 111 1:0.: ('<1 r u' sill\'111 , tt~ ( ' ~ I Ott ;" hE' ('(lO !II' dell \\ il lt hai ll . ell iel. l I I u lII I 11 (1:..! It II ';V hv 1I 1 ~ k i l lU of walk Ill : ,l !I (' ver g l' l ~ lIlurld.r lIl tl t l e t':; )'() II fO I g l ' l !ll(' \\,(':lllt l ' l'.
lI lt ~
\\ urn·"
1 ... ,t 11 ti n , ti " 1 II I'" In t l,
\ \ fl TfUI I ' ·u UIiI)', 1 Ihl., dt"t·t.HlN d ,
.J u In' h I
tI · 1! .111
"I~I I.
lIl('nt that h e \\' 118 In n ('Io~ I !lnll !II In· lIp~. ' 1'1"'11 , IIH 1111 Il II " r l hIHlJ:/lt. d ulge n tun r y for l on,: nn!1 I H' l'hl\llS U\V IIC'I'I,' t l you ' \ 11 1)( ,'roHi tucilly 7" ntmloss wDlklng t onrs t hl'i Jll J: h mort' tlr ~ H ' l'l In :t ( Ort lllUr" lIO: (' 111<;f nil!h t, or'less out·of·lh (!-wny ~ec tl (ln" or hi" OhIlU! r f l " " il 11IIIes S"lIi1, III' , ir is "IIICI', o w n roonI ry, to Bny nothlll)l o f I'xc ur. I ~ h n il l " ~ IIY. " 810ns In Il:llrl1pc. "'1'11 11 1',1 bl' II II t il " wny' nut o f He wns rl('h. PI'rhnps n nl nR r !ch"" En , t I ·obll." SII I'I'II II1 ' , '" :\ rr . .T(Ul l'S. are m ens\lr d In th,,"I' 1IlIdni<·lI k" clo ys, " Flv,' ' " ' six UIII " , ." hut r ich h r s nnd tI, r!e mll n .l ~ o f nvn" (inl ll' (IV r In l (l ('lI nlllla ?" rice. His I('gncy 11111\ he" n nil nmpl e "No. I ~ h ll " !1I1'11 \\· , '~ I. I !h l llk, 11 1111 onl'. The fact t h nl he wo r k er! hllrd ut ",trill(' f or t h ' I.lIkr CIIII In " I " I" enll n· hlR profl'sslol1 f ro m o np Yl'lI r '" end to try ,"
1 1,..,,1
. l 'lth··1 I hb ~ " "' l n ny 4' t \ prJl , I:q t\,
I 11
i · so
;1 !1c1 COIl<: n · t L'
\\ttl" t!t· t ~ '\C'fl
~( I I It~
Nobody Likes l/luddy ''V a!ks
EUrd1l1 t i l Ihdl) 1J,·t.4'01..... ·'1 I'" I" i t 11\ l.t 1\, ' fI Iii ;" jl ll.1 I .) \ . rl · "r:\.thr h h"- I ~,'",u 1 ~'lh' ,\ I) I" '1I1 ( , ttl und ' I tlall~\ " oI l J; "'tn I ('0
WngDII Cr;)ne. A M I h l ~a\(1 11I1'1·" to r h!' S IlII l l'ntccl I) cro n,' I,) he ulla('1l1'11 1(, " f1~' WU l!on to 'j cnnl)l" on e II mil 10 pl ('k up n ('on ot , n h eR or Jl;lIrulIl:"· IIl rH!1: a curl) nnd elllp! y It !uto th e 1\'o(;on .
Honing a Specialty
Orville J. GraYt Proprietor,
madd~n's L.umb~at
' ....THE MIAMI G Z E T T E.... ,I '-',-8-L A-th--PI-S--f--~Q musical U orily aces tamp 0 _Ap·pr.oval 0 • Is~· II 1m I~V ~;RY WI,;)) N I';S J) AY ~ Centenary . Trombone Choir of M. E. Cel,ebratioD Knt.rod .t. t.11l. PIIMll lnh,'e ut. WnYllcftvi ll,,, lillo, lUi S .... olld (hu'I'lt Arlill Mnllrr .
O. L . CV AN E. Edilor and P lIblisher. \\ 'u ym'~v ilJe,
MAY :l l . WI\)
Mill" Mll uel ·I 'lrr . o f r:o r VI',\'~ hnrJ!, SPOllt, HI S woc \r. onll willi MI H~ LI "I~ lI
('ata rrh (annot' he Cured
i\PI' I ~ l t~ t\" ll I O NH O M ttl Y 1' . HI ' /I til .> /ol.'; I L u t il ' rJi kNHh' . 1;1 a It h'a l IW :H' Il Ht ' , g'l'I,.aLtI.\' In -
l::1artMoc lt . Mr an (1 Mra l' b ll~ . llmy, Mr lin d Mrri . E01er~ o n E .. rn lltlri II IHI rJungh ter, Mllrjo r y, 1I,IId Ml t'~ UJlItI (,)'U v,o f
\\ Illt 1.1 )( ' ,\ 1.
VisItors to Metl\odl ct Ccn ten Ol r), 10 Be Well Cneed F oe. T ho Olle ph.1I IIf II , II . I )1<'I,,,nl1 . ..... /. onlzitt~ IlO ".·,' \:II·Y or ' 11I p ~lo 'I I" "I" , t ( 'on lettllry to ~ l e lho.l iMIH ;-';"1',11, SOllth , RIl ,a o tt d w (· ~ t . I" Ihlll vlsl l, ,," rogl.tor ourly, Th e rn", IHlrll ti(t 11 roo I" ror 1111 IlJdlvltlUlI1 , or $1 0 ror family. IttC'f l.tlln g nil n)omll~r~ " ll<lo r Z 1. \(01\ 19t.'lIlI01I c'W!! r " allllll "x lnl1 10 th o (I.po. lllon I roun dR ~nch lillY or
lhe r .lnl,rutl,," III ('o hllnbU", ,lilli e ~O 10 July 13, .",d It tt l ~ " """ 1"""\ tll o M! rvlr oH or th o Melll o<1lol (' ol. d' rnll"n
" Hllnn l
1'1 , 1"", 11
i'l11I ' fln ' d I!j \' ,il1 :41 Iutlllnnl ' (J nd l tll,)n ~, IHld in H I " ,. " tll ( '~I hl It, Yu u n lu Mt t! , It, i fllf"O, 'nlil n ' llt I tI)' , It u ll'H ntuTl'1i
' )( In ~I' !\ l. ~ tll / · I " B 11'1
'dl u nta whnt
HI1.l1 ·~ I' rfl dtlll o~
"' 111' /1 w • .,,,h' I'ru1 J'~"HlllH ' In r"llll·... lIul ,' ulI,IIII " II,'4, Sf" HI fOI' I c~ Llln o ntlll f4 , (rol' I" , ,I , , ' II I':N I':V & ('0, l' r CJ I):f .. 'f u l d o.. 0 , ,\ II Iq'u ,.;t.;i r'l :-l 7ti c , H al l ':"I J·'llmll}'· PIII ~ tor
b Oll l'S lnl( c ommllta l!, " Tht.'re I tt no u"e minroinJr.{ mU II PrH ,"
Bays M r , Illck.on , "T h OMe who 1'9",18' ter oll r1le.t will lI:ot the bOHt He rl'lcu8 and b I afcolnmotlntIOIl . . \\, ,, 1\ 1'8 "tr.yi rovld e ror UII elu v,," . h hUll r r UBh. hut It 1M ne"or "0 HIIII.tll 't u ry to work und or Ih oHO (' U 11,11 tI 011 " a. wh ull I,oople tako matler" III Ibelr
hand . 'lIIrly
to get IlOtod at.
Read Gazelte's Classified Ads
Modern Cru Roea. 111'1\\'1'1'11 tI", Isl lI l,. 1 n f MI\(lnl!nscn r untl llll' " "lI s l fir lod lll th ~l't' IIr,' s l xh'~n lhOli S lllH I b lu n tis ... ,nl y ~ t x hllndrt'" (If \\' hl d, flr o Inl lllhll," 1. III 1I1f,~ t of tl IP!'(O b;lJln d ~ II 1I1UIl ('li n II\' f' lin, ) sli pport hl N (1111111 y III lu xury wliliout worl<lnJ,! (linn' than ~!i IIIlYS III t l ll\ y,':ar, o r Itt
ull. us 11111111'1' I'rfl vltl ,'H th e to ,(1. Hnll no dlit1teA "rc rt..'llul re d ,
Try This For Burns or Scalds
.\ '()'\'I H·: u rt 'l. l n o I l'onlltll l1 e )w a r(1 111 ! ' oll' C'rl ~
anti wlIII' r ,
()r~HlI lz n l lfln r la~f' l !l , (I '
JoI a l 'l'l1 1l ,
spml .
p: ltrinti C' 1 11I1l11 1 (ln~. I R t o oll l :~ lnlltll lll..: r.. 1l1ul'(, o; llr ti lP .\ lI ' I!lI l1li .... 1 "t1111 HIIlI'.\' Cpl<" ~ II' 1I SrI "n ' I nnil
1'1) ('
(I r
tl n l lN
, \ s "' 1Il I.. '" (;ruhh, pm",ln .. nt IlIItO mnl1 (If <'hllllNIII'N: " I I """, 1I ~ 1'1I It for ,','"rs and flr,,1 It In"IIIII,lIl1le ' f,'r ,nr,' l hmllt. l'old ~ in chc$t, ate" albn when my "hlldr" 11 ""I tiC hurn th " nl~c"' e~, It Is the best r~ll1el ly 1o If" i.'kly hrnl the wo"nlb."
A sk fo)' t his gllllri old linimcnt hy its new namc. Sny "HOUS(· -tolll'-i·-lIh '· to your dmg"gist. Lnrge hottl es nrc 50 cents ; II ow"·!t,,ld ~ izt! (-/. ();',. ) :,uj ·cnts. Itc P It bottle of H(lllstNli:L Lillilll 'nt 111wltys handy ro.' emergellcies or genernl usc. O MP" NY, So, ChRrleston. Ohio,
Sold by J. E. Jann('y, The Hl'xnll Sture
lWII(, l \t'!!I'.\"
arran ge d to rll f ll.i,., h for th t' trOnl' (III t ll1~ ' l eft or Mr.
011 (' 1'
~ f ' on ' "
"da l
dlOlr. , .,
IIt' rl1l 1LJl It I f'1I:Hcdt n ( Clu .
Pilll1nli , rt lntlldl1lat4l('l' o r n utl Olla l IT'plltntl() n, \\110 Wn A 01. n nlll!17,cct a t tllp \\'o l' h of lli r l ro m ltul1f\ (' h olr, ." ~ Ilt
nf w(l r ht
rAllH' ,
1!n't l1 l 'all ll~
"h p~, --------------~
HARVEYSBURG ()ur 1'1,,,,,,,1 Wil l bllYO U OOllll llllUlty
I ll'. J{ II)' a l f\f )llll'
hn :<k At. 11,,"wr lit tb tl ~ 1'h lJ,, 1 h Ull~n , HOllstol1ia ( The O,.iginnl .Tom's') I"il1irn ell~, ~tn ps the l'horlirlll\" MII V:l!l A n ilIII' J1'l~ WIll aill- i•.\Slant ly- tll lws nway lhe sting Ilnd i'l nllnllnatioll. he £1 0(\1(.1110,1 .. ,. t.hl R I,ito a, !i;vary. borly I~ onrrllllll . ' 111\'11· rt ·~O oo rn e aud ts Allt is ptie l)J'opNt ics r 'movc ':t!l fen... of inf ·ction.
F'J"1It11< :\1. Slltlllu.H1. 11I\'(: t ('11' 1.)1 tll8 trl1mill llP (' h llll' o n 111 !i Kr :ll HI1(· (' e H~.
l io n il l ( ' 11111I1JilIlS, {) . • .lIIlH' :!I) tn .rIll y I ~L ,\1 1't': 1 1hi ~ IIII II ,l l al 111 11' h'u l O f :::' all f('Lllnll w a~ lI u l Inkl'lI "'t'r ln ll ~ ly I '1"1lI 11 11UIlf' ~ 1'1)1(ll l1 ~(I wonder f u ll y," he h\' r:II I'·.;j('al :1 Itho l' lll ,-, -.I , 1" \' I';~ll~ Rli nl1 /,111('9 Ihll ila\'!i of 11,. , liu1. h a lo:. 111 0 11 ;,"1" r, ~Iil h'(l u l l l'l'itl d clil S unci 1 t'f1 mll nll~ 1 !;JliJid' " ~~o wonderfu ll y." be tllr1 I(' rI dtlld,t 111111 el1thll ~l:b m , ,.11 .-. Slt \'~, I! CIW'flf'l) \11" I tf'll ~ t (ld l lu u l M r . pl (' l lu' e :~ h (,w 'i E.hwr Sli l1mRn : R illp h(lll ~ tlllILl !'i 11. D . 1H4')" "on , Or l!lllI I{ IIr .r \\' p ~t r n C'lli ll'I.! " f or \\' 0111: II1. i l1l~ SOt ' I' Ptllr}, uf Ih t' ( 'u : II''; 'ln l'), C,' I· 11. (lxr,11'C1. 0, . m"pn . nr n r ";-'; o w (>hra li o", \\ hn 1M 111 fu t l ,e r or the En c l tl nd H." ml .h f ll l),. " "PI\P' rtlll'~ Prog .1 lrom l HJll . cltn l r ifll'u und \\ la o 11:\ 1.1 rl"' ~'~" a nll n lh f" r nr ·'II"\ o;; trul po mpoRI' ! rntt h ill it, IHIf'UI'O lh o nHHl it: lnt\ ~ th em ·
POllr lInlls tonill Ll nllnr nt O\'cr the Lil rn untl I 'o\'r r wi ttt entt on; th.'n wra p w ith " .... 00 1\ b lllt(lnl)'~ ' Hel" ' ut t \\'l,,<: " dllY, k ("' 1'11I1! Ihe in.iun·t1 IIH 'm iJt'!r "wny (ror.1I h"ut
'f1'1t': TJ R . •Y. C. ~ONES
I:larvey aburg, Mr. lIod Mr ~ Allall l:iurtMck lind s nn, K e uneth, lIud W , T. ,Jordnn .. nd wife ~p ot I:'Inndny In DIl}'ton w ub Mrs, Maud Ok'lIver nnrl dl1u~hte r. DI1I I1I1 Aud rey . It IIAIIII( Mr . C lnnyor' ... b irUul11 Y A fine 1,lllIe Wli~ e nj oyed, Rlld .. Roll one on pllrt£'<1 , wlHb iug h er 1ll811Y rfl lurns of Ib e day. . Mr tlo d Mrs, J ohn Wolf Il nler· talood to ::Sunday din De r tbeir ~oo , LAW W o lf 1\0(1 wire, of n ear WII . mlng'on . R ev , W . B . O 'Neall Iln t'! Wife, of Lebllnon. wore oll iling In the Ilfterooon , . A full lille of Packard L a mps, Apcx and FmntzMr, and MrR ,J obo Th r mp~ on find P rem ier SweC' pers. Ameri ca tL Beau t y a nd \-]otp'o int Mr. anlt Mrs . Albort i:lerro8 were olallin g on A 13 TlllmPlge nn d wifo, I rons, fu se Pl ugs . Swit ches, Vim -a- Ute ::lockets aud Bun dl\Y II(terllOOo, Benjamin Plu gs. U', ti t10te you prices 011 Ele trie MrH Berd" J o rdan spont Thtlr~ rillY wlt·1I ber dl1\1 ~ b\ lI r, Mrs. Vi ol .. Gr ill s and Rallges, U"rtRoolr, FrldllY, May 16th , helnl{ I he I Il~t cJtly of our iIOhool. Miss M oU r "~" tb e tenobor, phtDned a pl.mio. All oame with well fillod bllftkets, and II !lump tU088 dlno er 'Wae enJoy ed bl' n il Telephone 41 Then Olllne tbe pr.:>gram, wblob W illi Waynesr;iIfe, Oltio 8plondld "od de8erved e ~peol tl l pr .. 1se , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _, f o r both teBoh"r anel pupils, All· presf'nt ce r~lnly enjo yed the day, bu t were 80rry that· Mls M 1010 ray will n ot be wlUI Of< De xtyellr, 0 8 s be will not tellob the ooml ng yell r .
Phonographs :.lI1d Pianos. R_ecords and Phlycr Rolls, Need les, Record 1\ Ihullls ;lnd othe r Accessories.
I ii "" 1I1pu:"It' ll nr IU) lIl C of the li c~t I l tnlt-'H knuwlJ, cO lllhln e d wHh Komo o f I III' l li'.~t IJl lloli pnrHt c rfl . Th e l)p r( or l l'u l:Il' , h
Wtlynellvllie. Mrs, !'h rnb Ric h. of
MI' tll l!IIIP I f! l ilit u n Jillornu. ll y nlld n c t RI 11 11' 11 I hi' .. ltHHI O il li n: l11u cn UR H lI r rn cc~ II!' lh~, H,YN I( ' U I. Il n,II'N ntu.rrh 111('(11,· Itt .... \\ n ." pl't ·tC·,·r lbc d 'II }' DU e th 1.1 Rl vh y· o;; l t ' l o ,, ~ In 1111:-1 ·,lU nlf)' t o r y e urM, It
I'lIlI el d '\lUlnlt
JI.I r and Mrs. Ueo. BOB'"n Ilnri M.m Bert. weill tluodSy IiIllj· h. " f &.J 1' ,
Bond"y afte rn oon.
WEllMAN nnd Mrs Chllnooay Buune ll , ' 01 O'lesar 's r eek Ilr . .. no Mrs AlvJ1, ' Lod Iing l o n and d l of(b t·er , M irh. m . M I "~ 1\1,.,,,, 1 Llldt.l'iof(t.rlll "nd !.Ir 'j'todd Lowr ," vi li ed r e l Mlv(oH n eur nl " /l c b ~ 8ter ,
Sub8crin ion r rice. $1.60 p e r year
wt.;uN ~~~ I )A Y.
wpll. f\ll ! rt htl Itot
R v. '111(1 Mrs I,. O. \ :II ~t',1t 1 (Jlflrk~. \'11111, WIIl' l (1tIlltul! un frl uuds hflro.
I s t· 1V0dI1Cl~ !ln v. Mr. ·an rl MrR Will . m,. tnn . of I10Rr Nfl \\' Bll rl lnJ.{IIIIl, Vl' p. r A ~ Il lll lll y !l lI es t~ o r ~ , r, E ot'lo 'a 1II0 l ho r . 1'0 whom it olll Y n JII Cll rJ : - IVIIlIU \V nnl t o l u k "!l u f'oj ' vnblellulo rlu n, IVh " r p th Hr , n er), tlnd r tl l"\. tl r p
jll~t ri glll, ~ !) fr o lh Hn rvn y~hn rK to WIItUItI ~t()l1 o r fr olll \\' 11In l""t " l1 to tI"rv e y~ 1 Ort~. it It1l1k tls nocltfl',' r" DoB,' ,Iwll t you d o n ot My th o r lll\d~ in C lin l on ' nllty fir e th o wor ~t yo n e v pr I< IIW, th en \VII will ~ n y Vlltl wor D Oolt on MI A plI!O IIh o~ e nUUlll d.
Mr , ~Drl MrR. Humid Smith und two bnys Will soon m nvo to t,b elr rtlrm, reollntly purohtt.Bod. n e l\r
MI'H Mll t ildn ~~ lDr ie k I" visiting Wm Moo noyand witn find Ie E . r tl lutlv ofol I II Cenltlr vllio t nlM week. Thompsoo madA 1\ hUAille~1'l t,rlp ~o 'Iydo Whart on iI od fa mtly were Avondale, Toe~dllj
UllytOD vl,llor8,
!:i.turd .. y,
And Mrs. B . M, Olllrk havA rn o v,.d Inl,o their proporly. yaCl\ted by He v. J ohD!don an ll family . Mr En nis l{ oK.orll, of Ferry. Is 1IIlikl n!! 1111 e xtended ,' with bi B Ron , lf rllnk Hogors nnd wlfo. A IlIr)(6 or owdllttende I the 811 Ie of Mr . au<.I'Mn•. FrHok t:!tok e H, WfK.ID eH IIIlS . Everything 8,Irl woll. On E' u ,ll oh co w 80ld fo r $ 17i.OO, ~r. and Mrs, J . B :lonoR, Mr~ . Not tl u E mric k anti Mrs, Bluriohe I:iIlJiabary wor o Dlly tu D s hoppers. t:!aturdflY. Mr, nnd Mr ~ . Wlllter Ulark Rnd ohlldren vI si ted . Hondl~Y Ilft ernoon. wltb Mr nnd Mrs. Fre d Hlwp80n, n OILr Morrow. Glenn Brook,Of Inl'llllnlt)lolls.s pont W ell needtt.y Ilod ThorsellllY with ble pnre nts, Or, Bnll loire . L,. G. Brook.
.James ./fl(lObR RUt! femUy have moved to theIr new h o me nt Green Bria r. Tb e . MIAflll1l C hnrlto n II pen' t ho wee k e nd with t.he Mi ~Ra8 Optll lIod Urllha Mills, nAnr RllIgoville,
oo mlng year. OhUl70h realiz8d
abon t , 50 at tho tltOkOR a,Rle Mr, aod MrH , Rlilph .1 0hns enter
A cO ll1pari sOIl of tlte fea tures of Saxon S ix" with Lhos of higher pr ice( \ cars discloses a Dig Credit Balance in favor of Saxo n II
11'l\MCrI n.,lIntor
A, H. A lIeo Rnd wife ~p!'nt 'l'hnrs day . afternoou with rein tl vas III 81)11n8 BII1 , qnl$e M. M. Te rry took a jolly orowd of
teuoben . of the Lytlo school tho
ot tbe
The Practical Car
Clarenoe Berryhill and fnmtl y hove mov ed from Be llbroo k to tholr new farm llI1re Ilt College Uo rn er . M . M. T e rry aDd W II 80n were In W i lmlnKtoD, Itlst Thl1r~day. T, B , BrRnno n. of Wllmio~too, hI Apending a few rInl's with hi l5 80n. D. O. Bngnon, Ohorobvllle. M, C Plolterln/l Ilnd otherR, ot Lytle, oalled on K F;. TbolllllPon. Bunday IIfterllooll,
Urnngers to Blanobester. Bat·unlny . A coordlng to tbe pllporp , Everett 'rhOUll18 Rloh Ilnd WifA wlllre Rhop. ()lllrk Is sallln ~ townrd U. 8 " •• nd ping In the City of Oedar~, Thurswill Illnd lit Newpor t News, May 25, day. on tbe bOllt, ' " Vlrgloian," M1811 M"rt.h~ DeatherBg e hA B ra Mias Leonn MoGlnnls nttended tbe t:!uod~y t:!oh ool oonv e nti o n at WIlY- turned t o ber bome here after mil kIng n pleB sant visit with. MillS Orpho DeRv llle. ~unday Ilftllt nOQu . MI8S Beulllh 0000 and Miss Reva Militl nnd otb e rs at Ridgeville. B o rtnel bu ve beeu e mployed as Thl' 11\41es
C hU A. Brflwster oll d fnmily have II
ne w auto.
Ulllrksvllle . Mrs Brook 4n Indus triAl sohonl, un(lor I.he POOrll' . (lirooti on o f Ibe Wilbe rf o ro e oollege, b08 been op en ed b ere. m Olltl ng o n 'rbur8dav night of en h wook , The lItt.end"noe Is good lIod greut Inte r ~ I. belDS t a ke n. t:!ome WIll be 01U· penter8, con k p, nurs e~,8en m 8t r "8He8 blllck MUllth s . Iluto mobll e co p!llrer8. Ilnd many othor useful trade!! will bo tllken ilp. Mr, /lDd Mrs , D, 8. Cl\ rl a r nnd f .. mlly. of DeRr Now Burlington, w er e Bundl1Y guel! tB of relti't i ves h e re \sherifi' Wlljlgnnl'r, C unty Deputy 'If tbo ordor o f Knll(ht.B o r Pythlas. ,)f Wllfr e n County, nooompll0led by U, W . 8 bl d ILker untl M, K, "ttendud lodge b er e, W Ol1oesdny
RA Y F. MILLS, Dealer Waynesville, Ohio
Phone 71
WALTER McCLUR·E, Funet"al Director. Ohio Waynesvlll.e -EI'I'IIIHt-
., .Examined Correctly... , Glasses Fitted AT MODERATE ("RICES
'uln ed , on 8 11D(h.y. t h e tollowlng Auto Equipment )" Opticnl Department Clane8 4 lind 6 of the Frlsndo' gu ests : Mr, nnd Mrs. Wm . l:imlth Hond"v 80.11001 were pleasantly en ~ HorlJe>oDrawn Equipment S. Detroit S L Xenia. Ohio an d f{lll1l1y, o f lisllr Forry, Mrs tertalnoo by EAther and Levi Sham. Open evenin gs hy appointment night. Do ra Me Klrhy Dod d ~ u g hter, of baugh , ll'rlday evening . Dlly t.oo, and Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Frank B. DAY on NIGH1 TSLEPHONE 7 Mr, and Mrs , Amns Ellis wer a 'mith lind 80n, Beo of l.ytle, Rev. and Mrs. BUDtln~ton, of 8 undav guests of [Jayton relatives. BI~hl ..nd, were guestl! of Rev. and Mr. nnd Mrs, (Jlyde Wright nnd Mr, and Mr s . W,L.Bl\rvey, MI~R eil ~ on, Ohllr! ea. of Dnyton, apent !l Mre. Wright, Illst week. HATHAWAY 'Lllurll MoKinscy Ilnd Jud\~b Oolller cu ople of <1I1Ys laat wee k wltll. Mr. MI8s Almll Mondenhall, of Xllnln. w ero Dny$on sbopp c r~, BIlturduy, BA~NHART. ~ud Mrs, Frtlnk 8tokos. is. 'he gueRt of Mia8 EleRnof Bllydooll: IN I1YllslIVUle ' 1\ LOH.dlnit Don".' nev. L . B . (lase will fill thl! pulpit. A trnlnod nurA O, fr o m Miliml V.I. Rev , Huntlng'on addressed the Notary PublU: Offioe In HaInes Bldg. Main Bt oext 8ullday, MIlY llli, .. t :l II. m . lo v 1::1 0 I'lt,nl, 1M 1l0W oor:lng for ' Mr. oongregatlon o t tbe M . E Ohurcb ·Alhe r t U nrDf II , who ' 8 v'e ry 111 .. nd <In 'he iln\)jeo' of "Llfe.Bervloo aDd is g rowlnj.l welLker e.very day, TUhing," FrIday evenIng. Aftor All klo(ls of Notary Work, and Deeds a 8peolult:v . Mr. linll Mrs. J ,bn Feol!lermllker. tbe 8ervloe, refreshmen's w ere serSubscrihe f or lhe Miami. Gazette. of Dltyton, s pent lSundav aflernoon ved In t·he annex, lVit,11 th e lalter's siste r. Mra. L , U. MrR, Mory Pim, of 8pr,n, Valley, Br uok, filled 'be pnl pit at the Friends Mr lind Mrs. OhaR. E . J o hns wers Churoh, Bnnday. Rev. Bllwkina Mr I~nd Ab c '"olr, Mr, aud Ante rtalned to 6 o'olook dino"r, !:lun_ proaobed nt ~Jlrlug Valley, d' " y , at t hfl hom e of M17. liod Mrs MI~ , l:H.ul1l ny C.)O I< Wl' r o D .. Y'Oll Mr, .n(1 Mrs R8.Y Hull 1m ve Wolta r K ilD rl ok . vl.ltorE<, M Olldll)'. mov ed to Xenlal. Mr lind Mr~, Wllbnr Cltuk Rnd Mr. Bnd MrR. WItH e r T'lylor nnd Rev, Wright delivered th 1 bllooa. dnu Khler ~J1o nt ~unduy With th e dlluJ.{h tor", Mr, and Mire: Sidney IBurellte esrmon to the Kingman lotter's Jl/lrenl.~, Mr . lind Mr ~ , Pcrry l.nmh Hod Mr~, Ma\'y Clllrmony WerA I'lnndllV ciiuner ~tl('8 tB o f Mr . RDd BIRb t:!obool olasB, !'Iunday evening, Blllrnhllrt., vf 1'" lI l n. MrR. M~"on Wllliarnso n ... t Oentor- tlunday Aveolng, ., Shuon Uharoh Mrs , ritlfvey Mo ng er sp ent Mon. ville . Forreet t:!ml\h and Dale Turner, of day with Mr./lud hilt; Albort l:t e9 to~, Mr. Rod Mr ~ . Bern Jo.nes and soo. ,liis pl"'tl, are members nf tbe olas!. Mr. lind loire. W, B. Wo od and Therle. t on _ 8uodllY dinner with A dlscre8slog aooldent ocourred Mr /lnrt Mrs . UUrtrles Uwckett li t.· MIA Jon e H' 1I1I)\her, Mr8. Reheooa between thla villaKe Rod Kingman. 'elid ed tho circus In UUY&OD, Intlt· Dill, lit Mt. D ully, It belDg her 7~nd Hnnday night, r68ul&lng' In Ihe death hlrthday. week, of AudrewII BIllley He e88pped O. L, Tewell. the .I Utle ~()n of Mr from· a moving maohlne aDd .truok MI~s Ednll !luoncll, of Red Li on, brealuDg hili lleck. Willi tbe Kllud/ly I(tlt)st of h e r II nnt, !lod M 18. O. L, Tewell &net wl$h a .he ground, very pninfnlacoldent, Fld.tayz while B'uneraillervices will be held Wed · MI SS LRUr At.t1l Wull<h "llIylnff at ~oh oQ l Dr Brooll took· Deada,. Ilfternoon. Mr. I1nd ' Mrs. Newton 11\ li\ur , of him to Lebllnoo, Baturd'lY, and with Dliytou, were the I:lundny guestl! of 1m X Ray fonnd that" bone WIlS Mr . •JIUIlOA H,,\nes I1l1d ~b l,er. Miss broken lIenf the elbow Dr Keever, Addll. Canterbury's Fameu. Gho.~. o t Oentervllle, RRRIHtoo, In aeUiDg Of t'(tUI'H£', c.:ll l1te rbury cuth <lrol hilS M ·r. onJ 'M rE<, Arl·hur Pllrris and the booe, ~aturd,y aftel'noon. Its ghoSIH, .r rum or he true the ghost Mr. Iln.l IIIrs. W , ' B. Wooil spent is a sure preservative to every 8ur£ac~ it .~~-Df ltal) ntllrIJo' r (',1 Thl)t1l118 o· H 'cket Is t:\"lurilIlY .. ft,,, rn OOtl In Dayt.nD. cuvers, It bca~tifies. and at the same time perlodlCIIIl,Y to 8cen .e ugogcl! In tbll~ GuardIng Hie Car, Mra . M" 'J10 :1'lI y lor bll!' h ee n v'leU In ~l ,\0'11.11,\' Hlrll )(J,:lc or ' hl S wIth Ule lengthens. the life of any pie'Ce of prope~ty. A lI"I<'hlll"" " ... nn \\'lto II xI'd up hlR Cour I1'Ilsc rrunt knights at tbe foot of 10j( he r ~I!!tlll' , M'B. Am.v P llrk"r. ellr 8 11 I hllt tim horn hl('w whun II lhh,r ,in lill Y 1(1 11. If your property shows signs of needmg lite :a I t' ll', 1111,1 grlJulI ~' IInll olher queer Mrs ~'roU\ee8 N ull. !Slln IIn <I dtlngh. Ir ... <1 III stnrt olT wllh Um "nr Is MO n ol.'I):I IIrr I' '11111 ld t,) h o h"lIrd 0 11 the \\'1,11 JlI"'. ~cd wllh UIU Invool ll)n. nc·' paint, have it painted ,with nnlllvCI'I<II I'Y (I t hIs d (,lIl,lI. 'j'he crlmo E<~If"~ W d,neHdul( III 1111.1' ton cor,llng to th e ""dely rf' l"orler ot the \Vu~ ('lIlIllIIltt ....1 Oil Dc" mber 29. 1170, Mr , lin d Mr!l PPrrV .Jn~tnn w llro Hllt chl""nn On zeftll. Ihnt he IA nnW Hanna's Green Seal. G (lIll \l il y V ltnL,' r ~ "nodll·S '1lI hLweek "'flrklngl\> perfect Il d C!v lce which will nnd Ihe "lulnR lit hi s blood nrc be \l uv'ed hI 110 III ."'hlt 'uce; no Amount or wn s hpostpone the matter .is M~ .. Ohrlstl n" 8l\ntl' Ie quite 111 hlL 11\" thIef ,ov()r ~ h u 111'1111 with 0 Ing ever hRvlng oJJ'l\cetJ tbcUl. -l'elll'at. hAr h" me ht'T;' • mnllkpy wrcnch.-Monllnlllnn (Kon,) lIOo'R Wl!ok". . economy. Mercury. Mrs WlllIllm ~Iant,o n "p " nt W ~d. Quad n!, Irl O"y lon.
........................ .
----- - ..- - --
----_ ..----
Hanna·s . • '
Green Seal PaIn
Mr 9 .l o~HI,h MillAr w~e " Day'on vl ~l. r, Wtlltll oRdav .
MfH. lillJa ' Wlll p ~ lind !laoghter
Where Proud Mil" Fall .. Th~" II\'e mg~ ronn clIn !lo nimnst II,.. erythlng or. lit 11I1I"t, III' l\!llnkrl hp CIID,
B(l(>n& ~he Pll~t WPI1 Jr with Mr. aDd hut \TO hovo yet toses
h .. ftnt ODt
1Irtt, FraDk BODDel1' aDd '.mll" ., mpnhle of "heeling a bab, BedUon IItralabt With !IDe luulIJ.
DR. J. W. MILLER. ••• DENTlST•••
W."..~ ,0
Fonnul~ on every package.
p hi
';,,:;11 / ;
'JIl t.
.. . - - . . .. _ _ •_ __
~----------~ ---..-----. ...----------
' 1 -;
WayneSVille, Oh io
r. 11 C' nde rson \\' ill be glad LO 11<1 \"t' YO I I take up with him ally r quc:::t fo r electric se r \'i ce . 'hallgc of address. · t ruu lJle with li g htin g .. crvice, otlt nge ot' s Lree t lamps . etc ., <.l il t w ill !iC C th at prompt a ttention is giv e ll . Respect rully ,
ve .
1~ I'~·I,I:~';I';'.~<~ ~I~ 'ti,~:''r\ ::,:~·~ I
\', a ~lIl' vi ii<· H ,e ll 11 , d llltl l tlllill ' nl (.1' 1'I11lk It O. ~ lllll ll a) .lf teI'llCl1) II . nnd l ouk un, ~bcr )/111" '" 11 1'> . IY ru II lh e lIi ~ !\lillrn i b()ys Tile SCMt' WII I'r t u 1/ il a n l h :U d').\ \\' 11 tit,
In [ll ,,, y .
li li t H' \' . .. ~ ~~I :-;
.i()h t h,lt is
l l.· t · '-\ " " "
nV l! c~vl ll
«i h ill
ho,\' i n Rf'l\ ttl C'.
11111.-J II 'I·' ;-O
\ \'Ht-=II. . \\ lin 1 1'1\ \ '4·i..: II rutilid !
l md.;
,l.:lp n i
~ lr'li't!ol l 'n ll"l !t ·rlll il, · !I 11l'nthlll. I ll' h aH I H 11H~~, li n d! 11:1 1 :1 ,,, " 11\ \ \\ il l pl 'I"I'1I n n I rhro h ll l'..;.··... h !It' I" an l l r i d(' Itlong till' ~ll'llt'l :l1 " l!lr ~'II ' 1,\ ,, 1111 ,n '" TIIn t' li "1\:-;,' n nd " IlJn Y lI ll'fl l '1 :-; II II' 1 1f\~' h It ll :-Ol ,If, Hilt W ) II ' 11 tilt, tll l\' '\' H ll t..; 'to hll t' ll I IH' h «q'''it' f~ 1\11' r i llh' " !i l' d l u~ "lIlI d':-! in III"H I~' , '1'11 1' tl p J,:' I..: L,dd In ... It tl ll \\,O. II lId tIlt' hnr!'fl' I;; f :t ~ I , I II · d 1" 11 1111. \\h ( ' 11 th,' IW I' U I1 ""II I ~ ti l'" 1.1t. III nil illtL'ltlS IInti llU rp u ;-: \':.: . tll Ihorf," '{ t:t \'urity.
In ,..:.
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The Con:p In\' b 111(> la rl!" ' ~ t IIlIIIIUf HI'lun >r of pllper !: uIlin!( lIlIo\ " llIh ,,> ~i ll " lfI «dlin e . y in th ... ~I\i l . d ' t ll l e~
Pri e $] 00 and Accrued Dividend
w ill
11 ,1 \ . d 'tl l\"
, 1'1 11 111 lhlll J.!-t lh u t ~' otl IIII1 ~ t
1111 . III ;" ' ,!Ii~ : I t 1111 11 1 \\I II~ it rd l:-; h n ' li n . ,\ tll 1 w ill It l ' _11 1'1 If' t~t'd at
Balallcc s hN' t and de tu ilcd in formali nn 011 n '(IUel't..
~ \·, ttl'l l (rllill !,1 ,'hI 1l!! ~' Ilu r",,' lf p\'I'r,\' lill Y
ii i I I ,I{ u ~ ', I l lit I ·I .id,· Jl :o" li d EJ.{ !-!~ - p·tvipl! I'!,' IH 4 ".\' r, r P !Jl.' .1 \\ ' e " "W'"I S I UI\ Ihl' h htl O\~ , 1 pr i ,. " ,on!'< h I'" ' r Iii"
The United Se curity Company
nud \ thu
Cun l nn . Ohio
II ln·, ·'·,' II .·,· It w i ll ""l)." 111 Y" u,' IlIBl' 1r Rl t h ill.
lock of
irl 'nd rt- t(lil !·l'llIl>J,tS . ThO' cll:,,·t. ·1' r " qui T
Men t a l E ~ erc I8 o. Tip, ~' nl " 1\1' 11 1/. 1 1 \I'l'l"I..;, · \\,i~ ('n o th ' ll\, III 1~· III; " 1,1'/1 I'{\.',· of \Jolllt! Ili nt \,,1\
Cumuiali ve l'refl'l"1'cd
F ine
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w!'ck he fn od nd m in istro«'r ~lt i" lIu,' "our <U l! Il1' r!1\\' W.· ha ve ~n ld ~" \' (' r d Oil " , d id \ ' ( Il l J..:" f' t y{lllr ~?
I,v th e 100
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A \u l11 il.unl Oll\.'; lar)le size .. . :If,(' Fane\' Call n d 1 u l11pk in olil y . tOe Lye 1.I 11 111i 1lY. can . only ... .. .. .. l0 c H I ~ call Ihlkod H It ~ . only ... I!ic El1rly J Ul1I' rCll ~ . on lv ...... ... 15c MilS t1 SO~P . hal'. ollly .... .. .. fie Polst 'i'IHl <ti c. & 1\ (·1II))I,h5. 2 ... 2fil· Ril{ C Il Il Cula Apricnt~ . onl" .. . 2"'c l·rUlleR .. .... .... . .. .. .. 15(·. 20e . 25c
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" l ' ,l i' l'd ~ t al '~ " E:leclfl,' 1. ,),( 111 . 1 : I .vall · :\I 'I · ~t' MHZ !" 1.. 11111'". • lOt.! )! Z P rt.11Hh' l' !" '.A () e p ~ r~ , A ,n uril"tl Tl dcau t ,\' I )·j dl~ . The Ililnual I I OWtll' r H lilt' 'li ng of Miami el11tll ery ~ ~'H' i>\lion will he , -- ------------~ held in th e ChllllCI. IUIHIIlY , June ~ l!lI!I, at ,I : :~(I p, m , fo r llil! elec l ioll I~ .~_.~ _I. ~~----------------------------------~~~ (,f two tru~l ee~, on" sec r e turv · lr en ~ ' i=====;::===:: -~ --===
~' r~ ·O nt .;. sm lll\ s ize .. ..... 12~
Sl Y , A I~ \ c t olt! you
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~~~~~~----~~~------------------------------ I ~------- ADAI R ' S - - - - - -- -], THE
II ._T_h_e_D_ay_t_o_D_P_o_w __ er_& __L_ig_h_t_C_O_"_l
Telephone 4 1
t" ,
", i. It t ll nM l ll ll ll ll" that ::'tI l \\ . ll cu\Ju " m bas b l'l:!l l :11'11 Il tlt t'l u r 10 ,tl r c:p r e SCIlI :l l i\'l' ill \\'<I),J1 c:o;·; ill t' . hi\) .
.~ _ _ ~_ I
Robbins & Myer Eh!c: tric Fans. . Packard Mazda Lamps. All kinds of Elecflic S upplies.
( ,,~...'"h~~HI H~GHOOl WINS
• I
SA M 1\ . PI , E, District "'ll ll aj!cr
Hl d !~
I I :!:, Hl d u d d
Ih., 1I1'hnlw 1\11" ' ;
)). I\' tlill .
===========:::: ::::.;=:;:::::::::::::::========:::;::::=='
0 1Her e nce in He" rt B ea ts. II .r\ ecnl'ulng Itl /til 1 ':n~lI s h !'If'ipnl l "1 "Il'i 11 11 l lulh-tduull t r In IIl'lI rl IH.'H 1:i II rT,'c'lI ng IlH' hlilld wl'l tlng trJ Sllf'h " (1('1~ 1"I ' " Ih ll\ It .·"n 111' 1111'" 11111·01 wh,·" I w r itin g !lj TJlII~nl fl ,I.
I lw l l'
No. 2220
liE () S
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fornli ng opinions \ I",. U8 .. U. :I. UO'IU. dOpO- I,,,,1'0 6«11'\' I "lreuIUlo n(p.r that will mold ·their chclractc r in !at r life. 'I hcy think of '10!~~03: ' .~P~;~~~~ l.t~O.~~l:~~~ . Father and of Moth er and 'of Hon1C_ for Sutu If the home is a well furn ished one of which YOU can be .l)~ . ~~II~J~~~':lltlt~u':tiuc~~e~~~'I~\~ proud, it will hel p th em to grow into the kind nlen and ul.dgud ..... .. . .. .. 6 .1l 0 0. 1I0 women you wiJl be proud to h~l\'c for chil dren . If your ( not .. t<lckM home is poorl y and cheaply furni h d \vhen YOLl C'l n affo rd SL~J~I~l~~!u.' thU:l~ . Pad'o'rbi 'Romuch better-it will also a ffeet t he m, and the nleIl10ry of Bt.ock por o r Fcc..loru.I HMllrvo c&n t "r dubdC rlllliou) it will be carried with them thro ugh life. Ln6~:~! r8~'~k~.~~t.h. ~".~e.r,C1~ .J!~~ d JulLion81 bauks .. . . C,o me in see how beautifully you can furnish yo ur h 0 l11e ..12 at Adair's on a Modest Anlount of Money. . or city ()r n o( reporting C\'ery
the 'Olldllion of the wuyne" ' I' ill ' ntiunul Bank. at Waynes . T ~ ny Ma layan Coin. ville in I he ' t ale of Ohio. III t.he A :-:~w \ ork"r h ll~ \\'hllt h p ~IIY~ Is cloMe of b us iness . Mo" 1:1 , 1ll1lJ. I"n f' of lilt' Hnln ll lJ 'l "In ~ In Ih .. worlll. 8n!1'JIIK:~Un l. ... .
~ ) . erUrU.rl8,
U. S. bond. ,lull
I • •. •.. . , .
I t \\",,~ u k"1i hy Ilw n a t h'r ~ or tll P Mil ' I Iny pcnl n.stllu. n n d \\":1!'i Itl ill i e ( 1'0[11 I J 1' . 11 ' ~~ rl' st n ou ~ J\l lce of II IreI'. "1 1.1.
vnlu")6 0.0~O . 0 0 l'l! nlllctl l ~ lJ r Ill '
U. d. LKul(\" and CtJ f l.lIll ' l1t eri o f h i ·
d O!.JlUlluulI& VledKet.1 iL8 Gollat · efu\ ur th er putjlt ll
o wno. l
10 .<100 . 0 0
LilJerty Lou ll U ouds. 3,h. "Dud .j l S por COli" uupIOdj.lud .. . •.
1 L 10
Socurllius ot.her t hu. lI U. S. lJUn tis Inc l udl n~
0\\, 1101.1
Oilnk SLOck; • . • . ,
1 9 i . 1 7~ ,OO ' .• 00. 00
Yaluo o f"uld og h ou :iO . " ... , .
4. 500 00 .000.00
(Jush JII ,'uUl I!" acd n eL QlnOun t 8 I (rum ~roLa.l '1.0111:1 U . J::', I ll . 17 alld
a l . I'l . l2
(6 ~
.... .
b tl\'ICS
1 10
William and Mary Dining Room Suite
Buffet, 54-inch Top Table, 5 Chairs, 1 Arm Chair . ... .Tudor Dining Room Suite in Wslnut Buffet. 54.-inch Table, 5 Chairs, 1 Ar?l Chair .. .. . .
BuiTet, 54-inch Table and
Corwin. at a ll times, and will
.... . . . . . . 8 1 . 1 ~1
banI" locatoe! DUf It.l o
pa y t he highest market price. 'Brin g in your Wool to u s , 1.60000 ' and we wi ll treat you right.
$176 $190
() Chairs . .. .. . . . ...... . .
Colonial Dining Room Golden Oak-Buffet, 5 -i-illch 'fab le and (i Ch a irs ..... .
$1 58 Sulte $112
IJa u k ~I\d o t- h e r cM h (LClllS • . , I(OI 10011)t101l rund wi th U. . ' '''r"aliiunJ C' fiod tJuo f rom U . S, 'l'rell9uror' . .. . .. ... . . . .. .. , I uterlltit. ad but. UO ~ c lIecLol l ,
\\' o.r
lw lur.;-s
161 . 50 .uo
urt,lnca-' OO au ...
Thrif1. Bt. lU11118 ul!Lually owuotJ
lu ••••.•. • . .
\ u r l'<'!'It
All Cast Range with Reservoir and High Closet. Special. . . . .... ... . . . .
Steel Range with Reservoir and High Closet. Special ... . . . . .... . ... . ... .
$54.00 $49.75
A Great Display of Spring Rugs In all the diffe ren t sizes at p ri ces that will surely prove atl ract ive . 9x12 Matting Rugs
Up from .... .. , .. .. .. ..... . .. ... ... .
9x12 Bru88els Ru gs
Up from .... · .... ......... .... .. .. . 9%12 .Axminster Rug . a r eg u
Jar $45.00 valu e . Special... . 9%12 Wilton Rugs'
. Up from .... ...... .. ~ ...... .. .... .. .
$5.75 $24.00 $37.50 $65.00
~ S.
.ud to .' CS " 1(1 . .. . . . . . . 132. 01
JHlcrOUL f1.0(\ t1hIC O UD~ co llccttKt or crodiLud . In wlVUHce o f lIIot.ur t ty Ulill II lJ ~ u14rued •. . , • . . . . . t'lrc u l~tln~ u u lOli o utstllndl1J8 . . Nut l1JUountJl c1ue t.o XatlUno.l bnnl d • •• • ••• • , • • , • • • • • ••••• T u t~1 o f l1 em. 32 . 94 .nd a6 .• . • . .. • .• ..•. • .. 6.UO O. OO
6 . UOO.00
Let the Baby Enjoy the Spring Days ' In one of ' Adalr's stylish, com {o·rtab le. "Jriding Babv Ca.rriage8. omll in allll pick out a earriaae. We have a woncfe rf lll
uaortment In all the newest sly le~ lind ftn\lbee. .Full size baby ca~riages up fr N II
$21.00 •20-24 North Detroit
$7.00 $J g;~~i~\~~.~. ?,i.':.~~r.~~.t . $8.75 $2~;~c~r~ .?~~:I.l.~~. ~~t $21.00 . ~3~-9B piece Di nner et $26 00
Oil Cook Stoves Get ling- rlimltH r!l ltly in July is
j U ~ 1 fI~ com(ortu ble n ' ill ovember ~ it' y, Il u ~(' a Ji'lo rcnce Oil Cook St I)V() t, wick' to bu I' ll
o ut. No vlllves to leak Once Ntor t ed neh burner will keep go. inR' at thl' "rim power until yu u tu rn it 0 t .
Fllmittlre Str~1
Xenld, Ohio
Au toma t ie Blue Flame I '~ -,
4 ~r,. 1 8 5 . 00
I· _
3.2. 00
ea rpets, SL()t'es
W e do n ot, change our price ·day by day, neither do we tJay a high.e r price in on!! tow n t han we pay in an othe r > ' 'fhe Tri ·Slate i8 u(' rea mery of depend abil ity. Our dealings are all Direct with produ ce rs . We have no buying agencies. station buyers o r c()mmission men . Lool, over t he. T ri State prices t o date this year as shown below and see wh ere it ill t o you r advRl)t age and prQfit to Deal Direct with the Tn State
Uxcelie"t co udil ion
·' .~ 2 1 . 1 6
ONE PRICE TO ALL -19 th e Tri·State policy nnd that p ric e is lCood for a week .
REPUBUC CHASSIS 1 t l1 l1 Lotllo: wheel ba. c
bl~nl~./~'~~~, ":It~" ..~:~LI~r.a.l . H.C:
2 0.000.00
THtQl ...... .. ... .... .... .
Sl09.JOS. GO
Wr its J ar our Lillt of Uu d Trut;/e Specials
II !!
kuo\\ l odgtl nod heUer. ! 1... M II K:-I I)IJ: HSON. ()Mhl or . u ~ 8orlhotl It wi swurn IA.I ho lUre m e thlil 1ULI! day o r i\ l a y . 10 19. E . V , Uarnhart Ullrruct A "c.t: Notur)' Publl o. \
lV ook O.,lnn ln g Ja.u uur)'
~.'I 6th .. . . 72c e1 lath .. . 72c .~ I 20th .. . 6-lc 27 th . .. 55e
. ti. 1.\1. ~~W I~~ . J: W . WH IT E.
We pay the l ~l:::1~::2']L!!!:~~~'.3
Wook Ocg lonlnl1 B'ulJru!lry
W ... k .D oglonlng W eek Deglnulng W ..." March • A I,rU M&,.
3rd ... .45c 10th . .. 48c 17th . . . 53c 24th ... . 55c
3rd . ... 58e 7th .... 65c 5th .... 60c 10th . .. 61c 14th ... 65c12tb " .G2c 17th .. , 63c 21st ... G7c 19th , . . G2c 24th : .. 65c 28th . . . 67c 31st . 65c
I ~~ REIGtlT
and guarantee thecream and ,anI again!!t lOll
May 12th to 18th Inclusive
$8s~~~~i~~.. ? ~~ n.~~·. s~~..
,F ore ce
·Th ose who have need of u new d inner set wi II fin d a very hi oad a::!8ortmen t of tine patterns at ve ry low price!'.
Younce Bros. Grain Co.
Waynesville, O.
1.093. 00
J L. ~t Khnlior80Ll. COl'lhlor a t Lbo 0.00\'0 uam OlJ uallk. do 4Wloll1U ly il\lfon r th ll L tho nh":)\u s t Ut. .1I1J10u t 1ft truo t.o \.It" bost. o f m y
120- 2
---- - -
76 7. "
81'ATiJ: OF Olli ll. \\, AIlItEN OOUNT y .as:
S pe C! lal .. .. .. ...... .. ....
ti O I P hone
t flU,DOO,OU
fj'( POl'1ses. I lItCfcst
IlIUlvh.luru ..leW_Its 8Ul>JUCL ' " choclt . . . . . .. . . . • ..... . ..• . CcrLlficutuK o r deposit cl ue III I.... ' Lll uu au duy • . ... . . .... . . . .. IJh ILioud. UOII&III . . . . ... _.. . . . Tuta l o f UfJ[UlH ld uopo.lts IIIl l> JU( ' " t<> roElo r\' O, • • • ;) Ol.'I S, 16 Wor 108.11 d IJORIt a ccou nt ... . . . .
Quick Meal Coal Ranges Copper Clad Malleable Ranges
~9 ao,
1 00. 000. 00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
~~fll\~I~I~Ul,:~:·O f1i~: .' .' :.' 27:o'u'g : 61' w~
G U 7
Total ........ . .. . .... . . 1, \'\ DILI'TIES (JILtlltnl tltocl<
\Ve aTe prepared to ' t ake ill Wool at the Grange Bui lding .
3),<20. 0 1
Queen Ann Dining Room Suite
Now is the tinle to lay in your next \ inter's COAL. Don't \vait. You are not saVIn 6 anythi.n() by putting it off. We have what you want. Call and 6iv~ us your order. We deliver every day.
TheTri-StateButterCo. CINCINNATI, OHIO
'fag your cans or if you need eans write for 30 day Trial Cans.
Saturday, May 24th The dainty actress, Mary Pickford, in. a fine play,
Try the .Miami Gazette's Classified Colt1l11ns for Resull.~
"Joanna Enlists" Tuesday, May 27th Featuring the . wonderful Naziinova,
THE' Sc, tOe AND' 25c ' STORE
"Ey:e , for, an Eye"
Mystic Mitts, cleans kettles, skillets, . aluminum ware, etc ... . . .' .. ... . .. , . ...... ... . . ...... 1Oe Wom en's Uuion Suits ........... : . ...•...•..•• SOc " Sky-Blue" Enameled Ware ....... . ·..........•'l.QO Durable DURHAM Hosiery, for Women and Children ....... .. .. . .. ..... . , ............ 25c Bixby's " Jet-Oil" and "Shuwhite" :-;hoe Dressing .. 13c . Foskett Plate Scrapers, noiseless, .. ............. IOe Vacation Treats, a dainty confection, per square .. Ie
This play will 'begin' at 6:45 p. m :
Thursday, May 29th Featuring Shirley Mason, in a good play,
".Goodby Bill" COMEDY:
"Independence B'gosh" .
i:JO p.m
~evellty- First
I,:v(.aryt lli n\!' ,'h,' (;" , ,,j,, d
11",.·.1 an
r p. fin "
Mr IUlrl Mr.~ I '~I ,. (!r H.. ){, ~ rN M,,". IHI ill (), t.nrn .
li t
~ " , .•
511 "l a y u; he re.1 inClll n" '·II(·"nw ll
WI.!' J,.: hlnl lit 111. ' I ' V" "I IIJ,! I he I, ., 'c', I t Ul' p, tl .. tt +' f VI \.'H W , t !'4 I It! I .! I I • . k ll ' II!
T he elf! . " o f HI I:I
pla ~
Ita I. U lur"e c •. I1 l(relZal iOIl I,,,, 11 P eSlm t. At B o; cl o~ k pr" mpt thl' ~e rv icr s 1.j,l lllplIl1l in all t hr! 'ti t! W d tl.~ i l{ n s· hegan wil h the pfl) re8s j u lI ~l . . i' n· o t H"",·" ,'~ ' ~ Il'nl of I) .IV ,.." in which till' I!I'II IW ,10" 1111,1 d)(~ i' lI J1I I~ ()f the Hi!'!. ~ dlllo l I: \\ Y.'II I1.·" Rlle"l ~ IH ,d "l' "ith Illurdwd (, . lh," r iI ,Hell" H,'v J "II., hOlW' I" ",, III !Jayton led ill pray " r. alto which Ilev. McMillan read th" ;jcriptu rc lessun Sec "" bpfure "lIyin~ your e lectric Mis:! ~ther ' Rockey , of Columb us. rendere d two very fine vocal seleciron , Kilhy & Winsl ull . tions. It was a s urprise to mati) people, Mrs J L Uartsoc k was the week joyed but everyo ne present ~n the 8Olos. The young lady was guest of telat ives in Dayton , never In better voice, snd her many fri ends enjoyed hearing her aga in. PaUl's United Shows at Miss Phil- Miss Helen Marlatt presid ed at l he lips' lol all. this we ek plano . ., Arter"O nward Christia n Soldlelb Howard Burlon and Ethan Crane was Bung, Rev.Ca dwallad er preached w ~ re ill Dayton , Monday . a masterl y sermon , his theme bein",. ·.'Su~cess Trlump hunt in Failure ." Bryan Marsh Nationa l M a z d a He was listened to attentiv ely, and Lamps arp the best. Kirby&Win~ton preache d a fine sermon , address ed mainly to the class of '19. H is theme il1ltlcated that no BUCl?e!!5 ill life was Mrs Etta Printz, of Dayton , ~pent attainab le wlth uut reJigill to back Sunday with Mr and Mrs. J . M, it up. and that fai lures nwill come 'J'aylor often but If we will onl y look lo the 8ourc~ of resl life, success will even Wm . Dinwid die. Carl Sarvis and tually be attaided .. . After " COr. nalion, " Rev. Caowal C. W. He ntl ersun w e re Dayton visit· ors, Monday. lader dismissed th e con!(,Tl'!(,nti(on with the benedic tion _ _ __a ...- -See Lofty Gillmor e, champio n high diver, fre!! every night at the Carnl · val, all thiS week.
Ml'morl al day for 1919 takes on a broade r per Mpective than ever before. ~ ~ The late war wilh allllS hellrt beats . • . and throb~. brln ..s to ue this Jea!' .~ more need of a Memo!'11l1 Dsy th an '"'"~.C:::-' ever before. Not that the old veteran will be forgott en-far from It, but the nt'wer onell a re nearest our heatl.s, as the pain ia Iitl11 fresh Inour Mesdam es Sarah Smith . Christie memori es. McKinsev and Ad a Whi taker we re The Men of Waynesv delig htfully ente r tai ned by Hachel ta ken u p the work Inill~ have heu of Crew. last wpek . t he veleran , and willi try and make this one of the best dllYs eve r . Mrs. Mary E Waterh ouse and The ~ervi~e.s w:1I be held in ~Iaml dau g hter, Miss A' II ~nter tuined the c~metery. ,r nda) ,M!1 90th . at 2 p .m: followin g g uests ~ d inne r, Sunday : 11le Rev . Edmund K Yl3urdsaJ l, a for Mr. and Mrs . J . Q Go ns, Mr . and mer l)astoJ of the M. E. church, Mrs . H. E . Earnha rt, Mr . >l nrl Mrs. WIll be the orator or the day . H.e J . E . McClur e, Migs Nett ie Earn ha rt, Is at present the chapl s ln uf the OhIO Alice and J oh n Gons. Rov anti Erwin G. A R, . h Ell is, Huth and L na -Earn ha rt a nd The '~utom Qbll es be at t e Ml's:!ra 'Iarellce Ry.' Ray Mills, Townsh Ip House a t I wl,lI n clock to t~e ' I ~ E rnesl I',arn bers of t he G. A. R. lind their lart. f', ran it Ell)on, Jus. mem f T All th b Sale 111)\1 r;i ut, Geo . J . Walerh ouse. ami les. k d t e ° Y8 of the lato ' nl' war are as C 0 l>e p resen t 111 u form The followin 'fhe 56th Ann uul Conven t iCll1 of the lt prog ram will EOmund T. Sale. of 1234 North be rendere d lit t he ceme tery at 2 Warren County Su nday Sch· "I Asso 'ren t h St reet , 't'erre lIaute , Inrliana , o'clock : eiation will convene a t tl a. on ann o un c~s t he engagem ent f his PresbYl erian Chu rch nn '1 hu,'sdav dau g hler. Helen Day , Lo [~ay m ond and "' riday, June 5 and G Ruck, 80n of Mr. and Mrs U . G. Mr. Arthur T . ArnOld. Sl.'lle ec- Buck, )026 Sixth avenue. The wedretary Mrs. Phoebe A Curtiss. Supt, din g will tak e vlace last of this of the 'Childre n's I)ivi sion, anrl olh e rs month. Miss Sale hasthe been u teacher will addreAA the Cnnvcn tl on . in the Hook school for Roys' ann GI rls' Confere nces will vears and is well knownu innu mbe r of t he city, be held at 2:30 on Thursd av li ft e r· where she has (, I li ved Mr. noon, wilh R~v .. E. Kneisley lind Mrs. Bu('k Is a g radualways a te of Rose PolyClyde S Mel ~y m charge. . technic Clasa of HI1 3 and is now 10, Tho commlt.tee Is plannm ll u n UBU- ca ted in Akr.,n . Ohio, where he is ally good program s fo!' these threo. chemica l enginl'e r for the f' hiladelmeeting s, . un,1- the peop) e of M lis\~n i phia Rubbe r Co. Mr are plann~ng t~ e~terta1ll t.he la rlll! take hiil bride to Akron. Buck will for pe rmacrowd whIch WIll attend . nent resld ence 'after lh ir ma rriage. ---
0_''',_t_' n
Mr. F . U. Hcnd Qrson and fa mily
i::eM~d~~:~~~n~fternoo~ wilh fri ends Mr_ anel Mrs. Cha . ~. Reynold s , of Vu ll y, w~te clllling on triendtl here, !:) tUI tl ay . Bp~in~
Fresh Milk~ f tho v(> ry heRt fJual. Ity, twic~ a day, m o rn i n ~ and e venIng, at White'a ~L o r c. ' Mr and Mro. Hujrcr, of Columb us. were lhe week-en d g-ues18 of their daughte r, Mrs. Lee Earnha rt. Mr_ and MrR_ C. Buchan on , of Lookeeb a .. Ok/a, spent a couple of davs laat wt'ek wilh frltmds here. We have a full line (If BrYlln .Mauh Mazda Lumps for town fUrl'ent or farm lighting plants. Kirby& Wimilo n Mrs. Abigail Weller, of Mt. Rtnll, Ind., spent a coupl e o! days IORt w i~ek with hjlr Kieler, Mrs . A. Chenow eth, of Route 1,
.... - .
lira. Eva Stib~, Mr and Mrs. Ambrll le SlIlIIvan and Milburn Sulli· Mrs, Ruth Hartsoc k Walton was van, of near Lebano n. spent Sunday the planiate at a rlldtal Tuesday with Mr. Heory Klnjf. evening In Dayton , given by Mrs Henriet ta Owen Ludlow , contralt o, E . S. Furnaa for Blnde"" Mow- and a pupil of Mra. Clara T, Grimes .. eu and Hay Tools. I can make you The recital was held at the Y. M C s•.I1D8 prices thllt will Interellt you A. auditor ium, and Mrs. Walton played the Nocturn e In F . mino!' by and Dve you money . Chopin and a waltz in C sharp minor by Chopin. The recital was a sucMI88 Roberta Hart, of Lcobanon, Ce8ll ' and MIS! Nelle Thomps on. of Wash· . • -!naton, D. C., were guests last Fri· day of Mr. and Mrs_ }<" D. Hawke.
Wblte WaRb Skirts, in Itaberdi ne, cotton pol ret., twill, pique, cotlon mell8lllines In embroi dered and plain, $?-,95 to $14.96 at Fred'. Lebano n Big Store. The Oaulrht ers of Americ a will alve a dance at the J . O . U . A_ M. Ball In Lebano n, Ohio, May 30Ih Music by Carlly'a orchest ra. You a ... Invited. lJeut. HUih Ridge came back from Akron, Saturda y, and Is here for a few daYlI, awaltinll:' a call to · come back and go to work for the Good· rich Rllbber Co.
Mrs. Julia'U ergall visited 'In 'Dayton the latter part of the week, and . while 'there attende d 8 couple of Mowers In honor of her neice, Mi88 Winifre d Davis, who 18 soon to be.~; come a bride. Friday and Satllrda y Specials at Fr~'a Lebano n Big Store this week: Overall l, $1 36; Men', Splendi d Sulbl, ,tripes and mixture a, $1769; Boys' First Lonl,pa nts Suits, t25 values, $l!/.OO; . 25e Work f:lOI!6, 15c; Mlln'a Athletic Union Suita, 65c; 8alhrlg fran S.hlrts and Drawer s; 46c;' .BoYs' - Ribbed and Nainsoo k Union Suits, 50 cents,
LIBERAL DONATION TO HOSPITAL An unu8ual gift deserve s special thanks and mention . A one hundred dollar check hss been sent us from The Wlirren County Childre n's Home in Lebano n, Ohio. This practica l express ion of belief In our work and Ilpprecl ation of the service we have renllere d several of the children under their care, brings UR real encoura gement -"The Blue Bird," Childre n's (Ellie copal) HOllpital, Cincinn ati, Ohio
------- -OBITUARY
Edwin Sweny, son (If Jame!! and Clarl999 Sw"ny. was born near LebRnon, Warren County, Ohio, Octobe r 14, 1827, and died May 19, 1919, aged 91 yeal1l, 1 months and 5. day.s. In Februar y 1851 , he was umted In marriag e with Dorclls Redmon . of BirminR'bam, Iowa. and to this un ion three children were born. Clara R , 8110. l. and one 'sOn, Arthur. Sixty-si x years ago, he joined the Springb oro lodge of Odd Fellows , and for the past twelve ~ears spent the greater PBrt of his time at the 1. O. O. F. Home, at Springf illkl, Ohio, at which place, hepassc d aWIlY. His wife preceded him twenty· fiv e years ago, at Dayton, Ohio, and hi: son, Arthur, eightee n years ago, a t the same place.' • lIe. leave!! two clau",ht ers, Clara Maxwell, of Cardin~ton, Ohio, and Ella .Carman , of WayneSVille, and three grandch ildren, Mrs. O. C. Romans, of Carding ton, F . C . Maxwel l, of ColumbuR, and Mrs Raymon ,1 Davis, of Dayton, to 'mourn his los.~ .
.. - ..---
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LVTLE M. E. Cd URCH Sunday School every ~u ndav at 2:00 p . m . ReR'ular preachi ng lIervice eve ry. unclay at 3:00 p m. Choir practice lind Ilrayer meeti'ng ev ery Werl np.sdllY eve ning . Eve ry body Is cordiall y welco med .
vp r.v fi" t'
I' ut!: d :,\ :d'I ;'n nll lll and 1 1J(·~d .l.\
ev -nUll!. nA'Il '1t lu lh, ' fal' l ,ha l l h,' ellll for ti[' k , ·'~ lI1an!' II , 1)\'l'rn 'lwin),! hOU ~~ t it \' u , clc('lfll.!d til givi ' u nl :ltl lIee . f].uile II !tulle 1111 11 ,Ii 'r e. I'llflng-· ing Ihe ir l ick t~ for Ihe ('\'(," illS! pe r forrnanc e f',r lh" lI111 eint'e . Ihu .' givil1)f .pvt!T) heldy 1\ chal1\:,c to a t t t!n rl The plav ",ivt!n wns f rom yoloI'I I day~. ent·ill l' d . " I' urpl e Hnrl' Fi,,· Linen ." The ('aM was alt llllll ~ Il'\l ly tr n l1~·one. nnd it \Va ~ well prodl"'" '' Time ; nd space forhid us giving each I)erform e r soecial prais . but th ' enti re piece was well render ed . The plllY was in thrc acts . and foll owing is the ca t of cha racters: Goodwi fe Parsons ........ Ma r y Thoml1s Goodwi fe Dearbrlrll .. Leona Mcl ;innis Bettv ...... ... ....... ....... Ka thryn Clark J ohn Belden ...... ...... ..... Levi Lu kel1ll Tom Dearbo rn ...... ....... Ethan Crane Lucie .. ...... . ........... ...... Eth el Hllines David Sylvest er .. .. ....... ... Ea·rl Clark Elkanah Parsons . .. .. .. Ed win Randa ll Deacon Epag hras Small .. ...... -.... .. .... ........... ........ .. Harold Me red ith ·Experi ence ......... . .. .......... I{~a S ~ac 'y Cons lahle .. ....... .. ... .... .. C1aude RI (!~s Sextoll ........... ......... Edward Bur lon Mal:isl rale ..... .... .. Antha Di nwiddi e Simeu n Meek inR.. ...... Kenn('L h El u y SU Qpecl ors and T()wn ~p","pl('- Virgit Rntlllli('k . Cumm ins J ones. Frances J ann ey . lIazel Moore and Huzel Salisbu ry. T he mll ~i c f or lhn piny wa~ g iven by the Nichols orches t.ra, of Wilmi ng · ton. and wall enjoyed uy all. thei r se· lectlons belnM' well c/wael .
- ----
Invoc ation "Ame rica," Glee Club Music, Band
ST. MARY' S CHlI~ C H Ascension Day , Thurse lay, Holy Commu nion at 10 o'clock. Sunday after Aso, nRion, June 1: Sunday ::!chool at 9:30 a. m ; Sermon The reg ular meeting of the Woma n's Auiliary of St. Ma ry' l! Church and Holy Commu nion at 10:30 The public cordiall y Invited to was held at the home of Mrs E . y . these services. Barnha rt .on Thursd AY aftern oon, May 22 . The meeting was open d by the presid ent . Mrs Cadwallade r . M_ E.. CHURC H . rending 8 portion of t he flrst chapte r Sunday , June 1: SundllY School. of Acts Mrs Cad wall ade r 9:15 a . m .. F . U. LeMay, Burerin . devotio nal ser vices Srriplu lell lhe tendent . Divine WOTllhip, 10:30 a. lations were given in resp'msral quo e to t oll m. and 8 p m . Rev . C. ::i, Grlluse r call Aft er the reuui of the min· la coming , Thursda y, to assist in the utes and disposal ofn/orhU!lin Mission ary Centena ry move, lind followin g prugra m. which ~ss , th p. was va ried will preach Sunday evening . Spe- wi th ~everal bea utiful cial mUBic, both mornin g and even- the,vlct rolu, was given : selections on ing . A cordisl invitati on to all . Report and Discuss ion of the House . Gideon Nelson Jolly, DRstor. of Churchw omen, Mrs Barnho rt and Mrs. Crane; Music ; Re porl of the Convoc ational Meeting at Dayton, Mrs. Cadwall ade r; Music; Realling . "The Boy Sol oist," Mrs. Barnhll rt; Iteadlng , "The Openin g of the New General Hospita l at Wuehan g," Miss Emma l:Ieigh~ay; Music . Afte r a pleasun t social half-hou r, Mr_ C. F. Chapms n died at his home on Fourth street early Tuesdav the meeting adjourn ed _ - ' - - -_a _ - -rt;lornlng, after a long illness . Tbe funeral was held, Saturda y;from his late home. Interme nt In Miami cemeter y.
E. Burds all
M,:!sic, Glee Club Adjou rn to Canno n Lincoln' Getty sburg Speec h, _... _.. , .... James Mullen
The venerab le John Stanton , of Frankli n, ' died at his home there, Sunday livening. Mr. Stanton was once a residen t of WaynesVille, and was in the 93rd year of his life. He was a veteran of lhe Civil War, and W8l! a membe r of th e G. A. R. The funeral was held Wt!dnesday after· noon. Interme nt in the Frankli n cemete ry, .
St rewing of Flowe rs
Music, Glee Club Bened iction
;>I ron-
Mall inl! i{u i!~ lit Ilymlln 'p.
1I M. Whit . . W:l.q in Wilmin gto n, ·lI nci,ll' lIft,·rno.m.
Ilr. Dill. O!lteopa th 21 S. Broad-
wa ' . Ldian on . Ohio.
M"ror HYl1lf\n wa!! in Til 1)-;t1ay . 0 11 lJ u Ril1e~s
DRY ton ,
TRke a rl rlo nn the Me rry-GoRound at the Carnivn !. Ihlll W"ll,'" . of Lebonon , i., \'i~i L illl!' h i~ cllusill. Ethnl1 Crane . Joh n Leonan !. of Kings M il l ~ , was in town , Monday evening . Window Shn.les in all colors at Hyman' s. Elias Ogle~bee anll George Watllrhouse were Cincinn ati v.i ~ito rs. Sill · u rday . See "Wonrlerland," an enterta inIng and ed urationa l exh ibition . M I ~s Li llie Duv all . of SmIthville, Ohio, Is visiting at the home of Mr_ J ason Sheeli An.
Fl eiRchm snn's Yeasl·- Suppl ies are now sent us every other day , a lways fr esh, at While's . F . W. Hathaw ay spent last week with Mr. and Mr:l. Ed Hathaw ay, of Columb us Grove. Ohio. Vapor Oil ' ' tovo lJemons tration daiiy al. The ,Fred nmplUJY Lebanlln Big ~t'.) r .
Music, Band
Oratio n .... Rev.
Harvey sbura Friends Church Amos Cook, pastor_ Sunday . June I : Bible School at 10:00 II . m . Anna Stl1l80n, supe rln · tendent . Preachinj( ::ie rvice at J 1:06 a, m Come to these services . you will be more than welcom e . Come and bring a friend .
I!II\' "
Wh ul'li v' u
Miss Vadll McPher son, of Wil· minglon . i ~ t he gl cst of Supt. E lma Rol erls d urin!{ commen cemen t week I
ome in and ~ee t he "United States" Li ~hting Plant. For sale by Kirby & Winston or T . E. ({oge rs_ Word has been received from C;ve rotl Clark that he arrived at Newpor t News, some time Monday . 'I'he Mi sses Helen and Ida Barnett , of Sprin l< Vall ey, lire visitors at the horne of t hllir grandfa the r, Mr. James S. McClur e. Mr. J ames Hawke and fnmily and M·r. J os. Ha wke, of Bell fontain e _ spent a cou ple of hours here e nroute to their ho me , Sunday evening . Howell Peirrc and wife met their daughte r , of Birming ham. !-Ia., in Cincinn ati, 'fu esday. She Will make an extended vi~it t o relati ves In Ohlo_ I~o r re pairs fo r Osborn machine s, binder8, tu rners and all hay tools, see E:Clwin S . Furnas, a gent for E merson Branti ngham Lmplem ent Co_
MIAA Dorothy Gebaue r, of Richmoml,l nd " f ormerly domest. ic sci. ence teacher in our school. , 'is '>Ipending commen cement ' wee k with friends.
Very Great Special t or Deco ration Day Week at 'l'he '. Fred .compa ny .The meeUng of Fllrme r!l' Gra nge, l .cuanon Big Store- Georlle tte and on the evening .o f May 21st Willi a Cre pe de Chine I:li ouses. In grea t very profitab le and well attende d variety of styl es, in printed and plain one. The respons e to r oll call brough t coloring s. $5.!l5. forth many amusin g ami we ll chosen jokes. N ow is the t ime to have th ose . Sister Gaol'gia Menden hall, In pre- scree lls made tor your house. Also senting Curren t Events. marie the a porch swing for you to r est you rnumber a very Interest ing nnd In- sell in afte r a ha rd day's work . For I t ructive one. The paper, "Ohio prices and particul ars see D. E. Women Shall Vote for Presid ent in Standif ord, Way nesville , Ohio. 1919." by Sister Lucille Strawn , so clearly showad the attitude of the The U. S. S. Oklahom a hus arrlved Grange , It was voted to have it puh· Iished In the Miami Gazette . Sist.e r in France and our t wo boys - ClarReba Rich closcd tho progra m wll h ence Memlen hllll and Carl McClurcwill Bec many Ilew lhlnl,,(s whil e t here. a we ll rendered piano 90 10 . The nl!xt meeting will be fu\' plI· ItR they nre al ready scherJ l!led to s~e trons ' children a nd will be he ld on Paris and severa l other places 111 lo r anee. We,lncs day evening , June o.
"Arhor dftJ," 801<1 tbe t!!ncher, ... ~ t ho lIny plant trees. Now, supThe followin g commit tees have (lORO thRt toevery memher of this clnss been named by Preside nt Elli!l: . Rhould plont hla or lieI" fnvorlte nut Music- Frank Braddo ck and D. L tree.' I;Ct UB Bee how many The annual loi owners mp.eting of Crane. ,'arlolicR of nuts we would bave_ We will beMiami Cemete ry Associa tion will be Transoo rtation- -It'rank Elbon and gin nt this end of the class." Wnlheld in the Chapel, Monday , June 2. Frank Zell . nut, beechnut, chestnut wcre nomed 1919, at ]:80 p, m " for the election Decora tion-M rs. Walter Caat, In rapid Succession, but , wben tt came mn·r.t~'1 of two trust.ees, one secrebr y-treas - Frank Zell. Frank BraddOCk and Mary's turn she wrlnkle<l her brow urer, and for such other bUdines s a8 Walter Kenrick . ' Th e" United States" Elect ric Light. and thought for a long mInute before ' ''ll come before them . A full ating Pl ant is d iract·co nnected , self Strewln lr-Littl e ghrls, UDder di · she nnswerCd: "I 'belleve I'd HJ 's earnestl y desired . cran kin",a nd a uto matic sto pped when rection of Miss Henriet ta McKlnRey. a iloughnnt tree."-< Jlevelan plnnt te ndan " 4 Plain Henderson, Clerk. Lincoln 's Gettyab ul:g Addres a- DenIer. hattery is full. For 8ale QY T . Eo' Aimoun cement 'of 'he marriag e of Ro~e rs or Kir hy & Winston . L h . James Mullen. Wlnlrre d Gail, daultht er of Mr. and . • - • - - _" _ ••_'--_ Transpo rtation of ' Flower GirlsMrs. Chas S. Dunham . of Covingt on, Dr . J. T , Ellis and J . E. Janney r.'i~~. M E M Ky., Lo Mr. Elmer W. Hauenst !:in. wen t to Columb us; 'I'~esday . to at. '0'; on Saturda y, May 2., 1919. has been rs. . Woolley and -~, ~ ~\ffl8dames tend a conv'e ntion f or t.he ratificat loD. . • ~ receIved here by relativ~. • The Hi School w.i11 play tho [nu e- of the Mrs League of Nations Covena nt, . ' CollfIClion of Flowenr~~ • T_ Hauens tehi has many friends in pendent .~, Decorat IOn Day at 3 :::10 , Dr Ell is heinll a count y represe ntaH E Hathaw iay A Mailltt " .... LOr Waynesville, where she formerl y at Phillips ' Park . . H , 'S .have livo. Amonlt t.he speaker s are Bop _ Eliis,'H annah Roger~, A, T. Wrlg.ft~ ~ "~~- '... lived, who extend congrat ulations . -~ ""' " Wi" meet def\!ate d the older The M. N. Douglas s, the Spring Valley· S L. Cartwr ight, HOl)9 Stiles. buys, n~d th ey Wm . H. Tnft , Dr. An n: 8Q wllrd Mlases1 The ?I& D: Assoc at!l1!..U ?b,wu ~e out .for revenge and wll! hllve s illi w. Rabhi St ephen Wi~ The young couple will be at home · .real estate man, BOld Cliff Maxwe~I'!I. Klzzie Merritt , Frall)ces , Janney , at the Townsh I Re rhert to t hoir frlendl! after July lilt, at far~ to Robert StI1(>,S. The ip Hou8t't, suturda y- ll/ , _ ~ .bhP.S~ 1?11l~. er~ III t he S. Houston and several olher co~sld· Hazel Salisbu ry, Ethel w()'l1Baller and 2 p. m . ·Coving ton ; Ky ; BusineSl l of importa nce. some 01 ' lnc (~ ~e s a u . eration was '15.00Q. " . known celebrit ies. Helen Marlatt . . ...... ~ ""1Cif' . Come! . . townshi p. . ---. < .. ~~ -:.s.,,:~ a n i;l ... "'lo . .
-. --.
--- .--- ---
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Flo~ ~S~rrIBvans,
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""Sh 10 e<.J th dnur ,l ' Jlll a l lJer , I('flvlng him Land ing In th o Juhldl C Of
the rOOtIl. porlllCXl',l huL t\tn\l ~ d. "ny. (1 rgo." II Rnld to lllm s()lr• . ~lll l stAring nt th o cl o;::PU doo r. Htlu 'y' r f\ w on d el'!', 1111 or th e' lIl. I wl~h I COIlIrI d s(}uwt hlng to tH ~ lfl th f" l n nut of-'" H I.' ~nl down "hrlll'll.I' oil Ih l ·dl:l.' ot til e b ed nn tl fHlIl N I h I. wullN fl'ntn hit: I1tH'k e t . Jh' l'It,t nho Ul cI\\ll lllng thl ' bill s. 11 ("nl culntln g fr"wn In t, ls ('Yt'~~ , 1' h ' n he Shu" !ll nt th,\ C lllnK, sum· rning up, uI'Il do It: ' he !in'll, nfrt' r fl moment of nl(mtul nll"r ln ~, He ll)lrl off n holt dozen 1 tll ~ unci ~ HD1) "tt th ~ 1U Into h _ts pocko t . Tht' w n lll'l :1ou ~ bt lt~ u ~ unl
resllng pine' for t he: e Ight: (ler n pIllow. '
lie WIIS helllthy lind he was tlr ' ll. Two minutes afl r his hend touched
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of hi"",!. II" \ \ ,, " "' "'., ,,,'" " .. ' " I .. '·HI' 1"'\'I'h u!rll id . 11''-;' 1I dnlll \\11\11 I I , ),1" .111111'\00, '11' I II, l ll lll , ' \I n 1 1"0· ... la t,',l l .t' o ut u' Llh ' 1\ rill!' ~ hlll. I sir,HIIt! >l ) ' ' ,,,,"):;', '.. I \ '111 " ~ " " " lill y 1111' I h;hlS "T III'I ', .llI st wh,,1 It I~, " ~:Ilrl """ IIr "Il l f, ·1' I". ... '. Mr .•JII'W'. 111 II'I"ph(ll1 th t! 1111"1. !l TrI ll \\'01',1<11'"11 . "Th, 1 f '"II M' III' I II ~lIl l\ l 1.17. ,'r II II' slll " 'l ff " " ' till' wh I!hl II WII" II \1" ,1 ,1 ~I\(I ' ~ ,," ( ,' 1\ 1'''''' .1111', '' it cl,.,l1 · " """~ "hil t I I'lln b c t "" Ih llt. 11 (' l!III t ' .. 1111'1' It .. ", 111 1" "" II,,· \\" .1)·. 1'"lI \, "h I>' I 'II II"~ sqllll rc' I hl"'lIl:h II If' 11I" l r l ." ! ir l ll' .. ' rr·l hll .Io·s' "f, II" , \\" 11 1=,, 1 10 l h,' "I.,\~(b·. hili 11 11< ,\,11 " '''~I' u 1'11111, JlII.I' " " ' I l ' .. IIU' >1 ",." ,'<1 11I' ,r hl'I II' pu ~," ~nh l n t." d 1JII I l"IHUn,d, io \r,'u 111111\\" " 1. ,\n I' ,~h( I Itt.' 1'1' ... 11" i h.· 1'11/1 11 hn v dl·II.'.: I " , , '", ' '."!" Ih l- ',·11'" ,,11 , II II 1"'''1 '. '1' 1t 11lkH "I g ut's:-; Il h l .\' J!(~t w h tll \\H~ lO(,111[1I" I. you i,Hl I [' l'U')oI, you II tl ls t H ' Iri l' l! to to 'L'III, " s H1t1 IIIIP1Il t'l' pt fhl IIII'l l, ~t"p 1 It 1\ 1 (,lI l'r l'.ll h ll!"sl lllt' l= 11 11' II,· " Wh ol 's IhIlI '! II'lty. Iii".' \\11 " IlIlin' II UI, k,'d y"t! . 'Ih," "" (''' "III ''d fl'l' I Jr' pCll e,'flll liS 1'lIlI ld t" , " , ,',,11 111-11 F I\ \ls. H (' ,," d ~Jr(lt. T I,,' ' h ill /: Ihll l \\lInl,'~ ull \Vh r. th. y CIU 1I1I '1lJ1 lis o(ll~ II( thaI. ,11m 1)1 1110( i ... ul,1 lilt' ',l lllt ' I IUlU tilt III\' Co ule,>rt/ Tlut Wlill :1 III I/Hl l t· ' IIp,," ~11t1j\f: n t, Itt wn .. til t' h' twu of ' , ' 1 1, Ullt' dOl'!; 11 IIJlI'P"JI thil t t lwy " t' rt' IlJlIlPllr \' 1.1 1 II ' 11.,\\11 t ht, I " "~~ 1"t);, I!:-·:" you r ,!rul's hOIl ' I'? T hill (·(· rlul nl,. ".' I1H I ""·,, IH'''O " \"11." ~rr"t .ru""s. uln 't 011 .h., r ","1 I " . 11111'- " 1 1""II~I\I"lllI'·. ' '' ('111' ·:1 11," 1111111 1'lIlI llln' t ". IlI lIrI" I, 1-',, 1'" 11111111 11' ! Th"Y ''''"IO't ),,1\', )lO! d OWII \Iwrl ' II hl'lIli 1)1 h im. 1010' 10 SJ)II"I~ h " '111111 !lUY Illul'\l'U llUl1 111111" "tlr f'. 1'1<1 :1 11 .110.,'1.1 !!'IJ " I-' In 01 I1llq 11111l1lI c, 'l' h t'Y 11(,,1 Ih,llr '0('''" (,,'," '11 I 'U IWY fII "lillI" I !Jtllllrh'~?" 1111 Ih ,' rolld .II1 .. t 1I1'rlv<, "U I' It.t\i ' I.' ",,! WII~ II 't ll"I'\.l~~nI'Y· ),11'. \ 'ul'lI " SlIlll YOll ng e~ lI l e~', \(1\I' c"III ~ It l~ \"it'(' I" " ,·,1' I ht! "lh1,.\ I1,· ,\n' .1,1 I ~"''''.r·· 0111 Clf cn IlRII I" l'fIlI'lI [()I' t h~ r""IIIII:" h"!' t Ill' Hl'Ut n .'",,11 (;ut I" ~' I' \\lllIl ~t or th c h 1J)l r~ ; 1\1 11 11, "It W1l" ,ilII1I 11 wll~:tll :11< 0111. t'I,.. 1,1, 1 ~k"l'l."· I (l, dill' " '11'\'l'n 0'('101'11. I r.,. 'lwn . I W II . · I ', II d" I\,lu ' I ,,~ ulr lilt, iy """.'" dU\\l1 hnlll from ~I II ~III' H"h,H)III JlII I I\'I II " lt"I' 11I.1f.t11'('~~I'(1. fl " ;'11111 '\II I hill '~"I "r Ten, nn' r P" ~ Sl'tI I h,. Ihl~~ ,.~ !!lld,, ''! lo I~I\' :'.',',\' it:l,1 IIIII'I",nl" l III' lit ,I',·, II ·thl' f elll'l'. NIIIIlI'Il lI y J ~"'I' I,,'c l . l'n l'!. 1' "11\). OU8 Ilk ' . '\ h (,l'~ wlI~ n' l II " nIh' Il r ,I\III(I. '1 " Il'~ n\()~ t 1Jl.\'~ prltl ll~." <II hl 1I1"·''''~. fer ns r rll ul" fo il 1 IhCt Il ~ h l 1',1 .j!lulIl'l lI il .1'''"1111 t h l' l'lreh' nf 1I\\'I·tI tak e II hmk III ~c'!' wh m,,' h,I;-'l!> III1'Y fll("'<: "'Jil l"'" IllI1 I hll \'" h l'l 'lI S" IIll' '\\' I'I'{'. I Ih() t It W,IS 11(' l'lIr d fllnnS. (li lt' Isi ng III w"l l fur lh l'~' 111,'11. ''' l~~ th em h"Hk~s hel ll' Ihl'r.. III I h llt t1111~ ,)' I 11'1111 II " '."'3' d,·tIr IIH.' l 'Ull'"·" tn IIIl ml. night un ' nu un" Ilt'fHlIUI. L ookc.'tl ; "~ll't R,·~ IU(,." ~'l hl .10 I Wti, "thH\, \ lh' sU mll; hlY qu,' 'r 1'0 me. ('UU I' • • nlllll'~ t ll'U IlI l'n W 'I'" up "' ~""h' k i lld " I IIIi'll' I, thoy 1111 /:111 bt.'lnllg t(l ~(lII"'h,,/ly wO I'k til 'IIJ ~,'I\·l'rl . d~ 1> why d ill tiwl' vl sl tln' In 1111'1'(,' ot flrl'en Fllney, 8 0 T 611)' t hey Wl'r(.' gill II' 10 SI' " " b ll 1,'alls'l tholl~JI 1',1_ " Ther WI'I'(' {f lll'Ct !l elln' 1111' 11 , l'1I htll'c "0 F' " . tu SIlY thn t." . r ' n IIII CY, Blli d Burn II, 8111rtI Us y l' ~ met fl urlles' nn'] Ilt or c WIlS lng, "W a8 I t Ull t I Inl f nr 1" d emnn d eu n "),' (1IIPCr light 111 them. fl U unu' t hUll l;c n to know nlly,thl ng Jo e . n 8. . l ab ut thi s, do yuu, MI'. Ollrnes T' he" ' "'I'hey WIIS hllChcH JeAt Rhollt n hlll\· d d t!d I ' . drat! ynrds below Mr. IIrtls' pronl ty. won e ,RU n '/. on Ihe oft 81de o' th r Olld. r hlllin't . ' c": nny nHlr" 'n got to ou r front gnt ' WIIl'II I-~ III('lIrd RO" " 1 Olle rmiol!11: In Ihe r ftu cl I -
-Read Gazelle's Classified 4dli
.tIQII 101M
atlll' and 0 towel," cried
'DIac:UrQ. tremllloualy. She .. ... '1. .., aJ~ bllt ItlIJ dung to the "Be ,1II~ I Behind the
Best, Most Complete Stock of BuildIng Ma terial ever brought to Waynesville, can be fQund at
\ ouCt(,O n c r ttl till ' 11101111:
r tHlr ) ,
wne r l'
, .n ~ Inl;h' IH' rOR'1\ ItllllP gu.C' O\lt n , f(,chlc, rlltih'r ghll"l l y 111:11',
madden's Lumbert Yattd
The Fa rm.Boy T el 16 11 Ghat;tly Str - .- 't and an In6nma n Entlr6. "\\'nlll ,1 )'1111 Il k .. II II! 11' hntll'h' ?" Burrll'''' !"i l n l','d , " \\,i mt ,1o yo u Ir Hl\llr, ·(t I\ " r ltt' ~ n~' :-1 1·t Il nwll IIl1\p~ I~. III Ill,' I'Illlir II.· pIl11(" 1 IIlIt f ,lr 111' r. IlH!IIII'! " hl"' d l'lI l1l1 Hkd shu l'pl y, ttL hn\"{1 ~\ Jlll $: i( UJI:-' a i r .:. ~ n my-" " '1 IIIr' "" jll'l ,,1'" 1 I ·,,111. \ \ 'hltl lin I "I nO\' l'r 101l1'h II.) ~I " <11 !r1 . "J', n nil )'011 ktl llW " hnll t tlli;i I H l q IH'~-$?" ~I _ III low :-11"11ld 1 hllo\\' lI"Sl'h (n~ uh ollt r ls.;lit. ,M.'· ... II'J.!!oI \\" IJ {' H Httll l1 ullt 7" I • It down ~[I'. 1~lt l· J\I'~ . ( ' \'1 ' )!' lIt :0:111111... •
____m.__~__~__. .____ . . . .
t hin;:: to Sll~' to pHI HIlI1 l ' tI l u,tt t" r sn y H\Vd l, \"\ttl tl hH' l l,nnw w h{l ynU nr.\ If 1\1'''", hl\ l'II 1U': ~l '( I l lIIy ('P lOP tn pretty uor \\ li n t YUll" 't' tl ll ll1": Ut' h l'l'P. Iw r : hnn<ly ~) r ~" )11 11I ! ,'r ('II . D on' t IN whu( y o u r r ("; ll 11r .. tl·~!'olOti t:;, 'l 'ha t's thf)Sl& WOIl1 (1·[1 ('OlO t' In Ill'rp, D illy . w h y I Il~k tllf' eJ'lt'''II' ILI.': ",[hl ~ Uftl' 11l1l011 I wu l k<!d III' In Ih e HI ~l)I1I." !illid n 1t l"lI l~~, :,ftt--lr f~ tU04 wHud hn \k of t)1(? t il \It' rll It) J.!o Clvt' r '"I'Ilt. lit' 11'1'11"1",<1 1111' Illll)111,,1 tlll,l ~(l l ill' Hn.. 111 n unw (l 1.'UI' w U tire tn ( 1(.) h" 11,1111111, ·.1 In hl ,".,.'!r Iha ,1" 11<''' IlIlIl I Ill tc~ 011- 0,,<1 kll'I \\' ~ "I",n l I ""ull! CIIU ~ rllr h i\; ~\I~ llld 'I!I", " I I h" .. 11(:- S f'€' ih,' ltntlSl' fr(JIlI wh4 ' r\~ t wm~ $It'url','d tn y11\1 thll l 1 Ilia ' III' II d ~ lI! ~ I t JIlJ,l, n nnl1'~ wtn ttn " S Wt l rt' plll1n l y ' th'" I)t' u !ott',' ret • I r \'J ('p InllH I~Ul l lhtlt vl~l1rh'. r ~ h w I t' )1I11 ~ 1rIl"llu /: "t II th e el\~\,"1 Wpil . I "111 1I,·II.l ll'\,. I Id wtJl l '.~W l tl •• h. ITur In\\' nrl l I h .' l'rll'·~~~rf) nd:-l
you k nuw a n:y 01 II.
I\HU' j '
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[! I!l ll t
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Ihnll Y"!! I..nll\\ ub'lUt
otI do u't ·know I\" ~ lhhll! Ilnl u t 'cUt,1t U\Y bllt \VIlS thl'i r b u !"otnl· "'s ?" ' ''Mr. TItlllll w :\q, lffllklll ' IlIr II ,plt1C'e to bri ng' his c1 :1 I1 ~ htl ' r whn hos 1'00sllltlpUon. He ,lI tl ll' l wuut 10 Ink,' h er 10 II r eS'lor cunsulIIl'tlve cowUlunlty,
It!' ~>l hl . 11 1\' ~n h c
10(1ldn' for n
IItll .,t phU 'f' ",!ll'n' ....h " W,"HI I,I" ' t iJ~ ItS:\IndUl i n' wllh IIlUJ.! I'I'!'40 1111 Iho th n ,~. ' l'I\U1 \\H~ h i:.t hll~hIl IK ., )fr, RUl'lWS , UU ' I J,! lI P:,:-: ~·nll' d . '.. ' u11 It r C''' pC't't n\)l o. WOU ld n ' t you ' "
. " " I' r f l' I' lly. Pont wllr sh OUld h l' ho troubl ..!1 by illY l ,r . (O llce h"rc Jr-" ~I h,,q 'I h lckcr nj' PilI nn <'n,1 tn the dl ~cu'~l o lI In n tI\,'~l dT" t IU,)1 IIIbnll t'r. "Oh, f il l' t he L fir s ijllk ... r ill II o ut ! \V nlt till hc ',q drOll . rUII' t yo u '/" ~h e whl'jJc " ~ d ller'Clily. "You',,1' I(M nil 111(' tllll e In the world to tlllk: untl h I'! hnslI't fll l)f'l! 11m!) l en mlllllt(· ~ Il'ft 10 Irreuthe liDless thlt t I'uhr rlUl' t OI' I(el s Iw rc prel.l y ~o on . I th ink he's goll1/!
We Can Save You Money. Let Us
II pIl lr of fh'ld ·/:hl ~!; " s . E"cry In :1",1111" h(' wOlll,1 t u r n t n Pn tll, wllo- stond hp~h h, hill! wllh II II/lI .. honk, \Iud suy SOllll'lh lug 10 h llll. 1'1111 1 II'role It rlOWII. 'f11\'11 he ",unhl look IIJ..~>iIl. turn in g tlte glll ss" ", tltl~ \"" .'. IIn,1 thllt.
wit h nJ\ t.~€'
udcJl\nly my I·y,"",~ n1ll1('1 1'1 poppl.'d ' Jut of my hUIII\. P'lUl h nd ~ u,1t' II WIIY from th e w lnll ow . R e ,'11111(' hllrk 1111,1 he Itud :t cl ,ulIl!' or rL" ·lIlq'rs In hi" hll ull s. ThC'y StOIl<1 !lll'r.. fl1r n fl"'" mlnt!tl'R '11 r~ fllll ~' "x:llnlnl ng t hI' w ellp ohs uud r'I 'lIIIlh l/! tl"lII with fresh cllrtrlrll: , ~ . J us l ll~ { ,VIis nh"ut to " tnrt do\\'n to tll~ II n\l ..~ lt \\'n~ II Illti o Ilft~r six o'dnt'l<, 1111,1 !:elt l lll( fl\\'fllll~' dUl'k ""tI o\'(!rcn ~ t -1t/)on took lip lil t' 1'(111 . • ,,!< 1l!!lll n. 111;' "'I'nll'l\ to b e I.'. ell ' rl IIn,\ clI ll!,tI his cOlupllnlon. Vuul g'rnhhc.1 th e I(I OR"(,~ nnd 1(1f)k'd Tlwy hOl h h <>cnUlo d own the r ondo " ery much excl t cll. I)!llntlll 11011 gc ticuln(lll!!, lin d t nld n fl tum nhout with tbe sin s ·eR." "About ~Ix ,,'dork·, Y(111 sny?" su ld Rnm os, I!rl' ully IlItllr!'stCfl. "It WIll' II 'lllill'h"r u fl t'r six when I J,(ot h nrk 111 thp h OIl RI.'. I spuko J\[r. Jlflcn n nhollt w hllt 1'el ",' n nnrl he slI ld hl1 1,,'11('1,,-,1 ,Ii"y w er e Gc rllllUl spl S. liP to "111 1" k lllli or m l!;rhl!! f II10n l( tfll) ('," Ill !lill II I'''rd,',·. ' l'h ,'[J" hOllr hnl f lin hlllli' lI,ll'r ~" " ('11 111(, lO 1110 tn \·('rll . . 1 ~n, · HII'" I ,UI'"I( .111 tu th' h,',"1 III' tho " IU II'~ lIu cl 11,1<' 11 tl, yo ur e·IIII,· .. ,·~" t1 0n wll h .1 '"11 '6 \\' 111'11 )' 0\1 r '/!I ~ I,' r t'1 1. 'I' hat /!,,,.,, 1I, t! 11 11 1, 1<'11 . It WI I.~ YOII t lwy Wl r" lI'nlch l ll~ ll'" ,·,11111 r ur." Burn('1< h l'''l Ilfl h l~ h un(J fllr ~ Ili-n ('c. "l... I}> l 'U," ht" I:'u ttl In 1\ l ow vnl(" , "I w i ll l ,1) ~'Il II wh,) ,th,' )' WPri' 100)klll/t ~ or." A ~ 11 1'1 'Il y II~ P" ~~ llrl(' ll <l r e'1I1InU',1 111~ .':qll' rl cnc'I' wIth th e
Kirby & Winston P hone 56-5 .
fit r UOL:l' YOllfi
\ \' (\111 1111
t hl'
-c- .
"1;',',," \ !I,(' III'i;lnlll nl: I have ~l1 ll1w r tNI I hl ~ lI'II l!l'tly w ith th' pitH! ('[ll l l·1I e:"1"'11 FII 'If'Y. [ ' II , 'li ke my III,t 1)(, I1I1Y tl ll, l 11I1'.v I,nn' 1'1'<' 11 hlln l(lnl( 111'/' 11111 1 lU'r ' ",ultlru: fll " thc orrl\'n l of lI w t -", I\lU I.! Wllll1 ll n. Tilt' .\' knt\w sh e "'". ('''llI ln/! IIIItI t!r,'y tln llhUcR~ knew lI'hut ~I l\" I\' ,, ~ \)1'llI gl ,": w ith hel'. " ' hnt do )' ''\1 know IIhnu t Or l i ll b'''lv:y ?'' I I e II' IlR YflsHy ·(.'xr l tNI . Ill s uctlve 11lI1I ~l lI lItVJn I\' II ~ Crl'n llllll 1111 sorl s of p Oh~lh llltl l ' ~ olltl (" "11 1.11 ('11 I'II)1\S. d llpreCl flllllfl ~ 111\'1 In lrl!:111'8. ' Ull ('0 11 \\'11 K l he on e who 1\ nswered. " I'('(,pl " 111'1' .u p· tlw r c nnd Rillel' wc've I [""I here IWo or Ihrl' l~ IIlI'n l' l sltors 1'011118.
, "I Th ink H e's Go ing Now," She Whl ..
pere d. no\\'.
K <,cp !'I IIII, ' 1111 f,l f YOIl. ~Ir. lIt1 rllP 1 Thnt 'o ug-h j11 '< ' nuw !o:t'lo"II H'tl to- " ('Y(!H . \\'('n' II. l'd ull till' !:itn l .. f,;'l{'; "Wll y-\\·hy. bllll' .1I" lrlly h e J"'1I · · hlln,1 1 l " n l1 '~ Hl't 1~.. ll"""! ·-': s ,,,:,. Ill' ull v,' ~Ir. & . . . .,yhl "'li st ~III\' 10;"....". - _. .. ,II'S. , I\·her,. It! tlu ,t _ t )'... '"
hl·f'lllh lu~.
r» .... '
. . Halt Ilnd hnlf troD,! bat til bem. tb._ two dlBt1nct models do { or A.1lY summer day. On tbe 10ft a sport attiro ~"r..~- " , - • :r. ' \0' ~ rf IlIUlollgh tho fi/;1u'OO ottrt eorobln.lll_ " .. .A ~:;"al'\lt ftt oor.tII . 011 tho rl,ght tho pencb coJOTUl.~_"-_ ,, ~~ C1l.mb6 oU O'l'e1' the (l pd ","IR ' .. eVt)Jl to 1 : 1: Q'l'PDWO m;plnbla qwn J'1d. .s..;Jiol.
-'( I.
twf'Iifre8~N ~"'io"lflllll ethlflJ:;_b'" un"t apparent tbt\t tbcr(l \\¥?,"Jla..v..<;. a..~~ .... Dtl!d. to lillY. 801lll'lhing 11 l'i4d W
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Doing tho Impo 81h l Is a IMk A m crlcn n Invcntol'8 (Joto on. It BO with '. H. Sebmid/fllil or Penrln, III .. I,t.t r tou r toon y ear s' eHort. HIl JI(\.R {1I rroclt>d " bll w hl cb will bore B SQuore' boll). Tben attor overcom i ng this 6 umLng m nehllnl III Iml'(1RRlblllty. he WCI'lI several 8lepA ' Olrt her. I11l b Ull m 'ld e hUll w hich bore hol l>.S tile sbnp(1~ n~ shoWY,- on th" wllta l sh oo t l eaulng Ilg1l.1u st tbe mllehhill. 'nl e bl've ry l 1tacLlenl l\Dd will bon! Ru ch ~ h n ped ho l ep IhrOll gh m "u,l " erol InehCII l ltlckn o"s W OR
1101 1 <1
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. . , before he died: J'J !lnsl' 'd n dOlell wordI or wor4,t In • tOllgU\) un rly unUOWD to Barn'elJ: wbo 'bent cloHI' r tel eatdl the feeble effort. It Will! h wllo laO" IboOIl ~. bel\d; wI th n gratin th e doied h1s e1M In despulr. IIc eIIOUd and cuuatbtld vlohllllly un 10-
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bapa d y I ng d own th ere I n th e t ni' room . "Tbe other one 18 delld us a door 111\11." 'kept rullDID, tbroug'h bls hend-"tlle other one" A dozen men were In the tllproom, pthered Bround two tllbles thlll hllrl 'been drawn together. Tho men Ilbout the table, on which wal! tt tch ed Ihe ftgun! of tho wounded mlln. were un· doubtedly natives: Farmers, wood!!, 'tDeD employees ot the tn\'ern. At n word trom Putnt.lm Jones they opelled up and allowed l'nrn ' 8 to advllnc to tbe 8lde ' of the milO. "See 1f you c'n underRtnn'd him, Mr. nnrnes," lIQld the Inn(llord. l'er~flll'll thIn was dripping from his lOllI!, I' ll w, boned tace. "And YQII, UncoII-l'OU 1111(1 DlIllogfotd hu~t1 e ufl.~t ulr9 !Jnu get II mllttress' otr'n one Q! tlle b cl. Stnllli at the do r Iltere, Plkf', IInc1 don't I(l t Bny womun In 1)(!I·c. 00 flwny. J\II~s Thacktlrny! 'I'hl ~ I no 1,IIIcn for YOII ." . :"1.163 'l'hack rny pUllh d lIer \l'IIY Ililat the mnn who tl'leu to stop h er lind joined Burnes. "It Is the plnce tor inc," she snld sharply, "BUV6!D't· yuu mcn got SilURO enough to put someth i ng under hi s head? Where Is 11 hurt? O' t01ll1 e1Iehlon. you. Stick It und er Ill'r ' .\I'llPlI 111ft hIs h end, Oh; you poor thill/! I Wc'Jl be U8 quick nil possible, ,£h e r~ I" Tbe mnD's eyes w ere c los ed, but lit the sound a \\Iolllon's "olce Il l' oJlcnoo th Ill. 'I'he hllnd wllh whi ch h l' clutched at hi hl'eust slid 'on: ' tlnu I!eell\~d to be grophl/! for hers, Hi s brenthlng WIIS t rrllli e. Th ere wu s blood at tile corner s uf his nluutll, IIlltl ulore oozed forl h wlu:u Iils III'" IlJIl'lCll in nn 'c!Tort 1.0 ~ll cn l( . With n cOUl·nlte. thnt ~ u"lJrI R \'CI ('\,en h erl!Clt, UIC girl took hi s hllllll II' h ·l·s. I t 11'118 wet IIl1cl \\'nrui. SI!' tlld not tlare look lit It. . "Mercl, IlIUdOIIl!!." Htru/:gl cd from the mun's lips, 111111 h ~ llIl1<ld. J3llrn t!s lellll tI 0 \'01' uu,1 t!1)(,kll. 11I him In French. Th.. (llIrk, ·)lulo· sl rl 'kl' lI eyes clo cfl, nlHI lin OIIllORI 1111I>CI" ce)ltlhle ~llIk uf the It 1'1111 ~1;: lIitkIJ that III' did not ull ilC' ,·s l·ulld . 1';"il l"lIrly h e hnd tlequlrtl.J" "nil' It f ew of \I I" I!Lmpl e Fr n~h <lXIII'" ·1j(r,IIH. 1I111'1\1!s ,bud " sllgbt kllll ll'lllllgl' \If :-;pn lll Rit and Itli1111 n, UIIII lrh·t! tI.cHln will! 1'1 11 ..etter feSIII·tS. G 'rlllllll WIIS hl~ 11I :H rellClrt. Ilnd he knew h" wuuld full 1111 1'" 1l10ro, for the 1111111 . ul"' ll,Iu; ly WU ~ IHl l Teutonic. . Tile bloody lips Illlrt d. hnl\' \. r. 1111.1 the 1'11et!1 0I>OII"d will! 11 1111 ' (\Ui'. lIPPI'lIl. ,,,. e.G,, ' ur 'l..iQ,.U·u'lr dl'pthH, It \I'!UI
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ed through the ntt'noC'. PUlrlOnl lones' voice r ose oho ve til e IIlUlour. . "Keep {fuletl Do you wllnt to Wllk ever)'hody on the ,1111('0 7" h tl "'n~ ~IIY_ Inl: .n~lIy. "'V\mVs lip? Thlll!~ II fine time o· nl,::hl to lip..-, nu('" Lllr ill ',Whllt's thl' IIIntter wIth hlm?I' "Telephone for n tloetor, Put--dnmn' quick! This one'H sUII IIl1ve. Tile other one Is d enct 118 a door null up at JIm Conley's hou se. Olt all', Doc James down from Suint Liz. nrlng blm In here, boys. Whore's your IIgbt1 Eall» now! Eus·eel" Barnes wllitell 10 b enr ne m ore. Ells blood seeme,1 to be ruonln g Ico cold as be retr()1lted Into the room olld h ePD IIcrnmbllng ror his clOlbes. 'I'llI' thIng be t(lured hnd 'om e to pIIS~ . DIsuter bad overtaken ht-~r In thut \\'Itd, eenteless dlUlh up lhC' mounlaln rnad. Be wnB cur81ng blllt aloud OR Ill:" dreaell. curslDg the fool who drl VI" • that mnehlne nnd who lIOW wns per.
stolt,·. 'J III') 1,,"1 Ih, 'It· 1I1l':1I, I" !I,c\! r Ol)ll1.' , " TtH 'I'I' , ~ n oth\t11! \\' 1' C'!lll d",' " 1i1
ODO 'w as clo.ttenng down tile nnrrow stnlrcnRc. TliC' holl!O on the tront door shot hnck wllh 1' .. ~n Il OiI. IDg force, nn el tller com t he hO:lrsc
1/1 1,\, I" :1 .... 1. I!'" :" . ,, ' h,' ...... \' fill Iii" a d t'ull' r n':I. ', l i p' Ill; •. ' lin 4d' l , ,t, IH lIIl rIlI' lI .. , . ~ d ll'''11 .' h 1" p"i " 1.1 'I' rd ' In p ' I:, ,. ... hH 1 I ' 1'1 I I II )I n \ \!
hn ~ :-- 11 1\11 tltl" !II1t(, 1\ ~"II Ii. "'''1"\ HIl i . rur H, I ('nult\ lll , tkl' nu\ 'll l\'S 1,"\ r tnlli'dl IIltl4.'h 111Id "' ,-l d ••,u I 'ld J '" do\\ !)
IaAlL Somo
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1ft h i'r 10111 It
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,TlirDIIlIl from tlle WIDdow. b e un-
tlt~ n l ,\' ,
lo.cked nod opened the door Into tbe
ftDlongth enl.
Opoll IIIl! I h, .h l r l Ir""t. :,:" , th e l· " .lnf n ~ IH'II 111 1'11 1'1 Jlw.tS
ne W08 nrouse d shortly I1ftt)f nllclIIll!ht by ahoul s, 111l1ln.renUy jusl IItsIde his wiodow. A Dlun wa s calUn,:: In a l oud "01 e from the road below: an lostant luter be h eard a trollleudoiJ. poundlllg on the tavern door. SprlDglDg out or bed. he rush d to the wllldow, Thero were h Orses In front of the hOUSEr-several of thCIllaDd meD on foot moving like shndowR
Jumble 01 exclt d voices
.--.. .......
" B t'H ,' ''' !t' tl\l I!II I, ) IH,' , 'h . ;-' . I " " h ' r l'H r . .. TIIt,I,'·... ' ,H1hlltl-: ~ ' ''l ~'.UI tit' l,ll" t= 4}ull , fpr. J ')I',I.": \' gil I1 " H~ . · · '·' l' h. 1 ~h:t' tI ' l f a in t Ht 1t-' 1I>.:1 . lIPI Yl't . l'pl'r 1\,11 1)"'! 1' \'" H'·II h l lll III ~ rtl ll' -.: ril le! w(lllilt\r l',l "'h oi I. " " a"':, I .. h o r('HII .' /!,d ll~ ru ,11,>1" "1. np 1t..: ItIP1." "':tId H artl . ,..; , 1.:'\ Un)
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A Cypress F ;trr,· C ~t~, .1 etter ,than ·the Best, for nly F !ve D Clltars
II'" \
/tuillor of "CR A' STAR : ," "THE . HOLLO O F HCR HAI D:' ''THE ,iPRINCE OF CHAU5TARK: ETC. l. \,.~ .=:d) ....J. .IoL; _ _
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W'Ji' "ItK ·_- c"CLURE . VI
E. : V.
Not.ary PubliC fir N ·,t"lry Wnrk and· ()"llrIM 1\ Hpootll ltv
AII tincts
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Aulo Equipment Hor!leo-Urawn Equipment '!'ELE'P HON E "(
"II' n ,WII'I," t In m il lin Irl ~hllllln 1\
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N IGlll
OR. J. W. MILLI:H~ " ••• l>BNTIST•••
' .
" OnkO NUln,," a"oIetil Old. .
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IhIVI' . C II'" .1 01I'n frlllll th( ' Ilillce tn 1ill'I II' ollr Sllll'l, nf we t llo')j ls. 1 tull(ed \\' I! II" t'O lllllC of ' 1\I tillY b 'fu r f' Y" ~ ~rday.. They w ere out tUl' 11_1 ' rSI, bllck r ll '" HIIII ' MO J\l ' (~ ' ~,. n 1lI11~ of 1
....THE M I A MIG A Z E T T E .... r lS-:1I 1.:Il Rn1.rhl III I II ..
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I'~ ~,HY WI,:1J E~ I'AY Mo,' MI' u "
MfI. _W. E. BOIIBn ~\ltlnt .. IJ rl. of lali.' week wltb bl'r Alator, loin. 'barley WllrwlOlI, of Lebanon . Prof. Olear Bo d IlUd two of h iS col!ege friends .ttelldtld obllroh ber
'\a~I1I ~ "lIc , U llin
1.1)0 p ~ r yell/,
~UlldIlY .
Mr. "nd MrA . tlamue l Mltoh.lUIlr "rtl I j ulolng. over the tlrrivBi b nll.le nf I heir 90D, Vlr80, who hll ~ b ijon 10 ~' rnn (\n II 11 (1 llormllny lor SOVorla!
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t .l
.\lemorial Day Se r ~ i cc a t Mia mi
metery, Friday afternoon
HARVEYSBURG IIl1rnl.I ·I-I~:'rrl~.
LYTLE Ml'ij-~.
umollil l I
t:l llil. 11I1 111'1' n Mr . nlld JODeA were hl H frltlntl~ ,,~ "Ituh!!," e nlvod h om o Dl1yl,uo aboPlItl r s, Thu~rsdtiy, fro UJ "o ver th or" M'lIne wll e ro, " a f. 1 Little Murillo nnd Robert Cnrter liD " b~e " cll cf H" VI rul m O Dth~. 1 mOll Y , f Spriogfield "{)dnt lust 100 \; l ul: ti"" nou II H li~lltl'd t o gl't : week 'wltb their i!rllDcl.~loLhor Mn 1"'", 11 . wi"·,. ,, li u it< wo l t:u 'l1 ~d by ull ' ~l"ry CIITlIIony . . • 01 l\l~ I/c'lluulTlt,nncr,,, ! MI~H [,e oD'1 MoGinnls It! blred liS 'I'll" II:'"" 111,11 hl:l d WIH IIIlZt.lOg teneher uf the Elliots sobool, Dort.h ar ound In l.hlM vlC:llIi , y U II ~unday l ot lforry, h' Ht cud of \:iug .. r llrove. ij voral wo re \lr tl~fl 'lt IIntl lInjll yed , Mr~ . J ohn F e osterm"yer, of Day tile 1(141110 . . . tOD, spent I"a t weak bere helpIng Mr. IlDU Mr~ . I A. L" :l ke.v, o f "onr oll re fur hor Hister. Mre. Btl" Brooll. her e, 111111 Mr Mr~ . Ern l'!~ t ROR " who lit !loinewhllt Impr o ve,l lit this e r ~. IIf 1)lIy t,on. "'ore io OUf C'i t,\' "n timf'. 8nmlllY . (ilo nn O. J ohlle lI:rrlved' bOUl e lIl l \\'II~ put OD our alreds 19 s t \:illt nrdlLY e veDlng, from Hellrny, N. we, ·k. IIn u 'l lI~ t· WIlt n fl t, ~flt. tl rJ ID OU' 1J . sher spending nine monthslD the holTll r!H t lllij ~U1U l/l e r. thlloliM to th e se rvice ..ell momber of tbe M.oto~ ",u lIlu ry lJu l/IlIlltttlo. 'rmnMp Drt Co. His w o rk of moving ~Iwtl rlll of nur (,ltl z(l u !I . wll o hllv e truoks frOID faatory ahe ooasi !( rowu to lre frl enOH of o ld J ob n IlEl ve btm an opportunity to vis it Ull rl flY Corn. m e t him 0 0. ~u turday tho larp:e e"Htern oitiell,sQob itS New 1I0d ' sl,lllrl wllb 111m Io ta til" w r e l Yorlr, Plllllld elphill. e~o . . "",11 hourH \I f ~hil night. Ttl t'lr MIss K ll thryo UI.. rk a"rl ~IAter8 Ifl el1 , ' ~II1Jl holti"'... ruO( UIl I. It. wa~ e nte rtnlo eli r.URIIP.!I Mary 'l'boma ~. horrt f M t\:WIIl to 1m IJlLr"l d . He" tltuoy lind 'flloy l'lol1;ett to a nl\ ~m , )lJu rl UrO/llks. nu r I' ' IJulnr h u oAe plIrt)'. Thursday e veulDg. garnpf' flll l ll , nH \ f; \\:it h ("lHH (t,U Root ' . ,hlUt. (l U ll J u,l' III~t wo,·k \1" g'J t A Hurn l,1 MI1I~. II former tOlloher of 0,,11 frolO\ ,'v" " III I he e nnut,l'Y t o L ), II ". IIrriv Bd llOme hom over soas hulJl " ,1011" I , ,,\i,,~ o u t IIf I ro nlol " find III ~ I we ek. ,tI dl ' ~ 'f'n,III'~ t· h ~ " ti" hill to rel,oh IIIr . Ilnd Mrs. IVE,lte, Kl!nriok, ~h ll m hi ,, ' lUI rll\~ "IlIJ'trl\tuB gave MrH JJ:d Longllorfl '\fIcl Mre O. E. lit 11 1111 (Il l' Hu t ", tur tlAII. ru Ining lo boH were Dllyton vlsHon, M(ln. ~C" Il "'tI In jury, d uy. ' h(l 1,/1'. !tul, Ijl .\fte r ~ n o h,," px.IJori I1 r o, he lIunlls ;;il8Res Z elma, Rea and Oleo S,.oy ,& Wi ll bo p(l rf eo \ly Mil l! t,) g l' t marKnd · Mr. lLod Mre. Koslar (jr .. ll1un ri e l. Rtf.nnlled tile II)ay !Jlven by ,the Tho ~ t,nn o (' rulI lu,r i ~ II i ll/.! p ot; In g rndnlltll'lg ol(l~e ot Springboro ·PIIIII . "nd .HI''''' M,nelilioll, .. nd be- B\lll olJl , ~VBdnerdKJ evenlDM . fur ' 1 01l ~ n ur "t. r "o t. ~ "uII r u 'u l ~ will I.. Illlulo ~ n" d . Mrl'. Mllrgaret Middle ton, ot Dny1\1r lI u,l Mr~ . .'(11011 S hi (l"ker lOll , vieltod sover,,1 days laat week ~Jll! nt Suo day. lhe ~u(J/l I." Ilr Mr. 0 with be r IIlstor, Mrs, li!:mmA Foulks. I~ Nt(' b ol1l8 find fRUII I.V.• mAnoger of Mr8 Dom .IIoIoOrll.y lind little th l! ()t ~R rll In farm , fOr m e rly known daugbter, of Mlaml~b u rll', olme I'rl. ' . I-i lH, kor t m vn elllY tlveDlnR to 8Jlfloil II few dllYM Mr~ . Cu<u B~rri" WR H ~hlll'pln« In wIth ber llorente, Mr aDd Mrl!. AI. In Le l,~ n f)n. In .. t 'I·h !lr~tluv . bert CorDell. IIIr .. 11(\ M.·s A lfll W I.rd, Mr nno Mr.llnd Mrs. Wilbur Olllrk eo'er .11.11 Frll u k :'\l\alr[18, Mr. U~rry talnded to !:;uDd"y dlnDer, Mr. "Dd :J,hl llll" or .. nel dllll~hlilr. Bf'ssle, "nd Mrs E . •1. Cllrmony lind ohlldron, ~1r .. . il"rllnk Hhl'\ II I1f"r IIlto nclllrl o~m . of 811rlugfiold, IlDd Mr!! . Mllry 0..., 'IHlnop. IUAnt lit mOluel1b8ler, Wfl dneH . ruooy . rI'lY nl«bl,. Mrs. Letitia KODrlcl' w"s II visitor, 1I1r nnc! Mrll Fr,llIk Rndrhiok nnd Friday , at the bomo of Perry K.en. tw o ~on8 WMIl SnadllY gues ts of rlok Rorl family at WIIYDt'svllle. Tl!lutlvllll ln thl" vlolnty . I 'l'tlmflD Bartoo andl family buve Mr. I\nrll\1r~. 8Khln MoDolHlldlllld moved ~o tbe "I:IS. Clalt" fllrm, De"r family nno Mr, .. oct Mr ll . J osep h W rerry. Dc~vl~ nft lllltle:l f\ ~t1rp rI R e on Mr\!. Mr~. Moille Uavls lind daughter, K al~ey, of OroRo ollI, ' uoullY IlveD- of UlnolnD"~I, @peut Sllvoral daYII ID~ , . Isst week with Mr. and Mrs. E. D, Mrs . M!lry SboDll\kor hilS been Lonll'"ore and family. qU\t.fl poor ly for 8 0me time pos t, bnl, Sevenl from bere eDjoyed the 18 Ih ou~ ht t o b e IllIprnVlng elowly splendid bacoalaureote sermon "" Ollr ~ohoo)l oloped on 'fIJl1I'~day. WIlYDI!RVllle, tI n n <l" Y eVAnlol, 1Tbe t.ell ch ll rl1 ,1eRnrvn gre'lt or ndH pre"ohoo by Rev . Cildwanader. ror their An rnost olJorts. ' I' h ~ re WOII Mrll. C'.~ 8ie Cox wlKhel! her frlendll quite lin ,uJ1 ;1 nut o f ~iokne~R I~ort to Bell the b ell utlful p'lhnt tba' wile ot.'Rlng down lilA ~obool; lit th .. t q tveu her by .l1 rs. Ida GlthoDS. of r hl! 60holnr8 8h o w pr l'll r n~iI '1'110 Oay·ton. it III " blne IbydraDRI .. , bill! !!;oorll'lld ~h o nght.flll "\lli o~ III thlll fo ur lo.rge 11100018, aDd Ie V81;y rare vl oln lty R"v O " l'i J,: ""lI t" o n tile Mr. ond Mr~. Cboll. E . Jobne en 1'1 011001 gr,mnds 011 f lllll ~tl"y. 'J 'hl! I,t rlnloed ') 0 rSnndll1, Mr. aDd Mrs. n. S . & ~. 0 1:i01lltl 1111 1111. W ~R l>res- I,Al!ter Gitbtlut> of Well' AleltllDdrl1l lit lind pot " I)e p " illtn tlio n ld Bud I... M. Glthon,,: o f 'Clnolnn"tl. lIr: vnullg. !lom e of Ihl' Mr th ooJ i ~ t·A nnd /Iud Mrs. WnHer Kenrlok aDd Glenn ,)oollsl"n llll.v II Frlll'H1 w"rl ~fl ()n I: t r) J ob l,8 . IrgID i •.' r, ~I ~& do 1\ Mr. nnll Mre. WllIh.m ~mUb eo. I.iog oIT ~h \l~ 1.II I1{10c\ 1-0 I .. " .. In , h r ~p Wit n or· t urtalned, tlllsnrl\ay evening aDd llIgl'. SO( b 1111 Illflllr 1I'I II Il t ('OUHllon 'iunt1r, y t.h ~ latter'" brother Earl with \l ~ . I.II"Y W fl bnv p 111M o f tll.I'IIl, an r ia. ~\· tre fmd Bon. Robert, RDd hilt wo wIll hnv e 1.(1 cl,lpf\I1U OD Iho Mra. Hi lieU, of 011,\00. Illdlee to ,.f,art tt.. .. . , Mr ... nd Mrs \!'rnnk D. Smltb en Mr ... nal Mr~ . Wm. \V.rl ghl. o f t.ertoolu nd I.\atl (oll .. wln& guell'''. ea' Day too . w(~ re til1luh y I:ne,.t~ ur reI· IIrdnv ey,,"log "Dd 8Ulld1lY, Dotr. and "Uvelt h ertl. \01 r8. Hllrry Cbamplon, Hr. aud MrR. W W . Wlls ')/I , of I.e xlngtnr, Mrs Bon Uhl\n!plon, Mr. and Mre. Ky ., was th e wt'ek ., n,1 gl1l'ilt of Mr. AIVh" SlDlth aDd daUIMer, GeDe. Wilson 's )mrent ;t. Mr . and Mrs vie VI', aod Mrs SDyder, of DaytoD • Frllnk' Wil~nn. '~Dd Mr. Illld Mrs . Ralph Jobns.
Mr. an.1 M rR U. ~' . <: IIlIj ,t ll'I."II(' nt t,h n w ~ l'Ik.end at u,AHb nrl! , O hi O, t il e gu"~ I.R of Il'runk MIlDI' r . ""Mj;j 'Edythe Cn.rt er . II f Ul norulDIi • 10D . Ohio, Mpent 'Il few dn ys wltb ZIIl.rl Hlllnes', la8t week Tbe m ~ mbel'A of CUAR"r's Crenk Meetll1g enjoyed a eoolll i at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wald oll WII tion, !:iaturday nigbt. 11.10 orelim 1i0U o"ko woro o;ervod. John Wilson aorl family cnlled on l:ioraoe Comp&on's. ~nndav tlVeniDg. Mrs . Bor~oe Bnrner Ie vls"ln/( lit tho home of Ubariay Barner, thl~ week. !:ibe 18 eJ(peotID~ Borllco howe from the Wllr, BOOD. Mrs. Raymond WlIsQn .. pont one day 18st week wlt.b ber ~Iste r, .M, H. Hobert Furnll8. R E. ,JoDes aDd Ron, Ul\rl. Ilutoe rl &0 CinolDnatl on bnsIDes ~. one dA Y Illst weelt. Mr. IIDd MrH . EVlln Bog .. D {llllied 0 11 U. 1' . Harner'", l:inDdllY evenln\{
hlRIGNS for tboll"u" de or eoytumes 1 reru gee s
D to life
In th e PD/o:GDDIH onll ploW" or lhe Methodis t COll lellnr y · (Jelebrllllon!lt olnm hufl, 0 ., .llInc 20 to .lul y I ~, 0,'11 ho h'lIl JlrOllnrod b y LI"hl l<~ tnll I'II/tI, fh o IIll1ell rn Rlume Rlld scenic t1 c ~ l lI n er 01 Nul\' York. wlio hnH tnl", " th e hlg Job of costum·· lu g nlOl lI'''l' l'I ill oly nil 11I"' ()~lflll lltfl In tho big Cxpo " t~l o n . AIr. I'lntl'fl 110, ~lrnR rtlll ~O fr om til /lo l'IJ or th all· • clo /lt I1l1loyl oll 1ll1 l" nlld Ih nlr .1 wi sh captll'o R. wo,'n III th e Ii rllL op lsodo of Iha bll( I, n~ellll r.. ",),he lVu,I'fnre r ." t o tbe woro mndurn dre as Df lJel/llall 118
III tbo wn" frollt ~ce llo So\'enty th ou SDnd ynrd s of lIl a l rlnl hOl'o Ill' n cffl"re tl ror Ihe c" ~ tllm " use,l III t he ('en t onn ry C I IIrnll, ln whl fl h IlI111'ks In 0 HI' ~ 11l '1/ 11,,· IIn<l IIll' prl' ~~ h'e mnlluo r Ih o OIi C 11l1l1l1t·." lt h alln l"N"" "), Df t he rOll ndin/: or t he ~1 ('\ 1 ",dl " t ,"I Nfl lon A. "Ir. l'lnli h il A made rC" l'u l'l'h wor k for \\' o ~ I{ " Ih ro u~h "u th llnl k )l1 (' IOI rln l 1'01,,,,,1,, "r l'o'l t li mo. , lin d ... "t IIlld ml1,I " fIl . In nli llltt oll to tilt' "IO ~ t II ,nt" of n1hlrcal tlr l"' _, he bn" 1I III 0l'rt plll lr ' 1,lnll' ,; nf JIIJ ' lIII U~ II . Chlneso lind Hln· doo 11 Mb.
Try the Miami Gazelle's Classified Colli mn.o; for Resull$
"Best 'for Sore M'u scles Says Olympian Athlete L
E. T. Cook, Jr., Fatuous Cornell Sprinter Says: "J would ...,cOIllllwnd It
Liniment) nbo\'e dl olllers tor keeping thr muscles In hv ~t COlldltlnll: ' cn pullet! I ~ /ld olls. ,.,ralns Gr pulsoned cuts froUl 81'U,,:d "hoes, etc.!'
(Ho~ s tollia
Sore. stiff muscles arc a lInndicap m every walk of life. Shop injuires (Iikc those of the trttck) may IJrove seriolls, unless precautions nrc tuken. The worker is wise who keeps Houstonia (The Original Jones') Linjment on- II/md. Not only do(!s it pClletl'lltc quickly to the decj)cr tissues- relieving pnill, .soreness and swelling- but its nntiselltic. Jlealing properties are invnluaable in case of injury. No other linlwent possesses ull these virtues. . SA.~r "House-tone-e-nh" to }'our druggist. Large bottles are tifty cenls-four ounce hottles 8. "quarter." "The kind your daddy uaecl with my dacl'a picture on tile yelloW' wrapper.THF. Oil. J. C. J.ONE! COMPANY, 50. Chtlrleslon, Ohio.
Sold by J. E. Janney. The ItexaU Store
----_ ..----
Javanese u r ...:· II/S . There Is ' a vcr,\' " "., .. 1I I\~ mchld 10 Juva. the' grnllllll:oI " I· it.( 11 00 iOl. nil the flow ers ot wbIch " 1" '11 hi " " ·C. and tbey IIlsD wLthlll' I " .:;,·il ,,·I·.
-=~~~~==~~========~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~~====~~~:--= = -------- ----
C. RmUb lIod family have
retnrnou from a 81lveral 1D0D'b. Ht&V In Florida. Mrs Rllym qDtl W'UeuD, or Xenlll, Itllent Inst. wQek with her gr"Dd. m On'l\r, <irt!. J 08Ppblne Blah'. Mr. IlIId Mr~. W · V. Lilohy ond Rllv flTH\ Mrb. B. E Wr.I IlM III'flO' Illst WI!,·k t-ulr,llur Llcll Mprlogl! . Pwt'. Jav, lIf WUmlDl(ton Co\l Aj(e. rl e liv !lr~ cI lin .. rtd re~ .. ·n'· Educiltlon, " Ilt, th t. ~ ' rlell"8 Cl1nroll, t)no(J&y m ornir g. M I~" .J am i/ull (lont... wbo hOI" just IJ'l SH~d ber lIist, bll·thcl"S', Is In fall· ID g hnllJt.h . Hulph McKee IIDG VerAQ Mitoh e oor IIIIVO IIrrl ved bOlne fromti'romoe en rlt,," !:Imitb, of Del"wal", wall h 0 1l10 uver ~onrl"y. R tw . Wu Ik nr, 'o f lJlllrll8vlll", will d ,,11 vllr thll. Mumnrltll ~t """,II u the M. ~) . ('horob, fr ~ .. lty IIfler~lln a\ .2 u' look . • A.. :;. nort on Wtl! a y.lotim of IlIllt ·wAlIk . Ue II! .11 Ie '0 · be OU' 1I11(1.ln A 1I0ml'IIo0Y oompq'slId of lhe fol luwhlg mtlD of tblll 'oommunU:r t" ereo'ing an "leva&OIr a. Roxabna: ·W. R. Ulan aDd son, C. B . 1I0Kay. W . W ... oKa,.. W. V• .Laokey aDd C. D. IIlan. Tbey expeoa. \0 be read:v fur bDltn_ by hanelt "me. Dr, MoCn:, a me4loal
ooaQDUoD ill
HANNA'S LUSTRO-FINISH are aU that is need ed to make .old and worn furniture like n ew. It's os easy as it is pl0.asant.
Covers t he s arrl,d ano worn ::;urfaces, imparting thehigh poli.';h of new furni t ure. Stains and varnishes at on e 3.1 plicat ion . Also the ideal finish for floors and woodwork. SOLO BY
J. E. JANNEY. Waynesville, Ohio
Lieot. Edward Keever . of OeDter vill e, wall 'be g088' of ble aODtR. tbe Missea Wrll!nt. one day 'ble w eet . Mr. CbBR. Pugh 18 ImprovlDg bls r esldeooe by ereollng a Dew pDrc h . Miss Inll Ilelirlh e ut·flrtlllll BII u nOTllb ~ r of yonnll poo \lh~ lit hor A comparisoll of th e fe atllres f ::iaxon I I S ix'" hOUl lI, w OHL of tOWLI, tl"t.urtl .. y I!ve n . llios of hig-hc r priced ca rs discloses a nig Ing. Credit Ba lam:e iu favor o f Saxon Mr. Bnd Mrs. John Gr egtl: flnd aon! were Lebaoon vlllitorll, tlaturday, Mr8. Edith Ohmotrt, of Dllyt,oo . I' eddcl'll nl~l .tor spen' tbe wa..k eud wUb h er Dllreol ~ SAXON and little lIOn. here. . Plerco·Arrow $ f'i~D n Mlel Bt-Iva MolJaDdl e811 WILS tbe Pncklnl ClOll Roellt of her brother In la W nnd \Vlu ~(ln 3~a: O Whlr· o r,Q OU Hi~ler. Mr. 1I0d Mra. Wallor Benge. St.II'. '1~O over Sondll,.. l{~-:::'.. ~m ;M1tJiliJ:i\~t~ Mr. Wm. ~tantoo WfJ8 S'r"D SllotlDg . Kln~ 2 150 t<\fi~""r'.o}I:n!: Murray ~ M IJO bUMloessln CO)UWhUM 1I0d CluOlllllllti 1)&,'18 I UOU Ibis week. Loxlllgl<>n If, ~ n WCti\oo~~ 20no Mr. anll Mrs. Bowlnd Arobdeooon l\Il J)OrsoU 2~ r,u Mr. aDd Mrs. JOHeph Miller SpODt. NI\lJount 27 5a 8undllY ufLernooo lit New Borllogtoo. tbe Kuests ot MrR . L"okI!Y. IIr. "I,rl Mrs Elmer beets, of Middletowo. worD tbe guostl! or AS/( FOR A DEMONSTI?A TION .ela'lvfls here, BDDdIlY. ,ludge BOllWlI1I and T . E. Barobart of Franklin, were guesl,s of Mr8 Mtlrtha BUDnell, &Uurday. Mi a. N"llIe tltlmton, of Indlanll, WayneSVille. wtll @pend the 80mmer month!! wltb Phone 71 Mr. aDd Mra. William S&UDtoo and fllmlly. north of 'own. . Mr. lind Mrs. W. B . Siegfried IIntertnlDed Rt dinner, I:!l1ndllY, Itov. Tibbits, of Dilytoa.
The Practical Car
MILLS, Dealer
........................... ... Examined Correctly ...
OlassiBed Ads
FOR RENT pAS'rURE- renI fine. L . Rlok~, R. U. villo. Oblo
Inqnlr(' of WIl YUtl8. w 28 '--=-"-..==r' - ... ==x= ~,
Optical Uepartment S. Detroit St. Xenia. Ohio
Dr. J. A.
Open evenings by UIlPointment.
Oraduate of Oblo Sial
OFFICE: ATTI ';NTI( N IHIHEDrm S-G rllln HA1'HAWAY Fourth Street, ncar Tyler D'Of, NlI . 1:.!8 ,HH·J. Day .'ercbe,oll , registered in P. S. fl ., IOwoo.d . by Sp,in g Telephone 93 WIlYllle<l,ll1e'8 LeadlnJ[ DeMI,,' Vulloy lior!IC Ureeders' As~iatlon, l. a 10('11 1111/001 clark buy. four yeu" old . Will Ollice 1n Baines Bldg. MaiD 8~ Waynesville. Ohio weigh I ~u\). O"oi.l 51 yle nnd action . fill Pe.d,eroll "dmi,erl Ih ould see lhig horse . This hor"" will mll kc I he ,;clllOn at S~O, ot I. O. l'etorllOlI's hllrn . rivery preca ution Sub8Cribe for the Minmi Gazette. will he taken 10 I\veld nccldents, but will /lot he resllOnslble shoulrl uu, nc~ur . I'.. rtln~ wilh more lorlelts IIISU'II,,(e. -Funeral Director SJlrlnl[ Vullcy Hnl'l'l! Orcederl' fls~odation. juuel7 and Embalmer, Tbl ArlI RC n~f' Aho llltl hi ' trMtf'll It~ ~()I'n us the first llnnutllmi iOO""[jf·. N of th,· . Waynesville. OhIo. LOST ~~'w ~18 1l11\lCarll. Wheo tllifl ie donll Il , illl(l" 110~oof CllI,mbl'rlllln's Colle, e ll nl ,.rl\ unll DIllrrbo!'n n '"1IC'dy wi II elI :ct" N C"e~ar'8 Oreek. tlt Wlllluma (·n ro . This remt'dy Clill nlwHYs he ,ll" E ithe r l\uLo or Ho rse d rawn ~e rvice. ford, a jointed fhlh pole, a!:"te 1_·n.l,·<1 \lpon O\'I'n iD the m OAt BC " ~rLl lln,1 No cxlm cha rge f o r nuto ser.vice. Ayes. Dew qll/ldrople reel, new hoe l lrmguro\l~ (,IUl08, 111111 ShOll\(1 l lC It I't /I t tu reword for return of Rame Lea VA ,m,l re/vly fnr InAt.Aot n RO. Nuver iull.vo: Both IJhl)!lc~ in Office ann Reslden r e No.14 . at GBzAUe ollioe, or Warren A . Sur . . , 'T " P on Il jouru'cy without \t.. -; .2!I! _ _ _ _____. __ ... _ _ faoo. R D. 6, Waynesville, O . j18
Bantl' Saw. "omewbere b~. A Good tween Am08 Cook, Jr..
Wliynesvllle. ' FIDder lellve at Iho G"se'te offioe. · j a~
,.m. .
A brush, a litt1e effort, and a can of
Elhel " urry t II) It dlooDAr wll h nAI\t- l ' I"'~tc, r ' Ionroll .
r'H tll1t~.
'·UIHli ll lJ n l'l.
111 " q lo ' )' I II 4' 111'", It , )'1 , 11 U III .."t
~ 1 1t II\ I. ,, ' I HII 1 j · lI ll: d ~. J I ~ d I '~ ('lI l n ,I 'I'h fW' ·... "lIf nr,II '\";1 I l l ll lt, 'd 11 11 11 11 11 11 fir 11: lI"h ) 1, qIlH I II I' hI 1:,1;(' 11 1II II' III tl il y ILl HJ 1I,' I K Y4'''I'' 1..I c' a td l I;, \ ' :d "II , It \\' 1'111 ' Ih, . 11I 1'l!ll r 111111 l li l ' 1,1' ,11" UII th l' 1t\\lI'O U l" :o ul'fn 'TS I " ~ ' I f . I' I' ll oil' 111(' fi ) '/"i l l i l i. lf ull ' toi ("n thl T il 1\h'lI iw J ltOl lt WtJuU 1It' . II ,.. tI . I I III " I' I i'.l' r . , · llI c \\,1 1.'1 1JI" ," , · !' It", n It ,\' OIi U I It n IH'M t l il lY. '4 ''''UI1 :04 I II Ud ~ ,'o ulI l ,·y f o t' yelll 'M. It 1'4 "lIIO II OSI' d "r HI II III ' or th e l,) c ~ t 1 1' 11 1 1 '~ l(flOWI1 , t·"'" h i " .... ll Wit h ~n tl lH I\f One Poor Use of EUuc<ltl on. I hll hl \1'! 1 hl n lld 11111·l f ll · ,'", Th o I Il' I' f cl' l "J;:.llIelll l,." Iii " h"·.q ~ II' ·." """1 11111'\0 ~" lhd'I IlHllol\ o r In S4 I I'ulol1 l ti tn Jt u l l't!( ' /l l il l" II Mpdk l n I~ w hu t p l' IJ U'" '~H
~- \Hltl!."
,I\ ~~
I ~ Blot) liP\\' rou_ ' \\' lIh l .f l,' ,\ I . \ I ' I ' l l H'\TlhNH (1 :1 th '.\' J . "U 11 11111 lh\' ,\, .. , '"lt r til l! , 1I ~' · lI ~t · . . H I' :l II I ' ~ I \ tI "'11111 ~ \'II I " ,lh I ." I. IUI:1 1 1 '. !' " 1I ~ 1· •• • J.! ' ·1' 1I 1 1\' I II
1· ..
('alarrh Cannot he (' ured
!'-" Is lor Oannlng.
(;tlnnl1,1 lI ud IIl1 t ~d
Ca11b"ge Ilod P LANTtI-Tomatoel, Sweet, Pe.utollti for Iltle. loqulre of J"un MoMtlInll, WllynoHvllle.O
je' "g"~
No.1 .lerRIl.' OnWH. Ii aDd 7 2 JeRrI! Inqirtl.of John RllberMOO, Orogonlu,Ohin.
j e4
ton. o f CorD tlnll T oboooo A FI!:W Fertillzor Gn b llUCI , Ioqulre of U · H. Wllk erllOn. WI~YDe!!9I1le. O.
m2 fl"e I:\boMtllld Pony MII~e anr]' Uo l' AlflO" Hnl' AhetlBnd, a yr":-~ 0111 also a KitobeD OtlJi,ne'. I II • ., new. [n(lolre "t thle ofIroe : A
. .
'( CE OUEST-hutte Wbl'e Mono&aID., for good.el~ family; oled ' one _lIOn, !rOod as.nAW IDqulre of Lool.. JeNop. Barveysburll. Oblo. m28
LOTof O.of L.Tobacco 1iJ&loka. loqalre R1c1rl. R. D. '. WaynH.
1.., week. .tile, Obio.
. mlS
N'obody Likes Muddy Walks - and concr l e is so easily 'mixed for a sidewalk 'tha t every farm ho'llse should be connccte.d wilh b a.rn , chicken and hog house by the kind of walk llt c~ t never ge ts muddy..-:.. that lets you forg t lhe wea ther. There is no trac:" ing of ll1ud in th There's a saving ill shoes nnd in docto r's hil\s. <.1' • 1-.. .. :1 .1" a'n'-:f -s~o A . C?~.~.7~'!-"'~.J!>.... ,'i0 j~.!:Y;s.. t J ,iUMj a mexpenslve that we'd like to tell you · just how to do it, if you don't already know. You'll need a few sacks of Alp/la Cement . and gravel from a uearby pit. That's 'all that it takes to make yotir walks like city walks .
Younce Brothers Grain &~pan)' Telephone 25-2
. M . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . .
PI 'f~.
r. 'IIER
TRU CK Rebuil t I
E. (~II c:n t t"f)lIlilllul l
Writ. lor: uur List u/ I'd Tru ,;k Sper ia /s
\\' arc p rq at· d ~o take ill 1 al the (imllg e Btl ildi ng Corwi ll . n l , 11 tilll . , nd wiii \
') the hi he l llI ark el pril'I' . . · I.~ rill g in ' ol l r \ ' 01 to tI ~ . anu W l: will trca t ),011 righ t.
Phone I 20- 2
1'hoso thr 0 lUen w c r ~ ·tho chlor fi gures In tho )..ou o r th o Amti rlcn n L"8IOLl of the Worl d, Wnr '·otera ns. nndl. enucu . will uc prom ln nt In t he Orol convc ntloll or the leg Ion which ' wil Mlnn ellPoll s . IItlnn .• No" \0. 11 . 12 . Thoy uro: (realling l m llet In Irom . loft to r lg Ml Colon I H onr y . Lind sley or . T oxnB. ~rm.n ent chul r mnn . Llout Col T!ll!odore Roose" olt Oalll\8 01 Now York . t eJ,Jlporury ch nlr m no. nnd Llout . Col E rIc Wood of P e nnsylvan ia. tempora ry Ilnd p orc lan ont socretnl"}'
!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~_ ~_~~~~!!!..~~_~~""'~~~~'""!: _!":'.~
___~ . ~.!!.~.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ ••_ . _ •••
_ •• _ . . .
"aml' Th eat er P rog ram Ml ======================~=== Satu rday, May 31st Fea t uring VIm. Hart, in
Ch ln'll'e Observe Bo .. t Fest·lval . Th l' ~ IJP." h,,\, ' oll".' r\'[·<1 I hd r 11001 ' Irll):"n t'Ollt rf ·. tll·n l slll ~" ·I ~~) I). • r.. \\'I" "'(" " '.r III , 'hlllll wIll mIt 1J ~ ,' nr lon g drll J;on liout I' fl l\lIl l'S ~v lth w hl <"ll tho t'Oll tS UN! I'rol'd led. I
"Bo rder Wir eles s" Tues day, June 3rd A specia l Select photo pla y, enlitle d
.l rt'lIl1l~
"Mi dnig ht Patrol"
IV t, will have
I $9.85
"Hide and Seek Detec tivt's"
7:30 P.: - AdmiSSion
Saturda yevenlng !. 7 :30 p.m.
Childre n
car o f
\ Art, Medic a l and Educatio nal Exhibits a t the Ce lebra tion al Columbu s t o r Be He ld June 20 to Jul y 13, Will Rev ,e al the Progr... of Chrl.t lan lt y the W o rl d O ve f'-AII Nations Will Mingle Ilt Expos Ition Grounds .
Franklin Cane Sugar
I i ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Open evening s -
11(or. \
Thur sd ay, Jun e 5th A fine play entiLled
e Sto re of .P ers on al § erv ice
\' IHlto r who co m es 10 the . Meth o<lI" t Ce nt cna ry ce l ~ brnllon at COlll mhlls, Juno 20 10 .111 1)' 13. will on truck 800n a.nd are ta king orders a t ftn d hllll:;elf t rnn~\.ll lln!e " to to la rge pnrk uf rnorL! t han 100 nc r,,". which h as .'0 ' \ Ihp stltto of OhIo mlll io ll " The Food Admini strator ~ay s . 01 <iuil lln: to ,1tH'o iol'. w ith a ll im · buy your sugar now. as sugar me n j.;ll o,·ul ill ( ro ll t o r "'hii' h I ~ llll may be ve ry scarce eluring ·an· alD ph llhenwr "onll n ..: r,O.l)nO p~o l >le . ning Season. On ly a lim ited' th tl C'o ll ~ellrn wtl h n .ca l lng ral'Rc il y amo unt to sell yet,. 80 lea\'e yo ur ord er at onc(> ThiR price · or 8.UOO. nud e ight e~h i hlt b u lldlJ lKs is go(·d only on all orders take n w it h " floo r spat'e 01 2 0.00 0 "~u i\r e fur 100 pound s or more. It you foel scnt tore,1 o \'er th ose C11'OH IU oo can not URe a 100 pound sflckgrounds . .Wat ch Jor OUf' Big Sail! oJ 25 · Th exh i bIt" ~I' III COlllO rrom el'e r y Poun d 'a ck" wh.n til . car part ol~ the wo rl.1 . . olt ingR buill lin· C0 11It! tn. d er po r sona l dIrec t Ion o f m en who h nve jlllRt r t urn ed frolll the ou nl r les SPEC IALS THIS WEEK r Ollrehon tflrl are n ow III cOll tltr Uf. tl olI. LnlOr . n a ll " <lij will hc~llI to " nlve. Best Peanut Butter, 5· lb cnns, I)rllll:\ llI g the Ir . lrall a ~ItHt om l!. COR· a pound only ...... ....... .. .. ... 22c t ume~ 811(1 Indll "lr l"~ . A trlle pI ture Fancy Canned Hominy . Scans ........... . ... ...... .... ..... 25c l of the Iil'o ~ 01 l ll"" ••ilOI,lo Is Ih " aitu or Ute d lre c t o r ~ or t he l·olltOIl1\r )' . Fancy Canned Pumpki n. 3 cans .. .. .... · ........... . .... ..... 25c I' ftoA m i n l lltll " ~ t; on~e" r ll'er nclua ll l' wln g thro ugh t h~ I nd l ll bu ild In g i~ lto ·Pa Co Canned Peas. t hp cen t r of Qllfler be1\1 hr \ t'011>;1008 3 cans .. ·· .... ... .. ...... .... .. ..... 25c t."U RlO\US. lIe re will he fOllnd t he VanCam p 's Soups. S cans ...... 25c Hindu t crogle. Mnhnmm ellan mo sque No 1 Cans Tomato Pulp. a nd ~ acrea monks}, lell\ llle. Hllo d 3 cans ... .. .. .... ........... .. ... .. 25c w ith c h ll ll e rl o!: u\tlnker s. \I ero. t oo. No 1 Whole·T omatoes . th e aa t: red p illcon. will be f ed overy 3 cans . ....... .... ... .. .. ... . ... .. .25c d ll),. 11 00ld m uch ce re mony . an d a Willi Paper Cleaner , a .can .. ... lOc Inld r o,n hiM bod of "I,l ko" pro\' o~' to Polar Bear. Honest and Red 1088 Rtolcnl o b."TI' er s tha t his s oul I. Man Sc rap Tobacco , pkg .. . 7Y.c a bo l'e th e tl'hinl s uffe r Ings of thi s w orld . Beechn ut Sc rap, 4 pkgs ........ 25c An I.n dian h01. na r .. overftow lng '''Ith ft\llt H. wroullhl matals . Idol s lind Star Tobacco , only SOc. This is f1ow or ~h o (l H . Occu fli es a large part of just wholesa le prico. This th e Ind Ia bulldl n l! . PublI c le ller week only. writPr . s WNILmea t pe ller. 10 th ·clenn· er, he!!:'!;u,. , lin d c llr lo se llcr IIIln g le Diamon d J oe Cigar, olhers sell wIth the cro wd s of s lgbtse e r s. at 7c. our price for this week. In dl ol\ ,·mulle Bce n e ~ aol1 u n I ndian $4.98 per 100 mo .-riug !! I'roccsw lou. with t he urld e' gt·t){J n1 r ldlnlt' un el ephanl , are In· Bllng us your SprIng Chicken s . clll,lctl In Ihe pl ll n. of Dr . L wls E . Hens, Eggs Highes t prices. I L11~o ll of Ind Ia . w ho Is In Ollllllb u 8 Cash or Trade. 10 dlroct t h l ~ build ing for th e Cen· Tb
per 100 lb•.
This is a furniture store which has as its <lin - not quiLk sales alon e-b ut perm anen tly satisfied cListomers. We wan t you to feel always th~lt you til 11I1<t1 ",I VIlli· c<.ln com e to us for adv ice and sugges- We ill \' ilt, yuu fnl/:e of tion. We will be glad to show you any of our goods. Adair's Convenient We have been here in this location Payment Plan for over thirt y ye'a rs and are building B.v hi Rplnn you mllY arrllnge this business for all time. We kno\v weekly mo nthl.v paymen ls that will yo ur il1come. that sen ice mea ns success. I
Som e Typ ical Valu es In Bed Roo m Furn iture Colon iat- Bed Room Suit In Mahogany, consis ting of Bed, Dresser, ChiITonier and Dressing Table, with Triple Plate Mirror ~ . This is a $185.00 value. OUf price . . . . . . •
$1 9 00
Yo un ce·Br os. ~raiit CO.
It pays to trade a t
1""0 rr.
In lIT! Inllnens! ! Kufl1 r I<rna l. ron· Inl n l ug ftv e 11111 si zed hut ! nll t! n cat· tl e 111 los ure. 60 I': thlo llinns will be lou nd workin g at v url o u ~ t"p l clli iu· dU Hl r le a. Il r R 'nrt at th e Arr lcnn ex· hl blt. Th o do. e r t lire or nort her n Ar rl cu. wit h llo.t ou ln te uts un(1 ~' I oor. i . h tOW 11. 18 III 'lll r ed in nnot h e r s cc· I li on or t h Arrlcon bull llln g. Thl. I f'~ltlhlt Is <1lrncLOd U)' J . " . O. Dl uck · I Dlur' or .\Ill 1'111. who Is !l l ~ o ~lrec f · i lli= 11 rep rtJt!llcUu n of ea rl y Roman c id li1.H t lon In th e "illne Imll dln g. 1\I10011er llOr t or Ih e Af l'jeu n hulld· In).; I ~ d el'oted to Roosove lt uod II nlnoy m ot Ion pI ctures. e pi sode s' fr orn the life
Wlthou tOnce Shifting Gears 4370 Miles nighl.
In High Gear
I exch an ge. Con fll clan te mple. typical Chl ncse hom os. and a ~ l etllodl 9t
cb urch lIuclI as Is lou nd In th e Colea: tlal re publi c: Art. m odl ca l lIud educatio nal eil· bl blt. re,Yealln g th e prol!res sof Chris. tlnnlt y In that cou ntry torm a part of the lllans 01 DT. John 111. Go wdy of FuchslI , who with Y . ·C. Yan g of the Chinese le gatIon In ' Wasblng ton' Is dlre c lln@: the bu llding. . Denul.a ted France and Beilium are r oall s llcnlly reproduc ed In tile Eu ropean ,set:tlotl. under the dIrection of DT. E. M. TippIe. 'Nho bas r ecently retumoo from abroad. The reprodu c· tlon or n ruined French cathedra l which Reate 600 peoplo will bo u.ed for lec lures an d .plctur,es . · Through tbe s hell ·.batte red walls . are seen the I plains of' Lombar d y and ruvaged .Bel·
Breaks High Gear Non- Stop Reco rd
Seven days of poundin g over country lanes th rough blo,*ed city streets in Oklaho ma- alwa ys in and sealed h igh ach day showing an average of 62i milr.:s :t nd ' all ,.. average of 20.66 nYles to the gallon o f gasoline . M~J'!Wr~~tii~'\l>' ,~tl· "'--: ~l\,J'a • • - _ . .. ..... &::1 . ":.~ an explosio n. N ot evcn ~~ v e a ~Y '<P.· 1 .
, ilium
·--~C\Y;'i Lt;
t"u file .. _ . •.. . •
'. -
• epark plug. was change d. • . I '9 1"" ' Let us .how y o u an l!'Jtac' duplica ', of this r ema.rku ble Modd 90 car.
1--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -Telepho ne 41
F D •
.1 _ . \
:. . . .'11.,;
I ••
0trt0rIu4 loiOoIoI N""'~ Fin P.... ,;M<-. Tou,l ... Cu, J98S Le.b. '1'1010<10 Come
Dr. Dav i d Llvlnr·
In 7 day. and 7
s ton e. lioll hunte nlld Kamr dllJlces t he l' Rol1l1a rollway 'and A fr Ican mle: elon scones. Other sect/on a o f Africa are fully re presenle d 10 the IorIO bu lldlll !,( wh ich 18 un de r the dire ctIon of Ur. FL H . Richards ot Oberllll. 1'h,) h Igh gray Willis of a Kwans cIL)' ' OJl rr ~lII t the "Ialtor at th e tra nce 1:0 the Chlno se bulld'!nr . AI th e loft I ~ n farm scene ; Inside the wlIlI ~ are tb e prin clpol e xh ibIts. In· I!l udl1\g II larlre (;hlll e ae r eatauran t. allen to th e public ;· curIo sbo». money
I loR
Harv eysb urg. Ohio Phoal 3(-1L-28
$8 7.0 0
Can You Duplicate These Rug Prices7
Absolutely. N.ccssa ry to Conserv e F(loo
.A Cold Storagp. Refrig erator
Now is the time to lay in your next wint er's COA L. Don 't wait. You . are not saving anyt hing by putt ing it off. We have wha t you want. Call and give us you r orde r. We deliv~r ever y day.
Ivorv ' Enam el Bed Room Suit Consis ting of Bed, Dresser, ChiiTonier, and Triple Plate Mirror and Dressing Table . Specia l . ... . . . . . . .
by means o f its ' eight walls of insula tion will save ice. Top Icing Re frige r~tor ... . up Side Icing I Refrig erator .. . . lip I Come in and see our line.
!)x12 Tapestr v Brussel s Rugs.
. . $23.75
~~~~I::a' .~~I ~~~.~
9x12 Brussel RuR's. hast grade have beeri selling for
~ie~I ...............
Visit Adair 's New Base ment Depa l1me nt
Sto~c s
9I12 Axmins ter Rull's.
~~a?Pty .... .. ....... , '$37.50
Kitchen Cabinet s Garden Hose Wash Boilers
Refrlltc rators Washin g i\\achincs
011 Sloves,
Step Ladders
011 Rangel! Lawn Mowers Tubs IroninE Bo.1rd'.
----------~Sam e as Cash if Paid --in 60 days on amo unts of $10 or over 20-24
Furniture Carpels, Sioves Victro/as
North Detroit Street Xenia, Ohio
BOl'nr.ale seotl ons oeallng WILD ItllfOol sJa. Scandln a \' Ia and the Dnlkans 00cupy Ii largo sbll r e of the Eu r ope an buildln,. Dr. G. B . WInton . Dr. W. II . Tee ter aud B. A . Ne blott are tn c harre of Boulb Amerlcn n . Cullan and Melilcan sectlou s. . A Japanes e garden, with wIshIng brIdge. Ill y pOll d . perllola and pulllon. 18 beIn g bu ilt for tbe Japan buildIng b)' " Japanese expert gBr4eoer. A lold mining scene Bnd the famolls HIros hima kinderg arten will al80 be re produce d In tbls seotlon. Dr. E . R. BUll. formerl), of Tokyo. la In cirarge ' of the Jopa n buildIng . Exhibits trom Koroa under Dr. W. H. Cram of Nash. viII ... Tenn .: from the PllIlIppl nes un·
oer ur. Harry r 'arm.rr
01 n~w
and from MalaTsl a UDder 1:>r. J . R. Denyes of Plttebu r,b. will be beld In tbe ume buUdlnr. Two I~r. admlnll traUon buUdlnr . are d ovoled to 8cen08 a~t! ellhlblto trom every corner 9t North AlX)erlca . under the dIrection ot 1>r. Riliph Ii). Dlffondo rrer of New York. Alasl< an nnd Pueblo Indlanu, mountai neers New York shopkee pers and Callfornl~ Jap e will be fouod workIng at their V1lrlOUI Industri es. and living In Wide· Iy contra sting ' envlroom ents. A typl cal "outhern · plantatio n scene and , Mexican village will be plcture~que leatures ot the building . Tbe pur. pose or .theae exhIbits 18 to emphasi ze the work of the church In the diversIfied aectlens Qt Un ited States and Canada . . , . A mach In ery hall. contaIni ng 40000 lee~, will be IIlIed w ith pbotogra ~hs. cbarts. book s lind. mlsoella neous ell· Mblts from nil cou ntri es repro ~e nt 9 <1 i1l the eX Dos ltloll .
----_ ..---
In ve st ig at e Fi rs t .
Not be Misled!
~Fjyo~ co~template wiring your buildlOgS, It will be to your advan tage to see us for price$. .
IFJyo u want a first-class job that is '. up to date in eyery respect, see us. WE carry a compl ete line of electri cal supplies in stock and sell them at reason able prices. .
"United States" Electric Light. Bryan-M arsh MAzda Lam I Frantz Premie r Sweepe rs, Americ an Beauty Ironl. p •
THE Sc, tOc AND 2Sc STORE Mystic Mitts, cleans kettles , ski1lets, alumi num ware, etc: . . .... . .. ...... .. .. ... . .... .. . , . . 10c Women's Umo n S·t Ul s . . ... . ...... , ...... ...... 5Oc eled Ware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. S1.00 ."~t,l!' O'''J'''' 'RlI1P" -~''''' . Enam " Durab le DURa-AM. 4lQ~~rvt for Women and . . Ch 1'ld - -...... -- ...... ~ ,.. .. _. . , ~ r: ren ...... .... .. . ' .' ...... ~uc ~ixby's "Jet-O il" and "Shuw hite" Shoe DI7essing .. 13c Foske tt Plate Scrapers, noiseless .. .. ... .. . .. '.... tOc Vacati on Treats , a dainty confee lion, per square .. Ie
I will' offer a. publlo "'e lot tbe late resldeo ce of Mary Latobem , de. oea8ed, OD Third etree'. WnYDII8. ville. U)110,O D ' --Satu rday, June 7, 1919, . B.taat DI.' B o·ClI~ p. m" all ber Speclall.~ In BoaHh old Good. I!Iee bill, for IJarpia I p_~"loa 1ut. II. · V. BABNHAS,.. W.• N • ....., Ann. lIxeoal oi. . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~. .-
W..,..v llle WI10 .
_ _. . . . . . .
-...., •
Sevetlty-F'il', t Ye::lJ'
Whole N Un;l ber 8533
EXEHCISfS WEHE ~~E~ EXCEEDINGLY fiNE . Have pa id yo r tux~>?
--z.=~..=,"-' T
} OU
Olho Arnold, ot Nonfood, town Memorial Day.
U n T I , 'l l'Srl,, ), , \ l,nll'l! the ' Sln iol ~ wen d,' d t tJir wily til Lytic. wil erI' Miss Itea ,' tflCY nro vl.'d II v ry plcng. nn hn. I ' 58 .
M mo rl al Day was observ(·d, Fri· Friday evening the annual meeting rtny , In a vtlry fi t ting manner, and 1\ of the Alumni took olace at School Hall. imd proved to be the largest Hnn "rlng th e '] 9 S('nior c1u~s , I.he lu rge crowd was present at the cem· in the history (If this association . Snphl)lT\o rc Cluss entcrtai ll('d " lIite et ery . At 2 o'clock, Dr. J . T. Ellia, Ninety·nine mem bers answered t o cleverly lit the heauti ful cn untry who presid ed over the gnthorlng. Window Shades In all colorR Rt the roll·call, and fifty· nine visitors home o f th e Clag-ell' Hon May 23 rd, presented Rev. Clldwallader , who Hymlln's . . mad e II beRutiful prayer, after whloh were prltBent. the ten seniors lind Ih e faculty . the lIudlenl!e and the Glee Club 88ng President J. O. Cartwright wielded Mrs. I~ tla Printz 8n~ son, Joe, of "A merleR ." . the gavel, and at tbe proper hour Dlly ton, were here Memorial DRY. Hev . E . T . BurdRall, of Winchester, At a hountiful "r cu kfa~ t Thu r~'l a l' called the as8emblHIge to order . The mornin)(. I h,· J I tn io r ~ u nle~laine;j li t was next p re~c n ted, and he ~ :w e a'n nffi cers of the Alumni, tho class of Dr. l1ill, Osteopn th 21 S, flroac!· th l' Thr ' I.' Il l'id )ld lh l: dh:n i l1 l~ (\ :i l ") ' e)(clllI ~ n t talk, not only to t he old 'w, t he faculty, lind the clll9scs of way , LelJllulOlI, Ohio. r h,r,,: M i s.~,,~ ,\ I:lh,. I 1I t1 \\id ni e. E lh I v 'I(: rll ll", bu t to the newer (lneH who 'H!l, '~9, '09 Bnd '11 wero called t D Iinin (H . H " II :> 1:lCY , L'!"I'" k ( jIl Ji l l . havE' j ust r etu rned He was listened Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Liddv, or Day. take their places lit the first tahle, Kflthryn CI:Hk lI f1 d h."ry TIt!"l1a,.; h i Il ltetl ivaly, and all who h 'nr d him tQn, spent Thureday with Ftitmds atter which the rest were seated at Mtl~~ rs . LeV I Luk n ~ . 1', Lh II t nt lI O, ur')Huul1ced it one uf the lltl3t ad· four long tabl es placed across the he re. Hnrold Meredi th and 1::'-1" ill HUh' .l r't':; s e\'er ~Iven here on Memori nl Auditorium. A fine supper was ser· "Ellder" A. C. \' ork . Pall Ma ll. . dall ; and t he M t !l.~ u " Do ruthy I; . I)u M·r. and Mr~ . 11. V. Waltcr, of ved by the Dorcas society, and waR Tonn .. wont 10 war II consclen· bnlltl r, Vadl\ McI'h .rson, Itu lh Pro· T h' Gleo Club then sang "Our Lehanon. apent Friday here with tlous obj ector Ho Mlturncd from very much enjoyed . From enlistment a~ co mmo n \ IIlS~O , J I'SPllhh' Andr ew, E l m", Comrade8 "and the procession moved Fracco. decoro led by Generala relat lvcH After supper, the roll wna called IK!Ilma n 'to the bero ot Iho Amerl· Hohe r und Jltlll lah l'i lH11 l' r. t o the can'non, where the d coraUon Pershing nod Focb aod COil sid· and the secretary read the minut es C)n'n ua vy In elll yoar., rends III lh o 8Mld "the war's C1'elll e' l hero" Ulo 01 LIeutenant Walte r Hi nton, ~lJ e Ull h ,fore buying your electric -- - - - tllok place . Arriving at the ca nnon, (If the last meetinlt . . It WaH found lIle feats In elude the killing 01 26 ~m m(l nder Of the NC4 . lhe "Iamo irnn. I<irhy & Winston , Mrs. L. I;; William" un!! 911 n. of J ames I\lu llen recited Lincol n's fa· that the death roll during the past -()ermuos. sil encI ng a ACOrt' of rn a· Ouck " ot the ocean ayerS. nnd tho flt:l le fun taille; Oh io , II .. re week.end !," o u ~ G.ett ysburg speech in a very only seaplane to By tho Atlantic dIlDO gu n nOSIJJ "od ca pture or year was the largent in thfl history of Mr. and Mre. John Price, of X,mill, I{tleSL~ of Mr~ . Edd Surface fl nel son, 1~1pre~lvc manner, after which the "Inloo'S flyer showed poores t In IS 2 prlHoo ers. IncludIn g a mu lor th ~ organization- -six having been were Sunda y guesL~ of· Mr. Bill] Mn . trIll h•. but mBdo bll!t.ory wbeo lhe HI8 hOmelown tolks a r o going to sou theast uf luwn . There i 'luit e II liltle g Irls s tro~~ed the t1owe ~~ . Th,~ called home. .Jam 's I«,rnck. !(Ive blm Ii HO,OOO farm and ~eel ClIme. Hloton eul15te4 10 coincidence In th 'arqullin1llin slr ip ot Glee Cl ub 98~g Ou r Heroes exulted President Cart\1lrrlght, as usual, Uu UOOO Liberty Bond. thelle families. l he Hons. ['; merson nnd th e clOSing prayer .was muJ e by made a brief but fine address, and Miss Elsie Clevenger, of Five the first toast WRH, responded to by !lnd Richard. becoml nl( churns on Hev . Jolly, after wh Ich ~ h e band Poin ts, IVUS the guest of Miss Inez ~----~~~~-~~~~~~ Li eut . Hug h Ridge '11, hlB subject thei r arrival at Camp Sherman In rend eroo a coup.le of selecti on , and Ollvis laRt w ~e k. being, "Lafayette, we are here" April. 191 . and !III t1uri n~ lbe anu t hE'f MemorIa l Day was end ed. His remarks wcre 10 the point and months they were In ,'r viee, both in A great many visitors were pres· Cal Mc[lryu nt and fam ily, of Day· hearers could have listened to more lhe Slates amI Fra nce. I hey did no t an t from all over the state. ton, 8111mt Memorial Da) wilh Mrs. If he had been willing to give It t o • - • onco Iillve to b $cpar"l eu for any Viola Harlan Rnd family . them . In passing, six members of leng-th of tl me cla88 of '11 were In the service the When the company .WIl~ splil up Have you paid your tllxe~? The addreBB of welcome was next they thoug ht Ihid J,lleasan t com rade· given by Miss ReVill Hormell 'lB, In 11 ship would hI) broken UI. On ly Mr. an.! Mrll. Myer Hyman and The Township School bOlml met eleven of the company w"re held rdial manner, and WIiS heartily daughter are attending Confirmation Mrs. Clara Turpen Grimef.'. In pre· co Mondl1Y evening, and emploved the back, and both boys wtlr of the cho· to by Levi Lukens '1 9. aervices in Dayton, today. senting he r artist·pupil, Mrs . Hen · responded Margaret Edwards '89 next re- follow ing teachers for the coming s('n eleven who were appointed as rietta Owen Ludlnw, assisted by Mrs sponded to to the tOllst, "Backward, year: omcers, they being made corp'ornls Mr. Frank Woolley and family and Ruth Har tsock Walton, Introd uced Sup rintendent- Geo, B. McClel · at the same time. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Woolley. of Day· to Dayton two younJl women wh turn backward, oh time, In "ou~ land . flight," and in poetry she told of how, The mothers, althou gh p r fect ton, speut Memo~lal Oay here gave deflnite proof of their ablllt" t () thirty years ago, ehe an1 her cla89' Prlncipal- Carl Boring. , U. M. Whl!-O has been grant ed a strangers, kept In louch with uch ossume thei r positions among the mates held the boards at commence· Domestic ScIence and Music - Dor· qther through co~respondence, lhink· three months leave by the gllvern· Chas. Madden le rt Monday fM resident artists of the city . othy I"ernley , Ing in that way if something should ment from hlH duties 8l:1 rural c. rrle r. Cincinneti, where he resumtld hi ~ Mrs. Ludlow pOBflesses a contralt ment time. . Her poetry was highly Normal-Beu lah Kindler. happen to orie of their boys the other Mr . White has a fine record in his dlltic9 on the Federal Grand jUlY . vole\) of unusual charm , color and sa'tisfactory Grades Building-Clara Llle,l'rin., might hear of It from h r son and department, having worked seven· AQa M. Stokes '99 recited "Just flexibility. The pr ogram ~h e pre- twenty years ago," lil a very credit- Henrietta McKin sey, LIlli e Benham, could let the other know, and on t een years without a lay·oft, more Come in and see the "U nited sent ed was one of g reaty variety, and States" Lip:hti ng Plant. For sale by would have tax d the, kill snd en· able manner, reminding her cllss· Jeanett e Jan ney, Marie Shu tts, Ma· r eturn of thei r soldier Bonwthlll co r than the vacation t ime allotted to m.. tes of twenty yell rS ago that ahe ria Stout, Frances Lllmh, HII1:el respondence has brought auout a the ca rri e~, fo~rtcen days each year. Kirby &. Winston or T. E Rogers. durance of even a more seasoned ar· had Moore Bnd Florence Stephenson. not forgotten how to recite. Mr. WhIte wllHeave for the South, most pleasant acquain tanceship for Miss Josephine Andrews left Sutur. tist. The songs were well chosen and The last decad e, ., History has been Lytle School-Ueulah Coon and all concerned . Thursday, ~here he will spend some displayed care ful forethought 8S well day mornlna- tor her home in Conmade." was a toas t that Charles Reva "ormell . While here th ey wero g uests at the time with hlB parents and other rela· n .. Rut, Ohio, where she will spend as a keen knowledlle of prot.rram Michener '09 reSI)onded to In a There IS 'yet one teacher for the home of Mr. and Mra. Chas, Ed lives at Owan8horo, K.y. After a building. Inte rpretively, Mr8 Lud· the summer. happy manner, and briefly dwelt on hill''' IM:hool to be elected. wRrdll of Harveysburg ' also at the viait there, he will go to Texas, where low displayed a splend id .sense of ro- some ------ --_ -----ot the marvelous changes tbat home 'of the aged Mr. 'Surface and he wilt spend the remainde~ of his mance and R had ing. Rer work Is Miss Beulah Kindler left Saturday have been but recently made. daughter, and whil e motoring also vacation . T~e p~trons of hIS route warm and COlorful, without leaning for her home In Circleville, ~he will The followini officers for the year called on J . C. Gray and family , of wlll s?rely hlm . .Elmer Rog~ra , take up work again tltis summer at toward sentimentality. Her readin\>l's of '20 were elected : President, Etta Wayneaville. · subltl tute. WIll take hIS route durmg are always musicianly and display re o Keys Sellers; Vice president, F, B. Grana-ere will hold a market In the lh~ Wilmington college. On their arriva l home the Wlllinms' hi s absence. markable ftn esse. . Townahip Hou~, June 7, 19]9, begin· Henderson; Secretary, Alma Water· - - -....- -_....- - will anxiously Ilwait the home com· Mrs, Walton 1>roved a decided RS' ning et 10,o'clock. Anyone wanting Friday, Saturday Bnd every day houae, and Treasurer, E. V . Barnhart. Ing of the husband and father, Silt. warm, light rolls for dinner phone 91 demonstration of the mavelouB fuel slstance supportih'g the singer Following the election ot officers, The War Stamp contest in the L. E. Williams, leader of the 32nd previous. to that date, amI they will and labor·savlng Vapor Oil Stoves at throughout the program . Oer aC a KOcial time WBII indulged In, old companim ..nts were always artistic, trlenJahlps renewed, and new ones school8 of our Coullty was a decid ed Engineers band, who has heen sta· be delivered at your door by the half Fred's Lebanon Big Store. while her 8010 work revealed splendid established . One feature of the success, and deserves public recogni tloned at Bordeaux, France He Is dOlen . They will have everything nOlv on his way home. that iB good to ~ Committee. ·famlly Dr J '1' ~apabllit!es bot~ as to technique evening was the-presence of so many tlon, and with that In mind we will nney and J.' E . J a Their pleasant visit came to an end . , .. and mUSIcal ability . award thirty three good publically - - -... Ellis and wlte and Mrs. A. Moffitt Both attists with their many assets out·of·town membelll Mr. Ed Little '\l riz88 to the thirty three winners in illl t oo soon, and they left Tuesday left this morning fo~ Niagara Fa.lls give promI se of splendid a~hieve. ot Norwood, accOml)anled by his wife the afternoon of Saturday, June 7, morning for their home in Bellefon· was present. Mr. Little graduated and o~her .Eastern pom~. They are ments.-Daytlm News. Lebanon, Ohio, with an Interest talne . In the cl88ll of '98, and this is tbe bt traveling In their machmes, and will ing program, consisting of a band fi rst time he hilS mttended Alumni concert make an easy trip, stopping In sev· The Paul Carnival Company. which by the famous Otterbein since his' g raduation . eral towns enroute, and visiting played here last week, was up against ba{ld and speaking from Among the out M· town members chlldren'R friends . a toug h proposition. Commencment Band Stand or Opera HoullO. by Col. and visitors were: Chas . E . Moore , 1.. week was KO full that people did not H. Dube, the brave and popular Friday and Saturday Specialq at o! Washington, D. C., Mr. and Mrs. officer take time to attend a ahow. Saturday of the fighting 147th reKiment The S. Fred Co, Lebanon Big Store: R. E. Davis, Mr. and Mr. Robt, Wal· to which our own Company E was Ther e was a small attEmdance at night there was a good attendance, George nreen, forme rly superln. Beautiful Georgette and crepe .de . Regular communication of Way. ton, Mr. and Mrs Ernest Rogel'8, attached; ' al80 Col, John Y. Base"l. the Cemetery meeting held Monday, and the company made some money, tendent of our sc'lools, spellt Monday chine Blou~es, ~ . 95; Wash YVhlte nesville Lodge No . 1113, F. & A. M., Miss Helen Dinwiddie, Miss Mary the Bllver tongued ora~or from Co· and the same officers' were held ove~ The company throughout were very with his friends here. ·M r Green Skirts. $285 to $14 .~5 ; Men s. 2.')c Tuesday evening, June 10, ~9l9, at 8 Hawke, Mrs. John Fromm, ot DBJ· lumbu8, Ohio. for another year. rhe ann ual report nice, and the show was an average will have the superinl.t!ndency of the Work Hose, 15c; Men 8 U .25 S~lrts. o'clock. Work will be confer red at lon, Mr. and Mri!, Ed Little, of Nor· will be published next week, one, County W. S. S. Committee. eentralized achOQ!e a~ orth "'airfield 9&; Men's 60e fanc), Lisle Hose, 29c; this meeting. Visiting brethren are wood. Herbert Wllrwlck and lon, Mr. and Mrs CIII! mdge, Marne Ohio, the coming )lear, and we f~ el Men,a broken -line Collars, 2 for 25c; cordially Invited to attend . Brown, Elizabeth .Chl:lndler, of Co Bure that the aehoo1r..w.i1l proll r Boys' $7,50 SUlts , $5.00; Boys'Sum S. D H.mkle, W. M. 9c ' und... his Kuidance. --... ·- -"""'ii'iniItPoI}pP--\lt~"I'8. ~~. L. A. Zimmerman, Sec'y.::. lumbus, Miss Jennie Dinwiddie, Miss . May Strawn, of Indianapolis, Ind., Lester Ivins, of K.ent, Ohio, Miss ... . Ona Strawn, of Lebanon, Mrs. Anna Sellers Stahl and Miss Kate Mceol . /) uil~(" . . ; ~ "l.u, c.. ... ", lum, of Franklin, ·Mrs. Grace Me·
The class of '}!I is 10 he cong ratu. laled tur two rO/18ons: I" irsl , thllt ,I hrolJl(honl commence menl wCf'k lhe \\IenlhCl was ideal; atld seconr! fur _ Ihe township IIttentiance at the tlif· Jerent functions preRcnted The lIumber of tickets aold for the C hl~8 play was Iftrller than over before, li nd 01'1 commencement night a hirge huriienct. W'lll pr l'~e nl at Schuol hllil 1'ho cmnm('m.'cment eJll'rci,le!l w 'ro held IURt Wc, lncflc!ay evellin$!, find at. k u',~ loc k, when l he curtain wns rur,,, II I), th .. !lcene WR:l :l heRul if III one. : '!alp.tI (111 the HInge wer l! Ihe len g' radunl l'~ o'f the hig'h scllool, the g raduates of the normal dcpnrtment, and the faculty . . Rev Cadwflilader Invnlled the hl_ing, lifter which Wm . '1' , Trum p, Il f Dayton, wus illtrolluced by Supt IU>berls Mr. Trnmp Is a well known educlilor, and gave R fine talk, 111m.· tratinK his rem arks hy well·known Htories. llis l\l hlr ~~ to the c1Rs!1I2 WI\!! very good Supt. noh.·rl s. in II neRt ~ p ecch . presenled the diplomas tu lhe hiub Bchool clase, aurl Sup~rinlenrlent of County Schools Harris [,resellted the diploma.~ to the Norma ls. Tho b ene; diction was pronounced by Rev CRd · walla~er, brll1gin~ to a close one of the most 8ucce~8 ful occasions In our schnol history . The Btage W/18 handKOmely trim · l1Ied with cut flowers, and the large blmner on the at aile with the figures '19. was a fine piece of work done In I<nowballs. Thedecorlltlng work was done by tho Juniora. Despite the fact that 1<0 many In· terruption.l had taken place during the pa8t school year, the facu ltv and school are to be congratulated upon the fine work they havf' accomplished In eo short a t ime. Several plea.~ing musical numbel'8 were rendered by the Nichols orches· tra, of WilmimtWn.
Mrs . Mildred ERale, of Hnr veys· hurg, is vi~ltlng In Xenia.
.. ..
- ...
. -.
---------------SMALL ATTENDANCE
.. .
' yYour 01-1 g. toves 'N o-w Bu
~' :~~'1t~~!~~O~~~~~ ~~1 . Mr. Rnd Mrs WIlliams,
~HE bot weatbe< ii again upon I
.I I
us, and we do not want the good housewife cooking on a red-hot stove all day long . Take one of our oil stoves, for instance-when the meal is prepared the fire gOes out and at supper time the kitchen is comfortably pleasant. We are selling tlie best Oil Stoves on the market today . .Don't wait any longer; if you do not buy now, you may not be able tp get one just when you need it the worst, . The three best Oil Stoves are : .
New Perfection Dangler .Detroit Vapor \
. Come in and look them over, and. take your choice.
a-Ind'er TW·lne
,Buy your Twine no,v, , instead of 'waiting until h~rVest is upon you . .We have it at the right price.
E. I;: "RNBART,. WayneSville, o.
lage t9
VETERAN OF MEXICAN WAR Joshua Simmons, veteran of the Mexican and Civil wara, died at the .age of 98 yea rs, Thursday, at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. Elsit! II isher, of 1'rllmbullatreet, Xenia. His death leaves only one ,veteran of the walr with Mexico, IivinR in Greene ('ounty, John Hua ton, of Alpha. In spite of his ireBt age, Mr. Sim mons waR active. and It had been planned to have him take· part In the Memorial day parade, In a feature which would Bhow veteranB of four wal'8 rldlDll together, He WBII taken 11\ a few days ago, paralysis and pneumonia c~uslng his death . , Mr, Simmons was born' In Warren count", and lived at Lytle for MV eral y.ears, Be aerv,ed In the Mex lean war 89 a , member of the 19th Ohio Infantry. and In the Civil war, as a member of tbe J26th Infantry. He leaveS one daughter; Mrs. Ellla Snell, of Harveyeburg. Funeral lervlees were held at 10 o'clqek, Sat· urda, Burial. was made at Sprin.r boro. Ohlo.-Dayton News, .
\Whyl t Makes Friends of Owners Last month an Overland Model 90 sloe'" car in OklaJioma, broke aU previous records in a most , extraordinary non-stop hJgh gear test. Let us show you an exact duplicate of this car• I t will meet your ideals of motor car appearance as well as rour ideals of efficient and dependable service. It couples luxurious riding comfort with · power and reliability on steep,hills and .rough roads.
. Were Finally Vanquiahed
. ...·..i 'ft~
Waynesvillo Ohio
0w00IM0I...,..a NIMtr n.. p _ _ ~CIr.'" ~ 'I\oWe CameID_ .....
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~PRC 'CE Of GRAUSTARK." ETC. t},.. ,
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The> nrrll'lll of fOllr <lr Ih'c llI f' n. who IIlfl1l1ll('\l Il1ln III II lrenrl), r nwde(1 hull· WIl)' frtlm til., flOrt'l1 "uuiltl r. clllltllt'll th e Bl"ll'nllon of Ihe qllurl,'!lf'. Amnnlt th eUl \\'118 the (lorlor will'. Ihry w!'re soon to (11 co,'cr. WII S fl l ~o Ih,' ('nrOIl \'r ot the cnulil y. A ,'f' ry nfllelnu" ,1<'llIl IY 8 1\ rill' \\,11 8 nl so III thr 1:r<1l1p. Mr. Jnnes rn ll ~'1 0111 frnm II", (Innr· WilY : "lIIr, llnml's. ynll 'rf' \\,lInlNI In ther!'." ".All rl,::!It." he rcspnn(I!',\. 'noP c1nrtnr hn ,1 hern ~nrkln ~ ""rr the prtl!!lrllll' (orm on th (' Illh lf'~. A P . Bnrnes entrrc(1 thr rnom , h e lonke(l Ill' nnd cteehlrNI tlllll Ihe mlln wns Ilr ll'\. "This IR lIfr. Rom R." Rllict PUtllll1ll J a nus, Inl1lcntlng Ihe tllll trllv I!'r with a short j erk at bls thumb. "1 am f rom the ~1l(~rll1" s officf'." M lrl tho man who 8toOl\ besill e th e ,I,'c tnr. Tho rest of the crowd evIdently hl1 (1 b 11 ordered to 8tnn(1 bnck fruttI Ihr tablell. "Did you ever see thl R mun hcfo1' 1" "Not IIntll h e wns eorrled In h ere an hour AgO." " \VllOI's your business U(I h er£>, Mr. Bnrn!!s?" "[ 1I0\'e no business up berf'. I just happened to slroll In IhlR evenIng." "Well," so ld tho sherif! darkly, "I gu088 rn hnve to ask you to stkk around here till we clear tI'l.s busllle_s up. W e don't kno\v YOII on'- Well, wo CM't hike any chances. You un· derstond, I r eckon." "I certflln ly full to ullClcrstnntl, Mr. Shedir. 1 kno\v noth ing whllt~\'er of 1:hlB at'l'alr find 1 lntond 10 contin uo on my way t omorrow morning." "Well, I gnesH not. Yon got to stny bere till we a ro Rlltlsf1ed thin you dOD't know anything about this bllsl· DI!tI8. 'l1liat'B all." "Am I to consider myself under orrelit, Ilrf' "I wouldn't go so fllr 118 to soy tbnt. You Just '8Uck around here, thnt's nil I got to eny, If you're 011 right, we'll IQOIl find It out. Whot's mor e, It you are 1111 right you'l\ bo wJllln' to s tay. Do 10U get me'" "I eerbIJnly d o. And I enn now as8D1'e you, Mr. Sherttl', th at I'd like Dothlng better than to BUck around bere, .1 10U pnt It. I'd like Ul help clear this matter up. In the men ntime. you may r eadily Ond out who 1 am' and' wliy r am here by tel egrllllhIna to the mayor ot New York city. , This document, which experience hos ItaUlbt me to carry for just lIuch on emergenry •• this, may have some weicht with lJOu." He ,opened bls bl\1 folder aDd drew torth 8 neatly creMe<! ell• • of JI8~, "Retj.d It, please. and DOte ~8, ~te. the IIt!nllture, thc om· dal 1881 1If~ th&, 1'l- York poli ce de~rtmllllt. Iltid aIeo tlJIIpther lnter c t· JDC iiint' J,lpnt PIle..t!lll_ In tbe 10wfIl" lett band .mer. I :,thlnk you wl1\ allM tIIalolt I.e II ROOd Ilkene89 of mo. IIIIIdl fear ( take the precautlon of Ila"D, r ai~f' ' Cft'tJOed b1 tbe police dt)partm\nlt at 1I0me before venturinI! Into IInmowo lind pemapll unfrIendly commllDJtlee." "Yeti," mid tbe sht'rlt'l' d.ublnu Iy: "bnt how do I know It uln't n forll'ry',.. "You don't know, of CO Ul'Se. Hul III case tt 8bouldn't be n tnrl,le ry ond I 11m lIublected to tho Indignity of nr· rest nr ev,,/\ det"ntl"n, you would hAve II nosty time defend ing yourself 10 II 'ch'lI Btllt tor dllmugc8. I 8111111 romnln 'h ere, aB you 8U!!INSt, but only tnr tbo nt aldlng yoU In getting to • this Blfolr." . Jim Q'onley's trODt 'ter slInrl se, Burnes ,Ig declaratlon: d t o show that the.~e 19 one of two roa· ~Ylng to prej"tter Is
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Excdlent l.'onditlull
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I" I"lvanet' Ihl ~ I1I01"UIiI. :\Ir. Itllsh· croft, nnd 10 tollo your pcrsonnl notr t1~ I;l'C'II rlt ~-." nu" lI ("rnrt lI'fi lled hu 'k In hlH I'Ilillr IIn,1 SHick his tllltll1hs In Ihe nrmhnl"" <If hi s '·c:;t. 11 0 ,lI S11111),.,',1 no IIn,I11" .. lull,,". IlIsI lid h,' nIY"l' h',1 profounil "111<'111111 lOllS. FIls rll1(1):h tct I'hot 11 ~w l r l. ~l'lIrl'lllnj.( I"'lk I1t thc \\',l11lol·hl' SUlIIl1 rltlln. '1'h r r!' WII S n h c l~hlen l'c1
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hI dnn' t Sl'l' IU1 W YOll tn l\[1n~('c1 to ~ 1 p<"P llornllJ!h It," n nrn rR brok e In. "\,,,1) rolll s t ho\'r nn 1I1111slInlly cl nr
Corwin, Ohio A Cypress Farm Gate, Better than the Best, for Only Five Dollars
i ' h('('I~s,
"~I"''L'(1\". · r. I rTt 'Il:-' C
s hOll! hI' hllrry to In· till' n IIlount ot 111l' 10nl1 ti \ltH,
rit!ll tly to COVf' r your r l 'turn nt OUl' C tu ~'t' w Ynrk , It "nu ~(I t1 1 '~II't.-h,'
,' nn,,·Il'nr<'. Mr. n n,hcrott." · '1 hnvf'n'r ~n)' CH IHwjP JI<'''t· fit n I l. Rlr,"
m Il N'<! 1110' ~Ut r . " [ h"'l ,\II unus ucllly filii "l("IOnd l. Ulnt's ",lml \I'US Ille mn t· A,I' with III,'. I tnkl' ,'"lh nuw. Rlr, [f,' \'er lu Cnl e ~:tIl n n9 I Ill( e~ I live. A 11\1111 who (,IlIII" t I!"Yrrn hi. Ill'uSily IlJ'PCIite ought to cltory It, If nollilng
tr il l" ." 1l"I'IlP" ""ll i"11 "" he ",Ided Illst t wo \I·onls .
H,lrveysburg, Ohio Phone 34-1L-2S _
"'"11 1
V. e prepared to take ill Wool .a t the Grange B uilding, Corwin, at all times, and will pay the highest market price, R"ead Gazette s ClassIfied A ds Brin g in your Wool to us, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and w will treat you right,
"You may belle\'c It." ho Assured her . "It Isn't Illp USIIII I cnnrsp." oil(> ,,"1,1 (Jul f'lIy. ond lin fnrl' brl /:h tl'lw,l, ' ''Y''II nr~ 1101 Ilk p mo. I lI1 _n, ~Jr. IIl1rJ1l's." "My ·,Ienr hllll." snlet nu ~ h<, ro rt, "you mllsl lelll'c thl H IIIntter tn OUI' frit' nd ulld me. I (IIncy ) know Il tl hOfU'st mllll when I al'" hIm. ~I y \l"1I1' tell ow. Cortune Is btll tempornrlly frownIng upon me. In u t!'w \\'(leks I s hill! be on my feet ul(llln , zIpp in g nlong on the ert'st of the wllve. I da re HOY I cu n return tho money to you In It III nil th
or slx wt:cks,
Itl tt.: h l'l'(If' "
n~tl'l1 L-S
be CnntlnuAd)
Born·-T 1"r.un/ M~~, Wolter !-:'iw iiicito, of OilY too , Il fiDe 80n. Tlu:,v· wc re tormer r esldeots of 'biB
MIR@ Amllodllo Whlte, who fe li anll Injurfln her ellloe. Ie oOllflnpd to bor Horse-.f)rawn Equipment bed, bot IB Im,lrovln g slowly Mr . f'1 el Mr", Elw' ;od Rbonemu8 , o f Dayton, warn w ee lr end Rtlfl l!ts of DAY 011 NI GH1 h er pnr e nla, Mr. und Mrs R ,t'urdom. ,TELEPHON E 7 Willi, Bi\l1mgudner blls ·reD'ed f ooms to thn O ~onr Crnwl pro per'y IIno moven th erA Int w eek . Mrll. J . C C UllnlD~bam, of WeRt Frullkltn IItrell t, Ie able 10 be ont IIortor a wee k s \IlnllRs with SIl'l . ... Examined Correctly ... . rh atlmhti Mr Bnd . Mrs O PCllf Glhb,'nR Rpent la ~\ ttundny wHit hor pnr oll~8, Mr. Glasses Fitt..'d ond Mr ~ . 0,,1 PennB"lt. A'r l\IODERATE PIUCES l'be !:Ilgh Sohoo l oom menoemen t WIl li he ld 10 the Pr lls byte rl'lll ohuroh , 16 ~t 'l'uesdny eVf'nlo g The re w ere ~tlr gr",luatCl8, Mllf WrI g ht, Opal ! Optical Department ~u eD tbeT , Ollrl ,Wright, dowllrd , S. Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio ~oentll er. H ormllll BIggins IIDd I Open evenings by appointment Road Buylar I .......................... JOhD R , Whlt>llore Ilnd wife, of I Dayton , s pont Deooratlon Duy boro i ._ _ with reilltl vce.
AutCl Equipment
I !
.:=::=::=:======= I E. v. BA~NHART.
Lumbett Yattd
- - - - . ......I k1itr-'·/
.. -, .. ..... - -
Funeral Dlre,,'tor. ~::-
I t-"
- ---.-- ..---(To
"9Ttou.. .
Beat, Most Complete Stock of BuildIng Material ever brought to Waynesville, can be found at
"Oh. tn th ' r !" cried Ml sA Thac kerllY. "Wo'll III lIke It .Ix months, lind I'll PIlY IIny r ll I (l or Interes t you deslrt'. . .' Ix p,:r ce nt. elj;ht pe r cent. ten per-" ' ''Slx liN ('{'nt, HI r, and we will mnke It " ycu r fwm dute." " A,<; rOt!d. Get up nnd 1IitOCC tor n s, D illy I "' , shall he 11\ :\"'" York IIlQrrCHV t" "You r""j!l'l th£> ,li el ntllrl nl sherif!, ;'\ft,
.-. --_._-
FenCl! Pos ts Dimension Stock Shingles B~rn Siding House Sidi ng Soft Yellow Pine Finis h ·Red Cyprl!tis Fl ni sll White Pine Pilistcrin~ Lath Plaster Manufactured Lime for All PutPOSe8 Hard Brick
WayneSVi lle, 0
"I wi sh [ could bell cve thnt" . "nil!. ' Rbe
Phon e 120· 2
"Exl rr," O'ly I<lnc! of Y"II, Illy (l(',\r 1I"l'Ilt's." ""1<1 ,II" . u~to r, runnlllj.t hl ~ li ngers th roll /!h hi" hnl r. ",onr faith In tile Is III " st p;m tlfylng. 1- 1 r (!Illly don't knpw wlmt 10 ~I1Y to yon, si r." "lIIny r 1"'lu lre jUAt how yoi ex· 11ll('t to proMI lJ ;' til l\« trnn Rllct lon , Mr. BurnclI1" 1<l l>lR Thnckerny I\~kl!d ,,'utlII y. He Rtnrlcrl. clllchln): h er men III II'::. "My drnr Ml ~~ T hnf'kl'rot y," III' rx· clnlmctl. "thl. trl1 n ~ Il ('tl o n I" Ro lely hctwcoen Y"" r fill her ond IlIU . I ~holl hn" e nn ,'IlH'r clnlm to prcRR."
t'I~\.,! 1
"1 I.'luhrr /'t'om thut r emnrk lhllt YDll 01111 " 'n ht'('lIkfll~t thl!! nlornlnt::." thlllll," . "lIrl'fll$fllst, Fi r? In Gall nollie, 1 ""'hilt tim . \rns It t1w t you hen rd ltllp h1r you not to rl'fc r 10 Ilnythln" Ihe ~hnt s up ut Green Fll I1CY?" ,·cn· ~" ' 11~;': 11 'UII!! n~ 61eWI'li PI'UOC 111111 tu red B"rlleR. I' lo u C'1Il III 1\ tlme Uke tllia. My Ullnd j·I.or(1 10\' rOll," crlp,1 O'DO\l'<l, "wo I \lr-" 'lI do' t hf'IH n ~o un!]. Mr. urtl.' . who ,, ' hll Insntllilio Ill u WOl'l!t \\'II Y. pnor I n,~ nhnllt IlIn rhrnn 1" yon ctC'\'n heul'Ll th em nml "(!lIt ~OIne ,mo I join III" lit tl\' pl\" " lh ll'l )" out to I'C whllt ul! the rnckl!t '·'I'h " t'. 'tlill,> onnthl'r nl nll " r." ~nl(l nhout. Til £' nlllll. !t ~U'!III~. mnde such MI'. I l1~h,'rnh r p,,,llly. . "1 '1I 1(('\1<'.o n I ~ 1\ ,Im'n ot n rnrk l!t ))" h" n he como .HI, - ,h,·tlf' Irlhul" tn lh" flh ... ~lcn l In· hom \\'llh Ihe fW\\'S .hut the wholo ' !I'lIl!!(' r" cor !lIUll . If ~'nl1 kn,,11' \ hnl r hll" c wns up In 1",j'IIII(\ ond pelg_ I III,", n. I <hnll l\<' ,II' \l uh"',] ,1"ln )otl. D OI~" I "1'wt!,,>.lhl rty, dl,J YilU ~oyT "[ think 1 hn\'(l n fllI ):lit IIcqllnlntonce \ "Tt "'(,lllel ~\'(l Ill" I!r nl 1'1"11 9""" If with the ehnulTl'"r," ~ n itt nnrnes. "ne ~(\nr ,llIuJ{htc'r wmtlll nlsn f,;f! lr O th(' gll \'c III th ll tTln" t thrll llttt:: IUnlor ride fMlol h{lnre!. t II ll nle It I ~ Inn hUll Ihnt 1'\'(' over mcperlrncell. Glld, ' l'll ' DI~er sh ho s to J!O n"nut In th" /:0\\,11 ~ he forf:let It." ' ,f'nr!l, Mr. ntLqll<'rnrt." ~nll] J1nrnes. Thp two men looked at him, plnl nly "!'lhp'" mu cb l o".pplendld for 0101 . I ll nvo n pr position r d llkp In tTlak o to perplexed. "\Vh 'n wns nil thl s r' InquIred De yuu lnt r nil. I cnnnut mnk" It, hnw· Soto. e\·cr. without con sultln ~ M I~s Th nck· ".n V' Q f'AA II n J1'O to ".I~ nrly lost \'enlng. He picked np your lntf'st gue~t at the ornerR, nnd _ ___ __ Rh" In.lsled In h is drlvln ~ me to Ih o' • . . ttl" ,'rn b,!forc th e storm brol,c. 1'\'0
Now is th e tlnlc tv '· ~Iy III ) our next \\ inte r's COAL, Don't \vait. You arc not' saving <In)'thing by putting it off. We hH\,C \\'h~lt' )OU W:lnt. Call nnd givc U~ your order. We deli ver every day.
rl t of Il ttfl f'llIn"" l '/"
1\ \\
tl ' I"~'I ,
rlull 81" be
1'('tP r ,"
Charity Begins F ar From Home, Bnd a Stroll in the Wildwood Follows. Mr. Hu ,<Io('I'"r, "' " " forl,)lI~ ",ht'll be
Wt1r(' tl l) to su mo Int t'ron·
A RII~ht dn l'k l\fWtl h l~
1II'I"],.;"'''Il. you ,"l '101 oo~ w"11 s uh· ,'t II Iii ,·. Th, · ,Wt ,, ( n poll ul P'l, 1m",,·
tlllllni (!t·\·lluu"lf. TIll'ru'li he n tltlr In Wn Khhllllon uver this, urc ns flny·
l' ),PS .
"l l
'rht·~tl rn'\.lu
Pi)" I· It u Inuurln,' It
ltt1ruC>N, tJII' pitH lilirk!"' n-- ! A 1\11111'11 t~l tit'" tIly~t(1ry. ~ 'iWI "h,) t lIP Ilf'vll t · siH' nnl' wh ll t hilS be III\, " I' h .. .. 1".
th lnll, Mr. [l :II"H'~--m "rl l'lnl! /I I(lng Rhot hl j(f,;,'r th an IIny " C II~ ~ .II ~ P "'· ' "'" "Y"u'li IInil I II" \ It 1'1'<11))';', I\sl'l r Into) II prllhh'lli (r \\'II ~ IIlII/:t " 1I t" RO))' ." Ha l(1 Ill! ~nl O darkly. "l"nthlng IOt'li I nliolll 1\ , tnHe illY wo rd fur It.
ttm~ ,
.'hl1 U t'
11 ~ t lf t'.,tt,ll' lll11 l,
CrtH\'n ,
Til l" ~IIH\ IOllk ilt . 'UIl\·l'r';;:llloll for (lI P Ih"H hil l f 1111111" Wit!" t il ., IIl rslt' rlnll loO .!'411\~' fl l g \)1' Ih d r (l,tlow l od~l.'I'~, M r, 1l1\1IH ' !'I;\ rt 1' (\11\1111111\.1(1 hltlPr1..v lit t!w
\\' (1 11 11111 hll:-; I Wf~n
lhli" 'f t
t tlHt
..!U,llIt ln lttt' uh1tUlIl'
lh"l1Jlh tf'{ teJr
r l!-!h t Pll n ll ... ll, hut h,' I ... :\Jo;. hi t! liS fl IP IIf H 1IIt U ~(" w il li n (/I"l' 111h.' n (1\11 'II' H l n . ~lId I n' I s \' n llktl \' 10 hl !o' tu{'~,
"Bedad," Sa id O'Dowd, "It Bea t s tho
Illnne)' Insltlild () r IWIII!: ILl!. II ulli lS JI 'nnll eRS. ltnl"\('~ h" rl I,,'en III 111 r~ ·Il In ' hlp
w()ulll hll' ~ I>" " n \~1 11 .,,, 1 thai II" \\'1\ " '\lit '1 I Ute ,I ), l'ollillJ: I:.
InJ! tl1r 1~'s:,' ('Ih'nt ~tI, wnrl ' t'rlol to j oi n u ~ tu nllr n'plI:-tt," tll' lH1"Il ," )0;:1111 1 nll rnl'f~
tluH he nw l h i" p,lll.\' \\,
HUH ,.1 d "l11l1l W h l lt IIII~ ' 1,lpll',,·,'d
'I I to(l le 1 I' II flp ,.t )" . IIltl {,'ll1' w ," HO lt1
l(u , lw r"ft. ,"lIlr"~'IIIl! 1'" r,lI'''' "flf
IWlIl' 1Il' ... ,,)]"..,
~ p " I,'
"lll "~
' II. \' \\','11' ""l tn h 'Jl\t' f t .. 1 t., , )til~lY HiI' , 1h\' u l:h;orttll~ ~ It (. I I' 1 . 11ii.'l_ _ _ _ _ _d ....1Ii<
11111,1 1101,1< "'.
h~' nn
I'IIulh,!! d,,"'" Ih l~ hlill In Ih ,' "Ilh' ... hili lil t' l\I" ."r <. ·{III· "~rs "',HI-II" II n('h' IH )'"nhllr!1 ([rh', 'n IIn )!r.. r' l I,nll 1111""''' II ~ 11',,11. llot'
"Th~ 1111 111111" Pll n hurd fl~ in 1\1\
IIWl could IIIIetMeCIIId 101M CIA w1iD
r1 !:ht. 1t snirl U ' V II\\'ti, " llUt )'III h a n ;.: ,".! If tilt' WPlllltn Ht l'i nl 1111. :"JII ~ \H'h IH'r-~ On "n'h "'d li t Orl"u F'an t'Y In..;1 tl 'gI IL" 111)1.1 ytlll ~r t fl :-:quur,' 1(1f)1, li t lhl' ,1 rlv\'r'R f l1t't ',('·dl'l1Inul!,'ll 1>1' ~Il d . ''It WIlI'i 1I1111o~t tOt' darlt (n ~l·C'. tlu t
Je~ ~ pnd lIkply ,pclr GeotlOlnl!O, UlOHe ';'1l0WH were here for the, purpose of rohblng tile plaeo you call Green Fnney." "Whllt'e thut?" com a ri ch. mell ow 'Volco from the outskIrts of the crowd. A mnn pus hed hi s wuy throu/:b lind . ~ntrOnted Bernell. . H Il wu s n tllll , good·looklng t cllow of thlrl y·flve, lind tt WfUI oPl)IIrent that hc bOil dressed In baate. "My Dume ts O'Dowd, 1111(1 1 um ,a guest at Mr. Curtis at Green FRney. Why do 70U thInk th ey mennt to rob II1s plaeor' "Well," begnn nnrneR dryly, "It would seem tJlllt his place Is th e only ODe in tbe n elghhorhood Uin t would bear robbIng, My nmue Is Burnes. Of coone. Mr. O'Dow(I, It IA mer e IIJ)CC U~ Jetton aD my pnrt... "JiiI~ wllo 8110t thc mnll'" de mnnd ~d e ~IiD. "He Ct!rtnlnly "'URn't 1fIuged 61 Ilnyone from our plnee. ~'WIiT1 .Lo'r!t love you, s ir, Ih r e Isn't a ~ul lit Green Fllnry whn could s hoot • tbfet It hc 88111' one. This Is lIIr. De Solo, &lIM) IIII"IC'!t nt n recn Funey,. lie will, I think, boor mc out In upsettlng )'0\11' tbeol'J'." II. lMICOad mnll approuched. shaking btl heae! n,orous l,. He was 0 thill, pel. man wlti • alngululy scbolost lc taee. QuIte ' liD" unp repoae!!l!ln~, uo· ..ap~1'J' peMlOn, Ihought Barnell•. , "IIr, OurtlA' chauffeur, r t1' lnk It ..... .Id the killing o('currrd just .~ tbia l»uae," 8IIld h e. ViSibly ex· dMd. "Green· Folicy III'1It lellst a mUll hoe ...... t.n't It? You don't shoot ...,... a mile from the ploce thoi ....pla'to rOb, do ),Oll?" It'a .• bit oul ot reAlIQo," . 1I
T hi" r,,4o,l
1I1,r ri JI.w RJlt1 H't \ I~ tl ~11 ... 1', ll. ' ,ltu r " \ IH/lrj\ I\rtpc! rd I III II un ll,'r \ ," l(' j., 111 ti l" 110 111 P , Ii l 1,1
I. ulhor of "CRAUSTARK,~ "THE HOLLOW Of HER HAND." ''11-fE
, .. t.J
, . .... 1'~lHi . ,
" .. ,
tuls, n 1 th··t . I -.1,1, Iml, drf'H.lIlN\ Ihut It ~'\'I'r
!\ It .f,
"U ·.1.1 11. If to·h' ~. (\ ~. , I I ·0 ", It l. .-,rd . 1 H' II I fll thlliklll ~ I1f- " " r:" 'I'tl '1"'11 ~' \' h \. ,,. .\1 " 1."r.1I 11 \ ... t 'l i lltl'd h cfl il" ~Ji'''lnll~ yflU . . ..-\r(~ ytl\l ",urI' tt W :I"; Pil l hhd-I llli! tlUt. tht, ,,"1,1'1 1... I h:a' h-l\ll ... 1 t" I'l't.~J' w)lt,.) t! O\ 1\ l Illi thut .i t1lJy rllil 'P o. h I" li p"', I. nU ~l1 u t tl "',,)' Hit" Is 1l 11 1'.111• j'·:"oiU. I fU ll not .... UNo'.'· to:, (,l nnrn ..s o ..: 1t\t11l ,1 1111\ I nll)' " 1 ~tI IlJ'fN' l ~'n llr ,'x, U1\('I I~ Il~· . " ~h \' \\ Il~ Itt"", ~Ul\" J.~ I ,·,·\1 "11.t ( Ittltll1 ll!OO:1, l hl N'I t\ unc I r)jllll\~· ,\1111,1'\1 frnm 1111' ~ .,\\1l1I 1",1,,\\·. I m,· t (,lr,1, " , ",' !l II~ ~ 'lI ll' ,, ·l r " , 1,\' 1' nt 1111 1 C'tlrn(' I· ... : LU I.I ... h .. IU.)" t't\ lilt' 1t .\t tWt' IVf·· thlrlS Rhnn1 rh\rlh\~ {'I U lh.' t klll.' w hu n fur It ,\ Il'- t n Ur!'f' O th)\\'t\ frl lJH hl ~ J'l)OIl\ fn!t:h ly .. lil l "II,\ F II '"·.V, Ill' I'''mcti Inft 11 k .. III IIL f;U !r1\ nli ll hrll"I,,',1, lO I\lh l 1I ,)l ,,"ly :\II'. HII<h· ",ttl' WIlS ::nlnc llll"l:£'. ' J' lu'l1 nllllll! eHlI "p rrort Hut l 1\r I Q~ T" l\( 'I\llrIlY I\wultlnu 1 lri
"nt' " Pl.t' I'tl."
" " 111111 'h,· dlllO'1 "l'III' ?
1,'nrlf'Y hl""t
"1~' ~ 0\1
Jim' I t~ 1"." : 'n", 1' 1 \ n ~ hrH u"lfl!! Hl' (W •• ".1' Ih,or' .. Imnd, '·"n· 1 h.II1 Itt i ' 11 c.: ,'" hillth\' 11,,· ",..,111' r. rll\ .... tlo 1111.,1 q nh,\! t It '-'1'1\ ttl 11'" II ,: ' lUI { hl'.I(T"" IIprlll'" til hqIH\\
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~1 t.1..;t nrrh'l"c t ut Orl l,l '"
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In 4d1 thht
" \ Int n,,,llt
Notary Public
All J;lnd8 of Nota ry Work .. end DIled,. f) ~pool8 Ily .
-----. - ..---' 'T()te'' Philosophy.
Alwn y~
"orry n IIltl n plillnsoph, uhollt w illi you. A gllll,~rl ~cllrchll g hl Is of li tt le Accou nt to t~c hl g aub "I llck In tllo IIJilcl.. I
We Can Save You· , . Money. Let Us -; ,
Kirby & Winston Phone .&6~
. ~
( -
Jack Wdeon
•.•• T 1-1 E M I A MIG A Z E T T E.... 1l)t.;UEl l EVEl Y WEUNE,:i Jl AY EULe. ud ItL
. "'ltIh1IUC. .....
W Lt.l ,ltl", vIHu. UtiIH. au.
I t~" O llt I
I WUij n rtondlti"j( II lIoc-lu l I UUilli u u U' out! ut Ill y nulgb uors' h!lIl1 llH, ILlId ' \10 of tho 'I urn bIll' ~IlI J I." IIlI n , lW . · · U'J \' Ull tit/teo t h o M lun d I} lI r.l' t.t ~ ?" " Olt, y eH. WO o ,u ld not A!'I II loll g w I h l' ut tt , unct I un ow who w, lt"s t ho H ll r ""vHhu .;..f rh·W~. We c nn h I'dl ",," It Il n ~ 11 I h f' (i u . ... ~i n r e"cht." U 4 , UI1 I\ ~ b" tl .. ~ r. thl u,! \V Ol lOO k fur it. ' h <l H u r" H y~l ' n j.! h c m~ r 'hen" ur.' FI., 1'1.. fr , ~h ' , r.!. j ll :-o tl
llllU ( ' litH. Mull MId It .
D. L. ell AN E,. Editu l ullll l' ublisllcr. W U) n s \'illc , O hi o Sl:lb~crinlion I'rio.:l!, $1.5U IJer yeu'r
WEl1NESDAY. J UNE 4 , l.1 !l Hmv's This?
Ii. MOVAbl e HI chpoat.
Th oro 1M II 1111 H'l lIw'lI lilly III . ~I'u I tic, Wfuth ., wi,,, 1rll\ , ·t H l u ' nUIH I lin I.,JtK&
gl'''" I ,\1 '11 1 III
·bll, ·k It
true ' $(
I' \\"I~' Ihllt lit.
(" ". -..111 10 1'11 1",, II t t t' III l IUI.
hU H
a tlog• .11 1111 111111 11111111111 \\'111 III '''' ''' Oil th l! Io, ...~l, ·J; 1 1I 1 ~ k . 11111 1 'rI,l e Itl,,"~ Iho I!lrl!lll Itlll"ll·,·ltll }' \\'11 10 It H 1I1111'h "II RO Bntl OIiJ OYIIII '1I1 11M Ih o IollUsd (. Uu t wh on till! Io"y II'nnI H tn h lld, Ih,' I, or ~ n Is tho tlnlC' fh u I'nlll,'s III hll,"I\'. Tho dog I.. 1,)111 10 Hil d" WII, 111111 ";('
horse IH fU Ml"llI ', 1 to It ilJl , wlll'1I tltf' tWit III'" I,' f t , In 1111 luI ellIs Itull IlUI'JlOH O~ . In l,erfoci .... '·lIrll.v. Buhnlli s
"" f t
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Mr. ·",,1 Mr •. Will Eet " ". of 1I0nr Nt\ w l:JI1 ' 11'1gt.ou . Wf'r. ' ~t1 I1" !\ l ' llt1nl4t~
IlI n ",,1 und
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The Practical Car
rU l l
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""'<orllll"" nll Y WII S i': l'nnr,.Ily ob. . " r\·"11 In Ihl_ vl()lulf,.V.
A cO lllpnrisOIl o f the rl.'atllres of Saxon" Six" with thos of high er priced cars discloses It Dig 'redit Balance ill fa vor of Saxon
·MUTUAL PROTECTION Q UR against imitations and substitutes.
M r /In'~ t\l r ~ . ~'I ' lyd Anf\IIr!-l Oll, ul Xt,lr11't, Wf ' ff '
r rt('l1cJ FI
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• :IUO 3~rJO (IOUU
1m dist1nctive shape and blown-in-the-bottle' label are covered by letters patent- the means that .the Government affords for distlnguiBhing the true from the false-the genuine from the substitute,
In I ~ ' lytOfl , TU I\t:&du v Af 110)ol
II lnollt
You believe in fair play In bus1neSB~ Then de~ mand the Benulne. bottled Coca-Cola, which from this date will be packed only in this neW'
t.! 1U'!"' t H 0 1
III \Vlhnl ngtlol1
Bur" I.1 l:I"rrl.
18 n wtl er ptlM"H1 11 ~ l' r t.l l urh , ~ p ,ar II f
o f II Ih', thf' O"lI lA ud rn ... unfu nt urt··, H , tl lI ( ' fll('ln cu r' ~I1I1,IIIY, .1niH' ~ , li~ " I •. II Chil I'" will IJrIlH oh fit 111 1> M . (0;, ohnr ',h
\'ou Rh onl d
RAY F. MILLS, ·Dealer Waynesville, Ohio
Keep a
n lH I
'AI.""". .. Ph. .
Mr. "Dti
·:r....blMlDt ad 'I
"PJe_ III!nd 1M Ilt tII)qI a O~7I' ltntmeIIl. I leArned e...l..,. · t It ".. . the ~ thIna for pili IO~ ~ .M J oe.talnly iMd DOW. W, haYII web I\ot weathet and Ionr ma~ tIwIt our IUIllet al'8 In bad Tour 1I11lrMat .. tIw ~ _ _ _ lor f~t all wounda that I.t made. Cu~r I, Beeler, Pede Muter. Treln No, 11. V. 8. Army. tuM arid, Porto RlC'OoeaD
Houatonia (The Original Jonel') LIniment may. ~ IlpplleCl, full .trength, to 0l.len .ore» or gan.. It IOOthn a. it heals-nducca ••elling, prevents IrIfcctlon. IIDt (ret nor worry tho .Dimlll IlIItllnU,. .topa .all pain ~ eorenelii.
. The KInd Your Daddy UN Wl::,:'J. 0.... Picture v
011 ....
'. .
Hundreds of experienced HOl'MOltrl, 8tockmm, Farmer!! ana rrralne~s have lea.rlll"(! 'roJo e~perillllce to ~ abeolutely upon Hou....tono-c-ah. and tQ \eep • bott19 ~d, lor; ~rgmelea ~r lUeral 'w .. . . . 2Sc ...d SOc, New Vet............ It M .. fl.oo! At aU good drug ~or.., THB.DR. I ., Co JON'!S COMPANY, So. CZlarleetoa, 0.
~ fe8lliquid a1.Uillght ia .HaJ?Ila·s Green Seal ,Pahat hi die ~y it banishes darkn~: Jirt' ~nd d'in-
~ brightens everY surface' it comes in
'c:oatacf:witK. It makes homes look cleaner and ·more ~, it preaerv~ them from decay, and ~ 0D0 home in the neiahborhood fa "Creen SeaHdIt, ..n thoae surrounding it are certain to catch;
iM ~ ~i!it P~ .'(lean Up and Paint ~p-.'~
~lrll Ellifrllz.
WilliAm OOK and ~lJbarlell ·CI"rll: are -Improvlog 'heir bomes wUb a ooa& of pain' Mrs. Maok Plokerlng returned, 1111' WOOll:, aner a pleall8nt vitll~ with r.latlvesln Brown Coullty . Samuel Mo'r edlth aud famBv have moved here from Waynesville, Inw tbe property of Wlllter Olark. Mr and Mra FraDk Woolloy and ohlldren. of Dayaon, were week end g ue~18 of Mr. and Mra. Woo. BrowD. The 01089 of 'Ill was deU"hUully entertained at the hOOle or Mlsa Rea Staoy on Thursday e,'onlng, Brlok loe Dream and oake WElre lIerved, Lytle 80hool olosed on Thursday wltb a plcnlo In 'he <!Obool yard A large orowd WII8 prescnt anft all njoyed tllo dlDner and \ioollli '\me. Mra. Luoy FUe 'and ohlldron returnoo to Cloolnna", SundAY oven tng, after MlleDdlng 80veral day. wlt,h r olft \1 VI'8 here, Mr. .. ud Mrs. Bamnlel Balnet! and ion, Jamell, apen' Decloratiun DayaC ~prlnRbtlro. ' Mr. and MrR. Gle,nn Brook r. ' \lrnl'dlo tJtnlr home lin IndlaDapoll1 SundllV. "fter 8everal daya visit wIth Or. "nd Mrs, L, G . Brooll: and Mrp. Bu.1l 0 Oall$O. Mr, and Mrs Albert Stacy eD'er tilined dlnDer, Monda;; of I.,., Mr . .. nd Mr8 . Poul Mltohell a011 weell, Mn. MlllvlDa 8&00y, lb. and B008 spen\ Bunday 0& Bloe 8all. 'hI' lira . A. 0, WlllIamll, of Dayton, alllO goell'8 of tbe form !>r'tI motber . Mr. ~Illlj)m. ' brother. Lien'. Major Mls!I Curoline Beoll: ~pO M Bund", Barr, Williams, of (lleveland. wbo wit 11 frloods ,,& Bloe BB II .' rllOOn'ly rotorned frOlin France Mr . !llld Mr~ UI\tl'ord \l.:lunbart MI~II U!ona MaGlal.l. Watl one or .vere the gne~ts of r e l"UveR at Bllln. the Normal 011\88 wb.o were eoler obe~'Ar, ono dllY thll (lallt wflAk. , ..Ined a' 'bo bome of Pr:lf. B .. rrl. Mrs. Ella Wol ph aod dn nllhter were tn l.t<banon, ooe evenl,og las' week . 'he t:lnndtlY dloller guests of Mr8. Mr. and Mrs, Olyde, Wbarton and Jlloe LIIngctnn ohlJdreo aDd Mr., LI,Vl Grea,bouse Dorothy KneIRIA,V WIl8 the Honday mowred lo l:HlIllboro, Deooratlon guest of Mr. Harold BAnge. ' Da,. aod rotorned, Sa'orday . Mr... nd Mrs. Bldney Lamb en'or Mr aoft MrM . P. ·W. Brehm were tb o t:)un(lIiV dinner gu08tll of Mr. and ."'Ined to BODdllY dinner, Mr. aDd MrR RIIT Brown lind daugblor, MrA , ~&aoy Lamb. of Z"nesvllle, Mre. north of lOWD . E, R Randolph 'an(l ohlldren and u h our. on d'l .. rll W III J "neOD aD d Stanley lAmb. of Day'on. . family , of Uf.l o~, were tho 1:.180day Tbe Lylle ~I~II wb~) graduated II' RIUltlts or tholr pllrente. , Mr . and ,he W .. yno 10llfDllhip OommoD06· Mr~ Ed Joboson men' a' WaynellVllle ISII' woak were . . , MlllleA Rea t:l*aoy, }{atbryo Clark Mr. unu Mrs. Elmer Sheets, of and lAOD" MoUlnDls.
.- .
of UI\)ltnn , of Mr Rod rdrM Wtlliler. MJ~ . Weldon Wllt!on bAli been ver]> .Iok tho PIIRt woelt . Her mother, MrR. W. l!J, 80gl\n, IS uorlng for her, Mr. llnl1 MrR. W81\er WIlRon wero In WltminlJton 00 bU.8 Ine88.Sa$nrdav Mr aod Mra, BoraJe Barner t not 8uppor with Borlloe Compton 's, FrI. day evonlng. M18. Mllrgtlret, Bunn e ll aDd two nbtldren, of 08yton, ~ponC n few .liY8 Ills\ week wltb Obllnnoey Bno ne1l'8. MODITnl1l Bnnnell accom. paoled tbem hOllle for a Vi81 t . MrR . R . E. JODN) entertltlned ber oooRln. Will ~prIlY. of Ll\wrenoe. l{a08"t!, ou ThnrlldtlY of IUA' week. Mr. and MrM Howard LOllmlng look dinner wIth Mr. and Mrs. J . B. l.tIamlng, · FrIday. Mis! Frftnoe~ WI180n wne vl81t1ng lobI!. Dal8Y HalneR,ooo day lRBt wee II Weldon Wilanu 's h"ft 88 ~ helr (nas'". Bondny Afternooo. Mr. Rnd Mr!l Walter Wll snn . UhnnnOf1Y Bun 01111 nnd fllmlly and EVllrntt Hntnfl8 "nd f"mlly . MrM Frnnk Kvno 0,01\ I'on. PllOl , weorl' tho guellill at O. '1'. Unroof·s. 6'rlday . Mrs Lnther Ualnes 18 eotertnln In8 hAr mothor, Mrs Charley I.... hd, 'lnd Ma 'llle Ellis, of Cllmden, Ohl ..
~ -'J7IllllllllllJl1",\\\\\I.- ~~~2~
' nrl Mrs tJ n fOll!>" C;' ,rnl'tnn I h,' tr ~\I" H r p . "1I1I .It.I. ~Ir IUlIl
10; UO lJll'Inn 11111 1 '11l 1l )!h r,,,r, E Ntlw BurllllJ(I,oon.
li n. Hlltir>rt :-;r.""I ,.y nn rl 1" , .. : 1), . 0 1 Wl llll l flj!l o n , ~\lfl :.Ir flnl l " ' 0 \"1
/. ~
IrI your home.
Deliciou8 and Ro /ro8hing
Order from yOUI' denier.
.Endorsed by U. S. Cavalryman For Collar Galls and Harness Sores
Drink Coca-Cola in Bottles
hllltr him \VIll Hr,. J ohn, TP,'TBNon l l ng 'fh p Iii I flUt rl ok ~' roln r ia M otnr 0 11 r co. . Il f LllhuIlIlII . o ••ltIped nnt In l ill8 ,,10\0. It.r RA v" r~1 !l n y~ I,,"t wAllk, oorralllllg • ,vfl llll o ll ~ l.o m IlTA t ll r Ford \ullohln9~ OUlllfj
and distinctive bottle.
::I1lt-n "lilY
A. MAFFIT Funeral Director
W . B. loonhower and family, of and Embalmer. Wa8hlDg'oD O. B., were loe8'A of ()raduate ot Oblo Stat_ Unlvenll relaUYd8 here. la.l weell. Mr . aDd ah.. Ii:d ToblD, J . W. Waynesville. Ohio • . Miller anil family. of HprlDlrfield, OFFICE: were gUBSta of friends hero. over eourth Street, n car Tyler tionday, E ither Auto or Horse dralVn service, Telephone 93 Min Eleanor Baydocll apen' I"•• No extra charge tor auto service. week wltb rela'hee Dear Oakland. Ohio Both phones InOffioe and Reald.nce Waynesville. MI88 E nma Wh"e Is enterllllnlnlr No,14. her brother, Nate, aDd olhor rela "es from M ullolo, lodlaoa. DR. J. W. MILLB~. Mr. and Mn. ilQy ~rr are the HATHAW A.'T pllronh of a lillIe dao,hler. Mildr.d DR, .l rene. born May 28 ... DBNTIST••• The mllny frllmdR of It. C Collo" WRYDe, ville '8 LeMlna "re glad havo him b orne IIgaln, Waynesville. 0 Uffioe in Balnee Bldg. Main at !fallolla/ DId•• aUer 80yeul mODths ID I'nnoo. The family of Fraull: p. Reev811 received a telep:ram. I'rlday, stalin, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _., Chtlt be bard arrived lIafely at r . .,
(~:::::IcBed Ads N A TTENTIC D'or,
nRl!EDKR5-G rfl In
N .... 1:!8,t:\IH.
",gl. lered in P. S. A .• owned by .Sllring VOlney Bor.., Dre.dN.' As__ lalinn, I. R befiutilul dark buy , f.ur yenra old . Will weIgh II:!UO. O,'od 51 yl. nnd nclion. All
Percheroll ndmlter ••lom,ld ~. Ihl. horse . Till. horle will m llkc thc seAlIOn at 1110, nt I. o. r.tIUOI1', barn . rivery precllulioo will be taken 10 a ••ld accld.ntl. but will
not he r.spolIIl~11 sho uld an, nc ~ ur . " .. rtlllg with mare forl e lts .Insu ra nce.
Sprinl Valley Hor!le lheedtre' As.ooe la. tion . jUlltl7
Noloi! boURhl, John Uarblne, Allen Bollctt08, Xeola. Ohio. 8.4.20
IF ~you contemplate wiring your bui1d~ ings, it will be to your advantage to see ns-mrprices. IFJyou want a first-class job that is tip to date in every respect. see us.
WE carry a complete line of electrical supplies in and sell them ilt reasollahle prices. Phone
Waynesvlllo Ohio
~---------....;..-----------..----...., ••
LOST (Jaesar'. Oreek. ONford, a Jolnlod fitlh
William!! pole, agatB eye8, new qaadrnple reel, new IIDe Iii roward for re$urD of aama Leave at Gazelle oltloe, or Warron A . Sur flloe,}t D. II, Waynellvlllo. O. j II;
Nobody Likes Muddy Walks - and concrete is so walk that IniiOl~r<ilioti1f<r nected
d M8 W W ~r. and Mr8. WaUe,r Kenrlok took A. . Good Balld S .. w. Jlomewb'e re be. r , . . dinner. J'jld!,y, with Mr. and Mr • . ' , .ween Amoe Vook, Jr., ' 100 , Wal&8r Can, •• lIIIliillL!::~ry, ~7D~e. Finder leave Mrll. P W Brehm, Mrs. M. J. and a"ended .tbl DeoQralion lIei\rroe 0"110&&8 ofD.e~--~ There is no tracking Farr, Mr. tlnd Mr!!. ~et)r~e Be~k In the afternoon, There's a in shoes ____..,,....,'..,., wero ~hoppID~ hi Day taD, Monl'''Y ' Mr, Albert 8'-oy and family had . Mr. and MrA. W. U. Willlerllon for 'heIr SnDday pa8t11: Mr, and A concrete walk is so easy and MrA. B'rl\o()o!l Noll I!pent Toes- MlIt, Baller, of Toledo, Mr . aild MrR, inexpensive , t we'd like d"y.lo D"yton Adolphus, WI!Uamll .Ind Mr. J . M. how to do ~ yo don' t loe Grade Jer.y Boll. 18 won,bl ~1r . Wilbur Batt, ot RI-Ogeville, Stacy. of Day'on Mr. aDd Mr. Will . 01 t. Good dl.poeUloD. 1711 00. waR tirno9aotlng bU8111e88 hero, lall' Noll "01\ MrH . Ba~h N 1111 I of I:!prlnR. . sacks You'll neE:d boro Walter L .B awyer. Roo" 'S, 2Yo Mouctay. . and gravel f a nearby pit. :Mr tlntJ Mr8 P. W . Brehm 8peD' Mr. and Mr •• WIlliam Mlohel,lIr, mllll8 !:Sonth.... of W.,ne.vlllll. . _ je1S That's all that it takes to make )!our walks SaturdaY In MlaDlIBburg. aDd MtII Boy MeRlr'b y and daDlJh LANTB-Toma&oel, Oabbale aDd 1I1r8. S.rah Null wall .he !:lunda, &er, Mrlt. MU1110Rhrby and UURb. like city walks. SWeM Potatoes for ..Ie. Inqul gDellt of ber 80n.ln ·law aod dangh &en. of Day&oD. aDd William Smith &8", .r. 'and MrI. John Brown, win SUDdAJ'lJD8IIlI of Mr. aDd lin, of Jobn 11011111..., WaYDentllu, 0 jM Dor'h of town. I'ranll Sml,b, Mrll RaJ' Brown aDd uo,h&er. No.1 01. . ., eo....... G aad '1 TeIoeP.bone 25-2 apea' Tullda1 wlUi ber pareD", ,...... I_qt,. o• .Iohn Boberl108. olb. and lin. p, W, Brehm, Sablcrlba for the Guett •. ObIO. JM J...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....~----_--~--1IIl
8~g ~etl B 0
f M
r. lin
J• .E. JANNt;y. WaYDesville, Ohio •
Younce' Brothers Grain Company
"Unilt'li Stales" Eleclric Lig ht , Bryan·Marsh Maz~a Lamps, l"rantz Premier Sweepers, American ilenuty Irons.
MONEY WANED Loaned live ..'ock. MONEY chaUels. al80 lIecond mongaa(es.
Investigate Fir$t Do
Mlddletow ~e::e.l~f}..SIW4lIlf'1WBti_
1 'g '- t
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
i .1 \ •
\ , t
f I
"t dl
SOlIday Sch ool ev ry Sundll\" til
• • \ .
'1' \
• \\ ..
" . ' I-\I~ , \\ '. ll ~Ull1l '.' , • '1"" , 111'1;' ••1.
m • i, Itt 10:.)1
=-====:::;==~::-::-:::--____ "nd " ·r m, I in l'l\(' t I" 1I ,,'~'
,no \ inl( Prh \ ' r Ii: ur ·.l ,,"l~·
Hl'rt J:i~g;i
l'~ ",f lrll,.1 .1Ji ~· .' 11.'
Olth ,t M I
• A.. Shoemaker VETE R INA R IAN
H u ' , Y•• \1 l" \J "III t \:\ t'.'! M. E. CI I URCtt .\111 '" l "".f, pn.,tu r L A ZlIllll' ,'rnlll I al1'l ,I ('lI t'' UI lIny , ,1'BI() I. Hill (' :::dw.,l til S11nday . ,lU I,...: :uuJay .'chool , \):\ a fl1 P. L . L ~l ny . Imp rIn . 10:00 1\ Ill . Anllu . t imll'n , . \11\ 'rin · wI lI~i:..~ht "."1".' ·h. .HI'r~S\ Sl~\ hu ,Th u! ~ Vall )' Phone 25~J Hone ~burg O. t nd ~nl I" ('ll. Il W. 1 .:,11 ,\ nl nd l ' mlenl . l' r eat hll W "'I. i,'\: lit I , : (\ . • . I I ~ :uO I' 111 'ped a l m ~i (:. 10 Ilh , n ,m Cdm. t· IIIl' I ('n" ; '"., Villi Ur ':lll · ;vJllr. h Nfltin!ill\ ~\ I II ~ II " mortlillg li nd l.\·l lI nl( l ;o nle !Ju t. nd I' wh l h~ III ru .than wck Ill' Olllt.> L>lI11j1 ~ '111' Ill· bi', h.irh ~Wll1 .. t"n A qu iek respon~e. My visit ~ are wo!':!hip wit h u~. , . nli [,ring a frie nd . . made witho u t delay and I so\'(l Since l h 11I1UIlI Confer ..'nce l a~t - ,.ll r 11 1111 ?II r, J llH. T Jllltll):uiol . \,f . ' . fall;th ch urch hilS rRlse!! and Pllld Caesnr's Creek Frlcllt.11 Churl' h CII ci l na ll . ~ ; ... n t , I CI'lIU II! (,f do~ .. IIm mala by prom pt use of .righ t r em· on inti bt eJness, 1:l29B. The prop. 'unday choo l a l l his ~ h ur ch e very hE1r~ l hl" w ..... k. ed lea. Call m e as ea r ly BS y.OU CRn . .rly i!l now releMed from 1111 finan · Clal embarrassmenl. rt has also Sunday II I 10 o·clflc k . PrellchinR Mi. !lE1" Alrnn Wllte rh ou ~,' and LIlIl. fll 11 o'doeh m You an It Helps On the CUff'. good 8ubscrlll li ons . amo un ting to sco'rvice ro IrKill ~t!y luft Tut:" lay for II ~hor t rdially invited 10 be present. JII 11 I ', about f7250, on t he Mi s~lonl\ r y Cen " t" t hl' l\illJIlllltl th CII"I'. K
WE have taken the agency for the famous De Laval
Cream Separators because we believe the De Laval will do better work ilnd . last longer than any other separator made, and that it is by far the cheapest and most satisfactory machine to use.
p i I I I I I - - - - - - -.ADAIR'S-- - - - - - 1 I I ! THE
,I I,
We hRvI' It (" II lin t' lIf HryHrt · i\1al'sli Mn zc!r\ Lamps flOr town (· ut·rent or tnr n ig ilt illg ,,1f1 l1t ~ . l , irh :;& W in~ t () n Mrs. Gcrti. ~' rtl gh Rnd (\ !1 ullhtl'r. f D Iyton. I'Il!!n u e(,ull i o f d n .l'~ here Illst we ·k wi th !II rt; i\rrll dd
F'ronk ,\ ncJ i>r on I ' ,IT) '\,~i,1 r. ~ tr an d 1\1 r .• . 0 .. ' . ,,,1,': "' I •• If I '· ,v ll ' n. "p( Il S UIHI !I ~ w ' h " ,\\ : (r . 1" 1 :11 111 f llm ily , Linoleum ill a ll t he n p,," d .." i g n ~ at Hyman's. Mr . nnrt Mrs
J Il S
nd !! j\kPh .. r~on nnri Ii
al te nried l'v pning .
Ji'i nt!"r will
ome thjngs in lif .
We are told ever y day th at our pr ices are t he most reasonab le in t his v icinit y , but come, look, compare and jud ge for yourself. Our goods and prices will talk for t hemselves. Adai r's S tore has a long list of satisfied cus to me rs, because ou r b usiness has been bu ilt'u pon the one idea of selling on ly good furniture, guara ntee in g tha t it is good a nd l hat it will give satisfaction , and li vin g lip to our guaran t ees. We a re h elping t housands t o fu rnish beautiful , comfor table homes. May we bdp YOII?
An Inspection o( Our Be'lutiful Bedroom Furrtiture W ill Quickl y Decide Your Choice Aii inexpensive . tl artered Oak Bed Room Suite . D res.. er \v itb la rge plate mirror, ChiITonier aud Bed , made of q nartered o'a k , splend id construt;tion , offered C\ l the v ry reaSo rtal Ie price \for lhree I icces) of
j -~a
Time Saver It's a Wonder
This 45-pound Cotton Mattress
$13.75 Who knows more about Mus ic t han the world's greatest artists. They all endorse t h e
Victor Victrola 8otlo•.Al8lr"tI't> a
bo f' lr~.::<~~trV particle of ; is rembved from the clot ~ing t hem clean and whitf:. We are the tole agents.
GI ,o'f7
' ITnr'nr r
mer, t\felba, ·..... . ", ." ",,"v.-,nlck , Scll1l1O:1 11 ·11 c in ~
~ icto r
on A mounts O ver $10.00
Thos Mannington , of Dayton. spent Memorial Day here, aft e r an absence of fo r ly years. He fou nd many c1l1mges and but f w pt'ople tha~ he r a m mber ed . . • t MSlry's Gu ild will meet with MI' . Mary askey Thu r sd ay after· noon . As this 18 the IJl>It meeting before t he summer yacation. a full attendance Is desired. • The"Unitetl States"Elec t ric Lischt ing . P lant is direct·connec led, Melf cranking and au tomatic slopped whe n ba ltery is full. For salt: by 'r. E ROlle rs o r Kirby & Winsto n Laurence ~her wood. of Wilming. ton. Del. nnd Mr Anna J ones, of Philadel ph ia, I'a , a r r ived her e Tue~ · dny morning, being called 0l'J a~count of lhe illness of Dr . '1'. Sherwood ,
S. E:11i~. C. M. Ilobitztl r ' and S D. He nk le spent Monday In Dayton . where they attended a meeting of grain dealers, and where the y re ceived a few lessolls on hOlv t o grade their w heat. Mr . alnd Mrs . Milo Anderso n. of Xe nia. Mra. J as. Shane. of J a mes tow n, M r . James S toops. of Va n We rt . Dr. and Mrs. Witham, of Kings Mills . s pent Sunday wI t h Mr a nd Mrs. A . S~00P9 .
--- .- ---OILED THE STREETS LAST SATURDAY The oil was put on Main . street, Saturday. and whi le i t is a little dis. a g reea b le at firHt, it wt1I save th e merchan ta and private families on the slreo ts on whirh the oil has been placed , lots of t ime, as s prinkling the s treeta tak es a lot of time. Th e oil was put on thp. entire leng th of Main strent,and t he en tire le ngtq of No rth
Carpets, Slolles Victrolas
Buckeye Disc Cuh ivators and Two Row· Cultivators ~-----------------------------
Waynesville Ohio
TheTn--State Butter"
"P~ivate Peet'~
"String Beans"
... ....•
,\ 1
................. ............•..... .
!III. . .1II!
5c, JOe AND 25c STO~E 5 inch Fruit Saucers .. ...... .: . ... . ... . . lOC Dishes ........ .. .•.. l5c D inner Plates. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ....... 2o.c Cups and Sa ucers , ...... . . . .... . ..... . 25e Glass Butter Dishes . ........... ...... . . 25c Boudoir Cap~ ... . ... ·•........ , . ·...... 25c Ladies' Union Suits ..... . ..... .. .. , ... 50c Panty Waists, aU sizes. ... . . .. . .. . " .. 25c "W.B.W." Plated Tea Spoons,. p'e r do~n .40c Table Spoonsj per dozen ....... .. ... .. 60e
531 inch Oat ]deal
Public Salea
---.... ._----,---
The Late Classified ·Ads,·
(11~l o , 00
Miami Theater Program
li fe. . .i J:lsp'.~r.H\ .~ar~~~umlng •• ";Ilunn e r, looked upon with bigh' '1 'tee m, Bnd sougb.t by many for • . Ca nno n Ba ll Ire . ,'" " u~J~~,~~ .~ I1 tb IImerlca f1 dent ial El:!Sist anc e and council ~nll cd' t be ~I}IID Ol) hull trcJJ, benr! pr o moti n~ busine:!S matters.o r w here rtlund . wo<)c1y frl1 l t wh Ich ~Ios"(jly r& far· seeing discretion lind judgment was eSHen.tial. 81!mbltlH I:>q~pbnll ... B('slde hi s exceptio nal· business a bility, ·th e greater manh ood ot Char les F. Chapman was his true Chr istian fai t h, Which he ' lived so e a~ ily and practically .. His was a hi g h. pure life. ~ I Will oft'tlr 8 $ pu bUn ·81l Ie .. t tb Into rm it.ionCo Mlll'Y La tcbem . de. ce ~6IJ, ou Third St reet" W"y oos· vi lla ,
of a farm e r in ' lark Coun ly . The re among ~trl.inller!l, th e broth· May 2nd708th Inclusive e rB were left to st ill th eir Horr )WB to CO.'~ t hemHelve3 Afte r four years, they , <'o'ere sent to old " Green lOount" board ing school , nellr Ilichmonol.lnd CINCI NNATI, OHIO Leaving Greenrnount, he wen t to' Witte nburg coll ege, ancl wbile st il.! ·Tag your cans or if you n eed cans write fol' 30 day Trilll Cans. in ~cho I, his health nut p;ood. it wa s t hought uest for hi m to !Jet back t o the cou nlry, dO t he Carm. " Wood ~ End ," was bough t in la5)!, and lher e many yeurs bave been spent m ost haDlilly: . In 1864, toge ther wit h his uncle. he lat e ' . . lI uin s. anti his b rot he r. Jo e ph B ' hnpman . he took up t he w holesale grore l'Y business in Cin· Saturday, June 7th ci nn ati. bllt wa again admon ished to r turn to fll rm life . A fine play entitled I n Junt!. 1874, he m a r lied ~~ liza beth M . daug hter of Joseph and Cath e rinl' Ann Stan ton , of Spri nA:' bo ro. Ohin 1:0 th em were born Margaret C., today Margaret Cha p· man Hlalt, of Phil adelphia. Pa .• . Tuesday, June 10th J ORcph B. ano J am tls Alber t . I h 1876, wi th hi s health re ·estab· Fen.! tiring Gladys n~ockweJl. in a Fox play, new, IIs hed. he ente r ed the. g ra in commis· s ion. bu sin e ~~ in Chicago After three years , he WIlB wnrn·e j a th ird tim e by the re oappearan ce of his former mal· SUNSHINE COMEDY : "Divers Last Kiss" .. ady , when he r e turn ed to the r e fu ge of' his farm, forever a bandoning any disti nc tion in the comme rcial world. In 1896, w ith his fa mily, he was Thursday, "~ne. 12th calle d to Earlham college. where he was he ld In hlg heflt esteem assuperinFeaturif:1g Charles ~ay ,r in tcn dent a nd Treasur er f or five years. until th ~ loss o f his son. James AI· 'bert, and later the sam e , ear the loss of wife and mother. it ::teemed neces· COMEDY : ' ".Perfectly Fien<;lish Flanigans" sar y to se ver rel ations with Ea rlham . a nd he returned to Waynesvill e. N ovember. 1903. he marrie d Mary 17c i Open evenings 7:30 p,m · Admission Emm a Stanton , fifth daughler. of J oseph and Cath erine Ann Slanton. and bas lived on th e old Stanton Saturday flven/ng : 7:.10 p.m. Children • lie:.r • homest ead until failing health mad e • ~ ~ ~ ~.,~.~ It necessa ry to come t o Wllynesvt1Ie ~ . , . I to be near hi~ children and conve ni· .t\ t r ances incidell tal thereto . Charl es £0'. Ch apman was of QuakeI' parentag e and , as a member of the Socie ty of Friend R, held positions of Try 'the MiamI Gazelte's Classified Columns for Results,' responsib ility an d trust in Miami Monthly Meeting . He d evotedly lived tb is sim p le faith thro'ughout
.. - - -
st.reet . - - -+ _
. c~so .....: · lrra r. Galli Cur ci, ~
large size
June brides. aIlldnd. of bridaa and - I the "ri· . tRte I)olicy IInri that pri ce is A:ood.l. r a wee k every ontl will find g reat Hug awl We d o not ehallJ,(e our' l)rice dllY by da y, Il t'i ~h c r do we pay a higher I< u l'ni hing b ll rgain! j Ulit now at th e price in one t{IWll than wo IlllY ill a nothe r . 'harlas l"reneh Chopman . son o f S . Fred Co Lebanon Hi 'tore. Th T ri·Stllte Is II ('reflrnl'ry uf depend a bili ty 0 11r dealings Are all Direct ,1\lSell h nand Chnrl()ttel:[ . Chapman, . with producer s. We have 1\ 0 buy ing: agenCII.:• . dllltion buye rs o r com · \V l\~ born in WayneSVIlle, Ohio. J ulv Mr nn d Mrs Ilarry Mu rra y. 1\Ir. mission men . and Mrs Ea rl 'on ner lIlId su n, Earl 0, HW). and pas>!cd away 'on the Look ov er the Tri · t!lte prices to d ato t his yea r n ~ ~ho wn b ' 10 11' :tml RI'C n11 rllillg of the 2 ~ nrt of May . l !lJ!J . . W .. and Mr Hnymond Co nn!' r " I. · w he r e it is to yo u r ndvnntll!!,c a nd !i ro fi t t o Deal Dir,ct with th. Tn State ited friNld" in Mi mi bUr)!. :-; uod o)' . oUed S ye!l r~, J(J rnon h anrt Hi T RI-STATE PRICES FOR 1919 day>!, leaving a wife. tw o children Wook nOltun ln!! Wook IIll8 lonlo~ Wook LJOIJlnolng Wook noglnlling Woek n""lllolnJil MiS:! Iluth Probasco w nt to her lind four grandchildren In the early years of his life, he J ..n ullry ~'ebru.ry }larch A,orll M",. home in Wilminl{ton, Salu rday after· noon . She will not teach du ring the Wll3 left an orfJhan. his lIIother hay· 6th .. . . 72e :3t:d . . . .45c 3rd . . . . 58e 7th .. .. 65c 5th . . . . 60~ ing di ",d before he \VIIS fou r yea r ~ 0 h 4 c 10 t I1 .. . (!u 1c14t h ... 65c 12t I1. .. G2c coming y'e ar, as she will be at home old , !lilt! he lost his Illthe r three 13th ... 72e 1 t ... with her fat her . yearsllller . A recommendatio n be· 20th .. . 64e I 7 th . . . 53c 17th . . . 63c21st . . . G7c 19th.,.62c Mrs. Seth Cook and daug hte r and ing left by t heir fath e r th~t the bo~ . 27th .. . 55e 24th . . . 55c 24th .. . 6Se 28tb . .. 67c 2uth . , .60c Mary Wr ight. of the Friends Hom e. Icarn t ha business ~f fa rmm.g , .fo r It 31st . 65c went to Peebles Ohio T uesday 10 ' \VBS hcal l hf ul ann mnoeent III Its as •______~~~.....~.......;...-----~..!..------:--------_: att~nd lbe run~ral ot' Mrs. Co ~I\ " soeiations, it was th ol,lght best 10 \ C' pay the FRElO t lT and guarantee thecrcam and rans aKain~t 10111 a unt. Mr s. Wright. take him. togathc r with his brotht! r~. Noah H . and Josep h H.• to the home
Ha ve you paid your taxes?
Made of clean sanitary cotton with good arl t ic k. in ro~ edge . :~~;';;;f~:~~~~~::;::.,~
h:1 ·c the excl usive age ncy for the entire l~ airbanks-
Is one of the rn st important
Mo rse line, including
1ra Bi:J:l'.)ny, M i ~s Doro t hy 'Jnd Master C ha lrn t'r 'he rw ourt , o f Lelia no n, spent s 'e ral hullr hf're with I tri nd ~. Th u rsd yaf lP rnoon.
You should cl loo. e .)our furni ture as )OU would a friend, and elect wil h care furn iture with the Cjualit, and ileall t y that will make it a pleasant companion thr611gh man y yea rs. Y Oll can choose 'uch furni~un.' from Adair's f1o ot's, a nd you will fi nd it very reason a bl y priced , t oo . .
$32 75
Mril. T. Sh (' rwoocl and dAll~hter. Rut h. ar r ivetl h e r e Mo nday 'vclllng . heiml call d bllck on necr/ unt of th e illness o f Dr. l' Sf) rw (,ol l.
The Business of
Bqt Gmde Seamless Brussels Rugs in Allover and Floral Patterns. Have been selling for S39.00, special 9x12. . . •
it!a 't' nl the Gu-
D<!!HI H"we I, of Iht! U. R S ),llIh o. r l'lverl h(' 1 . f u\!.· t! lIv e" t'llin!: . (1 ~ll PJld " f e w " fI~~ f urll1llgh wit h hl ~ Ilatent, "ml fn 'IHl s
It is not neee,lsary to lillY r li ~ h o r y o ur turniturt! . T!lk t: nd ,' an ~age o f Adair's Con venient Pay· ,ment Plan .
Tapestry Brussels Rugs at ,BIG REDUCTION .
t , at the IHlccIIlllurl:' the St: h 01 h O ll~(·.
l\1i s~
Whi le
dallrp in Dllyt,' n Munduy
L OR - . Inell a l p fot; n' ic: .. ;I t
7,' ["
We have machillcs on hand at all times and will be pleased to demonstrate their superiority to anyone. W have put in a stock of De Laval repairs and De Lavel Oil and are in a position to look after the ~eeds of all users of old De Laval machines.
a.turday, J une 7, 1919, B a oar,lI i~ l d
at l! o'cloak g. m .. all her Good!\ Hee btIJa for
b.. 'raok and am pr... I pared &0 40 an Illade of baaUo.,. .,A B
Call m e
· 110,.,
I will bO
bli nd.
JallUl8 ~ohu, Lytle, Ohio. . jelS
~peciall8t In
W.,nellvilio 0)0
. .-~.---------~~. . . . . . .IIi!lfl!l• •"
Seventy-Fh'st Year
'j-oCAL ;t
.fOR PRESIDENT . "WHlnt' n (If Ohio sha ll vote fnr Presid ellt ill 1920" .
. you pai.! your taxes'( Have
Have you paid your taxes'!
This will rJ rove to knockers o.r ~he Red ~ oss that the Heo Cros.~ knlttmg We have sll heard 80 many ' argu· Ernest Earnhart spent Sunday with Dean How ell GIlO . Waterh ouse lind Ir eached the soldiers. The following menlH fur Illid Ul(llillRt women's ~ uf· hl ~ parents in Da)lton. Ethan Crane ~erc Dlly ton vi~itor!l. l letler \Va rccE'lv~ last week by ono frag'1) thllt 'it scarc ely Set!nJS neces· Thursday. 10f the youn~ ludllolS of t~ o .Lytle ~ed ~ I18ry to revi!!1Y th om Sifted down Dr. ))111, Osteopat.h 21 S. Broad· Crogs. A shIpm ent of knlllmg. whIch we can only reach one 10ICicsi conclu · way . Lebanon. Ohio. , left here I"eb. 14. HIl8, contained a elan. thllt is. there i ~ IIU rlmROn why Play Croqu et! Fr:d 8 Le,bllnon ,!JIg Ipair of so ck s that she had knit, and the womAn whl) wi shes to vote IIhould Storo has sels et $ 1 ,,!'i ,$2, 2v and iIi~ 75 hidden in the toe was hor nnmo and Mr. IInt l MrR. I~r ed Hartsock Bnd be d -llied that (l1·jvilelle. . , Ad dreS8: Till! chh: r and only serious OPIlO ~I fumily , of IIIi1furd ~I\tmt Sunday with April 12. 191 . Mrs, J . r Cadw all ade r ~lIcl\t the relutlv CH . tion to wn lll a n~ ~ BuffrllgR hllR IIlwlIYS he rman was right. At prcscnt, I week·cnd with Miss lallIu Brow n. of ~he!lO PhotographS HllolY 1110 . '~ '. ' . . " ' .1,~~ ,.3:tlllnnQ N(, · ~ w hlc:h ha u Ju. , rr""' b blstOry by com(, i!'lnn t he ' 1I4uor interests. 110 I,m 10 II forme r German hosvitnl on Columuus fl ytn g t h o AlInli ti o. Qoll th" unlvul •.~ thllt IIv W t ill' uutl ook i8 much mono Mi ~s Wallo" T hollln~, of Arcanum. .,,- ." ,, ' I' untll D bl!lMlt> In th e J\lP.oro~ . 'f""', ,.., lh o lIl el Ill(' out·skir t", of Cohlenz, Germany. etop before Ih!' h pp to l'I .~'m. p.", ' .. , . >!. I ·,· " ~ I I... ' ~ .. t:n l!\l! ..... ""n th,e llt nlr <rl ;>. A(\lIllrnl J 1l.()~. hopcflli. Jt i ~ inrleed quite po~s ih l Q is t it/! ~Ul!ll l ()f Mr. and Mrs. Georg'e . It i ~ nn w on e "f Lhe Amorican Base tlOD . U. S. navy . Ie I)V~l lJl! Wllh H ,,, .. : ,~ , . ' . •• or.' U"'~_ ~.. JlM. . .a. I» l:01IIm4A4 "1 LIIe Ql'QlL that the W"111cn " II over the ell tiro Illl rlHu,·k. I3 rYllrt-l\IHI'~h Natlll.nni . 1 ~I Z It l\ HdsllilaiR lind 1. one of il HinmutCII. Lamp tlr!' t he b(l~ t . Klr hy. ' Wl11 ~ tun C. I)cct to j.lrlid !\ c fr om it und re. Unitu'J ~III LCS s hall vo te for the pl·(!:j· Setl us be foro huylng your elect ric id'lIIt a lld Ulei r respeclivQ governors t urn to my rel,(im <:nt in IWO or th ree SOI IlI.! Ilew' fect's will lw ~(' c n nt th e w<.ekR. next) ellr iron . Kirby & Wtnlltoll. Qne of th e first acts to come bcfore Miami Th eater thi s week . (jo und Now 1\ 3 (hOlY RIl\' , "if " i~ u small APPLES AND MILK IS the new Cong ress thl8 'summer is to Bee the m. I word but means u 'g reat denl. If wo ' Mr. and Mrs. A. E .. We11er, or eubmlt a universal woman Buffrage hud n l beeu r e 'illwed hy Genpral , CHo.cHO'S TEXT . ' Spring Valley, visited relat ivell here amen.lment to the different states Will I' urk s nnd I ~ anc Lin oln s p nt l'el'shin". Bml if ttll.! auto I WU8 reo for ratitl cation Pres. Wileon in his la8t week . a coul,l e of days 11.ISt week in Tuledo turn ing ill had not Crl13hl!d Into a messn!!'I' to GonlCress urgerl t hat this utlnk, I(iving m n I J 1'l)k ~ 1l C(,lIlir bone on bUllhlflS9. be ad('llted. Woman's suffrage hUB Jllp·a·Lac Is the beRt for floors. and Ncnd ing me I.J t h .. hos.,i tnl, in nil boon a !llIccl'ssful and JlOI)ulllr is.que You will finll It at Fred's Lebanon pr" ll1iiJ illly your !lIlIllU A[1(i adoress We h llVl! a fil ii lille!lf JlrYlln. Mnrsh w(,ult! in the statCII where it hili' III ready Hig Store. Mr. and Mra. Thomus Lllcy and still h ~ ullknown to me. A fnmily reunion was held. Sun. Mazdn LUnl l'H fur tr) WII curnml o r been arlopt.ed. so there will prubably family enterlnined In honor of their The Ho,l russ ~:lIVt.> ou l socks. yesclay. June l et. at th e home of Albort farm lig-hting' (liants. l\irb. , ' \ 'i ll"ton be no uPPoliition whlltevcr th pTI'. Hnd terday. and Y'IlH name and (\ddre~ Mr Rnd Mra. Wm . Daughters snd son. Charles, who' ball arrivcd home Shepherd. near Wayne.ville. celebrll· it is to be h or~o th ul lhe oth" r !lt atl's familv liperlt lIlI O day laHl week with from over aeas. the following : Mr \\' 0 ill my paIr tlng the 89th birlhday of his fath er, Mr. IIl1d M I'H ,Juhn Hyc ami dill )!", wi\1 adopl it in the co ntaRiuu ~ man· frhmus in Xenifl . and MI'll Cli ff Evsns. Mr. und MrR. . I'erh ap~ yuu :;h IV, or hailS hea r<l,' Daniel Shepherd. A very pleasant ner in which the prohibiti on IlIllend 'ers, o f ncur S(Jriflg \ 'I.I II,,~. ~ l'e l1 l of 'lllu nellJ C:lr, 1'/00 fJc is. or rathe r Elmer Cheno weth and ~o n e . Mr s l' d d8Y was epent by sll, and at noon a meot W itS rlllifierl _ af ternoon wllh 1\1 r~ . 1\ nilS was, lin Ohio ~:" i" nal Guard colone Mrs. Ernest Lacy and family. Mr. Mr . C. M. Hobitzcr and family and bountiful dinn er was serve- I. ' A large Sundny The Ohio Stille Grang' Monthly spent Hal n ,,~ . Mra. Jucob Lllcy. Mr. and Mrs . aTlll Il.Util allO ll tlVO months ago last w ok Ilill r olatives In bouquet of Am ericun l.leuuty roses gives a very Inl ereslillior arli el!! on Barnesville. Ohio. J erry Roland. Mr . nnd Mrs Jacob '. helllJe(\ nur oultit. decorat ed the center of the tahl o. eqlllli 8utfrHg'e In Michigan. this StrouSe, Mr. and Mrs fo'rank Cook. I am a former member of th old Grondfather Shepherd also hod IlR N il tic e- lI avin l{ purclli~~ed the sprinll's election beinll' the first in . Mr. and Mrs. \\ ilbur Lacy lind Times Stn r rll ut e I IInl now goi ng to 10lh N. Y. Intl.lnl ry ~nd lin now ~ell his gues t. his young'll R iSler. Mrs. which th e wo mell of the stulc voted. Bave you paio your tuxe<J? daughter, Mr. and Mr8 Guy Cheno· deli v~ r tlt ls pal'~r III WHI r ,Inor fur 0an my fourLh yectllrlln t~e ~er~l~e. Itebecca Beatty, of Monroe. Oh Io weth and children, Mr . and Mra A. In most IIl'c tt ons 11.'1 mllny women 10c pl'r \w!ck. Murro.v 1I 11 pkin s. etwCfi'n ~ t r lk e u y. e aXlc n Others pre.~enl were: a nephew. voted as mell lLOet proilubly 8 S l'1lici· Mrs. A. L. Sides and ~iss Lilia E. Chenoweth. Mr. ar:d M1'9 Clevev troubl E! , guard dUly ulong New Yo rk Mr Wehard Shepherd. wifEl and ently anll it telligelltly us well It i!l Benham visitod relnti ves li nd friends Conner and 80ne. Mr. and Mrs. Carl , Cily ' ~ pip' lin e lind this war. I have neioe, or Hamilton, Mr. and Mre. Al Mr. e lmor e Mel-Jh l!r.• "n. Mr. ~nd hall enollgh of tilc Army until the eufe to ~IIY lhat had it not been for at Wllliamlitow n, Ky .• Itlst we~k. Pickering and 90n, Mr. and Mrs . J .C. bert Shepherd, Mrs. Ida Mendenhall. Mrs. Arlh I' McPher:;, m und fami ly. next war woman's v(,te t.he temperance ,oform Chenoweth, Mr. snd Mrs. Warren of Spring Vlliley. Mr lind Mrs e has. or Springfiei li . were \\',~d{ end g uests movement in MichilCsn mil{ht have Well, here [ am telling you of mv lAcy, Mr. and Mrs. ChbrleA Brad 8ovorsl fl1miliCl:! froro Contervllle. Shepherd . of Cltl'.f!lIr's Creek. Mr . an . ot Mr flno Mrs W 11 Madlloll. been seriulI!lly retlu rled . dock, Mr. Wult(jr Lacy and children. hi~tory. alia p~l'hap3 you a re not the ciundny, where picnlced uelow town. Mrs. J ohn Pramer. of Oldto\\'ll. Mr. The Gnlnl{e h"" IllwnyB heen an Mrs. Huldsh Burnett and three son8. leAAt bit interc!lled . and Mrs. OUs Pramer and ch ildren activll force in '"orking fM IHohibl· they spent th e dsy fllllling and eating. Mrs. Mary Hawse. Mitlses Irma. L. 1\.. Zimme rman iA in Akron , Well. I shall o\ose, thanKing you Xenia< Mr. and John and Ruth. of tion and 1I11ivO>' !!II\ womnn's Au,ffrlll{c . Mary and Elizabeth EvanR. BellS OhIo. altenllina the fiftieth Grund for the Books Mrs, J eBSe Campbell and son. Ken· and it 18 tu h hoped that Illl lin OT Come in and R C t ho "United Wardlow, Dorothy Miller, }o' lurena Oho-C . 110 , tbo blglb08t paId ~I'" K. of P . He IB the local r ep· &:!rgt. F. L. AUStill. neth . of Yeilow Sllrlngs, Mrs. Lucy Lodge. ganization \V shall d o 1111 ill our Stal es" Lill'hling Plant. For sale by and Edna Lacy, Me8Br~ , Howard 4U B elo,,", In ~e fJnltOO StatM, resen tative of Crown Lodge. No. 538. Army of Oecuuatlon. elma and Keiter and children. 'fh • OC8 abont getting bls smll08 In a pOwer to mnke it p Ol!~ihh' for Ilt)l Kirby & Winston or T. E. Rogel'il. and Will Chenoweth . Charles, Ed · Germany . Louise. of Oldtown, Mr. and Mrs. C eolontiOc W6)1 . He bll8 boOD em· only the wnmC'11 of Ohio hu t flf lhe ward and Robert Strouse. Forre9t Mr . nnd Mrs Frank Taft. Mra. H. plo)lO(\ tho govolrnmODl, work· A. Sollers. of Sprillj( Valley, Thelma entire Unih·rl St Il os t o Vil le fGr Mr . and Mrs. GUY Ki bler and son. Hoblltt. Ernest Braddock. Hebor Ing from the Interior DepartmoDt. Sollers, Harold Sollers. Dorothy Sol· C. Vaughn ami M i>l.S J cnnne F.rgu80n Presidellt in 1920 Miss Ethel HOllier and lo'urrBllt Hough Smith. John A. Trayser. Israel Scott. -nnd be tolls the "ddloa, "to eat lers, Ernest Shepherd. Wlleon Shep· of Dayton, w'r o g uelils of Mr. and ted apples aDd drl.nIt a pint 01 -.- --were South Charl8llLOn visitors. Sun· Charles, Bnrry and Gerald Lacy. Mr . herd, Cora Shepherd, Eva Woollard . Mrs. J . W. Whit.:, Sunday afte rnoon. and Mrs. Thomas Lacy . ml1l1 a d6Y . you 1f1bl emUe &0 lOt day. Anna Woollard and Mr. and Mrs. bOff mu~ )'011 wel8h." •• Lawrence Shepherd. Mr . and Mrs. George Oglesbee. of Mr. and Mrs. H. E Earnhart and Xenia. Mr . and Mrs. Elias Oglesbee Mrs. Lesler Gordon spent Monday and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gons and son. and Tuesday of this week In Cin· Robert ~iBlted relatives here. Sunday. cinnati. The offering of a $10,000 Victory Misses Effie and Angelino Hollings Memorial free to the county selling Abe Dakin, ot Dayton, spent the worth. Mr . Walter Wa(lsworth and the lariest amount of War Saving!l The fifty.slxth annual convention week·end here with relatives. Abe A WI. Frank Landis. of Lobanon, spent Stamps per capita from June 1 to of the Warren County SlKlday·School looks fred B. Davis, daulfbter of Mr. and as though hl8 "over seas" trip There will be a special meeting of Sund ay evening with Mr. and Mrs. AUiust 31 has stimulated the sale of wu held ilt the Prll8byterlan chureb, had done . ST MARY'S C;HlIRCH Mrs. J. A. Davis of 4 Douglas ave him a lot of good. Waynesville Lodge No. 163 F . & A. Guy Kibler.. . war stamps in this county. It was MaBOn. Ohio. last Thursday and ft'ri· Due, and J. Martin Murph)" BOn of • M" on Friday. June IS, 1919, pointed out by Mra. Mil ton ~eel~ r, day. The meeting W8!l largely at· Mrs. M. J . Murphy of 401 East ft'ifth Trinity Sunday, June 15: Sunday begInning at 4 o'clock p. m. Bharp. Dean Howell left. Friday evening, street. was celebrated Wednesday at School at 9:30 a. m. Morning Prayer Slut eB"Elec tric Light· who ~as charge ofthe Women sdrl~e tended end It was a very profitable The M. M. degree will be conferred IngThe"United Plant is direct· connected. self In tbls county d~ri!lg Ju ne. that a bIg one Mrs. Phoebe A. Curtias. State to join his IIhlp, the U. S. S. Idaho. 7:SO, at St. Josepb's church, Fatber and Sermon at 10:30. Everybody on tour or five candidates. Supper and automatic' stopped when Btart toward wlllnln~ this memo~i al Superintendent of Children's Divis· after enjoying a thr?e days visit with Wade oftlc\atlng. Invited to these services . will be served at 6 o' clock in the din. cranking battery is full . For aale by T. E. can be. m~de by bUYlIIg or pledglll.!I" ion. Mr. ArthurT. Arnold, Secretary hiB parents, Mr. and Mra. B. 8.. The bride wore a charming gown . Ing room. Sojournlhg brethren and ROllers or Kirby & Winston . Bubscrlptions durin~ the wotnen s O. S S. A , of Columbu8. and Rev. Howell. of white crepe de chine witb blue • M. E. CHURCH vlsltors are cordially welcomed . drive. In the hou~e to house canvas W. S Bransford. of Dayton. were trimming and hat to match, her cor· Another ap~ial communication Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas. A Aage bouquet being of sweet peas. the principal speakers The local Sunday; June 15: Sunday School. will be helt! Tuesday evenIng, June Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham. Mr. to be made In thill county during June county ministers, howover. were Maffitt. Mrs: Sue Hawke. Mrs. Ralpb MI88 Davis was attended by Miss 9:16 a. m .• F. U. LeMay. superln- 17th , at 8 o·cloek. for tbe purpose of and Mrs. Morriw Sherwood, Mr. and prospect ive purchasers are to be .told pr8118at, and IMIveral of them made Miller and Mrs. F. H. Farr attended U.len Murphy. sister of the iroom. tendent. Preachln~, 10:30 a. m. and conferring the E A. deRree upon Mrs. B. S. Howell, Mr . and Mrs that War Savings Stamps form the best investmant because they Eastern Star in8p~tlon ~t Wilming· who wore a beautiful pearl· grey dress 8:00 p . m. SpecIal music, bclth one candidato. excellent talks. Carl Sherwood and fsmily I.IttBnded world's ara government securitietl. redeem· The music was furnished locally. to? Tbursday evenin g. with hat and shoes to mat('b and car· momlllg a~d evening. Come out and the Anson reunion at Clarksville, able S. D. Henkle. W. M. on ten day call and bearing 4.27 and Willi of a high class. Seve~1 rled pink rose buds. Harry New· worship ~Ith U9. Sunday. L. A. Zimmerman. Soc'y. per cent interest . from Wa,nesvi\1e attended. Keep In the Bbade! Keep cool! bright acted as best man. Gideon Nelson ,Jollv. pastor. • - - -... Use a Detroit Vapor Oil Stove. No At the conclusion of the ceremony • • Week·end Specials at Fred'B Leba· wicks; lights inlltantly. works Ilke breakfast was served at the bride's Harveysburg Friend. Church non Big Store this week: Men's 98c gas. See dally demonstrations at home after which Mr. aDd Mrs. Mur· Amos Cook. pastor. and $1.26 Shirts. 69c; $3 .00 Pants. Fred's Lebanon Big Store. phy left for a honeymoon trip south . $1.91>; Men'8 $\.50 Overalls. 11.85; The bride Is a young woman of Sunday. June 15: ~ible School .at 76c Union Suits. 5Se; Boy \' 50c and Evan H Brown of Carmel. Ind., cblrmlng ac:compllyhments and popu · 10:00 a. m .• Anna Stinson. superm· 7fic Hata. 25c. Is tbe gU~t of Mr: and III rs. Charlill lar with a wide circle of frienda. t.'lndent. Preaching Service at 11 :06 Simplicity market! the marriage, Sherwood. Mr. Brown left Wayn.. Mr. Murphy Is at present con· a. m. Come to theae services, you Wm. Haines, of Toledo. arrived Tuesday evening. at ~he Firs t .Metbo· ville forty·two yeal'S ago, and with nected wltb the Qhmer Fare Register will be more than welcome. Come here Tuesday for a short vacation Co lliHt churcil.· of ~ISS Zetta Edltll and bring a trlend. Tbe Drlvlng Auoclatlon hold but one excepUen, thlll is hi8 first Compu)'.-Dayton News. visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J . G. Teach to FrancIs Mllror Chenoweth. • _ • a meellng at Oakdale Park on the real visit back to his old home. HIli A groat m~ny farmerB. who are Haines This is the first time that RBV . AsaJ. Kesthl, thell·pastor,offi . C~sar's Creek Friend. Churcb Fourth.. Everybody knows what father, Saml. Brown. will be remem· tired of holdlDg' their tob';lcco, are "Billy'; haa been home sinae he left cillted.-Xenia Heraili. Roy ba9 this mean., and a fine day is In antle- bered by our oldsr re&ident8, and Sunday School at tlhla church overy selllng, the price being paId 18 15c. six years ago. He has been recently bsen working in Xenia for the past ipatlon for Wa,no Township ~ple. lived on the Bellbrook pike near Sunday at 10 o'clOlek. Preaching Of course. tills wl11 hardly pay tho discharged from the army, Bnd is year, and his many frl!'flch .in· ~rl1 Cro88wlck. Stay at home on. the Fourth. for ralelngtha crop last year, looking fine nesville congratulate hIm . service at 11 o'clock a. m. You are farmer but the average farmor III after hi. . ' . , cordially invited to be preaent. mOlley an d will no' hold over ·the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ cro·p for another year. Tbree car LYTLE M. E. C.·I URCH 10adB of tobacco was shipped, Tues· Sunday School every Sunday at day, out of CorwlR. 2:00 p. m. 'Regular preaching ser· • R. C. Younee ~as registered for v(ceeverySundayat 3:00p.m. Choir thll.hort courae m stied testlnll. at practice and prayer meeting every the Ohio State University College of Wednesday evening. Everybody Is Agriculture, being held at Columbu8 cordially welcomed. tbla week . The purpose of the course la to RII III 8 ti t Church acquaint seed 'dealers with the oro . (gev ,0 . ap : s ,1810ns·of the new Ohio seed law and Preaching servicesl. Sunday, June to offer tralnlniJ In the analysis Cit 15. Bt 3:00 and 8:00 p . m., by Rev. seed.-. F. H. Hillman. of the United K. O. Arthur. of .F ranklln, Ohio. States Department of Allrlculture. Come and hear the Word of God. Saturday. June 14th, la 'F lag Day. delaTed to be one of the most exoert and the flalf wl\1 be unfurled on this seed analya18 in the country, wl\1 be Middle Run Baptist Church day with more meaning than she has . In charge of the laboratory work. . been unfurled before. to celebrate The nnnual Basket· MeetinlC at · the greatest victory in the history 01 ... Middle Run Churclt will be held next the world ; See to It that your flag Saturday and ~unday. beginning at Is unfurll!d on that day. o
- ..---
.:~~~~~.H!~~~~~ IJAIL
Summer Fashion Range Limitless'
~~~~~ :i~8t~:·llr;~~.!a:!l~oa~ • - -- WOMEN 'qJ' SOCIETY prelent. MADE COMfORTS SUMMONED ON The'ladles of St. Mary's Guild met LODGES WILL THE PETIT 'JURY 'with Mre. ·Caskey on Thursday after· DECORATE ON SUNDAY· noon and made two comforts for the Belgium Relief Boxes. When the work was finilJhed. tho hostess served Ice eream and' cake, After a. plea&d" ant eoclal half·hour. the ladl\lB a • joumed not to mllet again until Sep· tember. Lou B. Barnhart, Sec'y. • - •
.Clarence Rye, S. D.' Henkle. O. M. Ridge, Hev. J . Ji'. Cadwallader and Frank Elbon were summoned to Lehanon. Monday mornlnlr. ·to serve on the petit j~ry, but Rev. Cadwallader and Clarence Rye were excused for sufficient reasons .
Nl'xt Sumlny. Jume 11;; Wyoming Lodge No. 102. I O. O. F, Mltunl Valley Council No. 103. J . O. U. A. M.. and Crown Lodllre No . 638. K. of P. will again unite· In their annual • memorial services. The members of t he various orders 1II,1ll meet at tnelr respective lodge rooma at 1:10 p . m .• and be rt:ady to mat'ch promptly at 2 o'clock. The procatillion. beaded by the band, will march to Miami c,mMrs. J. A..-Funkey died at hel" stery whe~r:~e:da;~~.P~~~~:I~[~ Warren Braddock:-of Waynesville, home on Main street, Sunday even· will be was fined bl Police Judie Smith tor Inlat 7:45. She has beetl an Invalid ,",Vetl allto speeding -at 84 mUea per bour for the put ,eIlr but death at Jut be etrewn on East Main IItreet. He was the relhmd ber. The faneraJ will be Odd Fellow, firat capture of Clark 8tetbem, new held 'l'bUI'IICIQ afternoon at o'clock. pcII!IdbIJ caD. turn IDOtGr cop ,-XaoIa Herald. U tbe .~ Eo Oaurcb. b. ftl)wera ba can.•
... ....-_._..-
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Author t1/ "GRi\U;,T/\PK," "Tf IE HOLLOW O · 1-1':: HAND... ·'THE )fRINCE OF GRAUSTluU<.," ETC.
~' I
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'1hi ' yea r, il will. be well 10 , et el l it rig h t a \' a)·. T h er e j., l1() t!Jill~ more illJrio rtn nt in the 1l\1l 1di l1 ~ o i :l hOllH' tha ll till' 1111111<'1' hnt ~ol' s il l to lh: hO tl : c . \ \ ' liel l Y() II nre sati sfied with the pIons of r um hOJl1t', ctlll-.;ul.L nLh lhe :lld tl lec-t as tn till' a mou nl of lum her to be used ill th h u ildi ng . th r' n you go d irec tl y l'
pil . lfl _ 't" ! li n 'll' I:(111,1 r\ ·('f·"'o.:: ~ lH' fir ':!llIncr:1r!I:,11! IWPl'l t il ptn :,'11'4 II. , 1, ,UUIL!' ~.)I11I11I·tl'~·. l'n ..
I l lh'
''TIle va rlet!" h'nrk lil l ~[r . H n~n r r. ' rt , It "'OR nrMlllj:I',1 lhnl DIIIl"~>1""rtl " nil Boron wore to 1'l'0 to U nrlll' III " I II " hlreel 1II0tor Ihlll nfternn;"l. ~",'lIr" Ihl' jlldj!IIl{'ot, I'oy IIII' CO.<I • • 111111 ol ll' ,ul t o t he r ClllovlI 1 of th" I'prsunnl h('IIlII/!' Ingll of the Rlrn,"I(',1 IJIl'Htt'tte rr'"n th e hotel to Rnrl'" Tllvl'rn. TIl<' you l1j:pr octor!' lItOlllly n'f,,,,,,1 10 nco ecpt Dorn s' .. ffM In J11l~' 'hi-Ir h on r ,l w illi 01 til • T'IYl~ rn . Th ill. th,'y d ,~ cl nro<!, w ould III' churlty. II"d Ihl'Y pr,'· t'r r'Cd 1118 (rlNldshlp nllll h i' r " ~ I " o(' t to "D)·t hln g of thAt " MI . MIs, Th llc k. {'roy, however, WAS to be Im"lf',\Iu lely r elleVl'{\ or hrr position 118 chnlllhl!r. mold. She woe to bccom!' n pllylllg
r!,lr 1 11 ~ '.... 111, rdlu! l. 'Ill ' It \\ ', -I t rnH ~ fnrfl lf·!l I ntu Il Rill . ... tllJtwl nhh\(· t ~( J I uh.,,", t11lt 1 ,:n~dr" :md- \ II>:. wiUftI\ W~ .
lnut If ~ 11 t-i l U t.~ ,'urry fll ";l'r t'llOn n ~ nlf t hnr. ) ou whut I lU"nll
. " OO't ron?" Itf ~ rh"h l nu' ll \"1\11 10 ove~ Jl t" \\1\,., I UI . klll 1.r O n t hl' ~tl"11 n g(\ • It. h r' UII' fI( tho ,'\'I' n :-;1 nt IIgl' r :\l r, C UI' the wlr'.. . ' It . ~ P ,:---. , C. rtl r n J nllt ' \', W rfectly. T lIank YIlU fllr liJL llug ~, 'W hl' " '"I '~r'I IO"lJ wh y It WUII ml' linow . . My mln,1 I" nt r e, ' . r, .. o'l · ('n lh'u f':r .. "n Fu n!'),. Ir R ~1"'l'l)lInrllnJ(A h s. " A ~ IH' hU1I1! up thr ""(',' h' I' r !a. , \\ t'rt' n ( 1 J,!Tt"f'lIl"r th a n 1''-I(\lf: i t '}>:(, (1111C'f) 1'01,1 tn hllll ~,' tr. " \",) 11 lire U 111 0,1 (l r. to Jflf'l t 111 [1 1 I h .... f flll:'lr" \ to I H'u'IIl ~ \ it ~Ir. I n
( "h\(', ('olll'l nl'llIt: eh ftP.
snys we h :lvC' :111 rllltoll1()hil(' hilt IVe' 1l go 10 Mat\c\(oll's ami get tlt e Itlmher fo r it (orln. v, for he has jll st what we wn llt to rnnk n fi r.. t · class gnrnRc . :llld Ii ;,; ;'riees nrc so re nso nn 1,Ie. - - - - - -"" ' ;\ [ v wi fe
Il O
"l\l d .
pllI·t or t lw nHt 'IT',1 1 IlIl lf l ';"H,.;I. ~ t tlll n ~ll", I 11\ h \' 111.~ r :'II\ 11I\lIill ll1 l' l t. I f; ~ , Ttllil WOl1l a n it: rw Iud)· ... m ;,ld . lin d JII"""J ~, I \ l t ln' I II fhl ljf,1J~t' \~I 'r!' { I't ln _ you 'vl' li nt'" n 11 11 th ,' (hili ' thltt 1'-J ,.
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I,d :':1'\ "'11; 1111' d lu.r .. ~,I' I" ' rl: 1hft 1"'lf ~' I r 'II ' '';; ::I fl" lllf 'tr ,·qIH!1I l1 fol. t hp
l\'n s t hrr ," J\ t. r n ttr u'rlnrl, hf» !-.i"l n u l II InIH' ., I}r n t r /HHp up th f'" I1I U1II111dll ron I ill whkh t h" t w o nil' (I Imt\ 1i \1( 'n :-.hut dm"n. His ruln'l. ,,'Il" qull!' c lra r. Roo" nn,1 I ' :l ul "'pre not or11i ll n,.y Thh. ll('r~ , , ' h (\)' \""' re . 110 d Oll h t. ' lO IW:-.l men . nl' wl.1l1t1 1I11\,(' s nl ,1 Ihn t tllt'~· were Ih h'\' l'~ h ~ nt all "lJ r~: I I\ I·I7.IOl( Or{,I' n Fo Ol')' w ,'r Il 111)1 for Ihl' 'lI~· elo' lIr S (If M l"s Thll"k\'rIlY 111\'1 Ih. , very conl'llIeln !r Jl rnllr Ihn t UIl'Y wero Dot .. h il t hy th t,' :-11111 (' In a n ,
guCft t.
r;tushcroft tooll the whol e nffnlr wUh tho moet noteworthy compl Rcency. He BOOmed to rognro It oe hi s due, or
f) f\ y o IHI
... 'n "',11 1 -in t!dt1t l,
It WIll; '11111 (' \l r .. I,"IJI~
111M I h l'Y W"rl'
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trying t e rn" th' flor,I"r: III ("""0 1
t hl'fr r t'n l OPI'liltlon:-:
conl1 n"l1 10 t he ('l1n .. ,1\" 11 IIn r.
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fiuddenly She S topped and Looked Up,
tI ll- In
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Optlm lc: !c Th o uOht. Tilt' Jwlnd!'t 1 fntJlldu till 110..: of nn Ih p ' ''' lH t ('~ Hr c i;\ll'd l:lw~ HOt) l:U("I( ' n r tus.
ALL"p)(llo n t hut GrC"r ri F nncy fJ.)-.: .. t· ... ~t· (]
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• .....
lun'.· " I 11m so rry Ir 1
~t"l" II .. ,I--"
tertalnlng C!Oul4n't be dlsturlx.'d. 8(1 b e asked IDe to bave )'OU call blm up 118 soon !IS fOU revtved. Hla words. pot mlnc. Can up Mr. O'Dowd at Green Foncy.
the Dumber."
unea8lnees. I thougbt you m ellOt that 8be _ s comlog bl!rtl U8 a !,'1ICSt.
and 110
our rn78tet'7." Bam.. 'WIl8 slow In f'Cp ly lng. H o was dOUbting bUl O'III'D eora. It was Dot C!Oncelvabie tllat an ordlnnry-or even an eztl'80rcllnarr-ludy's tullid cOllld Ilave JIC)i8eI8e4 the exquJalto V'Olco ond manner or 'bIB ebaoce ocquRlntnoce of the day berol'i!. 01' the temer! ty to or.d~ that 8OUl'-tIlCed ~hlluJTenr aoout .1 If- The cbllutfaur 1 "'But I thought' you Bald thot Mr, 0artIs' . ehautrellr W08 m oon-fRced aD4-"
"Be' Is,.
bedod." broke In Mr, O'Dowcl, cbuckllng, ''That's whot deceived me entirely, ond DO wond r. It " WUD't Peter at all. bll t tho rapscnlllon • • wbo w nt after her. Bo was ..:.tutrul.'tecl lID. tell Peter to me I till! four o'doet . trelo, and the blockhen d to,..,t to ..~ tbe orour: BedBd. whot do. b. c10 b~t BOl!flk out Iltter h er .11UIIlf. .aNd out ot bll! bQolR for IMr oC wt.t be "'liB to get Wm I' tel'. • bad tIM wbolA IIWry frOD! MI'fI. VllO "Well,
tftm od ousl)'
, ......... I." fIIl ld O'DO\vd wllh tl.1 I ..... -J Iaa•• lIt.'CO the hl' rolne ......... ~
hI?' a good· lOt IlUfi/rlsed that Jf 1011 .....• __ .. IIl.,
C l assifie d Ads
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ht' Wi' n t o n "'I)rfOll Sl,\"" "h e Is I! ~ I c:k IIlli n. 1'o" r 11('1"1 1. You soC' 1'\" , l ;nolTn him f or n dU7.PIl ~' (I'fln; lind mnfl ~, IIlld h,' lik e" m ~ , thoUl!h Gorl Il nows \\·h)' . u nl,·,s it ""' Y thllt 1 o nce did his son a. I:n(ltl turn In I,Clm!oo." ", IIf11den t excl.Iso fo r re pllratlon, I
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P c r chl" l o [l tl dl11i l t' l:! :sho uld ~t.: . t ltis bClJ~ '·. hur~ will ttl ,l ~l." I II .... 5l' ,lSeJII n t :!II. n t I j L Ptl ~ r St )ll ' S h . ll11. E\' t' l\' pH'c.,uti n
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(tC ':\I 1
ayton Coca·Cola Bottling Co,.
iU SUI , IJ(' t.' ,
I\l c"clr-rs' A:-; .. ncia· ju nrl;
Home Ph 'lnl! 0·171
TR CJ( IIA LI NG prenHracl tl' rio M II klnd~ o t 01 r ell ~ UIl. hle price" P h on" n r >Ae ,l BM n .... . Io lles,' Lytl .. , (1IlIo. !:J o me p hO n e tWI. j6l!5
h"oIIO I1,
bllve R t.ruok now , ,;nd om pre prlrJlcJ t,o ri ll 011 Rlnrl8 of hao,lojt. Gu ll fII f' lIo ti l will \).' on llllnd. .J llfll e ~ .1 1' hn~. Lyll s , Ohl j e l /';
RaIn by X '~" . A 11 AlI s trllllfin h ,,· ,~ nlll i I" ... rUlt('n tM _. fIl Pt l1 (,r1 fn r pro ,l l1l 'JII :'" t :dll h~' rill ... i n !! I n n(fl X-rn y llll lt"l '" 11, 1",11 ,11' 0 :-1 Intn
""It;,! I,,'"
Not be Misled!
ON I!;Y L,\Il[wd e n live Arnek, Ollll rr a l~, ulri ll Allco ud rnortgnjlell Notes bon l!h t J olln HI\Tbln B, Aile D Botlelin!,!, .xonlu , Ohto. B U!O
Phone 56-5
Waynesville Ohio
"lJnit('d States' ~ Eleclric Lig ht, B rya n-Mar~ h Mazda Lamps. Frantz Premier Sweepers. Am erican j3e~ u ty lrems.
(Cootloued on
4, •
rtve .h,,,dcd
011 " 1'(lIiCl\ tlnll
Writ, Jor OILr 1-i8t of U,.1i Trur.k Spccialll
Phone 34-1L-2S
O'le~llr ' S
O to r d,
Crf'Pli. ut WIIIIIIID S II j n tnt ~ li tlAh poltl, lIr, nte P VA~, n (}w Il U,ldrolllo f llO l, n ew lin e r nward fll r f.'torn of 81lme Lol) vl) lo t GnzeHI' ,"1>oe, Dr We.rr(,D A. Sur N
faop. 11 O. G. Wlly nesvlll o, O.
IF you \\Tant a first-class job tha t is up to date in every res pect, see us .
WE carry a complete line of electrical supplies in stock and sell them at reasonable prices. '.
:1 11(1
EWl:f'IICflt ~o l1dili"n
Harveysburg, Ohio
- - . _ - -- - - - -
"My donr f~l1 ow, don't 1I1 strcss your. seJt," cr ied Bnrnrs 1'(,ll rtlly. "The re ls o't till. ieost r ClIson In tbe ,i'orld
ll ~"
IlIlt·'" wltb
N takell
o f nlr th /l' II"
p~.:d Tr~c~ 'Special: Ne \\l y plt lntL!d
.---------- -
~1rn tn
n n iCO l ll n ' ,
IF~you contemplate wiri ug your hui lrlin gs, it will be to your a dvantage to see us for ' prices ,
Th:. Dottle
s(~ th". , 1 '" . ..~n·'·d If If,l .. ~" {.. n l' , t.....ttlt--<.Vl rr ... ,:e t..d ~ 1I 1, ... 1" 11"10' 10, .. rt , I ,' ... ,, ' '. N III" hu t dU"" " 'RU IM ~, .. <w In I II ' 1" ll1l a " tI ,,t:1.n u:-, HI no ot:bc~
I·n vestigate
y timc- ·- nny pl ncc-any day
\. a nes\'illc, 0 ,
12 0 · ~
Ht,oulcl "flY." smiled Born c». FOR SALE "I in l mill/ ce il t he Iu d to me o nly sis~-ter," s nhl O'O(lwd. "nnd she kept blm hllp!':.' f o \' tbe next l e n v e nrs. No E t-tHAN BA LtE S of all klods. Jnqlllril o f Rus~e ll Beo tle y , WilY, ,1,,"1.1t I IIlso 1I" 0 1'1(1c<l MI'.. urtlB with j t)25 Ihr ee KICll nll chl\ l lrc n bo might ne\" r u As v lllo, O hio. JIf"'c h nd I'"t fo r m y grnclo\lsncas." EW BlNDER-MoCormtl'lI, WAR A look of distre s s COlO loto h is merry 10 'rlld,·. J . U. Ohllpml1n. eyes. "IO~' J ove, rei like nolhl nl; hetjell5 t cr th un t o os " YOII In to h uve Il ell h of t ell-Ir' s Ic nlllll e, I~n ~urt~blJt I'd fiDe Bod of t:leed Louf T o baooo nu wnre think of rlolng It thn n I'd eon · . ~lao t ~ , r Olldv t.o ABl, bed H9 feet Hlclllr cu t ting off nfe h 'llIl, lie doesn't lon ~ inqoire Bt ~bls OUlCB. j o2a
made the ve ry nolurol ml s-
·tako of IIIQI'lng sbe budn'! cuine ut ull, at all. The young w~mRn In quest.lon .. llrB. Von Dyke's mOld. Dm, bl ess .lItIe 1IOul, bow WBS I to know. she wos "en In exlsteoce, much Il'fIs ('xrleeted by tralo ' or motor' or Shanks' mnre? Well, 1!h8'8 here, so there's the ('nd of
OD \he aJacI'u or Maumee Bay h, L3ko ErIe. Dear Toledo, 0 .. 1\ U-Jear-old YaaIr youth weighIng H 5 pauMs bas Sll1ppoc1 tor morn tm(lOr~t a ettoo of bls youthful c aroe r It Is Jack Dempsey. ebaJleDpr tQ .leas WlUaTd 's bea\'YweJghl oro",n In ' Jllly 4 butUo. Ho ha4 opened camp at the Overla nd club an<! e.ery morning b e' R lip wltb daylight ea Ume Bu n. oct tor 0 run. It plunge In tbo 1ll.ko aud tileD bae.II tQ CL he-man'. broaktaat. Here are ocw pIctures or thO challenger from his eamp a8 be started~ . "I'n wtnM-Ia DeIllPllGJ"s pet lD&6rYJew j)brue.
I told hIm )'Ou "'Oil e n· royalty at lunch ond
, ..____--Ift"e "ml!llow "volce of the Irl8hmun ~ . lOOn reepol1ded to Bnrtles' cnll. .. called ),on. up to relieve ),our mlod regarding the young woman who atne nlgbt," besnld. "You ob· IIIIno that I say 'cume.' She's Quit e all r1rbt. w o and so,!ud. nud no CIlUBe
Th e l1.rm r(' of n mnn IIP P"lU l'tI nl< It f r"' '' "'111(' Bill ::I e t rcp.. trunl, . Hilt! stnn t! 11It"I I ~'t I,\" I II It: ~ 1'lI lh-II t nll . r ll ~~,~1 m Ull I II o"N ull s w n'! be. whn l ll'lt l u ' plllle I n h i i h ~ ll' l tll !'chn r ~e tl b(>,II 11'
of my men are goIng to Homvllle to fetch bltb8P m)--" "Just II minute," Interrupted PutDam Jones, wholly unImpressed. "A man Just called you np 00 tbe phonl',
I" , II ~
fi n d lTr'lI hllll In imll'llll r . \\, flh o ll ~ !In(\I I'l'r gllll lC" In h l~ .BreNlon Ih" I1 r~ 1 '''1'1 nlllr" Jll ell~l n!r 1"1.<II'n t lIrn~d o n hC' r l w e i o III I c (lntlnlll·,1 h"r ~ I r oll. ~ O llnl r in g ,, 0' to tl1I' r l;.:lll . I'(' r rnlr 1l":l (1 l, n~1' rn OI' ,' 111'1 11 III ~ l1l l l~ hl'r burl( .. I'''l lll'n ll)· In'lllron 'lIt t o til,' J;".17. Q til " t r" lI" W('l l Ill' r . "W ho ell) r Oll wn ot W s e o?" 11I'I11'r ,I tll ~ IIln ll with th e ~fl IHII' . J1dnn' lInrnl'. ('nll i fl l'l'pl~ n 1, ~o "I )' \"llI CI' tlC"u ' !!'rI him fl"Om II hln'l. II ,' w h lrl ....1 1I1l,1 SII W OT101'i'd IIJ'lwnnr lli m:. Dot 1\II'IIly ya rd 11 11''':. Till' I rish· m nn's f l H'(' wn ~ tln'Jo w with plt'u"iu r c. "I Im e w J t'oululI 't hll ml:< lnla'n In th Si m p!' rou." he crlell. IIrlnlllelng with ourslrctchl'Cl honeJ. h \ 'nu ' v Q g Ol the b r('ndl h . of II ,lnckhnllrl I n YOllr should en's IIncl lh" tl"llIlIl l';;~ of n prlzo fl~h l r !In your WII 1< L" 'r htlY ~ hlllJ k hnll tl." . ·' l r"fl r I nn1 tJ'I.. ~ ftlll'oO ~ l n,../1 ~ n l l l H lI l'n ~s . H i:.: J..!h lD'·O Wt'llt u\"et· h lr; ~1 1fHl l cl " r :II,! Ill' 'l'!uo mnll wl t li ' he\ :oI1':l d l"l 11 :111 h l'f\u s\\'u l .. lo wed Ill' !J " Ill(' " II I'1i1 I J I ~ ev lll ,1 nor h nl' e '· Il IlI~lI", 1 m o r(' . qll ickly III I DY o l l1 ,'r w :J)'. orr nmong l iIe trcl's w e re l"l c rmll( ~ nt f11l ~ h !'s of blu e nnd While. "i 11m ~lIltr s nrl' you n rc." ~nl tl O'D owc! fll'Mnplly bll t wlthoul u trll,·e IIr lI nfrlell,lI ln('ss In his murllle r. "n,.. dlld. 1,)1'·1111: him ns I dn . ] cnn't h plp Hllylng I " " I ('lin Is Is II bally ol d era" k. Mlncl Yr'. I'd ROY It to hl ~ foce--T oft en d o. fo r the ruUIt P. I· of tllO t. O f cou rs p."
more proper., Rl)en1clng as If ho were elOIO, Bamlll! 1\ great fRvor lu RlIowlng blm to tend mooey to n person of bl s
w. J.
Jt~\,(l l
g nn .
lIullioroft Took the Wholo Affair With tile M", Noteworthy Complacenoy.
We a re I repored to t a ke ill , \\'nol at t il t' \~1~1lIL;l' i1 tl ildi llg, 1 Cor win . at e) 11 t illles, a nd will i p3 ' tIl . b i~~h(,'i l lll'lr ·(· t p r ice .! nrin g- in ~'(ll ir \ \" oul t o l l. , I a nd 'we will 11 '[1 (111 rirrh t.
Dempsey Romps at Maumee Bay
(1 ,
OgoutR who 11I ~ ' ~'d wit h ~I n l ·1,' 1' 1'H. . tl oneo lIut . ldl' th" ,','rv ~nt l'. of tb,' Opt ical Depnrt m\lTl t pIneo culll!t! Gr~f'n F.n n~."7 S. Detroit. 't. X('~i!t . Ohio nl s r omhll' enrrl .. 1\ I!i lll rill' I1ryolI .1 .. Open (> v enin;.:~ hy ol'Poinl rn ent • • • • • ~ •• $ . . . . . . " ..
( P\
1WI '
!-1l 1'!II l'rI tly I h~
'i TIF rL'AN Y'S'
IInportanC!6. ~ "A tbollrbt hoe jllst come to m<', IDY dear fellow," he r emorkc<l OR th ey aroee fl'om table. "With the proper llind or bact1tlg I could put over one or the moat .tupent'lon8 things the thoater has known In fitty yenrs. I don't mind ea111l8 to YOU-flIUlo ugh It's rather .ub _-that I have written n plftjo_ fOnHCl drllmn tbot will puCk die bla-t on Brol\dwuy to the ~ tot .. many mooths as we'd cnre to ita7. Pertla()8 you wtll nil OW III to tea It OVIII' wtth' YOIl a little hiter 00. You will be Inter ested, I'm lIure. 1Dpcl, Blr. rll reRd the piny to yo u. rU-Wbat bo, londlord. llllve your ~ automobile sent oround to the door 8.8 quickly 08 IlOMlbl e. A couple
\Vaynesville, O.
Ih ll l nlll' ",),',1 h"r slr'll1.
WQUl ll
11i, r" I!t'('11fln~ l'IHI!',' thf' r(". A wmn
Ih e ,,,:y In I II.' sl\lInll(\l1 . Ih ... " 11 ,,, 1 hl 4 eomlllln lnll . u!ll n (l l l,fl V,· hilt! tI", RlIght ()~ t l"I" r (' ~ t In 1 11~ mon''''l'n , "1' to th e In ~t a ot ht' . '11 n UJ l h ' rl'Cl till' YOUIlJ: \\:·..,nIJ'll fit lht· f'J'!,S:-:rel: tl .. , 11;~ bn~y IlJ-ntn ltltlrnly su, t ... r t·d th" t' lt h • ot n dl:itlnl·t (,OJu'lu.,;;lun. \" ,,'" ." lh 1 !l f~ I1{\", enn~IJlmtor? \\" 11" .1'1' th .' 11ls lrl e w orkp r Itt ' ''''' '11 F"Ilt"~' III n "clllold nlnn 10 rlfl(' t h,. P"I("' ? ': Could \I h " po ,11;1<' tho l ~h WA~ tho co nr,·der/ll ll or lh"'<l Jlll lrl~ll\k II~
('MI Z Y hlplI\{ 1 1<\I'r-.'·
t r lf 'U lO a " PII\ I
u ll Ih l'
the Boot wh or lllC oo I'S b.Jdl' I, R8 (ollnd
place to ker r it.
h h n (l f' lf, u\\"'lIn 1
\Ht lllri
d'l lJlllt J t h .. wll ,,! \\\" IwnclJ'!.:>.;nil W t" . , Il,e' I.' nl, J' 0 " (h,· 1111' tJl"H'ln~ f.) r' ·... t. Alld Ir \ \ "11' U p JUf" (l nr hu II dill,,'''. I 'ID ~ . I"w " lid lung Ilnu r Am·
I·\JIII:. .. 'I;,"\." hi' !'III I II
Automo bil e, But. N ·)
/\ho u t 60 btl, gool! CORNooro . tlbuuk low.dowo Al so 1
wagon. good
new .
MorriS ::!her.
WOod, R: 2, OregoniA . Ohio
Poland ·Chlo!) Brood 6 sl'lo. Inquire of ,lobo
Bow~ tor ,BSRO h , R j E'2~
2, WayneRv'llIe, O h io. Unwi se. Bu Si ness Me". Tbero be lIH)M 1\ ho nr o r::ou(ly to FIDB ~rllde J e r s .v Bull. to mon t hs ru~h Int'D grellt \'I' ntllr ~s IOn ~U:;P I C lon'l oil, Good dlspORitioo. "75 00. It t I I (\ 0 enrerul Walter L 8(1.wyer, R o u to 3, 2Ya '1 nlld os \V re. n o ,,, 1- n:: nm ~ miles "'outbenst of W.ynoDvlll~ c.'ihl1ll \l1' e ~ lI rvc~' of Iho sl t l l o t l o n . ' " ~ "" nor hUI-lug COUDt d Ih,' "OI'1\. · " jet
We Can' Save You Money. Let Us
Kirby ·& Winston Phone 86-8
_.__ .:=:::e: ------...CO,. 5{)ME ' GOAL ;1t-lfN. WaR I( "0 1'1' -
A"'I' "('.-IE. e~"OM NO M~""ER
'T' S
oNL'( -ANO
wA"l '<OI)' LL .f Yov'Re- NOT
10 ~CiIN R1GHl
•.•• T HE MIAMI. .GAZETTE ...• l St'Ulm EVE!{Y WEDNESDA Y It nlfoll'ntl
It \.
ville, Ohio
W RUN ESDAY, J U NE II. 1Hl!) N ro rl ed P'·omp tlng. Mr• •lot lll l l !! ' \\1110& u..: k ... , h ~'
lo culi nl II " ' 111 (1 11 11 11 11'0 IrCt hl'l' 'h l'l+I ' I'! 1\' 1•..,.: or
\\ JI~
h iM
w ll n t
n,'nlllJ:I'III 'II I1~ ('(lIIII I , ' r :
,lit! In t' nll W
fnr- I :o4uld
h. 'fe ,,"cl ~4"
Ilt1r MO Ine thhllt H '0 Wj' ur, " "11 I've rilr~ ' l lh ' ll w hut
IIrl" I
1 liuteO Il.
~' I1 I" 'd II }' JI IlIl 'I:i l'n l ll rl' h ~1 C IJ1-
I l u ll ',H
l u lt l ' ll
b )'
( ' U 1H I
r lt
M l' ll h.: lnc
.'i UrfU I' O I' f4
\!U lIU' !
h U:4 . ( 0 1'
th o l ilu t
:tl:lll':~t,~ r~,~(' l l~:~" :I~~; t ;~WtdJ l ~n:eJn '?(i~o~~~
I f'H I Ul' r h .
ll n ll'H l ' U l 1\rrh
M(1dl I n lJ ltC l ~
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h cu lln g-
Ili !'40Rt....d
por -
lV olIl ,1 YOII 011111\ 0 11 "11011 Il 110 " ".
r~W Ulll\~~1"
Aft ' I' YPli II nv c t HI( c u Jl ll.ll'H ~n l ll r r h Mrdl l"lil o ro r n Hh u r l thn e y o u w ill !-.t' n It ,.,rfl ll t , l m p l'n VC' I II f'nt In y n u r J.:nn (' I'll I Ill' u llh , ~ t n " l t. t\ ( ln J.;" lI u ll' d Cnt u r r h M c dl d n o at n u\: c Ill") t.:CL r i d o r ~ n"lI· rll . Sa nd f o r l .... tl lIlil o niob. (r oc .
Some Story. S fl'"
Huw'!'; This ? orr' -I" ~ I I" ~ Il u IHll'cd Do ll u.r:.. n o-
I Hulu-l u nd , \\ :11 .1 14..l t' llIl > j" H-i oufCu lIl rrh
,h l' \ \"" r, :, ~ II hi' In " 11 ,' 11111'111 111111 '",hlnll " 1':X ('lI tHi 1111' , Illy wlro
th e
II \\',.
" ' I1IIn !' II' \\' I :~ ; ;I\ ,_ hl'
\Vtwll ,.; h, · 1'~ ' /l dl,·tI f lit., ", ltl ll ' Iho 111111
gotft' n
",I r Q
F , ,J. r lll :N E Y & ('0., T o l c. l1 u, P II l o, Hol(t hy n i l J ) r ll~J.:I ~ t li. 7lic.
tho monTur-1l1 mtln, "Rn IflN1ny.
Ro m o,,:hf'r(', Rntru' hnw wilt ::~-::::=--:::-::::---:=====~ gPI "" In Hl'lrnlinn nnrl 111 Iho rprvor . -nt II H' hunr will wrltn n rlulnk or Uc. Keeplno Twl no. tlOI' Ihllt doeRIl'I ronlntn Iho word Jn Rtrn~ or mul(l n!! n hnll of t\ Ine, lor,IIt1 . ,hhlRn·t rotpf to lho OOt N" 'O oml J' rnll It lin on o of 'II(' 11 1111' I"" ... II'D , et. ,1111 or lifo nll,l I'Xr llldc8 oil DCr- hnnf11t'R fmrh nf' ('cwnt' ntt ll ITrhll ~ C:i a Dd lon _ with heet Ie fhIMh ca." bUll!! till " OD 0 hoole
1UlIIlC'IIIl rty ,
SAXON ·'SIX'-, The Practical Car \ comparison of lh e fea lures of Saxon" Six" w i Lli thos of higher priced cars discloses u Big Credit Balallce in favor of Saxoll Foo d... Ra.lllltor
8AXON I'IOlI'CO·Arrow ' 6~OO P ad,.nJ . :t OIl \V luLou atw o WhlLO
S t.t H·'"
31 ~ U
l\i ll lf
M urray h H.\' h'
2li tlu l U6u
W C\Kt.cou.
2 Cluu
A r11'M ft1un N o UII .. ,,1
3hG n 21:.0'
J.u, ' ngt.nn
H, "1i
Waynesville, Ohio
Phone 71
Stops the Dangers From . HOQf Injuries-Saves Horses Nails in the hoof often prove serious unless Healing An tlseptic Liniment is used. Until Antiseptlo HOll3t.onia (The Origlnnl Jones')' Liniment became generally kllown, tho trequent injurl:M to hoofs, ofttimes prond 'IIria"•. Now hor~o ownors know
,. . __--...:::====-__--: 'IV.
eem '
Iota ot trouble
lIa~ b) the foot. IInli .everal _ (It lockjaw, blJt th~t Waft IJe,. 'ore I knew a,l1U1lag 8boo\ your LIniment. It beat. then ClU. L. ,. Saatqn. "o~ 8hoer, ..hln«-
...- ....---
Houstonia Llnlml!Jlt la • hould be gooc1 for.
that a
fml' npplicatiOll:8 ot House-tonee-ah to II nail injury iil tha hoof, «luickly heals the wound without danger 'of infection. Don't be without it.
A dollo.'rboUIe 01 HOlllfonia Liniment III your IItabl~ will protec t thou.ands of .dollarB worth of 110fscflCfh.
".~f fVorytMtr"..~u
Sol\! by all &uggLlts HOUMhoId ..... Z5e and SOc. Hew Veterinary abe, 10 THE DR. 1. C. JONES COMPANY. So. CbatiMtoa,
0.., '1_
~m...- -Green-Seat';"w. Aouse and save
repairtbi lis.
House-ownen linow the annoyance and ezpense of continually payinK out money for repair billa. but by using Hanna'a Gteen Seal Paint on their. property Occasionally, ~ billa can bti done away with to a large extent. Any surface. if left to Itself an~ not properly painted, '18 bound to decay 8OOne., or later. w.hereat a coat oi. two of paint at reasonable interwla will prepare it·
---===========. I
\ \
ravages of timo and
Dining Room Furniture Burret, Solid Oak, Golden finish .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .
~J uec ll
Ann Dining Room Suite, consist: of (iU in. lluffet , 54 in. Table, 5 Chairs , 1 Arm Chair in
Burret GO in., in Mahogany William and Mary period . ...
Table, 54 in. top. solid oak fumcd finish ..... . ... . . .
w a ln ut or lIla ho g-any . . . . . . .
Sheralon lJi ll in~ Roo m Suite, consisting of eo. in. l3u llet, ~4. ill Top Table an d (j Chll irs, ill Walnut. •
Our line of
Are built on scientific lines, namely service and eeonoluy of ice. All have 8 walls of .insulation and 'white interiors. Side leers up from
$13.50 Top leers up from
$24.00 A Typica] Bedroom Suite Value
$87 00
This neat Ivory ·Bedroom Suite consists of Bed, Dresser, Chiffonier and Dressing Table with triple Mirror. A wonderful value at .·. . . . . . _ •
Labor . . . . .. • . . . . ••• . .•.•..•.. • 8upIlU8I ..... . .. . . .. ......... . . lIuPOrlD~cd\ID'·. 8.t...,. • • . . • • .••
8:8:88 0.00
IO\gel1 (hI!
Sil,. (\n ~
Inl O Flnglllnd.
Cork Linoleum, 4 yards wide,
" . 10
B.,,,..•.::::::: ::: :::::::: :::::
10. 00 BU . I. '_00
InlUl'Ulco .... ..... . .. .. . . ... , •
$1.15 $31.50 $24.00 .
yard.. .... . 9x12 Axminster Rugs up (rom . . . ... 9x12 Brussels Rugs up from. • . ..
North Detroit Street Xenia, Ohio
m ll " ~
thl' word An l;l ...Su:oQ,_ II
_ _ _ IIOLD Br·. . . . .
BeCe\pQl ........ , .......... ..
................... .
=. . . . . . : :....: :. ~
Dllb_Ce ........... .
D.lIy Thouoht-
. \Vrl&" til tbl) mInd nn" hra" IIn4 lit 1\11! pnr I'nn after whllt It ~
BaiUlce.IUDe 1. 11111 .. _ ..... ..
~ ,
........... , .. .
VETERINARIAN Valley Phone 25-3 "
Harveysburg, O. Orllduale
. ...... :. ....... ~ . IJ'<""W--
..... . _ -
.. _
1.0. HI toDD . DO 1000.00 lIa.10
o' 01110
Slil~ Unlver.U ·
Funeral Direetor and Embalmer. Waynesville. Ohio.
A Quick response. My visits are made wIthout delay, and I BIIve onlmals by prompt use of right rem· ediea , Call me as early as you can.
:"Ither Auto or' Ho:e 'driiwn aerv\l:~. No oxtra charge for auto servicil.
.....ephone 93
Waynesville. It Helps On the Cure.
Both ph~ In Offico No. 14.
lui, 10
t~e Miami Gazelle's Classified Columns lor Results
Funeral Director. W~nesvllIe .: Ohio -II:ITBBB-
Auto Equlpmellt Hone-Drawn equipment
BARNHART, Notary PubliC .
of Notary Wort..
aDd Deeda • t5pec!1a1b'. .
' THA . W AT DB. HE • • HA IIatn 8.
IIR . U 8083 . 81
M. A. Shoemaker Dr. J. A.
LeMln. DIna....
!D1l1l1!! I;r,' \\' til(' word F.II/1ll\nd ond the
Furniture Carpets, ·Sloves
, .11 . Itl.... .. . ...... ....... .... nre Il IIt~ vc.1 to hl\vC bcen the "u~ Oravol .. ........ .. ......... .. . o::;~ w..,...ri11e',. wor powerful rllel', for they occnpled Recorder reM·............ . .. . . ~ OlDoa III BalDIII 8Jdc. tbe lurlter portlnll of nrltnln, nnd tbey To&al_ •• _ ...... . ..... .... . gllve I helr I1l1 n1l' t o I hp Innd. tor out of
Formula 011
Good quality Felt Baek per square yard ... . . . .
60 Days Same as Cash on Amounts Over $10.00
An g l c~
a square yard
1100: 00
" . 10
'Cork Linoleum, 2 yards wide, per square yard . _. _..... . _
• 68 •• 12 , 011.60 All~lDAI
'rreIllUlW'S 8el...,. . . . • , .. .. ... . . Angl o-S.leons. ' PoI~ ... .. ..... .... .. .. .... . Th o An l!l p~. or ffingl ca. wero a pe0- Loane Mllde . .. '.. . I ' : . .. , . . . . . . Telepllona Reo.. ..' .. . . .•. . .... _ ple once I nrJlI l'1I In n llnrt of the world DU"lUld.,..~ 108...... &_ . . oow knowo n8 S<;IlI"Rwlg.RoIRteln nod ~~'r~ who ncc(IInp llntl'd or 1IIII I1ctl int ely tol· belJOll' Box _ • • •. • . . . .
Porcelain lined Refrigerator,150-pouncl capacity, side ieer
Inlaid Linoleum at
$19. 8 00
The Cold Storage Refrigerators
- ..
A " HOME COM I NG" lik e t he pn'!';" t ()('rurs only on ce in a life time . This gen rat ion will never ~ " ,t duplicated . History has no parallel equal to it. The weier- me .should bc sponta neous, thrilling, generou s and app rec iative ill a il that t hese t erms imply. In the hOI1l es more tban elsewhere will t he boy a ppreciate your thoughfu)ness.
.h,lI_ ... ....... ... ..
to withstand aD the
.tJ .·
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RAY F. MILLS, Dealer
m:: ~.1III1Ii
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Brallk aod Harry Bbldator, O\lr Lyt. e Rh"e'B ware ()Ilila '1'1' 6011. hURtling atooll trndera. sold In tb u . E . Jobns ls !Clvlng his iSOla .. (J ID oIUDlltt mDrkets , h ogs, 811oOll, De w (,UlH of p~l o' Q3,\ tle fltl . • I) ~·9! 1 .~\ · ·. ed l . ~'Il e Aid tloolely hl~d &n aU day eev\lrll / l'fI ~ , 111.1 'lQ 101'1"08 ' 1.'11' DR 'he h omo of Mr8 Leo ra tend lld t ;'b ;l;a.~~e to 0 .'" hld /le h e re I e .((0611 . ..... " dnc MitllY . Toesday ni ght., t " (Joo l1slon b e lo K ~ b e Int i llNion o( Hov .... ul (IIlnd ld"te ira. l obe rt f.i () n~ A,n d ob lld r e n /i$. In lit! Illl flLtoD work, o ud t b u 10 IlInn l' ~ u ~ (,"'\y to,oh o ol convon ap ootinll o1l:loo r btllDg pl0tlOn a tl OI, p\ M ·18 11U. rlmTsdloy. Lorlm zo McGoo 11;1 at h ome lor 30 M nu d Mr~ Frll.alr R ogers enter · da}, ~. hllvlD 8 enlle uti In t o U o oll! .taine \ 1\ cQu ~ l e o t dOll'S 11\8~ weok, 811.1D ' s or vlue fu r n uoth e ('on R th" IB r61 ~~l v ell , Mr. nnd Mr~. Edward I' r!l IU . Bo n B m~n ll u d doo g ht;or, of Ander . ~n d Mrs. Ed Mo ll'lu h n , . of 80n . l nlt W l lrnln ~ ',o n . ",or e lI ~odl\" g UOR tH of Mr, nnd Mrs. C. S La mb vIsited in Mr. find MrR.•l o~He ( lur k . Be ll b r ook. 8 undl)Y. Mr. hod Mr s J os. P . 0 3horn wer e Mr. Dnd Mrs . UhA." Johnl enMr. IIb 'l Vl'tn " In Wll m loHton . S,, 'u rd ny tlllDed on Mondav of 108' week. !otis, . e vent ll !:! !oIla ry EV6 F unsy. of.Oolumbus, aod No t Lln g b n~ bao n snld of 'b a t wo Mi ss MilT)' Cook , of Waynosville . Joun /{ [ UtUl, Edwin Ra n dall ancl 1.01'1 Wll b nr VIaI'll and family and Mrs. Lnk ens , by oor ourrospood ent, of e tll l11r B OOOOA ~ In Dne DdlnlJ t ll e Wav Mary Carmony motolfed'o prins nf'Fvlll A ROh ool. We fe U 80re of field, SnDda), . ~h olr HIJOOOB~ wb on t bey mudfl theb MIs8 Ill,hel Reeder .be gU8ll& stnrt,. 'fhoy ar e boHt of til e rl~ht of her 8leter, Mr8. WlirreD KeD.lok, kin d of m~tnrI6 1. I11l\to ly al lolrt oH ,,' Oentervl!le, 'he past week. I v o u a ~~. T bny will r~taend Ohio Mt8S0S Zofma. ROD and Cloo 8la01 SI n t ll Unl vo rs lty tblll y el>r with' tho and MIBsel! Bertha. Beulsb aDd Ruth foil IntOlltl oo of lIo\' otl llg tb alr on (;000 even' l'bursd"y 'w ltb 1If1. &eta ti ro 'hUt! t o 10llrnlull. Bod I' II hoped Null. non tiprtogbor(). . th e y will II r ad u ~foIl WIUI h ODollI. Mrs Nellie t:!oWArd . Of Bellbrook. T he wI~r 18 OV(I!' I1 n li BIllOklOQ olgar 1I'a8 a tlllnetllY guest of Mr. anet MrB et/ CR Is 1I 0 1n f.t ont of 8\ylo 1 ROOW Harr,. MoUlnnle . . they d O. ll ot, d o ' b al . I,o t, tile write, WI's . Laoy Charlton. "nd daugbler m erely IIpOl1lrs of It. litl there are Uerhude. of DIIar OrlllgoDt&, \OllIUed othor boy. t ha. ",Ill atlnnn lallt week wltb Mn. Emer, Ob"rl. samo onlversltv tt.t t he !Ilmo time . too, aod oalled 00 old netgbbolB Dob Bhltnr an d El!l1l11<1 Barpl, and frl onds 00 Koule 4. · wero oalllnil nn lI ('q n"'ln'IlDOO~ 10 Mr . and IIrB. B, L. Th.Dkera, of Xeni a , Frllby ol ghl . tlprlnabo.o, and Dloa lIIlal!len. of Doll. ·R ev . L. B. UaRo {lJIod 'ho pulOI brOOk, 'Were BUDda,. dtnDIlI' gueltB Bt t lle M. E. Churob. Socda, . of Mr . and Mrs. Charle" Ulut. R uv. Amos (;oo lr Is g<-Ulng aDooD After four mODthl1 IUe.ce, Illr. ~l d l\T u bl e ootbo al u lll a \ hl8 r.lIoroh aD d Mrll Robert Wade hayo !toard ou tho n vooall. Iro m 'llolw 1I0D. AUJIuBt. Be haB '1' 01'01 of no r color od popo l&ti on roollDtiy been bro1l8h'\ from II'raooe nt t ondod t ho Wliherfo roo oommen oe '0 U ~.; and 18 DOW in a h08l1l&al a\ m on t. l up ~ Tb or. d .. y . Cllrllsle, POOD " ha.'ollJ beeD ga8sed The I:l onduy S obool convention, !lnd oleo ba4 4tphtberlfl. h nld a t Milso n 00 Tboreday,. WttR at Mr. "nd Mra. J!'ral~k Smltb aod tended by wllny of th e O"IIIODS of Mr . .and Mr8. B'rank Rogere took th l~ vi cinit y . ~ uodf\y dinner with Mr. &od Mrs. I&oy MoKlrb,. In Dayton. ::Mr s . ChDR. Jobnll and son. Gloon, ~ V" D' ~torday 10 L.obanon. Mrll J Ob DS was oppolnts4 Obalrman of Wllyoe Townsblp W. ~ ~, Ladles ' Dlv. of Rod Oroll•• Iln,d met tbtl .oolll ml~t68 at a lunoheon at the Ownl,. Mu. G. B . Ellis stilI romaln! Botel. Satorday, ~Dd heardlpeeohe. ho Col. &8801 and 001. Dubs. q uite poo r ly . MillY Altoe t.:honolll'e~ b h_d as bvr Prt.ilte Everett Clad:, of 'be 10tb Io( O e~ ~8 6t din ne r , 8uod6Y. Mr. and Ballooo Uo., ... Iived home WeduesM r s. Vict or Bu rrla, o f Da1\on. I4r day evening, aher a :5 'ear'. I'ay ·tn , Rod Mrs. Ru sse ll Dlln t loy . Barr,. and UrllDoe. silt Inontbl IlIf wbloh tIme Ma)" ho ClLTl COllner , of Way n ea"lIle, I>nd wall spen.. at tho frollt . hilS "een grell' .lgMIl and ha. bad OUHlf S . MI'. bo d Mrs . (Joy Killer 80d 80n maoy experlenoo8 whlob he wtll not Wll r e elltor '$ uioed by r e lBtlv e8 at soon fo'rllet. Howev!lr, I&Y. he has blld enoullb lind IB gla,d Ket bact Boul·1l U h lIf J ~!\ l o n, IORt tlolll]8Y. hl r AbA Dllkln, of OBy t n, "pe nt home. I:l.. tur clny Ilfl d Ru ndllY w lt,b hi I{ rI\nd pn r e n tB . M r . a n d Mr s. B . . Oll kln , "o t1 ot,b e r re lati ves b ero MrR. ilpro n r(\ Allan aud 8tRte r , Mis. Loor .. Bill . WAre g ue HI,Bof their Illlfonte, Mr. lind Mr8 A. T . Bill !lnd family, near Ft. Ao ntent, Sandal' . Mrs. 8!lnollb ltIob spflnt ~unday Mr , and Mrs . G ll orge Bool)ok were with bor el8Mr, Mrs. Sarah Rieb, of sboJlPlog tD Day ton, I:!atord"y Barveyshnrl!. Mr. Dnd Mrs. Aln, LaddloRtoD Sonday,Jone 6 ,nt6tthclrbo"~~ able home, Mr. Thoma8 Laoy anet 6nlo~talned at dinnlllr, BundRY. Mr. famllv elltBr~atDed a \luga Dumber and Mrs . Lowry and eIOOS, John and of frlonds IIDd rolatl"el In honol of Todd, of Wayoe@vllle, ao(1 Mr. and their lion . Uharlof LIlOY, who hilS Mrs . Lnddlngt.on BDd child reD, of jaet ILrrtved hom e from "over SE I\S' nBllr BJaJtOhtl8ter. servloe. All broaght well filled blls Mrs. Mattlo Flnob Blld Ion. Robert, kete and at noon A r9yal dinner wos of Barve ysburg, were 8undllV guos'. aerved . Everyonll preseot reported of 114~ . aod Mrs. JObD fhomplon. n good "mo. lOll oream W&8 also 8everlil from b er n al;tende40buroh a 'e8'ure of the dinner. at M~lnvlll&, 8uoday. to bear ahe Mr. WIlJ Orndorf and family Rev. tSo\l~. oalled on Geo . Booook and famn] , Mrs. Emma Wolf sllen' th" week I:!OOdRY IlveDlng end "rUb relatlv!!. In l~prlnlJ Vlllloy, ~-----. -----!AI' and Mrs. Alan B&r'~cok and 100, Kenoeth, wllre Elooda}' IIUIl8'8 of ,ne!r parente, W, T. Jord"n and wife . Wednesday. tbe .'b, belnl Mrs. Kdhr(lne Jordan '8 blrtbday. lib" .pent the da}' with bor gralld M'8. Berll, of Franklin, IIpent dau8Mor, Mre. Viola Hart.cok . W. Wedneadll 1 8e 'be gne8~ 'of Mr. and T: J Orcl.. D anll wife wert .180 preB en' for dlnoer. Mrs. Albol" Blls tun . Mts8 LoDrsUa Bathllwa)' IoU last Mr . and MrB. Will . DunD and week tor au oxtond .. d visll with ehe ohtJdren were vtsltlng wUb 'beir MIllie" e~~nlO" ~k, .In . oareecs, Mr. and Mra. Gee. Bo,aD, \\'aehtnll'on, D. O. -' T~'!a.~th8r.IJ:.,_._"\",, Mr8 . .108. Mtllor spent Wednos!lay lira. lloh'll~:- ol WaJ'DIIII with frleods Ilt lJen'eJ'vll1e. \Ollie, '11'011 tb'e Rues' 011 ber motber, IIlr. ,Jobn Malllo 8pen~ 'be weolr- IIIrl!. BanDah Rloh, Frlda},. eud wUb Mr. "ud MI K. Barry Buylc8 IIr . Hannah Dogao Imd Ion. Rob aDd family, a\ Ebl'DDzer. IIrt, anti 1\11'11. GleDD Dllvttl were 0.11 Mr, Bnd Mrs, Elmer Shoots, of IUA aD Mr. and I4ra. WeldoD WtllOD MlddletltWD, were tho goests of rei. ot OaeM"S Oreell. We4Dll8da7 dive. bere, one do,. las t weell. evening. Mra. Adfl MoEwen splln\ Baturday - - - - -•• - - - WIUl lb. alld .bIre. A D. Ellston . Unique N"tlo,," Mre. Amy Parker. of !layton, 009111 RlC8 Is onll1uo IlmonR m!H1era Ipen' levoral dflrS 11I8t week with notions. Innsmuch os It hn9 more teach. e la'lve!! here erA thnn s llldler9. Tho ,staodlng orml Will Bormell, or OilY\ 0 0 , 'pam Is only rlOO strom\'. whJl,~ tbe teochot'll 10 nctlvo sorvlce nllmber IIbout 2,000. 'he week-end wab bome follu. Mr. lIod Mr8. MoUabe. of Day'on, For ncorly 40 ycors tb,e country hal enjoyed Internal penl'8. Ipent Deooratlon Day bero, -----Mr. WtJJtam Barris, of Whittier, Oo.\lf., t. maklnll hi. anooal ."Ial' Annulll Treasurer'. Report of Miami wltb relatives In MVllngboro. (;emetery A.soclatlon. Mr. aoci Mrs. ·A.tltaoyandfamlly, 'of Lytle, speD' 8 ,U urby w"h Mr, nSOIJIPT!! aDd .re. W. B , Noll. Burlw .. . ... .. .. ..... .. .... .. . UTlO . OO 118.00 atr. 'aod Mrs. W. H. Siogfried Wuucda\lolll ... .... ... ... . .. .. . v .... . . .. , . .... . . . . . .. .. . .•. . 108.60 spent FrtdliY at DaY'OD , the gllostl LoWl6 paId .... .. . .. ..... .. .. .. 1520.00 865.81 of Mr. and Mrs. W . V. Orew. aDd lnlerll8' .. . .. . ..... .. .. ... . SOO _00 ParllO~u.1 Oare Fund ..• • . • . . ••• fIlmlly. Lol.. ""Id . . ... .... . . .. .. . _ " _ 00 IOM_OO a..muvabj . . . • '. .. ... ... _. • .• _. • 10.00 DIlr. B . D. Long . 800 and daughters Ora verllCh...... .. _.. .. . .. .. .. . . 181 . 00 epent Friday fl' PlellBant Pl8tn, ebo 001'llur ~ 1.00 1. 00 , goe8's of Mr. aor} Mra . Wm. Lon.-. IIaIIIDa n-I . . .. ... ... .. .. . .. . . To~.I. ... . ... .. . . . ........ 10181. 81 MI81 Nellie FtttB attooded the 8ta'a POllimssterll' oonV8DUon ., D1SDURSBIlElIfTS Uolumbus, tbe vast week.
Subsc_r; oliOf\ Price, SI. 50 pr.' Y :lr
I ho ,'",",ul fh l'ft ut \\TUY ll tl 'U· I I IU. Ull in , u" S(lfO mul <.'hu'-8 M ild Mn. II f.. 1:' i
HAt>: E, ~ d ;l:O r and l ' lI bli~ hcr .
D . L.
. . . . . . . ."II.av ••••
Now is the time to lay in your next winter's COAL. Don't wait. You are not saving anything by putting it off. We have ,what you want. Call;.and give us your order. We , deliver ev~ry-<lay.
Younce Bros•.__ ....;~~ . "'...,
T<.' ril l
w l w~f1lht' 1 is IIgain upon
Hnd WL' do 11 0 1 want the good lIol1<;(' wife {'(\()king 011 U I crl-h t. sI O\" ail da y long. Take. Olll:! of o llr oil SI Ov ('S, for ins tHlIl'C ':'-wh cn 1he 1l1ea r is prepared l he r r ?O(': (Jut a lld , t ~\Ippcr 1linttil kitl'lic lI i ' o llt fonab ly plea~a lli. '\\ a re s Ilill ~ til t' l,est Oi l ' toves o n the. m a rket lodav . DOI1't wait al lY lo n gc'r ; if yo u d~ n ot hll)' 110W', you may not, he ati lt to get one jllflt w he n ,yoll need it the wors t. The three hest Oil Stoves arc : II
Th 1-:1 orn c f W , C 1'\' th 6r at t Farm COIn. pal1y in Ohi . will Insure . tobacco against hail 1\ ,
~ Cartwright, Waynesville, Ohio Phone 61-2
Sears Aman Block -
tbo DOOI' olrl elm !, 'n ~f(~ or t,\"I<:I") II Y ~II\-t1' lIt I ~ to ~ay, Do • ot O ollll mc--r" k( p hla Rl. le r ftom 01111111 Ihl' hOIl <(1 up wllh ml'o 'It' ('n n 'f (Onelllr('. ::" II); o. we /)C('uny th .. only 1I\'ullob l(> I\ I~IOH . hn nr:all" ~, hI' ('flll't ~l lI rr th ,'PI full I,f nhtnNlnn Hhl ,-.__Q. ".,. kl' It Y ~:~lr F.; he ' 'YO" s u s up hpr()
_ _ _ _- - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _. . . :
o~ ('
H 'T\rnr: rlu'Il;Il' nfltl hy JnP ow n s t~. t(, T• • fr. Hnrl'h ''';:, tltt' 111-'0\( tlllI~ ~~llI' \\' n~ I' N·C. t\\·o yr'fl r, II)!". I'll "'nllt WII h YOII If' t hi" J't~nf' t\. rHIYtm~l I r )"(1\1"'(1 u n ,,101,"'1 h,"~." ~'"" I 1),( ),)1\'11 J,:rll lnlly. m it I
N Perfection Dangler Detroit Vapor
,I hll' nrl>1 I "rOIl;::h thul or l ln rn es. 'fh,· h,tt.,1' "'HS III Oil 't) Fuhtl y "wore of tlw fill' I h'll I I<' \\"i< 1)(·lul.: elrllh.
I:' "Oll clnlt"tc' d
frl lnl
th l\
:\f!1r"l l \"l") r·, Itt' \\ U'" un", CtHl\'( rwt 1 c1 Ihllt
0 '] o \\ d had
l'h\.j ' ll (,1(,\ ,;:, ,- 11POII
hN~ J
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tlll' 1.o:-.t ' llIl lu· f'rll(lrl'd thpU1, r ht''ro \Yrl~ ...nm ...U I l l~ tl JI('nl lll ~' In rhp (,,,,Hnlt I h:lt Ilf'"I"N'(\ hll... I-;11t'11 co.
Co m c in ul'll l look t hem o ver, nnd
I1lol!lll~I' II
'lhls R!L"tI!lI"d ~orll!'l hln; ' lf'PJJ 11 11.11 1~1 1lw. rll 'iv<, In till' I~rfl\.::('nr l" our 0111.1 <) ) I)f'wll h\lt the Jnck';llo \ It"_!lU I( gnruro 4,.' r tl f ew mlnutl'~ l'Ur.
la ke your
O1 ln,l WIll' ~ l l i full of t e lovely Hli1n)!H nhallt ",11 0m O' Of'wt! h nu so tnllnlf",,\ly II, ·'} o1t'er Ih ... l ell'p hon!)''' "J IllU . I UR~: YO II III a pnln)!17.l' til tll c :011111: 1,,'1" ,'n I hlllnd(>rcd n
til l1<1n ,t o
\\h"'" .J." ., C)'DIl" 11.
WE have lakeDthe agency for the famous De laval Il
·.,n,l·kr 11:
R1H' , m\l~t huvl' th' H ,1-;'1 Mltt1. P ru :1 h ..n · \'e~' to hi.'l" .. Y ':'oHI'I~L!d\· Itnl t l' X.· C'U~t.:.s.i' I IlOIl ,'ut ,-
: fo'\\"
IIp n
,joOI'. rttl' (\,'n r Rlr," ~nl<l
the l ri~ 'm ~'I .
gl l' ..' t," hft tw~' 11 ( • 1)\1.
Wl lu t
Also we have the exc1usiv ::lg ney fo r the enf rc Morse line, including
ELECTIC WASHING MACHINES OWER DRIVEN MACHINERY ·TYPE "Z" OIL ENGINES The .Fairbanks-Morse Co., have farm Lighting Outfit that will made. We will sell you one of . theae outfits ~or only . • • . ~ . •
~ airba.
\It ....
l' h:1Jl ,·"u hllye li .'nnl , ' I ' '\I'II'~ r nll lf' r nn nf ·,.w Hav e y o u p I your lIlO(('S nrh" I/I~, n (r l"nrl of Y"II [) ~k('. ho pman hn\'n 'l\l ll" n ,'n hlln\\II;:: h l;UR'o I Mr. nnd M~.8 .•J 13 fl nrl)" JIll'. Jltl lrnl'~, if )'\ 11 r'iln~lrl,',. 110 t l'u llrlay PV f11o-,g. for l'lyrflCU$~ . )t
" r<.
, m r.~ ,t~nn. t.Il(':"r~~i!nln," ~Ill"
It. y u~. hilI ,~O~ 11lurtl , " . .1.' th ()ro?t'r is hl'h. II ... InQl1e~ l <: '·N "'lJlI' ~. " rnll,.. lie IJl1lY w:tlt 0 I w k;' l'ft l,: J n 11t'S. 1 "J . l1pP(l<e )00,, '11 "Hr'k nmUJld \lnW 11'11 1)\01' 1',"
,',. I
\P1l I;r("\
1 , Uloll,:! ht ho dl!l'" lcrl
lo!CI, N.Y. Ingett and
.:I an :: of ~ood level land, good four· room house, cellar, wcll, cl'; lern, barn, lJ0g . house, chickell house , fences g()od . Will make a Tood pri c fo r quick 3alc.
tod Y. after
WE; k at
1; : U'rt(>~
1'1I1;hl . " J h il t''' qult.(! mnl\1' liP my mlnll 0 RI 1I9 1111 It • Iho m)'~lcr~' Is cnll r~ly clf'lt r p,l np.' I", ~:\tu . "'fhl' cnso Is so l u1"rp" ~l n • l' 11. 1 uon't W:l ut LO m iSS n shrllll f it." ". 'Ion't hlnme Yl'." Mid O"[)nwrl h t'llrll ly. "I'd II kl' rtolhlng bettl'r mea~lf tlluo to m ix UJl til It. 'rhl' n ~t 11
,Mr. Georll'e Funkey Ilnd Mrs. Hoy Andr ewR , of ChicHI!O. we r e call"d here thi week on account 0 the death of thei r moth er . Mrs. J . A
Saturday, June 14th a ruso , in a Paramouilt production, entitled
" My Cousin"
Funk Bv . 0
Tuesday, June 14th - Featuring Consta nce J'alnlQdge , in
'''l'nkln' tI
Who 'Cares"
SUNS Hl NE CO;\!EDY: "Damaged No Goods"
·'cr. \\' mll<?" wn s th Ill ndlord'R mounte(] tllc tnvern
T hu rsday, June 19th Featuring E thel Clayton, in
steps nt rJ usk. " (l oln~ v('r ' tho ,::roonds <If last nl ~hl's
r esponlled .
Wa vnesville, Ohio cb Lick pringll.
g rCl' tlng liS Rnrllcs
Buckeye Di.c Cultivators and Two Row Cultivators
. N. Sears
Mr. and Mrs D. daugb t r, Mi 's Th~ Y . arriv.:d h Onlt'
limo you pl a n 10 PIIY liS n "1 ~ 1t. telrpltOIlP In ud"n ,we. 1 n wy hI! ublo to . p f' l's \ln ll'? m y III}ot tIm t YOll 'rl! 0 de('~nt. In'Y·nbldl:o q. edll col.,l g~nt1l>mo n, lind ll"'U (,,'m !PII[ to' r C'c... lv~ 3'''u lit Grr"11 !"tnry. (':oo(] Ilu.v Lo )"1.'." nml h,' ~lI"ol( h nndti 11'1 h · toe dep artlng
• •
Mr . l' riacilla Co mp ton , MillS ~l!1J" !lie !;a lte rlhw nite . Mr and Mrs I\ltr~hn .,,,~ ! Le3lia n ~s fl nd son. PHul. of Dayton, spent Sunday wi th rel ativl!s h",re .
I n IttI' Vi)le' ·.
esville, O.
"P~[ ~hD~un~ ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .
" 1)'l t
f:\·t1uc,"lh."'] \t" lnll , "r r!.'
k' I Cream Separators becauiie we believe ' the n H\ l h.'tid ~o u w(:r~ !-Ir.lrU \'ll Ihr "lll,I \ ~ ll\,.:-:t. , ----~..---- ----iI': De Laval will do better work and last longer than j ~~~~I~~ll~I (~'~:~' ~~~'1" " ;1;~~ ~~I'~~I~~ ; ~ any other separatof made, and u,at it is by fi' the Rt:-'J('l\ ! r n "',,,1" "r ,!~.\ . ., I t: 1>1.)" I t fj "I I II nn, · p.tia ," hn" ., 111 ' cheapest and most satisfactory machine to use. 11''1' !-114' '1'1~ n<l..:t 1l1' l:tHu l W 4'~1 nn l r:.: . ...............- - - -. .
We have machines on hand at all times and· will be pleased to demonstrate eir superiority to any oneo We have put in a sloc of De Laval repairs and De Laval OiI8nd'uc in a position to look aftet the need$ of all users of old De Laval ~ac ne&,
e instead of waiting un'Ve have it at the right price.
n"':-IJ ,
t, 'hI' \\'" .. It. f hpJ'. •,oh,'
cho ict ~.
Buy your Twine no\v,
"Mystery Girl"
\Va 'ne ville OhIo
" Village Chestnut." 17c:
1 h:
No Patron ever lost a penny dealing direct ' with the Tri-State, and over 30,000 producers . have found direct dealing most profitable and satisfactory .
The Tri-State Pays the Freight and
Model 90 Breaks the World's Nonatop High Gear Record
Pnrt of the e,tock will be s~ i pped here. Ourst ore foom's Ilfe load· ed with 1<oodll now , so will need . r a m. Watch nu r adverti se· ments n ow far some renl bar· " a tns,
Special for frldav and Saturday 10 \lounds
Beans, only
. Onl y omllot to customer. Cala Pinl~ Beans, 10 poundd for
6ge Clean Ea9l1 Soap, 20 bats for
$1.00 . S~.9,5
Oh Boy!
F. D. HAWKE _,.....Ow.... CamtIO_ . . .
o-IuttII ...... ~JIboo ..
Week of June 8 to 15
The Tri-State Butter Co.
At a spec al session last Saturday· evening, Crown Lodge No. 538, K of p . conferred the rank of Knight on a 'class of six candidates. The' ritualistic work was impres~ivelv exmplfi ed by the loral degre staff, If you have no cans, write for Free Trial Can .. . und er t he able di rec tion ' of Bro . James Benham Refreshmenta of I'-_________________......---~----sondwiches, plcldes and coffee wer e ser ved at the () ollclil~ion of the work .
More Big Bargains next week.
his Model 90 he goes in comfort and with an enjoyment possible only b:eC4Use at' dle high quality, tine appearanco and unfai ling pe!'formance (j)f his car. . . Laat month in Oklahoma, a sffJCk Model 90 Overl and car broke the world's non...stop high gear r ecor 1. 4~ 70 milca iD 7 daye and nights in high.par, over bad roadS With • au record of 20.66 miles per gallon. . Thi. durabili ty and economy is an eve.ry-dny advantage . lor Modcl90 OWJ1er&-<>nicr yours now. '. .
Per Pound for Bulter Fat.
The o~er of an Overland owns all out of doon. In'
pe! box '
, .'
Miami Valley Council ' No. 103, J O. U. A. M., at a special me d ng. lnst Frid ay evenlni. initiated a splen· did class of six yo ung men . .An 1m · pressive featu re pi cere mome~ wa s fa ct that that t.hree of the cand ldatl!ll have but recently returned from over.seas service in defense of our flail. After t he \Vo.rk, r efreshments of ice cream and caire were ser ved .
\ aynesvillo
Brlnif us your Chicken snd Eglls
IhlP lrlll utc: ~On o d cllt or I!'Mltlturlo mPll (ltt"(> [\MtC>r W nlkl' r "'hh'h' thOY ' 011 l!1I I nnt til for,WL !-;he "nR tho 11,· I ' ~rntrJr or tho In$ld" Dacl,bon '\ on IIhlrtR .,.,...., , • • • .. I>hl h prrJt"ct~ tho lI (,~ h f rom holug ~~==:--:::=-:::::::====~:= ru bth'<1 by t ho eollnr htll ron ."-outlook.
It pays t o trade at
TbeLateciasSified AdS. , F<m SALE
1 .... ~
Ben efactor Men. T h!' N,' ''' '\'(l " k 311n '8 IIpprpdo tl oll of the iii Ie Dr, ~ln,.y ' Vo lke r Mmolos
----~..,:_--=-,.....----- t __ Stlll in businesa.and do !lot in tend "fE .,.orm. frot) .!llllU', .U~,OO. to quit as 80me are reporting'. Mrs, lilao. 'l7~" Will make. ' Gilstio wlll be equipped with Ii ntlw goo4 Iprll:lll' 00. B'liUtiH'J Elcar about July 1. to be u.ed 8S a
.• to. . . .WIU . W,
THE 5c, tOe
5 inch Fruit Saucers . ... . ... 10c 572 inch Oat Meal' Dishes .. .. .. ... : .....Ilic Di.t:t.l1er Platcs. , . .. . . . : . . ..... ... . ..... 2Uc . Cups and Sauce rs . . . , .. , .... . ' ........ 25c . Glass ilutter Dishes .. . ............ , ... 25c Boudoir Caps .... ..... ... . . , ........ •. ;25c Ladies' Union Suits . . .. . .... .. .. ..' .... 50c Panty Waists, all sizes . : . .. , .. ' .. .....• 2.'ic "W.B.W." P lated 'Tea Spoons, per ~ozen.4~ Table Spoons, per dozen .... .. ...... . .. 60c 0
!\nN"laliaC In ......
BDl'Kafn •
~OOUlje311 1M" . demo~trator and ll'ler ' • g--". W. O - . ••- - - - -_ .. y
25c .
Seventy-First Year Whole NUp-lber 353.5
PREMIUMS GIVEN ~1I-;r;._"-=~_~_~~;o7,
lJ " -, j: . ~I
A TRIBUTE ..'_--
Mrs. ClarA l-''o IIurdFlInkey. wifoof Mr ;John A.. [o' unlwy, llassod away at theIr horri o·on Main street, Sunday evening, June B, 1910. She woa an Have you paid y,our taxes? . inralid in her beloved home, the interests of which were always upperJohn Smith left for Cincinnati , most in her heart , (or more than a Tu esday. where he hus work. year. ' Mrs. Funkey was highly educate d , Mrs Estoll , of Dayton, is sPl'n dir. g and pl')!18oS!1ed unusual ability. She the summe r at the Friend s Ilome . pRS8lld through lhe Weste~ .Collego fo r women. ' In Oxford, and also Miss Laura M c Ki nA~Y i ~ ppendln g through II college in Indi ana, whIch thlA week with h ~r s l ~ ter, nellr rudge. added to he r grea~ soul of broad eympat hr. made her an un usual part ville. of our town . from the ti me of her cominy '- ,1!l yeal1l ago, a happy bride Mr. and Mrs, Victor LOE'r. lof Leb. --to tho Hest'JI t day. anon, attended decorat iun hore, To ~r. eloh of her as a plut of Way· Sunday . nesvil le, 1 t he only way to expreil8 the fact of her Ii fe in its midst. She Why do withou t Swuet Potato enter('.\ IH O cv nry move t oward the plants when you Clln ~ e t thcJ\'l'at D. belt erlll "IIL o[ its concritio ns . What· H. Hocket t' s. v e r CUI1I!cl' Il·d ilS intereHts as a Whole . """"J 11,,11 her . Whatever . Mrs. Ed Handall, of Dayl ull . , \('0.8 joy or S P\'l·. , \ came to Indi viduals. or the week end g uc t uf ~1 r . ,I I·: .11.111 , w privul , I ') l1IBS, was ahuroo by ber. So far·r oil :11 "" t".'n- 1. ' r in te rest In ney and f am il y . the afi'ai r: ilL Llll' 10("·1' .. ·• that the pulsnti ollE "f lI'r L " '·... II I1Jd as ono Mr . n U d~G ll iluinc, Jln,1 frJl11il y, of with hum:lI il\. Lebannll. 8111:'01 • '"nday "' " .. their Mrs, P'u w an earnest, ele· paren t 1\ Cll rwin , voted chur", I·1l1milc r . Sho nover Rought an., P);,"U.;E!S for laxity on hor Mfs.~ Oli \'e 1\11"n arl' ived hom., trom parl, or Il l! I h p:.lft uf her family, In Mt. Holyoko cl)ll~1! ' " I t W llune~day a ttencl ancc ' tu till.! sacred 3ervices , or e~enlng . fur I II{' SlI(Jj er ,'ac B~l on. work for th t> promO flvll 0 t he gospel . . She watl no active Clu b womar" and 11 lIIovlng 6111r!t in hucial life. Mr. and . [J.~rv ('.v Bu rnett and Sh,' '-'''\faIl 1zet.! " Cu rrent Topic daughte r, of Cellt erv illo , spent Sun· !tiO. "" ,. 11m " tho . ow Cent ul'y Club," day wIth Or . II lI rt Mfs. H. E Hath., W(L~ It.-. Iii st !' rI!Illdent , and later aero 8way, v<'d in th&t CI jllll'ily a S cOlld time. :-'116 ottonrl eu HI! the State Federa· Mr . and Mrs I::.y Smi th and two ti,l ll of Wotne" Cl ubs. She was daught. rs, of I ~r"u kvill(·. were wet'k (" r m;my years ',, Ii corre.- ponden t for end 11:\1(': ts of Mr.· \ arren Harnett ouo or' uur cOllllt~· papers. So 'full and fam ily . and interesting wore hor contrib utions, ~at we woro pained when ahe Landy Harlan and Hobt. Werntz la' d down her pllfl. 111 health com· left thJs week to work In the wheat pelled her to do 80. During her In t sickness , sho often fields ' of Kansas, where there is a call for hel p. talked to her near friend- Mrs. Evane -de the po. iblo chango th at WIAS Mr . Leverin g Cartwrb zht,of EVllns· near at han.-l. 'he R.'i.pressocl regret ton , III., urrived here Illst week, to at II/living hllr f mily. She said, spend his Bummer vacation with hi s "I love people; I lovo to mix with I h!lve not II'rand purents , Mr. ncl Mra. S. L. them . 110vo everyli (1 an atom of ill-wi l tOWfl d nn.'lITlo. " Cartwri ght. She 'sald more thlln once, "I have perfect faith In my H"avenly Falher. Ladles', Men's, Boys ' and GIrls' 11 It is hIs will that I go, I will ba BathIng Sui ts, apeclally uriced. 9Sc. 1 esigned ." $1.00, '1.150. 85.95 to ~1 . 6 0 ; Ladies' Before sbe sank into final unconBathing Caps, 50c and 69c, at Fred ', sc iousness , she raised up and t urned Lebanon Big More. to a wostern window, paused a mo· ment as If viewIng the beautieil ot the evening, then rnisro her eyes to Mr. and Mrs. Honald Hawk e. Mrs. the !letting and slowly, distinctly Edith Harris, Mra. Laura Mosher and forcrblyBun Baid. "1 cannot Q uOiltion and Mr. Harrla Moshor spent Sun· God." day with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hart· Permit me to quote Tennyson'lI sock and family, of Milford . poem , "Cr088lng The 13al'." "Suooet a nd e,'cn lng slar, Mr. and Mrs. HJer Hyman and Anti ODe "Ienr cn ll lor me, daughte r. accompanied by Mrs. Max And may t here be no mon',llng of the bar Kohlhagen, Mrs. Louis Kahn and When 1 put out tu te u. MI88 Bella Kahn, vlelted with rela· Ilutlluch a tlrle,l bo' -.<I ving, !c.c"", nl lcep, tives In Blanchester Monday after· Too fu ll ,for lound aDd Inurn, . noon. Wh." l h'" "bi h dr". IrolD out the boulldle ll d.ep, Mlaa Lillie Duvall has returne d ~o Tuml agaIn homo. her home In Smlthvllle after a brief "Twilight Bud even In, hell, And .her Ihnt Ibe dark ! visit wllh relatives and friends here. And mny there be DO ""doess 01 {IHe,rell, Mlaa Duvall, who graduat ed tram Whee I embark . our Normal last year, has proved Por. tho' froDI out our bourne of dme (lDd herself II 8ucoeaatul teacher this Y&8r plnee, and took great Interest in returnin g Th. flood ma, bear me lar, , for the commltncement exercises of I bope 'Ie leU my Pilot Inco to ' Inee, the 1919 cl8118e8 When I havtl crossed t he bar." -G. N. J. Mr. and Mrs' Carl Servis and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Raper started for ·"e reservoir, Monday mornIng, l ~ , t1"" they will apend ten days en· whe _.. ... . -- . They took a bUBhel ticlng .the bnn,)'. ~ ·o .'lther things 9f "oraw dada," anll \11).. /j~hlng Coupon bonds of the Victory Loan necellll8ry for a succeeafUI _ "r -" rre ready for delivery . Bring your trip. There will be 80me fiab 8to tit when you call for your bonds. afloat wben they get back to roce~_' ~" - "" ";IJP N''!\~JoDal Bank. "Specia l wire trom Secreta ry ot . Treasur y, OIIUlll, states Il'ovemment Waynesville. ' Wiiynii!!',.l... . ~ ~ .. - I'lN\tW __~_:-";"'.:;JI""-~ has to borrow more money meet obligations and that he relies upon \!A!JfP'-:- ' the War SavinJilll Organis atIon tor greater affort IUld larger aales and that the state and county commit tees are expecte d by the Govern ment to prosecu te this campai gn with the utmost vigor. Ohln must and will anawer to the aClCretary's call with a subscription of It! quota: T~18 , is the 0'n1y national war work left for the people of this 'state. nnd all they are asked to do Is to put their aav· Inlfll and 8urplul! earlnge In the world's best Investment, WAR SAY. INGS STAMPS.
Matt Cline, Harvey sburg , $8065Have you paid your taxesT the $100 W. s. S. certificatll, by Banka lmnan Monger, Frankli n, $7200·Mr. and Mra. Horace Godtrey , of HolBlein Calf, bl' E. J. Btledle 'Carl Zecker, Lebanon, $6046- tsO Lebanon, spent Sunday hero. MddO., by Williams MUlIlc Store. __ Sehuler Carroll, MIlSOn, P&a-P o· . Ur. Dill, Osteopa th 21 S. Droad· and·Chlna Pig, by Tom Hunter . way. Lebanon, Ohio. Wrn. V. Couden , 'Lebanon, 128V0Rain Coat. by Oakln, the tailor. Misses Edna 'Cornell and Alice Arthur McCarth y ,lrranklln ~ '2726 Carey were Dayton visitors , Frid ay. Suit of Clothes . Uy M B. Hyman . Lou\" Hamilton, Lebanon, $2645L. N . Printz spent a coupl e of Farm nule, by Lebanon Lumbu r Co Robert Wills, Lehanon, ~2li36 , 60 - 1111),8 with relatives In Dayton last week . Stuart Phonog raph, by Marvin . Glunn Frye, ' Waynesvillo. $2450Coasler Wagon, b~ S. Fred Co. Mr. W. N . Sears and spent ' Theodore Gardne r, Lebanon , $1641 clundll)' with reilltive sfamily in Dllrke -'6 Mdse., by 1'hirkields. Co unty . Lovlna William son , Foster, $1500'.' Gold Lavalller, by M. Kohlhagen. Miss Ella Ebright , of Dayton, was :\1, Ellen Cowan, Lebanon, $1:!60-SEt Knives & Forka, by H. E. Earnh art. t he wqek·end guost of Mr. and Mrll. I,~, l1 ~ Dudley Bryant, Frankli n, $1315- F. H. Fair. r' r I:. Camura , Brownie 2. 1vina & JameSOn l\,~: Alice Waggoner, Lebanon, $1 220Why do without Sweet Potato Rooster & 2 liens, by Thos. Scott. (Jlants when you clln get them at O. l"~ ,' ! ~t, Edna Martin, .Lebanon, U205- H. Hocket t's. Camera , by Albaugh. t:"' ,.\ Milo Boal, Lebanon, $1200- Alum· Men's '1.50 Striped Overall ,11.86. r .~ /.'~,r \ Inum Roaster, by J . W. White I' riday Saturda y at FrI:Jt\ 's Leba· ~ : . ;. RanJall lvlus, Lebunon, SU7l 50- non Bigand Store, :1 I Ifi Mdse., by H. ~ . Conover. ,(II .,......' "~"l Neil Shawhan, Morrow, &; 11 25J" ?!!: lit. Mr. and Mrs .Jesse Wright and Dr. Gov.RobotM-'; --=~~--'--~ Pair Shoes, by K B. Kehoe. ,\ 1 1.' . ,\ , II 'l'bo groM est horo 01 (f,O .. " III hnmn . :1111 1,1 0 Billy McCreary, Lebanon, $1000- Emily Wright , of Springb oro, lire ,II' r!'tl o:n On Yor'k·$" tea~r."B llmo visiting bct'o," relative s hore. Qn~<l OCll ero' \ ,,~ ID a " . Ril W l\O t a w a)' fr"m P,," Mu ll. 'Cn n " . n "t). Sweate r. by GeOfl{e Shimp. I trnl: l nl\ . oille l08 Atn erkA's boro Pledfll ovor " I 'l IIClelltiouB obJeclpr to t he drMI . h :l t 01 IliA r CI " rn \' "rk II b;:orl. '\'ot1I IIloSI&-bnnded II) (bll Helen Murphy , Frankli n, $1000ArgOQIl9 II , / ' M~lllure Set, by S. E, Alexand ria. poverno r Robar15 of his 8~ tf> droy" o"'~ r UtoUHUll ll " " ,e"' 8~ (fflr/ll ..1l8 . 811ell06<l II ~ ot mophlne Harold Howoll. at ChIcago, spent ./ ' Bun lu,,, LH IUld caPtured 183 flUB S Inc l ud i nG . Velma Marshall. Lebanon. $1000 - the week·el)d wIth his P!ltt Ilts, Mr . ~IJ8 to IIcrCOrm lht' corcl1IOllY 06 I. " ',·,1" "'.: I H· ),c' r· nudlOi r (lI eee hta relurn 1M) pld bne Ornclo refused WlIlIll Wrlat Watch. by M. W . Earhar t . "cores mt . lll" of Ilnd Mrs. B. S. Howell, ~"'I wlw CUlIV er l ' d hilI' ~;'... 8'1\ r.~ o n .,I'\!. IOt!'lInS ~ fortun o. at tho ca~v Uloot l ng. H e I ~ P r h.) I. "' It'o m ~ ", . Ornclo - Uonnld Tigar. C\Jzaddale, ~970\ II I : (,nIL lhe ~ O IM tolk a he wanll!. 8ays EIOo r 'fork . 1! 1 yeaN! old. an olM r In his r h,u'd, .\l oIa:1 . Roller Skates, by J . W. Lingo Co. ( I} J d ll ~ llJ tJ od ora:' tand why he . 8 cOIlt!ld f'rc/l n h e "Th o ';fM tcot tnt1l vt d nn. hC"r o " i n ,P ~ - (J r ... 1 h.1 Prof . George Clark, of Columb ia, ro. Kathe rlnu Williams, Lebanon, $951 Mo., OonoTo1 )t"""o":Q as be o!:uwd ...·rnnN ' I; I !,-h rW' "" .4' ."!.- I i\ n'i . IJ t c·,,·roc. lhol'8 Ibo fln nl alUm (J 11 r0:11 spent a couple of \' a ,~ ) · days here last -DorisR oseCom hlnatio n,J E Janri y week with his fath er and friends. Ralph Miller. Lebanon, !855-1'ai r Bicyele Tires. by John Blair. Have 'au paid your taxes'/ Mar), Jane Chaney, Frankli n, !740 - Pro Skates, \))' J W. Linl{o Co. Gladys Frant" Pleasan t Plnin, 1700 [<'orrest Ridge and EthalJ Crane N.ATIONAL AUDITORIUM -Carpe t Sweepe r, by Suemeninll' & left Sunday evening for Dayton , Seiker. and both boys Rre workIng at the N. Amos Robinson, Springb oro, ,700 a.R -Hall & HM. by Book Store. . Kleemu n Durak, Mason, $700-P r. Mr . and Mrs. J . O. Whitak er and 'fhe repular meeting of the Woo Rubber 13oota. by A. B. Kaufma n . The three lodges, the .Juniors. K. Thelma Weidne r. Lehanon, $645- Mrs, Albt'rt Cleaver spent soveral OIan's For ign Missionary Society of of P. and 1. O. O. F: held their medays last week with relatives In In· lhe M. E. Ghurch was held at the Spot· light for Auto, by Kilpatrick· morlal servlcea, Sunday , at the cern· dianapolls. Ind. home of Mrs. Frank LeMay on Wed. Frerich . etery. There was not a very large nesday afternoon, June 4. Harriet ShImp, Lebanon, !600-6 Ib crnwd present , but about 75 mlim· The preald nt. Mrs. McClu re. Lindley Mendenhall and wife and Box Chocol atel, ·by D. R Smith. , bers from the differen t lodges called the meeting Howell to order. After :Paul VanDervoort. CIIIT'k8vl\le,ISOC Pierce and wUe spent several marche d to the cemettlry and per· the opening hymn. Mrs. Pierce led in - -6 lb. Box Chocolates, Zimmer man . days last week with relativ~ and tormed the ceremony of decorat ing prayer. The scriptur e lesson, Psalm Theresa Clara York, Frankli n, ,600 triendil in Richmond, Ind. the graves of thlilr deceased membe rs 145, was read by Mrs. Salisbury, fol· -25 Movie Tickets, by G, Hill. At 2 o'clock the lodges assembled lowed by the ing of the minutes Norman Snowhlll. Pleasan t Plain, . Mr. and Mrs. at their halls and, precede d by the J . B. Chapman went lind ro ll· call . Mrs . Far r read Bletter $6OO-Harmon Hall Membership. Waynesville band, marche d to Ihe to Syracuse, ~. Y.last Wednesday from Mrs , Ramsey the District cemetery . Arrivln gthere, Chalrm an evening and returne d home Satur· Superin tendent , In ,regard to the County Comml ttee-Ch aa. J. Wall· day . They brough Maffitt callid the brethre n togethe r, poer, A. B. Kaufma n, Elias Ogles· Frankli n limouaene. t home a new Goldrn Jubilee of the W. F. M. S. t o and prayer was offered by Dr. Jolly. be held at Boston in O.ctober . bee; Rov, R. B. Foster, Mlnl8ters' Tht! chaIrma n then introdu ced Bro. The program opened with a read. Directo r; J . Ray Law, Film Dllecto r; Frank Anderson, of Lebaoo n, and he Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright left lng, "Spring time in Two Laods." }o'rank Andel'llOn, SpeakeJ1l' Directo r. by gave a fine talk to the orders rllpre· Miss Eleanor Earnh art. Then Wayne TownRhlp Comm ittee-J. Saturda y morning tor Pennsyl sented, H~ gave the origon and the vania, reading . "Passp ort to Heaven ," bya O. Cartwri ght, Chairm an, John Cum- to attend the commen basic principles of the dllferen t or. cement at Mrs. Lee Earnha rt. Thi s wall f ol , ders, which was new to a great many min.., J. L. Mendenhall, Lee Hawke, ~:~e t~~~d~~:r T~~:I~~ I\\!: lowed by a vocal Bolo by Mrs. LeMay D. L. Crane, William C, Bergda ll, home enrl, next week. I'Ilno million dolhtr8 by populor of the people assembled, and also with piano accompaniment by Miss Mn. Chaa. Johns, Mrs. G.95!" Smlth subscription I. the goa l' or Mr8 . spoke of the spread :=,~_ _- _ _ ...._ of patrioti sm ,all Helen Hawke . . A reading , "The Call Henry F Dlmook 01 WBshlngtOQ, over the countl'l', which MaIIIeTownllh'iII'Cominlttee-~m. Is bringin g .f,..~~ " , hy Mrs. Hough, was fol· HarVey Chairman, A. B. Talmag e, 0, C .. oS on oud lturluou In tb o calli. fraterna lism closer togethe r than " ..........,- - . We For · Philip Hawke, W. A~ Merritt , Mra. tn l tor oaUonBI gatherIngs and Specllli Underw ear Sale at Fred'. lOWed ,by~ ever. a reading . "LeSl.'no .~. ....... ., WAH I to be knDwn n8 a George Wulllng Lebanon m,Sto r. beginni ng Friday. get," by Mrs. After his remarks , the membe rs Watkin s. A 11]71,.. 1 d::\fN:,,:"~m nrIBI. 'I'h" pro.ld eOI hll.: S~a;; Committees in Town· June 2O-MSh·l decorated the graves, the orders n'~ 76c Unlon Suits, 65c. was then s ung, after which the lt~pro"cd-1ft"-il~ rongrOO!8 I;(lt AKlde marched back to their lodges; and aIllpe of Warren County to cllrry out ~Iparate 4"- rteBaltnld Drawber s, Ball' LO~~f's Prayer was given in concert. u . 11 0 Co r Ih o .tru~\rfJ1"- drive for June, Julv and August , another day 'was added to the hiatol'1 ur ggan, "'" r ggan etlt qua· ..., were reshme nts of Ily, 9(5c; Men'a Checked Nainsoo ice ladies creamof and k cake served by the ' __rat.emal ism .In W.avn8llvl\le. the !!!!!!!!,!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-"'!!81'!!!!!!!!"!!~ IIl'oI.J •- • Union Suits, 95t; "Sealpa x" Sanitar y fourth division under __ the leadership Mr, and Roenagle and daught er, of Springb oro. Mrs. were~.the Bund., Rlbhed 98c gulBU Union, of Dr. and E , UnIon art. anTdheprnoe~ttambleee mtlnegetlWngtlS and 116Sc; .25. Panty Waist Pthleaaaen I bOet e l't: Hathaw av. ' hel'l .wlth Mrs . White on the . Wednesday In •
~ .
" ·H I",
W, F. M. 5, HAD A
'- ---- -.. . j".' ;.
M~. r.
:~:~~ M~n;~~g:ar:r~~~~;we~~! ~~:;~~~~I~~=, ~~~i~~ tth~sz~~~ A
Dromedary 'Came a Long Diatane to Atten d Meth oJi.t Centenary Celebration
SALVATION ARMY DRIVE NOW ON The big Salvation Army drIve Ie on In Warren County lhls week. 1'h organiz ation Id asking l or fund s to relmbul1le Elnd carryon the wonder . . tul work done by 'them during th(' recent war, and, according to the Soldier boys, they surely deser ve all tne lupport they can get. The citizens are now Il8ktld to give their ' mite, that the organiz ation may carryon The quota for Wnyne Township Is only 1200, and thl!l amount ought \0 be raised with out t he least effort. J. C. Hawke I.a the chah map and he has gott~ n a bunch of men to help ·hlm. He wl\l call on you some tim e thla week for a donatio n l!'or th e sake of theIr good works and the good they have aCcoqlp llshed . It. be I)ooves us to help t he commit tee all we can. Give nl\ you cnn, and 10.t 's go'over the top as we have al ways done . • . , . • • •
MASONIC LODGE HAD GOOD MEETING HIll IIftt "ethodl at Centenary c .... that ' 1 have seen the I'reparallnnn ebratton dromedary haa Brrl~ beIng made for It · nt tho. ollpolllliUll ltD Col!unbue. 0., all!! bas consente d to grounds. Tble world's 1D1~8Ioll ar)' ex· t Ia IIltarviow. In tact, 80 80flenM l'o~IUon 18 going to beat. Illlytblnll I , WU bla ' dlepordtlon by the falDlllar ever scen, IUld I hal'o seon D1uny ~ wblch greeted 111m In the tblnRS III my travels." Africa ' abiblt aeotlOll at the Tbe dromoolu,y 18 one of . . . .1'1011 gro1III'de that be ellllUDll,. of animals wbo are arrhlngn oUlDber to take ....-ce 4 to DOI8 tor a picture with part In tile great Contenary celet!ra· NPII"fi8r pel'llbed prearIo allb' 011 ~OD In Colll1llbaa.- "l'IIoy Will IIoPl'ear IIdDp, ' In tbe SlIblbltl cDi of coun· . . . a 100.11....... to.atad trls., &lid some ah80hltllforelp ly Mfa OI......~ ~laIIratloll..... atated. eI~ l\1li1 el6pb&lltll ..II ~ riddencam· bp ~ wbo,J!J!!! CO \IIe.~
Waynesville Lodge No, 163. F. A. M. held a vel'l' fioe meetiDR day evening . at theIr temple. candida tes were Initiated Into the mysterl ". of the order, three of·them being returne d soldiers . At 8 o'elOl'k the vlaltors ~d msmbe rs sat down to a ftne supper, served by tIIelad l. of the Elaatem Stnr. After aupper, work W88 resumed , which ended abtut 10;80. after which the, _ed to the dining room and
101 CNUD.
The Journal ·Republ lcan, of Wilmington, has chanlled hands after tieIng owned by the Fishers for more than a quarter ot a century . The new , owners are Thurma n Miller, IIOCIretary·trOll8urer I)t the eo~panyl W. J . Galvin, of the LJma Times. Democrat, nnd a Greene county man, and C. C. Martin , part owner <if the Washlngtoll C. H . Record .Republlcan All of these gentlem en are newlpa per men, and ought to make the Journal even ,!,ore of an enterpr ise than It Is now, It that Is possible. • - •
MIAMI THEATER SHOWS PICTURE T~ken from the serIal now bel nil r un In the Miami Gazette·. The title of the film is "The MYElter), Girl," and Is ,~n ada ptation from "Green Fancy, bY .Geo rge Barr McCutcheon, E~.hel. Cla,yton Is the atar in this plav, and. Judgmg from the at!)r), as belq run In the Gazette. the theater Qught to be packed Thursd ay evening. This story is one of the beat we have ever pUblish ed, and every 'reader ought t·o" go and 106 It.
SH UrrS·BU RNSIOE Mr. Howard F. Shutt. and Mlsa S. Marie Bumllide, both ()f Wayne Townablp, were united i~1 marrlal le by Rev. J . F. Cadwallader at St. Marv's Saturda y at blgb peracma p....nt of the and Mi. lJle. and Bhatti and
,. 'i» ;;;!
Ohamp1Sbows Ins
LIBRARY NOlES Dllrlng the hot weather , the LI· brary will be open each week·day evening. as heretof ore, lind on Satur. day afternoo ns only. The White Brlok Friends ' have again . assisted the Library to the amount of .25.00. This Ie the third donation made by these publlc.s pir. ited ,Friends , and la in accord with their usual custom of lending a helping hand where moat needlld ,
.- .
NOTICE Dr. Mary L. Cook announcee tll. following oRlee boun for Ju17 and AUlU8t:
Momln p ........... .... l0 to 11:80 L m • Afternoons """ " .... 2 to ~ :80 p. m Tu.t., . Wedn .t.,. 'l'bul'llda, and Saturda r evwnp . '7 to 9 p. m •
MoDdQ II1d I'rId., ...aID... and
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IU\ll.. 1'01 I,' do no !fm u Il :- P"( 1\ lo t or ·11lt" .•llId a laq ..c \"' I ": I . i' l ". l'l·ll IJin \\'. \. I I'!: lif. It ~ \' sw t ilt: Iq{ d 1i1..: of the I h ' .'
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CHAPT~R VIII. AS no eotercll tile 0001' no " 'HR IIcut.cly Awnro of O.n (nteMo s tnrt' 1m', clod nt hIm tr-om behind by tbo 1/Uu]. A Note, ome F ancl !) nno' on E·)(ptd'i. t lon In Quest of Faets. lord ot Ban'e Tnvcrn. n nlf WRY lip n" . t nrl •• 1 I1 Jl~IIII..,. . ItI " 11IInrl filII C'r tho Atnlrwl\Y h o AloJ)p",l ~ hort nn ll WIth dIfficulty r e pr('Sl;oo tho ('Xe!l1llll\ . th f' f'\" ' rl '" nC]lt ('()n,tr-dl1r(,q ni' (h!' (1:\5', ..\ ~ h, - " lltpl"' l l 1h(' rOf'n1 hlo,; ('\· .. I~ rt 'll tlon I.IU\t roso t o hl ~ li ps. up/ 'a rl \\h l1r'" • rI *(Iiflt ' ,. nt Id .. f. ", t. I' Ho h nd recnl\('d A I;IJ;:nlfknnt In ri· h a ll I', •. ~ 1'111'1" '1 1 ", ,, 1.'1' h,. drl or "IH'., dent of the n l)1ht bef(1re. " lmo~ 1 1m · 111' 1,. '1 I I' I· .... '·. 1m IlI ' lIr ht:ltl"'. medlntely nnor th" <If'lln rturr "r 1I0nn • T"r-~,\ r,'r1 ,~ J, ; r· ' f" ' t ' 1,,,\ P I'II ' t'ni )orr nnd ['nul from Ihl' Ttl\·!'", f'tllnnm ,T onl "' ~ Til 1' ·l ~ r l·' n( I : .~.' jl~'i . kk l'd J o nl!!! hod mnlln hlR WilY t o th" h·I",· It Ill. rl "n'""t I ' ." I" . rrl plf"" . "n I phone behind the dcilk fllld hlld ('nll,'!'1 "t nr., nllt' r,' " hi. "P' '''Pl!. [ I I ' f "l1 1\ no.mbcr In a lout!, bri sk \'ok", 'hut I'n"'" "'11~ til 1',..' 111 Ihl' I': ' IHI " "i . 'n: tho subSCQ.uent convcrpntlon W!lH, cnr- cof n ",nTH I" . F' nr n m ,l!>l'fl t L,'l \' 'I' rloo on 10 BDbduI'I1 tones. Iltt(,IIIJ "ll tty 11l;:~ k<1: ~"n 111' lh"" .. !j· of ~! , bnsto nnd ~ro8Iont\1 furUvt) ,~I Il f1{'I'H ']'1~Ht· i\.· I'!)~·. \ n'll,' " f thH-J), -.:, "., 11,'1 . In tbe 0_1reet.lon of tho taDrourn~ ": i) Ji l :v. . ,t1~ h· fnt ":" P"lt' ! \'.' i: t1. 'I ~' Jif!UJ)OII rcncblng his 1'\10m Bnrn". nrr- n. :1. h,· '; <'<I e'r r " 11,,, PII\! 1'1'" nr ,1 mltted tho SUI'J)l'us!:ed (,tUotl"n 10 r, ,·l :
ftOmoooo at Orel'D F'nnry h ad tlJn ot h('r
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Mr: RUllbcrott U'IIS ld'l'lng
nnmll'l'/t 8ddl'C88 to th e Illoyors, III the 1.111>' room when Domes clime downl1lnll1.i
at nine o·~lock.
A small. dark m an WllO R-t\t nlnnr At a table In the com or Cl\u gh t Dnrn~s' eye ond 81011<:><1 nlmo t mOUrn fully. He 'W1Ul oodollhtedly 0 atron/{ r; Ills aetJon W08 m e nnt to rom'cS to R amI'S the Intormnl1 en tbnt ho too wos from a "latent antl sophlstlonted commnnlty lind that a bond ot BYmpAthy DRtod betw~n theln. Pntluun J onI'll RJ>oko sUlltl tlnly nt &.-0118' shoulder. Ho shutcd Invol· ontality. The mnn wns begInnin g to got on bls nerves. Ho seemod to bo doggtng, hts tootlltepa with censolo!i9 peraliltenc.y. . "That toller over there In the corDeF." tllJd lones aottIy, "Is a book agent from rour town. Be 801tl me a Me ot DlekeDa when be WIIB here last Um~ about Ills weeks 8110. A yeur'e
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8'011"- uel .. moment later the door openec! to admIt, Dot a treah nrrivnl but tile Utae book agent. ~~ trJIng to mllke Rornvlllo toa1gbt," he onuouncod CIlRUAl1 y , "Woll, p>d Dlght. See YOD In tho 1l10rnln ~..•• .Bam()8 was . not In A posltlon to 4Ioubt the tel\ew's word. f or the ca r 1IDJDI8takablr bad gone 00 to\~'nrd Boro~ne. B o waited a f ew min u tes
latter tbe man dJanppenl'cd up th ~ onr· row stalrwa" and t hen prQcpcdcd t o teet hl8 powenl 01 dl\'ln ntlon. n o w o s . . sure 16 he could be suro of northi ng
that bad not a~Uld ly CO/O O to pnss IImt III a ~rt time the automobile w onld • gIIln 111M the ta.vl'rn . hut 1111f' I.lm from 'th e dIrecti on o f n orlwll l.,. LI«btlnr a , cigarette he ~trl1l1t'(1 Olt t· '81110. Be lind b8 1't'1~' tim o ((1 I nke n posItion ot th e dfl rlu' nM .. ltd n( t he poreh b efore tt'. ~oundH of on n p· P'OfIc hlng IIlI1chln eOlllo t o hi :> ('nr " . .A IIeCOnd or two Intcor lit " IIghli< R\\,llllil ~und the bend In \)teo r nnll II !lunr. tel' a mile nbove O nrt'R T avortJ. IUId down cnm" tbe cn r ot II hl:.ll r llt . , BpOed. It d osh d pn~t t il<' tIIl'CI'n with a «",lit ronr an d I'IIltl,. IInll ~h"t cdr ' lnto ·tb.e dllrltn l!.~ b eyond. ;\ '<. It rahed lhroulfh tho dIm ('Ircio nf light .. front of tho tavern Bnro(!S s u rcef',I· ,ed, to ol)taloln!; 8 brlv1 hut cOllv lnC'i1l1; __ qt .t II" cnr. Thnt gln.n ce W(t tl eIIOUfb, ·howevt>r, B e w OII I<l hll\'O . . . wtUln" to go hefore a j ur3' , lU ll ...... that It ..../1 til(' some ." t hllt lied d~tl'l'l hlin lit' TIlIrt's 'J IlV('nl
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"'kk" until "Nee 1'1' ~. nlrt'tlcly o n t ho "'ny, wer .. sntiAfit'd thnt h I' 0, RCl'sod no know) l.'tlc:o thnt wOllld bc \1R"f'ul to tbem ttl <:I('j\rlng up whot bod OOIV n f<umc:od th(' 1l1J;:luty f 11 "/loll nnlo !>rob.
ASk ~'f)U I" C Il1 lur,) Mr. nnrn~~ i r <lIn. nrr oll lp-ht." "l\fr~. Cnillor IA tho ISlnt~r or IIfr. C Ill·tI~." ('xl1lrdnc:>r1 O·Omwl. 'fltl'n ho tU l'nr' 1 lIl'On n,. Rot o trl r"C'd"~o ql,· " Fill' tlill 10\(' of 1':lt." hI' rrl,·.i," ' hnt;~ cnmfl oyer them ? "·lty. T mllll(' M bf'I'1 Il~ tn ~t1~I-:I'~t IUH nl<!ht t hut ,nu WI' r<' n rh op wnrth c'nltl"n Inc:, P.nrn'\~ - lU.1! lhill l'OIl w0l1lt1/t't II" Inno;: III tliP l1el~hhnrhoorl-hllt t.) <n\·,· Y"lII' r"01I· I nl!~ f'1I no rf'pPllt whut thl'Y $n lrt. thp t wo M rhl' m. Whnt choog('!1 lb~m ov r. PI' Rotn ?" "A chnnco r mnrk (,r lIlls. rn ~ro n'~ nt l unt'Ji tn,lny. ~Ilf' wnmlcorr·1l It nnrnrR cotlld hI' th " rll'lP " 10 "Tn!'" thl' nrllel(f; nhou t PI'fll ' In(1 Iw 1m'fill, r SOltlf'thlnJ.: oC thn "ort r. 'l rl tl"lt R('I t he m I lo"I;ln(( .:p t. n ;'~I'~( n l' '1 lnrq of 11.11' (0 "'''<:1'''1'' ,1" ' .r(.t: .. ~·, .. 1'1 Mr. n"rU . ' 1I101'IIl·v. - (Ot oal': dltl tho y Ood
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lc;!istr.:red in P. S. A" o \vII,.d by :-;l'd D ~
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\ 'ulley 1I0Isc nl~.J" .. · /\"""itl l ioll. i. lie, I1lHu l tla.k r.. ur yelils old. \\'111 we!);h I SOll. O l'Otl ~1I'le nu ll "c t ion. All l'"rdlcloll a dmi, ers .1.o"ld ~' o I his hnrse . I l'hia ho rse ",ill "'"I.e l he s~a50 0 II I $111. nt I
I. O. Petersotl ' s uM n . "l· cr~. p,ec .• ulio/l will h~ t/lk~o 10 Bl'oid accident s. U'" \vl11 nOl I,e responSib le shellll an y "c~." l'urllufj " 'ilh I ntl . C forleils losuwncc. SlllillU Vu llcy ll C) r~. Breed",' Associa. jtln~17
RAY F. MILLS, Dealer Pho ne 71
Waynesville. Ohio
TRUCI{ HAULI 'G :l l·t rt: Jp," r' lI, tnt"'Y rUU l~ 1 ,)'Ifh' I " V 111r,.. I /. ,, 01 n <'HIIl"lIlty III clt'!'ltllll;! thnt :i'OIl \\ o r(' (lllll 1111'1 lh" f:n nr. 1'1\('
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f'rH tl
Ascendant. Tho wldo gr( rn (I no r, Ret fnr hnck 10 11 r .. r"~~ li nt 1,"l1k o n kl ollk. WAS oprn(Od hy a mnn H "'no t ,\'III) might cn~lIy hn"~ "I'(On tnl~IItI<C)f\ fM R wlllter
fr OtH rl,-] mmt ll 'n1:-t
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(,(,1111 r. i\'lcltol n~ , thnt n n. l" ln'~ r~ h-0 rt' fdr rlhlIl PI·," s:.l lc1 S'" II. "I \\'111 1I1!lltc t lto cocktnUR ~Ir " ,
---... - .... - - <To
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Fe.recant of t lllit Futl! reo ft wl;l hn 0 !(T.en t d!lY «lll'n wfrc5.'1 t " lf'phooy 16 0 ]Wrt'CCICll lllrt! n Inan cnn Im"o n r nrC'I",.'!' In ull! hnt {lntl "llInnn"l'fl tt y hI" IfA fll\ lh o tID1C. rb.h:n~o 1:\,.\\,A.
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!n't th Ink nf nt·r'r' pt· 1 11~ Ih,· r r ndI1t1 :'l Invlt \ ton"Jr 1l"'~ '\1 tl!if' 111(> nq 1 Iun:' h gllu }\r r!1 1'0 . c·l "ui!t r ully. tor Fay." (,fliJrod (lilt O'DnWII tn the ~herltl', who ""OS I!n7.lng I nllJ1IIl[tly nt . th p h"r~"~ tpt hcrC'c1 Itt . I h£' hotl (I III of t hf" "'lnpll. hwnllJrl )'0 mint.! l l'lll1in~ '1\ ... n " I'ICl'S' OJ; l>ncl! to '1'(\1' I'n1 11(' I '~ ":nrpln~ tn d lnnpr . Anll, whUr J tl li ol:. n1' It, oro yo u f: ~lt l ~ 111'(1t l\tr. . ·It,, ·ifi', ,'\Ith th" (It\r'~ wl'rk7 · If 1\. t ~(1U \\'111 ! Ie \r 1r t1l11 f ' uJ.\nln nt nny Ome Ii ~' " Ii ('111;0 1""'I'"nn" n IInlf mlnulo In ' lf1 ·ltI.Cl'... 'In nltl'l1"~ iI" ~11 1 (1: ""'C' 1l f,'n'! l n U <1"",,, I I I , IlUt ontObll,· ton l;r'II, I'r(1\'l l h·,1 It hll.. Htl1'\' I\" ' 11 th l' (tOy. \\ ,,',. f':,rlN:tlnrr tho poo r t h ing l ro (HI' In ItR Irn"k~ ot IIhn"~ t nllY In · "lan \." . T(l1I llli l1\ t ~~ Ifl lrr nnrncA p n~~(" 1 t hl'n'I.!" II ,., I""'!nlq 'f Or!,['11 , .
roneonttb le prioes Beroe ..1IJnetl, LyUo, Home poono ~l!!l , j !l!l5
ho.vIl n truck n ow. Rncl am pre IJarcd to cl aU Iduds of haollug., (Jull m e and 1 will be 00 b aud. ,Tames JOhU8. Lytlo, L1Il 1 ~. ~t ·
1 71 Too
~ ~-
Waynesville. Ohio.
Perfec tl y New
ON EY Looned on live stook, 01 60 Gueond mottga~tlN .
~il \OS bOllJlh.
J ohn Bllrblne. A\1!'n B ulldl cg, Xeol.) , b lo, 6.".20
dr~WIl .Aervh' No extra chnrge for auto 8fIrvi •.
Eitlitu X.;w'Or
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Both phones In Office anrl Res Idel'
Writ. /01' our Li,t of U"d TrY ,,!.: Speciale
M ohBttfllti.
.. Funeral Direelor and Embalmer ,
\0 do otl ki nd s of
Ih:l l; ynu
ft"l ll w l
p rol)~r()d II~ Phone or ~Ge J.
I (Ullhu oHu!!.
dl"c"n1". Ublo.
The First W . }' (~rcl', the S ec ond Way. f~rer lind the I'lrl t of Chly"lry
"'"o ..
f th f C:ltUfC S of Saxon It S ix" wi t h Ihos of hi gher priced ca rs discloses a Uig Crcuil Ba lance ill favor of Saxon .• :. S,' "
Ap Clr t l ·(lnt
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Th o a dvocates or tllnek nnd ",hi <) corn InnUOllS Il r<, hO(1 (lY lJi ( ola Of'''' "'bllo ..,asb ""tin troel, ,,·lth 1(0 Illnc ll 8"Un
"SIX" ,
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thnn onco dllrlng thf' eOlirMO of nn nft. or~oon spt' nt In th4) woodll IIlJolit Green Fn ll~y. 0'00\1'11 .lrtn nlly cnmmnnrlNl tlto o~cdlU nn. It '\\'Il!! 110 \'ho 'thnllJ.:h l of cVI!I'J·thlru::, Fi r At oC 1111, h e 1':(\ tit
T e P ractical Car
--= ,
unrty to til l' ('orn" l' nl th (.>;tn t,. n!'nr. a t t ho I)nln t \ \ ·It ,ro I:'n 11 I wns ~hl)t fro m hill hor s('. RUtinA' In hi Rnlllllo hI' ~ 1I~cl 11\0 nttentl on of Ih!' olllf' r r Wer R t o whnt ll(1pMr d t o he n most f'1A'n lficllnt rn~t In ('ol1nl" 'tl on w i h thn 1,1II1ns; or IIII R mnn. " F r o m wllut J hrnr tbo m nn T'llul "'ns Illtot thl'oll;:h t h,' IU Il~fl. rllr('~l ly from , in fro t. J'II(' huliN \\'{'n t <frlll g ht Ihrou :;h "I ~ horls'. II" wns rl cll ng Yl'ry r llpldl)" dn wn tho 1'011(1. Wh n h o 1'1\11'" t l) n ~llIlnt not flt r nbo\'o t he ('r(\~H n)I\lI. It(· WH . firl'n upon. It I ~ Rufc 1(' IIF,'nlnn Ihlll h., w us 111,,1: It'l: Intl' oUy "hcn,l. I ryillg to lOll i,,, ou t I I,., ~·I/lH~III:':. J [I' W::. ~ho t fr >III tlJ .Iell' (If 111(' /'11:111. ~·"n. tl U1on, ut frQm till! Ilddlc of It. 'l'lle 'l1llM ('n,,1(' fr"~.., n' poInt nlmn-;t (\I. """Iiy I" f",. 1 of l 'lm . u(1 nAt from
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1 .
Iwr~onfll! )' r onr\u rtln):, 'u r. 1 t;ht~('I'lnJ( pr.rty. I trl~ , 1 t.o I'ut l'll ,nIl :",.. r w ~ri\ on th" t"h' phnne. I'lit YOll bu rl lofr lh~ 'I'nvel'n, Mra. ('oll!,'r Wl1n "'I to
r o(l" o nln! f1'om Grf'pn Ftlncy nntl cr('n t('Il flllito n fi'cnFnllOIt among I ,. oOlN nlfl by llllnOunciPI! Ihnt th ey h url 0 [' 'rf Ct I'I/:ht to (,:tI(1tlcl th Qlr ~(>nrch fnr clurs to 011 pnl'tA of h is 08tOtl'. nnll 'Ihot Ite W[U! (let'P)Y in. teres led In tho oltcOnto of th"lr In. ~f'l'tll:ntlon9. Tho Bb erltr ~nil! hD 'lVoulll lI ko 1.0 "run ove r th grounll n bll" thnt very nft r>moon It It \VOII a!(Tl'enbl o In lIlr. O·Oowd. O'Oo'IVd "tnrN! to dinner. (Olnnf'r WAS Arn'NI tn tho mll1r110 nf U,e day at Hnrt'a Tnv~rn.) Ilo mnde n w"n t Impr aslon ul)On Lyndon Hu~hcrort. who, wltb bl H 111l1l)(,hter. joined tb,' two' m en. Inrl~\J<l. th" Jl,t luv crln~ Irl l'hmn n rtendC'rl hJcufH'IJf tn th ~rrnl't to nanko - - - - - him self IIgrCCllbl(). U" ~mg Yn 5t l y 10· to r\l~t"c] tn tbo slngc. h ~ dC'c1nr '(). AR a mntter ot f/let 110 hUll bCll\ till,1 u tho u~nnd times Ih llt h I' (lu s;ht t o I!'~ on lh~ Fl lnRt'. . • • The 1IU1 ,~ hnn\, ut;~nt. cnm In " 'hlle th ey w eTt· nt 1111 " . lIe Silt (\(m'u In a co m er oC Ihe dl log r oo m ontl b u. Il'd hlms\'l t with hili IInhsrrlpllol\ 1I:·t5 willie wolllllA' thfJ 10"111 t o be sor\'cd. H e wo Btlll por lnj.{ o\'e;.J ~ t rownlnA' lilten Iy, wll t;.n "Psrtl11J. , .rI . the othe r s I ' ft t "';'filruc& nnd
l ,t L.
pl clon 01' Rlll'~~111I\nct•. It ",,,uld Ill' 0 ' . ()~sory f or hltn to [ ('mn ln In thn " hnilt.
Iy obtained. and
W . H. Madden & Co., Waynesville, O.
.' r"l I,'. I r' 1\'.
d l cu\
\Vi l se ll yo u th e best of lumber a nd at the right figures. too, 'He I ·ill help you to fi .g ure on your ll CW hOllle and will see t. hat you ge t U e best of every thin g.
I .,
, '
MAny newar InQolred B froac:hlll3 tlie (leek otter the8~~~ hn~ ao8e4 behtnd the book agent "It 't th 8b tt ' Ii..a.. __~ e .m ," "'PUed Jones Jlllrnl'.~ \lOP' - " "om, • ~ aDd Immei1lotelr resumed hIs Thn '~<i out 111'~IC!o lItlRII IIIClerrapt~ dl8conl'88 on books and. ' ., .... y .. ~ a&mtA. Ten UlInutee. Ill.f\l'!'(''' '::';' • "'.1.'11 ! n ll r·mnllo P;0W I1 In nn 1m. e • lnl)Jfk... •... ~e_l.fI;9.lR!' <I,,': I'rorelJtcnt." hI' ~n \ll to her.. HI' \\'n8 ~ .l'MPO~tq&o.."!; gnrrullly W08 t hlllklnA' t hn ~I,,' WOf) 0 \'('r r PI' tty 00 ., the BOund ot an Qutomohllo girl. nrtpr till . Jomllll fO estop lD front ot the b ouso. "Tho froclt URIlIlily mn le"" tho wom. IaroaI tum~ ~ectant1)' toward tho nn." !;ho ~nld ~Iowly. " hut nnt OIWI\SB door. AhuOBt ImmedIately the cnr 010 ",,]y." lltarted with a loud shltUng ot H e t1lotl/!'ht ot thnt r ",m nr\, more
' .~;
, I"
It ~
IIf f ll" I f' (ll !, r, /I hnc:ty 1 llt t'l!r,~r 1 , ': 1\ IJ' ;Hr!'; r " '., ~ ( l r r"I' nnllon nr hl~ .' flo, I·lq. 'n" rt \\ 'J' u·.t ! n u,' 11,', r· ·· t r, ·,·i . ,'.1. P I", "' . .,.., I till ' ""~ ltC("L r,·I·k l ll·, tl l~ ! hi p.... lt '. ' .•. ,' r , I" .h. '''" 1'1" ' 1" 1 hi " .: " ' 1' hod il(" '11 rnonl'<i T " \'I' ll (1!' t'l r l.c' l It ':. " 1',1 , I ,. II'" !< r .' 1 '\" 1 I i thl1 Ultl r. t.(I1,,, n!::""n t r It ' 1l1 It ·!" . -f;\l n r4 t ' t. "t lln 1t • ~ 1 n 'l "": ... t!J\ 1 U"'/L-J t t!r~ or !1 ll 'i u r . ll t:,., f'nnm Ii t rl1 ,- r"' r h -, Ih ' \ }'J l rl \ l ~ I f ' '1 lit n l ('~'l Ol/ed mr ' t d l·. ~ 1"'\II,' In C·'J'·.'r ttl' •.!! t , ,11 , ' • • I', 'd'l' .... h It 'IQ I" ' r"" t races ('1 Itls "I .! ~. cllnlrl .- h ' : ·It. I !" , ,,,,'1 III ' li l c et Hnmr s .1/ II' I r n In .I~pp n " Io n " li n" "t \ I,,!' '1 . nftl'r mh! ·Ih;ht. n • .,. ef'., :.1, I h!I'" DI' f' .( ,. \'n ~ r , I ~clf ns tl ,· llnlt.. ly rnml·· ltl ,": I" n ('01'1 . Ihr ('~h (hI' )1/,.,." ~,, ;t. 1.'< h" ,ul "r,. lilnntlnn ('r , lnl<1 r on,l l 'II]/l'HJ[ ('n ll'1' l1ellrln' nr. I .\1 '!lI 'I"'1 1'1 ' j.{ Inrpmll. prl ~t't'. nI)l thc" I U'it f " llcll \'OS to tl'n 1;0 In tb" 1>1l1L] \o ~ !, rrnrrl lt~ Ih., know III, It t ho rn."t~rlou... ~'I U J: ll/l'lllllli t: Iln,l" )I'u.h. n . n k womnn nt Gronn Irnnc '. It n!.! ; \<llll Burrt"" II PlOm"nt IlItnr. Tho nn.t cllIl' h•., wlrh otbol' 1(1 !~ 1'1 "1' 1 r!nrl ~ ·U • (\ till' "~n~l' t In th~ 'I'nvOlrn. mq lit tll ... 'I!\(h IJn .x. !trlnR Mr. Hor:" 'q t ·lth yo,l. O·I''''~'I.'' nm l nntJ(1n hy th!1 [lntlco null ('fmnty n!''! II. " You rJldn·t !'len Ion' him officln ls . . m RI , F;Uz I rth, nnrl IIntl- 'h 'n yOU Iple i,Jlol" ',1 thllt y 11 \\' 'r "
fllbecrtptlon totwotpll4!azlnes throwed ID. BJ rot!b. theea book agents ore IUd( 0Ilee:" lern." '"Be'll a Jlhrewd-)ooklng chap," comO'Oowl1 mentec! Bat'DE!II. "8aJB he won't be 811t1slled t ill h e's made ttl.. aect10n ot tho colin try the ID08t·enlturecl, refined spot In the UnIt. eel 8tate8," enid lones doletnlly. "Elxnee me. Tb_ goea the telephDne. llaJbe Ita IIeW8 from the shontl'." Wltb the lIl/88IDodlc tinkling of tbe telepboae bell the book ogent nrose IIDd made Ide WIly ~ the little office llaru.. &taneed ovu bls shoulder ~ IIIIOmeDt lac. and 4IIIW hIm studylog the~, The poleo of hla sleek ....d, ·1iow0V'el'. llUftested a IIstenlog _~tude. Putnam JonM, not tour feet -W87...... lJ)e8tl~ Into the tolepbone I8C!elver. 48 the r~elver was r~ • ored to Ita ~ook Barnes turned acatD. loaM and the book agent were eramlDlna the resister, theIr h ends almost meetlDS from ·oppOlllt.c sides or the desk, The lAtter straIghtened oP. stretehe(t Ills 7awned, and announced 10 n 10011 tone that he gtle!I8ed h e'd stop obt and get a bit of tresh aIr boto~e
1' " , . 0'" 'lOt '1'1
\rnll r TI0 .m, )nu',1 h('tlL'/' tr.f ~ ~ nr:.
~ .
11 y
~Iurri:wu Lkl·'L....' 9
pCdltl ,.." .
·..,1\ ".' 11 ~ . '1 Itl dr" • I t \ '1 Iqtnl." .\ '! 1 "nW I!"t U .. I'q!· ' 1:.1
CO''' '''~'ldad
O'()<> wd Vlt '• • If.
(" n l ! y til • n,
l Mlln' n. l'lIIr h Lllbr,
'rh" ()~lL1I" 01 11,,1'\' ·~IU " ll'Wtl. d o .I! lI.t Ilud 11 u. I 1I1·C .... UUt is "[JP; ,WI!J. Jul' tl>'O of flolinns H OIll'rfl. cia (10~ •. J .1. li'll'st nil tiu .. 1 U(Jo.IHnh I~ aPIll' \' 1.1 lu t hu IJ l llt II I o f 111 0 \1qtntr 01 {'l,arfll" 1', l' h dl .rJJlIII. ti t . .. ~.~eJ J v. RU).J!l D. (,h ;ll' : Ull ll' 11\1l'tlln t " rt r..,,'U ukr n d \\ 111 ' . I, l'\ 11 lit. \:;1 It III 01 BO i ly nU I. l F " .ll) Z u J .'- OtO uI JPtJ1L (oct "I 'P .. ~ l
.. " 'l t t
OfltlSl ,tl
''1·1 f'ru::",'
Ut.C JlI 11. ! .1 I rh. u. ~ t. l (1 L' t I ~~.~ ud 1. ~ ! 1 h !)', nt! :..l1\1 f!1 11 t rt ' ln! sp .... l'r(lhHt~
escape bJe lips tn tho shapC' of n !I('In wbI8t1~ whlch It It could ho't' f' h (l1_'ll tl'ansloted·loto word W01I1 1111l1\'rF11,1: "By God, why hR\'f'I1't I thnu!!ht of It b e-foro ? lie een t out tho \1"n l"oln.u thn t R OOD ood Poul "'~rc on tho Wllr! And I'd like to bot my InM d,.tlor t hllt
h rl
Ii flot ow n f'ildl u plnce it 'is h igh limch LyOll did . fu r w it !I sllch !JoUle ad"'untagC's you h av e noth · ing l ack i ng to lllak YOll bapp '. 'n l c fact that yO ll have a home iu a t() Ivn wb cr lumber can be so easily 'ami
Au/noT .if "CRAUSTARK." "11-1£ ,HOLLOW QF HCIi HAND,""THE.
ident .
. No, 14.
.lIarry P. Kelly [ .D'S'~", b ulor
STtJvm all of
WOOD-SpII ' f or stove. good qUll llly .
I nq uire of
Ban ey Ryo, Wuynen\lle . U.
fe~l'f! old, wplg h s 1200 ~IlU woll b .' oken Prloe U2 il . ~t) lt (lumpIng H(IY R Bke. prloe ~ l O. J . W . "tmwu, ph oue 16. ~ j~
COLT-!:';; Ihs. 19
Storm.fron t .Bnggy. ' 16,00. O 1ER aole, 009 G1 175, will make a
glJod spring WnIl:OIl, is 00. B!lgglel, Will sell to m n lle ro om for .. l':'!.IBSjO, W .' O, G Uyti o. j e25 E:LUIA N DARES of all klods, I/l cltllrO of Rossoll Bentley . Way. o Elsvlll e. Ohio . jell :>
BiNDER-MoGol·mlo k. NEW tukoo t n t!utla. J , U. ClJlIPWtUl. je2G W IIS
of l1ecl L c.u f Tobaooo A iloo BIla,rondy to b(ld 80 t ee t k'l!.lot~,
~ot ,
10qulro tl i ' bJs amao.
j 25 '
OEm-About SO ltu. good sorted coru. AlII 1 Shunk jow.d()wn Wogon, g ood 1\8 Ul'W. Mouj ~ t;;I.Jfi r . \'V o::Jd. R. 2, O~ eSOnltl , O hio j02!l
Polan/3· MUll Bro, d
Et oW~
snl . I llqUIl'O of JOhn beutlh. ·[t uY !l0av 1I1l, uliio. jc25 m()tlth~
Now is the .time to lay in your nex ~ winter's COAL. Dontt wait. Y o~ are not saving anythi!lg by puttin; it off, We have what you ,want Call and give _us yo.u r order. W ,. deliver every ' Qay.
'Younce Bros. Grain c.:
GA Z~ TTE .•..
ISSUED BVI'.:HY WI!;DNE DAY &ale....d ... ~h6 I'UO\ulll e w ~ W'Yllcbvll lo. UbID • •• Soccn~ Oll•• ~
11011 ..
l~fJtl. nt::' r'n ,... ' A.I a.JU ....,1".11 g .,.- nwlcnltJ 6 1'lA' llJ ' 01 LOIll , ....~OII. to L'OntiIU"r Iho Il''',f JOll a 0", t.QIl.~~ ;" ':ULlr. a....d )/r"~u di.dJ'7U'~ tUT, • HI l r"i: I,. ~c- ~ I :l.:ls. lIcr. It: .". ~ .-:lnc a 1\oI<~r. 0 r 01\'1:1 ..'1'1 11, 'unII'O ' () ('I to, .~ ' j , I ~ Iua. tint
r---.-------... . ..:- .___ _
.. ~ •
~H,.,. r1!lz~
::'~'I i <l :M . E. mHlr ~.i.J 1 8l>~ ingQe<v1y
K. B. Thomplon Bpent MODdllY In A (eOI'Jr,' of r 1)1''' - ('" !n' 8 goodJu..'h8.. ClnolonaU. for you to r emember. It", tf pure , iouo '. J ohos bllJi Q P061clon a' Ohllll. Beililon bat 11014 hi. firm $0 we Tllfl! _'_ nnd JCI.C10ua. all Ita rrit)· nn de liSubscri rl l i..lll I'rir e. $l.G,' per year • Mr. Davl., of . "Wb 1 ·~r?; ~'JJ 1, .1f.:J.l ,.,,-~ n.t to tu 1•. ' '''' 10 Oav\on, dIcy 01 (J avor rC8crvcJ for YIJur /i'l'BD<.' 8 h r; tl.lllnd 'l tN.T.ClI'!Ott.-i -w. ' . "r.1 I,!btl!o(b . , 01 U~baoa, I~.~ of rlb8. Amanda Qarner and dllogb. Itcnlth nil c n Joyow"t by c1eon Dnd ==-==========~===================~ UOlJltJ , lb Ql'O rot' Lt;, l.Ahlt,."U<: u l Na. till' U, ' . ~r ,.l'.V', ~u o;. (j IODer. SuoGay, ' Cl • • Jesale. l ,tll Db i5 rUl.jl~ with A. B. Ittl r .i t ~l')' bottlint;. ... b, .. ~ntl8 8tltd family . TIOlmG8 lI u <.o ::ti tlll ; , . 1101 li. , .,. c,· A -''''b .It ;'·aLlon . . WI 0 W !<;U N I~S DA Y , JU I~ ] 8, 19a) i Il ~ )lIWl wluch '''l''bu La~ 10. ul O rdeT a COlI'; fOT tu ibD L.h) U~ M.oW tla li Ii making. Ills. 1.oU'h~ BranDoD', of Troy, Is ,. r. '~' Ilsan Ku bnr il re d to tho Te PM- no ;')(1006 II vtdll with re)aUvea 0' lpeDdlnil 'ble wook wUb her bru'her Your H omo ..,Wh '<J 3 Dr tho vru;<>ItI! r~"' 1 Tt pvoounofl CUy, Lon and wife. How's This ? pa.. er s was rov1 iiCd, clarl1led IW1d nn d you 'll be suee o C'serving a pure • . r~. Bill e 0000 I~nd danghters II... Ida Mannon Gnd daQgbler , wholetlome onel d.. lir:r' J H bevenl/3C. W e h l' t'.! " O ll 'l il u JI(Jrc l1 D oll ars l hl - mAd e l oto a rou l'h b ott&l d.ocument unU Mr. 111),11 Llrll . WaUor KODlfiok m.hel, of TlppoolAnoe. are tbe gueBtH WUI'lI fu l H II )' ' t: lh< u j)r 'atarl"h l liut CUll .. t.b.u.n It W'U6 wha.') Itr!!l prel/OOt~. ~d eo joy~ d s. fb alng pal:ty and weloor of 1£. 0. DI~nc on II.nC1 tllmily. . . Sc:;rved ot and sold by r c freshmen t1I 0 l IH C' III'HI i lY llulJ'H Call1.l'rh M CfU . 10 ttl; pn.-,wn t torm it Is dl1!~"llnt trom l ' h H!. IIfan1~ l'e8tuUratltB. ro fcB fl1l d eroccrs. f 0 98 t t.t ~bo ri ver !JUJU HellLrook, M. H . Torry and K. It. 'fh lm pRon Ila ll 's 'u l HI' r h ~1 ... , l lc lrl o h ILS b ('tJ Jl lUI )' paLr tJcn bir (lIn.n In-vel<tI:;uUOIl. or 8snr n,. flftlJ lnoon. are hauling t he lum belf from Woy. I lu i" n h)' l :Lilu n I. H Ut' t~ " ll r H fur th o JHl Sl It ·w ni SMI<' th"l It WUII Laken 'trom , • Demand thlB Dot& U III" I}' .. fI C YC:lnt, Hull h ay b 'u m " Prof. Goorge Ollnk, 01 Columbia, nesville tor Lon 13l'11.nnoo 'll new Sec t hat il .. ""N ed in this potented bott1o-It !lOW " lUt lIlI ' III 01f t r o liubJ o rom dy for 1'6f1 mlwlY dfth :r onI. SOllrcea ptld balll . here, B'rlday, '0 . v jsl~ . h ouee. Mo., Ilrrlvod (·u IH rrh . II IlU' H ;illurr h l\l e dl c hl o I1C LtJ ~ ou1. WI 611Ch 11 ducumeUl ~t hand .hupe-<,'O""gutcd .idea-numo lh rliu ,; h thfJ B lo od o n thD MlICO U8 surblown in Ih~ plu...... N o ne but tho gcnulno his ln tbor. n . M. Olurk, and 0~h8r Wm. Mooney !Snd wlfe .were lhop. . . oIwunmotod 0Ilt, ~ !.lwzoQ III'e f rL1 .!t! ::J. «Jx l,olll n K tho P o iHo n {"ro m tho W. A. JuliAn , Ch"lrrnnn Oh io B •• ne h, 00""-,, in thI8 bou .\c-- chQ COnutno =m" . In ping In Lebanon. Saturday aUe.nooo tU lleH' Hud h c a ll n g' t h o dl ~oa ded por- d1l1'o...m.. mom bO'8 \II) be 1IId:iBl!ed by relat ives. no 01"" boltlo. League to Enforce Peace, In Ma. ti t'HI H. Mrs. Everett Eorlv . ' 1 1011 taken &0 M. Y . Terry: bali .. now \rook, u... ~II. I\ fll." r y o U ) llL\' tak on Uall'u nturrh t.:rly Add .... at Cincinnati. Po lnlll hoop"al. Toead ..,., "'qnlro Nilson II.nd Oonll'ablo Bo. M f'~ l h: ln u ( o r LL "' h or t tim e you wi ll "So much to ehow lbat the LeaIP:u" I·ho Mioml Valloy The wish of helf ., Out What Would Happen If United h ' 0 H ';T~ ll t llllp ro\, o mont In YQur f!on~ of' N.LlJOll S m vt",ant Is not " ·WOson· for trellotmsDt. milny trlende II! that ehe will return gan were Beon a D onr streets aDO crn . h CIIIlh , S t ll'rl In. lt ln g llall's CoState. Senate Shoul d Ame nCl Peace lit IT It l\h.ltJ l cl n o I tt o n co flnd K t rill of mllAlt' · d O<.'tI111 1 Ib day IIIHt weok. Squire WIlAon IA Cll lh lT h . ;,' ' 11t J ro r t Ot4 tilll o n lcl l H, (r oo. . ". ·uw. whal \1111 h OOt) n If t be lICit · muab Im proved In bEm' . Plan. Form,,!at.:d at Par i&. prollrl O\or of hotel Rt Bllrvoys. Ji', J , I~ H E N !oJ\: & CO,. ' [\) l cd o. Ohio, Dr ond Mrll C. W O~ bo.n and burg . n.ln I" p"rlll lll l '(] lO IlDloud tb, cow.. S,>I!! by n il J)r u ~..IHt B. 75c . Clnchmn.tI. O. -(Sllocln l . ) -StrlUllto MillS Snl\pbory will toacb tbo (;<)\' nan ! Jl BOD , J.ljorvnl. of Dmyton, woro Sunday nlUn! '1'0 """'11,1 I h .fng lho flLCl that IIlUcndm u lIl Of \.he On,) ,,In<;II ' rl;rrIcu lur I, m oun!.>! lO r" gnosts of Walt.or Konlrlok and family BloltOr yville "ohool, '>\18S UngIOBbe(. Leag110 or Nlttlnl1 s oove n u n l m c alls Androw MoKt r by, ~ former Lytlo the Wollwltn I<o hool .. nd Mr. Ml' loy JCt'tino of Lh , ' wbr,I". "nd til<' 1Jn lLurl reJection, nlld IlrfilldlllJ; li b fa.lse lOO WUl1JQ 00 Re lue o oy Q. coun un "DU- Swen wI ll ('onlinufl t tl hoc tn n. st.all' bar, blld ebo misfortune of breaking w11l Seooh our so hool. till! coming elvlA! . o' h,,.. or IIQult)·. or war wllh C, ·r-nIlLIl Y. T4 ~ro I ~ u· his a rm In two plapes, lall' weell. as vell~ . allllortioll tbat the doculII e n l IR .. WII· "Who" tho,,", tFcaUC" we ro Rl'n L to l'I :u' Nn In rhr . I "'-,Uy wh1<:h deelare~ Hie N. 0 . RoO where tan works . Mrs J onnle Keever aDd ohlldren, 8On' " I11,lo:' W. A. JUllllll. chai r man or the Un ited S iales a;e UllU! tor n.Ll IIclv that If 'UJ\' lhr"-" Tl ation ~ ~t:;n t'hut Mr. and Mr8. Rlllpb Johns en'or. of Lebannn, werll Sunday ~U08tB of Unn. tllllt "" ~ II i:t body 01 I .. "' mll kors the Oh lCl brwu:h. Leng llo to E llrurco troao ' Wilh' r;l'rtllnn)' I I.." It no'" RUIJl d ,. talned on t;undl\F, Mr:- and Mr8. A. f!. AileD IlDd wlfo. Frllnlt BeoklUllorn aDd ohllarlln, Pea.ce. in a flllL8wrl y uddre s s horc dJ.l 10 th um jm' t ",hat tJ1Cy wuuld like t h ('y n Ul Y (?u Lnr' In u hHe nl.:.uinnul r to do w thll PftTI R Cove llllllt. T he y 111.\ iUIl N with C('rm'IIIY. TIll' f:11'nator )! l..oroy. wwrllDoe, Barold I\nQ !iolun, HIS. Allie Terry Bod MFA, Mallol lIrged tho bWllnCS8' IlIto reS I ~ of tllo bllLboty rllnt: 1l1h-d them u~ til" >' wou ld no tIon s m a~' 4)\I('n up (t'ad fl a w l t1U l~ t · of .6't , MoKinley. Bolli Mr. IlneS Mrl, Torry aUondl'l d 'he 1. O. O. 11'., K . of ,"Ollnlry ta URe the ir InOuollcc t o h 'He' ameD<.l Ill" 1.01 d'.. j ' l'a.Jw .J' If Lhal P . and Junior Order DecoratloD .. nONS ami .·11Ln to no b l1 ~ lnA" R \\1.l h E'mu k 8. l:3"l1'b. WayDesvllle, Bonday aUerncton . . tbe CO '8n IlJl I nultte<l Ill' the Iln l\\ld IULCl'OO work W O nt 6Ub.O ltt.etl to M ~. !lod M rl!. Stephoo BurneU and f: nrm "lJ )' lll l'! O~ ' It n ll th ., ,l1h" I' '"I' Blal eH se n ate. tor con ·IUCI·...tIo.lll. d,m"IHertl. Mildred IOlad lOll, Mr. and Contraotor A, B. Allon bas com"We I"!I" II grellt d01l1 rrnm IVnHII· "A 1111I) those t:re uth!S II ern lions hutl Hll:nml lho mm ty. . uppos" I' monoed Lou BranDaD'1l new boutle. Main 331S ' Home Phone 6471 Inglon tu th o e ffect tlmt I he L II " lie <lr n eve r Ull l Into ollOmt toll . IIIH) ... ere Jall<Ul. ~'mn " " c: rna t fll1Laln Im<\ Mra. Ben Jt~m e8 , Mrs . t30san BavenH Will MGOney and Wlfll, of lIear Nlltlon . 1)lan adopt u(1 h)' Lha ~ I' ILl LlII' wed tram whll',h gre w thl' l--ellg'ue li n y R~'I\ I II" rr.l.Cl. n.~ w are lOld and Mise Mlldrod MIII!'r avent I:!no. ... ,·. nM' m M" thnll wllll~ 10 do . day wllb ..4r. Ilnct Mrll. William Barvey.t>urg oa11ed 00 K B.'f bomp. !!!?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:'.:':: . ~.~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pow n r" at . Pnrls III " . \\, 1 1 ~() n · m ndc· or Natio ns ud Ol,l by l1! l,'T 3.1 flO W· th w h ~' \\'0 111<1 h r.p pen ? They '""' lid 00 Oo loman, n ear Loblmon, Ion and wife, Bunday evenlDR. d ocllmont," Rah l Mr. .lil li an 'fh o ~ n, CIS Ilner mon UI ~ Clf cOn ~l der~l!on Ilt itt. [If'af'O u11h (:f"'rmanv and ,V ~ \{'"ould Mes . BolJe COOD and doughterll Ola'e Huffman and wife. of Day. alors who UAO tbl s ILI' ~ 1I 11l 0 nt t o UP ' ·arll.. Th., IlCO lIl o 01 tll" rO I. ntry fOAl th o ne ll r ost thlnJ..;' w,,.,"\., (!\Icr huel l;...camc In I 'OlU cd 10 lho Idl!H und ho al wnr wi l h (;-(,M lany, \VIj \\1 11 tJ C we m Suuday «uads of ChlUll. Wilt. '00 , spent 8 ,mday with W. B . ut wur \,-jUl (j ' 1ltuLn y until w." I'tirn . klc s Ilnd 'amlty, llellr WayneSVille. 811>Ine aDd wife. to 1\ F UfI rIItl on o f ~I " nkill d (\ ' ) tlO \\ 11u l1 t lll ;..! I'~ war ~ w oul ,t du wn /lilt! wo wil l lIe I ~ nl"l.. d. RlJllI UIll )! A 11"10 blfd t olls U B thut OlareDoe Mr. and Mrs. 0, S. LIIWb, Mr, and UI\Ql1 UI \It>r ld rOllr 0" I" ~ h lllltll'\)d eltber throllf(b unllKrdonllhl o Ih n or· nlorlf'. whilo ' [II! or he r groat null o ll " Mrs . •Iullul 'l'oflor Ilnd 80n8 and Berryhill blls sold blR DOW farm Of U\ k (J IJ\.I.Ji" C DU~ l in I 'b !luc!r ~ Ip b t u &&lCC or IlII IJam ollllblt· !lBrtl"wII ~n, nn' rt' apllIl! tho h H rVl'H~l of trade , Alb rS Stlloy a nd fliwlly took Sun. whloh he booghtof Joe Rosoll a few ll ,ul r gsl1.1.Hl tJ Lcagl l t: t v j ~I1lol'(:e I rL~ lu1 y thu Nn I inn rJ! ( :.oo.UlbcT or day d lnDer with Mr . Ilod Mrs. Will weeks 81i0. Tile ~u e ot Natlou s 1,lan \\'n.' l'~ r ·" . '1'11 1., I'gu DI ~~tI"" l al ~ du wn ('Olll n , ,Te of &II!;lu nd toa.'! o pened u Null , near Springboro . Ionn ulntod long b61oro W "uti Ill'" Dogs mode .. I>ald on A. B. Tal. " " "III,,,·m . " _" OIWDoll l1lrlJl tlul Lb e Wilson WIUI tlrs l nontltll\Uld fnr 1" ' " ,'1. Io I·ll.nch ofli.·" nt C"blcuz. Gun oony . Mr. abd Mrll. WlIbur Clark lIot.ei. m~6to'~, J . W . Ureswell'sl\nd W. H, Un Jl ,o,J :-) t 1/ '!-i \.' 10 1' Ii ~ S'll~ or ' a, dent . . Durin !; tile Taft IlIlml n L rullrrll Th ,y aTO there ......[\ (1) to d o h UlIln c5r. tMb od OD Sundar Ig hODor of ~helr Bh~IDe' 8 IIbeop, rooently, klllln8 ' s 1I11 'I ·r !;Llpu IaUlJns. fi ll ,) em· treaties were drawn UP. on .. whh LIOn IIIll lIIom o n l r: roo 1 fllit.'\in <Lll d t wo 80U, Everott, who reooot'ly r oturned soverll1.sod orlppling quite 1.1 Rood b ru{'ltI~ 0.1111)' po ln l s 11I c1 lld ~1i In !.be Prance fUI<I unatber with Orea l ,Brll· Ilr.. : .... lIl lrr~. ~ (). . olb I' power " ho pc:u:c W·cat y. froUl Fracoll, Tbo doooratiooll wero maoy oloro . aln. In wjlleb tile 1 ~lrtl e8 ul;ff\ed to " 1"11 1" hcmwi' . Ir th e UnilCn StaJ~~' red , wblto liDO blue. of 08g8, Bud Mrll. Franlr Voml!I'y, who fellolld pn'l uq!, unriu af f hu 1,(l!f;jUC.1 to Now is the time to hu y an Electric Fnn. We ha ve arbltnLIe all JUtllk:en.blc uuc s U u n ~ ac,l r..!n"The " o~~ nul ,1I~n til" I 'l' lrll<ll j' w ith IIlso 1l0wers In th e thr oll 001ur8. The hort horself, 18 geUl ulJ alonllliS well PCa.l' t! spren..d tu l h ., 01 uer abid e lIy th Ilrhltr3110n, with Ill:\.- t;kiofon'., t he 1Jo!J.~ '" ut l'atioDS 10 It ns It Is pltloD cards hlld oolors of I·hll Allied .as ooold be expected. a complete line of Fans. "Ourable Day ton Fans " . of l il " ..·/ An ru;wGlallon cbln ry [or d tOMDlIlln1! ... bat WWl U no.... w wi ll ho plunged Intu Intel'llll' NI. tloru. Eoob of Ih e following wit.h a. sim ilar trrt)~ WIlS Orlla lll7.o d in 9-incb Desk and Oscillating (made in Dayton) --~.------ill8l.Iceabic llucK1J;m_ qU6&tl~D whl h In E n"lJwd. ,TileD ."tu11 omul'Hced nllb le IitlJ;:llton OV I' tbo $700 ,()I)O.001l guests wore an AmorlOiD flag : M•. types. Also, "0. E. F~nri." worth or >J11116 wlLlch flajj been nWllJ'4- IIDd Mrll MIltOD SbeehaD, ot Center. ed UR 10 rr'l1IIWO the bot.tomR d ~ ville. Prot. George Olark. of ColomCall for prices, immediate delivery. We rcntl stroy <\ iI), tJl G<}rmans dUTln~ th bl ... Mo., "t.. I\Dd MI'8. mlDl08 Ollr. E lectric Fans. WILr. Ir W (\ It!'e(\!'t the n= ll'CtUy mony Ilod ohlldren" Marl80 and ,,_~ it II ~.. KtMd ' Wi' I; t hl~ t.onn p Robert, of Springfield , Mr, aDd Mrs. Phone wltllout run ... r plIrlllY. II we d o not Ch " . CiolfI! . M.r . "nct Mre. W"ner MI18 May HarlaD "Uonded oom. Wny nenUlo II c CoO lit It notltrol I,o wer s w Ul do\.f.:r· GI',ra tiud ohlldren . ~ arl, Luolle lind mencement at 'be Wilmington 001. 56-a Ohio ml ne I lIr.t whnt ron.ntlol;C, II nnl' . Gel'- Wlloda, lind Mra. Ma:ry (larmony, lelre, la.t TburlldllY. 4 acres of good level land, good rou~~ roo m bouse, cellar, mauy Abllll be coulpolled to glvo us. -------.~ ~-----tsevernl from this vlolnlty aUend " Ano t h e r s lLU a.tion wllh which we well, ciatern, bam, hog house, chlcken house, fences M a 8urprl86 on Uhal. Sberod'., aD will bo c onCront ed In ClLlIO tbe ~Ie good. make a' good price for quick sale. Sunday. of Naucms covenant I am Ild ..rl IUlI1 MrtI . OhllE. Collier oalled en DIre. tbu B re.J octlld Is lho DOMiI,II 11y ot T. 11', McGuinn, Wednesd8,. eveDIDg, bavfltg to return to tholr tanne r own· •• Mn . Ohas. VillarI and 80nll, Oar• ors I'M $] .000.000.000 wortb 01 0.11 0 11 VETERINARIAN Mr. and lairs. Orville (Jomp'oD h.a roll and Wa1no. epent WedollClday property sold Ilt IlUCl lon by tblB gov· ernment U1Kior tho .. lIcn propert y 88 lhelr 811n6 ..y 811118te, aI., lind MH . wltb home folke. Valley Phone 25-3 Harveysburg, O. Wa iteI' WilBon and Mr. aDd Mri. Mrs. Oliff Hawke aUended a Cttstodlft.n net. . GRADUATE AND LICENSED Rb:fmond WIl80n and! two ohUclroo, sbower to. Qraoe Bamllton. of WIl. "As you aw rond ll~' Me. how much tnOnl en.sUy we an doni wlUl tho Mar, Oothelflne and .1811noe"e. mlniltoD, la.' Thurs4ay aftornoon. A quick response. My visits are VETERINARIAN Germao s now t.hat we llaro thom QD Ur, aDd Mrs. LuSbe. Balnee eD Ghal. EllI~ and family attended a made without delay , and r save their backs. nod all ollr illi tes I\88lst- tBr,.. lned 'bo f ,)llowIDg persollB ' '0 IIl1rprl86 aD Cooll Boover, Snnday, onimals by prompt uso of right remlng no. tbM If we allowed !.bem to dinner , Sunday : Mrs. Will 8prav, Mr. and Mrl. WUl MOODOY were Harveysburg, Ohio get \Jl). h aving mane J>ellOO w1tb all tho of Lawrenoe, K8nsas, M,. and IIrs, 01111108 on frien.11 ID Wa1nBevlUo, edies.. Call mo as early as you can. world, nod Mvtng only us to cloal Ztmrl BalDBiI, Mr. and Mre, Everett !:lundayafternoon. Phone 34-1L-29 - v.1tb. Ono who runs mny read the Blllnes and Mr. aDdt MI'8, ~amer hr7 milo bet"eell 7'011 and 7ott1' ~ Helps On the Cure. Irma EIlI. spent the wllek.eod Morrill. mauit." the uancrtainty and the riIIt. July I G wUh Chili. Vl1laH IlDd family . Mr. Jullnn lIrged his h e arers to 000 Mise Maudle Peterllon lpent a few BORh Tbompllon and da08hasr tD It that t ho eenntorn lit W.asblngtoo d\\,s Inn weok willi bo. grandpar It ,our &~ are 4epoak.ed in thtt ua~ 08l1ed on !!Iii Wr1Rht and family, aro Informed tha.t tbe POOlllo dOl\lre ents. Mr. and Mrs, 8. E. Janel!. ~on 1011 know thnt badk Of evfSl7 dollar tfr..t SaturdllY ovonlng. tbe rat1IlcnUO D of the League or Nat3l1veral trom hIre aUondecl 'he IDOl't.Ia8e 01l Real m.tate KootlJomll1'f county. Baroll QIIJam 1. home agalo, tions covenanL oommenoemen' exeroisel at WII The monf)1 ba, heen UIeCl to h~R "our ftBishbor hovlng received hll dl80bar86 a' Mr. JUUaD Ie known tlm>i\gboUt mlD,ton Oollole, Thtnreday. ft trill- ·'Bomo" 0' "1Parm. home til four OIImp tlhermaD. 0bJ0 thl'Ol.q;b hili unUrlng e11'ort~ on Mr. and M.8. Bora~le Uomp'on eD . .....~4 70U both pt'OtJt br tho trauMdoD. tho health a nd old age pen 810n com- torklDeCl 10 SUDday cUnDer, IIlIIa lb. and IIfI. Frank WlIioD aDd 1IIts8ibn, at wlli-Cb be III o.lIa1nnan. eOD,' Maurlue. were Ihopping ID OndUlte .r Oblo salt;; UDlwnI' , Eslbe. 8bambugb. 11188 .tbel Funeral Director. ",poI1t IOOOUnu of&. FOU _______ Comptop. Mr. anel J&rts. AlI1ol1 Oomp. Olark.vllle, s..&u.dav evoD1DIJ. Boward Graham and da118h. too, 'Lawrence IIltobener, Levt ~.' WQYnesvllle Ohio,. OFFICB:: I:lbambaagb, TlrilO IlIllOheDer an4 te•• Beilin, wore In Olarklvllle ODe • Fourth Street, near Tyler 4a1 laet weet . IIr. and Mrs. Evan 8opD. rwrGbone 93 Yr. aDd IIr.. W. ID. O'Neall, of -SITDIDRLebanoD, wera oaUlng on frlea" In ( Auto Equipment Waynesville. 'bll oommanlty, 8nndtt1 afternOOD. • Oblo Au.. Mt' . and Mra. William Wright, of HOftIOooDrawn Equipment 11188 mtbel Curry attended tbe Day'on, 'wero 8unday lIuoe', of rela r~:. '. Reeovo. 8 l&UJloM, . MOUD' Ple&8anl Grallte plODle al Uvea here. 0aI\ IIdr4 ui4 11 ralnel! or Itormed here like BellblfoOll, We4DeBda:r. 6. Tm.EPuONa 7 DAY OR Nloa, BARNHART, II... lI'aDnle s..ttelflhwaUe and 1418e Hele.n Ingram, of Knoxville, Iver)'Ullnll, thai 18 puUID8 " alld, "II t-. CMtIo. Jllnnlo HarDu "ere, .hol/plna In 'fIlDn., vlllte4 old triea41 helle lala 00 &tulda, evenl.g. NotiifY ublle wee~. 6he W&8 a teaohe. io the II•. £4 Oannillsham,cf OInolnDa", Xenia, I'rlda,.. ~rttlla~IOn, Mr. aDd Uti. W . Ill. 808aD took bl,h lohool here leveral ,ean aSo, Waa here on llld Wednesday aDd Born-To IIr. an4 lira, . Wehde\) parohaBed leveral horBel from Frank t:!undDF (linner wl'h M• . aDd 11.11. DB.H.E.HATHAWAY Wol!1ou Wilson .. BoolI, Dse Dorothy (howl. 0' NUN, aDd- Bany I:!hldaker, Mrs, Enln Sml&b, of 14 •• Tabor, Ohio, • ODe 100. 80tb are forme. Mr. and "ra. Ira S,rert! hElVe a spen' a few &111 lui week with her . .ldenll of sbll plaoe. new ror4 tourtnR car. O. 8. Moh.wartll I .rOOllfJ II OMr. J. W. Klblel, of New Wublngton, sl.ter, Mn. RaymoDd WI18oD. en IIr. and Mr •. Joslab Davie and IDg oompletlon and he"tII soon be Ohio, h ..nlloote4 hDBlneBll In tbl. vi· Mre, R . m. J onoa were .hoPPlD. ID looalecl at bll old place. 0101", the firet of tbo woe" Will rde IIn4 wife ban par. Beal es'ale 10 this vlolal&,. II a,m Xen.a, TburHda,. aUernoon , ~!erlnal"lans obued 'be otd Bale proper'Y on ~ ohanging haade. Il'rankltn ••reet and mov04 there Tbe bot weMber hae been 't o suob lallt Tbursday. extremes that" makes neWIi BOarOEl Mlue8 Dorothy and M.yme Har. -enUrl'lv 100 warm for 80llSlp, 8nd nll88 and llae·tBr I'loyd Harnellll, of ________ ___ 'ho thllrmometer mu ~ ' be register. DaytoD, will llpend their vaoallon Ing blgh when heat Interferes with witb tbel, aUDt, lire. Ohaa. BrBll. g088ip. Mr. anI! Mre. I'raD11 Bannell and ·for4. Dorah of IOWD. .... and 'be. W . O. Welob bave family, o. Red LiOD, we.o 'be MDO Joho Kable and daugbter, MI.I Clean.llm~~j~ lostalled the ·'00100" 1.Y8iem In day gaestl of Mr)!. Ella Welab. Oftrrle, left 1u. TUeiclay morning tbellf beautlfu) ooQutry home Mr. Il'rank 1{8II1101r WaH 'he BaD '0 • . MartlnnUle, Ind, wbere Mr. . ! Ollr trlend. ChBS. D. Oook, met day guoat of Mr. and Mre. Albert Kable wilt talle .reatment fOlf loiAllo . wltb the m 'sfortuDe of broaklng bill '8eslon. H 0 U • to n fa eTJie OrigUial ..beomatlllm. arm. Be la thoughl to be Imp.ov Mr. 804 Mr•. P. W . Brehm speDI . A larlle ~owd attenoed the oblld. :.Jollee') Llaiment we.. 8n' .,0111Saturday at Miamisburg. lull u wenaB O';luld' be oxpeOled, ren'lI exerolllBa.t tbe M, E . Churob, poUllded in 1810The Il'rl~nds churOb wU, 8000 be Mr. aDd M". William S'atlton I"" Sond",. .e..,enlng . After a half oontury of 11,10repaired, ""ark $0 be oommenced at and f.mlly were DI.,Son vl~Uol'l 111118 IItIabel Bavenll, of DaytoD, Is It• • tul illc, farmer. and litockon08, one 4ay las' weelt. -.tettiDIr ber gr&DdpareD'., Mr. and Oll.l/taln ' ibas Ga1'llor, of Nowport I\ov. IDlmoe Bisbeel, the former Mre, .~1I1 marnbart. 111811, al weli .1 horlemen and",. Newa, speDt sevoral d8YII rooeotly pastor ,of 'he Unlvel'/Ialla' oburob, ~rainer8. haye oOlX\e to depend .. with his motbor, Mr". Manbo Finob, filled 'he pulpit Ian ,S anday morD Qpon thl8. 80othing. heaUng anti, Mr. and M,a ' Jesse · Cla,k hav e lag. The Aftrologefl. Mr. aod Mn. MoElwain, .,f tlprlng opened up an 10e oream parlor '" .eptlc liniment. . An I.IItrologl!r, . who Willi tamed fClt 'belr bomB on EIIR' M"ln 8tr\!ea field, are the gue... of Ibe. m"l1 ilia gre8.1 looming ood bill lUlowledge . No sore, lame horao. when Hou.tonia LIn iment il kep t handy Thll cream 'hey bindle 18 of the very Borrnell aDd famllyan4 Mrs. 8e'rah of t:h8 lltal'!l, went 01lt tor 8 wolk. At ourti, splint, lWeeDIY, wind-pull'. or bony tumors, . baal, and tb~lr treatmen' a08' Boll. ~e wolkl'd. all tbe Hme looklcg up Houstonia LinimaDt, dOeR not burn, I!lIIart nor blister--doea the sky, be RD.I!! t4l blmself: "Ob, exoellent. Mis! LaureUa Batlll.way baa reo Cooslderable wheat wae beatea turned home after an edeodeC -.Ielt 1I0w mudl \(lIner 11m I tllnn mOBt mel\. 'Dot irritate nor frot the lkin--but quickly pc;netratu' to Ule deeper dOWD by the raiD and Wind, 81tur wUb MIBBee Ollyo and Graoo Book, All the '~cre18 of tho t!t8.1'8 oro known tinue, and ilgamen~ •• ealing pain of strains und sprains Rnd lenvto me. I reod them 1111 other IDeo 4av. . .. at WalblnlltoD. D.- O" The A.· M. E Ohul'Ob b eltl Ulelr Mr. aad Mn. W·1l1 lrwlD, Clf rftd boob.. ' . • ." Tb08 IIMlftklolJ, . lag the animal lound. oillan-li.mbed, and unb1emished. Roth aonu,,1 haptilltng In Oaesar's Oreek. rraotUn , lpeDt e5llndlloY he... u She he C8100 to " wcll. bu" belDIJ tnr too ~rothm, famoul trainen and drinn, .. a1 : ~l' Souda,.. A large crow4 wUlleaaecJ "uelte of. Mr. aD4 Ibl. JOCItIph 1111 boer pI1IlallllJ bl8 O'WO etC!'fomCIIS to notiee It, be trtpped IIDd tell lD bead- . . "Your Unlmont II lUI _tlal to • tralIIIQg atable IU ~ feed. lhe Im'nenlon . , lor, eulof 'OWD. and there he hnd to mi)' untll . W••1....,.. had tremblo ~g I Inl\Mllt mIt! ellal1f!b for III u... trrank L. BarrJe reprel8n.ed Bu. Mr. Ralpb IImer" (of Da,.toD, loog, iii, lO"tlnt. hen.rln!! bill mea, eflme la tho 110_ \IIItll we tried If!D' ~ It ~U gtve ~.atWtIdIOQ ve,sburg Lodlre No.liG7, K •.of P., at. apent the week· end with bt. par ud pulled blm ollt.-AeIop'l ~I_ III . , cue wilen ~ b poulIIII lor • UU-t to 40 ~ , the GraDd Lodp, beld In Att.OD ent., lb. aDd lin. ",oleph IIlUer.
D. L. CHAN~, EdItor and P ulilisher, Wuy nesv ille, Ohio
vtove. e.!.
,. ~
ThfDayton Coca-Cola Bottling Co,.
w. N. Sears
Waynelville, Ohio
M. A. Shoemaker
.'I-IITeat VOU" . . . . . at Home-
·'1." . .,,-!CJ»
......... '
Oem Qlty
. .,.Wlla. aad Loaa
' •
., _. a
. AU~~e~~1p!.~. "'II
R~GaMJtte·s C~1Iied Ad.j::~~~~~;' ~~~81
------_. ..------
and Horsemen . Have Used :an-d Recommended This Liniment for 50 Years r~ '
Keeps W orkir5tock . Fit :. and"'w illing
.- .
• Mr. aD41111. Rat.. BoIDIIIle aDd • - • lun of Mr. Coulln Bill "')'11 and lin. of Lebcmon. Flet and FlotlOft. "WIlen a maD tblnk" be baa lett htI . 10 novolll a maD Denrl1 atWllll mll1't Beall left W1Itt'h at home etll!, tntl!ll It out of Nil rles the right woman. And bl . . . 414 pcxoIret to Me If .... hal time to .., bac:t \p dobl. eo about halt til. tor It. 1 Ibool4 ca1J that IIWl . . .
hal' weel'.
Uf~JIIb ~pltat.
a" .... .....MIt.
aIDdIO... .
1170ur ..table it Dot alnacl;r protected. don't ·wait. .A.ak 1~ I lhuglat for & boW. of Hn~loll~ Vet.riaary Iis_th. oW. trW aDd trutecl of HI'MOWIIIl'I. . .......1• ....., . . . lie. NnrV.....,. ..... ...,
ENT H ut)O
"'~Ilt, ~~prC' tnt
dren '~
tury , F lu nou Att<!nd Jun ~ 20
t h e Ct.!! 1>< T ,. IIlh c., ..
Adc 01
1l~ " , " E.hh U., . Sp · I~e .. ~ H vc Au reed .. Ce l. ration at CO IU Ol bU , to July 13,
In t r\d,·t. l t. t!H\ r·I, ... ~t " of t he ,.: I. if t I : ' m '(r.
f\"",,\""n'e~ "t;
t l"a ~
' Vithott On ce ~hiftil1 g Gcarl 4J i O 11!cs
\ \on. \\. 11;.'11 UJ f II . , In 1 I I IlllUll!'", 0" on J un :.!O l \ "'J" " i'rorl it:' h ins:: ru-n d
to l)(),'nla t l/.l t. It :ll) lJ1·o,.dufl1S al tf' lOA h 0"'"1 . t' I'I\('t, ,, ' to 1 tJ l·n!'I,.1
or all Is itor . ncconl II~ t tl )o n,o [0;. \1'1 1." ... <t lrc'Nllr o ( I h(' el,
Newton s. 2iic
Egano, only Hie
aooo package s Garden ~nd Flow-
er Seeds, reg. 5c pklZ's. , 2 pkgs. f or 50.
Cook ing Figs. special. 5 Ibs. 49c. Vir. Sweet Quaker
Mrs. Austin
P. Cake FIClun IOc '
3 g'ood Lawn Mowers -se ll ch eRp Post Toastles and Kellollh s Cornfla kes ....... ....... 2 for 2iic Brown Beans. 10 po u nd~ .. .... 6. c Pinto Beans. 10 pounds ..... .... R9c Beet Little Chick Feed. lb .. .. .;,c Jelly Powder . better than Jello ...... , ..... ........... ... ...... 10c
SPECIAL FOR SATlJRDA ONLY Small Mother s Oats per package .. :.. .. .. ..... Large package Mothers Oats ..... ··· .......... . ..... . .. Lay In a supply -you mav new:' r havo tbe chance to buy ilL d ,·se prices again .
10c 25c
~I nl
'rill' [ln illto ...... ItI\·i~ l ul1 hund "nil n rl\mou ~ Jnrki(O t>fl llt! will fur nl"b 11111_'" rl uily. on(1 well k n own CI (\lI t ,\l II1 11" t"'nt~r t :dn( l:i h:l\"e rontrn t. l , d Lt') h, · l hf\r{' wlf h, el~- pr(l' nun ur ;1:1 nJ~ 8,,1141 in t rll m ~' nt n l tnt; ie. Fur In'" ,
of dtl~ sienl nr:!1 flcrpd n .I ~I(" , t hl C olif' 11m III Ih fl p x po:trfnn J.!.t'()t1 1 1th~ wilt I'" n M l'(,(';~ P:III, !'C' rl rl\l ~ II)
I-,.of,·s .. o ,. 1\ 'I III:tUl .1. Kraft of l 'nlum
Ilm t
UiVl"'$ I I),
nt Iho
!'ul ,~\ or~un;
n :{} lll llbuny t hn ~Lrn , famous tdn", "rR• .:\ I hlll'n~ of l .tl(1H \ ni l\~ :1 nd thf' Ir .. m!>",," ('h lltr of 1"11 l'i('C"s "'lIl t"
The Drh'inp: Associa tion ore rOOl rl I !~ti"!l .fc rho t n£tC rI.I'l(1J1. nnn ovoryInR'thelr ll!fniI's for the ec l'br; tiol" (Ill!." rOll ' 1 1i~lr C"tr!lor t IInrl (,lIterI'IU\"A"I~ i n lifo .,la)'s. motlnn pk· I fo r l ho Fourlh hto [:;'ood llholJC. 'filii tclnn";! ll \~'I ll be rlolIO. t ll!,('~ nn,1 " ,I'I":lIlnl 'nl 'cctu ,.I'U , III ' I VOII t make armngc nt<'nt t o t111 Ihe moruln~:<, IIf t l'tTh)lln~ lin. I ciovoral dlffercllt commit co~ nro ~IJ nw:w i.(J1lI nny he lIIe 011 thlll h{ter· ~"('nin ~~, "It l ~ onr !Lim In 1"1"''' ,d.' no:,", nlmv;:t re~dy to. rc orr. TI}erc nO,on . h'; lh, .1 \'.'1'. plent), ,1,,!l1i to U Ilerl:lIl1m i'lIt for PI l'r~ hnu)' e,,'n Wid Uu i;(,tnrtl, ",g clulillS nlllhe r.rtcr Ir (U \ ·.IW' ,.It. ti'"1I't' O'lkt lilt! l):lrl( UIlI1 11 l0 of 'he dOl'." ',,>1. ~'r. \'"i,;ul1. nOlln. Tl'e returne d soldh.r l>r;\':luro,l. L'it'ollt 1\.. 1' 1'1, l"r$,,It Ill' grant!
IIr('(1 Iher .
no l l'r:l.Uoa ib lI~t to
~r'-'IWllU"~ allll('
IS )J t'iq 'tl
___. . .
1 _ _... _'-'_~~r
lP :lH)'" 1 .l.~!llllt'm: ", Irn~ J "III ,.. few t •. l' hllr.;<,. ,\h i) 01& I', In ,1,jlJ lll ol. t n rL'tH-rn llr.d~ . welt "qllll""'' ; alit! III l (:n (0", I t.I.H\' \\ ill 1.0 rll'l l h:UJ l:o:, ('~LI!J. c ~ ant i \'.. I'r '),; 0 ri\h' . ..rn: 1\ \ 'ih. \ "(1 'J ~hn\\' f'\ r)' dn y. "' lIu .L. 4'·1)a~ l'a.n r pr~'~lI l i"l: Ihl' ('biJrircn '~ t·ru""I· - of lill l\ i ·l'·h ('P"-tl 'r), Will I, itt
\.:>:.,'1""- :nc' t ",.... L._~, 1 . 'l'alt. \ I.ljr r C n - "1: I.r':"lu\J1,.t \'.f'lrxi, ~C"l" t
__. . . ____
10.r ., .t(),l.· .... l~ t' 1 ;UBI:!. . \ iii' ~ .1 'n I In: q L,r'-·.- l,n ,pn~\rri. C'm-'f"! 'Ji:1I' odnrr 1--..0: -""jO't , Go" r'0.r J~unrY Our store is cbuck full of bar· U n. Fr'H,~ un , . _ 1...l."'Ln .:. '~f\~' (14' gains. Give us you r bURinRS S • to' t(l4 rlruly h~ r·tWl I hp ,.~t(·nj r I .Jobn Hnl'l" f.t. tl!r "1.1 (1r hUdn n, n('('l)l ~\· and we will save you mon y. I'JUtidl by 11, ~, ler'd (If hi Idn,:n'll lll'r -s or flO" h'" Pn,n-. m~rH'-:Hl I·olnn. \ ok/' . 1\ IIl'Y 1'. '](>Irh r. 1' 111(,'<1 St:lte.< I 1 Amt>!I': thl' hrnclII. 111 11 01 tho colln~'" .. ,oor In _\I "xlC(!; E1 Sr. Dr. Llr I ") IIr'O h,,"' ngr"'c-rt d"lin " IY, tu 1>0 ' ]lonll1:t. I"~I<":\,, n mb ....."''ldor nt ~ --- In. \)'4) cnl ,'nl\JT rC'I('~rn rl,, " V.'I\~hlnrol\. :>llIt ('!lI\l'lnin Tlp'nctr of I ri!: ~h ;'r'l 5, The~('II man ,... 111 I ~!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!!!!!~'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!~'!'!!!~~~~~ ~~~_ _~~_ _~ PI,r:t). !n lh.· {'" li<C'nm durio/,: thQ --- - -Cf'l~rnt iN t.
A Jlork :\1C'nel 90 Overbn ,! touri ng ca.r ngllin \'I{OVCc1 its Iltnminn b'y s.rnn " <,,,m!,1 ·tl·!Y the world's, nOIl-tltClp niX!l l cor n·cord . T hi t::st II as :nllde In Oklaho nll~ .. The.: Cl'r was s,·.d~,11I\ i:, h if" 'lr and th e s!ut t l ~v cr ~1I 11 rcmo\·c . :-"ot on ce wa~ t hl!fC hl!' sligh test inc.:hlm l c:tl t ruL.lull!, t he.: leas t c::~itu(lul1 , ur lhe fai'H~ s t break in t he 6nw th e Ven actic111 ()f t he O\'c:rbn d l1loror . Th'is sta ndnrJ car is an e.\·a,·/ dup/j;aJe of the.: M odel 90 wc wi II ' c glud LO shu\\ ) ;J .
allnsk(, lIl1' L~ the bUe~ts f the I18JO-' "IH!OU!lc::m !1t.:llutCL"_
1 h(' f' ~.
Show ing the \Vorl d \Vhat 600,000 O wners K now
... D r.
Te'ephone -11
Wa ynesvill e Ohio
OUJatod ~ odc l l\iAcl.)l "l ,,"e
r . .. eQr:~r 'rot!nna Cat. S9S5. '.0. b. Toledo C me 10 our store.
Electric Lig ti ·g Plant 1. Is autom aticall y lubric ated and a.utomn.2.
3. 4.
tically charges the storage batteries, selfcranki ng and autom aticall y stopped. . Is direct conne cted, no belts to slip or tighte n, and also has a pulley for power, fu.rnishing 3 horse power. It bas an _autom atic govern or regula ting ' the fuel c@nsumption and t he charging curren t. It has an alltom atic service cut-ou t which discon nects the batter y from the lighting circuit s when the batter y is 75% discha rged thus pr.e ventin g on over-dis- _ charge. Is furnis hed with counte r-cells, whicb reguJate voltag e of lightin g circui ts when engine it runnin g. thus preven ting tbe bum-o ut of lamps .
The U. S. Semi- Autom atic Electr ic Lighti ng Plant it rar superi or to any of . the cheap er light ing plants , and is equal to any lightin g plant on the marke t. We have one of these plants in our store. Come in and we will gladly demon strate it for you.
KI RB Y, & WI NS TO N Phone 56·5
----- ..- - -
. Wdynesville, Ohio
The J olly Mil rons, Vi'ith t heIr families, picnick ed at Schantz par k• . Sunday afterno on. The re we t·c' \ allout 25 present . and th y ha a good lime. , Mr. and Mrs . Wilbur Clark enlortained on SUlldny a II Welcome Home d inner in honor of ~hcir son, Everett , thll following guests: Mr. aod Mrs. Mil ton Sheehnn . Mr . nnd Mrs. Charles Clark . Mr. a d Mrs. Walter Clark and fam ily. Mrs. Mary Carmony and Prof. George L. Clark,
of Columb ia, Missouri.
Miss Helen Marlatt entertained her
Su nday Scbool clnss of sevente<.>n
soholars, last Saturd ay . at Scban(~'s Grove. where the child ren greally enjoYE)d the am uBemen ts and bounti-
H. E. I...hur h Su riay. J uno :!~: ~'11 clay _chool. U:15 '\. m. F. U. J.el\lny . supe rint nelent. Preachin >!. 10:30 n m. nnd 8:00 p_ m . ~p cinl music. both mornin g aorl e\'eninA'. ('ome out and • worship \ ith u s • Gi con c\~ n J !Iv. pastor .
n~llglon nnd IXIIllIc9 do mIx. 1l ~pr-c8e ntll1 t!\·o William D, Up~hl\w 01 Atlanla, 01\,. Is pro"ins It I n Wfl~hIDgton . Ho Is DO W nd uc l ·
I ng a l'OV I " 1I1 In ono of lhe ca",llnl churcb08 while attondln g to olher dulle8 o t lhe t ame Urne. " Com· man SOllse sltoulfl play 0 btg pn r l In r elig io n ,. " snld CongrollB mnn J.lp8bnw tn o pool08 bl. r ov lva l. Then ho In vited all men 01 t he congrog nUcoD t o take olf U; olr
---- ----,
ilarveysbllrll Friends Churc h Amus Cook. pastllr. ~t1l1(by , JUIlO
conts In ch urch durlDa tho. bot
itlI--~PERSON i · MENTliiNf - --0 - ~.
W "yn ~.ville, Ohio
Tues d ay, June 24th }' caturi ng George Walsh , in a Fox pr~duction.
"On the Jum p" SUNS HI NE CO~fEDY : "Milk Fed Vamp " -
Thur sday , June 26th Featur ing Dorot by1)alt-On in a good play,
"Qu ick San ds" COME DY:
The Mia mi Gaz ette
The Hom e of New York, the greatest F arm Company in Ohi o, \vill insure ·tobacco against ha il .... .
' Aman Block
;l'u ' '. IL liu l , l ' [J t i l h.: <l
Have you paid you r taxes? "Camp ing Out." Fatty Arbuckle fu l dinne r. Throug h t he kindness of B01"ll- T Mr. Bud Mrs. L. E. , Mr. F rank Zell and Mr. S. D . Henkle. Lytlc 1\\. E. hurch Open evening!! Admission 7:30 p.m I transpo rtation was furn ished by t he Kemple , 'l"ucaday. June 17, ason , lie use of their automobiles. Su nday School every Sunda y at Sa turday evening 2:QO p.-m. n gufar preachi ng aer7:30 p.m. Childre n The lights went ou t, Tuesday evenI h: • ing, Rnd for a ti me lamps were us ed . vice every Sunday at 3:00 p.m . Choir ~ ••• e •• e •• ea •••••• ••••••'•••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••• prsctice and p raye r meeling every Mlsg Kathry n Clark is attendin g Wed nesday eveninB'. Everyb ody Is '! commenccmemt exercises at Dela· cor di all}', welcom ed . ware, Lhis weck. ~ t. Mnry's Church , Robt. Hai nes arrived h omo frO1J Flrst ' Rundsy nfter 'f ri ni ty, Junll Lindl ey Mills Is spending a few over seas Satu rd ay evening , and is daY8 22: Sunday ~c hool at 9:80 Il. m.; at Oxfurd. Ohio. during corn· like all t he boys just Ulschar ged - mencem ent Morn ing Prayer and Sermon at 10:30 week. looking well and fit. and g lad to .b e rhe sacrament of Bapt ism will be home agaIn. ad mini lered at the 10 :30 setvlce . I:ouley Mills, of Wilmin g ton . Del. . The p ubl ic is cordially invente d to ------ ~.~-~ . -----is spend in II few clays here with his these ger vices. H E hot weath er is again upon us, and we do pa1'llUt~ , Mr, and Mr s. G. D. Mills, -------.--~.-----Subscribe f or the MIami Gazette , not want the good housewife cooking on
Seth Cook.
Se ars '& Ca wr'-g,
Caesar' s Creek Friend. Church
Sunday School at t his cmrrch every Sunday at 10 o·clock . Preaching service at 11 o'clock a. ro . You a re co rdia Iy invited to be present ,
Miss Vera J ohnson and Miss Mildrl'd McAl list r .of Middlet own .we re tha i)u ndsy gue t.s of Mr . and Mrs .
Bible School at
\ , tC I .: fl
"Spo rting Life "
10:/) a m. Anna :)tin90n . ~uperin : t\!l,jon t. Preachi ng Se'r vic at 11 :06 : a m. 'orne to t hese s rv ices. you will he 'mora than welcome. Come nd bring n frieno.
F eatu
tdl'. and Mrs. C. W. LeMay and son, H, B, LeMay, of Sheffield, Ala ,
a r e t he guests of Mr . a nd Mrs. F rank LeMay . Mrs. FOJ."(gy and her grandd aulZ'ter Miss Fern FllgliY, of West poin t ,l owa. are th o guest of Mrs. Matilda Hosier a . d dau~hter, .Mis!! Ethel. Tho Woman's Auxili llTY wlWme et wI th Mrs. W, II . Allen, Fri day a Cternoon at 2 o'cleelc 'rhe last me ling hefore vncatilon , A full attendlm ce Is desired.
Mr', ~nd Mra MIlX Kohlhe gen and son. of Lebanoll, Mr an d Mrs , Louis
Kuhn, f Cincinnati and Mis8 Della Kahn, of N ew York t;ity , spent u n· day,,{ith 1r. l:md r.Il·S. Myer H yman .
Mr Wallace D. Sibcy Qnd Miss May Slacy, of Houte-4, villi ted t heir uncle. Mr. HOllt'yt3ibcy. of Lebano n, Imd Fl'llDk P . Sibcy aod ian1ily, of Mi mir>burg , turdny and ' unday .
Phono 61-2
a redhot stove all day long. Take ·one of our oil stoves, for instan ce--when the meal is prepar ed the fire goes lout and at supper time the kitche n is comfo rtably pleasant.
RIVALRYfOR VICffiRY SHAFT Tbe eplendld a ctivi ty of t he com· mit tees in t he differen t to wnshi ps In the county Is ind eed g ra tify ing and t he Indicati uns a r e t hat t he War Stamp dri ve f or pledges will be reo sponsibl for one of the most beauti· f ul fr iend ly contests ever kno wn in Wa rren County or will ever be held in its fut ure history, between t be townships to name the elte for the Yiclory Memori al Sbaft. which we expect t o wi n by making the largest ,per capita s les by Septem ber 1st . All honor tothe commit tee Bnd all honor to the people who aid In any wav to bring this lasling memorltil to our grarid old County,
Harry H. Hamilton , County Chairman .
MIss Elizabet I Chandle r arrived , The Be.rl'o. Vt. G'r a nite Co. has do'home this mOl'ning from Columbus, 'nated to the Ohio Wal' ,whero sho graduat ed' at the o : ~ . U mittce, a Victory MemoriS tamp Com . al haft,to this'wa ek Sbe gradua ted with high be given to th e County t bat sells t he honol'3 lm rcc 'iv duet B. A. dogree. most War Staml)s , per ca pi ta. WAN TED from Ja ne 1st to Aug ust 31st. calf market today. 17th, 1 ~c. The very hig h p riee o f calf bides 'fhia granite shaft , weig hing msny White Skil·t Spccial - Wotl;lon 's and _ _ UDder 16 pound. Ie boo ming the price of calves. Misscs' Gaberd inea, Piques alld Lin- t?na, stan<ling thirty feet high a nd . $pdlll Cbickens IOc per lbj' H ens 291:, Rooster9 15c. Vou will ens, llomcwhd soiled,' 98c t o $1.98." 81K feet sC}tl are a t - baJe • . is . being aetlbO nI money out of ;1I I -pound cbicken now thaD you will one Child ren's WhIte DreslleB. ~ollcd. 690 ! asb iolled Uy t he country 's boot twice ta.t beGvy later. \: -ill fu rnish you coops weighing only 15 to f1. 3; at FrlKi's Lebano n Big Store kn own scu lptors, and bccord ing to its pouDda ~. ""iag 8 lot on you r express ehllrgclJ a nd will furnish builders , will be t he most beautifu l this wQek . . and most expensive material In the ~ ....... ... (or your ~Lf . hlpmen ts. Write u a !lad ship q uick ' ....... ___ Me higb. world f or such work In design it All membors of t ho [{. of P. lodge will be e mblema tic of Victory rl ore requost ed -to meet early, this inscripl ion M il be eommem and ita FRAN K O. DAY & CO. morativ e r oveni ng. so lo~r-a may ba opened at of Victory and stand 8~ /I symbol .... Walilut SCreet of ClnclanaU, Oblo I 7 0' clock. b~r<.> 19 c:on~t.le rable Our Country 's part In t bf' successful ........ _ __ - '--h _" " ____ . llon&\ Bank ,,~~~~~____---____ -__r_ _·_ ________ ____-JL -___ _~____ ____ __-J~d J worknmn. to bo d 'DM in t ho first and ftlrht to make the world safo for
Will ' Br.i ng Qui ck Re'suits
We nre selling the bf.'st Oil Stoves on the marke t _today. Don't wait any longer; if you do not buy now, you may not be able to get one just when you need It the worst. The three best Oil Stoves are :
New Perfection Detroi~ Vapor ' .Dangler Come in and look them over, and take your choice
H. E. EARNART, Waynesville, O. THE 5c, tOe ·AND 25c STORE 5 in~h Fru it Sa ucers . . , .... .. . . ...... ... tOc mch Oa t Meal Dishes ...... " ...... 15c Dmner. Plates .. .. .. . .... , .. . ...• . .. " .20c Cups and Saucers . .. ... . ...... ...... , .25c Glass ~utter Disbes . ...... ...... . .. . '.. 25c Bodu~01r Caps .. . . . , .... . . -...... '...... 25c a les ' U~iol1 Suits . .. .. .. .. '...... .... 5Oc ~anty Waists, all sizes . ...... ...... .... 25c W.B. W." Plated Tea Spoons, per dozen.4OC . Table Spoons, per dozen .. ' .... '•..... .. 6Oc ---
--- ,
SpeCialist In
W.,..m tlo 0W0
Eeven ty-F rrst Year
WhoJe Nurn e 3536 .(
Unc le SalTI Strik es Quic k as Mexicans ~.fhreatei1
Au 10
on the Fuu rth
Bllnda, nig ht. about 11 :<10. 1\ rna. ' ch inl!! load df c! runks a r riv J in town M' A H k and proceed ed to make thc night ISS nna ar tsoc is a ttend inll' hideous bi' t heir drinkin g an d procollege at Wilmin gton , fanlt y . T hey we re aRked hy a citi, zen on Main to (Je~i l from Ed Hun hy , of Day ton , ~pe n t Sun· swea ring. and street they rl mv'! I im back day herc' \ it! · rcI8t1vc~ I in the hou se. HI:! wenl t u Ihl' ohone, . ' , hut failed to g l' l MIl!,1 1 lIai nes. MitlH El lJ' ll Hohert!'. of . ,rrow, They bec~me nlurrn ptl IV Ill" . Iley saw ca ll ed on f l il'mb here lus l we. k, . Hev ral clll? rlS up an, J ',ut . and ' R!;;trleu up till' hill At the M. E. · J'h' . cll IOrn€" ll·,.· ir nil' r ~ talled on MISR , ea Kindl e. of Hout,c I. WIlS I' chu" them Ann Ib n a f ree for.all t he wI",k' l:!nri jlue~ t nf MIH Ada tin- tit' an.IfH ·1 tH:lrled . .• cd Ihe nciO'hbor . Hardma n hood IJy l!I~ ." " 11'1i ClISAIn g' . ' SOnle 01 1 ' II, l Ii r"vo' v" r nftc r Mr. and MrR E rne!'t fi og ('rs and which the :n· n ~ . ' LI Inl" t h . In'1chin e daughte r, of !Jayton . Hpen t Sund ay I and lefllo wll )"10" llum he r of their h re with r ol l.l t i v e~ . \ mnchi n;) "'II". "bl :lInc.'d. and in a ll Iik li hllod t Il .v Will he app rehend~ MI88 Ruth Chandle r is lit Ceda r ' tlnd h r lllll,lIll Iii justice fo r their Point where she is attend ing lh e ' cond uc t . Ohio State Teacher B' Associlltion - - -... - - - - -
I ,. .
Uncl e Bllm In l ll lij lin d 'U tlclo
Soru 10 18 19 18 so mothln g 0100 811 bns been I nun ,1 OUI II)'
~B t n ,
M e~lco n
r c ,'o lull o n ,a Y
Poncho VII I.. III ,IlIrllo ll lnr
bllileta f rom ~!,> Ont
" " 11
aJl d
In ~:rl!.J . ~ • . t ('OII M l u Fl JI.lro I T \ _, ft, · "t ... ,.1 .,\ ; . , 'p ., I V ' I)''' , !, II .;, ,~. 1"
' I"A
. .. :
klll<ld A lu",1·
,"" tI
lh o
:.t "1ro. t
orc1er(ld on I\dvanoe Anw rlcun IntoDtr, ', cn viliry 6lld nr lll l c ry 1\.(;' 088 th<l Rio Gro n(le at tlvo pain L8 0.111 0 I\/Icxl cn n eoll to me('l Ih<l Anllo le,,.. Vllla troope ", hl ch W3r e then Il<l vonclnl oft
tlet tlnnr ll .
Events of all kinds at Oakdale P ark on the Fourth . .
James Woollar d. ot the U . S. S. Pennsyi lianla. 18 home en a furlou g h. Ho Is looking well.
- -. -==="=~
IJ ave you paid you r talleg?
Aathlng Suits for Ind ies' a nd girls. men and boys. lit Fred's Lebanon Big Store. 98c to U 50
t8l l.U lJ'Pl
..; t d
\ \t:,-.;I\
r., :\ un ·
~,.,U · l'y.
·n ~
~J~~::.nBa;e~I~~:kS t~i,Na~;;~~~: IWRITTEN LAW BOOK·
. , ..
MIllS Henriet ta Mc Kinsey le t t, Mon· day. tor Oxford. wh ere she will litt end ~ umm e r school at Miami Uni· .IM-==~::e:===-==,.".,=-=~' verslty.
The ot the wo . 1 I I'll \ <' bhufll Frie ntl s Chll r i' lho Mi R8tl S I nna t· ur"",~. Lilliun Wilker- man ·s Au lI;lli.a ryuf .lt. Ma"'8 Chu reh ) , I ••'~ Cook. pas\... I son. Corinne \'r elch. Ad ru Cornell was hold a t t he home ot Mrs W. H. Surltl y , ,Iune 29: Bib le Sch ,w l at and Ailee Carey. ~l len Orl ~rldllY atternoon. June 20. 10:00 a . m . . Ann o Stin su p rt n. Frank Hormell .of Chicago , spent a lhe meetlng was opened by ~he Itllntlen t. Puhllc Worshipson. an'd Preachcouplt! of days hero t his week. t he presiden t. Mrs . Cad!",allade r. rending ing. J] :00 a . nl. Yo u will Mis L ah ':imit h .enterta lned a t~e guest of MrR. Susan Hays litt . 83rd Ps~lm . g,crl ptural q uota· como a t 011 theRe 8erv i ce~, be wel~m l1 ll ,,0mpfI(l Y. Frirlny eveninll . at Come tlOIl~ were g iven In ,respons e to r oll- and let U9 worshl\) J ehovah her I (101'1 'lblt' home. Tho evenl n~ call Hov . J . F, Cad wallade tOl(ot her . MilS Ethelyn J ones. who has bllen wa r con~ W·nt. Itt carrJ~. ,nd a delightf ul duoted tha devotio nal ROrvlce . . Af ter tea ching near Toledo, a rr ived home lunch w ~ I !r l'f·d Lhe reau lng ' ot the mi nutes and Sund"y a nd Is drlv lnl1' a ncw auto. Caesa r's Creek Frlend8 Chu rch disposal of bUsi ness , Mrs. Cad wa lla· S S h h' h der r ead a pam phle t on the United undny c (01 ~t I IS C urr h ~ve ry Miss ArI a Hardma n royally enter · See the horsp!! go on t he l' ourt h. Offering . lind Mr. CadwallAd er gave Sun~ay at 10, .0 clock . The re-orga nlzed Waynes ville MI· talned. in hOllor of he r g uest. Mi ss a talk on this : reachln g s ubject. ami basebal l te/jm played their first service at 11 0 clock II. m . You a re Rhea Kindle. the followin g guests: . . game a t P hillips Park . Sunday after. The f ollowi ng prOI. ram . which was cordiall y Invited t o be present . LIttle Mias Mary Louise ZIm mer· Mr. and Mrs Forrest Bailey and Mr. noon. alld starred the sea.~on right man Mpent sever al days varied with several beautifu l selec. las Mark t week M. Pllff. at all of whom IIr!' fro m by tak inll' the Ha rvcY9bu rg team Into the Prender gast home. tlons on t he victrol'a. was the n g iven : south of Miamisb urg . Lytle M. E. Church camp by the score of 8 to II. Tho town . . Music- " Holy City " Sunday tesm work of both teams will be School ell ery Sunday at About twenty ·fille of the bc.Y:l and Read lng- "Forelg n Missions 88 a 2 :00 p . m. Regular preach ing se r· smooth er 88 the seaRon advance s Mr. and Mrs. Otto Marlatt . of Soldier Sees Them " .. MrH. Colema n girl!! of t he High School spent Sun· But we won the opener. so what's the South Bend, Ind .• were every Sunday at S:DO p .m. Choir Muslc·- "lf Your Heslrt Keeps Rig ht" vice practice and prayer meellng .wery dlff. earl Frye. at shortsto p for the Mr. and Mrs. Timoth y the guests of day a t Ft. Ancient . They were Reading -"St, Andrew 's School ... Marlatt . of chaperon ed by Miss Wednesday ovenlng , Every body Is Miamis, 1'1'88 the Individu al star of Mt. Holly, last week. Alma Water· ..... ". """ .. ." .. ,,, ... Mnt. Barnha rt cordiall ho use. ann they had a fi ne day, a nd the pme. He Pllt up a splendid y welcom ed , Ml!slc"The Last Rope" .. Gottach alk enjuyed it to the full , arame In the field and. In five trips to Readin g-" Seven Weeks In the You will find a fin e line of Mohair the plffte. 80cured a walk. two Rlnglea and Palm Seaeh P hlllippin e Island!!" ...... .. MIBil Llle r Suit.~ arid St. Mary's Church a home run. atole five b ases (more aeparat e Pants forBumme Mu slc- " The Lost Clhord ." men Mr, and and boys Mrs, at p , D . Clagett enter· ,than the entlro Harvey eburjf team Fred's Lebano n Big Store. Second Sunday afte r Trinity. June talned at supper. Friday evening . '. During the ple88llnt 800lal hour could steal oft' Frank Kudle) and Sunday !:Ichool at 11:80 a. m. ; the fe llowing g uests: Mr J . O. ntter adjourn ment. dainty refresh. 2.: IICOred two runs. The Miamis all did Mornin g Prayer and Surmon at 10:30, Cartwri g ht a nd f amily good work. and prospee ts look brig ht menta . Mr, were and MI S. served by t he hostess. The public Is cordiall y Invente d to Rev . . ant! Mrs, J P. Cadwal lader E. V. Barnha rt. M i ~ Henriet for a wInning team. The Rcore by and MISS Clara Llle left Monday Kineey and Mr. J. B, P ence. ta Me· Mrs . All en, and daught e r. M:188 Olive, these services . Innings ' and more music W88 enjoyed . Mrs, afterno on. for Chillico the. where --~--. . they will vl8lt with relative s this J . L, Hartsock wu present as a M D Church visitor. Barvey abura .. ·O 0 1 1 2 200 0-6 week. ' .... Mr. and Mrs. ·C. M. Robl tzer and - -- ... Mlamis........... 0 1 0 0 2 4 1 0 x-8 _ _ Sunday , June 29: Sunday School, daughte r. MI'I. J . D. Marla t t and 9:16 a. m., F , U. LeMay. superin The faRt Lebano n team will OllpolI8 Mr. and Mrs. ~verly. of Day· daughte r. Mi88 Helon . . Mis3 Doris the Miamis at Phillips Park. noxt ton, arc spendinS.g D. tendent . Preachi ng, 10:30a. m. At their vacation at Bunda, . Tbls 1'1'\11 be II cracker Jack the Friends home. Mr. 8:00 p . m . the choir will render Q can· Everly had KlIme. Don' t tan to 800 it! tata-"T he Nazaren e. " We feol to go back to Dayton for thia week, and went t o Schant z Grove. Sunday , aure this will be fine . Do not mlBS but will spend lIev.e ral weeks here ~,-It. Prayer Mee ting. Wednes day taking a much needed r est. . evening . Spociul music at mornlll g Mr. and Mrs. Cha rles Shu tts and aervlce. Come out and worship with Mesdam es Walter McClur e. Chas. family enterta m ed . Wed nesday even· UB, Gideon Nelaon Jollv. pastor. . Rye and Viola Carey left. Thursda y ing. June l B. Mr . and Mrs. Howard Prof. Geo. L . Clark . who visited ... mornin g. to visit with relative s at F, Shutts. Mr. and Mra Frank Shutts Grand Forks. N, D. After a vliit Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shu t ts. Mr . nnd his fath e r here l811t week. has jllst compiled a book whi(:h Is destined to Frank Silver. of Route '. was dls- therti. thov will go to Bemidj i, Minn .• Mrs. Kelillet h Shutts. Mr . and Mrs. make him famous. ahari'ad at Camp Shermtl n. l88t week, where they will camp !He Is one of the J . H. Bhutta. Mr . and Mrl!. J . A, and and arrived home. and very glad he couple of weeks. They flab for a Shutts. Mr, and Mrs. Cla rence Ed· leading authori ties Ol~ Americ an law, Intend to Is to be home, of coul'8e wards. Mr . and Mrs, E . T , Edward s. and bas just complet ed Iils book. have a good time, no doubt . Mr. and Mrs . Cha rles Edward s. Mr. which 18 a compila tion on equity, and Mrs. L , J . Bu rnside. Mr. and' which covers all decision s on equity l\Int. R , F. Baker . Mr . J . 'N . Hisey, returne d In all the states of this MIBBe8 Marie Shut t s, Margar et Ed eount.r y and AI88ka This book has take:n the beat part warda and Hazel HIJ,rhtm an . Messrs. The numero us frlenC!B of Or. Sher· Joseph and Harold Shutt8. Myron of six years to comple te. and la the wood 1'1'111 be "lell8ed to know that fi and Elden Shu tts and Robe r t Bnk er, rst book at Its kind complie d In over hIs health Is so far Improve d as to 'rhe evening was spenl in music, forty years, Prot. Clark has been enable him to make the trip to PhIl· ~amee and convers ation, aftor which teaching law In the, Unlvllrs lty of adelphi a. In compan y with his slBter. cake and ICll c l'cam we re ser ved , in Missour i for several years. and 10 a Mrs. Anna Jones. After spendin g honor of the brldo alld g room , A t II g raduate of the Wllyneaville High some time In P hiladelp hia. he will late hour t ho gU olsts depnrte d . wi sh· School. He h88 belen visiting the make his hom e at Newtown. , Po , ing Mr. and MI's Howard Shutts B large cities this eumme r' introdu cing where Mrs . Sher wood has Accepte d his new \York , and i:s meetinll' with the posltlo!) of ma Lron of long and happy life .. the F riends g reat success . Home . 'This geema a partic ularly 1. Is autom aticall y lubric ated and autom ahappy arrange ment . a8 New ton Is tically charge s the storag e batteri es, selfthe home of the Packors , an(1 also . W ithout H lndrnn ce, the Reat of t he Re hnol to be at tended cranki ng and autom aticall y stoppe d. The t'l'nl tI~LO erMk "-'IlI'tlen n IIkn by Dorothv !lnti Ch al mers Sherwo od . III, Dot tllnt overy ~nn sha ll ho 911 n d uring tho comi ng year. 2. Is dlred conne cted, no belts to slip or level with c,cry oth er. bllt I hll{ every' one 's h oli 111\\'0 II\) rty, ",lIho nt h l ndtighte n, and also has a pulley for power , MOC('. to ' be whnt Ood mnuc h l m.furnish ing 3 horse power. . Beecher. Optlmls tlo Thought . Sppn k ln ~ silen ce ts better thaD seas. 3. It hac:. an autom atic govern or regula ting _ soeccb. the fud lOllsu mption aud the chargi ng Ther e will be a meeting of the Wayne Townsh ip Farm Bureau OD curren t. . , Thursda y evening~ JUine 26th. at the Townsh ip House. Our delesrat es tc JUVAL ·1N~~P~;:.t, 4. I t has an au tornal ic service cut-ou t wllich the grain c(,nfere nce. held at Dayton . discon nccts the batter y from the lightwill report. and dlscu88 conditio ns ing circuit s when the liatter y is 75% Ilovernh jg the marllet lng of this year'8 wheat crop. ' County Agent discha rged thus prevcn ting on over-d isClass will be present and dlsculIII charge. g rain Improve ment. Brother Farmers. It Ie to your interest to he 5. Is fumish ed with counter-cells, which p'r e!\ent at this meeting All are regula tt! voilage of light ing circuit s when wan led and welcome"
--- --.....
Hfl C~S
Mr. and Mrs. R. E . Davis and lIOn, of Dayton . were Sunday vlaltors her <: with relative s.
MIII8 Margar et Edward s. ot Day· ton. Is s p.mdlng he r va cation here with her moth ll r and s ister, .
There WI\R a slIcinl mct'tinll' ill the 'rUIl' uf Wa'r th p. 1;lI ur th . M. E. Church; las t Wadnes day even · ini'. A 11'00<1 crowd was In ILttendMI88 Dora Stiles visited relatives anoo A basket dinner W88 served In Xenia. F riday. in pi cnic ' ILRhlnn . There WSR plenty T wo flell Games on t hc fo'tJurt hfor 1111 . unIt 11 g roa t amount that was mornin g and afte r noon. flot consum ed·. - Af ter elliin/l. they rf'palrecl to the audit o rium. whe re a short proll'ram J Wilso n F.dwli rds and f ami l' was r.mlte red. cnnRistinll' of ROngS. spent Frlduy with rclative l:l in DHy~oll IJrayer and brief Ilclcl reA.qA~ hy Or . H W Bailey a nd Dr G N Joll y. Have you paiJ your taxes'? The mnrtfo(llll'O of ~fiOOO. which had hung like a cloud of iuky blacknesR 'Mr anrl Mrs . Roy Chenow ovar th ll church for mnny years. wn.q Xenis ~Jlent Sunday with eth. 0 ) re lati veH t hen bu rnerl Mr!! Charlot to Stoops I ere • touched the mal ch to the same The I . 3ehlll! hOlle boon f(Rth erell onrll1la ced in an um by a falthflll membe r of MIBil Rhea Kindle and . MIB.~ Ad !! t.he church. All joined In singing Hardma n motored to MIamis burg t he long m eter doxology. Dr , Bailey Saturda y. t hen pronoun ced the benedic tion. Go to Oakdale Park t he Fourth, •
- - - ----....,....
·MI88 Vada McPherson and siBters. or Wilmin gton . stoPIll'd here for a mlnutee Thursda y eVllning . enro ute f rom Dayton . The MIMes Lo uise lind El iza beth Tuttl e. 9f (lranvil le. Oh io, were t he week end g ucs ts of t he t llybourn e and McKean famil ies . Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter KUbon and dll ughter. Gladys. Mrs, Cl\ rl Hend r· 80n and da ugh ter. Kalh! n. SpOI t Sunday evening !It Dnyton . . The N ew Cen tu r y clu b 1'1'111 meet with lhe Mesd ames Harr is and Mosh· er. Friday. Junp 27th . fro m 2 to 4 o·clock . Mrs. H . E Ha t haway. Sec, Aecordlng to a Wilming ton ps per Ernest Lou, who left here with Co, E, and lat er t ransferr ed to t he Rain ' bow Di vision, Is back again In the U. S, [, N . Stout. of Versailles. e hio, apent &overa l days last week wi t h his mother and aiste r . H e left . Monday , for Columb us. w heril he will a ttend Bummer school. Miss Miner va Ha r lan. of the O. W. U .. Is now enjoyin g he rseltat the Centena ry celebrat ion a t Colum bus, where she has charge of one of the exhibits In the ed ucation al depart· ments of the China buil di ng. and also takes part In some of the pag · eants. Dr. and Mrs, A . T. Wright . accompanied by their sons. Sergt , Alfred Wright. of Now Ye rk. and El lioU. who has jus' g radua tl'd at Geo rge school . arrlvl'd hom e Sunday mornIng. The Wright s had a fin e time while In the East. Tbe 8p~lal sale ot Untlerw ear still continu es at (o'red's LebBllon Big Store. 100 Porl8nl t Shirts and Drawers, cream color . 75c nil sizes; 75e Nainsoo k Union Suits. 55c; Balbrig · gan Shirts and Drawer s. 4t1c; Bal · brlggan best quality. 95c; "Senlpa x " sanitary , 11.50; "Setsnu g," union, ,1 50; Munsin g Wear. 1200; noys' Union Suits. 50 and 5ge; Panty Waist Union Suits, 98c and 11 ,25,
\;Oltutr'99 ',m(l.n f',,, n ,( lin {I', I'lll.w o rt b of MI "T"'Mt'~ a. I" 01'1111\ till'
Ih,> :t . .. "
pll h ll ~
otrl olal 10 j!0vornn1 t'nt 1\ fRt.r_.
t h Ough ho I.. n·", " "" •. " I ~ chit· t e rn. at W cu;hln""tlJlI. hi! l ~ ,ul'n · I ng hi" h o ',d 10 hun., ' "rr,sr"
a galn nnd has Hunounc "'ll ht~ l'an4 <1 ldnc y t or 80YO r ~r o! hl~ Il lal.,.
DRIVE AS USUAL OVER THE TOP J. C. Hawke. chairma n of the Snlvallon Armv Drive, says t he town-. ship 1'1'111 go over the top. 119 usunl. The a pportio nment for Wayne Tow II s hi p was only 8200, and . wit,h Revol'Rl m embors of the commit te yet to hear from. the amou nt will ranc h nearly ' '225. This army i su r!'ly worthy of every cont it receivos . and 1'1'111 sJ)end th e money to th e best advanta ge of all concern ed .
SACRED CANTATA SUNDAY EVEIUNG Sunday night , Ju ne 29, 1919. the sacred cantata , " The Nazar ene." by Ch88. H. Gabriel. will be gi ven at the M. El. Church by a choir of twe nty eight voiess, , The offering of t he eveni ng will be given the choir for t he purchas e of new musIc. All are cordially Invited to be present .
Electric Lighting Plant
--- ---- --
eng ine is runnin g. tbus preven ting , the bum-o ut of lamps.
The U. S. Semi- Autom atic Electr ic Lighti ng Plant is far superi or to any of thp. cheap er lightin g plants , and' is equal .to any lightin g pl~nt on the marke t. We have one of these, pl~nts , in our store. Come' in and we will gladly demon strate it for you. .
KI BB Y & WI NS TO N W(jgnesvlll~
·S T A R R Phon ogra phs and Pian os, Reco rds and Play er Rolls, N eed les, Reco rd Alum s and othe ri\c cessories.
member of \1Ie W H.
Taft famliy llaa Ilttataec l eeboJU. ttc bODOi'll. " I I .... HIIIIIIII Taft,
c!aultb tdr of tllll former pNllkl.a& . I ~ to be aetlalt prealdn ' or tbe Bryn M • • r cello.. DeSt In abRonco of Dr .. M . C....." Tbomal . Wil D Ie colo lt 00 a .orl4
tour . Mias Tan lIal beoa deaa or •tho 8j)llool,for t '!I'Cl" ,ea.n.
If the weathe r III bi'lght and fair the Ia.tter part of the week. there . will be urea ot wheat cut. The or wheat Is In aplendld mapa. althoug h IoWa. \Irs.. " " erDman' all .,IcU.... ..lIore ot tlla BOrne of It Ie down In but It II II .... • ....11 11ft lutead ot h_vr and Is W lICtlild r_. H. lalilla lba' tbe 'arm down. more or tor IOldl., Id.. ta "primarilY the,ave rqe will -110 b.eked b, aiea -be II.... I.amp• to the acre.
. m =:",'-_ar14
tu.. to . .... . ,'
A full line of Packa rd Lamps, Apcx ~ and FnUltz Premier Sweep ers, A~erjcau Beau ty anJ Hotl.lO int Irons, Fuse Plugs , .S witches, Diln-a -f.iLc" ockct? nd Benja min Plugs. ~et us quote you prices on Electr ic r ills a oJ ! ':\I ,.!.-
.F. · D. HA WK T,lIphon, 41
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Author of "GRAUSTI' RI':" 'THE
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was go ing t o b{' l'i lCli l r In f,~1 ('h'rythin~ th a t we " 'anted ri ght here at home, nnd we found tha t we were r i ht. l\1 " p ife is tickled a llo ve r nhollt 'the hOl1se 1I0 W, a she wanted t il ge l' \'erv thing away from home , b tlt after chiC con id rat ion , s he conse nted to ge t eve rythi n g' at ':'1 Ialhl t: n '5. Yllll see , she was nil r ig-hl a ft er !> \t e fOllnd Ire cou l I do so lllll ' h b 'tl e r here a t 110mC' . Eycl')' t lli n g' that we nt il, to the IlOu se , aud cve ll th e cell lc nt for the walks, callie' from MADD EN '5, and . be lieve me, we ha \' c so me h m e. \Ve were very much surpriced wh en we rct·ei\'E'd qu o a tions from de~d l' rs to fin d t ha l h y pllrch as in g at home \\1: an~li a ho ut thirty per Clw l,
11 1111
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MSU!;gCSts a h OI\'I, tlo pn'l It .(. ~nl d Irlshrnon, Rt o nrll llg nsl rl ~ i(lr BnmeR to \,nt er. "All of Ill, . I pi Itlg apartments nr un th lR (\oor , ntlll Ihe tot ba ond houd olr" nnll " 'hnt n ot. Til prret ts obove, Dud I hnl'~ \l'h!'r we d eposIt our fomlly sk"I{' lOI1~, Int ern our grlevonces. RlOre 0111' Alo~k or Ipltetulness ond h lrl e n il Illf" lItll" devils thnt must ('ome Rnell klng- 1ll' from the CIty with us wht'll1er we will
or no.
RD f! M)uulIy rllr\'. •'IXIN'1l (lr "<:1>1""11 pc ,.1 colild 1!lII'C lor Tl ~".It<'tl willi· ou t erowullll;, nn ll wh ~u l it .. till'" th . elr 'pI n .."" wl elr 11I1"I·ntl . ~"pn. rnl"'" them. 1'0 errort h nd h ~n mnlll' I)~' IIw h(\~t S~ to Itrlll l!' 1I<'r IW('~ts Ill",' tl'
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he t ime t o buy an E lectric F a n. We have lete 11l1!' of F a ns . "'Ountble D a yton F1tns" (wrtli.: i I Da ylon ) in 9-inch Dc k a nd Oscillating t v If'S. AI -a , "G . E. FlIllS. " Cn ll fnr prices, irn m d iute d elivery. We rent - ·(\W j<;
<l CO llfJ
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Jlnrnef;. Ih at ~I ... 'II nbRill'" YOll I'ntlr.1 y." !'"(It 1I f ,' w mi n utes ell,> <'III,I .. d h im for hI s Iln '''''lIlly 11""I·,lon. 11<, \l'n~ 1Jf'::lnnln)C III t hink Ihllt It " lind b ,n IlI fc..ta kfln in ht'r II1 ntl \,f'. nrlll th~t nrt ('r flll ~hf' w n~ mert'ly ~ntIMf y ln~ I,Pl' vn llIty. RII.IJ! nl ),. nnd 11 $ ~h" "lUlled Inlo hlH P)/P" she ~n ltJ, 1 0W~I' lllJ( h(lr ,'o leo (If t ~II I I1;! ~·nll.
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wltb blu e to match the Sil'.
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BII /!I1tly ; " 0 nol nPl'(m r AUr)l I'IRP,l nt II ny\J,lu g I mll Y ~IIY to ), (111 . !-;mllQ lIH Jr we w('ro uttering til!! 1'1111 ... ( n () nR('n~Q . So much ch'I'I'mls lIpo n Ir. ;lJr. Il l1 rnes. "
w .. ... ..................... """"',.. ...
(,1111",1 III Ill\~ Iy. "[ wi ll nnt 11)( 0 YflU ('r Hcrll l"11 ~' ou (1r hnrm ) '1) " In nny " 'fl 'I'. )\ , 1, ?I ll'. <"J)O\,'tl , 11nrl It." will II It YOll 'IIII! I :' Ill 'lull'" ,I'wll l'. I .10n'l hil l' , ,1'1 I .. I r. (I 'P "",,,?' ,"lf11l do," ~J[I'I O ' I InIYII J!1'OInptly."YO\l ,I', mOl' II HlII t. ho\. You d el'Ollr. ] \4'111,,1 I 11I1\,f' In Inrot; In fI. 1Il1l'ror to ('oll\'ln '0 mr ~r lr thA t Y,;l1 h oI' n't ISlI'u l. l(lwI'(1 InP "hl)l(' . . T hill's nnnt h ~ r wily
II nrn ......
--' -----------------------------------~
O l assified
nl l1l'rs slip ral mly Ilrd llrt' d Vun Drl~(!: tn n ·linqlll h 1I 1~ pl ll(' Ol) t he couch be~ltle ber. to II" I·UC_.
D II r
Eq u lplllen t
f'ry t 'In ~ !.
row l ucke, Tbe lace Dv ordrope (or tbe fla re Is " t un ic exten sion (rom tbo ela.bO r n te )' 0 k e , caug bt at the WBlst "'Itll a ' narrow gIrdl e of P'roDcb blue rlboo II ud 0. sprily ot bu ds. T be ' 9UC\1ll0r
'I oil
11I'l til\!
I b
ou tiRged
Pho ne
.ttl .. F<luipmenl
II thu
-b.lfH tH(-
"Come and Sit Beelde Me, Mr. Barnes,"
eep ,I
, (.
111 (\,
_ _ _ _____._ __ _
l"j ll ntllOIHl
Way nesville, Ohio
r"'It"· Ihu n " tln11 1n
' \1
r.'ll ' Oil."
\\ It!',1
ti l
--_._-- -_.__._ ------------ - -
ll1 1t'l'ly III,Illi ' , ( 111, ~'f 'O "" I I W\\' , I .H'~w \: hilt it I~ 'U III \'j' ~Illlr lH'nrt Ih,: hft' ll 1\ :4' "\ \ ,,,..,- 1,' 11 ] III 11 '" , ('41 tH) ",~ 11,, 't 'U', " ,~ li t'" Ih1 ; H \\: I~t o w llrtl"'t.
tI'''ln 1II1r",'~ fflr llll',l 11'111 ,1I<lul"",1 n Hlllbhorn "'~"' I'l!I'lJr lllJ~ 0)1 ' 111' "1 IlIIt tile rnoll "II" " 01 II .l."\'. ,' rlfllllly It.-. III'IIA WI t UI1 .~ III" rl plIlI .l "w. I l ls \.(.\1"'. hl ~ I1lUIlII('r or "PI'l'('II, tIl" e " Ny nc tl 'JIl 6lllmuell b ill 11 - l'Jl ~ Jrorn ' I1tH I IH" tl lu
who had QuIetly nll'rt'd the ronm through the door hehlnd thein, " do M,r. Bnmes, will ye. nnd fetch mc from afro Dc Soto's room w hen you' vo ' tlnIIIhl'd. I l eove yOll to D uhl!()n' t<'!1dl' r merclce. Tho IiIRlnts prCRcrvc \1 4 I IIooll at th mlln'R hoots I D lIhqon, act out your bruRIl nn d Inu h ~ r Ill' I nr all. H e's bee n /lounl) rl ng In ~ hogo." The 'ovlnl I r lRhmlln r etired . 1t'll yll1 g B8mCfl to he "d one" by th e HII N I!. p'lft-movlng v nl et . Dnbs oc W Oll youn g IIIId vigorous ond exeeetlJngly well trained. He mnd o 8hort work of "llo~' tile vIsitor; baroly /lft een mlnatM elapsed before O'Dowd's relurn. PresentJy they went do,m.etalrs to· lIItber. Lftmps had been lighted. mlloy ~ ~~, throughout tbe house. A fire . -*td4'4 In &be cnvernOU8 flrepl oce nt IIIe MId of the Ihlng room nnd g rou ped ~t ft:e eheert"l . groteflll blnZ6 w"re tile I.dles of Greeo Fancy. ,.fte Clrt of bIB thougbts W IIS then', _ding Slightly aloof 'from th e OUI... but nldently amused by th e LUle
for the 1l1mher, n il ! I (:1 t h 're i~I'1 l () j ,L'I · ler home a nywh ere ill the ('o llntr than this one. W hen 11'- (' i g 111 ell u n ;1 horn , W fou nd lh ut it
,1 lh 'lTY ('1(\ 1'- or t hn {'\'(' 1I1 f7",.: :;nll \\111 II l it.. hu .l r(l"h~r1"l t him!"plf tn JJ HI \{' i" ... ·HI ..·Io;~. (Jld th" nl'l )n nu· Hill" C'O!]Jt' (u r 1\1111 tu ~pt'l\k wi h hr r uhlluo sh \ " Im:ht hl~ I"'~'I\ :tllc1. til hI,. H ill: ...... lIl1· t l'II· , It· II ~11t: tt ,, ~n \'fl t1lI ' n' "r l \f~r hW II l 'nl h", r "' \' 1'11 h~' l h~ nfhf' r o.t }Ill ~' I:dlll1"::\ 1II1I't'nl l h.' Iii hh ll, '1"111"'·
I ' -I ~ ,
·,· rlll~
tUWI .\)11 f" l l'll
" II~'
I, ..,n ",,'ut \'"
hih'. t' \ ! ' r ".\11' ('! t lwrl 11t H,,,.' h'\\(\ nCll I IIJ"'~'r1 t , r .\ t .... ", C l lll," ftlll Itt t nlel ~'on tlllil h(' IH un In\':lII,\. Q' It, I n"l . 11."",'01 ", \\'" '''nl ,',' ,I< \I' , rn r.·ly IR h \\,,'11 " lI o\l)(h ,,) "'nl'I' 1I1~ ,1I1'1I~' rl",m him" I' "-Ih l,'. I ' :rf'I"I " h roo m , [ Il) bu s h(!)l'g-t',1 n16 to l U'l'Sl' nt H pln('(l' HI' I b ('I\ 'I' " LoTH IIf, d 1 )" \.. 'I II . to W'CI"(! h l ~ 11Ih)lo,;:1.·tl ann !, ~g r I t; lO you , An- f tH' 1.I\' IIHlh'll "l". I ~,II ,1ft. h I! lind , n_ 'TI1" hi It I'r . ror " X:I~'\l'lt"1 ol h"f IImt·. p e rhft ll ', yon wil l Sl\'o him '·illlll',i. III \h I"" I" " , I"": ~ .,( o n lln l1 r> ,1I1111'II Nl nn ~. (II !'III ,h". 1I Ih " "hno ur, ' 110' I~. )1.<l nc: (l1l1"r:' Ih .. )· hn" Io n", '\' ,,", ,I Ill' •. ' I'" wl1h 0 I lwllJ!hl to r t'mnfflrt r n l1i fl r th 111 (' I t\1f."t~ ",lj'kt:IIH C'Ulllt' III , . 1' ~ "I\I ' n ~1 ·'4 . (\ ,' .' '" I 'l l'h., d el ep-un cQ o'r f"y('n ~t'lru t I n ~ h', T h e ('nillt'rf'," did ned tnlct\ (IH, (l"[)I,,,d "\lr f ',~ I • ,'j " I 't' 11 'l1'il l.\' Jlln ;:.l conches nntl ch ntrR W~rt· Inw nOli IIPf' l l p ro p " ", ,',lll It)I ; " 1. I~ IIt ' I I' 1,,1' , 'J n, " II ~ h·~...; hi ... dil1 l1 l' r nnd comf'ortnhh'. ns 1f Inh'IHh'r l f,)r UT., thf' ('usn. l ", ~hl " ,'nr .t!111lI!i rH! "lI h 11 1\' hllllt ... r, :,11 1 Ih"'I , p,,"r ,"n l\. n tpn on ly, nn " Utl'ly W('fP ('nvl'rt 'd \\'llh f or tlH' nthpr rft ~("nl"" Hnr rn r t hl'llI I f ' ,lII lt' ''' til { cl" 1\ 1,, 1.,( 1." 1'1",1 "f r l'ln n · rich. gny mnt(' rinl s; tlHl h nnJ.d,a,..::-; nt W{'I s hollhl IH' s h,)rl Itl 1" II<o1 t " nt' IIW'''· l i on , ,,' Il t':' Ill \' I lloIhl~l· l!-i In tWo ' tho w in dow we r of dN'JI hill " fil lfl b('f nf t hl~ ng-r" "lIh l l\ ( '!lIJ' J"t! y." hi", h ad 11i '1I~ P""'" :'It I', 1...1,,·1, (Jut ,t...n't gold; the wn l1s nn un ohlru ~' v l' (' 1' t'nm [ t WH ~ r Ol l1('I' Sl a rt lt ll l.!', H:1rn'· ....• hll\'p l1Iud, 11 11 11' to 11 Ill"" I f:' rolor, nlmost IIternlly thlll dtt'd \l'l1h Illn8~ ~1")l I"" 1 II l\lf "'"." III Ili R l ip', An '1 u.'h. Ih, I. h, ,.' ~n m" In etchings, . tDEitnn r IntC'f It t' drnlrn' d It. lt ~ IW, fill' \'0 It'... " 11 ,· ' \ :I!'i II l illi, !-'por(' 1I111 11 The s tnll'!! ~'ere thl('ld y ~flrJ1 ('t ...l . At CI'IlI '!,1 Ih., 1"11 " 1 fiN II ('"w plI llI""1 fr{olIl of IlI lrl;'. """.,II~ ,"11, the top hI s gnllle t urned to t h, ' Ipft the' whil om Jrl"llmnn. IIl1d 11111 n /ln r k. ~ql''' ' '''<' ".~ ... ,, 1 nf "n lind led the WilY down n lon ll C'OITitlor. trIbut e 10 Ihe prow""" or UIO~I' ru~·q. 1IIIlIJIIsIJIRII',Jr 11 11,1':1\" ,'" 1 ,, ~ 1,1< TIley IlnltsOO nt 1 ~Il @ t fou r ,I oo r8 h,'- tl'rll)UN 1Il1\1' k~l!1on, 1111111 IIIlvlH lUI',' to) ... ,,,1<1. I ll_ I 1"'1 It f ore O'Tlowd stopped lind Ih rl'''' "Iwn The t oull' In Illn ~pnd"II' <l Ini n!! w,' r p 1lI111'\·,'I.'tl,l), "ht-. :11,,1 Itl~ , ill'" the fifth on thnt s ldl' of the holl . There room wn~ (lno (If .ho ~(' l'llll!. oll r row wnll nllJ l"'ri"'" )1, ,1',' lhlll! lilli'" " 'I r· were BUll t wo morc Iloor~ h l',I"'IIld . . lrnllnn h(lnl'll~, UllItlblllk"hl)' IIn"')lI(' Illg Ih ., Jlllur 111.1 1 ),0"" "1"'111 wit h In ttl t'" tw wl1 l1 rtfH%, ,'ffl:"c t by thi' IlX t ,' r l Ilr. 'fh l' 11' I anll th <' 1I \' ln .:; 'm um 111 11) Wll S eondl1~t,'(I , My I}'" l"" stnJIu lnrl y Ilk., otht' l'*' Imt
It- f. to t1' l\1f"-~ (\ a"t. II.
ft ,'
1 ... h lt 'Ii rllthd' t tf j'nunl n l1 I . [,O,&; '~''; I;JI' n'lllitU'r 1.1' hlltl :0 ( Il l' (' I1( '(lllI111 '1'1"1(', on thl' pllv' £', A lri"lly h tl hud ...:" ,'0 ~t~. 1\11 n1 th~t1I j'l)"l'rful, 1 '1'-1... ' 1 fl ' 110\\'-:, I t ~ I r lld~
t ni l " .'t III' I 'h ul lI <.,.fI n,·,' t rJ l l l 'r ',"" I h J 1. 1 ,..~ Ivl:H! I'H~h.h t 1" V 't ' .., til p ' n,\ \,"" "l ll1rw, lll' l\ ,·1 11 'I;"t&{." ~ lUt . " I t,)I\ I ,,'!(',I r f lH~ t.' It""". lind " (lll1l1(,,)o,:\1 .\~ f .. I ltd , 1,- I nrl nrql,,'lItllt ...• \\1111 ',\It It. ,.' )•• In·t thl' • 'IUy Irr. 'it
I ' I l'( I
\\('11, '\ '
ALEShl li:N
S ord"rs fo r lubrlo tl hn g
to solicit
oll ~,g r en...e8
'uln ry 01" "O 'UIllI ~@lp ll . Add r t?s" 'rho L n ox U i l & P ll llll l'1I .. CI v ILl Dd. biu. . jJl
A com pa rison o f t he feat ures of Saxon" Six" with lhos of higher priced ca rs discloses a Dig Credit Balance in fa vor of Saxon
a lll
The Practical Car
!lod !ll1 l uts.
l"oo<le" nadl8to r
pre nnre d to do ni l kinde of
r en~oo n bl e .J. B ~ru ,To o es,
PI.reA- Arrow u~~o 1'. ckaro auo
huul i ng,
Phon R or fl' e 11 ,io. I:l uwe pflu Ot:! 20.
pri O(,1l Ly l ltJ , j e:!5
' ),lIltOD Whl'e
3:. . II
St 1\1utl ' 01
?217 00 ~O
8~oo kl
)tV A
l U)O
Lexingto n WOIII-Cott Apperson
I ~M 2000
oo nd m ortgages .Joh n B urblo", All en (l
N,) t,e~ b o tJ ~ ht ,
Eioyu Klog Murray
EY Lcmned MONohnttl'le, III s ..
21 50 280 0 l ~ISO
2 ~~0
lJ ~O
t\ . ~ , i!.O
Bnl\cllcg, Xonla., Obl d.
T he PrIs oner 01 Green Fancy, Iln d the
Lament of Pet~r the ChaUffeur. TIe NIVlcd ~Jr. JlI1RIll'roft. Th!' I'o rnstO I'fI)P l' "'Dulll f1 nv() rl spn t o t M orrAslon wlthm)t 80 much os the blinking ol an eye. Be did hI s b est , lUlwP" cr , nlld. d '~ p lt e h I!! enge rn e~s, Inll n ll!\, d to' corne 0:1'f fnlrly w ell. A nyon(' ou t or enl'tllt ot would lin ve tI, Il l(ht t till t h WDS utt crlng F.;o mc tt1tl lng Inllnl ly Insl elld of th ese warda ; "You may tMlst me. r hnve Auspectd th nt somr l hlng wus wrong hCI' c." "It Is Imro~slbl(l to I'xlll rll" nolV," sho snld, ''These peo ple lI rc 110t my trl enllR. 1 hn vc no onc t o l urn t o In my predIcament." "Yl'R. y on It IWO." h e broke In . a nd la ug hed rA th er boIs terou sly for him. 11 0 f el t th ut Ihey were b e ing \l'fi t'cherl In tul'll LJJ,' ve ry perso n In the room. "Ton lJ;bl-ll OI nn hou r IIgo--I b egnn to fec i th nt I ~t') \tld mil upun you f ol' h elp. r \J('gnn 10 r el nl(. Som 'Ullng ",hl.sol'''I',1 to we t hnt I was no 'Ionger
Thjo~~~al Liniment For Vetednary Purposes'
Reduces Swpl1en
In Distemper
Knowing, H01'llcman selects the linim.nt that heal8 qulokly without blemish to skin
or hail'. Sh. W •• There.
wtdl wbld! De Soto
rell'nll ng
Sbe .w ns smilin g : nom e ~ ~n ll' the ,Inppblre \l gMs spll rkll og In he r .yet! IlJId exp e rl l'n~ e d n s('ns lI tlo n lIllll was wofull, nkln to conf uHlon.
But every thIn/! wcnt orr q ull e nlltu·
He tnvored Ml s8 nln e ron wllh an uncommonl y 8 ·It,p o st'sscd Fm ll o ~ l'I ebe pve b er hund t o him, nnll s h" In tum responded wIth 00 1' tnlntl y ~ U ll IC8tJ"e of toleran ce, I1 Ub ough It cPr· falnl)' ~outd hO\'e been r eco rd (>(J ' hl' n iess . sensItive p er son th an n o reI'" n8
"'rIpplog." .1) reply to bl s p erfunclory ",l ell ght.
1112. t'm lUre, etc.. " sbe 8Illd QuI te ~I po r· 17 r "'()h, DOW I remember. I wo R ~ur e I bad ~ 'OU b efore, Mr. Dnrn ('!;. ~oOl are the malli e gentlolllAIl
tprinar ~~e a mushroom Ollt of Ih o -.rth .rt, yeste r(loll a f IHnoon."
h e An lll; li k e n....
lDutlbmom tbot Is gobhled liP Ity t h e
Be had t.br1l1ed ot tile Ro und ot he r ·Ynlce. It 111'8.8 the IflW. dellb ernte , 'olee of the womon of the croRsrondR, !lnd, U before. be CBtlllht th e alma t 11lIpercepttble Decent, Th e N'd /!l en llt from the biasIng logH ~f"n upon her ablnlna hair: It glistened Uk!) gold. 811e wore a !llOIpJ ev<,uln/! IrQ",n of wblt., IIOtteoed over th" I!hollld t?r s IInel . ._ WIth lI 't01l of rnrc " UIOIl<;,It)IllWi! There \\' U q nQ J~w('lry-n(l' .•"'('0 ,. nq on her s)(ood~r t np r ln J( I'InJ!erq • , 1 lira. (JoijIllr, tilt' ltOAtt" •. ",nil IU1 el __ Yi.feetun>o.1 II .'nlllll, tl Id·
)[1'., , ' UII
. . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . 111 (11111111
Of thIrty.
aIId buIIIome In a bold, ~. ~I!='::';CIt.." ~ Wbdalsl· ~ ..til . . . . . . . .
B ecause Ho us tonin. Liniment doea not smnrt, burn nor blister -is compounded from sooth- ' ing, healing, anllaept:io oil8- it gives equal benefit for intcrnol use IU well n8 ex tl'l'n ll l Ilpplication in enlnrgelllcnts of the glonJs, (18 is provcn by such t eath:nony us t his:
your druggist fo.r H Otlsc-t t;lIw-c- nh- vetElrinIlTY size.
Houaeho1d sizes, 25c and SOc. New Veterinary size, 20 ox.,·Sl,W, First compounded in 1870. THE DR. J. C. JONES COMPANY, SO. CharleJIton, O.
by J ock
2 Sefid of ~WlJ<I c on dl~ioD ,
B r ella ln~
t:lhefp, el1ln lcqQ ir6 of
Louis EirEe, II D, 3, Wl1y nes vlllll, O, j9
S II U of
WOO D-SpIlt t or ' to JI\, I{ood qu a III·;\, . I nquIr e o f
Burvey R y1:', \ Itynesville , U.
C Jbs.
OLT- 2I,~
ve H B old , w t.igb s 1200 Is 1\',, 11 b,okeu Prloe 1'1 25 Ha lf d n mpln g I:i"y R ll ke, prlof' HO J. W ~truw n . ph oDe )(l ,l! j 2
, I~
~ o rtn. fron
t, Buggy,
f 15.00 ,
1 H.II (1 \r , 0 0«t$175 1 ill w~ke II f.(1)o d ~Jl tltlg 'V lIf.(O D , *8 00, 8!l g~lee, eto, W Ill @611 to 0101, 6 ro o w t o r 1\ I! , rugEl, W , 0, l~u t in. j 25
.~ ,
Novv. is the tinle to lay in your next winter's COAL. Don't wait. You are not saving anything by putting it off. We hav:e .what you want. Call and give us your order. ,W e deliver' eve,r~ day',
J, u.
o f t!e ed Lenf Tobaooo 1:'ll1n l , rondv &0 ~8 1 , bed 80 f oe t lcnlt loqait'6 .. t ttlls offioe, j e25
Harveysburg, O h io Phone 34-1L-2S
Wayne~vllle, ~Ohio
tnlieu In
You , cB.n Snd no more effllctive no r' 11Ilm one medicine for injuries, or infectious troubles thlln antisept ic H ou.tonia. usc.
Phone 71
IllLERY PL . -200 per hUD. dred. l equlrtl o f ehus S honRs. R. D I) , WIIY D e~vl1le, Ob lo. j9
W. E. FROST ; trlli1~. IA il~!l B,~d GRAO I1ATE AND' LIOEN SED I
20, 1008."
S q \\lr,'
HA R E o f "II kInds. BIi:11 1]UlAN u lTtl of Ru ,mil B en tl ey , WIlY_ u e8v lll , Ub lo, j 2 ,; , NEWB1NDER - MoCorml())r,
<I\ Ve hue used your liniment In 0111' livery bo rn, on tb .. fot'm lind a t the lrO:ck ta r eight y.ears, ftnd bellel'c It to b" th.. h~ti t IInl",rll In the world. W e not only u ~c It oxt~rnaljl' fo r In jllrlc6, but h (lvc faitnd it works wonders In cnacs of 'orc th r'oat, uy Inj ectIng a ta blespoonfu l all the .tongue. Bower .B ro,., Athens, 0 ., Dcc.
Ke~ it 11nndy in home and stable for emergency or general
RAY F. MILLS, Dealer
I:JI~Y f o r Hllo le . I n of 0 L. !tlOka, R. D, " W a Ylles vllle, Uhlo j9
OME fin e Mix t1
'C oorRN-About 30 bu. good Borten u . Also 1 Blin n it' lo w-do wn \ ligon. goon
wo ) d, R. 2, Or Hgoulll, Oblo
~h e r-
j e25
6, Rill.. I' oland. Brood ' S o ws fo r I I .qulr., 01 .Jobn Beooh . R b i lllL
2, W .. :vne~\" III ,:1,
)h' I'.
j e25
Younce·Bros. Grain' e.o.
MI-\t\ll Issm:o E V~;H \' I~ II W '
(Jill" ,
Mr .. Olllh nrinn .J"ltlll', of ( ." ntllr. al W "Y '",",·1II 0. v ll lo, lIpo nt 1 f1 ~ "," jI, 1r w llh Mr . IITld ltlr .
ID: Johnp. . .
R nrl n hort ( /\T . f I flO " e r YCU f 11"1 '. r.t Hp l' lnl7 fl c Id. we re v l slt rlJ ~ I' f} l fI hou;, lIf ' i lb n r 'IRrk fln ci
I.H,t,ln Mll r lMI
Cr !l m~
Jlllhri Hh er
Mr. and Mrll Oaklelr UD8 l eabe& IIntertalned relatlvell frclm Lebanon, I:3nndllY.- In bonow 01 IIw. Harry Unglelloee'. blwtMa". .
li lt' 1""' <01111', ~~uu u ( ' hu-a ~ .U b1nU,..u'
Sllb~cl'illt i u n P dl!('.
I). L.
fll III I I,
L; rp Ul r!\ ' ~'r "',' I a ou dn a I t I ~ of . Im . ti t. V I~IC l' d Olt \ tld ll eddClY wHl , M r ~ Addu H ro c tt J UNE: 2G . 19111 I\J t ~~e (, OllOU M u GI IIIII ~, I(ll thryn. --'-':: MII'; , .. cl unCI MUI' gllr e ~ ( 1lIrk ""d HIII'uld MHrud lth /l lon l OIlI1 il L Ft. Anoi<lDt. ....Ul chy Vh ull ~ · d o~ . of !i llri ul( i1 rli 'l , wh o reoo n~ly rA.lnro,,') fr oUl Frnn oe. S pRO t th li pn"! wOCl k wah I-Ia unci Mrll. Ullrrlo M)l UI'I<. uf Putlri" . 111.. HlIllth IIlld fllffill)' . lID" Mrs Allcu OutO .. ul t, ot d iiaICI lJa_, were wU o:l k Itnu I(UUII~8 01 Mr . MIs8 KIl,hryn UII"k rntnrned,Sat aull Alrs Jj'. L. Hurrle. of Ii:lLllt Alain urday, lifter n plfln8llna a\ lit rOOD. B{)rlngtleld and Delaware. l!'rnnk a.rrls Is .. orlpple trom n Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ern1'l olc aDd b .. dly nllr.loea aullle, 00 ult~htlllg dnughtor, GIC1dys, Mrs. Gllthnrlne H\llU hIll uu\omublle I'{&or altllndlog J olln ~ ond Mrs. Matlldn ~mrlolr a ,,101110 1L hilS III10n, 11\ t h o pC1st. R\l!ml, flundllY with Mr . Imlt Mrll .. In.quont thlnl( hi bo burt, uod the Loon 8oJlHhllrs. lIenr Union VIIIII gC'. OUUlllJ would btl lIIlv,"g n "IOnia. Mr. All en Hmltb nnd Miss noseUa Ou gUiDK rrom our otey t3 Ore Yonng worn mnrrlnll nt t·ho M. E. goul .. , you wi!! pallt' throul(h ono of parsonllge nt Ceotprville hy Rev . R. t.ho nlUBt vrugros81vo 8eO"ODB thM C. Moon, nt {\ O'Ohl 0k, Wodnosd a y 'l'bere Mr lind Mrs Wilbur Clark nDd wo IlIlvn 10 our (Juunty. Be Olll1:! '0 be moru en'erprllle In kllel)' Mr. lind Mra. WnHor Knnrloll wor fl lUI!! 'he buIJdlDgs and ftlUOtiH \Ill Qnd nt tno Wayno Towoshlp FarUier s ' tholr grouod III shape 110 tha' It Cln.b at tho bomA of Mr. nnd Mrs. pro.luolIlI along with tl:1l rIver but Burton E"rnhBrt on Ifrlday tomll. Ftlrml! Bre belog bonKhS aod Mre. Clura Lewis, II former LytlA wlil be tor .. JonK ,Iwo til cOUle roeldollt. bad ao opornUon for OI\neer Mr. Furmtlr, It you dou't wIln' to Illst I:latordav, Bt 1\IIiRmi VC1l1ey BOB Hall, you had beUor reserve Yoolr pltal. aDd Is dolnll' nlooly . .hlkiolJ l)rioo; olhtlrwlHe yuu IIIAVO Mr, and Mrs. C. R Binegar. ' Mise .. old It. The uewoolLurs bolieve In MinnIe Roeord and Uussoll BIIlf'IJIU' lJUlut. puUlllg np Dew dwolllngl, of JamestowD, and kin. N6111~ . {"UOOM, etu. 11 would do you good Reoord, of Dayton, were Son day to 1100 Ulfllr orops. Kuoetll 0' Wolter Kenrlok and 'am Mrs. Allie Dakin, of nOllr J~ytle, lIy, IIpen\ I,bu wlI.., k Il nd witb r olutlvee Mr. Rnt! Mr~ <.Jlnrnn M 8[]]I~h I' ll 10 \hlll violnlty . t cutlllncd to " Ix 0 'clook dinn er Mr .uld M",. ~'nt nlt t:\ hl d" lw r nna 'rlmrsdr.y . In h nD,1r of tb Alr 8 0 : Mr nDlI tu ..". 10'. L Uarr lll ..u Hollded All oD,fiD,l "·lfc·. III( .. I owlullgoestp : tbu Luruu t;l'l' {,I UIO C1 t X uul Cl Oil Mr. im ll Mr· H " 'I\ Jl e Yonn g !lntl Jane 20t h . . ' ohlldren . \ 1' , " ~ <' i • Onrne Jonos, JIlr. Ell lI . ~I) U ,I ud lion, Ullrroll, MI ~ s Q . , I Mt!: . • ; • ADn L. E!mltb aro .. t btllll U tor thu o;u maner . lI 11d 1\11,,1\'1'0 Br .. D;. :'!":;' Hev. 'Ul ll l\1 r~. C lII uutt nttonOed a - ---- - - -wllttuioll lU W l l na ln ~ t o u. 1'llIt woek . Mu M IH g '.r tlt Ltl vloy is vls i&lng her ohllt1roD lu O ti y tun for (I. week . J. H. ULlI!I1 D li nd Olh Gruy spen'\ tlondllY In UUJOl lt lJ ul l. Mrs . N el li e AI I ~ o I' ft f el r Bea ver W. E. lU urllu. ur Dny[ D 01.1 11 don t owo , t:;Hl urd.lY n Ig ht, t o Is lt b er ' pa re nts, Mr. '\lu ll Wtll . ohn Sam s . trlondtl h ure Inst woe k. Mr. and lairll AI I:!hllfer 1100 for a fo w day s. dllUlfbtor , P"olloe , cn1a Mr . and Mrs. btrl!. ebBS, BrBddook llDd fIImlly Rlohl1rds, of l)nY\OIl, were onllors in ont,ertalDod Mr~ . Owa r IJowls a t OUl olty o n 8 uud.w. dilln r , ODI! du l 'l ~t woelJ.. Boru-To Mr. nud Mrs. William Ml tle' ElI Dn Laoy ond t1~ . l ern ol Lllwlion, ot DOllr hllrtl, Cl dnu !! h~er . Soott were anltod in mn.rr lul{o. Erl. Mr. J ohn POIlCO 6n , r.tlsir H enrI dllyaUucD CJon . Juno la. nt SprlDg alta MoKiMoy w ro 01llle r8 .. the Valley. Tbo bride Is 'be duugUtor howo or Mr ... od MrCf. b'rllok ahld. of Mr. and Mra . l'bomns Liley, lind altor oue oyoolOK lallt wes k . 18 8 vllry oharmlng yoo ng lady . • ) . 'l'bo groom 18 tbe yoongeet son of Mr. and Mrs. Ho,Y llokton and Mr. und Idrs . .Jaoob oeon, lind II! daughter, Jane, of UanolDua", were hlgbly rE!8ptlot8d. Tho bride WO ft Hond,.Y vlsltorB ot thll WIl.80D8, a' nUlrod In a hellnUfol gown of p:r.le 'he COuL .... I. . blne ~lIk. They wlll ~e8Ido. for the Mr. and Mrs. lrl1 M. Syferd entllr . preseDt, with the groom's parents, blned out of town gOE!8te over ~an. in the MI4dle Ron neighborhood. day. Boar'y congratolatlons are ex&ended n III belDI &alkoo of 'ha& In tbe 'hla YOuDg coople . near futnre ahere will he an opeo air Mr. Oha~ley Laoy WB8 tbe gnes' of meetlolJ. to be oouduo'ed by ' the D~y'on reiatlYe8 Inat week, mlol.tars of Shill vlolo"y. Mrs. G1l1dmnn Ellis Is reported ae • _. mnoh Improved ID heaUn this wee • . Idlsl Dorothy West, o'f Bellbroolt, Is vlsltlog her graodparentll lIud aunt. Mr. and MrB. O. a. EIIIII and Miss Nora. Mlaa Alice Uhenoweth aolt Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Chenoweth en'er.aloed Boward 8oammaborD, of A_ron, at an elelant dionew la8' Sanday lpeD' 'he woek ond a' 'ho bome of .& 'he home of 'he f~rmElr. a larB~ bls molhar, IIrll. lIary A. tIoamrna oumbew of rela'ives aod f~lend8, In hOWD. honow of II~. and lira. Ro), CheDo III•• Mary (Jolla", of Oxford, we. we'h. of Xenia. ThOBe prelen' were : 'uroB, $hIe week, for tho Bummer Mr. and Mrll. Roy Ob"nowe&h, of ....II.n, aflor I 'oD.days v80a\loD a' Xonla, IIr. Will Chenoweth, of Bor her bome hertl. lanlJton, IiIr. and ~lrR, Oarl PICKer· M.las lIyia Uaydook IIpen& lall' 101, of Ly&le . Mn. Llszle Lewl. and "aelt wUh friends In Xenia Krandeon, Ethan .LewII, Mr, lind MJII. Joe Evans, Mr. i'rank BeBs . The many frlenda of 1118a I'lor. and bmlly, Mr, Inel lire. '.l'homas ace Wood Mndered hew a surprlle Luoy. lb. Qnd Mra. Warron Laoy. OD !:SDuday. Mr. llnd Mrl'. Uleve Coon!!r aDd son , . Bev, (lolllus, of Sprintf Valley. Mr . and Mrs. Frana Oooa, Mr. and fllied 'he poIpU a' 'be iii. E. Olluroh, Mrs, ClIn$ Grubb, Mr. and Mra. Vlo. Mond"" morning. Hev. WrlllM 18 tor Bnrrlll, of Darton, Mr. and Itlrs . ....ndln. InatUuto a' Delaware Uhllrl.,. Braddock. ME!8sr• . EruOl& '001le8 e Braddock, Barry Laoy. Ohlll, Lauf. • . John Traoer,' Hownd Ohenoweah, 11111lI0II AUna Re6V8IIJ • yoougea' John Sml&h, 11188811 Florence , Laoy, daullhter of Mr. and JIIln. J. H. Milrle Uook, Alloe Chonowe,h BDd 8eeves, and Ralph Bullon were M.r. aod Mra A. E. Ohenoweth. married a,'he At, E. pi\rsouage 10 • _ • .sprtnl ValleN', &,urday. They are St.,. on Trsde at 8. 'fU, popular )'00n8 peoplo, who In Indln wooo. mC'fnl and will bav. "a bel' "llhea of a host rnrvllfR bel:ln to lcearn theIr tTodo at of f.lenelll. . tho age ot thl"C9 :rears nnd berom. Oarlton Sml&b II homo from Dela. Bklllcd worton IIJ tho tlmo thoJ ~ ware tvr tbe luwmer. twelvo.. MlH Dorothy DeVoe. Xenia III 'he 10011' of hor gr.. odmotbor. Mrs . lI"a Mo... How's This? W R . Hia" and BOO have opened We orror .One Hundred Dollars Ro. a olea& Ihop. wllrd tor un)' Cfl8e or Cfltorrh thot cnn. 11&88 afarJorle O.ycloell apent II. ~~:o . b e curc(l by Hall'o Cfltflrrb ]\Jo~t. part of las' WIleK wUb her grand. HolI's CMnrrh 1I£0(1\cll,0 hos boon pareDU 'Rev. I\D.d Mrs. JeBllo Haw. tflkon b)' eMorrh BuHorers tor tho. poat .. , ' thh·ty · tlvc yonr. and h". be como - DI. kn own oa tho mo;,t rellnble rsmed), tor )1188 MllrUl~ Beeves of Rlohmond, e nlllTTh. ]Jull·. CUlorrl> MedicIn e not. .• h r 'I a b ' tbrough Iho Dlood on tho Mucou s our· I Du., 11:1, e luest 0 re" IV311 ore. fllcos. expolllng the Polson Crom tho .To..e E. ' tUel ,.nd. 'awny epeut ~~~3d and hc~lIng lhe dlsoCUlod por· ""Drday ' aDd SUDday wltb Mrs. Ariar you have takon Hnll's Cntorrh Blel'e plU'enU In Uolumbas Medicine Cor a .hort tlmo you will 600 n grCnl Improvement In your gon· ____ a • oml honllh. Sleart taking HaU's Cea. , • torrh· Medlclno' at once and get rid ot . . . ~ r" __ ' t. , Cl Iii d A.I_ :Clltnrrh. Sond tor t estimonials. troe. F . :r. CBlllNIi1Y • CO.• Toledo. OhIo. RCf"," """,e ,e. sasse Bold by 1)1\ DruggIst•• 76c.
tlu ndHY being Mr. It E . MaDDon'1I hlr t 1I1uy "nd th et ~ lllth w ~ d d ln g &n nlv (' r~ nry, L1r Mro nnD " ' IUl ad a Anr r t ~ o for lil ln . 'l'llr e Ib t en j')Y 'd t ho oc o b ~lof) " er .: ~1". II n4 Mrs, (leorge Davia, Mr. lind MrA. 010 n OIl VIB &nd 80nB. R oh br' ~ od Hou r" . Mr . tiD\! Mra. Joe , a VIS Iud d,uiuht"6rs, of Barvaysbor ' ,Mrll. Ida, Man ll on nnd danghter, MIHH Et hol, and Mr. JawoR Uleaver. AlJ de par ted ",t a Ide bonr wishing them lOo ny hllpPY re&urns of lhe day . The Matron8' Prl~ol11o Clob me' wlt D Mrs . Dethern ge. Toesday of hisl, week. (~ulte nD enjoynble time WA il hnd by nil present 'I'be next meeting will be with MrA . MBI'Y .dannon. tbe 'bird Toosday In Joly. Mr . and Mre. F. A. Bartllook and Mr. nnd Mrll. W. 'r. Jorda u were oalling on Alnn Bartsook !IDcl wlfA, I!ondllyafternoon . Mr . and Mrs . John Wolf IjpeD' 9nnltllY with liC\y ~olf Clnd wife. of Olllr lcHvllle. Mr . Ilnd Mrs . Oeo. Bogon. Bnd Bon Bl'rt . vis ited wi th Mr. Rod Mrs . Wm . Don n, of I:!l1 vllr (l ro vD, Sonday. MrA BnnMh Rloh Bpent Bo veral cIny . J 1\8~ Wll h " with h " r dou gbte r, Mril . Gohil e I:!orfnoo. of W ny nps vllJ A Mr . Abljllb Collier, nfter spondlng sevArn1 weeks vl Mltl ng r eln t.\voe Bnd frl nnc1s In tbo We8t. bCle returnfd to hla bome bere . Mrs Holl yeroll! Ilod <la ughter, Mr~ . Mlchonl ODd do.oghter, or Co 10m hl1s, nnd Mrs. Lavloa W"'rwlolt . of Lnbllnoo. !\Te ~ pe Ddln g soverl\ day ~ with their re l.tlveR. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Tbomps.\D , Mi ss Brlghtle Chenow ot,h hall re torn ,..d to her b ome In Lebaoon ",fler .pen Ing the past weel wlt.h 1'rIr. and Mrs. Jobn Tbom p!on. M I ~ s Dorle BaneT, of Utloll,IR the goe t of ~elatlveB here," Mr . and·MrA. Alvll Loddlngton and dao ~ Mer, Miriam, spent Hond~y with relatives De~r Lebnnoo
MASh l !i 1 • • OemaKer
• - - - -. -
(alley Phonl;l25..J
HarveYSbUrg,o. ,
A quick response. III y visits a rc modi) wi hou t d lay. II d. I s"ve Mr /lind MrB. W . '1'. 'W lI ~ on a Dd an imals by promn t use of riJl'ht r em· r,' 'l rV f Clt t'r lne v lsit Pcl 'b Ir d ugh . ed icH. Onll'me us earl y us you call . t er . Mrs. Oilve P eter8on. tluDday. "r. Bnd Mra. Luther Elnlne8" spen' It Helps On the Cure. SundllY wlt,h the la trtOlr's Duren ts, Jul y III Mr and Mrs. Cha r le, ' Lalru , at Oamden. Ohio. R . E. Jonos hlld ~ 8 t h lr 8and&y gueste, Mr . and td r~ . W m Meoden. blllland 900, Evorett, lind Esther 8bllw baugh . Funeral Director ldr. nnd Mra Evorett Baines were and Embalmer, In LebRoon on hBliloelis . .l'ueadl\y . Cbarley BarD!)r hall purohaeoo a new Bord. Waynesville. Ohio. Mrs. Glenner. Wilson and 'we obll. dreD SpeDa WedneBday with hew parents. Mr lod Mrll . it:a,roell' Bar. Either Allto or Horse drBwn sorvlce. ley No extra charge for auto aervice. Mr. aDd Mra E. Walk •• havo as Both phones In Office and Ree Idence their guee' his mother, J~re. Walk· No. 14 . er. of New Vienna. Mr. lind Mre . Zlmrl Bnlnes enter. I,,,,loed at dlno er Bund,{y M,. lind Mrs W. E . BogtlD Bod M,I'. and IIrs. Weldon Wilson. Mr. nnd Mrl' . Joe Ulsb,o and dnughter, DorotbY. Rna Mrs , Eo. Veterinary phomla WlIsJn ~pBn' StlDday aftor. noon with ~r!\ . Ruth OrumlllY, n ~ nr OraduBte or Oblfl Slat, lJnlvulII' Xll nla.
IJ<Jmonc1 It N .. le che .huI)<: -
T hM &tll.
blo .... n ,n thtt
11 0 m
RI " .. - nu"ll " 'tho ~cn "i ne bottlc!d Coc:aC o.. t ho t nv t com e in pucitOS'"
Oul" in Bot tles
Wllc n you're hot, t ired o r thirsty, thin h of delicious nnd refreshing bottled CoroCoIn. hcarin8 in mind the very imVOrtnnt fnet of its purity. Your R'OOCT wi ll deli""r. At «her
Dr. J.. A. McCoy,
................... ........ Con~ectly...
TIFFA~TY'S Optical Department S. Detroit S1. Xenia. Ohio Open evenIngs by appointment
.............. ........ ~,
The Dayton Coca·Cola Boll ling Co"
HOllIe Phone 6-171
OFFICE: Street, near Tyler Telepbone 93
... Examined
t i meR 6to p at J"t:t\ tn urn nt,. caf e, re-
(rcd,mcnt -.tond or groc:c:r'8 and
Notary Public
... DEN TIST••• Wa)'1lNvtllo's Ll!a411lll DeaU.. Offioe Bllinee Bldg. I4aln 8t If~~nlda. '
Subscribe for the Miami Gazette.
Wa)'UOPUIe, 0
AlIi,.klndIJ of N olary Wortt, Willi an.d Deeda a Mpeotal\7 .
Try the Miami GilZette's Classified Columns for
e July SaleCelebra o The Entire Month of July
-- - -- - T---_ _ ___ _
, ' .. JlNClJNG'" $50,000 . AIR PRlZE"\1'MONEY
The Rike-KuDller Co.
Beginning Tuesday July First
That ·L eads
'T he
to the people 'of the Miami Valley
The Way
Service and Economy
Watch the Dayton Newspapers
are the watchwords of the day. The savings Habits' of four ~' cal's of war have not heen· hroken. Govcl'I1tncnts, men, w omen, big husincss have taken lip the cry to I<eep going the greatest lesson the war has givcn-CO·OPERATIVE SER\ ICE :
Watch this selling evcnt unfold itscil' befure your eyes -watch for your () \'n s peci al needs. AIL th e m erchandi se represented is fashio :l.l h lc , desirable nu·\,c handi:c-q tlanti· ties bought especially for jhe e\'cnt and qu a nt ities uf our . rcglllat· stocks reduced.
Now Comes Our Opportunity An o))portunity to mass the forces of this institution oun SUMMER DRIVE FOR ECONOMY. B~lieving
that the people 'o f the .city of Dayton and "icinage look to The Rikc·KlImlel' Co. to LEAD in SERVICE. we have this year Qrganized ollr sale so that instead of '(wo weeks' duration, the plan concicely stated .is to arrange
A Month Long Sal~s Celebration The entire month ()f.July will be devoted to the offer· ing of SPECIAL EVENTS throughout theJftorc. In place or til" incvi~ab!e hurry ond discomfort which a two·weeks· slli c necessarily brings, \ c shall distribute the sales for four full weeks. .EA .H DAY A NEW PROGRAM"':'-eadi day new op· portuniti "s, until Olll' entire stocks have becn passed ia~ reo vic\ ' hcforc the public.
The Savings to You Are
Doubly large hce31lsc of a post· wa r mcrdm ntiisc market whcl'enot only prescnt costs arc ullprel'<.!dc lIlcdly high; but steadily soal'ing, so Unt pn.:<i id i olls for fall make it ex· tl'emely advisable to buy to the limit of your pocket·strings
NOW . .
This is An Event to De Talked About p~ss the word along. Give your ncighhor the henefit of your in'fol'mation . J.ct not a single person for miles al'OuJ]d miss RIKE·KUMLER'S JULY SALE. We shall back up these plain · words with plain' facts. ' People have only to .s ee the rnel'('h<:,udise a d the splendid values to realize the importaJ\ce of this salc. NOW-LET US BEGIN! .
The Rike Kumler Co., Dayton, Qbio
.suad E .. ~ It
I I II •• lI e lt'1i , 1111" Iud I", of I' spent ·lInd.!}, III I. ... rn ...
EXClI l on I
.to ,
0. ,
J) ytUIi ,
ville 9:04 n m ., ll'llt Hi. ton
Mr \' H 1 I '''l l' ''~lIn unu ram ily l. we re I)'Lyt,\1I \ 1~lt1l1" , [-'TIdilY .
Read Gazette's CI 1.ssflhyl Ad.
Ilu nni Ita, l:" . " I :JO) on t he FO \l !'th.
~1I1s t t: r Cha ~ IJ (In uin jf U
D ___'S BAI{ER"r
ll nt! Gi r IA
I.s ba king lite be ·t Hr ad. th~ mos t del iciolls I' i s , th tl. k i st Duns, iuelt -in -your-l11l1 ulh of all kinds. and, in f:tet, ev erything t It:lt C:l n be found in a first -class, up· to-date, mod ern , sa nitary bake shop. . d h ~rc c i a ) a Ul' llion 'gi ven to SOC ials all O\lSC p' rt y ba kin r~ . Prices very reasollable.
, Andr WB. f Xenia . w('eh. with h i ull cle.
.Mr . ' hilS , Uueli . Ht' nry \Y ocoll nrrl 140 ft Tu e~ c!RY fil l' fJaget tOi" Illd . fur II ( e \ ' wt;:"k~" I ' h l with r l'i ali\','".
0 nee 'f rle . d, You 'II Always Use
. I.;
I'l('oty " I :w~
:,11~8cli U(Jllna and l) ori Will erson, ' uf lhl.\lull. l!rC V I ~l tl ll J: th eir g~ a nd I pal'CIIlH, Mr /lnu JI'~ H. H \ Ilke r-
fll es~rs.
~ -~------!'!"""''':''''-''':-~-~-~-~\--~-.-~~~----~-~.-'"'"'!!!!!!'!!!
-E ,
Libru ry p tr:-:-,o hnv, book I CC}lll!lled \1) r:vkl'('linv, ', h u h 'lq~("-\d ',I"·l" \ \ I " j·!!:! ur · ' l! pl· i\, l.!,J >l I!" 1" h'I', , . ,I' I'l'n,jinj:(
" ven lut. 'Ire, 'I fn,-, tl.\' rc lurrlth, :n 1 "'I.)I "I~· Ih t1ru, I lid " t':.!'
1\ 11' "
If you IlTe going to ins ta ll II furuaCl
till:' B!lJllIDCr,
du illJU\"
Your furnace is the most impo rto.ut thi,ng about your h ouse. Get • Farquhar F urnace aad yo u will auvc lJIouey in t he long rwi aDd at the eame tilDe yo u will be gcttiog a healthful heat -
in,IYBtem. Coa.tant comfort and real economy.
FRANCIS H. FARQUHAR L-____ ________________________________ Wilmington, O hio ~ Local~Agent
Th uinfal'
E Dnv i
h 'Lr l lz~r l Il t ~t
M I~
S lo t I{uf lah-t'li iU' I J
I \
lh e Shoes. r r J tdll ll1l1 hlld
I .111
•U I ;'~:~;'I.tlll l~~:~';II;~:~~~~ "I;:~~' '!:'~~::I~~,.:;'~~ . : ty IlIIm r Hn'd) "WI'I(', I III flO D I T h annual loeeting of the \ ,a -I'1IrllrlMl . £Ilcftfl " I: 1l1<1lJ!lInn ll y Inesvi lle ' Uranch of tho Warren CoY. ~nlO, . D o r tR,l\....r 01.l KII;hl" J tl~ l ICIIVO l htl~l' pl1 0 r s
CI t l ' C ' II b ' h I I t the alont:' , Ulfilll lllH only brough t t h ~ l u ' . lap e r. . \ . . WI e c, B. bome on n turl lugh." 1owt1Shlp H ou ~e. Monday venIng'. . J~ne 30th, at 7:30. As the olficcr I - - - -- -••- - fo r the ensui ng year will be 01 cted. II fu ll Btt " d llnce i d ired. Every. Wher" t he Folly Lies. hody invited. Lou B. Ba rnhar t. I It t" hn edly (,\' .. 1' r""ll< h tn fln II l.cretery . \ th in!: he\'l' u~f" WI' ,'."" tn ,Io:t. The _ _ _ ___~' (lilly II<' ~ I n ,lolnf: n Ihloi{ heco llse
The township making the best per capita sllle names the site for shaft.
'~rv1 anx- M an"
Sl !i\. :HIN E
- - -.- - -
McK ill~(>Y
et's Get t ! Set up in the coun ty ~-: -l as a memorial to t he patriotic work Q.<>ne by the ' people of this county, it will be an object of pl'i e to · our children, a nd our child]' '11 's ehilo l'en. It will cormnemorate all t hat \ 'as cl one behind t he lines as well a ' the ndol' of ur soldiers abroad - a wo rthy testimonial to a great county.
7:30 p.m
All ml !!Sloll
Sut ul'du evenin g
7:30 p.m.
tobacco against hail .....
-Sears & Cartwright, Aman Block
W ayne8ville~ Ohio
Phone 61- 2
I.' '
hot weather is again upon us, and we do not want the .good housewife cooking on a red;. , hot stove all day long. Take one of our oil stoves, for instance-when the l;Jleal is prepared the fire goes lou t and at supper time the kitchen is
DBni l~1 L. Pi erson . oC Dayton. an~ I. Hain 8 , of Corwin, went. ['.l Leblln on II1 ~ t wee k ond wer e uni: t.ed i n mArr iage by l<l!v . E. D. Ham n} ond They ,,'ere accompan ied by Mr , and Mrs James H8In98. Mrs Pietl!lon \Vas H ~ rad ll nte of the ('Ias.~ of ' 19, and is Ihe Rrst i n lhe clasS to be m a r~i ed . T he b ,;1 wishes 01' her many f ri ends will fo1l 0w her. M.1~ 8 El h",l
co mforta bly pleasant.
We a re se'lling the best Oil Stoves on the market torlay. Don't wait any longer; if you do not buy now, you may not be able to get one just when you need it tlle worst. The t hree best Oil Stoves are:
Detroit .Vapor .Dangler
New Perfection
Dr. (llury L . Cook announces the fOl low ing office ho urs for July and AU g UKI :.
Come in and look them over, a nd take your choice
Morn ings ......... .... .. 10 tc) lLaO a . m Afternoons .. .......... 2 to 5:30 p. m Tu esday. Wedn'!sdny. Th u rsday Bnd Satu rday evenings. 7 to 9 p .m Mund ay. anrl Pridny eveni ngs, anti undllYs. by uppointment only.
THE Se, 'tOe AND 25c ' STORE ----------~~-----------.--------------~-~-----
\Vif~ Of
LBllffmce Furnas, di e at her. home on lhe Harveya. burg pike. F rid ay morning at 3 II m from blood poisoni ng , The fune ral wus held Mond ay rn rninj!' at 10 Jl m f ro m ·the WhilE' l3rick Meeting hou. e, lie / C8 11(!B nil ' \OV e tlKS olel bally, Ii hu sban lind th e r r elatives
10 s .
5 inch Fruit Saucers .. , ... . . .......... .,} Oc 5~ inch Oat Meal Dishes .. , ... . ... . ... 15c Dinner Plates. ' . , ... . . . . . .. . .. .. .. ... ,200-
Cups and Sauccrs . . .. . . . : . . . .. ..,...... 25c .' Glass Butter Dishes . . . . . _. ___ .. : _. ____ 25c Boudoir Caps : . . .. . . . . . . .. . .... '. _.... 25c ~ Ladies' t]nion Su its .. . : . __ . . .... .• , ... SOc · Panty Waists, all sizes . . ........ _. _..• ;25c·. "W.E. \ ." Plated Tea Spoons; per dozen.4Oc Tabl~ Spoons, ~er dozen , .....•.. :- .... 60c ,
.1 ('Om. ·1
·Two Bite. and Su p mnny or OUt /II 01I1 I" r Ilnrl sOns hnve be~ n ~ run(lCd hy mod- I
W h ll~
a.'w "' Ul J)ftT I~ onq li re f
tul;\ntt rh Ir
(jll l!'li l", OVC1'
\00 TrllUl<icrlPt.
e ~ l1tn lll e :
Q 111 01\' 1,· m!'o I.
H. E. EARN ART , Waynesville, o.
-'- - ----DEATHS
Mi LIll i ccmett!ry . ~ _
ational Bank.
the greatest Farm Company 1n Ohio, \vill Insure
(l~~r I(1It1on8.
, ~ . F. H. Farr,
The Home of New York,
Mr J B ' i ll 'I II'slre~ l \) l\r rnt) un ce 'md invite hi,; fr illl.d' to lb e CllJeninll "..In e at t ilt! Cummunity ·Hull .li t I )ouds, Ohil , 'fl l' ' aturday , ni ght J u~1! 2» R rrc hmentR wi ll be ser ,t;d on I he grou nd. , an d a goer! time I; (J ro ll1 l~cd to ull.
to n1.Jurn . b-er
ount:y -
f or · Uncle Saln
Let's Bring It To
ne .Big .Pu]11 may bl'i ng ll. t his l' ward - .t he richest yet off :> l'ed. Th at one pull would, nothave l1l el:int m uch to us last year, when ' our ].,atriotL m wa at fever heat. Why houlc1 it se m f ]'m id ~ble n ow? 'Are we any t he less pat riotic: be~ause we Vl{on? Are ar Savings Stamps any the 1e 'vahm 1e a' n investment now that abs Jut eel tainty exists ' that th ey will be paid in gold? Is 3viilg' of any Ie s value to us? Let s go after t hjs monument.
:• . ,
...__.-... ...... .............................!
. ,;~~~~~L;il~~~ell\\!(~I~rlllt 1.I~e~rn~1
Open c\'enings -
Huve you paid your taxes?
This beautiful 30-f oot monument, a . shaft of the f amous Barre Granite, will be given t o t he Ohio courity t hat sell the large t proporti(.>n .()f its quota in War Saving s"i Stamps in June, ~July and Augu st .
Residents of Waynesville w ere a gl'ee ahly durprised , laRt Wednesday. by n vi it f rom Dr. and Mr~, H \Y. Baily, o[ T<lmpa, Fill . T he' W\!fe un their way t o v i ~it reJ3l in '9 III t he 8.'lter n part of Ohio. an e! ahlO attend tht! Centenary, a t Col umhus . I) r ! ol h" r people th in k WI! " U 1111 t ro woo l Haily a nd wife came th rough by IIUt" t he Miami Gazelte. I to ,1(1 It. nn'l w.' (10 no . t r aveli ng at thElir own w ill . anJ math" the 1600 miles without Bny se ri ou~ mishap T hey lef t Thursday' a ft ernOOll . but visited wi th muny of t heir Let Wayne Township try het best to win it. par ishi oners and trt nd They w e r e the I<uests uf Mr. C. T . Huwkc a nd dtlugh ter, Miss Helen. .
Well, Why Not?
A good cO.m ed y
with a goud hne 01 Fre::!h }, ish . Culi 01 1 hi m limi ,~t a In \! s fClr you r Sun day
1 •
•. Hope Chest"
Frud 's L ·ballCl n Big !:i tOI t'. ~le n '9 ~5(' Wvrk 1J051 , 17c; Wo rk l'un l~ . 52A5 1 \'ol n(I:;, C'l 0;) ; $ 1 ~O ~hlt ~~. broke:
B h~L~ j
cmwo v: .. 'o n-of-a-Gun"
Thursday, July 3rd I '\' aLurill ~ Uo rothy Gis h ill a good play ,
" HEn -G - RO-S-S-MEETING Ir ~tJ~:~fll~"~il~;r I~r n,;'::::!'II:::~"r~:IIr'U~~"'~:tt~~
! Subsc ri be for
Mam tt. l :
t 'l' atl ,' n .uorl.
- - .,-- - - - -- - -T uesday, Julv 1st By th e Gold\\' 'n Distri blltin g Corpo ral 'ion, new ,
H. :.J r and J j nnd l, ry ' s , I ~l. hl,,1 ~lr8 ; [o'1'Ilnl, II" d ~ n . Iff Mur- ' ~ :)lIn dRy rn or in lflll t he r elluin r s I' , ( ".\. ~p"1l1 :l UIlt\,\y " ll h I lr ~ Allc '" ,:if-. Tl'-' c r\.' ii10ny\vns p·r f l n1 d l ~iLI ' ,! : ::\t:'} ur ld duu~l1tl' r , ~l l!"'s ll \' n· by I{·'v .r F. Cnclw all noler. n m1 wu. ~ rI ·lt tl. ,\'t fJ·~. im!, r et ... .,i,,!' . , . --- - - - II Jorltiuy and Sutu rd\l~' spoci als nt l
III' "1.'.1'1 'II. • III I 't:r ),"01ll) • .,lll ." IH'. ,tl .'r\I'N' Y" " ",til l it, ,,'1 " I , I,;·, , ~hc " \\ Ih I nljw OUt' I
Don't wal~ unUl the (all rush .
It's!<rs . Myer IJrllltll1 , A.
" Ari20nf;l"
Warren Bradd ock . K en I"
APTISMA 81. MARY'SI~~',l!I:~r ~}~'~~:r.i~nl~l1(~' l~: CD~:;:Il~'~.
,," r
~ (w. jil IIII , II..... I rml" • 1,1.
neth Jo; I ~ey. Ke nnelh Kilbo n and ',' F r ank I{ublll son W\lr .. in Day ton S un • ~ day a {ternoor,. I
£ 1\11
r.n II
Satu rday, June 28th An idea l DOll glas Fairua u ks prod u ction, en titlcrl
I, '..J
1 II
way . Ll'\;an"n . nlllo.
s ·,.
Mr . J . O. \'hil l k\!1' un,l fa mily . SP\!lIt ~ Ll IlU.\y Wllh ~ IJ' '. M. Bruwn ! 1 Ilud i'utllily. II I t \illVill 1_:. , Wa lter Met ' llIr ll r.t"l1~ e~ the Ohio ' '-- - ~.,.~~&~ . .;;;:,.. . . ~;;.;;;;;~. . . . . . .!)t ule io:mbnIITI '!'··.' A'"' )('latl un lit Ce- ._ ••• _ . . ..... dar I'oil ' . :lel:c r,,1 r1L1Y~ 1!I ~l week . I rll: II' I 1lI'I':~111 ':0~"J 1!1'liJ ' , I :' ~ 'I ' " I I ' ' ~JV ' 'ii '. I 12""4!. 'J ~ ~Jl 11 I " \) Dill , O, l(!(lpnt h ~ I :;. Broad' ~ :\1'1 1 ~I~ ~V!)' ,: •
Spec:laUlt 10 8&1'1alnl
WayDII¥IIle Ohio
_-IiJ!I---!:;i---....._._Ili!illl_.IIII!!I_." ,
_ ••
~eventy-Fit'st Year
Whole N UHl her 3537
l-fioCA21 -
OrRnge Market, July 5lh Mi89 Addle Keys vi or Snturday
Get Bulb~
Fllll:lhllghtR, Bal teries from io' J) IILLwke.
I .
Have you paid you r
Try the nfW Daylight Lamps, fin f' fllr HCIVlnj;t 'or rcoadlng; sold by F.1) Hawk e.
Mr .and Mrs. Em rsoll Mal:hlll spont th week end with Mr a~Hl Mrs . Lee Milson, lit Milson .
I il .Y' J'U II I'
LI ,..
Those having Building & Loan Books will please leRve them at the store for Interest. J . E . Janney. Mr. and Mrs. George Harlsock left this morning for a few days' vliit with relntives In Darke county . Mrs. M. A. Pierce went to Leba· non, Ind .. Saturday, for an ex tended visit with r elatives and friends.
Mr . and Mrs R G CraBS arrived home, Friday eV\!lling, after spend· ing II week with relativcs In Brown county .
Mr. and Mrs. Allron Summers, of Terrell, Tex , arc spending a month True, the other members of the here with relatives and friends. faculty and Jametl (the Ford), aided Dr. and Mrs . H. E. Hathaway her greatly throughout the entire year, but without MI88 Roberts her. spent the week· end with Dr. and selt our h I Id t b h I Mrs. Rosnagle, at London, Ohio. , Is today . Be 00 wou no e w at t
When the Warren County Normal school wh~t It Is, durJnlt its atren!!. School came to Waynesville liv~ years ous financlaletate . So, during thIS ago, there came wllh it an inatructor year,. we knew MillS Roberts only IlB . . lone of our farulty, all of whom put Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkerson, of whose t,ue value Wayne TOWIlShlp IS fortb untiring efforts to maintain Dayton, were Sunday afternoon . I ' Th" Just now apprec allng. IS Jnstruc· and bettor oU.r H'tgh School. . guests of Mr. and Mrs. H . H. tor, MI89 Elma A. Roberts, of Mor. ) Last sprlnl.f to .our school board Our school board haa 'been Quite Wilkerslln. . row, directed the course of Rtudy of cllf!le the resIgnatIOn of Mr. Green, fortunate in the superintendents ob. ou r Normal for two }lears and. to I which they met by. nppointing Miss tained, but · never have they been Packard Mazda Lamps, all sizeR, those acqusinted with this line of Roberts Ill! superintend ent at WaYDe more fortunate than In hiring the for city or Delco lighting, at Io'. D. work, "he proved a very efficient: Townsh ~p Schools. Noone doubted one, who, at the close of this yellr Hawke's. . director. But to the majority of her ablhty to fill thll! position, and resl8'TIed in order to go to Wilmlng~ our community thiS. work was almost l now, at the close at Ithe year, none ton 88 dean of the college there Dr. and Mrs. J. T. EIII8 and Mr. a foreign 'subjt1Ct and we knew little of us can give praisis which Is too In Miss Roberts' lelLvlng here great for the way in whir h she haa Waynesville loses a personality with and Mrs. Aaron Summers are spend. of its progress. At the cnncluslon of the second , her duties We feel safe which Wayne Township sends a sin Ing. B few daYII at the Centenary ex· hlbltlon at Columbus. year MIllS Roberts resigned her' posi· III saymg that now there IR not a cere hope that the best and only tbe tlOD. leaving Waynesville much to its family in this com!f1unlty that knows best, ot success may b~ hers In her Friday and Saturday Special. at regret. However, after a year's abo her not: She a fflend to all, never future work . In our midst she will Fred'a LeDanon !iig Store-Men'R sence, she returned as principal of forgetting the welfare of the sehool. be greatly mIssed, but sbe can evor Soft Collara, 50(1 values, 25c. . our High School. with Mr. Green a8 She WIUI revered by each pupil and be sure that In coming back ahe superintendent Their combined , held the good will ot the hack drivers will be given' a .",Icome most ain. work and oarnetlt efforts kept our especially. cere. • Rev. and Mrs, J. F . Cadwallader and Miss Clara Llle arrived home, Friday evening, after an enjoyable visit with relatives In Chillicothe. Waynesville Chautauqua, .Jul,l 31 to Aug~t 2 Tug of \"far on the Fourth,
Mr and Mra. Ollie Davis, of Corwin, have recently had a letter from their lIOn, James, who Is an the U . S· S ., Martha Wuhington. He says he ill In good health and took the exam· Inatlon for Warrant Officer, p888ed and la now awaiting hiB commi88lon . BeIng an officer of this rank, It makea him a neat little Ralary. He le(~ Chari eaton. S. -C., laat Friday, for Rotterdam, Holland, wltb ZOOO Ger· ma" prisoners on board, Including The PODY Race on the Fourth Is 200 women and children James haR been in the navy about five years and open ·to botb boya and girls be has advallced ahou t as f811t as "he COUld, Here's good luck to him. Herbert Edwards, of Denver, Col., - - -... -+-- - arrived home, Thursdav evening. for his seml·annual vacation. He sa}' ~ buslncss In the W~st Is on tbe boom
Two Ball Games on the Fourthmorning and afternoon .
Mrs Ed HopkIns and Bon left, last Wednesday evenIng, tor HogerR, At the M. E. Church, Sunday Ark., where sbe will spend slime evening, a ' well ballinced choir of time witb ber father, Mr. Court twenty eight vol.cee, under the able Murray. direction uf Mrs. Frank LeMay, reno dered "Tbe Nazarene," a llacred . Have 10U pal~ your taxes? cantata by Chas. H . Gabriel. Mi88 Ethel Roaler, accompanist. The life Mrs. J A. Werner .and children, of Christ, from HI8 birth to HIR . resurrection, is beautifully portrayed of . Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. M. D . In eonlf. The chorue work was es SmIth and Mrs. Mahala Ames of peclally fine and reflec!ed credit to Bellbrook, visited Mr. and Mrs' W. itaper, afternoon. the leader. . . Preceding the cantata, a 8010, "Jeaus, Lover of My Soul," was Running Race!.' for Boys and Girls· faultlfJll.qly .re·n dered hy Miss Anna on tho Fourth. ·May Deardoft, of Lebanon, adding mUl'b to the evening'" program . 'i'he MI_ Anna and Luln Vander. The offering waa given to the choir VOllr!, accompanied by Mr. Ernest for the purchaae of new music. Lotz, ·of Wilmington, W(ll e here a ahort . time Saturday afhirnoDn, Em!!8 t Is looking fine, and la In very good healtq.
. At the ar-muul meeting of the Waynesville branch of · the Warren County Oha}>ter, A. R . C, held at the TownshiP House, Monday evenlng, June 3(f. 11119, the following ..n were elec!ted .for the enaulng , I.ear: J, B. ChapmM, Chairman: E . V, narnhart. Vice Chairman; l.tella Oaughert,. Secretary; L. II. JleDdenon, Treuurel': . Ulll D. Baraahart. SeI;'Y.
Mrs. Robt. Walton. of Dayton, s pent several days last week with Mr . and Mrs. J . L. Ha rtsock .
Auto Haces on the Fourth,
tl\)( \!~'!
Dr . A. C. Hoberts anti family , of Morrow, s rJent SUIIlIny uft rnoun hero with frie nds.
MiS!*'s Annie and Marne Brown arrived here, Friday, where they will spend most of their summer vacation .
MrR. G. L. Kincaid and son, Uryce, of ~ardinill, 8penl tltl' week· end with thl! CrOSRe3.
Mr. and MI ~ D.' H Pi erRon, of Uayton, spent SumtllY wito Mr. lInd Mrs, Jamt's Hain~a , ot Corwin
Events of 1111 kinds at Oakdale 1'ark on the Fourth ..
a Dayton
The g reat world wILr ia ')ver . Th hava dl'l!i arori Ih'"I~e lv es Mr. anll Mrd. J . U. Chapman a r ' dll fellted The w llr Cll~ t hjll io n~ of Ci ncinnntl visitors totiay. dollllrs and mil lIOn!; uf lived. Th,~ prl)l'or ty damligo CILIt (lnly he csti · /-I otpoint anr! Ameri cn n I -nu I, ·d . ll\~ t ",tu rday af te rnooll , rron l! lit F. I) . lIawk e's. lealll)" l[:3 (I 'clrock the (;erman rcpre~cn t a· l ivt'~ met th e Council of F"ur :,t Vcr· ~"illt!~ and siij'lIcti the rr"uly. Mrs. J . W. White is Arlenrlin g th(' Th l, weary W')l'ld war ImlLl \!h t Il l· week vi ~ itlng fri end s In Dayton . mlls t every ll 'lti,,,, on the Ill"bl' In l n thE' fi ght ill 11110.] WilY vr flllnLher, al· Mrs. Herhert Britllin and Rlln, J o th" "l{ h ~Olll(, nali"Il" w('re nlO t aclln '· Iy (· I1~l\fI;'e(1. bu LiIl'Y wlm.! 1111 int" r' were Day tun vi. itors, Satu rd uy. !~ l ed I Iwrm en!t ·,j I hi s n tion in ev ery no" k "lid I:nrn vr, RIt' \ locally Go to Oakdale Park the Fourth. W f! ,,'erl' r"" r". '·nlcti in somo of t he ht,lt"h 'sl lig ltl illf{ ever known to mnn ' Herhert Edwards is spending n kind few days with relatives in Dayton. T ho ~i Kll il1g of lhe punce treaty ro· qui red some ti m" . nnd Wll~ n fun etion n (;\'(;r ' 0 III; f.. r,;. ,l t,·n 11.1' thll~ o Mr . and Mrs. Wm . Hobinsun Sllont who pnrticipa "d 111 til<' ,·C· '·" I. lI ut Saturday with their SOli in Morrow . it i8 d Oli". alit! 1,1)\ ' i i, h"i', 01 tloat the wll ri d will .;clr l, · d '\\ ... , ,j t ry Do your c oo kin ~ on an Am erican lInll li v(' Illml'e r in peuc,· thull they lIelluty Grill; ~ I!ll it at 1". I) . H awke ' ~. have cv 'r do: c b"for e. Go I sveet! th ' lillY when men of all natio ns und climes wi ll v"rship C;ocl Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman and und li ve in 101'1' fl1111 chflrity with all daughter were Cincinnati visitors mankind . Sunday.
Mrs. Mary CaRkey nnd ·Mrs. W. S Graham ~ p nt n couple of day s las t week with relatives ·in. Sprinj(fh, ld.
- ---
G(! r mnn~
Grange Mllrket, July 5th
Roy Irons, of Spring Valley, was The Driving Association will have In town, Tuesday. 8 lot at fine racing on the Fourth. Already, entrlt!s are cuming In, and F. D. Hawk e oells Apex Eleetric eeveral f/lllt horses are anticipated Cleanera.. Trv ·one. j'he prizes are very attractive and it will have a telldency to bring quite Walter McClure wns a bURiness number of new horses horo. Col. Cha/l. Waggoner will again act a8 visitor in Cincinllllti, 8unday . olnclal starler, 80 everybody 18 suro to be plelised. See the hore ~ B go on the Fourth. The boys' and !lirls' athletic events, aa well as those fnr the ladles and Gordon Joy and Lester Konrick free ror·all, will be well tilled Some were Cincinnati visitors, MondllY . very hllnrlsome prizes arll being of. fered In these events. Hobbins & Myers Electric FailS on The entertainment de luxe will be the I'vcnt for the Boldler boya, which sale at 1". V . Hawke's. will bo R tug of war . This enter. lainmont will not be new to them, all Mr. and Mrs. L. A, Zimmerman they had them when at the front, spent a cguple of days In ColumbllR bllt It will be a rllro form of amuse· thIs week . ment for the average citizen whn has nnt han a chllnce to wi tne!lll It. Men's Straw Hots, 69c- I<'red's 'fhe fluto .. vent8, or which there Lebanon HiJt Store Friday and Satur· are flvtl, ought to altrllct II gnlBt day Special. deal of lI\tolltinn . Th ere will be spe· eilll prizes offered, which a rc ver), Mr, and Mrs. Morris Sherwood , BUracll ve ()r.n't forsrot to see the two bnll south of town, visIted with relaliv~s Ifam"q. the tirs t on .. In the llIorning , in Lebanon Illl!t week. Rnll the Reconr! In lhe aftt!rlloon. Th('y !loth IlrnmiRe to be flnllpP]' fin d Have you paid your tallC~? ('lIIt Cnme, brinl!' the fllmily. lin II enjoy the day . . Mr. and Mrs. £Uri McMakan. of Uetrolt, MiCh., are s pendir,g ' Q week hertl with relatives.
Miss Eva Davis, of Burlington, N. J., arrived here, Wednesday evening, where she will spend her holiuays. Mrs. Frank Miller and three chil· dren, are viaiting with relativQ9 In Hagerstown, Ind ., for a few weeks .
Mrb 1] 016 1. C W,lerllt"n (,f IJroolctyn dnn'l t\ll ~ I h t: r,IJ veo,un Icnlghl · botd SlUff Any uo ,., shu I.Lccueee Jeh n E Corey of Muntlnl' IlID weu !Llty mnnu tnctll fl1r Of il,roaklnl! InlO her 'npurlm"nl ul nIght rocontl) und c~rrYllI g h Ot orr tn 0 ux t- .... nd without II\tOW. Ins nt'l li m. f() chongE- rron. olgbll;uwD to "roIHl' npJ)IIreJ
---.. - ..---
Uy T m Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Allen, Miss Olive Allen and Mr. and Mrs. E. V. The Miamis took the Lebanon team Uarnhart were Cincinnsti visitors, Into camp by 1\ score of ] l t o 5. in a Monday. game at Phillips Park, ias t Sunday afternoon. The Leban on team W!\S Boya' WllBh Suit Special-12 50, late In arriving , 80 Illl ag reement 13,00 and $350 valUes, $1 .89 at Fred's wa3 reached to play but 'Heven inn· Lebanon Big Store, Friday and inl-'S . Our old · fr iend. "Doug" Saturday, . Woolley e~IlYBd to pitch .f or the visitors and it waa a forej(one con· Miss Kat.e McCollum, of Franklin, elusion that if the Miami~ would OK· and Miss Clemence McCollum, of er'clse a little patience, th ey would CincInnati, are the guests at Mr. W. ultimately be rewarded tor t hoir policy of "watchful waiting ." H, Allen and family . The Miam is showed marked im· oroyoment in their work Lee Lem· Mrs. C. M Carlwright and daugh · mOll pitched wtJlI find " lted " Himes' ter, Helen Louise, of li:vallston, 111., work was cl UIISY, Whll l' " Ll urk" are spelld ing II ( 'lW wl!eks with Mr, Crane caught lh ~ il' Rlunts in firs t· and Mrs S. L, Cllrtwriglit. cl as.~ stvle! . lhborn wae trans· fel'red to fir~t, where he put up a Mr. fo'red Mllther, of Kan slis City, good l(ame, whilO;l "Dave" Conner Mo.; Rpent th l! we~k · end at the ~ t flgod ali ImfJ erllonati on of Heinie Mal,her home~lea d, on the Lebanon (i m h. Prye pl,lYOU his usual !lwell pike.· He is a SOli of Will Math er . I{s me. lind J ess P rondergast. batting in fou I't h place, bidR fIlir ttl hecome n worthy RUCCtlllSlJr to " Cal)" BerKan. Yowler, th" fish man, will be in Come to th e I·' ourth c(' lebration and WaynesvjJle every Saturday evening, see these boys wallop Clarks ville. wIth a good line IIf Fresh Io'ish. Call '1'1.10 Hrore by mnin)!s: on him anr! get U mcss for your Sun· I 294 5 6 7 day dinner. L'e blltlon .. .... ...... 0 2 1 1 1 0 0- 5 Wllyne~vllle ...... .. 0 6 0 3 1 1 x- ll Mrs . Florence Laws ann her tw o BRlteries-Lebanon, Woolley, Madaughters, Mi88ell Elizllbeth ann Ju· lIet, of Uichmond, Jnd ., were lhe lolt and South; Waynesville, Lem· week·end guests of Mr. and Mrs J . man. Himes ami Crane. B. Chapman. Miss Clara Lile left, Monday morn Ing. for Columbia University to Ilt· tend summer school . She was joined 'a t Xenia by Miss Elma Roberts, Ilf 'Morrow, who also will attend the Hegular communication of Way. university . nesville Lodge No. 169, , F, &A M., Tuesday evenin~. J t ~ly 8, at 7:30 Mesara. Harry Sherwood, James o'clock . Thero wi.1I be work in tho McClure and Clarerice Allen went' to F. C. degree Vlstl rs wekome . Columbus, .last Wednesday evening. S. D !~.onkltS. W. M. , where they attended t~e Centenary L. A. ZUfltne rmbn . Sec y . . ---~ - festival. They BUY the entire. thing resembles alm09t a world's faIr, it is so stupendous.
Here Is a ~ompat:ly Th~t Looks Well And That Sings as .Well as It Looks ''here
You 'll WRlll 10 be In YDur s('-ut (1) the Dr, Dill, Ostt'opath 21 S. Broad. a.ftenlllf1 ot tho o[)<,nlnp, day or you way, Lebanon, Ohio, wtll IlJt ~1l 0,111' uf tIlo bOl l fll·Dgrll.m.'t of CbAIII :lI HluR. Tbu ~IUIIII I\IJQIUI does Ray Hawk!! arrived homfl from not Wll tt until the necolld or third Iky over Re8alaat week, and came down beforr Ilw· good thing" np/K:>.r; the to Wa~neev\llle, Tnursday, to vlllit prn~;t" 1 Is !,and 1\11 tho WilY througb wIt.h h18 parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. anll RC1 nl ~ of the "er), t".,at thtngs IU'O HBW ke. :t'hey went to P!~t flut on 1)10 III"!lI IttLY to I!N you 80 In· ~aln, In tlia afternoon, to Vl~lt h18 tllr08ler\ }'ou 1"111 tell yrttir trt nda for UIII (,S8 you brIng tholn. It IRn't po&BIIter, Mrs. CJara Vanee, 1I1b111 m .ml\kC.' the ChllOtaUqua sell· .lUPportlnl, llave 10\1 paid lour tuea7
. Too Hnml)tOn COurt Slngera pnJIIent a program of unusuaiJ mualo-mualc soldom I\onrd- In nn unusual way. IiW a part of the prognull the.y. appear In the Quatnt C08lWUOO of t1M! day, 01. QlIeen Ellm~th Just R,e the ladles and gentlemen PJ'Cllented themeelvea at court at Hampton ·Ca&Ua. ADd IIIIUI1 of tho IIOnga IU'O IIlIIlgtI that wero sung to Queen Elllllabetb-tollt RODg'I of old memo l!IqIand, ROnp that·wo all love to 1tGU'. . Tboae ave be foIb IU'8 DOl oaI7
but actors as well. mIlCh tun In their progrI'>ms and pcrhac8 the most humorous sketch they present IJI the Irlab M\l.Ilcai 111 the evenlll8 they w1l1 pre. sent IIOIIIe of their finest work . . . prelude to Ille cr-t lecture, "TIle 0r1at err tJle Ooc!a,- by that dnunalO oraIor, Cluence C&mpl)eD. A~In, we sa, be lD your lleat lOr the f1.",1 ~ ~, then tell an J'OQr Mends boW' tine Ii aU II. You'l be beIJIIq them.. weD u tile ClwltaaQIIa, guotl 61ngCI'IJ
J. K Janney and family, Dr. and Mn. J. T. EllIa, John McClure and famll" of Springboro, Mr. ancf'Mrs. Aaron Summers, of Texas. Mi.. Dora Ellis, of Wooster, 0 ,Ilnd Mr. Walter Williamaand family, of King. ,man, spent. Sund81 with relaU.., at
There will be 8 mt'ptir,R' . .o1 the ' Chautauqua glJllt'1lntor:1' tl,p Townahlp Hoase thls8venlnj!' 'Il " 'I')t}Ck. A reprCllentatl e 13 her". IT1 I will be plenaed to ~eet wi~b Ll,fj n j!\ ordt
~ COID~tu arr~1I1.11>
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try tn r nllllllUlllPR le
. J'on In somo wny-tllll wfl'''IW. 1 h('~ ot you. I lmlllorQ YOIl. lin lint ,h,~", · t m e: It I cnu on ly bc ~lIr~ Ihllt YOII
wilt_" t nto her cy('s. Wfl~ "I h avo be n uYcRt€!rdny ) 11\1H'
I- thnt I
IlWI. hlUklllg'
h ntllh t t tll'(' \"t'I', thlnktnc:," ~I H' ~lltl 1
the ,II..::rn\'O pr'y Hun
H . 'fltl',·
Bctwilly n prl ~on ' r Iw f" , nn 4'Xl'\~ 11 I-Smllo l ny SO \lwthlng (rn" , tl ...
Mr. Domes,
(I .
8111y l"
th ey I nu gh rl o\"'r Ih" m ~nn hurlct:lR r ctt1 f\rk 11£' lIuul0 In r(~ T O/rcthcr
I!Iponsc to h er COUlmnnd,
Tho aulhorltlf's W \lId nf"lYl ~ r Ond InO If Ult'" l 'UIllf' h () r t.i to Ii Hrrh." (It W08 hllrd for him tn ~lIlllp nl Ihlltl) dIt must ho ~)IIlC otit £'r wn,,'. It 1 could Ilte"1 Ollt or the hUU R, 'lit l hnl Is Impo8~thle," IOhe broko oil' \\'lth n
'r .
. r- ___...
h It1l ?" ~llllr.t' ·,l 1 , ro. I, \[ 'It n N w,"11 try In ~rl p 1\ !Jill " 110 lI"n,·: j .1" D ll l n' , ~' 1I11 h i' 1"'1 \ 1 t.J1' r· . .. I l' wlnlr t" lI f h' , . . f l ill 'L,,~
ctUch In ber voi ce.
_ _
IlIle f30tasl er~4 t1OQ 18 popu h ••
I" h,',(' t rIp., (illlr
P ' l r ,\ I IM'l t t 1"\ l.O:1Y."
Pf Jt\(1 .>"t 'llfli aglJ, '
" \\' 1'111 ~I, ·. 1.... 1. ","'.11..'; .' ·Il. If ''It' 'III1 ), ?'' 1 /"" ~' ,,,k?" "y,'p. 11 1111 li l lli ~rl'. lYUII ,,·t!- hl. ""'till, It'~ H k t"l 'IJI~ , r Hl rl 't Itl fl u' ow n IJrlltht,r·I .. ·",w, )' )UI"\\ - was h nl ltt u' hpln' unlt'rl ,t l I f'lt II' :) " If T tI :.:ht.u' fill tlif' : ~" 'It lilt.. I It H l h!ltrlIlJl~ \\'II ~ j .. ~t 11111" ,, 1), III till '" ~ \' 11 "11 II(' '"1(1 )'O\lUi: ,\ I,l l ' /'Ul'tls \\ h~ 10111,·,1."
Bornes, their arms lI"k.ld-tl~ on " fOlr-
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by ~ Ir . ( "urtl,:::: . 1 t 'al1 ' d.,nnl t,\l y ll'HIt I h ll\.' rt'lHll111 nlc' :lIl ' d w ith tHy . . . t~rl'I' , whit Jute: II t' llfll lltl' r II Uflll." tn Utfl
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V ETE RI~ARIAN Valley Phone 25· 3
S OME fio \)
"ti d ~ "utl IIl l!hf 10 tll(' m ll n 1110, t U\'(,1' 1I n few In l uut('::\ IJl tl ' r , 1'11 1 1111111 .. J O Il t'~ W tl~ l,t' hill( 1 h~ ,1 .. , 1, "'HI f"l'IlI ;.{ h llll WIIS thu litt le JlIII'III '"
trui c k
qU ir e u f
My visit>t 'are
l11ati!! withuut d';'lay. nrui I " li ve anil1l!il s hy prompt me of right rem· t'llies oI l m e liS cu rl y BH you call.
It Helps On
the Curf. July I G
Mlx od t.J IIY fOJ r P" l ll . l . () L, Rlok >, H. n. 4,
W .. n 08 v l lI ll, Oblll
Pl.'\ ' $- ~iiA pr'r huodr d . I nquire of C ltll~ , ' tr n u~". R. U ro, W1\ yol'~v lll ll , Ulllo . j9
hO ll k rq.{ l ' IlL
"I h .l lln, ~trnn~~r." ~n'l't cd th~ lonct· Innl. "1\""n snshll~' lll g I II socl(l\l'. h L'Y? M "-'t lilY (1' Il-1I (\ 1111'. Ilr ollsc·. Mr. UnrnCK. "l e· " II'. 'PI'OI IRC I O,,'c hIm th,' IJIr'kl'IIN!" Mr. Jones 11I1l!;ltm l lou,1· I y li t Itl .. l""n J"~t.
H: L~l-l.i'
l:ielld o f Hr"edlnl! '116' V, 1111 in
conlll tio ll. I £I IIi I'!' o f JrirPR, R D, a W v yn u_v lll, •• O.
~ ond
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Sp rllll"" AhlJlI'k h lln(18 \\'1111 h lH ,,!t:. 11m , "l " '" . j ll " 1 SlI y tn l( In 0111' (rlt' IlCl JIIII~ " I,, 'n '. Mr. Bllrlll'~. rhut yflu luolt Uk" II UII) I' C than ordlllllrtly IlIt l; lIlg'1I1
ili on
C01 : 1'-:! ! .
T( ' Vl~
W(Il)J) - ~11! H
f o,' !'to
E\:-ES · ·
.. 1-TIF'F ANY'S Glasses Fitted
Optical Department St, Xe nia . Ohio ten \!venl nll!l hy Ilppninlment
: s. Detroit •
I1ul.1 I.... C,'.·1I 1 0 IIrfJ poRltlon - " " ~ III·I·.V , M r . · !;p,· nll s('. 1;111 II Is h nlfrJllsl h'Vt 'lI O.'d l"' Ic , n n d t n11l dOl!"·t1red . \ l 'on will 1J n v" In ('Xl'l1Sll n 1(, , "
J. W H trtl~vn. pU 'lne I B ~
j '~
• rna kesa SJl.Iny
Suit or Skirt look like new, as easily us brushing your clothes.
Imnglnotlon get tho hetter of your Tb ilt'li 011. Tnke th c tip from me,"
No liquids
No chernic:nls No wCltiil~ of ~ortncnt. Re..
nnyt hlng,
O'Dowd," said BllnleB qul c(Jy. "Wllut do you meoD?"
~!t•. ~(lrl1 n"p ('1I11~ Inl tI'" 01 111111); 1'110111 li S Ill' WII~ IIIId1l1: hi .': I II~t s\\,lI l · Illw of ... ofl'~e. " 0\11 , /0(00 11 " w,'nllll!." wn ~ lIle hlnml Ilttl ' 1111111'0 g l·",' I IIl/r, " I I \\'Ilh til" IlIrk, 1 ReI '. Min d If , Rlt II 0Wll hcr .
~1" ln g
If you
It costa One Dollar If y nur
ekllll'r anno t supp y you. b Ilrl your I ')Ihr to TIl(
Napdir Co.; 12 North Mru-kc Stl'Ol!t, Chicng, III If tll E' N IlSlir fnils in y l'(.'l;peC I we will r l'lllrl, youe Iljt),I!.!y
IlUpport It tho \VOl'l!t cum c to \iUS" . O'Dowd evldontly tUld n ot h pro ,10celved by the octing thllt IIIllsl,,·tl the ~nvel'll8tl on 0 0 tho cOllc h, He k IIP\V
nn, 1 lI m'o illY c'lo(g!l ?"
private Int,eresw, h e lllill Illllm'd lhe ..,ue but tlmel)' wurnlo l> tll )larn u~. 'l1Ie elltl\ltlcllllce 01' thll! wllrnlll!! "I' 'W Ulldo!l' ."ftlOCtJOO. nnMl"~ WII ~ 1101 .Inw I
.. ~~~;~;~~~th~~iihJ"":lin III ~"lt, which ('Ilncer! hll\l A \
. . . .flifllter
........ , '1'1111
wore '
HO~lli by
Jock Wilson
O'F th '!l nY," ~"I ol nlll' IlCB "1'\ s lel p. . I'" 11 01 'hed my hl·"" I:I·o t. Krel' YOUI' sellL" h e s tnrt· Harveysburg,' Ohio et! t(l 1·l se. . ",' It \1 <I\" n ," Rill 'I Rprnns (JIII (' lIy. Phone 34:'1I.r2S r !'1 11I1lPI htllIX In lh ~ III,l n' "like nnll m on· IH' I' , I .,J.U .V cOf11 tli'llJng. ' -_ _ _;..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..J III Ihl~ hOLI I'
~11 111 · lr.
k ' Un rnl'~
The Practical Car' A comparison of tILe features' of Saxon" Six" with thos of higher p ri c c1 ears d isdoses a Di g Credit lialall 'e in favor of Saxon ,Jo'(.I(ll1tl['8 nBdlator
SAXON J'INeD- rrowaM. OO
I'ucknrct Wint-oll
WI ,11oO St.ut 71\18801 Jln yn ON K ing ~ 1 u r r n)' )1Q. ..· l s
C ~ lItJ
aEl6 0 0000
'n~J o
2 4'1 0 ItHIO 2U IJ :,! ~ O IJ
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Apj'KJrfW'l11 NIlUO llnl
~ii GO '
TI o Ilull N I OU I n
/'II I1 I! ' "I'l1n<lI .. TIll 1'Il ~,' lind coolly lint lloll n (It I h., III hIe . "Y (> i el'11 't a II IIlt' !I ct ot Dl!'lc cll~
11'1I "
mat )lIN "1D4'roO hnt! nl"Ol.'lIleri to Ba~ aod tbut the Inlt"r hnd pro lllIIIed to <10 everyU,lug 10 !tIs powcr to Ii~lp ber. . Suspecting thllt this WlIS tI,,, ~lt uatlon, olld duuhtlcS!l "Jl('rIO ·1t'I( h t~ own
\' Islnn '1Il0 waR nt th o bar.Ll ('~ of Snls. 60 0 ~ , ~t. MIII I" I. nnd V crdun·A.r~uo c. SUt:h nil Il xporl ollcc could do no olh.'r l h an Ih '<l[lt'n lh convIctI ons o r !U1' ear n· {'S t nntl Klnc f' rc m lln and mnkc more vital l ll" I\TIJ:J.t. Irulh s h o prClicn tll III "Th o Cr lll i of II ... Gnus." H ear bim o n I.h o I1I1CIIII1I; li,lj:ht o r C b a ulnuQu s-.
dc~ (iIJI ' I~ Ul'dl' I·!'".
news the Nap
mako a bally tool of yoursclt, I'll hn \'e to Rl)O you through th e wors t nf I t , and It'B a job · J don't rell ~h . P ondt.!r thot, will y e, 00 the WHY bum!'?" Barnell dId pouder It o n tll P 1I'0y home. There wllS hut Olnr' conslructlon to put upon th'! relllnt1l : It wos O'Dowd's W O)' of loWII/( hIm kll ow Ulnt be could h I! ~t)pclld c « lIpOll for
man ('\1:-, IIf M,' !'/. IIml wit n c~ sod tbll tl'hunphnl cll t r), n f tho I·'!"CUM o.nllY. llc has Been U10 c llllrr gamo nf mod· rn vmr In uJl Its plHl.lIIlR ; W!LR In .:;ng . I lI nt! for six mon lDs b fnre J;olng to tho continenl ulld to th o fronl. Hc Wi lS 1111 o"h '<I to UI" F lg hlln /( }'irst DI·
Thia i. ' il--Ju3t
commOD 8onso.
Mr . Ca ll1l ,hull waij amung the OMit A uwrl o;an 3 lO (; nll'r UI(, for ti n d Ger·
RAY F', MILLS, Dealer Phone 71
V O ' lr~ " I.j WII!l! lr" J ~()U Ilt~. lIU u i ~ w ell h l'ok,Hl Pnr, U~ 1i ~t' ll (lu nljJmc R'lk , p.II ' I'
IIt:lt II' T h 'lI l 11 , ' 111111"(' If) nu1.Z
w llh ~'tlU fur II q uur lt' r o f f"\" ho u r 1
Examined Correctly...
,1 11 " f goml quultf r . lil ljuir l' o f U ... r v".v R y('. WuY" "~ V)lt o, U i~
S(!\"t' U R I t'I' pl c:--~ Ilflul' H, Dllt' II !!:; nrnHo 011(1 1:1110111 11 ;; IJ r ell leCn Rtl'l1 II l nn !'. fTC' WIl S II lll 11I.'·(lUrIlI!C,1 O\' c r hl l< fnllttr e to IIrl'l\' c Itt 1I1l~' I"IIIi' l ll ni:ll,l f' In thl' Sllll",' nf n , ,11111 or II l' tl on. 1t \\'n s In· cillll·f'h ·"h l., lI,nt h,' ~ h[)11111 nol 1m nhh' In \,(' I·.\' ~ tt (JI't nnl,\r tl' hr ln J! Il h on t fli p r ()I (\IlS(\ of tl u" fa lr' '';\I f'~ t uf f:r lle n l i'ItIl(,,V, 1' IH\I'" n ; 11 f ho :.:l1ghtcst (1 I'I "ltl In hil'\ millol t hllt' IlIt"I'II,II Il)nlll ntrulr'i of (~n n ~ltlf'nlbl (' IIIlIJurIHII'I'O Wl ' I'~, tU\' ol\' f'rI nnll fh n t tlH'I ng- t'1I 1~ o p.. (lJ' IIt1I1 g- III (1 n 1:11 Fa n y We r e tJlH.ll'r
m c' t Ofll nrrow If
IIIHI l'l1 tt l n ~ ( 1
M. ·A . Shoemaker
('011,[11 '\'11 witl nf,1 I-'Ivt"" H "\\, :'.r I
MONEY LOANEV Il'"1I1rl''' ~'il !' ''II1.h t.h (1 f:l.l: 111:' 1 h ('o W ',,,, i Itt f Cl frnlH \\ HI n,)l b t l It I m(u l to h i.;.. 1 1I (· r~ . o.:.J- II ,1.. l l'1 .,,.lng ~l ' l It' l l f his (lIn 1,."lIrl,,,, 'l.1t \H' rf) famn ll .. "prllft? h" !MU~EY Lnun n,\ o n 11\," ~( C"'o k, t rtl ":"'f'ci rh(, f l('(1SU L lIn lJ ..... r lht' ~ i l h' oll n t' lFl . ,,1 80 l'l"("lnd tJ' f) rt~ fh( f\8 "T!,. ro d.' of thl' (:lIll.., " h {' 1\'111 I h.1I 1 N .;l{.·" bo o~lJt .John IInrlJ!l"'o A ll ut! n'lIl "I" r y C'h fll"allIIH,l autll . Bul llJ lUg , Ohio . (j -! llO PII I'P
I , AIL(lInlO [ 11\0 " ••
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II lU 1
ll'r, d
n u.. II, E. llATIl A W A\:
jun .lulr;{ 1 ...........~."..._ • .....~~.....~_.......~...........,."..".,._ " I lm"tl In 1J ' l n ,'" JIlll e
rou hnpp t'll tn h(1 111\t-1s ln).t."
11 11, 1
O~'FH-; I ::
Jo"Ollrth -itrp.t:I.. ll C' ar Tyler
SO' ,I1'/ "
" r.,~ .
of Ohi .. ..... 1\ .
' ir:lll l1n l c
t(.Uc- I tI { Ilnl" In J'. tHlW 1 ht l , ,\\~ rtltur.!l· '1 tlllll'l)S un rr'luly rIO,. GE~ Ir. A. "1'1~ iI t·, H" lt'll "l,'U' " l lIllil wnrl(,I" Am.,..: ot dl' r ~ f o r IU ll r1Uurt r ..u; (1i l~,.ll· ":{t' l'I ,·l!II'i 'llcr f'ampt"l1 hI,.' Itr ". ~tlU1'" I'I U Ut ~. Attfllr y rl f r.O furJlI ,. h l n , "\ 110 \' UH n \. 'J. '\.1 tli l'/1101 Ad d r (l £t '1'l\ p L P Hl l 41." ()11 l..~ ,P 'IIU" ,I n'illl Y ' llt l' H hr t n r l' Wt I' ll \1, ' )(' v c l:! 00, Ohio. j t1
\., 1I1d I\l1 t Itjl " '" I 1·t'U 'II n luul') .' lh ~ ' h"I' ' \ II til fiull l',,·'r,-.·tr III II "~ :lh' f;lt~ !ltHl
\\'H~ t(l
Ve terin ~ rv ,
1". III~;1 ' W. ay n csvll "
.'nl I" 111(' I ll" ,
r-IJPjltl r l l'I'~. 1,:tlp'Hlrt'~ ...... : l'h'l{ WI)1 '" ~I" I tt' .) U I IlI\\, I"nll n ", t' t h' I \I:.: ht. C,lt.d JHlr!!l}, lV:l! l ,,1' tlu' -"" .. I,' nUll
J. A
"; Ullll" t hl lll!
"lIrJ'j~d t o 111\' t hill
I, ' ..
A 'lTErR
lilt. , tit II '..
It'rt"t\\H Cl t
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....._ _ _ _..__-_ _ _ .._ _ _• _ _•
1 ,,·trl\ ~·'·11
) ,O::l'i,'ll :
t t &'N'!MI"'.._
'I' 'Ill l r,., 1'11\ 111\ wIth "'11'" r ~1·t·\"l rco 111nn.
({" mUm" 1,)n
Ir ,·,\ 11""" /1 I. '.',·:t ',',",r' 1 1I ,u l 1\ !nq' I'll 1 ~ I. ,. tllI.1 .hl' hll . \\" ,)1:.·,1 .'. 1" It 1,111111. /
II, ,1,.1 III'
~1l ,L'"
",II, '" '."
'1r,~~',~,t,h r:'.~':'Pi~' I';~'\II'II '}::I'l~::;l '!I·,: ; I 'l ,~;.1. ,: \~ I;:I,'~ ,:" :I'~ , ":~ ,": ,_ , "/',, n
"01', ·
C,' f
, I " 1 Vitti ,1 'l n', lit 11i " 111 i .. ftl,nl I WIIlI 't
rOI'\\ :II'1.
ul' .... r.· I1:~·
"1)111 1'1
f Ol' II ' "
.1'.' 1-1.
~t'l· I' W,I'
' :1111
. . ,·11 hO ll k '~
hr nrl!i'r" " i '!r .. t t ill "t I l\' \\'rl'l ,"' I'r h l' l' l' , too .... ( ,lr ht' I 1011,\\, ,'1 :"iflltl 1'1.lt1r, I nil 1 ~II J'III' 'i prnll :pllv ( llo k \t p l11s ",\11"\) J.! 1I11l"
Ifll ,,".
f\JIII\\', tilld "111 '
\111 11 It,' r
Hp li l ,'r('
- tI ;:l v n ' V!" e,
r I
WW ......iI[W
" 1"'I·\': •• ... :,\I r. n")I1 '~." ~lI ld r i ll' 11 (11 1-1
gn t lt i#-! ,\ ' 11'1.
!l~·h l \. 1
- - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - -- - - - . - - - - --
nlll! 1m " !'\ttrrlllllltl.·d h r I ril t,\ t~I:.' II' 1h 11111" 11 ftll' l h,' 1'111'11"'''' I.f C'II r " , II~ '1I1t ~,Tllh d:uli: 11111 :-- 1ilL "'r
I2OI. . .
I\1r. Spr ouse Ab'ln done L1 teratu.·c at on Ea,'ly Hour In th e Mor n Ing. " ft.· r 1I )I' Il~ lolnlC nh~ul In hI.., III'fl fo r
! f;f1fjiJ!!!!;
180't "lrendy there. But I'll ROY thI s t n JOU. milD to 01011: Do n't l et yo)u r
hlm...w()ultl hI' SlIr· UJlOlI the Irlsb· owo ~af,' ry In
1t ; lti
\"'1: 1,,('
The), tame In time. otter mall), "hnlr
tit 'Y cOIl Jd ha \ ' l: hnught l'11l':'1ll'r in
YOll ."
pins" and rlght nngleR. to the gll to openlpg upon tho h!!(hway. I 'e te r got down from the sent to releoae the pud .. locked chaIn and throw open tbo g lltP.. O'Oowd.leaned closer to Bnrnes BOIl 10weJed b18 ,"olce. "See bere. Domes, I'm no fool, Ilnd tor that reason I'vo got scnRO enougb to koow tbat you're Dot clther. I doo·t know whitt's 10 your mInd, lI or what you're trying to gl't Into It Lf It
, 'II, ,,' !\I .. ld H : til ,· )" 111111'-
til'&- treeI."
"I meoli Just .who t I
! lilt 'n' I\· :le.
~ ,,111
NI'II rtde out to tho gllte wIth y ou." laI<1 Ule IrIshman. "It's a winding. deVtou8 routo the rond takcs Uirough
JOU the tIp tor se lO sh rellAlm8.
le v
"'J"IIIIf)r tow IHnl'lIln~ ' will " tilt mp ," ~I' ''UII "U f'l 1'·l'l' flill y. " If It HIIII"
mer oecnslon. Bllrnes r l'cllll od .
hoo gl ulll g
1! ! 1(
• I
Wlt l'!'
IIrit!· I :tl ld "'"llid"lIt I "" "; Olll i::lt • ft· ( ' UI 'II'~ WII !'i ,1 ,"11 1. 'l'l"~ II' r" a l ItI H..;t l'l ' nr~h l ' hllll ... . • \\U ~ Ihl'
:l '
11. 11
' 1'
I II 'I! d WI1 1 r
"Suppose that J w ere to stf'nl Into Ule house," be 6111d. 0 re ckl~Rs II /:ht In his eyeB. ", tnrh~ In to (:H:-'" 111" ,,1 ... "'",,11·1 111 11' "\'•. \S rh!s t uu r . C'ur tl~' o n ly "Ob. you could never succ(ll'd I" 11 '\'I·,·k or '0' 111'". I "I" III.J ,,'1:, !tllll ehl1 ,\'f" ""rell, I coul d t.ry, couhlll't J?" I'l l "1II1I"h h i. 1""111 I( h, " " ,,'1 till", It " 'OJ r ,. ,,1 1, "'I. II .. I. rl II" ,." lIt .. There woe n othing tunny In thr. rt'- hnrlc 11 " 101, .. , It 1011 . ·1; Il l! I'l)~hl. \Jill l it I;!,' , '11" "" .J! h," ,.Ith t h,l r mark, but Uley both I cnll d hock nlld tIll' Ilrsl th l ,, ~ I kllll W I !! ' I II cull.. I",,'h, ', II.,t IIfI" r h,' h"I,"· \I,,~ 1111 laughed h enrtlly. ''Lellvo It to m e. ,lnwl1 fro lll I I'K. (',, 111 "1'. ('(l III';e I 1 1>111.01." . Tell me wbere--" rouldn't 11'11. Iwr "',hilt " t olt! thf' " 'I'llI',\' will /I'''I,,,hl\ I mill' lilt" lid" "Tho plnce III guo rded ([IlY nhd nli:hl . shl'pn y , "" 1'1 11 II~ ,I", ,, (.mnl l!. ~o r ' prol,,'rl,\' ,111' n M r. ('m ti til , ," ~nl tl The stealtbles t burglar In tlll' \ orl(\ tonk It Ilk " "1",,,10. .,'1" II tlII'r I"lt~ II (!QuId not come wIthIn a stnne's throw t,lll ('r 11)1 It",·" I " "," " h Ihp "'Ir. )1 1-, of the bouse." Ito!!h. IIII" t <'C. I h.\ tlllrll ... ,] 111(' rn I I .'·1 rill> "It It's as bnd 08 oll'tllot. w e cnnllnt olo't w,Jth II h ..wk"t ,,' \\'1I1~r ,.II t"h1. dord to mokcenny fllIl18. You th ink f"o I sentl~ "'Mll III tn MI'. ('urt" Ihll l JOu ere 10 no Imm ed lilte peril ?" If s hll hns (0 he WIt , I, pt! , I'll ""Ish IIt'r. "I am 10 no peril ot I,ll! IInl cps I 'I'h"II'" Wlil' lI 1 II plt r~ 1I.!I" lll 0,,' ~l"\\' brlog It upon myself," ~hc RA id 51g11l0.. ('nr. N l'xt .111.1' Mrs. Cnlll.·r K('III] ' l~ r , cantly. m fin' 1 go III. Sltl' ~tly" ,Ill' 1(11\,""'.• I "Then a delay of 11 dllY or lIP w ltl Rht.!'ll lry tIll' Ul'''' wu slll'r " " 1111, "",IV not mlltter.~ h e !!Illd. frown Ing . I11l1chlll\' wh e n II, " tlIll P~, fill ' Ir I kl',' r tn "Leave It to me. I w ill find 11 wuy." KfllY on n~ wn~he r III h is plR r l' ~hl" n "Be care.tol I" Do Boto cnme l oung.. be glnd to hll \" lIIe. I ~II~'~ ],,1 likl" 10 hlI up .be.blnd them. hU\'I' 1\ w ortl wil li Mr. C u r I". If . h ... "Forgtve me for Ipterrulltlng. hut I dM't min", nn' ~h e sn ys ~Ir. Ill'l ls am 1I11der command from rnyul h en'\- nln' t able t o S{>{\ 00 one. ,0 I gnu"s QUlrters. Peter. the king ot c bllut· 1'111 golll' t o IJI' I t Ollt," tears, sends In word thnt the enr Is 10 An Hll'tl was tllkl"/( root In IIlIrnl's' aD amlnble mood Rod cllamplng to be brnln. but It wns too BOO O t o conSider ott 80 seldom Is It In good hUlllor It Ox('d. that be--" "Y OII Bny Mr. LMh I s nc lV nt hi s "I'll be 011 at once," ex Inlmoo job?" Bame&. arising. "By ;Tove. It Is hnlt. "Well, lI e's n ow UP.IH'I·C. Mr. ur' I' .,.at ten. I hnd no Idea-good olght, tlR WII.q tlo,,"" t o w York. ~I It'Ht 11181 cameron." wlllter be ln' treflt ctl. you AN', Ifu cll ,]n ' l Be .preaaed her hand rCBssu rlngly COIllt.! liP It re till I1bo llt 11,.., wue kl'< aD<1 left 1Ier. ogo. L oeh WtlS wo rkln ' f !'r hIm 1ll 0Rt J!~~~~~~~~; Sbe bad artlleo alld wos stllndln ~'1 or tho winter. gltlln' up n b"ok er atntpt and 811m bJ the comer ot lb Rnllle thin', 1 henr. Mr. IIrll ~' IIIlml IR tlreplaee, a confident emile on h er lip!!. 011 rlghl. I gll l!~s. I'\'cn If hill b oilS' "If JOU are to bo 100M In tbe nclgb- aIn't." I I~~~~ bo1'tIood. Mr. Damell," Ilflld IIIH hostess. "1 RP~. Mr . T.O('h come 111) with him "'Jou ml18t let UB hnve you ngllln," frOI1l Nuw York." n~:-'ir~~'m!iI' ,r;E "IIJ lta1' 18 short. I fcar. You hove "Korl'cl. JIIII' nn,] Mr. O ' nowd Ilnll ooIJ to reveal the falntesl' I'l glI thnt 1 Mr. I)" Soto. hl'nlll;ltl hlll1 IIjJ 'I",,,t tho ' IDIIJ ~me, however, ond I'll hOI) Into lu st 0' Mllrch . The), \\'II M II \, llc re vi s· "Sh e's a Wldd r Now. Her HU Gb and mJ ll8'Ven-leogue boots . before you cuu IUn' InRt " p ri ng 1111' the full b efore. Mr. \ Was Kil led III the Wa r ," litter ;rack Roblnllon's hrlstillo nOlll e. CurtlH 1M very fOUlI of buth of '''Dl.'' Good Dlght. Mrs. Vun Dyke. I hove "It I04lPtnH to mO til lit I,hn\'e heu rt! Jlurlll's. 1""'1'1",: tlll ' .. "dt~'" 'Ill out of JOu all to. thonk for a most tlellllhttul thlll Ills SOli murrl"d O'Dowd's ~I ~ter," hl ~ \'01 'P. .ven1~." · "Thlll'lI righ t. Sho's n w1l1110r now. \ "M"I'I " II IIJ"'ly." The car Willi waIting at tlte hack at H I' hllHhl\lul \\'U8 kIllet.l til tho Will' " "'"" h" Vl'l'y r .. ,' loh WIIl'1I )' 0 11 RII\" .... bOWIe. O'Oowd wnlked out With ht)I",," '" 1'urkey 1111' thelll otlll!r COUll; \ hl, "·I".I',"
I·· ...
\\: ... Ii" J. II!!' ,'l· III
Tbe pink rot'~ 01 p~ nt t till ( h. QO'V"1I1 '0101' ppo rt WE nnd von tholl r.11 t ht' shortAr Ilk ' tt u h :t!l miul r, ttl I o~ aD earl,. r a<urn lh('t't' n r o 11101!0 who like t \I I ""~. &1"","'(01 I neG o( l l " hI g h .. .. "Iellld Q,,)o(l ol T G~ ])1, (hACk. I'D,
' " t"
tI" ",, "IOI-"
IoJ h~ H llr(~ 1M,
lit ' l I
·l rPll !.i . dull!'
• \I I
tow n . I\ut ; l flL'1 : [1,'\\' I: Xp l;lIIatioll s , .. It . :-i l1t itl l \\' ;\ ~ l'OTl\' I IIC (' d ; hal they
1l1t · ,Iln, ' " th l'." ":1111" tn lll ' 1111'" 1011.. " , I~ Jl l ll"o..I hu ,l 1'4'd" ,"' ·' ,1111-1 hU ll d" .t ~,.,. , "IIt' 0..111 ' 1,,,.:111 011 (, . 11.., t'uilll\\! II"
h{O "lIn' l 1111 0',"1 10 I'll i ll . '
\',: '
I .. !I'L.' !,
1110 1' ~dr1I"( 1"
'''''1 \.
;, '\II!; ·
\ \lllI t ..
SII\ , . I I! III'~' 1110'\" " 11" ·,,, ". II, Inl1 l)' "n'I'/' 1IRNI 111!1I1 "'1 ; 11.', If Ii,,· ll'lI llt I' aR kll " wn . ' I 'h l~ "'·1' ·.··;. 1'1' I" ,' , 'l CII I,,', Rillm lllh 1 IIl e." " \"hy d lll l' , fl U !O" " ) !r. ( Hr,1 4 1111 ,1
·" t 11 'I
" .
" •• !, ~
\ , , 'U1
I '
f d,,, hillel IIf It "11.' 1 1 ",." " ". ,,1 ' "11,, ::1 , til lI d dlt. :II'('U'l ,1 "lilt I~d .. :-. t"', lull h'llld I,ll " o' JIIIII' :o,,·. tI ... "110' h, · 1, .,01 1"'1 yt' JlI', hut 1 nin' t \111a ll'", 1\ JU'lIdh' ih h-. h(' r o ll Htd1illt' 11("14 l' \P , ·t''' /I' "'.1 1111
'" om conRtn.nUy wntrhc(I , rr J 'V enture outsIde tbe h01l ~0 I nlll o hll,," I Immedlntely Jo llloll by o n o or th,. " " Dl o n. You 8ftW whnt h:"lJ1Jlf'flt'fl Y('fI terday. I nnl dt8lrn ct~fl," "I will nsk tho alluwrltt rs to pl"11 In nnd-u ·~o l You nrc to do n othin g- ('It th t'
h.' .' \"
:-':; ", '11 , ..
lh o ll CI&.
l l l lll.!.
tll ll i 1,,·':; I:"tllll' II 0,'''' , ur U tl'
" Hld~dl
! dIU,"
"I tl " " 1' 11\1... hI! ' (" :YilU h(l t' ll ,'rlvlnJ.! for Mr. 1'lIl'tl" ?" UJo:, ,'r sl ll t't' lw {'H UH' I1p 111'1'1\ 1 1Inl·~,' fI tWt1 Y":II'~ a~·ll . (: 11 1'''-1:-> 1' 111 ~fllllC. t, 1.!' ·1
"You milY dl'p"n.1 on lIIr, lIn nllltl"" whnt hnpJ1C"ns," AIl, .1
,111\ HIli', III·thlll' H"" d 1,.,t ,I,· .. ~tlll·': ;.11 f it :111 ' t I<llh-'~· II!I' lip \ ): j. , t :1 '" ",llrl p (' I!I n '" . ull ". III.' " ' I hIli ' It tl !1' \ n il ' 111 II (II. ~ I 1 t ' li It ' ~ c it " ' 1 d. ', Ih'. hl ' lI h .. , , ..... ,~, i f 1'\ I "I~ I 'd I " ~II tI~ 11, 11 ," hi' '· I .~
nU'l'n ll~J
:-.lo\\' ly ,
tlt' ,I\I '
I. I
' '.. :;". Ult
· ·' (' 1
h:.l \·l' tL Illl'!: lI lt illl'._ Th ha( i rl'l" IILi \, I Hli lL a nt: w 110 111 ,' 11.\ Ill . ; \,11 I", (I lid r· lUI,tl l ' the GIlV rsnliol1 tU rtl c tl in t h,ll. 'h lJl1 d . ,' mith a, h 'c! tll'lIl'l Iii;) 1'l1J':!I.I~ 'd tli t' ir l lr llw r ill lH'c. c it ,. ·tIlt! \,' as vcry lJIuch ~; url'ri~cd \Vii ' 1\ il,) told h lill 1 ttl' ' lJ01 I .~l lt at home. ' ' 11 ,' ,. Iid I h(', \\e fl' r o!l sh r ) lilt" of
I' '.. II ' I'd I lI'l It •". 'II ,... , . t, ,",·"'11,., It \~t' 1h"11 1H1' N ' ht· 1I1d ,' r fl \ \ ~.II4, I,;:': Ill. t WIl": '1111(11 1' hi ... I\1 lr .... • "1I!:- tit·· dt tl;\y. H ,' ~Il) 1\ s 1\ h"1 \ I ...; , '.\ ,.:' " I-,.t" lUI II 1'\~' liH 'I-':~ \' I' ~ ,II I HI tlt'n1 wl ' h IIlhl"
Jl I \ Ht /
lor ~
(.Il1l' t
hit il. .
th e r,,,,,1 fllO\\'1I Ih,' ""'11 11111 111. 11" "1',,,,,1. In~. tu It ~'h l f"' n Ifill n llrUt' ~ N .. ,l 011 1' "f 111, ' ~ Io'" ""11\" III th ,· t"II ' 11\'1111 nll .1 ' " ',,,'',, (·I .. " .·r I .. Ill!' ,l rl \·"I·.
Wil li
I I'
• • I "i' .... " 1\ ttH;! \ 1 \!, '11."1 ,l:" :,,1. I ".\utl h ;' lut )" ,' n t'nll tll\l',l l" 'fl\ll "\"1' :-:: 1 " ,H r tll tl f" lIp\\,:
o"r 8hll1l
{ , , ' 11 ,1 /' {
l ;1', ., •\. t,
arl J
.,' r
I If .• ,
Waynesville,10h io
Fourta of July,
GA ZE TTE ....
- Yau Are Invited to Visit U s
I £ut: u I<:VEHY WEDN ESDAY D, I.. C} ! AN] ': ' FIJil(,r ulld i'ubli~ l.~' r. Wa) 11\'~, ill , Ollio Sub ~ ('r ilJ li un
' 0 11\(" litl
,y r,u r
Pricl:! , $ l. liO p a r year
1 w~ I, ow Cf"IIC"l . . l"ln
jot pu lIl" (n r ;~ .. t "-' 1 111 1tc.! ' (~I " n..,t.xl 1.( c d\C' · '" th(11~lm" b( I. If f , ... '\; hr w
< I H) Il,f ~ "
" I
;1i~\ ' } ",·t f lJ • ( lin
mOl!t ) __ ",un" .. ;1id'unL! t I.\,.m t .JeolJI
("\ '_r
,,'~lI eN ..10
!'eire. le,
- -----=-:..
thm,ll l"
) ..,u t I ul\d. Tt'ttl nc1 ,,·It 1 eVery bottl.t: of C u ~ Cl,'" It' ~ t !iClt. US u"\d .
, J huw l>tJII I,· Ln .. urL. Cl'n ll nt nc...., l .; .... tu II, .. (. t · th ... hll n.l ")!UP<' 1 • • r r u tJ'ltcc l 'e b il, ..... " in t he ~1 1oftt\ N .l lt" f"' n uh,,- d ",t dt>Cfl on t '·"mw 11\ thia 'rQt ~lI t ~ll hc...nJ t . .
.Ii~k.,. - HIli
W"ynesI,lIe ChaulaUlIUCl,111 /'1I 31 to JIII!IUSi :J
. "I lind f'(' rv~tl ,J't r~f
"" .nd".
IIIrnt r , '!ulIlJ .. o n ~. " ft.~ Il m l ~rvK"('r~ b y Iwll1lu ( 'If ., n' .. • dcll~t:rOi t ut J uu r
O~lkdalc Pa rk wil1 1x the center of attrnction Frici:l y, ;lnd you
will he highl y entertained, as there will be 'sol!lething do~ng eve rv Ininute 'of th e ;lftcrnoon. Come, and bnn~ the famtly.
Tha"Dayton COca -COla Bottllnf! Co " "'Din 3315
Clwu lJlllflU li 1111l ~ tC · hn ow:1 nil 1I1I1I • d i~r t ' rnh l ; ~ :l tIH " ' nt Ul a n t hai 1Il:t.q ft' r cOll ch n n rl !I 'lIc h l' r o f tl r:ullll tir II TI , Ell ,," 11;,y, ", .. I, " h,'n " fpw )'I 'llm IIcn ht' Mr, 1':I'II1'~ 1 !JllrriR wa~ p ' lIl ll J! o n DOI QtI thol In t.ho Illrl1 lng (1)I\':.r,1 (,p" ra !lc H" I.. " tl o n ~ then mnnlr 51 In Ih(\ fl '.1 llVII!, fi ne! IfI " II ,I ~ h e rl'l u~ l. wP fl k. errlll1G"lng nf c rill (Ort 1'1"O, ~ mIlI H . louch ~ lIl cn~!d mllKlc o f ol hl' r kllll} " .... ,IB ~ 1fI1" p" ,, ·,IC1 hll V~, I h"" fl'ill lllgR belne PII h.\it lI ~ hl n, h o 11"r, I!lN I t o or r.:UlI7.<' 1\ com "any oBll.'C la lly th'"otf'd to ClIe llr"!<cnlatlon or ~un o::" n Oll MI<o!d,,'" IIlIt" hlp th(' ol'O' ralic n cl.L Tho II l"t 1! l1 wl r I . ! .. nl ' ~ dl) 111 11\ " P lJUnr tu BrunpUlu Court Blngcr'l' WaH thr Tf'IIlI I I 111'11'1 H, 'J' will "ppf'lIr lit 'huulauQua 1-)1 U .l i fl t I lurN ~ t It ! " tI t h" lr llll nl ~8 on UIO Oltenlng rlay . TIl"lr Jlrtlgr:tm III whnll ~' lInlit<e th e program .,'1v ou ltun d 'II" ' ''' ' 1 1,, \ 111.· " ." · ,.Iila ir
Bumm er h), the Olrl Hom o S lnKc rn. In th ""odilion of olll 1':n ,; II Hh mol)on 90nl:S, with lillilropriute costuml nK, the eornpllny finds It has opa n et! a ' llorftlC t mine or rtcb music luul TlU'O ~vclty ,
.'11 .
1 1,,'1 11
0 •.'
r' ,. P'U iI! Hll t \.,
to th o
ou rll t' , 11C\ J..( t, HIt~
hnd , so y o u Bro .ln d'o o h fi x that yoo a r e hv lnlt uelJ I' Oll nt t o I·b e lower
,n '
you will t'(ln'I" ~('{l 11I1 to 11'11 nIL' \\'hl1 yoou IIrt', Mr, I "'(lll AC. I filii I' c ry I1IlIch
III 111\' ~h l rk ," " I n III II RpcciOI nJ!r nt- huI not n " p :\" ~ I!'--(\f II J!O\'c rnnlt'llt thnt I ~
-cRAUSTARK.w "'11-IE
I I I IH I Illi t
Iron ... y, N"", I ('rtuld 1,,11 yo" wh,) deOlth III h e r bu. bllUd, I .wtlolpor t h~'~~' two mOil n .nUy w.' r ... nml why I n~ un early runn I II~O , knowing tbe Ih"" \\'('1'" ~ h "t. "ul I . h,, ',, 't £In lill Y- wOl'tl!l o f the , orlpt" ro, tbl\ tit Is nllt t,) UO tilt~ o. Bot, .lO Ihh;~ of Iho ~urt-nt It'nsl lIot lit )Jre"- g lloll tM oOrtttug ti - call , r ooorlll1 , t·b e Te nllrn~1' wn ~ I ml'r"' ~~c(l. "P '> rh l1 f1~ "rtl qUlfll II l ow who d o n ot 1 u ll(>ve
, .AIIfIIp .,
t\l r . Ultrr ll'~.
111,,1 yo" ~ I " n't lu ,o", ""rfhln~ IIca ln, 1 r OR lun s . 11"'fI1, lout ynu "us p r t't II whnl!' In l. To Hum or n,, ~ It 1hot · ou a o f o nr l' l'Kln \\'1111. you " I"",' d I hIli I 11'11 m~ ' n \\' I' rp ~ I w t t fl l1('ot ll lU'cn ll F=O thf'S W N' 00 101 d WOllltln, who. o nly fl ' ~ b o r L I n wrullJ,!' wlUI }:oI l lItllHlnl' Ilt OrC" n ti me all;o, Wllo!\ 111ft n Widow by the
tn l' n "r~ . 1 11111 knro'I'n I. \\'1I " hllll:l "". My rredNlll nlR IIr!' n nt to hl' ffl ll ·oIlMI "'1. AI prl'Rl'nt It 11'(1111 11 h,' "nll'l ~" roor III" to r ('\' III U II' 1'1\ 11\1' rof lilY J.:"I'l'rtllll"nt. I clnre ~lIl' If 1 rlO lI 1Ifl'lI r~l 10 trll "t you. 1I1r, Hurnes, ynll r.1II IIIYord to tru RI 'I'h~! l'c I, tnn milch nt Rlnk c foor 11\ ' to lullt' Ille sll l! lot" "t e hlln ~e with nny mnn , 1 nm r,'ntly to cholle£! )'011, sir, It you will fl'll'llIl1 y
b,Oodd. ~udc-.7,1 ...
"'I'he rle uce you "ny I" crlM Jlnmell,. "We will p:"t rl J!ht 110\\'n 10 to ckR." IIllld RIITItU~~" "lily p:n,' urnon cnlwhich IRn't Y01lrR, toy the wily-sent Ule Ill' 111'1'1' fi\' e w c()k ~ Ilb'll on nco", . laIn un~l .. rtnkIIlK. I 11111 RIIl'IIIISI!d to find out whllt Is hlltchlnJ!( 11(1 Ilt Orl'Cn
(1 0 thfl Rn m l' by m e', " "\V.. ll ," h('!!nn Rnm!!s <Ie llh,' rnl" ly, SII II " O,·tl mYRI'It thnt Jon nrc n ot cnnnf'rtccl with till' gnng "I !!III'SS )'nll will hn" " 10 Ink£! II up there I che~'r(lIlIy phL e" IIl Yllf'IC 10 chnn c(! with III I', Mr. S"rnll"'" for I rf)yonr lIondA, Mr, rlllrn(lR, You lI'ore at tu." tn COIllIllIt mYRI'It' until 1 know Orulln Func), Inst night. SO WOR I. ,. .. nrUr . rhnt V Oll or." nn to.It' YIlU bod un od\'nntnJl'L:! o"er 1Illl, holl'C(To be VOO'tnuecl) eYllr, for you wcrll on Ihe Ins ide nnrt J Wtlll not." "(',on(o\md your Imputlpllc£! I 1-" "One of my pUrl")RI'8 hi r ev('nllng $100 Reward, $100 mYIIPlt to YIlIl, Mr. Dllrll('R. Is to 1"1l1'D 'l'h o r (}nd o r ~ or lllh~ pnpc r will be l'ou te) stcer clenr of Ihnt croll"\. You pl cll~~ ll to I C Ul'll tflnt th e re 1M n.l I C 1t. ~ t mny Ontl yourRclf In CA:('f'''flll\ ~ ly hot u n o dl'(' n ,l " .1l:4Cn RC tl lU l 8cl u t1 ·0 h llB v""ter Inter on It YOII tlnn't . Anlltlwr h c c l\ nhl c 10 CUI' " in nil It l1 Hlfl,t;CM lJ.nd that Is C1\tRl'rh. "n tllrr h h Ill g sr 'nth PUI1'ORC, nlld the renl nolf', I. In "pctlrt', III rl lu:' Il (cll by c fllHIt.l11111onul c untlltl o n 8 It poRRlhle, your cO'''l'l'rntioll In h 'n l, I' 'lufrCti co n ~ ttl1111lHtHl trC!Hnnmt.ltnll '" t nrr h ' M ~ di c 'n (l l~ t n k e n tn l c nllLlIy Ing til e jlnmt:! UI' III('rp. YOII cnn h el (l l!n lIthl n . · t ~ lhru th e 01001 1 o n th e 1\1" OU g me, IIn<1 In h cll'lnl: 1111' you mny h I! In, ~ lIrr rl(! nH or tho s )· ~ t III , thol'o hr \l CH IItrmlll'ntnl In rl~htlnJ! lI",l fir t h .. tro) I n ,; th riHI1Ul ntloll ot til dlJ03cl\ Hc. ~h· l n J.:' th e ))[li len t ti t rc n ~l h b y built! .. I1'fIVIlS t wrongs Ihl1 multi hll ~ I'\lN In J:;" 1111 th u Cl)llldlLULl o n li nd u lili l fl tln g
' j
f,l t . I' rllll , " ' , I tlill I'Il'ln" "" l id
nuws; ~o yO~1 olin r tlu d llp dOl) tbM If VOO tlo, yuo will wish v u u Ill1rl n or, flntllf you do n ot., yoo wil l wi b YI) Il " 1 ': S (,1 1 ~ (' ' UP,
0 \" 11 lI t tl l ~ "'" !l11t \ I
nn vlnf(
tu e
~c rll't(\r ll(l ,
Mr. BOlJjc.mlu I' VllIltl , ona o f o ur hl" hly r o~ "uo tfld 0 l u r ollo\t1 11 11 , Is I nvmg hili happy home ti l Ul Iny yen r s stltlldln g , h e rtl , fo r" 1I01'l'lor h IDO In L ebl1n o n , Idcv ernl YCllrs 11 80. be \VIU! I U I1l1m e by th e deBt b o f hi s co mpani on, ond ~ ID OO th ut Ilmo b e hUB ueeD traveling &lo n g the j oorney of li fe I1lune, but bas BII oureu tbe o onsec t of Il L ebanon Illdy Hill' h er Dtllll ll rulgbL be ohllnge d to Evtlns, Tbo Bllme will '''ke plllot} In, tbo very oeur futur e, lind theIr pilloee of reshienoe will be L"banou . Mr, Evans will be mls!led h e re as a 01$111 'n .. nd 116 11 mochanlo Otlr best
Whitt hU8 hccom of O~lf Ri<lge v til A oor r8s l.on d on t ', ,l ot ,uuch n OWI! flli B wel'll! ; every · hody If' g olUIlf.{ rcudl' t o r th e mlLID motu ~Ih of July oulebration at W"voes ville. 1{ , }jJ 'l'bOUlllsnn m 'Ids 11 bnRln e~e trip to Y rmlwu titreet· aliid t:!prlol( bo ro , o no dl1Y I .. st weuK . 'l'hllnhK 10 tho Hl1rveYlluurg on r , re~ p Il Dd e llt . The rund l oudlng fr UlI1 H"rv oysuu r~ to Ur egoull1 p"sses tbrol1~h o ur III,tl e lfrove, HO 'bu.t m oan8 u s, too. L on Brannon has hl8 Dew h on ae
M ... find Mrs, W !G, BOj:(fln e nt er tl\ l nnrt t il ~ lIn rltly rllrln l'r . Mr and Mrll, Willis () ' Nfl"II , MI' . nnd Mrs , Ghu.rl~w Wruwl ck and fl1mll y, Mr, aud Mj.~. R L. E$Ol(nD lind .Mr. and MrH, W flltl nn WIIMo n.
tiS 'I
w orl;
Mrs. W\lJter WII~rm " peut. \l tn. d'IYs I ,,~t week with her d.lUghter', MrH. Pfllli Peter~oo . Rev . nnd Mrll, Le wIs Moon will be i\' fit tbe ohnroh here oexb /:lumla:\,. EY" rybodv WlllcOIllf', , Mr Bntl M r", tI , F, ( ;O IDV~OD tllll k Sundll Y dlnnor w i ttl SornMltoh Bner '. 111 10 R E, J o nes lind family en lcu talo ed tiurfiAlrt Pete r son "od family ral ~lId, to dinner , Hnntlay , Ell tllark and fumily speut Bunday MIR[lllIAt,ber 8htlmhan~b w i II s pend Wi Lli r e llltlV;es at veys·burg. a pllrt of this wep k as tlln ~U(\I\' o f Mrs. Artbur Hartllltln , D0f1r WIl · Kurt DIlMberage aud Ifnmily at mlngt,ou. t ended' uhllrob atJl)ve H[u'\,oy sburg, Mr. aod Mrs , Everett l:iulnes lind Sunday , Mr 80d M.s, Luth ar aalnOIl IIntoed Mrs Eth el Boeao n and son. Owllll1t to Ol\{\on, t:lnnday , Aman I3lock wece sbollplDg in Wllyne~lvt1hl, till'. Sovernl from tbi s n olghborbood Phone (11 -2 oruay I1fteru oon . attended ~hl'l Ueotenary ILt Uoln IlbUB \ -Dr . U, l:i Handftll ",n.1 wife, of laAt weelt . 1 . . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Home of N e York, th e grccltest F~lrnl C0I11puny Ohio, will 'Lire tobncco a~ainst h£l iI
Sears & Cartw igh I'
Le!~~:::::~~~~or~~=:~~;:l:: JOSEPHINE DO MINICK \-. .-D-,R-.-J-.-W-.-M-IL-L-E-R-·- I ";th~~:'~:~~:::~':~::~;oo
At Waynesville Chautauqua, July 31 to August 2
truth, dignity. purity, s ln rcrlly. Our best wrllCF!l havo ulfE'd dJaloct In the ir
stories: nickens, Lowell. EgclOffWn, ldatutl1ay Cahln, T r:Lln, Pllg." Flp.ld, nlley and
Now is the time to buy an Electric Fan, We have a complete linc of Fans, "Durable Dayton F ans" (madc in Dayton) in !)-ineh! Desk alld Oscilla ting types, Also, "0. E. Fans." Call for price'S, immcdiate del ivery. We rcnt Electric Fans. Phillie
-.- ------
D. Mlnr", Btltl'rtnlned til(>
Try the Miami Gazette's Classified Column's for Results
Keep Cool
lfalloD~"1I':.: BIela. I
NO'extra charge f o r IlUto se rvice. Both phones In Office and Residence \\Iaynenille. 0 No. 14.
Dlany olhl'r1I of thp IltlUllcrs.
----- ------
t=;::========:=:::7"...:.....--.- ---'
, •• DENTIST.,.
D ialect m ean!' d pc hIPdly more UIlln rude forms lit SJ,.....,ch ; It means soul ,
l ' be Cooper falUlly )In va broken Mr Lowl\! t:!onrR, of J fO ll'(\r so nvi llo, oamp at oroolt, tind gone baok to Willi In Ibl a vlolulty , lu~t t:!unday D lIoy ton , Dr, tUlrt Mrll . BbClfll11l1ke r wero \0 C II1&e Bnffm an and Wife, of Ol\,y L>e lLn, OhiO, on l:!uudu y lOD, wen bund"y gncHts of W, H , Ml sR ~·Ior.. mond R OllO, of Ol1nr Blulne and wHo, here, wa.~ oalling on I1Qql1aluh.lllc"R. Wo Ull ~ orry '0 report I!'rllnk Frldoy e venlng . BhllCk not ~ o woll a\ tblli writing, IlnLu r' In d o in g' ' its w or k . Thu pro · .nown," The f tloul\y of ~h o Ind u s Lrlal do· Dr, 0I1\r6n 06 Allon , of Wtlynell p,' l clurs hfl.vU MO Inu ch ((lIth In III ur .. "Will Jon bp 1:0011 ~nnll~h, ]\fr. nll\'o p o w c .·~ of II n.II 'H "n I A.' t' h 1\1 d l· p"rt,ruont of tbo Wllb rforoa ooHoge "i1 10, wall oulled to Mr. Oooper's on .8promID, to tell m~ 'list II'hfit you nl't' cill O llolll (h e y trOI' n HUllu l' , I Vo l - lu e tltth olrpoat of du t y on ' l!'rh1lL Y t:lntnrdav dia gnose the I'ord oa811 , r UT uny cn l'\ thot it fnlt H t u c ur , ot ell oh weell , L IiBt w ook I,hey ell II II' trying to I:l't nn 1 lenolv nnUllng "'hnt- SInnl 1-10 t"nnd 'hat "Benry" bad oon ~H ul (or li totl of t OMt Imo nlnl H, ever nlmlllRt Mr. Curtis nnll IIIR Ad clro"" 1". J . H J01N I·; ' · &. CO" Tnl e- on. 8aturdllY , Inst ond o f F rldtly, '" Id tru ot,ad rhenmlltl s m of 'be Inlernal ) ItBve an InteresUn K .md Inst,ruOI,lv" OI'I-{!lns by belol( ea11ght In the hla frien!!!! . ..Y(n1 nFRlIlIU' n ar"flt ~l C(.ll-" It i), 111 0 . 8 0 1(1 by 1111 1 IrU !:'ffl" t ". 750, ~l"" ....-Jt~Il.'.· entertl\lnDlent at th co A. M, E rllln, Il'rlt1,1Y, bat with a rew mo · oburoh Oar m o u lin d worn en ,>[0 m onts of Dr, Alle ... ·11 skllltnl tred Intt>rl's tod aud groat gllod wtII he 1I10llt, Bl1ld b'ord wae aNe to retarn .!lerl veo1 from It, t o Uaytoll 10 Lho .IIUernOOD . t..ll..ronoo Alle n, wlte aarl eOD and Mr~. Ob 1l1'l8 , of Wayo'ollVlllo, Mrs' l ::I u o Taybr, of trr/lnltlln, Clnd K E . 'rb omp8l1n and wife, ot this plGoo, f'jJllllt Iduudny e vening with tha '!'Mry fnmlly,
HarvcY8burg, were here, t:laturdll1 Mrs. Borlloe Compton ond Mr H, eVllninl{ Ralelgb Bogan enter'alned th o W . ~~~!'!!'"--"!"'-~-!'!!'"-~~""!!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-!!' A , B . 'l'almBge and family , Mrs, F, M, t:\ , t:'!aturdl1Y afternoon . I Amaudll tiarner and daugh&er, •.trl!, MIss Ethel Curry vtAlte(1 h ll r \ E. V. BARNHART. Jetotl e KennOD 6t&ended the fnneral brotber, Elmer Carry, ~11nday . of MiAs Irma Talmage a' WHmlng. MUla LouIsa Oomp$on vlHit(ld nt Notary Public t on , Tuesday , Leesburg, Sunday. \ Funeral Director Mrs, Altoe E, Terry speut Wed - - - _a _ _ ___ All kinds ot N otary Work , Wille \ and ',Embalmer, needay shopplD8 In WllmlogC ou. I and DeeM & t:lIlAol~lly ,
IUlillY of ,lor humors
Waynesville, Ohio
wIsh es rollow him, Browlto~ beUor at 'hIe wrUlng . Clareuoe Be rrvhil! III ' ba.lng bl. Tbe &1. . E " Sonday ~ob oo l gnve u. Vlonlo at b't" Anole nt on f:lIlDdllV, buildings repllln' ed Squire Wilson wl ~ h aevnrBI vIsitors, All toolL w ell ot Ruyoysburg, bas 'he ooDtraot fill ed bIl81!011l, Ilnd an enjoYllule time Mr, t)S . Jobn, tbe aneo man from wns had, l.eblinon, WIUI bere, Tbarsday, Wbeat outtlng was h eld baok on Lon Brannon and wife wore sbop · HOOO U,I' of tbe wou~b or , Ilnd tSunday WII!! o h~ erved
Hnnll: P ho n e -Ii 17 1
aynesville Ollio
to\lowlol{ gneRt", MonrlllV IlHernoon , In b " nor of Mtlll! Mary 8baokloforcl :
MIIIses·.BIHl\h H&lna~, Alloe Loni8P Our,. 1:I,'1Iu l I1nd H le n ilie l und ~Jleanor Baydook ,
M r e. 8nodArtls", of X e nln, tho who qnvA Il 0011r"0 of IB~9a us I" .. t, fll It, gnv u an luterI', tln g IAOI.uro t o t be g l'Udu"t In/{ olll ~s /lnd nn r ~"
tbelt fr\(I11(\13, Wedll i1!1dny n I l.ornooD . Clyc10 r.wlnl!, wbo hll" I'ee o In ~rfll}' !!I'fvloo .. t ~ll1mp Hhf'rll1~n for l·wonlS' 0 110 1I10nlh <, L1n~ rl'nolY[I,18n h on', rlO hln
d ' ~ oL1 IL rg i HIli h U~1I him
fr i 'nUB lir e i(11\11 !.t>
II gil Ill.
B ormbn 13l l1 lr tHHI Cllrlt,on t:!mith pO~1 tl OIlS lit Alu'on, lIlr:!. ';u ruh MIIlf4 d lu l, Wt ,aoelday, a l· 6ha h OllJ o of h o r t1uug hte r, Mra, ·t$nm lle l Wlllto o . Inl e rmoDt W88 lUnd t', Frld~ y, a t New P"rls , Dr . WhHaker and fnmlly , a f Me OhlUlIOlltmrg, aro gUllst.s of trlAndll h o VtI n.t1C(' pt.ot.l
, , ,. ,. " . , "
, .I t41)..- • ..~'" " . .
I ,
...,..'...... .. ....
h o r~1 ,
a ""'1
Few L>COPlo can eu,loy dllLlecl when rending It., bul everybody Is fll8Clnlllcd when It Is spok e n and Ilctetl. Mrs. .JOIlcpbltm Dominick, who cornea to Chautauqua
tbe tourth day I\n.d wllJ
both 1L!tc:lnlOon MIl nvenlng, IS a maatO!' or many dialeclll : 8he I.D~b! fl; sbe makos It live (or sbe acts It, In "Our P oopl(!" s h o gtvcs an Inter s ting study of renl AmOl1can, tl'1J8s In story nod Bong. A uol<.llle and hlg:bly Irltcl'<'sUn g t ('alurc quite unliko nnyth!ng
on tb o progmm ..
been visiting ber J.(nndparents:
''The IllDSt Amortcl\n IUHtitlltlon In \8 wtJat Tlleooore Il.oos& . /Velt BAld at the CbAutallQtm. At 00 daoghler, jttnwlln our hIstory havo tblngs thOI'
Mr, and Mrs, John ' Wolf, for the .Amertca,"
PBllt weelt. Mr. 0, Unglcllbee Clnd', Irene, and Mrll, Marth. DavIs were ~Y . and Goouln Iy Amor1cnn me6Jlt
tn Lebanon .o ne day lall' woek, 110 rno.cb to Amor1C1\. Mr, lind Iotr8, F, A. BartsOOk anll . • - -- - Roail and lielen were oallln, on Hr . Bnd Mrs , E. U. MaunoD, TbQrldRY Wood In Demand. evening,
Mr . "n O MrA Z ' nl1 AurlnIl tltl rl T M. [lllorlll n, of MLRIDI ~ hnrg, lIDO Ned Fl tl ~ llln , f'lf f)lIylor , ~ lIlln th e \vlleIr €In<l fit, I·bl h i 111111 of Mr, nn~1 l\Ir ll. A . B , li ll rlnn, Thl' 'hU(\nm" nllY pr ng rnm at thll M til nh urch W&8 vary. well rent1ere' nnd t\!\tort~lnlng, Ml' ~nd Mrs. R P. Learning, Mr, and Mrll tJ, A. Phllllll8, Mrs. H, timlth, W N, MrKllY lind MfR F. MoK~v w(lrt( Anme of the Coutt'n
iry visitOrs, la.' wee.,
Mrs, Bannah Rloh BI~nt ae.or.. 1 c!IlYS I'ls' week wltb hl1' dallghter, Mrs . Lizzie lUoh, of Lebanoo. Mr. und Mrs. AlfiD Ba.rtsook aDri son, Kenne'h, IpIID& Munday wltb 'heir parontlf, .l4r, and lira. F. At. BlIrtaoolt, . Mr. and &trl', W, Wuwlok .04 MIll!! M.abel l,uddlngton, of Lebanon were Mondny "neil's of ·JYr, and Iotra. AlvB Luadlngton, Miss <.:rertrnde WOI',Olf Clarksville
ThP unlQuo t1mllor of TUI:II"Y nnll a
Mr . and. Mrll. GOodl~"II'urp, lI!r . !'Il" other locllllties-tho One, . hnr"· nnd Mrs. Carl t!tflpheD80D alid Mrs. Jrnlned, comDaet hOl(\veod R<1 mnch Blanobe Wbltdore and daugb'er~ of prtz!d tor engrfl"lnllll, rultlt!, etc., II Morrow, were oalllns as IIIr, (leo, now 110 IIcarce thnt the 'formlt product., Da vIe' bome, SQQday IIlf&ernooD, Inhnrntory III WIIICQoain III ~eel(log ' Mr, aod Mrs (:teo, :Botran, Mra, lmerll'nn 8ub@utut08. 'Ouly the Il'Iorlrta E(lI'h Davll and Bert Bogan were boxwood and thu \\'.hoo of Ar'kIlDM8 vi s iting wUh IIIr and 1\11'11. Jed BogRo 11111 other pnrta or the sQulh npproncb of e"elar'lI Ureok,lI'rlday of lU'\DPnrll" {llhor hnr~lwooilA ")Iltnble for wpnk, 101111' nr tho con",.'r 1I~1'1I Inrlndo mnll'41"8ftt1 ThnlmR a~d Glad,R Tta,lor tI~, I''''~h \l',,"d, witch hllZt'!, "rent rhoof FrimkllD, are 'belr ,rand, a,"\<'uflrim, IlIOUIHllln laurel, thOMlDp' pareD". Mr, aDd Grro, ~ alld ,~~e~~_ .......
Now is the time to lay in your next winter's COAL. Don't w~lit. You are not ,saving, anything ~)y putti,ng it off. We have what yo u want. Call and give uS YOllL- order. We deliver every day,
,YouRce Bros.·Grain Co.
t I)
i, it.
, I \
.IH r" Hi
lidlilj ' /JLHt
r 1I
: n.t h ' llr tilL "", l
h ).u,' t ,I ".. th. 'ir,-,llI-JU t!• • o t h l'" \\ url,i v 1\'tJ~
Satur day, July 5th
~p t d.t: (\ 1-}(f1 J""\
th ...
·lll.lI"r a till ' -lH , ~ t.. l, ...' ~d l .l[ • 1'",-«:. ~u uw \ ~r-' , t h lc. - t ' l,; I~- h~ \ ... l.:-l,Urt ' l n, l! \ ~1 ...t ... t. h . . . Ih' . . ( ~ r d •.."\ \. "L .1!. · ItLil .
Fcoiuring he fa\'oritc" \. ' III . llart. ill
.I 11.. ('1 lit ' \ 1 'h)- t'(\ot 11 11 ,nUm ' .1 , c s ImI t o ' t ;it.! j'um()u~ Barre Crnullte,. ill b gi ""I t:l l hio 'ounty tlu t e ll~ tI le 1ar~f t·st prOLh)rtiun of . it. qu ta in . War Sa\;lllg' 1::; am p. in .Jun . July and Aug·ust.
w ort hy t ~t imonia 1 to a great county.
ig Pull for Uncle Sam That on e ]pull would not hav ' n l ·an t much to us la ~·t yc,", \' H'> l1 our I at 'inti:-;m was at f ver heat . Thy
nl' \' ! r II ~UlI("I\\
GREATl Have 'you,,:ever e~pe rienced thu t happy sellS' lio ll of sittingl dOWll at dinner t.ime and eatillg b r ('n(~ . t11::t fairly melts in you r mouth ? The n, to t op 011 thIS sensation and finish this d nlicious meal, y( t1 ':"1l Il piece of pie, or a slice of cak e, or som c okie. t hat a rc just as delicious as the re'ad , you ma y kno w th all were baked ~ at
Featuring Wallace Reid, .in a great play , IItitled
"ThE Dub"
f. ~~ ~
Corn eo , :
i\'() .,
"nd ,nit'
1,- II J
111 ,1\
~ , ... 0 III ~
fo ur
Silturcl ay
'l'ltc tli id~n d nt!l~ H' I I h dra \ n in c <;h --hl t If Il 'l w 'lltdl'l!llll wi J 1Il'~ I ';"1l1 I1 te on the !tl'f'(l lInl n no!
c mptJund . If you p la n t o t'.lll (\ o ur office, pll '" \J !'I:IIJ('1I1·lw I that we ar l:' tI'lllPOJ'< ri ly looated at tho I)or h IIl:It oroPr (If 1'h :l'<1 und "I ,·f£0rsO.1l .Street , wh it o"r n ew Imihli i .. It 1Il '~ t' roci ed, N w AC(lotlot:- lind , ' " tionnl Dopo~j t
to ben r intnrc;1
c;rk:~ -5%
· OC~l
A IV pJded Furnace "FARQUAR"
1I1CC l , l 'l '~'.
tit .... 11. · 11 1 \ I \' It
I.:aro uf ThanK8
, ir~
eXll reS~ t
thl~ IIlI'ri ium tu
Th ' r Rre t1lnn ~, )1 l(j llh, r Fltlnoce, ill thl~ "kinil }' I hn t hnve Lr <'cn in u c fiIt t'cn t tl t clI ty)' ' IJrS, ,\ g, .lol de,ll 0 pi liI' ' 11\' hn: hnn~ rI hnnds (l n d wc rio no t b a\'(, ,\ co rr ,t li~ t "r fur ·
,II rc l-il
lI~ ~T
ulillte rCl aLiv;!s:lIld I ri e nd,. , (] whol'n we l'ers(III Rlly h av o not becn abl e to Pfl cnk, ou r tru e lI f1 pr{' dation of nil the kind wnrks IlI IU cl cefls nnd floral nil' d nll! h 0 1V1l tI l u ~ durin \{ R 'IHI':lsic kne~!l l1nll dpath Lawrenc e FUr llS q, J oe McMillan lind f amily , F: S , Fllrn nB and f a mily
your job ,
Electric Lighting Plant 1.
The re were acres of wheat cut. Sllndav, nil over the county , 'I' h\: whe ut was in uch a conditi on lhat HJ:OQ a . nr. . Anna Stinson. supe rin · it wa~ necessary to cut it. The rains t " nd ent. Public Worship alld Prench · of In.qt week cume li t a time when the inlo:, ll:OO a . m . You will be wel- whea t was in a ripened condition , <!orne at ull lheria servic es. Gome and the g roun d WaS SQ soft that it ancl let us worship Jehovah tog et her. was a lmoat Imp'ossible to get to it A,nus Cook, pasto r. S llllduy , Jun o 29: Bibl e School at
Wilmington, Ohio
Local Agent
Har veysburg Friends Church
Add Indu .... ry . 01lr 1,Ien ot n mao wh o 18 com(1letel, )cCIIPl c.1 Is n cross'eyed te\low wIth the SI. Vltus dsmce tryIng to kI ss . two-ftl ct'd gl rl wllh n IIBre lip.
Wc want t o g ivc a ll F'n rqlll1 lu rllrnUI'e IIse rs th e hr ~t ~elvi (' c possi bl e, If you wlln t y our furnn ce rc paircr! or ,o rne !H'W sliloKe pi pl' let me know n l OI1('e, ' If you wou ld like t o havc m e exami ne y/)ur fmlln('c to rnn!;e surc th at it is K just let m e know an" I will he J:latl to ~ l' C
Is automa t ically lubricated ancl automAtically charges the storage batteries, selfcranking and automatically stopped , Is direct connected no helts to slip or tighten, and also has a pulley for pow("r, furnishin g 3 horse power, It ha· an automatic governor regu lating the fuel onsun~ ption a~ld the charging current. It has an automatic service cut-out which disconnects the battery from the lighting circuits when the battery is 75% discharged thus preventirig on ovel'~dis charge . Is furnished with counter-cells, which regulate voltage of lighting circuits when engine is running, thus preventing the bum-out of lamps. . I
The U. S. Semi-Auto matic Electric Lighting Plant . is far superior to any of th~ cheaper lighting plants and is equal to any lighting plant on the marlCet. ' We have one of these plants in our store. Come in and we' will gladly demonstrate it for you ,
In some pl aces the wheat was dow n ve ry badly, but it was cut in such a wil y that almost all of it was saved , In many places the grain. was Hhattered out. and there will be bushels ot it l o ~t. except wbe re hogs nrc Ilvailabl e to feed u pon it. Old , ftls l\lo nerl c radles were used t o r eap t he g rni n in f\ f ew fi eld~ .
'KIRBY & WINSTON Phone 56-5
WayneSVille, Ohio
, I
l" -t I !
I lil o
FOR' D W"rm Drive
THE Sc, tOe AND 25e
5 inch Fruit Saucers , ... , .. , : ' . , ..... : 5}-'2 inch Oat Meal Dishes ". '. ' , . . , .. , .. 15c Dinner Plates .. ..... .... , . . .. .. , , , . .. . 20c Cups and Saucers, ...... .. " , , , . , , , , : ,25c Glass Butter Dishes ... , , ... , .... . , . , . .. 25c Boudoir Caps.,., .... , . , . ,', .,,""',. 25c Ladies' Union Suits .. .. , . .. . . . , , , .. . , .50e Panty Waists, all sizes . .. . , " . , : ,., .... 25c "W.D.W." Plated Tea Spoohs, per dozen .4Oc 'fable Spoons, per dozen ., .... .. , ..... ,6Oc
,: 4:r.O
w il! IJcg in
l O ll
R. D Ch,lil. IJri"e
A_ Cl evllill nd bQt ll El!! th o, C h I· capo t h 110 so~ unu N e w York Y 'lft k",pp (tor the top 111 tlH' A tll ll\ " Irl n LOUI;IW Ih ls playor "Dpr " ' :"111" r 'll ('llnti nuP8 to he lhe ceUr "-0\ Inl.',· .1 IhrOllgh hlF groa!.. 1,,'1 n,)l' t r fh l' fr.dtnnJO .I n H1Pnn n" n wll h C:obh 1'1.11' ,hhel
n d Loan Ass'n B~
li e
- - --
rO.m n l.".
" i:4 l, · r ~ .
' IB ,lllldlll ll ·tl' .. "IU"OOlt" IUj.!.'·~ I n 1(\tl l1l1 ,..,I1 · . . j(l " I,I1 ", bJuHII1, I n {~ 111 ~ IIt" II nel l~ <' 1 ,1 d , .,t!' du )o. ·u ' ht'l in,.:-."h)" m , ( ~ .·d \,ill HI ~H\ I) tu ... ,h: 'j k.. L.p, 11 (' ,.:iV l'lh , £,1 I. (' I {I~ ;:O 1 h1e p , .
\V I; r\
---.~ .,
7 :30 p.m,
IViake your arrangements to be Oakdale 'Park on the Fourth.
Miss Rosella Youn\C , daughter of Mr. and Mrs , Ben Young. of ne ar young mat) had , )mt recen ~ly r~· Caesar's Creek Frien Is Chun:h . Spr ing boro. nnd Mr. Allen Smi t h, son o f Mr , nnd Mrs Cl a r ence Smith , lurned from mIli tary servIce m ' Sunday chool al this ~hurch every of Ly tl e, ,mot or ed to Centerville , France. !:.und ay Rt 10 o' cloc k Preaching Wed nesday e\' enin g , J une ] , and - - -- - . - ' - servic e at 11 o ' clock 8 , m You a re \VcrI.' quie tly mllrrletl lit the purson· cordilllly in vited to be presenL. aJle by R v R C Moon . the dou ble ri ng ceremony beinll used, Master in g W orry. I - - .- - The bride \Vas bea utlfullV Ilow,ned The pers"n wh o kn tl\\'~ on worry Is LytIc i\1. E. Church in whi le ~h i ff on v r AUk crepe me 'i t ortllnnt e Imll vltl un l ( It 811 'h u hu· Sunu uy ella I every Suuuav at teor, wore R picture' hat. and curriell mnn b ~ ln g tl" ps thly ('xI. I. ) , hut \\'orry os w ~11 n.~ lt~ fl r !:! t rO\l-:ln ~, n ~ r\' ~, . ('un 2:()O p , m. He,g ular prljllching ser , e Rhower bouquet of pink and white Choir r ose buds , th e gift of the g room. h e mn~t(o r~ t1 If \\ I' ~"II ~ l hly t ol,I' C:lo')\ vice overy Sunrluy at 3:\) r rn dny ns 1\ COI1lI ' ~, ~ t lll 1I 1\~ at I~ prnb' pr uc ti ce and praye r m eet in lS ('v e ry T he bridllsmaid, Miss Opal Mills, wns W (Inesllay en ing , E ve ryborly is becomi ngly attired in brown geo rl elll~, nn ll ror ~ 1I11111 nil nl)0 11t ( hIL t J;(etle with hat to match . and carri ed "doubtful tulur ~" w lddl ~om(' 1011(8 1I~ c[)nlilllly welcomed H show rot pink ruses, Mr Mel vin dore 18 fu ll ot woce. I1 rackney, a n intimate friend of th e 't, Mary :i Church )o{ roo n , ucted as best m ilO , Third Su nd ay nfter ' Trini ty , July A wedding suppe r wus served at Pugnacious Fl ah. 6: ,uuday 'chool at !):30 a . m ; the home of the brid e'~ p"rcnts, t o In Slom thor o are Hlllo lI fr e. h ,water 'e r mon a nd H oly Commll n ion at lO: SP the immediate families. They hav e II s ll so pugnnclous thnt \\' I,,' n two nt Th e public is cordially invited t o b g un housekeeping in their own tlt l'," nre pIne '<'1 n 'li r l!ncl.1 oth p-r they these servic es. l'oty littl e horne. which the groom ill ollr~ hogln to Ught. W hrn tl.1e Usb h d furnished and r eady to take his Is qu iet Its colnrR nro .Iu ll. hut when bride to Tbeir many friends extend M, E. Church exc it ed It Is of n motfll lle br lllluoce. congrat ulntlons . . - - -... Sunday. July 6: Sunday School, --~---- --9 :15 a, m ., F , U. LeMay. Buperin. ~end e nt , Preaching, 10:30 a m and . 8:00 p m . Special mu sic both morn , lllg.. a nd evening. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening Corne out and wo rsh ip with us, Gideon N e lsrJn J ollv. pastor.
any sooner.
of tbis UlI8 ocintiou will be payable to J~roQitol'S on July 1. T his IJividcurl- (.lIf G3ru- amounts i ll lIil to /Jilin I II h unrlrc(i n il ! i Ft ~' tt.O ll and di>llurll - re]lI'C ,t'l,tl lI " th e (luwil1ij.' , n G lIo:llll,'UI of d ollars or d l:'ll",Il' ls,
t ..t
\\.\1 111, ) tI Ii \\ I II a ll 11"1 I ~ 1/ ~ 11, .. lI t C., ."1 In t" I q ""bo\.' \ I" ... , ' I J l:t~III.: h tt l t ht, '" "II r \ {. I.· t, 1 I Ct u d d .Ill ltlQ I' 1' n ,., .. " h '; , K. rp , 1 1ft ~ il t'!1 1 IIt l;: l 'el o \'tH! ~t\' I ",
smlthO,~~~Hd~h","",..II I~1
The usual 5% D ividen d
of th e Budd en death of hi s neph ew nt Columbus , thi s morning , The
lovi o)(
J' ~. t Hi
"In lJropngallda"
Opetl evetl itlgs •
; p
Th wsday, July .I Oth
.Oh~ · Boy!
Corned}': "R uuring L iuns and Wedt! ill g Bells,"
" 11 II' 11 In II I
Th's spaceipatrloticall y douat d hy Laybourne & McKean, Hy~au & Co .• F. H. Fa'rr, Way nes ville ]a t iona l Ran k.
J H.
"Forbidden City"
tJl " ' lt C.I ")' " 'f'I ,\,l l ; .. h lr~ . f~l h l 1'1 ', 111 H I" " w I HI" ,I t \ k " I'. Il t, d,-t l l I t l" t ,·I.\-,·J\ ... II I' p .
b r ,,' ~ I
".11' ~I " ).:'·
L et's Bring :It To
Small charge Big returns
' t " , "'
l l)
l .\ 1 ' ,~ i.
should it 'e -.m formidable now'/ J. l'e \V any tl) less J atl'iotic because Wt \\ on? At' . War S~l \ 'in gs Stam ps nn) the less vah. ahle as an i vestment n ow that nb:olute <: rtainty existc:) th at they wi ll be Inid in gold? Is saving of any less value u ? Let's go after thi monument . ,
They PIIY you
Broa dway "
Tuesday, 'Julv Oth Fcaturillg' Nonlla 'l'n lllll1d 'e ill U fin e I'l ;) y,~
the richest
yet o1 i'{'}'('cl.
Try once And yo u repeat One tIme Brin gs result;
! u rn!.
ville , Ihl O, al{pd 2!'l veal", 7 m o nths ,111 4 .I u~~. , he ' ' U m~ r ri e d AI ' f{' LI. t 8. l~' If> , 10 Ln w r ell 'U FUrllo ' on.! the h r itlf y \!ur ' of th e ir nl llrri · (} lif e hllV h~ 'II 111 ..., 1 MP 1YY ' Jl I'II :!1 , 19 19, fj III I !" ~o n , IA IlI nrd It , t!U1l1,' til g lncldcll th l'ir horn e and thei r hop, Ili n ('a~ \\,Il~ cor n plelu Helllcd in I b .. fuilh of tht' Soc'(, v If l"ri"nd~, ~Iw, in 1I )'ly f{irlhn"d, 1\11,1 u d l' li ll il l' Clori, (illn ' Xlll! ricllcl' , Lnd It V,I" 'i t h j o y th >!l ~ 11f; .m I NI' ,) " I II l hl: \ a rilJu~ l<C I\'i l Ie:' of church \\ n rk In ~I'l' r y r "l al \on"h ip /I f lifo, Heha l' lIrnll ,. !'"n' l'd wi h till' u l n f)~l lid,,1 It)' , A" 1111' e ld e r d nu g hter, Hhe )!IlV(' tlJ I"" r l'anmt.s UIP m ()~ t co n s 'l ,'n tiou AsprVlce , a:Jd bravol y h oI' her shn ro u f th burdens uf th e IWllw Ilf :-ih .. wne Ill' wisl! c[)u n '!c lor ') f he r ) ')U I1~ r I)'r ut h e r ~ ntl HiPLerH ~1Il" II I ' u ~ . ~1 " l lIifa ~ 1 f ri l'lld , but in h I' 0\\ Il 11<' , .~4 t h e, 1,ll'iull wi f e H I" ! {(' ro d·'!' III IlIe f , Shl' cllemplifit'o tlltl hl.dl l,,1 i \"lI ill nf w'lIl'Hn hood . ~ h,' i. -ti l' 'i"pJ by b",r fa lhe r lind 1Il ,, 1!.1 ·/,. ,h . hUHlJll IHI und li ttle Ro n,
1 thi .. tount,7, it will be an object or nrid(' tn our children , and oUl' ch il drl'l 's ch ildn 'll. It will com m'm r ate all t: Int \Vn ' done behind t h e lines as well tl::i t Iw vn lc r of ( Ul' soldier abroad - n
You pay
. Ing
,t Up in the county.' l a s n m mor ial to t ht' patri t ic work done by the
may I n'ing u s this r eward -
\.! - ~ l,' ~t
H(;llH !vi , e ldep t chilli of J mWIJ}, 'mo £mlll Dwig ri ns McMill II, W I' burn t\ovem ber 16, 1 '~ 9. nen r Ches· ~. ler, and entered ill 1I rest in th e ' early morning hou rs "f fi' riday . JUlie t· '20, H1I 9, li t her h,l m neRr Wayn 's·
et's Get t ! p
hL" H _ ~fJ- ' l'l ..L ::-J. , .l tl
1.1•• I I il' IIJ ~ w. rile. I til\! lidltlo WI! ,· Ia '" I •• il I t; iI,.1I1< ~ \ '~ ~I Hlrc I h t' I"! Id !'o r u < II (l q' t.)I I ' hn~l, , tr IL" UII' 'J f I.Irl'Clllu . Blid hoi}' III ' 111 ' .' '1'10" 01 lIhJ';C gune Ull til Iii .. 11 <'81' • •
6 Milli 011.8.
'f.mponrily-l\ l' Oor. Third and .Teffel:1lon Sta, DllytOD, Ohio.
11tH' d r h ."
h· ,~iI'r~ nnd v,No r,..," tnr hi'
tn IUC U'
W,.,·te Jor our.lAst' of Used Tru r.Ti S pecials Hiil..r\YP.
Mr. and Mr.s Clar ence Smith en · tertained, Thursday evening: in hon, or of t hei r son , A ll en. and bride, The hou s was arti~tic!\ lIy decorated in pink alld w h ite rosee, favorite eolorll of t he bride,· At Il o'clock the Invitl'd gu 9ts partook of elegant dinn e r . The tabl e looked beautifUl In theta vorlte d('coraLlons, the pla('o, cards being Cupidll Those prescnt I' ein thie occasion wer e: Mr. and Mrs Ben· Young, Mr a nc) Mrs. J . 8. Jones. Miss Opal Millo, Mr, Melvin Brackney, Haz~l and Lester Y(lung
and A1ra. AnD L, Smith.
--- ---------
SpeclaIJat In
, Waynemlle Oblo
..---I11!11-------------!lIIIIIiiI!.l, 8ar¥aJaa
~eventy-First '
: .JJ0C~ MEETING HELD . 'PE. " ) .
H'2".(.. ,. 11 .
1 . 11
'l :rL:f~' MIAMI~ ~DSlllO ~~-~-~' DHMtS. 'I
--t '.
t l\lt A I . tllI :f ' ')n~ ' , ' Il r , !'\e\'l! o f , H (l1r'H l I , •• tI,,, ·p .l AHI"r 1' 1 huhll. qUIl. me l Ihe Iroll8ut II'. 11 . i!uu,.u" ' ''r~. 11 110 ,· To " "",Iii " H~"'''I'' 1
Wh Ie
I \ . ," )'
" Ii:
, , '1' ,
!IUI\·ritHl/ ud
1111 111 fl ' " '' I· P. ll n.\I"·
. 'fh(.r w(' re nri):!ht , pnts in hehuli pla~ . ·d IOn I'lll Fuurth . Alvi n :lnd Hh ,." J' vk". rt f 1, ,, " I .. n . ,Inti u' h l' r~ that \\' r!- ..... 11 . nil so ~p c l1l Ihl' FI," r t " h,.u wi h n.ta!i\' ,; Il ri;.:ht. :'''''"'',, y '" fa ilu re to get. II ,, · .1i llm ullti at Ull k d Ill! 'a rk into a l' \ tlll lI)!' r .. ,.• ,,, ,toll n)!, ,!", lit pl ay ing MisN f,;VlI Ihl' I ~ " I' o nl 1111' ~''' .. rl h {1I11!tli'''1 lll l d ... JI UP 'cs!'\ary th play wi th M .· anol Mr~ I: . F:. I ),, \ i~ ill " " I'''rllt·~ "I f' h i lllp~ I'>l rk. \,\·hilp. il,a IJfI~ til l. r, ·,1 IIf Ih, · " r,,~ ra rn WII ~ rll a~ ~ d at Oak"al.; I1ll' ,\1illllli ~ I rl,·d el m l u· Miqs Hlllh I·r f\ "a ~c' , . (If Wi l min~ · • ~i ' lII " with till' fl ivh ,'ch'tI,1 hoys in to n . wa th .. wN,k" 'ntl vu "'~ 1 Ilf Mr. tI.f' IlI II rilill)! , Ar. (J wit h h ~pr i ll K Ed Thromns and fll mil), "/l ll .·y (·tIlI ' in 111 ,· a fl~roll"lI l 1.[,J 1II( ':1
WI·dlll!"" " , l·y" " in/t. ,,"d . h fo llow . Mr . J . O. Ar wril!h l ",,01 falJ lI 'y iI.'Lt'. IlHi ... "r!' w, ·.·..., ... lr ell'll: Ur J . '1' . \ B".. nt' I he "'ourlh HI LII II ,oI o. }JI I I ~. 11rI'~ IL1 Ill ; Walle,. Mcl ;lurrl vil- u .n rl.~'dl'"I: ""w"11 I'dr ... ·, : '.ere: Vrell'~ LelJlllliln IIiI!' S" .H:'tl J ,dy !.~ ry , W N :-;~· hr~ . l rl · · HIJr" ' ; I h1l rl ISll le s tar1.h 1"'10111" .101 11' I ~i/'''"'''' Il lllli . t l"h, 1- : I' I'U,,\; I,~ H . ad vu .I'"ill)! ; Ilr. Mil •. C.. nl<. ,)lI lIil\ r I .t""lLl'ltlll'lIl; Wi ll' UI 1 :lark.l{rnu,,"~. Ed [lunbv Ilild h.,ll1l v .• ,1' Ihlvl( .n, bi n •. eY l1thiu I~va ,, ~ . tlccllrntinJ.{ and ~ ;)ellt lilt' I".,u rl " ,,,' . wit '. n·lll ll '· . ·~ . 1) L Crnne, lJro ~s .Th le- photo or tho Wniard· DolD[)IIOY fight arena at Toledo. 01110. "'68 taken from an airplane' al a'i /helghl of about a thousand [ellt. showing the wonder'f al _lIns cap,alty ot tile Immense structure-·.ThO M r AllrUlMn ex pillinerl Ihe rlu ties RURse ll 01101 T" IJ~!l l cr I.I·w il' . o f Day· !'Ill Il IU rl llll1! j./'nilll· W:\l II r"u ~h· \Insorted photoj( rnph 18 o r Ollie Pecord, .oUlcla~ .~t..e'9 ..01~ tbe.\~~ledo~.BoatnlJ Commlsalon, jIo"'bo..Lwael o( the vllrious III1iC(!rH, Ilnd Itllve u ton, Silent the wOI' k· 'rlll wil " r ela· HI"llun,Iolo · IdT ... lr . II ill plo'll Y IIf 81ltooted to ottlcln te In the boIa •• " '· . det.uikod t'l<plllllation 'If the prOj.fram, tiv(!,~ he re ,. llli . It. I'IIIII li"i!. 10(,.1,,1 l'ill), J . hnrl wh,ch will he YIH'y t'niurl"l" ill L(. He \I I .. , - . "AIl<,. lU I'" 01,,4. 111101 )I,\r,· [limo, I"iil H"ecial strollS on the Junior ri c h""d ~I \lrt l~ When t hl! ~In"ke flf Mr . und Mrs · Frank ur mlln ~ 1IP.llt llllrlment. which will be mure enlor · the Foutth with MI' . and Mrs It E . hatt ie h ilt! .:I.':or(-<I IIWIIY , he ,cltre· Mrs. Stanley ,'mllh ann duugh l e r. k... · " l' r ' ~ Ill·.,,, 1 -it .. wcd " lal h' of () taining thlln ever thh. yeur A cir Davis, in l)uyton . Ethel, and Mi s.~ I ~mrnn McCl ure are I .. K in fill,. ,· ', f 11 'lCh 'choo!. It h fl.~ CUA will lJe put on hy thl" depart. visiting Mrs. Ch a ~ Shults und familv si ' ,ce h" " n I ... afll'·" that the ~C(lr c ·ment. which will be one of the hest L M. HClIIdc rsun. caBhier of thl' numbe rs In tha Chautauqua. lind fa il"d too ).ti l'" (~i"I,,\n s . of the Mi · Wayn e~vlllo National Bank. i ~ le n· which everyhody ought to B('O . . Dr. 0111, Osteopath :1 1 S. Broad· Il. lIli~ . ~ r edit for u rlill which the l'I i\.:h TickotM Ilro on Hal e at mORt of thl' joyinlt a vucutiun . way. J.,ebanon. Ohio. Sello,,1 hoys atlmit w lI~ . l: n rf'd hy him. bUblnes9 houfles. alld agen LS will Thi ~ o"e.r ~i)(h l Wi" v "r ~ ""' "nltly Lytic M. E. Church h y t he I'~I r'·/ II .~I) .. 1:1 ""i;I~. MI88811 Lillian Wilkerson . Alic(> muke /I Il/lUse t o house can va" solllnl! F. D. lI/1wk · sells 'Apex Electric Mrs . H . E . Ear nhArt , Mi sses Alm a hcllu~ed Sunday School eve ry Sundav at Carey Edna Carey and the Messrs. WattiriluuBu. c: 111'1 I! ,,~ i l' r lIllll Hel ell uh .t ~'lIl1 e 1"'''I, le 1111\ ,f ' 'Ii 'II ' li c k e l ~ hefo re the Chautauqua II Cl eanors . Try ·ono. Is lin 'ntertuinment of five dllv ~ thnt C. W.' Younce. Alfred Wright and Hawke IIr!:! III ('"Iu mbu·· \ i~1 ing t hle lill y b lJ lh~r in>r t fl t· S~'Jrl:·k"'~ I ' r oIIl1h 2:110 p . m. Regula r preaching ser· nil .me Ckn alT rd to turn nown. T hp a huudrcu a lit! IIIl l, .liffet ,)I,t V;I' irtl"~ vic every Sunday ut:l:OO [l .m. Choir Everett Clark spent the afte rnoon at Dr . · and Mrs. N . J olly spent 1>r8cLice and pray.e r meeting every Waynesville surely ha d a sane the Fourth at the Soldiers' Home in Cen tella rv . o f fuul '1U eHlI')lI~ . Thu .... ,·ltl·r fOl" lickl'l !l nre !lelllnil for $220 and 1. 10; me rly kepl I hI! olficml eMI', and thi " inclulle.i the war When three dUYI! lit Columuu s, la~t Y/e~ k, Wednesdayevulling. EveryiJody Is Fourth. Not a fireer ackl:!r cracked Dayton . to show that It was thl:! [i'ourth, and Mert Bai r':. of IlId HU.III,,>!I,.. Ind ., knllws whereof he sP(!ak~. the agent Clime!!, be prepured t(1 buy uttendinjZ the Centenary . cunlially welco med. a little red fi re at night was all that who has ju ~ t h;!,," re .. ' ,,~cu fr om th e Th e Sfternilun at '[1i r ~ tnr t ed [1 a Uckala for YOllr fnmtly Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kibler en ter· army. has It£!el1 II,,· I<Uc~ 1 uf M r:l. made the day Beem like the Fourth fi rs t· cl!.U!S bll il g lllflll ancl n ed II ~ fI Mr. Jame!l McFarland and family. tained at dinner. Sunday, Mrs, Fred ~ t . lI1ary's Church of July . The older verMns enjoyed Ju lill Dont! n. !rhusl ly nij:{htlllllre. Fo r l'i x innin~ .. of Springfield. spent the week· end Sherwood and daughters and Mrs . bu th toalllR pluyecl a ~ prett y kill as Fourth Sunday all e r Trin ity , Ju ly it hultllIv, and the younger genera· Chas. Tayl or, of Col umbus, Mr . and with Mr. Guy Kiuler and family. Ill : SUIl" .'" ~kh,) ,,\ hi !1 ::,tI 11. m.: tion are gradul!lIy realizing thal Mrs Ralph Houston. of Spring Val· Mr. F ra n\, t\nolr._·\'\·~ 'In,1 fa mil)' , of anyo ne cou ld Il(lAl'ihl y wi sh III l'\CC , lIuise does Illltcommemoratl:l the day Ilnd w ent lu lU t b<· sl!vcnlh Ih scor,' MIs.qes Eleanor Barnhart and E th· MurnlnJ.( I' rayer anel :-;" rn,., fI at 1(1:30 At Oakdale Park , therll was enough ley. anft Mr. Guy Kihler and family . Wupakoncl :o. U h Ito. 1,,1\'/' h.·en :lpend· I ied at t W() r um: ;'H('h. Th en , (Of IN r h puhl ic i ~ r.urothlll~' illvi l ed 10 Inl< It few ftn }'s wil li ."1' ,tnll Mra . elyn Jon e~ spent a Co\ l~l e of dllYs to maku up for any deficiency, how· o n~' II o re h i1~: I,e I,a.l f.lnllNJ thC' Geo rge HU lll ill ,,,, at the Co lumbu R Centenary. Illat th '5 ' ije rvi ·CS. ever, lind everything went off as ad· ~ u per· loca t l'd Ht. 01);:1 oI l1'rl • ., ",II.)f! Mrs. A. A. Har.t sock was a hoste6S week. vertised . Only one thing to mar the of Tuesday nft e rnoun at tea at he r tr cnc hl!roU 9 · u~ .. " ~ut the !1nchnr I\1r~. C\ " l'a ilJ'D\\.:. I. wi", hll~ lieu I ~I easure there, and that was the home on Five Oaks aven up, honorIn g i\'. E. Church I"',se um} lip "'0:111 th'J ha llclon , ( ky· of ho rsee. The reason for Mrs. Hobert Walton, who h ll~ re visitiuf{ her rii ~ t·"I' . ~l r, 1-'r11l1k Cu r hi~h. with oEl"Elrod ~fi3nm d:lnlrli !! Mrs. H. II . Williamson and t wo Sunday, July 13: Sunday School, absence th i~ Wile : Last yeur there were some cently come to Dayton to make her man , has r~turne<l tOJ he r home In helpIeB>!ly f rulll th,' gU Y r'lpCF. The AhSillom Chenuweth, who liv ed on daullhters are visiting with relutives 9: 15 a. nt .. F. . LeMuy, BUllerin· the Rellbrook pike, 2 miles north of In Col umbus. and are 'attendin g t he tenft ent. Preaching . ]0:30 a m .,sub · t:xtremely itJ.!<t ho rses on the track, home, and MI"!. Smith , wifeof Major Cardington. Ohio Valley boys ~ rcr re cl six mPr o-! ru n, I( e· the horsemen a round here were Smith. of McCook field .-Dayton town, droPl)ed dead In the wheat Centenary. fore a r _ cu Multi be IfoE' t f'rI anll ject: "D'avitl 's Charge to Solomun ." and afraid they would have to go up field. Friday morning at !) o'clock. Having pllrch8l!ed the Times·Star Barnar d's ~lIpp(,lrt h'elcl (: rm. nl· Daily New8. A.t H:(IO p . m , It Y J . W. Hartsock , No had gone to the Morllan place to Robbins & Myers Electric Fans un ()f Col uf1lhu ~, will s~ esk ilt the inter· agaillst the same thing this year and rou te. i am n ow prepared to dehver thl'tUgh th e M h"ni ~ II1l1rll' 11 'alill t bring their t1y ers out. ahack wheat, and had gone around sale al fi'. O. Hawko's . the paperR to you lit your home at hilt enlirely tlltll e efl'Mr f1 r rot ip.v ~ ' I of til An ti 'aloon League. didAllnot Mr. and Mr~ . Charles ShuLts and the ovents Were pulled off, and f t-he field, when Mr MorA'an noticed Mu rray HOllkinR .. lIl'lr fl1Ttunes in h lll$t !Ialf ' of t ho Specittl music r(>nderE'd both morn · n good ·sized crowd enjoyed them to fanily entertained with a picnic on 10e n week. he was lying on the ground He . illl{ alill f:Ivon ing. Prayer Meeting L. F . Perkins WIlA called to Atlan ta. Wf:I<lne~dny eV'llIng Come out and the utmost. The auto events were their beautiful lawn on July tit h. Mr. anti Mrs. Frallk Zell, Mra. inniulo( went to his 888ist.arice, $nd found Th ~ glln\c that Clilf Hime_ vltcht'ft extremely ,,"ood . this year, and the Those who enjoyed the day were , that he was dead . Neilthhors were Ga., last week, on account of the wo rHhi p WiLh us. for the Miami:! was n hen rt'-I Jrcaknr crowd waited good ·naturedly until Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McClure and Frank Farr and Mrs . Mary Caskey l JOHO. !lad h been Ilcco rd erl nny · called and he was taken to thl! Mar· death of his sister . He returned pastor. Gideon N elson Jollv, are spending a couple of days at thO) daughter, Emma, Mr. and Mrs. Friday . home, almoat dark to see the last (If them. Ran home. The caURC of hill death th ill):! like the splelulirl support the The Driving Association came out iA ulB McClure and family, Mr. and Centenflryat Colum hus , this week . Vulley boys gave Mal( Damar/I, he waa neuralgia of the heart. The Mrs. Chas. McClure and family, Mr. with a few dollars to the good, and Harvcysb urg Friends Church funeral was held, ~undal' afternoon, would easily have scor d the shut·ou t Mrs. Margaret Thomas and daugh· Do your cookinll on an/J\rnerican he eo richly deserved, in fi ve innings they want to s incerely thank the and Mrs. John McClure and family, from Middle Run church. nev . Bal . ters, Misses Wanda and Thelma, 01 Amos Cook. pastor . public f or giving them such gener· Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith and Beauty Grill; sl:le it at F.)ft-lawk e:s. ·-th e length of ~arn lard, of Blanchester, official inltC In Gret'nvllie. are the guests of Mr. originall v daughter, Ethel, Mrs. Alma Smith, Sunftay, .July 13: Bible School at ous support. tf'rment was made in the Middle and Mrs .. George Har19ock . agreed upon . Bighteen of the Mi · 10:00 a . m .. Anna Stinson, superill' I l"oIlowing are cvents and the win· Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, Mrs. \o' ur· Run cemetery. . Mr. and Mrs. Firman Gallaher and amis' twenty·one put·outs wero ber Smith and Mr. anu Mrs . Wm . F. tilndent. Public Worship and Preach'l ner ~: . Mr. Chenoweth was one of Wayne His catcher , Howard Mr. and Mrs. lanl ey Selle rs . 'of s trike-outs . Weber, all of Cincinnati, Mr . and Mrs Clyde Coleman stopped here. ing, ll :Oe a. m . You ~ilI be wei· Township's oldest citizens. and was Horse Show-Roadster, Wm .Smith Lebanon, s pent Sunday wi th Mrs. Burton, staid loyally wi th him anri L. J . Burnside, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. one of the sterling farmers of this Saturdav afternoon, enroute from corne at all these servIces. Come 1st and E. D. Baily. 2nd. General Eva J ones and dau g hter , Miss caught Il steady game, r e mindin~ community . He leaves a widow and Columbl1~ to her home In Norwood. and let us wo rship Jehovah togelher . Purpose, J. A. McCoy, 1st, and Ed Howard Shutla and Mrs. E T. Ed· Etbelyn. the faithful ot " Broth er 13oh." But wards, of this place. and greeted relatives and friends. three sona. so me of the bOYR ~ h owed the ill ef· Lukens, 2nd . Ladies' Drive, won by fecls of the hard gume in the morn· -. Caesar's Creek Friends Church Mrs. E, S. Baily . Howell Peirce took his daughter. ing, Ilnd the extreme h~at . Try the new Daylight Lamps. fine Mra. Bertha Brickett. alllI three Free·for·AII Race Well, It·s all over now. and such Sundsy School at this church every for Bewin or reading; sold by F. D. children to ~elma, Monduy, whe re another mess won't happen soon. Sunday at 10 o'clock. Preaching Jay Sinamon, Kine .... .............. 1 1 1 Hawke. they will sl)elld some time visiting Botter luck next time, boys. Heads Stlrviee at 11 o'cl ock a. m. You are Samantha, Satterthwaite .. . ...... 2 2 2 relatives. cordially invited to be present. lip! Let's go! Mixed Race J. E . Chenoweth, of Kalamazoo, • '*' • Mich, and F: M. Chenoweth, of - - . Emerson DilL ... .. ... .. .... I 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, of Brook· Xenia, were called here last week on Molly p. Lukens .. ...... ............. 2 2 2 ville, visited friends here, Sunday, account of the death of their father, and took their daughters. th e MisseR RunninK Ha.c e Abulom Chenoweth.' The regular meeting of the W. F, Harold Smith......... .. ...... ......... .. 1 1 M. Society of the M E. Church waa Louise and Carolyn, back with them . The Willa Community House .t The little girls have been spendi ng held In the social rooms of the church the week at the lJarnott homest!lad . Dodd, will have a contest of lhe dlf· The for/'Dal opening of the new Wednesday afternoon, July 2nd. In .. ferent choirs of the county on Wed· Soda Foun'Cain, lee Cream anu Con· absence of the president, the need." July 16th. Mr. WillA haa fectionaryDepartment of The S. rno.,d . Small Pony Race, won by the first vice president, Mrs. Sallsb~y, Friday and Saturday Spe cials at arranwed for aU the choln to .enter Fred Company Lebanon Big Store Gladys Kllbon, presIded . Fred's ' Lebanon Big Store-Boys' the contest, and the speclftcationll will occur Frldav night, July 12, Summer is surely on the way, if After the opening hymn, Mrs. 11.25 T and E Waists , neat stripe, GeorKe Robertson, who lives on asked are th.t the choirs . ling an Speelal orch8lltra mUBic, 7 to 10. not already here. Proof: The first Athletic Events for Boys Salisbury read the I03rd Psalm and military collnr,faatcolors. 9 c; Men's the "'erry r ond, fell ofT a load of anthem, 8 hymn and a patriotic song. Thla will be strictly the Inaugu ral Ch"utauqua Advance Advertising 50 Yard Dash - ~lie Lewis. Mn. Wlllilimaon lead in prayer, This 98c Sport Shirt, 75c: BOY9' '2.50 to lumber. Thursday. nnti W I\.t; injured . Several choirs have signified their nlghtfor this department. -No other SUI)erin~endent of the Coit·Alber 100 Yard Dash-Forrest Hough . intolntlon ot comoetiOir. department will bto open . Chautauqua spent Wt.'<lnesday in i)·Leg l~ce-Satterthwaite & Burton was followed by the reading of the t3.00 Wash Suits. sizes 3 to 8 years, He fell on his bead. lind It was minutes. roll · call alld the disposal of 11.89; Men's 650 4 in·hand ties. 50c; thought for Il time th at he \Va~ seri o ayn esville, ad v isrng wi th the Cha u· Po ta to l{ace-Tom Bu rton, 1st; H ar· other business. The .following pro· Men's Straw Hats, Bailor and Mft OUBly injured , but he Is g tling a long !!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~'!"'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!"!!!!!!'!'!"!!'!'!"!!!!!!!!!' .W teuqua committee and helping to put old Whitaktlr, 2nd. nicely at the present time . gram was then given: shapes, a broken lot clean UP. 69c. out the first consignment of advor Wal/flesr;ille Chautauqua, July 31 to August 4 tlslng matter . Athletic Events for Girls Readlng-"Lald Up Goodness.. ..... He is Lieutenant O. A . Allanson. 50 Yard Dash-Gladys Kllbon, 1st: ................................. .. Mrs. Jolly' who has just been mustered out, and Amy Hopkins, 2nd. ReadinlJ-" As It Degan to Dawn" Waynesville Chautanqua, jul" 31 to August 4 who, except for his year and a hulf ......... ................... Mrs. Gilliland in the army.,..has been with the Coit. Free·for· AII Events Readlng-"Descrlptlve of --1t--flItI.----+----=--=-=---:;;;"='-=-~=--=-=~--;;;v:~'E---....,T --'H -- 'r:Alber Chautauqu(\9 for several years. Fat Men's',~Friemood , 1st; nese Commencement"... ........... ~. L Lieut. Allnnson drove into Waynell' Charlton, 2nd. .. .................. MIBB Louella Janney ville with one of the advertising Lean Men's Race·- Holland, 1st; J. This was followed by, "In Mem· autos. and his Il8siatant placed very Mc))onald, 2nd. L~turer to ory of One Who Has Left Us." a attractive Chauluuq ua advertising Soldiers ' r ug of War, won by Carr beautiful tribute to memory of Mrs. matter throughout the country dis & Funkey. tricts while the Lieutenant met with and Stinson . It was announced that the mile and ad vised the Chautauqua commit· by lh ' Chnul au~ua milD· Puhllc heal! h cond itions followll\ll bonlo 'boxes would be opened at the next tee IlS to the best methurls for a HWC· tJio Influl'f1r.;t Pjlldl'rnlc. I:ORt wln1.Pf . ~"Cn. c nt.s. Th " HI'<I ('ro~B offich Lls meeting anll all me mbers are reo oosstul sellson 'tic ket ..a le, which be· 1lOIntl'(IIy cal! nftrn llon 10 t.ho n e(" '~s l · know \Vho (':\n d lhl s worl< uUlllOri · quested to b~ing them. gins Ilt once. 'ty for I ho sprr..IC II IIJ.: llf !luth,·"ltc In· Ill.l lvrly DurinII' the social h our, refresh· Lieutenant Allnnson and his a88i~ Ou r Ch:lll' II~Ul\ 1M tot1una l£' In ~f'. ments were served by the ladles of formallon li S tn w h itt I)onlfl.unillos ~nn tent left . Th ursday morninll. f or 110 to b~ ~ "" ",t I.Iw rocurrqncc of such c Urll~ Ill " !."rv!c'C!\ o f ~lIl1 R }':Cli lh M .· the first division. unde r the leader· Morrow ship of Mrs. Caflle Cross. The next opldcmlca. Chll utauclu:\ IIIl~H to U,llc ,Ie rln wh o \\'!I ~ Cit n f l)Iu n;n of th o n" I meeting will be on the first Wednes· hold ot Hli en II l' p" rtunIU.'~ for sCI'vlco t!roo<s CnlUllli HHI"" II nd!' r Dr . .Tohii I I. RO It \.toga" to .n a ko th o n Cf'~'''~'lry In· Jt"'i nlny t o Pnl f'R tlll l"' . WJU 'TQ a hf'l wenl In day In August. qutry nllll r,)u,"t that tho iv'.t OI£'lhlld I!II!! 1111<1 froUt wl1 k h K,'nl('n .111' hilS -----... - ---.. Wtll1 tor :\ f1l1l11bi' r of Cllall (:I1 "11I1I 1311' on ly 1'11"1)' r " llIl'I .ud ~11 ";1 \\1;IlI" rill I" 1't'D.1l!-l to f")-(t[l1'rn tl' In Hj'f' u rln g lho n !(r~ dll a l " of J n ltn ~ tI,,),klll " 'I'... lnlng Q
.. ..------
CHAUTAUQUA PLANS UNDER WAY Ja::g:;:~~"~~~',"~~~' . ~; ~:~:
F.'L U?•
Chautauqua Should
Tell How Its Spread Prevented Next Winter
- ..
,·c hnol ; wu_~ · (Orlll r ly Sup, rtIHl' IHll~Il L of IIll ward II n HI)lw l. P.hllllll!·lphl:t: for.
Inrrly S!'I'" rlnl,' "dent
Cameron McLean 1\ Seotel! Humortd-Slnger of Harry Lauder Style Headed b, Cameron MclA'M. fl\mOU8 8coteh III~ng cOmodlBn nf ilia
:BI\JTY Lftuder 1'I~Ie, 11111\ erlo of nrtttlts -wm cteUgbt f:J'Ia\J!.auqul\ BUdloocca on ,till! /VIOOnd d:\f or our p'rogrnm. M.r . 1Ie1.ea:n started IIlnging aa n boy n.., a . )member of a boys' oho.t r In St. Pnul's Episcopal Obllrc:b, Glasgow, !3ooUand, iDflIIl' wblch place be was born on t~ brulks of tbe Clyde. Strloe the n he has .ung all ovor 1110 world, winning medlLls and prlBes 10 eooteste for wblch ilia 'l3cotch nnd Weleb aro famous. Unlike tile usuf\l sSngtng bwnorlst, Mr. McLean haa a beautiful voice. well trained by the . best mlUlters Bnd In ,addltlen to 1110 humOl'OOII oumooJ'!l, bl! wW eontrtbuto BOIoe of tlIll. hl~el!t qaallt} aiUatl7. BeHo'. CI'Ofttea enlbulllatun BIIIP IUId you win IJlIIe bJmandImmeDII~", an nrttst WIlli wbeDeYol' l)eI'IIOIlaJltybeplua-wbJeh moaJlll BU__ ' . . RIll two aaal8tallta ant BPlondld artItItlt, too. all .. DonIa Eva CMe b a petite Ilttln 1IId,. who IIInp IIOIIIDI. p..-tl cIIll4 IDll)Ol'aOlUltiona, IUId playS pIIuICi 8be baa a beaatIfal caIontura .apImIO yotce. MI. Imalo Apathy • C\liUSt 01 .uItT, pIaJIDs tIIat tlUIlcIIIt lDBtrwnont wtth aklll aod soOO . . ~_ _ , ~ .
L . F. Perkins, Chevrolet ... ......... 1:7 Mrs. Perkins, Chevrolet ............ 1·12 The following card has just been Harry Satterthwaite, Saxon ...... 1:13 received from Corp. Robt Burton, whl) hM heen stationed In Russia for Fastest Half MIle the PB!lt year: "Lett Russia June L. F. Perkins, Ch.evrolet. ....... 50 see. 2nd, lurived at Brest, France, June Ralph Smith, Buic:k ... ............ 54 sec. 11t h •. Am feeling fine. The change Best Lady Driver of climate gave me a little cold . • Would like to be in Waynesville. at MISS Frazee ..................... .......... lst Oakdale Park on the Fourth. Give Mrs. KUbon ......... ..................... 2nll tbe b-oys my best, and hope to see ~rs . Perkins ...... .......................rd them in the next f ew weeks ." . Novelty Race-I entries. Corp . Burton arrived at DetroIt. L. F. Perkins ............................. lBt July 4th . and WII.'l tel king to his pa- Roy Clark ............ . .... ............ ~ ... 2nd ren ts on Saturday . He will prob- Donald HendeFllOIl ......... ... ......... 3rd ably be _ here on ___ a visit Th e 0 aJ t on P I)wer & LI g h t · Co . __ • beforeiong. donated an electric Iron and Uld·Jld ironing board for the. Ireneral pur· pose horae claaa.
V I~IU,!g NU r!\n i\l;so l:uJolI. H Il.Tr\tlburg , I ... . before ~ h(' e nl('rc.l he [,,~ d Cross work du ro ) Ing tbl' WflJ'. She' 'Is ruDy competen!,
I\tot only
Ih(' b.oot l11£',lllodH for nrc· • ,_ 'flnl!' 111,- ~ I'r.mtl ot' C' p!t\<'mf()ll-1<1 h otl~ for Llln 1'n(! I\' hlol :U 1l1\<I for th,~ ·" "I(1. "n l~l: . te, follow-·hou,,' b gil'n,f''' >lH I I ho '''It o nt U.C Illek, tIl v,\lu or ,. publi c I I" .ll l lIurS(> III "r~ry com· nIUIlH~· . UlII] oLh r r('lutl'd RuhJ''<'ts. A
~I/!!i Mucll'rhl 11:18 bllt tat 1y r otum N I , fmm PnJ"81In ~, It Is more il1'"o Iilw l)"
• Gho w ilt IIlI V!' ,'m,"lhln/f 10 Ray Ilbo nl. Ihe work uf nll ~ " .. In t.hnl rllr (lIT wnr zonl'... " pn t I"" m'N,tIJlIt Vllhlt' may como I to lUI. nrrll nU"t nl'nl9 h,lv (' I" en 1'1'1;1110 , tnr Miss Mud ria to l'oiltlur t fI rOllnd,
- - - - -.....;,- .~~....,...------
i Iliidl Ill~f'
~ .
. MIB9 Edna Dill, daughter of Mrs. Euphemia Pili, 01 Mt. Holly. and The romalns of Mr. McRannalls, Mr. Raymond Oaborn, son of Mr. -ho was drowned at bToronto, ... h hCan. an d M rs . D_ .,.,n Oabo rn, 0 f near Rid geada, recently, were roug t ere, villA., motored to Lebanon on TbunSatuNlay, to be In ~rred In MIRDII day, Jl1ne 26, and were quletl,y mar. cemetery. Rev. J . F . Cadwallader Carl Sbl!",ood 101d his town prop- ned, ,pending the rest of the week had the committal at the grave. IIr. erty lock.IlP.lut week, at the home of the bride',.unt, near McRannal\a was the·80o.lo·!aw of the to ' Mr. Sber- .luper. Tbelr DIln7 friends ext.end, late Chaa. Broale. wood will 0)111 ratulatioaa, ,.
or hf'T training
CX Il<'rl('nct" bllt b()('t\lIso of I II'J' Icblllty n RI" nol("r. 1.0 bring 1.0 CIU!. 'll"u(Jull.
M. W. Bro. Isaac Kinsey, Grand Master of the State of Ohio, will visit Waynesville LodlCe, Thursday, July 10th, at 2:80 p m . He will be here only a short time, but would like to meet as many members of the lodge as he can In the banquet room. All members are earnestly requested to come and meet the grand master of .the state. --...,..---....
: ta ble atter hor I 'ctur
who h;LVP had tllo O(!COS8lLTY and who posaooa Um IntorinattOn and are oblo to Impart It In· .tercstll\Jtly and I'nlortAlnlng1y to • Chautauqua nudlt'noo. Co-opcmt.loo of 'the American Red Crnsa Willi . .ked 1uI..aurecl aJtllo~ an GDAO_ ~ SPf'nkcr8
Shn'lllso w illi 1>0 ploased to IlIlvlB~ wl~ll gn1np!l o C ptl~r.r'Iiiu:h lUI Molli r 'tr ' , M t ilJ1:<l. Of" tn 'c;:hltd WcU'&'ro OtIlC II~elon.... al)ll to ctiionl'trettons alnn/;
bo . fUId 110
. hygll)llo,
with l'u11.
• It is tho dnsfnl or the Cllrao-
taaqua maDl4':eml'lll th,,{ ... Jri1i.,h IMII_ to aU . . IIQtUre<! front MJ.- lIliIilarla.·..
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mone y herl' rll r ti ll' 1 1" " I"'~"
nnw. ]lfr. Spr" " .~. wll nt 11 yo u !lllIk ' or It 11111" h(' IIl!ju l rc.1. Sprou,,, 1"lIl1f',\ h ll<'l< In h l~ ch fll r. ))ud lIL'u l y n 'lIn,illg-. "I Iltn ('ulllpl .Q ply nt ~PII," 1\1\ ~n lf1. nntl t hlrJw~ l Cluit." " nr hlrn In !',Url ll'!:;\.'. "T~\" .1 0\'(\, r th htl~ II It W0 1l111 n11 hl ' ItR l'INl r nil ,Iny t,, 'yon. 1I ,'r., Is YIIIII' "An!l
pIn!; 111\11 RII I'IlMtllll( 11 11' r" lIl1ll1n IH o r be entente ollles--esp dnlly with th e ~ nlllll IIrl1l), llIut (''', ~hl A(I \,1:1'lI nt- , ee. There nro two brnn h ~f' of Iy In <kr.·usc 'or th ' ~rtI W II . ( I" ,,,, he rnlJng tomlly. one In l,ower; the m '11. II f('w thoU!'mnd 01l ly, u ri' ill "I',' . I lother pracUcally III exll . Th e stl1 I pnt Intc l'n~d In n n ellll'lli rl/ullt r)'. I is 11 one. but Its IntPl!rlty II!. or ICII\'e you 10 gu css \\"1 1111 will IIII III)I'n If !the hIghest. Its lions ond duughtpr~ she BI1CCc lis In ~ 1I " Jll y lll l! 111('111 \\'llh , ,have mllrrled Into th e rUYIII flllllilies nrms nnll nn1UlIInllltm'. Il pr wnrk IR lIellrlr all ot tho grellt nlltloni' of be currIer! on w ith th ~rcflt csi ~,~ I ~e rooUnent. The tlrcsent-or I creey. To brIng UI(O " Lo"y to a closo, I ,lIbould lillY. the Inte ruler. tor lI e (11('" [ "'U R In Nt rllcl lod t o Iw ,!!) cll) ~u \~' lIleh I 1011 a field ot bllttle not muny 1l1Ont}IA on ~ho IIIl1n O'Dowll. J lnll;c d hIm ·ago. hnd no direct h ('lr, B e W ll~ to lhlK IJIII Cll. I Wll ~ on Ih t) 1'" lut o( ,)'oung unmllrrlcd. I nm not per.. r Clwrtlng to Illy SlJllI'l'lIIrK tllIlt II ·· WU 9 jIIIlttec1 to etatll with wbot IIrmy he In no woy n R~"c1 I1("cl WIUI th o IIIIICh· twaa f\gbtlng, nor on wlIlth fl'ont h e SOuJ;;ht,"rt ' r cruwu · 'ollsln, 111 111 thllt , et Groen Flln"y WIIR 118 fr~o frolll IlIlnt as lh o vIII II 1; hll p~I , wh c n out o f II clenr sky 111111 Illllloijt UlII"'r lilY V('ry no. 0 two tll CII w e r e n,ys t""IOIl sl~' ,lonp nWIlY Wllh lit Iho ,' pry ~II I C8 of the plllcc. 'l' h e '''U IIIII' or th"~I' two Chonlli!(\ Ihl' fl KIJOCt ,·ollll'''·lrly. Yo u
nl~o your , vulUn n, nlH1 t ilL' hug full o f-" "HI"hl YII" flr I1," Inl,'rrn ll\I,.1 SP\'OII~(l. " Thnt I. 1111 ~J IIlI'h' l' n'llI~h . Hut. illY ,1<'11 ' lIl1 l'II I'~, " 1111 yo" 10 II ".' \'hllt ~ Ir. ~('j'1't"UI'Y L "l'h'~ rt\1I 1 1I 111 n l' I ,'~ ? \Vhy I III~ I •. ,' "In\)l1 , hl' II hI11l',,"," ", to t il .. · "111111111111 Iltll'. nlld why th .. III C~ hl ll1.Rtlnn? 1 r ef.·!' Lo hl ~ 1IT1l1y (lr hu ~I,J I!H." " tl clrs nPI'"rent uSlln Il' nV I' "'Ime !'o rt or II b .. dY)!"llllrtl, 110." "1 11 ....1"1" ~prt)ll ~c w u s ~t ll rl n~ tl Wtl1;h l (u lly lI' Ih" ,. Illng. \\'1 "'11 h •. 1\1I1111~' I/I\\'('rell hi s l'r\'s It 11'11 " til [II" o'r )I :Il'IICK w \t h 1\ tl PI'!'. InsC'rotnh l !! Sillll l'. " I IIl1ru Nlly t he flr~ t t hing t f) r me to do I ~ to n cl\'l ~f' Ih o Cunn"'llIn flU th or l l\l'~ to kt!c}I II s ha r l1 100 1( o \lt nlong Ule bONer."
Infll1 IlIlc1
'1\I" t lll'(1 \\' '
wQI C 'rtllllll,v lIt;rN ' with III ' ofl !!r I IInvo cx"lullll'tl 10 YO II Ili ll t ·lhl) on!! knu\\'JI 119 AIIIII' 'W It"on \\'II ~ li n eith e r thun th e 'Qltel'l'), \\'ho Itn,I"lIn'ltJrtlll,cn
to find th e
Illlrnes IIntW
\Yom li li.
. IlIH
11 ... -
ot he r eOltlltr~' I,y till' T pUIO lol,·. "11I~'.· ~he iHl 9 ' IIl ', 'n ~lIllpllvorlll:: I " I' "hl'
"Wit hoot dlv1IIglng th e nnmo ot the mise I will sny thot Its 8)'mpnthl os ave been t.rom the outset frt III\\Y to
I !lU li
t:o l 11Ud1 II ~ H Hl lIg I I' " 'flr'l itltt ll'rtlptl .)u or I ntt' rl'l )hJl II()Il~ ~n nlt\ \\ hilt hr f'nt llltl, ..;I y H atill 's l'II I II P t v l h~ "'u tI,
f!put ll' lI IIlU I n \\ I" ....,· hlJthl' ~[ r . ('lI rri~ "\\11"0 II (t " 'lIlh ll t 111 ' \ ' 11 in t ilt· " TliI .. d :-o."lll'~ tlm n prlol· l fl tll~ IIl·p ll llI Il~ or !h e w llr. Sh., WIIR "I ~i lill '! ( .. I I · III I ~ In th ~ " lu(,l 'R HI H I ) m~ " ... ·n IIIHlhl~ lO r turn to !1 (\r f' WU In n", Cnl' , 'PCt)oo.fll) OU!! mllAI h I.h ,. 111" :<. l IlIn : II~ \\" ' 11 c(ltlfl'sS Ihlll b('r flllhP~' WlI H, I·... 1II1l'" rlngll. tin Ullrl (' (1f rh,' l Ute' r ll l.' r ,
Th e First Wayfarer Accepta an In .. (. tatlon.
Burnes lusls l'd thllt tho II!'!'! thin /! to be cou~ltlllrcd "'us the rcl cI\80 ot Mi ss OomeroD. "It we CllII't t lJlnk of Uti:;' other wuy to get 1l .I' out of Ull s d""III"h pr <.llcu. tnlll1l" prOllS~, I 6111\1\ IIPllly to Wllllh. Ington tor help." ".And bo Iflughed nt, Ifly rl'l ' 1Il1," sn ld tllu BeCl'ct ngont. "It IK not fI IUlltlt'r tor the goveMlluent to til '<llli u In lit aU." ., "WeU somethlog bUt! 10 bu
duue at
hrenth. ' , mlud WII K IIIIII\(' I'l l! 1111(\ decld c4 on~c," 1101(\ Tlnrncs ,doggedl:r. "ShO 18 to llOn l 1~~ III'H \\'Ilb Iht' Her ret t''1cnt, I C1ep" llI lIlIg ,I ' ll III . .It you conld bnve but not 1111111 III' wns convInced thllt scml Ih l' li gh t th"t I cnIlcd Into bor glo· till) rcs ult or thl' lr CO-I1IWI'ullon \\'ould rlo,, ~ P\"'~ ",11"11 T- " B
This Antiseptic Liniment Quickly Heals Barbed Wire Cuts Houstonia Liniment Does Not Bum, Smartt Blister Nor Blemish Horses, or other stook, eut or torn by Lurbt,d wire, .ptinbers, protruding nnil s. eto., need Dot suffer long if YO llr ~tu ble IS equipped with 11 boUle of nntlseptio Hous tonia Linilll ' lit. Maoy hOTijemerl who hllv e known a nd \I ~ ..d tlli" splcllClid linimont for yenrs -would not CC!!] Slife Ivit\tnut it. . Houstonia Is tho mORt , humol1o lin iment. you elln use. It does not amurt, but'll, blis ter or otherwl5e fret the ~kin or open' Bo rcs. It 800thes iU8illntly- h co.h quicklY-1.! IIUSCS no bl emi sh, One of Ant o l'i e o's bes t-known horsemen
"Sill Month. Ago ,a Royal HotJ8e Was Oeapol\ed of It. Crown Jewels, Seal
and Oharter," It Is ollly n eN's,o ry to IIny thnt hl8 littl e s tot e "',," Anl, h t.'c\ up by the TeutoniC IIll1 c~. ~'lI c hmllch of the tnmlly mentlon",1 us " eh'g, In
Wall kl\1 ed.
l!lly3 ~
exile l ent Its suppnrt t o th" ell lI S0 tlf Oermany, not for moml renH(m~ hul In the h ope und wIth tho lIl1rl') r~tlllld lUI/:. I om to b elieve. thn,t th ' r r,J\\'1I Inods would he the ro\\'Il rd. Th,' rll r ect heir to tho cro\\'n Is II e"u~I D' .. r the late prInce. Be Is n ow II 1 1I·1 ~" ...' r of wor In Austrlu. Ot:her n l() ulb "r~ o( the fomlly ore 11 Id IlY Ihe 1I1111'lIr1 1l 1l8 Oil I)rl~01ler8 of \\'or. It Is nttl ~ I r..,ldling Ule Iwughlull(ll,l VNY fllr t o I!II'hire them U8 IIlr ully I\elld Ill\d out fir the wn.y: At tbo ~I(JHO of th(' ·wllr. It
w.e ,"
uYes." Bl\ld Ba rn 8, ltl~ n 'rv"~ till' Cllug: .Be WII8 bcginnlll!( to ~ce n
Icd at tho ri ght tl.DlO it will 8U " C mllllV rloU .. rs It I, tI.e ollly Jlnlm 'IIt un ·... rtf) thut will curo l ho- I'u l ~,," of Il 1 1O~ "Ita D. W. DIn,"" . L ondon. OWo.
D.m't risk infeotion in culs, bit e:! , o r wound~. Have Housll' l llllo-e .. nh liniment hlllldy to Ilpp ly lit once, III every erner· gency .
Sold by all dr llgJ;is l $. 25c and SOc.. New Veterinary ai:le, 20
THE DR . J. C. JOKES COMP,\N Y, So. Chor\r. luu. O. J . E . .Jann c)" 'thc Rexull 8t(1T(,. Wllyncsville, ·O hio.
., , , , , .
\ ~I ' . 1I :. ·u dllh' ful " I. !,~ .• ', 1I1 1· 11l~ t ,'1 J, ,\ d
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11I'r d :f' 11 .
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No Ihluicb No chemi nls No wettlng 01 J.lnrml' nt. Re· n e ws the Nop
T' .' r":1
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rt ·t uru l'('
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Harveysburg. Ohio Phone :11 .. 11.-28
1':\'Il h..'I" ly /If ll H' " 1}o-
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II f'h-'lt1 ! \\,;·'11 L!'4 '1 H11I 1IJ! wi tho u t It. , ~ "l tI t'l" · I ' rll~· . , ..,fl "'·\\ lICtl w!I 1 tl l."'1 II ~~ 1 !", 1111) '(1 1' 11111( ' " (If
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One DOUIll
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Tilt ' t ' IIU ~1 tl'i C'l t'l1 l' f or I -------~-.-----~.--~ lit' 1l11I1I1i' IiI . f1ul II 4.'r l ' , ~lt..;~ ('11 Ill · .' ron . ( 'nrF rUI IInw,'· ., , t '..:. ~ ' I '0.; ! I h il I nIH"" no t (1\·,'11 P(' h ,"' \' Lilt \1111 .\ ' IIl r ,; ,'I!' fn 1" .,· \'olt'l', ~"ft Ill lll f'lf'U I· I1lId tl'l 'm . 1 l''''l"tt!. ! I d , : d lll ...! wltl l t! U H(\ I·II(' ~S , ~ar,'I.\~ ,,!tl n n n~c, ' , ','1\,1'1. 1'. .\ 11'. I ~ al'l!4 'o,;;. 1 Ull1 n ", ' I',\'
If your clcak r cun lIot 8UPI,I}, YO l!. fi,'ntl YOIII dollilr 10 ' TIlt' Nllp.tir Co., 12 N•• rlla M nl'kt'l ' Str~l . Chico ~ o, !ll. H till ' N:tl ~.. lir rfl i1~ ill nny rl'S l ,t~\ I
u rr ~ ' Hhll'rl l~',
l' rl,rl·N ~ I \ r 1(0 h ' rt hi" I\JlII 'r it.,u ... lllHdl lbo l.
rr(11l1 ht' t'. ;),11'. fl',I)Uh t ', "
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ol.m'·II I I"" " I,'.
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I tI 1I!oo:1'r l (It.
nil mI'" ~1I1\1~'. ".l.I' .. h" Is ,,~ d('" cI'
II . 1 II , 111\ " hI' Is ~llo will "I11 'IIU I',II!" hllll I I' . '1. 1 11"Iv i \\'olllrl If r ""'r' In h " I,ll " . il;·. (),I1'1\\:(\ I Ill y 11ll 1f111l1. 1( .. 1""' 1
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I <)ufpnlcnl
H"r~... f)rawn Eq uillOlenl
HI catch
fin ld
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th e l Tli!l lt. l\tr. ~1"· ' lU:""'·. " rn t h,,\, ,,100111 11.\ . I II · ,1111
not 111\1 ' tu thllll< nf tht , 1I 1,-tlill I...
1I11gh t llllVC 1n I,,·
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WA~n' l!;j) f O :i .. II OIt "tlug Ofl~,l( rllll e I1l1d p"lll 1". t:;a 11l1y u r I' mtl\l ~ s lno . I\ ddr~s" 1' 1111 L fl nu ox Otl & PIIIIlI
1... 1"111' "\ ,./\ n 'lIlul-.' ly l·l lg ltll<' tu
( ",, ('I v r lund. Ohi o.
he r
f'tllllll r·J.·s t hrcl l lt''f'' HHt'lUutl· lr , )l':-O," !oOultl ~llr .. u ~", .. ~o rt' I1IQll' l ~ tl lnt Shl\ 4' ottl l l IJ llt r ry
h il l) 1I1tl' (,'1','\\11 \\'llh,,"t 11 11'111"
m uch
I h fl Uj(ht 1(1 [Utili' cfl mplk a· lIoos?" h,' \·f'! III1I·l'll. "Shl" rl It!! jllKt 11 8 Slife I n t11111'rylnJ!' 0 '1),, \\,,1 II ~ ~ h" \ '('ul!1 In lI111rl'yllll{
ht ~ d
UllI n's
IlhHIJ:hr, "S:I 't' lu\rl" Mr. l lf II. pllln n llll,lll \'I~l t I" <;rCell
Harm'S, I"on ~y I n lll~ht.
will I.lln' t n (,OIllC fl' lI l11 Ih~ o ll tsille. It will !t,e ,11I111:(1 roll ~-t"l'I'lbly 1I I1 u l:~ r.
011 ' -" I' Ynti
O'Oowd w ill not £l s·l st
) ' 011 t o ('::c'U))f'?"
" I(c u r~t·!'O
InC' to ~tllY
h.:-r o nnll take 01" dllll ... (·S, II" 1... llc\·,'" thllt every.. n ;11I1< w ill 111m Ollt \",;11 fo r II"" In th e PIUI, hu t 1 nm fr l~h t (l ll cri. I must get
II nw \\'oul,1 ),,111 li ke 1 ... t o n (;",om puny III 1 ' • ''J'tl IIkl' n,lhlng hetter," ,,calll 1I\I'1l>' f colll Ihl H III " ".,." !lo r".'". w l lh n tlI1lSIIl~ tn. "'l'hclI kpPll YOllr l' YCR IIml ('n rs opeD " Wil l YIl U 1\1'1'~e 10 oh y 1 1\~lruc· f or thl: III'xl nl!(h t (lr two. 'n n you tl OIl. ? I run' t h ll \'o )·o u IIm,hllln" ( I'll 1111' lI'1!pn' \ '''"1' I'!lorn 18 locn t e"?"' '. th l ngE! Il l'. Y'/II I<n o\l'." " Jf Is nn" 1II11ht UI) ; Ilw O""t Jf th II"nW · J.!!·OllI Hl!-; urt· cHI't, rlllly J.,.'1lf1f( l· i \\' 0 w l llt1 '1\\'~ III my r otlll1 i R the t l lt rrI cd ,'! Eml ll nUI'III '~, uftl~ r t llpy huci dis- tn tll P t'ich r o t' tll tl ~lltrllllC(!. ] Hill cUHscd tlll ' IIrt1jl'ct f IJ I' SO llll' 11111", ,'n n fl l l"n l I hili ~"n1£'!) n (' 10 o;lntl(lnc<l ",Mls5 Cll " "!l'''" It< C,, " ~l lIlItl~' ",,,10,1' helH\\' Illy \\t n ( I' I\\"~ 1111 nlJ!'ht Inll{r," U ,I O \\'fll{"(ll'ul e),n (If un ur 1I10 ro of "Y"II ~IIII 11I ,ls\ th ll t 1 (lin not t tJle Cl'Oll'd." "11 11 ' "" Ill p 11lI lhll l'I{I~~ f l) r h,] lu?" "1 kno\\'. I pllss,.,l II cOllp l. , of tlt e1ll I n~t nlJ!'ht." slI ltl SP I'CIIIS" 1'1111111)'. fOUr UI O ~·ny. d on' t YOII ti ,l Ilk It '~ol ll ~ b.. ,. ry I)n lltl~ or you 10 hHlte I I .. 01' '~ n l~nn r.y Pllrt l' n"~r h 'ro to hll \'u 1111 .. III· f n xh luul'd C!llllItI·y rllllll OI' \\ Ith y .. u ionll(hl ~ " ''It \\"1.11111 I", \ls ... \o'~s, Mr. Sl! l'illI ~ '. '.Phey wll) H ilt romQ." "1 11111 I" rf :Ol:tl y OWQI'e (I f th nl. hut It \\'1),, '1 ,10 1111)' h ll rlll t o ,, '1. th ~II I.
wIll 1[1" H al'lll's cP'lI r k lecl.
"1 ~"I'. l';s lllhIlHl!Ill;! ". ~"""I r liS :111 I II II (II.'CII I t.YI'll ll lo"LI,!r . nll't" " Up t O'J.)lIw fl 0 11 th l! l l "{'phol H' fi nd II sk 1111I1 If t1 II:Y ( 'n ll (" III".... ~ 1I 1i1 I SVf1 tlltj l'.
"!till tll", 'I' I ~ .J r l""~ t il c"'I~I,I'·I·. 'I' he tt''' 'I ,II" " .' I~ III hl K nUl<! '. \\'Im' 11'\11
hl 'tll"",- " i :~ 11 11 r Ig hl," snltl H pr o \l ~c · "Co lfl'" "1"11~. YIIII tlill m il UI' f rOl" ill Y rtJo lll." H I] ~l' lIll h' ll ~I y ly . " .JlIllt ' :{
hr lt· "y.
":-';11 "'1 II tld ll ;'; '\R YOIl Iwo\\,." ·
h l p.
rl)llill .
IllpJ)ltlj( III
t ll ~ tn \l c (1
(·ul ·I'yi ng-.
n f\' l pl)1t" rl O In W 11' l"
l1J1 .'t lll r~
'1'1.,1/ 11 Jl ll Jl t (U f' itlltl' ul u ~ Hd l' In t ho col· tn r (Ir I I". ' I' U \ ' I"' IJ , IICI Cl(l !4 l~ tI tl l P door
tu 111:-; lIlth- l'tlOIII IIU tit ' 1f11' flrtllr. "\\'101 . tll p la llcllOl' t)'s lI J1pr nvn l, " he eX ldll h lPll. \l (tln rln~ to tl HI t n~t1' UI1H' n t, "but unh.llowll t (1 th f' t eh~ J,llIn 11(l {'()tnpnllY· YO II "' flY lo t' "'ire. rll ll 111m u JJ nhout hfllf posl 11'11. O']) j)\~ 11 IIIfly h e .lIp nt this IIllhn1s hll ill', hut not . she.
Now J "'list hu oil' til
, I\ SC lI "~
wll h MrN. .11111 Cnnll'Y. '1'111' lu,roest 1111rl 1)( lilY joh Is I.. !rl'l' jl II t' r from HIIJ, SCI""III)lt fOIl' II ,l't nr Dkk"lIB. COD'
1 l',V'~ IHIII SC IN no t r o r from Orc'e u /' Fun")'. I avvy?'1 Hnl'll ... ~. 1L'ft tn IIIH owri 11('t'lces, " 'lIn,h' r ell f!'llrn tllJlrrtlllll tn IIM,'h.
EY L " "U fld M ON oloutll ' I., I
ItV tl SH,ok.
ti n
,I ,. hu Illlr1J lufl, All e n
Bni IllI nAt, X PI ,]I\, OhIo .
DR. J. W. MILLER. ... DENTIST•.• ~
H. E. HA'fHAW A \ .
/\" \Y ''''~ ville'8 Lelldlofl' fklD"~1 Office In H .ltn"R ntdll MI\ln K&
1\ ri ll ~ ,'cu Ulllt\ " rlg(lIofC!IL- ,
N ;:o tol' boo lt h~
"Hellol Ho w Are You This Morn ing?"
,ou." WII~ ~(lr l\ lI ~fI ' ~ lliwlln.-;fu(·to r y Tt"Rp0 1lt·ll~.
DAY 011 NIGI11
I:!MeN S ALE (Jlrl (l fl! fu r lu llTl
In tlH..' !'oub"
j U)!rl llolJ of ?\ tr. () ' J III\\ d . "Thi ll '" I .. IL rJltht'r i llll'flrtlfilt q u. · .. tlnu 1',1 1ik~ to
f.iJl rll 1U.·(\ I llul
''Yllllr , Liniment ought to bo In
Gertnnny IS vleturlt ,uS. Ilw cr uw lI ,will bl! pillced upon ' til ' II\'/ld (If th " I ,r tendf!.f brauch. Ar , YIJU r f.llluwlllf!
WI I11 0 111
I '-'Fl t" 1
tra' flf thf' 1h(l ",.'ulnr ~1J C'Nt hull f'h.l(,c ~lIlIltl
'I'll" IHU t' your clothe .
I l d.:J
'-' Ug'!'I'
111 li n . JlIII,' fll' ltll up'· :t In" h •. t lllt '
)'flU hll vc II\t ' l a t Un·.,l u Ij·u lu.·y. Ahout 8U; weeks IIgo II f,lnll l'r dllllJrry III tbe roynl hn1l ~~hnli! nrrl.- ~ ,I In " '1\' .... ork Thrnlll''' hllll I h':1r1lt' d 11",1 II,, · ,hlll:h·
"It WJI!ool tn~' war or 11l " ' l llt "lt~ I'HIIt.,.t'nl ng
t h t' wh ,, '" , !o"r.
as ('[\ ily ns
\'oJ ,
TIus is it- .- Jusl
""'h u l (!II y~11I 1'11 ' 11 11'(' " CUll It' \\Il h n u' til , IllY "(lOll '."' ~Ilttl nflr' I)C'~ . : 1IJ1J1rt ~~I IlL:" III " . ' \dll'll\t\ ltt. ... t hll1k 1 ('JI ll '- ' 11 ~nll \\11, ' 1'1 t--: III , I!{lind" In'lIt ti "Jl l IIt4lr~' OWL, 011 pug hf 101, no",."
I R I!" 1'1 11111 Ih ll! 1111' Im l n I IIl1. IIit 1killl! fd r \\' IIS Il ( , It·"d \If ~'ullfl:':: l ' tH"lh, . w h o U1l1l' rll' fl II !\II~ .. " ' )'(1 \\.) II I LIH I' I·m till' Ifullu rtl ltll' ," I~." (,'1)11\\'1. dllll :.,: ht(· r I 11111 I! 'II 'S~' lit llil Irl~h """ ' r IJ IH] :-:Ist t'r nr th, · dwp
II n l
nml- ," " "Just II mOlo rnt. You "x p ~('1 IlIIt to nbuse the hosplfoollt)' of- " " I shnll hn\'" tn B(Jcn k Illnln ly, 1 IICC:' lie leo noo (or\\, II ril. fi )(h l /( Barnes wall II pn Ir of ~tcnt\y. f'Ort1 cst 'eyes., "Six months ngo II cl't nlu Ttl,!''' I h ouse In Illurope . WIl8 desp,,'.' ed c,r I1 H jewels. Its privy 8elll, t til 1II0~t prl>"'(lll~ IItate docunielli s nnel Its IllIrt('r. '1' hpy llave bOO . 1\ tt'IlCed to the lilt 'cl StilleR. I 'om h ere to recov r tb~m. Thlll.s the foundaUoo of 'my s torY, "Mr.
~nld .
f\ nil}llg PUt )'11\11
quIte Imposslhl ~ for Ill!' til gf' 1 III ~ hl(' that hnu se, You npl'Cll r t ••••IIVI' Ih .. entree. You Ilr workill/! tn th." ti ll!"!; , I'Ucsslng nt c\' crylltln/!, Ing lit n " thlng. II~' ('nllll""h)/! for ... ,'s we ~hould bring thlll thlllt( t" 1\ hpltd.
jUjo: l \, h :\ l 1 \,' Hllt t.) III' !"'IU'U
Ilh out." 111\
hllit'd In
~l' \'(' rll l ~1 ' Hr ~ IIJ.:n,
111111 ,.lilh· II
look lillf' n
tllCtm .
Spl .'I1 ... .. "Hr '
"'I'IIU 1 ' ~
PH''';, ''
u"r(>s t s 11,, ' n ',
fir \\ I'I HII,
~ II'.
" :'{h\. t'l)lIld d .. 1)(1 \\'I'IIIIl:," \\' h 1"1· ",,01 1 H IL I'tli ':': r'-'Ill Iwd hb !llIn d l1(' l'(l!{!-o l it, . 1.,ltI.· JlII.1 lu ltl Il OH SI'I'on:~f'· ...;. II I ~ t .\ .·..: \\(1r,' , lltlldll~,
U\\ ' hH l h 'c! ~"\I tu l=IoU .... , " ' f" Ihll t 'H' If<' II I nrc' l 'lI 1'~ :l1l('~, :'\t r , ~JlI'''I1'''''7'' "IIISI ,,") . II b 1(111'\\"11 111II1 Ihls ~Ir. Cu rtl~ IlH ~ ~JlI 'n1 11 1-:"1'1 '11 1 ' kill u f lllHe In Ihe ('Ul lll1r," Idlud pd Ip A~ 1\ IUlltt e r of flld lil~ !'It' ll. \\hn If" d in 1.00dun, )11111 rn Cll l 'r l'xl t' Il ~I\' ., ll ll :-; lIh '~~ 10-
8 U" ·
II '
~tUII \' <h'lIY \ Ol j ',I' U.IW:: "t f' r
,'nU Il' III h h l ftll l i' I'III . 111 ... 1111 1' 1. It \\lIu l.1 1.1' IIl lpn lo"o{lI lit' fur I IIl\1 1I 11\'C' I 'pt h i .. J" ltlll 11t \ 111111 1111. 'f lip 1 1'l s hllltl ll \\H~ ,Lm y 1111" tcIIQ(l ·l l\lIllOr ,'<l th llt 1\111"11 (.... t,Ull ft h n p" , "lIy I h,' \\' 11'. (1'110\\'(1. I 'll III\(' t,, 1 ' JI"nk w il li ~ 11 :-.~ (' tlllh "'On If ~II\' , '11 11 ' mi l " 1(1 t llf' H'i,'p Jlllllt'," " 1.1111' , lip ~ lIl' l 'l'l~ vf l If ~' oll nr,· ('lit
1, 1
II1H lI lI'lil.
t" h lth, '!", \'.111'1\ i ll :l l
ftll l ~ 1
JlV(' ItO \1I111 .t l,I" h l h ' Htt Ii; f)'r 1 .' •·..s t 01 t h .. I Ilirt," t t'Y IH';!1:I·t! 111 111 ' , lay tl Jl'\' ,' ,r'(' I '"'J 1\1 11",11 ,.( lilt · \". 'l'c ·lt·d c!f ':ltli of .... 10 I'l'ftl' l lOoIfr l": II \ ll olp Inrt 111 Hf. \\. h l l(· Ihl',\' ('lIlIld ll t l"'tf't ' \ " lis J l llrf~' II Il'.\' \\ pul t! , II " tld l ght. ,d h ~
"Tllt' rf ' {'Jllilto l I .. • f \'· " \\'11,\':-0 'Ir 1nnl;,· In ,&.: til It, !'-Ir," ~Hld ~1·r()H:-:(t. "ftc 'I' H '
111 1~ 1Il 1l "
Ifl l l' ll1
;., ,/1. 1 ••
, t:'
,,;l\nv Suit ur ",kirt .Il,. j· I ~::I
I. t
" wit,,\\, JIll \ • ur.\ Yit1l l llhs
o'r lll,,"" \~'1'; lIy Itl ' \\'H1J '
.II I.,'."
(H '4'-
tl IU '
rOIlH\~ t. .
hn.v~n ' t
rn n tlc 01\(\." UBy RlIl;gl'stl I) II , Mr. H nrll~!'I .
)ll1rNl t (1 " lllt l '
""p t It. ....
c1nctly. "Arc- you loclluC() t. favor my proposltlon ' " "You
, IClIWI U 'ltlll.
Iht' I p Il l - 111 11 ".1' It 11111'", 11 WH l'd \\tli h·, 'lPlh, ' rt' d In h. m Ih, ·I·... I :1111 h.'rl' I,
pr.. so
" '~UIl
t'I'J!'fll'l1 lr l}4 h lill 11:-0 III,' a\·(. '\ t'" Ilf Ih p ('1" 1\\' 11 , ~ tI\\ , ; \ l r, III . '
pili d . \\ n ill~ 41.1 '." f ' ' ' ) rlll i i d' '-;11/111 , Il l)'. ~ \ ·lIh',·r pl1l1 '1" (';11111' h ll ll h l ~ rue.'. "YIIU , III "Il l 111 1, 11" ... 111 1111 tlh' t-ll l lll l ~ ti I IH . I Jn\j lll't 1 IUlldt, It I IIIII H 1', :" ,\1
"r :,,"
tilt \
! hut
:-; p n \\l~\': '
t tl Iw ll "\ I' tl"l:IC 1114' "l l' lI \ \ 1\ 11 ' 111111 ~ hf' I~ hll 11"'1'11 1 t i ll.' t r. 'IISUrt l 11:1\1 ' I H'I n clup l'cl d ll wrong?"
" "llIlt ' :""1"' 0
" 1 :t IIe'lI ld
r" lUfn,
!'\(tl \1 I"h'
Hurl"'::. \\ 1t 114'UI h ' llllIj.! )"11 It llW 111 :1\ 1'
Eleven dollnr" anrl sixty " _ ~. 'fou were uOde r 8U81)lcloll until 1 11I1n" Ul' tb o recel \'ur. I IlIIlY sny ." "Jones hns " COI'II tulkl n" t\l Ytl U," Mid nl\rn~ s, "!lut you su\(I II IlllllUtJul ogo thot you \\'t'rll up ot GI'~CU Funcy 1llSt IIll;ht. Not by 111\'1111(\ 0 11. I t nk~ "1 luvlt d UlS ~t) lf," ~ nld
<'IUllltpl UII Hrrh ' l.·ll
\ '11 11 I ,
I h ~l If . :. 1It' , ... ;1 11a11 y IIf l' I'4'I' h 'l hL: tll i~ Hl."! lt'u j,nll'I'rtY ~It\' uught t., ' It~ 1'11111 hl ·d. .111 11 Jo., flu' plnl't' for h .' I·.
lit ' 1:4. IH' I\lIlJl~' .....dlt·,II'II~ Ilgnll1 !it It I ho\'e' 11l'I ' n nrd, ' t'I'd 111 •. I I run him I n f' urth . r tl l' t 11' 1'4' ~ "\·11'.\
II n'j"H
I III(?"
rll1t.n Jl J\t I I1 ~I'
St't ll rt 't1
n ll l ~'
t e rl'd h1tn .... \·lf tl\ ' HIIHtl/l 'H I t' 1tC"·I"'" In J ~11 1'1I1 h ' h'II I'n t' tl hut I''-'t ' rlil ly t hfl( whlh' Ih ' pn' II'IlI)." It) I.t· 1t1),,1 10 th"
"In till' Cr. t pine!', ~l r. h l,rnM'; Sprouse. sn l Un" hl~ ~!:Io:~. "Y llU hll\'l' b \ n ' Ihlnklng IJIn t J wa H ~~ lIl II.,\\,II t rom ar en ~'Ol1 CY ~PY ,n YOII , In" Ihllt RI) '" "J 0111 IIn s\\' ring nn qll~"' II"n !l. ~I l'. Sprollsc." "YCIU wore wrol1,&r," ~Hl l1 RprIl1l9f'. ns If Dorol's bod onNw,'r!'11 tn 1111' IlOh'· rn nU,-'e-. til UUl wnrklng nn Illy I)WII. Y ou mill' hn\'o obser\'\)(1 Ih nl t did "nl n comJlnny tlw ~ ht' rHr!'i 11O ~ St"l loday. I wos up In norm'lIle /!(,III"~ tI", nnn i ,,'o rd trum Nt'\\' York Ihlll yll ll \\" ' 1'" nn tho l evel. I lel c llhonpd 10 N,'''' Yurk .
,"I I,·I)o!
";\ ,,[<,,",,11 .. ," "" ' 1'11 ," 1',·e-lll1 P :lI'flt:-t. lotl'od 'H.'lnc 11
..c.:: ~~~~
I 41 ' ,1( 1"'" '",,
... \)1,,1 PU t nt l'.l l tit' J f ilii " ... ilr"- 111\11 f'lfl11 t 11l ~: 'IIf'r let ,'1 {llI'n \\,Ih, Ilim j , I'nrl .... '· , ",\or! ,,\ l ll~d 111 , U ' I ' 11'". 111 ·," ,,1ft. II r, I I ~ U jll,n ,.... .t ttl f ;UI Jj'" 11',,'1.\'
Author <>f "GR J\USTA RK," "THE
I " Utltl', \
Il,H !tIU!.:
'11lt t tlt r Iy,
1)1 ,
- t,
"yneon. 1lIe, ()
S OME floll Mixed lI llY f ur ~fllu. In. qulrtl of () L. Iti ell~. R. fl. ~. W6 ynosvfl lo,Ohln j ll
T his t'liM /IOO ehon Ir1 00 trrfl t 1 M AMn •• C I!:LEI"\.Y PL N - \l Oll IJor hun. liS t bo f1 mt Ulln l\t1Irf~1 100 '11 ~q (If ttl" ~ K..",'IA 1I1)1>elU'll. Wheo tbtH is dorm n 1111 1111r of e h,,!! StroaRIl .,dr(,It. , Inilio d o~oof Ch nmhcrillin's CoHo. 'hoi R . n ,. Wu yul'!I vtlh-. Obl" . jO I ,' m I.nll Dillrrllo('n U l'IIlI IUY will olTuct II . H our! ' o f Hrnndlull iSblwp. fill III I·nro . TlIJs rom ooyclto t11wILYH bo (1l' ((ood onnrlltlol"l, luqoire of Ilr n!l''l'l lllJOn oven In tho most BOVllre and Lo ul ~ b'lrp", n 0.3 , WII yu allvi II,., O. ·hmgtl rn\ts co.qea. and should bo kopt lit lan() r ll.1dy for instant UIICl. Nover leave , jO ."n' '10 " journev wlth01lt tt
!.,Ir.: 2
Two porkers ml't Une slimmer mom, J liSt outside a fence l3ehind a fi eld of com.
And thcfollow illg" con vcrsation took place be l ween them: JJ ig Hog- " B tl vcyou tried the fence all arollnd?" , mall Hog-" E very nook and cranny, nnd there " is not a place around the fi ld that can be rooted up so that we can l'njoy that lusciolls new com." Big Hog-"Can' t you grub under the fence and breuk a board?" ' Small Hog-" That would do no good, for tl~e lumber came'. from MADnEN~S, and that means that it is so _good there is no pOSSIble way of gettmg through it." The moral is pla inly evident to_alL
lViadden's Darn and house lumber cannot be E'Xcelled and the prices are within reach of everybody. . He handles everything that goes in"; to the building in the way of lumber; also, cement for your walks.. .
Madden & Co.,
Waynesville, Ohio
creal light. "Alm08t
uoll r the noscs of Ih"
lett by tile T Ollton lc 0111e8 to the Invsded t e rrltury tho "row n
ehnrter and IlO furth, l",rNO· 8 '8 th ..), ~II)' In 1 'j!nl parlance, ,,'eN' !,urn'llIl t ll'll)"I)' rCUlm I'd
tore mentlont'd,
holD the j)II.IIIl'Q onll IIIJI rlt ..,)
II \\,lIr \l •
10)'81 to UIt' hlllnil 11I"fI llr h of Itbe fawll)'. II. (hs\'o ~"ltcll. 1 11111 n· ..... hi tbe .. trort to r"c(l "~r IlIl' tn. ,- "!row we COIIIB to lilt! pre "lit sl1u·
a- 81C1Qtha II~O n
lU"ml)er or ........ roJlll boull4' nrrh' " In
....., b7 WII7 of J1I1'3n. II .. 18
eouID at til. <'!'Own. aDd ......
HOME by J:lck
.Waynenille Chautauqua, July 31
r---------------------________________ ________ __________ ~~
n . Ce ll AN E,
Ed it or a mI hlI.Jl i. h,·r. \\
")lll ~ \llIc. Ohio
Slibscri nt iull I rke, $1.»11 per y~Hr
0' Preald nt WilSOn's F ;lll, rit
Llmcriok t o Spcak He r",
I ~
~nd I ~f
Mr. a nd Mrll. E. R. RUDltolph ohlldren , I'It Dnytt'lD, wer e ICO PIlt,II of III', flnd MrR. \ ~, FI, l"l\ul h, 'rnetl,IAY. Mrs P " ullna Rerll""11 h •. ~ h 0 li m...
MIsij68 DhulHIo Il nrl H ll t lJ t:urJll 'l&t'1 ncll Tl~
hI Jl ~t, ... t, '1 Iuu , ... nlt1 n t IIlttll l llt.t"" , I<tlo:111111\ Btn""'I' ~ 111IrI H..... ,1l1II & h ll ll )' 1'411 0" " I :" ,);l liuH.I. I~ ", .. x hlt'I'"II .. rll nllll "nil 1I1t;!.t .. t, U",y ron , II'rIOIlV. ,11,1,' 20 'L'h h f11l0ttl,hlllll l ',!! f ,f II •.," L 11 ,)(1 '(04 (:lr.utt,M,t· H'"HV toI ' 1. 1)11 ,hi' 'I " H!t t.f~-; ')
The wllrhl -I:O
on It~ lrf), ' Itl O JIt' m.4\"tt of" th', Irl M I ~lZ ' t Ollt,"I II. nIN~ til. , 111011 1.1 0 IIIl1n~ ij Orll~h'" "r 111 11 (11111 .. 1.1'\' . Nil
hl'." ill lIlt<
' , 10' , 1
'''n,n ,'
t .....
Hluun l ri lll\ of
t~nllrJl "l nH
HOHIt'1I,HUl wh i l'l. f. !tthlrt'" JJrr) 1411111 ,,11 IIl"V 10 .. 10" ,1 w h " " it 1 ~~ 'I\It' r1
Am e rIcan alnge IIrtl Hta do not t o pe rrorm tor Oer mu n
Ulllt " 11"lIrt"r '"I II mIllion III ' \lt1l1" !If' ""'1'11111110>4" )\11I·t In " ~' " f~ l <'l
cur e
Bllltl SCm o nL. Nll!nrdlo88 of tho NlIII ""'I n r ",,, rol .. - "IX till. "" It R (urn s. Milo. Dnzlo. l olHln ncor" ,"R" y 'If t,h " loll! "fI.od f,; llIlft, th '" hnd n coblo from tb o dl,octor or h"ve f' Vtl r fl ve r hpf o rll be ·u I"'"n to th Oorltn Wlnte rga,d on telling line Iflflln ton' exhlhltlon All A I ~A hor to nom e he r own terms tor nn enrly nppearanC1! there . "I do '" tlA ~ 111'" t~ In pr n p Mtlnn Th., not cnre to Bc t too t on Ger mnn aPIlUIO ";~rA !'lUhrnon "" th" ""Irld's Boll. German opp,oclatiOn Is not forllm 'Mt olr(lOIl pur rnrm urll 'I'h oro WbAt I nm lookl"" tor," wn ft be, lUll I h rAA h n nr,. Itt n "vf,l\I'-II nnet Ilg .. ~ . • eolll\lion,,1 lIolR Tho mAoaloll.rle I@ - -- ~ fllr Rllrl aWIlY t,h n mOBt oolollllni e ~ep &r"v l' l .. d . "'or In NlnOO(\-" h urd o f Sullscrille fur th e Millml Gazelle. "Igbt I(lrofl'eR lire I'xhthltflct In Illooe of the two or thr4le Rhown In the p"" b The ~rA lit tooroam e ut whloh 01)(1",' t110 m'lio !ftnt. p ro"rllm, IR 'he $ IUU Ueward, $IUU IlIn,,' nlflj(lIdli'fl nt I,hln g 111 l '"Il I'"olry ' I~ht , n 'lIrh ' T.H or thI s JtllJllJr wi ll bo Y'" 1"''''1101\(1 10 All 1' ,1 1'1 ' . linn VII '/L'w d lft h..'u !'n nun 111\.'1' 0 IN III I ca J:Jl (tr",1H "\1011 I.""flr ml _ nf I(tlr/.(f'''\I~ly ...\ rV· tI' ·)IIII. 'd ,lito! H Mo thal a:wl Bee hUH O<))4lnrnlld o hllrll tl l"r~ 1111.' hl'lIl1~\fo l hl't' rt a h h ' l o c ur o III nil It l'l :il t.1 J;l:H DUll t 1t-4 I'alar- rh . ILtUITh IJldn~ gl'l.:u. ll)· h nrltl'" hllw IIIHI In It.. '1'h .. ru n rn 10thll n (IU\' IIt, l' U h y ' o n ~ t It Utlu f lill l.'uudiliullH IIIIiI Ah en t !.R hd A Iii Ih n Illn/1A.t nod lI ' qull'(lH cOI1,H ILlIlIUllnl In,,,' a tm 11 1. H u.l!'.!:; Vlurrh I.· tlldtl l it tUlH.lI1 IlI.t I'HUIl)' m llt!t l!tlllh1nt, IWOr I(t von II n y w lwro. IIntt ne 1!1 I h,' 11 t hO 1J1ood n t hO .\lu ' (JUS H Iq 1\ tl I·llll""(\ I)UH I\UI'llr 1)lr o n~ t hllt ~\lrr I Ut(Jjf o r th O SYl' t tn, t1 1crc=by dc ~ tr llyln ~;" th o (oululnt-Ion o r th o dI 6CU.ttO. b"mlll\ rlm.orl ll!lon
I" ,t.
dl "covered.
Y 0 11 bc·licve in foir 1110y in business? Then demand the genuine. bottled Coen·CoIn. whiCh from this Jotc will be pnched onlY in this new nnd .d is ti nct ive bottle.
t:!' n o~ t, ~
•10, 1)1010.
S(1 111 loy" "
Uruggl" te. 7 hc.
The Practical Car
K .J.
'l' hl ' It U ! l lfl l' til
I '",·-t ld. 'ill
RAY F. MILLS, Dealer Phone ,.
Way nesv lIIe .1011 10
&1 ." H:I,
The Daytull L~ ca· .ola i; u ilIl:·
of Mr nud
~l a lO JJ I 5 ilo me Ph one 6.J7)
i\1I)er fnrc ':;.11",1 will 11 111" " " ' a t ,llir <' Iorult nll<ll111 In 011 0 or hI , " 'Irrlug 1" C lUfl~ ~. cOUI·se. YO U III' ,· f lLlll llhLf ,,1110 ,hI. Illlll 'rlr·k. IIH(,(\ IarKI ' I.\' b) 1\lr. \Vil""n durIng hh, Ca ll'I);t\ g n foJ' th, ' ~ 'JV 'I'lll "'"IIIJ,1 of N e w ,I r~ Y. ami hi s firHt ca mI.alg n for UI I' I l r'!.~hJcJ)cy . 11 runs :
~ lIlil h.
- --_4 __,_--
\'.lIBun ob f Jlvnt'ltp Ilm (>1'1 k h n!'4 j n ln l"d lit. · ('o l t,
beauty I'm not
great Alar.
Thero lim other s 1U0re bllnt:l.~om e by fnr Bllt UJy faCl'. I don't mInd It, 11 <'.altAI! I'm I""llnd It. "I'I ~ 1'1It! fulks 10 till" frollt til" l I jar. Anthon)' 1':uw, r. n.' nl Ih.· mOHl brllllnnt of 1)Tl'scnt .. h,y A:merll'a n n ows11"1'''' Ikll'tH. IR th,. tl lllhnt nr th., lin')J!, Jll ij "l1 I1 YI11 s of Our V all!'y," "C hrisluVh ('r (',Irk' )t 1111 ('Ill ~ . " 1,,"1 "lh.·r bOl) k ~ J,lIV I! had IL wIde d rculntl oo. find In II()\'TIIX lin 111 ' WI ll' II ' ha.~ rl ~"11 to ~ l l lom dl ll hl'ighI H. n olably In t h ,' IlOf'tu. " Halg 1f 1J 101 ~ UfO Ll lw" l vlril(' I nl, ' r)Jr\ll a l llln or lh(· hulld og lellacit), of TolUlllJ' Mr. t:uwl' r ttn.~ b I'n In G. 'rIIlaO)' , ulllc rllllnlng Ih Holdl n r 3 o r tho Anny of O'l: Ulflltlull. H e r"lurnoo lO) Atll('r lr.a In time to !.Ake up C ha.ullluQua worit IlurtnJ( t.he ~ Ulnlll r , li nd wIth /I lund of o,, \\, malorlal . H e will aPP(,JU' on !.be I,I atronll 10 r " ,uJlogH rrum hI" OWII wo,k s .
SAXON -'SIX" A comparison of the fea tures of SaXOn" Six" with thos of higher priced cars discloses a Dig Credit Balance in favor of Saxon
Mr. "1111 Mr ". C E J ohn" nod po u . UI " nu , t,f1ok I:l unetar dlnu"r 10 Wil_ mi ng t on, th e l(u O~ f~ o f MI· ~ . fin d Mre.
,"0 11lU
V" tl!"
Wlllt C' r I(ft nrick Ilnll 80Ut I .. y II, ~ n~h. ~
Ill) u'Ir 1,o1Tlc.
( l'lttl
Mn .
l"lll~1I1 ~ tr u lI"th by hul loj· .1I 1oS \II) "hd t.:l,n"UllllICJ n IUltJ UJ4 l'4 l ~ tlng t1nhl'l' t il d u ln,.; tu w ork. Th o " rtl ..
h (Olth fll th a c,.r1111"(1 1) "I\' ~ r. 01' lIul l'A '''\IIrt'1I Modi· 1("111\' Lt ut t tI \l'~' urre r On l1un dred I '~" I II I'. ro,· IIflY 'c,,< Ihnt It fl\ll ~ I" curo. 1'.·" ,1 r,,, li,,1 ur I ,·. !llII on lu I• . Ad,lf·, '." I·' . .I . ClfIo:N I'; \'.. ·V., Tlll o·
.r,,,,.,p II (. l it: (Jr. t...·'
1;"1\'1 11 1;' (h
Drink C uco-C o la in Dottles
Mr8. t:. R, Biu8unr . Mr •. A Ille Dakin e ot,Artai o ed ':lat · urrl llV PV,.n l ll ll HnnrlilV , MI~ge. 1.lInl'l\ll "nrl P!'Iarl K Oll rn l)', uf OilY.
spe nt. SJlturd •• y .'"m etltown, t,hA
W f' I" 1 \V(\I 'k · pnd
ti t utc:;s .
I ts Ji ~lj nct.iv_ shope o.nJ hI wn-inthe - ooUle lobel nre covered by Ic tt(·nt Dutent- tl,e m('llnll lh il t the dVCTn ment olfo rds for dis fjl lis hlnH the true (rom lhe iulsc-the 6.'nuine Crom the BuhRtitute.
"nn ,\1 rio . U . B Ionm h. M hu;'llIM I'. ,linn lind tb'" ~r, ttrv At t,tmrler! fI "h,hd .v dln u.'r "I, 101 1'1. 1e ~t"to",,, HnlldllY' M · t h e hlll1lft nl !h"ir o" II ~in. Mr. /-Il)r o lol H\V l\t"H'~' who r el en tl)' r et nrn erl frllll1 F, "n cA Mr . ..lid MrR . J . B. J ono" "od Mr al1l1 Mr 14 ( 'llIr,m ce I:lmlth m o tor.,,, til ('o ln mbu~ III t' t, 'I'hun;day t o at,. ten d t h e l)0111,rmllrv , Th ey r otll rn ed Aflt.nrdflv e ve llin g
W(', l)
The Word " Magnet'" 'rllll word " n1ll1:11"I ' I ~ (If'r ll'I''1 ~om fhl' nnmo nt thl' 1'1t)· o f M n l:nr~In. In AI'ln Mlnnr. wh r ro' th e Il roprrtll'~ I)t th .. 10no\I't(Hl e lire sulci tn !lIlV!) hee n
---.- ..----
OUR MUTUAL PROTECTIO , I1guinst irnit utl na and
W" ltl1r Nnl~ O D 0 1
111111 MrR
t) t,y tl\n,
h WtlUhl hfl f"lly to
t&t'HUII)t t ll l-ttlUnt-4rt\to
WIIIII " r Kenrlok flod flu"lIy Mr, ~h'n n 8 r ol''', ()f I n,lhltlllpol\p,
I h"',~ Ll' "II\1r",,"1I I I,, " I!(It.:Il I, LI.· IIIIW enrOll ""' hUM ~Y"r 11." P TI' lu1\rull '" In r-r 'Otl. It h I"''' hllt ' li "tJ " ' 1'1 \ II.Y rau -rg'''K th" IIn ri I III' I'~ " "III il l 1111 III/I~ wIIMIIII((~o"l,
Rpll nt H"tn rdl\Y ev. Dl n~ "flrl Huu d .. " w!t,1I h lR 1) 'lrc nt ~. D r. ~o(1 MrH. L . ~. lir tlo tt. Mr. nnll M'F. Min nr 1( 0 ,... , m ntornd f'"111 'I'm\" HnllllllY , t tl "I~tt, t.bp Ifltl Ar'14 f,,~ h " r , Mr. Alto, 'rt ('n rn ell , whn I~ ",.r.,· l I' w fit I.hl s thlll) ,
.~ h 'IW
1lI0UH tlhowl! .
I.h" ~ OllHIII ' r ~obool £I ! lnloml u o rv I ~ "'J'" ()XCn fl\ Mr. 8l1d Mr .. 1£·1. ur(\ I.n n~U ('r ll Flp t\ ot "jVl' r"l · d ,,~' ~ .. I, Ihll C IDl l' u " r~ (Jolnmbll~ . 1 1I8~ w r(' k . Mrs. Frank n'I~I· r .. · WHR " "lied to Rtdfo;6vlll e, T hurNuu" hI' Ib u ~'. ri OU8 I\lO I'RR Ilf b nr l"lhor. \\ . H (jll r !'J Mi ~" Mill III .. R t'Nlr<l 10,nr0811 to hor h n nl n tn .J II 'n l dt l ' "' '' , ~"fUtrll\~"t aUer II two "'epl<. vI-It fi t Ih " bOUle
t . I.,
quIte ~\ok ~h6 D<lHt Wedl!, bu~ 1< !I(,rull beU 6r tl 'lhl~
Ray Hoffmao arrived borne from J Harmon UloUellor. ",ho owned a "over th ere " 00 'l'hurs dtlv . He Is 10& on Maple 8&ree&. has 80),1 " looli ing fioe ond Is dllllgittod \0 ge~ Will Hodl!(e. the grocer. baok. Mls8 Battle Bears. wh o JIves Dsar MI'. and Mrs. Ed MoFnrlan, of Ferry. was mt&rr\ed, 108& ThuridflY WllmlngloD,wor e Inour oItY,I:lU Ud8Y morning. '0 Mr. Ralph Weaver, of 'l·bo!. WuleR W e loh, yoongeOlt so n Xenia. The bride was a very popil of 1141' and MrS. W. W. Welob, IIr In leaoher of Sprlog BUI, Xenia. rlvRd home from a orolls ~he d elll) lien bftvlng 'augbt tbere IIElVAra) year@. In lime for !:luodny dinner. B e Ie 'I'he groom il the Bon of Mr, and Inolling tlno. lind wos gl nd t.o gilt. Mrs. A. F . Wenvllr, of :X:onla. and 18 buck, uoll 011 wero g lt\d f or hIm to an ine&rootor In a high 80hool at be b"ok. Oellna. Ohio. Mr. und Mrs. A . L K fl nnedy en . Mr. and MH. Uhall, Brelsford en 'ertliloed for dlnu e r, l::!UOd llY . sev terlailled the followllOIl rola'lve. oral of their relat.lves. over the Four,h : III'. and Mrs . •J, ., D. Barnesll and three children and F. L. , Illm OUB . of Wesl Cb88ter. Barry Weaver, of (laytoD, Mr. land was In this vlOloUy after stook, and Mra U. M, Roberlllllond T., t.ook aWII·Y two 'roo~ lands \0 the of MIddletown t:lnoluuatl stock yonls. J K ' b b h . b , I Mrs. ohn 8 10, w "8 een Rev . L . B. UI\8e Ulleti th e p ulp t nt 'oonfined to her bed lor &en day~ the M. E Cburob , tlnnday . with bronohltls, 18 notlr "ble to be up Louella and Pen rl K oe ro ar, ' of _ Oayton, and Johu W,I<oernl'lr. of J . F Weaver and 8001 8iarted New York IJlty w ore r eoent gnestR thtolr threRhlnll outfit la8t S.turday of Mr. "od Mrs: Frllnk 8 hldRll e r .. on ad, J . Morris' farm. eaet of .own. Frank HnDoient , of Wilmington, MillS Et,hel Wbltaerll Is a prond was In thIs vlolnl~y all 'l'o e ~d .. y , pQl!808110r of II now plll"er plaoo, buylug !Dul"s. Mrs, Mlnule MoLallO and 80n, WIIl"rd Yeo, of 0 "10010( 0 , WII S 00 11 Josh .11l, of sa Pa.o. '1'exall, aro ~181t. Ing 00 frlolJd~ 10 I·hls vl ulnl.t y IIfle r log hllr puents, Mr, aDli IIr8. L , E soveral yonrs' nhRaneo. Raper. 8Avoralln this oommnn lt,y have - - -_ ... _ ...._ _ __ 'hr e~ hed \hrlr whe~' nnd flod plenty of st raw, hut a v or y s mull nVl'rU~ fl POl' oere of w h oM. \1rM . Idll !lowe IN 01 or III DI{ \0 C. E. L evley 8 rlr.y gooll!! t' mporlum . Mrs . Mar:.:nrDt Lev,loy , Mrs. Mnry Mr. W. ti WIlkersol1i was 'r.1I8 DIIVIR ood two d1loghte'll Ina .wit l1 r olnUvas In D"yton, on lIeoount of aotlog bUMlne88 aod 01\1 110 Ill, aD rei. tlves In Leb4noo, Ta88oday. slckn ' lit' . MI86011 Blonohe Rnd Pearl RUBY. ~olto n fs\V of o U,r spo rtin g Boo iAt y p eo pla w oro 10 Wllynosville altend uf Rtd gevtlle, aUende1 the 'fhlmble BElo ,,\ tho h ome of Mrll . Willlerllon, log the rn oo~ 011 July 4th Mr. anti Mrfl. FrAn ~ L Hnrrlll and WednesclllY. Mtornoon Mrs. Harvey Mongorllpentll'rlday I.;\, o Ron .. . H.., r n ld on (1 OWH Il. wera ~l\ur1 n .l ,' RIl"8t.H f Mr. unci Mr~ B . with Mr. ann Mrs. Alboert Heetoo. p. (; 011 1) 11 11~ f W1' t! y, <If ~obl ll a Mr. and Mrs. M ,I. FlU! wero tho Nt·", j1 o lnt'ol'f' IH e cn min!( Into guestB of th o \,,"er'lI mot,bor. Mrs Ul ·.rk et Itt ll l hrlnglnJ; I1n(lO "r ll1l3M In KIHhorln o Nl1l1, of F'r anklln. ODO this I{lOA HI y. The 1001\1 POtllto crop day lallt wook. . ,~ nlJulls t 11. h tlllro. · , Mr. A., L Robertll. ol~ Mtddl ~ ' OW Il, J C. Gr ll Y h "l1 p;"rob IlRtl(\ a flotl was ollilin g on ~rlend8 here,Thursd~~ O1 ul., t,I\(11Il {I f Dr . MCK.!llJlIio ·, rl)o~lltly. Mr. nud Mr8 John MoUlure nnd tinnily were 'be Munday goe8's of Mr. 1I0tl Mrll Jj'08ter, of lI'oeter'8 Cl'li d ' Ad Crotlelog ' Read G azetle sass, e . s .. L ' ' " II dd nog. h ' ... r~. Il roooos " II ,SOD an to~ !!)le ot Tuesday 10 Dov.on Mr. Bebe r Nnll Watt 'fllnsao&lng bo 1 0il~8 tn Le banon, 1:13tordllY, Mr, and Mrs. Jj'. W . Ro~na8le and
----- ....
Public Sales'
CAESAR'S CREEK Mr. and Mrs. ,J0810h DavIa a re ell. joylDa 1\ vl@U from MI'. Davis ' broth 4Ir, Mel v ill tl DIIVI. , wife aod h,o drtugllter p, of Wllrr\jn, OhIo. lir. aUll Mre. R . Bl .fon fll enter . talned Mr. 11011 Mrs l:I aw Mltohe uer lIud family 10 dlnul'f Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. II '1'. Oo mpton nOB two daoghtere called ou Leatoo Walls :ioo4ay "UeroooD . Levi ShambaDgh aDd s lBter, Es. ther, bad liS 'heir gneats tlauday, lb . and Mrs. Jobn Bill, Lydia' Bill , Joho Compt'ou, Hazel and Bolen Hill. lir. aDd Mrll. J . B. Let\rulo~ lit· tended tbe Oeo'Buliry a' Uolombu8 a oouple of days la9' wee •. Mr, Walter Wilson and Ur~ Uny. mond Wilson and two daogbter8 , Mary Oatherlne and Jeanett.. , ~oJk ISllod"J dlnller with Paul Pe'oreon's . Mr anti lira. Rloharoi Jonolll, at XeDia, Bnjoyed a week's visit wUh 'bell' c1aughter, Mra, U. '1' . HarDer. Mr, and MI'8. Peler80n and Mr. and Mrs. James Pe\ereoo IIpent SUD day 10 DaytoD. Mle8 Guae Jooell. of XenIa, .peot 1",,& week with Marybelle Barner . Mr . 1I0d Mra. Ilvere" BI\lne8 bad lUI ,holr S anday guell"'. Mr, and Mrs . LewIs lIoon, who wUl800n lall for Africa I1B mlllRloDarl88 , Also IIr. and Mn. L".lther Balnell BDd lion, DODald , Mr. Bod Mr •. J8818 Oomptou. Mr and Mra. Lealte ROIl and lion. Paul Evere". and MIII8 II10nie SaHerth 'Walle; all of Day'on , 8pent Fourth wUh lioraoe (JomplQn'•. Mrll. Wal\er WlblOn hal returned home after spend"n" sevoral da,~ wIth ber danghcer. Mre . 1'anl Pecereon, Dear XeDla ,
.-...- - --
larle blllll r"r II1'r"l)ol" n , LAWRH:NCII Bt:lBPARD
. W.lf.
Blare. .lao'.
.Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Dear$h aDd MIlS 'Luella Deartb apent ' l:\and"y afterDoon wUh lire, Ojlara Lewlll a& Mlaml Vallev Boepl.' al,
A namber oJ trlnda ..arprleed IIIr. W"U49r BeDge Wedoel!d., ..eDlDI. when &bllyga,heredas, of \Own 'Illllpeud Ih" Mr. And Mr.. .JOII8DD[
Sonda, ",Ub ftlllll""II. ~:il' ..Dd Olarllnlu..
against hail
Sears & Cartwright, AmBn mock
wayn~8ville, Ohio -
M. A. Shoemaker Dr. J. A. McCoy, VETERINARIAN Vallcy Phone 2S~
Tall or tho Fox. On~ tbe most notnhle tentnrce of tl1r rnx Is 11111 Inrge nnd mn sslve tntl. "'rll~~ John Burrol1!:ha. Socn runnIng
on tho snow at 0 dlstno<.'e, Ill~ tull Is Quit e liB conspicuous OR hlB body; nnr\, 10 fnr oli appearIng n burden. Beeme to Mn I rlbuto to hIs IIgbtnes.'I and buoy10<.'Y. It sOttolUl tho outllilo of hI, movements, and repents or continuo' tn the eyo the eMO and po\Bo ot hi.
Harveysburg, O. Oraduate
A Quick response.
My visitR are
made without delay. and I save animals by prompt use of right rem· edies, Call me as early as you con,
It Helps On the Cure.
01110 SIIIt. lJlllver~f y OFF ICE:
f ourth Street, n car 'rylor Telephone 9:1
Notary .Public ft.1I kinds of Notary Work .
" .Examined Correctly ...
(\no Deed s I.
~pe olalty ,
__ _______________ ~
TIFF'ANY'S Optical Doparfment Xenia, Ohio Opell evenlng!l lJy ap!Jointment
S. Detroit st.
A. MAFFIT and Embalmer. i Funeral Director
Waynesville. Oh io.
earrings. Either Aut'1 or H orsu drawn ~c rvic e. No extra charge for auto sr. rvit-e. Bot.h ph o n e~ in Oflic and Resident'e
An Ordinance
No,. 14.
To Advertise for Propofqili and to Contract for the Lighting of
Streets. Publie Ways and Public Gro unds with Electrie Light.
118 IT ORDAINBV DY TRB COUNOIL OF 'J' l1E VILLAOE O il CORWIN, S'l'ATIl: 01' OlllO: I!eccion I-Til" the pia"" ..nd .\IOOllIe..• Uou lor l\jthtlal 'ho Htreet.. a venues, Ian.... alley. and I>ubllc plncoe ot ,be VIII ago 01 Oor· Will, tUato 01 01110 ...."11 e\ecnlc Uglil . IIO W 011 Ole wIth tho Olark 01 t ho VlIl ...o uo h oreby,
"P~~. 2-Tba' tho Vlllngo 'ollall contract tor IIgbtlng I" von".., allOl "' IIw .. ..DrI public Dlacoe .Itb eloc lrlc lI.b In ac· cordance ... rtb ... Id plnn. and 8\1OOlOcaLloll8, tor Ibo jl8rtod of teo ( 10) 7 0a.. lrom the ,.. wardlDg ef tho oontroot. wblch .hall "" dono .. f!OOn eo pr...,tlcable .Itor tim uld.
H'_to_ ...
rew.::~;, a-Tha~ tho Clerk 01 tho
'0. . .
Village I.
dlrvcled verLI ....,;COrdtug to law: lor two oon-=uSlve week. In a new.paper of , ... oral clnoolatloD In tho Village tor bl<1. '" do ""Id IllIht1ng . wbleb blct. .ball bo tbo Clork ."U be ollenod a' 12 o'clock DOOn on 'he I.., day tor nUng tbem and be publlcl, road b, hlnl al 'he Oouncll Obamllor 01 tho VlIIlIIe, 1:!oc,lon 't-Tbnt all ·bld. Iball be ou tbo tonu. IlI"lIlU'Cd by tbo VlIIlI«o aotl to be ·bod trom 'he Crerk ot I,he ~1\I.Me UPOD appll· catloD to blm , aDd oacb bll1 .ball bo accom· pa"IO<I b, a certlfiod cbeck UIIOD a ool >'en'
1\1&10 d"uMhter, J.oei M.roeU". of ban k, pa,ahle to .ald <lIen, ID thO eum or Ruodre<1 Dullal'll (fGOO. OO) ... . IU ...• Vnortalll\. were 'bo Smithl}' gUOllt" }'Ivo U..I If ..warde:! thO cootract 'be bltll1er HIlvlng c\ rmidflrl to q u I!. f(armln(f n f tho I tler'lI m osher Mrs Jj'raooll8 .,,"'" ahaU eII"'r 1o", a proper contracl ""h Cb. VlIIage to do I&Id · l\jthllllll ud wl\l IIlvo a anrl rnovll t:n W .. ynA~vill e, 1 will sell Nul!. w etlt of tQWn ,.ulllclOD' undlll'llktng tor 118 portormlDce.
at· pubJl t' 11ft Ie Ilt my relllonnco o,n 'bll, O.. llbroo\; \Ilk." a " Ill'!' nOT .h 0 WR yne~vlllfl y. 111\111 M" o'h <:of MId. die Run t'b nrllh. 00 Wednctday, July lJ, 11)19, Beginning "t, 1 o'olook, IIhRrp. the 'ollowIOM: 1 HorHe, " ea\&le. 25 Kheflp. 9 BOIlII, of ImpltlmflDtll,
The H0l11e of N ew Y rk. the Q,reatest Farnl Companyln Oh io, wi ll In su re
Tbe cbeek. ut UIlAU~tu, Uldd_ 0111111 \Ie Naurn..d 10 " hem U lOOn WI t he ~ful bIdder .. uconalDod. and ,110 cbeck Df iba IUOC_I bidder Iban .... roturnod .. 1000 . . • h ....ld c..ot..dllDduDdanalrl".""'.xOOUl...1t &eell"n 6-Th.' .. conk&l;l III aecordllDCe 1Mn."h .bllll bo Inodll belwl""l 'ho VII.... ud .... 10_ and ~ blutler 10 do 8IiI4 u..tI,1na ucI ...umden' uod..... \riJr. 10 lb. AttalaiiUon or &be Oouocll. tor "'•. ~ ..,.,., or the conlncllballbetrlveneald VlIluel 8eclloo _The' ..... OrdlDltKlIl tIbaI1 cUlt ..tree' and he 10 forI.'o as tho JWIo4 IIIIowerl b71.... . ~ 'hlI PInt d., of Jul,. 1811.
"nUT: p, H• •JLLH...~• .... It. OLaAvaa, ~ •
Now is th e time 't o la y in your ne.' t
. , wInter s COAL.
Don''tvvait. You are not saving, an ythin h b)' putting it' off. We have \) ll'lt you \Vi"lnt. Call and give ·us your order. We ' deliver every day. ,
Younce BroSe 'G rain Co.
No. 2220
Rl!:PORT ondltlon ot t he
&.he \\i,\) he>!' ville Nat! nnl Bank . at \\ 'l)'nes vtllo In the ' tat .. (If hIli, ul Ih.· close of bU81 11""~ JUne 3 , HI\~' RRROU n CKS .
dl8Couol<o ,..
3~9. Bona.':t'=~~'iO~il~
HI ~
oInlul lIollf nM " luolOO.UUl' ail 11 , 8 , bnad. nne rortln~_ I "" o f h.· dobltldnN pI O<l ~ •.s .., ..... "rO
8~~S~( ~l ~:r~r~c:~a:'.~i~O
, !I••
dobtlldu_ OWDO'
U II '
olo<lMoo :. , ••.. ". 13. 0uO. OO L IIHlrLy Loao Dond • • I Ii L j 11<1(\ j Ii pet ce .. ' tlnpl .. " "" . lItIC\lrltl_,Qlhtrthan U. S, 1><IoCl.
dll Fr ltl )'. J
211 I' • I ,U
l"l wn~h l"
, 'O.H~ .O O
t.baD , , ... ' tlmll .,
8 t _. o~her tban Fooerol n ... """we Bank 8r.ocl< .",. '"' .. . .1OCk 01 J'1Idtlftl R-.n·o uallk ( 50 pet 0001 o f oubocrtpllon ) Value of baoldDIJ 1I0uae • . .. .. . Lawful .-rve ..-1 .., Fu.lenl Jle
192 .3 . ~.uO
" . 4 ()(J lill
4 )HIIJ UtI h. ll('\ ilUO a 1. i l u. l ~
69 .' 61 . "~
Treuurer .. .... ... .. ,
'J. -, 11 (1 II, :to It; ~, l'U
.. "
Intet'Oltt Al"Ded b Ut-HO&' cu lll "' 1r'd Wu S~VIDfr. Uilrt ItkK1t\foI ul).1 Thl1 f t 8t,m 1l8 14.." u.II )' ()\\ UtllJ
TotaJ. , . .. . . .. ... " .. ..... " ;~ l , :' l a 'J :.! I. IA III Ll1' IfCS
Oaplt'" olOck p&lll Ln . ..... . . . liurplWl lund ' 11' •... .. . .. .. . tl lidh1dlld pro ... .... . 21.7 ~U I II Los. cu ~nt l!.Xl)6IlSCII, ltHoro",,' IUId
~ax ..
' 6O . UUO . 0 0 10U . (I0u.OO
paid . . . . . . . . .. . .
7'. i9t1.hl
, 10"""" and dlorouut 00\1" '1<>< 1 or credJt.ed., In ad-.anco o r lIu~t.ur Uy aod DO' earned . , . . . .. .. OIrc:u1aUna ooleO ou ... taodID/J •. Nut amooo ... duo \0 NA'loonl b&Dk.l • ••. . .• , • •. '" , .. . , ... To'-lol Itomo 82, II , " IIDd
It ............. . ,'
Oortnlcatee 01 doJ)Olll' du o In I....
"" I. ,illa ~ 1
~ o,
.. .. " .... , 11" ~ 1 ,1. 22 8TA-TII: OJ! OHlll. WAfUU£ N OUN'J' \"SS: I . L . ". D.ndCMlOn, ( 'MI'lor .o f t he !Loon o lmed bank. do IOIOmDI)' swear I hot t ho above . c&uunont la tnJO \-(j tho l)(I6t of 1Il} ll RN IIKn S()~ ,
~lr\l l'l il'"
II I(Jlkl ll, S:111 1I UJ\
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'Ill" ).(I"'~ ' H w.' l'l' H, \. ,111.1 Mr ~ ·.J 1I 1I~· .1\1 1' . :1,,01 Mr~ . ll n . yS loke ~.:
. ___ 1
~ lr R
J oel ::; ltlk. ·~ , Mr. nn I Mr ~ . Erlll'sl Hut( rWOI', II. 11', an •• i Mr~ . \\' c~It·l' LeMay , nf \l eb amll 'l MI' . and :\1 rB. Walte r l{ em k k. _
JI I' .
Once Tried, You'll Al ways Use _....
,l, tI lt·
I':I!>I ', I:o p
alJ l'll l H I'11
pu rt y Im !.:! !I;....
llil' :
t ltL' ,Ik il's l 1l 11 11 ~ 1l'l' Il ill ' V( 'llr 11 , .. , , 111 l: t). ; I~ ' l~ of alll, illd " , ;1 111\, ill 1';" t . L, \, .· r~" I' · ' I) ~ lit a t en 11 l;v 1'. ,11 III I II I :I Ii i: t · d .1 :-';. 1'1 " I (I . , ill Il ,
loi re',. h,' 1,0\' , , ; :--. . .1 ,.11.1'. ,, 1".1' " hich t h,' Hlt " lilJ,{ ,, 01 I jllurl1I'd t,'Hil'd with :1 n,' Mr, J . w . Wh it<, I" Jul .~' Mr . find
1' ;1klll g III ' \IV. I
I' ;t ·.,
I ll'nnl ,,, \', !l 11d Mi. Anna t.lny I pa r ,1",1' n 'B il lin a rt iel» on tIl(' • u b it·ct Thl! ,'Iu b 1110.'11 bne! 11' I'!,;'as'ure of Ii -t,·"in).! ,.) All Illll'rl' ~l in;t und h,·
- - - -:::=:p
". - -------"'...........
A W elded Furnace
10 000,OU
I'Mer H J ... • ' t; 4 0 -1 ld
1.0. AI .
\ . 3 111. 011
knowlOdgo and bellof.
60,000,O U
thlLll .0 day. ,. .. .... " " Dh'ldeDd. DDP"ld ... ' , . T o f d am noll dOPOB U ~ F\lli
Ject. to
h. the \\ uyn\,
A mo~1 (' s r ~!ll'n t dinner ' was ~or · Hf ter wh ich n plea Ant Roclnl hour \\'a~ ~l'ent. A well ch o~en sellll' tion OJ' tlw 'I~ l'u ln opened l he meol· In~. foll,o wed by rurren t t O l!i c~ , b) ~lr, Sherwn,',j Th, ~ r1l'dal to,lie of .liecIH, ·i,)I1. "What willlt ~ th' ~ t ntu . " f furnllllR of tl'r wo r lLct ivi tlo ~ elus(I1l1d rh o !hl\'~ co m home," was ehb ,1 '~ cu 4 ."t! hy nrl lluk f' hn,l J, T ,
1 0~OOO . OO
ln~:lcU.~, ~~~.. ~~~ .0:,1. ,I ~
due from oallonal 11&111<• • , . . ToW I tem. It , 13, U, 17 ao,1 18. 9 1.• m. .f ~ ' hocJl. nil baDh 'oca~ l1utR"h, o r cu., or tllHnl o r ~ l)t) rtt tl K' blnk an,t ot.her clAh H·cm ~ , R l!delJllltlo D fun ll w lLh U. ~ , Troaauror anI' UUO from t.; . h . •••
'"l! 0
o.~~ ::~ . ' ;o'ci . not am;';I;'t, II
~h tl
wr'" r.lub rll t With M r :lI,d \1 r .< h" I " , ' 1;'., , 11 r I\nt! ~ I nl l '. ' II \\, J! . t ",! ft-·t ~~ .1_" IH u ntl t ills I.,., 'I n, III ol 1 "0.- HI' " hy t.b ' ' !." I iW I UIl,,1 ' r\'( ' ~1~ ,\ t', C' :I·nr· 1f ~d i hn t \\: hkh lb , "J,nuu,vO cl u b wl "h '. t,. prolllnte - '& high ~tl1l) , dHrd o f rar m i ll/( nd fa. III life.
(110' IDllhldllllf .1.OCk.) OWllefl WlDlednd . . . . . . IH,
OOU.14!rU TruoL and Other Dill ," " f corPQr ..' IOI)JJ 1NuOO for uo' .. . 'ba.n ODe 10ar nor UlOI U
Controls iIt ;) ~ f
Tlw l'(, \1' 11 1)(' e. 8p('~i ;11 ~ .. " mulllcll linn of \ ,1\ 1", ~\'i ll . , LLiI " ~u. 163 l' & . 1\1 Tu('sdlll' 1' 1 "I,,!! , Ju l) I;. th 'I I,l!' II illlJ WI'l k In th e E f\ llIul :II deJ,{le .. ~, \1~itll r8W I
• •• •
D. I;lenkle. W. M L A , "i mmermlln , Sec·y .
CoaI,'or ,
9 1lbllc!11bed Bud ."'orn I'() boloro m o thl> hhdayolJul,. IP l g. E . V , llarollatL 00rrec, A n ,OIL: N Ot." l'uhllo.
J I W . Wrl lTE: , S. LE" O.AkT WRlOlIT, J . 0 , ['KN OE
The Farquhar Ileating nnd Ventilating Systl' m p rodu ce s large \'O \tlllH.'S of pure. fres h a ir, heated to n Illi le! t e mp e ralure - ·d ocs not b tlrn the a ir .
J ohn 8 l'an ~ ~ ohl his ;)Ou trl! farn on Middle I~ u n , III.- l w." k, lu r $ 1511 an6~r . The fann ha.~ le!:,11 ill Mr, Subscribe for the Miam i Gazette. Evans'· p o".~e~sinn fur ~c \'e "d .\ ear~
Otl t OIll
nl rol insures even hcnt
frequent atte ntioll Ullllcccssa r y. Let 11Ie lalk over the heating question ~ ith you.
tll ak l ' S
"THE MAN THAT SHI PS DIRECT IS THE ONE THA:T MAKES THE 1\1 s'r !'I'TONn Y," writ es Fred Hauck, of Georgetown, Ohio. "Ha\ e known the Tri-State for 5 y ears a nd fi nc! YOti on top and ready to right any wron g. j\j y experience wi th a gents cost me about S10 or $ 12. I got wise an d qu it. I think the farmer ' pa ys the agcn t."
We Pay the Freight and 54~
j ~/E
'haula uQuruI IU'U b e ld the '
Si x Cha rming F ld:lli "O
O~llIs (' I' ,
n ation Ihn
We guarantee your cream and cans agaInst 1088. ' The Trl·State price has been 64e since June 16th
wh ic h II1rlkc..q it Y r) rn.c th·,· an~ fhr ~I' )'I'IUII I: WI'II Il !'1l r'Ilm hlrlO mol't' nov·
m Hm Is ·vlf'{lblo..
.. - I
PI"'"I)lll l ul'ly . IHlWC\·or.
A fine Washburne picture, entitled
"Ways of Man"
f ~~~". .7"~: - ,,,,; •.
"Never Too Old" : ' ·Adm'..'."
, 17c
..................................................... Saturday evening
7:30 p.m.
! he SundllY Ifu es til nf Mr . anr! Mrs.
.. . $2.55
Sacks ... .. . .
Ad am StClOp~ Mi S>l Stella Ca r te r rl!turned home wilh th em, after a two· mon ths stllY with Mr , a nd Mrs
Ih EI ca r. None rle livCl red nt t he9~ prires , Suga r is vory ~r;u~r . , RO if you lVant any fur cllIIn ir:I/o[o th i~ I ~ your chance,
Ed win Chandler Lind family arc now retlidellt.., of Waynellville, having m(lved here 1t18t week in th eir pretty li ttl e home on thl! corne l' of Hig h and l'hirtl streets. We welcome them in our mitiHt.
Orangc9, LeJnons
Eyeryth l ng good to eat thIs week
Colo nel
Pni lllJ till'
..... Ill ... oo..
~ '
fr Ollt
1" 1<'11
~_.. _. _ _._ _
PI~o. y,·,ill.V
oh (>nt ! ' I
I' I" d' ,lol a 'I I", to ... , I , ' I,ll", In ' .1 nii' I' , I. II' lit (( dill 11 t \fl t UI: t :::l
1;'1' ",)
"11"",,,',1 . n ,
• • -_.--;-_.,
-~ t I
T "I'iE"'UB LIC 0,' 1500
Lh.lIJ..::' oui
'. RD.\ ''' I I ci tl"" hx~'''''' Jl~,/)' H4-,,1I "
I"ORO (10
, ill
J.,~I ' " liS Bu,,)
. \ w. !'1('tlU
tl,hc . ','.iO
j HWL·J~ . - ' . l'lI..E: ,/J. 'I',··h uiOr
C ' " lind StllW ................. .. f
Ir ouce.
,"oorl[l' ,l1 t, th rl l pr m'lItQnnlre, ,I , MORt tllll l ' 11' on ly Irurl' II )! rllllh"B once. \!rlt. )' or II .'r\, 1J 1'~ 'h lll, (I f " olU11!l!-lI[JI ;' It ISililIUdl lun,. QQ,
I ,:. j
.,lIt ,
,,' .
C ~~OTOR T. V KS _ _ _" " ~ ,II,(),
Y": ,•... ·, ... -
tOe AND 25c STORE'
Jelly Glasses, 8 oz .. .. . .... .. ... . .. '.... , .... 5c Horse Shoe G lasses .. .- .. ... , . .. . ..... ... , . . . . 5c Thin Tumblers ... . ... . . .. IOe White or Gold Band Plates. , , '. , . . , .. o2Oc Cups and Sa ucers, white or gold band . ... . ... ,. o25c Gb ss Measuring Cups .. ... ~ ................ ,' .. IOe Shoe Polish - Black,' White, Ox Blood, ·Mahogany. i3c Union Suits, 3u in ., 38 in .• 44 ill .. , , .... , ... . ... 5Oe See our window for Late Magazines, all prices. Mrs. Price's Canning Compound , ............ ',' .. lOe 0
The Olfference,
0 ........... .
NlI.J.OO • , ' . . . . . . .... ~ •• ,. •••••• , ••••
-:'lis" Carol ine S ponc~, n school mate, " dr r ll ul I "y ~e, Ot Brookv ille, ''''1(' h',~ j\l ~t b11011 t1iM:harged fr om : (;\'t;f .• L'"t\8 du ty .
iii II I
• s lOll '
I THE 5c;
MLs Mabel Salisl.mrY s pent the w ek·euu with parentH here,
. .
K 000
·4J I
un.1 " ";" r I" " ".1 uilol (f, ,, " " ,'11 l'rll"I!,") I lu,',
Mr, Bnd Mrs . Berne J on(;'s , Mr and Mra. Cill renee Smith , ' Mr ., and Mrs James John8 . Mrs Addi e Ken. rick and Li zzie Hole, ' of Lyt le, at· , - ended the Cen tenu ry aL C(t1 umbu s. ~ three dll}'u IHst week .
.uU ' 1\ lce. , ,;a
"II ."h~j!ll1lp r"r ·.. III~ (011 I: '!I,I ,oil " I' 1Ii""Io-, ,\ II,' "I" 1
VIl)lIll'tll 1110111.
I r' '''",,' rl ), ,'01 ~ j. I '- n I n n \\'j'" th t' \\111. 'riH' JHUI
Denr' 'I r_Plen ~ spnd , me tllu , Ifat rl IHorlltu re About ti ll' g"nuln A (>()lInll rlll}'er P I" ,,,, IIIHI run dc l,dts
" ,·"tlll""~
It Pays to T r ade at
I T.nllo f (1119 fl f " ,,'1"0 ' ~ '1 1I1"l R 1I 0W Ilw l" :::"
Oayton, 0,
.. _ ..____
F rom Aprico t ('lIll f o l'n ln
114 N. M ai n St .
Streot . ... , • .. • , •.••
V Url llh
F'rullc h ar my IVll eo
he w a~ 6~ ysnr. o ld 1'hnl IVa)' ,wo Y98rB Ilga H ~ ler II 'liP 0 ' Verdnn b UI weara t11 .. hlr,Il.... SI d ~, u ra tl on b IB eountn t\'wur~~ .,. t e ,'1811.8 th l' 11 E\ H E. 1 11ol~\ .. \!lUI' ' llI nd and I1' r" llI IH'f:d. ,Il' t,1I .Il, 0 WItt, AllI tll' \cn to In u, t' tnt- ~'"''''
We invite you to opr' ll Hil a ccou nt with us end J)~ Y at conven'e nt interv al;;.
MrR, J. D. Marl att and daughter, Mi 8 Helen , and Mrs C. M, Robitzer a nd d'a u g hle r, Beutrice, ' motored to Columbus to attend the Centenary, last week. They were joined there by Mr. Robitzer, •
Ilring liS your Chlckehs and El(flS Ili I: hes t price. cash or trad e . l" red 10 \0
Sl OOpS ,
Pl ent y o f nl u Potatoes, N llw Po t Qto(,g , Berries, Pellches ,M eg~,
Beautiful tone, perfect action, graceful design and wonderful durability. Has the genuine' Ae.olian 'Player action and complete The Aeolian expression devices. Company
. The MI8Sfl8 J eannette, Louella and : "' ranees Ja nney, Anna Fu rnas and Olll'e Allen Inotnl'Cn to Columbus, Tuesday. and w ill spond a couple of cl ays at th e Centena ry .
s r ECI[AL PR I CE FOR 2 DAYS- Bulk G ran. a lOO pOIII 'ld sack . . 2fi Pou nd
Thursday, July 17th
Specinl orchestra music, at urd llY a fternoon and night , in the new Fountain anu Ice Cr l!am Department of The S. F red Company LebanoJ) Big Store.
40,000 pound s P u re Cane F ra nk lin Gra nulated 'ugar on track toda y and tomQrrow, Jul y Oth and 10th .
nbout nll,nthly
Comedy: .. His Smashing Career' "
The "C hl! erful lI elpers" Class o~ the Ferry Sund ay School will g ive an l ee Cream Social In the Ferry church yurd on Saturday evening , Ju ly 19.
"Mr. Logan U. S. A."
Dr , nlld L\l rs J . E, Wllhll m were
I}rnes t Trua.x and Louise HulT in the wonderful play.
Packard Mllzdu Lam PB, all sizes' for city or Deleo lighting, at F. D· Hawke 'ij ,
_____._..._ _ _ __ _ _
Th'e Aeolian Player Pian()
Saturday, July 12th
Featuring Tom :'IIix, in a fine production, entitlcd,
;r~ ~~ts>:.
un)' ever
--=:::===;== =
Tuesday, July 15th
t h o Illf,,,n lH dnrl{ t1 ul'lng th o r \\' dnys of hll' I. lhlllty IdwlI "~lIr con jullcll nu wlLll Lbo S UD .
Steinway, Steck, Stroud and Famous Weber Pianola Pianos
'lrlls( r y Ihu.n Ilk num ber s
Thl. I. the on\r store in Day ton Where JOU will find New, Genuine
()fc' !'('" lral Htlm· 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
l ....... rR th l~ ('onlpany w i ll 1 '1')0: ' :'111 fltlll' r Utlu:;uaJ l'flt<'rtlllnllwn t fl . lnt!'I'~: Cll~'\ JlJ bll' ~in,::::iJj ~, ~ . ll nM. :unll",,,,. Th "f(' 1~ It SJ1:LP i-Ind l1t'tl n n '0 , h .. l r l lE} r( n rltl&lll'O
('11\ wil li ~ (' nUllh' oUli'r or /wMrn of , r1 r,'amctl of.
"Oh , YOUWomen"
1M fllll , O( h crs say IlIli Ih, li g h t ot IIII' lI)I)on IE' uurhl S tho f ow dtly~ when LIlt' 11\t)00 IIPIl"lI r s (I) I.H! (u ll. '1'11(' .Iurk of Ih o IIl0lJO 'M nllW ttlU ug h l by ,.no I t) ex to·",/ t r oon thl'! full ""'"n ulI t ll uo
Greatest Plano Value In the World.
fh ~
'_--:....._ - - - - - -
Write for lo'ree Trial Cans.
In ,tdd J 100 t n
Wilmington, Ohio
Local Agent
Light and Dark 0 1 M oo n. f'''l ,ulurly. Il.o m oo n Is cull~d now whl 'll , ofter pnslil ug the suu • • h o firgt l' I~llJlo fl9 n th i n crescont. , "' lie p er~l)n8 ~Ill' d IU I gin n( t hu ",,,,,n IN (rolll thi s ti me un til tho m oun
Is (lull., u ntl ' unl hut
I pII'1l5ir'j;.
tamc of Lou is O. Runnc r Is known 11.1\ I om (lnl o;; TI ll' O r~'C1I 1 "1:" ~" " "' " II " . , (P" III org ,'onl"OY o r , mll s l~a.l .. ". 'P Al11 l"l rtcan t:jrl ~ !-' ,1 1·ft, t:-' )lI'ad.',1 lJ~ .bat arc bl g hl y c ntt'rtatnjng. Il: .i poci· :\1I~ .. l\ JlIl C fl lI,J'[ \\O"/l ) "'" LI:lI "11 !'"1 m ~ y ' s t h i8 t r ue of tho COH1l lflnl s h e hlr (·(II IlI':Hllt· ;!~. ". 11 1." ' I ~ ' ''I ' rfJr Irgan l zPIi or y oun ", wOIll(' n : 1 ,(l~ t S l' il O sOlli e )" ar :l f~ h ., \,r'I', I·- Ij,,\ .... \ . how Io n nil rul ·ruon COJIlP;Ln Y furnl :-t h t'd OJl(' \ lIl iLn y Yl"': IJ'l::' :~h. 1:-,,1 \ \ .. j'"'''' 11' 1\\ t u I t the da y's music; thi s spason an all· f!n "~ I'n t a. JH' " ,!rHld I, t!If' J.• r-'·il'r" l d ...... "Otllt' n comp"ny ",,1 11 ,do Ih o SlI me alld l l"ht of a (,hHlI'a" ' I"r1 n" I I, n,.1 T tl t IB fmc! y predic ted tlJ lI.l tb(' ull· v\J,lin I" Ih f' 1.111,: '.• i it ~ tI'U III' n'" :. '1<1 ~ omcn company will prove Ihe m oro rm ;;"d I n nl'lJ li" II f " \\" '1'" r 1''''''11 f o r !OPular. til o l'l'h'''' ' r;lI' ('01,, \;lnollon --11 r IJlIlhl·
The Tri-State Butter Co.
Week of July 7th to 13th ~ DECIDE TO DEAL DIRECT
[ll'al')' Rob ' ru., Of P.:!kalooM. Knn .,
>!pcnl Tb ubdflY wi th Mr . and Mrs, L CllrrwrIuht. Mr. Robens Is
: , (he snn e,f ,ll) or the eurly editors of I the tlthtllll V ,s ltor, a paper that was rl1l·tl;eJ in to th Miami Gazette yen rs 9~1) Mr . Roberts wos a typo on the bi~and ha alw ays stu ck to his fir~ L In v\:, he b im!: the editor and I
pu Hsher of the Oilkaloosll [ndepend.
en! . tIe enjoyed hl ~ via'L immcnl'ely, I looking over the nld grouIIuii he
knew in boybood days.
Wayaeaville Oblo
--~------------~--~----~~~-----~--~------~~------~~~~---WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WED:NESDAY JU LY l(), 1 0 1 ~ Whole Number 358~ ,
~evelJ t..Y-Fit" · L Yeo r
nll\~I I'r Ivedy Until
Urn I l'i tn!:I!'Y , JUW II I till' (II,,,, "I~ II " it· lodIC I' lTI :u lt, W"y nu~vlt l '! It vi ~ il" l i ,,". 'l'hurRnliv " rotll rn'"H' . li nd met >itlvll r,,1 "r Ihe 1)l l!lh rCIi lit IJlll bllil He i ~ tnukinl{ \ , ~ itati " nM wit ' r.: VI'r pO ~ H ib l t' and 10 ,>I vi>!ill!d allllnst vcry lud wtl ill tho ~ " con d lJi ~ l : i · Hi R CIIII w n~ In . r 'rillili . IIl1d durill j.( hl ~ ~I II V h9re. \"hich W ll~ ~ h t)T l. hl.l .. "ueltr ·" hi m~e lf t " Iht! llll!mL" rs IIf Wnvne:;"illc I"dlle Hc h:fl tor I.,·hn'nllll lin.! mlloe two . ' ,I hllr viRilHtiol1t! "net· thnt H e Willi a rcornpsu ied by Bro. Allen, grand ", .. rshal. lind Mr Lawh elld, of Wi! l1li nlll on A snRn ~hllt wnll t.HH lln .. f t hu I WII ~ rlln d "flicerH'Lnll lh u " ret h. r "11 prmlent
- - -- - - ---
ah~' vo I·ar~i"n. ~
" W A Rn!lgCt R. enl of th,'
» T . & [ Ita ill oun. I)a~ L"en a resi dent of Wav erl y fHtf'en .vell r~ MI' 1<lltlge r. is a prn(! rt'ssive cilizl'n wh ,I IlI keli much prill!! In Ih ... civi c 1m proveml'nl II f biA home tow~ He th illk!l RO mu ch of Wav erlv that hI ' has 11UrchR8ecl n horne nnd will re main here pe rmllne nl ly Much i ~ due to Mr. Rodge /s for th e impruve· ments nbout the D T. & 1 depnl which. for a t OWI! of Waverly' s size. is nbolt ( 11M cun ve nien t liS you wi ll find anywh ' re . He ill an oblilllflgurn "ial lind h a~ marie mHny WBrm friend9 since his residence in thi ~ city." _ _ _ _ _ .a_ __
N ': l con t ent with OSlaf)lI a h t n g n wor l., r fl cord :19 tHtin g th., rtr f' L til rl y 1\ I lalJ l/ o ll lI'r" ... ... " II I1r " ',n f ro m 1 '~ II ~ hlII J to the United ~tat c R. Mnjnr &.:ou ruu1 hh" HrltlHh c r \V IIr 1I11! It :( 1 Il, td Ill) IljI,r.· 111 &11 ~n llll' '' 1 ut Mineola fi eld. New Y nrk. Ih"" U",y \Vern Illn klrl l{ IJrupa rn lhwH Ilir II" . r"l lIrll (t1)' 11I I ! ,," ,~ " pl~urq Of (he bIggest dlrlglblu bul!oou OVIU' !Jultt, . WJlUlurtng . 6:1 4 h,Ol IIJlJJ;- uuo ul 1\\ II cBy UJr)e 1< .,.
Dr. Dill, Osteopath lVay, LebanQn, Ohio.
S. Broad·
The E pworth League of the Lytl M E. Chur(.'h will give un Ice Cream Ed Smith . of Xenia, visi ted rela· Social, Saturday evening, July 26th . a t the home of Mr. Allen Smith, tiveHhere last week. near Lytie. Dick Mason, of Dellbrook, was seen on our ~ tr ee t:; one day last wel'k. Mr. tm.! Mrs . Arthur Anso n, of N" rwood, gp..rl t Sund ay wit h rela. lives here . lIorn ·- To Mr an I Mr~ Chu rlt's Zimmerman, Sa turday ,' Jul v 12th. 11 daug hwr, Louide Cael. . Your Old Carpet will make "Wearwell" rugs. Write or 'phone Frank. lin Rug Co. Franklin Ohio , , .
Sears ~ Cartwright Will insure Tobac,co against
Mr . and IDs. Nelson King. of Indianllpolis , Ind . . were the week-end g uests of Mr . andlMrs . Walter Elzey
Or, Grain aga inst J~ire~ for any length of time, 'fronl one month up.
Mr. and Mrs. W: H. Allen. Mr . and Mrs E V. Barnhart Slid Mids Olive Allen spent Friday in ClIlclnnat!. Mr . and Mrs . Ruymond Conller, Mrs. Harry Murray and Harry Conner visited tbe Exposi ti on at Columbus, Saturday.
Waynesville, Ohio
Amlin Block
Phone 61-2
a "'
Mr and Mrll Roy,McKirby and daughter. Mary Louise, of Dayton, have been visiting during the past week . relativ es he re Mr. and Mrs . J. L. Hartsock lind Mr and Mrs Beet Hdrtsock and daughter spent Sunday with Mr. Fred HartsQck and family. at Milford. Trade your old Carpet In on Beau · tiful New Rugs . Write or 'phone Franklin Rug Co .• Franklin, Ohio.
I 13y Torn \ Mr. amI MrR ! yman [lay ente rtained Mr . E'AI SlIllkt llHuml fa lll ily t o Miamis, 2; S' pring Va.lley . 1. Su ndll Y di nner Th us reads the score f one of th e i . bes t balll(ames ever pla yed at P hil- I - -- - -- - -lips Park ann it all ha [J pened lllAt Mr .. and Mrs . S. L. Curtwri l{ ht ell · Sunday afternoon Both managers le n aint'd to a fi ,/ clock dinn er, Sat· tried out new pitchers, and each hau urday evening . M~s. Martha E Dod· 'his stlir- Himes lind 8aroard -OU I. I ~on , nf Inui anapohs, Ind , and Mrs. in center fi eld ready t o as:mme th e J " ,wph II fl i rJ e~. burden at ~he least w()~b l~. but the l woubles fUlled to ~a ter lfl l l ze . ~II' !llh! :vI rti I:()y Ha tl lU way ha d Hnruld . Osuurne s game was Ii II' the ir Sill J ay y \lC~ " ."lr. nnd fIIrs. beuuty urlRht. He stlirlcd lO w.()rk ERr l T h" n l H ~ ami Hon. MI' . It lld lI'lr~ entIrely too f!ls t, an~ lI'alilcu th e tir ~ t J IIK Th v lll a~. of Ci'll le rvillt' . ~Ir lind ·ma n UP. but l~ ur hs ~o(Jn dt eJluled l Mrcl \'e rtl SlIy<1t'r li nd IW I) dli ld l l'll I ~lll il ~nll mliue hIm work ~I o we r . I Ie of ~l ron t/lom ury. hi ... t nr! r. r. I,'. W: I ulloll ed til,;, Valley ! I u/'( K'(l r~ but three: H ' ll !I W ilY . >:Icatlered 9I11g! OS tilld tw u wUlk . . !In<l fllnn e~ 17.o f them . Wuk eleyallow l:ld I Mrs J . W Aaill f>s en tP rtained a t the MIamiS unly four sl.l1gl es , but two of these we re bUllcheCl with a two- din n,ur. 'l' ue:ijday . ill hOll or IJf Mr~ . M. He ides base wild heave alld proJuced enoug h E . Dodson, 01 llld ianapoli rUlIlI 10 win the game. MrR. Don son, the ro we re MCl'dllllleR Spring Vlllley broke lhe ice In t ho ";1111 Mi~h en e r , S L. Cartwrig ht , Ag· decond in ning . Hollan d fallnen but n e~ WrIgh t . M E Ed warda. lind .I!' rye let Millone's ground er g~ be. Mi!!;1es Kiuie Merrilt and ' usan tween his legs and [{ul'fis heav ed t he Wrh~ht. ball over Gibbons' head wh en t he runner tried to st eal. Barna rd took Mr. Frank Cook and 'lamil y had 89 the COUllt, but WakeltlY prod uced their gu esLS. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. th e hit needed to score M ill one. Ben Ch1l9. Myers and sons , nallJh and Cline - then obligingly struck th ree nichll rd. Mr. anJ Mrs Harry L1oesen· ti mes wbere the ball waR not, ~Ild berg l!r and soh, Bobby, of Delmont, I he bank was closed for the b o~ ti! es. Mr . and M/,d. Thos Lacy and son. The Miami!! fool ed around until Harry . Mr .- and Mrs . War ren Lacy one man was gohe in th e si xth. and Mr. an d Mrs. J ohn 'l'rayser . Then Kurfis and Gibbons singled . stoll:! third and second. and scored wh on Maloneheaved Conner 's groun der into .Billy Hobin'3on 's potato patch. Dave went to secon u on the error. but the Miamis bad enough runs to win, so they d:ido 't bother to score any more. Some game, bu10l(ed . some game! The Bco re:
SPRING VALLOY AD Ii J{ S8 PO A KI\OO •. U.. .... .. .. .. a 0 0 0 s 0 Compton lb . . . . . . . . .a " 0 0 1 0 llop_ . rI.. . .. .. .. . f 0 2 1 o 0 P . 01\118. ab • . .• . •.. _ f () 0 0 3 I Holland . 0 0 0 o~
;) \
, Mr. and M~. J. 0 .. Cartwr1gbt ana two dAughters, nhea J3J\et and Eveab.. ... . ... , .. . ....... .. a I 0 0 lyn, lett. Mbnday, for, Kent. Ohio. lIl&\oae. Bnrnard. 01 .. .. .... .. 3 0 0 0 where they will spenrl a week with WBkoloy . p. ........ I " 1 U D. Olluo. e .. _. _ . . . . . 2 0 0 0 relatives. ·rotal. ... _. ....
Mr. J . Bassett Willa~, of the S . F~ Co .• was .in town. Tuesdav morning, on bU8mesa. H~ was a~~ companied by Bud Fred and Mr, Will a rd ' 8 t wo sons. , •• d H IIlr . an Mrs. Clare W. Inkle and dao"htere. Thelma and Margllret. ." . 'of MIddletown, and a young lady friend from Clifton, N J .• were calling on afternoon relatlv ga. Sunday _ ' • 6Q
2 0 o 0
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tl'r~ol "" " " " ""
Se II or. l~ . . .. .. . .. Hlmoo. or .... ... . . : . '1<11 .111. c... . ........ Glbbon"1 3b . .... ·...
Durton. r.. . . . . . . . . . Ornllorl. ... .... O.borno. rlp .... .. ... . ...
001\11.', 3b . . . ... . . . .
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. ~t. Mary's Church Fifth Su nday after Trinity . Jul y 20 : Suoday ~choo l at 9:30 a. m.; Morning Prayer and Sermon,at 10:30 The these public services.Is cordially invited to 1\\. E. Church Sunday,' July 20: Sunday School, 9: 15 a. m., F. U . LeMay, superintenaent. Holy Communion at 10:30 a. m ., and pre'lching at 8 p. m. I d Special mOsie, both morn ng an even ing . Come out and worship I with us . We know the weather s hot, but Satun goes on with his work all the sam e. Gideon Nelson J oll v, pastor • .
V 11.110, .. .. ,, _. 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 ........ u 0 0 0 0 3 00 .>:-2
~rl"IJ,1"' .... ..
Satul:day. July 19th, is positively Sertke Out.-,~uele" 9: OMborno. ou J)alla--Oebortt~. 3. the last d8l' for payinlr taxes. It you Uuo. Wlrd 1'1~h- WI1kOley : o.n"'rtte. have not paid your June tax. you had better do so before this date or they will 00 placed in the delinqu ent list,
July ·31 to Aug. 4
H'arvcysburg Fric.nds Church Amos Cook, pastor. Sunday. July 20: Bible Schoo l at 10:00 a. m., Annll Stinson, superin · t.:!ndent . Publ ie Worsbi p and Preachin g . 11:0611. m . You will be welcome at all th ose services. Come !lnd let us 1V0rship J ehovuh tOl(cther.
for her RO il, Elm er. who land ed from ove r S(!all on May 3rd , and j ust arrived home. Ju ly :lnJ. a t midnigh t, her hrot hers, sisters. neleos .nep hews, cCl uRin s and frienrls- th ere were B vnty-fi ve who nte dinner In the a ft nl'nOfJlI, ahout twenty of Mrs HoInp' s ol d neighhors and friend s from ' Per ry an d vicinity ca rne. \l:lad to see I':lillcr hnm(' Itllnln He went to wnrlt'a t t he N . C . 11. . ha ving got hlil nlll job back. thu t he had whun he wun t R W~': on ~ a rc h 3, I 18 . .
uaci~ ..
Conserve Time. and . Expense by Attending .'
, tin !ltorm . Th l' li~h tn in A' 11' 0 9 cun . lind wns th ' Ii rRt clectril.'a l !o 'ow r of i ~ Id nd IhiR year. Th er . as q uill' n bi ' of' wind in BO Ill I' B c 10nH III) rl h fl lI'l 811U ~ h of he r!' bu t I I t much dft llln R'e W IIS d llll<' A ha rn I ' Soul h Lehrlllnn r,nd one in the . ls ker disl ri et Wf' I" <truck hv Ih{ht . I nl!' Bnd hn h wc"~~ I TI)y (! r1 . Tht' ~ ' o rm cooled t he I1 lmMllh,' re hil l tI ,oml Sund flY wlIS Hil l! ()f the hut I lyS o f~e .vila: _ _ _ _ _ t nU OUB ,
HEAVY RAIN STORM AND HOME COMING Mrs Li llinn-M. Ha top entertained T hI S V~r.i'y vms vi~ited, sat ll 'rrlay ight , with a hell"y ulectri cnl anu al n reu ni on and also a home- coming
I"e th W· Wlllchl.nan hilS th' follow · about onll of our form er
(0 ) inll·to MIl Y
WILL HAVE ELECTION On Sunday. July 27th. at 10:30 a. III , there will ue an election in the M. E Church, for the purpose of se. It-eling a d elegate to attend t he AnnU1i1 Conference this 'fallat Finellay Ohio Every member of the church' nl!er 21 years of age, i8 earnestly re: q uest ell to be present. U. N. Jolly.
t)willJ,: III lUl o"urflllw IJ I adv erl ig· MrR Sarah Zi ~ me rrn nll \\'U .~ vc ry hw Ill.' "I'l' le. \\'P flrt UI a!.! .. 1(, .get pleasantly sur prtsed , MondllY VUII flny 1)[ hI' ~l'ril\ l. "(;\'I'I'n FU I1<:1' .. in ill ll:. with a kitchen show er. ~iI' cn II)' ' hi.. ,q ~ r hl,; ~tor y ha::l "riPp€.'<1 members of the EnMern Stllr ~ 1t 1·1 ,.lIr l'I·tder ~ 10 t he quick, lind we are rt!Ct:lved S num.Ler of UA ru l 8rl lel 'H vt!ry rlu rr y that it IH im possible to After t he meellllK', thuy al l 'lI j"YIJ,1 I s~ue even l\ Hmall part of it this ic cream Ilt Philli (Jq. wi th Mrs. I·'. week. Howe" er, we will try to get H. Farr as host ess. more of it in ollr next
A W eJded Furnace
Regulates Itself ....
The autom a tic regu la tor onth.:: r~ rq l1h ar Furnace is reliable beca use of its simpl icity. It is e!1icient because it sav es fu cl. It is con vcni ent because it saves labor a nd insures. an even hea l witho ut constant personal att en tion. Let me tell you why it is imp rtallt t o have a welded gas tight furnace.
Wilmington, Ohio
!I-------------------------III!I! Now Is the Time
To invest your money. Make it earn you seven per cent. The Milford Pink Granite Company, having lately purchased the entire properties and asse ts of The Victoria White Granite Company. now· olTers . a rare opportunity to secure a high grade , tax. free, 7 per cent preferred stock, at par. dividends payable quarterly . We inv ite invostigation an l adv ise a pro~pt action .
I Mr. and Mrs, L. A. Zimmerman and children and Mrs. Sarah Zim · merman attended a Shriner picnic at A. l!l. Chenoweth, 80n of Joseph Caesar' s Creek Friends· Church Kilkare park. last Friday. They had and Bethany Chenoweth, was born a fine time; as there was pl enty do · July 18. 1~7 apd died July 4. 19H1, Su nday School at this church every ing all the time. aged J I years, Jl monthaand 17 days. Sunday nt 10 o'd ock. Prellching He was united 'in marriage to Car· Btlrvice at 11 o'clock u. m. You are Mrs. M, E. Dodson, of Indlnnapo. oline Watson, November 18, 1874. cordially invited to be present . lis, [nd., was the guest of ·Mrs. Cyn· Four children werEi born to ihis thia Evans last week . She bad a union. the daughtel:, Laura Belle, Lytic M. E. Church delightful visit with old friends, af. baving P~~ het:' fat~er eleven tel' being abgent from Wayncsville years .~o. Desltles t.he WIdow. three . Sunday School every Sunday at for so long a time. . . 8On8 eurvlve. Francis M.• of Xenia, 2:00 p. m . Regular preaching ser. . John E •• of Kalamazoo, Mich ., and vice everyand Sunday at 3:00 p.m. every Choir ':._ ti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• practice prayer meeting . N ' h dt Ho.,atcl L ., who rU8ides at home, Mr. and Mrs .. Lafe !c _olson an and one Irranddsullhter. Dorothy Wednesday evening. Everybod y is Mr o.n d J. yY. Pi!llhps autoed' May Muter, of Wayne8vllie. Healso cord ia lly welcomed . to Pamesvllle. OhIO. last week and; leavlI8 one sister. Mlllrtha LaCY. and - - attended Grand Eneam'p~ent, I. Q., one brother. J . C. Chenoweth both '0 . r.. They had a fine trIp and ttie of this vicinity. ' . meetll1l!' was good _ He always held to the Baptist '. faith , and united with the Middle Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taft, Mrs. Run Baptist Church about six years Rebecc.a Randall., Mrs. L H. Vlnso~ ago. and 11811 aiwaysl been consi'stent and MISS ,Jeanne Ferguson, of Day- an\;l devoted to his church and its ton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Interests J W; White. and also of , the FarFor past year, he had beep In [ have a number of good cn h buyers for farms of all sizes. men Club, last Thursday. faUing health. and . yet his 8udden Mr. J, BassottWillard, advortising What have you for sale? This i an idea l tirn~ to sell wh ile pricel death, whie" OClCurt'oo at the home Mrs. Charles M. Cartwright and of a neighbor. came as a great shllck manager of ·the S. Fred Co. Lebanon are good and the dema nd strong • . Have sold Q number 'o f Wa rren Big Store, will again have charge of daughter, Helen Louise, who have to all. ., the press bureau of the Miami Val · County farms and can give the very bes t of reference. Ne commisbeen visiting Mr . and Mrs . S. L . ley Chau taugua during the A!lsembly Cartwri<Yht. left for Columbus, Wed. "DtareAt father, tLou hast left U 9, a . And ollr ID S!! we deeply feel. whic" is !!cheduled f or July 25 to sion charged unJess .I sell . H you th ink of selling , notify me and r neaday evening, to spend a tew days Bnt this Cod that hM t berelt us. August 10. This Is Mr . Willard ls before returning to their' hpme ·In H. can all our IOrmW8 heol. fifth consecutive season with the wili call and see yo u . . , Evanston, Ill. Yet again ,we bope to me.t thee, Chautauqua.. He will also supervise J . ~ Wbea the day 01 life I. fled, the press work and reports of. the Fred's Lebanon : Big Store annual When in heaveD, wltlb Joy, to Rrc.~t I hee, ... hrlslian Endeavor Convention which July Mid .Summer CII!8l'8Pee Sale . Where DO far~.w.J1 is she<! , con venes at the Chautauquallround8 will begin Friday.· July 18. Wi~ ' ..._...... _. 1___ ,-_ . July 22 to 25th, inclusive. . prices af merehandl:le climbfDll ~ - .~ - - -... ...... higber, the remarkable b'al'8a1ns ofWord. cannot ~tpr818 our thanks Optlmlatlo Thought. ROIIidence, Ofl1ces • •• , fered through tilis great price ridue- to our friend. and nellrhboni for Amon. eold Tnlmngc, never loob Centen;ille, Ohio 816-17·18-19 Rgfbold BIdt/i ~ " . . Uon sale should not be over· looked. their klndn_ lIho.m toward us durHome Phone 58 Dayton. Ohio Look ahead! Anticipate your needsl log thl. sad bereavement. We also moro dlgnlfled thnD wheD h'e tatl!ll • Buy now while the money·aaYlng OJ)- wlab to thank A Miffitt and the IJl)Cctllcle cnlO trom hie pl)('ket. opel1l Centerville "'--I.ange H ('h 4696 Bell M-'- ........ It, unfnhls a leo,", '111t8 It s8trlde _l1li .1-_ _ _ _ _ .......... orne • _ _~ ........._ _ _ _ _ _• • •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ,il!.OrtDn1t7 18 at hand! Remeaiber. teI aDd telel)hone operators. IIGIIU PIIII 10!Ib rou lD the era. _-:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ one ____ _............. FrIdaJ. JuJ.v 18, II the opanbqr dQ. . The Family.
.The Milford Pink-Victoria White Granite Co.
A PrograntFu•• of Inspiration and .: Patriotic to the Core.,
--- _. - ..
'F ive Joyous Days, tilled with Lectures and .Entertainment that will help you to "Pack up your troubles in your old kit .bqg and smile, smile, smile."
Farms Wanted
R, C. 'HAINES. Gen. Auctioneer &Farm Broker
Buy your season tickets now, as none, will be 'sold . after the' Chautauq\la opens. ·
DR ' J TELLIS .Pr-••·dent HOWELL PIERCE, Secretarv"
Public Sa'lea
makes a shuI},
Suit or Skirt look llke new. a easily s
brushing your clothea 'IWI .. it-Jult a little bruahNo liquids I ,No chemicnl6 No wetting of gnnnenl Renews the Nop
' .........t -
Probate Court j'>roceeding. In the maUllr the gUArdlan.blp of Etton W . Rloh, at at: ml'llot•. EII:t.abelh Rloh I. appoln'eG. BODd 1. 3000 The will of Joh_ R. B .... mall, d808t\8ad . I. adml".d '0 probate. , MAI'v Iil. Riley, admu , 'fI Oa'h erlne Riley, et al . 88le of r.l I Ate I B ordered. 1'he will of Mary Perry. deces,ed, Is Ildlllittad t probate.
• _lOa, Rew Veterinary .be, 20
At all good drug Iftores.
mB QB. '. 'Co lON'Jt8 COMPANY, So. OIarlestoD, 0. J. Eo ~a'Del'. The Rexall Store. WayncsvUle. Ohio,
The Practical Car
SAXON "'SIX" A comparison of the features of Saxon" Six " with thos of higher priced car.'- discloses a Big Credit Balance in fa vor of Suxon
RAY F. MILLS, Dealer
• ..... 0 n II: V H 1\ DLO'A'INO bVDDI.E8.
Waynesville. Ohio.
Either Auto or HOlM drawn t!8rYlce~ No extra charge for auto,
Both phon. in Offiee and RMI1t.n~ .
®] Room 801; Longacre Bldg., New York. N. Y .
No. 14 .f
This year, it will be well to get at it right away. There is nothing more importRnt in , the building of a home tban the lumber that goes into the house. When you are satisfied with the plans of your home, consult with the architect as to the amount of lumber to be used in the builqing, then you go directly to
IMadden'sll Automobile. But No Oarage My wife says we have an automobile but no place to keep it, We'.ll go to Madden'. and get the lumber for it today, for he ha~ just what .we wan't to make a first-class gara~e , and his pricea are so reasonable.
w.,........... W. B. MADDEN & CO., Wayn~i1le, o. I .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Commissioners" Proceedla.. AS8BuweD&e, 10 'be matter of the Improvement of Clnololl"" Colam bna l'08d, J. U. B. No. 6. 880. "D," Torlleoreelt and Olearoreek Twpe .. were approyad. BillA allowed :- R Edmon. lampl', labor aDd malerlal, 110 60; W8ItilrD 8~r, legal IIdv .. Ila.76; ,{.tbllrlnt! M. Mo()oDn80ghe.v, 'uDllol'lblng reoords, ,1l.1I0: Oblo Law Reporter, II nb.orlptiOD. III: .1 B. Woodward,. senloe8 on burtal oommlUee, IL'; W. H Robin_Oil, fame, '1; B. 1$. WillIams , reoordll for Prob,," Jo(J~ l,lil.50; B. D. Wllllllmll, paper for Commtl8loners' offioe. P . 50: B. D. WllllamB"y1lf!wrlter rlbboa •• olerk'. office. n: Bancook BrOIl .. lPeal. for JarorA. 111.10; Ublll, J. W.IIJUOer, tlberUr, boarcUag and ••• hIDI ' ,)r pylaoners. 1180 iii; U4Mli JC tltaDIAY, ~ervloell A8 dllltS&aO\ to Proll8OawrJu 0 8"11. f\\l\\e of Ohio VII o"oly i'tlr wlln. '\150: 8. lI'ra;t C:o . floor cover tOil tor .1"n. eto , 11'U: IDqa •• ' bo41y of E. Wolf: OClronllr, 1 • .• 11; (Iha •. ~ . WaltlCoDer. 8b.rllT·R qUllrWrly . liS ueDee ,ooooilt, 137'.41; lJ9b~b in jo.. and Coal Co • lao, liS 60; B.'·.Blall'. gewer pipe, 14.~0; A \1\111: , 'Uor •• p, road renalr work, '" !SUi WDI Ben dorson, BltW .. , 14 50; P P. MilleI'. rOlld In 8peolor, .16; Joho Gregg brlllllil repllirs ID Cloarorl!e. Tw'p . , U7.1l6
Section 2-T ba, tho Village ohall COIllracl
ror Ugh tin. Ile Itreet., avent_.
uo,lllubllc plac.. wi t h .Ieclrlc
a1h1l" Ian.. U".h 10 "".
(!Orlln.nee .atd fllana and .p8clllraLion., ror the Imlo<l 01 !.en (1 0) ,.... from th.
a.,I,dlll/l oj Ihe (1)I)......,t. "bleb .hall boo done u /lOCO u pra",lcable a''''r "06 bkltl ....
I'IC<lI ved. . !leclloo J- Th.llhe CIertc 01 &he V I I . Is d l'OI!led to advertloo ",:oordIDlr 10 la. lor lwo oo~ulI ve " ...1<. 10" ne ••~_ of......,u cltculltlon I>;> Ibe VIII.... lor bld. &0 eald lI.hUlIg , . htCb bldllball be rooet".d b, "Iltt C:1 lork and bq opelled ., U 0',,1neIr BOOB eo til • . luI "." lor IllIog Ihem ....d be public!, ...d b, 111m a'lll. OOuDcll Chambe, 01 &ha 1'111....' Sel,tlon 4 - Tbl" all bldtJ ""al! be 01) Ib8 blank lormo prepared b" Ibe VW .... and &0 h. I>ad lrom tile CIerI< 01 'h. Till""" UJIOI) appllcatloD to blm . and.ach 1114 · .t\aI1 lie _ m paolod b, .. certiDed cbeck ' upo.. a _lv....1 ballk • .J!8,ahl.. to said ~. III abe ...... 01 Illy. /Juodred Doll.... (,'00.00) . . a~ tha" II a"anl"" ,he qaaVac& 1M er .ha\1 eo&or 10&0 • prop. eon.....,. .11 Ibe VIlIIII9IO do eald lIe MI..........ID Ii... : a IlUnlcI",,' uod_ Aklng (or IIoI .f Th. ebelllu or u...uco:-Iul' bI&J_ .all be ",Iuriled to .hem IlIl 1000 .. 1oIt1l ~luI bidder I. ucerhlned, and 'he cbeck 01 til" lUC<!_ul blddwebal' bllTII&uroed u -... .. 'he oald C1m,",,"and undartalll... an UIlCUIed !lee11l'1) _Thalli ,_,....,. ra aocord......
Now is the time to lay In your next winter's COAL'.' Don't 'wait. You ' are not saving anything by putting it off. We ,have what you w~ nt. Call 'and gi,'e us ) our order. We deliver every day,
r , -
An Ordinance
&PI)r'llvoo .
=~~~hl~~~' boolUl~~: ':: d~lI:=a lIIrh'llI8 • • arl a lunlckm' UDderlllltlq. &0 ilia ,,1111"1'11<10 01 lb. I»WIl·U. tor &h.. '-'armor Ill. OODlnct.hilllbeI1Y11allllldVdleM' . 8Qetlon 8-Thal lhl. Ord _ _ IIhalI hILl! elT.m an.1 be II) 10_ at t.Iu! eartIed perlod ' aIlowlll b,. I••. P - ' ibIe 01 .luI,.. 1~1I•
,tnt _ I A~.If1'bLlUV...~.JWI, II~
..: ~
11K IT IJnDA1NRU D\' TUII: COUNm .. (I I' '1'lIlt VILLAGE 0 1' COKWIN, S'I'AT" 0 1.' 01110 : 8octloll I-That tM planl anrl ~lIIe. tlonl fo r lit,fhtisl 'he "'reeL" , a\'lmu • . I....... alley" und IlII blle pili<)" or Ihe VllIaee nf Oor.. In , ~!tBtO o r Ohio. ,.. It" .Ieclrlc IIghl. DO" 00 lIIe .. Ilil tho Cieri< or the VIII ........ hoNb,
• IIII!IJI!lI...~. . .
•,.DBNllST••• ,
OR•.J: w.
To Arlvertise for Propo~1I1. and to Cnrltract for the ~Itrt.tinll' of Streets. Public Ways and Public Gr ounds with Electric Light.
Bros. Grain Co.
Real Elltal. TraMe... B . B. and Mahel 8 . BamtUon &0 Emma R . (Jodell, 10' ~o. 111 10 Lebanon, OhIo . _ W, B. Bopping Wm. fI Kar ray . lot No 4 In Spencer'e 811MI vl810D '0 Lebanon, OhiO, 11. 0. G B'.lrley. e' al. J ... H, AndersoD, ~32, 36 aoree ID .. _Ie Township. 11.
Way nes v iIIe,SOh 10
Phone 7.
From .... ClRNli:$B LUUAIIT EMI .. We.L
Funeral Dindor and Embalmer,
bRA UUFll I, OHIO, 811R 00£8.
~8 of apnlenee<l Horsemen, Stockmen, Farmers anti ~' '''-;\'8 t~rned "roJD experience ' to depend absolutely upon • o...tO....:e-.Ji. 6Dd to keep a bottle handy tor emergencies or
r .... '" Y
1'11"1,, MI ,
1Ie1 01 Hit.
Addltionnl Brondwav 1111",
.·VB TOLD MY LOV»from ""111111. II). ft GETII 'I'IRM ALL-fN>1II 80mebocl,'. 8weetbeart. 'J1IR CALL OF 'IIIB OO81R I,ON8 _ frotll Tabe II
... Marringe Llcerutea flDd DIIfI&I .. ~peolaltv . denry .Joseph Fin", frill 1M oon· daoto.. of Oi nOlDndl, lind 1111 ... Elisabeth Kilen Bran', Mono'&!'. l.I'ather "a \10)' . . . Roy O. FUe. carpenter, sDd "III Velma M, !hrlBtt, botb 01 Lebanon. Ira Boule, steel worker, of Mid -Puneral Director. dloCowD, Ohio. lIod MtlM Alloe Gar 41ner, of LebaDon, Ohio. W.yn~8vUle Ohio Elmer E. Johnllon. .hoe ooUe" IIn4 MI81 Bessie II, Gardiner. both of Lebll non . -&ITBItBCllrl Tho nl peoD Colt, oflloer ID Auto Equlpmeat . army. of IAwreDoollarg, loel .. alld Miss Zols Anna Wood. of LebaDon, Hone-Drawn equipment Vornle li:d ward Walle8, oarpenMr, lind Miss Gwelda Gaynell "aloU, 'hLIrBONB 7 DAY OR NIGHT: botb of I..ebanon.
B;ouatonla (The Original Jones')' Liniment nll\y be applle(J1 .
IuD .tniDgth. to open .ore. or galls. It soothes as it hClllsndlloee I1R!l1Ing, prnenta Infection. Does not. fret nor worry the animal. Jnatantly atop. all pam and soreness. The KiDd Your Daddy UaecI With My Da6.' PIctqre OIl tINt Yellow Wrapper. I ..,
I, JIomoo. A I'lun'TY omt. 18 IBE A ~'EI.oJ)Y -Irom the 1"01-
Notary Public
Porto RIco.-
~V"rDNrille'. (.eaI\tfUJ DAaua.
Oftloe In a,tnM Rtdl/
I •
Open evenlng8 by appointment
IION1'8 (lIU8'J'()-tn>m 1I000Ie CrIlto J,.
DR. R.E. H~1'UA \VAT
WHRIf l'()u LQOK IN TilE n F.A RT OF A n OSE-from Th. '01• . rLAY ME TllAT T UNE-fr om Tile LAd, ID n ed . ' WlJ.l~WI8~rrolll A
... of ,oar IIDtmetJt. 1 lumel1 the ea.ab7 . tbt It ... the beat thing f op laUe aa& ~ *h. and I oert.o1nly Deed It DOW. 'We ba91 filch bot .eather u4 IN _ .... tlMt wr mulee Bra in Yoor l!idDent ,. the Sl'Mtlilt hMIer (or ell woulld. that iii maU. eupe,..!. Beeler, Pac1I Muley, Tralo
Optical Department 8. Ot!troit St. Xenia. Ohio
'ar Sora aDd
LA Luclllo.
RoJa! V_boDd.
All.lllude 01 NoUry Work.
~. .bDalt
• trOID ....
I.oVII 18 LOVII-frolll
..... OODLB. mI -
.............. ...........
ow 'I1me
Phone 34~1I).2S~~
Endorsed by U. S. Cavalryman For Collar Galls and Harness Sores
"0. If. p, 8. A_y. LuMarl",
l:'Iarveysburg. Ohio
••d Ad.
If your den ler cunnOl supply you. scml your dollar to' The NaJMtir Co., 12 North Market Street, Chicago, III If tlle Nnpstir falls in lI ny I'CSIICCI we, will return yuur money,
Proceeding8 OArl F . ;lIor s VII Tbe Oblo Elea Ol'~BBI t r \C' Ry , Co. 'a nlle \8 dillmlssed ror wlln. of proseeu "OD. ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ NeVA P. Llnooln V8 leRao W . Lin MONEY LOANED oo ln Dlvoroe g re.nted and plalnllff 1M r est,or ed '0 ber malden name of Ne Vil Pa'terllOo , ONEY LOODed OD live "ook, Ethyl BarlleU 'U E<lmllad Bur obnttele, allO MOOnd mo"tgaI/8I'. !leU. D1voroe Is grsnted 6nd pIAI~. No. . boollbt. JOhD Barblne, AileD f tiff Ie restored '0 malden name of Bulldlnll, XeDI ... ObiO. : 6•.~_2cJ Etbyl Nol.on. Laara Hopson VI\ Wm. BOPIIOD, C. . ,. 1I0ct one\ody of ,h'o millor ~ oblldren In ,bll! oRu8e autll farther ordor of &he Coart, II gIven ADD .. Stamps. ~ute of OhIo V8 Jobn 1I'0rJlDer. .. . Examined Correctly... Defend an' hA vln, pl_ded lomy, he I, given Indetermlnal8 .en\enoe Glasses Fitted to Ohio 8\a&e Penlle ntlar),. AT MODERA.TE PRICES
It costs One Dollar
"PINel _IS me III oneo a
Ua.lug dOrllded &0 qllh tarmlnl Ilod move .0 W"y08lvllle, 1 will Mil Rt \lubU <, ~ .. ltI lit my r6sldl'U08 on 'be Rl'llbroo k ptlrl', a ", tlell oorth ot Common Plens Court WIlYlle,ovltlo , y. mile .outb of Mid· d Ie Rnn ohor D. 00 ' ew ' una Wt~Jnc.da)' , July lJ, 1919. R rv"" L. Ry (' ,' ~ !:Inm Merodltb L II \. If., r dlll"U I( "~ ' HU it 03, Bellnn tn!! at lo'olook, abup, 'be I AIII A l\b. MoC•.rt.l' ,,~ Ih e r e U to\lOWIOI!I : 1 Borle. 4 ea"I ... 116 1M Uarty . dlv oroe. oruelty. ~beep. \I 80g8, Lo~ of Implemeo'", ,S u sie Antbony vs Henry Ao'boll)" ~ la.@:e bills foJ' ...."oalari LA WRENCE SlflEPARD dlvoroe: absenco Bolt negleot . W. N t3e.r~ . Ana'
'OUR MUTUAL PROTECTION against briltatlons and substitutes. Ita clistincttve shape and b1own-In-dae-hottJa~ label 8fe covered br letters· \l8tent-the that the Governmertt affords for ~. the tnie from tho faIae-the gemdne IJUn ihO eubstitute, You believein &Jr ~ in bua1ness? Then· ~ mand the genuine. I)ottlod Coca-caLl, which from thla date will be lIBelLed onlY 'in thla 'now and d1etlnct1ve ~e. ~ •
Drink 'Coca-Cola in Bottlg. ~ • cue In fOUI'!Iome, . Order &am fOUl' dealer,
D9.1iCiou·. an~ R~ fTB.hln~ 'fHE DAYTON ICOCA·COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Home Phone 6.&71
GAZ E TT E••••
ISSUED F;Vl<;RY WEDNE.I::DAY I!:n'...... at Ih" Pn.lnnh·. at W.,nca~I11., 01110, a. Sero",j l 'l... 111.,1 AI a" '"
D. )"'. ell AN~, Editor and l'ublilthel, WOYnf6vllle, Obio SubscrfDtlon Price, $1.50 per year
WEDNESDAY, JU,"Y 16, 1!)) 9 f'
Mr. auc1 IIr•. 8t1\wel IiDt!I M ~ aDd wife , ot I r'l l.~le Riol! aDd oh ll dron , 01 I .(lh,~ days, nOD; vore 8 U,,8\9 of Mra. H .. uuoh Rlob • • oooutly, Yr, and IIr., O. Nal'nOD and , daulfhters K11'h alld G len na Mr., Mra. Lnnti HlUtIiOC'lt. MrR ' ,,011\ J , Wm. aartaooll aDd ROIl! Bars. Ida 118nn~D and 'IItlll 'Etbel' Hanaook and HOD. 1 enn utll . 6'H . , "ook were ID Dayton , Suona,., 'be Bbnday 8 uOl &ll of Mr. allel Mre. Ar. Sarab Rial] aDd W. T , ,} (1 r d .. n wfl re I(U"'" of Mr. and M.ra, Ira Bar\l,4oDIl. 'bor Ballard of III.mlllbarg. ebopplng \0 Wllmlogalln, 'fUtlS(\flY lira, Marah Rlob,' of' RarveyeburlJ, ' at las* week . hli ll b eeD ,bIlIlU68' of berslHter,Mrs, Mr, and Mr!!. Geo. Davl. alld Mrll, aDbah Ricb , foraeveral days 'fhay Edith Davltl aad eOIlI, Robe,t and -- -. - - - ~ pen' Thurll~ay wl·l b Mrll, Berda Roger. were calling a' Wm. lIorrlll ', J ordao . Ulll1r Way o8lvllle, Sunday e\,eulolf, Read Gazette's Classified-Ads
I. tb. RO." o r!
Harvcysburg,O. Oraduato of Oblo S'al. Un'",n"v
A quick re9J)0l\ ~e - My viRi t~ ar e mHilll wi t hout rl ,In r , l~n t I enve
nn imats lJy l)t Ompt u~e ,f r il( ht r e m ~di e~. Call me 8. ea rl)' 8.. you cun.
It Helps On
--- - Orner::
I~o llrth S tr eet, n cur Tyrer
Telephone 98
Curt>. l W aynesv III,e.
Ohi o
J uly I e,
Prof e e' ssor
t· .e
'j ~'~~~r}~~";~~8d '"a~,!?O IHl - - - -. . . . . .- - . - - - - .7e'''-WU . .:~.> -~- ......- - - - - - - - -............... IMPATIENTLY AlIIAIT . n 1 ~~e:·~~.~3~eLl~·::.c~!·!l tt~~t.8~1e~~ele~:! '." ' .. . ,~ GREAT NEW CIRCUS ~I~:~ l~b~~I~':.r~,'~ruC~:'i~~lhl~"nI~\t:g:~fl:U~ r,.will
Influe nced hy con dlltuLl o lILlI condltlona ~ rc()ulrea cOluil ltullonu. ) treatment. H.aU's
"01_ 0.,," 'h. big bolldl, for wblcb ,00aK and old Im-tlellt', .... WII".' ,bla 1",,'loalar prom __ So eollplltl an o~her eveate of 'be .,.Iendaa vear at . V"vtOD I'rlda" , I ' II oIal, l!~.
h would eeemail thoD8heVllr•. ·b 0 .. A I thi"005 I 'It1 werll II·1lIaD t 01 ,.. SO a"eod. Tbe very Deme of the .roat aew olrooa-Rlngllng Broth. erlland Barnum & 1i"IIIlY UombLoed -ball booa 8ulllolen' to aronll6 far more In'I'rOlla 'b,m JIM Aver bofor. bIIon IIhoWD In tile oomlnl 01 aD, Imnll6111ent ea'erllrlJte Aod word frdtn 'lio Rlo.llog Blotberll, who a,e ,he dlreo'or. ot Sble ICI~lInUo .oper olfoue, Ie So 'he effeDt ' ha' 'hoae who "a&end · tbe perro,manOIlI Will. witrlesll ,he greatest program .vor prOllen&e(1'iD Amerloa. 'l'blH II Jikewlse 'ruo of tlltl mammol,lI ".reel ...radll, whlob will poenl voly , ..... plaOll I1l10wda, mOlDllli, I,h " lOam· Plo$b meol\Rorle 1104 ull ol ~e 000. DOO'OO wltb thlB blgAes\ or '"II lPlulle w801 IDlI,lloUouB , The faIDOU~ IIbowmllo !Jave made Ii oom plete 8ur vlly of bo'h 'be gro,,' ol.r ooad lIod mergtlO Ibe flUlll" aDd
Int,(> OU II
ous requests have come to us to have Professor Munt~r give us a return engagement. Weare using this means to tell you of his coming. By simply pulling the belt any figure is transformed into slender, graceful lines. After thirty days the body remains permanently perfect. Any woman can be made physically perfect with a corset that is so comfortable to wear that YOIl do not realize that you have one. on. P¥of. Munter is the inven1tor of the famous NULIFE shoulder brace and' corset, that is now being worn
by millions of men, women and children throughout the world, who are living testimonials of the benefits of NULIFE Comets. No matter what your figure is, 'no matter what comet y~u are wearing, it will be of the greatest Interest to you to see and tOI know that at least a corset h~ been C~Bated that will gi,ve you a most beautiJ~1 figure with perfect comfort. .
"1'1" dllnllnallrll.
Mr. 'fI,I Mr~ n'l! rv Frv IIDd IIrll, 1'1'.1,,,11 8 ,·11 ·w ..,,, 11<,.'0'0 · .,IBIIOrl, nan •• ,,9 t ,0 \l'1"' wn,,1! . ~!r • 'h,,". Ih,"... , ' 1" T,nv, 8pron' ' h" wl ,,,k.,onrl ". hll\ h " m,·, h>lrt! Mr Will '1~ " lml\lI , .• , Hn y l,. ,n,"r~bt 'hn .jIll ""lib h'. mo'h .. r,l1IllI~ OUOWD. W, ,"O il MfA, Alh •• tS Hpllton eo. 'erblnml HI dlnnnr, l'Ionda,. Mr. lind Mrll RlltV8V MnaMN' Mre Ed K, · ~ lto" IIp1'D' We10pAday wUII Mr. ,,"d ¥ rIO T", lor Qolte a ua,nber from bere lpeD' In II'ron.IIII, . Mr ,,"11 M,~ . Perry lI:",nblll". of M8 ' rlh- !tlwil, ~,"'n. Frl.lny wUh
I '
Aodilorium Seveotb
Plenty of Corset Fitting Rooms
have been arranged - Seventh Floo~.
The FnmOIlB O<IMll'tlcrc frc.m tho N\llIt'~ . Compnny will be presellt. flcr Rcrvlt'ell IIrc \CmUs ,
960 Wo,men's new and beautiful Bummer blouses of voile or batiste will go into ¥ ,olllday July 21. It Is to. be an AMAZING sale, The at()lry is short. Indeed, there is scarcely need of saying more than that we ~urried around and got these at'll good price.
~h~, B~l~
. ' Seldom"" even lri 'the halcyon days before the war,' have such blouses been obtainable at these low prices. 'J'\\'O of these blouses have been sketched by our own artist. They show the styles, but nbt the lovely materials or fine workmanship. .
360 Blou.,.. 0-;' $ale at 79c • S' ditt I I II batls p I.X ~ren\ I l f ell n vo elor te. rett, lace or embroidery trimmIng or eoIored stitching Ing. ::s"'I zes 86 to OM' All sal M d J I 21 . t , Imm on e on ay, U y • at
,bn "'11
79c. '
600 Bloue. on Sale at $1.29 -
Nino dlll'orcilt stylcs, in "olles I)r lill t ls !.,. n ~ ()r v ll1~ ot e."Ilcr\nl IOcnU"" n,'l) fhc blur IlIlll w hl(,'. I'fIse 111111 wlolto Dnd tnll nnd wh l <:111'('11:('(\ vo ll "~ with w hit' org tUullC cIII) I\'I~ lind cuff there II I'() lI.;) t "'lill y "t thoSt', so you wltl necessn rt.lY bnvc tl\ en rl y ~(:It!ctl(HI , MOllday tllt) 00(1
go on BUle Ilt $Ua, ,
THEREFORE, SPREAD THE NEWS-Pass the word along- Give your neighbor the benefit of your information, let nota single person, for miles around, miss Rike-Kumler'sJuly Sale
lSI "nd MIR !Cd K,' . lInlC
'Valuable DllCOvel'7.
SenDth Floor
960 Voile and Batiste Blouses, at 79c and' $'1.29
Lectures Commence at 2 P. M.
u JI1 \lr,. II ~)'Uf I","" h 1",,1 ' Mu. i '" ,h H, II Ihl1 IIII~', "Ae'l, ' ~' '', II "rl" :041, ' w.' MI~" 1.9111 .. "I1""y .. , f) .v 'tll' . "lInnl 'hll -l\b'
which up to this time have been the complaint of women from all over the world .
Continues for the entir~ month of July---Each day an entirely fresh program--Each day bigger, o~~o.rtunities that strike a new blow at the h~ gh. cost of living-Here IS JUst one of the one hundred or more blg Items offered (:i.uring the week of July 21st to 26th.' .
I,whleb l!Oaauerac:t Ull! Ylbl'lIt1nn Dr
i. built cerrecte the corset errors of cen· lurle., and removes the annoyances
The July Sale Celebration
n' 1\.... Chlwr"IItt.1O Mr•• ~; K" ,'h 1, , \. h'l~ lopn talOiD. · '"., .. 1.1 ... " , fr om D8ar Bllli, boro, 'h' ,,',., wlltlll, " ' . ·,,1 MIH 1\1"!CI ..,,,lnA, nf ~l!rl1 gH ,'IIl, hllve hllen vlII$lnlJ Mr.
To assist in service giving.
,,,,,, ' In n~.. nlll,nll'lIl' '~'nal'''M<P!I l1li11111 II nil ,llI'ln nn · lln~".IIIIr rlU&hlnn..
feel proud to present it to the people of the Miami Valley. The "NULl FE" Corset fits the body snugly without binding, gives proper back rest and style with comfort. the principle on which the "NULlfE"Coraet
No Cbarge for
of Corletierel
M,II, ..i, .nj' , ,,' I.,UII, hiu. hOl'ln vtl!. tin" II ,,., " .. o'. II' .. r, W. tt Null. • . .t •. "111 ."':" ro.I H(ln",,1 lind Mr . ...11 \tH, W .. ""r ~""!I .. 'A U\8 own.
" hn" heeft fonnd I1'WIlblp h,
will '
An Extra Force
~"r " h !IInU.
H:1' z, hnth JUlin",.
Ledures CommeDce at 2 P. M.
The "NULIFE" Corset is self-lacing, hip-reducing, back-resting and abdomen-supporting, and you can wear it with solid comfort from the moment you put it 'on. The NULIFE Corset has a b~ck resting feature no oth r corset has, compels deep breathing with the.entire lungs all t he time, red ces the ~bdomen and hipa without any pressure, and once you put it on you realize 'for 'yourself why the NULIFE Corset has ,been the rage of Europe, 'a nd why we
No Chrge for Admission
(No Charge for Admissi~n)
.they have been a great force for public good. Numer-
These lectures have created tremendous interest-
----- ---
" l~
In Our Auditorium .On Seventh Floor
ompany !'
M()nday .Afternoon, July 21st, at 2 O'clock -,
'" . '
Mr. Cloorse Reeder, of Roale 4, 18 ,boUdlD8 an addUloD of live rooml &0 hi. residence, Walter Konrlok and toroe are pasblD8 *he worll: "IOD,. Mr. apd Mre Alber' 8'aoy aDd
The Rike- urner
OIl"., .....
GleDD JobDII, of DIlY'OD, IIp8n' a.turd.,. ."enloll alld 80Dda,. wltb bome 10\111. ilrl. Allie Dallin w"a n LebanOD viii tor, Heverll daJa 'aliI week , lin m"Dobe Sallsbnry lind danlJh. &er were ,u08&8 of MrA . Allen Em rioll OD "rlday. M.. o~ PloterlnR aod Frink 'Roaorl1 Ire Improving their homoe whb a aew ood of pain I. IIrI. Robert 011nl and Mrs, Wm VrlllgMon a"ended tbe Uenteo"r, a' Uolumbul. Tuea4ay nnd Wedoel.
Begins Another Series of Lectures at
c1aoKbter. aad !Ire, Malvlaa ~\ao, lin, Ir. S,ferd. wa. IOOllploll In were ~oada, SU68'" 01 Mr. aud Mr • • ODeiDD.'I, ~'aeada, Will Null,.Deer t!prlasboro, Mn rraDIl L. Oarrl. ID4 Mn.ln MIIII Zilla UUheas, wbo hae been "'el~ a'''nded tbe OeDl8nary b . Ill., Miami Valle, BOilpUal for &en poelatoa a' Oolamba., Thand., aD' wee.II, Will .. 11:00 to ber hom II on "rilla, of la.a week. W,omlnll earee', Da7&oo, I,..' 17(8811:, 'J1Iae I.dlee' Aid 8OOlea, WIIA eD, Mbe la lOme beUer, bu. dOO8 DOa 1m. oD '1'barlda, afternooD aa prove •• r.., .. har maDY frionda IbebomeolMn. W. L, Bane" OD .!Wllb. 11181 II1'U. Wall. anll IIr, Cba. "'pl••.,..,. Th"maa were married, 1al' Thare. , Mr. 'lIdlin. Gaor. Deaob. 01 .'a, afterDOOlI, a' 'h. Sprlllgboro II, vte,el.Dd,. werll noeo' ,aOlte of il; pIIl'8OD'Ke by Rev. S. Kael.'e7. • '" aDd lin ...eel Barllo. lin , Robert Wade aoel Clyde J¥al ..... III 'btl ..loln"1. I. WbartoD aooomp&utAd them 10 da. 8prta,boro, aDd opon lbelr retarn ka, B';ft'~n reuarD~ bolO" rrl_I'be, SO.). lupper wltb IIr. and Mre. ~IIF, after .... er.1 day.- .. 11111 la BOd WbartoD, abo.o ' OI.oIDDan, IIr. Wilbur Olllkand ... mlly, .... , llary Ot.rmoD, · .od IIr, Waller ..,.,eral Irolll bo,n a ueadtld ,b. <ll ..,k .n4 famll,. wero ea,er'alned' ..II .. me., Wllmlnl,oD, tiollday. 00 8UDd." 'b8 beaa'lful countr; '1)11 . . . .Ie Town.blp 8onda,' t\ome Of Ilr. aad "re. Roll .. BoISoa, 8obQ(ilooa ...n"00 eon.lloed a' 'hI! ae., Forrv. .... IIDd. IlbDrob .. I pm, tloDde, . Yr. aDd MH . 1I'laoll Hoger., "r. Bo".rd·, OIID' ~nct ll8e A~oo, of "nd Mill r,auk 8mlth, Wm, ijmtlh 0., &4»n , wife 8 0 0lk of 'belr pdenle anti famll" "r • • od M.rll. Mlpb 'e.., fi, Jobal anel Ben Smith partook 1.11 'be hom~oomlnl ell.ner, t!und.,. ef L. 8. Oraae It to pre"ob a' Ute 1&..11 tbll Belop 'amU" D . .r o.,lon, ta Obarob DlXt 8'aallaJ', Jol, 10. bOllor of Klmer U~op, wbo re. TUMW toe orea a parlor.a. oloel, eentl, re'aruN hom o\'er-l88II. Mre. Belle 00011. 1I1Sllll8 Beraba 11,11&84; eDe oreem end lOud area.· COOD aad Carrie Mill. aDd IIr. and IDeo' a. Ibe milD, Wanor Kearloll motored 10 0 .. Ka'urda, D18bl. thlll vloln", Udnrd, SaDda" IDd ePllot tb'e dB}' wa. YIaIIYd wlab a beavJ' rain BOd with 111_ Boul"b aad Rosh 0000, wllll'l .. 'orlll ... Vi, O. ~, Joba, 'be "ord ma. at ...haDOD, we. 'n tble .,Iolnl" laAI , ."da" ... n. Marala HIClh , ",i .. r an alllMlDOf' .. ' ""erel with be, .llt8', •• 'arate! 11011111, Halll1"y Mr. William Herll., of WblUler, f :nllr .111 I.hf' 1C00lt of hll nl80I!II,¥r8, ,'rAnOOIl N,a11 "net Mill. Altof' t:lttfe. \1 '''. Mil '!fllrAt HaU, of III,nnl8, "I 'll, I" v'Altlng her "1"\IIr. M.rA
L1nudre4. day. lin. o.••le ()oll, wbo 1188 been III .p.-r 10 ,htl 8lgao'10 Olein knl, lor eo long, la moob Improved aDd '.l'bllre 11'111 lItl 1I00rua apoa 8coroa 'of .blll '0 vlBIS among ber nolghboll Ibe olevorll8' dumb Gotor.. .A lor Mil•• Ealber Tbomplon aDd Mr ltIOu~ll oolltnmed P"8ollnl, ot .'a peadoull allla" 11'111 npou lhe program M'anlo, Lamb were Mund"ygOIlIl's 01 IIr, IIDd Mra. O. M, Lamb ~reel oomp .. oleMof obnrllosen, rep Mr. Ind IIrll , Roy lIoKlrby aDd r_nUog she bea' luved lIaorlell 01 lable aou Dursery lorll, will "ppen, dluKbter, of Day'oo, lpeDt \be p"el 2\.I1"re will bo 8p/ea4ld and ma07 wetlll wllb Mr .aDd MrB, R.lph Jobnl. MIa. lIar,arlll oJ obnll lpenl Frlda;p poop! 0' beautUul hor_lo Jewe'e' "apPlu8" Th" arm, of olowo. walb ber brotber, Amol Uook "od ••oeod all paa' reoordll for fun aDd 'amUy, Deal' Wr.yI1811vllle . All oootribn'e '0 \be • ambore. Mr. Bare, of Virginia, spolle a' ,lIiMg68' olrooll 10 hls,orl' , lhe L,Ue ohoreb, BUDdl, eveDIa.K, lD' of .he Ao&l.&loOD Leagoe o.
CUlftrrh e dl cthe lno Blood IH taken internally and act. M th.u on the Mucou s Su rtacoft . or tho Syste m, the.eby de.troylng th o foundation or thO 121 ......, giving tho paU nt s tre n gth by bulldIn g up tI\ O con 8tltuLlon and M s l. Ung na turo 'In d o Ing IL. work . Tho proprl c t o r. h'.lV 6 8 0 mu ch f/1lth In the c o pow o r. ot tlnl!'. CUIl.rh Med lIn o thaI th o y otte r Uno, Hundred V o l lar" for any CI\" O th ll t It tl\l1s to curO, ::;Cllll fo rIl Mtotle .llmo nl .. le. . Addro"8 F. J. CJ l bNEY & CO., T oled o, «;l lli o. So ld by all Dr uggIst. 76c.
'.,n hund rods 01 perforworl will
M • i'~. Shoemak er D r. JAM..:.."" • . ~oy
_ - --
. . .~~~. . .~!Jr.
:a-~-"' 1
"'rUl ... I. 1 1" :1 ,t •• " , 'I l th e re~ 1 detll c "I 11'h ' 1II11\.;htct . , It,. U, P M"rI.,I I , .. ! \!' .1>" I w l,t Th., flmer • RI wa,. h 'I d 'I ,. l'l- t 1\' a rt rnq"n at . ,
,\ • •t.. til th d r.I\\.'$ nell r tOt the I :l'rll'll Vnl lt,\ opl·mn" of II, ' I III u1\I \. til t:Y h a ll tauquu , I he t hi' lIdllHrI~ " f {Ilnte r' , C .,ttl\~.,r,s. f'ltlll.1 " lid IlI,l.,1 visi ter"i l g r,'w ullxiuu., 110 ~ '0 llo .. RlllltlU llce HleOl whi~h .ll'f-h.:IiII1"d the d il l ell o · the II s t~ l1lbl y lUI I I1rt<!'e nt~ I he Ii:<t of IIltract.ieons , g reut Rp.,llkers . eciucli" tors.entertainer.; Illlli .;ntertail1tJ'.ent... t o bt! olfered The dal e:! fu r th" M· >lemlJly ar schl;!d ulull Ju ly 25 to A UI{ . 10 .Th e ol)l>nillj( lIay WIll be lhe "10 in);1 day lI f th ~ C hri ~ lilul E ,IlIt'llvor E Z ~;!al J ar~. Maso n Glass Jars. C"n\' cntion . Unni d A. 1',lling will White 'rown Ma~on Jars . Tin bl;! th,; star felltur e. wilh tw o IdC' Ca ns, Ec,lI1ullly Jars. " illts and tur .~ , ·'l'he Military Hunt! will lIiv4' Quarts. Je lly G l as.~es ctillcerts . and the assembling Choutuuquans. aUl!'mented lly the b:n · Mason .1 ar T UIl:!. BUIll ScaHill!' oleavor members. pr O~ ll e t· t 1111 ellor Will(, Tin Lid s. l'artlw8x. E·Z mOl1~ opening crowd " Gla:!!! 'fOilS Thl! 'Prog-ralll for th ~ JIlV ~ nllol l1i g ht ~ foll owin.. Includ e:! (; yp s Sugar Sugar 'm ittl . for a week. Dr. Geo ' ~lUllrl. We htlVe plenty of :-;ullllr- L:rall. l{iltil'R lin " '!. Dr Lincoln Bllll cy , Il Slleci al Brown. PIlWr! el·"J. week. FluTt'ntine Musicillilti. I lr . I' I'iCl:.N on 1lI0 iJ"IJnLi 8 lut:!. I"runk I:: .II\YI1('8 , I hv i ~ th ~ MIlj.(lciltll. Li e ut H,'w ard C Knnlt s.l\meriean .CHICKEN FEED ALL KINDS 1\('<'; S\\ i!<s y ".lIers. E ' L'Jrenz. IIrub y Orrlwslr:'. ' 01 Haillh <:01,<. 'crntch Feed , era"k",1 Corn . I>r . e has V Aker!, of Lnndoll. En!! ; Chi ck I~eed . rr att ' N Hahy 'hi ck Olrl H OI1l (> :;;ing-e r:<. li on S U Ft'ss. Fee!! .. I r. lI es.. · 1'nnueea. Pin Clin ton N . lI oward. Utt cl"bein Blind. 1\ ad Oat Meal. Hollcrl Oals. Margurtolte J Penick, Rt'lider; Mnrk Sullivan. former editor of Collier'a FOR YOUR THRESHING DINNERS Wilekly; Kilbourne Family Orches Fancy Mild ChcclIe , Wafer·~liced lru. Gov Cox. Chicago Opera Com Dried Beef, Evap Peachell. pany, for which the stage hns been Apricot :!. Prunes, . Sweet and enlnrged ; Alice Shrode, the child our Pickles, . Clmned Sweets. wonder; Or. Geo, Bunton. Dr. Cope, . ave Oyslers, Cala Canned Dixie Jubilee SinR'ers. and 8 number Pearheil and ,\pr icots. Kru g's . of very important and attractive Bren t!' Ed)temont and Laurel stars wh o hnv e been booked. but are 'rac ker\!, Funcy Cakes. yelto be srheduled on the program Grenl improvements hllve been Waler Melons . Canteloupes, Ormnd e in lh e afeteria. which will be IltlR 0". Peaches , Lemons opemted continuo usly instead of just al meal time a~ heretofore. The !'I w an d Old l'otatoee. Cabbage, confect ionery privilelCe':"hns been let Onions. to n Ttl trre Haute. lnd Candy House, and they will haye a full unlform'd J ewel. Santa Claus ~nd contingent and many new and up·to Mascot Soaps, a bnr, on ly .. date fealures. No Bummer resort in Southern Brin g us your Chickens and Ohio offers such indurement!! 10 the Em~s. Hi ghest price. cash or vacation seeker as th~ Miami Vallev trade. Chsutauqua . It J nl's to Trude al
o' (' lo('k fr \ IU , t il., . 1; 1utt 1,,)11)(\ III
\\' fl
IIlIld ., II I
Canning Supplies
Is bnk il '.! .Ik·!'i( ·Bread , the mosL deli(.'iollS Pie , th ~ Ilak l's l Bun ' , m elt-ill -Y ur-m outh ookies o f ;I I killds . 11 lid , ill fac t , everythillg that can be lIud in fl flrs t -da s , up-lo-dnle, modern , srmit a r ' h ~ t\...c ~ h p. Spf' ial aU nti 11 r:i \' 11 t, so ~ i a l s a ll I )I OWl: part y lJaking. Pric 's \ ery reusoliable.
Once Tried, You'll Always Use " THE ~lAN THAT ' 1I1PS DIRe ''1' I S THE ONE THAT i\lAKES nIl~ 110 T ~l NEV, " writes . Fred fIau k , of ' l'orge t~"vn, Ohio. " Ilave k IV)\\' lI the Tri-State for I) years and find YOlt n top aod . ready to right any wrong. t y experience with ngents, cost me about ", 10 or $12. I got wise: alld quit. I think the farme r pays th fl 'cu t."
We Pay the Freight and Week of J uly 14th to 20th
per lb .
The Tri-State ButterCo. CINC INNATI, OHIO Write for Froe Trlnl CalIS. We gUllrantee Yl' Uf efl'um Rnd cant:l against loss, The Tri·Stut e price has been 54c since J une 16th
$225 Cut in Price of Titan 1 0-20 .
July tat. 1919, the 1920 price of the Titan 10-20 keroscne trac:tor is
$1,000 CASH F. O. B. F-..,.
$10501wbea time .pyen Re'lonable terml wW be &iven to any man who need. the Titan now and ~ DOt pay c:ub in fall. Thneterma are new.
, V~ . have reduced the price of the Titan 10-20 from $1,225 to W
~~to60. This big cut is not justified by present prices of ma-
terials and labor, but is made in anticipation that- the largely increased volume of business developed will offset the reduction. The ~ I Titan now becomes the world's most popular priced 3-plow tractor. If you have been balding off buying a tractor beCause $1,000 was your limit for.a good ,,"plow machine, your price will now buy the best one, . To ..u the Titan 10-20 at this low price, not • aIDIIe nec:enary fature has been taken off to be boQ&ht at c&tra cost. The Titan comes to JOU complet.. Th. Harvester Company II too old at the a,ullnellll to offer you a tractor which I. Dot 100% efficlent at the ~raw bar and 100% efficient on tbe belt. Remember, the ' Titan Is a 3-plow tractor. Don't conIul!e it with' low-powered 2-plow machines. For a fair comparison aa to price, add one-hair the cost of any. a-plow tractor to la advertlaed price, then add the COlt of
. all the extras you mUlt buy, and that will put It on .. par with the Titan 3.plow tractor. Th.en compare values. "
In addition, remember the Titan II • Pflulne .erosene tractor. GalOline as tractor fu.l is unwarranted extravaeance. Don't forget that. We give you a written guarantee that the Titan ol*'ltes efficiently on kerosene. can't make a mistake If YOIl .elect a Titan 10-20 at its present low price. It will give you power satisfaction that will ltand by you steadily seaSon after leuon at drawbar and belt. YOIl may rely on Harvester reputation for good lervic:e and fair dealin&. G1l to your dealer; Arrange (or illlmecn.te Ihipment. Thil price reduction may malte delivery difficult later, Place your order now. YOIl
These Features, Regular With Titan, Are Charged for Extra by Some Tractor Makers: .
clve. yo u ate.dy 'PI.d for I ' wo.'k •••" .. fiI.t. J)r.v . nt~ I , alo 10..... work_ .",omatJcally .04 .... . •Ktl)' . N o " _I'a
Friction Clutch Pulley
. Starting and Service ~:~::'.J~:o~~~: ('ompullo,., ""urtln, aad •• ",te. cherie" mad. b,. lo ma compa"l.a. • CCftlr.' Ie'. '-q.trucdon In ttartloa end 0 ClUl llnl I. e lv on ree. No utra diG",. • ,;
Dr awba ,
Platform and Fend. .
Whh ,h. TItan you . . . . ccny.alent drawba" a4,u.tablo .'d.wa7' and uD .. nd-down . ~I t . ltv .,,, o ••d. Compa ,. It with otbo... ND utru dICJ'ge,
'''TUb ~~(;AQT
Get the R·jght 'L amp for Your' Car and Flashlight
National MazdaLamps f. D. HatOk~ 'l'elepboue ."
Waynesville, OhJo
.Atlen l-lOlubor:S .super Production--., storrine, DOR.OTWY - PI-J I LLI PS , ;.
The Picture that will live Forevei-
The most appealing love story of th e Great War ever Id llle,1. t\ no in her rh cam tin y li n);crs beckoned ber across the seas. OUl of the smoke aud rlll st of ua ttl e, IImld th e ern 'hins and t he shrieking of war, came thc race 'or the " girl he left behind" The l!lo lh er· hear t cried but the mother-soul sang. Their lips met, then t he Inllghing little rogue in th e trce peller! th em With iJurr s . See Dorothy Phillips in an appealing romance of the Canatlian Nor thw es t and tlw WIl! . The haggard face wa illum ined by tbe liQht of pride of ~ a c rillce that shone in the lIlotlu:'r 's eyell. Her boys dead . tb e desp n tch e~ said, but she knew t hey had found Il lI ewer, holier life. T he moonbeams ~ierced tbe great Ca nadian fo res t and re"caled her before a shrine, . The most g riPI~ i~g motion picture producti un i~ which Dorothy PhiHips hilS ever appeared . Thrilling trench fi ghting th a t makes yo ur llflir stann on end . A m uchine g un ncst in lu!1 operation , One little cootie mak es the . Hies ki n-ann scratch. 1\ mast er pictu. e by n 1l1astrr director. And the line st ill held [ro m e llll to end, An appealing story of mot aod war , depi cted ill the sacrifices of a Canadian mot~ er who gloried in the deaths of five of her five sons in the caliS" of humanity, Ilnd in the Il nselhsh loyalty of her daughter-in" law, Nanette, who left her bally at home to fpllo\\' her husband l\) th!! battlefields of France to work a ' a Red Cross nUIS;!, to ailevi lC the pain of \V II nded soldie rs and restore orphaned and homeless children to normal phy leal a.nd mentat condi tion-a t br \lbillg . portrayal of woman's work to conserve the live whicb Prllssian aristocracy wo uld dest roy .
At Miami Theater, Matinee and Evening, July 24th Matine.e at 2:30 p. m.
Evening at7 :00 'p. m.
. 17 and 28 cents
The hal spell wns brok en Tuesdpy after several l! oorl ~ hl l wers . und the , wellther today 1:1 id eal.
DEMONSlRA~8NS ~~~ . ~-. th~' ~;gest
The Late ClaSSified Ads:--
A. B Sides Is :ery !II at hi!! h"me F' lI lr l, j farm tractor on Main street. e r n, n~l l..I li on p t ver helrl will be f-_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ i ,n BI C,,[umbu s. Jul) 2!) and 29; FOR SALE Miss Marl{aret Itussu m. of IhJi ton, ~ Iddl 'IOWT>, AUl.lust 1 lind 2; F'osis visiting relatives here. Ih' ia, AUJZusl 6 8nd 7; lind AKrun • .- - - - - - -- - - - - I\UgUdt 12 and 1:$. Thirty tractQrs LATIIl 'l' Plllu"', also (J~bba8e Forrest Ri!!ge Rnd Ethan Crane, of \Viii operate at e;.ch \Jldce. Plants In tbre r lunr doy~. Dayton ; spt! nt ~u n Jay here. - -- - - • John MoMtII&D, Wayne villA, Oblo. . j30 Subsc ri be for the Miami Gazette. Myer Hyman and family an .1 D. L. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Crane wer in Leu<lllun, Fdday afternoon
Myer Hyman. Ea rl f{nl,Jertson and ,. Dr J . W. MiJler nr ' Cinci nn ati visit· ' Drs, I.ocluy
t . B . Chapman nrd family . Mrs . Emmor Baily . and Mert Baird ' nre Cincinnati villi tors toelay. Mr . J . W, Johnston, of Hoopl'ston,
I t t
W .. waa the guest of Mr. Ilnd Mrs: "Wearwell" rug81'!111dQ from your .old carpet. Write or 'phone Frank· lin Rug CQ ., Franklin, Ohio. Mrs , M. Silver. Mra Tibballs ane! Mr . Lyman Sliver attend ed the Cen tenary at ColumbuR. last week
Saturday, duly 19th Fea turing Griffith' great motion picture, entitled
'.'Greatest Th~ng in Life::.
F. H, Furr. Tuesday.
Tuesday •. July 22nd Featuring Cunstance Talmadge in a good -p1:ly,
"SaUCe for the Goose" Thursday, July 24th Featuring Dotothy Phill.ips , iu ~Uan Holulflr's; bjg.f'\ . producttol1, entlped . , .. ... 1.'
Eli King Ilnd family, 01 Acton, Ind .• spfl'n t sever'll days here last week with his falher, Henry King.
~uma,oity" , Ev~ning tit 7:00 p. m.
"The I-Ieart of
O. J . Edwards and sun, Herberl, drove through to) Mt Vernon. Ohi f\ . thia week, and ~pent a day with Mr. Earl Everly and family.
The Milford Pink Victoria While Granite Co has for direct-ors nine solid citizens, who are well known to lhe People of central· western' Ohio. They are: J . Charles Dodds. one of the blue ribbon salesmen of the country, known for his energy, en terprlse and aggre~8iveness; C. L Babb. ( ,a shier of the Commercial and Savin~ bank; Etlrle C. Dodds. member of the well known Dodds famiLY; M.. L. Wolf. clI.qhier of the Citizens' national bank; Frank P. Torrence, sucl'easl'u\ salesman of many yeara' experience; George 1". Dodds, Wf'IIknown monument man; A E Faulkner. County Auditor; Frank W. Douds. in charge of oflice of Dodds company; W. L Miller, prominent lawyer, This company has purchased alltbe valuabh! W:!sets of The VIctoria White Granite Co . at Keene, N . H , and i& now bettter 'prepared than ever to meet th e public demand for the gran· ites qua.rried, And yet the demand is ao gruat that the preijent facilities of the l:ompany are inadequate to keep up wilh the alwaY8 steady march of orders. To Increase the out-put of the quarrle!1 snd enlarge the buainess, the company has put on the market an Issue of preferred stock that com · m8nds hn annual interest of 7 per cent. I)aysble quarterly. Conservative men 889art this iaune of the best Inveetments of the period. is absolutely safe and of a gilt. edged character. There Is certain to be a large subscription from Greene county [people, acqUainted with the 888e1'8 a/ld growing business of the company. Its work 18 nation wide. " [Adv.]
Ma:zda Lamps for all
~'J~~~l·T1:I:;~t:~ ro~t':-=~~: .ltu prot-al th e lIn lln. a DJ ope ,at.o, fIom mQd . .d dUll. No " " 0 ,."a".,
Put on the Market by the Most: Substantial Citizens of Xenia
Vou can be certain that the lamps in your automobile a: d ill your flashlight, or an y other lamps of ihe miniature class are reliahle. if they are .
Throttle Governor ~\~~o:~I: !~..~~:~~: "hor... -
Matinee at 2 :30 p. tn. Admission, 11 and. 2&
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Retallick. of Battle Creek, Mich , who arc visiting Mr. Ed Retallick and family. of nelir Orellonla, were calling on Mr. Thad Zimmerman and famll,., Tuesday.
Open evenings -
7:JO p.m
'. ,
Get out your Old Carpet anti let us make new rugs from it Write or 'phone Franklin Rug Co ,F'ranklin,O
pm..., Mr. and Mrs. J , W. Mitchell and and MIS W. 11. Ford and four childrtm, of Waahington C B., ,and Mr. Alva Cartwright, of XCilia, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs ' Roy· McBeth . The New Sod..l Foulltain and ·Ice Cream Dept . . of !t·red'·s L~ banon Bill' Stora is proving onp oT the most 'attractive and profituble Innovations ever established ill the big sture. Special orchestra music every Saturday night.
The Rev. W. A. Wiant, D ' O, district superintendent. will hold the lourtb quarterly meetIng for this coDferenC8~..r. at the ld. E- ('''hurch, Wedaesday eYeninll', July SO. This .. a ye..,. Important met''tlnll and I trUIt " ' . , OfficIal member will be
pieeeDt. G.,N.Jon,.
.THE Se, 10c AND 25c Jelly Glasses , oz .... , . ....... : .... . . . : - - : .. ,. 5e Horse Shoe Glasses. ,'... •.. , ..... . ... : ...... ; . . 5c ' Thin Tumblers . , . . . ..•. ........... .. .. ".' ..... . lOe . White pr Gold Band Flates .. '.' . .. _...... - ... . . ,2Oc Cups and SQuce~s, white or gold band . . "........ ·.25c Glass Measuring Cups . ... .. . .. ' .. . .. ..... ... ... .. lOc Shoe Polish .......Black, White, Ox Blood, ~ahQgnny .13c Union Suits, 36 in., 38 in., 44 in .. .. . - . . ...... , . SOc See our window 'for Late Magazines, all prices. Mrs. P.rice's Canning Compound .... , ...... _..... IOe Spec;ialilt In
. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _IIIi~----
-.,,-.. -...
----------~------------------~.;~----Seventy-First Yeat
( d (; ,
' --~--------------------------------------------------- -:-
'.• 11t,
KilLED BY fAll
1ber · 3540
Th e July IlIcl!Lilll( o f I I.· Warnl' , TIll' I." """ I ~ u { l ,f.! \\'l.lI l·, I" ld. Town ~h 'p Farm · rs ' Glull nll't 'I'hu rd I M(>(J l in' l! Il U~" will 1,<)111 , hei r '1' 1 n , A dl ~ tr " . ~ lI1Jo! ,u' Idellt u<:c urred dRY. July 1OIh, lit th hea utiflll Ilnd ! Iy Mc"'ti n~ In W"YI,b Th e l ,i ttl" Milllni', WII~ po is ned Sl1 lu roJtl~ .tt'll?rr ,u n , w hleb rusul cd ag il l I ~ l week, huspitH ule horn e of Mr . 11011 MrR. J, in i\u)(U lir Ther ll ~'. vilie ti ll S I' li r it i~ lh nullht, by tho iII b,· in II l tcnrl · I in th(' d'eat !' > ,)f .1. mIIl IUin Smith Will White ill Wlly ne~villo Uwin):! nn '(: ~11V~rt<1 f r llrll I,t er ye:lrlv Mr . r!'fu s f til l' Halte r Pa por Mille n t ~l1 p "I' 1 ~';mitll h:\ol I.,,(' n OUI t o his farm It d 'cd !lrville to th~ filet thHt flirm erR wur,! s t ill : 1 11 1l~. 11l,l llb ly 111 11 "" ;1 The f oreig n matter ",J,(ln l \\,111 b. \Va; IJri nJ.nllj,{ 1\ HII1Il :1 lond (I f hflY fie m ed b UllY In lhe har vesl, no t liM many , um u'pl Z I l IZ. to Cll ncentra tu n Treb\!in 's . If l '&narlu , I.allc ' I · 1.0111 ,wit h hilll. f amilies wl'r e perlllilted to ullend 118 1 ()n IIlId Ihl/dt'l 1111 1 He druve into th e wh or e th fl u:;a nds o f tbtl fi n ny l ri be ,helm , .,f lIalll I lt l l.,), bll"" of Muin ~ trt:!l!l unrl a t th were <!u.,~i1 y ca ug h t. u8uol. but thuse wh(l uid , full y lip" IlIn l'C' "lId u llHlI'M wit" An investig a · "' ill hl' /l Ien ; 1,·I ~ I)ltllrl(' " Ihee lhere WIl~ u machin e lion hall he en made preciate d the t1xcl' ll ti nt dilm r I,re· lI<Jl I":1 !lItl I bv the ~tat(J in t he 111 J<lI" "f parRd for them Ihl;: nlley . He Kol lIuthori lies , and the Greefl(, Co unty 'I off hI.: 11<1:1 II , Cln!er to I lui ti1l' hur~l' Fi~b and Gum The Club meelilll{ ' WltH CJ.lIIf.!d Iu . eonllllis sion. whu arou nd ti ,e mac hi",' . afte r which ht , hf\ve r ecen tly had the urJt:!r by l' r e~ id t' lI \ O;:le~bt!', und ' Mi ~,.l·,~ . IIl1 i.. !Jilt! rive r r "8tock ed 11 ,,,,,,- 1l 11O'\ n "Clt back lin t he I'o ud , and s tarted I" wilh !ille fiMh, are many of Ihn IIIf'lllh<'T !\ r<"Jl"nct~d ' I () ' 81" ' 11 \ ~C' v [' r ll l dll) ~ I hig hly illcense d II ~ t w.'I·I( Vbllin\! 1>: 0 o n , .... IICIl t he wagon h it II lar!!.· ove r thl! mutte r , nn the roll cilil Wilh Jil tl rnr.I' l{elllH. A r 'Iulives n 'ur XE'nin , ' st one Blld he WUh thrn\Vll to tl ... to a lta ch the blame,l art:! tryin g harc1 patrioti c rJie ce on th e vil'trolll wa~ where it h elon gs. I ~round 1011,, \11"' \ by pra', er II" H.,v . J, >II y , Tht:! Hage r compan y claims HI! laud ed (In Iii" h eud lind shou l f rlllll oiled Rt r el!Ls in Ccoiarv it camo nrt~r whi c h · IIITel' ti ll l.. 1[1I'('~th (If ille .J e rH. !If! !I ... \Val:'''' r a n ')Vel him Mr~ ~'hit e t' n lt'l' l lI uII ·,1 u" I (h c-~ "; he 1. ,1.1 ,, 1 tIll' 1'1'1', 11 Pi~h 'rrncn uround Wf\ynel:lvilie Ill! "'a, [),I<Jl y III ui ~!; d ulltl CuI arou nu have nut eCl!1l 1111\' ill .Jan· t Cttt·twr h:hl 'J oel K,tll d,·"JIII, /I a l,d ,l:,k.. a" H il \ \ ' h ,.\,. ,,' ~ 11' 11' " '(I': !! ! 'tt !.tl\1 the h ead, IIl1 d hiS hudy 8t!l'med 10 Ile down th e riVI'r ,' /lnci el t'ec ls this far (l e r~ 1I1I N:tlll{ V(lry ~wl'\'l ly, " H,li., chi!.lr '.·11 Ltll:I'C has not ·',m : h " It;. . n l ' 1" ., .. [J urltIY1.ed . H(' n ev"r n 'cllv(,n, d 1:'111' bel'u }t Il Y fll )ticl'>l l ,j l' Out . Sweet Ue llR of Pelle"." and hum ." n ft ' " . ' I"~ I "iT\!Cl~ fr om lhe ~ 1';1 >1I "I II II' r I , cio u snet;8 IIml di ed ! )o ri ~ 11 e lill r~un l'cclted ,"Il(ln 'l l :ry, ' ~h ' wa~ n Sundav morninA ' nil ed {\lrCl! H h ~ r . j(u pst of • r 'lncl ~," l ab out 10 (,'du ck. Little l ;jr'I, I)oll't Cry" Mr. White, ' L(' ~' i :', or K lllg man . i n his illt e reRtln g JI"IWr tlntit.icci, "The Mr . Smith . w ho ow ns furm ElIIst ====~=========~ Aft ·r m us l~ 1.1\1 t hp \' ll'l r lf lu '11 1' lo wn, rn oveJ here s ver naI yea rs a!(o , - - - -- - - - :-'rnllil ""WI , IInCl i l, He irl ti olo '" the prfll' .. r by H.. v . J olly. (h,' l ' lu I. "O! Il, !t''' rn lhl~ 1\\'0 ho urR lind t n kln g or (1'0 ballulS by lhl A JU r)' res ultt'" III n nd s hurtly aft!'r co ming to t own, I " 'upl o or the Gllt' n Culmlry ." J("V~ jouqlt!{1 In me t il , v()td lct of gu ilty for Au gu~1 ..... ith ti" iK wi I' r>' ! 'U I . \ f, fel l do w n ~ Tu tair", wlll p), IIlI eI J o~" ph tlb tlrt Cit thl' .\"Il jlnrlbnn La"l! ue 011 t r ial Ilt f r um the William ~ o f l'illHhurg . o flil'iatin g. li N ""1110 TltlW th oll Rhtq J Ck HOIl , MillO. Tho C" ' U' I" ,[11111 0 / . , " II1 "I,lrlll') 1,f' IIIlIlOn li nd F rO llk lin r.l uh" a l fTuets of w hi ch 10 Ill. '" I ,}1.loyn III \'Iul .ltlon o \' . 11\111 0 8010 Ifi ll' S. " he dit'd . The T hiH fill ey s hould h", IIPI' I I'IOia r as Tli u j ury rulldo UP . , ,':: f" r lt 1' 1 ,. fr ,':11 ' 0" lefl 10 rl~h\ H. J lt)~",1I1 Mi ~~l's Annll Mile D.·'HI'"n and , ' lJri n ~b() r o IIC, lJ o rr-y And r ews , O. A. J ohn so n , OdIn I ~Soue r I nod ' miths were o ld r t'sid(' nts of t he , th e r e i ~ :t g r cat I )t , Il e l"1I Hllwk .. ~ anlt \w n ~elt' c li I ,. TH il l; m l,ld l" row Chris J OII , ,,II , \\'1111 ,\1 1\ O" utJn, O n 'II t., Th e llue , l~ " f Mr". V'hl l,' wert , It'JlROn nnd F rau k D osllor; tJu.c.k row. trave lClwn shlJl ,u ndwer ehighl y respec t ed thrnug h il ever y day l1:111 J ohn I ;I ,L'" n . w hi 'II wllr'elll hu ~i ll~ ticlIlI , r l'c .. iI·~rj : Mr . lint! Mr~ Frank . Thctcic (!hon e T ur f . Ir~ ViII · ~~~~~~~~ Ol tO I' clzol. all d .I oh n II nr hnr... :'y a ll whu kl ''' ''' them _ _~~~~~~__~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~ oml Mi8S Dpll rd" fr. ill her d ~lil!h t ful ~"n , Mi s.; ,J ~'a n 1't' rKU compan y's auto is ge!'lera lly pllr ked ~~~~~~~~~~ _ _ _ ~ ' UII II l1d M I' ~ Th e fun e ra l M ervicl'~ we r e h eld ~ h ere. and on Re ver~ 1IIl1l1ll1lr , rccited " !Juice iml (ru lll I{ 'u ('CB [{ullulIlI. of oc~~on~ h ~ IJ £.l.I't'H1, Mr~ ~ i~ lale h ome on Muin ~ lf eet, at 2 hlld to be m oved h ef TI:I Pllople Al fred NOI' C9 J ellSli H a l' I 90L'!1, find 1I111.· ~li S!j' in ,, 'clock lh ls IIftern un, Rev Th om lls wago ns could paIlS . Miss Clnse, of t hC' n,,"rtln l" II , m' Hhl'B Jan<'t Ca rl w ri ght, IJ o ri ~ /lnt! i n Cincinn ati. W/l~ thell intr.. riU 'l't1 I{ tlt hl t; e n lI end ' rllOl1.
•: '.. ~: '-: ,_. !fAAMERS TO WITNESS ' .~ ~~I"c~ ! TEST Of TRACTORS
You r
£.'", n l, " ,\ " ." , '1 " .- " 11 . •','111 ito r'ru t,tida y.
Dr . Dill .( I· "rp:1
'BY, L~bur, P L .
C u nn ot h e lI "c,1 10 Ir l\ '; r n.l\·a lll,I !r'· t· HlIl b~' d ~ p os Itlll l! It nil (1111' of our tJivid(' nd acc ounts . .
h cg ln to 'l(>~r illt(\r st fl' om the day recoil'l',l n" ,l wllol\ LlII' i tl' r(\ t (' nr C'~ d l,n. y on can l'i1hcr r1l'n\'l' it hI c::v,h-or 11'11\,~ r. CI UllUlflt 1111.1 ~;'mTlO\ln d .
~ Ir . Co r a Bak e r and daugh ter , " f iimingto n . sprnt Sunday Iie r' v,ltl
r ~hni\'~~,
I\1Hl off(l r
vt. I~1
ll .
" I 0 ;" .",·\ 1v.'IC( Ilf; Ol .lr~}
---- .
J-F"n nn lP,
,'u r,« " 'il ", f ur U' [>
r'llI, lt y tIll F'lt.'t! ( ; L1Jr'" UIl' I, •• J \\ " 0'1< I torr \' ioito " ,1 11! tiLi ng "!1- :
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:,lt unl,, ~.
,n 111 c",·I U. 1
tIr.Ct Ol ~ as & ,'~r h [orc \\ ~ rO
(;; ,:e '. te.
',(' p
Oem Cit y
Build Ing and Loa
Ihe Goourk h Ru uuer Co.
" I,ml' 11 " B"""m· I Th~ . ' , F I'd £A. han ol1 St'lTe j~ bl ,.,1 •.11 II d"lIIon.l ratlon In tb H\u tB Il W 'J pcn CI'elr)' _u v('ning , and. willi the " I CCI)tlon C1f th ..JlD Ua! fl.'I.1 1""111 demon m (l on. more lh(lU Mr D. Marla t lind daugh " . Q I'or \1 or ~a t u<lr d tu\' \l ~IO'lInr pur· 1 1~6 H,l'ien, w r a Doy ton vi silorB, l t t po ~ II IIny • n ... Munduy . A h" l t ry ot 3() leadi ng farm tra t, o r~ '>I'll I [Jl o '~ nnd cul l vat. ron y for .\[ r . Ghas . W 0011 rd and rallllly Bowlll!: . (l '0 al or 100 acre s, at fo ur ar ~ Dpn d ing Ih hl w k wi t h r e io Li ves d" III,,",lI uUon ... un der the dlr bc tl v n Po ~ RI1f1 kone ta , Ohio.
o f I ho 1\~ 1' l c ullura l enKln!,p r lnF' d"I "UI '
I:-:(' v an d ~I rli C S. Grnu se r and on, Charlc , \I! Piqu fl, o r c vi iling fri (:nd ~ h re th i w eek. ~l
E. Cor. Third a. d Jeffel'll on gt~.
w,~II" rug .
.Waynesville, O.
"Lit tle Wom en"
"Str ange Wom en"
1 i
·'Ha ppy , Tho ugh Mar ried "
---- ---p.m.
Stop Arg~ing
10ld c· rpet W ri te o r 'phone fi'rank· lin Hu!( Cu . Frankli h. Ohio .
I ) ' o ur Old Carpet wi ll muk ' "Wear· Mi.,~es :'Ilarlila and . J ennie Coo k . Write or ' .h(lile F r ank- J L._ _ _~~_ _ ___ ~_ , ~-... ! ~ W O . itKper , Ilnd MCS$ rs, W, lin {{uS( Co ,Fr ank li n, h ,u, ~01t, Oh' mont or lho OhIo St lt( un l\·" "l t, J3 Squi r es and Mo rr id Coo k we r e Til ~1J\Ce~ and dol ~ ar e: J II n"" " I Day ton I' i si tor~ Monday . Mr. and Mrs . 0 R. ' mith are (ann, ~ Ix mll us wes t or COhIDltm •. \ ' oriylng a b r and new :tutleuB ker U, ,Iuly 2. nod Z9; Cbano.ol &. Uti c ~ er I M I'S. SIIn!' Shall ot t ond lWo ijo ns . just r e~eived f rid ay e v,·n ln~ . t"rm o, bolt [<l lle ~outh of ~It ddlt· to\\' " l ot I'eo ria, Jl I., M rs , Ben B loch lind .\ \lg 1 and 2; Will son 1\1 B. J::d fl opbin!l an j _on arrived deD. Dear I'·ostorla . Au ~,i!arw "': Aul>- Mr. J oe Bloch, of Cineinn Rti, have 6 and,; oud be(:n the R'ue~ l s of Mr , My!'r ll ymlill hOllle IlI: t week , lift e r a thrt'e week~ Ann a IlP , n tnrm. l1a r herlou . lW I" anJ f am il y . visil with her fUlht'r in "rk'lll ~ uH. Akron, AUK , I ~ aml 1:1. 'l' b e I1l'ogram , wI! leh ts Ibe 0 Ill .. '/10 . Moore an d ,1 uJge flunham , l\Irs . R bUrl Walltln 'Jl I,i [\1 for nc b day III ef1cb demon usll I), .. f Was hi nll to n, 0 U, urnv d her u, Samu e l Wilit on . (If' l)ayl oll , ur e Illclude. : Moroln ,dra b n r l e~ l . Bnd Frirlay even in", anJ pent Il couille 1\ ~p"l1t1inR \I I un t h lit Atlan Ie Gity . pl owing ; aft ernooll . tlllns (lomOll· (If dhY" l'hes gentiem 3n had b all strlltton s, dra", bar le~t K IIn o pr IVate lryinj{ a , fl! ntl CIISt! in Cincill llll ti. Halph Dyk e i~ lit GarnlJ :';hl'r n un c1 cmonslr ntt ons. 'l'bo d rlll< ha r le "t" lh l' pf'esen t ti me, un d wi ll suon h e at "til 110 l he ftr st om clal Acres, all fin e land, 4 acres in timber, nice ant's mode In Co r p Ho bt. Taft, wh o hu. ju~t \ hont t' . I-{,. ~'ntp~ t h At he i" w It 8ntl\ Oh io. The unlv en-lty Iwe r ecenll), been Jia harKed f" om' mi lilllr y du t y, room brick house with cellar under t'n tire ho 1St', fee li ng li n . ur~Il!l"ed lor th \lUrIlOSO a g .-IV d yna IIlld M r. Illid I\1 r ~ F, A Taft, kit. hen, wood shed and separa tor room, barn 40x45, DlOtnQ n ot 0 slw <'I at d". I~'1l , .... hlc h Day tOll , spcn MondllY ..... ilh Mr , o f !lnd V r. rn HnWKC VB in t vn a s ho rt 10 ona of tbe mo s l ll C" 1Irlile In oxl s)" Mr~ J with crib and shed attached, six-be nt tob~ ceo shed tlnle, ["ridllY He wu d.l . ch rged, once. It rti cor d! tilw ultaueou s l)' tbe Tu<:sduy W , While, r etu rn ioJ.{ h om e fences 'all new woven .wire, ~ od loca tion, 8130.00 p ·r lIlornin g: . t be t:!Ilrly part of th e wetlll, and Clime pull In PO und ~ and t be l Imo and di sacre. This .can be bough t with one-ha lf down and back to Lebano n, tunco trave led . T ests WIll be math, Mr . lind .1r: w. P ~1l1i81.1Ur y and both tor o rdlll nr y Ilfld 1Q a bargai n. daughte r, Mi:!8 Mary , and 80n, Cla rk, a.1l ss Hel en Ba rbour , of Whitt! or 6IIoh muchlne tlnd a..lwulII lond lhe rual coo· wen t to Oxfo rd, ' undoy, to Bvend Pla ine. N . y" who hIlS b een . tne B1Im d por horllopow Have places from four acres ~p, or bour 1'f1ll be the d a y wit h Miss Mabel ·alisbur y. g Ut!Pt of MIss Ads Michene r , has reo . "I ulolec\.. and fr om th e re to Cincinn ati, co ming Call or write fpr date if you wish t o look at land, turned t o he r h om e . GI1<:U lrllctor entered must go home Mond ay evening , as we are out nearly all the time, and it would be a Misses A nna Vllnd ervoot t an d throll~b alt II >mon illrtlUODB . II It Mr . and Mrs . Paul Frye und son, disapp ointm ent to you if. we were gone, Beulah K indler Ilnli Mr Ernest LOlZ, hrc'nk. down II ruu ~ t be r eP1lired In of WilnrillJl'tun , w(' ro cullinA' o n r h ~ 1l ~ l d or wlllldrow'U frOID the demo 1'aul Jr ., of Co lumbus, ~pe ntSunda y "II " I rull ons. A apec la\ tra in of 15 with Mr. L. A Z.imme rman lind turn · rri ond l'uesda ' f e moon, il ut I'"r~ wlll tran sport tUIl trllc lors ily. Mrs. Frye /lilt! 80n will remain Mrs . Jam es IJl lIllSa nt a nd s n , of u n,l c' 1J<\ ' Ol ~ nt froUl 'Joe I!lllce lO Ull' h<}r e a s th eir gU l:st ,;. for th o r Cll t of he we k, b ~r , tm v, Illig Q dlstllnce Of from Col umbus, spe nt tha Iveek·oo u with her slstl:lr, Mrs. Hance D r ake, und )I,'~l 1(> ,)(} rul\e ~ wltb 1 ~ 1.0D 8 ot Office !llies Id. R o e nthal , l.ou)'ur fo r lh (j Phone c.m:o. Th u 60""IO" lr Uoo I. tn cbor go WIlS glad to nl1 h e r mpruvi ng . Aman Block . Fr U Co. Lebano n Big 'lON , i~ in o r Proll's, r i l e R ... m.~(\WQr , OWo 61·2 and 3 , It.\\' Yurk o Th o daily arri val of lu t" uuil' Ors ilY. Trade )'OUt" ol d arpel in on lJeau · fr esh gOllds in additloll t o the di s · tiful New Hu g!\. Write or ' ph(l n e jJlay o f Cl ea r nnce Sa le barg aitls cer · Frankli n Ru ~' Cu . . F rankli n, Ohio , tain ly milk eR th e s to rt.: an attructi ve viae t o vi it . J, O. CRr t w rigl.t uno f a lnily Il r · rived h ome from K nt. Ohio , MoniJlaekbe rritld ar o' ripe now, and tho \ day eveni ng. Tllt~Y "'ere h\:J ld !I t T ho Galion. (p . 'r 'unday, 011 ac count !If A V I-!I')' pr tty wedJill g took place wou rlll lire full of pickers. machin e t r Oll hi e. at Ihe h m e o f Mr, an d M rs . DeTt Uti hcs are 1u II of berrl<:s, mos t of them green, and th e ruin and hot Goodwi n, near Red Lion. Wednlls day westhe r bus CCllt1e j u t in ti me to <I Tock A ndrew, o r Valliaca . Iow a , eVol ning, July Iti, \11Iu~ n their dau gh · eave the crop , *1 has bean ,,\ i~ill A' r e lar.ives in and t e r. Miss Pearl, \Vas unit~ in mur· around V'eynes" illtl f ol' th e Pll8t rial{e to Mr. Ir win Mulfo Satu rday, July 26th rd, t he son Miss Leuh Frl!d, who hS8 bepn week. H e will re tu rn to his home of Mr . and Mrs. RIIymon d Mulford , stlldyin a' in Ch icago at the Bush about A ugu ~ t I ~t The cerem ony took place on the front Conserv atory w ith Wm. Brady presen ts Louisa M. Alcott 's famou s the eminen t barporch in the presenc e of fifty Mit!Se Lo ue lla, J earinel to and t ivell and f r iends, Hev , Kneisle rela· Itone, Charles W . Clark, is spendin g y, of the s ummer wit h her .parents , 'Mr. Frances Junney, frene, Rebeccl I and Springb oro,of-fi ciating, and Mrs, Solomo n Fred , of Lebano n. Elma McClu re. Messrs. K enneth Th brid e, in a pretty frock of · 0 I:i ugh a nd Ellis McClur e spent Sun- white organdi e,carryi ng.n bouq uet of Mesdam es Wal ter McClu r e , Chilli. <J day with friends in DayLon . bride's rORes, and the g r oom, in navy Rye and Viola Ca r ey Tues day, July 29th arrived home, .. blue, made a charmin ay evening , a ftor II four weeki Featur iilg Alice Brockwell, ill a good Fox pi lure, 1 Mr, and M rs, D , L. Pierson and you thful happin ess. g pictu,-e of Thursd vi sit with r elatives in thel'lor thwest, MillS Ru th l'::verso le , of Dayton. wer e ~ '. Congrat ulation s w er e s howere d They had a fin e ti me, caugh t lots of 4 the week· end guests of Mr, and Mr& . UDon the hnpDY cou'ple, !ltter which fish and ssw many strunge and .curl. James H aineS und fa mily , of Corwin . refresh mentll were serve . h Miss Evt'ri;ola \'iill r emsin 118 thoir law n. 'The many beautif d (on tha ul prese nts .OUB 'Stg , ta o --~---guest du ring this week, r eceived ,we re su tficient evidenc e of Mjfl~es Lou e lla, J eannett e and Thurs day, JulY' 3lst tb e neteem in which Ul ese young Frances Janney , A da Michen er.Heien The second week ot 't h e . «' red people ate held. Dnd their many Barbou r, Olive Allen . Mes.~rB ChBS. Fea.tu ring E'nid Benne~t in a film, entitle d 'Compan y Lebano n Big Store Sum· fri e nd s wi sh t hem a 10nH and h.appy and William Michen er. James Gib· mer Cloaran ce Sale is no ..... o n. Th is wedded li fo. Dons Dnu ErneHI ~arnhllrt attende d is a positive clea n u p of summ~ r Thtly left fi'ran k lin, lit 81~'clocll thti a p ar ty at Middlet ow n. W~dnesday stock in all do~artmeot!!, Th e r o- next ,m o r ni ng', for a w edding tr ip t o evening given at the home of Mr, duction in Wom e n's and Misses' Gilr· Jackson , Mieh., afle r "Rip & StitCh, Tailor s" , m e nls remlnd A one of th e days long will be at home to their wh ich they and Mrs. Clare Hinkle, f :ri endll with ago . Coa t.s lJ,l1d I imans, $895 to the groom' s parents , The Dew ~gda Fountai n and lee SlG.95; Waist and B1ouSe~ , '-295 10 -----~ -.Cream departm ent of ,the S, Fred _ '5,96; Wash Dresse~, $5115 to $12,95. Open evening s . , 7:JO p.m Admission Co. Lebano n Store bas at oocejum p17c Men's 8nd Young Men't! Summt!r Tfie Juniors ad toto popular favor. The Lilley Suits, 95 to $13.95; Boys '. ~.45. on a class of Sanitar y Servie~ adopted , anti the 7:J~ • Cblldren • IIG both in Palm Beach and Mo hair. r egul'lr musical concert s every Saturda y . t I Meo'. Fall Sulu. $17.69 to 127,59; ·Alta.. the OiRbt,B to 10:80, featurll8 enUcin! r io-, ~~~~~"'''''''''''''''",'''~~''''''''''4'~'~'~'~'MI'14.MII'M11.".".~ ~i BOYI'. f7,~. ice cream ducementa. "eM~-N
L,! y,
r and Mrs. It Iph Lewi tl , o f IDanon, II ~~;-:;~~;;:::":;;titlW: were Sun ,lay g uest!! of Mr . -=-__ nml W. ::: . <1rahum . Hugh Ridll'e I n ow pornlllll Untl,' : I ,~~~~~~~~~ iocated nt l'iH SbtHg, PII. li e Is with "W ea rw e il " rugs madc from yo ur Kenne t h Kilbon spent 0 f il II' Ja v th i" week in I)lIy l o n, the l 'Ue,>I o f I::thon Crun e .
"200% Safefy- 5% Di vidend s"
- R('~n "rpl'S f, Mill ions.
('.l.lll m \
I of
I! ~tlu·j.
. l r . and 1r~ . H ' e ro ~ aro ij ~,cntl· ·in.\{ t il \'~~k \\lith r el Dtlv e~ In nrown cO lJn ty
'rJ1i ,'I., ·-h'-n Y(':tI'S 0 ~ H'r{'~1\ 111 np rrllfi nn am1 tI RI'"~r\''' Fnn.1 o f a 'll1nrtc r n li lli n n l "l lal' guom nt oe lb c. M r!'l .,· of our de 09its. lI~ ool1nt
:.n .'.
'ISheril f \\':I,f!l{nll l' r \l' Il~ III l UIV I1 , .. onday e"f!llInl( , 011 busl e!lS V· D h II ( 1 ' I ., . • \l1ll / '1', tl )aylon , \\'/1; 111 1 tl) wn Il s hortllm ~ . at urchw mornlfll t . .
It will
W e inl'itr y o Ir
'/liu ,
rLO & -I
- AND-
Ask the Groc ers 'for Our Bread.
Once Tried, You'll Always Use "FARQUAR" SANITARY HEATIN G
A Wel ded Furn ace
A"Cost Less" or A"Worth More"
It is easy to make a furnac e that will " cost less" but the Farqu har Furna ce was designed to meet the deman d for a "wort h more " furnac e. If you are
fL prospe ct for a Farqu har Furna ce you wallt a ht:a ting system that will overcome the disadvan tages and anooy ances of the ordina ry hot a ir and hot water furna ces .
Don' t you wunt an air-tig ht furnac e with a welded steel fire-box that canno t leak dirt and poisoo gas? Don ' t you want a furnac e tha t will hold fir e 24 hours wltho ut refilling ? Doo' t you want n. furnace that will autom aticall y contro l itself? Absol qtely reliabl e, too. Don't you want a furnace tha.t will not waste fuel? Coal means dollar s _ Don't you ~ant a furnace that will produ ce pure, fresh air, not dry, burnt, dead a ir ? Fresh a ir means health insura nce. \
You want a furnac e that has been tested by years of consta nt use , You want econom y in the long run and real sat.: isfacti on. If you want these things let me estima te .
you an
Agen t
1.-..01!..---- ---- -..,. ;;... .-...----~~-..."".!1
~ears #'
Will'insure 'Tot aceo (.}~a inst I-hi 1. Or, G rain against Fire, ·for any length of tjn1e, fronl o ne 1110nth up .
.... ..... I
Tl'lo Second Wayfarer ReceIves T wo I VI.ltors at Midnight. 'l'ho CI'[l)1I0r'fj I OQU~8t ol'{,r the hod· les "f HIIOII ond PU III WB8 held thnt a1t'ruonll nt st. J<lll zllbe.h. WII"(>...~,,~ from lJnrt'a Tn vcrn were ommlle t1\"~,, t o tUNlIt)'. Tho VOTtllct \VIlR "Murtl" r 8C th o hlllllls of pllrtles u ukn"II'II....
1 ;" Ir'IIlIlJ I·,'t! I hI', 111(11 tho bro . h IIntt n llll" ~ 1
fdl pr,'Ml1l t ll o,'{'r th o IInl'olIng 1111'"1',' (lr U III/In. "THhl' 'un'! Lt-'lHI n houd:· w hi R"
[r!lt'pllll( t l) hl~ k"I' t '~ , Illlrn e~ f nlt for ' " 111 t(l\l<'1I,'(1 WtJI , "OH I'SC gun llont", nnll h'lI ~ JI ,', I : ".\Is th,,1 1 I lt l l' (' ),011 ktll cl1 IIlIn' " "'1'(,rII l .dr'ur1l)" ' I RII 141 Sllro u ~o. betw,' n 1I1 ~ 1" ,' lh. "I! P I'I', IInwlnd th o mill' I'"" 1:,,1 111" '"1 111 IllY \\'lI ls t, Toko
Sl'rtlUAO (,lid 1I0t Ol'p,'or lI.t th e TIll" " I~htrn ll. 'I'h e 8 ~ CNH nlle nt Iltill!lIcd 801ll0",lInt ImlllT"rantly to llIo Inttor's !lc(,ll1l1lt of Ills t e l phonIc c:I.'1Icrten ('!I. At nino o'('lock the ,'n,I- II, 'r('. n·,1 n kl"fo? Ou t olf h(l YllwnL'll pro(II,,-1ollSly ond nnn <lunt'r(l n "1),'tlt.1I "I '"lI t thr,'~ f,,·t long. I'll thnt he wns gOin g to bl'd , gn'nUy to A'N thr ~1I1l In I,I" III tlth \\' hl1o YOII'ro tho surprise of Mr. Rom Oi!, ,,'Ill/) f"l · doi ng Ir. 1IIl IIgI IIl'II "I"'uy ~ cu rry lIwlr n\V1I 1'0 1 t·:.. " h, · (" ' lIl'!Utl,\t1 , with ~r 'W· lowed hIm fr(lm tho WIJrOOm OI\(J (I Iltllllll hllll lt 'r. "' ;"t It ('III? We ll, ellt m llntled nn explunlltlon. "p('Op\o u 8unlly go to bed lit night, 1\\'0 II h'n ' :-,·\' tI.,u ~ , :-i1l,11lt" 11"IlJlth ." ' Yllh 11"'1"'111111,' ~WIfIlII'~S tho n.o don't 01 ,~., .. snlll 80roll80 1101I,'nlly. or I h t' ltl 11I~IIIHl 1.hl' fp , '. kn os und "It I s l'X}ll.'cted, I bollc ve." or lll N ot tll .. In,·I·t , leLiUl. "Ilut. my denr mnD, we nre to UI1' "] ('nJltt' ltr"pnrt'll," Rultl R['ttot1 sc, so dertnk&-" "I have some couso t or brllCl' lng ellll " ly Iha t Il llrr,,·~ 1I111rl'l'Ied ut tbo Iron
n ~ r""
(If the 1IIUII.
lOlly hell""". "I'rn\l ~p. J-I b ~II (l\,o h ~'~ ,h'",1. W,-w", hll\' ~ n'l ony ri ght to kill n~" "))on' l 1)0 1IIIII'ky." RIIIlI'I'C,I Spro1l50. "Ir WIIIUI ' I IlIu cll or "
(·ruck. nml It
"'n ' n"'(\t'R~nr}' . It ~lrnlj.!ht c ulng UP. ..,lih II "'lgII or Hll tt ~ f"f''''''' . he 11\11\ hIli h"nd Oil IInrll l'''' 8hllul ," 'r . Jllilt got Lo 1(0 ' hr'"u~h wit h It IIflW, Domes. , ,,,,,' ll III "cr .):1'1 unothc r
It ' IIII\\
I. 11t' 11I\\' ,
RllrI"," 1 1~'tI
finu. ,1 ~ln lnln!f 11i1Il0
strllek 0 ~U ('cIIH""'n lIr (1lIlrk , c "n lhl 'ut hlow,. "I ~ '" t ha hi LK' II of woo(l. "n), ~lId, YOll url! n wO IHlcr I"
Qul l<' rl j;ht. '); nu oll ghl to know. 309, 11. 1 MI(I Il()~, 3'011 .hought I 1"118 hrlns lng 'I" R. 0 d F AS ' J 8 , I ' f II . ,11 • . • p Anoor.o Of!. • ~nn Ut' H r' fl r n ",npo nnd .Tulh't ,,1')(\ II: K a r SA V, severnl lotH and "" ' ult lIll tllJllllrrnW 1,,·rll Tll y"u Rny t.cte· n · IL'''~ w ith tl,,_' 1)('11111 Ifll I Mlf!II 'raot!. In 'md Ildj'l1oe nt to Or egonta
that," rel ,lIcd "" l l l cn illlll~ly. "Colli!' III"n~ now. Sl ick to th o trll il. 'Ve"'e I;nt I n IlInd tbo oth er o ll e." 1'urulng Hh'lrl'll' to tllO ri ght Sl'Ireuse gullII'll his co mp"nl OIl through U,e bl'u~h tor I!OlU ~ tllsumcc, IIl1d on~e In'lre CUIlIO 10 II hull. Agllin 110 s role
CnIII l!rlllI- IIIH\
p'\ H(' .
Well, Ohio, 11.
In II wily . y o u II r" rllot llt. Hili. t1r~ 1 of 01 1. Ifly I ,usln ..... I~ to n" 'lIver the crllwn J"wel " nll.1 I'Hrdlnoe llta. I 11111 golllg lutu 11111 1 hUUHU IIJ1l1 lukl! them 8\\·U)' frolU thl! m un you Imow U8 Loeb, It hI' hnl! thrm. Tf hI' hn ~ n't UII'1Il my on nbclld, Ilud 11 8 bcroro th 610w, COI1- Iwork hl'l'e I N n rlllhlrl':" fl<ll'll'. 0\'1'11 ellr J('~s Il r ogress of n "r;nl lli: Illt n till' 11I\lI ~p?" 1!1I ~ IJcd mllll ccos(l(1 IIH uhrupU}' nR Omt of Ih o 1111 rill'". "Wh y. lilY On' l. mnll . Ihllt III ~ol1lrllc1 w hll IllY hl'llllt'89 III tlle i IIllP,,"Slhh'. YIIII 11',111111 Iw _hili ,Inwn M
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,'"1'1 Jill - - --
IlI'I lIlI.lIr)' hUl'glnr nnrl- III I' In w
" "1111 JlIs llt)· 11,,'111 ....
l u
" I . . ..
rn r
klll1l1~ )'0 11 .
1 have a number of good cas h bu yers for farm~ of 1\1\ sizes , What have you fo r sal e I
This is an ideal tilll e t o sell whi le pri!.'e s
are good a nd the d e ma n d s t ro nK. Coullty farm s nnd
1~llv e sold a num ber of \V orren
g ivo the \' <: ry b <:st of re lcrc ncc.
sion charged unl ess 1 sell .
c Ollllllis '
H you think lIf selling, no tify me Ulul 1
will call und sec YOli .
R. C. HAINES, Gen. Auctioneer &Farm Broker
ClasslBed Ads
Hesi dence ,
. ItV fI
Centenille, Ohio Homo Ph" nc 58
Centerville Eltchunge
N 0..,8 Ibnt,te lh8'tnI S(J' 81(\()°a nd lle~. OUI: , ,0 ID [lrnlllortgA8" 1 ne eo 8 n tldl DIS , ...X on I a, ()hl O. ,,'. 20 u . ... u
lOon Unuod on PUO 4 )
816-17-18-19 Reibold Bldg. D llytllO, Ohio
lI ome l'huno <l6!)(i.
Il l,11 Mllin H6!H
Common Plcns Court
• OOJ)U • tIM ·DUM·DO .. from La La Lucille. LO\' E 18 LOVE--Irom Tho Royal V.... bond.
'" AlTING-from L18IOJ1 lAl..(cr. TIilAClIJi:R, 'J'EAORPJR-Irom lIbe'. a Good Fellow.
lIolllebod,'. 8weetheart.
'I1IB CALL 0.. 'I'BB ' (J()881 HOXB-tl'OlD Tak. " From .,.. CBlNE8E LULJ.ADY - tNlm Jil&at .. West.
-Woodpeden don't hammer at DQIlt, lilt lad. DoD't 8Ur I &.ep- JOu" eaNf1J)fA-
~ 'lY R
35 '
from The Del",' 'Qlo. PLAV ME TIIAT TlJNE-rrom Tbe Lady 10 Red ,
WD.J..o.WllIl'--from A LonoIy n omeo. Ii I'llETTY GIRl, 18 "'ltE A ~'ELOI)Y-Irom tho Fol-
Ilea 0.1 1819.
Crtato Jr.
Llll11llRllIS V9 Tb",.a Lawpkln s, dt vorCA wil lul a l denOfl. MHrgl1ret J oslin lind EUlmn Ans I t i n VB Muy I!;, M o rrl ~ ~ nt 'fo fJ ul ot lltl e. Alvin U. MCArthur VB Ed"" Mo Arthllr . dlvor oo ; RroM8 nogltlo' . W . Ourlon Unjtl osby VB Myrtlo I Ull ~le8 by, d l voroe; orueay . .
AddIUODO) Br08dway HIt5. IJEAV'l'IFlTJ, 01110. I'Ll, flAY SIlE JIOE8. ARAIJlAlil NJOJITS. I'M F 0 n EVE n DLOWlNCl
ProceL<dinga BlI.rry L. Palmer VtI Mar~ba PA l mer , Wm . Suemtml Dg Is Appoln'ed
guardi .. u ad li tem for minor defend ' Rnt. ,I Lavone A\l eo V8 Ralph Allen I Divoroe. granted C lI8&ody of tbe 808 giveD t o plaintiff. Altmony I'D sum of 15 po:r weak ,,\lowed.
!!!:;;;;o;o;m;;l;.;o;n~ga~C;r;e;B;I;d;Il;,.;N;e;W;Y;O;r;k;';N;';Y~_~;;;;~!!I Divoroe ADna
i~!!~~~~~~~~~;i~==S~~-~~~~~~-~:~,~,~-~'~"~1~ !:r,;~
Monn '
va W. Ii' . Mount ' Alimony In tha
01 . . . 1 M .... 1. .llow,4 pl." Probate Cou.rt Proc~iDg8 1 10 th e m~tter 0" the estate or Surah McOreary, deoollsed. Salel lare "pprO'Y ed In the m s it-or of the 68tdo or lobn R. BfttlSm&D , deoeased M"ry E I:tUeswan Is appolu$ell exeonhlx. no . bood r eq nlred .1. A. Runy"n, ' ChBs. Irwin "od 0 L Bolmer are appoln&od uHI appraisers, In the mlltter of the 88'a$e of ADDie BolY; c1eoeoIl8ed. Funk E .
I\farrriage LiccDII8a lJhll8. Eo Ullum. r&ilroadar , of M"udl! . Ohio, and MI8S Edna E
Freoze, of ~outb Lebanoo, OhIo. Rev. R, 8 , Eiageman. ' Uhll8. E TItloma8, rarmer, of Mon' gomery Couln~y, !lnd Mile MyrUe hooe Wade, of LyUe, Oblo . .
Have You Killed Him?'"
BpI'OUS«! ~utched his companion', ann and, droppIng to bls knccs In the thlclt underbrus h, pulled U\I! othe r
In Bottles [very r rrc6h.mcnl -stnnd, "".tnurnnt or cale hu Ihi. cnolillll ori nlt reudy to O<:TVO when 7001'''' hot. tir~-d o r thirAty. lJo I, ~ ("ulJ and RQrm,hln~ AI.o. ord"r • <nl>O lTom your sroccr---.ndo. )'OUT ice- l>o.. .erve yo u. Demand the senuino
OOWl! ane'r hIm.
PrelJeotly J!eavy tootllteps at>pl'()8ched. An unseon pedestrian PllsaOO wllllln ten ynrda ot thorn. Thoy ec&rc:e\.y brootJ\ed until the s ounds pe8lled entirely out of beartng, BprClllse put hla Up" dose to Barnos' e nr. ''Telegraph;'' he whlJ!l)Orcd. "It's a IYlltem they haye of reportIng to eneh
by full nutnr..: .
D cm o.Ild Tb.ia Dottle Se~ thllt 11 1&I'C " " t-d 11\ th itt t,,.1efll(·J houlc---oo"u.. ted "itl~- n "I"I' hto .... n II' HIf' ~1 1l .. ~. N "me but t~u1M
OOfJ,"U ifl Ihut Wille - tlk(J 4:w,urnv COIIIV. '" no olIwr.
. other. ' There nre two Ipen potroll ing tlIe 'pound!! near tlIe houae. You ROO what we're up agalDBt, Dames. Do JOU atm ",'ont to ~ on with It'" 'TIl ,.my by you," replied Barnee
The Dayton Coca-Cola Bottling, CO" Mliin ·lJl5
. .nltly.
BeYeral mInutes wl"nt by. Th ere ....11 not . sound 81lV' llIe restless pntter of rain In tJ\o tree top8. At Ilist the faraway tJ\ud ot · [ootHte[ls CIlme to the of the t c n:oe listener. They d l"\)W nf'.arer, lou lie I'. and once more ~med to be IIPlln'8chlng the VOlT)' apot whero 11.0 crouch.oo. . TIl.. ClIme' tb BOnlld or Ii dull,' bea9J blow, • hoa", an"[I, a. m ODlOll~ c:ommotlOll In til. sbrubbory,
____ ,....,. . . . It neyer came. ... ~ _ _ _ r.dMd ilia ..,.
HOME by Jae< Wil~
Home Phone 6471
Now is the time to lay in your next winter's COAL. Don't- wait. You are not saving anything by putting .. it off~ We ha-ve- what you want. Call and give us your order. We deliver every day.
Waynelvllle, Ohio Fully Equipped for Good ·Service. Large Display TELEPHONE I
Ward LU'Qa, m"ohlole$. of Inllian apolia, Inll: 1 110<1 111111 Belen 811e9. or Soutll Lebanoo, Ohio. BlIoymood S. K .. tzeoberger, obier elootrloilln U . 8 . Navy, of Sprlnl fi e ld. OhIo, anc! Mis8 Mary 88881e' MoBrlde, of ~1'80"lio, Ohio. lien. G. Pe.rrine, re&ired. aod MIllS ~nnle L Un'o·" pbe.r , both of Muou, Ohio Rev. Berthey.
Real Elltate Tranters lren8 B Holbr ook to A . 8 , K ttllf. m':n, 10$ N o. 60 In 80uth Park sub divl810n to Lebanoo, Uhlo. '1.
. -.
Younce Bros. Grain Co.
DR. J. W. Mil LER. ••• DENTIST•••
Uolt I~ ap poi nted f\drnlnlstrato.r . Bon4 12,li llO Chil8, Bo wyer; lieo. I(obl Ilnd Wol1ln g,oll B o wyer are Ilppolnted as A ppral8ers, Th e will of C. W G or8noh, do · cell8tld, 18 admitted to pro bute.
Any time- any plllce--any day
ro .. 1 eS ' Bte. ~'re mlln
WIlEN 1'011 LOOK I N TilE
old .
ATE '1' 011111 to t'IrLDb , 011'0 Cabhallo New .. Plflntll In throe ,r four cILIY I'. . Ellie J . ER.Hley lind A 11 0 E. Gute s Johu MoMlllan , WaynesvIlle, Oblo VH ,l o~ D. Miller nt, III. l' t\rtltlvn o f j30
WOOdpecker hamme ring on
•. •t.. -_.-,
Farms Watlted
,"prlul( I'lg~. 2}G
.... Umb
......... 111_' blood fOO eoI!I. ... waI&IIcJ lor the next toottnll
O. 8. D IIl~IO~ to! John R. Ollllaher , R,' (11·""I' ..d In lib k","',. II"d 111'1:1111 on Ihc IIll1n ,. s hlllll" ,'r. I*r' or lor. No . ~ ..,r. In Lebau on, II. ~I 'lIrehID)l "",'r th, · ,,"IO lInfl wit h his I .. ':S;po lu' r~, ~ IJrO\l ~p," h ' wh lHJI r 'd,! Ellzabetb 141 ItAr ~o Llda Penoe. h lln d ~. "JI ~r,' It Iii. y,)U Cnl1' l "",' It , l ItM nil Yory well fur )',)U , knOCkllllJl par' or loIs ~l' I: Imd 191n ' I'homp .. of Cll llr~ , .. ~II I 'll 1 ... 1 YII" whlll It I H. I (lV"r 11 till!', bUI Jlls t whnt Is .eon'R Adrl ltl n 1,1 Leban on, OhIo, 'I. /\ """ - I1ltl " "" ...·k "I' " ' IIIIIII\\'oorl. 1','(, y o ur (l~J""t ? Whllt lIoes 11 11 Ih lri I rn rt , Ja8. D"rm ' I\Y, >It al. to Mary I>~rnln'n,ly I!\I' hl~ 111<-,' lil li, ' 1"'llIl1w r, " 0 / 1111 to? . mody. th " i l' Ill l er('R ts In lots No, 648, we'll ~, ." \I II HI w,' I'IIIt )'"I "e In Ih" wily !lprOIl"1' hroke In, 1111(1 th or o w n@ 6·19 Ilnd or) I u F r Ank lin, Ohio. 'I, of wlr, 'Il!"" r hll · chnt." no t 'hl' ~ 1IJ:l!Jh'st trn co of PlIIlIUOIl In B . B Wil ker ttnn to J ohn SqulrR. WI IIIIIlII Ihl' ""l(hl t·~t h rsltll ll n n h e hi?, Wh l" l",r. . 81ll~1l tro ot In MIlitary MUlvey No: 1\
Inl\lIlro gOnl8, Ohio,
, -.b11l7.
"My God I
Phune (01 · 2
A or e8 C holoe Tltnolhy Hoy . I nl)nho of J o bn WH Y,
I'VE TOLD MY LOVEfrolll Tumble In. IT O£T8 TIIIlM ALlr-trom
. of_-
Waynesville, Ohio
ot !NEWS GLEANED 5 Roberson, uellvllltl l hI , ){ a. ..11 months FROM COURT HOUSE 34 of Fred t(oherson, 0, o.
lleuOWr " BarII_ thrtlled. TIlls WDe real mel· IMkama. "'Hear what'" he whl8pered
~"Ir. •
1" lIltln g'
MONTE CRl8TG-trom MontAI
After a second or two:
(' I IIIIU'I'.
1111' '''''81; (11"' .;r~ li S f ,II', " " 'r IIfl"I·II'II .. !."
; "LIIIten.-
AmnII muck
J,,'rf'" tiprtllUW.
om IIntil long lifter
that 0110 ot those cIlB(ll! In I he re Is from OrceD Foney. Go to betl n t ton o'dock, my trl nd. nnd put ut your light. I don't k\sl8 t on you r tnlllng off your clothes. however. J will rap ()D your door at ol8\'en o'clock. By th e waf, don't fo.r get to stick your ro"olver 10 J'OW' pocket." A f ew mlnutea before eleven thert1 rome 0 gllIlOe tappi ng on Dames' door. Ho apmng to his t eet and opened It. presenting hImself before 8prou!le tully dressed aDd, a8 the 8ecret agent aaJd Inter on. "Ot to kill" The nJght was Il8 blnck n8 Jllteh. Dnmes, t,uBUng to Ule little mnn's eyes and bungtng cl ose upon hIs contt all8, followed bllildly but gn ll nnUy In thn tracks of the lender. It seemed to blm thnt Ole), 8tumbled nlong pnr. allel to the rond 10r miles before 8proUBe c nme to 0 holt. "TIIIH 18 the ab\lrt cUt to Greeo Fllm:y," he whls~rcd, loylng his hand on Dames' arm. "We IlIlve four or Ove miles. comlDg thl8 w8f. Do you know where we aref' "I haveo't the remotest Idl'O," "About 11 qunrte r of 11 milo below Curt1s' house.. Are JOu nil rt/lhU" ,"FIne BS a Oddle, except tor 11 barked knee and a skinned elbow; a eouple of more or lees buated ribs. rYe banged Into more trees thlln-" "Shr' Attet' a moment ot silence, IntenslOed bJ the mournful SQuawk (It blrde nnd tbe c:Ilorull of katy· dlde. SproU8e wblspered, "DId you
WayneeyUIe, 0 1
Try the Miami Gazelle's Classified Coillmns for
A HOME IN THE COUNTRY Is a blessing that a great many people do not have the privilege to enjoy. A country home, a garden spot, a lot of stately liUies giving dignity to the surroundings, and a large porch, in which you can almost live all day long-this, certainly, is the life. It makes our city cousins envious when they see the ideal life of the average country resident. If you do not own such a place. it is high time that you did, for wit h Isuch home advantages you have nothing lacking to make you happy. The fact that you ha ve a home in a town where lumber can be so easily and cheaply o,b tained, and
Madden Will sell you the best of ,lumber and at the right figures, too'. He will help you to figure on your new borne and . will see that you .get the best of everything, .
w. H. Madden &
Co., Wayne.ville, Oa
LYTLE CHnUl.OY, ,t 1".Jrluf'! ld In tllll ",,,p" ln ~ I uri '"UI ,h . IIh l .'rl II :J ihel', ?Ir>!. MilT)' VIL' . ..... ,
D. I;. CJI /\N E , I . li to l anu J ' u l~ l lIle l . \\ Subscrinli oll i'rir .
.1',1' (
All ' III
~ \ iJle, ( lltilJ
1.6(' per yeti
"Y "lit-
! ~ Dlir , u h ~ 1) 1' l " ,,\1
- " l tU fI I' ...
- - .........--..-=-=-
COUNTY SfANDS HIGH 'rbls Oll uh ty tlt.m cltl tlfttl IIltl nllg 'b" oouu t t ml Or Uhio '0 t)lI:' ,uthlon t 01
$ LOO Heward, :\,lO(J
IJ'l l ~! I" Hili r.~ lI f tll h ; l ;np(\ r ,wl ll bD 1) ). 11 ., • •1 t t l 1" "111 U~flt 111 .' 1 1:4 '" t I& ~ L UJI ' tll l·n ll e.! ~ U.'H,: II,' llllll zu;II' .u'u hil a I," . II " "U I" ' )II n il It h ~ I",w" (hal _.....· ..LULI I h . C'n tu rlli I; 11lJ.:' Irot lc uLl y In flul'lI l' lI I n ' " fHllH ftll tUIIW l I ~ll1 t lltl 11 4 I C(,lI h " 101 C'I H1 ~ t IL ll lI \I nld Lr..~ "LIflU Il L. HILII' d L'U IH fJli !t1 " dkl" I N tlLh c n IrtUH' lIully
W"r Mel vtllgs tUnnll'S 80141 by ohtl d r eu "'0 tar th1E' YOIl 1", 1111, 1 H, ' t !'l I lull lho 1.,;111 ( nt U I I tho M u c(} u ~ 1'otlll lilliI'll or t ·I.OOll,oeo lillY " Itl'en S U"(" eo» or ll, Q S)'" t II I. ll ic roh), <I ·K· m"lte In 'he nalo t hltl I"ellr tllr,.n ae, b gl"llIJ.:' Iroylll l; Ih e rutll,lull on or t it d i"en . c. th u p llUcnl HI ro ng-lh h y hulhl · 'he lIobool8. of whlcb IImnuDt In !; liP th o co ns ti tution lind 1I ""I. lIn l; '1I'> ,5,U '0 wuS tlC'lcl In ~hl~ nll 'lnty . 1I (IIUrO In ,I crlll K ItH w orlt. T h o I ro'l'ba ~ It t I b' pd QtOfR hnv {! 80 mudl rnllh 1n tho cur .. v Ilu. or.p ." IiV(lrllge 0 All UM. Y [ 'Hi ve ptlW tl l'H ur 111111'9 Illllrrh ~I c dl 10b 00 I
'be lIohnol ohlldreo ot tble ounnty 18 . 30 n.S
lImt Ih ey
orrcr On" HU ndred D<>I-
I!, I':I Cor tlllY en .!!£! tha t , It fuUIt t o cure.
~CJ\( I
for 11 8l
t UrH Jrnnn lnJs,
Arlllr "B I". J. Cln;NEY & co .. 'ro lo-
~n_._h:.~I ~~~'~~~J~rU~~I HtH~ ~G_C.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgnr t:!tln Ron are drl:ytng a new Du ViM touring our. Frank L . BarriS III improving the In'$,lor of bi8 ol1wly Il ur ob'l sed 'IItofo room, and Will oouallY It III the lIear tuture. The A. M. E. Vh uroh "uve [\ lu\\'n fete, aa,urd:lY nl gbt . lit t Im home of of Mr. Ilod Mrij. Wolby Vllrtcr , on &alit S outh stree\. Rain, Snturdn y nl)(M 1I00i !:3uDd ay. 8tollpod threshing for eeveral d6Y 9. "r B~II Mr~ . Hlury tshidailer lind
II !o' C I" 1 r. ' I to ( I ' 1 ~ ' . III m e"l llllf ~O lll\ '~ h o jUt1t , rrtvI' I' t hor') trlJlll t h'J Nllv y l;'ur r v \ v . 110· hn s u fine o(>w r ltrf.~h. lUI: (l UI Ut uII11 I~ \ ' IW I.H1H III I h i. o on nll llrll ~ (1t PU Rlt Otil'. ,,,,rl ~lr~ 1: . ' . 1~~lIlh . 11'(1 115 ']\ 10< ,, 1 Id ltV 1I1"l' n l n ~. to olr E. Ii I li n, olph nil" (,mI ll II) U" Y(O Il , hr. tl. I r "tt\ thl\r e ItHHOrllU LO Z. , l nn~. v t li ~ I I \, \ ~ It II OIJlllllt. (If (l.I Y" with Mr on ,1 "drA . Rrll,1j1 L'lIllb. f :n"MPI fI 'lrn ~t. or !,hn il' b Ell. I(l n ~~ r. brl' I\' o\ l\ rrllln F rtlll ot) I f' . oeotly r .OtII\,co hl~ ftl ~o h6r Ro III (JOtll)l ' h I rnlMD. Tn to!.1uy. IUld uurn~ to I·h o It nln" nt b l~ I'~Tellt @, Mr. IUld Idr ~ t\ H . Uuroe U. (It! W H(ltltl911ay. John AJlPi<',{ot". nt thl! Bi monlnn el\IVIl!.lll·. IIHq 0 tortH' bo~y 10lldllll( vb'lIP. wlli oh I~ 00111101-1 In fr () m ,Ill rtiT " linn I II I r ll n k~ . I';l~h~ OIlr\OnO" )m vo! b"o n ~h l 1'1)\"1'\ . Mr. Bn d Mr ~ . !:I nr Rolto l Il ot:l.IM. nf ( Hel,dun (l . i\I re o li:h •• bro th Uot'l l n r 611d .'di" .. u~ I ro u " tl lMIIl Olnrl M i l i t. t)Ull~ H(l rl-ltlJr, of I' I l{n~. "PODt ' "l or. dBY w ith ~'r Iln rl Mfa . Wlllt ~ r Kon rrolJ Bo.1 ,mil M ,.. R H . Hnlnos. ~r Na l!"',o ~ll1 lth "Il ~ mail ed t o \'\' '''' 01 ' vll lt· . ::'IIU (' y , 11)" I b ,' o (". ~h o f ], "bl' '' hrr, .I t!ll6t1l1UI ~Inl( b ,, ~
WEllNL-:SUAY , ,JULY 2a, .1 919
w,· .. I. ,
Mr. and Mre. O. (), latt.. or Ma· rl on. Ohio, Mr . ond Mrs . J OR boa Collbtt uod daugbtllr . E llzabetb, o f Le htinon , Mr. /lnd MFI!. 8orh"r~ Wise unu ~on aotl Mrs. Mary tlhld· aher. of Wllmlugtun. w e r e gu Ot'I·8 ot Mr. Bod Idr8. h' ranll Bbldllk er OD Mo ndl\Y. Joly 21. . FrAnk Hunnlo ll~. of WlIll.liocton. was In thlH vl ola lty , '1' ilur~cJ,.l' Il nrl Ii'rldllY , buvlng IIOr808 fur tlnl WOM. ~. ~r8 . ,1uo h L nL'V " 0 to r i ~! 1 1" 11 ttt 11 ' ecn DllifIr O~. p,·... ll.:: I nn ht'f) n HI Mr. f-jrl, h. II .'l.l ' " Mr . ood Mrtl. 1 A. HI,rtoil1c l<. ul (",ld 4. F'rt·lu\T l\rtutlllll H l ,.!x'Ut'Jl o f
D"ytoo, hflve tho Aymp ,d,hy o r 111110 t,ll" 'he 108S or their two Wll J !; " II lct
two oblldren were Sunduy Kn e~t8 of dllOghte r, Mllry Jane IIr. and Mrs Harlan U .. rve y. ot u~ I!4I11ml oflmetery .
II ,t·lf' f r lfllld " f hl'r 1' 1 n 0"1 . Llo g ll t " r . Mlo~ h~ "1 h 1,1\('\'. Ilf Uliy. lute rlll 01 t OD, Wh C1 r,$ hn D v i"l Ill ,\.{ Ii~rt" .
J , E . 8 huIDuker 18 In Mlohl~lIn . III the loterest of D. M Ferry ::lootl f '0. Mr • . EVB Llppln oU 'l'hOIlIlIR . " Of' ot o ur old OJt,j ZIl 0 8, but t tl r HflVtlra \ YfllUII " res id ent of 8 od fo rd, lod. wbo ball been u K u e~t of bor I,wo al8&41re, Mr. Sadl\ ILflason lind Mr~. 1 1A~ P .• ulln ll IJ " rl. , n I ~ ' >1 \1' n ow lIary Ward, l ef ~ for b omo, o t urday Mr. ao" Mrs W . L Borvey lind h {d ' n tr lut f f'lfV (\,"" lli"'_· , ,·'· h'l'lgA. MrA. Frank Sbi dll il or Btteot'iACl tb e " r. B nr-li ·h l\ I I I I t' . . . . \I h •• WBtI fUll oro) of I·hoir l1o olo, l:Iamu I H . h O I' I' ( " tit Wt , ,·le H" , tt t ' :a..:I · ',; 10f'" Hu. 1118. of nNlr Old Tuwn . lil.! ~·ril1"y . SP O! ! "rl l ' l· ·. h " , :~ . II<lvdral 'Rooks liS t ll fl g 'lASt8 o f ~r8 . Mr. and Mr •. 0 ( :. I'tau . !) f M'(1 MI@8 BA"trlofl i.~ l r l ' ," l" riln Ru es t· 8nerll'ler 's m other. Mrs. L ou iHIl .ton, Ohio , w er o l'n l e r! " lnl!ll ut nl Mrs . Ell Oello . Il"" f W" y w 'd vlllll JOII'OII. o f ~hple A\reer.. dlnoer 00 'TuB 1\ V. Jolly H,. by M r . Mlae Nellifl F err ill h!l~ rnl urn /·d eo Mr. lind Mr ... VV L. durvov uo~o ed P lsU's oousln . Mr . J I:l . Illdnkllr br. r h"nlP hll r e 1I1\ ,' r ~Iw , 'dl o g /I w e R Aod w ife WIlming to n, R",t,urdnv, "tIJI b e r a oot In L I'lo",o . CI",t" tJnlrm~ tl I r. d \>;,ffe h .. ve ln Ovllrt frn ' )' ll'IV! fHi 0 Ibo IV . U IIiI IDf' (Ilrll l. L,m B ., 00 '. 1 \\ hnn , I'll . l' l ll till . \ nyl ,lDtl J () r ll . u 1m_ ro' urr od to hI 1)(' 1"" h!>r £> . U; ;. Mo nuno ~ 'I h l~ Ii In .1 ,· , >, y
near Dodds. Mr. and Mrs. W . W . W e loh . ond 1100, . 1'!luwus, le t& . B'rtd"y, f or Ft,. DOdge, I u wa , Ilnd WIll be 'he 8088\8 of Mr. Bnd Mrll Utlher ~ W .,'ob Mn. OharUy Harvey lind grllnd "''',D lriltor, VlvlaD DnrIon, are sp end tOK IItIveral days with Mr" . Harvey" 1100, 81111ao, of benr 0 0dtl 8. MrH Luelle Boer~Ullr 8ml ~b roe oblldroD, ot NorWOOd. li re ~pe odln g
h il I!. 1I1~1 "" ... el{ Ed N nh!e I" .t (l n l' n f III, w"r tl hll r ~\l~, l1',itlllY lIi J:( ht. \)". \\' . E. ~' r "~ 1 c'lll Ii II M £', L'1a ur d. \' . to 11l1 1llt Ul.Le r flO ~ " IIH , ~ I ck ~lOn·l;.
h.lI~a LI~:l.le t:itIOUP , 1 a " rv VR · bur l;. i ~ STlOortlo g 8 0 \'!'r 1l 1 110.1'8 wlrll h er nc l e, Mrs. Mu 01 ' l'lll'ry Ad . N . TArry nlld .1 , W . Ureijwoll t onk /I truok 10lld o f shoep .Ie. (,;1 1-
Saxon" S The Practical Car Saxon "Si x" ha.s earned its reputa tion a s the Practica l Car because it is so thoroughl y practical from so many ditTerent standpoint,s.
RAY F. MILLS. Dealer Phone 71
Waynesville, ~Ohio
Stops the Dangers From Hoof Injurles-Saves Horses Nails In the boof often prove serious unless Healing Antiseptic Liniment is used. Uotll Antiseptlo HOII ~ton IA (The Original Jones') Llolment becnlllC generally knowo, the frequent injuries to hoofs, ofttimes proved seriou8,
"I ba",c teen I~ trouble '",IIIJ 11411 In the foot. and ~vera1 . .tel ot lockjaw, but that 1fU bertI . 1 know anything about Tour
nlment. It beats U\.I)m 1111, L.
• ~ton, Ho~ Shoar, WII8h1nSion c. H .. Obla.
__~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.J
Houstonia Liniment 18
Now IlorllO owners know lh6t ~ l ew applicntions of H Ou5t'-tonce-nh to B nnll Injury In the hoof, quickly h~alll thc~ ..wo\lIId wllllout danger . ot Infection. D ou' t be wlt.}lout it.
A dollar bottle· of Houstonia LinIment in your stable will {'roteet tllousand8 of d ollars worth of ' horseflesh.
goo~ lor
n'erytlllng a i.0od liniment
.hould be good lor. Sold by 11.11 drugglste Houaehold abiu, !Sc end IiGe. New Veterinary alze, !& oz., '1,~ THB DR. 1. C. JON)!B COMPANY, 80. Chorlerton. 0-
J. E. Janney, The Rexllll ~Store, Waynesville, Ohio.
c iD tl uti , Frldny. fJ. E . Ue" on hn ,,; b ou'I ht Ibn Ww . Sio lt fur n .. nellf · Bower Vill e, C111J. t o onUll ty . Mrs. Urlo B ur ~e' . o f Lebanon . 19 t be ~tle $ of her pa ron ls , A. 1::\. Alion
n nd wife. M . M : ferry ', K. E. T bomps on, Ch ns. U od B. J . Brewllto, ~e ro in tiu r veJ~btlrg, ThnrddllY e.veDlug . CIl rl Conoor anil wife, Vlc t ur Burk and Wife, Be r ' Von uer and .dlssee EVil and Adab B. Vonoer , <>f Wl\mhllf~on . wore Sunday g n A ~ o r II E Tb u tDp~o n oud wife. Alber' S W O V~ . of Dayton, wus bere, bUll()ay . U. E . H en~on nud fluuily eutertained OOllltJ"IlY frolll Xo·oi .. , o l,,"ur· doy /lnd t:!und ll Y W e nre g lnd \.0 report Mrs. On r ner better 6l till w riting . She Is being oaro(J tor by he r dan~bte r. Mra. J e. sle Kenn o n . who Is mulling ber ho m e wit.h bor moth e r while bf'r bueuand Is ~rovoll o g tbruugh tbe
South. J . 11:. Frllzl er, of oN nyn es vllle. Willi her e , 'rbur~d6Y, doing t be tin wort! aod s p outing 00 L ou Brano uu I oew bou ~e .
BELLBROOK Ll\o)' Orowl, who WII<! born nOll mlsed h e r o. 'tied in O ay t o n . 11l 8~ Toesday , Dod WIIS burled h ore, l ll~t
Frld"y. Miss Et.hel Whltllcfe Is visi ting b or CO llsin, Miss Uruce Lamme. Dorth of towo, this woek. V . B. oh wn r n. tbo grooer . Ilnd Willi s Hluol{ will Hturt· o n a l ootor trip to St. Ptll1l, Minn . , n l'xt 'fuesday .I osoph Hluon . uf Ua ytoD, Is v18U. ing r !>lu tl Qll~ her e. ~lr . .J" l n Woaver nnd M\ij~ MBrie 1I1I Ih ~ ")JlJ o d oJi to N ew port, Ky., a u al wo rt) l.llurrl ll I I1~t Wedne~dav m ornlog Thoy wil l reside 6t the g r on ,\'S bome. !I.t thIs pluoe . Per r y 8l>onet\ h il S the b~ nn er orop
of 'whent thros bed to date, U lIlahln, un 'w eruge of 25 bus h e ll! to bht! 60re. 'fbe P ytblfln Misten h el d fl soollli In tbe T o wo HBlI, ll\st SlItur.lay evenlog. Tb re wne II Inr ge urowd p rolle n r.
We have reduced the ' Tita~ 10··20 price $225. You can now' get the world's standard 3-plow tractor for $~,OOO.
Friction Clutch Pulley 1\ rn .ge. w ide fr iction dutch polio>" mRdo In five S11.I."tJ. l'll \l lpp ~,1 whh SO l dY Bb leld . ,,~ nu,lln ted c.1lrcl' tly un th t> I.: f lnk · sh.fl o r th e lo w...."Pft '4 ' , ::.h.:lldy 1'1 1(, 11 c tl J.!i ru.! l -Ilt1 d cUv c ls Ihl! (nil p v. ,-'J to t h· d nv ttn muc: 1Ih.'. Tho Titan 1O~ 2CJ cti n bl' Cj lllddy l llh: kl'd IHtl t h ~ huh becoUA~ of thu 1m "unll u f Ih(t P,' IUt·y UlI\-\ tho heh d Chftl lh (r lllH whct: 19 Vb" Ol h..r port8 (J t tho trac tor by ~ . ,0 .. rOU8 m it . ' It i::. n("lt noc('ofJsmy t Q dig h o lM to r 1he fl ltll t wh ('(· \s I U ~('H bt!h c1UNnlllC' l'. 'J'h,.j Th on l"l,dh 'y ... h', flul p u t lin II!i Gil aftt!rtl.ought. Tl! u ~ner8 did nt)J o\'or1 ook It In tl h' fHtJt p L.. " .·. Some "il Clor b u ilder s cnrnm ittt' d 'hie VO l>, 8t"f i o lJ~ ~ ff O'. dU ll to ] IJ " " f (oiH l.1 knu wlbJ .( • un'" uXl,c rh· nc f'. Til r e medy th t. err(,f. thuy dC'!:.' ignoo Il b:l .u ll m"k~Rlti h ,If! ... y, i n o n~ .. 17.0 onl r , a t ac h e d h i n un n .... k wuu l p la c e.. lind chuo~ .. r o" S1~ 4lJ [ur h. TIw Titan 10·20 Irlct ion d Ulch I,url, V I; lurnuhcd
HERE is no "joker" in this price. Weare not telling you one story in this advertisement and then leaving it for our dealers to break the sad news th at the advertised price won't. buy a tractor unless you pa y extra for a lot of necessary features. The Titan dealer won't charge you extra for "starting a nd service" before he can deliver the tractor. He won't show you a machine stripped of many essential parts-belt pulley, fen ders; pl atform, governor, drawbar, tool~and then tell you that you can have these things by paying extra for them. The Titan at this advertised price is a comple te 3-plow kerosene tractor.
lack Wl1Ion
Throttle Governor Som hue O' S
Hl'EO l1.1 whh u utg t.J'l ernorB he '::ll\J s e, p t·, bR.l"'lo5 , ",h \1 d l' :' l~n L'l b dh t nUl k.n o ..... \ h lllO t' was n " I !l.t t:, l W ll\c h I S th\-, b\!~ t C('tlIlOOlY - - l O p wy on of"(;JtIotor II fm lur y Ju ~l t n it o n the UIlC t O f and edj U8 t tho fu el t thll l ouct \'on ol io na whdn tHl ~ 'gud t n I"e ll wo rk o r lu I " t hro ttl o g o vurno t do i1 \\~ tb · tl tlt e:nu cu~t ' - do i l o lt wlll.o , kally , purl uy. T he T h a n It r tile )(fl Vt' I f) n r SlI .... U~ fUl't, p rev ents f( ratn Ins6t'8 ,'t jh·1! ' c nn ~ UUif, " 01 pu ..... l'r to y o u, t bres her ntlll If'ngl h N fs th e Ijf ~ of hoth tfhctot
and driven m~L h ln.... wlthOJ lt ~.t t,o c harge.
You R'"
thu !IOOf mor
Somo traclor bulldertl put ~ hook a nd ell" a/lair on Iho An d cull it a du w hMrJ
l oil e nd o f th eir tro e lo re -
'l'ho y ~em to h'J IH! n\l p rl o(lw: ~d the f. ct th.1 [ n ' "'c tUf .,,, t only pu lls pl o ws but a ltlO mowers, hay Jopdors.. ~1'llin bi nd e rs. bar ves tert h rosh url:l. et ., blJc h r cqu lI lrlR lUffc rtl o t hil l h pd~
Then there is. another thing . We are not experimenting at your expense when we sell you a T itan 10-20. There is real fa rm rpachine and tractor manufacturing ing experienCl~ back of It. We have been in th e far m machine business for 88 years and have be n supplying tractors for 14 years. N ot another company in the world knows the farmer's power and machine r equirem ents as the Harvester organization does. Would you entrust your bank account to a m an who had ne ver had any experience in ha ndling money? Will you risk your farm profits in a tractor Luilt by designers whose knowledge of farmin g is limited to books and a drawing board? It win pay you to think about these things w hen you buy your tractor.
Starting and Instruction Service Another wJoke r" o f some tractor concerns ts to ch"r~o you n Jorl;o "s tarti ng and servk:e" f ee-lI:ttm. Thi.s fa Bnot b,u w a ' of g etti ng a Jo w pric e (o r ac\v fJru si ng purposes. B un you enn', get the tractor witho u l poytnf{ tbi~ ChDt Jru.. Tbey make it compulRory. The International dco lv S'JlrP.J !JOU ,hb 5£'rQ;Ce
wI/hout lUlling IIOU t,o pall extza for It when fl OII buy a Tilan 10·20. F'~n Inn'fo, .chool.lnaU!luml..,d by W, aho [",,"elitTitan pa,ch",. ,. i,'."ll pa". (tloc count ,il.
ju ••m.,, 1. Pc,". th ell didn't know aooul Ihe."
oth e r machlru~. L.ook H1 tho Titlitn drawhor. N o,o Ih. p.ovi." " na for 0 wid. ' ting .. 0{ . d just. "",,,1 bnlb ul' untl dowlI Mnd sidewise. T h. Titan draw/xu fit.
II I. lumlshed ,"!th ouf e:rtra coat.
Tho dolligtle.a of 110m_ ImetOI'1l "vldenlly did no l kno", .hac
t ho dri ve w 1A thl n w dirt , d UBt o r mud 0",", tho o perolor and tnbchi nc UO)C-88 fenderS pr even t it. Th o Tlton 10·;0 hila Bu cb fenders. Th.yoro aJso. "Bore ty first" fenturo. The Stale of Mich i~ MI1
b." (,."."eLl .
Inw r, o hiblting .hosoloolf,·nd •• " 8 troclo r.. Titan len J .... u, n (uml.hecl wl/Iooul tho
$40 to $ 50 .. Ira
cI,ors. made by thA! "'ow-price"
Some traclar d OCJignere op!>",.n.l)' neve r an t in 0 l meter ,..,,,. hm bourt/ 0 dny o r more, jolting OV" r rou ll" 6.1ds ,oo Ibey enn ', "pprOdahJ what 0 reller it 18 far th" trllCtor 01 eUlhlt to [ent hJ rtt.Q\'!1S n o w ' on tl I .n hy Bundlll/( u r. wh hout luss of lime. You will up prCciQl C Ih~ T illl n 10-20 pl.- t{o lln I h llt ~fWbleu )I (.IU 10 do this.. It is 0 comfon Icattuo furnished roguJarty , w ith bVury T itan 10 ·20 tro c lO r--no extra cost. '
T 0015 t we t' r8
~(O ,
A comrIe, ••.,. of ",xleen .ools is furni. hed w ith every 1'itnn 10-20. Th !fl hM,d )' t,,,,,I·' 1I I" P IO id,,,lln s ph. uf ' h" loc,t . b a t T lun 10- 0 nu t
Ilnu IfO,,' \lIf C"t,;h
( o n.t 4tr
t lcqu e ntly Ihpn any tllh \l r t n'<"lors jn
o rn H wt lt1~e tru .... tor!i r\tully nt! t!d fr
f Ul n is h Ill/t h i n l( b u t 1WO O f "bru., wr(!och cs.
WINDOWS AND SHOW CASES A friood of ourll ouoe eald : "1 d o 1I0t u se newtlllllpe r n. . ve rU s lng. I advertl8e through IIIV w lnd nw~."
_""'II AOOd and
lll cn t ... dJusttne n t
Thuy (l!1l
wo rt, l.
r t! p.:u r~,
that t halr proout."'t iB
Rood lhnt 11 (luean't Oh"<1 ocJjlJ s tnuml . Do )'rJU buUevu Ibis? Ao n o"IuI1o' o f fect, t hey ODU1 n :'CttSSIt ty t{)(J IM lo r the 88me fOllson they omit the 8S8ontial f~ \utft'!l d uaclil>«l noo", 0 nUlk . Glow "ca m lJu fls/lo prlc .. " I TIro Thon 10·20 cnlt'P'C'Io! tOlll "" f. furnIshed UII/JLou t extra ch a ' I I e . · .0
Dr J A McCoy,
Mr s. 'l'hollltle Mill e r uml Mr . !Llld I Mu . M . J Fu rr . • • • Mr. aod Writ. William StaDton lin d tBllllly bave r oturned b om e Mr . and Mrs Ueo. DaviS, Mr. /lod after s pllod lng B wellk In Ill dilln Graduate o f OblQ SIal. lJnlve,.U ~ Mrs . Gl enn Olivia lind eo08, Robe.' L ll ke. lIod Roger , Mrs. ItI ~ Mllnuon anlt Mr .. G. ' . Mouot and d61lg b tor dnugh ter. Misa E'hel, aod Mr: 11011 Bl10nt Thur sdny In Day too . OFF ICE:: Mrs. E . C. Mao non alld danghtere, Mre. Sn yder is visiting f rloods anll (i'ourth Stree t. ncmr Tyler
R uth and
Ul flnn~,
K u e~ta
Ve terinary
were Suuday r olntlvcs in Le b"ooD
of lIb . nnd Mrs. H.rry Atkinson . of near Wayoesville.
Mr . aod Ill,.. Lowry, of noar W"yn88Vll\e. werl visiting wlt.h Mr. II.nd Ililrs Ah'!l Luddlnrtoll, Bnoday,
Mls8 Belen N IlII . of Lehn u ou. bll8
~::~rv::l~~~:o~~o!en.Ddp .. rentti
Telephone 93
IW a ynesville.
, -
Ll ttl o tlaldlln l:oITnon h as b410n - ~ - -- - - - - ------ -orl\loully III ot 'he bOUle of bls Tbe body or 'ha lufaot daugh\er parents. s,ut·b o f town R• • • ATBAWAY of Alld . Mrs. Ita Hartsook, of Mrs. BlIll. ,;t. Minml Hburg, speot Olly,on. W68 brool'h' kl Miami the Il\st 01 tho weok with Mr. Bnd W",VDeIl.rilIe'8 L e u.dlna DeDU.' Cometory. 8aturd~y, aod burled,. Mrs. Ed W ood ward Offioe in BainOl! B1d4I. Main 8& Tboy bt\ ve 'be slnoere eYlppathy of MrR 1.\1111 Da vi s IInll f6rnlly . of tllel r frleods here. N ow Yo rk e lf·y hl\v e beeu vl ettlng Mr . aod Mrs . Kay Wolt aod ohlld. f l\~h e r nnd ~IRter, .. I, the bome r.m. Ooollid and Gertro!le. of Claus. oher f Mr . Bu<l M I'~ Willi ~U'I blunton . ville, s p ent Snoday a"eruooll wl'h nort h of towu . .Ioh n Wolt and wife. \V . T . J rdll.o flu d .wlfe spen' tl uu. M IS.. A~oOlJ \V oollwllrd b lls bllan Funeral Director da.v with A l an Hartsock ~nd wlte. vlsl tlog btl r ' ol) uH io!l. Th o Mi8se. Hu ll. IH MIIIIIII~lIur!C. an dEb m a1mer, Mrs. Orll.oe Riob Bnd ohlldrou vis. Mr nn rt :\1r8. ~ ' r ~o" Rlukllrd .wd lted with he r pllren~~, M·r . aod Mu. Waynesville. Ohio. fam ily spent ~ llnul1Y In DIlV! (JI] . Otis I rons, ono duy hut weok. M r ~ ~'[t\q ()O!! N ull . ~ on I\oi) rll10gb Mr . allal Mrs Cb1l8 . B&an oel and twenties lIud thlr Mo8. oh ll d ren. ot D ay to n, apent tbe wee k ' er . Mr. unll Mr •.•John 'HI,,~ rr \(" lt E ithllf A u to Of H orse draw n service. Newl:lp!tll or e.d vcrtLslng moz I\u d liuu~b •.nr , n f b'rtlu I, 11 11 . Mr. UU (t with 'belr pllreDte har e. No extra charge fur auto. service. nlfles - .lDllUlp1i tl8- t b 0 seili n g Tbo maoy frlen d~ of Waylll.lld Mr . FIIlU W . RU~D'lg l e f\ntl rlfLClgh Both phones In Omee alld Residence ' !l r. of Vacdlllltl. wero the I:lun d n y J o rd~1I uro g h ld l O wo loome him powe r o f your wiodowil . No.14. . gues ts o f frio oU 8 In DI~yt.oo , !lnd enhome [ rom over !leBA . . I bolle ve you ' lI llgr eo tll .. t oor joy" rt dl nUll r nt t h o 11ll1!\ a od [)"les friend Wll8 "'hort sighted. t.Jountrv Cluh. Be bad lIo ver TBOUUI:1'1' Mr. Bn bo r J. Nul! Bud Mr. WIl. TB& MAl'rEH, O UT. 1\01D. BarriS wero Be llb rOOk vl"itQ r~, on~ duy tb PlUlt w ac k. Mr~. Wlllllim Hnmbert., wh o btt R ... Examined Cort·ectly... Mr. aod Mrs. O Fan b llovo reo heeo very III li t tho h o me of b er tUi oed their b ome In Wbeellog, daughter , Mrs. A mol! Fox, 'of U t\f · Glasses Fitted DlIl1y Thought.. We8t V .. , and Or. Ulbil un Varr $() mantuwII WIlR brou g h t to her baDI n AT MODERATE PnICES Cooker), lH become DO art, 11 ooble hla home 10 Son'b Obarlesto n. Ohio h er e, 181lt wac k , !lcd r em ulns In II ' lII!1euce: coolls are bcc tl emcn .-Durtaa.. t)fSor. delightful visit with "r. ao.\ orltlO£\\ oc>odl.loD.
Window advell"lsln g 18 good advertising. 8bo w08~e udv orti o!lng Is good IIIdvorti 8lng. . Th e window ad ver·tlaea to t ho paSSErby . 'l'he s bowoo8e t o tboae a otue.l1y In tbe eaora. But Yll ur new8IPuper o n 1I0 uu OOlUon' 0'lrr1 68 desorlptl onl of your mor.ob!la dla.1l right Into tbe H OMES or A. LL. In oth e r w ords, It cflrrl ea you r WIND OWtl aoll yonr SI:l OW . CA8B:8 t o the ElUYElt~. It reach(!s t.honsnnds wbaro ' ~ b e aotual displays 80en by
- - -...
---_. - ..----
Optical Department S. Detroit St. Xenia. Ohio Op.en evenings by nppointment
.......................... B.
V. BARNHA~T, Notary PubliC
AllJtlDda pf Notary Wcnk. Willa aud Deeds a ~poo1alty.
wlth('u,t ,-.did c.::horli'~
---- -_. D.{~,:t.: ' 0;1 ''' ~,( ''
$1.050 OIl .Time
.\,7hen you buy a TITAN the original price includes:
C,,!, F.O.B. factory
ReCul Gazetle"s Classified A
rpEo~ Al ~iE~nii 1m ,_. -~ GHAUJAunU A ---. -----.-~---L ~I m ~
=::Jla~~aO ' E5l lE ::::::IT 's
1 ~~
==:Jif:Jt=-~·· mi" rn
')G C=I::::::::Ii 51
There was a Ford Touring car left The bo..Jy of Mr . H&n8tlies. who In the J . B. PenCl" farm alonf( t h at the Ohio Mason ic Home. n r'!'I river, MOllday eveninll . and no one IMI' h", claimed It since thllt time Mr . Springfi~ld. III I \'cek. \V1I8 brOullht IC, \I~'I' l;\ :11, oI,l' til n il I in 'Im'illn Li'~ J'ene. thinks the car has been R~)len . he re. Monday morning, for inter· The. chllJ rt>!1 uf 'aynesvi ll(' wil l ' ThQ eeriel number Is Ohio 292119. me nt . Mr . Stiles WII torml'rly a bav a Kr at trt!kl I plo r . rUT them . l ,el ut.' ). I,' tllJ l n roe. 11110 I"t us I -0 11 Morr<l~ ci i izen. and WBd a .brother in t he Junior hllut IIC1 a. Ihlll rt'lll ·m. ke 'WI\' ',v,; fT " 1 It Wri te or ' l'hcll eJunior " 'i il tltee IIrCllu I \ aj Buy you r Cha utauquil tickets now af th. late George. lI. ks ncsvi a dayI Utl.H hefnre fllr l·l"".c I· 1''' k:.11 f(u~ V" ,Frllflklill. ' 1' S ~ , ""'!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!'!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Chau tll U4 u~ 0 ('JJ!< tu mcet II II I he 1\1: \ \\ •\ \ ' 1. lit , 0 D.. d ~ t ri G. -:: - - - - rb ild ron in t ht. community lit a ' bi \: "upt'rin l\'lIu·l1 . wi ll holJ fou rth • ••••••••••••••• , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free me)!ting 01 1 Wednesday. after (Juurtt'rly m, e tinl{ fur thi~ confer ~r noon , July 30th. at :3 o'clock . ence }, (:lIr. 10 M. K (,hllrch. Wednes i' She will be loukilll.[ for every child J RY c\·ontnJ,r. July 30t h Thi .i- Iln 1";'1 . . . _ in Wayne~ville and the countrr ' illlpnr :allt m.~elln)(. and Wll hope \,;I , ~ . • • ' a rounu.and wil lorganizeth Juniol l' c\.\. rY ~lIj". !IIIIll •.JlIber ,yill be pre~· ~ Chautall4uannt.ltp.llyou what a fin L ent G. " J . • •• l!l . R ' time you will have in sto re for you . III • • g 80th-It's· E d\l cat ional - S lock Judgl11g - ac m The s tories. games. pageant anu th J . Bassett Will arrl. adve rt ising j ·D i~plays-Con tests for Boys aud G irls - 80th Kiddies' CircuH, and many other 1I1anllger of the S I<' retl Co. Lebanon i TE LEPHONE 6 1-2 WA YN ESVI LLE, OH 10 AMAN . BLOCK . t h inl{~ will Interest you all Come Store. is. now located at the Miami ':!1 ' Ir;-t l 1 r , t . -- I I;\ r:;=== U::lL ___= H:.H 1\ '[!) L-_ .. - _ -·....a~r:l , .tothe free meetinIl'UnJ hearaboulil. , ChautaUlJua. where, in add ition to ~ I FREE 4 AOTS Inciting illt re~t II. the Fred store, ..::....... . ..... . .... - he isdoinK "write upi' fur l ha .. ! 'hri ~ti!ln Em.leavu r cOllven tion Mild ---, --• t he ·h aulIlUI I'Ja. Mr. Willard. wift! . - - - - -- - - --..:.lHllemead Trou~ in Living Pictures ~ \;I~\\~~IIIlIY ure locnted Ilt th" Grand
·Gre. ane. C0
F'a I- r. j
-============= ======::;:=====
· () t C
I != 'V
. .
Ea' S· t 'ee
'th F" I
,y ng
L,I'd aUI eTS
III 0 III 'Th Ferris Wheel Girls, Direct from N ew ..J e ., York Hippodrome fA
. EE ACTS ------FR 4
At Xenia, Ohio pre..
Whereas. G o~ in Hi~ love ant! in· A cru\\d o f YO llllj( p ople Illotu reu fin ite wisdom has seen fit to r~rlJl)Ve til Willllill)!tIJn. Thur:ldllY . Hnd spent • une of our lovud mel!1.iJen . Mr~ Clara I tlt tl .I a~ II~ )!!W~ts o f Mi~!< ]{ut h Pro !<·unkey. frll m our !ll r d ~ t. iJa~c" 1\ pienic li inner \\'118 Cu lly e n. llc it resolved. Thllt we. th . mem o j"j l'oi . O tl. >( wi ll clt tltllY Ilttenucd 8 bers of t he WOllllln·s . Foreign Mi ~· th":lt rl' pa ri)' lim] a ~ uppcr KivclI by . Rionary Hodety of the Wayn esvIll e' ~li:l.~ Pr" lHI8CU Th')se who enjuYf!d M. I::. Church . bow in humllie su b the day were .th o Mi:lst·~ Mllrye mission to His will; rhomoR. Taey Cl lIl('ctl. Ka t hryn . Mil · I . Tha t we. as a Rociet y, hold her ex · tl r" d liml MAr!c{un~t Clurk. Beulah ampl" In memo ry before UR, t rymg Kindler. Ruth Probasco alld thl' l to be in our Iliuces doing our best in Me.;.~r8 . Seth ·I'humus. Earl 'l urk nnd : whateve r we may timl our tlldk: ~:rn,,~t Lut:.!: • Tha t we keep in touch with OUI ___ - church anu i~ work. helping h um un Souls a9 Rhe did. I Be it r esolved. Tlu!ot a cnpy of tbe~! r esol u tions bE' pub!tshed III the MI · . ami Gar-el teo ft copy pre"ented 10 llt l • fa.m il y, anti a c~jJy. plnc",d upun lh, mmutes of ou r ~uclety . MrR Anna Willial!lso ll. Mrs. Hohert' CroAs . M. E. Church Mrs. S\'lJil H. LeMay . . Comm ittee . SU.nda." ..luly 27: Sunday School. !1:l 5 a. ilL . F. II. LeMay. supe rin. rr'l'Kl:hill!{ Services lit I Have yo~ bought you r Chau tauqua tendent. 10:30 a m. and p m. Special m\l · yet? Don I dcla~' Hie . both Il w rning nnd evening . Come out and w(,rsh ln with U9. Gideon NelRon Jollv. pasto r.
Pive Joyous Days
Harvcysbu:r.-:; Fr iends Church Amos Cook. pastor . Sunday . July 27: Bi ble School a t 10:00 a . m .. Arina Stinson , superin · tvndcnt. Public Worship a nd Preach· ing. J 1:011 a . !IJ1 You will be wei· come at all these aervices. Come and 'let UII worshiL> Ju hovah together. Caesar's Cr~: ck Friends Church Sunday Schoo l at this chu rch eve ry P reachi ng Sund ay At 10 o·clock. service at 11 o'clock ft . rn . You are cordially invitt!d to be presen t . Lyllc M. E. Churc h Sunday 'chlOol every Sunda" at 2:00 p. tn . Hegultir preach ing se r· vice every Sunday at 3:00 p m . Choir practice a nd 'p rayer meeting ('very Wednt!sday evuning. Every body is co rdiall y welcomed.
age value raised $50.00. See
A master program filled with Purpose'fu) Entertainment, Inspiration,Patriotism~ Staunch Americanism, and that Get-Together . Spirit that Characterizes· Chautauqua.
THE BIG VICTORY PROGRAM INCLUDES Josephine Dominick Co . "Kill the Blues' Cope Sarah Rush Parks Fighting Yanks Quartet Anthony E uwer Chautauqua Kids Circus "Denlocracy TriulTIphant"
Seaton Tickets thould be purchased now None lold 'after t~e Ch'a utauqua Opens.'
----- ----
WATERMELONS The IlIrKe, juicy , th in rind melnliB Canleloup&.l, P e llche~. Appl es. O rali~c8 . Lcmo h ~
Hen l Mi ld Cheusc . Wafodiliced Oril'ri Ueef.
SUG AR- Rc~t Cane Granula t ed. SugRr iH very sCliree li nd Ilrice Is advancing . We ha ve r,lenty a t present and wi ll Be ll for a limitl'd ti me on ly, 65 25 Pound Sucks fo r ... • - -- - - -- - - -. .. Ma~on Frui t J a rs. E·Z Jar~ . Tin Ca n ~. Mas.>n . Litis. Sea li n/{ Wn~. Rest Rubhers.
makes 0 s hi ny Suit or Skirt look like new. as easily brushing your clothes.
ia ii-Juat • little bnub
No liquids No chemicals No wetting of gannent Renews the Nap
Muor e ' ~
Gusoli ne·- The ldnd tha t . don't sll10ke Moore'MOil- ·"That Good OiL ". Pu re Puri s Green. A r ~f'nat e
It COIb One DoDu
of Luad.
Specials T his Week L\Iot hl:!r' s OlltS. a pkg only .. 12c La r geMo t h e r· s O " t~.jJklt only 25c P .'l'oasti es & Kellol.{hs.2 pkgs .. 25c J ewel & Mascot Soaps . a bar ... 5c Santa Cl aus ·onp. a bllr o nly ... (ic Cream Pitcher fill ed with Musts! d .. ..... .... ......... ..... .. I O~ B· M & Van C Sou ps. 8 can ... lOc Ice Cream Po wde rs. on ly ...... l Oc Wonder Cup S C. Coffee ....... IWe Big an Pink 'almon, on ly .. . 20c We will pay 24c fo r Hens and S7c fo r Spr ing Chickens up t o Fr i· day noon .
It Pays t o . Trade at
-------....--------------SOUND lNVESTMENT Put on the Market by the I Most Substantial Citizens of Xenia '
If your dealer cannot supply you. send your doUar Napetlr Co.. 12 North Street, Odcap, m Na~tlr . fails In any we .will return your
to' 11Ie
It the respect money
Now Is the Time· To
in ves t your mo n ey.
M ake it e arn y o u s even per c e nt.
The M ilford P ink Granite Company, hav ing lately p urc h a . e d the en tire properties and a ssets The
V ictoria White G r an ite Company. now offers a ~a re o p portunity t o secure a high grade, tax free, 7 p e r ce nt . pre fe r red q uarterly.
s t o ck ,
p a r,
payab le
The Milford
Pink-Victoria White Granite Co. 'XENIA, OHIO
We Pay the Freight and
'5 7' ~
The'Tri-State BlItterCo.
Get the Right -----_.--Lamp f~r Your Write for Free' Tri al Cana . We llUarantee your cream and cans Car and Flashlight MONTGOMERY CO. FAIR .___ Th_e T_ri .S_tBt_8p_rice_ar88_I~_t1:-_57_Ca_In~_e JU_IY_14t_h_~.
Y o u can b e certain that .t p e lam p s in your automob ile a nd in y our flashlight, o r a ny oth.~ r lamps of the minia ture class are relia ble if they are ·
National MazdaLamps Mazda Damps (or all' Purposes
DR. J. T. ELLIS, ·Presldent. ~ecretary.
m I
~t . Ma ry's Church \Ve invite inves tig ation a nd advise n prompt Sixth Sun dElY after Trinity. July 27: SUllday &11001 a t 9:30 a. m .; ac tion . Mo rni ng PraYI! r a nd Serm on a t 10:30 The Mil ford P ink· Victo ria White The pu blic Is cordially in vited t o Granite Co hus fo r d ireeLO rs nine th ese services. solid citizens. wh are well known to the people of cent ral· wes tern Ohio. They are: J . Charle:j Dllod,., one of the blue ri bbon salesmt.n of the country . knpwn for his energy, en· ter p rioo and IIggresslveness; C. L Habb . cashier of the Commercial and Coun ty Agunt Class has been r eo Savings bank ; Earle C. D,;dds. memo of t he well kn own Dodd s f amilY, q \lested to assiBtthe Ham il tonCount y ber M. L. Wol f. ca!'hier of the Ci ti zens' Alient nnd fa:rm Bureau in makini national ban k; r~ ra nk P . Torrence. a s urvey relative to t he 8treet marsuc ~ ess fu l salesman of many years' kets in Cincin nati . It tner e lire any !:Kpericnce; Geo rge I". Dodds, wl'l:· ~-_ _ _IIiI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ vegetable or frui t g rowerl!l in Wa r· ren County, who would sell their known monument man ; A 8 , i" aulk· • o County · Auditor; Frank W; ~!!!!~~!!!!~~~!!!!~~!!!!~~~!!!!!'!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!~~~!!!!!! produce direc t, to t he consumer in ner Dodds. in charge of oflice of Dodds Cincinnati, If satisfactory ma rkets company ; W. L. Miller, prominent •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...;;;...-_ _- - - _: we re established. County Agent CI888 la wyer. would like to hear from them . He This company has purchased all the "T(iE MAN THAT SHIPS DIRECT IS THE is especially r eq uested to find out the valuable OIISets of The VIctoria White opjections t o and corrections ot thE' Granite Co . at Keene, N . H., and ia ONE THAT MAKES THE .MOST MONEY," vyr.itC'l pretlen t streflt marke ts. in the hope now belter prepared than ever to that the produl:er and conaum er may meet Fred Hauck , of G eorgetown, Ohio. . "Have kn,)wn the public de mand for the gran· be hr oug ht I:l oser together . . ites quarried . And yet the demand the Tri-State for 5 years and find you on top and is so grea t that the pretlent facilities ready to right any wrong. . My experience with agents II f the company are inadequate to keep up with the always steaciy cost .me about $10 or $1-2. I got wise and quit. I march or orders. think the .farmer. pay,s the agent. " To increase the out·put · of the quarries and enlarge the business,. ~h e company has put on the market an issue of preferred stock that com · per mands bn . annual interest of 7 per cent. payable quarterly. Week of July 21st to 27th ~ lb. Conservati ve men assert lhis i. une of the best investments of the pE' riod, is a bsolutely safe Bnd of a gilt· DECIDE TO DEAL DIRECT edged character. There is certain .to be a large subsC'ription from Greene county people, aC'q uainted with the assetll and g rowillg business of the company. Its work is nation wide. CINCINNATI, OHIO [Adv.] .
nsu ranee 'as $1.00 per acre, a nd the a ere-
.................................................... I
. Clarence Campbell Hampton Court Singers Cameron McLeaI1 Co. William H. Stout Edith Maderia American Girls Sextette "Burns of the Mountain" President Jas. A. Burns
5,6, 7, 8 ~ August MILO ANDERSON,
I . I
Joe K iljQY, Comedy A crobat
been low ere
Tobacco Hni
S ears & C ar · t wrlght n
"': "' !
M eet all your Friend s the
The ra tes'
. Tetephone
Waynesville, Ohio
rHE 5c, 10c AND· 25c STORE Jelly Gla sses, 8 oz .. • . ... . .: . .•. . ... . .. . •.•. .. •. 5c Horse S h o e G lasses.. . .... _ • .. . .. .... :. . . . . . . . . . 5c Thin T umble r s . . . .. . . . . .. . . , . • . .. ... . . •... ...~ . lOc White or Gold B a n d P lates .... .. .. .. ... . .. . . . .. 2Oc Cups and S a u cers, white or gold band .•....• .. . . 25c Glass Meas uring Cups .. ..•.........•. ... .••.. . . tOe Shoe Polish- Black, White, Ox Blood, Mahogany : l3c Union Suits , 36 in ., 3 . in . , 44 in . •. .' .... . •.••.• . . 5Oc See our window for Late Magazines, all price:;. ' M r s . Price's Canning Compound . •••• • : ....• •. ..• 1Oe
!ipeolaUlt In
LY 31, l!ll:i ----------~----------------~~~~~~--~~~~----~~~----------------------~------------------------------M EN AND \JVO MEN WHO ARE BROUGHT BEFORE THE LIlVIE LIGHT OF ATIO)\ AL LIFE I MRS.
c n.
'r ,r' - ' i:
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, L,' •
_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _
~ h.· wl!: rt
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E t hf'lb,"lr t
_ _ _ _ _ _w _
p n rllll of l.,' hor· I" III " 1\111 r l· can IS l'l epltl ·( t to . Lt)lhlun ~ \' hr n ' h wil l fIluhl l d rll tl ll.! l'lIi " I!LH f {J r w t utc rn n tI OIt ,j,J pI nC'..i' 1r. 1I Ir ~'n, f· r t o b .. 111\111 In \\ ·H-'IUI\ "~ l c}11 III t ho .:m a'/Ie."t j 'n U \ t' U I ' Il l.. .hlf . ~ u ce
Clare nce Cannon ot MIseourl tn th u II rst Oemor rUI to be oamed
It lurnln g from Europe lIIor •. beau llful thull wh e n she left lUI " brid e three yoa rs ago, Mrs. lUeh . or,l Croker. wife of form er TUIIIni nny lIall 0088, IInd s her titl e or "Pr l ncll~8 of th e Cherokee Trlbo" di sputed by he r husbllnd's ellli. drOll. who throug h their la w)··r clnll" that she 10 flOt nn Indlnn pr ln ess. Mrs. Cro ker wos 0 11 t ilt) N'lw York BIage IUIlI IIIIOWII 'os "1.H llo lluhi" before her marrloge. .,
olllbe un~ lbakeupe a8 the major leall:1I8 ....- awung IDtO Ihe last half ot the ling moo. "Caclue~ C,..ath, elusger of the Pblladelp.bla learn, wae appointe" ma\lager of the Ph III1e8 to euooeed Jack Coombe. Wblle Fred Milchell resigned ae president of the Cb10860 Cube to take lho managerial IInoe 8pln and attempt to. drho hJa team to al1other. pone
:~~~~~:. r~:I!~ b:ppa ol~I~~U~~I~~~ pillce liy nSpeaker Olllelt". wuc-
cecil Donn olt Clark, 60R of (orllllir Speak.... Champ CllirlL.
If all the berry pickllrs who c.a me out of the cities Sunday filled thp baskets and cans they brought with them , thE're wer e s urely a lot of ber· ries picked . Auto after auto wenl through town. Sunday. loalled with people who were after the IU8010ui fruit The last week was a good one for the berries, and pickel'llilot tho best uf th em . Another .rain will bring ont the unrIpened frUIt - - --. - ..
LANGDON·OOETHIG d The Hon. Lar~v Lang on was mar · rled to Mias WIlla Doethlw. at Chi· eqo, on Jul) 21sl.. Mr. Lanardon" after serving his State for aeveral
Cha r les Bu,,11 wu Monday .
a Cincinu'
COLLETT M 0KAY PICNIC family, Mr. and Mrs. Knowles Conn
and Kenneth, of Springfield , were Sunday guests of Mr. 1. atterthite d f II wa an am y. Mra. Helen Eda10nda and fa mily, of Covington, have been the guests of Mrs. W. N. Sibcy and family, ot Route 4, for the past two weeks. lOll,
Trade your old Carpet In on Deau· tifut New Ruga. Write or 'phone Franklin Rug Co .• F ranklin, Ohio . Mr. Cha8'. Rye, Mr. Bnd Mrs Earl Conner and eon, Mra. Anna Haines and Mr. Harvev Rye spent Sunday with relatives at Lena , Miami County
what you have been looking for - a complete light' plant. T.his 40 light uF" outfit is Faiflbanks-Morse quahty throughout-and comes· all set up on one base. Th e low ' speed engine with ball bearing dyn:II!l0 assures long ' life- less atte ntion-lower J1l~lIn . tenance cost. Engine is the !a.m~us throttling governor "Z"· Co.nstrucuon IS ' c:.xtrc=mc::ly lIimple·-workmanshtp and matenals, the best possible. ' Push a button to start and another to stop. When you buy this "F" pl~nt you g~t a light an~ power · ~ervlce as engme willalso run a washlllg mach me. churn, cream separator, and other machint'!>'n~ ( J f the dynamo, either direc;t .or through a i!ne ·shaft. Let 115 prove why It IS the olle prncftca/ plant yuu have been waiting for.. . comh~ned
T II A T I t I ak 1'5 $'>1)0 to b rin ~ t he Ch aU! UlIqllQ ,,'W(lj' nl! ville?
Ut\l t
\\a :-
J . E. Janney and family, C. T . Hawke and daullhter. Frank LeMay and family, Owen Burnett a nd wife. and G J Waterhouse Brc at Miami Valley Ch.aub:luQua. Kenneth Kilbon le f t, Sunday e ven· lng, for Dayton, where h e will ta ke a position at th e Rlke store. He h88 been employed for the last two years with Hyman & Co .
Seve~al of our youn g men 8aw the
Reds win two ball games from Pitts· burg at Cincinnati , Sund ay. None of our boys. however. participated in the .bottle shower which was. given the umpire . Earl Robertson, who has been here for the past vear, left. Monday, for Eugene, Oreg , where he will rejoin hie wife. Mr. Robertson will drive throllllh to Orell"on, Bccorri~anled by his faithful dOll.
.___ - ;
_~ -~- -
n 0 L" 7 C::;,
;~6~'n::~~II~ ~1'~~lncr~o" I~~ ~:~~~."rt
)wowln g Ih e prlco will
b llPlc r un d or I liB ll'UJ!,rllC' (:0 I"','.
'I;.;. J . N. F'l'onklyn, 211.YIl _f I nlfr~1' "r Scali I.) . W'll-ll . • .. "1 . I PHn htr homo tp N 1\\ I ' ,r!: "11)' wh !l ln f~ OOO by \llt r! "'IU. t fU' I_1 Sh •• 8~(h, t on l y f2~ d, .11<1 1 rIll. Silo cou ld ncce p t 1 .r If IIdl, .. ,] IVfrl' to rhlo. !.JI .. ':1 rrl NI un I S-pound p~ck.. I
.I I
Headliners for .the
WAYNESVILLE CHAUTAUQUA .. July 31 st to August 4th
Th e Am rican Girl s' Sextcttc
Herbert L eon Cope
The Fighting Yanks Qunrtct . . M iss Ed ith lVLlci crin
H a mpton Court Singer:
hi ne Donljnicl- Co.
Sarah Rush Parks
McLe an Co,
Clarence Cam
til/as here. He was accompanied by hili brother, Alvin, who III taldna his The second week In Aug u s t, ' be· vacation and v.lsltlng ~lativ811 around Kinnlng with the 11th of Aug ust, hll8 Waynelville. been designatei.l by th'iI War Stamp Committee as War Stolmp Week,nnd and ' Mrs. Ed Hathaway. of will be star ted with IB t rip around Columbus Grove, Ohio, Messra. Clint the county with a handred automo. and Earl Seaman, of Vaullhnsvllle, biles, band and Rpeake rs on ~ onday, and ' MI88 Hattie Seaman, of Toledo, Au gust All solicitors will take who' have. been spending the past notice and be r eudv to help to thor· week with F. W. Hathaway und with oU!fhly canvas for pledlres and help relatives at Lebanon, left, Monday, tlnish our county quota of $3175,000, for their respective homell. • and win the Vietory Memorial Shaf . Thoae. from out ot town, who at- Every oldl r nud sail r in \>'f arrell is tended the ·funeral of A. B. Sides, pulling to win t hat ~ hllft, and we TuNday, were Mr. and Mrs John are now at the top of tho )jilt. Watch next week's ann4)UnCl!ment of Fromm, Mr. and Mrs Carl Hawke, for the trip. Mr. Ray Hawke, Mr. Raymond Eyer -- -'4-~f--and family, of DA~ton, E. Wolcott and wife, 'of Maln.vllle, Ed Eyer and Have you "UrcJlQ5~rd faml17". of S~boro. an~ Mrs. qUI> tirl..-ts .-'p
vance-. Of IIMIut Plam.
l Ull nlltl 1&13.
- - - - -- -
l '11 '1,1 I \l\ !Ilk b'!low . l:lystande r~ 1Ji. J.. 'd b' little gi rl u p an d car ri ed I, 'I! "' :.i r. 1" h llT hom ' . lind doc Viola I·; . I!,· t.).1\ y a' "~I d I' . c.d ,v. pO . I! ami natC' T of l\f r hll' l 'vi r~ [·~Il\v. ',." II C. l '! I ".)oJ vt'r f. uno br() k t~ n . [lut of tli u ~ ~nnd st r.. y willrlt"" "I h' . 'II~" • 'J. IIJ l1lJllI scratch . nor e ven lhl'i r hom" 011 ,lain ~t r"I·I .• )\·pr t Iw u 1)'1')' fJ1I'P,1 fi ll the bod y. II", I!lX morn Ing the littlo on' Lib ra ry. l'hllr~df1 V \!VellllllC ultout -;'" H :. r'l ulld 9 lI ~ ulll: an,1 has been in lI"t·loc k . T he f amily hud gone l(I h 'ir ) ch,' "~~t 1)1' 1'l.nJlth tlva r ei llc . It wa-l nell , in th e r ear of tho buil(\in . lind II 'ni l'll\!'Jluu ~!lpe. SUCH ARE T lI E FACTS th l' old e r child ren . IIfle r n tUll '. \\' ell! THERFOR E if Y 'll belreve in . Wt'lin s,lur , ' July 23 . ~) .ing th e back to lhl' h ou ~e , IIccfl lnJlanil?u J,~' blrt hday of Onlllle PIli III}.) " hi .. MiR:l Li lli/ln Wi lke rson has taken 11 yo ur Home 101Yn, b()os t you r o. wn III pllnllt'd Iln.1 carr iet.l tJ ut a tllP baby . Th buill' (' li mbed into lh f' Chautauqua . ve ry 1, 1 aSllnl und happy ilirl hd.'l}' winde,w, JlI)~heo 'lu t tl ll1 !-ocr!'t'n, lost posi ti'ln in th o fl1ce of Lay bourne . its ba lance, and went tOlllJlifll{ to IJac't J\.Icl\L·lln. The way iJoost is to B Y. Invitn i(tO:! r eaclin (!, "\V II r g0101r - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ , 10 have IJ li t tle pur ly . CU ll you r ome promptly at 1 2:~{1I (J ' lock'! " wert;: I ~en 1 10 n number (I f hill hoy fr iendH . Of CO li r~ (' , II wt'r on hand , Ilnd in a ' nu rt imc \\' re comfortabl y ~en t ·d In Mr Fra zie r' ~ tr uck . with Mr. and Mrs Phi llips and a few f rie nd s follo winsc wi th all th g ood t hioscs haye like to eat , all guing [a Schantz'S gray!'. wh ere ~w in g ~ , t eH ter· bo rt.l d Bnd all th e out·d oor F. C. Hartsock Alla n Ki bler plaas ur s kept l he m b ll~y for the II W. . l{.aper W, H. Allen rest or the aft rnuon In the cool of R . E Earnhart Sam Merctll lh the evening. n on of th e ,. lIl venient J . T . 1!;1IIs H E Stokes tab les in th A ple/l81ln t g rove, Aupner Walter McClure P . D. Clu)( ,t t was ;p rehl. an,! (I ' how "I Il ' lwl dw~ , J . P Cummings E. L . Th olna L. A: Zimmerman J. . Car twri ght pickles . ice Cl'cl.llll. ~.i kl' .. " d le mu l" Ulle did disappea r . At all ea r ly hour, J, L . Mendenhall W. E Cornell a ll reach eo ' home, d duri n I{ thi", had Frank Zell W. N . ~ ear9 had becn one of th, hap lJi 8 l birth· Sam Butterworth S L . Cllrtwright day pllr ties of lheir live . Chas T. Ellis T. 1:::. R,)gerd Anna Vand ervoort Asa Whitake r VOCfd and ins lr umuntnl E rnest Hartsock B .' Howell Ml s~ ri e Ha rtiock, d nughter of Thad Zimmerman W . H Mrul rl en Mr . lind Mrs F I'ank lIa r tso ck. f D. L. ranti C. W. Frye ' nea r Centol' vlll , and ~(r . Ch arles J E- J an ne' Cbas. Hough Nickn nrnetl "KIIl · tlrc-B1ue~ " Cope Rudd uok , SOil of Mr . a n I hl r 3 . Fro nk Frank Braddock H. A l ,ornell Ru Iduck, we r o quietly married nt Walter Cast Gen L. Schen ok I he parsollage ill Ul!oterl'ille. J ul y ~4: J. 0 Whl l llker Roy Earnhart 19l!l , Hev . 1110011 oflicial ilill'. Tht: J F Cadwallader Bert Hartsock Ui rtc t from t h ' t r 011ch l:'l rill g ceremony wa~ ll ~cd . Sam D. H enkl e R M. Ha wke At o' clock t hcy r ' tu rneJ Lo th e Dr . .Mary Cook Dllvis furnas bride's h ome where th iT f ri tHis A. L. SiJt!s S: F. Elbon .find r elutives wer wait illl( t o g-i ve How ell Peirce O. R. Smith Hed Cr oss nurs ' thorn congratu lillions ant! best wishes. . S mith Thoa. Sherwood Mnny bea u liful li nd use f ul ~!f ts W. H. Lash ley Mal' in C Stou t fr um th ei r Tolaliv ' 8 a nd iri 'nd we re M. W EdwardR H H Wil ker80 n pluced on Lho tuh le At D lil te hou r, John Zel) E L Ho u~h Folk s i ng!lr~ brick ice er ea m wa~ sf'rvell. nlso pi nk W. T. McConne ll Ed win S. Fu r nas C. M Robitzer S tella Daughe r.ty an d \ hi l4' 'Ilk,!, tint! th' "-edt/ing I JqSC l ca l!t! wh ich thllll:rr,"11i cut May Wrig ht Dr . Hathaway ThtlM(, who nj oyed the ev onin&, "'red Elb,)n My .r Hyman 1';ntert Rln ers wen'; Mr !lnd Mr~ Ji' ranl( l uddu ck , Earl COllll er A Maffi t M r tlnd M r9. GIlO II !l r t~o(lk. Mr lind W F. Clark S. S. EI I I ~ ; ! These urc lhe ones wh o ha ve <lh li- M,., . /ohn Hartsock , Mrs. Euphemi a lio pi ta l wor ker ga ted t.h emse lv es to make UII the H(IUlI'h, Mr . and Mrs. Frunk I '{,tt.'r , defic ienc ~ , sho ul d ther e be nv , in Mr ILnd Mrs J!lme~ Mulle , IT . an d the r eceipts for th e Bale of seuson M r~ A.1IJIlrt 1t> l ull n . Mr." and l\l r~. )11 tickets, wh ich there will /lot oe if CA rl 'harwood, Mr. and ilfr ~ 'Leroy nOli Mrl! I uymon d HarlHoek, Mr . Fam uu s S~ otch arli ~UI these gUIIl'lIn,lors and other fri ends , . H ur t'! 'cle, fr . nno Mr ~ Anron (Jars, of the Chau ta uqua do. their dllty Misses IJ:dllll Mullen. Lllilra UllderEvery body push . pL)(,~11 wood, 'M argaret Potter, Me.....~ r ~ Ki ne, Or atur H orace I udduck, J ames and G rai d Hart ock . .
WAR STAMP WEEK Ralph Dyke, who arrived at hi. home In Dayton. last Tuesday even IN WARREti COUNTY Ing is spendlnll a few daya with rala·
I" "" I .. J91 v.
~I r , UI,t! ~1r- •• I{(llph .!ill er ~1I(,I! r · . TH' . T al \' ~urp l ll~ 1\ 01,1 tl ai~ tlli ned r he J olly Matrons and tl wlr • UO '0(;' to Oll[ Putli l.ib rury? hu ~b' nrh til cI: nnor , Monu ay ev~n· THAT of the ~f.l te receip ts Ollc on hlR t he llollar goes t o the Chau t allqua serv ice aud only lllL slu r s in you r .\lr-. alltl Mrs Wlllte r C a~t ent'r· tHlIlt;'(/ (it u chirken din n er . unllllY, own' commllni y th,· [ul "J I\'iflj.! !:;U""' Mrs . J W. T H AT for )''111 the II l1J~ 1 COIIO \u · en,t, _Jr. A T . .'fa tes H tl t WI , RO/ll' . ka l thin ' to <.10 IS to buy a SC;i,o n L~lJ ,nd [",stl'r, \ 1r !tuss.ell ' ewdl, ticke t -IO ~p l c ndit! I'r0l;f.11I15 Iur "f CI:u k \ lilt; , Mr~ Armln to Ju nes , 4!2c eac h ~ . ,r Wilmillgw n , , I r . allli Mr~ . '~II>' . . 1Zinnllt'flnull ant! dau"ht,· r. LOUISt;. TH AT the JUlllo r .Cb9u t auqu~ I~ IIwl th e MI ><!> H Alelh l!fl ::ltut es lUll.! too good ro r the ctllidren t o m iss! Lnma It I,hun.
UII I~'i 'r8 Iti"
1" " 101'(-1;1'1
TlJ.\ T It " t h" fll fl il el' )' (\11 }Ill y fo r s llson ti t'" t5 e~ t:('i' t J ()', wa r I ll" ) tiM! "'I'l'lre, p: ul'ipally flO in Cinci nnati. t ill "O? .
Mr. Aubrey Bradley, of MllfQrd, Ohio, and Miss Esther Rorkey w~re Dr. Dill, Os teopath ~I . . Brond . married at Columbus, Saturday af· way . Lebanon ; Oh io . ternoon, Jul y 19t h,at2 0'clock . The wedding took place at the home of Mr and Mrs Pred Hawke we re the bride's sister. Mrs C M. Roude- Detroit vi sitors, las t weelL bush, and waa a very elaborate affai r Mrs. Bradlev taught mUllic in our Mrs. Harry ,'herwOrto I'"n t IlIij t 8chools in 1917, and made man y week with relatives in Blanches te r friends while here She 18 the dau g h· ter of Rev . and Mrs, Noble Rock ey, Walter Kilbon and familv were and was born in India, where he r Davton visitors, Sunday afte rn oon. fatber h88 been stationed for many Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey ann yeart rhe wedding veil had an int e re~t · eon , Kenneth, were Dayton vi itors, Ing history, alld is the one Mrs Sunday. Roudebush wore whellshe wa~ mar .Mr. and Mrs. E V. Barnhart ann rled It was fashioned of Irish net. Mr . and Mrs . J. B. Chapman were in copied after a head covering of a Cincinnati Tuesday. brIde four hundred years alto. and ' embroidered In an antique patt " m Your Old Carpet will make "Wearof s tars a!\d lovers' knots, b-.: the l ~te well" rugs. Write or 'phone FrankMonica SlOgh, a native IndIan p Irl. lin RlIg Co., Franklin, Ohi o . who was Mrs Roudebush's playm ate as a child Mrs. M,er Hyman and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Bradley will reside &rnice, spent the latter part of la8t at Norwood, where he haa a .rood week with friends near Oregonia . position as chemist with the Ault, Wibor<Y Printing Ink Co The Mlaees Jessie and Rose l"ri ed.. d I • - • man, of Cincinnati. are spen ing t lis week with Mr. Myer Hyman and
years, has recently been employed aa council in the Union GIIS Co , at Cin · • clnnat!. Mrs Langd ,lO ha9 been a teacher at the Avondale university. -- - and being deslrou9 of being married by a former pastor the couple went : The 63rd annual Collett-McKay to Chicago. Larry'has many friend a picnic will be held at the usual place in Warren County. jon Saturday, AuguBt 9,1919.
gov e rnm e nl's guornnlll II Prt ~~ at $2 . 26 por bu s hol lind widell I. nlm od t o ovort 0 tl a· u p at rnllr oads ond 016\'nl or s 111 handli ng .Lbo g roo l cr op n ow bel nlt Ilor v 08t~d. Th o pl nu Itti ka Ihol L 0 2 cent s per b us ho l bo pnld In r mur t or every lU outL t he wh en t It!. h "hl In I holr own gf'Unnrlt·a. II I" ".11. ru LOO thllt one bi ll ion ,·flT. wtll " lh or .... lso· bo 1I "CCMur' III 11'11:.1;
hnnnr \ ~ I \I (' ()II11',-Ullg t il t he tJl ~ 1III ,·r · "I II(·,1 f:Um('6 0 ' t ho II '\\ ; 't.l r~hh 16 Mladlufll In P urtM r N~ t:IlI ' Iv Th(,l1tp~on 'Nrtf! turll JPrly .l_
1'JI.\ l' 1111, Nil ) i:; ' 11:11 nt <:(' I "j' pub lir ·,,·itit >d rlll 7.4;n_ lla" I,dievt' the he. t IS ""11 <: l flo /: , ,, "1 fo , ll>?
Harry Sherw ood visitor, MOlI(hIY.
JullUft H . Dnrn es. whOI\! dl .....·. t o r ot Ihe UIIHod Stales. ~ nlr W.",h lll g t oll II Il e Ullln e lor n' whont ~01lU8 t o be added LO ' h
Th ('fIl l,.O Il . '''1 h'.·
lit ,) d,-i- o f \\'orW's u II n r ou lHI ('lIu I h
I·ruuch.•' r " " 'U h I h u " E . I·' .. I III dWOlpln.. Bro nn.l, hllrl" , • I uti .. nI I01\5. Ill- wun 111\ .
00 ~ u·u K0
(,llnl 'III I II
Fl l\h l l'HI
--- .... -.
Will i<l ln H. Sto
Lec ture r
James ·A . ' Bu rn ~ "Burns of the Mo untalri"
Next Sunday mo rning at 10:30, there will be Ii union service in the Cha utauqu a t ont on the 80hool campUP. Dr:. Joily, of the Methl)dist church. will pr each t h" Berm on . .Music y the united choirs of the vil lage A cordial invitation to ev er body to attend . Come!
WEHE WALLOPED BADLY The Miamis went to Midland City, s'\lnday, and met w ith a team that bent thorn to death, the ac:ore baloR 14 to O. The boJa, by the way, were badly crippled, I18veral of the crack players not going with them. Bet· ter Juck next time, lIoya.
Anth o ny Eu\\ c r No ted po It .
Chuutauqua Kid C irCll fllllt!lh ing not to
tII i 9.~
= Buy y.our se 5011 n c b:- ' l UI !i y , and don' t mis a single rHlIll bcr of the fi \,e-d a.y p rogram.
DR . . J, .T. £LLIS; Preaident: HO WELL PIERCE. Secreta I...._____________.~.!II.! Pir
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..... I
QAZfi'tB, "A~ ollfti. .E
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I \lI U III H1I \I( ,·t. al II U h' r II II' (" hi" , • " II r 10
110111 N ll. O hto, I I .
1:! lI o d U
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I'!l r lt. 11 J p r
I "\\,1 ' . ' '." I t. r, ,I I I". ' IItI' y,~,
'" aUl /lo t nRk lnR,You to Itn lli no . .. ., b OIl~n. lilY trlo'nd. r Khn ll 1(0 nl"n c," .alll Sprnll ~ cooll y. " Oil flU' otber h An" , I runl l'! 11]) Jwre
rl'!'CUP 8 lual1l1es "l{(~f\p cool I 1L'f' t1 w "n) y WIlJ'. t,hlW II Ht fln . ,ho h us fl ,"lRlg lI lIll~' h er rooln nnr\ the wlndo w H t hnl nrt' ht~r~. Shu Is 1 )' ln~ nwnkc u p lh. re now, tHko
It from III , h0111111: Ihll l yflu will , '111111'
t on l!!:hl , 1 Ahll ll l~fllJ ynu IIh"'I'l ly 10 b,'r wln,lo\\'. ,\ 11(\ Ih,," nlll"'" Ilh ' o ll ly chn ncl' we Inke--Iho Il nl y h'~ lull"O wlwro we gum""l , 'l'hl'rl' wl\l nm I)e a IIghlln h.'r wllld ow. hilt thn l W,," 't mnko a ny cll fT~rcnre. 1'hl s no"hy cllno I'm cu rry lU I! Is In reullt )' U "01· III"olhlo fl shlll!!: ro(1. F lrNt w" " • •. It t o Inp gently on he r w Indow 1''1111'' or IIhlldo or wh nt e\'(lr wo Oud. 'l'hl' lI )"ou PI1"8 ulI II lit tl e not·(' to hl'r, H .·,·~ Is p nl'l'r nnd pencil. Say that yon li re twl nw hor window nnci-1I 11 r4'u(ly t o tnke h er nwny, Toll her t o lower her vlllnnhlo8, Ro mo clolh cp. ele.. t r"", Ih e w lnc10w by nlCR.n~ nf th o r opo \\, (a111 pa NA 111\ on th e pole.
:-;1~r4l Il !ol t ' \\
hl "'lh' n'd : I 11111 ':(10): nl'. 111'1'" II ~llU 11, 1:1 1' It ( 'Wlillh lt h lll III t il l:' hill!':, · 1'1111 ftlr It , 1. ~11"' t Wil li fur II II', • II P ' o hu hl y ItI ' dOll l ' (I)". ' .. t · 11 li n .111'1 :I!o: I p lt 'II H ' 111 111) It nlll nl ll1.::' :-iltl cl Ha l' IIPH. IIlId Ihl'r l' ,,11,.. It
l1,'O,H " I II dol wl\ II I I ,',11' I.. III""' " Iwr II' '01 ,.,,1' ""I or II", \\,11101"" I, "::, ,
t hl n~ I!'" '' " """~ \\ 1110 IIII' ,1,, "" 1-1 ,1" ·':" A " ''''"''11 1 1111 .',. I", w,, ~ _11 ,' 11 , 1\ '('1111111: I h ,' '1:111 " f 11" . II"" ", .... " ,10 ,, " hi s "" ) . ."',.[,, 11), I, '''l ill\! ,., .... \ r"" " nrl"" s 1" .. , 1,,,101. .1o'II~d " .: 10 " ", II
work III oallY, It they h nve Inkl'n t h em a way from her Rhl" 11 ~lIy NO , Mm e ' wny or nnolhor--nnd ~ h e will not Icnvo I Now I'vo lI ud II !!:oocl ·Inn k
at the front o'f th at h ouse.. It I s
II .... " Ih dll III Il ls \\ 1I 1""I'L"r. " f j, ,, ,,, 111 1'1•. Ond 111 '11' \01 11 11 Ih .. ~' I'uldl ~' IlU -' UNn t 1' \, ' 01 lip ,·fllI l.1 t m l Jl ' II V Ithl l
llu l urUI I ~
lq l\\ ! I1 ' d s
1111'11 11 ....
n ll'~
CXC"I lt
I r I llooll /(ht dill" 'e tor you
" ~I"'· "'\.
the Wil l' y.. 11
~ 1I "htl'~t
.. I
': 11"
"1 ... t me he lh(' jlll1/;., lit UlIIt, cO lin· t P!"l3 . \Vh('r~ t!" hl~ roo m ' " "TIH' I n ~ t I.. 110 " r lJ.:hl IIR ) ' (111 "'nve ht ... t1.IO l'--llt cll" ·,,'(1 n ' III, ' I'lld I,f t lu t' ""Idur. A('ro ~:o; til l' hull (ru m h ie
h y I h .. hi li"" .. r hi s blllly ,\ ~ It "'rll:l:l<"1 o \·cr t he' IpllJ,;t'. We will fulll)w S p ro ll ~e, Wh l'lI 110
r roll' lo'd t1 'r" u ~ h I he 1I'III,Iow IInri RtoOe] I'N'c'l IIIsl. l" Ih l' rO; ,II ', h ... r"", II I hi", . HC'lr (,!l llfrllllll',1 I,l' Il lilli, ~1"'lI uIl'Y 1If!. urC', ~tu lldlllg hll l f·wny b Iw,'cn hllll
HIllt t lu-- . Jf10 r .
11 " udnlnc'~i1 II
II . Ie" o r two Ill1d li t. hll<lI o( \\'nrn I11.1(,
" Not n s!) lIncl," 11 0 wll l" I"' re.l. draw· Ing HU ll
I HlJlnlr.
" J lu n 'p come fo ur
ered with 11 lattice work a nd hll lte "lneA. 1 cu n shlu Itp IIk o a "QlIlrr('1 aOlI go throll b-n her r oom to tllo - " "Aro you cruzy , Sprouse ? You't\ Uk" YOllr lifo In l'our h un!!!> onrl- " " See lIere," ,Buld SIJMnUSe shortl y, "1 om not r isk ing my lite t or th e t lln ot tho thing. I R In ri skIn g It for her. henr thot In mind-tor her und her p eople. And It I o'm killed !htly won't even 6lfY ' Well dontl, good 0 nd filii h· tul sor\·nnt.' So let 's not orgu e Iho pO int. . Ann you going to stnnd by m e o~ock ouU" Bernes wo s abumed. 'Til IIt olld by YOU," h e said, 1In11 thoy s t olo tor wnrd 'flIere we re n o Ughts vi sible. The houllO was even dnrk er tha n the ni ght Itllelt I It was voguel)' outli ned \.I), a d eepCf s hodo of blnck. At la8t they wer o withIn 0 t ew Juds of the entnlnce lind a t th e e(' ge ot .. small spnce thllt hud been c1 enred . of shrubbery. B ere Sprou~o II I01'I)od and began t o ndju st tho ~ l!(' tl onB ot 1118 fIahlnr rod. "Write," he whi spered. "There 18 " taint ..OW of light up there to the rtgbt. The thlrd window, dtd you 8IIY' that's about where I 8hould locate It," Tbe tiny meta~Ue tip ot the rod'i lIeIIS 10 tho UJ)8tretched hand of Bamea, much the taller of tho two "Not • Sound," Ho Whl.p~red . mea. barel. reached the wlndpw ledge. Be tapped ' conti,. pe1'8lllte ndy on the IulJd IIU~ Jut as they w ere b&o thnusund miles to holp you. COllnteRIl. ..1lIllq ' to think thot abe W88 asleep 1'hls I" not the I hll p. or nln ce to e~·
.\ r u u"'~ }m nd rt'HctU' (j \t,r\ rt"l1 ~p" " ;h .-. l ll ll t\r t N 1gC of l ,"'I .tIl f' llt. fUl \ l I h(l(l _.. mnu'a fnee d ltul y' , rev ' ulctl to her st ar tl ed
H", l "nut
U\"'r j
\\' Il~ goze.
a Stone-Cutler' s Shed, and a Voice O ut s ide .
" \\' )". h U\' l'
CUIII.' ~~I' lrll r
) ' 0\1
r i ,nh' ur~ h oro ?" She
hi" ~I<J(', Lon1, I III/Ide It. M ho whts l","ed. hr " l.Ithlc~s l)' . "I ,'nmo \1(1 " T hulll(
t1 w
hL""CUU!!-IO tl w r ~ \\' U~ u owh CN:-' e 160 t o I::!H.
I t hflll J.:h l I hl'un l voh'·tr-(l n, on IIIllI o W<lIlI" n RI,cu kln g, Thl'Y scorned to be
!' r hH'(\ t l,L.!/l· ... tiOtH' wt,huut 11t' lrrJ,: :-:,'L·O
I,y Ihnl wHIt'hl·r. "Y ,11l t>Hld Itl YOllr Buill< to H nrn es
, 111,1 I hl~Cr-Rtllll\ ' II'ln"
In 'IIrtis'
:-- 111 11 )'."
"Th" I" ' itlll ,
" io't' P~
'}'tt (\ ~tw ' y
III :Mr. C'lIr\lA'
a d Join:, II. 1111, 1
, 'fl l~ h f' ~l nh' r. · d frPIH till ' Iw dr llllill. 'II .. r,\ IH no otht' r " lIO t', " ' hill II r,· you Il11 I IIJ,! 1" . I nlll ltolllJ.: 10 l uk,' l\ 1'1"'1' " 'I' r the t l:U I!'oI' lIl , Hr ,.:t of ull. Ir t) 1I n .IIISI I s \'It 'lIt' 1 .. hull t u1<1\ 1\ 11111 ,· "' Irt 'll UClW U
\\'uot .
Ilortl ,'"
d(lwn on
to'!l t
the ~ ' Il t:,.. of tilt' 11,'1) tltH! J"'llIn\' l"1 l h iM •.ho""' f;h" 11'111.-111,,1 101111 " " If fllHd· rwh·rl ",hil l" tw 01'1' 111'. 1 th " h t","'U1H nt
1,Is bofl ~ I"r t uIIII Hl uffctllhc Wl'l ,;hOI'9 1,,"111<>. T lwn h l' RI1I <.1: "'tnu ur,' !l ot <.Irl'H~od fo r fII )!h!. Mol' 1 ""J.:J.:.' ~ t l hlll w hll ~ 1 11111 (,u l"llI p ),"" s lip CHI II d nrl. skirt ('nn l? You c'nullOI J.:" fllr In Ih ll t dr.·ssl ll g ~nwII. It wII,,101 I,l' In "hre ,ls I 'cfo t(~ Yllu hnd gOIl!) 11 Ioun,lrwl f ""t Ihrill 'J.:h till' hrlls h, ( f 1 dll 1I0t r<>l um to Ihi H room IlIslde CIt I1fh I'll III ll1tltl'!l, or If you h en r sounds lit n HI rngg le, ('rll wi t ll rM,!!h III" wlndnw li nd ' go 111' ''"11 t lo o vlnl'tl. Jlnrth's \\'111 IOllk Ollt 10" YOII," " )'ou mus t nlll filII, Th odoro :-II,rOItRe," Rllo whlsJlercl1. " I lnll~ t , ~ 1;11111 Ihe jClwel s IInll till' AUlt O " UI'ON!, 1 ('UIIIlOt go wltIlOul- " "[ !lhall do lilY hNI'," he su le] IIltnply, Silently d reW u c1ullr til til< door, 111 IInl ed Hun,l, ctruwlng hhns If Ill' hy hi ;;' hll ntls. 'pokl'd lIl ~ 110',\, 1 Ih rou!(h Ih e opon Irnn.o m. An IlI sl nn t hltor h ~ wns on th e Ooo r 6g"llI . She.. lI t'a rd him Inser ti ug n " y In t h lock. Aln ulRt h ~ , for ., '!h l! co uld r cull ze th ll t It h ull uc: luolly hlll\pened, tile doo r opl,.wd slow· ll'. <:outl ~usly, nnd b ls 111m wIry Ogore fllId throll!!" w hnt RI't'nwt\ 10 Io pr no ; m or!! 111111' "CrH ck. As s " r il ~' I h ~ dOClr
I w asI<'or II lonl! lillie Hhl' RIM.. I. duz,,(1 nnd c los ~ d .
101 ft
,.. ..
' ..... .
(In lte
n l e.
Don' t
'11" r n .... (I. l'Ifl HN ' ~lI ll lCrnn. 1 lUll ~'On1l. ,It'ul I hilt 1 ('II n- " " 1,.,1 11 y nu \\111 ~"I' ull IIPl '1t t! l ll1r. A "A II ,I U.,w Ih ulo yo u 1I,r ' h.'re, IrIIl'llI,d 11111 11 sl1 s In th ... rl · 1111 nIL:II! h ll u: . k1101'p. "" 1 "Ill, whlll lin YOII IlUrp"Hu 10 do? I lIt: wul(,}I. YOII 1'lIlIl,t II~I 1II'II I III lI"h \' 1111 "",II nol tlSCIII'O. Go hu ck h('for o It
nu,"1 1111.,,","S, '"I"" I1I .I,It<' , 11'. ,,, ,,, 10 and s h'a llh. III1r1 j1'~ ," "11 ,1 ' 10'1 I','m ll tI, "\\ ln;: " ~h, ~I , . Ior" lIt h fl',"11 II" . h'"11l111 110 (' 11111 11 !t.rt I" ~ "ItlL' 1111111 Ih,' fll,",I)" !t1l1l11l" tlS tit" IInll. 1111 11,,1 hl' " Ia " ","\. 1 w ill ~Q tlnr!' ,, 11 .. \' . ' hl~ 1'1',"1 "'" " (thlll l'rIIl",I ('('lIll' hllck with Olt ' t td "J.,."'t' WQ h ll th
l ert~t!
h,... I. • " " ", Ic' t"1I" r
I n"-' ~ til' 'f t t \ fit )
111- ;"
Jew('l" In h r room. For ccr lll in rOil' IlOn A Ih ey mllY h nvo permItted hr r to ret ain thorn. 11 Hlleh Is Ih e C'n~e flu r
t h 1...:
J,! (l t Hu t nit
llo.' r<' wnlj 1Il('
Th er(' Is n ro-
"rY wllh E A , N ull and W . ~" A illm, f'lxtr~ " '1 hlll'" h"1l11 hlH1 1I1!ll"~ t t,o W m. E O ' Nelll1. l1 l1 '0 .. urel' 10 h ~ I ~ 1 1" lh I1r ~ ,wn Il A H U" I 'I~ r c'r ~ '1'0\ f, " I'I I' .. , \)PO
:!I' "'."'1,-,: I,ror! • • (I!III1A' fl
~~(lr 111
l"l\~(' h t"l' " h ' hll I ,) .. )
rtl r you to
mnll ' flosSlhlllty t hat she Ol DY hn \'e Ih"
I . 1'
tI ,','
II' '' ' I , ·11',
m ~' own I \ ,'rh' I' n" t U l'ik Cl lh. Joth ' II" 1It1\\ ' j', I t IIh~ " I It'rr! lh~ p r lnc(l' ~ l ~('}Js . 110'.\.' 1 WHy ~t~ t to hili r oom-It IIYou know th ll 1 h,' I s flil' prl l1 c.~ ?fI HAnd t h n YOl1 hlH. \'1)11<>:11'1 ," ~h \ WU, ~ ~ ilt ' lJt f .. r U III, IIlI'n t . " 1\O( f.llly 1s it Il11p ..... ~ lh l l\ f o r V"lI 10 ('nlt'r 1,Is r nnm 1.,11 It Is "'1,"01 1. III' I,u,"lhle
l. \,.
...., ).. n· 11
h. t on lufe." "hi :S "I'Il Il SL~w h u re 18 he l " " 110 Iii ~o lll e w h,'rc In th o hOllse, J wus In Wllit UIIUI h e h , Mr, IIl1 rn R, 1- 1 IUn te rriOed. )'011 wil l IIU \ " ' . know
Com mi ~a lonC'r..' l'r oceoo inJrll Bi ll. ,,1'l ow od :- w :. ~lI ru oo r , Mh orl tf's a dd ltloo al und ti r 8M. ~R III, fo r y ",,,r Audl ng Decemh e r 1I 1, 11l 11I. '$0 ~8 : W , 8 . Stl101l 1/1' '0, pen~ for Audi ~o r , Il.lIO; B . D. W Il Ii,wlI' . Re . o r d t o r P r lloote J u d!,(t', f :lJ .1l6: W. A. Ma nU , b r ldllo r e palu. Uo l()o Twp .. I~ B. 55 ; J ohn Lll w and SOlI. IInto 801>lllIe8 f o r tlurve:!' 'r . • 1 .1\3; w eUern ~t&r , lagnl Mh.. ~ :l a 50: Wm , tih a w , teamln & lind repoirA of Mo rrow Lel>&oou road, 1.3; W. O . I:Ic hmtdi Cootl\ruo\[on Co,. tiUrfft OA tr eatme nt N o. 262. "B." '(\02 .:10: V ": lI e y Tele pho na UI'I" r e n ls ond tolls , Juno .md July . I r,7,OO; W. (J , I:IOhDlldt Cons tru otl on Co" In tulI oll ntraO$, 12026 ; A 1', J{e ttl ~, hrlrl gll r " llft lre tn FrKoklln '1'w p., IBGo,
OlasslBed Ads
w h ero h e ohtn l ned-"
"Skl'h,tnn kry, such os b\lrglurR \l S<'. whut n wotlclc'rrul hu rglll r he W(lllid mn k,' 1 Cnurn ge, IIfI,;s C,'lIIl'ron I n o'wlII he hero soon. Th!'11 CO III L"q tho r enl nl ' vc ntur~my pnrt of It. 1 dI dn't collie h(,N' lonll{ht to got nn), 1IaAhy old crown j e,,:r ls. 1 como to tuko ) 'OU out
F I INfR ·\1 I)JII En OR
Wayn eev ille , Oh io
nl r.. ,).: " tl U' \ , J."ll. P[ H cs a. rc P (" \' L'n t ftl••1 " It , tl l lll\!. t o IUt:"I,i tt l.IT ,Pt' I" " II I ( ) t :\ Make ("t,)' lien IllY til' ull illg yt'l
M cChlr~
Fu 11\' H('t" i ppl:tl f!lr Gout! . ~cr \' in' 1.<I)g<.' 1'i l s 1,1;1), h lll>llI
Pratts Poultry Regulat or
Not U Slim"l.n l .. h,rh " Ive, bUI t el1l por3'y r •• lih s, but • "epend."I.,. It due, "'01 f ore. but ' nt/UUJ heus to by b~ (au:.~ it ,u.i i,b · t ht:11I lIl' nat u r.tll )" pUh tbrm i ll 'ur h fille I,hysil\ll cundit io n that fCl~ Lu :lr ('~ - P"ltl u(' t i o n is bound 10 (oli o \\', And it keeps Ihell\ la\,iul:' ri,::h ' thm ugh tl•• peri od nl hi~h prire. Ie aul... Ih. bird. 10 thoroug hly di~ ... :tad mok. u. c of ... ry ..,,,ide 01 food tbu. prevenU wad. and red uc•• f.ed · coaU, T eat il " i,h a 1"'11 of your !lotk nnd compare re,ulu.
Dr. J- A Veterinarv fi r actuftfc of 11M" , I II( ()~' F I CIi::
;'.111 ',... rat"'... ..... _ . .~1 · ...dI ........ "_··v......, _k if TOU
1,'lI u , l h
. t. . . ...tiefW
··--t... , .., • • ,.. tbt ...... - f.r . ....., lift, J;!n,
'V' I"' /(J ~
"; \r ....t,
n(!II r 'I'ylu r
'rt'lephon" 93
Wayne ~vllit' .
,layboOrne & McKean ~
i?ead Gazelle'$ Classified
lh l..~n
'''I'nJs t hllll," ho Bu ld. "11 0 III 0 mnr\, ,,1. \ V.·'II I", ""fely Ollt '" 1... 1'0 III II lI(t1 o w hlll!; un.l lho·' n It will nil look s lt llf,le t o you. Y II U ore r(,llIly 10 RO? cl""d! Sit clow n.. ,1 0 I It 110 doesn't r.'tu rn In n no lnlll " /Or two, I'll lu ko a look nholl t t bo hOIlRlI lIIy,;,'lt . I d"tl't l"tl'lIt! 10 cl.. Mer t hlnl. I know t his fl oor prl.'tty \\, ... 1, und t he lo\\'or ooe. Tho stnlrs al'('-" "HlJ't 0'0 s l nlrwuy Is c1 Ol'ed at tho, hott Oln hl' n ""II e1 H1L'('1 curl nln. It I.. "" .. Ie 10 look II k(' n 1"0 01'1 In I.h e wnll . VOIl IJI ro nnt 10 \'cn tllre outAlde thl" room, Mr. lJurnl"S. 1 t orbld It. You- " "now did 81'roUSO gr t 0 11" You RBld your II " r woe locked," "n o hnd n key, 1 do n ot k now
\V aher
More Eggs 5 Feed I
,f', I~ ,', Il I:"., ,,. " ~ :,1 If r ti. B. BI~ho " to Emmtl Pritt r . IJ11 It j,!"W t. h. j IU , .), \ Ollll ,lt'll'rl thl' toe\\ t tru11K ortlll\ " t' ( I " 1"1 In ,1,'11" "~ Ih.' .... \'n ., \ If I, " , 1'''1, \~ ,I... 1<""'-10 th" wln,I""" " lot! Ion Pleaalln\ St" l.eb . o un . )hlq. lI l. ~l ,-. ('11" "( t rtf ,lIt· "'L' "~ 'J fllo.:n' l' • . illllJ lIll\l tht'" (1\1114 Into n. ~lIlnll hln r k St' OJ Mer~dhh t R 8 ·8 ('\"' 1'\ 11, I ' rl" · '1' " I I.. I ~ I Ih' f!'.,.' . 'I· 'r II II,I.~ f<llt. '1'I1('n h'''II('rrod tlYor ' U'1! lot No Il tu Har r lM ' Ad"lI ll on 10 I l in l I,... til" II 11I'rl' Ilw \' ., ' I II III ." _ h.' m ' I' d ur, W &7 0 0AV IlIft,ll bIO, tl . 1 ",
1' rd1U
MONEY L oao ..d
0 0 II va Aloo l! , lIoooml Ol o r 'g" t( 68. Nol' Aa bonllht, ,J ohn B ~ rbill '" Ailcm Bullol o g, Xenl", Ohio, 0 ~ . ~O oh au~l s , ~Ilto
Farms Wanted
: : ========:--,=_ = === LOST
Y h a ve a number of good cas h bu ye rs fo r farm , o f a ll s ize s,
lIom e who re b etweon t)prlng T IRE, b oro and WA y ne8v ille, o n t h e Pller Road z" Ue orn o!'.
Fln<te r III"vo Il\ G a a l ll
What h y o u for sale ?
Hav c sold a numbc r o f Wurren
County furm s and can give the ve ry best of re le rencc , s in n charged unless I sell.
This is an idea.l ti me to sell whil c pril·c 8
a re g ood a nd the d e mand strong.
If y o u think .. f sellin!:. n o tify
COlllllli s '
ami I
will call a nd see you ,
'l'OUti o f Clove r H"y lind 10 '1'o n " of A)f"lfll Hn y. .V .. y nMvlll e Cllnnln!! Co. 1113
ny ,JoYe,
- :==----- ... -
R. ,C. HAINES, Gen. Auctioneer &Farm Brok,~r Resili e n ce,
g ood lJreed m g E w es : will 8011 w or t h t bo m on " y , Com o Bnd ~ee 'hem . 1uciOirtt of E ll rl 1\", ,,•• , of- " R 0 , Ii, or ptro n ll Conterv t lle, !IS 7. "Y'nu-y"u know a bout ~ho crown .. 18 j{,we l .," Khe, munnured. TIe r body lli ,7med t o slltren, ''Then you know l3' o ry Brlok H oul\o 00 Main "'r o'~ ' w ho I nn}?" elg h ' f OOUlS. al! In !!rood rOll ulr "No.. ).'(' U will tull me t Olllnrrow." Hoo:d bll1'D II o d 101. til r ttlt.e u h lo k e,,~, "Y Cli, yc&-t Olnorrow." she whl l!- loq o ir t' III thla 01U1l8, . ..1 8
Centenille, Ohio
8 16-17-18 ·19 Relhold Bldg.
H ome l' hllne ij Cen te r vill e Exchange
D IIY IIln , Ohlu Hom e I'hU ll U 4691i, IIt:1 1 M(li n R694
" . red
---_.- ....- -(OonUnutk! on pAae 31
Have you purchased Chautauqua tickets yet? Don't dfllay.
---_. _..----
~ "-,,
J e r sey B ou r , a U'Jut 1Wm.Uuroo yeartl o ld, e ll,u u le ,n Cumming s , R. D , ii , W uynflll
r eg t~t tl r ,
ville. O blo
,,1 3
a orea. n 8lt r ratlroort , FARM-60 sohool .. nd ohurc h 1\11, \11I~bI A
la od, U108\ly blaok ~ lod bri nk h ou eo, barn and o utbulldh'KS. In. quire IU thla offioe, .. 13
LB. RefrIR.r~tor , &ood,a8 n e w; Qulok Meal RaOgfl, olther coal nn llC'lI.'\'lng. In 1111' CNlh'r or Ih" ronm, or w ood: Collield \totor Waeh e r . Hlllrlnlt tit Ihf' clo(lr. She held hc ,' 01111 phnne 11 or Inqolre of Mra , t.. hrent h, II s l "n ln ~ fn r II", s huut w ut F , Perlr.intl, Waynel!vt!l .., O. 1L13 WD S 80 s ure t o come-nnd ltlO s hot. Aorea of Choloe Tlmo'by Blly· 1 Jl ~ r lltl [l~ I A fl ru y.' r fo rllll' ll on her lips Common Plells Court loqnlre of Jobn R o berBon, W"y. nn d went \'(>Ic ''' I... ~~ l y II I> 1.0 alii\. 116 n OllVlUe OhiO. R. 1I. Sllllrl" nl y Nil e rn ll ~ " 1 1 lo e r~~l f from New Suita tile Rlul U·rllclJlIlI ·1.11 111 h,, 101 her , Wil l) Haze l Fennoll (noe Cooper) V8 ~prlog Plg~, 2Ys mon,h8 old Irfvcrls h h n" le ~ h t! "" " Ir hed ul' J:llr- Em m " Bronner tnee Cooper) .$ III loqu\re of Fred Roberson , OreIII c' nl A f r"lII th .. cl, ulr on wil tc:h ~ h e hud Pa r" t loll. ren$ aooountlDjf IlDd other gODl., Oblo. tl6 caretulLY 111 111'1'{1 lit e m In llutl clplltion re\l ef . ot IIle ('lIwr)!c ,wy th llt IInw p rl'~crited ATl!l Toma&o l'Jaoltl. alao lAbbage Samne l J, Bean 1'9 Lonus eYDon Itsclt, A b l ou ~e (wll ich she n ~gl oc:t t!d Plan ttl ID 'bree , r four daYB, n e ll , money; amount olalmed, to hnlt,ln l. n .. lIor t Hk Irl ot ~O IllC durk John MoMIlIIID ; WaYDetlvUle. OhIo 1:159 Ht wl$h In&erea& j30 Artlitnr Beltn VII Loftu80'Oonnell. an4 that thelr o/'forU were In voln "'!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!'!!!~~!'!!!"!~!'!!!"! their atralnlDll' eyetl mode out a shad- .. d t\nllloKBll ln mODey; amoun\olalmBd OWl objeet projecttng allghtly beyond '1(iOO the II1l1. DR. J. W. MILLBR. After S' moment 01' two of sURpen8B Proceedinga Barn. experienced a peculiar. 0lm08t eloetrto IlllOelL SomOOlle bod 8e lz~d Odellll Goll~day V8 ForMt Babies, ••• DBNTIST••• the tip of Ihe rod I It tlttll'e ned sudCIUle dl HtniMOO wlthou' reoord. dllll1y, the vibrations due to Its ftexI n the matter of The Moldier.' W.,.,...111e. 0 ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - IblUt, eea.lng. Someone WIlS ullly ing [tnliof Comllllssion, Arthur Barka the bit ot' pape r he blld tllittenod to lo w 18 Rppo lnted for tl)e torm eDdlng the roc!. and with flngertl that shook first Mo nday of April. 1922, Mr. aDd wore clumsy with eagern llllll. O . S, Hig gins Is aleo appolntAd tn He hnd writte n: "111m 0llt81do wIth unexp'lred &er01 of Jon,R. Blte8man, • trusted trlend, relldy to do your d ectJulIl3d, which eade firMt MondaJ btddlng. Two or the guards afe antely In Apr:11. 1921 ; Mr 8 l.. Cartwrlgbt III Ilppolntad A member for term bound Bud out ot Iho WilY. Now Is Andin g flra& Monrl"y In April, 1920, our chance. We will nvve r have Iln' other, It you are proporod to COlDe wIth mo now write lIIe a word or t wo I' robate Court Proee.edlng. aD4 Clrop It to tho ground. I will PII SH 1\1 the flst.&te ot Oha8. (J()rnell . de up • rope to J~u tlnd you may lowe r 06ll8ed, Fln$ aOQouo, III approved, 8n,tbl"na pou wish to CIIfl'}' awuy with :yon. But be exceedingly careful. Tuke G en, E Young. admr., vi Leila time. Don't hurry a slogle 000 of SmIth et HI J , B. Ponoe, JuhD your move monts." Bo sIgned It with a SmUll Rnd Timothy MarlaU are apPOln lted to millie an IlPl'ralRe,nent And sit down, eat and contempla te. If you are in doubt about your new house, Jarse "B," ot relll e8tl\&a In •.hl.08Utle. Prlvllte It _med IlO bour betore their cyee and wonder whether you can afford it or other improvements, go and see aale of re'll ell tate ordered di stinguished tho shadow, hend nllove, A8 s mlltter or fa ct hut n t ew min· 10 the ma$ter of the elute at D. utes ha d (l888ed. D Uring the w"lt A , Starr, (\OOfIalIed. 8ales are apSprouse had nolsoleBSly rmn nved Ills proved , coat, a procOOlllng thllt puzzled OllrneR. I n the milner of .he (latllte . of Something light toll to tllO ground, It C hall. J . l'lull, dll06lleoo Mllles are WII8 SproUIIe wbo st oopl!<l and RCllr('hed 1l1'lJrOv,e d, t or It In the gro8S. Wh 'n ho rooulIled an t\(lrtgbl pOllture he Pllt hlA li ps llarrlace LJeeuee clollO 10 Burnes' car nnd wblspC'r ell: And he will give you the right dope and you will be able to save a hunch oflmoney "I wjll lIut my cout ove r )'our hl'llIl., J"mf'" Irvin Mnlford . farmer, Rnd by seeing him. Whatever, you get of him has to be right, or he· will make it right. Bete DJ a ltttlo electrtc rorch. n Oll 't MI"8 EdO& P llllrl Onodwln, botb of There is plenty of time to ,finish your bome before cold weather, but you had better fllllth It uotll I nm 811ro th e COllt Is Lehanon, Ohio. . Rrrnnged 80 that you CIIn do so with· make tracks or the rabbits will beat ' you to it. Bllro l,l C, G faham, farmer · of o ut a gl eam or light gettlo g out troll) l,v'le. Ohio . IlDd MIsa ADDIl B . Don't hesitate to go to him and get what information you want. for he will be tinde r." B o pressed the tor ch Ilnd 0 Woona'rd, 01 Wayo88vll1e, uhlo . more than willing to help you with his advice and eXJ>eI:ience, bIt o( c1osel, folded popl!r In ·the R e v . ~. F , Detweiler. other'1I baod and curetully drnpod tho RO il a r c now In \Va Hhtngton, ront o"er hi. head. rrom Ih olr r a ul'll neu r TUIlII,l c", Me xi co, wh e re fac Is regn rd lng the ~lIl Estate Traater. Dam08 rend I "Thllnk Ood I I ~'nB murd e r o r" Ih o hu s hnlld on',1 fnth e r. J oh ll ,W. Co rre ll by Me xfcnll b.,natrald rou would wult untll tomorrow Emma ,O Shaw ' to 8 . A. Stilwell, dlls Br o boln g plucet! befo ro l'r eHld en t Wil son , ' 1'ho Carranza govornnight. Then It would have heen too lot No, 11~ In Unlv6n"y Belllbk. mont r cullzlll R t.he ~c rl o u a n eR" of. th e sltuntlon nl a lato hou~ ogreea late. r multt lOt ' nwny tonight but r LebaDon, Oblo, 'I ,' ,. to " punIRIl " th o hn nd lls. Co rre ll wns killed wile n he Interfered lUI Iho bandits Hbo t nt hi .. Ro n--ond Iwo 1I8Kn uited his Wife. C!IInnot' leav_I dnro not leRve without Adam Ii yle '0 0s0&l!' A. Eaton, eomethln', Is house. concealed In not nn· . ..w______________________________________~__________________________. . . .__~. .~--~--~~ " ' " olher part that of tho 1 do f ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~--------~~~~ -~ -~_~_ ~~ ~----~~~~~~----~ ----~~~-------------~~~
Tell President of Mexican Murder
Now is the time-ffi lay in your next W'i'nter's COAL, Don't wait. You are not saving anything by putting it off. We have what you want. Call and give us your order. We deli ver every day.
Yolinee Bros. Grain Co.
w. ' H~ MADDEN
know h ow to Ilecur e It. My door IB 10 ked from th o o\ltsldr , Whllt um I to do' I wOllld mUl e ~ <11 0 Ihun ·t o go .~a7 wlthout't." Untlly he w rot e: "11 Y(lU do not come at onre, ,we will f"ree lIur WilY ,lDto the bouse lind nght It out with them all, My f rlr nd Is comln!! up lito 'fln0l. Let blm e nter fb e whitlow. T t!1I 111m WM~ to ~ aDll he will dn the B e Ie a ~e ITIOn. Notblnlr .. • t il him, It he does not . . . . . . . . . mlnut... 1 aball follow," . . . . . . DO rwoue to tJaIL Tbe
............ ttae wllldo........
10MORROw •
HOME by J ack Wilson
& . CO."
Waynetville. 0. '
,.ftAT ClNE'S
,.. rr!
.•.. T H [
MIAMI l S~: 1
tC llt. "t",
I,' h l
f \j
ul" 11),111 ''' ' III". tOllu" . lIlo i:.t f C fill ( h.", .. M aul
(1'1\/1; I., I.d i(o r al .d 1 lI\ ,h,ht'r. \', U)
P. L
Waynesville ChfJutauquu, July 31
~.VJ:I, Y Wr-: l rN"~SDAY
"" l lft l"t
GAZE·TTE .... I}(
~ ,' iJI4t"
~1 011 f "
I'U"~ CI i "LIIlII l'rlC't'. $1. 5fl per Y... llr
. .N ow thill, L 811 w r onll ; "' .. I:Iboulri Ub \'Cl LI pICLUn) t!UIlW li ar , Al It t u!l ll 18 Roocl bllHioP8S !lerve linll the I 1l1lJUtly ~l ll he fort hcoming. H.H'e WI' oitl zens 'bat feel f\ b ou gb l ot, o r e~t ID " ur tlJtvU 1,,, mflkf, lUI u lTo r~ to til " 10 I! Il " IIl'Y IrOUSI'i' ,\. '1' [(lllfr IInli Wult r Utldtlr. W OO(] sohl hili l' tu rll"' , lr ~ R t wAok , to
;h '
rr==:=,==========::.=::::;) I •
li e tvR I:I r OIla,:lipr Ihlln ho rpulhr.Nlln wrl:lI('hhllt "I ~ 111'111 fl','u. 'Silo utt en"t U low IIlIllin UII.I ('over~1 h'or tuer;, with .tll·r 11I1Il(1 ~. Undell'rrcd, he cru~~cd to .1 ttll~ duor. IIIH halld wus on tho knob ""IIN I 8 door tllnrurn,'d violently 80mewher o In 11 dlMI"nt I'lIrl ot the hOll!;e. A h O l\r~e s hout ot ulurlll nmg out, . orul thl'n thc rlL,h or hellvy teet over tllkkly c!l rl'cted 110<'1'8. lIurnell IIc'h 'd with lightning ewlttn{,H8. Tlo 8prullg to the Olwn wlodow, hulr'I'u rrylng, hult·drugglng the g1rt
....:. ......................................!....... ;
']"wrH'n Br.f llnl, 'o f Wtlm lol!tne, L" 'HI i.l ~" l liulC 01111 t,hon ROiling "r.: a • n . Why lint; Ihl H i~ 0 h l'flltll y lind K1)od mom 1 flo mm uO/ty, WIIIOb : hr. l plI tn io(',re!l9 0 tho v'Llue o f prj per t, .
'l'hroshlnfl W~8 Indelr1 nd In on Huedny, by several of [l llr fl11'o'l er t!, w h o ure ILe x l o u e t o ea ve thei r crop .HAV. Am uk Coo k I ~ Cjnlto siek IItt
with hIm.
"Now tor It I',' be whlepcrL'd, "Not a
t hl ~
writ,lnl<. uncI Mrs. W. W . Well\h !lnd Rn n, Th l1 mo ~ , l e t! . Fr ldll Y, fo r Ft. Dnrlg", JrtWO , w hor n Mr . onrt Mr ~ W loll wtll ... IRlt thOlr s'o n An d O B phAWR for I WlI WI'oIlR , Mid 'l'ho m.1! wlillu it o up Ill e p Olllll u n he Ie" ~o I
Aatltor ", "GRAuSTARK." -nm
" 01'011,1 ~rt 101lc. Cllrnh upon my hack. HOlLOW OF HER HAND."-nm qUl c'k, nll(\ hllng on t or ct cRr lifo." Be PRINCE OF GRAUSTARK." ETC. I h " II fH' rllrn"" 'Il Ihmll!:11 tho \\'lnl1~ \V l!::~::::::~7=~:?:=:=:=::;:;::==::;::=~ 111111 WIlH Iyllll: flut IIcrOSB the el1l. c-.w.e~DodrI,~oedc-. •. ,-. "nnrryl Oon't bo "fruld. J am f!tron~ ",,'or Romo I hill' t hl'rn was AJ/l'nN'. cll ou\:11 to ('Ilrry )'OU If tho vln08 dl) their IJIlrl," noth worn 118t cnl01( Int onlly tor 8ol/nd s With /lurpr1Rlng nlacrlty Rnd 81l~ In Iho hnll. Ahl' II'nm~ 1 ('lc>8<'r Ul whlH. lIor In cur. r sh nulllcrR nfORA flhe I'rnwll'<l out h l'l<lde hIm ond tOUChN!. n l! wClllllerlJ<1 If RII(' {'l[lwrl· lli en o ver upon hlR hrood back, c1n~p' ollced tho filllIl{' IllIlIgh I tul tllrlll Urnt ron throu!:h hl8 bCHly. Sh e luld 111111 elf the fIllln who wnte hed nerosR Iho 111111 from tho room AIIJ,pc.ql~1 to he occl/Pil'II by Lo4!h the /l(lcr.'tury, nncl ot SllrollRf\'R InC'OIII(.rl'hI'lIHlltl l' clllTlng. "Where 18 Mr. C urtl Rf' lie nRkl'cl. n er "tenth tnuned hl ~ c hc't)k. hoI' lips "'ere clolle to hill «Ir. "'I'here Is no Mr. CUrtis h!'re. Ile (11('11 tOOl' monthR ngo In Florldll." "1 RURJ'l'<'te<1 OR mu ch." ITo 0111 not pr<'A8 he r lor til rthe r ll'V'lllltlOn~ .. Rllrou ..... IIhoulll I". hl're by fhls tllnC\, I mURt ~o (lut Ihc'ro nnd sec It be 1'1)0 qulN!ll nny-" Sho . I'II/tc'hecl hi s ann tmnllcall,. "You slloll 110 IInthlng of the klnrl. Y"n .bull not- " "Sb I Whnt cIa )' 011 tnllo mo tor, 111M (',nml'rnn? 11 (' .IIUY be BOr el), In ne"1\ at hc'l p. no )'IIU think Ihllt J would lellvI' hIm to Ood knows \\'tilit 1IOr! ot futl, f' "nut he ~II IO pCt'I II\'(~ly thol J Wil li ' to ,,0 In ('nHe he tlt,l .IIlt r ·turn In n tlf· teen mlnutt·,.." ~lic' htlggcod. "U r' mlly bove 11/'1'11 l'ut 1111' milt Wit;, C(u"lllJIIOtI to clKc:npn fN'VI II I11H lhlr-N ."JUNt till' 8111110, l 'vu got to ",'CO w hat bOll b('CUIII" or-"
W e
"No I
No f"
~ hl' urn~' w lUI him,
of IIHI sOl nllCl fl wung 1f"C "Y I" 'l' u ri". An Ins tnbt IUler h e t ound !III' 111111('1' with tho other huntt untl Ihc' hurrl ",1 (t~li~cnt 1>01;1'". .- - -. .. 1 t1 Il Is t£let tnn('hl'I1 th o !,rrnnn" . n II' Alhflrt 'H I,tl OV tin" family are t .... lnkllng ot nn eyl' ioe plck <'II Iw r li P o"l npllI~ 1\1 ('b "UI'lIuqua , In ble ann8 onct bo lted across lhe IIt tie grtUI8 plot loto tl ... HllrubtJcry. She ~\rR , .I ClR~IA l.onfluoro " IRlt ed t h e did nOt utter n ROuod, ( h .m C ity , 1\1 or1!1Y , P",senlly he Ret hc:r lIown. Ills Oo rn - T () l\J r . II ucl Mr~. Ma rtin hrcnth WAS gonl', hl ~ Htr " " lllh ex- M~th "!I, \V I·dl1 " "<lIl.\', till' !la rd,,, "tIll . hllll.q t ..~ lI1rs MurJ,!',rh' ,J"\III~ W~8" Lobl~ (To be OonliJo ll ed) ll OIi \'1~lt o r . Tu"~tl,,y
ITCCI II I 1"1,,'>1 c UfI .!'I l II tlLHmu.1 tr'un ll1Wn L HUll'S
,'" ""', h ~I ~\II
Ix I llkO I1 iI, IC I' "nlly 11." (1 ""IS Ih.,u th .111110<1 on tho .IIU "Otl8 uC
ti ll.' :SY:.< t,CIII,
lIu:r 'by
101;' III> th e CV Il I1 t1tll tlu n amI
u os-
Hl'4 ~ l s l lr ll;
. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .
Veterinarians and Horsemen Have Used and Recommended This Liniment for 50 Years
". Examined Correctly... Glasses Fitted .
Afler a half centurl of .ucoelll(01 UB!!, 'armen and .toekPlan, AI well .. hor.cmen and tr.lner8. haV!} come to depend upon thls sou thing, . healing anti"ptic UnimenL No 1tOre, lame hOI'll~1 whm Houltonia Liniment 11 kept hand,. No curb, IIpllnt, Iweeney, 1Find-puft'a or bony tuinora, Houstonia Liniment, doe. not burn, amart nor bUster--doei Dot irritate nor fret the skin-but qulckl, penetratu to the deeper tis.ues and Iigllments, easing paiJl of atraillll Ilnd .r.ra~ and leaving the anlmlll sound, clean-Umbed., and wah amlehed, Roth Brothen, famouR .trainert and dri...... _,,
u..... = ' "~feed.
I. the hol'llCl "ndl .1 trto4 If!V It-tO _ 1'...... It... poIIIbIa to. a ~, to de
1ft -1
}\ny one who .. ~ n I"ndle n monkc~' wrcn t:h C:1 1l ca . . ily fl'p i:tr c n ~kd u , . hould one gel hcok" n or wear 0'". The iteins or. bor~cJ 10 tlte r ight Get and gather.
Scee,. ,.\ X I.! - The ~l n l ine PI ~ wCt). ~uara.rllt·es tl , c \\"Il I ~o n9 to enrry D ~ much os an,r 1\1 k.ur)' axl\! tlllmhic Sk\!1 1l wugo n of Hnt! si/~ ia rgl! r ,·:t paclty , The s teel ,u le IS fu nl"r 91t "nll,loe"e.1 h y .; secu rely clipP"I llo u hickory allie. bet!.
There ore JIlany other .... 1I MIiI.....,.._~_IiIiiI Mundt fe a tures which .. will h"crc s t you.
t ' OR SA L E 8Y
Mrs . Ral ph Thornburg and MIlia ~; l llnonr rlu yd oo k are uUendlDg tbe Yoo u~ l!'rlClDda ' Uoolera nce Ilt Rl ohm oncl , Tu,) . ' Mrfl l.oo Co vl eufTured 1\ 8e ... ere ntt,llo t of boart tronhle , HatordlY
evo nlnjt . h OWB ID WllwlDgcoo, Bnlferloi from a lIeverely barned hand
r eta rn f r om 8everlll montb8 ofoversed se rvice. M r8, ElID N !L~g l e If! reouverioc f M.'~t1" nn'~ fl nlit' , 0\.1" M llry 'Il l' rO UI a sovoro !LUIlo k of gall ~tone8. ," n OY "Dr! Zn "tI Pleher ln" w r io B. B. R ee ve! aod family, ot Rlob . -. . " Dl1yt nn, . hoppl ng, WE'd urtrldlA,V, lIl olld. wer" Mlled bore b" lhedeath ~ l r • . L"",, .' milll nnd h n r lo\ul1 d tly of 1118 t"'th er , A . W. Roeves. t;oll ',rll O"t ~~ 11IIrl U 1)I OUiO III Uh nd A. W , Reeves, ~ veteraD of tbe I ~ ~ ur i''''', 'J'O(ii'dIH' 'lvil WII.t ILnd highly r espected olti.. . d' d h E It"v Dunh'llIl . t,be (), ~t. riOI. !-iOjlt. Zlm, . e Itt t e BI>8Y 1:i000pitai In prl' l1 hNI ut. Lytlt. ohorel! , 811 0d ilY Xe olf\, Friday Huoe ral service. I. • were beld tt'- 'be bOUle Snndoy U a n .eru oon . . , m . ...~ Mr . "nd MT Wl lllJlIn BArgrt alt laovlls a family or seven ohlldren aud Mr nnri MrR. N"I. IJ ~u S mith f\n d fo ur Rmndoblldren, m'IDY rol~ . "I tA1HI ori l·hE' tun or I r ,I on U I ~I ved !lDd frieods '0 moor!l hl8 It 0 II .tl 0 d e porturo Smitll In Wl1yn avillA, Wodno~doy . . Mr s Mll r y Graham, nf BliTVeY!l (~oarte rly O,ooteroooe Wall h e ld In ho r g. Ilod Mrio BAll a (jrl1hI\DJ , nf ",he ,wl E Uhurch on 8stnrl1ay 1l1(1!{e\Ttll n, \VOrA vI8it(lr~ o f Mr~ . t;u nday mornl.n g, the pulpit WI\8 UlIlI~le U,.x, 'I'uesd ll.v. I fi ll ed by the Dis t Bupt. Mrl', H M. 'lar l! rAtur lwd, !'lu n I • - • db .v , uft!'r [I vl custlnt vlsll 10 ('It . ("~(I
Saxon "SIX" The Practical Car )
Saxoo' "Six" has earned it. replltation as the Practical . Car becallse it is so tho roughly practical from so many .d ilTcrent standpoints.
RAY F. MILLS, Dealer Phone 71
Waynesville, Ohio
A lu rll e or nwll w,,~ 10 1It.t.~n,I "nOtl III I,ho Epworth u.fiRue social. ' ILJ urd~y eveolo/:!, nt. the h o me o t Mr.
.Yes. Clarenoe BerryhtlJ has Bold an d Mrs Allen mlth . bls fn rm to a mlln by the nRms at Ev r ett Clllrk if! fhe proud p088flB Rulstoo, of Dear Kln g lnlln . 80r of II oew tiedu o Oll r M M T erry" K E TholD JlIIon , J •••••••••••• 14............ Mr find Mrp. Frnnk Roge r~ en tor W . !,;r e9wp ll obd Chtrenoo Derrvbtll I tBloecl to Bundny d lone r, ~r. Eonls .. Hended tile Lswrenoe Sbepberd ~~~~~~~~~~~~=== ' ltof;le rl<. Mr . IIm[ Mn ~her ml\n ' Roge r!; nf F Arry Ilod Ml sH JUUl\ Mlt le, above WaynoRvllle, on I.., of Dll yt~ln . Wednelid ~ .\· . BARNHART. II <.:oll"h~n (,I e oo 'J >1hn R' m e t wHh a paloful ' ' ioronce Allen IIIIcI wil e, (If WIlV · ! Injur y. I!l Rt wee k . III Dllvt.lI n W hile 1 ".oavllle, WAre SllndllY lIuoa'8 of tho Notary Public ri ding 00 11 Mt,root on r ~lIe e1'onlnjl: , Ilerr y flmlly, bere, \\Till I b e hurl " f ow w or rta wlt.h MOille Mrs Yvr\le Taylor and two All IIlnds at N'llary Work . rull hnM, w.h l'O ooe 1IIIIo w bit h im 00 dl1uj(hterll. Tbel.m a and GlodylI, of aod Df'edR a Iipee~"1 iv . thl' jaw, b r o"kln~ it. 10 two 111 110 ~, FrrlDktln, we r e 'he gu ests of K E. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I M r . lind Mr~ Wtllilltn Bergdu ll 'rh nmpRon nQd wife on Thur8day
S. Detroit St. Xenia. Ohio Open evenings by appointment
H 0 tI Ito D I a (The Original "on..') Linimt!llt "AI Bnt compounded In 1810.
to a . , . . ~bl. lIahJ18111 l1li14
C ast Skein, s screwfli~~II_II~ on Steel Axles
Optieal Department
and wllllng
''Your IInlrMnt IJ ..
Til. · . ,1 ","" '11 to On " .j"" ' ttl, .. 1 ," "" I1 .i" Ihut "0 ' 11 hus :\1,. 1111 I i';\ A '1'1 d Hi8 I10 P Il l' ll ubi t u 4'tlru In nJi it :; ~lHHt.:li ttnJ • ' .' r. }eo o ro that I.• "uturrl,. l'uln"h l," j" l{ g,'cully ' ~1'\' lH uu.III .V 111 Mcuoor 'uun t,y nt. I" (hw" ,I Il)' cti li tr Ulu tl,, " ,,1 O" "tl itl'1JI~ I 11I1t" o lf " IIIU III Oil ' CIt til e l r r elt! ti ves.
I!,,·" r', r nll Y I' n ~c Ih"1 ' Il Cu ll. to CII ' ''. nrl (or lI f' l of I(" :-o t Im o nlu l s. "n~~111 n:,us t know wh<'ther ho N I';;" he;":mls llround hIs nM'k. nold. Se.\".Ir .~ F . J . jll'; Xln' & c o ., T,.lo~ rec 0Ing to the l edgo wIth one hand he 'f elt oj ", O hl u. Sold by a ll 1>ruggl . t~ . 7~e. '''I'h r n Il' t me 11'0. r ~111 lind out tor nn(l cilltched the thick vine with _- .;;, - .;;, - ,;; - ,;;; - ..;:;;:;;:;;:;;.;,...,;-;;,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .... "nthpr hI' h,, ~ 611('Ceeded." tho other. Siowly bo s lid his. body on
w. at'''fs had ~bla ~ I
r.. olllv
sprnd l• • f) ,,, rkl'r t ,,, n Ih" :I." ,I: ei" .. \1,\,,"1 .... 1 III AxI.· Wnl!<ms Io uv lit . !"ne SIL .<,;: h.(' ln _"" fl .... \vuful ax I c ~"nl ; (}n :•• rclaHl l1 d list ~ lHj sand proof cuUan . 1 hey r UH ':,t;<.)". due h) t he Jt\rgc bcallJlg,s . :ou..i \\ iH lIo t cut Ollt.
A numhp r of LYIIIl foll! A IlUended The mnny frleods of Barley bo ('I u ICU III U\II1 Ih "re j ~ Ilt Icu xt -' /IIutlJIllI'llJ , outurdAY lind II n illlY &IlHlmbhoro are reJololDK OV8P ble
HOlding to the Ledge With One Hanr:!, "nl" r u In doln ., II~' worl" Tho pro"rlntors 11f(\'" HO mud. (!lllh In (I,C e urHe Felt for Ind CI~hed the Thick uth' c pow ors ti C ll ull'd CUlarJ'h ~J l! lJlInc lIlI,t 11, . ), " rrer line Jlun ~rod 1),, 1_ Vine With the Other.
of J . U. I ''''' Ho weth aod
G· 'I ~?lt~!t B~l~~~I ~lt! ; ~~'?\~~~~I!r~~~~~i~l~
~H:ol ~ x l e \ :V r11;O IlS Ild\' ~ nil t h.., m..l \":UH .l.{(· ... ( lI" n ~ftl l nlh t JJl,:h t woirht) of th l! steel ;..\1..: wnhfHll t h.! (li ~ull \' all tt l j~ .. ~ ("',a'i11 h~J fl 'I; ; IItl J f.'!lt"r f riction). Othe r st ~"1!i :lx)l! ",aCII) lS In \"e s ma ll hC:lr1 ngfl \\'111 -" C':HI'\" mnl'~ Irktinu n lli.t Cut ou t I h e
RU88A II SlaU apent las' week at
$ 1111) rlewa rd, S; lOO rcuf l nt or t IIJ )j pupo r will
Cast Skein. Steel Ax.le
Mr ... R"yuJOnrl WlIsoo, of Xenia, i~ t h e g u est o r her g randmot ber M r~. J osepbl n e Blllir . ' Tbn gl rl ~' OIIl MB o f tb e M E. Hun. clRY Hohool pl oDiued llear Aod erso n's ira I'll, Th urlld ay afternoon
WIIIl~ u l C lurk 18 vi~ lt.ln f.( at ~be blM
!"IJt (U", lfl
andt Wagon
~~~~~~~~~~~~ I
" '0), 111 6 til' !'" "" ,lnUu" o f th e di .cn8c, 1';'''·I" j.;' th e ,," ll 'nl '( ...·nl,:l h I,y bulhl·
10 wllr .
A oOID mu nl t;v pl onl c, fr om t.lIlS Cl1 l1lllluolly , W U H II e ld a t /:l(lllIlnt z's I( r ovtl , lu",t tlundAY, nnd .. lIexprBl<.. "c\ I lIorn~e l v as All hu vl n g no eo jn Yllu lu 1111111
dml!l!ln J( nl hl ~ un ll. " Jln nnt I", toolburdy. \, ,,11 'lrl' ""I Nk lll",1 111- " '''rhl'rc I" nllly 'Hlc' wtly In RIO., me. MI "" ('111111'rnn. It )' 011 will ('0010 wIth DIe no\\'- '"
was d~ ~ I ted, t he OOCI\II10n Wil li to' _J·,Houo tho- MovlllS Il t WilY UCOI viII...
lil'v rl.1 ot ou r ol tlz en~ II ~toJldlld rhe etrO'\H • Dltytotl on tUtl :lG I,U I On nlllTwd"y' n ll{h\ last, our town
(, l li l'
e. v.
h lll i f o r t.bAir go o. tfl tbe follllwlnlo; : eveDlng u.H.E.RA1'IIA'.TA'; Mr : IInel Mr. N;dwurd ~t' rll rl "lI, Mr~ , 1ll 11l~hBrr;lw8ter8pen'rburll "' ." I""'nt , n el Mr" l.:l nurlo(O Wolr, o f "flY e v e ning with Mr8. ADnl BraDnnytOlI . Mr. l :i" riw li;v .. r so lo ,w d Don , a t hurohvllle, ~~ ..... v1l1"'11 LaadiOIl OeD" " ' f ,ltH lI y. ;'o!r .1 1l , 1 ~lIrt I) IIOri wlfo , M M. Terry "od B OfVard James M ' ~" 1.,. Ilrl! 1.\111 ,111', Mr llowor ,.nd t r ooked 11 load of sh eep to DIIY'OO, Oflloe In BainN BId«. M.. t" "', filII I Ill' , (If f;J,lt k .1 (: ,tl m t.\·. IrLRt wee k .
I~ pillstering b Oll8 0
.,0.' -
nOJal VacaboD4.
WAmlfo-rrolll LIIItM
TJIlAmlER. I'MmlER--lrolll . Sbo't a Good hllow. MONTB CRl8~rrom alODIAl CriSto J • . I'VB TOLD MY LOVEfrom Tumble In. OE'18 t'H1UI ALlr-from 8omebcMb'. Sweelbeart, 'I'1IB CALL 0," .TBB 008111 HOMB - froID Tue II
From We. VRlNEIIB LtlUADY . ., .. West.
.... "1,W.4Y8 OUABlNo.n.ulll.
York. N. Y.
wholesome find del icious beverose.
by r e£reshmel\tstands, reSlUurants, mic8 and grocers. Serve d at und IIOld
Demand troa Dottle Sec th ot ill, served in thisl'OI,:nfccl boltle--
fit -lhe-hond . hopo--<:"rnlRut.ed tikk'S- nottlo bl.,.,..,. in tho /lID... N one but tho Boouino earnes in thie bottlO-tho lIonu(no eom ... ln no olh.r botdo. .
tbe Zhnrl Bato.. • 1* time WU ID
J01ecl 111 all.
ond you' II he 8ure ,o f serving 0 ~UI'e.
b af e.
Ol oolno,'I,
I'Ll, 8AY sue OOEe. ARA1JIAlf mOJtTS,
Ora(}T a Cas(} for .~ Your Homo , ,'
. Mr nnd Mrs I::t 8 . DoarUI spent bete for .. few weell:., Siltorday 10 Dayton. . 00 July 13th. Ule lIoPlleuoD re. MI1I8 Uoooa Bra. lap WaLl called So uoloo WIUI held as abe b01D8 of
Additional DrondwllV ,HIts. lIMV'l·lP'UJ. OHtO.
A feature of Cocs-Cola' 8 /lOO'\~ {or you 10 remember. It8eI~ l?bre nnd delicious, oil its purity on~i:1i caey of flavor prctICrved for 't our hcalth nnd e n joyme nt by clenn "ond ounitary bottlin8. . ,"
Mn. Weldon Wilson had lhe mis_
John Wllion aad t.mlly called oa Mr. J R . ~jpjl'f,,\1'11 aad Mr. Snell, W. l!l, BOlin'... tluoday afteraooD. of Frflnl1'ItU, ""DMoted b\ls1a6S11 Mr... Sawuel BuTtaoe u4 Edna, of her '. Monday, . Ridgll'waJ. are vtaUtlllr ...last.,..
In Sterilized Botde.s
Va l fortun e to IDlish Doe of her fee'. ba' WIl8 It I@ s low I" improving .
Mr ,,,,,1 Ir" . N nW!,'I" Miller, oJ !\1U08 Comp~oc , Mr. !lnd lbe. O ~v"'''''' hnv r, 1"'E\Il -"t" itlng relaUv M lJomplon aDd Bihel Compt m.
It. 'Loll.,. I, Romoo. " I'!Uill'Ty OIRL lEI LIKE A I''8t.otW-from tbo lyell1If111 01 tOlD.
'MMt ~7 ID WILIA).Wl8~rolD
bro 11! IH 1,0 thfl h ernn:<>f hill' pl\rOlltll, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. MorjJau and 80tu rdllY !:I eI' m[IO:I' fr\fmO~ wl)l ~on, Gerald, and Mn. Anna L Merbe p le"s, t\ \0 lenrn tbf\t i-Ihe Is im g"n, all ot Bprlng Valley, called on prnvln ~ In h081th florlloo Co wpton's, 8aoday Ilf&er. LII.t.lo VirJ,tID I," Woo(lw&rn b.lA uooo. 1>,,1)11 ou t.htl slok li s 't Le vi aud &a~her t:;bambaogb 'opt 'r wo m n ro t:)prln Hhor o I)O.V ~ have dInner wUh John 81I1 '8, ./:3uuday. r tlt orDE,d 1\1101 0 I1( Ro vnrallnon~ba Mrs. R, E. Jane! II! HufferlnlJ with IlVt'TReI1M. , Ulinton (;l llpill nncl Me rh ~aUllltt8W. Klnl "y W ..lsh . . ' Mlse 'Ethel Curry apent Sahrday MrR Fmnk K eot y nnd ~oo hll ve DI ~M and Hunday at ber bome oellP r lll,ornA,1 tO' t,b ei r b on' e a ~ l.1~hnn, \,;hos ter. Ohl ll , "fre r /10 Alitfln'cl r;l d vlMlt wltb MrH. Glennn Wilso n and two rblldrnlntlvf\R. ron arlent &turdny wltb her el,,"'r, M .. 'lIl ri ~rE<. ~'II X, n'f Millmis Mr.. l Oll t:!llI1mhilug b bll l g . "'" rl' I.h ... · v u n"t. 01 Ih ll lntt,e r'8 Mrp.. Wnlter WillOb III t,n~ln8 Due J"'r'\I~ I ", .\ lr . , nei Mr~ AIIlll GII"ln , o f hur dn!lltbtllr, MrR. Olive Peterson, nil r: a, ;'p· t. Wt" h who .sl·1lI keeps vel''!' poor I)' , , ~ ""R K ""III1Lt II l1nnt, W t)f[neRcl"y Mr, liaUlDE'1 Mitcheoer'ct. hlkl 1111 wHh II" '''''I ~t" .. .,\ I" £<f& Rtla ton , 'h"b 8qti'~, Suud"y. Mr. ' and MrII.
from Tbe Boltor 'Ola PLAY HJil THAT TUJlf&--'..,m
Room 801, Lonper. Bldg.. New
OomptoD aDd family.
MI !I~ J r-"ol!' H obl n a l)O, wh o bpe n ~"rt"u~l .v Ht Ht the Mia mi ley a"~ll /,.. 1 f or t W I) W(\' It!'.
Lon Branllun's new '
!'I1I'rry If ry trnu t' lI.ot.ed tmslneS8 In Dn y t o n, nnll ,I .. y lo,.t wook. Mr. an ll Mrs Gh !,~. \,;ru98, of Lob 11I1llll, WArH ~u ll (l".V guest.s of the 10 t.tAr'~ pnr clOt!:!, Mr. t4nd Mrs . .John (Delayed,) No extra charge for auto 8ervice. Mo Curdy Mrs, DahlY 1i~lnes and Cwo oblld Mr . Im el MrH B~/'rtRo n C') rner and Both phones In Office and Resi<ienl.'e f"mll y . o f Ph II n Ih,J phln . IU O lhe ren, ~lLrah aod Helen, speot MOnNo: 14. . gUIl/!ts c)f MfillAr s. R IVh 'lOd DII dny olght 9B 'he gues'8 of BOr&08
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~_~~~~=IworIb UI,mpr.
UI• •
---_. -_......._--CAESAR'S CREEK
and Embalmer,
It your Itable is not already protected. &-,,, w~t. Alk 1Gnl' drugglat Ipr a bottle 01 Hou.e-tone+ah, Veteriur1 e1s6-the old, Waynesville. Ohio. triad and truated friend 01 horHoWUl'l. Ji......o'd ....., ZSc ancISOc. New V~ ..... 10 OIL, ,I." Either Auto or Horse drawn service, THE DB. I. a. 10M. COIII'.urr.80. Chvlal'. . Q, . l. E. Janney, The ReulllStore.IW.YheriUe, Ohio.
OODLIIl • UM .DUM-DO • from U U Ludlle.. LO\'B IS LOVE-frolll til.
M. M. 'l'erry and wi fo aod Clare n oo All e n and wife spenS Tuesday io Ulnoinn "tl
Funeral Direetor
'1'" .
G llOr go EdwarC1s, of BArveysburll,
-, - - -- - - -
SM• .ES. TEAR<; A~'D CdE!.:RS rOI CHAMPI OI , I\NK fLYERS' HOM1:.COMtf fll1'Jhur,tln (\,,~ ,..tll/·l h""t t)ij.,'""~Tl,,I\ lJ t#I"1 ~nlfl
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have taken the agency for the famous De Laval W ECream Separators because we believe the De Laval will do better work and last longer than ' any other separator made, and that it . is by far the cheapest and most satisfactory machine to use.
hlJ.rh ,' h lOoiS
H... ~ i d. '~ 1111 ' d , ' II l/li rt' 1I 1 . 11 ' ,'1 ' 111111· n lt'l l , I;', · ).!" ud t l, · rt\' \'d h \ a 1 · ~1I 1 j ·
til'l p ili Vf Ull Did ( " IIII) ,.. t aun h i t u:-; III :' ''.*' Il ' -v/ IIJ~ ~ frulll it \\ rile nl '"UllilY "1.( "1 rin g l "~·" I I. r" fll r II ,· 'pholl" fo'rallklill )(1I~ 1:.. , YI':l nklill .() , ll'Jl II ) "f th ., l '\ Ut Uliuni f \o 'l ~ n f l o l ifl i {t \\ ""d,-"w H"II "II Ullo! dallghl(' r. valu ,·. alld "lIllllq ' ''' ll ti , llllli Ih"III~h
Pt'tI}!IH!)ll!ivt.:ll .ll) . t lll ·l1
~)y. 11.. > i'\lL"~
Sh O'8 h apflY , An" yuu '" h e hnilP Y. tlln , If YUlir hu ~ hl\nfl tutti (,u n mand od tbe (lrst [(la l)lnlli l t o fl y t hn A t l :tll(tr u ~·.'an , nnd h u t\ Ju,;, n'
rived hOUl O. It Is Mrs . Alh
Ho·,' \. wif e u( LI 'u L CO lli . Ih,",1
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\V" l'~ ' l'lut
\\' h . . . 11 all ~Ht til
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;H~ t:L~llnt of ~ t lJ le:" bdll)..:' " Sh't
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II," unly rail" 'I t 1\11 . ;I<,"ld ,'''fllI' III 11 " lr~,J . , .\ · t!vl' lIillg . th" , 'Ii "UtdUq UH 'llid rally n, "Il,,, 1 II,,· " vl'lI ing' prngram will I"'gill !II :i::!0. I hl' " 1
I tbe U , S. NU l 'Y aea plnn e NC ,\ , 11 M So lit' ~rl!. · t .. tI h l, r liu \oI hall d , 01 1 th t traq,aport o ff N ew Y ork hKr uor Ullu n h tlS ttr rl\' i \\' lv\.\N, tliltl mulh u l I 01 tbe flyers wcut tl OW ll N ~ w Yor\< Oay t .. w o lcuUl o I lin hlllUl~\! <Jmlu I
I!rlll' l'
""",rr!,nlil,, - "pu·tll'd I lf
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IJl.JlI.:u d :( S t) ' cl uck
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l h i t ' b. lli l I U'll1 :l pn:.;sill i l l I f u r 1h, · ll"lI jJl,' , f \\ 1.1 llc 4\'i1il' 11' h av,' lItlL \lurell.";,,.! \' I III· l k l-. ~ I ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!'!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~......"..~~~-~~ ~l.! \uI Ut\lI) lIl .. ( d' lh '"~ l' tic hl't . l 'II l!'·~ H lld b uy l irl\CI ~ fIll' ylllll' "II I Ire ranul \' lI t:rt: Y' ll l huve [. fI 'l'rl'al i,, " thaI all ,'RI1 cnj llY aI,, 1 nll ,, "eI I'J).(,· l hl' r. I ;l·l YOllr licl{l' .'1 nl ,lIlrl' :'" \ (III will llllt ll1i ~H III1C ,.If Il lf'~l' ex '1'1I"nl nUlIlI l" r ~
hIstory makers.
art' 111 ;l l\ in),(
li nd Mrs Guv Kib le r IIll d "'ll 1';u ph"lllia (I qu"h "nJ ,II i~" 1 ~ 11i '" ll ,)si" r mot ored l I' incin~ati ,' II I" lil Y, a nd ~ ).l~1I hed uY'1 t h e i'~.o . ~ I I'.
all,1 ~lrs . WlIl AI ·pl" J.( III !' a ll d Mrs. Fl'Illik 1IIIliluitl I IIJ dati): 11 " r , of Nl'\\'wnvill ' . CI 1'111 11 1\\ ~ IUIII) . We I''' week·c l,,1 vi ~ il tJ ' ~ II f ~ Ir . II , " Mrs. Gurdl/n Joy .
. Ir
For Saturday Only. price, SSe
GEMETEAY 111I \, 111~
For Saturday Only &
•• ,....a.__...
Have you tried our
Milk Health Bread~
Greene County Fair. 80t h- It's Educational- 80th Stock ]udging --·Racillg- Displays- Colltesls for Boys . and Girls "
Dellemead Troupe in Living Pictures Earle Sisters with Flying Ladders
Joe Klljoy, Comedy A crobat
Alber t S teele. who li ve.1 near Sliring Va ll ey. diClI a t his home . at·, ter a long illn e s, I"riday afte rnoon. Mr. Steele WI\:I fo rm e rly n r es irte nt of Waynesville. havi ng- kept tho old hot e l, whuro th e library now is. a nd is r e mernhe r ed by t.h e old e r ci t izens I here. He is su r vived by a widow and iille children The funeral wall held. Mouday, at h i ~ lute hom e .
I ~----~I ~
Sund ay . ~c h!)ol every Sunllav at 2:11 p. rn , Regular preaching service eve ry unday at :1:00 p.m . Choir practice Rnd prayer mellting every The vene rable A. I.l Sides dil'd at Wednesday eVllnifllC, 8 very body is his home on Main s treet, Saturday cor dia lly welcomed . evening at 5:45, a fler a . long Illness He wall one o r the pion eer. merchants ~t. Mary 's Church in Waynesville . and was in business. until a few months ago. w hen he Scvl:!uth S unday after Trinlty.Aug, !laId out, his health demandinl{ the B: Sunday School Ilt fJ:30 a . m .; change. Th e tun e ral was held. Tu t!s N o morn ing serv ice. day morning at 10 ,o'clock, from h i~ late h ome, Re v. C. S. Gr!luser, .of M. E. Church Pif\ua. and C rown Lodl{e K of P officiating Interme nt in Miami Su nuay, Au g' 3: Sunday Scho~l. cemetery . 9: 15 u. m ,. F. U. Le l\tny , 8uperlDtenrl.!JIl t. No ser vice In church at . ., . . . 10:30 a. m or at )J m . Union ser· .Mr. Ben Stil es, who was burl ed 111 1vices una er the Chautau q ua tent at Miami ce m ete ry , la~t wee~ .. wa~ a / 10:30 u . m . Dr. J 611y will deliver nephew of th e late Geo.rge St.lles. 111 th e sermon . Hlead of a brothe r. 1 ho . bod y WI~~ Gideon Nelson Jollv. pastor . brought ha re from tho OhiO Mn orllC home. and was accompan ied hy his _ . d augh ter. Miss S tell a S III "8. Supt. Darn. wite !;Ind daugh t l:r. A lIumber of Morrow Masons were presen t . a lso Mr . Geo . Win Aeld. wite an d daug hte r and Mrs Effie Sliles.
- ------
Snyder's Bakery.
If YI)U hlll' t' n t " I.. <'uel y done ",0 , I I(ct II cupy of tht! illu s rat d prugram '
Specials This Week Cann ed Kraut ..... ... .... ~ Canned Pumpkin.. ...... 10c can Canned Hominy .. .. ... .. . Brown Beans, 10 Ibs ....... ... .. 70c Canned Soups, a can .. . -.. .. .... I Oc
!!;~baus SOAPS
Lu urt Sl nl(ers~ you Wi ll huve Ii ~on· i . del'fulcnt rtn l nlt1o;nlllk e th oseg l\'AIl ,~ yea rs agu III th e CU lI,r.t III Humplon l l;1.19t l"be for~Qul'\H1 l::h z belh. ~h 'Y: ' will up,Peur In os tulll e:i of thi S lime. I • and \\'.Ith t heir son~~ ~nd ~kclches I'O U wlll luu gh lind Irke II Dr . la r ence 'al11p bell is t he lee . ture r of this o pening' Jay and his IllC. ture. " The Grillt of Lhe Gods." you will not WlInl t o mi 8. On I"riday . th "real fiCO l ch Hu mori. t COIllt!S wi t h his program o.f go d mu sic bnd r ure humor. He IS • not only t.l"l popular el\lert8in~r. b~t nn a r tist. of fine calibre: With hllll .corr:e ElSIe Apa th y. ' cell !s!. ~nd : [)~ l1Ia EVil ase. sop.rann nn d Plam~~ : t'wo lectu res a re In s lo re for th iS dn\' . One comes from the Red Cross - trJj\h Ambrosia- a mi her coming is of g l'eat interest and value t o , every c(lmmunity . William H . tout will lectu re in the Yoniog-, end brin gs B well balanc ..d lect ure called. "Education in I tht! New Era .. 011 'aturday, a group Qfsix pretty you/lg lad ies will bring a charming program of song. full of dash a nd s pi rit. In the a ftern oon. the second lady le(' t ure r. Sarah Ru sh Parks. will come with a vtgorous and unusual to ry of women's work.. In the evening. "Burns of the Mountains" WIll lell a story that no one ought to miss ( 0 a imple, uIJaffected man ne r and with bis words intensified by p ure English. you will hear one of t he most r e markable stories of achi evement in th e annals of the plnlform . Th e J OB phi n e Dominick Concert Compan y will give you a musical t reat . and. with the humorQus speeches Ht'rbert Leon Cope . you wi ll know. a fte r you have heard him , why he has a pluce of honor on the progrum . On th e lust day . th e Fi~h ting Yank~ will come with good Singing and entertainmen t. and t he brig ht sid e of soldi l'r life . The last and closing !lumber is An thony Eu wer, the "poet of 'the North· West." Take a look at his picture and yo u will want to h~ar him SIl, frum the beginning to t he end , the Chautauq ua Program f or Way nesville. ill (one of the highest clas.q , 90 make you I' arrangemen ts so liS not to miss one of these excellent nu m bers.
R(lgular communicat ion of Wa, neaville Lodge No. 163. F, & A. M. will be held Tuesday evening, Aug Ullt· 5. 1919, at 7:80 o'clock Ther e will be work in the F. C and M. M degreeil . . Visitors a lways welcome S. V . Henk le. W . M . L. A. Zimmerman, See',. _ __
•• _
Thursday, August 7th Featuring Charles Ray in a very good piny,
"Girl Dodger " "Son of a Olfn" ============================~~
Open evenings ':
7 :30 p.m
Saturday evening
7:30 p.m.
.................................................... . . --- _. ,
A fa rm of 40 or 50 acres; with fair improvements.
. Address
J. . P.
1'07 Baltt;nore St.
"THE MAN THAT SHIPS DIRECT IS THE ONE THAT MAKES THE .MOST MONEY," write'! Fred Hauck. of Georgetown. Ohio. " aave known the "Trl-State for 5 ye~r:s and find you on top an d ready to right, any wrong. ,My experience with agent!> . cost me about",10 or $12 . .. I got wise and quit.. I . think the farme, pays the agent."
We Pay the freight aod
per . lb.
Week of July 28th to Aug. 3d . .
. . . TheTrl-State BlltterCo. .. DECIDE TO DEAL , DIRECT
Ol NO"~NA'i' I, OHIO
Write for }I'ree Trial Cane.
We guarantee yoor cream and cans against 1081. The Tri: State price bas bee!, 67c since Ju ly 14th
.. , i i Oc ' ~ND ' ~2Sc THE Se, ' S~ORE .:
. Tuesday. Augus t 5th Fea turing Norma Talm n d ~ I' ill
......0 - - - -
$3 50
At Xenia, .Ohio
----- ..- - -
, c
Creu m P itcher Mu stard ... .... . l 0c Large Cnns Tomatoes .. .: .... .. 20e PUlfcd Wheat and Rice ........ .15c · POll I Tonslies and Kello g hs, 210r · .. · ·...................... ...... 2I)c 'Ri l' CoITee . a pound. Qnly .. .. .. 35c MnLh er' ~ Oats ijtill .............. 12c Good Tie Rroums ...... ...... .. 71)c
5, 6, 7, 8 ~ August I
..-- ----- - --
"Under the Top"
~:I~;;,~I;I;.;~~~;r o~v:lh~ ~tr::rR~nmptlin I~
A ladies' hitching and driv.l ng con ~ The Ferris Wheel Girls, Direct from New Nina, daughte r of Mr . and Mrs . E test. half· tnile heats. best· two in G ray, di<!d at 'he r h ome on Main three, will be one of the race fea II. York Hippodrome I/) s t reet, MondBY morll inl\'. abuut 5 tur.o s of Thu'rsday afternoon at tb e o' clock, a fter Il long ilIne~B of tub er. Montgomery county fair, opening ~ e u losis 'I' hp f unl!rn l' as he lel thi s September 1. People from all part 8 It afte rn oon al '2 ,,'ct,u'k . Ul Ihp Cha" I. of the county will De interested in f, Rev . ·stlw..t IlHJ ' l' l)i'tic i I in if , 4 ACTS. th e automobile s how. to be held I und er the stands August 16 la tb e SPECIAL ON CLEAN EASY SOAP I fi nal day fo r entries in the girls' doMeet all your Friellds the T hill wel!k . mestic science contest. Tblrty dol ' Notice of p()cial 1~]e('tiol1 A 1),)x. ') l1 ly .. ....... ... • lars in ea h prizes will be awarded In WIJI't h $4 00 wholesale. I . th e buys' ami gIrls" s teek judgina I l'lOfh-tt\ is h~!rd.H' (t 1'Utlu t h .. t fI "'),)I''''al ole' Iton "ill I>4l h, hi In IIII' Wa)'". ') """ lIJ' contest. entries for which can be • 51: fo r Ht'ns. 35c for Spril)lre rll. 8('11001 HIli rae. , nrr")\ ('QuuLr, U h ln on mude un til September I. The third , 'l' uMJ,,7' ; A lIl{Uff 12 JUf:t, IV fl'e II ",,1 ,fI'· 141' fO I' Roosters up to Friday I tn", pllU'('''-1II (.110 w\\u&l. \JJ)l'\ uon lih" huur. annual dog' ~how, which each year IIlIon. or ~ ao " ,JI Y"I!:' .It) p, In • to dl~ t.ormlnl has g rown in popularity and numbe r "hoth ran o.<1th(.lfJcnl ta. · I,'\l' l) f t WIJ 1 2 mills m f IrJa fJr "lIl:,ult l. lltll1" rtl t flu l )U r of e ntries. will aJlllin be held. TWQn 1t Paye to Trade at 19 t ~ "h.1I h'" n Hllh.. tur .... honl purrtt.:-tCldln '"Urb ty .fi ve cl1lJl8!'8 have been provided , dl.t rlel. With sepa'rate Qwardtt in each. Dogs R. R. GRIEVE, Sec'y OD~~t'~;~~f 'h.IJ..~u~)' li t". II pOrfn ltln I will be cared for. If not in cblU'l" 0 f ."1.0 ANDERSON, Pres. M. A. B unT "hl~f lIellll l) . I I ,r . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . (I. 'j'. OI(()~H . \Jlllr\< . I '..- - - - " ' ' ' ' - -_ _ _ _ __ _ 1 their owners,
l~ .
Saturday, Augus t 2n d Featuring Fred Stone. ill a g./ l·:.! ), l'lIti lkd
Lytle M. E. Church
The groceries handle our bread Ask for it.
takcn uver. t he coal !,lIsi 'I I ' C~~ [·, rill ' rly owned by Quillcy KiIlA . . l' h u ~ .\larld e ndesiresto /1\' to th ~ While ~1 lt'ndHW I I!f'. rt) cl' I' ! ~ '!1 II ldk " I Il a rve sbu r Itlld ' viCIII !l , " Waynesv llI ... III I h.· 1.11.I\C M"!iI1l , : '1,,1 II, Will k ec~ a gn~d ~LOck or L~~ 1 Valley tJf Oh",. th e hOl/ ll' 0 h l~ d ll hl· ,il lr~r l'l. l ,',)u13 on h ands alld wi ll be ho d. t.lll:' elli t ur IIf . th l Ind", ,, ,,,,I,,nl 81,1 " ;,,>11 . Iud to s u ply thosll n~ed WIlllIII'II'1l1l by u tn '. l1d 'h r uugh \lll~ I . l'~ ull times'" untl 'It r e'I' OIl of the O"l~t Iwau t lful lU ,d well k '1'l II~ ltJ~. ~ . ,,0 et:m cteri.c.~· . that h~ ~.\·ur ~aw lillY" a b " " I..: _~_ . _ ___ ~ , where. It I ~ (i~, HI ')ll(: nt, und lIS Tolling hil)~ alld .. hll Y ddl:; , ~ illding grnv.~ l yn\ lk . it~ mRny b all liCul trees o f ciiv r~ifie,j kind .. cYI'r I I I ' I ll'reen liml decIdu ous. il1 cl u iog S(,InC l of r are !lp ci es of s ymmetrical Iln.d COl I. [{to ut. Burtun of Uclruil i~ ! haml som ~pllearllncc-ull rnad p .11 ' vi:lili~ hl~ relutlves 'here, Uoo' is hard t o reali ze that such a !lp len.hrl i ioukin~ fine uut says the U . c~me.tery w n:; not b~ ck('<l by a lar!!, e Inok ed l11ilC h'ty gnod t o him a rt e~ C! ly IIlstea.d o f JI Village nu uut the : p ndin y '1 Ion r wil le I' in Hu~si a. size o f Oska loosa A sUPl~rllltendcnt ~ ~ ~ I iR m p loyed at a good s alary and il - - - - --comm odious r Riden ee on the grounds W aynesville, O hio pr ovided him . also a reg-u la r wo rk · man ussi tant at a d ni;y wllge and • .11I.ft V~U. dwelling furni shed. and they keep I - ~~.~ Q~n . . Ihe large grounds In the pink of con· ~ij\~naMr. 1d ition. makIng it at this season of I ft.~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!~ ~ the yea r a dream of heauly . Th ,· nssnclRtion has no Indebted ness , but has $ 15 .000 In t he t r easury drawing I Ha rvey burl: r ricnds Church • intere t. whi ch with burials and th e sale o f lot s keeps a vel'ything UP. with Amos Cook, past or . wit-iM - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - = l no assoss mentsorlevi ea. :rhepublic Sun lay . AlI~. 3: Bible School at spirited men who dev ote th eir t im e 10:00 a IT!. Anna Stinso n. supe rin . Ion the board with out compensation wnuent. Publi c Worship an d Preach· d ese rv e t he pral~e of the community in)(. Jl : 0 . III You will be wei· for this crowning featu re of the his· corne at all these services. Com e to rt e old tow n , and certainly they anrl let u worship Jehovah together. receive paym ent fo r th eir serv ices in - - - -- t heir justifiable prid e in Ihis magnifi· Caesnr'~ Creek Frie nds Church ce nt cemetery and In the satisfacti on of knowing th ey have perfo rm ed Su nday Sclwol at thi~ ::hurch eve ry P reaching . such splen did public service - Oskll' Sunday at 10 o'clock. loosa (Kan ) Indepe ndent. servic at II o'c lock II . m . You are _ _ _ ___ - - conlinlly invited t o be prellent. , I
\ . \ '~ ' o ' . _" 'j " ( ' j- ~ j ( I
SOMETHING ABOUT OUR .r ~ H'~ ••• •••••- . - - -••:Ii!-~.~ .. ~~.... ' . i
bou kl e t and reael in detail of lh . ChRll tauqua prOI(r!lIll . and IIee the llicture~ unrl hri",f description (If •
-------~--:--~--~-""'7""':~---:------ -
~ I r~
!·:null. I ,
,\II", r S.. n 'n ·. II l ~ II I' n\, I I~;.: ' · IIlI h 1\1,-, Hlltl M r~ . CI ,tl' .. ,.d 1:"I.( ;)n. f" ,' .. ad, 1111'111 1,," I" I.. ntl Iht'l/ "i 1.,'1> .. 110 11 ' IInri ~Ui'l l rL t , . I III I.rill'·'·; , t tll\
We have machines on hand at' all times and will be pleased to demonstrate their superiority to anyone. We have put i~ a stock of ~e Laval repairs and De L,ava\ Oil and are in a position to look after ·the needs of all users of old De Laval machmes,
A beautiful .White' En~mel T owel Hold'er given aWay Saturday with
Dollar Purchase . . ,
Sped.11It IDBupIu
Call and see them. Tell YQur friends.
AIIHI~ fl• :-.,,'" , -" I)
Mn' }
" I I'Ih 'tlll "l '1' 11
~ i cJ ..J ,' :l ~ ~I" I , 'H IU 1,_ l lUU ' 1I1 ::) ~"h- nll' t . . t :;' l ~~HJ . :,1 ', ·fl P IJ" l~· ,J tl u!'-
lif ,l u lY :!(; , 1~ 1l', 11,; ,: 11 7,1. ~" lIr" . mu ,,(h ~ "",I ~ l ,fll) • • II .· \Va' 1I 1lt! (, f 0
l "nl1 l_ "t I,"'I " V, ' 1' It ,ldll'l l, tllU ' Ahll ,,' " Illi HIX 10 nit h ,- r~ 1'1" ' 1" do,I hili). in dl'.l1 h lIlIl' .•i,II I'I' , ~II" Sfll'fti . 11 II i '11'01 . I~ III€' .,lI h, , u n I, in,! III :lnb" 1 ot ttllS In r g e fu rru ly /I , " .,. ', u ~ ' it·d It , Ii ," l 'rl l,I··'w" j.; Il:(j ·, . ~ , April I ) , Ihli i, \\ i1ll prl" CtlCI I'tl 11111 Ju ly S. WIll. lellv lll ~ unl! d llll ).dli ' I' , M I~ J C lI "w k.. /I r SI,I .." 11.' "" one or Ill<' (,Id ... t bllHille_ Illl'n ill ' his I' iei .nt.\' h '\' In" lip-eli ill II:t, IIg l i ~ lI l( IIr.' l ' lI~ i 9~ r" r 117 Y"'I&"" 11.·l d l it,· ,,/lit:I' "r 1 ,,\\1, ehi ll T' .....lel' a nd Tr<' ~ri ll re r ["r - L'" el'8 l ~ t'UI :I H" "' .. ~ 11 cha ri ,'r nlo "'" ller "' ( ru" u j,(,Ii ):c K. "f 1'. li e W&!l ., lIl ~ rtl lJ..r ., [ I ilL' rv! ,olh(ttl h t Ch u /l·Ii. I I>:v!r w j!'"lI'd /. t II... Ill! of (('II \ d\r ~ I h wus uli t.' d 111 nllHriRII" t·) :Vl ,,,< r ll Mnnl(c" , " ' p. teOl I'l.'r G. HI r;, H tl IUtS IIhrt US everyoTI(:. a l way ~ thus" whv ,Il.e" dcti reau y I I) hili 89si ~t a" 'l' I I ~ hlld been.j' I!l n~ in health l"r: SPrt ~ ti m e . bu IInly cll n It
fln~I U' II~l~ th'l~t~r ~~e 'k ~
!l rliJutr com pI ll Inlflg' WIthout 8Hem hDr UrilIuhIS r: nf;!ve . I~e leav l'~ U \I !fa. on tl aUghl r. fili I'! 51~· tar. n"tl. g rlllldchllJ ren. eiulr t ~r 'It grandch Ild ren. two step SOIll!, Ilflli It larg e cifc leyf friendfl.llOd IIei gl dJllr !l to n lourn hl 8 lOllS
A prtdotl~ ulln (IOIJ1 119 hu I "n l.: , 1\ "Ilk1"".,\ h , lIlIed. A pl",·c I ~ vue 1111 In It u r hOllle . 11'1o1e1t IIO V<' ( ' BIt be fi lle,I
'80d in Ills "I sdo m hU5 ,. cull ed Th e l"It' n His love h tt" gl vell , And !hough Ihe bud)' sltun l, . .. hore , -
SO li I
In 1I.i1 ' ·CII ."
Cllrd of Thinks We w"'h t o thank Crown lodlle K of P . . Mill.'! Mary Salisbury for her beautiful singing , Rev. Grause r for ble kind word R of tlym pathy . alRo the business men for closing durinll the tunpral. Mr McClure and scm . James) and tho fri ends IIno nelij hbo rs f or their klndnC8A durinac our huur of trouble M ra, Amos Si d~l! . M Bml Mre J ohn Hawk,. r The f ollowing letter of condolenet> haa be. n received by Mrs A, B Sid": Dear Madam : We wish to expreell our sIncere regreta ove r the 10. of your dear husband, He w~ well known to many of us for )'eare. and his bUll ness career with this Company was of auch a character t hat we can onl), remember hIm IlII being one of our m l)8t faithful and reliable deale" Many of the employeet' wbo were personally acquainted with him. feel the 1088 of a good friend and an honeet and upright man ; Trusting that you are well . and will be able to bear the 1088, we remain, ' . Yours very truly. International EllarvMter Co • by W. Y. Davia, Branch Manalref.
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY ~----~--~~------.-------------.~----------------~~-----------------------------Whole Number 3542
- - .. Nelll Tue~dllY, August 12th , al. mllst werv schnol district in th l:' ~tltU! " f oliill will have II special a lec lilln : T Ilt' ~t!lte hilS reached B crl~ i. In ed uCllti'lIlu I matters. and unl efl8 the tlXlra two ndl llllvy Is pa88ed ov er the Smith nile pe r cent Illw. mun)' !!Chuols will ha lle to cloae thtll ~doora Even lh", Ulriu SLutll unlv.,rsit),.which diJ not rI'Cd ll(! enOll l{ happr.oprllltion from th e ~t8t O last year. has had eleven IlWmherH o f th e fucult v resign on account or the InaderJuacy f lhelr p3), . At a special meeting of the lloard of Educntion of the - Wayne Town . dhill School Dis trict. II rllllolution w a~ unanimously acioPled to take adva ntllile of the Emergtmcy School Law. knuwn as Sellnle Bi ll No 187. fur th e financial re lie f uf school ditl tric ts . The nllw law provides for an IIddi. tiona I two mill levy fllr one year only Many dietricts in Ohio are having trouble In getting even applicant!!. for the reason of the smallneee of PIlY rull , Other work has been plendfulMd whh~r~U~ PQ ili~ school teachinll', and teachers taking these jobs rather than tryare. to depend upon the schools for their li ving. It ic. a aad atate of affaire and our duty liee at the pOlla next 'Tuesday, when we ahall have to vote for the extra levy In order that our fine school Iyatem shall not be broken down. - - --. - - - - -
with an act ca lling tor the highest ex Pretl8 iOO~Kof mJuscular ~~sc i oH~e. .an d t h e uras. IIpanese uahmc.lIl1{ IIrti6ts, have just been signed by Sec retary 1. L. H~lderman o~ the Montgomery county faIr, QpeDlng Saptember 1, as free attractions to be seen twice Nch afternoon In front of the grandstand8. Thill Is the first time either haa appeared at II county fa ir Many horsemen will compete for the ,1000 epeclal purse offered to the t roltere and pacertl taking the great· eat number of heata during the sea· IOn. Divided SSoo Bnd $200. the money will go equally to 'trotters alrd pacers , Farm displaYA thla year will com· ~te for prizes totalling 1750, divided equally between the various town ~ hips in first and tlccond prizes of $30 and $20. Wednesday will be children's day, when those from the schools of the 'county will be admItted free ,
- - -.. ....---
LOOK, WAIT 'AND lISTENI For the play of "Trouble In Turkey Trot Church: ' to be given , August 9. 1919. lit the Town Hall. dar· veYllliur!{, Ohio , Don't mi88 it, as it Is one ot the mopt enjoyable plays ever pub\i3h ed lind I dare aay 80me of the most attractive characters YOIl wlah t o see This play has been given four times In the city of Day · ton . so you see It must be one that please• . An orch"strll of string music will entertaill you between acta, al80 aood Finglng in the play . ~'ntllrtainment given for the beno· fit of Euclid Ave A M. E church Supper fuml8hed for the b.·neftt of tilt' HarveYlburg A M E . church . OilY ton committee-Alice R Scott. "rll Walton and R6IV H. H. UptheII'fOVI'. pilat or Hal vey ~ hurlZ' commlttee-Z 0 n a Edon.Adalnaler and ' ula Dlckereon
TIll' \ -Ielofl' nlflUtBUlJUU. for 1 ~1 CUllle Iln d Ilon Fille dflY~ we hll ol "i' It ::illm pf tlte be~t t illen t l !:al e"dl! he I,Cll ttcn on t he mURk .. 1 all<1 ICt:~ ur ·· v lat form we re h !~ r e and .. 1I 1.!rl ltillerl lite pt~op l o bot h IIi· t" rHl)o!n allti eV<' lIing . and . a l: houJ.(h the Ilel' p le II 101 nu t re pu nr!' fI~ t h" v 8htJUld ; t h o~e whl, ·d id I(tJ were "X j I r"/'llely wcll pi 'IIKed 'I'hi , I f. th e RPco nrl yeR r fur t he ( ' hhUtJII'I!UIL. " rid hy th' WilY t he li ck"b Wen, el i. 1II '~l·d of ::!unrln y ('v · eninl(. I hl'r .. " ill I.. , "nn l her I1 l1e he re n xt yeH r . fl y iJ",,, pl e I( u!\la "teeing lh" numh,· r I,f ti cket s l hev wantecl for t h" cumin$( yellr . th~ rp were l'110 UI:h plcdJ{ud . fur u 1\) 20 Chautnu ' II 11. A number of tickets were plt:llged Mon(h ,y ev ellh,s,r. which 11~ · t - - -- ~:::I1t1~~~~ ~st::::~~H ~ u r edl)' PU l9 t h t.! p l edge~ over th ~ Tho), BOld lht' WOWOD'S Lllnct 11 r Ot)' of Wlir ti lL / wUo 6 r (l lI ere IA Ju8t ..o...... pn-r-'-I)-,·-t-hel i l ·p- or()"'lOp by Q g oou tIlll jor lty . 110 mld_D with tbelr " Irl ck clothCl<" Rho ,vlng oIT ><'\ 0 III Run , nll n nO ' w '!l lhor or 11 b UB)' 8Oru!On Tb l& There wa s not u. wea k spot III the tclC!.f'e \11188 takeu III Uleter OO UUL)' N w York . lUI .lI E" Ca r morNlu,> kl ocked orr t Ol' 8 day \4) e DlenAiU, program for lhe whule five clay ~ Governor ano Mre.. Altrco SWlth 01 thnl statu. o ov SWI I b IS IC8Uo g spr ing walor trow the 0\0 pump E very entertai llment was bril!'ht and 'hie fanneretl.ell "'11\ li4"e u bum per cro~Q"t1ll,e tllr lll this "oar spark lin!! the entertBin e l 8 and lee · beinl:( of the high e~t class .and =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IIlrers t he re were n o idle momenttl. each ----L --·--_ '·-P. I entertllinm en t beillg well worth lh e _ vrice of admission . Th e Coit· Alber sll rv lce was all that O co u ld b e d e~i red . T he su P"rintentl · cnt . Mr . Powers. nnd his crow, made everybody feel Bt home the moment Eli:I.a Davill, nllughter of Samuel they entered the ten t. ani! t huy were and Jane DaviH. waB born in Cler. so co urteo us and obliginl{ thnt they mont Co unty. Janu ary . 17. 18q3 and made f ri ends at nnt:e Vote for the echolll two C ot levy. d purted t h is life lit. he r home in Fri day Ill::> l wa~ the birthd ay IIfIlli · Altoge the r. th e tlff'li r WIl 8 a huge n il'arsa ry of Mr• . Adam Stoops, a lld tlU~C ~SS . unci the bu rea u guara ntees L. A. Zimmerman wile In Columbus Wayn esville , Augu,Bt 1, 19HJ. at the her fami l)' did not forget it , Mr. U i!(roup of hiKh clRSS (In terlainera MondllY , aJ vanced age of 70 ycars. 6 months lind Mrs. J as . Stoopa and 8011. for next .lieuI' . I and 14 duys Holmes. of VanWert, and Dr. and OfTicerA f or next yea r are : Dr Delln Stanley was a business vis· , ' he! wus marriod to James Miranda Mrs. Witham , of Kln,,1 Mille, were J . T. Ellia . president·; W N Sears. It h M d f . " prest!nt and made their m()th~r. and or ere. on ay . , Sepl mbe r 7. I b64 . at East Walnut IIlso their father feel better for their secretary; J .O Cartwrigh t , trea. urer. The g ene ral committee wil l not be , ' H ilI by Ht!v . /j , F' Harmon . Forr visi t . • named until lat er Dr . Dill , Osteop.a th 21 S. Hroad- , c hi I Jr~Il'We r e born to t hem, three of . _ _ __ _ __ h a~
--~ ---~ -C --'--1 NmJ -·-·-L~J
way . Lebanon. OhIO. wh om. I \llCI dl,lug hters and one son. '. are IC.l l to mourn the ir r epara ble Mr , and Mrs. Clarenco.l:lentiey at· , lo~ o { a rltlVll ted mother, the hus· t ended the Jameetown. fa ll' last week , J bund and OUIl hll yi ng prej:ed ed her in . d '11th dey T\l1 year. Oli{ . Mr and Mrs . R. E. DaVIS Ilnd son. A.. till! Ilbl of nftl!en. she united of D~yton, were week· end gue~ts M \Vith th .. O,d DUCK Creek BnJl tis l Ch urch, of , whlc shl! r emained a relatives. !nelll~~f unti l cumzng' to W~yneslll.l le Mrs Earl Evans a nd Mrs . C. W. In l ,uu. ~n 1 ~70. she \ tcd With Gordon were Xenia visitors, las t t ite Cl rrI~tl~n CllU rch dU r! nll the pas· Wednesday . to ~ut{> of I,ev .. l Iwwles 1:ihaw, there bei ng no uJ)ll l church IH: re at that County Superintendent of Schools t im!>, but for eevcra l year past. ow· Harrie. of Jo'ranklln, was in town on ID g to I!I health. hli.i .been unub le t o bU8lnesa. Tuesday . . ull;l1d Its ~m l~d s~r lells .. ::;he ha,; Ilveu here . Ill ce April. Mr. and Mra. F. E Sherwood a nd 180?, with the exceptI on of sho~t family. of Columbus. spent the week· pe riods ~t Hurve\l;uurl{, Oregonia end here with relativC8. nn d t ho l elegniph 1,1119. Altho ugb h~r lust Illness ha! bee.n Rev . and Mrs. J. F . Cadwallader uf long d uration. she has uo rne It are attending the funeral of PeircCl brav!!ly and was al \ ays bopi ng that he r strength Wl uld re t urn to her , Cal1 wallader al Cincinnati .. t od ay . A. few weeks ago, a . cha ng" curn e , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartsock , of Rhe g r ew worse rapi dly until the Milford. spent the week· end here. feeb le body could nu longer with· lind attended Chautauqua. Sunday . stand th e ravages t disease., Dnd the w IIr~ so u l r!!lurn ed ,t o the God who MI. Henrietta McKinsey. who has gave It, She was a dev oted molher. 11 kind been attending Miami University f or neighbo r and true fri end. Besides the past Ilx weeki. came home, Sun· her children. ~h a lea ves two sisters day . a~d one brothe r to m ou rn ho r loss , no to the polls next Tuesdav and " Oh, .. h), .h"uld III.IIIM)'. ,·tiltu with l!luuJu , vote for the advancement of the Alld likt a . or ro \'\' f n~ mou rnc t crapcd, achool iYltem by voting tor the two Sit wee pI ng O'CI 11I 1 eIlJPI)' lomb. cent levy .
MADE AVERY EffiCIENT CLERK Monday m~rnlnlr, Dan Bone. Clerk If CourLA of Warren Olullly. 8tepped lown lind Ollt, having given hl9 ~ounty a lonll 'a nd an exceedingly efficient aervice It will be pRsuln, ~tranKe tn tinter the court h l' U ~t' lin' not he greeten hy f)lIn 111'1 11 f'. who '\Iways milt you with II Rmil.· . 11 word ,'f chl',,' aOlI 8 ht'lIrty Irr>n,1 >h"k.! Thnlle whn hurl hup inl'~ ': '" tra nl' Met at the County Clt!rk'~ IItJi Cl', s '. ",avlcame ,,",a , ·,,' It~ t 'l t ' ''ieh tht!~ waiated to how. r".r I " had tneoffic, ,10 ·.n t .. hie fi 1: lIt!rs' tlpa. . Mr. lJ .'nf' hill! {rOl" WI h the R L DollillllM ('0l:t rp:tn)', an d. with hl~ larlre 8C'Qunllltal:ce III th ... ~ounty. hI' ,,111 be IIbl~ to buil.! n fI, :1' buelnfllN! for the comr"I!'Y and h i m~alt. Gllod luck. DaDI
MOIl 01 Alba,." ... a-er'. ~. yoan In cous- u reptelleDtath'. from Sootb CiuooUna ha,e beIlD epanl hi deallft, . .ttl _9Mem aloD, A8I'IctlItlU'as UIII6 -:"'or .... W. ,b roan b. bat beeI! ChaIrmllll ot the Roue OOIIimluee oa acrtcultura R, bat Dcnr _~. to beeome I lDember o. lb. Pu1a ~ Board Botb ReJ)tlU\1eUII
;,;4,=,cr.: P,I4 ~ ~'Il- •
---.. - ..---
A Governor Visits W om~~n Lanq Anny Workers
---... ..---
YEARLY MEETING OF HICKSITE FRIENDS The yearl, meeUn~ of the Friend. will be held a.t thalr Mt!f'tlna HOI,lIe eommencina Friday morning Sey. eral epeaken from diffel'f'nt earl IIMIetinp will be preaent All theee IIJIftken are promillent In theFrlenda r::~' and a ·loud rneeUDa 18 antic-
W I,"se c ~p lh-. hn s ",;"aped ?
Jesse Bak e r and family. of Pleas· "The joys we I" l'e n' e b"t ' u,ecutl . " li d \\'Q sho ll filld r tlt;m .. II O IlCO mor• . ant Plain. epent the week-end with Ihelr varents. Mr. and Mr8 . W. J w. I "u~ heil , "d .. . / 0 ' I h(> pBS\, Bul I,, ' 'lis nil bdO I". " Baker. of Corwin. C AR D OF T I{.\NI(S .
The Mlaaes Ruth and Irma Harris. We wish to thank lO u r fr iel1lls anll of Dayton. who have been viditlng Mrs Alicll McKln8ey. returned to ne ighbnrs fur tite k indness a nd sym · pathy !l11l1wn us dU'ri ng the 111111:' ~ their home. Sunday evaning . lind Ii a th uf ' (l ur beloveci mo ther. I ' N. Mille r. the vele ran 'f ruil t rec M r~ J a mes Miranda; t o Rev. Cad. man. II again on the j ob. and ne wi ll wfl llade r fnr hi d consollnll' words; t o tell you only first·c11l88 stock In the Mr . Walt er McClu r e a nd 80n f or thlolr e tficlent way in condu cting t he nllnery line. Call on him . 13 funeral. Phebe Miranda. Mr. a nd Mrs Chaa. Shutts. MI. and Mrs. G. C. Marston lind c ',lIdren, of Springfield . and MIs.q "'arjor, McK ean. of. Sandu~ky. are ~ol. . ta of Mr. and M ra Floyrl McKean. Wew lll hRve a lot of the f amou s Flrastone Autotnouile Ti res in 1I0m e lime this week , AO don't for got l o wait f or thl'm . DIIIl 't huy Rom e thinll "just os g ood," but wait ·for the Firestone. H , E. Earn ha r t . Mr. ane! Mra James Shivelle, of Wllmlnlltoll, vhlited M ilrlred EIIglp, of Harveyaburp:. on August 3.11)19. Mr Shivplle is a n ampl yee of thlFederal Reserve flll nk . of Cleveland , Ohio. unn hal! j UHt recently rllturned home from an exlended t rip ove r Ohio . .
The twenty· fifth annual reuni on ot the SImpson family W811 held August 2nd at its usual place of gathering the l)leasant home of Mr. and Mrs: Dela ney Carter. near New Burling. ton Of the thirteen children. all answered to the roll· call. except the two sons li ving in Chicago, Th e children . grandchildren and great grbndchlldren. togethe r with 125 r elatives and friends. enj oyed a most deligh tful day with their dear old m other. Mrs, Amanda Simpson , A t ouching, yet Interesting , p rogram WB8 rendered in the forenoon and . after partaking of a sumptuouH spread at the noon hour. the after. noon ball g ame and running contes ts of the ju niors and a general good 80 cial t ime wus enjo)'ed by all. Out. of. town guests were Miss Hebecca Daw80n and Miss Faulkner uf Ch i. ellgo. Miss Li zzie Phinoedoi'. of Lo n. d on. and others frl>m Springfield, Xenia an d near. by t owns. Our lives are largely mad e u p of, memories and we ahall love , through the com : Ing years. t o loo k back to these r eo uni ons as Bunny spots amid the lights and shadows CJf the past.
Miss N ellie and Mr. Claude Riggs entertained the Light Bearere an d Willi ng Worll ars clMses. Thursday evening, Ju ly 31. In spite of th e rain, seve ral wer e present and a fi ne program was rend e red . Mrs. Clara Thomlll! read Q few very Interesting leltors f r om he r ~o n, Homer. who is in Cannda . Mr!!. Jennie Thomas gave an interesting talk to the ~1B88, bringing several good points for each and everyone . Mr . Cillud e Higgs played a lIery pretty pi8no 8010. after whic h the teacher of lhe L. B. clll98 gave a talk. At a lute hou r. Ice cream and three kinds of cllke we re ser ved . Victrola and plano music and ail1glng were enjoyed by all during the evening. Those wlio enjoyed th e eveninlr were: Mr. a nd Mrs . Romo Higgs. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Murphy, Mr. and Mrs . Chas Rudduck . Mr, and Mrs Perr, ThomllS. Mr and Mrs. Frank Wrhrht. Mi8~es Mae Wright. Ruth Murray, l!:di t h Gibbon. Gertrude and Alice Hunter. Marg aret Thomas, Nellie Rigg s , Mildreu Roblnson .a ni M688rB, Carl Thomas. Ca rl Wright, Russell Murray, Howard No r rl ·. Henry MU l pl-ty. Do nald Hllr nisli. fe r nlngton P;dgilIKt911, I:l ubu r Th(J UlBs, Levi Luhn~ . HOT c Itud.lllck, Claude Riggs. Kilnn t!t h H oust on And Paul Wrigh t.
I i R lll 'l Quarterly Meetilll( o f ..... - -~' ri e nd ~ \ 'ill he helt! at th e r,uell8r ' ~ Creek ricnd it Chu rc:h . frlda v, Rat· urduy Il nd ;)u ndny , A ugu til. 9 nnd 10 M urrnv S , i{ N IY.'orth. [leneral 9ccretary t\f the Wil,mington Yearly M e(>till~ . will be preHent. Th e nlb l" School Union will meet Sund ay after · Remember, the echool two cent noon a t 2:~ o.clock. and will be ad · levv, Vote for it, and keep our dre8sed by Mr Ken wor thy . IIchools to a hil{h standard.
. Every owner of an automobile is requested by the War Stamp Committee. to join the procession at Lebanon, at 8 :30 a m., August 11th, for a pa~ade around the :county: Please decorate your ' machines and with Band~ Glee Club and other mterestu;,tg features together with the following speakers : Col. Galbra'i th, of Cindi'IDati, J. Marshall Mulford: S. S. Tibbal1s, F. L. Cutting, Judge Wright, Judge' Hamilton, Major McCrea!y, Postmaster McCarthy. Frank Anderson and others. We expect to follow the foUowmg itinerary with Que hundred machines : ' . Lebanon .. , . . 8:30 a. m. Pleasant Plain ... . . 10:45 a. Mason... ... 9 : 00 a. ,m. Morrow . ..... .. ... 11 :30 a. Foster .... ; . '. 9 :30 a. m. Washington Tp. f[. 1: 00 p. Maineville .... 10: 00 a. m. Harveysburg; . . . .. 2: 00 p. _ . ,
H. H. HaJDilton. C~ltman
m., WAYNESVILLE3 :00 p. m. Lytle .......... 4:00 p. m. Springboro ..... .4: 30 p. m. Franklin ....•... 5 :00 p.
WAR STAMP COMMITTEE C. L. alias Oglesbee
m m. m. m.
, Jos, Haines was found desd in his bed.Sunday mornin g about ·9 o' clock On S{lturday. when he was at his f a rm. he hurt hill hand sever ely. and on on Sunday m ornin g hi s wife thought ahe would.l et him s leep and did not arOURe bim at his usual time. Later 8he went to arouse him . and she f ound that he waa dead . The coron pr was notifi ed and he fo und that death had r es ulted fr om paralysis of the heart. d ue to the shock ot his accident. Mr. Haines was 1\ r e tired fa·rrner. and has lived In town for the past six or sellon years . , The funeral will be held at his late residence. Thursday morning at 10:80 o·cl ock. Rev . J . F . Cadwallder of·
---_. --_.- --
fi~ lating .
" I'I,c 0 ,.1 ,1,,, t;B las ",e " opened wide. r\ ~I!ot l " y , il.e J rliel. ' Com¥,· Am I a llRc l, I,rlm till OI lier .ide 1\ eko m td o u r love. aile h. me ."
Nina Elizabeth. daughter of Elan W, and Co ra M. Grey , was born at Harvt>ys hurll. Warren Co unty. Ohio. Augu st 23. -1902. and died Ilt h er I.... mp. in WAynesville. Ju ly 28.191!) !llfed IIi y ears. 11 months and 5 daYil . ;0;11 1:1 ~ p oJ nt he r 'ear ly childhood days in 's "l a round Hu. rveysb urg . I;lxcept· iug " ' " ort time which wn~' sptlnt In lhe ' Init ieR of Hl!d Li on un d Olive About 7 years ago she Brh r '.~J mo l' d wi th he r JlSrent9 to Waynes. Vill e , wher e ~ he h aS ~ inc e m ade her hum • . Sh,o was of a quiet d lRp081tion , whl n. wi th her kiml an d ~Y 01r.a thet l~ way. gained fo r her III ny frJ er,dd A g r ellt lover of !low'rs. ~he pun l !'Rany ho urs a mong her he was kind to t he coll ec ti on li ttle ones. al ways r eod y to IIsten-to lheir little t r oublell Bnd make them her own, and many II. littl e heart hilS heen mauu glad by Ninu's kind word .. and hel p . S he 110'111 ho sadl y mis.'led by the mallY little frienlls ahe made during ho r brier Ii fe. NOller 8 rob u ~ t child, her health beglln t o tail about a year a go . and, althoug h loving hands did all that cou lcl bu d one , s he laded day by .day until her "'red spirit passed away. t iod. In I:l is wisdom , doeth all thlngll well. snd H il has only ta ken thIs fair blossom. to bloom In His Heavenly Kingdom. where sbe will m eet the little sister, irma Marie. who prG· ceded her. February 10 , 1910 . As ' sh e grew weaker. she often talked of the soldier brother acroaa the sea. and longed for his return. Only a short time after his return, was she allowed to remaIn , and Her· man will g reatly ml es the loving lIister. whose companion he WBS , Elei. and Har old will long for sister, who was always r endy to help lhem In thei r phlY or s tudy . Her place can never ue filled, l1'uther and mother will long for their dea r one. w hose Iighten~ many a willi ng hund hurden . and whose king '/Vorda lind cheery ~mile made many a dark hour brigh t. . Sho leaves a father. mother. two h rothors. one elster. one grandmother tOl(cther with a lar ge cirelli' of rela· ti ves an d friend! to mourn their 1088. Our Ios.~ iii her gain. and she has only gone on before. t o greet us when we rE'lich the shining shore, where parting never comes . " It i. sa d Ihnt Doe we eheri.b. . hould be 10 ken from o ur home, Bul t l,< ID y l tl mt do 0 01 ~rI.b , Lire in m ....or' alone . All .lte reu r. --e 'YI opent tog. llre r. All I he hap py. gold.o houri. Shull be cherishert IB r~m.mbraDce . Pl ugm nuweetslrom memory'. flo,,~"
-E, C, CABO OF THAN itS. We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness to ue In our late bereavement. for the beautiful flowers. Rev . Cadwallader for hie conllOl· ing word. . Aleo Walter and James McClure for the efficient manner in which they conducted the funeral. . mlan Grey -and Family.
.. - ...---
Mrs . Elizil Miranda died Bt her home. Friday morning IoIt 3 o·c1ock. after 11 long and painfulilineas. The funeral WQ S hold Monday afternoon from her late home . Hev. Cadwalla· Every member of the J unlor Order der officiating. Interment In MI: In t his vicinity IR urgent ly requested ami cemetery . to be present at the regular meetinl ot Miami Valley Council next Friday Peirce J . Cadwallade r died at Chi· evening. August 8th. Matters wilL cago. very Buddenly. Friday evening b e brought before the meeting,whlch He was en route to California. where a re of the utmost Importance to all he was going on account ot hil health, m embers of the Order. whether when he WB8 taken Buddenly wor~e affiliated with the local Council or not at Chicago. where he died ' 8hortly after atopplng there. The body was Ihlpptld to his home In Cincinnati. and the funeralla held this afterno'on at U o·clock. In Spring Grove chapel , Cincinnati. Rev. J. F , Cadwallader officIating. Mr. Cadwallader was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs Andrew Cadwallader. or MorrolV, and was well known ha re , He was an attorriey of some note In Cinein· nllti. and belonged to the Jo'rlencts' Church.
ATTENDANCE IS OVER THE TOP The MiamI Valley Ohautauqua has certainly "come baok" to its oldtime popularity and gone way "over the top" wIth the gratifying results of the largest attendance In ten years. Morning hour sessions con. ducted by Gypsy Smith and Dr, H . (i E Cope, dally band concetlll and the very beat numbera of the excellent program yet to come as the follow· Ing achedules will show : Friday morning. August 8-"The v Sunday School and Democracy," Dr, Cope; Address. Gypsy Smith After ' noon-Prelude, Alice' Shrode, the ~~~.~ child wonder; addrees. Dr. G W. . d ....._ ...... __ •. ,. Bunton. Evening - Allee Shrode, . Bure t1M11 tao como baclL WIt,. whistler and reader. . 1Kl8tI "KItS" Gkla8un. maoacer 01 Saturday, morning. Atlgust 9 the CblcagO White Spa tuI\\ kub "The College and UnIversity and thu JeDD~ 0" tbe De\o00&a ,... New ~Ial Order." Dr Cope. Af. prs. ''Walda Detl'Ol'. .. tIUeternoon-Dllde Jubilees, addre~8, ball', .-eet ~ Gvpsy Smith. Evening. Ban'd ilon· Jenolnp who . won ... cert; Dixie JubUeea, er&l ,&a1'8 ~ . . .... Sunday momlnw. AUIUlt 10-Sun· other anat Ul6m .... Mr. day-School; aermon, GJpey Sm~tb. . Tr OGbb. Ol~ _ _~ COIUIb and dIeD . . . . . . _ .• Afteraoon-DlzleJubUee; HOD, WII. llam Howard Taft. 8ubjeat, "Leape baell fA) pliO' lIl\ww. _ DOIUI8 " Pante" 0 • . . . , . . of Nations." Evening-Band con.
A.B.Kauffman cert; DWe Jllbl_. .
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Glasses Pi tt.. d
A Sweater Smocl
lOor~ IL\T I':
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TI'FFANY'S II . t Optical Ullpurlmt'nt S . Ulllr"it 't. X" n ill, Oh io
0 1"'11 l' v illli ll~S hy UIIl'·,lIlt rYll' rtl • ..........................
I ~~--------------~--e. v . ni\J.lNH.t\~T. Notary Puhllc
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Walter McClure
co1lJrt' rt
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a f nel nnd lue looks 10 n glrrt l of l'ln k rlh ho u
Waynesville, Ohio
and }o"rcn c h flow .. "'" tor 1t8 co lorItllt 81111 It I..
Its Thl 6 mod 0 I, l/l a u g h ·Iato In tho sell8On. 19 6 tore runnor ' at ' 0211
Equipped fo~ Good Service. La rgcDisplay noom
rro8 hn cR~ .
\Vo ID"n enId throo rears nliO thnt lh ewna lcr " wou ld not iI'~ I. " but ouch noW een&on 6n.d.s tho comfy .!wool k nll tod In DOme OCW fo r m Thl. now t all modo l t or tbe IImt cool dn y" 1:1 In cr brh; ht raRe . lw,le In .moell mod o l hnd with monk'8 oowl COllllf Tho nlfl v 'l ult o n Ihl' 1"1 ' oh(lw~ Ihn r uturn o r t he .. hart s kirt nflel' a f w wook. · n bRene r . th o
On o II\\\Y woar thin thlnRs to k Mlp cool In IM o July and AURU.thut 011 11 o n" h o r eR lrlcl Ild from th inking IIlbout h env lor garmont&-rl m t h lnl s 01 !nll nod wlOle r . StylI) m nker" .how U'ORO two rn odo l8 l or 111 0 n .... 1 coo l dll)'S-- toolball y Mull th o you ng oo-od think s. A lou h of lur I. H\1 1l wltlt U8. with wool lliar mon l s In a new oxford sray bOlng " Ory m u eh to vo r cd COl' suits.
!Jil es:
l."i... .
tID dill rIIIIIt of
Veterlnarv PLAN M ECHA NICAl 'EXH IBIT6 AS B IG AID TO FARMERS OraduBtc Ohl{' ~ht t, I 'OIl'Prll' Ono uf lit., 1011.1 ImrortlUlt nod help. fill 1'10 " • •·, " I Ihe Oh io a ll\! Fnl r U10 111 "1 "" wI< III .\ IIA\: ' t w ill h. · th,' rtl ~ r lnr of m:\I' hil l" !'), and Im ll" lIJontg "'<II l rl h 4Ir""'. (H'nr Ty lor Ilo"llllI"fI to ""'jllllittl till II ,.. , - ' ti d c ity
H . W . l vhlf , Ildtnr .. VB U. O. J o nes, M nJ. Dl8tribn~l on o f pr oooe ds uf Rale o rd erod.
PrDbntc ('(lurt Proceedings In t h 6 01" U,' r o f Adllm LJI'nhnllor. Plliio t.loo. f Ol r IldmisslOn o f ~ tlolUe til ' h o Dll y 'nn Btl1tu H ospltll i. IS r"" I'I~I II " ,,' 11 the 1Il0,t HIP'!' r l, 1 )' \'I1~. Telephont' !l:i me de. Tw o I ,!f l" h , lis wi th '8 t"t,d III In the stdo of Mli ry J. Keeve r, ~Q\ltl r" ft "'1 li n ~ l ttl Qt 1\ II I tb u 00 WAyn e~" lIl e . Ohio d eoOllsed Tllltd accouot I. "II nr "r l it,· .r tllnl f\~ and II' IIPo d for .. h ,I, '1,l lI" ( I II g hl tl'\ <'hltl ry unll pr ove.. . , I :> It" I, ultmal 11)11' omellt l'. In '·litl (l tll'e of Al.lhl" E f llnoe, 1111:1 I n,' l III"" till' hn ll • . ho uv y d~06n~!ld . FIr" \ . IIDd finn l aoooul\t 1III I' hi li 1' )" . uch ns VllotO",. Lrllcllon . Is apprt> ved. on~ltlf'''' ~n\\' mill s, roolc crll sllon. Read Gazette's Classllied Ads In cstn.te o f J ~lIao WIJ ~OD, de . lime l' uh' orA , bn lor 6 nnd tbreMhlDa coosed . Firs' and fiulIl accoont 18 m .. r.hLnnrv. will be sbo wn . .
. nAY 011 NI GIIT
Dr. J. A . McCoy,
l ifitl t1l1lt Inl' 81On .. "'IIII.. j llrlll('l' I It' ll to hllll pve nwultl'd me fmlll " p it I"'It lilliI'll O\\,II Y, wh ere n 110",",. n r. IH lit e cIIll.ln of IIII' mo n 1 fl nl' q\l" "I~ "f IIrnn ll,' h ull h r. 'n rou nd. , <'X I)t'I'!<'{I to ' "N.'t. unl I IIf' I,0 II II' f'n<'rn Y I T \\'o mll.'R, "'·("mllnll' to n ornOR' Qol~k 14lf Ilt p hfllnc h of Ih o h'Hls., t !tnl 1 '1 (,lI lclll ntlt tn", \\'fl llid I,rlnll Ill l' pll ('I" ~(' I ",olll<l Rl' rve. Do not n~k lIle l" "Il l-' II') till' , w Hh ,'r n h'Htnclury of ii i!! Curtis ",or ..." I pr"r, ' ny Ll nll uh,I ... I dlco' CII), "n II IInl1 "\' lIlIr sympnlh lc/l or£' \\,11) , Ilt r (' ItI w ill! 110 1' Ill, lm \\'h" r" h t:! und R\)rouse l ('nto' IIIIII'!!, tI ll' rrln c."" IIrl' "1'1',,,",11 1 "'ntrrM th TIlI' n(lo \\' n til(' h rJ;lnn log Is thnl purt of Sprousll's story truer ' ',f th Ir IH!\'nnco upon Qr N'n PUlley. "Yes." 'fho t h r'h .,; l h.\ " ""l\ lh.,y Wl!r 1I0W ". \nd 'O 'Oow<11" quito ('10,'(' t o tI .. ' sluko 'lIl1 l1 r ldor t"nQO "O')'f)'Wd IN notl-l';ngIlRIt , Mr. numel!, "I ng I0 you. ne ~"II'lfllll • II" Irtl Ililltl fro m tlmt It tltat convtly~ 1111 ),10, tI't l hn {U lm rt' 011 tll~ Il()rl h . i ll oot l'rl'.GertJllln." " n onrl ," Ill' ~u l tl. moro to ' ,Imself "W n~tI' l It I,,('tty ris ky f hr YOIl to thnn f) h, r. " I III 'j.:lo t n SI" I\ ~ht, Are cllrry th o Cr()wn , <,weiR nro llnrt In B Autliol Ill' "eRA USTARK." "THE ,oU nfr hhl to r,' muln h e r e w hil e I 110 trn" cll nl~ h ll J(. MI ~ f'llIIl eron1" ~,,'m tll(> re f or n look nr ound ? I "l .MUPPU~~ f:<l. ]t. tume" o ul. h"",,;HOLLOW OF HER HAND:' "THE shn'n't he 'g !\C more thll n a couple or IlV r. thllt It WIIA thll ~lIf('~t, Burest )'PRINCE OF CRAUSTARK." ETC. mlnut('6." wny. I hnd lI\('m In my IJQ~RI'RR l o n t or "Th,' way 1 rl!ll\ lit prt1s nt," s ho threo dlllYS I",tore oomln/r t o Qr C<'n snltl. J I'klly, "I s hl!1I uever, n(Jver from t' llrtI'Y. No Oil\! flU~(lected . I wnR to th is IORtllnl till Ihll h Ollr In which I delive r th 10 to ODO of tllllir rl~htflll d ie, lot go at you r cool-tolll!, Mr. Qwnors, Mr. Bllm el'i-1\ loyal prln('e a t Durnes." Suitin g the octlon to lhe th blood," word, h er Ongcrs r 80luloly tll~ten ed, "Jlut w h y h er o'" 110 III HI~led . "OIlIl Joo-manage \O-Wftlll 8 limp. URe WII 8 t o toke the m Into Conoda. wayr be rnsPed.. "GIve me )lour bond, ~rn ~ .' ollr ptl'l"~, Til" 1,or,I only knowA not upon t h tull of his cout but u pon his s tu N1y 0 rm. "I would u't stoy b eN) oilll lhuncQ, In )(ood tllDf', to tho pnlllce and follow 88 d~ to my b eeiA I\B you wlont WI' mlJ:ht hlUllrl ~ r IIlI O." nluuo fo r u nythlng In Ihe worM ." of his nn C(!RlOrR,an. Better that 1 should bump Into "I think th p o nly RI' n ~ lh l e Ihlng to "HeRve n bless you," ho exclnlm ed, "1 nm 10 ll n"e r~tnn (l , thon, thot not IhtnJtll thaD fOtl. Of do, Mr. BUrlII's, 18 to mllko ours~ lvell ShoutA were now b e nrel, nnd Ilhrtll Of! BIItlJr nnd ' eomtorlnbl OB w e CUD lIu<1""llly t'XRHed. "A od, s ince you put \ only plU hut tht! cu mmltt ee you RprBk blut.a on • pollee wblstle split the air. lind wnlt for U10 first signs ot doy- It thnt 'my, 1 ~bn\l "I,,·oss contrive to of. fell Int.o B cnreru\ly prl'Jlnre<1 I rnp_ Th e tro'l lI'lw ry, th"rurore , hlld Its Inb e within arm'H hmgth ." OD they lItumbled, blindly. r~ck l cs90 hrenk." And R(}, t OIlf'thcr, they v entured c.,pll l)n In th" loynl ne~t. You were beIf: Bo ,pored ber mnny an Injury hy De scowled-nnel WlIS glud thnt It tnktng It hlmaeIJ. Hore thon once Bite WitS too dllrk for Iter t o s~'(' hl R (u~e. alo ng the " '\1(0 of I h£' pit until they trnycd hOY n frl ,,,"I." "I nl11 ~ll rp It," Ilhc 8tlld hltterly. .unnuNd II)'lDpathj when he crnRh f'd H e wonllt'rNI If sho fully IIpprc~nlcd r cnche!1 the wogon r ond (It Ih o bottom. Into. tree or fiollndered over . a log. . whut woultl hUPPl!1l to llilll If the pur- As h e Itn.l expccled, Ih er o wus n r um- "If thl ~ mun Sprouse does oot s uetJtterl, at _, lie wee now gueB8I ng at flu e rll como upon him In UIls t orhlt!- IIhn rlde ~hro Ilnrd hy. It WIIS n ot Clled In ,.'storlng lh (;-()h, I hell evo 1 the IlOUlII6 thaT were takln,. Wbe ther din g spot. no cu ulll ulm o~ l Illctu r o hIe ntuch o f u 1llllce. hut It WIt H deserted Ah u\l hili lIIyse lf, Mr. nnrnm.." Th !! wall. of nnl(uls h In her voice their tnmUc 4a8h WB8 lending them OWI1 budy lying Ul e r u IIntong th(l r ocks nnd 0 IXlf,' shl!ltc r tor lhe mmu cnt. A w orkllllm's bench loy on Its Rldll In wen l Btrnl g ht to Itls heart. to'll'lU'lt tile Tavern, or wbother they and rotting, wit lie IIh e--well, she d",UDC bad!: to OrOOD Foncy, 100 would mer Iy go buck to Grec n th(' O1ld,11 1) of UIIl ellrtiwn lIoor. He "n" hn~ "lIcceede<l. t nko my word b~ not. Pantiog, be forged onward. Funey_ rtgltl Cl1 It 011(1 Me w It over 10 tho for It. 'II'hey will b In )'our h nndR beAt lut Ihe cried out, qunverl ogly: WI teur you (10 not r enllze tho OJ:- bonrtllng. • • • SII Inld hor h etld t or e mnllY h ours hnv e ptl sBed." " l ~ h o t o c()mo to tho TllV (!rO wltb "Oil. 1-1 can go DO farther I Ono't tre me gravIty or tho s ltun tlon, We ngu lns t hl f! flh o ultler lind ~ll(lt ed d eeply. ~1II It lI.ot ate to Btop for 8 mo- IllUHt get out or UINIO WO~~!I If I bnvo . _ . Il ll kl' l,t hIs ~)'CA ~luL'<I on the th elll ' O r am 1 to m eet hlm-" ment? Ml breath~" . door !lu(1 II Kt"lIcrl t o r th e Urs l oUllno u . "00011 LOrlll" It gulp ed. ne,e wnf! to enrry ynll III my ormH_ "004 bless you. r08," ho exc\nlmed. "I Bllnll try to kel'p I(fl lfll;.'" site sol tl OCllllul oun;ldl ~ . A 10llg li m o nftcr wul'Il n contlng n. 'y he hntI n ot cO DHh.l(' red. Wh om untl .... hlm would Bpr<lU6e np': and eaOle to an abrupt stop, She Quick ly. " \f<lrgl,'c me If I Rocmro to oltc stirred. "Are you exoll!? ·You orc w ~t-" (l Qllr ,,' Ith hi s hu"ly ' "1- 1 r UDe y ,,"0 11 leaned Ilcnvll7 ngalust him, gasping tlllte r 0 IlW£,. 1- [ - 11 In rcudy to go "It WO,H' Ih e ex cltc llll'.nt , tho n ervou s- lin d hlp! wtlltlng for u s ot tho Tnve rn." tor breath.. WI haven't the futntest o n wh en you HUY tho word." " But h nd you no undorslflndlngr' tdea whore we are. but we mUllt be "Y nu Iloor gi rl! Fhtn~ It all. per- n C8H. lIrr. nltrrt ~H," ~ h c fJJ tld, drtlwlol( "rr. r - t l'n 1.lltl vol y." Tho p r sp\ratloD IIOme dlotnOC9 tram the hou!IC. Wo hlll,R YOII ore rll[lIt ond n (lt 1. Sit 8tlll Illlghll)' II W" ~' rn,lIl hili\, "I ~h't It nl'flrHlll rt.'tl on hIe brow. no wu s thinking wtll relit n few mlnutll& Ilnd then luke [lnd 1 w ill recon oolter n bIt. If I 'cun Iy uuj!Jrt'I.I, '" lIe IOllked fit hi s wotch. "Three of RflllI' thlng e lso l hIs fltnllzlng stoIt etUler, more cautiously. 1 om' florry, tlm1 a Illll cC wlterl' wo ""n hltlo omong 1,lcllly In lIot fOrtl~eeln g Ih o veO' 811Il1:0bot It wall the only tblng to 00, r ough thello r ocks, W( ' I\ " tll Y hm·t) till UIO sky o'cl orlc," he s lIltI. 'l'he re cnSH.,.\ IIn olhe r period of 81- tlou Ihllt nnw p r .,s£'n ted It s 'If. Wb, •• It b 'gill" to lI ght cn. 8 Il-" "If bow. I UIIdentand. I lUll not "No I I Rhnll not let you l e n"o mo lence. !'lito r l!(lIl1 ln ucl Slll(htly oloof. . h ll,l h " n CI!""'l c d t o 1«.1110 npon a "You'd lIe ttcr 1"lIn 1I!;lIlnHt 1111\" 111' met· t1n~ plllc(' with Sl'roURe In thn c:anp1alnfnar, MI'. BeI'llCll. ~oo will "nd tor a secoml. Wlwrc you go, I go." _ react.J aDd Itrooa aod-J' She s trngglL'<I to he r f eet, 8Ullpr08l.!Iug flotd ot IUBt. "10m soft er thlln tho e " en t thllt drt'lllll ~(UnCeR (nrc(v\ them "Let me thin'. l muat try to get o Io:rOlln, IIntl thrust II d e l erm lned nrm b ens tl y t)tmrilH, )IOU knuw, lind qulle ns to Iillrt l'lIl1'l"UIY 10 111 gb" l"oorlqjIJ htlrm l l!ij~. ~ Ihll t "Jill w Qultl l"lrslIf' Ihe ~lIh' C l". he . , beerlJ1C8. Good LOrd. 1 wl~h thro ugh hlB. "'l11Ilnlc YflU," Hile ~old. 111111 p rtlIDpUy IImlle hllll l<l t o Imu letl nrr Ollto onother 8pl'c)11Ie were here.. Be can SIlO In tlto '-"l' hnt'A wortb r (\ nH~lIllll~rln g." en1d ~ W. are oft the path, that'e he, ond whe l Iter It wuH a mll~ulllr · setllml h ... r~ 'It H t;"lu~I hl ~ Hh(Oul tlcr. ( Oontlnuod on D&.IW a) RJ'II.'" n ecessity or on' e m u llonll\ c XllctlOD "It III h<'1 te~," Rite ~lglo,'" 1. '1)0 J'OQ tblnk be Cflcopedr "Wnuld you mind t £'11I1I1; mo Homethll' cnusOO his ann t o U ghtcD on h ers, .. ain IUJ"O of IL Tbo8e whlstl.,s nmUl snV(' II(! weuld eve r know, tbln/!' ubout )'ourRl'lf, Mi ss Ca nteron' I were eoundlng , tho Dlarm. Ito n,uy After (\ f ew mlnllt CA prowllnjJ among should Ilk l to know wtwlher 1 fiUl t o eome this way. Tbo cbonct'8 oro thllt th l' roeke th llY l'U llIt' t n tho taco of oddre~9 YI)U Uri l ) rl n<'''~R • •Iu ~hcss , orJ'oor flight 10118 oot b oon dll!Cov,e red. no Wh(lt SU hSNjUl' ntly prov<ld to be a just pllttn MI s.~." "I nUl tll O r L' n(' ('u~t{\ lIlf"(t t o 1,llIln )00 feel IIko going on? Wo mu st bent I'h " 'r \\'flll of !lton!!. H,· flll Shcd the them to tho Tovern. They-" Itl(ht, nn,I, wllh Il ll ~Xc lnfllnllon . SlUrt- MI ~, Mr. Jlm'II" s, I 11ft n' I f) l'I tlt('r of "'I am nil right now." I'lh e sold, onll cd Imrie N u t FIX' f~ ('\ nhe llli at th em UU~ tltl . \~ y()U \\' 0 11111 .L! 1v(~ UH'," U])on't YOII f ,,,, '1 tll lli J fUll d ...·~,H'r" ll1 g they were olf ngalu, Burnes now pll'koo th., .·"rtlt 1' ....·111 .. " tIl l'11(\ I 0 yuw nJII/!, his wa, Cnrefully lind ",Ith th(' l,'Tellt- \tlnel!' 1-'1l lt IllY 111'),1111,1. ApJ)urelltly ' at n IIltl(' l'nll ghll'III1I.,' nI1" Ito Il s k ed, "I am wurlclll(! li t rull y aH w" l1 UR Ol!est cnutlun. n e could oll ly Ilrny Ihllt th uy Wpr(! U ll th o V Ul')' f'l l g~ of n cliff. C.ommon I'IeK8 Court lInlUv.>ly In ti ll' ,lurk. Who n rc you 7 he was going hi lho ri gh t dlrecllon. "(}I I( H' T,III' I', (h il t Witt; It c1(IS() cull," An hour-but whnt Seelll('.} tbrlco 0 8 h .. i 'iFl'cf\. n" f'Xl lln ln t'<l In B .few \Vhy wer p you n IJrl ~ ClHc r nt GrcQn New 10ng-pnfl8cd nnd thoy hud not CO ntO tl) won1 ... IIIH1 thl 'll. CH r l1t n n ndln~ her to Fnncy ? Wlll're 1Ill.1l wltlt t If! Yllur UBli'irmllD I<lng ve Mlnnlo B, King. 'the oligo at thll forcllt. DcI' tl'e t w(' rl' · fl hlllil p"rr..,·t1y "till . tl r"PIII"" In tho tlve lund?" bogtnnlng to drag; ho coultl te ll t hllt !:r<'llIlrl nll.1 ('11 1'l'{uHy tl'lt his WilY t or"!llr. Jlltrl1 " ~, 1 Cllllnnt nnswer ony divoroe; gross negillo' Walker D. Bin8e, Dlrlo&or GeD b7 tho ~lfort · alto Blade 10 !coop up with Wllrd. A';llln 1\0 fhl Hh d Ihll li ght. In oD e of Y',flr C]III! ·tlODij without J ~op ur him. From tIme to time he paused 10 uri I n~tlln l 1", UIll I I' r~ I."oll. Th e), were dldnA' a ('o u ~' th ot Is dl'are r to m u eral of Hallroad8 , U. S, A , va 1:'0" allow hllr to reat. tb lln nn)'tltln g else In oil UlD world. 1 Water lAundry, mODey; amonn' on tho hrt nk "r (I' ~ 1,,"llIw qUllrry. olalm,d ItlO' 15 wltb' lntere8t "'You Bre plucky," h e once enId to J_ylnll therl'. h~ 1III1d'" pwltt cnlculB- IUD sorry. 1 pruy God n day muy SPOD her. tl<H18. Tit " qHurr.v. no lou ger of u "o to ('onlf' wh ~' n 1 ('O n r f'vC'n t (' \,flrythlng tn "'l am nfmld I could Dot b e !In pluck, tbn bul lth' r, WI.I H reus IJn"bly Sllre to b e y'm- Illlil 10 IIt ~ ",,,rill. I tu n of It Proeeeding8 II ,ou were oat I!O 'strong'- alII' sighed. aba ndoned. rn 1111 pmhllhlllty s ume ~ITlr' k e n' cl\u ntry : 1 11111 Iryhlll 10 R~ r\'e and be loved the UnIt!, whlDl slclI1 1Itt1~ flort of (I ston.' ·r Utl 'lr'a shoo would be \l,n IlIlh nJtIl" h't\I~., tlll t! hns rulcrl It Alher' Dill vs Corn. A. Dill. Ot. twlM aile put IDto her r evly. f"unll Iwnr"y. It wouhl provldo sh iliter for c"ntllrl" ~~ ,tlHI Is nn w In th e direst voroe Ilrtlnted . Defendant I" barred To b18 d\Sl!Ull' they eOlOe ebruptly trom the flnp' rllin thnt wns fllIIlD" nud ·perll. Th l' 11111 11 y " u kn nw UR I,oeh IH ,from aDY right of dower 10 1I0Y weal UPOD a reeleo .boulIdlng tn buge rockfl. from llle chili nltd.t nlr. Be Nolll l!m' u I'rlnce IIr Iltl,t h"mm. ' Jmny HIlY tlti R estate be'loD~lng '0 plailltlff ~tepheu MoMullen ve E&blll Mo· Tbt. WOII new t errltol')' to him. DIll h('rro thltt o'n,,,\'d, 'In dl ~ u ~sl ll ~ III I' to you . 11 11 11 It wil l ~i.' f\'" to .. "pinln my .. r pc tlon of Green I"uncy II\(\ nlghl be- nn. III"n ,01 n r ,'"'' t~ un"" : h., I" 1I0t thl) MulleD , Dlvuroe !lran'ed. heert eonll.• -Oy Jo,'o, I- I beJtove wo a re farther .way tram the relld Ullm ' whe n we IltartOO- Wo lIIust huvo be D goin g up \be fllope InBll'IU! at Oown." "In lin! Cttlle. Mr. H u rn e8," 8h e murmon,;d, "we hovtl found 9(>lJlelhlug ,to IU dOwn lilian," UII t.h ue"'~. "If JOD can be os ~b llt'rfIi) . . 1111 thot, W u "hu'n't mi N; tile emohlonl," he !Illld, nod , for ihe tlrMt time. risked a lI.flb of the eleetrk ton'b. TIlo 81IneJ WUB brief. ne led by .... tono'1U'd a f w (l8coe to a 1I0t boulJack _ . and thllf'tl th ..y Ill'ated tbt:!lIIseh-coo, "I WODC1er "II..,., we 111'1'," sht' III ld . Willon "'I am tDr1lned to IIllepect that · we a"'" Oteen J'uq, but a long
.. .. ~k,ltr" trlmrnlntr hf\tll" t he f l\:l 'uro.
1I1arrlage Licen8es
Edward ~Iltihlul!.'~ u . oo \ored , I'huulfenr, aDd Mit t! Luelh. M . G&Iuea, bo'h of rraDal in, David MIDDIOk, blaukBm"h, ot P\ellllln' Plain , aDd Mlaa Ambe r EIt:t~ beth Up'oo, of Morrow, Obi J
Farms ,Wa·n ted have a number of good s h buyers for farm s of all sizes . What have YOII [or sale? Thi s 'is an ideal 'time to sell while price!! are good and thc demanOsUong. Have sold a !lumber o f Wllrrell
Real Estate Tranters H . P, and Opal Williams '0 Marl' E tUegfrled, lots loIo. 1;) and H In I Springboro, Ohio, , ·1110. . Mar1 E , SIegfried· to Idll. Cbrls&\) pber, lot. No. 1;) and U In ~prlng .
sion charged unless I selL
boro, Ohio,
'I. '
'0 18 In
Edward aDd Lydia Me&hod
ebas aDd ....ry Boger, 10' No. RldgevUle, OhiO, fl. Uu1)ert E. Lndlum Frllnk Ludlum, par'. of ID 10'8 No. 65 !lDd lill ID L.!banon, Ohio, Wi. Alber' and .M'. L . Shepberd '0 ' 011 bel" Blgg8, 10' No. :. and park of lo's No, 1 aod ·3 10 Lemon 'a Addl .
lIolI. $0 Curwln, Ohio,
fl .
Mary J, WllliawlI J . tioou. GOUarl', Iota No. 1:J aDd 1,1 IU ThompsoD'. Addl&leD &0 LehaDoD , f'
County farms and can give the vc ry best of relc rence.
No commis If you think of selling , notify me and I
~all and see you .
R. C. HAINES. Gen. Au~lioDeer&Farm.Broker Offices
Centenil/" Ohio
816-17-18-19 R"bold Bldg.
H ome Ph une 58 Centerville Exchange
Home Phono 4696, Roll Main BG9~
Dayton, Ohio
~ " ·~!i_.f ti-~ ,~ . DONtT WAIT FOR CHEAPER LUMBER If you intend to wait for cheaper lumber you will not bui d this season or the next, or the next. or probably the next. Lumber win not go down in price for some time, a.nd you ought to be ready now to do your building, whatever it is, from a , I
House, a
Kiu:ben, a
Barn, a
Wood House, a
Corn Crib, a
Sheep, ~en, a
Chicken House, a
SmoktJ House, a
Fence, a
Plltent floofing; a
Garage. a
Patent Fence.IB
Gate, a
Fence Posts,
Porch. a
Cement Walk, a
a; '-
Cement Posts
Roof Shingled, ·
The boy,s and dog,are anxious. for a home
W •.R. MADDEN & CO.,
••..THE ryflAMI
GAZ E TT·E .... ,
lSSlll';1I J.:VEln' WICD . E!-"() AY l£n141'fH1 ., 1110
"".~ulll,·o .~ Wnym Avllle.
IJluo . • :
~~"lIId "1 •••
Mull ~ . • tI <I
l'brMblnil '11'1\8 l'eBtlmlld IlIt." erlll (Iar '" IUfuff OD aOOODD& of ruin . 'fhe ruilla ba va Illade the uorn JOO& flue ,' aDd everything Indlilll&8, !illb. l·ri nlinn Prit·e. :1:1.50 pe r year a good oorn orop. . . - --- ---=-= "": ==--U. Ill. Lo"ioy, Millaee EDlmll aud Huslin Who'8el nnll Josepb Whet8el Wl,:IIN J.;SPAY. AUG T 6.1 919 wore l:Iund"y vlllllOrB of Mr. and Io1rll . lra A. BUliook, of D.. yton . Unr balle ball admlrere attended th. · I:',ull 1.," '11 , , Wll tl Illltll'Ol. Hut . ' 0 the gllme In Clnolnn8\1, l:Iunday. I " ': " I~(' YOU lJoUi to ilt BUll JUIlt the Maoy from h e re Ilnended lha ••• t ............................... ' IJUJlle,." SImplloo plonic, &turday. Mr. anli Mrll John F. Sherwood i .nd dnlJIlhtar .. nd Mr. "nd I4rll. ChaR Bradberry and ''19'0) ohlldren ptllilled· throlJllb our ol'y. Muoda,( enrouta &o·Jllme!town , Ohio. L. B. 0.8e preaobed a' tbe Y. E. ohuroh, Rund.y. By GEORGE BARR ' l:Ie..,enl Irom bere "U.nd.d 'he Jllmlldown 1I'1I1r. Miami Valley. McCUTCHEON Wllyn68ville .. nd Wllmlng'on-ohau
I ~.
t HA
E, Edi to r un d l ' lIt,li~hc r. \'.'nYDl~ \· iJ1c, Oh io
n===:=,=======::==:;,=:::::;) I
Au""" ., "CRAlISTARK,- -THE
HOu.oW OF HER HAND,"-THE PRINCE OF CRAUSTARK,- ETC. C<wriIbI bio Dodo!. ~ Ud c:.......,. I...
"Whnt IF! thl' rrnl ollJI'r t of !hi> eoo. IIJll rucy up th' ·rl'. Ml sH ('I1"' ~ roll'/"
"Yon rnnlll h('nr wllh mp n 111 11(1 lon ~"r, Mr. finr n"H," ijho ~ nhl, "I ,p~IlI.
Ingly. '" cnnnot Rny IIlly!.h ln/{ nol\'." "\'on Rnld tllnt tc"nllrnnv nI ght would hn too IntI'. Wllllt dl el )'ou lIIellO 111 thnU" Sho wolled A t4)W IU,(OOI1A nM thl'o romnved her hOllel trom hIs ~(mld6r. no honrc1 tM Rhnrv Intnk \' 01 hor brollih onct telt tho COI\ \' uI HI\,A !nil\'& m llnt nf tho /lrm thnt r('Rh' d O~llln H t ht R. Ttwro wos no mlatnklng hul' RUl~ den ng\!ntlon. "I will ten 70n," IIho .... \11 , nnd ho WIIR 8U rpri Med 11" tIl{! h,u'llhnPNa thlle <'limn Into her voIce. "TolDorrow morn. Inll ",nR th n lim a IICt tor my 1I11lrrln go to 'hnt WN·tch up thpro. I c('uhl hllvo avo"I,>I1 It onl y hl' <1ostroylnl! mYR.'lf. It you I),ul romo tomorrow ni ght In. "tpne! fit tonight ·sou would huYl' tound no" (I('n(\, thnt IR all. Now you Iltltl "rMtllnd." " (;00" Gwll YOll- w e re 10 h" f O/'l','d Inlo n nl/\rrill/:O) with- why. It IA th o m o~ r c!lIl11nn·hlo..-" "O'Oo\\,fl-{lod hi oSH hIm 1-\\'nR my only chlllllliion. III ~ kOe"\v my tnthpr. J1 0-"
"J.IRIC'n I" IH' hI AHI!(\,
t cct.
Htll rtln~
to his
"n on't mo"p I." ('lI tII" from til" dll'rk· nl'lIS Olll Itl '. "I 1.. 1\'0 111 ,· /fUll II'v Io·(\. , J IH'n rll l1Ie 11111110 tnk on In vnln.
'l'hnnkfi (or th' hh!~Hlnl:. 'W1l8 wO& fI"rln g " 'I\I'tl,('r )'OU IVllul<1 Rny ROmethi n" nJt"\ u ~JUl t ohout lIIp -nnr1 . thu"'''''
-Don't Novel" Calme From the O.rk_ OutaJde. A chllrkl(' rn nrlfl ~, '
thp It('ntle ndlllun ill oll or Ihu IlIvl ~ lhl e JrI Rhmull. 0111
(To be OoD&lDuad'
'1.000 FOR CITY GAltO.NBR8.
Ohio Clth' R wltll more than 6.000 1)011I11[llion will comJlN u for OR lIrlte A, a moun ti ng t o 'I ,()Q(). III the Ohio Blat. Fair. th o Iu ~ t wuak tn AUKUM. PremltlfiR VI III II II wardo<1 tn tbree c!U SCH : F'or th e baat 80hool eXhibit. th e boot I(rOll l' or on m pn ny OXlltlllt, and th e best 11I<1lvldulll ,\I"I1I, y. Thill cQmpctltion. to \l uco luago p ll)' gurdonlUll. was Introdu ced at tile fair la.t yellr 1\1\4 prol'ed hi "Illy auC!ee.arul. All 9chool chlldron ",110 oolltrlbuttl 10 the exhlblU from thalr S.rdtlU wUI r&oel"e ~. . .dminioo tlokete to lb. t..k.
WBR" \'00 LOOK Ilf 'I'll.
Til;. OODU • tlM.BVHoDO • trolD La La lA..lle.
IlIUM' OP . A R08B-
WVB 18 LOvm-rr<l1D TIl. Royal V.,.IIoDd, lI'4JTINo-rrom LIIIteil
lAr. 'l'&\CHIm. '1'EAcmm-troIII Bho'l a 0004 ,..Uow. JlONTE C1UlITO-trom MOD" J,. I'VE TOLD In' LOVID-
from ....!Db.. GII:T8 ftIIDI ~ 8omebocl,'1 B.....tllMrt.
I'IIB CALL OP ftIII 110MB - froID From Me.
from Th. lieu... 'Ole. PLAY Jl8 'l'RAT T17lfB-from The Lad,' ID Red.
wn.l,.o.Wllll"-CroD A l.oae. I, Romeo. A I'JUD'I'I'Y GIR.... UInI A .'8IA>PY-trolD U11 rolII.. of UU.
AddlUoD81 BroMwu HIU. IQtAVUPtJI, I'Ll.. flAY 8118 00_ AaAhlA.1I moIl'lL
. • '11 FonEVBR BLOWlJIIO bVDDLII:& .... AM." \'8 V1IAlIIl'fG RADI.
BaI t II WeM..
Room 801. Lonpefe Bldg.. New York. N. Y. _ _ _ _ ____ _
___ _
Dr .nd I4l1, Mllrlon Shoemaker and Mr. lIud Mrll. Chilli. Mmalley ,,"'onded tbe J ameillown fair, I'rlll", Qulnoy King d ellvtlred " oar loa<l of J"o~"on 0081 '0 hie ou8\omel'1'. la8& WBllk. Frlloll L. dllrrlll Ie located ID lhe Anlrllm oorner. having purohalled Il. Rev A'rulIR Uoo k Rlill remalol qulI.e poorly . l:Iia OIl1ny f.leudl bope fllr blm " MpaOO.V ·snd ptlfma. Dent ourE'. J . H · Hbldaker .. 011 two "0011, Ed and Wilham, recently pnrcha.ed 80 head ot fine "'ook hog~, a ver.1I" log 110 poundtl. lJorBce BOiBO lold hill home to Wm Olll~rn aod l)ol'Ohll800 &he farm of· Mrll, ' "am611 Marl_Oil GrImes. The Udmll81 '19'111 move to N IIw· !Jur. Ilnltton In Ibrob . Alber' Daklo, of New York OUy, and .Barman D .. kln Ind ''19'0 lonl, 01 Lebanon, we,e oalllDIJ on rel .. ttvN bere, r8Oelitiy. K.. rl Shldd:er 8nd lamlly lpenl a few day. bere wllb relltlvetl. 1"81er Alvin Bane), ball retamlld '0 hla bOOla ..f$ar a ....eelt·1 vt." here with bls oonlln, M ..lller WajDe Shldaker. II•• , Mary IIldwardll fell, a few d"Y8 ago, aDd has beeo oonOnoo to her bed ever IIlnoe . Mr aDd Mrl!. Buter Sbldfllrer aid loIr and Mrll If'r. d Barlao were In Wilmington, 1..81 Wednflilday. 101188 Ann Kelly . of i'l. Benjamin Bllrrlson, lndlranllpolhl, am' .IRter, A!lol", of ("'lnollinaU. wero r_Dt ,olll8'8 of Mr . Dnd Mfll. Fr..nk 8bld ... (Or .. nd oSber rela'l"el. Mr . . .... y O,.bam b .. been vl,,11 log rel .. tlvN near RldgnlUe. II,.. W. L. Baney lpeO' I... week ... Franklin Uban"nquI, IIr8. 1".0. BUYe1, of LebaDon, IlpeO& 1.11' rrld., here wlLh ber mo'ber, IIrlrll. Mary EdW,,,rd8. Bev. Benne" .od wife vlllUed lbl'ir: brotber 10 6reenfield • few daYII Ilet weell . MIIlI! Barrie' ColleU oelebrated ber birthday Innlve,.ary, 1.. 81 Thurlld8Y. by ·lovUtnR a Dumber of rela tI V811 to spend 'hB da, .. nd even log with ber. Mr. and Mn 'rank 8hldaker spen, S.lurday nlgbl aDd 8uudlY ",Ilh 1011'8. Allie Daklo, near LJ'Ue, P. D. Clage" anll family Ire vi.· Itlnll' rela"vBII In Rocllvllle. lid" alld Wuhlngton, 0 0 ., for a few "erll ••
- ...---
It ,on 8ufter frtlm .wollen. burnIna foet that amlilt o. itch. or If ,our feet per8plre and aNi tender. ,ou ean set ImmolllatB relief. Give your reet • treat. A gentle maesftjJe .ntll 800thlll«, boa1lna HOltltool&. wtll 40 It.
A 11«1" ~plleatlOG ~ Oft ~wIee , da" anll 1011 loon to,et rOil bare fill'. New t i a b t " ..I Uk. ol4. ...' one.. ft reUenl ... plio 1m. medlatel,; talt.. ."., th, lAIarn.-
lIlatlOll, re4uc:ae tt.. ·.weWDjI, .... all IONMIf tToGl oome. . .0ft8118 .eallou_ anll aNOt !be teet In e.. callenl oonOttioo." , I A ISo bottl. trotQ~ ~ te for month.. for 401 .... t l l l l' IOI). . .1I CTbe 081 loa..' l:o'nlmeDt). ''11a. 1riD4 7OU. 1184.., uaeci with my da4'. picture 01\ the ,ell ow wl'&I)l,ler." The Dr. I. O. Jono~ Co., 8, Cb .. rteatoo, Oblo.-AOv.
J. E. Janney, The Rexall Store, Waynesville, Ohio.
.. -..----
ItS toa
know how much toasting improves bread. Makes it taste I!ood. Of course -more flavor. Same with tobacco '-especially Kentucky Burley. Buy yourself a package of Lucky Strike cigarettes. Notice the toasted flavor. Great! Nothing like it. The real Burley cigarette. ·
1L-~cP~ ,.... ••.• •• -,...11
SPRINGBORO Biram 8aOO8. of Day'on. '11'''' In Mprlngboro, one day laat woolr. ro o Dtlwlng aoqWllnt8ooe8. The Ranll Pulel oluh eojoyoo tbeh allnual plODlo 00 abe 11011001 I.. wn, Sa,urday afterlloon. I4rll Ihbo'uou, of JOJiet, Ill " III abe gUBllt of her lIr ,'berl. Or.nt and O Lescb, Ilnd fa mUles. CUIer Badly anl1 Cooner Roblo son are home from overseatl aad are beiDa w.rmly wel:oomed by 'belr tr;l.D, 'rleod" aad rol,,"vee. IIr and Mra G . O. MOODt have bought proped, In Dfty&OD an4 wtll loon move there make 'heir fo 'are home. Mr, aad lin. Geor,. 8eokaad IIr. aad lin. Beet famUy are camping a' Cbaukaqu. A. A. MoNell. of ~)ealentlle,'r.n. IOted baalDIlH here. Mond.y. ~. V. DaDtlII hal ellOlM ble bora aDd aooepWKI a poIIlllon II IMytOD. Dr. C. O. Borden and f. 'nily .... 111 1000 move '0 HI""II,lIarg. Mlllllel Ru'h Boo'h aDd lI.. rle Ullpla aDd 1488111'6. Warren 6re" .od Ge:>lge ROIlIlI,le mo'ored to Oxford. Saoclay. Ind epeD' Ille day wl'b MIIIHII Laura RQanarle and Addll Baal.,. The new pnge w1l1soan .be ready for occapaDoy ••nd wl\1 be formalt, opeoed .t an early dde.
.1'9 ..
. .a"
.... •
CI-...... -
•I...10__' , ~"'t ~ of W......,.,.u.t; rOlUciI
B.". ;,
Th\! IlrnRram ealla . tor three racsi naled ~ '-':&',~~i!J.P\l ..,~~ · on each day ' of ,tho Pur... ,udp of'~ Dnrt. nmC)1I1l1 to t\l ./IOO . Horsamen dlOl..,. , ,.. I ~ ...__ ~"OlIIa . , th e trork .. t the lIlate .fatr POIIOOI .. . . . . 1. IIM"bu. AI!)'. a.. olle of 'he fasl08' hall-mlle apeedw.,a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!!!!!!~2!!!(!!! f !!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!! to tha oountry,. Tb. balI·mIIe &rac* 11\ Renerdl, po"u1llr amOllI ~ .. I DO DR• J • W eDtbualaatR, It Ja.. poinhd out. .. 1& , " • ~~. 11MB I PBClator. .. opl)OrtllDltJ to covnr tbe colUl8 'twtcIe. A ...... 0.... or ··"vortt,.," !Ju lItlUl ...... '0. t1Il. Vear'1 .tIP.!It.... W".I~_O
aynesville. Ohio.
Eith ' .. ,
THE ReAl. ESTA Te lilA
I No
Spring Valley, Ohio s t.1
U Lo 01'
Horso drawn
~e r vi c e.
for auto service. IDoth phones in Oliice lind ResIdence • ro.
IiLru' chorge
Try the Miami Gazette's Classified Columns (or Results
OlasalHed Ads
MONEY LOANED LOIDed OD It V8 "0011, ob..'$al., allO IOOOnd morlga8N. No&llll bought. John Balblne, Allen QuUdlnl, XeD I., Ohio. 6. '-20
Saxon~~ The Practical Car
IRE. tomlwbere be'"een liprlng boro .aod WaYDanllle, OD ,be Upper Road. Finder leave ., G. set$a omoe. alS
WANTED '1'0118 of OIover B., and 10 '1'on8 5 1 -of Alfalta Ba" ayn.....tIIe
Saxon "Six" bas earned its reputation as the Practical Car because it is so thoroughly pr ctieal from so many tlilIereut st;:ll~d po ints.
nDluK Vo.
A lotInquire of 10011 8'ook B0II8 for Hie. of I'rank 8hld.. lJer,
RAY F. MILLS, Dealer Waynesville, Ohio
Phone 71
~.r'f'91.~orli, Oblo.
1I:.s0 Staye 8Uo. (n qalre of Wm. IIOConD.U, R. 0 ~, WaylUltlvUle. OhiO, 1 mUe W8ll' of reny, aD 8001 ..1 Row. ,20
35 1004 bJee4tn ll Ewu; will 88\1 1fonh 'be mone,. Come aad -B . 0,Ibem. IDqulre of Earl Tom~, II or pbooe Oen$arvllle, 937.
On". Identity. ftere I, In NlnoSI hOIll'S, a ~ R!ouSOClllJ, a thougbt Ihnl rlsll!. Inde(lCn<1ent, lifted out of nil cIao. (111m, IIko tho Itnrs, flltlnlnll IltornaL TbJa II tbo thought of Idcnllty-}'ouM\ tor rOD, whoovor you lire, ns mUlo tor me. -Walt Whitman.
Amerlc.. will. ~ ilIYlr fobl to 1Uo'~ ~ , .. cand ~... _ l{IUl tie ..nd attendel,' _______.'!"""_ _ _ _ _•
and Embalnu:r,
M. N. Doug- ass
SBIEP-l<t head of E"es and 1 real8&ered Liooolo Bnolt. E S. Shroyer, R Ii, Lebanoo, or Inquire RI",. .lI1e. dO
sboeln8. 4110tber 000 Ie e4: Ilipeott. to be full ot pep b . . bUD lUlaounoecl for "oom. c.,...... 'lb., will ftt boll.., . _ _ maa.. ,114 tall.. ... 60'11' . . . . .ImaI. ..t " .. -~#.......
Funeral Director
nil on
lIor.elboeln« Ib800Illlal a ..,., "arl" II .. rellul, the .. a· Brill popularity of .ulomoblllli . .4 tractnn!, MllnBlI;lIrB 01 tblS 0II108tate J'aIr answllr wIth al) empbatlo "n~:' alld VlUI Blternvl to prc.. ~.~ vtew8 ~rect .t Ibe lila 8uoa.,. e.tIlloaltiOli in CO:lumbll' ib 1..., woek in AugueJ . A oonte.t fOl' b_Iboen _ been arrBnpd . Flv& praa... ...,.., lIatin« U&. will be a.~ · "" t:tae bilit I~¢. i1t.a ~ . I» t~ lair. " ,. BIOtte, ,,111 be "y~ \~I' . . . ~. .,.. did tbe .1110111....... · .. · .111 be necellMry fQ/f hllJl tp ~ ."... ent OIl Tbur8dU, tile 4.U. 01 tile coote8t. The event III e.~ II) ICtm'" Interest III tla, Droper oue of the boo' ..nd 10 D&InKalWla
to buy ~ farm ,
lIy ot T o l . do. ou nt)' nnel Slnlo oto rc"n ld . Bnd lh n t "nld tlrm w ill Pill' tho "urn ot ONE II lJNDRElD DO I..LA nl:l coeh n nd 0 " ry CMO o r C ....tArrh Ihnt ~ nnn l) t h ~ h o cu rod by the uso of H ALVS OATARRR Mmm OIl'lIil. Sworn to b efo r e me and 8ub pcrl'bod III m y presen ce. Chi " Oth dBY ot . DO· "cm be r . A. D .• 18RG. A. W. GL1!lASON IRonl) N otary Plibllc. H o II·. Catn'rrh Modlclno I. lake n In· t e rnRlly lind n el s Ihrough tho Blood on the . MUOOU A Surtac08 ot tho Sys· t ern. Send tor t08t1monlal s t ree. F . J . C HI, NElY & CO .• Toledo. O. BoI<'l by 1111 Dr .. 1{1:'18t8. 760. Hnll·., Family PIli. tor con 8111'"l1on.
If you are wanting
Lu e1l8 C o unt y . 83. Fru nk J . Chenoy mak os onth thnt h o l~. J . C h e noy & Co .• doing b" olnen In Ih ~
It oe nlo r portn or of tho fIrm of
bOrRe·raclng ever L wlhleAscd Oil tbe f681 OhIO Slate Fair ---"'... ...r- ••- - - ,!_ . ~.. " Irack Is til pro~"oct tor tbll .. ,,0111· ,m.llln.tlon ·'.nlf .... It'. . tlon -the 'IMIt week In Aususl. Earl' -00'11' 4UJ,l I1Q1111.n . e <I.8( c:lo~ log entrIes 'have 8m!, ~hed aU reoorlt A' aod those have bellD 10 .....e •• wtth II'.. .......,.11'· Be:!1IMI''' I s salll, that · It may be nee.8..r, to naat lhe ".*~1OOd U 1OkI·1" "1'", Ipllt the cvolI.\a In ord.r to accommo- bat 1mJ 1M '''' _ - I",nalnte« wttI dnle the flllld of borRet. , • IIrt ,,110 ~ ~i~ 1'" ._ There ar" as elltrl~ In tbe C'OIec! evont tor Ohio tbree·year·old trotter. Noti~ of on. Thursday tor tbe governor'l ~rM , ..' of 'I,~OO; at eotrloR for the a; 18 'P8c. ..... or A~B. tIIldM. I>eeM.a:' I 01\ W c dIl B~ da, tor '1 .000. and en· "~".II~.iE n • trieR tor tbe :I : 30 pace OIl Mon4ar 101 -KD\b '- d "il'.~Q.u. Ad· Tile
Cit)' o f Tolodo.
Rln t o of Ohio.
.- .
.:~~ ~:. ~i~
.• ,
COITllf Hot Weather ·Brings HORSES"OEIri~~ ON SUT'E 'AIR Bill Distress Feet r T <It
MI. M.. beI8'a'I~, of Bane,lbur., lpeot lhe ....eek elllll with Mlli Belen Baruook. IIr. and loin. W . 1'. Jordan ellkr. taloed ., dloner, Thurllday, all'll . ~arab Rloh of BlllveJllbllrg. Mr~. J Katherloe .Iord.o. Hr. Jametl !foley IIr. aod lire. Geo. Leiber' and daughterll, K.lber·lne alld Lnoy, of OhloslO. Yr Wa"land Jordan aDd Yr. and IIrl!. Allin Har'sook and 800, Keonelh, Mre. 1:.., of Sprlnl V.I. ley, lipan' tbe week wl'h ber Hllter, Mrll. Emnla Wolf. They "pen' 'be . week. Bad "Ith rel.Uves at IANIiOI. Mre. Ob ... . Gra, and daughter. Mill. EmertlOD ltarnhart, and her 4aaghter,lhrjory. of WaYD.vllle. were oalJlng aD Mr a . Serda Jordan . ~dQrday a'''mooD . Mr. and II. O. M..nnon Bnd d.u8hlers, Ruth Ilod ULeoo&, . fin d Mra . Martha DU'I" attended th l' Wblta()re reunloD, IDear SI1"er 6ro.e t;unday. _.Mr. and Mrl. B .. rr)' A'klnllOIl Bnil 'amlly, or Wayo es"lIIe. and Mrll. J.1 p Mannon and d'iDllfbter , MlsR El.bltl. wllre~nday RUMie of Mr. and Mrs. A B Talmage. Ber' Bog .. n and mothor, I4rll . UAO. BOKao, Mr8 Martba'l>.. vla And Mrs. lJ6rroll Ueatberage IIUonded W. U_ T. U. Day., Fr8uJltltn t :hautauqnB. Mond.y. Mr... n4 1418. Tb(l>lI. MoGulnn and Mun, Boward. aDd Mra. Goo. Ul\vll! atteoded a Guoge meeUDIJ al Leh. .nUD. olle evening lias' week . lire. Ka'e Jord .. n en'er'aloed ., dlDlMtr, 80nd.y, In bonor 01 ber IBD, Wayland, Mr. Jarntlll I'uley aDd Mr. and 14,.. 600 Leibert and dauKb. &en, of Cbloaa", Mr ..Dd I4r•. W. T. JordaD and Mr, and lire . Alan Uart8001t aud IOD .
... "lierlor rar&Ulzer Orlll,2 borBe, ""8' d_ IIOoCIIIII DIIW, Inqalre of
:u~,:,::.:uoot I
R. D. 3,
• •
-. •
It the .hall" -
N o te
in rill. Do llI
"""'0 bl,,";"
in tl ... R}rU'jtj-n u nc iu the J=C'J1\unc hottlr,-1u"\Cn ... Col" that ,\<"'" no:. t <orne in t~ PoclcllSo.
~ ,""Brlot
BOUM OD Malo l'f88'
~~. . . . . . .u In rood rePair. ~~~ .I~ 101 to rattla uhlotenl,
~!fJ. P,!~ omoe. a13 JlMr, abou' .'''0
i. . . . . . .' .....'
....,.... L.ld
IUlible to ractaler
~. ~mml'up, R. D. I, WaynN' ~~ ~Io
12':&811-10 aone, Dear raUr08d, € '1811001 and Gharoh All tm ..ble
IIKMItly bl80k . Good brlok ...".... barD aDd oalbutldlDII. In. .
'htl o-...ce..
q~ .',
SO. QUWIt LB. Ilefl1RtrIl&Or,lrood u uew ; 11_1 Rango, e"ber ooal
or wood'i , Cotrteld "otor Wuher. oan phOlle 11 or Inquire of lire. 1.. J'. Per.Itt., Wayu.ylUe, O. .13
5 lacpd AaNe 01 (JIaolOll Timothy Ba,. .. of oIoba Robenoa, Way. aenIlIa Oldo, B. 3.
34 IaqDl,. oIl'recl 8GbeneD, Qre.. IIprIDl Pip,
.... ~.
mOD'ha old.
.0 .
in Bottles 'WIlen you·re hot, tired or thirsty. thinl of delicious Bn4 refre!lhins bottled Com....
Cola. heRrin8 in mind t he very im~ ant foct of it.. purity .. Your b"dccr ",ill delm.r. At ather' timet! e top at ~ teurant.
em.,. "'-
{"",l,ment- stond or grocer •• and . win!. a bottlo. .
The Dayton Coca-Cola Dafllini Co,. Mqln lJl5
Home Phone 6171
$'0"-: Fair Grounds Fl orr o n Airplane
T"" Arut... Our FooII." FIIc'II<I'y. I'fllll,,'rt,m-"'l'hil ",lI,' 'M~ ~nn" m ...... ur '" h~ .. orryY M.II" lin,. hl1ll1,lflll nnd i"ft Ill" l.tI l'hnq:II I1t Ih,, ' rhtllll )'OU <10 will mnk.· A\lJII"II,'dr 'IU~ al'l lind rill hlNlt I t I k I"'''' haw I" , U \ "" ~ ..1 . ll'k "Hu'I'hQ<Iy who don ( !' '1' rh p t1t:L:J.: u r ~ lult l t : (}rUU.IooII1fL,. l Ilkt' )'flU will bo "I u, uoout lL It
'dt" , l·l,ltkllU) rt ' f 1I·"t!lnJl- I ltp IH' '1' nJII~ ~·Ijtl 'Ill' t.n '1 ~ul lll t'011y \\ hI} IIkee ,OU \"tdl t.)-H i ""h oll' d th1 .. 14 Y(jU .... '· ·u II ",.. 0 1 r,''''' Irll hh ty htll'lll uhnut (t 1I~lIy k--"'l1 bh o qu 1\{# ho lh 10 t\ ,ttti"A t ' )'UII 4110 tht ' uu tJlIn llk"r t... 'urUIL't1 to !HI {lhj ~lc\" Wit>'. h)' ~ Isrf,(I"" hl'n l'arl-I"UII I:',llfHIU •.Ir("- - ..hut 1l'4 In 04I1Y wtt uU Ill,\'. t,\ IIIJ.; },l .li hU I It' I., Ill utJ tilt' h llt""_ Ilh" P l ilt I1ttJ ~ IIIOII U· II Cl'l. - lJld IIUUpollJ, 1I 1111"~ nil< r~i'I I"K"t il ut. D;\ll l n,; 'II I tlltl r
\ ' \.
II •
t1 ~ ('tdk CHlj.l1 I. I " It,
•• 1 :1. . . 1 ....
: ... . , t-' ''-
11&«11 00<1, Of r1"lnp '.., Ir\tlUnS n l olt n,l " 0 6 IJnc)e Snm IIOIIa rplQl tOO<l ,11111'1; OOUII'III II " f (\ / Il' j\f purr,"", Tbe IUI1>IUI w11l be .Iaeed III the b8nd~ Of ('on~lIwers throug ' varloue clUca. H e r p shows am. . . . a\oroe fo, 6Vfo blS OlIst.erD cltlEll\. BncoD al S4 c:en~-beel ...... a' II coot8--lIb owF Ihe· Im mon8tl 83\' ln" IlOIl:Ilble fo, the COl>
froln h re
nlli nll th o Xenia fa ir.
, h ('1\
dlu lnit+--
. - ---
bns b Ct'n pt'rtf'c t f!(" Ily UII l::rq.:II ',hl ,nn. Ue Mltchre w n h)r w ht"n th ,' f h h~ rl -H" Bud mnlH'Q It ,-H.!ru(I' ttlrh1n p,,,:!lu's whpn th ~ ' Iti1 e r'lllo. ,'1 " 1" h ,· nht"I,,! a perpelunl wnlH j)O\I'dr. liN !lIP tIde .Iwnl'~ ebbs oncl IInw~, I
liN IIt-
IRich's Found - A lad y 's coat , near Ira fl\rm . Inquire Ilt this office
n,In r.
N ew W t r r P ~ W ~ t , A nt'w l1 ~O of or 11'1 \\"ufPr It.Il\\'(\,'
L~balllll l\. ~1 l1IHhy .
J , J! ,l'''Olll I rlln act ,'d hu l il1e s~ in
til ,
etl loroform to
",no ntt"l1ll1nll n pn,",y 81
" .. It·h thf} r t' trf'Mh rn c nt l§ su rv" were I N ' ,' nlum nnd (·fl ku. 1'11..1' hll~ I """ QW tll u' hr o lh"r ,,"uMn' t mllkl",.: 1IIIIl' h he"i.· WilY w trh ftlt' h~ (' r"tUll. NO tl .-k .... hllo It ·Ii .. ~"In ', "1\1'" fo, It. "Oh )'''M.~ 11" """ " .. re<! -I, '''' ,·rt'lIll1 ts "II rlIlIU: ~UI " ' r~ .. y I ~ Ill)' rV\· orlr.~ ··
Bertha Hole, of Dayton, spent lut week with W. N. Sears and family.
Public Sale Conductors
U1kllll rllCllnllr I,y 1111 nllO)' IIvlu t ~I' who 1:1'\\' ,n " I ~I'''IIII II" 1\ 1 ('.. 1111111 1119. Th ' )\ l' ''Ll llll ti WI're 11 \'1' 01' 11\(\1'0 0('1111 rllt I linn Ihl :! ye ill', IInu n fTord lin Irll' II I II lnre fo r 1111 outlllg I urln g th e pn :il Y"lIr co n si d u l~lll l c 1110110), blls b ee ll SP 'lI l III IIl1llr(," ln~ th l' l, " tlulll g b u ult .~ 1I 1~ IJh Olllllrullh "'U.
Mr. and Mr:.l. C. B. lJenlley s pent Sunday at SabinA , . attonc1ing the [lcntley family r tlun io n.
HE large number of farms se lling will make a greater number of sales th:1n ever b fore. People a re now booking sal s with li S for next Spring. Our wide acquaintance and experience has gotten good results for o thf'rS and will get them for YOIl. If you int Ild se lling out, :;1' (' us for terms and date.
Aman Block
Miss Mildred Millenberller ~ pent the wtek·t!od with hOI" aunt, MrH, J , H Smith .
Jus Murray. of Mulvane , lCan, is visit inlC his sister. Mrll. Will . Shcr· wllod. and other rcl:ili v('s.
StJvI!ral 1" ri cnJ~ ,,'ent to pima, Mond ul 11IornlnR', tv utll'n,] Quar. te rl y M ~ cting at thlll Iliac\; .
o,; rllll l1(if;
Waynelville, Ohio
I i \ I l! ~
nut l ou,
Lytle 1\1. E. Church
Misses Annie und Maille Brown 1", ,,,lon '<1<0 a r. unt 1'11111' th I.. "rlze left, l\IulILlny. i vr a lIll!l\th' ~ \ h i '" II III Cn llll' Cl illun l or I h~ lI11Qra\ with r elatives in Fishertowll , 1'1 , i I llllu III B thnt hnl'e beon f'ro\'ldod. · \l \\' k)'H r" mou ~ or iI ' show of live Mra. Josiuh Hulbrook Ull d (J a u~h ',," n h'" "lutr tnlr this your "III ter. of Leba non, Sf) nl .[ hur <lu I " n n,,(f I HlJ rrllnnrit r rutr l\C't1vo list wIth r.lildrl'd Eagle. uf lltlr ,, 'y. ].urg . ! • " I ' (!lr (,1I~tl • h UTlif ~ \\'t n e lind f
A Welded Furnace
Sunday School every Sunday at 2:00 p . m , Reg ular preaching service every S.unday at 3:00 p .m . Choir practice and prayer meeti nll ('very Wednesday evening. Everybody is cordially welcomed .
l ... .
In til,' 011111" .I" I'U· m un l at one 11 ilU 11\ :-. lol fd i2:,.t ~lO . Ht which
,, t
~t. Mary's Church Eighth Sunday after Trinity. Aug . 10: Sunday ~chool at 9 :30 a . m ; t ll q~o ~t t a ny No m orning aervice .
,'1 hll~ h ('II t,ul Il l' lor tile hilt 1'l nr11 ("\' on t o n \\· oc1n n~rlu) Thia
cln FlllOtn C'Rt i<lIl
'\n1' 11
' ill'
To fen Who Waot the Best
Il v · ~rtl
r ~ lt
II r'
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When you buy this "F" plant YOll get a comhined light and powt:r service ' as engill . will also run a washing rna 'hine, ehu rn, c ream separator. and other m achin e;; inoe pencl ent of the dynamo, either dire ·r or through a line shaft. Lt;t us prove wby it is the one pmctim l plant you have been waiting for.
M, E. Church
rur l,cU. 'r Rlo,'k 1"1 ' he~n (1hl" for " ' \'(1, ,, 1 YORra.
S unday . Aug 10: Sunday School. 9:158. m ., F. U, LoMay. supe rintendent. No 1lervice In church at 10:30 a m. or at 8 p m . Gideon N elson Jollv. pastor.
pnf l h'u lnr1r "itrOnl( It f ~ to en(' 1'111 ; "" III l 'r"" .lIn~ ot IIIlI9·hred a llU" \- 1'1 111 Ih, ' <{n \a lulr I holding !!,j \"('1l1
in , l'.l ,,,"
ERE'S ",hat you have bee~ l~okil\~ for - a cumplete light plallt. Tlus 4() h ~ht .. F" o utfi t is Fai rb:t n ks- M or,,; q 11:1 Ii ty t h rou ~: hout -- ;I nd com!:.; all set up O il O ll t; Lase . Th ~ low speed en p;inc with ball . hcaring dYII:lt~\I) aS~llres long' life - less :Htl'lItl<)II - IIl \\'t'r 111:"11 tenance cost. Engine is the !a m(~lIs thrnttllflg governor "Z." CO.llstrLlLtlOn IS ~xtrcmdy simple-workmanshIp and mat e rials, the best possible. Push a buttun to Mart and another to stop.
Caesar's Creek Friends Church Su nday SchonI nt this :hurch every Mr, anu Mr ~. S LJ E l·r!yulId .."I, ," II, thl' II, ~ I ""I< s hf1\" 111 ronnoQ. Sunday at 10 o'c lock . Preaching Enrl, of III t. V 'rnon, Ohio. art! "1\11 wit h t hp ' ) hl !" ,ltO "'nlr t he II\ H ~ service 81 11 o'clock 11 . m. You are spending t oday Wilh rcln lil'cs. Wl'l' k In AU ;' l\ ~ t , "' Ill hil l'o hut tow cordially invited to be present.
Telephone 61-2 and 3
rui l
d IIrl ll ~ tllf) wa r .
'1,0'11 II h"lu<'ome nt R, Prtv R for 1111 Ii 01' " "'~h h1'V nd vll n (1<1 mlllorl11) " IHI ~ hl ~ ha . nrouBI,d Jlr In-
We sell Farquhar Furnaces to men ' who realize that the health of the home comes first, and who can see definitely how our furnace overcomes the common annoyances of the ordinary heating systems. We sell to thinking men, scientific men, careful men, men who can see the reason for a welded steel 'self-regulating furnace. Consider quality, it pays.
Local Agent
FARQUHAR Wilmington, Ohio
Harveysburg Friends Church
Amos Cook. pastor , Mr and Mra I?rank Hamilt PfI . uf " 1''''1 " J\ll'll~' hI ,,,Iors. A t Ij re~e nt N ewport, Ky , lire s pendll 'l{ a tow thcr Is ~t l "I'" ,l<'lIlnnd f()t h"th beur Sunday, Aug. 10: Bible School at days with Mr, and Mrs. George nnd d fry ~"1110 of the b ~tor Iype, JO:OO a. In , Anna Stinson. superln . Hamilton . An thl'I' (llIt k lnll~ llI g 11\'0 stock tcndent. Public Worship and Preach. "Pllt or th e ratr 1\'111 be th l! seron d ing, ll:oe a , m You will be welGo to the polls next Tuesday and annunl F:n"tl!l'II l'nrchoron Breeders' I come at all these services, Come vMe for the advancement ot the . how . with priz e" u m ~unllnR 10 $•. OfiO.!and let us worship Jehovah tojoCether , _ _ _ _ _ _- -school system by voting for the two lhe Int "II1't .,'·M,offered e ll cC I1\ Ilt ,tho l'unnm ll·l'u clnl· ellpos ltlo n In 1 ~ 1 5 . " cent levy. Th e (UWrlt . cllueeR, goo,l fe r ,I.MK). hn \'0 bee n thrown open t o the worl<l. Mr. and Mrs. H . M. Sherwood, Th o Ohi o Stale Fnlr bon8t~ the heM Mr . and Mrs, E. R. Bentley. Mre . Rh e p' ~bCl w In Ib e country, and this Carl Servia Bnd Carl Conne r plenlced yonr's exhibition Is oxpect9d to m en .... at Clifton. Sunday. Ufe up to s l nnltn rd . Tbe ellm or $6.M;0 will b e dlstr!buted In this d eMr. and Mra. L. H . Vinson, Mi88 Ilu rl ment . Premiums offered tor awlne Jean It'ergu80n, of Dayton, Mr. Bnd run In M:r06~ 01 U.800. Warron County is at the head of Mrs . GUY Dakin Bnd family. of Cen · · Horsos nnd eMUe will be Jud8ed terville. were the Sunday guests ot dally In t he ImmenRe Collscum. where the list in tho War Stamp campaign. When the committee reaches here Mr. J. W. White and family. .hAtO are son ls ror 6,()OO person •. next Monday, everybody who can -~-~--ought to have their pledges made Grouch and aad HealtJt. Several from here attended the out. and it will help them a lot. The Sclentlsls lell us lllllt It takes tbe following telegram 18 quite satisfac· traclor demonstratio n at Middletown Friday and Saturday. An immen 3e bolly lhre(~ months to reCQver trom aD tory . We'i1see to It that It Is kept crowd W88' present both days of the IIttack of nnger. A grouch, then. must that way : demonstration, and were well repaid be cons tonU:!, trying to got bnck to Columbus. Ohio, August 4, 1919. ,ood Il enlth.-D~ tro lt Free Presa. tor their visit. Chairman Hamilton, Lebanon, Ohio. Warren County's remarkable response In War Stamps purchasd last Vfolet.. week captured the honorlj of the There Il1"8 many myth., aD~ legl!llda ~nDected wtth Ihe vIolet, which hal State and wrestled" tlrst place in the Viclory ShE\(t contest from Licking booo ~D8lderOO the gOOd luck flower by many naUonnllUcs. In lome plllC'etl, County , Your per capita sale fir st W ' A TERMELONS English rural folk 8111 II handful ot nine weeks of con lest Is $3 35. 8!1 Peach es.. Apples . Oranges, the tlrst vlolete fOUlld shonld he ttl ken opposed to $3.25 per capita in Lick· Cantoloulle~, Lemons ' Into the tamhousa, 80 good Inck will inll' county , Congratulations. be aesured In the hotchlng ot all tile (signed) Kelley, Sec . J ars, Mason Lids. Tin Mason bIIby fowl" of the harnyard, . Cans, Sealing Wax.
WANTED, TO BUY A farm of 40 or 50 acres, with fair improvements.
. -.
Saturday, A'u gust 9th Featuring a Fox film in that .great play,
Featuring George. 'Yalsh in a good play,
"I'll Say So."
The Late ClaSSified Ads.
Thursday, AugUit 14th
A great film, entitled
6 foU: blooded AnoonEl Ooolrere1s fine Dr, B. 11:. BathElwa1 ODII8
"Veou8 in the" COMEDY:
Waynesville, Ohio
"Bast Linn with Variations"
Open evenings -
7:J0 p.m
7:30 p.m.
820 '
17c 111:
- -to-rene -- - - -I-'IVan' a farm of tram 100 to 1100 1l0r08, ollRh or gratn rant. Can give good re'eronooll Inqnlre ot B. 0 Atkinson, It. D , Wavno8. 020 TllIe, Ohlo.
Hen anll Chick Feed, Pure Paris Green, Insect Powder.
Shlnola .. -.- .... ..... . .. ............ IOc White Shoe Polish ..... ..... ..... IOe All those whu signed pledge cards Crisco, a pound ..... -.............. 40e for the MI88lonarv Centenary work Mazola 011. a pint ........... ...... 85e of tho M. E . Church, will please re Cove Oy'sters, a can ............. 15e member thilt one-fifth ot their Bub· Jelly Glasses/fa dozen'.... ....... I)Oe . uriptlon Ii due in this month. Kindly 'Parowal[, a pound ............... 15c send draft . to F. l!J . LeMay. secre· tary and treaaurer of the local board Bring tla your Young Chicken'J Waynesville, Ohio, at your earliest and Hens. Paying 88e for ronvenlence, A draft for same will Eggs-CaNh or Trade .. be taken to Annual Conference. Sep· tember Srd ' by the Dastor of the It; Pays to Trade at church. . G . N Jolly , '
- - -....
ZIMMERMAN'S t.____ .____________
- ..- - -
UNION SERVICE SUNDAY The uni on service at the Chautau , qua tent Sunday was well attonded The united choirs of tne town reno dered a familiar musical servire. ar.d ReV. Jolly preached the sermonRevs McMillan and CaJwa:1ader as· sisted in the servic:e
- ---- ...---
Have you tried our world
Milk Health Bread? The groceries handle our bread Ask for it.
Snyder's Bakery.
Violet t1lgnly Prlled. The "Iolot "'U8 the' Dntlonnl 60wer til Ihe ' Athlmlnnll. Rnd thl' men or A tti"n~ ...ero treqllentl; ftdd,ell,.ed b" their omtore nil MAth('nllln~ crowned In vlol .. I5." The Rom •.n~· believed the flower hftd medlclnnl qURIltIce, and PIIIIY Rlh'lsoo n gllrlan" or ~olllu nt'''nl Ihe tQrcbenrl woulll ('lire headIIdlO ar dlz~1 ncaa.
attcnUOil to of th •• man-not III mfratioD bu\.-tod8T Ills la'teat picture la DOt rec-
ognIsed by one ont of 8 Ileal
chanp 'lIM taIuID place III Itl.. llle.-atud, the portra1t careflln,. Don't know 111m, bllb'. N _
aaw Idm or lIII Dlctare,
hab '-Well that'. becaUlle be 18 wttbout 1014 lace-pomp-power. · It .. Frederick W II be. m
Floil8ll1OlIern - former CI'o'IrD PrIDw of
ma..,.. TIdI
Irvm bit Bolland rerqe
8boj"' IlJm wUhout the lIlU.a bIoIKIe
Notice of Special Election , No~lce" Iloreb~ 81vOI) tb"L ".~ eIeIlLIon ,,111 bo belil In the W"TIle ToW1lI1\p Scbool DI.tI'tcL. W _ OoUDlY. OtaJo, OD 1'ul!llllu. AUlJUllt n , IQID. at Iba 'WlUa! vo&Inl! 111_ In the ..,wnlbl." Ibe boun
0;30 L m. and 6:'0 .,. m .. 10 detenDlno wheLher an addJ'Ioaa! ..,. lev, of '''0 (2) milia ......d. 01 all Umlla~tona tor \he ,...1.........1_ m..s. forlCbool pu~1u IUOb
U, order of tb. !>eptl', 8"'t.e IUI*'Ia_d·
811' Of Ioboola.II, .A. U.
J. P. LAWRENCE 107 Baltimore St.
"Silver King"
BURT. Oblel I)QlltJ•
"THE MAN THAT SHIPS DIRECT IS THE ONE THAT MAKES THE :MOST MONEY," write. Fred Hauck, of Georgetown, Ohio. "Have kn'lwn the Tri-State for 5 years and find you on top Bnd , ready to right Bny wrong. My experience with agent9 cost me about $10 or $12. I got wise and quit. I thit)k the farmer pays the agent."
We Pay the Freight and .Week of Aug, 4th to 10th
The Tri-State Butter Co. . CINCINNATI, OHIO Write for Free Trial Canll
We guarantee 'yollr cream and cans against IOAA . . The Tri;State ~rlce haR been 57e since July 14th '
Rit, any,; color. . . . . . . .... . ., ., .. .. '.. .. , .... _.. lOe .10 qt. Blue' Presei'fing Ket~le. '.... , .. _... ': , .. , 700 5 qt. Grey Preserving Kettle. , ... . .•. " , . . . . . .. 59c 14 qt. R. E. ,Dish Pan ..... , .' ..... . ........... ' 70c "Capitol" .B.,rand Cups and .Saucers. . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c "Capitol" Plates.,., . ._~ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20c Glass Dishes, 7 in ..... , ...... . .. , '. . . . . . . . . . . . 15C Cut Glass Sugar and Creamer . ........... . ..... ' 50c Horse S~oe Tumblers . . . ..... .. .... . ... ; . '. . . .. 5c Table Oileloth, all colors, per yard . , . . , .. , . . . .. 40c S~II 'ln
Wa,raeaville Oblo
8eventy-First Year
,. .-----..
~'--.--~-~ - ~
V he e l umb r 3543
Rro_o_s-"-.t_er_s_H_e...:;lp-=-B_u_ild~B~n.,-,·d~~~ on~N~a:.:..:.:tional · Hig hwa y'
'f " ... ..,, \1 , '\ l' ." dr · s t ,l Il l ' - ; 0 kl."1 I lu"d e ,h-·-: t tL U •• J ~ 1.1 1 1It-~" IIlty MUll II :'y 'u Ii 1 1'-' ILe', ,1 It tI . fl i 11111 1,1 l,) U.~ 1
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chill,," ill tl,,: I " " ltd ... . ,,,,,I I hI' AllI'Hk crl:\ uI ){, ·d Il,e p ·" l.llu III b uy ~I''' ''I '' thi h 111 \ ,, 1111 1l~ Ir, ' ''I.~ h ~ 1I,,'y Il":l '· 'hl~ cUlIltI, II~ In .. c·m,,·,,1 e tld~ ;",pl, m lt.. , l il t 'l'h, :~ \I ' ft: head d by Ha rm"'l I-Ia ll hunt! : wlt"'h mucic ~ O lll (! very fine III UHIC Tit,) ,'" mmit l,," fur lht! cuullty is h"ud eo h.l' Harry Hhrniltlln . who i~ u hu ~ t ler; ~l'c olld d LJy }illl'ri IT Wnw goner, ~ .. rn~wh "t of 1\ hu~lI e r, too . Frank Ann"rso ll Ullt! PoslinaAI er MeCurthy bolh IllUrl.; groud InlkR. anti no doubt Lheir rernlirks will hlive II ROod elf cl Of! Way ne tnwtlshi p pe'J(\lt' in hll yint.: Illilre ~tl\mpil hefn re t he fi rst of 1iepu'l1I ber.
OBnUARY . "1..f.· 1 \\ ,,""l! t)Cell l"lI ~ I rI ),:\'I llcr . TIII " 'I)! h I tll' .t.suu l ,I li d Ih r llll~1I l'I" ",I),
• Andrew CurneRl e , the philanth ro. plst anrl steel mtlllnat e, d ied at hi . home in Lenox, MaRs, Monday moming an illness of only Ihrct, !lays, of pneumo nia. Mr. Carn"g le, a Scotchm lln by birth. mad e an immens e tortune II' the steel IIl!lus tri es in Pittsbu rg, snll he was givlnll away thi" fortun e al the rate af $60,000 a day to librarie s , educati onal Institut ions, etc. He said, "wealth can only bring happi· neBS In the sense that It brings great· er opportu nities to make others happy," and , In a manner , he lived Up to thi B axiom . He leaves a small family .
---... - ..- - -
\\ c .ll iu f ,
" ' is lind I I ltout whtn Iri.·/l ds un' dear, Pc ri lU r',:i ' fwill cos t .1 Igil . /I leur; Theil ~ tl".1 1 11\\,(1)' . ~he liltlt \V o rtlin ~, Ch 'lrlst Illilll." uwn lillll' ; :iny lI u t, ' nUl-ld nir ht,' laH 111 sl"m r lui ' 111(1 -:PI11C
Uid mc, 'GuntI n .urn ing . • ,
At hiB homE' in W aY lle~ville, amid the loved scentS anrl a5Socia tic,ns ·of a long life, Ju eph \ esley Haines, suddenl y und Witlltl Ut wa rning p$S!led to the Gr lit Beyond , Sunday mo rn · lng, August 3, 1111 1'hll young st ehO of iclutrd IIlld Am, Hainell, he w u~ !,lorn lleur Cen. terville, Monlgo mery OJu nty , Qhio. St'ritclil ber 11. I 13. and W>l H in the 761h year o f hi >l )(1J One of I> film IIY of tllrt! ' childt n , thl' brother and Bi Bter died in infll nc} A t Ih ageo! 9 years,. hu wil h hid paren ts removed to Wllynes ville, where, In t he village and on a farm fIllllr by. t he decease d tOT 67 yoan r esided011 October 25, l B65 he wall married to SUSlln E Wrhl ht , allli of thie union one child was born, a dll ughter who died in infancy . . While alllmdin g Wlt~enburg college , he entered th servi ce of his country . during th Civi l War. and eerved altogeth er 11 littl e more than a year. Farmin g was his chosen occupatio n, but for a number of yeats he IIved ·a retiroo life .' His wife s urviVed him . Joeeph Haines was a modest, Re n tie and kindly man, warm·h eartell and hospitab le, an obliging neighbo r. and as a friend loyal and true A diligen t reader, he found pleasan t compan ionship and instruct ion in current mag azines and books Death haa 'claimed another of our citizens and 101llltime friends, who will be missed I\nd moum(>d by many .
A hor~o phow. eK I,or.led to !U rpo ~8 any other vpr held In Ohio. Is being lltanned tor Ol\l'h nt Jlht nf tho state filiI', til laRt W ~ . k In August. B8 llllrt of 1\ RI1l0lldid urogrnm ot amusement. Ex\, rlell e. omclnls say, bae demonstrnled thnt peopl e who put In the dllY at 'th o eXlloAit ton hI Ilbsorblng In· structlon and Inforltflt Uon Brc GIlger for dlvorslon at nigh t. A horse sbo"', It Ie declared , Is the attract ton thnt muke. the largost !loneral appelli. The horAe 8how. hO"'ever , Ie only I !,orllon of th e program thnt will be pr sonl ed nightly In the big Coltseum , whIch hO R sontlllg aocommodatlons for R.()()() porsons. Thuro will be a oon'!crt by the S ovC I\I~~O t8t RegImen t hnnd of Ne w Yorl< ; eight hlgh·claRR ,·aude,·tlto 6cts, Incl ud ing tho noted MoKRY'S Sootch Reorlew ,,'tth comedy. s ln~lng. dan cin g. IILZt 111l~lltrle Bnd drllm band; Bobk.r· . Illll!ht Arabs. Johrulnes J08 tr90n'I! loolandl c "gll ma" troul,e, and othors. Th .. re wtll ,,1B0 be a game of auto DOlo, one of tbe mOllt thrtllln8 and danllorou8 sports. 'MIe \ll'Of!rnm wlU open each nl8 ht "'lIh 1\ callie !lura.!e. In whlob Ihousand. ot dollnrs'· worth of the finest stonk will be e~ h l bltad . The horee Ahow. th e principa l 1St· traction . w ill be tn char 0 of DOnald R . Acklin ot Perrysb urg, Ilnd tbe Jud 'eR wu\·be Mat Cohen and ColOnel Gflorge P. Greenba lgh. Th ~ um <if '5.400 ,yt\l be paid In prlall8. and el!. trlcs are opell to th .. world. This permlh of liberal offerIngs tOT nil clRssOR, wttb a stake for Ove'goltl'd salldlo h o r~QB. Mr. Acllilb hn ll 888\1ranCe, that Mrs. Clin t Ross purchnsud ~he IlOme of Ih ~ bost IIght·log g d an lmala Adam Stoops propert y on T hi rd tn th e ('ount ry wtl\ lIe onterod In the Itreet. Monday . Mr. Stoops, it Is "orl OIlS evonl.. The \lrogram bal! beon mnda snapllY, 80 th nt tbo eJ\lertald, will r~move to Van We rt· Emeat Hartsoc k bought the pro}> taln m nt w\l\ lIot dra g Illld pruve erty on North street belongi ng to J tlrcsome . It blls bOOD de.lgnod with W_ White, Monday . the vlo'" of L\loolling .both tnrbl and "tt)' re ~ ldODtB .
-- - ....---
HISEY REUNION The Aleey reunion will be held At tbe usual plaC'e, Mr. Joseph Hisey's, Thursda y, August 21st. All rala· Uvea are Invited to be present , Mrs. Martha Davlll, Sec'y
- - -...
- ..- - -
J lUI. York and IB dtHtl't 'l . upurlmu u · - dunt or HcIlOllls-w·ll"n nut tlut UfI th" ~trut)t and b" Ing 1II1 ~ I .. ktln lur Pru.ldun t Wtllion ttoo.. ntl~ htl made lWother hId lor '1>1011 when be conl"oie d DtlW AUlerlwn mulfl, lor 'M, CuuDtry 'TIe or ,'bw ' ~ rePlace UtI> UrllIlIIl '-air or "God /Sa" tbe Kia,': to wM.ah ollr ....
~a: _""_~"'~balA UWt?!~~
Chk:kens hl'VO now entored 10 to ' go rn u lt s d .. ",top m'·nt. At leu,.. fuur rnn ~ lnr" !!t\\' o l h p f(lwlil belnlt known _ "Lloyd 0 00r80. Clemen u. (J rlun tlo u nd WltSOD. having b01'1I IJ rn u ~ hl h ll'u fro m Vrollro . Thoy wc.~. pro>teUle d by PnltIld 11 1 W t\ soo 10 G t1 olegn Uon, of .\labuCl1t rltlz t·na. l h e blrlls \0 be >l ucl\oncd orr. (he tunda to go (Qwu. d "uulplel t II of u I> rld ge ~r0 811 th Tomblll hCc ri ver on Ole grent "UIJtlo tllghwIl .JI"-n COD tillqp1ll1 blgh way link P resla.eut WIISOD to BboWD bort'! pl' e" unlinK Lbo ~lrd8 to Seolllol"' Bonkbcl ld a s tbfl AlJbllm n dlllogaUoQ looks on
. _ 'PE.
MillS Mabel Snlisbu ry is home fr om
Oxford college ,
Will Cook. of Cheyen ne. Wyo ., is here vieltinll re latives. Mr . and Mrs. Myer Hyman and daughte r were Piq Ua vlsltors, Sunday Mrs Sadie Zell is epenJin /l several days t his week with relative s in Oregon ia. Kennet h Uole, of Dllyton, is spending a few days with W. N . <;"ars end fomily . Mr. and Mrs. L F · Perkins and fami ly left, 'Tuesda y, for their new home in Atlanta , Ga. Wilbur l';vaDs went t o Cincinn ati, Monday , 'to a ttend th\! Cincinn ati Philade lphia ball game . Mr. and Mrs, O;Car Laybou rne and family spent the week· end with relative s in Springf ield.
A number of our citizens attende d Chautau qua, ~undllY , and heard Hon ·Wm. H Taft tell hi s ideas of the ~Ilue _of Nations .
, Violl! K. wife of Oenj · Hawkin s, ,lied nt her home In Wihnlnl rton, MondllY evening , afttle a 10ng·l\ln(!88. The funeral was he ld today at her late hrime nt 10:3q. 11180 'It the Chapel III 12:30_ Besides her husband , ehe .Ieav .... one daughte r, one broth'tlr, J. M Keys, and one eillter. Mrs Stanley Sellers, of Lebano n . . - -_. Sylveste r" so!,) of the l!\te Mr 'a nd Mrs Gus William s. died at Montrea l, Canada , AuguSI 4th, Rnd tbt! body wu Bhlpped here for bUrial In Miami cemeter y . The fun,...' Wl\.i held Frld81. at the CbRpel, l~v . C"rlwRI· lacier offtciatfn". Mr. WllllaJnll wu In tbll service ot UDele &01 ud bad not cIIechar1r<Jd. at the tiOle of
Mr. and Mr s. Chas. Sherwood and Mr and Mrs. Walter Cast vIsited r elatives at Wilmin gton, Sunday ,
HOUSE WAS Mrs. Walt r Kllbon is in Cincinn ati today. attend ing the milliner y BURNED TO SROUND ovening of fa ll and winter etyles.
Mr. and Mrs . Robt. Walton and Mr. and Mrs. A . Hartsoc k, of Dav·ton •• pent Sunday afterno on with Mr. and Mrs. J, l •. Hartsoc k , MIII8I'8, Forest Graham . Charleil Edward s and Roy McBeth went to Clnclnn at.I, Monday , and 88W the Clnclnn ati·Phll adelphl a ball game.
Mrs. Lawren ce Hays and 8On, of Dayton, were tbe !{\Jests of Mr. II,Ild Mrs Frank . Carman . 88vel'"al days 188t week 114,,* Havs wu formerl y Mi88· Nellie Neibert , and W811 at one time a teacher at Lytle. Clarenc e Menden hall. of the U S, S. OklahO ma, arrived here, Thura-
day evenh.lg, for a 30 days' furloug h. Saturda y mominl r. Carl McClur e •. of the &arne ahip, came home. Tbeabl p ill at Nortolk ·In dry doclc, and thia triVIa the bo,1 • fine c:bance for .• fOIlK turloq h. Tbey are (ookiq
fIDe. and
ba,. been enjo,In ,t!tebe et and are
of health.
at bailie apia.
milbtJ IIad to be
older ones , will hl'll (' r,. Thursd ay . AII)lll~t 2 1 ~1 . in otl e of hi ~ ini mit Bhle fu nn\' p loys, to!.n" e ." U[m't miss It.
.. --- - -
Lost- On Main street, near t he garage. an auto gasoline' cap Finder please Iilave ut the Gaze tte office. Mr. a nd· Mrs . Edgar Bergen and daughte r, of Detroit, are the g uests of'. Mrs Julia Bergen for a week or two. Mr and Mrs. W. H . Math er of Burling ton , Kan .• spent Satu ~day evening wi th Mr. and Mrs. J . C Hawke .
county fair board for the be~t meeting ever ·held by the as~ ociatl n . Th e gatea open f or the first !lay 0 11 Monday , 'eplemb er I Third priZI! ~ in the swine departll l ent. in all closseR. ure being offered th is )' cnr f or the fi rs t time. f..;as h and Hibbon prizes are helng offered for I he bt'st showing s of )let rabbi la, this departm enl having been created this year . The fair board is a~aln offering this yea r, cllsh Ilrlzes f or the bes t showing s of va· cant lot product s. ::onteRls held under the llupervlAlon of the ~ity wei faro departn .ant. For the boys ' and girls' contests , the city hns bllen divided Into 15 sectiona , in each of which aeparat e awards will be mad e . Forty·five dollars, in six prizClI, is being off.. red for I he best d ieplay of ga r den product s grown by adults on their vacan t lots .
-----_.- --
T h.., Milhl!I' own Jo u rnal is goi ng to build it ~ own h !TIe, nnd, accord ing to plans la id down, It will oUl·ely be "sumo ho me." Plans indi ch te a m Ol e i'TI bUJ lding built more t or cf. ficit! n ~ y tha n lu r atyl , li nd it will be IL pl \la~ lIt _ for t!mploye cs to w u t~( in !lue!' un oln N. The I,ul kll n will be c nstruct t ot taperll ~ h riclt. .:oncret l til ed fl uff rs, plen ty of wind ows, large offices. and in ac r, ~\'erylh ing will be mad e fo r effi cilln y . The b88eme nt will confoin tbe h tinA' plant and rooms for ~ h o\\'e r bulhH an d ph,y rooms for the curri erS, ~'rItnlr B Pf,luley, form r ly a Leb fln on boy ulld fot' seyeral years .city I'di hlr of the West\;l~n Stllr, Is t he lif ' \If llt~ J our nili. He bas had contr ul \If t he paper for the pnst ten y p a r ~ , a mi has mad e it one of the best d l\ ilie~ in Souther n Ohio .
._-- - ...- - - -
On e w ill t rn\'ol rnr nnd \\' Ido. "g rlCo n ~ l lIble J OY. a ccompa nied by culturlRt . d ~elnr p . to lind IL morO! rep. Game Wnrdt'n Powell, went up on rcsenlut lvo showing of hillh ·l\r adc Caesar' 8 C r~tlk, lust Thu rsday, and rlLrm product. Ilian f!K hlb lte(1 I'ou rly arr ted a IIHLO fo r shootin g squirre ls II 0 11 5t ' Fnl ' Thl r\ They f Ull nn ll,ei r man, bro ullh.t him at , e 10. 1\ P I. R "pnrl' tu Squire Juy' s cou rl . and he fined mont of tho Duckeyo oxPO. ltI OD. 6 hi m $3[, and costs. moklng a total of onter or prldo for OhI o (armors. J $<18 "50 f or olle Ion small sq uirrel. never fulla to nUrDel II .f1l1 1 shnra o.t 'I'here are rumors of others Inleroge tor it 1M h or o I.htlt vl sltora sho ting out of eason, and who are hov6 OllpnrlllnllY t o 1t.'s lleCt n IIroa l better bewa re . f or the gamethey had warden ,Ielll nf tbo IJp. l I hal Is pro(lucud on. ie onto his job. th e home ~(I tl . _ _ _....__~1._---_ H ru '" r. Pr lrc (}( No wlIrk , hoard of lIj,(r!<\1I1I II rp. n' A1l111" f In I'hnr1(o of th e fll rll1 "rodl\('( I' PIlCltOIl . I. lookJlIg
fnt WRrcl to Illl u1\ u ,.t ltnl ly oJt:t (\u!:I-1ve e x.
hl hl t nt th t· r()rnln~ rll ir. th o 11l 6! "'"ek In AI\)tuSI . M Ol' " lhan ~r, . O~(1 wIll he ""Id In proml1lluij . Muny fllrmor s wbo wora Ino "URY wllh wllr nctlvilio. I,Lst y 8r to . nn" ~ ~hltl lts wl\l ,lIsplny Mr . and Mrs. Frank Coon and \lrodu ct Ihi N 'onr, onrly ent rlos Ingrandch ildren, of Danville , III. are dl ~ "le . 1JlI r ~ ~ !,a c e I ~ set " . Ide In th e visiting Mrs. Coon's sister . Mr:!. Lucy farm prnt\u (lt B ,Irl'nr lrno.)t for \'c~etn Pratt and family . bIos, whlcb. It I ~ hplhwod. w Ill be Dum CtOllS III thi s rul Rev. and Mrs. J . r . Cadwal lader flclnls say th ey h,,\'er. ElXI)Oslti oD of· rBllsons for beleft, Tuesday , f or Martins ville. Ind ., lIevlllg thlLt tbere "Ill bo II ble nho,,' where they will sIlend the nex t three of molons. Mora t.bQn '600 prt38 weeks at this famou s resort. mono)' wIlt 116 awarded ror potGt.oes. dount y oxhlblt. 01 fa rm proj!uch Supt. MoCleli and was here Mon- aho will be "fanturo. Tbo.. are to day looking over his ne w field of consist ot oomrlale ond altrDC:UVely labor before the school ~ommences aTrnnge d dlnpla)'1! of all ibo field IlDd which will be SC/ltem ber 2nd . ' 811rden crope oommoQ to tbe oowUy. ~r 'thill. more tblLJl t2,OOO lIa8 beeD II loyd Daught e rs nnd Raymon d II<It asldo. ()ogn lr.unce bas lJeclI lalten of th e Starr lett, Mo nd ay, for. Clneinn ati, whl!re they will be xam ino.!d for en. rapidl y Inoroll81ng IUlere.t In bees t rance intu nele SK m's navy . lAnd tbe \lrudu~t l on of houoy In Ohio. Tbl. Indu st ry \s growlug to largor I N. Miller , th e v t cran fru lt· tree \lToportlou l eac h year. 8nd to IIncour· man, is again on the bb. ana ne will a"e .lt6 furth er development tb e stule Btlll you ollly fi,rst cines sto(' k In the I. otr~rlllg $8001 In vremlum e tor b06t dlsplu ys of 11onoy, biles IUld beo prodnursery line . C1\1I un him . sS uoto. Maple product s n l 90 ure to h n \"6 . Kenn e th Ki lboll . nf Daylon , came their hom e . Saturda y ev'ning , but W 83 known plaCo. Oh Io'" maplo BYTUjJ Is tbe country o,·er. taken sick and was not all ie III return to his wor k unlil Tuesdoy evening . ------~. Mrs. Nnnnie Berg er and dRught er , Irene, of Atwuod , III , are the g uests of Mr. F. W . Huthaw ay and other relative s .
Mr and Mrs . Will Mather and daughte r, of Burling toll, KIUl , are spendin g a couple"( >f weeks here with relative s and friend s.
Mrs. Mary Leah Adam~, of Wil mington . srentSu nday with Rev. and Mra. J . F. C; .. .vallade r. Mrs. Adams h~ sold all her intereat s in Kanll88 City, and intlond, to make Wilmln g· ton he~ future home.
I h l~
"III,,' al' a t Miami
After ten weeks, M I' . J eff Smith Ur . Dill, ()~ l etJ pn lh 21 S. I{roadhas at last heard trom !his son. OHea r . WIW . Lehanon . hio. who h88 been in German y ever since the signing of the armistic e. Ho Rov ancl Mrs says, In part : "The Third Div.ision were Xen ia vi:li . J . F. Cadwal lader tul'R . SaturdllY atterwas to have parad ed in WAshi.lJgton. noon . Jul y 15th, but the F ifth Dh·ision b!:s L us to it in stead . Our divi~ion has been motoriz ed, and w nre t rave l. F lo!,d McK ean and .family are Ing by HUtO, with !lOI e ufficers. I ~pe~dl ng sov~f!d days with relative s lell you we were In Jucl! for onee , us In I, ore~ t, Oh iO . It is nicer than walk-ing . "The days nnd nighltB hnve been MillS Dorothy Prugh pretty colt! lately, taklrlll 4 blankets iR I he guell! of Iler , of Dayton, at night to make u comfor table Mr . tiu an Arnold_ g r andmot he r,. Have visited Ii few German butcher shops over here. and t hj?Y are b uying Mrs. our old lnt horses und cuttin!-r them La . wasL 't O. Thomps on , of Lorang er, he week· end g uoot of P . E up and seiling th e m eat, and the peo K enri ck und family . pIe are glad to get even tho t. "Now we have heard that we ate Frunds Colema n, of ~ortVood to sail , July 26th. We hope eo . at least, and then we will lioon see the s pent Satu rday with Mr . anti Mrs . J : H . Colema n and other relatives. good old U. S . once more.
"n,1 fa,·orit., nf
nlll kf' r. the de
MONTGOMERY .COUNTY fAIR NEWSPAPER IS Practica lly ull a rrungem ents hnve GOING TO BUILD been com plet.ed the Montgo mery
Miss Opal Gray, of Dayton , is apendin g her vBcatio n with her par· enls, Mr . and Mn . Ch88. Gray. of The hOllse belongi ng to Mra. Char· IWpte 4. ity Stanfiel d, at Camby town. on CaeSar' s Creek, was burned to the Dr. T . Sherwo od is spendin g a few ground , Tuesday afterno on. It is weeks at Ocean City, N. J ., enjoyin g not known how the houl>e caught on the late summe r at this famuus eea- fire but It waB discove red about 2:30. But few articles in the h ouse we re side resort . saved . It is not known whethe r she M~ Allee Carey and Edna Co~. carried insuran ce. nell are spendln lr their summe r va· cation with relative s and friends in Detroit , Mich.
!' Ult
Misaes Nettle Earllha rt and Alma Waterho use. who are campIn g at Chauta The special election , Tu esday , on ·J ohna uqua, enterta ined. Mrs Cora and Roy and Erwin . Ellis, last the two-mil l levy for school purpo~es was cnrried in Wayne townsh ip by a week. fine v o te-~xactly 8 to 1. This will enllble the achool to run this year on MIBS Jennie Dinwid die, who has (I little .bettor b.asis than· formerl y . been visitinll relativeR and friends in It IB though t thllt the legislat ure Wllynesville and Bellbro ok. left, to· will change the school law thl~ win- day, for her home in ] nd ianaJ)OIi ~, ler to a firmer baRls than has been Indiana . allowe!l The unofficial vote Is as follows: Mn EIIIl Rye and Mrs . Mary F or Allalnsl Waterh ouse returne d home, Sunday evening . after Rpendin g a few days Corpora tion .. .. .. .. .. 96 23 at Chauta uqua with Misses Alma · i!;a"t W'ttyne ..... .. ...... . _. sa 17 Waterh ouse and Nettle Earnha rt, Wt!s·. W8yne .... ~ ... .. ... -.. (.2 22
v ____...._
r : "ll l' '' ~
lil."lli. "r t h.. youtlI(',t('rs nnd t lt e ~e n
Silt or tl'll H fi r, ng(, it was though t t llnt h O l'lle~ wnu lll h ave to go . Hut Hf. rnl1~e thing. happen these days. The horses are cnjl)y ing the auto far more than their owners For the IHUlt two or th re e .. tlays the roads haw !.Jeen lined wltla auLo carryin g' h ' lr~(! Resh fr om the Xellia to the I 'arlhat.: e fair!! This is an improve . I I!lelit over th e !OtlU' lind a rdu ous ~ h i p · Illl.'nt of t~ e hor,;e" !.Jy rail. I n the ,, '"lu ve cllse h () rs (!~ \\'(I u ld have t o he in u 'anAit f or llllcast tw o days, whe n IJI BLl t O til 'y nr o on the ruad onl y f.ILlr or fi ve hours. T he hors ... s 1I" t;lrned to be en joy ing the ride , nnd I hey arc in 8 f a~ be t e r Shll PC when Ihey rcnch t heir ,i estinati oll Ih n by any other mud" (I f rav l!l The machinCH III <I r arry ,uikicrl . bedding' , hi "nk <:l~ and "V"I' VI ,n~: Il11cessa ry for tile hor· ~ Hili! ii,', ttw ho rs",.' otlt:n<lnnts . h 'J ~ :lll\'il1,' I I 'J!; cx11CII:'O for ('81' [ I rr .
The Curr·Cleaver· Rich reunion will be held ot the Wellma n school house, the four th Saturd ay in August , the 23 rd _ All relal ives Ilre urged ' t o be present to make it all enj ovable day, Bnd !III fri ends. und I!specially schoolmates, are invitE'u to come and spend the da v and talk over old school days that are almost fo rgotte,n .
--- --.
SOLO fARM W. E . Stroud has purchas ed the farm ot Harry Emley, south of town. W_ N_ &sars has sold severlll farms in the l88t few day~, getti ng as hig h lUI .241 per acre, and a n average of $179_ It is cheaver to Iitlt with 8 Inan who can sell.
r \
Mr . an d Mrs. L. V. Thomso n, of Kokomo, Ind , nre Apend lng a fe w days wilh their Darente. Mr. and Mrs J . S . Thomso n , of the Lebano n pike.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson and son, Max, and Mis~ Annie WilBOn, of 1'he ' Miami Valley Chaulll uqua Clinton Iowa, arc the g uests of MI'l! . Matilda H osier and Miss Etbel closed SundaY, after a ve ry prosper · ous and entertai ning session . Sev HOllier . eta I fine numbers Were on t he pr, . gram, and were enjoyed immt'ns ely by t.hose who were there. 'fhe Chau · tauqua seemed to come bar k to itg old-tim e form, for the crowds were certainl y there this .year.
.- .
The ad"nt of· tile " ,~U8Ullt Fur
Bale" by entorprl slog retallors -
few )'ontll 1180 M8 prc,ved advan' tagooue to )l/omen . This In tbe ... .... tact that ~ho now at71011 are shown 80 early ~ch fall th!lt ebe II1oI1Y make her seltioUoa a[ld ptaD aoThe Xenia Fair W811 well attende d oordlng lf, without r~~ r that by the time abo bll8 ooroplotod ber this year-In fact, It had about the largeat crowd In ita bietol'1. The wardrob e, that bor tur, wrap 18 aot "rtiht" at all. . T-,Ml. model' .In fair was good In all Its deparbn ents, mink ,hOWD bere 18 Regiate red ·B onda of the 5th (Vlcor the the 8tock pena being better repremore popular - eclata. ,bPft aented than for aeveral ,ears . ' tory) Loan are now In our posaeasiOD. wallt aDd bll comfy fbe !'KIng 'RBI all that could be de- Parchu ers will please call and pre· betas teal...... dll tlaCl ' ID. tlae aired and the dlIplays of all klndl tl8DUb eir receipts . AOwer 4_pID p. 'R ere'Yer1lnt.ereetlq. . WayoeeVUle Naticm alBaDk .
~1I 1l1l"'t
of Ai1aoDa Ia j n wbo UUnka dr..Uc ,' .I,I It!I. • n" III(' tw "blOft \\ ""hl 111I 1,r""5 upun Ileacv Ulat ' dh\[;rrh'~ tlltl In . ~ \\ !llcl. h/t.rQlII AIDIII'I~o"" IItV}. HQ.I Di ~ UUII tu _ ibis ,,«u.;t ~ ~ . '.
~ \IJH't!
CHAPTER XV. L l1Ie Bodle. Move S lowly- But IMr.
Sprou.e Wilt. Smaller Tha n ·the Av••age. Thoro WtlS not a sotln,1 (ur IlIlIUY I, ('o ndR. Sh n "111 Ih ~ 0 1'"1 ! o. s p"./lk . " 1 0m r endy 10 r"turn II"lI h y" u, ~,i,·. (l' now']," ~ h c stlld ,1I"!llIdl)". " 1'11, ·,1.' Dl \1st bo no st.rugglt-, 11 0 bl ... ,tlsl".·d, .Anything but t hl\l_" O'Dowd spoke out or till' ,llI rk,,, '"": "Ynn fOl1:1lt tIlut [ hll\"\' l'"ur "\\"11 II' nl r(lr II tb ot y("11 110 n tI"II,1 wn llllill II .. · fnro th" ·,IIlY Is o\'~ r. \\",II,ll1n·t II h,' botter for lIIe to !'c!tln sh"nl lol( Ilt 01'1<'1' Ind spllro your l'oul thl.' .. ,",'rl",,!ln/! tortnre Ihu t wou ld hegtn hnllll'J llIH'ly ofte r YOllr 8clf·produ r<,,1 ,IPN'lI s,' '/" A II ttl!- cry or N>1I.·r j:1'('f' !t.,I Hoi!! Qunlnl 1111 II y. "1"00 /l nv(' m~· wort! thnt I ,,111 rNtlm with you qulNly If- " "Thunclcrotlon I" cxcillt med n ll ntCS wrnthtl.llly. "Whot do YOIl thl llk I nm? A wonn thnt-' "'-mnsy, oosy, me denr mQ.n," · ('uu .. tlonoll O·Do",d. "J{eep you, 8COt. Don't bo lIocelved by my Intcrnnl Trl '~h humor. It 18 my "'til' to he 1I111'1IYII ~o
hrt \H I hrd
\\ JI:lI 'Ih'~ I h ,I.1 ~" ,' '" I, I r nu u n I 11 10 . ,ltH,·t yO Il
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ovpr lilt', '''I wn I th e . '0\14'11 UUlt nl~ht1
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You're going to . call Lucky Strikes just right. Because Lucky Strike ciga. rettes give you the good, wholesome flavor of toasted Burley tobacco.
l ' rs ~'M l lI l· t Imps, "
h e' ~I\ 1<J
I U IUI 'h'
T h,' tlr~ t (" Inl ~I,,", of Ih y \\'I'rt' Rtr· lI i~).:I1 I\~ OUI !If 111 .. n tJ.!h1 \\ lw n II ... y ~t u l l ' Hf ' t'II~~ t h,\ r'\!\ll 11110 \'" n n n '!'I TIII"\,rtI 111101 1111111 .1I1,·lr \\" II ~' I h""IIj!h tl ,,' "111 1,1" ~· lI rtl In ti l ,' I' a r flf th
,'/I" Iholl /!I\t \\"11" tn g~t Insl,ll' tloo TII\'I'ru. Th ~ ,10M \l"n ~ Itl,·kl'tl. Il l' (IPl lveretl n Ilorl ~s or r, ·~tlIIII,ll n g kl ck~ IIPOII Its stOllt fll cc. n " \'"l""r In hU lld, 100 fll ct"l nh ou t nnd wlllte(l for the n"RIlIIll of th men '~I n. lIe II'II B sure , wnulrl come pllln~llI>: nround th e curner of th e " "1111I n,:: In n 'Rpnn.o to th e nIck el. flllt til r wn~ nl) nllll el<. At 111 61 ' th"I"' \w're ~o u nd s from \\"I thln. A key gru to',1 In thc In k IIIIlI o bolt wn~ " hot. '1'10,· ,1"0,, n ew " p~n. Mr, lurenec DIlIlI1 ~(" rd IIppellf'lld In tho op IIlnl-". IlIIrtl ll llr drE'SlWd, hi" hnlr slIdly tumbl ed. hi s I'NS hlln klrig In tho Ughl o f th e Illnt Prll he helll aloft. "Well, whll t th e--" T llt'n hll:l g(l7.0 .lIl1gllted on ·th o lully. " For tll 10\' " ot-" bCJ:nll the IIIhn rrl\ s~ II 1)1111111'tord. "Whnt the d<lv1 811 Y, Clln't you BUO t!lut l'Ul out tlr Sgc'1i ? \~ hIlt h'", ~l'.
h" r
~n(('l y
__ " .... 111 . . . .
GET Borne today!
"Tl! .' rl'" , tht' I" ' , Ill '''' !'' liP .~ r i " t l . {'Oil· !"u Hr11.:1 ,-. II~ "" hl' lHl t ' ''' .. h Il1l, l ... In I,,'r f JII l#1 II IH I l!: I\'t' w u~' t n :o. Hh -:. " Fllr~ 1 \, ~, ' 111"" ~ he 1Il1lrlll Hn.'d. HI
Ute, ogreenble ·nnd-pr mpt. I'll shoot In n second If yo movo one Rlcp onto aldo thnt rebln," "O'Dowd. !'01l hnven't tho heart te droll" her bACk to thnt brnst of 0 - " "nolll hnnll We'lI corno to tht' pnlot wIthout furth or llf1 ln vering. Whrrc IIro ye (lraggl ng her you l"I!el t, yP nIlSCtIlr "To 0 pIneo where she will be Rnte tram losult, InJur)"'. degrn,lni.lon-" "WolI, 1 hnvo no foult to !llld with , :re for thot," snld O·Dpwd. "Dednd, I didn't belle' ·e you hod tho nerve to tackle the Job. YOII mny be Interosl.ed to )<0011' thnt up to th moment 1 IEltt the "hOU!lO 70ur nhAtlnco hnd not boon DotlC!Od, my door Mls8 Cnme""",. Atilt th&--" "Give me thnt IllIltNII," NO 1,1 BornOl!, II' tor you. my dear Darn OR, your vllllt III 1I0t DVOO SUS()ccted. Bow the lind ~n ntc h Ctl the 0 rll cle Ollt of tho un· resis ting hond. "Show 01 0 OI L' wny dlvt! dId "10 110 It, Dnrnea'" "Are 1011 dI8p0800 to bo frI endly, to MIss Thncke nlY's rnnm, DlIllngtord. O'Do",d'" demonded Darnes. "It )'OU No time f or explonutioufI." "Well, fQr the love ut-" are not. wo moy Just 08 well Ol!ht It "I will tuke you to Miss Thnekemy's out now os later on." "You lire "Dot to fight I" eho crIed 10 room," sold Barnes, leudlng ber swiftgreat agitation. "Whnt Are you doing ? ly tllrough th narrow [ll\sangc, "She wUl mnke you COIII[ortolil o for the-Put It awny r Doo't shoot I'· "III It a gun he Is pulling?" Inquired Is until I .\In IIhle to ceure a O'Dowd CtIlmly. "And whnt tbe deuce room tor you. CoIIIO on, DlIllogtor,I." Thnekeroy wns nwnk e. Miss are 7011 goIn, to aim nt, me heurly? I hllve a buU'e-eye lAntern with me. · Through the clONed donr Rile OSkCiI From. the luXUrious 8~At behind thlR what on fOorth WOfl til mutter. "J hnvf' n frI end llerf}-fl Itlt1y. Will rock I /!Ould 8pot ),e In a second. Hn vlnar IIIld as much I now propose arbl- YOIl dress ns qui Ck ly u9 posslhle nn,\ tl'lltloQ. Would),e mimI handing 'Over take ber In wIth you for Il IIttlo tbtlt tin bM 10 exchaolO for my 1)0- while'" lite thanke aDd a courteous goodby to There wos no Immedlnte r espnnso trom th e In~ lde. Then MI88 Thackeray both ot ,er "We haft DO bolt of doacl1ptl,m, obllt'rved, quito coldly: "I think I'd Hr. O*Do)lVd.. met! Ilhe I rtnmphontl"1. IIko to h enr tho Inlly's voIce. It you "'J'Ilanli: bavea, be got tllltel)' ftW6J' I" don't mind. J recogn ize you rs per"Do JOI1 lilean to tell me "1ell eame fectly, Mr. Dnrnes. but I om not In tho a_, without the-your belongtn.g8, habit of op\lnlng my-" "I guCfl8 J don't need to dress," snld HI88 (lameroor Gelalmed O'Dowd. "Tb01 are DOt with me," ahe repUed. Miss Thnckeruy. und opened her doo r. Bel' «t'UP ou Barnes' arm tlgbteoed. "Oome In. pleo8e. I don't know who "'Ob, Iso't It !!plendld' 'rile), did 1I0t )'OU ore 01' whllt you've been up to, but there tiro tlme8 wlt(!o WOIII CII eateb him. Be-" WWUl 1011 both !!Wear on four tIIlcrc4 ougbt to 'Rtnnd together. . And whot's honor that '0 haven't tho Jewels In more; I shu'n't uHk IIny Quclltlons." She closed tho door behind tM lin• :rour ~onr "X)1ociod gil est, II nu ' BurnP.S gnve a '"UnhOllltatlngty," sold Domell. grellt IIlgh of r elief. . . 8W.,.r. Hr. O'Dowd." "Thou." eald hI), "I huve 00 time to "Sny. ·Alr. Durnes," IlIIld Mias Tlmckwaste hcre. I .am Iooklog tor II tin lImy. 6e\'ol1ll hours latr-r. coming 1111011 bOlIr. I )leg )'our pardoo for dls turb- him In the hnll, "I gUl~SM I'll hove to IUIk you to erpluln a II I 1I0. Sh\!'s 11 '''' JOn."Ob, 311', O'Dowd, I shull novel" tor- nice, pretty girl, lind 1111 thut, but s bo won't open bor lips nOOut noythlng. let all that you havo-" "Whllit, now I There III one· thlnlr I · mllilt lUBlin . on ,our foraettlng comDiet ely : atl thot htIJI happened 10 the last f1.e mInute&. Wiult I em dohlg, Mil. Barnell, WO\l[d be my death IM~O tCO\!9 " It ever becnmo known." · . **It .rutn never be knowu through me. O'Dowd. rd IIko to eboke fOur haq/l. 014 man." "004 bl_ lOU. Mr. O'Dowd," so.ld the girt In a low, email voice, 81ngulul'o ly B1Igfesti.v e of tears. "Some dny 1 ma, be In a pooltlon to-" HDoo't lItIy It I YOIl'1I s[IOlI ev ~r)' thin, It you let me thlok you nro In my 4ebt. Bedod, doo't be 80 8ure I sbll'D't .eo lOU agaln. ond soon." "Tell me liow to flnd Hart'B Tnvern, old man. n1-" ,lNo, rm dBsbed It I do. You OUltht to be grateful to me for not stopping 'OU entlrel,. wIthout nsklng me to gtve 'au a helping hqnd. Good·by, and Oed· bleD you. I'm pnlylug t1int )'0 get away satel)" Mlsa Cameron. So lou" Barnes. U you were a crow lind wllnted . to roost on that big tree In frout of Hart's Tavern, I dure S8Y ,ou'd take the .hortelt wny th ere by ftytng lUI IIt"lIlI1t lUI II bullet trom the mouth of thli pit. followIng youI' extremely good-[oolllo, 0088." The, did oot walt tor the brenk ot dll,. Taldna O'Dowcl'l hint. Bonaes dll'l!lded hIe stepS · straight out frl)ll) "How la She7 [e She Reatlng7 Dol' the mouth or the quarr:r aod Pl'elllled 8he Seem-" ~dentlJ onwnrd In a.nsw... to . a q~tlon sho Infonhed him th.s t t1l!!re wero no te~ thn.n twenty-Ove men In Oreca. FanC7, all of them' shrowd, re'lOI)lto and .formidable. **I cunnot. for the lite ot me. 8ee whJ the), tool! ~ho.nces on Inviting Ine to the bou.,. 111611 CIl.meron." 8M _. *,Ieot tor a mODlllllt, a:od SWEET ..... .abe IJIlOke ' lt was wltIJ great In"Mr. ParDes. I had your 11'e Ia 1117 blndl all tile tim .. you were lit hnq. I lIIudd r now whe~ I hV ..... of bIlt IlliPt hue bappenlr'i Jsc\r lOll - - . .eel t8 the b0:tl WUIIOII ....- a.r...l tb&~ J'OII
to ~' ,\ U ("'OI1{'('rll lll),(
w (ln l
III ~ IIlIh "I'\I)" pl l!!h!. Til ,· tiN t WMtI tlr flit 11 1111" 11 1 In ~ 1I1I \You lfl 111\\'0 b. ·~·1t U U' ~ I ;:II HI rlH~ tor your II put h. 'l'hul Is
Th ~ l a ~ t joyous sllou ttl celeJ>rMIng poaco wore drowned In the. nt e rry peo\ ot · wedding bolla at: Waalllngton mId tho chlmea have been g row in g In volume .: ~yet Rlnco. These· throe bea uti es of th o HI\,o capltal ' sct, IWO Of! ·tb e m h,·ldeM- to-be n nd the \btrd ",I d ehulll nl o U pp ~r \,to MI8s fIIary Frn nclH !.oil tol , dougllter of Drlg.O CII . I.tll ... 1. who Is to wM Com..' mll'Hl ur Of!Orge F Dryan; · conter 1M MIKK Ellzll both C .. III pb;'11, un"khI Pr o f ('ongre ....mau CnD1~ h,d! .. r 1\ "n~[\M, who I II. ·to wod C'II j1hd" II . S. Wri gh t of t-:tlnttl(:k7 ' IIn,\ b~ lo w , 11110," Ellz .. !letb Duhoh. 1 dll"tell l... or ~l'nH l or Illlllfll". who;
h llt4 j lHil 11 11 1"':11· .1 x(!huul ... uct . . .. . u l
"I ""."it·IIII. • ,:&J._ . .
1\",' cumin" .. ~.,. • _.~
Sho !luyS yoU will do til tulk lng. I'm 1\ good Rport. you know. nod not especlnJly Dnl cky. but I'd bute to--" "110\\' Is ~ h o ? Is she rORtlog? Does she semn-u "Well, sho's stret hed out on my bed wIth my bos t ni ghti e 00, ond Bho sce ma to be doin g us well us could be expected." eold Miss 'I'hackl· rny uryly. "E1os she had cofl'eo nnd-" "I urn ,.olo le ofter It 110 W. It seems that sh e Is In th e huh lt of hn\' lng It 10 bed. I wish I had I,,:or hnn glootlon. It would be greut to Irnllb.J no that ull you b[\\'e to do Is to BU Y, '1 think I'll have colfee lin,] rolls U llt! ono egg' sont UP. nnel then go IlIl IJ lIo\'lng your wI RIl woold come trup. Stili, I don't mlod. Bhe seems S(1 nice ond pnthetic, nnd In trouble, nnd 1- " "Thlluk you, MI ~9 'l' hnckemy. It you will 808 thnt s he hns her colTee I'll-I'll wult tor ynll her o In the hell und try to expluln. J cuo't tl'lI you everyUllng at pre 'ent-not Without h er colls(l1lt-but whut I do t II will bo sufficient to muko you t!Llnk ynu aro listening to a chll ptcr o r a dlmo novel"
W c. Un t:; lop1Jy VK My"I " M . Mnrle [.f' wl~ , o f Bnpklo8vtll ll, Ob ltl U.nRlesby . . Cou rt: .. ll o w" plu ln ttll \)rvll io \\' Bro wn. pal nl Rr, of MI lI um ot ,"7 por w oe k I\~ I\lI m o n\,. u l ~n ~ ! !! tl tn~ , t ' hl.l, li nd MI Sft Rutb In pz ber Mttorney f ees Mnxfil'lfl, of Lebnn on. Obi..,. W N. (;Iark CI', va l'hl' Btt tln llr .. Pile kIng Co Court o ver ru ll:!! ro ll tlDn for uow trllli. an ti Illn u tilI Real EAtate Tranfers excopt8: Boward KeUlllBr. st fll. t l) I:i. V . P&nl K . hnw nlt 'r. bv .I~c o h 'lIu \ ' "Jot.El T nn<, M. A. Burke, lo~ Nil. mllkor hit! oex' fri e nd. v~ 0 01) Id 230 In l,obll nol1 , Ohio, 11. Camp. G eor ge n p polllt~ d R . W . I v ins, Admr . • to L ee "nd guordilin ad lite m . M,l\l(glR MArger s on . traot on Dayton Stale of Oblo VB Al va MIll r pike, 'fnrtl l'areek T1I'p., '1 075 Ball b ond In Mob Instnn ae Is fl lt~ d I J a~. B. Lawso n to Oliver Clem An", lit '2000. In t on VI'I, St . ~bllnon , Ohin, '300. Laoy 8, nnd Hazel D. Mltob t'\ l . t " , J as U . Mitchell . )0' No. 10 In Ed·" e Probate Court Proceedings mont, Subdivision to Lebl\nan , In uie matter of the ellt!lto of Brloe B .Worley to Lydl" Simon Am08 B. SideR, d eoeued . Jobn O. tOil, part of 10' No. 61, in LelllSnon, II. Bawke III ' appolllted 1\[\ adullnlA· Brloe B, Worlol' to Ida A. Lee, lln r' trator. Bond '3500 Ed Jaon ey. of lot No 51 In LebaDon. Ohio, 'I . ~'rank ZellllDd J . O . Cartwrlgbt are C8rrle B. Williams Emml\ R. I\ppoloted aa appni8llrs. Con te, In lot No. 2,2 In Lebanon,
The Flret Wlyfarer Vlalts a 8hrlne, Confeaee.. and Take. an Oath.. Bow wns he to find tile courage to Impnrt th e IlPfllllllng news to her? He wus nolV cnnvlncod beyond 011 doubt thll t the 8,~cn\led 51)rOU80 bod mode olt with tllo prleeleSll treo.sure nnd t h n t ouly a mlrudo could hrlng nbout Ite recovery. n 0 reoIIzed to what extent he hlld been shllped Into a tool to be used by tho mlUltcr ·crnftSnion. Be Bnw Ihrough tbe wbole Machiavellian Ilcbeme, nnd he WIUI nlso now mo~ He hnd nlrendy tak(l1l X'utnam Jones ally certain thut Sl,roUBO would hove Into bls confidence. Do sow no other Bucrlflcod h1m without tho B1lghtcst way out or the new and somewhat hesltotlon. In tho .event that anything went extrnortllollry s ituation. Bls uoeoslness Increflsed to l.'Oustel'- wrong with their enterprlec, tho man lIation wh en ho dl scovl'red thut would hnve shot hIm d~d and etlJ Ded SprouRII hud not Yl't put In nn nppell!'nnce. ''I'hut hn,1 b,~ c''' me or th (· nlnn? associates I He would have been He could not help f" elln It. bowl'v"r, glnrlflC11 Bill! oot CJ'llel1'Ied by hI8 thut Bocnehow tho 1IU1 IIIw Ilt wOIlI<1 trll'/ld8. With n h,!nvy heart he mOllnted the sud(lenly pop out of tho chlmnf'Y In hIs room, or RIII'II I( In t1lTOIII:h " crll,:k atnlN!, At IIho top he pl1used to dell~ under tbo doo r-tln,) luugb Ilt h1Jl erllte. Would It not bo botter to kll!lP her In Ign<lrance' What WtIJI to be tears. .rnlned by lIoveo llng to her the- But Shortly before the noon hour, AmCfl holted tho old IIlllomohll e from ~fl B8 Thueke ruy Willi Inring him 011 to Green Funey In frollt nf tho . Tllv"rn destruction. Sho "tooll outsIde tbo door and out s tolJllM O'J If) ,,",I, foll ow",1 hy nnd b(!ckoned. T·hen sho ·cl()8(.'(} tbo door no Jess 1\ (lCr~ on" I( " 1111111 th,· p",'uLlo from tho O1ltHlde, and Durnee was Mr. Loch. 1'lwro "',....' II Illll/lfJer of o1<mo wIth tho cousin of tlnp and. traveling bu,,.s In tho tonnen u of the Qucens nnd princes. "I teured )'ou bad deeerted me," cor, (Jntchlng sight ot l111rn08, tho Irish· sho 8D1d, holding out ber hand to him os he Rjrodo aeroSs the room. mnn MII'Jlltod n ,,:onll\ l gn ·,·tlng. "I 81\ W no occasIon to dlliturb four "Tho to[) ot thl! morlilull' to ye. You remember Mr. Locb, 1I0II't YOIl ? Mr. rrutt," ho mnlmbled. "I- have bel!o peeplog," she Bald, Curtlfl' Hccretnry. 1IIr, \'01'11 I ~ IOllvlng us for II f.,w tili ys on bu"1n ~R . Good looking at htm BOIlrchlngl),. "Where mornh, \!, Mr. n"",' flu'c," he cull pt\ nut Ie Mr. Loeb going, Hr. DOrDes'" "O'Dowd l!Dye he Is to be rODo tor' a to VU1DulIl · Jo ... '~ who npl,rolldwd nt that Ju ncture. "We 'ure sullly tn wllnt few dl.\Y8 on hUMluC8I1." ho e;qulvoented. (OcIDUIIIIIII1 po 1*1(9 I) Of ·1\'1160\l n(·." Bllrll c~ cml ght tho look tllllt tho ------~ Jri ~hllllill ~ I H' t lit hllll out of tile co,," ncr of his eYl·.
. . . . . .'
If you are " ranting to buy a farm, Cnllon
N. Douglass.
Spring Valley, Ohio '~l
., .Exantined Correctly... Glasses Fitted AT MODERATE PRICES
TIFI4'ANY'S IJcenaes David Minnich, bllSoumlth. of Plea8an' Plain. and MIs8 Amtsr Ellzabetb UptOl), of 1I40rrow,-Rev. R B. Fos&er. · Jetllle M. Buuter, farmsr, of Is" be1 1>'_ _nl!", and HI81 Anna Sblnn, of ~banon, Oblo.-:-Rev. R.B l1·oeter.
Commissioners" Proceedings Plao8 nnd I!poClfioaUona for Ii oon . Optical Department orete ou)vort a' the Frano!s T . LewlB S. Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio farm iu Clear Creek Towoshlp are Open evenings by appointment ..pproved, Btda will be rooe lved nnm II am, Au"uet 25th .. BIII ~ allowed :-61 .. te of Ohio VII ~ Prell Ballinger. es ai, mayor feeM, 11.25; 80uthlud Novehy <':0., al B, BAlttNHART, Roy E, Friermood, farmer, and UWlDum eeahi for Audllllr, 113 61 ; 114188 Lorena <.:bar\&oll, both of W:t.y U, W , UnglesbY, burial of E<lward ,Notary Public neevllle, Oblo.-Re •• R . e Foeter Meeke r. 1100; J. B. Woodward, ~ Ben Evane, oolored, carpenter, of sel vlosa burial OOID., Frail kiln 1'wp" Harveysburg, Obio, and Mn. Aona 11 i W . B . RoMnso., same, 11 i LAb ~1I kinds of Notary Work . Stoollton, of Lebanon, Oblo -Rev. anon Floral <':0 .. flowors tor COllrt anti Deed8 a Hpool"lh . d . B. Uplbegrove, . : Bou88 Yard end Jail, 118.40 i G. S . Charles Leo Pt.'nqulle. 1001 maker.1 Moun\8, expcnle8 Colombo~ In re of Day tOil. OhIo, and Miss Alta /' OtturbBIo l:1ome tax matters, 17. 48. Read Gazelle's Classified Ads
~~tltu~~~men~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~:~~~~~~~~~:: CONTEMPLATION
You ought not to contemplate too long or you will be lost, Your unfinished bouse will be snowed under soon if you not get busy and have it finished, There has been lots df building in this territory this year, and there will be more in the neXt two year.s. Why? Beca~se lumber is a9 cheap now as It wIll be for some tIme, and everyb()dy is anxious to get into his own home. '
Ma·d den
"I'c rhllpfl ynn',l better !'1M thnt tho SCOlUlllr(,IH ,Iml't give 119 /lhnrt mCUij· , urI!. Mr. ].oeb." ~" Itl O'Oo\.d. Loeb hesitnt"t1 f or I!,,~o n ll, lIud then. t v1deBtl,:.' hi "lu' ,lJ":l ce II cmlllnlln,1 frail! th" I<p"ukcr s ey". mo.)'cd ofT to where I'cter \\'1\ 8 opening tile Intuke. O'Oowd 101\'(!red hl ~ voice. "HurncY, <Almmon J'1eu Court I let you off InHt nl/:ht, ond I lot lIer off us well. In retllrn, J ask you to ProceedID•• · hold your tongue UlitIl the mun down there gets t\ fulr s hIr t. · A duy's 8turt Ro. Wild8· Gllohrl8' , Trurriee, . VI 'rbe Peoples Eleo'rtoal 00 , ReJ6lver and- " . "Are you In dUII>:er, t(lo. O'Dowd'" ~I allowed 8um of S987. gO .B·. salary ''To I)() ~\lr~llut I love U. ~ enn and I'xpenlll!1 tor 1918 aDd lQ19 .
Will tell you almost to a cent what it will cost to build your home, bar~, tobacco shed, cribs, fence porch, kit~hen, chicken house or gate, if you wlli only ask him. Get his estimate and you will find he can furnish them cheaper than ·8nyother firm_ , .,
There Is n8 time Ilk, the present. Get busy tit once
& CO., ,Wayne,ville, ·0.
~----------~----~--~------~------~~----~--~~~--~~~~--~--------------~~-----....THE MIAMI GAZE TTE .•.. I --- I Blood Poisoning BELLBROOK
--- --~-.--.--
I Sl'~U
Wal~er Olnwld (110 I MrA Nnru FI~lter ~Dd moth or, of I Dr.ytoll , will 800U 'olurntJ 1 epf'lol, the pa , wilek with . 0 0 Aillo W eller farm , MrH J ,. ~], SIJUOJII or ood Ij o . • "Speoht! ('I\ 1<> 'tho, En'l'lh"". 80Q\b of t b1 u 111<1(1), M r, hllll AlrH, W t... lIl1rv AY w er e "W " olinI'. W , VIL , J'HlQ l G - Or, . Subscrlotiun P rice, $1. 50 per y ear Mrs . Lullrll Un ruer who 11 119 beoD 1o, Wlh"h' g ton . 'I'hul' d .. y uf ternooo. _ _ - - _ _ , f'rll.l d"nt o f _ _ very ti l of het\rt t r outll , r Oullil ns 10 M r~ . LOl1loll ,T' anler t.ll luoJ Colle!!... ,1I0d .t n loc<ll hOl' r,lt ol an lIoohlln ged o'lnd ltion ~re. Mnr,V &lllOtl00 lI.o d ohlldreD uud ... rl y l odo )', fj nth d\J o to ~ Ioutl WIWNESDA'i, AUGUS1' 6, 1919 111 ld M i d t t f POlBoulng, whlel, "'lUI ollu,Nl Ly 11 Our t own WIIS I1lmost doser'ed • • r~ . Ii ./t nn n O ,'lO t aug I ·er, 0 sligh. 801o..Oh wll!rll h ro".tv d on Thurlldlty ap d Ft la " y, eVtlr y lJody l\lf1,lhJ~OW(lUOC(1 ~,),It.y . . r013Scl1iYt' ", . I 1'1 .. hnnd I "n s A,U'." aUendlo. the Xenia fair . , e • n'" llI e l. ll l, t, 1e D r Ut Dr ~ The nhovtl IR o.n ncti,nl Qu ntlll io /\ ohuroh. '. hur~rt"y B,ft.t\ ruOon, loe (rom thp Glnclnn ..t l Enqllir r, <Ytth C. I:! SobwlArh b eld bl s ovening oroom nnd mi ke w r ll ~I'r v ad to -Lh A na.mos orn lu nd. at b ill De w g rooe r y OD I,he oorper, tn Ambors . at'·" IjV(t t)' tn tury, no mnlt cr how last Jl'rlday evenio" 'rll aro W r a Mr~ , A llfl Ho r hl n, of Wllmln ~to'n , ftll rh " Imm dill!" !\ttrnt lun. ":" fot " people h e re from (1 1\ or ihe 8o r. "Ug"g'H&ll! lhl\t \IOU kN' ll f\ hfJtllo ot IIUtI Mr~ , Minni e Ifft rtltlhllr, of OalA H (,'I ... . ' ono -o.1\1I nl\\'(1)8 I\t hhnd fOI' roundin g town8. He Is now pro Quite II number rr,'m here a t.. IlIl red to m eot Ilis old onst omers. us bOUlII. vl'1l r < (J,"lin~ n n r el a Uv Bs lJ er e o.m' , r;CM: II.". It. hh,lIly CQr,rcn . tended the 'XltDla f"lr, fhureday, tm''''' Rnti.ep,h; <tlll\l1t1~" mn k ... only on u ll,.y llist wee k, ' well 118 DIlW ODes. IIIrll Chlls. Brl\ddnok aDd IIOD wero Mr ftnd IIi r ~. R ominu h .] mftlwr n .1I~ht I<ppll rO llon n ocr•• " r )· til ~r's , Ber'h~ RhODe Dn8, of DlAyton 1n'I' All tertllin lug ro l"tlvotl from Now thorou/:hl y dlMlnred I\n y . 0.... I"h or reOtlDtIJ tbe suesls of relatives In 'ff&K the week·end Ru es t of h e r pa r. Dayton . cut. No cIIl\.nllflr of tn ft'r tln n w h nn PblhHle IIlbl~. Houslon l" (Tho Orl 111 1'111.1 J UIIOS ) Llnl. Mr, and Mn!. Gny Kibler are lbe eD'-, Jilr, aDd Mrs. R . Purdom , Our t own WII S wo ll represe nte d , mont Is Wlc<1 IUld )10\ Ito ncllon IH HO POlBeISOrS of • Dew Dt..le B'lyer. Wm Bodae 1M offering his town th le week . nt C bt<U&ll0'lIlB lind tbe 1\111<' thBl It 1IIay be t'1'eol y I1.Pl'lIcO t o By GEORGE BA.llR Mr Rod Mrs Carl Plotenu, and prollt!r'y t llr sRle. XeDla FRlr. IQI' crO wOlln!18. burn. and 8cnl~" . Itl. McCUTCHEON Mle s Marie Mnlthop Ull 8 ( ol,urn er! lOn, Bogh. or Lytle. eDj l1Yf'd Bun Frlmk I:!ttr voy. of ne nr Le banon, III o.h lll[1 I\nd he,dlnl! power 10 alnl..... t .................................................... day, tbe gues's of Mr. and Mrs born l! from Sprlngfiold, "Uer S iX WIl!< o"lIIng on re lftt i vea bere, I~ s " ," ,W·k lll. l> ~n' t risk b~ lnK Wllh ~ 1I1 It. n", ~ bottl .. fro m your MU8/1'Iol to. .... ., -cRAUSTARX.W~rreD Leoy, woelts' ebsenol'. ::Ihe hn.~ beon W"dllesdijvevenl ng . tiny, A 'I . t)~ bottlo 2fi I ,I\' ~; " , HOlLOWOFHERHAND:-nm MilS Alloe phedowe&h Itl". Sa'ur. t"klog II ten obo,'!! ooorso, th ortl Mrll. J E. !:lhllma lier nnri SOD "nil hou.~ho l (\ Biz", " no l\A'h 10 lnel II )'('11.1. f PRlNCB or CRAUSTARIC.- ETC. day morDlng, tor ao edended vill\l UbllR Rvno nnd rnmll)' Ilttooll.,,1 II1rt< Nom Jrl ~h rw~ p n nt I rid"y Wltu /,00. FlU)' \,~n l"" uoC p rOI'68 II t" 1>0 ' til.. mORt ,'''11,,''10 hOll.rholll nntl ' l wltn' rl'l"Uvel! 8t D.y\oD and , t.ho funo~bl uf hI s IJroth .. r J ohn M r , lind MrH R ')IIIIIl Il l"holJ\akAr Mr tlorl Mr~ tl. B V'LDrbver of .~ I'II c. " T I ,o k tnti your IIl1n,I)' "." ,1 , . c-.w.. ... DorU.~...sC-,.... Oolumbua, Mhe. S)[l>eo'8 &0 nllAod RYD II lit BOllvort·n\vlI IIi N't 'l'1;o~d tiY • aD ABlioola'ioD, uear Uolumbua , ' , , wt lh m)' 41:vl' p ph'tu ~ o n ti le rf\ llnw rIIIIJOOItIl(,lO City , were I:) ooll .. y g oostl! wrappe r." Th e Ik J . C . J on c8 0 " "Be will not rotlln,," aho aRIa QUlct. 1while abtioDt. • - ••- - Or M ... ud M,!O ~' r" u k t:Hlld .. ker . ~ . Ch.u n, Ohio. ly. "Hc 16 11 COWllrd ot beart. Oh, J Mr and Mr.. AileD Kibler aDd 'I'll fl CI t'I O :,(!nf,! n n m et wllh Mr H J. E. Junn ey, Tht! Rexall Store, know him well," she went on, IICorn In Mrd. BOUMb were MUDday gUllah ot Blflnl' he G l'ItY, tllJI.urdlLY a ft ernonn ' Wuy nesville, Ohio. ber vol\!C. M,. and Mrll, Goy Kibler and eon. .}c.lgtlr Ktll Rlln 'lnd fnmlJy attondr. d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ "WIIS I wrong In Dot try1nlJ to stop Gladman &lIla hae oommenoed QDllr tArl yMnotinl; nt Caella r'8Cree k - ------ -hIm'" ho os ked. work Oil bls DeW home here 80d 'h" flh o (IODdered thl8 for a ml/mo·n t. ool1(1,r and oouoret, fonndaGlon IIrl' :-I111tlrClny , "CASEY JONES" NOWN Prn(, Ii: I. R IIU(\ n Ilnd t,wo dnngb "No," Ilho said, bnt ho cnugllt Ute dubl. net&rlnll: completloo. . KOr UA Kin g, o f ~ O .. r o lln .I, lid nll9 note In hcr voIce. "It 18 'IIA! 611 M Iss Glenna OOl)k bas been 'he drlls!t1d th e C. E of th e ~' r ! ellll~ t,() r~ wel'o ~ 'I08tS n £ Dr, (j(·o. L , /:l .. t· t on, for 6 few da.l'8 . well, porhap9, thllt be should dlgQp. anlls' of ber grandparonle. Mr. and Ghurob, ~llndlllY m O'Dilll{ . H ~ILi fl~tllle ptl I cQo tinu ~8 ' t·o peur. HIs flight ttljlllY RpAroo-bu.t WI! Mrs. Geerle PraU. for 'he Plu t O r Wbtt"lIer ha ij , "(Jvutl bl ~ Ul'() mOrl) IDt('rClllcd III the m 'M week . bonHehold goods to hl~ U(HV b OIDe d ol\lm~o o\Vo~ j.~ I\t ~oocl prloeR, Pl lohtu g bt'lr~e ~ h (lfl!o Is the gamo SpmuHo. Uos ho returned'" A Dumber from here f\ttended 'he Dob1l1l, Uhlo "No, MIs!! Cunlt'ron,- Hillel ho ruo- funsral of JellOpb Ralnell, at hl81atA MI 88 Myrsle Cllrr, or n o"r llUon th"t la hNnll IndulgerllD by maDy of our ritJz8 11 ~ . fully. And th en, 'wlthout II s Ingle /'C&o bome ID WaYDesvllle, l'hurldflY I~ the gll ellt of rel!\ tlv il~ b (l f (l f'rvoU on, ho laid hnro Ihe IItory of morolng, Ur, tllIlDoe' sudden dea&b I N Mill er e n tertnlned hIs son, Harley Uarbaok and family hllv" Spmu"c'lI def l'C tlon. When he Inquired Olme as IIl1hook kJ hl~ roany fri ends moved to a 'eDant h nose 011 Amos C~rl liod fllm ll y , of Uolumbu8, lttst If Hhl' hud henrd or tho mno known III! and rormer oell!bbors , he hnvio8 Ooolr's' flUID near HlArveyallUl'J! wAok . . beRler NnlRmllh, "he conOrmed his beeD II rfltlldeot or 'his vlolnl&y for F r ~olt 11011 !:InrrS' Rhliinke r re MI!s Mol'y Collet' I~ h')lOo f ~ om many yeare, prior to ~be\r romoval Odurd 00lle8e for a fllw w eA ks, (Jot vOll I h oi r F ord tru ok , \bls weok , 1·0 t.o wn a few ~e .. rw a go. Be wile a Thre. bing wb od 18 ove r , I~ DC18ee d, The Col1e'~ 1110.( (l,y pIon \0 was 1I'00d lIelgh bo r IIDd w e ll liked by 11'1 1( j~ 10 or dAr helll .. t .he u-nnl plIlOIl, Stltnrd uy ftverybnd y . tiu d will b" grodly H.' v L B. (Ju~tl will fill Ihe fll1lpi t Chilli. BwlDdler CODtI rIJ lllIly , or mfllled . To tho bere IVild wife I ~ Allteodlld th o Rl' mpath y of the oD,lrll D" y toD, IIpeD' lal4t wea k fl' til home "t· til A M III olJ oroh 00 ~uDd8y . Til \! ti l" u 1M dl'H.w mg Dlmr wooo or Mr 00" MrA. D, M . MO\{ /lY o,' mmunlty . I) / ' n (N ll ne'!' will (lon V(JD H, Beo \£ Vlokers, a 8b Rrf' . ~h"otfl ' IJf Mr , 81'1d MrH GllldmAII 11:111' wer .. 11. un I Mrs Wtlliflm WrIght, of the 60tb lllf .. Wl18 crit lln!\, on re I ... the Q068ls of frloDd~ tltlt\r Lebanon, Congrcssmnn '''Put'' McLa ne 'IV68 here. la8 ' we ~ k !:In wn8 Dny lo u, wo ro' oalll nn un reilitives HandilY trom Ponu8!'lvunlll Inltl'" hi " on', 1IIlIt t;n turdn.y. h 'Voshlllgion "xperlcDco n~ n hit C'\tlrence Url\wford spent RI1DdKV, woul>dlld /Iud "aBAed, bo l. OI)m es Cb ..~, Gillnugh, of DaytoD, WIIS In or dlve r' lun - nol ItNn r€ll lll nr J u~. 'he RU68S of hlB frleDd. Boward hom l1l 11 fln l! s hopo, b rln gloll " ol,n. tlo n f or rtletlngulAh ed MOl' \lIrA lie thiA vlolnlty. Mo udltV " Pllt' I_ II locOnll/lI vc ""IlIIlCC\r~' Uhenoweth. brings, nleo, IL beo ul" f1l1 Lux OU'l\)llrg H e W(JIII 10 c(l1Igr<l"M whim ht O a r Ol\olll will 80nn be In o per .. Mr. I1DII Mr . .Take Hf)ntt spent brld .... who dool" r ll br()th cr Olllll\,,'erH Qr Srrlt nt<lll 011 btl I m lo ve Muo, und llr 'he sU~lsr vl810 n of II Bal.ur!! .. y ""d i'lnnday \vlMl tbe I" s. wi tb A m eriolL Jectc:d 10 a " 011 ' r.:t5810lln I !'Ilndlc! 01'~)~ 01 c d U08 torll, 'er 's 1'111'001·", Mr. 80d Mrtt BoylA, tlaic. nomlnute'! him h.ti leall alld 'l'r~vo r C. Ho yo ok ill im Jlrnvl nll Unr tow n I b lDg benutlfled wIth of n6llr Bel! hrll nk e lec ted hIm. _ _ _... _ ..a_ _ _slowly, nlt.houQ h Mi ll conn 3 11 to hl H Oll mon t gutte rs nnd good streets, bomA. M r ~ A L . MeUee , of Sprlngfit'ld, "Itli ll'd her pftr en!s, M:r , and Mrs , E. Notice of Appointment H o r &e I, Oecelved. B~uo Lt, over S uoday . A horM ~c,.,.. 1· ,·C'r),.hlng ahout 22 Mr~ M E \Vii 0 0 url d rhos. Took Ihear.c 01'.\0101 II. Sides, OOCl>1l8ed . ror cent Inr!!"r Ihnn dol'~ II mnn. Bo Ne~ lce I. hOl'l!b)'glvell thU .Iobo U. H.wk. or visit n r elntl ves ID Van W ert thnt 0 Mlx·tUf,t IIl11n I n!llllt! up 0 little b lll\ beeu dul l' oppolnWd alld 'lu ollOctl D. Ad Con n~y, la8~ week, mlnl.Lnlt.or of Lhe Eotate ot An'OH II. Sid ••• ~\lorl of ~ evc n recI ~11I Incbes hl~h. • 8 . A . IJn. raon , ODe of DaYWD '8 IBI,,, 01 W.'I'IlD Counly. Oh iO, dOO<lAlMld. 1'\l e fUN hlle. or ~t1N10, Dever heen nal ed thlh J lot ~a'A~~.:'Il-: 6~~; u hu ~ltle~ s m on , WBI! olllling 00 110 proved. II". A '"varlte expillnotlon ot MiAa Lore tta Hl1th llWIlY I~ the qU hint.lmoeH p nr e, In~ t t:!a~urday . Judge 01 ,b I'robnr.c Onun, Iflo IlIr):,' Imnc:e 10 ft hor8O'" el0 •• WarreD O~UD'y , UllIn. POS88sRor of II b Ilutiful n e w five RoberL J . Sb nwb aa , AU y . u ~O .hn.t It 0 h"r"t' kpe'. mUIl's exact sIze pIUIsen ~er ou . R~ v . Am c.s (Joo k Is thought to be be would r"" Ii7.1' hi" power IIDd pup Im\lr ovlog. Ilnd It 18 hoped tllllt he Mr and Mrs \V1\l! flr Fltt@lind Mrll will 800D bo wit h us ag .. lo, boyond hl~ cOlllrnl. ' Id~ ' :r .s loy tire e nj oyin g Il DI'l tor o D Bone, fiX Oounty Vlerk and Olassl&ed Ads trip to Dntro lr and Nlo g .ro Fnll~. DOW with ~ b e H A . Dolliogs Co., He w .. Known to Her •• B ThIef of Mrs Alf Gilpin, (;(lotuD Bnd WRS In Qor mid st week. International Fame. State of Ohio, Clly of Toledo, Dwight Hllpln wero Sund ay dinDer MONEY U)ANED Tbe II nw llt the T ~)"D BlIlI , t3Rt LUCAIt County. 88. Frllnk J, Cheney makeB oath that he goe818 of Mr Bod M rs Forrest· ur d ll Y nllllll., tor ~he bllDe/it of the WOrllt t l.'8r by tlcHcrlhlng hIm nR 1he TftYlor It lion lor partnor of the firm ot F, J. gtJnrtl who wotetlcd b ClIl'otlt h!'r wIn· Chelle), ' h uroh, WRS wan patr·onized . &. Co., dolnl' buoloan 10 the The Mi8ses Fisher. of OilY lon , ore ON EY Lonned . OD live 8,00k, dolY. H e wnll known to Iter 118 n Utlef City ot Toledo, County an4 State B(I,r f)ld Hml t b , of near Clarksv11le, "rorooatd lind tho.t ",,14 firm will po.y visiting .\drs. Tum Burst, ohattels, also aeoond mortgalea, of Internutlounl f ume, 10 our oit,.v, Bllod"y, wos oum or ONEl Ii l1NDRlilD DOLLARS N.)tes bou~ht , Jobn Barblne, Allen Hyou werc no mnt('h tor Chl'l!lor '(Lhe Mrl\, J , Ul .. rk , of pringfidd, h rl!! o r eAch an d eve ry c&-. o ot Catarrh 8 0 1D6 of (2 overnor Uox'@ admirere Building, XeDla. Ohio. 6,4. 20 NolRmlth. Do not look 110 glum, The thllt ~Ilnnot be b e cur04 b,. tbe use beeD 'he gnes' of Miss Mary Leoony In this vlulDlty were muoh lIurprised KEDICINJD. ebrow(lel!t police omcers In l~uroJ10 ot HALL'S CATARRH J: 0, RU~81!11 bU8 1I0 id his grooory FRANK J . CHENEY. in nn~ get tinjr to hen.l him a' the have ncver h,·l'o IIhl<l to rope wllb Sworn to b~roro me ant! eubeerlbet! t o Will J obnson. WST Vlllley Obautduqna, 8S woe II> my preacnce, this ath 4a,. ot De· hIm. Why stlolllll ),1)\1 OI!RJ1nlr?" The Brehm reunloo was beld at expe"to(L Jlo IIllNlRg to biB fc('t. "By /lilt\, hoe comber, A , D ., 1881. W. GLEASON. tbe home of Mr , lind Mrs P . W . Mr. ..nd Mrs ' Ed Mollen and IRE, somewhere botwoen ~pring ISenl) Notllr,. Public. Brehm, last Buodt\y, A h OU1 sixty hasn't got nwny wi th It l et," ho Hall's C"tarrh Medlolne .. taken In. bora aDd Wll~nlll\V ' II (\, on \uo grllted. "I will run thl" 8CDundroillowD ternally an4 netB throuwh the Blood membeu of the fllmlly RDd gurn>t!' daugbter, of Dayton, w e re t;uud .. y vl!lUorB of Mr, lIod Mfa Ed RealoD, Upper Road. FIDder letlovo at (2a If I have to llc\'ote lho ri'ml111111 ~r of on tho Jolu.oua SurfaceB of the S,..- were In 8t&eod(lDOe, ot EllS' Main street. tom. Sand tor teetlmonlal. troo. zet'e offioe. a18 mv lite 10 thA jIl Nk ." jl'. J. CHENEY &. CO" Toleclo, 0, Abe Cook hRS "old hlR farm, WA'" Co nD ell Wilson II.nrt ~188 Ridgway Sol4 by all Druggists. 76c, (To bft CoofJolll!d) of Sprlngbor.l, to n, G , Morris , werll mturie d at the hride's hOme In Ho.lI·. Family I'm. for constipation. WANTED- TO RENT FARM MI"8 Berth .. StophenlIDn bRS re Wil mi ngto n , MondllY. Th08e prell. .aompd her dullllt' Ilt Miami Valley ent were tbe neAr r e l.ltUvea , Thev waot to ren t a farm of from 100 B08pltal nUer a 'bree weeks VlO" h uve o ur be. .,t wish es to 1100 llo re~, olAsh or grilin reo b. 'lpD· l . Mr, lind Mrs. R obert Edwarda, of Qal~e 110 IlIorge orowd .. UeDded tbe Atl Dntll, QII , were tho week.end Can glve good refereDo68, Inquire of B. (J Atkinson, l~. 0, 3, Wavnes. form'll opeDlng of tbe nf1W gar"ge , goests of re lntlves ILl tbls vlolnlty, Tille, Ohi o. a20 and "ppreola&ed tbe hOlipi ,.lIlV of ~1ia 8 Osee AnsoD of Dn.yton, ,pent Mesa." . WiUeman lind JODel, tlund,,}' bere wi th b er p(I,reots, Me.. ,.. 8. J and C. A. WIUemflD WANTED Tho 81lLJtlat s ooilll held at 10. were~ Detro" one day laB' week· wo od ~, on Buo k RlIn. Thurllday Mr. nd litre , Lester FI'Y aro tilt' night., WOII a tiullool!.1 l~nCOO88. TODS of Clover Bay R,o d 10 '1'onll proud paren'" of 11 new baby gIrt. Mr , lAnd Mrs Ira tlyferd lind SOD, of Alfalfa Hay, I\'aynesvllle An lher real Astate traDsfer of John, visited In Highland Oonnty, Cn.DDIDg l)o, . 1113 01luall IDterelt III tho' lIale of tbe MundllY . old lami Valley ~lIege aod The favored f e w were pree8nt at groun I to Mr. Wadsworth. who lhe Collet~MoK"y pioDlc, wlliob III J!'ORSALE ,,1\1 rise tbe oollese and \1IIe the beld annually at Book Run , Address brloh ·tor o\her butldlDg purpoll68. Tellm of Horsee, Walon, HarD688 Mr , lind MrH. ·A. P. Adt&m8 onter. Thus 8prlagboro 108l'11 one of her IIDd Gravel Bed, 1111 in good oon. talDed "' Sundar dinne, r , IIr Adamll' mOBt hlstodool landmarks, dUlou, Inqolre of LawreDce Shep. al"ters aDIl their [luDlIIilla, herd, WIIYDesvllle, Ohio, d7 Mr. and M}s. WaUer WllkerBon had for t~'lfr IllDner guestB, one , Tbe friende Uhuroh ill pretty weIJ fall.bJooded AnOODa Oookerels, It ia evaDlog 188t week: Mr . Bod MI't!. completod OD the oatslde. DAYTON, OHIO 107 Baltlm9re St. fioe onA8 . Dr. B, E, HatbawllY, 0801lr Oleveoger, Mrs. J: R Stopben , h e lpln8 Its looks anll 'Whim It Is Waynesville, Ohio, dO ~OD "Dd MI~8ea Bertb(l, tltsphen80n oompleted It INIlI be " oredU to our wel1.k·ept np tOWD. lind Nellie FlU", HEEP-lO hend of E"68 aDd 1 It I~ talked or thllt the BlokBHe resiatered Linooln Ruok , E S. oburoh on Ellst M"ID s treet will, In tbe nOl\r future, be overhauled lind ~hroyer, R 5, LebaDoD, or IDqulre at Ridgeville, u20 put in good repair. Tbe Zion BlIoptlst oongregaUon la lot of good ~'001l BOilS for sale, oontsru\lltttlng replI.lrlnlo( \h e I r Ioqnlre of Frank Shldaller, oburoh buIlding . . H8rveysburg, Ohio. alIO Mr. "011 IItr~. Cbas Gray , of WelJ. ILO-12xSU ft. ' B&ne 81\0. In man, o..lIed aD their mother, Mr8. quire of Wm, McConDell, R. 0 6, ~Bra·h R·l eh. ~ullday, W~yoeevlllo. Ohio, 1 mile . west of Mr , lind Mn. Rober·t Vromy, of . 1120 nelrolt, &iloh • were g:'.lellta of 'he Ferry, 00 8001al Row. ' Central, on ~undllY, . Buperlor Fert1l1zer Drlll,2 borse, Mrs, Maull Cleaver and daughter, 8 diso good..a8 Dew. Inquire of Audrey, of OilY ton, Wllre weell.end Erne.' Harlsook, R. D. B, Waynea . gues\8 of Mre. C\ea~rer'8 mother, "tile. Ohio. a20 Mr.t ~arah Rloh : tnory Brlok Bouse on Main IIlree' Mr. and Mre, Ifrank lL Rarrls a'eight roome, an la good repair, teDded tbe funsral of lira. Rober' Good barn and 10' ral8S' uhlotreD!, Sh8Y WilmlngtOD, Saturday. Inqnire at thll offioe. a13 Mrs, Allie Eyolle, of . A~der.on, Iud , la 'hll gueBt of hell' .1eter, 'Mrs . UUroo Jllrsey BOllr, about '''0 George Denoy, of near here, . yeliN bId, elhrlble to regillter. Barry and .V has. SmArt" of Cln. Wm. OummlOgtl, R. D.. 3, WaynB8 olntlll ~1 were gnHsa of rel.Uvel. vllls, Ohio a13 8t1oturday and Banday. FARM-GO o.ores,' near railroad, ChIlS, MaddeD UOIO&(I64. a ear of .choal and ohnroh . All tillable floe ooal to h,11 oUlltolDon, I. ., week laDd, modly blact, Good briok honle, blln1 aDd O1llb.UdlnlI. III• Rlilt MDral courage. qulre a' lhlll offioe, a18 When JOtI nre 80 to 1101111 ... bnt II! rlltbt thnt Irtmlsbt LB. Re'rIKerator,Il00d"88 Dew i Qaiot II_I BaDp, elthu 00II1 ~D 10 tbat 'an" mea are lINIn. ahQut trio or wood; Motor Walber. urupb of 0aU phone 11 or 1aq_lre of lin .... Brooks. 1'. P.k.... w:.,DenlDe. 0, . a18
Slight Scratch
Mr, and Mr ,
D . t, CJ~ AN E , Edi tor a nd P ublisher. Waym, ~\j ille, 0 1,,0'
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==___ . . . . .
..The Dayton Coca-Cola Bottling
Public Sale Conductors
HE large number of farms selling will m~ke a greater nu mber of sa les than
.ever before, feopl e are now book ing li S fo r ne xt Spring, Our wide acqu a inta nce and exper ience has gotten good results for others and will get them for you. If you intend selling out, see us for terms and
sales With
Aman Block
Tel ephone 61-2 and 3
Waynesville, Ohio
Walter McClure ru ERAL DIRECTOR Waynesville, Ohio Fully Equ ipped for Good
Service. Large Display Room
WANTED, TO BUY A farm of , 40 or 50 acres, with
Dr. J. A. McCoy, VeterinarY
Graduate of
Funeral Direetor
".DENTI ST.•• 01llOe In
NallOll8l BIIDI<
Either Auto or Morse.drawn service. No e~tra charge for suto servIce, Both phones In Office and Residence No. 14. '
and Embalmer,
W aynesv III e. Ohl o.
.~~al~ lJnlveraU \'
OFFICE: Fourth St r eet , ncar Tyle r Telephone 93
. W8YDentlle'II Leadinp: Denli" Office tn Boln68 Bldg. Mllln St
fair 'i mprovements,
'CO "
BIlla. '
WavnetlTllle. 0 .
I For.
I DR BELL'S ANTlaPArN Internal
External P.,.....
Try the Miami Gazette's ' Classified Columns for Results
.. -
Saxon ~~SIX~~
The Practical Car ,
saXon "Six" has earned its reputation a s die Practical Car because it is so thoroughly practical from so many different sttUldpoillts.
RAY F. MILLS, Dealer Pbone 71
Waynesville, Ohio
M i d ~ Ir Propo. .1. T'It · "III""" I~IIIIIH u btu \)1 '''('I(U(II I-' • • knd\\ .tr ' \11 1,,0 lIu II I IIf !-\r 1 .(\\lI~ flJ C'hll'h:-o I I U':II ,I 11 1I 1H'/ '~ lh' rf.,rrulI,r. (Ill" lIt ,I, ''"t, 111 '~I .... 1 ·h~l\ttul llll ,'flit"'-
!sCHOOL CHILDREN SET HIGH RECORD Lunday Sc hool vcry Sundav a t Rejtular preaching ser· vice vury Sunday ti t 3:00 p.m. Choir prllctic.e lind prayer meetIng every Wf'llnesuny ovelllng. Everybody 19 ctardinlly welcomed. I\\. E. Church unday. Aug 17; Sunday Scho~l, 9: 15 11. m ., F. U . LeMIU'. SUperlll' tendtmt. P realhing at 10:30 a . m .• by the pastor. No service in church at 8 p . m. Come out and Ylorsbtp wllh us. Gideon NelsOD Jollv. pastor.
good Bonds you get the ~dvantages of safety and security -the very foundation priri iple of a desirable investment. The War Loans of the United States Government were covered by Bond issues - in order to offer the people the utmost safety and security.
Write or phone us if you would like to have leplesentative call and · ta 1k it over.
Last Sunday aftemaon. the Miami. again captured the goat of tbe ball team that trllvels under the name of our county IMlat, Lebanon . Our boys defoated thUs bunch once before. but Lebanon was unsatisfied and wanted morEL They got it-ll to S tbla time. Osborne pitched his u8ual swell game Sind received good sup port from his mates, both in the fleld and at bat. Our two Matee from tbe U. S. S. Oklahoma-Carl McClure and "Iluck" Mendenhallwere stationed at fl!'llt bue and left field. and dldl their full share to help the good cauae along. BIll' dolnga here next Sunday. Spring Valley. And each team has won one of the two games they have already played this year. ..........___ 4_-............- -
MSOl7to BuperatltlonL
The mOGI,Io ball a lot of stor1M
Wbenever Cardinal Wolae, l!'IIotecl 'l'IIe boq boaln_ maD 110 longel 8eIC1 Unpr over web platitudes U an audIence to tbe people, or whon"Jom'I or the CUI .t hand," and ....e ever be went anywhere where be ... ue "ad to be or tenlce to JOU In the apt to bave to mingle wIth a erowd, All thoae whu shrned pledge card. IDIItter.- IDatead be blHl bill favorite b e en rrled lin oranl:e that had been for the M laalonarv Centenary work etIJ)~lnllr prepnred for him bl remo" numbered and !lied 10 a emaU of the M. E. Church. will please re-
neelcd with his career. Whnt . I am to tell JOU like nOOBCOSI\ but It la a allrolsM filet. The "mill!" of magpie wus orlilinall)' Marguerlta
or Mnrgnre!. elmmerlng dowo In(o • nIckname. Just aa a lot (1f bumnn Harprets are oll'ectlolUltel, rolled "Mag" by the'lr friends. Of tbe magpie tt t8 IBid that to lee ooe Ie I sign O. bad luell. two good lucll. three dealA. Ing the pulp find putting a .pooge 'en eatatocu&, and dJC!tn~ his let; member that one-fifth of their sub· four a weddllllll·-ExchaDlIo. tenI IarIelJ b7 talklDg numbere to btl lOIlJ<ed w1th dlBlnf~tnot and ~ scription Is due In this month. Kbidly
------_. _..- - -
amelllog .plces loalde It.
send draft to F. ~. LeMay. I18Cre· and treuurer of the local board !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tary Waynesville, Ohio. at your earll_t ronvenlence. A draft for same will be taken to Annual Conference. Sep· H I I tember 3rd by the Dutor of the church. O. N Jolly. IIr . • nd Beokmao. lao and ------~.~~ -----da. .bter, of Ttppeo.Doe OU)', were ,I.'I 8nnd.,10.1e o. IIr••DeS lin. E. Ct ".DnoD. II~, .nd M,.. Alber. Berree and Saturday, August 16th MI ... Opal '1I'hompeon. of D.,loo, lpellt 'he week ••ad wUb tbelr par. A great Cecil DeMilJe production, enle htre. It. total ot $2.216 In prillea. In add~ Donald .llId (fertnde Wol', o. tlon to tree trip, to the eapo.ltlon. Olarlre'fl\le. are lpeDdlDI aev...1 "Don't ' ~hange &I'll offered memlHiri of bo,s' ud 4&,,1 wUh 'b.e lr ....Ddp.r.II&B, lobo I1r1.· agricultural and home econom· Wolf and wlfe. 108 cluba at the OhIo' State Fair the Tuesday, August 19th IIr. •Dd Ilrl. • Iva LuddID"OD lalt week In Augult. The fair maD· aDd 4.tlgb'.., Mlrl.m. lpen' 80Dda, aRBment will p.y the railroad fMe of wUh 'belr l)IIrea", IIr. .lIeS lin. Featuring Constance Talmadge in a good play, three club membofft In lach oount, Lowry, of OA~ W',D..,,\lIe. If veollle ..'ItMo the couoty will pay IIfI. Bar.h Blob, of a.neYlbor" their ewenAea In Columbua. a. • paaed 77ab mll...'one In Ill., meaDe .of attracting teamR for th. !!Ionday,h.. .US·OI' 10~b, Ber ohlldreD o~nnlng demonatra(\oDl at tbe ell pOll· planaed to lpeDeS the day with her. Thursday, August 21st tlons. Tboee wl$h h.r for dlDDer Prl.~. tor pl.8 amount to ,11'11. Tbe, lI.ude Olea.1r .nA dAD,Mer. Dorothy Gish at her best in are : Duroo.Jer.ey•• ,111(): 41vllled In And~e1. of Dt."toD, II~ . • nd ..... 10 prll8'; UIII, divided 10 101 Poland W. T. 10Mall, II~ ••nd lin. AlaD O1IIDa.. UOO divided III Dloe. and a Buteoo' .nd .OD, KeDDe'h, II~ . ftDll bronM tro~by: Ramplbl..... t100. dl· "re. (.,'IIu. Gra, and daqhter. Opal, Y1ded In to; gerklllllrel. '1M!. 41.tded .oel II~. Ind. 1If1. Em.non .rD. COMEDY: Fatty Arbuckle in "Love." .In eight, ""adel and llI'OlIII-bi'eldl. .Dd 4aolhter. .. ...Jor'. 01 1IUD4I. DMr W'YDH~lIle. Ten prll8a. amountl~ to 'III!••re lin. J4. _.nooD. 1It11 'lb.) Admlulon 17<: otIered food clubl' 10. totaling 110, IIIDaon, ..... Mary lI.nDOD .DeI 7:J0 p.m Open .venla.. 10 olnthlnB clubel 10. "achIng Mto, _tIIhter•••'IlUl .nd al.Dna. lpeD' to poultry C!lub. aod b.oura to th. Talll4a" thl ,p eaw of lire. Loul.. s.tunIa1.•Yeoln, 7:J0 p.m. Children be.t canolng teama. J ... op, of BarnYlbore. Ilntrl.a wlU cloae Aq. 11.
W UR.,"
Your HUlband"
"Mr., Leffingham'. Boota"
• •
Re....lICItI_ .....1. . . . . . .trallille will be oa T ...........d........d nuredQ oillhte oal,
Gre.t .~rlcultural ExPOeitiOD U ••••oela. Fruit, Crop. '18,090.00. U! PREMIUMS
",-,t aDd Stock Paracla A ... Polo• •ppodrome. CODe""., p ....... 15 Race.
I '"
'I'I II ~
H ~ rA ch ode
cOl ll plln ~'
" hl f lllll ~
hn l! oloc k. ' 400. (IIInn INI Ia )' Hor KchC<1( Hall ('I()ck com 1'''11 )' . Clndll nllll ; II . dian motorc,cle . UGq . 1I 0."d0" ~ ln m' raetur lnll eO mll an y . Sl'r lnll fh ·ld. ;\lllu. ; Sooora Orand phon og r aph . $300. S" Dora Pb oilogr Rph S" I ~" CO", I.nn)' . Ne " fori. Cl\r ; _11l-ploet> I'ory had r oon, Illite and rug . $;190; Gruen Verltblll ..atell. 1100. Grll f\o Wntrhmuk",,_' OUlld. -clll cinontl ; 1 2- pl ~ce ...t Gor· bam .\ lIal IYMe. t I OO. !loDa led by Goodman Broth e r... Co lumbu s . 0 .: 111M) In Wa r S",lns" 9tamp ~. donl\t~d br a fri e nd ; 0111(\1\0 ·ylolln s n ll O '1' ~il" IDI!Dt. 1100. /l onal ed by Guldan co n, paaT. Columb" •. 0 .: mabol!Q a y epln,' 1 detlk an d ch air. ' M. dona lat\ br til BterlllllJ .& W ~ I'Ih C'ompa n y. Cl e ve· lind,: .Ix .... nl nut dln ln ll room ha l r ~. 1&0. 60u nl ed by I he 9 to rn oe· 11 llr lt bardt cnmrtll.·. "yton ; 9 ln/o\\)r . ,,,... 1118 m a c h ine. $.7~. dCIll8tod b ) ' th e SlnlJer 'S owln!: MachIne COni IIBnY. Co· lumbl1 l1. 0 . : b le~l e . 1fi!.OO. don al ed br Oa,11 S9.ln s Machine OOUl p .II !· . Daylon : "aso, 550, donlltad by Rook. .. ood potteries. Clnololloll ; l oor lamp , fi O, /looa1ed by 1.. r. While Cam pRny Columb"l; box ot tanor ba~ 800d . 16• • dono te d by Gr een & !l rl'e\l Com pa..,. Darton ; lamp Rnd eet of II leoti bOOtil, '50, donaled by Qeorse H . 8o.. m.n Coropan,. Cleveland . an ~ !Jur.... Broth.n. slao at Olov e la nd : Prineeloo canoe. ISO. 4tloaUld liy W K. "ullllll compallY. Salel11 ..0 .; b.oJomaodollll. t60, dOllated by Heaton' s C01UlllIIIII . '0 . : dinner .. I at clllna..are. '50, donated by Stell'
mUlte eloro.
& PoUefF ()OtQpaor. Sleubep· .1IIe. 0 .: dinner lit of obluware . do· oated b, ~w\Jl M. Kllo .. ~Inll
- ............-LOCAL CLUB 'IS comDallr. £a.t Liverpool
- - -...
AT THE fRONT AGAIN The Century club hu been quite buay of late. and the following art!· eletl were made and BeDt by them to the Belgian lufterers: Five comfortll, 10 d ........ 2 Iklrtt. 17 bloome". 7 pairs bed aoclu. 2 larll'e and 15 1m all bonnetl. This Ia Indeed a good work and· the club Ie to be complimented on doing lueh • Il'ood work.
•• •
albltoal . -SOV." All...• nrat q8. from Ule ereatfon to the
HI' "
r ,J rnUII I! I ''''
\ I
n lmlr
t Il \
II ,
":I I I' h w ith hl!ol IUL urla
11 1I ""l.: h the nlr froiD
I tt" I rlhu' u· i\ "rr" 11 1 It 1' 1J.!h l llf II IIU111 '1 1111 'I {'II' ti f f" " Il n . ui d u
d ,.. r;(I~'rHCtt
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U~ III' "U II Ull t Il,;r
1_,' 1 ou ' u - ,"Ull ll je "" or II,,· h av in g \Y ou II P 'IInlllll-Mu rnu WO ti III
Pal Mnrnll hA H !><le n vln cl lrn ll'd
N(1Uon u l ~a lt e r
the late spring m ud o mn nuger or t h" lo wly C i llcl llllllil ll"cI. Wh. :n hIs ten m gOI (lwuy LO a good s iurt thu ""Id ··llI ck .' hul w h." , h'" team look the Olu ots to n me rry Irlll".. lu ,; laH t we" k IL,"1 dl ... b" l! InlO
fin;l plu.eEl f a UB wore DWtlrO tbut a Uti\\' ' · n ~I"llC I., m un " hlld "rrl\' OO , II, OOaebnll. Hero 18 Morao. hts wlto and Y01l1l 1\ PIIII' lck , th " gruuLB041 lUI) o~
'-'- .. u
Mo rnn w/t h hi. blllleh 0 1 I{ t d ". will COmllltll"~ tn~IIY " lie ,,( ' he Kre" '.11 baill •• e Ver lought 011 Ib~ bll'c hull er.nll 'l·ho I \VOl In" ,:"tcll ~~ ~ n·ill ou me toge t he.r for a. .!terlt:~ HI KurUe:!, Hlltl N,~ \\ VI,"" \\ill tlll V~ til \ \l,1I ,,1\ of Ih'l11 to guln the .u premlley. Th~ way 11r~ Hed s fl r- .• "' fI~. I IIIS r. ... will ht' ,,110011 " II ,m l'IJss lbilily H ere' s I" O hl.,· s g'.n l<· ~! 11'1 11 Ir a m 10 win Ihe I~II pennun!.
In our Milk Health Bread we have something both delicious and wholesome. Childn:!n cry for it. . All the Grocers sell it. 1'ry our Buns and Cookies. They're very toothsome.
POR ·SALE 131 acres, a money maker. For quick sale, $10,000. Good terms is needed
Waynesville, Ohio
deluge. 2849 8. a, I8C!On4 .p, to th. romlnl of Abraham IDto CellaaD• .1922 8. a I third a... to the GKodwr bom I!!UpC. 1691 8.- a a 'ourth a,&, to the foundlq of 8010m0n', tempi, tOtl c..a Ilft.b .... to the rapture ot l_tem. M8 B. c.., aIstb age. t.a Ule btrth GC .V8llth .... t.a the p _ 1 Um&
----... ...- - Claawapion SaialrtGn 01
SouUw' Sta".".
liTHE MAN THAT SHIPS DIRECT ~S THE ONE THAT .MAKES THE MOST MONEY," writes Fred Hauck, of Georgetown, Ohio. "Have knf)wn the Tri-State for 5 years and find you on top and ready to right any wrong .. My experience with agents cost me about 810 or $12. I got wise and quit. I think the farmer pays the agent.~·
We Pay the Freight and Week of Aug. 11th to 17th
7~· ~
per lb.
The M . . IIl1dred Ken.r .11' ,eul Manager PJ. Ju.nlt. Al\e'o b.~. ~.lurDed '0 V. Walbol'll of tbe ObJo ralr I heir homeallD l.ebaDon, .f'er lpend bl fOUlld It neMI"" to borrow 8]1. 101" week wUh ahelr R'I'.ndpa~eD" ~ ooope and peal bom outslderl here. with wblah to ~"" potaltrr and Det K . B, TholllpaGn .'~nded .he J. etocll 0Cl ellhlbitlOil .t Ule faIr. A~ A.. Oed.agh !!'tDe Re.IIHre4 B~ tbOQllb IlIcSlcaUoolI are IbM elltriea tn Bale.' 'be o.,,$on fair .roande, ahla department wID let new b t a h . . . . . r\lOOrds at tbe ellPOattloD, tbe Ba.n....." . week In AUgIllt, .1t I, not IIke.l y tbat I. N, "Iller. of Bar~.yeb~rg, w.. Mr. Walborn will bav. to borrow _0 on onr IUee'I, I.... week . ...In. . Th. Kaller baR beeD 18,"n, .Aatlotpatlng aoother buner poul. In hi' wort Itl .hll oel,hbo~hoocl. In rear. b. recently bou...t II Ie,.. II... . Terr:, and K . E. ThomyeoD. Dllmbor qI new coop. and penl. ..,. 'rDolled a loa\1 of aheep to 'h. Vay. "1Iaa1 oftered In th,. department 10- $on ltook y.rdl, Thor.d.".. 1&1 ID~ 'ban U.OOO. . Of \hI •. tiM . LoD Bn.nnoo'. oew hoolle I. near wtll be aw.rd.d 00 4 ' " '14' 00 oOmplealon. ...., , . . on tuft.,.. tn OIl pJnoo. 1111. Liz,le StrQup b •• remrned to u4 tl06 00 rabbit.. ber home ID B.r~e'RburlJ .t&tr IlAIL~AoOe Aaouc. "AAa.. lpen4fDK w8tlb here .,lIh b" aelO![l, Ilrll . ·... bel Terry. . ••UroeIl. wtIt P'IlIla~ "'~ .• 011. . Ward Taylor .nd wlte. of Mid Ua_d OD.·. . . tare for ... POUa4"" town, were 8t1Dd." goests ot K. E troal ~.. fa 0bI0 to UM ThomPlon .nd wite . tile laet _ , III Aqu... II. Y..... ~ IDUNIIr o' tile wpolltloa. .... OJ.reDoe ioUI'D, wire .Dd . Ion, kaD lIotl8ec1. ~. at WI .... PreeiOD. of Wayoenllll'l. IPlIII' BIlD. "w be 1014 froID A\II. .• , to da, ...Dlnl .,Iah 'be Tetr, 'amlly. • NtIml Umlt to NMIl tile ~ 'Ihl. IIlaae .... well ~epr"'Dted AN1!l8 G. OOOP1ilR ot N_.rll, for ~ tMa .... a' tbl Obaobuqu.. ., B'~.ntllD. tb-'1llC .oatll. ••• Hell tb. ......... 8aDda),. eIIamploD War lllamp Al_ "Orl~l. af ..... bDrrl, WQ iliaD of ttll n.1I0D. NI II~ .1...... . ben, IkUIII_F, IJookID, ."a. aile Ia. ~Wu ~..... Goztdhl', CkwIIiId Ads ...., O.f ~ fnna. lI'or the last
~ 1I 1t1) I 'UN~
r llt l
,'o lmuh-
WlI so n.
investors, large 01 small, in the purchase of such Bonds as offer the maximum of safety and security.
Battle of Chateau Thierry.
Bu d
paoY. Clo,ohll.d ; $1.000 In War SR "
It is our business-and will be our pleasure-to aid
Stlrrlnll Military Spectaole
(f h"
Unkn l" \\' I1)
Cbl cllgo ;
(w h Q It' 111\\
Columbu li. a - IRl\Mlal.) . , H<'IlOQI "tu ,~,' " t -t"'l. ""T"fH" ' rll p ('11' \\ 11 r" 11'l' III rWI " ' ''\ ,, \\ 1\1.1 m~111 dnd had h l r . ol\lI l\ren or Ohio are IOU 11'11 n ,.0011 H n t .... tl tl' I\p r rd li n. , t hl pH'· fl l, U lln t he, ,." ln g l ll'.: H I til. ' ,Il l n" (lrll p t '~I ,' d to eX8w ple tor Ih alr ,'Idora J\l t be IIIIIly I " ...... \ t I ~ IIhllt' (' n l; \n- I!Il.1' I'lIl1t· 111'1, .II P I Ih' t lll i f i l l "11'Jt'1"" hilI I, cause tb o' w~ r I~ (I,'cr th ey hnn. n OI 1~II)OtIF 11 I I n\','r th. ' (',I u u tr) U I'l' nllll· \ U\\,II .\' II " hl'I! "'1 ,'111 ' q h,I ' ,'1111:0" ut fC fOT lloften Ib6 raet Ihat tholr C\lllUtr ) wll re ur IlaI.. tou hI> ,\If" . stili ne ed s ell ormoua " urn s of mon~y t , > tor .... , ".,",lIlse. 01111 tnJlhl lJ dUll Just becllu.e lhe boye In khaki ar. bome. t brour;b with their la ~ lI. I ~ no raUOII ror lbe 1'80l,Ie al hODlIl to QuIt . Ihe chlldle11 rouloo . And Ib e y r~tliOlI rlBlllly. tor Se~ r.elllr)' at T N lI i ur y Oln. I. ellll ca ll1og upon Oh io 10 r .. I•• mouey for ,,"'ar alo l,en elll Ihroll g h W.' 8a,lngl 81 .. ml'lI. . 01110 8('hoo l nhlldrPn ,.\11 11('11 Be,· .ral m1ll10n o of dolare' wortb of WIlT Ra,lo" Btemlls durin. the aumm er ..ration At Ih e o pe ning ot lehool thl. t.lI . th8 ~lIo"log DlagnUlctln\ l.rlaeR . valued al more tb"n 18.000. w ill be awurded to Ih A "hlldr9" wh" "lt V!
Caesar's Creek Frlendl Chun:h lOll " Stamr". <lo n ll ll' d bl' l ' lli o n (' e l1· Sunday School at thlll church every tru l L ire 1t1 ~ lIrnl1 (" l o m pnny . C tnd ll Sunday at 10 o·c:Ioc:k. Preaching Di ll ; \Vol'IIl t< r Orllnd pl,,",\ '6:.0. d" servIce at 11 o'clock 8 . m . You sre n8 t o(1 h)' HIlc1"ll' h \\'urlll zr r ('o ml l n "~ Cln ch:IIRti . $ ~OO "flrtb of Will' Sa, cordially invited to Ite present. Ins. S l "m(l~. dUllll wd lJ)· 'l'holl1 " " l :
Buy Bonds. Do not stop saving now that the war is over. Do not stop investing your savings. Fortify your future with Bonds.
WOlleY'1 Ol.lnfect,"t.
Harveylllbur& Friend. Church Amos Cook. pastor. Sunday, ~~ug. 17; Bible School at 10:00 a . In . • Anna SLlnson. superln · aold Ih e IItORt ~ IRIllP S : oondent. Public Worship and I'r8llch· Westcott Ih e- lIn .. ~ o " g9 r (,R r . $1.176. in,,; 11:06&. m You wUl be wei· donated by Ih e We"tcolt Mot or Cal come at all theile 88~ices. Come com Il/l ny. ~prln/{ I "· ' c1 : 1'0"t tmet or. and let ua worship Jehovah together. 11.%50, d Ollll l ~" hy l' o ul Trll c(or COlli
People have learned the wisdom of saving - and of investing their savings in safe securities. And this can only mean that people everywhere have been educated to the investment value of Bonds.
HoW aMIl' M,n Savn Time. .
)' fJlo
lH'U h". rHr fl l'f I rh tlt lS, tlll l t lUrlt .tpaillltdl" 111 ~llI' I " I' ."·I,~H I 'I' hlt nrd - 111:0: u 'ltlu h \\ hh'lt I'h ' I n-It'l.l lt ln
t l ot\!\
2:00 p . tn .
hnU':t :
fnh'fl tf' r.
!.yln,· 1\\. E. Church '
. nd panta loon. f1 IIl tl t hll.pH tlU \\,11 .. ,,, 1. 1I~1~' n h.t11'lrhIH l t
A l'f"trrdll,.(
The Tri"StateButterCo. CINCINNATI,' OHIO Write for . ' ree Trial Cans.
We guarantee your cream and cans against 1088. . The Trl·State price has been 57c since July i'th
.......---•.a.-.. . .
.• ------=--=::s:::::I::a::lr:;:::::==z:::lll_-=-_.JReod
J "via,. :::.!.ltt........
TJiE Se, tOe AND 25c · STORE Rit, any color . .... . ...... . ..' , ......... '.' . . .. 10 qt. Blue Preserving Kettle ..... : .... . ... '" 5 qt. Grey Preserving Kettle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 qt. R. E. Dish Pan .................. : ..... "Capitol" Braud Cups and Saucers . . . ... ........ "Capitol" Plates . .. . . . ... .. .. . .... : . . . . . . . . .. GI~ss Dishes, 7 in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cut Glass Sugar and Creamer . . ...... .. .. . .._... . Horse Shoe 'fumblers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table Oilcloth. all colon. per yaTd. . . . . . . . . . . .. Sperl·l,. In
lOe 79c 50c 79c 25c 2O.c 150
SOc 5c 40c
01110 ·
Seventy-Pi!: t Year
PUT ONE OVER MONTGOMERY COUNTY fAIR SPRING VALLEY Our Mi Ulrl is cOlitillUed o il Iheir victol'illu s .WIlY, !I'Mt ::)umiay afle r· 11 0011. ,,,,,I " !'HUl Ih ·, h'lIlcs and a spi· I'Uli(ln~ "f t hp SlJ rill l{ V'u ll'v iJlInt'h I,y hand inl( the m th e Rh" r t ~ n rl of a 11 t n ;\ He,II'C' ill It 1,,1' ,id ·d b:'''"U 'p ri ll~ Vall e." went III " i l'n'~ ill lilt! li pid. whi t" the MinmiR I(Hve " nil <Jf h' IWsl \·xhihit i(. ns nf . aUPPM tirw ' heir ' pil ~ llt'r . ef.'11 herp In IIl nll} ' o()on~ .
"Hllcl(" Crane pltctwrl his flr~( ).:ame in " fJl ~ t cllmpanv, " !l1l(1 riJ.!"hl lIobly did· he fl ucceed. ull uw ing hut live hit !! A nice douhle pla y b\' I"rye, Schule r anti MeClurll >laved I,lt of tr.lIJbl .. , while F;dgar UpJ'ge ll ~. nd Howurd Burton put on lheir full " harf.' of Ihe fllncv s tuff at third twse n nd in left fi e lt! . Wakeley starte" to pitch forSpring Valley, but after the Miami ll hat! scored Ion runs, the manuger told him to go nway from there. alld sent Max Barnard to "take up the white man's burden. It Max had had no chance t o warm UP. and the catcher couldn't hold what he pitched, so the fun wen t merrily 011 . J eSH WeaYe r, of Bellbrook. was pitching for the Vall ey wh en the ugo ny fin· li lly ended . Next Sunday Afternoon. the Mi· Bmi~ are Itoing to get revenie for their defeat at . Miditlnd City a few weeks ago
Secrl.! lurv Hold erm an saYI! th," thiM yelu's fair will he the lIiggestnr1O' best eve r he ld in M'," IKomery COu"l, \( co",1 h rt'Jlk ing (~r (j wtl ~ an' pxpept , Ii every da.Y 'I' hl! rllce l.rOJ{ru rn h" 'dlra"i(,d t h .. h ,,~ t 1" Ollel~ lIlIti rUII ne,.,,! f rom nil I'lI rt s of the cuun lry. There prllll1 'St'N V , be An UIJU Hu,, 1 ~ larll'e ' Ahnwirll: thiB year " F furrnil I illlp lemenl P tlnd farm ing IIlw:hinel ' !It,d t "o l ~ Much S (lH(~ e has alrt-tl, loeen rl', erved . AR in form . r year -. no )Hemiurns are loeing paid in th . departmenl During the Spring. tl ' association completed the rel ollmir I of the IIlCIi track , making it the fa lest half mile ('ourse in thi~ sectitl of th'l ~ tute 'orne records are e :, peCl.ed to be brok llll during the c(, n,· mg rare meet, tho special DurM .. : otrered att rlicting Bome of tho faSI pI unimala in this section of th e co.unt1'.' .
- -- ...
Movie on Wheels Brings Educational
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Dllnd tor 21 years. Dr. l<'rtl ncl~ Holley made a Vo,w tbat If bls slgbt was r egA In.,,'! hp "" nul,l ~' V ,I ' t) bIB lifo 1.0 leaching tllo world h()w wonderful 18 sight. He regain ed his 81ght a oo Ihls rull,.", d, O tlO " r tho 12 troveltng movies wbl ch Is to vt&tl overy croBB· road In tho laod oxhllJllln g Cd u" llll urll'; " I"' ~. It olMlrat.ea under the Bureau of Commoretal. Economlc~, bas a huudred 111m exchallgoH timl COUpCrIlttl" willi &corea of .overDmeD L8. Jt may be thb wll¥ !lOUD. •
~t..~ ~ "~. ..~., ~ !. 'PENllVG,~ T
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(: rown L rig el, Knigl'lts of Pythlas, t1el ol their annual picnic at SchantB" C; rove. last Thursdav. The day Was ,deal despite the rather threatening .\lea the r ind ications of the early ·nornlng. Ilnd a large number of Knhih ts and their families thor· IJul<'hly enjoyed the day The morning hours were spent in n l,.asant personal g reetings. and In ; r~ ing out the sw ings and various ,the r amusement devices provided J or the children . In fact. some an xiety was exp ressed lest one rather corpulent Knight should become lodged in the shoot·the.shute. thus Itlocl{ading traffic for the klddles. At the noon hour. dlnnor Wa.Il ser· ved in the paVillion-and such a dinner ! It the h . c . of 1. has struck t he Knights, they certainly forltot all sbout It while preparing that
---_.- ...---
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OPENS LATER ;~~t~I~'a~ ~a~~':~~~'e~ !~~eb;eEt~~~
- --_. ----CORNEll REUNION
" ---_.--t-
If you are hungry, go to the
- --.-. .---
Are now ready to show all the latest Fall styles and shapes in the newest
Ice Cream, Sodas, Pop, Fine Candies and Cigars
Come In any ti nle and
The Hat Shop
l "he Kaynee C,ompany
7% Preferred ' Stock
Bakes all the Bread you need; all the Cakes and Cookies you need'; all the Pies you need; all the Buns you need; in fact, everything in Bakery line you need.
1"he · United Security Company
Ask for Our Milk Health ' Bread
• 'J,
, L
St. Mary's SUlldUY ' BChool will hoi,! ilR unnual picn ic at Sclllintz'B (;rovo, II Friday. aftHnuIJn All members (}/ The squ irr I la w recen t ly passed a Ind ies' race: won by Mrs. L . C. the Sumlay .school und church ar( I lac s th ' openlllg of the ses son St. J ohn. The boys' and girls' melon · earllestly requested to be pre8ent an Oth \ lel f N I . ' , h ut f\ wtlek la t er tha n usual and ea ting contests. won by Howard IJring their lun('h Those going wi ll Mv er Hvman was in Clncinnllti, Memories of the days' of "Au ld . 0 I rn a , I) (, rW'''IC \\;I> In /' I(les not sta rt until Se pt£lm ber Srd . Misseldine and little Mias H<!ckett, meet at the church at 12:45, an e Lang Syne" were vividly brought Itllwn. Tuesdav . I he fin e for hunting out of season i we re t he cause of much merrIment. there will be a way provided for a l1 TU tlsd liY . back last Wednescla.y evening, wh en I retty w IT. ami h un te rs m u ~ t bear lee crea m and watE\rmelon were - --...... Vr . Viii, Oll teorJfllh :!l S. Br ,,;!rl. ,: ,is new la w in mind, o r t hey may Ber v~d at tbe close o~ "the program, Mrs. Will Nor ton visited in Ore· a reunion or the " Young People's Literary Club." an organization of a Wil Y. Lehnn on. Oh in. I ,.et a !rood fi ne for not paY ing any and for once th~ supply exceeded gonia, Monday. High School class of the early '80' s. ,,: ten tion to it . It has bee n said that the demand. Altogether It wa.a a Vern Br' n, o f Akroll, 'I" : n ht' I' Ie l!j lll hil A been violated around Itreat day. W. H . Madden was a Cinci nnati w~s hjld at t~e ~leas8nt and hOBPiE' e k 10m.e a r . lind Mrs. J . wee k e nd WII h fr iend". . ' InynesvIlle fo r sO nl e lim e pa~t . Bnd - - -...- -- • visito r. lus t week, ElTWI e. If i . h . f M I' fl me warde'l!! Rr t:! on t he watc h. Warren County Pomona Grangc Ie 8 Ii r was In on or 0 , r. . ' . During the lIeve re eiectric storm will rnel't in Wayne!!vil ltl. Tuesda, . Mrs . Vernie Kelly. 'of Springficld , Will Muther. of Burl ington, Kan ., Mr . ~ nrl. Mrs .L . .~. Zunml' rrnun , ---.last WerlneHday evenillg. the hou8(' AUllust 26th . This W88 the lime sel ie visiting re latives here. are who, wilh his wi fe I~nd daughter, iSl In CIIlClnllatl, tod ay or MISI Letitia McKay was struck iJy for the a nnu al picnic . bu t It wili bl· vlljil.11l1f at his old home. soulh o f Iightninll'. ~o damage was donp ehan\CeLi to the r ... gular rnetltinlf Born-To Mr. and Mrs . Marv in tow n. except a few bricks kn ocked off the A large crowd i9 expeCtc·d to be ill MiS:! B:lther "" <.o i'CIJtt, " f Cla rk '· A plt-tu re was tal~ell of the com· vll lo,.Rpen t Sunday w th {nellcl!;. Hay, Aug ust 14, 191 9. a 80n. chi mney, and no one was injured . attendanco The electricity Was extremely strong pliny, which all groaning lIat downwi th at tab le~ aft"r that were fuir'ly Miss J';lizabe l.h Chundlcl' wa~ In f or ten or fifteen minutes. Ij'or a l - lfJl7 model axon aut o· very d elicacy imaljrinable. ( r he William Ellio tt, who lived near mCJblle. ~(i75 . Ray F, Mills. phone71 gue ts rI id the groaning lifterward ~ ) C( lu m bu , ~'rid ay Bnd .'al urrluy. White' Corner. was ie.s.vlng Kilkare b E~tra~tsbfroh'~ Jh·ou.rnals gotten out Mr. und Mrs . Frank Carma n spent L'ht' TI!8C he ' I nAliru te will he P ar k, last Wed nesday evening, after Mrs. Flo Dyke. of Spring Volley. y t e <: u W IC hind beeD preser- Sun rlay with relatives';n DIl.yton . hel d at U lliversity Ha JI. Le banon, on Iittonding a Sunday·school picnic. was the guest of Mrs. Viola Carey last ved by some of thE! members wer e T h ~ Cornell rcuui011 will b(· huld at ~l on cla\' and Tu 'sday. August 25-26. and was struck by a Pennsylvania wee k. read and were very entertaining. if Schantz's GrOVll, Saturday, Dayton, not pa rticulariy edifying. For Sal - 19 16 mode l Saxon uuto. A v I'Y in t rest ing IJ r ogra m has been paSllenge r train, and 'Was killed. He August 30. A II m emb tlrs and frien ds Neal speeches w<:l'e made by Mr, mobile, $57:). Ray F Mills, phone 71 l)re pllred, an ti Lhll sneakers will be had three ~assengers with him, two Mr . and M,s . Wolter Elzey and The P. & D. A!lSociut iu n will hold of the 'antil ~' 1Irt! cordl aily invited t o f) r . W E, Chanecll or, ollege of of whom Jumped o~t of the ear, Mrs. Mather. Mr . and Mrs . and !Ion, Ktmnelh, wer e Dayton visitors , its regulur meetinlr Saturday afl~ r attend. and co mo wi l h ' well ·fill ed Wuost er. nnd Prof. H. 0 Skinne r, j'lhen they . saw the Impending dan· Stanley Sellers and .Mrs. J . C. Hawke . Will ,lI a nlty a nd fa mily , o f Dayt on, Monday, noon at the Township House. All basket s. and be prepared t Il have a Members of the club and friend s who sper~ll h ursday with WID. ti ll), Il nd Mar iet la, Ohio. The program will ger, but MISS Marie Edgington conld membera lire urged t9 be present. good time. 1.1' enlive ll d by pi nty of J.(ond mu ~ic n?t .g et out and was killed. The cnjoy(.>d th is most delightfu l affair fam ily . PICI1IC was held by the Owens church. Forrest Ridge, Kenne th Kilbon and w~r e: Mr . and Mrs. Will Math er Tho accident cast a gloom over the Ethan Crane, of Dayton, spent Sun and daughter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry affair. 8 S the parties were well ML g Marth a O·N ea ll . (.f lhe Na· day here. lo'(iliiam80n. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley known and loved . tional Bank, I s pendingpa rt of he r Seilers and d aughter. Miss Lina, Mr. vacation at Chicago. MisS Edgington's funeral was held Ernest Hog~rs and family, of Day· and Mrs. Em mol' Baily, Mr. and Mrs . at Bell brook, and Mr, . Elliott's at ton, were Sunday visitors with J . E . Jann ey. Dr. and Mrs. J. '1'. Owens Chapel. Mr. Ellrtt was well Men's Hea vy Mi:'l ed Work HOSt" Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hopkins. relatives. Mr . and Mrs. Harry Murray. Mr. 1!lc at Pred's Lebanon flig St OI't< . TIl!J can ni ng fact or y wiil ~ tart known here. Fri dayand at urday pecia l. . th eir seas on's )Worl< tod ay. and every· Terrell Macy, of Detroit, Mich .• is and MrB . J . C. Hawke. Mr. and Mrs. thinll pninl~ to a ve ry s ucl'ess ful ~ spending his vacation with relntives D. L. Crane. Mrs. Laura Mosher Put your gold to \ise by buying ~isses Trillena Edwa.rds, Annie and . Miss Ma ry /{eIBner. of Cente rvi lle . ea~on The factor y ha ~ lIeen e(luip. here and at Xenia. Lillie Mather. Miss Katherine and IS . Rp~nril1\g her vacation with Mrs. Ded with elect ricity, using t he Ringle War Savings Stamps, which beget motur ~ys t e rn on many mll.chines. 4 27 per cent inter.est. M1ll!ter Kenneth Fromm. Minnie Thomas, o f Route 1. Straw. and Panama HatS, one half Mr. and Mrol. O. J . Edwards pri~t1. Fred's Lebanon Big Store, Misses Annie and Marne Brown and Mrs. I;Y.dill Mendenhall. of Dayton, Friday and Saturday .S pecial. . Mr. Malcolm Bisphllm .were also memllers of the club. but 'were un · speut I, wlay afternoon with Mis Anna Phillips and other relatives. Ben Block. of Cincinnati. is spend· able to be present. -. ing"1l f ew days with his daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Chas . Sherwood and Mrs. Myer Hyman aod family. Mr . and Mrs . Raymond Conner and Bon spent Sunday with r elativeH in Mrs. Amos Mendenhall and son, Dayton . Clarenoe. spent a couple of daYR with relative!! in Dayton. last" week. Mrs . J . ·W. White. Mr . and Mr~ r'. H. Fa rrand Mr. Fred Whitespenl Earl K. Hawken, of Springfield, Sunday aftllrnoon with relatives near Cente rville . and son. Harry. of New York City. were calling on relatives. Friday. A f w reialiveR and friend9 of Mi~s !'I1i1dreJi li a rt ()ck enjoyed her . Men's and Young Men's $18 Palm Mr . Harry Johns and fanmily. Mrs. t entb " nnlveraarv Thursday, at KiI· Besch Suits; $1 1.96 . Fred's Lebanon Etta Printz and Mr. Joe Printz, of kare Park . BI~ Store Week·end Special. Mohair SUIts, $13.95. Dayton, spent Sunday with relatives hete. A hounteolili' dinner W88 given at Mr . Charlet! Frazee and family the home of JonElthalll McCray on the Several of our citizens attended . Waynesville, Ohio BiJ,((!,cr Road, Ault\lI. t 17th, In honor Mrs . G. L. Kincade and Miss Evely~ Yearly Meeting at Wilmington. Sun of th e boy s from overseas. Hayes, of Sar!llnla. Ohio, spent Sun. day There W88. an immense crowd day with thejCross families . J present. " Mr. and I\1rs. E. S . Dally enter· Mr. A. Schwalbe, Mrs. L. S . Hyinspect~ Messrs . Vern Britton, of Akron , tallied, Thursday evening. in honor man and family and Mrs . Morris Sy. !.. Ch88. Buell and the Misses Ethelyn of M~. und Mrs, Ralph Tolle, of mAli. of Cynthianna. Kv .• ure the WashIngton, D. C, the following g UP-sts of Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman Jones and Ethel Hosier motored to Tax Free New Issue gue!!ts : Mr . and Mrs. Ralph Tolle,' today • Coiumbu~, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sattertherwaite . In Obit) and SOilS, Rus8ell and Leslie. Mr. and When Aa And If IHUed Misses Alice Carey lind Edna COl" Mrs . Jesse Wrill'ht. Mrs. Julia Dono·' Mrs J . C. Hawke and grandchild . reno Katherine and Kenn eth Fromm neli. who have been visiting in lJe van and Mr . Baird. trait, arrived home Saturday, after are spendin g n COli (lI e of Jays wi th MRS. KILBON, Prop. a very pleasant .visit. Dr. and Mr~ . ~alph Va ceo of Pleaa· W. N . Sears ·and fami ly enter· ant Plain . Mrs H. W. Ritter. of Clev, l.. nd, tained at Sunday dinner, Mr. ancl who has been the guest of her sisle r, Mrs John Sears, of Rossburg. Mrs Mr. and Mrs. JU9 McClure, Mrs. .. Mrs . L. A. Zimmerman, returned to Mary Miller, of Greenvilie. Mr. and ' Fred Hawke and Mist! Dot Hart. of CLEVELAND, OHIO Marion Weller. Mr. and ' Mrs. Mrs Lebanon. left, Saturday, for HUB· her honle, Tuesday morning. Marion Weller, ' Mr. and Mrs. BeU's Poi lit. whe~ they will spend A' George Weller and son, ~r . and Mrs. week fishing. Mr and Mrs. J . B. Chapman and! Frank Weller and daughter and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart spen and Mrs. Howard Leslie, all of Cen· three days last woek at Russell's tervllle . The Company I. one of the largest manufacturers of Rev. G, N . Jolly hn~ receiv ed a . Point, fishing. They had a fine time : Children's washable garments in the world. telegram announcing the arrival ()f hi' son. Homer, In New York. He is Net ~mings for the last four years after deducting (or Mrs. Sue Hiatt and children. of Mrs. Mary Wise and Mrs . Julia now at Camp Merritt, and will.lik ely It.deral Taxes were more tban three and one half times lhe Winchester. Ind ., returned to their Bergan entertain~ at · Sunday din· be'in Waynesville soon , We home, tOd E)', after spending a few ner in bonor of theIr gues~, Mr. and. entire preferred c1.ividend requirements including this issue. You) days with r.: rs . Sue Haines and other · Mrs,. Edgar Bergan and chIldren and Mr. and Mrs. RU"111ond Crea";er The net c!Jueot a95et. are equivalent to 125% and the net KNEAD relstlves . . . TerrIl Macy. all of Detroit, the fol· J,.. INEED 10,!"lnll guests: Mrs . Cora Macy, and mother. Mrs. JohnVllnHarlillll'en tangible assets' to J 85% of th~ outstandlDg Pre(erred Stock. MI'II. Mamie Cummings. Mrs. Winnie of Beavertown, and Miss Lillian Van· these figure. including 110 valuation (or good will; etc.· Bread H.B~ad Buy Suits Now . Men's and Young. Mason and children. o,f Xenia. Mrs. Harlingen and lady fri end, of Davton DivideDd GuaraDtee Fund and ' other strong provillODs . Bert Hartsock 'and ' Mrs. Annie .vlsited Earl Conner and family. Sun· Men's $20 and $25 Sulta. snappy mix· required by the Charter. , . day afternoon. tures and checks, '!l.95. Fred's Gibbons". Lebanon Big Store, Friday and Sat· - -Balam!e sheet and ru~ther information .OD applicatIon. urday Special. Mrs Slle Hiatt and children, of frice 100 and accrued Dividend Winchester. Ind ., Arnoid Collett and Per Sha,re family. of Harveysbu rg. 8.nd Mr ~. H . Misses Liley Emlev. Mary Cook, A. Collett nnd, of B1anl Martha Cook and Eva Davis were Yield 7 7c chestet. spent 'ul1l.IIIY with !lirs . the guests of Miss Kathryn Prender· Alice McKinsey and daughter, Miss gast at a picnio dlnne.r on the bahks Emma. wife of WUI ' Linder. of Hen~ietta. o( the river near bet home, Sunday. MiJlmiBburg, at her home, Mon· .~he CANTON. OHIO • lingering Illness. day evening, Mr. Ira ~ich and family, .Mr, and John HartBock, of Route 1. Mias The fUDeral htJd at ber late Mrs, George HartSOCk. Mr. and Mrs. .' SAM K. PINB, Olltrlc:t Manager Mary Keianer, of Centerville, D. F. home at 10 0-"''''''1<_ Thuraday. In. C . B. Bentley. Mrs. Hannah Anlram, Day·l on. Ohlu 1123 Helbuld Bldg. I hOllel, Btll 11180; SInie 4108 Smith. Mrs. Minnie Thoma.a aod Mr. terment at Mrs. Mary' Caskey, Mra. Llna Devitt, aDd Mra. H. S. lAckey left. MondB1., Doon. Mra. Mrs . Julia Donovan and Mrs E . S. The .00>0 ".loaIDentA. whlle not cUaraa-S, U'O ~ 00 Inrom••,lon we for Lewiston Reservoir. where they family, leavee a br(Jth·er. beIIew !O be IICCQI'IIM, Bllily attended the funflrai of Mrs. will enjoy ten days of camping aoiJ of, Richmond, and a Laura Miller. at Springboro. Monday afternoon. . ·ftablng. Wille. beaidealD&D1 reA.~UVt••
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Jllarrlag o LlreD8Ca Joho E .; hl1rlll, f .. rmill'. uf f run h lin Twp .• bnll MI1I8 ~1lI!)j{1 M . t'hlll l ng, 01 Erankli n Oharles () (;oliiu ~. " ' hl ' lIr, 1111 0 Mr H. ,\UIII\ H .. y~ . I o~ h o f t:lou lh " See ..I ere. Sprou.c . or W ha teve r VOII,. l.ehllllo n . 1"'lIt tb Pl'II tn Jt. ] t' Ih l'l''' wnll _ 0 a l1.:ht. ·they dl<llI ' l \\'lIlI t It to hitipeo
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M. N. Douglass
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TIF FA NY 'S •••••
Wal ter McClure
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No. It .
DIS(GRUNT)LED Two porkers met One summe r morn. Just outside a fence
The Dayton .C3ca-Cola Bottling
of til" !lllll' nfTnl r. " T o I!''' h''''k to my own trouhll'A. WI II'II 1 gl), Ollt In to th ' hll ll nI ght he" Loo k UI), )'ulUl~ tnu ll," ont} the "aill 33 15 I!tnrtl L't1 Ylllln/: mllll oIrCY.,,1. lils gllzo f" rll I.. s l. nft er I Cn\' ln~ her room. I I : "I1It: 1''' "11" (1 .171 hnltNl (I t a wl n, I,,\\' nn Ih r "ef·.. ",1 hl'uTlI \'n l c(J.~ whlRIH'rlng In PrInce UI:O'R \Cnom. I h"lIt It Ull the RlnlrwlI)' s lory. IIltlios t .IIr.",Uy 0 \ ' r hIs h" lId. Inlo Ihe little. Nothtll l1 hUPIII'Ol' fl. 80 Mr. Spmusc \\'IIR 'noklng down upon I RllI'nlled d own II) II1\\'e a peCl1 nrmand. hIm. ~ h LlI']) tetllures ll xed In a 611 1" Tht:! 11 001' 10 Ugn'" rollm was or en. bUI donI e grin. CommiB81oners' Proceed ing. t her WII8 nn \l l:ht on tho tlll!hlt:!. He "Well. I'll ho d- I" burst trolD cnrne 1:0 the door nml loo\<ell 0il nnd 81l1~ allowed :-8t"k .. IL.. Mt~ Co.. ~~ Ilarnl!s' II p~: ~~~~------ -~ I\nwn Il ho hnll. Thl'n soml' ono else foeor(\ for Olerk. '~O; E R " d(JI.K Ifl , " . urprl" ',1 10 .('(' IIII', ('h? If r ou're ('nrno ont nn.1 "tnrtNI to snNlk IIwn)'. Sllppl168 tor !Survey or' lI o l\lofl. t;l; nol In n hurrr . 1"1 t'(' rtnln ly npl'rcdn te 1 laRve you to gll(,~R th e sex. Barry RnblnR I' D, Inll c1lng g ... v I.t-lIl . II 11ft n ~ fll r liS 11r.> 'r uvcrn. old mllll. "Nlch6ln 8 bult ~.. 1 In nt thl" unfor' H . O. WiJ lI .. tn ~ . ~u p plieM t or VII rlull8 I'll h I' " o\\'u III "J IITy. Stnll.1 IIsI.I" I lunn te juncture. He mude thr ~1\1 s offioe s. .26.25; XeD j" C i Ly W o r k Veter l narv r ill goln ~ 10 (Irop. " A mom('nt IUI I'l' tn Cl k., or III~ life. U/:o jumped bHck Into Huose, k ell p lll l; " riaonerR lor J n l.Y. he ' \\,lIn /: nv~ r th" sIll. 111.1,1 rlrol'pl'd ()radIl Ah' of IIh i" ~Inl hIli room. In ICRR thlill n ~(,cl)t1t1 hl' '2 1 70 ; )4 1:1 . O~ wtild. bllri .. 1 MIl d!' lightly t" Ihe g roll m' I'll1 hl f(,(,1 I",Iow. Call li n wnR out ngoln. H o Inn rl ed Hllnnrely on Brl\den, *25 uti ; Mi .. mi 1:1 "'l" ' \tI', " Sl'C. h ere. Sp ro u~c or ",hnleve r Nlrholns ' hll ck liB the fellow turrII'd to l)rIDtln ~ f ' 1' '1're tianrAr, 1 r. o; nil' your numo Is-" OFFICE: CHl~IPI' . I Rnw the stCllI f1n sh. P oor Warreu Co nntv ApI)tl"l , 8 1lb~ • "I .r,o ; "I\£>I tt'r III' Ollt," broke In nit! NI"k ",ent dow n In n henp. ,, ·t tl PbilllilS M:nrpby .tlfr. h e~tlmllt nnllt .. Fourt h " treet , mmr 'fyll!r nll S, ' roll ~(l CIl lml y. "I cnuld drill n hol e alit' II h(lr I' III1~' yell. /!'o d rlla~NI him No. 26111. t llOll; P P . Mlllor, In ' ~'~ o, T e1epbon 4' 9:1 rHI I~ I ! A l. lZsr Alf. ,\\,\N Ihroll~ h you BO quIckly you'd IU!Vl'r lO. " B ." tl (1 2 ; Inl£\ UIP rflnlTl fill li dllllht'll bnck' Ihto t,or L U. H N o fl i knuw w ho t did It,'· he WllII t 0 0. HI8 hIli OWDI. Dou .. ht B '1I1 tH IIl. "P~ t8tltlg ;" uotv Wit 'n A moml'n t I'llter III! comc nut . Ohi eflvill e. hnnd \\'IIS 10 b ls COlit pockot. and a ngnln . )'IIIIIo Sprh1 g VaHe y, O.~I~ g for heill. Thl'r& \VIIS Rorvtly or , ' 0"; Clld ~.II"A. US.fS IID g QllICk s:l nnco revenl~'d to Bnro,l!S II IIln· onl), onte Ihlng le(t for me to do und Couu ty Survey or, ,r;!l 76; IlIqnNlt gularly Impr esNlvc angle In the. clot h. thllt WIllS to get out on tht:! roOf If IlOS· body of J osepb W. t1ulne~ . OOMtS . th e rlolnt of "'hkh seemed to be dlNl(!t. .slble. £lnd wnlt ; , Le bl\lIon l eo . l\Ud e" .. 1 lJo. , tor things to quiet '6.aO cd ~Q uJlre ly at hl R Chcijt. "Bllt I'm down. I got out Ii., HAT H A W 'A , through a Irllp door Ice, '11; C. B. Deohlln t per U. a. not goIng to ilo It. I jU8t 'Wnftt 10 IIC t and IItn;yed Moants . pcstll(te Audl'" ,'s ollloe, M. ~ thero t or ao hour or 80 . my s~lt 81 mlght with you. In n word. PI&ns. 8p eclfiod lo DR. e8tlmrr.t AS . ",' "Well. ..... vllle to 'lI shortcn Lel<d I ml' tbe \JAn' 8t0I'1. I ,. 1 flnnl· I n O\'('r gnt nnywhe re ncnr t ho room e'o. f or ' b e foll.,,,,,ID I! irn"r lJl1fl m ont~ Ofll nt1 III H aln 611 All1 g :\\ ,,1\[ H In wh l h Hill ,"'WIlls wero blCldeo. This Iy took a ChBIICO and elld down to the Ilpprove d , ellves whero I mnnage d to find tbe . .• Is Ood's truth. Borel'fl. 1 wlIsn't tbe ConoreL e box oalve r t No 50 a2 11mb ot II tr~e bill: enough to SlIpport only one who \\'08 tryIng to gl.'t the . Glasse s (r'iUed near old sOh ool hOURO In Wayne Twp m&--jull t 08 If the L<lrd had ordered " bau bles. m, frI end. It wo.s n gnme in BA~NHART, Uonore " put tbe ro for my special beneftt. I A1' MOI)Io~!{'\TE PIUCE S for ea8t .. bu'men ' of wblch only tbo best mnn could win." was 11000 on the gJ'Ound, aDd thai bridJ(e No. li t;O d, J obo W.II ' .. rm. "I know the truth n~" about Roon mennt B01ety Notar y Publi c for me. 1 had heard Ugo Tnr&J eoreek 'rowD Sbl p and Pllol." IlUld Borne8 ! lgnlflcou U,. tell the othel'8 thut Nlchola8 8Dld the CoDore 'epro\eo 'lon wall for brIdge "You do r' I!D('Cred SproUBe. "ru man who Btabbed hIm WIIB ),ours trul,. So, 14 60 at J . 8 Mullen 'arm, All klude of Noury Work. \lVIII , 'O ptical Depart ment bet ' OU a thousnn d to one 7C1I 40 not. Cnn Olearor ee. Townlp lp. ,Otl beat 111 and Dlleda " Hpeolo, Ily . S. Detroit St. Xenia. Ohio The girl was led to believe tbBt the, "And now comes the maddeDlog part Time for receivin g bide, antll 11 Open evening s by appoint me nt were a couple of crooks and that theJ flxed IRe 10 that tavern down tbere. of tbe 1whole bU81nC81L He 8Illd thnt o'olook a. m ., .ToolJd" Y I Septem ber ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::;tJ·~·~·~·M.~.~.~.~e ~. 18n·t that whnt sbe told you' Well, the cro\lVll lowell! wI're gooe I The thlet 1. L9111. Bveolflo atlonll and ee\tmat ee for thnt 8tory WIIR cooked up t or ber ~ WUIl ru nn Ing downllta lrs when he stag· gered to th door. It we Are to find bUumlD one Burface treatme nt of I. clol benefit. floon wall the naron Hed'tho crown Jewelft, my trlend. w.e will C. 8. No. 161 Beo. "B" in 00 opera. lund. H edlund come up h ere a week first have to find Prloeo Ugo. He hoe lion whh She Tru8'ee a of Tortle IlFUNER,AL DIRECTOR or 80 ngo to keep a lookout tor bl. them." . oreek TOWD8hlp. Approv ed aDd wIfe. The borone88 18 8uppoaed to be FuDeraJ Dir(ICtor "I don't beHeve a word of tblll adopted . Bida to be reoelnd Toea. Wayn esvill e, Ohio deepl,. eDamore d or PrInce Uro. Be BDd Emba lmer t found letters which !leemed to IndIcate YBrn, - 8ald Bllrnes flatly. "You bave da,., 8ep\em ber 2. U~II. until 11 t.hA tAw"hl o'olook II. m . . that Bho was planol" , .to JoIn the (OoD&Ie~ OD _ I) Wayn esvill e. Ohio . Fully Equip ped for Good prillce up hore. When be heord or the area. and amall Thing.. nrrlvlIl of a III!!y at Green F ane, tIIo Servic e. Read Crazette's Classified Ads We ere too tonI! of our owo . wm. nt hp. r 11 't"rnoon. he Jl:nt IIUSY. 1 admIt W. ""lit to be 1!0lnIJ .. bllt we tant!7 Large Displa y Room Either Auto or Horse drawn service. ml,ht, thIn 18 : but the Ireat !lOlnt I.. No extra charge for auto' service. to do 8mall thlog&. when enlled to TELEPHONE 7 DAY OR 'NIGHt Both phones In Office and Residen ce them. lu a rtgbt aplrlt.-R . CecIL 1/11'
to buy
. "MIa. CamerOn I. Lovingly Known In "Aud now 101' Obester Nnlsmlt h. It Her Own Lind I. tho Counte .. wal he who. ndln, for tbe ml ~gu l dctl Ted." 10JallBtil aud r«ommil llded by I' rtaln wns vlsl11nl: In tlll~ COlllllry 'III'hen tho 3'on~ 1l18t«1' 8t8 wbo b, v Irtue of their ' 0 "1'0 1l188lpatt ons hud como to wnr l)roko oul I f It Is of nllY USB to Imow blm liS 8 D18l1 ot InlI nlto m- ,ou. rn II[ld thnt Ilhc. would be rich It BOurcefulnesa and daring. plonned Rnd Aladdin eould only to life ond earrte,1 out the plUnging ot the plllnco r efltore th e apl('mlo", of tho demol· nult8. Almost under the noscs of the Ished cosUe. refill the ches ts of gold foreign guaros be succeede d In ob· thnt hnve been emptIed by the eon· talmo. the Jewels. No doubt he could Cl\Jcrora. nnd rl'~ tO('k the fnrme tbnt have made olf w1tb them at thnt tIme. hllv(' been IIl11uj\'ed nnd devoatat ed. 10 but he ahrewodJy preferre d to have 'b e absence or Aladdin. Ilowover. she them broullbt to America by 8Omo one. 18 0lm08t 118 poor n8 the IInclent else. It would have been ImJl(l88lble churCh mouse. So thero you are. mo for hIm to dispose of Ibem In illurope. mRn. Hnlf the rllynl progen, ot E u. rope hove heen B1JttOrs for her bnnd, You . . h"" etlII1Ilug JIe ":& 1I'U po doubt thwarte d In h18 alld tho other hlllt would be It the,. deslp to wII,ln1 me on the road from dldo't happen to be of tho Bomo 8ex. llpaulBh Falla by a singular eccur rence Good·by. I must be on my wa,." He la thlll tavem. He WIIB attacked In hlB aroae ond " eld out "18 hnnd. "Oood-b l and good luck forever," . room !le~ overpow ered. bound a nd "You are a brick. O'DowcL I want 8IIaed by two men. H e knew Ille mea.. 'l'IIe7 were thleveIJ 08 clever and to 800 'OU lignIn. Yon will alwaJII find m_" ' .. merdletl ll 811 !llmBelf. The,. too "Thanke . Don't Issue any rash In'f1. were watchfD I fol' me. I do not know how these men leemed of my Intnn· tatlOD&' I mfgbt tllke you up." Ba~ee started uDlltniI'8 ns soon .. UOo 10 'eome to GreeD Fanq."· "'The1 came to the Tavem f our br II", da,.. before your OrT1vo] at O'Dowd wall orr. urged h, on enger-uq... BaI'D~ Interrup ted n ess tbut put wings on bI ll feot nnd a -Sp.tlu e told me that they were Be- thrill of excitem ent In hIll blood. HnlfWilY up be slopped abort. A new con· , ('ret 8ervt~ meD from abroad olld tbat he 1IIU worttn, w1th them. My theory dlUon con tronl cd him. Whnt wa8 the thb. aod I thInk It Is ' julltlfted by proper WRY to Approac h B person of _til: .' The men were really secret royal blool17 lie would hnve to thlDk. J-lIl1 sl n~ nt her .Ioor. ho ""08 at ~nce -.eDt&, llent here to wotch the movemeol8 of the pnlJ up there. They n",ure of VO I(,~A InRlde the rool~. Ho rIlPPI',1 on th o door. hul 80 tim· enme Upoli . BJlI'OURO and r ecolnllzl!d him. On the day m.'ntlon ed tlley ove .... ol'n ll ~Iy thllt 1I0lhlng rum o of It. HIs IIOvvorcd hIm nnd f orced blm to revcnl IIN'ond l'lTort WIIH pruducUv e. H.l certllln fuctll collnocl ml with ntrolrll nt hCllrd MIs" :J'hl"'k,lruy SIIY "Houd ~m · . Green Fancy. PossIbly h e led them to ClIlIl R." II lid. uft l'r II mOnlcllt. MIRH bllllevtjl tbot you were ODe of tlie con- Cll nwrnn'", Ru h,lw·,l : II\Vhnt 1M tt"r' "Mny I ('(lII\I~ In 7" ho \tutu lrell. IIplmtoMl. Tht:!y waited for your orrival nnd ' tben rtsked tho hazor(lo uR r ••th"r IIshnllll'd (If "IR ,·Igur. "a's trip to GreeD Foncy. They wero dis· o nl y B HrtIflM." " COlli!' Ill." " 'II H II('r Itl'ely reslllIlIRC. eoYored nnd shol" "I believe JOU oro rtKllt." ahe crted. lilt W IIN u wfl1 11 y J!lItul ot YO U. ?-II !oC~ ""Tben we hove aceuunte d tor Mr. T hll(·kl·rIlY. to II'/. 111'11 1' YOllr III1 CA. Spr:ouse. ·II.Dd I am DO .longer Interpst ed I tllh lk yflu will be u greut 8 U ~C"~S III In the unra vellnK ot tho myate ry lIur· tile 11I1rt," ·'Thulll'..... sn III )flss Thnckprny rOllndln r the \1ellths of Roon and Poul.- Batd Bamefl. "There IR nothing dryly. " I'll COIilO In lignIn nnd Int to keeP me here any longer. MI88 Cam· )'011 henr lit O In Iho thlrtl ol't." Slw eron.· J suggeflt thot you nllow mo to Wllllt nut. 1lIU1l1lrllllg oor 1I11t'N li S sh .. tlf.Ioort , Oil at oneo to ,our fri eDds. , PII HHI'II nn rnt's wllhnut fU'e lulo: "1m. . "[ hO[l u you will fl'el IIhle to lenv!! " 'herever the;y-She wa. opposl!d to thIs plnn. While thI s plll ce 100lnrrow. C{luutess. We thm'o ' was stili a chllnce Ibut Sprouso nlus t gel nWlly ulmost hllllledltitely." "Ah. yOIl huyo beell IIs tenlug to Dllgtil b e npprehc nded In the ut:!lghbo r1">od, or tho pO/lsII,1II ty ot bls bel ng O'DrO\\'II. 1 sce." "\'",. Ilc I " II ~ lIIe It will he dllngel'~nl1ght b)' tbo r('lantles8 pUl'llueMl. she ou~ t o--ft , d cllned to ~C8ve. "Ll u 18 rl j.(ht. It woulll be dlmenlt "Then. 1 8boll also IItny." sold b e Jjrowptl y. Ilud ' WIIS repllld by the tor I"" to c ll'lIr 1I1 ),"l'If. No otle wutl lil Ilt'llcvo thllt I dlrl lIut Ih,II111·roth'Iy tremulo us smile sbo gnve "1m. Ho was h l-I"lessly In love. With tbls bellutlfu l 1I11lk.· n!!' with Ihe jewt'\s. 'I'hl'y \Voultl c tllls ln of klugs .IIud QUC!NIB. And Sill' tI ... t 1--oh. It III too IlrerrdCu l I" "Don't worry nhout thut," he ex· , vht!n he thought ot kings lind quct:!ns Jle renll!ed Ihnt beyond all Question c1111I11Cd. "You hllve me to testify thnh-'" hllI 'love '1'1'118 ·bopelet18. "t·low little you know ot Intrlb'llc." Rhc ' crlt·d. · "'1'hey would IlIuj.(h lit you CHAPT ER XVII. nll d MIlY tbnt YOU '\I\'ero merely onotllPr _ '. t ool who hnd I""t his h ~n,1 Ilver 11 The 8econct wayfare r I. Trlnafo rmed. W OIUIID. The)' would suy thnt 1 du])('u O'Dowd retunled !tte. In the litter-noon. He 1\'as III a hum to get bnck J 01.l-:--" "Not" h G c rIed vehemen tly. "Your t o Green hnCY: there was DO mllPpeople k now hotter thun you thInk. talllnK JaIl uneasloclI& "For the love of bcav88, Barnes, get You arc t1IHhellrt elled. dlHcouruged. ThlnltH wtll 1000k brl~hter tomorro ",." her awu from here .. BODO .. JlOB' IIble. Del da It . . IICCrelly a8 )'oU can,- be IIIIlcL "I may 88 well t ell you thllt Bhe Is Ill, mON! dlnll'Cr from the IOverI\lDent , ~ret Bllrvl~ than from an)'QIltl uJ.! yot\.I~r." "h may l)r¢tl:J' to 'Bce the ruuslc• .0'l\owcL J( I know h ~ at &11. IIhe will I'tltwlu to nJll 11\\'81." ''Theo. JI"'l1 bll"'" to kidnap h('r," ... IIS lbie IH li1llnun en l'\\I~t1)'. "Than! wlU IMt IMn 1!'III'irb1 lng bert' frolD both d8 of tho border b), tomorro w Dlght .. t .t· tile g<tt'llel tl'1lth. aod .....,'to '00 blld for nU of WI if ~ *hfll tile,. eome." ~ Ie .... 0 '00"' Jlan to man,
Kf!'Ie1) n CD8C in y our home ~ Orck-r { rum y CMIt' ,
Real Es\.ate 1'ranfcr a EIlIlo III 'l'a" ut III to ~ I 'Hloo Boga r. 10'" ~, .9 "nd "in RIt2".wl lltl. * 1. E V. BarnhH rt. eJl(aOU~(lr. &0 riM on oo 8ntf. o r t ll w1 1 ~O, purl. II f 10L N u. I' aun 10 In EVuDS' "d llttl " " t,., Wil Y ne8vllle. ~865. T. E. K tlt.lor to H Jrtl o(J I:J uu d I.... b el Buller, IJIA U ot In lut" 1~ 1i ood la6 In Labanol l , B er ry L.. "n(\ Lutlll!l M Y" UO I{ I." UouJtlrlll 8ol\in gRwo r~b. 1I ~" llt thir t,eon nMAP In Cloln l n r.lplt '1' \\' 1\ .• 11
Dr. J. A
Drink Ccx:o..c olo In DoilIes
trtck managed.
I ts <li8tinctiv ~ shope and blown-i n· the-bot tle Inbel ore covered by letters potent -t he meuM thnt tho Gover n men t offords for disguiwunS the true (rom the fo lsc-the senuioe from tho substitu te. You believe in fnir play in business? Then dellUll\d the senuine . bottled Coca-Coln, which from thill dote w ill be paCked only in thia n ew ond distinct ive bottle.
Name Is--"
I' I J!"lH 'l'lIl t ll' ll 11 1'1 11 II llUruJlt· tn
gnrll>:". ?lIr.
substitu tes.
Mall, d tlOelldoo . Will ts ~d mlUn l ~o probete . In .he IDI1Uer o f ' bo rSltJto ot Jowph MIIII. dooouo d. '1 Jabl8llO n is appointed Exoou ll'i x . Il U bond reqUire d . A. B. Morrl8. ,John l Walllo k and E<1 S. Dunhatl\ 11 1'(\ I1ppoln&ed a s IIP1)rIlo1 8ors.
,":\"0 11 tnk n thJ ~ nnl\ " I'ltlll Hnml"8, "nnd I will 1II1l1I1IJ;O Iii., oI IJ,·r." no
OU R MUTU AL PR OTEC · T I O N 8sain8t imitotio n8 nod
. h. fue milt tOl' UI LlJe wIll ut J 080ph
wns In a hu rry lo ~,, 1. n IVIlY f rU III Ihe housl', '1'1",1'0 WIIM no 1.'l1hll' \\ Il('u tho IIm'ernll "''' I n/:"uIR ,,"uulrl ' lI ~sc cnll UpOII th.· 1'1 " .. ". nnru l'~ h. ·lp,'.1 Pl'I"r t n 11ft tho l ruu ks Int u t h,· r ill' " 11(1 Ih.,'11 (.rden't! hIm ttl s tnrt :I t for lI urt'" 'I'uv· e rn.
JJ off /e
Proba te Court Proceed ings
Th"r.. "' ''" " nt II .I~ II If humun II ro
nbo..ut th,' pillel'.
wht' r t' 1 EHufU\.-
~ lI.s
t a l. for p ;' rtt ~hm of r 61~1 e tIIt(,. 'MurrI e Lurlti VI! Dora Lurie. dl voroe ; ab8 D e Ilnd n eghiot. Nanni B Blokti, ne g nar dlt.n . va treater l.)e1l01 <1 ('It 1\1. far J)Brti\lo n of r eal OIlS" to. .A. (; '.If\d (J . F . Dtlbold V8 J "R~ llh Bo;'ard. muuey IIond I1Ua"bm el1t.
gnlt.111 \II) to
to tJri ,'n l ' n rH'~ n ~H tn . uno st:'l~h'd lw.. ~lrl o hI;" WII " TllOII11lS 1\.11IJ.l bur)' RtU"U t\ R, h i . ' W W ILl n~ t, · r .
:t ~,.
th l'
Two 1II1i 1"1 ~ " "ft~r Peter (\ro"l' u I'
Sbe 81g\led. "A'IIIII, l en r Ihnt I ,lulU bavo to t (111 you n little JUnro • bou.. tblB wonderf ul 1I1Iln' you k nuw 118 BJlroueo. Sir 1II0ll ths II/:0 th,' frl eods 811d 8upporillr!l 'It Iho h'glH· IIIlIte III ~c880r t o In), cou Dlry·,. I br"l1 ~ ('OIlSWll lllatcd a plnn wherf'hy Ih,' crown jewelB ond CN1ulo do<·ullI.'n t. ot ' 81nte wern lIurrepllU ollllly r"nl on"\ trom the pnlocc vuultH. Ins lclld of lip· Il000l tIng th trMBum 10 Purls. It \\'n ~ ~(lJlt to tllls ('olllllry In churge of II I:rolll) Or men WIlMO (cultS 'ou ld n,'l ho Questlooed. '1'he III.'U you k"n", li S Locb II lu rea lity lilY c() u ~ lu. ] hll "l' known him a ll lilY life. HI' IR IIII' l'ouugclIt bro lh~ r ur UIl) pre l"mh'r 1>' tbo thron e. lind n cousin of llie " rl nc" " 'bo 18 held prIsoner hl' Ihe Austrll," s. TIlls prlnco Ilns a 111'(.1h.'r 01 11. au d II 'W08 to htm thnt I "'us 8UPI)I\S('d to dt'lIvel' the Jewels. J t rn "cled from ' I'W York. but n ot al one 8M you may " " 0· peel. I was car tull y protecte d fN'm the time I lett my hot I the/"(' II lltll we)), nntll I arrived In Doston. "While there 1 !'e('civei1 R SE'C rct m l'lI8IIgG from trlen(ls In Canada dl· rectlng me to go to Spn nls h Fu ll s. where J would be met 1I0d coo· ducted b,. Prince Sebastllln hlfll~clf to the pla~ cnlled Gr('Cn Fnney, whld!. ftl' lIear tho Canadln n border. /!. ate ~rt would be p rovIded tOr 118, and we would he on British M il within a few bours nfter our meeti ng. It IS ,ooly neces8ll ry to add thllt wh u I aM1ved ot Green Fanc), 1 m et Pri nce UI'O-iln d undel'lltood I 1 h nd carefully ' eovered m, tmekB nfter leaving Boston. My real fr1('ndll were. and IIttIl uo, complet el,. In tl:>e dark RI! to lIlT monmen tB, 80 8ldlfu ll,. was th o
An frbl,!I'jqh m ~tl z n \ h hn \''' lH'n ttl l' r hll dn ..~Hr m n t h"l lwtl UIl' \'''oh'{Inh~ " "rt\l ~: I •• , hlr.'<I I '" .. r ("r Iiw llh ,llId M .I ·nod hllll II' 'rq ," rt hllul(oIlIlI tl'ly1 Il'
FROM COURT HOUSE Comm,m "leas c.,urt Ncw Suita JllJIleR B. J uollot D n Lt.ur~ Spen o"
wit h lhl' I'll r. Ore"n Fn ncy wllrdNh r .
Behind 8 field ' of corn .
And the followin g conversation took place between th((m: Big Hog- " Haveyou tried the fence all around ?" Small Hog- "Ever y nook and cranny_ and thcre is. not a place aroun d the field that can be rooted up so that we can enjoy that luscious new corn." Big Hog- "Can 't you grub under the fence and break a board? " Small Hog- " That would do no good, for· t~e lumbe r came. from MADP~N-S, and that means that it is' so good there is no pOSSIble way of gcttlll g throug h it. . The moral is plainly eviden t to all.
IVladden's Barn and house lumbe r canno t be ('xcelled and the prices are within reach of everyb ody. . 'l He handles everyt hing that goes' into the ,building in the way of lumber; also, cemen t for your walks
Co~D 874ney And~. 1IlllM..o aDd .8eDato r 'W B Keoyon . Iowa. ,' olDl "latllere " of the paokertto.bill. apP~ed b, lb. Federal Trade CoIIunla lOD. ao4 wbleb ~ NlIU'4e d .. the . fruit of lb. oommle alon's meal aDd 1m aWcIt In...tllaUOIIB. '!'be -btu tor tbe ' gove~umeDf lIoenalnK ot ,paolWla pluta. exCleptJU pro..ldlll I fannen coollera ll:-e plant. Bnd thOile !loan. b08IBM1 of UDder 'fOO.OOO a 19IIf Failure to obey tbe pro.. lalo08 0' tbe lice... would '-aU ha men t taking over the ol\'endln , l)~dIa "laDt UDder thelbe f09'8ro01 tho bill tbu ·palCke,.. mUll «I.. up COII~1 0' the "'rlnn proYlalonl re Ure 'rom owoorsh lp 0' trult. V9Ketable anl~ 8ah ~nnel1ei tot' \:8,.. 'gruc~n bU8lneas. and from acllve oontrol of the .took)'ai. from the r4e. The) would h(' IImllud BOtleb 10 bUl(:ber m. aad \l1'9\1arl meal aDd' tt.. b7' J)rorl u,·t ~ The Soc:rel8l')' of Acrlcul lure b deelgnall8 ted ." tile aclmlnb . .'1 t·" ' ln r . tl'1 ... "«·enA.... o .... O
Mlyrfl-£,R - Cf4 MAW!! o
w. B.
Ma dd en &
Waynesville, Ohio
- "
TRB 1IIAM1 ' ~ -I~~
GA,Z E TTE .•.•
f I
WA"'WBSVlLLlI. 01110.
MI~" ~IM MoVey, of Uighl"n O. 1 orn-To Mr . nntl ' Mu A]1rfl d Ohio. ~peut fl fo w dll ,.!! t b is wl!ok as .J Il ns, W"dlH'I l'\' . .... , • or,nst 1:1th , a ' be KII Oilt u'l 1m M. :,).lIlaru •• uO l dnnltht r , f.unll y . . h ', ~ Dd Mr.' . WHlinm Cox spon t, '1'1U) 1:1. A . 1. lilll BOt ' tlln 111. lll, SlIodllY wi h Mr l\ lI(1 M r~. Iyele Uox . 8 11 0d11Y, bO?flOI. It4 It rin li t t hllir Ml dS Lilli. t:llduh,. rrl kUT, of Davton frlOud ll, en Joy a D Il ll.d "y plllu lO Ilt WI1R tl Sund"l' ~ c,f Mr. and Mrs ({!lku ro Purlr. \V ~ul\,ll. duy of lost Bern ~ Jon e,,: 'I1He . wee k. MrR Q t3 I..a,wb Ilod Vortls Mr lind ' Mrl!. H lHv llr r! Feo RDd Thnm ll9c)o we.r e DIl)7ton s b oppe r s , oblldro n . of 'llll· k ~b u rg. lod " ~ llell' l'hurada y , weak with re l " ti vtl~ \l Qre . 61rR H l h,Sf c k r(llurn od, Thu rs. Mr. aod Mr a, L o s llb Buokley SPtlD' d" y. after a I, '0 w llo llB' ~ t,ay a' t h e BU Dd" y wl.llt E \'ll r Pt l bllltlnk e r oottage of Prof . 61)'1 Mrs J ohn Mr . li nd M, s Ern nk 8hid .. ker were Fons' ermolu' r ul L:h IL u t ILuq uo RU "Mt_ of Mr W lIbn r ~hlnu l;r'r lu, l1 K e.ler Hrn h linl Is bnok at wo rk tlimil y, 10 Wl l!ui'tlllto n, t:luonny . n~ o ln 118 soa tl o o f Or elll'JD . afte r h"v. Mr . &blo MaoDonll ld lind fll mily Inll h is flng !'r trAntod MIl\ml Val.
fl . L. CV AN I ~ , Edilor and l · uLli~h (' t. Wllyn('~\'ilIe , O hio
uLscrm lion Price, $ 1.1)., pe r y ell c ~--;.:;:'--=
----- -
- .. ~-
WEL>N E "I AY" AUGUS T 20, 1919
Stnte o( OhIo, City o( Toledo, I.u cn:t COli n ty. MS. Ji'l1l\.nl( J . Ch(moy mak es oath that he It Re nlOr porlner 0( ' the tlrm or F . J . ' l'hclluy & Co., d o ing bU RI.ncB" in the I I;( IY o f ·I'o ledo. Cou nty u"d Stote l ,tforOBll lci ' ulul thu.l ~ nld f lrlll w il1 pay . lh ~ a um UNE Hli N OHED DOl.LAlR Il f o r (tuc h an d eve r)' CRao o r Ca.tar rh Ih nt " Ilnn o t br be curod by ' the use "( H ALVS CATAnn H MEDICI NE , [ ' 1"ltA NK J . CHENEY , SWOI' U t o b tJrorc mo nnd Bu b ft.Crl bod attond d tb e weddln~ of Conn e l ley R Ol! pltllJ. I .. m y PI'eBe n cc. thl a GUI day or DoWII~on and I nc·z Rl dgew llY, IB8' c tHnhc r, A. D., 1880, Mr. fmd Mrs. ' Willinm Colema o I . wee k . A. W. GLEASO N. BnJ dou~htor, Dorotby . or ne .. r I IAe nl) Noto r,. Pu Mr and Mra. Barry tlb ldllker Lebano o, were S1)oQ~y • Hnll' . Cntnrrh Modlcln e I. toke nb lic. gaeele o f In· ' l" rnfl lly and ne l. throu gh th e Blood were In WaYIl Ofl vlll .. , Frleln y evening W~lt T K eorl ok find fam ily. O il th o Mucoull Surfaces o f t he a ye· , Mr~ LIlOIlA Boere tl er rot.nrne d io l Mn. Se nd ( or testi mo nIals tr ee. Mr. an d Mre. WuUer OIark and 1", J . C HICNJ1:Y &, CO .• Tolodo. O. ber h ome 10 N o rwood , SRturclay . MfA. B . M. L: 1~rk w er'e Day t-on vi a· RO l e! by "II Dru g Kl s l K. 76"" IIfr Oarlt on La w r fl ooo, of (;hl ol\go , Itor8. l'1lellliBy . HIlII ', F amily P llt" (or con&l lplltl o n.
, r
Mll nHn n ~tlt\ d~ o R ht ll ' Mrs. H l! heeOB 0111 ~ncl MIIIR C1Rra Mpanl flBtu.dt lv 1 vll nllll( ",nh Mr. OnUlfht e r @ r fl tmned to their hom e' an ll M.s . F . H, S hl ,l"k fl r In Mt. Bolly . M o nday, aftor speodMrR , Ifrtlnk ()alt1t1 .1Orl 1111118 hl,o r, Illg •• w ...,1( wiHJ J B. J on eH and
M", ., lIf Kln ll fl s h f", Okln " "P"o' RP\'o " ,1 "" .v~ I h ,· ~tln~l~ " f l'1'1~\'V I'~, 18 ' ~"k. Mi H~ Mll r l<' Anl'lI l11 , nr 1.<oR .1\1\. 1l" lu:-- t ;ttl . t\nl .f\ llJ"lI ' ~ h hr t:nu,ILI;U. ", "n'. III Mr. MIII ~. 01 M""III" h. Th e \,;, ,1\ ,111'10( wi ll '"1111 pl"oo In tbe
" L II Hlc . 'Prt', Mr. HI! r lteA, Jill 1101 ~ ,, Itt tl o u hl,'-I' I'(I-;:; YI IlI 1l~l1l n . '1' h lll' ~ 1111 on ·r. f "'lIrII t t ) g-(l t thnt ~l' Ul' vy III~
" nl; whll Im lf, ·" l'" or <th l NII'I(. If YOII I'lln 1:1"" " '" n 1t·llIl . I' ll try to rU II I'r lnt·(' II!;" .101l'1I. An,1 If 1 do, wo'll gl't lli" jilwi'ls."
U\v.,c ·
'{till Itfllll~'" UH\
~" fIl l'thlng
IIk (l lhll 1. I ('lIn', ~ Iv c n t lf llul, ,YOU know, t Sw c nr In y o n tlm t If I, Iny hllll.," on I hllt !II un-, f \\'111 .If'-
!I\'pr It to yuu . l\ll l<ht jll" t un well I r uHt mo nR Ugo." "(l, ·t In th (' t'ur." J'l uld nllrn t~ fl u.l· (lI'nly. nl' hu.1 1I1" 'lIled 10 luk... a cllllu"" with til(' r e"I.IUrC('flll, In.l .... tHtI ~lI hl (1 rn R4.'u l, '1'1IC'rc \\fUR AOllw.htn u con\'l nl'l ng 111111111 SI'rtlIl RU'8 vc r Rlon ot th>l nITnlr ot O r" " n I"uney . Jln "IIOM tfllel htm thnt h e Im p,,' l'rlnl'o tJI(U' M tlllht. Sllrouse look ed t1wlI ghtful f ot II Inng time. " Ro O'Oo wLl knowl\ thnt I rl'lI lIy W tlR nfl.'r tho 8\\, 111(. e h? H e lJelhlveR 1 got
f,,,,,,,\, •.
" 'I
. '" ~ IlJlPOSO so." I "1'ho ollly on wh o t hlnkR I'm UhN()O '
lut('I), Innocent Is UI:0. of COUrf<I\ - ufl <1 M",. 'Vun Dyke. Tlmt'" gnol\'''
dll)' ~ .
o tl\CltlU8 /!
aa.aua ana tIIlJ'tSIIIII
bad! fo.
thttt o,wdoJ .,1 IlIacl& betDI! " enrtebu4 b7 the
0141'1, (aU 1114:
1tuuCadM t bndlS wIl1cb >trilla ita .&l' tu&o ' ,,~ 4eaI!K1IL 't'ZID .... u.", cuau, Ia uf _hft.e ~. <>dIS"" w1tll ......T 0 " - - . 10ft!
Val .... .,I,w'- ...,."
r-blua Art
f'oatIIr. . dUa IlIea2D11 --atua . Til. raw ." m.."''PI!'.a~ c...,
nll emcn. lutell' orrh'ClI.
whn lIu'IHICd Iw lllely but IIrlUly on pryltl/! lot o th e [la9t, I)resc nt and tu· II11'f' hl ~t ory of the sevel'lll me mbers of tht' 0l'r,l1U I7.0 tI on. Inelll ulllJ,'! thc .. ' q J:ll811 IIl1tt s llllll.l<>r (rhlll th., r uu ..l" w h o ttt\n cke r." But h~hln.1 hili' In t h., hllull lllnil cur. Burnefl hnd dcvl" !tl 11 " f>rY CI('VCT Bo hud ordl' r~ to k(,I' I) hlll'k Ilt '!'nl/ll ny plan for I:eltlnl% 1't£I!!II ollll' ron nW I', but III'vcr to Jo~.! ~IJlhl ..,f h IM bill li ght. trom tho tn v~rn without uttroetln ll UO· "Arc you th er,, ?" h e whl sllc re d. duo attentio n. She waR to leuve 10 "YeR, hn't It Jolly, Mln ol ng IIway one of th o aut omnblltlf' thnt ho hnd eo- like thlH? . It mua" he wmul urtully ex. RDged to coo"<'y tim player. to citing 10 be 0 crlDllnol , ulwllY~ dOdl:' Orown!!o lll, whe re they were to Ing un(\-" ' ''8how.'' In CHI'IO of dotontlo n or In· MSh 1 Even B IImoU81ne lDay hove qulf)', ahe WIIN to JlO!!O os a stug& eu", I" atl'Uck youol!' wemon who had ob.tal ned a Illuco with tho company at But If thl1 Ihno1J~lne the 108t moment throuJ,:h hIs Influence. e Ihou Hnnd <,nr s th!'}, would I'o~~e~:~ hove heen Wbcm tho hour <:omc rur Ih e dl'lIlIl'- rendered 'USl!lc~ In the s10 m,y rocke t 'turo r!'(lm nllrt'~ Tnn' rn he d('lIlw rRt~ i mllde by r ote r 8 muffler and the thun· ly enguged th ... IW O ~cc ret 8.- r v l~e ml'n I dero~1I roor or the emaus! UR the cor In converRl Itlnn In Ihe tl1pro01ll. MISR gol unde r way. Cnmcl'On le tt the hOU Re Ily tho r,c ur 1 SIxty ml1e8 Iny he twe ... n th em nnd door fIDrl WIIS " nrely OIl Hc(lIICOO In l)~ Orowndu le. Tommy Oro)' Itllllr,!nt eed t c r's llutOllloh llc lonl: h"fnre Ill' ~hO(lIc I thut tho dl~tRnce cnuld bl' covere d In tmnds wllh the "rut"'u ll'l1l'r,," lind thNlO hours. even ove r tho \'lIe moun· ' 0 c1l1sh .. d out to j oin hllr. l 0111 lilY ~'ty-,8 I t"ln '~ro'lf'8. Ten o'clock WOIIIO . nnn enr, ocelllll",1 hy the tllllr 1, loyo r •. WRB them Ilt the Onmd rnlneD holel. Done movln ~ IIW1\)' Ir/'III the Ilnr~r nil he th~ wonte for wenr; prOY lr11lrl (he 01· IIllmllg In beside h e r Dud Rlamm II, th e Ml)'B put It 'pareoth etlcolly) they IIvC(\ cloo~. to te ll tho tale Tho lU/!gll({Cl hnd (leter';' .. frorts to stoy b hlnel 'l'mn- golle on ah end otI them cu rlier In thr' my'8 \'('lI l'nlltl e hili ourprl lllt,f.! 1.)1 c " c ~ untl .. I'"r "',,,.'1 " tI"" I' ,"nnv (To bel COD""u"
IL '
l i
1l1' rhfl('lH-l i llt SIIOflPr
or l ull!r 1",'11 !>Jrll lit> IiI dOH" Ilrox- I Imlty 10 tJl\' blUU !lrul hllrOIl~S!l." . i
A TrIp by NIght and a Late ArMVII. hilrtll' tin CT sundown thnt ov~ oin t(. the IlUl<hc rflft eo III pliny ('va!'u· nt ('d II nrt'" 'l'II\'l' rll . They wcro d llIn}·!!.1 lil' Hill Irrlllltln l: unrl. 10 Mr. ltuHhr rhft. un£ll1 r.lrmnhle h ~ li/1 vtor of
S ,)rnI180 8 11\11O\too hlR IIJl R. "1'\'" /tilt n Jlrt' llY fnlr I.}I" w h('r l' I' "un n,ul Mr. I I will t"k,~ " IhU e th'ne-II '
.. til. \ ' rl ,," o VI'r th r· ro, IlIolrlu c fln l' 11 t dllY utfn r nnO D "" ., /.lI nd 1,0 l!O', Mr. Btlll Mr.. nUlu a l Mpr e,lith ~·, ' . n k l'il II 0 rtl. "f 111 11 ' '' '' ' ' ') I ll .' " tlt ,'r to ln A!! t.n Aunrl ll )1 dloner, Mr. I ;"rdla~ .. F ·, I! "10 :-;", ."' .1., Math Il'm'nnp I.nri flHI:'lI y an d Walter ,I, Hn d Mn. W A. \ '1",.' 11/ • .\I rs. Wh llalt ... II.n rt tllmll)1 . ot Wllyntl B. E.n",/( C ilou II fHI 1,,1 MI' VIII E'. " Hi Mrp, AI II OR il:l ll & " I, ,,,, t b u .,d&y M r , .. n d MtR Ja m ,,!' Mullen flnrl ~ I, th .. !'!CtIt1to r. · H ow o .. t U II» t llll .1 1I \1l(lItllr . Mr . Ilnd Mrs . Abn e r Mul . " , M r ll'r~n ll' £log" rR, an~ P!1r, nd 8 1nOll t b" .d ect.lcoll. lw l!! "Ill!U ~ ' I.· ~ r . , \V al l or Klmr loJr. enjor ed aI,h p I nll '·.EI t uio l l ltllL ~,. " wt ll h" " I) 'Ie" K .. ,1 "ll'n l0. 11011'1 18 t, 'Nohl H lw ~oh ,' I l" ' l'rtl vp d Vorv I " ," Vl) t " <1 I' I Tt I I ' l . ,. u 'l t~ lIl t V L Ull " " rft:l tlr l 'n 'I f i, )llrpr n v. . :!Iu .l n h d · l r f\ I)o d Il~l t li d lIH t' r p f :. lr n l1l1 M rc1 Chfl rl tl., 'I'homul :'nnd t·, ' I~ I" ' \ .· :!t1 r O'of IH1 111 11Jt U \'. ,... , ' nl .n " ' II. ~' t Miu tlllFolbn rll, vifd t ed I r' ~" ' ~ .1 ,.,,,,11,,, ,, 1 " l'I l~ of ~ " . ,"11', \ '; vrl·· \\ b ,n·t uD II ud f .. mll )" Olly tn n . Mr, uno MrR. 1, 0 1l1~ hlll 'l, au rl E. It '!"'rn'l .,i \"' ll lt1 It:I! ~ HnrIlJIl Y· Bo d famil y , Mr ~. H:d Null t.1I1l . rrnnp!1 ~''' 1 1"' ,'I"'.s~ In nul' (Illy Mr ""e1 M r~ . .J 1'1 , ,l on llH on'el'. ar.l llllPDdlul!' f\ onoaDd pl o, of w l10k a n\ OD,· dllY III;;', " "'1' . f,"II 1O ,d I II IX a'ohak dhlOer, Thurs. St,. MarYIl RflIIervo l r . I I, . <I II): III t 'lo d Mn. rud Dolnt.!lI"" "" fl,t, 1.- ~ 1I11 on I,h,· Im' ttll h,.('u unit Irs A hUla num OOr from I:!prlnl1( lloto I d ll Culle r Ilf Ould . T ' Wt, pr"I'I"'\," I" I" ~ I ' II "11 lt I'll O bi .. .. nil Mr G,ld "TS. R. A. Ilo rt vlolu lty bR ve bOlln aU.eodi ng Y" , 11 . 'Vlllo! {II I w(Jt II'!tH I .. ,HL _ hu v \,' "I'll . 1('" I1lh\' ' ( ' h U'" I fUJI n f 0 th l:l Ohllo tlloqoa t br nOltbou t ~ha eo ., It t on r Ut' I.h . l h~~· Aid :-- dplf ~ t~ \: " wpn t t' f I 'rhn I 10)' 1" '" Ir tl ~:nl n\8lMJo l k8 'Ire stlll l!on. 110.1 too oamorOUA tn ' In ll"''' I,y \I ' ~. AliI " ." ~,II I~ It! h hr J m f! oli o D BfA tbl' Darnel! nf UI Ol!e , h ol IH .... l" hu r ~. j u V ht t - 1 IIIf H" I h uld It .rc-un lPU nt h l:1r h om e b e r e, w ho b eard ex P.e",dA nt T .lt t o u I . . '" or, . /lnv . Th,)~e pI'A~en~ WOrt.: Mr. fr l ~ llfUeD 'H , ·,·t .. pr v.u\ ilnrl " n,J.,yr·d. II Hun , . f) K VHI liD<1 f 8m,1\ l:!ulld ay afterno oo , I "I ' I hOnr qll y, (l v D· J' IlH "I ll I '.' ( ' I II ~~ " I Ibl' .I "r;"h 'p ol n'l"t.l. Mr, ,Jo bn MrR Alfrol1 Fordyoo , of Cl lIo rlt sIr lto .md fo mll,/, . Hun B"Jl " ' ~t. ;' ll n'~h III ' I, ." Mr H., r, 1 Mi,n tlC'lowl ". Mr IL nd 'Mrl', E d. vil1 ~, was I hfl week e Dd jtut>wt, o f \110" 1l"' ''Il.II ~. 1111 V h' lUo~dny oI l '~o.yd I, lIt i!Rore .. d ahl ldr An . Mrs Miss U enoto 8rosool l. I, . ~ t week , li:mmll roul\l ~ anl\ H or~otl and I r 1:. G. H ', f.(I ', 1I r.:.n ..."t Jf e'lI1I;R . new JroHI rUOtlbn u f. _ _ _- [t,ml n, IIlI I 1M s l iil ll hu nllio g hOl; d 6 ~otice 8011 e v " ry t,itn" I,ll" ~WIOt:( 'Il'OElJl U
Jt's toast ed to increas e the good , whol esom e flavor of the Kent ucky ,Bur ley toba cco. A regul ar man' s smok e and delicious !
hOT Oh . hHt
tomlly , Mr. fi n .) M r . , Ii'rflvlt R ngA r s !lnd Mr nn rl M r p Frl, ull Amlt.h "H Anr1 !'d t h A Wr lllh t I'ol1olo n ,H 8 prln g VIII. 109' . tinnci " y MI' IIn. 1 Mra . \ Vi.ll ~:'Ikln s . of ,prlnp fl ,II.1, w(IC'n 11Inner I!ll estR I ,f I\1 r . 110.1 Mrs , Wldl,p., Kenriok on
lIeur : \1 1<1 ' ... Mr. ,." ,1 ~r" .In hll In ion, Mr. Rnd M nfl elAY. \l r •. " " "' " Bp nd . .. t III''' r H 1I I 'ru/l~. J~ 1r oli n Mr,. C hlll·I". ,' · I '"~ . Mr W " Il' gue~ t M o f M , ~ I l, lI'u Ii",,,~, 8 ' ''\ MrM ,I 13 . I o nfl!~ nllil Waltpr .. ro . ... nti v, GI .. r K IlUf' oril,11 th ll Illtll'r a I of Will (.I Jt·nn ti"IlHIt ' y lC ~t.\1I· rl l " 1I \l' l llf ' ,.";1I0 . ~~ IIHHt, h ~ L(l nt. DWAU '" C
Sprouse ." "\ .-1\, I CIIn't ilo n ny mnf'l' thnn glvo m y prulllb;C', my "01£'11111 oath, or
LU CK Y ST RI KE cig are tte
anll Mn I,to
___ s __
h~'" i'n rOhn~"Cl l
of Appo intme nt
IItHIl bU, h ig her . No d onI/to hilt wha t O llr SOh ')o l boa rd wit] Dlilke t ho o eeo Sil TY 1m vrov em e nls on tbe ~ .Ib oo l hOlldlog . The rep~ lT8 b .. v e beeD Deed ed for sevllrsl yeare and DOW tbe \tIx bein g Inoreaa ed, Immedi ate tlteps s hoohl be takeo to put io II gOod \i 1j1l,lng system . By 80 d oIO/l, sll ve the fo e l and keep the sobo l .. rs warm. Mr. and Mrs , Ira M Byferel aDd 80n. John, called 00 Mr. Bud Mrs. WUlard Mar&ln. of Dayton , Friday . Mn. D. E Collett ,and daug bwr, Doro&b y, of tlablna, are g ne"ts of Mr. aDd Mr •. F . r•. B'lrris Oil Fri . d8Y, Mrs . ColleU and Mra B .. rri 8 ani oed '0 n aDd were tbe gaetl'8 of Mr8. (J. 0. Oleaver . Mr , aod Mr8. W . W . Weloh reo 'I1roed bOIDe from Jrt Dodll O, Tuesday evening of lu' wetl lt Frank and Barry SbldlLk er hllve pnrobae ed a truok .. nd are Ilodin~ oonll&ant uee for it 10 their businel'lI. &r8'. Paul 'Rel\s"n, wbo bae been "ver 'here , or Knmewh'a rtl for two veare, ba8 re&nrn e<1, 1 0llk i ll~ flne Illld apealrlo g 10 biBb termtl of bls trip. ReT. L. B. Oa8e filllld tbe [)olult ber~,8Driday. , . J . 8. ~bldake r b.", purobRs ed ftO O"klilo d 'ouriu g Ol\r . 1'bomll8 Mol1la< le III o\vner of " lev8n·p ".lItlog er Olllllldi er- s beIIu" Prof. Sidoey WIlt-kln 8, 01 BIIUI. mnrp, Mil ,8111;11)' Re 'J nrul day8 herA o_lIIog 00 aoqaaln talloes &ve"ai from here "" o nd ..d 'be '!ar,JiaR e Fall'. Ytlarl' Mell'lu" , WllmlD l{ton slarted off In good flbllJIB, wl&b 1\ large Rnd IIllerlld lld Dudleooe. I. IiI . M,ller III IIDtt'lUI\Inl08 two of of hili granddl lllgh_er ", of near
£.abaoo n
MiR8 Lalu Miller 18 visitin g her
Mad,ldo ovllIe.
WII8 0n,
KOlal<l 01 ,\ mn. D, SId .. , OllCf!ucd . No~tce 10 thal John
O. 1I ..... k. bas hoou duly .pPOlnted an~ Qualilled DllnlHltak>r of ~h" Kat ... 01 AmoR ll .a.tlldMI· .....
I..... o f WarreD Ooun'T. Ohio . docelUle<l.
n ated th'. BI., 4Ia, of Jul, . 19 19. MI RS Audr oy Oian ver, arlor s pend. AltoD F. Brown log H8ve ral duys with b e r aunt, Mr8 Jud8e or lb. ProbeLe Ooun. Berelu J oruaD, ,m d ber. tloulln. M r8. WIUTOD OGU Dt:r . Oblo . Robort J , aha"b, • . Any . a lO Viola Hartsoo k. re'nrrlo d to her bome In Dayton . Thllrld ay . Mr~. BanDoh R ioh spell. tbe weok. end w\t,h b er g rundd" ug baer, ~rs DR. J. W" MILL ER. V ed8 Urndor f, ne llr Waynes ville. Mrs. Mottle G r .. y. of t~prlng Bill, ...DB NTIS T••• s poot F.lday . wit h h er dallgM er, Mn!. FloreooD Qollter. Wayne nflle. 0 ,Jobn Wolf spen' fla vsr,,1 daYllla s, weel wl&h hl8 SOD. Lev1 Wolf and wife, or nSEn W,IlmlD g ton.: and Il'. lended tbe I:!prlugf ield fai r. Mr. Iil e adllltl ond Mildred Tibbals . of Day'oo , ~Ileut the w eek .llnd with t he ".Hl· r '~ ftlth o •. IVt\lte r Tlbblll!l , MONEY LOANE D
Ola ssiB ed Ads
M r~
----- _..----
Hot Wea ther Tortured Feet t.on.r, h OI. lIa}'8 In thaD Of atora. t,lps "doVln town." hOllrl 01 It"ndlnlJ C)r ,",wldn" on "arll floor• . anll hoC paTeme ntlt-brin g. dl.trQ8 to toeL
' 01..., }lour poor, tired. ."ollen .teet :a tr~llt. A lIenU. mlUl."\Je with sonthll', . heaUD., HOWlo· loM-e·" " ,.,111 do It. Myl Wllat relief I A lI\Jht appllcati oD ooot or twlco a 4ay, .nd rou aoon forInt VO\l ' hll>vo feet. New. U\Jht ahON 'eel like ola, ~l\I1r ono.. ,It nlllovu 'a ll "nln 1m· m n"In.t eh '. tll\cOB awa, the IIIUamm IL -
Uon. r uduc08. Iho ..... tlllllll. 'rom o" oll all .orellcs8 tram corDI. Bortons CIlI, lou"o. aDd Iceoll'! tbe tee. In uullen '. cnnclltlo n, A 280 bo\U"" ftoom )'ou, 1I';11.t\J181, I1l8h, tDr month.. A.k tor and got 110Hlltonla (The Orlilinal Jon. !AnI·
Tha Dr. ~. C. JooO!! Co.. S. Charlest on. OhIo. "Tho I\ln4 YOllt
4M111, u.od, with InV dad'i Dlc\I\I'e 'OD
J. Eo JltDaey, The RexaD Store,
......ella", 'll'rOI"IMI'.-
Wayntl'tllle, Ohio.
The Prac tica l Car
Saxon "Six" has earned its reputa tion as the Practi cal Car because it is ,so thorou ghly practi cal .from so many differe nt , standp oints.
RAY F. MILLS, Dea ler ,
Phon e 71
Wayn esvill e, Ohio
IW n W y~o o g . Il f Cinolnn atl :
e lIaf Iinall VIsiti ng bt> r eillter, Mn. Gel) nOlj!!I ' , l or ~evO '8.l d .. ys , ONIi:Y on mortgll live lIeook , obattelsL08Dod , 01so lleoood j.(es. ~ ~1 r I ~rvlu '\' .. Vlo r Rnd famlty, 01 -Noaes bouj(M . Jobn Barblof ', Allen Frfl ' ~ !m, aurl Mr . O bt\~. !Stonelll and rflw l ly . .. f O \l~· t"u, "peut, t be w eek. BUildin g, Xellia. Oblo . 1\. 4020 end 'lit-II Ulf'lr 1m r Ho t s h ~lrtl. M , C.. rtn r 1", wrfl OOfl, of OhIOIlj(O, FOR RENT -FARM Is \,,,.11 11111 Wl i h 11111 00 UU108, E. 0 M,llO""n oud '"m lly . ANTJl: O-Ftorm e r relit I(ood I Mr H. Kn to . ,Ior((" n flD ri flllI1lly spont HE large numh er of farms selling will gronnd on 'bn tbird ~. Inquire I 8und llY II ' Hprlll~fl e la. . at t his ol11oe. make a greate r numbe r of sales tlpn .:\ ., lev :5t1i1s, VII h,' rormerl y fill ed tile eve r before . People are now boolflng pnll,lt tI~ B ~eo h I1rove ohorob. sales with us for nex t Spring . Our wide~ ac· IlrePl o h A<l ther e. Hn n d 'IY. t o qnlte a FOR BALE- PROP ERTY UTowd of "' rtlUlrl n ~ fri e nds , nnd BO. quaint ance and experi ence has gotten . .good joyed" Ill( ok dlDllllr f1f tiBr ohoroh, results for others and will get them for you. Real Uo,ue i!l Waynel lvl\le . Mr, lind Mrs AlvIL 1,llddID g'on loquire of B. 8 . Bowell . If you intend selling out, see us for terms and sS lIod dauKbt llt', Miriam , wI~ re SondRY goests of Mr. nod Mrll, 1,owry, of date. n ear WH,yoes vllla WANTED-TO IlENT
Public Sale Conductors
-------.~ . --~-------
from I ''111'80' 0 1100to r Bllt a f .. rlllor ofgrain
aore~ , Otl~b
Ama n Bloc k
Telep hone 61-2 and 3
Wa'yne8ville, Ohi o '
Mr. and Mr R WIIII .. m Mou\len ba ll
Mrs . Th o mn8 Miller 111 q uite .\1 01 her home 00 MaiD ~tree'. Mu Eliz 'lhe tb EV'ins !lpI)nt the PAst week with Mr. spd Mrs. Jobn MoL:lur e n nd family 'l'h e MIsAB8 EII& .. betb Bnd ADne .FlshEII. o f Dnyton , bave been vialt ID8' Mr: .. nd Mu. Tom Bunt Mrs : Emma Ullnger , of Clark.. ville, is spendlD g 80me ti'me ft8 she guest of MillS UeoDa Br1l180ap and other frleDd8. Dr . lJI hIIon iJ'arr, of &loth Cbl,rlei . tall , WBI! called bere reoensl y by 'he @Arloos I1Ine"s of bla IIIAter, 11r•. Thomtl8 Miller , Ml' anti MI'fI. F . W. ROBo\lgle and danab~er, of Vandal ia, wer8 'be 8 1l!ld"v gtlf\8tll o f the )aUe:r 'B mother Mrl! , FrBDollI 'Nall W. 1:1. Wilkers on traosJi,o wd boel. n elle In Day&on, Monda. , . Mi .. ~ciL'ur4y. of LeblUloD, hal bilen visiting IIr. and Ill'll. Oeoal' Cleveog er, omb o~ town. . Mluell Ollv. aDd Gnc:e Beak, or Woeblo gton, D. 0., are a oouple of weelu! wUb ' Mt . and lira. Ooorre and
rela'iv . bere. Iother MI. aIIdo.JIn. JClllepb ·
Cao give' good referenol.\fl, Inquire o, f B. 0Ohio. A'kln80 n, It. D. 3, Wayoe8 .lI1e, a20 . \!...___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
and 80n , of New ,Burling ton, w ere B pnjotml n Evsnll 18 hllvlr g b Ill cI\I\IIlR on frluods be}e 00 B day laB' h OI a , pDiotCld, whloh adds ' to our wee k . MDI H ,,'re et
___ __"
'l'Imoab y Bay fo, ~Illo. In , qllire of JObD Koberso o, R. D. 3,
Waynes vlllo. OhIo.
2 ROod Cox .. R
PillS for 81L10. Clydll D II, Wilynea vt\le, Oblo. tiome Phone ,as.5. ~3 )IBid
Team of Bor8B8, 'WBllon , Baro,e l8 . and Gravel Bed. all 10 good oon· dlUOD, luqulre of Lawren 08 8hepherel, Wa,nes ville, Ohio. . a27 loll.blo oded ADoona
6 flDe ODell ,
Cookerele, Dr. B. S . 8a,baw a1. W~)'oee,yll1e, Oblo, .10
HEEP- lO bead 01 SWell and 1 reglater ed Llooolu Buok. E , 8, abroye r, R 5, Lt'Ibano n. or Inqalre
at Ridgevi lle.
A 10' of good Slooll Bogs lor sale.
Inqolre of Frank Hal'veY lbarll.O blo.
8hld .. ker, allO
SlLO-12~3U ft. B&ne 8Uo. ,'i ll
quire 01 Wm. lIoConn ell, B. 0 6,
Wa"nea vtlle. Oh'io, 1 mile i'erry, on Boolal Bow,
A 84180 Superio r I'eniltz er Drill,S hone,
We Pay the ~reight and
a. D. 8,
Week of Aug. 18th to 24th . ~~. lb. ,,"., DECIDE TO DEAL DIRE CT
The Tr i-S tat e Bu tte r Co. CINC INNA TI, OHIO
Write for «'ree Trial Cans.
We guarlln tee your cream eana
ag'ainst IQu.
The TrI·Sta te price has been 67c since Jill" 14th
IJOad &8 Dew. Inquire 01
EI'D88' aartlOOk,
01 \'We,O blo.
"THE MAN THAT SHIPS DIRE CT IS THE ONE THAT MAKE S THE MOST MONE Y," write. Fred Hauck , of Georg etown , Ohio. "H~v e knl)wn the Tri-St ate for 5 years and find you on top and ready to right any wrong. My experi ence with agents cost me about $10 or $12. r got wise and quit. t think the farmer pays the agent. "
T", the Miami Gazette's Classified
L STOV ES 2 't wo- bur ner New Perf ecti on Stov es 2 two -burrier Danglet: Sto~£s 2 thre e-bu rner N. Perf ecti on Stov es
Mre. J . p, Estes and Miss Lucille of Ludlow , Ky .• wert' visi ling Rev . and Mrs. G. N, J olly , las t week.
1 thr~e-burner Silv er King Stov e l ' thre e-bu rner Detr oit Vap or Stov e Also a few Ove ns to close out
There isn old shoes the
1 Miller, the veteran fr uit t ree man. is II\CBin on the job. and he will sell )'ou only fi rst · ClWl8 stock In the nllrser y lIno. Call on him . B3
Our expe l ie ncc during the war taug- h't 1I ~ a~ Il· nation theva :uc of s~ v i l\ g - l)Ut , C\'C' 1l more lI,a ll 11\ :lt , taugh t us as a na tion the VUIl' L' or IN\ ~.'TlN : ~ our '. s. savlOg
Mr . and Mrs. W. H. Mather, ' Mr. a nd Mrs . J . C, Hawko and MI8.'l Ril lfl ' Mather s pen t Sunday wit h Mr. How ' ar.:! HOlJlcin s and famil y, at Belm ont. '
when 'put to work .
W e will
ilege to to b uy.
OHIOANS TO VIEW T he Friends Yearly Meeting closed Thu rsd ay mornin g. The meeting was Bat tle of Ch ate au Th ierr y attendlld, a lot of business wa HISTORIC BAnlE t ranuacte d, and the addressoa were well
ReprodllotiOlia of lbl. .trutil e will be offered oa T ......". WedlS ••daF aad Tbur. d." alllht. oaly
Gre at Aflricultural ExpositioD Llve.t ock, Fruit, Crops
,88,0 00,00 IN PREM IUMS ~""t BorH Show and Stoc k Para de Aulo Polo. IIlppo drome , CODcert•• · Palle. at. 18 Race .
Aad. 25· 26. 27· 28· 29. ·19 '"FARQUAR" SANITARY
A Wel ded Furn ace
Bur n Woo d or Coal
You can burn wood in a Farqu har F urna ce because it is an · air tight furnace with ,a n autom atic regula tor. . Our furnac e is long and not round and our fire door is large. You do no~ need to cu t the wood in to small piect!s . .If you have wood on your farm you can use it to adv'a ntage in our furnac e. Write (or catalo gue.
Local Agen t
Wilm ingto n. Ohio
Care of Umbretl ... Onreless ness 10 [he tren tment of umbrella,,!' Is 8 grent foetor In tbelr rnpld deterioration.. An um brella merely da mp should he opened Rnd lett until dry, while a ve", wet Olle should be put to drnln Orsl. handlo downward, and opclled for tho ftQot dryIng.
, Satu rday, Augu st 23rd D. ,W. Gri ffi th photo play, entitled,
"Ro man ce of Hap py Vall ey" Anoth er 'Tom Mix excelle nt fi lm, .
F eaturi ng Ethel Clayton, in
"Ma ggie Pep per" COl\lEDY : Senlle tt Co. , in "Villa ge Smith y " ,
SlCurda y .cvenlnl
.7 :JO
i:30 p.n~ . . Children
Yep. He Would Be a Bight to See.. "I n 011 ro y trn vels hllhcr nnd TOD an(l return." remarked tbe fn cetlou.e tell cr. ''1 uever ran '''CI'OS8 a man who woe so rolor hltoil be couldn't dlatlo",Isb a. roll of lToonbn cka."
Thur sday , Augu st 28th
Open evenings .
IThe LateGlassifiedAds.
"Tre at 'Em Rou gh"
Tues day, Augu st 26th
particu larly fin e . Several s peaker s were pr llSent from other yeu rl y meetin i8.
W. N . Seal'll Bold the farm of J ohn Rosell, south ot t own, to Leon SaUs· bury. and the Frank Mars hall f arm, near Bellbrook, to J ac"b Mered ith . KIlt Thur selay.
When Money I. • Cu ...... It II. Onll' wbeu money III cheapene4
to worthlesaoe.. tor . ome, and mllde Impo3l81bll' dear to other&, tMt It b~ co mel a curae. 10 ahort, It II! a curse only lo lucb fOOlish BOclnl conditions thnt nlt e Itself II a curlle.-G eorge Bema:rd Shaw.
Law and the 8ucce..ful LIfe. There 18 BOmcthlnil " rvtle 10 the At E. Church habit of _ king nfter a Inw which we ma1 obel'. We mtis study the luw of Sunday , Aug 24: Sunday School, malter at 80d tor ou r conven Ience, but 9:15 a. ., F . U. LeMay, 8uperll1 · a Rut~ce88tul tlte knows 00 Inw.- tendentm . Preachi ng at 10:30 a . m ., Thorll,au.. by the pastor. No service in church at 8 p m. Come out and worship with UI . Gideon Nelson J ollv . pasto r.
50 AC RE S
N. Sears
g·lb can Tomato es, can ....... .. 20c Big ~:an Pink Salmon ........... . 2Oc Thill is the last week at 20c Swift's Pride Soap. 4 for .. . ... :!lic Golden Sun Coffee. Karel!: blend. only ...... :.. .......... ... 40c Val· Pep A, the new dish. meat and! vegetab les flavored with Chill, can, only .. ........... .... IOc
Bil( can Baked Beans. only ... I6e
Kellol~hs & P . TOWities 2 for .. 2lic
Motht!r 's Oats. 2 for ...... ...... 25c Puffed Wheat and Rice, only.. J6e Browl~ Beans. 10 Ibs only ...... 70c Canned SOups, only ... ........... IOc Early June Peas •. can. only .. .15c
EXTRA SPECIALS THISWEEK No.6 Columb ia Dry Cell Bat· terles, each ..... .. .... ... , .... .... 35c '·6 for .... ..... .... ··· ........... .. 12.00
Sugar-Pure Cane-Sugar
We a r e fortunat t< to spcure nice lot of 8ugar in 26 pound sacks, and we will sell '8 limit. ed amount commen cing Satur· day B. m • at, per 88Cl!:...... .... ... • One 'lIllck to a cU8tomer: cash or eggil. Come early and avoid the r ush .
$2 75
10 bars .. · ........ · .. ·· ..... 76c ThiBls SOM E bargain , as Fels is
worth 8c a bar wholesale. ~ KIRK'S J AP ROSE, bar.. 1Oc
With new non-sk id tires, sho k absorb ers, vacuu m feed , chains , two extrat tubes. T he car is in fi rst class condit ion.
esvtll e, N. SE AR S,· WaynOhio
I ~-------------·---------~~ EVE RYB
---,............... Wayne sville, Ohio
Harvey sburz Friends Ch urch Amoe Cook, pastor . Sunday . Aug. 24: Bible School at 10:00 a , m .• Anna StinMon, s u perh:,· t\lndent. Public Worshi p and Preach· I inK, 11;00 a . m. You will be wei. I come at all these services . Come I\!.ld let us worship Jehovah togethe r . ~
Of level land, good buildings, well fenced. Must be sold in the nex t ten da ys . Price, 7,500.
llar Wayoll llvlll,; 67 AoretO.u •• Ie; 1100 per acre. laqlre at ZIM MER MA N'S &h. oftloe. (Ja•• , ..
I ~--------------------------------------.
Our prices are always. the lowest. It Pays to Trade at q~lok
• • DA YTO N·O HIO • •
Grade Shropll~lre BreedlD I Ewes. loqalre of J : ~. Vao dervoort, phone 33 S, WaY1lllllvtlle, Ohio. liS
... --_.
0' Specials This Week
'onside r it both a pleasu re and u pri vwith YOll on the right kind of Uonels
ad v i5'~
On rece ipt of a letter or phone call our repre· sentat ive will come promp tly to see you- and no obliga tion.
Stlrr lnj Milit ary Spec tacle
Ohio p~nple may have a s rnph. 10 tden of the famous struggle Ia wh ich Amorlca n sold lors and mlll1ne., mnn y of [hom boys from tho Bucke)'e state. t urnod the tldo osal 1l8t the Oe.... mnn o nnd put the 8 11108 on the road t o final victory. the neve r·to-b&ofo.... gall on Ballle of Chatoau ThlerJ')' wtll be reproduced on Tuesday. WettDe .. dny nnd 'fhurroR Y nlghte ot the Ohto Stato Fall', the last week In .l118U1I" nder direction of train ed mlUtar? mon lind parttclllntad In by toOrfle of A medean 80141el'1\ nnd lDarln ••• manT of them RCl unl herooa of the memo.... able en gagemen t that marked the tum lng poInt or the war. thl. mammo th mllltnry spectaole. with marve10 \1 8 display. of IIrework •• II , upBoted to be wltn ussed b, 'thounn d •. Tha 8cenlo settlnlil, 450 feet III length, will be In the o~al oppollte tha. grandRtan d. Th e hlltorlCal oleS French elly of Ch ateau ThIerry will be rt! presen ted on plllnted C4nVa., Iron and wood. The perfonnance oponl with th a clly In tb e hands of German t roops, following the forced eva culltlon by the l1'rellob. AAer man y Beenes of troop nta com al the attack of the Amerlc ue. whlcb drIves out the Inor.dulool and d illed Inemy. Amerlca 's ftghtlnlJ men, ClO"ecU , ool tume,1 and equipped, wtll te\>H. Bent both allied and enem, troop.. Modern englnel and IIlrUl", nlW a~ pllnn ce~ of W llf 11'111 . b8 "e tb elr placl In th e rellfoductico of tbe baltlo, such 1111 810go and machIne ~tI .. hlUld . . I! renade •. !l"S mask s, smolt" IIIIre..,.. barrllKe fi res . arm ored autol\, tulu. ~t llr ~h e ll A lgnllls. Rearcbll l.!bt . b"lll, trenell flar".. In nd~ ltt on there wtll he r eo il s tl c hRn~ 't o· h lln d ftshUnlJ and /Jayone t comllllt R hy speo lally tralnod unit •. It haA hoen proml aed Ibe .tat. fal' mallnitCIll61l t th ll l ov."ythlng PORRlhl1l will he .tone 10 Illa k e tbo baltle scene tiM r eRIIAU (' n~ IhA IUlienultJ.' at Ibo skilled pyroteohnt sl, oleotrlol nn. ecOll' Ie. artIst. stuKe dIrector .nd mUtt.r, men olln mak e II. The etan II lU4 out on B gl1!8ntlc lICala , Nlilldred. of porsons will partIcipate III tbe calt, r. l>re ~ entlnR bllb oft\olale qt tile II . lied nnd enemy armle•• CQllIpanlu 101dl ra and martoes or the 9.rloue armies. Red Croll ourse.. 1I00leleM r.fugoe t and plcturesqlle II.U.... all OUJ'TBOtly costumed . B ec au ~e of the great bl8torl~1 IIJl. portanco of th o Suttl e 01 Chateau 'l'Merry I\nO the fact Ibat It bM In.... Qlate relatloo to mAny OhJo ,110m.' tbnt furnished sonB wbo fou,bt til tbe .tru8St~ . ,tate fal, 011104,1, belIove thllt tba reproductloo win h.". wtder ap peal tban an)' attraction 41\'91' offered at previous 13uckeya 8lIPOI~ tlon •.
Put it ill Bo nd s, whic h offer the Il)U Xillll illl of safety and . ·curity . Throu gh t he in ler 's t ("ulIl)') II S they wi ll be working fo r you day a nd nig hl.
- --. --- --
earthl y It SC lJidJcn away ' II a .\loney hecomes va Itlable 41,,1 V
11' YOli h:lve a n y spare money - whelh er mu dl li llIe-let it \VOR K ['O R Y OU .
Lost -A bU>liness coat. somewhere betwee n McCarr en's' ga rage ane! Wilmin g ton. ~'i lJ(l e r please leave at McCarr en' s gar age .
at the
much money bc iu ' ),il d n ar·t1 l1lld II I d:tY5.
Money is of n
Way nesv ille, Ohi o
hok in the ;round .
Boys' $1.00 Wash Pants, 50c. 1 White d uc k. neat stri pe and g ray and ta n, broken si~es . Fr ed's Leba 'n on Big t ore Week end Special
T he prices o n thes e stov es are rig ht to save you mon ey. We. must sell then l in o rd er to m ake roon l for the Rang es and Hea ting Stov e that are arriv ing.
An der~o l1,
Caesar' s Creek Friends Church Sunday School at this ::hurch every I Sunday at 10 o'clock. Preachi ng service at 11 o'clock a . m . You are I cordiall y invited to present .
lytle At. E. Chu~ch Sunday School every Sundav at 2:00 p. m. Regula r preachi ng service every Sunday at(3:oo p.m . Choir practice and prayer meeting every Wednes day evening . Eve.rybo dy Is cordiall y welcom ed.
- - -...
- ..- --
September 1, '2, 3, 4 and 5; 1919..
Gra nd Ope ning S.e pt, 1, Lab or Day
20 Harness and Running Races ~O $G500 .00 in Purses -4 Races Each Day Big Exhib it of Live Stock, includ ing Dogs and , - 'Rabbi ts. Large Displa y, of Farmi ng Imple ments , Tracto rs and Truck s ' ,
, 10 the oex~ few daYII 'he Uollad 8,-'os Uepartm ent ot Agrlou lture wlll opeo II field labor~'ory Deaf 8oheollo 'ady, N . Y .. for t he purpose of oondootlolJ a lorvey of Eorope an 001'0 borer oondl&lo ns 10 thai Btate. A foroe of about 25 10llpeorors will be ,browil 10 tha field aod a oom Two Big Attrac tions Each Day ple~ lurvey will be mBde ae'qulol lly at possible . All m,~rlll oollecte d Band Conce rt Admission, 35c wll1 be seo& labora' orv. tho eJOaot . loca'ioo 01 whloh haa DO& beeD de aided npoo, tor determ ination a. T. A. aOUTSON, I. L. HOLDERMAN, whashe r or Dot It III Borope ao oorn Pr'IJid mt Secr..taTfl borer or odlve epeclN. The tatlon lntesIn New York III Dot nearly 80 .... . . . . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, otIIIIII wldes'p read .. 'bat l~ Mill!lIaoboeeUs but"for 18 none the sorlou8 oalls aoerget lo 1e88 meaeDr ee : , aod AO-I!I -!lli_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1II! tual olello.u p work oeD oot be bllgoo 110&11 after hoe', but before 'hat &lme loforma tloo will be gatberHd to abow 'wha' area the olean-u p mDI' eovor.
Hanglnll Ploturu . I. ('U81 to lIluko 1D1 ~I OLkea 10 the bungIng of pictures. Observing the follow ing n8 8 guide. yoli IIIUI !Dake ' e\ver U1lstukea In U,ls rCijPea. 11'lnIt. a pluln puper tor Ule room I. almost Imvefll tl ve. This will give JOU DO e~ porl,unlt y to UNO 'nil tho pl cturt!ll, no mliller what they nrc. Soft grayl nnd terro cotta tones nre best for bnckground. Avoid Ogured 1I0d hlgb· Iy-oolored papers a. tli eae prt!veot lb. plct Ure from BtaDIUng out. Bo careful not .to Olt· the pictures too mucb. BnDJ It
Rit; any color. ·.. . ..... .. . .. :" ... .. .. .. '• .. : . .. 10 qt. Blue Preser ving Kettle . ...... ...•. . . : .. 5 qt, Grey Preser ving Kettle ...... . .. . ...... . .. .l4qt. ·R.E. DishP an .·.. . .. . . .... , . .. . •.. . . . . "Capit ol" Brand Cups and Sauce rs . .. ' .' •.. ,. . , "~apitol" P lates, .... ... .. .. ." . .. .. .. . . .. ;. . 1 . Glass Dishes, 7 in . .... . , . . . . .. .. ..... ~ ... . . .. Cut Glass Sugar and Cream er .. , ... . ....• ". , . .. : Horse Shoe Tumb lers ...... ...... .. .. '" . . . . .. " Table Oilcloth. all colors, per yard . . . . . . . . . . . ..
SpecJallit In BarpIDa
79c 59c 79c 25c 20c 15c DOC
.5c 40c
Weyaesvllle ObJo
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ........
Seventy-Fit- ·t Year
MIAMIS GOT REVENGE !8380 DIVISION 1 fOR MIDLAND DEfEAT! TO PRESENT COLORS i -I A few w"eks ngo. bac\ly lJatched Columbu!! has made arrange m r nts ,' H
Whole N~ber 3646
,leat and Corn Gro wer s ·Tal k to ~ h ~6oe live m6ll ' from ' III mnll1.
li p 1t'1I1ll lI t M' ~ II1I " wl' m (., MidlAnd to ISH P cale I>r I'vt'ry man of Ihd 1ill'Il 1 I;ity IIn.d.w.a ,. ilc nt en by II score of 14 Division that 8how~ up for the hig II U 1111 , IHl ve Lho 10) a l kn l'ckerA . ! 0 I h r .. II ' · X 'u"e III o rt.due, ' I heir hnmmf' rs re1l11l00 ' . La lor IIY. w I a llnn!'r : '''111 c,·cI /.k .ut lh.· tl i,'c Lhinl( s Mi,l which will Iw ~ " rved in the titnlp , 111.1 "'"U !c\ db when I.h ,'y c,une han· Huuse Gl'o ulld~. Uy the Wnr C HIOU ' '' '' 11,., ,';'ru l n lrll m,' Mirll llnd 1'lUne (j-' mmll ' ,j " ~"rvi c" M ... H CIIII wi! ' ,~ t SUlld.I\' II fl, 'r ll"" I, '.Iurl "cllred 11' he ""1111.1841 LIt II u m Ufl~. "Ill I ill! Mi ll lll i~ ",'orcd H I'lIn8. Tl>e I n~ 1 90t of Co ll1r~ . thAt of Ih ', ~" lilt' 1""nlH .. r" h" d I" I... lIul "WII )· . :123rd Fi p.ld Artiller y hil S hepn rtl 1' 1 mlwh .1I 1· r,,\\, .tllrllII llIl Y Inoth hlllle, ceiv~tI . and overy ~ot of colors of Ih, ' I' , L", re~_urrl!ct (o,1 for use UII tonme bill' Divlslun will be turned ov~r I" I'llure oC("'HiulI the St~te at this reunion Tit , g'IHlI(' W~ H C IORCI' and more Membe rs of the , upon ar "xcilill!/, than th e score would seem rivinl/' at th e SllIteDiviilion House a-round~ . In indicllle . '1'h ,' 1i1>lding fit Lwth will be given cHrd s "'ams WH~ extra J.r" ..d f l r th e n.ost whE're 'his orlraniZalionshowing just will form, pRrt Tru e. th ~ r tl were some ~ iip and will be req u l!~ led 1 1 ~9, but they were more thall made b)' 1:50 pm, in order to ha In place that the lead li P for by go()d plaYH "OlcfRe li insr.uniLS will be to move to the a llle" Kudls pillyed hiil tiut game at designa ted place able bv 2:()(1 p ril. li rst ba.~e. alld did a sweii job of it, • _ ••_ __ 1.00 OHborne, at second, made the f llllture play of the [Clime when ha I a n way ou t into the field bal'k of I'econd lind caught a fly that had all I he cllr IrlUrks of II Sid e hit Wulltlr caugh I a splendid game and , kepi the o rJposillg base,ru nners glul!d to thl! balles Weaver pitched a aood, beady gllme. and hit a long three· hkglt'er that would have been a home· run had he not stumble d just after Sim K. Pine, of Dayton, DIRtrict turning first bElSe. Manage r of Thl! United ,"'or the visilorll, H. PAtton, at Compan.y, of Canton . Ohio, Security hElS just IIhort. and Wallace , in left field, returne d from a eomp,my confere nce made ssveral rlmcy plays Alto- conduct ed at Clevela nd on Thursd ,y gether, it WRS a pretly good game, of last week About thirtv and, beet of all, the Miamis won it. manaae rs of the compan reaid",nt More good neW8 for the fans : "Gep" the meeting . which was y attende d held in the i. bllck and is in first·class Ihape new Clevela nd Hotel • _ • On the mornin g of the meeting , The Piqua Daily Call,ln I the men attendi ng the confere nce August 21st. says that its l88ue of made a tour of inspecti on throuJth Grause r will be compell Rev . C. S one of the five plants of the KaYDee hll ministe rial work fored to give up the coming Compan y of Clevela nd. Followi ng a year. He had the influenz a lalt win · luncheo n at the New'Cleveland Bol.el ter. and later was operate d upon for All persona indebte d to the late the afterno on wus devo\A!d appendi citis. His strengt h did not 11.. Sidea, will pleue call and I net18 le88ion and discul!lliontoofa busi· com· return to him as it should, thereto re settle at once. J . C. Hawke. Admr. j pany malters he 18 comptllled to have a Irest. He was to have been recalled to PIqua again the coming year. He will probabl y. remain at Piqua, a part of the time, at Icast
Th" Il..... },II !"
Brown. Preelde nt IOOrs
3g e
< •••• • • • • • • ••
Hy ma n & Co mp an y ".
.- ..- --
Bernice : are spendin g the week·en d with relative s In Cincinn ati ,
Oscar Smith, who has been keepIng a waUb on the Rhine and the Mr . Guy Dakin and family, of Cen· German people ,Ince the mgnlng of terville . were a"ueats of Mr. and armistic e haa Bent a paper with the it'. H. It'arr. Sunday afterno on. Mrs, above title to hi' parents . TIle paper Is IBBued by the army of occupat ion Jease Lewla, of the Navy Commis · of ..he Narne Division; and 18 quite sary Departm ent, arrived here. Tues· an Interest ing sheet. It.carrie s elgh't day evenllJg, for a few days' furloug h pages, withou t advertl8 lng. and haa ail to do with the boys and their d doingl, The base ball newaoc cupies . Mr. and . Mrs. Myer ''H yman an about half of the paper. . daught er and Mr. and Mrs. Fr!'onk Carman spent Sunday with relatIve s In Dayton . J
Bor." Cia"",
Boys' School Suits
$4.9 8 IIn~:p $10 .00
75c to $1.5 0
B~ys' Wais~s
Boys' Knee Pants
59c to $1.2 5 Boys' Schoo l Shoes
to' $1.9~
Mr. and Mra. Frank Taft. Mrs. Helen Bond and Mr. Robt. Taft, of Dayt" n , were Sunday It'uasts of Mr. and Mrs, J , W. White.
Girls' Hair Ribbo ns
lSc to ' SOC a
$1.25 to $2.5 0
BOYII' Belts
Girls' Schoo l Dresses
25c ' to 7Sc
98c to $2.5 0,
Boys' Shirts
Girls' School Shoes
98c to $1.5 0
$2.9 8 .to $.5.00
Boys' School Hose
Girls' , School Hose
35c to SOC
35c to 'SOC
.- .
lives north of Waynes vill e, had a oaTIl struck by lig htniol{, and It burned to the gmund. He ha~ a lot of whe!lt. hay and farmltl~ Impie· ments 111 the ~a rn, all of whIch wer e consum ed. It IS not k no~n at present whether there was any Insuran ce or not - - •
Iruml U M White who wu former l, c~rrier o~ Route 4,
hu IIIICUred
a fine position with the Amerle an Milling Co ,. 01 Poorla, III. He hal tho position of 8ales 'manage r, and has Souther n tet:rltory~ He 18)'8 he is getting along fine and baa a nlee position . Go:od )uek, "Up!"
Bigger and better than ever will be the Warren County }i'air tbil yeer.
The t wt' II ty· fi rs t a nn ual re u n IoJ 0 f '"'!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! ! lhe Fi ve Points School . District nNo. = 9, C l ea rcr~ek Townsh ip. Wllrren County. will be held ill John Sheets' grove. one· half mile south of the Five Points schoolh ouse , on Saturda y August 30. This will be ou r regular I basket. picnic. an~ let all who wsnt a We are going to close out good time fill tllelr bMkets and come all our Fertili zer and will not r egardle88 of the H. L. C.
Fe rti liz er
- -_. _
handle it any more, This fertilizer is in the best of condi· tion. We will sell the entire lot of about 93 tons at
. About sixty membe rs Bnd frIends of St. Marv's S S, attende d the an. nu al picnic at Schantz 's Grove IElSt Friday afterno on . The weathe r was fine and everyon e thoroug hly enjoyed the afternoo n, and the feast which was spread at 5 o'Clock
- - --. - ••- - -
IhisJeff Smith has received word that son, O~r,
ha. arrived from over
Better look thf. over and buy b . a argalD.
You nce Bro ther . Gra in Com rany
"Five Cows Made $474.00 Last Year" Writes W. C. Mohr. Oxfo rd, Ohio-" J have shipped to the Stllte abou r five and a half years and IB!!t year sold 1474,00 worthTri.' butter f at f ro m fiv e cows , Have always found the Trl ·State of fair ih lheir dealing s. I ha ve Bold to both the Tri State and eream stalions to see ho w the tests agree and eo far have foundallO 'The TrI· State pay the freight ' the better way,"
We Pay the Freight and for butte r fat Week of Aug. 25th, to 31st.
.lOtIep1lJD(l COrl1ll Prellton .. ·the 'IIew pl'88lde n. of lbe NaUonlLl IldumU onaJ AIIIIOCIalklD. Her ellmb .n educ:atlonlLl worll dates back to 1818 wben IIbe won out In Waebln gton lIate by a big mil'Jorlt)' 18 .tate BUperllltendeoL 8b~ Ie a member of the Repub.. llcan Womeu 's Hlltioual Oomml~ Cee and ,...sou l dJalrma u 01 ,the
Girls' School Sweaters
$1.9 0 to $7.5 0
Selling 'your cream for less than Tri~State prices robs your pocketbook and encourages profiteering. Write for Free Trial Cans. We guaran lee your cream and cans agains t loss. .
Mr'. and Mrs. Walter McClur e, Mr. and Mrs. Berne Jones, Mr. and Mra. Ju. Johns and Mr. Carl McClur e left, Sunday , for Indian Luke, where tbey will 8pend this week fiahlng . Fred's Lebanu n Big Store Mother s,' Week Sehool Opeolnl f Sale will be open, ready and waiting for you, Augu8t 29_ Everyth ing to pleue Mother , the boY8 and the girls, and at prices that can't ~ beat in War· ren County . ' Mr. and Mrs. Joa., BroWll, of Indl· anapoll s, Ind .• spent Mondav e'lenln" with Dr and Mrs. J. T Eilts. en route to Wilmin gton. whare they will lpend a week. The Browna are reJr· ular Fall vlaltora , and ·the citllena bere alw8)'8 look fOl'w'a rd to their abort .tops I.n town.
he will BOon be home
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Colema n and son, Francis , of Norwoo d; and Mrs. Laura Foster. of Nt. Healthy . are spendin g the day with Mr. and Mrs. J. H . Colema n.
The Tr i-S tat e Bu tte r eo. OINC INNA TI, OHIO . f
WARREN COUNTY FAIR, Se pte mb er 9, 10 , 11 an d 12 Lebanon, ' .O hio
BIGGER, BETTER AND MORE ATTRACTIV'E Patr oniz e your own Cou nty Fair. Her e you will iee goo d farm displays, good stock, good mac hine ry and auto mo·bile displays, good race s . and whe re you mee t your '.friends and relations. Come and bring the family
& ·C ·o .
We have paId 57c since July 14th
se~,andbd~~d~CampMe~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rltt, but believes
Mrs . Kesaee and daughte rs, MiBBM Rose and l • Helen, and Mr. Henry Kessee and friend. of Mt. Auburn , were Sunday guests of Mt'. and Mrs , W. O. Raper.
$2.9 8 to $5.0 0
Earl y buyers find best selections. Boys' School Caps
ing th il:1 IV \!ek, as tho contest ends Saturda y (!vening . The citlzens who' pu rchased over ~IOO,OOO since June 1st nnd put our county in the lead, " X peel the rost of the poople to do their part to keep I t there The commit tee feel &Mured thlt , be shaft can be won but the people will have to respond liberally for the balance of the week. The proposl t ion can be put over, so now all toRethe r and put her over, The following telegram explains the sltua~ Il'o l lre llt I ion at t he presllnt time: Thursd ay, Aug. 21, 1910. Harry Hamilto n, Chairm an, Dear Sir- At thla date the ~Bult of the sales of the War Stamps lies !)tltween Licking and Warren eoun· ties. Licking 's per capita Is M,81. while Warren 's per capito Is " .86, jUAt one cent behind. Kelly, sec'y State OrganIs atIon • The ata rm . which pa~ ild over here about 8 o·clock S unday tlvening , WIolS very heRvy . I. atte r t hwaittl had
Mi88 MIAY Sibey waa at home for a few days last waek, aDd visited her grandfa ther. Charles F . Wosera n, of Davton , Saturda y. ' Sch otll Boys' all· wool Blue Serge and Craven ettoo CordlJr oy Suite, $9.95, at Fred's Lebano nlStore School Openin g ):SKle.
pr ice d
f url llli a tc ill (ans.:HJ.:II1\.{ rbe
' j)Hyl' ,/i M,I.lIll ie· IIlI"" I n ){i ,. tl ' Cil lo I" e rl ""It: o n ~"" I) ' nbl~r lU Thl~ 1'" 1111, (llle ,' f Ih,' hr I ill th ft ~ tHtl:, I :\l1(J 1- C(lfl1p fJSI'd uf nbOllt 45 IJle'·I'~ . I'h i ~ I~ 8 purel y MIl ~nnic bund li nd plny~ fu r 1111 II,,· Masc;rtic ~t'flHion ~ in 1111)'l" lI. and i. ,·It' d tn ,,~ ve ry til,,! The ""fle prt wi ll prnhahl y hf' given 1111 the Sd\llll i h Il UMt' I{rollnd A, li nd i ~ f rt'tl to """,r.l' bndy Holrl this datt! in \ ' CIIH OI inc !M. fo r VIlU Wi ll wun t t" he 11/1 h~ lIr1 rh'lt "I'er,! I, !! for 1I fine tnu
~~~,Nnhtih~lti~~d~or~e:~tMuc~lh~~el.i ~ht~
Special Prices on Boys' Sweater s, Blouses Shirts, Raincoa ts and Hos· iery at Fred'. Lebano n Store School Openin g Sale,
School Time re as on ab ly
I f we win this shaft there will WII.I nu vil t · l\"I~"r,j c tr,d>tl' Imve to Oil some strenuo us work duro
AN ENJOYAL8LE The racel are well f:llled for the Warren Fair. and prom S. S. PICNIC, $3 below COlt iSIl to be better than ever. Don' t . Mrs. Myer Hyman and daughte r, miss them ,
Girls' Gingha m DreBBes. t2 ,50 to $6.60, Fred's Lebano n Store School Openin g Sale.
Find s the Hym an Store as usual with all the wanted things for both Boys and Girls School Wea r
Dra4fll& e.
Church on Wednesduy. Septem ber Dr. Dill , Osteopa th 21 S. Broad· 3rd, bellinnl ng 10 a . In. Basket h' dinner. way, Leb anon , O 10 . We will have a State wo rker with UB, and we are ex pecting a very G. W. Woolley, of Col~mbus, apent pleasan t and profitab le day , Friday and Saturda y With relative s. The 10cKI ulli on~ cuml)o~ lng this group are Harv ysbUrg. Oregon ia Boya' School Panta, 11.7f) to S3.98, and Waynes ville. We will be happy Fred's Lebano n Store School OpenIn g to welcome not onl y ALL membe rs Sale. of t hese local unions. but friends of the cause fr om anywhe r . Mr . Ed Cook and tall)ily and Mrs. bu~~"J~h~eifu;I~~r~~~ ~i:~n~h~~ SusallCook visited relatIVes in Sprlni· you can't find an elicit :~r Htll l or blind field, Sunday . tiger anywh ere.
Best Heavy School Stockings for !loys or Girls\Dear Brand and Iron Chid, worth 50 cents- Tan, Black or White , On~ Day Only .....
IndaaDB Far-
4J~~ IU~ ~t~ I'!~h~ ~:~ ~ ~k;'
Ex tra Sp eci al for Sa tur da y On ly.
Oblol I. R. ·Howarcl. I01rt. aII4 .,., C. c,rocller, Nebrask a. ' Thill delepU on rep~ It wbeut and corn S1'Owtna BtaJ,eB.
. n~lnlJ left to rigbt the), 1lr9, D. Tbocnpeoo., illinoIs I John 0.
,It"re'1&.. WelteMl etatee .an4. rllpthe real farmera ' voice of tbe 1\'114 bave Jut been III conrerence wllh Preelde nt WIIJIOIl reurdlnK mealLl of reduclnK the ro~ of IIvIDS. ' . ·: ~nU.
,. "
" • '·01:- h., W.I" to h .' tl\" ,., IlUlU .."rl) 1.11111 IIIllrlllll', RI.\.I t1l1'y dldn" Iwuw nil) Ihllll: \\'1\" wmull IIl I Jot'
n tint lt r. Nur1tm JfH" d ~H'l'n ~(\fttll' Ilu t IlI'Ilrll half on hllur. 'l'hQ
1{('\IP - h tl'S
" n~
hlt ~ {f)r rf'nt -ll1l
I In (I','n t
( :mncl "nlll('f' hul l'L A n un' l/t!tl l' 1),,"lnglnJI ntwn.1 tlw ... nn·I UIlI~ ,:),,'(1 a
;pltlll'Rs Ught
111 "'0
ChI' ,1 r"IIr,', r,,)< lf'lr·
f!.Ik"(11l h ,'sh' lry with fh,} 1I'lInll" 0 :11111" Mi ss lnu'rflll WII~ wllrlUly . , ',111 -
" rlonR ,,1 tll\' th rill Ih nl 11fI,1 ,'0"1110 ' 1111 11 b er hlond' w h'('1l h,' ""1'1'10<1 11I'r "n ti l .. tnl", In hl R l'''\\' l'rful "rillS. (II ~<I " 'IIIIIL: t he orrr·r n(
oNshittnn(' (\ 1rl11l1 tl l'~
sud -
d r nly Intnt unlt' d T,'Ill OlY Omy.
"Rehenl"Rnl fit pl .... ' ·pn ~ h H rp, .. nn ~ n ounced Rushemtl. "1.rll,' r·pn f, ·"I.
No /!nl's~I ",l!. n ~' tho way, ltfl !OO.---('r--'pnn my ~(\III , I don't believe t ~.'nt your nnmf'?" "Jonl'6," sold Ihl' l\ W nll'rnl'rr,
every one 01 yon.
shnmelessly. Bomes 'Vent down t n Ih., d lnJ!>' lobby. A Single, hnlt·hrllrtNl .. 1 ~~lrlr bulb shed Ita fl'l'hll' light nn IIII' Ih'sk. In troDt of 'vhl cb stoor! n mu u r" ~ I "· t ering under tll e sleepy eyo ot the
nl gbt clerk. Bomes 'V8S turning n wny when n tarulliar volco oFlSnlled Wm. Whlrllnr, he looked Into th e fnce (lf a milD who stood nl most at h is Iblllv - tho sbn~ 100plWlSive lnce or Mr. SPfOWIC.
CHAPTER XX. ,T he Flm Wayfarer Has One Treasure Thrvlt Upon Him-And Fort~-Mth Claims Another. "Whot lire you d o in g hpre '" demo.nded Bllrnes, stnrIDJ.l. He 9rl Elod the mun'S BI"Ill and Inquired (!og~ rly: "Have YOll got the .lewels '" "No; but 1 w ill hnl'e tlll'm " efore
r epli ed Spmn~r roolly. surprised If I were to tell you that his roynt nIbs If! Millng In thl • .town? W e I!, he c('rtnln,y 18. "Ilhe Bamness Hedlund hOIl bc('n bere tor B wock or t n doys. She goca I)y tlie Dame of Mrs. Bus8elweln. 1 IlOPPOO dewn here tl,ls nftem oon ond fouod out tbat sbe Is nt the snnntorium. but that sbe expects to leove t.omorrow Ulom~Dg. I made another trip oot there ,thlB "eolug and "!'olted. Ab out eight o'clock Hr. H06selweln strolled up. Be OIl the nrtIlId. wltb her for half
"Would yon b
"I'n't It Jolly, Running Away Like Thlar' all hour or 80 and then l eft. 1 tol-
101l7ed him.
He went to one of tllo
Iltde cottoges thllt belong to the ~Illln· torlum. J couldn't ~ clos,n ellough to bCftr whut they 8Otil, but I IWI (!'v~ he Ollpec1J! to tnke lIer IIwny In nil lIutO' mohlle onrly In th o m ornlug. It I" II seveoty-mllo rIlle fmrn h er e' to Ihe j unctlou.; where t1l ')' I'ulc.h We truln tor tho W.IlSL. I'm goln!,: up now to mllke 0 cnll on Af r. B usselll't:!n. By the wny~ "'hut Is tbo nUlubl!r of your
I ~' rrt h le .
H " rnCN, [I~hl1.,t . "NII I,,'1 ' ''l'(01tl8 IIko It's nothIng 6 rlOilS : JlI ~ t h Ilt Ul l, thlll's nIl. 'l'errlble
.... .
CIiIS on hl l' h"nd 111111-" " W hll t li me rtltl 1111 tills IUI Prl of' "no' Snll th Llggl'rs It wu ~ lung o bout m"lnl ~h l . ju[l glll' by t h ' why the bl ood
h \\'I1 , Itt .\' j ' ttll,pll1'IlI' I1I~,' UP ~Illtl ,lr~l y. thrll " "I1j.( II", I,,, 11lI" JI li n,,',,' h ll 011 "'4 , U\ ' Oll \1 1.. 'tl I 'r rUI\' , · l 'lt' , 'OIH'· t .. ::.:-: dh'(' k, ,h"llI UI+ 11111 1 St'C Ir tllt's·r t • 1111 I),,·r,'. I all, n,,1 w,' 11 "11 IIU ).: II II ' " (IIIlth ll t' d witl l nil' \". lIt' ·thln t o IH '
1'1):,11 1\·,· ... HnMII' " ,,":1< "1'O'(>d ." ," ". TIl' ('oul t! (lnly "lIIr,'. III" ·IH,,,'"[I"·II. li t thi s 1I1I"'1,ln,.: 11111 11. "M y (;o fl, ~I r,H I '!-:f ', hH \, you IW t.l n !n t hnt nh'II '~ rll III ~I \ll't' I l'nw yuu flHw n- " "All you Io"VI· 10 ,10 I ~ t" kol'p I] 1l1"t nn d '''''k 1111 1<,,'\'''1. !'\tll~' ,, "I fOr th .. hull tnnlJ!hl. n tlll ' t ;.z H 1H'f1 f till' L1nnr q( 1\0. :111. Ad 11 1«' II 'UIlII \\'lI h "noln,., I ~IIhl 1 wnuld "'1" 11 n ' ,"),"dt wlLh Y"'I onll w ll h 101 111 . 1",1, W.'II, 1' 1' 1' oI.ll h' " n Ih. M "~ I I\' Y'lIl I hlil k It Is ~II ~)' I" glv;' "I' I hl ~ ~ 11I1r. Th L' Ct' Ip n ll,olf·mll lion dlllllll'~' ",,,I' lh .. r nlc'l) Il ltl .. thln,,'ll In tI,nl " IIX. ~ u I,,1I II ~ II Is," "I ~'II1l\ 'I I"'~ III to th onk you e no llgh ." ~a ld Hlltn""'. " See h l' r El, you tnU!lt o ll OlY IIl I:' 10 r .'wn rt! YllU In Rome
'u s. k\ tJl ng httr
Iny ln' on t1w 1"'\1 , t('l't nn' hund" tl ~' lind J.rlha:.·tl. lind biOI,, ) rrnn1 tn-u d to fuut. IJp wu~ tl1C'llw·wtOlJ~. J ut! snYfi, ",,'- my nutl. h "'" hl ~ wit' t ook (In I JOI,' ~II)'N I" , ,'nuloln ' l ~1JlIlcl It, 110 h u ~I\ntlk Oll t , ~hllkln ' 11ko 11 l(Ioof.'· "l~-I" tho IIllln Ilend?" cried
whu l
W 1.1 . Blr him llJIel Joe onlolll'l ","k,' th ,' r. · ll p r,~" ""Y climb !ll ':1, , n \\ IfHI..' r .. til ' by 'l~"" h. Jua
Author 0/ "CnAlJSTARK," "THE
oon after t on o'rlO<"k Ih. ·~: ,' III, ·r··,1 the' town nl C'rtlwn,luh~ IItHl ,lr,t\" til ' 11('!oro t" ~ lInr,l lrlldh'c ""rl llis "f Ih,'
wlf,' "liS II ,llIln' f~ r hIm nl' lit t h., Inu ln l'l1l1 rllll' nnd slip ~'l! "0 IIr'll \\nlllll' thnt II< " 'Ill lin.' of th l' cl a rke 11111n ~
CO'Ku lll tcd."
"DIll t1, ry j(ct IIw"y w llh much 7" ul1 nv. on't h l'urtl . !'-:l't'lf1!04 U ~ 1ho llg h th o hu rglur- lIIu st hn' tJ(~(' U mort" O on o
of 'elll. I
:<II." - \\· II~ n·t
sn tl s fl t'fl . wit h
I 't
woy COllllll~nsurnlc wll h your-" "ut thllt n llt ." sn "t • " roUSn dn rk ly. "I'm not 110 vi r tuou s thut 1 h llv to ho rewordell. 1 IIk ll Lho gum e., It 's l11 e
brontll f lit 10 me." "The Urn I' ",111 Rur('ly cnm~ Wll(,D I enn tin you n I(lloll lurn. Sprouse, "nd ynu will not fln ,1 Inc r,'lllctnllt." su ld nnn.('~.
InnH.' I), .
"Thnt'\< dl/Tor('llt. If t Ilver ' n~c(1 n Irltmdly hfln d I'll cn ll Oil you. It·! only folr thnt 1 IIhml lrl gl vo you n tip, nnrnep, jus l to pllt YIIU on yonr gunnt. From now 011, I'ln 0 fre .. 1I~l'n t , t wuo t to oclvl sll you to pu l thn l Stull' In 0 BIlte plo c. I'll gll'o yo u two doy~' start. Atte r thot. I t I enn g~ t 'em nwoy fro m YO\!, or wtloe\'c r rnn y l,o vu tbcm, rill goIng to dll It . Th Y will h tolr Ilhmc\('r from UI('n nn. Good nlght-nnd j(cm,l. hy for tll prescnt. Stlcll I'los tQ your room till mOnllng ood th II 'UNit It with her for N e lV York. I give you two dol'S' sturt, ro-
"Some RObbery Last Nlgbt."
<-f1Ullfrl " '(' rth 11100.
I'~CIO; 1~~~U:~II~~h~~R :~Il: NEWS GLEANED
WI.' Uti rly I'll rt or tb ro r~ rlllg Dl'rvouRly nbuut nOI[ il l'-\lI1~ lnlrs lind do"·n. JThe VI ' r ~ IUCkl)l' In his pack up~tnll'1l. Ille Wl'ot UI' to hIli rlloUl' Jlnlf II d01.Nl
IIlmost I Il~tl\J\ tly
wnlkNl do\\"n 1I!jlllu, lifter Snlls'yluif hl lluwlt lhn t III uncI!; hnl1 II Ot' hl" 'u r llh'<l. For tho lIut I hr ItnYH ond night!!
r 0hcn rsu'ls wero 10 tull swing, with S IIr 'ely II momen t's I t·up. And 60 tho time crcpt by, up to UIII Ill~bt of tile petfortnnnce. Mis" Cumeron 'remnl,!ed 10 Ignomoce ot the close proxImity at, th e l ei'·f/ls. ond Ule police of Qrownllale rel1llllned In leven d_r Ignomnce 118 to tho wh ereuboubJ at the man wbo robbed Hr. BOllSClweln of 01\ hllII eporo n!!b and an excellent gol d watch. No tittle was lo8t by the counteM In getting word to, hpr compatrlobJ In New York. lIuro l!s IlOSti!d n dozl'o lett CI'1l tor her; coch cootolned the ' tidIn gs of :her sn fety omj the D88urnnce thnt s he w ould ROan t(,l1ow In persoll.. Thofle th ree doys nnd nl (;"htll were full ot jill' on(! enchllntmcnt for nurneR. n o octuully dl,hosed himself by wlshlll g Ihll t th o Hushcroft compliny mllrht flud It IIII IICm tt \"0 to go on re henrslng t or wC<)ks In UIIl I dIm, enchunted temple. Be 6nt' tor hours In onl' of thll most ullco mtortllble Bcot s h. had ' ever
-----. - '..----
,- --..
nurll III\ ~h ..od
of CODsCtluCnCCB,
ove r to In Hpect Uill r eb..-f slcr. SProu801foII o, .. .lelsurel)'. .. Ii' C'rlecf .Jlnrnell, exclte,Jly. Ilnttlng bJ. QIl!lI~ r Oil tho nUlll ll "lIIlsiJ JonCfl." "Sh'e's In room 82--uext to bill. By' gtl d, S[Jmu~c, do $Oou SuppORe lie llnow& thnt s h Is heret W ould thp d OK 1Ind rtll k~ nnylhlng- " "You lIluy b 1I1Ire .be -dosen't kDOW &11 'a hI! , (or YOU 1!1tI11:ir, tor tho t nUl t· . h~. Th c~\1f\ try's full ot J oneses nIIrl 1lllm , ea. ~ 0 0 up!ltall"ll. L Cil v.. .. ,' r)'Ullolf to we." Uoml!'tf lind bl'('Q In bll; room for tw('nt)' allnu tt· hdor Jl\1 heDl'd Wl' on hi door. He ~pened It alld R1U'U\IBIll .nil Into the room. 'l'he ill' Itbat u,. door cia (od bllhlDlt him, h., It toet ' and coolly pro· aba!low metal box. auCh _~III""1a -.fet7 nulla.
relll e8~Me. J obI! Bos we ll '\"s (Jordell" BC8welt. dlvoroe; "lI:,en o bud nllglot!,. Ex . (lfI rt,o [.oulao Wit I tnor o ~t, IV art. at 81, p Rrtltl"u of r el11 ~tll to 111 9arn.!' 14\11.
Proceedillgs W . Cltttl)n llnt:: I ('~by va My rtl e Phil" tHf dh,mlsHIl. I "0 Ungll!8b y tlon wHhon t pre ju (lIoo to rutnr s
The Practical Car
aotton. Probate eour, Proeeedings 'Flrll~ BlIa finnl 1I000un, ,If lI/lt,,.',8
'1 ,
Saxon "S ix" has ear ned its J"(' putn l in n a tlte l'raci k a l Cnr because it is so thorougJlly pm c tica l froll1 so man y liillcrenl stan dpoi llts,
RAY F. MILLS, Dealer Phone 71
Waynesville, Ohio
................................... ett~b~r.w.n~m~rr~_.~........... ~
September 1, 2, '3, 4 and 5, 1919. Grand Openit:'g Sept. 1, Labor Day
20Harness and Ru ning Races 20 $6500.00 in 1 urs s ..J Races Ea 'h Day Big Exhihit of Live tock, including Dogs and Rabbits. Large Display of Farming Implements, Tractors and Trucks
THIRD ANNUAL AUTO SHOW Two Big Attractions Each Day Band Concert Admission, 35c
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
The Weetern 8tar, prln"Dg and I!uppllell for varioul 'otnoee, 140.25 ; Veterlnarv Funeral Director John Law and 80n, fina.l .1I~lmatll and Embalmer, con~raot, 142.3'; Colambll8 Blank Graduate of Ohio Stal; Uolvenll Book Mfg. 00., blank I for Probate Waynesville. Ohio. Jodge, 114,55; Oregonia Bridge Co .• linal eltlmate tor oontrao" No, neo, OFFICE: U300: B. D. WllIlaO"lI, lappllee for Fourth Street, noar Tyler Either Auto or Horse drawn eervlc;e. Proleonilng A"orner,' 'I 111: The Telephone 93 No extra charge for auto lIervic8. Contioental Mfa. Co" Il1pplies for collr' hOllie, '10 So i I:Ji.te of Ohio Both phones in Office Ilnd Residence Ohio No. 14 . Waynesville. VB John Jet!, oosts, elo" I1S.50.
-- ..- ---
--------------.-----~) ODGE
~ I
And sit down, eat and contemplate. If you are in doubt about your new hOll se, and wonder whether you can afford it or other improvements, go and see
~:-M_ . a_d_d_e_n--,~
''Twcuty~two-on th e next ·Ooo r." "Oood. Go u"~ tlli ra now uud I'll j ol n ~' nu In 11110ut t en nilnUII'S, 1 will tllP t1lrllo tJm es on your door."
over . "
N"" Suits
OU.IJ l. Aung~pl1.rg(' r , 1' 1 111. I'~ Eel. Ii'. DunbBD1 , 1' 1 "I. r r part.ltl ou of
Read Gazelle's Classified Am
1'0001 1"
"Why shoul11 yoU COlli e to lilY W llI lI . Sprous e? W e cuo say nil UIll t Is to bu SllI(I- " "If you will 1901( on th e rl'glstc r you will lUI/cover thn t Mr. J. II. Pn)" "r r('gl~ t('red h e r e nhout bllif uo hl1"r I\go. HI) Is In room 80. n c left n "ull fllr t1v ~ o'cloc k. Well. Prosse r Is IInother ~tnO tor Ugo. Ho left the co:>lIngc an hour ogo. ' CntOu jn 1\ jitney or I could .have got to him on th" way
Common "lon8 Court
at Chari68 Vinson. tl p081lSlId, lip proved. Jl'lr8~ and finnl I\oooun$ of iA'wls Wild, deo6llBod, Bpprove.i. 10 'be maUer of ot!tBte of Bewllt P MUlford et aI, minors, Barry 11:. Uowan Ilppoioted lJoBrdltlo , In maUer of elltate at Georghmnn Badd8lJ, deoeaaed. Wtlllnm B A I known, de veurlug wIth hungry eyes Ion II appOinted exeoutor. th o " llod owy, Int eres h 'll t uco so close to hl A own- nn(1 never tln'd. l\larrlage Llr.eD&e8 On th , ortornoon of I he dres8 1'& hCli rs ll1 he led her. nfler fin hour of Stephen John 'fhl " l, mac-htn lp t , alm oBt tt n ~n llll('rt llh l o rrp r,'!<slo n. to " n-1 Miss &label Albllrt.ine ~' ryl)1lr Ihe rellr (It thl' nlldU(lriulIl, Tl ropplng ,ger, botb or Frank 1111. In lo Ule sellt hl!Hllle Iw r he blurted Elvia MoKlol ey Mlobal, farol er. out, IIlm(lst In anguish I of Blanohellter, and Mi ~~ Len .. May "I I'lIn'l stnn!! It nny Inge r. ' t enn- Marlatt, of Mt D olly , not tlO nenr you wlthout- wby, 1-1Carl B. LHtle, fUll ohlnl 8t. of oont1l w ..lI. It Is more thlln [ <'Un strQggle Lebanon, and Mis8 B"rrie t Be l1 6 1\~"1Iln ~ t. tbat's 011. You've either got Alberllon, of Leba o oll. to HellO 1114' awuy altOgelhe r Or-<Jr-Bvereti L. Sob ",artz, merllbBn I" IN Ill" l ove you without rcst mlnl. ] !lDd ad 188 ~arell GRlla,her, b OO k , t ull you I cn n't go on llS I UIll nOw. keeper, b o th of Lohi\ n oD . You know I lovo you. dOIl't yon1 You know J wOI"I'hlp YOIL D n't bo frIght. enl'rl. 1 JURt hnd to tell yon 10rlllY, Renl Estato Tranfers I s houll1 hnve gone rnuil 11 I hud trIed Albert U IIl to AU' ort, Gr ohl , fI " rt. to k£!<!p It up nny longer." 110 wnlted hrl'nt,lless/y tor b cr to s llcnk. he po t of ~eotlon No, ·1, T a nnll H., 2. un "lI eut nnd rigid, lonkl ng. slnllght he- tween t h e Mia mi RI \'llrs, U. B omre lind Elva Bngnn to W. M. toro hur. "Is It hop.'l '~8 7" h o went on ot IlIs t, 'lU s klly. "1\1 I lilt 1 [,s ic your "nd N e llie Glllilm. p"rt of MIII~nry furgtve ness tor ruy pr IHllllptl Oll ollll - Snrvey No. 1037 in M8MNI o 'I'wP,. tl lUlll go n WilY trllm )'OU 7" Joseph "ud Nettle T iu'nov ' 0 Jusnn She turn d to him nod Iuld her h[lnd L,Sbeelll\n,pBrt ofSnrv ' Y Nfl 309.fl. upon hIs IItm. Albe r t 'D!II to Corll Dih: lot IU ''.Am J lIOt like o the r womell? Wh, Mason, Mhlmld 1 for l,1 v" Y\III t or ' <)v lug m e ? CarrIe U Ling ~o Dlltn/ll! Unt. n o sn' t every womao wont to lIe tery. p"r t of In lot 1'1 " , 2~:J ltl Lab luvM 7 Nil, 110 , illY 1M nd I Wnl t! linoo. f,l . A mome:nt IIgO 1 WliS so· w euk 011<1 Carl aDd Luo, Rllerwood t o Lllw t r(,DllIly thnt 1 thouJ;llt 1-oh. 1 wos relloe liod Elisle Bo ll 8 bl't>herd . l o~s ntmld t~'r myselt. Now I nm Quite clllm onll sen [ble. Seo how well I No. 11 lind III In Waynes ville .... 1. Frank G orsuoh to Albert Dill, part hovo ml7self In hnnd~ I do not tremble. I nm strong. We, mny now of 8eo. ;$0. 'r, .a . R 2, M, R B" 11. A . B. Kaafmao to tltBnley M diRcUS9 oUl'I!clvC6 enlmly, IlI!Ilslbly. Sellerll, 10& In Pllrk View sub dl Oh I Whot oro you <lolngr "1 too nm @trong," he whlsperod. "I vll!ion to Lebanon, nm Bum at DIy grouod now, ond I am WIlliam Braddook hv AdminlRtrli not ofrnld." lor &0 Cillrenoe Mlohlil;1. lot No, 21n , He 1I0ci closped the bond thot rest- IoIt Rolly, 1155 'ed on hi!! sleeve nnil; os he pressed It Elllln Miranda to Pheba A. Miranda to hlR hc nrt, hIs other ann stolo over part at lot No, 2 10 Wuyn esvllle, II her ahouldcrs ond drew her etOIle to hIli trlultlphnnt body, For an Instaot CommlMlonera' ~rocecdlnltl Bhe resitlte d. nnd then relaxed Into complete 8ubm18810n. Her bead Mnk Bille allowed :-11 . W . LIngo Rtlrd .upon hIs shoulder, ",are Co " repairs for rIlJlge for j .. tl. "Oh I" she sighed, and there WlUI IlI.75; John A Blair, sop plies for wonder, Joy_veo perplexltj1, In the j.U aDd oour. b0l;18e, '2 45; L , &4, treruuloWi slgb of capitulation. "Ob." t:Soofield, lIup'plhlS for j'loll, 113.35 ; came IIOWy from her purted Up!! oguin Joelah Bolbrook, expeose In ra at the cod of the Ilrst 1011& petlldonat8 "Soldler'l! Duobanll'e Record, 12 00;
crockl.n' him (W'r th o h en,1. lie Htn ck til e point of u knit or I! melhlllg lutu blln~J u~t ' 0 little wny, J oe ~1l)'_ln moro'n 11 IIll7; 0 pJIl(o(,S. WIlllt lIay t" "1-1 didn' t say Iluyl hlng." "I thought you did. Well, If I hoor Quytlling more I'll let IOU koow," nornP.fl listened nt the door until he b enrtl tllo w nlter clntter1ng down the stolrwny, ond then went sWIft'ly down III hull to No. SO. Mr. ProllflCr WIIS R l e~plol( just l1a 80undly ant) us r~ soundingly liS ut mtdnlght I "Dy god I" ho muttered, hnlf·aloud. Everyt hln/l w os os c1 enr n8 <loy to him n ow. Holtlng Into his own room, he cl osed the door ond stood stockstill t or nmn1 minutes, trying to picture tho IICCne In tile cottuge. B e tound a l etter In his box when lie went downstairs, otter stu1l\.ng the tin box deep loto hlB pocket. Before he slit tbe eovelope be know (bot Sprouse wns the writer .. The m98llllge wos brle!: ",Alter /luo cOnRlderatlon, I teel that it would b o n mistake for 700 to abaDdon )'I)ur present duties at this tI~ kl ... It mIght be misunderstood. StIck to ,the cOlllpnny uotlt 80methlng better turns up., With this thougbt 'ln view I wlthdrnw UIO two .doys' limit mencggl on tluen,.. tioned recently to you, lind exctend the flerr'o lK thnt dock olong the eoalll tJme to ono wook. Your!! veQ' trQly. of 1I01Ith(~m Alnskll 10 yast "1iehool" "J. B. W'U.SON." lay their eg"" 10 , bllnrhetl ID y~., sIIol"08"11, the tellow thInks of overy- low ,.'ntl!'r ncur shore, attaching tbem thing," 801<1 nnmea to himself. "He ,to IInoUOS BtlllWoods or roch, It III • bab'l of which the nntlve Indio nil tale 18 poRI~lvely uncaooy." Be reulI lIe twl'Cn the II Des, ond SIlW oc! l'lInrll~ Q hy IhrowlnJ( qUllnUtlee of thero a [lIIlIlnct warning. ' It hnd not linl"h ' lnfo Ih.· \\'utl'r 01 Ibe IIJ)Ownlnl roccurrOO lW him thllt bls pIon to lellve Ben'''11 1., ,/0 '1'. Il lOl' '~III{'ct the brQsl\ for New York thot duy with Miss CnlD' 8n,1 ~'· ruI'P " It th~ t1Hh eggs, 1Il'1lnl el'Oll-wlgbt lui ottended by dlsostrouB th., In IIl' r In Iho Run for 10ml.
member." 1'10 Mw ll ched art tho IIgbt sOlldenly. There Wfi S n o lIollod for mony !!ecoDlls, snve tb e deep breothing at th e two moo. Then, wll h Inflnl to cn utlon, Spmuse turned the knoh nml ol'cned th e d oo r n holl Inch or 1'0. H e l e tt tho room so abruptly thot Bnrn es never quIte got ovcr th(' w elrt1 Impression thnt h e S(/ucezed through thot sl e nde r crock, 81111 pullcd It Ilttcr him I Mooy mlnurc9 \lRII~elr II 'fore h e turned on the li ght. ' The kllY ot the box wos tted t o the wlr(' grIp. With trembling flnll rs h e Inserted It In the lock lind opcnl'd Ihe 11(1. . • , "A hnlt·mllllon dnlhlrK' \\'OrtJI of nIce- llttic things," !')prouse hlld sold I 11e dId not cl08e hI s eyes thot nIght. Doybrl'nk f ound him lyIng In bed, with Ulr bOll under hi. pillow, a pIstol ot hnnll. nnll hi s ey II wlrt ' olleo. H e wus In n J;ruver Qunndnry than ever. Nl)w .thot he hnd the treusure 10 hIS possession. whnt wns he to /10 with It, ' Be solve\! tho hrt111k1os t prohl ~m hy cnlllng down"'lull'1l' lor u wnltor ond orderlog cofr,'o lind rolls nm1 eggs seot up to Ilts roolll. Singut arly enough tho wliite r Ilolvcrl the 01hcr ond more dieturhlDg prnhlem tor hIm. "Some ;,ohlocr y Ina l ni ght,''' sold thot worUlY. F !!\ler Ull in OD e 01 th e cottngeij nt Ih l' ~unlltol'lum, All ben t up, BOIIIN hlnj( fl l' rcl' thllY sny," Wh~rl' ?" nlrnost sllouted " Ur' InBnrncN, fl lnrUng UJl. rellUlbJ. . Tho mUll C:II,llIlncd .\'there the cot· • But th o j e wolR? Whnt of Ulem 7 Ho t.ll".... wl're sltunted. could oat 110 lIulllvnntlnl: about the
And he will give you the right dope and you will be able to save a bunch of money by seeing him. Whatever you get of him has to be right, or he will make it right. There is plenty of time to finish your home before cold wt!a ther, but you .had better ' . ' make tracks or the rabbits will bea t you to it. Don't hesitate to go to him and get what information you want, for he will be more than willing to help you with his advice and experience, H. P. Dodge, 'lUI experlencec1 1,Iomal from tbe State Depart. , 0 t bas, been oamed the llrat "'Il rlcan representAUye to tbe " ,g lioma ot the Ser..... Ornata and 1'/() l1 e s. ·
- -.- .... ,H OME SWEET
. Ktng Albert and Queen Elizabeth of Bel&ltlm feel that they and theIr country owe ,to the United 8tntee a debt of' sratltacle w\l1Cll onl1' • personal vlalt to our eboree can help repay, T.heretore an earl7 trip hero hus boon ' planned, theu .three cblldren 10 aeeompan1 &balD. 'These are tbe latest plctol'Oll 01 the ro)'al ·pelr. \yaabln&ton III plaontD8 a ,reat soclol wblrl durlna their \l1s1t.
W ,. ·B. M.PDEN & CO.,
.... TH E
. ,! O. Arnold. Clf Nnrwood, w 1ft ollllinR on IlrquIllnl'lDco8 hnre 1"8t I). L. ~J ' /I .1'1 ' Editor nnd 1'1I1JII, I.<'I . " II) n(' ~\ ille, O h io weuk. . 18 vl al'lng b ls Ilg6d E. B Dllkln Su bscrlUlIon I'r~e , $1,6U pet y our ull olol, LII"I Hll lton,.or Lluooln , III , fO,r II ftlw days. J m. !~bfllna"er arr ived .home, WElJN8S0AY, AUGUS'I 27, 191!l MUDday Dig ht. Eor II few days VIlOa. tIOD, . Mr . an d Mr ~ )t'unk l'errell and i , StnlO O f OhIo, CIty of Tolollo, 80n, Bng b, of Wu~hll1!{I, O n O. B . , Lu cn tt ount y. 8t1. I ,Frank J . hc n c y rnokca oath th u t h l! warn r nlling on rrl"nd~ III o ur olty I H nlor pltrlll Or or tho fIrm of tr. 'J . on \Vf'tin eHtI"y III~t . ( ' h e ll Y & Cu .• d o illg' bu s' " 88 In th e Til .. olfl r lr III fnroll o r t ho Vall , i l"tty of '1' olO(l u, CU lluty nOll S tal o Unrlpr t.h,\ 08 1' f ln o of "T hf' Wellk lv ·/l r',rr . nl,l. uHlI 'hilI Mid firm will p ..y TfI\I' l'l,o no Cu. \\'11" In 80HSlon In onr llt . Hum o f Nltl II UN IJnbU DO LLAR tl PnplJ r. " HI' Y r ill ul lf' ,r II tdl r'y .. . ,tt prtt r" ,' c o c: h 'UllJ 6\~ CI ' )' ca se o r Catarrh oU,v. twn dn ys 111 MI. W"!lk . hU Vd reC tlll1.iy t ttH tUJ Ilhh f .) ll u Wlt1&-t ! II at ,'n. nn ot. I j~ b c ut'od by the URO Mr WI((urd Mnrt lo. of Dnytnn. ' of H.AbL'S C ATARRn MEDICINE. vlH II,oll Mr lind MrR. Ira M. !Syferd . "pUlll lot.IO vlc w 0 1 UIA fol,l1r8 nnd FRANK J . Cln:NGY. IIIlJltlrtll 'IO" nf III" " OIll O lIllWBJlU)l llr : Sworn to h ~ ror o 111 0 and subHcrlbo() ~nndIlY. 'l'btl wue k Iy n e wtipnpl' rll Or thIs I" m y pro.e ne . tld . Gth day ot De· The oolored 80 ldlers from thhl vi . . . f' l~ l1lh t! r. A . D ., 1 88 6. oo~ nl· r'y at" cumlng tnto i.h elr ·o wn . A . W . GLElASON olnlty 1I00l IIdjolDlng tOW08 beht a 'I' h " edl' u r ~ a s k r"wln f .. v u rt! tl lIll ISc II I) Notary Public. u ll's C!\tnrrh Mc(l1clne I . taken In. reuol on In our town on Bonday. I 'r I (1 g more Iu t u tl 10 8tore 0 I .ot;lmmou t H rfl nl1y n n d nets through the Bloo(l Bprm kel8 fr om Wllbe rforoe "nd Wil. Io!ood thl&n I\~ RIlY t.ime I.n tb o PIIBt ... " th o MUCOli H Surtllc,," ot the 8ya. mln gton 'W e r o Jlre8t!n~, good mUBlo 'l'ht'l v lIo n ol, R ~ k nll iogles nor d o tom. Be nd for t08Umonlalo tree. ami on "bnnd,inoe of good thlog8 to • It ' I 'l:h ey a r e !'IJ".0 101J . lo y'HENEY & CO., 'I'olodo. 0 , t IltIy r tllleo. OJ' I" ~m 11 11 DruI;'I;'18tll, ?fie. 'I"" 1I0d all WIIS In keepIng to m"te ooote nt tu 1m judgtltl hy wha t they )-Iall' s Family Pili . tor cons UplLtlon. II· Ii d ltY 10011 to be appreolated and Ilre "nil wh1lt th ey have 1100001 rOlllfnnbered by all pr08ent IIII Ahnd . UIOAf'Rt t·o the poopl" . ::.::::::::..:-=--=====::":'-====~ The Wllsonl, of tbe Central, were Den res' t o tblflr h ome lifo, Its h Opl'!8 . ~UlJday lIoea te of Mr . and Mrs. n. Telephone Tattle. I\nd Replmt\ooll,tbe edlt orMof Wee klV! ~ , WiI~on , of Uo.yton . nowsp"pe rs M this ,Ime are th e r01l1 ThIO\'CA nnd bCggllMi hRve a "eliot'" Mr. lIud Mr ~ Amos Ellie wllre fonndaM o n of jOllrnaltsID In Amerl Oa Jangnn ge of theIr own. When a bl1l'l' The well kly papfIr hus been O U8~ed In r UAP" the phrn86, "s truck bl' lliht. Dayton "IBlton, BoudllY. Sorgt. P uul RMaou retoroed h ome /lod boyoutted and threa'enfld, bot nln g," he rm.·llns tim' Ite was BM'OIIted It hilS go ne I)Alloofully on worklul( bl' tho police whllsl ~ lI gllg00 on bla SundltY, IIfler !leveral daYII' VIBi t out ItM o wn ex lste noe. and dolug thltt IIttl c Job, through InronnoUon COD wIth frlelllla In Dllyton . wh io h It felt w"e be~t for the gen . ,cl'ed Ihruugh til e t elellllO ue. Edwlo Rlmd"ll and slater, fi eleo, e ral pu1l1l 0. Th nre are" 10\ of fel· lUll "INltlnj! rel .. tlves In aDd n en lowflll ttlndin g l\rouod r eady to t oll Anrora , Indla!llL. the l1{iUorR 110"" to ron the paper, MrA Etta Sarvey Bell, of Elll r. but it S A gener,,1 ruIn thoy 8rt! m AD m oonl , lull .. s pe nt" part of IRllt who h "vo molde IL fllilure of e very week whh her ooualn , Mrs Frlinll thinA' thAY have auornp&ed III a bUBi 8bldailf'r. nPIIH wuy T h o I(ood Ihlng " u e w~ Mra. Elt.. C .. rroll. of Frankfort, p 'Jlor d ries liud th e f.. vors tlx l."Jld"d Ky , lpent la.' week wltb h er "re 8"lunlU h"I&rd of, aua t b e ·',hll n' mother, Mra . Mary Edwarda. yon'~ " are mi ghty rare BUI thu Sorlou. resulte, th rolll!h blood pol· MeBus. Ueo. EdwlLrda and Bveret ndll o r of tbn w Bokly PllpA" kn owd 80nl ng, ottpn occur from 90rlllo21el, Sho1Dllker were In WtlmlnlftoD, b e b" " tltA hest peoJlle with 11110 cut H or wo unds fr om I'I'lBtl' nallt or Ii'rlday, 00 boslnee8 . . .<od bn ,hIv es ~lr"llfht ahead. oth or m N n l. DO II't Pli O tbls dI1l\8er. Mi ss Mary Loulee Harvey , of A II " ' . whl C' h l eflrt~ 11~ to rom",11 Prot".·t youree U by bll \'IIlS a bottle t,hn t Nant, Ulo lIIan "'h o In Lebanon. s pent llist week wtt.h Mle! Ilt H .. u. tnnlu alwnYB iiI hllm!. 1101'8.,8 lIn 1 1I ~ lllntl n n lotond"d prl n oan Mc Killip, well·kno wn ta rmer Be8sle Shlda ker. J11llrll y to h" h) him lIud hili tow o liun of Cl urk Co., OhIo, ~,\.)'e : " I e lPlIped \irs. Cora BlUrtB Bnd Mre . MaUle on 1\ rU"l), null wblch oX lon4ed bal'· Flnoh aUended tho Bllley renulon , hI s lIU "I Il Il~'" Is " 1I "ln on rdllli ly In Will' Ih rll uR b m y loot. I appllecl last Thorlldoy . vltml 10 )1r ~ l m r e for hi li fal! Bod wlnt. r rfln.IIIlIJ '['h o " moe door Is HouHt "nla to Ihe woun(\ 1104 ban· Mrs, MIrY Graham and ~rs . Bllrllh ~1I t; ~d lil ... IDOl. In a eho rt Ul\le tW wid " oll"n In yo u. The rll III " Ito .. d Rloh "uended 'be BlIlItlet Conven. shllko nnd " W(I 'oomn ror you on 'hI' pain ~'H clUl ler . Af tor !'Ive 4are I 1.100 .~, Btllflboro lallt week . not 110111 and tho wouoO healed trl M'dfl Unlll(\ III ,1111 1 1M 'K oh " t rOI did Dl ccly. People ... ho u~ e Houslonla Mr. Roll Mr~ . B~mpsher Boollley " whllfl a mI BO(l If \I. ''')I'8n'l, Itlf}v r· lor ~ lI c h Inlurle8 do nul ntlOd to t.u, aoll so n, Mr . and Mrs Jamee Llud hnt h 0 ' II i' r.f'~·It,,~ Iw ttror . blond 1'0180nln8·" Rey and Mrft Ella Simi, of New liouRlnnlH (Tbe OrigInal Jon8" RI.JhmOlld , were gneHts of W, A . QJ QJ " I.tnlment ) muy bo trce 1y a pplied to Hal nee nnd wife over Sunday . Cnnltl .. ny vllill ga or ot ty eVllr op8n cuts, eoree or burne wtlbout MlsA Be8sle . hldaker Is erlen.ltng arrl Y O IL L t,ho YU Rt 0010 nn' of go nr1 1\)(lr. It Moolhe" whllo It beals. At 'our dru ggIst. 2r.c, ~~c and . U .OO a fll w 4"YII In Lebtionon with rela. r OlulnrOlI ' I.v Ih .. homo II IlW!lJla pe r , ~ I Z0 8 . 11 sure you g\ll Ibe genu ine thes, any vlllllj!o 11i' oll,y would be It" ok H (l U 81~ l o n .. ·I\h with Or. Jon,,"' pIC)Mr Edgllr Mtlneoo and family 11$. rOllI, wllre It I" pll)' the odltllr " r Oil lure on Ihe yellow wroppor. The Dr. ~nded tbe Bailey reonlon, la8t Fri. allnf}b le fee f nr hI .. !lerviolls J . . J 0 l108 Co., 8. Charleslon, O. day. - .Adv. (/
Wounds From Rusty Nalls Dangerous
- - -... ...- - -
Mrs. Oeorgo Dl\y ls, of Olnolnoll'I, SPfl DL ltflver •• 1 d"l''' tn 8 ~ }"oo\r w ith bor mo ~ har, Mrll. l!imlOa Fonllr•• Pdr aod ·.,irll. Maok Plokerlnl{ en 'ertl\lped 'hl)ir r elllUve, Mr. L V. (Jllmpbo1J, of Georgetown, Sllvoral daye laet week . .,.. . The Ly tie Buolla:y /:!obool held Ita annual ploUIO ILt Wald Rue Park, near tlprtugbor o, Saturday. Mr . aod Mrll. FI:unk ROl(8rs lind Mr. and Mrs J '1 Ohenowe.t h at. 'ended thfl rooeral of Mrs . Wllllflm Lloder at MI"mls b,lfg, fhuredf}Y . Mle8 A,nziB Me redl th , .Iflte of Wa8hln gton . 0 (J . I. s Jlt'nr1lnl! her vao",loo with her pareD'S here. MrR. Byron RUl.!b and 80U, of Mprlngfield , aro vl~ttlo g wltb h e r .18'er, Mr~. Geo !Soo", and f"mlly . Uertrude and 'darle Banta, of Lelmnou. Ine vlelt.tng frIends and rela'l vel hero Mrs. Je8111e Lon,l\lIore ~nd Mril lIIoJlle Davl8 were Daytou vleitorR Y ODday. Mr. lind Mrs. MartIn Me t ho d m oved to MIddletown, Thursday , to · re.ld e In their newly porohnsed property there. Mr. aud Mu. M. B . Hllln es Ilod Mr, and Mrs Wlliiter Kenrlok at. tended 'he fUDeral of Mrs. Lanra MlJIer. lit 8prlugbol~o, on Monday of last week. Mrll. B . M. Ch,rlll wall . oulled to GhIOllKO, Wetl nesdllY, by the sflrl oo9 Illness of ber dtmghter. who ODder. wimt liD operatIon at th e hOMpltal tbere. Mr. aod Mrs . Y-Ienn Brook , of Indlun.pollll. ipen\ l:!at nrdav e ven. Ing and Sunday wltb Dr . and Mr8. L U Brook and Mrs . I3n8uII Casto . Mre. C. A . Thomp8on leU, ToeA. d~y, to make Bn edeuded vl.l t wUh her son and tamlly 10 PenD.ylvllnla. Mr .. nd Mr8. WUbnr Clark and fa 'ully and Mnt, Mary CRrmouy epen\ ~unday at t!nyder Park In SprIngfield. Mr and Mrl!. Berloa Jonoeond son, Thsrle, left, Huod ..., m ornlu g , for RUMI>U'" Point, where they wlJl "pend a wee k fis hing . LevI Luken"" of Barveysbllrg, wa~ the guest at Hllrold Moredl t h, 8atnr. da y evelling and BondllY . Mr and Mrs Chftfl flJl Johns were HUDd.y gU1l8$!! of Mr. and Mrs J. B. Tho Ulas Ilud Mrs. CatharlDe J o hns. at l:enl,orvtlie . Mr. and Mre. !I'raok Rogers eo· ter talneel to Sunday dlnDE'r, lib. and ·Mrs . CblS!'l"s Panlltewlt and son , Kellnoth, of l:!pr lng VlIlIey, lind MI'. "nd Mre. Eberly F orkner Bnd 80n , of Utioo. MrB . Walter Uhuk was operated 00 at Mlnml V"lley EloHJlita l, Friday, ILDd II doiD g nicely at thI s hme. Mr. and Mrs. AUe:n Emrlok, Ueo. Uraham, Nathan 8mah , James Balnee and Mr and Mra . Walter Kenrlo k attendod th e lillIe of Clvde MOUDl . at 8prlngboro, Saturday. R ,ymond Uebbart, a form e r Lytle cUI I'.~ n, h,te trom OVOrHllall, h ae boen s pendi ng the puet. week wUh friends here, who gave hIm a hearty weI. oome, Raymond Willi 'he first Lyt Ie boy to enlisl, and went with Co. E from Lebanon . Be IlpeO' 27 months In 'he 8ervloe of Doolo t\um, jnlt " year of thla time beIng epont 10 Franoe and Belgluml. While there he wall a member of lhe MIII'ary Polioe, yea .erved hIli tUTD in the trenohee .
If Y01\ ha ve a· hunrlrcc\ dollars , or a lh \I a nd -or more yo u can nol in\' est it more 's afelyor secu rely titan in the right kind of llomls.
No longer are people conten t to possess idle money. ld le money i. as objectionable as art id le m n. Don't tolerale lazy or idle money. Make your money get up a nd get busy- put it to work . There is no place in the coulltry fo r indolent people-nor in t his day a nd age , for indolent money.
The serv icc of our organiza tion consists in aiding you to iry vest YOllr sav ings wisely- in Bonds, which offer a fullness of safety and security. The kind of llonds we sell a re thc kind of Bonds you wanl to buy . Our representative will b e glad to tell you all about them- if yOLl will either write or call us By phone. Any time you a re in Dayton , we should be pleased to have you stop in to see us- comer Second and Main streets.
FOR BALE- PROPEnTY with her sISler, Mrs John Peterso n, and oth er re lati ves Mr . Rnd MrlJ. Walte r Bult,•• of ACH.1I:8. 2 aCrl'8 of fin o tlmh or , Albany, I nd , are the goes&8 ot hor good land, flne well of wate r . ~arm, fa'hl'lr , Mr Frank Oompton, and Prloed right, I oq ulro lit form . Mrs . The .Compton.Mllls Rounlon will OR. J . W. J'Vl II . LE~ o ther r elati ve!! (Jllroltne Ohenowe th. It. D. 1, WilY, Call on be beld at UIlllllar 's Uree. oburoh 810 groundll. t!a'urdIlY, I:!eptember 6th. The Monl ng fao tory opeoed for D08vllle. Ohio . ..• DeNTIST ... Everybody weloome, \he 80880U, Thureday mornlog . R eul BO iuo In Wf}YDes vllle . Misa Marybolle . Barner aUended l Dqul rfl of B. S. Bowell. s:l Mr . and ' Mrs. Ray Krng wOle ,,' Il}'ll eiR 1IIe. 0 'he Eplsoopal l:!unday Sohocl plonlo 'fake the .Miami tiazette fo r a year N.""~~I~~.,t" Itt.l". week. end 1l0e8$8 of Day too r e latl ~ 08 THe ReAL ESTATe MAN near D ..ytoD, FrtdllY. Miss 1~lzzls and Ml8e Bazel Evans J . 8 . Leaming bas puroba8ed a FonSALE left, SuhdBY, f or Denver,Ool., for Spring vallel~ Ohio Dew an'omoblle. '~a( 'be beDufit of MI~8 Bazel 's bellith. Mr and adrs . B . 11'. Compton called LARG E Type P olond C bln ~ Bruod MrB. R oxtfl Alexllnder, who hae .~ on AmOli Cook and wHe, /:Iunday 8011'11. good ooes . lll qu ire of . beon very ill, Is slowly Improving . i aUerDooD , P L. Reaso u , R. D. ~, WilYDeBville, MIllS U.aos Eallle Ie vleltiDR In OhIo . Bl0 •••••••••••• " A nnmber of WeltowD '&udellt,. D .. yton. werll pleaalLn"y enlertalned a' tbe ICE bay Draft Uoldln8 , :J y ellre Mr. E, 14. B'leU 18 atte ndIng tbo bome of Bomer Baln88. Saturday old 'hill fall, welgb8 1:100, and 18 atate oonveu'IOD In Oolumbus for ,~oDID •. woll ~roken; will soil ohellll. J , W, 'he J . O. · u , A. M. Mr. and Mr.. Uarfield PeteNOD HE la rge number of ·farms selling will .. .Examined Correctly... 1110 IrIr. and Mrl!. D. W. Anable vi sUed /:I\rawn. Waynosvllle, Oblo aUended 'he Petereon reonlon, a. make a greater number of sales tb:m Glasses Fitted, with Danon relatlve~, Sunday. OnioD ohnrolh, SaLnrdlLY. Big. typo Polllod.Chloa BOBr fo r ever before. People are now booking AT MODERA.TE . PRICES M., E. M. Copeoy remains obou\ Mfl. Enphemla Wlleon and family 8Ble, a good (Jne. Inquire of I .A . Mr . and Mrs. Al be,rt Beston. 80n sales with us for next Spring. Our wide ac!,nter\alned, one day lailt week. Mr. and d .. nghter are v!Bltlng rel"slv88 'he lame Laokoy, on P . D Ulagett fllr m, Way. and Mrs. James 8tatrord and little and aUendlDg the IB'rlends Yearly Mrs . Eunloe .Pi>I,'u ll n Is very 111, n esvlllo, OhIo , al0 quainta nce and experience bas gotten good IIIrand.dtughter, of Alban" IDd .. aDd Mee,\lng tn PenolylvAnla . ------.--~.~----results for others and will get tbem for you. Mr . ILnd Mr... Horaoe ADder. on and IU Tlmo'by Bay tor Rille. 10. Optical DepartmlDt and MIS. B . ~. Dear'h and If you intend ' selling out; see us for terms and three oblldr~D, of Ienla. ' of John Hoherslln, R D.3, S, Detroit St. Xenia. Ohio daullMtlr, MIs8 Uennll . .apeDt Sa'ur Waynesville, Ohio. sll Mrs. Mary We,', Mrs OhauODeY day tt n D.yton . date. Open evenings by appointment Kunnell and Mr, W. E, Bogan are ~ Dt. and IrSre . B . B. LyonB, of good Mo. lol Pigs for ~ale. Clyde OD ,he .Iok It", Mln ~l1t 8hQrg, were roo8nt gUMts of Cox. R D . 5, Waynes ville, Obl o . Mr and loin. Lulbllr Balnee and Mr": FrlSnoa8 Nuli and family. Mr . and Mr8. George Davis were Homo Phone 3. 5. A3 Aman Block Telephone 81-2 and 3 ~on, D:loaM, attended 'he LaIrd Ll ~ t1e . Dorothy K~lelllley reoently calliog on Mr . and Mra. BerryhtJI , Team of Borses, Wallon. HarnllllB reonlon at College Corner, ne ... und8r~en\ " ~ Ilgh' o peraMon a' the Sunday l.IHeruoon, . I&nd G ravel Bed, all In good oon. Camden, Oblo, Thorsd"y . " m oe ot Or. Harris lID Dayt\>D . Mr. IIDd ·Mrs. John Wolfa wern dltlon. lnqalre of L.wrenoe Bhep. Mrs. R E . Joney "nd eon, Carl, Mu. Emma ()\ln~ter, of (Jlarke. vleitlng wltb .hotr 80n. Rliy Wolle herd, Waynes ville, OhIo. a27 oalled ·on Mra ftI"lindl& MoB'•.dden, viii,', whu hus bee n vIsitIng frleDda FUNERAL DIRECTOR aDd wife, of Clarlr8vllle, Snndoy. near ORden, Sunday aUernooD. h ott,. hll. gon8 Clnolnnatl for an Mr George Thornplon. of Muon. Mr, VIrgo MUohener and llidy I!:xhmtled vllilt wltb ber aOb. Uharles Wayne.vllle, Ohio friend, MIIIII Eltber Shambaugb , Olinger, ond faw lly . , Is .pendlng Beveral days wi t h hi li u. HATHAWA ' ~~ brother. John Thompaon . .. Hpent atunda,. eveDlng wilh Mr. lind Frauk Jone! 'r&nllao$ed bUIIID8IH Ittr.. Weldon WilBon. Mr. and Mra. Uoorge Bogan enter. lD lJIaolnnllo\l, one day I...t ",eell. Fully Equipped for Good Mr8, Cbarley Laird Is vlll$IDIL her WaYlle.Jrille's Leadlnll Delltl.., Mr.. and Mra . Wal'el' Bailey lind &allied at dinoer, 8unday, Mr , and daUghter, Mra. Lothe r Elalnee. Servicef famtlY i of Day'on , have been vlait. Mra. Osborn, of Wtlmlng'on, Mrs . Oflloe ill HaInes Bldg. lrSain : Mr. and Mri. Rllymoud enter IDR Mr. and Mrs. B . ~. Dea'r'h and Ella and danghtoer, of Oln. Large 'DispUiy-Room olona'I, and Mr. aDd Mrs . lileuo talned Mr, aud Mu Everett BainoA daughter, before leavIng for (Jail. and lon, Millard, !:lunday. fornla, where 'hey will make tbelr o.vls and ohildren , TELEPHONE 7 'DAY OR NIGHT E • . V. BARNHART, MI8s Mabel Lnddlngtou, of LehlA. Levi ~h"mbaugh and .ill'er,E!tbo' fo'ore home, eotertalned tho followlDg gU88's to William Newpor', of Lebanon, nOll, and Mr. Todd Lowry, of Way. Notary Public dInner 80ndo.y : IrSr. and I4ra. Jobn wal! the gU68t of rel .. tlvoa here, olle Desvllle. IIpont 'he week. end with Bill. Mr, and Mrs. JetIII9 8tlJ and day lalt week. 'belr brother aDd sIster, Mr . and All kInds of Notary Work , Wilt. DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN ' b"by, l4.rj o rl ~ . Mrll. LydIa BlII. Mr. and Mrs OtlG,i'Brr, .of Wheel. Mr8.' Alva Lnddlngton , Mlases fiazel lind Helen Hili aDd lair, W .' VA.; Dr. GIbSon Farr, of . and Deedll a ·tlpeolalty. P.. Intemal an4 ExWnaI ~ Ilr. Geo. LeIber' hl\8 returned to Oeoar ~hamb.ngh Mou'b CbarleeloD, 0 , Mr. and Mrll, h~bornetnehloaao,af'erllpendlog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cbarlea Tooker and famll,. of Charl8l'l S1l1lfrled; oU~,. Loula, "0., 8everal week' wllb relaUvee here. BllrveYllbnr" spen' Bunday witb aDd 14",. Laqr.. , RI.te, of Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and hIs Dnole ·and aon', John and Yary ville. Ob10. w.,. oal14!d here by 'he Mr. Goo . TbOIr.pson w e re ~nnd"y 8pr~:v deatb of . lrtrll, 1'bomu Mtller. guests of Mr. and Mre . AimaD Ferris. ~----- ---~.------Mr . alid lira. CIU!ord Barnhar. Mrs. Anoa Brannoo and Mra. Bnd daoghter a'tended' Ule FrIends Frank Bh"nk wore oallJng on Mrs . Ye~rly Mee'lng a' ~'lIminR'on. 1'be~Dllar'h reunIon 'W&II beld Il1l!t W . T. Jordal), Slltnrd"y evenIng . --wee" a& 'be bome · of Mr. and Mra. J . g Pel,rlon, of MInot, N.lI, wal Blackburn, at Roc\ Lioo. vl8ltlng alllong frlenda bere I.., Dr, aud Mr~ John EutOD aDd We You wAet, family, " f · Sprlnllfield, have bOO%) .. . Mr... nil ~rB, UtJlRD (1188 KeVIL ~llIutnlJ 'he former'lI pareuSll, IrSr. KNEAD N~D 8rown) .01 \Jaytpn, _peD' 1.... weet olld IIrll A. D: 1I:aII&o~ , . MONEY LOANED wl~b rel .. 'lvull bero. Mr. aad Mr. W, 8. wtUterlloo Bread Bread Vernon MoCray had the mlator. · visited relativell In Lebi\nOb, one 'nno of oultln" Ills foo~ blldly wUb evenlnglallt wee., ONEY Loaned on live Block, an H 1(", one' day tR"I, week. • _ ..._ _ __ ollattels, aillo second mortgR",es. Born - To Mr. and MrR. (.ester N oles boul(ht. JOhD Bn.rblnll, A'lIeD Btullfteld, "ng08t 22, " dtlnvhter. Bolldlng, XenIa. OhIo. 6.4.20 Bllm-Tn Mr. lAnd Mrll. B B. Mil. I"r Aug oll' 1\1. a dllllgMer, Rllohlll FOR RENT-FARM LI'1 ,1I111. (1" r-1tnn SIlJUh .. nd Herm.n BlaIr Mr~ ••' 0 Peterllolll and 80n, Wli. bav" rllturned frow lhelr tlumm e r'~ lIam, Bnd MIlle Belisle ..noh are ANTIiiO-Fl&rmer \0 rent good work a \ AkroJl KronDd ou 'he 'hlrds. Inquire ~peudlng 'lIevera) (1aYIl at Niagara . ~he' a' 'bl!! ottioe, ,,3 A. R B'Irtoo hllH gO!!" to Pe'OIIl1y, Falll! . . wh'er" he h OlillS lo ,Ibtaln . relief Mn, i' IrS. BleU, Illra. U. II. Vul. fr.lDl hay fovel' IterllOD and Mre. BanDah OohlD FOR SALE-FARM MIII8 Effie BllrDett blls re.turDed a"eDded the D. of A. VoanDtioD III , Columhll8, Ja ... ' week, -- -- - -- -- - from" pIe 'IIIUI' vial' with relatlvea ID W ..b !ng&oD, D. V. Mr. and Mra. Juh!,. IIlwood aDeI 67AOIIlB.nMr. Wayneevllle; q !ltot lale i '100 per 8Or19, Inqlre a' MI. lI..r,. E. ReeVII8 ba. ro'UrDed baby IOn, of Booktord, Ill., have "lUl'lled home alter j~ pl~ ~ilU tbe GBlle'" omoe, 13 &0 ber lI0II001 wowk Ia 81."'8.
Tbo edll, r of .. n"w~rlAllll r 18 Ufll a\ly oOl1slde trll 11 8 I,h .. (1I\IIItnlt.t.Ptl It t oo ~ to I,'ok .. ftf'r " II th" puhllol!.y In ~bn 1IIIIl rflaL Ilr hl ~ h om e t own Ch u I hll fills 'hn trn~f, wHh ~b e groatll~' ahillty I\n .1 ~ 1I 0cOR 8 therfl OlI n he no deDlal.
J, E, J u nney, The Uexall Store. Waynesville, Ohin.
----- ..---
,.-SEARS & CARTWRIGHT---:: Public Sale Conductors
---_.- .._--
If you are wanting
M. N.
to buy a
........... ..
Waynesville, Ohio
Walter McClure
Olasailled Ads ",
Bakes all the Bread you need~· ~ll the Cakes and Cookies you need; -all the Pies you need; all the Buns you need; in fact,' everything in Bakery line you need.
Ask for Our Milk Health Bread
, , .. , 01 P""'''I After Fhd .... I ,,, II "WII .. r )' ..1111... IM ln> wbll'.11 ,no . . "tlll nil ..." tnu lill ttlJ ph'-I'"Kr" ltblc: , . 10 ' 11II1II' I,clllt:, 1111;1'11 "UI ur Ib t
('nil lI ... pr. o \' ("llh·r1 lIy 'lltxt'lL; 1\ \ uUh·.... pllunru l ~)t " 'IH·.,:ll r \Il the \\ " IP~ '" I\hlt.'h lllt' , trln o r e w u1tbec2 "'1'
" II '" n"'1l1: .1 '·"h'IWd
Ttle Wa~ of tilt trOOI. rool Ia nnll wbo IfOOlt tbl'Qagb 11ft r.11h hi eyes npl'n. bill (Of'l'S oot tb, I
tlllnlP hili e¥el wor. In tend.lI \0 ~,'''' III lenll of pu Ing to v ue ,Ide of tr"u· Dltl, I,u bu mps luto It. rnti& bonlllnn ; I Illto br/l mhl~" nnll gb t~ Sluck 10 !DIre. ~ni'l sometim c8 h e wuJ ks rIght luto lbe Attend your county talr this yea r Arros of fortune or hllPl1eos 10 he J o hn" Y Oln tbo $110\ \I·tI u f n" ora fl r o beiDa and you will be highlV entert ained' tl\SlrllJu tcd. 0 111 bl S 81rcuks or luck ure "0 Ibln 118 cmnpnre ti with tll.e There ill 18 rarga rowd o f WaynesIh l('kncSll of bls worrl~1I u lld cliBUPiIO ln(, ville Ilitizens at lhe St ahl Fair today.
ti,nl lhl'Y
\fortb coDslder lng.
A1r . .nntt Mrs C M I{ob\ on· terla ln OO a t HUlld y dinn r. tzor l'I t . lIt1d . Mr . J. D . Mnr latt . Mr tin
G/NG I{Jl .~1
AND O,,,rl NGS \. ,.
Come. sec our Mill· End )l ress G ing h arll~ a t 25c, worth :l() Qnd ;i,i c Burton Earl'lhll' t. the Mi BllPS Helen 'OUT Mll s liu IIlId Out Ing l"hLilnel s . a n nn w b e bought (1.1 uur sto re fo r Madatt , EleaJIIJI' RRrn hurl, J orofhy what they will cost wboles Ie 10 'ells than thirty day!!. Fernlee . and Mes~r8. LN . Printz., .. Chas. Buell and Ern lllJt Earnha rt . UNDE RWEA R
to 1>" hurll11
Don't miss the best fair on earththe Warren County fair, Sept. 9·12.
~-- ------
.'-· ld . iii I E nds. Mone)' un be sll" od l.l anyone in need of these. t r uslome rs Gud their frie nds a re ad vised hy us to {'onlc lIliickly and t 'ceive tbe beneli tli of t il sc orrerln~~ of ,~ Lit (' helUs Mill . bort s.
You can Save moncy e}rt Underwea r or IIny style . . Mr. and Mrs. Chorles Rye ente rtaIned at diriner Mrs.'. , Sunday 1. M. . the Sibcy follow and !ons visited rt Ie known Ill(it upoo IlIllny ot the A WORD A BOUT ' HOES Ilue~t.; Mr. lind Mrs. Lynn summit s or th e 1I1j(b mOuntll ln rldgca friends in Loveland and · Maineville. Ing Barton land Sunday dought . er. o Jr ~f stock or over 700 0 was bO lilth t before the ln ~ t a,l \'an re, London , ot th e Buwulln n I Blun ds. In th e regloD' ' Ohio. Mr and Mrs. Edward Hllrt· whiclJ allJollutcd to over $ 1.00 (1. ,If heavy f OII1(oli. lifO OPCII bogl wblcb pair. We cnn' save YOII th i~ dollar nnd B ock and son, of Spring Vollev, Mrs. then Sf) 111 e. 'all and buy yn support n p~cullllr aud Intofeetl na Boys' Wool Suits, aile .16 to 18. Uf 1100t'.veur. Hllhber s , Fcll an? .i{ IJI1 .er Viola Carey. ,Miss Alice Caray und Boots Hora. Man, 8pcctoe form more If U . 1$. Con gr~8 mnll Loul g IS lind )'OLI will go hOIl c glad-M all orde r hO\l 'c~ orc 11 m 11\ - $7.59. at Fred's Lebano n Store School Mr, Jesse Thomas hemlspb erlcnl tU880cks wblchor 1 It when . rl8/I Openin g Sale. OOOltaIl or !\Inlne 8houlll ever d O· . YOlt learn u r prices thi s lill,C, III>OVO tllo general level ot th o bog. A 81ro to 10f lho pres ldulI <JY II " ('oul4 xrllll pe I Ih e loll d 8up porl 0 1 s ho wy lobelle with n1llUtlroua large Mr. and Mrs Clar' W. Hink le Calvin Oglesbee and daught er , the IRll llllry m 0 nnd nlenn " rs." crCII ID·colol'{.'II nowers 68 mucb u Alice. of Spring Valley. spent Tues· dauirhte rs, Thelma and Margarel. vf Ih wo r"l. ror hc lIIo kos c ln l'lI (0 l1orl'6 Ilud a hnlf Inc hes long. peculiar day with Middlet own,S. Leveri ng GOl'lwr ig hl . the Misses Oglesbe e. bl 'llIl Ih ,· IIIY Oll' Or o t "pu lm vlol cla lIud a .uude w nro fount! the" ot Evanston. 111.. Mrs BUll Michene r , " ""cb" c loth . Mrs. Rachel K Keys . Mr . and Mrs Mr . and Mrs. Arthur AnROn and S. L. Cartwri aMlnrlt·l.ildren, of Norwood, spent Cartwr ight gh t. Mr . lind Mrs. J 0 and d'aughw l'S. Rhea t> :SI~nclay witih Mrs. Lucy Pratt. Janet and I!;velyn. were lhe l:tut.1!t. Invited to dinner on SundllY with I•••••• • ..._·.....•• .. ••••.... · School · Girls' Special Prices on Kiuie Merritt Sweato /'9, Hul s IUld Hosiery lit Fred's Lebanon Store School Opening Sale. COAR SE· SALT The foll ow ing ' young p op,le en· 7Jpst7oot~~most· jO)OO 11 weiner rOlUll. givell ilL t he . Car Ohio River Coarse Sail on Mr. and Mrs. Morris She rwood home of Anna F u rll89. l<'ridllY nig ht: TRACK soon Leave your orami Mr. J . 'I'. Andrews . of Callieca . FOOT-RES1~ HOSI ERY d ers-sp ecial low price from car Sat~rday, ~ugU6t 30th Iowa, spenl Sunday wi th relalJves in Misse8 Ada Michene r. Revtl. Hormell. Frances , Lou ella Ilnd J eanneLt e Jan · Is widely known a s a brand genuine merit. double ser vice £01 Cuba, Clinton county. . Men. ney, Lillinn Wil kerson. Alice Carey, WOOll'n and Childre 'W m. Hart, the old-tim e favori te , ill a good pla y, CANN ING SUPP LIES n . Poot · Rest buyers 01 ~' Ily s l'all a gain lor lIIoreEdna Cornell . Annll Sa tterthw aite, t hey always look for tbe label Try this b rn nd the neltl time Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkeraon Mabel Salisbu ry. Corinne Tin Cana, a dozen .. .......... .... . 66e Y OIl need Hose and you will not purchas e any other. and two d a ughte rs. of Daylon . are Helen Barnelt . of Dayto n, Welch, Mason Jars. adozen .....76c & 86c '~Breed Mabel spendi ng a week with Mr. H . H. Murrell, of Wilmillgto n. Ilnd Mes~ rs Mason Screw Tops, Tin Lid., FALL AND WINT ER MEN' S CLOT HING Wilk e rson and family. Se.a ling Wax, Parowa x. Heavy . . Alfred and Jo;lliott Wrigh t, Coulus Rubber s. You lice, Kellar Hoke, e has Mich· Our rail and whiter samples of Men's Clothin g frolll the large !lIocks Tues day, Sept embe r 2nd 1. N. Miller, the veteran fruit tree ener, Leslie Satterth wai te lind Roscoe o r the Nationa l and Interna tional Tailorin g Co.'s, Bre now on display . Furnos man. is agoin on the job, and he will COFF EES 'rhe many pa tterns. styl!!1 and shades .are greatly admire d by Clara Kimblil1 Young , in all who sell you only first class stock iD the have seen We have all kInds and can &ave The marriag e of Mabel Riggs Kelly try ODe them. Satisfac tion In goods Rnd fit, Is a slire lhllll( if you will nllrsery line. Call on him . s3 of these suits. The pric~ are right, and you will wear no otb you money and RU9!lell C. Younce took pi nee · ers if. you once try them . Good Rio Coffee ...... ... .... .. ... 35c . Thursda y, Aug ust 14. at the Meth o A $5 00 I)urchas e of School· boy We kindly ask you to call, you will find us anxious to please. Steel Cut Santos ......... ......... 4~ neede at th,e Fred 's Lebano n Store dist parsonage, Newar k, Ohio. The Wonder Cup COlfee ........... ... 46c Rev. L C. Sparks offi ciated. using School Openin g Sale entitles the pur· the ring ceremo Karex Golden Sun ........... ... 46c ny . The bride is tht' Thur sday , Sept embe r 4th Silver Sea Colfee ...... ..... ....... 1iOc chaser to six month's subscrip tion, daught er of Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Ri gi.~ Free, to "The Americ an' Boy" Maga· of that city and is well known in pro· A Comedy, entitle d, line. Insect Powder , pkg ... ! .......... IOe fessional musical circles a8 a piuniste Mason's White Shoe Pollah .... lOc and vocal ist . Mr . Younce is a p rom· Shlnola Polish ...... ...... .... .. ... IOe . Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mather and Inent grain dealer in Dayton is Van Camp's SOupa ............ .... 1Oe daught er, after ependin g a couple of well establis hed in t hat trade.. and After weekll here with relative s and friends, a motor trip th ~ couple will renlde Granula ted Sug8l', pure cane left, Monday mornin g . lor their long Dayton .-Day ton Sunday New~. in ........... ........... ........... ..... 11e 0,,0 evenin gs. 7:30 p.m Admission trip overlan d' to their home , ln Bur· 17c lirurton, KaDiI89. Star Tobacco, pound ........... . SOc On Tbursd ay evening , AUl:tust 21. SatUrd~ eV~lng 7:30 p.m. Cbildren Only at the beautif ul cOll ntry horne of J . 1) and 12 pound butts at II~ • • P. B. Chllseldine, of Lebano n Q . Gons, Mrs. J . Q. Gons, Mrs F red price started in the Hymnn & 's store Gons and Mrs. .Earl Hockeri l g ave a here, Monday . Mr. Cheseld ine hu far ewell receptio n in honor of All tbe Reg. CI~al'8 Mr U6 ing jl!lst return ed from Ne w York with the been In the eplplby of The S. F~ and Mrs. Davis Fu rnas . lee cream San Felite, Diamon d' Joe, Rolp, CO, and M. B. Hyman stores in Leb· and cake were se~ved to the fo llow· newe~ t creatio ns in .tr1illille ry, we hav a 1arge colled ion Deubys , Ibold, Cin('o alld oth· anon for several years, and has a ing guests: Mr. and Mrs, DoviliFur· of Hats for Wome n and Childr en. Cateri ng partic uers, only 6c NC. : for SSe; lar~ acquain tance around Wayne!!- nas. Mr and Mrs. Frl\llk Marsh. MI' $5.60 a 100. Cigars art: advanc· larly to the needs of those who have modes t tastes ville. New Issue and MI S. Frank Braddock. Mr. and Tax Free inll, ao buy a supply atonce. Mra. Jame.'1 Vanderv oor t, Mr. and but only modes t purses with which to indulg e th.e m. In 0hio Mrs. Alfred Hay. Mr. anrt M\,!! El jas Sweet Potatoe s, Waterm elonll. WheO AI And" .....ed Oglesbee, Mr. and Mrs Harry Smith, Mega, Apples, Oranaea ,I.emon s Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sa tterthw aite. . Mr. and Mrs . Percy ReIiHO tl. MI'. and Trv our Bulk Peanut Butter• Mrs. Earl Hocket t, Mr. and ~ P . Wafer·a llced Dried Beef, cut D. Clagett , Mr. and Mrs, Fred Gons, on our bill' slicer. Dernel l', Mr,' and MD. Fred Fnrnas. Mi ss~ Potato ChIps. Anna Furnas. ulenna Marsh . Mazola Oil. a pint ......... ........ 35e GODS, Taey , Jean and Ruth . ' CLEVELAND, OHIO . '!be sehooll will 8tart Tuesday . Hocket andClagett Crisco, a pound ........... ......... 4Oc Measrs. Keller Hoke. Sep&elpber 2nd. Everyth ing la ' In Roseoe tFumas, John Gons, Ro.b ert readln _. and by the lut of the week Vander voort, Harry Walrus Salmon , only aOe a can. Furnas. (("bert all of the teachllr s will be here ready Gona and This Ia 1_ than wholesa le Raymon d Braddo ck. to enter upcl,n their tchool duties. 'Price, 110 buy this week 'and Several of th.e out-of·t own teacher s The Coll1paay Is o~ of the largest maaufa cturera of &ave money. are here attelDdiDjJ the lnatitut e at Cllbdftll'. wubab le garme1?ts in the world. Brlnjf us your. Spring Chickena, Lebano n this week. The additio n of Xet Baniing s for the last four years after deducti ng for music and domesti c science thll year Henl. RooIter s and ' Eints· ........ . Tax. were more than three and one half tim~ Highes t prices paid-C ash • will guaran tee a year ot added pleasure to the patrone. eathe pJeferr ed dividen d require ments includi ng this islue. .the It Pays to Trade at The net curtmt are equival ent to 1215% and the net tqlble _ts to 185% of the outstan diag Preferr ed Stock, No Wonder. . tbese. figuRI .lncludi ag no valuati on for good will, etc. .... ~obUDIIo'-..1 dOD't kI1~ wbat II _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' tileIfmatter Harveysbura: Friends Church , , wltb this c10C!1r, but It won't . Dividen d ~uarantee Fund aad other strong provlaf ons 37 Green Street Amos ·Cook, &0.. X .... pastor. Ber bUllhand Ohio looked at It. thea require d by the Charter . . oiled It. aDd blew In It with the belo Sunday . Aug. al; Bible School at Balant e Iheet and further iDfo~tion on applica tion. 10,", but It w(lald Dot 10, aDd lie '!Veot 10:00 a. m .• Anna Stinson " to bed. The out morulDi lila . wit_ t.mdent . Public Worship , superin · aad Preach· Price 100 and aceruttd Dividen d AId: "Beo17, I know what II the ma~ lng, ll:oe., m. You will Per Share ter with tho cIOC!k." ·Well, wbat" come at all t.h ese serviil. be wei· . Come uked ber hUllban4. "It wnotl wlDGo and let us w0r,ship ..r.qov~ togethe r. Yield 7% loll" abe IOld. , Pecllilar HawaII a n ... ,owe ....
111 order to reduce our im'm ense lot o f Salt on band a t the presen t time, we are going to sacrifice a large a mount of it, an d WI'11' give t b eb pu l '1(' the benefit by selling at cost.
Younce 8 ro thera 1 Gral.n Com pany
r········..····....·... •
of Men"
I ().
"Ro ad Thro ugh the Dar k"
JOHN A.FUNKEY, DepartmentStore, Waynesville. Ohio
"Ha rd Boiled"
I i. e
An no un ce m en t
$75 0,00 0.00
Kaynee .Company
7 % Preferred ' Stock
Openj·ng -September 4, 5, ~, Thurs~ay , Friday, .Saturday'
- - ---_.---
Inspection Invited
--- _ ..---
(!)sesrZ,!:! Jr]ilZino'P'}!
The Unit ed . Security Company ~ . ~AMro N.
DaytOn, Ollio
Harv eysb urg, Ohio
SAM K. PINS, Dlatrict Manag er 1l2l! Relbold Bldg .
. .,
1MUe~ :o~~.:=.~
"hUe 1I0~
Phones, Bell 19811; Slale.l 08
su..... o- . are~ ~
on InrOml."OD we
Phone 34-1 L·2S
Reverie Pbone Cbar&e. 0·15-8
1 m ,L\~n0,
Caesar' s C.... · r:"leodi Cburch Sunday School at this church eve!,')' Carrying c - to eoaat. AD IDtereatf oll lPeC!tael e In Ibe At"" Sunday at 10 o'clock. Preacbl nll eIIn Gold Cout. coaDt17 I. the traoepor t service at 11 o'clock a. m . You are or cocoa, the buur of tho InlaDd pro- cordiall y Invited to be presen t. duce bellIJ callTled . bl portel'l to the rallwal. 8omet J_ the roadwll7 t u Lytle M. E. Church far a. the OJII caD _ are ODe '10lIl IIno ot cocoa INip oa thllbead l ot bUllSunday School every Sundav at 4reda 06 calTlel'& 2:00 . p. m . Regula r preachi nll ser· vice every Sunday at 3:00 p.m . Choir practice and prayer meeting every No Worde Waall. Wednes day evening . Everybo dy is 'l'tIe Ibortcwt review 0« t boc* tbII cordiall y welcomed.
----- ...---
•• bno boan! 01 . . . that ,DQbUlbet 10 aD Amert~a. papel' NCeIlui. After menttoo lnll the title, tho iluthor, alld publlsber, It pnae4 Jndllllleo t III the ooe word, ~~ta."
C,o al Oil Sto ves ~till 'Going On
2 two -bur ner New ·P erfe ctio n Stoves. 2 two -bur ner Dan gler Stov£s. 2 thre , e-bu rner N. Perf . ectio n Stov es 1 thre e-bu rner Si~ver Kin l Stov e . 1 thre e-bu rner ·Detr oit VapoJ" Stov e J\llo a few Ove ns to clole 01,lt ~&,'&'_~ on these stoves are. right to save· you money~ must sell them in orde r to make room for the ~&&:,..",g' ,and Heating Stoves that are ar~iviflg.
'Ice Crea m. Sod a., Pop" -.'. . and' Cigar.
Korean Women Indepen dent. Kol'elln wOlDen are 00 lODger IIIIV8I 01 their baabnDd .. -bat arc ready to UBert theIr rights. . MaD, ot tIlem' no . longer dePend on tbelr bUSbaDds tor .npport 88 of old. but tr7 to o~talD thulr . own living In ' vUl1on8 ~dt.
--- .. --..:-.
·can die. ' .
. Notice' of Appointtnent" . .,~ o. Jonathan 8ml"'.
d~ ..
110"08 II b~b, liVeD t.iI&" J'rau Bu", lOCk hu ...., d\IIJ apPIlln\cid IDd QUIIII...
.. Admlru.~...\Ow $lUi E.... o· ot Jonatb... SmUb. lato 01 W _ Oowu,. Ohio. tie· ~. . . ·O .ted ,Id. 2~~h da): 0' A!II!uot. 1111. AlIGn 11. Brcn.
Dean 8, 8 tlUll,e y. AU·,.
.• TIle 4a7 .....dtllt Quteld WlUl __ .,IDtted , IIIan7 ... Dobert.r ... a ...boF on iJae Itrea" or CeI.mb u, O. 1'04.,. lie " one of tile rtoll_ Imea III III. world ,,...... , of 09Ur 100 pablle atU': .... aDd 8800Iid produce r
WaynesviDe, Ohi o
- ---10+ - ....- - -
M. e. Church ' Sunday , Aug. 31 : Sunday Scheol, 9:16 B. m., F. U. LeMay, superip. tendent . Preachi ng at 10:30 a . m., by the pastor. No service In church at 8 p m. Meeting of Official Boarei'. Monday evening . Very importa nt Hope all official membe rs' will be 'presen t. Gideon Nelson Jolly. Pastof.
If you are ·h u.ngry; go to the
01 relDed 00 liD til. world.
_lUI SlItS poaIUou b. 11'••
~"I:.!~=:::l~l ~ 01 He" II cI_ to lUI
oI"'bo me . '
Notice of ,Appointment
Rit, . any color .. ~ .. ~...' . . .. .. ...... : .... , . . . . .. lOe
10 qt. Blue Preserving Kettle . . . . .• . . . . . . . . . •. 'tOe 5 qt. Grey J;>reserving Kettle ....... ...... ...... . 5ge 14 qt. R. E. Dish·P an .... . , .• : .. ...... ...... . ·. 79c "Capi tol" Brand Cups an4 Saucers ... . .... ~ • • . .. 2lic
"Capi tol" Plates .•. : ...... ...... ..... :. ; ....• .2Oc: Glass Dishe s"7 in ...... ..... '. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .• 15c Cut Glass S1.8f ~ Creamer , ..•.•. '. . . . . . . . . •• 60c
Horse Shoe umblers ..... I• • • • • • •' • • • • • • •• : , • • 6c Table Oilclo th. all colon, per yard. : , '. , ...... . : 40c Sped.....
"""fu FRANI· H. FAU
Seve~ty-Firs t Year
S·. Tru ck in Last Lai> of Farm to Con sum er·
Congl'ess lIlolI M Clydt' 1{Il11y of
P onnsylv anl n bell,evCG In carrying lb e tarmers ' motor truell Idea ooe more Btep and hal prepal'ed a bill to furlh e r the URe motor truckll 10 tbe po8tomce ' dcipart. moot tor dl.rect dlBtrl~utlon of 'arm productl l to the con· lumen bJ' parcel post
L~man Dill' attende d the Slale OliveT' Pence. of Dayton. aptnt Council. J . O. U A, M.. last week at Labor Doy here. Columhu8. represll llting Miami Val· ley Council No. i03. The me .. ting ' Mr. C. M. r and fa mily was largely attende d, snd B g rist of spent Sunday inRobitze Loveland work was done. Miami· Valley Council was awarded Mr. nnd Mrs . E lmer Rogera spent a lIi1k flag from the Stille for the council hllving mad e the largest ser. Sundsy with relatives in Dnyton . centalt8 of gain in membe rship ur ing the past year. 'fhis award to Attend your county this year.' s uch n small council i~ ono to be arid you wili he highlyfair enterta ined proud of, and the boys here are very IHoud of lheir showing . . Mr . and Mrs. R. E Davis nnd SO[l. T he InereruieJ showing · of the council is dUll almost entirely to the of Dayton. were week·end visitoJ F untiring efforts of J:Jarry Sherwo od, here. who Wll8 int! lrum~ntal in lletting so muny 01 the boys to Join the order. Mr , lind Mrs O. J . Gray and Bnd. In, re.wgni tion. o( his services , daught er. s pent Monday wit h rEOla · the Na~ional and State Councils tives in Clarksv ille . preeen t¢ him with an elegant gold ring. emblem atic of the order which Mr. and Mrs. G W. Woolley. of he represe nts. The Junior Order stands for the Columb us. were 'week·e nd g uests of highest principl es In Americ an citi Mr. and Mrs . J . H . Coleman . zenship, and It should be recogni zed 'in every commu nity. Mr. and Mrs. Ed S. Ralph and Mr. anrt Mrs Rodnry l\ing . of Spring fie ld. we re week end visi tors here.
. --
VVhole ~urnber '8546
Dr. V iII . Os teopalh 21 S. Uruad· The Masonic band. of Dayton . who way . Lepano n . Ohio. will be here next Wednes day evening Ilnd givEl one of their famous con· Kenneth Ki Ibon Ic ft Tu sday fo r certs. wiii be well worth Ak ron where h'e h ~s 8~cllred a ~ood The followin g letter fromhearinll'. E . R. positio'n. Cloyd. ot West Al exander . will show what they think. of th e band: "The Masonic band sure gave us a J . K' JanJl e~ apent a I"ouple . of fine concert . and we had larget!t da~l' last week til Columh us. uUYlJIg crowd in ten years. We the are trying holid ay JZ'oods . to get a return date at this time. You will make no mistake In getting Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. Wallon . of this band. for they give a fine con· Dayton . spen t Monday with with Mr cert." and Mrs J . L. Hartsoc k. Make your arrange ments to be preaent . The concert will be given Mr. and Mrs. W, N . Sears and on the .Brhool house grounds family spent the week.en d with rela. there WIll be pa~king arrange , and ments tlves In Greenvi lle. Darke county. t hat will be satlBfactory 80 that all can hear to the best advanta ge. Frank will have charge of' the Bigger and better tnan ever will parkingZell arrange ments. be the Warren County .I<·air this year. • _ ••_ __
' I
the blggee! truck built 00 II WubID 80 D • D C .. route. carr7' Inc Ut.OOO OOuDd. por mODcb aDd clalrtaa tal .000 tor tbe poelOftice 1..1 year It WU8 Kell, wbo puc tbrough tbe bill for 1liiIe or 8urplU8 army tood by parcel
post. Hally 18 sbOWII s tapdlng b)' tbe DeW truck
~~~~~~~}:~~~~.N=: : . ~~i¥t 8EUNI:E~SEY FAMilY
Mr snd MrA . Ro ~n aRle and daugh. ter, MiS!! L.alAra. of Springb oro. spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs H. E Hathaw ay.
Mra. Edith Harrie and Miss E!!ther Hender son spent the week· end at Milford , the guests of F. C Hartsoc k and family .
Prof . Fred Waldo Clarke, profes· sor of chemist ry at Frankll o College for five yeara. died at his home In Weaver ville, N . C., Friday mornin g, August I, at 11 o·clock. after four My Dear Mn. Williama. was united in marriag e to Min Helen and one half yeara Illness from tuber. lhave your letter of recen t date, . _ __ Robert Burton, after spendin g Thompeon, at the home of her Miss Ullve Allen enterta ined a cular trouble . Mr. Clark wu the relativll to your late ~on . S~lvester several weeks On Th d here with A. his 2 parents 9 , motber in Chattan ooga. Tenn. The S. Fred ·Co. Lebano n Store son of Mr . and Mrs. A. B. crowd of youPlg William s. and In reply wo uld say Mr. and Mrs J . W. Rurton. at her home, Clarke. b ur"a haY'H ' Ullu8t 1, 1 19, will maintai re turned Lindley ie one of the boya of whom Friday evening. peoJlle n a Free Checki ng Ser. and wsa 36 years old. . that eVllrything was done for Mr . to his work in DetroitClarda and music mem ers 0 t e leey family . TUllsdBY gath· . we may be justly proud, and hlB' po. ftlled the eveninlr with a vice fo r their custom ers Williams that medical aclence could and fri ends He W8ll born at Oregon ia. great deal ered at the usual place. the home of slUon as chemist In tbe Dye Depart of enjoym ent. Autumn al Exh ibit at the fair' June 14, 1888. When a boy heOhio, do, and 89 far a8 his fina l passing . Joeeph W. HI.ey, for their annual in their at.ment of The Du Pont Powder Co. Ie . away it! concern ed. it tonk place with . tended the commo,n school at HarB\>ys' Membe rship to t he S Fred evidenc e of what an ambitio us, reunion . . BtU Mr ' amI • M J L R . Lebanon Store •' 1000 Amer\t' an dl'ous "oun'" man can do. veysbur g, and later aliende d the The day dawned aomewh atcloud y, Ollt any euffllrin g whlltever to M,r. Co b" ·lh· . . . artsock. Mr. hi gh school Min .H elen Marlatt entertai ned and h b ' William s The Ilatu re or this dis. BOy CI U. at Converse lod where u the noon hour drew near. It and .Mra. J . rsD. WI . SIX mont SBU SCriP. Marlatt Both , I Mr ked Lindley and h and . his bride h are her musIc class. Satu~day afterno on. 00 ' ease of ,tuhercu losis is a g radual lion free to the .•Ame ricsn .• Abo very threaten ing, hut the Mrl, Roht. Walton and Frank Zell e Itra d uated In tree iJoy" ~raduates of Miami Univera ltv at at her home. The years. ut tIme attende wu d spent the MagAzi Alexand tablea ne . er will were reunion all prepare wasting away and general weaken inlt F d C E I ·b·tbe t gl v.:n at 18 at d. year.B ao lhe we S began ago, xford Mr. and Ohio Mrs. and Clarke the fact that lor vllry th pleasan F" tl·· B with of all parts of the body. and the I'e IDusical and Spring outValley to unpack Sunday those well filled baskets o. x It I a . e aIr. I and children moved to . Frankli n. ~ oys, aome- time Mra. Mills has been a door games, after . . 'night previou s to hi~ death he was be "ure and get on~: which a delight ful aDd when the content s were depoe· . In 1905, Mr. Clarke graduat ed from IOcial service worker In Philade lphla, lunch was 841rved. sleeping in close l>roximity to other Frankli n College and the foll9Wlnir ited on the tablea, they were u lull speaks well for her nobility 01 char. $8000.00 to be eiven away free to fall became a membe - patiel)la and the all" came with P'ut r of the high u t bey, could be. The splendid hot adults MI'. Will Sc.hlit.zrpan and t hree acter and tr!1e worth. by the S. Fred Co. Lebanon ~hool faculty at Kokomo . Prof. M'r . and Mra. Stepb,en Fr:uler of coKee and sweet, iee·cold lemona any gtruggl e aa it did not even dis- cbiJ~reil, ~i~oJ ~4'titja Schatzm de Store an. at of ~helr . Mr. I\IId MI'II. Mi.lIa w.1iI realde at Laramie Wyoming, MI'. A. Autumn al Iilichibit at ell\rke reSigned to accept an offer 81 turb the patients in the ne. t bed to OIncmn atl, MIsSes . Dola AleXan- :rIng ~Yihani:ft~h ~han~ , w~ the Fair. in Adults' ann "Ruth 2813 Market St .• Wilmin gton, Del. der and . Mra. One DoliarT rade City Chemis t of "Indianapolis ' that hlm"wil "m a di tal)ce of a few feet. Schatzm an. of · Winche O. J. Alexand er. 01 ~bl; e . e a n;a ster. 81 WIl,.. t Certific ates, redeem able from d'a te win ter. After four • .. .. Everyth inll @8{'med t(l be wl'lI with week ·end vlsitoMl at lhe home Dayton were the guests of Mr and yeara in i1lIr8. to Dec. 24. e or u~ en,oy such of b Mr. 1919. Be Bure and get one. apoils. he became a membe r In<lian. ·hlm and il would seem that he W8S lAnd Mrs . W. O. Raper. Mra J 'D Marlatt and Mr anl Mrs .e certainl y ~Id juatlce to of the the.arra y J L' Ii tsock T ead Frankli well aware that the end was near. n College faculty, in the ' , 0lrpl8ll dld vlandsl !8t before us. He W8ll' an excellen t : patient bere. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!! chemist ar ry departm • . u ay. of which he About 76 were In attenda nce. !!!!!!!!!'!!!! . Emer80 n Surface went to Colum· later became hearl, ent, giving the ,least a mount of trouble CI8J'8Dce HamtJto n which position be family, of Ft bua. Monday . to attend a reunion of filled until 1914, wben he was forced Mr. and Mra. John Thompa on, of Wayne. Ind., M. M.and possible under the cond itl.ns. and I and wife. his old regimen t . Tliis regime nt Route S entertai ned! at a melon of Dayton , Corwin Terry would have nothinll but praise to Hamilto n and present ed their battle flags to the to reaign on account of fallinsr health. WORL D ofrer In regard to anythin g which I party, Sunday afterno on, the lollow. wile. of Wapako neta, C. Golden In June. 1908. Prof. Clark was and State. at this time, and it wail a fin e married lng' guests: Mr. .and Ill'll. J. W, wile. knew concern ing him. to Corda Gravea, daught er 01 Coving ton, Ky .• C. E. Law- spectac le. Corp Surface was selec· of Mr . and Mrs. Jordan Graves, Thursto n and family" of Jliewpo rt, renee. of ChlcalrO, and several J!.'xtendinll my sympath y in your of others ted one of the standar d bearers In Greenwood , Ind . To Ky .. Mr. and Mrs. lIarcus Goodwi n, froTbm a distanc e. bereave ment, believe me, . this union three the parade. Oscar Smith arrived home. Sator. o( Hamilto n, children Mr. and were born-R obert, Flor· Mrs. Oliver Yours sincerely. e afterno on W8IBpent In visiting day night, alter having served In the Chenow eth and daught er, ence and Lucile. After tenderi ng A V. Gardne r, Mrs. La· and bavinar a ,,000 time. As evening army of occupat ion alnee the algnln" vinla Warwic k. Mr. alld Mra. H. E. drew near we departe d each going bis resillna tion a,s head of the chem· Rep.-ot aUv8 "S" Uult of the armistic e. He arrived at Warwic k · and family, of Lebano n. our way ~ Lake Edward Sanlaartum. . Istry departm ent of Frankli n ColleRe to meet at the aame place Camp Sberma n early In the w8llk and Mr. and Mra. A. B. Talm8jfe, MI'II. the third Thurad ay In AUlrUlt Prof. Clarke and family moved to a Mr. Wllllama was working on can· . 1920. was given WSA his dischar N CLAIMS TO ge, Saturda y, Amand a Garner and MI'II. Jellie farm one-hal f mile north of White· atruetlo n work In Canada wben the Martha Davis. Seereta ry. when he tt-lepbc.ned to hla fatber. Kennon . land . Falling to receive relief, they late war broke out, and he and bis Ot.DE ST MARIN E • • wbo Itarted immedi ately lor Chilli · moved to North Carolin a, where they lUIIIOCiatee joined nn · Enginee r Com· • - • cothe after him. Oscar is lookln" had resided nearly three yeara. ' pa.n, In the Canadia n army. Thev fine, and mighty glad to be at home The body was brough t to Frankli n, were sent to It'ranee and saw many • 8&'8ln. , Ind .• for buritll. The funeral aero months of YeO' arduoua and expoain g ,T hl" leaves only one more of oor vices were held at lhe Baptist church .ervice at the battle front: boY8 In the army at the present time conduct ed by 'Prof. Hall, aseisted • • • -Harr i Bumet t- .ho 18 thougb t to Rev. R. H. Kellt and Dr. A. F. BeMary. wife 01 Everett Zentmy er. be on thb Iide of the ponli, but can· knap , Burial in Green Lawn Cemedied at ber home in Madlaol l • .\Vla•• not be loeated a~ present•. tery. Saturda y, Aupet SO. The body ar· Froo Clarke ·was one of' the. fineat .~~-' rived bere•.Ttieeday evenill&'. and the young men ever graduat ed from Meilion RIdge hal ICilld bl. barber funeral II beld thll afterno on at the Frankli n College. He had hundre ds shop and btu! reUred from , bualnea L bome of h.r brother , Ben Hawke, of warm friends whose sincere aYm : Fifty· four ,:years in the' barber bUli- HeY. White, of Xenia, officiati pathy will extend \,0 the bereave d wol'klnlr almoet every da.Y. is a Intarme nt III Miami cemeter y . ng. flimlly . . He was a membe r of thtf record that but lew men can bout. Webste r Literary Society and the Mr. Ridge haa been flilthful to bl. .q. M. Sergt. P. V Rea90n arrived Frankli n Baptist Church . He wu MI'I. Elisabe th Addleb erpr died , patronl . and after all theee ,eal'll home last week and II ,now with hi. also a membe r of the Frankli n K. 01 at the hom. of Mr. John Loaa. Mon· will now take a much· needed reat. plrents in Harvey sburg He served P . lodge . dar ...I.a.· The fuJMnl will be foprtee n and 8 half months in France beld. Thund Q moml~ , from ber and. like all the otber returne d boye, ••• Monday witnessed a couple of late borne, Rev. J. Cadwal lader. can ' re.late 80me intereat ing stories' chanlres at· the cou.r t houl!8. Josiab officiating. Interme nt In WoodlaDd H. will lOon take UP his work In HolbJ'OOk, who bas Deen In the county cernet .", OQton .. D.,ton. . , recorde r's office 101' several Ye&l'!l, ' gives up and A!len Huffm aD.lII · take the position . Roy Millet, COIlDly 8urveyo r. succeed ed hlmilelr School opened, Tuead~y mornin g, Joe WliboU bad a DIS leegue io that poaitlon ~ with \Ivery indicati on that this would tr)"out ;, tben be ..... eeot back 10 . Wichita Western ~ club, loe be a prosper oua year. Some rooms pIcked up bte bal and lOt buey. were fill~ to overflowing, especially . 8eglnni ol( oil Thured ~. Sept. the Public- Llb~ will be open4th. He 861 · a world reoord . b'l 88'011' u the primary grade. formerl y, viz: Tu.u, ,; Tha~1 In OO ' COIlAeCUtiyo' pmea. bI'MIlIII S •• '-4.______ and Saturd ., alten-o on. from 2 to I) th e· mull eet bJ' ,1a<C1r N&IIII of tile o'clock. aDd each week-da ;, ....Ina Oakla!l~ Coaal league teem Of 411 There wu quite a bit of frost COIl6~UUV8 sames. Now Wllbott There wu no ball pme at Pbllllps acat.tered over the ·commu nlty, Tues· 1II)IlII b8<;k to 'the bls lessue 806Park, IU' Sunda.1 afterno on. Tbe da, mondn l. and the therm'o meter I ''' n Red Sor hav'; IMlnl tor htm. Bellbro ok team came down and con· Hanl')' B. lfaiJoon ll' oC .cPb..... register ed as. low as 88 degrEea 'l \ /1 a99 limos Rt bIll bo; nit for G dueted practice , while our lllami. 100. 1Canaa. 80,78IU'W old. bellGYe. All persona Indebte d to the late ' ''' n'"nl"gp '" '&03. ' I,.. . Winter Is, not far .ayvay. . .umed the role of .oat. Belorelie Is tbe oldest UYlq ez·martDe.. . . A. B. Sides, will please call IUld L. C. St. John tOOk a p8!I of hi. S. He was order17 at , die Wblte Bellbrook 26; Miami. 1. The bop ' settle "t once. J . C. Hawke. Admr. C. B .• Mlnoreaa to the ,Ohio S~te HollBO In the BaClban pl~ed . aa admfDa . h, lar the rott.ea t pme ---. Fair aDd Rot first pNIIIlu m 10 ~n" tratloD. In a ..-at "talt to MorroW' County WII,fI the luck)' aeen - bere tbla year. 11I1a '- DO Wuhlq too competi be carrted tion. the Lew _hUe baa been breed· ahaft winner, G!tA>! l~ Valuable Ol_er r. VLf(f Lieldng · I8COnd kn~, merely a plain Btatem mt of 51~ ' gloyea be wore dI_ wbell 00 Ing Minoreaa for. Qver,ten y..... but and Warren a' with . " " , good third. WarreD the ~nfal truth. The Mlamll not It boa ~ tounll po8lllble b, a'ft. " ~uU • decade .... we dldn't think be had tbat kind QI County huitJera put up Il good tore to aee mognerl c COmpRBl!1lII b. ft,bt. ~ CUI but baye played lOme be stuff In bia breedin g poOl. but wire lID.ble ~ rret to the front. ball thla Jear, aDd we believe that mountin g 't hem on horseha ir eU8hl~ . .~. the)' will come riabt back atroll&'8r wblcb couotera ct tho vtbratlo n of aI ... Clarenc e ~endenhall. of the U. S. S. Oklahom a. who has enjoyed a thlrty.d~y fur.loug.h. left tor Norfolk , Ya" to Join hIS ship. Tuesday morn· Ing.
thaD .... ______.'4_-..______
NOTICE P8(,ple wanting gravel or IIUld from my pIt must purchaa e ticketl and eomply with rulei printed ther~ -<I'"
~ ,
All team. t ers must buy their own tickets. 1'(, :111 private hauling . '2Oc ~r yard , Settle IIld acCounts wi th firat pur· chaae of tlcketli. , CI_renee R,e.·
MASONIC. NOTICE· ' Rftrula r commu nication of W..,·
Delvi11. Lod~e No. 16$. F. II: .A.• ... Taetav eveDinA', September D 1919.
at 7:90
There will be work
iD the
M.II. d~. All vlaltor8we1~., . S.D.R~,W,II. L. A, ZimJDe rmaD, Sec',•
. Houns OU8 MIAMIS
.- -
Walter Gr&7~' Pilot PrInce ' tOok ft_ moDer,ln th. 2:1. paciq nee at the Ohio Stat. Fall' lut week. B. II to be eonarat ulated. H • .tarted the hone at DutoD , Monda.J, ~l1t cUd not come In the mODeJ. .
---.. ..---
.- .
Mille, mUlllclan , bo'h Cit
"1."1\ v" II 1o 019, I4t1lu b .If 'b!l'" I IIIIt'r tll'iil UroOIl. .... My Ih o wny, )'OU will be Interellled to L l baDOD g "lIlIy, nnd, 11,)11111 hi _ IlulI,l ullun hl H J Or lie EmeriOD nUuerl llhltlh IInll
~~~==============~ ............
" .-\ 1111 yo u 1 1H ~ 1 't h l lll til >-uur IJu ..:rt nll t hl' tl lll"? Y ,IiI- " l
~1~Il' I" ~ nrm, h leel I,,' r from 111<' room.
1'I·ta" n ho (lUll" ~\\'I ~lr hllck 10 ' th.> . om tI't't hed u rOl ~ oC thl' 11('. . "A " ,'ry hrh't :-: nw Ynrk .' n ~"'!(l~ m~ n t . " It \\'hl ~ l)l' r ," 1 III h e'r cnr, h ' k ilt'''' nc1t I";,,, 1 . >lI~ o t{('r\\'lI r.I, \l"t 111'1\ 11 w l\~ PI" ';'&s(l\l IIJ.: H h l ~l hltl t'houl,h·r.
Ih, r 111
('y (' s w('r> dOH," I. IHl r iiI'S lIt1 r te"
th t!
Cl!lIl ~Y of Ilassluu.
~h ., " rt'n llo,"1, "" (,111111 •" thut h e h/tn' ly 11I'Llrli th t' ~ (ru nl(i' lI l word P l' r p ut 11110 IIlIl InngUlIl:e ot 1111111. Hll it nn 1I,,"r I tll.~ r he Wil li Slwertl llll: down lh u ,,,','lIm' III U , ,,xl. Ill s blotlcl Wil l! !'Inglnl:. lIls Iwn rt "'"" hur8(\ 1I1: willi J!.y-hIH h l'lI fl WIlS IIl(hl, tor t ill! i f" '1 M Iw r \1'1\11 ~1I 11 III lll ~ !lrlllS, tl\(' yolee ot her In hIli ulltnpt llrl!<l cors. li e "'li S hurrying hOIl1!'wllrtl to tb! "dll:g lU 1,'9 " h e Wft 8 Iloon to <1 Oliert forev('r _ R e Wil ll lO SIH!Dd Ole n14llt at hI s 'l"tor'8 opurlm cn l. Wh en he I~ ~I,,',l ftlrth frOIll hi s "dI I!I1II1 I;S" nt lifllfJlII>.t ~!, \'cn ho W II~ nttl r' 'fI , ln (,I'c nlng c' l o thl\~ , and t.1l ' rit WIIN DUr n W OUlun In 1111 New York, ~'O llll g or old, who wn ulr! 1111\' 0 " r lll,·,1 him 1\ seco n,1 glflnce. J,nl('r on III Ill" p" (,lI lnl: Ih rl'(, ot tho CO Ull t " ~s' {I'h .. uls nr rlY"r\ nt Ih .. ('o llrl-
1 " YI'." ,'·
It'aru Ihllt hU8 Cllt loost' rn\1I\ Ih,> C'row<1 he \\,11. lmlUnK with. !\fosll)' Mi lle Mlldred""~ 'I'r ovlll n . both of nUI ~ . h e SnrA_ I)Yllllmltlnlt munition Lovt'llInd. "Iilnt In ('nnlldn wnA 11 j,'Tund proJ.'~t , l,awreoco ,1 . 8urf,, ~ . hr rollr , nn tl ;'ny R Ill', li nd It wonl,l hu,-· come to e& 1 ~ ~ Lo laJ R llllllb , 11,,1 11 of Lu vtll all d ~o l1l c ~h l o j; If thu <1-,-.;1 woml'n hllll P "ul M. l:I o lt ~ runll.r _ g m ln dealer, tlnl), lI' t l th" d- -d lII ell ul on,'. Th(' of Farmert'lville, "nd . ISII I.e dll \' x[» )"rt\'t 'R art' )"Do \\'d ,~ ·t Illg0'DY, 'elluh er . L,;'bl1uo o •• 0 0 • Emmet~ B Seo wur t , em ut fi n '1','11 h ,' UI"!! I",ture Unruc!! (uuno] Ihls la ber, of (;01l1l1111u8, lind M I~8 E Ubloo II lu mlruillul( Ultot!l\llj;' on bl ~ ltbnlry R. Bro wn , of b' rrl nk 1111, tubl he . to II lit Uw wtndow of II Infty rllrk UV'l'nu e np" rtmcnt buildIng, /1111 IIrlll nbll ul 1111' Hlende r, yIeldIng Real Estate Tranfen flgure or tll ol ,mly olher 0 CUIl/lnl of Boraoo B . g an to W M "nd N IlI lho "10 m . PCllntlllg out oyer Ihe I)lock lie GIII'Ull . p"r t o f M\l lt"ry ~ur\'ey housotolJ'l, h" d\""c \ed ber a tt entI on No . 1637, ~" 8~1!l 'l'WI'" to the ruyrl/l d tt gllt s In !be up pt!r Iloor ~ JOlepb T inney to Ja80n ~ . :;b Ae of n groot hostelry to tbl) s outh and baD, part of · Military tinrv ey, N o . Wellt and s.o.ll1: aOD,Il, "That Is wh or l' you oro 11010& to J . William Whi te to Ernest H,ort Dye, darling." . tiook, part vf loll! No 11 , 12 and J :J (.TB.l1l END,) In OhapUlIID '1! a dd ition t o Waynes v Ille, Ii. Cbarle 8 A . Croo l! ~ t· t Cbo ~ te r D. "Mrs, Keachl Tells How She Oot to C rookett. \lllr L ur tloO llon 17, '1' . a, Know Rat.Snap." R ',Cle ar< reali, L' wp., H . "I:IILve Illw.a ys feared rats . La'el, A, W. Abrdls th Blnr \I Barrl~on, noliood many un my furOl . A neigh. pf\r& of lot No . l :Ja Iu L e bllnon, bor Bald b8 1ullt got rId f drove. Mary A . Sin g le to n, l1y "dmlnis wUh RA1' SN AP. Tht s s lurled m8 trator , t o loll\rgllrot. Le vio;\, . part of 'blnklng 'frtotl RAT NAP lilY MIII\!lry Huney No. 11137 ' 998 Rn d self. it killed 17 ontl Feare d tbe I U94, In Adlllll ti und .,r.. ~ " i o TW)l~., rest I1WI\1" R .1'1'. RN A P onmAS In tbrtlo III?-SII, lilia, GOo, '1 00. "'oltl !lnd I-t ullrau\eed by H. E. E... rnhllrt and Com missioner!!' ProceedJnp J . E Jllnney_ BlIIN ,\\l o wed :-k'08 LnJ;e t o r Audl t or'8 offioe . f tl ; The W ea t e rn tltl1r. IOJnl ndv o rtI N in ~ , '5 r, 0; Ouyl OIl World'. Supply of Coal. . Side Hoeplt .. I, ol uthtng fo r W"rroll A ~ oM authorll)' glvOtt tho ooalllf'ea Uo. p"Ue nts. , 20[; 1):1; z.. n 8 ~ ump or lile world In 6Quare mtlCII a8 fol- Work!!. SuperIor Oater fo r AU llllul' . 10wR: Un ited SllItes, 100lJJOO: Brttlsb "2 '1;5; The Oll y tou BteDoU Wor~ ~ Am r rl cn . 1&.000 ; Greal Brltnln. Cl.OOO; Go . , dies, pall... tl to for 'ount y Clo rk, SplI ln. '1.1100 : Frnnce. 2,000; lJennllny. 1:1; F. J Lowis oDPbloD , "tAmps "nr! 1,1'110 ; 1l,·ll1lu m. lI18; rest of lIlurope, (hler for Coullty Ul erk . ' ·1.50; N T . 1 0(l .Ot~) ; Chin n. 2.000; JOJ)Rn, 11,000. ~'u][. oOl.n ll!lnsatlo n liod dbmagllMf o r ConI I. found In rommcre1al Quanti- 8 1, raigbtflnln~ oroelr for proteo l.ion lies In 28 or Ihe stlltea and tcrrltort. [If rOlld No. 48 . /40; IDquest o f h od y or Ibe Oulled StalC!!. of Perry 6riswoid , f9 .50; J. B. Turner , Auppl!es for 'o urt H o u HB, 14. -1 ; B. L Ol\kln, s ervioeH ou bu riAl oorn . EgyptIan 81w. mlUee, II; R E:t1mon, repair" 01 '.rho 6aw n,PIJeora to be the ... rlI08t j a llllght~ . II O~; He be r Damiltllfl . tool In ICgypUlln hlltOI'7_ It w .... tound record8 for County R eoorder, 1S1l; first In Ihe form ot a note bed tironlE8 Or, Roberl Bltlir, eervloe8 f r prlskolfe. 11.000 )lea.,. betore the Cbrletlan onere. 117 ern. ' Tbero ere no dnted 8peclmena Bo nd of Ro y E. Miller , Co anty until Ihe Bevenlh ('Cntur)' betom the CbrlstlU[1 erll, when tho Mayrlons u.secl Hurvoyor,uppr o yed Bond of All e n Rnlflll"ll , 'ount y tron 8I1W!I... Rsoo) rd e r, a ppro ve d .
Tbe End In Sight. "I I UlIl ~ p rllu :-: I "!{ 1I1t~!<: t ~ll h \ lU n word Bomes, lIoarln ~ h yond Illl prf" ' lollS lUl l If) l oud . 1111' 111 f l' r II \\' , ' \' 1\, I h ' l:i hl'lgbts ot ClCIlII II tI.lIl. rlllll:ed fll zzlly lit .. IIlIly I II U Ii 1 f ,'ur, '.l. 1 1.' 1:-i th e u oly llclwcen "trollt" 01111 " hll r'k" o t th i' Ull t' \ \ I IH t'l' u ld 1l J\ \' l~ "' ( :ruod ope.ra hOlIR lIlIIt "v,,"ll1g. H I) "M n.\· I Yllllr l ~lo')llin n,'. III rs. wos In the "\\'111,,'9" with h r. whl" I1,'r- e UlIrtlll'Y!l" erl,'" :-. 111' ~tl t lt li'u lr. ~ h o Jill: III h er dellghled (,fi r : In Ihl' ,Ir,',,"- s prll ll ).; II" h ,'r ( " i l t . ' 1Il h '.·I"tll g w ith {'x, listenIng to her RO n wor ll ~ ~· lIt . It H.l D t. " I' r uy ( o n .: i \"l' JIl L' f llr ' w ln g IWY hnllu~ 1(1 PHY IlI plr rp~ I If'(· t !'C t o th~ " r fllir c·o m pntrl o t /lu rt tt' 4 n !oll'lI ~S (h r' t ) t cncoumgelUl'nt to Itt,· t1xd tl,,-! It'u-l~ u 11I-l lI ltllIh' rl ·tI , Ilur 1- 1 IIl U ~t ('u ll up Ing lady: 011 Iho norrow "11I1rs " ,,,lI nl:' un fl o r IW I) , ,,',,plt' H I n l lt't'. Th,'y Of' ('roll'n h 'wI·I,.. Th,')' ,'nnw 0 11,1 hl")\Il!ht lip to 'the Btu.gc, assl!Ul ul: h r to muun t 1lI ~' ' rll'l" I, . \' 11 \1 11'11 1 II 1I<I<) r81Il l1li, 1 w ith th'~111 Ih.- ('II II JoCu llnJ! Inrtl r ll1 n tl n " thot nrnITI J.!' t'lt ll'n t s Wt'n· prn l't l r nl ly I bern ; and nil 1110 lim" I,e wn R II rl'lI o1 - :111\ ~Un.'. " comple lNI rtlr lh .. ,ll'lt vl'ry o t 11" , lnl: tile moment wll l'lI h o would I\ w llk o n lltll " ~ \\'n~ P'"'Il ,!! ihe fl clll r ncr\'lind find It 011 0 drelllll. ml sl)' wth' n Itl s :.:t :-: I ,'r r ctu rlll'd nftcr Jr welB lilt n th ~ PIIs lrllly o)f I ti l' l"r,'ndl There W1I" nn nnnnylnJ: fly In hl~ "'l lII tll1 c ·tlo ~ h "I' tit ' \\' a.:11~~ 1 t o til l' r {lo ll1 .. mhll ~s .l' II I Wu Rhllllrlnn. Olrnul:h oIntment, hOWl'ver. " I 1"" 0 y,m." Rh." pre paT ·t1 (nr lll"'r . 'r he C'ountf\S8 wu s whn~ " 101" 1'\'(,1111011 I h.·y were to hI' 1I1t.~d ~tnt f'!' lind Bnld 81IOp l ~;. "r Wlilit mure th nn' ut lh t' tl ' l fl ph lllHl Iwfn re th o doo r ulto\\' ~ t n 1('11\'" 0 ", wllh nut tll r form ntt tl "", IIAlInlly obullythlng el~e In 011 Ihe ,,"urlll tn hll (" I n ~t\. l tlillaln,l Ih'r h n s t l'fo::-:. Rervl'(l In l'IIIIef\ or !<IIHpt'(;!l'd 801UI:' yo ur wlte. But] C1lllnot prntlll"c n,· \\'. 61] w l!Oh Y U H hntl It('pn n IItti o more I must have tlme to Ol/nk, lillie 10- " plpll ~ 1t In y" ur U'I C' ~ru lll, ']" "0." she gllng. Upnn lh" nrrlvlIl In Amerien or trust o(/ III 'RscnJ! .. r~ frolll 1'1Irt ~, hen,\o,.1 '~y 8hould you reQ lll rl' more' 11m" ~1I 1 t! 1.. •..·\·I_hl )'. "II I 111111 kn n"'n who thnn It" he persI 8!i'd. "WIllI t I ~ llna" ~ I .., I ~ I II' II II Io III ' t h" 1·'· \lut her In thot by no lefiR II 11l' 1'!< tlIlfH( n th lln Ih" nlll to us1 Wby make wonlo n woslo IIf r UUIII . 11\\' 1 s hall hH \" ~ to tnov o Aunt bo"""tlnr hltl1!<elf. 1hu IlIIpcrlrll tr(,I1 ~ WII" t il 11118 S Int o hllntls I hll t lI'(lul ll It.,., . " "I'>IJll ck IlllQ Il ""nnrrow n nt! glvo urI! carry it ~urtl ly to 11"rnn c\' , l'rlnrl1 R('""I know tlillt I cannot IIn(\ 1 1I1 J1\1IrI I'~ S 1\\l f'R C II IUNIlIi I h I' hi!: one lit tbo I' lld exccpl wl!b you," Rhl' replll'li. " No of t h .. hulL" Wll \t:h gnC's to provo bnlll.IIIII, HUll III Iltlttrnx , IaIi Li " ,,'1\ IIPprlsed hy tcJ e!(rll{,b o r I he r.l 'O\'r ry "t Inotter whot hoppens 10 ml" I Nlnlll I hnt 'rUIlI'" IIIRI.' r wus Il hIt of n Koob alwa)'8 love you, I sh ull never tM):et In hC' r wny. "Sl op wnlklng like thllt the jewuls, lind Wll" ex{lcctelJ 10 1'1111 the Joy of thIs. But""'!I eannot prom- nnl! ('0111 0 h l·I'I'." !,;h e tll~ · d hIm OC- for Englllntl hy 010 I'lIrlles t s tellll,..r. And whlll' Iho "I ~ lt(lrR ot the CourtIlle now," she finI shed gently ond cU 8 In~ly. ~Hn\' c you t old nil thore is ney hou ~e we re IIttlng !belr glnsllos to 11'11 . 61r'" Idll8lld hlm. "CIIO'I yo u "ce rnr Yllul'6clf. EdC', to toaet th prin ce tllp), 10vI'l1, 111111, In Between the Berond nnd thIrd actR TomlllJ' GnlY Mlabed bock wllh the thnl 1"111 III 1,)\'" with III'r 7 D es(1 rute- turo, tho hCllull tul ('<Iusln who hlld box-omee statement. Tho gross . was Iy. lIor rtl, ly, IIIlI rll), In 101' \Vlth her. hruved "0 IIIll('h nnd tnrl'd Rn luckily. $859. The Instant tllnt fllct bemme D rm't /:I/:): Ie li ke tll lll! 1 r'oultln't Ianve nod th e t!lll wu)' rnrl't wll(l hnt! coln e known to Mr_ Rushcroft hl) Informed told )'ou while "100 "'u s pre~('nl, cOllld Inlo her 11ft,. II BlTl o lI Tlllln "'"R ~ [() ') P Init over n rl fled kn tlPllllck In 0 roo m BIlmOl that they bod a "kno kout," R 11" "1'hat Isn't whllt I WOnt 1.0 know • . Is tor do'tn l"",n. I; lu Ill I ~' rl'l:ll ro\\)l" tho auld mIne, nnd thot nevt'r In nil his career bad he known 0 senson to start I'h e In 10\'0 with you7 . Thllt'" wllllt rID r"I'1i1t of un ullu"ll ll lly hllz n r,lotl~ IInd t,rloklng, ('yen rur on l' \\'ho ·,mltl verofle r." oft 10 auspIciOusly lIB this one. form s uch mlrn d l's II ~ hc. Serlltl'hlng ~Y cs," " old h', hut frowncd onx· Tlm!e da)'8 Inter Rnmes nnd "Miss hi" chIn, he I'!rlt lll('!l- (or he wnll the JoneR" I18ld farewell to Ibe strollers lon sly_ " Sho IR {lerf cUy IIdomllle," "mid Nhe, klnr! who h"ur" oI '-~ UI ' I,o llltntent wtlh and boarded a day train for New York cit)'. TIley left the complln,. In a ~on ond wns nt IIIIN! awure of n gu n ty, o grln-filld S lit hllll H,' lf down Ilt tho dldon of p~rlty'. The Ijhow wnll nnJ;j,oing hnprvR!lI"" lhnt "ho woulll not hill )llmlrY tollio In th ('enter ot tllll room. Cnrefully selecting II lion-poInt a.enastnr two Jlundred. dollllrs nightly hnv Buld It t() hi m hnlt nn hour earb e wrote: Common }'Ieas Court nod Hr_ Ruaberott was olren<1y book.. lier 10r unyl hlni( In th e worlt\. "It will he Quite ob vlou" t(l you thllt Sh e \1'011 pttlln l;el.v whll e on(1 subjng return engagements for !be enrly New SuitB I ('(III I'd unexpectedly t Ollll(hl_ TlIO foil. He wns looking forward to a du ed wb en silt' r ejollJed them Inter on. week wns up. you " ee. I tuke the IIhShe hot! rl'lIll"'oll her hut. The other Eula May Kltoben V8 George tour of Europe Ilt the close ot the war. Olvoroe; orueay aud Barnes' elster, Mrs. Courtney, met 'womnn Rnw nothln/: but the wealth erty at lellvlng und er the .pnperwelght KUoheu, . them at tb8 Orand Centro I t ermlnol. of Run -kI M d hnlr that rIppl ed, BIlmeB at my e lbow n two-dolll1r bilL It negl80'. Maude L . Wears VII Elbert Haw"Ira now Il quarter to flYe," MId went tor"'flr,1 to O1 .. et her, filled wltb' ought to he ampl e pnymcnt rnr the d!llnllge done to your faithful tnlvel- klnll. BadllTdy . Barnet att~ the greeting and presen- o snllden · lIppruh ens lun. Ing comrlllulon. Hl1ve thn n~e88ory "Whnt Is IU You oro pnl8 nud.tatioD. "Drop me at the Flftb Avenue Raymond O. Moore VB Be8111e L. stltc.hes Ink en In tho ~u sh and you whot huve you heard r' bonk, EdIth. 1 want to leave someCook et al. For partitloD of real will fiml tile kIt 08 good os new. J She Htoppet! 1I0l1 looked seurchlng1y thIng In IIll eatetT box downstal rs. elIta\e " WUII more or less cortllin not to Ond Sba'n't be more thon five mInutes," Into hIs eyes. A wUrm nUllb r080 to whut ] WII8 atter, but ns ] have done He rot <1own mm the automobile ber cheeks: her own eyes grew Boft no Irrepuroblc Injury I IlUI SUM! )'OU Probate Court Proeeedinp at lI'ort7-fourth street and abot across ond tendc r onr! wIRUnl. will forgIve my loye ot advcnturo and "They all believe that !be war wlll Ir~ . F. Blgool', a86t'uardlan of Dorthe 1114_alk Into the bank, coating excItement. It WOll rently quite diffi- o'b,. BherwoO(l, a minor. and Cbal. quiet, apprehenalve glances through 108t two or three yeor!! longer." sho cult to got from lhe ftre eSclIpe to Iller W . Sherwood. a mtnor, VI! Dor tho ave o'dock crowd on the avenue ~ald husklly_ "I cunnot go bock to yonr wlndllw, hut It WlIS n detlghtflll oth, Sherwood e. al. Frank Elbon u be eprtnted In bls band be lugged my ·own country till It la all over_ e.JtllC'rlellce. Try cmwllng II10ng that ~'rank Ze ll and J. O. Cartwrlgbi the heavy, wea!berbeaten pllck. Bis They Implore 010 to remnln bere with Icn·lnch I 'Illte yourself Romo dny and appoln&ed all appraIsers, . them untiluntil my fortunes are lIlater and the rounteBl atared atter s ee If It IKlI't 1lf(lIluetivo of 0 pleosant mended." She turned to Mrs.. OourtIn maUer ot esta&e of Miohael hlm In amuemeot. thrill. ] "hnn not forget your {lromlse Rcat, dece6aed. . Forrest Roa' Preeentll be emerged from the bank. to return good for evil sorno day. Ood appoiDMld ~Jl:eoutor, Gao, Shield .. , aUU eaft'7lna' the bag. He was beamknows] hOllo I run), never bo In a PI>- WIlUam Da'ris ADd Alva BtU are till, A ' certaIn worried, baggard exslUon to test )'our sln(erlty. We may appdlnted appralllert. prealon bad nnlabed tram hIs face, ruoot lignIn, lind 1 hopo under 1Igrc&ID the lIIaUer of fIIItattl ot Edward and tor the ftrst time In el81\t bour!! ohio cl~umHtllnCe8. KIndly po)' my M• • 8eker, decealed. Hannah J . be tn!atl'd bIa traveling wardrobe with deepest rellpocta to the Count9lls Ted, Meeker t. appolnied Exeouula, . KOI'Il and tndltrereoco, Bnd believe me to be, In the maUllr of the e8\a\e of . "Thank Ood, tbey're o!l mT mln(1 "Yours very respect tully, WIHlsm .... ParkhIJl,doooaeed. Flor. at lut." be cried. "TIIut Is the first "SPROUSIll enoe Z, Orleved8 appointed adenlD «00II, 10llg breath ryO had In a week. "P. 8.-1 flllW O'Dowd today. He la'ra$rlx . . No, not nQ,w. It'8 a ]oog story amI Ipft a m es80ge tor you nnd the countI ea~'t teU It In FIfth ovenue. It In Ihe lIlaHer of lIeta'" 01 Luoy eso. Tell tht'lll, s.o.I4 he, tlmt I ask AUf1 Janel', Illloll"He I. Howard W. would be extremel1 nnnoylng to have 01ld'9 bleaalng tor tht'llI forever. HI' ivIns II! UPII OIO lad .. ,hnlnlatrator_ both of 70U die ot beart failure wIth IA nrr tomorrow for Brtlztl. Ho WU R aU these people looking on," vt)ry llIuch rellovel\ whun he heurd He felt ber hand on h18 ann, nml Marrlare IJr.eoaea llout I did not got tho Jewels the ftmt knew that 8he wall lookIng nt blrn t i m e t went ofter thum, und IOllneuseHenry L Htookf.on . onlorfld, mn wIth wltlc, IncreduJoWl e)'C8, but be ly ' l'\ l\tf'rtnlncd bl' my Jol1y, descrllllloll aiol"n, and Mrs. Marie FrdllOBli 10ced IItralgbt ahead. Ho was tcrrlbly atrnld that the gtrl bt.'8lde· b1m was preparing to shed · tears ot joy an<1 relief, He eould feel ber aearcbIng In ber jacket pocket for a hund-
Sax'o n "SIX~~ The Practical Car
Saxon "Six" has earned its reputation as the Pradicnl Car becalls ' it is so thorOll g hl y practical rrom
so lI1any dilTcrent standpoints.
RAY F. MILLS, Dealer
Waynesvilil', Ohio
Phone 71
- --_0-----
lIer'chlet_ .
Mra. · Courtney WOlI not ooly curl· OUII but apprehell8lve. Bhe 'bu<1n't the lalcteet Idea who Miss Cnmeron Wn8, nor where ber brotber bnd picked her up_ · Bnt she s.o.w at a glance Ulnt sbe wu lovely, and bcr 80ul was fliled wIth strange mlsglvlngs, Sho WOlI like ull al8tOr!! who .have pet bachelor brvtbera. She hoped that poor Tom hlldn't R'One lind mnde a tool of She Breatbed_
'1'he few mInuteS' converslltlon she hlld with tho stronger only 8crVt->d to Increaee her alurm. MIss Cumeron's· "olee end' amlle-:-Ilnd her eYCsl-\vl>re "osltlvcly allurlng_ Sho111ld had a .nlght letter frum Tom thnt 'momln, In wllll'lI he Billd thot ho was bringing a young ludy frlelld dowu (rom the north_nd would Rhe m pet t horn tit the· alation and put her up for II couple of <1a)'8? Thllt WIIS ull Bhe knli'w of tbe <1azzllng stronger lip to the moment she Saw her. Immetllately Atter thot she knew by IntuitIon o great deal mONlllbout her Ulnn Tom could ba.e told In volumes or carreBpondence. . She kn.e w, atao. thot'Tom \\'(\8 lost forever I "Now tell mo.!! uld the CC1untC8l! the Insl.ont tbeJ entered the COurtuey afl8rtmeot. SIIe gripped bolll of hIs lonna" wIth her linn little banda and looked .tm,bt Into hla eyes, eugerly, She hud l!rs. Courtn07'e pnlscnce, aho bad not tllllm tho tilDe to remove her bat or jaek"t. "Lj!t'e 1111 lilt down," 8ald he. "My kll a..., unuccoutitubly wuak. Come alooc, 1Ild, LIsten to the rorDo nee of
• 01)'
Dey allIt went on wIthout tho B II~htest troce ot In.lccl8lon or ellllmrrusijmeut In he r mUllner. "Y I)tI Hee, ?t1l'8. Courtuey. I 1m, w·ry. very poor. 1'hllY hllve lukcu eVt!rylhlllg. 1- 1 r"\lr 1 Rbull have to Ilccept tWa klud, genero . . protl'er .of 11- " 'Iw r voletl shuok 811ghtIy- ""r 0 III)ttll' wllll lilY frlmllis uutll the Hllu l! llro Iltll"'n Otlt." ! Rural"'" SIlI'I1" 1) WII ~ n\llru eloquenl thuli ' lill Y I\',,'·rl ~ . ;-i"l 'IInll1 MrR. Ctlllrl ,U'y ' X PI'P~S!,[\ Ih(' "ope tllIit MI~ R C""" 'ron wlllllol 1'fII IIIe~I ' ~ntl Itl u~" "llt thu h ' )~ \llllllllY lO r Iw r hun,,' IIl1tll I) III"~ 10. thc flllll l'" II'CI" IJI't1l1ltcly f1~!"1 WII ~ th ' re :I ~1 1: 1t · that lhu uhJ~t of hcr c,"wern IllI ll I(i\'on Il tliOUght to whllt sho WII S ~lIylllg. "You nr!' KO ,'pry kInd," stammerer! the CUUUtl!8l:1. "lIut 1 CUII.Dot I.hlnk ur t'l'tv'lq'nn "",.",_,,
heo tbe "lory \\'OS OnlHhed t lie _I to)(lk hilt hond In lii'rB and held 'It to hN' cool cheek. The tea.,. I'll atlU <1rownlq her "011. JOll ,POOl' dMr I Wa. tlIa~ w~ · JOG 80 bagard aDd pale IUI4 ~r "'f'IiItIr." 1114 . . . .ell ....t IIpJAo -
o f Jo qat lJan
ltlltll t
m itt), li ocOMf'4 1\
I. hurcby gl\'oll that Vr~ n k llnrtl!O<'k It bOOll du ly ""IIIJ I II~ild allil ' IU&lI l1",1 '" At.lmlnl lrator of th o Esto' u 01 J onatilall Smith. lato 01 Wtlrruu , Coun W . OhIo. lIo~O~I
ceaeed .
Dattxl . bls 2M b d ay 01 Au" ""t. 191 9. A ILoa F . B rown ,
0 1 ~ho I'rubale OO llr~
Dean E . 8t&nloy. A,~~rren Co\lD'Y~ Ohl~IO
and bnthalnu,r.
Waynesville. Ohio
WayneSVille, Ohio.
FulJy Equipped for Good Service_ Large Display Room
Eitb 'r Autn or HllrHU drl\wn ~c rvi, ! .· N i e xtra chnrgf' (', r RutH iI' t\ i.'I'. [loth Villines in Ollice !III,I Rel! if\elll'"
Nn_ 14.
Dr. J. A ...........................
i E y'"'ES i --.Examined Correctly." Glasses Fitted i
O~- fICE:
.. On r LIt 'lrtlltl, 1I 08r Tyle r
relephon r 9:1
Optical Department
: S_ Detroit St, :
0llen evenings
X nia. Ohio'
by appointment
t Jnlvenl l ,
OradU81C of 0"", :llal
---- . - . - - -
Ohio ...
For Internal an4 . Externa. Paan..
Notice of Appointment £alate 01 JaDo UufTmao.d OC ....ed . Is hereby glveu Ihal Frank Wilson haa been duly Ilppoillted Bnd qualU10tl a. R. ecutor 01 tho Ea,alO 01 Jnne 1:luflm.n . lute 01 Warren County. Ohln. deceM()(1. Dated Ibla ~ O'I:J day 01 Augn st. 1919_
,..;--SEARS &
Public Sale Conductors
Alton F . Brown. Judse 01 the Probate Court. V. H, Cunnlll/lbam, ':.I~~D County, Obl~io
make a greater-GUmber of sales th:tn ever before_I People are now booking sales with us for next Spring. Our wide acquaintance and experience has gotten good results for others and will get them for you, If you intend selling out, see us for terms and date_
Also mice. Ab90lutly provents oders from carcass. One pRckage prOVe8 this. RAT·SNAP comes in cakea-no milling with ·other fOIJd. Guaranteed . Three sizes: 25c,60c, $.1-_ If your dealer can't supply; wflte . Yonella Exterminating Co. , Westfield, N. J . For sale by
H. E, &rnhart and .J, E. Janney
HE large number of farms selling will
Aman Block
Telephone 61-2 and 3
Waynesville, Ohio
If you have read the new act, passed by the General Asseinbly of the State of Ohio, which reads, in part, as follows: ,Section 5564_. Tor the purpose of enaQling the county audItor to determme the value and location of buildings and other improvements, who shall erect or construct any building or other improvement costing over $200 , . shall within sixty days after said building or oth~r improvement shall have commenced, notify the auditor of the cC?unty Upon fail.ure to give notice as herein proand the dIscovery of such building or ' imVided provement by the county auditor after the same has been erected or co~structed, the said building or improvement shall be appraIsed by the county auditor at its true value in money, and placed upon the duplicate together with a tall penalty of fifty per cent for each of the years from 'he date . .~ of the erection or construction to the date of discovery_ Said county audItor, ~ay enter, by himself, or deputy, 'w ithin reasonable hours, and fully exaJ;I1me all bUlldmgs and structures of every kind _ . ..
. ._-
Notice-Co~sult Madden,. who will save you a lot on',
your. .1umbe~ bIll, therefore Will 'save you a lot on your tax . duplIcate, It pays to trade at home.
W. H. Madden & . Co.,
Waynelville, Ohio
Funeral Dirpctor
Walter McClure
,.... THE MIAMI IS~: I
r~ VrmY
GAZE TTE.... , w£t; UNgSDAY
Uur Town Ball Is 'Very muoh· In Mrs. Lelia Bartso(,k en\ertalned nef.d 01 repa.lrs before It Is Mfa for at dinner, Thur8rl~y, Mr. and Mrs . oooupa.n oy, ~nd at this t im e wheo Ira. l:inrt 800~, at Ouy'oo , Mr!l. Mar. mntorlal and llill ur 18 h illli It wo ultl !:IlIret L v i y !lnd Mrs. J OII DaVIS Sub~cr i otion Price, $ 1.50 per yellr be hes' III U10@6 It up until uur t n.x I lind datlg h ters. Dorolhy I~nd Vir. dupltollte waula htlve .. ohalloe 10 gioia., of BluvllYllbor g, Mrs. Alae expll ud Tbn I xpeuee of re pairIng Bartllook' .. nJ lion , H oo ootb, Iolr8 It will be grell' , 11 8 tbere are 80 Martha Dav itt, Mrs. Ulo nn DII vis Rod WEDNESDAY, SEPl'I!:MBER 3, 1919 many thing' oeOes8Rry to be done Honl, Rober' tlnd Roger, and Mrs , ,i he building will "bo w tor It.s elf Ida Man n oD ond gruod-dnughterll, L~nrn to Swim. . f Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be .. nd if you nr e I1n InleroMed oltizen Rnth 11011 ~Ieooa M,ulDon. go see It Dod glY B y our o plnt"n 1m. W, T J o rdnn IInct wife mad o n Swllll e., ' r~· rillY ,,,,,I )'011 . ,,·tIl no\ . Cured. mediately . Actloo s boultl h" t.nke n hu~lnfl8~ trill t o flny t ou , 'I'hnnl(l~y ,1",\1f"1lnp lnrv ,', 11..:1,)' Irlll ...: roicut "111 h .. b y hlcul n onl1 ef\ll nlla. ilK they cann ot anct R ~Ve, hy " 0 rl olng. I&oolde nls t·bl\t ufte rnoon . Utili. J:. ln O llh ·\\,. lrli l nll n 'H'!" tUH' l" n n ' ul It thu ll l ~ u(utl' J. p o rti on or th e e ar. The ver y Il ::t rne of no nd implies sa f ty and searfl IIfI hlo I,ll oooo r. ('1(lun NI ' II\ " ' " 1. 1\' I liHt IIlfWt'R with Ti ltH " 1M I i'l l )' 1111 0 Wi l Y t o c uro ttL~ Mr . and Mrs . 0 0 (1. DIl\' I~ tool! " . t t ll l'rltn l .1 ntn c HH, an d that ·Is by a. conM r lind MI8. A B 'IItnp\)o ll 0 11 . , u ndl1Y di nner with M'r nnn MfA . emit)' . Ira <-u. 'Irh.! hf f'~" ' :-l fl nil IJ tlllliin thn ~ l l l tlt l Olul l ff'Hl f' d )'. Catarrhal d out'w111 ~'Il I' ry )' 1111 IIny\\·h .,rt.· (lUI' of tho n (I~ H t P.ol C,.' fHuw d h~' uti Intlom cu co nti Ili on Iprtll inod hlH f,"h or nnd fIl l/ tb er , of Edward s, u Ollr Orogoo,IIL. wrpnt f'SI fl1 .. dknl (·Xll l · rt ~ tn tho ('<nun. o r l h o IUlI l 'O ll i' li n in", or th o l!!u 8 tn- Wilrulfllltoo, brotb pra lind sls te n! This oom m u o lty W Il S well r e pre. f'I • .' h Jull "lI h ~ . \"' h oll thl " tuba Is tntry h ilS (''' I ~!'I c ' 11 ~ wll1u ll ln~ f1~ th r G'rcn~ ! rtn. l1I cd yo u hl1. \,o 11 ru rn bllu .r Ho uud or Ilnel Mrs . Lewis Btlin o" of M io bl ~ .. n; sell tod at tbe "tate Fu,lr, fll r Sand!)l' dlnoer . . UOlld s a r e binding on those who issue tltem. eRt fit t·X l ' l·t'l ~c ·ft. h(l('"lItl l'CO If n f: ~fII the 11111 )CI' r ~C' t h CIlrln S', nlHI wh en It Is nMr. alld Mre. Ueo £lORan Rod SOD, 'I I • I 'I ' ' 11b rlc III I U tlr ot )' J(It!ed . c.l en f n cM R 18 t h r 08 ult . Our Fohool blltldlolt !Il to ho s u p. " In u IIIU tt' It nr H1t:l run rn lrl U" S t il e ill rllul1 m ntt o n eB n be roBert, R.ud Mr, and Mr!l Gleon Dllvls ell!U1nlHI 011 J:l Cr\' C rOlilroL c.l u c cd /l lid thl_ lubo r . torud 10 lIS p iled wlt-h a new b e l.tin ~ 8.ys te m, norm,,1 cOlldlll ol/ , hcnrll/ If will he d e K- b Is very oeoess .. r y und bas flod ohlldren speot BuodAY after -~-... uoon wl t b Mr. nod Mra. lJhnunooy o me Bonds may he hetter than others- based on t royed toro\'c r . Mnll )' ca o" ot d ontn oM9 h.'en lor 1& long whllD, lll'e COli toC e tl b~' cU lar r h whi c h t it n.U InBonoell. Repotltloh. fl am l11 c d c onditio n or ' tho mU UOU 8 8 urwho is behind them . '1'1.1 0 sohool tbllt Is In progreRBhere. Mrs. Ro r-ertson ,of Oregon t .. , "pen t Anynne gnlherlnc u silent ot , . f nc o". /1,,11' " 1l11I1'/' h Medl cln o "'t. under tho 8opervlslon of Wllberforoe laHt w e k with Mr». J llIokllon. mnrkflhlo colnclrl cnc~e should Include ~1;":'h~ h:.,,"bll"l11~ of lhe mu cous . urln ccs oo litll(fI Is J1rogr e .~log fine . Oretlt the tnllowlnl.!! SIx brother!! of Cnnso, ' W u will /f l v O Onn I1ulldred Dollors inter est IA mUlJlfl's t.ed by ull who Mr . Jobn Uorretson, of Okl"hom .. , Novn BcoUo henrlnll the IIIbllcnl ' for /ln y CO H" o f ·/llarrh .. 1 Deafn ess 'ItteDd, "pent s8ver81 dl1ye Ilist week wlt.h :i But than good bonds there is no better form of , lhul cllnn ol b e elll'cd by Hnll'. Cnlite c o u~ln, ~eo . Bogan. ""/IIeA ot Gym!!, EIIAII, Sl1nll, AnnnlB" t tLrrll Med icine. Cll'clllnra treo. All Mllny oloe DI1 W lIutom o bll e!! are ZlIl"hllrloe flod Cnrncllu!\, were work- J)/,II /fll'l. l • . 75c. in vestment-- nor can there be. Mr. aDd Mrs , Alva Loctdiogton IlIg on 0 flsh whnrt 'when a beovJ F . J . C HEN E Y & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Ulllu l'( driven In tbl' oeotiun. ~ lleut tloodby wllh U,Ie form er'lj ·J ohu Rolfo, ~onlh nf t o wn , lost n IhUII'Il'I'IIIOrm come up nnd ono o! - - \· .. Iu " hI " b ll r~ e by lIght,ulng r eopot·ly Ptl TllO IP. Ilellt B luuoh ester, Ihem WBI! ~Iru ck hy II g wo. HO'1unDERSTUDY TO Mr . \loel Mrs. Albet·' Berrel! are T he kind of Donds you want to buy are the kil1d M , . hllli Mrrl . Willilltn Wrll-:ht., 01 Annnloa.-Boston Tronscrlpt. C!.I." m vI Ol( t o Dllyl,oo t his wee k 'fh eir ~ UaV III II . " ~"· Ilt wIth M r~ . mSII Y fr ltm ll ~ In l·bl8 n oig hborboocl of Bonds we sell. Wr l, lol '~ lII . tlt ur , Mrs lIi ild tori Il ro Morrl' 10 bn vu t hem ~o. E ' I(I,' , flf E"~ t \",In ~ Ir no l. Varlou. Powers Named. Mr . I\IId M rIO . F. 8 . f:lllC~ 8 ok Dud Onl, the powor derived trom melt. ~ o Ol r lln WlitAtIElnHt' . .,r L:orwl n, f~lIdly wp r e ~ uIIIIIIV ~(Ua8 t1l 0 1 Mr. Inl: ~lucleJ'lj Drill RIII)W cupa 18 knowo nD ci E n lf" I-II)ll 8urra ue, a . \\' u v nnt; . Ma y we advise with you in the purchase of your • ull Mrt!. Ht1lioO HIlrvey , Dear 11ft white coni, while olber wilier po .... vlli u \\f · rU 111 Hu r t(Jw u l In HunU fl Y U tlOt> fOrt! ore termed ",,'Tile ll coaL· But llonds ? Our experience may be of service--and there m orlJ" .J;. f! ' .... t l II" II Ofj u ll lnl·o u ou~ . Mr . flad MI S. H.lao Ullio, of t:lflUlIi . thprp I.. Bnolher VORt Murco of pow~r, OSI.I" I lJnrjorw o olll , wbn hH8 bllll ll is no obligation. to n , Mr . ollli Mrfl J oho 'rtlUrMtoo r..llllel)'. tlllIl which IIlIIy I,u vorl' Mlok Inr .6 vlJ ml wee ll~ , I ~ al. lind Ho n , Brunt. of Ne wpowt, K y ., trom Ihe wovell nnd Ildc" at tbe tbl ~ t.ilUe ,boo,,! ~ t o bo IlUprovlnll. Mrs, A lJ1o nd .. O,lrIl E,r aud Mr .. IK-enn I and thl8 18 oow terlUt'd "bIU. ! Mr. liud Mrs . J , Burt,ll r t$IoId ll 1l 6r ,I el81e J{ li DDon were ~und"y guests roul." • _ • , , aOld ~lr • . J pnnte Uroh~lO \~ e re ot Mr . lind Mrs A, B r alm!\ge. Call us hy phone or .drop us a line- and our repguu ~ls of rrl e od~ . a t 8 11 bluI\ Vl ol~ Bart.eo,ok lind ~on , Mre. resentative will come promptly to see you personally. Apache Custom. t" ~r . /lnd Mrs. Ellrl Hookott pent itennoth, ftll 01 i:!tltnrdflY with h e r rn o"'4>r I" "Hf'Nlull I he time or seve rul days hitl~ weuk Ilt Dut r olt, pllfent~, W '1'. Jordnn .. nel wUe . dRJ. tIle Apnche Irtlll""R IIftt!d a .gourd lin d ~helr two daullht.erR 8(1onl. tho lin wlllch tho wtn .... or hpoven were tlUl .. durlog th14lr ab&enee with tbelr mnrkoo. A~ Ihn rOIl RII' III1t100 roRfl Ihll l grandparents, Mr . Rod Mrll, 1!:t1 Itell'1 Jodlno ~ul'l tell tile hour b, referrllll Rcad What U.S. Dcpt. of Agrlculturc 80n , or Eall' Malo street. tll the lOurd, "nIl hJ IlIrnlng the gourd I Says About Whot 2 Rals Can Do "nd Frlmk L Bnrris are Mr. round lie ('onlol tell the order In wblch h'\vlog a nLW regIs te r furnaoe In. , Ao~ordlng to gov ern meot figures , the con~tellotloo. might be e:&p~'Cted stalled In thalr beautlfol h ome on two rats breedio/( ' oonUnnall,. for I ,. to oppeDr. East M'lln IItreet. thrM YOflrs prodooe ar,O,709,1 8:J Indl Mr. Bnd Mrs BliTold ~ mlth nod vldunl rots Aot wb"I1 yo u s ell t b e Point She Notice!!. two ohildren, of CtluhvtllA. were! first rnt, d oo 'I. itA T SN AP Is At a movie n youn g mit's ftmn ~ e" SundllY guests of MrR. Clllm lJooner, the s ures t , C10llo08t, lII,oat oonvoo. thn.e near her wlui her rcrnnrks, . ' Iatbe,., Woll of Ohlcago, Mtaf O ~e AOt!oo, of Duy t ou , spen. lent extormlDlltor. Nco mlJ:lnp: with " ,b -nee presIdent of tbe allnwlng her keen ob8cl'\'fltton and In· Drys op aft,er kllll o p: Sunday With bor pueol s, Air. lIod otbe r foons ,orlean Federation of Labor. 18 ICI"C'III In the plclllrQ. LIer bC8t releav08 n o 8me ll. Cat.8 o r d O ~R won', Mrs, A, B, Anson. ,own u the "under stud,." to mnrk t!ftme when an empty jInrikisha touoll it. old nnd glilRraote~ d by ' m Gompera. prll8lden~ 01 the , Mr, and~Mra, I M. l:iyferd Bnd 8 00, pulled b,. a JopllnCAo coolie' came ,ulrlcan Federation of Labor. Jobn, were 8a~ardI1 Y vlc!lIo rB In B. Ill, Eurnhllrt and J . m, .J IlIlDey down tbe I!tn.~t 0011 I't()Pflod horore • , Ing Gompor.' absencc in EuWushingtoo O. H. • boulJO. Sho plpcd up 10 a !'brlll voIce: ,' 0, Woll was editor ·of tbe Rev. L. B. Cast! preBobed bid lust -lie 10111 bla borse." lerlcaD Fedoratlonls'. Hc b UB tlermon here, tiundny, beforo 0 0 0 ·' 0 Compers' U8819~nl tor 'b .. lerenoe. I ~ "IIr. He- Appeftrance. Jadge Willard Wrlght,ofLe bl&non Mildred hud ace'"III,u flll'l1 ber tOlher was calliog 00 fl'\eodtl here on Vox PopUli, Vox DeL to Ihe nMr-by vlllllllO lind on ber reWedilesdlt1 of hut we k. Mr. lIod Mrs. Everett Balce.... d ThIs IN a very oDel ellt Illlying and 111m WRII tolllog her moll",r of a wom· Mnre of our citizens attended tbl' 900 , WIIIIlrd , were gUllsts, Friday, lIIenna "The vol~ of the peoplo Is the an .. he aaw tbere. Uer DlPther ask ed Stllte Fair tban hilS been the oustom of Mr. Dnd Mrs. Benj'UlIin Curey, of Ir It wal' 0 certaIn wornun, and Alii· voIce ot Ood." It coo be tmced back 10 ye.r. PIISt, Illi spea.klng in blgh nellr Boman,ba. tired InllriedlfllCly replied: "No. motAII1I'Ollllh Lntlo 10 Greek. It Is founll terms of tbelr trip . S ome. fr oUl Mr. Enos Wilson 8pent II part of IIr1l1 In n work Oil morlll s, by the Greek IIr, sbe lookt'd n.'wer Ihon thot." W c arc going t~ close out bere missed their train on oooonnt last week ot the Stllte i!'olr . [leslod, 'who U'led about the poet. of the ra~hlon plate! on exhibition all our Fertilizer and wiD not eighth c~ ntury before ChriSt. M. and Mrs , Weldon Wils on eo The Graham plonlo oonvened, ter&alned at dloD e r, Frldny, Mr aDd The Saying. of Shinbone. "eDeclal Dlspatcli 10 Tbo En~lItre,. handle it any more. This fer" ·Ab daDe b<:'o .. 1 Orudd"r Jnnt!" pm,.. ·WbeeUfIIJ, W, v~, June 15.-0r. tI.tor9ay. !)t the home of RllY Eurn. Mrs. W . E Bogan and Mrs. R. L. Pe!!rl Long Val lied .. JeweL , tilizer is in the best of condibart's. A goodly number preseot In' IllS' night 10 bo dcll vnrt'<I rrlltl1 hll - - - - - , Pre.lelcnt at - Bogan Rnd d!)ugh ter, Dorothy. The penrl Is the onl1 jewel worn u tion, We will sell the entire 'UIIRcttln' .1011/" rcmnrlwrl ::>hlJlhonllo. CollolI"\ <11ed at a looal h08pltal aDd IL ",ood time. Several fro m here Mrs, Oll'rfl eld Petersoo and child. nnture formed It. All the precloU8 Ah reckon he mus' bllb rorcrnod early ted ..". 'DeILth du.. to blood attended with well-filled baskets at ren, Mary Bnd Arthol:, olilled on BtoneHtlomoods. rublOll, ' emeralda lot of about 93 to. ~l..,;,i to rle sll, of 'loxh'ntlon."- lIolllnn "l'IIu, PQ'90nlnll'. whIch wu cauu" b)' ~ Tbe Baptl~t pftTsoollge IA b elol{ Mrs. R. E JODes, Thursday f\fternnrl Ibo rtlSt-bov8 to be cut before slight Icrlltoh which he r~lV'9(\ Oft .crlpt. sqalpped with a one.reglster furoooll noon. tl1ey con b6 worn. nut tbe J)j!8rl II 1·.11 hlUlel 10 <la,.· aao." belQ~ ... Mr. •nd Mrs. E, H. Dakin were 1'be .00"0 Is .11 ..ct ual Q uotflUolI worn just us It IS tok en trom tbo 01. MIss Freid.. t)herber·t had the frorn Ulo ClnelnllaU ItnQulr8l', wltb week . end guoat.s of · relativea In ler shell It Ie alllong tho most aDo Better look thla over huy mi sfortune to broak one f ber arms Experimental. nun~ omltte4. l:olllmbu8. d Ull I ot jowel&. one dllY la8& week . "Dad.· Inl\olroo n . mnll hny. ""'hilt a bargain. (11"0 .very InJu..". no mn.ttflr· b.,... *_ ... M~ . • lId Mrs. I. A. Blirtaock, of III I tept cn~el" "A tl'~t cn~", m~' "on,- ,UChl. . Immooillte e.ttcmtlon. Ratab Mr. and Mr~. ~amue,1 Mltohener Great value of Oourage. replied his porent, "18 0 ru N" h"lIIght '~I1C!11ta tha.t you hoop a boUI. of Day'on, were guests of relatlv('s had.s tbeir guests, Sond"y, Mr. H. It 1M not ctrorly und erRlood boW Into court to l1eCldp Wllll,hpr Ihere's H<>" ... -loDl>-e-atJ alwa...... band for here I ..., week . I!l. JoOOl! aod family, MilS Ethel 'ftlll1nhlo III tho nrlJ\locl ot C'111rolle In blghly concooenough In It to ,ustlfy Inwl'crll 10 work- ...,..rt:flllov n.q, Mr. MId Mrs . Frank Emmoos, of. Curry and Mist! Estber ,I:)hambangb, the mnn or \vOIllOU, nor Ihnt., It ooo ""'teel MUlepttc Clualltlea millie 0IIl" near Clnolnoatl, were calling 00 Mr . tIIlr up more COl'C8 of" IIlmllllr kind I" Miss Funoe8 Wilson spent tbe compuoled by good judgment It ts tbe • .tltr'" appller.t\oo neco"'Il', to and Mre. Fraok 8h'l daker, Satnrday, week.IIDd 10 Wllmlngtun . \boro~ll1, <lI.lnfect loratoh or most vnlunbl0 of buslOCBl! .ssot&Wayoe visited Alvin OUt. No danpr ot Intactlon when . Mr. Chlluuoey Bunnell la on tne Jobn Brillbone Wolker. Bou.tonla (Tht Ortrtllal Jonllll) lAnl- liarvey, of near Dodds,lab' week . wlok list, OIent t. uaed ~ Ita action t. ~ Mr, aud Mr •. B.a rl Barvey, of nBRr Bomer Baloes had a bone In hlB mUd tht It ma,. 111 ....." applied to enter\alned 8l1ver.1 of 'heIr wrl H urf)kon, tlBturdllY evening. ' ......... _as&. till.... MIS __ 4.. he flOodd8, OlasatHed Ada leods on Sonday, In bonor of Mr .(>nthln, and b",11\If pOW., . . . . moet Mr . )l ed Mrs . t 'harley Warwlok and mice- that's RAT SNAP,theold IJIACt(lal. Doft'\ rtalI btl", willi out II. Barvey'. mother'lI blr'bd .. y . WBr<' Ontllog on W. E. 80gon'8. reliable;rodont destroye r Comes in 0.. a bottle troll) rollr ~nalrt.t tJQ • • ~-~.~----SIl",lay fl ft ern oon. MONEY WANED cakea- n'o mixing wllh oth e r food. .,,,,. A tao. t.a~ Mr. Ilnd MrA Borace lJompton Call on Your money bllck If it fulilt Three houaehold __ 81\00'" to lut a year, aizetJ: 2/ic, 60c.$1 If your local dealer: IlOo. r-~ "" pro"... it to be "It MUlIt Hav~ Been Dead at Leost 6 .mlcrl ilioed lbe fuJI owing guell's to· ONEY Loaned on IIvo !!COOIl I dinner, l3ootifLY : Mr. and Mra Fred Months But Didn't Smell." . can't supply you, write i'oue\la the meet tellatll. bo_lIold IUIUohattels, also llooond mortgRI(88. 0\101\ III o.,y aud two ohlldreo, Freid .. . . plfQ, ..,... f1ft14 J'OUII 4..,1211 uae4. Exterminatinll Co, Westfield, N, J No'es bon~ht, John BRrblue, Allen "Saw. big rai I. our oell.r lalit, lind Hlltty J 'tOe. Mr and Mrs. Evan with 1117 clAol!'. ~II" lip 'be For 8Illelby BulldlDg, Xenlll, Ohio. 6· <&-20 Fan," wrlte8 Mr8. J08nny, "auel BO~~ Il , .llr ~. LJnl~y ~"Ines and two ~pet.~ ft. rs.. .. a. lOD. . 00.. . THe ReAL EST.\re MAN bonght a 260 oake of RAT tiN A P . oh lldr en, I:iUrtlLt .. nd 8(\len, and Mr . 8. e........oa. Olaln. H. E. Earnhart and tlp Into amall piece!!. Lmh' D.. vln 1'ur1l6r, J_ E. JallDey, The Rexall Store, broke" Spring Valley, Ohio FOR RENT-FARM week while movlog we came ROrO~8 E. Janney Waynesville, Ohio. 05~ Mr. nnd Mr" Chl&l'ley Barner 'he dead rat, Mus' have besn dud _ _ 2!2!I! 11K monCIl., dldn', emell, RA'] '. wero sbopplng In Xeol!" Sa'urday. ANTED-Farmer to rent good The Comptoll-Mill" rennloD will SN AP Is wOLderful." Three 8Iz"" ground on Che thirds. Inquire 260, 600, '1.00, ~old aDd gnarall. be beld lit th lll pilloe ne)tt tlatllrdllY. at this otHoe. · .3 . OR. J. W. teed by B , E. Ellrnbart aDd J, F. Everybody oome and weloome. JaD~ey. rhe Jesae lJomp'on farm was ..... bought br FraDk StuDley. FOR SALE-FARM ••• DE~8T... Mr. and Mr8. W, E. 80gan 'of)k Snnday dinner wltb Mr. and Mrs. AoreS,nflftr WaYD6avllle; q .lIok l(a~~~_1 0 Weldoo Wilsop. sale i 1100 per acro. Inqlre at Mrs. WaltH WllsO!lBp8nt pl\rt of the GlizeUe offioe . s3 11i8' week with her dl1ughter, Mrs. Mr. and Mr.. Clyde Monot uod Pllul Peterlloo, of neur Caesl\r's W FOR SALE-PROPERTY lJreek I1lgh 80boo1. rllmlly lIave moved to DIl"too. • • ~.~ \I. i . . ., Mr . and Mr@. Luther ttaloee aDd Mr. and Mrs. W, B. NuUand little W"yaeutlle'. 1.8841118 Edith Marie 8weeney spent I:!unday son. Donald, ~ud Mrs. Mary Wost ACKE8, 2 aores of fiDe timber, ilatD lit a\ Lytle, \he guell's of Mr. aDd Iolrs t008 Souday dinner wil~ h Mr . and good Illnd, fioe well of w.ter. Omoe Ill. BalDee .~J48. Mrll, Zlmrl Balne8. B,"oy aDd daughters. Prioedrlgbt, Ioqolw8atfirm. 1418. :~~~~~~~~~!~.~~~~~ Mr and Mrs , Ed Crew, Mrs Man Oarollne lJhenoweth, It. D. 1, Way" Mr. and Mr~ M. J. lfarr spen, Friday wUh the laUllr's mother, Levi and graud-dauwhter, Mlrh.m Ohio. a10 E. V. B~~HART. Desvtlle, Smith, visUed wl~h Benry Crew's, Mrs. Clltherlne Noll, of Frankllo. Real Ro'ne In , WayDC!lvllle. " ~ Bunda, . J )hD Welah, of D~ytoo, 8pen~ Chll Jnqllire of B. S, Bowell, a3 Notary ;, PUblic ~~---week-end with his mo.ther, Mn Ella Welsh. AII ,klnde of Ur. an" Mr8 Harvey Monger "I Spent lion Rat-SI)BJl and Sued FOR SALE the PrIce of 8 HII)jt ;" aDd Deedal 'a tipeol .. "ere the ~nnduy gue!t! of .Mr . aod Mre. Albert. !:feltoD. James MoOolre, famoll8 lIog Rals fnll.blooded Anoon. Cookerel~, =~~~~::::::::::::::::::::~::::~::::~ Mrs . Wu II'er 'Tavlor spent 'l'Oe!!. et of Ne" Jersoy, BaYEi, " I ad"lse fiDe bnos, Dr. B, E . Hathaway, every farmer troubled wUoh rats to , day In Leboaon . WaynelVllle. Ohio. 817 NO MORE , N,. ' Welsh, of Dayton , lIpen' 'he U8e RAt' SNAP. Tried ..everything ARGE Type Poland OhlnA. Bruod '0 eet rid of rats . . Spent '1 ali RA:Tweelt:.end wl~h his mother here. 80"8, good 0008. Inqnlre of eN A p, Figured the rdll U ktlled, Prof. Barris, of Lebaoon, wae .. eayed: che prloo of .a hc,g. " RAT· P L . Reason, R. D.~, Wa,Denllle, or mice, after ),oa UI8 RAT.SN4'.. 8prin,boro villitor, Baturday .. SNAPobmeslnoakefoJ;tD NomlJ:Ohio. . ~10 It's a aure rodent killer. Try . . . . . Mra T, E. Barnhlut, of Franklin. Ing with other food, ()I~\a or dogll ICE ba? Dra'tt GeldlDIf, 8 yt!8rt1 bnd prove it. Ra$l'kllled with RA!I'..i Ilpet1t tSun<.lay with hH mother, Mre. '!on'&'toucb It, Three .Iz"",, 250.600 ~ AI:> old 'hi a r.n. welgbll 1800, and II SNAP leave no ameli. Call or ~. Mar'ha Bunnell, ftOO. Bol,1 aDd luaratltel'd by B . well hroken' will leU oheap. J. W. won't'touch It. Gaannteed. MI88 Mellie Stanton was ~be gue~t g, Earnhart and J. E, J8~n.ney. ' ~';:'\ ~u"wn Wayo!'avllle, Ohio s10 ' sizes; 26e, 50!:, If lour deelit of frlendll 10 Indiana, aeveral dRYII ~ ~-~ :.,... /, . can't aupply you, writ.. Youell~EI:~ the pa•• wee', ",i '." I.:: .. >,-;\') Big 'ype PolaDd-Chlna Boar for terminating W.tfteJIJ, N. J. ' &ton" for'f. !~ • •, , ( ' J";"'~\ 88le, a good one, Inquire or I.A. Ea-a.- and .TIle rol!ftrletl IIOld at Ka'Ddahar ara -.7 .. . ~ t: Lao!tey, on p, D Clage" farm, Way. H. E. RlllUrt GivIng and DoIng. extenlllvel,.' manufactured from ~ . ~ ~ ~~.~ _J . ~? nee.lI18, Oblo, 810 E. It III tbe &lvlng up of life thot mopllllla. TIlt. 'u .' Timothy Ba., fol' _•• III!. In. ....... la QUan1ed 1ll11cote from aofbID about tIIlrt7 \It' ' . -' %"- ,. ~ , ' "", ,,j , It. Wheo "e atop enl1lnl II ou own, el7IJlaUlaed ~::--~-, '",.; ~ .;:.::; " ::~ quire or JOhD KobenoD, R. D. 8, Of lIcr.klOIr to hoard It Dod enrich It tOi mllee Dortb,,_ of tile' d!7, ~era oul"tUllvOll, and begtn beatowlag \t lD _plltone alld InUmon, eni alao lIbo WaYDea'Ville, Ohio. lovlnlr Interest aod 8endee opon qtbo taJoed In. elII1l1demtihi abtillldaDce. The Rood Mal" PIli. lor BIlle; Olyde an, IlIId thnt It bu luddenIJ ... ItoDII wart.. ID color a Opt JeIo ftlO CoXJ., R [). IS, Wayneavllle, Ohio,. C'nmlt rlcber aniS iItI'oIIIW tbaD . , . ao", tea IIla1ah "blw. .. ......,., ,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. .' lIome l"bone 88.5, .8 -~ .............lIiijJijF II(Iq1a IIefoN. J . , D . t, CI<fINl (, l!uitor and l'ublisher. \\ayor:~ville, Uhio
,In. \\ ...- - -
- --
--- -- ..- - -
Blood Poisoning Results From Slight 'Scratch
Just Take a Peep
- ..- - -
at our Classified Columns and
Younce Brother. Grain Co~p,nl
If you are want,ng to buy a farm,
and you will readily see why it pays to use them. W
M. N.
---.:..--. - ----
D'R. H.E. B<A.~A
If you hav(' a horse Or a Cow, let the A people, know about it '6 And you .w ill not have to chase L Dollars.
---.. - ..- - -
- \''(:1 .-,
Sfi)./\ :>v.@.
N0t/ar7":WptJ. WI"~ I&,.
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f. IatIItIlII !!~!"!"!!!"!"!!!'!!!"!"!!!'!!~!!!!!!.!!!!!I'/
CROUP, ~~:'\
A J.
f I ~;';'~;;';";:;tf~f,~:~~"~: 'I _
l-~ ~~~~i
C o n ce rt
Will be given on the Scho ol Hou se Gro unds . Wed nesd ay ev ~ ning , epte mbe r lOth , by the'
-LV ......
mble=El;~1I0:~;==se::::::lr=T=='r;';~ -m And
pen· [;J
Ev~rybody com e.
in and £ct acqu ainte d with ,-' with the nc," 111'1n at
- ~I ~'
.Dr, R. J . Miche ner, of Lebano n,
.L"l1l1..S0 ~IC • BA ND
The conc ert will be free.
Fred's Lebanon Store School
Sal~ is still un .
,-'m '-
IM J Th f r::J _ _ _ _i ~I:a~~g:i 5pM ~t L:bor D~:~:r:~I~h ~. 0
m ~
~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M~. ~liph Sm~h ~ ~t ~nrul - -~et us sho~ 'ou our line of Sto\ es ~ nd Ilnple~ents. dilYs l a~t we k with Wilmin lrtol l , ) ' DIE " To Polish Sh oe.. : 1~ rellllivetl. . E . W e ha ve the Clermont Ran ge, Hea ters and F urna RA TS 'l'h ,' I':'I\:II-I"",, "'~ -II" '· ~. r "hO,' t~," , ces. GJ === ======= , <Ifn n '"Ih"')' 1'1",,[l\1',,, 1....I,lnl;"" II~"\I nforn Ih,'III I~f,'('1I ~ 1, e. • I Miss Glmr n Llle. who has ~ Also the South Bend M!'llle"ble R'ln' ges. . ,IIG_ ' " _,! soenl the m ~ -.,... Kummer in New York, returne d hOllle u ~'o do mice,on ce Ih ey. e8l1~AT SNA P. I lh:l 1 Ih,' 1-:",:11.11111:111 1'1I1~ Ir,·.'~ ~ 111 " 1 "" ' \1
'I'll ,'
\Jllckllg~. .h,"'~.
nd they Il'ave no odor behind . Don't whk ll <11', ' 1,"11 , 111,,1 wlih t hl' HIke our word for it - I ry a l"Io lh"r ,1 11''I'h,' snrl" ! t:ats and dogs won't tv uch it. I' ll s "III\1 ~ l1oll-h. If nl'l'lI,',1')\11. 11'1,\1 (' Ih(' "h,)<' pass up ali food to get at HAT SN A I' I, 1111 Ih,' (""', II ' I. " _"111 III AII ,,'rlo'lI . Mary's Threes izcs: 25c,50c ,tl. I ry o ur t.lelll· 1'1',,, .. >< "10' 1t 'lI lh ,' r hll " Ihl' er has nono in Rlnck. writ e Y(\ll ell~ Ih, ' (,"'I 11 (111 II,,' . 1",,, IIIS('" Ohll lll' nr l Twelfth Sunday afte r Trinity . gxterm inating Co ., Westfie ld, N J . , ,'n·,',·!. Tr,·,·~. \\'hlo:ll ,«III It" ""'''''Ih , Sept. 1: Servi ces will be r esumed to th,' 1.11' ): next . SundBy School at9: 30 lif. , Ilr ,It .. ,,,. ",..' ill(' XI,('II"" 'e " ,"1 B. m .Sunday Sermon Rnd Holy Commu nion H, E. Earnhart and oh,lI, loI I,,' 1'"1 III Ih,' "h,,,'" p\','r)' II lgh1. at 10:30. Everyb ody Invited to these J. E. Janney rr ) ' '' 11 1',,11 -1, .' " U(' "\\'II . h""". II' )' pol· e rvictls.
~II,"nl~" oI
",!!!!!!! !!!~!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!~!!!!"",!~~~ == I :~'~ "::~"I:~::: , ._ :" \:~' _ :;;'n'_l ;~:' ;:;~:;~ .
Will ,'
Miss Alberta Hawtho rne. of Ham· iltotl, Ohio, WI!.S lhe weck·en d g u est of the Miillles Salisbu ry. HOl!se.cleaonilndgtlme means old car. pet time. carpolH mean n ' W rugs if ~Cttl tv Frl1nklin Hug ~o.
,, ~~.,:~ "V~:,I ~:,;w
. . ~
A Wel ded Furn ace
--- --
Ven tilat ion
SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY 16 ~~~1~er~.~.~~..... $1.00 6~~~~..~~~~;.~~~~~~~.r.... . 25c HO:~"o~~de.~~~~~.~~..... .. BOc
are no joints in our welded steel fire box to leak dust and gas. Fire the furnac e once a day. See me at the Leban on Fair.
Bring us your Chicken s & Eggs. It Pays to Trade at
," FRA NCI S H. FARQUHAR Wilm ingto n, Ohio
WA.RR~EN COUNTY FA IR Se pte mb er 9, 10 , II an d 12 Leb anon , Ohio . BIGGER. . BETTER AND MORE ATT RACTIVE
.Patr oniz e you r own Cou nty Fair . Her e YGU wjll ~ee good farm displays, good stock, goo d maChipery and automobilediaplJ'ys,.good race s , and whe re you mee t you r frien ds and rela tion s.
Come and bring the
eDMO N STE .... ART, Presld~nt EO S. CONKLIN, Seawl a'll
Wm. B odg ,wb o bas bORn 1\\ ~he MoClell and hOli pHa l 10 X nil>, for I trolltmont. WIlS brongh l h Ollle yos. tordllY, lIoocl hi 0,) bettor l\\ thl8 • .
W aynesvi"IIe, Oh'10
'-=1al:'===-:31:1 (?(== 3'CilE i===! I'f)IE)
Satu rday,. Sept embe f 8th A good film, by a good ompnn y. entitle d
"Fa I F " aces
"The Ca II f th e Sou.I"
"Wi nnin g Girl "
ii i
...... ...... ..•.. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....
- --... -.
1 'he Kaynee Company CLEVELAND, OHIO
7% Pref erre d Stock The Compa ny i. one of the largest manufa ctu rera of Childre n's washab le garmen ts in the world, . Net Earning s for. the last four years after deducti ng · for Federal Taxes were more than three and one half times the entire preferre d dividen d require ments includin g 'this issue. The net current alSeU are equival ent to 123% and the net tangibl e dssets to 185% of the outstan ding Preferr ed Stock, these figure. IDcludi ng no valuati on for good' will, ete. Dividen d Guaran tee Fund and ollieI' strong provial onl require d by the Charter . , Balance sheet and further informa tion on appiica tlon. Price 100 and accrued Dividen d ·Per Share
Yield 7%
The Unit ed Secu rity Com panyCAlf TON, OHIO
Dayton, Ohio
Thl. Dog 8m,1I BoY" Friend. In ODC ot th e Romf<?rd (Me.) grudewhen Rchools come to Bchool anol Ihe tnlleil tnlllnttoofficer cnlled to
SAM K. PINE, DIltrlct Manage r
. 11205 Relhold Bldg.
Tbo . above statc\lllBDIlI. while believe &0 be ItCCDraWl,
Phone•• Bell J98111
no~ gu~~,.,-e.
b.-cl on
1iI : _____________
leurn fhe r(lIISOn; h u was told Ihut the • anI: bud nlQ oil with tlle 8 ",ulI boy'!! knickerbocker's, which hlld been pul In theIr urunl place' the , nIght before, Bnd whlcb c:oul.d Dot be located until · lime to attend the nlterno<lD l!cssloo. " - --
.. --- -
. •
Chinn I. onl! of ,i ... vrhll'lpn l "onr<'eS of dried lind powllt'red · (,1l1:1I.' Muon· Trade Secret. '.('turer s of PfCl"lrtlf l producU! In thIs A West Online wIdow "'111 that me ('Oun!!,], IIr(' ~'nld to he Interested ID Intest proposal sbe ball received the po~ s 'hllltl'! . OJr <Irl ld nnd pow<ler- from II IUlicb rounter mopate . wu '11'110 ed egis. t!!\(lC<!lnIlY In ~le\Y ot Ibe 10- MId It sbe would flgree IIl4l'T1 bltD ert!ued u".. of @ u~b product8 1(1 read7- ho would ehow ber . bowto to ...u • lDb:ed 60urs' IIIlId 10 bllkerle.. chicken pie wltbout monke71D. wttla .. ...- -'.-_ cblckun .-Dal\na New.. ~ Proper Food I mportan t. MAR n mun tllllnkl'lh ~n I" lie." Ye8; but 01110: "A!i 0 nl1l1t vn l .. th 80 doth Dally Ttl, ullht. To h;trUst ed Is 11 I': rClltcr he thlnlt." JIIor tbe I'TIl hi. U part of tlte bocly, .. buUt of fOOlI.- LoR Aopl. ment than to beJond .-Geor p Times. don~~
\. MoGOT, Wb ORll ocoune d last 'fue~dflY e veulu >( H.t the Mo()lelllln d bos lli~Bl. w,.s btu led SE 'l'hurlldlloY afteroo on. The Inne ra) t WIioS held !lot tbA,hom e ,of bllr ta.'her, • J oh o t:!mltb. oodh of lowo I:!he T d leaves '0 m onro her loes , a husban d ues ay, S eptem b e'r 9 t h oue lion, Jobu. And 1I1so ooe stepson . The dainty actress, Alice nrady , in Born- To Mr. " Dd MIt! . Roy Hnrt : sooll , of DaytoD, 0 flne son . Mr . Ilnd Mr!!, Besoao EllloU ,ol 0 &Qdusk V, are the prOUd 1)l\re nle of their firlt .borD, t\ daughte r. Mr. EllluU was former ly 1\ relliden t of Thur sday , Sept embe r I I th tblll pla.oe. Mr~. Maggie K e" er, of Belmoo t, Featur ing Shirle y Mason, in t~ speDdln g Ii ~ew duy!! with her varellt~, Mr . and Mrs. LI~ooID t:;wlll. low. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Raper, of St. COMEDY: "Reill y Wash Day." Lonls, are villiting hlB p'H Pn's bere for a few dBY S. Mn Clifford MI1J:wellls ve r y siok Open evenings 7:30 p.RI Admission wUh typboid fever . 17c Al)-ont forty gllellt8 arriv ed at t be Saturda y evening 7:30 ~ Children home 01 Bnny M. 'rhomB a, south of lie to wn 11l8' ~Ilnduy to remind blm of ,' hili blrtbda y Quito an elega.n' re· past. wu served I10l (lOOO. Tbntlll wbo ~~!!!!""'!~~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ were tbolla were Mr. lind Mrs. Perry Thomas Mr o.nd Mcl' • .R owo RIggs of near Ferry, Mr. and Mrs. R Pur· dom , of 8ellblo ok, Mr. aa'd Mrs New Issue Tax Free Sawo<Xl Rbonen lus and da'lllllt er, fltadllUn e, of Dllytoo , Mr. lind Mrs In Ohio When A. And If INued Jill. Bart" of Alpha, Mr aDd MrR Will Mastera !lDd familY, Mr. and Mrs. FrJlnk Lamme apd fllmlly a.nd Mr. and mrs Elwood ThomBs .
---_. - -,..-- -
r·i -- ·. · · __· · · · · · · · · · ·_;
Powde"" d t:;gga.
- - --S·ee US, Befo re Our Stoc k Is Exh aust e d.
Misses Annie and Marne Brown ar· rived home from PennHylvania. Fri· day evening , lifter a delightf ul visit there with relative s. They left, Sun· Mr "oel Ed Tobin , of Sprl"/;(· day, to take up their teachin g at field us sh.e Ruests of r ol~tl vef! bare Xenia and Columb us. 1\J1~8 Eleanor B&ydook ooterLa lned Mr. and Mrs. John A, Johnson and on FridllY eV8ulog . Misses Morle family, of Sabina, spent Sunday with . Me~ecker. Ur&Oe Bod· Erncatl ne Mr. and MI·II. W. H , Madden . Miss nhllmbllu~b and Lida KeQnad r, uf Ethel Crawfo rd, of Amboy. Ind ., Barvi'y aburll· A party of young .Ii'rlanrls of WII who has been vi~iting here during, the past week. returne d home with mioll\oD oonduo ted C. E. aervloe I5IlDday eveolng . them. Lel'er Burley \s b um !! 'rom over Accord ing to cards received here seall. last week, Dean Howell, of the U. S, Levi Shbmb" ugh, B llrmon Blair S. Idaho, Is enroute from Rio Jan- Dao VeHave n and Co riotOD Smith erio. Brazil. to San Francis co. Cal ,pent las' week at Rnll8oll 's Polnl The ship left Aug. 6th and expecte d Mr. and Mrs. Elmor COmptoD ao to be in Frisco by the 1st. They will oompan led tbetr father, J . S , Camp probabl y remain at the latter port ton Miohlgall, wbere be i8 seeklD!! for several weeks relief from hay fever. . The Jelse Oompto n flum west of The annuul Fur and Plu8h Coat tOWD was sold laat ..... eo" to Frank Sale of the S. Fred Co. Lebano n 8~lln)~y . . Store 18 now o'n. The uaortrn ent Tbe MIRsDa Jennie and JORephine lIurpasaes any previouB di8play. The Reeva. spent 10.8t wee" wltb theIr exhibit at the fair will . be a feature bro,h,e r, B. B Reeves and family , of ailractivene<!S to women. A pres· of Rlohmo nd, Ind. ent Inyestm ent is a saving of 2096 to 83Y. % under' Jater prices. . Mr and Mrs. Lewis Raper, of Bell brook, Mr, and Mra. Wm. Ji'ulkerson, ot Spring Valley , Mr . and Mrs. Raper Mr. and Mrs Clarenc e Hollan. 'of St Louis, Mo • Mrs. Minnie McLean and 80n, of EI faso. Tex ,. and John Raper. of St. Louis, were the guesta of Mr. and Mrs. W, O. Raper, Friday.
A full II'ne 0' Inte rn!ltl'onal Har vest er C? goods, . 1 ~ Cor n' Bl' nders. M ',lnure Spre ader s. Gas En£ tnes a nd ~.1
I 1
. ,
" . ,., - - --- --,;..-.-----.::::.-=--=:==-=. -----. ...:... -
sp!i~e~~~~ledBKY~h~~~, ~~e {~ua:s\u~r ~ Crea m Se1) I- erators.
W. · E. 'FROST I
Itoca l Agen t
~G '
You nce Brot her s Gra in Com pany
Caesar 'C s ree k F· n' cm IS CIlure II " Mr, Bnd Mrs. Am08 Menden hall. Sunday School at t his church every I Sunday at 10 o'clock. Preachi ng Miss Mabel Salisbu ry has been en· . , J)C'nlh \ \'RH,'\' h'" are gaged to tSHch in the CII&!tow n, Mi · t\\' .... " ,It I'"" II " " ( ' ' ' ,,' 1"ul\ernl ami county , centrali zed high school. ml\II II III III' '" " 1'1,"111. It Is tmy. \ M. E, Church (' r!;('.1 It)' II , \' " .' U.Il·ll (' I"N , wlt leh Is Lost- $5 bill, aome Dlace nesr 11 . 111111 )' ,\ 01,'. ' ,111'""0'1. th OIll:h IlrQlr Sunday , Aug 31: Sunday Whiltl'S grocery . In order to reduce our im- n"'y 11 \' u~ 1" ,,( ,\0 ,,'1), filII Finder please <If wnl er. 9:16 a . m ., F. U. LeM!l)/, supe rln· leave mense lot of Salt on h a nd at 'fh,. 10·".1 "I' ',,' ", II l' \' I" rO\'o'r," \ tt!nd pnt. No preachi ng se rvice, rewardIlt. Gazette office nnd rectliv(> the presen t t ime, we are ~o · \\'1111 ""II. -11 ;'1"",·,1 It; hI"'" h" ell eithe r ~orning or evening . h""lI uh, 1,.\ 110, ',IIT"lI t" frn", th (> "UI' \ GIdeon Nelson J ollv . Ilastor. The race~ are well filled for lhe ing to sacrifice a large nmoun t ru"" tI ! II ~ tI , "11 " ,"I Ii' rt I1n th ~ ('\·IIP· I Warren County Fair, and prom · of it, and will give the public ornll nn ,lr ' ll", WII I" r. n ' nlh " nll ey , Harveys burK Friends Church iBtl to be better lhan ever. Don't t.he benefit by selling at cost. I ~ '·" 'lSltI ",·.·,J In h,· th ~· hnlt e~ 1 II 'HI Amos Cook, pastor. miss th em , (Iri l'Rt 1,111 ('" III Ih,. Ilnlt "11 ,I nt('~. .'1. I I "11'1 "'rll Itll", " r I:::: tI ('gl"'~S hU8 b C('1l I Sunday , Sept. 7: ~ible School .at ohs.,....".1 Rev. G. N. J olly and E. L. Sher · 110:00 a , m .. Anna Stillson , superm · . _ ._ _ .. _ _ rondent . Public Worshi p and Preach· wood are aHendi ng the annual Con. ing, ll:oe a. m . You will be wei· ference of the M. E. Ch urch at Sky W ent Al ong, come at all th~se services . Come Findlay , Ohio. ' A "" 0 Ill U Il \\'II ~ 1t '" \' III ~ II hom wh ~rll and let _ us_ w _ o_r_Sh_ll> J ehovah togethe r . Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman and .-~ sh t· hull III "'" \' \' I ~Y ll u PJ))', n rHl , II R ~h o ' daught er Ilre attendi ng the Mer· hUlI r(h'lI II I" 11'11 1" which WfiS to tuke chantll' & Manufa cturerll ' muon ligh t her ""'")'. rh,' I,,"r, , ' 111 ' \1' fn ~ t. TI er Pot.ah.Produolng Weed. picnic at Coney Island, tonight . 11111 1' .,\11. :I "xl",,' III COlllfnrl her, It II beUoyed thot nab 01 bra~ tr!<',1 ,h ,· dr""1 ,,( II "',,,('rlnl! "I. cov· en ('ODtnlDs 40 to (\() the per C(!nt of 801uI. N. Miller, the veteran fruit·tr eo pry h,' hll ,l J" ~ I 111111"-. ""'hy, nlllthl'r." biOI potash. In parta of AustralIA, man, is agllin on the job, and h e roxellll llwll. "11", ~ k y I" JlOhlll rllll,t wbere the weed grows tl" tt sell you orily fi rst· class stock he will nlnll" with u . ." Ol her fll lnt ·h.'lIrl l" ) bM been found that a abuudllo in the of 400 nil rsery line, Call on him . JlMpill 11(,,·,1 II, IIIl1k " the . nn lC IIIH' pound. ot pol.Bab c:tlD be ,Ield s3 obtaloed per ('OvHry. Nfl 11I11 11('r whltl w,' 1,.,IV<l b& aera. The potallBlum ~01lra chlll111 u hln". the h ~lit I!lh' f; w llh ua. Harv eysb urg, Ohio Mr. and M'rs, George Bayer and 81.I1.pbntll 8o<t.shl'!!'!d.. """,_ _ __ Mrs .. Clvde Carey and family, of Sidney, were the week· end guests of Phone 34· JL-25 Mr. and Mrs. L . A. Zimmer man and Beauty \I S. Brain •. family . Reverie Phone Charge . Many a h e ndlln( 'r 18 more tho re~1(11 0·t(l.8 hj!r mnltl's hnnrlllVork thlln ber :.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '1 dlr< 'cJ,r Mr. and Mrs. J . M. Keys, Mr. and tor'~ beadwor k.- FUm Fun. j Mrs. Amos Cook IUId family and Mrs, Katheri na Bannist er spent Friday CANN INO SUPP LIES with Mr. and Mrs S. M. Sellera and Star Tin Cans, a dozen .. .... ..... 65c family, of l.ebano n . Mason Pint Jars ...... .. ......... . 75c Mason QuartJ ars ....... .. :.... . -85c One ~ood thing about house·c lean· IANlfAR Y HEAnN G Mason Screw TOPH, Tin Lids, ing. All the old carpets , Brussel s or Sealing Wax. Parowa x, Heavy SYST EM ingrain , will make handsom e new Rubber s . rugs when ,s ent to Frankli n RUIl Co. Pure Cider Vinega r Mr. Raymon d Peirce and family White Pickling Vlnella r , and Mr. Wm . Peirce and family, ot Toledo, are spendin g 'seversl days at Jelly Glasses . a doz ........... ... 50c the Friends Home wit h their paren18. Plenty SUR'ar. pure cane, Ib .. llc Mr. and Ml's. Howell Peirce. Post T08atie s and Kellogh s, '25c size, only ........ ........ .... 20e The McClur e Jones·J ohns fishinll 15c size, 2 for ,. ....... .. ....... 25c party at Indian Lake last week, ar· Puffed Wheat ..... .. .. ... ....... .. 15c rived home Saturda y afterno on. Mother 's OatR~ 2 for .......... 25c They had a fine time, caught but few Golden Sun Coffee .. ...... .. ... 46c flsh, as they were between seasons , Wilnder Cup Coffee ...... .... .. . 45c . Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Earnha rt were You get a positiv e ,-circulation of pure, fresh air Flake White. pound ........... S8c In Columbllls two days last week . Crisco, pound ......... ......... ... 40c with a Farqu har Heatin g System . Mr. Earnhul rt combin ed businB88 with pleasur e. and wade his head· ·The autom atic regula tor ' maint ains a unifor m quar~rs at the Deshler while there . tempe mture in the house; y ,,\\
' ~T I.EM IE .. S
Saturda y mornin g.
_ _ _ _ _J!IIIIIIJJJl
i _ _ _ _
THE Se, tOe AND ' 25e ST·O· RE . ~
3 More Snap F t ' as enen, 15 rlor ..... , . , ... , .. , . , . lOe Glass Dishes, 'good size· . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .. '" .l5c Glass -,13 utter pishes ... . . . . . . . . .. : . : . . ...... ... 25C Co lored 'Glass Vases. . . . . . . ...... . , , , . . . , , , .....25c White Metal Knives and Forks, per set • ... ' .' .Sl 80 Rex Lye, large can., , . . .... . . . ...... .. .. . , . ... tOe Goblin Soap, the kind. that cut grease . , ...... .... lOe Hydro gen Peroxide, large bottle s ...... ... , .... ,100 Mrs. Pr,ices' Canning Compound, per pkg; .... , . , .lOe 7 packages for. , .. , . . . ,.. . . . . .... , , .... ; •... 60c Speclaliit in
WQllllVllIo 0bI0
. . . . . .~. . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . .Ii..
""eventy. First Ycar
l ll, ' 19111
[Io cie ;;)J b __ -_ ~ __
Whole Numb er 8547
Viola K Haw k ins, rluughtl ' r Il f PW'''.''' IIIlIIC Ev/!n lind Mll rv 'ElizIIUt!l h KeYR, I'hl' fuurth !:iat u rday in Augllst . was born Ju ly :';0, I lit; , in WnYlll·. . 191 9. the IIho ~'c namca fam ili~ held · villll, Ohio, IIlId de pa r ed th i life In M r~ . !"r eu E\'e r hu r t wus ii ' Ci IiCili I hpir 22nd an nual r eunion at the Iho fuonily re. id enc In Will pinR"toll, M i s~ Hellm Marlatt (mtc rtainerl a August II . I!H!/, IIgeri 63 yearl! and nati. une ,IllY 11151 w .·de party of young pelo ple at her home Ur. lJill. Ugtel,pa th I I :i . Broad· Wcllm un school g rounds. This was an ideal day Bnd an unusua l crowel on I"ou rth st r eet. Tuesd ay e veni ng. I way. Lclmnn n . Ohio. II riaYII ~lIt h er ed toc.l a y ~ At the noon hour, in Afterco lJlllluti ngh ur educutio n she hor,o r nf th ose wh o leave shortly Mr IInd ' Mr~ I{u lph S mith wen " "lrelOendus " dinner wa g spread on 1111ght Rchool until he r mu rriage [.. Cincinn ati vi sitors, for college. About t wenl y· five guests M r find Mrs . Chus. Shl'rwo od we re th e previo Inllt Thu rsday . usly prepare d tables. and were pregent and t he even ing was l~njllmin Hawkins, Decomb cr 24 . , IIl1yll)n visitors. S unday. all !lathe red aro und and began eat· pl easantly s pent in music lind gllmell I87!:l. fwo d ug ht rll caml: lo 111 >!.~ W. '0 HRI/N is luil! u p ilL hi s h!/ml ing anythin g within reach . They did IIrter wIJ ich delightf ul rofrc~ hm e n ts thiH hom ~ Mary H aw k in~ Te rrell . with a ,ev ro attuck of rheum l1t.,m . Mrs C. M I!rown a nd ~ on, Cllrrol\. 'lot ha ve to reach flir to get fri ed were served . !:.~ icling near Now Vicnna, lind Helen \ wt! rc Uay t.,n vi~lto rs , Sutu rdllY chicken . for it WIUI certuiniy pienti· 1~ lh e r . wht) hn:! h.M1 III cumfor t of ful. There .WIIS plenty of coffee and Wlllter McClur e wile in fo'runklin. / her IlBrents eRpccially ill th eir Y'ors The Misses Anna Furnll~, Edna MOI.Hlay afternoon , 0 11 professiun a l , , J. W. BurLon lind Elia ~ OR l e~bee lemonAd e for a ll . of ill heallh Cornell, Lillian Wl\ker ~on, Alice Atter dinner th e officers were Of h(l r Cather's fnOli ly, a b r o th~r . b~oo~ we re bUKines>I vl,;il or R in Clr.c innu li. Ca rey and J eannl!tl e a nd Luue ll a ulectec.l as f ol lows : Thoma8 Rich. MIlton Keys , of Wllynes vil le, and Tuesday . \ Jan ney entertai n ed at Il prol< ru?sive presiden t; Ira Rich . vice preaide nt; Mrll. Stanley Sellc r s. of Ll1 uanon.l! ur I Mr and Mrs Hal field, of Xen ial. party. Fri,lay evenin g . r.o rty·t wo Ida Mannon . secretar y ; Berda Rich vive her . Four j,(randch ildrell I!orn · were 'the guests of Mrs. OHcn r S lile:-, of Hope Cincinn young Stilel. ati. f olkH enjoyed pleasan t rid eR. was th" J o rdan , treasure r, Then quite a Jllete th e bereft family . gU ~t I, f and falllily , ~unduy . Bu r lllil Ea rnh art lind fa mily number talked over the daY2 when A fuu.r COllrl!(' lunchc(l n WIlS ser ved '[ne greater pa rt of her mar r ied o f Itou te 4. IllH t week . lit the J anney , Ca:rev, Cornell and t bev wflnt to Rehool at t hiA p laee. and Iif.. WflH 8\10nt on a fflrm near N(lw FurnllS homeA. Mr and Mrs. Ernest I{ogers and thel r little experiences while children Hurling tolt. From the re they moved House· cleaning time mean s old car· One of th e RCholars that ueed to be Frod Luderus . first bapemlln for t o Waynes ville, whe re th ey Herved dau g hter. of ()uytun. s ptm t Sundoy th e pet time . Uld car pets mean new recited "The Kaiser's Dream. " AnPbllado lphla NaUona1I1, tIle Friends Church for liVtl ye"r~ , here with humu (olkR. Miss Alma Wal.erho use most beau· brenl!8 Into bOe8b\lIl's hall or fame ru gs if ije nl to Frunkli n Hug Co . other r ecited the followI ng lines : tifull y en t ertain d a crowd of youn" nnd from there th ey m oved to Grll:lRY It wae In an airship 10 Scoll and . thl8 yoar, Botting a world record ... N18s Katblen nun, where they served fo r seven e Martyn, Mr . and Mrs E lme r Enrnhll rt. o f Briti sh " The Cleaver s and the lUchR ladieH. Illst Friday afl ernoon ,for th e tor continuo us play. When he actroaa, 8cknowledgod one nr lho Mrs Anna Hathaw ay s pent a fe w years BecauMe uf fa ilin '! health, Dayton . spen t Sundliv with ~r. an d Wit h t hei r fri ends have eome today pur pOHe of i/ rlo:ani zillj{ lin embroid ery llloyod In I)ls 479lh gllme lit Cblmost beautiful women ot England , duy ~ IlUI t week with her daug ht., r. Tn hold R g lad reunion they tll .. n remove d t o thair presen t Mrs. H. E. Eu rnhart lind famIl y , cago Cub pork recently be wos In c\a~s Dai nty refreshm ents Wllr!! 18 mascot ot the ROYIlI ~' I y lng Mrs. Frank holme in Wilmin gton . Thomas . of Houl e 4 . his fourth lMlII80n wltbout ml88lng served . Thuse who enjoyed the af. In a good olrl fashione d way. Corps. Tbat'! wby sbe Ie tbo OIlIY \ Viola K. Hawkim j<lined tIJ e a game In wblch hie team bad fair were the I!;the l Hosier , glrl Mr. ar.d M r~ I~ H. FRrr and Thos . wbo eTer ftow And In we lire here hath g reat and an airship played and he bod bettered the' Helen Hawkl:), Nettle Earnha rt, MesFriend s Church 800n afte r her m ar with. the Prlnco. Miss Ne>rt yn 18 . Mr allo Mr:l John M Collins. o f sm all. mark set by Eddie Col line of the dam~ Mildred Smith. Ellen Conner , riage IUld WWl ever a fllithful. C,IO · Pie rc e w~ re Sunday lCup-sts of Mr . coming to America and 'lOllY ·III .le t ISalem. N J . • are the gueRts of Mr. And !lOme of us good 10 klng,.to o, Whllo 80x, wbo previously beld Bertha Haw ke. Bess Earnha rt . JoseIlishmt membe r . serving l he church and MrR. Gu y !Jakin, of Woodbo urnt'. the Prln.c~ wben be vlelta the U. S. anel Mrs. C. W. Ha rn et t and fam il y. And we extend to all th is welcom e, tbe reoor4. in many capaciti es. ::lhe was one of phine Gons. Emma McClur e. Nellie \ 'I am S(lad to see you, how do you Be one of the luckv on~ . Get Il the Clerks of Wilmin gton Yearl y Gordon and Svbil LeMay . ~==========~============~ I Mr. and Mrs. do: Eli Dean moved to Meeting for two years. Of a cheer I"red One Dollar Trade Certific at.e. tOWII. Thur!ldllY. and lire oc-CUPyillil And we bro' t ourdinn ful I\nri ~ia~tic d ispositio n and fr ee. at the Fred Art HIIII Dis play eJ'l.lwit hus Mr>l. nevill's house on Fo urth ~ lreet . A jolly part)' uf young folks visited etronlC persona lity. she wns r eady to lit the Fair . 1n baskets large and round, Chester Park' help in 1111 refor ms. The tempe ran c~ . IlISt Sunday , going in I And when we opened them we aaw . movem ent ha9 Itlwuys helel II lurge Mrs. J . S. Thom son , of th e Leba· Everyth in g good lhat could be Mr. and M re. Eel Ballard Imel place In her henrt. In the unpopu · mothe r and Miss Leti tia Ballard non pi ke . ar ri ved home, Friday, after found . of Mary Emma. da ughter of Joseph were , Margar et Gustin, Franki e Ma· lar days o f 1his r. uuse she ae rved for Xen iu . were calling on Mr .• a vll ry plelll!8n t vi~it with rei lltives at Then we U nd Mrs. fixed the tables, and Elizabe th Hawke. was born near lott. Inez Thomas , Retha Frazer, years as Sec retary (If the Clinlon Eli Dean. Sunday aft erno on . Wichi ta. Kan • a nd Kokomo . Ind. Cover ed them over all snowy white . Centerv ille, Ohio , July 7, 1877. In Miss Hutchin son . Amy, Veda and County W.C.'l' .U ,lind for two years Put all that dinner on them. early girlhoo d. h'e r parents move.1 10 Eva Griffy, Russel Martin. Lowell WIUI Preside nt of th o Wa rr ell '(lu ntv By being an ideal day . Sep t o mbe~ Mr, and Mrs . S . L Cartwri A'ht are And t ri ed to eat It. every bite, M i~8 Elizabe th Chandl er lett. Ilist Spring Valley. where she li ved until Thumas , Warren MEllott. W , C T U. and fu r RIIIII 1/i I'ell;s Perry Os· 7. 19 19. was U most pleallUnt one to in Columb u • att.ondil lg t he Nationa l The coffee and lemonad e were bou rne , Mr, Hutchin son, Mr. Houk. th e many membe rs aud h IlS actcd 88 S ' creL:lry of Ihe y' 'urly week. for 'do , Harriso n ('Qu nty. her marriag e . 8plen· fri ends of G. A. R i':ncampll1en t . They She was united in marriag e t o Mr. lind Mrs Ernes t Malott , Mr . and th e Ilumett MeetlnR" R TI' mperaJH"1l 'ummi llee whe re she will t alce charl{e of II Nordid. fam ily, wh o, with well al80 apend a few daya at the lak eswill mal sch ool Eve in rett II centrali M. . Zen t zed rn eyer schuol. . June 27, 1901 Ral ph Weller. Made by Bird and Mat. One of hcr IfI~ t con\'wru wus tu hav \' filled baskets gathere d at the home To this union were born three child · One f ellow though t it was 10 KOod. the report relld y for Ytlnrly Meeting , ..... on Soci~ 1 Rtl w, of Anrler su/I Ellis Mr9. Nancy fitzpatr ick. mother of ren-Ze lla R ., alCe 15 yearll. Joseph H e r active minll WI1S hlwaY8 busy . Car l ~ ~C l u re le ft. Saturda That we ought to plIIIS the hat. y morn- M • a~ e 13 yea rs, Em and fnn.lIly: Mrs . Cynthia Evans, died. last Slitur. with plawl tor wllrlc fur the ch urch, ml:!, tu J OIl1 h l~ ship, the ma Elizabe th. Okl~hOJ II!I, HOH IJlLallty was neve.r ":l0r The o Il nero treasur er, standin g hy. aald . age 9 day, at the h ome of her daug hter, years- all of whom were with the family or th e "mlcted anl\ dut at Newpo rt New8. ulter n dehl{hlf ul her du r ing oU81y <!xt e nded 81ld eocllIl IIlturC(lU rae Mn . Edward Barbel'. 'That is what we are going to do. ing th yenrfl f her rI IIn'ln le heal h. 30 days fur lv ul{h with her lallt of Norwoo hoUrs. d, made the afterncl on a "hc>rt but homo foll\s But we are going to walt until after he lived in Indianll until thl' year a cheerfu l hllpefui lins r WII~ RI'wuy~ plellijUIl t one, and all Berne l(llu.he 1910, when t he famil y moved to Cam· dinner, given to all inqulril lg fri ends Miss Edylha Macy, who is a nurse to have evening como, and lIullo late One good thlnll abou t h ou se c1cnn- eron. Missllui A tter we all are through : i. After having lived Deeply ~in r c r c was he r ~ o n secrll ing. All Ihe old carpets , in a hospiLaI adjou ~ned in Cincinn to mee ati, t spent at the sev· home of Bru t.i" n t o hr r t urtl nnd Mo~ t 1' . result ingrain . will make handsom~e l R or there six monlhs . they lived in Chi · ernl days IllSt week with her sister, Chnrlie Collier Is our preside nt, Earl Milia, Septem ber 6, 1920 . e now illl!' 111 It>y:.1 'ervi p Mrs lI er pr ence rugs whcn s nt t o I"rtmklin Rug Co. cago for a period.of six years. Since Bert Hartsoc Those present k, and o th er r ei. And he is as good lUI he can be. were F . A .• L ena, June. 1916, lheir home has been In and lahor wil l h,' /! I'oa tly m i ed hy The annual convent ion of the W. Ross, Hel en, A Z, Viola atives. And haven't you noticed how pleasMadiso n, Wi scon ~ in a wide circle of r 'Ibti vw ami f r ielllJB C. T . U will be held at Mainevi lle. Owen Burnet t and wife, Hartllllc k, ant h e looks. Samuel . S Leverin g Cllrt IY ri p ht. who has When Mary WIlS six t een vears of Wednes day. Septembc~r and truly it may be wrilten of hf'r 17th . A fine Sarah. JoJrn For this year he haa a new wife, The town WOll III most depopul ated in letters of gold , "Whi le she lived lioen BlJcndin ll his vue,,1 ion with his age, ahe joined the Christia n Church program has been al'range d by tbe Butterw orthest, Stella and Burnet t you see. , Charles , Glenn Bnd Gil· IlUIt Monday and Thursd ay . the occa· K randpar ·n l ~ . Mr. and Mr~ . S L, at Clio, Ohio. She was faithful to commit tee . Tbe reports of the di! she shone .. bert Frye. Lucy. Ralph , AlvllJ , La Ilion being the Dayton Fair . fl.grOllt Cartwri ght. ha~ relurne Li La his home her religion and her God, t.rans fer· farent commit Ida MannoD Is our seeretar y, tees of 1n £vlll1sto n. 11 1. ring her ' membe rshi p to a church be read, and other [he county will Verne Rnd Rhea Dyke . Stacy, SI).arra many of our citizens attende d, and And ahe has done her work so well matters of busi. Homer and Chester Burnett . MIl ton said the fair WIUI a good one . which shl:) could attend, a t the time of ness discusse d That she haa had that book for yeara and Emma Keys, Amos, Ella. Ruth, We ar ' Indeb t\:(\ to J l.: Murray . her death, belonlti ng to the Method ist a nd years and years. Mrs Viola D. Romans . Btate secre· M~rgare t and Ern~8t Cook. B. Epiacop f· al Church of Madison , Wi . tary of the W. C. T U .. Boy8, be sure and call at the S. of Rogers, Ark , fo r H • mal l ~a9ket More years than I can tell. will give the M~1I8 and WIfe, Milton and Carrie • • • She has always enjoyed good health address in the afterno • Fred Co, booth at the Lebano n . 'air of exce dingl y fi ne R PII I~ on. Mrs. Ro. Mills , Court . . . had a large appl e crop this year. and except for occlUlionlll attacks of gall. mans Is conside red a fi ne s peaker, Be.tty Effie an d Lawren ce Rooney . and get a Certific ate of Membe rship A.nd we have a treasur er. and Mr. and M~s J:loward to the Fred 1000 8tone cholic, at whieb timea she suf· That is worth nothing under tne lhe a~PI; are of a very fine quality. f er eB intensel y . Her death. huweve and her address will be worth while. T .msell, Mr. and Mra . WIll Pm e, AI- Club and get six m "Ameri can Boy" sun. o nth ~' s ubscri pti on r. Mre Romans will alBo address the Vln. Dorts. Mr. and Mrs . Harl Har· Free. came very suddenl y of al)Oplexy, assembl y at the evenin.g And if we want toaavea nymon ey, session . Dr. vey, Mr. Mrs. H . E, Hathaw ay at· wben her physicia ns though and Mrs. Frank Colema n. We will have to elect another one. t her and son, Floyd, C. R. Cornell . wife tend4icl e Hathaw ay reunion at the health ·was improvi ng. She request ed J 'Jhe W. C. T . U. Institute of Wed· h~ . Bassett and Willard son. Huldah. Walter and Cliff , of Lebano n, It Is pleasan t to meet on these old . and Mrs. Harvey Bur· all to be quiet and said. "I want to i:isday, SepL<lm ber 3rd, was II great I),e~, Burnett , Will Phillips and wife. T . ha.~ been elected secretar y of the ntefvi\le, Sunday . There sleep." school grounds , She then entered this last Take the Miami Oaze tte for a year Sherod and • IUCCe!l8 . Mrs Carrie L , Flatter. our were wife. F . H. Graham . Warren County Dry Fede ration ut 75 pr~nt, aud they had 100ir sleep. near 6 p. m, Pleasan t In many wayl, Auguilt "'!'!!!'!'!'!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!'!'!'!!!!!'!'!'!!!!~ wife State worker, added much to t.hc ago lim Mr . Willard has been secretar y of It brings to our minds fond and two daughte rs. Mildred memori es 30. 1919 ::: . Interest of the occasion Her . ad· Kathryn , Gilbert Jamello n , wife and and the Miami Valley Chauta uqua f or Of our hanpy childho od days. Sbe is survive d by her husband anti 4nIit. in the afterno on, was hlll h 111· Mr .' and the lIOn, past Wilber. six years, Wm. and Dyke, Is lit y wife resent and Mrs. Archer Harbloc k. tbree obedien.t children , all of whom . atruetlv e and enjoyab le. An offering daughte r, Miriam , Earl Mills and with the S. Fred Co .• at Lebanon . For here the Rlchs and the Cleaver s all that loving hands could do to of a IiUle more than $500 was taken Mr . a nd Mre. Robert Walton , of did Cume at the lIOund of this Qld wife. Maynar d and Anna Mae, Clyde His work as a publicit y man is kn ow n make life Daylon. pleasan Mr. t f or and her . Mra. F C. Hart · •for the work. Lewis wife and Russell. A. ElliR, through out Souther n Ohio lUI one of school bell, She sock WIUI Ilnd a children loving : of Milford . Mr . wife. a faithful Let no . one suppose for a momen t wife, Bernice . Thelma aAd Lela 81 · the b~t He will make the dry cam · Came determi ned to mind their Ilnd mother MI'!!. Bert Hartsoc k and daugh . and a friend to all who puign II hustler f or this fall. ,that the Woman 's Christia n Tem per· lis and Stephen and Ina Burnett . teacherl l. ance Union has finished wo rk. ter spent Sunday with their parents . knew her. Her life was wbolly unAnd leBrn to read and write and selfish, always forgetf ul of sel' and ' beellulle WE have slate " nd na t lOMI Mr. lind Mrs . J . L Hartsoc k . spell. thinking only of othera. . -. prohibi tion of the liquor traffic In Besides her But immedi ah! my friends. our ranks have ate family, she this tnu.ntry . Wo are very thank fnl Mr Bnti MrR Otto and lIOn, leaves her father. one siater. two ehanged to the ~ood men of this eountry , who Carl , of St. J ue. Mo .. Mills Since our orllaniz ation 'i\ta.t begun. have 88id by their voles. ' .. alo ons Thursd ay m')rnin g, forarrived here. brothe rs Bnd a host of more distant a ten·day s relntive s and friends to mourn he t: · So many of our parentll haV'i! left U8, mWlt go." Bu t the molhe r heart of ,'Islt with r,·lutivOB . This is the first loIS Yea, they are leaving us. one by the W. C. T U. reach" out t~\ othe r time for thirty·fi ve The Ladies' Aid of Lytle M. E. · that the ami. • countri es, who are askmSl" our- help· Mills' have visited theyears Church wili give an Ice Cream Sodal. home of their to rill them of th is n efariou s traffic youth. lind .thllY arc su,rely enjoyin Until Saturda the care of this reunion y night, Septem ber 13th, on g So. with our Jubilee !I'und, we a re every minute of their' visit. lawn at the hOme of Clarenc e Smith, Is left to you and me, Mrs. Emma Dakin. matron of the in Lytle. worklnSl'. 88 well a8 praying . for. So let us never falter. eirll' departm ent Ilt the Masonic same. two Having no lise for the world prohibit ion in 1~25 . But at our post of duty be. heating stov~ and .160 'L'he enthusi astic and unprece dented UIc1 wood alcohol or IIlmllal' Home at Springf ield, who fell a yards of church .., carpet will be sold lt C'bomlcal polson In a b()U\e Of rtpo ~ponee to the S Fred Co. LebanoD F, W. Hathaw ay sold his propert y couple of years ago and hurt her foot, at auction is not likely that we will ever olives kill tbe maJortty at n dinner Store Announ cement and Advanc e on Third street. illSt week , to Mrs. is at the hospItal in Springf ield tak- come and at the social, Everyon e meet ~aln . party have at a II good OIl1ln try time. club at ~tOA. Sale 00' FI1I'11. Plueh~ Coat... New Fall Carolin e Cbenow eth. and he th en ing treatme nt for the same. She is As we have met today. Oblo' Or wero germs In oold atOPSuits. School Boya' and Glrls"N eeds, bought Ralph Miller's propert y ad· .... ... getting along nicely and will be at In another year some may be called 84re turkey respon.l bhl' Do9tora awaken ed an iuterest that was 8Ur· joining him. the Home Conaide ratlon not again before long. Rome. cltaaaroo IIIId tbe vorcll~:l of chumprising and worthy of, spec:lal' com· known . late will b&~e to the anAnd 80me may'be miles a~ay. The Crucial Test. ment. Get to Lebano n. see our ...... OoL 0. C. ·Weybn.cllt. Of rnurse, AIKf'rrtnl l . lh .. rl' IA 0 1& beaulit ul dlspiay a~ the ,Fair. Sale 'WOI'1d war tI'Oloran. foirmor17 adjlltlmntA woy II) lenrn whf'Cltf'r yonr But as we part let us each resolve OptimIs tic Thought that. and School Openin g Priees. are oh tolant . general at Oblo, .. oe ooe at p\\"of't hrnrl'" rompll'xlnn I ~ nnlurnl or Don't miss th e best fair on earthThe love of 'lUhjl~ CtM Ie an 10. """U r·fl. Rub I ~ et. wbo died wtthla a 'ow bours ' Let our circums tances be what nolV, and will prevail all next week. the Warren County Fair, Sept. with n WI ' t ru g, theo 9· 12 dintII&'. dbl" pl'Ote~tJon . thoy may. look nl th e rog.--o "ln·~ t !) II N " ",B. Dean Rowell. of the U. S S. Idaho. If we are spared we will make an arrived in Montere y. Cal .. Septem ber effort 2nd, in time to partielp ate In the .~V.W.W-..-:,.t To meet here again one year from :;."'~~:::::"". ¥"':--4¥.'''''' Itrand parade of the Pacific Fleet . today.' .. ''4.-'' - "Visito r." He 88)'8 the ship eX\lecia to leRve San Franeia co. tiunday . boUlld for Seattle, Wash He is g eltin g along fine, and thinks it will not be long before he will receive hIs rlischar ge from thl" Navy . The review of the fleet. accordin ll to the San Francisc o Examin er. WIUI Ii gTand·s uceesa , about 25 battle.qhipa Ttl .. noun III Ihe h\I ~1r1CAA ~ 1I11 carnE tAl thut. and dreadna ughtll, with amaller vc's 6h p ~""nt mill'll M ' '';;' ·~I)' "rd Inv !·... she sotel. " to "navu 10le ( tor presenta tIon. Jl:Iolae eougnt hlto the brJlllnnrll' I11th INI rllum, BD~ ~mc In theSo otd partieip ath)g In the eV.ent ne. .gn rrleD. drcnmlng 01 nOllnceO . and lots or mnney to allene!. "tIlNI\~ nen -ollsly nh""I. Fal Olin@:8 wbleb IIho might do l out later. The Cincinn ati Tim~·Star of UDder ellher Abbie AnD bowed, Inet.lnctl v('ly hnrk In n ifCrrencd corlll' r hI' Milicil erIcllmM ance.s-of thl' good ~he might IIltod thIs bIll: plolo man wIth the "be . "Well." he thoughtfully renectoo. I "Dow In Iho world 1" she Mlted. "did Thursda y evening had the followin g: , . hD' "tbe wllM! expclnrtlluN! ot mODey ·1s an ron become IWlunlotp.rI Ahhle Ann-, nnd the ptJr\)l cli:cc1 rr"II'D accompl '>\1 wllh Tyron "Marion E: Adams. 60, laborer, 4441 ish for otherA. It opportU nlt'l morou8 eyes. ttl rlprl (rQm hIs· tnco. . art to Itllelf. Now .•up~?~,· bl leaned Perkins, the ·multl.m llllonalr . wero hers; thero soomed to ba little el" Darrow aven ue, waa "Mine Is Dorler." ehe respoDded, anll toward her amusedly. YOD were struck by a cut "Whpre '18 l'\'ertbod y"" he asked 1m here Ihnt ~ he po. \ AhlJte Ann's eyfoll widened . could" cSo fOf C!VeD hft' ellpectlintly a .... alted hili Quettloo. of cars being switche d at the B . .& O. ..1IIed at lots ot .moneY! bow l'ould • rrlpnlJly Innl'. "You don'l mpn"," she a"koc1. Incrcd- railroad tracks and Mitchel leI.. "Not." be befjnil,ou dls.»Ose of Itt' . Ahble Ann "llJh~d rellpI'I'C'II,. fleM! ulnual • "thnt tbls aIr. I'~rklns Is Iho shortly after noon Wednesl avem,e, Ret' tn c~ brighten ed as tlIe tD "Yee," sbe ~Id. "1 11m related t. day. and Abbie AnD ~oke rogerly. shl'aell" mllllonalro you and at Inst IVIl8 8OIl,e onc to · whom !lhf pOSing mllll catet'fld Jos~phtDe hnve killed . He died in the patrol while ~he bIg. deeet'ted !mOille and ,JollClph·lne. I'm thel•• and con.tram l forgotteD. been 80 e11cited over meeting'" TherJ will he a apecial meotlng of ",lltht ~flCllk "'Itlanut u' Mhlvl'r ot 8W8. I'GOm: she hall bpen tongun-tled betOrtl an4 I neither paInt IIOr pla,,-" Iilter, on the way to the hOlpital "I'd build a bome tor »Oor con..nle. Abbl ~ Ann waR Vallly Ilrpud of hl'l nie Irreproachable even Tyron PerkIns hImself was heckon- body WBI tuken to the morgue . The Eastern Star. lod'g e, Fritiay e.V(lning , In, dreu of . It was the man'. tom to Interrup t, . Witeente," ahe Mid, "tholc J(lfted you tnmllv. know tbelr w.ho ac-h.evem Inll ber ant rrmn the dOOr\\·RY . tbe .odully promInent. ThJ8 mnn, Septem ber 12th. at which time there nessee told . the police that Adams "AU right," he 8n14; -elad 10 heal' mu~t loan bOllJ)ltnls and hue no I hor Joy , but she WA O Wf'Ory nt the e .. el ".\vhen Ihey dllllce liGnIn." he ~ Illd, was walk in" down the tracks Imllttillly lit at CII "e, scemed tlome wa"I'" Then I ahnn't be ealled will be, several candida tes. It i~ and opon to m'Oney for further core. And I'd hl\ve 1"let's tlllll: thlnll A over." or otber to be In her 0\\' 0 predlca- lI~ten while )'ou perform dealred that thecil be " full attend·' oDl\clpnted Question: apparen tly did not see the ' eut of , or • compll· bill ~Ollntry summer "Dorler' plnce. " tor BllIu'! the . aile lIrr FCnted l'Ioul~ ment. Like II consplrl anee. ltor Ahhle Louella Miller, W. M. Ann ' . c ars approac h ... m~nt 8 plllnting whlch 'l don't In lbe child reo of the poor, and-Ol 01 IIrin II r. "'Can It he p(>1O ~ lhle thllt 10IJ - Ihere Dodded bacll til him. "You are 0 p-uetlt, lire )'OQ nQt'" lie l008t lInderalcmd."' Sue Hawke. Sec·Y. The funeral Qf Mr . Adama was nre 80 many splendId thIn", thRt one o~e rel nted EloIse .bnrle. tbt a.rt·. IlIIlI'l1 nbruptly . ' '1 want to bear more concc'! "Ilnll held at the r esidenc e of his sister, For a momeqt of 'I\ndel'1ltandhlr ·~Fm· mJ"ht do with money. -. -----I~"" Or perhaps It ,,"Ollid b_".1o10ur n''''8 011 tbe art of s pending Mrs. ChBll: Ree-i, Saturda AI>ble Ana blu~hl'rl Rt bls approl.,. pllthy Ihe twoJoolI:ed Into etl~b y after· "Mr. Perkln"' elther's l" laughln "y called thl sepblne Dorter tbe m1J~'cl"n '" IJIOne,," be ellplnlne d. log J:lnncc to\\'nrd her Rlmple ,.·hlte eyes and IRU$hed. at 2:8Q o'clock. Interme nt was made hOlilen. '~Wh" did "ou not BonOUn!!a When Ahble replied that ...ho WOII I trOck , Rnd nodd "JUlit 41'4'Rm91 " ~he murmur ed re- ·In Sring Grove cemeter y . erl. "YGU mURtn·t thInk that ·l don't lip' ronr .presenc e' All I lI!ellt .of honor pettull)" '''I~tClt: the Inrt never fnJl nd to draw ' But the hlg nlnD smiled. "You <lon'l Mr. Adams WIUI the eon of late on nsto.nlnhed glnnce 10 her dlr~tlon. gorded her C[lr{' to I1AOce'" Be reo preclRte my altltel'1l.- AbMe AIID lui'" ,our behllvlor la InerCUlllble." "Some dreoms come true," he re- Mr. and Mrs Savot'y Adams. lhe curl(\\...~ly . . tcned to add. "It'll JUlt becau .. I'DI and be !!'be bl. man aro.we. Abble Ann wondered ,"~~lltI" what mInded. AbbIe Ann t'hO(\k her beRd. spen t the greater IJllI't of bia Iile In tnlClI a noncmUt" III1l1C1lt tllat I de·A»OIOIIMI" b. 11814. "I came h_ O· hnme mIght b_Ith II COlliApln Ihe liked Ihl' hllmo'roD8 IIghl Waynes ville "So few pecple About ten yee,. &ae. Chester Snook arrived tome Friday tortnbly C!<lntcDted tlLmn, Ilatlll'red fter· ,be cootelWwllnt me for ~ pert. BPIII eompar1a~ 'J;'be IIIDlJ ,....oa dlred fI'oIII till lltatton, 1111 traIn b&o 10 hiS e1M. Rllt 119 she fltood lonklng hI!. togethe ld. ,·that 1'4 rather that people' bear wttIl De It all .. ID' dela,"- I dl.d ~ot wllb r with the l"te,Cb u RtecI evening . havinlr received his dIS· 1111 at one lime nllout the loble. Her DOt'tOfft to break In ap lit him. tbe humor, changed to ,tlla- and his sister, remove d to Cinelnn atl. tbam to aell me." 1m'a1l11e rill ID the lamO".' 01\ your trWolltle a. charge from the U. S,SACharla ton, sillten were 10 .eldom together. Abbie d~ml!llll. . where Th. maD piDned ; It waa a pod·nathllY have ainc.J Mr. "ReCleete4-s\of7l" lalllbie4 the 1IIIUl, He Is loe1c1nJr fine. bllt is nllt defio- AllIl ba .. Dot Oonta the ' ooll8OllItloo of Mretl 1fIa. Ue dreW forth a ebalr an4 AbbIe ADn reUred to fOe_rIB" .. Int w..tOMl No. . palJ<l' u.s.., lIaft JOD DO ~I 4...... ID lIer oo~.~,The Adams was a ~~d::d~~~;;"~~~ pNIIIjI )Jolt... 4... ftely deciclud what he will do. ; I ....... _1I1D8 ~ .. haIJIekH • • _ . DBl' atttlld.. . hI_if .t bar lIeI.. aad hiB slidden _ _ ....... . '" forth tile DOtt4 :rG.eohbae and ..... Bead the Gazette 'a dne lIbort etori. communi"•
BURNElT fAMilY ~r~~ 'b~Jj; :s tf~~~~ i~dth!ta~ir~~ I HOl n THEIR REUNION
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What the Ma:<." Knew
By DOR A MOLL. N , • •,
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In a moment more she hlld Reen hIm alld took a ~tep or two In his dIrec ti on lUI ha hqrrlt'd to her. Btli Il ~ Rh " hl'l,l oot b6r IIInll to him there WUR nlll)r~
hOll.ll)n , nCn'o tls IIlly ... t)' IHld 11 '1\1 ...·r. . uilaceuslomed air of (Irflnnl''', nil nt tile Ume. FloYI"e hNlrt IlIrlwll til led wltllln hJm. "I'm n~y, vor)' Shul you' r 9 88 (ely be!:k, Floyd," ~tb !MIld-lind e" en RR ,he IIpoke. In II (onstrnlnell. Illlnlltllrlli 901«<1, Hobnrt ellw tbllt th e littl e 8011· . talre 'NaB I(lne from h e r It'it hlln d. He drew hl'r o!!lde frOID the c r o ",d (1) thl' plntfl)rm. "I enn HI'e. He lh," IJIlld. "Tell n1l1 flbClllt It. 1" ' 0 1<'01'0' ell to stft nd Ihlngfl. Who Is liT' And 1'e tl\ told him. n Fred Ter rell, T e"re ll of Floyd'! nwn cOlllpnll;<>- T l'I' r (>1I tlIf' 11t\I'yer, who hllll OIno b Cl I1lt! trlllll Ih t' trnlnlng I.'UItl() tb e w..ek IIdorc' t1'A nljJ1ment ~nlled. utt f rly caRl !In'''l1 ,h e· eftuse ot th o In81 mnm ent h e hll.1 h""11 I'(lJected by UlI! IIlcdlcnl omcers Oil ne(!(Iuut ot Inme nlllhly Im,ler(ecI " ' ~ I"I1 . B e hnd Almost "'epl liS he tnld " ulh of the ' 'litter dlsoPI,nllltm!'nt 11 Rt rong Plan Imfl'ere Ilt h('lng, ngn lfl s l hi . I'ro· teHis lind In conflIct with 'llI R ,10Ilrc. I hopei , compelled hI SillY o ut of HIl gin1'I000a R eru.ndl'. "etb hod felt 110 lIorry for Irlm! Aud then he had h e!!n ~o BI11('n.lld nrt"I' \",11'I1 -II ad Dllldo 1!1I"h won(\l'rrnl " [lfo.,, ·I,,'" nrllllllf (In the grflw rh of I h" 1''''1 (\1.·'8 will to ".1 tury , 1" - 0 I'tl u f'mlt i ll g- to .In· , .., )\olltt Ctl, wtll 'l, h "hhul"'4'd, 1"1 11 \bar ho DI II"t. In t.b e Slu t " -s\·I,, b l,.. l~n.1 1118 ~turd.)' imtrlvUc nit! 10 the ""..·r ,o\'erllor i AIIII tie htld he,'o HU" h U IlIlrl1c11' o( kl'rl(lo .11111 eOllllldcrntl on to I\" lh In II'IT lonulln ctl$ utt t)r " '\vytl hilt! 1t" 11 • A nd IIOllwh,)w l"lol'tl 1I\V1i)' ~H Ih" re Ih :II1I!1M lit tlIo . VII,.t turm Oil. ('n ·
ml: llt~ It r,,1 'Ht l'I"1I 11 ~ 11 11\'(\ hN' U ~( 'i ' ll. It 'RI-,o",.d hle 111111 \\,lItl'r ~-l' r nhnlt l .\' I n Iht. f41l'lU tit 11"'- 11111), "XI ' I II I Il,e
hut',lltl o f foCnl ll P n f fll ,, 11" "pl'r ('1'1111'1':': , hut th e I,,\\, tl ' III(I"l'IltllI'( ' wO IIII' ~ I·:II' I' (' ~ 1r t,(' n1lIt It t n 1111 lI{l'wO, '" 1'\,('11 w llt\n 1
.1\. D\~ h t'r
h"role Ihln in'.
>I CllICt\
lUu(b 1 1J8~ lh HIl Ihl8 frl\'J\d lit I,,,,,,.,, " 'h\l
dl VllC1\lJl('d .. dlllliod the deal'Ollt • Illnltloll ot a trlo1t~ JOIlD& Am
rllllUl I
WGU. Flo)'d - - - Mel. 1UII'WaJ, b
WOlilel undl'l'DIU I tILl'
. . . . ..-c11Da.17 BtU.
81th BIIJ'do
t:: lIn WII !-I
",hl ll tn /.!_
li1e Thing Th at Hur1s. I'" ) ' d U lit" wlllktnJ,:
'CfI~t'll n .n
prnt ,"',I }' tIl lu' h III ;;;!"; , fi t-: no r.'fl'lI ('t ll1 t\ hllfl (' \'f~ r hi '" '' 11111'1'1"\' \ ,(1 \\ II l'lI Ill p .'''~A ot th (! m,,01l'''' ,H ", )( p" ~H I '~ ItVt'" n :.atll r , Tho t' xIMtl ,nt'" \\,1111 ' 1' 111 lin." '11111 11 ' ti t'\' hn~ II lit h." l l! .1"' 1'\,11',1 Ity In -':fI' lI ~
IoU'N II lit l u,,1 l llTI IIII' rt d nJ{ tll :1 1 I!t"~ "IS 1:0l1 t I ", llil' 11111111 ,..111,,1 "t'IJIlI')j t lit !JII' i'l1~' njhl ll lll ~ 1 I' I1II,, " thllt I kf'fll'
I," rl tll'pn t l) r :'ll'l li l n It ni l tn ~"'. \\' 111"' . II '"
Itt' j(h ' - f' hi E: nllIllP .
" J'1l ,' 0111 (1 n n~r t nllll)rrOW on" hnrr" '" tt ," he oft'(lrt,£l II~ 1h' fl WUI1 f,t b l ~ t , 'Il Tll Inlo ! h ~ N'ud n l In81. ''1'11 b ~ P O (lln~ In hll"'~ ~·Oll ... ~11 1 11 r.o"l ~ p. hnPl' lI y. " ' nt' I cnn h n rclly Wil li 1(1 lI .. t Ill)' Ilt ll e tnrJ\l . ~ t"rll't1." T il " I(n rr1 ~ n l1:rl' ''' II Dn r ~ . . Th .. n 1I 1'1.h· 11111 pnta t o" , !1Il,ld" tl II " l' ll IIf hlo.'(" II " . t h e " nrn \\'116 hll h l' lv u r,'en. hull e r lll 'H h n \'~ rt'( 1 (,,, ,'T th (' t1'n lll'r 1h'I\R. Alit 'H ~• 111 0 \l"~ 1 rll of til ,' ""Il llty rtllr 0 1"\'1' 111 'n t ed lllP Rtore ,,1 11<\,'1\'" nlHI hulh'll n hO(\I'(I • . All the n l'l{!h hll rh"" cI \ , 'U " I n· t'lt pd In ,,!'I'lI l c r (,n'" n- )'~ I h)' II,., ,f· fl'r o t a gll,,!.'r ('1111 to Ihe wtnnpr of lll e ,"O~ I 11\\'(\1'(\8 III th l' rnlr. AP till' ,11l),p wenl nil Ih~ "' '' /cC l n hl r ~ r p"IIIH"",.1 t o ' Ihr z~l1lo11R cllre L o u l,"'! ~xrl e nrl ~ 11 u pon 111(' 111 . IIlr. Word nrr" 1'''''' 10 tnko IIpr e~ h lh l ls to Ih e hllil In his wag"l1. nnrl h e Auggested GD I ~ rlng thp g r~n l llllrpl!' pnns l ~s nnO Ih e 11111OIog IlllflI llrll lllll s 1\100. She n~ked Ihe dolry mntd at lh e f orm ",h Nl s h e wenl tor Ihe milk It Mr.
"' u~ nhou!.
m ,,'r : ' 1t h". II~ rnllt. In Ih l' h"nrt.
fln thr'111/Ch nn~' II ~I of II cknn",l · 1t'llIl r.r n r hll . ln, R. nnll pror"s' 11ft>. Von will fl n,l Ih rr!' IIni f~ \\' "'hn !tn VO>. 11.)1 hp pn Ilrp·l'llllnl' Btl1l:ert:!.- l1. AIIrIlIl/!I"11 lku(·o.
By enllstlng !2,OOO,OOO AlJ)er\can womon 1n B concerted move. lJ)ent to Investigate tile bleb ~t of livIng, Inde pa.od e nlly of congrt>.~8 Bnd otbor special prober.. MlIIII Helen Varlck Doswell, won known New York woml1ll lawyer and economist, II eX\?EKltlo* ' BOme deflnlta ,..alta. Womeo lao...keepePll Llu'oulhou\ the .~unlry are 10 uk ..... . - . anCI ~ deal.... to 'an.nrar a ~·rtce of qll estJOM ',. ,IJ8IItlnnn.l rt. \'019 t.etDIt prennrcd . Tbc.>lns.w'Jr;' i< " 1.0 ill' '''ITlpn~ "'I "
HOME 1---fit' IlKk . WiI!IIIn
Waynesville, Ohio
Phone 71
h n tin\'(' (l OIJ!JlIn H O nno IOl "n'fo(l ll1J:, ~prc('h of U'~ I ('nmf' nnd Ihen Introdnc.·" th ~ nlh~r~
on the platf41rm.
\\' l wll Ihe ~IIY luncheon pnrty' nf th,· n"l lthllllrh nnr1 "'n9 O\·l'r. 111111 the aft erflnnn 111\11 I"'!lll n to wll ne. ulld 11.11 Ihe wll\lH'r~ o( honors In thl' lake ('{\InIOn · nllY hnll , ('on1(lnrt'!:l Ih,,!r r"sull~ . •h e lin\\, Mr. "'"r(\ romln\l I.()wnrd lwr I\fI ~h,' ~T onll with a group Oh(ll[t (I wnn· d ~ rflll ~\I "t' ry cow with n little ('lilt \l('.ltlr h rr. ~' I1<' IIth"rs gretllPd hI m 1(1I)'ly with It,(, "Il ~Y Inlrud u rtl on' nt (l(\ulltry nl~ tolll j;:,
"t'li y n u Hrfl th(' owner (If thO' g f('ut f n nn ONIr Inkp." Rn l d M r~. ICr ."", JIlHn , "I f\ t wny~ A tlppo~ t'cl }'nu \\'l' rp n hlr.'<'I 11\ 1111 . )' 1111 nt1l'l1r1NI ~ II~~ Mor· to n ' ~ ,:: a rllt' l\ -: 1) rttllJ,!(\ utl y ." w\\, pl' . [ h ..... ··N I ll' t11~ !l rt'N' In hlrlnrr (\11 1 t o 1h'11' t lll1 nt->lJ.!hlll\rR, l ' m ~UI'~ , ~1 r :-t , F I ") I' I IHIIl , " h ~ f (l l,lI(t1(l, T h ')' "" "',l l \,\\r to wurrl t h (l t,m('e tI 1l11 1·U' r ; . " Sol )' 011 orc nol O hl r e<1 m n n nl ,,117" lI"k" '1 L lIl1l ~ r . " No. I hll\l' un .MI1ce In lown. hut ·
Funeral Director and Embalmer. Waynesville. Ohio. ' Eith Ir Auto or Horll(l dl'1lwn llervictl N ,I IlJttra charge f(,r allto 8Ilr,,;"e. Doth phones In Office WId Itesldenl'c No.14 .
Ihl" """" .... r I " ,·d. h~1 It) hl"' ~ ~ gur<1')11 n1
P W II , ~ t) I
"n-lIIP up h~ m~'
01{. J. W.
........................... E~iES
... Examined Correctly', ..
_ Glasses Fitted
lflll ~ i::_
AT MODfo:ltATE .. mcES
"~n'" Rll lr\ LUlII" .. hnppll y. "~" w Ihlll 1',·(, "'(In Ih u aW[frd~ tlllll ~11 · ,' ,' r r nl' I \\,OI1't RC(lhl nllmlt 1l0),lhII1J:," The Ju (lges nlrc llIl ), tlo' ~ "I''' , I\II:r th., Fo tlllr!'4 t o 1tU~ t he r. ThlJrc. WIIS 0111.1' II m ln llte Iptt. bu l he mil de ,:"n(\
lI ~ P
OpUcal Department
S. Detroit St. X e nia. Ohio Open evenings by apPOintment
nf It.
"A",I \\111
) ' UII
.•• DENTIST•••
rll1'111 f ill' till' ri ll 111 111\' [' f(lr II C hl1l1 ~I' . \' IHI dl\II't mhlll 111), It'll I II/: you IIlltHlI yn nr 1lI 1.lllk ,' In l lili lll,. me tot· lh ~ l11rNI 111 11 11, d ll Y011?" Il l' ~tOf) IWt l nt the I" wl' r .tl'P a nti I,' nkrd al IIrr IlIlX'
Il't me clrlvl! ynu hnllll'
I nlll~ht - l> n llt.~l"
"\' I's." whi s pered Lc>ul :'>C.
Waynesville. Ohio
You enn' t h e lp getting Borne prize. with Ih MC ' tl\\'el ~ '" h e ossured her. She w enl up \\'lIh Ih e neighbo rs on Ih e en rl)' I ro ln n ext lin)' to hear the npenln!: "\leOChe8. To h er great s ur· prlRC Mr. W o r<1 wus onnouncll\1 as olll' '''l1l l1n ot the t :llr oolllmlttt'o. onll
8izCII: 2/ic, 5Oc,$1. It your local dealer
can't supply you , write, Youel\s Exterminating Co., Westfield, N. J For 88le ,by
Fully Equipped . for Good St!rvice. Large Display Room TELEPHONE 7
H. E. Earnhart and ]. E. Janney
DR. B.ELL'S ANTI.PAIN Par Intemal and Externa. Pruna.
MADDEN WANTS TO KNOW If you have read. the new act, passed by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, which reads. in part, as follows : ,S ection 5564. Tor the purpose of enabling the county auditor to determine the value and location of buildings and other improvements, . . . who shall ereet or construct any building or other improvement costing over $200, . shall within sixty days after said building or other improvement shall have commenced. notify the auditor of the c?unty Upon fail.ure to give notice as herein proVIded and the discovery of' such building or improvement by the county auditor after the same has been erected or c0l!structed, the said building or improvement shall be appraised by the county auditor at its true value in mOlley, and placed upon the duplicate together with a tax penalty of fifty per cent for each of the years from 'he date of the erection or construction to the date of discovery. Said county auditor may enter, by himself, or deputy, within rea,souable hours and fully ex~mine all buildings and structures of every kind ' .......... w
Sincerity Flrnt Requisite. AIIIl II'n~ 1 0' All IR Rln r(lrlly H ~l1 nl · It,· Ihllt cnn hf' ""('f'e,sfu ll y Imlllll .. ,I. JI ' wl1w~ t hrn ll J.:1I 'ht, \l'hnlp Plll n ilonlli
ed~"rl ~Io nnl
RAY F. MILLS, Dealer
Ru t oft er 'su pper h e como nnd ron· donNI nhtJu l th e I!llInt 1IQUH~h leo vell. Tlt u bl' llh t wnu ldu't hurt Ihe VCI!& I Inbl r.. nn" tho llrou gh t n enrly 0 ""1', lo n, for olrclldy Iho sky WaR and mice- that's RAT·SNAP.the old clollr1 1ng for II t e mlltJs t . AmI Mr. "'ol'd hondled he r tr nn~ 'rellable:rodent destroyer. Comes In m'll8 Clll'~ rtll1 y Rn fl n plJre(llIl ed the cakes- no mixing with other food . Your money back if It failB Three bellu ty ot tholr nrrnn ge menl.
It .
Saxon "Six" luis earned its reputation as the Practical Car hecallsc it is so tho roughl y prac:licul frolll so many llilTercnt standpuints.
(!rt" ' l thr jnd g"'I. "Bo'8 In town 1011n , At Ih e nnlce." uAnc1 h p fi\'l'n hl ('~R · thnt Jrftft ll'n ," repli ed the glr\. brclI I h<'<1 her "bl red IIInn" f Cr\·cntly. "T he nf\lre." tllnn .~ht I, oul ,o. "prnl>. (Collyrla"'_ 191;. M<>Cluro N eWfl[,.. per II nhl r hIs I'mllloyer' R; I won" I!r who the. dlcnle.) . owner of the tl1 I'm \Il."
l-:""II·"n[lIl'ctl :111" ""l ie wh il e <l ulu"
"~Inrrrity ~h'~. wl n /:H tl) pnw!'r," II' Ih t' w ny HI] n l'l prnvprh hnp r ll ~" pu l. ~
The Practical Car
hllr~1' ou t on Iho I
Common Plells Court
Ilel .:.c llll g Iw"t rll Y~ COIlllllj{ trpm till' 111 " on. It, Itlr Is Il" "s, ont, 1t~ 1" 'I'~Atlrt' C'IIIlHHt pxc"l'd 1-7M) '-hnt nl till, (,I11'th'~ ~ UI' rlll;" nn.1 I ~
Ilw ' t 1l1'111 r tll\ d _
*1 ""1<,
ber tace.
111 1::
Saxon "SIX~'
' TlIt
J.u s l YCII ["S nUlt · t " ll Jr:r' n~," C'" , ' j'ft' !} ' lie " llJ,Ono !l;qnnro " ,Pt " I hu t '\"~ I d \\Itll heIr r nmp , ~ h n Ch ll ,' j' :\ t I .. , c;" ,;1t w hltf' fllrmh{\ll F;O n il Un' ~ ''' I u' u r !l , p hill. t o IIsk ruh' lC'P Ilt r " (loX I tHllrllln:.: t\ w t..1 rk ll1Un mel h ,'r , t'\' hlf' lI tl V n r n rmhnnd, \\'ho waR t
B. Blllly v ~ .Iuh ,," n, Canw rl ght, tl8 [Idrulut trbtor lIf tho Explo rer. In the Antarctic Partlcularl)' olltate o f ElIznbotli Unit y , (I C01l8111 \. Troubled by Wh ll t Are Known For monoy , MI II ~, DeerO ulct 1'wp .. .. "Devil'. Traps." o 6, .tt lg l:lu to t; h '\I'les o. Irwin, Lill .. t:iet lles va Arc' hl p 1:\" ttl(,8. lulot N o. 0 o f I!:l\l ott 'S ud d ltlun t o ,'I""on 10 Swllz~rll'" ' l n lon e clln VI vorce; g r oss no~l ~ot Leban o n, f aOOO. apJlrrclnte . lhe (' nnl: 'I" of c r ',·n.'.es W N ::i IIrt! Il nd J . U. t;urtw r lgbt In Ih Ice sh e18: but 111 III I' Alll h rc· JurorI' Urnwn to W 1:1 <I,nd Audle M" dd en. l o~~ ti c: thoy ore Illora nnn\t;"' ro u ~ un.1 fl tt uln Ro y Eornhh rG, Wll vnll I"wfl.- h i p; No. '2:1. ~4 . :?f>, :!6, 27 nu d 2'; I t Hili fnr grollter dim enllin us thun In " ",It· lin M. J bOk:. U tll) r ~ o W .1 ,. (, , ' " u rtls t l ' M It ll ct, l tio D to \\fll~'ne" aerlnnd: TI ey lie !tlllllen tlll. le r lh e t Ill .VI II , ville, f.l Rnow and y ry orte n the xllnrr' r f] n " >l lo rn i B. E. UOW UII, tl . t:: akJI wher e 0 nun homh"r hnd (',·",Iod E)"r l IIDol ll ( lf teDSO.l!] Ilfly W()od not ltnow th at he 18 on Ii crO'·I1 "'. " n ul l1 I. F HI~ony , Turileor "k j ~~d VIlO the vlgtlance ' of ·tlll': A merlClln S 1)11 Ilr lLb Ji) ::;llIdor , lu t N u 12 Itl ~e hfts tray I ~I sr'tme Yllrcl~. JlII,1 lll,·u d ll rvQor l,J£dw .. d ltOtlU, W'II/b ln ' LOI ; to -41110 Floyll hod r unf' cons rlOU!1n11RR .1 8bbenok Fru nkllo j M o~ a Bu PIO" HM~ t J 'hIIO, t- l, b. hcora Ii b llllolV Mtllltl . H e wilt t h"ll on II It'n In hMded for n htlKC h llSl lltnl. g~ll, ~hI:l8Io; (~tIOrRe en lI ub a n Will lI' r l\tlk Ur ube r . to lier t rt ):iollPO. There be hnd renu\lned fot SC"'lIl ""onder ",belllcr to 1((\ on o r lUI'" !ttl 'II, 'er al lier, Ulearoroek : U. L. G !r \ on, I)ur i uI b(~ t ioo l a, 'r . ·1, I ~ ,1) 00 " but I.'xperlellcc h ns tl\u.:ht Ihnl 111 weekI! while the .two b roken tin" ::; 6. W bl ~o, W~rron lip v r. Door fi o ld T w P . tol. -Ircote r dan ger mul' bit In curreil by IJlllngled nrR18 were r est o red to \1 8(\' tleh! ; C lem Bllld w ln, W(~ll er Wult turning buck. Em w et 1. Freem~o to t:\,11 M. tulnell& AftC!' Ibot a penod In eOIl' llllrilln; Gilpln 'r l lmbl , J oe OreVB88eS ore p ee ullnr to th e Ice uore. Mlilurfl, put of Mill ta.ry ' urv dY Tnlet!(e nt bo"pltal an d one day nn Donnl1l1y, Herbert C . R Ot)tI.. , Ham No. ' 2~ , Wus blngtou 'fwp., order to report ojlnln to dlvlRlon h cnd· IIbeets o\' erlnnrt. They ",e n onoxl NI· IIton . . ent at th e nerth polo beclluRc there the Iru· J!' . BIIl:0o y to !:itel\lI R . Uor wto , .nartcrs. lee Is fro:r.en oceun. All AntarctIc pllr~ o t lulo's NO. · ·H "od ·15 io And all thlll tim e, and Ib e reRt of Probate Court Proceedings Ellio tt '8 Ild ,IHl oo to Leb&no n , '1 Ute tlme over there. w i t h out on o word expeditions have hall to n ego lllltc · the from borne. not 0 algn t rom Bl'th-hul difficulties or Cre\' ngerS, lind sometimes l'rudenCEI E. !:ildetl \0 Florll ::l u8an In the mnU", of the eBt·M o of 'll'ho rould 'll'onder' Wor" mm.t ~D theIr mr:lstence hos Cl)llll)elled th e C~· Jaue Bolfman, d eceased. Frank B .. wke. lo t,s No. 18 llod 1\1 In Wa.y. tought 811 bet!t theT mo)" IIntl 1>OI11\(!r ll plorer. to mllk e n d e t our o f nlllllY Wil son 18 appOinted exooutor. Boud ne~vllle, 750. m1l8t be hllJ'$ 01' there BII tllIl (lXlItCn · mlleL Il OOO. W. W . Wel oh, W . l •. BIU - ---,'Vhere Illnd juts Ollt Into the sen OJ', des of Ute 1IC"lce d emunll, ",llether y ay Ilnd Frank L. Barril 'Ippolnted to b e more precise, Into Iln Icc 6h cc t 008 beara trom tbe. loved onCII or not. IIR IIpprall!ere Real Genla l!ty. . And lMofd H obnrt W08 a 8014ler to In the Anltlfctlc, 8ltvernl crevn ~ ~e8 1'h .. 1111111I'D J/:e lllnltl)' nf .-o llle l1 t'ople In the matter of tile e8tllte of the marrow of hll boDeI!. T oo brn\,e' lI will b e f ound rndlnU lI1I frolu Ihl s p ulut. Jonntlllm 8mUb, d eceased . lJ'rt.nk P11l011ntR to genlu". -I'; . 1'. "'hlpille. IOldler Rnd too true Q man to d o ubt 80m e have beon known t o b o W ),or(\11 Hlutsook IlppoIOted"" adm lnilltrutor ---til" ronlt,llnq of the gIrl ' ,,-h o hnd WIde and 2 ,000 t ec I !:loup. IIiRlunc'lI Bon d ,",000. J . B Pence, Timothy proml~ to be hlA wIfe, ,u8t bccnullo are also found whl>re a sl c,l gc hllR BUill Marlatt nnd W E. Cornellllppolntcd h al t " ' II)' throu gh the Ico root nnd has Notice of Appointment hu lettera bad rODe utra,. Ilppra.taerl. 80 then! w.. no Bhadow, no premo- been rescu ed with t he greutest dim, In the m"ter of tbe estate of DltJon of e91l, DO ~Ioud upon tho alron" t!ulty. · In t.hcso CIIBes th o aJrlllorers 8lirah G. tlellere. Fraok OllUllbor. 118'.&o 01 J u uaUlan 8 rnlth. tlectl&BOll. mao', taJ~ .. the hurrying traIn car-- were .Iucklly rUlled to th e s le d,,/), hut lldmlnilltrdur. Bond ' 7000 NoUoo ta lIaN) br ~I"eu 11"1 "rank n.rt. rI~ 111m nearer and nearer to born&- tho)' hod the UllCOlUrllrlnbl tl eX I/orle n 'e ""c k baa bMo d uly apllOlulOO ami "u.llllOl'1 In the matter of tbe estato of aa At.! IlIlolaln1tor at "he EI.nto o( J vull'hllD of being 8t1Spllllll e,1 nV(lr u derll ChIlHIll. and to ' the bapptueu be bnd y etunell SmI t h . I.."" of W ....n'" Oounty. Ohio. llu· O . S. ceu«l Amund sen call s I he treuche rou/J snow M(uV E. Mnlf ord , deoeasl'd . tor all W. trenated ,Hr. , . D ated Ibl. l'6th day of Augu",. 1919. lI'l~ had 'II'\red Seth HardwIck thut ",hleh couccols a erevlIssc "Tho Dov- Blgglnl! iii "Pl)olntedsx8outor. Alwu II . Llrowo. ) n the m&ttar of the elltute of Judgo 01 t ho l' o.outt M woold am •• In the bome to\\'n b, !l'1! Roof. N Warren Count7. Ohio .l osepb Mull" d IlIlCrlS,ed. t:lteJll\ tile train on whleh he 'll'as traveling. De"" II. SItdlloy, At~. alO Jameson III appolntlld exoonlrlx 80me Thine. About t!te Moon. ·T h_ were man" peopl e on tbe 8tn· Like the earlh, the IUOlln r c·c ,h'es Its tion platton» .. tbe IIOldler, !irst PIIS' 1ItDP' to aUcht, .""ung f rom tbe CRr Il&ht from Ihe Bun. lind IIR ,IllY, th e Marriage IJr.enrtea Notice of Appointment but bl. keen fouml 8el.h·s Inter vol trom AUllrl se to 8UIlS.!t, Is II J!'rod W. J o n ea. rlllhva.y po~tnl erect ' and well·dad flilur e Instnntl,.. mon,th. Tho IOIl~ BUIlMh lno for two Then It ,.,1\.1 thllt the first wllrnlng weeks nDtI tho nhsonce ot ~un tor the clArk, or Z·m e HvIlIA. Ohio. I1nti M l(\~ following two weokR must cnuse 1111- Ooldlo M Drnlre, n f Morrow , Ohlo came.. The clrl bad not ,et aeen him, onll m r n se .nrlnUon8 of t'lIlpcrnture. As· . . .he lIeanned tbe trickle of lIatrotn' trollomers hove est\lIlntef' Ihnt Ih o Real Estate Tranfera III« p&Baenlera Fioyd coulll sce none t elTll'erntllrl1 Im;Rt fill! 'In Iho Inng I:lluO\lol M. Cllld Mnr,. tlmlMon 10 nllthl k to :WO tlt!l(r"08 h e low ze ro. In or that eager antiCipation, oone of th n t Joy of ImmInent welcome in her C~·I'H. ep\t,A of tlll ft amn l! nmount ot hlml, nn Kolnll PllirJ u , p""t o f lot No. gl:l III of whkh lie had been 80 .urll. B eth Instrnm ont cnl!oo th e hololTl"Illr, whll'h wall pille. lind worr, had s llltnllCd Itsclf d ~1 'ct. h p~ II (rnm II clln tl1 0 n mite
ro".1 ,1111'
"Wh y. )' ~~. " ",, 1,1 hP. ron ~llIprlnll thp ll lu(' g l'lI ,r ( '~' .,q li nd ('l"~tnllt lOl'ks ho-f " r" hllll . "I t!lInk I Clln )IN nil' tn plow 1"11 1 Ii .IIVh<ioll 1,0 !:iout,ll )''' l1 r lilli" gll r M,'u I,m llchl , IIft"r RUIl1~ ,, 1> 1I11 01l . fo i l'!',. I ,.. r. It' ~ lI a hl ',111 pr"lIl' IAI~ TlI1"'." . ( 'I IIY t.u u !'UUIl,\' 1.1 ,ltlu 111111 li:llzl1 A ~ lh e NHI!'!'! fllt1t.. , Iht' rnr",Il"n~ Tr Ulllllll . lot H [>, ' 1 4:, "flI l III. De or. 1I,.",r III" pi ,,\\, n/1 In h l'r lillie fI '!!11 11,,11 ti ,· ld t ll\\n _ ltl p ~ ' "l " th., f Ii ITII W!'l. ~t"llh( ht nllll hllu'k, .Jo hn . I~ ( "I. Il l, 1.0 Wnlte r 111 )' nl",n In 'hp ni ght II lr. Nl r kh l nl( tteo mor , lit "I , Pll rl " of "Il rvey~ No n,lor . ""''': ,','r p l lllt t ht, f .lrl· ?" h~ RRkt\11 OP 14!l!i and 22~Ii , tlLlr\J.n 'l'\V\l , 7'>. A I h ort )Jln hoi s 10 \V .. lto r Corner Ito ""1",1 I hI' h"I'" " ~ nt the rnd or and (;Io,>rge .I ,>rdno, )llI r t of ~o rv oy8 n rnw . "Ph . lInt II " I~ .l1:ll r ll " lI IIlt l' lhl ~ . " N o . H % 1l111(\ 2 2:.1", l:i ur l.l n 1'wp " !l.GO . /1 111 1." 111 .(\ n llt l n~ th e ",,,II sh llprl1 A C \' I~ \1 l U NulMOD C.lTpootor,pll r t '''' 0<1 ·",,1 Ihn grlll' ,' 1'1I1 \' 11(0 1' ur III ~ fit:· of o OULlon Il, fruDkllu 'f\Vp., llrc- 1t'lInln" RI{L)\ns.t th(l h nr:o;t':oI, hilt , (;l eu, (;I . K i ng I. , J I.l ~l1 p h Ilod Eh..:n I I TN ' IlIlt In hllwL ·' 1' \' .... pl nlUH'(t n n iH' T r urnllu, lo t No. ·H i n W[\Co rd !:iud . Il lh ,, ·' ~ h (l <-o nllntlN' , an d \\'n~ ":urprl tol t'rl so n hlulliu \lInk 8 n u dl .. I ~ l o u of Kinglt U) rt'l lI l~ lIlh('r Int j' r h(l\\' hLh,' r l''' \ \ I\~ It
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~ ll1'l ll' 'II ttl r !o<. W lI ll t" oll l l h)l'I'h t ilt' Ittl d'.. , Hf 11 ll tl t: r IIr 11I'\ \t'w hl' lf l \( tl l ..: Brll t " ll h ." I 'I'\ ti n' f ll r n\ l l1rl' y n n
1 II UP f) ,' PI' h ,· 11111111' ITI rtdolH l' ,.t'nr tl tl\\' 1\ Ito hilI.
\I II h. .1" rk blu b ,' r ~. It ht lrl ml1h..' d \,' Uh llJu bruiti ·r)' 3 1Hl 11,,:' u ,I uln t }' , ht I"h,~ t\ u (\ [ 1.1 1 , . -~Jli,l t u t k
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g o t IH s('. ' n P:\lI. "I I - fl ll ll lllt.\r LlHth' ut, 1'0 \1'\'1 ' " ,' t,tI prl' llY ~ lrk, lOtl, " II lit )[",11 nU II I" II Qu ick r e co\' ry. A nd wh"11 :tlln nIh' FllIlyd rne t T e rr (lll rlnw .. Ii., ,..mlll-:O s ut lahl1- 1\ ver'l Qllt't·r 1I11t.' ~ ,"11" ..
F u r 1 U 11 \' h· n t! or t h(' wn d ". Is l h l ~
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mull from h olUu fur wflnk li 11111' tnfl Htll ~ lJRon e nd. thu lIMh lUIIII Y W I' 1"O 111 " lu vlO R m e8!! f.l6t \l d th ai hUfl ht't' u ~P I II 11 11"1 11 And hc kn ow tIl e PAlh'('1 1I1 1l 11l11 111 J tn 10Sh lh elr moll IhAt f"11 t ,. tl .. · 1"1 nt m en wll ose f'.x lh~ r'en ~l's ,,",',',' II k l'
1 11\.: 111 1" 11111 1 .....
" \ , UIJI;,! \II'IHUIl, " I,, '" "'-Illti. " J \\fll\l l Irol' five mll11 111 VI'I", to ,·.'[III· n I "' ~ "' e ltun .II·"d ('II I UI'1I ,1 s fl"I111 [h i' I " III III ' "HI,- 1111,1 Il l'\III ·'" \dlll 111~ " 1111,1 I ·" l ",n il ,,: l Oreut Ad,r ~nlul't..', .... tu~ d lI oIIlI l"l , h,I" , i ut, t'lt ':11 11 ,;t ,h, ,, -oluI,· n ot rcccl\" d 0 JIlu('h n~ nn .' ).'1 h ' " r l'n lIl , )d,," f ·rd" td "'JlY 11 ' ~· " II .'· 1. :\tI ~ ldl1 ,., Both. Yet ns II c <nl In 111(' lI',dll [1 11 '1 Iy n l' \11 . " II1I PIII'" wall 'lPCelllug !lIm tn Ih.· h'n lt! " 1.'\\' 11 ,," l • •\ lI l1I'I\\\' :o" \\lId lIu.! 1\f'~ ' 11 th .. IIII,d l,_1 a l en'l1ty· lwr)·h onr h'Il"~ Ih ,' ~. '~""'1 1 ,':IJ ' IOi .·,-r til "'\lI"Cl' "f FI \ _,d' l'" tlll1 1 da)' .th'r tb~ ,lol'ltl/11( ,'f h l~ .ltI". his '1'1 ' 1 fl , I( ' "" .'lI llIlI_ wl k,'d :-tt ,'a h :lll un it b eurt wn~ hl ~h li nd 1111 '1I1'1"1I!: [ 11I~, ' r Irn t' " l ' n 'd '1'1 '1 n ·lI't4 11111 111." , I" It SIIII ' II' 01' doub l Illu"k~d AI hi" h.' I\ I·1 ~I rillI!S. I tl l d, J,roll d . \ 1111'11" 1\11 \\ 11 11111 11. " l it, t-oili d For . ' I(lyll WIIR IIU' 1l1l' ,," 1), " " hl[" ... III III>; l , " It \\,\1, 1111 lu \ \ '1' k Ill,," I H' r by m~n)' hUlld rell~. whll 1"1(1 11"11 'II lin t il ll :n ' l' It hU II WII lhllt l \tO r :-.P I1 \\ Jl ." Il
" ' Ith
I II'"'''' hIl l , ... tlt I ,ll r I " 'u t I It.' III 'P ,, \ hull.':: 1'1 Ii,' !lu.! fJh' 11u.II" tll '\I h h ilt! IlIlh'l1 tt r, l.) III n; ,'r I I \\H' .\u li t \\', 1I Itld "r I 1 If
,l• !•
(CoP1r 1lbt..
Notice-Consult Madden, who will save you a lot on your lumber bill, therefore will save you a lot on your tax duplicate. It pays to trade at home. .
/.w. ~~
Madden '& ' Co.,
Wayneaville, Ohio
_~ ' _ _~~_---:-~~~~~~~---:.~~~~~
.... T HE MIA MI
GA Z E T T E ....
D. L. ell AN E. Edito r Ilnd r' lIbli~hel . ,\ tl)
, dJIt. PlJio
Suhscril lt.ion Pril'e, $1.51l lll'r y IIr
E\"r~M BEH
R'(J\~" r ' . f
C:.I lEe== - '::1 Ell:'
LYTl.E .. ~-
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.U~" Anllll ~ rt'l'dil&h lo ft, l ilt l 'ln' I'ln.I1f1.II ' In~t, w \'\'k. ~vhoro ~11t\ will l
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Vf' .. r~ t Cl .')' r 11I "" r -I" 1t ,.. ( h". ,~. ~ rl nw Ii t'"I,I," t 'f ('ll llIIl'II II'" 11 1111 tn' " Ii 1111' ('111 111 01-( y~l\ r. . e mp ll, ¥ J h )' 11", ( 'I , ,, ,, ,,,.n l ,'~ ~ lIlt~ II 11. I"rk ratu ru ed fr om L'" l1 ln ll 010 I rI. " ~ l" r.\ ";u nd p l' C'hll'O IF'. ThUr.dl l.V, f.( o l.. louklUIo 11',1' IU lll1,,:~ 111 1'/1 " m ~ h"r Ili rio I4 uu u:;UIl n,000111 1'110100 by I . r lWI tiM I ul lit I '. nn d M r~, ,L ,cv Ltl l\\l; of 7' ~lr ~ \-"lnnlt,1 ~l""ll,)ltu IJ .i )lC'>. IIJllm~ L rihnr U ol y ,wltb ~ ' I'" ~Jle nl r.wn dll )' ". IIII' t!ll ' r o r U"lj IlI' r Mr. 11/1(1 Mrt! . (; J. t .JJlt. nrnlh .'r n nr! !tUUII,· In Ill j ~ oi ly I l\Ir ~ I(e hlle'en Oill. of Mt. H o lly, ~lr~ . A"nt· lt l~ H1 (1(.. !" Lu ..' n :o: tlwd ~p t1n " Ilt fo\t , ,,Task v.i1h Mr . RUIl l\tra. "t, hM b om o 011 1.1Ik.m ~ AV(\lIlllt III Born , •. l olle~ l-l i;.!ll!l\nr! l'IHk . 111 11' '1' t1 ~RllI1Y nl/!h t ~ I ~~ 'lO llli !IloU l nnl~ IItl tlnll erl Ylr ~. 1.1l1;nn ~ "'"~ I,nrn II\l\r(' h :1 , I, :17 h . nrl' Lnil 'o unty 1(1l\(1h (l'~' Inpt!. ~ .
~t~71~ ~~I::'~~:,: r~~n rl:~~.'1\0 (~::~~:~I~ ~J" I.nicP IlH nl IIl1rv ('l.vp bllrg.
:C"I r ....
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1t\1" ilL Xo nlfl. IRljt wr' k .
·A "It..T whor n I l"i Lll o R ol>ort 'Uld Mildro.1 U nln os, IJIl l'n r e 0: Bolm l ot, lire vi 1tln~ WliitHr g .. lnl! t n Chn l,tnllong ll, T oull . 't' \,,0 I K OIl Irk II n el fllmlly . \.nllrp .. ftllr ~hHw('ntto Cb"HOn nl)C! ~' 1 . Mr nnol Mrs. Chll.rl lls CIIIl'k at· US u ,. I OW k \ 11 ' Inc 0 nl p 8 ~~;·k . "IHI~::~.II~;~\lrt'<H.I~U "I:I~nrJ:~ nt':: tn otlf\d tllO DAyton hllr, 'I'burslI~y. ~ ~ y " .. r" In II1Il Or~t Mid ~ CO IIJ I11 Ht rl Clt . Mr~ . OurtlH Thomp R~tn gc , I!.I son r ot nrn ed. Htl llllf) ls . IlIlflr "h" ltUt' IHll P prln t!Ij1,, 1 11\l"I~rlOV,flromI6~1!llt ~ withre l .. t l ve8 o f til ,. lI iJlhlnnd ~'ark ~"'1'J1I 1. T lIe n All o ~y v<,n B• 11eOfJlI!iA Il Is ~orvl""tl hy t wo ~i~tfll'A" hlr. Wltll Ar Cltlrk r oturn AI\ fr om M .. ~ Blllln F re u.!)), of An IlI liborg, tllll I l)~tlltll l .. t Deyton , IOtlt woe tt . '"" f!~ .,' (I I A .:,,~~ I I I lin I1 l1 n \I I If' ~ 1 ~tf'T~ . III M 'llt ll ll Ii ('II I • ' ._ '1,"~ 8ch rooi b(>gfln h NIl I,, ~ t week with \' ~ 1'1" " ' .'."; . hl.'r lllI ring h"r 11 11",,,.. ~' nllnrlll i :,1 " hllln r s I)n r l'lloll. MI"" Boulllh ~ : i . ~~ . "".. I 11 I' Id I 10 30 C uu "Il rV 8. VI' 'r" ~, r ' r I\y H. _! ~ : COl.n I~ telio h~r of tlte grBd e" .~ nel I -. - -- - - - - .- -- -- " I. lit .. SnOll n l1 1 ro ~lJ\·lmlq· n ( Illlr Oh ' Mil•• Ha ~ .- .. • - - -- --- .. ufwh loh .hpw~ ,"m""'hl' r . Inl,"I". j t,'ol'ilo r 17u Hor m e ll I~ tb e primary ,,, ,, nl ll l hm', ' lllil el'IlI!''' !!r\' \'ltur. .2.00 S, IIlu lIOg,1 C ' . , Mr~. 8d )1r" I/oCebl J. of lIlmo n. hI t7I Ml- ~ Atwa 1f1lT\'~', (If W Imln g. I HIO .I·,n g li t. til .. h OIll" o f Will l:ierg. L.;j EI I,otl . WltN Ih o WIII'k.H 'l' t g Ulillt. of '1 r.l ~Jllllltl flunll .v. h r lll ~ ln j:( to OIHe tllr r" l"tl vo8 h pI'(' I.hfllr O1 nfh llr. Mrt! Paulina Borl!dal l , ~ • . . '" 1111 I" vllry III ut thi~ tim e . H t1\' IIPII Il ,' tt Ik. III t hl~ w rtt.lIJ I!. . 81llT r illA' IIIl ufll" ,LIt .ro '.,f Ih l !'V II Mt .. EllI" B rl')wn , o f N,,"h v!l\t. 'W n lrll ' t It '1': pe rm ll llrmt ,:.- 'J • WII" WIl I I"I' Ur ny\1 'H/, Ill,"II~()ltI , Ill~ '\UII pn r .. THUll Mr~ M" ti1.i .. "~rnrl C1 k , of MOV hllr ll rttl nUllt (l .. ~"~ B EI . 1101( h (l r~". w ll1 ch i1nl' I'r ll ven '.1I 1'0 'I IH~f wC'ek . ~ gr ll il t nloe 11.1\1111111. Unro ld Mn rlld i th leH III pArk lfl, . IIome Probab Mondnv ly Oil " fllmtly ~ eve ry flv" o\v n" II r h"rrclwH II ou r Hod I y , u h"", num mlgrBt·l tlmo durlu/( t,beIny etar. Illll t tnk' .. 11' Vtl ll r I Ill "rlll ll~. f ," A elil. Yl'lte; o h ll ",Iii t!oon It will he ODe f"mlly III I.brop , Irl II" '" ~() I{ OIl. tl ll Th l1 "P'U "I , I ll e b og I1tt nu,1 c u tl ll j(0 thll oo .. ~ ,""Cl.lcltl ly (Ivo r y fft rnlly I h"I,,. mln g year. will bave a008S8 t o lho open . ' I Tb II '"ad . ' . mUD • . r. ompSOll BU ( ~' .rt1H III I Mrll Emnlll OltolZer .1'Jt IBrksv tllfl Meanw blle bllllollH are beh~ g ~tleDI, 10 h llrl1 ~ orhco th .. ' 0" • ,1" uf tho ~ l lr hog rl1 r f"ooV prH'''~ 81H Jlldg. l oam e, ' 0 ~l1rdt\y eveniog , Lo sp e nd. o .. \lon, and Ultl081l nde of mIles of Il Il W tonn brtJ 0 1't1 I1 ~d eac h YIlII'!',. m~ n t on b "ll's IS sn it! I \I hH MIl" .... "l t·o Mve rcll .dny~ with Mrll No man Is bill: eyed enou g h, nor k eell flnonHh f,n Bee 8. R B .. tn e8 Elrl'===::J1[;]E:1===:11 [!] r.:== 5J ;;;;', EJ [:.===:JII::Jl ~ ~[:U bow Wld o " od nOll . II.n.1 f",ro llv . 'Elh nl')wfn rthI8n" wrul\f(l oorlrpO I tsglling wWfifl Iben n t1011. II!) . l1 00r !!" W. [ llwl,nl. I IlIlI JfOvl o g Mr.llnd Mrs Wilbur Ulark lind It htds fair to olJn n ge Gil ont fonllly on . l om p. our "In caa •• f rl ,-I hl8 hulhlt llt;. whlUh IIrld. d onoe, onr odbe reooo to our 1II110\t tI'J f II I.l d " il"hp'/H1 1~. t i nt)!!. lIur ncqoul ll lufl ce w\th ,,"n Y wor""n nnr n~I ~ It " r~' fl y g a pss 0 f ttl' r ~ . anl1 our IneitlJllf. e ! fll"I lolls ts " Ilr f,llowl'. J)]lJry ·Rrm o ny n . t r1(' nd~ w ho, ", til r og r !; f· HI bear of Mrs . l-t l1 b t . 'urr 'lt l\1 Mrfl. E mm a Cnrsllin ly Wll or" ~1ltt.ln!C'H'll n olnt tll1wlth 1 nr co olltr,"ndlt bl r 01' 11 1 h . ~l'l,olt1!- I TRYI r a r El vl"II.l n ~ III I ndlulIll p ol\s Mr IH.eI MfR . ell'do Wh ',rt.oo, MI RH Mr. n o,l Mr~ . JI'~~O Wright hllve VOIOlb 1I1I,I H Alle r t3rnllh a ttend Ad ~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~-~-----!"-~-".---"-- I for II fow da y ~ . ~ l'hu·ri n. f) { 'ook hi "~ n ur ohll~ed II th~ t .. ir lit U"y t ll l1 , 'l'h pll r l' hns f\,1 I ho h OtlRO t.h ll V hu VIl boo n ursday. A Ruue ll Story. Wanted to "Honk" It. so do mice,on ce th ey eaL RAT·SN AP. ~ t.n(lt·lJll kr.r , w h ir l.! 10 vc ry b II Ollful Itl/v. W B () ' NlIldl unll wlfo. o f II vi llI! ill fo r lIevo nl .I'll'" H1I8" ~ II !Jur ne lt. bu s hM n '111ltR A ~tnry IlllI! Ih .. lRIP r:. \\'. n . nu ~· E'!wl's flHllh ... r II'nR tr ~'lnc In "prll)" Mra. R ut tn Beutl e.\', of X ou h. , h .. ~ And th ey Ipave no odo r behind. Don't n6 H LelJ, lO oo. wero "pe~t. of \V . E !{ rLnr ' .Uncll' TOIll's 'flh in 9UOW flick fnr sell tnl rl \\' lIh 1I1I" IIl \\' ,,~ of " trllI),,,r h "l ,h .. " nl U o" uple of woe ke, hull8 wit h th p u!nmI Y~ r. hu tnl-t wu ~ In IJD r 011 r t.l ~t W(I k r e turnllll l10me of t or ng Il t o w tnke o'ur word for it-try a package . B J,! " n's . W l1d n oHd .. y. . sh owing ~O lll l' h ~ 1 tar ut. LhlM timll. In n nnrth h I' J·~n J.!: hll1r1 t own I T1~ WI tr· " "II ~ I II rllhl . npllnl'llit 'n from II" . to l:u(111 \l u.1 !l1l1I tictl dil l' with Mrs E. H E,,"ns flnd Cats nnd dogs won 't lou ch it . Rats Mr . God MrR IIhlp prt'~~ nll,.l ~'''1I!' ~f''' ~ ror Iltl' ~ 1'I1 ~ 1l0dIOO("lH I mrl H .. in( s werA rur. ulll1 M rs. Borne J o oeH enter .. pnss up a ll fo od to getat RAT·SN AP Th rons Mllltlr. In W ilmlngto D, MODllflY , trnnt. 1111(1 li nll 'hl ~ In~' · rlhl , ,1 ' ,n IIW.II : r.1,"1l d r Um . "I 1I'0u l'hi't mlnll It "t) I OUJ' Illy, Il~ II I t hlti v lUllli~y 1)\. Nli l)t:d tlt .Rneday dinn e r , Mr . Ber' T h r ee s izes: 25c,60c ,Il. If y our deal· M r . and ..1'.r ...~ cnt~Il Ifl Ih" 10''"'111)(11 Ill' IllP IHUdl .... ""101 f1ltlw l, "If )'011 WUlllcl 11't ta"o!u(l fbe, Wtll'rflu GO tlnt y If " ' r W Ir 1I11C111I" , t!y, of X eulu Unl .. C. . li.!lS'OO nnd Cb a u ncoy Bunooll and wlt o letS, , 1'11O, Art,bur , /I,nd MrR. Ad'" MollJwl.lll er has ilOilO in stock. write Youell9 mnYllr. Ahi . nfl~J,(ln~ . 'rh,' M,'n IA ".. IllIuk It IIly~i'lr." i till wee k nnll 11-\I\l H ho m (l fee ling W OdUUHd uy u lurnit)l( , fur i)ulpbu r btl 1\1 1611 Hu th Coon Is tI3,\ ohing for a Exterm inating 0, We l fleld . N . I. v( g lie to Nltlgara Fulla, liud wllJ lil A end ho IIUIr1" It."- f.ontllln (;hron· IIlIl II rPlfro;slll'Li ,11111 p i ,1 til" ! they . nple of " IlA ll a 8t the Bookey e Llok I'rlogs. VIsit MI'. Walter Miller , In GBnfida , Icle. h",1 utt vII (lcd IUlil Il.nt "In IIcq u ain . ~ol)(lol. nn r,11 her Mr. Bnd MrM. I:j. F , Compto o " ud befo re H. E. Earnhart and bool 0Pllns a' t he y return. . tllllllE'". 1\ IHI t bl' hthn bllri I,bl' W ti~t>rl llwn' They bo p e Mr. Aud Mrtl lJ:V(lD Bogllo 01111 d · on t o '). Beonre E. Janney I l' po rt llnity I n 1t1~1""'1 M f S lh C. E. P hillips ( Ileo Lnl u " tylA8AUlOH ' o k lIud wlfe, l'06Stl& y. No Frlende Like Old Frl .nds. lind w it H.' 0 11 nl] ~ 1/I" i \(" "11 n t o ur I U 10 l1 ('111' r b th on 8t, T h olUo.~) I1nu duughte r. Mrs. (i()u. Buckey o . " . trlt'n" whum yfl ll U:& \' , · tw) n JrnlnMrs. Mllrthli J onlll! aud flon, \;I\rl , En~lr\Ud 1 ~IIW Oli O II I lil Y Ilnl:.chhu r" w bo lU I , of L o~ Angeles , Un I. . ore Mr. IInl1 Mra. Alber" B~ov aud anu Mr>! E1l1e Urew &nt.oed Inll durl III< l'uu r 1\'h"lo II r,'. YOIl nll!,'hC I.n I.oho. vis iting trl nd s and Wfl~ nsltulll oll of . Sit, W IIM (! r a~~ed rl~ l1 llhte rt! .... e re 8und"y guos ta of reltlU ves h llrl} not to b9 dlspl"nA"11 11'11 It III n OIo.ucnL Dun , one flfte fo oon Illst woek. I h urr it l. of l" , llr ~ (! . J Ilk h nr nod Mr. lIuel MrR. Loe Enrnbl Mr. liod Mr~. W . B. Stoj(frl Jrl find • Itono III ninny l'~"r· h urflln lng II ut. of near Mr . I\ud Mrs I yl) n Will tltlY n n lblll~ 1\1I0 llh It ; 'lIId \V IIYIl""v llle . l.uther d"luos euMr. Mr H. 'hus Siegfrie d tltt enelod tbe rub,. Inke Cftrc you d o "01 d ~.'-roy It ~fiin {\d to (II nne r . T hursd"y , Mr. !lnLl Sartou. co ·' ultp. lIH'III hlou'l po l· ' th !' l> I Mil W rHI< .tb<-r "lid tb en unoth,' r Siegfrie d ro lonlon 'it theCbll ulaul]ut l In lin IIIMI.nnl oglllusl ull o( lI or slouC.- sonl ng. o tt l n n l ' t: !!I' fromh s(' Mr t\tld Mrs. Mr s 'harley J oseph Ohompl Ltllrtl. ra I dll~~ . li nt! rl'nll on of '" Olden, I fAi l t il t my . Ly le Wfi B und MI~~ uorotby Goll loft, last BadL CUf S nr wnunrt !=- f r \ ~m l 'u" I .\.' no. l1 ~ Qr Oblo, Mrs . Pb ou bo Bro wu. of We~t. fl r (,u uds , I.AIbor O.y . olhe r In 1111 P IOn', rll n ,I tl d n~.'l. I t h o uu~t o f nil. J U'" V.,lv .. t Fuce Wl!o k , for 1\ vlR lt WI t h tbelr aunt. ville, Mr ~. E Ullbemill. Wilson We are go ing to close out . , Saya the Onlce Humori st. Powllo r . I "OLOe l YOllrKcl f hy lin \ Ink II bOllle Mr~ . M'lty ~i1ve r, "" Ex oel ~lor Mnry W est, MrH. J oe O i bra Mrll. all our Fertili zer and will not I'nd On e " f u ur p ,) pu br Cry glJoll~ ' PII O~P, Mo Thll cl'l (! \' (!r.·~t I:n rrl' 'Iwr In the w"rltl of H O u f~ t o llta J-\ I \\'n~'s h i h,\ CH' . MI·a. Cbns. G oll and Mles FrllOOtl8 WilAon. ('"nnot 1tI',,\\\, nn nuk trPI' out lit II rn~e handle Oell11 Md'lI l1ll. w('II·I<I:o.", fa r nw r merrhltlH I< , C. ' . LIl \'loy uu. t,'1l'1I ~" n . Mlle-. o r S[lrl o gUli ld it a ny more . This fer. Ilfeoarl ng Mr. Hnd M·r s . Haymo od WI IRoo IIIIRh. nllt the sllll,1<I ..,,1 pl!'I' ~ lIlnk o ( uf Chlrk Co . Oh 10. • "Y. . " I " (('(1llod DonHu N\ 10 IlIH roolll for ~o v ertl l fo r th eir Ht·ook III their ILbsenol tilizer is in the best of condil. e ntllrbln od , ~u Ddl'Y. E dgflr Bnrlry on .. ru "ty nnll .... h lr h c .lended hll ll· dl\~'~ 0 0 Ii Q(lOllllt. of "i Itnes • . b ot ,It (,Uti mnke tho "lIsh" Itrow Inside tho th t~ tion. tim .. Ilud is We munh fnmily, will sell the entire illlp of rov n onr WII~ t lnough ioy fOOl . 1 \ . Murtlo svi llo. Mr find Mr~ . Frs'nk Rogors and I "IlVllod lin "i ng deoilled to sell m y tfl rill. I HnllMouht 10 tbo wound Rod h..n· M r l~n Mr p. PetfJ Bnntll und 01111<1 . Mr. Illld Mrs. BerlJOr t Ward fl ud will olJer ~t Publlo ~fll ll, .. t tbe rOllI. 10,t of a bout 93 tons at Mr~ . Jns. W . OliviA ~ntlt,w n 'l il u g h. r <'l n were at t.b o Cilr ey r eunion Bt Mr. lind dagod th e fOOl. 10 0 short tlm o t h e Mrs, Burold W~rd , of Chil . elBncA of Oeo. ViI . Boger , dlloease d, {loIn gOl eo.s ler. Aflor fiv e dny~ I "ar~. n 'lrotl lY Llnrl Yiq~lnlfl . 'Ire WIIIII Ru e P llrk, L1 e11r 8L1oogb nro, 1I00lh e, Uhl . wu r o g oes ts o r J 08el1h I X mil lls south woe t "f Ly tle. 0 .. on vl~IUniol In OuytOtl fo r II fu w IIII}'~ So u clo:\, . dId not lIm.p IUId tb e w o und h onled Lonminl ! flnul»if o, one dllY lost wellk Mr~ . \V W WIINl')n , " f 1A>xlul!'t on . _ _ _ ___ _ __ ulcelY. POUPle who use Hou ston ia Saturda y, Scplem bcr20, 1919 Garfield Putor~ o u Will! io l'Vulib. for such Injlirles do not need tu t@Of KS . I t:) Mr. W ilSOIl'H puren! " Detter look this over and buy iOKton C. B . 0 0 bOM lness. Sr.t.iurdI1 KILLS RATS lit ~h A C'en l ml . Y . Beginni ng ~t 12::t0 p. 111 , the fol. blood pOllonlll8." . a bargai n. . lowing Read What U.S. Depl. of A)(rlculture uu ll obMtols : 2 borses ROuftl(lOla (Tile Orlsloal Jonel' Also mice. Ab~olut1y prevent s Mr. and Mrs Polul Peterso n, of I lIliloh goods oow, 2 hog", lot o f ohlclleo s Sal's About What 2 Rats Gan Do. O"ellar' s Ur{lek 81 gb 8chool odeu from carcoss . One 118Cka(le Unlmon tl may 110 freely appHocl to . t.ook Ilnd tllrkey~, furrning imple men$s, proves this . RAT SN AP comes ' in open eute. 80rOft or burna wit bout "iI1rs. Keach Tells How She Got to Acoordl ng t·u g() vernmo nt flgure8, ~uod.IlY di nner with !le r II/Hents , M,. eto. tolee lJtrl s for p"rtl ooI8rll. cakl'l9- no milling with other topti . foilr , It HOlltbee .... bUe It bellls. 6t Know Rat.5na p." t,wo rots brectliu ll llol1ltlnll Bl1y for .. nd M,'s W~1t r Wilson . your drugs let. 25c. ~Oc 1100 '1 .00 I:! I!JRE[ 'fA BUUEl t Guaran teed. Three sizes: 25e. 50c, slzos. MI @s Mo uiJui.) Bunnel l e&i1ed · on A. A . Il oNml, Auot. I.b ret) Y RrB produce 35!l.709, 482 In III Be Bure you !Jet tho genuine "H"vlI ftlW(~y !, ffl ure,1 rtll·s. , L ~t (j lv $1.. If your dealer can't BUJlllly, HOUBe-to Mrs. Charles B.rnsr vldll,,1 nit . 'rbursell lY . Allt whe o you soe tb e llll-9-Rb wllb Or. Jon08' pic· 1I 0t.\OOti mn1.lY un Dl . ·f .. rtl) A n eigh write. Youella Exterm inating Co. ture 011 the 7Il1low wroPDer . Tho Dr. ho r ~ lIld be j usl, g ot riel "r lh ov II first rIlt, do n't Wilit . RAT· SNAP 18 aUer ooon. ~~"_ =~~:'_~---::_ ::".::'.~ _-=~_ :-:. - - - .:::: We!ltfie ld, N. J . For 801e by J . C. Jonel Co., 8. ChllrloBlon. O. wllb RA'l' BN J . I:! Le!lmiu g lInd wife w ere WII. M.P. Tbls s lllriotl m e tIl e I ur fl~ t. , 0 10UIl 88\ , mm.t. 000 ven. -AdY. . lent (! xtermto mlnJl:to fltor o . ~ 1l(111\l No Ulixln" or~ , Haturdo ~binklng with y . . Trlod RAT !:IN t\ P O' .V H. E. Earnhart and Mr. Churl tly 13, Il" tl '~I"I flltnl l y, \If J. E . Janney , The Rllxoll .Slore, SAl!. It. kiliell 11 aod 80t1 r ed the fl ' h Ar foods Or ys up aftor kllliog . J. E. Janney 1'!1R 0 0 ~TllE' II . eu' s o r dog~ won't n ell r ClllrkBv tll e, .avant Wednot lday r est n WilY" a" 1'. RN A P oo ril es In le1l Waynes ville, Ohio. t ouoh It. Raid lind g uarante l.d .by with Charle y t:!hopho ru olld family three ~1i!, 9 '" ~!io, 500, tl 00. ool lllll U . FOn SALE-j o'AItM IZllftrun teed hy li. ~ , Ell rll ha rt uml B . F. E"rn hlirt .. nd ,J K ,'onnoy Mr.oud Mr R. Weld o n Wilson en· •___ _ ._ _ _ _ . _ _ _. __ __ . J . E ,llInooy . tertalne ti to onnday dloner the .tol. " Coil on lowin g guests : Mr. tLnd Mrs W. E. 60 Aor e ~urrn . Uome nod SilO Bog~o , Mr tlnt\ Mrs. H. F . Compto n , It. Phon e 4-I82 y' Le unnon, Take th e Millmi (1a~e lle f or n year Mr. ond Mrs. Evun 13ngl1n, Mr . und '6.2 W&y n esvllle. G. I!J Ril ey . ~2 1 I1nd Nice FIUU1R, . o r o y on RO . o n good [ 0l1d,ilr8t.olI1H8 bu Idlng~ . THE REAL ESTATE MAN Catarr hal Deafne ss Cannot lle M ,. n lI el '11 11 O"ol1r Mrs. Mnry DIIV.I ~ , of near Blob. Large and sm"ll ; prtces right UII II Mowrer aod ru ood. lod ., .IR vl8Utng h ,'r e r AI8~er, on Iil.M BODn ell, R . D.5. bl')x liO, 3y' 1il H 11\\',1I'1l' ( 111111l0w etll were Lron~. Cured. .S prlng Valle y, Ohl.o by IOCcN n.ppll cll tl() ns. us thoy catlno l El(I ~ tniol n tl~ tne ~ ~ In !luy ton one Il.y M rll Sam WlhlO n N. of Rldgev ill , Lebano n plhe. ~ 2·1 HE large numbe r of farms selling will .~, M18~ l"nlnOM Wilson hod /18 hllr r ellt'h th o dlHcn s tl vonl on or tll O Nlr. I II. ~ I/I" 't' k. make n greate r Dumb er of sales tb:1D T h o l'O 11:5 on l y olle wu y g 00 l4t8, Hnndf\y e VtIlJiDg', Mt l!t8 E~ tbor t o C11ro ~ Il ' t\J r "" ,1 M r ~. C If'" " COllner . nt. 1111"I"hul tl c ntn S ~ . nnd tl\at 18 by 0. C0 n81111mb nllgh nnd Virgo Mltohon er. ever before . People Ilre now bookin g fll lt u ttCtnn l 1· ... II1 CtJ )'. ·'l tHnluL l duu.1'- Lflllcie.l th" Ily tnn lI ir, W"dno" day MONEY LOANE D 1\!"'~~ I ~ ('l\u~Nl by fl ll Inrlmn c ('l co n ul tl Mr. Bo,l Mrs C hn.fI. Barner Ilnd on sales with liS for nex t Spring . Our wide ac<,r th o IUtl C O U ~ lInlnJ.:' o f t 11 0 l:)u 3 tll- Bod Thursd uy DR.H .E.H ATH AWA Y Mld8 M(\rybe lle oa lfed on X a nl .. rela. "'Ii (lll Ttll e. " ' Iwn thi s lubu I s lol •. !lilt! AirM G B ' J<~lilis !lnr! IltIls~ quaint ance unll experience has gotten good In flamed ) ' Cl U h l1 \' 0 a rumblluH ' so uncJ or tl V08, 8unlluy rof r.e rlloon, ON EY Lon ned . on II va stool! N ora s tlll uril'cl thA Elll " reuni on ot h-ll' I' ff· e( h eRr i n!=:" nn ll wh en It to::t cn results for others and will get the111 for you, ohaUels , also 80000d 1ll0rtga Kes. f l!- ' I y I ' ! r • .,-, ... d . d(' Hr n c~ J.I \'Vl\yoe.tlvUle'lI LetWlu , OODtt.t. 113 th o r OR ult . tile h oml' of Mr . p" t rlo k Ellis, 10 l 1I1J c:iS th o 11IrtUlnIlI ll tJo n C IUI b NO'OB bought . Joho Bllrbin8 , A ilon If you intend selling out, s('e us for terms alld r o- Du y~,.n. Itl ~ Monrlt\y . OIDoe 10 Bllln68 Dld8. cI\I('ell null lh t ~ tuli o r os l o To tl t n It E\ Main 8' Bulll1ln g, XenIa, Ohio . !\ . .l. 20 n Ollliul Cll l\{tttlOll , Ju' nr lng- will bo d t.~~ date. Mr ~ Rp.llrlllr nod dn.nglllt e r aod Mr. "It Must Have Been t)ead at LClllt 6 1I' I ) )f i" \ to ro "!.!I', . \ l lIlI y CIlO ~ o t c1 C[ltn {l~ ..i Ch li rl"y Lucy rtllUrmid to their hom o HI (.'u.\ I ~".l· 1 t>y c all\1 f h . whl h I s a ll tn~\onths But Dldn" Smell," tt ll llllll Cd co nditi o n 0 1' the mllCQu ,il NUr- III ()lnoITlnll t.i , IIl ~ t, MoodilY ovonlng . FOil SAU;- PItOPE UTY "SltW .. big rllt lIa our ooll"r la Rt _ f' Ht·'°Io\. il llll'~ ( '~ lttH'r lt j\h~ dh: tn e n t :. "fl.I~ r " I' le"~lll1t v isi t wit h Mr _ ____ _ .. . __________ BA~NHART, ancl t hr\! t !ll' hl u oll tlr th e lI ) lI COUli ~lIrtu, r '" Aman Bloc k ~'R JI," M r8. wrlte~ 1'lIfll l1118 Mrs. ' LIl JY J') lInny, ·'8nil Telep hone 61-2 and 3 OI( th ' I'tr:--: l Ill . tlO ugbt \\'0 wtJl !;I\~ u 250 oakO or On·., nul'l Ilted l1 (J lI l lr ~ RAT!:lN AP, Notar y Publi c ACltEI:I, 2 !lores of fln e timber', M r H. I :~I" li ne ( hn no w nlb lind SOD, f llr u n~" e tlSU or "n l nrr hu.l 'Jl o IL(n C~:Hf Hllward , ~ lft.or t.lnod fit ellnoer, Illst hroke It nllln~o @tnl)\1 pleo~8. Lus t good Illlld, fiDe well of wlltflr . thut c un l Hlt h ' (I11 t'cll lJy H n. l1 ' s £1wtlek wblle 1D0viug we O.UJle aOr(l88 P r·lolld lIgbt, loq nlre at fllfm . III nil ~ l pllI ( ·ltll! , 'IrClIiurl!l fr c o. All ';1lIh1"y . M rand Mrs . lllr..e l Soott M (s. All klnrls ot Notary Work. Will" 1 1 1· U~I4' I f: t .Q; . 'fll! . the delld rat. MU8t'ho ve been tl""d Cilrolln e Chenow eth, lIod MI~!I MRf IIl Cook'. It. O. 1, WilY, , and ' Deeds a I:\peola lb. F. J C I U~ :'II ' I· & U" T o Jcdu. (Jltl . Illlt moutbH , dldu ' t ~melJ. RAT noaville , Ohio. dO Mr. Ilud Mr8. Warren LileY b ud Ilo~ SN A P Is wOI, d l.lrfnl," Throe 81'1.1'8, tb el r !! 'l (' ~t" tH t'uurlay c1 i llne r, tb 6 la Her 's fllt.h e r , Mr . A. T. Pj)we r !' 200 , 600, 11.00. ~ohl 8Dd goitr(l[l. FOR SALE and fnmtly of 80uth Chorlos to n . t eod by B . E . E"rnbft Tt ILDd ,J. E . Mr. LIlI1Y '~ parents , Mr'. Ilnd · Mrs. •16n·ney. ig rypo. P ollmd .Chlnas , Immune d. ThomllN l..lleY, ·w e re afterno ou gnests Veter lnarv II t t b is bOI))(\. For 81\Ie OOW Spring BoarR nnd Gelts. Blive s\'I.0' Bnd quality : P orry MI~:I M'lrl e Coo k. of nel1r Ed ge. Grllduate' of Ohio Slate Unlverl l'y . ~lIokett, 1 mile 80 . of Bollbro ok on wood . vlfdted 11er'grB odparen ts h Qre 'V"ynos ville road Illst wMk. 01 Mrs C!lrolin e CbeoowI~th an<1 son, . OFFICE: King Olermo nt Stovll, u sod 0 00 Boward , hove purohas ed propert y Mr •. J. M. Bu'nDllll hRIl relarlle( 1 888800 g ood a8 new, Inquire of Fou rth' Street, ncar 'ryler In Woynes vllle and expellt to move from B visit to Morlon, Ind ., where Elmer Keisoy : Bome ph006, (.lentorIn tbe nellr future . Telepho ne 98 Ilhe and hor brother , Jadge Boxwel l, Ville Ex , 7'J.7. .a2-1 Tobfloc o ou.Ulng is t~e order of of Frankli n, atteode d the BOll Willi Wayn esvill e. the dRY among our fnrIilera at the family ,rouDlon . Ohio . Hopmo bllo R lidstor. in good prll!<eq t tl m e. oooditlo o , 1125 O,,1t t hlll weilir . 80hool opened here, Mond~y, Me8ars. Robed "nd Will LR.hley Septem ber 8 tll. Inqulte of P .. ul Brown, with w~r () c" l\ing 00 . \btu1es Braddoo k s 10 Or. aod Mrs. lJ C . Borden aod Reotor' s Sho,,:" , Rill! fomil)', Bunday aftlllrDo ou . Mr. and &\rH. Blnry Fry b"ve re good 13hrops blre Rnm . 'hree ------ ~ I.unert fr nm a trtp to NI8~;lofa Falls. yoors old. C. E. Mlohen er , Clovtltr. nd and Uetroit"I Spent $1 on Rat-Sn ap and Saved 1411(1"rs. WIttem ao and Jonell have puooe 1I1l.1L.• t:I, WIlyoo8 vllle ·.24 the Price of a HO.g. ll dlnol "ed p8rtoerl lblp and t11e UGW fall. blooded ADO~nl\ Cockore ls, la ,n ow oootr.>l Ied IlOtI opem. flne ones. Or. B. E. Runaw ay, ,James MoGulr e, famons Bog Rala ".raIlB ,ad by Mr. Jones . Wlll'uU lvllle, Ohio. 81'; ar of Ne" Jersey, nY.II. "I advise MI88 Ruebel Gllplo and MeaAre. Y~ry f l rrner troalJle d wltb rats '0 Jobo WellOb cf Ii'alrfiel d, aDd Wal. NICE bllV Draft G.ldlnR , 3 1t\arl! o ee RAT t!NAP. Tried 8very,b lng $Or M elke, dr Columb ul, were Labor old ,bill filII. ".lih8 1300, and II! to !let rid (If rat!!. Spent on RAT. DIlY glllWta or MIN lAureU . Weleb', :weI! "rolleo I wllllel l oheap. J. W. BS A P , Flgnred the It kllled. "'8"8 b ...· reAched "'prlnab oro ot tlUMVD. Wayoea' Vl1le, Oblo. 8ftvAd the. price of a .. lr'AT· .. s10 '" .. tiNAPO OD)ftlin oak. No mix· 'hI! dUllth of IIrll Beol')' WhUEh eH. BIg"p e Polanll. ChID!' Boar for inK wUh other .or dop ot nRIr (JermaD&oWD IIrIl. Whl$O. ..I... ""00.1 ODe, Inqolre of I.A. \\,IlU" tOlloh It, GOo h8ad. fcrmer l, Mr• . Bn Crou. bad LoaolteY on P D CI8,." farm t1 00. 8011 and B. a mUllDBrV l&ore bere for a nllm~r .. Obio . • 110
While we .. Iwtly~ were OOtilU op oli'nn 10 t h is oounl' y, !llld whl lo "w" uever V"l(iHlt ed ill 'be s hn,ly nook wbor ll o nr I(rUO lill n I IHtloU l otl; ~t'll II rem .. lnetlfo rtheilu tollloul letom" keofuA ' oll ofj:(y Tbe Ktllllme f mlurtltl on of Lho oo outty Is huglnuln J,(psies . . to ohao g A o ur nallona loharao tllr. .. Uo aoy Improv ed road In $e oouo'rv 'bese day s you Will, 10 0 few hourll't lmll,l!lM lllo.lD8 0hgsfro mado:a en8'BI8 II. New York, Ohio, Peonay !vaola !lnll ruldweH t fo lk e !.Our !.IIA Sou lh •• od the Paoillo 00111\ . Const folka 'rlnelln ltlDd 'wo nd mll e~. A stream of tourlRt truill o 'blltth(JU~a sltrl,a s8llH nny twin tDovpmf 'lnt 1",measur .bly hI pourlog out over tbo nutlonu l blj:(hwIIY S. • And th elle IIro not. people, not folka I') f Ifli!mro 'l'he moob.n lo loudsrloh hi''' wife and Ibe t~nt.lll to tbe Hldo our "orl .m bllmot oroYll legoes8 ,bousa nl1mll ellnafo yv d ,IYs . The ntvver 'n~es the t .. rmer·s tamlly for II m oo th tour to .. nati o n.
Ihf'~' ro~itll'd fo r fo nr YOt...
f S d I I to\'c s an en1 nts. H cate rs F urna We ha ve the Cler mon t and ces. A Iso the Sout h Bend Malleabl e R ang,es.
vau uur
TS.l [;]
.. .
d A full .Iine of Inte rn ationa l H an'cster Co . Corn Bind ers, Man ure Sprc ader s, Gas Eng ines an d Crea m Sepe rator s.
See Us, Before Our Stoc k Is Ex h aust e d ----
h .
H. E. EA RN HA RT , Waynesvl·lle, Ohl·O
r.:==:l";= == 't
- --- --- --
I Wounds From Ru t
Nails Dangerous
Puhlic Sale s
$3 below ~Cost
You nce Brot hers Gra in Com pany
Ola ssif ied Ads
,,--SEARS & CA RT WR IGH TPub lic Sale Con duct ors
to buy a farm ,
--- -- ..- - -
If you are wan ting
~r8 ~fl,ltghIDOg"'n
lll\U8~tor' l so verl11
· T
~ool1 loontlon,
M. N. Douglass
=== ====-=-=-=-=-=--=--=--=== =
------_. _..------
e. v.
Way nesv ille, .. Ohio
- - -...
- ...----
Dr. J.A . McCoy,
U ae Classified Ad. and
.,.Er.r ubar'''u l
or lean aDd made"
Itl.... Vltw 8/ld th .. oN "'I'bfO II1II0 '1\' II mill!> " I 1·.0<1\'1 II tor OfIpOrl'lnll\' ", Ii ,,' .. ~ til ,IIVI' ....., .. "I"'n .. .." ~ "" I '1'r, I'M Ih~ rljt/lt PilI "" n,··' I w,. I!I'/It'ff" ,'hftp rlllllrllllnill' I.. n.l-,' oil ,Ufin', . . ti'· h':r-c, w I'~ 1·( dll!'r 11l!.,' II t.ook IIII~U\.-Jl O"hll ' 1'1:,," II!'
- -
Spec ials thlsw ef.k II
Caesar' s
era and Saw s
M1I1'l, ~Il'
a \l~ r
Ihull connini!' thelll
Harvcy sb url! Fricmls Ch\lTch A mos Cook, plIslor . Sunday , Sep~ lol : Bible .'chool .at 10:00 am . Anno . linson . uperlll ' t unden t. Public W or h ip Itnt! Pr c h· ing, 11 :0& a . In You will be w I· come at all these sor vicell. COltle and Ic~ u s worship J e hova h t o" th or .
C.. la ,\ p" t·oIS. Nn I r·II II ~ . Hes" )' . ,·rup. ,J uI. ,on ly .. "~ 7..
H. HAIN ES, Lytl~, O.
I\ i rk'~
F ink .. \ hi .., ' ua p. 14 burR for I 00. II r a b,,!{ .. ,7 OIl
FoI ~
N \l1.l1a Snap , 12 Imrll fnr $1 00 . ,,1'. p" r !aux ... .. ... ! 00
St. Mary's Church Thirtee nth Sunday afte r Trinity. Sept. 14th . Sunday School at \J:ao a. m . Mornin g Prayer and 'e rmon at 10:30. Everybo d)l invll('rl to these serv ices.
Star Tin Clln ~ . tlnz 0"1)· ... .. ... r, ~~ MIl ~"n !,int. Cans, onl y .... ... .. 7:)c Ma.~o ll l )uflr l l:all~. ouly ... .... .;'" M a St'n ·\ hil I' (' rown J ar ~ ..75 • • 'i,~ Exl ra lI.envy I{ ubll('f~, :J duz .. ;,!!i ....
Clr mice, after Y O ~ Ul'l' HAT S ,\l' . It'a a s ure rod elll killer Try a \! \.~ . hod prove it. Kats killt'tI wilh R T· RNA(> leave n o sm ell. Cliis o r ,d "g~ won't tooch It. l;uanm tccd . 1 h re!! sizes; 2lit, 5Oc. ~ I. .If )'llur dell!' .r can't supply YOII, wnte. You , ll" Lx· tennina ting Co. Wos, neld , N J
\Vill I'ny 27c fo r Spring' Chicl.. , t'ns del i \'el'E'11 Friday t o r enooll N,, \\' i~ I h,' time t il ~ell y n nr Spr i" Ktl l'!;
H. E. Earnhart and ,. E, lanney
I'H .\ · ~ 10
Trad., at
--- --_._-- --- -
I' rlncc Edward ot Wakla. endures on oDdleSII eirceremonlO8' ond smiles ; oaturall y and good nalur9Clly. He Isround plcturod bore pin, nlng a mOdo I on an old v«.erau lit Quebec.. Elabora preparat lone o re mnde Cor bls tour tbrougb Canadn to tbe ['aclflcte on a palatial 81,oola l train. It Ie annou~ tbat ble reeldenoo will be tbo UrlUsh bntUo cruiser Ronown In Now York barbelr wben beaboard U. S. Newport o.od "sodo!.)''' &1'';&0 catch 01111)' lon8 dl.lanco,.Islte tbo gUmpeo s oC tbe PrlDco.
N o tic e tH a \'ing secured the services of two good mell , I want to tell tb e public that I am now better prepar ed than ever to do work of all kinds in the
To POlish Mahogany. 1'01 ..II IIn N~"" nil I. Ih ~_ flnrat thlnll'
I f nr
j!'l'lI uIIH' olr! mnhn/tnny. Q A It h"rd· the wood. POllr Ihe 011 on to n PAIl of ROft flnnnl'1 nn.' ', rllh til\' 1\'00<1 wl' ll. It thl're nr.. any !'forkR In 'he wood the 0 11 w ill fill th ~l<fJ nlll' hnnll·n . WIIlo off th n pu· pl'Tn unu" hll nnd poll~h wllh n c1ry. ' Rort Clolh. A IlItlp vln pgnr R.l<\1'd to th o 0 11 wi ll mnk~ R hrlght, clean, dry fln l_h.
CARPENTER AND REPAIR LINE I Come and see me, and get an estima te on your work. I am positive I can save you a lot of money.
Office at Annie Haines' r~id.ence
~n. Hlld ,.r" ~"rv(!~
" ' Plu s-
at JWl - r abOllld be .ns'", 6~4ut It .. Ie JIO&Ited with _ JVU be" tile additJOIIal eatlafa.etfOll ... 01
. AI
34.IL.2 5
~ .... t.ek et ~ dollar Ie , aarefIIIly ~eet.tMI Rese", Paad of !nON . . . . . . . . . . . 01 • mil/lOll ·4III1.ftI.
Charge. 0 · 111-8
.... ......' ........__ oar -r_1
~ aDd ... ..wione at cleo · " . . . I'I'I'ft . . ~tarlt1 fA oar depMft aeeouata.
.. . , . . . at
We .....
_ t &lid offer
S.'e'r-5IiJ _#rIdeN.··
Oem City
DaU dla. and ·Loa.. A.e'n . 'jTl -
.;I~ . . -
. - - _.•. .
Frll!lHlti Ch llrdi ' ch,,,,1 at til" .. 1I'lrch ('very u ndlty 1\1 \0 \, ·cl'.>rlc I'r~'fll'hl'l a ser ic It llll " 'lork 'i!tl \ <)' 1 n re cordiall y if \ Ii< ,\ to lw \l1..lle ~~Cl ndn y
1'« \\' 1'. ,'j, l"ll l L I: Ill" " ' III l"',kht) ~, ~ ' 1 puuIHl " Il ~. I' l' r '\". . . . .. ,. ~ IlO
Clocka~ Law n Mow ~
t, I· . '110 II,, · lJ
, >, ' .. , I II.'
In order to reduce our immense lot of Salt on hand at the presen t time, we are going to sacrifice a large amoun t of it, and will give the public the benefi t by selling at cost.
You nce Bro ther s
Gra in Com pany
some taste of Kent ucky Burle y tobac co.
Why .do so . many "regl !lar men" buy ' Luck y Strik e ciga rette s? They buy· th~m for the special ftavor of the toast ed Burle y ·toba cco. Ther e's the big reaso n--it 's toa8ted~ and real BUrley. Mak e Lu~ky Strik e your cigar ette.
-lnt goud \c\d
' hlld, witll a n
ACRES on Da tall a lld l.ehRll oII pike, leve l l:u.ld . ~o od fra me hu use. CClllcnt CC lltH , ham . wag,? " sh~d , ("nbs ,
t obacco shed Bnd o ulhuihl in!;s. All butldmg s In splen · did repair. Ideal p la et: to li ve . P rice $, unu.(lo. Good huy If you wan~ , a ho rn e. '.
65 ACRES ncar Centerville,
Dayt on and I.ebnnon
Pike , levd s ugar a n d b lack 6oil, ,frame house of six ro?,"s, barn, large toba cco shcd . and all outb ulldmgs . $200 per acre ; $:JUOll In cnsh. Party ",ill tllke lIIortga ge for hal· ance o n long time.
82 ACRES northeast
of Center ville, lev llund, good
bui ld ings consiti ting of i· room framc hOllse, CCllle ut cellar, furnace , electric lig hts. both wuters , .e tc., bum, . t,?b~cco shed , c rib, p o ultry house unn necessa ry Oll t'Hllltlll tgs, all hlllltlll~ )(~ ~oO(I ond out nca r pike. If you want a goorl .Ievel . r~rm \~Ith good buildin g, 1111 tillable, fenced nne! tiled gnorl, In Q chOIce "l'll:h· b n rhood within seven miles of Day ton, sec thiS OIl C. $:1OU per acre.
7 miles southe ast of Dayto n, practically
level land, some timber, running wa l e r, new bank barn, ( · room frome h Ollse, cement ce lltll , crib, wagon s heds an d outbuil di ngs. $IO,OOO .UU.
An enthusi astic and larlre ly attend · ed meeting of the Warren Co unty Dry Federat ion otTiciul~ , membe rs. ACRES near Wayn esv ille, frame hous e of five workers and friend s of the ca use, ro o m s , barn, tobBcco shed, c rib Bnd o utbuildi m( 5, $5.')()0. met at Judge Shawha n's omce Thur~ · da, and perfect ed tb e organiz ation ACRES north of Waynesville. level Ja lid, ~ood Of the WRrren County Campai g n buildin gs at $] 20 per acre. Commi ttee. H. J. Eberle, of Frankli n, was r~ · ACRES near Spring Vallcy, level lund, two elected chairma n; J . B89Sett Willard. of Lebano n, secreta ry. It was with sc ts of buil din gs, at $150 per ac re great r4lllret and reluctan ce that the resIgna tion of D. W. Humph reys was accepte d, but his bu~ln.l!f:ls affiliatio ns just 8il8umv d, made. It Impossi ble ~or him to officiate HIS s upport, adVI ce snd enthnsi alllic co ·operati on was aeeurfld ly pro mised. . The executi ve commit tee as ap pointed ; Rev. Ed,vaTd McParla ne . Res ide nce Otlices 8 11)· 17· 18· J9 R.,ibnld nlrl~, of Frankli n, Dr. J. T Ellis, Way ne,; Centerv ill e . Ohio Dayton, OhiO ville, H. L. Grant, Mainevill e, W. G. ~ ~ Thomps on, Lebano n . Hearty co·ope ratlon was llromtstl d by all of the membe rs of th e fu ll county organiz ati on. the old m em o bers b~ing r e·electe d , and th e wom e ll of Ihe W. C. T. Y . An active campaiR 'll Is iJeins pe r · fected and work will begin at on pe . as thiil is positive ly the most clltic~1 and importa nt e lection ever held In the Interes t of 'the drv moveme nt. Not only as concern a Warren County . Satu rday, Sept embe r' 13th and the atate ot Ohio. but itll c onnec· tlon and relation to' the Jljation . Featur
dare to BOY another n utt, InterruP ted rudely, , OU
__ __ __ __ __
..--- ..---
uAlias Mike Mor an"
Tues day. Sept embe r 16th ~eaturing Enid Benne tt, In a good play,
"Par tner s Thr ee"
Rev. R. C, Jones will be the next ministe r at the M. I!:. church here. Rev. Jone~ was In town, Tuesday evening .lollkin g over his new charge . Rev. Jolly will go back to the K~. tucky conferen~, ba.,lna been "Iven a charge at Ludlow . Ky: .
Thur sday . Sept embe r lath Featur ing-Fr ed Stone, in
__ __IJ'
ing Wallace R eid, in a charat eristic pIa y.
"Joh nny Get You r Gun "
- - -...
a pack age today . NoG·. ET .dce the flavo r-the whol e-
abunda nce' of fnll t. im l rtlVt'l!, wi l h a '0. rl ~!'lt tl~ 'I' hpu e of rOl' ms. rcm ' ot cHat. furnacc . ele ... trt· hgh t s. I,o t h we ll a lHI Is t e rn, also spnll):. g Ull.! hill , 'l pOLil t r ' houses (" fit> ~ n d , ILl I necessa ry o u t building .·. all in goo.! rcpllir a ll l.1 ou.t nil muUl pt~e . Locat ed 4 miles southea st 0 1 Dayt o n . 0 0 fra c t Ion. A chOice neig hbor hood . Pdce $,)5\10.00.
"I wos Just Kolng to-" be contlnnCf1 vallaDtI , with his ClI:lllonJltlon, only 10 Open evening s • Admlul on 7:30 p.m J1c be ('ut Bhort' agnln b), Betty. "I don.' , coco wllat you were ,olng Saturda y evenIng 7:30 p.m. Children Ih: to do. 1{ ou tipllled qvery onc ot my berrl_e ver)' one or them." 81\0 added trnglcldly. "tou onibt 10 be IIrrested tor robb.ery, 110 there I 1 thInk .You're a- you'rll 11-" Hut 6hll couldo't tlllnll ot a wo~d ot ~ulllcl~nt expresalon to describe him, All ho 1/l01l IIdvnntl l,e ot Try the Miami Gazelle's :C/assilied Colu~ns for Results her IIIIIISO to 1I11I"h t,IR ('xI,lIlOnlloo. "')'0 ~ It tlO\\' II, " bo murmur ed ~o~· !t·ltel)'. U"lty gll vo hIm 8 look of whherlnll' ~"" I'II IlIId M tartml 1111 her WilY again whil e be 8to"'" "'ntchlng ber repunt· IInlly. "Five Cows Made ,"74,00 Last Year" ' hl·re ISll't 0 Ihlnl: I filII lin nhout At! , ty thoo oollonnl 8UtrrI\P ~ It." h" DlurlUured ho ~"'\(.""~I)' . " Shi,', a Writes W. C. Mohr. Oxford , Ohlo- "I have ahlpped to moot, womeo at tbe DeUoll4ll ca~ rogulnr little "pllllre," . State about five and a half years and last year sold $474.00 the Tri · worth tal whoee buebnnd s are _ee4 III butter fat from five cows Have always found the Trl State ,?f 1I" lIy "'OA n~ nrly IlIlIne whrn .he ... laIr politics, Ill'll tOllt becomlDC ~ in their dealing s. I have IOld to both the Tri State and als!> nwm"..,,....1 1I'lIt Mhr- hnd lett lu'r 1I10UD~ra. Oarr, 8. Ne., .tle 01 .... cream stations to tllill Illurel behllHI IlIlt! went hndl ~ see how the teste agree lind 80 far hav," found 'The Tri, 8enatOl' 'rOrl) (ndlaM., b811 Jolnecl State pay the freight' the better waY ." RN It. When l1"nll), »b& rllUched U\e . ldre. ~II McCormlcll at nUDoIe (Rrm·hllll we Ihlll'U 1101 tbe otrcnder DO and Ie qp'" a~U,.e III alrai,.. of thO Iho lllauq\ comtol'\l Ihly cbnttlug ""a, NaUooa l Women' ll J\ep."~ Commit tee. with OMIIIlI".. RobbIns I OrllnullY l1li" her ·from tho klt('hen window IIl1d har· per .... rl ed out ,to lotrod1lce hel' to the oew lb. hUllrdl'r, toc, ns "be 10 otten I14ld, Read Gazelle's Classified Ac& "Oromp y ,,111 forget IIttl~ thlnp IIlle . tbut, , Oil Imow. Week or September 8th to 14th Inc;)uslve. Botty 811!kllowledred the to,troductlon frleldl, and a8 trleldl, n:~8ed ber· ",ut o\'er It." ')'Il e ltbl,DIIUM!!I" wellt . Selling your cream for less than Tri-Stat~ prices Belt. OraiDID; look~ wtth a troubled mopping down the "I<quore," 11012 lett robs your pocke tbook and encourages profiteerang. ezpretlslon trow one to the other ..4 Bett, at bome to lIet 8uvpcr. Moore. theo butll, followed Betty upstair&. ( IeIsurel,. .eadlng 10 the bam mock, Write for Free Trial Cans. We guaran tee your "WhT" Honey. whnt'e tha motter' J coold boor her Singing 0 6 Bbe worked, cream and· cans agains t loss_ neur saw you In sadi a mood betore. aDd regretted tbot sueb ,- smoll a~ etden.t Ahollhl keep tbem from belDg IIfr. MaorI! Is • trl~nd ot WlIl'e, ,ocl I'm Bure lIIe COUldn't be nIcer I 1 W8S frleDdl. "She'8 actlng jllst Uke an JU8t golllg to osk ,011 to ' shd\! him etght·yoor·old,~ be . tbought, "and oll Ihe neei'll Is , good spankin g I" BIll around .tbe t.rm.O~IO "Oil, I .:oUldo,'t clo that," ezctalme d thoulbte were rudely Interrup ted, and Detty In horror, "I just I!!ouldo't. Wbl', quickly be ran to the Idtchan. "Oh, Grampy, Grnmpy, ob anybod, ," be', the man that spilled m, blu.. lb. crIed, "the kltcben' . on fire." berrle.I " Aod Bure eoough _omebo w or other OralDwy' ·was " nioet .,mpD theUI!! penon ullually aod Ihll reaU&ed It she the bOI: ot klndllng8 b, th ••tove hlld lou,bed . at Betty's tr8JIII! .Iotllmll nt cllught, and wo' blouog merrll" away, thlit she',1 Dever be forgiven. Sh. bllt the two 011 tbem put It out In II hl1ltll)' ren down st... Ir~, lIhuttlng the ·.econd. After the uelteml lnt wns doOr behind her. and tllen Rat dowo over, ' Betty brnvely started to thonk 3 More Snap Fast~ers, 15 for .. .. , ...... '. ...... tOc Bo,d lau,fwd t\ll tho teore rolled 40WD him, but she only 8tnmme red reir • Glass Dishes, good si~e .. '.' . . ... ... , ..... , . .... 100 , her Sho e,en took Grnmpy aod wblle, und then quite Buddenly buret . Glass Butte r Dishes . .. . . . ...... ....., . .. . . . . . .. 26c . 111'. MOOC'e luto ber cooOdence nod tho Into teOrR. "Oh, ('ollie 1I0W, plcose dOIl.'t," uried Ihree of .them t'lm.Illtlrl"'" It· a bilge Colore d Glass Vases ...... . . . , .... . : ... . ...... . 26c Joke. . poor Muore awk,,'nrdly, "reali" ,ou, White Metal Knive s and Forks, per set ..... .., .$1 80 . Dut tluly had GiUred without Betty. ullIsn't do tbnt. You see:' b, added Rex Lye,la rge .can . ..... . . . .. ... ..... - .. .. .. . . . IOc Bh. didn't thluk It • Jote, IIlId tor tbe brlglltly, to cheer ber ap, 'Tm ,Iod Whole wee.. didn't· III, 8 word to Mr. It bllPIIIlllCd. been UI40 now w.·re ,010, Goblin Soap, the kind that cut grease . ... . . , .. ... lOc Moore. Sho QYulded bllll whvneveJ' Hbe to be fri ends, r.elll trlend~, .Hn't we" 'Hydro gen Peroxi de, lal'ge bottle s .. .. ... ~ .. . . . . . 15c t ne,'er put mnch Itock In .Fate before, cquld, .nd wben thl8 Wll8 IIDPONlble, Mrs. Prices' Canning Compound, per pkg ...... 0' • • lOc looked mill!. P8B~ blm It the, clulnced but I gnesl!I he'~ a pRI of mIne after to ~ 7 pa,*ag es for ...... .. .. ..... : . .... : : . : .. .. :60c . all. B4)U)" )'OU Cllll'! hold out aglllllJlt blu eberl'l e~ 'IIml Fntl', can ,ou' We've ""• .,ar 'OU mln.d, Mr. Moore," Gram. Juat !rnt to be friends I" ~ coneoled ' him, "abe'. ItubborA U Spcdal flt In An,1 n.'tty. !!lUlIInK up .t blm • •111.. ~lIt .et o,er It; Jut"JOu through herIt'urll, aIH.'Cd with him I ~ walt . . . Me It ... 4_u't...... t1ia1 .,." _ dar Batt7 dl4 CCopyr'II ''', 11ilU. YcClu. . N • . . . . . , . , . . II~ d1~_._ 'i ~
:\ eRE: u f
Gen eral Auc tion eer & Farm Bro ker
IIt'!t)' II"d IIN!ll vl ckln!: hlu"l,errlps sl llclJ 0 o'el f,,:k 'hut morulnA' Bnd with n gr" 111 . 11( 1, of Hut\sfuctlon (lA' she nnllc..,' Ihnl Ih .. top of ht'r 1'11 11 \\' fiR "I r~ I\' ""111111 "11 with herrl es on top at IUHt '~tn r"'fl for th e littl e red fllrm· II f!ll~e where she hnd been hOllrdlng wll h "Orllmlll)'" 01111 " Ol'lIrnpy " [("b· hi 118 t OI' the pno t two we"kR. Sho px· IHWd 10 tl.WrI nycr R Illdger 48 we~k~ ot thn ),I'or null ",'.11 fo r Ihe tour IIhe fillen( In the "'lIn(ry Il(lch summ er. Sho lia ng n8 sbe Iru,li~d nloull, with lIever o care In th" world except lJettlui b,!ck home 10 tim e tor dInn er. She hnll gone aboul hoI! wny when ~h ll spied a bl1n~b ot mountai n InllTel b" At\\'Ood '. lodge. She had of len heard Oromm), (tobblns .IlewlIlI It, 8~ardts In U,clr 1/tcllllly. eo 'he t"llr&tully put her pHil of herrles under a ('lump of bn811PB which wero Detir b)' IlDd slarted olr 10 get 8 buncb ot It. "The,'11 be pertectl , eofe there." 'he thoughl, "lind I'U 001)' be gone a mlnuto tln)'\\'8Y." Dut tihe WHR "one o"cr on hour and got buck 3uxt In time to sell • )'oun" mnn ru~·tull)· trylol! to lather up tho l'OohlDlI of the pull. He hud spilled ewer" ben, I . "You llee," hit eturted apoloaeUclIII"
35 83 183
........... .~~~~ E~:~~ !~'~T ...... ...... .... .
FA RM S'---
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We Pay ~~!~=~~!taod 6 0 c
The Tr i·S tat e Bu tte r Co. OINO INNA TI,
I THE· Sc, tOe AND .2Se .
.... .... ....---••!III-.IIIIIJ• • • •
~e ve nty-Fjrst
17. HIHI
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Wil son Rev iew's the
'PE ,
" I'rid p "n~1 II he fne (! dest "I ' a,,, l a h fl u~ht.v piril Iw Fllro, llruction l'al1," Or, Dill, O~t('op~ I'h tl Ir ULh of th i~ proverb WII~ """II I way , Lebano n. OhiO,'h " . . 'I'\·cr. ~i.\I!;· home·co ming t il. t' . II. t ,~. : . ' I'°ll h :lr \\"a ... H h U ~ II, e~~:-. \'h t· I I' Illly t, n, I··"dal . exe mpll fi",j la. t Sunriuy ufl Pr liooll , I i;;h Wtlyn'~H vi lle had such a crowri II wilen II' i' l' l ea~an t Plain b~~~ ball Mr!l Alice McKinRe y Rpcnt ' undl'y 111 81 Wcdn c~Jay evening . when t h l 'alll CIHIlI' hert'. h oa~ linlt Illtl! l h"y with her I,·. ~I .. r y ' 1I1 , ~ l l ury is allenrhl lg' Uayton Masonic bann reave a musir.· son in Morrow . I IHld IH'cn d feated lhi" ,, ~a"on .1. " .10 ·: Bu >i'ICHR (' ulle~ e 'ill Imyl'ln . [reli t III the citizens of lhis town un./ I\·!roru Ih ,:v wen l hom e. they ~I II' I'OW Phi lip H()pkin ~. who hu~ had 'ki nilv The bunl] wail composed "r _ (li ll y aU II' ll t ·1 Ih ftl tl wy " rou lc/ ~ U I upr,erHli ('iti~, iH ableJr, tu hf' (lU IIlJ{nill \' !. ura I':nt, r) t I'h·, ''',,'ll 'orl v pieceR . and npJleare d in th,· i r " \fuIII I h l' rN'nrr l m fl de h~' .1111' Cm· I Cnta l 1 \ , 1- " ' ''' "i t H' IIH' htd L t' q f ':\" ell u r,ifo rlns of Anti uch Tem ple . ,:innati Ited~ in UiG9 Our Miamis ~I , . ,,, ,iI Mr.;. (;"rcl"n .1", . a ll (llwtl IIH'1n, 7 \.0 a \1 \' - 1ic Sh rinc . Mr. Allri M rR J . Ii:. . J I\lIl1ey .fI' HI r. ..• Unt h t .. alll~ were "IORd·, .t!" rill' the famil y 8 1) 'TlI (:o nce rt wal' lil have heen gi ve n nt Su nday wllh rela tlv, ' ~ \lccasi" ... Waynes ville'a impor l il lioll a t Kin~mnn. Il ol l·.··c!I,·;lI li lll( ' int, IlH'HIl H .. ltI car· on th e school "round~, but on IIC · hei ng WeAver and Weller, fle ilhrook' e Pi t:, U Il ,l ' O ld c' Hrp , ' I ~ 11I'!h ll IIl' W ,;I,unt of I h ... lighting fHcilities. ut II r la l hour was taken d own to t he crack bHtle r)·. Weaver Rllow ~d bu t r " j! ~ if "" 111 '( h 1I1i1( lin It li1r CPo Amos Cook . of H1lrvey sburg. wilr, ,quare . The band ie one of the besl five hi ts ar,d no wlilk s, st ru ck nut has been ill for eevlll'al weeh. in Sout he rn Ohio . and unde r thl' lifteen hatl e r ~ . Illlrl fi elrl ed his posi vi sitor in WlLynes vi ll ~ . Saturda was a II ~ 1. """1'. ," ,, 1 1., v ~lId ,\ II 'eud ershi p of bnndmu y tilm in fin e Rtyle . Wel ler held UIJ ster Ch . ltoupf. '-\t"ar:-: :t n d laln i lv , 0 (:rc~nvll l"' . t: IH' llL who puts his whole soul into the con· hl~ end of the battery Il'ork in f;!' reat Su,"luy wilh \\ N ~ell r , aori r"l11il,. Dr and Mrs . Ralph Vance , of ductinlC . gAve Wayne.~ville a rare "hape. no opposin g blUle run ne r even LreRt ill Lu nd music. The program . altf>mpt ed to s teal afte r th l!v had Pleaaan t Plain. were the guests of IIcen Mille wh ip the ball to O~born e Mr and Mr! . J . C. Hawke. ~unday. Mr . antl Mrs C M . l1oloiLzc r. Miss whk h was a vHr ied one, was fino . at second . . Henriel ln Md{inHey IInri Mr . J B. lIlId tho tlelcc ti ons {ro m the bcst. Eddie Durlon played his first game I'enee \Vero Cinc innaLi villi la rs. SlIn· masters were thoroug hly enjoved . Mr and Mrs Raymon d ,William son. The popular selec tions, also. made u at ahort and put up a crackin g good of Clevela nd. are ~pendlll til' Y, l-(reat impression wi th t he aurlienc e. gum e. too . Buck Crane lead th e with Mr. Harry Williamg a week son and who stood t 'am at bat with a rl ouhle and a famIly. Mi.s Edna Cornell IV en't to Klrl ){e wil ling to s for two hours, and were tand ns long ad the hand !lingle. bu t W IlS closely pressed by From a 'stand on the forwllld tur re t of the hlsturic Old Oregol; Mills. Monday mornin ~ , where ~ h () . hurl) sh ip of th· S patli ~h wa", Presi · d. O~borne and Cun ner with two singles dt:lnt Wilson and Sec retary Oaniels. Saturda y .. It.e rn ool1. reviewe wili teach the primary f;!'rad e Al thnt play Bargain Sale prices Rti ll prevail at This is th e first time that Waynea · ('Bch. We f~1 9ure thllt Seth the S, {<'red Co. Lebanot l Big Store. destroy ers of thf< PHcific fleet at ~eattle, Wash., on Puget Sound d live d" eadntlu ghl>l an I t wen ty · fiv e "lace. ville has ever be\ln honored by hav· . The~ pec ll:lc le WI1" vit:w" uy Ih()u ~lIn d I Thomas would mak e gO(>d with thi~ Clothin g. Furnish ing tilld o( people rhe preside nt received a warm welcom e tro m th,' Pt!CI Ie of :)tlall lt! Atlnlira l Rodma :1 Boys' Deinl' ~uch an organiz ation visit the bunch If g iv en a real chance is a lso shown in the picture. partmen ts. Mahlon Rid ge spenllR st i\'cek with to \~n . anti tbe audienc e went into Pleasan t P lain's runs were the rel atives in Columb us . finn nttende d ecstacie s over t heir fine music. The I'e~ult of three horne· run drives. one Le Le h h b the Nationa l encamp llI elll of th' bAnd was gotten here through t he of them a fluke Two of them came e mm~n. w 0 .as een ~~rkU. A. R. local Ma8on ~. and an effort is being in the firl"t inn ing. a nd things hegan In!!, at Hamilto n . OhiO, and F lmt , matl e to have them again for another tn look jus t a littl e 8qually. bu t the ~Ich" for t~ e past few weeks, ar· Miamis grabbed the lead in th eir rlvvd horne, Sunday . . Mi ~s Miriam Mull. of SprillR' Hill. concert this fall . s peut several days las t IVl' ck wi t h It ll if. and W..aver pitched almost un Q 1 _ :.e _ William Earl. you ngest child apd hittllble ball, while his support hpld Mr. and Mr ~ . ll . t:. E w ha rl anti The Woman 's AuxilIa ry of Ht. _ oon of Thomas and Grace Ric'h. lirm and true behind him family . Mary's Church will meet wi t h Mrs. and Elizuhe th, d aug hter or John I(i rby, Lik e Cincinn atis beloved Reel s. our CadwallAder. Friday a ft e rnoon. Sep was born Novem ber 26,1917 . T hIS wa ~ lil) rn May 18. 1846. In ca rl" little one was taken sick on last SU II · Mi amiH come right back. after a dis tember 19Lh. at 2 o'clock life be reaved of a mOlher 's tend e'r Frank Elbon left. t"i ~ mo rn ing . clay nig ht very suddenly and died on Several O UI' \.er, stronge r and belter than ever. f our l'ounj\ I?eople went ca re and love. ehe was reared to for 8 bu~iness lrip to Oklaho ma . H e Monday ev ening at 5 o'clock. beilt g ~o Dc,dds, Silturd ay cve mng. and en· wumanh ood in the hom e of he r will pro bably spend t en u ays t here. Mr. and Mrs Frank Sibcy and sick only 11 hours. Dyin" Septem Joyed t he dan ce gI ven Ihe re. fath er. lilt! object of his every and will also visit relativcs in tbat family an d M r!l Robt Smith. of ber 8. he was aged 1 year, 9 mont hs thuu g ht and d evotion. Rtate before his r eturn . Miamisb urg. were ll ueels of Mrs I. and 13 dal/s . Mr and Mrs H. E. Earnha A little laler . ahe made her home Sibcy and family.o f Route 4, SunddY . This preciou s little son was t he tertaine d Itt a picnic ~l Lin.lCer rt en· Longer with a family nameU White, near Friday afternoon as Roy Vantres s darling of his parents' heart~. h,ved 111.8t. Wednes day ovenmg , The Grzelte office is in<.l ebtcd lo was driving towarc\ Sharon, In honor of Bellbrou k. and while there she Wilt! and cared for by hll! older sisters a n,1 Miss Mirium Mull. lhe followin g united in mllrria~e Mafli It for a basket of fine alll)le~ , w' y to LelJanu n, he was met on hia Our fri end , J " hn Beach, o f Rou te to J ohn Adelber· 'rA.hey on the were fine and 2, wa~ in Ci ncinnat i. tiat u rdlly, to brother s as he was his Budd en death guest. : Misses Alite Carey, Lillian ger. in the year 1873. Of lhis uni un l Ie says none may good co oker~ , t oo. road by a g an)! of hoodlum s. who comlllit Dr , Th o n'll~on as to the c·m· has le ft their he arts almost hroken Wilkers on , Jeannet t e JO l1ne\' and one child was born that died when apply for theso hnd !)robably filled up at Sharon, and - -dition of his ey p~ He will go t o the It was just 12 yea rs and ten du~s Mr . E rne!lt Earnha rt. 011 of the gang threw a beer bottle abollt a year old . Her llushHnd de· bPI)l es , as they are all g one now . since they were called upon to part The Nnrm l\I ~ .. hool WAS closed here city Illt e r fo r treatme nt --- - -III hi s machine . hitting t he wi nd parted lhi ~ life. E ebruary 12. 1900. with another little Bon, at l he same Mr. and Mrs . Jas. McClur e. Mr. lliSL wetlk for lhe luck of pupils. Mr . and Mrs. Dav id Davidsl H1 li nd ~hield and b reaking lhe glass in Van· Her entire ma rried life and for a age of this one. littl e Everett . And anti Mrs H . E Ea rnhart. Mr. and few years followin g her husband ' s two child ren. Mrs. Flora SIn t e r Ilnd tress' faco. He was so bad ly injured 'i'ht:lre has tlcen quite II hit o f opposi. Mr. and Mrs. Mack BU ll. of Spring· while thev realize that God know8 Mrs. Fred Hnwk e. Misses Alma death, ahe lived in Dayton . Abou t two chi ld ren. a nd Miss Gail David· that he could nnt Be to drive his lipn to the. Nurma l bein~ at Waynefl · fi eld . and Mr and M r!l best. His will mu~t be ours . yet Waterh o use and ,eUi" 8arnba VIlle. and ther .. seemed to be no in· o.t Xenia, we re visit or'!!T . A Spencer their and rl. eight years sbe remove d to son. of Lerado. Brown cou nLY. were machine any farth er. and be ran it grief at of this Mr time . and is almost un and Messrs. Clarenc e Rye and Ha y Way nesville , ago. te rest laken In th e school during th e Mrs. Eli Dean. Sa tur da y. whete she . has since Sunday guests of Mr . and Mrs. out at t he bide of tho road until he bearabl e. Dut. my friend ~. it will Mills ·went to Schant~' Grove, Sun· made past vllcat ion, when au thoritie! l cou Itl get hel [l to take him back to her home with he r neice. Mrs. Go rdon J oy . not be. it cannot be, for only II short day, and enjoyed the day. ought to havtl been lookin lol' for p U I , i l s . Cincinn ati. J ohn Lorig. . . time, for you will to fill t he Normal t his year --_.----- - ~.,-----Mi88 For 11 yea r vasl in failing Have In stalled ,~ YU!l:., IIIZlflg plant and t hose two littlego. one by one. angel brot hers, The S Fred Co. Lebano n Store One Reulah Kindler the teacher in thl ~ at my home on J hII'd "trCl'lt Mr . nnd .Mrs. J us. Mc Clure e nter- he was recent ly stricken wilhhealth. paral and am Everett Bnd William. will be waiLinl!' tained at t1 eparlm ent, left IHRt week. and will prepare d !Il v,ulcani ze .illl a llinner. SuturJu y evening . YSiR. and 011 the evening of Septem . f)o llar Trad e Ce rtificate s aro given kind.s of to greet you. May you each resol ve lhe followin take charge of a scbool in the eastern tubes and 3. SX lind 4 ~ g g uests; Mr . and Mrs bel' 1. 1'919 her ti red heart ceased to' fo r One dollar on a Ten (10) dollar neh cR~mgs. to live such , lives. that when at last H. E . Earnha pu rchase in the Clothin g . Shol!s. Suits port of the "tate rt, Mr . and Mrs Ronald btlat lind her spirit All work guaran teed . J ohn Long. whAn all are called you may be a Hawke , Mi S!!es Nettle Earnha rt and God who KaVE: it, atrelurned to the ClOAks and J,'urni t ure Departll1p.ntQ . La.'It Thursda y. County Supt Har. the age of 73 Ceds r Stamps g iven mean 08 reunited family in Heaven . Alma Waterh ousQ and the Me88 rll. years. 3 months and 13 a snving of ris. Supt. MeCle lllmd and Wilbur daye. 1 ~.96 . The Certific ates are goo rl for - M. W. D. Ray Mills And Clarenc e l1ye. · Cla rk went to Columb us to Qee If the All he! life. the decease d though t redemp Mr. and Mrs. L. Rosenth al and tion from date to Dec . 24.1919 ___ ___ _ not of self. but others. Her's was a Rchool could not be reopene d thie daughte r. Mr. and Mrs. A CARD OF SYMPA THY ll'(e of un~elfis vear, but the Sta te Superin tendent bourn and two daughte rs, J . Greenhness Mr. and ann eervl·ce. Mrs . Thad Zimmer man ., of Cineln. Beech Grove .Sul!day School enterta ined at SundllY dinn could do nothing unless there were lIati, Mr. and Mrs M. Kohlhag e r, Mr . Mr. Ed Cook and famil y . Mr. Severo] of our young 8chool folks en, of deSIre to . express the!r stn.cer~ sym- !lnd Mrs. George "~Iy J e~u s. as Th ou will ! twelve or more pupils enrolled Robinso n, Mr. and .F'rank Cook anrl family . Mr . Carl lef t. Monday . for differen t colleges . Lebanon . were guests of Mr. Myer pat~y to the family Oh may Thy wilt be mine ! . III thiS time of Mra. Robert E . Crew. - - -... - . Dakin .and family' Mr. and MrR. Otto Misses Lou ella Janney, Katheri ne Hyman and family, . ~unday. I IIl<> Thy ha nd 01 Iv.e , thel~ deep sorrow .. It hardly se.ems Crew. Mre. Christin Mra. Rachel a McKins ey. Mil18 Mrs. Sarah Fosler. Mrs. Geo . Clark and Eugenia Whitak er go ' to 1 would u\y 011 r"s l ~ 1I1 po~lble tbat we WIll .not see little Laura McKins ey, Marger ette Rogers Daki~. Mrs. Susan Cook, Mrs . Lida Oxford; Elliott Wrig ht gOe9 baek t o Throug h sorrow Of through j ll), . The S. Fred Co. Lebano n Store 1.\1111 WIlliam. with hla brIght eyes and Frank Crew and Phineas W. Cook . Cu nrlu t m ~ ll s Tldl1"c 0"'11 Ki llen and Miss Martha Cook mo· George school. Tuesday , and Alfred . contiJlU e t he distribu tion of the One brown curls. at our Sunday School. And ~\'II' Ill. slill I.. sa y. to red to Hillsbor o. Sunday . and Wrigh t will leave Borne time next Only last Sunday morning . he was M ' My S L Oltl. 1' hy will bo do". I' .. Dollar Trade Certific ates fof' a lim · rest'nt with the family, h F t t ' d I spent the day with Mr. Harry Haines week for Ann Arbor, Micblga n uni· seemina ly ra. ara u9 er e n ertame ited period . Owing to the congest ed P • Wednes day, In honor and fAmily. of vers ity. Mr -J. . and I' . Mrs. C. Sergt. J: HOl1ler J olly. jUllt back conditio ns at the Fair, inabilit well and 80 happy . Otto Mills and SOil, Carl, of St. Joe. y of from Pranc e, ia visitinJ{ his pi\rente , many to get them. and Card "But (If Thanks Jesue underst andl', all His Mo. On Thursda y. Mrs Susan Cook applica tions Rev . and Mrs G. N . J oll y. He will received since. the 0pDortu ways lire best." We de.~ir · to exprrss ou r appr pcis entertai ned in their honor and, Fri· lelve. after a short rurloug h. for tended Adults or adult nity is ex· t ion and grb t ilude II ' our fr i(·nds and - - • membe day, rs of Mrs. Maud Haines entertai ned !'anama , where he will be located families may all get them neighho rs who MillS Kathlee n Haines. of Clnein. them . On each occasi~n at the , severa] to us durin/{ the kindly minisle red for BOrne time. Store for the asking illnC!lR. death anti nati. Bpent Sunday with relative s other relative s we re present . bUl ial of our beloved sunt. Elizabe th Mr. a nd Mrs . Emerso n Mason en· Atlel her~er . M r a.nd Mrs J ohn Long . te rta ineo at Sunday dinner t he folGIlEi==: )'l.:l f55 ' - .j 1:' Ic.,will\(: Mr. and Mrs . Frank Zell, .-:) EJ Mr lI ud Mrs. Frank Squiree and ACRES, all well luy ing land, :3 acr s timdaulCh te r, Dora. Mr. lind Mrs. J ohn ber (i·room hrick house and cellar, wood Rich and ~O \'. Maynar d. Mr. and Mrs. ho ~se , chickell house, crib, stables, barn Ernest Butt" l' wo rth andl son. Bur. nett. amI Mr. Lee MaBon. of Mason. 50x50, fen ces all good woven Wire, one·
'_M __O_.~C _. l~..
==:1' eE'==='e IE
m GJ
Ne w Fall
c===a aEI=='&::1'==3'a
Th e
Are He re '
Stetson Hats.
With living costs stili · soarin g,
Clothcraft Clothes
the assqr, d style and the accepted quality of Stetson Hats are ev~n more attrac tive than ever before.
Sty" may be your first requirement ill a hat- or good service may
be your partic ular wanl. . The Stetsop Qualit y-Mar k is your assurance
of both style and$l nlce.
Walk -Over Shoes'
crowd of . young dClciety folks enj oYl'd an "vening lit Keith ·s. at Daylon . IHst Thu rsday evening . Those who w<nt were: Misses Jean· nette. Louella lind £o'rarlccs J anney. Katheri n e Clark. Lillian Wilkers on. Corinne Welch. Hev's Horm ell. Mabel and Hszel Sali9bu ry . Anna Furnas. Belen Marlatt . Edna Cornl~ Il ,Mine rva Harlan, Alice Cat'ey. Eug:enlH Whit· aker. and Mell!lrs· EmeRl Earnha rt , Sr. . ~ rnest Enrnha rt. Jr .. Eve re t t Clark . C. W. Younce . Roscoe Furnas. Alfred and El liot t Wrildlt . OSCR r Stan field. Homer J olly. Kellar !-I oke. Lyman Silver. Wm . Micb I~cr . Harris Mosh er. Emmor Baily. Irv inl{ Welclt and Harry Meredit h.
Mr. and Mrs W . H. Allen. Miss Oliv.e Allen, Mr. and Mire. E. V. Barnha rt left, Friday. nooll. for on auto trip In the East. The Aliens will go to Mt. Ho/yok e, wlhere MiSs Olive will again' enter Ichoo!. .Mr. an d M rs Barn h a rt w III epen d some • In and time with relative s In Pennsy lvania New New York. j oining Mr . and Mrs. Allen at the 'college t or the reo turn trip horn e. ThllY went by t he . way of Clevela nd. Buffalo . etc .• and . will come borne by tbe way of t he o'd Mohaw k trail roqte. .
I ~I
. __ _
13v d irection of the Wllr Depart. . me nt. each honora hl y dischar ged soldi e r ie entit.led to one Victory ' Button. tu he worn in Ihe lapel of civi lian nat. Thes lire nuw avail · abl e for dis tr ihuti on and each discharg ed ~ c, ]d ie r is urg d to sec ure one lind wea r it. Tnose whoso) dis· charges Rh(>w them ·to hav bf'en WOlln tled. [Ire entitled t u s ilve r bu t· ton -uli othe rs are ronze Either call in person witb oriiCinal dis~harge or write t o stldres~ b'luw. Write tI, Recruit i ng ,tation. U . S. Arm..,. ~ 11 Feller a! Huildin g. Dayton , Ohio. for ~' () rm 704. AGO . for the purpose of Rec urin g by mAil one Victo ry Du lto n Fill t his fo r m out · on tha type· wri te r And t ake OHlh hefore H notary, who will make II nulu t iotl on the original dischar ge certi fi cate. Th en mall f orm to Recruit ing Station with your address Inclosed . .
DEATHS .. The fu ne ral of David <lurd be held nt the Chapel Thursd ay will af· ternoon at 2 0·clock . Mr . Ga rd died at the home of his dllull'hle r in Day. ." ton Sunday eve~ lIlg.
Albert. Cornell. an old residen t 01 Lytle: died at his, home. Saturda y morlllng about 4 0 clock. The funeral was held Monday afterno on
.~ SOCIAL POSTPONED ~~~~;~8 Ir~~e~~~~t ~eMI~f~e~~:
"",O U will find much to intere st you in the new Stetsons we have selected for "Your ap- . proval. . This season 's models iticlude fill . unusually wide range , of styles 'in
Fa rm
L1.ii_II 'rilliii5==~'mEIE!!!EI';ElILI5=::11111'5!iiiEil'It'rEEi!EI'ElL.E=~'EI'
Elsie May. wifo of Harley Hender · son, died at the home of ber mother , Mrs. John Saylor, near Bellbro ok, after a short Illness. Mra. Hender son came from Kanaaa recently on a visit to her mother . The funeral was field Tuead., . af~oon at 2 o'clock.
1. 2.
Sa le
'half mile to school. three· fourth miles to church , two and one-ha lf miles to railroad. on main pike. Price, $10,000.
Wayn esvill e, Ohio
Go ve rnm en tW arn sY ou To Bu y Co al Now r
"A big coal shortage is coming," says Dr. A. Garfield , U.S. FuelA dministrator . "Thl,. us~ nds of [Dloers . are going back to E urope. Coal produ ction. h~s fallen off consiqerably and a shorta ge. of manY. lmllton tons looks probab le. My advice to consuf!lers I.~ to buy now while they can get a !:!election alld ueltvery. The first rush for coal comes in the .I aJ 1. Indica tions point to 'a dt:luge of building at the same time. In that case railroads. will be flooded with requests for cars to ship c~al~ buildi ng materials, [all and winter merch andise and the huge crops. There' s' an easy way to protec t yours e!f-bu y coal now,
... t
.----------~ ,...
Sudden Shift
P rom ine nt ~T om en To I-Io ld Gra nd Pea ce
r 11 ~lich ' gan bi ec Pa 6 :.unt
Anclon t Ta blet.e all., TI' I l1"ilor ." of Put A9~ St udt. d ' 1 , Do T norr c; Today, 1',n ft'I'i:o(or 1.liI!!! ql •• L
hn!'l ,' I~t.:.' \"f'n·!l
WoClu l pal'e r 8pfnf1\(,1l1•• 1
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tQ\I I1 , f<:ll ul\III'r .)" . ,,,I,ll "I' tbo stlwdllst. :-in III \he II,IIUIlIlI. I\II"U til l! 1l1l!gllSI or Ih ' 1'11111' cln : u ~. " ""II'"
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1.' h(\
f II 1\1'" 111111,\ 1
n lonth R,
Before th p sho\\'
I tb lfl~
11 1" \
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, lit'
"n ~'
The Prac tical Car
h J\~
"Six" has earned its reputa tio n as the Pmctk 'al Car \JCcallSl: it is so tho ro l1~hl )' pm ,tical fr()l~ so mally ' dillcrc llt s tandpOints,
Sa xo n
Oil ' " .. t' IIf " 1'11 111 1 ..;r llu hll's n lHI .',,111 h lnll u! 1111'111 1,, 1'01 " ,.I' Il ~. hd ul: t llt' n l·~ t ~ t ll n tll\' ,l nl t it" q. llllhl't_
_ _ _ _ _. 1
RAY F. MILLS, Dea ler
IL L S l-tA TS
11'" "ill y (Ill' II~
1I 1111li l olh'utlfl l l
hr,:pu J,: h ' I'u H h .lt-.. II Iii l,hIHl \'Or ~ 1 ~1I"' 1 l'o r n'o ~ plll\l\!lIt: t n th ,' .. l1l11lll\ 1I1lltofl · I'l ' U t hill '''' Th p ~ Ulll t ' I' l ll ll "", t h f" 11 11- 1 thnrt-l tl f till"" t: " d" l ~, II I ~o Ir\\'t'oll l,'d
HIT- nil (~rr, u u tl nrt ft"lr ~ I Hltl. ll "I'.'!'! ~' " ur 110t." "]Jut , I\: It':' clt·pn .'! lI llt l " I ~ nlUlI l ,\I ,
C" lI pll'
Hili! 11t ' 1,ln1l1 11\1111 i ' l'ul N e\l\nw I lit· hH ' O IlI I"!~\"' I ' lIhh' fud Ih u t thJ'foI' tllll""' " ,W 1I1'4! t h l'~' nllll JI ve
f !
II ll1rkuh ' y tll ... Il l1,·!
II I'okl' Ih elr 1' 1l ,,"g~ I "" "I . "It 'hU t'R nil tllC .,·Illlsl tl t l':l ll ll ll t ,;el from you , S fllII ,rc;IWIII1 I. ," " 111.1' \'fl hf'lII,mtl y r e nulrk, ·(t. hlU I y o u f,!t'l fro m lU a nfler Ihls Is nllllt' II I 1111. lI ' ~
(1IIIIII r ),
Il n:-.
hrok p fh e nOW8 t o 1\11l~' )0;1\"'''11Hild Kitt y, wllh nnt fl ll )' IlIln \\ 11I!t 4' \' t ' l',
",vou <.IOII·t Itet It II I " II. on c ycn r, LO(lk-lt, I tl1ll .0 ~d gc'l k"c per In
ftllu",t""l :-\ , ttl ".... , .~! ", Ii", J t nl ",:'r:-sIO' III ", 1111" 1\'1: 1 :. I r ' lit rl' 'j It Ut' \ "F" ill~h , ... t ... , hHI.t1,hnl\ ... kl'''' ~\ II fn Q~t t' , 'Itlt' ... hu\\, :"01*,' ,.. ,1J. C':, r '1 ,111 1 [',')'.1,1, tlillt !ll 1 , i n II "I I t1l' aU I,.1h:nI!'l ""un ... d lillh:h lhut Ih,' "o~ "{ IIn,I ' t: II' I ~ uf tutln.,' h ,,\ I' tp ... tu,lr, Ar ,-,n rd 'n~ h) ~hl\"e t llhlt I .. nlt l (·h l1 · th'\' ll o f -1,~Un ~\'a"~ 11 J.!f \ wt "'l' t flU l! h' tt rlliwu·1i1 '. )lJ",.:,.:n tl'i1r, 1I!~tfl l' r It 11,1 ~ rl1l1 l 1U"I' JlI~ l 111, ,1 1'''' ""'"'1"" 11 iif To-
•••~••••~.NH.~••'~'~'N'N'~.~.~I1~~~'~'.~.N.~.~. ·p u ::o p;rJl' hl, UJ'. by lb.
Phone 71
,It Hut
I'm 1\ fnnc)' trulllf'r on.\ 1%" 1I1Ii' 11'11' \\' Ith II.n animAl (\ 't-<!Cd 11 '11 'Il't 1( S mlJre Ihnn J co nic.! so \' o 111 t h ...", ~" '!1I':l I1 t the old job 'IHlII J,:h iii "Ili rl rl ~ht I" "T,\'o pU ·pSI1(lWR n l1,1 II 1'11' \1ll11e! " KItt y, you 8CC, \\'ork \'d In n 1'11 1'1'1'·1",,, ttlctory. "Do you ape mil ch I; I"'PII In Ill)' cye ? You' re gt,ln g \\'I th t il e ell" ' '' " , bL'Cl)U PO you' vo g OlIC n u t ~ 0 11 it- 11k I' e ver y Ilttlo boy In I his Inwn. \' " U In Ii ring IIct I In Ovu monlll MI , nu'll ho Rwccllin g ont cnges Ihe rl'RI or Yllll r ' IIte-ehn mbermRld t o 0 RlII l' l1 ~' 1(11 M Rnlmet ell old rur 8et8. 1'nll'\,,, 1".1 out with me, Mr. F:tlwnnl ~. My 1111<' bl\l1d'e gottu 1111 \'0 n hlll nlll'c whl'I '1 thnt ('nn't be queo red hy cln·lI. cl UII" lot8. OoodlJy I" Ther e WR e n flnnlllY nboltt Il l l ~ thllt Bent SlImmy 00 111ft \\'0)' wllh ,III fllr· th er word. Whr reuJ'olt Kill )' ,· III1lI ..' d two fli ght. of ~ tul r~ Rnd w"pl " III· ou@ly for nn hou r. Sammy dl llll't 81'.'1111 nil IlI nl wl nler just chombe,n no ldil lf( 10 ('fi t Anlmlt ls, He got t o be a keeper II'ltli (( ccrt il ln , c:ngc ot pocullor ly llf)m lek(\ly leollnrclR a8 bi ll mOAt 06pOO/111 cnr". Ii Mlln lenrned, howe v (l~, thllt he wQuldn ' t ho ID I\D),' ring BCI by noxt Nprlng, It "'lUI Jnllll nry bef ore I\IcOulre woul ,l let him go IulO Ihe leolltl rlt's ' Cligl' ' without 0 pointed Iron bo r In hi s hund. lind F ebrunry b rore he felt the I ~l\~ l at home In Ih nt cnvlro nment. But ",h n lIIorch como, SIl m my hud cot along so tnr thnt whon ho 8Igl\ ~(1 "II "tor tho 10llrlng .. eollQo thl're wnA n ehlJlse In hla conlrnct giving hln~ torty.flv e dollnn! n month extro 'for rldln, ID thnt ro«e ot w otted cat e In the daUy parade- nrid thc ahow furnlabed the fteftblllgs.. ()peIIlnl In the "Oorden " at New York, wbere ctreua parod e~ hnve lonl{ been a thin, of the past, the l!ecollli booklnl waa In the ~how'_ond SIIIlI' m, m. tOWD. AI the totes would bye It, It rained pitchfor ks ot the tim ~"I -'and, and there was no parade. 80 that Sammy woe coiled en to make IIIB debut AS on "onlmal IdDI" ~O" tile ot hie own towupeo ple. Al80 lit. ftrBt oppenr-
m i"c - l h ll l '~ I!AT· S NA P ,t h eo ld I'e litlble; rudc/il du~tr ' l)ler Comes ill ,'a ke!t - no mi :in)!, wilh ulh e r fnnd Your mtllwv k if il fni ls Thr e Wh y Be Thankfu l? K ize~ ; 2f1c , ;, c, $ 1. If yull r I.. 'a l ill n il r niH' gnn " f l"f\,-'m h p fflJ! thllnk f ul "a n' t s u pply yO Il , wrile Y o u e ll ~ nil Ih .· lill'" is Ihat yilU ito,',' " 'J il l wnExtermi nrtlin'l{ CII, Wl'sltielrl , N J t ,lr 1(1 d r h 1}(, whol" SlIllIf' rl Nll t to Pllt, For ·sal•.' hy IItHI f r, .. h lilt' t n h r,':t tlu'. Th NH" 1ll1l1i4' nu rln nltce,nnce th ey cal. RAT :iNAI ' It pO)o.:,.:'''lp ttl fln',1or flw ld ll .t "f h,.~Hlth And ll",y I"Rve 110 od o r be hind Don 'L H. E. E arnhart and 11111 1 hrlnUR 11", Rlnt r r'~ /: •• 1111 f~c llUI.: tak (J Uti r w u rd for it- l ry 1I Illlck IIl{f' , }. E. Jamw y CUI H Rlld d oj/'s won't touch it ('.111<·,1 j'" I'I,1111'NS. Ita l ~ pR M.~ UJl till f(lod tn g et III itA T !-iN!\ I' Threp, ~hw~ : 2;,c, 501'.$1 I f your II ell I cr hll ~ rhin e in ~ t.(I ck. \\I dl e Y"IIf'I1 ~ Ex "'mi n ~ tinj( Co , W u~ l nel d , N J ,
li nd
M ClommomoraUOIl 01 Lbe , ..11111& work aocompl lahed 10 tho 80"100 of colintn' by th olr many mombon . and thole ot their lam ll lel , who serv, ed under tholr ()OUD try's 6Bg during Olo groat war tho W oW \Ul' u Denont .,.IIOOlaUon I.' holdIng 0 gMllld Peace luDUoe Pa gen ut nt th ol r boautlful b~qllarter8 In P ort Huroo. Ml oblgan, Sepwmb er 15 to 19 DologatO& and repreaen latly B trow eve ry Slate 111 tho union and all the pro,Ino08 IJI o.nada, are III at tendl1Dco. MOlt promlne Dt amoDg the ep~lo l . .my at tbe Peace Jublloe Ie the '8IDobIU&llUoo ot thO Asso cla tlon 'l len10e Flal, eaob OD e 01 the many l$an on It repres enUng the fam1l7 of all A.uoolat ton momber ""hJeb gan a father, Ion 01 brothOl to til. Il&lIla of luuaul\ 7 .. B •• ldll" tlllI" men who dl4 thll" bit III khaki. a,TOO rayt_1 01 the Wom&lil'. Benel!l AllOCla~OII ...,. orpnlctN l a.cUve unltli at ~ JLe4 ~Olll RD4 over 200,000 member . ~ullaal"'UoalIy gave their eVerJ eIIWt til ... WlWk tiartna the war.
Promiue ut aw ong tho epealr.era the Ju bUoQ oro Goye rn or Sioopor, of r;tlobI8 an, wllh his s t a ir. MU)lor Jomo. Oousens at Dolrolt, nnd MoJor llkIwla :-o tI'nnj!t'H t 1I1 11 1111 L! 1111 til" fl'll,I'rllll l Denby, U. S. Murlrw Corps. DC Outro lt., l' INit'''' i ll .\l lI l'r ll'u t'lIr \\ III II I 'I t. :'tt l!".' i 1·'r u IH'.''': I I, )' 11 1' 11'1')':1 ' , llH' ~ ·I · who ba8 t ho hODor 01 glvl ull th o depn'lI1 i' H l ' I'u rd i,, " 'p" 1' f-; dl' \' '' tll\~ ll l ' r woblllro UoD uddress. 11ft· til li lt-' w'lrl", :l1If1 rUlli,'" wttll {h" A crowd wid ell b ualoll P url 11 ,.. 011111: 11'1011,,'11 111'111,,'1, " " I . 111' 1'" llll .
Hilton 's IlCCOUIU10tJD tJOIl H t o t h e u tmoat Is gawore tor th e JUIJU tHl /.lud o,'cry &\O'uilublo lUoh ot bUlOl ~ p."c u, both III Lbo dlY nn d Ilt tho noor,lJy lI11mmor rUSlJrls Is e01>1I804. III adOI...
yell rly.
Pho lte J 1· 1L· JS
rail n n
M. N. Douglass
«'unet al Oirl'd or
n l E REAL USTAl"€ fA N
Re verse P ho n e
Dr. J. A
011 th e 11I,)koltl for Kltt" til e , " nl sllo ll \'1 hn" l' lIel'lI ntl, n,BII I! \'e ry Htrl l' t· Iy In(1('(', 1 to Ih o 1 ~()(I1.,d~ , 11 IIRpp ~n ..d. ,
~~~n~~l(~~I~I~ II~~::~~8~ ~'I~\;':I;'~~ t~~ ~:~t
N ot ic e
Telepho ne 93 LllIzle 8 . Borllln to ' Lowre nce J iltlr t of Sea 24 , 'r. 4. l{ , 4, Ulearore e\I Twp.. U
~ Ur'lI08,
Wayn esvill e.
H a vin g secured the s ervices of two good men, I want to tell the public tha t I a m now better prepar ed than eV@f-tedo work of all kinds in the
U Ie Classified Ads and
II -
D u. H.E . '.I",
of Commis sioners' Proceed ings wpr\! (III 111(' vl'rlll! M gel tlng out of hllnd \\'hll ll Ih. CIIIlI' rl'IH'IH.'d thllt p"rBODd 011 0. El Young , l:u untv tlcl1lur jllllC'IUrp or t\\'o lrllpnrln ut Treasur er, approve d tho roullhfo rl's wh ere 8111 11111Y'8 Iud hnd CommoD Pleua Court BII18 illlowed :-Z.,lIl: lttunpW ork s, boen' wont to HlulIII 0' n llt hls . New Silica rubber stamp tor Aud itor, C;~o; W , InWlllln tnrlly ~lI mlllr I.., his e),ell Jame8 Uleaver VH Frank U. 1':1 . SSilnag e Vo., blanks fo r 1:!he rlfl'. dl,'ert fmlll his HlIlIl'lInl', fev erishly Cleaver , For monoy. $20; /:I, D. Wtll inms , rl bbone f or pn clng ..hurgl's, In Iho ol tl IIpol ADd oourt stenogr apher, 1 6 ; Old Dutch th(lr o, on the ~.IKC 01 the shle wnlk, ans:- til ,UIht8. Car bOD al3d Ribb on Co . ollrl'on d oorl Ilnn1l11n n, his old hI, S I dill'S CWo Proceedings Now Semm, luId neYer ceased to be paper tor Clerk of Co url t :l,GO ; 1;', P, Miller, Inspeot or on Ls .·e, BON In IlIIr1t over the derectlo o ot B . 'No lllol' cr, n11,I -ol'lIl<'lIIl), qlllt e hy occl· W . N , Clark Compan y VB 'l'he 6ol, ~ , ,"B," '100; (Jarl Smes . KttQ- IIlwood. iIlYen among the ..yl phs de11t. JU Rt b e~ld e hlill- stn"" Kilty I BtlnDer PaokiDg Co , Correot lon of ohalolD an ann rodmoD tor Gounts wl10m he luId Gncount ered durtng . the KIll;' WIIS whit e. us F,;lInlllly'H glun ce , entry, of former dAte. 8urvey o r, 132,50: DODald BaUlold , wiater, pratlclu , lind rehearsi ng 8nl· fell ')n her , Kilty \V ila frlghtell ed. The King P o wde r VO. V~ Fred obalnm an Ilnu rodman for Count,y ma" _etll or careerJn l about the ring For KItIY hnd "~~'n nhle to IIl!n.e ",hut Sherwo od, et Ill. R estll.ID log ordur Survey or, 1:'11.2:; ; .J. W , 1..ln::o In the eIIue,trl on pavUlon , there hnd , ~~nrce ll' Anylo In the crow,1 SUit- allowed In purt and findin g for BJUClwRre Cn .• nRIlM ,>1111 bolts , "7,16; beaD Done eQunl to the I4sll' of dl .. (wet sl!. f llr ~ h o IIn,l \lc.'n Inv e~t1gtlt1ng defend" nts, A , n.. Lin ,l , , rlxpeo HeR of De pot,y plactq Kilty In 'bls heart-li nd some thl~ 1I111111 nl 10110111 ''"S n ,1 "," In the hlMt The P t " t 1 t, F VP17 Dice girl. there were among Aill tll"tllhA, hu,l l(ltly. e ers " tlr rl r.lte v O, vs r Of1 8 un e y ,r,1t.IUl!I; 81, nk~ltll Mfl't, V :J. , ~herwood At I Ites t I I I f ( o< 1 "'III\l l ~, * 1 ; 'hu ... ,I Wtlg go nor, Sill' knl'''' tllnl thlll 1'« were !(olnp: I 11 them, at that. Wherefo re, ll8 ' Sammy d I' 11 d rafin o~ o r. fiT "'XPtHl~l'~ f o l' IJri t!on " r ~ , 174.06; W. climbed Into hll nest of feline rc volu· wrnnj( III thul t llj((', 1\$ he r p)'os nll,1 ~e~:~lInt:' pnrt nn ndln g fo r 1:" . H"IJJlI" ~r. ronl, n f o lnoe for ConDty tJoaletll It wall with mingled emoti ons Summ y'" 1I11't, ~ I "l mi s"" Iwr h nll" 111 $40 ; Alfred .t), Uebr> ld, et ai , VB .1"" " I)li SIlj.lIIl't ll!ot,u,hlD . o f :5ohon lK, that he I1lI8ured blmHelf thnt Kitty mil' I1111"'1' I(\111<. 1I11 (II' ll III III C !!,,"tIlrp. Itll d Le h ~n nn l ;o '~ 1 rln ,1 lOA ('0, Ic(; for would cerlalnly be Bomewh ere In the t I.flllIgh wlll t,· li p" "C r ~II III "''' -Q>'t'r nil Boward , ~1l rift' nrile red to rlr oc flr,,1 ()IIurt ho n A ,I o rI O'" 111 0 nth of Au ,' l A ~, I f"nrlll ·t' of I'hl! 1'III:I<IInl., " r 'u e k , with Bal e of l)rOpe rly , etreet crowds lind thnt she could not tlO! ,.,.., .' ; J I1 'ln~~t of hod ,l" " f ."'llIes fall to 8GO hIm, What would Rhe tlilnk, Snlllllly l" !'I 1'1:.,h", I I· t~ DillI ln Hli , I ; ,," n llr, 811111(11)' ,hl(' k~tl - lI n l l 111 (' flI zo r·IIIIP he wondere d , Probate COourt Proceed ings "n, l K ':I'v l\ rHI111l1",I'l',. ,\" i ' "~ ~ ~ ,:f t\,10; It WAS _ Dew cage. Cat nnlllllll8 ot ChlW8 nt ('nlll ih 1111"" ,\ hllll by th o ' . J oltn A Bl ll lr, n ,,j l~. fii; ,\; n ll ill (;Ity all ktnds hate DOW surroun rllng_w lt· IIIIIIII PNH l)f n ' wllls ll!' II~ til s llnl' lIl1 ~ lu tho mll t t e r o f thf< f'~ t' lt,rl of W "rk H 'lI1"" , I.lIr l'l n~ " ' \'V " rrlln h~nsl hlll'II I',l 11 1I'II,, !!h Ih .. ulr. '1'11l'ro AlvaJo moH, n_ Tabb, at hom e. It W09 tile firs t d .. c e llHod. 6.~ , R<l!-(lI rH1( ;,mlll.l' p r lfllllW l'c f" I' A Ilt!Il ~' , f~ I.7(I; Wll~ R wh irl III' IIIW (1)' , hlll'k . pOlle ,t 18 al)ll oln~ed n d nllnl ~ trnto r. street parade. Cellph, the head devil P II1I I, p" ~n , l M n rpl \\, 6th ~_ llll1ate 10 'h,e Ul~lt" r o f ' tt".,. 1I~ ~" I,o o f ioQn t rll c l N .. na l, ~ ~I)iI of the leopard clan, dctestetl tbe nolMC bOIIl"R nn,1 II hlllTtryl ug . "l'nllllliin g n ; Ge C u ~lcr, entl ~rllll' IIII )!: 1111 IIg11 e Illlshing ot Wm . Holl , tir . (] pcr' ot band musIc, None ot tho tamlly pink: (lijed /l a ,tto:.. r,w lirll l!!" ... ·p:iir.. , ~ ,; ;1, G e l, (-Irn ll urn ont" \ 1\'11. t hrl'u mphl hl on k Keever lM ulJ P .. l ntNll'x e outo "'Re overl, fond ot humBD beIngs, und r f,l r r "!I,1 rl' p " ' ~ , ~,ji'l.I) O : ,l 'lilo Lnw ID t,h e m u t l e r o f th e (,,, I lit e o f IUllI ~'111 for 1\ Ill; crowc1s of' th em frazzl ed leopardh cn "hot s In th,' f Ol " ,' 8 IIr Ihl' fmllli e ('IllS , s u p plies for tlnll, 11k" n j ll~I' 11 \11 of ... Is io n:t, Lonrs A. Ogl ol!h y, t1 I1Cl"lIf1eil (I{'rvel complete ly. Mnry f; l1r ve " ,or. f.1 j (it, ; I.OD II It Rhurt,l!, Summy 'mw l' gNI fl'nm th e r~ur ,1"M nt V . Wils oo I!' 1'!)I\fl ln l,e d unll1 l nl.<tra · ~rli lil ll l.t.rll l l'ix . 1'1 fnll of judgme nt A leopard wllh rnsped ue"e~ 18 dlln· Ille cage, 8111 111111111J,: In Ih o hll sp 1.. ,11111,1 trlx, "uroUS; To make It worMC, the cuts, 010 1111001 , ¥:lI~ Kl!II ; C le rk of Conrts, t hnnke to deloy8 In the costuml n" de- him. In t wo J IlIll\l~ hr rend" '11 Ih e J Z e ll .. COJa' lll l, " d ll1rx , v,~ O()rrill o,,~t ~, n'.:m Ilortmen t, bod never before s een sldl!wulIl. Curro ll , at, n l P r im ltl Mila o r ranI ' - - - - - -- - l.'hcl'e \\'11 " "" 11I1I' rlllllc, " L'1I11 ' jr Btllto II IJprOVi't1. ,'JImmy In plnlt tights, And to top It have m y Jilt. IJII "',1" ho .1 ' 1 11II1I1 It',1 ,, 1 811, Samm)' was ' nervous hhl1s l'lt~ ___ Hou lleho id Suggesti on. somethI ng I trainer hBl no earthly Hnn'tmnn. . A TJo~ An l!( ' It ·~ wn lnnn ~n rR n('\\V "Yu" ClIll ," r l' l)lI1',1 RIl rt' ll1I lI n, / 11 IIIillD099 to . be, ever. And Ihe mure he Marrillg e LiC'cn&ea , that III I'll lilli' " 1,,' ,," tll " ~hl til "001, IInil tbought of Kltt)' being 8ome\\'IIere 10 Jll~t tJ\' e S" I ' II, "1~ SUIlIIIIY l-lflwll r"" hllfl l H l' lIr,Y I. , 15('(110111111, Wlludwo rlu' r , kel'J1 hili!"': III Ill " fll-IIIY , thfO,\' ~hn1l1d f\n rl l\t l~ . ( 'om LI I "oil, h' Hh .If Milson , go tho crowd Ule more Dervous hu h .... quit on e j oh IIlIll ~cI'III'e(l II nl1l I,,·r. 111111 1',,"1: n ll,1 1,I'() p houso In'. " Collll.' 011, 1< llt y," ho 11I'~lIlh"",,~I~' \N i IlIH III 6uk ,' r , t~ '1 01 ,v work e r , t\t'nn ll l' l),. \0 '1 1\' III!.! Ih came. \;·on'N. rroo to 'rhe pllrade hodD't lone two blo ~ks urgp,l, gru " "ln~ Ih ll l 0101 0"1 fulnUnK Hnd MI";, b:l1 en A II AIl , IIC)t lt of t{iug ~ mfo rlll 111., "'''1'\11. WII1 ' lhe women ,oung W() lIIl1l1 ) ' ~I 'ht' nrlll: ".'11 ho rrow M U1 ~ . hefore Caliph, sensln, the ulln·~ t In hll n~rC','. th f'll. not ffl 11I'lug' gt1 ~f.l tt4 home a ruln eolll In Fe rl(ll ~ (' U' B nnd ,,,.,'11 g" ___ molitor, began to show hIs 11Id ~ Pi! llI l· t o <1ln l1l) r wl lh",,1 nr~ t calling It)) to "nce. He lui ked eyery time he IIllSsl'd '1!011l()wllero "nd hRl'l' 0 little tullc. yo" flml Oltt whN lu'r Ih ('rl' I. ennu gh food Estate TranCer B SlInnn), In thnt Dever ending promo- cnn'! kid 111~ Rrt .. r the 10011 t!tnt \\'n~ In thl.' house to t N',1 Ih .. lII? on your tn<'" Ju~ 1 now," O I'H A. Pf<o llor t o Mill it' D,'u ker: Dllde of the cage, glnred at hh" side- -- _ -. --Kitty ml"ht, of ('ourae. hllve t"I,1 pllr t of l u I· N o. G,I 10 L obllnoo , 'I wlso Bnd 'Darl ud- go!ttlng 8 roushl, hIm thot sh o't\ hnv .. te lt J\I"t the Annll' Elh\ In tl I?l1 rn .. helt on the D08e with SlImmy' s ruw· Pecull"r Feeling. obnut ft pcrft'ct s trnngcr, Hul-< .h, ' FtlrnllM, I" .rt, 'I f t.1I~ t il Eltlrri'lt ' E .hlde that ' dldl.!'t Improve his lellll",r, what le m e nt R iled Willi th \! It S~ ? She wn s too 1:11,,1 t:!urv ll v N o, :I\I\J IIllllH C ,/,ohn . Grnh . ru But Caliph wnBll 't alone 10 hili lUuod. Colin hud Iopcn for mnny weeks. 8 One .111)1 ~"h e l1 Hlle111 \\'Il ~ strnllgH !lDd nrvoy No ~ to of Virgini a :\2llltary hurl EllUl. hll bl, mate, neve r ...... k her to have blm bu ck IIllv t'. hec n Pllt, In n ~hllir. Ah sllpned I o t IlIodR. K WuYOtl TWI)'I U. 1I .. II'ful er_ ott SaUlmy f/lr nil IIISlltllt, down to thl' f1nnr " ~Jo ni1 for n mo, p Imlltle Thought . Ado m titl)OP>! t il Clint Rn8~ " part mont on h er f. PPt. IIn,1 wblle 810(100, the lJlggeMt of lhe "Oh," Rhro Anld, In SUAvity will coll l,,·t more billa thnn l' of. I l) t,~ . Nil fj nud 7 ~' 9ul1l.t.r,lI. lIel' l IIIB Dlulllh /lilon nn,1 lD , FraDkll n n nlll .. h ~urprlsl' d " " I ('~, HI ' fOcI henvy n dm.. en la,WBults . qu a r o, WOl' ne tl vllle, $1. ~\' ~tll \.lnre<1 Iwo· thlrds M the thlle. to myselt." ' NYcn Ne\'er and Forever , Ih p hltll orlo fairly IIll1luble cube, 'l'Il Ukl,}' und, np ' D' I" fol't'~"'oro alleglau ce Itl (tI l' bftllli er 'f KIt' /I J<~\\'u r(18. h Iw lp« 1 IIlutll'rs '1I0't .t nil 111111 at e " oj,):' il rMt uvt'llu e c ro8~ILl I! KOIlW un~ 00 th e curh r(llh.'d,: "Pip\.', SUIIIIII ,v B<.I!"8rdl l ult drllw 111) In plnkl eR I lil'e, SAlllll!y , hut It ,bri ll ' tlut Ih e I "J:~ f\"\.'ft l l"- Ull "t r ~1It~1 )' Clllllll rl'lI ssl llll ",mnrk, ,," ce liI' trol11 bltyhvnol I bad ~ D pa infull y con8 'IOU8 or blR .. I btly lk, .... vd fl I h r Umlli. W l. wba ! wltb tllo a~lmol 8 ac tlllg Uk tile d uee alld tbl! kidding he lot . . . ohI acqaalD tallCli aloD" the Ulle, t wt~ 01 all-Ittf p\lll
Harve ysb u rg, Ohi o
H. E, Earnh art and }. E. Janne y
1f you are \\Ta nting, I to buy a farm,
Oll e t.f Ih,' \00,10 1110_ I" Sprin g Valle y, Ohio tJon the e, S. 1 nron lc, l"lutr"1l1 a t.ho 11\1 Ill" s plt'lI,lItl \\\lIII,'1t "L:I""~" "H f, r Wayn esvill e. Ohio . 11'11,11",,, III 111 " eat orlho rD 1<.1 aUoD CowJ,lu.ny II'ltl~t . \'~sc.. 'hlt loll I~ ~II'~ , :-:,'1111, I', V, 11(.,,· 18 btlllli u.;ed a ll II botel IWd 18 do ell ad pvrt, qf Akn'I" :0;11 1,1'1'1lIIl l.I"lIl l·llIllIt Eith t.r Au tu 0'1' H o r II d r a wn ~ervicll , poa r the A.8aol\luUl>n '. \)oa dQuartorr.. I' ' nnlllll1l11I <'1'. ~h,' hll~ Ihl' Ihllllll' "r I CltU'lI c h llrlrp. f o r auto ~ l'f\'t.oe , At tho IIIllIIO lime aa the Orand 1I1111111g111~ Ihl' lur!!I'~1 1\" TIt" f) hi Iht! P elloe Jubilee I'llgean t b bOlug bold. !,ol li t >If Il ll'I IIIII:I'shl Both p hu nes In OffiCe and R e~ irienrfl ~o y, " III II", 11I'l!'llIl l·tll· HA1' RA the AssocillUOO bo ld s Its ~u .. d"~n· 11<111 11 1111 111I· .. u ~ h h.,1' No. 14 "III' '1'''lul ,'11 ' WBl Suprruno - Review CD wblch UO ,I '11 \'"r" hn," 1'111111'01 1111 "11\ Vete ri n l: rv 1" IJII' II tll lll ll· " ~y ville's L e a d lnll Den t is t delegtlte a hold credenti als. !!! - .!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!---~!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'~!!!!'!!!!!!! w hl ~ l'l' I' II ¢ U ll n ll 11"; It " \1,.,11 11 eX I'c t)- Gradua te of Ob lo . Ill j I lnlvcrsl ' 'rbla woman's 800101.1, the large" ll "I', )1"8. IIl' plI,'n I~ O tIlM In H oinAII BlilfC M" t" t', ' Read Gazett e's Classified Ads "ttl'lIllIlI>! III lD the world, begl\ll Itli career vllr), i: l'U n ll I''''' !'l! .I"lolh'" ._ a___ ___ ____ __L m04e.U , B7 yee.ra ,,",0 \lDder the &,wt1· 11118 II" '('k """"1111 ,,,"1 " . 1' '' 1', HIII'ull .. 01 h.1 t h" oI L'I .,. fDa band or Mlaa Dilla M. West, a ~ (lll.'~ niHil Ii" r ,1I_ I.. h·\, , O F FICI::: .1 1 .. " Il " P(l.; rt JIIohl&aJl aUl. 811e ItIll ranlI.a . . ita II! lll,;u "n'lll '01111 11:11111,,1' "r ,,'o urth Street , n oar Ty l l!r 0 hlo.
I!NEWS GlEANE-D '- -'- --
III h" 1" ( ' \1 .. 11111,' r ,p"""- 111\1'0'1 . l1 H' lIl ~ of 0""1' t\\l'h ,' IIdlllll l l tlolllll',.... vu ru lll~ IIIIPI""!'ol IIi' "\"r hli lf 11 111 1111011
w. E. FROST!
Come and see me, and get an estima te on your work. I am positive I can save you a lot of money.
Uffice at A0I11e Haines' residen ce
._--- -
MADDEN WANTS TO KNO W If you have read the Hew act, passed by the Gener al Assembly of the State of Ohio, which reads , in part, as follows: , ,Sectio n 55M., lor the purpo~e of e~abling the count y audito r to determ me the va lue and locatIOn of buildin gs and other impro vements, who shall erect or constr uct a ny buildin g or otlIer impro yemen t costin g over $200 , , , shall within sixty days after said builqi ng or oth~r improve ment shall have comm enced, notify the audito r of the cc;>unty Upon fail,ur eto give notice as herein provlded , and the discovery of such buildi ng or improvem ent by the county audito r after the same has been erecte d or cot;lstructed, the said buildin g or impro vemen t shall be appral sed by the county audito r at its true value in mOlley, and placed upon the duplic ate togeth er with a tax , penalt y of fifty per ,cent for each of the years from 'he date '. .~ of the e!ectio n or constr ucti?n ,to the date, of discovery. Said , county audito r may enter, by himself, or deputy , wlthm reason able hourS ' and fully exami ne all buildin gs and struct ures of every kind , . . ' '" ••
Not ice- Con sult Madden, who will save you a lot' on your lumber bill,. therefore will save you a lot on your tax duplicate. .It pays to trade at home.
I w. H. Ma dd en & Co .,
Way ne-sville, Ohi o
'i"' ,
. -I GA ZE TT E.•.. ,
•...TH E ' MIA MI
EmQltln &; I:!bh1111mr llUloha8 ed ' obool waa d isml.~8,e ll TlJorAd'lY on Pllnt Pl'in 8 ot Walter lIrllY .•tlnted nooount of 110000n\ of tho LohMo n him In a buooh of fllst puoera la". 'air. w. uk ul t b e Leh"no n f~lr, and too k 'u h~c ri n liQn Pri ~ . $1.5U pe r yellr -A n um be r ul uur eU tl~, ns en joyod Ilr ~t tU OUIlY. Tb y fool tb,L' lio Is 11 good inv e~tmH n l lI ud wil l pr ove t o tile blind ooooert all WlIynos viUo, \Vedne~ dB Y OV8DIlJg . b~ II, III vll1end 811rOHf. 'I'hl ~ \quek Ile 'l'be Soolal of 'Ile I.ytlo' ;burob WE DNESU AY, .·I!:P l'J::MBEH. 17. 1919 wil l g n t SOUlll o f t-he • ort,bero .flll rll. HI li IW,I iOM bu. vu /;l oaD 8 0 was pOHtptlo od Iln m n ext aturClllY t'" t.lijfaOl o ry lti ,, ~ they hnve 'b eeu eveniDg , tbe ~ Ot b, ' oo lIooo uo t I){ th offored qnlte n ni ce Inor ea~ll 10 price. of Mr. Al be rt Oorn ell Il. M. Cillrk Id Improv l',,!!, hl ~ r Ilres we sell Ul to b uve 111.waYII w l\h 8 0 106 pO'lIlle "Te bo rn IO ll ky lind us. There Is .. ~ a nd to nil till ng ~ Olhl\r~ g nod lon Ilousil wltll ... now OOlL= of pulo t . kll\jr . . .' aurl t·he DBHO(lI .. ' ino aRk~ " wbllt IIf Mr. lind Mrs. W,.ltelf Kenrlok warl' H nv. Bonnott ' 111 mu c h IUlllrov od .- -- \ WA J:\'o ing 0 d o "hn ut it ~" . lit tllis writin g OilY ton visl to r s , Tht1I·811I1 Y· r::!,wo rnl ot uur R u b~ rihArB h 'l vo ~x[l e I'IS DgrcEI thn~ t b e fo rpt-I,s ot M,· . IInll Mrs . Wllbnr Hhidllk er Mr . lind Mrs. Leon 80 llsbn ry Ilnll ootnpll1il\ £J!l MUtt tb o.V tlltJ not l!U ow ~' rlUloe b ald liu olt (:I rnlllr,y until I!od d"nghte r wore tiunday gUl'8t,,. dnu g h~Ar, o f Iloor [Julo n Vll l o~e " tb~t I·helr t.lm e bad ~ XI;ir"( 1 wb e n IhA dongb hoy ooul ,l get UI) tbcrll "lIll of Mrij :Sbitlok er's purentB , Mr . llnu were ollllday gua8~8 of Mr . lI m l Mrs deliv e r tile anooko ut blow. N o\\' thuy lu!led to gel th ol r 1111l1or. In Mr~ P B. Ulellver . Alle n Emriok . I .Dlne Olt80a onl, of ten, when you full MI88 Klltl.l ryo UI,Lrk le ft, Mond,,), ' . Mr lu wpod, nf Buok Rnu, waH ChARL ES LATHROP PACK mornin g , tor Oxford , wbere Rb" wil l onlling on Rev . Benoett , HOlldl\y . re.Jelve your paper, YOl1r tIme hl1s oxplrud , and we h Dve llik en your C. E. LBvloy Is Improv lug In lI\teod Millwl U ni verslty , tbo oorn Ilellith s lowly . bnt we bope 8urely, log year . nl1me uff 'he tnllillng lIet Mr. Looke StokeI', or .v"r~uw . Mr. ~ntl Mrs. Ch,,". liord ou gllven 'I'he PO!'I,"ll\uthorI L I, '~ are r eqnir p'trty In hon or of Mr. flnrl MrA. Clyde Iud , ~pent a oonpla of days In Lytl. I.IU.( ~hl " Ilrooll<lllro. ml10h IIH wo lils lust Wilelr, ollll\og 00 o ld friend ij Clnll ver , of Ublollgo . ....", ,, to tako yonr ntuue ofT. Our Mr. lind Mrs. Cblls. E . J o ho s .. nd Willaro) M", Uti, of D"vt,on , K\1ent. R,IvioH I" to look lit. your Ilnl,ur ollch Hon , GI ~n n, t oo k !:luollny dinner with S u n,I,,\' t he !( n e~ t Mr. lind MI'8 Am os oo k "lid hmll.y, noar WAY, wuok; 'lUll .vou on n renl'lIly MO wh plI 1m r::!yferd. n esville. yuur t.illle tlxlllr" ... RIl -lh a (\:1 1.0 III III Mr . "nil M re 1£. Ronso n h ,ld wlt.h Ml ij~ I. on" MoG lo nls h eg lln bflr t.IJPm f or tluntln y dlnDllr. th uir oblld wl\yH on tho IJII per, OIl W wl./ rk Ii' I.ho IWlo u !lohtlol, la s l ren "lid gr' II (loh\lllr en. III Inn klng oVll r ,lnr lI.t .. , W fl notlo... wee k , w il·h 28 soh o lnr8. Mr lI'hlMr ll 13 0 row/1 Bur l'{l!~~, of tbllt l,bMa will h" lIlor!' pxpirlHi ooH Mr Ilnll Mr ~ A O . Wllllllm s IIn ll WI F":'!l Aill, nr lt \'I ~ ill n/J olt! IICll u .. IO dl1rit' R I,he n Axt I hr l'o 'llnn t.hR thUD Mr ~. M III v Inri Hta cy, of Dnyl.n n WIllI' tauo o ~ wOf1k.nnd Ru es ts 01 AI berl, !';~II ('Y Bt ""Y limo! dorlng tll A sellr. W., M I~" GllhArl·. nl ()ver 80"M . whn GOO D IDEA l tin,\ hU\lI v. WIIIII, yuu to 100R III, yuur lI"p"r "Dd h" ~ 1" ,,", oll\Cng .. d In t he t:nutnpn Mrs. ~nry Uurm ollY f\ u ler t nln rl1 Open your onmo In IIn .1 r"" ew hy hhl) end of worl', I.. III, bOUle . Hlte Is II "I"t er of ~o l3oJ1day dlnoer, Mr W llllh'" Mr .. Th " ~ Wh PI,HP I, of our tow n . ronr I.xpl mli oll. /3 ,9 llOln~ I.his , yoo Lucky Strike packWholl', ,". Mr. nnd M r~ . (-1 0m,," Ttll're WII~ " Rtlrprhl o I( lve n t o I\Ir Whellto will not ' UlI ~K IIny 11I~I 'fl r~. ntltl I)~' ll. o f Yllnkeo age Htrlil\t. .this way- tear ~I r , '"Ill M r~ P . B C lell vur . it, be lllg i'Jntlld" 1l) ' .... t!l lIlg O UI' 1"I"nt', .\' , .. . II ltt y ~;Ulriok .. " d Mr ... uu Mr •. ,I. IlI i ... 1 U,,·lr 0 1tl' I,b ml\rrlul{ p ftnoivol 's"ry oII part of the top 1:1 . l:illln eH 0001\01" ,1"'00. ~'llll " I,hln l! U,III ..,1\1 Il,' of II,,' IIo n 'lit. Mr . lIod Mrs Mf'lvln M llo e r nnd Rev. Mill r , Ib n new pl.Is~ · r of 1.1.,' only. e:<t 1'"p"rt,u lIIA 10 Y'IO 800. o f 1-18h108, wore ,I:luorluy gunstR I• .'i'~le Uhnroh , prel\ohe d: be re Hllo liuy We Cf\ I:not n ulltv l' ve r y l,(), I.v ('I of Mr. firlel MrH. ,I. I:l ri ll id nkf'r IIfte rn oo u Protec ts the Lucky Strike 1:1 0 is 1.I 1~ 0 th e [l ttstor lit thlllr ,' xl'lro"ll In IIf I·bll 1I''1J11r. ''''II A. ~ (JulleU Is trnn~,.(\\.It'1t Irll~l . Red 1. lun. u.nd will re~id e In Itt ci~arel te-a cigurd te made O I~ ~ K i.D CIIlOlDnatl. by I",toling 11 11' d"I .. ou ~a~I, Ii uri p"rsool lge there. o f that de licious real Burf1v, 'r y III\P"~ w~ ~" I\II nn l, It- is l' ~R~1 (ll c nll .1 .hn8 bRH Imtliolen t1 y r(l. Ou vered from his' reoen t uoohl en l. t n hJn ft,r ,." e h ti lt" or l OP T I f) Rf'O t'X ' lotlv ley tobacc o. It's toaste d. ~ " ke Ull hl ~ w Olk nt· !III' "Mrs. Keach Tells How whon '.h elr II " liT Ilxplrtl8. She Got to n!(lIlu Lonl! Nul,iuu .. 1 t.:n8h Hegls t e r' nt lJlI ,V t OD Know Rllt.Sn ap." thld nm\tfl r til'. AIHI ynn will bl' this w eek. "FtfLV Qlways fe uod rlll.8. Late lv UtllI,lIr ~1l11 " 1i ,I. ThORn from hero wh i) " rt " " d,'" " n ~ioe d lUHOY I./n m y fl\rtn A neigh hn r ~nld h ll ju ~ t. got rltl I'f dr OVI' F tho L lIll,lUoo fll i, Oil 'l'b IH"oIn,v "'li fl' . ",I 'h itA'!' I:lN :\ P . 'I' IIIM At"r IA.j Inl' Mr. nnd Mr~ . WII' . Hnrwn . M r~ Mttry I hill 1I11l 1{ 'I'rlell RAT 8 NAP wv J 'dlO~ (;1.11111 ) 11 • .Mr." ,," Mr ~ . I ' E Cly,lu \' h " I' I,", ' IIIIU f ll lllily. " ~ lf. I, k ille'd 17 Il 011 ,0'Her! I h .. ~ ·' ", u ... 1 !'milio nod ~tJn. ;III' .. nd Mr ... r ~s t. ltWIIV ,. R IT. RNAP o"ml!~ III 1 '111I'k A Ibl' 1\. I lIOY fltll l tllll'. t hrlle MI7.';~, Hm. GOo, tl OU . " 0101 Imrj ·1t.. Have Good LIght. Il y, Mr • . Bell'l (J"o" nud rl ll lhs b te l' ~ , • 'Thl8 lB . tree plnntlng time.' ~ u '.rfl nl~ ed h y B. E . Ell rl,lUlrl ILnil eAYII If YOll Charles M worll /lllrl Latbrop nt nlltht I,,· ~llI'" IhM ' . AlII Pack, presl. n 1£1il1'1( k 1,0rl Mr b\:> 'tiD!; op tJlll H,.;ur,," .. I tlio "1111 J . Iil J Quoey. Yflll ho ve n I({><'!d IIlotht. Art) II ghl", hi . dont of the AmerI can Foreslry do d Mrt! . '1111'0110(' 'UlII h . of 1,l.w 'fllHlt,1I lilld filiI ou~t lit I ,) (I ---~Iatlon. He lulvocut es pla nt· <'OURC nf t h ,I r I:Inrlnlt rn~''', nrc <"vI'l'd. ",I'tOdd OU I ', n" tl ~ IJil. l 'tl UH,U'Ut 1et:- tlA' 1I1r Albtlri 'orDIIII, 11 1.11<011 an d Ing or victory oa'kn, elmA It oll Mr I\nll M rR Eve re l,t, BBl0 08 and In lotlr InJ\lrh'tl~. A .hnllet\ FUNERA L DIREC TOR IIl!'ht IH tilt' "uolpeotf bUI Othll y n U ll b tlut' "t '" Ht ll1 ol!ill" u. ril ed lit, hl ~ I'He other lroes 88 mamorla ls to 801o.!! Rllhsll(lIto lit I\ll:ht for ,lIfT"",,.1 lillI" rtl\lIt · )I v IUItl.II\) on~ tilt. CII~ I III r"'I"] ouoo I' ", ~n lnrdu,y n )t)T [)lO ~ , aon. Wli llo r d , wpra In Dayton on ,Ih nyllllh[. dlart! nnd 801l0rs. CivIc 8001c!1 8 Th \I'clrlc h\llh ~ ~1"'ul11 busl nnRH . 'J'nostl ... y . Uult IU\,Id 10 t lUl l u" L Ihlll Ii i.',~ "fte r II lor Wayn esvill e, Ohio oro vlanttng trees oloog hnpro"c d ',e 8. ti l! \\'1.\6 PilI' ~:? llw Hiler hl\\'c n dOlm' r)r II ,Inr I; \1'\1 r hlllbwlUIL of a I ~ 11),,(1 " til' ul' I hIlJI{ Y ,"Rl(l.II yon r s 'If r' ~I" rh,· fUI (;1' 111 w,," h ~ I" Mr IlUd 1\1rl' l.ul,b e r 81110 08 on- ~hl\l ll'. A /!I\S llJ!hl , ·nll\ l , ,,~, .d "t '1)1\n. /\t t b e b OO1(·. MO llCl nv "f t,' rno!)n n t :1 t r tllln"d 1- 0 dllln e r, !:!unflI\Y, Mr. nnel ti c IJ ut tJ llt nlld hull, I1rn,IUI 'o'., 11 ~o'\lI . ,lIIT""",1 o 'olook , eond uc t ud b}. R ,) v }t o C . Mra W. E Bo~u u Mr. null Mrll. I • l 'lltl COllt uf I II \Y II I hll u~ rrl·1 Fr"notl hu ~ hAd FulI y E4uipped for Good Mr . aod M[ R Elme r Oar ... t ~ oo ltod Moon , of '1 d M R ight nnd wlr"" 1,llIr\, I hl uh "I" '"l:h aroulld tb" n ,)u r h,,~ Il "" t! up li t" pOll .~ fo. I ~~ ve " ,I 1I11tiO ll ili lo rHs t 'enLor\·1 n I1e. BOrtioe ()o ''' pttln , I>rtl'" M Wr~ ·I]u.· n IIr Ih ' ceiling cines lIot InJuru II", r~ W b en the 0:\ 11 ohlldreo , of Mldl ... nd UI\y, "pen' ~b e lolg h !:logan. :':Ir , ,ID yon ca nn ot " I.I~ t he blall vI. '1'he on I (lr btl " ervice . rs . 0 (un eyc~ . lI Wilson of Ul e bllrry U(lX haij I!olle up bnt Rw.a red. nlt-\,. oa mo t~ () "H rll re-S \ F " o. week end with tbel r plireDM , Mr Bogan . Il nd Mr alld Mrs Evtlo ,, ______ ______ ______ Large Displa y Room and .Mr8. J oh n tleighwl ______ lY . _______ you ounnot leut tIl tl Lox 'I'h., Illlpll ' At ' the Now E"~ h 111 1 ~'urE' .~ry Mi'. and Mra .J ohn Tholllp soDand "It Must Have Bee n Dead at Least bat; 10 wbioh yuu fiDel your "ug Hr '/luful·"" R. Ii:. ,lonlls nud flllllily spent Snn. , T ELEPHO NE 7 6 DAY OR NIGHT bal 1I0ne up bUI y ou CIIUD OI, e,,1 1..... l b rOI) ce I h I! .. I ho' lillY L: b"rl ~ H Mr. Frank Tbompl oll ...ere o&lllng Montlts But Didn't Smell." dBY In Dli.ytoo . Th ey wllre I! nedt s P.,e ll, 'lre ~ ' · I , ": of Ibtl ,lD Mr. AlmllD Forrld, l Suudllv the bag. atter of Je~ A o Compto n '8 . , Aru orlo" " SIIW II big rllt In our cellar In s l MI'. ~'errl~ bad tbo ml s tor 'fue AIIlIl II080 Forel!tr y A M~odn ollill'd 1I1," ~'.'reM'ry A ""t:inLlO II, hf noon Miss Frllnoei l Wil Hon ape- nt tbe ' """..............-.J'",."............................".". .. n f " r H~ I· '· rrl. I ,lin b arm uo Inne to hl~ve a Fall ," wrlt.PI Mr s .• .................... .......~ Ioall ny. "nnd tlOn point-II out tbll~ Ih a DIl W gro w th lind tim grllyel pH oave In ou rlln Wllmlng~on . of LI ,lItJer i8 p ot wort! tbllu one j(oth ur ha, In ntl II WIlI' r8 t o I!et to· blm . 81s many frieDdt! bope for a bougb\ II ~50 Oll ke o t EtA T tiN A P , w(!oll.!ln .t . :3 LoomIn g l1ud wife lire mov_ n II ti n> p r t(\o~ l o u p n llOY a' speedy r eoover.v broke It np iuto I! mnJl IHeeee. Ltl I WAN'f ED-TO REN T third of ,he amOllu t wb lult 1M b/1 l l1~ I,ha fln~ nstep . I N O . MOR E weok whi Ie OIo v l ug wo oame aor O~8 log In\o tb eir propert y Bt New Bur_ -- - - - - - - .-- nded or d llstroye d ollcb ye .. r . Mr. aud Mr(l. Oeo. Davis euter- the dead rat. By nil mentis lot lI8 hke I,he first lington, thle woek. Ralph LenDlin~ 1 Mu ~t 110 vo !Jeen. detl(\ few Vllc .. nt Lot s f(,r ~ardo n 'l'be 1l8i!OOl,, 'IOU calle fo r ',1 nu tl I '· etll)\ 10 tbls ~Illned nt dinner, Sunday . Mr aDd RAT will ooonpy tll o h ome plaoe vaunted i wide eXllrll88ton ot oplu lo l1 U8 t" ponot-nr" nne LelllCue of Lumbar aod Mrs Joe Dnvi8 and daughte r", Doro- six mooths , didn't 8U1 l1\1 . pnrp080il Il ext :Sprln l!. AI~t), lor mice. after you lise RAT.SN AP. of tbe "vloloo s oir tll<'l! " thy ana what .. lIlAt!on,.1 forest p,, \l oy ~Ilunld RlUBT NOW Vlri!n! a, of BlArvey sburg, 8N A P Is wOLder ful." 'l'Ll r ee Hiz 'l:!. by'.hoUl. t 80ma good Rt"ble m rltlllfO. f(lT 10' 11L'tI a sure rodent killer , Try I 250, 500, a pkg. fI. OO. tio ld Mrs. I' m d g I:'aul Ullran. Pl'lter~o oOlllprllle. 'rbo 0lI011 of w"r u(lun OUI o v ls ltod b e r forUlllti 0 sea \) E St'Lodlr ortl, und p.rovo "nd Mr . and Mrs. E. C. Milnoon aDd it. Rllts ki ll tld with RAT. teert by B . E. E"rnh tlrt ,wd J . E . u, othor, Mrs . Walter W llaon, ooe Wa}·n (oredtB w,.s uemen( lou!l lind 10reSI . h,u8h~ere, Ruth and 0lennl\ . e~ "lll e. Ubl o. 0 1 SN ~p leave .no s~le ll. Cats or dogs Jaooey . day last wee k . - - - ----- 'l'hls oommu oity· was oer~a!nly . -- won t !.ouch It. GUllran teed. Three "I Spent $1 on RataSn ap and Savrd well Ml'. and Mrs. Zlmrl Balnos look roprese Dted .Ilt tbe Uonoty Fair, Isi7.eR ; 2::>c, SOc, $l. Lf your dealer d lOn llr , ~nlJdu.y , witb Everett Halne8 the Price of .a Hog." FOn SALE- FAltM Thur8d ay. , can ' t .9uDplv ,VOU. wri te. Youe lls ExtlDel family Catarr hal Deafness .Cannot Be Jamll8 MoGulr e, famous Bog RalH Mr aDd ' Mra John Boglln, of tbe _ , termina ting Co . West fiel d, N . J . e r of Ne" Jersey, saya, "I ad'IRII t:)prlng Bill neighbo rhood, were 0lI011. Lev i :Showb,mgh starts, Tue8da y, . Cured. 60 Aore lJ~arUl. Oome u.nd soe N.· E. Earnhart and ellery ftlrmer for Mohool at Mlllwi Ulllver8 ity . It . Phooe .148 2X Lehano n , or , I.>y local nppllcat lons, as thay eanll(lt u.e RA 'r uNA t.rouble d wltb rat8 to 109 on Mr. DDd Mrlt . Geo. Bogllo, ,. E. Janney n Trl·d everY'b lnD Buoday afterno oo. reach Iha dl8ea sed po rtion ot tho ·el1r. " MIss FrlluoBs Wilson Is spondlDg ~ 6. :! Wayne Hville. G . .Ii: Riley . 82 ~ a ... 'J'hero 18 only onO wny to euro cn. t" Kilt rid of rat~. Spent u. few day s u~ Wilmlu! {ton. on Theont RAT. lreoom Dlunl\y w,;; IIbookeU tlLr"hlll <I.,Ltna8B. and lIla~ Is by 11 con· SN A Mr. G. U Monnt. of Dlilyton , Wll8 tbo) ratH It IrlUed. '0 learn of the 8uddeD Mr. W . H . O'Nolll1 and dlloght e r. s ever"l Nice F,~rlDs •. good 811tullon!l1 remedy. Clltnrrhl ll doal· Att.vedI'.I,heFigured looa tloll prloe. of a ' hog . " neSH \_ cO ll.od by nn In(lrm, cd conditio n RAT Intant SOli of Mr'. and death of 'be oe.l1Ing on friend8 here oDe dllY tbe E n" Wllr"' IC k o',Illad On Mr".!C d ou good ro,.d,fin t.ol"8S botldiD g8 . . Mrs. Thomas past week. 'M of lho '"UCOUB IIntng ot tile JJlustll' HNAPoo n u ~ L 1 I m('l81O Bogau 's, oake MoodilY forlU No mix. Rloh . argo !.Inl smll I ; prIces rig II ' ' . UtI II . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ... . . . .. All extend chl81\ Tuba. Wh en thl. tubo Is In- 'llIK with ot.her 'ood WIJI 'rlormel l. of DaytOD , spent . . Ctt.\s or doge sincere .ympat by \0 'bem their fillm ed you 1I1l\,0 a rumb lllll; Bo und or on E.M Bnnoell , R.D 15 9, .IYom I n their Slle) h 1< Th On Illst I Im perfec t hearin g, und wh ell Il Is 011' won , \ t OIlC., WednflS "0 du.y ovenlng the w6llk end wlt·b his mother , Mrs . . N of Rldgllvl li e Lebllno n pllIe. ~24 reo s Z"". "5 ~ C. u 0 bereave ment. ond .rtr8 Joe DaVIS enter\a lu ed, Mr th'cly e1oHcd, dOllrn c.. I. th a reBull. ~I 00. 13111 1 aud gnBrllnt th e. . Eva Uvrru tlll. , oAd b}T B Un Ie". t he Intlanllnf<llon elln be follr,win Mn. g gue8tl;: Sarah Rlob, Mr 110(1 Mrs. Lee of BarveY 8burg. ' E. Ellloh" r\ alld J . E . Jllllney . du cod and tht. tube ros tored to rO M r f; . ~'runces Nnil, 80U B,ud dangll Gllge. Mr... nd ~rB. Ita spent Floyd several Fulkors oo days llist week wi'h t-er ' \ltl norml11 oondltlon, hellrlng will bo 1109.. .Examined Correctly... D ~ ·t:lunday ,.t WIIW10I!:tJU. &nd dllugllt MONEY LOANE D troyad t o reve r . Mnnr caCH ot doarness er , Mtss ber 818ter, Mrs. Ullooab Rloh. the llll ~H IR Ilf Mr. ,md MrI~. Wllhl\m mel on Wlltt served F.~ tbar . Water- ' oro cnu l:!od b)' cnlorrh . whic h 18 an tnGlasses Fitted . - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Mr. Orvl'\le Strawn , of Coluwbu ~ . UR f (1 ,, 11\1 family. CannIbal FI .... fh.lllllll od contlillon or tho mu co us s urr '.COH. Hall's Cotarrh Mod lclno nct. flod 'AT Mrd. l\lOllER ATE .PIHCE S LIzzie Rloh and Mr. aDd Mnny ller Osh cotIy the Bol8 ONEY Loaned on IIvo swolt, MI', lind I 'r~ Ihru th e blood of tho mu eous 8urCu ccs anrt lurnfresh,wl mnnlbll\ . Pike are the worat .\'Irs OU" Ironl!, of LoboDo n, were ("mlly . Mr. IIf}(l.· Arthur .Bally and olll. ttels, "Iso sooond mort,ga ~e8 . On~ Slrange ROGult of w ar. Mrs. John BrRollll ey 0r...~I~a !1r,to~~'vo Ono Hllnllrall 1)01lllr8 In Ihls resl,ect but trout N otes bou~ht . Jobn Barbiol l, A lIeo bave similar ol\lled here 00 !lOCOUO ' of tbe deulh ',f \VI\I' .. kl)lI ~ tn, were wee k.and t l'n n ~w. 1II1 Hfl/I\\ 11 tor any CIlSO ot Catarrh al Dcntll c," .bnllits. Almost evcry f low t"R Ol'e of little WilltRm "HlClh. son of Mr. DlIlldln pool 10 g, a Xeola, brook Oblo. f(tUl8t~ 01 Mr. lind MfA B tl . Dearth 6. 4.20 thnt "(ll'IIl~lnl!t up III 'hl'll holl'1! nnll .11ll; b y Flail'. CIltarrh cnnl\o~ lIIcdlcln·bu e. ourell Circular s rrco. All h8 8 II S CRDn II}O I whi eI' nccoun...,., da II1 "nd ~r8. 'i'boma , Riou OpticlIl Departm ent "oit dl<nKbll'l' rmtR 1I\'I ' r t h l' f; 'n rl'l·,l RllI'fat 'p f) r No DruGII'I. ts. 76c. tor bnlf 11 dOZCD of Ita 1'0UD£er bretbS. Detroit St.· Xenia. Ohio Mld ~ l:'II ruh Wood, of An ll mosa , l\lnn's Inn,l, nlltl Im \ J1Y IIr(o till' rll nJ'''('F .. J. CHENEY & CO .• Toledo. OhIo. n:u. F'ORSA LE Oneil eveni ngs by appoint ment TowI\. Wil l" Ihe gu 8t of Mr'. Illld Mrs. tun.'s cOllc i'\rll ln g n H ~ ~I rtm g" p))"n n lll2222 _ __ Read What U.S. Dep.t .of·Agr lculture Albert !:¥laton . 000 d"y thIs w t ek ('n,m. Says About What 2 Rals Can Do . IIntllnlsl s wh o h llv,' ",,,.\1(,,1 'h~ Buok Lumba and 1 tw o.yeu r .o"l Mr . "nd Mrs Ed Hense l aod 80n Iltr l1 H g e pl nn t ~ 1111\'1' CO II H.' to Ill\' ('4 J1l t:)borth orn Bull. lllquire o f Accord ing to goveru meot figurE'S, spent TbllrRd uy ill Dnyton two rat8 breedin g oon'lnll all1' for Mrs. Eonmn Olinger has returne d chu'iton thn t rllp)' hn n~ "'!lI'Uml trlll O L.l!wrfloce '8 urfuoo. pb one 12 :l y' . OR. J. W. MILL BR. tbree yellrs produce 3511,709,48l! Indl to tbe bomo of ber dauahte r, Mrs. ~~(1 9 bllrl pd til IIa C " :lI-th for f11l1 n y Wayues vllle, Oblo. 01 vidual rats. Ac' when yon see tb e Alfred Furdvoe , n SB r fJllArk8vllle, c1ec"defl . A \\'('11 ·1' '' ')\1'11 Lon Itl" "!'[fonSlIvnr lSI In II rocent ~1 ",' \l SK I"" RIlI,I : CIII.~Jllne Cookere l, Hil pe r firU rat, doo " walt . RA.T· SN AP Is after spe nding 80me tlwe with ..• DENT IST••• strl~lo . ... orucker jllok, '' It lit known th a t f't-'C(lf; hove Iw~ n Inquire ~b(j sureet, oleBoes t. moet ,oonven . frlllnd!! bare. hllrll~1 for 111 1\\''')'1 1" of 00 ~'rnrs with, of M rs. ~~ B . Flu'r t.hll Go &; I c lent extermt ul\tor. No mixing: wltb Mr Ilnd Mrs. W. ~. Wilkers on umce III 01 Wayne nllJe. 0 ,sdIUQI I ll&a:k Dld,,,_ , other foods Drys np aftor kllllnil speut ')' hursday !.It Lebano n , the OUI 111511\g th,·lr pp",\' r of gCl'llIln"lInll. store, or 01111 phooll !I-2r. S4.luf l ~ ( ) f corn flllf t w lw ilt hurl leaves no smell. Cats or eloR" won', goest'd of Mrs Mellssil !5et.tlem l"4i with eyer . Egyptlnn ""'" ig 1'ypo P o land . Obln'~B .IUlmnu tJcI. touoh It. Sold Rnd guarao te' d by 'b ttlll il nl\l1 . IIf .VPII '·S Grant 1.(1l1oh bnll pllr olla~ad ibe ngo hnyc 11I'''nIIIIIo For tllllo n ow, l:iprln !;t BOl\rH lind Illl\", ,_1 to ut In Ill! ' 21)lh B, E, E"rnba rt and J . E. Janney R!\oh(.1 lir"gg propert y . on Eas t St. cuntury nw l 1,.\ \,. · gertutnnf ('(1 III ttl P- Ool\s. l:Juve RI ~c !lod Ilu ulity. P (l rr y BARN HART . S!lokett , 1 mile MO . of Bollbro ok on ord ln ~ r)' "'".1. It Is qull o 1 " )H"ln l~ 01 thot "Irnnlot. , flllw" "lng plnn t"- Ihll t I•. Wayne8 vtIJe ro~rl Notar y Publi c Tlte Miaini Gazett e-$l 50 per year' RtrnnJ,{p t(\ thl \ hu' nl 'nlluhltn rt t ~-llre Kio g ClorlDo nt 'tuv", u ~ ell " 11 0 nil\\' f1n\\' e l' l " ~ III Ihe Frl' n ph lonlll'llAll kinds ot Notary Work. WUlJi 8e"80U, tl('lds. Th u h'·:I'·)·" . I)('l1 fire whkh Ilfl8 Elmer 'K good n~ n ow . LU llulrn "f eIAe v, B OIllIl ph OIl O, Uont llrand Doeds a I:Ipeol&l~y. torn up th e- I'a I' t " IIlH Y !tn \,(. (Or t'll t p.} Ville Ex , 727. ~2 ~ en l\\l1l1tll\s r,,\' , I",t r growil, nn",. 1.I'Ing Rev. Munay tI. Kenwo rtby filled do\'mnn l so I "', ~ : " the pulpl' a~ 'be Friends Churoh , fnl1-blo oded AD O'lUtI Cnokorel~ , DR. BELL 'S ANT , I.PAI N fioo oneB. Or. H. E Ll.nthu. Sonday . wf\Y . Retu rn of the Wonder ers. WlIynO svlJl A. Olllo , ~17 Rev . and MrR. Shrlver . and Miss for Intot'nlll pnd Elderna l PtwIo. " I'm ktnrl "f n ( I·tllfl of' .ul1h' l ·r~J\1 pr'l ~ Leona wern week. end gne8ts hlhljl,,". " r" ll\~or"",1 ('"et I\R.r,":. d ' fdends he re MIRR Morl' Collett lind Levi ShIlDl. yl ~;~:;~ ... C'.h ll'"'' I:ult'h . lln " IIII l'ro\' p,1 M"ny people BUrrer u nneOU8o.rV baugh hav I' entered upon their ' "'~r $, \ \ '111'0 tilt' fi\ll('h WNl t (lr~' th p. Y8l1r'e work nt MI&lp\ (Jnlv8r~lty. . I)II,ln by wAllIns tor lumbu.go, b..c k· w"r~t (~ I"lI H'rl' or lI\1r \l tfl ~ n\lrj{ W'·lI t &ehe or rlleumo.tlo p81ne lC! pMe ott Carlaon and Fnrest t!mith, Edith naturnll y. Why not lAke p.'Ompt a.C- on 'I W,:r tIl thut ''''nr. h)· ,!III 11\111 11\t,· !davers arid Oleo MoKa? have 'tallen Uon and mlLke a recovery like tha! t f(Hmlht COylltl\ Ctlnh·r , , \l Ith nnh','r· up ~belr Htndlll8 ILt W8sley anColle ge, d •• crlbod by'. n. " 'lIklo oo.o. of 81l1.'. ilrnhlhltl ,m 111<" "« 'hll"" I" I!olmll., O. ' "I.,umbll8o .trucl. me ,ust thlllll th~)' ml!,ht hI! .I "~' · 1\11 Delawa re. irs \\'I!II olT If ' IUI I got out Of b.ld, eo bad I COUldn't The C, III held a farewel l s ooial tbey CI\ 11\1' h llok hom!!..tllY on my teet. My wife bathed my for LevI.Sh tlmhaog h at tbe home of HE large numbe r of farms selling will back wIth Houlton la LinImen t apd ~re . Dais., BBlnes l'ull8d~y. evenI1l8 covered tt with a hot nllnnel cloth. make a greate r numbe r of sales t~ n n of IOlll we ek and I bep:nn to g e t beller .. t onQc. ever before. People are now pooktn'g and 11\ tWO houra time J gll't up and ""rneM Petl'lT8" " aud fomHy bllve w nt to work." sales with us for next pring. Our wide ac'm oved IMO tbe ' Ilmao Jenklni j prop. In a tew 1I 0 \l~ Hao"tonlnl will r" .. ar'y, and Jua'.nH Reeve! and r... mlJy 8\1vlng quaint ance and experi ence h s gotten.. good Have pr,,~U Clilly eve ry uohe or pain. will oller dooided kl "1111 wy farm . I Into tba properl y v/loated by Petera' Publlo &In, a\ the reel, results for other~ aud will get them for you. Its romn.rka ble "ntl.epU c qu allU ~8 100. mako It Cl@p.'clnlly IfOO~1 r"r burn •. dence of Heo. W . Boger, deoeaae d, If you in lend selling out, Sl' e us for terms aud The tIllln'y frlendR of Mr. and Mrs cute and bruI Re~, It eootheR .. hlle It 13{ mtle!lll onthwe et of Ly'!e, 0., on U1Ufnrrl Wlart! eympat hlze wUh 'h~ beal.. no pr pa",cf In ad\oMC. by date. ' Saturda y, Septem ber 20, 1919 In ,be 10811 of" baby dllught er. ••"urlntr a bottle of Houae·\ on.·t!·ah (The Original BqIOlll Jono.' Llnlmen DI . , 12: 30 p ••n., 'he foll), wIth 1:1am Mnlford . a native of 'bill Dr. Jone.' plcwr.. on the ~", j\) .. lobol. lowlog goodll Rnd oha"el .: 2 horSM pl"01\ but 'or many yean B rNldeD t '1.0.0. SkU aI ..., Me. trial ..Iz. lac. 1 mUoh oow. Ame n Bloc k I hogtl, lot of ohlclEeo l Telep hone 61-2 and 3 ,Indiana , IIpIIDt several day. ll1at Sold by all drulI!rll<\.. Dr. O. lOD_ and ,orkeJl! , farmlnt r wHJI: wltb rel.llv81 1 here. Co" So. Cbarlu ton. O.--Aa,r. e&o See bUll Jor parU"u J"'8. Rvere" BI..!r II bome from De- So' Eo Sanuer tUllRBP TA BOCtJD~ , The ._•.,.~'.""
L. CI ANI( , .Editor and i' ubli~ber. -" 'nynHv ille, Ohi o
--- -- =--- -
---_. - ..----
---- --- --
Wal ter McClure
Ola ssiB ed Ads
==== === === === ==
___ _• - .0--- -
------. - .. - - -
---_ a __ ___
.J . . .
____. - .0--- -
...... ...... ...... ...... ..
---_ 0 _.0____
E. V.
·Fall and'Winter Brings 0' on Aches and Pains
.------.'EARS & CARTWRIGHT---Pub.lic Sale Conductors ,
----- ...--- -
Public Sales
Vol' fow • tWo.we eb uaaUOIl.
•• A. lIoNell , A1d, .
Wai nelv ille, Ohio'
UCJCK:., Law n Mow ..
er. and Sa s
Repa ir
Frollt Tree. r\ 11th' tlllli 111 I" 10: \ ..
I It,',\ I j'Hlh,,J'
I If·
\'t '
,1 I"'k,
1m ...
Vlrl 'PI" I
IUlt :1 lor-liP IIf III 11'\ 'f2h> ... \ : t ho I 11'1 11'" J h It '01I'n"h '" 1 111. II t I"t', llH~ ""IIIIU",' 1'111 II t tJ I ' l "
~ It'l
s. H. HAINES, Lytl~, 0
___.., , ..,___. ..' N .
.. -
. Ir . H /o''r. ,Igent
M~s. !':111 n (>'. J.) li hin of ,pri If- : til'ld. is t be !(U<l:!t of Mr J. W. White : and ramily. and other relati ves.
F ' ls Naph lllll. P & ,
Naphttt fl,
'til l' !Iud h ·ory . Hub No More>, I)"'a rl and Maille ('i ty SllaJ)~,
10 bars for 79c
.'.'ou.uoi •. ~uu
2. 1MJ, ' 7
A Sp ec la l Sa le Sept. 19-20
1, 120,3 :4
1.1,\ 1I 1L1'I' ms
.toel, 1'01,1 In . . ... . . . . .
tU~J'l:f<l~~~ili,; :::: : ali:I"J:~U
l JC8.S (' urre n t. l.l!\.puu1f08 , lUltJrc,.l and c,Q. Xt,lfl 1).1(1 ..... . . 2 . " 6!). ~ U IU~.l'(\IIt ..uti d l"'OOU I coliOCI I ar credlt.ed, In OdY8nc.:e of IIIlt o r
Ladies' and Misses' Hats at
•••TH E HA T SH OP••• MRS. KILBON, Prop.
IO O.VOO. OO 100.000.0 0 2 T.ti l b, 2t
t t), Bnd Hot ..,ar uOI't , , ' . . , . _..
1. 22 2.G I OO .O OO.OU
To~.~r~r· il()m~ ' '''0'.. 's 'l: . 3"j' ·.,i,i
D 000 . 00
Olrcu la.tlug u t.i l Oli oU \8hndlng . . Net UDliJ unts duo l O N atlolll\1 as ......... ... . . . . 0.0 00 .u o l u!l(vl<l u!IJ devosl,• • 1I1JJ OC ~ t o
- Of'-
chO<'k • • •.•.•. • •• • . .. • .• .• . OtlrUlIc81... or dopoKlI lIuo III I_ thn ll 80 cl 8 ) rs • ••.• , • . , ••• ,. , Tutul o f d om n ud dOP081ts flub · JOC I. to roscr\'c . .. . D·U . &4 h. 26 War 1(1.11 tloposlt accou n~ , ..... .
6S7.0~1.3S tl.1~O "/:1
W it y pay 10 ' a ha r WhNl yotl ca n huy it for I" ss thall pres· e nt. wh olt>s lIl c pr i~c
SPECIALS fOR All WEEK S lar Tin Cans.. ... ... .. .... .. , ... G5c I'erfecli on Cook S lo va Wick ~ . aOc fi5c li nd 7Gc Corn Knives. tJ nly 5Uc Mothe r's Unta. 2 pkll's" ..... 25c P. TOItstie s & Koll oghs 2 pk s .. 25c J er~'y Corn I<'lak s ........ lOe 15c BroWII BeRns . fin e cookers , 10 IJo unds ....... .. ... ... . ....... . 70c Good fli o Coffee, 3 1bs for * 1 00 Cilia Cllnnen Peaches , dot ... $4 1)0 CILia Cunned Apricot s . rl oz ..$4 00 Ar~o S tILrch. 3 Ibs .. .... ... ...... 25c
Moore 's Best Ga.'IOlin e, and Moore's "That Good Oil"t he kind that don' t smoke . If you want smoke. bu y ou r Cigar s , ILIl the old reliable brand s Gc or' $5 50 pel; 100. The larg· est asso rtment of good 5c Ciga rs anywhe re
i i
"Lu ck and 'Plu ck"
: •
Thurs day, Sept embe r 25th Fea turill g 1'.tl1('1 Iny lon , ill
J oe Printz. 80n of Mrs. gUa Print ?, was marr ied last Thursd ay, in Ololyton. to MiRS LuellIL IlILgeml ln His m any fri Cll d ~ hero at hi ~ old horn · COI1Kr atuln te I im
Fred .Ston . in
Tues day, Sept embe r 23rd Fl'altlr in g a gUUlI Pox pIH)' , Illitled
Wm Michene r left. Mondlly ev\ln- t ing , fo r '~\Jst n. "II .. where h will : be emp loyt>J liS lIilsist li nt in the labell" lIl or)' o.f L afayH tf·: colic,,!:. One i{,)od t hing IIhuu t h O Il ~e · dl!fln iog. All lh\J old cllrpets . hrU llSelil or ingrain, will make handsoftl o nuw rugs when sent to Frankli n Itull' Co.
"John y Ge t Y o~r Gun "
I •
Sept embe ~
Fl.'lIlll rinr;
aturd a,)',
'a (
H 1 atallOn. WtI IlIl1rried last \\ "ek I • to 1Il i~~ r, w, lfI I •
Frid ay and Satu rday
..... ...... ...... ...... ......
hl-PE~ It::
tht' 111: I.,. (ilu ~ ",:~." ~h,' -W illi ~h;'tJn)! fh:'f flUOl ... rilJrtl> . r. ,.... r.'~rd t'lnd hi lT Ittrut II, ,',I 'wr 11 fit hUt I JUlY tttilp d.ll'· l 'l h . f) A U1l: \1,011,,\" ~.\rl nl'~l~ "hut ,-, ho\u J,;v r \t fi4 tlWII1 plhut l'tl "
\\lll'!'" II ~\ 1'\llt '11\ I 1'1 lud',h t ~f '~ I C!' .11", ~ \" 'Xii- i 1 \ . '1'-' Hwl 1111 \ ,1 tlu tr (1 " ,) " I 1'1 ,0.: .. ,11,1 fl'l1'ill II ,'''' .. iJ'1 .... UI.·" I _!'!._~ {··II..t t hl,l II lUll l' !'ild rl t tt l\' III I "r nu. tr\'j' '~I1, lUI ~'I I.· ttll " - -__..........___~~----::-- (Ir \\ IIllItlt aUfl ull tit" nl lll ' I' lhut t)
W ere I l~1I W I~ \I".I~ ~H alt,' "",-r,
"Pet tigr ew's Girl " CO:\ Il~ D\"
Col. ('ILII Morj(an Smi th will "" oak lit the L 'uanon Operu H ouse !\Ion· clay evening . Septem ber 22 . CuI. Sm ith \VIIS commll nder of the fa1l10U ~ "Hlittal ion of Death." ThH lecture W Ill be free.
The Westprn Ohio Creame ,·y are moving their eHltblis hrnenl to the K . I' bu ilning. opposi te Hyman 's dt orc , todllY. The stati on will be hetter loca ted and bette r able to hundl e their increasinll bu s in \:s~ L E Kemple . manage r will be glad to see a ll his old custom ers li nn many new ones.
~ YCllill!(
7:3U p.m .
Ad l1lissiun
Ch ildren
: •
----- ..- - -
A g~"
J •• .......................................................... 7 :30
of extra good level truck land , with nn
abunda nce of fruit, improv ed . with a good co ttage hOllse of (j rooms, cement cellar, fnrnaee . elec tric lights, both well a nd cistern, a lso sprios. good lJarn, 'I. pou ltry hou ses. crib and RII necessa ry ou t buildin gs , nil in ,good l epai r al1n. ou t on main pi~e . Locat ed 4 miles southea st 01 Day ton . 0 11 1 met Io n. A chOIce neighbo·rhood. Price $5500.0 0.
- -~---
ACRE S on Dayto n and Leuanon pike, levellnnci.
good fra me honse, cement cellar, barn. wagon shed, cribs, A di ~lIs tr o us lire occu r red Munday t obacco shed and outbuil di ugs .. All buildin gs in sple nPlen t y of pure Cane Grall. Sumorniltg on the Cleveng er fllr11l nCllr lid rcrllir. Ideal plucc t o live. Price $ 'OOl).llO . Good buy gat', Light a nd Dark Brown, If £?ive P oints ~cho o lhou~ e. when two ), 0 11 wan t a hOlllc. I'owden hl a nd Crystal Domino . small· children of Mr lind Mrs . Ha r· J)IIrllllllW by law lSOO. U9 7. n o". Sla !.) ( u;(clu ~" u u f uo t os UflUa which 10&'0.1 c hbrMe A ' RES tlcar Centerv ille, on Day ta ll and Lebanon Bring us your Spring Ch.ickens; · ry M.allnin ~ took Ro me matche s lind went to play in the b~rn . uu'" t o tl.\l~ 1 :.0 CU1H8 VUlII m ade) wl\.8 will pay 25c up to Friday noon Pike, Icvel sliga r a nd black soil, fmme house of six rooms, $ 3 1CJ.CJO. '1 '11 0 ouml ~ ror lu (' h IOi.lltt WlUI O uo While li g hting' tlHl mat hea. the Now is the timtl to sell. . baro. large tobacco shed . cribs an I a ll. outbuil dings. ST .\TK oit 011 10 . WAHnltN OOUNTY .S S: hay caught fire and it WRS by hart! . 1. L. It. lJ en.... e rlKl ll C"",hler o f th o 600\'t! $200 per ac re; $i!U()() in cash . Party will take mortga work that t he children ge fo ~ halwere ~ o tte n WlI tch our advertis ements, it Ilnmll<l h Ulk . do so (emn ly awnr .bot tho ance on long t ime. , out . Howeve r. they were 111><"" '~.l-emont· 18 tru6 too tho bOot 01 m . badly y will pay vou. burned that olle of the children dl ef,l kuow ltldgo t~d &t'II~ ~ N ()~1I 0:-1. GuhlAr ACRES northe ast of Centerv ille, levella nd, good MO/l(lay evening ana the other OIl\! SUllliCJ'lbod ""tI .. worn WI borON me tWo lit Pays t· o Trade at I StU lillY or lillp t .. IDIU. lI ..lIlo lI Ill<lJle died Tuesday mornw, ll. building s consisti ng of j. room framc house, cement ct'lhu, ~ O/,rr8O' AH<>ot . NOI ..ry Publl o. '1'he barn \yUR an ent ire loss. wilh furnace , elect ric Ii ,(Its, botll wat e rs, etc., balli, tobncco J . I!, I'IGNUK C. p UAWI<E all its content s It ilj not knl!wll a t shed, crib , pCIIl ltry hou e and neces ' Rry out ')\Iildings. all bllild ings J, W. WI:\I'l' E.'tl -this t ime what the loss will be or good a nd Olll near pike. If you want a gOQd level farm wi th .------ ---~----------- whethe r there was any insuran ce . good bu ildiug, 111l tillab le, fe nct'd a nd tiled good . in a choice n('ig h- - -... b Irh ood within seven miles o f Day ton, see this one. $20U per acre.
. .. .. • .. .•.... . ... 2B . OOO. OO
TotoJ ••.•• •• ... , . •.. .•.•. U OO. H~.08 H tllu tu t u i lunU8 Rill! tll sc:ounlttR howo R.UuVO t ho &n IOU IU o n whlcb in w r est QD ti llisCO IIUl. ""US Chu.rllelt nl, r 't~ to OXct)ea, o f tlhJ8e
ANOTHER BOY RECEIVES DISCHARGE Howard O. Pyl e, of ' the United States Marine Corps. 127th Co . 7th Regime nt, received his d ischarge . Saturda y, in Philade lphia. Pa.. and arrived home Monday evening . He had been stationed at Cuba. He is looking tine and glad tu be home again .
- --
. CJliis R?-nge //ncJthis Se tQ /Pu re Aluminum Cooking\Vc:tre
. -.
1~1 Harveys bura: Friends Church Amos Cook. pastor. Sunday , Sept. 21: Bible School at 10:00 0.. m .• Anno. Stinson. 8uperin · w ndent. Public Worship and Preach· ing, 11:06 a . m Rev. Murray Kenworthy, General Secreta ry of Wil· mington Yearly Meeting will be with us COME, All 'are cordiall y In · vited .
I At the Price 0./ the "Ran2e alone - the
Wa re ts.kee
SOU TH BEN D MA LLE ABL E RAN GES have prov en . ~o be satisfacto ry for mor e than TW E NTY Y E ARS and .m·o re than half a Inillion are now in daily use. _ . . Built in all Styl es and Sjz'es for ever y purp ose. Hun dred s of SOU TH BEND' MA LLE ABL E RAN GES _ were used by the Gov ernm ent in the Unit ed States 'and Fran ce duri ng the Dur ing the Spec ial. Sal~ Onl y we will give FRE E a beautiful seven piec e set of Alum inum Coo king War e. The sale will begin Wed nesd ay, Octo ber 1st, and co,ptinue seve n day~.
H . E . E ar n h ar t,
The regular meeting of Miami Valley Council No. 103. sched uled for next )i'dday evening , .has been postpon ed to Friday evening . :iep. tember 26 . There will be degree work. visitors will be present from Lebanon , lunch will be served. and a great t ime Is antic£p ated . Mark well the change of date. and ~uke your arrangll ments to be there.
-St. Mary's Church Fourtee nth Sunday after Trinity . Sept. 2lf1t. Sunday School at 9:80 B. m . Mornin g Prayer and Sermon at 10:30. Everybo dy invited to these servicf:S .
7 miles southe ast of Dayto n, practic ally
level land, some timbe r, ru nning waler, new bank barn , 7- roolJl frame house. cement cellar, crib. wagon sbeds and ou tbuildin gs , SIO,OOO.()U.
35 ACRE nea r \\ vi lle, frame house of- five 83 ACRE S north of Waynesville, level land, good ~ a yne rooms, barn. t obacco slied, crib and o utbu ildings. $5500.
building s a t $120 per a c re.
18'3 R.
ACRES near Spring Valley, level land, two
.. set s of buildin s a t $150 per acre
Gen eral Auc tion eer & Farm Brok er Residen ce Centerv ille. Ohio
~-----------------~ Try the Miami
Classified Columns fot
. "Five Cows Made $474.00 Last Year" Writes W. C. Mohr. Oxford, Ohio-" 1 h a ve sh ipped to the Tri . State about fi ve and a half yellrs and last year sold $474 00 worth butter fa t from fiv e cows Have IIlways found the Trl State of fair in their dealing s . I ha'[e sold to both the l'ri State and IIlso cream stations to see how the te~ts agree J\rid so far havE' found 'The TriState· pay the freight ' the better way."
We Pay the Freight and ~,,~ for butter fat
per lb.
Week of Septem ber 15th to 21st Inclusiv e.
Selling your cream for less than Tri-St ate prices robs your pocketbook and encou rages profiteering. Wtite for Free Trial .Cans. We guaran tee your cream and cans agains t loss. .
The Tr i-S tat eB.u tte rC o.
Caesar' s Creek Friends Church Sunday School at this ~hurch every Sunday at 10 o'clock. . CINC INNA TI, OHIO Preachi ng service at 11 o'clock a . m . You are .-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _~-_-_ _~~~ cordiall y invited to be "resent .
-----_._-0' Worst
A certain KnnBBs City
ne\'or know jn~t how. nen'r denth hI) wa~ thl) nth!'r dny when. ofter n thor01111)1 elwmlnnUon nr prohnb)y the brl llhtp.8t, Rw.ectost nnd nltoll'ether SUo pr('nw ntne·inonths,old hnhy In tho worlfl \ the motlier nsked : ''\Vell. whnt It n )'nri think nbout my hnby'" nnd 111' Motd: "Oh, U's n normnl baby."I(on liS City Stpr.
...- --
.The Late Classified Ads. FOR REItt
Waynesville, Ohio.
E-ror 61ther a team aDd STABL wasOa or aD al1k1. 1D'll1lie of
LawreD08 IShephe rd, Wa,Des ville, Ohl". 01
THE 5c; l,Oc AND 25c . STORE 3 More Snap Fasten ers, 15 for. , . , . ... .. . ...... . 1Oe Gla.s s Dishes, good size . . ..... ' .. . .. ..... .. ..... 100 Glass Butter Dishe:; . ..... . ..... , . : .. . ... ...... 200 Colored Glass Vases . . ...... ...... ... . . _.. ..... 200 White Metal Knives and For.ks. per set ...... . SI 80 Rex Lye, large can ...... ..... . .. , . ... .... .. _'. . IOe Gobl(n So~P. the. kind that cut grease ...... ...... IOe . Hydro gen PerOXide, large bottle s. , . ... .. . . , ; ... 15c Mrs. ·Prices' Ca'n ning Comp!lund, per pkg : .... '" .lOe . 7 packages for .. .... .. '. •.•... • . .... .....• . 6Oc Speciali st 10
Barpln a
Wayaeavllle Oblo
Seventy-First Year
, WED NESD AY SEPT EMBE R 211, 1919 Whole Numb er 8549 -----------------4'------~1--------~~~·~ - ~ - ~~~~~~~~ - --~~~~~--------~--............ -- ~~==~
S'r AlU
, ___
.- -c ~
On Wedoes otl), e l)t~ mucr 17, HII D, Mr . and Mrs Vol II. Maddell wert' I at tho M b: church in Maineville, Sabillli v i !l ito r ~ , ' und ay . t\lr ~nd Mr~ . I. A Zilll lilt' rI 11 II II I '1'1", rel('ular t]1eeting of the lhe' County W. C. T , U met in its Wo · cnt P.rllUII,!d t hE- .l ull y ~l a " ."I1~ :, nti m fln' ~ Aux iliary wns held reJ.(ulur annual selISlon As the ho ur L N P rintz spent Su nday with Lil,''', h ll ~ tIHIl ',I H at ~ uppe r I ilur!!I",\ ilOl I1Q of :l-Ir~, J. F . Cadwal at the laller on d rew ncar for the meet ing , u E; l egIlL/)~ rel'I!lI'':S e<l r Ilelibroo k . I'v"ntll!! I It· cv 'II rn!! wa ~ I'I' r.1 fr idav afterno on, Soptem ber 19. and mony ot hers from III mo ~ t 1111 th e I '11' ... ~u nt Iy ~ I "' n t pl"Y I I1~ ('j1rol~ 'f he meeting was opened by mush: ocal IJninns had arriveo' a nd were M, J-: n 01:. ' 1{ \) ~\'rA and family, of (Ill the victro la, "All Hail the P(lwer .:ontia lly f('reeted by m e mber~ (If the DU.I IIIII. -Pl'lIt 'unday Mi"H All"" Fur nll Henl cr tl<lIled ~ut .. f Jes u~ ' Name. " Mrs. Cadwal lader hen·. t dai neville Union ' unlay evellili ;.' the fn ll"wirlj{ g uest..- ; relld the 46th Ps Rev. J , F . Our belovccl presirlellt, Mra. Emmn M i!~ AIi't' r tr L· .... !lId Li llian Wil r;l1\lwolllllier con I d the devotio n· Chapma n, call ed tile conven tion to , 1;"01. Wilt,·r\ " IlI';(J atlend ei:l till' k (l l'~on un" M " ~lIrs followed by mu · Carl MYI " '~, al l'ervire This " reter Devotional exerci"e~ wcrt> /lU ll' ~ h,, \\ 111 ('illd nuali, laBl week . Lall t ence H"ywllf> d anrl Scriptu ral quota · I{ ,IIph fie, "The SallclU I'lluducterl by Mru HUlh Murray, uf Weave r. t iIJnR were l(iven in response to roll · (lregon ia Union A fLer t h regu l;" MI.'a Dnro )llt y !,'ernl"" \V 1l~ II week call. A (ter the reading' of the min routine of busines s, the elccl ion III end \'i"itor with fl·iNII!. nt'ar HedLi I.n 'I he MI ~~ \:~ A "lilt Puma. , Lillian utes and disposa l of other bualness. " Ilicers touk place witb the foliowinjJ Ihe following program Wall rendered : W ll k t! r~o n , Ali ce l'a l'ey ""I i Corinne result: Preside nt. Mra Emmo hap Madde' ,. I) f H arve v s bur~ Wl!lc h, ami the .\1,'.s rs " " ,Ier Hoke, Presiden t'a Address given by Illsn, Wayn eslIille; Vice nreR, Mra wu, IlflH ill Cinrll na 1 " II Ilu ~i n p.l's , Mon lI umer J ully , I rv inJ{ ..... l· 11'I1 aud C Mi ss Elizabe th Matthew s at l ~acnel Hardinl{, Fl'Ilnklin; Treai· day , W Younce millored tv l.ak esiJe Annual Meeting .. Mrs, Cadwal lader urer, Mre. Ella Schwllrtz. Lebanun ' l'u l'suey evenlnJ{ , Muslc- " Gulde Me, Oh Thou Cor Secreta ry , Mrs Rulh Jun ney: Kentl<' th Kil holl, (If Akrno , is Great Jehovah! " Waynesville; Ree. Sec " Mrs Mnr liB ~ JJ I'!I(li n l< II few cl IIY~ here with Iteuding of Honor Rull .. MI'!I. Mosher I avis, Harv8ysbu rR'. On ~alurda y evenillK Mr , and Mr ~ . Iteport of 'Secreta ry at Annual • We had ' Mrs Viola D I {o rnun ~ , relat Ive» I-:r('o Gona ent ertained lit dinner in Meeting ........... .......... Mrs. Crane from Columbu!l, our State (jor. 'I!C honor of their slAtor, Mr~ Roi RiHln· Muaic- "One Sweetly Solemn relary, for our s pcllker . What a Dr , end Mrs. 11. E Hathawuy ~e r and son , Harold . "f N"w Dayton Though ~ ha me that every (Jlle in W Il rr e n spent SundllY wi th relatives in AIlJer ta. The gu esls were MI' lind Talk on t. " MrH, Ad 1'opl)u r,.-(> 11I " ",,0 , the United Offerin g ...... (:ounty , especially the wel vote rN Spring \'" ro . oyed lrup-s buolcr. IN lOurin g tb e Mrs Elias Ogleabe e, Judge and Mrs. .. ....... .. .. ....Rev. J. F . Cadwal lader tb (if there be any). coulr:l not haw 0 tro;Jt H :n /Joalon look a banI! u nCI Qlllckly Un it ed Slot e~ whb u t lUrn tbu ( Is A. C. ~I8 inl{er, 10 Mr. and MI' ~ , P. Il , ° BPO co Btr n I bllt Cl l) , Tho plctll'-o sh o ws bo w era p sbooters heard her. Theaddre.!~ she gave was "" IDllns.rfl llllg th e ch a n ge. t h I On- o.ton Cow<0 Alter adjourn ment, a pleasan t Clagett , Mr . Ma rt in Gons, Miss Tucy Mr. and Mrij. ti. E. Enrnha rt and mon wero bUlldled . h uve b'~ l\n nl tu1e In .r h. e :It'o r! do .. · n power. The followin g " Pla n of social half-ho ur was spent, Clagett , Alice and J oh n Gons. Mi ~9 Lillian Wilk erHoll we re Cincill · in a: th o oust do~n years Work and ReROlutions" wo re drafted nat i vbitor!! , Sa turday . .. by the commit tee: The Bu sy Women 's Class of th e Resolved-Tha t, as a Union, we A8a Halstead and fa mil " . of Blun. Dr. Dill, Osteopa th 21 S. BroadMet hodist church , were very pleas· continue our wQrk against the liquor Mrs, Walter Kllbon was ) visitor In Dayton , Monday.a buslnes s i an tly entertai ned at the home of chester , were ~undllY gu eRts of Mr. way , Lebanon, Ohio. and tobacco traffic. Mrs. Lee Earnha rt. The afte rnoon Resolv ed-Tha t oach membe r en Dnd Mrs , I-lll rfY Sherwl)od . Wm. Cook spent several da ys in was spent in pleasan t con versatio n ctlurall'e the 8uperintendenUt of our John B. Wright , of Bellbro ok , was Prentl8~ Tinney was badl, cut on Cincinn ati, last week. and the r eading of R very Intereet ing d ifferent departm ents to Rend in a business visitor here, Monday. Mr~ Mildred l~uK l e, of HllrveYA the right hand with B stalk knife one book their annulll repo rts prompt ly. . Memoir Dsinty of refrellhr Albe~t nentH(If pine· Cornell, who apple sherhet and cake Wllre served. day IliSt week. The man behind him Frank Elbon arrived horne Monday Resolved -Th'at we Stl t asido 011 1.' bur g, spent 181't we·k wi th Miss Born-T o Mr. and Mrs dny of prayer for the vict ry we Je n li ~ Corbi n. of Cincinnat.i mornin g, after 0 trip to OklllholTltl, Tinney, Septem ber 18, 1919, Leona rd was born 1837, near Hidgevi llc, War· All of G lus~ 12 who wert:! nol present made a slash at a atalk, but caught a_son. Prentiss' hand, Instead. It was an ren County . Oh io, at the old Cornell missed an Bfternoon long Ii npe to will at the corning ..Iectioll t o be reo unfortu nate affair, but the wound is homeste ad . He was the son of membe red Redolvcd - Thnt w givp our 1-I l!8V ~t rR I-I. E Enrnhll r t . Miss Lill inn Chns Woollard and family spent Miss Minnie Davis healing ni(l6ly, and he will BOOn be spent severa l George N . and Chloe Cornell. He enly Father 1111 pruillP for th ' vidur· WI ll, .!'Ron and Ern'?R r E!lrJl hArt apent several days with relatives In Indian days last week with" l'elativ8S in able to be at work again. -i t1~ won, in both war And teml rllnee waw married to Mary ' . Hill, of last 1 hur ~ d BY e" " IlI11 ' In I ay ton, opolis, thi, week, At the home of A' L. Kennedy , Dayton , Res(lh· .d - That the visitinl( Unions Raysville, Ohio, in ' 860. Nine child . aturday , Septem ber 20th, from 2 of Warren Coun ty f)ltt end a vole of Th ren were b9rn to them - George N , to 5;' MiiS Lida Kennedy enterta i ned . Frr-t! t;o, Lehano n Store Ronald Hawkl', wife and son, Bert t hanks to tile 10 al Union at Mal !)I'"' Mrs. Mary Adams. of Wilmin gton, • If Serving Grnc ryd43PRrtmllnt will Hartsock, wife and daughte JOieDh Edward Florel ce for her sisler, Etta The afte rnoon ville f or th ~ir (leneroua hosoital tty. r spent 8»ent t~E' week. enl! at the home of Albert . ' OPI'Il for buslIl ~ l?rldllY ctober :lrtl Sunday ut • chantz' Willi spent in playing geme~ and' ,1 Rev. J . F. (signed) Cadwal s Grove. lader and famil y Luella. Ocena E , Harrr, Pearl Amelia F . White, , Stella music. Lucy Anderso n Pearl Kibler and Dora- seven are hvlng and two Oba M. Welch, • Mr'l Roi H i~ i nlr r and son , IUI'ol d , 1 WayneAville Grange will go beek to . deceased. · Out of a once large fam· received the prizes. The gue ts were Grace Strawn . .M r , and Mrs. Raymond Davis and Mr; Edwara Con~e,: of New ! and UB MISS i1y of brother s anti sisters, only two lhen In vlled to the dilling room the evening meetin gs, In O::tober. te>H, Alhertll, ("n>llla, on , of Dayton, Ollie Mo~on , nre enjoyin g a ten· MamIe Conners, of Ct ~clll,!aU, were remainarc 1'1 Iti ng h('l' lll:lrenta Ilnd II t hllr days vacalion Mrs. Vina ' Slacy and Mrs. whel'e a two course lu ncheon was They will meet on Saturda y nights here with relative s MIll." EtlllR M os~ , of Maineville, Rt!d' re hHiv S . ~ues ts of Mrs,!. M. Stbcy and fam Chloe Sides. served, the color scheme being pink the first and third of the month. Cross nu rse just rc( ur nf'd fr om lind white. Each g uest drew II card Membe rs will ple~ take notice. Ily, of Route 4, Sunday . l'Iine years ago, Mr, and Mrs Co r F'rance, wns pre I'nt and I!'ave a very from a large bowl in the l'enter of Arthur Zell and family, of Chattanell celebr ated thei r Golden Weddin g lhe table Mr. and Mrs G n, Mills left, nOOlra . Tenn ., spent several days intorest ing talk Mrs F:i1e Schwar tz , ' which read : "Etta Ruth Fred's Lebano n Store Free One when all of the family and last ki nd retl of Lebunon, led In uevot ion in the , P"riday evening. fur a w Ck 'R viRit week with their psrents at Corwin Dollar Trede Certific ate is equal to a and f riends mt-t at their home and Kennedy and Raymond Brook",." afternoon , Special musi c by IlIdi e~ with thei r Sf'ln, Linlliey. und wif,·. lIf The guests were Judith Collier, Ves· 13" reducti on on tJ len dollar pur· enjoyed a feast and renewe d old of Maineville. An invitatio n from Wil min~tun, Del. Our slore will be closed all day , chB!!e. Available only for a limited memori es and ties of friend ship were t a Ellis, Mllrtha Lukens, Veda Wol Orgonia ladies WBR accepte d for our Lucy Anderson. Donna Mae Thursd ay, Septem ber 25th, on ac· period. Ask for one. drawn closer as children, g ranachi ld· ford, meeting in 1920. Mrs, Mabel Hoi· Baily , Helen Hartsoc k, Elsie Osborn, Mrs coun ren C t and 1\\ of loved Jewish M od l· rw ones holiday. ~i!. met " f ' to hi ch~ Open congrat o . , at u- [net Rich, Pearl Kibler. Mabel and Iingswo rth had an excellen t pal'er Is a gu stuf R v hICI MIS ,j , p, Ca d· 5 p, m. Hyman & Co, latt; t~em Mr . Il;n d Mrs. 0 ' C. ' Mill prepare d on "AmericanizRtion." d Mr. theIr hves. on thia happy event in Merle Ellis. I S an wali llder illr Mllderw II joined his All in ail, this was one of , if not Carl Mills, have retume d He had been declinin g in health ...- - J , E. J anney, Dr. J. M. Miller and bome in St, Joseph, . ~o . ,. to' their the very best,. convent ions ever held wife here f ll' ,I \\'eek t',nd \'i ~it. after a for over a year. llis sickness was Fred Hawke were business visitors p.leaaant two ,weeks VISi t wl~h in Warren County . Several !rentl ' rela· borne with patienc e and uncomplaln · men were present , and th ey spdke Men'~ and Young Men's new fall !n Cincinna ti Thursda y, t;'rid also took bves in and around Wayne3vllle. ing resigna tion . On the mornin g of wordll of encoura gement , The indio Suits and Keal IOlhe" for Real l1oy~ In the auto show at MUSI C hall. Septem ber 13, 1919, his spi ri t pusscd t!atlone are, that the dry forct's are now ready ' and in slock nt Ihe S, You will wait on yoursel ! and save away , at t he age of 82 years a nd two at work, and may aUCC8!b be ours J<'red Co Lebuno n Big Store at Kreat Mr and Mrs . Roy Hathaw ay and the co~t of selling, chargin g and de- months . PJ1 rs. Martha Davia, Secreta ry . reducti on prices , . Miss Lucy Emley were week end vis- Iivering , Ilt the S. Fred Lebano n He one amoryg the oldest resl · itors with ft1r . a nd Mrs. Ed Hatha· Store, Self.Se rving Grocery depart- d ~n ~ was of ~ytle.' ls ' an honest, ment which opens Friday 'Oatobe r upright , IIldustrl.H Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Brown, of way, of Columbus Grove, Ohio. Ous hfe, nl ways a 3rd ' The above q llery has been put ut> . ' good neighbo r, his wise council was Pendl eton. Orpg . are the guests of . , . sought by his family and friends , to us several timell during the past Mr 'Ed Thoms!' anll fumily and oth. Isaac Lmcoln, ~. red Leonard , Wm. er relative s , here Mr. Brown i. a Purks, Thos, . Ple!ct; who will g reatly him . ' Father' » two weeks, lind as we are not in· Howard Joseph Watkins, Frank B. Stokes place in the hommiss nephew of t he late Tho!!. J Brown, Burton were 10 Cmcmnand e ,&ircle is vacant formed where it is or what it bas atl, Sunday , Carl Miller ~ook their seats ail hi. loved voice we hear no m.->ro Harvey sbur2 and Maslle Townsh ip and it hilS bt>en 35 yenrs since he has and saw the Reds and Brookly n play: and but been doing, we are unable to answer commiS!lloners of Warren County, .at the kindly. memory Iirygers will extend a lI'eneral Ifl'C'elin(l 't o the visited the hume of hi boyhood . with us. lhe !'juesti on satisfac torily. But It Lebanon , last week, Wm. Corwin, Hla remains wera laid to rest In docl! seem a's hkme that such an or· boys of tbe commu nity who have The S. Fred Co. Lebanon Big Store who has served the county D. ganizat ion should go defunct 80 soon . for several beautif ul Miami Cemete ry. particip ated in allY way In the late -Buy your Heating tove is comple tely ready for the new years, retired . or Range The membe rs are all anxious t(J have war . The boye are requeRted ~o now . you will find the • _ ... aeason . New stocks, great assort· 20th Cen. It revIved agaIn, as they are missing meet at the school ground ~ at 10 lury Heater and the 'famous South ments of the newesl mod~ in WOIll Word was received here, last week, a great many good things, p'clock, Saturda y morning , Selltem · Bend Malleabl e Rllnge en's, MisMcs, «1 iris, Men's , Young that Pvt Vernie Wardlo w, who has ber 27th Good speaker s snd hand Lebano n Big Store . Buyat Fred 's M ~ n's, Child ren' s and Infants ' Fall bee. etatloned along the , Mexican will be present . The people ot , the \ which is the rheapGlIt, and the be!!t garmen ts . Shoes, Furnitu re. Sto\'es, border fur thll last fifteen ' months , townshi p are asked to bring well hefore early IJU rch~sed buy now, Ran l(e~ and a big stock has depart ment !loon will soon be musterll(! Ollit at Camp filled basketa. been consum ed. to be anno u ncml , Taylo r , and will return home. '
. -.
---'-_. -
.-- --- ......--- ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r ~
,AChanee to Buy
WJ . , , ~ {J
i: ~el~~ii~~in~~:~t~~tahv~c~~~itor~~
versy was over a ball caugh t til th e fleld, as it was tak en off the g round, bllt Lebano n's umpire didn't 8 \ e it that way. The BIlmc man attemrlt.ed to steal secolld and wos called out . Thill left the score 10 lo 9 in Wayne.~ . vtlle'8 favor, when the decision, In some manlier was r eversed . The Ilsme was three !iours long, and the
lCore wasl~to 12,
In big size s-66 x80.
A choice
asso rtme nt of new Plaid s in all desirable colors, Specia.l at
'In Cotton Blank ets, . 66x80. Special Price . ..
$3.48 &$3.98
In the win~ow~and come early for choice selections,
The long dry spell 'was broken Saturday, wben. several fairly ahowers brough t a much· need re' lief. Sunday a!t emoon two down pours came and the ground W88 thor· oughly drenche d. Waynesville haa been a little unfortu nate in being in a dry strip for several weeks,: rains having been fairly frequen t on ' all 'sidee. Late garden truck and com suffered most,
$5.98 $6.98 NEW PAITE RNS In IAght and Dark Outipg Flannels. suitable for Gowns or ' Under wear .... -
,up yd .
NEW CQM FOR TS Reasonahly priced. large sizes and desirable colors
The New Century ,Clu b will 'l)eet Waynes ville and Lebano n Hi's at the home of Mrs Chas. Hough on crossed bats FridaI' afterno on at Friday afterno on, Septem ber 26 , Phillips ' Park, and by some jugglin g Sybil LeMay, Sec'y.
Waynesville, Ohio
HEALTH BOARD WAS ORGANIZED LAST WEEK The Warren County Health Board met at Lebano n, Th"rsda y, and ef· fected an orranlz ation. The officers are as foHowa: Preside nt, .Dr. Ed Blair. Lebano n; vtee·pre eident. Dr, J . T, £Ilia, WBJD.vHle; 118C~ Barry Bryant. FrankUu, The II compoeed ' of butlers and the health of the co,unty ouallt to be better attended to than In former
MarIan K. Hortman , 17, grund. ) d<!ughtor of the lato Cbarles •• 1 ".ortma n, Inberlts '60,000 frOID b\s estate and will eveoluall7 . . eely. tbe remaJJidv. . . '
---- ---- :
Fire, Torn ado, Automobile, Life, Accident al)d Hea lth Sale Conductors Large Farm Sales a Spec ialty 'Ame n Block
Telep hone 81-2
Waynesville, Ohio
,P O R .~.Good
Used Building Material. .•
Now Being Remo(Jed from old College Building at Springboro. Ohio Cnnslsts of Brick. Slate Roofing, White 'Pine Lumberin various dimensions, Walnu t Lumber. Windows, Doors, Frame s, Desks, Freestone. Dressed Stone and large Library. Priced on ground or delivi;red. F. W'. Wads worth J. Van' Worle y ..... .,01lI0
... ,,~
....""~...... ...... - ,- - -..- .__ ....
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HOUS F I '\llU· ,11I1:1.' .. [r,.lill.I ' !'Orl ,· lt l ,f,." I .. V' " II . . Ill" p o ~:,j. , / ,,' ' III: ,,1 11.t ' 11 ,,1.'8 flo ur! " r " 't""'k f If ( .. il: Thret" IIv ,tS (',, ••,rl L ~'tnJtH,m J1 Zr.",. ~!jc. fj' k~ .•~ ' I . I r yu" r I. )~·n I ( I taU I u ! ' """ .l'·~" 1"," 1"1 ", Jpn lv \0 11, "~ r jf t! Youe ll:i .. ~ "' . . ' lJ Ii . t ,"'rn,i nH i l U CU I' ,",'. ':;1field. N . J 1' ; I'n" "1 I·,. r, H I " " ' "rr . .,, : I . U 1~, \'II.H'lI\\I" lrA :1 I C'I." V n •
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/> tll' \\ lI1uqy l' IUII~ I l r\l~ \'~ ,,"urn 1IH' IlIH ... ~'. t t J"l'~,.~ tt. tll~I' ~Ht· '''1' 1. ,'(1. Ile'" r.ncno< , ' U "Ultthtl"u "''' ~Ill.' . )lIl t l In, ~""(' IU1\ of thl ' ".' r.r \\' lUI tlW I "\\' h y , e \" ell ,.:, II if' r. II 110 nOP l'1 ~ llll t h~ ~'Ior" ") (III UptO,·. tha ah uf1 hl\t ~ M"n ruulu:t "' Ilr .. J "!lH n iH dl' I'uI1 1i1q! ." Altc1Q jnlDllu'(l h (tr "'hh'- I'rlHllllt~d rl, "'" ""1 0 JIr" ~ plllkl lr'~ Ol"'/lII? Jlr \\' In/ol In frlll\( ot Ihl' h"II ~ ... I" h,' X' Mill h' hl ~ IIIIIl'\. 'J I",n' Ihe III l'U a,'r 81\nd(.' b tU fU' In ' l1 tUI'Illt'r ItIJ\\ h 4.-I U I \1 I I1'1t\\ I AI1,-; II IH'l ' ,~~ . ' '''' \\ I'n' d O:oict1 , " 1'''': ~h('l, t'lAhHll,1. A lll'ln ' !,> hilt S,lu) ~t Ilr", l' l'll'l , : n. IH( I '\\U ~ l 1l.S lU·ll,,· Mt f.)Uct luo tlt l HI(" .... dd n!th\R ,i n f h I'\! ('- hilltl\. .f\\ hn. t I rfHlhl(, lCl t tlWIl th t:'Jn t Cl ~L'(' j \l"'c t1 cn l Jok.(' ,) r IWI"'I\r~ "I III \\' h" t I lOt I1,·,1 ur. llhln' I, pr \\'cl\ ·~ the hllll\'11 g, :oud I I helld tl mo, IInl U Hu t t1lI',' I i I l' k I fn r \' II fl11I1 . th l' ~h:lljh' l' ..:1 1'1 In It wulk IlIt li I htl • ' U\ ,,'rI.\' {11 II II ",! . ' •' ·t hll ' ...~ not wi th 1 HI\\ III I ::0-1 1111"I II, I\{ u~ I tI IStlp})Oln tlng ! un. ~I '~'. d : n 11111c CI ~lU)hh' I. . L '.:"l \ Y:" SUl'l l;ul\lq f" I Ihrough Ihe hll s lcrlnf!, lilt. u:) 't,e 111,.lhctl 10 fr()(k nr (} , llll- Itt l" Jll't,te n. tll (! girl with lnR 011 '11\'1'(1111)( l'\I\lII~ l'rl,lt,!s. 1'be h"t Ihl8 tllll e to tho h,·r(l(ll l!tl. Forresull" .,:lrls nnd' tnlhln" UIH) ut 0 1VOI"' ; b I ''''P l1 l~ \ p~fH I II {I' -I .,,1 \ I Plln~ tlo p hl'OWIi hlli r hln ll'lI 11""tl)' ubnUI I "~ Irlt,IIt111'''' ot 1"1' • IrfUJ.·gro~ln Itllt n nd llll'ulI~ I t IU Jul ,h.l a \f ntr \\a~ UII '~l~S \'h' Jllu c.~ ,. , . t,lr, kllee-Oe p sorrel IIn,1 .lol~"'s . It "U~ L" ,.I.N Hrll1it. IJ ' ,,~ i':,,{lttl, Hnllt ll' Ct1\' t'r)} tho t tJurth (1 uchlet1 ln slnll.U)· I f't), U\e O\~l·lIl1 , Z'~I ~ h ~' r8. ""Ith n HIGh ot Kl'IIl~rul r"lId /1111 1 1;1 ", PlIlI"" tl r " 'ttl Hn,1 Iv,wI'(1 ln w b"CII"A O l \· ~ .Ht U '·. 'r TI", s·, n VIII"'III': I,r Ih" I" II " '~ 011 tllu thnl hI! lI'uuld Uk" u gIrl I. ' 1.\ ' , , ,. "hll ,"uru H Th,' Itlrl Ott Ill' IIIIPDY "ot. IIHlulllh" . 11('111. "I " '" I'Un y . ell ",' rl)' th ,' nt·ht,l.y t'l'''''h h C,' lIllit' IIII)T,' I n "'I~II'n t: tlUI like tllI)I - url(\ t11~ro anln~tI lll e ~hll lh' of tile I' I\III """ 1'''''(' I' ,. ~ .. II·.' rr" ~' ;IIIL , .. I, i''' ''g , ~tltll :1 mllotht b r,~' · bl y. '!'hp rllrt'll J(trl. Ih' rIght IfIrl of I'ourth." I... ~"I . \. of lh old ''''''rl~' h,'Il '.,. 1' h~
tCaPF11.t ll,
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\I ""),,',',. Hill',
,l' ttlT Ih,' tl(1 "li S rI~llIg.
With It ,'!IIlh!
I ~O1l8
tho une"Pll
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through th~ Inl el)' ClJ lolllul ,'n· tI'IIn<'e Into a whl' hll ll . Ihell'.... 111' IIII' IIOruewhat ~I~koty bUI helllltlful "lil lI'CRIM! and l1lto fl grent Plllp t s 1'1'llll t
~hllmb l}r.
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rnlh' II , Allt'lf\
II<'ntCd ben"lt rNll oH'r1 lilt' wlol,' ,1""1,,
hilt nnd IU hl )It ou th' wind,) \\, ~ 1I i. A cool bJ'(_l"7,C r Ihe wnter I'ulllt'od lu' r nUQ brl)wn hntr.' T IH' r e n'n s 1)(1 )jIHIIH' hut the dnlWH\' hUIIl of on (h;,,'usl l!t\ul Il ea niH"} thl" ~;I rt 8 wiRJHIWflf"h Ilf tiny " ' I\vcli' ts o n. t1l (\ hl'Jldl h f'IOw. I Tlwl'(? t II cl'rtnln ~l(.. ·p· l n\hJl'III~
l'l(ll'~ In \"l\ ~ tIJtntctt Its wrcnt h
Im portllllt Iltnt he ,
atoorl nJur. FUl'ungt' f hI'P,·z('. ehould. I Op"nlng It. @hll lIeI'lli'd IlIln II, ,, II.... 1l lin,·t! Allclll'~ oh,,,11" hilI 1I1l11 ' I'lift· HoldIng the hilt glUI(~ rly In his hllnd ~I'te" UlAn Ion IIn,1 WlIH lur",1 h)' II" ('(\ II ll:""I1 ~' ,1"w lI 10 II r,,~lII1K I, hll'" I'lIn), eloOlI RI IiI nOlI Htll,IIL'<l his on<.',,'" t'OOl aluIIJow8. Pkkllljl: h~r II' lIy ~Ilr(~ nml~ III .. BMr"1 till(l Ilul·I{lA. SerUM'1 trul IInm ll lit Chl~'l r nllJ;1l. The II'ln· tun, ov('r
(10\\'9 over the l )()rch wnulc1 he
And ~h'C Jllllg Q.uletl).
Will BE PUSHED O. -(SI)or.III I.) -
Qlreclor ot War SIlvlng8 H. P. Wolte lIll\l It W88 Mmml"ll"~:mM Ihe trenMury 's I,ur· IloSe to jlU It the' calli pullIn tor lh" ~ole of Tltrlft Stamps "Ith even g reator vh:or !lOW tban dur lns the war. "Tbere are .t preeent," Mr. Ola.. wrote, "Just copIpell ln. If nOl more IJr e8~ l ug r ca· • 00.1 th.n tor merly for .ara illa our peopl. &0 COIlIlO"e ·.nd .uemen , lbe ell!>, Ita! re.Ol1lcetl of tile cOlllttry by prll· tleDt IpeodlDa , 11atema tlc 14"lng and ' 11'1.. 1IIY1.itmellt. Tbere ean be DO U01l that a factor of· major 1m. ponance In the preaent IItgll COlt of II th. utr.". ,ue. aDd wallte wille' Man Come a. a n.eUoli trom the '• •conomlc a."
. ,&I..
MOrToW ~nty WIn. out Owr Licktna an" Warren In C'o •• Race. 'I lt, G\I.a4, O.-(Spe cla1.l - Prepara · tIeIt. are belli,. iii.... ber. to dedIcate ... 'It.tot Vlctor;r ahaft awarded lIorrow Hut, for ..1I1n. lbe moat OW... ·..,,111,.. ' Stamp. dullil Jun l!, I.IT ..d AlIPIt. natl count, won ..t o,er , UclltJI. IIM1 Warren 00l1li' Ute. otMr bot ' COIlte1l4.,1I for \Ile .laft, II, a Gobl'ort&lIl~ ~arlln . TIl. Ohto War s."IDa. CommIt tee .... »r0llll * tAt MInd .."eral air· . . . . lIero t.o tab p.rt In ·the cllr. ...... Til. DlOnuDl8IIL wblcb w.e "ate4 b7 the &rre Quarrie rs' aod Mu.ta at_.' A••oclatlon of s.rre. .ftrmOi lt. .. a trlbllte trom tile New "Iud .tat" to Oblo for her "al· IaaI 'JUt In till war, will .tand lei feet tatcta. _I~ nearl, 1. tOOl aod reat 011 a ........ feet .,lIare. An In8crlpthlll _ ODe of It. 81del 11' ill Itue lbat UI. DlDanmetlt .a. a'lnl,4ed to lIfor. ....11' OOIlO~' for Ita el:ceJleo~e In War 8a,,1II18 ... orlt. while another Inscription 11'111 teU of the ..alora· of the bo)'s of lIorro... COlIot, In tlae World War. ne dtdlcatl on will talle place aarl, ill October . 1
. t..d7 ~.. ' wllo " . . VlYIaD, 4allabU of Oeor,o Gould. plDau.4 GO tile l.n. wu -.cUYO 10 Red ern. lrworlt RumanlA ll rtoIII 4U1Da ~ .war aDCI later became Ylce prealdtll lt00oftho till ~
..- - -
81"1 ".",Ie.
....... .. daJ .lDmle c:am~ nmnlllf lIMo tho ...... er,1Da; at tbe top of
a .... tolll'lwl!il
h, lUI..
....... . III taJIn.: ..Moth.... r. oI.l.ID l-a...• HI) unll ...... . lilt! _ chuecl II1II..
el i l
'fli~ I t'I'
f l' , .. 1,1,
I ',
-----. - ...----
~anday .
Senral of 'be fermen around Ferry attende d 'l1e band OODo.rt at Wtlyn.e8 vUle, Wednel ldayeve nlng I Mr. Ohmer 1'0J{ Ie hauling 'obaooo tbls week . Mr. Frank Huddoc k and 80n, Hor. aoe, attende rl 'be Lebano n '"Ir. · l'boud ay . I Mr. u\wren ce Thomal l iM m"klng ' qul*e an Improv ement on bl8 hou8e. I by p!lIntlnl t It. Mr . Joabua Clleno, 1 we'h , 01 Lylle, 18 40ioll the work . Mr8. Fred Hubble , who bIoi! been lIerl0081 y 111. ill now improV lug. Mlu Martba Brown. of Yellow tipringe . 18 vloltlar IIr. aad Ihe. Lowreo ce Thoma l and lamlly, 'ble week
f' I
1 !-, .. I',
lhr ob nnll hh 8
10 proper trIm. Then Ih e th Ing 10 do 18 give no.ture 11 h"lp and yours"lf rellet "'lib a gO!l UO mlUlllAge at H OU8,onll\ . 'I'h18 soothing linIment pcn"tr"' c. to thOc very Ca.lUU~ at tho trouble a nd (luI kly enOB your poln. You r home ~hould n .... o.. be wllhout Hous lonln. ,he wonderf ul \lnl mont 11M n nt l ee p tic. On cula. bruloGe. burna. swlds a nd all Boro spots It help" n .. IUfO QulcJ<ly r os tore comtort. Ask )'OUr drug"lat tor Uouae-I one-o-ah (The 0 r I II In 0. I lono's Llolmen t) wIth Dr J oneo' picture on Ihe yollow Oahol. ,1.00. " !lit . h.e ~Ilc. tria l 81..., 83c. Th e Dr . J . C, J on es Co. So. ChlU'le.ton. O. J. E. Janney , The Rexall Store. Waynes ville, Ohio.
Mr . 'I md Mrs. Johu Wolt. Mr and M.r~. Geo. DavIs; Mr. and Yr!. Gleno D \VI8. Mr lind Mrs. E. t: Mllnnon . Itfr Jam es Cleaver . MrH ~ll lll ll Mar • tin, Mr'S J essIe Ellis a",1 dno ll bter, Miss V'estll Ellip, Il ttenderl 1.1H· fi fUetb weddin g nnn ivrlrSllr y of Mr . and Mrs , P. B . Cltli.V'U, Tuesdll f of l ast week. Mra M,., y Mannon Rpent Wlldnes · dBJ' aftHon on o t I.... ' wnf,\r wIth Mrs. St'lbin M',oDuDlIld. of I'J IU Ve1 8. \ burg. Mrs. Mllrtho OILVl8 and Mrs. C. Oetltbrt tl(l! aHandA d tbe W C. 'to U. oonve~'tlon lit Mldn 6 ~lI1e. 1U8t weAk . W : T . •Iordl\n and wife Wl'r R 0111\ .: In g on their mot.her . · lrhl! ::I8rnb , Mich . o f I:Inrvey~burg. -IondllY afte r ; I noon. !
Mr. 6n(1 Mt~. AI "~ Loddin gt.o n entert... IJ"'" lit ~nndllY c\'D1H'r. Mr. B"(I Mr~ . Luwry And 8on8 . •l obn !lnd Todd . M... I\oe! Mr ... Bolllog .hood and obill:lre n . Mr~. Leo" Rllrttloo k and clfmght er, HeleD, 81ltJnt Thursd ay of 18~t week I' with Mr. and Mrs. Hntlan HaTvey , of ntlal' U t\OIl. . Mr8. Audrey Borrfl~, of DlIy~n, spont Bt'l\'Rrnl dllYs I w flA k with . lI pr p 'H ents. Mr. alld Mr", John Thorn,)Jllon. Mrs 1'howp so n aoonw panlod he r bome, S8.tnrdll Y , Mrs, 'Borila Jordan waR coiling on her dllu g b tor. Mrs . Vl o hl 88rt800 1•• Thursdl .y a ft erll oo n. . Mr. " Ind Mrs. OdD. ~lI\s lue the proud p08seS8,1r!l of 1\ n e w OaJilan d
M. -N.
TH r RI: '\1. ESTATf. ...,,\N
Sprfn g
Valle y, Ohio .6L
w. E.
I.' " ", rd, lIl1 I I, . •1 :'1.1"""
Harve ysbur g. Ohio
. Phillie J·I-II.·25
U\!wrf'C Pho nt' ChnrRc ,
I "al EIltate 'l'ronfCrB
11.t.:_ .
t· "'''1! V
n'I" !JC\r ,J
in A\rl d
I"p (w
f ttfl ll l' r •. 111 1 MtlA
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Wnyn e,wllh.-,
f l~ t U lf' f· .
.r.n \lil'!" ~: I~to ~l .
It i, {lTd to Ch" nll ntl'l' .1 (l'lft>. IIf III lu t " 'II. 3i;' lin d "It ' ' L "~ln n ~ } tl, i 1 "p H· II"" ... ,· 1•• , r ll , \I(>1I I " J."rl C' Lop
Mrs . Besbie t:l&l'Rwn, of Columb us. lind II!IIBS Lura IrODR, o f LebaDo n. Splln' severnl daY8 1118' weell wi Ib 'heir IIIl1ter. Mre. Orlioe Riob . lind faml1y', Mr~. K .. thrlne Jo:rd .. n speDt Thuro. dll Y Bf&erno on of IOlit weok wltb ber oblldre n. W. T. Jordan and wife . Mr. and Mrs, Alau H a rt80ol. were oallln g: on Mr. 'Iod Mr~ Orr. of n ellr Clarhv iJ le. l:)und!lY af te rnoon . &I r~. Edl~b \)" vis uo d sonl!, Robert And R "gerMr, . ~pent witb her I!!I_ _ _ _ _ p :lreoh, and MODli8Y .srs. Ueo. BogaD.
' \ II .
fwin . "t . ,I nhn
Houstonia Aids ~~atu rB 's OIling of AchB~ Joints
Mr . alld Mr•• Frank ~udduok aDd Mr. aDd MJ'tI. Obae Rutlduo k eD&er. ..lned· a' dinn.r, Ruuday . Mr. aDd M,e. CblUl. Tuoker and family, of. Haney .burg . , Mre. Mary Cornell and tbree' oblldrtl l, of Oay'on , are vl.\~ing ber pareu"" Mr. and Mrll. ,'oseph 1'.ler, $blB week. Mr . and Mr • •. Jamell. Mullin and daught er and Mr. Abner Mnllan 8t$ende d the Lebano n fair, Tbnn. day. Mill8 Ulady. ',ler has oomm.D oed Ethel Thomsl l weTe in W~yne8v1lle tellohlu g sobool d Ulear Creek . on bUlloe... Monda" mornin g . Mr . Lester Kenriok ie leUID, Ralu would be 'Yery moab appre. re.d,. to put In a lIew furnaOl l. ciated in tblli oommu nity, as I' '18 Uorn .. nd &obsooo are being ant tn ver, ·d ry. $ble oomma ntcy. Sunda,. 8ohool wall well aU.ode d last t!unday . Optl",la tlc Thought . Mr. Rober$ Haines, Mr. Harold To enllgbte n hili Rul'J l'ct H Is the trae Flier. were $he guel'" ot Mr. J08Ilph pro"llI~e ot Q ruler. Flier and f80,1I1. Saturda y and • - +- - - -
aurteJa P. , "'.
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A (ill ......·.treet lor drh111& .., 'W('llr thi s r ail. The ..eil _ .,. "
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When JOlll18 twll1(Jo Clnd p a in 1t'a au r o tha t . roduco unnhle to k CIll' the bott)·
~. 1"1 .
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D " . I. II, . f1 AT n A W A"
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\ Ill t!l lell il tl Etlrl ~ h l l1", p ,!J t III ~,.('rin l1 :!.:.I T" J , E, R , r, f 'lt"lr" l'ee '{' 'f 'i\' p . , f.l.
Wily ileA ,1I1e'8 Leadlnp OfInU.t In U u'nR~ n1rt,r . MIlln H,
CIffi (Jl'
.--- - -~----------
ot ic e
, l
Havin g secure d the services of two good men, I ' want to tell the public that I am-aGW better prepar ed than eve r to do work of all kinds in the
CARPENTER AND REPAIR LINE Comc and see me, and get an estima te on your work. I am positiv e I can save you a lot of money.
l1ffice ut Annie Haines' residenc e
_ _.rI!'___ ___ ___ ___ __II!I'I___ ___ ___
___ ___ __
01110 ..
If you have read the new act , passed by the Gener al Assembly of the S tate of Ohio. which r~ads, in patt, as follows: Sectio n 556-!. ' Tor the purpose of enabli ng the count y audito r to determ ine t he value and locatio n of buildin gs and other improv CllIell ts, who shall erect or COllstmct a ny buildin g or other impro vemen t costin g over $200, . shall within sixty days .after said buildin g or other improvem ent shall have commenced, notify the audito r of the county . . . Upon failure to give notice as herein provided and the discovery of such buildin g 'or im· provem ent by the county audito r after the same has 'beel) erec ted or constr ucted, the said buildin g or impro vemen t shall bc apprai sed by th~ county audito r at its true v,altie in mon ey, and placed . upon the duplic ate togeth er with a tax penrtlt yof fifty per cent for each of the years from She,da te '. of tile erectio n or constr uction to the date of discovery. Said county audito r may enter , b y himself, or depu~ y'" within reason able hours. and fully exami ne all bu11dings and slruct ures of· every kind
Not ice- Con sult Mad den, who will save you a lot on I your lumb er bill, ther efor e will save · you a 'lot on you r tax
n llnf '
t..., __
' ", " . '
- ...
War au",p e.l. In Ohio Continu e. to A~onl.h Reat of atat... OI1iullh ul. O. - (SpeCial.) - Wben NatiOilAl DIrector of 8a"lil... II ather T • .Ltwl...... In'ormlld b, Btate 01, rec:tot .r Sann•• K.. P. Waite that til. ",r capita ..le at War Stampi 10 Mr BoUon 18 Improv Ing 'heir Jt(~. . ."nt" 0 .. WRB 166. Mr. lAwl. beautif ul b\1we w"h frebb paInt. tI.clared tile record marvelo \l.. Uck. Mr. Pfllul Brow. II the p.llller . iaa COllllt,. durll,. the ' last two )'eari M,r, AI Cornell reOllYe d word , Iaa4 & per capIte, ..Ie of IAba.non . 8alurda " mornin g. of the 4l'a'h of WarNII ~1IBL7. II ••• per capita .. Ie hili fatber, who relldee Dear Lv tIe. Lady Cunon. formerly MI'IL Mr. 'Cornel l bas beeD In failing Allred known aa 0118 QJ IlW oUler eGunUe • • whll. 1I0t tlo- heaUh for ISYera' month • . tb. beautUu ) women 0' IrelaDd: , Uta .. "ell •• tlaa' allan tbJ'ee. ban Mfa. Chll8. Rudduc k aad Mre. \ .. Ie to viall ber old bome fa A;;;l IIt!iID .JlDattna .nl.ble record. In lila. IeII :80011. ~ al. III War Stamp. tllia year: II.U of 0\110 lIav. 11014 more than of War ' fltamp. thl. Y"I'. o.lo ....tle. cODte.U nc tor • Vloorl&l .lIart 80ld 1'.OOO,OOt. war &tamp. durlotl June, July aDd • A....t. Ollfo IIIIJu led the Dalla'll ID tlla .... Of War Stampe durin,, ' AU' INIIL .
h\·(ln rillill 1
' h"
L, ,
"1.·".,' . .
\\'111\\'11""1 , \"1 \\'1I 'lhhW"
mtl'i(\1111\ , "":-;4'1"l h ('", tIll' \ ' ad l J;"; j'l, • . : .. '" ' I t " IH I\ I ' t III! ': \ ' 1 ',"tillr " ·I~, ·llItq l ll II H'III I "' ... !I )'i" q"
i .l rr'
(Delaye d.)
noar Tyler Telopho np 93
r Job Pri n ti n
"'t,1 11 ! ('IUIIIII,' "
to buy a brm ,
Dr. J. A, McCoy,
Iof " .'1, :--,
' ' 1De
.- .
If yuu are wanting,
ReiIl ~·~" CollUlllttet. Prln_ . .t.ollle Albert Radalwf l). wbo ..... M ... Doroth, Deacon of BOitoo. . . . 'oreed to nee from the hl..torI,. .... '''~" ,.~ nt NII" ",leM)' In "nll.nel durin..: the war 8he ""t'" r,. ' 1 . \1\1 "vi' . d,
II.., ',
High Prle....
Coillm bu s.
nu t to=; lIt\ luolt .'II ' tln"'t ' ''l t"lId J,' ln" .l u d nnni I,,;ntlllr .t· , ... liU l'I'lct1 l ~ 11·1111 \' \\ 1111'1, .I 'l[IIIW(1 to h,~r t' pp r( '\' IJlI, . fl' t'l nll 11 n'!,I ! " I! I n LIU ' Itll o f M io l\t lt~1 H HIn ·!t. ... .111 :-:H.\' th ut rln d 'lt' Ht n ",u1"I1 "11 dp(~I' flt1tld. lqr~ t nO ClH 111r ~N Iljill ro v c (] rlHrty li t fhl' tll1d It '~ Itllif I1ft. l r I'o ll r 111 nil' o~t'Ht{' el f \ Vltl . H I:lunt. or II O\\' , I t'R \1(' )".\' lUrt \I·. ·..; IIIIL! 0 1111:--, '" .. . , dt'II(JU~fld FIr,;,· u, u~l liu lli ttO(: 0 0U&1 .. .' 0\1 tnlk , h\lt r ca n ' t .. lil Y In It to ll 't1" ttJI)Jro\'p tl Veter lnarv "Olt, yon \'Ion't 1,11\',· III." 11 1'1." kl), li n· In I h, ' ". Ial .. of L) l1 r'lth y M "rntl' lII s." RIVel'orl J·lIn)'. "I'll just ~" nl",,;! with ::\tr,dov, ,'I. .. l.lUluor l', ~" rs l. Hut] n nnl Oradua te of Oblo Stat. tJnlwrl l' , The Girl rlll.",1 h(',· rl!lhl hun" 10 ~· OU. \'(111 sc ... I'm ",,11I1l III nl"Il), < l'" Willa ,in l' '·l1r r octl o n . Is npprovo d . I... r d'c"k 1t",1 ,1t'lIhvruh.I ~· pinched It nlon, with ),011 . rlll'IIilflh 111'<'. '1'10,· J .... I,' Hi g no :v . 11 8 g 'lllrdlun . \'~ ~" h Itrd U" II tI ,,· r,·,l lI ulI·k. RlIlln In~ flnvorly tm (1ttlon .. , ~'1I11 1( 1111 \\' . 11 1 H Jlys ()F~'IC~~ : Il n rn r lll' 0 U t' hl1lm or I:lhll r wonll II,,, fnlr . kln . "'''" 1'1 "lhll" tn Ih., y,mng ,'onH1 !I·,It · ... fou rth Street,
secretar y of Treasur y GI.a u Soy. W a r Sta mp . Are 81 Neceaaa ry Now .a Durlng t he W a~WI Ii Help L.ower
l.I'Y of 'l'rcu811r)' (1J" s~ hilS lI otll 0,1
h t
i,Q rn ar an Jann ey
" 11.
I" , kn ,'\\' ho IIke,l II", hilI 1i",1 II'II11t rll~ ha t whI H[,C" .1 IIr li s 0\\, 1\1 ' 1'. I t I,' M ,·ct·)· HI III . IIIII! WI' II · SIIIl l'''' I hen,1 lIt \\'hlo-II I,,· "PlIloi !WI I" " " gIt IllPRI'. I·;, hl" l\ll) II ~ tlwlIl'r h,n lll'l mllll O(' I'IlS" Ih(' II1ln t'~ ' AP\l rO'SIl 1tlenl. l~ II lIpr OV(>. I 1'''" 111. ;JUBt hlklnl! Ihlll ~. h.,· II n<1 I'''·go. nOI Ie,'1l hl ~ 1I1'\I '·' " II· h . uud ~ nltnll"n I.. r cqllirNI t" glvA \\. 1111 Itl It Ioe Qlllrkl~' hi' crns .. ·,1 I1nrl M I 1l1J"'n I ~ whnt. th lnl' )'0'" w,"',· l' lh' ~ '~ ('111",,','"7 EI,\,llIhlIlU ll li lUd DO s~ llIl fl t., Io!IIIt1 thtl l rt. '11' Utl lll'lll'l l ? Rl r\(' IlI'r. 1I1l11lly Ill' (1l rl th O [1reho "·,,n,I'·n·i\. ~ III\I"IU ("'~ IhinK of grnsl'ln" . 'IUllel !:Iurely Il ",,,,,1,.1 I", II" I ... :""" " It ~'·lItl y . Ih f' hnllll ff·. pnn. II,llI tnr Ih p Marriag e L1r.eR8<'8 OU 6 ",~ a hl~ hml"". Ilt nil '·'·,·III S. I ' ll ' ,. hl.,"ll.h. "Why ollol )'"" fl" Ihnl ?" he , :l.1.I11 W Brow n . flinn e r, nnd EIRlo b E. ( ~u tll plllJlI, \)" I!l of \ '1Iy n(,~v ll1 ll. fL'( lT '.!P ~I1J I r, t flo ll1Hl K(\T, 0 I Find Indi an • Stone Cella. F" ~ II"~ , tlnu MIH Goll .. Sultlo,· . " f In Ittl Itrltd. · ,," II HHIIIl .. ttll\( ' l'f" 1t~ \ln ll " ~·I II". ~ In th" ""t~' ''' I.:; !n \ rrlwfl ll1 c ' ... . ('h ttl'I('\ .. R.Il'h I •. rr-.•w r , r.Lllroud IIgon t,. ,. ro, TIrown. dl it f flf ttw fotrut l' h \ :-:t llrl f' u1 \\'II'· IIl~ . 'II, nllli MIR~ J en nln Bf
. rllir 1,111;-. I" r,·vo'r. I wn s hllrll III whu l lH" .:icll t. ' IM" r Ohlll' nn.l flU thr '-H IlW 41 11 )" 1Il~' S" 1II(Ol'I'l l)l<s MItO ~''<l tllC''. "') \O ... r]' .,·ollnll lII"lt" r ,1I1,(\. 1'11,· 11",,1 1I1·.. k I .1111. rJ,"t . llIl<ltlll.)' II !,lIl1le f IIr '"Y ,1,"1 \(\I .k " " . lI\\'rly ", ,,I 1" '0 " ",' " ,' ,\I "li, I '. M,· .lrtl ,ur 's 1·:11" " ~". 811111111 1'\111)1. 11e 10011 a l,urrlNI ~I"[' ." ,·n til(' !'IIII'" till 1\,,,, . \'oor !l1I,1! Anlinr 11""rI·" l(rll n" "l . 1 f t> l' \\'Ut'd, 1\lld AlIdn Olll ' IlL'( \ hl'r PY""':. Ir.· n\ " ' I' 1' (,1' I!lel lH'!l r ttl C~ IIIU(.· hurn . 'I'h '\ t-\fill,' l t O h ll1, t'X r ul, I h , 1ro , '1' h.·), luukeol. IIr~ l. ~trnlgltl IIlOO "1\111 1'11\ 111" '1' " ' I" .', 11",1 jll "1 111 Gl,rL II " ,. T ht! Il.,'. fll 01 I ',11' ,I, \, III1Y' ~, li nd th.1I (\u1.,.rtly uh ,11I 1 tl w li mo I', IIlId )" " h" I'I' . ~" 01.1. dl"tIllllllh',1 r"I,'II'. "S WII" Ihlll k. I. fllll l\l.·.1 t" r th ,· r''''I'I\, IIt" lrutl l ll "" (; ' ""''' I .. ~!I \) 11" 0 1 Wiln ·" l '. lIl .l r· th ,H'. I.. ·, '. Dbl ... '1'1". '1'1' 11 ,1'"1' 1\1 .. r I, ,.,,1 ln~ or th' 1'0(11'14' who hn'·t' Il vt'd lI ut t il.· !I HI P': \' III HJ'ti fI I' II IH t lI\" el IIIIIIplly I' IHlft"'ll'l t ( 'I ,.~:-.:''<6 1 I I r l l .:'I '('Ut1I h: /· 11 • untl , lI l'l! I..... c; II n,1 of thc nrhl'!>- "ver .. l't" I'. \\'h llt III )'I '" ~IIY?" ,'1 ,'.11 ))\11' '''' '''1. wl1? 1 IIII1 ~ t 1"1\'.' fnll " n 1I ~l\'e JlI AII,·I.. :':tI"" II ,,· I "It',11 1'''''c''l y )11'1 ''' Oll~'-'' " no 111 ,111111'. ,,10, 1\· · . II"" ' 10",·" \\.,,~ 1111' 1 "Y e~," I nt'l'r rupl('j \ ("\\'l'I'I)" "1 fl)l1I1C' 1!lllltl' oiol l , l i lli, l'ruhlll6 Court I'roceedi ngR '.t :111 \' ·, t SlI J,.:gP";'itll} ~·, .nr hut ,III II", gr,,"". An,1 I \\"I," " t tI ,,· _1" ,01"" ,r' .' 11<",II.· li t Ill,,· " 01 ,· . 1 I II II .. · "~I,'t " (II .1 ('~lI llh ,\' ", :,. 111 thlnll: lu", Of Iwl.h' 8, lll(t. nl' ltlt '~-lIlIl1 tIt'r f,r 114 '1 '1' .11
-1 .
" m," fi t ..,;lI r ••.•,.,.• Dlc'.lr,··"·. 'I"". " lit' .1.,,'1 J ~ •
hl;.. ,,'n,hl'\' , \\ I\ t'll' hli ll ," 1111 6 trom h~H1 1' llh lL: ~d"' 1 1 \\111, ,1:111'", sl st c: r thl :J 1'410111. Yo u ,",cc"- ['lI uy \\' ( ' lIt ( Ill II little, pf'l"hnps. . for tl \' "~ 'nll ,.' n Ih l j'II:1'h )II 'I' \ )11\1 h:td I llkt' Il 1'1\('0 l IiH'~\ g! \.tll1l{ l ilt' ~tt'.l of A llo wL~rtul ,'UT WUIl rmsst nl Qvt'r- b Ot'n II surt II! 1I 1,.. III! r.- ... Ittlll":: r nH W th\- U1ilPI1Y hltt HI) t'hll'- ~." til Sill nk o r , rnlhl"r, thrnu/o!h - the ahonc1olh f ct In thoso d n,:t ""( ll,,'d ~"\ '. \~"\lltI l'I1I1Y, " ,1",1'('1 iN'" n trllillthm hi t)1(' ('l\\'('rl" l h OrOlllothfllt'(l, A fllll1rrt."' r ot n mile l'I,.;ht 11 \\'11.\ ; fr \\II S lill port .t' lt h o f nm ll: y tl1I\ 1 Ihl ' t\ll" '~ l ~ Illl n 1w1\y':i 1'rnl11 tllP tIOll l'l t· It J.!n \'~ tip the lllU.J,'r- t\h ,lUld kil O\\, . )!,' Iho \1 :,:lIt II II k<'ll th u 1I1t.!t't hl ~ "rllh.' fnr th t' flrs t tlfllf' In 'I"ulll), In Ihe Cllrly nttcl'III,,'n IIlr ot tokillj! Hilt! till' lIrh'l'r plc\(Ct1 hIe WilY .. lOft I.... Owll hair " ,,01 It "" 1'1111,,1)" WO>l Ihl s "ollm. It Itl'l ll tl'ue til' Iltl·." IIl·n· • mIdsumm er tillY Ihnt Is ,1I111"IIIL to "11 Ih,· 111'"' Il k " Oil un rlltUtlhtr wllh u well·molleh·" f,''''''''''" \. 1"11
reRlet ",h ~1I Oil" 19 nlo'"' n,"1 fnlr], , " I ~ ~ill·,·"u"tl l n J:s ,!'I't 1I 0t unllrllpn rcd !tree!':!!. CRress OltO's CYI'S. AII I'l,\ fllelll't to,' Ih~1I1. try ,'('r)' hllrd. fllllning Iho \<\\'01 plntenu whero nn rr.... enlly sh wos t hlnl;!n )! In n (,1m· un'IIIHtl'U"U'(\ vlpw ot the old mon,lon 111"00. hult·con sclous ''\'Ily at ,III' I h ln~" coulll I", IIn,1 the young thnt mUMt hn"e h8(lJlonert In Ihls 0111 nile! ",1111 tllhl l'c! I\rms mon plll'8rd. sl ood del'll Itl bnu8e. ftbnnda ncd now. @ho hud heen tll o ROI'rol nlu l , l ul~lelI . Through w14& tnl,1. tllr twenty·l h·e )·enrs. '1'hl" old ~et. hUIt1(lro1t ~ ro:;rny eyo8 h o Ill(lk In Ihe front chnmh r-how mnny 11\'''8 hntl It Beel\(' IlI'fllre hlll1. "('oor Dnd I" hll \\'oICl1mp(1 Inl n the worhl: 1I0 w ,.rtlOD.V ~ h(h f'" II I 111 ~1 . 110,1 11111"0 hi" \\,IIY to.~
In thu t rl'I'lr('(1 Il/lw.'r.~ ",1111 (\1 ~" l'p"llItlnl! reo tront chlilube r wll 're ho wus bom ulICI ~1I11" - H"'1 n,·\\' II 11'11 y, tt1 U':u117.11111. nil ~' here--b llt M UIlH'batly \VUS BlttllllC nllll r (\IIl1hl. on Ihelr [1urtlculllr ,·c,·slon ot ono ot thottl . .lllst II I:l hllP~1I uf Ihul th,' nnhna'lHI11 , "All IS f\ltt gOll t ," et(', brown hair ll lli l 11 tJruad tUl'~hcnl1, t h ut AI",ln slf' I'1 nn. W·R" 1111; bllt It WIIS rulh er lunlullzl ng Sf"""'\'1,,·,·.. In the directi on or tho to Pliny- tor the rco so n, " erl' r,",.:11 ,'' 11,1 trom whIch brnnrhM l Gould It he t he "Irl or Ih ' tl( 'I'PY th~ grll'ul;Y hllh' 1\ new lound orl ginn t- h u . ~1ttln Jl np th, 'r,· ~". It \l'Ii A nil ulll'lI. ItlcchftulclIl ~ounll. tront l'IulI lIl,,·.. \\h .. ,·,· Itl,I" "thnt hi fooilll l'te hUil 1II'Ilt It tile s it "· l'l.'l' h tHI aWnktm NI Rho wHltld h lt \~' Itl\.'lItll1", d h uod woni l e rcd
I, .
dupl icate .
It pays to trad e at hom e.
w. R~ Ma d.•len
& CO., ' WayneaviIJe,.
I"'~___ ___ ___ -------------------~ OH GeE, MOrtiE R . MCCAR1'H'($ ARE
~et1J1'\' foIEIAI
MLUl I GA15K'ft'jK, WA '''NESV 'U.LE. OHIO. ~~~------~----------------------~--------------~THB ~j----------~!~--~--~~--~----~.----....TH E
~rll iirurt nt 1,,11
P ',"'1(,111 td': lil \\ :q u" ,,\I1It"
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ht- .. 1" 1 I.U
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HARVEYSBURG Mr~~::-;ferd
lilOllfJ ,J Ot/OA, of Dllyton , "pe nL Mr. add 'And son, Smlll 'l,\' WII b h om e fol k • . .Ioh ll , were Hundav I{uests of rola HeYllml fr. on! h ere wa re lit Mrs . I V Il ~ a t "ulna. Mra 8yfe rd 'a n O r~ <l RO~ lJr ' ~ 8010 , /S"ttl rtlllY aileI'. m otber IlCOCltop ll ofod tilt m. home, Su bse.rioii oll P ri cl'. $I ,r.u ,.wr s ·a r 1111011. .. Mr. and M T~ Willard M~rUn, =============-"-~-.= . Mrs Ellz·. b l,h Ii: utlcs I. enter. DIt.,ytuo .wor og u6IIts of·Mrs. Martloof -'-'l! t .. 1 11\ 11' Ioer hllJl iJer. Mr .•1. Bea lh, !!Is t tl r , II1 r . 'y fe r d , flundl1Y evenIng WED NESDA Y , ~Ej>l' EM BU{ ~ i, 19 1t' , \ . f C;"II " rill£! . We bAd Il good rllin,Su odal', wblrb Mr Rllyu/o ud Btl r ts Ol, k I~ t eM' h . pu L Mr . Life lu os . lind grOlltly In K ,,~ 111 ~ .I:lu 1;0)' 0 ., )IOU!. IU"IJlrOll tbe wri te r. - - A';I~;I;' Catarr h a l D eafness ,Canno t · Ilt, M rM Leu M" ~oll tlUll H(ou .. of Ma bQD, O n' ,.'ur,lay , SEllltem her 27, ~bo'e ,,7,;y nro Rn Ill P folkR ~o ~el In theIr C'.lfcti. MJlHnl t'ul.ur llr,.1 w, lh Mr olHI Mr s will b. t\ ha lli e oomln g tbe 8(lI(Il er s I WII)''' ? 'l'ht)rf" " nltl 0llpnrl ltnlly. fur I h~ IClcU I 1I!>I,lIc" tl,.nH. U8 they cn nn,,1 'h nll" ... · 'l or k. W ill I fill ed IHlS k !1 t ~1 of 1<'(11).1 things to 1I)S;hUI CC. Fnr cnuntl('H ."I conturt(\R ~ hQ roac h tho d t !'tc n ~c u " ,-I rt l o n of th u cu.r \I I' nliOi Ir>l. '1111 "0 1) Brn wn h 'lVO ell I. urO) ~·" (JuD~tol. C,)lIle Ilnd help Mtl hf'en knockIn g n t pt'opJC" F! tl OOrA IT1 IC I'C hi on ly j 'I\" wny ,. t o. r o r H· \o:U II" Ir, Dll y t.OIl III ~ II !l nd t ll A , t u r-r lud \ ) l' ll r " C S N, n n " lhn t I tt Lcu Wlnl! r . IlIllktl I h l ~ II d'IY o r j u.v tha.t m llY )' u. C O 'I "loy ~o('lm't 1100 ol.l · rll ~hl nnl'd Ihlfl~• "IIlllll ol IIII I 1', ' 11 ,,' >1)'. . " III .... lo u I 10 1l t,; ho r nJ n ~ m I)Ar·/Jd . d lOr 11110 tho bcll. . como fit'ound tn tile bnf'k IH-oN~ Mr . allll , \ 11'" P" tn r B u il t .. IInLi II:!o ' I'n.u ,;cc! b y rw I nr llu rlOll condlttll , .. I ~ , 1" lll e~ W . Hol.Jerts on j olin <If ou r .. til . l.:... W ur I1r e Ul fJ l'l n tT11U' m n OUR u nt \ linin V I St g o or r ~, h O J ': U~ t H ' u n"nor (l~ C 80 lWe .. on tbe wlnrtOlvY . 1'1, 1." , Tu ho. Wh"n lhl . ltulJO I" In . 1.111 .1' . o ltl~ ... n", bu t· fur 1'011"1 m on Lhl'llooa ted ------. --- t l n fl ! d >""U ' lfL VC IL r u m hll ng HOUW,) h IlPC J' (tH:t Ilcnrln g , u n d w h e n It I:i e 0ll 1 M r II ud M rl!. G. H " " lII b wt'r e 10 '1llflluoo ti, is' Ul tlkiug bls hom o II tlr " ) ~' d Of&c(' , d f1 n(n ' NH JH th e r osult Hu n tl , 1-( 0 " ' 1... of Mr ~ . F.. Ii. H.'ln . ~1 8 1'. U nl ' s!t th e In rlnrnm on cn ll lJ rc T hfl demand for b omes lu our rl' Il' h IlIl d <h lhlreo In lJlly t.o n. cl \II' ,' d uno ltd ;.! tull o r IJ::. t u r c d to I t I rlo rl l"") c ornl lt l o ll, h ,,,rin g wlll b o d C:-I .\l l~ . ' 1IIr ), C II"/1I 0 1lY I,o" k dlnn Elr , to wn 18 so looroall e d tba' It will be J t ro YlHt rO I'o \''' r. Mu n y c a e a ot (l OI"rU t' N 8 n ntl tlY , wllh Mr. unel Mr~ Uoo naOf>MS"ry to hui ld Re .. eral OAW ooes U I'C cu u ~c d 1) " Cl\ta r rh whi c h 10 an In BOI Rirtden . I tl nmllwr1 co n<lhl u n o r 'th o rnU cn1.l8 Hur ' Wh "lIto" IIII d WiJlIH'" Wh(lnto n , of 10 tbe very near fu t llre eatCher or Ihe I (U('(HI 1,I HIl'H Cu t ar rh M edl c l no (l ' t ., Y Mr. and Mrs. Chall. Smllllev , resl I IHl lr ~O Ht n 'ol. I l uli th o hl lJod ut th e mU CO UH Hur rn t'p': ebamplo n (;1 n· M , ~ W ill . (; ox Iw_ n' t lol'cm C'j l1tte (\I'nl ~ nr onr town tor II few rnonth~ , clnnall R e <I 8 . I, fl f O w It '·~ I f' lI l. ll J.:h'o On Jl u ndred Doll nr ', ('6 1) ..... lI d ' Il r I'<O UIf] movod to Xanlll, lAst weA k plnyed a lucky 1 r o r' VollU w't fin ... , nnu I~ n n w y C(l :l (' o r Cu t nrr h u l O r u t''' 'H bun 0 b I.v.~t Mr . Ilnd Mra MtLrlon Gordon lir e t lint cHlln o t h u Cl l1' (' fl by 1I1l11' s r., {I! \ ' 11l1! II ( r hn h il UIlt o t Mr. IIn t1 M r ~ I'" . t nr d l T\ll·d ldn o. IIprlog. He blld 'II' ' u l n r 8 ( r oc, lI('ollfl yina th e r f'RlIl(lDOe ownotl by A 1I C; I \I d... '" X l )rl uc ~ I N l :-1 , 7[.e:. Inlende d Quil1'. J . ,·111'; :-: 1>; \' & A, oI ,,'rl. o Lnov 1>0,1 IUIOIly "l id Itol1. W .. lte , (jrll y . 0 .. '1'olollo. OhI o ting biulebO II Ags I" K. E. Th ompson OODl es to HIl II I1 n'·I'ol.l. n'l "t r ell t " P iqllil . !:i nn. tor kee&lll Bud (I llY , II n (l dpflnl, .1·l;e tl u.v w tl,b th o fr o nt· In tb e s ale of /j ellrbt, wee k~ putting III on biB Ume ' 00 hl8 r l ~ l ll tiV Oli old "I ~~ of th e large I'o lu nd Chi na :a ; fruit rarm near ,\ Ir 1111(\ Mrs . W"lte r Kenri ok ty pe 111 tht! ve ry T'1EI8onn hle IHioe of Bedrord . IIId., . ~IiO . O(l Mr Th ompson 'lI ability IIH Hpell l, BU ll d"y In Nu rw olod ", lib Mr. : theD tbe Olauta u j n dge of hogs Is being lIo n g b t !lull M rH J'lOoh G il ho lm"n. That's the real idea back of the · .olel him to aHol' lJv bl ~ noighbo rll, and I, h [\~ e ClnclDnaU allol MI ~ s Hu t. h Coon lotI. 11l9t wlJek, t o wh succes () II VQ s of Lucky Strike cigare ttes. ILt . .. diHt,llno o. I£ve r vo n" bo thought It Mrs Eoe " I'" P"n n HYi t rf'celv pcl t8k e Ill' hAr "Oh ou l wurk Ilt W ~ ugflr. wb n Wil li 10rtnn'I te Hnongb \ 0 ' .&1 10 C1080 In 'm\,o Toast lAwn ing impro ves t obacc o just as well wo r,l nf til" l1.l" nr hor >{ r/lnd. th ,, ~ plirtl oollU brend of 110Ks Is find home bO'a pIny f"II,, 'r, ,\II"" I' :" rtI ' II, IIf 1I 0"r l.ylle. 'rho tbr e,ltooln t; rulu. S"turdll Y InR roady Hil le .t a very '''ir na olle more year . bread . And that' 8 a lot. prim. He'. clad now lioll G~I I . 'I'h", II" /l u,1 wire IIliv a evening , ke pt 80 m A fr om tbe I>oolal , 11 y ou w/ml 80rne A"8Y m o ney , I;ll t '.0" all onrl)l yet" good on. wrt Wfl R 1,lwr", find 'b e In t.onoh wit.b Mr . Tbomps on gO tHI In \\' 1I~ I ' lr ".: t ' ll>, D. U for n Try a Lucky Strike cigare tterro.t killed .. s'll !1 of H OVtlH . 00 rp et /Lod loe orBII1I 1 whtl ., !:iherllf Wn gl{on er was In OUT town 17000 p e 0 Cl b .. IUIIUlll" ,1 In tilt 00. o n Tu o ~dll.Y looking Ilfter dOl( tuxes . .h'ho Torn " r II lHI w jf' I 'ir " \, I-I lln g crop aua BIU'B MrH. 'h os. U Dill ii-I! fo r Ittl t 111111 the owner or b '~rbo rer pays lb,' th eir H,H), ,I il m e~. M. ud ' IOII' lly, .. I' baaosbaJ1 BBlnry how e III XonllL . Il ft er ~ 1 )(l 1 "1I 11 l! th" freiaht. 'l'hore were !joverRI fouud aDd world 'Il 80t:! llr1ugli p, lrt , ror '. tll W rirl)' ". rIel! alice ",III Mr, 111111 Mr~ . J "h ll W ~lIvl\r vl:,1Iorl pORt week wltb Mr. u nd ~I r" . J, B. hying 1.0 ~muggle tbtelr dog8 lbrou~h make up for II.. wlthon t '}f\yln~, oonsequ ently t,boy t ('l .. llv ~ R In lJ" 11I1J1I 111~ . I II~t f' ll f"I ,,,' J U II Il Il. lid rs. Mahlon G a ult ,lr t unci lid r~. pllid \6elr tax anrl II penalty It. Mr Ulld Mr ~ !.II Vor n" B oo n , 11111 , oomes billb hut they bllve to hllve It· f 1I'l fot o b e r , Ohln, vi Mlt uol ,\II' '' . JII". Ir Vin Bllrdmn n /l n d lI" n, Nnvln,w ero In their bn8lne"R . pe r B.urr Y" 11i "0,1 ftlll/ l iv. I"~f ~ nl!"tl! 01 Ihe fo rruur's br o tb ~\ r BOIl WI fe, Mr, find Mrs . Noah J~e \t)\ . III Onr town lind vlolnay b~lng Qult,e Wa lnnt Hill!', Ulnoinn .. tl, ~l1turday 11 s oolety oentor , it III hard to gl ve all 'Uld .. Iri l ."" , lind Bu ncl " y. tb e aUentlo n through tho oolumn s 1,11 (' '11 '11 t1 d " M r .:;. t: 1\ . l) u\" 1j Mr , nno Mr • . .. 1:1 , H ~ l ues, Mrs. of th e paJlor desired hy somo of the I IJr , III t In . 1. \', .~ ,'I f J. Ii J " u H, Mu Clure l' e HmUh , e n' e rtl\l ne r ~ . Aoy omissio n is not 80 do mice , once Ih"y oat It AT SNAP .'" 1'1". II , '" . . ''' '' ' , , And they 1t'lIvl;! rl u udo r bl;!h ind . !lon ' l Mrr:< Allon HUllth ...J, n ll' 8 Ba lo e~ . ou pur llose. l t ~.I· r, v ,,~, i ll u . !\II ~ \\ I I I fl l1 !nJ. ' , 'tilt! take our w.Hd fur it- Iry I.i PI1CkHj{" . IIf .", ,II. ~1r s Will er KOllrlOk utt o oel ed M r Ed CJur IIud tamjJy, of King. 01 ' ' 11 . \I h ., hetlll, I/!,< I I hll ~ oO)il~ It 10 .. t 'prlllll bllro on IDan , Mr. Bern Carr and famllY Clits amI ri"ICIl WOll'll Ollch it.. FOR SALF. - AUrrOMO BI LES Clas sifie d Ads Hnl " .v,.It, ,. 111"(' IJ I. ! t I" r rh,' W,'" , Mr W udnetld rl.Y. pass u p a ll fuod 10 geLat HAT JN AI' 'l'1l\ 'Y will h' "01' " h r ~' ''n '' I.IIII'j . and Mrs. W , L, Ban'ey Bnd Mr. and rhree !!izll!I: 2~c, fiOc ,' ! If Y(l llr d eul vi.. j,i n r /,t .. llv., Ihl 011(1 Th ose from I' d lstllooe who Il~ MrH. Robert Carr vleHod relative s in f)''''' llll~ For~ '1'our ln ~ Oil , Prtlliper has nono In st.lck , writ e You ellH I( I ndod 'be t llll61'bl or Mr. Alba rt Frankll D, Sunday . WANTIm- TO RElN!J.' pt c\ IV I't ll 1\ 11 u w ti rlls, Exterm innl ing Co , Weslfi eld . N . J. : MrH . Everlltt Halnell eot.erl,a lll ed - - -- - • - - (Jo rn ell , '"s l. WllO k, were : M1'8. Ben. Mrs. J. E ShulDA ker and 80D were $0 tlundav BII~ @J e r ehot"k Ilhllorbe ~, IlDd III in tllonar, her p!l r ont.s, MI'. flClO ' 'orn ell. Mr . Iin (1 Mrs. JaUles In Wilmin g'on, Satorda y afterno on, H. E. Earnhart and ; Read Whal U:5. (le pl. j\ ~~ i' lIll url.' R ondh'lIl'llllOltlll and Mrs. BooJam in Ullr ey , and fe w Vlioant Lot s f or Kurd an gOlill condi tion ; Ilrloe ;l "0 ' JollnW , ll Mr. ,m d M r~ . Je8~e ~tTll w n, ph ono HI.:!, Wu.y nesvilJe . Mr. Aaron Whet8e l, wife And son , brotber , Herbert , of n.e ar l:!lIm .. nlhll , j. E. Janney Says Abo ut ,\ hnt 2 ~ ltt ' .(. n n Do pn rpOS(lH next t:lp rln ~ . <:" ~n 'II. IJr tlln e\' , lr . /tnrt Mrl'. of Dunklrl r . Aleo, . 08 Iod., Rpent the Ohi weal!:. o. ~om fl gor>d A tabln Jlln n nrf'. I or In. Wilbu r "'ill llllIl'. I At " ' IITI \ IIH' til '''; ''''" H r fl ' ,J'''IT ti .1l r n~. Ir. ,'t,rI Mrs en .1 with th o Whet sel family. ~~~~~~~--~':""''"'''''''''!!''!!~~ _ t wu Cll ld 1111 ,11 '0(: .' " III1 U.lII\· l o r Ur Rn l 'oru ell , Mr. and Mrs An ~ bol Mrs Eva WlIrwlo k, o f Oll :V lon , for ll1l, tl n ~c,o lJ E Statllllf nrd ,. C'ORD A nt o. 11 wly IJainted auri Mrs Charity Harvey Bod grand. Mrs Wil Yll eH vlJ ll, Uhlo. r ovo rh fl. ol, It1 , good os no w. Gall (~n r [1() 11 lind dau gh ter. o f P iqua ; OJ t hn.~(l y PHr~ P ' '"l UI'n :J :, ~~ 7 (' ~) , .I S:' 111(\1 dau ghter are moving to Mrs. Oon. BogllnW . E . Bogl1n lIOe! M r ~. EVf\n I\t 6\1 s tlD ' ~ Li ver y l3a rn. I\1 r ~ . T r en'l 08 J a Ol n"OIl were vl,l ll ,d nil,. lind ~ o n, of ner '8 roo ms gooslA of Rnlelgh \., ~" u.... " I' ll F.I' Iii I' B o ~nn . • ~~ n "~' rfI l , ""n ' I, \\ II H .' r ;-1 :-i 1' \8 La ha n 'lll; Mr~ V IO I!l I:IBnollr ami Bnd wife, '1.' hursdoy . Mrs. Weltlon Mrs . Frank 80ngb and oblldre n WIlBOD called Ill. the afl ornoon . t h ", JoInr ..,tot (. , C !!~ !' 11 to t. ' III !'It UOIl \' t'fl .. MrA. In e ~ Wt\lium B. of l:Ion t ingl,Clo . FOR SA LE - l~AR M Funer al Direc tor were shoppin g tn Lebllno n, tlaturda y l'fO ll t. Po x 'OI'ml ll "l 'r N., n,, ~ in l! \\,l l b loct. i Mrs . lhlv1I1t1 t:!t IlOY , Mr, lind afterno Jobn Wilson and fllmll Y woro ou . and Emba lmer 10 l h l\ r 1 (\, : oJ~ llr y ~ Ul' ' 11 I !'I' '(l lI \II~ Mrs A. O. Willlam R, Mrs. WIll guest8 of I:!lIm·uel WilROIl una w ifo. 00 Anre Mrs M. 8 . Moo Douald eoterta lned Sunday Il.nd Heo • Itlfl VPI1 I " , "1I1,·ll. 1"lI ~n r U. u;s wo n t Stll OY Bod dau g hter, lrm8, o r Day . . H.. PlJun e .1·Hi 2 y' I,.e bllnoo. or \ Inul"" It "'" Ill lill,l l:" .. run tl", d l.Jy I.o n; Mr. anll Mrll. Sholby Cecil , of for Mrs. Rol Relslng'or, of Canada , Wayn esvill e. Ohio . Dll w8on; Min Or Rose aod fti mily, oJ' 00 IMt Wednes day . MISS Ethe l Curry "pent t.bA w oek . 411. 2 Wllynll \'1110. G . E Riley . 82,. i U'~ ' E·. r n h nl'l "n ,I.1 E ..lllnne y I: U ERA!.. I>IRECTOR 'Pro y; Joo MoCr... y and fllmlly, of Mrs . P . B. Cleaver .. nd, Mu. end with het pareniR , n ear Cb est r Vi'!I\!lLko neb; Mr. Bnd Mrs LHo n 8tatetl. enterta ined io a ve m l Nice Ji'11r 111 R, good 10oati oD . \ Mrs . MIlf'hB Jone8 find son. CRrl. ---u,,: I;-E~en . bonor of Mrs. Eltb!!r Auto or Horae drawn ~erv !c~ I ",\ rl'n l lon(pr," ~nld Wayn esvill e, Ohio 00 gond r o,"I,itrlll.. olt'8R hnl ldl Dg8. Unel l! F.hen; M6 11 s bnry, of U olou Village, and Mr . Clyde Cleaver , of ChlO8go, and Miss oslled on &'Irs. Em. Cre w, SnlldllV No extra charge tor auto arrvh'C' I"lil II "ntlstled to l1 IInc\ Mrs. Eugene I'eunew lt., of Bell. Gil bart, of ".over Tbere," !.ll r l(G {lOll 8\11ull ; prlcos rl ~ht Uu ll afterno on. . et nlon g without on hut uroo Both phonea In Offico and Reslden re 11' ''1'1; . He wnnl s !rosy t k. (In E . M Bun n ell, R . D G. ll ox fill, 3,Y.rn Wednes day. olks to Quit \ Mr. and ·Mrs. Reuben Peele. of No. 14 . l 'lo'lr Jobs 10 admire him." Mr. and Mrs. Tho@l. Wbetse l en. near Wilmin gton, and MIss E fllo N. of Hldge vlllf', Le hll non p tlto. M24 . Fully Equip ped for Ghod tertalne d in honor of .Mrs. Whetse l's Peole, of New York,8, Jlen\ ooe dBY Service. ' '! 't\1rs. Keach Tells How She Oat to siste r, Miss Gilbert , 00 Tbursd ay last week with Charll!Y 8nrner nnd Large Displa y Room . e~enlng . MONEY LOANED Know Rat-Snap." wife. Mr . and Mrs Fred Harlan enter. "Hllve alwllYS fe rats. La t el,!, Mr. lind Mrs. Raymon d Wil so n TELEPHONE 7., DAY OR ;NIGH1 o otloed many un m y fllrm . A neigh. tain ed , Wedoes dav evening , In lion. and Swo daul{bt ers spent !:lundll Y ON EY LOlln lld on live @took , hor eRid he jU8t gOl rid f drOv fls or 01 ~r lind Mrs . Clyde Cleaver , with Wllbor Smltb Rnd family . of lUl.l t. I~, 11180 seoood mortg" I!aij. wUh RAT BN AP. This starl e<l ma of Uh lollg o . . noa.r Eleazer . ' N o to~ buul!llt . Jolln Barbioe , All en thinkin g . Tried RAT SNAP lilY . Mr. aod Mra . Chllrllos Gordon eD. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dishro ~lD d ButlO ID!!, X e nia, Oblo. Il. U!O eolt. It. killed 17 and _cared the ter'"lne d, Tuesua y evening . In bonor dBught er, Dorothy . and Mrs g". r08~ ~W/LY" R .\'f· 8NAP· Domes In of their Y:Jung married friends, MO RE phemia called on MiRs .\n ll·' throe SlZ08, :l60, 600, Ii 00. Sold and Ifrank tlbtdak er got oonslde rably Cromle y,Wllaoo FO R RENT of IbA Rirhllln ri oOIf(b h'lt ~uflrtlnteed by B, E. Jo~arnbRrt aDd hnrt when a limb of a treo he wal bood, Bunda,. afterno oo . J. E ,I Rnney . trlmmln lt hit bim on tbe bead. 1, 1' mice, afte r you UAe RAT·SN AP. 1' A BLE- F o r elth , r II tonm nu tl I t 's a 1ss IUbel f~otnpton spen' BfLtor . - ---E Vf' ryl.hlnl( Indloa'o s tbat we are !lure r odent kille r . Try n pkg . wlIgon or ao auto. In llllil'/i nt kTld prove it to Iluv " Ii N ational Bauk, whlOh will day nigh' wUh HOrlloo Uompto o an u , famlly. La ... renoe tlhepbo rd , W .. v n tl~vl\le , S N A P leave Rats killed with RAT, b e ''111\ loolA t od Tl s mell. CalS or d ogs . OhI O. 0 1 won't louc b it . Guarant eQ(] . Three Mr. Bnd Mrs .. O. B. Earn bart and Mr. " nli l\lrs George (tll\s he.voan 25c, [iDe , $1. if your dealer daugM er, F"nnie, Bn4 Miss Mattie == =-= == 00); la nd touring oar. - - - sizes; can 't sUJlply you, write. Yoiiells ExO n Roconn t of Illflvlng town, I will M {. ~ LTda Kenned y eo,erta ined, Fry, of noa.r Wflyne8VlIll', were !:lun. FOR SALE tc rminalill~ Co • Wes tfield, ~. J. sell at publio auotlon .IIt my repl. 8/Ltllrd ayaftern oon, E.nd announ oed da,. guostll of Joe Davis Rnd family . denoe on 8eoond Street. Waynes ville thtl m~rrIA~e of her Sister, Ena, to JJ. E. Earnhart and 'Blg T,pe ) ulflDrl. Uhlnll Male Pig , l!bin, on Mr . Rav lirooks , In Uotober . extra g ood , fa t s ta le . I nq lllre of ,. E. Janney Mr 1I0d Mrs . Jebo Vander voort I lSa t ter th w tll tQ, Wnyues v \lI" , Oh io, Saturda y, OctOber .f, 1919, MUP-1I1 Ravur,,1 da v~ the gues' of Miss "I Spent lion Rat.Sna p and Savtd 08 the Price of a Hog." UOUlme noiug a' 1 o'olook p . Ill, N ~ ttl l1 Ev .. n., of Ulnolon lltl. tbe followin g ohattels : 1 Bor~o. ~ Ja.o811 MoGulr e, famous HOIf RaI H Itnv. A /G. H nnllngt on, of tbe M. 1'01llnd. uhl na Ma le PIg, lmcu nned, setos of I:IIIrnes8, 1 Buggy and !llot of E. Cburch good n O f;! ~tatloot'd 1,$ Olarllev ille, er of New Jer8ey, 8ays, " 1 advise Ioq ul re nf.J ~. VUIl. Bouseh old Uoods !::ion bll\~. will prelloll his firs, sermun to 'be every fermer trouble d with rate to dervoor t, Ill.lone ;J:j.;~ W dYl loev llll', ADAM ISTOOt>H. UI6 RAT SNAP. Tried everyth ing Oblo, oongreg utloo of IbIs ohnroh nllxt. 0' e. '1.'. Bawlte, Auot. Sundn.y , Roptom ber 21~ . If you ex· to Ket rid of rd8. SJlent '1 00 RAT. Saxon "Six" has earned its reputa tion as the Practi cal YOIIrlln g bro\l~lJ l l' o Hook . Rnb . . .. Examined Correctly,., PAot derive good from 1&, begin at 8NAJ'. Flgored tb e ratl! It killed, Car because it is so thorou ghly practic al from A~ I 8m going hI quit farming , I 'he fl rlt er' U'llrnD a. H.. D. 2. W aynesvi lle . . tbo I18me 1&8 readlnll a IIIIoved tbe prloe of " bog. " RAT. Glasses Fitted will lieU at pnhllo ij,.le 00 the premo A'Or,y ; ow it no pIlrt of It. so many differe nt standp oints. o~ Be oonlOS SNAPeomE'1I tn oalte form No mix. Oblo . . leell. one milo EBst at lJorwln , on AT M'ODERAT~ PRICES $0 os well reoomm atlded. and we ing wl&b othsr food, ClI.ts or dogs OUNtlE - LelLt.h rette, ,ood liS bope for him everyth ing that ill woo" 'Olloh n, Three slze~, 200. GOo Wednes day, October 8, 1919 now, nn O ~h tJ lute~t deslgD. Will 11.00. Soli and iuaran teed ' by EI beneflot al '0 mllonldod. Beglnn lnllat 10 o'olook, 'he follow. 8ell olloop, loqulre!l~ Uazette Tbe Ma~Hle TownlBblp . Sandll.Y 11:. Barnha rt and J. E . Janney . . tug propert y : 2 Horse@, 2 Mules, 6 Sobool offi oe. 0 Optical Depart ment Couven tlon will oonven e at UIIUle, 20 Hogs, 27 Sheep, Imple. tbe l!'lli t l!' ork Bapti!lt Churob , Hun. S. Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio m OT entll, of R~rness good Phon e 71 Tlmotb Lumhor y H"y for sale . !:lee blll~. dRY Ilfterno on, Septem ber WayneSVille, Ohio 28 You Open evenings by appoint ment lnlJulre at J o hn Ro bersoo . R. D. ,JOHN LOWR.Y . llro oordl"lI y aeked '0 be present a, W uynes vl lJo, Ob io. w. N. SeB~8, Anot. 08 . and bring some one along to belp vou enjoy .it. ha ve 10 s t-ook a t I•.vt le, Dairy and Mr lind Mrs. Rober' Andrew s "nd Bog b' eel'l ; lL lno, >I on.. of fr esh two dllogb~r8, of DOllr here, Are OR. J. W., MILL ER. Mrl!. A'l\y Parker, .nf Davton , ~'e rtiltzer . Jo: veret,t ~n rl y. 08 spendin g two weeks In the EuteOl Spell' the pa"t week States, vlsitlog relativE ls and seeing Mre. Mame Tliylor. wl&b ber Sister, ·M,mtb 8.0Id Mule Co lt ; also lin . , •• DENT IST••• thlngll not Been In thlll vlohilty . · veBr.old ~e D or .. 1 p orpose h or se. Charl811 Banta, of Troy, .spent th e InC'j ulre of A. R. Cl.J!lrJrno , R, D. ~, Rev. Murray Kenwo rtby preaobe d " W .. ynosvil il', Ollio. as the Ort·hod ox Frle:ndll Cburob , weet.en d at his bome bera, Wayne nlll", 0 08 Miss Nem. tltaoton left, Sunday , 1118' Sond"y , to an Int,erea ted audl. t'PL(!; fi- Nor t b orn ISp y ~ , Ramon04'. for IndianA , wliere sbe wit! teaoh boes, Bllldwlo 8,fo r tiul ,,). Inqolre Mrs. R W. KlIylor Invited in a during the sohool term . of I. Slltt r t b \VnlSe, W "ynesvl 11 0. B~RNHART. · f6W of ber rrlendsR nd a~qullintanoetl Dudley Mount, of Dayton , was .oblo. 08 tjundllY nftAroo nn Refre8b ments vlllning friends here one day tbe Notar y P'ubll c wera tlerved lIud !l pleasau t time WIIS Pal!' "eek. OT of li'llr'llIz oJ r for ~tll e. Inquir e bAd, ' . Mr!. Surah Eulon and daughte rs of W 8 . .or ndo r f, pbooe 02. 01 , All lund~ of Notary W~rk. Wilb haIFa moved to tbelr Dew h.o me In Waynoll vlU " Obio. 0 und Deeds. I3peola lty. ·" burg. , "U Must Have Been Dead at Lea.. 6 All. Bel va MoCall dle." bu hellO Buok U I I(I~b~ t.,)(1 1 'wo. yeor.(lld . Months But Didn't Smell." lIp8ncl.DIJ a few weeks' witb Mr. and Shortho rn Bull. InquIre Clf Lawren 08 Surf.. oe, phone 12 ."8II.w a big rat t. Ollr oellar IAlt loire .. ".lter ~~, eaa of town. Un FraoOll l Nllll, Mr. and .l4ra, \yal1ne8 vlllo, Uhio. F>tll," writ",,, ahe . .I OIIlnny , "a~d 01 boujlh& Ii ll!io o"ae or RAT I:!NAP, W. 15, Wllken oD .pen' MoadllY In Sliver Campln o Cookere l, Raper brokA It np Into "mall ·jpteoetl. Last DaytOD . wetl k wblle moving we oame .orQlO,~ strllln, ' Il oraolter j 'lok. lnqnlre Mn, Mame Taylor .. ttend~ he t:lHi 11ead' rat, MUBt have been delltl fllneral of a relative at Day taD. ·on of Mrs. F , B. Farr at &-he uo & l(J.1 8tore, or call phone 8.2r, ~ I J( 1l10nih~, dldn" ~mol). 01 RA T MODday .. t.N A P Is VIIm e!l'Irfol, .. Three 81ze~, Mr Ane) Mrs U.I:I. Deartb apent 260, 1\00, '1.00. tIold "nd guaran. Mond" Ig fype Poland. Obinall ,lmmnn ed. , at Leb"no n . tee.1 by B. B Barnhil l" aud J. B. For SIIle now, Sprio" Boars l\ud Hr. aDd Mre Barvey Monger Gelts. JaDDey . · • were the IDlllt. of Mr. ·aDd Mrs, 8aoke"aa"e aillie and quam, . Perry . 1 mile 80. of Bellbro ok on , Albe~' Benon, one dAY Jut week. Wayaen 'l11e .road . 01 Walter Allen apeD' . MODday In DaytOD. KIIIIC C1ermo n' Stovtl ailed ODe Mr. Paul IIUohfl l aD" Mr. W. $. Muon. good . . Dew, i aqD1re of mer ~e".r, Bome phoae, VeDtar. Dearlb t~-=;~aollln~ bllila. .
D. L. (P ANE • . Edil or
(.lil t!
llilrl i> 1 cr . \\:"}
.\. t, H '.
illt-, 1 ' 111 0
.... ,..
WH EN you see this famo us
trade -mar k, think n minu te I Ihin k of the delic ious taste of slice of fresh toasted bren d t
It 's t
S DI E t-\ t~~~~" ~'I"wi"n'l R AT ====== ===== t,
191 8
A MA f "'IT
----------~ II ~-Wal ter McClure
L ,
,j".' i.,.'
~'tlrrn .-·-~OUl !l
... - ..
Public Sales
, 1
--- -- ..- --
S ax on ~~SIX" The Prac tica l Car
RAY F. MILLS, Dea ler
---_.- ..---
...... ...... ...... ...... ..
~ I!.....--_ _ _A_SU~.~
...... ...... ...... ......
B. v. ;
.,.'.... '2:
1.. 1& 7rt•
ax. Use Classified Ad•
, e n ........",..ecause
~'lli ' .. ( the 'arren !', I.. ru Ion t.arnpaig n l.;,hanuJ\, MondllY I" • I \, /)UI ' ~ rgno Smith. LA. t:1r1lm'cr mOll Id IT! C"IIIIf1 ..lI~. , '1''''' t'J .. 1I H'-JllI"llce that ti ll ed todllY, on lJusincSB . • " ~ ·,' •. l ". II· Up,'rn hous • and HOllier arey lind fa mily lip!:!nt m'\I~Y "·"r~ t u IIway . Activ (J !lvol·k IliI! U Kill thr uug hout th ' ulldoy wllh M r. and M rs. ~'r d Bu rkha rd t. of Duy t on . . county at 'on u .
- --
Of the· Novemb r ad\ ance in prices ·a re gh in6 a special indue ment in a ~l1ines of H~rdw~re', Harne'l and Implements, O~tober 1-7. Come in. '
Russell 'u tterth waite I~ now a Me t ropolitan policeman in Wu~ hi ng ton, D. C. and says he is enj oy ing his work very m uch .
Hev . a nd Mrs. J . F . Cllu wall u,l llr A reward of $1 0 will be p aid for and M ra Moderwell are in Wilm ing· informat ion leadin g to the re covery of a lig ht r er! hound. with four whi te fuet. a narrow wh i te stripe und e r th r out. weighll about 76 lbs . which W,IS st ole n f rom (lur r es id ence In Oregonia on Sl!pt emuer 21. 1919. V rn on Arrnlta){l!. Orel!ronis,. Ohio.
ton. tod a)" MrR. Ma ry Adams ac· compa ni ed t hem home. Have in ~ lall tld Il vul cani7.l ng pl unt a t my home on Thi rd s trtlet and 'a m prepurec.1 to vulcanize all kinds of lubell al1(l ·3 , 3Y. IIDtI 4 inch caRitl g s. All work g uara nteed . John Long .
.r'l ll! it H'n:)I' f l h, ' _~ II\\JH\ n l p re l a l . 11 1 U ll l ~ It Un , ....·UM lUm rtllY ; 11\ "1/1 Id" .111\:,, 1 111 l ll l' UlI ltud Sl LIU3. U 8 . M'Ql ~ le, Uruud , ., , H I Ilu"' 11 '( 1 III t
tw pictu re.
The Miam i (;azettt!- 1 50 \le r year.
"A big coal shortage is coming," says Dr. J. A. Garfield, U . S. Fuel Administrator. "Ill u s~nds of miners are going back to ·E urope. Coal productIon . h~s fallen off considerably a nd a shortage of rua ny. mil lI on tOl1 S looks probable. My advic~ to consur~ e rs I,~ Lo buy now while they can get a selectIon aud deli very. The first rush for coal comes in the fall. Indications poin t to a deluge of building at the same time. In that case, railroads will be flooded with reques ts for cars to ship coal, building materials, fall and winter merchau dise and the huge crops. There's an easy way to protect yourself-buy coal now.
~ette'5 · Classilied
- - ~--
Waynesville, Ohio
Government.WarnsYou To Buy Coal Now
Try 'the Miomt"
Column! for Results
John H. Wright Auctioneer Phone. Write or Sec me for Dates SatisfactIon Gu aranteed
OHIO 1, ·.iI
RAT-SNAP KILLS RATS Also m ice. Abllolutly preven ts oders from ca rcas.q One packuge proves this. RAT S NAP com es in cake 9~ n o mixing with oth e r fm d. Guaranteed . Three siites: 25c. [lOco $1. If your d ealer can ' t supply. write. Youell. Ex terminating Co , Westfi e ld, N . J . For sale by
H. E. Earnhart and Janney
J. e.
Clocks, Lawn Mow· ers and Saws
Repaired S. H. ~AINES, Lytle, o.
LENOX SOAP For Saturday Only- l dOli
5e bar, 21 bars'
'$ 1.00 N ow is your chance to buy Soap ch eap and save monev. What have you been paying7 Tin Cans ......... ......... .. ... ..... 65c Ple nty of Mason Jars , E·Z eal J 8J'S this week. Eve rything good lowest prices,
to eat
at th e
Bring us your Cbickenll und Eggs , - -our prleeli are always the higheet.
Jt Paye to Trade at
Mr. and Mrs Henry Sntta rthw llile and sons . Leslie and J amell, ' MiMS Mary and Mr. Parry Cook we re Wii rning ton visitors, Sunday .
In6e ~ la hi
I,'" ,I, " l'll!)
home in Wil ming t on. lost w eek Cedar Stamps will lie g iven on all Grocer y lJU rchases a t the S. Fred Co Lebanon S t'l re , Self· ·ervir.g gro· eery de lla rl m ht , whi ch l1J1en!l Fr i· day, Odolle r 3rd . Mrs Clar ke Levi"y. o f San Fran · cisco, is vi siti ng r elutivcli in t his vicinity . Mr Le\'icy (Ilugilt the Corwin school Cor sevl'rni ycur a. nnd it has been over thirly yours since th ey left for th e W '~l .
. T I' f I ' 11 I. 1, 'lel fr Jm mg . 111 un ere WI ut:" • lhe hom e at Co r win. T hu r~day nft t' r. '" 1 ,' llcr st lias ' I ·k M noun fI t 2 0 C oc , , ~. on ly bcen ma r ried II fel~ mUll lh •. a nn he r d eath came IlS u g rear plwcl( t h f ' d o
t.!r m nny
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-- - -----
Cannibal Movl·c Fa ne. Ptlo pl o WAnti ng !lllnd fr In our pit llI ust pu rchase lick ots a nd com ply ' l lp\\, 7." nlilo tl Mlln rl •• ntl l"·r ~a'" \l n ~s" till" fh" cn nn llllll R rtf th e Soutb wit h rul es printr d thereon . , All t eamsters must buy their own • ell 1~llIn.1 8 hn\"., d (oV~,l nJl' ·.1 n n'vl' tickets. To all pr ivale haulinll'. 20c ' If"1 11 11[11'111 ... for 11m Amerlrnn mllvl{ " nrs. Th Alr nl\lI~ tltr . hnwevrr. 'I nl'~ tf'l IJ r l;ard Seltle old ucco un ts wi th first pur· IT It VI' blood. . They wnnt thl'm on thl ~ c r cc n . d laso' o f ti cl(ct.s ..... Wayn e~v ill e Cann ing Co.
----- - --
- - -- - +-- - -
r lt~ Fast B re.k ~r. l it., 'il kI' (·f '1 " I1 JZ II R
roo ,·
Hlld HIm There.
"n ('II ~n n Rltnll\ ~ ' Inw he clonn' nil. ,or" n' 0' ~h\lre h "s ",h·crURln'." r pmnr k .
Th e Warr!:n Counly M.. ,';, I "ol'i· ety m ot ut Leuanull Ia n II I:'t:'k . lind an u nusually good proJ,lrntn \\, 11 given. Drs. A , C Me:;:,.·, ge r . of Xenia, and P a tton. of S\lringfia ld , were present ol.d gave good talk s ,
. ome,111 ~"rnt." ", I ~hln honl' : " hut wh en ·AII n ~ t hIm, .111)· 11 IIlIlkl's I II tlll i '·IISI'. \\,lIlTo' h(l rln ~ the elmr"', " nlly ... r n~R I" , '11\ I"" th It nlllRI mll k e 111'11 rn ' ijor" lec. h ... j"8' hnd mirno' tu 1111 rrn ~. .~)'('<l Lo ' li t ~ Y(' ht th4 . ~ny .' ·-B o8 t o n Transcript. .
St. Mary's Chllrch
Saturday, September 27th
II I lit' hll'!!"r \l' II S ell l 1111 "
.:, l,' t s t~ l't · jln'~I' Uh."'(1.
llll l! too
.IH •• , 11 11 IIrj:lI lH.'nl. 1,1(,11",' "lIUl!Pst ,llI t,t :1"
D. W. Griffith 's great play,
"The Girl that Stayed at Home"
Caesar's Creek Frienda Church
Tuesday, September 30th
Sunday School at this church every Sunday At 10 o'clock . Preaching service at 11 o'clock a . m . You 8re cordially invited to be present.
Featuring 'Alice Brady, in the play,
Amos Cook, pastor. Sunday, Sept. 28: Bible Schoo l at iO :OO a . m .• Anna Stinson. 8uperin. t'lndent. Public Worship and Preach· ing, 1l:0fl 8 . m Rev . Murray Kenworthy, General Secretary of Wi!· 'mington Yearly Meeting wiU be with us COME. All are cordially in· vlted.
c./liis R~mge
//no this Set g/Pure Alum inurn Cooki~g ~re
A good play" entitled
"Poor Boob" Open evenings .
7 :30 p,m
Meredith', Viln.\ty.
Saturday evening
7:30 p.m.
.- .
Thursday, October 2nd
--_.- ..- - -
"Oeorge l\fer udlth. 08 hili trl enfls tlRef! to tell wit :, III n u Rcm~llt." wr1t cs IWhorl Lyn.1 In the Lllud"n Nutlon. "wn~ /I \"flln ItIntf. S nm " o\1~ IIII R roInted how. III hIs Inter y enr" he r egllrcled It os R molter ,ot Ilxl rcltl c 1m· portance that his vIRlto,·s 8110111<1 sit In Q position troll' wl.l e" Illey would 800 hi _ tnep. In Ilrf,n ..~."
"Great ChangE;"
Harveysburz Friends Churc:h
"Five Cows Made $,t74.00 Last Year" Writes W. C. Mohr, Oxford . Ohio - " r hll ve s hipped to the 'rrJ. State about. fiv e nnd n hnlt years and la!lt y a r sold $0174 00 worlh of butter fat fr om fiv e cows , Have f,llwnys f\lund the Tri St.ate f a ir in their deal ings. [have sold to both the Tri State and also cream stations to see how the tests agree Rnd flO f a r havE" ,found 'The Tri. State PAY the freigh t' th e better way ."
We Pay the Freight 'and for butter fat
IIr ..... 1 Illll tll' l"
I ' " Ih. , 1I1'11 1_h IIlIl S'·IIIII, ....n f . 'J'.
Mrs . Geo . A. Rtla, w.ho hus been in I MrR Katherine l,' Llo r sl died n t lile II II ~ rio 1\' I)f h'~,"'\ forms. nn,1 hnM thi ~ vicin it y for several weeks on ho me· 'o f her moth cr , Mrs L il ey 1 ,.,. ·" I~" '01 ~ IIII iI'HS Ih lln;\1 III'\\'. HII:(':e~. acco.unl of ill ness. r et u rne d to her Beck ett a t Co rwin . 1' 1l ,,~rlay 'n orn 'I" h".l. 11\1 ' " "" In"'s of Ill' " I!l lIt~\I:
Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. Sept. 28ht. Sund/lY School at 9:30 8. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 10:30. Everybody invited to these services.
Pr"tlc rved In Amber.
II 1'lIl h l"l lo'lI
~,,~ VV~
per lb.
Week of September 220d to 28th I~clus've •
At the Price r/the Range alone - theWare isfi-ee
Selling your cream for less than TrI-State prices robs your pocketbook and encourages profiteering. Write for Free Trial Cans. We guarantee your . cream and cans against loss.
The Tri-Sta,t e Butter Co. OINCINNATI. OHIO
SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE' RANGES have proven to be satisfactory for more than TWENTY YEARS and more than half a million are riow in daily use. Built in all Styles and Sizes for every purpose. ' Hundreds of SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE RANGES were used .b y the Government in the United States .and France during the ,war. During the Special S~le Only we will give FREE'a beautiful seven pie<;e set of Aluminum Cooking Ware. . The sale will begin Wednesday, October 1st, and continue seven days.
H. E. Earnhart, ..
I THE Se, -
Waynesville, 'O hio.
Brlngtng lila appeal lor BUPpoM In the ratification ot the ptlllCO tr.~'HY dIrect to tbo people, Preal. deDt Wilson waa Kl'Cotad with jill. th UlIIarnn and olten dolfed bIa ba t
In reaponae to eheere.
3 More Snap Fasteners, 15 for . . . ... . ........... 11k " Glass Dishes, good si~ ......................... 100 Glass Butter Dishes. : .. . .... . ... , ... . . , ....... 26c Cofored Glass Vases .. . .. . .............. .' ....... 26c Whi,te Metal Knives and Forks, per set ....... SI 80 :Rex !-ye. lar~e can ....... . . . . . ... . ...... , . ... ; • 11k Gobhn Soap, the kind that cut grease . ........... IOc Hya rogen Peroxide, large bottles .. .... . .... ..... 15c Mrs. Prices' Canning Compound, per pkg ..... : ... 11k 7 packages for .•.... . .... . ... ' ...... .. ..... 60c SpeclalJat In
. I
~eventy- First Year
Whole Numb er 8560
Stee l Wor kers Brin g Sho w-D own in Strik e
l:iatunls y, Se ptembe r 27th. ws~ the Ern l '~ 1 Earnllli rl Will! ii , Cllli'l nn:0 1i, dny tlet apllrt for welct)m ing the hoys of MIiHillo 'J'ownshir) who we re Saturda y inlOr8llt eti in the World War . It wo~ Dr. \Jill, (),' ~, ) pa l h 21 S. I :f'(IlIlI· ):,oLtt:1I up \Jy the ladies of t he Reel way, Le han '''I . Ohio . l~r()1IS :toci!!t)', assl!lte.i by people thlll Wert! "ut lIloll1bllrs. F. W. Hal hawllY ~ p The duy was beautifu l. the HIlT ' with fri en,ls In Lehanoll .ent ,,"UrlIJ UY /1Il111 lIulllJlln d orriveclll~ sc hedul ed , I he"" r), 'one lot interet!t ed and a 1". S. E;holl anti II. E I';urr, ltll rt pllfude. headed by the band, the dif were l>ayLCm vi~i t ur s MUlloJ,,}, '.!renl. acholJIs in the townshi p under the ~ ul'e rvi Mion o f their teacher s, the Mr. lind Mr". J os Pri ntz . of Da~ · 1I"ldillr~ of '61, our relurlle d aoldierh t un, BlJtmt Sunday Itere wilh I elat iv (O~. and last. bul IIOt the lesst, came 8 Ileleltiltion of Red Cro88 nu I'IIOB Af Mrs . J::'i Thomall spent st!vera l day~ ter the parade they were uljhercd t o lasl week with reiollv 6S in JofTcrso n , they dining hall I)repare d by the Indiana . Rood people and 811t down lo Il dinner Mrs . Edith M. III,rriR a nd Mr. that could not be duplica teil any where and no one would be foolish Harris Mowhe r spen t Monday ill to try it Cincinn ati. The untlon nnd world nro After 500 people had been served, wntohlng rcsu tte h. the bIg atc... 1 Dr . and Mrs. G. N_ Jollv left, I'ri and all acknow ledged tbey were full. strike now under WRY. many exbut not boistero us. they took their day evening . for their new home In perts predicting thnt thle Is nt ' seatol to listen to the addrll88 Hev. Covingt on, Kv. l!\lUlt the atart of the show.down Oblo U8 the strlko woo IBun ChCtl ' IIICe&1 Indultry . Upper Amos Cook made a touchin ll prayer. sbow l whlcb lind to come betore a break 00 tbo Ii I)'p lcal 8tool the loterlor of a ltool right and Rev . Bennett . of the Jonas Run mill. a bll Kennet h Kilbon Is beck at his old In living ond .... or"lng conditione work or lindleftbl8 Isfamily. the IIrst "rquOO& e" roller at Glork. Lowcl Bapti8t church made thp v. elcomll place in H vman's Store, where he In the U . S. oould chango. Theso vocation he has ha,d wltb I1lc: ure8 . ho... sconos trom the big since beforo lh e wnr--<lue fOtbem picture Ihows a group of 8t cl uddretlil. and Hon. J . A. Runyan , of will gr.'et all of hiB old friends. the workers 'u the)' went out 011 steel center. In Ponn"vlvonl a nnd 8ovcn-(\ny woek efl'ed lve In Lebano n . gave an interest ing talk the Itrille IIl1ar PtUibur g. which was to the point and much . Mr. BDd Mrs. Myer Hyman and appreci ated. Letters from several dBujrht er and Mr. and Mrli James of the boys who could not be present McClur e were. Dayton visitors , ~ur· we're read. Geo. W. Davie, presi· day . d~t 'of our Townsh ip trustlles , preeented the Ilervice flag to the Aid Mri. Huldah aool8ty In his ueual pleaaan t way, and L, CraDe, Cbas Burnelt , MeBS .... 0 Burnett and Ethan Margar et Florenc e Price was born It was acoepte d by Mi88 Laura Ward Crane were in Dllyton. After long and severe Bufferin g, Sunday afterMay 10, 1887, and June 22, 1912, s he on behalf of the society, which wae noon . Katheri ne Beckett Fuerst entered was married to Andrp.\v Pottor! . given In a most graciou s and pleas into Life Eternal on Septem ber 23, Of thil' union three ch ildren wert! aotman ner. 1919 Mr at the and home Mrs of her mother In Herman Shonk and The sehool w.i11 ha~e a lecture born:- Willis, Ruhy a.n d . Huth . William Glenn Fealey told many , . At . things of his travels and happen ings eon. of Daytoit, s pent (h e week-en d Corwin . ?~IO. She was the daugh. coune for the wmter, and, as usual , SunrIse , Kentuc ky. m Infancy , she with it Mr. will and be as MfS highly J . S . e,nterta Thomps ining on, 08 was christen ed in the M e th odi~l which he witnees ed . His talk was ter of WIlham and Lucy Beckett and before. The course' listened to with ple.sure . as he of Route 4. was born Novem ber 26, 1900, being everyth ing that is new will contain Church Her husband and th e thr ee and brIght. children , togethe r with her moth er, witness ed many things that will nev Notice - Our ~lo r e will be closed 18 years 9 months and 27 days ot and the first number will be held on two brother s und two sistprs, su rvive er be revealed ; but he told us enough all day Saturda y. age on at account the time of of Jew· her death On the evening of October . 14tn, featur- her. Her falher. two that we maY know tbe World Waf ish holiday . Will oppn silters and a . at 5 a m . .• Inlt tbe Columb ians. consisti ng of brother was hell. d her t o the Great April 80, 1919. she was United In YOUPIl ladies.a quartett l)f 9&Xaphones. Beyond . precede H~man & Co, Betwee n the talks the band reno She died Septem ber 18 . marriag e to Herber t Fuent. Brief TiI·a drawin g will tal<e plaee 800n 1919, aged 32 yel1l'11, 4 months Ilnd !:! del'8lt choice I18lectioDB and in their Mr and Mrs Clyde Reitz ancl llOn, were the daye this husband and wife and will be announ ced through these dayll. behalf we take this opgortu nlty to spent togethe r; In a few short months ' columna : extend tj) 4tem our best ~18~es and Charl~, of Dayton. were Rlilurda y and Sunday l!'UeSls at lhe bome of conl'rat ulationa for their success In conclusion. a Quilt, made and do Mr. and Mrs . Chus . GiLhens al\ll s~n. constitu tion, thoullh of delicate always hopeful nated to tho Ret! Crol'8 by Mn Mary Severel Odd Fellpws from this Stout Seal. was sold unrler the ham mer and brough t a very satisfac tory lodge atiend" d the Warren Cou nty Odd Fellows ' picnic at Srhantz ' inll of strengt h. and when at last price. . . About 250 were dropsy of the heart was develop ed, Mrll Laura Varner Reed recited a Grovc, Sunday . though the chanCeR seemed .slim. the poom entitledL'~ Homa Again." which present . Tbe postpon ed meeting of the ardent desire that she might live ahe composedl8l1d which added greatWayne ·TownBhip Farmer 's club was gave hope; and even two days be L. W. Th Challdl II er Is IItte/ldin ll t he fore the f W ly to the afternoo n.' plel8ure s. viII ' 11 h OId held at the beautif ul country home end came, when she fell Into e tI en 0 d e we, This. Indeed. was a day of enjoy - Nationa l convent ion of the Duroc a peacefu b of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Og lesbee, on l sleep, bel' mother and a mee ng on . Jersey nell ay, cto er Septem ber 19th. The weathe r was hog raIsers at Des Moines, ment, bU8in_ was laid aside and family took comfor t In the though t ~' at ~18t!"::dc ba'k~uet rd'me lOme what unpleas ant, cool friendsh ip that warm8 the heart of Iowa. Mr . ChRndl er took some j'elta that she would and wake up refreshe d ere WI spell nil' ~ sev- ltormy without but warm man, predom inated throuah out the alonl[ with him. huving sold them to and stronge r lbtport 11 ral . . But it proved to be a~ ~em\l1res WI~ be pleasan t within' for everyo ne and day. T()(. much cannllt be aald of a railer in the Weal, and he will, no the sleep of death, The reo the day'll enterta inment . and from doubt. be able to sell several more had ceased to beat. and tired heart roug up w c w ,~omman t he ceived the sa~e . warm greetin g her spirit attenllo n of all the membe at rs. the convent The which ion . ' we have learned to eXI)ect now 011 when thot I.a dies purpose aet· had returne d to the God who gave commit tee baa Pl'Omleed a fine sup- from thia home. ting up IOmeth ing for the better r fo~ the oeeasi'dn It. But the memory of her will be IJl • al)d you t'h The grand openinlr of Fred's Lebs- sweetly ment of mankin d. at once give them The dinner such as but farcherlshE>d by loved ones and ::; m ~me f MlftJ?Y Ia~o er mel'll have, W'OI servednone your support . for It will be a succeas non Store ~lf· Serving New Grocery all who knew In the _ tent her. 1 1 ' " I go e on s cu. Departm ent will j)ccur Friday. Octo · the wind snd rain only adding va' beyond any doubt. She leaves to mourn hl!r 1088. her • - ---About 4lo'cloe k'the assemb lage of ber 8. Walt on yoursel f and 8ave riety. people departe d . for their several the cost of serving . selling and deliv· husband , mother . one elster, three 'Pr8l:ll dent Oglesbe e asked Mr. Wm brother s, a n~mber of !lear relative s homes with words of praise. When ery· It will pay you to come and and . White to act as preside nt, which he a large clrclo of friends . you want to be enterta ined royally, invlllltillate. While at the Bil[ Store, did in his usual E'fficieot manner . visit the many deoarlln enl8 and note go to old M88IIie. Among the guests of the day were . the comple te readineBS of aBSortJudge Risinge r and wife. of Eat on, A Haneys burger. Card·of 'I'baDka . I Re.gular commun icl,lt.ion menta of New Fall Models and Styles ~--~.~~ We desire to expreBS our gratitu de neavllle Lodge II'. & A . M of W..y- The judge adJed much to the pro in all kinds of Wearin g Appare l. ., TuP.lday l gram by giving a splendid talk . The to our l1eighbo l'll and friends for the evening , Octobe r 'lth. There will be day I'lllas made doubly Shoea. Furnitu re. Ranges and Heat· kindnes pleasan t for s and lIympat hy shown us work in the .... C. degr,e a. Sojourn - the lamily by havil,g IDg StovC8: the duughLt'r. during the protrac ted illness of our ing brethre n and visitors are weiMrs. Hoi Risinge r and little 80n, of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! beloved . Your comfor ting words \ come. The brethre n .are especial ly !!!! Canada . WIth them. A number of and etHclen t services have lightene d request ed (0 be present . other Invited g1l8lltl were preRenf . the load and helped U8 In our be \ S. D. Henkle. W. M. I Adjour ned to meet In October , at reavem ent. The liamily. L. A. Zimmer man. See'y. , the home ofC. T . Hawke.
.- .
GoPr~~~ ~Idh~hee'wa!l
MEN -Of·-W · 'A"Y-N-ESYILLE WAYNE TOWNSHIP ::n~h~oar:~I~~~~:'w!u~~w~t~~il~ FARMER'S CLUB TO HOLD 'MEETING J!3fJ1
Residen ts on . third ptreet were . very much Aurprlre d early -Mouday mornlnlC to hear the "all of "~b white." right in their midst An II' . velltilla tlon was made and It Will! found that about twenty · five of thelie I!OngMt8rs had rooatt'd 1111 night on D. W. Meek'. hou!Ie, and early ill the mornina - they hel{lIn their mum log calls ThtlV flew down in th ' yard. And began to hunt f,.t' their breakla st9, when· Uley were tli .cover
"B ud dy "
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1r "liol ~I I' " .1 I·: l-' /,k zi~ r plll,·r· ltlif'cd It t dillf ' t:r ~u l\d a\' l il h411111r o f Ih ... ir J.!"l'!SI. .\1'• .I ,,,, ~lu Tl\" o f I\ ,.n ·
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III r H ,·nr \, ~I U II :11,01 ~,1 i"" I·:u nice ~1 11 11 , or L.· ha ll" " ' ., '1 J ,,~ . flli lie r. \If "IlC/II l1 l1li, ~'r Mrs II. M . · her· wood, und MI',; gllllit! Zel l Mr:l. J ohn II Price. of Xenia, reacI! t!" ol1u t her lIIilest,me ill her life, Sunday. ,uIII " I' reliltiv e~ r eminde d her of it b y tn~il lj.( the ir busk t~ well ti lled tlll d ."11 '"oilnf{ Ihe tl ay wit h ber T h o~e " 10,, 1\ ere th~ re were: Mrs. Lida ~1I 110\. :'I r IIn rl Mrs Jall! '~ Kerri e 11I ,t! ,,(,II . Ev!!ret t. Mr. ulld Mrs. J " lin Ht-lIclt . a l{o uto i!. Mr lind Mr. ,\!fr"d Jont!sallti -Jllui!' htel'. Mary, IIf H "lI l oJ fl. Mr. lind Mrs. Herne J ,.nes alld ~o n . of Lytl e. Wm . Sitlenst rickcr amI daughl er, of Hell· brook, Mrs. Mtlrshu ll . Mrs line and MissC.a rri e Buli. uf X'·lIin. un d Mr. Lester Meilinli . uf ~p r in)!fill ld - - - ---
PROG RAM fOR GRANGE 'MEETING The followin g is the program {or the Grange mem ing, to be held Saturda y evenimr . OI'\ol)er 4 . 1919: ROil Call-"W hat Can W Do t o Hel p Our Schools? " "The High Cu~t'o f Living," ...... .... _" ....... ... .. .... Stellll Butterw orth Vocal Solo ............ ........ Harl Harvey "Clussification Amendm ent," ... " ..... .... .......... ... Lindley Menden hall Song ....... ,. . " ........... .... .. " ... Gronge Chas. Michsne r, W. M. Mary Silver. Sec'y .
C. T. U.
Tbe W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. C. F. Chapma n on Tuesday , Octobe r 7, at 2:30 p m . Fu II attend· ance is desired , as it is the last meeting before the Stllte Conven tion, and the re Is importa n t bu ~i ness . Every· one welcom e . I·lave iJl~tull ell Il yulcaniz ing 'plant at my home on '1'111:" ~treet and am prepu red to vlllcaJll ~.· all kinds of tubes and 3, 3 /:~ IlnJ 4 inch c a~ingR. All work g uarante ed . J ohn Long . 08
WO". U ·IN -171ft....
wert.' Iwln~ IIIIU.lU nt 1 "'IfU~rH' Lmh:;e tur UHf In Vll wlon uf . hurL '"l'he J(llIy 'J' ~n ." r o ily ~' I'l' nch, Ih~lr d<r-"
r:lnr lc ~ U ~S l1r('r1 Aliss 1I' I '{'nNI t 1111 r a physlclOIl woulll lII'I'lv c In 10 1II11l1l1 c8. In the lI1 e /llltlm e he rrled 10 wllkol her . preslde" t, left Oil IIU curlier Ifnln thno ' "All Mulll " , ' r...... the olh"r /lWlllbCr8, with VIUIIII tor Ihe Onn "I ~" ,! " t ..,.., I<1clll t'mber-- torg,·t her sullerlll!! h1' hll' t>lIinJl1 n IC 11. D.," abe ml\nt~ cl' I\n ~' ln tcr lng Ct l""cr&.utiou. dresRlrl1l up the crude bungalow 811ft '1 IIhol,ltud IU h.· I". II ' UN o W tel) III C-. " he urgp(J , "who c\,pr IiIs the door. rtlplaclnlC 1>ll)llltloo by a homelike Tho little dIll :' 'fit __ WI1)' down 1110),l!(\' 0 ,,,1<0 011 Inc 111 1(' ':11 \'Il you IOJ ~tlllu" .. h"I't:. . to the vttlnl!c wi t! .\ \ • ...-ert a house nlllll(l R8 hfOllI!! II <toe'lul''/' ' . l:Iudtl)' ~I".. re, her al'Qunl .. Illnce Of whORe II\'lIs~ d ..,, : J ' n~ IJtro1ct eti hili 1I1I<I<ty. o\'er'hcn l'I/' K th iS. 11/11'181111;1, hnlt '"' 10" ",·. sha hnd alrcad)' IIdolll,'t1 , <'yeo On It w", .11&. , . . In Itll'gc vtndlc" tc(1 hllll",'1r hr pI" ,vlllg th e es.OR t~III ' I' /"IIRC"t. !Iud the little teU"", '\ bl"ck lell...-I",, : of "" ~1. D. OJ II \' I"rh,,'6 ollm e. \ IlfO\'\'d hIs "")I'lb by rUIIIIII.I1l erl'tltlllR lit. fl. ( ' 1•.\8 .. n Ol i, M"rloJu 111111 I'ull .' · IOIlJ(h(ld III the h)COlllt)' so untlllnillur to the I'roprl elor. ~ullI:18' "'10'" "('Orltlr . nn ll ,,1'1,'1' III"lllt'ol ce ueI\' COIII~r. S)lylr'J( ·Ihc IlIlt luls, III n('."" "u.t nt· had g '\- rf l I"",'ll c f. she Wlt~ ht'unendnn l tfl1 r ntt~t1 "Nol\' \\,I.n B cozy 10llch thnt gh'I!I!.... tcm ptln!; to dc<'i llhor UIf ~. which to enj,'y th \'\" '11 1 ('(' t,: H~ ' lIll p\ 1 by well .. f0tly COlIl'l ncom herault, \\'hll~ s he sur· \v"s Iocy,'lId his l)nwcr, the \'e),p,1 a CHI'ner whllre @Iood a settee nlUg th e hell nnd summon youngst er m ennlng. iUIIClf' ... " t Jhul dl', ed the OWI\~1' Stlon the artlMt ""1')' I hUli~ h lf lllly upon "'hleh were nrranged tlnyly·rol· of fllal long title. A IK!r~oue appenJ'o voluutll<!rLoG 10 finIsh t.h dl'ClIrotlons (jr~d pIllowS. A picture here and there Ing yOllllg mlln approec be4 hllll. abtMlt tbe cottose. lIod. by Bilplying . -Mlc"enll pennants lustefully dlstrlb''111811 FNllch 11,1 tor ,..,. tID bill atU,tlc knowledllu, great Iwproveqted-,,'hnt a trnnlltormoUon It wade rl,bt o"er-el le'l bult llenell · aDd It IDMt 11M he acblovc. on the bllre Willi I ache. d~·4reIldtullJ.· ·tIIe How 8Ilt1811~ Polly was I And While UUlldy raD OIlt to ptber !lOme DOl.lneed without an), euemoo bot a~ ,. "ouldn' t tbe gtrl;, be surprIsed aud dewild 1I0\l'er. tor h.r v..e, the Indu. Mo~ D. Clarke .... fA a Quan- lI",tOO Bt tbe welcome sliht I trlOu8 gtrl undertook to repaIr a dal7. Nine tlnd Nokcn n'><'ktng-chalr. Missing her "FrllleJl," be allt.& ......., . . . . ,.. prellident lID vacatlopl818 greeted tht'lr the fronl porcb, Bod one plm, the hUlllmer heavily etruck her "YOU'd. bett., bGn7. 'nUM 'lbe', obae",ln g loun8 lad,. cyelng a moo, finger. afraid W potlol.c t. My, but thlll hurt I What a fteree ~n.- W1IftI84. ~... tile Utt1J whllper M 10 Poll" "What, ~ flirtation Oe 0II'Iet .already' " blow I 4nd wn. the hOM Iwellln .' Queetl~ Bot la a 8hon time everybo dr IInew The .haWy ,oungste r, wtth lui 'l'bII aJtWt laI~ed . . . . . . . . . . . till ree_ ' tile DIDO vlaltor'l ' call. 101 of trellb posl9fl, rompod 10 to ~U. foot.tep l that leIS fro 0.... wtdel At the eIId of a 'lFt!1I·apent ft~tlon. pllly tbOOl. Iolxclil!<! Polly at.need at lotrodu0e4 "Idlenf Lo4te'" .... U. eoru)'bo d1 vowed tllelr retul'D In allherself 10 . bUl.llllllo... aUI"I, then at pUllDt . . . oo.r III . . . . peIA. other _8011 to that Idool spot. Aod Bud. "Ob. isoct~." . . ..,1.111111\ .,.. 10 It to b~oI7. W(>I'I! tbey g1ftcd ,"90n/1l. do Jou know whP1'8 .1 CIIn IDllttn, tht halt.... l\,..tIl1 lOt a doetort See ",hilt I','e dona l ,ef', "I would ha.. ~led . . lInD' .wlth the power to loo~ ahend II ,enr, at 10IIr of· ther would foresee thomle l". 811 "'T he "I Ilon't know. MIas Polly," be yen' tie. 001, that I •• "taot r tUTed ,wltb childlIke he~ltane,. "but I willi tbla toWII aud ., '_ aeqtlalDI~ loll, !!lIne," ,,!tb a new president at t-" the head, the tormer belog . 'Ir& cao go to the vUlaae and tlnd out." "Doctor '" . . Interrnptad., "but tbere Oll\rlle. "The vlUng&-hlflllll your heart- lIIut be itOIDI IIII~ •• &trUeI'm 1\.0 And alIlID. looklog ahelld, and peel!. r Ihnt'll halt a mUe dowA. You'" ~ 4oeIow, Inlet .... artIat:....e, bIN fw 1Jie . ~ on the ,.rands of the "Suorll!ll ang,,"'" ADd 8he lItroIIed bla Cl'C\lI crt -.mal. ltudlOll," t1Mr woald boIIr Morton fOlden hall'. "AnD't JOG aftIl4 ID 10 "LIt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ie hli WIt., WIllI. reooUortin, the In.aU aloaet'·, II1e I\IIlnlnd . eta. ~ rQQ(1 a doctor'. IlIDo Of .....,.. . . . . , ..,.... " I . . II'" ,011 '7 ataJlH tfIIIt blOlllht tbem tOlJether, "An4 ret IJie foIb -*7. 'what'. In a "Sare I eu," be UIII1'84. "It..,.. .,...... . fGt . . .. IIIIIMf · , U. n., l'Ion't I . . natS- rm.... b .a - - ... ... ~.. ~ JlIICItn N ....... .,.. 'ou_1n sa. na4 8al
\ t Ul'rh n U ~ I ,
.... I·('r tltl1tltnI1S
Utlll,lng TIme. ",... dle8," f\lInounced the \11'('81d(lnt ot nn IItternoon hMlllle Chlh. "It IInII hp~ n moved lind R~c'lI1l'1e'l Ihnt thrre Rho.l1 he no com'efRn1l0n ot the rllrd IlIhles. What 8111111 ""~ do with the 010lion'" "I I!uggest. " anll'l a sprightly In.'mher . "tlIat wI' dlsC!usl\ It whllo we piny."
()n . ' " ll phlr\(' ( !
'a~ DIN" r~1 PIXIE'S "S'fEETF.ST". ~== · ===========-~==========·============~~·~.~n~A~WNm ~ r!ll I Ell":: : ._ ..., (:J I t 'aG 'a' 'ElIE 5J1:J I ..
U :;. Hattlesh ip Oklahom a. Septem ber 12. 1919. I ),'nr I· ric.nd, . 1 told you that 1 would drop you a f~w lines when I returne d t;) the ship, "" here I lto . Well, old 8(!out. they have clU1ned me back to "Old Vir~ inia," a nd [ am ·once more lettled a t my work he re on lhe ship. I would ~"y position , but that would hardly III" right, as we have so many differ· ~·Ill things to do. The fi rst night I ltot back. I bad to JIll on watch, and tben we took on I,eef, eggs, etc .• at 8 o'clock that mo rnin g. Startin g In pretty !rOOd. cll.n't you think' Where we uBed to ha\'e a hundred men to a dlvlalon . we pave now only abollt twenty, So you see what few of us that are left are decided ly busy at all times. Our ship III all tom up and It looks Ill! though we would be here for Rome littl e time, probabl y until De· cember . f hope we will ROon be out of her e though, aa 1 don't think It Is r eally as nice as the ROnI!' Implies. "Carry Me nack to Old Virgini a" I :Im !<uril l hat I have not seen Iota of cnt t on. corn and sug ar cane-m ore negro"s and mosqui toes than any. thi ng ol.c. But I shouldn 't mind. as it wi ll not be long until all these thinJ,(lI will be. "Memo ries." We a re suppose d to circle tbe g lobe sometim e within the next year. If we do, that just will about take up the time that I have to do In the 1ft. vice yet. Iwon'tm ind8Ov erymue h at that, though. If we don't. For al· . though there are Iota of places that we ha ve never been. I think that we have lI~en all of the principa l cltlill o f t he world , and r want to tell you I hat the Miam i River really lookl better to me than any of tbelO, Well, I think that I told 10U about very liltle thing when 'I wu bome. so that leaves me with ve't1 1Itt1' w riUng to do. as thinKS bere III &be South ,don't 800m to chan,. VfYtJ much, excepti ng polittE , and the)' change every hour. I olmost went out of my hammoc:k the ot.her night, and when I made an investig ation, I found the eaUlle of It wns that a mosqul toe had IMtUed Itself on my right side In anticipa tion of a midnigh t lunch. But. poor thing. h8' was too awfully baa.,. and in upsettin jt me out of Dl1 bllDlDock he cheated himself out of ,a feed. Ha! hal But no joking. the)' eeJ'lilinly do grow big down bere.. nacdrills of theirs a1moet u bad ., . the ones we have bere OD the ablp. And that reminds me that we h.... one schedul ed for 9:80 tbla mornInl l, and so I '111111 have to _ Nlidl for It. And 90 If you will p i _ INInlea me for taking up 80 much of your .time, 1 will promise never to' do " apln. That HI·s. for awhile. Your friend.
C. E. MelideohaU. U. S· s. Oldah~
. -. .
WaYDe;lville Hi beat Ktnp Milia Hi in a ball game F'rlday afterno on in Phillips ' park, the 1IC0re bel nil 13 to 3. J oni'll, who pitched a fine Il8me fM Wayne~ vil1 e, the second in nin \[, held his opponen t8 down to "ne h i I.. a singll). But for this bad 1"llinK, when several of the players went 10 pieces. the score would have bllen !l shut out. All t he Waynes ville boys mode one 'Jr 111 re clo!sn smncks, . They made loJ h i.t~ while Kings was let off with on ly four d elln 01le9. Carl Frye held thll indicat or and there were but rcw kkks on his decislon s_
The "8~UIet Olrl In Dixie"· Is loin. to award tbo prizes to the b6t "ftddler " In the raub 0' the United Con'ede rate Veterans. wben they eonvene at . Atlanta Oa., Oe~. 7-10. IJbe 18 Mid Odell~ HJlllt. nalDecl. to the eta'" of Col. Walter P Andrew8 'or the bllt event. The Mdl/n. conlest III alWlDal feature.
TWO KiNDS OF B/\SEUt\LL .-' ....;, ...,' " ./ ~ . ,-
1 . ..
•• '
ftc "Staw Dllok" II a reall17 to North DAkota.. The lint baDk to be own od Bnd operated b, · a elate hB8 !Klen eslabllllh ed at Far-, go. tho Orat ot.a group of publICO. ly owned InstltUtlODs to begin opera tlon. And B womnn, . MIaI! P. A . BOOBOO , Is one of tho officers, qelng depu\y dlreolor _lIl tbe flum loall departmellt..
A rt~ ward of $10 will be pald,to r intorml ltioll leading to the recover y oI f a liK"ht red hound, with lour white feet, a narrow white stripe and ... throat. weighs about 75 lbe., which was s tolen (rom our residenc e In Oregon ia on Septem ber 21, 1919. Vernon Armita ge. Oregon ia. Ohio.
~ PAT ·MOR AN. Th!!re InI ', wo dl.tlnct ItytllA of bueball confttte!lee. judlllnl! f"lm tll_ e~preaslonll nd the t..,o '~mler baeebaU on for 1811 p.t ready 10 Mod their t(\a1ll:' Intt) a aeries for the lead world aablp. Pllt MornD. manRI; ~r oJf I!, ~" •. \nnlltl Iletla Dnd "I~I()" chBmplo 01088011, IlIADaltt'r of Iho Cltl..a~n \. 1, .. , . nox-both ellpN:II& Illmo< : . O)Dlden e." tfMIr re-"ij~tI". 'eallW 10 lile Ulle.
1"" .C'_ ...........
. '
hs..... . .
-- .
It has been noted thRt the quallk are getting thick tlirough out the country . and the hunters lIa.)' thaI they are Kettinl tame
---_. - -----
'l'1l4I okl"I allIS yOUtrgeet melmb8l'll are Repablleana llode Joe Cannon, reor_BI lti ItOI lb. . ..nth bll fRIDOIIa blaak dlar tbe SWOpe. world war hero froID KentuciQ ', Ia the &0 ~ (rolll bll d." ". . . . . ~ u.
l~l cClufe
Waite.. I- LJj\I. ~AI
I)\II E(.;TO ~
ay,)e.~ ill~, -
..... .,.::=,
Eq lli pped [ur ' ood >
~, t' 1I 0
~' rvi ce
n isplu
L:trbc TI
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1'0(1 111 I(
~--------. -~- -
-- - -I, li ,"" \ Ii·. hll .\ I~ II n· ,\.' 1:&'
.. ( ' I ' .
" 1\t ond: \y '~ \' en ll\ ~ nud IO Ih' Sl1n ll' .
. \ 1':1111"'1' 111"\' I
4" "
[f ) ' OU :1 rc wanti ng
II IHI 1',,1'\ d. , 111I "', " J n I!du't hu\ f' bt!c n sud, u t' ~tlil t . no, ' dh \ :~1 : "t" "," 1'''1' 11,11 1' :\11 "" 11. I ,"ulIl,1 hli \, ,· Idt It I d !l'i 11111 hOIIl\ h. ' n'I' ''' p,"",' til" '.; 1'1 ' ; • • 1,' ,"11' like I hl! u .. llndol IIlnkeIJp. But f«llll')- ly 11111 "'lI\\ "II ' ,. ,1.'1" \\ ! ' h II \1 ·ht.11 , hllw 1 cnn 't II ' Ht tl 'ry, t nr It h nct to c-h!h l'I'; I! ' 11l I P'I_ I":, \\I .II !I II' : :II,tI c o me out SOlO,· t IUH..•. g flOrtf'r or l nl~ r tn " ,'nfO"!11. \\ r!1 'III :1 Jr' " r ·, ,-1 111 1'.1 gll6:!S8 1' \ ' (' lt1'l'OJ1U-- nucJd llz('d . 1 '10 pln .\' flll;I, ..... Ih. · ,11'11 .. , :1111 11"I l' p ' \",t! Ih,1 h,' udell ' ., r lit · Iljl·clllllltry "lid ,d" 'l1 tifft-li d. I' nlld "" l1d ' .. , "" I"I!, ' " 1' l'a ,I IIII [ I(,>t II h,' ~IIIIi I IiJ: I ' m !!plll!: to \ '1'11 llfl\ " I h "1'11 1' 1\ frh 111.1 ~! l\ \ 1 '1 ... It ~H lUe t('ul, ~I' O\\ lillI', hUl1H11l JClrl to ~\'hlll .\11 11 1'1·1.\I P", ,' tu dlll\\ \\1111 tllll t 1" tll flrry nu ', :'hl'l not ~ \· t n n nogt'l. HI ' In lld~ ,,, 1·'·I'I!, ·d I ll , ' ":1\)11 1' 1\ 1. '" you k now. :; ' \l I,,' l YOII 'lI fc I sor r ;, tll r h er. \\,111 1,"11"" tom or row Itt tw o." 11" Idfl.t~d II' wrltl' "Inv~, " hut c r o6~NI CretB W onderful Ca noeists. II out 111111 ,lglI,"!. .. lt e" l'·)" T Oln ."
to huy a f<irrn, \:llllo;,
M. N. Douglass TH E
I ~ ;;.
.Spring Valley, Ohio aM
, !!.
Aft e. t\ll~ ('I:t hurl cry out . ht' \\ nt nlld wtH=lh't\ ht.'r rU(!t ' with wHt'r,
IlJ d lt l!(1
h"r .,·('p ly : ' o.I'r u ('s dny,
·''1'11 ..
:lI ld fhl l "tlll d " l'fo l r' UI1""IHI ' ll 111 till' ",!'rld ," ~II .\ '" !" E , ~: It\~ ... II 'r . WI'! IIIL! I 'I t' "Ti ll' \\'oIjI" " I
.Jib\\ 11 .\',
:\1 '10,:11.:1111\ 0,('
f li l'
1 I I.'
( 'rI "l'
111 11 .. r
Dr. J. A. McCoy, VeterinarY
111111 :1 11" III H,l.\' ... · 1.11'1' . "' I lwr I ~"~ TIll. Y OilY . (\rmluolt' Ohio) SIIlI. I lnlvenl · "Den. M •. lInlllj1toll- Flli ll fu r ;'0111 .. ' ..... 1 1\ ~1~lh ~. ·" .. I · In rupld·I·llI\I\lIll! 11111 1 I'IlI IIl.11rt"rI ou Ju ~ t BlI Ch 8 'u r('H m y· If 11t.'~· ~tI ~' '1' 1111 II ' .\,,0\11'1111 ", "f" I ~' 111 .\' n self. Uncle J nllb Is gullll( to I ~ I 1110 1... 1 111 ,Ill"", Ihll l llh'Y wil l 1' 1111 I I /I till OPFlCF.; II1 0no ge hi s ftlrrn nezt yell.. PI II i,,'., (" 'tl lI' Ihl' lllll!h ,lrr- "\'('Il Ih r l)Ila.: 1I "1It1 r I,'u ll rth -Ilrel~~, rHlar Tylur rll t' Ill . ' ,', ' ~ llrlllIO: " Ilf \\'11 11' 1 1 111 ](1\ ,' ..: ) " ur t o econooll~ e, for It will to llo 10 1.. of l!.e R80 tor complexton an<l olh r r flll'lII hllir ~ t lll1t l "1' IIlld ~1 ' I\ll'-1 dlilis 1'11II .. lnl-' Tel~phon.. 9::1 I lIllchlnery. Dill J'm tlgl1r1n 8 tl! fi ll".,.)' "p lind rlllw lI yOlll' ("; 1'1111':' lute r on 80me co mp't ellt YUIII1I1 1111111 Ohio Wuynesvllh'. til help ru n thp f"1'II1. It will b e 111111'h
cheaper than hl r l uK. but yn" ueculI't f"c l Horry fM hili), tor I'll Ireu t h im
of Sa n Ja cinto. Th" " "Itl,> of ~ :1I1 ,1".'llIto wn o rn ; l~h l w hltr whpn h e pr'1I'''s to 1tI ~ th nt h IH ~I, · x l· II ' tuJl · ~ l zc ",lin , Al1d 1 stilli i ; ;:1-[ e,,· April ~I 1. :111. Io"tW" "1I l ,nl I,<'ct Itllil to tell 1Il~ how J(1 1'lIl1lh In.l· rOil, 1111",' .' ~ /lllll\ .\lll1n IIn, 1 ~ ill AIlI"'''
I run.. n,,"I"y, A . Tll·ItT e N ." ·.I'ho n ol n \\'0 .. II fl 1111('(1 tn 1'1)111 11 11 A nna of hfq ho u r LJ efor o trul ll time. lie .,<'n,1 It.
hnl r .
AUTO SPEED KINGS \VILL MEET AT CINCINNATI, SUNDAY, OCT. 5 IliROU5£VELT TRIBUTE SOO· Mlle Race fo r Pu rse of $30,000 Will 8e Se rtta Ga tti ••.
Colu.mbus. - Ohio'. thousands ot Bchoo) children, In whoso
St ~lled
for Visitors to Wor ld
~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _.!-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __
Heads of Campaign
For T, R, in Ohio I ~----------------~
, ( ) IILO I ~ b('lng t hnrml!;h ly or· gll nlz~rt by COUllt 1('" f(lr Ihe' I Iloo' vf'lt I l'n"' r l~ 1 rllml I" ,,"palen, tn b.,.o:I lI Ih l' we k of lIl'W\]"I' 20. I II th e llIo~ 1 pOllll lolid C"UIIUI!~ th"r!' will bl' I.o wn.hl p ')rll"'" 11.111:\11 111< II~ ",Pll , In un ('(forI to b ring Ihl' 11II'''''''IOl1t. 80 trllly ono for nil th e I lH 'IIII' " '' !I"r{).~ f'vervon~ In Ihp ~t9,t('.
---' '
he .. r l s Theodore Roosevelt bM )0111 boen enshrined lUi \.he r 0 rem 0 8 I American, will be flv.en an opportunity 10 ilia" their part In iIIsurlnl
the 81lCC01111 of the , RQoaevolt Memortal ' juat .. the, were permitted to DAJ their tribute to the Immortal LIn·
to Sal'e $ IOO?
Harveysburg, Ohio Ph one
Rc"er..;c Ph one CharRe!\ ). 10 .. ~_.
____ __~_________ I
-at{t!S . , " ' ~be peeu·
IIutf ~
~W be con· ~ ' ttq more 4 .~11 lB· the lOIIthtuJ
~ to.
Inlplllllotll/n an4 Itlaiulu. 01 - -pie. . madI aobool wW be encouraged to . . Q Ita lndl ... ldual orp.Diutlon from Ita ,"PIl . membenblp. attem"t wtJl ,be ma4lI to ellCOIIJ'qe the ch 11·
Arthur L . l:arford. of .,1 ), .16. ll. eHtll.o' lt ot th e Mtnte orga.nlzntion, nnd William C'oOI)f'r Proctel·. ot Cln· c lnn ntl , tn'asllr. r . Hlil t o h c'allqllart rs
h n\'('\ b t'(l n o Jlt'nerl In
AlWA YS R ely on 0 1~ n d "" il .
to thf\
('1 11111 1
~ 1'Jltlllrnn
~" -': 'jI' l.
Amertcanillm tor whleb be 80 It&un'cb· dl'lll\' motor car ellthll81uNts tro ul h un · tJH' rll~'I')(t I rtwk hI ATllt'I'h-u u lld uo· dreds ot miles IlroWid to th" city fo r 11 1." llI,'oI l~' will 11I'"d uce II IlW rccur<l_ at 17 aa4 ' eteadfUn,. atoM. U11" 1'11 '1'. the l1a,• - - - -';
.- ...
(If hn (Jk ~. {'n(' h 1'('1111. r"II I1\' a s· hy lili' P I' I'~"1I Itl w h " ',,, It
whlt·h. Ir
h Il P P' \ Il ~
Janney . .
H ao Two , Mea nin gs. rllr llPp :-: I!' II ~ I I " III Ill,' 1,ll lnll tn m~fln tlu ' Hllllil' 11:'< •. 111,111 ' 1'';. 111111110 1 Il1l'1l1dlll~ til It:' IW'II nln c f ,j' 1IIII1I1wr 'w Wh(11l1 cr 11I t'IlJI U 'Y • • >n\· H I I'~' III' III·tlll p l·~· , TIll' \\'01' (1 tl~ ul'n(I I'll ll y Il'uod In flu ' "nl'.. r~ hu !'1 Il d."l IIt/'IIl Jll1lr. ' )·III, I:,. fl tt·.. • :!,O()n t roopq II II':I II !'( ~ , I IIIII t-!lIlnh 'I' ~, , rl1 I1w )l:tl' if'f ('u \'ull',v II .. , ' II I 11 j(\ \\' 111" 1. l H)\\' t~ vl.J r , n t l'IIIIP I~ Ih" uui l (II' fllrTll Httllll, (·n n·
1r ~J!' tn II t'!lIIII IU lI.." .ll' 1lIl',ln l l'Y.
Long ....t.llce... VllH!rable8" Victor Bu!,!o hnll
cme MDteoco ,ot a bUlld....1 line!!, . . , M~I8' ID the boolr, In one of the ~ dMeltptJ". Waterloo. there aN 0"''' IIj) UOI'II without II full 8tdp. 1JD~Il'a I't!j'()n\ II! h('ld by the forelJD eIlU*tm ..llt acl, oll e section of wbl\lh _chu It I allt hundredth word,
It we Ire tID he llliPI'J, e m~ be, lIal'l'1 nftW\.lt' .e are Co be happ" we IIIUIIt he _Jp, .... ; If "Iff' Ii'll to be lie..". ". be IItQ1111 ID oureel... . . " ~ ......doaL-Enbillp.
Books That P roflt . 'rll forf' 111'(\ hll1 lfl r ,·d s
~ln ll"l t ('tl
RIHrtllj.! 11.'11 •• 1i.I ,.r e;1I I r''''1 ,.. r.-; . rom· rn n n() rcl II,\' Ii I'npilltn 1)0,1 eIlITfJ:i I)Outl·
Jack Wilson
r ('"H t'. Hl .fl t',S .l!ll nn,l r1!'ik fnr n s h()(I~t l'I IlI.!," IIl I f.: 1l C'"YfJll ('nn L: ~, t nhnut n n\' lhlnR
y ou 11 1-'1\ r Ot· O\'pr HI ""r n ndlllfl'R":
Rats are on , TIl .at farms Once 'hey get Ins i d e the honle-I ook out Ral8 kill IDf'~nt8-blUng tbem Is n oi, unusual. Nursing 'bottles atl-rll ot rats. Break R coke of RAT 8N AP and thr o w it lI.onnd. It will surely rid ",ou of rtlt" ,md mice. Three size!!, ~50. GOo, *1.00 8n lu and R:Uaf. antee~ by fi E. ~:rtrllh llt t /lUll J . E .
- .-. . . --
i fll't" ,,11 "lIlnl' n\lllr!. 11 1111 1111'1' IhOlll' I tlU ·.I' 1'11111<1 ~" IV It Itlj.!l'lh ~ l· If ' lh ol' n nlv hlld II l llf'f'(! o f l"IHJ .. ~ ll·lrlJ!, '( )Ih"
('1,\ \ ' 0 I n(\(1.
.0 11\'1\;' \\,tl .. III Ih .. I ll li dl " f l.!1I1 ng tf, 11 11.,1 ~! f~I"d lll : 1 (nl' rH \" I\l'~. III1JI ' \ ' :11-0 H " \,flr ,II "I:"I', .III I, ·,\. \\,h lh' III " ~'III" wll lt III (d h l' l' III' Y~ o f 111 1' 1I, '1,!hhtl rh'" 111 th t..' tr
Where There's a Baby on Farm Keep Rat.Snap
Oflice at Annie Haines' residence
God of the Lovwel' World. In one ,temple ot JIIIlUO tho Image Is II Japaneae conception of th e «00 ot tbe world. The figure has an ullU8uai bllrtoI'J. An Imnge lUaker. It 18 .aId, died. Wbeu b e allpeared before tbe lor4 , of tbe olber world. he " '.1 tol 't liat tn his lifetime h e hnd o .... er ..,~ted th e.lord o f the world propell" iUleS ,thllt be mu st return to . elnb ~ mIke R cor'l"ct, IIkeneS8. The flpre .. poInted out Ill! the r esult of the ,order. It Is 80 horribl e with Its red faee and ' malevolent glare that lhe .ltOl7 eMml pll11illble.
\b,'n H\
8izel, 2uo, GOo, fl .OD 80ld lmd gUlH. aDtel.'d tJy 0 , E . E IU' Dhtu\ aDd J . E,
G.aton, Chevrolet and Joe Boyerl p ictured abov e, .... l ' two or th e yo of Amerlc<l I "I?eedway drlvera. Both will be •• en at the wheel a of Frontenac ~rs In the race of October 5. and both' are confident that th ey will be able to dupllc'!te th" feat of Galton Ch evrolet at Sh <c.p hMd B;I Y I ~at S ~ turd a y. whon h" dray,' hie oar, tl)o ,,,,,tire dlaunco without vl81tlng the ~it . It Is ex pected that th .. re will be four Frohtonac catl In the race, a ll being of America n manu· 4NII to utrancant COIltrlbUtlOn. \ facture. ..... nbeCll1ptlOlU wW DOt be rel'ru('lI t'II\1y 1111 the ~llIr 'Irll' t,,~ no w With the flltIn& of the schedUle with approTBI. It Ie hoped 111 '\'111"1'1"11 11'111 I ur, kl l ,ul" In til" '0 11that Bllbool child III 01110 ml\]1 ror the w(>fld's librlee gow eN , th e tllilll- te>t fur thn !{t),1I1I11 !'tII·.,!, uf(" . cd hy be 1'IIOcln!e4 .. bMlng made lome con· ugewent or the Indnnntl SPef,tlwuy UI U Ut:JlIf' ~t 'JIII ' IH . ,'\ lIIHIIJ.:' l llt ·,u w ill b e tfllnlUoll, bowe...... em.n. to the Me- Cowlluny n ow la ubl tl to nnnoun cu dll' thuUul1 ( 'lH' ,' !'old . \\ fl u t'HtH llll sl lt.! tI Ii ~.... I'or each Ichoolrooin COtltrlb- llulte ly the clule for tile SOO-mllll .ace, Ot!\V n ··('(II', I flU- I ;,",u lid I I'S Ii I !:i 1i, · l'p ~· . . . ~ &&IOOlatlon 1I1t1 pro... ldo II wblcli hill! been ill t'Ourse of· hl' Kl1 lillY " " :O;IIIUI·'ia),. II I~ II.otl ,,·r .,..wIeata, IIIcne4 ~ lui table tor ID ord er iii II I LuUI". wbu dl'"V," hl ~ h ll rll l lll( "ur hult U p6raiaueut evIdence Of Itl ~Oll tow Home Hme. \\'u..,- Hrulln,l I l l e Irll~.' k willi UU llh'~ tile tribute to the naUon', ... lIlltors to thJl city ,clillliul ng uver IH1J'~tI Il H fru m Ow lIulltI , u l ~u will b ~ ltad,er. . bet"'ooll &erles IIIny boyo the 111'1"'1'- . ulllclulIlly I·CI·U\,., rl,, 1 hs Ih,' lI nlt: t i m _tl4 oontrlbUtof, e'fOn thouah tunltf of Heelng thl.!! thrllll llg cvc nt, I',,~e IH ~1II~ u" , ", I'll l'Uf'l 1111 II'. Oilier .... ~ptlOQ be oni, a DeDDl', will and 0150 tu IlCCUJllUlodu t ll llt t! tlt n u· HtUI"It~ rs U I I·'~ 11 11 .\' · t' fll"' !'l' U Uf' . ' H' Jwurlt a e.rtUIC6\11 ~ membership. su.orl~ of speed tanH wh o fua lIul 9VU ro \ Vl k u x , w l lll lt.' r lir 11uJ Dl!t""'ullu l1 D uy ... btl 0W1I I, the IWoHovelt l tho tl~O to so;o Ii UlOOlt ot this kitH.! on rll l't' III 111.IIIIIIIII'U\l8; HIII"h l it) 1'11111111, week dll):s. . tJle lllaullgeJbent hUij II&M8IDIII'IaI AllaocIaUOD. Sunilill', October 6, ClS the dute W ol,lu ~II · III. 1';oI,l lc \l ' PIIIIl II' !!, Joe ~, n, the &Dol,ere9,ry 01 1 lected for the con teet. 'l'hls dB te will 011111- B u,~· l~ r. trn Vull. J\ rt 1' lj ~I II . I}U \' , · t.ewl:-\, a-"eU'. birth, Is to be naOonall, 'l'lI lJl ~I II I"". H lI l l'h ;\lul fllr, I, Tom oIIaerTed. and It ., the hope of the Q8. hulle cO DIII~1.8 wIth aD)' ot h er bli lll(:kl''y. .1 (J('\ • T IH)lIlHH, 1':1 'IIVI ~ I)I) HU,J aootatJoa that In every Ichool to Ohio lportlng ove.nts, will give th,, ~,· \\'ho I l lIe. s, It will he made the oc:caelon ape. remuln In tbe city wbll u th e ~teds [l re ~l nll.Y Jll lrJl'/J\' t!flll' n t s Ju, \' ,· h l!t!u oIa1 &lid appropriate eJlBrclsea lhat In C hicago 1\1\ oPIlOI'lu,lll ty ttl "Ill! 'III 'emphasise the worth of tho lovnl 6xtraordlnl1ry fltlru ctlou, lin d will HlH d. · 111 t l\. · :-;1"~t 'd wIIY. whldt II UW I.
Com~ . and see me, alld get an estimate on your" nrk. I am posItive 1 can save YOII a lo t of money .
On e 500 plr g. cau 'k ill ,,0 rR~". 'I' ho uvo rll!,:e rnt will roh yo n f *10 B year in reed, ob lok ~ Bnd p Tope.t,y destruotion. RA R. ~N AP II! riAllrl1'· to rate C r e lDlltes nfte r killing, Lea VAS no !mell. vomes In OAk eS , Rate will 1'1185 UplU oat, ~ralll , oheeRe to f!l6Mt on RA'l' SNAP ' 'l'bre e
......iII • U..... at. ~on'. plan tor tile eabooIa .t h. of the Cos.
Will You Spend 50c on Rat-Snap
htpeet , ~ that appeai8 most ItronaIJ · to til. tmac!DaU". ,ouna
------_ ...----' . Ha"._
H a ing secmed the services of two good men , I want to tell the puhlic that I am now better prepareu than eYer.. t o do work 61' all kil1ds in the
--- _. - ..----
ur.. ooe of con· a...1 ........1"811.... lIwa,s tor the
Ia -Lee
AI IIV · I\.
ala '..... UMi' eort Qt
Rllll t!1
whl!U"'r Ann ml~ht . el cnL ,;,.,· d: "r nil 01 11/'1' nflll '\' r ~. ':11111 nnll lie rn lrl y Rnlitchlll'l t he 1lC11 !' r""111 !d ndt; flf IIWI1 ~II InfHl\lrS, Ih.rh I1l1w : Ihe hond of lIw 1l1088t1IlKC.. tll'llI'<I f\' Itw n 'n l' U \'1I 1Ir ,\'. yet) h,w: nf 111t11l tt l nRldl! 1'.(101 ' tho. 'ro\v,1 lind r~i1(1 : firtlll"".I·. N('III' \t't j In 11\lJlr lo"'lII11R I I' I "nl'll r M • . 1:Il\1ll'ton: r()1' (l ~, hu lT: m,l, II"nl flf'\pnri llu'n t , ttl" , t'Nn , n ut [ nt .. \·~ l' l'1\'r~Unf'; nnd Olin: ('I)I'P':: I)f . ·Uj!lrll't\r.... 'wurl" 1 HIU1 l' n:~ too. 1111 'ht h r l nl! nr"unll )' Il 11f \\ h ll ,'; IWt II1JUlI'l' tlt 'pJlrl1l ll'IIt, htnrlt
"A. n C Hl.' () ~ . " 1\mn fll !Jml ~l'Il'" th e nlt-~s en Kt.' r. i1 ~ c hlln g to answer lh nnto In p (' r Nnn, 11(> cn ll~ct a t n Jo\\,0Ip.·8 on thl' WilY 01111 RUII nrl'lve,1 u t nllrton' ~ In time to {H'aV., thnl h e ~'Il ~ QUll lltlNI t n 1111 t ho plnc p, n l Hl t o go wltll ' ,\ n;.:r lll 11I1l1 U n cl e J onh 0111 t OJ lo"k o~ c r Ih l' far lll
~iioon,. ';lFU the hero 01 ml1UbM i!. f.&..eit.wr be,. and girls.
~ ... at...
rr OIl,-,ttlll .
'oIllIn N \(]nt lnns t' rl III your IIl Fl t V1Hcc. nut) ~(.' llrll't: sigli n! t'urp :-l:. orlln,.:'· IIOI! V ' ' ,, 'll'lA 111 .. '8 Lelllllnl' nll d \\' 'II tnlll II over. lind!' J nn h ", l iltf'. IImnA In t~,, · nAI' mrt~ Illlrl I 1I. t) 1;II 11lJr nllt tn Inl)l( (l l'('r t he f nrro nt Ih I'P{'. I mll!ht Il .lrl, thllt 1 nIH '(II~I'IISI'CI to Illvo lin olt! snhll ('. pr.,r .. n 'ncc ,we. nth{' r lI 11pll n n t!\. n il oth,' r things tll' l ng PIli 111 I. H ('~ \1'y,
dl 'f"Ht(l, l "nil Ill ' tlnd i :UI !tlt'lt W,'f'I' 1'J\ plur ,'tf, n:~(l 1, 111,'" Jl:.lnDe d uI' llruri utl\, oly, th pu (JII Nenlll ;\ on" ~fN \\,111111111 .. 1. Th .... 1'.'~nll 1(\"~ Wll f: ren din g In\l glwrl hrl mlly. TI p fe ll th al 2 ki ll,· " n nd ::!:-t \\'(\lIflll " 11. Till ..: lint tl .... (1", -" ',' 11 I II. ' illdl' 1', ' IHIt'l11'" "I' '1',''\;'110: It should bo un" \\"red nt nncr. nnl1 till" d llr I~ I lh~(> l'yt " l til 11.1' slu rp .. ~ nr All i,- l1l1l'e )'011 nny ollP 111 n~ (\ Ilo\il\ ny. view fflr t.hut pi nel' ? 1 ml"ht hp 110'1" --- ~ -- --Rlll1t!r{\ to I nk, ' It. An s,,".'r. T()~l." Ami ~h~ ul,\. senrllnlC It til Ih ~ ~1 11Bon. w h re fI rnl1lPr dt ~('on:-;lIllil l \ anti Otrlcers' Hat Cords. rrl'Ht.rllllt!n Tummy wn,g wlll llhrillK 11,:1 ,ll1 ri1 1:! (If Cf'II I' r nl nllll'p r lOl nr(
. ~ bt the ~'f8lt Memorial A..oct&bon~eobtemplate encouraglnl ~ 'f!&ool , I~n orPnlle In II datftf48 ' eIlt, IIOt only for ~~~ I~ an effort wUl ~ U 1rell 110; the tremen. . . . ~~~ ' an &CUOD will ~.:-~ . ~ eblldren to b~ _~~~'. : ~tter Unll of 1000 d~!\itI. ~ 'lbOre dented Bervlee tV' .&meft~ . ~ :\ AiDeriean Ideals. 8ta~ ~: 1~ ICIiool auth~rlUe8 IU'8
11 lid f' 1'
\\' 11):
....... W.
B~tt l e
Pf' I'f"lfl U
1' .. 11 11
tn ollP pu J; w ill
I ' nn ld ~
f1ulrp 1I 1l ('H f1 \,(d nll~ly If. fUI' nl f-l h
blm Rl'ir wllh flIH1l1l1nltlnll which h(' will flnrl n f U ~f' In the hiltll e (If IIf ~. -- Ruos9v('lt.
---_. - ...
- - - - : --
. ~7JJ~'/N£ .
f\'eCl Er. Book.
MADDEN W ANTS TO KNOW If you have read the new act, passed ' by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, which reads I in part, as follows: . . Se .lion 5564 .. 'for the purpose of enabling the county audlto~ to delermme the value and location of buildings and other ImprOVell1ents, . . " who shall erect or construct any .or <:, thcr improvement costing over . 200, ' , . shall wlt1un s Ixty. days after said building or other im , provc ment shall have commel1ced, notify the auditor of the c<:,ullty Upon fail.ure to givc 'n otice as herein. proVided and the discovery of such building or improvement by the county auditor after the same has been or c0r:'strllcted, the sai~ building or improvement shall b e appraIsed by the county auditor at its true value in mon~y. and placed upon the .duplicate 'together with' a tax ,pena lty of fifty per cent for each of the years from 'he date . • iof the e;ection or co.nstruction to the date of discovery, Said countyaUllitor may enter, I? hllllself, or deputy, within reasonable bours and fully ~xamine all buildings and striJctures of every kind I
tall Write for "We Eyt Co., DruggilIS .
) •
: .
r""'.------..,... ...,.;. . .,. ;,.- - - ........................- -...........;,."...---
Notice-Consult "Madden, .who will save you a lot on your, lumber bill, -th~refore will save yOy . a lot on your tax ' duphcate: It pays to trade at home,
~ ~.,
· ~lI'OOlb.~
~~bl ,Ct.,,", •• d Moraltll!. n_ H.oI'1i¥ If they Tire, Itch, Smart or Dum, If Sore, Irritated, Inflamed or Granulated. use Murlno •• Ire.b.... Safe for
----- -
w. B.
Mad, en & Co.,
•.•.'T II E M I A 1\11
IS ~ l'IW E\EI~Y WI';U,I 'I~~ IJAY
Mr . II n(1 Mrt! .J. J!l Sll nmak er nod
CPAJI\h, Frlitm ulld 1' \I),II.l u . \\n !I('!\,ille, (JI ,I () ~lIb Nc:r i (lti o n
l 'rl
$1.50 !Jer YOB r
Ou r War With Spain. TI"'r,' I" OIIoro ont"rI'h In thl. 9<>C,tll," <1'.1 till'. l Rlh " f "prll ,·' "~ .Ih~ I nll<"] ,. r ,h., ,'Io""lry lionoo n il uthor dl •• ase, Sf t t l I I f Jlul l 11 ~1 t. hl"- " Hlltl rlU' yenra It Wn.8 aU1) 1o • II liS "('nll ,. ntH I H' I(O II AP 0 rl'pr~' II'I " h d 10 I" '1"" 01'11 <111', OootO"H p" e:
t1rdul'f'!I julnlly fh ut I il l' tct' lilh" d 101 u l l ' t' 1Il1 :~IIU:f,. an d lly co n-I ( ~t1hlln ~ 'turf' IIlId nf " )'ig ht ' I\I l!l!r to ~ taJ1ll ) r,dlltll-!" I f.' (-' 1.'(- w l lh l oca l trulll '''\' lIt , tHol l "lIltt 'NI It lu curu lJ lc. Cu.-
'-;('n 1n t"'PR
hfa frtlp un'1 Infl t"' 1uk ll!" lind (l J lIpt)W ~ ' 111 1'1' 11 I ~ I, hH' ul JI HC II ~ "reat l y InrltJ ~ or cd "rN:ldl'nt 'A t l'1,llIlt-v to 111oi( ' IIle UI L II I r~' r'111I ~ llttltl"lllll ' <:u nd ltll1 n t: . Ulh.j ,
Inod n ud
,IH 111' l ull\
111 1\1111 f ill'(' I'''; I, r ,hi' 1 nltt'" Stn10s ttl tllt'll' lItl1l fl~ 1 .'!l l'lI('ItV to r il l'·
ry 1111' rl'~I1II1II"" 11I1 1) 1'11""1
lu"('n l ' ot\~ll t1)t t\ ,l onr \.'~flr ngltl" ~t RJlllin .
11,'11"'''1-,-'11 h.\ 10' , ,I , l'lt ro nC}" &
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"fI , ' )111 ( ••
I, l :-l r ~o Ih'cllll'll(lnll ot
1' I'qUII" ~ t ' Ol lK UlllllulIU.l U·tmt ~l ijcJJd ll o. ·mll ll ·
'I IIII '~ t "ulltnh
1111' 111 ,
Muj'u lI ~ SIIdllCC 8 ur till' lie Httll(h'\' d Uolln' rH r~\\"I~I'U rOjr ,u,y. th lll lI u li H Cu· , tlllih ,\h ' dldric full~ HI "lll' C, Sll lld fo r ('ld~ IIIHI' 1"I 11 1111 It':--a limnnlaIR. "', .J , ,' III '; NI':Y k "0.. Til l "". Oh io, ' :-:; "t ll b y I J fll J,;'gl :HH 7[jc. 11 0 11 ':1 I"a mll y l ' lll s ful' ·OOIHlpu.tloJl, IIlund
I ~ ~·jl "" nl.
I. (.rr'·"",1
. J0 b p.. T 1.your. nntlng
The Miami GII:Lette-l 50 pe r yea r. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~L~~~~~~~~~-~!!"!'-~
What Roosevelt Memorial Is By William Boyce Tho mpso n, President Roosevelt Momorlal clatlon. Til l> nnO.l:; V8I.T lit Oy" ' r r I1ny, to ho pr",,'rvrd Http AS· M lllI lIl Vnmnn, a 1111 II n "O~ vplt Foun· SOTIAT ION h n ~ " "tlon, nr" h"lng conalllnrcd, lwrm (OfIlH'd I (I llct '1'1", 1111'1 hll I'1111' ), ",,,,'k of th o MAl)~n; MOI(l ,\ I.
n rp nry
I'rnCllnf; " 110 111' nntl ""'Ing, II1l' IJII ,rllll s 10 Thr-nd nro' II no~p veil, "'hkh "h li ll kov il 11 I I 1'1) II, tor nil Amerlen tUlii Ihe ~ tlmllltl:l to righ t \l vl ng. hl..:h lo ra ls lInd ubI,' pllt rlotlnm wlil ch tl oVo'rn frunt hl>l dooda and I C'Ach l n~s . We at'O 8N'klnll 10 mIRe 8 minimum of $~,OOO,O()O -o l whi ch lI' e urp I(lOlel ll':: hOIlPtuII }, to Ol,ln ror r; . ObvIously, thp {'118m I r " r I h~ lir · tu nl me morlnl. 10 ~r ,·r I' ",1. nnel t hclr 10 11011 , nr. Ill" '" I"n~ 11111 1 "' " :\ 1
r llll hin I, ,,,,
rOll ncl Ih n l "vPry",h " r" Ihe
:: "111 h 'Jp-. '1t o r thr' count f\' flH'or B th {l~o 111' 0 or "" Itro R ~ I~n ot th l' nJ&
mnrLtI : Jl'Ir~ t . a ''''',"orl lli Ihllt r,hllil li p 1mJU I'dlnll' ,":(1 will I'nnhlc Ih,· II ODIe 10 r"rnr" ul " I\ C(1 nnd fordh l), Lhl'lr rlotl'fmln"lIn'l to 1I1,1I01 ld ,u,01 nmlttln ln
hI M R f fll l i idl AmprlC'AlltRIIl .
S CCCln d. [ll' rn"tnl'111 n'''l11orlnlij Ihat ""Ill. ns n (\Hr tr Jl!-; ' lo~( ~ lhJ,..., v nrD" l lI llte
nnll corrN·t ly InIPr pf<'1 hl ~ dUII'Utler lind Am"r!c" ,,'slO to rutliroJ /:I·opr ... fl o n ~,
T o nr'.'omlll'1 h ,h .., Or ttt, the \'nrtnus
Rtn tf' and lorH I f,' (Jmoal tt l \(\t\ nr c r eonot be d(l('ld cd ,, 1' hOll t :-4{~ r h \ II R t·n n ~I t1 · qll"81f'11 10 nl mn .. ror 111 '1' llngR fl U OctohFl r ~ 1 . erRUon 11.. to Ih,>lr (l1' I'I'ol,rlutencs" Roo"Il I'pll'S hlrlllllll)" do~ lruH
of tlln l'I'un lry 81 Jargo. So wo hllv e dl'tl'rr pII IIHlnltl' tllII" to d oolHlon until wo lilt hll'~ ' bo vorl' corlllin 1111 0 ~xllrtly 11'11111 will beftt Ren' to 111111'" t hl' nlUI1\ol'), or The Orl'n'l 1.111Prh'lIn A monlllll nl In \\'u"hlll,;-tnn, a pork
, lin" thl!
'l' 1 )('~e
mo,'ttn tl'H 11'111 b" th e ImmedJ:i le 1I1"loo rI81 . Tn c.arrr nut tho ~()con'l - tho Il" rIlInn, nl Incmorlnl- lhl! w"ok 01 Or' t()o Illl' 20, 27 \\1111 be r11'votod to th~ I'llc"lpl "r conlTI lit InnR fnr tho III111d lng of III Cl!~ ml)Dlor lnls,
Public Sales
John H. Wright tit
. .................
RAY F. MILLS, Dealer Waynesville, Ohio
, ,
"',, n
E. v. ,
Saxon "Six" has earned its reputation as the Practical Ca r because it is so thorol1ghly practical from so mallY difTcrcnt standpoints,
_0. '"''
Phone 71
The Practical Car
- ..----
Saxon "SIX""
Mrs. AlII.., JJaklu , at ne,,\' Lyl,la, MIss Katbrvn, C lark. of Oxfard , w ok e d goaKt of Mr . Bnd Mrs. 8 spen' the woek end with bome folk!! . , u. Unk ln Rev , F . . W. Miller ,' Red Lion , MI'". J (,unlo 8Iw~rt, of Clnuin nliti, "pent Wednesday and Thnrsday. In ~penL ~Il verlll dl.lYs hare last week Lytle, making calli • . IVlt h r c, lufl v"H " Mrs Alioe Jawo8 and ohildren, of Lebanon, spent 8 0ndilY wlUi Mr. Mr. IIn,l MrH. A ~ I\le\l, Mr Vlnrv . Welull 1\ IfI ~, . 8"10 (I (' I I . t v~ UII UK1btler p. aud Mrs Fnnk R ogers. nail ,0 . HO .... , nfha. Hu n rv ng, Mr. and Mrll. H . M Clark IlUU 1,' Il!'lflpc\1I Wtll ldlllg In · 'in ol nnnt! ou ViCI,Ot B owm a n wo re Da ,y ton vl@lt 'V l\( lt)f ' ~dl' " or I t 'e Ie or~, 8atllr clllY. '. u,.." r-, • :'t1r8 M Iud Anllt:r"o ll HIlU MU D Mrs , Ghlulee NIlII, of Springbor o. t t l II ', r X . 'II ' ,11 1 , 0 "U.tta , Wltr" JJnJ ~e nt, nt 8peu l, Thursuay lind Frldll)' wl\h 'lit ( t 11 1t)IIM t fllr ,I O Il holll b e rn 111 1;\ Mr. ,. S. H . l:falDe8 and family . d li l unltt-' ' ~'ra nk Woolley lind fam ily, of ' ... r,h · 11Ilii Mr~ . .Iuo ob Ueeoe. o r DI\Y 011- lon, were week end goe!ltll of tnu ' wurA f,(uustB of f'r t of! h Mr. anu Mr8. Wtll:iam Brown. : ' ~ t I e H e r e on U' ~. L tl ·1)1' ( uy . lItrs Mary Oarmony and MIM8 1 Jllr. nllll Mrs, l:foro ld ::lmtl.h .md Le,ma MoGlnnls weJ:8 ijnn4ay gllosts • 1 W d SOUt'. Or UflBr CIarksvi ll o , we r e o f Wllbnr Olark and family , ('nk onrl g llORt8 of tllolr 1lI0 UItlr, Mr. and Hr., Allen Emrlok aDd Mrl'l Ul lr .. · , t ~ ,--,nnnAT. dll ughter, G ladYI"and Mr8. Cath er Mr . lind MrR. Ed Ca rr and two Ine Uorno11 vi sited, Suntlay, with " llIltlr811 wore 'umll\Y g U88I.90r their Mr and Mrll Leon Salisbury , near III.rllnU!, Mr. lind ~ rl'. Robert Carr. Union Vlllllge . . Rev. Blluning toll prell ohod hlp Mr . and Mr8. Maok Plokerlng en IIr~t Berm a n I1t the M. E: Uburch ter\alned on Sunday, Mr . and Mrs bllro, on ijulld~;y. J e, Oampbell, of Goorlletown. Wiliurd Boglln und MlsR Freeland I4r8 Caolpbell wi ll remain and Ipake wer o u ultl1tlln marriage, In LebaDoD, fln ext ended vis it wl\h h e r si8'er , un 'I' hursrt"y, lind ' WIll r o.ide on 8 Hr and Mrs . J B Jones and son , (IHm Oil J o nuh 'H RUD , 'l'be young T horle, wore Bunday guests of the co npl o till < our hOAt wishes, for III er 's nnole a n d wife, 1011' and Mr . "Drt 1\\1'''. BOW llrtl Ani on nod Mrs John Price, in Xenia. two chlJl1roll and MIs8 0 .'8 Ans on, of Mr. W . O. Oornell return ed, laet (II.vt.on. w 1'0 w OAk find g u cll tll of weok, frow MlohlR:an, where he haa Re~der8. Keeping Cider Sweot. tholr I'''r (l n l,~. Mr. onrl Mrs. A , B b een spending !\Elveral weeki on 'nll'r nre 'Cnur ~IOr ts of renderR: T n kN' (I rhl"r ~WPl't 1,11(('0 In ('n~h AU801l . &00000\ of hay fever. "nl 'I'(' 1 hnmpclln'h l y on lIluktnJ:(, 1t1\1~' 1fII1r gl n~!I rcnd!' ... I\'hoso r,'niltnr:: r'l'lIl'I\1r". M utllu~ Un de r wood. , oue of Mr. and Un. Harold Burgo, of t ur d, fnur 0 11 1lr'(,H: snlt. nI\{\ nll1\C~(', 11 1141 III 1111<1 nnt nnd " 'I\\,('S nnthlng; ~pnllgo 'lD I' pi u iH,e l' ohi:lOtl m. , ~ ulT llrlllll~ IItr oko WlIoyn08vllle, looll Bund.y dinner J;:round rhlllk . one "U'1(·~. ~hnl<l' ', I-pll, ()II 1I('I'o unt, "f lellvlng t OWIl. I will r lillI's, who Im bibe nil but only to o f )I " ral ya i~, lutlt. w l elr, lind III, t. hl a w"h loll', and Mrs. Lawrenoe Sima. fir r ll"'r mflY hI' lir l'"(" 'I' I'oI ~II' I " 1 " r I111' 11 .1l1 )111.11110 1I 11~ll oTl .. t , Illy r~,p I ; I\'I! It' out '11gnln ns tll ey go t It, ond wrll in~ It! th on gM to ori t,lordl.y ill. Mr. H~I ry Mo(1 tinnle and f1lmlly rllllnllll( In nlrll l:hl l'n,1l1 nfl"r Ih, · 11\11 1l' ,11\11(" '''' KncHeol "I." ' Ii I,. Wn .\· Il"~v' "B ... .-I,ol'!! not 0 el l'lI r ; j elly·hlll; renders, Mr. unrt Mrs. John li lm pson lind entertained 0 0 t!llturday, Mu NaUle nt' " of ) 1t'Ps l\ rvtn g fl'l1 l t. 'I'll .. 11 \llhl ()bl t), nn 1\' lIn k('(' p III Ih'ngs nnd retu ae, nnd pon IIlId Mrs. WIIIIII IJIS. or Waynes ~oward, of 8811brook and Mr. Harrv ~h(\111tt h ,- nr~t tI..,tOp,l nIH' I"HI '1( 11,t flfT let the PlIfU ru n III rougb; diamond Saturday. O(lohcr -I, I \I II), vtllo. wer " ou lling lin ,~rqlll\lll~tluoeM Wataon, of Detroit. troll I Ihe (Irrl!~, hilt '1'!'l1I ontH" on 11111"1 ren(lrrH. wll n ('n ~ t nM lllo nil thut 18 hore. Huoctav. Whll .. on way work, Mon' n lll I>/> nll cw,',1 I II rflmlll"nl'C \J!!rOrc UO llll1lflfwlng li t I n 'c'l nrk p , "', I;"rlhll!"~ lind IH)I" OI nly gems. tho follolNing n hol, t.(OI~: I IinrRo. :I • Mr .· and Mrs , t:l. r •. Un rtwrlllht day. Walter Kenrlok aD·\ hll foroe callu lna( or It wIll n nl 1(1'1;11, MAl A O) f dllrll "A~. J BI1r::~ ,\' ,Ln l' II lot of • nlld Dr. aud Mr~ . •1. 1'. /£\lI~, of saw tho barn of Artbur Woller, Dear W lly no8v llle, were III atleudance Centerville, burning. They rUllbed -"~-~~~~~~~~~~~~!'! f UnI1A(l h ol(1 C~ fvllIH . ~"" h l ll ~, r--------------""!~ ---, ADAM HTCl[)PI'. C··"~ ',"1 here on 8~'urdav, m eetlng .old ao, to the flro In t.lme to help save t he :0 q uulntuncel and h~~lnK a good tl ml'. orlll and otber buildings. The b"rn Ads ( '.1' , iJllwkco , ;\111' 1 Mr uud Mrs . Willard Murtln , or and oon tents burne d. OilY ton, were present here, !:!IHnr Steve Bornett lind fllowily were A s ] 8m gOlllg I" '(uit r"r1l1lng. I (lILY, with rel"tl VI' S Imd frleltCl M. wi ll M"II Itt Illl hho ~ILI() o u t,Ii n prom . ~on day dinner Rueete of Mr , and WANTED':"TO RENT i ~e~, one I ,,\Ie I!:e ~ t of LJu r w ln , o n Mr. and Mre. Georgo Ellie have 1\ IIIre. Mnrcollue Th aokera. of Spring. Phone, Write or See me for bor o: fine \ourlng oar . Wedn esday .. October 8, 1919 Dates few Vllolln' .LoIs (f,r gnrtlon Mr and Mr~. Frank KDot m'o vod pnq)()SOM nox.t t:lp rln g. A 1"0. l1eglnhing fit 10 o ' olook , the fo ll ow so Lebanon , ~unday . Satlsfaotlon Guaranteed aome gOQd Mtable wilnure. For In. Ing pro p orty , 21:11 r86M , 2 MnleH, 6 , Mr. 1'1.1111 R Olls an lind MI1I8 Martbll Jame. Stucky Says, "Rat COlt Me for,lllAl·loo Bee U E StuDdlford, Uuttle, 20 H Ogfl, 27 !iIlAOI' , J II1I) lo. St.rr, of Dayton, weraln a&tendanoe GHIO BELLBROOK, $125 for Plumbing 8111 ••" Waynesvll'le, Ohio. 01 melltl.'!, 81\r0089 Lllmhnr. • 'on blllll D-II 'be demonstration here, SaturdllY, " We oouldn" ~ell wbat Wall olog ,JOHN LOWI~Y . Mr . and Mra EllSlmpllon. of near King up our tolle' ,.n~ dralnl. We W . N . Sellr8, Allot. Waynesville, IIUended ohuroh bere, bau ten up door, plpoe, eto, MONEY LOANED SonllliY. found" rat's nest In tbe ballement. Bllvln~ ~oltI my tlHlIl, IIml ~ol ug ....................~ M1'9 ~lIrl B ookeU, of n oar bere, They h&d ohoked the pipes wi th to m o ve tn tow n , ] will !:loll 1101, pu r. unlerto ln od [-or Mrs R ol RI ~ln gll r, of refnae. l'he plumber'. bill wIUI112r.. ONEY LOBned on live 8tock, lio nuOtlOlllil t.he (arlll known 118 Ih o ~e\V Da yton, Alberta, UnnHda, on RA'l'.8NAP oleaned the rodeot ont." ohattels, "Iso sooond m or' gaKes. Wedueadny, ::;eptember 2·1 '1' b08e Three Ilz8I, 250• .500, H.OO 80ld N,,'es bou~ht , John 8arblne, Allen Wm. HIlrd tflrm Bnll Io OIl tfl(1 :.!}::; 0IIl AR80 uth . we~to r W'~yn e~v~ll e 'an I ... Ex'a mined Correctly.. . pre!!ont. were : Mrs 80wtlrd Gm. and guaraDteed by' B . E, E~rnhar' Building, Xeol a, Ohio. . (l. 4.20 4 mi les north. east of O rogonl" fl ll lillm, Mrs J OB W . DflVls, Mrs M,8. and J . E. Jann oy. Glasses the Wayn esvi llfl Rnd Or gnnl ll piliI'! .tlioDonald·. Mls8 I"oul~e N. Wilson, - - -....... (drive turning In Ilt oaot e ntI of AT ~IODERATE PRICES Mr~. Eruellt Mannon , ;\drll. \I' red (1on 8 FOR UENT or vore4 bl'i<1!{Il) 011 111'8 Percy R6880n and Mn. Will Ke r Ney, 01 O rego nia . Thursday. October 16, 191 9, TABLE-For either a tMm and Everything Indlonte8 tha' we are Begln nlnl{ nt I II 0'010 II, tile follow Optical Department wilg on 'or an llutO. I Dqolre of to have a bank In our olty in th .. very near fu\ur e. Ge t bUtly to hel p Lawrenoe tlbepberd, Wavn e~vjll o, p rnporty : -1 H.orSA!!, 17 Cattlo, ila S. Dctroit St. Xenia, Ohio 1J0gR, 11 !;beB)). Poul t ry. Imple Mr., BaDnah Rioh apent tbe week. (Jhl". millie It a go. 01 • Open evenJngs by appoIntment ~ m ont1l , Uorn,. RBJ': Barnoss . . Boose. Mr . and Mrs, H. F . Borge88, 01 end wllh her daullMer, IIrs. Holdle ================1 1101<1 Uoo<1s, Ford A utomobilo .. nd ~ 8urfloe Ind 'amny, or W&rn8lvllIe. MltdlsOll, WlsoonMin , who have beeu FOR SALE- AUTOMOBILES 'l'ohaooo , See Illrgfl bllle. . ~~================ " ==~ I4r, aDd lira, Alva Luddlng'on visiting bere for somll time, left for WALTER L. I:iA WYER -t belr h om e , In tbelr automobile, were Bunday lue.11I of Mr. and Mrl. W . N. l:ien.r s, Auo t. J. Lowry, of near Wayneeville. 80Dd1lY. DR. J. W~ MILLER, Ford TourlnK Car, Rood' l • Ih. and Mrs Wm. WatS and We IIbould bave more boueee "'~~ " 1 oondltlon wi,h new ~Iree. father, of Frankl\:n , were Bundav built to fill tbe demand. C. L . Allen, at Servloe & Allen gar· , •• DENTIST ••• New York's !- Iret BM,;" O ur fllrmers are very bU8Y ge'tlnl afterooon OIlllerl 0111 Mr. and Mn. Age 0 16 The t\1'<t hnnk In NI!w l'o,·k clts, In Omce In read, to BOW whe nt., wbile tobaooo Thomas Rloh. Mrll. Vi ola Barteooh and Bon Ken. Furd 'l'ouring Car, 8'lulp. 1)I')I n1 of nllf', II! Ihe Illlflk of New York KUlollat BILDI< Blda.1 WaynenUJe. 0 onttl n g In opt' r.~tton . Tbere never neth, spent !Sat.nrday nlgbt whh her ped wi th all n ew Mr es, I In . 11'('1'1. whl"'l \Ins OI·glll1l1.ell 1:11\ Wtl8 II buslin time tban now. BlIl!sler ahool!: nbaorbera, and 18 in yt""o tlfN rtj,tlf. "A l\lll ll' f'r Or prHII11n l'nt lJ E Levloy. after ' qnlte Ii slok mother, Mra. Berdo, Jordan. pall, Is ngnln Il& bill post In the . W . 'r . Jordan and m o', goOll oODdltlon ; 1lrloe M60 . JobnW. merehn lll" llllll c! s roN ut tho Mer BARNHART. cllllII t ~' ·,, 1T1l0 bn u..' nllll pl ecled nm IIrs. Sarah Rlcb, of Barve,1l1hurg, tltrawD, phone HUl, Wayneavll1o. store, oR c 'r8 of tI,e I\nllllelnl Instlt lltlon. Alex to Ulnolnualil, Saturday, and llutOed 1;llwlM Se1\r8, of J efferson ville, at Notary Public nllil r r 1I 11I11 I1WI1 \1'11 9 IIII' 1'('111 rnlln~ r 'ondel\ t h e h ome oo mlng of 'he hays s pent the week.enil with Mr. and roRD Anto. newly lluln t.el1 lIU I of tl',' II"" I( of N 'w ' YIJI'II. hilI (11'11 '11'1. CllIorenoe Clel,ver. Mrs. Rtoh I'" everbauled, good ns n e w . Cali lay t till til r,lllY . . AlexlIDlkr ~11'1 1o \l l; 1I1J WII H cho~en liS Ali kinds of No&ar)' Work. WIlIII remained over for sever(t.1 <lays'vislt. at Gllltlu's Livery Barn. otl Mr. "od Mrs WIlliam Wright, of IlB fi rst preshlcnt. ,11111,111011 ilrew 1111 Bnd Deeds a ·t\peolalty. 1141' onll Mn. Ala,u Butaook and Dayton, were ~Ieitors of our ol~y, the constllutl(1O of the hunk , ",hle b Illul lion , Ken netb, tooitBunday dinner t:lnndIiY . Us fir st b elldqllllt'lrrfi In the Wulton with I,holr parenls, Mr. anrt Mr., F. FOR SALE \ mAllslon . 1.Iolh 1t'lIl1lltuu 11 11(\ AllrOIl , Mr. and Mrs. C hili 8mllit and A. IInr\~ a ok, , . nurr W('fe tnck l oo,I( l cr~, ond the for RA rry i:;mArt" of Cinolnnati, ellome In lItr And Mrs. J o hn Wolf lpen' me r W ll~ 1\ dlrectur rur YCIII·. lror ol.urd ny OV~ll ing, retnrnln g 8nnd"y Koll Buaker and Shredde r, good mnny ycnrR nfl cr It s orgnn lznUnn th e,n ight IIf tor a doy'e v leh with rela !:luudo ,' with tbeir olal1dren, Mr.and Mre, !lay Wolt, of nllU ClarklVtlIe all DOW, Inquire of W. J, KUban. nhlll( ot 'New York, wll h Ill u 11 11111< of Funeral Direetot HV811 . 01 Mr. and Mrs Uhall Rtenoel and Waynllllvllle, Oblo. North Amerl 'l\ In 1'ltll llll\'\l'hlli IIn ,1 Iht' and Embalmer, lIlr lind Mrs . Wliltor ElIla, 8011 Bnnl; o.f Mo ~~nchlJ~~tlB III l h' ~ I'lI\ , 111'111 I1nct motber, Mrto. Mary Ellis. were cblhlren. of oay'on, were week. end Prlinos f)yeam Sepl\raior, new t.he entlro hnlll, luft 'IIp ll nl nt Ill(' nlrod !,1nnd"y gue 8t~ of Mr. and Mrs lIue u e 01 'hAir pare·nts here. parts, making It as good as n fl w Waynes-.:ille. Ohio., Stute,.. 'fh o IInnle of N.·I\' Yool'k ha ~ oc MI~M Op~l 'fhompl4oo , of Vlly'on. Monfort, of Wilmingt,on, ' InqUire a' ihls offloe . 0 15 cUj;>l e 1 It~ prl·.e nt s ll" Illce 1798, e.t.urlla. v ulght and tSundllY with Rev. Am oH lJoo k Is IIg aln .. hie 1 0 'It l (lnd tile 8ervlo<'ll o f t h e lj' rI Q lld ~ her pareuts, Mr . And Mrs. John gil h er Auto o r Horse drawn servic . Ig T,pe Poland.Uhltla M&le Pigs. Tb omp8un . Bargai n In Chemlcal9. No extra charge f or auto service. ohuroh, of whlob h e 18 pastor . edra good, '01' I8le. Ioqulre of "UII;'II ...I, .Il·"r. ··· ~h o ~"ltl . '" dn hnp(l I'd W , " . Jordan a[ld wit., made a I. SaUerthwalte, WaYll08vllle, Ohio. Mr. aud Mr~. ~: phrlam Smith, 01 )'ou \v lll "t "(1 sHl oldng cI,::u r ' IIt.'. ; you Both pho.n ea!n Offico alld ~~ en!'\! Dayton Tbunday. L ,vlllnIH1. were tha week e D11 gooste bu"lne8 ~ trip 08 dOll't 111101\' \\'hlll'II to Ihl'l11." No. 14. • ' .. ~, anfl Mrs. Glaorge 0110 vie, Mr. It t.h oi r m othe r, M r14 S mlt-h, " 0 11. )·':A. 1 01 <1; wh.l'. (lOr quite n 1'0land.Cblnll Male PIM,lmlllnnoil, Mr R"d Mrt! , Hllrry Cleaver, of Ilod "r~ Glenn Davie and lonll. good one. Inquire of J . 1:1. Vun. trll1ll1l1 8"m J''''' bl'l nlr"'''"" l'nlm'llIll, Kll nlll . we 1'0 ::la~JllflY lIuestll of Mr. Robe-' aDd ltoger, Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Mlmnon lind daUlgblerl Ru'h and ftorvoori, phone 33.:\ Waynosvllle, 1'0."811>1 0 I) IItll l' IIIorphln, lind IlIlY ',nd lilt ... 1', B. (.Iol'ver. nllllOunl o.r ~II rI.... Il." U 6leona. ware tlund.y guelts of Mr. Ohio, 08 .... Site l ool<('~ lil li' hl ~ .:y"s ''''',I 1lI00r· Elvin Bires and Iramlly, of near Ya.rllng Shropshire Book, Roll. OIlircll: "Un~u rd. !leur, It doeM "oem W .. ynellville . er' If'urna8, It. 0.2 ; W&ynesville , like a bnrgllill. d.H:SII't It?" --,--UThese Rats Wouldn't Eat My Best Obto. · 08 - - ••- - - -
-=-;-== .
WI1IONESDAY, OCl'u:n:11 I, 191IJ
Robert Friend 1,8 butldlng I flue
~ClU, EverUH. a re IIp~ndlng ,l Ievoral new bnnRalow on hili farm , sooth of town. ' dl\ .1'1< up fit Ihe lukol.l, tlsblng.
~ ,
r '
- - - --
GraIn," Sayl Fred' LaR1b.
-.---- ...
.. - ......:..---
nurl Hili:!'
I Hi l nllll'l' I\t'(f \'C'- Ulo r o uSCo- '
fill. ',,0- ,,",1 lI'lth 1;1'011'\(' 1' , p"wcrll I'hllll \1' (0 (O"I'r Iwc\ III nllr 1111111 1'11 Im~r ( ...!I h,,"I" ~ . 1.If(' I ~ nol hl ng hilt nn pr,I~I'I\(o III .,111' \11t1\·I',·,nl 111'1'. . . . 0110111 1M 111'" II ,' 111\11((.' r !lI rI'C'l\on 1111'11 . ,·"",i), i Ih'lt·~ IIlt.- I··r n m "'Vho P" "11t\"~ lOt All·... h.l· AIJ;:L' rnnn HInCk· \1'11011.
---;--_. - ..---Gels Quick Relief ' fro~ Sore Throat
Sympathetic Brother•. The hoyl' ot Ihp n ~ l l! h borl'norl' wl're nnllrlnn llt l~ th o IInl ' wll('n Ihl' Y rOIl .. 1 r:;n lI ~hl nf;.
El\·cr,'tt. n"'ll'ln l!' hl8 lit·
~ ' '''er '~llIlJ(ltn l; Insld .. Ihl' ~' oril . I\'/lt~hlng 111,,1'11 II'IAtfully thrnUllh the
f(' nee. lind II slenlng to tl1('lr plOM withou t' jolnlnf; !l!P. ~On V('r8A tlon , remnrki'd In on 1l~lllfl to his compn n· Ions: " Oe(), It fIIllst bo to.u gh ' to be only' n girl."
OMth 'l. 1I", I\IIIf; 11 11 11''' 01' l e~A thnn ~lI n l 'llIll 1,,,.'le 1111<' )'Im r nwn snh ColI· ~(' I ,," ""~~~. 1\11,1 Mil hi",omlllK g reflt or
World'l Urglnt Need. The "tnte will he ~AVed It tbl' Lord
I'IIA It Into ilie heRrl or thl' Rvora.. Ullin An to IIblJM! hi .. life thnt the uti .. hnll htl worth BRving, nnd on1, ;111"'(, tenDL We nettd I!lvlc rlg~ JI~"'Il.-'neodor(!
Durin, the com In. nw day. of fall . S.M,)UlhS-Old Mule Colt; also nn "nd win lor you are parllcul apl B.,ear.old Renerlil purpose hors9. to d. vu l o\) aor. tbroat. lumba;o _and Inquire ' of A. R . Oharl&on, R. D. 4, aUffAM. ot the ' mg."I".. ChlllS ..n Way?elvill p, Ohio. , oS a1.0 'are moro apt \0 colltract oolde and Itlndred aUm""t• ., MlIool B,e OT i'er"lI~r for lillie: IDqnlr& \)relllLred , A bom" ,e l ..<MIllo...... of W . B. Orndorf, phoDe 024, YOW' bom. Ie Tour laI• .,.ud. 0 . IIbe, O. 1!1, nleder. . . . " I '....,". Wayneav't\1(l , Ohio. St., Columbu.. Oh.., W~ ... am " "'ubl ..d wllb ' a wftall tbroat -4 Buok Lamb~ and 1 'wo.yeIH.old ..... ry col4 r _tract ~.... t Sl1or'horo Bull. Inquire of nnd Houolonl.. liniment u.. LawrenDe 8ur(lIoe, ph one 12. 3 ~ , ,.m""y 1 ·have, eve, uI.4. Olle &111111. WayDOIvllle, Ublo. 01 calion aSwa". ' ..II.... m" lIOn 't hroat." II'. . .aN,. to ua. .'Iou.tonla _ no ' Sliver Oamptntl Cookerel, TtAper PAIn; .muttn, 01' bUlllerln • . It "u· l&ralD,l 110 omcller jllck. InrtnlrA 118.. opel) cut.. bl~rnl. ~i!.. or of Mrs. )I' 8. l'aM' a' the 60 "'" 100 bnll.. an4 .<IOlh.. while beal •. Ilore, or caU plio~e 8.2r. 01 AU ,.our 4n.orl.t all ('fbe ....... Ball Dr. I. D ror I&le bo.,8prinR Boan and 0 .... ChhI. aDd qoaIU,.
, .. &:'''IHF.
I~-. PAY~
L 0'
•..Good Used BUIlding M·at~rial. ••
nle rhM P"land~ObiDU;lmmQnecl. aue.1taIl 'P."
. . . .••• adle 10. W.~""
,. ,
Use Classl·f.·e:J Ads
QI1\t(' ri ght, C ltiru, IllI'Y 1'1111 'em st~ 'LOUNGE-LeI'hereU9, lood 118 , 1t '~ 111irrt too k eep rlltll ont of a Dew, and the latest deslgD. Will Tried f o r yelt1'8. A illlh.'rR h CC!l USQ they make the dill. read Htoro . M il Obel1l1. IDqulre Ilt (1ov.eate neiIChb,'rIIlK ~ t ore M"Jd me som e .Ireo step o'r ound. ollioe . ot:! RA'1' I!lN A P. It worked wonderM. Ii ,II h r r eft liP (\olld rl1tri every morn OT of good Timothy 81\y for 81lle In~ , Rou Kht m nre ~AT SNAP. , Inqnlre of Jolin Roberson, R. D. \:lll ve n 't, ,, flit now 1'hev wouldn't 3, Waynesville, Ohio. 08 (I~ I I"'>' bfl Ht !lri"n "h en I threw RAT "N ,\ I' "ronnd" Throe sizeR, 260, liave In stook at Lytle, Dairy and r.On H 00 tl" ld find gOllrauteed by Bog Feed; "leo, a OIlr of fresh '1:\ 'I!J . IG"rn' lIlr,1 ILnd ,I E . Junnay FertllIler. Everet., Ellrly . oS
.. .....
or Bellbrook
Now Being Removed from old College Building at Springboro, Ohio Cnnsists of Brfck. ~Iate Roofing, White Pine Lumber in various dimension!!, Walnut Lun'tber, Windows" DoorS. Frames. Desks, Freestone, Dressed Stone. ~~ . large Libraq·. Priced on wound or delivered~ ' •
.F. W. W-.sworth Leba. ., 0hI.
J Van W.)rll~.a.:l1F
If .. '''In ..1
,\I ,rl"
We will sell at Public Auction nt our barn in .Corwin , Ohio, on
IEDNfSDA'Y, OCTOBER 22, 1919, Begin ning at 10 o'clo k, the following proper ty:
Both good workers.
r t\",d 'hl' r\rh''''.:·t 111 tilt' 1
AAhc.t()!l. In II~ nu,l,rnl "T virn ~'nt ..., 18 III' ",hlt~ n" .. nIH~ . ' "ft 08 ~"rtee t IIlIk 1\1,,1 Ill'!' In 1011)' ~'rlnKll I"~' 'n, cI\811y lorn opllrl \ ·lth lho
ftr ~\·r~.
Public ·Sale 2
t {\
No tic e! Our store will be dosed all day Satur day. on accou nt of Jewis h holiday' Will open .at 5 p. m.
Hyman &. Co., ,
Spec ialst hi8w eek
All Sprin g Pigs, and good teeder s.
In CiI$e of bad weather sale will be held under cowr.
The Waynesville Canning Co.
w. N. Sears, Anct,
J. O. Cartw right, Clerk
Fanr.y White Eating Potatoe s 2X bu . bags. only .... _...... '!> .OO Edgemo nt and Laurel Crack· ers, pound .......... ... ...... .... 20c Cala P llaches Rnd Apri cot.s, Big cans, only ... .......... : .... :.;5c . Dozen ........ .. .. ... .... .... .. ... $4 .00 Rio CofTee ........ ........... ........ 35c 3 llound s. f or ... ........... . ... Sl 00 l'ancak e Floul'!!,all kinds.n kg.16c Car Ohio Coarse Salt, due to ar · rivo any day . Leave your order. The kind that don't lIet hard Barrel. and BaCk8.
I<JJ Pla .All fill 7OUI' - , shlllllcl be _mine a~-"lIt It It I. tiewHIl _ JOII ba...e tile addldo ul Ntiefad ion of bowfq he . . . et 8'If1rI dollar II a ouefWl y IIl.'leeted . . . ...... lDoattral '_ _ _ oar RMef't'e FlUId of more . . . . . . . .."' ...mtClft .., ~ fill lQee. . .l I9IIdk4 1 aDd 8~ aUIUc.a ot . . ,.,.... . . - the OOIIIIlarte, eI oar depoelt - . . . .
........ ,..._lIt ... .
Tin Cana, dozen ........... .... ... 65c P . & G .• Fels and Sta'r Soaps, 3 for ..... ... · .......... _. ........... 25c Lenox Soal), to bars ......... ... S5c Post Toastie s and Kellogh s. 2 for .. · .. · .. · .. .... .. .. · ......... ... 25c .Fancy Seeded Raisins. pkg.... 20c Bring ua your Chicken s and EllgB Don't {'ell until you get our prices. Jt .pays to telepho ne anti Jt Pays to Trade at
Oem Cit y
o..u.... _. Led
• ,-0'. . .. .....
ti:. ' iTA 6...... .... ~"' • . - .' ... t.An'O I. . . ---or. ~, '. ~. -'If... .
1 E, Chur..:h . Ra lph Garlton J ones, Mlni8te r. , Sunday School. m . P reach · frank I::lbol) left. 10nJay morn- in g. 10:30 It m.0: 166. aOll 7:30 p In ing. on a bugine~ l riJ) to Michiga n. Prayer Meetinlr, Wed nesday , 7:30 Sl. Mary's Guild will meet with p. m. Mi e~ Emma Heighw llY, Friday after-. Ferr Chrlslla n Church noon at 3 o'clock . October 5th . Bible Schoo l 81 \{) Mrs' Allc ' McKinsey lind daughte r o·clock. Rally Dav ~p~rial progrll m I ~I i ~ H [,Iwielta . spent the week· end PreachinR' at 11 o·clock. Everyon e with r latives in Dayton .' invited . J . A. Pine. Pustor. 1\11 :1:1 1':hzll M!!ComllS, of Duylon . is 51. Mary's Church ~)l " l1dirrl:( a few Jays at the home' of Si!cteen th Su nday afler Trinitv. III r. an,l ~ I ra. J ohn Beach, of Ro ute 2. October lith . Sunday School at 9:30 M r fln,l Mrs. Brice Smith, of a m . Sermon I ' nd Holy Commu nion 1Frullk li n, war!! Wt'Qk, ,,"d guests of at 10:30 A . iRI in vita\ ion to 1111 Mr BIlIJ Mr ~. Ern est Butterw orth. to worship w . h us of Roule ,I. Caesar' s Creek Friends Church Misse>l L'~ II (' lIa J anney, Eu~enia 8~ nday School ut this ~hurch every Whil.lultl·'· Imil Katht'yn Clark, of Miami univers ity . spent ~unday with Sunday lit 10 o'cl ock . Preac hinll service at II o'clock a . m YOll a re home f olk s. cordiall y invited to he present. Mr. nn Ll Mrs. F. C. Hartsoc k and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Haf\'ey sbura: Friends Church Hawke 80n wore Sunday g uests at Am os Cook. pastor. the .Harri!! home. Sunday . Oct. 5: Bible School at C. M. Rob ilzer, waR in Barnsvi lle 10:00 a m .. Anna Stinson. flU perin · last week. arrived home Sunday ac- t(Jnti ent. .Public Worship and Preach· compan ied bv his aunt, who will vis· ing. 11 :0& a'. m Rev . Murray Kenit here for a time. worthy. General Secreta ry of WiI · mington Yearly Meeting will be with Mrs. Mary Chance of Redfield , U8 COME All are cordiall y in · Jowa, and nelee, MtSLSteJla Stiles, of vlted . Springfield!, were week-en d guests of Mrs. Hope Stiles and family .
FrIday lind Saturda y Specials at F red's Lebano n Storti this week show the banner barllain prices. Men's Suits, $19 .59; Mackan aws. $8.59. Ribbed Union Suits. $1.65; Shirts. 11.50 values. 98c; Boys' Suits, $7.69; Overcoa ts, $5 00; Underw ear, shirts and .drawe:rs, 29c, 4 garmen ts for $1; School Pants, $1.26; Blouses, 69c; Union Suits, $1.00, and many other big bargain s.
--_0--.- --
DEATHS Jas . Crowe Beckett dropped dead of heart disease at Madden 's lumber yard Saturda y mornin g at 11 o·ciock. The body was shipped to Falmou th, Ky .• Monday morning , and the fun · eral was held at hill old home in Sunrise , Ky .• at 11 o'clork Tuesdny mornin g. He Is survive d by his wlft!. several children . and grandch ildren.
His Chrlrrtml6 Present. A. A. Harlan died. Monday night, An 01<1 follow r know. on,l who hili 811 eorts ot money. MY~ tlllll whon he at his home in Ne w Burling ton. nft r WOB 1\ bny tlvl nll nn n fnrm In P enn· 8 long Illness. The fun eral will he eyh'nnln nn he IInl fnr <'hrl .imns woe held Thursda y mor ning at 10 o'dock . the privilege of ~hOottn!l 8 Itun once at in Naw Burling ton, and the corleg(' will arrive at the ceme tery ahout ' 0 mork.-E . W. Howo's Montbl)'_ 12 o'clock.
The Late Classified Ads.
TOU,_:C_h_i_D __C_',_anteen
Repaired I
~ ' kQll
.ws tn
v" l nu r -
hocn u sc
ah o
hllV ll ono or the new ('Hllh 'lI n CBBOS tn unlQuo
Illy I~ n .
w Ill
fini sh to her Th e marc un".. the 8hll (1 0. ' tho more popuTh e h {,IIV{, T enllor wltlr 1l1! : Y polnl Is quite thO thtng.
c08tum o.
I I i
Satu rday, Octo ber 4th Featur ing Wm. Hart, in
"Po ppy Girl 's Hus band " Tues day. Octo ber 7th Featur ing Tom Mix, in
"Fig htin g for Gold " Thur sday , Octo ber 9th Fca turing Dorot hy Dalton , in
i ! i
Open ovenln gs.
Saturda y evening
."Ex tra vagance" ICOMEDY ' Scnne tt Company, in "Little Widow " ='
7 :30 p.m
i •
. 17e
..................................................... We Pay the Freight and
SEARS &. CARTWRIGHT-. Fire, Torn ado, Auto mob ile, Life, Acc iden t and Hea lth
dnt!tAis Se t 9/P ure Al um inu m 'Cooking\Vtire
Amendment to P~a)'el'. Uttle Dooolel Frost, R yenrs ole!, BIlYs his prayers e"ery nlgltt. and one evening after BIlylng his regulnr prayer, finished up by f1oylog: . "Penr Lord, please doo't let Brother Bill Dut biB cold teet on me.~-Ex c heogo.
FeedinG Rlbblt& Rnhblta nee<1 not only green feed, 11Ilt n 801ld IItople meRI every dayJlre'erabl~ grnln-b ut that Is 8 dUn· r.nlty at present; brend may be suhall· tul('d. with a .lIttle bron or ootmeol, nnd nlwoYII . tilenty of clean water or milk ood water.
At the Price 0/ the Ra n:2e alo ne - the'Ware isfi-ee' c.m e __ ·a nd .we wi ll sho w yo u wh at it wi ll do
H . B . E ar n! "t ar t,
Way..nesville, Ohio.
Find the Joy Tillno-,' Do nol .Iet the things tbot 'l'ere llIode tor your 8crvlce crush out your life wit" th,'lr w~lght. Lite I. tull at fluDI!hlnl'. find beallty. aDd iove; blrdR ~11l/: 1111<1 Oo\\'('ra bloom for you fl8 . well liN fnr nthm1!. Do not ' shut your ey es to lit • h, flnlles of Ufo. There I. heatlty In D II'"II-Hcrllhbed floor, there II Joy In' n w, ·lI·rllukc'<1 menl If we pre not overhurdent'll. But thore Is 00 Joy 10 anythlnlf IInlpM we opeD the door ot nur' heartll "nd let In the eunallioe Rnd dlapel the 110010 tbat 'We hnve created tor ounelv__Jbo eIIaDp.
11!llIdy I. not snlisod with lh o :'. mo"t ch ic hnt nnll ~I g ,Il' coni 01 block and white
The Tr i-S tat eB utt erC o.
Yil is R?nge .
7:30 p.m. Childre n lie Mr. Rnd Mrs. Rllssell Morg lm arn movlDg ioto the · tenao' honie 00 ~ Mra. I:!ue a.loea· farm . rarmer a' !:!aver Fer' Whed Mrs. Mary A. Ba wee Ilrrl ved home DrlU, almoe' new.· Jnqllire of .. lid Korlan , B. D_ I, Wa7088 vllle, from Day too, /:lunday , !lfter ~ pleu. Try the Miam i Galette's ·Classified CO/limns for Resull.~ an' vlaU with relatives there . Oblo. 015 Chat, Bra4d0 9k and fllmlly were PLEND ID Big Type, Bla Bone, Rueete ofMI' .audMrs Ludwl8 . - - - - - - - - - - - Rell.'e red PolaDd-CbID~8, el'her Suud., --------------lex. 'he bed J ever nlsed. W . O. KoeDI" of "r.oilII D. Mr aDd Mr •• O~renee ThompilOo, Weloh. Barny. bllrg, Oblo 0111 of DMr WilmlD llon, speDt 'h~ weok. Clermo D' Bea&iDg !!I'oVI, 1 Jewel eDd with relatlv8 1 In 'his vlololty . BeatlDg 8'ove, 1· good IDsl4e Mis. Alloe Oheoow eth eot.r"'t n·ed per pound forbu Uer fat Uoor. IOQ,ulre of' JelJ D. lIarla" , Mr. aDd lira. Cuper CheDow elb. of WaYDt lnUle, Ohio. 016 Iowa, for a f.w d.ys reoentl y. Week of Septe~9th to October 5th InclusIve• . All-day lIeetlog wall held at Mid. die R.ln. lae'tlno day. Elder Bal. "Five Cows Made $474.00 Last Year" lIud, ·of BJaDoheeter, Elder 'l'homp. 800, of Iowa, and Elder William s Writes W. C. Mohr. Oxford , Ohio- "I have shipped to the prealde d at 'he servtoee . TriState about fiv e and a half yeara and last year sold $474 09 worth Mn. Einma Chenow eth, of WII. butter fat from five cows Have always found the l'rl State of fair mlogto n, who has beeD visiting in their dealing s. I have aold to both the Tri State and cream relatlvo ll here tor the pa8l weeil, stations to see how the tests agree and 80 far hav~ foundal80 'The Tri· apent Suoday nlgM with Mr. Rnd State pay the freight' the better way ." lire. Jerry Ro)aod. IIr, aDd l(rll, 'T homas Laoy and Selling your cream for less than Tri-St atc prices IIr_ aDd' loire Israel 800U were Sunday iu•• ta of Mr. F. M. Cook robs your pocketbook and encourages profiteering. and famIly. Write for Free Trial Cans. We guaran tee your Oar Delahh orhoot III nDdetgo lDI cream and cans agains t loss. . qul'e a few obaoJ(88 to the way of bull41n g aud remode ll0lt. Mr. G1l1d. mao EIIIII la ereatlng a model d wall· tog houle OD ht. place; MI!!s Allee Chenow eth I. bondlo g a IiDe oew hoo.e on ber farm, willi e 10 tbe CINC INNA TI, OHIO very Dear fntore Mr. and M-.:s Chas Braddoo k oontem pl"te .. ddlog Ii new . - - - ; . . . . - - -------------------kltohen and poroh to 'hetr home Com ooUlog 18 the order qt the day ap]ong Ollr farm~ rA Tobuooo la moeal,. oot, and fatOlarH are re'- : : - - tOI rea:ly for 'he 1J0wlDR of the l18ed 'hat yIelds 'he Kolden hBTVBst. Mre Fraok Oakio 1\1 rt ij,'n, Carl. ~----INSURANCE----~ and loin. a . c. Dakin w ~r e ~hopplng to Xenia, Saturda y. Mr. . WarreD Looy ~pOD' Thute. day with AIrs . Frank Cook and family AI,.. Jam!'B AllAn W&8 reoentlv 'he gUllllt ' of hA'r 4aogM er.. Mrti Will Cllrtls, of neu \:!oa'b LebanoD . Mr •. Gladma n Ellis aod dauRht er, M18" Nora, .were tn Lebano o, Thursday, on busloes s. FOR SALE- FARM
Cloc ka,L awn Mow - 1 era and Saw . S
.H. HAINES, Lytle, O.
,Ii nish in g
r\ vin Dyke, 'of Day ton, spent the ~~~~==~_~=~~~_ ~_ ~ _':: _:=.~ week ·.mJ with rulallVt.'S near here.
eonaatinar of Al Cows, two years old, Yearlings and CalveI'.
~ 1~~". Depcalts. . Tn Ihl' "dr."I" IO· ~""n'l r('~l o n. W(,lIt· ~r'\ \In~kl\ . th"r,' nrf' aRtie-to," 'I,·p~q·
Sale Con duct ors
Larg e Farm Sale . a Spec ialty Ama n Block
Telep hone 81"2
Waynesville, Ohio
Sc, IOc AND . 25c STORE
3 More Snap Fasten ers, 15 for ...... ...... ... __ .100 Glass Dishes, good size ...... .. , . , ...•.• , ...... 100 Glass Butte r Dishes - ... . . ~ . . .. , ...... ...•. , .•• 26c Colored Glass Vases ... " .•... . .. , •..... " .....'.200 White Metal Knives and Forks, per set: ...•.. 11 80 Rex Lye, 'Jarge ·can .. ....... .. ...... ...... _...... : 1Oc Goblin Soap, the kind that cut greQie. , .' . '.' ••.... IOe Hydro gen Peroxide, large bottle s ...... ...... •.. 15c Mrs. Prices' Canning Compound, per pkg .. , .•.... IOe 7 packages for. . • . . . . . . ...... •.... ...... •. 60c Sped.,... 10 BarpI u
Seven ty-Fir st Year
1 .~ ~l}Pf~.
Whole Numb er 3551
Vlill Roundtable Lead to Steel Strike
' ;Colum bians" Tuesday , Octobe r 14th,
Miss Grace Patton spent Saturd'ay in Xtlllia . .
Mr . Kennet. h 10Ibon waB a Daylun visitor Saturda y.
<lood Program Wa6 Rendered ,. To An Appreciative
The .Jull ioJ ~ tllter t"ined t il,· ·u"h. '!1110rc~ lind 'eniors al lilo Sehoul hall In ~ t Wednctidny evelling'. al',u un er.j oyuUI" evelli nL(' \Vii S " pelil
Bi~ bal'l{ains in Men's and Ladies' Shoes at Hyman 's.
Audienc e The work tor the confe rence year
Ftobt. CroBS was a bUBineflS visitu r Church WBli most auspicio usly begun in Columb u s Saturda y. when Mrl!. Harry Murray , aSHisted For Sale- One 1917 Saxon. goud by Mrs Raymon d 'onner and Mrs . Elmer Kelsey. entertai ned the society conditio ll, price $65tl. Ray MiJlIl. Anti i~ friend!! at the home of Mrs '" GAR Y " Mnybo I hll "Ilound't a.blo eonforenoo" 8Ciboouloo al the Wbllo Murray , Wed nesday afterno on. Oc , H ou s o. October to. wlt"ll '''!'!tnt 1.:, 1,,,, nllt! Ih Public rCllrelle litatlve.~ aro to nll6mpl to ··talk F'. B. Henderson and family wen' It over," ",11\ be r\l llowO),( ~ y II (',,"r .. r (,l~tJ · ,; r ..... m . tober lat. About seventy ladies Day tun visitorR Saturda prolll180 whI ch will boll> ,8Cttlo Lbo gftal elecl strlko now y. In e ITocl. J u J "'tl J::. Il . Gary 1'( n t<' II . S. ~:I,"" wero present to 'enjJY the afternoon Corpuro llon o~coPte~ lin InYltaUo n to etto!u) a1thoug b be h,u r("u ",,~ tu cOllro r " ltI , til e "lr lkllll: '11 ":1 The commit tee on program and r<'I'roseOlatl"".. Tllo6() pIctures .bow .ludge Gary. john Fll~pntr Ladies' lind MisseH' Sweatpr~, slip· Union. on.1 William 1/'08t r, GOCl'et4ry Of tbe WlloD, Ibo \t.aden< orlck . prenld clI l o r .11" St,,!! 1 WIII'hc,", enwrta inment had done excellen t tt,(1 I wu sldus III l~,O !JIg valllt:. . work, and the calenda r for the com· overs, $4 48 and UP. lit Hyman· s . ing year gives promise of very inter· flSting and profi tllble sessionH . Mr and The meetiT1~ was opened by th(' daullht~ Mrs. ,M. Ho and !'lnginIC of Americ a . The SC I ipturo Sun !Illy r Wl' ro Mid.llet u Nn visitors . lesson : Psalm !16. was read by Mrs. Sn.wk, and Mrs. Varr led in prayer Fred'. erve Yoursel f Grocer}' Atte r the reading of the minutes , roll ·clIlI and t fle nisposal of otlter Dt:'llartm cnl i~ the mus t pupullir tJl :I('e busines.~. Goronat ion w as sung lUll! ill Lebano n . the (ollowin g program WII!! rendered: Rev and Mrs S. Grfluser a nd Readtng- "Wild Birds as Mission· Feature d with Columb ian Enlt'r . ary. Messeng ers " ... .. ... Mrs. Lt' May son . of l'iqulI. were week end visitWe rlt.!sire to t hull k (, ur rdu tiv o8 lllillers, who Ilre to be heard on the OI'S of frillnu!! 111m.!. Readlng - "Slled Uroppe d by the and fri e nd ~ , al so th e Ht!ech Grove Hedpath Iyceu m cO UrRe Oct. 14. 8t ., Waysid e" .. ... .. .. ...... Mrs Boug h Su nuay School and Mllssi" (j runge l1eading - "Th Roul of Flow ers" Mr . and Mrs R S· Wallon . of Dny· Waynes.iIle School Hall, is MiS!! who so kindly ministe red t. u~ duro ....... ........... . .... .... ... Mrs Marilltl lOll ~ pent the week oml with Mr and Lucill e Kl'mp. furmerl ing the sudden death of our t1a l lillg y uf t l.e Lad Reading - "The Gift with the Mrs . J L . Ilarttioc k. SOil lind brothcr . litt le Wilh ll rn Ell r/. ies Regime ntal Or~hestra She han Givtlr" ......... ...... ... ... .. . Mr~. Farr Thomas Rich /lnd Fhll1i1y. dies both bass and asnare drums, I'(ith Mrs Caskey is in New York traps. like a veteran A hymn Willi sUllg. after which 1111 anrl introdu ces united in rcpelltin lt the Lord, s fol' a mOllth's vi ~ il "i t h h e r S,III. 80 many I'IOV Ities that lhe audienc e Prayer. A plea~ant Bocial hour f ol F . A: Cllijkey and tllrnily . 8its in wonrler ment. Her sister. luwcd, daring which dainty refre!\h Miss Gllldy@Kemv, is an e:xcl!J)lional menU wer servell by the h"~teS(jeH M n'~ Union Union, Suits, in rib cornetis t . and in llddltion plays the of the afternu on bed or heavy II ec iJ .'pecial :!oI.GU. S9::'1 1llJhone and villno. The next meetir'J{ will he held wit h $2 and :! 50. al Hymfln' it fllll s to the lot of Miss Neva s. . Mrs Marlatt . on the tlr'at W..uneeday Crumrin e, howeve r. to ·intro.lllce the IIfttlrnoon in Novf>mbtr. greete~t novelty into he r individ 'I'h~ first n\lll1b ~ r of t ht! lecture .... uo l ability - -course Will he an I' lIterlull ling one. play~ the us an entertai ner. She The drawing of reserved se:\ts for Don't llli ~~ iI, Tue.. d ll Y vell inl'{. O~l. piano. and saxoJ>hone. clarinet anrl gives a nom ber of inter· the Lecture Course will ta ke plnce 14 . sting reading s . Friday afterno on at 2::30 u ntil 4 The program of the four Coluin o' rlock. at the Townsh ip Houso. . Mr an, l Mr!1 McvPr Hym an lind dians has been termed. "R ml!lodiou9 the course will be a good one. 110 tI iu"hter . B ~ l'II k '. ;.1 I,,, d ell ~e n'ke~ melangE! of merry, mirthfu l mllsic, d oubt, and yoU ought to be on hand at lhe .Iew i. h l't' llIp lc !n 'inci :m Ii choice reading s and novelty select· , early. in order to get good sea ts. iuns. _ _ _ __ • Satu rday of the W. F. M. Society of the M. E
--- -
- ..
- --
, Holmes ~l vO r ~ ,f VUII We rt, cume down Sunday lIt1d tOllk Mr . and Mr!l. A . . too p~ to tht:ir new hume in Van Wert. M<onday . Buy your B1anke15 and Comfor ls now and save money, lit Hymllll' s.
On Saturdy , Octobe r 11th, the Mrrt. n I", 'rennis BII.I Mr. Ami New nurling ton citizens will a:ive a Mrs . Millninl{. of Terra HBute. Ind . cor.llal were the week end gue~15 of Mrs. There welcom e to lhe soldier boys . will be a picnic dinner., good Sarllh "·oster. music. 11'00d speakin g and a general good time. Don't forget tOo bring Rev. J F. Cadwal lader waq in Col · your baskets well filled, and don't umbus 'l'huradllY attendin g a confer· forget lo come. ence in the Interest 'of the nation· wide carnpaiKn ot the Eviscop alian ch!Jrcli. ..... ,Jull& lAthrop . cblef of tho Cbll4re a'. bureau, V. S. Depart. lDeDt at lAbor. It aiding In the 1D0••aiont to brlD. ID8tructlon In _lOrD It,. by.IODe to the rural lDotll .... alld to lDalle It posalblil for WOlDeD OD tannl alld In small tile !lame care aad alteDdo a dty motbo,.. hayti .bIII baby COlD ••
'0... to ..-...
.. _.
For SIII41-0 ne i917 Saxon: gomi conditio n, price $650 Ray Mill!!. Mrs Geo R. Kelley and daughte r, Mr8. Chalme rs Murphy lind Mrs. J, M. Milburn , of Xenia, were guests 'of Mr and Mrs. Ell Dean, Sunday afterno on.
101[.)01\ ()
. fr~l Th reo bo>·g "pu lied otl- Chi· ClIgO'8 biggest robborJ, g<lttlnlf a
quarter of mlillon
.~v:ered . "~..1"o
.. --- --
Th e W. H . S. base hall m ne went to Kingma n and s wept t hose worth . ies off their f 'e t by u scor,! uf 20 to tJ T he team work of ou r boys was very p:ood . Rue Dinwidd ie carried off honors at the ba l with Ii hom e r J ones pi tched a good heady g arn ~ and was well support et.! hy Thomas The boys will pillY at Le hanon ThursThere will be a meeting of the day afternoon , Ilnd at Kin gs Mills j Wayne Townsh ip Mother s' Club at I"riday afterno on . the old &Chool building . Friday after· noon, Octobe r 17th, at 3 o'clock . Lena B. Hender son, Sec·y .
---.. - ...----
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EJ '15==5]11::1'15==311::)1===:'· a '1S==5Jun E·· . .
c:JI' ~ e
Stondar d 011 payroll ilhlpme Dtbut tboy got caucht. ~ohD WeJda. P08tA1 dark .. plaDDed It and W .... ler and 'Leo nl~1 hetDed gel IL . . . CIt tIIe~ '~
The M idh'~ L CUII Il Urake . M,·l\." ~ . (;eurge U"ard" ff . Ha ipir lind Ch er .. !',! Archd eacon took ~U PlJc r '.\ith ~I i~s \'oun ~ COUl'l ,Will- Tnlw Trip 1'hell Irene Vice l a ~ t Frid;lY l!"{!lllnh ' (io tu Thei r future ~omc In Indiana l\ urpl' hw \ \~ u :-; ~i \'t:! n t p l : r n{\ ~ t Earnh ar t . of "O UI,· 'I , ''' ~ I Fnd a y ev.""ill~ '1'111' HUfl't i,,' WH~ c '1lIpl.'II'. A beau li fu I wed tl ing , Verne It. and th L' )'., un g 1,,·lJ Jl lt.: ha.l u nile t lln.' Britton nnd Ethelyn .K. ofJones. was "olemlli zed at the Method ist Episco· pal Chu rch. Wilynesvi ll e. the Rev . ~1 r. lWei ~11 " J O . ('Il f' twriuht I' ll' ter l.lim,d thl! "J .\!ly l\, 1I 1 1'o1ll!<" alld Ital ph Colton J ones olliciati ng. Tho hour was tim, uf tho mornin g of the th e il' hU Hbantl~ li t a (j lI'dut!.k dinll e r I'rid a v <' t'n ing An tmjoY ll bl'J <,vI· n · seventh The alt!!r waH orname nted with pll ll11~ an. 1 fi ower a. which lent ing waR "lll'l \ with cards ch arm to lhe u c cu~l o n . The g room hau just re turned from France, after M rHo Hulda Ilurnc lt cnt or tainl'd many mon ths of service in the Jo· Ilt dinner T hllnlday , Mr. )-; T . Illlrtrne nt of eng in e('l'iI Tbe bride iR lroud . Mrr ." 1I 5 11n Arnold. Mr.. n . oCth e he~t known of thcvou nger Blnnr he Graham . M l·~. Ib 7.,'1 U,, \l,· "ircle of t ll i., c rnmu ni ty. linn uaughL t-r . !lnd Ih" I\ li ~s ' H Em · charmin g we r) d inl~ p relude con· mu Car LlI'ril.:hl alltl Mar lnll HUr nE'll. .iR ed in t wo vocRI so109. "0 Perfect LO\' " Ilud " Ec:ltacy ," by Mr . ErnCi't I':ar nh a 1'1. anti WI) piano Mr . ant! ~I!', . Frank Z'IJ "nturI Hin. " Ch:lI1t rill Hepos" and "In an8010s, Oldcd Su nday ill h .. nor of MrM Na Lhan rllsh ione(1 arnen," by Miss F.lhel J ones, il bt'ing- he r !l7lh bi rthduy , Hosier . who also rendere d Lohen· Those prc.• Cllt were Mrti. ){uchlle l g ren's Weddin g March . . Keys. til r 11111 1 illl'n i::1Hcl'. un l\I u~o n The brid o wore a oeautitu l gown M i ~R Bell.! I)' 'bl 1l1r.J lIIr~. %~!Iij r M . or white crepe dl:! chene , with 8 charminl! hat to co rrespon d. ~he cnrrieu u Mr. an t! lI'\rR. Fralll! !'. l ilten berg er. foses, n.1shO\\'p r bouq uet ot white wo re u golll pe ndant. the of near Lyt Ie . (!lJt .. rtllln"rI Ia.~ t .'un· p:roo m's gi rt. which he purchas ed in day at 0110 o f Ihe lr ~plellcl i d dinn('r ~ e. Relati ves frulll Uuy lon Mr. all.1 M r~ Frnnc The de'8 maid was Miss Eleanor Ha rry Legle r, Mr. lind 1\1 rs J uo Earnhahri Whyte anti da ug- hter, I\lary LinNe c~a tu mert. ' She WBS gowned In a lind Mrti. Ma r Luui, all\l frqrn WilY' a black of white net over pink, with velve t hat fuced with pink. nesvilfo M r Isaac Lincoln M r Tbe I) ~ t nllm was Mr. Charles Buoll. G! 8Ce Lincoln Sll1 il/l. II W~l! P{o· 'I promine nt me mber of th IS com· Ilol) nced by lhe gUl'tlla an UDlllIsuully m lmity 'I'h II hers Ilssistin g wore harpy day uch a~ can (lil ly be hut.! i\I r , Ernest 8a rnha rl, Jr, and Mr. at a hospi table c:ountrv h01ll 1l !l ll c h Lyman ~i l v cr . ns that of Lhe ~ l ilt ell be rge r8 . After the ceremo ny, conp:rat ulat ions wer e. tended to the happy ('o u ple 1'I1I'n t.he bridal par ty adjou rnt:d 0 til,! homo of the bride, wher e the brirlal table was artistic · a ll y cl eckecl with pink and white. Th a yu u nK cou ple le ft for n short wedding trip. unt.! a fte r Novemh er 1st til y will be at their home in Mi ~ hall'auka, Inuiuna - It. C, J.
hU .
MiamiGa~etto-1. 50
per year .
'EUE5=51' '=55:JU:JI==551' E:l
St, Mary's Churd. ,
H 'o I". e a~'1 o~P. v~~~h~nth,~~~~;Ys~~~~ '~~in~~~o
a . m. Morning Prayer nlld :-\e rrnon at 10:30. Come. "I wa Kia I when they said un to me, 'W e wIll I{O into the bouse of the Lord.' "
\:J'- "y=a Iillil===::I'lillil =::::::::1' a iii=5=:11EJ iSES i EJ Il'=5=:1' 1:1:!==~I t:J ~i=55:1 I:J 'm
Caesar' s Creek Friends Church Mr. and MI'II. J C. Hawke and Mr. Massie Townsll ip gave formal and Chairm an Chsrles Madden 1\11"" l\ alb or irH' Hartllng'H dllddr . Sunday School at this church e\'ery and MI'II Hawke; of Dayton , visete1 stepped ton. Ky.; E .Carroll Stinson , Aviatio n, ( t> k IH' 1" 10 P n oHlllu. awa y f rom heartfe lt welcom e to her. •turned forward lind read letters unday Rt 10 o·clock. Preacri ng relative s at Pleasen t Plain Sunday , soldi, of regret at Agricul tural College , MiBS.; Wilfred Ih e ~d lal \ .fdr l lit \V ~.hl\ tl1glo n r ooys 'at Harvey sburg, Satur· riot being present from the Mrs J. C. Hawke remainin p: over day, SeptE'm followin g: M. Cossom , Ked Cro811. Chicago . III. service at 11 (J'clo 'k u. III YO Il a re hut .·,:pl d fonn d H wa.v hud no. r ortlially invited lo be TlI·I'Sellt . ber, '27. '. Cha'r les Woodsoon. Co. C, a17 En"l· for a few day~, visit. . Ii Ito I II Wt , d l 'i l\dt.ll ll \VIJlhuu K. Next music by the band and It was a bellutif ul autumn day, neerp.; Lyman Roush, with I ILo, ,'I/,', L: . ,', A .• !'! I allol w d n.a mine the 5th liUle poem, "Home AQ'ain," . bya and at an early hour the town began p la lt tt: r III t ho Harveys PlI u a nt o. zone. b urg Friel1ds Church Laura Varner Reed . More music Fred's Autumn al Openinl l. Thurs- to fill wiLh automo biles and the In· J ;ar,lIu J! I ~ ~fJVlIo I' ltur o f tho Panday evening , Oct. 9. with mu~ ic, coming .crowd p8ll8ed into the public ,- -- - - --- .-- _._ ----, was followe d by demobi lization of Amos Cook . pas tor . a II: I ( '.:t Jla l 7. 0UO. tbe service flag, well rendere d by flowerll and exhibit only, cOl,tinuilllt school ground s' under a !ray archwa y Su nday, Ocl.. 12: Bible, chuol fit George Davis, chairma n of the Town· The Octobe r meeting of St. Mary'!! Friday and ·Saturda y.. Oct . 10 11. facing the hospitab le "Welr:o me" ....- - HOME J1 'JAIN shiV Board . Accepta nce of the flag 10:00 a m ., Anna tinson. HUP rin . Guild was held, FridBY afterno on, at with bargain counter s open. that met them . t.)nd ent. Public Worship and l'reach· WIlS ' appropr iatel V done by Miss [n due time a very pretty parade the home of Miss Emma Heighw ay., Laura Ward, who hael th e honor of inf.!'. 11:00 u. In l1'v . Murrow After prayers , the election o( offioertt formed Bnd moved up the main By r-allr~ Val'll" r ItOOll w(,rthy . (;ene ml S l: !'Qta r~ ,~ r )(~en, its first inceptio n. This I!erv ice flag Mr, and Mrs J . W. Cast, of Clarks· street of the village, led by il. I tor the coming year was held with color HlIme wgai n. !lolne mlngLon Yearlv MllctlllJ{ \\'111 hl' WIth was made ville, and Mr agui . pre Rnd n t ented Mrs Arthur by thr Casl alld bearers , [. N . Miller, oftheG . A. It. the tollowin g result: MI'!!: J . E. two sons, Uuck frum Ihe cnt:nn . Inl : :1. Hench ; Ladies' Aid, of Harvey shurll , and Everett a'nd Earny, of IlIi· and Private Anson, of over seas Colema n, preside nl; MI'II. Mary CMAll arc clIrtl ia! ly in · lro.h lI'e held thirty. four blue IItars. t wenty· ~rtet\C()ME .".tt ,he, slruh" key, vice prt·side nt; MI'!!. E V . .Uarn · noll, !Were the guestl! of Mr. antl Next came HarmoT! Hall band. of Duck Buck Irum Ihe Vulley of II, 'Ih two of which MI'II. A. wer~ for bOYH wh o Titus and fumily Sqnday . Lebanon . with martial music. Then Home t o I he loved hart, IlBCret ary·trea surer . oues I" ; , I II. i\\. E. Ch tlrelt went oversea s. , the old soldiers of the Civil war in This being .t1w first meeting after Lieuten ant lI erbert Ca rr' now the r vacation , plaua wei e Come and enjoy an ovening of automo biles. These were followed Ho \' I heir hell rts rtc!Jtd wllell yo u we nl HallJh Colton J llnes. MilliHt.e r . Among lh l)~e whf) athmtle d the came forward and in' behalf of th e made and- di~cussed fur the wlntt'r mUBic al School hall TU<.'8day t:ven by the returne d soldiers of the world \Vcury II,. durs and Ih. lIi&hl:. boys sincerel y thanked all Lhose who Sunday Schl)ol. !I: l!i a 111 l' r e. ch· w o rld ' ~ !ll!l'il.!s allli saw the Reds beat work. The Novem ber meeting will inll', Octobe r 14th Piano, Raxophone. war in uniform s, and .after them the 1111(( of " nameless dlst,.,.,,; had contrib uted to make this day of inlt. 10:aO II . In .. " Ye "I'e tli" Li g- ht t.he oxwere : W. P: O'Neal, J . O. be beld at the home of Mrs. Harrill clarinet , drllmR and traps will make Rchool children " of the townshi p, t~e Ilver their thoughts were of yuu, welcom e a happy s uccess . ami end ed of the World ." l.iv~r whh prayer. did lhey "'I,cs< . . Ilnd Mra, MOlIher . Ev\!niuK ·ernmn. Cllrtwri~ht. ; I" . Knupp. Goo. - harmon y that will be pntrllnc ing for little' girls wp.aring red bows on theIr by a~king t hat Corpora l Glenn Fealy. 7:30 p. In .. ' Ohio Shall Waterh o ll~e, Hay mond Davis. D. I•. hair and each carryin g a bunch of Scnllncd were the "I the dend you r entertai nmen t. --~ ~ .....- - of the Fightin g Fir~t, fav or the f'rayt:r MeetinK. 'l'hursua Ile Dry ." Cranl'. I ~ than Crallll . Sam Moridet h y. goldenr od . .Then the aisters and the Fellrfi.1 B dlar Ilarne ther~ be. 7:::0 p.rn m'eelinR' with the story of some of SIl'c ond of Series on G slle l of St. Jr .. WIll . and Ilt'vol) I'renrl 'rgflHt. G. F . Knapp, who ia tAking hi~ v~· sweethe arts of the boys dressed as Oh the .lUl silence Bnd his adventu res. Corpora l Feely John . _ _ _ ___ ____ iVhen the Red longCros.~ wa iled nurses letler ""me and n'll carryin g red ration. took In all the gomeB of the kindly respond ed and held his audi o " SUlne \\'h.r~ In Prnllce," over . world series' having gone to Chicago carnation~ These were followed bv Fron) the ~a . ence at close attentio n fr llJ1l sta rt t o . the mother s and friends in service Thurs.d ay ev~ning. and ,flaw .two of • caps . Mothers, to mtlny 01 I hem, . . the j(ames In that CilY, returnin g briefly, hut outlined After "'I",i1 the paraile all gatherE!d un· Sisters"",1 gweethrn rl5 lind wives, home Sunday e,cninll ' . He had lhe I der the maple trees in the IIChool If y~1I mllthl c"me back aga;n • . .time of hi~ life. arolmd s to partake of a magnifi cent Gladly. \'o.ild lilY d o wn their 1:lve. lion to the flllal finish of the war. wnr nnd Ill"'), (]cltt"'III1"1 dinner, spread upon a f1umber of Fo , Y"u nrak,e Ihe greal sB"rifiee . I ~ Itt'ln ~ 1111· I Howell Peirre has learned one His hearers followe d him in to the ~(' ,. Oil" h('II~, I Iltl ti ll' P ,\ .tl1 Among those who went to the long tables. It was a chicken ' "~It · r ",'11' , dinner, lesson In thi!! battle fQr life. and tAlat Speedw ay SUlldny, weft': JIIB. Me 8upplem And you haYe comeba ck ; trenche s, into the Argonn e forest rnl il t'III K Mu IJorllln nf" I,) lilt' tr"II M' ' i8 not to use coal 011 to make Ii ftrti in Clure, Albert Cleaver , Humer ClI:rey public ented by ~II that a gener'.lUB Cited for bravery som• . and on the long. hard march into Ur)'. coul~ prOVIde In substan tials I NOI n blnek ble)1 on ',,\. rtlll'l ,~" of IIH'fiP " lilt I'lIs1· the furnace , eePlMlially when there Is and 80n, Chester , Harry Sherwo od, Bnd luxuries Ihe IIsl; German y . He told the slory in a tlO"". hL' !!n",' t w" . In V lr~ I Il I " n '<. ~N" .. , J ohn lJall~htl.r~ , o f Wyomin g, is \ Not a gold ,tl\f on the flng a little fire in the furnRee . I plain.cp nnectcd Ralph Smith: Dave Connor. WIlbur ' In the afterno on all gathe,e and forc efu l manner rl'fllr)' of Rlllt,· J.'t'l' ,'r'nll Itlttl' Ath,rnpy Vi dil Last d to None to lie mourned and be ml.",d. ill$i hill par nls. Mr . anti Mrs. week he attempt ed thi!l trick, nnd Stansbe rry. Wm. Ahdel'llon, L . A listen It i8 witli regrt::t that it cannot be fI n ~' rnl !l1l1l.lu1'/1 11 to ; a (tn" well t.) Nf'W \, ,.,,.It. Win. DUlI Jo( htc rl' nnd f'\mily "Jack" the result is that he hBli been J1ursimr Zimmer man', Dr . H F' Hathaw ay. Charles Maddenarrana-c d 'program . '.et rep.rodu ced. t\kxfilld or be Allml)!O happ, toda" n unrl . of Harvey sburg, a badly burned ta~e. tor the ~Jaze Harris Mosher , Mar~hall Haines, prClide Glenn is one of our ow.n boys. and ·lchu.~olt g, Hellry l'n, ox. on' to lI1f1 S~' iw looking fine a!lt1 enjoyin lr the best. d as chairma n In a very em· Let u. be f.rlendl, anll alad, IOf healt h.. He hILS charge of a large . shot out of the furnllce and cllught Frank Thomas , Ray Mills. 'J esse Bur- cient and saw No hard service in many dangero us ODe be ... d. • _ '. 8ati~factory manner . catlle raneh in Montan ll. and is kept blm full In (he face The skill II on and Howard Burton And .... some where. places, Wounde d at St. Mihiel, he After music b¥ the band th~ whole lu maosiolUl most ralr,. pre tty 1lu:lY all the time peelln&, off now, and Mr, "'eiree haa . alone, nevertb eless, respond ed to a assembl y sanK Americ a, followed by call to lead a volunte er patrol . Into leI u. meet ,a line complex ion, white u can be, Seeing the Earth Rotate, Fred's Bargain Prices lire \lu(,e a very feeling and Ov.r there No-Man 's Land. Bla escape was If n lOllu ""n.hllu n1 l ~ ~ I't wln~lnt: some monev &avera Men's anif tlOD by Rev. AmOll All at HOlD... almOlt a miracle , and for this service with II ~ point ,,' "U' I"' "I<I<Jn 'rPl' Ifl The Old Story. Young Meri'a Fall Sulll!, $19.59; more mulie, tb'e Rev he was justly. cited for bravery . . tum. the r,'nnl' t)( ",ln ll will rl'tunln Work Panll, 95; Union Suits, gave a alnc:ere and nOIIlle-'IIK," w'a1~Bm,.1 We a~lred nt our IIonle rnf a menu $1 66: Swat. rS2Coats, There were many other' boys wbo IIxt'\l while tJll' r"llIthlll PRrth ~k"\V1I - that would make tor plj\l1\.Jh·tng nnd ~oae, 5 pairs tor $1.00; SI 98: ..Llale to tbe bo'a. replete wll:h-kln,~~ID•• 1 m1l1htt eQ Jltnllar stories of bardahl p at'(lunc1 un.ler It. ThIll 1' Boya' School and apprwclatlOD, 1 Ihe finest .. ..,lIntl'A . u"",,u I woundi 'ana DI eaca,. , of P.\lrlls t1emon tmtlon nf til.. PRrth', rotAtion. ' deer thlnkl", . and ttle:r If't 1'l'- ua lUI Suit•• $7 59jO,'ereoata,SI MUllc a1i1•• tor pear ..I.d wIth l~tlllerrallAr. arll, 99c.; lil' ,UBel!, 69c,S.OO: ~weat· b,land and fo)'~[~er~~;~[iI~~: to them all! lUII1 rl'cently At Wl'llIDl(tnn, Npw ZPn· and man" patriuti c was and III!d8 Dn4 TboulIDd III.btI 11reaI q.- other prmlll'l ta wltb Mue now conclud~ lu<1 n JWllIlnlnm only t('n rt'H ]<lDIC prlc. in pro- dr_ b)' "tldp d!l1, a d., of mo,,'t'd th.. "'tAtton wIth' 40 .... alter CINId ~ ~_ . ... e. ~ ¥ul~ bt &be lbimlll P,q,.- L. V. R. ' fhe ..... bepn. _-4
~~,~~~~~,:~7:1~ '~:I~:~~'~\I" ~nll' WEll· KNOWN RANCHER
~;r:~~t:b;~t~°fu~i~S:~~aln~~~:~d ~n ~:n:t"~\':~::r:~~~~,,,rt';:;'I :~~'::~;~:~',,:,~~ I::~ I
.- ..---
ILL T. A,. E'
lujor Role 'tho
lOIiI1 ~
•n '.' I;.lW ~ "' II UII 1h r ." 7
OJ fnt..
11,111r~ trtliH
with Tomlll f Ellia ~1'I", liSt' lh .. 1 T"IIII1l Y Ill Kclu n t Ih€'llI t rolll 1M Ill' t dll ), ' hr Wit t" 'hlll l. . h" I"'I,·v~I): IIntl wit h 0 ween 10 sch ool. ·11 wns a littl e ('1\('01, olnk l,,!, hl'!lrt II h" u t llillt ,'"11 Annn · , " lid there were JII t IItI)' h ookll ('II Ille ,.n" n " ' r \\ hos r hil t hp "\'\'.1 t rem wlllla of the b r s' "entry." \\'IUI IIftY.j h,'t n~ 1lIU1101l.·, wh,,'" h t' "' n~ n IItt ll' .'ne bo)', to huug Ih Ir h"t~ Qn Ih .. lII. ""y. A ",,1.... 11,· " "" " "1,' nOllnl phl'r In . JllIlt a d<tzlllI Gt Iho II w ho)· 1l "'frO , t,," II Ov' . \1\1 t wh~ .tllI I"·~d In th.· 'u· y ou ngei' alld IIll1tWl r Ihllo TOJl)ulr . who ' ,urbao ,-II It '11\' , n n,l o;"ry ntt l'lI ralle heO ree('hl!t! tile rll'C lI!:e ot . ,:vO,!ll : Oll t ,'0 II", r.l t on wh l 'h T OOlm y col· bu t Tommy It .·11 ... h ha to Ill)' hi. r I .. h ·d th~ rll r. '8, e ap .OIl th door In th~ corne l>t!Cll1lse Sh~ "'liS III\\'a )·~ ft lcn"ly ,ul,1 n lCt! II let tbe olh"r f l'llo wo gNlb .. hlle he I .. T , nllllY. 1I 11l1 no'" nnd t he n he o;enbll!ld baeL 'l" mm, dldll 't Il k. lIarlnti tut ' d III tol lt 10 hl'r II II ttl o, tllI l only to PUt b1a ('III' th e ft l>Or nny I... ttp t n,," lit <I th l' ll, Iwcntlse Tommy (IInIb8ll 1II~ nh«, Bu t MU"bo<I y'S d (>('l AIIII.\!I,·II ,' Fr" roed, a lit tl e n c r,'OU8 The
h ad to
'n .... , "hB tl",· t' f
oot 10 , " WR Y ot r 1'<'11' nr (If ON'On unltl _ ()n th~ ('"n trnry. ,. ""5 brtllht"r nnC! II ul C'ker /lnd Iwallr mnN! klilful nn(1 el,·'·cr thoo
lilt' maJori ty ot boy. . !lut III' W ll 8 ut· lerl,. lndtlnjl III El'lf·lI;&sorLin'llcss, The onl,. o<;cnJ;Io n "n whkh Tonl1l1 ),' 8 hon,l wpn t up to tlmo t o he r ecognI zed h,. the t Cll cher. "'hen sh e \"1\8 sho wIn g off her pupils to ,'Is ltlllJ{ pBrenUl or I'Ommltteemf'n. was whl'n h 9 wos th e nnly chllcl In th a room who know the nn""'er to the (jul'su nn . If one o r Iwo or II doZl'o ot the others were pr~po rccI " 'Ith tile dC61rcd 'n (ormotl on th l')' w~ro 011 SUr ll t e bea t Tommy t o It . T h re WRB a lit tle gIrl \\' hO:>I11 T nmn,), worsh iped 10 hi s secret "on I. OIl(' dllY her ' hilt blew o tT. ~hp \\'ns ihp 8.ChOOI M nuty. 80 Ih'e boys Pll t (' h ll~e a fter the h a t. T om my. ns lI ~ unl. Il()f Bto r ted IllS\' b av lug b ~ n bllmp~d ou t o r hl a trlde by nnother hoy. It \\,II S n f rcllk w tnd nnd ot a ~ u rl tle n the li o t 8lt lft c:d its COUI'llC 011(\ nme trlll"ht ,at T ommy and a mud puddle. 'Tommy h ~ad ed It ott and. oil blu h e~. t!lok n .' ngle step townrd his IlIlIllIorn In. Thcn another bo, gra bbed \JIe hftt awo y t rom T ()mmy .nd blms elf h cs t owell " upun Its owner. 'II'lth the air of one h llvlnl! r escued It from the puddle InRINul at purlololril! It from the obo fl\l ed T()J n· m y', wOl'8hJptul hnnd. Th e little girl, whose n nme '11'8 8 Ann nhell e Hrster. .mlled 'benlgnontly UI>Oo' tbe other boy. whlllle Dame WDB Floyd Cushmnn. nn.d
.ne,er even g!lve Tommy a And
l'(\II~(' I~ntlou ., ' III1~r.
,"1\ 1l1\'. but un\\
t hf'n
(''' L'' " III CU-h lllllll. ,',unIIHII\ 1I11/( 1""11· Ill ~ '~ v\\ 1/ pln t, .," 11," ' all , ' .. t 'I Rlidrt· lllel' of IICtlren llll t.>. h \,,1 ~t .. rI1lNI o n .. li t th .... ,·n,·", y p ... III .. " 1111<1 1111,1 b.'cn "h" t 1~1I11 111 " hI. IIIftll nan"' UQ nl'CI1 neld. "Ill' (U.'d In'II,·,·I). ~II "~ A U 1111I,..JI." ~81c\ '1' oI nIl1lY, III "" lIr hl ~ I(lI1 , " I \\'1 ~h he l'ou lll h ' I" ~ 11'·cel In :Olll ~ ba ck ," An" 11,,·,i . IIfl ,'r II li tHe. t h,' new Tommy n.~('rt"!1 · hlll1<"lt "L1nll~h ro nn lu re-"t o Y" \I." Ann8 b~lIr lon kl',l t l"ll\~h t II I TOIU IO Y. ' "o\e 1\ sol d ie r." ,h p usk",I, "do )·ou Ihlnk It WtlS t1 ",·"q'III· ~ f(lr ('U(lt Rln l1shlllnn to IllS' h is 11((1 li t t h llt ti me Rn" pln el'? (' I') 1111 rh l,,1l th ll~ I' H u ns C01l1l1 hll"o 11(" ' 11 (\rl " '11 <lilt w ithout R trolltlll llWll'k 7 \\" II~ It 1:00\1 lenlll' r' 8hl (l t o do wl'lI t h e dlll1" " Why. MI M~ AII ,," h e ll~ . " p;t claltnrd T Olllmy. IlIk"n wh oJ\~' by ~lIrprl8e hy thl8 '1l1 e~II"llln~ . " \\ tlll t- \\"hl1l mn k~8 ),0 11 (\ uht It?" "O",·UII"(·," r"I' 11 1'(1 th o Illr!. "r kno,,' n il nho ll t It. Y Oll ," '(, nlll III" ollly prr· 800 I h o\'e , ,,en" 11 0 WlI ~ th " r c. S r1 geo ul Falli o n ,.f rOll r s q u"d 18 m y cou ,", l n. II ": t n lel fill' IIhc ml It. It WI\R 8.
tll,. thlrl\ ('\" ' I1 II1 ~ thu t lw SH\\" An nu· hell o) I k ' t " r, Th,· Illrl hll(1 Clltul,'(\ 10
g ,l an ce.
th"l'llIl f"rllloC IIII'Cll rllllllw lI snn lhe poInt u f "IIll'rl"lI \\,1"'11 _h •. glllllcell llP
~11\\' l " ' " 11I.V, ;;1", w" n t whll ,' . th n j lint! r(\~y . "Wh)'. T01l1l11 y- Tulllmy EIII.I" ~r l nhnl"l.
lhl r~<1 Y(lU t n :d{ l'. u nd ItH ou t thpre Inl\) h :l t r al " li t bldh' l s III 1\ (I,·u r. WOII,h' ,fll!. r""II. I< , or .. 7, ) II ll empt 10 1r11l1 1111.1 \. I III' him I",d, t o Ihc to, 'k"? II",,,\\, ,,11 ,, 1'<l 1It 11. >,1 \111 U II! " l1 y ,11 ,1 ),',U rl " It-whu l "'f1'I,'
con~p l(' 1I0U8
V Inll Y perJOon who l' OlllrltJutt·~ to 1II
~ Inl
(' ,I'\t
. l'l bll r l( l
ere and .Saws
Repaired s. ;H. HAINES, Ly tl,~~ o.
p n Tntnn \" n t nlt' O\· I h i' Il llU ~ 1" "elt Meillorlni I\ ItIIIJP 0 1
Walter McClure
"1!'To r'Hle," wh"t lli·r tholl "u n,1 olln I'S ." "aid Ar thur I,. 0 " .. · ford , Stutll ~ h I Llrmll l1. "[\ wou l, b oo ntrnry to t h tl ADl c r l' CU D pr it lcl J1 1 ~ ~ UIl<'I lI whl c b t ho Il00A&
vol l ~ I NI" ' r l nl i\ ~ llClu tl nl\ tou nd 'd to fill lin), · RlnOll nt rPQ lIl s lt c for mem · b o t~ hlll , A n)' contribu ti on, lar ga · or "mall , wi ll " n tltl p 111ft l"' r~ OD to tn pm · oor" hlp. '''''IIU counlrl<", of the A IIlflA. wh o~n CRU "e 1'hl'o<\<)r e Roosovelt (,lI(lOIIHed so vnllalltl y 111 th ' dllrk e ~t lIn..v " t", roro vl ct ur ), CIl II\' \ orf' jOi nIng Am el'k a n R In th ts mOVetn" lIt , Lt k n wl~p In tho Philip pi "', I'orto Rico, AI,,"kll. HlI \\'8\1 . ILnd I n II", tnlth"" l'Qr " e" " ' b e r e
th~ ~ t n r R
-~--Gold sm ith' s
(~o" IIH',
s,, "1
M::s t e r plec e. tI,l' t l", ,' ,' f I'llhllrl1tlnn. "Till' ' -1('11 " of \\"nl" 'II ('lrI"
" as " Ill' (If 111.' h, , I 110,','1 " ,·,','1 ' .. "I" lt nlll1y '1,Ih11\" , \I 11" :11 ''{IN''·· II< I .~ 1' , ("1''1r1,lulnl .. 111,,<1 pr .. , ,·h lyl!.'' o f II It t rut!
Emma Beckett . . , .. . , . October Walker Au sti n , . , . ... . October
J - ,:;. art.oc k . . , . .. ... October 15 Woller l Sliwyer . . .... Oclober 16
E. M. lukens & Sons . .. October 17
---- - - I J ilme~ Stllc\<Y Says, "I~'at
Cos t
"' 1" 5 f r PI I" ulll " '" 0 urn noJ.! U , .
,, \\',.
m pn
Me ,
Tid e8
Fully E rp.d ppeu for ~oocl
Service , Large Di. plu y I~oo m nA Y OR NIUIt
VeterinarY ' 'lrllv.. r~I ' OI"FIC8: l~n llrth "Itr!" ·I . ",lI l1 r Ty le r
"'ut ~"lng
h )· tilt'
l:1~1 \"! tll-
000<1",. Garden Tools. e(,o_ billa for partloaJara ,
Plah Ple"tffUt '" 'Cf\rn:. the const of Olllie. mnny !leett001 ot 1\'blch are practlCIIIIJ un·
lDIlablte4 .t preseat. paves ot the IIrll fonod 10 creat numbera.; ~a4 the}' lourlabl}' coDtuln tmp1i111a~.ta tor IIelI bblo,. From prehllte;1e tim_ III. roalt of Oblle liu beeD' ooted tor It. ~h'ene and Cl,e nlllrd. Ohlo..est",,... ll8IIerlea. Th. tlhee .r. RO with the lUlDounCI!I'lIIe11tftJ that ·eee blrd. II, tbe mil· ment ot the Ital8 'u-. - f~lna . 011. tbem, are touod ' orgBlllu.UOD for ,.101/.1 ' the and the namerou, the Roosevelt M& .paIIO tataod. lodl~t. thll STeal qlortal AssoclutiOD. ,'eorth fII tt~e the blrdtJ treqoented dllNlppeers any DOtlleie ...... With method. .'mllllr nOD that the hel' to tbo.e DIed III other couotrles. t be aIded 'tund cam· 1I...ln, la4l111tr, could ' be revoilltlonpalSU can be con· I~ and eetablished on aver, lurge elllered 88 II mov& IeIIt.. The preee!lt lI'l'lthOd8 In Oh lie IDenl even touch ed .re do 1D0re advanced thntl theT wc re ...,th parUsaosblp. tIIo\ll&od. ' ot yeare ago. TJie need II Leadere 01 the lWoaevelt campargn feU II" the OblJeaDtl them~eH·ee. T}Je 1&& 01 ' IIetI food "III recently thll baok In 1912 are JU8t about eQually IIIIbJect or a d emon~ from the Inbor· prominent I" tbe personnel 91th Oem· OCrata Rnd .... e gullLl'" RepubllcaUl!. . . to the lovernment. A( thur L . Gorrord, of IDtYria. state ohafrwao. "lUI a leader til tbe ho. QrowtJI rtI CtI"nl"Q '"duet, .. fl68slve party 01 the &tate.. all .as ~. caonloa lodllalr, h811 Mlllio I IffY }'HI,. croWl! to eolQll8&I ,*,opo~ lames R. Gorlleld, of ·YeD~ a member of the execntlve oommlt~ of ~e ti~ ~ III an art t.IlId OatM bIIc~ • i lltt!/!~' tlll(n 100 yea,., We OOY' .-emorlal ASlIOCllltlon r:4 0tI10. &u rnor Jamee ' Y, ColI i. .~ • mell> ltlalf art or preeervlng' foods tbroy~ Gove , ~~ ~ lIterll. '»' meaoa of bel' or tba.t oommlltee, &lid ell.aovern. betl ;aIIP malntalolnc them Iq th" or JudllOn HarmoD· III e membeio of the ~011 '" bllnlledceUy sooled ~. vatlonl! oommlttee. 9upreme Justice tatQllft, tD , S'rencllmR,n . NlcholllAl A~ tt 8 . 1Jfn.ttbllLl!. 01 Vu wen: .J08epb ,....,. WIle) began hI' . e,:~rhn enttJ 10 0, Butler . .IF•• 01 YOUnJltoWni D. Q, Morrow. of Hillsboro. and 'other memo ' ('IIDO_ II) troo at Obalmoo! IIQr !M.tIle. Se work"d on~ experiment- hera 01 tbe State l!)zecuUve COIDJDIled fW 1!J yean an<! In 1810 had proc- tee were "r6&Ular" Republlcanl back in tboee d8Y6 of the party epllt; wblle tlCI\Ul ~rfeetl!d hi s 8yat eOl. others on tbe boord bave oe ver taken 'l'be Clr8t cannlne In tb e U nlt~ Slatllll WIUI tor the !'teMon-n tlon ot ':-ny actlva par~ 10 J)OlItlc& In Pltrt)'. Ilea tOoda. It wus pot unlll thl' Harry Dwlg bt SmIth. of Cle nlnnd. decnde toll owIng Ihe Ch'U wllr tbat 111 aecr a tan' of the Nutlonal AS80chi. the superlortty ot cnnn ell foodS tlon of Ad'·ertlslng n cles and h e ad o\'er t hose whlcb wer e ptc~e rv c<1 b y Qf the Fu1l ur &: Smith Ag ency In Naltl!!g. dr)'lng ond pI ck li ng hecl1 l1le Clev eland ; M yer s y . Cooper. ot Cln· rccl!gnlled. Todn y th e U ni ted. St utes clnnotl. Is on e or tb e larg e~ t re al esIs the lar,eat produ c~r a"tI consum er tate men In Ihe stllte ; A. H . liels ey. of of enno ed too(\~_ Newark, 16 the h eud of tbe big glass 10duBtry tbere. Th ey a r e all busIness Unneoe...ry Nolle. Dien prlmorll y· wit h only the degree at .\ mall ftClOrts thnt h a h n~ sll ccee ded polltlcnl Intera..t wh leb <won patriot i lnvcottog a nol8t\loss t,yP ~ W tItIDg mni m\lft t huve, ' cblne. It !llll r e port be tnll', let u.s L. J . Taber , of BarnoBvllla . presl· reJ9lce. It III a great stride fo rw.u rd. dent 01 the Stnle Grange. la anothor JADY InventioD thnt s tops or Icssens IIny member ot the executive eommltte'o j of the not.ell ot thIs noisy \\'orld Is dis- &8 Is D, Mead o MlI8s le. ot Cbllll cotb e tlnetlJ 00 a chl cve lllellL wboso BPle n()ld work 00 the SOldjers : We I!tlPPOS6 th nl st.roet e(lrs. ror In· Camp Com m Ittee dImmed e ven the 8tf)oce. will one doy become oh."l et e. place .be held In th e peoplo's me mnr y but the cbnllcea ore thllt t h ('!, will lAst a s Il torm ('r s tato senntor. . for Bcme time )'CI_ And th l. Iie lng the .In othe r words. avery 80rt 01 bus l· , ca~c. Il'hy Is It tho t SOOle (Nil I\1 8 does ,ne88 and publi c Inte r ll8 t Is represent. j not Invent awol' ,10 muffl o the IlItN ed In t be HoosoveJt M omorlal A ssocl a· (llll\' Il lln'e-wrnckl~ nnd dl';,Lo' Jr,,' tlon. Th e one fn otor th e membe rs ' nois e tlJat 0 s treot ('!l r mukc.s? 'rh uy bnve In comm on 18 the th'o ught ell· cro sh ona bllnlllwr Ihelr WHY 1) "I' r our n,t"",,"QcA n h\.' f! h Rfrm n n Garr o r~ : etreetR. lind .. heo th ~ r ound II CU I·" they oml~ II ... all like th e \\'u ll at u IONt .auJ.- LolI Ange lcs 'I·Imes.
Phone J-I-ll-2S Revcr1lC Phone Charge.
0 · 18·8
E. HA'I'II A WA t .\ " ,. ""<'Vl\I s ',, Leat\lnw Oeall.' In I:J ,r! n !lS RId" MaIn H'
B. v_
OIY.,. e"anc:. to Redeem Hlm. .lf. ~n ex·coD\·lcl rece ntly ob(Ul n~d • po tt10u In a WushlllgloD CD. 0.1 hank. Ue wept to 'the prosldent n od la Id: "J u I\d 10 "e II calilJle&,. bUl IlOw I lUll 110 cll-i.'Onvlct. 1 sen 'N I tw o yoors 10 the (.elllh·utillry. Will )luu gIve w e • Job "" Arter. Uti" WVIIs1llluUtln the ......t1eul did.
--- --
All Il1 n, l" of N n sary Work . "nd o.ed". " Hp..olalt,.
. A8 w'e are dleoonSloolnll farmiDIr and lea.vlolJ sbe a'ale. we wlll offllr tbe blgbBtlt bIdder as onl' farm ·on 8errybHl Uorner on Wavneavllle pIke, 2 mile. Bouth of Bellblook and S mlln we.t or 8prlng Valley, on
Notary ~ub"c
W, N. Rears, Aoos,
Haryeysburg, Ohio
~_ I
Telephon.. 93
Wayhcsvlll ...
of the Oce an .
, 111" In("lIn lng nnrl , 11,,· 1I , Ii'~ I- ('nu " " (1
Waynesville, Ohio
r " " r.-,) III101n 11 111.
Ih llt
women III"(' pre p" .. ln g to blinot h Is IIlPl1w r)' du ri ng th e w p pl! !>Ilt s purt b)' thlR "8 ~n<.'l f\tlo n, ,.~ olll cers ot th o Oh io 8t l1 t (' orlin nlzn tloJl know tbat th ey hl\" ~ 'l nl y 10 o,,,,IIIIn to the publi c th r plnns ror t hl ~ ca mpul g n w eI, In order to fllce lv p onthusln.Uc 8Ullpert tro", Ih~ I' ~op '" nr Oh io."
~~~""""~_~_ ~.i-~_..~~_~~.._~_~_~~~~~""""""""""""~~~~~~-~~~~.~.....- -- - -
And 8 1,111<'H
will muk e no
~8. t ('.nn t r Uult Ion 18 ODe J"'IIU Y o r u ne.
, hoJ t\ !I '" LJ .. I K II ""\'\'iI~_ WhIch 'l1"' I\ ~ ~h ol't · I) \\·tII 1"'~u lll u
Public Sales
~ur l tl g
"WIr,'II 0 11 p.".th dl(1 I )'" ''·''' \Voyne,svill! Canning Co . October rlJ oILl,, '1 Itl ll wh ,lt W"8 !'Iog 11I" "11 1 111 \1 11"11,·" "r th ,' nlnnn . 'rhe 1 (\lrlo·I - 1 l1 ()yer " Why- wh)·-w!t)", AlI l1nlll'l l (', Tlh'rp Cha .. Clordon .. : . . , . . .. October 28 ~ I u g "Il " \1r t cnl e L loud drlllllR. W I:' 1I1 .. nn , "" t n spf'" II. drn\\'~ nr IItt 6 Ih e h~nr,I-" Al1nl\b~llt. wns h CC'HlIllI1I In- WII SU' I "")' Ihln~ ,.I"e til tl,,- \\ hl'lI I hllo t o !1I"r li p n .) Or. JlI ".·~, " t(· , \\,lI tl'r f l'nm th f' ,If'p t hp on t h l' ~lImc II tlh'ullltr. th'"lgl,1 hr )·011. \\·"llIlIl; tnr him t n C. P. 1E1Iis ... .. . .. , .. . October 29 H,DOd 11 m t.'!! n ~~ t, In t h e I>fl.,'mOllt,. p,l n('\ r l!' t hot II ['Iumr II fl ~ wntor . T"tnIllY 1':111 " hllr' hf'"n Ihrough whn t CIIIlII' 10,,,'1:," Beckett« Moore . . . . .. No\'ember I hMI ohoken !.lI ft wtl ll i An d II with 01'11111 11. Ihe wnlt' r nn mllll "ott ~" Ihrllll~h "tI,1 ~t lll h e "II'lt . T"""II1~· : I \\'o "n'l wllltin/( r nr re rust'. 'l'h eplulU \)r r 'e hi li "'''B~l 2r,. 1 11I t" nil t h i' "pII Cl' lett; '90 th e ~hnl\Ill It e li P hl' WM t",rnr~. ~l lId. lit his F ln),n 10 """I(' htlck. YIIIl d,.u r. ~el t. Phil Hock . . .. . . . , . . . November 6 R A'l', ~NAP r lo" ord l'lle r>'(I (1I1 ~ Ilt." Inw \\,11 1"1· n"" r ~h('lre t·u"h,'s Oll t to fi ll 0 '" "l'I(.~,'n"'I oll ~I1" "' \\,\. Il"n ~. ..rr'\I'ln~. 1I1, "I,'~t. III" rhld 0 1<11'0 11101\' -1 Tbrea ~I·~r" . ~ar. ;,00. \. 00 t' ,)I, j Ih" "Sltu ~pnr" "" u Rotl hy r lsln!1 of "A l1 nnhell r ." ho . ulll In n munly , rll _ WI1~ ","lt lllg f<IT YOII. Alld 1'''6 "";'II Y5 l Id j4 Ull r Hut e ,·t\ b ' tl . ~ ~:n rll llllrt ' th .. "'"lfOr, 1111 Il l!' prl nclp lr th llt ;,·a ll'r rect \\,ny . "I' m (JI'I' O<lflllly ~<'TI'y nhom ....en ,,"IIltlnll f " r YOIl nil my III 11 rl III As r .. m goIng tu q uh f" rUlln g . 1 1000 J . E . .Iunntl)". ' ~,'('k~ It ll own l e" I' !. Flol.d. 1'111 t he onl, I1n4' 1'''U kll nw who IItl'. T.'mlll ~· EII I ~. or .,·ou ~olnll t o wlJl l!el l .. t pub lio 8.. 10 on t lte prem o " UK th" "·,, \\ h~n It hnpl'('II" '\. ,\11 till' t h .. t ~~ t ot your "xl~t<'II ~() In thp Isep. o n e "lile ESBs of Corwin . o n WilY hock 1 \\'n~ t"lnkhH! yo " :" wn nt 10 1\1(1 "'".". IpltlnR "'·Pr),l h lll!lI(O f or \\'l1nl \Vednesday, October 8, J919 know. , lIn<1 t h ul t h e "NIt t hllll( l ·tI do' 0 1 "110 11 )/ 11 crllPlt, t\t wI C k p rl l1 l'~~ ur wouln be to I 11 Y'JU, t1 y,," '11 I,.t me -j.:I1 IIlI,tlolI-(l r wh ut" "I' r It Is ' t o I'i!n"h ~eg i oDIDa as 10 o 'olock, the follow . kn ow whe n. 1' \1 get of!' 0 11 (1 (,Oll1(' o'·cr 1 0UI o n ,l ~rl\l)? Or tire yon 1t~llIlt \I) IDg pro p er t y : '2 l:!orlles. II Male!! II 10 yntlr hous utilI tell sltU_" I!'TIIII-IIW?" Allllflhell p wnH IUllt hlng t)uttle , 20 B oglI, 27 8 b af!p. fml>'le" 00. T omlllY ; rome tOlllll l'row III yo, r 111 111 c ry tll~ nt '11"'''. nllt ht' ('rltld 111- ments, BIUnllll8 , Lum hor . eEl blll __ olT. lltl l,!. 1111\ f{o lpl( t o b ll(1me. And I \ I'Jr ,·the r . n n ,l ~h IlQ' '''"~(IIl'' s hE! ~()bhtlll : JOtiN LO WRY , do wnnt \0 h '·I1r--('''''I')' I hl llll. '' '!'IIIl1 I11Y \ " At lll you nhMst threw )'(-'llr lite W. N. Soare, Aoct . dl dll't n ntlce th e 011<1. ~I u ll ylng look the IIWIly I" girl Jruve hI m. Uut ·h promlsetl t o go ; 'J'IoI' wn r h ('lpNI 81>11\ . Ann1Jb~ " e . and next do y he wrnt. Iwl.pN' 1\ gr li t (1f' I11 nlurf'. 1 'II I I1I1IY gilt ' Will sell as pt,lbllo auor.loD lit m y T o mmy t o ld Allnabell e obou! th e 0 Iw l ter r un n~l;t dolo'. L lIs t mnnth h e r esidence on W ..'er S'reet In Wayt!ve e " nn~ ruslt ot the ~el\t 1J)0 v&- h e nt. a ll! Ihree ' ·1I 0(\I<llIt 4'8 ro r a~~I~t. neRvllle , Ohio, on ment wheo the Ame rl cnD s c1 ellncd ant ont (U"lsla n S11 p('rl nt" llIlc n t. If you Saturday, October II 1919 the Verdun 81111enl; how mos t of tho T ommy I'\rlI" you'lI l'uRIIl'd • doughboy. wel'tl raclDg to "et In t o ucb hnrlt. 86"loololJ .t 1 p . m., a lo~ at Boase.
8he YOII
~Iocke, Lawn Mow ..
~oc l l\tton.
,1\',. t1,~
lina Qurto
Illj,r u r I t~ o 'vn. tll o elli ot fRctor ot n cos tume. T ho ench a n l lnt( rrllll~o ll " r or n d o! all "'u here 18 0 0111>\'~ r b 101l 8 . ~' r ODc h )l III IIno a nll devo Id ot t r lmmlllt( hul uc h lovlng SIU1U' l n ess by cou" Oll llul! t ho wl\ls lIlne with " I'd groee l u l 1 0 1 (1 ~.
~n" "
At twenly Tommy 11'8" hOldlD(J down the worst p 088lbl o JOb In the alft of the ,ulltlrlnlendeot ot the one-horae Interurban troll ey COlDJlf'1I7• • Job which no ODe ellJQ would take! aDd ",lIlcb o!!CcMltate<! his get'dot up lit an uncoollClooabl e h our In • the mOl'oln,. IIn(l walkIng a mile after ' ta~D~ tbe lost cor loto tbe hllrn at ol«tlt. with all bls leisure tim e In the ' -'oIAI. "" the daY_nd wb.t use can 110
f tlt"
cln l m~
t~lIllIlI u.: '1n" ~!J 'Cil·\!13 nn l ' U. tk a(U, IUU· ,·hln.· CUD I"'~t~ "t th e r~l\ r \lUllr": ti n ",
II l1 d III Rt I'MI' n l RIICh tl m('s. "" r hnll ~ n~ th(llll1h .• h l' dl,lo' t 'u ~ t r111" ~ ab ollt 1!~ 1l11l~ If'" IlI lh"tl t e wi th n cOllllllet"r. A llnl h H r II -"n wns fhn t 10'10),,1 u~h mnn , , ·!tu "'" ~ 11\ coll elll! nnw. nnd gll 11111 10 10,' a hlw)·~ r. rod I' .. li t w ll h AIIn"I ... I1 " \I h pll"w r he Cnll18 bnck to th p ,· lIlo~('. w"klt wn~ prNt )· or l ~n . 00.1 quite tnnk po~""S~ lo ll or h"r. \" o.q, Tu",· III)' t" lt 1l1LUI:I·ther "au I ot It" with A ,,· n nbe lla. The " the w"r ,'roml'. TOIII01Y wen t 11_ n ' hlJ('k p .. h·nt ,. I1 n,l cumo h''''k " " on,·. H e \\'n~n· l. It Ot'P('Inr("d. of Uull . {'OIll m fi 4 !~rl ul. l h""j.:h on In t p IlI S'·II \. .tudlOlIR 111111,1. hl1J I''''' rlll~, I ", ,,,'~t l,,,"g Jlh'~e " t lind F!t'l·d · \lsh- thmlllhtl,'<s hTII' II ,I ... nn,1 It 'o- t m l\ ll )' mil II. l ll l lllll ll1J[ hI . woy I n l it allen. '1 1I " ~8 h~~ldrR hi •. 1';111., I k il O\\, \1('11 ot hi. ~ul'~ rl""" li t 1'llItt s!J u rg I1(Ill lI",,, clh lllll "I "f' , .r \"111"'· )'uu IlI dn'l Inl "r III 10' 1'11 "(" '.1111 0 111\.'<1 to 0 rn\lIl1II1"'\' l lIk ~ F'h'~' ,1 ('1I ~ 1""l1n . I kn,)w hI! nl · h(\for 11 ... 11,..t hb tl n l:ch !tho\"\' \ ·C'rduH. wnY fl . t n 'lt t .. d ~'(I\l (,fllltPll l 1It u U U Rl y . \\,11('11 ,., ""'")' "',,' ,lpllI 101117.,.,1 th, .y Tt"'11 II h) did ),011. \\' 1" ." lit' W,, " ",tril l'll hltl1 hlll'l< hi .. "hi r lll1 , RlIlI It WI' S tl (lw lI. I, (.," ', ' r "'un ro ll hucl or.
Il «"as Tom ·
w trh
t o rcllrully rollSS n ed Il, elf I h I~ t oll -o n,1 oaoln
............................................................. .. i .............. ....: ' c .,,,........ lnl , by til. MeQ u f"e N ••• · e, D4 Ioau.)
October 14, 1919
18 He.d of Jer8ey Casale, IDoludlng freeh OOWI!; 105 Bi~ type Poland. Cbln. BogII, all double Im_ wuned, Inoludlng 9 !lOW" with 76
Bon~eliola Good~, F~r~ImpljlmeDl~
of I h o oWDerablp aod IDao_ O'UOI~ publlah4ld. W.. yno,,·III • . Ohio, ... ""Iulred by Ibo .\U' t,·'
re~late1re . l
8uokllDIJ plge) regtltered sprint 80W8 Ind sprtug . 00&r8 ; li"r~81, I!Jbeep
A U ~ U. L, 21 ,
1813. Edlwt:.. J~. L. Crune Wayu..vlll" O~ Io · ~l n ''''j(Qr and Puhllshor. b . L.Or&ne ,,' a,II .. •
and 160 pnre bred WhIte Legb orn Cblokeu8, WALKER AU~TIN Ralpb Balnee I John WrhthS I Aoo'a,
v lllo, Ohio.
. Qw"" Brow n• V . '... Ornot' , ... e,_ ADDIe ami atame . ., 8, nllh .Iden mO'"'~/Ii1l8 . IlUO oLhflrl.curll h{JhJ t!~
SworD t.() aDlI . ubllCrlbed bela", me thl, 8th u ar of Oct.obor. 1919. . I K . V_ O.... ub ..... Natarll' Publlt.
HAvlinI\' !laId ni, ftUUl, lIoud ,olng to m ovll to town. 1 will sell at pu~ liD aoction d tbe f"ro ' koown lUI tbe
W~yne8ville.nd I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wm_ Hlml fllrm and looated 2,Y.
mij b8sontb. we8Sof
4 mllell north.east of OrelConla on
tbeW"ynellVllleaodOrellonl .. plke (drl,.. turolol{ In at eail' end 0; oovered: bridge) on ThuriJday. October 16, 1919,.
Beglonl,oK It 10 o·ol'IJIJ. tllll t " I1I1"'proper'y: "Horslls, 17 113 £logl!, 1,1 Sheep . Ponll,r:; , Impla-
"The boy ot hIm " ebows 10 • ~BJI tbat ,\ m erl cn cau bll8t IInller. ,wnd 08 tbe prInce ot Walee done a baseball c.o p s mUes; plaYB aDd hOB a "MlBular" g oo,l time. Up at Calgary • • Conad~. tho entertaInment commltwe hU'd the rlgbt Ide a to Interost tho prlnoo. Th e "Hu8t1ers" fltaged a game with th e Edmonton Veta ond be rc'e th o I,rln ee JoInIng In. us pictured by , T he Canadian Pa Cific cam eranlUlI ,
mootS,Od rn . rRoy. hold G OOdll, o td Ausom obllI:\OU88o and TobaooLJ See lurKe bills.
W. N. ~;elln , Auot. 1 will " If" r .. t Pnbllo Sale !It mv resldoulJo jnst E .st of .Barvey,sburg, Ohio, Oil
Frida_. October 17, 1919 86l!illnl:llg l\t I I'
m _ ebaral. the
fOliowloK : )('0 l:Je .. d of 8took. oon. "I'tlng o f 12 ()"tl·le. 78 Dogs IIond 11 8heep See h,rJlA b ills . .. Amr. rl c n lost a wond e rful InspIrer E, M L U KENS & BONS. when Theodore Roosevelt dIed, She W~lt er Ln oy I m\lst no t lOBe tbe InRplrRtlon .of hlB Ute, ThI s assoc iation Is torm ed to en.Bure u s all agnlns t thllt 108S. Tbo campa Ign wa arc goIng to make tor
I w. N . /illllrs ( Auotll
, We wIll se ll ,,' Pnbllo Auction at fund s ror 8 memorial to hIm Is tor tbot onr Ol\l ry SftrD In t:orwln_ ,Uhlo, on tnRll r nnf"'A." ~~d,~csday , .october ll. 1919,
' " R1 'iA~ ~RtJ" U,
N.r:'. ·Wboluonui~leI1l51ng. . .... Rel;esbllg in" H.. II ••
lotIon-Murine for Red· neu.. Soren"" Granula· Jr~ tlon.ltchlng and Burning " ,1 [..Jof the Eyet or EyelId,' "~,l1!ype'" After I}!! M""...~M1,<)rIft'Dor Got! ur :.~Vu'~.r;'-~u$.;. naas. ."iiiUl'ln. By. R.m.e4111' o.~bIcaIrO .
Be j.:inn l UI{ lit, 10 o·olook. th e follow. Inj( pr o pllrty : 2 Hones. 75 C IlUle. 76 Bog tl. See !arg e bills . WA 'I' NI£MVlr.LE OANNlNG CO . W . ~ I, eats , Auot ----~~ -
- ,,'
8~t ~mcD~
nlllD' of the MIami
If you hav~ rcad the l~ew act, passed by the Oene.ral Assembly of the S ta t~ of 0hlO. which reads, in part, as follows : '
•Section 5564,. Tor the purpose of enabling the oou~t X auu!tor. to determtne the value and location of buildings an ther Improvements, . . . who shall erecl or construct ,d 0 any Lui\di.n g .or ?ther improvement costing over 8200, . shall WithIn, sixty . days after said building or other l'm. provement shal I have commenced, notify the auditor of the county Upon fail.ure to give notice as herein pro:videtl and the discovery of such building or improvement by the county auditor after the same has been erected or c0t:Istructed, the said buUaing or improvement shall be appraIsed by the county ~uditor at its true value in money_ and placed upon the duplicate together w.ith a tax f ~pennJty of fifty per cent ~or each of the years from 'he date . :, Iof the· e~ectlon or construction to the date of discovery. Said county a udItor. n~ay enter, by. hImself, or deputy, within reasonable hours and full • y examtne all bUlldn:tgs and structures of every kind . _ w ......
Notice-, Consult , Madden, who will save you a lot on your. .lumber bill, therefore will save 'you a lot o!l your tax duphca!e. It pays to trade at home.
W. B. Madden & ..Co.,· Wavnelville,
D . L. CfI ANll. Editor a n d Publisher. Wnyn e~ ' ille, O lli(} Subscriollon Price,
per year
Mr. and Mre. Ed MoFarlan, of Wlhlllo g llJ n, were gUIl~tl'l .. f mI'. aDd Mr ... J esllB (Jltll'ko, ~ on d ay . JJ:llalJ l:J,nJl"1J1I1 U lurl \. d b oma fr ow L(,xl llgton I{ y ., utto r l overlll w08kR ' visit. . rile Py ~bliln 81ate ro b e ld a Mool .. I fUllo ll on on l 'Il Il~(l " .v n ll( ll* of 111.1'11 w Ilk. A ",.'ut IIIIIIJV of t.hdl r m (l ril . bM" WIlTe prc" " II L fI~,d ell joyed tile
Mr. and M," Ii:"rl Deoker and family vl.lted Mr Ilnd, Gran. ville Oeoker, Ilt R,ud LIOn. I:lund"v Mr, IlDcI Mrs. Albe rt Deal ' and r!lDlllv !lnd Mr aud. Mre. JObD New U Iln ;'tld Hon vlsl\tild Mr anl1 Mrs Ma ~joD Boger, laH~ Iionltoy. MrH. Ell .. Bo&e r , Mrs UIIlmSpence and Mr" . Am ll l1 d u ' lte wIln ,IUd 1I0U , RI1 YUloud . ." f Ol,y tp o, vl ~ lI e c\ frl eud" III R ld ll e vlll,', th fl lu ~ t of of 'h o week . Mr •. MIl UI~ . OSI 11M , of I..ehlln oo . v I B II.~ rl Mr Rod Mr • . Vhas, ~rahllm, lu~t HOllduy Me~lIr~ . darold vlDd Hlllllh M,1I1 Bod Ihe MI~8e. OpallLnd ()rl,ba MIIIH Bnd Eula I\od <:iullda Bronk vi s Ued MI ~~ N orma eharUon , of Orog oolo. Ifl ~t /::l unday . Tile Girls' Club m et at the h omo ( I f Mrs . Estber KlrblV , lall ThnTl ia y . ~r. liDd 1I4ra. L. R Graham vlH. lied Loll COD') ve Dear Red LloD,
fl n r ll fH (i Uti " IH l,lHIi
===~== UWc ' nlOY Just os well definitely rnec the (act thnt no Ulan can ever be 0 ROod Amerkan, no mOD .can eve r be u really tLrsI-closs citi&cn or the Urutcd Stales. unless be is an American olld' nothing else. Recent events have ebown us tbnt Ibe effort to combine loyalty to this land with IOfWIY to emy oLhcr can only result In wcnkcOJllg the loyulty to this country: Washington ond Lincoln wire of "~g)j8h descent, but they were not Eng· lhm-Amcricans. Their loyulty'was Wldi~ld· edly and whol&-hcartcdly to the United Stulca and to aU or the people of. UIC United Statca in every plll'l th rear. In Inl ernational reluijons they Judged Englnnd procisely as they judScd all other nations; thut is, In any wven crlailIthey judged eve ry forei sn naUon CXllCtiy In 8ccordanc.e with i ts con duct In thut crisis; they . were .os inca pable of the mt'!lnnC8S of unreasoning malice UIU! halretl toword cmy parliculur IlIllion IlS of meanness of tr uckling to It Ilnd n)llking it!:! In te resls 8u pcriOl' 10 our own. They sci the standard of Americallis m which all of our citizens shou ld fo llo w jn their rcla liulls wit h one·on- . 0 1her, in their attilude lo wa rd their own counlrv. and in their a ltitude Io waI'd each . Ilnd u.ll f orcign "lIO liolls."
Mllrv "I" n ',l Y ,"ttl
rllll Il om ... of MrH. M u n' !~~ i1 " ~ f (lr M it!" Ell .. K" tlned y
T lt bc!, WA rl'! u eClrly 1 ''''1. '''I Il III''1" ' II n' ,il r l l.\ p rn,,' nfi , "JI ff'tue .u lJortn g IL II,,· itro, l" ,,,. h~ wllh I~ IlRn lul pro@ .
\JI' t A l J}.-I lt d. nf .,f t,Ar ll Oll n Wt\8 1 "1 1'1'111 IlId, tI l U. H10lu ... i o ll, fl U pr esnllt I ~ V; "l'I.: t il ha· prttti,pu t· and p t'4 rt n lOl
, 'h ,' " ' II IU It ''' pllll lltr when u" tlfi hl1
1 h tJ
1,, 1" (1' N V" ' IJ " OII' 1' 1. ~ I r li llnl on , w)l l 'lI'lIP Ilit n' il ir \l 1l h " Inrge I , ,, , k ", ' r! "'I I I bp I II r"Mh n l'~M to ' " '" I 11"' ,1" 111,11(111 III lla ., nPllr fl,t.ure, ~" I. · 1 ,hi, I ~ II eonr l, O ll t!, h nt' tlinl! \~ . II'IU , 11' "11 , " " I't ~V" f(\t\~ ",1 \r (-\ t i t h i"
se l io n
UHLn u ll o th o r d lscn.!B8
IUgl· th t...·I·. tln u ro r y en r s It w ~ up · II,) I", lIu:u ndJl o. lJoctor8 ~ rO a ' tiel'U,"" h,W.Jd Tl:IIl Cdl c8. o n d b y t o n .. · t4 tun t h ' fulll ll g 10 t urt! \Y"t l h Jocal lre a l " 11, n t ,' lu-u nou lw (I It l n oura b le, Ca ' ''rlil IN it 1" ~ llt (\I~ O ".&. !fronLly In rlu· !' Iw~ ·.1 hy run. rltuLltlllo.l condltt oll'. und II" "" /"1',, r"'I\lI'I('~ onatl'tI\IO"1l1 tr~at·
J put
I)Ori d
cn.rkt4vlllf', "'Iutn'. ~lln du.v " v tl uin g 111 (1MI , t)1I t il , MII C()I\~ S lI rra.CCB or th o 'II'.t.b J"bll W il li .n,1 ..... 1((1. . l'I(· ... 011 IIul,,\I'cd Doltur~ r?wo.rd lit
"rrro r C f.
cutl e lhal H a ll
Oi l)'
Ca ..
Mr nlld Mr~ Al vH I Jo tldln ~ , on In,rl, ~ 1" 1I1C ' 1 ,, 0 fnll R In ti ro. Send t or u ' d rcu lh r~ n nd l csU nu,mla la . c,nd d " 'l,hter. MlrtHII , '\Ild ",e"lrl llf' I". J . ,: I II':NJ') )' &. '. '1'010010. Oh I o. L,lflcllnllton wflra SUOctliV vl ~ l to r ~ H ,hI hy l.Jrugglsta 76c. wltb "r. lind Mrd. Wood Wlir wi II J·loll·s Falulty Pill. tor co n.tlplLlion. near (.ebauaD , Mr. and Mr8 W 'I' J ordAn werA ID Leb"non, t:I"uda •• oallln,," )Jl their IrleDdt!, Mr. nnd Mrll. JohD Nixon, or 'rex .. , who) lire horo .lIllIlng Mr~ . NtxoD'. PIUODt .. , Mr; aDd Mrs , ti~ Jobn. i . ::\~ ES FOR GREATEST . IIr, and Mr •. Orr and family . of neer Claranllle, were tluDdar CONFERENCE JtDtI8U of Mr. and Mra. . AlaD Sn rt' l
Try our Job . Printing ,
Mr •. Geo. Bog,m, Mr, Bert Boglln "nd Mrs UleDD Davl .. aDd obllrlren I \90ro vleltlng with Mr Dod Mr .. ·, UbaDnc~y Bunnoll , 'foet!dIlY of lufl t week. . I IIrll. BaObf I l'oh81&1I, of Morro\,', 81"'n& tll .. PIIet Wl'I8k with ~ .. r Dele... \ Mrs. !Cnnn" wolr. " .i Frllnk Hlmn k "1111 flauj(hler, \ (Clb.·I, we'll olllllnll on MI't<. Rerda ,' .Io,,"'an. tia'ordftV aVflnt n ll. Mr, ODd Mrfl. John W ...1f .W"fI' In Lehllnon, Mondey of 11I"'t. w"ok. I ~
BortllG 01"... The Scientific Amfl rh'nn ~ny~! Mnh , II Mlutlon of 1 oz. Cll mf\hnr. 1% 01. . splrltH turpentine ,nnd .. dr. of ~ Ih~r. Keep th& end or Ihe IlrllHnR 1001 wct with tl.IK Hnlt!. Thl' .. hllr[1 (,Clrn er Qf a freshly broken 1101 nt nr cl fII il Is ,~ne of the befit drilling loola tor thts PlIl'
These wonderful thin, soothing pIasters dr~ w out the soreness, stop the pain. ki I and loosen the corn_ Comes out root ~nd all. Safe and antiseptic. If " our dealer can 't /Supp ly sgn d 2 5c to
5 N. Wabaah Ave., Chicago
here . There's a IBaby on Farm
Keel) Rat"Snap R " t ~ n r tl o n
,n ~t fKnn R
f) rlt :n
I ,, ~I . I ,· th " hon H ~ - 1 'Ille " IH. I R" ill kl!lllIf,,, , tH - hHtn !( Ib ,'nl l - II" , UOU HUUI. N ur .1 1I1! 1","I A8 IIt.I'III· 1 rut.H. Bra " Ie 1\ Cllkn tl f I-t A T ~~ A f' I and Ih ro w 1t. I1 ", UII,1. rI· will ~llI"t,J~ r a t lOll . o f rnl .. 1I 1l 1i IIIICtl. 'I'lIr !'!'
t,h ,'v
1( '"
' 01'\1 i,.,. ,. ~ r Iu Ihe mlnd8 of Ib e pO"\lI,1 th e wftrll. 11l· "l,lhit.loll We hot .,' RANI e nolllCb 'o f problbltlon to k " "W H I I< " ~ U Cce K" uD'll sh uuld Le a 1I1.lnua, I t h r oughout 1\11 time t o &L e dlz"~, ~ (io, 500. $ 1 Oil 1';,,1']" "rll!llhr IIiz0n8 h. thid vi oiuHy. U lve 8 nntel'd hy t::t K. F;"rublJrl, uncI .1. E. londlng \tllnd 'hilt It may be aD JllnDey . evening of ell j UY Ulen t Rfl v. ttuDt lnllton will preAoh "t tbe M. E Church, SundllY 1\1 a p. m Do not t o rgllt t 10 the Dear fu t ure W IJ .. r a SO 1111 ve II bank It 18 . (!?elayed.) till dOlle but fiois hl nlJ. t;tlvera l fr nw here attended 'be . ---Alexandria. A bou t \ ii b u ~ h 6l !l ot m:brn ti De SunnilY t5e boul ooove n\lon al Fillt Mr. and MT8 Weldoll Wlleon had AI!'xan'Irlu. fOllUfl"d by til(' '\'"rld Blltl Rye Inq uir e o r Sid ~j ll! ~, b'ork Churoh on IHst Snodll Y. <:iood u22 Kpe,.klog alld muslo arldeoi gr"a\ly a~ \heir SundlY guests. Mr, aDd conqll\!rnr, Alcxttnder th e Grune, I on ~' · u},D 6evllle. \JblO, Mrs Ubariey Warwftok and f'l1nlly E g yptluu cIty Illlit Is cngol' to 10PI' II.ll F ' , , the aftornooll's eotertainrneDt. IIDd O'Noa(l War.loll. of LebBDon . connection w ith the turuwoy P II~ t ontl IIrmar s tillve r jjer& I II ~.ur WbelLt Auctionee,,~ . '1 . \ Our meo "Dd boye are 'DrDlng till Mr. ILnd Mrll. W. E . t!o"an, Mr. lLud becolll comri1et{'Iy llIodcrll lzed. Fllte I Drill , II lm nst n e w I nq ui re of, ~h e lr /totten tlon to base Dally Mrs,' R. L. Bogn.n and Mr . and Mrll. bOA tll\'orerl tills IIrnbltl"ll. fo r the WOD· i ~~'lo~ orgIl D, U . D. 1 , WIlYOe8:; ~l e, Phone, Write or See'~ I\J" for Dat.. .. . I· g:lmes are being Indulged In . MaDY Ev"n Bo"aD . ders I1ll1t Cleopn tra Imew bllve heeD o f th em are expecting to be tltars In Mn. Ada &Boll, 1): 1 Topeka. Kan. ('oten by tire or swept O W IIY by tile SatisfactloQ Ouaran~ . P I.. ENOIO Bi g Type, Big BODe, &be gKme, aDd nlany of them live 1'&1, Ie Sbe KDell' of her oOUlID, Mary 8en. AI C'xnndrl n 15 Q city of tmuo nIH! Regl!lte red Pu llmd.Ubln" s, either "tat'S. Barllln. fD Hhlon. dOllllnutcd Ill' pr08p('rOUa ICu· BELLBROOK, 10 ~. "AX, tb e bes t J e ver rais ed. W. 0 Our sohool la progre88lng nicely Ilr. Oan .Prl&Ohard, of XeDla, aDd rOI'Cttns too (looply n h~'lrbct! In Ih Wel oh, Harveyaburg , Oblo ol G · ·'k ~J ..t unde r tbe dlreot.ioD of Prof. MoKay, s tock ilxchange to iJo eVPIl vo g uely ID' Mr, and Mrs. Peroy Rea~on od Rebeooa 0111, ot M' Bolly, were tl'rpstel1 In t he romonUc side 01 th al r Cle rmont Beating Stove. 1 Jewel BOD, of Dear WaYDel!vllle. wero BnD. gutlil" of Mrs. Effie Crew, &torl\ll.y. City. MIB8 Ethel Out:ry toot Bunday Beatin g S tove, 1 good IlIslde , day guesls ot 'beir parents. Mr.aud dinner wltb her hrother, Elmer l.Ioor. In q uir e of Jen O. Marlntt •••••••••••• 't.f!>; Mre. I!:d RORBon. Waynlltlvllle, Ohio . olu ' . The rIlln on t;unday ID ~h18 vlolD. Curry, Mr. JohD Wllaon and daugbter, Notice ~f Appointment ~ Ity pol 'be "pep" In'o everytblnl. i'rllnlle8, were IboPI,lng 10 Xenlll, Primus " reRUl t;epn.rMor. new "iter tbe lanK tlrou\h. "lIrta. makinK It as ~ooll u nAW Examined Correc.P' Benjamlu EvaDs, ot LobllDon, wall F r i d a y . ' JC.t~'" of S_ph W. R~lnllII. doc.lI8tId. 111111 OITO lit this omoe. oIG'" " /' In our town one evening 181'1t week. MI88 £dnlt LeamllllJ: Is au the II ok 1l:~!!~ It...hne'J~r. atIvO,~,t.!:;~!=\lo !i Glasses. Fi~ . · . It look!! like be had glveD DI Dp for II" .. Admlol._t., ,, .fth tv:;, .111 anoo".." of ' Blg Type r OlilDd .Ublnll Male Plgll, AT MODER . A,t'S PRICES ._ b~tl or worse-does Dot sLay 10118 Mr. aDd Mrs. Wsl"'r Wileon "011 th.1Cnale 01 JOl!eph W. a "lo ... la", of War· IIlIlra g c98d for !!nlo Inquire of ~ . Count,.. Oido. . liU. • WI,yues . Yllle . wben he oomes, and doea no& oome Mr . aDd Mra. Jlllymon 4. Wil.on an d rellJ)~1ed ~hl. IIiU d.y(Ioceued or Octo ber. 1. S3tterthwlllte Ohio. I,'• oft.en twu ehlldren took dilln'er with Mr. AILoo 11'. Urown . ' . 0 \ JUd~a':!...'~'~~~:~'O<j,~~·e . Several fr om here Iltteoded 'be and Mra. PlIoul Pe~rlIDn, SundaT, Mr. LswreD06 Mltoloeoer aDd MI.. Bro"l1 " llro"D. AIt.... 021 Polllo~. lJhlllll Ma le Plg.hnml1necl, Optical DepartmeiJ( I bell JeRme ot Wilmtngton, t.\uuday gootl nn e. Inquire of .1. i:i: Villi S. Detroit St. Xenia, Ohie .: Mn Bennett. eDtertalned tbe Pro. ICthel Compton took dllnner wltb ' K. - --- c1 llrvoort, pholle a:l.;j Wn.YD Btlvtlle, Open'l!venlngs by appolhl:,ment ItrHm l,aub, of WllwlDglon , of wbloh E. JODellllnd family, Snnday. Mf !:111m MltoheDer'lI had 8t! 'heir Ulllo, oH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . !lhe h' Il m ember, on I"st Monday, Mr. BDd M re. FrAok !:Ihldallet glleHtR, last week, Mr, an4 Un, Slim A, Yearlin g Shropshire Bnok . Il,)b . wer l' Suoday guelh of IIlrs. Allte titall'nrd, 'or I owa. _ ....._ _ _...........,._ _ _......._ _ _..... er\ U' nrnllH, It. D. 2. \ VllyneHvl lie Ollkln, of nou Lytle. Obio . 01:\ D~. J. W. MI.L.~R. Mr. alld Mrs. Fronk ij,)nlre8 and MON EY LOANED daug hter, Mr . and Mre H,ury!:lhld OU NU E- I,oll. th or e He. p:nocl 11.8 •.• DENTIST••• "kttr Bud tw o oblldnm ond Mr, tllld "These Ratl Wouldn't Eat My Best DBW, lind thAI ... t o~t d o~lg n . Will Mrs . Hal e Go rdl' D 81)On' ollllday At, ONEY Looned on li ve IItook , ~ Il li ohellll. In'l tliro .. 1 (JIl'l. I' Lt{1 'Graln," SaYI Fred ·Lamb. [." keside, 11 61lr O.. ytOn. obattell, also aeeond m ortgagos. I1 1110e. 01) , It'1! hllrd to keep rats au' of a ~D$e8 bODRht . John Barblne, Allll D Mr . and Mrs J . Ii; SbutllRlI er ond fllor1 Rt.ore Trllld for yean. A BDlldlng, XeDla, Oblo . 6. 4.20 ;jlln . Eve reU, retu~ned h OlUe fr om OT of good 1' thy BAY for ~Ille n fl l~bb " rIDIl Slore add me Bome .lu'lqj re of ,Job n R o bllr SOll, R. 1>. the fteservoir. FridllY, RAT I:lN A P. It worked wonders. 3. WIlYD'8s vl1le, UlI io, H G .. tbered up d"ad nh everT morn 1 . ',' ,..~ .. FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES . In ~ Boulfb\ more RAT SNAP. have 10 stook at Ly ti Cl . O[ury IInll Will You Spend SOc on . Rat-Snap Bn,ven" Il ral now.. Tbevwouldn" - - --- ----- - - - . !:log Feed ; Ilis o. Ii Ollr or f !"(lMII Funeral Di~tor ~': " ~.~ ea~ 11(, belt grain when 1 threw RAT to Save $IOO? ull Ford fourlng Car, Rood Vort1II zer. Evere l.' Iilllrly , anel ~,*hne~, sN' AP aroond ." Thlree elzel. '60, ODe 500 plrg. olln lIil1 50 rats. Tbe 500, Ii 00 tlohl;"nd onaran ",.4 by oondltlon wllh new tlras .1 , Allen, at Servloe & Allen gIU . IS·M.lnths.old Mill e Uolt; al . o lin (J. L. IIvAuge rat will rob yOD of 110 a S . Ill. Illarnhar~ Uiilcl J . E. Janne.y aire DI G H·voor.uld ge noml purposo.h o rRe. yen In feed , OblOk!! aDd property . l uq uir e of A. R . Chnr\toll , It . f'>. ·1, de,truotioD. R AR tiN APia deadly J. 1\: •• Ford 1'onrlng enr, eq ul p. W " y nc,svl ti p" Ohio. QI-l to rall! . Crcmate! after IdllJnR. Either Auto or Hol'I8 dra""\ierVI~ ped with 1111 llew t Iro". (.eAveB no smoll. Comell '0 ollokea. AnIma'. LJI t.hqu;lke.. No extra cbarge for auto l\lrvl • of F" r mf~I'r fo r HH Ie. l!Jq ulre R~t8 will pasa up wflat, grain, oheese nn!' of the m~·~tor" 's: RUlI unsolved Ba""lor ahook abllorbere, Rod I ~ III I I)f W E1 . Or llilorf, I,hono (i~. ·l. In and HaddaD to fell"& on R .' T SNAP. Three 18 thtlt of' tho eell~e II, whJch the low- gopd olllldHlon; prloe 1450 . JollnW . Wuy ue8v lll n. (lhlo. DR sizes, tun. ~ o o, Ii 00 i:!old IIond /to"· , rr nllhnllls !lecome Qwm-e of the n'j)- I::ltrawlI phone 16 . ~ , WlIyno8ville . . 01:.\ I\nteed by Ii . E Ellfnhart and J, E. I.rnllch of enrthqllRke8. 11 :"'8 Rnd rnta .1 "nnoy. hel'orne IIlnrmed nnd II')' to ~KCllpe. C'(H'O Auto . .Dewly p'lln tod , uD ·l RupC'r'Rensltlven eS9 to f n1n t IIhocka r o verbauilld, good as n ow. (.Jnl! Bcurel'ly gIves sntlRfnctoJ )I "··n' ·'nntlnn. at GU Mt ID'S Livery Bar-n. 1'8 for mndem selsmograr l., "0 very senslt\ vc.
John H. wijg~ :
,if}: '
Tho advance guud of perhapa the greatest labor. ·convetltlon ' In the history or the wrIeS ' baa nrrlyed In WlI8l1liiiton. It Ie H. D, Dutler, or England, aocretary of the .0rgMil.aUon com.mlttee appoInted by tlie Leaguo of Nations. An Inlernotlonal conference Is Rch04l1led. starllolr October . 29.
"..-. i> .. . .
I ,
\ '--)
.~ ~
.':---:::::: -
.I •/
\~~.,\ ~.:..." '
d " "
.\,.. "
O. !:t. Peteraon's hoo8ebold goodl wore sblpped to their bome at BuntIDKton, W . Vo., Ilist 'fhouday. Frn.nll LaUlme, north o~ town. ' fell off 110 wagon, lnet Tuesday. and dis. looated hi~ IlnkJe MI~~ M~ 'g llre~ Crowl h88 been On the ~lolt ' IH, Mr ,J oil I E ""1111. of near Middle ' Hnn, hll~ b, on IIll rloo81y III. Mrs,' NHllle Zan find hit) ohlldreD. of N ew I'nrl~, were gutlt! of Mr, and 'r1 r ~ • .foho \¥eav!'r,lut8unday. Mr, llOcl Mrfl .AIllhll ~~'ven8. north of town . ente"tatned a' a f"mll y c1 IDn er. IlIs l 811ndl\y Mr!l. [..lIlIrn Ann MIII !'r, who Is ntD"ty . ~Wo yenr l! ~~ nge, Is seriously ~
Mr Will Bodge, the grocer, Ie 810""Jy ilUprovlng TIl. cnUI'C"·\jo.r..
tf "nme men were to quute the well~
nnwn 1)III\lm they would hn\'e to l1li1. 'I w n1l glnd to make excuses wlren IIH'Y ~nlt1 to Uti, 'let UEI IrO Into tbe '~n\l"!, - nt 'the Lord,'" Tbe 'theJ' rerl>: ..:,,:" Ilrobllbly to the women of the lIoul\6, or the thurdl-lOlDI ~
A. ~AFF!1":;.
Wayn~.yille. · Ohlo.
,\1 , . ."\'-, \i\III! ,:t. ~/~~. ~,:
- ...----
PASTlr~E L-------- - - - - - - --- .----- - -----_.
No m 9. tter what else has failed, Honest John w ill kill your corns. We guarantee it.
OlaBaiBed Ada
'; "
End Them Today!
Have You Corn Troubles?
~lI nd " v nla h •. :'I \I, " ,h"r :.0, ,h l' l" i " tu I,., It tpul l H' r,I ItC'I ' ~\lI r· e r. ' !I} PUI"n t, lit thu M ~~ (ho l'o ll nov . "" ~ lltlg- Ilt pon d lIl 0 tl i O IIn O t t1 ('H t u U nD8 ·I'h ." 1M" w" r UJI' Il pwfl mfl nt- It Rld~
Lh l ~
Mr• . I,.,n" Bllrt~nck "II" (laugh l r. Balon Rt)OIlI. t.he WAll k. a uc\ In. UII Y. ton " U;8 ...,·\U."t ~ of Mr '1,"1 ' Mr~ lrll . i I H\ l\l Un.II':; 'dt dl"r h Modt Olne. Juo n .. aal· t~()ok . 1" \"'" I utl"\ by l r , J . 'hon"Y & Co.. '1'010' D _ d '" If r1 f I f cl .,. " leln. I" II , " oll lllllonni rem dy ts Mr . "",vru on 0 It II IUtll y, ', t l1' lIull), lu\(1 UClH t hru lh tt
ItKn"rl h is lown
IJr" lJ ,I,· I " a.l"". (l"nl .. n f;1 r hll I" ... ,1 . "" ,1 \h OI "x,:hllnuo Wil l t"k ll
m ure ('lLlnrrh i n
('IIU f l1' ) '
h~ ~
Original Package
Mr. J oho SlmpHoD atte nded the Preble oo unty fair, IlLlt Tbur,dA ,\, . Mr lind 1I4rll Frlld I::ltarke vi s ited Mr . a nd Mra Ben Oaborn . l::luod liY Mrp. O. B. Millo r vlsl\.ed MrB. Be ll .. Ur"blLlll. III Bt I" nntlny. Mr. and Mr8 . J ohn I::llmpson nn d fumHy ~V6 111. I"Rt Frldll Y e venIn g ' wltl, Mr. 'lUd Mr ~. W ill Luich t y a nu t"wlly . Mr. ani! MI·p. 1'11111, H hro~ er , M r . Ilncl Mn. lillY I::lhroYIl r un d Mr . UIN lldtl Hm lt h, u l Oll y l.UI' . "pe,d ::;,, " III }, w illi Mr fi nd Mr ~ . Eci ~1rTflY" r ,ql " f"ri. iJ)' . MIKR Vlnlr. ";" "I'~fj ll HIIt", 1 f r lcl n ' , e vpn ing w lt,b M'~ I:I Ad" M.' II LOI(·.II y bed r Hvrlb t( lInr ...
H n h lf'~, Mr ~ . Mllr.v M I~~ M"r\h ~ Lnkens
L"lI r"h W UKh
~~.rK~llldN(r'PLASZ: T~::i!ii:~
j(n v . OJ . h nw~ r I~ I
Wu ttt r HHdO D~ t
~ llil .
:1<1 r.
Chicclgo, Illinois, Oclober 26, 1916, '
Iuf"r herc
IIvc'r,\' fin!! [l llh "" (\ p rr.~ ,· n l d bv ~r. " te l hi rH. (.' .J 1I(''' -'' r A'II m e m o IwrM wh o we re 11" 1, IH c '~on t ml"86d lli (l 1IIII lIy go od th lll " ~. hi r lInd Mr s. J Qit u 1 Bnk e.~, Whl' hought t il e f.urn known R~ tbfo !,III rk h.y Rl cb tIlfU) . O tl I1l 8~ Fe bruary, '. ull flI oved on It trom neor Xeoia i nlcl It I 'l"~ w eek 1o O~nl el Le wis: ,. / B'),."r .. "11 10 1' be 81\10 ..... Ill! nll\Cle hy /I' W I I ~ o ll . It IR hOI' Ad th u' M r ,,,,, I Mrs. Buke r will r emnill 10 tliis v rill ll .V. I 1\ h"u " Bowi ng Is pro"rA".' lng un. ,I" r d llllcultlflH O Olll" O~O tl of dU BI
L \)'['
Relieves After Effects W of Breaks an~ Sprains
ANTEU-FBrwor to r elit gllorl g rounel on the thirds . Inq lli re at 'h i~ offioe .. 22
Recovery trom fraeturOll ILnd 81>ro.ln8 18 .10111' enough at be.t, but t hore Is no use to be 1..ld up IPlY 101lICer than absolutely nac" ••ar,. . Mo.ftange tbo,lnJured pan lentl)' with }Jou.lonla dally. Achl"lf and .or.· Dellll will" QuIckly 110. The ca." or E. a IDownlnl. who IIv•• on Walnut 8t. In Wav.,I,. 0 .. III one or tho mnny Plroor. of what Hou8.lonla will do. Sa,'1 Mr. Down· Inlf. "Some lime ago. I h&4 the ml.tortuno to br....k my Ie •. I tried "everal remocUe. without . re.ult •. unUl I belan uNlng Hoult01\,la LinIment. an4 am 1J\A4 to t ... tlr,· that tho r.· lui.. were ""0114 m,. .zpectatlon . ... On rhlu_tlc Jotntl and ."elllngtl too. Houltonla 1\.. &II almo., mql· aaJ dect. BIU.r Ifet a boltle from ,.our "runl" an4 kl.p It handy.
It.Oo-bait .... 100, tirtal ..... Aak tor _ _ ·Ion...... (fte Odlf· In,.) Jon.' Llnlm.nt). aM look tor DI!.- J 0 _ ' plc'lIH on til. ,.ellow wrapper. TIle Dr. 1. c. eo.. 8Q. CIauttItOa. O.
• Polllnd.Chlnas, l'lnmUD BII.!F 'orrype In.l e now, Rprlog 8oarl! Ilnd (I.
<:ielts. Bave ,sl~e Bnd qallli~v. Perry Saoll e t.t , . ,1 mila 80ut,b of' Hellbrook OD Wa y Des ville rORel. 020 Fre!\b J er sey Cow . IlIqolr.. Ilf . Ruh ert ' tr oud, 011 tbe ROhi\ lo k f"rm , R 0 4, W" yp llsv\1ll'l. 022
Saxon ~~8f~' The Practical Car
- ,-
Bows with a2 Plril R bv Iu. 4 qulrll of E. t:I. Baliy, Wa yn 8vllle, Ohio.
0~ 2
UGS-Reg'8tered Dllroo Jen8Y Jlogtl LoolIl'lt Grove farm, A. B. Oa,. &. Bonll, R. D, 2, ClarlrsvlJle, Ohto. . 028
Poland t.'hllla &"a,- wll\ 5 Nloe farrow ,bil mon'h, beal'bT aDd
aU 0 K, Bad load UUertl \he fin' lI'''r. Inquire Dr .Jolm iIeaob, R. D, I. W.,aeaTllIe, OhIo, 0111
Sax.on "Si~" has earned its reputation as the P~~lcal ' Car because it is so thoroughly practical from ' so many different standpoints. ,. .. ~ t '
'RAY tPbone 7.
;Use Clauified Adl I I and
.,...,. Ptou4w:u. , I I ,
The Late Classified Ads.
LOST OR STOLEN and WbUe Cbeolled R. In. A !Slaolt ooa' and old T08B thvea ~er .
Tallen frOID 'be bUl{gy. Relurn to o wn8r and receive rewmrd. MILbel ~lIli8bnry. Waynesvl1le. Ohio. o ~ ~ . . WANTED-TO RENT
ti'arm from 130 to 200 aor el; oalh. grain or lI'ook ren'; he.' of banking r."fer onoe. ebas Brew. ster & 1500, Orlliroo Ill. Ohio. Har· v eysbnrg pbone 19.4y'. 0, 1
tn Your nome To,,'ll SEE IT TE&TEn
We Pay the Freight and per pound for butter fat
Week of October 6th to October 12th Induslve.
Made $474.00 Last Year"
W rlteB W. C. Mohr. OKtord, Ohlo-"I have shipped to the Tri· State aboqt five and a halt yeaT'S and last year sold S474 00 worth. of butler f.t from five eows. Have alwaya found the Tri State tair' In tbelr dealings. I have sold to both the Tri State and also cream ItatJODI to Bee bow tbe testa agree Rnd 80 tar hav(> found 'The Tri · State pQ the freight' the better way."
Selling your cream for less than Tri-State prices robs your pocketbook and encourages profiteering. Write for Pr.e e Trial Cans. We guarantee your cream and cans against loss.
The Tri-State Butter Co. CINCINNATI, OHIO •
P~BLICSAl~ , wiD MIl
_orA Br(lwn De
.t 1111 rsidenee, 7 mils
lOutbeast of Dayton, on the Dayton aDd Wilmiagton pike, OD
.. Weclnel4ay, October 15, 1919, 20 head of Aberdeen Angus Cattle . 40 bead of. Shropshire Ew.. 20 head of DUM Jeriley Spring Pigs
. '1 hM4l of Horsesl
Thla .tock I. all high grade .nd will be IOld without reserve as I have rented my farm.
TIll' lelephone ronl! on" Qllrn nn· Oullng Flannel In all desirable "This Is Mllry." sn lll h.,,9l1'ored. cl'lI~ln. "Will )' ou coml! O\'er thi s f',' l'- colors,special,2ficand up,at Hyman's. nlng for n Iltll ",1111 ? Freel hil S ,:onr out onll I'm lonl'Homo. 1 WIlIII to ~ho\\' Local friends of J . T. Brown of r ou till' n ew l1reS8, tOl.... · Centerville. are Barry to learn of his "\'NI. I'll nm o"er b.'fore I WRsh my critical cOI~dition. Illilblffi." rel)l\cd Corll. "e hN. ter hrought work homo he won't UlI ... ~ rno, nnel Myer Hyman and family were tIll' children Ilre In b l?(l. I'll bn rtght Sunday RUiests of M. B. Hyman nnd ovpr," . tamiry. of Lebanon. It wus ollly II ~ho rt wulk to her
cn Oi(ln'8 . holll~ .
011<1 soon th e two W()JnI\1l <lIs (, ll s~1 nIl nr", IIlyl ee nnd corn·
" :.'re pnt1ng priceR. "I mllst go now." 8111d ('orll ofter nn hour hnd pnssed, "there fire stili my <lishee to b e wnehed nn d 111'R ler getR lonesome If I'm out lonl(." " " l't'8 hn yc 1\ cup ot l en find 80m .. of fIlY t cnke." uriI'd Mory. "It 181\ tl ew r ecIpe Rod you rul!!hl like II ." "I dldo't en l much "ullpe r." 8Igh~(\ Mnry. "I ho .1 a good " Ul'Iw r rendy 011 ,1 Fre.' ule n 101. bllt ho lold me of un 8cclllelli he 88W on the way homo. It ~l'em8 Iml'O"slhlp to ~n"e mu ch now· IIllnl's on Fr~d 'R Hll lnry. lind I gel ~o 1\'orrl t'd wbel) I th ink of the ''''P~Il" C ' cornIn g. 8<'1\I phow the supppr rl tlln't tnst e 1\8 100 (\ OS 1 Iholl ght It WUS f!o, Ing to." "1 should eRY S(I." suld ('oro Inrl llt· nonl. "The Idl'o ot Fred tel ling )'''11 all those dreA<ltul things Rt 5upper· time. l 'l]ot '@ 8 oll'e hllld ·ot Il WRY 10 seo~oo )'ollr ml'RI." "Ob. he tll rtn't menn nny hRrrn," eR,erl~' so ld 1I1I1r;\,. "Ue know8 I urn Int"resled In nnythln!! he ~op~. 1 III· wn ~' s tell him nil til e little hOll se hol1l hAppenings, too . elthpr trouhlcs or 'nYN. sn.1 It .Ioe~ n·t "rtPet hl ~ nppetlte." "\'es. I tell e h R[p r e\' erythlng thnt hAS hAPt-pned throllgh the doy," ogrcpd Cor" . "It keeps 1\ mnn In tOllch with the home. a.ld I ' think th ey S'hlJUl1l k now nil we hn ve to IHlt up with. but hlA appetJIo-oh I" "be ~topped 8U<lIl onl~' IlDII snt thInkIng. "Well. let us have our tell now." 8nl(1 lIfnry. l'he nprl nIght ",hen Ch~ster BrowD enme home Cora hurried to the door to meel hlni. "Rello, ho,ley, how'l\ the dn)'r' he nsked ID his usunl chellry wny. "t've hnd Il Hn e "ny." nn swert'd Com hrlgh tly, os they Rut down to thll good·sml'lIlng 01"01. "The wor. has gone smoo thly. J got a nice long .Iet· ter frOID Edith thnt fll read you pre&entl)' an" hnby cut hla Inst toolh." "Good work !" 8mllell Mr. Brown. "How milch 18 butter now 1" he R~ked a tew mlnules later. "It 18 6vo cenlll 0 pound cheoper thle week. aud It Is good butter, t oo." r eplied Corn , "Eggs nre lo\\'er. allo, null I'm 10 glad we all lIke botb tllo"e tblnla. becouse thl!Y ore 110 henlthtul tor ~." she cOlltlnuell Cheertly. "J 1I8ed to pItT Aunt Noro when ~he "'aB trying every 'VAY to COli.!: her thIn lit· tie boy to eat nourIshIng thIngs." "'Veil, "'e ~ertnlnly don't have to eou: our boya to col." ruetully srolled ebe.ter. "No. bien ·em." laughed Cora, ".nd the Forer to pnT keoptl the doctor QWI,. I BIked Dudley todBY It be e"er, ever. lot full. ond he ··sald: 'Oll. mammn, "", tull twice a Tenr. an,.. way, 00 'I·hauk.glvlng lind Chrlet·
DJA..: ..
Boosting Your· Bank Account FARMERS must stand togetberundei strong leaders after the war-if theyl :are to continue to make money."':I Be-j cause of the wrong idea that they are • I profiteers, they. must fight for a JUst profit..f In our toown .counW this will c:ontinueto advance your interests. Nationally-internationally-thei strong voice that Is 'spea1cj~g ' for:theJ American farmer today is
"Hn I Ro I" IRughed Che"ter Brown. "be Ie II wltt,v little rascII\.: ,. "Yea." Kid Corll. wotchltll hIm 118 abe tolked .ud lOuch pleosed to ' Aee the " 'ay the v"ietllbleB were dI8111»)'0111" Ing. "I took Arpold over to Mrs. DentoD's todIlJl.· . "HII"e the bOYI b~ good tn.III .I "" '~kcc! Ohl'stn IIS-Cen{ brought Ie the deN crt. "Yell. Inlleed,· ehe anRwcred Q 1I kk· I~' ond remorsefully wat~lIptl bl .. tA Ce brighten. "Arnold ",I poll Ihe tl lahell Rnll Du"ley swept the pinUR for me. J thnnghl J ".-QuId tp(l('h the'D to help, no,v. Ihl'Y Are old enough . They like the ,,·.pon"lhlllly oml I · prnlsed th em onll 1011'1 th", ... , would tell fOil nil IIhnllt It." "Why. thnt'~ fine." snit! CIlI'.ler, lo .. kllljl pl'null "ri,1 plellMd. "ThN'e n,,~,l h" till ~pnllkllljl8 Innlght. \lum." "Ok "". 111"~' nre tnn h lp for tllnt. I 011.1 '!"'." ""t~n III lilY I'xplnnnllnns nn.1 r,·I1 I1 .,· "('4'111 to ullc!"rst:lll rl wh~' ~lI1'Y t1111 !'l1 not (In thlllJ.!" tl nw"· "Thunl{ J.!1I(II1tH',.~," f:ff(IIP~l Cht'ldtlr. "Th, 'y J!Il' h i ffl .~ O tlltH'h trnubtt, IIIf.:t
w.· .. k
liN If r 111,,1 c,'nNNI to Iii' th,·lr fnlilpr nnt! "'IIS "Imply th., chl l· f Jll'II Il\(flr of tlU' rllttdl~' .'· I
"I ",llI'ro'llel rlll':I .
t .. l1 ~
. ' To
('\Hl cklt'rl
mow bOw to meet
ye'a r-a dollar that may already be on doo' posit here. For)'OW' convenience. we will tab yaur .w.crtption I and forward It. JIII1I: telepbone UI aD4 ley II
. cbuciDi cOnditlOlUl.i every fanner wi1llleed thII great farm \Wek. 1 q-YOU wDI need ·lt.i . And tile ~pful iDfor·1
matiaIl7W wm reeelve I '. iA the Dat fiftY·two bRelc:azi lave or·earn f« JVI1IINDdnd dolo l lui-tID Idd tID . . . . . It ·d ~'4IIQ ODe tIoUar_-J
7OUJ'j COIti
,.. Cbar&e :my . account ' one dollar for TBa CooN'I' RY 10 ... lUll;" orifyoubaftD"
a depoelt here CCXIIO ill eDd_~ ;'
Tbe WaynelVlIIe National Bank WaQ-neavlU•• CaIftalItodc • •" .
W. H. ALLEN PrwIdeot
See J. 0.' C4t1wrlghl,
Teleph one
v. P.
lntt.~ n'HflnJl
' ... en" .......
III. fl ut th e rnnrh life."
"("hfl ' ll'(~ 1\
tlll R I c "~r nil"'. "
"ft Is \' ..' ry ~lr .
gr('lIt 1:1I1""-l tllll\«'I'I-I."
n ....wll.
"Yun IOfll, III l/rJ hf ,\' IIlce- tnnlJ.:'hf, ,,·tf1I' ," hi' ('oll tlfl1lt'd. hJ hn\'cn t, cnt .. n ",n tl llW I) !il llpp,·r 'fur II IlInt! tllll~. ~ 11( ' ms tn 1111'.
rl": >'nll
Qx trn
I 11IJ1J.!h I :
.'· II ~n n
An eveni ng of music lit School hall. The CeJumbians will entertain. Mrs. E . L. Thomas returned Friday from 8 visit with relatives in Jefferson -,ounty, OhIo. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Halnee, of the Ohio Masonic Home. of Springfield. 8pent the week· end with relatives here. Men's Outing FlaRnel Shirts . worth
S200. specIal at $1 50. at Hyman's. The Mis.qes Elma Rob erts and Ruth Probasco. of Wilmington, were vis· a't the, school and the Ed Thom as home on Thursday. Have install ed a vulcanizing plant at my home on Third 1I1reet and am prepared to vuleanize all kinds of tubea and 3. and 4 inch callings. All work guaranteed . John Long.
08 Look to winter's c omfort now. The Lauret Heater and Malleable RangEl are real reliable service Iriyers, S. Fred Co Leba1'lon BIg Store. exclu8ive 8~rent8 See the di8play at the Auturnmal Opening, Thursday evening. FridllY and Saturday. Oeto· ber 9·10· 1t.
---- ---....
A reward of 110 will be paid for information leading to the recovery of a light n:!d hound, with four white feet. a narrow white stripe under throat, weighs about 751be .. which waa stolen from our residenee In Oregonia on SeptetnQllr 21, ]919. Vernon Armitage, Oregonia, Ohio. _______•• J-.... _____ ~
W.nted to Know. A womnn who wn~ trouhleel with ~hrnnlc nl/lhtmnre ond who treQuently !rIP(! out In h('r ~1 ..l'p n('Jvertl~(>(\ for ~O(Jm nnd b011rd "wltb 0 I'IImlly i\'ho I\'0\11d not o"'Jel't to ~crenmlng In the ~Ight. " Among the DI1R"'('r8 she r& :eh'ed W8R none whIch flRked: "Row )tlen woulll you require lIR to scream'" -Boeton Trllnscrlpt. _.
---- - ..---
'8;alUIS pallUn 91U JO "ldoa~
Ol .!19l11UllU1JaSlllUJ P"llddu 81 awu~ eql A:JlunO.l 141 "VI~IIlO Inq 's,)loll PUUIlJU:iI A'JN. aC II So .1l11l UI pilillUJ PUI
n JOll
owun 9111 ·U;)IJ.llUV VJ IOdllllU<K elU ;10 IJu~1 MI uII\lUI/;) qllllulllIV ,,~)\u.A pu. IU.~IJtlWV
Many Like Him. A11 npw spnpc'r. o(t"n ho " 1' IIIII'prllll& rn " ntR whtch eon"1 h n rr'wrlt l" 11 ,..I.. l1n· hlI';I'OU Rly. UIII It tonk (l l'htlr'lh poper to ntrer the UlOHt orlJllnnl IInB yet: "Wllllted- A mlnlsl.' r who hU H heen mnl'rl('d 22 YPll tl! IR "cry d('slrOU8 01 secnrlnlJ B chance."
ZIMNIERMAN'S New Good. Arriving Every Day New Can net! Goods New Pancake Flours Mince Meat Car Ohio River Coarse Salt just In The ,k ind that den't get hard. Karu Syrup. light and dark, all sizes. Pennant and Meple t1avered Karo . Sorg~um . · ,
. Maeon Jars . . E·Z·Seal Jars
to ul'ot" flmt kll.l, rl,..: hl ttl ttn J,:." ,
~Id':lur. ~ e\v"ll11l'e,.
Syn .
t11 (' ll f ~ , )
. Dlc t~l' hone Calla M'o ther. A ,1I1·IIII'II I.n" \\11th u ml'gnph one ond
o IIIU" ·~ IJI ·' '''1t11'; "lllpIlO"r I.. Ihe recelv· er I" ~h"\\' 11 In I'opulllr MpchnnlcK Mal!R7.ln ~. WIIIt tilt' r'''''eh 'cr faslJlned to Ih.· huh),'" orlh In thn nursery UPRt81",. Rn.1 rhl' 1II. ·"""h"nl' plncl·.1 In the pal" 1m h"1,,,\' . III " IIrrnll/ll'nrent worlls to .. nlil'fortlon. ~rllth l' r mil, 1fIl . aoonl h"I' h,'UH"W,U·l<. II'hll" hl1hy will sleep Rtllm.lly. III1.III'lUrh,·1I Ill' thl' nolae of till' lIY1ntr rIlllm. lrut It ali/lllld " 'okl'l1, his crieR will he Inlltantl, heard d(lWDStalra.
We will sel!'at Public Auction at otlr barn in Corw'in, Ohio, on
vlalt awhile WIth the la"er's motb. er, Mrs. J. W . Eyeler, ",nc! famIly. Mrs. William BrO'l'<D spen' ~ever. al days In Day tall last week' at ~he b orne of her dangh&er. Mrs. Berlbll \VooJley. Mlases Mild 'od and Morgare' UJllrk, Barry Meredltb soct Enre\t Clark WAre In I,ho orowd thu.t ]>loDlced a' OX( rd 8undllY, wll,h tho girls fro tl · bere, who aro "Hendlog Miami Uol versl V. . . Miss Mllule B OW U1U.C, of ChlOligo jolued ber IIt&!tl lion Viator . here 88LQrd8Y, nlld will Wilke an extond. ed vlll it wltll her puenttl, Mr. Ilnrl Mrs. B M. Cllirk. Mr anu UrI!. Allan Emeriok Rod dlluihter. Glljdy t!. ,>isi\ed !:luud"y with Mr. Amoli Ho ugh . at· B .. rvey~ . bnrg. Mr~ . R beeo" 0111 and M18" CllUo Dllughttlrlt. of Mt Bolly, and Mr. Ollulel Priohllrd. of Dlly, rlO, wert' guest.e o f Mr. ILnd Mrs . J . B . J lme~ on B day Jut Wilok . Mrs. Mary Cnrmocy entert'llln ou to t:ionday dlnuer. Mr!. M I~rgllrot, ~el8Jor Rod dBuijhler. Nlllllo of Day ton. "od Mr. ond Mrs. Wllbnr 'lark . R e., .•Iose pb Pice and dllugbtor , H olen, at ~rau88vlllll. ItJllho. Ilrri" ed hore SundllY ~nd Ilre OOW vi81t lng wltb IfI" Dlotbar, Mra . Lyrlltt Pine and ai"ters. Mr~ . .\lioo (llt,h oc@ anO Mra. Mtlrv Murahull . RRv . Pine preacbed tU tile ~~erry Vh Droh 8UD. dnv and will ~Ilke up th e work the re tbtl cowing yellr
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1919, Beginning a t 10 o'clock , thc following property :
Wdners. Bologna. Mince Ham, Long Horn Cheese. Limbu rger. Pimento, Roquefort, Chille and Camembert Cheese. 9 KindR o{ Cht't'8e in stoek. Bring us your Chickens and Ellgs It PaY·1I to Trade at
ZIMM.ERMAN'S Cut this aIIv out imd pr8ll4lllt at ou'atore "lth lOc, and get 3
Cak. of
nux Soap.
Both good workers.
Consisting of Al Cows, two year olda, Yenrlings and Calvell.
HEAD OF HOGS All Spring Pigs, and good teeders.
In case of bad weather sale will be held under cover.
The .Waynesvill Canning Co . J. O. Cartwright, Clerk
W. N. Sears, Auet ..
Is best medium for aelling or buyingl
Nnw Ihn l tIl(' ~o"e~ n!1lunt IIe(lllrt· hnyo I, gUll to Cllt ('1t'I"11 Ih~lr exo mhl ll tl nl1s are th e nrller nf tho day. ln chlilDtlllly, tho ' clYIl ~er"lco l:Ollltllls8lon Is tlndllllC Ihnt mllrl)' gnllleR are uansuull y hIgh. Rhout half tbe WOl1l ll n WQr Wnrkl'rp wlto ( '(1111 ( ' to WlI8hlllJ!ton orlglnnll~' I~tt J oh~ ..t leachlll!: tho foun!! I rI~ll huw to slll"'t. Hence. they Just nutu l'ully ti c Ih e n,,· erH(fo (1\"11 service Que8tl .. n Into a ho\9. knot on.I hung the wh ole wOl'ks on the line In no lime. R"ea'y now nlld then, ho\\'(" ' er. th e c{l01l1l18~lon nlBnoges to ell" UP a Qlle!!tl on thn t no on(' can IIUMW r. Such II one wnR touo d Te(' ently tor u c.\n~t1 t· uelll or Repr untnll,,/) ."Yl'~~ of Kiln·
III~nt~ torl'e~.
Why Not Buy at Home
t~ · When you get Fresh Dread \.' '-~ - "--~and Rolls each day. Made Clean, Baked Clean and Sold Clean, from tbe oven tQ you. " '.:
la .. through Maryln",I. a few dnye 11,0..wlth this (1llrllculllr constlt· UODt. Ihe congre8~mon \\'os somewhat obtU8Clltcd when his trlend pointed ollt one ram8hll ckle hOllse. "tnnrllnll In the middle of tl comfl,' lel. on.1 .u~k ·
('. ,._
.. .. _ ,
Buy at Home--and Get the Best. ., - '
Little as good, none Better. All Cookies and Rolls. 12 <;ents per dozen. A1l orders given prompt attention.
e4: "ClIO you nalfl e thllt Ct>Ultty Bcnt for
S~IDER'S BAKERY, Waynelville. Ohio. •
mel c o ngress tunn 1"
"No, I con·t." Ayro ~ solfl. "nnd 1<100'1 think Imy oi,e else CliO." "Ob. yell. It cnn be dOlle," caUle the ro(!I~· . "Thot IR Oootusbnrg." "WI'II," r..spon"'ld the congreRAlluln. "thut 1IU1~' be Irue. hut It l1uesn't B~ pellr thnl Oootusbllrg hne been functlooln" for some tim e," "Quite right." continued the unfor· tunllte oon8t1tu~llt . "It went out . ot busillell8 88 a county scot rl,:hl otter tbe Revolutlonsry wRr. t believe, hilt Ihat dldll't pr"vent the el"11 eervlce CQlIlmlR~lolI from osklng n.e \0 locate II recenlly. I fallod,"
Saturday, October 11th 'Charles Ray In a fine play, entitled
Had Fallen Down. Whpn the L<l8 Allgelp~ bO)'8 got In the othe r IIny. t he pUllers said 'oy II'UI ClIIt'nllfinp.1. bul tbl's werc wrong. AI Il'tl!lt t hnrt! WII8 (1 n" Iloughboy whose (nee 1I"1IW I1Il! "'r.·.llhed In
Yes. the folks u'prl) 11,,'r.,. aDd eo was the one Ilnd o lll~' /:1"1. but. espechilly with Ihp /lId. lite 13oughllOy Re omell IIll1bnfT/I~~, ·' I. "000 whl .... whl ~vp rrll a hll"" .v In hIs flit . "why "h~''' "~~' She'"
AnllelvH Till"'''. On the Pike.
Th e 0.111 nutlnnn l plk ... th8t magnlft. cent rOllll 1I1"t usell (0 run trom MurJl' ·Iontl 10 Illin o/H. \\'ltnl'~R ed aome .l!hnrp brll ~hl'. of fll,t Ilrh'lnl; nnd mnny nn ndn'nture nt Irov .. 1. The Ne'~ York Trlllllll" t"IIH one story obout Henry Clny. 11'11(, II'tlR MIIIPtimes (-nlled the "Fulh"r I,f rill' 'l·\ll'Ilplk..... He wns tru,·.. lllIjl IIhtll)l IIw pike 10 II cOllch • 11'111' 11 th ,· ItIlI '~I';! I'UII nlld spilled blm Ollt 1,,·n.II1/1I1l hllo tho miry r ondo "NO hlll'lll .IIIII P," lit' Rnlll wlwn the driver rIH.I.kl'.1 itl "I r l; hlui up. "Only, 0 poor mlxlllrl' '" \' I' nll~ylvunln snnd \VIth Kentllck~' (' lilY!"
Tuesday, .October 14th Featuring Clara ·Kimball Young. in
cruz\" for YfnJ tu 1,1",:-: h I' I'," I·~t}(.'· W(lI1f'tl · ntl!' !It' ro, ·'f.Jhe'li be otr In" for II fl' In " .I" llIlI t... WbPoIl 1 w"111 11"'11 )' I 1'""I' 1181"! Ill'r the klll~er'9 h~hnl!t. und t ntu't ~" t B . t;ec 7"-J,OR
"Sheriff'a Son" ~'Cheating
"" ,
,. ,.
On account of the Lecture Course; tbe- show will , start at 7 o'l'lock sharp.
FreBh Potat,o Chips Bulk PE!8nut Butter Waf'er Sliced Dried Beef
tCoSi)' rlgl n . W19 r
O<l>\uu,.\, I", J V '''''Iull! palluO illn I' 8U"ZIII;) III 1")BUllI '~IIUIl.1l ~I UUJlldIU~
(0411 1 ti P ,," hl'IIIP1. . I ~('I I~HfI" 'fI it with 1I1i .~' · " willi un.I ,·'·slllllcling IInrl
1','[1 d.'('ld .. 41
Mn. Bllda Brook on~ Mra. 8usan Caet left f or V"D Wer' rhursday 10
Tin Cans
It lillY .!llTl'I·C'llt •• Icllrr,' "\" ':-1. 1).IHr ,1t ~1I111l' 11 COl''' . Itt' he flirt '\\" tI k i... :!'o rl) r lhllltk~. " It I~ my Hl'C'
illll (''' !1 \\ 11 11. d ,l ·t·l" rnhw Joo::.o.
Big Public .Sale
The Aid Society me. al the home of Mr. , Robert Buut on WI!<\Dell\IBY . Mr•. MB'lIda Emrlok apen$ lh. Dr. Dill, 0 teopath 21 S. Broad- put week wltb her son, AileD, and family. way, Lebl:lllon. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Keiser Graham lind Mr . Chllrles Walkins end family lira. PCI&e Banla wert) Lebanon vis •. ilora Tbu·rlday. have purc:hased a new Reo. Mr . and Mu. J B Jones Bnter· Mrs. Sallie Davis iS810wly reeov"r· talned to a 6 o'olook dinner Wed nesdllY I Rev. '1' W . Miller and Mr. ing flam III severe s ick spell. aod MrtI ~ H . Baln08,
.. Ipllfed AWRY thl' <11 hes. "h,'Atll r Illll'. not ell! lIlu"h I~I~I~· . I WIRll hI' hnd Ih9 hlg oppellt!' h~ used to hAre. 1 IlUPI'""e he 18 worried o\'~ r hn.ln oA~. It's n tlrt!llllful mixture (It hl~h prlres. strike" snd nncertBtnU~'fI . It ."eml to me. 'I'bln!!s IIr, gettln!! wMs e. I Rm ofrlllO. (,he~lpr JUle~ to Mr . an~ Mrs . W. H. Madden were tnlk @o chefrflllly ot th e supper labl ~. bu l now he ,ust noda an nntlw('r to Blanchest e r vi~itors Sunday. rue nnd IhinkA IInO rote. only he doe~n 'l enl enough. There. I forl'OI to tell Mr. W. H. Drake Is spending this hlln thnt Dudley brO ke th" l'ellar wIn. week with re latives In Kentucky rl;,w tl1(1I\>·."
HDenr rne," ~h"
All h'~" o-rCWp .1 tD . . .".;.... • '.
,, -
..,. I
Thursday, October 16th Featuring Dorothy Gish. in
"Peppy Polly"
"Fatty" Arbuckle in one of his hest.
i i !
COM~DY : Open evenln,. -
7:30 p.m
7:30 p.m.
•• ( ,
~: ;
~I .
:'j• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • THE Se, 10c ~ND 2Sc SfORE, ~
Caule for Thankfulne... 'rll(! first renson tor' beIng thankflll ' In the morning Is .tbnt yoo bnve 11\184 10 ~pp thp dnwn of another day. with nppnrtnnJtlcs to 6nl8h sometblng becun the IIny hefore nnd to begin 10m&thin!! Ihn t you I;DOY be able to .do ~ 1m UlRn you have ever done anfthlDf Ill' fore. Not QUilt)' "",..,
"Of '1111 the lett·honded C1»Ilpl1menla . deslgnefl to ke€'p meN mnn In a bapP7 frome of mind," NiDnrked the fa~ tlou8 pbllOlOpbol'. "tbe 0118 about a mnn belnr handy nbout the hout .. the wonts" fIIe.. n.~_"_Jf_""_~
3 More Snap Fasteners, 15 for . ... .. . .... : .. .... 1Oe Glass Dishes, good size .. ... .. .......... ......... 15<: Glass Bulter Dishes , ..............•.. .. ........ 25<: ~olored Glass Vases ...... .. .... .. . : . . ..... ..... 25c Whi.t e Metal Knives aDd Forks, per set .. ..... $1 80 Rex Lye. large can ............ . ... .. ...... : .. . IOe Goblin, Soap, the kind that cut grease .... . ..•.... JOe Hydrogen Peroxide, large bottles . ..•.. .. ....... 15c ~ Mrs. Prices' Canning Collipound. per pkg ......... tOe ' 7 'packages for .•.•. :' .... '.' ...•.......••..• 6Oc.,
01110 II!• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •1Ii1
__ '...........
, #
Seventy-First Year
Whole Number 355 .
y~lt'r~ at th e i' aillco:! H(·. tnll ra t. III l'ltl llll( W.. dl\l'~ d l '.v t v"n ill". The fi r!<t meeting nf the Juni ol a ft er their :l umnl ~ r vllcati,,, ,. 'I'h,· .J. A Jo'lIll k .v ~pe nt :-lund "" ill / 'i,:-~ rvicc (,:IIi1 d . of St. Ma ry '!! churcl , I n r;r; lill~ wa~ held at ti ll' Maw nrr' r innnii. 1:",,01 II H\\h'l ~ ill '1'.. :.,01 " ,1 ,,,111\' 'II W O~ h lr1 ut the flO me of MisS HUIIQU d hull . llml therll wer e 1051'''1'Lil, I" I III( ' :i . Slltllrlla y n£tt! rnoon, Oct, 11, I!Hn . resll"tlitive~ pr... t: l1t II' "'1I>l 1111 PI1 • h(!('~ fpl' I hl' (' nt irf' fllmil,\' :It rrnm 2:~0 to 4:30 'The I hu~i ll~ l ic IIntl tI Mplent ild )o(>l lh (!I'i ,, ~ H ." ll1an' ~ fir st houl IIf WaY lio T"wn"h ip '!< r,·pl'l'S' ·IlI :ltiVt· lIa l! Iland 1{"I,bl' I' lI'I ' '' ~ " li d I' ell., '. a~ s pent in th e organiz atIon and th e al "I~c i I t \ ion rrl !If I '..;. - .!ilIZIlIIII Sl!vl!ml weh,) pr('sent from of fice r~: Gladys Kilbon, l"rankli ll anll LebulI lJIl " res iden t : Kathlee n HendeJ'QOn . Mr~ Mv .. r 11 \'111111l \Va" ill Ci ll" III Vice-l'l' cHident; EIRie Ilawke SecreTh" Eallttrn ':;1:111' scrv .. d fill !-'le)!llnl nllt i. M,.n·,hIY . . Il"rll -'I"IJ , " li d ~lr •.1 A . Ml" la ry: lioriH Hend erson. Treasur er; RUPPl'r ACler 51111P 'r th e ll1 e..t illg' ·"Y. Tllllr",da~. l kl,,J,"r U. J:ll\I.lI ~"1I 1'~xec LJli ve COlllmit tee. E!lther Hen ",alt call1!tl to urder hy 0)' J l' I<:lIi" , Don 't (or ll I Willi ,.1' f'lI wYN'" ru loof ('rHon . Rhea J anet C;artw~ight. who Willi tlctinl!' )JreHid Hnt ACll'l' H li e Rnle Oc tu hcr 16th . 1'"II' t (, rl:e l Waill'r ::;aw~'L· I··~ I ' u l. I lur is Haw ke ; Social commIt tee. h ril!f outline of wlmt hlld heell uc, ". ,II IL' 1'11111'"1 ,,, I lc l o.JUcr llith. Kath rvn Henden on. Gladys Harlan, ,:olllpliKhl'<i hy the c luu,lInd II uriI'I Chll~. Bllrn el t Hnd E hHIl (' rIll!' Hnd Beryl Cook . After a busy t!me lI utline of th e mectillg, he nltm ~d WI' ''!, Ll' hallfln viRil o rR. Thur;;d:w I ~runk Elbon, I) . L C l'lIn~ lind W. II 110 '0111 11 0/\\'.·11 '1\ , •.1 \Vat 'r- ~ pe n t with fa ncy work and sewing . Mlidulln. a commit tee fur II nrninmi ng I h" lI ~l' WeI' J) .lYlpn vl~ i lll ' " TUl'~day. n Horial t ime was enjoyed , All dona lions of money or materia l will be " ftl cl! rs for the c:nninj.( year . BII .\, YOllr IIlnnkct d Com fori !' . . Now York CIty, for .... mortc:L. gave IODS Albert or Illlprcci uled by this guild . Belgium. QueeD ~llllAbetb IUld Crowu Prlnco Hp nextint rulluced D. E . Dllnham . HIl,1 HnVl' mOIlCY, lit !-1lIfIn l,.,opo ld . u~b a wo lcom" to bur aborea that It brousbt .v tllan· ~ . lind Mr~ J allll'~ Kerr ick :I nd Lean of JoP to tbe ro)'a./ eyes. Fifty thou sRn d Elsie Hawke . Sec·y . 'If LeLJanon. who gllve a fin e talk on 1011001' chil d ron wav.Cd (lngs and saq DAUoDA lltOlljJ" the ItllljJ s,," \\'ere~lIe,\t " uf M ,·. and M r ~ . Juh n felDArl tlDI-"·W by America 111 IL Ca./rJ'l u nd .• ~1I~~Wid~'I'u~ . Mr . l)un~m Bench , o f !{ o ul e~ , Sunoay . M~J . W . Hi ~yo f ~vert, "~~. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~---~~=-~~---=~~Jla ... c his ideas on taxutlon . and his arrived he re- Tucl'd u\" -~~~--~== 10 "i~it hiM l'~ mark 9 brougt forth n .few caus- son J . C. Hi~ey. Lin oleum Sq ua res. all izes . for lie sentenc es lid to the pohey of th e under stoves, at Hyman· s. adminis tration. He was roundly applauded at the close. J O . Car.~wright was next introMr . and Mrs. Lo u Hyma n, o f . Iuced. and took for his talk. " ComXenia, s pent 'llnrl ay niJ::ht with Mr. lounity house ." Myer Hymun lind family . He said brieflY Mr . and MrsS L Cartwri ghta r t.hat the Epl scopsl diocese of SouthIn Xeniu today , the gueAt s of Ca)!t Hrn Ohio, h,ad allollerl a large sum uf The Loval Women of the Ferry '01 W, N curs and Mr . Higgs Mr. the Mrs. Home r Carey enterUn a AOggy f iel d the H. S. base money to St. Mary's parish to build and Mrs . Frazier . . att ended the OI<I~~bce :iho rth u rn Rible School held their monthly busiball teu m me t d efeat. last Thu l'~ day tained SUl)day f or dinner. Mr. an ll T h e Bureau of W!lr Risk Insur- calLIe II commu nity hOU RC. lind he brough t ness and social m eeting at the pleassale ut Xe nia. :iatllrd!lY. Mrs . S E Cu lp, nf lo'rllitl anrl. Md •. :at Lebano n by 1\ score of Hi Mrs. Fred l:Iurkha rt and son. Mr. an ce wishes t o em)lhasi ze t htl inworthe mat ter before th e elub for thl! t o 6 Our and ant country home of Mr. and Mrs. is th e guest Mrs of Jack her bl'oth Davis, er , Mr Cllas.1 ho) s play a!ll{olll i a gnme as Lebano n, and Mr. Har- t allce to service m en uf on of the purpose of seeing what could be done Ca lvin William son, north of Ferry . You can buy Winter Underw ear at on Saturda IIy citi:.lens of the townshi p. A com- Wernl z and family I'f Co rw in hut when their op pon ents gut Il two- ry Emley. of Dayton p l ',vi y Ifft ernoon. Octobe r 11 . sio ns of the War H i~ k ln ~ ur . r.Jn lead the "pe p" disappe ared and less thun toduy ' ~ whul"Hale priceE, 1919. Thirty-s lfIunity hou se i ~ needed badly in th e ix me m b e r sand a l, !!! Act upon fll lfilm enL of which for the wholt.! fmll ily . a t H.Y lllal1·s . Ihe boy!! we re merel y playthin gll in "ommun iLy, and thi ~ c() uld be accom. f, iend~ were present . Mr . and Mrs . Be rt Hartsoc k and In ,y dellend th e va lidity u f You can ' buy Olltll1g Fl an nel at the hands o f Leb"no n . Among the th e ir Friday. at daugh ter, a!:S!liated plished by the citizens taking h old rof lesN than wll(,I"sa interest ing fClature s of the program uy le plict'!l. in all eo 1- I<ing's Mill s t hei r form was much lIIrB. Ed Macy. c l ~ im t o compen sa tion unrl r the I he proposi ti on and boosting it. L . A. Zirnmerl11llll is attendi ng l he were talks by Mrs. Perry ThomaA If orR. fr om 2lir up. a t Hv mRn's . belter, al must the ir usual st~ide, but entertai ned at Sun day dinn er. Mr . A , I. I hey ~ ill. the place can be made us I'he War Risk Insura nc Act pro- annual Lirand Lod~t' of F'l'e· alld Ac- lind Rev Pine on "The Bible in tht' ha rd lu('1< wa. still ill evid ence and und Mr~. R.onald H!lwk e. Mr. and IItirllcti ve 08 any place in t he eoulIcepted M agon Public SehGols . After the program Mr. nndMrs . ll . W. IIl'dl,' . of they lost in a close I{ame the score be- MrH. P. D . Clagett and daught er, vides that "N o Co mpensu tion shall to m orrow . . ~ at Tol edo today and dainty try . Tacy. Mr 'and Mrs J . O. Cartwr ight Ul' paya ble for deuth or d isabili r efreshm ents were served by inll' (j t o Dayton, 7. These ~p g e t nt ame!! y th e ", .. uk-end wit h wind up the ond d a u~hter8 Itev . McFarl and. of Frankli n was the host ess. , Hhea Jan et and wl,jch Evedoes not senson o('cur Mr. aTlll and p ri or Mrs in a to S. L Ca rtwrigh Mr:o. few weeks basket, or nt! xt introdU \:ed an u spoke on th", ball wil l be s tar ed . New Buita are lyn. and Mr. and Ml's. F . C. Hart- within one vear after dischu rge or Mr. and Mrs, W. H. All en and Mr . Nationa l Prohibi tion Amend ments Beedle r t'mained to vi-it re la li ve ~ . sock and daughte r, Mildred , of Mil r silrnatio n from to b> i)oulrht and a ~':It team will se rvice , e xce pt that and Mrs. E. V. Barnha rt arrived to be ... oted on next month. Hi ~ r eford. Ohio . where. after moldical eXlimin ation home Sunday evening . repr s nt W H S. this season . marks were to thl! point, and he exhaving 1m rle pursuan t to reg:ulat\cJIls, at the s pent a mqnth in the aiter Th'l. el f-:ill rving Grol'ery D" 1l1. of "Inin",d in detail the amendm ents in East. 'fh ey S. Frpo Co U, bAnO\1 ' 1M hmn'lllI ck Honorin g Miss Opal Gray, a bride- tiTne of d;soharg e or resig nation fr om had a fine time and visited many 8uch a way that everyon e I,resent could undolrst and them and vote in- a pnpu lur chord ami ('u~toml' r~ find elect of the near future. Miss Lucile the service, or within such l'easona - nlaces of Inte l't!st. it re nl fun to wlli t ,In t hem ·l·l" 's and telligen tly lI lI them. Sells entertai ned at a dinner held in hi!' time ·ther e.after, n ot exceedi ng Mrs . W. C. Philips died at 'b er the officers ' dining room at the N . Oil\! YEar, us mllY be a llowl)d by reR'Re""lIrkA were also lII ade by J ud ICI! ' avo t he rl irre nmce. Vean Howell a rrived horne Sun- re!lide nce on Main Street Monday ul ti ons. a cerlificl lte has been ob- day morning . after W ri\lht. tlf Lebano n. AI(;x Boxwel l C. R. Tuesda.... Flowers with aphaving heen dis- a fterno on at 3 o·clock. after a long Itev. and Mrs R C J onp9. Mr~ J propria te place cards and fav orll dec- t ai ned fr om the directo r to the ef- charged from the Navy at Pitsbur nnd Mr. Ebe rly . of franlli in. g. IlInCllS. The funeral will be held at fect that the injured person at th!! He will spend orated the table wher e the foll owing Lelllili' orchl!~trn. of Leullno n,mad " D. Ma r lAtt. Mi Rs Elizahe th S t ewart her late home Thursda y afterno on se ... e ral daya a t home. tim e of his dbch!lr ge oJ' resig nation tlome eltCellent· music thr oUllhou t and Mrll J . W. Whit wpn t 10 Ml. intimat e friends were seated: The and will proha bly go to at two o'clock . th" evening . which was thoroug hly Auburn , thi s .mornin g-. whtJ rC' I hf'Y Mill8es Ruth Guie, B,e tty Anderso n , was sufferin g from in j ury li ke ly tu where he has II good offer . Chicago . Th e opening of the Lecture Cou rse, Elsie Schaefe r, enjoyed . will aU enda m ~e t il)! o f Ihe 'IN F Lucill e Slllis. Georgi a r esult in death or disabi lity ." Word was received here Tuesday th e 'olumbia nH. nroved to be a g ood Test. Klari9 Knauer The next meeting will. be held M. sociE'ty . and Feryle Mar- miManv dischar ged Illen lire not faof t he death of T. H. Evans. who on ,and lia it r was Mr with . thoroug and or inClin Mr hly s. ed enjoy Walter t o disrega ed by McClur rd e' some time ill Novem ber . ~h811. Ruth Guie held the lucky favor died · a ll. The main feature the ann ouncing the weddin g of Miss this provisi on of law and arc ull ow- Mrs . Viola Carey and Jesse TholTl lls Ilrri in Californ ia. The body 'w in It' s ell"y 10 hav e a nict:lv furn i ~hpd quartet of saxa(lho nes.s wilre ...e her~ Friday Borne time. and ---~,~ --started for the Lewisto wn Reservo ir and they Opal Grey and Mr. Jo,hn R. Baker, ing their r ights the reund er t o lap~ home, the proof of \\ hi'ch will bl' formed mos t (If the evening t he funeral will be held at the resMonday Reques morning t for the . They expect to f ounrl in vi~1 t ing 1 he nrpat er Fnrni- t ainmen t. The re adings, ' enter- of Utica, N . y" to tak e place Nov- tioned above should cerlific at e men- bave a fin e time trying idence of Frank Zell at 2 o'clock Satbe vocal made for the seto finny th e . ember Write Agrlc:ultur.1 Burnu. 12, 1919. ture Dept. of the • F I'ell ~ o . L eb a- lections and t rap d rum urday afterno on . . R. ·all add ed We ",oml~r If one COUIII rlllMO forage " non Store anrl looking Miss Gray has many friends in the Chief Medical Advisor . Bureau of and accordi ng to d ope th ey ought to o ... er th e im- toge t her. made an evening of enjoy- office War have Risk it. as Insuran it is said ce, t Washin he bass gton, a re biteD. service fOf' a nlJ:htm departm . an! In 0 1:0 "lh'l1 ot dreamlL mense New Fall Stnck, bought prior ing now. i ment . A full house greeted the en- gret her departu re, b utent who re- C. The Miami Gazett e-i.50 per year. -{Jolum hlo. Mlssourlun. extend beat to the late advance in prices tertaine rs wishes for future happIness.
'fl. \; M ell of Way nl'f\vi l I.. held th ~i r
. -.
--- ---- -.-
Sa tis fac tor y we ar an d ser vic e fro m the Su its an d Ov erc oat s yo u bu y This is whe re you get that
unIq ue
,vrit ten guar ante e of ,vear and service.
Prices $20 , $251 $30 , $35
W ELL, just what IS t'he true test of quality -and, after all , thot's only nnotht:r
Mr . and Mrs. Geo rge ReeJer, of Route 4. were t enderud quite a surprise, :ill lid ay , when relative s and fri ends ga thered at their beautifu l country homp, with well-filled baskets. The occasi')Jl was in honor of Mrs. Reeder' s birthrla y . All enjoyed the boun teous diillll' ", the music and the good social ti m Those present were: Mrs. Sarah !!..;ooer and son, John, and Mrs. AI II'a Patterso n,· of Spring Valley; Mr ;" d Mra Marion Osbo rn and ch ildreu . 1~lsie. Glenna. Morris. Charles and E!lis, and Mr and Mrs. Carl Osborll . . , I d a ughter, Hell'll, of liarveys buI ,,: Mr. Jonathan McCray Qnd ~on , \ ' lhur. and Mrs. Kate Real and ,h,u '" hter. Elnora. of Beavert own; ~ Ir. I:Ind Mrs. Ernest Archdea con. of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kenrick and Miss Schirlev Scheils. of ~ntervl1le; Mr . . Mrs. David Pope and MiSll Sylvia Donahu e, of Waynea v'iIle; Mr, and Mrs. Frank Smith and ·Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ken~iek. of L.y tle, and Mr. and Mrs , GeOrge Reed,e r and ·family. Ruth, Eva. Ethel and Earl.
word for value- in a suit or o vercoat ? hn't- it WEAR ING SATISF ACTIO N- that hard ·t o·deflne feelinlC that makes you' saY. "Well. I bope my next su it gives as good serv·ice os this one." And ~ow else cl\n wc acco4n t rer tile men who coniC bf\ck here, yearalt er year,fo r Clothcr aft Clothes ? Isn't that the best endorst 'ml'nt you could have for the modera tely priced Clothes . witli a written guaran tee of satisfac tory wear and servic.e?
A New Hat Tha t Feels Just Right It ~comcs
h1 a variet y of colors to suit every taste and fit e; snugly but lightly to the !Icaq. Stetso n Specia l. - ...... .... ,. $6.00 Enqui rer ...... ..... $3.00 and $4~OO ==========================~ ,====.~===============
You ng Men ', Cap s"
Boy s'
,T ailored of pure qualit y materials. waist seam and belt a:11 aroun d models. Inall the newest shades and styles, from ' Trouse rs full cut and fu!1 lineq
98~ to $1.~8
$6.75 to $13.50
H y t" an & C O . .
Waynesville, Ohio
The home of Mr. and Mrs. William Daught ers. of Waynes ville, was the Bcene of a happy gatheri ng when friends and r elati ... es gathere d to meet their son, Jack, of Codv. Wyo ., who is visiting bis old hom e town . Those present were; Mr. and Mrs . Prank Pritcha rd and baby , Mr. Bnd Mrs . Frank Bratton ; H~ssi~ Bratton . Mr. 'furner . Mr. Curl. Sheets and family, Mr. Clarenc e Armstr ong and family. Mrs. Roy WlI1iams and family, Mr. Fred Daullht ers. Irma Jo'rlnfrock and Cathryn e Casey, of Dayton; Wi ll Sanders and wife, Ella QUirk. Mn. Will Quirk. of Xenia ; Carl Smith and wife, Ben Smith and flllllily . George Smith and family, Charll:!Y Smith and wife; Charlee Me th od. of Middlet own; Ed Method and family, Clara Daught ers, of Mt. Hollv; Clara Bennett and 80n, Lydia Prall. Will Schuler and family, Wait er Surface and Rachel Davis.
.. -----
GOING TO MOVE TO CALIfORNIA Walter Zeli, who hall been living' in Texas for several yean writes us that he will .Ieave for Los Angeles today. He saya. In Plut : "We are making thill ehan~e. not because we are di_tld ied WIth :reus, but un IIcc:ount of the excellen t businellll offer receIved ,f rom Californ ia. Tbia I,IIIIIOn haa been: very wet. but elOpe were eood. with the wbieh reIl airel a of In-
HetPN ta. and army WOrml, eve!'Jtblng IIOlng
Wno Wants the Saloons Back? WR Y OH IO WE NT DR Y The Liquo r Traffic had a long and iPlpartia l trial ill Ohio. Last Novembe r it was sentenced to eterna l banish ment. Now it comes wh.ining for a new trial. Here is a brief summ ary of the testimony llPon which it was convic ted and upon which the Verdict of last year will be overwhelmingly sustai ned this year.
The se Gre at Witnesses Tes tify THE LAW ... . , .... , .. That the LIQUO R TRAFF IC has "no inheren t righ t" to exist . THE COU RTS . . . . .. That DRI 'K is the cause of C RI~lE and PAUPE RIS ~r. PHY SICI ANS ....... Tha.t DRINK is the chief cause of DlS8A SE. BUS iNES S .. . .. : .. .. That DRINK produc e. INCOM PETE NCY and IN E FFICIE NCY . THE HOM E .· .·· .. · . .That DR INK destroy s HAPPI NESS and PROSP ERITY .. THE SCH OOL ., .. . .Thllt DRIN K is the greates t 'e;lemy o f EDUCA TION. THE CHU RCH .. . ..Tbat DRINK i. the chief foe of I{ ELlGIO N. MOT HER HOO D ... That VR INK poisons the very FOUNT AI NS of [.ife , ECO NOM y ....... ... That DR I NK W ASTl~ S fo od [lnd R O BS labor. CON SER VATI ON .. Th~t DR INK is al ways DEsTR ucrrV' u, n ever CONST RUC!fI VE. PAT RIOT I8M .. .... .That DRINK diiqual ilies a large percent age of young men calle~
tbe colors, and, as Genera l Leonar d Wood says, "is the sol. to d ler·s worst enemy." '
We are told that it was unfair to convic t wpon the ahove eviden ce in the 'ABSENCE OF THE SOLD IERS last year. In answer to this claim we would remind our wet friends that practically all of the nation al. and state legisla tors who' adopte the prohib ition amend ments were eJected before the soldiers wentd illto the army. Also it is an insult to the intelligen~e and manho od of OlLr soldier s to say that the 'same heroes who so nobly offer~d their lives in· Franc e for the freedo m of th~ world would return to Ohio and sacrifice themselves on th~ altar of booze.
Wh y
Wi ll
Re ma in
D.I"_ for th e 8 ' Io.d Altar v .. Halter. 1111111111.,.. tor II,,· hlllUl li n' , ·,tl .'r I'lIltl Ih flll ·"'I .. "- r,'lIpr: "Xoh(ld, lRl·.."lou.. Jt..<otIIt1II"III~ tl,,· II> I <It · ")\1 " '1'1. 1\ W " ,lflll\~ rM"II1\lIl Y to ,0 JIll 1I" hlns IIlftl w,lulrl 11111 "n sO ~' I .11 Ihl'l'"l:h \\·\tIt,lII1 U hll<'1I." JIlt .. 1>41 u Ih,' nU IoI,'rll ot I hI " JI ll" I'" I·d hn ~k An., fo r l h r<!lI llh . 110.. ,_
. . . . . ... . . . .J
tltu nh".... on Ih .
or tht· ,I t!
Ih' 1m ' ntor hA ft IIv('n I.·t Ielclnll plN'f'8. ').",
II~m .." r ll. ~"1
IIl (H..
. ;:.1
lJR ' IN~
'0'1 .,1
1I11 1~ " Ih~m hold t o~ r lh" r I", I 1·11 , hl' ,,~ h ·.1 If lin' , f 00 , ocll ph'I'" j , III ': "'1'111 by Ih ra llied h 1111 "r hl'lI I" 'well Ill' r 'ud by t h o hlU ·h.
1t<,1\" milch they Brl!
Morning ....
,e·ep,".I':our E"es T 4; T:
'rh., oU11Ib ' ,
$500,000.00 The Summit · Wholesale G~ocery Company Akron, Ohio
Cumuiative Preferred Stock.
The Company conducts a la rge staple busine5s in tlte wholesale distribution of 'food prodllcts in the rapId ly growing Akron d i~trict. N~t quick usets 185 ~ of
assets aggregate than 15ti% and net tangi ble the outstanding Preferred Stock.
Net earnIngs for the three years Ilnd ciRht months ended August 31st, 1919, after deducting for FeJ eral Taxes, averaged $73.006.27 'while for ·the eight months cndftl Allgllst :11.5t, 1919, the earbhjg~ 'were at the annual' rate of $ (I,U:H OU. The anuual dividend requirements being $:3;" .III1U.OO. Balance sheet and further infor mation on Ilpplication
The United Security Company Canton, 0"10 SAM K PIN E, District /\1anaaer Dayton, OhIo
Phones-Bell 191:111, Stnte 41 sa
112; lt c.lbold Bld g .,
.. Your Home Town
M..... tMore MODe),
· "b1~
W" t·t!
th ... ~ lI l'j h' n ,
Il f: Y
I • •• • •. . . . . . . • • • • • . .
Funeral Director and Embalm r,
.. .Examin 1
·~····· I "'locks Lawn Mow.
Ei ther Aulo or ; o rye extra au t o s: r Vlce. : 1\\. Luhens &: 50ns . .. Odobcr 17 Botho phones In Alce and R8lIidenee No. 14 . L. J. Burton . .. .. . . . . .. October 21
M OD E /{ ,\T E PHI 'ES
is[) .
Oi lticlil
'1 Sl
C rill
:,-e 1l.1."
re d
H. HAINES, Lytle, O.
1) ' ll u r tmcn t
I I~T Glctsse.. Fitted Waynesville. Ohio. tlrawnl'erv~c~l l f'rIF FA ,V'S cha rg-~ f a)r
Public Sales
e~8 ~nd Saws
1 .-
Oh '
Open l '\' t\ i nJ.('~ hy IlPPol n tll l" 1I1 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . iI I - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..;._-: Wm. Creighton .... , .. : OL:lober 21 ue d d~d tn 1I11,kfJ Ill · furln their illuue, DR. J. W. MILLE~ o lIr1er hili muthe r' " deal1l , old Abnl'r \Vaynesville Canning Co . Odober ~2 hud 6t .. y~.1 on with I liNn. B ut ott\~ Cha .. Gordon, .... . . . .. 0 tober 28 Wtl~- o r otlH'r Ih rnul home Vllul ~}jNI I .•• DENTIST••• FUNERAL OIh'ECTOII wll h Betsy's coming, C. P. Eillis . . , . . . ..• . . . O':lober 29 Abo~r cO llldo ·t.Ulld ~ l'~ tnna It. D t" y's Everett Earl), ... .. . . . . . October 30 om.,., In Veterinary \'u ynes" II Ie, 0 ·Wa ynesville, Ohio Hal/oDal OUlk OIlJl! . biscuits were liS rlli ky 11 ,~ his \\'tr~ ·s h a d bl'cn. timl the 10111 hou~e ,,"us ke"t Beckelt &: Moore . . . . .. ovember I Orad unt c of Obio SI:tI, IJ n l"'I 'r ~ I ' I,,"uneulute, Ye t Ahner pl'pfcr l'ClI to ." o u t s ide n olV flU Ih e lloo r. s tone. IlIH Phil Hock . . , , . .. ' . , November (\ r-------;....---~-_:
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
IIIInverllllr w hl sll lJ gl'll IV lIl o rt) Illulut\\'(; nR h e w h l tlh'cI IIbs 'ntJy li t II ~ lI c k . Vlole o tl y llf'!!lY Ihrl'lV op e ll Ihe tront
d oo r. "Ln od I" she "z cln IION\ " look lit th o'!c shavin gs. Pick 'elU up, fn lllH," Abner glnnccd dl tlldenlly 111 h ln you ng r rBn d~o n's dll't!c ll o n, "Mebbe DUDule w o uld do It tor OJ ," he veoture~, "Oa llllie will pick II/! hts own RhnvIngs \\'1I"n It p IUllk~s · CIU." Betsy r (>otOl'led. "nod you con pi ck up ) ·O\lr8." A s Abn er bent pn lntully to Itls 'n ~k, he r ecll III·rI n thllf' 10 1I1 ~ owo cbltd· hood . whell he IlIId spok('n til whnt his motber cou.I ,lc r erl n d lH rcspcc/t1i1 mnnner to hi IP·unMnth N. AblH" rl'm"ml"'r,,,1 nl~o Ihc ~ hllllH!(1 h umility at hlH 1'1I 111AhlnNlt . IjTlm cl'\ hUA chu lI ~ed , " Il l' U IUrl1l Ul'NI. Betsy prc" 'nted 11 pun of I( r .... n PI''' . 10 the old mil II .
1 will oll'.' r li t 1'IltJl i o Salo ~It m v r . Ide noo jost I!:!lH' of Hnrva,V Runrg, Ohio, o n
Frlldny, OctOber 17, 1919 i:leg lnnlll"; Ilt L P nt .. Rharl', th e following : 100 1:1 6"d of Stook, oon. lIi etlng of 12 Cntt.l e, 78 Uog~ n nd lL ~b eo p , :See Inrg8 "IlIR. E. M L U K~JNS & SON S, W"ltell' Lacy I w. N . ::le u/! ( Auc ts I will sell ut l'ubllo Auct.l on , on thtl Wuynes vllie "LId Hellbrook
John H. Wright Auctioneer Phonc, Write or Sec me for
Fu ll ' lliu ipped for Good Serv ice. L a rg e Display H00111
1,' Ollrt h Street, nPIIT Tyler Tel ephon e !l:l
Walter McClure
DAY 0 11
Dates Sallsfaction Gllaruntecd'
DK .
OHIO U - :i l
Dr. Bell's Pine-",-, .c'-;-' one Fo,. Cough s Gild Ccltfu.
H.E. HA1'HA W A \.
t:·, y (lo".,tlle·s
Lond ing DeDrtr;1 Offioe III 1I Il Inw Blrlg Millo i"~
v , BAI{NHART, Notary Public Ii< .'tlny Wo r k "tid O" (lll~ tI ~ 1 1t1('i" l t .\'
All ':: 1"01,, o (
Read Cazelte's Classified Ads
5 mil es north o f Wnyo e,.vlJle Rnd :I Illl eR Routh of fl Allbro llk . oI'P('"lte - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ t h e lSu~nr (~rove Ho b nn l H o n"",. o n
Tile! lIay, October 21, 1919 l:lt' j!luulIlg
Gt 10. tl O o'cluc k, til" Ill win~ I' r OlJ r'rt.v : f.:Ior~es , 7 (·n t . l Ie , 37 1;i (> j.( H, \;o rti . 1 ~I" rd rU llrhl ~ " 1', 11llpl e niflO tM "nd tiflrue~~ . . RI'f' billA f or 1''' ltl() nl .. r ~
·'YO\l CUll p {l(1 1h('l Mf n~ (lujo.; Y n~ 1I\' hlt· tllnll ." s he ~ utd, So gl'III1Llrlll h Pr Ab · ocr begnn 0 11 th .. t h ' n :. nnrl U8 h' uwllworilly Ill)llt lN\ he nl~ llIlIlt:v ,·"n· I.,.J B ll InUN tru sted th e •• lI lllIdo o t hlH )' IIII" ~" r R 0 I:lu iu II . Au ot. son 10 tlt e l'it y, ILnd ot Ih t l'l cllll ~ \\'hom he brought 01l t 10 'the t urlll, hll\' 6 c ,~ o (llu llt.d to oa t, m v \\'lIh the acClull ' of Ihe (' Idf'r Sit" IIl1d his II'l fE'. ThN" s l'erued lItll Ilr .. rrr· Rto('k HOrl fnrm Impl olll fln lH , nn ;1 wlll < IT!'r I1t Publl o ~,,,u " <I tht> cn re betw(l1'1I [h e IWO, J ohn, hll l'l'Y 111111 tholi/C I I II ~ "'• . "n rl proml " ~ nt Lytle , Oh io. nn the r e rry r on do 00 ~t1 C~' ..-dou rf'uUtI' I~uhly h I tl U} pl'of\,q· IdUI) (0 1' whit'h htlol (lure nt g In, l 1'- 11 1' 1'1 · Tuesday, Oclolter 21, 11)1') /.Iclngly prCI""'eLl hllll . 1,1 AI,II 'r BpglrID i OI( fl ' Hl: 00 "·ol " olr . hil r" l. wir lC(ll l . 1·~IIH! lIlh ... rlllJ( th(' J! O(\Cl - l lllt1l1'. ' (1 I H llr~e.:\ C" t,t,II' , bill Irrll utln g Jol<t' s or J OIII I'" fl 'I [·Il" ~ . low lnjl pr o p urt.y: ~~ 'hiokHn~, IOl phl" ' pnI 8 " 'rlm e:; hn l 'h l'l Bnf' 11,·' .,leI A hlll' r 7 I:l o~s
IIOU l:Iur n ll Aij
P'3 bitl~
a •• IT TC.TED
Big Public Sale We will sell at Public Auction at our bam in Corwin, Ohio, on
WfDNfSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1919, Beginning at 10 o"clock, the following property:
Cows, two year olds, Yearlings and Calves.
MI Spring Pigs, and good teeders. In case of bad weather sale will be held under cowr.
Tucsday, ( c;:tobcr 28, 1919
J. O. Cartwright, Clerk
Begillning fit 12 : 0 0 o 'ol oc k s b,.rp.
the followIng property : . ~ l:jor~e~ 3 Cattle. :n l:j o g ~ . 17 I:1lIelll1. 11OI'Is ments. ElI.. rn e ~l!, "to ~8f! 1111 II , mAS. OOIWIIN . Mille, Ht"nlsy & Gray, Auot~
Corn Plasters are t1un. soothing plasters - easy
to apply. Stop the pain withoul pressure. and /coscn "'".,_......."'. lire rom.. Do not irritate sur· causing
"It's a pOl'tll hl(' h'lll"' ," Nhe slIld; I:llwlnk dl~~olve" pllrtnor~lt l p, we "tathl'r lind I senel It ul ong where"cr will off" r at Pnbllo l:;/llf! Mt o nr n,'. t. l1I'e wiSh ' to Btop. Ful h"r 11 li n IS spt'cl· dence. kn o wlI 88 thfl .Iolin Z " II t ltrm, rue DS'o and I go to H,'!! 1110 I 1",'8 fell. in Vurwtl1, on Filther woult! f orge t ull IIbout ~lItllllf Wednuday, . October 29, 1919 It I were not th e re III relnlnd hllll, ' Won't )'00 sit ;10 " " "" " he Hs k e r! kindly, 8egIDninl~ lit 1:1: 00 o' olook ~ harl> , "olld r eM UPI)n aliI' YeI'o,"I .. ?" tbo tolto'wlng proper',,: 7 () aUla. ' Oratl!(ully. olt! Ahllor Recept ed the 36 Bogs, IllIlplAm*JDt8, et(" !-lIlA bills. IlIvltatlon. the probl em of 11\9 destina' C. ,1'. IE .LlI:l & JOHN ZELL. tlon h.d bel'1I grow ltlt( aa h e "'!lIked, W N , l::!elu8, Anot , and It "'liS & bIll problem DOW. Some \\'ny or othe r liS he sut 10 tha Hl;i\' l n\! rlccided 1.0 fJllit fBr , nlng.) roatful Silence, ,.lIh th e IIrl'8 H)'IUP"- will " If r lit Publlo 8 .. le lit my resl. thelle toce rieur by. hI' f"uml 1111lI ~l! lt d OI IOt!. y. nr II lUile eUllth of l.y&1e, answering her I{~Dtl e qut·.tlonill/l. willi on the 'l'ownshlp Road, on the tall e rlll, ~tory of his lite. nllt Thursday, October .10, 1919 ,,'heD hIs OWD e yts grew mol ~t wllh tean the I(1rl'8 blnted defiance IlIHl clI<l . BegInning flt 10: 00 o'clook, th e fa 1The p're!!y pink svots. III her cll e"ks 10w1D~ property: :& l:iorlles, ", Hoge, arew eyeD ploker. Implements. Barl1e8~ IllI rl Woed. '"I' he pity ot Itl" lIhe eICo:llllml't\. nnll See bl\1 ~ for further InforUlIII,I" n. Impllls ively IAnned o\'er Abner's " " 11'11I1 EVF.REl'T ~:t\ru.y. II JIll re. R , (~. BtliUlI'~ t A not,. "Yon IIru going to ~ tn:v right hcrl.... ~he
d CI' llIred. "lIl1r ll you th'c ot II~. Nnw, II"PIl \\'hl1e I lell you . It will be no ch ul'\ty ILl all. FUlher Is l o nghl~ James Stucky Says, "Ral Cost Me $125 for PlumbIng I3Il1s." tor ""H I1I' one (0 I rtilige with hi III tlll'uII\:h th e wo/,t1s-ulirl 10 hrlp him ';We oOlJldll' 1 tll il whal, wae olog eZllllltll~ hi s ~ p l'c hll e n ~: ging liP on r toilet ''lId drllins. WI'I It Itllpp e ll~d. Miss I'nulll ('rom.t burl t o War urI tlOOf, !lives, eta ,
h"I'so lt !I,'o\'e III hel' ellr to Illform lIIrR. n, ' t ~ ~' of Ihe II'hc,'eoboll ts ot he r tutlll'r,ln·lu\\' IIl1d 1I1 ~o 01 hi s resolu.
found 11 rai'S ne8~ In t.he 11U8£'Ulenl. They haC!. ohoked thf! 1)I"es wUb rAfuse. 'rho plumbpr'lI hIli WIIII'12r" Uon t o remain whe r e he \\'U R, 11 A'l'· SN A P 11188noil t·he rodent oot." It II'II ~ .John trom th,' city who el1me Three ~iZII'II, lIljc. GOo. 1. 00 ' ,",0 r1 po~t h lls t e to seek out hi s rllnnw"y fn. aud gllflrn,ntflBu by H, l!: Ellrnbart thel', li e (ounll· hlm one 811llllller oftcr- anti J . E. :'lInney. UOOll scnted ullon the porch of 0 I:lIy littl e hOll se. bet\\'een n ctllIt£'u ted tlitl ftBlurnl\ s t Bnd hIM chndnln g d""~hl"r. AI",,!r COIII II not b e IIl'rslI"tll'" trJ le o\' e hIs DeW peacefu l nho ll". IIr,tl -0 It becnme n p.CI'~ s nry tor Joho tu come ' 8Io;nlll- nnd RtllI IIJ:!lln. "'h('n the brlllloill (ollll ge of lIutUlI1II dcckcII th e Irce .• 11101 Alm l'r gll1.,l(1 ull O duy t end e rly Int .. Ih e yU IIII/! J:1"1'1 ' ~ U Y~M. "Are- Hl t you gO i ng to mnk e m y bc'.y IIUI'II),?" h e II skcl.I. " ,," ),oll e CIIIl SI'C
The Waynesville Canning Co.
Read these testunomaJs selected from tltousands in our file. Notice h.ow m any of them say that Hon· est John helped them afl r Ivery l/ti"8 e~ hod jailed- Honest john wiU do as much for you
Il ng'on and liaTveYHuUrll' IIlk l,1, IX mllP8 from Rotrvey .lmrg pflte, Oil
Having deolded to quit rflrmlnl/. I will olfer at Pllbllc S .. le on th e MI] . too lflldloy pillce, ')D the Ntlw Bur, I
A small . I:llyly· palm ed NOllh'R /Irk 80rt ot a lI ou e, 1111 "InK t h e IIPPI'a r· line!' b e lli!! !'cccntly . et rlown In It~ pluee, attrll cled hi s att ention. 'r ll ~ girl on th e pOI'c h told hlOl Rbo llt It whl'n h e stopped r>EH·"le~ ... ll y to ask It he . was ruls tnkl!n In thinking th e house lI!ld not b een th ere h,·for[', The ril'l Inughpll rle ll gllt ••1Iy M "he upllllo cd . .
W. N , Boafs . Auot
pentsnt. to welcoming II ftll ". 'l'h e"~ would b e no wel come LIl;:k 1I0W i at ll l he mU 8t go. . 1' rembllnllll', he pln ~ed th e plln of podd cl l p ellR on th e 81e p nnd hohb l!'d swiftly toword the wl)ulls.
y u u~
Agoln . m e mory broul:ltt a rillY tro'll Bpglnolng lit 10 o 'olock . t,he f Ollowo hla forllouen boyhood. whon lit revolt ing prOplBrty : :! HOr@ (18, 7r. CnHll', bl! hnd t1~d down th e "'''ne counlry 75 HOgB. tleo !Rr~e bltlM. rond only to return III eVllnlof(, reWAYNE8VILLE CANNING CO
for Your
Both good
W M. O lt~; 1lI H' I'l) us he Yi lirel/ w en l·tly do\\'n !ll r IpIII!. W . N 'ollrs, An " t . ~ t ret ch l nj; rOIl'1. hI s !,,,urs of 1'1I 1"'lIt s ubm l ~N l l)n \\, IH 'e O\' CrW hllli 'h '" In II ~I~dden rebf'lll l)lt. H ,' "" , 111t1 k"bmlt We wi l l "" lin t ~'ubIICl Anot,ion at 110 longer to dumlnlon or 1'1111 ' lJk~ 111I our Oiliry B'irn III Corwl n. \ Ihln, on onc really ollred abollt hhtl- ho ,,"ou\(1 . WednE~St\ay, October 22, 1919, run away.
~ I rl I,,,'~h., ,,
w ...
UhJ ~\ hn l.' l· \\ 1I~ V tI J' ~' 111',,(1. 'l' tw 1lI01'll hl): hOIl I'<: '11"" 1'(\ , I" " IS . W it h tlt! · n ~ w lid,,· III h l~ lilli' \; , lit' \\,,, ,, \111 ' E.
1n1\l'IUIII'I 'tl- h e Wit S " I'ry 111'011.
H .\)OV
Price: . $100 and accrued dividend per share Yield: 7 ~, ~ Net
{cit bl:~I'I .. ' ·,·.1. B .. r~.,· \\'Il ~ li la cl lkr soo'e \\'Ir.· HU rl wht·" her hn~b"" \1 hllll
II In·
I 111·1.. \\
thnt ill s hl ~lt rt I ~ YO lJ nt" "He lI~ c t l ~ I lI1ul ", IIIII" Ut," PUllIn r& pli ed. "fnl' hIs f",'III1 'r tltolll:hlles ij ll,'s8 to yo u ," · ' 1· u&.I u l \\1 u\.·';;: wt ;,IH' d f ul' u tJ llll &:hll"r"
Umbrella Improvement.
It 18 the little 1I,ln1l8 wlllt'll IlIRke . for pe rfectlou. we 8ro told. All IlI\·en· tor hOll I' I"reeted n' devIce which ccrtolnly s hows n tllste tor pertectfon. !'In one Is IlIntf\Ullllnr with thf' "trip ot tlll'C wIth n cutch which Is 1I !1.~d RIlUl:ly to wln,l 11 p
tlmlln'tln s.
Wli en
Is 0lwn IlIls Illeee of tl11>e pcnlhllHl es III B \\,IIY thot UII.I .. "lotl'IlI y Is otT,'nuh'l) to til' dlglllly
t1I U IIIII/)re llo ~1I111o:1 " " IIIH I
or " " IIII!. Th e Inventor In QIIC>ltl lJn hns 0111 111, nn In','entlon which provld e ti JIl e" 1I 9 of ntowlng 11\\'0)' Ihe IleOllunt In t .. till) Interior of Iho ope nCfI Ulli'
rouridmg tissues.. IllllllU-l1IP"-U Remove bunions. callouses and warts also. 25c a package. Sold and QUarnnteed by all first class
druggists.. .
Send 25c if your dealer can't
supply, you to
HONEST JOHN~ Inc. 15 No",. "'.b,;,h A ...
MADDEN ·WANTS TO KNOW If you have read the new ac~, passed ~y the General Assembly 'of the S tate of Ohio, which reads m part, as follows: : )ection 5564. Tor the purpose of enabling the county audit.)r to determine the value and location of buildings and other improvements, . . who sha ll erect or constru ct any l ·uilding or other 'improvemen~ costi.llg. over $200, . . shall within sixty days after saId bUlldmg or other unpro\' ment shall have commenced, notify the auditor or the COUll ty . . . UpOll failure to give notice as herein provide, I , . . and the discovery of such building or impro\' .! ment by the county auditor after the same has heen \!rec led or constructed, the said building or improvement shal l be apprai 'ed by the county aud itor at Its true value in mom~ YI and pfaced upon the dllplicate together with ,a tax penalty of fifty per cent for each of the years frolll lhe date " )f the erection or construction to the date of discovery. Said county auditor m~y enter, b y himself, or depu~y, within reasonable hours, and fully examine all buildings and strllctureS of every kind . . l
• •••
...,." Wi
Notice-Consult Madden, who will save you a lot on your. lumber bill, therefore wil1 save you a lot on your tax duplicate. It pays to trade at home.
w. B.
Mad en & CO.,
W a v~e8ville, Ohio
~~IU~II_~dOWOP~~~"k~ I I--~~---------------------~-_-----______~-~~-~
~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~-~~-~ --~~~-~~~------~~-~ ~-----~~--~-..-:'!--~~-~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~-,.-.~~~-- I ' WEU, IS
W. E. FROST ' GRAD04TE ANO lICE.NSED VETERINARIAN Harveysburg, Ohio Phone J4.1 L.2S
Rcverac Pllone Charlet
"------------_--11.0 · 111-8
~ t: -
\, I'
WA"'NBS VlLLB . 0810. 1
Mr. IIn.l l\1rf'. .J u~. W. Da viA ~nter. 'uilltlll I"r .lin u r. ~uudIlY. Mrs M .. t ~ II rnl IA'YIO,V nnll u n . Clydfl. I Mr '()~ Wh ntMOI . •11 qe ,. · 1'f.· ln IInll I EIIIIlIfI >\'lJet1!u l, Mr . Hn d Mra. Oeo. W. Oli vl ~, M r 111111 Mr~. nl ouo C . Uu vis Ilo d IV O d ll!t.I,·ou , U Mr. f1.od Mrs Eru ~ t. Munnu D uull two dllu g ll l o r.~. . Mr . lind M rb ' L'lJ ~ . Whet ul w a re s h ·" lIplug In U .. yt<lll, ,HI «' d,~y roo O ~ nt, ly .
Public Sal~! - OF -
Consi sting of
Rangi ng in size from 30 acres to 323 acres, be sold to the hi ghest bidde r, at the d oor o f the Court House , Dayto n, Ohio
Wed nesd ay, Oct. 22, 10 a. m. .,
,,"l! M r~.
~'rl\ " I( !I"
wl~~~r~~I~~: l~a~:~~,~"~~~n tHonrl
~:~~:,~:,!.~,~a}~''!l,7;~v.'~~Ir:~I. 'I~i''~'':;t\~~;r JUtlW.~~;~I0J,·~~;~~·,'!::r.
In, \ .
Ola ssif ied Ads
r~nnil 9
"' Iu'll"
~ uI" ' U\' \'1 1"
H.T h I1l
W ll~
P t·!!
t hl l ~ II O tl ll \' Mr .. A II
~ IU H" o o f
t Pl'
\fl l r T I I r~' o \V n 4,! llf'i'a
1I 1\~ '" ''
('I t
nllv" M r,
,1 I
Wlh' t,'"II/l1I1 (.
in..: hi ~ I' H J "'~ In Olnf 'l lli ll d i ,' \1 1111(1,, \1 Mr .... (!,h"rl f1" HUHI.II i,. " t ll tv ' "ir""~: ht ... " IN'Pl' rr' lIlI ,·"Iitflr ,' ''' .
1h h h: 1 ~f' lI ~t ' pll " · 11Ir: 1I 1}1 11"H tf)"" "1111 11' III .. lllltlllllJ,:. nll d dt rl dln g- 11 p nl~k or .'il n l :". " ll h nIl \'Ul IV(' I'~ntl lm IlUt In till " ",'11 1 fl .:I1 I·.·... W , IIII!! 11/)1 II milo
IlA tlO I ' ,
'I' IH '
) ' H UU g
---- -
- ....--- -
Whero T h erc s a Baby on fa rm Kel'p Rar..Snllp
S ax on ~'SI X'~
J " nll" Y
The Prac tical Car
Saxon "Six" has earneLl iLs reputa tion as the rraclic al Car hecallsl' it is so thorou ghly prac tical from so many ditTere ht standp oints.
RAY F. MILLS, Phon e .7.
BJI t ~ n tn I'1 n III s t fll rID!' OnLe Ih ,·.y j.( fl t. lI1 ~ liI" Ill " 11<1U.e- l o.J o l, IJUJ. K"I >< kl ll lufn ll t o\ -oi l ing Ul llm i~ n o t anll"Dol . Nn r~i n g bot l·leH ol,trll ol rJ . t~. Hrn q k U fJll k .. (I f RATSN AP lind Ihr llw It "r" lln rl. It will ~nr(\11' r .,1 .y"o o f r"l~ I\ uc\ 01 lOA. 'L'hr fl'p ui7.l1Q, ~:, . :,Oll . " 1 (1/1 i'l1) "1 Kll,l (!Illl r .. . t A" ,1 h.v II E . ~; rnha r t IIn,l J . E,
Wayn esvill e, Qhio
Mr ,IUd Mrs . Rob ert Ur ew nnd Mrtl J{IIOhAl Cro ,,' \vore gUI'BI", 01 d ll nry Crow ·l! . 8 11 nrlny . Mr. Ro d I\Irs L u t h or Bnlnes find Ron. l)o oo·ld, too k t:lolldllY dinn or \\'It.h ,John Wilson' l\ M r . IIn,j MrA. Evnn BagliO flu ll Mr. lind Mrp. ti o r u oe Uo mpto n BU · \n ed tfI lod l!lnll, lu st FrldILY, wh ereIh ey w il l s pen d ~\lvorB I d ay~ visit: 111 11 Wll,h r oilltivos . Mrs EI I/\ Bliinoe I\orl Mary Kat,b. ryn WII~ o u "ro Oil t b e 810k liltt.. Everett. BIlIllIIS lind fam, ly wore on illn g Oil r ll lativl1l1 In Hlg bland Unuutly , ~n nrln .\I . Mr~ W . K l:\oll'lIn Rnd MrR . WAI. 1"0 \"r ' l ~OIl n,d le o! on ('hnull cey Il t1lllJ ol lI ·~. ' l 'hnr ~ d:tY' flll e r ll t'OIl . [I·I'U..I .:l h ll l'lI" rt ..,u,l fumily vl . II".'~ wltil r ol:rtlvol t In l{ rmtlJ o k l' . rI,' v ~ r,lI f ro ll1 lI"re fltlend erl the h,,", \;) O" lII ltl l!; III N Il \V Bnrllo g ~ n n. h HI ";11 I nTd . y.
", P.
MrN. I:JR n Oilb Rl oh spont I.he IlllRt ",eel, with har dllughM r, MrR. Etlit< :iprtlY, 8ml f&1Ully . D U Ilr L eb"oon. Mrp. Len8 HI\I tKoo k an') dang h tor. MI AR Ih hln . horl M~18 , Vi Ifl Blu t ~no k Rntl eo n. K a nn ol.h , were uu· dllY a f tflrfloon eR lIe r8 on Miss Molilo MoCr"y , of nenr Ch~rk ~v llle. Mr. Bud Mr.. Alva l~ od rllngt.on und duughter~ Miriam , 'und Be 8trloe Lu(ldlng tl)n 8)lfl nt I::!nlldoly with thei r parent.s , of BIKocbe al,e·r . D llnuld fln I Gertrud e W olf,. of Ulnrk Rvlll e. ppent tho ","pek.on d with tbelr g raDtip!t ront8. Mr. and Mr8 ' .to ho W r. lf. W. '1'. Jordon Bnrl wUe spe nt !:lun. d ll.V In Dayt Jn ~Hh Mrs Mllutl l' C lenv a r "nd t1l1oghlo r , Androy . Mrs. Snr" h Hloh '111\ 8 r e l,urnod t o Ile r h ome In B8Tvev "horg uft e r ~ pendlng ~wo weekI' w ith h e r I/' rlln d , ~o n . Uiurono e (JlenvRr . Ilnd f"rolly , I,)f Ul noinnllt i. !\Ir. ond Mr8. Raym o n cl W o lf, n f UltHksv ille, ~)lent So n dRY 'Nltll their ,I"re n I R Ill're Mr . find Mrs. ~oo. Boglln Rod 80n. flAr t . wllre CBllln~ on Mr Bn rl MrA. Wm Dlln n , of i::!ilvAr (.lrI1Y", ~ unday afterno o n . ·Mr. Rnll MrR. 0.10. T} .. Vl8 aDd Mr and Mn. ul en n DIIV10 aud @onp, HobArt ~lId R Ollor, were · Suo(l"v ~ue~t." of Mr. ond MrR , Joe Ollvl~ ,of I'll!. rve y Ilbo r g
_lIor. ·
191 4
""ft, ,...... _
Obuteilt oll, OhIo.
h ,\lm II a" I hi' .1:lfIIl" ( 'ail , tri" -' . f·o llt.ailltm.;- " . . _t fi t . 74 l\Cr ~ .1111111'1 \\' Illlld( 1" ;11 ' 1
f·II 1t lilIJli n,r . " . .. , , ... ,
2:1 , 40 U.I · rOH
T olal tl l·rl't, tr ,· , ', ., • • . • " ,'. 171\ , 14 a.ct<\1'. E~ "" II'l l lI lot ", ):11 1 rlKl ll I II' WII \' " I 1111' IlI,r Lh I' nrl nr l1\u \Vnl1lck trBCt . III.- u ll' <' \h'HIl I \\ II mil.·.... " nrl II ur Ludl ow l' a na, Oil t.ho Dayton aU11 l 'II \Itl~I '1II Pi ll' a t t l.1' '!' hro"" I kh l L: '~. tn RN' llnll 2,~ fLw1 2f1 . Town 7
I lj w ll,
, ! ; . IH ~ '
'·lIo,JI . :'\: .' WI'1I 1 ' l'f IW I1 .. hi p . ~ t hunl
"IUIll t..y.
;ll,~t~¥~ :: 1\~' t'~:d' ~~ h(~:rll'\'I~ hl,~ftll:li~',J!.! \\" "A1~ng::II~II'~II~~' t~o~=I~~rn", ~rlt)11 \ Pt ll'n ' ",(ld HI
I ;' :; on Ilt'r Ill~ n ', n i B sull tor t.w(~ thJnJ!t . ur $OO, tr
"' \1( ~ 1
1\llImll a,;:t J" , .\
Su . f':, C.
S 1I ", I\ 'I'r U ' l{'I . ('Olltrunin g , ."
" lit till' IJ W , unll II
. ) I'\,i 'I'\ '
11 ,34 acros 12 , 60 acroa
Irart, l'Oul.alnl n g ,
. . .. , . ' . ... . . . 30 . 03
I,lIr n l l'. 11I 11 Ih1' 111)/' ,/1 1011 11' ur F.·llIli l l ' Piku, JII"'{' 038t and lIOu t h uf \ II, ' "'1 ~ I h~ 1I11'r I U \ I 'r :11101 t "1'1 "r I ' n \ It' ..- ton Plko, Il.hout. t.wo ml lus nort.h
, ', !;~I.' ,I,I,".I\'!~\: II!I;lt~~1 ,~t;;~: :::l t\;'~l :~"d 2U, 'J·own '; north, n ango 6 .twUlt: . 'tn IH4l V(l nll' nl .. -,-1'\\,o S l1I u ll rranU' 111lU808 , In Kood condition '1/11' 11'" hlil l nLi," r hlll !lll lUN :\11 Lhll h l lll l lln~" tof' NHl1I\ln . : two .~ ~ " '" \ 1 ' llI"a l~'i I IH
I r llill .'
;. 11)11 Otl, or rli ll ~ d l fo r t w o-- thl rda u r
.·AIIM No.
l,!l ll \\'u n~ Ih, ' ·\ 11:1/\ " il ll PUl'k trl\l't" ('onl ~'\lnlnJ:f , .1 10 , 7 1 f)n.rr08 ' \11 I ii,' " ;1"" .... Id, · I.f I) t\ ,\'w n nll tl ('o\' ilIHtoll PikA. Bbo ut arlO
1. "" II I1~11
;:I:!;'I~I,h 1/~:: ~I[f)I,;tl.fl~~~ I,~\ , ~~:,\\I~ ~I,I I:~;;; 1(~: ~'~I;~ ;~~n(t :1:1,
rown 7nort.h,
1IUIIr"" ' n1"III "1 - l kkl( I IIH I ~ " . 11111 ' ('Iltllbl nallnn ha.m anti tobacCQ ~~llll l ;1 11' ' \ I,~, '~~~\J ; ! ~~~rlill: "I~~'~~::~.\f:':" 1 ~!"hn ga.rago n.nd SUM aro r<BOrvtKI·a
.\ I'Prul!"tld at .. 11\11,0(.1 p iT nlTt ' . and cnn soU (ur two--t.hlrd s or $ 100.00. I'A II , Nu. E. E. l, n owl1 J L IHI~ , Ij'! H,rift.'\t ' ru.c t , contalnJ ng .,. 2~ , 70 l\C1"CfII allfl til l ' J'.:~ f :t. l uLlIII ~!i t.ra~ ' I , rn ll ! u tuJng , , . , . , • .. 207 , 30 &crM Tnl.a.1 a("ro.'\~ . . , .•.• ~., • . •• •• • :t23 . ()O AC':rM l .ttrftt tilt 1111 h il l II s ld ltH ur Will ip linn road tJlllfl-lu\tf milo r1Urtboaat L IHII11W l"nUN, lu Ht,I(· . itHat"" 6, 'I'~)\VII n lI()rLlh ltn:nf,fO t; Ol"'~. ~f'l\'llo li :Ht 'I'h \\,u 7, Il I\fH,Ut li ,UI~ 1. tI~llntt Rnu NowWn fr OWI1!1W,.... ~1 1: ,,"1 Cuunj ,\' , .. J I1llHow,'m t' 11
WI ·ltll'rl ), III ' t.
1': as1t"·l.\, ":U L U ri
"Jl I II·a l !','( 1 r\l.
IlI'r Lh' I'I' ,
Blllok IInrl Wblte CbMk E'd 'lll in . eo,,~ lind aIel r.JHO i::!wontc r . T"kfln fr nm I.he hl.1gl!Y . R e t urn to ., wn e r "n rt r e colvo rewllrrl. r.tnhe l 811l1Hhu r y. W ll y n ~!l vlll (' . Oh iO. 022
1'110W II
hlitlolhhCA 011
o.I)Out. 200.00 • I
Id,llnglt lrlL('t to r ,
Idl lhl l(l'! I.rllN iLllt! nyrkHt t. Lrw' t. to ho romovu. l :
1(',4 100 JI 'r' Ih'r o , t'Un 91.:11 (or t,WO-l hlrd8. ur $ 100.00
~A I IM No. E . P. OU' O l l1 h Hlahl lrlU'!. c~mU a l"lng ".,
84,00 Ill'r..
':; ,I~'·II~lt~ I~I~~! ~f~·'~~:lt,~'~ I~~I\rl\\':IStI11nK '. , . : ~ : :: :::: 3~ : ~~ ~~
' l't)tl~l R"rr.-lUCIl " " " .,', . , " ' , . " " ' , .1 20 , 80 a.eres l ,ocallun- ( ',UlW t rac t on tl lll HOUl h sldo, hnln,l1co on Lho north . #lIdo Ill., W L'HI IIJ lA.m 0 1111 Troy P i kn: crue t n ml 'lUrlh or t.h o Still water ' U h ·t'I', :..114 )11 1, (,.IIIU a l1 d o llo .. h alr III I it'S "alo4t o r I. lullnw l' a Uf( ant! town .
( If
WANTED- TO HE NT ~'"rlll frOID t30 to A OUBh. grain or Hlook
~OO n r"~: r e nt ; b,,'s t of blinking referen oe. ('1I1I B Br uw. ' ~ter & S on , O regOI1I'I , O hi o. Hil l'. vayshur g pil o ll e HI .. IX . u ~:!
FOR RENT- i?ARM Hm Ar t.o r Oll t Knn,l W grou udU-~" o n tho thirds lnlJuin. AN'I'E
U lhlli omeo
u 2:!
.Je rs~y
h Co w Jnqulre o r 1 Fres R o bort Str oud . OD 'be Rllt"lIlo k
furlll , R
0 4,
Wtly n o~ viIl f'.
II11Il '" n n rlli j':lJoII or " r " :-l l I\t lll Oll , In ~ OC II()nH:1 Bml It . 'rown H north, H all ~' ·;. " :U'lt , II l1lnll ·I'"wll lihll). :\ l l i~lll l ('Uti II t.y. I hl l,rm'I' mllnhl --C)n t ilt' Sf,alt l Lrur·t. Irwn rramo hOIl808, :\ 1111 IH III 'f Ol llllU l hllll!CfI, Un t ho Sh cllhM 't t rac:Lo n. 'muU) r NUllA ht\.rn hmUie "Ut i I,ar ll . (I II II I! ' (l u al, · Irnr'l , IHlO tHll nr'l ~u Hlled, Stnhl a lit! S hullh .....); Itlt lld lrl ).(~ til 1" 'III UI Il , ( °(1111,11 huUd l n)l I II ho rOmnvOll. , }\l lprai!M'1 ILl 1511. 00 Ih.l r UI'rtt ; {'im 80U (or t..wo~t. hlrfI R fi r $100 pl'r :\1'1"1',
~ A 11M
No . •:. G.
Pnl'"t flr .l . \ H l r~ " 11 t rau t . Wl18 L of r h 'cr ." " • • 42 , 78 BCret ;\l1 d I' . .J V UN ' { nl t't. " tHllalnlt t" . , . , . •. "" (If) , 70 6(!rOIt "' "!tlll! \Vll
l ll 'r~ ' ral'l , ,'tlll lu hlln,.: ", . . " . . . ' 12 .00 Q.("r nH 'I'ntn l UC" 'ClU.:c • . , , , • .• , , •• , 124 . 54 n.c r 08 I. flrl\ l ('d un "Hlh shh't-l of 1.1I d luw anll T ro y Pike tLo<1 t.ho \V08 t Mllkm nn d 'l'rov Pl ktl. j usl \VetiL ur (.h o Htlllwnl,4}r IUvur. ahou t 1)1111 m ilo eaNt o r Llld l'l\\" FI1I1I1. l WO m i lt ,,", nn rt hea.'it I)r \VIJIiI lr Ml lto ll . In ROOLlona 4 Bnd \J , Tow/I Ii Ilhrth , I(ILU,L("!) l~I!U , li ,Holt T O WII HhllJ, ,l \Iltnnl Oount.y. Ohio , ImP' \t "C~ ntt!IUM- !-~ I)l lr rr:lIuo IIIUltu'tt, rour frrullo ham8. tobacco Rb ud, " ('u r n ,'!'I lls. a lll i ma tt y .snmll hlilldlll ~"' " 'urt~ h lll hlln J,t~ Wf")4t. nt Wl l'4 L Mi lt on nnd T rpy Plko a nd \Vat ters h" I IIIII\ ~'4 \\-111 r omaln . \'I~rt.! hl1l1 t llu-.c,~ t~UIL u f J.lko Bnd JJyrkct" huJJtI ... irl.l:" 10 h" l'I' IIIH"'''1. PI,,'I III' I' I il'foj will htl nI Tt'rl\( ! III t ill' rlllluwlllf( rnnnuer : 1'1131, north o f I. lIlll u\\ lI 11ct 'l'r o ) Plkc ', j'ull ta llllll..c Il btult. ":.1 n.crOl>1, anc, tho pAri, :lul/lh ur I h ht road . ('l lUl nl ull h( a h ll ut, 7 1 n{'r OH, will ho 1'1111 II ll.wl l1, ·r, A pprnliW't 1 1\1 11 15.UO p dr a,('rtt, and Olfcrud seVI,ratul y ro n Mf lll (or tWf)-o 1 h il .. l ... D r "'i'l ,:t :' , .·AltM No. a-;. J-I , 1'lIlmr n as l tl " :\ l ar. ha I hllwlt.n ""l\ &,:t , " ( m ~'\h lln l:C , t.fl acr es Par t u f thu .J . A , 1\)'rko Lt Lri'\C~ ,'ust. o f rl\'or .. , ' . 7171 ."HJ t,c~ree T'lt; 11 ar n 'itlC' : , . , .. , , , , , . , . , .' , . . ~L40 Bereft l.orn l ..',1 "" Lit,) S4H1l h sl' II ' IIf "'~L ;\'1lllim aud )J1roy Plku, (UUlIt o f 'h~ '-IIlIl\n l l l '" Ith''''', l\hO IiI t wo ,,, i h ~ IItlrt h UjL.. t. o f \V('fIt ;t , L ~ ,I " " , III, "('1)\\'11 n 1\111'111. H n ll j.(t'r; NUtt, ll llionMllton , ln foIoct lon s '1'OW fuchlp . Miami • 111 11 11 l \ ',
= == - - - - :::---:-= :- - - - - -
"Speol"l DI" pate" to 'l'he EIIQulrer, "Wlreellnrr. W. V... June 15.-Dr. _ - - - - . Prulden t of - - ColieR'" .lIed at a If)cal hORpltoJ e....11 t oday. Death au. W bloo4 pollonln lf. ..hlet. wu o.u . ...4 D, a IlIght I cra.lch whleh ":" _I".., OlD 1,1, hnnd 10 ""'. &80." . The ..bovo Is an I\Ch'al Q uot.Uoa from the Clnclon atl 1I:1II<1ulr..... With n"",.o .omltt 0<\. al"" .,.. ery In'u"" 110' maU., bow stlChl. hnme4la t. atttntlOI L SaM" lutrgcallS thal you lloep " bottle of R<I" .... tODO •• ·ah a'wa}. at hand for om ...t;eno. 1I.f\ . It" hlgbt,. oonoontr ..tllO Q"aI1U'~ lIIaleo only .. .ltrbt al"pllca.tlOO. 'IIGOeI8a1'l' tD thoroUI" ly dlHlnfeot ...., .oratcll or Ollt. No / of loteotloo whoo Rou,ton fa (The JOII.,.' lAD!",ent 18 u.~ and 7" ItAl actIon I, 110 mild that It may'" "'"" ..pplle4 to i.vero _Ollntle. tlu~ and .cal4a. It, , ,,,,thin,, "lid h.alln. po·"o, la ..lmoRt mAl'lclal. hOl\'t rlok b~11IIf wltllout It. On • boUI. frOID !'Ou,' ~ru.1tet to. day. 4 bottle lSI!. Larro ho_hol d .1 .... ,",oul'h to lut a ,1_1·. Soa. PI'O". It to b. ,be 8100t rellabl. hollHho l4 MU..pUc. •.,..,. kln4 )'Our 4&tld,. u.ed. .ltll III)' 4&4'. plotu,. 011 the ,.oUow wra.ppeJ '," Th.!>t. I, .To_ Co.,
I I /li ' r l'II IUI' h OIl-.l.· " IW harn. n nl' IAlh3OCO . h od . l\.I\d .A ll h ll l l jlill ~1o I II rill 1U,Li 11, Apl'rnlSOtl fit. $100.00
IU-r1'i4, 'UUllUi n wh olu,
- ---- -
Slight Sc,-atch
t lllildlll ~"
1" '1 "I·rt· ".an .. I'll fll r 1 \ro- l! h ir~ l s , I)r "ItH I.f)U v or Q4~O . F'AIlM Nil . € . 11 .
Blood Poi8m~ 'ng Results Fr"Jm
( ' " I U " ,\.
I llI lH iH ,·I1\ . ' nl "
I tot - T \\'(,.1 rrn n 1t"l IHlI I Jlt~ . t \\'l) IIArn1t, tWO (,/)1 ~8hoc I 90 000 '"Iahlll tnrll lo r lh . ' 1' " '' IlliIlY\: hulld J ,, ~ nrl' I\It on "ho h ldlnga l(&Qt. ' )1\ thl l I\yrktlll (ra(·t. 111\1\ sll mll fl'll/IW hili'l l . 'I'hiH I,ro) wrt y will lit , IIITt'rl 'f1 In twn IUl M.'cbt, -nortb t.ho roadway "nfllnt l! nil I ~ u , :.!a a"n_ ,,; , ~ IUlh uf ron,((wny ro ntAlnlng
--- --
\1 1,11111
.. , lU'r 11111
- - - _ - __ _ F,l r,1 1'01lrlJ1!( enr. I'(lllJ d 1.11 ndlt,loo wll.1I new tir'lR. u. L. All e n . 1\ 1, !-Ion ' ie & All o n g llr nge 0 1!i
NapkIn .. AY-A lot o f good 'l'lm"I h y HIIY. nnpklll" wcrc In usc long heInquire of John R o bf\r ~n n , ft. D. t f)ro ' """'" li e the olh e r Bcc,,"sor les :i, Wl\ynes vllle, O hi o o2!J \\'lIkll WI' co n,tli l' r 111l1l.p<, 0 .lIhl~ tod u~'. \I;,tnr f" rk. eOlia' to he known. f ew fnlt.hloo dBd Ply in D O ~h ftook lIlell hurl to '1IHO their 1Il 1l ~l) r8 In pr~ Roostl'r a fur II l\le , J:(o od o nes. \lll rln!! th ~ lr ellu,l ; henee tb e flncl nt In q ulro of Milton Key~, Wliyn AS, Cnlll mn" hnhll crt fr eq uentl y pns. lll g ville, Ohio. 0:.19 th~ hll~ hl or II'nu'r ond Its IICCOIllIJU OY' s 1 aID going to r[nlt Ule R e d Hog 11111 "" I" d ll r" r "' Iplug l il a hnnd s. It bUdlDes8, I will se ll m y h erd baR r , nl)w ~'h' IIIS III /,'I·"dlhie that t orks were onl r·a. I,IIlIlIry unUI Ih e 8cvcntcllot b Col G, No.' G5 (105 V ol 4 1 A. He is ~ ~onulne ' Pre mier Ufil hog. unll l cen lilry. be oBrr1e s t hl' blood lioe~ th.t run tbrougb tho VOl08 of t h e r n/l h a l( Old".t Roof. folmll y. K E. Tb o 1.l1p~o n , Orl'gon irl , The "nor 01 lint ! UIIi,whrcl! 10 New O hi o . 1:'h (IIIO 10 I X . Uurvo,l'" l.>lIr" . \'orlt (· I t ~· I ~ sn"I",. r rl In he Ih~ old est 11(; "I"t tl r .. or In A"... r ,,·" It: "'li S . llIl c.1 10 Ih e yellr li(lt1 wit h ig Type Po ln nrt. C hIDfls . hom1l lJorl . , brou)l'h t trum ~'llr IBl e n o w . Rprin g Boar~ nn,l \Vn I ~~ 101' IlIIs l'Ur\! ,'. Ga its. Huve Aize n nd quality . P e rry I .8,wioeU , 1 mil e 8001.h of B Illl b roOk on WIlYDe8 .vllle roud. . o~ \) Tnhl ~
aartholO 1Qe. tamollll Freaeb WOD DD4rtn . rame 111 Ibe modeU q aCe otatlle. "To the Deal!. N -bleb 1t.Ul4a In the 11&1I0nai Oometar J· at Parte. The Dnlte4· atta. .... DOW hired blm to lIDJ,ke e replica of 111.18 . ' a loe. &9 ~ plaCt'f'l oar UIa .tatue of
- - - - - -. -
'~ lllptor
ch" S ;II I ' l d dlT uCl41rill" r'olH a lnlnlJ . . .. 1:18 .02 l\CrOfl 1,1 " ' /llt ' ,1 - \ t.fllI1 III H'-JI:d r rll llro "/rll l h Wn" r, nr Itl nrul:Ult. nlli. Ohio. in , .. ' 111 11) 1'1 au d ;111 Tow n '; n o ,'tll l{tlfU,W [, " :\!I t , ~ fi WlAm ,oo wn8htp , I'"OWII 11'\
COU lll p hU liI on r
bo.t wl " I"," M r . Mfln Mr W . W . WI1:1 n" , o f Loxlllv. lon, Ky ,. wern Hnudn ,v goe~t8 W1 W l t ~ 111 11 11..\ li p IIf It row A: n fll 4). of thnl r ]l1l '·PI, t l'. n f ~ ho 1'(\J)!rl\l II ,tol 1!1 1I·II M I '~ . ,"lI\ '10' ,11I 11 'r "h 'lI ~ htll 11 1I ).~ e 'L'ltl. ~' r t" l\ d ll ( Ihnrt' ll I" nllllrlnll Qf H"i~k H r r,·d !ol j ;I"~ r:lIl~ri d ' U )JJ;Hth .., r 1)1)111 1, 1 it .ln. nncll>l' th e lip l\vllliun h I1H.:11 «~ t, 'nr 11 1 '~' n tH' tl f h l~ loI p l'dt28 'I f (""ll r l(' ~L Ellw",.(\ ~, lIn IIXIlIlft ( fl lI'I,llIlnlll); Ihll l II I" I' ShOI'l '/-Aatll, ~ tu C O') w o r k , r.. 8011. H" U111 1 8., .. hr It ~ lin (lyerillo u too r illK all r . R o v I] ,ll1lin l( t o n prollolloll nt, the M. E . !JhnT l' IJ . Hllnrlll.Y. ",' v Arlll frillll h ere IIt.I,," ded th e H'I\'IIIt.o r,1 fllir. b olw noo ~hownrR Ilis t w r.n k. (lnr r ., ,,d~ IIr" ~ h n \\fin~ IIlHny
d " f,:l:I ~.
9= FA RM S= 9'
\.t"lI it
lIY' 1
tlJ O I'" '~ JJI1I OIH .J. " t
r-i1 '
Conservancy Land
Mrtl. ' hloe 81d88 w.a the gUel!~ at Mrf!. Emml\ , heDow th II< vlMttinJ! h .,r s let",r, Mn . Mll Llviuo !:I laoy. In frleod~ ..011 r IBt.i D . J.. ,eli AN H. Ellitnr nnd i ' uhli Ii<'r . \\ :1),11 '. ' iIl<'. l bio voH In ~hh. YIOiIllI Y . , OILY l on, R8VHrai dllYs 1118' week. Mrs. Bongh. o f Wnyn"I w tlle. hl\ ~ Subsc r iotion Price. $l. f,O p er y en'r I\Ir8. Wlllinm Loog and 1100 were h aen t,be ~ueAt of h r rlnuKht or , Mr~. ' wook.€o d guests (If roll!.tlve s In Gnv Kibl e r, no ,l fnU1\1.V f o r .. row d ·pi-logO uld . aY8 . M h WEDNESDAY. 0 T013 E H 15, H1I 9 A llen EmrlOk llnd fawll y and Mrs. r. lI"T1d 1rt!. Ru (dl Mrl r :;'lI1 J . B . .10 n08 nud 11010 woro ' Dayto n trans ll Qtod hu s ln a~illlI t:lprln g V .. lley v lS lto rti. ·!lturda y . Tbur@lIl1Y "fttlrllOon M I M F lI1r.nod Mr~ . " . S. Lamb wotore d [ 'I'!1I1,·C Id ,"",'e , '" Iu, rl l In this .ootl .. r.t al1\ r~. rt\nk :111l 11 Iln cl ., v d t o Ollyl,o n, i:!unday , Bud spent "f ' 11 11 '·11""t .. ,v I) " ", " II u Lh . r dl.tin s"" the aug 1I0r Wt ~o Oil I Ilo!! "11 1"' l lIt l vo~ rtliY wt\b "II' I",,"h r .• IIld "ur Y urH Il WQ8 .lIP · Mr . I!.nel Mrs . W"ltar 10 \h18 vi olnity, I::!t1IIIlflY .<1 I t< rnllnn , M'r , Ilnli \1 r ~ ~' rll o k L. 1I "r.rIAon d I I I I lJ tu p re ti u;I;~l" lt Ol ll;~; 1 ';~~~II~~~I\II~::4 n,~r 'un .. MI" ~ Alic e Clrllnow lJlh 011 t.I' I 1 II ili Ad H ll r ttl, . uo,t \l r .!'4 H f' O , liRrrl8, 1'1 olson . ---, ,,,,,, '.'' rna, " " III ,',,, ,. ,,' III, loon l Ir en' th" 1110111 ,,1' of F'ruult I~., II r o vlRltl n g Mr llnrt Mra. Wilbn f Il\rt viSIted . M r ll. l\, f ollie (Jo llin@. Mrs B ,I, "011 ( lh~~. Urowdlo r ~' rnnk l"" II •• p""lIn ,,,,,"'''' ' l \ ;o r\\,lI1 In eu l'llh ll). , 1·" " r ll1. li l in ol~. •• ' ~ OI".Inr. with Mr . nod Mrs , William , ,,nd E lder Rllt! clllTu Bn ,l wi II,..,·.. I, II In,·,,1 ,11 e~. l:r' e " lI y I" f lu .. J ordufJ I~n ( ' 1\ ..~ . 1 1H I111pSUn r,. lit S111 tllL lf II i u.d hy N1 lHlLilll1it~~" Ce l llru ~ n, n llRr I,a bllllon lll(ll . cr"l . lli lln tl ~, , , dinner, ' ~t ur dflY . !ln d J tl t\ p u hllc ~I" n of It~ . M L l1k"OK B'rlil,l,v Nfl.IrIlO On In I.olukn on . 1 1 1 " I~ r"I'I' 1"" '11 " " 0 ,·. ' ,, ~ lIlu l lo " n l I'Cnl ' ,~knl1~ \\'n~ II MIll' (lM~. o V ~ "yt.l kl ll " Mrp .MUild l\Emrio ' ''' k '1 11 wRsthal II nlr /:Uo8t o , ''''" '' ~ I c d l c l ll (' , li mn' Bntl MrA 'lh nJ}l,,~ l ,n n~ "'Mil W" "ro, !lor r y tn " ' l,(,rt Frl1 lJ k . Ill" ,·tllred k,.\· F ••1. nt'I,O " of Mrs. Mluh. Wan: ln s . In Conte r, th6MrSnndit IlCY & 'u., ' 1'0 10' ' .11 II 11 114 III II prlO , wlJl y RlI AS I~ of Mr . . I" .hn (lrn . ShAnk n ot MO W Blillt Ihl H wrlttol,( "". nl,I .., I. " ... ",," " 1" Oo nlll r rnu,h' In ~'" I h UYff ho th ~o,'d oh tli,l t h ~p. l ro r ville, ~ll turdR Y. d or f d f '" a r ( . . , BD . !IOII l Y , en~ . 11 ,' \\' 111 I",,, II 1""" '111111" ' " 01 nCla l ll"" J W Ih o 'roswell HII.l it u), "'I'h. 1,ln.,,. 'J Il II,u ~'''' '' " 8 Su rfllc , Mra. Ann" Kenrlok and dlt.ugb te r. • or ti l<' Ir ru lln WllH'lIJ aw"y t.ruo kn" .. lo fl d o f hllll~ 1.0 Ili a "'y.< Albert t" l ls Lfloy Ul e . "f t MIA" Unri. w h ll h ll ~ ' h e l l o s " I0 " '" 011" JI "nol l"'" 1)011 ,,,·. '?\V~rd II 1 lin ("I'W utHl llil j!b t 116 luuo oert ~o Bar th ... at Wnynes ville, weregn ests "I d I '" "rrc l'rll (o r u" y c". o Ih .Lt H u ll s Ca· ~(l il II I It boen s lt,i o l; 1.10 pnre nt . IInrt Id lll" " 01t Y. '" OD ay . . ' I I. ' I of Mr and Mr". WIt.!ter Kenrlok , I hero, vl . 1' " 11'11 ~1 "d"'I fll il o 10 c u r~ . Se nd (or Is now t h e I:u e~t o r r ll int iv"l'. II; \VII fJ 1 " 11 uh; ]l(JIl ~f\ ~iI on WadDe~d The ruins HIO]l]l\ld 80 ' Il B 1'1 1' o ur )..t l "II luI'M "lid" otes BY. In D .. ylUn l lrll" "I " l.. lu ~ ... II J . VII "NI·: \· & :0. . Tol. do. Ohio farm ers fr om sewin g wll o u~, Ill. I" flo.ltl I I ~ I (M • I )' U,·""r;I. t. ·1Ue. Mr and MrR C lare noe Sml&h ann Mrs . F rlt.nk O"kln 111111 " lIlld rr'" tuouKh lIlost of tbom w e re dOllo 0 o nrovlo , Unl ,VIS. . . • 11 ,,11 '_ l"'Ll III I,v 1', 1,. lor con. UIl/H loll. HI'li'J 1h11I"1.lln, t oOll .. I!), Mr .. l ' ,m !Jurrl8, Mr. and "I Mrs. Allon Smith spa n' 8peD IS nn 1I "y , WI'tl1 rol"tlvil B••I BrowHt er and w ife, Mr R. I l~81. "'"o k. Saturdl\ Y eVl'nl n!!: and Sunday io MI,. aollv Mo ill e BrowHte r and I{, E . T h o llll'" I .\1rH . Annln Con k , o f Ind f' llOndono o, Dlly l o n , at tbe bome of Mr . and Mr. f~od Mrf' . Bert Morr is . Mr. ,tnti !( D'n:pe u&Tln r@,la Yllfteru oon ;Ith Mrs. Allon Hardy. Mr. ,,04 Mrll . H . S. OOllrth \loll I MrA Werron IJf\O V ILnd Mr. lI ,ul ,I r ~ . h !IJ h on V I~ltI Dt,: hor BUilt. Mr . lIud ~ r. tou' lIt ollve rtown, nellr Mn. Ubllr l08 Ande r 80n, Isrlle IHof)lt\V"r(l'Hund II Y~O I''' I'" "I''l dflu g b ter. MI~!I V oonll, were t.lle " ~ar y .. r vay . of WayneR vllln. woro t:lundllY on. gnoMts of Mr . "lid ·MrR. l:Ioot~ Mo. 1r~. !:Illrry ' b ldllkor HPPll t, two of M r . Bod Mrti. All ell Emriok f,l UIl , ta 0 .. 1I,· r 8 at Iha h nmf' I)f Ih ('f r Tl~rf'nt" '1 Bod Frazlor Rnd wife, H'lTl'Y Vh. lllt.n Imll l1u Il g bl y ---- _ - --I ~trelgh' and w itI', 1'. B. BrauDo u town. ono a VenlDI( e r , of Mid lil o, / lin s I 'l ~ t won k wi t h lI nr lrroth UT II lid MrH, Bello CO UD liud daoDht ers lBBt ovenlng . famll .y, 11 011 1' 0 .-Id s. L B .. "nd M iAS o e rIlDllo~l. o f W\lUlln ~' 1 Mr , In D oil. o f entertai \ ned to S unclmy dinner, Mr. Wilmill gtoD. WII ~ ' bk Am l)K i:l o Dl(h flnel ElO u, ·liff. and Mrs. ton, and Mrs Mlt.bel ferry, of th lB Ii IOtOO@' llt t b e b o me HBlpb (2orsuoh . Mr. Ilnd Notice of Appoi ntmen "f Mrs. FrIiDoe8 ! .IUli ~I r ~. Cu r ... ' Unll ll ll r (He "lJ,md. Mrs t pllioe, were gneat8 of Lao BranDu u N ull, B oo opi of l!nye J . C . Vlt.ndev ol·, of Fr,mldl n, wee k tllg :' tt' '''' Wt·"kd wtth Mrs. t-iOID, nnd Mr. flD.l Mrs Ellis Cowau , ')f a nd wife . Mr. Ch llrlo8 Mullin hilS heen aD I mUI • t1" " g ht pr, li t Muror I 1l o. Pn . Leba n on. • - • E N""" 01 J"'6I'h W . U.ill.... """""" ,'' . tbe sl ok 1 1 ~ t.. ~ ir. " u ti Mr ~ . Il llb.'ft ure in H,.'!I,~~c~ ...lw~e~r~tr, .~,I'·~l'~L!!l ~~lfi~~~~;;II~i "These Rats Wouldn ' t Eat My Ul'SI Mr. 'l'h olllllB MilloI' I':l!z f" r" ( ('O w .1ll .Yij .. y "I'e1l1 1':YI111 fl h n \1 0 rl'tnrllll ll b " m" I\I I"~ (o1 r ll(,(1 Orllln," "ay. Fred LAmb. ____ _ _ .,._ ___ I\ft" r ~ ,,"nnln l! .,, \·., r l1 l ,h,v " ",it.h rIl l " 'I""~ h"",.S' II U ' I I" I.h o J.(u ps t of ro'h.Ct'", OUI't'hYI.· '~~I' IO'I·.y'I.. Cf ~"""') c •. ~il'1f. I . !t'" h"ro! t il 1; .. ,,1""'" ."" ·,1 " l r RloIIY,'" II"r1f'r1o " rl. ln ." • iI. flrow"111 .111. Wllmlnl !'l l) n \\·; ll hllll l " rlnn . II I :'>I "", tln r llug. Will ' You Spend 50,on r.'''11 . ' ...... 'I'rll',1 I r \ ' " r Rat.S na p A . Mr ~u rt \ t, > "., ·,,· r B r n !!e h nd I.nll lil l" t 11\1' pu lp.t lIt I ht· F'lI'ntl_ Ill\il( hh .rl n ll ~t " " " I" "'" " "" wIn -" .1 'I I ' . II I ~' IIr""n . · Uro wu . AtL'Yd. " 'I .. t · IId lll~ '''''n I 'hlll (' II, , · Ull t! II)'. .. n \' I to Save $ 10011 It "T "NA I'. It. ..... ro rk ,," w. ·" d··",. Ih, t-l D' " I,,\' u" ,.. , ,, II l r II llll ~l r ·' 1 biro. A. )oI. '. ·oll il lt .• w il f) w " .. " l'''' ' Ooe fi Oo (j 'dll e r"lIupll "II ,1 r"l. "VA '" Ill · 1' 0 Oll U 111 11 50 r BI.B. Tbe _.___ _ OU'"I ('II , " f 1" " lIlltllll, _I ",·.1 uo 111 '1 \ " . k III II f:" ' II Il,h ll .. ~v .. rUJ.(H rut wil l ilw r ob yoo o f '10 n S n Ul/hl llI " r " H, ,\ r .. NAP. Mr u lld ~ I .. \\" " . ,\ I'hll . • " " li d I h ')" plI ,lI . I" r l:' lltJT tHll II~ ,tu!I ,i.! ti u H YUllr In fe ed. Obl OkR nnd J.lrO ll e r H"v .. n ·t, ILrll\Il " ' · 'l'1l"v IV n · tll1· ~ d " n ~ llt.e l "'''''' till' ~' ty Illld"y oIl 11 "~ r .," 1 w ill ",,,111 L"I".U1 " tle . truotl <l1l . RARM NAP Is do~ c1 l y <\'11 .· " h"lIt, I!r .. !" ,-t, p" I t.brl\\I\' R f\T I< lIt""" nf Mr '11111 .' I r~ \V . t4. \\ II . W . A. Ml' .ritt I~ IlL l"" 'v ' "~ his t e. rolK SN 1\ P IImnm l" T hrow ~, ." , ,~ . ~ r, r . Itl<r~ oll . Ur elll!1tes nfter killin g. I(ILr U~ " !-(lR v e .. n s mell. 'omes III oliko~. 5Uo, $1 nil 1'\,,101 11 1111 ~n .. I I,,\' Mr lind "'r~ \V . H ~ 1I11 ~I'Hl1t O n l' h I:h ~ (' h ' '' ' 1 II I," 1,II,' IlL! t ll A Rllt~ wil l pll~8np m I ti II: I':" rllll ll ri .",1 .1 l~ . JIIIII"' Y on t,. graill, oh Ae lle ~nl1iloy "'fill th .. 1.. I. t " r ·~ 1"lr lmt" . [{i lll! ,u un hI I-(" "olt MONI-:Y LOANED I o ,,1 I . Rnd ~o f !lRMt. o n It '\ '1' PNAP. ---- -- 'J'hre f' 'I>1r. " ltd M, . ~IO'·.r ""d r"," il v, 01 ')UIII " o n l \'Ie t.n r il' '' . . 'U J8. >liz,,". 2~n •. 50o. '1 UO I:!o ld IUl d gUllr· L ,. tl " by H E E.arnhll r&lLud J . lG 1>l r : n I I B ro l:~ '" HI ~1i ~ ~ Ett" Ilnte.'d .J,,"n ('l Y. I)NEY L nllnpd r. n livl' . ' "I'h. , K~f " · ' · I' .\· Worf' <l u lt... tl )' Illn,rtj ~ d b t ____ • _ .. ._ _ __ cIJllI·Il'I • . Il lsII s pc nn ll m o rt /.llll/n~ fh fl h tltu ,' I) f t h ' b ri df' , WtH1fJ o'-'d II y . N .'tA~ h o nl(ht . •1... lln HllrIH" ", II I'" R, I\, . (·hH ~. I, IInt- (l y, " f ~n " (tu " ky. E"'de nt ' v No L ove r 0 1 Ca rd • . l3ull"IIJI'(, X nnl(). Ohln . 1\ ~ .~tl 11 t~ " .. rs \\', I lIlt'l'(lI l 111 " tiP I ltl r~c' n" ., Ill clu l l·tf. '" Ikin~ tw o lIf' " rl ~ bO',1 _ Mr. I1l1 rl Mr N. \ : llu ~. Rwl' l'rlo' :V IIntl
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hnll~o,' , ' ml' nt lth 4' rc!'lli1\·t~1.
.\l lI lrlu Ht't1 lit. 1< flU W II
I" l' aIlU ' Ihltt., 1 !lnt!
$ I.,U , ( ~ I
hl\rn , I',)rrt ci- Ih,
A ll hullllll1l:( to
11i'1' lH'r. " Qr ('fLIl S(1n for t.wel-t hlrds or I UO.HO. .·A It M Nt! . 1~ " I.
1 hi ' (1t ~1I'~ 1~ n n M'
t.r.'U·l!, l 'onWliulng . ... IOlt . 1\5 acr e.
Ln r n' e ll III ' t.h n f ~aI~1 .!i ldH 41f i\ 111t.1" IlHd Pike, o no Burt onllhair l1l il f'S lIo rlh Bu.!H of WI ~t :\1111011 , I ,. S\K't.,oro:r luu ' U. Tuwn norMa, Hamw r~ ,'asl , U UItH\ '1")\\'11 "' 111 ), i\ llul1Il ( 'I HII I1 \', I lIIf'H"" ' nul nt M- l t r l d ( 1I" lIl4t' , ,'OIllh llla,lulI trallll ' hJ\rn kn ll tolliLCf:(l l 'Oltlllillfll j,UI
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.~ I ::,) rl~IIII~ ~'! I '~I\~.:;~,:1 ~~: d'l~~' :~!:.fil~: ;;~I"·Jl~~: I I~~rtl~~·'1-,li~II~I~~..~r Ifl~';,:f~!I\lI"11 1" " 1 al,. 1 1\ III IIl luIl l 'flIJlr, .1 ,I., c·\:plal lll 't t . J\II Lilt' prOlH1r t hw t:u lf I'll 1011101 for 1\V1I -l ll1fd ... (:.!-:n "r t 1II'Ir a pPI' a f"I' lIu' lI t, Oil I Itu fulll)w' u g Wrln,q : ')' \\'I 'II I )' lit'" j"'IH (~II ; 1 ~ I f 1 \l II ' I 'I I a~,' pr l" I' "II day u r sa ltl, Ollr. Y 1It1r' cunt
i : IIJ '; 1 .m :\ l a l'd. l SI , I! I ~ IL I WI ' l lt y , lI vl' 1J1 \r I'lml ('l!') 'Vu l M ;u "I'IJ h U" I : I.! I , 1\\'11111)'.111." )II 'r ('t'ut (~:; ;1) ti n \itu'Ch hct.. JU :.!:.!, 'rh,' InslI, two I':Iym 11 tH I n I\II;U ' I\ '~, Ill tllrl 'Sl , Iml-'ahlt' "r m l ~ "Hntlll ll y " "11 HOC Urf)/1
II I! i~III;~l;~{,I,II~ 1:~llt'I:,I!I'~t~:;~lll\I~ ~~fl:1t
I Mt. W :.W , Wltl' "
s u hJ""' t Iii II n l r i'1!:\I' j , \1 '11 ;& 111 ',0 II I (1J I'I "'"
tljnl l~ tn he d«1l1vor~,r.
ill S IIf:11 full piau LOti Krah, UJt IUIlY t l " , pru )J I'f IY. ' '1' 111' l. l~1 t'lI'l'!'I It il l f h l ll ' I ' . '~1 i ll fl ll \' :ith' lt fa ll plallt... ,. 1 j.lrni li . nil tol)a,(.,"co lal', III " sn III 101.:11'1'11 h,a r ll s 1"', 1.1'1111 IIr Kl d" ttl t5u (..(1 Ituyur ,,'ILhou~ I'xrr:ll'lltt q!'I ' , , FIll' f lll'lhl'r illri l rlliat illl l , w rl l l'\ plllllh~ or ,'a llrnt. Lltu l\llufU l C0 1l8tJr \' alll'~' 1'"'\1' 111 I )iVI Nloll , D :l y ton; \ ( Ih lt,. ur j 'V, .... Smltl1. Auctl ouUdr. ItnulIls : ~ ·: i I h\,'I.!.,,:I Ud J,: .. I I " .\, Ii) \ ,1 Uhll), 1"' III I W I I 11/1
0 22
Sows with :12 PIIlH bv s1rl o. In. 4 qnire of E . 1:1. BBily, Wnyn esv ill A, Obio.
OG8-Rfll/i~I,e r e l1
Duroo J er~e y Bog" LOO UAt Gr ov e B'llrm. H . Day & 8 0D8, R , D . 2. C lark sville. OhIo. 022
Nt ce P olRn. Ublo ll ~o w"'. will farr o w tbls monUI. beall.hy "nd 11111 0 K. Hael goorl Iitte rH 'he ' first 1!Uer Inqolre of J ohu BOIl1)b. R. 0.2, WaVDOs v ill o, (.Ihlo . · O'lI2 out I Ii buslJels of oxtra tioe A bSeed Ryo Inqulro ' of Sid E lli s. Wayn csvlll o, .U ht.o.
rarw!3l 8 ' I:l"ver 1. Drl11. , olmost n ow
~orUlizar Wbelit
Jnqni re of Ed Mor glLo. R. D. ' 1, W .. yne.v\lt o. 0010. ole; LII:NOl D Bill Typo, 611l Bon e, SPRelllioltA riid PoIRnd. Obln·,s AI till'r sex,. tbe betlt J o v e r rflhmd. W eleh, HarveY llbnrg, I)blo
W.C. OUi
~tove. 1 Jewel
ont Heatin g 1 Ole'rm Beai lng Stove, 1
gnod Inside Uoor. Inqalre of Jeff D. MarlaU , Waynlln flle, Ohio. al ii
Prima '1re..m Separat or, new parte. makinR " . . good .. Dew. laqulre a. \hll oflloe. olt;
Why Not Buy at Home
When you get Fresh Br-ead and Rolls each day. Made Clean l , Baked Clean and .sold . CleaD, from the oven to you .
Buy at. Home and Get the'· Belt~ Little as good , !lone Better . AU Cookies and Rolls. 12 All orders given promp t attenti 09-
c~nts per dozen.
SN ID ER 'S BA KE .X Wa~eaviI!e,Oliio.
iliRsiiitMENTlil f
_ _ ~ _ _ _ _ .:;j
Ur. Dill. )t!teopilth 21 S, Brlllul· Wli , UlU81lIJII ,
, ' Don't for..:el Walt r ,'uw,V ' [,'91'11('lie eale. Thurl'dl\v OClober 16th, The Womatl'@ Auxi\ill r y of .ot. Mary' S ehu rl'h will me ,t al the hollne L , Cartwri ght FrilillY o f Mr . afternoon .
H " .... - " , ; ,
"I,el'llll!sts aUod to the bedside of Pr.....ldent
'hlol ux"cu llvc 's physlcl.. n , Dr., Or8~""t:: . ~"edo!:' tL Tbey "r Dr ~'rnncls X , D~ rcillm , Dr Storlln8 u n, r. , .. De,8cb-oIults aud Dr. 1Jj)', R. BtI~t, 0 , B. N.
,'Wlllon I'll
Burltain priceR: Men I,. lInd Ynunll Men's u1l 8,$ 19 !J5; Unlnn ,.' uit>!,$1 65 Boys' 'ch ool uits, $\).9,j: Mllck ari aw ~ . ~8.95 Rnd ~!) V5; Sweaters , $1.0 Rnet $2 !l8: nder ~hirts and Dra wers, \\lint e r wt'igh t , 31c.
I h"
'1', C. Madde n, of
• rt h L wisMad ,1 II, o f M c l ' l h!r~nn al1d ftlm i ly , of ~ l lritl~ f i l ' I r\, Mi'<$ ,10111 M'lldr\ e n, (I f Mor rnw . • :-:undal' the ~lll" t s 1]( flit' UI ,t! I\1 r ~ W, II. Madd!'n
rj;!'. Oh io . Clinlon 1------------~~--::=~;::::::_-----1 1 bu ' lark Rv ill<" Mr , A r.
A Welded Furnact'
Ih p A n ri - ~"I
."n L '· II\(I II·. wilt pany Mr . Brynll. an.! ~ I'euk ,
._ - -
W e have ju t receiv ed a
You get a positive circulation of pure, fresh a ir with a Farquhar Heating System.
The Automatic Regula tor mainta ills a uniform temperature in the house.
There are no joipts in our welded steel fire box to leak dust and gas. Fire the furnace once a day.
FRA'NeIS H. FARQUHAR Wilmington, Ohio
good supply of Bran, Middlings, Ground Barley, Tankage. , Cottonseed Meal, Dairy Feed' Old Process Oil Meal, Hominy M€ai, Alfalfa Meal, also Fertilizer. Co m~ and see me before you buy elsewhere. and you ~~~. fi nd you call save dol-
N. h",Ii'g,
on th e f ollowlIlg preml ~es: Ben Purks. on Eli Dean farm Roy Vun Tress farm s
I sing
Majestic l!anges
October 21th to November 1st To Be Truly Economical There Should Be a Majestic in Your ~itchen Economy is not merely spending the least money'buying a range at too Iowa price is indeed false economy.
Through special arrangements \\ ith the manufacturers, and during this Bargain Week (nly, a beautiful,' useful and substantial set of Cooking Ware will be given with every Majestic Range sold . This ware is good ware (not cheap ware) - it's worth a lot to you. Come and see for yourself.
And Remember, The price of a Majestic Range this week will not be increased, and there will hardly be a grea t reduction for years to come, if evtr, but there may be an increase soon. The offer of a set of kitchenware Free to c\ cry purchaser of a Majestic during demonstration week is' genuine, It is an out-and Ollt gift to every pmcbQser of a Majestic range and t he price of this range with a reputation remains the same, See this demonstration during the week commencing October 27, at the Lingo Hardware Co. store. '
The !irstcost is not the only cost-·the little additional first cost of a Majestic is nothing compared with its economy of fuel, durability and satisfactory service. Nearly a million Majestic Ranges. now economically scientifically and satisfac'orily serving millions and millions of people, civilians and soldiers, is pr,o of po~itive of their superiority over all others. There is only one best. The public has judged. The Majestic is recognized as the standard of all ranges. The construction, material, workmanship and ~auty of this wonderful range is unequal\.ed. and it embodies important feattlres possess~d by no other range. You~
Opportunity Ie HereAt our store-during our Majestic Bargain Week. It's your chance to get acquainted wi1th real facts about ranges_ We assure you it will bt! worth your while to invl'stigate. During the week commencing October 27th, a handso me set of cooking utensils will be given away free to every purchaser of a Majestic range, This is an out-and-out gift and the price of the Majesticremains the same as always. See them while you ar~ at the special demonstration at the Lingo Hardware store.
Uh' I'Cit' I
It· , II I
"-U l l o
'II "
" I,""wn I" thp II'rlll' Iflllrm,.
' ,'1 ( ·I-'hflh_~ ... I'h·(:IHn Ih'l ll~IrI\ ) . The.
Clle~nr 's Creek Fril' ull s Chllfl:h
Sunduy Schllol at Ihi ~ ~h urch 0 e ry
"'. E. Churc h Ralph Colton' J ones, Mini ~ ter , S unday School , ~ : 1 5 u. m . Prea ching lO :45-"En to r Ye In by the Eveni ng S ... n·iee, Na;ro w Gate," 7:30 p m ·- " Th e Ch ristian COll.q uest of Oriental Land s_" Pray er Meeting, 8 p. m. Free s Le reoptican lecof culored l\liues, all "The Evils of the Liqllor 'frame ," [i'riday evening at 8 0' clock,
. :t_ Mary's Church E ighteenth Sunday after Trini ty . Sunday School at 9:80 Oct. 19th. a . m. Morning P rayer Bnd Sermon at 10:90. Come. " j wus glad when they said unto m e , 'We wIll go into the hou se of the Lord .' "
The Oka!)t. ',..,.,.t an~1IUL1 ..oel WUIDOW1l to naturallBt!! uutll I t/II " lIN just beeD . IIIQQabt uoo mUea from Inleod or tbe Congo fur.""
Th~ Wonderful Unseen Riveting
Oh, Joy! Top Needs No Blacking
Yes, it's rivet~tight, just like the old Majestic, but the rivets ~cll inside of nickeled parts, leaving nickel smooth as glass, there 'are DO big, bulky bolt-hea,ds on the inside. And. remember; rivets hold tight; bolts with only one or, two threada bolding are bound to work loose and cause no end of tre.ible. The Majestic is smqoth inside and outside- it's it striking beauty-'-'more than skin deep.
A smooth, highly polished cooking top, burnished blue, riot o.nly , adds to the beauty of the Majestic, but absolutely eliminates 'the work, dirt and worry of trying to keep the range looking nicehlst an occasional thin coat of paraffine retains ita beautiful velvet blue color.
If you haven't a MAJESTIC, avail yourself of this opportunity to «et 81cqualnted . with this wonderful range-know the Inside of r-.nge ••
The' Lingo Hardvvare Co.
aJllmal 18 • ~ ot the gjralle' tamUS Dr Oe<lftle,o, 1..0 Rrll" Selstall admlnlsUator &t tbe Conso, broutlbt tbe aulmal to Aut ... "r" JllDClAnl1 otrered. .. blIP luin. fOl tt but tt haoI betlo reru~ .
r.....·····........................·..·.......······, i
Saturday, Octobet· 18th
The harming little aetre s. [ary PiCkford, in
,Capt. Kidd, Jr.
Tuesday. October '.Z 1st Featuring Gladys Brockwell, in
"Forbidden Room"
..... +-- - -
October 23r«t Featuring J. Barmore ill
At Our Store-One Week Only
.,1 II;.!'.,. ;' \ ' d It t" "hll ,w 11 1111.1.11" "" "i . t t' \\"
not h I \t ' ' " ft\I1IUlIlf I ,f I ' '1" '1 11" In " UII In n !"Ptlill rkllblr.. mluit o '1I 11 '~ 1 H try ff) " ' J : 1"lIe tlh' M H'rlhiP " r Ih · ~I u. wll,'re kf't ' P t'li _ I I l. tl" )!I" VUI \\ ":' ;tIHt ., " " ' ... ' 11 \1 II .. f Ol lt t' T il" I\ \~t 1'1" II-' It p , l .fl'lI ur .hl .... J.. .\' 1'1 !.111111 f.t ". 11111 ' \ 11I' nO ' " IOt,1I 1" •• 1 I .. I tI IIUI' I 'Ii\\ ~ phlll'l' H " ,I fiU IIIII~I utHII Ut.l ltt hI I l w ~nlll h, wil l (li t" ',lI " ' 11'. ,1, I lilid pl .·u IO,L( II • ( .j·t , 1 1' ;1, OJ . ,,,',' 1"1....· , 1\ ' \\ \\111 ' I H ·ud ..- I( \.r" Th ~' 11' 111 11,' ' ltl1ht 1r I' k ' I '\.;.ltllt I ," 0 t lo, . I 'I I I' ~ I C" I' .' 11' "' u l ' I"1";"" I~' ) '1 ' u C"II'j'l~plllin (1111 ' t ' " '" ~I " 'I • " I 1Il'''UIUI 1/ :u" t" nll\' Il lt t'\f' , :,U I III , I , ' ~ I /l lht ' I' (' un , " - --4 1p llI' UUl I wrc" r I.., l II rhu' 'II 111\ 1"1, III (I ur h . w ! f 1, ·1 " tI 'II' )II \! ' 111 \\ n ,
- ..
" oIil ' llJI utts
- - --
l'reuchinJt Sunday lit 10 o' clock 9I!rvice lit I I u'clork s , III YUlI art> Th er e will be a meeling of lh e cordia lly invi ted to be p r sent. Wayne t ownship Mothers' Club at the oln Bchool building . Friday afterHarvcysburjt f riends Church noo n, Octobe r 17th , at 3 o'clock ., \ Lena B. Henderson. Sec y. Amos Cook, pastor. - - -... --This Church inviteR you to th e fo l· lo wing ser vices: Sabbath 'chool at 10:00 a. m • Anna C. S tinson . up t. . Mornin g Worship at 11 :00 Ii .m You will finrt a cordilll welcome 'to bot h these services .
l' \'(l r~ U llllj':
II r
, '.
,tUlu,'H, ~tlm l ,l l1
I bdl'
Ever' ett E-- 'arly- I ,
tJllflks 1,1 11.,111"'11.: tlrHlltt--.:. nllt l
c " I'I',\ "!'I ('hlrk (,ll:-' WhUN.- flf~'h'al·uur.. ..... ' PPtl~"(1 to furl·I ..,,, II Ht.,rIU, er..
=... --::r
t hHt
1'10" I IrllM kn" "'1t ,,, RIIUnrM n
We wl1\ btl~11 a new sariul next Wl!ek , and it will be 8 J,(oud one 1'h a ,lJuech in WalTe n Co unty will be~t t'ltl ~ or the serial is "White Mlm" "'r- "kl in, Wednesday, O~t . 29 at 4:00 ~ and the sce n('~ 6re laid In the he rt I'. M. ()f Africa , Tit :!eriul ' d ' al s with a He wi IIl1peak at Middletown. at 2 "White Mun," fin Ilristoc ralic Enl(nn and a t Hamilton at 8:00 \ish ludy , rich me n. poor m en, blacll p, )' , . • anu bad men . I lans are b 109 f ormu la ted tor The Illd y ill enga"cd to marry n WIIU'I'tln., .Rlilicr IIl1ll lI arnllton Cou!1. dillllllJ lld tlh:rchllnt. und i~ ill Afril-a tie~' II JOin h~IH l s a rId en-o perate In for t hllt p1l rp ose , 'Ii ; tak H II wlllk, 1\ mo nHt!'1' Bryan. Sou t hern OhIO , Ill~<lt!l the" Wh ite Ma n." wh I ~ dri\" Day, winch w lll loCllth r ~!le crowd~ inK nil II rtloplan e. ant! Ii s k l! to)!O fr oln far IIn~1 nel.l r: ~nd \lIlh Bu tler wi th him' HI! takes her i!ll~' till' ounty Allto! ts J01 lllnll th~ Wa~ren hearL of ' Africa. wlt.:re htl i~ en)!R" NI L:" u n~ycon~lIllrent, f rom Mlddlet?wn itl wa r work . 'hewants hil1l1 0 tJlk l' ln I' r~lIlkllll. f~ rm It J)r oces~lO fI . he r back, b u t he rcfU~ I!H A ~ li"I' 0 11H'tli1lll! of 11 ~lghllO . SIW , g(Je~ " n she find ~ h !! r~e1f Irrllwitil{ in . Arrlll1gc ments nre hell1IC made for lovl! ' with him , II " a fter ma ny ln lil~ II ne:i of Il Uto~ from all Ultr l ~ of War- ,md tri b u lall 11>1 he "White MHn" ren Co~nty . gotnll tl lff e r~nl r41 l1t~s b rinll~ a min ' ! ' r 1 0 hi~ hom E' HI d I ~ M~dtll tow n, from th ence they lire Inll r' ried 1' ':~I'lkll!1 , ,. 1 T he ~eri 'l t il f ull or th ri ll~ '1lId " \I : ,I hI' pr 'C(O;\~ I " n f ro m l'run k!1I1 10 , r ."tl I! !'H will enj" ,V t>v",. y l'i lllpll'r .,1 Mldlll l' l tl lI'l1 ...1I·ruul · t.u Ha1T1111 11n , Il. The nov.1 i9 (['nm the lJell til ~I II ue ll1 ~t b,' lhe lIarmlt." 11 Llelelfa- I:eorgo A"n,'w Chall1lH'rhin, lIu thor tlUn alld l'~"'r t l!d t". lI unlll1 on, th~r.' IIf "'J'h ro Il(h Sluill ,'d (;ltI ~~ " " J ,>Il1 lo ue m et bv [\ C'1I1 11n~~nt rr 'H1~ l .tn· II ' tlu .. ,tl.' ' in nllti " ~, I r ~. c Ur Huward Hu s ttl1 . fuund er
Local Agent
- -Willium J nnings Br van'R stop an
The StQrmy Petrel.
Happ,neoa E •• II)' Attained. Tho t ' III" U'" \\ hv \' \'I' r t4tult lil l't·UMD or thI nk 1I1" "l: 1,,',,111,, 1,1.. Ih",~ know
Tb~ two-Day Automobile tour of Warren County is pl anned to give farmers a chance to profit by each other's experien('e , The clove r problem with hiih priced seed and danger~ of tallure. hall ir,creased the Interest in alfalfa and sweet clover , Several stops w!1l be rnade at farms where these crops are growing. The principles and results of s uccessfu l apple-orchard work will be studied, HoggIng oft' corn will be viewed-"'; especially where soybeanR, sweet clover. or other concentrates supplement the corn. Also. drainage. variety. and f ertility work with corn and other crops may be ob~erved, For the second day's trip. in th e Southern part of the County. Iirnestone gl inding demonstrations are being arrang~. As the recent rains li ave d elay~d wheat seeding in some cases. it was deemed best to p09tpone the trip another week , ' Accor8ingly, the dates will be October 28th, nnd 30th. relIpecllvely . This will al 30 enable interested farmers to tak e in the Green County Farm lJureau T,lp, Oc tober 21 -22, at which time fpecla l , attention will be given to Pu re Bred Live Stock , Seventeen different breeds. Including h or8e~. nattie. hogs and aheep. will be inspected, . Farmera of Warren County are cordially invited to join them, in Xenia. at 8 o'cloc!, each morning.
- --
.. - ..- -
' Retain ·! PeropecU.,..ot II pnlot i,,~ \ hnt' the ''perlJ)eetlve" lB. gO"'I -I 'I ~Il "lng that "'. tan lite tar u he'lIl. bl.l>·ond the npporeot bn ck gl'oli litl to !"IIIJ;lned b!lllutle. .UII turtl ler In the (llst ullce. Mnoy P'lOpIe have not t.h'ts perflPectlve I the)' onl,. thl! "ebbl~s nnd ehnllo", water In the fortlgrOUD(1 nud, stoppIng to dnhbk! th4!lr' teet In Ule Ilrl!t ple8!!!1ln t Invltntlon to case aod cooln ellll. they Lose the call ou.d lure of the deep pools ood forests tortl16r on. cooteot to stny ot th... hnlt-wllY bou se. evell forgetting thn t they once held a faint \'18100 of eusUes ot nccp mpll$Jnn ent. We !lOY
.. -.
H.v. R.cord for Lall"e..~ ., The Tod .. Of Jodls are illite! to be tbe lazleet people In the ·world. Th. men of the household club tOiether to toke one wIre to BUPI/ort. lind then they let her do tbe work, The' TodOl !love ' redu ced the sImple nrll to the tornmln: 00 ouly what you' muat, al!4 .ers IIttl!! ot tJlat.
The Late Olassified Ads. roR BALE
The Store That Hu What ~ou Want When You Want it
POland.0bIu. Plp,.elgh .boa& 80 tbe. W: O.....u,a. oag
"Test of Honor" COMEP¥ ; Seqnett Co: "When Love is Blind" Open evenings
7:30 p.m
17c "
Saturday evening
7 :30 p.m.
Children .
!_ i
Is best medium for selling or buying
We Pay the Freight and per pound for butter fat
Week of October 13th to October 19th InclusIve.
Whenever a cream producer sells his cream for less ' than Tri-St~te prices,' it pelps the oth~r fellow to set a lower standard of prices. No patron ever lost a penny dealing DIRECT with the Tri-State. Ask any on'e of our 35,000 patrons what they think about us. Ship in your cans if you have them or write for Free Trial Cans_
The Tri-State Butt~rCo.. Oa.h Oapltal
I THE Se, tOe AND 2Se .,
Leroy Handy Clothes Drier" see window display .. 35c Daiqty Cut Glas~ Sugar and Creamers, set of two. 5Oc' Water Sets, nicely marked, per' set ... . ;'. .. r " .12 00 Salad Dishes , . , , , . . _.. , , . _, ... _.. . , ........ . .. 25c C11ildre.f1's Drawers, ages 2 to 12 years .. , ; __ ..... 25c IfS~ell the ~topper" P~r!ume ... : , .. . : .... " . . .. : 1f)c Cfl.nvas Glpves, gooQ welg1!~ , .. ... . ..... . ..... .. 2()c Hand ija~s, for the wometl..· , .. ·· l.·.· .', .... Il 00 Powder Puffs, good was~ble ones .... , , . , __ .. , .. 100 Watches, for the boys ~nd girls .. _ , • • . .....• - .lOe Spedailit In 8aqaIDI
Seven ty- Fir st Ye ar
WA Y~ ~y ILLE,
Whole Numb er 5353
- ~---~ .
L O C AL . 'P E1VIN'4
'r' t
" We . hull slu rl, bUI lIot fore ver, , · l· h. r~ will he n &IOriuU 9 UII ; We's hall meet tn part -no a. WU ;~ Oil lilt It • • urrec tl,lll mUln ."ver Mrs . Edit h Har ris spen t Satu rday vl' ry pret ty wedding occu rred in Cmcinnllti. Th ~ whil e Mot her N atur e waB liarv eysbu rg Ohio. at 4 o'clock Wedat layi ng aside her dreBS of Bum Miss · 'I'ri mer l , enn 1 ;;Clw nnl " .1 1'[ n t I~Slll1~Sd IlY a fter noon Dr. Dill, Osteopa th 21 S. Broa nd clot hhll l hers elf In her beau IVI'f: k ' in 1)11 ,1' Ion. Oct. d· , when \1iH,q Etta Ruth Ken nedy15th a utum nal roba t, prep arin ll f or t iful way , Lebanon , Ohi o. , ghte r her of Mr , and Mrs . A. Kennedydau win ter Blee p. Glar a. you ng est , beca m Mrs. Hll nnA h Ant ru gh· Id Mis.s Clar a Llle spen t thew eek·end viHit in~ II hI' brid ter of Josiah and Rho da Mil.ldau e of Mr , Ray mond H, Bro oks, relu til' es in . pr inR'buro s, laid wil h r elatives in Xen 'on of Mr. and Mrs . Wm , Broo aslJ e her eart hly bod y of Buffe ia, ring , Th e cons truc tion I The brid e and g room enter and mai nten and peaceful ly fell asleep. help of t he varl' ous boar ds of Tru Ja lllt'~ Huin!'R lind fami ly , " was Mrs . Lee Haw ke and da ug hter of a b.,Uer R~'Btem of hi"hway ~ laance of Cor par lo r to the stra inR s. born n Har veys burg , ClinShe the , of Loh eng r in tees h , we re able to mal' ntal n' the r"ad s age i'" ton Co" Elai e, wer e Day ton visiw win , hllve m"v(!rl t Il n Iy Lp n claim Ohio, Nov ember I, I B71. She rs, s for Mon pers Wed day IIr( onal ding . ~Ht inju p~ob lem conf ront i",!, the In r~a8 March, played by Mi8l es hav e v resu lted from thei r inabil ityrito 0nablE! cond ition for trav t he you nges t of thre e chil dren, 'was mak e Ke nned y, the brid e's siste r. ! Lidll Mr~ , Rs[·lwl Hnh prt s, of ~rr el. nece988ry repa irs imm one Mrs, Lau ra Mosher is in Milford pub liC offiCia ls and t he peop le of Ohio But with the outb nw i~ l~... \·. Cha edia te ly rles Colson Ken nedy ,Thofe ~ i 8ter slId hrllt her havi reak th~ lodl srll , of e~ lY t o r Mr . 1111 0 Mr' ..l.. hn /':"11 , lI ppe r the war . Ucfo rc the inve ntio n of the The cond ition s foun d in War ren ng in lhe g uest of F. C. Ha rtsoc k a nd f cam 'and e a usky , uncl e of the brid e disc onti infa ncy . She s pen t her lifedied nua nce au am L Otrl olJi Ic.' pleasure trav el of the num· Cou nty are · in and ily. . ollic iated, usin g t he beau tifu cal of thos e of Illls r iv II roun d Way nesville, Ohi o. She Mr Rlowe r veh~ cl es was necessar ilyin lhe Iiers of pass enller trains and a grea t eve~y oth ertypi . l cere· . n, n d l'v!r .~ 0 .. artw rl\!h was COli ' cong estion ot f reig of Qua ker descent, and was ht traffic. In t he Legislat ure. coun ty of Oh io. The are " 1~lt1n~ with f'·"'nll. In Van W" rt mony of the Met hod ht E piIC opa l fi ne.d to neig hbo rhoo ds and the mar Bor of nr ea a To Chu lizin Mr rch. g mea . this and ntim cond Mrs e, . it.i on Clia nn a ccou s. :lml 4 uiet , un8l!s um ing m ann er . Ed· kell ng ?f prod uce was Ltmll . 'of limi tations and kno win g that wa fin ed to of tax ing laws , t hen tpubl The brid e lool( ed char min g su llicie nt mon l!Y. She was mar ried to W. C P hillips, 11, rd s. of Rou te 5. ' Frid ay, Oct obe r t he p~ rlod of t he year con her ic officials cann ot be raised with . whe 1919 n g-own of whi te satin with hanin even , a dau in have gh the ter. been limi ts una 0( ' ble Marcb 14, 1900, at the M. E p llrBo Mr to th . get e lind d em· dir any }~1r~ t road app . "VIII res r · wou !Jee t~e Smi th one perc ent law. to pro. ld bea r up the ciabl e incr ease dl ', of I ry· broi dery and pear l n· nge in Waynesville. To this unio Mr, and Mrs Ver ne Brit ton spen small loads whi('h. we re haul ed mon ey availabl in the amollnt of vllie a way for bett erm ent of cond i. ton spen t ;:: unriRY h M r~ . Mar y carr ied a boq uet of trl mminlf, and n whit e rose-bud s. t Abo ut 15 yea rs alto, It was Wat erh ouse an d fILllllly . e for road wor k, and tiona. pas.s Willi born one lIOn She spar ed no the week·end here , on thei seen that . th e w? rk has been ed a law per mitt i ng a levy Followin g the cere mon y an eleg abo~t dem oral ized ot not to exce mea ns in cari ng for her pare nts, an from thei r hone ymoon t r ip , r retu rn unle8l! Bom e cert ain sys tem of 1m· ed and two th ree. mill cour se dinn er was serv ed In thet ~ and for a ~esld es the SOO mIles of ~oad In Mess rs Geo \V !ll er htl \l ~e , Dea was a grea t com fo rt t o them , as provi ng th e main road s was adop peri od nol they to n ted. di IIxce ning thiS coun,ty ed ten yea room. whe re t he tabl es we re tbe Howp; lI. add ~ t h an " r:l nc wer wer e bOlh invalida for a long time Saml , Bu tter wor th and fam ily, no bett er con.d it ions could be h~Jl ed 5000 brid , ther e are ~ppr~xlmately rece ipts trom whic h IIhall bers,used . ges .to. mam tam . ton VISito rs Sun day nfte rn'lon . Day · .Ieco rated with chry sant hem um!! She coun ted her .frl ends for. Acco r ding ly The ,Mr. , the only and Stat ' for Mrs e. t he cons truc tion and mai n. and fer ns. Misses Gra ce SHa t he Bcore , and was never hap by and 80n visit . Ern est But terw ort way Dep artm ent was orllaOlzeHid,gh· Cou nty Comnu8Slone~8 have two tena nce of m. cou nty road a' and the pier n fund s for road and bnd ge purp ed in Wil min gton las t sY!'t em baug h and Mar ie Meseche r, of New Mr. than whe n doin g som e deed of kind and Mrs oses of Wal road . culv ter s to erts Mcr be -I ther Imp .ure Sun eon rove , Mr dav d . . was Burl · ingt In on, the serv brid ed ge J the , . • fund S. g uest s. McClure a ~ d M r g. Irla l(elRey 118811 tor a frie nd or neig duri ng !lIld out .and t he Stat e has been pus last . Our Cou nty ~mml8Slon h br.r . Thro ughout the house au h~ vear , they receIved 116.000. the tum n She und erw ent a seri ou s oper atio Of this lnlr that the cou nty road era know . were Day ton vl~ l tOMJ, Mond ay . . Miss Elm s Rob er tl1 and a crow 109 th e ImDr o~e ment of l hose r oads IImount leav n es were used s cann ot be in pro'fuslon O ~ly d as fas t as pOSSible. t hey wer e compell~ to ex· bett jus t. a vear ago and seemed muc of youn g ladi ered with . es. ou h t pass the thIs ed pend nllar levy thro rela tive!! of the coup le Wi t· $10.000 f or plan k and Jois t for ug h be. helt er in heal th for a whil e, Mr . and Mrs . Mye In War ren.Cou nty , on,ly abo ut 100 liev ing that the people desi reand L the Waynesv ille Satu rday , en rout e to ~he wood top brid gea, and two bott er daug hter . and Mr firndHyman Hnd ne; ed th e cere mon y, abou l20 b eing last t wo mon ths she had failebu ?f o Ul 8~ miles of pub h,c road larg er Richmond , road s, Mrs hav . d J rap· e as, s take pres are n ent. Re .... and Mrs. C. C, Ken . Jobs ,. absolu tely neceasaf'!, ~o.t the nece s'ilar y McCl ure 'p!'n t Su idly , and each duy pilli nly old lnc lude d In the Stat e Hig hwa y ap· step . to brin g the que nday afte rno n in nedy of Upp tb at Sys· proX Ima t ely $5,000. ThiS e r San dusky wer e the ijhe W89 grow ing wea kt'r t She left only They have asked forstion to II vole . Day ton. Mr . and Mrs J o~ McK insey lind tern and of that amo un t less thsn 20 11,0 was unly ollt. of. tow n g'UelltB. the fu ll t wo 00 ~or t he tlece ssar y constru,ction muc h conc erned llbou t her husb mile s 8~e n.Ow of Mor rate mill row d levy as , ppen sta for Mr and Mrs Brooks will cont Rnd !IOn, and ofte n said t hat she and noon with MrR Alic t Sun day afte r· and mai ntai ned by the Statte r~ad s and mai nten ance of all oth~r brid ges and the vote a peri od of five yea r ~. Mr tl nd Mrs E arl Bog all lind lwin e Mr. KinRey and way felt e Hlg~ . an.d cul ver ts. This cond rs will be asked to de. d aug htl'r to r e~lde In Ha~veysburg , whe re inue that he r boy neetled his mot itIO Dep s, Mr . of n art o~ Clllr dau men sf· gb ksvi t , Ler, term and ile. Mi8> ine whe ther they wan t it or not 81lli the coun l Hen riet ta, he r' s care . Mau d Hay e vi li ed Mr. and Mrs . Brooks iE II business man ot ater ling prop ortl ~n of the cons truc tion ty a fair s not only do~ not perm it of a t the Gene ral Mrs Elec .cos qua tion t han litie of dlin s Nov lind g emb the Mrs. Brooks ia a gre at er wor k In a buaines..... like 4th . If On Monday, Ucto ber 13, 1919 Rev G. N J olly , of Bell ev ue. Ky. 10 prac tica lly 1111 of thes e proj ects way we are to have bett pr roads Orvil le Grs y, unrlay. ravo rite. , has ~een prov but larg'e amo unts of extr a it passed from us to mee t t hose ' , she was here . Thu rsdllY lind ided by a bond l8Su e , wor k, are ' w ill be nece who ssar Frid y ay, for _ HU· each one of _ _.. requ ired beca use necessary us to hBye Rone 0 11 befor e, t here omm encing li'rid Ious t.o the ou.t brea k of t~e war . perint ndln g the mov Octo her 24 , pay our shar e and of his house' tPrev r~pai rs ca~n ot be ma~e at the prop m ust The S , Fred Co Lebay. t he Resu rrec tion day. But ,t o89awa i l hul d good s to his newi nJl be CoUnly Commls.slon ers, er sign ify our willlnjtness to we anon Big Sto With the time Bnd In 8e~'e re hom t h!' e. do so b will serv e dinn er and ral Illstances. dam . voti ng for this trees, buo s and flowers com e fo h from II levv . rth y to 2. on th e Maz z ninelunc in lhe spri hg li m" to new life, Mr . and Mra fl oo r . Wal ter Cast • , HO and shall we come fo rth in our spir Mr. and Mr~ Mrs ChIl B. Zimm i itua er· l hte to d well fore ver with H im man wh o th e Hand dau ghte r, Lou ise, atte nd ed hIlS Ilon e on beto re to pre pare C3 t~r r",un ion at Lon de,n, it s plac Ob io, e U for us, She was 47 yesr8, 11 mon last Sun day stock until late in the spl'i ng of 192() I Dr, and Mrs , H. E . Hat haw ay and ths N " ... h and' 12 day s of ag Buy now . T he S, F red Co. Leuauon Mr , and Mrs ' p, D. Clag ett and 6. I Amon g !10m The ladles !ld jl.of Lytl e, will g ive plaY I~~e ~~8 dau ghte r Mi8S Tacy , atte nded te~o ~tfJ d lppi nrs she had laid awa y, we :I~n ~~a~ The ~~~ ~~ M i~ges J e/lne tte and f ranc Big Store anticipa ted this . laid a Hall owe 'en Par ty at the Lytl e find at the Phil lips park . a8 the seas in , cial f unctlon at t he homil of Mr. a so· this : Hall Jann f'Y and Hen rlet ta M cKl n ~ 'I es on is and ~ H ar· a re offe ~ing p rice I()we at· ove r. y Ann P hillip s. t eOli ed the Mill mi- Wesleyun foot muc h lowe r than elsewhe r e, r-y es, / ve Dur netl and fam ily, of nea r ~~ " 1" shad e ulld ~ lI n shin c rt.lls y Q - hThe will ~n ~~ ser ve N" refr ~~ Gen I he eart b. ball g ame at O}{ford eshm terv ~ Mes.srs Dea ille • .F~iday eve,n ln~ . and Hat[ n ... ,... d h.. n t ho o the r , SatUlrdRY, th e ~eare~n ~ ~ ~ nm, ents .~~~n , MdH~ n How ell, Ken neth KII. ~=============~===== m ~ ~M~ w~e resu lt bei ng, Millmi UI. Wes l<lyil 'I' hIl 8, "odl l.. is Rll iet! tn mortl!. _~--~--== n 6. bod y is invi ted to com e and have a == -------~= ~= ~- - - == ======~==~== -_ _ _ _ _ _ terta lned at din:n er Frid ay, at And grief i. joy ' s hn tl ·bro t ht r. ____ goo d time . AdmiSsion, 1Iic. ___ _ _ _ _ ~_ the _ _ _ _ _.~ hom e of Mr and Mrs. lAIe Haw F red 's Lebanon Rig tote Speciltl! ke. ! " Rnch Inres t h" ,I I' Its sUll ny • .Iudea th is week: Men 's win . ter weig Ench A/Jot! Iide hnt h Its ,,1.1>. i Mun si ng Un ion uiL. . $2 50; Medht Mrs . Eva . K. Jone s ente ed "hll l n f n millq lcll wnnr Is nmde · ium weig ht , II 65; H eA VY sani mos t plea sant ly on Tue sday ,rtain tary · Li fe'. f raU nnll cu. I"". weh." ber 14, Mrs. · H. W. Beedle, of Octo f\cec<!-Iin eu ~ hlrt " and dr awe rs, 9Bc; Swe ater Coat s: $l 9/l, Hny s' Scho ton, Mr. and MrB. S. L, Car twriDay · Card or 'OtU lb ght. ol Sui ts. We wlln t to than k all our fri ends Sui tR. $9 95; Hi j:! h -~ r H ,J a ll· woo l $12 " Mrs 45 . Ann ie Th<)rpe to S1 8 75; Unio n Sui ts. No hun ting , trap ping or t who wer e 80 kind to U8 rluri rtain ed as· dinn er, Sun day , lit herente our S1 00; Swt:! lIter 'nata , $1 49; sing on t he follo wing prem isesresp hom e on late affii clion: for t heir floweng : rs and Gloves. 75c; Win ter lipS. 98c.::lcho ol Leb anon pike , Mrs . Agn es Wrf ght nuto moblles, and oth'e r kind acts Ben Pur ks , on Eli Dean farm Am(lr iclIII Boy Mllgllzine. Rix monT he and dau ghte r, Miss Susa n, and ths W, C. Phillips and ':Ion , Roy Vlln Mrs . Tres s farm F't ee, with a $5 .00 purchase . a Esth er Stou t. . The Gor such farm s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Mr. and Mrs. I~ . T. Cou rtne y bad __ __ _,__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __""'! '-: Cou as tbei ~ Sun day rtner y,gue ofsts, Wil liam stow; n. Mr. Ky., Will Mr. and Mrs . Will Stro ud, Mr and B. T. Vice and Mrs. Ida Stok es. Mrs.
. o·"c.... 7e
-- -_.- ...-- -
~~tin~~u i~~nO~ih~:c~~rf~~~i:~'~h r~
Hon. Wm. Jennings Bryan
Am er ic a'. MOlt Famous Or at or
Will Be Warren 'County's Guest
Clothes Don't Make the .Man 'But They HELP
Mrs Jas. E . McC lure ente rtain ed the "Clo ver Lea f" club at ber hom e, Satu rday afte rnoo n . cozy abo ve nam e waa ado pted as The the nam e of the club whl cb was lorm called tbe Emb roid ery club . A erly good time was had by all pres ent.
E ver y ma n likes to have n pro spe rou s
loo k.
Why sho uld n t he? :1
Clothes help a lot you'll adm it- but , the y mu st be tile rIg ht kind.
Are gua ran tee d to keep the ir sha pe and giye sati sfa cto ry wear . und er mo st unusu al conditions. Are n't the se the kin d of clothe s you wa nt to wear?
The latg est
line of Men 's Wum oo'a and Chi ldre n's Union Sui ts 01' sepa rate ~a1"mentll eve~ show n, Irl cottOR, fleece· lined .o r. all . wool. I" 'lnlo n Sult l, $1.7 5 to $5,0 0 ·811lrtl 'a nd Dra wer s: "
. ', , " , : Sl,25 10 $1.50 .~;.'
Boys' all· wool ~ults, wai st 8eam and belt , all-a roun d models. . Pan ts .are full lined . P rices trolT'
$8.75. $12.50
.,' -~---' ~----,~
NO W '· A big' varh lty of Lino leum and GonRQleum RUgi at spec ial pric es, In sizes from toom lize .to 8tove'siz e.
you r time to buy Blankets and Com f r)l'ts , in cott on ' or .wool nap, from
$3.98 up If! $7,50
"'en 's. Wo men '. and Chil dren's Shoes
......-- -
~holesale ~rices
" ,.. ·i
You r Out ing Flan nel l1Ow, ' and Rave money: We have it in all colo rs, ligh t or dark , from 25c and up.
In a communicatlo1l\ rece ived from T, I. Way , of Cinc inna ti. he .ya : "My wlfe and I will leav e OD the for New Orle an., whe re we will18th tend the arin ual 1_l un ot the at. Na· tlon al Den tal AIlilcIaUOD, wbl ch con..en.. In that cit)' Oct obe r 00Fro m New Or l_ w. will IG up25. to . .Twl la,O kla,. wha re wo wi,l vIal t with lile r Fan n1, IDd tamlly, We lookl... forw ard to oar vIal t are with plea aure ," , Dr ~
WaYl)elville, Ohio -'
Sun day . OctobEir 19th , all the chil dren , gran dch ildre n and Irrea t g rand chil dren of Mr, W: W. g ll thl:r ed at hi. cO!1ntry hom e onAlier thie day to cele brat e his 86th birt hda y. 'rhey wer e T. F. Ake r and ily includin g two boys who wer efam ove r· ~eas and wer e at thla fron t. the othe r serv ed in the Nav y: Cha rles Ake r and fam ily, of For t McKinley ; Fran k Ake r and wife , Che lsa, Ohio and fam ily, Winfield Ake r and Ake r all of Day t"n; How ard Ake rwife , wife , of New Pari s. Ohio. To and they had a fine ti lT' " , I, putt ing..y it very mild ly. Plan o " lI.ilP'Bphopho mus ic and alnltinll titled the honne ra very enjo yab ly. Mr'. ~ker, In spit e of hil year a, acte d lik'e a boy, can mak e IIi, old vlol in-o ver and 150 year s old- talk till it m ~ l<ea you feel like dan cing. The dl '~ iler-wel l, wor ds fail to do juat leet o ·llat fam ily broU ght basl(el . I ull . ofEach mos t ever ythi nll 0111 tHe mar al· ket. When all wer e read y to go to th,l r hom es, the wi~es or all for man retu rns of the day to the Colo y .aid , and each wen t awa y feel inlrnel was good to hav e bee llth ere. -B.O it B.
- -- _
In kid or gun ·me tal,o blac k or tan, at lowilr than to· .day 's
STensoN itA TS
Sev eral you ng folk s wen t to the hom e of Mr. and Mrs . A. H. hart , Frid ay nigh t , and bell ed Earn · Iluesttl, Mr. and Mrs . Ear l Park thei r a, Smi thfie ld, Ohio, who wer e here thei,r we:ld ing trip . The even .on lnll wa~ Rpen t slnlClng, talk ing and eat· ing pop ·cor n and app les .
And speak at franklin, Wednesday, October 29,at 4P.ffl. ~ubject:
For 45 Minut es "W or k Ac. complished an d Ta lk Be fore Us"
Dr. Ho wa rd H. Ru sseJl, founder of the An t i~Saloo n League, will Mr. Bry an and speak. Wa rren Cou nty 's partici pat ion 'will be to unite in nccomi)an y wit h the g~eat connection '
~r, Bry an, will spe ak at Middletow n at 2 p. m. ,and at Ha milton at'. Bu tler cou nty aut ois ts will join the 8 o'clock : ' Warren'
C,ount y c0nt ingcnt f.rom Middletow Fra nkl in. and Montgomery County n to R\lt oist s will com e in [rom the no~ th. Ha mil ton aut ois ts will me et and escort Mr. oth er poi nts will swing in from the Bryan into Ha mil ton. Cincimiati, Oxford and to mo tor different rou tes to. Middle sou th. Warren County aut ois ts are requested town. Ever) bop-y interes ted is inv line and ma ke it a poi nt to ,go. . ited to get in . , ', Dec ora te you r aut os and hav.e you . r .ban ner:; rea d an~ ' voi ces proclai m the slogan:
Vo te NO on the Sh ort 'rW ke t. Vo te YE S 'on the Lo ng Tic ke t · Vo te Tw ice on Ea ch . .
. I
"i?:~S:E.::~! o. .l_a.... ~,..=. .:. .~_:_~ . . .N. .,E_~. . . .,d_B".". ,. .
I ' Sample .BaIl_ob Marked For ..,. .. Vote Against thE I Owin", , fi large rmOl l llt of. 1olroh. " P III!
.. d F ' Four Propoaa18 Petih<:>ne or ' by Oh10 Wets.
'1(TH .... TWO PfilOPOaAL8 ON ! IRAT&' BALLOT,)
ad " ertising this week, ,v nrc ton~.' with n 111: IN, r till It I)',-de tin!! f recd to omit tbe fir ·l.il1stal - i lll'nl{" ~If'\'cn gt'Rln!l.'lf ",lit IlL (he hlfll.d.. f . . . . Thl ' ~hl' 1111 ~8 wllh lho holl Y nnd ment 0 the serial , \Vhlle puts 'h,' d olie In Ole orrlng hIl 8I)1lOd'. Man" It ·will be fin whet1 it to"d. comes, so watch fo r it.
Notice of Appointment
Senate Joint Rs.olutlon No.4 Adopfed and the Crabbe Act ~ Ho se Bill No. 24 ) Passed by the 83d General Aueml1ly . 01 Ohio, Ordered Relerred to the Eleclors of the State. RerercQ(l lIm
( By
pe lltlon.) SJ1JXAT~: J REl8()I~ T IO!\'
1:-11' :-10. 4, ADOPTI!lD JA:\'1l. ARY ; , lDl~ , .AND
1:::f llJlIlllillli,!i:/ FILED
SFX;RETAIlV ATATE JA:-IU ABT ~~. 1~19. RATIFY· t~o THE NATION. • A L PT O IlIBlTION 1~: IWoWW~::...c A .\1 ~;~n.' l ~XT TO Till'; ('0:\' 8 TITI '·
1' 10:\ l '.\'r1'l~n
OF A~I E ltle A , PRC). PO. mo DY Ttl Ii:
65TH l'O.\' GRESS .
Th e said ame ud. ment ratlfled by thfl
15:h""""I--I R:J l'd General Assem. hl~' Of. vlde~:
I ' .,1
Ohio pro. " Art er Olle yea r from the fiMtloll or th l ~ &rtl· e l the mnllllrl\ctllre , ~ Dl e . or IflUlArona· tlOll of In toxlC6t1 llQllOn within. Iml'orlatlon
'" "hl n an" '~lJlI ~ct~ th.. d ri p'1'111'1' "Ill' rl1h~ th .. Up of her
li:s.a ... 01 " Nolle", I.
11t'1l. l:l lu r )' flQ, \C 11t!IOU
dllli llt.uftt'r\: ,,'Ilh llltt will t\u ll w,.d fit
Cllook d Itnlo. old r ose MWl'lnter. '('nken fr oUl tho huggy. Retorn t o u wuer /tOO re elva rBwllrd . Mllbe~ 'K li~b ur y, ~8YI.l(>8vl ll e, <.'b IO. 0:l2 "01) A .Blaok oo .. uOII ~
~ ' lIrlU frOUl 130 ~()
v tJysbur~ llbrl[)
Dorothy, of Middletown, were 01\ 11 Phil H(ock .... , ...... November 6 10K on Mr8 W . T. J ordnn, t:!llturday Howard Leaming .. ... r-lovel1lber 4
Graduate of Obio SIal.
after ooon . MI'. Aorl !d rc'!. Gll lJ . D~vI8. Mr. and .. ,~ .. re. ""Ienn Dl\vis ond 80nK . Robert and Roger, Mr . 8ntl Mre. E . C. MBo. non IIo nd d B nghler~ . Ruth an d Ulenna and Mr. Jllmee 'laAver wllre Sunday trues ts or Mrll. Id a MAnoon anel MIIIII. Elhel Mannon , or Tlppeollnoe C ity . Mr. and Mrs. J. M. 8elghwll:,/, "ere viaUlng wHh tbo laU er'lI brother, Mr. Thos Jamos, !lunday. Mre. Len, flBrll!ock, Mise d el e n Bans ok lind Mra. B e rd~ .10rdlln spent, Wednesl\ay afternoon with Mrs . Viola Hartpook .
, Pl!itlt :JO, wlt.h MANbuggy. to 8e11
Telephone 93
B .. ving d issolved partnership, we wlJl offe r a t Publlo 1:)I,le .. t our reel.
Ih ~ .. e~M... . - . I:!!~ 1
denoe, kn own in Cor win, on
h o r ~a
Ilo rl
the .l ohn Zell
! lIrlO,
Wednesday, October 29, 1919
ijhl:'op. on ne oVtlr Ii y rs. 15 old. 1 Brood dD6 to !:lU\V,
row 80un . I llqulru uf WlIl. UOOI . mluK_, it . D . 3. W ..y nCl!vllle. 1) 5 lt lJf Uoolne '!'ires /ln o $500 t:itoo 'l'ubep. Will 11 at 10)16
fol\owinl:( pro per t v : 7 l 'uUle, lle·, Obio.
:1(\ l:Iogit. Iru plomtmt.8, eto. Hlle blll~ : e. 1'. E .1.1t! & J OH N ZEr~L .
8 ..
Phllllr ~.
~ e8r 8.
A not .
J~yt l B,
Thursday, October JO, 1919
pol""d-Ch ll\ 1\ PIJ.!M,w,· ll;h .. I)I,u t
15 1:I0 Ib!>. W U . Un",llu . AY - A lut I)f '1'1111111 IwillHaving u aolded to fjnlt rllrolll ng, 1 H I nqui re of .' "bn R.nhflr .• otftU At PubJlo t:!lI le illY res l. Iw
Ii .\· H"y . n n . H.l .
Wa ynesvill e. Ohio
:l .
full. bl ooded Plym outh Rock A few R ooa tl:'rs rllr ie, gOlld ,lUes. HH
h lq n lre of Milton Key", 8eg lnlllln8 I\t. 10: 00 ololt>o k, th o fol- ville, Oh IO. l o wlnl~ propert·y: :I Bor~e8," B088,
1mplamentll, BarneM om\ ~'ee d See bills for fnr t he r Informal.ion . EVERETT EARLY. R . C. iEllllneR, ADot. .
1 tun going to 11UU ~b(\ ttBd !:J og A sbUSlDellB, l wlll l:fll ll m .Y horl\ b oo r Uol G, No. 5r.OOI) Vol 4\ A. M
1\ ~tmnlne
Pre mier U" I hog. aud h e Q(lrr 1es tho bloncl lines th'" r an ,brou g b I he ve ins of I,he roll h og I n (lrde r to dissolve partnersh ip. ("wil y . K E. 'fbomp!lol1, Oregoulll, we will BeU at Puhllc 'Auotlon OD the O hio. I:'ho nll I ll-l X', t:lllrvey~b\lr!l . II Ii tBrm k nown AS tbe RobertI! farm. 1 mile loulll of Corwin. 0010 , on Ig TY I)e Pohlnd.Chlno.s, IrnmuD sd . Saturday. November I, 11'19, F or lIale DOW, ~prl.JJg B oa r !l R orl Bt!glnnlng at 12: 00 o'olook sharp, Gelts. Have slz6 (lod qo"IIt.V. Perry the followIng property : 1 Borse , SlIoll e U, 1 mile s o uth of (jell hrunk o~!) IS CO>I·tle, 28 Hogs, Impiements, on Wo y o fl8 vllle road. Household Goode, eto. :iee billa Fresh Jersey ' Cow . Inqnlrtl. of LOoN BECKETT & U. S. MOORE Robart Stroud. on the Itfltll ili ok W. J)I. Sear8. Auot. farm, R . 0 4, Wli.ynesvll1t'1. o~2' 80ws with 32 PI~II by Rid e. In. qalre or E. 8. Bally, WaYlIlls vllld, Having decided q lit tarmlnlf. I 022 will offer Ilt t'nbJlo Sale on the AmnII Ohio. Van Doren p\"oe, 1 mile Routhw est UUS-Rt:\g lstererl Dur'lo Jersey of hfarveysbnrg. on Boge Loouat Grove F .. rm, A. 8. Da,. & Sao!!, R. D. 2. C lllrki-lvllle, Tu~ay, November 4, 1919, is
the Tot... Idoftlli at tlae lironmber ellie. lion. ThIa J'Mr the "et, Initiated two propoMd • •n4uJente, . one tor the r,pMl 01. '''tlwtde problbltlon an4 da. , ~th.r 'for 4IlInlng Intolllcating UQ_. Thl "4e whIch InlUates 11. Pl'OpOMd amell4mMlt III like the at. tlrII!taHye .141 to • 4,"'te. ft alllrllll, ,~ ... e()IIGalUOll HUeI.
~lI~ . LE~.
Phone, Write or See me tor
Satisfaction Guaranteed
OHIO I' - ~ '
Big Public Sale We will sell at Public Auction at our barn in Corwin, Ohio, on
Beginning at 10 o'clock, the following property:
Consisting of At
two year olds, Yearlings and CalveN.
HEAD-OF HOGS All Spring Pigs, and good teeders. .
Both good workers,
In case of bad weather sale will be held under cover.
Dot ,.ote 'NO' 011 &II of them '"
.I . W.
(Jommenolng a& 12 : 00 o'olook sharp, Nloe Poland Uhlna !:la w!!. will tbe following prollerty: 3 tionel, farrow t hle month , heBlthy "net :.I COWI!1, 3 Brood MOWS, Feed, implements, Baroese, Bousehold (iooos. all 0 K. Bad good IItter8 t.he first IIUer [nqulre' of J oh n Beaob, R. See bliliH for 'erms, etc. • O. 2, Wnvne8'1'lIIe, Ohio . 022 UOWAIW LEAMINO. Mills & t!trmley. Anots. bout 111 bU8hels of extra fine Seed Rye Inquire or gld Ellis, 022 1 willi .. ffer lit I'obllo Sale, on wh-at Wl1ynellvllle, Uhlo. WIlS f Cl rrn oriv kno wn ilK tbe W. P. Boy fU IIIl. 2y' mlles WBRt of Way. n e~vIIlA , 0 11 I\JtI UpPllr ~VIIYD !!VIlle
"Whr do d171 ,.ot. "YES" 00 two of tJae wei propoNJ. and 'NO' on the other two' If all four proposals were petltlonlCl fol' for br tlll; ",tl, wbY
John H. Wright
Funeral Dirt'Ctor and Embalmer,
lature. and tho.. "lao .. ote " NO" vote lellelllture. The two Wit . referendum proposal s III CD 8UltaJlIlnS tbe Inlltature ID raUf,ln« lbe aatioul problbltlon am8lldmeDt, and I. "ualDI the Orabbe til"" enforce mint bill. Tllole wbo be· lien tbe leg'slature dll1 rllbt In raUtying tb& dry Imanllment. and also III eno.ctlnll.' a law ~or the Inforcement Itate';'lde prohibition. will "ote "YIllS" on theM two proposals, "blob will b. on a ballot by lhem ..1T811. A. propOw II, Inltlallve ~tlt\on Is one In "lalotl certaIn .. oten 118111 ... to InJUate • De" propOllUua. eUl!b a. an am8llilmenl ~ t.IIe Illate QoDltltutlon. ,~et ,.ar, far 1n1ltaD~. tie drYI In. .ltJatlCl • ~d .-uedINDt for
Nl)tar, Work
Bel( IIIniDI,\' " I. 12 : 00 u'olol'K ..harp, oft· list PrlOI' .
IIllIllI.1 IUl!talnllll the
· O
Honest John
Becanee two were proposed by tile w.l. Ulroulh referendum peUtlODS and two by InIUatl ..e petltlonl. Inlt\&' U..e ad refufllldUUl 40 not mean the MIlle thins. If the lallilature enactl .It. law, volere ,,110 object to tb. law eaa, UIll8l1 tJaue II an emefl,ncr claulle attaeba4, IIle a petltloa " .Ithln 'a c.rt&ln Dumber 01 4aYI, cOIItaJnlna the 1ltUD8I 01 8 JIll' celt 01 Oae Dumbar ot ..oten ..ot\ng at tbe lall gen. erat· elloUolI, .lldDIr that lb. votel'll pa.. on the acUon ot the lelJ\llature. Thli ,.otA mUll be taken at the Dut «neral election. The questioo al IIIcb .n election II whetlaer the legl .. latllra ,hall be l!ultalnf4. Tbo.. "ho vote "yms" yotl to lUlta.1n tbe lillie-
Ol~ .
hn~'on and HlIorveYAbura pike, IX Waynesville. Ohio. FOR SALE-PROPEllTY miles t rom HlI.rveyaburl plkti, on TlIIcway, October 18, 1919 ~ 1I000Dut of leavlnl( I.owo, I will offe r m:v pruperty ou the ~'runk. Either Auto or Horse drawn service. Beginnin g at 12: 00 o'olock 8hllrp, No e){tra charge f o r auto service. ! the followin g property : :! HorseR, lin R.J"d f o r Hill tJ . AI!'!o h .. vB " 101. 3 Cattl,e, :it H OAtI, 17 tlbeop, lwplo. of l:I ouilflhold U oot1s to dispose of lit 30th phones in Office and Residen('e No. 14 prlvlltH B~ l e E\I'l.ll beth 8 u ook n o m entlf , Hllrn ess, eta. tlee 'bllls VilAS. GORDON. Mille, 'tanley <'\I Gray, Auota }o'ORSALE
" nil
I·'oll rth Street. ~ar 'l'yl(·r
S~o"k UO lldlll on
P'J wtl e r 10 W .. rr on Co . Ha !t.ry . ,110 8Bvlug devid. a to quit '"rmlnK, 1 lJl'f ffi llll t.h . Address ·124 b Morldl,u w ill oll'er nt Publlo S .. lo un t b e Mil. 02\J ton I:Indley plaoe . v n the Nllw Bur. 1;1., 1odlun .. p oliH. I l)ll
dtlnoe. ~ or .llmile BO\l~h on ~he 'l'ownship. Road, o u
Two 'o f Th.m Otll... Two.
Notary Public
I1 lvt'r~ '
O F Vt CE:
- - --_._ - - --- -- -
~u(), 1
E. v . . BARNI1ART.
D u. H.E..
Into. ar til e tll p, re ot from the t'nltt'd Sial OR. 111111 1111 lerrlto r y Rll h· JOel to Ih l' JlI;I Hc1tc. tlon the'·eot. tor h I'era l'e l, urpoR.ft. 18 prall IhI (('d ...
alld ·V....
, .1,'
F. A. B"rt~o o~ AJIIlut II\H& week 111 ..• DENTIST .•• J'"leUn, 8tumrllng n Ulf(lt\ n g or Ihe FOR RE.NT-FARM M/lJIolllo limon Lodg . 10 BATHA W A 1 I'f."nn,taloe H,,,,, , rufh. , Mr. I\od Mr ll. J ohn Sh erw Qod I\lId Cha .. Gordon . ... . . .. . , October 28 b"by dflo g hter w t' ro "uocl"y 'gue8~~ c. P. Ellis .. ·... ... .. .. Odober 29 ~~~~~~;'!~II~~I~~\ ;f~H .r~li~l~~I~~ , V'I r ~ eA ~\11 e '8 Leadlnll DenU., -- - . - ._of Mr. and " r B Al,lU Bllrl~uok . Everc!.t Early . .. . .••. . ,October 30 1110 tllis 0 11100 ,, 2:J Mr!! . Uora TboOlP~O Il, Mra. Catbomoo In I:Jotlno!O RldA:. MlIln At Read Ga,zelte's Classified Ads rloa J ordan , MI HR Haoo 8b Jord an Beckeltt & Moore ...... November I SALESMEN WANTED /lod Mr8. Franohl aod dAUgh ter,
I Ion
WhrDr1t Vete "No"
Dr. J. A. McCoy, I ~-~~~~~
200 lIor s;
1Il . 4.x .
1\ 11 kln" ~ of.
01' h . Gra in or "took ren e ; be~t 9' bllnklnl( refer 00£1, Chll ~ Brew· ~re r &, o n, OraIlOn l" , Obl o.i. Hlir.
Public 'Sales
. JlIdf~~~~'''c:,~~~:~~is:r. S H HI II"n I\: _ Umwu. _ ttVIIi. ft~n 1 · · _ __
11 )
re lativea.
ers tIepal ·Saws re d
Ult It" ... ,., o f J I)t'4l IJh ',", UnItH""" 1 M.~u ur War ro n (Jonnly , Uhh. , \J1II"lUuwtl . • I I)&tnd Iohl8 !tnt clay uf ()clOhtJr , J !J 19. \It on Ii\ tlru\\ 11.
•• ~ .~ •• • .1
J Udie '
Mr. W .. He r Tibbnls "nel ohl1t1rr I) , Ve rll .tn.l William , aro spe nd inG !'! overa l d",.~ In D.. y on, vhltio g
I:• • aw01 J"""I,h W! Jtaln ... t.lec.....'fl. \otlco III herohy tchun that ~UHLUl E . 1I ,,",~'. 11 .., h~.11 rlu l)' "llpr·h,fO<\ autl qUlln" .. 1
M r~. &tar I h/l n",,~ II U"ll d l<.1 lIitti :;t:O;;l\~~rr~" ~rllte \'V. C T . U . O' lIvt'nll l n 111 1 Il a.olll q,I.lnh 0 Iomho ~. 11I8tweeK
IClocks,'Lawn Mow ..
Notice of Appointm(>nt .
L ..........
nil IItl IllUIU JOI will rum KClrale taU .1141 ksI prtas.
.. ntl
l:ilorlll~b J rl)
Beglllllln g nt 10 : 00 o'o!ook. the f o l· lowing prnpony: 3 BOrHe~, IU1ple ments. 8arnosM, Housebold Good~ . 8M bills fo r p"rtiouhrM Pl:tll.. HOnK.
Week of October 20th to Octobel' 26th Inclusive.
Whenever a cream producer sells his qream for less than 'I'ri-State prices, it helps the other ' fellow to set a lower standard of prices. No patron ever IO!'ot a penny dealing DIRECT with the Tri·State . Ask any cne of our 35,000 patr.o ns wha~ they think about us. Ship in your cans if you have the.m or write for Free Trial Cans,
The Tri-State·B:utterCo. Ca.h Oaplt.1 t260,OiOO.oo
W. N. Sears, Auet.
J.O. CartwriJht.Clerk
Thursday, November fl, 1919,
We Pay the Freight and per pound for butter fat
PHw, fl n
The Waynesville Canning Co.
.If you have read the new act, passed by the General Assem-
bly of the .State of Ohio, which reads, in part, fonows: . Section 5564. Tor the purpose of enabling the county audil'or to determine the value and location of buildings and other improvements, who shall erect ,or construct a ny huilding or o~he r improvement costing over $200, . . 5hJ.II within sixty days after said building or other im· provement shall have commenced, notify the auditor of the coullty Upon failure to give notice as herein provide,l and tlte discovery of such or it:Qprov ment by the county auditor after the same hl1S been erecl ed or constructed, the said bttilding or improveme.nt shall 'be appraised by the county allditor at its trlle valtte ' in ' mon ey, and placed upon the duplicate together with a tax perinltyof fifty per cent for each of the yearS from 'he date .:. of the erection or cons.t ruction to the date of discovery. Said county auditor tpay enter, by himself, or deputy, within reasonab1e hours, and fully . examine all buildings ~d strttctures of every kind . , . ;
Notice-Consult Madden. who 'will save yOU.(l lot QO your lumber bill, therefore will save you a lot on your tax duplicate. It pays to trade 'at home. . :.
. w. B.·.Madden
& .CO.,
W a·y oe,ville. ·
GRADbATE AND LICENSED YETERINARI'AN' ' Harveysburg. Ohio Phone 34-1 L.n
Revene Phonl Cbarpa
. ,
__ ...T H E MIAM t J~Ll1lW r~
~============~"~====~ NEW ISSUE
TAX ,,".11 IN OHIO
. Mr. 00 Bltrlnn, ot lJavton wa ll & Muil N or. Ellil .D&e~$alned 1\ Mr . aod Mr . W. 1;: Dogno onter. WH!:N AS AND IF ISSUED ~nnu n y go rllt of Mr . E. M. L'okonll. (rleDd at .Inner SUDda,. talned $11" following l{lleNtR to dltt. ] D . t. CF Al\ E , Fd ito r ' and l 'uulhhr _ WUYIlNVillc, Unrry Humph rey ,of Mlul)lol owo M.r. aud ·MrI . Warreo Laoy eo ter. o er , Sundt,y: .Iohn Wilson BUn . ~p nt Buo,1oy hllce, Ihe g il 8 or t Inl'd at an elellaut dlaner !:iuuda, ramlly. Mr. and h1[ ~ R . L . H,IRBU Su bscr iotion Price, $ 1.50 per yeur frltmda 'the tollowlu8 : M.r. Obarle, Lao", \nd daURhtBr "oel Mr. Bod Mr~. , ti Vour:j Hood Jullo lhr ltltt " Dd I.dy' fri end or Day'oo a nd Mr . Weld on Wildon . -================~======~========- of UbRrI' nflllr WU)'lIosvlll , weI e U11 II1Dg n d Mrl. B'rank Ooot. MT. Bntl Mr.!.! . ':llIrf} .Id l'o\ersoD WEDN ESDA Y, OCrOBE;R 22, 1919 00 frlelirl a here, Suodl\y. Mr. 'rank Dntln and family h ad wo re Xeula sbollilers, 'I ul'sday. A n u mber of ladles froUl thlll Mre .'olln Van,lervoort "" " S f1 118 guel'lI on BU'tlda, Mr and M're, 8uod .. y K u "~t of her. brother, Qnl ncy Bere uarlaU .1I,Dd 80 0 .Edmond of o elghborhood a l teodod 1\ snrprl a I 41'r0I1, OhIo Thc,' 18 ",oro cntnrr h In lhla 8&e1l0n . Klu8. Mt. Bolly, for E!ltl~erShjllllhIlUFlh ( tll' r-I ,1 .tn.btl ) I o r ,I", co ulltr y Llran u ll other d l~eA8e~ Mr. J<'r""k H" n >l I d fn tI Mr . Elmer Keev er o f IUdlevll le at Iho Ilome of Lmr \lnl I. , ./ . M. PUL l<lgc th I' . Rnd fvr ~' car8 IL WRS MUp. . ' ' . 11' m y reo " Bi ll She w ' H l )r 'iI t ~ I 111 1.,)" (. " ,' I," In t~nohl. Do LO" S nrc· tu r n",1 h " 01 " 'I'll HII ~y ovelllDtc,froDl o.od Mr J e"8 Mowe r ware villting . . . I l ,m · ( \II I II 71 " CumuJ alh e Preferred Stock. "" "l b" 1i 10"n l .. ", hil ,' ''. 0",1 by con· tbtlft· \' I~ lt ill l lli l\l\1 8 reporting to Mr . II Dd Mrs. Oeonr Mo wer Ilts t Suo. he8utlful library luhlp 110(\ If'lIttler . • . dny oushluned r oklllll: chu lr . stullIl )" ' 0 cU " e wllh loca l trelll' 'HLlo,1 limo A II Ulo d .. ughter a rri ved 0.\ HI" PH'nl. " r""o "n (; o ~ IL Incumble. Cu• ,Tile Compnny cond ,, ~· t s a large staple b usiness in the M r ll C. l' l' or I ~ onj "yl ug 11 borne of Mr. "u ·· Mr u. " I" ude Lewl. ,,,,.,.11 I. u 10cII I. 'uls " Be. g.-cuLly Intlu· \ A '!u. ,r., to l ucrPti se tho · 'lnrll l!. A num ber of f armer a are DOWd e. wlto k nlc el is t rihlll ion uf £ooel [1\Oducts in th e rapid ly growing w u ~ v u o: n '·~ ,1 ill' cO ll ti LitutlulIl.l 1 condltto n ~ . nnd f • II I h ' b wetlk '8 vlsl l fr U\ hili' ' 111·11l r "nti ll'rldl\Y, Ootobe r lOt.h. . t h~"HOI '" r '<lUIt'''8 CllnSLllut\onal lrcul. "' AI , I " III Atlu lt ll1b le C h\~~ a~ the vel nil ' elr t o aooo orops. J\ k rtl n .t is lricl. mothe r . Mr. nu(l M.s Il,olinrd J oues R ev. '1'. W Miller Wr.8 'b e guo~ t ".'. ".l. lI lllI '~ !?,tan;h Medlclno. !'.lIln. I ~1.I'; 1;1'.','l' h I .. iu progre~~,llod Ihe M. , &dwl~rd Cook visited hIs par. ot Xenia. 6 V la8' week uf Mr. And Mra Allon "'mrl ' o" Wad. '1 1 I'u \\1·rl o<l I'll . J . (,; 1 heney & Co .. 101c1 ont l'jlll< I ~ pnol)llrU"llI" o atil h ere one d u u "'... .' o. v, u. 10 U ,, " . 1 luLiollll1 r ,"ody t. .. .. . . ., . et quick rlsse t s agg rega t e m ore than 11\() % and net tangible klrl'. Eu~bemlll W II .. "l1 II n<l dnot\I' neHdu.y . ' ~ k ~ 1I III lCl'nlllly Ilnd o.cls .thrn til" . 8 1lrol<l (11 11 11 111 Rod MIH9 l dlm b Mr and Mrs. LudwlJl Keonlg of asscl~ l >i.i ',. of l he oll l s Laoding I'referred St ock . te r, Mrs . J OII DiNbro, bll VB h eLI f n uln ad on lhe Mu cou . SurfAces or tho WOT Il 11 I ' ll I I'j I I l L' • II I d ' d' MI8s Rhe.\ BIIlOY Is makloK IU1 ex, f; YHlem . One Hund" N l Dol ll1rs rewllrd " ' rr u n 00 o DIlL Hat" ran lt 0 , were enter'u. ne l::Iuo ay wndo" Vl81t w ith b er sister , Mr fl. 1M orrere(l for !loy c"oe lhlll Hu.II· " Ca- Wedne~ d ny, bllll on TU 6~dIiY, Bar. by Mr. and Mre . Cbarle8 Bra ddook the slok list for t' 1)11H Wlle\(. N·t carn in).!~ [nr the three years a nd eigh t months end ed Mr IUld Mr ll . l:I orlloo t..:n lllp f," O 111\(1 Will Null nellr ~prlngbor o. IIH1' " Al dle lne tull s 10 cure. Send f o r o ld '~ pllrllut~ w olcomed thei r ch ild· Bnd eOD August :\1 st , nllO, after deciu (.' ling for Federal Taxes, ave raged and Mrs. Evoo U0l!'e ln r p. t, urll ~d Mr. _ \Y or" on 'be Ly ~le Ohurub b~lIe. i).'·'JI~lt';~r:Il~~yt l.lIC'~~ I~:,aicdO, Ohio. r .'I b orn e. Mr und Mrs. Hl lI nm Mr. Alloe CbE,ooweth entortaloed i'a, O(II'. :n. wh ile fo r Ihe ciJ::ht Ill ,nths ended August 31st, 19111, . 1311111, b)'_, Druggl~ I 9 750. . . Will Ii va on th ,'lf fnrlll nenr hore Elder Buoklee or lodlloo, Mrs. AID. Friday. from" tlAlltdllfol vis t with Ihe earn inKs were at t he nllnu, I fIlte of $ !l,034 .00. The a nnual Inent wal again 8tartod Silturdry : 111111 " I ,wllly ] Ill s tor constlpntlon. Wa wlllcol1le thmll inter our mluR' da m 8 l\b , Mr . 'o d " J eny re ll1tivBIl ot:llr IIIdi l1L1lLpu if " 'LIld L". . . , • ab ... re , divi rlcnd rClluircnt cnt · beloJ:: :j::\.';,ll(lO .OO. Q\I I\e anum b er from bere IIlten Mr Kod .!rA Wm. DIXOD Bud SOD . Roland , Mr~ . Mary Hawell I1t h er fay e ~ te.\. MI RS li:thel 'urry Ie Mpooulng- t bis d f d ~b6 fUDeral of Mrs. W. (;, Pbll. LlI.wrollUO, of ,nOBr \V ilrnlngton, we re pleullliot bome 1'18t Sunday. Balance sh eet lind fu r tbe r inforination 00 app licat ion . week u.t· tb e home nl he r p"rI'lllt B. lips aa Way nesvlllo TbursdllY jn 1.1I1l< vioin lty, 8 u ndav Bolldlngll are, rtpldl1 Koln K n p Wilmi ngto n , nnd 18 Ilttlludin g neur Born-To Mr. and ~1n Cbu.lles Mi ss Penrl Cli ne, of DKyton, w"s here aOll herOf ~1 tbe begionln g of Price : $100 and accl'ueddividend per s h a r e lildwllrds Wednesday, Oolober It;'I1, ~, j,;u" dlt\' !!\IBst of her lIlother, Mrl!. wlo t er B II palli" . oonOerned 8lt:peO& ' he Fil II Feet.! vn I. Ii daugMer. _ Emma 'lin o. Mr. II nc'! Mr ll . ,Jllk6 8elbol l liod Yield : Net ' \ 0 be settled . t wo ohll d r en, of MlddlsloWll, vl~ited II'I'8Dt Rogers .Dd Stove BurneU Dr. 8h eppard, of Dayton, h a~ U u r ronds are full of Iluto Di obil~8 Carplnt e .. and palDte~1I are very Mr. fl.nd Mrs. Rfllelgh 8 0Klln , Moo. T.Dade a bDsln8sR t rIp '0 Clnolnnati ron 'ed property propa1'l1tor y to t llk. g oing to nud fr om OIlDlol Uude r . ·rhunda,. Ing up hl~ praotice her e. wood 's upp! a orohnrd, wherf- t hey ballJ' ·. nd uoder tbelr ex perienced day n Ight 1L 0d Tues(ltay of last weok. qultll ao Improvemen\ will Mr8. Mlug,Het Bnnnolla nd r ~llli l y Mil. Chloo Sides entertaine d \ 0 Mrs. J oseph ine BIt,l r ",od Bon, arB " "I ng w~lted ou w\t,h ]lrompt . hbeandl Ca nton. OhIo added to tbe a ppeann08 of our of U&yton . !lIen t E!lI t nr!lIlY no(1 8 0n. Hun.,ay \lInDOI', MI'II . MelvIna S'uoy , <.Jhar le ~ , li t e visltl og Mr~. Blltlr 's ue~M oo mmunlty . d.y wiLh Cha u noey BUD DOII's Mr. and Mr• . A . O. WlIlIllme of D.y. dau gb te r. Mrs . B. W. Welob, of .Alfr(ld Ertwn r d~ "peo t T noal ay In SA~' J..: . PIN e, District Man nie r M••. Caroline Chenoweth 11&1 I .. I.on, Mr . aud Mre Albert ~'aoy and Cb iOIlgo. Xellin witb nl'e!oai ntllDcBs. Mr . anu Mr8. WllI P ine, or b'erry . 11 2:, It 'ib,,"1 Old !; ., I'bollc5-T~ell 198(1, Slllte 41 (11 Day ton _ CJhi n daughter llh,o . Rev. Mrs. Wrig ht spent 1\ pBr t ,I" m eM Fnllen, COll n t.v {;our t balllif her gueet ber ,11&er ,Abllal, of Iod. u.nd Mias Carri e Mills , of W"ynes: ville, olLlled 'II O . T, Hu r tt or nod of Loblt"o n. wnR In our town on Iuoa. Mra , ':'ydla Plue, MI88 Belen Pin e, lut week lit W \lII Il'fls burg. litre. Alioe Gltbena lIod Mr • . Mary . ~u nd"y. Mr. and .Mrs, Osollr Mowrar wo rf' ftlmtt1 1:!11tlrl"y ·~fte r no OD 'l 'he l::Ien lor ()I u,,~ Rnd fnou l ty o f M O t I 1\ d J t k _ •. _ _ _ .' Marabllli aHended n,e f nnernl of Mr •. Allon Walkins a ' lleolervllle Kln g ma u HIJ.( h ~llOOI SIw o t t wo rs . Chlls Gu r ne r, of Ne wport IlV on v s orl ODe u.y a~ wee . I Wednesda y. d. ys la~t week lit the Hig hla nd NOWN. VIt ., W U S the wee k.anet g'lest Mr. and Mrs. W tlrren LRoy a ooom. James St ucky Says. " Rat Cost Mc _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _-: , . Mr aud Mr~. S ime on Brown of Coon\v oa veH. Mls@es I!:leanor Bay . ;~:~~'. (;lame r's moth or, Mrs . Mary punled Mr. and Mre. F rank Cook to $125 for Plumbing Bills." I · . . .........········.····: Hayt on 8pen' ~l\lnrd8Y nnd tlnol11l7 iI" olt ~ nd l:l r flCA t:;hArnhlt ng h Mese r8 ' Dllyton , lll st Welluesdsv . f 10 Lytllt . EIlrl Cay l. !:lo mer Huloo" noel Law. Rev. B u ntl ll ~too wi ll prench at " W e oonld,, '1 tell wha t, Wile cll)g rllooe Lu mpkllt, of Ih lll C(1m rnualty, tbe M. E Cho rh "t 3 p. III m'x! III lng ou our toilet sll d drn lns. We The Iilpworth l..e " !J oe held ,., 1100. nre rn em bura of tbo 01888. ·u ndfl.Y. Como ont a nd h ~l\ r 111m. FU ERAt DI RECTOR I E ' d e orrec' tl y ... III moetln g a' Ih n h ome of Mr . aod Where There's a Bilby on Farm. b Rd co toar up 11. oor, pI )J os . elc I .. . ; xamlne MIl. Robert l:Iun t OD Il' rldltY OVOD. T ba m Ull }' f rlonris of 1t11 ~R E~ th er Mrs. BArHh Rl oh I ~ v lsiling h er Keep Rat-Soap fuuud ,\ r a.t ' p np~t, In t.hA hn~l'll\en' Waynesy',lIe, O hio I Glasses F.'tted I OhllUl bllugu tOllde red her " Rnrprlee relatlveH, out of town. for a fe w Th ey h MI oh,," e,l t b l' pillnl' wftfl Rnts are on D1 .st farm s . On co reCap!!. 'J'lt e IJlm nh .. ;.'" hi li WnR f.12Fj . I AT MODERATE PRICES . og. 8ho\'\'o r, 8,\turd .. y. ~he r ellel VHtI a 8 days. Mr. "n(t Mrs Berolo Dill Bnd Bon It toku n of tl... lr e~t"l) m 11 hnllutHn l I II I b I k RAT 8N A P (llr,"no(1 1111' rnll pol. on l ·" 1 - ---. Oba rles , of UIl" toD. Mr. lind M, s <: in t J llckllo.n h lll< .1l olo~orl Ford t b oy Ke t t ill!' 0 t ie onl6- on nu t . !I lta-mond Oi'born ot Rltl"evlll ", Jl brElry 1II IIIn lind ob/llr. t,oo rlug OII r, wbloh ho Is en joyi n g. R .. t" kllllnfan u - blt.lng them I ~ not Thren ~Iz(>p . 2[>.0. &0.0 ;., ' ,1. [10 O! , FtlJ I) Equipped for Good ', : , Optical Department J .. Mr . 1\0/1 M rR. I~ n. Unliett. ha vl' 8 I B n n UHuoJ. N ursl og boUle8 atM not f1l1 d(:I1U rtl ntoed byJ . ",.. IITITIOY· • )\1188 Addu Howllrd "r tl pr illjo!vllll o)'. ,. I k I I .. ( ' II ' t ' amoe eli b r Roltl his O ve rlan!t 'n B k k f l' AT NAP _ __ ___ - - ·crvlce. rBi) 6 CII eo . . I ., l\IrQ. It ,hl'ofll!. UIII and Mra. E II/,h. uUI,(OIl InO~1\ p p "R u ""r. , I) 0 ,. " tourIn g ou r . last tlato r dl1Y, Itnel wi ll r n.... aru lll !JIll li nd a o" Em ers oo, (If Mt. prll l),,,. t.y II p,, r 11111 ~l!h -Jol h m,"" . go 11110k to hi!' horee Hnd bnggy, a nd throw I/. aronnd . It will Burel.v SpasmodI c SC I·mon. Large D IS£> ay " oom , S Detroit St Xenia Ohio TbR" hllV() tit;. b·c~ t· wi" h ... s " f a b" lI t r id oT"00 of ruts oocl m ice. Three ny thl S ~ t nj! or clnrlllt'· tIle t""th nf ' , . . b . 1Io lly, wore l:;on rtny "uost" of I\h J Ro melllbllr. t b o . wr iter wil l mAe' 'J I 0 i " of frl tltl d ~. sizes, ~50. 500. '1.00 Sol,) lind ~uar tl nlO I"" . t show M1I"I' evlll.. ",·c of I TF.I, F.PIIONE ' llA Y Oil NI Gll l peo even ngs y appo in t men t a nlt M t~ . ,J. B J OUt!8. Y0tl Ilt t be Boms.Com ing f1t WI I· ................................. . Oor ~ch on l h ,II t n tr. (\o fo"tec\ t he .. n teed by J . E. Jllnnoy. " ecll'·.- lndIRnn.polls Stnr. "-_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-" ........ MillS Z&lm, 8 &"oy anti ROS8~ 1 BU fmlngtoll , a nd wi ll wr lL8 you n n. . U 1~ln g m l\1l ~rlld o 1"" 111 . l!'l'Idtly. by a Mr. lIod Mrs F rllnk Bbldlik er n ett In oomp-o y wIt h MI@8 Aft,. 8l nrn of r. to 4 wer o BnDd llY gu esl,s ) f Mrp. Allie l toaen th&I , of Dnyton , r.nd Ern eRt, E rnllar'l liPAn ' S ond lt)' wllb Mr Dnd - -- - - . --,::-Da kIn. of 1"tie, !lnd r'n Moodny Mra. Will N ut! OllA r !:IlJrlJlKboro, Mrll. Dakin mo ved to Dll y l,on, whero '1 'bo, fun or n l of Mrll. Wllne W illi Home of Nympha. Mbo \vlll mllke hor bome. held at the hum of ha r dl\lI g h t r, Nt'n r tll~ cnl'I' Ilf .~h"nn, In .fnpR n. MillS OSB A n ~o ll. of Dnyton epont. MrM <.Jbllrltltl Kindle n n Fr ldliY . l1,pro Is n " IlIIl!!!' th ~ 1\11111 or ",Illeh In 8 0 ntlllY witb 110r par onts, .l1 r . lind Walter K"IIr(ok ,~n :t h Ollly b od J npnn ..~e 0)' nIl" '''1'11(' snltl ",,,,,,,! or Mrs . A H. Aoson . f or \ hlli r :-< lI n,l .. y d ' llon r I1 l1 aN ttl: Mr. Nymphs." W " ", ll In Ihls "'\I,,~" Is Mr. a nd Mrs. F rank Bell , of ~om. ' 1:' K. P n Oll, :\l r~ , fd u. L'l lrIHtu vll <>r . 11,,, prNlnmlnll llt p.II·II\ll r. 'I'll" .. hl .. (· ersvill e, Llh lo, t rnnsaoted bU Rl n o~l! I II Mr. u.o d Mri! . H <v..r,1 Penoe bnd IlIdllstry Is Ill'lIrl fl. hIll:: nn ll tho our city, ]UMt FrldllY. dau" b tor Viola cf I:l pr l"l! bcJro, R,!b· wot:\\l>n IIrf! 'Ow 1\ > 1"' r~. T ho. m(' n ~11I1 Mr. Bnrl Mra. J 08. Elleobnrge r, of 8J:t nod Mlldrecl 1Ialn8s of Delm ont. lit h01ll1' 111111 cln th(' "" Irk. nou r Westbor o, were boro, t:i onelHoY. Mr. and Mr~ Cbules E , Joho s en · - - - - - ... - - VIsit ing h i s mother, III seri ously SPEClAL DEMONSTR A '(ION A ND 'ertained Sundu.y dinner : 1\1 r l;. III, wit h no hopell for r eoovery . TI ARGAIN SALE OF (JUbarlne Mr. aDd B. Tbom llll ofJ obn!!, (Jentefvll le, MfA. Mr. Ja. nC! Protno ted meeti ng at t b e M. E Mrl . Lf!OO l:\ftll s bnry an,1 I\no j!h te r Churoh will beg in In t he very o ellr Meriam of Ilellr U nIon V lllage,Glem, (n t-ure F orUl er o otioe will be J ObDII of Oa y'on, Mr flo o ·Mrll. E n l ~l v eD, 'l'homas Ilnd IIOD Wa rr en . of Soo.hl I Mr. I\/)(} l\I r~ . W. · S. W ll kfl rS'ln. Mr. and Mrs E. B Dakin Il nd Mr. flow, Mr aod Mrs. All en E mrlok Mr. li nd MrR. LUfJlu9 Wilk erHon fW e) ~ nd M.r s. W . L. Barvey were Day lind dau.rhtor GI"dy~. MrR. Mellb8a t3ettltm,pyer Bptm l ~o n visito rs , l::llit urday . At Our Store- One Week Only 13UOdRY lit. O~torhaln V IIIIl !!<- am1 Mr. aud Mrs . Wllbnr Clull I\nd MooToe. Mr:. lind Mrs Oh"rles Newby and , Mrll . Mar)' (JulIl ony mot or ec'! t o Mr , Rn el Mrs . ~' rl\ nlt Br"7.III , 0 1 HprlDgfleltl BondB, ~o "Uend a bir th . Mr. aod MrR. B . R, Us u.r t h , ft tJv. rexAII, were calli og on frl en ds and J . !lo(\ Mrs E. Kn ol!lley and dan "..h\.lIr re lll tivea bo{e, FrldIl Y.. dl DnAr a t 'b d • 0 h ome 0f M r '" ~, Carql0ny aDd family Rlltlnt W 6rl ll e~dBY " t (J ia rkllvlllf', _ _ __• _ ...._ - I( oe; tll ot Mr. aod Mr8 AUr6el Mr Rnd Mr ~ . Sn ydor , or Osborn , li'ord ycu \tllli Mrt!. Em w .. Olln gor . were li' ri d itY g oests of Mu . J E. " llleSe Rats Wouldn' t Eat "ly Best Mr. ~n .v <lll r , o f LoboiUon, wnR' Shumak er . To Be Truly Economical There Should tr~ ollaoU ng bU810 ess 11 re OOf! dol' Mr. E vprett Sh u mflker IIlmnt Jut Oraln,'~ !lay. Fred lamb. Be a Majestic in Your Kitchen tho pn ltt week. wee k In Wllm lngtoo. , 1\'8 - bard t o .k lll\p onto of a Mr. and !.irK . W. 1:;. Wilkerson Mr . A. S. Collett v isited b l@ wife feeel ·stor e. 'l'rl ed for y ellrM, A we.. e Leblln on visitors oo e d ll.Y t ho tit the h OI'I)ltal in C I b S t Econo my is not m e re l y spen d ing the le a s t mone y 0 om U II. 1\ ur nelKhhnrlnlt II tore Mol rl m e 80mI' Iluet week . dllY .. od S anday. b u y ing a ran ge at too Iowa p rice is indeed false RA l' ~N A p, It workflll wonder". 1\1r8. ~'ra noell Nnll, ,lion /tod da ugb . Glltherlll) up !l8i\d 1'1\ t~ llvorv morn t or spent Frida y Ilt New Vlllo oa , t,he economy. , . Mr. and Mrs. Isoao EVllns nnd Mr. IDg . Bou Hbt mMe RA1' tiN A P. gueat/l of Mrs. Anna M. rerrel\ and Mrs, 8 ero ~bldaker wer o oaliing Haveo't Ii rat II IlIN The v wI1nldn 't on r ph tl vcp, I3 nnday. The first c ost is no t t h e on l y e o s t -::- the little add itiona l Mr. nnd Mn. H ~. Dearth "nd eat Illy belt 1II1'"ln \\ h''" I t hrow RAT - - -... - - fi r s t cost of a M a jes tic is nothing cO!l1pared with its fiN A P uronnll" , 'hrl)" ~lz O B, 2»0, dllUght".r slleu' F r id ay tn OilYto n. liDo, It 00 Sold an,1 !t ol\rl\nt e~ d by t he g uests of Dr. nnd Mrs. Lon econom y of fu e l, durah il ity a nd satis fac tory service. Bailey. Will Vou Spend SOc on Rat-Snap J . E. JlIlllley Mrll , Mells8" /:1ettlomeyer hus heen to Save SIOO? -A.ND IT'S WE'L L WORTH Near l y a m illion Maj est ic Range s , now economicaUy vl llUlog Mr. and Mn. W . S Wi!. One G O o p lrg. oa n IrUl 50 ra tR. Th ~ YOUR WHILE lI:erllon . scie ntificall y a n d satisfac oril y s etving millions and FavorIte Dlnh. uvnrago r ll S will r ob yo n of 1 10 II Mr. Perr y &l1e;\" of Dlly l,on, I~ yeBr 10 feed , oh loke lIod prO[lAr t,y millions of p eople , civili a n s a n d s oldiers, is proof The blllls nn,l tho h rllr~ u~"n ll y tnke Through .special arrangements with the manu facturIbelr Inmh with minI RUIW ~. -U OB tOD vl @ ltio~ Mr. lind Mrs . B. 1::1. DOllrt h , I e ~ ~ rllotlo ll. R AR ·NA·P IR c\!\K,\I y p os itiv e of t h eir superio r ity ove r all oth e rs. e rs, a nd during this Bargain Week ( nly, a b eautiful, "nd !laughter . ' . Tra08crlpt, to rillS . Or emate6 "fter Jtlll in~. Miss &l: n68 W oo ll w l~rl\ ' IIpen t, th !' t.eaves n o em ell. Comes ln ot< kep. use ful and substantial set of Cooking W a re w iJl b e T h e re is only one b est, The public has judged. The week ,fmC! ut Day ton, t he j{O tll! t of Rtl ts wlllll~ 8 S uJ.! Dl Ant , grain, Oh AMIH' g iven with every Majestic Range sold. This ware Maj est ic is r eco g nized as the standard of all ranges. MIC58 Ctlo,l n M nun t. t,o teAMt on It :\ 'r !:IN A P . Thr pn is good w are (not c heap ware) - it' s wo rth a lot to T he construction, material, workmanship a nd beauty Mr. llu. 1 M rll W. B . ~i e !( f r l nn ~ize~ , 2lio, GOo, $-1 00 tiolcl.l\od g nnr 'E 01_111 &ad MOFllln,. ~ H_ Cl.GII, Ihal./ul you. Come and see for yourself. R\lou t. SI1 Il,II.y wlt,h .\I r~ IIn .1 MIf' W. lI n to!'!l by J . E• •I""ney. of t h is wond erful ran ge is unequa lle d, a nd it e mbodie s 1 £7« •• If theyTire.ltcli; V Cr llw find f!lltlil:v , II f DII,Vloll . . Smart or Bum. If Sore, i mpor t a nt fea tures p ossessed by no other ran ge. Irritated, Inflamed or Mr~ . Lu t btlr lJu , of .Dlly t,Oh. And Rt;; member, Il ~ GranllIated. U!le Murlno lI .u. btllll! 8118 ,,,11 " 1{ rievI'rll l el l" ' " , AfrIcan Idea of 'Beauty. ·IM...... a.'N.h... Safe lOf wil h he r 11IH·.m l;I\, M r . I\n,l Mr ll. A . Your Opportunity h; HereThe pric«: . lIf a Majestic Range this wee k w ill no t b e fnfulorAduit. AtallDruaiIta. \Yrltc(or In i\ f"lcn n crI)ll or tho bln ck..,.t. .,....,. ilooii. ~ E'a..., Ct., ( &kIlt U11 .. lu, . (· n rll ,· ~ t . cl o~e~ 1 hnlr I III.nll l t1fl\ll ~ IIInkrs increased, a nd there wilt · hardly he a gre a t reductio n At ou r s t o r e "":"'duri n gou r Majestic Bargain Week. ~ t 's n ~ I rl th h,,11 0 or t ho krlltl l. I'sl"'flllll y for years t , come, if ev,r, but there may be nn in y our h a n ce t o ge t ftC lua inte d with rea l facts . about If Rhl) Ita phIlliP, \\'l1h pl"gy I'n!!, thIck crease soon·. II pM. II II OSO like on 111.1\1\ ru!'hcr IllIOe. ranges. We assure yo u i t w ill b e worth yo ur while nn,l II 81,ln tbnt 8hlll l'~ ' IIk o n coolcllllt t o inves tigate. slr,,·I'. The offer of a set of kitchenware Free to eve ry purDuring t h e week commencin g Oct o ber 2 7th, a h a ndchaser of a M:Jo?stlc during demonstra tion wee k is some set of c o ok ing uten s ils will be give n awa y free genuine. It is a n out-and out g ift to e v e ry purto ever y purc h aser of . a Majestic ran~e . . 'fhis is an chaser of a Majestic range and t he price 0 f this r a n g e . out-aod·ou t gift ami the price o f the Majestic rema ins with a reputation remains the same. See this d e mthe s ame a s a l way s . See t h em w hile yoU are a t the onstration during the w e ek commencing October 27, s p e<;ial d emons tra tion a t the Lingo H ard wat:e store at the Lingo Hardware Co. store. JCn14red "" lI lU l 'lIH1dUko at. Wa.ynt!~\! I1I" , Oillu. a~ ~trn .. tJ -tlfft->6- 1\1IHI M'illl r
The Summit Wholesale Grocery Company I
The United Security Company
W a lter McClure I
October 27th' to November 1st
- ..
----_ ...---
.Wounds From Rusty Nails Dangerous
Saxon ~~SIX~~ .
The ' Practical ,Car Sax on "Six" has earned its re putation as t he' Praclical C a r b e callse it is s o thoroughly prA c tk'll l-fro lll so many di ff~rent stand points.
RAY Fe' MILLS, Dealer Waynesville, Ohio
8 erlous resulte. through blooll pol· eon lng, ollell oecm trom loratcbe., cuts or wound8 trom raetJ ull. or olbor mel n\. Don' t ruo thll 4a~If. Protect yourself by baylo, • bottle ot HIl\IBII"'!lla alw,aY8 at billd. Dean AtcK.lll1p, well·1I11O .... fanner of OIark Co., 'Ohlo, •• "I Itl~pecl on a rust)' nail ...hlela ext.odld ..alf· way tbrouch IOJ foot: I "Ppll.d HouSlonlo to the wound .,. baa· daced the toot. hi I Ibo~ UIIII til. pain ,at oailir. Atter tin cia,. 1 did not limp ad Ihe ,.,,11114 ....114 nIcely. People who U.I BOIlIwnla tor such Injuries 40 qot n..11 to f..r blood pobonln,." Houlltonla (The On.toal Joo,.' . Llolment) may be Ippll14 to OPia cut., 10rOl or burnt ""dlout toar. It l oolbe. whlll It 1I11ol1. At your 4J'u1l,.t. I&e, BOil. M' U.OO 81all. B• • ure 1011 •• t the ....IJ.. HOU. ..tODI-II·&b '!'ilb Dr. Joall' ,10ture OD the ,lnoW ......per. 'I'll. Dr. J. O. JonM OIaarIM"" 0. -Aeh.
eo.. ..
.J. B. JUDer. The ReDlI store. w~emne. 0hI~
'tWO NEW AND IMPORTANT FEATURES The Wond'e rful Unleen Riveting
Oh, Joy! Top Needs No BlaCking
Yes, it's rivet·tight, just like the old Majestic, but th e ri ve ts clinch inside of nickeled parts I l e aving nickel 'smooth a s glass , and ther4~ are no big, bulky bolt-hea ds on the inside. A nd , remember, riv ets hold tight; bolts wi t h only one or t w u threads holding are bound to work loose a nd .cause ' no ~d of trouble, The Majestic is smooth inside and outs ide- it's a s triking beauty- o,iore' than skin deep.
A smooth, hig hly poiiSbed c ooking t op , b urnis h e d blue, n ot only a dds . to the ' b eauty of t h e Majestic, b ut absol ~tely e limina tes the w o r k , dirt and worfy of t rying t o k eep t h e ral1ge looking nice'jus t 9,n o ccasiOl\al t hin <;Dat of paraffine r etains i ts b eau t i rul v e lv et blue color.
If you haven't a MA"ESTi~, avail yourselt of this opportU'nltl to get acql:'alnted . with this wonderful range-know the Insl«:le ~f r~ges.
~. ~ingo
The Store That Hau What Vou Want When You 'Want It
_fXT_RA_SPE_CI_U I.WO~:'N M~~~,~A~~URCH WAYNE ~~::~~r. CLUB ii?~"";,, ,~~~~;;~frf.f:.;~i PERSONAL ~~~~i ","~~~.!~R~:~:;~~~d~f~' ~r.: 1 The rp~\llar Uleeling df the Worn· an'R Auxiliary of St ' Mary's Church WIU< ""Ictllt 't he home of Mrs . ~. L . 'arllvrigh't on Fdol.lY nfternoQll. to ~ 5&, Oct.,h er J'7th. The meetipg was CIO$inr ou t at Ollelw< the president. Mrs, Cad · walhuier. reading the 6th chapter of li:phesian!l. ScrilJtnral qUI)tation were given in respoilse to the roll call. Rev.J. F. Cadwal,der con· ducted the devotional exercises. A,f te.r the reading of th e 'iniuute~ n and diJlposal of busi n~. the' annual election of officer WII$ held which resulted as follo\\':8: President. Mrs, Waynesville, Ohio J . F. Cadwallader. vice·president. ~-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....z Mrs. D. L. Crane. secretary', and treasurer. Mrs Laura Mosher. The followin~ program wa~ then render· ed; MUSI C. "Open the Ga tes of tho! Temple.': Readin!!' ..... Romance and Heahty In M~rocco • ~he Btory of Dr,Kerr. Medical MI8BI(~nary. MrR. Hnris. Music. "Lead Kindly Light" Talk on the Nation"Wide Campaign, Rev. J. 1" , Cadwallader. By re(j ue~ t. Rev . Cadwallader al80 read a short Ford Car, belonging to arUcie. "~up'portinlr the ~hurch':. David Wener, who lives by the edItor of the P hiladelphIa Press. Music. "AlJlde with ,Me." on the Oglesbee farm. During the plel;lsent. lIOClsl hou r The owner holds a theft , aftt'r adjournment. dainty refresh· pollcy with ments were served bv the hostess. Mrs. Cartwright. Mrs. Dr. Ellis and Mrs. Beed le. of Dayton, were pres· ent a8 visitors , PAIRS of MIIIIIe8' 8hoell, lrizee from 8 up to 2. In V i~i IUd I Gun·metal or Patent Leather. bUttdn or lace. Prices ranges up
.... YM AN &
Sears &Cartwright,
Wayne.vllle, Ohio
)lew. to Many. Tl)o low of th e Mhnrk furll lsh('!I tbe "l'~ t \\'nt('hmnk c r' ~ ott, In l'nch sban Is found about hnlf n Hint.
H. Waynesvllle,B. SHERWOOD Th'eLatecIon Ohio aSS1 edAd S. ~
IVERY FOB SALE AUTO I ' . ONE Gentle Young B~rs •• BUillY . and Harnes". InquIre of J . B 1Ld
All calls for Auto Li!ery well , cared for and sattsfaction is assured. PHONE 108-2Y.
Chapman n5 APPLE!:;-Romlln Bea tltles. P rl. 081, fl. 50 to U 00 per bush el. D B. Underwood, a"rveyabnrg, O. nG
" I(~h' . \\'ih" 111 '1244. R. '. jolnct1 Ihe S b 'b lilln Uuval to Mr , ~:arl ParkR. lit I i lle.Ohio on Wed n ~",IHV. ' I""'ks III Ihel r 4'XpNUtlon nltlllnat . I U scrl e to the Roosevelt Memo· Steub~nv ~, On I~rlday. October 10lh members 'l·r".I'. whl' re. by some writers. Puh" fla , loher. 15 1919 1r lind Mrll Pa rk . We have ' ju. t recei ed ~ of the Wa"ne Townoht'p' Il'" rmil r~' illh'" I 1lI1111 to h n \'~ hI' n slaIn by ,I n MI L M Ki D ' stoppetl off herts on their rolmn to good s uppl y of J ~ r '1 ~ ~ ( I f I' r 88 , aura c nsey was a ay· Smithfield Ohiu . to visi t .. lati vell" ~I.ub; with i~vited guests. BSiltlmbJ .. ~:-;;llj~~ ' t~l1r:h~ \~n\~j~~II~)n ~t~I C1~.n I::::~ t on visItor Satu rday. . und they will be at lI t th ir Map'" 1 In the beautIful home of Mr. Oharl1;'lI ! I ",t l .. ~ Is snlll hI hU"e Inv ~ntel\ 1I1-'lIt. Mr. Floyd McKean and fam ily U\'enu tl I eaidence a ft o!t N i)v t' rl1 b~r Bran. Middlings, Ground Bar/f Y, 1'ankage, Cotton· Hawke. where they were g raeiou ~ly II ,,11>"" . flWIISllr. '$, "('ulcs. the dI R"II~. were Springlield vil:l\torB unday. 1st , ~1rs Purktl uu ndell Nrl rmal met bv ~he host and his charming II ... "1!'1\lllJo! 01111 the nl't o( regulat\ lIg schOOl. and made many fri endl! wh il e seed Meal, Dairy Feed' Old daughter. After a short period u C '",.If ll l'l. . 1'h,e Grange. will hold a Hallowe' en ' here. Process Oil Meal, Hominy social interco,u fse, dinner was ansocial nt Masonic hall. Ha llowe·en . - -- - -- Meal, Alfalfa Meal, also nounced. an ample feast. where the ladies f dl ly Sustained their repu ta. Mrs. V: R. Brilton, nee Ethlvn Ferl/lit er. tion for c ulinary ski ll. Jon e~ . received a teachers liie ce r· Later the meeting was called to , .---'~------~ tificate rece ntly , Com and see rne befoT order and business transacted ' Rev. yo u bu' Isewhere, and you ']'he u\lt omubile trip plnnn 41 by R C. Jon es. 89 el!SBy ist. read I,l Mrs. J . H. Smith. who has been will find you can save 'dol· t he li'llrm Uurcnu wil l take place thoughtful and ,very Interesti ng working in Eat on and Cincinnati . Ilr· n x t week . The participants will lars , paper entitled. "Inte rnationalism. rived home last wee k . arrive at Waynesville lor lun('h 'l'U IIM· fmperialism and Democracy ." The ,' V pape r elicited profound attention _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Mesdames .1, L Sheehan . Christie dllY noon. After lunch they will "i ~· McKln.ey and Alv in Earnhart were it t he farm of Wm . Frame. a nd fr om and Wild ably discuBBed by Lhe presi. NE W CO HN MEAL the re the re to the fa rms of Walte r shopping in Dayton Monday . de nt. Mr. S. L . Cartwright. Mr. Fancy Dell/lower A'p ples. J onn. Ellis a nd Dan Und erwood . Those Lew is and others . Mrs, Le wis read l. YlI.F. OH,III a forceful and vigo rous paper on thans. GrimeR Go lden. Maiden Mi88 Adda ~adden. of Morrow . interested ure co rdiall y invited to spent th!! week·end with be r brother . ta ke t his trilJ . . Woman In National Affairs" Mrs Bl u!!l-: l .~_ _ _ _ _ __ Mr. W H. Madden , and wife. Clark wrote ve ry interesti'ngly on Fan ey Cranl)4!rries. C e I e'r y . the, s ame topic. and her pap !r was Grapes. Oranges . Cabbage. Dr. nnd Mrs. H, E Hathaway and ably r ead by Miss Deardoff. Mr. and Mrs L . A, Zimmerm an and The exercises were varied by mu· Fresh Pota to Chips. sic on the Brunswick which was , N ew Mild Ch'ease ' daughter we re in Cincinna ti, Tue ~· day " highly appreciated by ·all. The in . vited guests we re: Mr. and Mrs. J. Weiners. F ranks. Mince Ham . A wonderful showing of Men 's E Janney. Mr. a nd Mrs. R C. Jones. Bolo~:na , r-.rew Pancake Flour Has bee.ll sold to Overcoats. plnin and ~nal>IJY mix· Mr. and Mr . Milton Keys and Mr. Karo yrup, all kinds. • tures. $2975. $34 50 allli up tit i"red's and Mrs. J . C. Hawke, The Novem· Lebanon Big Store. . ber meeting will be held at the resi. Fresh Baltimore OYlters. dence of Mr. CarJ Duke . ' Edgemon t nnd LaurelCrackers Mr. and 'Mrs. T , J . Smith. Mrs, Irwin p.mce. Mrs. Lawrence' Evsn R New Cala Ca~ned ,Peaches . an d Who has been the rnanager sInce the opening! Mr. Mcand Mr; Oscar Smith were visitinll Apric:ota. Beth will conduct the business in the same manner. He friends In Hamilton Sun .Jay. Seeded nnd Seedless Raisins. says be is proud of the town and the people, anti that 100 Lad ies' Cloth undo Pile Fabric they have just begun to know the value of a Coats. special. $29.75, (;reat Dress SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY special. $2976; Ladies' Hats. large Lenox Soap ... Bc Bar assortment of shapes lind colors. Buy all }'ou want. $3 96. '595 a nd $7 ~5; CI1 i1dren'& Tams. 98c at Fred 's Lebanon Big Bu y at home with the rest and get the best Bread and NOTICIE! Next week vur store Store. The street commissioner got busy will (:Iose at 6 p. m on Mon· Rolls and Cakes. Monday and cleaned Main ' street day. Wednesday and Friday Mrs. S. E Culp. who has been t he The mud waa thick in places; it has We are now making the, Corn Meal Brenu, a\50 t be nights Open, show nights. guest of her brother. Mr. Chas been cleaned off. and mbkes Moin ten to 15 cent loaf. until 9 p. m. Werntz anri family. left last week paved . as it for he r home in Maryland . She Drop in and try a loa f. Once tried always used. Bring us your Chickens & Eggs will visit wi t h rel ative.q and fr iends should be. It could btl s wept off every day nnd kept clean. thus keep. at Richmond. Geneva. Steubenville. It Pays to Trade at Ohio. and Philadelphia, Pa , ellroute injf the grocery and dry goods stores Yours for good Bread and Cakes to her home clean,er thereby . It's funny the council don't look into this ma tter Mr. and Mrs, E a rl Park! of <.:m ith · and then g et busy. the (luest!l rtlill' • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ field. Ohio. lives here. were last week. Mrs.of Purh
ZIMMERMAN'S Sp ICl·a' ls t111·S ,I'ee'1<
Everett Eat ly
'fhe B'a kery ROY McBETH,
wa'il form eley Miss Lillian Duval. won many friends when here years ago attending Normal, guest of her uncle and aunt, and Mrs. J . L. Sheehan .
Prof. Chas. Muntet Returns' To Rike-Kuml~r' s
Hi. Famous ~'Nulile Lectures" to Be G,veJrI For lwo Weeks, Beginning Monday, Oct. 21th
Harveyiburar Friends Church Amos Cook. ' plllltor. This Church invites you to tt)e fol· lowing services: Sabbath School at 10:00 I . m " Anna C. Stinson. Supt. Morning Worship at 11 :00 a. m . You will find a cordial welcome to both these ser'vices.
Prof.:Chas. Munter is coming back to Dayton. This is good 'heWS tD every woman who reads this announcement. This renowned expert · OR the human figure and its corset requireme nts , needs no introduction. PlOf. Munter has talked to thousands of women at Rike-Kumler's, who liave been greatly benefited by his sound advice. ' You owe it to yourself to alt~d alleast one of the lectures beginning ' Monday, Oct. 27th at two O·_L_I.. Lectures continue for two, weeks. ..~ \IJ. " ,;"~]i>o<l.,., c;IUC&
wom by ~;ilions 0/ men.. women and children lhrooghout the w0114. who are living 1e3limonials 0/ 'the hene/ib 0/ NUL/FE Corsets:
ture no other cOl·Set has, compch; (leep _breathjng with the entir~ Iun~s all the t ime, reduces the a.bdomen a.nd hips without a.ny pressure, and once you put it on you will l'oa1ize for yo ur. elf why tl1e NULIFE Corset has h cn the rage of Europe, and why we feel prolld to pre 'ent it to the people of the Miami Valley.
lrhe Modern Corset 'fhe "N1JLIFE" Oorset fits the body snugly with· out ,binding, gives proper bar k r est a nd style with comfort, ' 'fhe principle on whi ch file "NUJJIFE" Corset ill huilt c~rre e ts the corMt errorR of cent,u rieR. nnd r emoves the 8nnoy· ' noel'R 'whiclh up to this time hayo belln the com· pllLint of "W'Otn0 fl from ~ll ovei', the world.
No mu tte r whllt y our fig ure is, no !nutter whilt C!orsct y01\ or W tll'i ng it will h of the grent es~ int()rmlt y on to see and to I(JIOW t.hat at leRRt II corset has'llecn ' \!f cated that will give yon a most boalltiful fignre with p erfoct comfort. , omo nod h enr what Prof. ' Munter hIlS to SUY' on the sub· j ect. Yon wiiI find the l;8lks mORt in tcre9tiJ1~.
Plenty of Corset Fitting Rooms To uaiat in ierviee giving.
have been 'arranged,,":"
Seventh Floor.
Seventh Floor.
St. Mary's Church Nineteenth Sunday afte r Trinity, Oct. 26th . Sunday School at 9:80 a . m., Morning Prayer and Sermon at 10:80. COOle. "I WIlS glad when they said unto me, 'We will go into the house of the Lo~d.' '"
Waynelville, O.
Saturday, Octobet· 25th
I Featttring Wallace Re'i~., in "Roal"i~g
, By limply p~lling the belt nny fi8'lre is transformed !m,o alende.r , graceful lines. Atter 30 days tho body , reo perman('ntlyperfcct. Any woman can be mnde physienlly perfect with a CONet that ill 80 comfort~ble to wear that you do Jlot real. 'be that you ~1L:ve one 011 . '
SlJpday SchQl)I at this :!hu rch every ;:;unday at' 10 o'clock. Preaching service at 11 o'clock a. m You are cordially invi.ted to be present.
Real Corset, C9Dlfort
, Caesar's Creek Friends 'Churcl~
A Slender Graceful J:;gure maw'
We are prepared to all kind .. of Auto Trucking, and will give your order the most careful consideration. Call us at any time, and we will be on hand to do your work.
Phone 24·2!
M. Eo Church
Prof. Ch~rle3 Munier ;3 the invenlor of the shoulder brace aO,d corset, now being
The "NULIFE" ,Col'set is Rclf-In ing, hip-r educing, hack-resting and abdomcll-sllppor ting, and you cun w(' it with solid comfort from t1l e moment yon put it on. The NULIFE Corsct has n back-resting fea-
Ralph Colton Jonea, Minister. Sunday School. 9:151),. m . Preach· . !:$2&2! ing, 10:3Q a , m. - "As Mos8\! Lifted Up the Serpent in the Wilderness." Try the ~iaml Gazette's. Classified Coillmns for Results Evening Sermon, 7:80- "Tbe Sceds of the Kingdom." Prayer Meeting. ~ . ~~~~~~~~~~'!!!!!""'!"'!!~!!'!!'~~~!!!!!!!!!i!!!~!!!!!!!~~ Wednesday. 7:30 p. 'm.
Corset Is
.. -
who two the Mr .
Ferry Chrlstlan Church Bible School at 9:30 Preaching at 10:30 8 . m . and 7:30 p m . Eve ry. one invited . J . A. Pine. Pastor
Floor-Daily at 2 o'clock
What 't he "Nuli/e"
'TIm"YOUTH'S COMPA~lON Commonwealth Ave. cI St. Paul St.,
.hton. II.,
New sablarlpdoaaneel"ed at tbJI ofDce,
Featuring Constance Talmadge, in
A BARGAIN IN GOOD READING Thlrty·five volumes of the readinll'-in weekly Installments-for . less than 5 cents a week . That isjust what,The Youth!s Companion offer for 1920 really means. Thecon.t enta olthe new volumoe, which will In. elude 8 aerial storl,es. over 200 ahort aones. fifty or more articles by men of great attainment, sketches. special departmentl. an'd so ' forth, would make 3lI aood volumes (at f1. , 65 each) If published in book form . , N.o~ a line Is waste reading. You get somt!thlnll always ' worth' reOlembering, worth ueinllas a guide to your thoughts and actio us. If you SUbscribe as locin 81 you lee this notice you will receive all tbe<ex· tras mentioned in thetollowing offer. inclu.ding the opening chaptars of Harry's Herd, a fascinating lO-chap· ter atory of life on a cattle ranch. ~I!W subscribers for 1920 will receive: '. 1. 'fIle Youth's Companion-~2Iasues In 1920. 2. All remaining weekly 1919 lasues. 3 The Companion Home Calender tor 1920: • All ,th > above for '2.50. ' 4. McCall's' Magulne lor 1920. $1.00 the monthly fashion authority. Botti publications tor only '2.96.
4'Happine'l a la "Mode" Thursday, October 30th , F~turing Shirley Mason, in
"R~lcuing CO.\JEDY:
That funny boy, Fatty Arbttclde. ' I
Open evening. ~ ' 7:30 p.m Saturday.evening
7:JO p.m.
.. THE Sc, IOc 'AND ,'25c STORE ' Leroy Han4y Clothes ' Drier. ~ee window disrlay .• $lie , Dainty, Cut GJass Sugar and ,Creamers" set .!? ' two. 60c Water ~ts, nicely marked,' per set ...... :,' ..• ,.$2 00 Salad Dlshes .....................•... , ....... 200 Children's .Drawers, ages 2 to 12 years ...... " .... 200 "Smell the Stopper" Perfume . ....... : ..." ... , .. lOe ' Canvas Gloves, good weight .....•.............,. 20c Hand Sags. for the women ...... ; ....••.... ; .$1 00 Powder Puffs, gOOd washable ones ••.........•..• 1Oe Watches, for the boys and girls .... _• . ..••.•• ; lOe
Sp"",UIf fn
w"'. OIIlo
.' Seventy-Fir t Year -~-------~---
~==-=-======-~-=~~~~~~--=-==I~r- ~ii~4
Their Recompense
Whole Number 5854
E. 'l'. Baily at School Hall . Tho «'orty-s ixth Annnal Convention D1ankets lind Comfor ts at Hym an'~ of the Ohio Woman 's Christia n 'l'emHundre ds of delegat es, represe ntDerence Union. WDS h, Id in MernDid )'ou tu'r n tho clock back Su norilll Hall, Columb us, October,14-17, ~ay morning ? Mrs Chaa Urd. of Detroit , Mich., ing the Ililrle CI88II(!s of Ohio, are to meet at Medin,a on Tuesday and is thl' guest of Dr. Mury Coole HeadQullrter~ at the Chitten den WednesuaY,N ovembe r 11th and 12th . Hotel, where the officers . and many Boys' Knee Pants, in corduro y or . A great program r By Margar et Anson Faber been prepllre d, of the delegat es were housed, And so t.he glad day, the day we Flannel $hirts, $1.75 and up. at includin g continebas wool. at Hyman 's. nt-wide workers . clple. Only the love of these super- Hyman '&. The W. C. '1'. U. of Columb us and all hopud for. prayed for. yet feared I Amongt hose who are to appear on the cedes thl! love of parents , thus the Frankli n courity tendere d n receptio n would not, coulll not possibly come, . As the flag aroae Ita wlnc!-awung parting was not e8!lily program are: nr. W. S. Bovard. of at the hotel to the visiting delej{lltes but Mr. and Mrs, L A Zimmer man .Iid come. bravely MIss Ruth Miller. of Limn is vi ~ Chicago; Mr. E. W. Halpenn y, Chifolds flutteri ng un Tu esday evening ' which W118 very were lJayton visitors Tuesday the breeze, each made. J am remimle d of another / day , a star a sacrlticf! toInsome . parent heart. well attende d and much enjoyed . I mIght go on but the story would Ing her mother alii I Mil er re lative. cngo; Dr. E. A. Miller, Wooste r and Jun e day, a never-to -be-forg otten it seemed aallool ftev. L. B. Turner, Clarkes burg. ted, the were be the 88me regardi ng many a home here. On the program was Mrs. Barnes . Noon-day lunch. :lOe; dinner, 40c; jay, when lh tears fell unbidde n and turning teo gold. fi rst one. stars West Virginia . then two [n the of New York. whose theme.. was at ' I~red's I.ehano n ilig littie ham let nestled IImidst unasha med as if tJ mock the June and three until the whole Store, Among the special feature s Is the row the maplea crownln ll the brow of ,eorge Funkey , of Chic go . spent '''rhe Amelic an Nation. " and who sun ~h in e . when old men nnd young, Illeamed yellow in the t and I Old"S' hill that night. The days the week-end Wilh I li~ father, J. F. awardin g of a silver trophy elip to held her audienc e spell.bou nd as she . Born - To Mr. the Mrs !Crave men and gay , all had a hard dared look no further . sunligh the Men's Class and to the Women 's The people and weeks of anxilluB waiting for ~unk ey . told of s~lIT~e ot the thlllgS they ~re kinli Thursd ay October , 23. Ed Hop- ij8t so ber look that seemed to match' stood with uncover ed heads In the news from"o ver thele" of looking lass. whose reprelre ntative brings , 1919, a accomp lishing among the forClgn 8 n ' lhe ~ca rs of the women. I seem to street shoulde r to shoulde , t he best thesis of not r. men and for letters from oversea s, we can than 1000 born in our large cities, who are 80 het1r the band bravely , patrioti cally, women, rich and poor. blac:k Stephen Phill!ps , of Wa~hington words nor lese than more 600 words and saally anxious to learn, to speak Ilnd to recall. Then theendi nK ot the playing C. H. is visiting his ~ i ~le r, Miss Ann scribing the class and its work, de"Star Spangle d Banner " and wblte. "The Brothor hood of Man"re read English , All - war, lhe relurn borne and the glad Pbillips . Lallies' Elncl M 'n's Ouling Flannel "Over There" The hush of the au- fleeting , delegat es are to be given entertai nIn their faces. Theyae emed day of whlcb you write me. How Mrs. Hatcher , presid ent of Alaska Gowns and I ajamrur at Hyman di ence broken only by' a stifled sob. loat he to R'O even after the 's. ment on the Harvard plan. final pray- the scene chani'es . . The glad look . W, O. 1'. U., told of some of the was painful In its sublime stillne89 er was lIIlid by the minlete r. The State Conyen tion Is fo be preMrs. Lucy Pratt is visiting her on the faces of the peOple, the bustthings wbicll thev have accomplishMr. snd Mrs . George Hamilto n as the speaker arose and stood as if ceded seven II:dult Cl1l8les to he The band left town; the crowd d18- II~ ed. and of the lime and money ex- spent last week with as they spread the boun- daughte r, Mrs. Arthur Anson, of held Inby relative s in con[c)unded at what to say to the persed; twiligh t fell. Small (Il'Oupi teouawomen the varIous parts of the 8tate. feaat under the spreadi ng ma- Norwoo d . pended in doing 80. Mrs. Lu la Love- Dayton fa l hers and moLhers, lo the sisters gathere d around doorste pa ns follows : Nov.e mber 2, McConbat ..Id pl88 In the achool yard. the happy land Shepard , who always holds the and brother s, of the boys whe had little. Word a wel'e inMdeq nelsville; Novem ber 3, Zanesville; uate to children intere. t of her hearer!!, told of the DUling little Flannel guessin s I\nd g Flannell or knowiO ette~ ll , gone awny . What could he say that convey the meanin g of hearts. Soon or No vember 5, Wilmin gton; NovemLafflyet te Luck Y . uf Dayton, atin caring all colors, what effect of equal suffrag~ in U tRh : from it is 25c all up, about, at Hymlln only 's milo!h t ado one little degree of com- dool'll were closed, ahuttin g out ber 6. Troy; Novem ber 7, Van Wert; the glad to be there, Wilbur F. Crafts Look time, ad ho tended the fun eral LOf r"ra nk Harlun fon, that would kindle more pride world from each home circle, but The parade ovembe r 8, Napoleon, and Novemwas p8ll:ling through the city in hi ~ MOllc..lay morning . wtlnding its way along Mr. and Mra. Allen I-Juines. of ber 9, Foatorla . The ~han was already there? shuttin g In a kindred tie. for CI888 In each the shaded tour througb the stute for Prohlatrlletoi, the band plaving lel9 he seemed. pnlv the worse hurt case a son had !Jone. Xtlnia, attende d the fun eral of Mrs. workers of the state areBible invited to Only the aa It never played before, It!! gay Cynthia t..llion , to look in II [Inn us nrHI u rgl: Mr and M 'l'll W. S. Graham at- tbal he had no son to offer 'St!emed Haines Tuesday . attend though t that the boy mlgbt not have glad' tunea. I see the old the rally nearest tbe~, us to 110 all in our powe r. to secure tended lhe f une!'al of a r !!laLiv(l at to oversha dow the crushed yet soldiers , brave been brave enough to go help.ed them "God bless them," " dry vote in Ohio Lll i!! fnll. C lark s vi ll ~ la t Th u rsday . the proud sisters hurt that tugged at the heart of the face tbls trial, Mrs. Grace Coffma n, of Miamls of the returne d boys. and oh that Clinton N. Howard ~ave one of gathere d assembly that Sunday afterMy though ts turn to a Ilray-ha lred commit tee of mothers purg. was the week·en d guest of , waiting his maste fill addresses one evening , at noon Oml urny grandm other as ehe 88t alone that the school-yard gate. Again DlUliel L toling was another whu at Hyman 's. CClllte. Vell\.l\ and Pants I hear Mr. and Mrs, J . M. Keys. He did his best. he spoke the hrav- nlllht. A golden- haired ndded lo the pleasure and profit of est words he knew and then as the had marche d away, no grandso n thellpea ker, the 88mA speaker aa on longer a that June day, but . how easy hi~ the occasion Mr. and Mrs. John , McMillan atiJrnvellt higbest al1d best" men bave child, but a man nmong men. W. N ,'ears nnel family onn Allen always The speech cornel 't o-day, Methlnk s 1 tended a birthda y dinn er 'of II relThe treasur er's rep rt showed d'lne, be admitte d big weakyears rolled away' and the grand- can hear glad, glad, glad, in i!ach ative, a t Wilming ton Louis Janney, well rememb ered more thlln ' $52.000 r celved during Hol l' w 'r cnl lin ~ on fri end s in Mi- ne ,his inability to do more Sunday . and mother Raw her ol1l'n brave busband word, each tone Little here by the older citizens . died at t.he year .• $IO,OOCl ()( which b long, ami ~hurg SundIlYll fl ernO() h. wonder ·the left the problem with tl Power march away leavln&, her baby boy teara came at the reciting of .. Bome lhe home of his son, Albert, In Indto lhe JuiJilea I!' und, w.hien th \ hillher than heaven. deeper than clinging to her . . She never 88W him" and the softly played "Home 'Best 35c Sox, all colors; special, 6 ianoplis . after a long iUness. IWlt C.. 1'. U. is raising for work all Mr one! M r :i n. S. H(lwell s pent hell. His words so simply spoken return, pairs for $1. at Hyman 's. and now the .only son of her Sweet Home." WednesdkY morning . The funeral arnund the world, lind $4.2,000 \laid last week wit.h n'itlLiv ' in Wilrning- did brin&' a balm to those listenin golden day g only boy had gone. An old colored must have paRSed allThe Wtl8 held at bls late bome Thursd ay out in our alate work the Plist year ton, nnd aLtclld ,t! the I,'ail f('slival. I).e arls. Again the words of too quirkly , the the wowoman with tear-sta Sandwi ined ches face stands crowd beinlt loathe to part but for and light lunches dur- afterno on at 2 o'clock Interm ent There WlJre oller 7:10 vOLing u41 rr~l\n who present ed th~ "Servic e promin ent In mind. Three of her did thev wish to Iin&,er. Gone ing shoppin g hours at Fredls Leba- at Indlana bolis Cemete ry. aates, '1'he old fflc(!~l! weU! r J _ I!.\ J anllcy ijlJlm t. a cnu'ple Qf "'lag" ring in my ears, as does the boya had offered tJltelr all. and she joy were the houn of anxiou8 waitini' , non Big store, on me:lzen ine floor. elected exc I)~, thll t Mrs. Vil>la D. days this w "k soulful Il(ayer she uttered \ A~in \V811 thinkin g of al!l)ldler-fil\ed grave gone were the sleepless nights known HomanN 1"'88 advan c",d to Vie -PI' 8- ing 1\ m('OLml It! Ull1C10n 3Li. all elid- I hear the man chosen to roc'live Mrs, Cynthia t Qr the Lhu ECynOlll down the Avenue . her Y I )rug died' at tbe I . Ident, nnd lit lh . reQue t of Mrs. o Elwood T. Baily's leclures are not O. O. F., homeatHaines flag Bay in solemn true acp-ents, that Anothe r home f. (luiet ..• urth' BOn. t.o only those parents , but as they Springf ield, Friday. I empty. look Florenc e D. 1{lchard , M f S H 1) Van at the flag atlll flauntin g its only Inspirin g, but ars full of hu- The body was they would not only IIccept, but The fourth and 18IIt Bon bad brough t here a~d the Kirk. wllo hnd he!!n h r prlva le s cwould protect , honor and displlU' from his father's home to gone but atars for all to see, comes ': Thelr mor. which will malnl his talk worth funeral was held at the .Chapel at The hnuschn ld g oodg of M r~ , E. the ahoulde r Recomp ense," not a star had · turned while. relary fur ~O Il1C YI1I1l'l!, WU tl made flag for all ·to see. 10:40 Tuesda y mornin g. The de arms for country . home and prin- to' gold, . Corresp on io ~ Secreta ry of Lhe s tate D. ltoberlS will he sold at I he sale ceased was the wife of the late - Mnr. i"rancell I~ Full er, wit hud on the Roberts frill, 'Atu rd ny, NoBoys'S ults. $7.59, $9.95; Dubbel- Allen Haines, whodie tl several years been nCling ')' r(:a.~urer, .for surn e vemllcr 1':l1. bllt Suits, $14.76 and 1i18 .75; Union ago . monthR, WIlS' alected Tret ura r, Suits, $1; Winter Caps, 98c; Sweate r . When you buy Furnit ure, !lei ct a Mra Sarllh F. Davis died at ber Coats, $1.49, at "'red's Lebano n Big house ' that uRcks up whet i l adve rhome in Corwin luat after midnig ht SWre. tises and , ells. 'fhat i ~ what the S. Monday. The funeral was held at I~ red Cu. l.Je bllnllll Bi ll: ~l(lre does . her late home this afterno on at 1 W. H. Allen and Mrs. E,V. Barn- o'clock, Rev. Cadwal lader MMofficlati na. es and Sarah Barlan. wall hart. officel'lJ of the Warren County Mr. nnci Mr ~ 0 J Arnulcl nnd Mr. born on the old Smith and Ellen Sit89 Henkle. Will born In Harlan homest Red ead Cross, attende d a meeting of Hardy County . West Virginia and Mrs. I' tlu 'r t \lurk, of Norwood, near Lytle. Ohi~. June 18~9. MI. Stella Daulrbt erty entertal n- tember )8, )837, being one . Sep- the officers at Lebano n Saturda y Frank Harlan died at his home on spont ~undllY Wil h Mrs. Arnold at of nine qne of '.' family of SLX children evening , ad to a masked party Monday aven- cbildren . all of whom have precede . Mnln Street on Saturda y afterno on Thomas Hilliard Evans WUII h urn the horne of Juhn Funkey . d he IS survl~e d by but one. a brotJ:ier , Ing. In honor. of Mias Eva DavIs, who her In death, except one, about ~hree o'clock after a long .111bear Spring Vatl llY ,Ohio,in .IH57, wa Mrs. Mary' Mar~ha\l ~. Harlan. of Waynes ville. will become tbe bride of Mr. Clifton Bergdal l. of Grant County , West l:alled bome In 1919 llItl!r an illne Late arrival of new assortm ent of nellS. The funeral was held at the Men's, Ladies' and Childre n's Never married , . Ile lived at tbe Burnett , thla afterno on. An of cerebra l hemorr hage lusting m" Te Sweate rs. from $1.98 UD, at Paul Jones Middies. all white, white Chapel Monday mornin g at 11 Vlr&'inla. Hyman 's parenta l borne until death remove d able evening was lIH1nt. and a enjoytban Blx yeaN. with serge collars, and Tan 1"lannel o,clock, Rev. Cadwal lader conduct lot of Sbe W811 married to John Bergdal l, all but two, Marahall. and blmtl;8lf. fun wu bad by tholle preaent , In 1882 he was married to Nellie , Middies with plaid skirts to match. ing the funeral assisted by Wayn.... Novem ber )2, 1868. immedi ' ately . . . when they remov~d to . V!ayneaville. Zell. who ,lUrvive s him with ' lheir RIchard Barley, of.Cmcma~I, ville Lodj;te No, 163 F & A. M. Inat Fred's after Lebano n Big Stor\". which they spent came to Jamesto wn. whl!re they have smce reSided . two childfen ' Mrs 'G 0 : Hamilto n. the week-end here WIth relatJv~ termen t in Miami cemetll ry, . . Urean County Ohio. After s alln residing Injllred by a fall, he haa been an of Portlan d, Oregon and Dr. Ii E. friends. H.e met many of The birthda y &nnt.v ersary of .Mrs. there for abo~t tbree years reSeth Cook has purchas ed through Evana,l If Woodland Californ ia, three friends while here. and had hiS old invalid for Be.v eral veare' tenderly Ward and Mrs. JanlOey was obaerv- moved to Warren County : 'they To this a ","ood cared for qy hts brother . . eJ Mrs. Paulina Bergdal l died at tbe Sunday at the h~lme of Mr. J. E. union were born four children James W. N . Seal'll the propert y of Mrs. grandch ildren, olle brother Edward , time. ~ill occupat ion was far~lng, a Janney. Tboee pretMll1t Snook on J.t·ranklln street; the Snooks home of her son. William Beradal l. and sister Lizzie Evllns, of !:!prlDg were Dr .. Ru_ll. William C., Edward Berg- have bought propert ~allm~ be loved, lind due to hIs good and Mrs. . J, M. Ward, y In Middlet own at Lytle' after a long illness. Tho Valley. and a large 'numbe r of relaMr. andl daU 'and Mesdsm es Myel' Hyman , J. C. Judgme nt and energy, WBII B GitheM , the eldest and will auccess- Mre. C. M. ~ough, M~. John Mc- of whom Lulu funeral was held Monday afterno on move there next month. 1;ivea and friends, Jiawke, Chri~tie McKinsl'Y imd F. ful. departe 4 this life Octobe r . ClUTe and fanuly, of Sprmgd oro. Mr. , 1880 at 2 o'clock from Middle Run .BapHe was engage d In ~be Insuran ce H. Irun are attendi ug n three-d . ays He. with his sister, was for a long and Mre. ttlt church, Elder Limes officiat ing. busines s for many yearll bbth 'in aeaslon of lhe Grand LO'd William a and IOn. • In laSs abe united with the Middle Ernlllt Harlan arrived home last Interme ge of t.he tlm.e a me.mber of the ehoir of the of KingmaWalter nt at Middle Run cemen, and Kennet h Bough. Xenia and Springf ield, Ollio. Run Baptle& Eastern Star at Cincinn atI. Church Wednes . day 10 which evening .she , with hia ·dis- tery. Umvers alut Church at .. Rldsrevllle, In i9i6 he with hil. wife. went to baa Blnce been char"e a faithful papers and in his ,pocket s. · con. and rellular ly attende d Ite servlce~ ' Pilrtlan d. Oregun . to live. tie was G D I lliatent membe r having alwaya at- "Dutch " is undecid ed yet what he Mrs. A. C, White, of, Du~lng his years of ~ffUrtl on he was Mr. and Mre. ~!o . a memlJe r of the Melhod ist ChUrCh Ky, was here IllRt week, av a entertended 18rvl':81 whenev er will lll!ible. do, but he is looking attendm g patient and supmlsslVe, never mur- talned at. SU,nday dl~ne~ In honor of and aince a younll' man, . The home was agRln broren by the saYI he is able to do anythinfine, t? ~he remova l oC her Aon's g outside nor compla ined . ' Mr .. LeWIS ~rs, wbo laleavln g for death of her bu band ' Ma His life was wholly unselfis h for- 'lbls look very much llke U,properl~ mered thenavy . 22 1903 A membe r of the Masonic Lodge pe Californ ia thla week. Mr_ ' . Lewis SI ee that tim B ab 'has g"tflll of selt. think Ina only -of ad'!pt the South as his futuleM. will ad ith home was a ~rue and faithful b.rothei'. and rs , F~r. I an~1 Mra others\ " Elv~~ FI"'i he~ IOn. WiII~w y r. .... Ber;dall~ of Don't fall to hear E. T. Baily at . ever d}splayod the beautie s of broth81 018 e ~ea. , The funeral was held at the resi0 Lytle Ohio Men's snappy new style Over- erly love, relief and trutb. Hall Wednesday evening , Wayneaville. M188 Ida Ho"e and The ladles Aid, of Lytle, will give dence of Fraqk Zell, Rey . R, C. Jont!s COllt8, ~5 and $26; . fall Dilring h~r entire life ahe enjoyed School On Saturda y afterno on Octobe r BOn Harry. Mr. Joe Da,la and g Weill'. Novem ber 5th. He has apent scv- a Hallow e'en Party at the Lytle Hall daulrband Rev. Scarff, of . t;prinll Valley, heavy winter ribbed,Munsin extraor dinarily goo\! health until an 26, 1919, he fell peacefu lly aslt;!6p ter Dorothy of Harvey sburg, Union omclatl ng, Mr. ·Degler . of Dayton , Suits, heavy sanitary$250; Mr. attaek of the "6u," during 'the win- eral yeara engaged in welfare work, Saturda y evening , Novem ber 1st. fleeced, $2; arod his spirit returne d to God who and Mrs E C. Man1Dun and Ilauastt,ldying social. economic and in- They will serve refreshm ents and h - ter, which :develo pad a life-lon g friend of Mr. Evans, Bang ·medium weight. $1 .66; ' heavy into asthma . gave it, at the al{e of Ijeventy years, ters, ,Mr, James C~eaver, and Mr. one of these attacks resultin g in her dustrial conditio ns As a ' welfare have a very nice program , Everytwo very approp riate selections Ih- UnderSbirtll, slightly soiled, fleeced four month':! and twenty days. 69c. at and Mrs. Glenn DaVl1 and 10M. termen t in Miami cemeter y, death, Octobe r 24, 1919. She was worker be spent several months in body is Invited to .come and have a "'rad'l! Lebano n Big Store. France among ·tre wounded soldiers . good time. Admiss ion, ll)c. d II • T . i k aged 82 years. 1 month and 6 days . .. he sruves grow I I leer, All Ie S Miss ~!!!!'!!!"!!! ' Helen !!!!'!!!!!!!! Marlatt !!!!!!!!'!!!! . !!!!!!!!!!!!! enterta !!!!!~~~!!!!! ined !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'! She leaves to mourn her lois (bewu yaonm"IC! ba go) r. b)" A. )'ellr~ in bonor of MI.. · Ol)al Gray, brldo!- Bide her Immedi ate family) .r; a large Nu)', lhou huallUrore sreen elect of Mr. John :Baker, of Utica number .of reiaUvea and friends. Gurd.ns iii lhy Olr~ . New York, Thursd ay evening , OcShe Willi of a kind and pleasing disJ\nct more slnUl in thy sky, ~ober 2Srd, ·a nun btlr of friends, at position . always meetinl [ and bearing " II. hilld, hupes turnell 10 grids nnd JOYS a Thimbl e Part>:; .ofter which . ~e the.esre s ot life without a murmu r. lOl men.mlt s - KueelS w~re InvUf'oi! t~ tb~ dlnmg "From her dally tnll sh. Is resllng, Iro lud i"ll out of ~i,hl, . , rqom,. which was ..... I Ifu!ly dllCor- Her h.oor 011 ".rth ev.r done : Utlo,e pnins ch.III".d to peace and drellnls ated rn a pink :..aLnd . white !=olor [n heaven Ih. nOw 1. In~ltilli . 'to ceri ll inli." scheme . where a li4Jh ·htful dInner Now a Ihltry crown Ihe has 'won. Ale glowi1\g in God's ligl.\." was IItIrved and .enJo.ycd by all pres' . ent. " . "White o'er Iile'l blltow5 we're t091ing, Carcl of Th....
____. - _0- --
Goo~. ~~~~~~~n of
oc~e?Yt ~UM !~~~~~"~~~"f ~I" L.
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Divy Vi~o(s· Spoils
I desire to thank all the friends and neighbo rs for the kindnes s Rnd sympllt hy Rhnwn me during the illness, death and burinl of my brother T!'te' attentin n Itlven. ~e comfor ted my heart and lightene d the load ' Marshall S . Barlan
----_ ..---
Mi ,tmi Va 'ley Council lio. J. . U AM . will 1\01<1 an open 'meet_III! ut I hei,' hall, Fridsy evenf/lll'. Nc)~e l'TlbH 7th Gralld COunaetor ~tlctin lind SIII(& Organiz er ' and . :jn"l1ker Clarke wlli be present to adllrill'S the ml'el itlll' snd present the ' ilk .Bag . which the State COuncil "wa.rded the IDeal Council for l18Curinlf (he largest percent&jre.o flqere. -e in member ship. durillg We past ,ear. The mel:!linl.l' JIIUST belrln prompt ly tit
S ... ·."atch! n. 'rom thaI di.lanl.h ore. ~nd will h.1t tU wltb Ikllghl,w~liecroulll,~ Who.. we will meet to part no IIIOre. OARD OF THANKl:J
Mr. aud Mra. E. C M~non entertalne d at Sunday eV'IlI.,,, luncheon, Mr. and Ml'8, Sabl:l .,reD..mald and children . Mr and Ml'II. Chas. Gordon and family . M.t'. and Mn. Howard Grabam ·anel dau.lfht er. M·r. and Mra. Earl Hocket t and children , of Barvey abura. ancll Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Keraey anll tarnil7. of Oraronia. AU departe d at alate bour. having enjoyed themlel vetl to the full .. t
We dtll!lre to expr.ess our thanka to our neighbo rs and friends for their many klndneMea to UI during our late bereave ment. The Family,
On last Wednetlday evenlna: Mr, and I4n, Raymon d. E, Davia, of Dayton ' royally enterta ined to a G oiclock dinner the followlnl[; ·MI·! e ·Hazel Gustin. Mr. lInd Mrs. Rolland Wlae!er, of Dayton.. M_r., Georare Wate.rbo\l88. nean Howell and Ethan Crane. of Wlynee vme. Af~r dln~ ner aaocial evening wu enjoyei l and UJe Il'U~~ declare d that'~ . . . ~n evening BO c.leqan Uy spent that It would alwav. t\e remembered.
. The Gf1UIge wm hold an open m.eet inl[ Saturda Yblgbt at8 o'clock. for the dlscU88fon of the cluaific ation I.ue, which comes before tbe voters at ~. coming eledlon . M, C. Drake. of Lebano n. w\IJ be the principal apeaker: All are Invited to be Pf8l8llt . ". C. E, Jrtlc!bn er. ~ Maater, Ma.., S11 ••r. See y.
0 _.
• MASONI"CLODGE NOTICE ~Ll:;~d C~O 'fea~e ~~~~ ' I ~f!i:sr: ra: CA' H LOIO ' Of' APPLES catch a train . , Each and every '" ' brother 1$ eai:neatly urged to come
~llI'ly ~nJ brinll! his family. aIIo " well-fillen basket. , I ba- ~ ear~ . W, R. Omdor f. COu Dae\ or.·..
W. H, Dhnriddfe, &C. s.,e',. Iu ADD\_ OIl ' ___ 0 "_ • yiU. -1'boIe .,~ to tile ... ad,.,. ...,.
The ~Iar commu nication of WQDll9iue Lod~ No. 168 F. " A. II •• will 1M bel Novembar~ at their • Election oro IDCl ~t · of du•• All hnthnD an ~ ~1Itetl to "'~t. VIII. . ftIocime. S.D.~"•••
r.. .... ..
OIIe bundred and a8venteen tlloulan d doll wbleb Ihe world champion CIIl~lnnall team waa.... CllIeqo Wblte Boll. Tbe cheell "M made OIl' Groll. Here IIl_n ttie eIMcII oYer.
it-........••..........~.......................................~....~---------"--~--~ I-I
San.lpIe Ballot. Marked For a Vote Against
Four Propo8als Petitioned For bY Obi . 0 W eta. . (TN.'. TWO PAOflloa..,L8 ON . .RATIt BALLOT, ) , . '
R -
V01te NO Twice on the Short Ballot Vote YES- Twice on the' Lon'g B allot
-" J: M - '~MB~R ' MARK YOUR X TwicE I If in do ubt, se~l!llm\lltl ~alluL ill this cut nut Hntl carry to tho wi th yo u, L L L ON ' EACH BALLOT. WA~REN COUNTY D~Y FEDE RATION, 1 :.. .~::;::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::;;:::::::::::::::;....H~O~M~E~R~J~.•E:~I:l:E:R~L~Y~.~C~h~n~i~rm:;nn~......~J~.~W:!II~.I~.~A~R~I)~n~A~S~S~E~TT ~.~S~c~c;r~~t:a~ry~~~ plll!er.
Dr. J • • A. MeLoy,
hlnck ('~r. IIlIKCI II'" , .nn!I\·,· P h 11IW YI'I I see n, n ,·)••I/o:hty s tiltue In \lfl llll:t ~hIP(1 . brllnzp, IU1 /o:Il ltty c\othl'c! till ly :II Iltl' loins II' III II ~potted \lelt. 'r h .. HIller wns II \\,h ltl' mUll ""n ~ hr"wn III Ihe firaduatt' tntu .
I h'
Veterlnarv 0'
n eltlwl"' \rery Y"\1nJ{ nor Old. he ·ltrrl"11 hlmB~1t erl'r t with t hl>
b(>t1l' il1~
Ob ll, .S'al . lJ nI\I .. r"I '
Wil t::
I lIllI t H un\\ !",
n 111:1 11 wh o b rn ll - ~ r owr l ' It, Ilnd whcn h ..· 11\1,,\,1 ' (1 ttl'
>:1"'" nil "lChll llrlnll III tnn c. thIn 'Ill" :' clos u 111.1N ' 11 p"rfpct cenlt·" I ,·" nll'lli. III.H ""lt tllo """1111'11 to Ill' fllJ~~l'"H"1l 01 a MlII\le IIIlIl I!\'Vl'r "'lIver 'lI 111 "plte of tl l~ rf\~ t tl1l1t h (' '11 Oo'h I n 1'1('" 1' IIf
ti'oudh ~t r~p r. Il~ar 'l'y le r
:I',!lt'l,hlln" !J3 W/I ~n<! ~ v llI '"
wlrt\ hd\\'~ ' I' n o i;,:; tl' 'ttl IIml WaH nltH'r \\' \. •. ,n il'''' ,)11 II Il\llllh~ r 01 11!l flC~. (Oonllnued on p~. ~ 41
Ohi o
A. MA .-LLT 'll' , FulleraJ Dir.. ct.or • and Emha.m~r. Waynesville. Ohio.
,...tIIt . . . .
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!l II", ,..
WANTED SnkN · l'ronlotion
<lr HorMe (Irfl.wn " I 'r ~i~1l No e xtra charg" fo r uuto H. f\ i.·1! Both phones in Ofli(~\l nIl 1 1.IHi d ~IIC· . No.14
Either Autl)
olone wa s delllnnding OB much ot tlllllr An,d rea £'1'lInr 81 nil Oil th ,,/lh" .,f Ilroduct os hl\d th e whOI{' world bcfore the clllT III th c huck of Ill' l ndln n It turned Its entire oUentlon to matFOUNT~IN OCCflll hili I tinct ""zed out ncrOSR IDg munlltloDB and payIng for them. Fr.',',,"'" 8prCl..1 of EpIdemiCS. t w fl ly-Ih' 11111 s of !U1I/loUt hay. It Andrea's betrothed t ound himself hnrwns nnl for lo ck of II purl nrr Ib n! '. he Deased to hIs Job, possibly tor tbe duIns htntly installed in .tood nlone. She hnll Ill'n llll,,·,1 this ration Qt tho wn.r. All Il result It was hon lcs. offices nnd (aever.y "Irll 10 r"lIr 11I ~ I~t\' nl 1111'n. but decided III fonlll y conclnvo lhat It waB tnri ('s. May be .attached hn d exCUHO/l h rsclf to Ol1e ufh'r no· IncumbeDl1 UPO(\ Andrea to tnke od· to a llY spigol 01'· 0 provlden tin! detail 01' two vnntoge ... Examined Corr8C!tly... other of Iii I'm. "J llsi for II 1II0rtlllllt. T his i, a genuine opporlunilJl of ber brot)Jel'll on the NYllssulRnd exJust whil e ( I'"wller Illy n o~ r_" Fi t ted : for the rif/ht pczrt\l, They hod nil SCl'n h ' r r un liP tho Iledltlonal~y force nnd accompany AT MODE1UTr.: I'rtl r. P.~ WRITE 8tal rs jn Ihl' "' ''In hullwuy: th.,y hnll them, 8ur,r endorlng St. Oco rge'& chopel nor geen hl1 r trovel s teudlly on t or a Ilule·t Illl\rrfage In tho colonies. THJo: W. ft . Jo'E LDKAMP SALES It was B blow, but tbe foet thot the eu lit lis gross IDlni'rl rJI · Ill . It WI\S ISlmn('l~ CO., INC., 300 Unough the I(>nl:t h of Ihe bOI ~ 1 orll l ;rll io} ()I,D AROADE" cOllie lI nW\1 th e III Irl r,llItc ox-It Il1t o en tire Silt 01' topered ollowllDcell . very real In<l(,f'd : ISO wc~ Ute llI!'n \\' ho 'lJ::VELASD. o. Optico I Depa rtment th gnrd n. Why htl(l sh don It 7 would Dot s tart un til the sacrUlclal n ttpn,lflol'l it. Onl' \\Onq Uw 'H: ~ ;", ;. :... I Thnt "'os n (tlll'still n thllt s ill' hel'~d t ceremony b'ad tllken pla ce more thon S. Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio could not hu"e answered bUI Ihl\t did oft'set the 1089 In pomp. Andrea s tart. Open eve ning by nppointlnent not occur to h i-lis n mllit"r for solu· ed for Atrlca escorted not only by the tlon. so often hnd 0 slml1ol' IlllIlU189 alorementlonlid brother8 but by old Aunty O"en, hale and l'Iellrt:y at sev- ' 1I~lfltCh"rl h.'r Illfln)ont"rll y awny from -~. -~--- only In stille, or parhnp!! by reason, or • a erowd41d ~vo rld . having bllel'l frightened out 01' many Andren bad a (lIl At, but vQry little E, BARNHART. hIstory. She wns thl' only daughter ;rears' growtb. So bero th87 'GIere, Adoption of Classification means that it will not be of Lord Pellor of P ellQr, n Innd·poor Aunty snd s he, on the Ilol nt ot IlurtNotary Public necessary to modify or repeal the Smith Tax Limit Ad; baron who could distribute fi ve titles IDg wltb the. two boys lit tbe lost P08omoDg hIs five sons but ve ry little Sible port up the eoast and whose Ill,that additional revenues can and will be raised to cover All klnrls nf N <>ur, Work ' Will. cash. As n result Andrea hnd Ilved hablta~ IS hnd seized upon the occasion present d~ficits an'd increased cost of government, with· f\nrl [)I'OO" " ~1\fIOll\llV the life, It Hte you Cll n cnll It, or tob· to give a grand bnll In the mode ot the uillterl Impovorlshed Engli sh gentle- English, who"hn,'c ever dnneed, courted out increasing the taxes of owners of homes and farm women: Everytlliog that the trume ODd loved bes t when on the eve 01 lands; that in all probability the taxes of aU those who \" Ill b Il r tor the men of Ihe fnmlly bottle. OR. J. W. MILLER. nOlI t or th e girl j\lSt enough tracks at Andrea drew a long nod quivering now pay taxes will be reduced. her coming out to dIssemble tile bait 81gb. Tomorrow the boys wouid tbn t clothes fhe hook thnt catches the be gone. Tomorrow Aunty Gwen and ••• DENTIST••. Classification makes It possible to coUect t~ltes from the mnn with millions. abe would d ellort In stoto ' lD tbe primore than fifteen billions of dollars of intangible property During her fil'st season oft'ers hnd vate cur her nlllnDced. too busy to the om"" In N..lInn ..1 lI,ok nld,. which now escape taxation. come to lIer; not the measured ad· last for the soft prellmlnnrlea 01 love, vsnces of buyers In the mnrrlo!;e mar· hud sent down trom the high veldt. Classification Is not an experiment. Fourteen other states kN, tor about th e bro\v ot Buch bud, Tomorrow - tomorrow would Indeed ding malc)enhood as hod been hers mark the beglnnlo.g of the e11d. .iThe have it. Maryland has had Classification for twenty years and . Read Gazette's Classilied Ads there hoogs ' 1\ guu rdi lln halo that end ot wbnt?" cried somethIng within it Is Bot the oldest Classification Statt;. blluds the eyes 'ot anne-oged meD, but her-tbat same sometblng that hod the o'erleaplng onslaughts of youth· 80 otten 8purred ber to momentary --!f, havlnr adopted Classification, the . people of Ohio find mllddened heorts. escape. . ./ they do Dot like It they can get rid of it without another conIt W08 ID her fifth senson that the She felt a great despondency, a terarbiters at ber tote raised the she8'1'3 ror of the morrow t1iat would brln, stitutional amendment.; a repeal of the statllte making the at deStiDY a nd clicked them. He who the end ot nothlllg but that Deverlb~ I Classification ill all that would be necessary. . teU to her lot was a man ot hum hie 1 ~88 woulel mark tbe, deatb of port ot . origin who hnd reached the ripe age Vote "Yes" 011 the CIMSlftcation Amendment at the poDs, PhuJle, Write or See me for' c)'t fifty·elght without ever hnvlng hnd Andrea P~!lIor. Tben a more startling emotion 6, e lzed her, Sbe reallzed, al· Datea Nonmber f. Separate baUot. time to ma.r ry. HIs lite, wltb a dlfterence, hod beeD. Just 8 S nurrow, hIde- malt with the Bh'al'J)neSll at a reCOil, Satisfaction Ouaranteed bounet nnd conventlonol liS had hers. that abe waa 00. the verge 01 becomThe clltrerenco Was thllt tie hail trav- Ing tore'fflr a womsn without a bll!lo BELLBROOK, 01110 OHIO TAXPAYERS' LEAGUE, eled the stereotyped Dick Whittington tOI'3'. She· looked bact and saw that D - 81 sho had Dever done ODe outre tblng; Gee. L Gagle, Mgr •• Columbu. trail to high finonce rath er thnn tbe ehe looked forward nnd law that she soclol hl gh\\'!!y. He hnd s tarted out In Africa wIth n Dock or cheap Jewelry. probably down and--never WOUld; Ibe looked - - .- ,.- - nn allen mind ond nn easy conselence, At her "'c ry feet was the coping thllt and had emerged ofter twcnty·fh 'c years as one ot th e few Gentiles In th,' edged thl! almost preclpltol1s cUft'. I combin e thnt controls tho world's dlo· Upoo tbe pole stretch ' of sand WOB a mond OUtPllt, Ills WCOWI l\'n8 so grenl far·awa) .blur, a, dark, wlde-wlDged If you have read the new act, p~ssed by the General AssemImtH==1I that ~n nltimate Ileerage W08 ulmosl blot. flhe concentrated her unb \lllev- ' n mottor of conrse. · But, ns u8rml, on Ing gule upon It until Bhe made It out bl) of the State of Ohio, which .reads, in part, as follows: orlstOCl1ltlc morrloge had to COIIIO beY,ond a doubt. It was an all'J)loD9. Two midget ligures mov' e d around It Section 5564. Tor the purpose of enabling the county first. . . Tbe (!Outmet wos os cold·blooded 'n ~ busily. au(\it o1f to determine the value and location of buildings and Andrea wutched the mld~ ets dreamIIny ever perpet rn ted by a royal hOl1se. other improvements, who shall erect or construct Allownnces, carefully grnded , were Ily and tbou ght of nil the stories sbe tlad reod about fl ying mochln l! elopea ny huilding or other improvement costing over $200, . . RtJ plllntccl to ho paid nt fixed time8 to Andr 0 'R rmrents and to ench of her men ts, AI; she stoud there her dlaph· sh'll1 within sixty days after said building or other imflv c brolltrrs. She herself cn Dl.e In for anOU8 second·best III1fty dress and ber provement shall have commenced, notify the auditor of the loosened hair ' 8tl rred by the slliceII Inrgo and Inollonable marrIage setcoun ty Upon failure to give notice as hereiri protl emtlllt nnd wos furlher secured In laden breezes of an lndhm ocenn dawII such d"f.nlls all to wbere lhe town res· aDd her eyes full of tbe stlU, fairy vided - . and th~ discovery of such building ·or imIllenco \VIIS to be loco ted WI well as to IIgbt 01 a tro»lc moon, the thins dryprovement by the county ~uditor after the same has been th u nlllllber nnd nature of the COUDtry Itlg ·ltll vast wings on tbe distant erec\.r.d or constructed, the said building or improvement ;sondll ' seE lmed Hke a glant moth, places whtch were to be maintaIned I When the docume Dt "'118 finally com· strayed Iroin some Arnbll\.n Night and' shall be appraised by the county auditor at. its true value in pleted It wns casually BubmlHe4 to sent In OIl"Wer to tho cry ot clllldmoney, and placed upon the d~plicate togethe~ with a tax AIl,(lr('a t or apllrovnl. Nobody drelulled hood's voJlao.t funcy. penalty of fifty per cent for each of the years from the date that she \\'ou1d doubt tor a mom eDt Who welNl those midget dots' Were thnt th oso In fnlJllly authority were , th~y men or genII? Whence hail they of the erection o~ co~struction to the date of discovery .. Said most nhle In decide whnt wns best tOI' come and whither wocld they go? Did county auditor may enter, b y himself, or deputy, within reasonable hours, and fully her nnd nobody wos right. She merely thoY talk with tomllle~ Qr like Brownand structures of every kind examine all bujldings skimmed through the typewritten poges of the prenuptial agreement, snt- : ..... " ...1 w"tr roes ono eyee} Anorea ...w'" "", ........ . IRlied berself thot a vost 811m 01 mODey wondered all tbese tblng!!, ' suddenl, woe destined to the upke«}p' ot Pellor, stopped wondering, ak1pved up lbe ladher lind drea my-eyed with sudden memo. der·llke .ta lr trom the gllrden rles, nodded ber adorable head ID eon- room, lJIIatched up a warm eloo" atralr sent. " i . ",.. 'Wblch buttoll,ed In a blgh collar at All 'doul:>tlet!s would' tune tlill'~ri: Its her Deck and thnt' tell sheer In evernppolnted ~ourse( .hnd not the Euro. wid ening lolds tram ber 8houldel'l! to penn wor put In Its mightily dlecoll,- her anklee, nnd In ie8s time than It certlng fin ger; S\lrprlSll1g thlDS!' bop.. . would takl! to 8111 Jack 1\obIDBO'D a Ilened In SmIth Africa. Andrea's alll- hundr~d n~td 6tty times ehe was slip. onced ,sulled on twenty-tour. honrs' nO-I plDg and slidIng down lbe . path ot slonta. . tiel!. The (]Janiond mines closed dowa took a sho rt nail, lind then SUddonl; Sbe ca.lDo upon tho a rplan,e 80 .lI11d· • • . " ' , .' --.~~ ~ 'h ~~ M rn~ Am~~ den~bt~e~~t~~~8II=~_J~_ _ _~~~~_~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~_~~~_~_ _ _ _ _ _~~-~~-~~~~~
.......................... •
W.hat Classification Means to Y ou
---_ .
John H. Wright
IWltfo.r.vete "No'" Oft Two ofThtm allll -Ve'" Oft OtJ\er Two, -wtiy. do 4rys .TOte "TEll:!' on two o~tU wet proPO~1 l1li4 'NO' on the ~her two! U all to.lIr proposale were petltJoDed 'fOt' for b)' tbe ",et., wh7 aot Tote 'NO" aD all 01 them T" BeClallle two' .... ere propoled by tile w.u throush referendum petltfonl IUId two b, IuIUathe petition •. Inltla· Un . .4 referendum eto liCIt mean the .• RiDe UilD.. If the 1IIIIIIIalure enacts • Ia,r, ' rOlere ,rile> Qb~.C't to tbB law aD. IIDIeIl tIlere II aD emeraeaoy 0l&Il18 at~oIIed, IIle a petition wltbln • • Certaln .Dumber ·o f di,l, cOntain In" tu RIUIl8B 01 • per cut o. the ,numbel' 01 'rOtan votlnl at tbe lut gen· ,.ra1 tIeotlOD, ..kina that tb. voten ,pa.' on lbe WSon of. lb. Iqlllature. TbJI "ot:e,.mult be takan at the nut .eDeral ,. Ieotlon.· Tbe question' at 811011 l1li elecUoD II wbether the legl. latun ..all be IUltalnfd. ThOle wbo .,ot. ~H vote &0 Iuta.ln tbe Iittl. latllre, IIIId tholl' who vote "NO" vat. IlIrrat'allt~ aui:a!nlnr, tile .Il11"lllatu reo TJie two wet referendum proposlll8 Ie on 1 .. lItamlnc the legl81ature In radr,lns tbe naUoul problbltlon amendmeat,lIIId I. pall.ID, the Crabbe law enforcement ball. Tbole who be· lie". tbe leghlatliN dId In ratl./ fylng the dry al,l18Ddment, and oleo. In enacUng .. I.", for the eatoreeinent of ltatewlde prohIbition, will vote " YES" aD the,. two propoeals. wblch will be on .. ba:llot· by themselves. fI . .. propoMl . ', Initiative petition Is on. In wlllob c.rWn ,oten deelre til .l altJate • II.W pl'OpOlmell. 811eb u an am_dIIIaM to tJI,a con llU(uUon. ,,~. yw. "", ' IDItaAoe, tle dr." IDw.&a4 y' a ' JI'ODONd ' '1UII8IIdmlOt tor. ~1l.lbltioa. whlcll lb. v~t4irjI ~ &'& t-. ' N8'vember elec• " ~ . '"1! tile Wit. laillated two 'Jr'ciJoltd . .eAdmaDte, OIle for .• ~ . flI. Mat. .lde'· prohlbltlon ant.. . ~ 101' 4.~11I!J Inlo:ilca.tln" ' Ille :whlch IDitlau8 a p .....dmnt I. like the at......., .... In • 4ebate. It anlrm., ...... *'- .....UClll ...... '
eta".... .
U:-:!4 ....
1=============:;::::==:============================== I
. m~ny
Notice-Consult IV1adden,. who will sa;ve you alot on your. lumber biU, t~er~£ore will ~av~ you a lot on your tax ' . . /. duplIcate. ·It pays to trade at h~rhe.
B ' M a dd ' en & . C0
w. E. F,iloST ,
Harve,.bur•• Qhlo Pbone 34-11..21
Rev.. PboaeC.......
lSWElJ EV(.lI{Y WBUNEt;UAY. J£o,.1't!d
a~ ~hn I'"o' o lll"e
.1 lIoYlip • • lllr . IIhlli. II. £u ' olld
i·'It•• Mo,1 Alo ""
D. L. CP AN E, Editor and I 'uiJJibl ler. Way nu \l iJle, Subscriotion Price. SUiO per year
,Notice of Appoin tmellt
Ail'. ao,d Mr8. WillOl'd Mar'tin, of Ib Bnd Mrs F, A. RarMoolt, MI •• Mre. Ella 'M llrray, of Dayton, IH Dlly on , were o.. mug..on lilr!!. Mar. Helen B1lr&lIoo~t Mr . Roe8 Bllrtaocll tlJHludlng n week All the goest-of ber tin '8 flil1 tAr, Mrs, Ira 8vfetd, Batar. lind Mr. nnd lIue. Allin U'arhlook neice, Mr • . W. E. Bogllu. arid SOD, Kenneth . were SODday do y even ing . Mr. and Mr8. Paul P8torKo~ we re Unr n oll! bbOTs anti oltlzeos are goelas ot Mr, and Mra, Barr, Shld. 'he Munda., gOll818 of her parents, planni ng f ot' t hol r oh Ic g 1000. aker, of cear BarveYllbtlrg. Mr. and Mra. Wlll ter Wil son ti oll tn t li l' 00"1' f otort! Mr8. 'Emma Wolf 'la .pendlng eev. Mr /lnd Mr •. W. E. ROKIID lind N ow Ilia Wlll)li ll gtOD 1f8.11 Fea&l. eral daY8 with her tli ater, Mu . • va Mr. and Mrs. Rlllelgb Bogan and VIII Is over, wo W08t ge' qown to WYSODg, ot ijpriog V.Uey. baby, Dorothy 'Loulse, aotoed to h08tn e~t\ 80 we will be able' to Ireep Mrs . Sarah Rloh, lllrtl. Serda Jar. Ridgeway, FrIday,' returnlD/t t:lnn the wn lt fr oru th e duor. &lme of 08 dllon, Mn•. Viola Ball'18ook and 10DI day. and were the /t\le~t8 of ·Mr. and IIlrellrly ,no w.oll<)erlpg whl\t we Kenneth, and Mrs, Bertha. Gray aDa Mrs. 130m Burflloe, wbtlll tilIne; hl\V O rl one with unr summer's wBge~ IllluGbter, MlsB Opal, of OOIU' Way· Several fr om bAre II U p'"l d the [k,ww unotlJ er Y0llor I .un gOing to n08vllJe, WUO plealltltl&ly entertained Fall F a8tlvlli Itt W i rlUi llll t(l ~i , Illlt> ba Inll r O·\Jurtlcul .. r about ill Y expun·. by Mrl!l. M9ry Eunbllrt, Wednesday week. ditul' flH. J ' am ij nre I neve r mltd" of last w.eek . Mrs. Mte\la B"I\, nr Kelllll , pent s ne h I! ~I,li l lIlon~ uefure. VI Mr~. Uannllb RIJh and d .. ugbter. tbe week.end with h or ~1 ' Ier, Mu . Huln Is qnl t e comm on, m ore 80 Mrs. Gmoe Rich, spen& Wednesday Charley B.rner. tho n ,I lo w wl e kllbuo k ot lasr. week .wlth Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mr~ . W eldon WIIH(ln t nok Mr. ond Mrs. leullo Hudl ey, o f LeHter Surt .. o.o. dlnnn with BRm Wilson '8 , 8 t N il Yl [,o lt n bu, U kIA., lUe vlslt.log in this Mrs Millifl M'lrtln, aUer epencling Burlington, Sonday. violl1 l l,y. the summer her llome here, bas MI~e RuthannR Pllte rAon was th p Stlvernl from b ero "tlendod t.he gone to spend the wln'er wlt-b ber guest 01 her gr"ndmoth er, Mrs. R . r ai l r e"t l';,,\1 lit ' ...· llm fn ll t on , las ' I d!lIlghter, Mrs . Jeule Ellla. Ii: Jone~ , over S nqdny. \v li" I; , 11f111 r llJlor t " tlu e t ime. Mr. and Mrs. Albm" Benea and Miss Ethel (;'Urry hll8 re t nrn er1 14""", of () or ' teil CrOI'R workers Mille Qpal Thomp80lD, at Dayton. from Ii dehghtfnl vltl lt with IJ ru 11.1(1 11 11 "d r,h e O., uutv oonvention At speDt tbe week.end with ~b8lr .Pli. parents, nelLr Wllmlnglon . ren'8, Mr, and Mrs, John Thompson, .1.0" 'ltH)n , ::;,. t.nrrl" y nig bt . ---M I:R. I.oall'" .1 N!HOI' ball \."\:(011 up Mr, and Mr8, George Bogan and her w in te r qOl\rlnrq with herdl1D " b 80n, Bert, were calling on Mr. and Learn From MI ~ t ake .. to,' "I Nor wood . " Mrs. WO.l. DIlDn, of Silver Grove, . It y ou fnn k p n ntl 1111'1' rlno ' t Inok t>uniiayaHernoon. M, 1&11 11 M, . An ~ "If!OI Ant.ruw or t)(lc lt nt It IUlig. l nk e IJIII 1 ·(llH~ .' 1I o. Me v. rill from tbls (Iommunlty at ~'I" ( I"' :v , lI"d MrR . Alluo ICYfk e 1~lld :-hc Ihlm: Inl o your nil' \[ '''11101 . lind dtiu!( h lor, of I\lId ll r"on. lod ., nre tnnded Ibe 1!'.. l1 Festlvlil a$ WH· vi .H" ,!.: ~ r . 1\1111 Mrl! lie D De ooy. mlo/(ton and r.eport large crowd. lhen look forwn rtl. ~II N ' " I' , '" li re lessons ot \\'I " dnrn .- I!tl ~h W hile. A l1r " l'l~o wn~ Il) on M r Bnd eao11 day. Mr. I\nd Mr •• Alaa Hartaook en. M r l' . (1" nrg ll l)Hl1 ny ou ~'rillay uight., It lUlin g th (lir ll5t.h nltlrritll!'e uunl terMlned At "upper, l:Satnrdlty even . vArsu ry. Hevornl froll1 here wl're In!!" MIsses l!;dna Oeathraga Ilnd Our Uncle Jazz says: llrf':lell t . Belen BllrlJlnok and Mesafll. Wm Mr . tln,l ~r ll 'Fronk BIlTIBook. Lukllns and RoaIJ Barhoolr . Vou'll " look W . 'r .1 ord an Bod wife and Measrll. Mr 8n d Mr". Antln D . I:Jl\Ttsook nDd . pleasant" Thomas and Boward ~oGnluD worli £1011 IIh ,l Mr . 1\11,1 Mrs. Barlan A nd he pleA!I'd vey nnd t wo ohildren, of near Dodds, oaillog on tbe Jordatl family , Snn When we rJe! h'cr w u r 6 i'lunrll\Y gues ts uf Mr . and Mr~. dayatternoon, Vullr leller n ,;d Bflrry ::!hlduker. Mn Bnd Mra A . B .. Talmage bed Billheads prin ted M r ~ . MI"'I' Is visll-Ing a8 their gUl'lIta, Sunday, Mra, Lavloa ri"ltt , WnrwlOk lind grand.dl,ughter, Betty bAr In KlinllRS. Aod econpmically Mr. IlDd Mrs Peroy R Olisun "nd Wu.vlolt, Mr. and Mr8. Orval Ohen . In Mlnmi OU7.elt e 80n ' were t:lund"y gua"I" or theIr oweth and daoghter, Brlgh"e Marte of 1AIbllnon •. Mrs . Chll:rleB Uaroer, of Job Shop. par .. ntp, Mr. RUci MrR. E ,I ROUAOD. NewlJOrt NewlI, Va" Mn. Mllttlo The exl eri or of \b e B'rlflnl1l1 ohuroh Flnob Rnd lion, RobEIn. Garner, ot i~ nellring oUlUpleti ou, I<nll work Barvevtlburg, Mr.. J'essle KenDon bU8 lJogun on tbelnterior. and Mrll . Amanda GlIorner l:Iownrd !lnd Cut.herlDe Coott bave MI~B Marie Rloh, I)r Waynesville, baa D OOOAlrler&hly Indi811080d for spent the week.end with ber pareDte, Revoral dl\:\,s , put Rt tblR writing are Mr. 8nd Mrs. Thomas Rloh. th n u g b~ to be muoh Improvlld . 'l' be Mlltron Prl80lIlo OIub met Beckelt & Moore . . ... . November I Rev. Huntington preaohed 1\ tern . with MesdBmA8 Mlirtho and Edltb perance "ermoo at tho M. E. Churob, Oltvl.@, TuesdRY of laRt week. Abou' Phil Hock . . . . . . .• . .. November 6 SundllY art-e rnoon. fifteen membora were preaens and Mr. Bnd Mrs. Blirrv E, Wilson, 08rl8lnly bad Rn enjlovable time. Howard learnIng ..... November 4 "'te~ 81lVArRI dllYs visit with their All deputed at a late, hour. being . pilrentlllli the 'en~r .. I, returDed &e Idad that they hlld bee,n preMent. In ordllf to dlasolve partnersblp, ~heir bnmo in Da~tuu . we will sel\l\t PullJio Auotion on t,be two w e llk~ absence, Mr fllrm known itS the RobertA fltrm, 1 Everett 8 humllker return'd home, James Stucky Says, "Rat Cost Me mlle aooth or Corwln, ..oblo, on
Olassified Ad s MONEY LOANED n li vE' Pt" t k; 'lI l mor f/(U c' s. Nniflt! ho oelJ t" .I ohn ~ lI r t illl" Alii D B\llid lo~ , X Flnlo\, hID. II J .:W tll ~ o ~e c
" (.,'
this country made
~aler advanca in all dwmel. of human -en~~avor IhaD rver we~ made b" an" cOUDtry in aJly
hall CftItury of aU time. 1he credit ie due to the men and women kept their thoulden 10 the wh~1t of pr08r~ And DOt the lust of tbae wa. Theodore R~h. IOld~r. /r.8it1ator, author, bunter, ranclunu. .tudma, praidenL • On the twenty.aewnth of Octobs it will be eUty-ooi! ~aro thaI 'Tbeodore ROOIIeVeh CAme to ~ .hio I t _ life 10 the up-build1ns of d,,- . . iJ.zahoo. democracy and justice in America. On this anni--."ry of hie birth the people of Roo.e\'1!It'. aatiw land will lay the foundatioo of the Roosevelt memorial, and it wJlI be a memorial worth" of a Roo~lt. for !hi. foundation will be laid in the hear10 of the IIIeD and women 10 whom Theodore Roosevelt wa. OrM! o. the s~atm of Americana. 1he pe<>p/c of the United States will long ~ ~ and hODor the Roolevell. who a year aa o 18id down the burdens of mortal life.
,.r• .
.!t~..; 1'0 ":. ~
1 ~.
'l ~~d·~-.:---JU
Public Sales
(- .
Uu y 8 ro o no n " 1J'1I1 t <In\lt~y wilb tile Hooith boy ~ , E,i WlJi.'() Q IIfId wi fl', .1 . W. Ta v ltlr wIfe lIu r~ ilunghl nr, Mil'lil n ",tI,r ico, MrR. J{ o ~ b 8 , liz, K"rl UIlA' hrtlgf' Ex.Sherllf Wllliamll, of t Hln~ol1 Ilnd flllJ1!ly 11110 K. E. 'l' h OntllR' )o Oonn'y, alld Ie E. TIo011l1l on , of HI' li t M~I.ordliY Ilfl r.rtlonn inLebanllD ItI~t ~aturdIlY. &hi8 pleo\" .. ra it, t.IHl WI'~ t, till. Saturday, November I, 1919, $125 for Plumblnlg Bill.." Mr, J[\t)1 P8 tiblelds, of Falmonlh, wenle, Ilthlll chnll' Ihll Finn IJn~ ~1I1'B. Mrs K. Ii: 'l'h t1 I11Jl~ on IInll dut1yb. . tor. Mr!l. MHbol T tl rr ~' , lind Mrs. ,{y., WIiS In thlR vlolnlty l&at week, "We oonldn 't tell wl!1a& w.. olog Beginning d 12: 00 o'olnok I!JULeP, Win. M''''nI1Y on rl wll,., of near Rnlh Sh fl rw \Jo<lllll il lll.~I ... rl'''l( r. buying mlloh OOW8 . Ring up our tollel and dralnll. We &be following property : 1 Dorse, Blok r ry"lIle , 0 " LOllnn frlenda bere, F;sf.h llr, ~" o"I. FridlH 1.(Cernoon with bad to tear up floor, plpotl. eto. 13 Ollttle, 28 80gll, Implements, Sunday I\ftorno!ll). Mra. J . W, E.IWI\ .. l~. wbo hilK jnsl. found a nt'8 nes' io tbe buemen', Bouaehold Goods, eto, ::lee bills 1'111 ... plAoe WIIS wO!l rOI>TOllflnled at rOOlllltl y r,,'.n r nod 1,0 it r h 111 0 here LON BECKETI' & U. S . MOURE They had ohoked th,EI pipes wllb 'he Fall i'e8tlvRI at Wilmington, fr Olll Iho ..11(' \ '1" 11 " " h l)~\li"'l al "These Rat. Wouldn't Eat My Best refU8e. 'l'be plumber'. bl\1 was 1121). W . oN . Setirs. Anot. laat week. X o.. i". ::!b o i~ /tO ilin g nloll K ninroly GraIn," Saye Fred Lamb. RAT.BN A P oleaned &ht~ roden' ou'," '0. ,1 Moor". of H~rveYllborg, WOI A ~. All on nut! ",i/,! ontart,.ln, d • h's bard to keep ra18 out ot a Tbree alzes. 250, 60e. H .OO . SOld Havins deoldod q illt farming. I leen on onr IItreetll, -J,'ridf\Y. . Leh"nPIl CII 1I1plln y, Ktl "III v: will offer lOt Publlo l:Iale on the Amos Tried for year8. A and guaranteed by J. Ii. Janney. feed store, Denny MorrlM, of r..Aeahurg, trlln&. - - -•• -+---Van Doren place. 1 mile Aoutbwest oelghborln" etore 81lld me 80the ---~-- --aoteti busine8s here. FrldllY. of liarveysburg. on RAT ~N A P. It worked wonders. Ch" •. BeoRon hilS tRklln np hi" 0111 Goltbared up dead rllts every adorn Whero There's a Baby on Farm Tuesday, Novembe~ 4, 191f), Job In Dilyton Ing . BouKht more RAT SNAP. Keep RatwSnap Commenolng Rt 12: 00 o'olock ehllrp, 811veu't II utnow . Tbev wonldn't Will MoKeevflr Rnd brlile, of 'he following property: 3 Borees, Uroen Briar, PIISSed through herfO, Rnt~ I\re on Il\ st fllrm~ Once eat lilY boat grllin when 1 threw RAT ~ CoWII, 3 Brood &lW8, B'eed Imple. Hondl\f aft.lfooon, enroute 10 Har. tlwy ge t Insidll Iho honae-I oole OUI. NAP Itround ." Tbree elzel!, 2Go. Ralpb BnIlen Willi talk en to a hoa. men's, Barneas, HouBehold Good~ IIeYllbnfg to 811" Mril. MoKce""r'" Rllts kllllnfnDCft-lJlting thoUl i~ n Ol· 500, '1 00 ~old and guaranteed by pltalln ColumbDl, Sunday evening, Bee billa for terma, e~. Nursing bottle. aUrnot J . E. Janney ·nnnsoai. bOD".e follrs where be will undergo an operation HOW A itO LEAMINU. 8re8 k, a co ko of RA'1' S}ij A P rlltH. Alman aod Shl1rmnn F(Jrrl~ Ir(l-'1I . for tbe removal o. an ,.boola In hla .1lJ18 & S'~nley, Auo~. Ihrow It arouno , It wlll .. u·rely .. lid aoted bU81nesM In Lebanon, Silturdrty. aide. rid .faD ot rltts and mice, Three Alman fl:errl'" new tenant bonle aiaes, lIGo. 500. '1.00 Dr, Shtlppard atid 'amlly have '" Iil lIud I.(l1llT I will offer at J:>llblio 8ale, on what il nearlnle oompletlon. • moved IDio the Maflltt properly aD ead by J. E, Janney . was formerlv known aa . the W. P. A. B. JralmBge and tltlDlly Rnd Mr, and MrII, CJlnton Common., of Bay ' farm , ~X miles Wllt\& of Way. Gao . W. Unlll "cd flimlly Rlolrmond, Ind., are goeete of J. M, ueaville,' on the Upper Wayn avlIJe talntld qUttA 11 lol of oompany, 8un. . ' Mr. ""d Mr8. Barvey Mungerand Bill IIond 'amlly. aDd 8prinKhoro Pike. on d.y. '1'hol'o 15 more cala r rh In thl. a~Uon Marie Keslinl{ were OInolDn~tl via. Mr, and Ml'8 . E. R. 8teddom, JOIIe or 1.• 10 COulltry thun all oth or dlsolUle" Thunday, November 6, 191~, M M. Terry, W. H. 'I'orry. Lon put ( O G'~ lh r. lLnd tor yoars It was MUP' i tore, '1'ue8da y. Bill lind family and J. M. B~II and BrIlnn'!n nnrl K ~l 'I'h'!ml'~on "pent 111M II to IHI Il1 curul, lo. Doctors pl'O' family spent tsaSnrday at 'he home Betrtnutnla' 10: OU o'o!ook, the ful. :\1r,. Rnd Mn . R.alpb MlIJer lind ijund~11I IIftornooll In I'Vtll, wttb "crlbod 10c BI remedlos. and by 0 00' Plnnlly tlllllng to cure wIth locn l treat- Mr Ilnd Mrs, .1 . V. DanOB 1lIId little ot Mr. and Mre . Enos Bill, near lowing propersy: 3 BarBee, Imple Mllolit Plokerlng. 1110 nt, I1I'ollounoed It IJlcurable. Ca- dl1llghtor, of Dayton, wero oaJllug Oedarvllle, men'II, Barnea!, Bousehold Goods. Inr rh Is a locnl dl80a oe, greatly tnrtut W" are 111annln8 for. Ballowe'en See bUls for par&ionbue on ccd bl' con Htltutl\>nal condltloDs, and on frlantll!, 11I8t Wedo88day flvenlng. PBIL BOOK. LhCrc[orc r equIres cuns tltuUonal lrcat'rhomns 8tllnton, of '1'uba, Arl. CarnlvRI here, con8isting of a 111 .nt. Holl's Calarrh Medlolne, man· W. N . Sean, Allo'. milfo klll.l parade alld refr08hmente. zona, Ie V181"118 ralntlv'll! here, 'btB " r " " lur ~d by F. J . l,ene)l & Co., Tole· 1\4 fM Mary 'Mills has moved Into a du, OhIo, I. a oonstltutionai remady I ii week. ( IL k n Internally nud acte thru th .. Mrs. Grllut Llltlch @pen~ lIeverlll Pili t of the propeny oooupied by bloo<l 00 Il, a ~ru cou. Surfaces ot lhe ~)'g tN!I . . One Hundred DoUars r oward rlftv," 11111\ woek wltb Dl\y\on ro11 1. M.r und Mn~. Ii B. ReeveR. Iia ort rod for 0111' ca90 that Hnll· . Ca· 'tvep. ' Mr lInd Mre. C. B, MoKay and , \ rn.rl'h Medl c ln o fall s t o c UI·e. S cnd tor Ir IIlnl'o nnll tOH Ultlonlnl •. MI ~ e MILrlu .K llslil1g · lind fo1' hil I" Mrs. Bertbll Mes\'oller are apending F. J . CUBNJ1lY &. '0. Toledo, OhIo, weell .e od gu~~t, 'Mr s. E.tht.'lr J{I rby, 1\ fpw dAYS fl·t HnlphlJr Llok 8prinll8. Sohl by Dru ggI3l • . '160. (jt\o A. l'bl1llp8 ' bad tlle mlafo". Hull'. 1"'\111111' 1' lII s Cor constipation. of Rlilgevllll'. Mrs. Ed C(,ffen, of Frllntltn. \\ as tune I)r h.lllng from a Iladder at the tho dtoner gOOMt, on Mondav, at her Fall r"",Uvnl, Tbundny, 8ufJ ... iDg a a SIIver8 "praia of ItO ankle. sieter, J)(re ElIli Tate, aDd r..mll'l'. Mr and MrII: n. E.,Wrlght llpent We have just . received a ". _ Mrs. Amanda Oombaober lIufftlred good .supply of " stroke ot pl\raly ... ls. Tuesday, and I. pl\rl ot.. last week ""iSh rtlatlvC8 nt ,hlK ""rltlni II! rep()rtod In a serl near Hillsboro. ')u9 ooudltlon. Mr. and Mr!!. R \"I, Gllllett en'er. Bran, Middlings, . Ground Mlsll Ruth Miller. ot the Miomi talned the III L , . hil De', MondllY BarlfY, Tankage, CottonValley hoepi&al~ WIIS 'he dlnDAr evening of hl8t WI:\l: h seed Meal, Dairy FEed( Old --.... - - gue~t. on Frldav eveolng, of Mr. Proce$S Oil Meal, Hominy 'md Mr8 . •IAmes Weidner. Beat Method of RlelnQ. . Meal, Alfalfa Meal, also Mr. and Mrll. W. W, Sheet8 and 80me trust to luck-t!nme rely Ul\01I Fertilizer. family were Middletown villitors, Influence-lOme '"expe'cl promOtiOD tlftturl1ay . "'!lhout seif·aasertlon-h :,1 the POI'l8o' Come and see me before Mr end Mr". C. A, . Wlttermoll, vcrlng rIse upon the wi n,.:" of wUL.., ."" you buy elsewh~re, an<\ you Misses Muy l!'itt14 and Ellaa Tborup. Herbert Kaufman. lion' motored '0 ClnciunaU. Monday. ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ will find you can 'save dolM.IIIs l3.erth" I:ltephl'DROn hal! 0011:1. lars. ple'ed ~he r training at MlamiValloy hospital nnil 111 DOW at home fo. a ..bore VlLcRtioo with her "mo'ber, Mrs. J. R Stephenson, Bud Mn~ Garret\ Clev8oger. . LYTLE, OHIO Mre: Chile. Allen, MarioD . Koe,iol ,md Mrs Hugh KeslIng .were Day. ton IIhoppe rs, Wadn 84ltyafternooD. Mrs. A. 'j'. Ollptn aud 'daogbter, Mi~8 N(\IIl" ' I"itt~, Messrs. Clln\ Oll. pin and 0 01 rge ROIInaRleapent Mon • •ia., "'ternaoo In tb'EI Ge.m Olty,
----- -....----
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----- ..- -SPRINGBORO
In d.. lall half
'.; Ho nest John . Plasters
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w' th lll' rse li nd In ~1\ iI ~ I, u h C!oud ili Dn PDwtl er in Wllrr!'n , '0 . !'illl"ry, , no I)l'r m on t h A' l ol r OR~ -124::! Morhli LD . t ., l ildl oa r lis. l od . o:W
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wtv.t foc.t
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':O~,1. R " m,.~ u . Ih y IU~ '~U"'R MITEfJ) E....,. ",.ood
It.lVl¥'!l ...AI 04 • .-pIy
II he can",
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... tfONeST IOtiN. INC.
llU ~l,( y.
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w." .......... . . . .. ~ (\
Clocks, Lawn Mow ~
3 or(J r
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nnr!lr D I ~ h
era and Saws ,
,,,,, i:tNH, t'ln nl , h "d ,d. [ !,qui re At T)t1 ~
,·ffioe .
" cn oent lalLvln g t.o wn , I will O No lTm' ill Y lJr np er t y Frunk• of
Repaired s..". HAINES, Lytle, O• '!! -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
00 ~be AI ~ o Illt ve 11
lin H.Jllll for Ru in. lot of H01l8e tuild Goods to di ~polle Df lit prlvMe BlltO EI I7.l\h eth f:;n oo k . n ri
FOR SALE G .,nt!1l Y nun g B orse, Buggy O NE and B itrOORH. Inquiro of J . B ( 'baplllllu
P LE14- n om/l n Rlllln ti ll>!. A pces, 1. flO to *" 00 p er
Pri .
bn~h e\'
To SeU, IAXIIr For THI8 81G!J
D B. U orlo r wollrl, l:I a rveysburg, O. n r. Sheep, e wes, 130ne ovor Ii yr8. Old. 1 Brood 'ow , due to fnr. r ow soon . Inquire of WIn. Com. mJngll, R . D , 3, Wl\yn e~vlll e, n r.
PiR8,welKb 15 Pohmd.Ohina oIbs , W , O. Gusloin. -A 10' of /oIoo(l Tlmotlly BIlY. H AY Inquire of .J ohn Roberson , n. D.
I\b(1ut , o ~ !)
o ~ !)
3, Wsynosvllle, Ohio
full.hlooded Plymou t h Rook A fewRooRt ers f ur ule, good olles. Inquire of Mllt.on Koys, ville, Ohio.
Waynes. 021l
I aUl. going t u qolt the Red B og A sbUSiness, I willeeH my berd b oar Col'. G, No. 6600r; Vol 4l A. M. Be . il4 a genuine Premier UIlI hog, nnd be oarrles tbl' blood .lInos thu\ run through tlle veins of the rod h og fnmlly . K E, Thoml>~OD, Oregonia, OhIo. t'hono 10.1 y', BI~rvey a hurg.
Polnnc1 .ChhlIlP, ill1munod. B·ig'l'ype For 81\I e now, Rprlug BO,UA IIn4 Gelt8. Have si ze and quail tv . Perry SAokett, 1 mile south ot Bellbrook on WlIoynellvllle rOlld. 020
. ,"
We Pay the Freight 'and pel' pound fot'
. Week of October 27th to November 2nd Inclusive.
Whenever a cream producer sells his cream for less than 'I'ri-State prices, ' it helps th.e other fellow to set ' a lower standard pf prices. No patroll ever lo!>t a penny dealing DJRECT with the Tri-State. Ask anyone of our 35,000 patrons whaLthey think about-us. . Ship in your cans If you have them or write for Free Trial Cans.
The Tri-StateButter~o~ .
oath oaPltal '260,000.00
I 'B~~
on '~~b~;:~ P,ills Everett 'Early
Walter McClure
. _.
Spend SOC on Rat-Snap to . Save $IOO?
One Mo pkg'. Oft.n 11m 110 Tbe Ilvn1'llge rot will rob you n' '10 'a y"n 'In reali, oblcb ftJld properSy ileurootlon. RA R I:I.N AP 111 11811.111y t.o ra,'1! Crenratllll after Ittlilng. '_vsa no ameli: Oomet! In oalllll~ Ra18 .WUl .pa88 up nll!8t.lJ1'atn,ob_ to. fealll on RAT SNAP. Thfte III~, 2110. GOe.1t 00 tiold an4,ur· an,"" by J. Ill. JtUlnllY;
Fully Equipped fo~ Good . Servi~. ,. Large Display Ro~m
Dan, ThoUght. . Valor eoulItII III the penNI' of - .
Wayne.vllle, .Ohlo
_. . .
Saxon "Six" 'b as earned its reputation as the Prac~icat Car because it is so thorpughly practical from ' " so ~any different ' standpoints,
RAY F. MILLS, Dealei .:' Phone- 71
Ihe black
mUll ' wilt.
IJrijt :
,ensed Andreu's pre~,'nl-e nn,1 gllve ' WBmln" to hill mft~ t er 111 n I,IIY, ~ I " tural, mlllOI atrlng ot tlo "i_o~ \,fJwels. t The white mBn did not 10llk r('lIIul; he merel), shruRgl!d bls sh olll,I,,~ 1111,1
('nlln II Cl o~" r aoor " Illeeu linn il tCII \!\) upnn hllf ond Inellornllle (larkn~1!8 hlld I b" I,1 hl'r f r momrnta tbal werp euch an ctl'rnlty lind ehe !mown ~'Ic h terror. 'rh o ( t· illig 11Int hod come tn ber thllD cftme to ber now-dnr!m s, 'I Rlnklng or Ih henrt down, down I chrou/th . nn Intermll)oble " 01<1 and, tumbling artnr It, body, !!(lU I. n It')t or . tWIJ nnd a cilltching hnnt!, 1\11 ("omo RIlIlrl In the 1Il1l1'I~t rnm or fen r. 'rhe pr"p~ut nlghtml\rll did Mt liist tor IOllg. Andrua gruduul\ y f('nI\7. el thlll In tn!;1 she \\'a Quit gr Wlf UP . ' no l It rhlld lit ull hut a f!l uod rIJR801l llbl1' Ill'ulthy youog WO WIIII wbo hud rldtll'lI trllight to hounds ot mnny flv hnrred gIlt betore which 'nlen 'hn d ofi~o poled. Wbllt wns ~h o trlght· cocd nhou t? A mont Why. In the ·vlIIJrn r v rnllculor at across tb o water. mell hud he 'n h r allm nt for., nrsl Apr bnckbone stiri' n d wi th a BnIlP. III,· It mn,'ct her natural r ct ond . lllarr·shouid r~(l cnrrlnge. nnd. lenD'nj: f rWtl rd from tho hi ps, laid ber 'lnC'\\1 I'In I h~ innn's nrm . Oentle action
went o.n ",Ith bla Job. Andrea tI'ul 'h i hIm In sllellce un.tll sho wns t'OII"I" \Id iuat everlt hlng tbnt could bo duno to the mac.blno wa s ohout to \)1' lIe,·ilIn· pllllh,e d and Ita proprietOr on Ille "C ~O ot ftylng 0\\'111: ond then. mhol(lcllI'd 111 thllt unwavering smil e, 8h ~ snit! In Mra. lobO ' F.~oO"" preaTlluch ,a voice 118 chlldrrn l1 ~C whun dent or tbe Plnell.. Fla.. War 1.leading tor cake. "Please. Mr. Mu n. I 1II0thel"l' Cbapter. wanta her nat a ke me wIth I OU." , 'tlonal orgIUIlsatlon to eponsor .. She know a good deal about fl yi ng fr'ee0lutiOli ' aa~ ' pardOil tor machine8 ; 811e know they Quldn'l (~~I'Y U. 8. 80ldler DOW eenrlJltr & lltay up very long Rnd thnt It tbey (\()unmartlal Bontence In European prl.oDe or at bomo. Sbe bad four were worth onythlng nt 011 they In"a· 80ne lD tbe war. ,be now wean rlably came back , 0 \\"b ~r .. t h~y nne !lOld alar. 8tarted !rom like", IJ.trolned pig I\ns. Sbe bad left her door locked nnd she neurad that she would be hock long bef fe Auot1 Gw n could work ber- brcotb of absolute joy ona Insterio .ill up to tbe point of hl\\'lng It swallowed nn en tire ~ale ot wind. It brokeo In. When ber 'f01~ rang acron almost burst ber opon. Sbe bad to allence of the 1'n]sc dawo, clear clench ber teeth to conQuer It, and and 1Ilbt al a sUnr b ell elvin, t onguo with ber bunds made a vizor for her aC!rGU mow. the white man starled eyes. Il wInd mMk tor her mouth. Sbe and dropped tbe wrcll,ch be was. ma- wanted to 81ng, but she wal Inartlcu· nlpnlatlng • . Be caugbt It In mldlllr; late In !.hc toce at lI.n element at then let It tall to tbe ground deUb- large nnd spnrrlng for another chnnce fInItel7 and turned to look her on r, to rush clown ber throat. She felt the She was certainly something to see cbeated song rnctng around In ber and to wonder at. Ber eyes of Irish blood, swelling her beart, InformIng bini! danced wtth a lI1[bt younjler than oll her limbs with a new joy, a new her t .. ~ l1&ht mat attenos w el"'" life. D8l wiattul dllld ",·!thln u6-but be- I Sbe awoyed tbl8 way enlt tbat. DMtb their 811ln1na lUe ,,'ere shnd· · .Iooked up and down: then she leRned OWI .'and bel' ebeeka were o'l'er.palo.l far out to ~tlldy the rugged brown Jut to ODe BIde of ber rouncled chin face of Mr. ilIon, the face that olway. 'Waf a bit of black eourtplastor, shame- emlled, From wbere Bbe lIat lit biB tul mao or 'a tlll1 111111 of too much 8houlder the I(O/ll/:Iea were not so com· ch~latel and too little exercise. She PUltu ' n ma SI(. !jne 100Keo Rna II.... ftl II1Im enou,b to look tall In Iplte ' eyes beclllne fI.xed In 8 taaclnated of that . cloak-Ilke affair ot dark blue : atare. Two deep UncI lay like paren· clove cloth that fell from bel' 8houl· ' thelel from the mon's nostrlla to the den to her ankles In ever-wldenJilg corners of bls mouth. They made bla folda. . mouth look os though It 8Il1l1ed. bot TbI'o1iJh all JII. IDlpection the mRo'" the man WII8 not amllLn«. Suddenly ~ neftll' cbahae4. Be looked her IIbe knew that throngh It all. from the 0Ya,r c!eUbe~telY, ,tudced delll)erlltelr.. moment be had lotd his muked eye8 ~d dellberatel, let down tb~ little upon her, he bad never smiled. Her Ja4der that p . . aueu to the observ· heart I1lr~ed cold. era eeat.· He .helped lier up without a CHAPTER II. ward, atrappecl her In aDd then turned to pour 01l~ voluble 'IDltructtOD8 In dla· 1\ to Ihe moment 01 the Hu~den led: to thll brozase lltatua that etood at • ttenUOA" blaclt eyell flJ:ecI OD his milS' chillIng or her exultant blood, .And~ , ter'l face, .ret lip. repeattng like a .hnd been almost obllvloUl of tha din J)J'OIIIpter In a Latin tbeater all that of the engine. Now ahe cenld think of nothIng el~e. The deafening roar that lab . . .ter 1&1d. De w~e maa elambereG to the made speech futile "",a ave., reat' drInr'. • ..t. pIace4 before Andrell·.. barrter; tt Imprtaoned ber. beld her and Ihouted • word or commaad. The IlIre the ban ot an Iron cage. and even plane aft,ed, mond Ilowly rorward; beat ber remol'1ltllessl, with It, rap,ld. need flat down the 180d and falter. 8" exploslon.s of det,ylna sound.. . 1IJltU wltII ,a billowy uti It roee Itralgbt She sank back on her seat. panting .. \II~ .,. of the rIIln, IUD. and lobbing, She was trlptened. ADdl'8a ItIined to ctraW • fali Na"f1' a1ne!! the dol' when a,' a little
Cu\lIllHlIld h!~ n!t rllllon, s h ( him, then 'hook him. til .1I1,\\','t! t H' sljlll ullel Allu reu'!' lip' J(rnllulll1y ~N In. n thi n Slrnls:hl line Ol)utollnl( 11 11 hrr tlstti sile Sinned t ( (, IIIUID"1 him Inlo RUblUlssl n. The onslnught wns mId n. ond It 1\' 1l11 rf·n Ronllllle to S UPI) e I.hnt thE mon woul/l hnlt JUDIP out ot his Rkln to theIr mut uol peril. She \\' 118 I)r~ purell (or Lhut hut not t or whnt renlly tru usplred . Tho mn n merely rat d his should tlrs a t the tl rst blow ond pold DO hl!ell whatever to the ones thot tol· lowed In mpld diminuendo. censlna luddenly when Andrea pnlnfully reol· 1&eeI thnt such flsta 88 hers were never Intended tor stooe ,cruabers. She sat . hllck fill ed with wonder o.od 8 vogue edmlrnllon for tbe conslructl ou of Ihe male frome. In tbe meootlme the airplane con· tlnoed to mount stelldlly Into the dll1Iy morning blue. She looked aboul her Dod down. The wo rld W0 8 very fllr IIWOY 1I0d very smoll. It looked like something that oDe might tor gel and leave behind enUr Iy. She tried 10 vain to pick out the tiny root tbot WBS sllelterlng Aunty Gwen through her morning nap, Tears one more come Into her eyes nnd then receded 11.8 a new Idea clime to the oNSlsronce ot ber hnrd'Dr~lI8e(\ det ermlontlon. ll l llUI: (0 ' "l(l:ru l,t
(To be OonWouec!(
Dr. and Mrs. H, E, Hathawav ROOSltVELT MEMORIAL .pent the week·end with relatives in Springboro.
Wayne Township has not ' r eached its QUOLa ffo r hll Roosevelt Memo· rial ~· und . The lim e for t he drive hilA been' >;~ lended oll e week Make you r I;ubscription at on'co with an v one of t he undersigned committee: J . '1'. El lis. . W. E O'Neall, Frank Elbon, Cha rl es Burnett . J . O . Car tw right.
Uoderwear for the entire famil y • in union suits or Re parate g arments. a t. Hyman's . Dean Howell lert Tu c.qday evenin lC for Chicago. where he has secured a good position.
.. i
A bad w reck occurred on the Lit· tie Miami rl1ilroad at Ft. Ancient Sunday al;ternoon. On account at a defectiVE! rail four cars on a freight were piled on top of each other. and the wreck delayed traffic for sev eral hours. No one wa~ injured .
----_ ..- - -
Girl s' School Shoes, rcgulnr$3 00 and $3 50 v l.l lu~, clusing out a t $U JR at Hymon 's. I('it Illst week t o H I:' has secur d a good positi on in t he Delco plant. mak e his home in Dayton
$3 15 $2 90
I• . 0lJe ...., . . ,.. .....0 ••' .f Iatu«ll»l. pro,.rtv , .000,W. IIoa 01 I a ,u. ere4lb, ~ twice . . .uch la ....Iae u tuaibl. • ....-rt, ... ,., It ,.YI I. . tho three per eftat of the tas.. 'I'll UaB ' R
. . .
. . ... ia to bla... Why .ot do away wlt.h.lt1 Esc.,t twelve states, enry .tate .. lit. U.... " ..ldt atartect oat with the Uniform Ral. hu ' ......... IL ~........ h . . ever .t.c:uded Clueracatl
c.- .., .,.... be wone? • .,..
'I'll. CaIf_ .... wu laaqurated by our 'grandtatltera. . u.. 0 ... :.... k.,t pace with Jed every state III
...... au. • dtIqa ftn,t .. I.. 87lt•• of tauUo. . . . • . . al." ,,"''''' .. 'a' l. .t worth • trial la ·Ohlo.. Uader a'_atl.... rate 01 .-utl_ couW. he 1l88e81ed 'again"t any' .... II , ......', Ia nu. .f tit. Smith Act n ,.-tl
_ . ... ~ . . . ~ J~a B....011 .0. Vee. "'1'." _ tile CIueII..ttea
fir,........ s.,anae
o... ... -... ..... c.' .....
• ~ 0'" .
.t the
- --...
- ..
I will offer -at public salc, on wh'a t is known as the W . farm, 2~ mile s of Wayne's ville, on the Upper Waynesville and Springboro pike, on
P . Hay
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6,.1919, 3• 1
Beginning at
o'Clock. the following property:
team of Black Horses, 6 and 8 years 014, good VI orkers, 1 Bay Horse, 12 years old, good worker.
Consisting of all kinds of Far-ming Imp1E:menls, WagOil,S, Cream Separator, Incubators Fence Stretchers, and other articles.
HOUS.EHOLD GOOPS Consisting of Heating Stove, Range, Rugs, Dresser, Chairs· and other articl~.
Ralph Colton Jones. Minister. Sunday School. 9:15a. m. Preach10':30 a. m.-"Ma~e Ye Ready Way of the Lord.' Evening· I.sElrm.on. 7:30, "8e Ye Also Keady •."
sides. brass-mounted Breaking Harness, Plow Harness, Buggy Hame~s. Storm Covers. .
, St. h\ary's cillirc~ Twentieth Sunday afte;' Trinity, November 2nd. Sunday School · at 9:80 a. m. Sermon. and Holy muulon at 10!80. 'Everybody Invited to these services. .
PBI-L BOCK W. N. Sears, Auct• .
Caesar's Cre~ Frledd. Church , ~unday Schooi at this ::hurch every Sunday at 10 o'clock. Preaching service at 11 o'clock a . m . You are cor~ially invited to be present.
Bible School at 9:30 Preachiog at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p m EveryJ . A. Pi'It'. i;'astor. one Invited ,
- - --_.- ......TRUSfWORTHY .
J. O. Cartwright, Clerk
·A ·UTO.
Ferry Cbrlstlan Church
We are prepared to all kinds of Auto Trucking, and will give your order the I.n ost careful
~ It ' i~ a KOod thinlr to havea publi"
If '8 ' SHEllW60D
consideration. , Call us at 'any, time,
",iI~' ~ on" ~a~d to do your work..
'~rtd we .
J. E. 'F RAZIER " Pho~e
Public Sale
cation 'in the hOuse that you· trust. You never have to whether you can safely Youth's Companion 'on . I ...::.:.:-_ When you begin a Companion story Mr. and Mrs. Ohllll. E JUb08 Iln ,l you know you ar~ not bound On a SOD meDD, acoompan\ed by MIBS ' ~Iummlng expedition, You are !>cM"ry ,andPllrryCookapent8und,.y , , t .. . ; • ingledup'into the sunshine of the ;n~~~t~~~_ Id[ J . . Smith ai everlasting hills. The folks in the ' " a •. . Companion 8torl~ are everyday Mr. aDd Mn. B. EI BaIne. aDd i. l I ' •• , folks. They are like your own Ion James, Mr. aD~ Mra . Wal&er WlllynesviHe,' Ohio townspeopl'. : .tumbling• . taIling. Kenrlok,Rober' an4 Mildred Baine. ,' "ieklng thel1l8elves up trying wi~b motered to Fletoher I:!aturday And some defeats and difficulties .to at~peu' Sunday with, Mr•. and. Mrl!. tal~ to their high ideals Wllllnm Grlmn "nd Jainel G1Ufin ., . . . .. 1920 will be a year of great stories IUld dRoibttll' for . Youth'lS Companion readers. Mr. aad Mrs.: Allen ..I!lmrlok en. There are more than 250 .ot them in. &er&elned to 8und6Y dinner. Mr. All calls for Auto Livery well tbe 'year. Subacri/>e befure Christ.! and Hrs, Sbl/rman Oylr.e and daugh. ca' red for and satl'sfa"mas and get the opening chaptenJ ot terl!. LaVllrne' aud Roo of Oayto[;, .... 'Charles B.·Hawes' lO chapter .storY . Mr. aDd Mra Berne .lon88 lind , aon tlon. is assured, The SOn 'of a ·Gentleman Born " Therle, Mr ,ap.d Mfl. Keiiler pra t , and all the· extras at . the following ham &nd danghter B rntoe. . I!.HONB IOS-2X . offer: . .: llr and Mr(, Wilbur Clark had New subscribers for 1920 will recei~e: . for their gnestl! · OD , 8un4.Y', E. J CarmollY and ohlldreD Marlaa and . . The Youth's Companlon-621ll1ues Robert, ~f Sprl91f1eld, )1lal Alary Mra WI!II Benkle ann aon. Mr. anti in 1920.. ' . hOtllu • Jan. lIIary ,Carm~Ii', Beth MI8. GMree 8onklll, Mr . aM Mre, 2: All remaining weekly 1919 issues. Tl'b oma~ and MIs8 Kathryn Clarla. Banl.o" Bower~, 'IIr,. lind Mrl. 3, The Companion Home Calendal' Mn. Paultna Bttradall. • bl'g bly. OIark Iherlole !lnd fatOHy, of New lor 1920. 81teemed Oltlzeu or L,tle, aged 82 Carll.le; Mr, John D. Henkle .nd 4. ~~~:n~bM~~~rn!2f:'I920, '1.00 "Welra, died a' tbe home .,r her IOn, aOD, Noah, of tlprlngfleld; I .....Dd the monthly fashlon 'au'horltv. Bo~h . C. Ber.d.n, on I'rld.,. e'l'eDlng. lira. Jnd,o.D Dr.te, 'Jf lIedw." • Aftar • sbor. eenloe ., 'hi home, Oblo; Elder W. L LIDO", of La- publications tor only $2.95. MOil••,. a'''mOOD. &lie bod, ... I'oDDCalae, [ad ; Bider 0 P Bal. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION &alllm to IIlddle Rua (,,'haroh aud 0' BlaDobalter; lin. A. 0 Commonwealth Ave. "St. Paul St.; la~eII' waa tOacle la the OIm.r,. and moCher•.lIn. lIal.lDa .. Boeton. Ma.. Ui8re. TbOle from a' ,UI.aoe who 1I&aq, 1Ir. "tid lin." L. Bara· New 8ubeerlpUounceived at thII ·
•. E.
Vote twice
Cut thil Slogan Out and Carry I' It hi Your Pocket . .
The ball we 'lther cu t down' the a ttendance of the Bryan meeting III Franklin today. everal intent.l",d t go but did no t on this account.
(Long B a llot)
The sale of cattle and hogs held by the Waynesville Canninl&' Co. was well attended and very satisfactorv to the companv. .
Miss Olive M, Allen. of Way nes:--_ _ _ _ _ _...;._ _ _ _ _.. ville, last year's captain of volley bart, is now the head of ' v.olley ball (~n a Thing Be "Odd" at Mt. Bolvoke CoIJege. 'be is on the Atheltic A8IOciaLion Boafd and ' Yet ~ot Be Strange? a,J90 a "prominent member of the . You may lIave an · odd chsir or Young Women's Christian Associasome odld volumes in your book tion . ShE' will play on the senior case you would be t~am il) tbe preliminaries this week glad to sell. Per· :lnd in the final game on Field Duy, haps you have a tbe fi~8t of November . lamp, 8(>wing ma---,chine or other piece of household turni· ture of which ¥ou'd like Mr. Klass E. Fide to profitably dispose for you . Convert to cash that extra piece-through an ad in the fyUami Gazette's Kia88 E . Fide . Harveyabur, Friends Chl:l~ch Colummll Amos Cook, . pastor . This.Church 'invites you to the fol~~~:::=~~~~~~~~==::: iowing services: Sabbath School at 10:00 a . m ., Anna C. Stinson, .gu·pt. Morning Worship at 11:00 a .m . You will find a cordial welcome to both these services.
Taxation, which wu ~~ ~_ Ohio wu alaott a wlltlemeu, .• per _. all ~t _ taX. are ~UecW fro_laltd and lIol!le.. ' Uniform
By Referendum Petillon
Elwood Baily will be at th e Scho ol Hall Wednesday evening. Novem· ber5th . Be is a lecturer, eloquent in his delivery. and hIS lectu res are No hunll ing. trapping or trespas· all full of the human things that sing on th'e following premises: people want to hear. Ben PUI~ks. on Eli Dean fal'm Buy your Stoves and Ranges now. Roy Van Tre8,'l farms it's time. 'fhe Laurel Heate rs and The GOl'such farms Old Reliable Malleable Rang es 9re Martin Gona the best, the 8Ure!:lt and the cheapest A. B. Shaner in the long run. You will tind the m Davis Furnas at Fred' s Lebanon uig tore. J . W. Cresswe I
U". tile
Vote twice
Give Classification a 'Tri~r~
~Short Ballot)
isaac _Lincoln
"For Better, for Worse"
"Something, to Do"
... - - - - - ... _..-.....0 Iready the !lmall hoy and girl ore . plllnning for the Hallowe'ell ! >sLivF.yorlt~ D ish . ' ~ 'I'. Bailv at School Hall. iti 8, Not only Ihe smel l " Pry," I '1 h o hnll R unci lilt' h " u<" l1~ll n l1y Inlte &arlet fever broke out in ollr Mr. and Mrs , Walter Kilbon wer e pu t the older ones are Roin ~ t ha ve 11hN r Imnh wilit Illlli l " dU',·. - f\oRton t h ir 'fun 'out of . Lh e 'holiday, Sev- ' l'rntl-c::rIIlL. ~h ool s last w k, and sevel'al cases Day ton vls.ito rs Monday. are reportl'd . The en e.~. so far have he n'Very mild , anr! a ll ).ll'e Cllll· Dr. Dill. Osteopath 21 S. Broad. - ~--~~~~~-------""'!"-----~~--cions havc be n tll~ e l1 to pr event the way. Lebanon. Ohio. spread of the dIsease . OnlY one case case 1rel)orted in the last fe~ Mr. and ' Mrs. W. H , Allen were d y .' ~I\d III i thoug ht that the IIPI- Clncinnllti visiton 'fuesday, d ' mlc 18 un de r Rond con t rol. Th Grange will hold a Hallowe'm -. --~ --'social lit Mllsonlc hall, Hall owe'en ,
Remember' ~I.!.e BII\lowo'en 11001111 • t. .Lylle Ball, Siltur IllY eVAnlng. Mr. aDd Mrs. Qbarles Olflrk .were Day.ton vlllliorl, Thursday, Carl Plokerlng mado a trip to Brown County, IIl~t woek. Rev E . W. MilleT took 80pper wl&b Mr. and Mrs. William LoDI{ , WedneldayeveDing. Walter Kenr!ok made a bOBlliel1 'rip to LebaDon, Tbursday. Mn.Ann BmUh vielted her danllb Ler In Day taD, a couple of daYI Iallt week MIlia Kathryn Clarlr. of Miami Unlveret\Y, 'wR! Lbe week.end guell' ';"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0 f hom e fa Ik 8 • Mr . lind Mra. Fnnk SmIth and ~~~~~~~................~~~~~................. I Man, Ben, vlsUed with relativea tn Dayton, Sonday. Mre . !label Bowman and 800, VIc&er, left, 'l'oesda, morning, for 'he~r home at DDlon, III.. aUer an ell: &lDdld 'l'leU hera wUb Mr . aud Mra. Winter Potatoes B, J4, Cluk. , Will have a car of ",ell . maMrl, Adah Randulph and ohlldren, Saturday. . November ·' ,st tured! White Eating Potatoes ", , ' of DaytoD, werl> weak 'end rnesill of· on 'trll!:k 800n. These po~at08s Iler' paren'" , Mr. and .Mtl. U. S, will dlo to store.for 'spring use. Cecil DeMille in a good production, l.amb• . Leav,e your orders now. Mr. . Ma,1)4a Emrlok entedalned Mr8. Marla' Watkin., of OentenlUe. . Fa"'cy Apples Thured.y. Buy t hem by the box or bBllket Mr. and Mn. Alber. l:I'aoy and Belle.ftow(j!~ and Jonathans. ~ Tue8day, 'November 4th daoah&erl, vial led the (lem Olty, Thar,day. Featuring Alice Brady, in Jer/ley Sweets Mr. and Mrs. Ed . Berlldall were Mangoes Cabbage oal1ed here, Friday morDlna, ,by tbe death of hl~ mother. Mre. JObD Cranberries Bergdall. Head Lettuc~ Dr . and · Mra. L. (:I. Brook leU, Fresh Oyaterl -;:- Nice Big O~es Thundar morulntr, (or. motor trip Thursday. Novemb~r 6th Edge'!1Iont and LaurelOrackers to Indlanapobl, to visil lhelr Bon, Glenn, and wife, '. ' Featuring ' Bryant Washburne, in Berue ·Jonos aUeDded the (nnered of hili aunt In XeD'.. MoalSay . ~. Cala Yollow Free Peachel. The lIale of wm ' Orelgbton on Bill Cans. Pe.r Dozen, only ......... . ' . TuliSd.y '9fa~ well aUended deeplte 'he. rainy weatber_ Tne Ladles' Fancy Pink Salmo~. . OP'lO evealn,. 1:30 p.m. Admission 11c Aid with lunoh reatltOO abonUwen Big Cans, only 25c, ',' " doliarl!. Hr. Oretghton and · wife Per Dozen ...... '.......... • Saturday.evening i:30 p.m. Cblldren 114: oOD'lImplato golnr to Oallroral .. for tbe winser, New Com Meal, white & yellow ........................ ~.~.~.~.H.H.H.H.H.~ .~.~.~...~.....................................I~~~~.t .Mi@sLeonaMOGlnalarlllomedher Steel·Cut Coffee, ~ . lobool dutlllll MondAy .. Her , eeveral Per It>ound, only ...... ,..... daYllabeenoe on aoooon. o('III~n_ . .A large number or fr1end~ from J[t Pays to Trade at here .'tended the' !uner.·I . of Mra Paulina Bergdall ai Mld<1le RDa Churoh on Moaday. '. .
'IMarie Ttd/'
eral par Ilea have bepn arr.and, and "ere will be 800il&IIIIn overylocality 'I 'Ie averoge citizen can. ther fore, I Ike his piek. anil enjoy it.
.........s llaetaaenl
: 111', aa4 taU ad
RUIIi8II, of 0.,&08,
THE Sc, Le~o.i HaQdy Clothes Drier, see window dispiay .• 35c Damty Cut Glass Sugar an~ Creamers, set of. . t"o'. 50e . Water ~ts, nicely marked, per set .. " . • '•. , , •• ,'2.'00 S~lad Dishes .....•..••••' ...•. . .. , " ...•••• '.• '.• 25c . Children'S Drawers, ages 2 to 12 years ...••.• , •.• 25c "Smell the Stopper" ,Perfume . •....... : •.... , •• '. Canvas Gloves, good weight . ....•.....• , .....•• 2Oc Hand Bags, for the women .•.•••.• ' ••• , •• , .••• '1 00 Powder Puffs, good washable ·ones .•...••••• : •• , • JOe Watches, f01 the boys and girls •...• ,' •.••••••• JOe
Spedlilit In
. .. .I!II~~~~!I!!!I~~~.,~'-!~~~"".!-.
Year ---
Mr. Horace Clifton Burnet t and Dr. Dill, Osteopa th 21 M S. Broad· MiBl Eva Davia, both ot Waynesville, ~ay, Ifbanon . Ohio. wert> united in marriag e at the Episcopal rectory last Wednes day Mr. ·W. N. tieal'll and family were afterno on, Octobe r 29th. While not unexpe cted, It waa 80 timed that It Dayton visitors Sunday afterno on . came lUI 8 surprise at the lut. L. A, Zimmer man and Myer HyThere at 3 o'clock they took upon themsel ves the vowa that made them man are Cincinn ati visitors , today. one tor life, Rev. tAdwal lader using the beautif ul and impress ive cereMr. and Mrs. L. A. ZimmermaD mony of the ProteSt ant ' Episcopal spent Sunday with friends in Dayton . Church . . ·T he only perlons present were, &1r, and Mra. Myer Hyman and MillS Minnie Davis, sister of the bride, Mrs. Cadwal lader and Mr. daughte r, Bernice , were In Xenia Sunday , RIlY Mills. ' _ Mr. Burnett , one of our BUcceseful farmers , and Mrs. Burnett , highly Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell left esteeme (t' 88 one of Wavne Town- Tuesday for their winter ,ancb on ship'lI popular teacher s, are too well Mobile Bay, Ala. known in and around Waynesville to need any introdu ction or eulolD' here. Each is to be congrat ulated Oil win· Mr, an'.! Mrs. Raymon d Davis .and ning t.he other. May they \IV!! eacb son, of Dayton , spent the week-end here with relative s. for the other and both for GOd. After a brief honeymoon trip, this eetimah le couple will make their The Ladies of St. Mary's Guild home in Waynesville or vicinitv , will meet with Mrs. Will (Iraham on much to the delight of their many Thursdy afterno on. . friends. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hathaw ay and Mr. F. W. Hathaw ay spent Sunday with friends In Lebano n. Mrs. Laura Sides, Mrs. Susan Arnold and Mrs. Elizabe th Mmith were Oayton visitors Monday.
Mr, and Mrs FernIe) , of Aurora . Ind .. "pent the wedk·en d with their Prizes for War Savings Stamps . daughte r, Misa Dorothy Fernley for tho contest conduclt:d during the ,last month, hllve been given Mr and Mra Clirf t arrlvout, and will be awarde d the suc- ed home Saturda y Burnet , after ce/lSful candida ws ~aturday at Co- spendin g 's everal:dIlYs evening in Cincinn ati lumbur : . The first prize. a flve paaaeng er Weaeot t, will go to, Miu ~llItner, of Ernest H!lrlan secured a fine OlnclnDati; the l!Ceond prize, a farm l' oolAltcm with the hili! John Church 0 •• tractor goetl to Ml89 Robin HamUton, and we~t to work daught er of Harry Hamilto n, of Lebano n, who sold $88.300 worth of stamps . George Watt:rhouse, Emmor Baily, Other awards were giv!!n to War- and Russel ren CounLV residenl.8 aa followa: m.,que radeSatterth waite attende d a Mott Kline, of HarvoYllburll', a Gul- dayeve nlnr dance at Frllnkli n £t'TIdan violIn and equlilln ent; Inman Monaer , Frankli n, Singer /ItIwing S!veral Knights of Pythias ·went machin e; Carl Zeck\lr, Lebano n, din· to Lebano n last week lind attende d ner set of chinaw are. 61188 Robin Hamilto n is to be con- IodICe thel e . They repor t II goud gratula ted on her 8UCCeB8 . Her fath- time and lots to er' Harry Hamilto n, who bal been at the bead of the Warren County Mr. and Mrs Wilaon Edward s and commit tee' hlB be~n a live wire, and children , Mn O. J. Edward s and the BUCCe8Il of the counly' s salel In MIlS Trillena Edward s spent !:lunday a~mpe, I. directly due to hla endeav- with reilltive s in Dayton. . ors .. ., Noonday lunch, SOC; dinner, 46c; sandwic hes and coffee during shopping hours at Fred's Lebano n Big Store on the Mezanl ne Floor. . i
Ht!nr, Woollar d .rrlved home from Indiena Monday ·evenin. r, after .\fter man), weeks of gradual de· "pendin g the summe r with hili broth· cllDe In health and atrengt h, due til ~r, who is in very poor heallh . . diltlue and tbe inftrmi9 ea ot are, rt!II~t«l and .esteem ed by the enMr. Jaa. McClure Sr.; Mrs. Walter Ure commu nity, the subject ot thia brief memoir departe d thUI life, with McClure ~nd Mrs. Ida Kelsey went her loved Ollel around hpr at her toCede rvllle last week, and spent home In Waynesville on All Sainte the day at Cedarvi lle college, Day, Novem ber 1,11119. How fitting ' that her gentle apirit. should on the bdies' Coate, eUverto nes In tinaelFeltiva l of All Sainte take ita depar· tones, wool velour. Broadc loths ture in ,revere nt ailence Into the PI.ln and fur trimme d, 129.75 to I6P.OO, at Fred'. Lebano n Big Store;' Pa.r adll8 01 God .. Mary Ann Wise W88 : i~'D~~~I:~: ot Patrlclc and HOllora M Mr. and Mra. Arthur Anaon, Mi. and was born June 12, ·185~. Ruth and Edward Anaon and Mr. w .. one ot a family of six children . Ruuell West three 'of whom, Mra. lulia Bergen . wood , I!pent and two aonll~ of NorSunday with Mrs. Lucy Jamee and Michael MeDonald, sur· Pratt. vlve ber.. ' On Octobe r 30, 1869. she WI\8 mar· Meas.f8, J .. C. Hawke, Ed Thomas , rled to- Robert WIIlf', and of thi. 'lnlon tour daughte rs were born- J. C. Hisey, Kellar Hoke, RUBlel tile Meedallles Cora Macy, Winifrec:1 Satterth waite, and Thomas Pierce Miaio'!,t M.mle Cumminga, and Cath- were Lebano n ,.i~ltors Saturda y afterno on. IIrine"'homp!lOn, deceue d, . For a "umber of yeal'8 a widow, ahe ·brave!; and courage oualy alMr. and Pi",. Charles Cartwr ight lumed the hUMen rand dischar ged and Mr. and Mrs. Bundy' Patters on, the ~11t1es of life alone Yet no of .WlIml r,ton, were ruests of Mr. ~urmurs or eompla inlngs ma"red J. O. Cartwr ight and .falllily, Hunher life, but throurh ita chanres and de,y afterno on. ' cllances her'a was a aplrit beautlr u.1 Indted . . Mrs. F. H. Fart Is visiting relaA devout Roman CatholiC . shp Uves and friend. at ber childho od liv~ 'and died In the conftde nce.of home,' Lebano n, Ind., having Ilone eure' ani! certain faith. May Lillhl there from Cinclnn ati. where ahe atperpetu al ahine upan her and' her tend~ Grand Chapte r, O. E. S. lind be Peate. ,
W.mallll>av18; Bellbro ok, Ohio,
~d" b~t __r, Jacob. Mye,., Sprlnr' . Villley, a atep,aon , J G Ha~n.,... and
· astep.c! aurhteJ: ', M-:a. Naomi. Wrkht 411an of Xenia. a arandlo n w" b), the rrandpal'8lltil. bls ",other baving died wben be Wal
fEVER ABATING Only one caae of scarlet fever has did d ' eyt! o~ unng the past wc:e k , at Mt. Holly. The State Board ia taking preC:"utlons alOlinst the disease, th tat' f i l l th f d as e B tie lIS u 0 . e evtehr't an l are par cu.a.r y anXIOUIi a th e local boards of ~ealth watch the quarant ine regulati ons closely, _ _ _... _ •
MOTHERS CLUB The reaular meetina of the Wayne Townsh ip Mother s' Club will be held at the old achool buildin g Friday afternoon . Novem ber 7, Ilt2:30 o'clock A. very "ood proaram haa been prepared for this meeting . .
. . 'I~ ~ RESULT Of
BUSy ~lit"
The game law for skunks . coonR Mrs . H uluah Hurn .. tt enlertai ned ' The election pa89ed off quietly . and pOBBums is in. and the hunterR Sundav n l di nner in h onor n f her alth oul:h there was a very Jtood vote are busy trappin g and shooting ~on. Mr. Clifton Bll rnet t Hnn hi ~ pol ledi n th e tOl1Vl1ship. The main these fur-bea ring animals Thl' hride . Thuse who ell joyed th e d <lY que!lti on and the hardest worked . price for hides is high this year and we re M r and Mrs Sherma n Dyke was th e wet and dry proposi tion . the animals are said to be plentifu l. and family . or Dayton , Mr. and Mr R. But few ges were made from People are compla ining of the skunk s l~o r eS l t.raham and dausr.hl ers and (he t icketchan put out, and mostly killing their chicken s. Bnn In some Mr . and Mrs Wm. Dyk e and dil u ~h - olel officersas were elected to serve inslanc es they even come Into town er. another year. In the corpora tion to hunt lor the chicken s. the real issue was for mayor. Several La ~ t Wed nesday eVt! ning the girl!l On the other hand the owners of offices did not have oPPoRltion Rnd land are determi ned hunters shall of the Eighth' Grad e entertai n er! the incumb ent was elected byalmo llt not hunt and trap, Bnd are pORting the ' ·boys Bt a Hall owe'en jJarly , the full vote. at the High School building . An their farms and sav they wi ll posi[<' ollowln g is the unofficial vote: tively forbid it. and will prosecu te mijny able eve n in!; was sjJent in 111l1Yany or all persons found huntin~ or inl.( games onrl wit h m u ~ ic on tbe CORPO RATIO N piano and victrola. Hefresh ments trappin g. Mayor Pheasen ts are said to be plentifu l. of cllndy, popcorn alld apIllcs were . . too. and the farmers are mor e than l!erv ed . \V. O. Raper ......... ... ...... " ... ...... 163 interest ed in them, and it will go S. G. Joy ... .. ........... . ........... ....... 34 hard with the fellow who shoot s one Mr . and Mrs S. Lev. Cartwri ght Council of these handsom e bird:t. So beware . ente rtained at a heautifu lly appoint (Six to elect) ed turkey dinner last Thursda y. The followin g guests enjoyed their hos- J.C. Hawke ......... ........... .......... .. 17 pltalily : Mr. and ·Mrs . Elias O,les- M. L. Parshal l ......... ........... ....... 20 bee, Mr: and Mrs. Harry Murry. G. W. Hawke ......... ........... ......... 20 Mr . and Mrs . Howell Pierce. Dr, and R. A. Conner ........... ....... ........... . 18 Mrs. J . T . E lii s and Miss Kizzie Me r- tl. M, Sherwo od .. ......... ..... .......... 12 ritt . The table was decorated in 1', E. Rogers ........... . ..... ... ...... .. .. 19 F. D. Hawke, clerk; J. H. ColeS/lrah Fox Davis. daughtl 'r of the Fall c1ress of au tu mn I aves and man, treasure r; J, G. HainM. marJonatbo n and Elizabe th Fox. was chry santhem ums . , hom in Union Townsh ip. near South shal; W. H. Madden, Frank Zellancl Lebano n, Angust , 14, 1848. . D. R. Smith, board of Public Alfaira ; On ' Wedn esda v evening , October She 'wa!' united in marriag e Feb- 29th l~. W. Hathaw ay, ~r . . the me mbers of th e high school uary 26, 1882. with Joseph F. Davis, faculty threw oft' their mortal TOWN SHIP who departe d this lile on April. 14, and 1901. To Ihis union were born three robes onel aRs umed a costume of W " E Cor spirits. Gh 'lst,q and witcheR greeted children . Benjam in. Emerson. Inis. the guests atlhe door . Throug hout Trustee s ~:merson having passed on January (Three te elect) 9. 19 19 Besides the son bnd daugh- the evening games ant! contests were in full .s way. and at an appoin tcr! W. ter she lellves olle brother , Ja ~ p e r huur COrnell E. th e gue~ts were 1M through W. S. Graham .. ...... .... 156 84 US Fox. two neices, Lizzie Fox, and Mrs. .. .......... 173 83 143 th e " Bel'tha Sanford . two nephews, Frell halted Old Witch es Windin g W;lYA ," E. L. Thomas ..... ........ 181 96 153 Iw fa iries at the door-wa ys. W.T. Wilson .... .... .. :... 119 90 99 Fox and William Fox Yates, and Il thence to the re freshme nt booth , host of loving friends to miss her where a buft'ett luncheo n was served Clerk She was a beuulitu l character ful- by the JuniorAand Seniors l E, filling cheerfu Barnha V. rt .. ......... 162 lOG l~ lly her dutil'S in li te. EVl'r ready to help olhers, always Treaau rer tryinll: to find good in every one, Miss Hel en Marlatt waa host- W, N. Seors ......... .. .... 149· 90 13S AI~hough never demons trative in ess of a delightf ul parly HallowspIrit. but reserved and ahowlld her e'en . About Constab le twt!nty young peopl e faith by her worka of love and mercy. · She earned the love and respect were present . l)art of the time was Chas . Joy ......... ... .. .... 15 20 25 of all people of the commu nity and spent in fortune telling, and then Assessor thus tilled out a life of service for everyon e unmaskecl . 'ome of the makeup s were so comple te that atter Oh89. Burnett ........... . 20 her Master. S 2 At the close of the Sabbath day, many futile atltlmp ts gllessin g, their James Sale ........ ......... .7 Octobt' r 26, 1919. God called her friend s COUld not tell who they realJustice of Peace home' aged 71 years, 2 months and ly were. A social evening was spent S. G. Joy ......... in singinlt ..... ......110 106 t8 and in games . Refre 4 days shments of sandwic hes, salad. pumpThe prohibit ion propo8i tlon went .. A nd so that radiul lalth nil swtet nnd kin pie,and punch were served and dry by a good majorit y, and it i. at a late hour the guests left, conPlI'f, gratula ting Miss Marlatt upon her claimed by the mornin g pape", that · Fnund fllt/nr dose In perfect peace. Ie GUre , success as an enterta iner The rooms the state will go dry by about 75,000. • Kentuck y elected almOl!t the enNo baate 10 ·lt0. no Bnllioul .. ish 10 . Ia), , were hands .. m ely decorat ed with tire Rflpubli can ticket, "hlch II 8 No ahlJdi.h lerror of Ihe untried wny, the emblem s of the seallon . . ~ause for general rejolcin e. It looks Card of 'l'hanb now as though It W89 trul, a Republican landslid e In allatate a voting We wish to sincure ly thank the yesterd ay. many kind friends who haye helped ------.!--.~.-----us so much in all ways . Ben and Inis Davis.
- -Mia I Chapte N 107 0 E S m . r o. .,.., WIll hold..thelr regular meetmg t.?0nd.av evenln.g, Novem ber lOth. Elechon of offIcers and paymen t of dues All membe rs are earnellt ly request ed to be prt-aent . . Louella Miller M. Sue Hawke, See - - •
Vf I.
The County Medical Society , which recently N-elect ed \Dr. S . S. Stahl, preside nt, Dr. Hel'llChel Fisher, sec'y, and Dr. Mary Cook, treaaur er, ' will hold Ita last meeting ' for the seaaon in Harmon Hall. Lebano n, on Tuesday, Novem ber 11th .
The re's never any
argum ent when the Ulsterette is mentioned as the logical coat for the cold weath er.
the answer is al-
. ways "Abso lutely ."
Bei ng dou ble
breast ed with a large storm colJar a man is .prepared for almos t any emergency, wheth er "a-foo t," or "at the whepl."
Let us show you
these popul ar
CLO THC RAFT CLO THE S Overcoats and Suits, and h~w well they will look on you.'
Prices $~5, $30, $35 Und erw ear '
Blan kets
Boy.' Suit s
Comforts and·' Outing 'Flannels at gre~tly re·4uced prices. Buy before the ~ld weather comes.
80yl' All-Wo ol Suits, full· lined Panll, special from
S6. TIS &II) to S I ~.SO
·80y.' hatl, in wool or corduroy., from . .
'i.Tt I to ".2.&O
:& C o . Ohio
---- --
·AreGood Looking and Very Warm
A big varietY 'of Men's, Wpmen's and Children's Underwear. UnioriSuits or separa te garments at· special priceil.
.. " \I"lvln l 61,.· Haines are a aliter,
Tb e dlstln~ul s h(!(\ Ohio Rtal esman. Hon. Simeon . D. Fees, 1I cbnlrml ln oC the Natlonn l Republi can Congr6ll fllonal Commit tee. He I. Joint autbor ...... Itb Senator Ke nyon. Republi can. of rnltuurl t recently ..dopted by Coogrel ll pro.laln g ror Iowa. or tbe voeaUoo al rebabUl tallon or perROIIS disabled III InduBtrl al purfluitt.,be • . Under tblB act. which Is looked upon a8 one or tbe mOllt progr_ he .teps takeo by Cougra.. In bebalf of tbe laboring cia• • $1,000,0 will be ale· tribute<! nnnuall y arnonlr the various 'Slales to teach 00 new tradea to tboae who have \08t a 11mb Qa aU8laine d otber Injurle. whlcb have Incnpaclta ted them for thejr termer employp aeol(
Berln thhlkin r of yo.ur Xmaa turnlture ahopplnJr and buy now. Tlie . S. Fred Co~ Lebano n ·Bir Store hail anticipa ted and bourht early; Buy the ieleetio na .... ,ODds .
MrS, Cynthia A, Myers Halnee. widow of Allen Haines Sr., wa. the dAUlht er of JOB, a~d Sarllh ~ey~rl.. .She " .. born Auaust 25, 1832, beinr In die 88th year' of·het aile. fraetleall1 a!~ her life w.. .pent in and q_r War.n8llvlll!!. Sh~ WIB . t.O·~nerr naln.J une 22 1854', he hav~ In~ departe d ·thls life, Oeeemb er'2'l
Whole Numb er 5355
Mr••nd M,.. L. A; Zimme rman and 'daUllh ter, ~ail Loul., . we... "the Dayton Shrine ,. Frl~ . . The event wu In the of a evenine for the and their famlll811 alld a time W88 had by Jlr.
---_._ ..- - -
---..-_.-- -
W4LK .oVER SHoes
Americ sn Legion. Doesn't that strike the fancv of all you e)C-servi ce men? Do you know what the A,merican Legion is7 It is the organiz a: tion of.vete rans of the World War. it · is not military nor mili tari.atic. Nearly all of ita membe rs are men whll ·were civilians before the war, and are now again civilians . It makes no ctistinctions of rank alld no distinct ions detween oversea s men and men who did not g et overseaa. A post of the Americ an Legion . The Ralph P. Snook Post No. 186, is under the process of formati on in Lebano n and we wllnt every man in it, and let me t ell you f ellows i [ is going to be a regular pos t. The first regular meeting of the above post is to be held in the G A. R. hall. Lebnnon, Ohio, Friday. No· vember 6. )!.ll9 at 8 p m.und we want every ex-servi ce man who ca ll possi· ble do 80 to be there. This meeting is called for the purpose of adoptin g the coustitu tion and by-laws and the election of perman ent officers . You· can get an appJlca tion card at this office. Get one today and send it to Elmer E Skidm" re. Sec., Ralph V. Snook Post No. H!G, Lebanon . Ohio. . "We stuck togethe r while the b'g show was on, let's stick togethe r
Twenty yean qo when the Inaug· uration of the Interna tional U.e Stock Exposition summon ed to Chicago live stock bteedel'9 an'd fMel . . from \lven the remote recUUI of civilazation, the leaden of trade In an internat lonalae nae, embrac ed the opportu nity to cre:1te a new epoch; During the Interve ning' period many of thelle have p8l8ed from tbia sphere of usefulnesa, a new poeration profitin " by their pubHc Iplrltedness and the seed they sowed bas borne al/unda nt fruit. The 1919 Internatio nal affurds an o]lportu nlty for a reunion of the .survivo rs and a demons tration of how well they buildecl at a critical stalr8 'Of the industry whl'!n public Interest waa revived in opportu ne manner . . Every mnn, woman and child enjoying t he distinct ion of attendin lr the 1900 Internotioll,,1 Live Stock Eixpositi on should embrac e the oportunily to pllrticip ate in the Twentieth Anni versary ' of that event at Chicagu during the firllt week In December .
Miami Valley Council No. 103, J. O. U. A. M., will bold al\ open meat· ing at their hall , FrIday evenlnlr , Novemb er 7th. Grand CoWlllllor .. Stein and State Organiz er and Soeake r Clarke will be preaeot to addrllSS the meeting and p~nt the silk fiag which the State Council awarde d the local CoUDell for l18Curina the largest perc:en tqeof Increu e in membe rship durlnJr the put year .. . . meeting MUST belPn prompt ly at FArmer s everyw here are becomin g 7The o'clock, .s the state 9fficers are more and more 'interes ted In the fed- obliged to leave early III qrder t() efal l'.'a~~ Loan act because. they catch a train. Each ana every· know It gives them the only krnd of brother Is eameat ly urlr«l~ to come a farm loan that is sU.ltOO to t~elr eady and brinll hi' family, allO a I]eeds. Inlitead of maklnlt short time well-filled basket, lo.an8. thl' feder!!1 farm loan act proW. H, Orndor f. Counae lor. ' vldes for. lpng time l?a~9 to farmet:s W. H. Dinwid die Rae. only, whIch ar~ repBld In small seml• _ •__•_ _ annual paymen ta. · '. The Federal ~arll\ Loan act IIshes loan banks all over lhe country to attend to the busines s of making these loans. 111m' represe nting The Virlrini a Joint Stock Land Bank, which makes loans direct to farmers withou t any assoclalion or will in ~ID~on .1
TIl of I:loullehold 0000. lind aliuul :.(10 Briokl. A' She 8111116 tIme WIl WIll oWer 'be Botel 1'ro~rt.,. If ntl' 10111 before day of lale. Sae hills r L D. CHILE8 . In spiCII! ot I' ad weatber; Beveral Bt"ltn-To Mr . lind MT!I . ilolller W, N, I)()arll, A nOlo 'oil (n et. 1..11 n r1\ l,rfaoe) a tine Han Wllrll ut 'jundRV Sobool "nd ollnroh M r@. Ln wr n o 'l'homli8 "Del t Mr. lind l\1r~ .rohn Woav r nter. 1 , III HIlII at Publlo 8~le on t,he tl\lne(l '"\)out t'f9n't y 5\nettt!l "t tbofr obllrlren, L"vet:ne lind Irving. vi I WoUIlIIGTON t, I,. QIIIO Into J OBlll?h IllllO-08 [lirw, 1 11111 , OntO IlItit Snnd~y. '1' ho (hun ur W(\ 8 ut TlppeMuoe Olt,y . uudllY. north of WayneSVIlle. OhIo on tll O ' ~erv Bd III Uae\! oourseR It Wl\ij AD llld~Dlw'lt OoDC~ l:3everol, who attended Lbo Hnl. ",Iv n in hnnar of Mr s .•1 e Zea und lowe 'un IJuX tlU,lllll III ElhoU lIohool old Stlite Road, on Orguuu\lIl to . " ,tiftb . two bUdre n . f " o w Yo rl s, who himee, Wedne@\1I1Y e veulng l'nj oyud It.clJAble l\Ji,vlcIlL l~1R' Thursday, No ember IJ j 19 19, LH O vl~i tlng thom . themselves ve ry mooh. Misw Mo. Dllay 1 .'C.'dI1" fS. Beglnnllll! lit i2 : 00 o'oloo~, Iho fol. rho lir"t IlUmllOr the leolero Gionill, o f L y \1 , Is the teacber. lowing property : 2 Bonll" l, ~ 'Ilnll OUMO WI''' h tlld III tbe rown Hull, ~r . IInllllllr p. ' bilK. Rndduok were I.. ' Thur~dov Ilvijnlug "It Will! verr In Day t ,ln, '£n"II'\IlY. vl~ ltlnK Mr. Ing ImpIBuleot~, eto, ISee hills SUit E HAINES ~ 00 aUll hnd tL of fl wderl b ouee. lind Mrd . Allran ~or". . W. N. S ~ !lrB , Auot. Mr.' olin l{u bl l', n 'r~h of t uwn , Is Miss I!:dnfl Mnllen WIIS In town , g r l1d UILlly Il ro wlllK wllnker. WeLi llel!ciuy. n 'l!!ht for tho olghth Arte r tL tbr('e. wllo ks vl8i~ ",'lth ber grltde 1:I 'l l1 ow(I 'ell PIlrt.)·. Sbe W/l~ nnnl·, lIlrEl • •1lit! . 'unDlnghnm , Mrs. tim gnf»lt II~ @ \lJlv ~ r of MisH Olive .--ndle l obn~otl rrturDed t o h er h omo Dlnwidulll Pholle, Write or Sec me for ,] In (;hl(Jj\gn, I"st. MoodilY . Mr. JO 'lD PIIIII Aulton l1nt-artalns!l ............ ............... '"' Doles .' '.1l~8 Hru c.e Br own. ot nli,. 11III CO, I\I ~ (litI8P . 1Jt ferry. lit lu ~ II ,)ule. t'RI. Night .\ v" ry pl '1I8I1nl, ' nU -factlon GlJllrS ll lretl us kell Ill \' (0 brIO!! you "' IUl In ... IIUtl Bu,l Vll rnon \Jost, "r DII. ~ I o n. woro orduv nrttlr" ll" " ~Mornlng ... Ilku a tool I dill. ~o\\', Ilk~ n woman, ulllrrt ed tn Kuntnc\ty. 1o.8t Tu o.~!II1Y IL ftl'rnLlol ll '" ' " bull hy "II. Rft.eruoo n. Mf A F'r d H u bull" who IHrl" , d you are crying b cnusE' I tlhl n't bring BELl .I:H~OO K, oHIO Clean - Clo_ ....,_c...o.o-,.."u. - Ho"'l~h" II · .1 1 Mril Nellie ·o ..... u nl "uP hel'n n u hllDlO fr .lD) the h o~ pH," BO()] U ~lmL ' you and I IlVI' you. at thc snlOe time. .... .. _~~ IIgO, is s tili icu prov lllg Sam e old story. WOllll'n nre fo rcvcr Ih ... ~io k li~ t. wnntlng to eot theIr cnko and have It Sev ora l (I f tho wen of the Ferry _==s:! _ olJ uroh bll VI! bpQn lligging II oellur stili." "lam oot c!'Slng," sold Andr('o. "ftnel Dllar tho ohuroh lI11d oloanmg up 'for A Lady in Chit.:ogo Tclegraphll my nome Isn't 'my d nr glrl' but tho the new bom of Rev. Pine and for RBt-~nnp fnmlly, whioh will ~oon be erected Honorable Amt rcll I' 1I0r." Rh e Ilnu~ ed Ite rtd Mrs Phillips' wire : Youell 'A on thnt· weighty Ilnnollncemont. M,. LOlltllr Keorlok had II b~d lie· ExtflrnlioRto r Uo .• WbMUl e ld, :-i J . .. "RcAlly'" snld tbe mnn. uumo"l'cd. Rus b t3 wor lb uf Hil t t:!O II V. " r.."te r oident, 'l'lhurad .. y IllLlrnlng l:Ie nnd "Brother In tbe Flying Corps. Nice, rl'o'd followitlJ:( lettor,'" Mr JnD}o!t Mull en wel'A trying to I 'l'.tlN A P puS a hog into e orute wh~n the b og .,...,"""........,..,..,...,..,...,..,...,..,..,..,..,..,...""",...,.,,...,.,,...,.,,...,.,,...,.,...w ....................""w""w"'.,,..."......." . . . - - - - -......... humdrum noble tamily, 0 8 I remembcr Ilrrlved. It r\(\ onr 11 ' OtlO 01 rl\t~ in gNbbed Mr . K eorlok through ihe It. Well?" FOR SALE MONEY LOANED 00 tim!'. JU Rt moyod bere fr om PB "Don·t!" cried Andreu. "Don't slart wherA I u'Sed llA l' t;N AP with groul hRnd Mr Mall ,'n bad io pry:the Ibnt horrible noise agoln. I wont to r eil uUe." Three 81ze8. 250: 500,11.00. anlllllll's mou'b open betore he got Tn (fA In You llomo Town We hope no'hln/l talk to you. I wnnt to--oh, what aro t:iold Bnd gaurnnteod by J . E Jlln. Il ls hlind ont. NE Gentle Young Boree, BUilY ONEY Loaned on live "ook, ..: :,;fl IT TE.o/l'«lJ) lIerloo8 SEltlt In . you goLng to do with me'" tlud Bunoss. Inquire of J B cbattel!. "leo aeoond nwr'gage•. ney Mr. FrllDlt Rodduok aod Mr. Les. N.,\es bonlrht. John Harblne. Allen Chapm!ln D5 Tbero wa s a pnthetlc tbreat Of tenrs 1\ . 4.20 te r Kenriok t oo It bogl to Day.lon, Bnlldlng, Xenia, Ohio. In the Questloo thnt should bave melt· ed tho rockiest henrI. bllt It foliNI. "I Mr, P. LaDuke, Farmer, Says, "You 1 bur~ "ny . Bogs are .AdvaDolnlil In PPLE '-Roman Beatltles. Prl. oes. 110"e no Intention Of dOing nnytblng Bet Rail Can Bite Through ~1elal." prlOI now . CiO to .. 00 per bushel with you beyond whnt you Rs ked tor. D B. Underwoud, Harveysburg, U . Read Gazet~e's Classified Ads November oame 10 like a !IOD, but FOR RENT " 1 had tbe f eeel bin I' lined wllb ou nnd no Interest," said the man QuIetly. Sill b ope It goe8 out like ~ lamb . He rpached onco more t or the :t;lno lost yellT, r"t>l got througb I)retBlileo PIne , of Lytle. Mrs. MilS Sbl'ep. e wes, none ove r 5 yrB . ty 800n Wos ut. II. A $t pkl(.· tbrottle. "Stop I" cried Andrea. "1 of RAT.SNAP killed MO mpny r .. tl!, 'bllB H ndduok. Messrs or 4 Roorn8 tor R anl. tllrul ; hlld Benry DR. J. W. MILLER. , old. I Brood Sow, duo tn fu. must know wbnt you mean. How clln hat I 've never h~en wlt·brout tt Murphy . Horaoe Ruddaok, JBmlld or noturnlt!blld. Inqulro at ~hlM r ow 800n. [nqulre of Wm. Com . 1 talk to you with tbnt aWful dIn go- slnoe Unr oollle dog never touobed 8art80ok, Ubu. lludduok An4 Mar. o111o'e. n II mlDgB, It , D. a. WaynesvIlle, 0 5 , •• DENTIST•.• Ing onr' RAT.I:;NAP." Yon tr y It 'l'hrlle ahnll Filer Att-ended a l11uked loolal ===-===-==. ' ,,=---=-= s I am going to qnlt tho Red Bog r "Oil, )'ou'll have lots 0.1 tlme to sizes, 2110, 500. II 00. Sold aDd guar. netlr prlug Vlilley, A fine time omcelD bU810"88, ] wiJlsell my herd boar talk," snld the man, and no sooner !lDteed by J . E .•hnnev. was bad by 1111. Miss GI.dY I 'Filer FOR SALE- PROPERTY ,~ '''''' .... tile. 0 Uol. G. No. G5005 Vol · .&L A. U Be "I."o~ .1 n....k Rlfl •• were the words out of his mouth than 18 tbe teucher . Is a ~en'llne PremIer !.Jal hog, Ilnd tbey were almost wiped olf the slBte Mr. lind Mre. Lester Kenrlok and N IlO OOllt of le .. vlDj( town , I WIll he oarr les thl' h lood IIDes thu rno of meDlory by the sudden r oar of the .1r. nnd Mrs. James Mullen and offer my prop rty 0[1 th e ~·rnnk. BA~NHART. engine. dll.ughter, Ednll, motored to DaytoD, lin R')lLcl for SAle. Also blt",e a lot throu~b the veins of the red h og fll.mlly. 1{ E, 'l'bomptlon , Urllll"onill. Andren sonk back In her seat. cmm· FddllY eVfjnlDi. ot BouHebold Uonds toO r118po~e o f "t Ohio. t'hone 19-1y'. Harveysburg . pled np In body and mind. nnd crIed Notary Public in IpUe of the rainy weathl'r. prIvate sa le. Elizabeth 81100k D Ci n5 like a baby. Great bIg SObR came tum· many from tbls oommunlty at· bllng up and out ot ber swelling All Itlncis nf N','ary Work Mr. I\nd Mrs. B . .~. Denrtll And tended tbe ~oola l a\ Lycle. A good t hroat. For tho fi.r st tlme 10 mnny d .. ughter, MI ~8 Uonnll, were t,ho tlnn. \lme wos reported and f)ppttR " KII80I" Itv yenrs she felt that she wnnted hOr dllY gUI!"ts at friend s In Mlemhburll Everyblody wall 81ad to lee tbe aun mother and 0 t once. Mr~. Paul 8arhaugh WtlS IIhop. ablne Opoo morll. Sunda". ··Ob. mummy ! mllmmy!" sbe Bobbed Mr. anltl Mrll Hlldley. of like 0 IIttlo cbllil. nnd 0 moment later, pln~ In Dnyton, f:\lnturdIiY . Mr IIond Mrll .JoSI11>b Mille r spen" Oltl.hown, are vllliting relRtlvea In Just elUlclly llkQ a llttlo child, sho stopppd el'ylng. sniffed twice, blinked Saturday !It LebRnoo. tbe 8uet!ls of t~1 11\ vicinity. her eyes dry, ond presently smiled for Mr. ft.od Mrtl. Boward Arohdea!101i, Mr. Cheat e r WblttemlLD was IL no epeclnl reason, just 8S a dawn Muslnge of Martha. B1DlIes when Its sun bronks out from Dnyton visItor oo eday the Jl1L8~ ",ell k It Ih' weddln' ceremony Included, the dewy clouds ot morning. What Mr. and Mra. F. W. Rosnngle and h e.~lcles "love. h"Onor Bnd Ohcl'," "cook had happened? Why, a moSt Impor- daoghter, of VlLndalill, wero 'be his men Is. wfts h hl8 clotlleR, <Inm hla tant thIng. Sho had IlUMenly real1JeQ Sunday g ueet8 of the luter's mo~ber S<lCJ!t. no' sow on his butlons," tbere'd Mrs . Franoes Null. Harveysburg, Ohio be fewer Iilllsty mnrrlnge•• · Mr. and Mre H.8 Dellrth and daughter and Anna M try Null Phone 34-IL-lS spent I:!Btnrdtly In Dayton . Mr, and Mrs. L. G Wilkerson Reveree Phone Charges hq ve returoed to their borne In PIasa DllI'lI HI. . aUer Iln extended vlalt wUh t. D, Chiles ......... . November 8 Mr and Mrll. W . 8. Wilkerson. Mr. Rnd Mrs W . 1:1. Wilkerson and Sue E. Haines .....• ,November 13
Clocks, Lawn Mow .. ~rl and Saws . I
s. H. HAINES, LJtI\~, 0. '
John H. W'right Auctioneer
lJRIN~ .
Sbe stooped over. took on one OAIOIY satiD slipper. nod after a foollsb "'anee upward to ftB!jure hersel! that the man couldn't possIbly look, undid ('erlllln fastcn~rs with · fingers thot could aoe In tlle dork, Bnd subseq uen t· ly removed on~ of her bcst parly. . heavy ,allk cbampagn&colored s tock· lnp. ThIll done. sho sat bRek with tho ~tocklng In ber Inp Bnd slar~d long lind pensIvely at the mnn sltlln!: bOo tore ber Intent on the buslll.CS8 at go· Ing somewbere at the rIlte of II hun· dred miles an hOur. That thou ght elec· trilled her. A bundred miles nn bour meant Mt, tor every bait bour. nnd thtrty minutes had certainly passed fllnce ahe bad delivered her person Into tho trap ,o t,a "killdly BIpUa that W!Ul nOI. he took a 10D,tt breeth, lenned for· wllrd. eUpped the stockIng detlly around tbe mao'l necll. tied It In a "'Ingle sllppln, knot and pulled. Tbe result. were Immediate. The nm.n headed the atrplane up tor II Inst grab at altitude, etarted It on n lang. Itfa,.bt '.dowoward ·<gUde IIll,d cel off hll en~e. !'ale blessed stillneu tbat tollowed waa 80 lDe1rlbly !tweet that AO~ had .to &tve vent to one great elgb betClle abe' JIl)oke. and wblle she was d011l( t:hat the man calwly drew n huntln, Ii:nlte frOm his belt and >levered ' the 'reIItralolng strnnds of n etocklll. tbat only 8 moment before bad been elmo~t worthy ot the ankl e" It hlld dotJIed 'and adorned. ''Ob I" paped Andrea. "Is that all yon bad to say'" 8sked t be mao. Into -the vaet end msblng ettUnesa hll calm voIce dropped warda al cool and bard as pellets at Ice. A.D.drea \=boked with rage. She had to .wallowa lump In her throat before she could PIP. "1 want to go backlit
"You aUed me to take you with
ma." atd the man In ttie snmo calm voIce, "aDd I doli't nappen to oe gow/! back." . "Not '0111' back I" stnttered Andrea, tmn. . ftltanU" to appear collecled. "I dld to ' ~ome, b--but'1t's evert woman''; pdvUe,e to cl1-cbongl! her mlod. "WbeIi '1 8I'It looked at you I saw a lDl1Ie that wu Idndly .and cblvalHo,!, j:Ould I !lnow tbat your' 1IIill. Ia DOQWla but camonflage made liP of wa.. of 4tl8lpatloD, and loor bldeout coat.. nothlnl but a mask for 1 thougbt you were , 8. ~. but yo..'" u,othlq !nit a bcalt. ~ ~ torpilDt • I1rl ",bo baa tool· ~ pot berlelf In your power." "lb dear ....1." laId the maD, "yon
Public Sales
Mr. lind Mrs. L. G. Wilkerson apont t:!undllY 10 O.ytOll Mr. R. K. Penoe aDd Mrs. Idll Ch ristopher blLve been 'eDtertalnlDg frlllnda and. rellHI ves from Daylon. Miss UIIII16 Beok Is reooverlng from a reoent IlIne8s. Mr. aDd Mrs. Vern South. Mr!t. Mary Kllf~oc and MI@8 I3erlba S'epb, OOtlOD were DHyton vial tore one day 10 8t week Mr. u~d Mrs. Pll ul Mltobell were I.h o T nosday guests of reiAtivs8 In Blue Ball.
Saxon ~~SIX"
As we lire going to q nlt 'be hotel bosln8lls. we will ofter ai Poblio tlale OD Ule preml8e8. Waynesville, Ublo. on
Saturday, November 8, 1919, Beglnninl! ~, 1 o'olook abarj.l, a lo t
War_rUle'. Leadln~ DeDill~ in Hl!lnea Bldg. . Main 8'
Equ,ip~d for Good , servIce. Large D~spJay' Room
The Practical Car Saxon "Six" has earned its reputation as the Practical Car because it is so thoroughly practical from so many different standpoints.
..... - - -
Phone , •
Honest John Plasters
Waynesv'ille, Ohio
Being Dead For ,1 Months. hI IIwe8.r If; Wti8 !Iliad at lea lit :3 month~"H"idJlLtnpA~yke~, Betoher J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We.trleld, N . ,I. "Wo saw thle rat every d'LV. Pllt n cl\ke of RAT. SNA.P behind !I b"rrel. Montbe h.ter ruy wife IIsked tibont \·be rnt. Romembere(l tho barrel, 10 'ked' he If you have read the new act, passed by the General Assemhlnd'i& 'I'here Wilt! ~he flit-dead, n ot bly of the State of Ohio, which reads, in part, as follows: tbe slig htest odor" Three s!:t.eto. :l~o, 500, "I 00. Sold Imd gnarnntlloll Section 5564. Tor the purpo5e of enabling the county by J. E Jl1noey .
Tho ..... /o ..,;.NOW-.y..,..ooJ .~~
A Rut That Dldn't Smell After
, ,,
. Walter McClure
"'I<woy . ............ )'OU. con toft doe com .. riP ell, ... poin Of in ........ doe ...,."""" ••
.I... oppIy Oft HonM .Joh9
eep Your Eyes
- - --.--- - -
that no one ('ould hear her crying, nOl even herself I . "Every Jlcrson one .Dle~ts," tboughl Andrea, following the lIue of her dis· covery, "h1l8 to be climbed. SomE people orc Inslgnllkn nt mounds UDC you ju st ,,:olk over IJI(:IO; oUu·rs nrf hIgh <:lIff8 thnt It tolH!S n long tim. to climb hut thnt give you (resh anll wIder vIews t.he hl,ghcr "Otl 1(0. Anc then there oro otbers." she couUnue<i wIth n vindictive look at tbe stolid buck In tront or ber, "tho t ure Jusl ~ent round hnrd b.}\\,ltlers.'· Her mouth drew dowlI at thl\ cor· ners. hut she ,vould not s uccumb ugilin to t eellng sorry tor berself. Instl)ad sbe shielded her eyes once more ond took stock of the vurlous handiwork, ot God. Tbe world 'was good to loo~ upon that morning. It WAS twlrllnM by In a st.rnnge rotative movemenl tbat gave It nn illusive appenrance. II wile like n new toy In the wny of pan· oramns. Tllings ~tnrted to come nearer, changed their minds and then swept \oto the 'p ast, lingerIng long on a 8tee~ horizon as though tbey hesItated b& fOro nn Irro\'oc(lble plunge. And.rea found that by holdIng back ber skirts , sho could look 8tr8~l!b!
oown·. ~Ile dill so orr nntl all l or Ilnll an hour ond the thl\l~s she snw told ber much. F orest and (llllin. toresl antl plnln Rwcpt uud er and 8wny In on endless gentle undulntlon cut twlc( by, long, wonde ring sliver bond . From I1I~h lu the air tho'se band! we re n oth ln~-merc strIps ot I'Ibbol! thnt Il child could step : over. Bu! down there? She knew tllilt \low'n be· low Ihey ~ere mighty rivers, doubt· less teeming wltb hIppos. crocmlller and ~nnkcs I (ContInued on pUG ' )
al:1ditor to determine the value and 1 lcation of buildings and other improvements, who shall erect or construct a ny building or other improvement costing over $200, . shall within sixty days after said building or other im· provement shall have commenced, notify the auditor of the county Upon failure to give notice as herein provided and the discovery of such building or improvement by the county ~uditor after 'the same has been erected or con~tructed, the said building or improvement shall be appraised by the county auditor at its true value in money, and placed upon the duplicate together with a tax penalty of fifty per cen~ for each of the years from ' 'he date !. of the erection or construction to the date of discovery. Said county auditor qlay enter, by hims~lf,.oF deputy, within reasonable hours, and fully examine all bui1din~ and structures of every kind . ' . .
... . E'*£ES
, ,.................... . .. ,Examined Correctly.. , Fitted AT
TIFFANY'S Optical Department S. Detroit St. Xenia. Ohio Open evenings by appointment
A. MAFFIT, Funeral Director and Embalmer. Waynesville. Ohio. ' Either Auto or Horae drawn eervlcll, Nc extra charge for BUto 1W'.J'\llC'n. Both phones In Office and Resldent'e No. 14 .
Dr• . J. A. McCoy, Veterinary; Graduate . of 01110 Stat(' Unlven1 1 OFFICE: 1"ourth Street. noar Tyler
Telephone 93
Our Uncle Jazz says: When Y"" pick up
O"r kind Of job w<)rk You renlize il'! . Not mere Plck.up prJntln ~ Thn' it cosh No ".ora thin The ca reless kind. Phone. Miami Gtuttte
Notice-Consult Madden, who will save you. a' lot on youX'Jumber biU,:.therefo;-e .will save you a lot on your tax duplicate. It p~ys to trade· a.t home', ..
w. :B.
t!o~esrI.Y: r 1>OM T
\(~b~ I)JHE.).i . ' V6
'M£N e~ MllA~A5~E\) ",o~E' '6'< THill 00'1'
Madden· ~ &·. CO~, Wayitesville, Ohio
just received a good Ilupply of .
Brqn, Middlings, Ground Bar/~lI, Tankage; cottonseed Mea.!, Dairy Feed' Old'
Process 011 .Meal, Hom/nil Meal, Alf(Jlfa ' M~I, allo Ferilliier, . .' Come and ,see Ille f,lerore you buy ~lsewher~ . and you win find .you ('ll.Il save dol-
, __:::::::a::::::
Everett Early,
0",0 _ .
MI \ 1\11
Suuscription ~ric., .
Rev 'A: F.. Un/lUI\~too will prl 11011 110' th" M. I': IJhUl ( b, SnlHluy. No. veDlhflr 9th, fI~ !l : :I(! p m . IIr lod Mra C'lInt J . UleaverRod 60 ·pe r Year dloRhter, 01 natar bore, were Suo dRy _._--'--
- _._.-
D. l. Crane
------ -= -- . . -._--, NOVEMBER 5. 1919 .=--.:..~~-~
--. - - -
' lYITLE M rM M"I II" Vlwl fl , o [ C Ilt OI UlIllt-l , t!u III rd .. .v 1111\1 St.lttl l~ Y wil h ber lIlolb er. I'Ilrs £UIII " ~" ' lIik B.
&1 r s. Allll1 Ollkin r OOll llll y mUVI d to O .• yt(JIl, uIIII will IlIl1k~ h llr h"l.1lt. wtth the MIHBIlII L ODell" uull Peurl
Internol r Ulil olly .
Obarltl! Uurdoo' lIall!, IU:l1c1 110 TD8I!d14Y of 188' W tlk, Willi welllUtended and every~hlog Inld good . 001 Walter UrIlY. an e~pe rl en08d rdl!hlt aalello,aD, WlI8 pre8en~ aDd gf~VO theI r breetIlDf!; 'lOU lJiddltfg w.~· Indulged In 1J1 nel!thb~r8, briDging tlMlttffl\ tory prlcos . M d 't · M D I f 01 r . 'HI a rM. ,u'k av s , a n· c lnnutt , were 10 t11ls violnUy last ,v6ek . . ' ' &. 1 N Miller 18 pra plulDg fdr win . Hllllo\\'6'OU Wile I',nl oyed bv ~ho t llr h~ vln P IIr hased a s lel'l1 ",nd YOUtl g people, 1111 n~lng go d s e llBo bHli~ W!;t n':i W'O will ullg'ako II In Dot. rl""lro Yln g propart,y, . id . •a
Mr. '1111! ., ' IIH . •J (I~. Kno lur !ltlll , I' J [ulIltly. of Bl1 l1u rlllltllinIJ, wa ro ':' ''0. C.. tnrrh llu .V J,( IW>t~ IJ t ,\Ir ILOU M.-¥. It W
N.~·~.' ;I;:~ ~rn~~'I~:'I::~I ~~'~~~r.8 ~~.~r:g~:
Mr ,Jnll Mu. If. M . C lllrk we", Dayt o n V " II tu r~, ·1·hurdJtly .
Catarrh' Cannot be Cured with LOCAL AI'PJ" ' 'A'V JONS I A! tho), .unllo l r cn c h lho tien t or tho dl.e .... c . tllluro-h I~ .. I.., ti l IW .ca 8 . g rea tly. In . (1 lI cn ced by co nKtllullonnl cond ldon a. nntl III onl'lr til ,' Ur O It. )/ OU mu s t to.ll o
!!nfl~t·" uf Mr. alld Mre. SOrou HllrJIID of Mdpl .. Itrllilt .Quln( y Cnrroll, uf II'rankfor~, Ky. , Hllo8aoted hU81DElI'II In thlll vlolnit.v IliHt wae k. . ';1'he Bdptlst Rooll\ l, held II~ Mias M~y I>:l.rlllo's 00 FrldllY eve Dlnt,( w,,~ welllH te nded ' . Tb" mll ~tluorlld e party given lit t he Wellman Bobao l h 088'e ou ~' r i Il' WU S IL anooell8. d -~y til 1:.
Rn\, lo r .
Mr8. I:)lIrllb RIOh, of rlarve
l:I"kILn IIl1d hon, Bart.1 Ml:l. (~I ' nn IJIIVhl flild 80118 wa r e-8ullrl "y :tft rl1 0 ' )11 1)1111 ra of &tc ~nrl MrR WIIIIHII I)olln. , r MrK
lind .\Ir.
l'>Jl v-e r O r
10 aUoodanoe
Il (
n.obert and Mildred Haloes 11llvo returned to their hOUle In Belmont
after an exteuded visit with Waltc~ Kenrlok and family.
"'--.1. e.
N IlIt-O I. lIijffihy !lIven \.II" 41 ...... 0..11 urr y (.', t)f)rnoU aua I'.." If. VoraeII
. , .
Mr.. ' " M7a *
Chriatiao Herald.' We help you 5Uc«ed. Addre.:. L £. Orcutt. Manager of AceaII.. The Christian Herald. aa,a.
Haute, New York Ci~. (;i1Ie min4kT', 11af1~ and a.o ..., rcktcnc~ "
at Evere" .rly's sale, Thorsday. 'l'he lMldles' Aid hlld the Iuoch lind 1l1llde t\bont 130.
" " "0 Of .~ Ib
J V~.
II OVA 1""", dil ly " "I",lnlet! lid qlla,IJlI8d .. "tP('Ilr.\ t hfl Bwefldk elnd wltb 11 r II uJ II. R,~ll~b :~~I' l~~~ H I~~ n~ntl~tl~I:II'~~'~ £" '1.'1110'" <If lilo ' &Ita I<! o r AJIMIrt 001'11.11. ·er. r Ho er f\ . orrJlln . . "" .. or \Vnrl'fln O(Juncy . Oh'n, dtceMed ~ Ilu to(1 1111. 17 ... d.y 01 Ucto\HIr. lU I e. (lo lte an f'ojoyl\bl e ttrU R wu~ b id d lQu(l r whh Mr and Mrl! (leurllll I ~ . , Un vl" Ilud 11 11 n tr"'II].'11 til e Ii I rl ll Y A lton F. UfO"D, . Judge 0 1 "'e Proba .. <lourt. iAt tl O ~ohoal hon'1 0; T h \lrs rluy v tl n · !:! h o;}i convan!1 ";1 ~t Ore u (llI lu II ~ Warren OoUO'"", 01lJo • ng of IlI lIt woa k. 'l hu tllito li Hr. ~tI P" .. I 1 I> I I . •• r ene ng 08 Y. u n ( t HI VU IJIl ~ ""r . ,_s ou U ll rt~ O"'! li n d (lu t:1~ h. pltLDn etl a t,rump Suppor su d lUllS· ,e r . I:/ oln o, w r' rn IIl h n..: on M rs . gue ru de . '{,here Wil li cnrtu inl r 1I0 1Il. ' D s tl.t b'·1l1:0, \V e.I Uflsr1o.y ,,[ IP rlll/on . sorprlse when the DlIIMIrH ollme o Jl' r n, ' _ l'fhepr ocoo()"rrorn t.l1 o~ Il IJ "'Tn r tlt(J ___ + _ __ Ii: U o I bt\8 w RellObJl o ... . . r! all . tL nt! go fo r 11 trip to \Il e Z'lO Itt, 'li t! olr,y . t rnuk tlu (ll ~ Uu chngorlllllld t'rablu1l8e lin the I!prl11 g . It W i ll h( [I nioe Jllm cs Wa t 'on Say ' " I 'll Nt.! \'cr I ' urYOUR SPARE fur It. . S u CIl~8, Cb"rl ey . J~ro,\t. for tile "bUdr 'n . . Wht'rl Fathcr 's HOI! , (i oICliulcra '" ~ ~ .~ --. Mrs. rt ()!.. n ~'I rep, ,,[ Wn \" t1 ·'"v lll ,' . "l l ilA "I 'lT n .. .,. It ll r" 'lIt ,1 .~ t) 11 .. Get subscriptiolll for tba d " . M tb I) . , 'j ' l . . ~ . an rurB. . Hr (J lI\h.NI"n, "Jr~ d ~1I 1 ,"1,1. I! ov "r,d ~It'!;. I ... (,.01 1, ,"
Notice of Appointment
cor e ")loil III . Jlllll'~ ClL tnrr h MMI · Iru ~yrerd w er e dll ~IhWA ~ J.H·('I ~fl rln{·fl h )' o u o th u h ett t 1\11" . ., Mr. t 1\11,1i Mrs. l> . . lc lnn H In L1'l o co un l,·)' (01' )' ellrs.~ ·i t lIu tl ltP " K U Ilylou , o ll e dilY III ~t I. co nlpo Krd ot HO llI e oC th o be. tl WPl' k Clean ing an Umbrella. . dllY n f IB ~t WI'(\ k \\'lIh \l 1'S 1~l lll ' n I " " V e W ,I .. 1111 " , oI l --"';~i ,"! 'I lI"lIt,nl ebH~6kt nob'I00 "n 'd I'lI onlrlfi h lned e ce orl M -' M o"" '~ ll ll . 0\'/I To rl enn nil , 1I1ll1' r li n plll rH. wllh Th o 80r.1mrr . r nUll . Mr~n . E, U c. " . ~1! n tnhl!). lSellrR d fu nd ~l 116r tlJ (l lh " r. , Mrs . A AOIA·. . I tit ",, 1\ ~,, 11 1 .In tI ",. 1" '''"1 '''''' • 11, ,(.,01," ~?Illblnatlon o( III'r <ll enls In I-(u U'" Wt l Utlnlltn u, ware 1'I0nd~v ~lIes l.~ lit epnelllr,,! of ~11~1I~ In II Im,llI . pOllr (Iv pr IIr : (\ , nr ro.",. ,t h'·II lI le Mr _ li n · j : h ,f ' t ll ol ft' "'" f' 1111,1 (" "1 v.' ,,'rl ' nlnnh All'dle prodU· tCCM I 1In;"8 se . tt 1hllifI 1\ T pili! I.'.~ rill " . 1'.1 " "" Ih"" I '11 11 n "',, . wi th . MICh wo rul o rtu lfle l r e8I-ultHwhll.l In cal I Mr~ . MoF"rlllo's br otho r, I ,'f wll t e,.I Il rul .tlIr IItill dl~· d . I\rd Mf\t!(hty.ti,~t blr th duy . r:~lndll!O n~. Se tt dfo rt ·. t1 lllen lttl .~'!" ~~ ' (Jlltrl! l\u1ratlJlly . , 80" 1". " ' n Olll' nt lC'lllllll'll :t ll " . • , MT.flnd Mrp.Hllrlflnl'~nT\· "' :V fI·nd '" n ! I l T . \, NAI · \I .... tit " ..HI,s t. !. 11. J . C H I,N I",V & ' 0 .. Pro P H.. Toledo O. F stn r li ll!: rrOlIl th tl fe rru le. s pnlll! e elll h oh lldro n . Alvin An!l Dn rt~, o f n " Ur i fJll l I,,·.j· . rut. rl,.• t r I1)'(' 11 [ I: no \\'." i~" ! n'l~"ljll •. ~ B. Ollklo and O l ~nn Fe~ltly gM t' IIOWII .to Ihn r nlut . Lelln) Oodd~. \v qrl'l HundllY g OH.t•• o e Ii' A. I' lt r •." 'i ... ~~. SS('. ;' llt., Fl."(' . ~"l tl !Ilia l,ltllily Jill " ro r conatlpatl on. were LllbanoD ylll\ortl . l:illtIlTrtUY . . u mhl'l!lIu OP~ll till dl·Y. . Bllrt:sook. tHltI r" mlly . l'I'"I I! t1~l'n ll,.'f" 1 1)\' .J. J<; • •J /I/I(lV.
Berllliln Allbrle-ht, of Dnyton, was tbe week.ond gUllet of Mr. and MrK Kcaler Ornhllm . A fair orowd
. Mr., Chrll Mmell berg III, of Frank. lin. bas heen vlslttog for the llast' two weeks with her soo, Frllnk Miltenberger, and family, Mr. '"nd Mrll. Wllllilm Long aDd ohildren, Etbel and WlllillUl, visitod w.ith relatlv88 In (Jloolnolltl,8nnday. Mrs. Mn.ry Onrmany rt!torned, SUllday evonlog, lifter III>6nulug II week wUb ber son, E. J . Our·m ony,
Boll f.nnlly. at t:\prlogfleld.
Over a score at people tram thl~ pilloo Bttenn~d a very "UCceH~tlll en. &tIrL"lnmeot 00 Wo<In6s day eveDtng . ,Iven by the PUpU!! of the ElltuLI sohool un.ler the dlr 01.1011 of ,boir taaolillr, MIIII! Leon .. MouillnlH .
. I
, . ". .....
.Mrs. Cbllrles G ebhl.lrt /lnd d"ngh
tH, Allee, ~eturued, ~undllY, to their llOlDe IU MII\ml8hurg,attor tlveodtolt @e V81tll d"y~ wlt.l1 frlelld" herll. Miss Kulbryn Clarl!. of Oxfor~, d •.ended tlte ltitllml. Dennison fOOl . blill Mame t\~ Ua)' &0 0, till I ord.y. and spen" Sonday. with her puente bl'lre III spICe of a dowo po,n of rain,
.\ .:
"t the HI~lIowe'e n 1I00tal, glVOD by t.h" 1... 01111\' Aiel, lit gooa orowd
L)' tio tJl\.lI~ S.. tlud".v ovnn illg.
'I'Uo frl nn,lll or Mr •. t;luO Y LunilJ. or Z ,ueI! Ylllo , "ro (lll'1a~fI{i ' to It tlllr 'hilt Mhtl I~ r hOll vorlf'tf frum 1& ver y serlo OIl operatl un. whloh abe umler went Itlst 'rl1ursday at fI h08pltal III
Colombo8. Mr . hnd Mrs . lJ90n t;!lUsbury 6/111 daagMor, Mlrl.m, of Union V\lIag", tOllll tiuDduy dinner with Mr. Rtlel Mr •. Allen Emrlol! Protraoted lDeettng begloll be L"le Ohurob, nflx, tlundll)7 tlvonln g , November IItb. Everyone Invited There will be no Aervloo ill the lifter. DODD, tlxoept · Sanday ::;Chool
Mrs. Mary Davi., and dllDghter. Mra. ~lIoe Uoderwood. left, Friliay morning. for their baale In Poodle " on, Indiana, after 1& pleallant two. week! vi." wi.b tbe lormer'lIl!ls'er, Mr•. !.ydln Pine, Btld dlluKIl&efIJ. 14rll. 'rauk Arobdeaoan met wllh a painful a'oold8nt n'o aay evoDing While feolHpg " 1).& It, " threw bl1f againlt a t~mulJr, ooUiOI a' IIrellf, !WIlt In her furehend. The dO<'tor took I,,; verlll lltitobO!!, but thinks U will not prove eerlouH. Mr. aorl Mrs. I 'bllrles t::luk hnn lor tlletr Sund'LY dinner IeUOltll: Mr. ami Mrs. Milton !Sbel:'haD, or U6ntoTvlllo; Mr. 'U\lI &'''1. Elmer BORtlr• . of Wayne8villl'I IIl1d Mr and Mrl Ernest Ro.:ell.l1D11 dflogb . ·hr, Ml&rgaret, or O,.yton. - - -14 _
....- - -
.CAESAR'S CREEK· Mr "nd Mra ·W E Btlglln ~fil·l l r.
'alnod the followili/( gOl'tit8
I t) dill Der, Aundll:V: Mr~. Jo~IIt\ Mnrrl, lIud lon, Enrl. \ir. Mr~ . 'l'illl1'hnnt)l. 80n ·aDtl Mhlli Smtl-h, .11 of Ollyt(lU; Mr. and .Mr8 . W. U. O'Neall, of
The Greatest I vement In Riding Comfort·Si ce he .Introduction of Pneumatic Tires ,
UBRB .cIcar.
fa • brand new type of
It .solves the problem wbtda bas baftled automotive enIllneen how to combine riding com/OI'f with lI,ht weI,h' an,d economy. Our new Three-Poln, Candlevel' Spdnaa make this possible. • These are the ji;,t aprfnas of tbefr kind and they ~ made of chrome 'Yanadiujn steel. They are escluslve with Overland. . \ ' Bec:aWle of th,ese springs, Over.. land . 4 4'OffJbI~ the rldlna qualIdea of Iar&e hea~t ~xpen8ive, lona wheelbase cars, Itotetlter with the adVanfilcea and ~nomt ofsmal1 . Ught cars. • With lOO-loch wheelbase, Overland 4 has the lururlo\J8 rId1n& ~ of 13O-bu:b Sprlnjbaae. .
The ezcluslve, Three-Point CantUever Sprlngs cushion the car 80 that it rides well on all roads.: they reduce clloppy rebounds and stde swaying, protect the car from road shoCks and prolong Its Ufo, . minimize twisdna or racking of frame and bddy, enable the CSLI' to .bold the road better. The car and passengers ride smoothly as thou~ floadng, free from road shocks that the springs ward oil. But this new riding conifort, possible only with these Three-Point Cantll(,,'er Springs, Is but one of the advantages ofOverl3lnd 4. . Its light weight make:s possible great economy of gasOlinE! and tires. HIgh quaUty materials insure durability. All vital parts of the
front axle and steerln~ gear and aU highly stressed gears and shafts for · drivIng the car are made of ano, steel. . The equipment Ust of Overland 4 is high grade, including Auto-Ute· Starter .and Llllhtlng SystemElectric Hom-Marshall Divan Upholstery Springs - Demountable Rims-Three Speed TransmI8810n -Slanting Rain Vision' WindshIeld -Tillotson C~buretor-U. s. L. Batteries and many .o ther high quality conveniences. .
.I n every respect Overland 4 la a quaUtY car. The body is aU8tee" aU enamel, the brlg.hteat, hardest, most lasting ftn1sh. Overland 4 has been tested for two years and more thaD 150,000
miles over the R~ MOUD~ prairies, through deep. m& ' ~ seorcbJog deaerts throuab quICk sharp cUmadc chanaea. As. reiult of these teata we 1NI'e able'to Judae the cuts performanc» UDdar ~ condition and to perfect 'It be... oftertna It to the pubUc.
There Is DO pr"".loue car of ..., size or price to ad~uateJy compare with the character of aenIce ~ bmd 4lntro4ucea. The farther pou " . In " the more you wUI appreciate It. Come In, see the car BD4 uk for booklet. The demandwUl be ...._ ~ the supply for a Joaa time.
Overland 4 TourJDa, tMSa Road· star, $845; Coupe, tlW, ....n • . '1375. PrIces f. 0. b. ToI.4D. .J
·L ebanon; Mr. and Mra R. L. BOllan aDel daagU&er, Dorothy, ·Mr. and Mrs, WSldt;>D W!llIOn and Mr. aDll
IIr• .. Horace ComptoD, Mr:. &nell4rll, AmOB Compton viII. ited wltb .R Ii: Jonee, Honda),. IIr• . J ·nMillb Da vi" Wall the Rllt'l"' 01 ber dAuj{hter, IIrl. Howllrd ·Uor. ley, Satllrd8Y night. Mr•. Weldon WIlMan 8ntertl&10Ild . Wedoo8d.y, In honor of her I!'J88t anot, M/'II Ell" Mor •• y, d Q&7&08. Mr. Ilnd Mrll, O. T Hllroer Wllrl' OIIlIIog on frIends iD Xenia, Hnoday
., !
~~~ .
. Houstonia Alds~NaturB'S .DIII"I of A'chef' JOints
·,:. .t
-] :., ~
When JOints '''Io.e ·alld throb an4 pain It·. "urc lhut Illlluro h,," boen
vnabla to itt'ell the ~y lJI proper trim. Tbon tho thing &0 do I. IIlve ""tun II. hillp and youraelf r ellet ! with Ii. .on tie mu.... or HOUAtontn. Tbl. aoothtnll Unlm.,t p~nlltl'l&tci to
'lIle vV)' ca....o or the troublo antI
quickly ond. your patn. • Yo.u r h<!me 8.b ould nowor btl wttll·
out Boultonln., the wondorful IInl· mea.t and a ot I •• P Uc. On Clute, llnil.... burna. .oaJda and aU ..oro lpot. It bt\II1H nature qut"kly resloro
d ~UII.l8t
" , ..
HOUM.ton.· ..ah (The 0 r! .I~ a I lon,,'8 ' "'ntmont) with Dr JOlleJI' ,Ioture on the yoUow 4abtll '1.00. l!Wt. •!H ..aoe. trial el. . .Ic. Thl Dr. • VW. Co 0I0Del 00. So. Cbal'lNton, O.
B. S.aDe,. 'Ph. Relian Store. ~-O!da.
F. D. HAWKE -'
WaynesvlUe,1'O .,. .
•• ".111'"..IIII1I111I1UIHmnllllllllllUlIllIlll!ia !R~I""I.III1"
'Wh nt e Mam
In' I"
I Itp I' ...·nm•• "for aD "hll'll 11111\'1' Vllrlalh 1,IIII\hI,'. J>>Ill OI••..y f or l O";!\W" k" lll "till. 0 !i . I'll 111,;111111: Ilu' II I", nl'l""I·r\ hlmllelt. rn Ihi' ~hnllo ot ou.o of th \' n~t ~ 'I dlmllt,u UIII tit Ihl' nl ftcllllll' nod h('llled II rll"'"~ ,h"re Wll8 a 1'('rllnllll' ~on, == ht'r dt'wn, S h ·' ~nh' R 1('11111 Aigh of CI'1I11 ~~ <If IIIl'n. Thor Rnt tllr the most ~ , r,.II('f . and I ukl'd III) I1t 111m wllb a Ilnrt Ml III 'Ir b~cle smoklllg ..'hltl), == I hult smll .. M1 h r t o\'(', Ill' blld tnken "Iow-hurnl"!: cheroots. Two "llly § I •. If hll! 1:011;'1(" . HI" "yea were gra)' could h Mid tt> be worklll!:. They • 5l lIud Illr/:... "luJ>Y Ntor"d Rt without \\'tl~1' \'or3' 01" Itnd Slit with thl'lr hnct,. §" \llnt; ller 'lnll In th(·t1\ W O ll 1\ "Islblo 8 Inst th trunk of the Iroe, [!lelr == trouhl" ap .,f 60 1110 d(!e\l nnd bIdden II I-'"S str l!tchl.'d "tmlghl out bcfclr G ~ 6[rl1l-'l\'\l'. !h.'m RIIII lit Ihl'lr 1l1I1'$ Dl'lIt bUllrll .. ~ tt..atMflIlI ••'. """','QIIIIIIIIIIFn I' AlJdr.'fi g'lfed BI him. br r lips pnrted . of slripil I 1\Rlm II n\'l's. They were In \\'11',llrr, At In [ he telt lIer eyes \\,onvlng I)nRkll!8. 'l·hl' . ml'n nt h'nsl '8, GEORGE AGNEW CHAMBERLAIN Upon . hi III nnd 0 d '('11 6U9b mounted \I' re not tnn '\I lI('d. Thp), sc.'m,·ll t o trilm hi;; nl'ck nn(l sweDt upwnrd. he golnJt Ihr,'llgh R(l!ne orol ceremony. The ellgtlle mIssed t11'e--Qne • £\V'I'I! li ghti ng the tUD or hIs race wltb 0 I First ona lind rlll'n IlnClther would I til ke Ihll' clll'ruot trom his Jl ps and An(lroa would scurcely htl \"l notlCc subd,!,," glow. "It thill , hlll'PCOed to me," tbought Dloke a slnglo rOlOu,rk; Ihen Ule reSI tile fBct bad It nor been for Its ex· uaordlnllry etreet on Iho mo n. All hl p Andrl'a. "I'd be 1'8 red a& a Ileld of \\'ould ntl grunt In Illllson flud WIth 1 n deep·dll·stl.d eXpl'lIlng of 011 th Po.e dropped tram him. D c b ('aIDE P<lllpl es." "1- 1 beg )'our porooD," stnDlmE'red breuth In til Ir bo((11'8 tb nt Iln\'e Ill· IIIl"BDlZ(\d Into ,non 'ous IIfl' nnd did 8O"crol thlnp' l'1Ipldly with IwllchlnA the mnn nnd started wolklng up and most tbe effcct of nn ('xpl nslon. It Qnnoyed Andr n lhllt her tom· rui6ers, Tbe engIne mls~ 'd ognlu. lind down with 'quirk strides. Andreo be IuIIt roae In hlB B nt. crom'd blf know Instlo,ctl\'('ly thnt he WIIS wu rm. pnnlon seemed to sllore lhe sloic cnlm neck. turned his tnct! to onc sIde nnd Ing up muscles thnt had been 8nd. or the nntlvcs In wh nt to her . mi nd )ooli:eu down. In tho gllm" 0 ShE denly fro zen, RtMdylng slinking kneel ought to hll\'e b('('n an occD.lon 01 much excit ement nud chutter. It. never caught ehe I!IIW tbnt tho ItO l!8 around nnd slinky henrt. Sh(' tum cd her eye8 from him nnd occurrw to her Ihnt ho wu s unmoved hie mouth bad Buddenly dpep"ll!~d In· d d t et h 6r l II bl!conse he could unclor8tond whll! th croonly. Ria l1yes seemed to Ox wltll 0 g er e , ,m pH I men were suylng nnd wn s nll'rely n certaIn rellet on R silot. B cl ~orlng, rue nroun ollie I'ilO 1 AirieR. };' rolll the vel") bored. At tbe momell,t tho wheels or the tar nhcad. He 8etUed bnck t ~ n s('l y stll rt it ten I\('1' puzzled. She stood lind made tor It. Tho ('n!!lnl' . bn!!k · Ilt Ih e fnr ~l lh' ot II gl'eot cIrcular tl ~' lng mnchloe hod strllck the ground tlre4 with the rippling report of n "nl' court. Ill'lI t n hll rd nnd swept clenll the np)lltrentl y Inl('rmlnRble nnd. te IInll gun, cougbed and stopped. T ill' Oil 0 fl oor. 1I' II III n It ~ h ou l\(l ~ werf I Andren. rucnnl ngless chont bnd been Dlnn grlllPed the 8tol"rlng g .. ar II l!htll' two B('nein 1t'''I'S. thl 'kly tr'lDd ed Blnrted h y tile u,,!lvo chler. II wlzenl>d nnd tipped tho mn chln ., '~ nnRr d own Wl tlo· s ll r":l, II I1~ . ,\ r ouud lil t' court figure dl s lln"III ~ lI ed In dr('s8 from . bl! for a long. r nchlng "ol)\lnnl'. On the UII.rl y hl):I '·I'"" k.·" hlll ~ Rill d IIkp sen, l'olllpnulon ~ only hy tbe eb()ny.blllck bucks of his hnndR Anl1rcn BIIW IItl1 ~ t1l1 c l ~. 11 ", ,,",1 II\(' h \ll.,; 1>1hl'l' IlUt fu r ring of poll "II ell "'II X tbot be wore lik e gleaming bulhs of SWl'u t. SWl'rvloll small .. r . t" I "·lun ·~ s""II r·,, ,,·Ii-rhl<:kc[ a hnlo of d'Hklll'S8 on bls closeto caCflllo tile crest oC n tr'!)!', he mode hou8Ps, 'Ir,," ~ I )' wlll .. ,(\. ~"lIullrIL's on croPlled Rnd grizzled hend. n reasonably successful I"ndlng, In tour MIIIt ., 1'1):1' ''" CI II C~ . R s t "~ klltll'<l l Tile while mnn threw Ull his bend Rtllte of bls ng1latlOn. . Tile nlrplnne cUllh' krulIl 111111 fl _ ' II\IIII ~ r gtll'! fold nnd cJnlW'd Ills 11Iluds once. The took tho ,round In the wl(le benten. But whllt IIUZ"" '!1 Ilt'r \\,('rl' Ih(' At I chief grllllt ~ d; Hllcllce fell. Hn If\lllt circle ot II native kraal. 8hol 'H' N SS It r\cons th"",sl'I\'.·s. .\. !Iylrl!! mllchlm I to onc Bide and spolle deliberately. and tben ('ame to a violent Rt\lP with hud drOl'I)I,.1 In III Ir midst nud dis· "Let us arise to greet the moster." They cnmo forword nnd slood In 0 wlnga burled In tho lllud· pl n ~ I el·ed cbarllllt1 two fair If Dot excepUonnl specI mens or 0 white nnd dominant long 1110. Tho chief took oue stllP In walJs ot two separ"to hntH. '!be sbock C88t Andreo t orwnrd; In· nlce, yel th e hlucks coutlnned theh adVllnce, rllls('d hi s right hond uOll Btl.Dctt"ely Bile tbrew her 1\ rills 8 round vnrlous occ!lpnll on!4 flud dlsOCClll10' fastened Ills guz(' un th.· while Ullln's tbe man'. D~k. Sho fl'lt the Qul"er- tloua ll ppnrmlll), nnp('rtu'rbed. Whot· tnce. His own HI'~lII c(1 to be working Inr of bill wbole body n ~ though It ev r tll 'I~ OCclII "l\\('n th ('Y mnd nc 10 n sullden excll cment. "Ool·yc-te I" he ron red. and thore fOll owed. 80 were ahaklll&. .Fltb nn 8 C"UI'. To her QUiCkly that It SC !lied but onother syl, lablc of the snlutu llon. a mlgbty grunt trom . the lIeplhs or tIllrly chests,
~l u1l1
IIl h\u~1
WafE;esville Lodge No. 168 held their aniiual election Tuesday even· ing\ and the followlnll'.'rere elected ; J, C, HII.wke. W. M; Wilson Edwards S, W; H . l£. Earnhart. J W.; 0'. R. Smith, S . 0; Kenneth Hough, J . 0 ; S. n. Hlankle, tyler; P. D. Clagett~ t rustee for long "term. The regular installation wi 11 take place at the December meeting,
- -- -.-- - -
----- ..- --
OVERCOAT TO us We will DYE it and add 'new Buttons for.
Army Overcoats mak~ fine civilian garments when the, are dyed a guaranteed f8.llt co'lorBlue.Green, Brown or Black-by our unequaled and nationally known process. New Bultons and new color change the army coat beyond any possible chance of recog1lltion. Write your name and addr088 plainly and tell u. the color lOU want. DO IT NOW .
Sparks & Fischer Cre.afors 'and Correctors of Men's Clothes. TAILOR5-DYERS-CLEANERS Sprin,flrld. Ohio. 22 South Ceo~ Street
We Pay the Freigbtaod per pound for butter fat Week of November .lrd to
9th InclusIve.
Whenever a c.ream producer sells his cream for less than Tri-State prices, it helps the other fellOW to set a lower stand~rd of prices. . penny dealing DIRECT ~ith No pat~on ever lost the Tri-State. Ask anyone .of our 35,000 patrons what they think about us'. Ship in your cans if you have them or write for Free ' Trial Cans.
The Tri-State Butter Co. Caeh capital '260,000.00
Saturday, November 8th ,F eaturing Charles Ray, in
"Greased' Lightning" . Tuesday, November I I th Norma Talmadge in a good play, entitled,
"The Safety Curtain" Thursday, November I ~th Featuring ~thel Clayton, in
h !tlf. Of n l' I ' ltllll
SaturdI,J nee....
'J:OO p.m. Cblldren
On Track In a Few Days We willi have a Car of Fancy Po· tatoes on t!'llck 500n. Well matured. while, round pota· toell, somethinll fine that will ' ieep. Leave your orden now, only 11 few more 88cks to sell,
New Corn Meal
"Bathtub I" rellented tbe wblte U1aD. . A youngster quickly saluted" lind stePlled out of the line. grinnIng from eRr to enr ot being dlstlngu:sbed even tor a momel\t obovo his fellows. With 8 Jerk ot hl9 head townrd An· drea ·the whIte mun begun to talk rapIdly. Bothtuh's eyes rolled trom ble faee to Andren's ond back again. They ""dened. they nurrowed' aDd. each of the, three times tbe whIte mao 881<1 ..Klboco·... with a peculiar ' emph8l111, they seemed to wlnca Andrea Interrupted. "What 110M 'KJboco' mean. pleaseI" , "It UJeonB a whIp of raw rhlDC bide," suIII the mnn. "An Implement thnt draws blood with a wblsper." Andren went white; ber eyes blnzed, "So you wblp your 8e"00tsl" !lhe said wltb curled IIP8. '" hove whipped a boy once," an· Iwered the mnn cooll7. AlThey bave never forgotten." He turned to bel'. "This boy. BBthtub. Ie yonr.. U be ever tnlls ro~ 'i sball thrasb blm with· In BO loch of Ills nIne lives." Ue dl&mIssed the boy wIth a Dod .. Bntbtub stepped before hla mi. treMs. .sAluted, grinned tbe broadest, most fri endly grin Andren bad ever seen. ILII,d wUhout wn!tJng tor the stolllnll' BOHwer ot. ber eyeB wnB olf like an arrow. " CTo ~ Ooa&IDued)
Whitll and Yellow New Meal made from New Corn. .
Oysters Nice Ilarge OYlters ill Sanitary Cllns. Cranberries. Celery, OliveEi. Pickles. New Raisins New Mince Meat New Pancake Flours Karo Syrup New Country Lard Flallce. White Crisco Fancy Boxed Apples Grape Fruit . Oranges GraplIf New California Canned White Cherries, Sliced and Half Peache3, Aprl~ots"Pine Apple. Bulk feanut Butter-It'll flne Potato Cbipa New EngU.b Walnuts Soft Shell Almonds Fancy Old Popeom Moore'll Good Oil and Guoline Pure Cider Vlneaar Everythinar Good to
at .
- -FO - a- S-ALE-'
V !:Iml$b. phone 37. 3, WaJDlllvtUe tOhlo. D19 '
J h:
IToulouee Ueoae : ' lood IIklok;
."~"""""""""""N4M4~~~~"'''''''''''",,,,; a
oea4, rlaM. Alrll. L. A. Nuub D. Wa,.DalYille. Ohio. dll• .,
pm .: .1v n III $ ~ rJuu " YOR • . wbi c h h u rl .• J\', , . 1\ " Il ), plili c tl turNJ "h' IIIIS UIO
:As no one record maker has aU the desirable sJllgers and entertainers, the advantages of the UltoM are easily appreciated.
-..- - -
MASQUEHAOERS, WERE SCARCE Hallowe'en p8ll8ed of! very quiet· I,. There were but f ew masqueraden, more account of the ·lne:lem· OD
ent we ther. probably' thall for anv other reaaon. Several parties were &iven. and the IOClal at the Ml80nlc hall did a vert iood busineu. ·But IIttl. damaSIII was done by the IImall fry, and thOll8 who did brave the evenlnll'had a very good time.
na ...... ,~qairu
no ..-....
---_.- ..- - -
NOTInE TO HUNTERS Buntinlr. tl'8\lP&llllIDlr, trapping or nlaht huntl~1r of any kind with do,., ia Erohiblted on the following farms: Haymond E. Dunham W. H. Morris G. F. Walton Prendergast BrOil.
---.. - ..---
Brower's Furniture'Store 36-38 Weat Street, Main
Xenia, Ohio
AT ANY PRICE How can you mate your money IrO further for Xmas cheer than with a year's lub<Jeription to The Youth's Companion' It brlnp BO much Into a houaehold-Its 8torin for read,rsot all agel, Ita Hrloue and Informing contributions, ita editorial pair", Ita Intellleent and trustworthy com· ment on the Irreat and traalc events ot the time, ill! wit and humor, There I. nothlne quite like the Com· panlon In all periodical llterature, I If you subScribe at once you will receive tba oSM!nlna chapten ot Chas, B. Hawes' l().ebapter aerial stOrt. The son of •'Gentleman Born." There are leveral other aerialB by Elai, Singmuter. C. A. Stephens, and other POPIl Iar. writel'1l, which will In· Bure the keeneet Intereet tbroulrhout the yeer, All the family read the Companion because It Is edited for everyaa-e. New Bubacrlben tor 1920 will receive: 1. The Youth's Companion-52 i88UM In 1920. 2. All remainlnc weekly 1919 l88uIII, 3. 'l'be CompaDlon Home Calendar for 1910. . All the above for '2.110. 4; McCall'. Mqulae for 1~, '1.00 the monW7 tubloll iIIItboritJ. Both. publications for onl, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Commonwealth Ave. & St. Paul St.• ~ton.M... . New \lUbacriPtloDl NC4Ilved at thl. office, .' •
" .16.
.- ..
NOTICE No buntlolr, trapplnlr or treapu. Ilnlr on the tollowllllJ premiaea: Ben Purka. on Ell Dean farm Ro, Van Tr. . tarma The GonuCh farmB Martin GoOl
All caUs for Auto Livery well A. B. Shaner Davia Furaa cared for and satisfacJ. W. Creawell tion is assured. . H. A. ('oraell I~~
Let us 9plain all the features of The Brunawick to you. We shall gladly put it to any teat. you ,:"is~: But you shall be the' Jud(e of ita
seoring WbUeLeghornCook. Good er,18; 1 dozeD Palla&!!. lin. B
7:00 p.m
is the head of the local "Stock" Exchange! That i. lo say/ h,'ll arrange tile exchange of that calf you have for those \lheep you nee d. Through Klass E Fide Columns you can exchange SOME . T HI N G for ANYTHING. and the Miami Ga:tette Is the beet medium for the exchange.
B. SHERWOOD The Late CIaSSld8dAd'8, 'H.·Wayne8vlll~, Ohio
"Love's:False 'Faces."
Mr. Class E. Fide
i ' tll ,' h 'l-' I.
The Brunswick Amplifier brings out tones hitherto lost and eliminates the usual metallic 8ounds, for it is ·built entirely of molded wood Uke a fin~ violin.
Farmera In this localit, .re complaining that the corn In the .hock ' Is beinlr damaged a great deal. owInll' to the heavy rains last week Several of the farmers had made ar· rangement!! to have their co rn huak· ed last week but were not able to do 10 The Little Miami was just bank full. a nd did not overflow to amount to anything.
- - -...
'1' 11 11"
The Ultona reproducer enable" you to play aU records at their best. Just a h.m oi the: hanJ presents to each type the pre per point and ~ia phragm. its exact position on the record. and the precise degre:e of pressure.
The Other
of tho A r gon n e
HE Brunswick Method of ~t:production has established ne:w standards 01 tone; projection, due t o two outstandin g leat~re:e two departures from old met nod:!.
want· to m8k~ you r~elt IOlId wltb other folb /1o" t 8101l to tell them what won(lariul thlngw )lOU ha"e don e. but Just sny. "Y()lI tellowlI ha"e the world benten for big thlnge I"
h ~ ro
----_ - --
It 10U
("lty , 0
New vs. Oid
Harveysbur&; FrIends Church Amos Cook. gutor. This Church Invites JOU to the following &ervlc:es: • Scheol et 10:00 ' . m. Anna ·C. StinlOn; Supt. Morning Worship at 11:00 R.m. You will flnd a cordIal welcome to both theBe services.
Jo r ~ tJ )'
' \<'\11 1', A 'I ,·rl n t' . fl ll . : F ' I' lw l, ~I II"''''''I '' l u ' y.,l, .( Mrli 11)IIn]!_ n l h.l 1.,,, 1,01\1IU'; Ith ' I\ dl: l l l l), ~11 ·" Ur:.tI!l u hn' :i l, · ' H I I Ir ll." 01 " " )1' "
Ferry ChrIstian Church Bible School at 9:30 Preachinlt at 10:30 a. m, and 7:80 p m, Everyone inv ited . J , A. Pine. Pastor,
In 0 mOIll~nt Ule whole tiC ne under· went 11 ~tllrtllng transformntlon. The flI ll hrnke I1l1tl b~cllmc KII rnlloU9. Ch ll· rtr n st opped their ploy Bnd ron to join In the rubble. Tbc men dropped th eir work nnd crowded Into 6 com.. poct group from whJch cUlUe Budd aly a cry ttl II t startled Andren find jerked her nrouml to (II Cel It 88 though tllle' hnd been yllnkcd by 0 string. The cry WIlS shrill. high. coutlnnous, It W08 produced by ronndlng tbe open moutli and working the t\>ngue Illtorlllly Ill, 6 vibration as ropld 88 that of a 8/) I'IJ~nt'8. Jt WQ8 gbasUy to wBtcb. ln cr~d l ble 10 the l'1Ipldlty of tbe ululntlon. but once beard. untorget· flble. It Insted much longer tllnn Andrea conld bB ve beld her breatb. let alone used It. snd ceaeed as euddenly ns It hnd begun. "All very Interesting." 8Illd Andrea IlImlng to her cOlUl1nnJon, "but why dldn't they do It beforef' He looked nt her nbs ntly. "There Is a ccremonlal," he 84ld, "a dignity. about the African tbot 18 absurd IlII yoo've known It for yeors." NFor years r' repented Andrea. "!tIs this ;your borne?" He shook his heud , "No, Afrlcathis sort ot t !lIng-Is nevor bame to a white mnn. It·s B place Where he goes to forget bls sIns. rve been n 81011 It-whenever life hilS liven ~e a chnncc---as a BUn bnth for the sou!." Andrell stared at blm. B puzzled frown on hel' brow. She wondered why .hls bluntness did not offend her, wondered If It wonld ever fall to hel' lot to henr blm suy D sensele8ll tblng or laugh aloud, While IIbe 8tlll wooder d bo turned froUl bel' and began ('Riling out meonlngle8s words: "ShU· ling I Five I TIn bot I Bathtub I Overcoat I" At onch nnme, tor names they were, nntlve S\('Plled forwlIrd. They were 011 brlght·ruced youngsters. fourteen or fifteen yeors ot uge. and their gurb. made up ot a clean cloth hound t1gbtly oround slllll hillS nM fulling to the kn8Cs, ond a red fez wltb tassel 10· tnct. morked them as bouseboy_ tru8ted pickalllno.les who alone bud tho right to enter ' Ihe white man'" quarlers and were collecU\'ely his recognized mouthpieces In cQnveylog 01'-
1I Y III ':4
r r ll h .•u1, pr(' r ,\ rrll ~A It t r Hl1I u JI
Sunday School at this ::hurch every Sunday Ht 10 o·clock. Preschlng service at 11 o'clock a . m. You are cordially invited to be present.
\WlNS ~'"
"Vick'y Van"
Patro lm a n Tll O fll: l !l .f
1." It lonet!!. hIlS h Oll n 1l1I"lr " k ill' '' ' Of lh ,' l1 r(k, "r LooIlOld try tho
Caesar's Creek Friend. Church
uHuh I"
M. E. C"urch Ralph l:olton Jo'nea~ Minister, Sunday School. 11:16 a. m.. Frank LeMay. Supt, PreachIng. 10:30 a . m.- "The Kinadom," Evening Sermon,7 o'clollli:-Celel)ration for Armistice Day. Stereoptican, Tuesday. November 11th. 7:30 p m.- "Maluvsla;" Second of the Series In the League of Nations.
St. Mary's Church Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity. We still have a few bushels of November 9th. Sunday School at Baldwins left. and will be at tho old 9:30 a , m. Morning Prayer and SerK eys bu:ilding al' rOBS from the Bank, mon at 10:30. "Forsake not the asSoturday afternoon . sembllng ot youreelvetl together, 811 C, E. ·Mlchener. the manner of 8!lme Is." Come.
$1500 IN THE U•.S. Bt:ATS $250-0 ABROAD .
J. L. Mendenball
.Jam. S, Vandervo.ort ..
-- - -
AUTO TRUCK.fNO We are prepared to all kinds of Auto Trqc.king, and will give your order the most c~rerul consideratlon. Call us at ~DY time, and we will be on band to do your work.
J. E. FRAZIER Phone 24·21 t J
THE Sc;, lOc ' AND 2S'c STORE L~oy Bandy ClotlJes Drier, see wlqdo"display .. q5c Dlltnty Cut G!ass Sqgar aqd CreqlQen, ae~ of ~"P.~ Water Sets, mcely. marked , ner I ).., nn Sal d Dis r- set • . .. .. . '..I . ... ~ a he8 ...•.. , .. ...... •.•.•.. , ........ , . ,. ~tkJ ChUdren's 2 to 1q<Ii yA..... ' fU::_ liS 11 h Drawers; aO'e5 e _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1!lf\I C me ,t e Stopper" Perfume ......... : . , .....•. lOe andas Gloves, good weight . . . ....... :.. . ....• 00c Han BagS, for ·t he women .... " ...••. -, : . , , ... 11 00 Po~. Puffs, good washable ones ... . .. , , ... _.•. 1Oe Wa es, for the boys lind glrls. . . • •• . ........ JOe
Seventy-First Year
.J. D. U. A. M. HOLD
Whole Numb er 5356
. ~~ A pretty weddin g ' was ~olemnized mbe,.. of tbe .Junior Red Cro~K and chosen mO il' .... '·. WedneSday evening at 7:.u; o'clock of WaablngtoD hlgb .cbaot »re.enl~d · n hu go bOU II" " 1 '" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee • Pre,lden t Wilton lhl' weelo.. Seer\l lary ur W s ,' Buk e r W,<' lIl wltb them to the White House. shown III I h" ba c k~ro'lIId Woolley, 170 North Kilmer street, ... . .- ... - " " " " -- - , "" '" . . . . . ............ .. Duyton, when their daughte r. Veda May beCllme the bride of Guy E. Bro;n, 436 (·~ u ilman street. Rev. Armaco st of Raper M. E. church officiated. The bridal music was played by .Miss Irene Jackson . piani9t, while "0, Promise Me," was sung by Homer Screechfield. The bride wore white George tte with flowing veil; her flowers were white chrYR' anthem urns. Misa Flossie Brown. sister of the groom. as bridesmaid was ~owned in pink Go!orgette and carried pink chrysan themum s. Harold Woolley was best man. The luncheo n table decorat ed in pink and white was centere d with a larae weddin a cake. Seated at the bride's table were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brown, Harold Woolle)L, Flo89ie Brown. Miriam Screech field. Homer Screeehflefd, Marie Screechfield, Carl Brown. Everett e Newma n and Virgil Screech field. The newly wedded couple have gone on a short weddin g trip to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = Kentuc ky and upon their return will --make their hom(1 with the bride's ~ ~ .. A r parents , 170 North Kilmer Rtreet. • Dayton . Since his dischar ge from • J\77J\ n ~el"vlce. Mr Brown has re·enter ed YLl ... , . the employ of Schaeff er and Geng· nagle. "-=.:.: ' = =
The home of Mr . and ·Mrs. Loren Sauders , on the we t side at Frank· One of the pleasan t occll8ions of lin Ohio. on la ~ t Thursd ty evening , the season was held Friday · evening Novemb er 6, was lhe s~ene of. much Do you want to earn t en dollar!! in at the J . O. 1I . A, M. hall, when that . rI i ' gold! you do , Y9u will order gave an open meeting . Tht! the mlereR t an glliet.y wh e~ t lelr nlJice, opportuIf nity in the next fourhave weeks. event was doublY interesUn4t from Miss Edna Foster, the channin g lind We are publish ing six pictures each Itbe fact that two of the state officers eldest dllll )! ht e r uf Mr . and Mrs week of men, an,l perhaps were presenl . women , Walter I~oster. WBS united In mar· of whom every man woman Harry Sherwo od. who, by the way, and child riage to Mr . Elm ond Morrow Snider, ought t o know, they have is one of the greates t hustlers In town the only son of Mr . and Mrs . F. A. been in lhe limelighfor of Nationa l af· and who received a handBOme Junior Snider, of near Wllynesville, II )Jrom· fairs. some of them t for years, and rina from the state council laat year. ising young farm er their portrait s have appeBre Introdu ced J . C, Hawke as the chair· A few minutes before H o'clock the the papers at on'~ time or d in all man of the eveninlt'. Mbe program bridal patty. lerl by Rev . Charle!! We want you to tell us who another . they Ilre. WBI begun with the si nging of Amer Sultzba ch. a cousin of the bride. to Look at the rules In another column . after which llev. Cadwal lader gav· the ~w eet strains of the wt.-dding This contest Is for everybo dy to the Invocation . Grand Councilor march. which was "Iayed by Miss enter, and the only stipulat Steil) was introdu ced and gave a Bernice Hathorn , who wa~ followeoi you are a subscri ber to theion is tbat 1I00d talk and psid Quite a eulogy to by little Alice Sauders , carryin g a If you are not a Bubscrl Gazette . the ladiBil and the soldiers , and fin· clainty basket of pink fuSes in whiC h your name and 'remitta nceb,r. &end in at once, iehed his remark s by formall y pre· was deposited the weddinl t ring. 80 that you or BOrne membe r ot th" sentlng the flag tbat was awarde d Then came the bridal couple and family may enter the contest to win Miami Council for getting the Inrg· their attenda nts, Mr, Stewar t Crea· thi!! pot of gold. est per cent ot new membe rs in 1918. ger and Mi8!l Elizabe th McGrais. The children will enter Chairm an Hawke acknow ledged The bride Looked lovely In a gown of because they are Interestthe contest ed in the the present ation and accepte d the white crepe de chine. carryln~a bou· men of the country who are flag in the name of the council quet of brid e's roses. She wore a ing thlnll'll, ami because· It are do· State organiz er Clark wos next In· veil gathered neatly about ber. them In their school workwill help . Every traduce d, and he gave his hearerK re~hlng~mo~ to ilie ~a~ The ~~loogbttokMwiliemm~ BOmething to think about . He told ilie bridegr oom was dressed tn dark blue: country well enough to teU who they of Ihe va'rious good things the order the maid of honor was gowned In are at aglance . Get bUBY, and send ' had accomplished durins- the past white crep~ de chine Illso,and carried in your list. years. lilt at which were uphftin g to pink roses; the bridegr oom's al· A second or third list will be perthe A meriesn people. tendant s were dressed in Illack. 'missibl accomp anied by the aub· n. F. Brown. cuunty represe native After the bridal party was sta- scriptioen ifprice of the Gazette . of Lebanon , waS the next speaker in· tloned under a beautifu l trellis arch Tbe cont(>8t will Decemb er Srd, troduce d, and he had a me8!lage of decorat ed in chrysan themum s or and after this dateend we will allow an· interest to tell of the county work J E Janney and family were Day· The Clover Leaf Club wa.q royally white and yellow, where they made other week for you to send In your Our old friend, Jack Daught ers, At this junrtur e tha relll main a ton visitors Satu rday very attracti ve scene. entertsi Rev ned . C. bv W. Mrs. . anAWt!ts whose Raymon . Compet home i8 in this valley, sent UB rl Con· judges will 11'0 event of the evenirig WIlS Bnnoun ~"rl Sulhba ch spuke the impre8lliYe Epis· over the lists. Beent ner Saturda y afterno on. the followin g nrtlcle: careful .of your -suppe r. Talk of grollning's! Everycopal ring ('eremo Fred Hawke and Let! Hawke were ny, while the so ft 8pelling Bnd writing , "The well·kn own Madilo n valley body Willi filled t o thE: uperm0 8t. lUI strains of music were being played. also judge yon on that.tor they will Glr.cinnati vi.itors last week , (}f Montan a .is becomi ng more fll' the-fou r long ~I\b : es were filled with The Jolly Matron s anel their hu s' Followi ng the ceremon Y,the guests . • _ -... - - - - _ ....- - . " , . nftri:i;;' ••:;"pr): year~routh · or no band~ were Mr. J, P Reed. of Ore~oniR, has the delicacie3 of t.he seaseo- fried entertai ned at the home were seated 'alld a splendid two· Mrs J . D. Marlatt and daughte r, drouth . The ;;ncher s'mF tl~!~ chicken , sweet 'taterp, salads- b,ut purchas ed through W. N. l:iears. the ~\-!~ ~~y of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke last course supper waE served 'fhe wait, we can taste all that aood eat· fifteen· acre farm of Mr8 F M. Oak· Mi89 Helen, were Dayton shopper s, eelebra ted territor y have this year Iweek. evening was spent in a very festive In, Wt!llt ot Lytle.' This piace made fueeday . raised some 8plendid crops of vari· Ing Yt't. --='-=~"' ",-_~J, manner . The present s received were ous kinds, but probabl y no other During the aupper hour Victr~18 a nice pro(it Ina ahort time. 8elling M r and Mrs. Lester Gordon en' nretty, Mrs. Hulda Burnett . of Route 5, has vielded su('h an abunda nt crop and numero us, music was el.joyed. After IIUPPllr for $1.000 more than Mr . Sears sold har· tertaine d at dinner Sunday , Mr. and consistinl{ f . costly spent several days with reh.tlve s In vest aa have potatoe s- or' "apuds~' ut gJI188, ell ina, silver· A epecial eommunlcatl~n 01 W'ay,. Harry Sherwond gave fin excelle nt it for less th an two years aao. as Mra . Marion Gorden Dayton, last week. 1"1; 70 ~Uestl nesville Lodge No. 1U tallt, explain ing the objects of ~e they are more f'a miliarly known heret Mrs . Chas . Gordon , and Mr , and ware and linen. F. &: A. M. ot Harvey .burg. were present . The newlYw~ will,be beld lMonda order elt.>arly. The Juntor quartet "One certainl y would not .uspee y evening . N~· ter several efforts, eAcaped Mi8!l Minnie Davis lett Tuesday the Madiaon valley of ha~' ln&' experirendere d 11 couple of RCleclion@, and with a 'Ie .. 17, 1~19. at. 1:90. There WIll Messrs. Harris Mosher, Kenneth th· evening 'Ir,~erl most nccepta bly KUbon, L. N. Prinlz, Frank Ilobin· mornin g for Dayton. where she will enced a severe drouth thils year, if he Mr. and Mrs. A B. :lhaner enter· sl,lower of rice to their nicely fur· be work In e &!Cr< ." ::Ia· were to judge by the yield of spllds. tained at Sunday tf) all who had the ple~ure of at- IOn ancJ Kt'nnet h Elzy were Dayton attend busines s college Mr. and IIIshed home ne~r Lytle. wh~rll they ;ournin a and visiting brethre n are It is a commo n eVllnt to meet a Mrs. Myer Hymandinner, have lending . the best WIshes of thelf vl8ltors Sunday afterno on . many cordiall y invited to be prelent and daughte r, Heating Stoves and Rangel best rancher who haa harvest ed S . D. Henkle, W. M: , . Mr . and Mrs. Fred Hawke, friends for a long, happy' and useful ' makes and re8llOnabie prices ~t the six; and even eight. tons of two to BerniceWIS life. the tub. ~r. L. A. Zimmer man, See'y. Shaner and son, Fred, of S. Fred Co . Lebano n Bill Store. ers f.rom ~ne acrf!. and the size a.n d ay 00. quality WIll compar e favorab ly WIth Mr. John Somerm ier and daugh. th~ gruwn in ~r state In Americ a. Mr. and Mrs W!llter Cast had aa ter, MillS Mary, ot Westwood. were To the unlmtla l~ tons of their guests at dmner ~unday, the the Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mrs spuda, some of themted,. welghm ll nearly tollowln g; Messrs. A. T States, Lev. K G C1'OII8 ftve pounds each, might seem Impoa- States. Leeter ' ,; Statel, Alethea States, . . . sible of accomp lishmen t, but we Madlle and Marie Branch enburll , of Noon-day lunel) SOc' dinner ~ Montan ans h~ve ~ thEI potatoe s, Clark8ville, and Mr. and Mrs, 9has . _."h•• ;pl, ... and ~ff~ durlna 'shoP: an~ muat beheve It to be true. Zimmer man and daughte r. LoUise. pinll' hours at Fred'lI Lebano n ilia ~Ive Bue. one of the most enter. . p(\Slhg and prosper ous young ranch· Slore. ers ot the Madison valley, whOlle Roy r088ted a coon . body at land lies in the vlelnity ot day.andtnvltedseveralof.hlst ~uell rlen~8 Mr. Chu. Woollar d and tamil1 and Camero n, came to Virltinl Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBeth and BOn Monday evening , with a load a City, to the· bake r 1 to help hIm eat It. of the The cobn was .fllled tull of oyater spent Sunday with relatlve siri Wuh· finest spuds we have ever seen. Mr. dr_lng , and It elegant . We In&'ton C. H. Bue.has a bost of fri!lnds In Madiaon know beeauae \,!ewas had a aenerou s county ', capital -and .n o wonder ! helping of the aald coon and dr888Let Hendley , the new jeweler , give Why, be actually pve his YOIl an honest estimat e on your 700 pounda of potatoetl. friends Ing. withou t wauh, clock, jewelry and ~ptiea1 ra- money and withou t price. And such Mr and Mrs. Walter McClur e enter· palrlnrr, Waynea ville. Look for the potatoe sl Mr. Bue present ed t.he wned at dlnrJer of last Bill' Watch Mad!30nlan TimeS with the laraest week, the followin gTueeday auests; Mr~ and . ones, ot course, but he 'alM gave the Mrs. J. C. Hawke, . Mr. and Mra. Mrs. Eunice McMillan, of Cilrmel , writer JUllt ftve relll potatoe s, smooth Harry Murray , Mr and Mrs . Robt. Ind. mother of Rev ... obo McMiI- aa a ribbon. and ftve welahed lan, and Mr. and Mrs. Linas Mc- over nine pounde . Think a little CroM, Mr. and MI'II Chas Rye. Mrll of it- Viola Carey, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McMillan, of lola. Kan .• spent' several nearly two poondll Mr. Bue Clure and MillS Allee Carey. days with Rev. and Mrs, McMillan laughin gly remark edeach! that he wanted last wet'k. to "Kive ua a metll," but the good wife says they'll keep ua from being On Tuesda y, Novemb er 4th. Mr. ~eII examin ed, and theyery latest potato hunllTY for a week. and Mrs, Fred Gons entertai ned at a method , used Eye GI__ and right l1ere we want to vouch for And the family dinner. The guea18 were Mr. Speetaclil8. Ail lenses ground accur- Quality of ' Mr. Bue'. 8pl~ds. C. L. Oglesbe e and daughte r. Mill! atelY. No charae for examin ation know, because we have eaten We Alice, ot Spring Valley, Mr. and IIOme Quick. reliable service at Hendley '•. Of'!Mhem'B MIS. George Oglesbe e and Mr. and i f d T esd r. ue n orme US; u ay, Mra Frank Harner of Xenia, Mr. that he raised 10 tons ot pt~tatoes on Martin Gons, Mr. ,and The echoola were closed Friday on an acre. Mrs. J. Q. He also stated that BOrne Gonll, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Oglesbee, accoun t o~ the meetln~ of the teach· of them welahe. l over four DOunds and the ers AIsocla tion. at nay ton, '. All of we can easily beUeve that. nesvllle. Misses Ogles~ee, of Way· the teacher:" 8ttendl 'd the meeting , He aacks at 2 cente a pound, and It. Is aald to have been very In- but sold them at too Iowa terestin g. The Busy Women 's class of the M. price, is 8!!kina BY. centl per , pound for thE> balance ot his crop . . E. Church met at the usual time at Mrs. Ernest Butterw There W811 quite a crowd of ex· "Mr. Bue has been ranchin g In Novem ber 7. all of orth's Friday, soldiers and citizens went to Lebano n Montano only about' eiiht the cla88 being or nine , but one. . After heln&' more Tueada,y afterno on to altend the Ar· He ftrst r"tered a home· present miatice day ~xerci...' Han. Harry of 160 acres ' "fl d hiul since Be' than welcomed into this beautifu l Thl8 RepubllC Bn stBtCl)man of Vermon t, ta Chnlrmn p ' Of Routzon , of Dayton , waa the prlnthO HOOH S20 acrell more He III ener· country home, we were invited to Commlt toe whloh Is mnklng a thoroug h Inqulry ·,lnto tbe the dlnlnll clpal speaker . room ..... here the table j f a thorouR h farmer and has fain of tbe W,.... Risk rn."mne o Dureau . The committ ee 1&tangled af_Jr.. Ing to locate Iho lO,O OO Ins urnneo nppllcat loM takon out byhOW aucct!8 I'fulln nu smllll degree, wu groanin g with all the good things RoIdle,. and aatlorv. Rnd t or whld, th eIr pay was chockod . bUI Nationa l Bloul8 Week Is being obaa many others could do If they to eat the heart could wiab for. Aftur ot .. whlch uw.o. the business &el9ion, a vote of thank' DO rtlCOrcl "0 the IIlea of the huerllu. served at ilie S Fnod Co. Lebano n the pluck and induqtn r. . Big Store. New arrivala of allu,ing Is DO ques l i 1\ that the was extende d to Mrs. Butterw orth blou8l!ll in smart styles and'" cheer, MIIQlllOn vallev Is one (· f the most for he!, kind invitatio n. The meet· coloring s. Wash Blou8l!ll, In neat spots In the who!· " ,untry to· Ina then adjourn ed to meet with the Govern ment to dispose of thii ftniah.h emstitch ed and pearl buttone . and there 18 plentj "I Il'ood land Mra. Kelsey the first Friday in De· enormOU8 accumu lation. cember . . $3 48 to $1260. good . farm en. any or all of whom Frank C, Ande~n, ,II BU~ceed aa Mr .. Bue haa done if ... Chairm an A. R, C. for Warren Co. At a recent meeting of the Dayton will "work at It." "Woma n's Musil' Club" of 250 memo ~ood tarmers all'e handi· Nationa l headqu arters hascalie d at· IMn, Mrs. Rutb' Hartsoc Walton ' non-pro ductive land. The Warren County Tellchers' As· tention to the fact that there are lit EB!ltern Star lodge held their an· was mad .. a membe r of thekboard of come to the Madison present approxi mately 150.000 pieces eOclation will be held hi the Nationa l nual election Monday even"ina . and six membe rs. Mrs. Walton fa corwhere the lOll is of lost baggaa e belongi ng to memo . Bank Buildin g, at Lebano n. on Sat· the followin g officers were elected respond ing IleCretary of the club. and prodUlctive to R tor Ihe coming yeaI': ber of ·the A, E . fi' on the G"vem · urday, Novem ber 16, 1911). . and w.l lere Jlure ment docks at Hoboke n, N J . con· ,Mabe\' Farr, W. M.; WildOn Ed-, M ' .W 'k P ~_. ", 96 Co.... water, pure The followin a prOgrsm' will he wards' W p. Aaennth Thomas A r and good health slsting of 20;000 trunk lockers,16,OOO en 8 or an"',.. . ; .... 0abound tor all , ,~ , . roy Pents, ".00: Union Sultl, $1 1!6: present ed: Invocat ion, Rev C. Har· bed rolls, 5000 ca&eI1 and 110.000 '..• _ • Sue Haw~e'J secretarYj Eva Heavy fleeced Studen18 of the Horticu ltural Barrack Baga, suit Shirts· 6ge; Dr.. <1IJ Clerke; Music. Otterbe in Home ones. treasur -----. which have come from er, e~nnett e anney, Society Sblrts; of $1.19; the Ohio' Canva. State Gloves, Unlver Spain · Orc:ha. tra; AddN)8ll, Mrs. FrancNI G s and reinain unclaim ed by Co ty r :' and 8ert!:Ja ~rnhut, A!IIO . for 5Oc, doz aity plan an apple show to talc.e place oversea their owners . 85' Boya'S weaten , Wchal'd ,' Oxford, Ohio un . reasure r Ch81. H • Youq . . of the atate apple abow which bas During the evenlna , Mrs. LoueUa '1.:,9 and $2.48: ~iOV08, epeelal. Much.o f this ' Noon-M usic, Otterbe in Home bag'aag e Is marked bll!' 59c been called off for this year. In wlth .the name only and cannot be ship resl~ned to take ~ secreta.., Orehes trs; Adjlr89, Mrs. F'ranclI!! G. Miller, relirina Worthy Mabon . 75c, 98c and $1.25.t, l!:mera hlrta anaz WIth thll People I Bulldln a -. . .. years put the litudent .' apple show torw'a rded to the owner. In all C8I- Loan and made an ~xC!ellent repol't "f the Drawer s, 81c., ·at fTeO s Lebano " Richard . Savings Compan y, .of· Leb· n Blir Basket. b!lllact lvities have begun hu been one of merit both In reprds es a new sJllpplng address Is requir. anon,. Mr. Young Orand Chapte r met'ting lit Clncin- Stor~. S C. ,Frank, Pres. , . was ap.polnted · f~~ teams are to be expect· to number and quality ot exhibits . ed. All owners of lost baagalt e treaaur er after .J. O. Cartwr Gertrud e Brown, Sec'y . .' natl. The lodae 18 repOrted to be In Ight ~ The HI quintet I. to The show this year which "III be held IIhould be advlsell to send their claims 8igneiJ tbat posItion, The commUt• very healthy conditio n, and great leadenh lp ot Princip al on Decemb er 11, 12, and 18 l&expect· and present addre81t --~.--!8 to the LOST aloners have appoint ed Guy Marlatt , interes t ia beln~ taken. knOWI the pme. and ed to SUfpUB all previou8 , shows on BAGGA ______•• 4_ ...______ It. New Bulbi have ar· accoUllt of tbere belni no ltate ahow. HOBOKGE BRANC H, PIER No.2 who has. been Mr. YOIIUlI'S deputy EN,.NE W JERSEY , with an ~Ince bemg dlseb..... trolJllll~ IMIvenl rrames been A . clUB III made for apple aocura t.ed.:ri ptlon ofmi88i ng army. J. P. lCawles has ~ 11C1~edluIEKI. The flnt pme I. to be this Is unique erty in abplEi .. pointed depoty, two or three weelu Coach aood old apple plea that~otaher A comple te there per- . Mr. Young' III well quaUfted for "'that the maten.a l ....ilh to bake are alway. in evidenc e, mlt& the new position , and the Count,r '1ot.ln work I. than cauae all kinde of apple pies are were very well aatlafted wi~ bIIB 10\ Is of . the courl boUIe, aa be ~ the. been lut Illlfht of the MOW all well iludDI bll tflrm .. treMuN l' abel exbibit.. fruit ud pi. . are IOld ' _'l'IlUil_~G~~A'r~rr__PO'MSI[BL.EI8I deput! HiI.. .., fritIrxk lD WaynemDe eoqrat alale .... oa . . ahlblt at tIiI8 IIdYUlcement.
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An Adv ocat e ot Prep ared ness
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'rlHl Ilttl fl"
Alllln' n
to tj.'tl'l·lullll' Ill<' \' It~· ' lind \\' llI'r (01'1' H e 1 h 4'
So t nktin 11(\ WIl , Anllr~n wIth will en· Ing th e " 'hll e JUun liS It" IsslIl',l " rtlf\I,1 fire of ord rs to bl s 1'<'IIl UII ,hl)! 1I,'u· Il)j\nnts Ih ,lt wh"n Dn fhl\lb rcol rn,'d. 81Ilnted, nnd lI'iI her IlNINllh Ih l' I(!~· !ler of the n Itdu tre ~~ ~h(> c(luld n,)1 b ell(!v(l h er ey('s, f or Ilwy s ll("\',,d hCI o cnDvns wnah hl\ ~ 111 nil ~tII t ~ . n 1("l n toWel Inlll (J\'er th" htl('k of n ('!l,li r. nil' (lther chnlr b"rn ..(' ,1 (,li mp I nlll e" Inl d wl lb n cll1un rlil th lln d htlnl l'ned wllh two sIzzling frl .'(1 I'l!r!s. b o t 10ll.t. mill' mnJade, u po't or te" 1 Il nd on nbsUI·,1 IIqlln t bottle wIth tll(, SI ,'m ~ . (It wild tlowers rnlUmed down I s tbr(,nt. She took ott her cl(lnk and nn thttlll p romptly huug It to nl r over n low brnncIl or the tree ; Ih en, w,h ll(> Rhe blltbe(\' h I' fne.:> nnd h nndl<, he stood by wl!b tile tQwol. 'uml w ltqn she w os thrpu,gb w1t.h th~t he drew her chulr tor her nnd POll r ed b el' tea. <;:hlltlren begun crowdi ng around . He Ilro"e thero buck. undo Ilrll!;S'lo)! hI!' too. mar!<c4 u wIde cIrcle OD th e gmuud with !be table 88 ceu ter. Up ' to that murk !lnd po f nrther cnme tb e children ODII sqllottC!d to 0 staring but allent r lns. Anllr n sn t d own and gazed over .thet r hellds at the krllnl In genornl lind nt the ",hit e mon In · particular. lor from him rn· dlated an 8ctivlty t ncredllllo In com· parlson ",Uh tile Innguor Ulnt ·h ur) pre· ceded It. Ber eyes f ell to Ule toble and ~e reullze<l two tWIl/rs: sbe W II ~ • UDU8\1o!ly" rporvelousl y bu ug17 nod the ttible was set tor ono.' "~'t your lDoster eaU" she aake4, at ~tb,tub. ,., , "Mf master makeJ ' 1'0 ely enln tOI mllsla." I :, "'Vlmt 18 'cula t' " Bnthtub frowned In OD, ' ettort to catch up with 0 '\Yord that was ~p: tlle verge ot eecaplDg trom hlamenger Yocabnlsr)'. '1)OU.8 I" he 8ulldI!Dly ex· ploded and grtililed' with satl _, ' u. " _ I' that was baIt WIq to ber mouth. "MUkes r en\Jy a house-:tor me'" Her oyes n llr" rowed. "I wlll not need a bOWle. Tell blm." Bathtub'lI grin broadened. "Sorry, H1aIIs," h'e sala. "Ill w like t but; e' ·· c17 Mlnlll one hut, ever)' but ODe tnx." Andrell atared at hIm open·moutbed lind then, bluabed furiously. "I men n thot I wlll not sto)' here." s b e ex· plaIDed angrflJ'. "Tell your muster } wlah, to llpellk 'WltIl bl~t once. W~t ~ mlDute. . You ellll him M·sungo. Whllt d~ that mean "Wblte maD," said BathtUb, and d eparted to his master., The 'Wblte mao. gave a last order Ilnd then obeyed Andrea's summons. All he lltepped Into the shade of the acacia he took of! hla hat and mopped b,llt 'Wet brow. "Too bad we can't keep cool, Uk!) the morning," be said. "I dJdn,'t 8end for fOU to tnlk about the weather." 8II1d Aildren. "You hnve . boon rainIng orden; now let mo give jUlt one.. You are. to get that mocblne tn sbape and tnke me .bock . now:""
111 \ tU rlw tl JI ~ t) \o H;.:h "rl t'ft ""dr. 'H. ~ n ll l ' I II I JI~ II I th ,' WilY
"\\"ul f,"
'l'1 ," nl ~ I',, \'.,
" d\' ,' rll,l
~~n~'" lllJllUug to tll t."
III' t IlI lt. ~ll~ [lll h' d t III ~l'll \' ~r li p ,'nil 111l~' " UJl IIi It ' r ("(lltll'll nl fl Jl dr 'w hl\l" I\ l! l'IIll nn (0 11 (hli " :, wIIIJl ~ '0 1 d li t; t h \\,,11. loin (' r~"~ c tl I)y n ~ t\lr( ly "Jlr 1I1\'"t,·.\ at IlII I' llil. the ollll!r slnkllll( !rllll II (1l'I'p ~ "f'l(\!l. Ill r 0 c l1r t'I 'll In rl1 1.:' salll th nmn, "Ih .. t 1l<' r llJ rtlS YIlI ," 1111111 h,' Ilfrlllll lit 1l1 #-:hl UIlh"' -,;, :yo u w,'rl' ~ ur(' ut 11(\-1 1.). LI ~j ,... ,,/·
It (\. rul . (lei th e hurt HtitI IS II n
h , .HII ~ o the liI,ll\t'II IIOhl' IlfOw
\\'pol IlP),ond IWI"l"1 u lt!'llo Jl ulllt nn(1 a '-Cdn l{ RO IUHl t·t l If~ li lt" He t hut. rnhht'll I,,·.. or ',,·r ,nnlus tny- h 'r 1111 ' ' ''1'111 ' bnr (':!n nM h IIn"ll frolll lilY ~I'r nl!ulll si Ii!~,l. "I\U I- " Mh u 6tlllll ' 111111' 'Ilf cOll r~ ," ht' 111111('1.1. III !'f" ,1 ,111,1 RI"l'lle'l. "010, whllt IN LO Tit n h o IN1 h ~r IIll t tlll'o u~h th e bc,."1lI1' IIC Ill,·?" . \'crrrlllln Into her I1rl"II II' gn rt l ~n nud "U 1 culll" Illk" yon bac k I wouh.J- poI nted t o n Quito neW 1111(1 ti~y hut. "your llflth IIn ll wl1sh rt!oru." h e snl d. Ilml'." ~nl cl tl,I' IIJ1l l) d ull.\'. "W h .·1l J'un ';YOII mll ~t h n\'c n o wot<'r In Ule hut Il s k N1 t il en" ,,, '" Ir ''''' I[Il I'\\' 1' 1 1 0U llvo In, nOl only lI ecuutIO Its Ooor O\?P Il
COt1 r~ l'" ~h n. y l'1 l \V I' I't ' lI Ull WlIfI' ' I f tI l t' I W U ' lint rel nr II I ~. JI ll IIll'
rll" l Ihu i
t~1 J!TH lI t ~' n 1l r r f'q lll's l nil Ih r 1':""nJHI!< th ul It Is r" lI11.,· n f ""1'." p ul .sp dr" )\"e!
111111' CIIII S"'lu"')II'" wh 'll III'pI "'n< 10 Impuls,'" P.II " but dl'cl "lons 1If1' oftl'n IrrN rll'v nhlc ; thi s WlIS ')11" of thcnt." "W hy?" 11 kl'rl Anf1rcll enrll (,R tl)'. nnd Ihp.n fl'IJI'lI t 'll mM(1 Ul·g"llll y. "Why Is It 7" Th ~ mUll'H I')'f'!' wflll rh'rctl LOWI1rti th . nlrl'lJllll' hllt hn dl.1 1101 nnswer bor In "l st ~ l\t \1u ... <llll u. "No rC1I1' hnrlll wl\1 ~Oll ll' to y on ," h ~ suld Ins l" nil. "but "H' U ~I\ 1 UIII ~nrJ'~' . IA11':I c is" t retlClwrolll< th ln(;,." It nd\l~d IlbH'nt ly, "When upp ll cI to Iltlln ll ulty. L I Itl you Ibtlt I ('IIIln't c1en l In P (' I·~"" Jl lIl l l'S. I lied. There ls sQmOlhlJlIl IIIJIlllt th e wormlh of nn Intll\' ldunl pets 10 Lhut Illllll s {'old r Il ~ 0." Hll I 'ft h er ' ahruptly ond dlsnp. pl'n r 1.1 wlthlu n n eA r·by but. t'lh ~ wutched him go wli h II f ' ling or pu r· tl OI (} t'serllon lhnt gm tlu nlly wrl R til ,· sorb ed by n el\~lIt""1 ' th ut wns n \\' t o hOl'-a con d Oll ' ll t'tlS thn ",hNI ihls extrnordlnnry OInn Rlw ke b r.. ft hi words bchfud blm. nol ItS trl\lI :;l p nt ~ but U'S pOrtuRnellt guests of tbe mlnrt. Tb re wos 8 meth ln8 s lnrlt "b(lut Il ls frauknllss us thollJ(1l It I~ . _ cought In Sllme wlllt'I",1 Of IIr nnd II an lurll .,n \;~lIti IInl clolhes In u.i) WilY CIt nl\ltlnt n,l.\lf'l:' )1111'11 <lR. but for u ll It$ 1)llk'cUne ~ It Im'lll l'ud not tonr but a r \,lolllell!! trus t. nn ~' ~I\' ~n Incl ll'idu ni.
IS o r 1I1UU bnt prIncipally on account f t h e nW SllulltlOS." "Lh'1l 1" sll id Andren. "My denr Wh ir" 111II lI. y uu nre mnd. I'm not
J(nlng to I"'e h ere, no mal ter bow bor· rl hl y I'm tCll1pt ~d hy nil lhls thougbt· tulnll 8~ ot YOllrs and-cure." Ut' looked quu 1I 0nlugly at ber face. " Will yo u lI lne wltb rue." b ventured, "8t hult , oust fi ve ? It'A th\! beRt hour on UC"Jllllt or tlnyll gh l un d 0111)' two melll!! n £IllY. Will you7 A!ter thllt we'lI tlllk It 0111. " Art(lr~1\ norltled lind {lI~mIEs II blm with. '''1'111 hoi! nCI Pr flve. theu." Th ings hn ll 111 0 \''''(\ so !tI t througb th e lillY that she hllr! hlld no tim e to lDllrk more tlllln thl'lr gellerol course. Now ~ h c settl ed rl o\\'n 10 n d 'lIbernto , s un'!')', She w(!n t bn k in her mlod to A II nty Ow n. 10 her brothers ond to til (, puhllc ot Ill ri:e 08 represented by tll colony dnnce. !':lle ImnJ:lnod theI r ('on ~ l e rnntl o n at h ~ r fIIslIPPcllr· nn .... \' 1 11 0 11 2 d th e I'trorts tbot e \·en ot tbl g n",m 'nt WCrt· belug mnd to tru e her nn,rt the full fo r 0 of theIr In evl lnhlp (utility, 'J'h~ ['n rchers would have nothing to go on. Ther\) WIlS 00.1): !l ~~.:::r~'; ns . fu r nB ;ie"w ,,"d thot WR R ~" m one. 10 the general exelt m ot tho n ll th' whom the white mau had I('ft h(:hlnd mIght hllU l" hi way Into ~\lflI cl nt proUllnonce to .;ot blulself clllled ns n wltn,ess. But 6ho se t swnll hope on such II solutloD, tor the last ' to\\" hours had tllugllt he r thnt tho lIu thor or nn h er troubles wns more thUD WhIte Man to those uDd er him-h e wos mnst er. Then h er thou!:hts turned to th e mlln s he WIlS to hove morrled. Of cOllrse. nnd whnlevc.r hnppened from now on, that-denl-wns ot'!'. Sbe puckered b er brow. puzded thnt such n conclusIon brought no grent aback with It. I.nst of oil, 8be tbought of hersel!. " ' hut wns the mennlDg of tllis dny to A.n,dreu Pellor. to tbat girl w hom she hnel curlollsly watcbed. slUllll'Il II n(1 drcnmell over c1nrlng very 11 nrly a qua rt ..r of 0 cen tury? Un· COli 'Iollsly ~he tnced th e problem \'rOIll the Sluodpl)llIt Into which sbe hnrl bee u bred nl oDe-meas ured It bl' the cold rul e of co uventlon and so. clet lI.!U1~ , .
Andren swnllowl'CI n lumv In IlI'r th rnnt. "I won't- I will not cry," sll 60ld aloud. "1 s hnll 11 1' \' r cry ngnill. I'm r cally huylng n g-J!ood thot'o ]'"e nlwnys been borml nnd I'm cortalnl y not boret! noll', on." only n fool would cry over t hilt." She s'el tI ~,tl down 10 h er brcll kfn st In ('n rn eMt. r"rllut that sh det sl" d .eggs tl'i e,l. ut c c "('ry RCrn (1 of the tonij t. mOSI o f the mUI'lIJU lntle. nnd drnn1t three CliPS of tell. '[' hrn she sat bnck unci let Iter eyes (llnU ~e h er. ' Tho krllnl's nctlvlty h lld' cenl erecl obout the n ewest linn sJOurt st o f th o buta. Arouud It mnny me n wcr" work· lng, some d lr;glng trelle h ,,~, oth~r8 cut· tlllg on extru door In. It>! s ldi'! . Pres' (Conl.J olloo 00 PlUtO 51 OIltly sllll olh bego n Lo nrrh'o In 0 seemingly cndles.s procession. bellrt ns RapIdity of WIre I.... posts. stripiled of Ihelr h(lr~ 1\11, 1 CIII It tokeS but one-twentiet h of • NO to unI fo rm It'llgth, "JIll grellt hlllllll eK on(1 tor a wireless algnnl to pOI!8 troaa of w ith" nlld Ulolch gross. .Sbo wnlched th~lTl work with II WOIl· ,,'l\sblagtoD to San II'rnnclscn. tOd~... . Iler ot whnt Ull'Y wur e d"lng Ib"t The man'lI eyes m~t her gaze etesd, grew: 'vugIH' r nfl,l VII';Il" r uutll s lle II)' bnt araduall1 bllt body began to drowsell IIni! flmllly drolll,pd sou nd tremble. He pnt QIle band out to the asleep In her chlilr. She IIwoko two hours luter t o !illd Ul 0 wh ltl' II Ulll stondlng b!'fllrl' hor. d "I111 ~hllV n, clear eyed. 81111'1I1nl( or RMJ) 1111(1 look· In g nhnosl tlnflpM III 1111llkl behnet. Rb lrt. br 'rches 'In d pullees. "We ll, Mr. Whitt' Ma n?" sn ld An· dren. D e smll c!d a lIlo\\' sm ile of r ell r os thou gh be hud Irreo drcl\dlug h er ilr t words, "Will you como now1" be a sked. 10m in II.. ,,"ploy of theTold" She orosI" lStorle(' 1,0 follow him ond F'r<! Dept, I Io,we I",," I,uubl,,j stOPI1Cd wit h II ~ n s p. "Why I" Mbe ex· wi~1 0 com Ilk' I bc.tI,Cfcod me Icr. clnltll('(I. 11Ill' I' yes fll stl'Jl cfl on t h e hu t nbly. I ooul,1 not '~1nd Ihe P"''''''< lhllt hud 1)I'c n' Ihl' B 'c ne of lohor. It of my boots any n)Off' lf1n n 1&,'1 1 (II \\·os tron~ r(ll'lIl l'II. l\~ fol'~ It now "(Ieeu minUlcs at .1 lirn~.anJ whirr ....,nrk. s too(1 n \'I' I'lI lI lln with ,n thll(('h C'el ro()f. 01 bll! (ora. il WaJ unbc..r.ble. 1',. 'ncd ., .. • " . . . .. . ..... and m ll n)' In clOslnl! tit "I'rl llllln, tlll! hUi emd II IJlIl .n ocl nI Plo\·cd«'fe 1',,1 Ine Uny gll r\h'll lit Its hnl'le Wll ~ II ml gl\ty wilh HOOO\I j Jon Com K,lIinll ~ It )("kll 'h' . I'ach P",,1 .. f wh ich Wfl S ..."'''''' on" in IW0 31'plicaiulIU Ihe-com j,3\ shllrp e n~·tl t o /I n el',lI t' 1I,li M. [rrolU I 1K'\'tT ftll 10 ,di.""" in . 11 th l' ,'xII'n tl(lo r rIIn II ro\' r rl'!1 WilY Ull I coolel,,'1 hdp but ...,ile you 01 ~trlln)! I)' I' ullt li S th e sloekndc anll ' glul IlJld easy com <uno. . \<'h INt Ct'lltlO'('lcd Iht> hil t wltlt Its RALPH W "tMDN. 1\IIII:1,Io"I'- lh lll 111 1'1 whI ch -Ule wblte Me. "'-"1.~"- 001 ' " - r ..... ~..... III III I hllrl tll ~ flilJ\l·nl·l'd . . Real Foot Comfort "W il l y,1I1 C"'IJ II '?" re p'o ted the lll'nD. I. Waltlnll for You AmiI'M fHli ulVcd 111m. Oll ly to ~ top Cet Honest John Todcty u!;lIln whcn s he, l'cuclwd the \-('mlllln. It WII, I'll rp 'tcd wltib fl 10n1: gr0J38 fUnt of ' \'1\'1<1 colors onrl on ' tll e mol Ilt(loll chll irs nnd 0 table. On th tn ble wn s n hnnd H(!w lng Illachl ue anil from co rn er·to·coruer post swung , /1 Our Uncle Jazz say!; h nmmock. She lind to stoop vcr), lo'w When yo u pick 'Up to cnb' r tho hut Itsol(, nn,d once wUllln bnll to )\'ol t n long . time for b el' sun· Our kind Illled eyes to accus tom themselves to Of jo b w.... k tho Idndly J!loom. , 'l'bl) ,man gre\v 1m· .YOll realilc it's pnll!' nt olld st rllck 0. Itllltch. Dy Ita No\' mere ..., I ~uld :rake You Sack I Woul~ li ght A "Ih'ell RUW n VIBIQU ot comfort. Plck .up IIrtnlil1~ 'I'b!) room WIIS clrculnr nnd uD cclled, Now." Th,,' it costs so thllt oUO could look up a nel up Into !!pare chair as thougb to eten(ly blm· !>Io tr,ore thin thO very dellths of Its tllperlDg penk. lIelf. .~ want fOU t o believe me," ho The cartles! .ind, IrrMll U.u\t helgbt dlHlglcd 0. wire 00.11 II1II4 ·tn,'a I,?w voice, "when I t ell you 1'lr one , on Its onr! hUU2 a Innteru. 'l'be Illan ijlat wbat ~ou Illik la .IDlUOSl!lbla" lIIinml Gasrlte
- - -
... - .
Mr ,lnd Mrl!. Marl o n O ah orn en. Seven I rrom bere 'Were Rt the tflrlll l iD d th ol r frl ond8 with a d noo leo'ore Bt WavnenlJla, Wedno8dllY • n ~"lturclIlY ni g ht. Ropor' is t hll.t evening . t h 'y h~(t 1\ gpod Mme. K V. '1'. W. MIller walt the Roest' mUll on U"rhert ·.. rr 111ft '['bnrsday. fo r r Mr . llnd Mr~ (: .~. Pbllt,,1 I ll /lIU , wh"r b~ II:! t o t·ake tl, Wed 110Sdll V av O-nlng h "Ub \I II (. lIupnn'on. lind witl move . Mrl! , Nellt ·I::!owllrd. o f Bellbrook , .. n tlllir farm rooeutly purob*lIod n f vlsHOd witb her 8 1 te r. Mrs llurriel. \:fow .. r ll L lIIIIl IJlg. of ne llr be re . W e MoOl uui s. on Th ursday. ,wI,,"Onttl .t,hl' m Into our midst.. Mr alld Mrs, O. R Lamb \yere \lr HUU 1I1rt!. Bownrd LOl\tnhig SundflV ll inoor gue~t. ij uf E R. RUII . ' \'\"111)( IlVl' fo r K .n8US lib ul Deoe m . d Olph lIod fllmlly In Dayton. 11I'r IHt. 10 lllnka It tbelr h omo. Mn .• I .. DO Ano Bardy nnd Mrll. Tit it many fr lanOs wlab t b em SIIC- U(l a~ 1 !:f"rI.lY,ot Ouyto o . spent MOlt. ceSA. dfl Y 1'1 Ilis t week- with th e la tt r 'lI 1'11 11 1 R CIl " t on . o f Dfl yt,;n . @p ent m o th e r , Mrs. Alln L . ISmil·h . ::l n nd" y whh hi s p ,.reulll. b ere Mis~1ll! 811Ultlh '00 0. R Il" " !:f nr. :\I r . tlnd Mrs, Cbllll E. Gord on lUe li "n(\ Leoul> Ma Gi nnis at.te l dad IIll d eon, ~tobllr c , !llJd Mr . and Mrs. ~ he teua hor£! ' oon von'to n In DlIyto n. ,! ri nn l~o rr1 (1 n wo re 8nnr1I1Y g ues t·g Frtdu v I , of Mr. nnd :.trs. I, " te r Ho rd o n , ot A numbe r of frienlls tro m tb is Wn yuoRvi II", oommonlty W ' I nt tb ll ellnrlvuri Mr. "nd Jrd. 1 8~ HO Hadley, Mr· 1)1\1 t.v (l 1J 1\1 ' 101I ••y (w enlng at the axo n "Six" has earned its reputation as the Practica l r nn d Mr • . ~'r"llk Ruddu c k lind lion, ho mo I,r M! ,. . t l lll!l l111 BOI n ett. ill Car because it is so thoroughly practical frolll El orRClI'. WMO g ll r~ tR of Mr aud Mr~. h on o r 'It Mr. !lnd Mrs Clt ttOlt Iior. Frllnlir 8 h itillk o r o n Wednesday . so many different stanripoints. n ot~ I MrAI Oh n rlOH 'l'lIc kfJ r nud oblldroo Mr K, Mury UIl I m on y anti M .... W6 ro week .so u gn lls t8 of Mn. Tuo k. 8u~lut Whollton we re ~ueijl8 of Mrtl. ' er'!, Olo tb r . &lr" So ut h. of LebanoD Mllr~lUat Geys le r IInct tflllltly tn ' Mr~.. Mu r ~a r !l t L!wl oy. U. K Le v DBylon. II oouple of duys lust week. io.v , J. W. 0 11\'11< BOIl oh lld r n wero Mr. lind Mrs. !:f . M 'I a rk e nte r . ' u ndtll y I(Il B!lI-S " r rOl ,ltl VI'S illDnycoll ti llned, '"tnrdllY e v on lng IIIlII Hu n · Waynesville, Ohio Phone 7. \'tev. Uout.iogtoo prefl e b l'd at the dn y , t h olr frleod , Mrll Jlln.t! Smith, M . F. . Chnrch on S undtly . of Dn y~ou. Dr oud Mrs, L H . Brook r eo Mrs T . U. Whots I l' ntertlilued t be Ch' lo LA~g ll O Ilt ber h ome .'n turued from lntlillllllp oll~ . W (ldn es. E. .'lu u nlllY aftern ooo Tbo Bunual dflY. llfter Q Illllns Rot two · w eo k ~ s tny Mr~ Ella Rho ... of ~·rllnltlll1 . eleotlo n for the e n ~ nlng year look wl&h Mr, an<1 Mrs . Glenll Brook. Bertha lind Beulllb, nnl8r&"lned plaoe, Mr. and Mn. Frlluk Woollev Rnd 8un(JBY ..\tIDner : Mr , and Mrll: Wil Wltll thu t;uud . y I(ue~t of Mr and Wallter Sllven has opened UJl a ohlldun ••f Day to n. visited wIt h ~Ir. lIolll Bergdollllnd daullhter, Glady', Mn ONear OIAveDg.,r. Mr.. Ml8llhulllOD 'W81 'hl1 S undllv bu'oh,e r ahop In bls bnlldlnlJ .nd 18 nnd Mr.. WlIlIllnr Browll , t:laturd"y Mr an~\ Mrs. J. B. Jonet! and aOll, Tberle. Mr. lind Mr •• AileD B:lDrlo~ eveninjf gUIIII\ of Wr8 tSarl' b Hell. Uleet.lllg with U OOIl8S. evenlns and Roolln y . Bnd dllug bler, Glady., of Lytl., . . d Mr. Ilntl Mrs W. W . Weloh &to ()1'II. Allie Dak in Bold her farm. te nd e!l quart e rly meett ng in New west .of 'own, last waek, to Mr . •1. B, MIIIII Ruth Coon. of Wengerla"u . ---Borllrl gton ,ou ~ .. tllrdIlY, Hoeed, of netlr Morrow. James Walson Says "I'll Ncver ForMIs8 Pearl Ull o o, of DllytOD, spent. Mr. MIlton MIII~ IIpent t h e wee k. Kel When Father'sHogsGutChulcrll" A Rat Thll t Dldn't Smell After lI nd ll.y with h or mother, Mrs. on d wUh frl e nd'd In L ytlll. B e left "One m o rnrfliC II .. fllllllll :1II hOgH BeIng Dead For .1, Monlhs. Elllm !l l )lIno. on S undBY for b ts hom e In lJat"lllo d811t! .. nrl levl'r,,1 ,,10k. , 11 ' n.lllflU ,,} IIWOIIr I' wal dead aa le.. t 3 Mloh ., after !!pondltJ~ sevprdl weeks Prot fll ctBd m eeti n g Ie In progre~s 10 tOtl VH~ wil .. RItAr cll ••• ·nlln\( 'I monlb . . .. tllltd J"mel! 8yte", Butoher wltb rela t ives nellr h llr e . at the M. E oburoh with Rev. Bunt. rat c~ul(ht 0/1 the "rt · lll i~. ·~, Ile·"hl,·,1 Ington In oharge. A .dro ve (I f g ypelsp, lI ome twenty . W e.trtald. N. J . "We 8aw 'hiB ral tblll, the r od,'nt.!! h~J OOllv tlv(\( 1 ever)' .t .. y, Pllt a oake of RAT. Our n raets lire betng r eplllrdCl fivil or 'hiny . calDe tn autom obil e!' 8N Ii P behlod a barr.l . Montha iCtlrm.. 810ce t·hfOn 1 11111 "" . " r with . lind Invaded o ur town . FrldflY . Jt. . ~ "In ~ l1r"~t., wIth orllshed at one . IUe r my wIfe allked about I hi ral. out RAT. IINA'" !I. ~ I, rI).\' .. rl I ItIlOW. " I. N MlIIer' la 1\ very blley mlln, rhey were 1I00n d riven o n\ aoll Rem e mbered tbe barrel, IO'lked he. qal""181 -r:"'-Ub ~j ;;; ~. 1l 1'rCl. riO ..; t.1.1I1' !'Inlll mBklog his fll\l uellvery of fruit m o ved on towRrd l)tl yto n. hInd It There "IB tbe rat-delld. not MISS Velma S <lit h hD d B e rnIa" t he 8 j~t;rt 're8S , n ' . Thr'e'e she., Bnll Ruarllnl eeLl bv .J . ... ,' ·'OIl"Y. Mr. alld Mr8. Jlioob R eece. of SmUh epent. Su nd oy with Mr. IIn\1 ~liiJ: 500. 'I 00. 80ld and gtiBran'eed Mrs. Fmnk KUlli s ut Rld lej\vltre··Dayto n wore osl\t n" on .. c.g by J. E Jl>nll ey. $ano~Sl'1~;--:u ~ .. t DOon. I ~h. an.:1Mrs. ~ li. 8nl~~!I. J"0l 1l8 • '.'::r lind Mrs . 8 01 Chan oellor ond £I"loe8 aDrl .i r and Mrl Wal tElr dAu gh'e r , Mrs. i'roeton, of near Kenrick vlelted with Mr . P . K . • UllIrkavlll ll. were ::londa!, «uests of Penoe and fBmil y at ::lprlO llburo, MONEY LOANED S unday. Mr. lllld Mn. J . 8. Sbtdaher. Mr. and Mra. ' Iy de Wharton Iln d !:ferman G ray 'o&ogbt 1\ fox r lj· <)N lilY LoaDed on Ihe ~tooll. oen,i ty. He 'Was evlae~tlv more children were 81lnday ::: ue~ ,. of Mr . llnd Mrs . Obarlell'IlIom"s Ilnd film . Mra. +rullnda lhlmbatoher, Wbo oh8&tE'la, al80 looond morlglllllllt. oUIlD h.1g tblln tbe {ox . l1y '" Miami, burs s o1Je red Q .'roke of paralYl'18 a "hor' NOles bonl/ bt, ' John Harbin", Allen Mr "nd MrII. A. B , 'l'almage, Mrs. Mr. Elmo nt Snyder and MlslI Ed. lime ago. remain. very Ill. Bulll1tng, XeD I., Oblo. G 4.20 Gtlors'e DIlY!8. ·MrA. Oeorge 80&B'O 'na -Feeler WAre warrled on Tbun. Mr. and Mrfll . Ed Deardoft, of Bloe and He rt. Bt'gan . of near Wellman . day e vening at the home of t he ' Sail. 'Were lhe "nes's of relativ88 attended cburoh h ere , Sunday after. brlde 'll annt In Frllnklln. rh ay will here. one day I.. , w~ek . FOR RENT n oon. Immedla'ely 10 ~o house keeptng In air and Mrs. Barry Fry a.11 'aID. , W P. are proud of our to'Wn, and the hoose reoently VRoa tad by M ra lIy. Mrs. Chris Fry hnd Mrs. t!erab or " ROOIllA for Renl. furnl-hlld WE'll we shlJuld . We take pride In Allie Dakin. 'I'hRy ' hll,ve tbll bel't Bell spent Frtdll" in Dayton . or un.nrohlhlKl. InquIre et Ulls tbe up.keep of our bomes, "llhle of their mBny friends here Mr. and Mn. Joaeph Dnmbatober oIDoe. nil Frank BhlClaker 'uneau'ed busi. Mr . ...d Mrs. Ularenoll Smith bad Ilnd hmlh', of Otnoinnatl. 'Were Ut. n BIIS In Xenia . B~turdIlY. for tbelr BundllY dinner gnllstll: gue.ts of Mrfll , Amanda Dumbaloher. w"net tirllY sbtpped 8 oar. load of Mrll. (Jeorg. Leille, Mn. C~ rrl e one day t be P&ll' week . FOR SALE hor8 el~ ao 'be Southern m.nllft, 11l8' Sy me!! lind Mr UbarlNl Delm . of DudillY Moon*, of Dayton. apent Mo nCiay. Dayton , Mr and Mrs. All e n Sm1tb several day. lhe peet week wl'h rrelh 00"11, J Jer8"Y. an<11 HoI. frlend8 here. Boward MoKIIY preaobed at 'be lind Mra. ,Ann L . Rmlth. '''In, !rood one". Inquire of ~'rlc'Qd8' Uhnroh o n t:!on"I'Y , ' Mr!. Belle Uoon and dllusMerll. Mr ... nd Mrs . H . 8 . Dearth aDd Will Barnard. OD 'be LaOley fBrm Tbe, Ludies' Aid !:ioolet, "ill be daughter were Lebanon vialton,one .0Dtb of Oen'ervllle. Obi.. ,n26 enter'ed by Mrs. ,Je~8e Clark at day rost week . bBr home on East Main street, 00 Full·blocil Pollnd Ublna Sow •• . Mr. lind Mrs. Ed Bamber' have Thnr!ld" y: Novem ber 13. ' Have 86 pig •• tbelr 8800Ud litter. moved Into tbe Bomben property Furms, l ow n property , businellllln Inquire .s thl. oltioe. n1l6 . on Main streel. this viot nl1.y WIll mRke (lome MUls Bertba 8'epbenllon apen' W ..blnl Msohlne and ""olhell obnngos o n o r /I bout January 1st. SP.ABE W ednesd8yln Dayton. Wrlnler, In BOod ahaps. Will !Several from hera attended the Mr •. EII~be'b Blaok'ord Ie mak. 118\1 .....onftble. loq .llre of II:' S. enter t llinment at Clnrknl11e ' on . Get subIcriptioaa few the Ing ber . home wUh Mr. a1lei MH. ~lmkln8, R 0.2. Or:egonla, Uhlo TuesdllY 0uiaIiaD Herald. We help Momllde on ~be i"40'ory road, n26 JOU .uc'ceed. Add_I 1.. E. Mr. anl\ Mrt. Ub{'rlea Congllr, of 1. I'l,. Polllnd.Oblnll, lire I.ook at the Best In Sight. Orcutt. Manaaer of Asents. . Blne 13.11 •• pen' Brlda,. here. abe LukenB' Bif' B<lb, a Rood onp. O l1t Into th e IInh lt elf lookIng nt the iuella of lar . add M... t:laanley Uoc?k. Joqulre of U, 8 . Maxwoll, 8811 brook. The C~ Herald. Billie s lh' ~r hnlng ot the c\oml: 1\1\11. when Rey and Mn. III J(uelaley were OhiO, ' n26 yon hn\'e fotlnt! It , ('on tlnue 10 look Home. New York City. oalllld:lo BtJlllbrro ,bls weet by the nt It r llt her thnn nt the Icntlllll gra)' 1\IDe .. o r Mra. · Knehlley', S · Pulllnger Stndebaluu Automo. CiN 1I'IinWtr', ncIfW and r.o oIhu lertool! in thl" mltltlle. It will heln you over motb.r. bile for III}e obe.p. Inquire aa rdo'cncet.. , IDOIlY lIard I'lIlces.-A. A. Willis, D. D. tbla omoe. D~6
The Practical Car '
RAY F. MILLS, Dealer'
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OI.BBUled Ads
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A ....
- _., --
!!I.......- - - - - - - - - - - - -____________________..._______II!
If you have read the new act. passe I by the Genenil Assem-
bly of the State of Ohio. ~hich reads, in part. as foUow:s: Section 5564. , Tor the purpose of enabling the county auditQr to determine the value and location of buildings and oUler improvements. who shall erect or construct any building or other improvement costing over $200, . . shall within sixty days after saiJ building or other im: provement shall have cOlDmenced, notify the auditor of the county Upon failure to give notice as herein provided and the discovery of such bui.1ding or improvement by the county ' auditor after the same has been rected or constructed. the said huilding or improvement hall 'be appraised by the county auditor at its true value in money, and placed IIpon the duplicate together with a tax penalty of fifty per cent 'for each of the years from the date ~ of the erection or construction to the date of discovery. Said . . county auditor may enter, by himself l or deputy. within reasonable hours. and fully examine aU buildings and s~ructures of every kind
6b~~"b. phone 37.:1, wIIYllolI:~~e.
Oetlse; good (ltook; T oulouse OA8 Mrll. L. A. rt~M.
R I).
'Y"ynesvilltl, Ohio.
prl .
GRADUATE AND LICENSED VETERINARIAN Harveysburg, ~hlo Phone ,34-11.-15 Reverte Phone Charges Decll
Notice-Consult ,Madden, who will save you a lot on your .lumbe,r bi,ll, therefore will 'save you a lot on your tax duplicate. It pays at home. ' . to trade .
w. ·B. Madden
llOorlng WhlteLelLhornf:ook. e.eI8; 1 dOZ" D Palle'". Mrs, B Good
& ·.Co.,. WayneaviiJe,
Wayne.vllle, Ohio FU~ly
Equipped for Good Service. Ltirge Display RoO~
A~ McCoy, Vet.rlna"
Dr. J.
Orduare 0.' Oilin Stat. Unlw.... ' 'I OrFlCIil: Fourth I:1t~t. n.r Trier
\:1 .,. 'h" I "Mtr1lUlflnl, h()lIrd, or) ·'k .. ~ 00.,.1\ ' .... , h. o.. lll'.! uo 'he (lv"rIAI,,1 ~. I' '"',,' ,,,11,,,",,1 th'" ban4 'h,n"" ... p,.rk "n ,l nh"_1< ('ontrol, ! hlldrtJl 11l" 1I' (ln llllt1 .. 1.,("rl ~ hutl' IO. \'I!" lilt< rl\al \1\,1(1 C'urrAni, ..),liodll' I Til" ('u~bl ou l' I qotpl~~d wltb OverlaDll -1 the uew OIIr "I IIghl l Mtlr~h/lll dlv .. n ~prl"'j[~ Ihe np. wellbt oODstrDollon tor willoh Ih e hl\l~t(\~ ... tI~ro~8Ilout tll o oar Id long \lubllo ha been wl\ltlng 8luo .. 1t,lIlti gmtn ,)uratl'X. I to<1no\loD wile flrst rOlllorl'd u t thu \ u'omoblle IhoW8 .. bou' tw o yellrll , Body -Is All Steel a~o. Will plt~ced on exhibltl n ID. I . Wayoe8vlllu. Oblo, U tbe Oyerl!Uld Th . (I.ur b""'1 t,rBlmlllne body IlAletroome or II'. D. Bliwko. whlClh I~ elll.lroly oonstruoted 'of A peal Improvemen~ 18 Sbe ulle of illteel wi ~b Mitm'lng windshield. Tbe three polns .uitpeoslon springs .. It full ..urowutld fenders aro r heavy wae thll new spring 808 1Ienlllon. \llleot ,tool The roon"log board ~ whloh absorbed molorlet attelll·lon urll'oover"d wIth linoleum. alulnl l\t 'be .. Ieuooma. It 18 II oumblou num b ')OlJd '1'110 body aod ..oha881s tloo of two prlDolples \bll t liB ve" are fiolsbed III lund bilked entimel. been uaed to grello'est advantage .in II Tile fittiDgll BTe nlokel Rnd p ohehed oll'Ptnobl1l' OODAWoollon: F.lut, thllt I\lnmlnnm. ')f ollonlU.nver ' sprlngs; Aecond . thfl l 'l'be oar Is etlolppell whh Bn Aulaflexible throe polDt oons\rootlon . l ",te Cwo unit st ll. lin. d lIghtlo~ 'file IOll:url ,u8 Tiding oomfort system. beadllghts ",,1\.1. Il dimmer. theso springe furnl'h tbe oar '11MB d'lsh and tali -lights . IJ mall:Detlo
r~ "·"·"·
~IJO'8<Jllnlll"r fL."
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WhOnt e M'
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111 GEORGE AGNEW CHAMBERLAIN ''l'm, don e tor," SIlI(1 AlI.oren to nerRe~r. ' ''\'I'~I~rrl''y 1 wa n pearl ul grent pl'lce III Ihe morrl ilgo mArk!'t, IIml nOI\" I!"~rytl l ln" In lit!' WilY or co~h thut olTl'rs \\'111 ,'CIIIl I' tnml Ibe mu Ie IInlls! Your lu st day. Pellor." she odd d al 1Il1. ';:I\'IOI! n d~e p sll!nlfican"p to tM USe Qf th,' old fllmfly 00111\ !lIOne. UI'r Ips " ur l"d un d h;:'I' ey,," hnr,lened rellt'llIously us ~hc added n fiuol murmur. "But It's been 0 born. merl" "scorr rPlllly. Mlssls." She ju mped ('reet with n etl\rtled cry• "Plenty IlUn!;ry. ph?" snld Bnhtub wIth bls U5\1I11 grin of prIde nt blp. powers of 11,',luctlnn. "Tell your IlItls tCI" th nt I shall corn. ID, teo mInutes," she snlll. wntched him go and clo ed tho door ntter him. Thl'n Shl! IUrnrl\ lint! hurrlcll to the
tilOOQ tor 81r "'IH of of DnconaclouH Alldr"/I ,,101;II ..d I!eve~11 PIlCM Dod guzPfl lit hIm. Her liye. lUled denly with teors and ber hOllrt swelled III Ihe QuI k III1S\~C'r of tbe generou8 to tho thoughtful. Rhe drt'w neur and ~Bld In a vole IhlH trt'llI.bled allghlly. "You ore consldl>rele tn ali-little th logs." Shl' rllls!>!1 bot h hll nds to hl'r tbront. unhookpd her donk IIwi let It slip from her shoulders. For UI1 InAtonl hIs eyes W I" th(IlI ot 11 mUll ot her owo werld. Tit .. )· . wept e ver hor a9 tflolllth Ihey took Ihe O1 enBUr,! or her I~vellnl'ss .ror III nr~t t lllle. They" trnvpl('d with n. llus hlog guzl! from ht' r 80tt he Ir 10 h r 11 URIit'd e ll ek1l, down over h('r bure IltWk und Into th · faery me h.,s or t"' r flhn;v frock. und tlllire thl'Y Slo)l)Jcd wll b a J\!rl;: us though c"en In tltnt nHII Il"nt tie relllembered Ih ut ve~y shnrt ~k lrts nDid n trun cuted silk ~tp"klllg IIIlght leave R HCrlOUS gop In I h,' all·loo·trall '1 " (~n ~(,8 01 mO(\I'rn 1I10rlp>41". T hen Iii' rllll lO buck 10 coe swlrt upword 5 1\" ' P a nll met her own /;'oze. equ nrNy, ~ 1;>!HlIIy. She drew II deep brellth . S(,1IIe t hlog sos to lolng hnd come Into thp whtle ma n's gray-b lu, ey,'s. ''' " ''' Ilt l"~ you coul d Il'lIn uron He wos su,I""" ly nllt of hl'r nl,l world. "I 1I11l ,,(ml ,1 th .. "01l)l IA 0 little colt}." ltu ~1I1 ' 1 n ~ I,,· ~II' ''llCHI orouud to drt\w hi' r d ll,h' {or tll'r. The c}lnner I\",, ~ gU'lt:! Itl' ynnd Ihe cnchl'l ,)f 1II"rll gr/)~s nlllll'! ll\!. nn,' It Wfi R ~ "rvl!, 1 with n rtlllllll lY nnll 810 00 ll"H':I~ titot would hnye d,me credit LO 111 0 old ~s t of th e Pcllor but· ler9. "Your ~ervan t8 nro wcu trulned." sohl Alltlr!'u. "Encll hos little to dO." 8nll1 the mof\. "ne must do It well Thut. In· cldl'ntnlly, Is thp socr'~ t or ":CIllOK sntlsfnclory work Ollt 01 an Afrlclln." "Is 111" so ld Andrell absently . "r've alwllys henrd Ihey werc n shlfl les8 lot nnd thut 0 whlt a 111011 could tlu Ih~ work ot len nlgt;crB." "So he C81l. erdlnnrl'1y," IIn8wl'red the mnn. almest 09 absently, "but there nre tlml's when ten 'boys; (lIcked 'boys'-" He 8topped (18 It bo wer" 108t In 80me far remlot,scence. A sllen.ce f ell to the end or the meol. whi ch colncJded with tbe sudclen end of th e tropIc dill'. The mun 81.nke to th,e servauts for t.h e Ilrsl tim... 'fll,·y clenrl'd th e tohle. s~t It ngnlll wllh glll ~sC's '"111 liqueurs. clgur8. clj::lIrclt:!'s allrl .l"olTcc. an.d moved It all!;htl)" 10 ClII" si d.'. TheD. from th e nearlDY hilt, th ey brought ant two CII Hlllol1 d IVII'ker chaIrs. home-mnde but um(arlolol e. Androo snnk Into I.ers with n peculln r teeUt\g of well-bl'lng mIxed wllh II H' pel1sel Tho mnn sot dlown 01'11'1:11111 her. the tobl o within eRSt re"" h of hnO. but nut b!llweell tbelli. Sunll·I\.11I1: 8wayed wIth a jerk above \I.elr headH. Andrl'o. startled. looked jusl In time to Bee an. enormous whIte dIsk unroll trom Its edge., leW 0i fnll In a' cl rcle around tbem a lIlowy mesh of bobblnet. They. and 1111 they Ot4!ded for comfort, beame eoc\08ed ao an Insect· ,proot calfe Ihllt sWllyed !IOtt\), to the evenIng etlr ot air. The servants weIghted down Ita edgllS with ftat stones Rnd theD lit two acetylene lamp8 that 8tood out81de on 8tandA placed at rlghl angles to the couple wltblo the net so thnt tbe e)'es ot bolh Wire 8pared the glar8The man poured colfee nnd lIQIIP.UNl. lit Aodren's cIgsrette. chose a clg'lr tor hlmsl!l! ond Bnt down. DUring the coft'ee Ihey eyed each otber 10 silence. taklnll each other'S measure. "It Is ton bad." he 80ld finally. "that we caD'I tnke this boor tor Itself alone ond Orloll together a cup of peace anrl . atlllDea. all,d oomrort." His word8 were holt 0 QUMtlon alld It Wfl8 110 thot Andrea und,'rslood them. Shl! drew a deep 8lgh. !Ihrugged her hare 8hou~~e rs aod tUrrtl'(J In
A Picture Contest I
Twenty·Five Dollars in Gold Reward If you Hre a good
gues~er Gold~
you will be in line fo receive a reward in The contest is open to all readers of. the Miami Gazette.
THERE ARE TEN GOLD PRIZES ALTOGETHER First Prize Second Third Fourth Fifth
$10.00 $5.00 $2.50 $2.50 $1.00
in Gold in Gold in Gold in Gold . in Cash
$1.00 in Cash $1.00 in Cash $1.00 in Cash 50c in .Cash SOc in Cash
Sixth Prize Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth
Can You Tell the Names of These Men?
Try it.
Immedlatley oadertlt004 and appr. .peedometer, eleotrlo harD, spure olated. n I. \bls rea$Ure whloh &Ire oarrler. exln rIm, oompillte set, "Tell Your M..ter That I Sh." Com. In Ten Minute.." IlvlIB to tbe OIlW Overland oar, de at toOIIl, \Ire repair kit jllOk aDd ,Jlned for IIgbt weight, 'ba' degree pump The Ures are monn\ed 00 little mIrror on the woll. Bbe floshed of ridln .. aomtor' and eeourl~y hUb. demountlible rim~. 1\'1th anger a8 ' sbo looked at henelt .do pOlilble only In bl,b.prloed. Tbe excitement coupled with the heal aDIll heavier can Ant De~elopment. had mnde her torget Iier Inappropriate 'Gulding 'b. deve)opmea.' at 'his Ants hun! do\'eh'III"! oothlng r&- &I\rh. remarkable new oar wa. Mr. Wlllye Sho rehung the looklog glt'IS aDd Ideal of a motor oar wt,b a Ihree motlll), rl'spmbllng hldustrlyl .rglln".II' point aprlnK .uspenllon, a sprlD~ Uon. Mony Uuncc;>sNury conclustons looked around tor Implements of tol· .edlDI radloall,. dltteren' rrom tho hove been druwn (rolll compllrlllg oeu· let. 00 the lIt:1e toble lay a comb oonvenllonal dBllgD of tour 'prlDge ter {ul1CIIl\·t'lonecJ (emilIe) lint workers nod II single mllltnry brush. looking "'IUI the unmorrlod .women. of modern lonely without Its mote. Tllere were paraUeliDIL the trame. 10duAtry. A t:olllpnrlson with chll4 1118'0 n tin ot (lowder. tbe commoo labor would hc truer. For ant work· IIprlnklcr v"IIrlely tllBt men use, a' treeb Sprinpa_, .Not Whtelbue era Ilre all\'o)"'s "hullger" form_ botUe ot dentol lottoo nod 11 ecoled 1'11'8', ot coone, ~hll three point BtDnted crealures who hove no oro. box. proclaimIng IIselt In loud type DanUlever .prln, .n.panelon The nomle opporlunlty 10 grow up-wbo tile contolner or tile only pertect .priDg11 00 'he <nerland , ostend' are forcl!d by fnmlly necessity tn veo. toothbrush. Afteen IIlob.. from a poln' OD ~be IlIre out for tood hetore,tlwy reuch full "Not 80 hnd." reflected Andrea. and obaMlli beyond &he axlee a' froo' antI went to work to mllke tho best of wbot , nar, ,IYlnll.a wide 41agonal Ihape JII'Owt.h_._ ' __ .. _ ••_ __ was alre.udy one vf Ood'lI choIcest to *be apdu... . The oar hal ~bna an creatloDs. But when abc bod ftnlsbed &Glul aprln,baa. of lSI inohee, .1 United States of the World. the wonderful rcault only uogered &hough lhe oar wheel.bue "lelt 18 Tile cloy will "olne ",hcn we shall bez:. Tbe InOQJlll:rulty ot sltUo£, down lOOlDcbea. IISeoon4 - lCoooomy. Tbe 0&1' 18 renlhll' nol only lha broth" rhood of In· UlelDble4 from five DnU8 Quly. dlvldilnls but Iho essp- nllnl IIlIlty of 011 'l'ba ohaaaIal. olear of all involved mnnklnc!. All nrc brnthers: 811 chll· meohaDllma: Tbe entire aeumbly dren ot the 1111111 0 fnth('r. The hnrrlers reqQlra8 ooly 150 balta . 'l'ho engine "'hlch cllvlde nulllln A nrc nrtlllclnl. t ia a remarlrably bllCb lrade, thoro. belhwe thl> time Is ot hllnd whell theso ushl1 ~up 10 the.mlnn&ll power plao', hllrrll'rR will (1111, like the wnlla of (Uil~paO' aod Ilmple. The Deatn088 Jerlchll. hefnre lo\'e's IMlnlPPI flumand oleenneu of deelgn be~peat 'he mQns. ",hl'n thl' hlllln~r nf hrnthr.rhood lind freptloln wlllfltont forcvt'r o ver n read, aOOOllllblll', so all parte, Tbll'tt-QU8I1ty_ BpeolOoationslu. nl'w fed.'mtlon- Ihe 'Unlti'd Stntes of . dloa\e &ha& 'hi Overland' bill beon Ihq Wnrld.- 'l'olsloy. bum In 'eaoh par. of the fl088~ qual. Uy 1\88}. and ' lteal.alloy.. 'l'be bod, I. aU .• teel wUh an oven. bated When VirgInia Seceded. IIDlmel flnl.h The oonll$rno\loo II! On April 17 In 11'01 Ih .. Nlntp ron· elmple an4 'he b:.l"D08 of part to. pnllBl!. COnlllilsc.·rl of th" ml'lllh C'rli of par' IS unulIllIUy 6ne . The oar baa nil> Il'gl"llItnrp ot Vlr~h\ln. pnsRerl th ~ '*'n dealgoed 1I1(ht welgllt. FourCh-Bonntlfnl aDd oomple", "nrdlnont'!' nf Sl).c! N'~lnll" by n "oto of equlpmeot, In ever, de&R1I from 88 to rt!l. Vlrltlnili. 11. dOY8 prIor to . demoaDIa ble rime to A nlo. L.Ue nllll. hnd rt'flt ~"'1 10 :\l)ln tlle RI"lltPA or .Wler, IIgb\8 aDd horn. Overlao.1 4 Anlt'l1cll: hilt thc' (lec ' I~lnn nf thl' Con· appMn '0 'have been planned wl&b redrrnte l('ndf'rR to III''' upon Sumler a ,elDlle view of oomfort, 0 n. and . Llnt'oln'lI ('1111 tor 7fi,{)(l() volun· v!Elolenle. and Ionillervtoe. All .eat teers on April Iii turn ...1 the senle lind oll8blona, whioh are delaobable like Vlr~lnln . throw In hur let wltb the tho.e In "pollmao, are nphoh,iered South. ----wUh the IQxurtoQ Ihr@haU Divan eprtnp. i'be wlodlhield Ie IIlanUnR rain vlllon, 'rhe ODe-man lop. oor. Phyalcllna' Olth. ~ainl1 ,aDd oOB.hloDS are Dora"'s. A Pllft ot the Alpr.oertltlc' oBth 1$ aI 'rile hl"'J"D bu'~n t. 'ie ,he oenter of folloW8: "Whntover. In connectloo .,.hla la Jolnoy fCThalle; .ham. &he I!leeriDI wlleel. The ()Onlrols w1th my proteMl!lonnl pI·netlce. or not plOD . teathe ....elcbt of tlae are an mqllnWd on a keyboard on In connection wIth It. I may spe or hear world. He 18 Dot .bo.'" 7011 hlo.... tbat be _ III dlreDdloC &be,oowl .n lnalani aDd ready reaoh. 10 the lives or men \\' hlch ought not to b I, tItle b)' "ltooisklq Ial' oppo1& will be 'markeied io' tour ' body be .poken IIbroud, I will 1I0t dl"ulg8, MOll" COld. 1\10 Indeed. Kllbaoe alylee: .A 8ec1an a' fl,3715; coupea' u reckonltl, thrit IU such Ih. old be 18 rlloolns tor COUllcll 10 Clev..,. f1.326; aGorinl oar and road!oVlr d kept r ·ret." Thla o.t~ · 1. reap -eted laod-end ., elec~--M78 be will 111'5, f. 0. b TQIldo. "" 1>), ev~. · court In the world. and ra .... nO\'8r lI,bt Ip10 but will retIre-fln . . . , " '. ~ • J1 Indeed bRS It ever been broken b1 I ,Interlltlnl Detail Fixtures "putable ph18lclan.
. -.
----.. - ---'--
Rules &Regulations Any person residinlr wil hin the circulation of The Miami Gazette is eliiible to enter this contest. Clip or cut out the SIX PIC. TUl{El:) each week together with the coupon for the ' answer at· tBched. Save the slips with co upons attached, until the close of the contest, Decemb"r~, 1919. ,Fill out in irlk. or pencil. neatly, the correct answers to each of the Six Picturell. using the C{)upons attached fa" that purpo~e. Sign your name and addr6l81n space indicaled . Mail the let to this newspaper with check or monl!Y order fo r ONE NEW OR RENEWAL ~UBSC)UPTION for your~elf IIr another person. not later thun December 10th. (No attention will be puid to _ an~wersllt!ntuathatar~not Bccom panied by a 8ubecriplillJ1 price) Prizea will be awardl·d for th e best Jist or answers BU Iimitted ill the Picture Contest. Ac~uracy and neqtneSIl will hI' considered by the judges. In (,RHIl two or more conteHlantsure liC'd If ) ou are not a BU bscriber, send III your 8ub81'riptlon at once. and your IIn~\\""rs will be ~ounted. but withou I a lIubscription no attention \/o'ill he paid to your anewers Two or more sels of answers may be submitted by any eontutant. provided rcmittanre
.. - ..
TIle motor of &he Overland 4 Is out .. bloo wt&h .. removab,le head. U h~ . .eroaa valve opeDlo,. .. . The lobrloa\in, an\l. oUlOR 1,1&e1D requl~e 110 pump., The 011 la oirOD. 11l&ed b7 pr. .Dre an'oma&tollJy o ....W. and·*be water Ie clrcul.ted by ~, ~ermo.8yphon .7...... or ~ahlral coolinI' mMb04. ., ' Th'e .teertu, Ipparat. . Ie of 'he p1aaelarf lear *1pe wUh 'he lear. _, &be bo&tom of lhe .tearlog oolllm~ '.l'Ite oliltoh I. of &he Ilnille pla&ll '71» I:'fl~ IlIId by 71 per 0111' of ~he aaotor manafao\urara. The .elec. tl.. . . , HaDlmiNlon baa three . apeeda fortrard and rever.e. Ie
opant. ba 011. , TIle fIou' gle ta of chrome ntoke) aIee1, .'l'he froot whula have ~p. ereI roller be.rtnp. Tbe rear
II tblee4aarler lloastDI. TIle
1I~:::"~1.a rea. . .h . .le opera&ll , ball ......IIIp.
au Ie .qalppe4 wlUl ......-fQjIt.ud laud, .
.- ..---.,..
thUS garDet1 to ao Olled·nlr eanul Qln. . Eyele .. .OYlterl. ner lit balf pnst flvp. In the afiemooll T~e o)'ster hilS II gllOd;'slzed stomnch, aod fnce to face with n man In approwblch III, connected with the mouth b, pi'fate khaki, OO,t relfe,Jhor verY accu. a .hort gullt!t; Iwo poil11 01 ,IU, tor ~te judgment Ill! ,to wbllt 'Il'aa fittIng. breathIng. nn Intestine. a 'dlli'Jt IIften ,Saddenl, sbe remembered bor cloak. "ver. Il two-chnruberCld l!\!IIn ' and all Ibe rn~bed to the door 'oM callied to' etementB fl' nervous sTlltem. bot' II 'Bathtub. He C!aIIIe 00 the rnn. r&mlooa eara. no.o tiM eY08. It alllO celved bel' ordera Gnd a momeat later lacltl tile , fool like 11'1'1"'011111141 that fetdled the all_eealJ.q prmct, many mol.lIl~I{s llUS8C'SS tor the renSOD stili wnrm .1tom Ita flllO bllth. AntlIat II Iws ' 110 lIt!ed of .tIl orinD 01 dren put It on, h .. r I,ore SllflUldcn kkomotl n. shl'lnlclng from ItI! bOt touCh. "--lJcn,enlh the nCllcln gleumed the Th_ With Enterprl... wbltl> tllhle l! t ror two. It /lilt The enterpl1lloi penton II the pII'o , tbe man. lIut"slng (liltlence wIth R Clp• 1011 wbo Ie always leamlog aod tbell r ·ttc os Is tI' ll woY nt the walU~ pottIn, that learntn .. to u.e, wbo II male. He an)Ke alj ADdren drew near makloa the very bOlt at opportnolty, and ~relV hIs clJ,,'urette awoY. He wu and . cnatln, all the opportuJllUel clothed In \lie fuJI tlresa ot the tropwblob _ to o1r!r thel!laelv.. to lelt-whlte meS8 Jacket. black ue. ilia ' or II... molding. 10 other wot'de, ~1I'bite wJlllltCOllt. black troUllet'll, .... wbat Ie ealerprlll8 bal a bUJ mlatl hOl8 lIod pumps. CII'8n shaven. hair aDd a II., I'VIOII llroperiJ 4IftcIIatII wen brullhtia, he had dotted the I'a 111 a . . . 1011. and ~ the t'a sat etlauette and
No. G
for Il BubBcription to thla new!!. paper i~ attached to each I8t. The last ix Pictures will be printed on December Srd. Mail your answers to rea~h this office not later thlln Decem. ber 10th.
\Ju' out bon. "ad
Dar companloo. "It til 'II)!) Ilad," lhe aald • .repeatlog hie 'Il'ordal wlttl bitter em~haele, "that I can't fO'f'IIet tbat on thl. nlibt '1 , loso everytbln, that mattent-too bad I can't brush eat8ltropbe and ruin ulde for the " ,t e ot a tool mOC!n and a elgare.tte." AI Ihe epo)le, the man bl'llced him· llelt. "Jl)verytbl~ that mattera," he repeated. "Roln I What have JOo 100t that mattera' Wherein bun ),oa ~ rnlned'" The -'rl .tared at blllll, opelH!'ec. "rou toO'll' who 11m. 'IIrbat I atalld for ID m), world. and how that world W1Il make a ~hl8lll that I can OMeloreeroea atter thll .11 00d J01I can lit there and 1181 It doeani matter and
u!: .....,,111 tU er~'" (On
a' " oa ..... II .~"--.-
(Extra copies of the Six Pic. tures Rnd coupon!'! clln he ob. tait\ed ot this office IlB 10011 a9 they laat.) plD OU pt"IUroI.
Fill this out and attach to .y our set or answers in the contest for November 12 Here is my answers of the SIX PICTURE CONTEST as printed in TI~e Miami Gazette: No.1 . . ... . . . .. . _........ . ... .... .. . . ... . No.2. , .; ... . ..... , ... . .. . . .. .. ... .. . . . , . .. . No. ' 3 . .... .... . .. . ... ... . . . . .. .. .. . ... . .. . No . 4 . ......... . . , No. 5 .. , .. ..... .. ..... ...... . . . .... . . ..... . No. 0 ...... , .. .. . ·.. . .. . Writft til.. titlfl a. w.ll a. the i1citi al, o/.ach. l1ame plain/1I.
Name ....... ....... . . ... . . ... _...... ...... . Town ..... : ..... . ........ . .. . ............. . R. D ........ .
State ... .. .. " . ........... . t()
..... Lillian "'a14 of Rtw YOrl. leader III IIUr,..a all..,... ,II one 'he tew war.eD to att til .t the Ilound Tall. Itlduetl'l&l Confer. · aace. ISbe ... oamed 10 tU ,Ia.ce "'hen Carrie Chlp.IO Call. .... tlonal, .Ilcrra'tt. codld .t~IIc1.. _____ Sbe Ia ""1iI ••;,L , "" ~_'
Addre.H IlI1 commonloatlons
TIFFANY'S Optical De'panment
9. Detroit St. Xenia. 0.10 OPen evenlniB by appointment
n.A.\" '
Funerid binetor' audE........"
J.E.FRAZIER Wayne.ville,
We are prepared to all kinds of Auto TrtJck· jng, and will give your order the most careful consideration. Cali us at any time, and we will be hand to do your work.
Phone 24·2. _____
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Either Auto or Boree . ..,.....,... Noutra ~,.. auto ~_.
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Showing some people in every walk of life who 'are getting famous and othe'r s who are doipg things; rich cartonl, and a very helpful page to our readers. ·
Economy and Efficiency ~
The bllean organ~ laatlon Ie b80JdnJlt thtl mon In blll' rllce 811 governor or New J e rse,... Presiliont Wilson'.. 8t81e . He I, Newlon A . K. Bu gbeo, ea ndtdate on the Ropubllcan ticket. National Cholrmlln Will Haye hna asked /\l ew York Republican s to " Iond a bel pins hand.'
Mike CIIt,ooley Is 0 chnm plon-the eh8mplon .to"wa,· or' tt.e "'orld. He 18 R Belgian boy, 16 years Old .. and tlye tJmes he crOll8od the Atlantic tr rhlg to get Into Ihe U. 8 . He haa been admItted and Ie t o bocome 0 c1l1zon or the United States. bolns adopted b, Mr•. M.TIan 0llhoo1e)l Cu rry. wife or an ImpoJ:ter . It Is tbougbt hI, name bad Bomclhhlg 10 110 with hi. 8rl oplloo . He rQusht In tbree baltica durIng "'nr .
r ': __',''' '..
Q'~ ', ~ (. vA
: .H'i r . ... .. . r ' ." r .lJ . . . . .. .
,. TI, ,, "Norld 'H larJ;es t C!)t.l WflS <!I. covuroll In warllme bul U:I:\!!~o uncc d for varIous rORsone. 11 Is v41ued at over $2~ O.C OI), It we lghH an ounce over I>. ",ound. Is u I'<lpst four Inebell IO"tr lJy throe nnd a qua rter Ineba. wldo and an lo cb aD d B quarter thIck . Tbe Jewe l 18 f1Bwl-. Photo Ibo". Miss Darla KenYOD baldIng tbo opa l In the offtce of the ae«etary at Intorlor at on, 0, C.
_ lion. Jnm . ' W . GoolI ot lowa Is chRlrman of IIlo Selne t CQmmll teo . on tht' lIutljltlL, wh ich bOR 8ubmlt tad to tho House a cnm pre holl otvII ml\!lH \lr 11 1ft lag tho fl llanclill adm lnlelratlon of Ihe Govorn ml. nt nn 1\ budJ:OL b1l118, _ Tho Q.lnpllon or a IlUd gOI 19 one flf th o J(r ual .gov..r nlDontal ri'formA which tho Repulillea n Congre'8 hall \Inti rtak oll 10 brlJlg allout , In Ita prollram of econonly and emeleney, nnYl th o prom pt 801,l on or Representative Good'i comllliltee In rramlng tbo Ilk IIBUIt' now Wore tho HbWlO elves promlae of early 8UCCesa. .
Automobiles Going to Waste
",eAN· ·MAGIc'·'
..-....!.,~ . e-...a.oo-...,
Ac re8 of aulomobtlea. purcll6llad' by tbe go~nmobt esurtn.t the W/lr, have ror menthe been parked at Camp Holabird, Md,. ",bere tlley. ha ve boen .expoled to tbe elema ntll, aud II\ .. ny or tbem are today In A. stllte or tea'rful ruin and der.ay . CODgT....Q'tI\3 r."" ~I~ ... ~ N8",...lra III chairman of a · committee whlc:h ~ beell In ~(St; •.i,.!r .... tiU. pbaM Of colollBaJ govornm.o ntal waste. Tb above pletur!! $110... 8 lin'. Rea ... I lid jill AmerIcan omcor makIng a our of InveeU,atlon, Tbe utoundIng. dllclosure bas boon mnde tbat e\noe ·tbe annlaUce .... deel&reo PIe Ifovernmept accepted deliverIes of 7'0.130 motor ..eble1. )n vaj oe 'a,cregallng un,aoo,ooo. Many of them .haya been doll'flired wltll,tn," lo st 30 days. All have beon st or ed and pllad up' aa 1nc1leated In , picture. At enmp 'Holnblrd nl o ne 11.000 aotomoblles have ~n 1" ' 1" mltted to stand practically \mprotectod lind dolly depreetaUnK JD \l4Iu o. ''''''Ith no enorl 00 the pan of the governmoo.l to dllpose OC tllelD 81)'1 cover, at least, a part of the tremondouB ellp8ndlt~re. .. • .
, OUR AGAINST PROFI1'EERS Wh en . Llout . ~fn .:" ,' I'd. ..the lying parson," he f/," " \ ofr lit .:"w Yo rk ror Snn Frlt ._Jsco with ' Itly ot htlr rtyera In tho big raco "W"" the conllnent. and back, hc h 1l,I a l\l8SCOt In "TrIXie'," a \lel'1l1l11l police doC. IttM rode with II 1m. lIf'lynaltd waR a mlnllter In CIHoUp,a·.. hotOnl wo r. He "on tbe r ocont New York-Twonto air race•. t
Mra. Leo. 1,'. 1<1;n '.1' , ml nont New ¥ ory. ~,,~ I ':' : je ~ <1e r, 18 01\ (1
woman \.\' ho L e ~ ! o·.. ~g in " \i u"
Ing well' BlIytb:1l8 ;l,al 1>: (.; La clone. When mndco (·t ci r tn .. " ,,~ a ~ .• tlold activIty ce ;nIl:\ :·.Il~ of th o ',' )o'ederal l"nlr Prlc~ lIoa rd she ' rou slli! her ' workers at nlldnlgbt .' and workr<1 until 9 the nc.t mol'n - ' lng, visiting nil the markels. Bat- ., . Inc nnd bunting out fe od "
Ne" ,
With tbelr "eotlll0,000 a9 a,.t Drlae to LOall. ,Seeker. racton' .worlror, ·n ),.,.' old.':lq A m,anlcarset. Huet., YoPP,' 21. won . lecond. UIiO~. and 1rlaI'J O'Orlon.
•.h!a....!!',IIrI•.wuJhIrd,· flO,OO.
can't realst these ful'll --hut thoy~ tho rurs--are fnah. loned and hullt to re81et wInter btcolo&--thetefere opposflea c:ome logeUtor . A t the top II cape of mole comblnos both rash Ion 'and warp\th wltbln Ita peltl; second ' from the top Is a neckpleee or' Ctullldian martin '1Iltable tor all OCC!aalbn8. ThIrd. trom the top I. the popular dark natural blue rox made Inte a scarr tbat mOlt .11 women admit to be the mOBt practical pIece of fur ael& At tbe bottom_ bl.l of drosl up fln en_, an ermIne neckplece thllt Ilmpl, take. one'. breath away and II • real J07,
_.--=:..-- "-
nero 18-Jllot"r~i tM "ciAy ot da,I" for Jt. 'I. "bomr,oomlnc" of ')10' great ·at.l Ied 'mllltan' • Oeneral ~b. 'In thCl Amllll tOWlI In southern Franco tbe, waited man, .da". for tl).IA 'Jreat. eVellt h'9.'a:,r.oollle pride tbat luch a creat man Ibo\lld J!av~ lIeon brouallt up nmOtll>8t thelD, ~~eI1l11·06h . 18 IltaD~1 011 ' tJlli stepe 'Of h!1 bomo -hiB blrth~ta~e. . •
'Jlha! our Klass-·E. Fide columns brings results, and_that'th,f' '.' are the of selli_1- your surplus stuff. '
I~ VJ';H Y
1t1i'.rUd .. ~ IJII,- I'n.t ollleo a\ W.YDc~"lI l f , 0 1,10 ••• I!'~l'hd l' ... Itu,1 ~I.II"
- '
D. L. CP AN n, Edilor and ]' ubJii,lter.
Wuyne~" iIIe,
Subscriotion Price. $1.56 p~r year
,••.., ~
. .
, t,
BY HON. NIOHOLAS LONGWORTH. (From a. speech recently delivered in New Jersey) 'fo those of us who still re"ere and cherish the runtlnmcntnls und of the· American Republic IlS h\t1uht and ·interpreted by Wosbington. Lincoln and HQosevelt, the drift away from th~ and towards strung\! gr,ds under this administration is thoroughly alanning. They alII it Internlllionaliaan. I can it lln-Americanism. I am unable · to distinguish ln~ernatlonaUsm as tnu ght by some of its proponents and carried to fts ultimate conclusion from Bolshevism. . Its IlI'OIlOncnts describe it as a progressive dOctrine. To me it is ren.ctionary to the Nth degree. and a relapse buck to the civilization of the cliff dwellers. At its best Internatioualism means the ultimate sacrifice of the very things that American soldicrs throughout our history havc fought to preserve for America. . I om not yet rend~ to unlearn the National Anthem und to substitute as Jeff described to Mult. the phrase. "My Countries. 'Tis of Those." Today the Republican Party fa thc only party in the (!ountry thnt· stands (or pu~traight-out A,mericaniSDl. That section of the disintegrating Democrntic Party that is dominat ed by President Wilson stands for IntemationIIli ~ JI1 Oil OI'Pos(''(] to Americanism. a policy of Inte~a tionulism vurying only in degree from that rrofesSed by ill ·odu li:.ts IUltl .the I. W. W. The socia unrest pre":lil ing lhl"Ough the country. tho sporadic outbreaks or )uwlcssncss and violence nre tho legitimate outcrop of • the kllchings of the Intematioonllsts. We tJlink the lime hus come to scotch the snake of Bolshevism before it makes further inroads. So far as our relation! with othcr countries are concerned w.e are DOt unmindful of thc ·obligations due to our allies and of the l>8rl we mllst )llay in world politiCfl. We hove DO desire (0 break the henri or the world. but we will toke no chances of breakinl:! lhc backOOne of the American nation.
Tested 250,000 Miles rrhree-,Poin t Can ti leve.r, Springs Gr~atest Improvement Since Pneumatic. Tires
A. ~ . Alle n and K. E. Thompson 08 lied 00 CUtJ' MftxweJl and PllrrJ IiIIlQiletfa' Bellbrook, 'I'hundal'. Mrl'l. Lulu Taylor lind dau&hter, The Terry Bros., Lon I3ranDoo 8elltrloe. (l8.11 d on Mfi . lJomtll&7. aod K. E Thompson went to Friday. R. J . MUUIIY 18 hauling hie \Vlo. RooheBter. ~l l t urday . Dwi ght U tlU80U ill 00 onr slo k list ter orop of 0 .. 00 to ~be mill to have some Christmas molas8e8. tbill WllelC. Olaren oe Berryblll mlde a baal. Oeo. Ellis. of nUllr Barveysburg, waa bor o llls \ wouk bayiog 8tooll Dtl811 trip to LyUe. Tbursday. Ex Sberltr WliliaDls aDd wife ",nd hogs. Dr'. Min? COOIt. of WllynoBvllltl, Roy Moore Rod wiftl. 0' Clark8vllle, wu oalled b ero 00 Tbursday even . Cllntoo (Jounty, "lleo' Sa oda"\' eveo. 10" '0 seo 'be IULlo 8elltloo boy, wh o Ing with K . Ii: Thoml'Boo and wife. Mrl'. Edlt.b BrewBter, wbo b.. I, eome better . I)eeo tleri ll us ly III for t be pjtlt wee_. Is no beHe r tlt tblB .writlog. We all hope for I \urn fo r the beUer. aod that. IIhe will lIoon be "Well alaln Ber mother, from M Irtlo8vllle. and ber sister. from Xenlll, are wUb ber.
Gets Quick Relief from Sore' Throat
Durtnlf tile eomlnlr rl\" (lI\Y8 or tan and wInter you a r o particu la rly IIpt to \levnlop aore throllt. lum""IIO anc! · .turn~N' of Ihe mu scloo. Children alao ... ro. 11\0,.. apl 10 conlroct colds and IlIndrod alimollla at lehool. Bo prepared. A. bOllie ot Houltonla In Jour bama · 1. Jour . .te~ud. Mra. C. J!). hl.der . • 61 E . . I Loni St.. Columbua. Ohio. Mya : ''1 am troubled with a weall IllrOlol IUld .... ry ' cold I oontrltel .etU", tbe .... I and "oualonla . Unlmen t tha beat "'"'lId), I h'lYe ever " ••d . On. appll.
cation alwa" 'IIroat.
It·, ...,
10 uee Houatonla ne pain. amartlnl! blt.terln!!. It al"r. thtftl.t open cut.. hurntJ. 80al r18, or brullo. and ooolh ... whl~ II h oal s. A.1t your dru!llflftt to r Houno - ton-eall (Tho Orl~lnll' JunaH' LinIment). tl .OO. H olf Alae 'Oc. trl,,1 alae Z5c. Dr. J. C. Jone, Co.. So. Charl.aton. Oblo.
J•. E. J,nney. The Jle· nil "tore. Weynesville•. Ohio.
A Lady In Chicago Telegraphs
for Rat-Snap
4 has been put through the O VERLAND most thoroug)"l and severe test pos 'ible.
250,000 iniles of mountain trails, .desert sand, heat, cold, mud and dust, demonstrated the quality of every part of the car long bdore we be·gan manufacturing. This remarkabl(;·test showed conclusively that Three-Point Cantilever Springs, exclusive with Overland, aretht: greatest improvement in riding comlrort SInce the introduction of1Jneumatic tires. They protect the car from road shocks and prolong the life of every part. They enable the wheels to hold better to the road. They gIVe
They do away almost entirely with side sway a~ r·e bound which twist and rack the car. Diagonal attachment of the Three-Point Springs at both ends of a 130-inch Spring·base gives the steadiness and smooth riding of the heavy ~ar of long wheelbase. Equjpment is complete from Auto-Lite Starting and Lighting System to Marshall Divan Spring Upholstery. · .
Read Mrs. Phillip.' wire : Yonell'lI .Extermioator Co., Westfield·, N J. RUMb la worth uf Rat.Soap," Later r .. o·o following loUer," RAT.~NAP arrived •. It rid ODr b,108e of rilt. in 00 hme. Just moved here from Pa , wbe r A 1 \I ~e d RAT tolN AP wUb grellt, resultll." Three 8lzea. 2110. GOo. $1.00. tiold aod Illuraoteed by J. E . Jao.
greater comfort. under all road conditions.
Come in and see this car. Ask for Booklet. Overland 4 Touring, $845; Road-' ster, $8+5; Coupe, $1325; Sedan, $1375; Prices f. o. b. Toledo .
--_.-...- --
Optlmlltlc Thought. the very
AgRln s t IItllphllt J li gh t 10 valu.
III'RIN.~ I'll", aad
~~ Sool'." III
H_ CI...... H.oJ,":I • Sye.. lftheyTIre.ltch, Smart or Bum, If So~ Irritaled, nfta~ or Gr.nulatJ. use MUrino
Safe fO"<
LRlant Of MIll&. AtillDnlal_ Write for n,. Boot. ..... c..,~
F. ·D. Hawke, Waynesville, O.
CAESAR'S CREEK .. , Mre. IlH Walker w~ operded 00 · for .ppeodlollt •• Wedo..... moro. lo•••, • Colamba. hoepl ..l. IIi .nd lin Uu8e14 Petenoa a'~Dded 1 ,of. blgd 10
'h. fun..
wt'b her pilreottl. lo: I Chllr lei Laird. .
Kr, aDd IIlre . Panl Peterson (nee
OIlY. P,,!Or~) · are moving oo~ 'be
farm ,1ley ··purolllaaed of Charley BarlleoD. Dorlh.ea.' of N.w Bor. )lo.loa.
. C. T. BItDn and
HII:' ..."belle were 0.1,'00 .b~p
Qa,&OD. Thar., ,......OOD. " peW~, J'r.IdIY. : ' • lin W III BoPD' aotl lin II:..D IIr. IDt lin W.II:. 8oI1m IDd 80....· we'ro of .1 (.... WeldoD' IIr . • ntlll!~ Wei dOD WtlloD , .~n' WII.oo ODe day . . 8nDela)" 8y".ID, ., . LaIJ&DOD, 'be . ' .ae... of 111'11. BO,ln'. fa'ber. Mr. ~. and MH . .f.(_.ber .Bala.. uti W; B. O·Neall. . lon, , PODII,d. InSoell to C..elID'. !everal from blare a,aeDded mee'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,.
be cured . .
Catarrh Camaot
OhIUDOS, BalllneU 'I .aff"rllli from blood polsoll. IIr. aDd Mrl. EnD BO,ID oaJlIeI 00 Amae Comp&oa·B. oDe eYeDlo. &1111
~::r. 1:ix::;:~~0r;:. ~.!':: wee_.
I. & . local ar ...... I'N&tl)' 11lrlUI,nC!<ld by cODBtltutiolia. condition.. . orl.l~r to \:U'• •&. )'ou muat tall• ...n Internal remeel),. . HaU', catarrb A\r.
- - -... -
.Auctiorie~ w• OAtes . or see; · ... , .,-
In YOUI' Home T~wn Meaaa Mon'Molie, f~YoUl'
SaUslMtIdD; Ouarantled
P. I:.aDuke. F.rmer, lays, "You ~~~IC::: ~:o::koe: tb~t-::a~:, ~~,::: Bet Ra~ CaD BIte, Throlllh Metal.".
w" pt,.
Hall', Catarrh 1oIacIl· "I bad Ibe f~ blDBhro linedb b !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!I!!!!I!!!!I!!!!I!!!!I!!!!I!!~~~!!I!!!!I!!~~!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!~!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cine ...... pro BCll'lbecl b,. 0 • • lb. b . ., pill" alelaDB In thla eountn for ,........ It .100 laU 1~, r.'.,o" 111 pre .. la · oompo,ed ot _ of lb. Ileal" 8CIOIl: W.. 01" _IS. A II BA~NHART, tDIIlca bowD. aombiDecI with of 01 BAT aBAP kiD.. ., man~ ..... lb. beat blood punt...... . '.1:11. ~ ,• combl_tlon o' 1.....IIBDta ID BaU'8 a.t I . . .new bee. ""bbUt U w~nue'.......'DI.DeDIIft . Notary Catar~h .Medlal_ le wu' pl'G4uOM....,. Cldr aolUe d~ .ever toa~ . :~ll:=.lle~:1l =-=..:...::..tan~ BAT.IilfAl'. ,I Yoa Tbrie III Bill.. IIaID R' AU klD4a NG1U7 Wcwk. WlIII r. S. CIDINlIIY .. ~........ ToIeIo,. 0. ~ 8014u4 par, aD4 DeeGII • . IifeCIIaHJ'. t;~!,~-=:;._ II , ...........teidbF 1 ... . . ~, ...- - IN of the .,.atom.
. . ..\.
John' H. Wright
Oblo. Thorllda.Y. Mn. Halo". aDd . ~ IOD will etaj fv I few cI\yi· ·....." IDIC a' New DDrllurtOD.
Public __ "'_,J-.J A.I.
NOTICE-TO HUNTERS -I gl l l l l l l l l l l "I "I I IIII"I1II11I"lIInl\hllll"I~lIal l\lI lei
II. Oreat M.n, \ A JrHt man I. h(> wh'l d\fln~,.. I"e rtlllt In In In('tI,h- rl'"" IuU nn, ,,1\ .. r till' I'<lr t' I tNllflll1 tloll~ frill I wllh·
".t..,,(1 wllh~IUI ,
'I I
WhOnt e ! M
\\hn h"OfR Ih,.
!tt 1r\\
~ ~
.n. dJ'ficult test of sound reproduction. The Brunswick has proved i l~ merits under t his ultimate trial, for it reproduces p iano tones faithfully.
" . .. . . \ .
F-ltqa' allmaA..
Brun.all1ic:i rcquire.
recor_ Cit tlaca
eJeclruif. fII:IUIJ
By Q. A, T.
L. A. Zimmerman hi in Columbus
He is wrongly taught; who is nol taught That Death is man's swe test friends, In the morning, at,tbe noontide. in the evening I ever keep sweet 'incense burning, and tupC'fS Lighted ~pon , the a'ltar of my guest chamber, That I may be ready when this guest comes Bdnging from Him, to lDej This Gift Supreme Unawakening Sleep, o Death, friend of mklR. r alute you ! ' Greetings, Hail ,
Philip Hopkins Sr" Is seriously III at hll home on North s treet. Boya' Dubbelbllt Suit•• $12 ,75 and $16 75, and School Suita, $7 59 to '9~5, at Fred'. Lebanon Big Store. Mr. and Mra N. A, Kinll', of Indianapolis, are visi tinll' Mr. and Mrs, Walter Elzey a nd other relatiVe!! and friends here.
New 8howlng of Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats, ~25 to ,'5, at the S, Fred Co . Lebanon Bilr Store ,
It Pili" to Trade at
Try 'the Miami Gazelle's Classified Columns for Resull$
Mrs. Mary Caskey arrived home Thursday morning, after spending soveral wl:t!ks with ber son and fam ilv, in New York City.
••• NOTICE •••
Mr. and Mra. S. L, CartwrIght, Mr. and Mea J . O Cartwright and family, IJnd Miss Klzzie Merritt lpent Sunday with relativcsin Middletown.
The Ultona AU-Record Reproducer and the all-wood Tone Amplifier are exclusive Brunswick featurea. Ann they are integral parts of the in .. strument-no ; ·a ttachments in any sense.
• .-..-. ~ - -
Dr, Dill, Osteopath 21 S. Hroad· way, Lebanon, Ohio,
Before you buy, or even if you a lready h ave a phonograph, come in and h ear The Brunswick. ~ut it to a.ny tone test YOll wish. Let us play the most difficult records for you. You will be delig h ted with the way' ~ht:1 Brunswick plays tb,em all.
Dr J. t, Ellis is ill at hiB home oil Main IItreet.
. ~!1 The B~iiswick~ piano records retain their original quality. They cannot be confused with the harp <lr zither. This is due to the Erunswick Method of Reprod uction.
Ben Purks. on Eli Dean tarm Roy Van TreSll farm s The GOT8uc: h farms Martin GOI)8 A. B, Shaner Davia Fur~IBS J . W. Cresswell H , A , Cornell J. L, Mendenhall --dames S, Vandervoort Frank Braddock Earl 1I0ckiatt Dan MOTifsn Wm. Cummings Elvin Fires. S. D. Hellk le
A s~ fo ha,ve piano records played-the most
Hunting. tresp~lng, trapping or D
'l'ne mn n lOOked uway from her ten, I! fuee. nThe thlQgs tbat molter" ho aald Quietly. "ure h~ l tb-llr~l ot' body ahd' Iben of soul- honor tbut CliO stuml ulono. unu t h e ft nme of no luoer Illlllp. There Is nothlog else Ihal reully coonts and you'v lost none ot'tbese. As for rUln- " lIe tu rned hi s eyes buck to her anel In ,th em was a glenlD of qul~ zlcnt chnllenge. "ShaU I deOne rulo Pony'. Appea l. for yo u'" :-;'('\' I' r di d 110efty "ppenr 110 tull or "\'leIl6e do," said Andren. uosm lllng. l... iI \' l'n 10 me· OJ! when I S RW how It "nuln." snld the mali. "18 burial. ""'fl 'I'" t hrOIlI~h pride nnd t enr to the Whether Il' B POlllpell or an enUre c1y. 1\ \. 8 ot tbe (:oarsest meD,-Lowell. Ulzutlon lyl og Duder slrata of a ten thoUSllnd years' stride ot tltU~r an individual lOUIn, under tbe 1104 cd e'nnv('ntlnm', It's ull Ol1e nlHl tho sn me thllll;, Hnu ll no Is n IOllI h. li nd WI.CD YO II G''' ~" II >(lll In Its fOUl nlr Ihll t you I eun'I k('(I)J hurlllng Ihe tlum e of thot Inlwr lump I lIIent'lon(ld, why you' re New Goods This Week cl,' Il.t to el'ery Intent III1 U l'jOry purpolse. Thut. Andren Pellor, IH rul~:' New Seedl(!S9 R,isins n c, II , cd hl'r nOIll!' wltlloUt J,refl%, New Seeded Raisins but wlr h nut rnlllltlnrtty : ahn,.Iy liS II New Evp, Muir Pellches corollor)' to his sUlrk trlltik Il CS~, Abe New Mince Meat rCllll zcd Ihls utillos t s ulJOOllsclously. lI c r Ihou.:hlS IIngcre(1 on Ihe s ullHtlllll'C New Cala Canned Apricots of "'hut hI' hnd snIt!, but whetl sh e New Cala Canned Peaehes spoke she pro,'ell herself n ,,"omlln, N,e w Canned Pineapple "Spcllklng or nnnH'!I, whut It! yours?" Royal Ann Cherries she lI ~kc d. Petlled Apricota "Mine? My nnme ?" suld Ihe !lIIID. slull ed 01lt or his role. 11 10 slnrl'd New White & Yellow Corn Meal ob~ontly thrOligh aud beyond her, Fresh Golden Crisp Potato ChIps "Why, I hll\'en't nny- now. Not thut New Mild Longhorn Cheese tllllollnts to unylhllll;," His ry es come Jo'resh Shredded Wheat BiAcuita bo ell: \ 0 her. .• uti IlI C Mr, White Mon Fresh Puffed Rice & P. Wheat 0 8 YOII huve bpgll n- juHt Whit e MilD New Pancake Flours when YOU te!'\ I;~tllnl, If you eVe'r do," New Cracked Hominy " "'l'lI. Mr, Whit e Mun." ~ Illl\ Amlrcn. New Oats New Beana With e ml . hn ~ l l\. "whllt )'ou snld obout FNSh Oysters rui n didn't puss quito over my he8(l Fresh Laurel Crackers J believe you Rpoke ~'Ith genuine 81n· Cranberries Celery Cabbage cerlty nnd thnl, us yon doobtle8s r~ Onion8 Sweet Potatoes member, Is cooversn tlonnl bnd roste. Somehow It di dn't bore me. but do you Orange8 Grape Fruit renlly think that women oro pers uaded Lemonl Grapes by words?" Fancy We.t ero .t\ppl .., The mnn dropped hIs eyes. "No," only 1 kinds he sn1d IIstletisly, "I doo't. 1 know. but I hnd tor~ll tt cn . thot women an Try EGG N O- a 25e paeka~ pllrsuodcd by love nlone." equala.B dozen elliS. Fine for "Whnt I" cried Andren. baking, • ' "Women," snld tho man, ."know no cou\·erslon. or"pot lhrotUth Jove." Special pri(:es on Cala' Fruits by the dozen this week, Pineapple, P.eaches and Apricot., ,
This Test Reveals a Phonograph's Tone
~ huntinl:t of any kind with dogs !§ night =:; is. prohi bi ted on the following farmij:
H 111 linl!', I re Pb~'$i n lt, t rllPI)ing o r ~ b\lr<J()n ~ ell l'<'rt'1I11y, w"o Iw fC" I'''''ql In night hnnling of Any-kind with dogs, ii 'lonn~ lint'! mn-t r,'nrh'~' nnl1M is p r ohibi ted on th foll owing farms: ~ trowns, I\"hO~I' r llnnc on t"III'h, nn ;; .,Irtuo, on O(l(\, 1$ 1111'\ t ulltnlt fl" ~. ' 1 UI\YIl1\lllll E I u nha m § , h~'t e.e thlll g nll1(>11B 10 IHI mn~1 ('OIn' W fl Ml rril' ~,! 0.00 IImong til n1ult It UI' t'. wMso G, F, \\ ',,11011 ~ ' Ilfl hlOl aro n 'yer l\eord.- W. '11), haD' P l" el1d <'Tg-s~ t Rros, ~
If you have eye elrain, don't wait, See Hendley, Optometrist , and Opti clan, WayneSVille, Ohio. Broken lenlleS duplicated correctly on short notice, at the Sign ot the Watch,
Walter KUbon, who' Is working for the Ohio Moline Plow Co" wilh headquartera at Columbus, spent Sunday here with bill family , J Hendley. our new Jewe.ler-OptIIrian, has lo.:ated In Waynesvjl\e, ~ert Watch. Clock. Jewelry and Optical Repairing, all work done on premisl!8. Service and prices right. Clocks caBed for and delivered.
Optometrist and Optician Now located in Waynesville, Ohio.
Eyes Examined FREE The very latest methods. All lenses accurately ground
Lenses duplicated on short , notice.
See Hendley and See Better ' Expert Watch, Clock, Jewelry and Optical Repairing done on short notice.
Twenty-second Sunday after Trin· Ity, Nov. 16th. Sunday School at ~:80 a . m. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 10:80. "Forsake not the assembling of youraelvee together, as the manner of,some IS. " Come,
Public Sale Conduct~rs
CaOlar'l Craek Frleodl Church Sunday School at thla ehurch every
A , brand new kind of
incandescent lamp-one with a tipless, mil k y white bulb that gives a wonderfully soft, mellow ,l igpt. All the harshness is gone and yet the brilliancy , remSeains · 50 . , e t h,ese new -watt whlte Mazda lamps on dis· play in ,our \\indow. Better still" come in and see one lighted. That's the only, way to fully appreciate the beauty of its light. , ' ,
·E. Fide
ill the head of the local "Stock" Exebange! That III , to say, he'll arrange tb. ex· change of that calf you have for those IIbeep you nee d. Througb KIllS ' E Fide Col· umna you can exehanlre SOME T H I N G for ' AN YTH lNG, and the Miami Gazette 18 the beat medium for the exchanllre,
"It'e Only a Few WeekI Since I Wa. Knocked Down to the Hlghllt' BId. . & - ..
c. B~ WI~STON, Waynesville, O. .....................................................
We are now ready to do Crushing and Grinding again. No special days.
Chrlatlan Church
You'n ce Brotherl Crain' Company
"The H9me ,B reakers"
• j
Tuesday, November 18th ... Marion Davis in ~ good"play, entitled.
"The' Belle of New York" " Thursday, Nqvember ~Oth Featuring Sbirley Mason, in .
"The Final Clole-Up"
Tbe Late ClaSsified 'Ads,
"No Mother to Guide Him." Adnill!ll~D
.. - .
00. ObatD. lome where be'wiIeD A oar bom.and Corwta "qat..
on traek: in a few days in barrels, bags and blocks. w. wiU pay' highest casb prices for Hay, Rye, Oats. 76J6,..~tt
orpni, It Impro'fel the appetite, ImpartB color to the cheeka, and cr. .teI new hope and ambition In those
.ho ha.. become pale, weak, and IleU_. Phpicjanl NCOmmend Oud. Pepto-Mapan. When JOU order, be lare the word "Oude'." ,II OIl tl)e Without ',' Oad.'.," lllllnot
Early .......
Fumlthed In both Uguld . . . tablet form. For 1Ile br
... -----l!------.. dra"
of O. L, Blob, WarD".w.. Oblo,
F you intend making a sale we would be
glad to talk it over with you, as we ,are sure we can make you money, and it is time Spring Sales are dated.
Will the Influenza Return?
,only be done by men who
hav~a large acquaintance with buyers,
who are posted on alIValues and know how to get them.
----- ..
----_ ..
HEN you put your property up to be sold under the hammer, you want it to bring th~ ·highest dollar possible. ~IScan
Thll Church Invitee you to the followinlt aervleea: Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Anna C, Stinson, Supt . Morning WOl'llhlp at ll:QO a .m , You will find a cordial welcome to both these aervlc."
"I hoyo no Interetit whntever In your sbstrl1ctlon"." stlld Andren IIngrlly. "I --don't curl} whllt YOIl think on I\ny sub. jeet uncler the Run. At thIs moment there Is ollly one thll1g thnt' concerns me-only on~," She turned trolD h'm, tl1rew her bn re onus neross tbe tnble Dnd drOPPed her faco ngulost them. "Whot Is to become ot me? What do J cnre about "" omen? 1 core about myself, nbout Andren Peltor.'" =:=:=:=:=~7~=:=:=:=~~=' "10m glnd ,tbat 'au do." snld the Public Health ' Alltborltl.. PftcUet mnn. nnd ndded grimly, "It you cry, Get tt,. ~nulne If you even start to cry, 1 shaU ro it. Recurrence , end Avoid to 'betl," ' .,nflrea threw back her heod and Guard Asabalt it by }luUdina' Up turned her tace towurd him. "j am the Blood not t rying," sbe snld qulctly, "aD4 I will not." Her Rnger hnd died' nnd In Its place ....._ _ _........_ . , Pe, CRBATES Rich Red bnd COlDe Into ber "yes sornethlnll ter, Bloeci and IDtteU. . stnDdb rIbly potent, the unforgettnble look of a hunted 'thing at boy, ' "I wllnt to ask you," continued AD. Surgeon Gen.ral 'BltI., of the Unl· drell, "to Implore you, to take me bock, ted States Public Health Service, in If not tonight, then tomorrow, Flyln. a recentatatement from Wuhlnatoll, or 0 11 foot, It only we could ata'Tt now, warna the public that the much. I wilt suy tbut It hns nil been my fault, dr_eel Influenza erldemlc wl,ll probFOR C40WS - Ce-re-lia ably return this lal and winter. '·AII Ihnt you did nothing beyond ,,'bat I o8ked ynu to do In briDging me with Sweets, Bran. Midd'lingS, medical autboritles aaree that the you. It 'only- If only you wm take me weak, bloodl... rundown individual Oil MellI, Cotton ' Seed Ii bnck, Will lion , .. more IIkel,' to contract thia(u .eU Meal, Hominy Feed, Al- u an, other Infectioul dlaeaae) than (To be Oonllnued) falfa Meal, Sal-ton-it in II the .trona, robnat, red·blooded man or woman. In of ·tbue Found ROld to H~pplnllL 50-lb. blocks. lac!-,.. It II trise te use every .lrort to I hn \'e "e~ll n gront deal happIer .p eAe 1l00d and tbu Inlreue 8In ~(l 1 I.u,:e , IVI'II l1P t1lloklng about FOR HOGS-Hominy Feed hilCl the bodily reaitanca to the 10-, "'llill Is ensy nnd 1111:I.I~nllt. D.nd b9lDJ Ground Barley, Tonhage, vuion of tbe pllDl of the d....... discontented lJeclllISll 1 couId not ha.. Oil Metal, White Flour Gude's' Pepto-Maina,n II an ab19my owo wlll.-Uoorge ~~1I0t. lutel, 'dependable red-blood builder Middlinl~s. In aI condltioDi of lowered vitality We ~il1 blave a car of Salt not due to ..rlOUI dl..... of the vital
_ lfJ
Harveysbul'l Friend. Church Amne Cook, pastor,
Saturday, Noyem~er 16t,h , Featuring Dorothy Dalton, in
Bible Schoel at 9:30. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p , m . Everyone Invited . J. A. Pine, Pastor.
Sheep Bone Toy of Smlll Oriental.. Without thl' b.)np. of a sheel). lhat et~rIlRI. UhlqlllloU8 pln)'to), of alt the East. Ihe etallureD of AllIn ,,"onld be abeGlutel, ""ltI~ lllt an tllllllMI'II\I!Rt d. nce. Go II'horevl'r ~htlflrpll \I'a,OlmanUs or KurdR, "!'nll'lll"n. or Arab., Onlf<eS or Greelr_ oml 'OU will lee the .helll' bone reprlMlenl~ eYerythlllg from n doll to a !" ·ord. from a ",lIha', hnr'lltn II ornllnlf'nled ,ton(\. ard to II I\rll,",1 Ifllnltllu t. from a mOllque to II chlll'I'I •. - ltef' Cross 'flip· ,'ne. '
~~ , ~~
Sears & Cartwright
Sunday at 10 o'clock, Preaching service at 11 o'clock a , m , You are cordially Invited to be present,
36-38 Welt Main Street,
Main Street·
St. Mary's Chun:h
Brower's Furniture Store
Best Ref-
Wayne."ille, Ohio . ~ ...
~~~"'="'~"V"t"' ~;(':;::xt":-~:w;
We Pay the Freight and ,per pound for bJdter fat Week of 'November 10th to November 16th IncluMve.
Whenever a cream producer sells his cream Cor less than Tri-State prices, it helps the oth~r 'fello", to Ilet a lower standard of prices. No patron evea: lo..t a ~nny dealing DIRECT with the Trl-S.tate. Ask any Lne of our 35,000 'patrons what they think about u~. Ship In your cans If ),OU have them or write ro~ Free Trial Cans_
The Tn-State Butter Co.
,CMh oaptt. . .2,60,000:00
THE 5c, tOe AND 2.Se' STORE Leroy HaDdy Clothes Drier, see window display ., .35,c Dainty Cut Glass Sugar and Creamers, set of two'.5Oc Water Seu, nicely marked, per set., . .... .. , ".$2 00 ' Salad Dishes,. , ...••• '•. , , • .• I ' •• , •• , •• , •• , ' • • • 25c Children's Drawers, ages' 2 to 12 year'S'... .. .. , , •. ,25c "Smell the Stopper" Perfume .. , .. , ....••... , • , ,1Oe Canvas Gloves, good ·weight ... , ... ; , . , . , .. , .. ,.• 2Oc Hand Bags, for the women, . , . , . , . , , . , , , . , . , 00 Powd~ Puffs. good washable ones, ... , _, ..... , • , • JOe Watches, for the bo)'l and girls .... , • ' .. , ... , .. JOe
,RANI IL FARR w..,........ 01110
Seventy-First Year
~~," L
~-......,-·'PENINr;, Herman Conn er spent Friday In Dayton . Paul WY30ng. of Spring Valley. a visitor hero. Thursday.
Mr. unll Mrs. It G. Cross .were . week-end vi~ itors in Columbus. I •
Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Lee Hawke were Tolodo .viRitors. Thundny and Friday
Dr. and Mrs Gail RU9Sum and son, Get in th e Picture Contest today. of Davton, spent SundllY here with relatives. Mr. and Mr~. WRiter McClure and . Mrs. Violl! Carey were Dayton visitMr. F. E. Sherwood and famlly,of ora, MondllY. Columbus, spent the week-end here with relatives. Fred's serve yourself and save. the 'J W Ed~arda and dauahter ?iffereTl.c~ Grocery ia dOing a thrivMrs . . . • 'lng bUSiness Miss Trillena, have gone to Dayton l . for the winter. Men's Work Pants, $295; CorduMr. and Mrs . Robt. Walton, ', of roys, $400; Union Suita,SI 65; Htlavy Dayton. spent tbe week-end with Mr. , fleeced, $200; Shirtl! and Drawers, and Mrs. J . L Hartsork. I per garment. 9Se; Cotton SockB, . black. grey, navy anei brown, 171=/ Mr. and Mrs . S. L Cartwright are 3 pro for SOc; Ip!lwich, 3 pr: for $1; in Cincinnati, attending the s88sioll Sweater Coats, $1.49, at Fred's Lebof the State Board of Charities. anon Dig Store. .
Eyeil examined, lind the very.latest
method. used . Eye Glassea and Spectaclei!'. All lenses ground ac::urately . No charge fO.r examination. Quick, reliable service at Hendley's. Mra. Chas. Douglass, of ChlcBa-O, Mr. Ed H. Williams, gf Cincinnati, and grandson, of Cleveland, and Mr . and Mrs . Jos, Thomas, of Centerville, were guests of Mlr. and Mrs. Roy Hathaway last week.
."The Woman Thou Gavest Me" Tuesday. No.vember 26th Featuring Alice Brady, in
"Bridal Night"
MiS-'! Elizabeth Stewart le ft, Thur8Let Hendley, the new jewel~r, give day I!vcning. for East Orange. N. J ., you an honest estimate on your . where she will viait with relatives watch, clock, jewelry and optical refor sevt'fal weeks. pairing, WayneSVill e . Look for the Thursday, Noyember 27th Big Watch Featuring Theda Bara in a Fox SpeCial, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman, Mr, IIond Mrs . C. M Hobltzer lind Mr Mrs . J. E Janney left. Friday. to nnd MfS J , O. Cartwright were attend a National meeting of the W. Dayton viMitors. Thursday. C T U , at St. Louis, and will also make her brother. Or. Ellis, and fbmMatinee,2:30; Evening, 6:30 aad 8:15 Lad,les' Cloth Coats. $19 75; Coats i1v a visil of a few days. Admission, 17c and 28c. in wool velour, polo cloth, pompoins, all new shudaR and sizes, 135 00; LadB"Y8' Suits, $9 96; Overcoats,$7 45: ies'. Serge Dr8l88l1, . $19.75; Tricolin Mackinaws. $896 alld $9 95; SweatJ erseys, $2975. New arrivalll and erll, $2 48; Union Suitil. $1 ot; Gloves Open evenings. 7:00 p.m. Admission • 17c ve rv lar,ICe assortment of Paul Jon8111 cow boy 8t>:le, 'T/)(:' Boys' and ChildMiddy B10URIl9, all-whi'Le and white rel,l's Gloves IInti Mitts, specially Saturday evening 7:00 p.m. Children . • _ II~ with derge collarl!, $295 til $3 95, at priced, 49c to $1 25, at Fred's LebaFred's Leban·.n Bill Store non Bii' Store. . ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.............
--------.--- - ----
The Janney listers entertain "I at an informal party, Saturdayl!vening at their home, in honor of Mill~ Hel· en Sherwood, of Columbml. Thp evening was spent in music and con· versation. .
Mr. and Mrs J. B. Chapman £0tertained at dinner Thursday in honor of Mrs. Ralph Toll, of Washington, D C., the following I,ruests beinlr prt!8ent: Mr and Mr!. Henry SalteY'thwaite and son, Clement. Mrs . • Ralph B Toil, Mrs. Law8 and daughter, Miss Elizabeth, of Richmonrl,lnd.
"Kathleen Mavourneen"
Or. Walter McKay, elt of cottage landed In N~w York on the morno f Octobe r 31. was di scharged in Mr . and Mrt!. Elmer Shet!ha n. of Ing the af ternoon and start ed III once Route 4. entertained lit a dinner, for Columl!wl.Ohio. INhi ch he reach~d Sunday, twenty-eix g uests bein~ Sunday rn ornin){.N ovemher 3 While present. o versea~ proMc Ka y. whORe rank in the ijcrVlce "' a.~ cap tain. wa~ In Mr. snd MrM. Gcorie R o b e r~~ o n r. harge of /I sp] pndid huspital treip in entertained at dinner. Sunday. Mr . Fra nce for llYn year!:!, and he Jid and Mrs Roy Hathaway and Mr . and Mrs. W. N. Searl! and family .
Miss Martha Burnett entertained at Sunday dinner in honor of Cliff Burnett and wife, tlte fullowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ournelt, Mr. and Mrs . Sherman Dyke, of Dayton,Mrs Huldah Burnett.M essfs. Walter and Charley Burnell and Mi 9~ Emma Cartwright
Saturday, November 22nd A Paramount production,
F a man's demand is for effective' style; and for fabrics that are richly loomed; and for needle. work, close, even and firm-or for any other quality that should characterize a Suit or Overcoat of distinction' he can safely count 'on finding it in these .
Misses Helen, Ruth and Irma and Muter Frank HDr-risand Mr: Wm. Greather, of Dayt.on. spent Sunday with Mrs. Alice McKinsey and daughter, MiS:! Henrietta.
Mr. H. Eo Earnhart and family Hpl-nL Sundav with relatives in Dayton . Unusual valu es in beautiful new hoots, stunning models, at Fred's Lebanon Big Store.
Mra. W. H . Allen left, Friday morning, for an extended vlait with her mother, Mrs . Barley, at Macomb, Illinois. Ned Harford, of St. Louis, Mo ., spent ' a day last week visiting hi~ Mrs. Maltie H.:Jlland, of Spring aunt, Mrs. Geo . Hawke, and other Valley, f pent Thursday with Mr, relatives, D. L. Crnnl! lind family. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Butterworth, Mr. and Mr8 Owen Durnett were Mr. J . Seibold and family, of Mid- Sunday guestll of Mr. and Mrs. Mardletown, were the Sunday guests of ion Gordon, of Harveysburg. Mr. IIond Mrs . Frank LeMIlY . Arthur McPherson and family, of /i'urniture, Hugs, Stoves and Ran- Springfield, have moved into Mildl~e8 of Huperior quality at Fred's den'lI new hou,e Mr MrPherson is Lebunon llilC tore. Buy now, it's employed at the Madden lumber time. . yaN.
Whole Nwnber 5857
Mr. and Mrs. H. E . Ellrnhart took a truck load of young peopl e, Priday eveninlr, and went to ::ipring Hill to SUrprise Mi&l Miriam Mull. Those who enjoyed the evening were the lriisaes Jeannette Janney, Alice Ca rev Lillian Wilkerson, Edna Cornell. Helen Marlatt and Margaret Brant, of Lebanon, and Mr Ernest Earnhart. The su rprise WBS complete, and Ii /i nc time was enjoyed by all.
:~:~d~~1 work among the
lick and Captein McKay haa not yet made plans for the further practice of bill profession, but has had attractive offers for the future.-Home Weekly. Dr. McKay was in active service more than two years, and is lookinain fine health . While inaervlcenone of his friends at Columbus had heard from him nor he from them, as he waS on the Ito almost all of the time He visited England, Spain, France, Flelgium, Italy, Switzerland, and went up the Rhine into Germany .
Oysterj New Canned Goods-1919 Crop Frt'sh Baltimore Oysters, per quart .. . ...... . 70c Peaches Apricots Royal American Cherries Fruits Pineapples Cranberries Fancy Apples ilananas New Canned VegetablesOranges 1919 Crop Celery Pear rape Fruit Com Tomatoes Nut 1919 Crop Spinach English Walnuts Kraut Almonds Pumpkin Hominy Filberts Bulk Kraut Brazil Nuts
.BAKER·G RAY Olle of the prettiest home weddinll3 of the season was that of Miss Opal Gray. the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray, of Waynesville, to Mr. John Baker, of Utica, New York, the Rev . Ralph Colton Jones officiating. The wedding was solemnized at 4 o'clock in the afternoon of November 12, at the resid4!nce of the bride's parenta, the parlors being handsomely decorated in white and lavender chrysanthemums. Lohenlrrin'lI Weddin&, March was played by Miss Helen Marlatt, a friend of the bride, The bride wu mORt' becomingly gowned in white geora'ette crepe, elaborately trimmed with lace. She carried an exquisite bouquet of pink . bridal rose.. The a'uestawere Mr_and Mrs. J. E. Baker. of Kendallville, Ind ., Miss Edith Baker, Master James Bilker. Mrs. Sarah RiChl Mr. and Mrs E "'. Earnhart, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jordan, Mr and Mrs. Alan Hartsock. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Earnhart, Miss Marjorie Earnhart, Master Kenneth Hartsock, Miss EI".• lIor E~rnhl1rt and Rev and Mrs Halph ('.olton Jones. A delicious dinner weI! then!lllrved, the guests bein« sealed, Misses Hazel Sali~bllry, Frances Janney and Antha Dinwiddie assisting in the dining-room. The bride was the recipient of a number handsome presents, Including a check, 'a liberty bond, cut glBBl! and many other usefUl girlS . The bride and groom left imml'dlately for Dayton' by automobile. going OD to Indiana to visit the groom's parenta, then to their new home in Utica, N. Y. .
Meats Mackerel Machine sliced, any thick- New Mackerel, extra fancy, ness. lY2-lb,~ average. Dried Beef Boiled Ham Bologna Oleomargarine Minced Ham Frankfurten Purity Oleomargarine Weiner. Purity Nut Oleomargarine
SPECIAL THIS WEEK N:.a~s ~~~~!I.~. ~.~~~~, ... ,,.. ,... 25c
D. R. AT MIAMITBEATER THANKSGIVING DAY Wm. Fox will present the entrancing screen adaptation of that heautiful poem,
. _.
$20 $25$30 $35.. ...
and up.
"UNION SUITS FOR MEN Men's· IJeavyweight Ribbed ' Balbriggan. Union Suits ...•.. Men's Wool Union Suits, Superior Brand ~ , .... : . . . . ..
$1.75 to $2. 50 ,$4.00 to $5.50
Men's Shirts-Drawers 8,oys'Underwear LadiesUnionSuits Girls' Union Suits
Are you getting interested in the Picture Contest? Ther" are those .who are, and they 'are goina' to get a chance at the gold pieces offered on another page, The pictures presented are all quite familiar, and it is not much of a trick to tell who
ent, and all In time for 'Christ m68. Men's Heavy Ribbed or , Boys' Balbriggan Union Ladies' Union Suits, heavy Girls' .Union Suits, There is nothing more acceptable fleeced lined . ... . ... $1.25 'Suits, heavy fleeced or and medium, short or long medium or heavy weight, than money for a present, and a IitMen's Heavy Wool :shirts ribbed, . sleeves, high or ' low neck Prices ;I~:'::~d~t odd times will insure you or Drawers.,.. . .. . $2.50 ........ ,$1~?5 and $1.50 Special. .. $1,98 and!$2.,50 . . $1.00, $1.2~)'and $~.50 . 'It lookHlike peoplt! are getting In~~=:--------_..&..-----:-------.J.._-----';"'''':''_.L __ ''''I!"' _ _ _ _ '; _ _ -=~~~I tereeted as we are busy aoswering : questions in regar/! to 'the contest.
Cold Weather' .Is · Coming .
We' have a complete stock of ·Comforts and· Blankets to 'meet your de- • mand for the cold nights, priced much less than if we purchased them toda.y. l~
COMFORTS AM;> BLANKETS .. Heavy Cotton, Gray and Tan,. $3.98 and $4.25. Nassau Wool Nap Plaids, $5.98, $6.98. $7.50 and·S1.98 .
.STANDARD BEARERS The Standard Bearers will' meet the home of Alice C4lrey, Saturday, November 12, at 2 o'clock. All youna' ladies interested ip thla work aNl)!IpeClally u~ed to be present. . ' Edna Cornell. Sec'Y,
& -·C O.
Wa,. . . Ohio
. -.
Get into it at once and you will · get Iota out ot it. .
Who has foresworn her ""vampire" acts, wUl lead this beautiful Irish· play, which is full of interesting happenings all the way' through.
Matme.. 2:30
Er:mIntI6:30 .." 8:15:
Admission, l1c anti 28c.
Doa't Mill ThiI ......,·,...·. ~p,jc_~.i~
'll " ... "
, I
"I I,. .. .1.,1 , "
11\ I
H i
I (d l •• \
Red Blood Makes Best Complexions
".\ntl '"l " It Ill',','r th. ( (' .~ ..
lilt' uab 9f III" ellor aDC "FlrRt ot alt." be belan a lever tram you, t btl fev!!1 ,\11 , 1 ' " I lii '1" !II I trom one 1Itt1t1- thlnl Ie 1 .11' \"1~ . li d I,U I h " :1" 1" rut U " Ill' Int.\ - f IIH ' I '. " 1I0Qth.·.,. LOQk bn ck nod tllll Ule II 1 1~ l iI'lI f 11111t i: '1 '"" {l dH'l d !41:ulI l:l n l'," lOA l'JUW 01 " ('Ih~" Alf'JUIl nrr '- " h gn n " I .1111." ,,1101 110.' 11'.:111. An ll r~l\ 1\1111 SIO\ipl·,I. 'J! i~ "y,'" Iwd yuor nlll!morl,,~ orell't 01\ stQck \'arl e .·h ". lil t·,,\\, ..\I I IlI'l III'It' . In II g"sluro ' s w" r" NI hJl \'k 111 Iwrs nnll il," IItl k"d tI .'8; I menD don't th e)' Hit tnll Inte or " l sl'I ,' ~n ,. ,,','~ Ilt l;:h,·,1. " ')'11 IllI nl, ," I"ok nr r ~gr N In Ill<' m frl j:h·,·n \·.1 h r. 9 ~t ·tlnel dry cln~~If"'Hllulla ?" "I IIrt11er"tnnd," slIld Audrtla. "Yo Complex ion the Pride ~ § !-> h~' ~:lld . Iot h:11 U', tlllt\ n fl~W \\·lH." l;:A " "'·~\I1 ." li th ' ('oll ttu\lt"d. J.:huwhl': u wny § :;1 1\('<' I \\'11, l"lnd,,·d ,I" wn 101 tI,. , hl!!h· h" 'Illy. "tI,) Y'lu T\'n l1y " 'lIlt 1000to , OWIIII til\')' ure all chucked Into BboUl and Glory of Healthy Men six bios li ke tnvll'R nt a arocery." Bnd 'Vumcn ~ . ~_ 1~'i1 h! ,}.t~ f" 't : , ·1\ '"Il O \ h\l U ';\ 11\1 II y t 1llr I" ftlU \' l'r r 1O(\?" E .. '''1 y ••n." , ..101 Iht' 11,,,11 'I uil- kly. HI' "lll rll·tl In 1,Is '('Iwh' IIl1el 'It h e nc 1::11 ,.(. her II look of uudlsgulAed! ndmlruli UII. "1 mea n exactly that 111111"..'.,1111'.... :.""I'"II11UIl~lIIi .1 "Ill' ",,";'1 I'll) Ill !!' ~"lll: Y Oll ,W \" ' r I1'HI IH'1'l1 rhlnk lng tlf hi . Ill'rSQnol My Ilhll osophy' will 111\'0 YO II the secrel P ,e pto·Mnl)&,an Make~. Red Cheek s " lill t h'ltl!!h l h. I It n P1 H:)1\ t , lillil \~ h ltJl. t rHlI h h 1H. Il rt \ln plly fOr~tH IIwm . HIl11 ' I 8- GEOIGE AGNEW CHAMBERtAlN ll" /'htll's h ~I II' r th nn yun li,:', 111111 I ,' un It h ,,' 0 !HI' n' ly II dll llle l' s hill. h ~ Rpe~· ' or the hnppy Idle hour. Never IIgoln " A ""8uru yQII tl II1I 'rhe .tllls,-I ' II, /tl Ih e 111 11 11" 1. or thl ~ ynu ng Illdy IlQ~· 1 CaU It city or Ii Ifren t house quil l Builds Up Tired Bodies- Helpll ' 'Ju l! man cl"II"h,'(\ hl ~ tl'..t h. "I 111111111 h WII" 1>'" ';(11 11 1111)1 rOlr. 11lt 1l1('''"! ,',·"".',1 or ,Ihllt n~r,· I or "I' I U'· ~. & 1 slll<Ythe r ),011 . tor It \\'\11 b I,! YOUI Change Pale Complexions to m f H lth w uld 11 I ('(llIltl. I'\'(. 1..1f! ~" '" Ihnt ' .'ntJ lI\:h hI I h " /Il'~ h·,,:\. \\'Ollid hll\'e h ~ '1 lIlr k or ml schl"t In th e f llc e of n Il · !>ower to ~ It NP ·lIbollcd. YOur 1'),1'1 oom 0 ea tl lreQd ...." h" MII.I IIhl'''' 1 In II " h l~lw r , 1 dille ,It' >pil'alol,, nllol lu lnl l.'<1 lI y his \','rsll),? " \\'III1It'n kl 'o\\' lit ' r,lIln·r· t\X l'tl It'n IhllllStll lll mil es 0 ;"u), On • 1'11111 ' :X(' I' Pt Ih rt)u::l1 14)v I' ." W("I ft! t}} p /l lrdl e of hh;h' llcnk, ,I hut s. 1.11' hlRd 'l'hen bts ,~ lce ""I', w C'h'n r t"'- r ntu' n ')lder. I l )()s~e~1'I I"11 ." LI e WAS t; 11 ,'1\ t l; II '''Il . "~ ,, '1 word ,. hi' 1",,1 II S," 1. n" reca lled \\"\11\ 1'11 110 1111,1\111> millet. pO I· b~ lI\e 'l'b e heaHhy. a t~rt1u \lv e WOUliln"It " 'ould , tnk"~ f' 1~ ht ,lay" h~' . l1 n y ; Or t tl m OIUN' m p"n. III nw dl ~Il " ~11 1 ~ I t hl dlU's ' jll~t 88 Alldrell'a Ill''' Wl.'r" ol' ~ nl" j:: LO Ih"11/ Ilcrf,·('fly. nml wntchln\: III sll pnce Illrkunln8 lit 1110)". 0 blotch of bron:tI Bod ml\n Loo-wlt h Il wltol c~ o" , e 'Iii re Rna el!lllt t1a~'H hnck. t can't 8 remork. I. ~ ndol"'l . ''I' m I;ln<l ~·ou II t ·1Itule n"~ h r15(, from h"r bor n eck ! Sl tllues tokln j.! .In l, our 011' fr om p08t oomphJxlon hi the eo vy o f those who feel 'hilt. fLl r 'h om . ~uo b a t tro olive " lTord It nnd lint hili):! "'0111,1 h~ ~8vcd h ~ lUJ:ht him 10 Iny mind, The tlll)lIghl Illto ht'r lIot I:h('eks. h -' p 'rcclvNI thaI out! l'im nlllll1' the Ill'\\,1 or the hoor." f t;'...I m e ! r 0 III my r~~ ~ I", " 1 ~1) r ml' mhl·rvd. , "A,"I nn IIlrpllln .... nelth',l Andren nelie I. 1U\\lo~Rlh l ••. . 1 1hns . ~r I, ,)r pined II . f u r li S y on nr" ('nnr .. rne,\. o,f hit And Yilt tll' IIIt llll nd ntt rR otlv enf)u It would only .'uI II II II 1 l<S I hove no ) on re here. 1 tit .,;1 11 11 ynu li n ', II ncl yo " "(l h :., ('rl" ,1 Andr PlI. "I think yon are " Iry lng to )lush two HI/ rllrls 'd hu ts OUI arE' maob a ti ll.tler u f ~oQd. r ed lilnod rl~\t \0 gtve." .111,11 ~ I ny , 'I'll ... o n~:v '11tl·~ tI" n Is h " r r l b l ~ . " I o f th (l way ." , Th£' PltU II I1lIlIi e 1111 IIIII'Ut\Pllt gesture and nDle~tI a 'lllill llr WOUlIiD Is olIllo His mood hord('n ed Andrl'lI·s. "You whr th,'r yon nr.. 1:01 II I)!' :11.1 ' ' \Ilk or " I h ~ "rn't said unyt hlng." reman· Saxon " Six" has earned its r putati o ll as tll C Pnll.: licai urrll t.'re you go," he eIclnhued. ··po unc- ted wlt,b HO UlIl d ef\p se at ~ d o r @erl. m lin that wbl'n It comes to choosing wh ~·th r r ~' O \l \\'1 11 " 11111 ,· lin d 'I<'r "I't tho glrnlf'el til .. mUll. ar because it is so thoroughly practica l from OOH allmonl, vlllorou M lIelll lh . l\Lld between my pt'rsolll1l 11)88 nnd YQurs, ('li r e IIr Ih" 'l'hll " " " l'hy IIr (·""lrll ·" .," "T hflt' why." sllapped Andrell . Ing. Ch KWS out, on tltll 000 persoll n' so many uiffercnt standpoints. personal cbarm are wltbln eaAY you Bee no renson to hesitate." '''rhlll's " ""W "", .... ,"1,,1 Alliin'" . "y,," ('ould hll" u s81d ~ (lIIl1'lhlng. You ,,1"'1)1(-1\" I" rea oh . ~he mon tlu Rlte" Ulllh'r his tnn ond " :->,,1 11 1 1I1l ," rl'pll,·,1 t he nUlIl. 'Che k,"'p qlll ~ t and gl" t! 0 1Jca~ lIy slgnll!· ( OoD\IDUed OD pan • \ Pepeo.Mangan hi r Aepo D ~ lbl e tor hla eY~8 glenm ed ss though her words phll'''''I,h..- "f ,·nllt l'II<1. I. hllsl',1 un cnn c sl /inillcancc--" 'he pre8eo. bealth /lnd hllJlpln es8 of hnd c\veo, Ih em new life. "M ine wOlll d \h ~ Ith'" thl1 l 11 1',, 1 11 1111 oIl'l1lh IIro Oil " He oolped her out. "To 1\ IIttll ,tbouSIIUdl! who formerly we re \bln. ri ot be a I)Or8Qoal lo~s." he 8111d. "I lind Ih " S" '",' tI " "~," Jokl'." h tlulshcd Hod 1I,1<1ed Qultl pIIIR, Illognid and 6.811, ex bllu8ted . om not 1\ lootllr n or am I here tor my "1' " u·",· ,,11_ " d , 'U U I' \'(","f10 Il, While gruvely: "Oe ~ \lre I shall do 811 In m, i'epto,llhnglln h elped pltloe tbe~ e Man. " ~lIftl 'Alltlr;'" 1111'1"' ''1 1.,'. "YOII pOWf' r not to coovert you." I1laalure." Colke la \hll Cn\l . blooded . I' nergetlo. Waynesville, Ohio Phone 71 ',' I aee," 80101 Andreo. "My 1I1e ~lt u ulfl I:..t y,,,,r pulpit n nt! IIIrn mls· vi gorous 011l1l8-IlDd It 'prob9 bly olln CHAPTER IV. ngllinst the 10tpres1:8 at your employer. slollary 10 SI1l'Io.'I)'," 4rs , Viola Bllrlsook and MIlS do tbe slime for yllu. "]'\'1' J:n \ II,, · rll"" of th p enrlh for Are 10U a foremon?" Belen Unlook e ntertained the Pepeo. M.. n~lIn oootui n s tbe e lfn l'u ll'll. " ~nl(1 till' 111 ' "1 ea sily. "Dod 'III(' h lit at the OR Y had Quite pnsAed. He 'hrugged his shoulders und IglaUer'" h om~ , ' "turday afternoon, meDts t bd Wilke rl oh .be .. lthy blood. I cllu l,ll1 't lill wl lh II'" ," Andren felt at her arms. They wert wi th a kltohen shower Cor Idrll. nQred the Question. "Your life ?" he And ae a. resol' of tbe luo , efl8ed Sli p. "I hllll ~ U ~ I"" ' I I" 1 thn t th rre wos soCt nnd ,cool, She IlIld lhem on tht Bnrold Gilla m. (~olte a orowd wu "old. " Wbat ON you wort ~. otIcI' nl11 Mrll. Milme '1'1\ ylor speut. th A weA k. ply .If red blood tlt.e Pepto.MIIOl<llo T he bes t sp e1mep at WOllllln In thin something t'"I""",, 1 "hout )'ou," replied table and studler! them 08 thOugh s he present and many useCul prelen .. Olellotel tbe entire IYlltl'm atlains end wIth Mr8 , Amy Pnrker, of DIlY, ramp r CI)rCscnts tin Invl.'6tment on tho Andr NI qu \t'~ly. "lind now ' I kllow neV('r hlld noticed th em b ·tore. She wll re rll oel ved by the bride. A ' de- 'he vigor t bd belonge &0 every W"D ton. pnrt 01 th!) hllshnnd 01 hl'Il pIlunds It. It Is YOllr 1111(lr rtlnrut aclr·sufll· wos thloklng that all her fright hnd lIoloJnll Iiuuoheon at frulS and oake abEl wC' man. ' MONEY LOANED Mr . " htlrl e~ Nelbel. ot 1\U/uII18. dh·d DWIlY. She IVOS nl one with 0 man. Wile lIer veil . cl('tll'Y-" Pepto-Mangan Ie prepared In t wo borl(, spsn t t)tltordllY wltb Mr . Jerry D Ione by over 0 hu mlred miles and Tel "1' fI " ," I"lInde r8100d ml'." Interrupted , t en ehllllng8-!lny three PQUllds ut the Mr. lIod Mrs Jobn Wolf apent torma, II'Dld and t llblets . 'rhey nre Nelbel and dl\ugbter. ONEY L Oll Dod on 11v " Btook, moat. 'EverT girl child she henrI< U nd Illl' 1Il1i 1l. hlms(.''' IIl1twJ,·ed. "Whnt I -never had she , ...It 1('88 lontlly. mort Su oda.y wi t h their lion , Ra.ymood exaotly allle ID medlolnal villue. ohattols...180Iocondlllorlg."tllO. Mr. IInct Mr8. Tom Stanton . ot r ears brings him Ii hunclr,·tl I",r c:ent 1111' 1111 hy thll l f1l1l11boyunt s,lntrment secure. She Ihrew up her hellll. turne~ Wo lf. IIDd falllll y, n ear C)arhvllle Aek your dru"gls' for "O nde 's" Arlzonn , MI'. lind Mra. W .. \ter ~~ "n No'el! bOOflh\ . J .. 1t Ll tilt rh ill". A II.n r eturn. and 10 oddltlon she kl'~ \IS honse, Wll ~ 11 1111 t,,', 1'11l1o~\l l'hy " os e"er lived to her compan ion with a s mll o an ~ Hullcllnl(. Xe nia. Olt 1(\. 6, " .20 Mn. 8 a rah R,lcb. ot aRneYlborg, wben ordering Pepto.Mang.lD Look cooks. cbops wood. totes \\'11 ter nnd eXC'~p I Ihr()lIgh t'xomple nnd a ile eno't 81l1d. "I've deCided nllt to sulk. WblU Mr. aod Mn, Alan B urtsook lAnd t or the nliDl e "und l'1 's" on the pILeI!. ton were tbe S a nrla:v dinner Kn6"'s -. - - - - - =-=. ~-- ..:-~ .. of Mr. nnd Mrll. Wlllillm t;tantoD MOil. Tell me whut your phlJo801 lh, tllHIII Ihe cr"f'(1 of contrnsts with 1 ('89 ti lls biB fields." Ad" . aDd tlimtl.v. 80n. Kenneth. and W. 'r..Jordau and al{e. LOIT tho wllQle \'I'orld COl' a plIlY· will do tor me 11 I give It a tryout:' .~ Andrea Jerked him out of hl.8 tbnn wife atte nd ed \ he weddlnl\' of IdIIP Mra Emma Olinger, of Clsrhvlljl'. T he mll n drew a 101111 br(,lIlh of I'll' role wtth J1er Ineonaequence. "Wbat JlrouurJ." Op.' Ur.y. of Wayneevtlle. and 6lr. U IIT-3uxa liood" Il'lr, ~ " It .. lnJ 18 maklolt an extended visit wllb J 'lhn Bake r . of U\loa , N , Y., W ed. Tlfe Wllb Rim, bll l,Wl'''' L.ul 'u uIln frIend. bere ' , needay eventng , He",,, ,.." , l ,t'O Mrp. Amy Parker. of o&ytOD, Hnd Wayn8lvllle. Fluder 1,,& Vfl lit li,,~.. 'ttll uJlice. il3 Sevenl In , 'hIs n eighborh ood are spen~ ~ I! veral days the PtlS' week on 'he (liok 1111'. wISh ber sister, Mrs. laIame Tavlor. Lor Uhalo. MUll! wht!r(l hilI "111'0 Mra, Bannah Riob 'li'BI 'he gu~.1 oar born" lind Ut)rwln Juqulr o Mr , lind Mr8 B . ~ . Danrth and of ' lain Varrie Ungl tllbee, Thursday daugbter epent 811nd"y "t O"yton . DC O. L. RIOk8, Wa,QoullIB, Uhlo . of lad week. nllG 'he lI:ueats of Mrs. Walter Ballt<y. lItr. tl.od Mr~ . F A Bartsook en. Mrs. Enll We'sh snd dlla gbter. te rt"lnl9d at "500." ,Thursday even. LaorettA. "pent the past week In FOR SALE - PROPERTY lng, !lr and Mrs (jeo. Orr, 01 Dayton Clarktlvll1e, Mr. and Mrs. E . C Idan. ~HERE has been considerable interest already t 3 ken in the ' Picture Contest, Good Proper'le8 In Wa YIIIl.vl! lo, Little EbeD SouLh Is 00 the '!iok n OD ana lair . and Mrl!, Alan 8ar'.00k bot.h O<OD\r,a lly 100"&"', Fllr par. ' " and new names are coming in. The pictures are so easy to guess, and every list. tloqlllre .a,\ W. N !::Ieare. d3 Several Blastern S'"re from tblp subscriber will see how easy it is to get the gold. oommunity atteDlled a par'Y a' \11', Mr and Mrll. Gus t'h eets were tbll =-=-=-=--=-=.===-=-"-',-.. _-= and MI'". Boward Leamlng'e, Wild Snnday rllnner g,n est·s of l1r. ond the ·Rtdes .and Regulations carefully. You can readily see tha~ they are I''ORSALE o esday evening of las' week. Mrll. Vern Sou~h, , very simple, and you will be paid handsomely for your trouble, if you are lair elDd MrsE. O. Mannon en~r. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mitcbpll and A Y -10 Ton. of lood 'l'IIJI';lby ,,,tned ,a' dloner, ·Sunday, Mr, and' Ions .peut Friday wl,h relfl t lvos ot among the best contestants. ' Hot, .. luqolre of Jobn Rollt!l. Mrs. Flrank Wbttacre aDd family, uf Mlddletow • . It!! 800, K. 3, W.),ntlllvllle, Uhlo 0080Ila" Mr. aDd Mrs. Carl 8tepheD \ SbarpleS8 No. 'l::IeparaLor, I ~Wti~ ~OD nnd baby, of Whtte Oat, Mr improved, "oad .. new. will lell and M"M Geor::e Davie and Mr. aDd HATHAWAl' reAlonable It "Qld . ou n. InqDlre ot Mrs Glenn Dllvl" and 80nl. Robert, James Watson Says "I'll Never ForWalter &wJer, Waynl!avllllJ, Ublo , !lDd Uoger, " 'I ~ !Ae. vUle'l Leadlnr Den'llt' dB Mr. and Mrs, Edward Bogan, ,at let When Father'aHogsOotCholera" MaID SI " 0 08 mornIng he rouod 20 h()gs Ot1l08 In B 'tloea Blda. CIIoeaar's Crflek .• pen' Monday nt,bt ~o. 17 U . ~ . C rllltUl ijAparator, 1 an(l 'roeeday of 1&8' wsek with tholr deld .nd lIevl'ral sioll. de OIllleu Le .. 'ber Concb aDd l! L6t&tbll r parenll!. IIIIr. lind Mrs. 680 Boglon. 10 toe Ve*, who atter dl l' It Rookerl. Inquire 01 Cbae. Vrampbel1 , pUte, IX mlllli nonb or Wr mmd IIIIr •. Alan' titlr'looll and ra' oaulCbt 00 tbe premll!8I!I, dflOhlad DR. J. W. MILLER. LebanoD 8Qn, Ktmnetb, were SnDday Ille.lfo lha& 'he rodentl! bad oODveyed Rld.evllie dS of 'beilr pareo~, Walt..,r .'ordan aOll lI:erm~ . Sinoe then 111m n(ner wUb . Frelh Cowe, II JerB&fB and 1 H oi. on' RAT.SNAP, It's t\l8 earest.; wife. ••• DENTIST••• lseln, eoad on9ll. Inquire lit qnlJkeat rat destroyed J know." Mre icva Wysong baa retnrned Three Stze8. 260, 1i0e. ;'1 .00, tlold Will Barnlird . on 'be Laolley ftUID OIDeo lit \0 her home In !::Iprlng Valley lifter aod gnarflnt eed by J . E . Janney. n26 WaYDeftllle. 0 doatb of Cen'ervllle. Obi.. N..llon" IIaGtt D1~., ependlng several dava wllb ber i'oU.blood Poland Ublna 80W_, elyter, Urs. Emma wolr. liiava 85 plgl, tbelr 11Il000(\ mter : . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-: IlIqolre a' thll OItt08, n98
1"lIIwll lllllllt"III"II"".h lll"""""iillll-tt"lllllllelllll:s IllIIlIIlI_~==:=_~;-:~.-=~.",~
M 8,'Ir=\\
II~· ,o't h (I"t
10 · •• 111 ) . I It 'I.
111:., " lly '
HI" "~' •. ~ '","mlen'II , t~ Ihe hn'f. \\"r(le k-(,o,llw r n lllnne-. uy(,s, It hl\s fAil e d
lL lL
. ,
Saxon ~~SIX~~ I
The Practical Car
RAY F. MILLS, Dealer
OlasslBed Ads
.. - . -:---
A picture Contest
Clock., Lawn Mowers and Saw.
S. H. HAINES, Lytle, O. H 1
Du. H.E'.
- --
A Lady In ~1c8go Tolegraphs 'or, ".at."na p Readllalra. PMUlpa' wlr8 : Yonell'" Exterol'na&or Go., Wt!~Uleld, ~ J . Rush IS .Worth ,of Rat . 8,!~p , " lAtter rpo'd f,oll WID, Je~aer," BAT.t!N A P flIl!Hv~l. , rid .OJlr ):II' OBIl of ah in no Hmo.. U!' 1tD0ved here fr9w Pa wMr8 I U'tIlO HI. r HN AP wl,h great, reanltti." ~ Tbree liz!!". ~!lo. GOo, 11.00. ttolrl Rnd glinran teeit by J. E Jlln, ney
- --
.. -----
Public Sales
f1 No.
No, 11
Rales &Regulations . Any person residing within the circulation of The Miami Gazette i8 elilrible to enter . thia conlest. CliJ) or cut out the SIX PIC· TURES each week together with the coupon for the answer at· tached. Save the slips with coupons attached, until the close of the ,contest; Decembt'r 3, 1919. Fill ou t in ink, or penci I, neatly, the correct answers to each of the Six Pictures, using the coupons attached for that ' purpose. , Sign your name and address in space indicated, Mall the eet to thia newspaper with check or . money order for ONE NEW OR RENEWAL SUBSOWPTION for yourself' or ' another person, not later than December 10th. (No atteraion be paid to an'3werslhlnt us thatare nol aacorn panied by a subeeription price.) Prizea will be awarded for the beet Iiat of answers 'submitted in lbe l>icture Contest. Accuracy and neatn_ will ~ contddered by the judgee, In ease two or more conteetanta aN tied. If you are not a subscriber, aend in your lubaclrlption lit, aiKI your answers will be coaatal. but wh!)out a 'iubecriptIaa .. atwnt*\will be paid to
for a sllbscription to this news· paper il! attached to each set, l'he last Six Pictures will be printed on December 3rd. Mail your answers to reach this office not later than Decem. ber 10th. '
Saturday, November 22 1919 BeglnnlDg at I o'oloek II 01. , a 10' of Boupebold Uood~ . flflY I\nd 14ls08l. )nneous ArtloleB. t;ee bille. TB '\D ZIM MERMAN, W , N. fleare, A uot.
(Extra copies of the Six Pic· tures and coupons clin be ob· tllined at this office as long as they last.)
SIX PICTURE COUPON FiIl this out and attach to your set of answers in Jhe contest for November 19 "
Here is my answer of the SIX PI~TURE CONTEST as printed in The Miami Gazette: No.7 , ... .. ... . .... . ... .. . ..... .. ... . , .. ' . . '.. No.8 ., . . .. .. . .... .. ... .. . .. .... . . . .. ..... . No.9 .: ..... '., ..... ... .. , . , ..... . , .. ...... . No. 10 . . . . '... . . . .. , , ...... . .. . . ..... ,...... . No. 11 .. .... . .. ... ... . . . . . . . ~ .. '... '. '. ..... . .. . No. 12 .. . . . ..... .......... . ............... '.. . Name ...... " . .. . . ... . . . , . .
. ........... . ' .. .
Town, . . ........ . .... " .... ......... .. ...... , R. D" •.... .. ,
State . . ................... ,
per pound for butter fa t Week of November 171b to Novl'mber 2Jrd Inclusl\'e.
Whenever a cream prod l1 cer sells His cream for less than Tri-State prices, it helps the other fellow to set a lower standard of prices, No patron ever lo~t a penny dealing DIRECT with the Tri·State. Ask any t ne of our 35,000 patrons what they think ~bo~t us. Ship in your cans if you have them or write for Free Trial Cans. .,
The Tri-State Butter Co. Oaah
e ,
Two or more .... of anawera mar be ubmitted by any eon. provided remittance
As I 11m going to me.IUl O" y&On my permanent home, 1 '11'111 ntrer at, l'obllo 8ale at my reBtd eo06 In Way. nesvllie. Ohio . on
We Pay the Freight and
Wftllhlni Uaoblne and t.'lotbel 1 Wringer, In good shape. Will
If you have read t~e new. act, passed by the General Assem• bly of the State of Ohio, which-reads, in part, as follows,: Section 5564. Tor the purpose of enabling the county auditor to determine the value and location of buildings and other improvemen~, : .' . who shal.1 erect .or construct any, building or other ~mprovement costmg over $200, . shall within sixty days ,after said building or o~her improvement ', shall have comm~nced, notify the auditor of the 'rou,n ty , '. '. . Upon failure to give notice as ,herein provided . . . and the discovery of such buildi~g or imlprovement by the county -auditor after' the satll,e has been 'erected or constructed, the sa,id· bullding or improvement hall be appraised by the county aU,d itor at its true value in money, and placed upon the duplicate together with a tax penalty of fifty per cent for e~ch of the years from the date .~ fthe erection or construction to the date of discovery. Said county auditor may enter, by himself, or deputy, within reasonable hours, and fully examine all buildings 'and structu~es of every kind .- , . ,
... ,
.. . .
;Notice-Consult Madden, who will save you a lot Qn yqur lumber bill, therefol\e will save 'YOU a lot on your tax du.plica~e. It paysJo trade at"home~
IlIq lire or & tI. l)rllgllnl .. , IJblo n:lll Male I'la. P .,lttll,I.( ' hln ·,. SlrA I~okend ' f!lg Bnb. a Iran IanI', Inqulrll of u. tI. Muxw flJl, fJ.' llhrfl!ilr, OhiO, 028
Ptt8ll!nger S'lldebaker A,a lomo. 5·bile for aale oheap. Inqalr. a. tble offioe.
ood 8carin!, WhlteLeghorn Cook. erela; 1 dozeD Polle$(!. Mn. B . V 8ml\b, phone S7.3, W.ynosvllle, Oblo. n19
Toulouse tie".e; 1l0od BLoct i prl. 0811 rlaM. Mrs. L. A. Nunh81, R 0.4, Wayneavlllo, Ohio. Dl~
•.B. Madden & Co.,
W.YDeavill~ Ohio
<.- -
Phone 34-11.-25
Phono CharlCi Decal
Wayne.vllle, Ohio •
Fully Equipped for Good
,Large Display Room ·TEUPBONB 7
Dr. J. A. , MCCoy, ,
Orad.... 01 OIIID ShIt. ua"'l11~ --Q~
Addre .. alt communication s
~Il ll 1'0 • •10111' bl.. Slmkln~, R I).~,
Fourth Street, noar Trier
Mr. and- Mri. JI'rank Bm"h ente r talDed &0 Sunday dloner. Mr. nnd lhl. Alpin Stntth aDd family, Mr. &nd Mn WllIlam Smltb and f"mtiy. Mr •• Uora MoKh'by and c]liU j( hl.or. of DaylOD, aDd Nlr. aDd Mrll. Ralpb JoblMl M~lIre Alpha aDd WIJIlam will remaIn tbl~ wet'k to hunt. Mr. and Mra H: J. 81r.I'h. of WII , rnJngton, wllre 8Ul'~'8 at 'he nome of Cbarlll8 E. J(lbnl, Beveral days 18115 week. Barry Barnett 8tepped fr oul th p t",in bere, Wetdn88dll7 evenln!?, muob tv tbe surprise of his reIRti ~~ and frillnds,l)rter bavlng been aOI(\SII
1S~ I!JD RV I':IW Wr.l)N ESnAX
Subl~rlbo for the Mlllml 6u.'~
aDd' get IU .be Piolure eonl••1 aDd D . L. CI AN TI, Etlitor 'and Publisher. Wayn e!ovill~, Ohio Ie' lome UhrlBtm.. IDODey. Mr • . William ~rel8bSoD has beeD ' Subscriotion Price. $l.60 per year quite .Iok the PIlII ·wella. Wilner LODg I.• ", &,urd&y, for II hUDllng trip In Adami Coooty. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER )9. 1919 Mrl , OIyd o Wbarton attended tbe fnnural o f h er 8rllndfllthllr, ~r William Ne wtun , at BllIs horo, Sat . Catarrh Cannot be Cured urday. · will, L, eA I . A PP I .•I ~TI ONS they Mr and Mrs . E R Ran<!olpb and t ' Uli l lUl r eu. ' II UI C H a t of th e d •• oa se. . . .ll l nrrh h~ u. I Iu u l ll4 ~cu..e . G're a.tly In": 'Ilwlly. or Dayton, were l:Iundav nll p. nf ' ~ O h y 'C\l 1l 8 ~ lluUon ll l condltlonl, 81l1lst" of Mr. "nd Mrs U. 1:1. LIImb. o.lU1 111 ord ur to c u re I t.. y ou Inuat take We ~re Korry to Illarn &hllt Mrs I 'rhe pr IlL n,o~e tl m ...·1' t.10 !; I~ In IlfO. l UI IlI t cn\l.d r III CU y . HaU' 8 Catarrh Ilre8~ nndor I·h l! an Jl A rv i~ I"n of UIH·. ~l f\lJl (' llI e lri t uk en I li t er nally and aote e"1I81e (Jo x Is not 8 0 weiland 18 bed . . t hru t ho b l ond o n th e mucou s sur't ace. , st I the p e ent tl e I BontlllKlon, o r UIIl . ~1 . II: Churoh , of t h e s y"te lll. HtllI'. Catarrh ?dedl 'J'be aUeDllalloe 18 Itoo d - no~ tlllY ' In c IVIlH jl" cdc rl be<l by on e tho beat p h y · Il M: 'and ~r: Wd::a~ CI.. ~1l lIud I lll I U~ In th l" coun try tor y e ars. It 80D. ElereU, "nd Mrll. Marv Car. I better lbllll it H!aould b,,-owing 10 ~h' 1-4 t\O I1lJ)OB(l d ot £1011 10 o f t lle b ea l thtl fRO' thoC hll! ~ e rlllOll 8 (Htl 811I',·r. l Ull I H lCll dw n , co m b in ed with Borne ot m nu)' dtllnded Ihe Farmers' Club ' \ lelr t,o tboKe d ell veret! In tlli s obur .·ll llie b r Rt bl ood purifi e r s. '1' lIe perfec t Thur ·d'" y. whlob wal en'ertilloed at cOlll h l.lf1 ll o n < o r In g r ed lentl In H a ll'. ill .vellr8 pailt. e lLl urr h Mca l cln e Is wha.t produ ces tbe boml! of Mr. and· Mn. CIlrl Duke. hU II won<l c rful resulll In cillarrhal Uulnu servloe!! will be h e ltl nt t.he Mr. 8IId Mr •. William Balnell eDd c ontll tl on.. Se nd for IOIUmonlall. fr ••. JonRb's Run 8opll~t U1IIlToh on E'. J . CH E N E Y & CO. Props.• Toledo 0 , oblldren, ot Belmoo', Ipent ,SnDday 1\ II Druggis t s . ac.' . tinnday, N ovember 23. Rt 11 0'010011 "Itb Wellnr Keorlok and family . H ..n'. Vamlly PUb tor -.UpaUOIl. Your Rlttlud .. uoo it! Tf'lu6at ed . Mn . Belle Coon and daullhtera Tho outlook for an Inoreue of "Ire Clnolona" 8bopperl saturda., . memb rsblp of the K . of P. lodge I, Thll protraoted meeiing at Lytle Qul,e fl.'terlnK lOt 'hit! ,I me. A olaBI! vlolnlty Illet 'WIIIIJr oalled Ule atteD Cburob 18 sUllln pr0lrr8ll1.· of youog Ulen of good babi&.! WIll be tl oo of auto ownAfS tba& tbllY might MIl8.1llme8 NeUle Ji:mrlok, Ellzat.keu In dnrlng the wlDter mon'bl!. drain tbelr radldorB. Ilud bV so do. bel h Jonel< and Jessie Longaore aod Ing avoid a los.q. ' Frank ~hldater hu purohaBed' a !lev. y, W. Miller were at tbe QUIlr Mr. Bnd Mr. !:Ienry MoKee. of lerly Meel,lng, held 11.' }ted Lion, pooY-liometblDg tbat Is geu'le, for Mlnne"otu., lind Mra. Ellzabe\b LIA. TborHday aHerDOOD . ble own UMe. ROod for Iln old mBa. ~over.1 of our Matllodlst Indle~ ter, ot CIDolnnll\l. were week.end Albert 1:I&l\Oy wal! In Lebanon eevaUwntJed t·he L.dlel!' "'Ill Booillty at gues ts or Mr. and Mr~ Am08 Ellis eral daY8 lut week, looklDg After I:lbreddlng Wli@ enltaged In by tbeAn' \ buslnes. oUitaoy& ~IIII'HIl' 'ClaranlHe, Saturday afternoon. The sad InteUlgenoo reliobed n8 (In 80me of our farmers ()n the Sabbatb Mlslel Lf ona MoUlnnll, Mildred Weunf.lsdllY of Jut week of tbe deUb dft y. Ind IdRrgaret CI"rk aDd Mea8r!!. Une of our buey men Ie Cbaa. E. Harry Meredith and CI&ude Rlgl" of Calvin Oglelbeo, au old oltlzeD of tills vlolnlty for many yelOrs. bllt Gordon, who rlloeat)y IDOVed Into motorpd to Oxrord. ~alldllY, and for tlevftrAI years a reMiden' or I:!prlng our city. 'pen' tbe day with frlendB tber • . Valley . Be waH aD honored oUI~eD Mr lind MrR ' ERrl Boohe" liod Mr. aDd Mn .. AileD Emrlo. &nd and our .ympll,by goe8 out to tbe h90 daugbters " ere Sunday gue8ts dllugbter "pllnt SUD day with Mr. boreaveU fllmlly . of Mr. lind Mrl'. !Cd Reltllon. and Mfi. Webster Sqnlr.. In WayBurning of leaves In our lIl.unloi Mr and Mrl!, W A, Merrl" were palt~y WIUI 8toJlpad by our Bf)"rd of Bun(lay gUedtS or Mr. and MrB War- nenllle . 80al&h, aud 00 l:!lItllrday Mternooll ren Ullborn. of nettr New Vlenua. Mrl Belle OOOD aDd MI8Mt'S Ru\b, tbe burnlDi uf lelOve8 Wll. Inuolgl'<1 00 'l'bor~dfty night, November 20. Bertba and Benlah Coon heard a 10 by 001' BOllrJ or Bealth officer l(,ev Buntlollton will talk '0 tbe oonoer', IDolu41ng a male qliar .. t, A wise mlln will obllng8 hlH mlud a' Memoria) Ball, Dayton, Frld"y moo Try lind be present. Our 01&I;.'.eIl8 are well811pplled with Mr. Ilnd Mrs. William Mahlln and evenin, . coal, ImlCar, 1181' and good healtb, all J , G . f1186y, of D8y'on. Wlrll tlnn~ uf wblOh i8 above pllr . dllY gDellll of Mrll, Marll Finoh. Mr. CraWford, represenllnlf Botler Mr. aod Mn. Floyd Anderll n aDd 8ro'l .• of Chlcligo, Willi bere oal1lng 10D, Carlton, were Sun4ay Vllhorl on oar meroban\8. Saturday. d the b,me of Mr. aDd Mrt!. ADlOI Rev, AIO08 Cooll prel\obed at the E1I18. Frl .. nda Cburoh, BnndllY morning. Mr. ·John WaRner, or Dayton, was J. E Sbomllller, traveling for D. In 'bla vletD"y ,bll weell:. buntln. M. Ferry & Co , returned bome, t:!a*- aDt! meeting 'Old aoqualulanOBll . urcla,., for Il lew days. Mr. ~a8ner IpeD' manJ' yeare of Ueorge Thrnsh. of ColDmbuli. rep. hll life In tbll ClommDDlty. and nover rlllleoting aho Nil tional glre IOlur faUI '0 Clome baok wben It Is poe!l. anoe Co' , trauI.aeted bl1lltD688 be.1 I ble Ie dOlO. 1118' Frida,. Home 0' our olloizllntl will lpend the 'Wlnler III UllllforDiIl and Florida Mr. P. laDuke, Farmer, Says, "You Ueo M, Il:4wardA 18 maJrIDr lomo Bet Rata Can Bite Throulh Metal," Iwprovemen .... on bill dWlllltng, loca. ". had 'be 'feed bln8 lined with ted 00 Maple IItrao&, zino last year, rde got througb pret'Bmerson eald: "Malt of tbo _bad. tYl!oon WII~ on' $1 8. A Ii pllg. ows or life are oau8ed by atandlng In of RAT.SNAP killed ~o mllny rdB. your own sun8hlne .. . that l'vlI Dever bReD wUh"ut It Tbe 00101 wave tllllt lI.ruok tble II DOli Ollr oAllill dog never touohed RAT-I!'NAP." You try It 'I'hree al_, 2[)0. liOu, $1 00. tiold alld goaranteed bl J . E. Jllnooy.
tbe w .. ter for ovat n .pHl r II p IUII I \Jeen "t.lti onf'll in (h flII II "Y lllr., '"1 time. hut m .\(lu II '1 l1lok' Irl i' II I I '" I dIlTttD ~.
W 'lH jUKt
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t,h A Wit,," , nnlv " 1:'<. on l ip III InoJltn J( fi n o IUIII ~ " Y" hh ,""',, ,.
relt bat ttl r .
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'11 11 U
Always readyalways fresh - a lw ays w eIctlme. An appetizer a t the beginning of the meal, m a king the best soup better, and the final . lUch of sa tisfaction when the cheese a nd coffee are served. Nothing can take the place of Uneed. ' Biscuit ~fr12~~~~§.l~!
I'~ •
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Honest Jobn Plasters
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I \l'na m ere to uln~e a IIk~lcb oC d "lilt'S 11 0 m' l ik,~ it fl· u~t . '.~ ,.~. tb(' her. Luncheon wn ~ Just O\'IJr , 811 tl tIllY l IHldh 'l'."C rh(' I"I ' i!4 n \ n rktl ' n t'ctl u g,"cult sh o WIiS toll,lo g 10 a \IIt1e knot or lIH' lI \t , . onlt!lir u c~ womeu. 'fhe IlI'at t hearl.l. fl ~ flHlI mil k, sn IlH.'ti lll~ G r n h lllll f ' I ltd'" (Io r~, OU I Ii INIl ( ' rllc\tf"rt( 1.1\II C,' 1 1\\..;· I sUIl quletty Inlo 11 scnt,
on the fwnily table.
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Mr. und ~I r,. H E" .I l1nnq Ill>!l IlIft ll l" an 1 I. u\~_ r tl llClU \1 II ('Ii ..... 'I' III , ~ ~n''' 'li\\' ,1111111 r with (: 1",. l (' h:lIl1lP .I"~, lO r l3" ilhr ""k
John H. Wright
M iR~ ~: II \ f' 1 ( 'nr r .I' " Jl Pli t "'1I111fl inv ni ~ ht Ilnil ~ n"d 'i.r Wi th hnr l )lI r Ollt.· 1I(II\ r
\\,ihHingf " n
A Th~~ :I:I~
Phone, Write or Sec me for
Ra t Smcll After \ Bcilt ~ Dead For .$ Month s. \ "l H..... (' 1I1' 11, W Ol " oI lll1,l llt I ll u ~t :l \
Satisfaction Guaranteed
l11 C1 n t h ~, '1 1'iIl;'l .J JUI\PH :-:,Y'keA. Bu tohe r W " -(. It:!" I . N . .1. "Wo !lII W t h lR rnt O VIHY tlIIV. l'llt Ii CI~ k e of l't A'l'_
iI(.h lol l 'l blll r,, 1 Moul. hs wH" lI ~k , d nlJonl, Iho ril l. R ~ U1flDl h n r [)ll till bllr ral, 10 ' ked lop . h indlt 'I'h rl ' \.... ,,1' Ili a Inf.-tlelld, not th [l Aligh l,n.t odor" 'fhr oA sl:'.8s. :tr'IJ,50 ,'I O. !-Iold li nd g CllrD l1 teed by .1. E ,l llntlo.v. '''' A l'
1" I (O r Ill."
"You see, .. ent 011. "are mola. They are IJtOst DlOlit troctable~ lifter IOmcthiul 10 ·CIlt.
dllnt\<!lI alway.
,-lot In th o Plct ore V(Onte~ I todAY.
BAI(NHART. Notary Public
AIHklDda of No~ry Work. Willi and Deeda-a ~Ptlolalty.
- - - _._ ..---
----- ---....
BEECH GROVE ~ub60rlbe for 'be MlalDl Gazette and get 10 ,he Plotllre COD"" and , get .ome Cbrt8tmas money . Dao Lonr, or D"7ton, tl Ihe guelt of K E Tbo~plon Ilnd 'Wlfe. We are lorry to report Mn. Anna Y. BrlOnnoD qu ito 810k .S $hla writ. tnll Wfl an bope for a apeedy Ind permaneDt recovery. A lillie llYo-pound girl came on 181& Friday make her bome wllb Obll. BBalon and fall!lly . Bo'b talber and' molber are doing well, tblukl. MrB. Edltb Brewlter, who under. went an oparallon at 'be MoClellan hOlpUal iu Xenia Isst wee., tl pt. tin, a\oog a8 wll11 ill oouid be ex peoted . The many frlende of lire ..... D. Chile., formerl, of 'bla place ' bot laser of Waynenllle. will be (lOfrV to know ihat Ibl! ia a& the MoClellan hOllmal a' XeDIA In a orltlcal oondl. tlon. \:JeDe Jpf'fery and wUe •. of UIITe Brenob. 'were ~uuday RUellie of AaroD \;mlth and family, Mra AdIlh "lOlm."e llpen' Saud loY afteroOOD' 'Wllh ber motber aod 811! ter. M,.; Amanda Garner and MI'II , J81181e Kennan . . UIIO. EIlI,. aDd family. of near Bar· yeT.burIC, were'illtln on ODr .'ree's, 8unday afternOOD. Chafllll Brewlter aDd wife aDd FraDk JOrdlD weDt to Xenia, SOD. 4ay af~rooon, '0 188 Mrll ICdlth Breweter. wbo II at the MoOlellan bOlpltal.
We are' now re'ady to do Crushing and Grinding' again. No special days. Younce Brothers G~ain Company \
FEED FOR EVERY IEEO FOR COWS - Ce-re·lia Sweets. Bran, Middlings, Oil Meal, CQtton Seed Meal, Hominy Feed. Alfalfa' Meal, Sal-ton-ik in 50-tb. blocks. ' 'FOR HOGs-.:-Hominy Feed ' Ground Barley, Tonhage, Oil Meal, White Flour M~ddliDgS. . ' We will have. a car of Salt . on traek in a few days in
barrels, bags and blocks. We will pay highest cash prices for Hay. Rye. Oats.
Everett Early ~
A.s It Is
As It Seems
The Road - In New Overland 4 on Three-Point Cantilever Springs
OU expect a bad rnad to ride as it looks. It did,
until the introduction of the Overland 4 Springbase.
in r, 'lange the road, but it dOel the manner in , . !.ll·h you can ride on it. It gives you comfort instea .1 of dis-comfort. -It g ives you a snlOQth. sailin'g sl! n ~ : l tion instead of bo uncing and swaying. The Diagonal attachm .. t of Three-Point C;mtilever Springs at the ends of a IJ(Linch Springba~e gives Jong wheelbasero~9steadln (' ! , . • 'YetOver!and 4 retains aU the aavant~Lg(~ --li g htness, econ. ~my ,andeaseofhandling,oilOO-inch wheelbase. Overland 4 does
This ,means an altogether new s ta nnard of riding comfor t, a n o te von hy redu ction in the weil r and tear whi c h k s. ' n5 t hccf1icicncy o facar. The n,:w sprin gs give-lnngcr life to e v\: r y part and thus minimize upkeep an d repla ceme nt cos ts.
Tires wear longe r becau se cushio ned against hamm erin g bl ows. Li ght weight mea ns ma rked econ. onlY in gas, oil an ti running expense. Overland 4 '5 equipm ent is compl ete (rom Auto.. Lite Starting and Lighting to Dem ountable Rims. Com e in and ' see this r emarkable car. Ask for booklet. Overland 4 Touring, $ 45 ; Roa d ster, $ 845; Coupe, $1323; Sedan, $1375. Prices f. o. b. Toledo.
Relieves Ifter Effects of Br'eaks and Sprains Recover)' lrem fracturM an4 .praln. Ie eto" anou.h at ,b,lIat. till! th... II no Wla to be laid up longer than ab80lutely nec...a.,.. Mau.... the Injured part .entl)' wltll Houalonla 4ally_ Achla. and aarl· ne.1 wilt qulckl, 10· . '1h. 'caS8 of E. 11. Dowoln., "lao U... pll Will nut Bt., In Wanrl,. 0 .• I. on. of the mlln, proof. of what Hou.tonla .111 do. 8a,. Mr. DO"BIn.. ~80m. tim.. I lIad \lIe forhlne to br~ m, I, •. I, Irlall eral r.malll.. .ttllout "Iulta, uaUI 1 b4W&II uln. "OUItOD" L!nlDlu" u4 _ .lad to lutlf, tllat til. NluJta .lfa beJ'oDd .,. ..~taUooL" Oil rlllunaaUc ,obata and .".111... too. 1I0Wltonia II .. _ &lmo.I m.... cal ailed. Beller ..t a lIGUle frcIm ,our d,unllt all4 kMP It IIan4r. 'l.Oo-half It.. lOa. trial I'... IIeI. AaIt tor MOUM' tonI-I· all (Till .1011'" Uti_lid). . . . . . . . . Dr. olD11M' .plat... O. tilt )"tII4IW wrappw.-ft. Dr. J. 0. .1._ ce..
CMdM.... O.
J. B. 1••IIeJ. TIut ...... 8tom. W.,....~
D. Hawke, Waynesville, O.
· ....... :u ~-.- ~ ~~ ".
HUn ting. I re~ "f\:'liinp:.· tralllllnp: or MI'I. PhO('be 'milh, \, hu hn h ,m \ H" I,,>rl M "minlll im. fill' mal1Y night hunlinlf of any kind Wilh clO~9 ill (or a long tim!!, clwo at her h'"11l'. HUliday I!venlnJl al II " . ·1.. 0'" I') " Iyenr< II n'<1I1,'11l Ilf 'p"i nl{ \·ltlley . is Ilroh ihi.t d on th<' followinlt fa rms: loneral will be held III h r 1111.' "., - rlied III hi. 1 ""ll' III I hal "",~,." nt Ren Purks. on 1 ~1i Dean fllrm olenee.Thu rsday nft ernol)n III :!q" ' I", It.! (;:40 1\1 ond,,\' Il1llrni n)f, ' oWI·nt b,·r la, 1 ny \' an Tr t'!<~ f, rms afl ~r h;l\' llIlt h"\' 1\ dTfllr~i"'~n \\' ek~ The GorRu ch farms of Il enril p 'i'''l tloI1 11f trmlbles, Mnrtin G0l19 H. \\' ah a h""t1ll' r o f lI o",ard MllnA . fl . 'hllller 11111,,1 "11 • .,f \·o l llfl111lJ~. who I~ a memL)llvis Furnas ber I.r th,' I 0 'rd uf Tl'llst . of th J . W. ' r swt!1I Ohio S" ldie ~ . and ailnr ' Orphal1 ~ ; II . A. 'orn 11 Hllme nn(1 nromin nt ex ·pupil of the .J. L. Mendenhall All kinds of in titution . JameR S. Vandervoort Mr Ma nnin jllnn wns born in Way Frank Brad ~l ()c k n ville ..Ju ly 24. 1855 . anti wu ~ lhe Ea rl Hoc kett ('Idest ~f)1I ot lhe late M r nne! Mr' Dan Morgan ' Luke ~larll1i ng ton . ~u r vjvinl(' hi m Wm ummit;tgs An kinds of i< hlR whl"w . Wll<1 waH b~· Elvin \o'i r~~ fore h I' mnrrinl('e. whi ch occurred ~ . D. Henkle .' pternb,'r 2 1. H)l4. Mrs . Ella Shir. ! J F . Call wallnde r le.\· . Mr. MflOningtulI's lir~t wifo ! Mrs. Caroline Hoger,; diecl II l1 umber II f years IlR'O , LaRh ley Uros "THE FIRM WITH THE SERVICE" J.~ un e ral ~ rd cl'~ took jJlac(' lit the W T Frame M e ~h ouis t Episropal church in ' vrilll(' .f ohn 7.el1 ~Ul Phone 01-2 \ alley. Thur~clf\Y fit 11 :30. fr iends Jason Sheo-han meetin){ at the horne nt 10 o·clol·k . Mrs nrllh Martin ' Waynesville, Ohio
Sears &Car twright Insurance
Public Sales mock
CINCINI ATl PU::;'!Will Publish
~~::~~~ CLUB [~~s~~~!~~II__Z_I_M_M____E-l-M-A--N-'-S~I
The members of the Wayne Townhip Faqnt:rs' Clulo meton Thursday, November 18th. ut the home of Carl Uuke. they were welcomed in the usua l cordinl manner or this hospitable family. . After a short social aesalon, the usual feast was served 'by the ladies; /lnd judging from this s pread, the farm er will be the last t o starve. Later the meet in" was callElli to orde r, and after prayer by Rev. J . F. Cadwallader. the Misses Anna May Oeardoff and Helen Hawke sang a duet. Miss Krekler gave a most interestinll reading. af ter which the host anBounced t hat be had secured no esslIyist. but wished the members and invited guests to exchange ideas on the quest ions of the day; to which Mr. J ohn McClure and Mr, [taymond Montgom,ery responded. Miss Anna Furnas read an interestlnll Current Events paper. The special topic being, "How is Food Coritrol Affecting the Farmer," Mr. White read a most able paper on this Bubject, which elicited discussions by Mr. Cartwrhrht, Mr. Hiley. Mr. LeMay and others. Atter a solo bv Miss Deard(lff, ' the meeting adjourned to meet nut month at the home of Mr. 'S. L. Cartwright. . The invited guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Montgomerv, Mr. and Mrs John McClure, Mr. Ellis McClure, Miss Irene McClure, Mra. Mary Carmony. Miss Krekler and Rev. IIr,d Mrs. J . ~~. Cadwallader.
--- ..- - OBITUARY
Caroline Robinson, daua-hter of Edwin Robinson and wife, was bo in Warren County. Ohio, March :n, 1832 and departed this lite at her home in Waynellvll\e, November IS, 1919. at the advanced age of 87 years, 7 months and 12 days. In 1855 she was marded to Geora-e Matthews, of which union three children were born, Adelaide, Wilford Leroy and Ellsworth, only one of whom, Wilford Leroy, survlvps her. Her husband died in 1876. For a number of years, wbile health permitted, she conducted the Commercial Hotel at Wayneavllle, where to the traveling public ahe dispensed a most graciou8 hospitality. Wi th the exception of a few yeara in Iowa and. Wisconsin, the dece8lNl lived ber ,entire lifein WarrenCounty A long time invalid. she lived in .the eeclullion of her home, cared for by her son. To frle:nds and relatives she waa known as a kind, selt-sacrificina woman, t>osseased of qualities that won theh esteem .and love. May Light perpetual shine upon her, and ber
--- ..
end be Pe~ce.
AT XENIA HOSPITAL Mrs. L. D. Chiles, who haa been quite ill for the past few weeki, wu taken to the McClelland hospital at Xenia laat week, and' an operation was performed. This estimable lady had beeq suffering trom gall. tones and appendicitis, and her condition at the prf!llent time Is thought to be first-cl888 for her entire recovery,
and dips , into his heart ,for these wonderful l~ttcrs to hi~ children. One band guided the Ship of State. the other reached out to his beloved boya and steadied them up thru the years to manhood.
Big Stick
FOREST HOUGH, Agent, Waynesville, Ohio. A . Daily Roosevelt Letter in
The Cincinnati Post .
If Post cannot be deUvered to you 8ub8er1be by mall (or It. Cut out the "Gel acq~alnted" coupon, send eou. pon with $1.00 and let u!! mall you The Poal for 2 1·2 months. We kaow It will please you. If you ~all coupon wltb $1,00 In next IS dayl we. will send You 'ree our beauallul 1920 Art Calen. dar· In 3 colo", bu', ,'oa mut return the coupen to procure the ealendar . -.
nl'wspnpt'r that prints lhe best and most a~ rail' nt.8. (omple~ ..... rellll'ble mnrktt.a. ~. In featura .,01 ob..... able In other lie. . •.~1'8 drc-alated In -fern- . .....y. The"" ftIb bat 8
10 ftltll..!-week
Name ...••••.•••••.•.••.••• . ••••• -- Ad....
~ II
to Eat for
Miss Margaret Brant, of Lebllnon. spent Beveral days last week. the gueHt of Mr. and Mrs.Fl .E Earnhart.
T..,haHksgiving ---==.:::-=:-
Word has been received frOni Jas. Davis thal he hils arrived in New Jtlrsey. and will probably be at home soon.
FI ·. It
yuur ch imney nu e a!1 rig ht ? ff not, call on E C Woollard, and he will rebuild it fnr you at a reasonabl e price. The WOIllIIIl'1I Auxiliary of St. Mary's church will meet with Mrs J. H. Coleman. Friday afternoon Ilt 2 o'.:lock.
- - - . -
- - - -
Lilli hurgel' Cit iII i CII IlI.·muert ' hee~ N,'\\' Mild t.II!)!! Horn h (l('~(' Wllfer .'Iiel'.! Ilri"r1 1IC'{' f Ne w Oats Nl:w lJ olllillv New I anC:lk ... I' I " ul'~ :;hrcd.ll'd Wheal lI i~r llil · 'reamery Ruller Churn l:n lll K r ul('~ Hrf'ArI fro'sh every duy Tlt t' rin t!~t li,"· 'uf ('"fT'e\'" 111111 IlU r price i" 101\' I lenly of !:iugElr for ou, CIIRlomer,; We willuay :,!lc for Chi k c n~. l ~c for old l{ on!<I,·r~ . UJl to Friday noon . ( ;'11 (' 1I YI) UI' ort! 'r ~ : we hall,· Lhe goorls lind (J ur pri ' ('~ ar£' !l l wll v~ th,' I" wo;sl. It payg to l l'lIJe a t
Caesar's Creek Friends Church Sunday School at this ~hurch every Sunday at 10 o'clock . Preaching service at 11 o'clock a . m . You are cordially invited to be present. Fertry Christian Cbul'(;h Bible School at 9:30 Preaching at 10:30 a . rn. and 7:30 v m . Everyone Invited. J . A . Pine. Paator. Harveysbur& Friend. Church Amos CoOk, pastor. This Church invites you to the following sell'vices: Sabbath School at 10:00 • . m , Anna C. Stinson, Supt. Morning Worahip aql:ooa.m . You will find a cordial welcome to both these services.
. ~'; E. ~bul'(;h Ralph ~Iton Jonea, Minister, . Sunda)' School, 9:16 a. m., Frank LeMay, Supt. Preaching, 10:30 a m.-·'Tbanks¢vlnir Se"lce." Evening Sermori,7 o'clock-"Follow Me." Prayer Meeting, Wednettday, 'l p. m: A. stereopt icon lecture will be lriven, Wednesday evening, November 26.
H. Mary's Chul'(;h Twenty-third ~unday after Trinity. Nov. lWrd. Sunday School at 9:30 a m. Mor.nlng Prayer and Sermon at 10::30. .. Forsake not the assembling ,~r yourselves together, as the mannelr of some la." Come . .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--!!
J, Hendley, our new J eweler-Opti· clan, has located in Waynesville. Expert Watch, Clo~k. J ewelry . and Optical Repairinll. all work done on premises Servlee and prices right. Clocks called for and delivered.
Rev. and Mrs. J . F. Cadwallader. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhnrt. Mr. W. H. Allen . Mesdames Sarah Zimmerman. Mary Caskey and Miss Emma Heip:hway attended a meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary at Wilmington, Tuesday.
A. T fi
a tum of the h>lnd t l, Ultona plays any type of r~cord. A child . c~n do it . . It is practically' a utomatic. Now your libr ary of r ecords con be boug ht acco rding to y our favorites. For instance, each record maker has il famous te.nOT. On a one-record instrument, you cart hC:lr hirn unly. Others are barred. And who likes to be rcstricted? The tTItona is the great'est fea ture offered any m usic lover. And it is obtainable solely 'on the new Brunswick. A!lother vast lmprovcmc:n t In tone flro-
Fred's noon-day lunch , SOc; dinner, 45c; sandwiches and coffee during shopping hours has met with great popular favor. Thill is the place to eat when you are in Lebanon. Listen! The Grange will bold a Thanksa-iving Market on Wednesday. November 26th They will have goodies to suit the most fastidious taste. Phone 91 or 86. your ordera. Committee. Several of the Waynesville members of the Scottish Rite Masons were In attendance at the meetinllin Dayton the vast week, S. D. Henkle and Earl Thomaa, the local lodge. were initiated In a chilli of 277.
iectlon is the Brunswick l'onc Amplifi<:l'. built of moulded wood. like _ violin.
Let us explain the Brunswick Mdhod of Reproduction. Hear l' ur favorite recurds. l'hcn decide on ..... r!t alone.
Men's and Young Men's Heavy Wool OYercoata, 130.00; also. complete sbowlnlt at $36.00 to $45.00. Young Men's belted waist line and form fitting Suits, $26.00. Fa!lhion Park, Kiracbbaum and Capll9. iOO% aU-wool Suits. $30.00 to $50.00. at Fred's Lebanon Bill' Store.
- - -... ...---
TEACHER ELLEN Sunday, November 8. W&ll the Uth birthday anniversary of Miss Ellen record. C. Wright. . ot t1If!lr "Teacher Ellen," as she hes been ..rtlM. called by College students, Faculties and patrons (or the 45 years that she haa been teaching in Wilmington College, is one of the most bighly respected citizens the town haa ever poaaessed, and one of the moat beloved of the College teachers. Snl' graduated with the first el88ll, receiving Degree!! from Wilmington Collell'e, and immediately began a servitude for her Alma Mater. which has been marked by many commendable acta of sacrifice and loyalty, In all her years of teaching the College youth, her patient gentle spirit has remained unchangl1d. Sbe rememberll every Itraduate and every stud· nt the College hae ever had . 36:-38 Weat Main Street, And they remembered her. Monday evening,Mrs Mary Adams, who lives at Twin Ash Hall, entertained with a charmins;t little !1lnner In honor ot Teacher Ellen and sister, Mrs. Emma Hale, and Mrs. Orpah Morgan . The students sang a number of College aongs when they first entered the dinlnlt' hall, and later there were dever .,~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!'!!!!!''!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!~~!!!!!!'!! toasta givel'\ to "Teacher Ellen.~' In response, she, who haa never lacked for words, 'Jr8ve a very Interesting talk eoncerning the past, the present and the future. The past is full of happy memories for Teacher Ellen, for ber aasociatlon with the Itudents has been full of wonderful experience.. All over the country former Colleg!! students, learning of ber birthday party. can not help feeling that they would have enjoyed joining In the sonlrl In honor of their beloved friend. . Her hoat of friend. hope .he will celebrate her 75th birthday annlve'r sary at the College next year, as it will al80 be her 50th year in connectiol}'with the inlltltuUon.-Wilmington NewlI-Joumal. .
Orthodox Friends Churcn Lloyd Oatley and wife, ot I)ayton, will be here. Sunday, for an all-day meetmg. Sunday-school and preachIng in thEI morning, with services in the sfternnon. · .E verybody is e%pectelJ to bring baakets and have dinner at . the church dining-room EverybodY come.
'1'111111 Fi ~ h
Misses Clara Lyle, Mluia Stout . Jeannette Janney, Henrietta McKin· sey. Marie Shutts and Fannie Lamu attended the Warren County Tesch· ers' Association at Leb'lnon.Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs W. O.RaperarClvis· iting with county . time hunting Orange willrelatives spend thine Brown "bunnies," anti in all probability wilt have some great IItories to relate when he Irets home
()y ~ ll'
Pimcnt 0 Welrl Harebit
BlankElte and Hobes- We hove some robes and blankets which we will sacrifice to make quick sale. Walter McClure.
If you have eye strain . don't WRit St!e Hendley, Optometrist and Optician, Waynesville. Ohio , Brokell lenses duplieated correctly on short notice at the Silrn ot the Watch .
CrunIJl'/'ril'~ ("('I( 'r) liw, ew Evap 1" ·lIch,· . Apricn:t I'''11 Ilt'9 New Minco M ~Ht 'W CJlla Call!)I'" 1"lJch l!~ Apricuts Pi ne !\PJlI ... ~ \ hit,· herrit's I~ancy AppJ s () rRnR'l'~ l :rapt' I,'rlli! L('rnnn ~ Grupell we d l' Cil at 'Je~ l·Hbh ;I~ . · ~J :t Il)!'OI'" N w anned Corn Pea,; ,I'\;(' n Lilllu~ .~l1ll11nn
Brower's Furniture Store Xenia, Ohio
THE Se, tOe AND 25c
- - -...
Hunting. treepa..IDg, trapping or niltht hunting of any kind with dop, is prohibited on the following farma:
••••••••••• ••••••••••••• r •••••
... ~ -- CIN~.'J1 NSf.- .~!.~.~ Q.,::.. -....... .... ~
4 ••
Mahlon Ridge ~pe n t BeV rul du)':! last week visiting relatives in Detroi t Michigan. .
In this intimate feature-seriest the REAL Roosevelt substitutes pen lor
G''0' od Things
Dr. Dill, Osteopath 21 S. Broad· way, Lebanon. Ohio.
Ra)'mond E Dunllam W. H.Morrll
I;g, F. WaI_ ' Pnad. . . . .
Thill is what THE cmLDREN Speclaliit In
of this Store.
Seventy-First Year '
2 1 S, Broad-
Re~Z~:~t~-A cook,
at the Palace is
~~ti~;er~~~~~:~~'r~~ Cin
Whole Number 535,
;LOYAL WOMEN , MISSIONARY MEETINGI . HOLD MEETING . I . ,The W F , M ~oci dy (Jf lh" M E ' The Loyal Women's class of tb"
W 'rry over ill health and a probThe case of HarvE'Y Rye a nd the M,r and Mrs: J C. Hawke were Mr. and Mrs. L . A. Zimmerman , ~ . C. Hawk.e and son8, Lee and Ray, a blllt.y o/Onancial trouble, caused Meredilh brothe r", in .which Hurvey Lebanon vi sitors, MondllY. and son left this morninll' for Sidn'e y, vIsIted relatives li t Ple1l8!111 t Pillin Mrs. Alice BUSBey Lackey to murder Rye sued the Me rediths for '51100 . "Ohio. where they wl:lIspend Thanks- last \<'riday, ' Chu rch was llI (\~t lJ1CIIs:tnll.l' enl "- I I"err Y Hihl" School met at t.he hon ll ' her hUliband. J , Harter Lackt'y and damngedone to him las t Thankagiv~yer Hyman was a bUSiness VISIt- givmg with friends. , tair cd at thc hllm (I f Mrs. ,/. Il uf Mr alld Mrs , Roy Hathaway, la,.1 then kill herself The murder' WIlS ing Day, when they gave him a te r- or 1Il Cle vel und the first of the w~ k, Mrs. J. 0 Carlwright i9 sp n(ling Mllr/ll tt 1\11 W .·J Il~iW ay nrt ernno rl. 1,'rl<l l1)1 /li~ h t , with t heir husband I committed aome time late ThUrsday rifle beating, held the close attention p. H k ' 0 Hendley says: Let me hel·p you a few days in MIddletow n, the j:!Ul's t Nove mhe r [j Mrfl Mar latt WBS a~- I < in vi ted' gu es ~ fit ty-three L,t!ill ~ night or earlv I"riday morning. of the citIzens of Wayn e Township ;.a~ 8W e. of ayton, spent. a make your selections for Xmas of Mr . and Mrs C. W. Hinkl e. ai!lteu hy Mrs. Fra nk tU l1I lln nnd 'prell nt . ' • elghhors seemed lo think thllt all last wel'k , C?UP e of days here last week WIth Watches, Clocks alld Jewelry, A M r~ I: ora Ward . . Th meeti ng was ca lled t o ord . r A review of the case is when Ius parents. small deposit will hold them, Mrs. Eliza Jacobs, of Uai nl!sv ill e, A D,UIIIO Rulo , 1!1.!aslngly relld ered \'y the presid ent, Mrs. Olive Hatha· something was wronlr, and went to .IIIVes ti gate. w h en t bey found both Rye was backing his machine out of Fla.. And are Missthe Emily Jacobs, of Mid- by MI ~, 11 e Ien I111"pr I ~ tt . pr ce d d way, so ng, ' 'Th e G'reat Ph" ~r and Mrs , F. M. Rosnll.gIe, of Sevl'ral qf the High School Sen,ior dletown. gu es t..~ ot Miss EmYSIClan , , th e rtmd mg of t he, ~ rl ptu rc It!s8 n, W'lll s ung , Scripture r eading, l 03rt! husband and wife cold in death , the garage, ove r 8 year ago, Mrll Sprmgboro, spent Monday wltb Dr. cllUls went t" Cin,clnnaU TuCdday ma Heighway. Three bullet holes In Lackey's bead Herbelt Meredith, thinking he was and Mrs . H, E, Hathaway , evening to see , "Hamlet. " They the ~4th chrip ter (I t ' t J ohn , by the Psa lm, by t he pre..ident Prayer by 'ed I M' H k' ' J, Hendley, our-new Jewele r.OpU- p re~ IJ en t, MrR McCl ure A hymn M. rs. J enni e Thomas aonlt "Yield und one in his wife's gave mute evi- going to run into hEir machine. lost dence of the horrible double deed. her head and ran into the oil station . W. R. Allen left, Monday n:'ornlngr :o~~ea~dc~:r~:r~yt>d ~te ~s:'for~~~~; ciano has located in Waynesville , was su.n " af Le r whi ch ri ll united in Not to Temptation. ,,' a nd Expert Watch. , Clork, Jewelry and repent lllt.r t.h e L'"nl'R Praye r.. rul- I reart ing of the minutes o[ thc hlf,1 Mr, and MI'!!. lai!key were married A few days later. atter a heated ar- for ' Mllco~b, 111... where ~e will speno very much , Optical RepairlnJl', all work done on low('" by thl' rf' UIll rlJ,! o f t htl mmu t pH meeting hy the secretary Mr;1 in August, lind had bouaht a farm Irument In regard to tbematter, Rye Thanksglvmg With relatJv.ell. outh of Miamisburg, and were \iv- knocked Sam Meredith Sr. down al premises Service and priceIJ ri~ h t. and . roll-call " lilH' rcP,,;.t C!f th ,: Vangie Fox. Miss Marlraret C Merritt, who Clocks called fur and delivered, Juhl lee IIlt,,' tlllg fi r th e ClnCln nlltl After t he us ual business the f oling on It. Mr. Lackey'li Arat wife one of the local barber 8hops, WllS Emma StalJsberrv. and they Atler th .. usual ten-days' talk, the haa been visiting relatives here, reHr~n,'h. whic h W H~ hel d at Cincin· lowing program was rendert!d : NOT ICE- The Wayne Towns hip !latl. wa~ r eart by M T:I • hllc . Very Pi ano ' solo-Beryl Cook; Readin~ lived in Waynesvllle 'for a number of tight was almost forgothm as far a s turned to Midclletown last Saturday. Yllars, after wbich they removed to the people ot the community were ' . Protective lind Detective Asoocilttion Il1t ere~tin g t.a lks w !~ re g ive rr by Mrs - Mrs. Clara Thomas ' Solo-Lu c~' Dayton. where they lived until Mrs concerned. but the Meredith brothMr. and Mrs . Milton Schatzmlln will meet Saturday afternoon a t the R . JlJrre~ , Miss Li zzie Sttlwa rt, and P.mley; Reading-Edn~ Mullen ; Pa L ckey'a death, abouttwo years ago. ers decided not to Ie' the insult to and Mhs Edna Knott, of Cincinnati, The barn of Walter Kenrick at Township House, All mem bers nre' Mr:i. Ma ~ia t t , wh o I iso haJ attended per--"How Thanksgivinlr Began, " The funeral of Mrs, Lockey was lhe falher remafn ennoticed There- we re Sunday JrUests of Mr, and Mr~. Lytle was burned to the ground, cordIally invited to be present. t h , ~ eetlll lZ , Mrs, Lu cy Williamson; Duet-Mrs Thursday evening. Mr Kenrick, beIIi I wa~ fo llow ~ d by the Centen- Cora Murphy and Mrs. Vangie Fox held 'l'uesday at Dayton, and that of tore last Thanksgiving Day th .•y W. O. Raper. Mr.•Lackey the same dayat the home iot together and went to thft ~entr~1 1 ing Ii contractor, us,ed the barn for a J Hendley, the optometr idl, ha~ ary Hymn, hy Mrs, Geo , Smi th, and A social hour was then enjoyed h) Ilf hl8 daughter, !.tn. Ve.r na Clayton, iarage, where Rye was working on a .Mhrs, J, C, Hawke, in company ware-room He-carne from work at just received a new electric test case a rea, ling , "The Word of God ," by all alter which dainty refr.eshmen ' ~ lind the body was broui'llt to Wav- tractor. and attacked him. one ofthe Wit several trom Harveysburg. 4:30, put the truck.,in . and shut up for examining eyes for Irlasses. ThIs Miss Stewar t Ve ry interest ing re- were served. I)ollvll ie and Interred In Miami cem- .boya admitting that he atruck the went to Springfield last Friday to the barn , It was discovered In in8trument is one ot the beaL on the ports of the Mi 8.~i onary Convention • __,~ _ _ _ t ttlry. tlrat blow. after which ..the five attend a meetlnJl' of Past Matrons of flam. at 5:45 and hilld probably been market . See hIm, when needing of the Springfi ld district, which was - - -... - .. brothers jumped on him. ' breaking the O. E . S. Association. burning ,f or an houl'. The origin of ~Iasses. held at Xeni n, we re given by Mrs, hIs nose and othurwise bruising him the fire Is not known, but Inupposed Sherwood, Mrs Willi amson and Mrs , ad Eyes examined, apd the very latest to have been from the truck. All members of Miami Vulley McClure There ie no fire protection at I.ytle Council No, lOa, J O. U, A, M ,are "A Bird's-Eye View of t he Work , b T~y were arrested and the cue methods ueed. ~ Eye Glasses and Regular communIcation of Way- turned over to tbe grand jury, who Spectacles. All len_ground ac~ur- but by quick anoi good work of the earnestly urged to attend the reg u- in China. Japan I1nel Jeorea " was the Thanksgiving Day: Holy Com 11 ' aville Locilre No 183 F. & A. M" returned a verdict of 881ault to kill. ately No charge for examination. telephone operators at Waynesville lar meeting. next Friday even ing , topic on which a most instructive mU ll ion at 9:30 a . m , Tuesd !lv evenlna-, December 2 So- They pleaded guilty, alter the chargt' Quick. reliable serviee at HeJ\dley~s. and Centerville, and by the ule of Thi8 is she second Bnd last meeting a nd e nin g paner was pr epared I First Sunday In Advent, als Sl '/Jurninll brethren are cordIally in- h db d did b automobiles several hundred people to nominate officers for the ensuing and read by Mrs, Ha rris, A pia no ' Andrew's Day, November 30: Su n S. D, Henkle. W_ M. t:ry, :~ ~e~egiv~~ -=yU 1~lla~t fi~~ O. M , and Enoch WhIte, of Ken- were Boon at the 8cene. They form , term. Be sure to come. solo by Miss Ma rian closed a pro- day School at 9:30a. m ,; Sermon an c vl led. L A. Zimmerman; Sec',. tucky, dropped Into WayneSVille, ed bucket brieades and by heroic g ram ot, unu eull i illlel·e~t. Holy Communion at 10:30. The pub by a judge from Hamilton. Ohio , Monday evenina-, and have been busy work ot meD, women and children, The Christmas spirit already re- The pre id ent announced tha t t he lie cordIally invited to these servic Rye later brought suit for dam- call1nJ( on acquaintanc8ll, Both boys kept a carpenter shop. jU8t 8 feet flects Itself in the S Fred Co Leba- socie ty had been requested lo pre- ~============: ages, which luit ended I1'riday. and are in the ~elt I)t hAalth. and~ say laway. and alfarage bear, from burn- non Big Store In the happy f aces ot pa re a Ch ri~ tmll~ b C) l( f or Mi ss Mcrl'8ultE'd in Rye g tting judgment to they are enjoying It. too. ling. 'Had these burhed, the house the merry shopping throngs t hat Clurg to tu ke with her pn hcr re turn the amount of $1838.33X , People \was in great..danlrer, as well as the troop through the ais les and up t he to China, Ilnd a, ken llll to co nt rillu te. 'f rom all over the county were pres"G. ewaw" Christmas IGlfts are lenlire villa~e. There -was small in- stairs enjoyinlr the holiday displnys Thl9 was so g ne rous ly r esponded to •••• • ••• ent to hear the case thing8 of the past. Peop e are turn- ,Burance on the build ina-, and none on already on exhibit, ' thAt two boxes werE' pricked a nd ~ent. ============= - - - - - • Ing to apparel and ~eedful neC/da as the contents. The Joss will amollnt . During the plea.sant social hour, . If your stock III not profitable, a solution of theGltt problem, At l to about $1000, The bB~ket ball season \~III delicious refreshmen ts of banana don' t blame anyone until you ,t~e S_ Fred Lebanon Big store. , Card or nauib open Frlda~ mght, when th,e ~ I g h salad, wafers and coffee were served hlLve weighed your feeding methChriatmu Gifts are ready al)d everyschool huskIes take on the WllmlDg· ~y the hostesses of the afternoon (/d's on the aeales of good judlr" thlna ie priced Burprisinaly low We wish to thank all neighbors ton 'Collelle Freshies, In addition to The next meeting will be with Ml'S 6 hp. Ingeco Kerosene Her. are a few garment items eelec- and f,r ienda for their help in 8Ilving this game, the local independent Geo Smith on t he first Wednesday ment, Your !ltock haa to eat ted at random. Women's Coatll,wool our buildinll8 at the fire last week, team. styling themseive.'1, .. Miamis," aft e~n oon In Decemb er what you a ,l ve them. no matter Engine. practically new Mr, and Mn. Walter'Kenrlck. will meet the Wilmington Coneg~ , __ ••_._ _ velouree, ehevlots. plushes, kerseya, what it is. 11 that. cow or that and guaranteed, The ~e~8 been f ancy s t id Sop h omores, B0 th th e Mi amI. an d hog ill not earning · a profit. why 'aold toFranklin a company andhaa wl'lla~ain ' e I'ncorr pes an nove Itl tM.' SIS . 75 , .~-• iii it? 2~ hp. Fuller & John$17.95, $24 ,75. Men's Overcoats, . Hi teams have lieen working hard parated, and known as the Warren $25.00, $80.00.13500 and up. Boye' ~ for the past two weE'ks and are in • son Gasolene Engine, in County Printinlr and Publlshin~ Co Sulls, a elean-up, 39 suits, age 10 to good trim for the opener. the president of the new paper is 18, at $7 ,59' &1;1001 SuIts, all sIzes, The H. S. line-up hlUl been an- , best of condition. Eliu Ogle8h~; vice-president, Thos, $995; Dubbelbilt, 114 75 and $18.75 nounced as follows: Burton, R, F .; Hon . S. 0 Fess, lil t! well-kno,,:n These engines are barJones, L. F; Thomas. C.; Hender- o~atC!r and. re presentative from thiS Fed right will produce a profit 24 Chrystle. of Lebanon; secretary. Overeoats, alre 12 to 18 yrs., $12.45 son, L . G; Riggs, R A. The Mi- dIstrict, Will be the ~u~st of the ~ en gains and for sale on achours eVlSry dav, 7 days a week; ·!"rank Johannes; trell8urer and mlln- to 114 76. Junior Overcoats. age 3 Messrs, to 8 yrs ,$7.46. Fumishinlia. Furami line-up has not been made pub- of Lt!banon clu b I' rlday , evenmg, no strike', no walk-oute. It you aller. WHarry SpcKra MI'II, Fred Haw~e ~1lB. taken ~e Ii~, but it iA rumored that several of November 28 , Dinner WIll be ~er- count of installing electric treat stock to good feed. get it of Johannes and Spears ate. both .news- niture, Shoes and goods In all demotors. paI!er men. an~ the policy Will re- partmenta at remarkably low prices manaa'ement of the MIamI th~ter In the old · timers are bark in the Irame ved to membe,rs of the cl,ub a t {j p maID Demo('~atlc . Everythinlr to tempt the palate in Iplaetl of Mrs. Sadie Zell. resigned. and I hat some new material has been m , and at 7:3C Dr . Fess wtll addre!l!l F. f.:.. CuttIng. the retirm.r !Dan- our self-serving Grocerv. Lunch, Mrs. Hawke Is a hustler, and no added Both games promise to be the club on the problems of the day, ager, IS. neW8paper man of abIlity, Dinner. 11 to 2, SlIIdwichea and cof, doubt pat.rons.of this preLty lit- very interesting, and will no douht a~ .the Lebanon Opera Hou se . Ali who will prob~bly enter the field at fee arid bot chocolate duriblr all tie play houae WIll ~ IOtne good be .• fair sample of the vn~lety of en- ~Itl~ens ot lhe county are cordIally lYTLe, OHIO some other pomt . Ishopplnsr houn, Toyland I. aettin.g plays during the wmter months. tertairlment the local basket ball fans inVi ted to be present and hear hIm, That's where the best t~ej.s buy. ~ ready , will pay you to vialt our The old employees have all been r,e- will be permitted to witness theeom- l ' - - --- -Get in the Picture Contest today . Xmas Exhibition. ~he time ia n0:f\" 1tai~. , ing year, l 'he Miami Gazette-1.50 per year ,
.Don't Blame the Other Fellow .
Good Feed
. _.
1 1
.Kilpatrt-ck.French Motor Car Company.
IlIIIn• •llmnllllllnftIUlIIUlllllllnllllllll,llllllllIl!,'i
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, Must a Child _ Be Pale?
co to :rour room aad ten evel'1thID.r' a.t.ed lb.
man. Dec:eaaary. I meaD." Andrea reached for a tre.h clprette. Po llor. "Tired,olliness" nn d ·Poor "Don' t be obRurrl." IIhe aald. "I'm nol = ~l'rllh" n 1 1 ~" '" \ H t f\n. r1lu l! h,-Irfolclf '-:0 (m u .. :=; II I A P I) (' tit e Almod Ah"'fl"S I "oln~ to bed tor houre." She elanced . E unlll .\' Inl"','j ~'I'l i l~· nYH1 whn Wll ~ J " § "" ''" III l ' • \ '''' 111 1'llh" I~' !luln/! hN' Hemcdied by Pl'pto-Mangan at hIm with a !lrt of dllftd~t look. at §: U /: 1"1' 'f " ",, ~, If III' hu. 1 , .,,,k "1\ n ~ . - .'. I though IIbt! were nbout to give ." wa7 a • § . •lId"'·. ·. ", II lll'n l,t 1'1'~" 1I~ "ht!. It fiuild,. II the Blood an d r hus ~ecret, "Wlt l'n I Yllwn. always ktl()Jl 111UII11I1I1I1P..... ,I"IIIIIIIIIlIIU~ . OR"",,:, . hI ,... ulll ~. "\'e fUII.lIll hers()lt Impro\'e tl the Appetite and on tnlking. [t mennll rm-I'm tlree. , ' n : Ill' "' ''' .. ; hU T h,' h"oI,,'I , In Ihut 1, ..lnl . h h U d You ko,ow." 81 CEORGE AGNEW CHAMBERUlN I mol"> Ihnn Ir~ uny I1 lh(' r IllY Ibe chllrln trengt ens t e ..II Y " D - ¥our lSodetl trlcU," remaJ'ki. -~' h " r ll1? " ,'II. ,,\I It I·harm. !lnywuy, • - - - - - --, 11Il .lhe mo," . "T'ltl going." He arolle . wWh)' fl' ~rl l'd Andr(>Jl. yes IInw ot Ihl" IInlls"n l I ~"'I... . 'l'lt'1TO is but llofl logilhllu ' Bexouso 1I11l1 lurlll'd hi s hll ck 011 her. flll~'1 1\1; tIIv"l!lit lh ~ IItrltter ut with for .. I-Il\le. ruu down , I!stl !III ohild. HOleorll h e hnU luk en Ih.I·01e ijlrldeB centl¥ ' wIde. "\Vhllt'S per ' onlll "hou' IIQ. auplo ne?" I a vI I'\\' In h""rl,,!:, h i nt brows SOlD aud thot 18 @ome 80riouB dl8e0ge or hor VUICl' CII IIII! 10 him lind In It \\· u.!! u lie looked at b!!r grimly IInel Ignore( mnr . Sill' ~I\" I . .. 'nll't y \, bring It 0 ono or m ore of I,h e vlt •• 1 Or"ID8. new quullty, n sure muturlly. "Go It the tnp. "It w ill give you Ihll)I.'!! u Ultlc n n"r r?" . wh .ch of oourse. It t\d~ th ll prom pl you like." sho so ld evenly, "but J !thoU tblnk about,'"he C()lIllnUCII. "lind whel "I'll t ry." h., nns"" ' r d nflf'r 0 pnll.le. nttnntl OIl of fl oompntt\nt pltyslolrm lilt here ulnUl )'OU eome back." 1 0U hale them you'll no Il1l1lter bl "nr,'nlh nf lit" I ~ thll l Qllllllty whll'h Unl 88 snoh oonditlo n exhHll. ' b e Bil turn ec! ut once. II flush In his IItra1d ot thought In ItR'lf, lIlIIl \\'her h,ll,ls h'll'k n II1ull from mnrryln!! fnr w etik. whI te YO\lng~ ter wh o t .. ll es no chel'ks "I"org"'e nll'." he 'snld sllllply. YOU are treed at lhllt f~a r YO \l wlr man,,), nn,l llr!:,' "'''llh l' r 10 Ih r de- 1'1. " IlrA In roru pll)8' or pluy lng onn stru ck 1\ mn t'h Ilnd h" ld It t or her. . "Now heIlIUl." solei ApUr!!lI. "Oon't flnd that Inc rlty cl'nscs to be can Sl'rl\on at wit.· .illli "hlld r n h('('n" ",, be very mfl terlu lly b Ip ad hy II veJ'Iatloool blld t oste. It bccome! h.,·s horl',l. thllt Inllla·, " prelll'h"r lenp oour8 or thlLt th ol oul(hl y lIep4lud . you U.lnk ' I'm rensonnbl y henlthy al· ...~., 1,l n,n"'h' (If d O~llIn uhl n lJ lood enrt ( h or !lnd !,tou l' r"1 r"'lll"'" r O,1her ,. weOllOll, th conly pTnh" thut trom th ,> nrll-kh •. - , to th "r I th e"Hed l l'. h" I nrl ,," . . ·I.I . ."h1 l1I ~trl r t tOf)\(·. liuue 't\ l' UlJln, . IU II I( IIU , 'l'biM .. ,"' .,.... ~.· .'t' l ti,e Ill" n. "until you've con IIIercc th e nnnor IIi. I n l 1 l y ... 0 1' 0 t ' C()uril YO\l koow Ihu t CVl' r.Y I",r· nnd his 0\\'11 .h- ' I ril l" 1011. I hll I leu ds I he " tIl IIau rd Ire lU L",1'V r f) r 1\t n OUlI" ~ Bloud . wolf",] fl ... 1.010 ,•• ",.1 1.111" l . ' u ""rllllbnli rof 110,· h(l,,1 to 11lI11lI1I.>lI t YJRlh ell l 'kIM) ,"'1111 lJonaUty wcars II shell . t hlele nr Ihln. k'ln"-bull " .' s lesIO"eils) 1 b Ill S t 6Ilry . Icu n nu II "" y prf~ I .. ," "u ~. flilgur."". 'IOU uAon'l dose-Joln l'd or 100BI'." ot Innely I1H·,\I I IIl\on. In short. It's ~crl~~(f y I' 1 };~\O ..~ n !! a overt Ill' r(!ully ku !,w willi! bUlllly h~ alth ml'onJj. Shti tUrnNJ het ey('~ 11 ,, <1 looked him the peqwllIlIl ,·Ii!II" nce ot sl'lt at Ihe wor I or nlli" y t. l rt y Y OIUN . ,0 r eo God hUR ~'I vc o you li d , beauty ot tikln oppnrent r isk nf Th ... soul" ~t'lro I.h e weuk e ned w~ter y blood to Ihut )'ou ·owe It to n",'r y aye that Cfl' u p aD () down fleetingly. "WlllIt el se . " \t.1l n ormal condlUn n. and t hU8 1m. ' ~ will ;your pblloeollhy do for Ole?" "hn "Sort ot Ruhlllll ntecl I'snlsm." reo prov u Appe t.ilf'. ,uld OOIOr t o pa le llpe resscs 1Isllif with" Rtght fit you to keep II liked. m fl rk ",l Alldrpn, It wlthou l \)1"IIII9h. nnd ~'C I you s It " ./ lind heo kB oud 1"'I>o rt ~t. l' o nl:th to h "Wliat else?" he r:epcnlerl. "It will Selfl shlll·~~ . YOIl "wlln' n ~ ~ h ook Ib e who lo bodv G ll(\ e'H P opt n. t ere unli II k mo If you're not ren· moire' you slorlous1y ludcll nd"nl - rl" It ~s 111;0 I. " It's oot !'vrn on tlmt plnne : Mang nu ClI n bu· bud ii , both lIqulll snlluhly hl'oll hY. with a s pot on your lIuce you to th tbr<'O elemenls of con· It s sn lIIuch m'pr It tllUl "'I I1,hnl'"8 us Bud t,,,ble t rorm ( no d iff erence In It!! ch,,,,·I!." tl'nt-beo It.h. hODOr lind 811 Inocr a QlUtll ly Is nl('rl'ly anI; of tI,,, pehbleslelTooq the liqui d of coarse belog "Oh !" (:rled the girl. A 8ea ot Bud· Onme." . on, Iho I"'arh !Jl'h'w It t hnl the "(On hI' S :prefomblo Cor yon~~ ohlldron: Wbeo d II c.,lor swlrlcd nbout her neck. up , "Let'l! begin with the Inn!'r thllne," b,'en grlndl,,)!, IIowl) to lIoltonu chu l" buying PoptO. !\I llllgun lJe More the Inlo ber I:nce ood (Iowu over oDe-half ncterl ~ I "'~ rill' n IIIII"l rerl yeo rs. Ali ve. nlLm e " Gu(le 'II" i8 00 ·th .. pllokllge lho lell!;lh of her bore arms. She . elae auigeslcrl. "It sOIl~IIs mysll(·... "But"1t Isn·t." be replied. "It's the It·s n tl"'~~ .. ; delld. It 1I0esn't oven leave Without "(Juuo's" it Is not PeplO- t hrow ur' II blind to her cheek lind u corl'S(' M 8.ngrlD. rnost Jll'll Cl Icn I t I . Inp' In thp worl,'1. A m ·' ...."v. preMed It there. Her evea • were "name. "If ever 1 con burt you-" Ihe .ald Slowly. "l(--ever-I--C:llo-" The ma.a looked surprised; the. con· Cu L OUL coupon . IUId pin on pICLU ...... . Andrea yo WIl f'd . "Now honol'." Ibe trite aDd tinnily grave. liB I!!: "Let mEl assure JOu.·· be ..Id. "the' "Woo't you tolk a little?" sBld the you will · 10eTt tably have It In lour . mun. "DeOnlng Is n great game Bud nO"'f'r." 1 dou't woot to bog all tbe tun. Speak (To be CoDLIIlued' - -... - - - tor yo ur closs. What's honor'" Fill this out and attach to your set of answers AII(\ reo th ought t or n minute ; then in the contest for November 26 sh sm iled. "With women. It·s keeplog A lady In Chicago Telegraphs onywh're Ihls side or tho Rublcoo." for Rat-Snap Here is my answer of the SIX PICTURE She vaused . RelLd M rl!, PbllUpa' wire : You'll'a "A nd wllh llI('n'" he urged. CONTEST as printed in The Miami Gazette : Extermin,ator Co., Wee Uloid. N J . "With mon It's the art ot not get- Rosb 13 worth of R8.t.BDap." ting en light." No. 13 . . . ..... . . . ...... . .... . ... , ... . .. . .. . reo'd followlog leUer," RAT.~NAP " nplll\l l" be exClaImed. urlved. It rid onr hllnse of ratl In "Y es." she mu rmured. "J thauiht no tlmo. JU'lIt moved bero from P •• No. 14. '" . .. ..... " . ...... . . ....... . ... . .. . . 1 0 1l woulc! Ilk tho~e answers." He No, 15 . .. , . .. . .. . , . . . .. . . .. . ... . . . ... ..... . . stllred lit h ~ r, but sbe kept her taee where I n,ed RA l' HN AP wltb Irea' r88a1&II. " Threo Blzee. 260.600,11.00. InDocent ot ma lice. "'ow t ell me tiold aDd IIl1uraoteed by J. E. Jan. No. 16 ....... . ..... ...... . . . . . . , ... . _.. ... . . . whot honor really Is." Dey . "I beli eve you could It'ave told me." ------. __ 4.____ No. 17. ,. _................. ~ ...... . .. .. ... .. . h e I\oswered. "oxeept tor the tact that your U exceptlooully good tOlte bars No. 18 ... ............ . ... . . ........... . . ... . ~IIlCl!rlty. It·s what Is left of monltt:r when you'ro sure no ooe III lookloi," A"drea ~ t1f1ed aoother )la wo. "Some ot the tllinge you liB),." she gnsped. "nro Almost clever eoougb tor a book fur 'he Miami GalletM Town ... > • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • aDd gei ID tho .l'lo&ure Coia~t aDd to read In bed." "I beg YOllr pnrdon. I'm said get aomo Ohrl8'mlWl DlOOOJ. th mnn and c1nl)ped hl8 hllnds loudl,. Mr. aD4 aba. William Bumberi State .......... .. ...... . .. . . . R. D ..•. A hundle und er the trel!. wr~pped up bave re'IIfPed home, aner aD ox. head lind al\ In a ' blonket, resolved It· tended "taU with frleDde and rela. Addre.s·all commuou,atlnns Helt Into Dothtub rubbing aleep out of Uvet ID IndlaDa. ' THE CONTEST EDITOR MIAMI GAZETI'E J hili eyes ; .... rose. seized a rope on a Mrll Emma Olloger wat tbo Tne..
! an . M 1
Saxon ~~SIX"
..... ........."._k. H onp(
The Practical Car
Joh" Pt •• l C.h
R.mC'lIIbt"I the, .,. CUAIV\N I1-J D I . ..,. aood drup.O\III .... d•• >n 11 he- eM" .....,J) )'OU._u,1 J\t; .....
,~ ttofILJT
Saxo n "Six" has earned iLs re putation liS the Prncti at Car because it is so thorou ghl y rnt lical from so mauy diIT relit s laud p.lint s.
Out INC. - .., ~.
RAY ·F'. MILLS, Dell,l er
I ~~i~'i~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~P~~~~~Y~n~n~d~h~B~~~~~'~T~h~e,~c~~~n~~~r~m~o=.~~U~~~M~~Mn Bell ot
A Picture Contest This is the third week of the Picture Contest· Some one wiJ1 get a lot of gold. ' Why not you? If you did not get a paper this week, call in' and get a slip, as we have plenty of tbem for your use, Cut out the coupon and pin it to the pictures, and be ready to send 'it in at the end of the contest. This contest is square, and the ten who get the best answelS are sure of their reward. ' Better get ~usy a~ once.
0nly one week more
Jamel! Weidoer. Mr;'. Sarah spent TaGBda, last week l!l Daylo• . Mr. allld Mr... W, 8 . WUke"OD apent Tu"sda, at LebaDoD,'b. g1UIIIM of Mrs ••Ioltlll& &Ulem8,er. Mr.. Jtmma QUDier hat been eveadllll ~ week wUh bleade and relatlvel ID DaytoD. . MI\I8111 UeDna Dearlh aDd UeDDa Brosoap Bpeot a oonple of day. tb. Pist week io DaY&oD. Mr. and MrR : A. 8hll&On han pur. ollaaed the Woo4ward properS, OD Eutesre... , Mr. and Mn Tom S'auioD.' of Artzoo., Mr, aod Mn. Waller iOD, of iMlamlvllle, Ohio. bal'e re. turDed to the born.. of 'be laiter, after aD' exleode4 vl~1& w"h &Lv&! ber·e. , Me81'''!!. llliph Weldtser and Bari ley " I\tltll we re MiddleluwD "18I&ora one dl\Y the past wfl6k . R ,v. Ii: Kneisley bllli beeD entertRlUiug hts fathor from RIII.buro. MI'. aud H~ . New'on MUler, of • pen~ the week.eDd wltb , here. Fire of linknowo orllOD oompl.,• • Iy destroyed " bun 011 til .. Pa~ MI t.cboll rMm, ea81 of town. lalt FI'~d .. y .. nernoon. Mr , Mllohell, ho·weier, Wall (fortDnate In I'a,IDII' the flrtnl og Imlliemeni. wbloh 'worll It.ored It'l tbe building.
, ...
W<lym: s vill ~ .
J.>hone 71
Doctor r ells How to Detect Harmful Effects of TobaccC1 7111 These
New Yorll: bootor CODllor, for- Ins before t.lrlo, )lour usual morl), of lobnl HopklDs bospLLal. Imoke, walk up tbrae nl,ht, or ")Ie: Min)' meD wbo smoke, cbew ataln lit a regular pace. tben Itop. or 11I1I1r tn_Dt.." and wbo arQ If YOU I Illid tbat )tOil a... out or eeemlnslJ b_1tbJ ~ .re IIIIft'erlng brealh. your beart bll&1 Ia force<l. frOm prolr_I". ~Dlc aliments. trembling or Irrecu&ar. )'0\1 mo)' TboUl&Ddl of tllem would lIevor be a vIctim of fUDelloQ&1 or or&&n. beeo aftUctecl bet tt Dot been Ill' boort trouble. If )'011 feel tllut lor tile ... of ~, and tbou· )'ou must .moke, eIl.w or Inull' to 'euacll woaSd IOOD ' IIL well If tho,. quiet ,.our nenea. ),ell .... a 'Iavo would oat, atop Ule·pe ot tobacco. to tbe toboceo bablt. and are pOll"1Ie oilier hablt.formlns prinCiple t\"ery pOisonIng 70llrsolf with tbc .f toeIaeeo W D1ooUDe. a deadly deadly dra«. nicotine. In eltber IO~ wbtell. wblll abaorbed by case you bay lUlt two &iternat!vOa Gle ~ ; .wl, a!recls the -keep on wltb tbe lelf-p')leonln¥ . . , . , llleaabra_. U&IIUGII snd process Irrespective of tbo daf4erB .teal ..... of tile Tbe and lIulrer tbe eoDl4lquancu. or IlanDh. diet of tobacco .artol ghe up tho habit aDd eacape tbo IIIHII • •1Ida _ drcumataoce1l. dangers. You' eaq, overcome tile ODe, .....1 . . aate1a4 wltb senerol crav ln ~ aDd atop '.e bablt 10 a ~ wlth.aatarrh of tbe vel')' abort time b)' usllll the tol. lliroal, IIlcII. . . .oD. C01laUllIltlqn. 10wJns Inoxpen. tve formula. 00 ' sleeples8' to any -drug 6tore and .alr for Nlco. .... lola of, cemoo, lack of will tol tablets. HIke one tablet after po...., . . ooDfulon. etc. Otb. eacb menl. ond In a ' eomparaUvely ... . . , eater trolll bea~ dl_e. ftllort time )·ou Will hne DO desIre "rdel\lns ot tbe for tobacco; tbe Cl'a"lnl will bave arteIIae. '.tlelttaloela. bllndneu or left you. Wltb tbe nicotine pollon _ _ _ or tIlO eommOD amle, out Of 'lour SY8tem your leneral IIoa 11-'"1 .. tobacco bean. If health wUl QUICkl)' Improve. roll _ IoIIaeeo hi 8.11.)' rorm )IOU caa ....., CleceGl tbe barmrul efNol_When ..ked al>out Nltol", tal> recrta by .atln, lbe followloa Itm- leta. one our \\adl •• drunlote ald : " " ple~. Raad aloud one full .. trul1 a ...ond.rtul 1'flD6d.7 ',or til. 10trora a book. If. to the eoune baeeo habtl: a w*, all_a 01 • .,111111, ... of rMdlD, ',ollr "olee beeomea bu • ..... r lola bel'o.... W.......t~orlM<l .... b ' b1 tbe Ulan.. f.Gtu ..... to refund tbe - . , IIID1ft_. oane and indllUnct . and 10 .nrr dl... uened cu.lo"'.... .... _ ' ,.. m... frfqllfttl)' cillar ,.our wollld lIot permit the a.. of oar ....... tbroat. tile eba._ are that )'our I... lb.... med1 _ _ ........1 martl," tb,oat II 'a!reeled b), catarrb and II.. . Nlcolol II ..,111 bl drugllta •••".......... " under an lron-clad IIIon.,·...1I , ..trUlee. lIle), be tile bealnD'nl of more 8e· Your druul l t b .. tl or .aft ." It 'or P90 rlO':'1 trouble. Next. III Ihe morn- Ir~D' all, .,bol_I.llru..,-,-
......... 1lIrYO....... ta. ,........ ,,.bIt.
OlaBsiBed Ada
.. w.w.w._
.. .
MONEY LOANED MONEY Loaned CD li t " .. oo~, olla...I., .110 18OOD4 mon,a"... ,N()\el Jobn BarblDo. Allen 6'. '.20 Bnlldlo" Xenla. Oblo.
LOl:ll'-:lOx:l Uood,ear, Tire wll. Rim.
be~WI!O L
Nun .kid Lebanon
• nd W "~fDetl'fil Ie• RtI""" rll. til. 011 Fluder le.,e at (Juz'ltto ·,.IllOl>. "11
Lair CbaiD. lIomllwborell"h'.88U our bomtlalld Corwin , Jnqllir. of U. L. Rloke, WaJoe."lIIe, Ublo .
2 Good Pr oper"" In Waynel!Vi!Je, both looakld. For par. (:i lI~r.lly
N tle .. u .
.''ORSALE 10 . ~0
yl)gul Traolor, 1 Leti£ Fllel1 Mill, io ga ud running orullr. In quire ot W. B Squlr8l, Wa7n.nUle Ubio. dlO HAY-IO TOOl of (lood Tlmulby Lnqulre or JOhD RobersOD, .K. 3, Wa,nlllvllle, Oblo. 4S SbarpleSi No. 'Hepar.tur. Idea' improved. 1000 U Dew. will ..11 rallloD"ble It lold 1000. Inquire of WaU.r I:3&w,8r, W.yaellVlllo, Oblo.
dS 80. 17 O. ~ . Cle&m Bepara'or. I Lealher Coaoh .Dd " Le.&her Rooller •. JDquire 01 ehas, Campbell, Lebanoa pUle, lYe mil.. Dpr'h of Rldl81'11l8 . 43 _ '
00 ••, I Jerae,. and 1 801. 3 aII'reeb ..ID, &ood onN. lDqulre of
Why So Many
Prefer n~ Brun8Wi~k
HE BrWllwick 'MothQd of Reproduct!Pn I. the wonder of the phonopphic art. And i1t . : win. acclaim from two piinclpal ideal: !l'ba Ultona and Tbe BrUDIJwick Tone ,Amplifieri The Ulto~ fa an exchlsive invention, an alI~ record player to be had on The Brunlwickt It all makes of record.· a. they .hauld ~ • tbe proper needle and the preclM
we ghtr-oand with the prol,er diapl1ragm, The .B~lrncJc Tone Amplifier t. buUt Itntltety.
of wood, accotding to
new procell. In thiS all metal I. cirded. Thia bringa tr and volume of tone. There Is an .b3eftd Q t~ usual DletaUic .ound•• You've never heard any record I!-t it. belt until it i. played cn The Brunlwick. A tone test · at • Bn!nawiclC ebol> I. con; c:halve ev14ence.· . Your ear ia a quick judg~~ . Your ai!mlratlon for this luperior phonograpH will compel you to award The Brunswick firs~ place'. Come In today. Your Judpent i. final.
'!Throat" of the
wm Barnard, on 'be Laoke1 farm loash of CeDtenille. Obi.. nllil roll. blood PulaDd·(JbIDa 80_, Rave ali pl,., , leooDd lUter, Iinlau.l re ..athle oftl08. nlll W ..1I1ul ll6Ollloe IIDcI C.llolbe. WrIDger,. tn gCJod .hape. Will lell re"oDabJe. lnq lito of II S. SimklDs, B . D, 2, Oregonia. Ohio .
4 I·
DIll Male 1'18. Poland.Chl~a" ,ir. L.kenl' BII Bob, a 1004 ooe. lnqalro of C,8, Maxwoll, Bellbrook, Uhlo, . . ' D211 Blndebak" Automo. S bile forgerlalsabe.p · [Dqalre •• ·P1I1I1I80
thla oIDoe.
Clock., Lawn Mow .. era and Saw.
Repaired s. H. HAINES, Lytle; O.
GRADUATE AND LICENSED VETERINARIAN , Harveyab\lrg, Ohio Pbone J ... I ...~S
No. 16
~.v_ Phon. Chal'l"
No. IS '
No. 17
RULES AND REGULATIONS Any penon resldin.~ w ithin the ONE NEW OR RENEWAL, eir,mlation of The Miomi Gazette SU BSCRI PTION for yourBelf or ia eliaible to enter thi. contest: .another person • .not later than . CHp or cut out the SIX PIC- December 10th , (No attention will be paid to TU RES each week. to~ether wi th the coupon for the answer at- an'!wel'll stln t us tllatarenot accom taclIed~ ' " panied by a Bubscription price. ) ' l'rizl!l\ w\l1 be awarded for the Save the 811~ *itb coupons attached. until the elOlle of the best list of antlwers submitted in contest. December 8, 1919. the ~I'icture Contest. Fill out in Ink', or pencil, Accuracy and neatness will be neatly, the correct answers to considered by the judges, i'l case eMIl of the Six Pictures, ualn, two or more contestants are tied. the eoIIponI attached fo.. that U you are not a subscriber, Sip ,our D8me and Hnd ill your lub!leription at . . . . . . . lndleated, once, and your answers will be .at to tb18 newspip8r counted. but without a lubBerip-,....,_..... IDODV order for HOb DO attention will. be paid to
your answers . Two or more 8ets of answers mny be submitted by any contestant, provirled remittance for a BubscriPtion to this newspaper .i ~ attached to each set. . The laSt Six Pictures will be printed on DecEUllber 3rd. , Mail your, an8wers to real!b , this office not later than Decem· bel' lOth. "
turellliiiil coupons clln be obtained at thll office 811 lona u they iut.) -
John H. Wrig~t · Auctioneer " ~ Pboae, write or See .... . fet
Brower'. Furniture Store
36-38 West Main Street,
XeJ;tia, Obio
Da.H.B. HATBA.WA . Y '
t 'RE
Mre. WaUer LaOY aDd Harrl on MI~1j lIIurtba LukeDII Cllld SalaD oru In a 'OIUlDbOIl b n.plt~1 HIII'lm ",live. Khower filr Mi'l . Hu. ror trunlme.nt • ..III HllilllU at MIII~ Martha'" bome, ISSUED EVERY' W I!lDNESDAY Mr lind Mrll Ii' Mhldaker aDd Mn laijt MlitnrrlllY. ~; R'''I~nn Wllmlngtoll ShO P- ' Mr. lind Mr!!. 1!lllal Ogleabee eo. Tt6ttMin~d In hObor of their daugh BIl'--d at the i'oeIoillco; at IhYDNvUI•• · lJor!! ruo"n Ll y. Oblo, .. 8e00ud ClaM Mali MaUer IIIr. aneilln Barry Sbldaker Lind ItAr. Mr~ Helem Rellinger, t,belr two ohlldreu were ~undaJ' gnedll (If j hAll ul,llul home On Ba.tarday aner S ubllc'tip tion Price, ,l.60 p r Year Mr. and Mrl Jl'rllnk Horvey. ot II (\Oil. 'fbfl 800laty goors of ·BtU". aellr Lebanoo v "y~bl1rg tlDd Wllyue8vllle were 'rhe oolon m eeLlog '" J onah' ~ Run ihero !lnll 1\ II lorioU8 IIfteruoon Wll8 D. L, Crane BapUHt ob.rob on ~lInday war; well ~pllnt. ~~frll!!blllen'e wer e lerved attended . Mrs. R " I ~luSR r will sooo IOQve tor her home lu U"Dlida. Mr. and Mrs Harold 8mHb, bav NOVEMBER 28. 1919 10K sold tbelr farUl. will move to Quarterly meeting Aenloe8 were obsllrverl at thu M. I!l Uliurou on our ally at onoe. ijuodtly I'fterooon, Oar. &rllppere and ~nnter!!' are d r . . ' log a wbole81lla bll8iol88 In tbelr Robert l:illlilb bas a p ony and oart lioes. and Is proud of hie oulfit . (Jorn shr edder ll are putting In full time l,bresblog out the gulden gralo .· 8ubsorlbe fo r &be Miami HflzllUe Catarrh Cannot be Cured The Bod 10teIlIgenoe r allohod llA on "nd let In the Ploture Coo\est aod with ],()CAL APPUCATlONS. fLO Ih ey get .ome Uh rlttma8 money. c nunot rcn ,~h tho ~ea. t of the dlseal!e. SondllY of the death of Sam oel . Mrs. Mlt ry Blirvey hiS beon on '.he ('ll lM"h ' I> Il loco l <) greatly Ill· Wrldy, who lived 10 th IS viololt,y Clua" ced ' by "n n . IILuLfonal condlUell l, wben 8 yonuK mRn. bUI for mallY Ilok lilt for several dllYM, bu t 181m. and III ord~r Lo cure It. yeu mu ~t lak e vears Il/l hili' heen a reBldent of Van ~provlog 'UI Internal remedy. Hall'" Cat a rrh Wel'~ ·oun tv. He leaves hili wife Medi cin e Is taken Inter nally and act a Mr ... nd Mra. Frank t!bldBlI:er \VorA lh.u lho blood on tho, JUucOus 8urta.cea flod fI v oblldren .. od glllndoh\ldrsn. Rond .. y g u ollt!l or Mr aod MrM. U" rl or th o sy"tom. Hall'. Ca tarrh Medl· oo e "jllter. Mr • . Fronk Wileoo, and ~hldllkor Rnd Mr. aud Mrll. Daolel " 111 0 was pl'eacr lbell by one the bOB t ph I" on e broth er. John W eld,. to mourn a lc liw8 In thla counlry tor yearl. It (JolIl". 10 ,·ompo. ed ot SM ' O ot tho b eHL lc 8 known. COl\lb lned with 80me ot hie goln17. MI' We ld y bad h8l'n ' B Mlesl ulIlIl v soale', met at MfA. t.", L111' bPH blood purifi e r.. The per t ect very gte"I, Haifer .. r for a lo ug whih3. Cora Dltln s ', 1.. 8t 1'bnllldloY 1'1 Slit.. I!Cl IIIl!lnu ll on ot In &redlenta in Hall'. 'I'b " bprOIl\'orl fllmlly Itil ~ o or ~ inOH" t..:',ltllrr"h MetJl c lne IH whnt protluces Mre . Ii:. ROIIDRt' enterllll1'ted t be ""ell w o ndertul result" In catarrha l 8ympllt,h y III till" tll .. l!" bOrel1"VOInullt. condllloll8. Send for tree. Baplltlt HIlUiR'Y, lut W&lnosdli', Inforrn"tinll reAoh i' cI \I~ fr o III 1111. CO" Props,. Toledo. O. nols 00 "' nn ,ln :!, of Ibf' i\c·.. ih of Mr , Mr . )., " lI nuel Copsey. f" th .. r of I" .AJ ll. CHENEY" DruKlllata nO. i'r8n't 'I'bomBII, wbo w.1C1 a brother Hall's V&mlly' PIIII for oouUp&t1on. Mrs. B.. n S awke. II quite poorly. BeVItIl
maDY rnelloa, I ID 'ble vlolnlty. The rain OD EluDdi/o}' po, oorn Mubsoribe for lbe 1ylluml GlIZdUe hoatlng haok for several da.,.. mooh ' get In lbl Plotoro (Jonles' lind &0 tbe regret of ib088 who bave gel a00l 8 Ohrl.&mllllD olley. cero olll, Born-'f,) Mr. and /IIr8 . 'arroll • Barolnd. a Hoe soo. • 'l'he MondabaaRb fa nn. o orib of Mr. P. LaDuke, Farme(, Says, 'You '"wo was iOld ,., th o oo uri hooae Bet Rat. C!l n Bite Throu&h Metal," In X~nla. la" S .. iarday . and Wl'8 "I hlLd the feed bios IIDed wllh ~urolia8ed by Mr. Cb~n tl ler, of Dear zlno last year, ratslgot tbrough prete110w Sprlllgi. Be IInlel '180 per ty 800n . WIIS oot 11 8. A'1 pkg. aore for U. of RA'l'.BNAP klUed 80 m aoy r ..&8. M,. Bert h. Rhonlllll ollO'. of OilY, that I've never been wUbon' t.. b slnoe Onr Dollie cl0R Dever 'onobed .~~y ~:B,&:r~lI~n~:~I~ ~Ir:;~8:. prop. RAT.I:iNAp·. .. Yoa try U . 'l'hree Will Tate hn been on tbe 810k Jls&. sli8l1, 250, GOe. It 00. Sold and gaar. aoteed by J . il, Jao~ey. T be W . C. A. b eld a 800lal 00 thti ecoond 1100r oyer 8o b w/lrl~' grooery, _. 1,,&\ .S lItnrday evening. ~.,Id!t)' WiN!.... Oha. •• OrRmtr will h old a pabllc It tokee bat Ollct-tWlIIltSetla of . . . . Rille a t bil bowe. eall' of towu. ouxt d Wednelda y , on fur A ......lea. IYiIUll txI put ~ ~ W08blnatOil to SeQ, Fr-Lad8eo.. h Ie repor&4ld tbat Prof t:>b UI)P bae porchased the P e Ase properly ,'Imothy Brell ford. nf Mldtl letown \ visited bill Bon. Cb1l8. Bre and . ~elJrn l'N~ wi''!, north of &own. llJHt ~anday . IIJ Mr ... J O. Guonln C!hn m bll~ rr. Nl li ht turned frOID .. threo. week.. vi .... ,; Moe:-nln,... "U.b !fleuds at CedAr vlll ..
I WBH tlt\'I',' II) IIIIl~e n ~kc l ch of Ih"""~ I.',ur hill' • fl1illit. For ''ber. LIIlI Ch~'f)1I wus Jllsl o\'er. /111'1 111/)' hll1eU"rs Ihere II a ·....,1., lib!! \\'U8 tlllk\lI;!: In Cl lll~'c kll ot of 11 '1'1111, HOlllt'rlules Uneeda BhIeuII \l'OIll II. 'J'he Ill'at \\,on's I henrd, mlllt, ~OI Il C tlIllC'l Grab.... encl-. I Sllfl q\ll~tly ·lnlO U /I unrl)Y Rca t. wc:riJjjI' r•. {Jlllllluo l {:rnclct'n or lAlacb 01." :.Inll,,"n l 1I 1~c\llt," rl' '1111111f1 'fh'~ JII changt'tf..- epedd / Bllily III~' 0 \\,11 I/lMIY \ . Old 'Tlme Surar 000Ir" ~'O/I. I Ilk .. ,l hI'. flllol tona and. r a " _ daYB wben WI ba4I furlrlltly "" IJlld Nabhlco, .Dd ,"'days. \..:~~~~~.., . r~UIIIbaPPII1,! Jun J ;..; Dud made UI nre Use}' eOIllI~ eYer}, dl;r-'or know we llIult teea aa we mulCl If we woul.' after tbelr Uke.
. ...
Bringing to the door of your dini ng room-as d ose a:: your own kitchen-th~ matchless facilities of t 1e best and most wholesome bakeries i.l the wcrld . Uneeda Blacult C:.!"le .0 you a" fr~~. : 1 and immaculate al when they were t aken from the oven. ' ,
eepYcour E~/.es 7~
enoucb .Iwayl
f'\'··;".II·h ~",:~~~~"".!2:~
. - - ---
al· CIS onlydainty, National IHnls. Till'), il l',· 11I<) , t l,wnl,le n nn III~cll ll lIets can be. DUrin, the most tr aclalrl.· IIrt N th~y ' ~e hO',1 )'card \~h ~ 1l my babies were jlrowll\l "f""l' lhlllg " ) .' IIt. l\n tiollll l Biscui t Ill' we ne"er milKed the Chllduillti es n.!WIlYS Ll"J~ll. ollr Obll· dl'cu's Ho ur with Ita talt)' f ....t.
WI'",,You 1 011".""" ,," ', ,
net In Ihe Pioture Cnllt.fI~t tnday
Blood Poisoning Re&ulu From Slight Scratch
t:;ub"orlbo for Lbe Miami Gazelle and ge~ In tbe Piotare Uoutelt Ilod IIlit Rnme Ohrltl'lllflR mooey. I so '~ It time for Lytle people to tblnk 8erlou~ly of somo klod of fi re proteoLlon? Mrs . J Hcob Looy Will a Dayton visitor, 'fhoriduy. Mr . Bud MrA , O. ~ LAmb spec' Bond llY wi th r A!ll t.lvel4 In Xenia. The binD of Wblter Kenrlok: wos oompletAly dostroye(1 by fire. 'I'hnrs_ dHY evening . M,. BeslI A nll llrson. of Waynes. ville , "pent T hllrl!dllY wltb Mrll. Net. tie Emrlok. GIA~u Johns r oturned to Day&oo, last week , where be baH e. good po. BUloD at the Deloo . Melsr8. Ohar le. •' Ia rtt, Wtlllllm Brown Bod B, M. Clark were Leba. non vlllt-orB, Tbul'lday. Mr and U ri!. Harr y Momnola v.lBtted In Bellbrook, I:!unday, wU,b Mrll . Nellie t:)owllrd aod Oliver WatIon. MI'. Ind Mrt!. Jj'rank t'togere m·o. tared to Middletown. l:illtorday. Rev. F. W . MilleI' waH entertained 'he past week at \he borne of Mr. and Mrs. Beroe Jone8. . "u, flobert Bnn& and Mra. Peter 8anta. were Dayton shoppers, Friday. Mr. and MrB. Frank Smith and lIOn. Ben, Mr. and Mrs . Alpha Smltb and family were 8aoda)' dlnnar guella of Mr . and Mre. Joe Rey_ nolds at (JoDtervllle. Mnl. Mati lda Emrlok was takeo ) quito IIloll. ~a&orday, bot \8 ·im· FUNERAL DIRECTOR proved at .bl, 'Ime . EvereU Clark ha.\ an opllet In hili Wayne.vllle. Ohio Sedan, oear tbe Bur hoe bridge 00 the Townlhlp road, Sooday morning, bo. no lerioaa dam ale reanUed tbnefrom, Fully Equipped for Good Melmbef8 or Lytle Cburoh have Service. been .htl vlog oottage prayer lDeet Large Display Room ln~s every afternoon the plla, week, • 1 and wlU oonUnue durl~g tbe meetTI£LEPHONIil 7 DAY' OR NIGHt . iog . Mre . JenDle r.Bmb. aooompanied bv her dauRMer, Mrs. Adah Ka.n. ~~~~~~~~~=~~~~ dolph. of U"vtoo, wen' '0 Oolom. baa, Tneaday, to Bee Mrf!, B&aoy B. V. BAI(NHART•. Lamb, wbo 18 at tbE' hOApl...l 'here, and II Impr WIDg slowly. Notary Public Mr . lind Mre, B. B . Maines and !oIr and Mrs. Wa.I'er Keorlok ' enter. "'Ined on Wedoelday the followlDg 'AltklDcla of Notal'J' Work , Wille and Deed. a I:5pe.ol~lt}', gaedB ; Rev. and Mrs F. W. Mil_ ler, of Red Lloo, Mrs: 1l'nrla Miller. of Mlddletowu, Dr and Mrs. L G. Brook, Mre. !:lUBAO Casto, Mr . nod M~II 'Bemrlones aad 9OD, Ibe rTh Mrt! . . & Carmony entertalile.} to Idnnday dloDor, Mr. and Mre E J . Oarmonv and oblldren , of ~p r i "g. ... Examined Correctly..• field. Mr . and Mrs. Wllbor C lotrk. Glasses Fitted MI81108 M.. rgarot BDd Mlldrod CI,,,k lind EvereU Clurk . . AT MODERA.TE PRICES
Walter McClure
With Thr'e e'- Point ·Cantilever Springs New Overland 4 Seems to "Sail Over The Roads'~' T
H E n f' W Three- Point Cantilever Springs of Overland 4, by their special construction and design, protect car and passen~ers frum ordinary u, . Bumpmg, twisting ' swafing and vibrating are wontlerful'ly lessened. The blows of the road selctom reach you. Th'ete is less tendency to bodily fatigue ~fter long rides. 'fhe springs of Overland ' 4 attached at the e'nds of a· 130-inch Springbase (rive the riding comfort ,. and road . sreadiness heretofore pt )ssible only with cars of long wheelbase and great weight, yet Overland 4 retains the light weigbt and ecollomy advant82es of IOO-illch wheellJase. · ., . . ..
' ';;
Three-Point Cantilever Springs protect the ~r from the harrirnt"rin~ anCl wear of road blows. They lengthen its lile and reduce upkeep costs. I
.t l
' Hquipmen~ of Overland of is dependable
and complt'le· from Auro-Lire Starting and Lightiilg to Tillotson Curburetor. 250,000 niiles of test have made the stren2th and endurance of this car a matter of reco~d: , See Overland 4 at the first opportunity. Ask for book.le~ Overland 4·Touring, $845; R<?3dster , i845.LC?uPe, $1325; Sedan, $1375.
Prices f. . o. b. .J .oledo. '
, I
..... .
----- ---
A Rat That DIdn't Smell After Being Dead For:1 M onChs. . ". sweln l\ WaH deafl at le~8t:1 monlha," said JlIfnell ~ykes . Butcher WOIiUleld. N, .J. "We 9uW tht8 ra every day. Pnt a oake ' of RAT. 8111 AP behind II bllrr.. !. 'Monthe later my wife as ked aboot t.he Remembered the barrel, 10'1ked !>e. Tbere wlil tbe rllt-Ileafl. not tbe Hllgbt6flt odor" Tbree MlzBtl. 1I1io, GOo, $1. 00. ~nhll)ucl gIJaranteed by J . E . Janoey.
Optical Department . S. Detroit St. Xenia. OhiO' Open evenings
by appbmtTnen( ~
A. ·MAFFIT Funeral Director ~ , and Etiitialmer,
Public Sales
Either Auto or'Hdl'l8 drawn .." No extra cha1'll'. for auto • Having' lold my rarm and rn~,v ..' ..·, Both phonea in Qfllce and R.lcle 80 &own, l 'wlll 'eeU a' Publlo &Ie, No. 14. . m 11811 nortb of W a vnea ville, 4 m Illltl -;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;(;.;;;;;;;;;;;~
8oa'h of Bellkroo1r t D i5Bt MI~d18 RUD oburcb, aD .
Dr..J. Ji(;! , McCoy.
Tuetday. December 9, 1919, 8e8loDlng •• 12 o'olook .harp: Co IV, ".rmln. Imp II menu,
1 •
Jame. WallOR Says,"I'" Never Forlit Whea Fat.......HopOotCholera"
'-r-----· ., ,., ~J'
"eed, 0 ........
Boullbold 0004II, eto. , See bille. . ,J . 8. EVAN8 .JoIul B. Wrllh .. &UO&.
OIIIe'Stak Om'cc: .
UaI .... " .
Fourth Btnif.; Dear llY1er
........... " ,
"001 mOralal hi fonad 20 hop Wayneaville. • dead Iood ..veoral elok. de called 1iI!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!_ ID tile Vea. wbo .. ter dlllllOHDg. _ ra' caDlbt OD premt.... c1eo1~ecl tha' U1e 1'048D" had DOD"lyed
...... 8IDoealleD 1 •• De. . WI... . BA.T"!eA.P, It'. the ......, qal. . .,- rat d.aro,ec1 J bow. r Thne ..... 110, GOo, tl.OO, ID14
. . . . . . . . . 'bJJ........,
Harrll read a paper on mission work' Mrs. LydIa Tomllneon dIed at the forelin ftelda. Thill WWl fullowed hhme of her IOn. Curlil. fomlinlOn. by the "RlIPort of the 43rd Annual 1., 111 mornin" . the funeral will bft M.ot'" lho Worn.,', I "rld" ·U\oce/W! of Southern Ohio," by Mrs I "om the Whlt.Brick m.ellng-houk. Cadwallader. . After aojournm ent delici<JUA re-.- - - _ - . fre!Jhme~ls were Rerved by Ihe huJ· tes". Il8lSt tl by MI'!I ~rBno anI! MI'!I. t Hencierson Mrs. Ehza Jllcohs. f . . Gainesville. li'loridil. lind Mi8~ Emily Jac~b~ . of Muldl town, were pre~ellt a9 VISI tors.
~ci~ •
We have just receive~ a .c .r load of Morton's Best Salt. C~all and get our prices.
F O' U'N D
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Earnhart entertained at dinner Sunday. Mr . and Mra Cliff Himes of Centerville Mr. Ind 'MrB J. L Sheehan. Mra. Rachel Campbell and Mrs. Mary Pine. Mrs. Dan urface eritertained at dinner. Friday. Mrs. Will Graham. Mrs . I<;mel'l!on Mason, Mrs. J O. Whitake r a nd son, Marion. anq Mr~. . Lena Cleaver and 8On, Robert. .
Laybourne & McKean
Mesdames R. G. Cross. H . H. Wi!liamson and Ed Thomas, who have the same anniversary day. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G: Cross. Sunday, where they with their husbands enjoyed the day , Mr. and
and OPTICIAN of 20
Years Experience . .. ,
,IT MAl PROLONG YOUR HAPPINESS The very latest scientific methods used, which w ill . prove the actual condi~iqn of your eyes. N O .. 'DROPS USE D. .' Get acquainted with
J. HENDLEY, Optomrlrlsl .nd Orlichll1 At the Sign of thr Wn l ch
Waynesville, Ohio Get in the Picture Contest t oday
Wm. H urt, in a Select picture, entitled
TO BE SURE Of that ch errul " homey" feeling in the home durin g the Th:luks~ i v in g season or any ot her time have a
"Corral Money'" . Tuesday, December 2nd Featuring Constance Talmadge in a, Select picture,
.'VeiIed Adventure"
Mazda Lamp
Thursday, December 4th A \VOl. Fox production, in the grealt drama of the . age- the racing story, entitled
house. Have you seen the new "hite Mazda lamp?
C. B. WINSTON Waynesville,.
7:00 p.m. \ Admission
-. , -
I-_.................................................. Saturday evening
7 :00 p.m.
uarter Million Dollar Sale' PRICE SLASHERS
Women and Misses, 'L isten!
Opens CON TIN U E 5 2 3 0 A Y 5 ~pens
a J)aslc drama Of tIle human emotions
Our ' lltore will close at 12 o'clock noon ' on Thanksgiving.
Clerka are entitled to a half bolIday one. In .. while.
DRESSES CORSETS SHIRr W"'STS H.,£RY . MILLINERY • . t Anyth••, • Wo ....n
Thursday,' December 4th _ 2!2!E _ _
We Pay the Freight and
It PaYI to Trade at
pet' pound for butter fat Week of November 24th
Of the CondItion of the Wayn88vUle National Bank, at Waynes· ville in the State of Ohio, at the c)oae of. buain8118, Nov. 11,1919. a.,OURO.I. Le_UId dlllcou...... I.ITO.• S J\oc:ep"-- trom bulb dIllcouDMd •.• . . . ••. 10.000.00
O~. ~.. .......
'''.170.88 17t.02·
U. II. !Iov_tII' Becurl'''' oWIMIS:
D_"IMd kI 8Mln cImIla'loll (U.8.boDU IlU'nhH),o. OOo.OG OwD8Clen4 unple4led . U.TOS , 80 War 8ulnp OertUlca\el ' an,l
ThrIft 8~~ acluell, ow,,"" ..euitijiioibW'tii.D·v:iI~· ~~d~v (DO'. hlcludlJla .Iocka) M.n""
01 corpor.'10111 1aau.1 for no~ ... IIlUl 0 ... ,.... nor more &Ilaa J'...• .. m • ... 2~.1". 0e
1.~ - . . Bulk olber Stock 'bUl ...... Jo'ederal 1\. 'Ii'" 1(1i ~rJl'::'~fa:~P'I~ VIII... banklq bo....... ... . . Lt..tut . - .•• wtth redllnl R. _v.B..k : . ... . . . ..... . _ .. O..b hi ....1& eDd ...'emuUD" d~. from nallonlll · benko . . . • To'" lteml 11. H . 16. 10 lod
211 ••,6. 00
•. .00.00 ',600.00 '.0'0.00
I.. ~....:.Jo".. . .. . . .. . .. .
...........tit." IIIterM
.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;: .-
100. 00 2.100 00 '.111.66
....... .
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r.:-=-~=t:''''' Tc::r~h_ ".0:' ii: ' ij"iWid .
....... ...... .. ..... \:'
3::;=':'1ii~ tbua .0 da,. . ... ..... ".".
To&aI of d_aoct dIIptIIf.. aub-
L ...._ . '
"0.000.00 100,001.00
Ia~ ... ...,...
cuh QapJtal,250,OOO;OO . .lCINCINNATI, . OHIO
ln~ . 28
Roak poAId lA. .........
T he T n• S' tate B •....tter Co.
'uod .lIb 0.
Yided _
Whenever a cream producer sells his cream for less than Tri-State prices, it help! tbe other feJlow to set a lower standard of prices.. . No patron ever lost a penny dealing DIRECT with the 'rri-State. Ask any of our 35,000 patrons \vhat they think about us. . Shit'> in your Cl;lns if you have them or write Cor Free Trial Cans,
16•• ,....
To&&! . ......... ... . ..... , '715.818.11 t..lABU.JTISI . ' . .
P. .......
, 1I.102.T8
I' C~~ ~~. ?~~. ~.~. ?: .. : ID.M nI& MI'Iled bul DOh)(lllecMd .
JOth Inclusive.
No. 2220
'.n ........ locllled
1.017.0' 10,00'.00
810.1' 2••••. 81
A Full Line' of C.-.IL:JRE1'4'"7S WEARING APPARELL .
Miami ,-Theater
SPECWSALE'SATURDAY L~';;'~ . ~~~:' .............. ".. 5c 3-pound box 25c ' ARGO STARCH.........
Men's and Boy's:
The more you buy the more you .av~come and load up' with win t e r merchandise.
Everything Good to Eat
~lt..~r o&'g:rn.,::.. r'=I~~
-with tho.roughhreds and hith ~e ~ter~tlecl with
11 ..... ·. . . ..... . . . . U .
. BloSSOIn
e greai:esl: ;yacin9 story in the world
. Lewis Bros. & Co., of Chicago, are sure knocking the word "High" out of COlt of Living.
Women's and ·M lsses':
Compare then prices with what you have been paying.
Cle';se with life action, J and abounding
The regular meetlpg ,of the Woman'. Auxiliary was held at the home of MrB John Coleman on friday afternoon, November 21. The meeting was opened by Mrs . Cadwallader reading a part of the 21st chapter .f St. Luke. Rev J F. Cadwallader conducted the devotional servire. Re3ponlle t(l roll-call was aiven by quotationa from Scripture, After the reading of the min utes and disposal of other business, a verbal report of the neighborhood meeting of the Woman', Auxili ary at Wilminllton W8I given by Mrs. Cadwallader ana others who were lIreaenl. In tb"" conneetion, Rev Cad wallader pve a talk on "Church and Auxilla", Go9~mmellt." Mra
... -.
:, .': -TO
White's Store
.or. J . A. McCoy and Lvman Silver went to Columbus. SaturdllY, Ilnd lIaw the great Ohio State iO down to defeat befor" lhe Illinois State. II Willi • fine game, notwithstanding the defeat. and the largett crowd was preaent that ever BIlW a football game in Columbull. Seats sold as high 88 $60. and ten-deUar seats were considered low prien.
Mrs. Bernard Urewsl er. who tli d at the h o~pita l in Xe ni A, ufl er un operation. W.IIS bro ull hll" he.· h, lIle lind the funerol \\'118 held 'fueMnay m~r!lin.g lit 10 o'clock . H~ v Rt'I1~ell o~l Clalll1g. Interment III Mar tll1sVill e eemelery.
evenln~s .
We c;an 1I0W suppl y you \\' ilh 811 Y amou1l t of No. I, well· rip ned New York Potatoes very much below tbe market prices.
"Checkers" Open
g rm
- - _0-"'- - -
Bryan-Marsh Tt1 ever y socket in your
Wh<.>re the bes t pqtatoes 'a re
Mrs. R A. CroBII were invited guests. Mr. IU1d MrB S L. Cartwright entertained on Saturday, Miss Margaret C. Merritt. of Mt Holly, N J " Mr and M ra. C. W. Hinkle and daughters, Thelma Slid Margaret, of Middletown, Mr. and rvt rs . J . O. Cartwright and dauahters. Rhea Janet and Evelyn, and MilS Kiuie Merritt.
""",'n" .. 2,,,. ,'"",.
,,.m,,y, ·.'d
Eve,.,t"'n, eM... or80~ W.....
To.................. .. , •.•' ....... 11 01 ,be kI...·1oIM UId ~UD", "" abo" Sbe _UDI OD ~ ID~ MIl dWcOU&, wu cbernd ... ,... ID ~r ~ penoJIMd bl' la... (11M. Illf. • ·a16'.) (uclulve .orDO\eI UpollwlIIcb ch.... DO' ao 0XCMd 60 oa. . . . . . . . aeJe, ,... NODe. Tb••UlDberoflllcllloUlll ..... NODe.
IT.lTa ()JI' OHlQ, WARBII:N OOlnl'l~
Barplu ,